If you’re like most of us, you overindulged a bit too much in 2019. No, not on calories (well, maybe those too!), but on “noise.” That’s the name for the dizzying onslaught of information from work emails, app notifications, the 24/7 news cycle, social media updates, and other forms of screen time that leaves us unable to focus, listen, or do deep work. A smidgen of noise now and again is okay. (We all have our guilty pleasures!) But consuming it mindlessly, all day long, is as bad as keeping a bag of chips, a monster-size soda, and a can of frosting at our desk and reaching for them every few minutes. Too many empty brain calories won’t make you fat but they will make you mentally anemic. Noise keeps you in a constant state of distraction. And like actual junk food, a high-noise digital diet is addictive, yet it never satisfies or nourishes you. The real problem with giving into noise temptation isn’t what you’re doing; it’s what you’re not doing. You’re tuning out what really matters. You’re skimming the surface. When you’re scrolling Facebook, for instance, you aren’t learning a new language, refining that career-changing presentation, or engaging with your kids in a meaningful way. The new year is the perfect time to put yourself on a noise diet. To help with your calorie count, let’s take a look at what noise junk food looks like: The irritating—yet addictive—parade of social media stock characters in your newsfeed. This band of noisemakers assaults your brain with their cries for attention. For instance: • The humble bragger. Your college rival who subtly slips into her post that she just got another promotion at her swanky company. #blessed #gag • The cryptic drama-stirrer. That self-righteous friend who calls out people anonymously for perceived slights or makes vague “poor me” pity posts. (Cue the wave of very concerned commenters.) • The over-sharer. We don’t need a play-by-play of your colonoscopy. Thanks. • The drop-of-a-hat ranter. Whose day would be complete without a furious recounting of how the barista screwed up your nonfat, dairy-free, double-shot, decaf, extra-hot mochaccino with extra foam? The nerve! • The overly zealous kid promoter. Yes, yes, we know Junior is the smartest, cutest, cleverest tot around—your other 15 posts this week made that perfectly clear. • The amateur political pundit. Do not engage...just don’t. Dumb shows on TV. You don’t need to waste your precious attention span watching Jerry Springer, B-list celebrity lip-synch contests, or those morning talk shows. Substance-free television combined with the lure of a cozy couch can quickly turn into a lost day or evening. The 24/7 news carousel-of-darkness. Sadly, most news is bad news, and during a controversial election year it can also be fodder for controversy, vitriol, and the loss of civility with friends, family, and neighbors. (Hint: You don’t need to totally disengage, but it’s good to be discerning about what you let in—and about how often you engage in debates with the people in your life.) Your work email. Your boss just had to email you at 9:30 p.m....again. The moment you jump out of the bath to write back is the moment work email becomes yet another source of noise. Are you feeling that noise hangover settle in? Don’t worry, you can kick off the new year with a different kind of diet—one that cuts the empty “brain calories” of digital distraction and gives you what you’re really craving: a more intentional life. Join my “Just Say No to Noise” Movement and tip the scales in the other direction. A few suggestions: Try going a week without social media. (We promise, you’ll survive.) A short detox from social media is a pretty painless way to unplug and reclaim a lot of lost time. When the week is over, you can see if you even want to go back to occasional scrolling. Reduce temptation by “hiding” distracting devices from yourself. Okay, you probably can’t hide your computer but you can shut the office door. As for cell phones and tablets, treat them like what they are: gateways to digital distraction (and it is a very slippery slope). Find an out-of-the-way place to charge and store your devices so you’re not constantly reaching for them. Break the idiot-box “background noise” habit. It’s easy to mindlessly turn on the TV when you get home. Problem is, it’s broadcasting nonstop noise into your work-free hours. Instead, plan a time to watch your favorite shows. Daily exposure to the depressing litany of pain and conflict we call “news” isn’t making your life better. Neither is watching the “Fatty McButterpants” episode of King of Queens for the 50th time. (Okay, we admit that one is pretty funny.) Set some work/life boundaries with the 7-to-7 rule. The company won’t crash if you stop answering emails around the clock. After 70 p.m., put away your devices for the night. Don’t pick them up again until 7 a.m. the next day. Insist on phone-free family dinners... Yes, the kids might whine at first, but soon enough they’ll get used to conversing with the out-of-touch “Boomers” and “Karens” at the table. ...and screen-free family fun days. For instance, make video games and TV completely off-limits every Wednesday and Friday. Yes, even if the kids swear they have no homework. Instead, do something fun or productive as a family. Play a board game. Go bowling or skating. Cook a great meal together. Volunteer at the local animal shelter. Heck...maybe even read. Learn to save your “appetite” for the stuff that really matters... Your “appetite” is really your attention span, and it’s your most precious resource. Filling up on headlines, emails, and social media means there’s little left over for doing the deep and meaningful work that helps you reach big goals at work and in your personal life. Before you cozy into an hour of lurking on your ex’s Facebook page, close the laptop and find something productive to do. ...and choose some meaningful goals to pursue. When you are able to sharpen and aim your focus, you can do some pretty impressive stuff. Want to start a website? Get a better job? Learn to code? These “North Star” goals are the best incentive to rethink your relationship with noise and see how your life changes. We don’t realize that very often our addiction to information is the thing holding us back from getting a huge promotion, becoming valedictorian, or training for a marathon, but that’s exactly what happens as time passes. Once you think of it this way, it’s so much easier to put yourself on a noise diet. Make this the year you take back your time and use it to do something that matters. Joseph McCormack is the author of NOISE: Living and Leading When Nobody Can Focus. Joe is the founder and managing director of The BRIEF Lab, an organization dedicated to teaching professionals, military leaders, and entrepreneurs how to think and communicate clearly. His clients include Boeing, Harley-Davidson, Microsoft, Mastercard, DuPont, and select military units and government agencies. He publishes a weekly podcast called “Just Saying” that helps people master the elusive skills of focus and brevity. To learn more, visit
Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas rang in the new year with some rockin’ tunes, as they performed some of their hits for a crowd in Miami, FL in the first moments of 2020! Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest was really on a roll, and the Jonas Brothers — including members Nick, Joe and Kevin — made it that much better! The trio, who stunned everyone when they returned in 2019 with their single “Sucker” and went on to tour some of their new tunes from their album Happiness Begins, took to the stage in the first hours of 2020 to a rousing audience. The three siblings were in a great mood as they swayed their hips and interacted with the audience while singing their hit songs “Only Human” and “Sucker”. They looked handsome in sparkly black outfits as they showed off their incredible vocals and guitar skills. At some points, they even asked the excited crowd to sing along with them and you can bet they received an awesome response! Of course, the brothers were joined by a slew of other incredibly talented performers throughout the night who have been ringing in 2020 in style! Along with the Jo Bros, Post Malone, BTX, Paula Abdul, and Kelsea Ballerini, among many others all made appearances or are due to perform throughout the telecast. For now, however, the spotlight wholly rests on the fun and talent of the Jonas Brothers, who had an incredible 2019 and are poised for a new, exciting chapter in 2020! Just when it seemed the members of the Jonas Brothers had gone their separate ways, they shocked their fans with the release of their song “Sucker” on March 1, 2019. What’s more, the music video for the track became an internet sensation, as the accompanying visual featured each Jo Bro’s wife — Sophie Turner, Priyanka Chopra and Danielle Jonas. 📹 The Jonas Brothers performing “Only Human” at Atlantis Bahamas in The Bahamas. (via atalantalove) — Jonas Tour Media (@JonasTourMedia) December 31, 2019 Since then, the brothers have been making the most of their time together while still juggling their personal lives. Apart from going out on tour, they have also been featured in a number of performances from the MTV VMAs, The American Music Awards (where the brothers’ performance was brought in live by satellite), and even stopped at Rockefeller center in May as the musical guest for Saturday Night Live! Now that the Jo Bros have rung in the new year, fans cannot wait to see what’s in store for 2020!
Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the US, based out of Marana Air Park near Tucson Arizona and McMinville Oregon, near Portland. A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot. In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation. At a bar in McMinnville, Oregon, an inebriated pilot attempted to impress one of the pretty ladies with tales of his secret mission. The pilot’s pathetic attempt to portray himself as a Sean Connery or Daniel Craig caused him to (ante up) his importance and spill the secrets of the CIA’s asset Evergreen International Aviation. The slurred revelations confirmed suspicions that Evergreen (International Aviation) is part of the major crap dump on the planet. Chemtrails made up aluminum, barium and other ingredients contribute to respiratory ills and change the acidity of the soil. Related: U.S. Air Force Pilot Exposes Top Secret Chemtrail Program — It’s Called ‘Operation Indigo Skyfold’ Evergreen works from over a 100 bases and employees 4,500 people. Delford Smith privately owns the company. They admittedly “perform” for the CIA. Evergreen was given a no contest bid that gave them all the facilities in Marana, Arizona that previously belonged to CIA’s Air America (Pinal Air Park, Arizona). The security at the Pinal site is said to be as severe as that of Area 51. It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base. The 10 year pilot said it was nothing like anything he has ever seen. Evergreen International Aviation brags of their planes that have 7 times the capacity of other fire fighters. One can carry 20,000 gallons. Firefighting … Right … and next we will be told the chemtrails are to prevent global warming as millions more are advancing to an early death. Evergreen International Aviation has exemptions from the law that are advertised on their web site. They can fly anywhere and not stay on a designated route. Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei, who founded the Club of Rome in 1968: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” (Source) Has CFR members paved the way? People like Philip Lader and John Wheeler III … they were in a position to do just that. Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton. Philip Lader is an “inside” authority on international affairs and business. He is the non-executive Chairman of WPP Group, Senior Adviser to Morgan Stanley International, and a board member for think-tank RAND Corporation. He is also a trustee of UC Rusal (largest aluminum company in the world) the British Museum and St. Paul’s Cathedral Foundation. Ambassador Lader has addressed trans-Atlantic audiences from the U.N.’s General Assembly Hall to state chambers of commerce and local world affairs councils, is a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations. Philip Lader (CFR) is a key player driving toward world government. In addition to running the Public Relations for Evergreen International Aviation … Lader is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor. Eugenic operation of Chemtrails has had the assistance of Mitre a non-profit Corporation that manages the Federal Aviation Administration, Homeland Security, and IRS. (1) The IRS is part of the Federal Reserve which is a major transmission belt driving the conspiracy. Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns. Was John P. Wheeler III to sentimental for the killing underway? And got murdered by the Company? The CIA is the enforcement arm of the Council on Foreign Relations. Mitre is conveniently located in McLean,Virginia home of the CIA. Thanks to the drunken pilot and his loose lips … the Free People of the world can focus on the criminals who are poisoning our air and our water. Source:
Use this list as motivation to think, talk, and act in response to climate change, says an observer. CANBERRA: There are so many stories flying around about the horrors already being wrought by climate change, you’re probably struggling to keep up. The warnings have been there for decades but still there are those who deny it. So perhaps it’s timely to look at how climate change is affecting you, by wrecking some of the things you love. Advertisement Advertisement 1. HOLIDAYS We often choose holiday destinations with weather in mind. Sadly, climate change may see your usual destinations become less inviting, and maybe even disappear entirely. But there’s more to think about than your favourite beach retreat being drowned, or the Great Barrier Reef decaying before you see it. Advertisement Advertisement Now we have to worry that “extreme weather events pose significant risks to travellers”. The warnings here range from travel disruption, such as delayed flights due to storms, to severe danger from getting caught in cyclones, floods or snowstorms. Simply getting where you need to go could become an adventure holiday in itself, but not a fun one. 2. WILDLIFE There are more and more examples of animals falling victim to extreme weather events induced by climate change, such as the horrific mass “cremations” of koalas in the path of recent Australian bush fires or bats dropping dead during heatwaves. File photo of an Australian koala. (Photo: AFP/Guillaume Souvant) On top of that, news of the latest climate-related animal extinctions are becoming as common as reports of politicians doing nothing about it. 3. HISTORY AND HERITAGE The Italian city of Venice recently experienced its worst flooding since the mid-1960s, and the local mayor clearly connected this with climate change. Aside from the human calamity unfolding there, we are seeing one of Europe’s most amazing and unique cities and a World Heritage site devastated before our eyes. Climate change threatens more than 13,000 archaeological sites in North America alone if sea levels rise by 1m. That goes up to more than 30,000 sites if sea levels rise by 5m. UNESCO is worried that climate change also threatens underwater heritage sites, such as ruins and shipwrecks. For example, rising salinity and warming waters increases ship-worm populations that consume wooden shipwrecks in the Baltic sea. 4. SNOW SPORTS Warming temperatures have already had negative impacts on the US snow sports industry since at least 2001. In Australia, ski resorts are expected to see significant drops in snow fall by 2040 and, as temperatures warm, they will be unable to compensate for this by snow-making, because it doesn’t work if ambient temperatures are too high. (Photo: Unsplash/Lex Valishvili) Perhaps recent efforts to make artificial snow will give us a few more years on the slopes, but I’m not holding my breath. 5. SPORTS AND EXERCISE It’s not just snow sports that will be affected. As temperatures warm, simply being outside in some parts of the world will not only be less pleasant, but more harmful, causing greater risk of heat stress doing any sports or exercise. That also means lower incentives for – and greater difficult in undertaking – incidental exercise, such as walking to the bus stop. 6. COFFEE As the climate changes, your coffee hits will probably become rarer and more expensive, too. A report by the Climate Institute in 2016 suggested coffee production could drop by 50 per cent by 2050. Given how rapidly negative climate predictions have been updated in the three years since, this might now be considered optimistic. Yikes. 7. HEALTH As the climate changes, the health of your children, your parents and your grandparents will be at greater risk through increases in air pollution, heatwaves and other factors. FILE PHOTO: A woman uses her phone on an observation deck as the skyline, shrouded by haze, is seen in Singapore September 13, 2019. REUTERS/Feline Lim/File Photo It can be heartening to see the strong, intelligent and positive action being taken by the world’s youth in response to the lack of climate action by many governments. But the fact that this is a result of a literal existential crisis becoming a normal part of everyday life for young people is utterly horrifying. 8. HOMES The recent bush fires in Australia and the United States reveal how dramatic and destructive the effects climate change can be to where you live. Hundreds of houses have already burned down in Australia this fire season. Fires are getting more frequent and more ferocious. The seasonal windows where we safely used controlled burning to clear bushfire fuel are shrinking. It’s not only harder to fight fires when they happen, it’s becoming harder to prevent them as well. Fires aren’t the only threat to homes. All around the planet, more and more houses are being destroyed by rising seas and increasingly wild storms, all thanks to climate change. 9.WINE Still not convinced climate change is wrecking things you love? What if I told you it’s even coming for your wine? Less water, soil degradation and higher temperatures earlier in the season all lead to dramatic negative effects on grapes and wine-making. A burnt field is seen at a vineyard in Adelaide Hills, Australia, Dec 24, 2019. (Photo: Reuters/Vinteloper) One small upside is that disruption to traditional wine growing regions is creating opportunities to develop new wine growing areas. But there is no reason to believe these areas will maintain stable grape growing conditions as climate change progresses. WHAT NOW? It’s easy to be sad. But to change our trajectory, it’s better to be mad. In the words of that great English singer songwriter John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten), “anger is an energy”. So maybe use this list as motivation to think, talk and act. Use it as fuel to make small, large or a combination of changes. Share your concerns, share your solutions, and do this relentlessly. What’s happening right now is huge, overwhelming, and also inevitable without concerted action. There’s no sugar-coating it: climate change is wrecking the things we love. Time to step it up a notch. Dr Rod Lamberts is Deputy Director of the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science at the Australian National University. This article first appeared on The Conversation.
Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) on Wednesday said it has recorded a 47 per cent rise in sales during December. "The company has achieved the highest-ever sales in a month during December 2019. With sales of 1.68 million tonnes in December 2019, the company clocked a growth of 47 per cent over corresponding period last year (CPLY)," SAIL said in a statement. Incidentally, SAIL posted a jump of 36 per cent y-o-y in sales during November and the company is consistently maintaining the growth momentum in sales, it said. SAIL Chairman Anil Kumar Chaudhary said that despite the challenging steel market conditions, SAIL has exhibited resilient performance consistently and will continue to do so in future also. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
New year eve liquor sales in Telangana netted an estimated Rs 350 crore for the State Beverages CorporationLimited, which supplies Indian Made Foreign Liquor to retail outlets and bars across the state, official sources said on Wednesday. This was more or less same as that of the sales turnover registered during the corresponding period last year, they said. The sales from TelanganaStateBeverages CorporationLimited (TSBCL)to outlets would be around Rs 350 crore on December 30 and 31 together," they said. Over all the revenue (both Excise and VAT) through alcohol during December would be approximately Rs 2,000 crore, the sources told PTI. The state government effective December 16 enhanced the liquor prices. Telangana, which has over 2,200 liquor shops, was expected to garner around Rs 20,000 crore this year through liquor sales including license fee, the sources said. Meanwhile, police said they booked as many 2,129 drunk and drive cases during the intervening night of December 31 and January 1. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
Text size “Buy when there’s blood in the street” is one of the oldest investing clichés but is one of the toughest things to do. For those investors with the intestinal fortitude, Hong Kong’s stock market beckons. Months of protests have battered the city and its economy. But against this negative backdrop, the Hang Seng index is breaking out technically on the price charts, Jeff deGraaf, founder of Renaissance Macro Research, observes. The combination of the weakest purchasing managers’ indexes and rioting in the streets is the perfect formula for the bears, but the price action has been positive, he points out in a client note. In an email while on holiday break, deGraaf adds he tweeted back in October that the Hang Seng then was holding up in the face of the plunge in the PMIs, a positive divergence. “Recessionary PMI readings and rioting in the streets have had us bullish on Hong Kong over the last few months, but those conditions had not been supported by the price data. That changed this week with Hong Kong trading at a six-month high,” he wrote. Editor's Choice The relative strength in the stock market also flew in the face of some prominent bears betting on a collapse, not only in equities, but also a break in the Hong Kong dollar’s peg against the U.S. greenback. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has maintained the peg in the face of other periods of distress, however, notably during the 1997-98 Asian crisis. Hong Kong’s market historically has been prone to sharp swings. “Volatile” was the modifier Peter Du Bois, Barron’s original International Trader columnist, invariably invoked in discussing the Hang Seng. The most proximate way to play this market would appear to be the iShares MSCI Hong Kong exchange-traded fund (ticker: EWH.) But investors should be aware this ETF isn’t a clone of the Hang Seng. By far the biggest component stock in the ETF is the AIA Group (HK: 1299), a giant pan-Asian insurance company, which comprises nearly 24% of the fund. CK Hutchinson Holdings (HK: 1), a multinational conglomerate, also has a significant presence at 5%. These stocks’ fortunes have less to do with Hong Kong than the rest of Asia. That said, deGraaf writes in an email he also sees EWH “on the verge of breaking out, not quite there, but very close.” The Hang Seng also includes stocks of companies whose operations extend far beyond Hong Kong. A prominent example is Chinese internet company Tencent Holdings (HK: 700), which Rich Ross, the technical guru at Evercore ISI, points out accounts for 11% of the Hang Seng. Moreover, Tencent shares are breaking out of a two-year downtrend, he adds in a client note. With pro-democracy protests continuing and slated to step up over New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, the pictures and videos are sure to be disquieting, especially for investors contemplating putting money to work in Hong Kong. When things look riskiest is when the biggest gains are made, and which seem easy in retrospect. “‘Easy money’ is an often-used term in this business, but almost exclusively with hindsight. It’s easy to be dispassionate when viewing the markets in the comfort of history, but ‘easy money’ is almost always the hardest to earn psychologically, and Hong Kong is a great contemporaneous example in our view,” deGraaf wrote. Now that Hang Seng is breaking out, he says there are “no excuses” to ignore it. The difficult thing is to ignore the reports coming out of Hong Kong. It would be wise to remember the markets make the news, not the other way around, notwithstanding what we in the media might think. Write to Randall W. Forsyth at
Image copyright EPA Image caption Many thousands of protesters gathered to march on the first day of the year Hong Kong’s protesters have welcomed a new decade via a New Year’s Day rally, with tens of thousands joining a pro-democracy march. Though the gathering was largely peaceful, violence broke out in some areas and police fired tear gas. On New Year’s Eve, demonstrators had formed human chains that stretched for miles down busy shopping streets. More than six months after the protests began, they gathered for midnight countdowns by Victoria Harbour. Their chants included, “Ten! Nine! Liberate Hong Kong, revolution now!” In the lively Mong Kok market district, some set fire to barricades after dark and let off fireworks, disrupting traffic. Police used water cannon to clear Nathan Road in Mong Kok and fired tear gas and rubber bullets, the South China Morning Post reports. Some 40 parliamentarians and dignitaries from 18 countries sent an open letter to Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam on New Year’s Eve, urging her to “seek genuine ways forward out of this crisis by addressing the grievances of Hong Kong people”. Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The identity crisis behind Hong Kong’s protests The anti-government protests began in June over plans to allow extradition to mainland China, but have since morphed into a broader movement demanding full democracy. Some protesters have adopted the motto: “Five demands, not one less!” Their goals are an amnesty for those arrested, an independent inquiry into alleged police brutality, universal suffrage, and for the protests not to be characterised as “riots”. The fifth demand – the withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill – has already been met. Hong Kong was a British colony until 1997, but was then returned to Chinese control under the principle of “one country, two systems”. While it is technically part of China, the territory has its own legal system and borders, and rights including freedom of assembly and free speech are protected. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The anti-government rally on 1 January was planned by the Civil Human Rights Front More than 6,500 people have been arrested as a result of the protests so far. ‘Freedom is not free’ In the afternoon of New Year’s Day, people of all ages gathered to march from the city’s Victoria Park. Some wore masks, defying a ban on face coverings, and carried signs reading, “Freedom is not free”. “It’s hard to utter ‘Happy New Year’ because Hong Kong people are not happy,” said a man named Tung, according to Reuters news agency. “Unless the five demands are achieved, and police are held accountable for their brutality, then we can’t have a real happy new year.” The pro-democracy march was organised by the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), which has planned a number of million-strong rallies. “The government has already started the oppression before the New Year began… whoever is being oppressed, we will stand with them,” said Jimmy Sham, a CHRF leader and long-time political activist. Mr Sham was hospitalised in October after he was attacked by a group of men wielding hammers. In a speech on New Year’s Day, China’s President Xi Jinping said Beijing would “resolutely safeguard the prosperity and stability” of Hong Kong.
We're sorry, this article is unavailable at the moment. If you wish to read this article, kindly contact our Customer Service team at 1-300-88-7827. Thank you for your patience - we're bringing you a new and improved experience soon! Subscribe Log In Article type: metered User Type: anonymous web User Status: Campaign ID: 7 Cxense type: free User access status: 3 SINGAPORE: Singapore has benefited enormously from globalisation and it must resist the temptation to be otherwise, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said.Lee made the remarks in his New Year Message on Wednesday (Jan 1) to his fellow Singaporeans.He also noted that the state of the world worries Singaporeans as the global slowdown has affected the economy.Many societies are under stress despite economic growth as the fruits of economic growth have not been shared equitably, with income gaps widening, he said.Singapore has to stay open and connected to the world, the prime minister said, adding, "A Singapore turned inwards cannot survive."In November, the Trade and Industry Ministry said the economy is expected to grow only by 0.5 to 1% in 2019.But Lee assured Singaporeans the upcoming Budget on Jan 18 will have measures to help businesses, workers, families as well as the poor, elderly and the vulnerable. And with that, he is confident will have a good and memorable year in 2020.While companies will get help to raise their productivity and build new capabilities, workers, especially mid-career PMETs - professionals, managers, executives and technicians - will be given a hand to retrain, find new jobs and stay employable, he added.The social safety nets that protect the poor, elderly and vulnerable will be improved, and "we will help households with their cost of living", the Prime Minister said in a message recorded at the Bicentennial Experience exhibition in Fort Canning.The showcase of important moments in Singapore's history was a key event to commemorate the country's Bicentennial year, which Lee said provided a vivid reminder of how much the island has changed over the centuries, and how far the Republic has come."Recounting this history has enhanced our collective consciousness of the past, strengthened our sense of togetherness in the present, and boosted our confidence in a shared future," he said."In Singapore, the aim is to build a fair and just society, where growth and prosperity benefits everyone, and the human spirit can flourish." - Asian News Network
GEORGE TOWN: Tales that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had raided his home were just rumours and were not true, says Penang Island City Council (MBPP) mayor Datuk Yew Tung Seang. Yew said that there was no such case and he denied he was summoned by the graftbuster. He also said that he only learned that these rumours were going around from officials when he met them on New Year’s Eve yesterday (Dec 31). Reporters have also been reaching out to various officials for confirmation, he added. “There is no such investigation by the MACC, ” he said when attending City Walk 2020 at Beach Street on Wednesday (Jan 1). Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who was also present at the event, backed the mayor, saying, “I do not know of any such investigation by the MACC”. We're sorry, this article is unavailable at the moment. If you wish to read this article, kindly contact our Customer Service team at 1-300-88-7827. Thank you for your patience - we're bringing you a new and improved experience soon! Subscribe Log In
James Abbott-Thompson appeared in court on New Year's Eve Diane Abbott's son has appeared in court charged with a string of offences, including nine assaults and one count of racially aggravated criminal damage. James Abbott-Thompson, 28, appeared at Thames Magistrates' Court on New Year's Eve accused of 11 crimes. The alleged offences took place between July 26 and December 23 last year with the majority occurring on NHS premises in London. The court was told that most of the incidents relate to a time when Mr Abbott-Thompson was being treated for mental health issues. The alleged offences include attacks on an emergency services workers, police officers, a nurse and a social therapist. He is also accused of racially aggravated criminal damage and exposure at the Homerton Hospital in east London. Mr Abbott-Thompson's lawyer indicated he intends to deny the charges More Other alleged offences took place at the Royal Free in Hampstead and Mile End Hospital in Tower Hamlets. Mr Abbott-Thompson attended the brief hearing at Thames Magistrates’ Court in east London on Tuesday but his mother was not in court. George Gross, defending, said Mr Abbott-Thompson intended to enter not guilty pleas to all the charges. District Judge Jane McIvor granted him bail ahead of a further hearing at Wood Green Crown Court next month. Mr Abbott-Thompson is the only son of Labour's shadow home secretary, and Ghanaian architect Richard Thompson. Ms Abbott, the Labour MP for Hackney and Stoke Newington, was widely criticised for her decision to send her son to the fee paying City of London. Diane Abbott is the Labour MP for Hackney and Stoke Newington More But she later defended her decision insisting it had been the making of him,and saying: “I was taught that you sacrifice everything for your child.” Mr Abbott-Thompson achieved 11 A* grades at GCSE and went on to obtain a place at Trinity College, Cambridge University, to study law. He joined the Foreign Office in 2014 as part of its fast track diplomatic programme, and had been based in Rome, where he was working alongside the British Ambassador advising the British Consul and representatives of the British community in Italy about their rights post Brexit. But he left his post in the summer and according to an online CV had recently been based in Dublin working as a consultant.
THE SUSPICION with which many Brexiteers have long regarded Brussels has come to be matched by an equal mistrust of Whitehall. After repeated delays to Britain’s exit from the European Union, many Leavers became convinced that bien-pensant officials were out to subvert the will of the people. Yet for Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s chief adviser and brains behind the Leave campaign, the frustration with the civil service goes back much further. The subtitle of an entry on his personal blog, written in 2014, sums up his outlook: “The failures of Westminster & Whitehall: Wrong people, bad education and training, dysfunctional institutions with no architecture for fixing errors.” Some Eurosceptics want to put a bomb under Whitehall in order to get Brexit done. Mr Cummings wants to get Brexit done so that he can put a bomb under Whitehall. Following Boris Johnson’s triumph in the December election, the government has an opportunity to reshape the country. Labour is in chaos, the Remainers are defeated and the British system gives huge power to governments with a large parliamentary majority. Mr Cummings’s thinking—set out over hundreds of thousands of words in a blog that ranges from Sun Tzu and Bismarck to education policy and space exploration—helps explain why many in Downing Street think that to get anything done in government they will first have to fix the civil service. Get our daily newsletter Upgrade your inbox and get our Daily Dispatch and Editor's Picks. Mr Cummings has lambasted cabinet government as an outdated, oversized decision-making mechanism. Once Britain has left the EU, the number of departments is reportedly due to be cut, with Business absorbing Trade, the Foreign Office taking International Development, and the Department for Exiting the EU scrapped. A “super-department”, including education, research and innovation, is rumoured, and the Home Office may even be broken up. If Mr Cummings gets his way these changes will be just the start. Civil service reform is not usually a priority for a new administration. Most turn their attention to it only after finding their initial vim frustrated. At the start of her second term, Margaret Thatcher tried to make officials more accountable and to focus them on outcomes. At the start of his, Tony Blair brought in Michael Barber, who had worked on school reform, to split the government’s aims into measurable targets and pursue them relentlessly. Or, in the words of Mr Cummings, establish “what should be minimal competence for people who do not know how to prioritise and are managerially incompetent”. In his view, this incompetence reflects a system that incentivises the wrong things. Mr Cummings has called for greater use of redundancy to get rid of people not up to it. He wants training to emphasise quantitative skills and for those who are effective to stay in place for longer (some departments lose more than a fifth of their workers each year, through rotations or exits). Job specifications may also change. According to Mr Cummings, permanent secretaries, who run departments, face an impossible job (as “chief policy adviser, department CEO and a fixer”) and are promoted on their ability to play the game. Almost none of them, and indeed almost no minister or adviser, is “+3 standard deviations…on even one relevant dimension (IQ, willpower/toughness, management ability, metacognition, etc)”. As an ally notes, Mr Cummings “doesn’t care if he hires socialists, he just wants people to be competent.” Another part of the answer, Mr Cummings believes, lies in hiring brilliant people to work on specific problems outside of bureaucratic constraints. He points to the success of America’s work on intercontinental ballistic missiles and some aspects of the Apollo programme in the 1950s and 1960s, which brought the world’s best scientists and engineers into government projects. More broadly, he argues that such examples illustrate the importance of clearly defined goals, the use of long-term budgets to save money and the need for “an extreme focus on errors”. He has called for “red teams”, as used by the CIA and defence firms, to argue the opposite view in meetings, to counter groupthink. All of this is likely to involve tackling what Nick Pearce, head of the Downing Street policy unit under Gordon Brown, calls the “key tension” at the heart of Britain’s bureaucracy: that ministers are held responsible for what their department does but do not have much control over it. Britain is unusual in that ministers have little sway over who runs their department and limited ability to make appointments, compared with similar political systems like Australia and Canada. Mr Cummings recounts a litany of errors by officials during his previous stint at the Department for Education: “With all of them, regardless of how incompetently they had been handled—nobody was ever fired.” He writes that part of the reason he and his then-boss, Michael Gove, “got much more done than ANY insider thought was possible—including [David] Cameron and the Perm Sec—was because we bent or broke the rules.” A devil-may-care approach could spread in a government eager to get things done. Mr Cummings thinks politicians are cowed by government legal advice, often by lawyers citing European directives. A recent report by Policy Exchange, a sympathetic think-tank, suggests making it easier for ministers to take advice from external lawyers. Rearranging government departments “is a very sizeable task in and of itself,” with a mixed record of success, notes Catherine Haddon of the Institute for Government, a think-tank. Writing about how to transform the state is one thing; doing so is quite another. So old hands suspect gradual evolution is more likely than a big bang. To Mr Cummings, that may sound like the usual complacency: “There is a widespread befuddled defeatism that nothing much in Westminster can really change,” he blogged. Now he has another chance to prove the establishment wrong.
Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market 2020 Overview, Cost Structure Analysis, Growth Opportunities and Forecast to 2025 Posted on Jan 2 2020 6:56 AM "Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market report provides an in-depth analysis of scope of current and future market and overview of Product Specification, technology and forecast details. " Global ' Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market offers industry speculators, organization administrators, and industry members with in-depth knowledge of most recent industry patterns, improvement viewpoints, advertise picks up, and industry situation amid the conjecture time frame (2020-2025) to empower them to settle on educated key choices identified in the Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market. Top Key Manufacturers in Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market: Abbott Laboratories F. Hoffmann-La Roche Lifescan Ascensia Diabetes Care Dexcom Medtronic Ypsomed B. Braun Melsungen Nipro Sanofi Arkray Prodigy Diabetes Care Acon Laboratories Nova Biomedical Get a Sample Copy of the Report - Know About Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market: The global Blood Glucose Monitoring System market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Blood Glucose Monitoring System volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represents overall Blood Glucose Monitoring System market size by analyzing historical data and future prospect. Regionally, this report categorizes the production, apparent consumption, export and import of Blood Glucose Monitoring System in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India. For each manufacturer covered, this report analyzes their Blood Glucose Monitoring System manufacturing sites, capacity, production, ex-factory price, revenue and market share in global market. Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Size by Type: Self-Monitoring Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market size by Applications: Household Hospital For More Information or Query or Customization Before Buying, Visit at Regions covered in the Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market report are USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, Southeast Asia, South America, South Africa. Important Features that are under Offering and Key Highlights of the Reports: Detailed overview of Market Changing market dynamics of the industry In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application etc. Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value Recent industry trends and developments Competitive landscape of Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Strategies of key players and product offerings Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Blood Glucose Monitoring System are as follows: History Year: 2014-2018 Base Year: 2018 Estimated Year: 2019 Forecast Year 2019 to 2025 Purchase this Report (Price 3500 USD for a Single-User License) - Major Points from Table of Contents: 1 Study Coverage 1.1 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Product 1.2 Market Segments 1.3 Key Manufacturers Covered 1.4 Market by Type 1.4.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Size Growth Rate by Product 1.5 Market by End User 1.5.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Size Growth Rate by End User 1.6 Study Objectives 1.7 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Size 2.1.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue 2014-2025 2.1.2 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales 2014-2025 2.2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Growth Rate by Regions 2.2.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Regions 2.2.2 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Regions 3 Breakdown Data by Manufacturers 3.1 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Manufacturers 3.1.1 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Manufacturers 3.1.2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales Market Share by Manufacturers 3.1.3 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Manufacturers 3.2.1 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Manufacturers (2014-2018) 3.2.2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2014-2018) 3.3 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Price by Manufacturers 3.4 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types 3.4.1 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters 3.4.2 Manufacturers Blood Glucose Monitoring System Product Type 3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market 3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Breakdown Data by Product 4.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Product 4.2 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Product 4.3 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Price by Product 5 Breakdown Data by End User 5.1 Overview 5.2 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Breakdown Data by End User 6 North America 6.1 North America Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Countries 6.1.1 North America Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Countries 6.1.2 North America Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Countries 6.1.3 United States 6.1.4 Canada 6.1.5 Mexico 6.2 North America Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Product 6.3 North America Blood Glucose Monitoring System by End User 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Countries 7.1.1 Europe Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Countries 7.1.2 Europe Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Countries 7.1.3 Germany 7.1.4 France 7.1.5 UK 7.1.6 Italy 7.1.7 Russia 7.2 Europe Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Product 7.3 Europe Blood Glucose Monitoring System by End User 8 Asia Pacific 8.1 Asia Pacific Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Countries 8.1.1 Asia Pacific Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Countries 8.1.2 Asia Pacific Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Countries 8.1.3 China 8.1.4 Japan 8.1.5 Korea 8.1.6 India 8.1.7 Australia 8.1.8 Indonesia 8.1.9 Malaysia 8.1.10 Philippines 8.1.11 Thailand 8.1.12 Vietnam 8.1.13 Singapore 8.2 Asia Pacific Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Product 8.3 Asia Pacific Blood Glucose Monitoring System by End User 9 Central & South America 9.1 Central & South America Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Countries 9.1.1 Central & South America Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Countries 9.1.2 Central & South America Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Countries 9.1.3 Brazil 9.2 Central & South America Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Product 9.3 Central & South America Blood Glucose Monitoring System by End User 10 Middle East and Africa 10.1 Middle East and Africa Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Countries 10.1.1 Middle East and Africa Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales by Countries 10.1.2 Middle East and Africa Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue by Countries 10.1.3 GCC Countries 10.1.4 Turkey 10.1.5 Egypt 10.1.6 South Africa 10.2 Middle East and Africa Blood Glucose Monitoring System by Product 10.3 Middle East and Africa Blood Glucose Monitoring System by End User 11 Company Profiles 12 Future Forecast 12.1 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Forecast by Regions 12.1.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales Forecast by Regions 2018-2025 12.1.2 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue Forecast by Regions 2018-2025 12.2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Forecast by Product 12.2.1 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Sales Forecast by Product 2018-2025 12.2.2 Global Blood Glucose Monitoring System Revenue Forecast by Product 2018-2025 12.3 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Market Forecast by End User 12.4 North America Blood Glucose Monitoring System Forecast 12.5 Europe Blood Glucose Monitoring System Forecast 12.6 Asia Pacific Blood Glucose Monitoring System Forecast 12.7 Central & South America Blood Glucose Monitoring System Forecast 12.8 Middle East and Africa Blood Glucose Monitoring System Forecast 13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 13.1 Market Opportunities and Drivers 13.2 Market Challenges 13.3 Market Risks/Restraints 13.4 Macroscopic Indicators 14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 14.1 Value Chain Analysis 14.2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Customers 14.3 Sales Channels Analysis 14.3.1 Sales Channels 14.3.2 Distributors 15 Research Findings and Conclusion 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer Continued… Contact Us: Name: Mr. Ajay More Phone: US +1424 253 0807/ UK +44 203 239 8187 Email id: [email protected] Our Other Reports Here: Global Filament Yarns Market Segmentation 2020-2025 Covers Price, Sales, Revenue, Size, Growth Rate Details by Regions, Types, and Applications Global Fiber Cement Board Market 2019 Size, Shares, Production, Consumption, Factors Driving, Trends, Challenges MENAFN02012020007010266ID1099497086
Global Terminal Tractor Market 2020 With Top Countries Data : Market Size, Concentration Rate, Production Volume, Price, Gross Margin and Revenue Posted on Jan 2 2020 7:06 PM "The Terminal Tractor Market 2020 Report aims to provide all the participants and the vendors will all the details about growth factors, shortcomings, threats, and the profitable opportunities that the market will present in the near future. The report also features the revenue share, industry size, production volume, and consumption in order to gain insights about the politics to contest for gaining control of a large portion of the market share. " Terminal Tractor Market 2020 Report offers a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global Terminal Tractor industry along with competitive landscape, Market share and revenue forecasts 2024. This report is a valuable source of guidance for companies and individuals offering Industry Chain Structure, Business Strategies and Proposals for New Project Investments. A terminal tractor, known in the United States as a shunt truck, spotter truck, spotting tractor, yard truck, yard dog, yard goat, yard horse, yard jockey or mule, is a semi-tractor intended to move semi trailers within a cargo yard, warehouse facility, or intermodal facility, much like a switcher locomotive is used to position railcars. Get a Sample PDF of report - The research covers the current market size of the Terminal Tractor market and its growth rates based on 5-year records with company outline of Key players/manufacturers: Kalmar Terberg Mol CY nv CAPACITY TRUCKS AUTOCAR MAFI TICO tractors Faw Jiefang Automotive Sinotruk Hualing Xingma Automobile Dongfeng Trucks Saic-iveco Hongyan Commercial Vehicle C & C Trucks, Scope Of The Report : The worldwide market for Terminal Tractor is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly xx% over the next five years, will reach xx million US$ in 2023, from xx million US$ in 2017.This report focuses on the Terminal Tractor in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.S Inquire more and share questions if any before the purchase on this report at - Report further studies the Terminal Tractor market development status and future trend across the world. Also, it splits Terminal Tractor market by Type and by Applications to fully and deeply research and reveal market profile and prospects. Major Classifications are as follows: Diesel Terminal Tractor Electric Terminal Tractor Major Applications are as follows: Warehouse Distribution centres Intermodal Ports Rail terminals Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Terminal Tractor in these regions, from 2014 to 2024, covering North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) The Terminal Tractor market report provides answers to the following key questions: What will be the Terminal Tractor market size and the growth rate in 2024? What are the main key factors driving the global Terminal Tractor market? What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the global Terminal Tractor market? Which Trending factors influencing the market shares of the top regions across the globe? Who are the key market players and what are their strategies in the global Terminal Tractor market? What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Terminal Tractor? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Terminal Tractor market? What industrial trends, drivers and challenges are manipulating its growth? What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the global Terminal Tractor market? Purchase this report (Price 3480 USD for a single-user license) - Major Points from Table of Contents: 1 Market Overview 1.1 Terminal Tractor Introduction 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.3 Market Analysis by Applications 1.4 Market Dynamics 1.4.1 Market Opportunities 1.4.2 Market Risk 1.4.3 Market Driving Force 2.Manufacturers Profiles 2.4.1 Business Overview 2.4.2 Terminal Tractor Type and Applications Product A Product B 3.Global Terminal Tractor Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer (2019-2020) 3.1 Global Terminal Tractor Sales and Market Share by Manufacturer (2019-2020) 3.2 Global Terminal Tractor Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer (2019-2020) 3.3 Market Concentration Rate 3.3.1 Top 3 Terminal Tractor Manufacturer Market Share in 2020 3.3.2 Top 6 Terminal Tractor Manufacturer Market Share in 2020 3.4 Market Competition Trend 4 Global Terminal Tractor Market Analysis by Regions 4.1 Global Terminal Tractor Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Regions 4.1.1 Global Terminal Tractor Sales and Market Share by Regions (2014-2020) 4.1.2 Global Terminal Tractor Revenue and Market Share by Regions (2014-2020) 4.2 North America Terminal Tractor Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2020) 4.3 Europe Terminal Tractor Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2020) 4.4 Asia-Pacific Terminal Tractor Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2020) 4.6 South America Terminal Tractor Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2020) 4.6 Middle East and Africa Terminal Tractor Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2020) 5 Terminal Tractor Market Forecast (2020-2024) 5.1 Global Terminal Tractor Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2020-2024) 5.2 Terminal Tractor Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2024) 5.3 Terminal Tractor Market Forecast by Type (2020-2024) 5.3.1 Global Terminal Tractor Sales Forecast by Type (2020-2024) 5.3.2 Global Terminal Tractor Market Share Forecast by Type (2020-2024) 5.4 Terminal Tractor Market Forecast by Application (2020-2024) 5.4.1 Global Terminal Tractor Sales Forecast by Application (2020-2024) 5.4.2 Global Terminal Tractor Market Share Forecast by Application (2020-2024) 6.Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers 6.1 Sales Channel 6.1.1 Direct Marketing 6.1.2 Indirect Marketing 6.1.3 Marketing Channel Future Trend 6.2 Distributors, Traders and Dealers 7.Research Findings and Conclusion 8.Appendix 8.1 Methodology 8.2 Data Source Continued….. About Us: 360 Research Reports is the credible source for gaining the market reports that will provide you with the lead your business needs. At 360 Research Reports, our objective is providing a platform for many top-notch market research firms worldwide to publish their research reports, as well as helping the decision makers in finding most suitable market research solutions under one roof. Our aim is to provide the best solution that matches the exact customer requirements. This drives us to provide you with custom or syndicated research reports. Contact Us: Name: Mr. Ajay More Email: [email protected] Organization: 360 Research Reports Phone: +44 20 3239 8187/ +14242530807 For More Related Reports Click Here : Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) Market 2019 With Top Countries Data : Industry Trends, Share, Size, Top Key Players Analysis and Forecast Research Folate Market 2019 With Top Countries Data : Industry Trends, Share, Size, Top Key Players Analysis and Forecast Research Computer Aided Detection System Market 2019 With Top Countries Data : Market Size, Growth, Industry Trends, Share, Top Key Players Analysis and Forecast Research Bench-top Sterilizer Market 2019 to 2024 With Top Countries Data : Market Size, Consumption and Growth Rate by Application, Types, Key Players and Competitive Regions MENAFN02012020007010266ID1099500733
Sixteen of the 39 deceased flown to Hanoi, with the rest to be repatriated later, say officials and media The first 16 bodies of 39 Vietnamese people found dead in the back of a refrigerated lorry in Britain have been repatriated to Vietnam, according to a local official and Vietnamese media. “Sixteen bodies including five from Nghe An province have arrived in Vietnam,” said a senior official of the province. The bodies arrived at Noi Bai airport in Hanoi early on Wednesday, online newspaper VnExpress reported, and would be taken by ambulances to homes in Nghe An, Ha Tinh and Quang Binh provinces. The remaining bodies would be repatriated later, VnExpress said. Vietnamese police have said the deceased came from six provinces: Haiphong, Hai Duong, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh and Hue. Their families were plagued by confusion and anguish over how to get the bodies home. Man arrested in east London over Essex lorry deaths case Read more The families would have to pay for the repatriation costing up to £2,208, according to a foreign ministry statement seen by Reuters. The statement, dated 14 November, said the Vietnamese government would advance the payment which families could repay later. Though relatives were encouraged by authorities to opt for ashes “to ensure speed, low cost and sanitation safety”, many paid more for the bodies to carry out traditional burials. Cremation is rare in the Vietnam countryside, where many of the victims were from. On Monday the Northern Irish driver of the truck, 25-year-old Maurice Robinson, pleaded guilty to conspiring to assist illegal immigration. He also admitted to acquiring cash that came from criminal conduct, but did not plead guilty to 41 other charges. Several other people have been arrested in the UK while Vietnam has held at least 10 people, though none have been formally charged. With Reuters and AFP
Remains of 23 victims arrive in Hanoi following repatriation of further 16 to their hometowns days earlier The remains of the last 23 of 39 Vietnamese people found dead in a lorry near London in October have been brought to Vietnam. The remains of the 23 victims arrived at Noi Bai airport in Hanoi early on Saturday, a local government official said. Seven of the bodies were cremated in Britain before being repatriated, said the official Vietnam News Agency. Lorry driver pleads guilty over role in Essex deaths Read more The first 16 of the bodies had been repatriated on Wednesday to their home towns in Vietnam where they were received by relatives and friends holding white roses. The discovery of the bodies in the back of a refrigerated truck after being smuggled into Britain has shone a spotlight on the illicit trade that sends the poor of Asia, Africa and the Middle East on perilous journeys to the west. Police in Vietnam have arrested 10 people in connection with the deaths. On Monday the British driver of the truck admitted plotting to assist unlawful immigration and acquiring criminal property. Essex lorry deaths: Vietnam ‘strongly condemns’ trafficking Read more In Vietnam poor job prospects, environmental disasters and the promise of financial rewards are all factors pushing people to leave. Nguyen Dinh Gia, the father of victim Nguyen Dinh Luong, said his son had left home for Britain in “hopes for a better life”. Gia said after his son’s body was buried on Thursday: “How could I describe how big this loss is for my family … but the return of his body has helped ease the pain.”
Allan, a 1.5 metre corn snake, had been driving to Oldham with its owners for Christmas A 1.5 metre (5ft) snake named Allan had to be rescued from inside a car after escaping while travelling with its owners over Christmas. The pet corn snake got out of its vivarium as it was travelling with owner Ellie Bond from Nottingham to Oldham to spend the Christmas break with family. Bond frantically searched the car with her partner, Lewis Newton, but, after finding no sign of Allan, she thought he might have fallen from her car on to the motorway. The couple began pulling apart the car and removing the seats until Newton pulled away the casing near the gear stick, revealing the reptilian escapee. Bond, a 25-year-old supply teacher at Oakwood infant school in Derby, said of the snake: “He is 5ft long and quite chunky so he was properly trapped, and I was worried he would hurt himself trying to get free. We tried using butter to help lubricate the area but he still couldn’t move. “It was also snowing so was very cold for him – which is also very dangerous for a snake – so I was scared he would die if we could not release him quickly as he had been there for a few hours.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest A fire crew cutting the snake free after he became trapped in the gearstick casing of his owners’ car. Photograph: RSPCA/PA The fact Allan had eaten a large meal that day also worked against him, trapping him in the car. After an RSPCA inspector arrived at the scene, Greater Manchester fire and rescue service had to be called to cut the snake free. While the inspector, Angela Paxton-Taylor, held Allan with a damp towel to ensure the temperature of the metal around the reptile did not get too hot, the firefighters cut through a small piece of metal which was enough to allow it to be lifted free. Play Video 0:55 Snakes on the streets of Britain, but why? – video Paxton-Taylor said: “Along with the fire crews we were able to safely release him and he appeared unharmed – a few scales were missing and he was very cold but we were able to warm him up and he is doing well. “It was awkward as there was me and five firefighters in a Citroen C1 working hard to free Allan but it worked. The fire service who worked brilliantly as a team and were determined and really considerate for the wellbeing of Alan.” Bond said Allan has fully recovered from the ordeal and is now “back to his lazy self”.
Tanned and relaxed after a week in Mustique, Boris Johnson returns to the office this week as the most powerful Tory prime minister since Margaret Thatcher. With Labour’s electoral coalition fractured perhaps beyond repair, Mr Johnson will believe he now has a decade at his disposal to reboot Britain - a job that begins with his renegotiation of the UK’s relationship with the European Union. The outcome of this negotiation, the first phase of which is currently set to be completed by Dec 31 2020, will lay the political and economic foundations for what comes next, and yet it is still remarkably unclear how Mr Johnson intends to handle the process. If he gets Brexit wrong, it could prove a permanent...
(MENAFN- 09:45 AM EST - Just Energy Group Inc. : Has sold all of its customer contracts and natural gas in storage in the State of Georgia to Infinite Energy for approximately $3.4 million U.S. (approximately $4.4 million Canadian), subject to customary adjustments. The Georgia market has limited growth possibility and was sub-scale for Just Energy. In addition, the Company has closed the previously announced sale of its Irish operations to Flogas Natural Gas Limited for approximately €700 thousand (approximately $1.0 million Canadian), subject to customary adjustments. Just Energy Group Inc. shares T.JE are trading down $0.01 at $2.00. MENAFN0101202002120000ID1099495321
I've been to 49 of 50 states and about 60 countries and would gladly go back to any of them. Italy is a great place to live. What I'd recommend depends on the interests and personality of the specific person.
The Delta smelt, once the most populous species on the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, continues its long slide towards extinction. For the second year in a row, the CDFW in its annual fall midwater trawl survey in 2019 found zero Delta smelt during the months of September, October, November and December. Found only in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, the smelt is an indicator species that shows the health of the ecosystem. Decades of water exports and environmental degradation under the state and federal governments have brought the smelt to the edge of extinction. In spite of portraying their administrations as “green,” Governors Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom did nothing to reverse the slide towards extinction. Meanwhile, the Trump administration recently finalized a plan that threatens the Delta smelt, salmon and other fish species even more than they already are by maximizing Delta water exports to corporate agribusiness interests in the San Joaquin Valley. While the CDFW has not yet issued its annual memo analyzing the fall survey results, James White, CDFW Environmental Scientist, wrote in a memo about the September and October 2019 surveys: “No Delta Smelt were collected at index stations in September or October. The 2019 September-October index (0) is tied with 2016 and 2018 as the lowest index in FMWT history (Figure 1). No Delta Smelt were collected at non-index stations during September or October,” said White. A few smelt have turned up in other surveys on the Delta, but they also confirm the fish’s dramatic decline. “This low index is consistent with sampling by other monitoring surveys in fall of 2019,” wrote White. “Delta Smelt were collected by USFWS Chipps Island Trawl in September (n=2) and not in October (n=0). USFWS Enhanced Delta Smelt Monitoring (EDSM) collected Delta Smelt in September (n=6) and October (n=7), having conducted 1,348 tows with catches in Suisun Bay, lower Sacramento River, and SRDWSC (data available at: USFWS Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program).” The fall 2019 survey also reported low numbers of Longfin Smelt and Sacramento splittail. The abundance index for longfin smelt, a cousin of the Delta smelt, was only 44. That is down from an index of 52 in 2018 and 141 in 2017. However, the indices for longfin smelt were well above the lowest abundance year for the longfin, 2015, when only 4 fish were reported and 2016, when only 7 fish were caught. In contrast, 81737 smelt were found in 1967. For the second year in a row, the trawl caught zero Sacramento spittail, a native minnow found only in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta just like the Delta smelt. With the exception of 2011 when 11 split tail were reported, the survey reported 0 to 1 fish each year over the past 13 years. The index for young of the year striped bass, a popular gamefish introduced from the East Coast 140 years ago, was 250. This is better than last year when the abundance was 42, the lowest on record, but well below the fish’s historical abundance. By comparison, the index was 19,677 in 1967, the year the State Water Project pumps went into action. The index for American shad was 1955, better than the index of 1064 last year. This contrasts with the record abundance in the 2003 survey, 9360. Finally, the threadfin shad made a jump from 198 last year to 343 in 2019. However, both of these surveys were just a fraction of the 15267 shad counted in 1997. The Delta smelt, Longfin smelt, Sacramento splittail, striped bass, American shad and thread fin shad are are all victims of the Pelagic Organism Decline, first coined by federal state and scientists to document the steep decline of pelagic (open water) fish and zooplankton in 2005. Scientists have pointed to Delta water export operations, toxics, invasive species and pollution as the key factors in this decline. “Given the wet year we experienced in 2019, the numbers of Delta smelt, longfin smelt and splittail should have rebounded substantially, but instead it was another disastrous year for all three species,” said Bill Jennings, Executive Director/Chairman of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA). “Also given the wet year, striped bass, American shad and threadfin shad should have rebounded more than they did. Clearly, the state and federal Delta pumping operations are sending Delta fish species to the guillotine.” In addition to the zero Delta smelt results of the fall 2018 and 2019 fall surveys, spring Delta smelt 20-mm surveys conducted in both 2018 and 2019 revealed a record low number of the smelt collected by Department scientists. According to independent fisheries biologist Tom Cannon in his California Fisheries Blog on the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) website, the Late April and early May 20-mm Surveys “provide an excellent picture of the status of Delta smelt population in the estuary.” “Since 2017, some surveys collected no Delta smelt (Figures 1-3) in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary. The 2018 and 2019 survey catches are a new low for Delta smelt, lower even than the 2017 survey catch and the lowest in the 1995-2019 survey period,” said Cannon. “The outlook for the Delta smelt population remains grim after these lows. Despite good conditions in spring 2018 and 2019, the severely depressed number of adult spawners indicates a continuing weak potential for recovery,” Cannon concluded. The 8 surveys conducted by the CDFW this spring produced a total of only 13 Delta smelt. Survey #1 yielded 2 smelt, survey #2 produced 1 smelt, survey #3 yielded 0 smelt, survey #4 produced 7 smelt, survey #5 yielded 1 smelt, survey #6 produced 1 smelt, survey #7 yielded 1 smelt, and survey 8 yielded 0 smelt. While the water contractors blame the Delta smelt for restrictions on Delta pumping for San Joaquin Valley irrigators, findings published in the journal San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science in March 2019 reveal that water exports from the South Delta were limited by infrastructure and water quality concerns far more often than protections for endangered species. According to the article, during the 2010-2018 study period, 89% of Central Valley water flowing into San Francisco Bay was the result of salinity control and infrastructure constraints on water exports compared to less than 1.5% caused by endangered species act safeguards specific to protection of Delta smelt from entrainment in the export pumps. "Safeguards for the San Francisco Bay estuary's six endangered fish species led to relatively small increases in freshwater flow to the Bay," said Greg Reis, staff scientist for The Bay Institute and lead author of the research article. "In two of the nine years, we studied, protections for Delta Smelt did not limit water exports for even a single day -- the effect on water supplies of protecting this unique species, which functions as an indicator of overall ecosystem health, is far less than what's commonly reported." “Despite water quality regulations that are intended to protect fisheries and wildlife populations in general, and endangered species act protections for the most imperiled fishes, the proportion of Central Valley river flows that make it all the way to San Francisco Bay has been declining for decades," said Dr. Jonathan Rosenfield, Senior Scientist at San Francisco Baykeeper and co-author of this study. "Currently, Californians divert, on average, about 1/2 of the ecologically critical winter-spring runoff that would otherwise flow into San Francisco Bay, and the fish, wildlife, and water quality that rely on this water are suffering as a result." The prospects for the survival of Delta smelt, imperiled salmon and other fish species are grim unless the state and federal governments allow more quality water to flow into the San Francisco Bay-Delta ecosystem at critical times. As Jennings said, "We know what fish need. Fish prosper when they have adequate flows and quality water. They suffer when they don’t. The question is how do we get them to survive on less water of poorer quality than they evolved with for thousands of years. The answer appears to be they can’t.” ”Delta Smelt are the thread that ties the Delta together with the river system,” summed up Caleen Sisk, Chief of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe. “We all should understand how that effects all the water systems in the state. They are the irreplaceable thread that wholes the delta system together with Chinook.”
These are the headlines that dominated the cannabis industry in 2019 -- what can we expect in 2020? January 1, 2020 6 min read This story originally appeared on MJBizDaily The U.S. cannabis industry experienced some momentous moves forward on the legalization front in 2019, but it also faced significant obstacles that reflected how the licensed marijuana sector is continuing to mature and why it cannot always expect boom times and unfettered growth. The top page views of the year at Marijuana Business Daily show the industry’s interest in both sides of the coin. Among the most viewed stories of the year were those that focused on: The vaping health scare. Illinois’ historic move as it became the first state in the country to legalize retail sales through its Legislature and the 11th overall to approve adult use. A key U.S. House committee’s approval of the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. California marijuana business headwinds such as those surrounding the illicit market and ongoing licensing barriers. What follows is a rundown of MJBizDaily’s top stories of the year, as determined by the number of page views on the U.S. site. RELATED: 20 Bold Predictions For The Cannabis Industry In 2020 1. Colorado’s Largest Cannabis Grower Loses Millions Of Dollars In Early Freeze: Supply Disruption Expected Los Sueños Farms, which is based in Pueblo, Colorado -- and is the largest marijuana cultivator in the state -- revealed in October that it lost millions of dollars because of an early winter storm. The industry braced for ripples throughout the cannabis supply chain in the state, reducing the amount of marijuana available to retailers and processors -- and meaning higher wholesale cannabis prices. By December, however, Los Sueños’ owner reported the outdoor harvest was still better than 2018, and the company had ample material for the extraction market. The grower estimated it lost roughly $7 million from the freeze. 2. U.S. House Panel Passes Federal Cannabis Legalization Bill In Historic Vote The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act of 2019 passed a vote by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee in November. If adopted into law, the measure could open up huge business opportunities for legal marijuana nationwide, similar to the federal legalization of hemp. If the MORE Act does pass the full House in the 2020 election year, it still faces the huge obstacle represented by the Republican-controlled Senate. 3. UPS Sues California Cannabis Delivery Companies For Infringing On Trademark Underlining why putting a moniker on a cannabis business isn’t as easy as it sounds, Atlanta-based United Parcel Service accused a group of California marijuana businesses -- United Pot Smokers, UPS420 and THCPlant -- of using names and logos that are “confusingly similar” to the package-delivery giant’s name and shield logo. UPS also said the alleged infringement hurts its reputation through association with a marijuana company and further claimed the defendants have a reputation for offering “sham services” under the UPS mark and shield logo. RELATED: 3 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Vaping Industry 4. Deaths, Illnesses Related To Vaping Cannabis On The Rise, Health Authorities Say Concerns over marijuana vaping-related fatalities and illnesses began to dominate headlines in earnest in September as U.S. health officials urged people to stop vaping until it was determined why some consumers were coming down with serious breathing illnesses. Now at the end of 2019, the worst days of the vaping crisis appear to be behind the legal cannabis industry as evidence mounted that products from the illicit market were mainly to blame. The cannabis industry went on the offensive this year as marijuana businesses pushed to educate consumers about the importance of buying from the legal market. 5. Cannabis Industry Insiders Brace For Potential Fallout As Health Officials Report New Vaping Deaths As news of the vape health crisis and related deaths spread, some in the cannabis industry expected at least a temporary drop in sales for products such as disposable vape cartridges, and that did come to pass. The vape crisis hurt business in all recreational cannabis markets in the United States. And while vape sales moved up toward the end of the year in major markets, most have not yet fully recovered to where they were before. 6. 400-Plus California Marijuana Business Licenses Suspended, Injecting Fresh Uncertainty Into State’s Cannabis Industry In 2020, the legal marijuana business in California is likely to get worse before it gets better. And that’s after an already challenging 2019. For example, California suspended more than 400 marijuana business permits in November, which affected roughly 5 percent of the state’s legal cannabis supply chain. Marijuana businesses from retailers to distributors were affected and had to cease all sales until their licenses were reinstated to “active” status. Later in the month, however, industry observers said California’s licensed marijuana supply chain likely wouldn’t see huge effects from the permit suspensions, because many of the cannabis companies involved weren’t operational or were canceled business ventures. RELATED: The 10 Biggest Cannabis Stories Of 2019 7. Legal Cannabis Gifts Lead To New Business Practice In Michigan In January, a legal loophole in Michigan was pointed out that allowed individuals to give away cannabis free of charge. That led to a new business model by some companies in which they sold products such as non-infused candy or art and added a free bit of marijuana as a “gift.” Some entrepreneurs might have gotten the idea from Washington DC, where recreational cannabis is legal but sales are still prohibited and where gifting popped up as a way to sidestep the sales ban. 8. California Governor To Send National Guard To Combat Illegal Marijuana Growers California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an order in February that redeployed 360 National Guard troops from the U.S.-Mexico border to three other state-specific assignments. The move was welcomed by the state’s legal marijuana growers, which have long struggled against a thriving illicit market. 9. In Landmark Move, Illinois Lawmakers Approve Adult-Use Cannabis Program That Could Hit $2 Billion In Sales Illinois made the historic move in May of becoming the first state to legalize adult-use marijuana cultivation and sales through its Legislature. The announcement was cheered by the cannabis industry as it potentially created of one of the nation’s largest adult-use marijuana markets offering massive business opportunities. Marijuana Business Daily estimates the Illinois recreational market could eventually hit $2.5 billion a year in sales. 10. Marijuana Wholesale Prices On The Rise In Mature Recreational Markets As of August, wholesale cannabis prices looked to be going up in the recreational cannabis markets in Colorado, Oregon and Washington state, according to two reports and insights from growers. The upward price trend seemed related to stronger demand and weaker supply, growers going out of business and some farmers pivoting to hemp. To stay up to date on the latest marijuana-related news make sure to like Marijuana Business Daily on Facebook
By Donald Gilpin With overcrowding and increasing enrollments throughout the district, the Princeton Public Schools (PPS) have been looking for room to grow and paying attention to the changing plans of their neighbor just across Walnut Lane, the Westminster Choir College campus of Rider University. When Rider University recently announced plans to close the Westminster site in Princeton and relocate the school to its Lawrenceville campus, protests ensued, and two pending lawsuit may prevent the University from moving the school. At last month’s PPS Board of Education (BOE) meeting, Superintendent Steve Cochrane cited growth projections of several hundred students for the district over the next five years and emphasized the challenges of managing and finding space for that growth. “We need to plan for that growth in ways that consider numerous factors, including facility and play area expansion, land use throughout the community, sustainability, potential redistricting, educational vision, and, of course, affordability and diversity,” he said. Speaking specifically about the possible availability of the property currently occupied by Westminster, Cochrane continued, “As stewards for the Princeton Public Schools, we have a responsibility to be prepared for that possibility and for the implications of having potentially 23 acres of land become available immediately next door to our middle school and high school. Consequently, we have been doing our homework.” Cochrane stated that the PPS and Rider, with their lawyers, have had several “fact-finding” conversations over the past six months “to gain a better sense of the legal issues relating to the property as well as the proposed move of the Choir College to Lawrenceville.” “The Choir College has been a great neighbor and partner to our schools for decades,” Cochrane continued. “We often share facilities, and for years students from the Choir College taught music at our middle school. If the Choir College were to remain in Princeton, we would be delighted to continue that partnership.” Cochrane noted that Rider currently intends to keep a portion of the property and buildings in Princeton for certain activities related to Westminster, including the Westminster Conservatory of Music, which educates more than 2,000 children and adults. Cochrane went on to explain that PPS will be undergoing an extensive community-wide planning process over the next six months, considering multiple scenarios. “What those scenarios will be, when the Board will decide, and the timeline for implementation of any single scenario is yet to be determined. As we move into community conversations about the future of our schools and of our town, the Westminster property, or some portion of it, will likely be discussed.” PPS Planning Emphasizing that the planning process had no preconceived outcomes, would generate multiple possibilities, and would involve the whole community, Cochrane reviewed three stages to take place between now and June 2020 in collaboration with the planning firm Milone & MacBroom (M&M). In the initial fact-finding stage, through January, M&M is reviewing enrollment projections, housing growth, the status of district facilities, building capacity, and educational programming. From the end of January through March, M&M will be developing various scenarios in collaboration with the Board, the community, and district professionals “to generate a vision for our schools, to prioritize needs, and to review preliminary alternatives for achieving our goals,” Cochrane said. From April to early June, the planners will narrow down the scenarios and provide a range of recommendations. Cochrane pointed out that there are three elements involved in the critical process of ongoing community engagement and input. A technical advisory committee, a kind of steering committee comprised of district professionals and community experts, will help the consultants navigate the complexities of the planning process. Their first meeting with M&M will be on Friday, January 10. With a goal of ensuring that all voices are heard — and that people are informed and engaged — a group of community liaisons will also be formed, representing a variety of stakeholders throughout the community. The third element of community engagement will be a series of interactive workshops, informational meetings, surveys, and focus groups. The first public forum will be held on Saturday, January 25, from 9 to 10:30 a.m., in the Princeton High School cafeteria. During that workshop, the M&M consultants will present their findings and impressions so far and engage the attendees to work together to establish goals and priorities.
Whenever you get hacked, it's a pretty terrifying experience - as I learnt when someone managed to get into my Deliveroo account to order a bottle of Malibu, a chicken and mushroom Pot Noodle, three bottles of Desperados, Haribo Tangastics, Hellmanns Light Mayonnaise (squeezy), Quorn mince and two pots of Quaker Oat So Simple to an address in Essex. But at least if someone gets into your bank account or social media platform, there won't be much money to steal, or many followers to embarrass you in front of. Sometimes it pays to be a broke nobody, right? Advert Sadly for Mariah Carey, however, she has 21.4 million followers on Twitter, meaning when she got hacked yesterday there was a little more at stake. The tweets have now been deleted, but because the internet is a savvy place, some clever sod managed to get some screenshots before they disappeared. Credit: Twitter One read: "Eminem has a little penis." Advert Another said: "Eminem can still hold this p***y." Credit: Twitter While a third included the 'N' word, which I won't repeat. Understandably, Carey (or more likely her 'people') decided to delete the tweets, later joking: "I take a freaking nap and this happens?" However, she didn't confirm whether or not she does believe Eminem has a little penis. While the singer's New Year's Eve was fairly dramatic, she's not exactly had a bad end to 2019, having managed to become the first person to score a no. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in four different decades. It probably goes without saying, but that's all thanks to her Christmas banger, 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', which gets wheeled out each and every festive season to get played pretty much everywhere, on repeat, for a solid month. .@MariahCarey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" is officially No. 1 on the #Hot100 for a third week. As this is the first chart of the 2020s, she becomes the first artist in history to rule the chart in four separate decades: 1990s, 2000s, 2010s & 2020s. - Billboard Charts (@billboardcharts) December 30, 2019 Carey celebrated by sharing the news on Twitter, writing excitedly: "Yaaaaaaaaay!!! WE. DID. IT. But... what's a decade?"
— A man was injured during an attempted robbery in the Bronx by a suspect armed with a screwdriver. 40-year-old Israel Gomez re-enacted the moment a robber attacked him inside his home. He says the suspect stabbed him in the chest so many times with a screwdriver, it punctured a hole in his jacket. It happened around 7:35 p.m. Saturday inside an apartment building near Briggs Avenue and East Kingsbridge Road in Fordham Manor. “He threw me to the floor under the table. He kept attacking me, trying to find my wallet,” Gomez said. Gomez says he was unlocking the front door to his apartment on Briggs Avenue Saturday evening when the attacker captured on surveillance video snuck up behind him. The suspect then allegedly pulled out the screwdriver and told the man to hand over money. “He told me he was going to kill me, but he never imagined that I was going to fight back. I myself didn’t think I was going to fight back,” Gomez said. Gomez says he managed to kick and even grabbed a bottle to smash against the suspect’s head. The intruder eventually ran away, dropping the victim’s wallet during his escape. Police say the victim suffered cuts to his hands and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Gomez’s roommate was also home and heard the minutes-long scuffle, but was too scared to intervene. He told CBS2 he was also the victim of a robbery years ago inside that same apartment. “I watch the news, they kill for one dollar. It’s terrible,” Leo Barbecho said. Gomez and his roommate say the experience has taught them to always watch out for who they let into the building. Anyone who has information regarding this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-8477 or for Spanish, 1-888-577-4782. Tips can also be sent to the NYPDTips Twitter account or submitted online at
BRONX, New York -- Law enforcement officials say they are investigating New York City's first homicide of the year in the Soundview section of the Bronx.The NYPD received a call on Wednesday that a 29-year-old man was unconscious with a gunshot wound to his neck and head in the Bronx River House on 174th Street, police said.Police say the man was discovered by a woman who is believed to be the man's girlfriend.Authorities say the man was pronounced dead at the scene. The identity of the man is unkown at this time.This story is developing and an investigation remains ongoing.Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).----------
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TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Three mountain lions found feeding on human remains near a popular Tucson hiking trail have been killed, Arizona authorities said Wednesday. They were not suspected of killing the person, but were determined to be a danger to the public because they showed no fear of officers trying to remove the remains, the Arizona Game and Fish Department said in a statement, according to the Arizona Daily Star. The area in the Coronado National Forest was closed for a day while officials attempted unsuccessfully to trap the mountain lions. The medical examiner will work to identify the name and cause of death for the person found Tuesday morning off the Pima Canyon Trail. The trail at the base of Mount Lemmon was reopened on Wednesday, ahead of a planned Jan. 14 re-opening, after authorities decided there was no danger to the public. Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
For some people, a bar might look like a fun way to spend a Friday night. For others, it could be a painful reminder of the darkest time of their life. Lee-Anne Richardson has been sober for six years. Since she quit drinking, she's found it difficult to find places to go and things to do that don't involve alcohol. So she decided to build a new resource — Sober City Halifax — to help other non-drinkers facing similar challenges. "Basically, it's a place for information on where to go, what to do when you're newly sober in Halifax," she told CBC's Mainstreet. Richardson, 36, said the site can be used by recovering alcoholics and newly sober people, as well as the "sober-curious" or people who are just taking a temporary break from drinking. She compiled a database of restaurants, cafés — even bars — that offer decent selections of non-alcoholic drinks and an atmosphere that's friendly for people who aren't drinking. I see you, newly sober person sitting in your families living room stressing out and wondering if you should just drink to avoid dealing with the bad feelings! You can make it through today and you can make it through tonight. You're stronger than you think. —@SoberCityHFX Richardson said it can be problematic for a recovering alcoholic to be in a place that reeks of beer or is full of rowdy drunk people — but they might feel like they have to put up with it if they want to keep hanging out with their friends. She said getting sober in a city like Halifax can be challenging. "Before I quit ... I said I can't get sober because I live in a port city, there's universities, everyone drinks. It's just part of our culture," she said. "It's so hard to be sober here. It's getting better, but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done." 'I'm never drinking again' A few years ago, Richardson said her life was controlled by alcohol. "I was homeless a couple of times, my self-esteem was non-existent, relationships were falling apart," she said. She still remembers the day she quit: March 2, 2014. She woke up at 2:30 in the afternoon after a night of drinking, fearful that her addiction might someday end her life. "There was something in me that felt different, and I knew right then that that's it: I'm never drinking again, and I'm gonna turn my life around," she said. "And I did." Since she quit drinking, Richardson said her life has greatly improved. She said even those who only drink socially could benefit from taking a break from booze. "I mean, you're no longer putting actual poison in your body," she said. "It's good for mental health as well. I found as soon as I quit — of course, I had counselling as well — but my anxiety disorder basically was drastically reduced, and almost cured within a few months of quitting." Richardson hopes Sober City Halifax will be a go-to resource for those who struggle to maintain both a sober lifestyle and a social life. She also wants to open up conversations in the restaurant industry about creating more options for people who don't drink. "Once they realize that there's quite a lot of sober people out here, and we have money, and we want to go out and have fun, then I can definitely see a lot more things opening up in the city for us," she said. MORE TOP STORIES
At last, it has started to feel a bit more like winter the past couple of days. We'll continue to see temperatures in the 30's for most of the day today, with highs approaching 40° by this afternoon. However, winds will remain breezy for most of the day, causing it to feel closer to 30°. Skies clear out by this morning, making for mostly sunny skies. After today, southerly winds kick in, bringing temperatures into the upper 40's. Clouds begin to build back in ahead of our next weather system that arrives Friday. That weather system brings rain on Friday and snow for Saturday. We're timing it all out on ABC21! Gabe Prough ABC21 Meteorologist Facebook: Gabe Prough Weather Twitter: @proughwx
VANCOUVER -- At the start of 2020, Vancouver will become the first city in the country to ban Styrofoam. The city says the ban will restrict businesses from serving prepared food and drinks in plastic foam cups and foam take-out containers. In November, the city launched a toolkit for businesses to help them prepare for a foam-ban bylaw. Most foam cups and takeout containers end up in the landfill, while remnants are often found in shoreline cleanups and littered throughout green spaces, the city said. "Styrofoam was developed in the 1940s as a lightweight simple plastic that retained heat and was easy to use and easy to store," said Ian Tostenson, president of the BC Restaurant Association. He said most restaurants are prepared for the new rules, which take effect Jan. 1. At the Babylon Café on Denman Street, owner Asalwan Fadhooli said the new packaging will cost him 30 per cent more, but that it's a small price to pay to keep environmentally-conscious customers happy. "It's not a big deal if I pay an extra 5 cents or 7 cents per box ... No problem," he said.
Share Tweet Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: Welcome to the first adventure of Soy Boy, probably the last, in which he makes a video condemning the trending hashtag #itsokaytobewhite. While I don’t think he meant it to be comedic, the video’s wild assumptions may give you a good laugh. Honestly, it’s like this guy is saying because you like oranges, you must like bananas – because after all, they are both fruit. Also, throw a pink elephant in the mix somehow too. It adds legitimacy to your argument. Seriously, check it out. I’m getting really tired of the self-deprecating white people This absolute soy boy is almost in tears over the #ItsOkayToBeWhite hashtag. — Ashley StClair 🇺🇸 (@stclairashley) December 31, 2019 🚨Poll: Are You Voting for Trump in 2020? To Vote Yes, Enter Your Email: Just remember white people, if you think it is okay to be white, then maybe you like the “power” of being white. Therefore, you are obviously a “sh*tty person”. I think my favorite part is the end, where he says “yes, it’s okay to be white. It’s okay to be anything” but it’s not okay to be part of the problem. As if the whole video WASN’T just about him ranting that people who think it’s okay to be white are part of the problem. I wonder if he’s related to this lady?
DETROIT – A 29-year-old man was rushed to a hospital after shots were fired into a Detroit home, police said. The shots were fired just after 6:30 p.m. on South Ethel Street near I-75. The front of the home was riddled with bullets. Police said nobody is in custody. Police are still investigating.
New New American Spot Highlands Debuts In Downtown DetroitA new bar and New American spot have opened its doors in the neighborhood. Located at 400 Renaissance Center, Floors 71 and 72, in Downtown, the fresh addition is called Highlands. Explore 5 Favorite Budget-Friendly Grocery Stores In DetroitLooking to try the best grocery stores in town? 4 Events To Check Out In Detroit This WeekLooking to mix things up this week? From a holiday party to a tech industry training, here's a roundup of options to help you get off the couch and out into the world. The Top 4 Bars For A Special Occasion In DetroitWondering where to find the best bars near you? Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the best high-end bars in Detroit. The 3 Best Dive Bars In DetroitLooking to try the best dive bars in town? Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the top dive bars in Detroit. Here's What To Do In Detroit This WeekFrom webinar to dance part, there's plenty to enjoy in Detroit this week. Read on for a rundown of ideas for how to fill your calendar.
KARACHI: A multi-storey residential building in Karachi’s Ranchore Lane area that collapsed suddenly on Monday was reportedly constructed on the foundation laid for only shops, ARY News reported. Talking to journalists, Salman Soomro, the plot’s owner, said that he had got constructed the shops on the land by a local builder around 15 years ago. Later, another builder had approached him and asked to sell the roof of the shops, he added. Soomro said that he had sold the roof to the builder, adding that the builder had erected a six-storey building on the roof of the shops. The plot owner maintained that he did not know about the material used in the structure of the building. Read More: Karachi building collapse: Building erected despite major structural flaws Earlier on December 23, a six-storey building, which was tilted down earlier in the day, had been raised after getting construction permit of ground plus one floor. According to the map, obtained by the ARY News, the builder had constructed the high-rise residential building in Ranchore Line by violating the laws of Sindh Building Control Authority. Sources had said that SBCA’s than assistant and deputy directors had raised questions over the building but the former DG SBCA had allowed the builder to construct the multi-storey building. Comments
news, local-news, A YOUNG Eyre Peninsula couple celebrated Christmas as millionaires after winning the $1 million division one prize in X Lotto. The couple held the only division one winning entry nationally in the Monday and Wednesday X Lotto draw which was drawn on December 23. An SA Lotteries official called the couple to inform them of their win, the woman answered the phone but interrupted the official to make sure her husband would get to hear the news at the same time. The woman said she only played sporadically and had marked her numbers at random. "They weren't special beforehand, but they definitely are now," she said. When asked how they planned to spend their life-changing windfall, the thrilled couple confessed they were looking forward to house-hunting in the new year. "We'll definitely be buying a house but after that we don't know," she said. "I don't think the news has really sunk in yet," the husband added. The couple who wish to remain anonymous, purchased their six-game marked entry online.
(MENAFN - Gulf Times) Evgeni Malkin scored twice and added an assist Monday as the Pittsburgh Penguins won their third straight, 5-2 over the visiting Ottawa Senators. The win was tempered by an apparent right arm injury to Pittsburgh's leading scorer, Jake Guentzel, who earlier in the day was named to the All-Star Game. On the same play he scored the Penguins' fifth goal, Guentzel got tangled with Ottawa's Thomas Chabot, crashed into the end boards and left the game. It was his 20th goal this season and his 200th career point. Guentzel had two assists earlier in the game. Patric Hornqvist had a goal and an assist, Dominik Simon scored, and Bryan Rust added two assists for Pittsburgh, which has won seven of its past eight and picked up its league-leading 16th home win. Penguins goalie Tristan Jarry made 24 saves to win his sixth straight start. Nick Paul scored both goals for Ottawa, which saw the end of its five-game point streak (2-0-3). Marcus Hogberg stopped 28 of 33 Penguins shots. Malkin opened the scoring 27 seconds into the first period. On a two-on-one, he beat Hogberg glove-side with a wrist shot from the left circle. Simon doubled the Penguins' lead at 11:44 of the first. Joseph Blandisi won a puck battle with Chabot along the left-wing boards and threw it to the slot. Simon, fending off Paul, scored on a backhander. At 4:21 of the second, Paul cut the deficit to 2-1. After a flurry of shots, Jarry was pulled to his left, leaving a big opening for Paul. Malkin struck again at 6:02 of the second, off a back-door play from Rust to restore the two-goal cushion. The Senators again made it a one-goal game at 15:58 of the second. Paul was near the crease to pounce on the rebound of a shot by Connor Brown. Pittsburgh answered 53 seconds later. Hornqvist — set up by John Marino after some nifty stickhandling, including a spin move — lifted a sharp-angle shot from the bottom of the left circle to make it 4-2. Malkin, deep in the Senators zone, set up Guentzel with a drop pass to make it 5-2 at 6:55 of the third. MENAFN3112201900670000ID1099494362
San Jose Sharks (17-21-3, eighth in the Pacific Division) vs. Pittsburgh Penguins (24-11-4, third in the Metropolitan Division) Pittsburgh; Thursday, 7 p.m. San Jose Sharks (17-21-3, eighth in the Pacific Division) vs. Pittsburgh Penguins (24-11-4, third in the Metropolitan Division) Pittsburgh; Thursday, 7 p.m. EST BOTTOM LINE: Pittsburgh hosts the San Jose Sharks after Evgeni Malkin scored two goals in the Penguins' 5-2 victory against the Senators. The Penguins have gone 16-4-2 in home games. Pittsburgh has scored 134 goals and ranks seventh in the NHL averaging 3.4 per game. Bryan Rust leads the team with 16. The Sharks are 6-10-2 in road games. San Jose averages 11.4 penalty minutes per game, the third-most in the league. Evander Kane leads the team serving 83 total minutes. The teams match up Thursday for the first time this season. TOP PERFORMERS: Malkin leads the Penguins with 27 assists and has recorded 38 points this season. Rust has totalled seven goals and eight assists over the last 10 games for Pittsburgh. Kane leads the Sharks with 14 goals and has recorded 28 points. Timo Meier has five goals and one assist over the last 10 games for San Jose. LAST 10 GAMES: Sharks: 2-7-1, averaging 2.2 goals, 3.6 assists, 4.4 penalties and 11.5 penalty minutes while allowing 2.7 goals per game with a .909 save percentage. Penguins: 8-2-0, averaging 3.7 goals, 6.8 assists, three penalties and 7.3 penalty minutes while giving up 2.5 goals per game with a .915 save percentage. INJURIES: Penguins: Justin Schultz: out (lower body). Sharks: Antti Suomela: out (upper body), Melker Karlsson: day to day (undisclosed). ___ The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar. The Associated Press
JUNEAU, Alaska — During her first year as Alaska Senate president, Cathy Giessel won over one-time political adversaries and angered some within her own party for her willingness to buck Gov. Mike Dunleavy, a fellow Republican, on key pieces of his agenda. Giessel’s ascension to the role just three other women have held coincided with Dunleavy’s 2018 election. She was among those who argued cuts proposed by the governor were too much, too fast, and that the formula he wanted to follow for paying checks to residents from the state’s oil-wealth fund, the Alaska Permanent Fund, was no longer workable. Tuckerman Babcock, a former state GOP chair and former Dunleavy chief of staff, said Giessel’s position on the dividend changed. “That’s one issue, and the other is, to be so publicly, adamantly at odds with the governor is just bizarre,” he said, noting he would not support her again. Giessel said as Senate leader, she’s an easy target. Rather than dictating views to her 14-member caucus, which includes a Democrat, Giessel said she gives them room to wrestle with issues to reach agreement, or not. Her caucus was sharply divided on the dividend last year, which she said reflected the electorate and divisions within her party. Giessel said the dividend has been one of the most divisive statewide issues she’s seen. It’s expected to be a major focus during the next legislative session, which begins Jan. 21. “But I do believe … we will, after all of this vigorous conversation, come to a good conclusion,” she said. In 2016, as she faced re-election, Giessel supported then-Sen. Dunleavy’s call to restore the portion of the dividend cut by Gov. Bill Walker as the state struggled with a budget deficit. Giessel recently said she felt the issue should not be decided by one person. Lawmakers had a chance to override Walker’s actions but didn’t. A legal challenge ultimately was decided in his favour. In 2018, lawmakers began tapping permanent fund earnings, long used to pay dividends, to help cover government costs. They also passed a law seeking to limit withdrawals from earnings for government and dividends. Dunleavy has supported using a decades-old dividend formula that many lawmakers see as unsustainable and haven’t followed in recent years. Giessel has called for a formula change. During her race, “I never said I supported these massive-sized PFDs,” she said, referring to the checks. “I supported a full legislative discussion of the subject and not just keeping the money in the earnings reserve account but actually using it to balance our budgets.” Lawmakers settled on a 2019 dividend that equaled $1,606. Under the formula, it would have been $2,910, according to the Department of Revenue. House Speaker Bryce Edgmon said his relationship with Giessel mainly consisted of passing hellos before she became Senate president but has blossomed into a friendship and trusted working relationship. He said she has come into her own as a leader. “She sticks to her values, her principles. In the face of flack by some in her own party, and maybe some Alaskans along the way, she didn’t flinch, and I really respected her for that,” said Edgmon, an independent. Giessel and Edgmon joined in challenging the administration in a dispute over school funding and Dunleavy’s pick of a special session location. Giessel was born in territorial Alaska, in Fairbanks, where she was raised, the oldest of four children. Her father was a pilot who often took her on trips to rural Alaska. Her mother went to law school after raising the family. Giessel wanted to study political science in college but said her mother urged her to study something “practical,” like nursing. Her mother also urged her to intern for then-U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, which she said she did. Giessel met her husband Richard in Michigan, where she attended college. After nursing school, when he suggested they marry, she told him he’d find her in Alaska, where they eventually settled. She put her nursing career on hold for 12 years to raise and homeschool their children, and later earned a master’s degree. Giessel has long been involved in Republican politics and served as a state GOP vice chair. After working on campaigns and wanting to make a difference with policy, she was elected to the Senate in 2010. For two years, she was part of a conservative, four-member minority. Oil and gas were hot topics, and she “made up her mind that she was going to know everything that there was to know about it,” said Republican Sen. John Coghill, who was in that caucus and is on the current GOP-led majority’s leadership team. “Man, oh man. She got hold of something and became a formidable force because of her tenaciousness,” he said. During her legislative career, Giessel has often attended hearings of committees she doesn’t serve on, taking notes, likening it to soaking up all she can in a classroom. Giessel became Senate Resources Committee chair in 2013, after Republicans wrested control of the Senate from a bipartisan majority. She said she wanted the job after seeing how North Slope communities she visited as a nurse had benefited from oil development. Senate Democratic Leader Tom Begich said Giessel once was a political adversary but last year said they expressed a desire to work together, in their leadership roles. The Anchorage Democrat said he and Giessel have different ideas but share the goal of a “stable, sustainable Alaska” with opportunities. “I have no doubt about that, and that makes it easy to work with her,” he said. Becky Bohrer, The Associated Press
RALEIGH — The federal judge who blocked the newest version of North Carolina’s voter identification law cited the state’s “sordid history of racial discrimination and voter suppression” as she ordered officials not to enforce the law in 2020. U.S. District Court Judge Loretta Biggs’ decision was released Tuesday and prevents North Carolina from requiring voters to provide identification starting in 2020. The Republican leaders of the state House and Senate, however, have asked North Carolina’s Department of Justice to appeal. The federal court advised last week that Biggs would formally block the photo ID requirement until a lawsuit filed by state NAACP and others is resolved. Her decision provided insight into why she blocked the law, which she said was similar to a 2013 law that a federal appeals court struck down in 2016. That court said the photo ID and other voter restrictions were approved with intentional racial discrimination in mind, and Biggs said the newest version of the law was no different in that respect. “North Carolina has a sordid history of racial discrimination and voter suppression stretching back to the time of slavery, through the era of Jim Crow, and, crucially, continuing up to the present day,” Biggs wrote. Legislators received a breakdown of voter behavior by race before passing the 2016 law and used that data to target African American voters, the court wrote in striking down that law. The defendants said there’s no evidence of similar behavior before the most recent voter ID law. But the same key lawmakers championed both bills, Biggs wrote. “ … they need not had racial data in hand to still have it in mind,” the ruling says. The approval of the new version, known as S.B. 824, was “procedurally unobjectional,” Biggs wrote. But its closeness in time to the previous version; the fact that many of the same legislators were involved in both bills; the use of “unconstitutionally gerrymandered maps” and other issues “indicate that something was amiss,” she wrote. The legislative history of the bill, including statements from its supporters, show that “rather than trying to cleanse the discriminatory taint” imbued in the previous voter ID law, lawmakers tried to circumvent state and federal courts, she wrote. The photo ID law would have been effective with the March 3 primary. But the requirement would have been put into motion sooner than that with mail-in absentee voters, who also would have had to provide an ID copy. The Rev. T. Anthony Spearman, president of the North Carolina conference of the NAACP, said he was “overjoyed” by Biggs’ decision. “Quite frankly, tears are coming to my eyes as I read the decision,” he said. Biggs’ “strong language is so appropriate” as the nation approaches the 2020 elections, Spearman said. “I hope it is something that will encourage people who have not exercised their right to vote to cast their votes,” he said. After losing one court battle over voter ID, Republicans put a question on the November 2018 ballot enshrining voter ID in the state constitution. The amendment passed with 55% of the vote. The legislature approved a separate law in December 2018 detailing how to implement that amendment. Legal challenges were filed almost immediately. GOP legislators said they had to enact an ID law because voters had approved one. But Biggs, who was appointed to the bench in 2014 by then-President Barack Obama, said the constitutional amendment was a cover for legislators that allowed them to present themselves as “faithful servants whose hands were tied.” The argument that lawmakers had to pass this particular bill falls short, she wrote. “While the legislature may had to pass some form of photo voter-ID law, it did not have to enact one which suffers from impermissible defects,” she wrote. The law did allow for more types of IDs to be used and allowed voters to get a free ID card or fill out a form explaining their “reasonable impediment” to obtaining one. But legislators rejected an amendment allowing the use of public assistance IDs, which Biggs described as “particularly suspect.” Republican legislators have urged the state DOJ to seek a stay of the temporary injunction, saying Biggs’ ruling was “inappropriate.” Their attorneys sent a letter Monday saying it’s “imperative that you seek a stay of Judge Biggs’ injunction immediately to avoid irreparable harm to the state.” A state DOJ spokeswoman didn’t respond to an email seeking comment on the lawmakers’ request.
A retired Florida lawyer and former judicial candidate has been disciplined by the Florida Supreme Court for making disparaging comments on social media about Muslims and the LGBTQ community. The court, which handles discipline against lawyers and judges, handed Donald McBath a 91-day suspension from practicing law, according to the Florida Bar, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The Bar documented 15 comments that McBath made on Facebook or Twitter, including anti-Muslim remarks (“never trust a Muslim”), homophobic remarks (“Abstain, if you really have that mental illness. It’s not love”), comments against abortion, and comments supportive of President Donald Trump’s travel ban (“They’re leaches on our system.”) The Bar also noted McBath's Twitter profile stated: “100% Trump supporter #MAGA; #KAG; proud DEPLORABLE; Pro-God; Christian; Pro-Life; Pro-Gun; Anti-Sharia; Constitutional Conservative; Former Major US Army.” McBath ran for judge last year in the Sixth Judicial Circuit, which comprises Pinellas and Pasco counties. He lost in the primary to former prosecutor Doneene Loar. During his candidacy, McBath told the newspaper the comments were his, but said they wouldn’t prevent him from treating a Muslim or LGBTQ citizen fairly if one appeared before him as a judge.
ORANGE CITY, Fla. — Last year was a record-setting year in Florida for manatee watercraft deaths . According to the Save the Manatee Club, 130 manatees were killed by boats last year. Here are some do's and don'ts when it comes to boating with manatees: Hot spots: According to researchers, Lee County had the highest number of manatee deaths in 2019 due to boats, with 25 manatees killed. Brevard County was close behind with 15, followed by Volusia County with 12. Habitat loss: Researchers think habitat loss and seagrass loss could be partially to blame. “They are migrating into new areas that they might not be as familiar with, and boaters might not be as familiar with seeing manatees in those areas, which can then lead to more collisions between manatees and boaters,” Save the Manatee Club researcher Cora Berchem tells us. Reasons for boat hits: Berchem thinks more boaters on the water and manatees being taken off the Endangered Species List are factors in the rise of manatee deaths. Prevention: To prevent the record from being broken again in 2020, Berchem suggests that boaters drive slowly, wear polarized sunglasses, and look for manatee snouts and "footprints." “A 'footprint' is a circular pattern on the top of the water that the manatee will make when it swims, so if you see a 'footprint' or a manatee snout coming up for air, that is a good indication that there are manatees in the area,” Berchem says. What to do: If you do accidentally strike a manatee while boating, or you see a sick or injured manatee, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission urges you report it to its 24-hour hotline at 1-888-404-3922. FWC will dispatch someone out to the animal to help.
Hayman Island Resort, Funnel Bay and Cruise Whitsunday's Reef Suites were among the 24 developments that drew the most investment. Images: Monique Preston, Supplied. Hayman Island Resort, Funnel Bay and Cruise Whitsunday's Reef Suites were among the 24 developments that drew the most investment. Images: Monique Preston, Supplied. THE region has seen plenty of exciting developments with many more promised for new year, and behind big projects is big money. LAST year saw the much-awaited reopening of Daydream and Hayman islands, the reveal of the refreshed Airlie Beach Foreshore and the upgrade of the Whitsunday Coast Regional Airport. This year even more developments are set to begin including the Funnel Bay development and the Shute Harbour restoration. For those interested in the numbers behind these projects, here's a list of the top 24 completed, planned and in progress developments that drew the most investment in the Whitsundays. Data is accurate as at October 1, 2019. 1. Hamilton Island (over 10 years): $750,000,000 (in progress) 2. Daydream Island Resort: $140,000,000 (completed) 3. Hayman Island Resort: $135,000,000 (completed) 4. Shute Harbour restoration: $50,000,000 (due for completion early 2021) 5. Funnel Bay development: $50,000,000 (due to commence construction) 6. Whitsunday Coast Airport: $40,000,000 (completed) 7. Proserpine Entertainment Centre: $10,700,000 (funding signed off) 8. Cruise Whitsundays Reef Suites: $8,000,000 (completed) 9. Airlie Beach Hotel: $7,000,000 (completed) 10. Airlie Beach Foreshore: $6,300,000 (completed) 11. Beautiful Bowen project: $5,000,000 (stage 1 completed) 12. Pavillion Arcade: $4,300,000 (in progress) 13. Hook Island Eco Retreat: $4,000,000 (in progress) 14. Proserpine main street arcade: $3,600,000 (in progress) 15. Lake Proserpine recreation hub: $3,000,000 (in progress) 16. Hill Inlet upgrade and expansion: $2,000,000 (in progress) 17. Heart Reef Island: $2,000,000 (completed) 18. Proserpine Water Park: $1,700,000 (completed) 19. 74 Taphouse and Eatery and Whitsunday Islands Brewing Company: $1,000,000 (completed) 20. Camp Island: $1,000,000 (completed) 21. Flagstaff Hill Interpretive Centre: $1,000,000 (in progress) 22. Indigenous Bush Tucker Trail and Paddock to Plate venue, Flagstaff Hill: $1,000,000 (in progress) 23. Reef Ecologic underwater sculptures: $971,610 (in progress) 24. Palm Bay refurbishment: $750,000 (completed)
Tagging 2020 as the ‘year of Revival and New Glory, Olukoya urged Nigerians to pray because the year would be messy and confusing. Read Also: Pastor Tackles MFM’s Olukoya Over Christmas ‘Unbiblical’ Comment Here are the prophecies below: ”1. 2020 is a year where disobedience to God would yield terrible result that no deliverance can reverse. 2. More than any other year the enemy plans to bring the dog spirit (strange sexual perversions). 3. Year where round the clock prayers are needed against national restlessness. 4. This year impatience would lure many Into strange marriages. 5. A year not only to take back what the enemy has stolen but for you to occupy new territories. 6. Hot prayers are required in 2020. 7. This year would be messy and confusing. 8. Year when some many leaders would be shifted away. 9. A year where all things many have planted and watered in the past years would now begin to produce fruits. 10. Year where many who have endured season of darkness and delay would sing their song and dance their dance. 11. Year of returns of long time prodigals. ALSO READ: Oluwo of Iwo announces separation from his wife, Chanel Chin 12. Year we must return to our accient landmark ( holiness and righteousness. 13. Year of perfection for vision. 14. Year of positive and negative harvest. 15. Extra ordinary and sacrificial giving would yield powerful result this year. 16. 2020 would be an up and down year. 17. Year that the Lord shall tear in pieces kingdom of those boasting against him. 18. Season where that which that has delayed the blessing of God’s children shall be dashed to pieces. 19. Resurrection power would bring back dry bones. 20. The lord would bring fresh start for a lot of people. 21. The lord would bring fresh start for a lot of people. 22. Year for rewriting negative family history. 23. Year of aggressive prayers against voices from foundation. 24. Year of unbelievable answers to prayers. 25. Year of it can only be God testimonies. 26. Year where many captives would divorce their chains. 27. Year for consistently deploying the blood of Jesus. 28. Year when the Lord shall dash to pieces kingdom of evil rulers. 29. Many families shall climb to a new height of victory. 30. Year when sins must be more sensitive to heaven frequencies. 31. Food supplies from the kingdom of herod shall be cut off.”
A couple times a year, some “new report” makes the rounds on social media alerting us all to the fact that—ick, yuck, shudder—something or other has “more germs than a toilet seat.” This is apparently primo would-be-viral content, to judge by how often those headlines come up. Ew, gross, right? You shudder, cringe, comment about hygiene practices … and then move on because what are you actually going to do about the fact that [the thing you can’t avoid touching] has cooties? Here’s what becomes clear after a few rounds of this: Every damn thing has more germs than a toilet seat—and one surprising reason may be that toilet seats actually aren’t that dirty, perhaps because people think they’re so dirty that they get cleaned a lot. The dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat list includes cell phones, steering wheels, shopping carts, restaurant menus, and restaurant high chairs. It includes just about everything in the kitchen, starting with your sponges and cleaning cloths and going on to your cutting board and faucet. All of which are positively teeming with germs. Your clean laundry? Maybe not so clean. In public, add on money, ATMs, elevator buttons, door handles, and … you know what? If a lot of people touch it, it is extremely dirty. In short, guys, maybe this is not something to get so worked up about. Wash your hands, keep your possessions clean, and don’t click through to find out the shocking truth about TV remotes.
nope. once you establish the habit of not eating crap like ice cream and so on, it's very easy not to eat it. the major problem a lot of people have is, they have absolutely no control over what habits they pick up. they want one thing, and their a ss wants another, and their a ss wins that fight. basically their brain is being controlled by their a ss. it's very sad.
The transfer window is open and Chelsea need to dip into that £150m budget on the evidence of this incoherent performance. Frank Lampard spent the majority of a scrappy contest bemoaning his young team’s lack of conviction in the final third and they ended up learning a harsh lesson, conceding a late equaliser when Alireza Jahanbakhsh came off the bench to rescue a draw for Brighton & Hove Albion with an astonishing bicycle kick. Chelsea were ragged in the end and Brighton could even have snatched an unlikely win, only for Kepa Arrizabalaga to make a vital save from Neal Maupay’s low drive. Lampard could only watch with a concerned expression on his face as Brighton’s spirited comeback gathered pace. It was poor from Chelsea given their earlier dominance and another bland attacking display will surely convince the Stamford Bridge club to take advantage of their transfer ban being lifted this month. Newcastle United v Leicester City: Premier League – live! Read more It had all looked so promising during the first 20 minutes. Chelsea were back to 4-2-3-1 after ditching their 3-4-3 system 34 minutes into their victory over Arsenal and they took control from the start, bossing possession and threatening down the flanks. It was an attacking line-up from Lampard, with Mason Mount’s movement in the No 10 role causing problems for Brighton, and the inclusion of Reece James at right-back gave Chelsea an extra option in attacking positions. There is an adventurousness to James and the opening goal arrived when the 19-year-old, who had made a surprisingly quick recovery from an ankle injury, charged forward to win a corner. Willian’s delivery was lifted high to the far post, where Kurt Zouma was able to rise unchallenged and head back into the middle for Tammy Abraham to shoot from close range. Aaron Mooy blocked on the line and the ball broke to César Azpilicueta, onside and free to turn in his third goal of the season. Facebook Twitter Pinterest César Azpilicueta taps in from close range to give Chelsea an early lead at Brighton. Photograph: Glyn Kirk/AFP via Getty Images At that stage, with Brighton struggling to make their midfield diamond work, Chelsea could hardly have been more comfortable. But perhaps it was too easy. Complacency set in and there were flashes of frustration from Lampard as the dynamic started to shift. He wanted his forwards to show more conviction and he grew irritable on the touchline, turning away in disgust when Tammy Abraham wasted a decent opportunity in the 28th minute. Abraham shot when he could have released Willian, who was unmarked to his right, and it is precisely that kind of raw decision-making that Lampard will take into consideration when he devises his transfer plans this month. Too many of Chelsea’s attacks were breaking down in careless fashion and Brighton almost made them pay shortly before half-time, Neal Maupay scurrying down the left and teeing up Leandro Trossard to test Kepa with a curling effort. Kepa saved and Martin Montoya blazed the rebound wide. Jack Grealish inspires Villa to victory at Burnley after latest VAR controversy Read more Brighton, who lost Dan Burn when the left-back suffered a shoulder injury during an aerial collision with James, were gaining belief. Graham Potter had tweaked his side’s approach midway through the first half, jettisoning the diamond and matching Chelsea’s system, and he made another alteration during the interval, removing Yves Bissouma and bolstering his attack with the introduction of Aaron Connolly. The change meant Brighton were using a 4-4-2 and the game became frantic. Potter had thrown caution to the wind, a risky move bearing in mind Chelsea’s speed on the counterattack, but the visitors were unable to capitalise. Christian Pulisic’s incursions from the left ended in disappointment and Lampard opted for a more conservative approach in the closing stages, replacing Mount with Mateo Kovacic. Brighton were pressing hard, almost equalising when Connolly brought the best out of Kepa, and they finally made the breakthrough when Lewis Dunk’s header looped to Jahanbakhsh. The Iranian winger, surprisingly named on the bench after ending ended his long wait for a goal for the club against Bournemouth last weekend, leapt through the air and sent the ball soaring into the net with an incredible exhibiton of technique and athleticism.
Alireza Jahanbakhsh scored with a spectacular overhead kick to stun Chelsea and earn Brighton an unlikely point at the Amex Stadium. The Seagulls were poor for most of the match and looked set for defeat before the Iranian substitute, who scored his first goal for the club on Saturday, brought the home support to their feet in the 84th minute with an early contender for goal of the month, BBC Sport reported. Cesar Azpilicueta gave Chelsea the lead with his third of the season when he fired in from close range after Tammy Abraham's shot was blocked by Aaron Mooy. Brighton's attacking threat was largely nullified by Chelsea's defense, although aside from the goals it produced the clearest chances – both thwarted by the brilliance of keeper Kepa Arrizabalaga. The Spaniard produced a one-handed stop to deny Aaron Connolly and then saved Neal Maupay's low drive with his feet. Jahanbakhsh steals headlines again Tears of joy to a look of disbelief – what a week it has been for Jahanbakhsh. A lack of first-team opportunities had frustrated the Iranian since he made a £17-million move from AZ Alkmaar in July 2018, so the outpouring of emotion when he opened his Brighton account against Bournemouth last weekend came as no surprise. Manager Graham Potter did not reward the 26-year-old winger with another start, but having watched his other attackers fail to make much of a dent in the Chelsea defense he threw on Jahanbakhsh in the 68th minute. Connolly came close to beating Arrizabalaga with a low drive before Jahanbakhsh tried the more unconventional method and, with his back to goal, he found the Chelsea bottom right with a superb acrobatic effort. Big blow for Blues This result is another setback for Frank Lampard and his side, which looked assured of an eighth league win on the road this season. Prior to Jahanbakhsh's goal his defense had suffocated Brighton's attack. Having been accused of being sloppy at times this season, Kurt Zouma, Antonio Rudiger, Reece James and skipper Azpilicueta were at their dogged best – rarely allowing an opposition ball to find its way into the six-yard area. Youth graduate James shone the brightest, and manager Lampard has a potential diamond. Aside from providing support for his center-backs, the 20-year-old was exceptional as an attacking force down the right. Brighton's Dan Burn will not want to face him too soon having left the pitch holding his arm in the 22nd minute following a collision with the England under-21 player. The Blues, however, were as poor as Brighton in attack, and keeper Mat Ryan had less to do than his opposite number. The only time he was called into action in the second half was to make a routine low save from Christian Pulisic.
It will be a warm to hot day across the country on Thursday, with some cities hitting the 30°C mark, according to the South African Weather Service. Warnings Extremely high fire danger conditions expected over the central interior of the Northern Cape. Special weather advisories Hot and humid weather will result in extremely uncomfortable conditions over the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Lowveld, the Limpopo Valley and the south-western Bushveld tomorrow. The weather in your region It will be fine at first in Gauteng, otherwise partly cloudy and warm with isolated showers and thundershowers are expected. The UVB sunburn index will be moderate. Mpumalanga will be cloudy at first with morning fog along the escarpment. Otherwise, it will be partly cloudy and warm with isolated afternoon showers and thundershowers, except in places in the Lowveld where it will be extremely hot. It will be cloudy in the morning in Limpopo,with morning fog along the escarpment. Otherwise, it will be partly cloudy and hot but very hot in the Limpopo Valley and the south-western Bushveld. Isolated showers and thundershowers are expected over the southern and central parts. The North West will be partly cloudy and warm to hot with isolated showers and thundershowers. It will be fine and warm to hot in the Free State, becoming partly cloudy with isolated showers and thundershowers, except in the southwest. The Northern Cape will be foggy at first along the coast. Otherwise, it will be fine and cool but warm to hot over the interior, becoming partly cloudy in the northeast with isolated showers and thundershowers. It will be very hot in some places in the north. The wind along the coast will be strong southerly to southwesterly. It will be foggy along the coast and adjacent interior in the morning in the Western Cape. Otherwise, it will be fine and warm but partly cloudy and cool along the south coast. The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh southerly to southeasterly but easterly along the south coast. The expected UVB sunburn index will be very high. The western part of the Eastern Cape will be cloudy, becoming fine and hot but partly cloudy and warm along the coast and adjacent interior. The wind along the coast will be light to moderate northeasterly, becoming moderate to fresh south-easterly from late morning. The eastern half of the Eastern Cape will be cloudy, becoming partly cloudy and warm with isolated showers and thundershowers but scattered in the northeast. It will remain cloudy with rain along the coast and adjacent interior. The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh northeasterly, becoming strong south of East London from late morning. In KwaZulu-Natal, it will be partly cloudy to cloudy and warm but hot in places in the north with isolated showers and thundershowers. The wind along the coast will be light to moderate south-easterly to easterly becoming north-easterly in the afternoon. The expected UVB sunburn index will be high. - Compiled by Adiel Ismail Click here to see the specific forecast for your city over the next few days
Chennai, Jan 2 (IANS) The process of counting of votes polled in the two-phased rural local bodies held on December 27 and 30 in Tamil Nadu began on Thursday morning. Tight security has been deployed at the 315 counting centres across the state. The elections for the rural local bodies were held in two phases in 27 districts, barring the nine newly carved ones in line with the apex court's order. The ballot papers in four different colours were used in the poll instead of the electronic voting machines (EVM). Before counting the votes the ballot papers were being segregated based on their colours. According to the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission (TNSEC) the first phase saw polling of 76.19 per cent, and the second phase saw 77.73 per cent. Over 2.31 lakh contested the polls for 91,975 posts. The posts include: Gram Panchayat Ward member, Gram Panchayat President, Panchayat Union ward member and District Panchayat Union Ward member posts. vj/dpb
To catch up on all the MAFS 2020 recaps and gossip, check out The Twins recaps and visit our MAFS hub page. And sign up for our Recaps newsletter to get them straight into your inbox. Look. Australian TV is about to hit a new low, as we watch a man named David use his (fake) wife Hayley’s toothbrush to clean up poo in a toilet bowl. Then, despite this act being filmed, and with many producers, ‘experts’ and crew knowing what happened, Hayley then uses said pooey toothbrush for a rumoured five days with absolutely no one stepping in to stop her. The whole debacle is gross, humiliating and unethical, but this should not come as a surprise. Each year, MAFS gets more hectic. And each year, more and more people apply to be on it. The MAFS experts have a lot to answer for. Post continues below video. Video via Mamamia If you’re keen on joining an experiment that 1. doesn’t work and 2. will not stop you from brushing your teeth with a sh*tty toothbrush, you’re in luck. Applications for the next season of MAFS are open, stating: “Married At First Sight is searching for men and women of all ages and backgrounds who are genuinely committed to finding love. This groundbreaking social experiment uses science and psychology to help Australian singles meet their perfect partner.” There are many problems with this, namely that no one on the show is there to find love and the so-called ‘science’ is… flawed. ANYWAY. I don’t want to brush my teeth with a pooey toothbrush but… curiosity got the better of me. I also fancy myself throwing a fruit bowl or two. So look. I applied. Yes, I’m ashamed, embarrassed, scared etc. If you’re also thinking about it (why?) and wonder what it takes to build a profile that will hopefully lead you to teeth whitening endorsement deals and at least one trip to the Logies red carpet, here’s what to expect from the application process. To complete the rest of the application, you must agree to sell your soul, both your kidneys and guardianship of your firstborn child by answering a series of invasive questions:
To catch up on all the MAFS 2020 recaps and gossip, check out The Twins recaps and visit our MAFS hub page. And sign up for our Recaps newsletter to get them straight into your inbox. No. This experiment has been going for five thousand days now, and Michael has an epiphany to share with all of us. When Stacey wakes up with perfectly blended eyeshadow but also winged eyeliner and lipstick with some highlighter on the tip of her nose and just generally where the light hits and also a dash of blush that’s not actually how she looks naturally do you understand. He shakes his head furiously as he comes to terms with all the times Stacey must have gotten out of bed and put makeup on only to get back into bed and SIR THE WOMAN WAS WEARING LIP LINER HOW DID THIS TAKE YOU NEARLY TWO MONTHS. But Michael is beginning to learn something else, too. “Have you ever had a job?” he asks Stacey, to which she mumbles something about retail and we would never want to pry but Ma’am… how do you pay for things? "At least I've been employed before," she says smugly and sweetie you're an adult woman who has two children and a law degree we're so confused. Michael jokes that they could fit her CV on a post-it note which feels rude but they both have a good laugh so it looks like it's play on. In Newcastle, Lizzie is taking Seb to visit her family so that they can ask him about his property portfolio/how much money he has exactly/what's his pin number etc. Seb says he's a construction worker and personal trainer but before he can finish Lizzie's mum interjects "THAT DOESN'T PAY WELL" and with all due respect like how do you even know??
Selena Gomez looked edgy & fabulous when she rocked a deep burgundy lip, front bangs & massive hoops while promoting her new album, “RARE,” in NYC on Jan. 14. Selena Gomez, 27, has been slaying her style lately while promoting her new album, “RARE,” and her latest look may just be one of our favorites. Sels headed to the PUMA flagship store in New York City on January 14 when she looked edgy and sexy with a dramatic face of makeup. Selena threw her brown hair back into a high messy ponytail, done by hairstylist Marissa Marino, showcasing new long and voluminous front bangs that covered her forehead and sides of her face. She topped her look off with a deep burgundy lip and a dark black smokey eye. While we loved her glam, it was her pair of huge white Fenty Noodle Hoop Earrings that stole the show, as they made her makeup pop. As for her outfit, Sels rocked an oversized gray button-down Toteme Houndstooth Boxy-Fit Shirt with a pair of matching baggy Toteme Houndstooth Straight-Leg Trousers. On top of her matching set, Selena rocked a long white knee-length Everlane Sleeping Bag Puffer Coat, which she chose to keep unzipped. A gold Cartier Santos De Cartier Necklace and a pair of Puma Rs x Sneaker Reinvent shoes completed her edgy, athleisure look. Lately, Selena has been switching up her entire look. From her glam to her style – Sels has been opting for edgier outfits and more dramatic glam, and it’s seriously working for her. One trend that Selena has been loving lately is a retro, vintage-inspired style and aside from her dark brown ’90s lip at the PUMA party, she just rocked a sexy ’60s style hairstyle. Sels rocked a half-up hairdo, done by hairstylist, Marissa Marino, when she was the special guest on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, in NYC on Jan. 13. The ends of her hair were flipped up, while her front bangs were swept to the side. A stunning thick black cat eyeliner, done by makeup artist, Hung Vanngo, tied her entire look together. We have been loving all of Selena’s “RARE” press tour looks and you can click through the gallery above to see all of her gorgeous looks.
A certain four letter word slipped out of Selena Gomez’s mouth on ‘The Tonight Show,’ which even caught the singer by surprise! You would swear, too, if you had to play the same terrifying game Selena was forced to. It’s late night show protocol to not swear on television (or at least, try avoid to), a rule that Selena Gomez just broke! The 27-year-old singer had good reason to, though, on the Jan. 13 episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon — she was attacked by a stuffed animal. Okay, let’s backup: Selena was competing against host Jimmy Fallon, 45, in a game of Can You Feel It? As the name suggests, Selena and Jimmy were forced to touch not exactly pleasant objects (and organisms) in a glass box and take wild guesses at what they were probing. It wasn’t the wet shower drain hair or LIVE mealworms that made Selena scream a word that wasn’t PG-friendly. That honor went to a toy bear that suddenly transformed into an evil puppet, which tried to “bite” Selena’s hand! “I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE F–K,” Selena exclaimed, after incorrectly guessing the mystery item was her dog. Immediately realizing what she just said, Selena clutched her mouth, and later couldn’t stop apologizing: “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry!” No need to be sorry, Selena. After Selena and Jimmy properly sanitized their hands, the discussion moved on to Selena’s new album, Rare, once she sat down for her interview with Jimmy. It turns out that “maybe there’s a few things” that didn’t make the cut for the final track list, including a song called “Boyfriend.” But the song won’t be stuck in Selena’s computer! “I can’t wait for people to hear that one,” Selena gushed, confirming that the song will one day make its public debut, after an unreleased track originally called “I Want a Boyfriend” was teased in Selena’s Jan. 2020 profile for Wall Street Journal. Even while playing with mealworms, Selena still managed to look absolutely fabulous. She paid tribute to the ’60s with her flippy half-up, half-down hairdo, flirty fringe and cat eye, the same hairstyle the singer wore as she later headed to Nobu in New York City after taping The Tonight Show. However, she moved onto the next decade — the groovy ’70s — by changing out of her pink Miu Miu dress and Prada heels to instead wear flare jeans, a cream sweater and crocodile print booties for her sushi dinner.
By Julie Laakko [email protected] MASCOUTAH – This is a frightening time. Our daily way of life has been disrupted in more ways than one, and no one seems to know what to expect. In response to the Shelter in Place order, even the churches have closed their doors to protect their congregations. Church leaders in Mascoutah are working hard to provide worship services as best they can. • First Assembly of God has suspended their services and have been posting online worship services on their YouTube page – First Assembly of God Mascoutah. • St. John United Church of Christ has suspended all in-person worship services and classes. Sunday and Wednesday Lenten Services are available on their website or their Facebook page. • St. Martin of Tours Lutheran Church has suspended all services until April 1. Their Order of Service and Live Stream can be found on their Facebook page. • Bethel United Methodist has suspended all on-site activities. There is an online worship streaming on Facebook Live at 10:30 on Sundays. • Mercy’s Door has suspended their meetings. A 10 AM online worship service is available on Sundays on Facebook and also have a link to a children’s Bible Project video series to discuss with their parents. • Mascoutah First Baptist Church suspended their services, but are providing an online service on Facebook Live. The service will be held March 22 at 10:45 AM. • Cross Pointe Christian Church is not gathering at this time. Pastor Charlie McGee’s message is available at More information can be found on their Facebook page. • Zion Lutheran Church is providing Sunday and Lenten worship services through online and streaming services, primarily Facebook Live. They are offering a Bible class through the ZOOM app. Anyone interested in the Bible Class should contact Zion Lutheran. • Holy Childhood has limited their service to two live stream online masses: one at 5 PM on Saturdays and one at 9 AM on Sundays. The Live Stream can be accessed at by clicking on the link that says Live Stream Mass. There are also other links on their website that can be used.
New minister joins spiritual center The Rev. Lin Nowicki is the new senior minister at United Life Center for Spiritual Living, 3332 N Meridian. Nowicki accepted the center's letter of call and began serving in her new post on March 1. The center, a member of Golden, Colorado-based Centers for Spiritual Living, conducted a yearlong search before Nowicki, of Sante Fe, New Mexico, offered her acceptance of the senior minister's post. The center held a reception after her inaugural address to the community. She was a member of the Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living, is licensed as a religious science practitioner she has been teaching certificated Science of Mind classes since the mid-1990’s. As her center's delegate to the Santa Fe Interfaith Leadership Alliance, she particularly appreciated participating in their monthly interfaith study group.
HAMDEN, Conn. — Police in Connecticut are trying to identify a man they say got a job at a gas station and proceeded to steal $17,000 worth of merchandise and cash on his first, and only, solo overnight shift before disappearing. The man also stole his employment folder, which contained his personal information, so the store’s owner does not even know the worker’s name, Hamden police said in a statement Tuesday. Police responded to the Go On Gas store late last month. The owner told investigators he used an app on his cellphone to view the store security cameras and noticed that the new employee had left. The owner went to the store and determined that the worker had stolen lottery tickets, 89 boxes of cigarettes and money worth a total of more than $17,000. The employment file was also missing. Anyone who recognizes the suspect in a surveillance image released by police is asked to contact investigators.
Typically when you start at a new job, you always want to make sure to leave a good impression that very first day. Well, this man left quite an impression, all right. What did he do? He decided to steal on his first day of work, yup, the usual. According to authorities, the employee made off with more than $17,000 in cigarettes, cash, and lottery tickets while he was working. The incident occurred at the Go On Gas station in Hamden, Connecticut, when management hired a new overnight employee to run the gas station on his own. A gas station employee in Connecticut is accused of stealing more than $17,000 worth of cash, lottery tickets and cigarettes during his first solo shift on the job, authorities said. — KTVU (@KTVU) February 6, 2020 Hamden Police Department stated the store owner used an app on his cell phone to see the store camera and check in on how the new employee was doing. He was shocked to see the brand new employee was nowhere to be seen. Through a statement the Hamden Police noted, “[The owner] quickly ascertained that the new employee had left. The store owner immediately responded to the store and ascertained that the new employee had stolen numerous items including lottery tickets, 89 boxes of cigarettes and money.” The total loss is valued at $17,183.00. Authorities stated the suspect also stole his employment folder with all his personal information, meaning yes, the store owner not only has no way to identify this sly man but doesn’t even know the name of his former employee! This is so funny! The man stole his employment records so the employer couldn't identify him New gas station employee allegedly steals $17,000 on very first day of work – ABC News – via @ABC — Private Figure (@Kingjavanna) February 6, 2020 Advertisement I have to admit, this is no average man, he is definitely smart and knew exactly what he was doing. I really have to give this man props, especially for doing it at a gas station where there are a million cameras. Someone will definitely recognize him on the street and turn him in. Advertisement But, as of today Hamden Police Department has yet to find him and are asking the public for help in finding this sneaky man. So, if you see someone on the street similar to the guy in the video, well, you know what to do.
While one of the many gags online is that ish doesn't get real across the pond, series like Top Boy prove that what goes on in the ends is just as real as it is stateside. Making that point clearer is Blue Story, an acclaimed UK film that's finally hitting select theaters in America later this month. The directorial debut from writer/director Andrew Onwubolu (aka Rapman, who caught the eye of JAY-Z, leading to an affiliation with Roc Nation), Blue Story is like a UK version of Boyz n the Hood or Juice. It features Micheal Ward, who blew everyone's mind when Top Boy hit Netflix, and delves into a friendship between two friends from opposite boroughs in London. It's no joke; you learn early on that things get hectic when clans clash, leading to tragic ends and insane realizations. It's a provocative look at London youth right now, especially from impoverished areas, all conducted by Rapman, who himself makes interesting appearances throughout the film, guiding the story along. The intoxicating Blue Story hits theaters in New York on March 20, followed by openings in Los Angeles on March 27. Check out the official U.S. trailer above, then check out the synopsis (and the official poster) below. Best friends Timmy (Stephen Odubola) and Marco (Micheal Ward) go to the same high school in Peckham, but live in neighboring London boroughs. When Marco’s beaten up by one of Timmy’s primary school friends the two boys wind up on rival sides of a never-ending cycle of gang war in which there are no winners … only victims.
Paramount Pictures has released a new trailer to the urban drama, Blue Story, written and directed by Onwubolu, who is known as Rapman on his successful YouTube videos. Produced by Damian Jones and Joy Gharoro-Akpoiotor, the film stars an array of up-and-coming U.K. talent: Eric Kofi-Abrefa, Stephen Odubola, Micheal Ward, Khali Best, Max Fincham, Kadeem Ramsay and Karla-Simone Spence. Junior Afolabi Salokun and Micaiah Lewis will make their feature-film debuts. Best friends Timmy (Stephen Odubola) and Marco (Micheal Ward) go to the same high school in Peckham, but live in neighboring London boroughs. When Marco’s beaten up by one of Timmy’s primary school friends the two boys wind up on rival sides of a never-ending cycle of gang war in which there are no winners … only victims. Paramount Pictures will release Blue Story in select theaters on March 20.
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - MARCH 06: Marco Scandella #6 of the St. Louis Blues skates against the New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center on March 06, 2020 in Newark, New Jersey. The Devils defeated the Blues 4-2. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images) The Montreal Canadiens added defenceman Marco Scandella for a short stint this season. How has he fit in with the St. Louis Blues after being traded by the Habs? The Montreal Canadiens season was falling off the rails around the new year. They had some decent stretches in the first half of the season but also had some long losing streaks. They were in the middle of what would become their second eight game losing streak of the year when the calendar flipped to 2020. With their playoff hopes circling around the drain, the Habs made a couple of minor moves to add some depth to their team. They signed Ilya Kovalchuk to a contract and they also dealt a fourth round pick to the Buffalo Sabres for defenceman Marco Scandella. Scandella had played 31 games for the Sabres and was providing solid defensive minutes for another team that had faint playoff hopes. The Sabres oddly built their team by adding as many NHL caliber defenceman as they could get their hands on, but forgot to find a second NHL caliber centre to play behind Jack Eichel. With Rasmus Dahlin, Rasmus Ristolainen, Brandon Montour, Colin Miller, Jake McCabe, Henri Jokiharju and Zach Bogosian on the roster, as well as Scandella, the Sabres were looking to deal a defender. They eventually decided to trade Scandella to a division rival in Montreal and only received a fourth round pick in return. Scandella is a Montreal native and was ecstatic to get a chance to play in Montreal. He moved around the pairing on the left side, battling Victor Mete, Brett Kulak and Ben Chiarot for ice time. He mostly settled into a third pairing role on the left side and provided solid defensive, responsible minutes. RELATED PRODUCT Sling TV 14-Day FREE Trial, No CC Needed! Buy Now! Buy Now! Scandella played 20 games with the Canadiens, scoring three points including one big goal against the Toronto Maple Leafs in a 2-1 overtime victory. As the trade deadline approached, it became obvious the Habs were not going to make the postseason, so Scandella was on the move again. Though the Canadiens only gave up a fourth round pick for him, they dealt him to the St. Louis Blues for a second round pick and a conditional fourth. Since arriving in St. Louis, the Blues have caught fire. They are battling the Colorado Avalanche for first in the Central Division. When Jay Bouwmeester was ruled out for the rest of the season after a scary incident where he collapsed on the Blues bench, they were in the market for a left defenceman. Scandella stepped into the Blues lineup and has been great. He has played 11 games with his third team this season and won nine of them. The Blues only two losses since Scandella arrived in town were to Eastern Conference opponents, so they haven’t lost ground in the Western Conference race. Scandella has averaged just over 20 minutes per game in St. Louis. He plays a regular role at even strength but has taken over Bouwmeester’s important role on the top penalty killing unit. Scandella has averaged 2:22 per game on the penalty kill in those 11 games with the Blues, which is third highest on their team this season, just behind Bouwmeester and Robert Bortuzzo. The Blues have been staying just ahead of the Avalanche for first place in the Western Conference standings. They have 94 points and the Avalanche have 92. There is very little margin for error atop the Central Division and thanks to Scandella stepping in and playing a crucial role, the Blues have maintained their perch atop the conference standings. There is no way to know when the NHL will pick back up again or what the rest of the regular season or playoff schedule will look like when the NHL does eventually return to action. Want your voice heard? Join the A Winning Habit team! Write for us! We do know that the Blues will be in contention to repeat as champions whenever we see NHL games again. They will have one new key player in the lineup compared to last year’s Stanley Cup run and that will be Marco Scandella who has fit in extremely well after being acquired from the Montreal Canadiens.
Marco Scandella was traded to the St. Louis Blues by the Montreal Canadiens on Tuesday for a second-round pick in the 2020 NHL Draft and a conditional fourth-round pick in the 2021 NHL Draft. Scandella is in the final season of a five-year contract he signed with the Minnesota Wild on Nov. 29, 2014 and can become an unrestricted free agent July 1. He was traded to the Canadiens by the Buffalo Sabres for a fourth-round pick in the 2020 NHL Draft on Jan. 2. The defenseman has 12 points (four goals, eight assists) in 51 games this season. [RELATED: 2019-20 NHL Trade Tracker] Selected by Minnesota in the second round (No. 55) of the 2008 NHL Draft, Scandella has 136 points (42 goals, 94 assists) in 569 regular-season games for the Wild, Sabres and Canadiens and nine points (six goals, three assists) in 39 Stanley Cup Playoff games. The Blues (32-17-10), tied with the Dallas Stars for first place in the Central Division and Western Conference, host the New Jersey Devils on Tuesday (8 p.m. ET; ESPN+, FS-MW, MSG+, NHL.TV). St. Louis is without defenseman Jay Bouwmeester, who had a cardiac episode during the first period of a game at the Anaheim Ducks on Feb. 11 and was placed on long-term injured reserve Tuesday.
Thursday, March 5 Circle of Grandparents Group — 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Family Resource Center. Includes free child care. SilverSneakers Classic — 10 a.m., Heritage Center. Life Long Learning ‘The Best of the Forgotten Plants’ — 1 p.m., CSU Regional Engagement Center. Cornhole — 1 p.m., Heritage Center. Novice Tai Chi — 1:30 p.m., Heritage Center. Al-Anon/Family Support Group — 5 to 6 p.m., 230 B-Broadway. Information: Office 970-526-6500, cell 970-518-3414, Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Under the Umbrella LCC Meal — 5 to 6 p.m., Prince of Peace Church, 201 Phelps St. Anyone in need of a meal is welcome. Housing Assessment Open House — 5:30 to 7 p.m., The Annex, Shred Workspace room, 121 S. 4th St. Childcare available at Family Resource Center from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Food provided. Sterling Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2020 Launch Party — 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Parts and Labor Brewing Company. Living with Alzheimer’s — 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., CSU Engagement Center, 304 Main St. For people with early stage Alzheimer’s and care partners. Free to the public. Register by calling 970-7207 or 800-272-3900. All Recovery Support Group — 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., 230 B-Broadway. Information: Office 970-526-6500, cell 970-518-3414, Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Sterling Camera Club — 7 p.m., Heritage Center. Sweet Adelines — 7 p.m., Sterling High School choir room. For ladies who love to sing. Friday, March 6 Qi Gong — 10 a.m., Heritage Center. SRM Community Blood Drive — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sterling Regional MedCenter south parking lot. Appointments: 521-3284. Sterling Creatives Just Plain(s) Creative Opening Reception — 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., 120 N. 4th St. Featuring monotypes created by artist members. First Friday @ First Presbyterian — 12:05 to 12:35 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 130 S. 4th St. Orpheus Music Club Young Artists. Musical presentation, free and open to the public. Trivia — 12:15 p.m., Heritage Center. Cards and Pool — 1 p.m., Heritage Center. Iliff Triangle AA Step Study — 6 to 7 p.m., Iliff Trading Post, 315 Railroad Ave., Iliff. Study of various interesting AA books. Riders often available. Information: 970-580-0576. Northern Lights Narcotics Anonymous — 7 p.m., 1325 N. 7th St. Saturday, March 7 Women of Truth 2020 Conference — 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., NJC. Cost $25. For tickets: Settlers’ Saturdays — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Overland Trail Museum. Theme: Music (instruments and watercolor). Kids 12 and under are free, adults $5. Self-guided activity tour ending with a craft. Logan County Precinct Caucus — 10 a.m., various locations. Narcotics Anonymous — 1:30 p.m., First Christian Church. Information: 970-520-1474. Heritage Center Dance Group — 6:30 to 10 p.m. FM Country. Cost is $7. Everyone is welcome. Northern Lights Narcotics Anonymous — 9 p.m., 1325 N. 7th St. Sunday, March 8 Zion Congregational Church Soup Kitchen — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., 5th Street and Chestnut. Come to the back door and down the stairs. Free. Meals served to anyone who is hungry and in need of a hot meal.
Tuesday, March 17 Logan County Commission Meeting — 9 a.m., Courthouse, 2nd floor meeting room. SilverSneakers Classic — 10 a.m., Heritage Center. Sterling Lions Club — Noon, Elks Club. Cross My Heart Ministries Brown Bag Bible Study — noon to 12:45 p.m., Rock Assembly of God, 916 S. 4th Ave. Geared for women who work outside the home and would like to attend during their lunch hour. Information: Call 526-2732 or e-mail Las Amigas Bridge Club — 1 p.m., Heritage Center. Sewing & Etc. — 1:30 p.m., Heritage Center. Logan County Planning Commission — 7 p.m., Courthouse, 2nd floor meeting room. Sterling Masonic Lodge Meeting — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 Weekly Lenten Worship Service — noon, First Presbyterian Church, 130. S. 4th St. Pastor Richard von Steinman, First English Lutheran Church. Lunch follows service. Rotary Club — Noon, The Grill at River City. Walking Wednesday — 12:10 and 5:15 p.m., Prairie Park. Fleming VFW Oyster Fry — Begins at 5 p.m. Iliff Triangle AA Group — 6 p.m., Iliff Trading Post, 315 Railroad Ave., Iliff. Rides available by calling Kathy at 580-0576 or can be arranged with other members. Thursday, March 19 Circle of Grandparents Group — 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Family Resource Center. Includes free child care. Older & Wiser Workout — 10 a.m., Heritage Center. Novice Tai Chi — 1:30 p.m., Heritage Center. Movie Matinee ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ — 2 p.m., Heritage Center. Al-Anon/Family Support Group — 5 to 6 p.m., 230 B-Broadway. Information: Office 970-526-6500, cell 970-518-3414, Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. All Recovery Support Group — 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., 230 B-Broadway. Information: Office 970-526-6500, cell 970-518-3414, Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. American Legion Auxiliary — 6:00 p.m., VFW. Sweet Adelines — 7 p.m., Sterling High School choir room. For ladies who love to sing. The Songs & Stories of Brent Vernon & Sam — 7 p.m., Christ United Methodist Church. Sterling Camera Club — 7 p.m., Heritage Center.
NBC has made fans of The Blacklist quite happy by renewing the hit television show for an eighth season. In fact, this is the second consecutive year that the show has earned an early renewal, and it couldn't come at a better time, as the show recently celebrated its 150th episode. According to Deadline, there are also no current plans for the eighth season to be the final one for the hit drama, so fans can rest easy. Sony Pictures Television had also been closing deals with the show's original cast members in hopes of renewing the show, and it worked, as the entire cast will be reprising their roles in season 8. “Congratulations to our incredible cast, producers and crew, all of whom continue to reach excellence week in and week out,” said Lisa Katz and Tracey Pakosta, Co-Presidents of Scripted Programming, NBC Entertainment. “We couldn’t be more excited to continue Red and Liz’s story into season eight.” The Blacklist has become a consistent ratings earner for NBC, as it averages a 1.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic with the overall audience of 6.6 million viewers. It also happens to be a very profitable show for the network thanks to its streaming deal with Netflix and strong international sales. “The Blacklist’ continues to tell exciting and imaginative stories,” said Chris Parnell, Co-President, Sony Pictures Television. “It’s due to the brilliant cast, crew and our writing staff, led by Jon Bokenkamp and John Eisendrath, who commit to unparalleled creativity. Wait until you see what’s in store for season eight. Thank you to Lisa Katz, Tracey Pakosta, Pearlena Igbokwe and all of our partners at NBC and Universal Television.” NBC also revealed that season 7 of The Blacklist will resume on Friday, March 20th with back to back episodes starting at 8 pm. Are you excited for the new season of The Blacklist? Let us know in the comments! Did you know has a podcast? That's right folks, ComicBook Nation is available every Wednesday and Friday bringing you the best breakdowns of the week's biggest news from Kofi Outlaw, Matt Aguilar, Janell Wheeler & the rest of the staff at the site. Catch the newest episode right here or subscribe on iTunes today!
Of all the complaints people have about Netflix, the most common of the bunch is undoubtedly the various autoplay features on the site. Any time you turn on Netflix, you're met with a giant trailer for its new featured project having never asked to see it. The same thing happens when you finish a movie or TV series. Autoplaying trailers on Netflix have been inescapable and it has been a point of frustration to loads of users. Well, it looks like Netflix is finally listening to its subscribers, now offering the option to turn off the autoplay features altogether. In response to yet another complaint about the frequency of autoplay ads on Netflix, the streamer's Twitter account told its fans around the world that the autoplay is now able to be toggled. This could be a game-changer for the users that have been aggravated by Netflix's ads for any period of time. "Some people find this feature helpful. Others not so much," reads the tweet from Netflix. "We've heard the feedback loud and clear - members can now control whether or not they see autoplay previews on Netflix." Some people find this feature helpful. Others not so much. We’ve heard the feedback loud and clear — members can now control whether or not they see autoplay previews on Netflix. Here's how: — Netflix US (@netflix) February 6, 2020 Along with the announcement, Netflix shared a link to a help article that explains how to turn off both the preview and next episode autoplay, and it's a pretty easy process to follow. If you login to your Netflix account, click on the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the home page (make sure you're on a browser and not in the mobile app). Click on the "Manage Profiles" option from that menu and it'll bring up all of the different profiles associated with your account. Choose the profile you want to edit and you'll be given the choice to turn off autoplay. One of the two options lets you toggle the preview autoplay, while the other lets you toggle the next episode autoplay feature. Did you know has a podcast? That's right folks, ComicBook Nation is available every Wednesday and Friday bringing you the best breakdowns of the week's biggest news from Kofi Outlaw, Matt Aguilar, Janell Wheeler & the rest of the staff at the site. Catch the newest episode right here or subscribe on iTunes today!
As the COVID-19 virus spreads across the world, many governments have shut down schools, nurseries and other care providers. With more and more people working from home, it is likely that many families will find themselves in a situation where both parents are trying to work from the kitchen table while also attempting to home-school the children. This, on top of the regular household chores as well as cooking and cleaning can feel like an extra load for many parents at this time. The likelihood is though that despite both parents now being at home, much of the “domestic” work will still land squarely on the shoulders of the women of the house. So much like the 1950s housewife, women will not only be expected to make exciting meals, keep the house clean and tidy and the children entertained – but she’ll also have to do all this while working from home. Read more: Coronavirus: how to help children through isolation and lockdown In her seminal work, professor of sociology Arlie Hochschild looked at heterosexual couples in the 1970s and 1980s and noted that women were doing what she termed “the second shift”. So despite record numbers of women being in the labour market, women still end up going to work and then coming home to do a second job – namely the bulk of housework and childcare. Although her data is from the US and almost 40 years old, the most recent analysis of parents’ time in the UK in 2015 found that women still spend two if not three times as much time on care and routine housework compared to men. Even when both parents work full-time, mums still carry out almost double the amount of childcare compared to fathers. ‘Woman’s work’ With schools, nurseries and afterschool clubs closed, this is the end of the facilities that relieve parents – but mostly women – of their care responsibilities. Indeed, it is through the introduction of affordable and accessible childcare that women were able to take part in the labour market after childbirth. With this ending, that care burden now lies with the family again. Now you may think that if both parents are able to work from home, both fathers and mothers can share the load. Theoretically that can be the case. But as our research has found in several studies, working from home tends to lead to a more traditional division of labour. A recent German study has shown that when women work from home, they tend to do three hours more childcare compared to women who do not work from home – while men who are home-workers end up doing more overtime hours. Similar patterns have been found across the world, including in the US and Poland. The reason for this is because our societies still believe that women hold the responsibility when it comes to housework and care, while men are still mainly responsible for the bread-winning. In the 2017 British Social Attitude Survey, for example, two thirds of respondents say that it is better for mothers to stay home or work part-time when children are under school age. The majority felt that fathers, on the other hand, should work full-time. So it is highly likely that for as long as the schools and nurseries are closed, women will carry out the role of teacher while also trying to ensure they themselves get some work done. The mental load The world is a scary place for children and teenagers at the moment, and mothers across the world are also undoubtedly having to carry out the “third shift” – ensuring the emotional wellbeing of not only her children but also parents and other family members. In other words, they are in charge of the mental load of worrying about the family. This triple load women are carrying may exacerbate the high levels of stress that mothers are already at risk of – along with other mental health issues. Read more: Coronavirus self-isolation: a psychologist explains how to avoid cabin fever So to mums I say this: you are amazing for trying to do everything but you need to understand that you are trying to do three people’s job in a time of crisis – when your mental health and capacity will have also suffered. Give yourselves a break. This is also a time for couples to have an honest conversation about who is doing what – and how things can be made fairer. There are some great websites and books to help you divvy up the chores. I know it might not feel like the right time but it’s important – and studies show that dad’s involvement in childcare and an equal division of housework leads to good outcomes for children, their relationship with dad, as well as improvements in the couple’s relationship. It also increases dad’s own wellbeing and can plant the seeds of a more equal society for the future. Ultimately, dads need to and want to take on these roles. But more importantly, employers may also need to be realistic about what working parents, and other workers, can do at this point. Many were able to perform the “ideal worker” image, where they have no other responsibility outside of work, but it will be difficult to maintain that in these times for both men and women.
creative duo jacob witzling and sara underwood present the latest body of work in their ongoing project cabinland, including their latest diamond cabin. the project comprises a collection of moss-covered, off-grid cabin dwellings in the middle of the forest. the design/build team has so far demonstrated their knack for creating tiny, unique woodland homes with a wanderlust-arousing truck cabin and an octagonal, fairytale-like dwelling. before the construction of the main house, cabinland sees the completion of three new jewel-like structures including the diamond cabin, a hot-tub, and a video series which documents the team’s entire design-build process. diamond house as sara and jacob’s cabinland continues to grow, now with three new tiny woodland structures, the team develops a documentary-like video series. during the upcoming construction of the main house, the team will live in the newly built ‘diamond cabin,’ a radially planned, two story dwelling — its second level accessible by ladder — finished in timber shingles and a thick layer of moss. diamond cabin in the meantime, the team keeps their clothes and things stored away in the new wardrobe cabin — its asymmetrical and dramatically pitched roof clad in the same lush moss. the property’s water filtration system is housed within a pump house, the third cabin designed in the same language and forested materials, expressing an inverted, steeply pitched roof. viewers can follow the continuing progress on the project through the video series ‘cabinland.’ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jacob Witzling (@jacobwitzling) on Jan 15, 2020 at 10:14am PST wardrobe cabin pump house pump house diamond cabin interior hot tub exterior shower project info: project title: cabinland design/build: jacob witzling, sara underwood
VINEMONT, Ala. (AP) — Pay raises are in the future for an Alabama town's council and mayor as long as they attend the council's monthly meetings. The South Vinemont Town Council passed an ordinance to raise members' pay this November. The raise is the first for the council since February 2008, said Mayor Radginal Dodson. The town’s five council members previously received $300 per month with the mayor being paid $1,000 per month, The Cullman Times reported. The new ordinance keeps council members’ pay at $300 per month but with an additional $100 per month if the members attend the council’s meetings, and raises the mayor’s pay to $1,400 per month with an additional $100 per month if he, too, attends the council’s meetings, the newspaper reported. The vice-mayor’s pay would stay at $550 per month with the additional $100 per month if he attends the meetings, the newspaper said. The changes will take effect after the town’s municipal elections are held and new terms begin in November.
MCINTOSH, Ala. (WKRG) — A UFC fighter from McIntosh gets his first win with the premier mixed martial arts promotion, but maybe not in the way he would have wanted. According to MMA, Brok Weaver was declared the winner of his bout with Rodrigo Vargas after Weaver was knocked out by a “blatantly illegal knee” late in the first round Saturday night. Weaver landed his UFC contract after winning in Dana White’s Contender Series in 2019. Weaver had a hero’s welcome with a parade last year after landing the contract. A post from Port City MMA says Weaver is eager to get back into the gym to train for his next fight.
About What is #Supporter of Each Other? The goal of this new campaign is to inspire people, players, fans, clubs, leagues, FAs and all other organisations and companies to support each other to overcome the current COVID-19 crisis. We will communicate tips and initiatives to stop the further spread of the virus, to stay healthy and socially active from home and to look after each other. The campaign informs people about the activities and initiatives taken by people, players, clubs, leagues and FAs from all around Europe. In addition to this, Supporter of Each Other also encourages everyone to contribute to fundraising initiatives, for example, from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Foundation. Why did we start #Supporter of Each Other? For the good of our society, we all need to do our part to prevent the further spread of the virus but also to keep society going. Especially in times like this, we must not forget the people that need our support the most. We need to help people to get better, prevent further spread of the virus and support people that are affected by self-isolation and other preventive measures. The time has come for us all to unite and to become a supporter of your own family, your neighbours, the people working in healthcare and the people in your community that you might not know, but who need the support of others to overcome this crisis. How do we support each other? Supporter of each other will highlight best practice examples from football and community organisations internationally. We will focus on the following 5 topics: 1. Education- sharing advice on how to stay healthy and safe during the COVID-19 outbreak 2. Health- promoting physical activity at home 3. Social Cohesion- supporting each other, especially the people in risk of isolation 4. Volunteering- encouraging people to start volunteering from home 5. Inspire – sharing positive initiatives from all over the world to overcome the COVID-19 crisis Why Football? Football has the power to bring people together, regardless of their cultural and language differences. It has the ability to bring communities together by connecting people with the sport that brings them joy. It breaks down barriers that divide us from one another and it can be a powerful tool for social development – even in the state of crisis. At times like this, it doesn’t matter what your age, race or gender is, what nationality you have or which colours your favourite club has. We all need to stand together and become a #SupporterofEachother to overcome this crisis. The #SupporterofEachOther campaign is for everyone! Every person, club, organisation or company can join our campaign and become a #Supporterofeachother. Who started #SupporterofEachOther? The European Football for Development Network (EFDN) launched ‘Supporter of Each Other” together with several clubs and other football organisations. EFDN consists of more than 90 professional football clubs, leagues and FAs who are committed to their communities and social responsibilities and have the passion to cooperate and engage on a European level. The network aims to promote the power of football as a tool for social development and support the efforts of the network members in their initiatives to use football to reach out to various target groups in their communities. We are Supporter of Each Other More than 90 clubs, leagues, FAs and other organisations have joined our campaign. You can find the whole list of Supporters here.
The extraordinary times we find ourselves in during the global COVID-19 crisis has led to extraordinary measures being taken by product manufacturers and suppliers across the globe. In an effort to do their part to counteract the lack of life-saving medical supplies, clothes manufacturers are making surgical masks and other protective clothing items for medical personnel, airplane makers and other heavy industrial manufacturers are turning their hand to produce medical devices, and alcohol distillers are now manufacturing hand sanitizers. Regulatory bodies and governments around the world are taking equally unprecedented measures. The changing regulatory landscape, where deviations from normal course are being permitted on an almost daily basis across Europe, warrants a well-considered but flexible and fast-moving response from those seeking to benefit from it. Below are some key considerations for companies looking to move into time-pressured medical supply production in Europe, against the backdrop of a regulatory landscape subject to daily change. What regulatory regimes apply to the new products? There are several regimes that can potentially apply to COVID-19 medical supply products, depending on many factors, including product composition, product function and claims made about the product in advertising/labelling. All of these factors will be heavily influenced by the current climate in which the product is being manufactured. Some relevant regulatory regimes include: Medical devices regime. Medical devices are articles (including software) intended to be used to diagnose, prevent, monitor, treat or alleviate disease, injury or handicap; investigate, replace or modify anatomy or physiological process; or control conception other than primarily by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means. Medical devices are articles (including software) intended to be used to diagnose, prevent, monitor, treat or alleviate disease, injury or handicap; investigate, replace or modify anatomy or physiological process; or control conception other than primarily by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means. Personal protective equipment regime. Personal protective equipment is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work, including gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment. Personal protective equipment is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work, including gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment. Biocidal products regime. A biocidal product is one which controls harmful or unwanted organisms through chemical or biological means and includes a very diverse group of products, including disinfectants, pest control products and preservatives. A biocidal product is one which controls harmful or unwanted organisms through chemical or biological means and includes a very diverse group of products, including disinfectants, pest control products and preservatives. Human medicines regime. A medicinal product is any substance(s) for humans that has properties of preventing or treating disease or that restores, corrects or modifies a physiological function by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or by making a medical diagnosis. Other regimes such as poisons legislation and detergents legislation may also apply. As is often the case in the life sciences context, products can be considered ‘borderline products’ in straddling many of these regimes, and careful consideration needs to be given to these issues. The circumstances of production of the products may limit arguments that less medically-orientated regimes apply, such as the cosmetics regime, when in simpler times such arguments could be validly made. The above-mentioned regimes impose different obligations and are overseen by different regulatory bodies. Expert assistance and a case-by-case assessment is required, but surveying existing products on the market makes a good starting point (and something authorities will consider). Well thought-out outreach to authorities may be considered in some contexts. 2. Do your products comply with the applicable regulatory regimes? Given the particularly close link between human health and safety and medical supplies, these regulatory regimes tend to be particularly technical and complex. From a practical perspective, the following are the types of issues likely to be encountered when bringing the product to market, which differ from regime to regime: Allowable product compositions Authorizations/licenses and/or approval from relevant regulatory bodies Testing requirements, including clinical trials Information-keeping requirements Manufacturing standards/processes Labelling, including specific hazard warnings and use instructions and CE marking Whilst the goodwill efforts of the companies trying to do their part for society in these circumstances will hopefully not be overlooked, it seems product safety and quality is still paramount to authorities charged with oversight of these areas. We have seen examples of European health authorities rejecting supplied personal protective equipment on the basis of lack of CE marking or other mandatory product safety labelling. There are examples of non-compliant and/or counterfeit products being seized across Europe as well. 3. Can you team up with other manufacturers or actors in the supply chain, especially those that are experienced in the production of the specific products, to lighten the regulatory lift and speed up production times? A technical expert may well be required in respect of the above requirements, especially for testing and resultant documentation. Companies could consider teaming up with pre-existing manufacturers in this area, as this may often result in a reduced regulatory uplift to get new products to market. It also means companies new to the area can benefit from the extensive expertise of the more established medical supply manufacturer and their reputation and relationships with relevant stakeholders, such as regulators and suppliers. Trade bodies are an invaluable source of information at this time for up-to-date information affecting their membership and to assist in any lobbying activities. 4. Can you benefit from any exemptions or derogations being granted by local governments and authorities to address the supply chain issues associated with COVID-19? Several governments and local authorities are making COVID-19-specific exemptions to allow manufacturers to produce medical supplies very quickly. Currently, despite initial appearances otherwise, these derogations are often quite narrow – aimed at allowing local manufacturers, sometimes only in areas somewhat rehearsed in the manufacture of the relevant product, to produce products for the benefit of local health authorities. Companies need to carefully assess any derogations or reliefs from regulatory compliance made and whether these are applicable to their situations. Whilst it is positive to see governments take steps to address the COVID-19 situation, the very specific exemptions allowable would, in some ways, suggest that they might be less likely to entertain exceptions outside the scenario they have addressed specifically. It is not correct to assume that authorities will allow complete relaxation of regulatory compliance requirements given the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in. However, the regulatory landscape changes on a daily basis and monitoring and adapting to the same is required. We will provide relevant updates on specific areas as they become available.
Ryan Grim March 8 2020, 7:42 a.m. ( MICHIGAN HOLDS A special place in the memory of Jesse Jackson and the supporters of his insurgent 1988 presidential campaign. It was Jackson’s Nevada, the moment that the party establishment realized this campaign it had long written off might just seize the nomination. At a rally in Michigan on Sunday, Jackson will endorse Sanders ahead of a do-or-die primary for the Vermont senator. The Michigan contest in 1988 fell on March 27. After more than three dozen primaries and caucuses, a crowded presidential field had been winnowed down to three serious contenders: Michael Dukakis, the Massachusetts governor and presumed frontrunner; Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt; and the Rev. Jackson, a former close aide to Martin Luther King Jr., and the public bearer of the torch of the civil rights movement. Joe Biden, then a senator from Delaware, had dropped out of the race following a plagiarism scandal and dismal polling numbers. Given Gephardt’s hard-hat, working-class brand, he badly needed a win in Michigan. He threw everything he had left into the state. Dukakis, too, wanted Michigan — to show that his appeal extended beyond the liberal confines of Harvard Square, and that he could win back those Reagan Democrats whose defection had cost Jimmy Carter reelection. Jackson spent that election day touring Detroit, hitting black churches and five different housing projects. The New York Times’ legendary political reporter, R.W. Apple, was on hand for the last minute push. Jackson, Apple observed in his election night dispatch, “had drawn surprisingly large crowds of both blacks and whites in the last few days,” adding that despite the black establishment’s support of Michael Dukakis — Detroit Mayor Coleman Young was backing Dukakis — Jackson won some Detroit neighborhoods by 15 or 20 to one. “But the surprise was the Chicago clergyman’s powerful showing in predominantly white cities like Lansing, Flint, Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, several of which he carried.” Indeed, Jackson did more than get out the black vote. Progressive whites in the state also rallied hard to his cause. (Dean Baker, now a prominent progressive economist, was district director for Jackson in Ann Arbor.) The energy of the moment comes through in the Times dispatch. “So dramatically did [Jackson] seize the public imagination that he was able to counter successfully the notion that Mr. Dukakis was the Democrat with the best chance of nomination,” the Times wrote. Jackson, after 37 primaries and caucuses, was now effectively tied with Dukakis in the delegate count — a stunning moment in American politics that has gone down the memory hole. The victory generated two polar opposite responses in Washington, D.C., and Burlington, Vermont, both of which would have profound implications for the future of the party. In Burlington, the city’s independent mayor, an outspoken supporter of Jackson, had to decide if he would engage directly with the Democratic Party in order to help Jackson win. After the Michigan victory, Bernie Sanders went all in, calling a local press conference and announcing that he would be participating in the April Democratic caucus to back Jackson. “I am the only non-Democrat, non-Republican, independent progressive mayor in the United States of America. OK, it is awkward, I freely admit, it is awkward for me to walk into a Democratic Party caucus, believe me, it is awkward. I am not a Democrat. Period,” he said. But he said the stakes were too high, and the opportunity too great, to stand aside on principle. Jackson, he argued, could remake the Democratic Party in an image of social justice. “So while in fact, he may end up losing some conservative white votes, some racist white votes, I think there is a real chance that he could do what [Walter] Mondale couldn’t do in a million years. That is to bring millions and millions of poor people and working people into the political arena who in the past never participated.” ‘Pick up your sling shot, pick up your rock, declare our time has come, a new day has begun!’ — Rev. Jesse Jackson’s iconic ‘David and Goliath’ speech from 1984 is just as relevant today 3526:31 PM – Feb 5, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy165 people are talking about this In Washington, though, the reaction was pandemonium. Just as party leaders melted down publicly after Sanders’s win in the Nevada caucuses, they did so after Jackson’s triumph in Michigan. Talk in the top echelons of the Democratic Party turned to panic, with David Espo of the Associated Press reporting that the establishment feared a general-election blowout if Jackson was the nominee. Plans were being drawn up, he reported, to draft New York Governor Mario Cuomo to challenge Jackson at the convention if Dukakis couldn’t stop the reverend. E.J. Dionne, then reporting for the New York Times, captured the sense of dread. White Democratic leaders who do not support Mr. Jackson admitted they were in a quandary, wondering how to confront the growing movement toward Mr. Jackson without appearing to be racist and without alienating the large core of activists, including many white liberals, that he has attracted…. Around Washington, the words used by leading white Democrats to describe their party’s situation included crisis, disarray, disaster, consternation, mess, and wacky. “You’ve never heard a sense of panic sweep the party as it has in the last few days,” said David Garth, an adviser to Senator Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee. Mr. Garth predicted that ‘”the anti-Jackson constituency, when the reality of his becoming President seeps in, may be a much bigger constituency than there is out there right now.” Jackson, the Democratic political class argued, was simply unelectable, so the party should go with a winner like Dukakis. Rep. Barney Frank’s sister, Ann Lewis, was working for the Jackson campaign, but Frank was backing his home state governor. He explained to Dionne that there were two reasons Jackson couldn’t win. “One, there is unfortunately still racism in the country….That doesn’t mean the whole country’s prejudiced. It means that if there’s an irreducible 15 or 20 percent prejudice against a particular group, you’re giving away an awful lot,” Frank said. “Two, he’s still to the left of the country, especially on foreign policy.” Jackson’s opponents had argued that his proximity to the nomination would paradoxically push some white Democrats away from him. It’s all fine and good to vote for the charismatic black guy with the unifying message in 1988 — indeed, it was an anti-racist badge of honor — just not if he actually might win. The party establishment pulled the fire alarm. I asked Jackson, in an interview for my recent book We’ve Got People, what kind of pressure he felt after his Michigan win. “The pressure was not on me,” he said. “It was the so-called Reagan Democrats who began sewing discord and spreading lies.” At the April Democratic caucus in Vermont, Sanders spoke on Jackson’s behalf. The interloper’s speech did not go over well with every Democrat. As he headed back to his seat, a woman in the audience slapped him across the face, he later recounted in his 1997 book, “Outsider in the House.” “Bernie represents direction not complexion. He stood up for me in ’88 and we won Vermont — the whitest state in the country,” Jackson recently recalled to Jeremy Scahill. On the back of the progressive coalition Sanders had organized in Vermont, Jackson won the Vermont caucuses 46 to 45 percent. Outside of Vermont, it didn’t go as well. Jackson had been polling ahead in the next state on the calendar, Wisconsin, but the party consolidation behind Dukakis, fueled by the panic, flipped the momentum, and Dukakis took the state. Over the next month, Dukakis would win Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and Indiana, and while Jackson continued picking off a state here and some delegates there, the nomination contest was effectively over. As is often the case, political wisdom failed the party elite, and Dukakis was crushed by the unpopular George H.W. Bush. Jackson’s endorsement comes in the wake of Elizabeth Warren’s departure from the race. “I will not go against Bernie, but I’ve not made a decision to endorse anybody,” Jackson said in a February episode of Intercepted. “And when we talk, I share with him observations. Same with Warren, share observations. I’m not endorsing either one at this point.” But Jackson was clear on who he would not be supporting. “I think the idea that somehow Biden has largely inherited the black vote in South Carolina is not sound judgment,” he said. “We were saying no to Clarence Thomas, he said, yes, to Clarence Thomas. We were saying no to the Crime Bill. He said yes to the Crime Bill. No to the Iraq War. He said yes to the Iraq war. He’s on a different side of history. It’s his right to be there but he might as well own up to his side of history.” Jackson said that Biden had taken on the aura of Obama, though that misunderstood the role Biden had played on the Obama’s ticket. “Joe Biden is seen as connected to Barack. He was put on the ticket to balance the ticket not to enhance it. Barack was against the Iraq war. He was for the Iraq war. Barack was against the Crime Bill. He was for the Crime Bill. Barack was supporting Anita Hill and Biden let Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court as a monument to his leadership in that committee. So his proximity to Barack gives the impression he is active in Civil Rights is clearer than it is,” Jackson said. “Biden was Barack’s right-wing. With Barack out, there’s nothing left but the right-wing.” Biden isn’t offering a vision that meets the moment, Jackson said. “His message does not address the pain of our people. I’m not sure what moderate means if people don’t have affordable healthcare. I’m not sure what moderate, ‘I’m a moderate’ means to us. In fact, it means very little to us,” he said. Just as Biden isn’t moderate, Jackson argued, Sanders isn’t on the left. “What Sanders represents is not the left-wing,” he said. “It’s the moral center. Healthcare for everybody is moral. Education even for the poor without student loan debt is the moral center. Middle East policy where you recognize Israel and Palestine is the moral center.” Ryan Grim is the author of the book We’ve Got People: From Jesse Jackson to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the End of Big Money and the Rise of a MovementWAIT! BEFORE YOU GO on about your day, ask yourself: How likely is it that the story you just read would have been produced by a different news outlet if The Intercept hadn’t done it? Consider what the world of media would look like without The Intercept. Who would hold party elites accountable to the values they proclaim to have? How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters weren’t on the beat? The kind of reporting we do is essential to democracy, but it is not easy, cheap, or profitable. The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. We don’t have ads, so we depend on our members — 35,000 and counting — to help us hold the powerful to account. Joining is simple and doesn’t need to cost a lot: You can become a sustaining member for as little as $3 or $5 a month. That’s all it takes to support the journalism you rely on.Become a Member CONTACT THE AUTHOR: Ryan Grim ryan.grim@​ @ryangrim
Civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. on Sunday endorsed 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and urged black voters to reject the “moderate path” in favor of a progressive agenda that aims to actually meet the needs and demands of their communities. The endorsement from Jackson, who sought the Democratic nomination in 1984 and 1988, came just a day after the U.S. senator from Vermont held a rally in Chicago’s Grant Park attended by about 15,000 people. Jackson spoke Sunday at a Sanders campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Registered Democrats in Michigan, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and Washington are slated to weigh in on the party’s presidential primary race on March 10, followed by voters in Illinois, Arizona, Florida, and Ohio on March 17. The only way we will defeat Trump in November is by bringing in people who have given up on the the political process. We have the movement and agenda to do that. Live now from Grand Rapids with Rev. Jesse Jackson: — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 8, 2020 Since Super Tuesday, political commentators have declared the contest a two-person race between Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden “for the future of the Democratic Party and the country.” Jackson said in his endorsement of Sanders Sunday that “we have a right to ask and expect candidates who benefit from the African-American political firewall to deliver what we need under the potential leadership of Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden.” “With the exception of Native Americans, African Americans are the people who are most behind socially and economically in the United States and our needs are not moderate,” said Jackson. “A people far behind cannot catch up choosing the most moderate path. The most progressive social and economic path gives us the best chance to catch up and Senator Bernie Sanders represents the most progressive path. That’s why I choose to endorse him today.” Today is a special day for our campaign. Rev. Jesse Jackson is one of the most transformative figures in modern American history and a hero of mine. It is one of the honors of my life to have his support. — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 8, 2020 “The Biden campaign has not reached out to me or asked for my support,” Jackson noted. “The Sanders campaign has, and they responded to the issues I raised and the concerns I expressed.” The civil rights leader shared a list of 13 comments and commitments from the Sanders campaign, which included addressing voter suppression; tax and trade reforms; advancing Medicare for All; providing high-quality, free public education; and promoting peace and ending endless wars. The campaign also pledged that as president, Sanders will ensure that Black women are in his cabinet, at the highest levels of his administration, and on the U.S. Supreme Court; “work to create a market” for black farmers,” who have historically faced discrimination; invest in specific educational needs of black, brown and poor communities; commit extra funding to rural and minority health centers; and support “more trade and fair trade between African Americans, Africa, and the Caribbean nations.” Sanders announced Jackson’s endorsement on ABC News Sunday morning after being asked about former primary rival Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) endorsing Biden: JUST IN: Sen. Bernie Sanders tells @GStephanopoulos that civil rights activist Jesse Jackson will endorse him later today. “We have the support of virtually every major grassroots organization.” — ABC News (@ABC) March 8, 2020 The Intercept‘s Ryan Grim reported Sunday that the “Rainbow Coalition Comes Full Circle as Jesse Jackson Endorses Bernie Sanders,” referring to the political organization that grew out of Jackson’s 1984 presidential race. In 1988, as Grim detailed, Jackson secured a significant victory in the Michigan primary and Sanders—then the Independent mayor of Burlington, Vermont—supported his insurgent candidacy: After the Michigan victory, Bernie Sanders went all in, calling a local press conference and announcing that he would be participating in the April Democratic caucus to back Jackson. “I am the only non-Democrat, non-Republican, Independent progressive mayor in the United States of America. OK, it is awkward, I freely admit, it is awkward for me to walk into a Democratic Party caucus, believe me, it is awkward. I am not a Democrat. Period,” he said. But he said the stakes were too high, and the opportunity too great, to stand aside on principle. Jackson, he argued, could remake the Democratic Party in an image of social justice. “So while in fact, he may end up losing some conservative white votes, some racist white votes, I think there is a real chance that he could do what [Walter] Mondale couldn’t do in a million years. That is to bring millions and millions of poor people and working people into the political arena who in the past never participated.” The embrace of Jackson’s rise in Burlington was quite different from the reaction of “pandemonium” in Washington, D.C. As Grim put it: “Just as party leaders melted down publicly after Sanders’ win in the Nevada caucuses, they did so after Jackson’s triumph in Michigan.” Meanwhile, he noted, “Biden, then a senator from Delaware, had dropped out of the race following a plagiarism scandal and dismal polling numbers.” Grim was far from alone in regarding Jackson’s endorsement of Sanders as a “full circle moment.” It’s an incredible Full Circle moment. 1988: Bernie Sanders Endorses Jesse Jackson For President 2020: Jesse Jackson Endorses Bernie Sanders For President. #SuperTuesday2 #MichiganPrimary — Andrew Jerell Jones (@sluggahjells) March 8, 2020
Impacted by prolonged trade disputes, the global economy suffered its lowest growth in a decade, slipping to 2.3 per cent in 2019. The world, however, could see a slight uptick in economic activity in 2020 if risks are kept at bay, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) 2020, which was launched today. The Report states that growth of 2.5 per cent in 2020 is possible,… Read more on Share this: Email Twitter Facebook LinkedIn More Print Tumblr Reddit Pinterest Like this: Like Loading... Related
Little has been done to provide people with disabilities with the guidance and support needed to protect them during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, even though many of them are part of the high-risk group, today warned the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Catalina Devandas. “People with disabilities feel they have been left behind,” the UN human rights expert said.… Read more on–un-rights-expert?lang=en Share this: Email Twitter Facebook LinkedIn More Print Tumblr Reddit Pinterest Like this: Like Loading... Related
16-year-old stabbing suspect dies after Daytona police take him into custody
An Ocala mother left her 9-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter in their home for 10 minutes on Monday. She went on a quick walk to check the mail and get some candy for the kids. When she left, the two were playing. Police said that when she came back, she saw her son stabbing her daughter and saying, “Die. Die!” The mother hurriedly grabbed the knife from her son as she picked up her daughter and took her to the bathroom, Ocala police said. Her son dashed out of the home and hid under a nearby maintenance shed. After police were called, the boy was found shortly after. Officers say that he told them that he’s had thoughts of killing his sister since Saturday. He tried to get it out of his head but could not, police said. When his mother left, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Hiding it behind his back, he approached his sister from behind as she was bent over trying to show him something. He grabbed her by the neck and stabbed her several times in the back, police said. Breaking news & more Sign up for one of our many newsletters to be the first to know when big news breaks SIGN UP When officers asked him again why he stabbed his sister he said “he wanted to be able to go outside.” The 5-year-old girl was airlifted to a nearby hospital and treated for multiple stab wounds. Her condition is not known, police said. The boy was charged with attempted first-degree murder. Police did not release the names of the mother or daughter. Local news has never been more important Subscribe for unlimited digital access to the news that matters to your community. #readlocal
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – Jazz music is setting the mood as guests come to visit the grand opening of Rod Dyer’s exhibit “Jazz Impressions.” Dyer is known for his graphic designs, but it is actually his once popular West Hollywood restaurant Pane E Vino that is giving the nostalgic feel. "All the customers I had at my restaurant all are here tonight. So it feels like that restaurant vibe, and I'm not sure about the art," said Dyer. RELATED l Composer Angela Little Breaking Barriers in Film Music The restaurant lasted 23 years and that was where Mister Musichead Gallery owner Sam Millgrom met Dyer for the first time. They instantly connected with their love of music. "That's when I found out he had designed all these album covers that I was so familiar with and had enjoyed over the years," said Millgrom. He has designed countless album covers while working for Capitol Records and is responsible for some of the most recognizable logos. When Milllgrom saw Dyer’s personal drawings and paintings of jazz legends he knew he needed to curate an exhibit. "I thought they were just brilliant and his use of color and the simplicity of it and I thought there was a great market to sell these and the world should know about it," said Millgrom. Dyer’s love affair with jazz music began while growing up in South Africa. "I'd take my salary and pay my rent and the rest of the money I would buy jazz albums," said Dyer. He fled apartheid and made his way to the states where his love of the genre flourished while visiting jazz clubs in New York and Los Angles. Over the years that love led him to create. "Once I got started on one, I couldn't stop. And I would get so absorbed, I would try to do one or two a day," said Dyer. Taking a look at his art there are all but two jazz legends who are still alive. "The legends of jazz should live on through their music and through their visual aspect of their work," said Millgrom. For Dyer who has used his lifetime to reinvent himself says this first solo show feels like his life is beginning again. "I believed in myself, I believed in my work, I believed I could do it, and I try to do it better than anybody else," said Dyer. Inspired by his love of jazz and visual art forms to continually create.
I am in a very unfulfilling marriage with two lovely children. I got married in a hurry to escape my abusive alcoholic father and my spineless mother who would vent her sorrows with me as a young girl, make me fight with my father for her, but stayed on in the marriage. A married man from our friends’ group expressed his attraction to me and I got drawn to the attention, as I neither got any attention as a child nor from my dismissive and dominating husband. The sex in our marriage was always rushed and one-sided and I never experienced any pleasure through the years. When I had sex with ‘this man’ I felt myself as a sensual being for the first time. This gradually became an addiction as I craved to be with him anytime I could. Over time he became aloof and refused to meet me and asked me to not get attached to him and to get ‘real’ about being married. He then completely stopped contact and has been putting up happy holiday pictures with his pregnant wife. I feel jealous and crave to hold him again. I am restless, irritable and disinterested in home affairs and aloof from everyone. I want to be able to move on, but the physical memory and craving in my body draws me to fantasising about being back with him. How should I move on? All human beings have needs. The need to be looked at and paid attention to ranks as one of our most fundamental needs. A young baby first experiences this need as he/she is constantly attended to by a parent figure. A baby can’t help itself but to rely on others at this point – but learns to cope and live autonomously as he/she grows up. All human beings therefore have a need to be seen, visible, relevant and at best loved. While this need to be ‘heeded’ continues to be much ‘needed’, we must adapt our methods at seeking out ways in which this need can be met. Children and adults have different ways to seek out the attention of others and therefore the manners in which and measures through which – we like acknowledgement and attention must evolve with us over the years. Now as an adult woman, you have both emotional and physical needs that harken back to this fundamental need I have just explained. This is important to you. In the absence of attention given to you by your father (while growing up as a little girl) and as a grown up woman from your dominating husband, this man served the function of a ‘proxy’. This is not to suggest that what was shared between you both was not real. Only you know what you had shared and based on your question, one may imagine that a mutually gratifying sexual relationship was at the heart of your affair. Clearly, the sex in your marriage wasn’t enjoyable so you found a partner with whom sex was enjoyable. He fulfilled your need to be looked at and held. However, for some people, having multiple sexual partners or cheating on a spouse can lead to moral dilemmas. In most cultures, an extramarital affair brings with it both social stigma and scorn of one’s near and dear ones. One way or the other, the emotional ramifications of the phenomenon of infidelity are inescapable. His wife’s pregnancy may have presented him with the ethical dilemma of whether he wants to be with you or with his pregnant wife who will be mothering his baby. We are all free to make decisions on what we would like to focus on. Sometimes the path of pleasure is directly in conflict with the path of responsibility. His responsibilities currently involve being there for his wife and baby as the ‘family man’. Your responsibilities currently entail being free of the burden of your past so that you are free to decide what kind of future you like for yourself. If you would really like to move on, you are going to have to be practical about this. That would also require you to be frank with yourself. You have your children who will look to you for support. You felt unsupported in your childhood by your mother who also relied heavily on you to help her with her own emotional problems. This was a role you were not prepared to take on. You had neither the resources nor the experience to fully understand your mother’s woes. But times have changed. You will now have to do for yourself what your mother expected you to do for her. Persevere and plan. The attention of men is a fleeting thing. One moment you will have it and the other moment; they will return to tending to their own lives. Perhaps spend time focusing on your wellness, fitness, emotional growth and learning something that excites you, you will find yourself more fulfilled and clear about what you need from yourself and from life. A visit to a counsellor may help to improve the relationship between you and your husband – if you would like to come clean with him about your extra-marital affair (in the spirit of honesty) or tell him about how you are not happy with the sex in the marriage. He needs to do what you are going through if you like for the situation with your husband to improve. Sometimes oblivion is the root cause of discord. Once you have put your cards on the table, a negotiation may occur.
A New York man is charged with manslaughter after he allegedly pushed his 71-year-old landlord, who was trying to collect rent, down a flight of stairs to his death. Edgar Moncayo, 71, and his wife are described as a gentle couple from Ecuador with three daughters and several grandchildren. (Source: Cristina Moncayo/WABC/CNN) The family of 71-year-old Edgar Moncayo says the landlord was simply trying to collect rent Sunday afternoon from 22-year-old tenant Alex Garces. The renter had reportedly missed at least a month’s payment, given his landlord problems and was threatening to leave without paying. Following a dispute over the unpaid rent, police say Garces pushed Edgar Moncayo down the front stairs of his building. The victim was found at the bottom of the staircase, unconscious and bleeding from the head. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition and later pronounced dead of a traumatic brain injury. "The guy pushed my dad so furiously that my dad flew from the front door to the concrete of the sidewalk,” said Cristina Moncayo, Edgar Moncayo’s daughter. In court Tuesday, it was revealed that Garces initially told police he was moving a mattress and accidentally knocked Edgar Moncayo down the stairs. But officers say Ring surveillance video, which they reviewed during the investigation, shows the victim was pushed. “We didn't expect this to ever happen. It's like a dream, you know, a nightmare," said Juan Jose Farfan, Edgar Moncayo’s grandson. Farfan says that before his death, his grandfather had tried to help Garces with the rent, reducing it from $400 to $200 per month. Edgar Moncayo lived with his wife in the basement of the New York City home and rented out the floors above. The two are described as a gentle couple from Ecuador with three daughters and several grandchildren. Family says he emigrated nearly 30 years ago and worked two jobs as a parking attendant, so he and his wife could buy their home and raise their family. Cristina Moncayo says they will donate her father’s organs, as he would have wished. Garces pleaded not guilty to a charge of first-degree manslaughter. Bail was set at $25,000 cash or $50,000 bond. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison. Copyright 2020 WABC, Ring, Cristina Moncayo via CNN. All rights reserved.
The deadbeat Queens tenant caught on video shoving his landlord down a flight of stairs to his death is now charged with manslaughter. Alex Garces, 22, was arrested Monday afternoon in connection to the deadly run-in with his landlord, Edgar Moncayo, according to police. Moncayo, 71, was trying to collect back rent from Garces at his building on 102nd Street in Corona around 3 p.m. Sunday when Garces shoved him down the stoop, cops allege. Garces initially told cops that he had accidentally knocked Moncayo down the stairs while trying to carry a mattress out of the building, according to police sources — but a camera installed in the doorbell told a different story. The troubling footage shows Moncayo using one hand to hold his cell phone to his ear and pushing the other against the door, when the door is pushed open from the inside, sending the septuagenarian flying down the stairs to the sidewalk below. With Moncayo splayed out motionless on the concrete, two men — one of them identified by authorities as Garces — leave the home and head down the stairs. One stopped briefly to put a hand to Moncayo’s face, then flung both hands to his head in disbelief, as the other man walks out of frame. Moncayo was placed on life support with severe head trauma, but succumbed to his injuries on Monday at NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst. “I didn’t believe it until I saw the video for myself, and it’s horrible,” Nicolas Jativa, Moncayo’s distraught grandson, previously told The Post. “It was all about rent, rent money that this guy didn’t want to pay.” Garces was arrested hours after Moncayo’s death on charges of manslaughter, but public court records indicate that he was additionally charged with felony assault. His bail was set at $50,000 bond or $25,000 cash during his Tuesday arraignment in Queens Criminal Court. Garces, due back in court on Friday, faces up to 25 years in prison.
Police are investigating vandalism that outraged visitors on Monday to Plymouth Rock and other historic sites on the waterfront at Pilgrim Memorial State Park. Red spray paint was found Monday morning on Plymouth Rock, the National Monument to the Forefathers, the Pilgrim Maiden statue, Chamber of Commerce scallop shells, an amphitheater and a commemorative bench, according to a state Department of Conservation and Recreation spokesman. “Seeing this type of disrespect for the historic reminders of the Mayflower story is both sad and unsettling,” said Lea Filson, executive director of See Plymouth, a destination management organization for the town and county. “By the time I made it to the rock, I ran into … around a dozen people from all over Plymouth that had headed down to see it. Everyone was outraged and sick about it. By that time, the rock had been cleaned and there was great relief,” Filson said. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation reported the incident to the Plymouth Police Department, State Police and the Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP) and then power washed the graffiti off of Plymouth Rock and the National Monument to the Forefathers, a DCR spokesman said. The graffiti included the numbers 508 and the letters MOF. The department was working on Monday afternoon to remove the remainder of the graffiti from the amphitheater, Filson said, and if power washing doesn’t remove it all, DCR will explore other options to remove the paint. Plymouth Rock is traditionally believed to be the site of disembarkation of William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims who founded Plymouth Colony in December 1620. “As Plymouth commemorates the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower this year, we have already begun welcoming international and domestic visitors,” Filson said. “The waterfront and the historic district are safe, well-lit and will continue to welcome all who visit.”
Feb. 17 (UPI) -- Plymouth Rock and several other landmarks in the Massachusetts town were vandalized ahead of the 400th anniversary of Pilgrims arriving at the site on the Mayflower. Crews cleaned up the rock and other landmarks late Monday morning and Plymouth town manager Melissa Arrighi said police are investigating the incident. "We are saddened and sickened by the recent vandalism in our historic town," she wrote. We are saddened and sickened by the recent vandalism in our historic town. This is just one of our historic monuments that was hit. We will begin clean up as soon as possible and the police are investigating.— Melissa Arrighi (@MelissaArrighi) February 17, 2020 Plymouth Rock, a seashell-shaped sign celebrating the 400th anniversary, the Pilgrim Maiden statue and the National Monument to the Forefathers were among the monuments that were sprayed with red paint. Photos of the rock showed "508" and "MOF" painted over Plymouth Rock's "1620 inscription. Lea Filson, executive director of tourism organization See Plymouth condemned the vandalism but praised the community for coming together in response. "Seeing this type of disrespect for the historic reminders of the Mayflower story is both sad and unsettling," Filson said. "The outpouring of concern and anger over the incident has been a positive ending to a thoughtless gesture."
Snoop Dogg and Justin Bieber are among the 2 million people who have signed a petition to change the NBA logo to a silhouette of the late Kobe Bryant. Bryant and his daughter Gianna were among nine people who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday. Since that time, there has been an outpouring of grief from his fans, with this petition being the latest attempt to honor the 18-time all-star player. The petition was started by a man named Nick M. who wrote: “With the untimely and unexpected passing of the great Kobe Bryant please sign this petition in an attempt to immortalize him forever as the new NBA Logo.” As of this writing, the petition has more than 2.3 million signatures. According to a statement given to CNN, it’s the fastest-growing petition on “Nick’s petition is not only the fastest-growing on, it’s also the first petition of 2020 to top 1 million signatures anywhere in the globe,” said Michael Jones, managing director of “As the world comes to terms with the death of someone as famous and well-known as Kobe Bryant, Nick has given basketball fans an outlet to create a permanent memory of someone who made history in the NBA.” The hashtag #ChangeTheLogo also began trending on Twitter, with fans and celebrities alike supporting the change. Fans have also been suggesting possible images of Kobe that could be used as the new logo. Na this is one right here...@NBA gotta do this straight up — LaFaybeion Brown (@Mr_Brown26) January 28, 2020 The NBA’s current logo was designed in 1969 by Alan Siegel and features the silhouette of Jerry West. Like Bryant, West was also a shooting guard who played his entire career for the Los Angeles Lakers (1960-1974). He later became the team’s coach and is now an executive board member for the NBA. West has publicly stated that, although he was flattered by the logo designed, he is also somewhat embarrassed by it. In 2017, he told the Washington Post that he wished the NBA would change it. “If they would want to change it, I wish they would,” he said during the interview. West joked that commissioner Adam Silver would be a good replacement. Previously, in a 2015 Huffington Post article, West suggested that Michael Jordan would be a good choice for a new logo. So it’s a fair bet that the man who is the current NBA logo wouldn’t object to the change, especially since he was the Lakers general manager when Bryant joined the team. “I will love Kobe forever and always cherish the time that I spent with him,” West said in a statement given to the Los Angeles Times following the crash “I watched him grow from an energetic kid into the man he became, making a difference in so many people’s lives. He has left the world a better place. Kobe’s legacy will live forever. READ MORE:
A petition to use Kobe Bryant's image as the new logo for the NBA has more than 2 million signatures. Bryant, 41, one of the league's all-time greatest players, and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were among nine people who died Sunday in a helicopter crash in the Los Angeles area. Bryant spent 20 years with the Los Angeles Lakers. He retired in 2016. said the petition, which has the support of such celebrities as Justin Bieber, Snoop Dogg and Usher, is the fastest-growing on its website and the first petition of 2020 to top 1 million signatures. "With the untimely and unexpected passing of the great Kobe Bryant please sign this petition in an attempt to immortalize him forever as the new NBA Logo," reads the petition, which was created by Nikyar Moghtader, 16, of Vancouver. He said his initial goal was a mere one hundred signatures. “The reason I began the petition for Kobe Bryant was because he was a hero and role model to me just like he was to countless amounts of fans," Moghtader told NBC News. "His passing took a big chunk out of my heart and I began the petition out of respect for him not really expecting it to go anywhere." The current NBA logo was introduced in 1969 and features the silhouette of Lakers legend and Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West. The NBA did not immediately return a request for comment.
Peter Weber's sizzling cover with Victoria Fuller has been pulled by the magazine. The Bachelor will not be featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan. On the same day the ABC reality show featured a date in which contestant Victoria Fuller won the opportunity to pose for the iconic magazine alongside leading man Peter Weber, the magazine announced the cover has been pulled due to Fuller’s past association with the “White Lives Matter” slogan. Victoria, 26, was expected to grace the cover of the magazine’s next digital issue, but Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief Jessica Pels released a statement denouncing the model’s controversial past. “Unequivocally, the White Lives Matter movement does not reflect the values of the Cosmo brand,” Pels said, per People. “We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and any cause that fights to end injustices for people of color.” Pels went on to explain that when the Cosmopolitan team flew down to Costa Rica for The Bachelor date challenge, they did not meet any of the potential models until they were ready to shoot. The editor-in-chief explained that she only knew Victoria’s first name and nothing about her past when she chose the winner of the digital Cosmo cover. “It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I found out that the woman I’d chosen had, in her past, modeled in an ad campaign wearing White Lives Matter attire,” Pels explained in her statement. After long discussions regarding the situation, the magazine decided to drop plans for Victoria’s cover on the brand’s website and social media feeds. Photos from The Bachelor fashion shoot have already been printed for Cosmo’s March issue, complete with an inset of the questionable cover, and some photos from the shoot appear on the magazine’s website with the headline “We Spent the Day with Pilot Pete In Costa Rica.” People notes that Victoria once modeled for a White Marlin Marina ad campaign titled “Marlin Lives Matter” in regards to endangered fish species. The “White Lives Matter” slogan was reportedly used to promote the conservation of white marlin. “Blue Lives Matter” messaging was also used on promotional shirts and hats, in reference to blue marlin. The ABC reality star has not yet publicly commented on the controversy about her past modeling shoot, not have Bachelor producers, but fans of the show have praised Cosmo for pulling the cover. “Happy to see Cosmpolitan taking an ethical stand against bigoted Bachelor contestant Victoria Fuller. No one who models for a White Lives Matter campaign deserves any kind of platform; it’s a shame she’s received one at all,” one commenter tweeted. Even before this setback, Victoria Fuller had been a controversial contestant on Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor. She previously caused drama due to her past relationship with country singer Chase Rice, who was blindsided when he was hired to serenade Victoria and Peter during a one-on-one date. The Bachelor airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.
This letter from the editor is hot off the presses. Tonight's group date on The Bachelor took Peter Weber's suitors to Costa Rica, where the ladies were asked to pose in their bikinis for a chance to get featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine. Ultimately, Cosmo editor-in-chief Jessica Pels picked Victoria Fuller (who took a risk and kissed Peter during their photo shoot) as the lucky winner. But as Pels just revealed, those images won't actually make it to the printer after all. In a letter titled "Why We're Not Publishing the Cosmo Bachelor Cover," Pels explains how a controversy involving Victoria helped the staff make their decision. "As you probably know, the details about upcoming plot points on The Bachelor are as closely guarded as nuclear codes," she writes. "When my team and I flew down to Costa Rica for our challenge, we weren't told who our models were going to be. We didn't even meet them until we were all on camera on-set, ready to start our shoot."
During an emotional hearing Tuesday, Jay Brannon, 45, of Atwater, pleaded guilty to setting Portage County Sheriff’s Sgt. Jim Acklin on fire last year while deputies were attempting to arrest Brannon on a felony warrant. Brannon wiped away tears during the hearing as did members of the sheriff’s office who filled nearly the entire front row of Judge Becky Doherty’s courtroom. Acklin attended the hearing with his wife, Josee Acklin, who works for the Streetsboro Police Department, Portage County Sheriff David Doak and Portage County Major Larry Limbert, as well as other Portage County sheriff deputies. Neither Brannon nor Acklin spoke during Tuesday’s hearing. Brannon pleaded guilty to attempted aggravated murder, a first-degree felony; aggravated arson, a first-degree felony; and felonious assault, a first-degree felony; all related to the February 2019 incident. He also pleaded guilty to forgery, a fifth-degree felony, from a separate case in a Jan 4, 2019 incident. Portage County Assistant Prosecutor Steve Michniak said the plea negotiations include a joint recommendation from both the defense attorneys and the prosecutors that Brannon serve 16 years in prison. The recommendation does not mean that Brannon will get the sentence recommended, but often judges sentence based on a joint recommendation to which both parties agree. On Feb. 14, 2019, three deputies, including Acklin, and two officers from the Northeast Ohio Medical University were serving felony warrants on Brannon about 6:43 p.m. after a source told them Brannon was at a Rootstown Township home on Route 44. Brannon threw a canister of flammable liquid at Acklin and set it on fire, burning about 20 percent of Acklin’s body. Acklin had second and third-degree burns and was hospitalized. Other officers were also injured, though not as badly as Acklin. Acklin joined the sheriff’s office in 1997 and was promoted to sergeant in 2017. Doak told the Record-Courier at the time of the incident Brannon threatened he was going to "kill the cops" when confronted by officers inside the garage. One of Brannon’s attorneys, Erik Jones, thanked the Portage County Sheriff’s Office for allowing Brannon to have a private conversation with his parents while Brannon was being held in jail during the plea negotiations. Sentencing is set for Monday at 1 p.m. Contact reporter Eileen McClory at 330-298-1128, or @Eileen_McClory.
PORTAGE COUNTY, Ohio — While his physical scars are almost healed, the emotional healing is just beginning for Sergeant Jim Acklin and his family. On February 14, 2019, Acklin was doused in flammable liquid and lit on fire by Jay Brannon while attempting to arrest him on a felony warrant. Acklin faced his attacker in a Portage County court Monday, before Brannon was sentenced to 16 years behind bars. Brannon accepted a plea deal earlier this month, in which he will serve 11 years in prison for aggravated attempted murder and five years for aggravated arson. Josee Acklin, Sgt. Acklin’s wife, addressed Brannon while delivering her victim impact statement. “My anger towards you lasted a very long time,” Josee Acklin said. “Overnight I went from being a wife and a mom to working full time to missing two months of work to become my husband’s nurse and caregiver.” Brannon blamed his lengthy criminal history on drugs, alcohol and relationship troubles. He said he was in a drug-induced state when he lit Jim Acklin on fire and that he was attempting to commit suicide during the incident. Brannon added he hoped an officer would shoot him. “No officer that night was meant to be hurt,” Brannon said, “My plan was to remove myself from the pain and the embarrassment I was living in.” Judge Becky Doherty was not phased by Brannon’s emotional remarks. “Mr. Brannon, you’re a coward,” Doherty said, “You’re a coward and I want you to look around this room and see bravery.” She noted Brannon’s lengthy criminal history and told him he had multiple chances to clean up his act before critically injuring Acklin. “So standing here telling me this was a suicide attempt after you had just recently gone to a gas station, gone to Giant Eagle, had been running around that day without a care in the world until police showed up,” Doherty said. “I’m not buying it.” Acklin said he’s looking forward to moving on with his life after suffering second and third-degree burns over more than 20% of his body. “I was trying to think about what was going to be said,” Acklin said, “And you know, everything being brought back up again.” Brannon will receive 333 days of time served that will be subtracted from his 16-year sentence. He will also be required to register as an arson offender and a violent offender when he’s released.
BENGALURU : After four days of the lockdown, e-commerce and other online delivery companies are still struggling to obtain permits to operate warehouse and deliver food, medicines and other essential items to customers. Companies said that there is little coordination not only between the central government and states but within states too, as different cities in a single state are citing varying criteria to issue permits. In some cities, companies have received permits to operate warehouses but are still waiting to receive passes for their workers to deliver orders. In addition, companies are expecting a shortage of labour as hordes of migrant workers from cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore have been trying to return to their homes amid the chaos unleashed by the sudden lockdown announced late on 24 March. An executive at a grocery delivery firm said, on condition of anonymity, that the lack of coordination between the central and state governments about what constitutes essential services and the process for issuing permits is resulting in delays in obtaining permits. Another e-commerce executive said that there was no standard procedure across cities and states for obtaining permits, resulting in delays and uncertainty. Many warehouses operated by e-commerce companies were still shut as of Sunday afternoon, and only a small number of their delivery workers had passes to make deliveries. “...Last Wednesday, state governments and local law authorities did intervene but on the ground, every state has its own template and there are different passes for each city within each state. There are multiple levels of jurisdiction and intervention within a state. A self-certification mode would be helpful or a central format which every state would follow," this person said. m.Paani, a startup that connects local retailers with customers in Mumbai and other cities, said that retailers have been facing issues in getting permits for essential services. "Given that most stores are already functioning on lower staff capacity at present, getting passes from local authorities was creating hiccups. It is these stores that are in (greater) need of access to e-passes because they have a grassroots presence," said Akanksha Hazari, Founder and CEO of m.Paani. Hazari noted that during the initial stages of the lockdown many smaller grocery stores on m.Paani’s platform were forced to shut shop because of the lack of clarity around essential services. To be sure, companies said that city authorities are responding to their complaints and have been issuing permits in larger numbers over the past three days. The government on Sunday clarified that the supply chain of milk collection and distribution, including its packaging is allowed. It also said that groceries also include hygiene products along with battery cells and chargers etc. In addition, it said that transportation of all goods, essential and non-essential, is allowed. Due to the nationwide lockdown and extensive restrictions on movement of goods and people, Amazon India is unable to predict timelines for delivery of items other than those deemed essential by the government. It has identified and cancelled shipments that currently cannot be delivered to customers in India due to these restrictions. Amazon has also temporarily suspended its pay-on-delivery service to customers and is only accepting online payments to adhere to social distancing guidelines. “We continue to resume services gradually, adding in more cities as we get the necessary clearances and passes from the local authorities. We are first serving existing orders for essential products and accepting new orders for these items only. We appreciate the central government has recognized e-commerce as essential and continue to work closely with local authorities to help enable more deliveries," the Amazon spokesperson said in a statement. After a period of uncertainty, 90% of Grofers’ warehouses are operational and the company has obtained permits for about 50% of its delivery staff, said Rohit Sharma, head of supply chain at Grofers. Still, delivery times will be longer as the authorities in many cities had earlier forced the company to suspend its operations for a few days, he said. “Our teams are working round the clock to serve the unprecedented number of orders we have received over the last few days. In order to meet the demand, we have ramped up our supply chain capabilities and are working closely with our manufacturers to secure sufficient stock and deliver it to our customers at the earliest," Sharma said. Romita Majundar from Mumbai contributed to the story.
Improved Supplies Bengaluru: India’s top online grocers and e-retailers said they have restored operations in larger cities but are still hobbled by the massive backlog of orders and shortage of workers triggered by the ongoing nationwide lockdown to stem the tide of Covid-19 E-grocers BigBasket and Grofers, ecommerce firms Amazon and Flipkart , as well as B2B platforms Jumbotail and Udaan cautioned consumers and kirana stores to expect delayed deliveries as they deal with operational upheaval caused by the restriction on manufacturing and movement of goods, and people.“Our people count is improving day by day...but it is still not enough. We should clear up most slots by Tuesday, Wednesday,” said Hari Menon, chief executive of BigBasket, which is now delivering orders in all top cities including Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru. However, due to a backlog in orders and some operational issues the company is selectively opening new slots, he said.Gurugram-based Grofers, which was unable to operate in several cities for a few days, following the announcement of the lockdown, has begun operations at 90% of its warehouses with half its delivery partners equipped with all relevant official permissions.For customers there will be “longer delivery times,” Rohit Sharma, head of supply chain at Grofers, told ET.As factories closed and trucking companies faced stoppages at state borders, deliveries to consumers — both online and at offline stores — have been delayed, company executives said.B2B technology platforms like Jumbotail and Udaan are of the view that the disruption will settle in a few days as policymakers and businesses collaborate.To ease this situation, the ministry of home affairs in its revised guidelines on Sunday said that transportation of all goods, and not just essential goods would be allowed.Ecommerce firms welcomed the change, saying it would allow for faster movement of essential goods and let them bring non-essentials stuck in transit safely into their warehouses.An ongoing consumer survey by community platform LocalCircles on the availability of essential goods through both offline and online stores shows a gradual improvement in the last two days.Shortages of essentials were most severe on March 25 and 26, the survey showed, with perceptible improvement in availability at both kiranas, offline stores and online retailers during March 27 and 28.“Keeping the small format retail store opened 24/7 is the key to ensure that everyone gets enough essential supply. Today about 50-70% of them are open but not all the time,” said Ashish Jhina, cofounder of Jumbotail.Ecommerce companies also continue to service orders for essentials, but delivery timelines remain stretched.“We continue to resume services gradually, adding in more cities as we get the necessary clearances and passes from the local authorities. We are first serving existing orders for essential products and accepting new orders for these items only,” an Amazon spokesperson told ET.A senior executive at a leading ecommerce firm said while inter-state truck movement had begun, companies are facing challenges of managing stock within fulfilment centres.“The bottleneck will move from trucks to fulfilment centres. It’s not ideal, but the government has been supportive, and we are slowly limping back,” the person said. “I won’t say back to normal, I don’t think it’ll get back to normal during this time, but things are certainly moving.”Snapdeal, Paytm Mall and Shopclues are also delivering essentials. “We have started intracity deliveries of food and grocery items in Delhi-NCR, including in Gurugram,” a Snapdeal spokesperson said.
One of the most conservative judges in the country just handed down an opinion saying that the Trump administration acted illegally when it permitted the state of Arkansas to strip health coverage from thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries. Judge David Sentelle’s opinion in Gresham v. Azar, on behalf of himself and two of his colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, is significant in its own right. But it is also significant because it suggests that the Trump administration will have a tough time defending its conduct if this case is heard by the Supreme Court. Sentelle is one of archconservative Justice Neil Gorsuch’s early mentors — Gorsuch clerked for Sentelle shortly after he graduated from law school. And Sentelle’s views are well to the right of the median Supreme Court justice. Sentelle is a protégé of the late Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC), a segregationist who thought so highly of Sentelle that he once said that he “would do whatever I could to make sure that this young man’s integrity and talent, principles and courage, would be used by this country.” As a judge, Sentelle joined an opinion complaining that the Supreme Court abandoned doctrines it once used to strike down labor protections such as the minimum wage. The case involves an effort by the state of Arkansas to impose a work requirement on many Medicaid beneficiaries. Arkansas could not implement this policy on its own; it had to obtain permission from the federal government. And the Trump administration gave Arkansas the permission it sought. The consequence of that decision, Sentelle writes, was that “more than 18,000 people (about 25 percent of those subject to the work requirement) lost coverage as a result of the project in just five months.” The Trump administration cannot push Medicaid policies that run counter to Congress’s stated objectives Gresham turns on the scope of the federal government’s power to approve experimental state programs that depart from the way Medicaid normally operates. The law permits the Department of Health and Human Services to approve “any experimental, pilot, or demonstration project which, in the judgment of the Secretary, is likely to assist in promoting the objectives” of Medicaid. But those objectives were also defined by Congress. Among other things, the Medicaid statute states that the purpose of the program is to “to furnish ... medical assistance on behalf of families with dependent children and of aged, blind, or disabled individuals, whose income and resources are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical services.” The thrust of Sentelle’s opinion in Gresham is that the Trump administration ignored this purpose, and tried to replace it with different objectives. Trump officials approved Arkansas’s work requirements because it thought that these requirements would “address behavioral and social factors that influence health outcomes” and encourage Medicaid beneficiaries to find work — something the Trump administration believes is “correlated with improved health and wellness.” But even if the Trump administration is right that a work requirement will, in the long run, lead to better health outcomes, the law does not permit them to substitute their own opinions about how to improve poor people’s health. As Sentelle writes, “the Supreme Court and this court have consistently reminded agencies that they are ‘bound, not only by the ultimate purposes Congress has selected, but by the means it has deemed appropriate, and prescribed, for the pursuit of those purposes.’” In this case, Congress decided that “the principal objective of Medicaid is providing health care coverage,” not to encourage people to find jobs by making their health coverage contingent upon securing work. Under Sentelle’s opinion, the Trump administration could conceivably revive Arkansas’s work requirement if it provided an adequate explanation of how that requirement would foster Medicaid’s goal of expanding coverage to poor people. But given the fact that the requirement caused thousands of people to lose health coverage, it seems unlikely that the administration will clear that hurdle.
4.3k SHARES Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Pinterest Reddit Print Mail Flipboard One of the most conservative judges in the country ruled against a Trump administration effort to allow the states to throw millions off Medicaid. Vox reported: One of the most conservative judges in the country just handed down an opinion saying that the Trump administration acted illegally when it permitted the state of Arkansas to strip health coverage from thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries. Judge David Sentelle’s opinion in Gresham v. Azar, on behalf of himself and two of his colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, is significant in its own right. But it is also significant because it suggests that the Trump administration will have a tough time defending its conduct if this case is heard by the Supreme Court. The heart of the ruling is that Trump can’t toss out the objectives of Congress and replace them with his own. In other words, Congress makes the laws and Trump implements them. The President does not have the power to changes the legislative objectives that are passed by Congress. Eighteen thousand people would have lost their Medicaid coverage in Arkansas, and without this ruling other larger red states would have followed Arkansas. The result would have been millions of Americans without health insurance coverage. Trump has made it his goal to publicly proclaim to be saving healthcare while privately attempting to take away insurance from millions of people. The President is already worried that Democrats are going to kill him on healthcare, and court rulings that he broke the law while trying to make more Americans uninsured will only boost the Democratic case in November. For more discussion about this story join our Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group. Follow Jason Easley on Facebook
A public interest litigation has been filed in Supreme Court on Thursday seeking declaration of financial emergency in light of nationwide lockdown amidst rising cases of COVID-19. The PIL by Centre for Accountability and Systemic Change (CASC) filed against Ministry of Home Affairs and seeks the imposition of financial emergency under Article 360 of the Constitution of India as it submits that unified commands by the Centre and state can address this issue more efficiently. The petitioner claim that difference in the order imposed by various states and the centre is creating confusion and state of lawlessness in an already difficult situation. As per the petitioner after the 21 days lockdown was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 24 March different states and police authorities took independent action under the Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in the guise of orders issued by the central government which "amounts to constitutional fraud". "This use of emergencyprovisions of Constitution is required not only to defeat the war against coronavirus but also in recovery of the Indian economy after lockdown is over," said the petition states. CASC has also sought directions from the apex court for government to provide necessary directions for suspension of collection of utility bills (electricity, water, gas, telephone, internet) and EMI payments liable to be paid during lockdown. Directions have also bee sought for the state police and local authorities to strictly comply with home ministry instructions so that essential services are not disrupted. The petition filed through advocate Virag Gupta has made a request for urgent hearing through video-conferencing by the top court.
NEW DELHI: A five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its order on whether petitions challenging constitutional validity of the Centre's decision to amend Article 370 to scrap special status to Jammu and Kashmir be referred to a larger bench.Wrapping up the hearing, a bench of Justices N V Ramana, Sanjay K Kaul, B Subhash Reddy, B R Gavai and Surya Kant said it will not refer the case to a larger bench if it comes to the conclusion that there was no major contradictions in the apex court's earlier rulings of Constitution bench on interpretation of Article 370 as alleged by some of the petitioners.Although more than two dozens of petitions have been filed challenging the Centre's decision to scrap special status to J&K and its bifurcation into two UTs, only few of them have raised the issue of referring the case to a larger bench.
My friend in Omaha, Nebraska, assures me that a disturbing phenomenon once focused on the coasts has invaded the heartland. He speaks of young couples where the woman is nicely dressed and her male date or mate is in slob mode. The women are neat and stylish, often wearing some (or a lot of) makeup, but their male partners are in soiled sweatshirts and baggy jeans, hems dragging on the floor. This is a sign of gross inequality. It flashes a disparity of effort. The women are trying, and the men are not. Some may regard this discourse on dress as superficial and frivolous. Feminists haven't landed on the issue, perhaps for that reason -- or perhaps out of an aversion to commenting on a woman's appearance, whether shaming or acclaiming. But as one sensitive to female dignity, this reeks of women working so much harder than men to achieve, I assume, the same goals. And it is never more glaring than on Valentine's Day. That's when nice restaurants sparkle with hearts and festivity. The women enter dressed for celebration. Their men are attired for casual Friday -- if they've tried even that hard. I've seen worse. I've seen young women in cocktail dresses, heels and dangly earrings sitting across from boys in athletic shoes, their shirttails flapping, and, of course, no jacket. Excused from the discussion are most gay men of my acquaintance. They tend to dress carefully and often with style. And that is why so many women, gay or straight, enjoy going out to dinner with them. I recall meeting a beautifully groomed gay friend at a bar area and having to peel him away from the single ladies gushing at him. Made me smile and think, "If only the straight guys understood." The gay difference is the formula fueling the enduring "Queer Eye" series on Netflix. In each episode, five gay men try to rehabilitate a disheveled individual. My favorite makeovers are those performed on straight fellows who can't get a job, a girl or their parents' approval. Some must be taught how to shave. The end result is a guy who seems not just sophisticated but grown-up. I sometimes wonder whether these boy-men even comprehend the benefits of making an effort. I know an elderly gentleman of average looks who dresses in a blazer and tie whenever he flies. When he stands at the rear of the plane waiting for a restroom, female flight attendants surround him to say how grateful they are to see a well-dressed passenger. That he's in economy class matters not. By the way, this isn't necessarily about formality. I've seen male ranchers look spectacular on a Saturday night in pressed jeans and a spotless shirt. What caused this inequality? Here's one theory. Media in recent decades have feasted on storylines in which a sloppy male character, because of his other virtues, wins the affection of a foxy beauty. Note that the female prize, even if she's in jeans, is always superbly groomed. Nowadays, pictures of celebrity weddings show the groom's shirttails hanging -- a sign of conspicuous disrespect -- while the bride is draped in a zillion-dollar white creation. Heaven knows how much time she spent on her hair. In America, women have long been a civilizing influence. How did they let the gap in male vs. female effort grow so wide? Some may blame it on sexual discrimination, others on feminism. I believe the women's tolerance plays a part. Come Valentine's Day, there's one thing you surely will not see: a young elegantly attired man next to a young woman in dirty jeans, an old T-shirt and running shoes. Think about it. COPYRIGHT 2020 CREATORS.COM
Police are conducting an investigation after two people were shot in the Cochituate Homes complex in Framingham on Friday night. FRAMINGHAM – Two men are dead after a shooting on Second Street late Friday night, authorities said Saturday morning. In a statement, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan and Framingham Police Chief Steven Trask said their preliminary investigation suggests the shooting was an isolated incident. Authorities said the shooting occurred just after 11:30 p.m. on Second Street. No one has been arrested and it remains an active investigation. According to Framingham police radio reports, a resident on Second Street called dispatch at about 11:40 p.m. Friday, reporting they heard five to seven gunshots and that they could see a person on the ground. When police arrived, they found two victims who had been shot, one on Second Street, and another around the corner on Beaver Terrace Circle. A resident of a Second Street apartment, who did not wish to be identified, said he saw what appeared to be a body in the parking lot. That area was surrounded by yellow crime scene tape, as Massachusetts State Police officers and police dog soon arrived. Framingham police could be seen talking in a parking lot that was lit with floodlights. State Police detectives were also at the scene. This is a developing story. Check back for updates as they become available.
CHICAGO, IL / ACCESSWIRE / January 14, 2020 / Curcio Law Offices pledges to make a monthly donation to the Greater Chicago Food Depository throughout the year 2020. Curcio Law Offices, which focuses on personal injury law, has also vowed to organize a volunteer day where its staff will help out at the Greater Chicago Food Depository, the city of Chicago's food bank. The Greater Chicago Food Depository strives to end hunger in the Chicagoland area. "Having personally supported the Greater Chicago Food Depository on my own for many years, we felt this was a great opportunity for our firm to partner with a local charity to help so many in need. We are planning for our entire office to volunteer on site one day in the coming weeks," said Tracy Robb, managing partner of Curcio Law Offices. The Greater Chicago Food Depository, a member of Feeding America, provides food where it's needed most throughout Chicago and Cook County every day. The organization acts as a hub for a network of more than 700 food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other programs and also addresses the root causes of hunger. To donate directly to or volunteer at the Greater Chicago Food Depository, please visit Volunteers are vital to its success, and donations are put to use immediately to provide food for hungry people in the community. Personal injury attorney Tracy Robb is a dedicated professional with more than 25 years of legal experience. Tracy is renowned in the legal community for her outstanding analytical skills and articulate writing style, establishing herself as a strategist for brainstorming with attorneys on many cases at the firm. Founded by Joseph R. Curcio in 1957, Curcio Law Offices has been representing the injured for over 60 years. To this day, Curcio Law Offices has established a reputation among Chicago's leading personal injury law firms through outstanding legal representation and commitment to clients. About Curcio Law Offices Curcio Law Offices exclusively focuses on personal injury, auto accident injuries and wrongful death representation. Its attorneys have obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for clients and their families who are dealing with serious and catastrophic personal injuries and death. For more information, please call 312-321-1111, or visit The law office is located at 161 North Clark Street, Suite 2240, Chicago, IL 60601. For media inquiries, please call THE NALA at 805.650.6121, ext. 361. SOURCE: Curcio Law Offices View source version on
CHICAGO, IL / ACCESSWIRE / February 21, 2020 / Selecting the right Realtor at the start of your home buying journey is crucial. Chicago Realtor Laura Topp offers her top tips to help you pick the best Realtor for you. Before selecting a Realtor, there are several points to consider: Knowledge of the local market - "You need a Realtor who has a deep, personal knowledge of the geography you are considering. Someone who understands the area inside and out will help you find the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood," advises Laura Topp. Pricing Expectations - Being given the correct market price of your home is important so that you have realistic expectations of what your home will sell for and how much you will be able to afford when buying a new home. Build a relationship with your Realtor - This is not just a transactional relationship. "You need to connect with your Realtor and feel like you can be completely honest with them about your expectations," Topp urges. "A forthright relationship is important; a Realtor cannot help you if you are only saying what you think they want to hear." Home structure and knowledge - Know exactly what kind of home you are looking for and consider the size, style, and acreage. Deciding what you are looking for prior to selecting your Realtor will help inform your decision of what Realtor to go with, as some specialize in certain types of housing. More isn't necessarily better - Find a Realtor that will carefully examine listings beforehand to bring you only what is relevant. Looking at everything that comes up is a waste of time and energy for you and your Realtor. Education - As a client, you want a Realtor who will help explain every aspect of the home buying and selling process - remember that they are the experts and that they have important knowledge and experience to impart to their clients. Questions to ask your Realtor before you commit to working with them: What is your availability to speak with me? Most Realtors have very flexible hours. It is important for your Realtor to know your schedule and you to know theirs. Do you have a team or are you an independent Realtor? This will help you understand if you will have additional help and resources when purchasing your home. Working with a team has an added benefit of having access to more market knowledge more people to rely on. How are you paid? "It is different from market to market, so ask up front because it all depends on your area, if you are buying or selling and the brokerage that each agent works with," says Laura Topp. Have you helped people buy or sell a house like the one I'm looking for? It is important to know if your potential Realtor has experience in the type of home you are looking for and even more so in the area. What makes this property valuable? This is an important question because it allows you to see what value a property has from the Realtor's perspective. Armed with these tips and questions, you will surely be able to build a relationship with the right Realtor that will greatly benefit you on the road to real estate ownership. About Laura Topp, TOPP Chicago Real Estate, Berkshire Hathaway KoenigRubloff Laura Topp is a broker associate at Berkshire Hathaway KoenigRubloff and is licensed in Illinois and Indiana. She works with both buyers and sellers in the Chicagoland area. Topp specializes in all facets of residential real estate from single family homes, condos and new construction to luxury homes, foreclosures, multi-units, investment properties and 1031 exchanges. For Laura's news, visit and for more information, please call (773) 419-0076, or visit For media inquiries, please call the NALA at 805.650.6121, ext. 361. SOURCE: Laura Topp, TOPP Chicago Real Estate, Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices Chicago View source version on
SoftBank emerged as a big winner from the T-Mobile and Sprint merger. Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images Topline: Despite SoftBank Group reporting a 99% drop in third-quarter profits on Wednesday, its stock has continued to gain momentum recently, in large part thanks to the approval of a merger between SoftBank-owned Sprint and T-Mobile. SoftBank’s Vision Fund took a $2 billion loss last quarter after writing down investments in WeWork and Uber, slashing the company’s operating income by 99%—from nearly $4 billion to less than $25 million, compared to a year earlier. SoftBank stock was down slightly on the news Wednesday, falling by 0.6% as founder Masayoshi Son said that the fund’s recent poor performance was spooking investors and causing big losses. Son has reportedly scaled back his ambitions for a second Vision Fund, following SoftBank’s disastrous bet on WeWork and pressure from activist investor Paul Singer’s hedge fund, Elliott Management. Despite such dismal earnings figures, SoftBank stock is largely holding steady—with no substantial decline on Wednesday, especially after it surged 12% Tuesday when a federal judge approved the $26 billion merger between T-Mobile and Sprint. Sprint stock skyrocketed 77% on the news and SoftBank, which owns almost 85% of Sprint, subsequently netted more than $12 billion on paper. The company’s latest earnings release comes amid ongoing discussions with activist fund Elliott Management, which amassed a $2.5 billion stake in the Japanese conglomerate and is pushing for stock buybacks, improved corporate governance and more transparency on the Vision Fund’s investments. Crucial statistics: SoftBank stock is still up nearly 20% so far this year. The Japanese conglomerate currently has a market cap of $110 billion, up from $90 billion at the start of 2020. SoftBank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son is Japan’s second richest person, with a net worth of $24.2 billion, according to Forbes’ estimates. His fortune rose by $2.3 billion alone on Tuesday, when T-Mobile and Sprint won approval for their $26 billion merger. Crucial quotes: “The tide has turned,” Son said in a press conference, while trying to highlight the Vision Fund’s improving performance. “There is no change to my basic vision or strategy.” In terms of addressing the activist demands from Elliott, Son said that his own interests were “basically aligned” with other shareholders, especially given the fact that he has a 25% stake in SoftBank. Key background: SoftBank stock fell 12% in the second half of 2019, amid mounting losses from missed bets on unproven tech startups. SoftBank spent around $10 billion bailing out WeWork in October, after the embattled office startup cancelled its IPO and almost ran out of cash to fund its business. Uber stock, on the other hand, lost almost 25% of its value in 2019 after going public in May, though shares have since recovered. What to watch for: SoftBank’s ongoing discussions with Elliott Management. Both sides have said they want to keep the engagement friendly, and dialogue between the two sides has so far gone well, according to the Wall Street Journal. Founded in 1977 by billionaire Paul Singer—a famed activist investor and veteran of numerous proxy battles, Elliott is pushing for stock buybacks and improved corporate governance in an effort to boost SoftBank’s lagging share price. SoftBank is one of the hedge fund’s largest positions. Further reading: Sprint Stock Soars 77% On T-Mobile Merger, Here’s Why One Expert Thinks It Could Keep Surging Billionaire Paul Singer’s Elliott Management Invests Over $2.5 Billion In SoftBank: Report
SoftBank's third-quarter earnings revealed a 99% drop in third-quarter profits. However, investors sent the Japanese conglomerate's stock up 12% on Wednesday. The rally was due to a judge approving the merger of SoftBank-owned Sprint and T-Mobile. Sprint stock skyrocketed 78% on Tuesday, netting SoftBank more than $12 billion. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Get the inside scoop on what traders are talking about — delivered daily to your inbox. Loading Something is loading. Email address By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider as well as other partner offers and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy SoftBank revealed a 99% drop in third-quarter profits on Wednesday. Investors responded by sending its stock up 12%, adding more than $10 billion to its market capitalization. The Japanese conglomerate's shareholders haven't lost their minds. SoftBank's Vision Fund certainly stomached a $2 billion loss after writing down its investments in WeWork and Uber, slashing the company's operating income from nearly $4 billion to less than $25 million. However, investors cared more about a federal judge ruling in favor of Sprint's $26 billion merger with T-Mobile on Tuesday, clearing the way for the deal to close after nearly two years of regulatory challenges. The wireless carrier's stock skyrocketed 78% on the news. As SoftBank owns nearly 85% of Sprint, it netted more than $12 billion on paper. SoftBank led with the good news in its earnings presentation on Wednesday. The third slide is an image of a roiling ocean with the caption, "Tide is turning." The fifth slide is a chart showing Sprint's stock price going vertical on Tuesday. On the next slide, it downplayed the $2 billion loss at its Vision Fund by pointing out the segment lost $8.8 billion in the second quarter.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A teenager charged with murder last year has been arrested again after a boy was hit over the head with a gun and robbed late Sunday night while riding in a vehicle in North Nashville. Police responded around 10 p.m. to Clarksville Pike near Rosa L. Parks Boulevard, where they located the juvenile victim. He told officers he had been pistol-whipped while in a car with at least three other people, and had $200 in cash and his cell phone taken. The boy was able to identify his attackers and the vehicle they were in, described as a gray Chevrolet Malibu. Police said they located the Malibu just before 10:30 p.m. about a mile away on Buena Vista Pike near Kirk Avenue in the Bordeaux area. Inside the car, officers reportedly located the victim’s cell phone. Chaz Payne and Blessing Burks, both 19, were arrested and booked into the Metro jail early Monday morning. Payne was charged with aggravated robbery and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, while Burks faced charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and accessory after the fact. Blessing Burks & Chaz Payne (Courtesy: Metro Nashville Police Department) A warrant mentioned a female juvenile was in the car during the armed robbery, but police have not said if she was charged. Blessing Burks was arrested in July 2019 in connection with the June murder of William Summers Jr., 21, on Salem Mason Drive. Burks was charged with criminal homicide, but was out on bond at the time of Sunday night’s armed robbery. News 2 is tracking crime where you live with CrimeTracker reports. Click here for more coverage.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Metro police are investigating after a man was stabbed at a home in Bordeaux early Thursday morning. Officers responded around 4:30 a.m. to a stabbing at a residence on County Hospital Road, not far from Clarksville Pike. According to police, the man’s daughter is believed to have stabbed him in the abdomen after he hit her during an argument. The man was transported to a hospital for treatment of serious, but non-life threatening injuries, investigators revealed. It was not immediately clear if anyone would be charged.
Pamra awards IPTV service licence to SCO for GB ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) awarded Internet Protocol IPTV Distribution Service Licence to Special Communications Organisation (SCO) for Gilgit Baltistan (GB) region. According to announcement made by the SCO here on Friday, in this regard, a signing ceremony was held at Pera HQ Islamabad. The ceremony was attended by Major General Ali Farhan HI (M), Director General SCO and Muhammad Saleem Baig, Chairman Pemra besides senior officials from both sides. Internet Protocol television (IPTV) is the delivery of television content over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. IPTV services offer both live TV broadcasting and stored video on demand (VoD). It provides a wide range of geographic coverage and vast range of internet solutions for both consumer as well as corporate sector. “In the era of fifth generation warfare, we would be able to defeat the hostile external narrative through this medium.” said Major General Ali Farhan, HI (M), DG SCO. “SCO intends to work with the local operators and be a facilitator rather than a competitor as earning of revenue is not a priority for us,” he added.
ISLAMABAD - The Pakistan Electronic Media Regula­tory Authority (Pemra) has refused the reports regarding draft consultation on regulating the Web TV and Over the Top TV (OTT) Content Services in Pakistan. In a statement issued by authority on Friday said that in media reports it was al­leged that through the Draft Consultation on Regulating the Web TV & Over the Top TV (OTT) Content Services in Pakistan, Pemra intends to curtail the freedom of speech and gag voice. "The allegation is to­tally denied. The objective for the Consul­tation on Regulating Web TV and OTT con­tent services is elaborated in Section 1.2 of the Consultation Paper wherein it has been elaborated that the extensive growth of the web TV and OTT market and the excessive disruption of these services to tradition­al broadcast services have made regula­tors vigilant all over the world," it stated It further said, moreover, the broad­casters and TV operators and other tra­ditional service providers are losing their market share to online web TV and con­tent providers. "Although, there was other regulatory issues also which necessitate it to bring under regulations the Web TV & OTT services. For example all Pemra licensed broadcasters are subject to com­pliance with Code of Conduct-2015 which required the operators to have in-house time delaying mechanism and editorial control to filter out content which is not in compliance with the Code etc," it added. Pemra said, however, the web TV and OTT players were not subject to any code of conduct and other authori­ty laws. Moreover, as a regulator, it was the responsibility of Pemra to provide a level playing field to all stakeholders. Since OTT and Web TV operators were competing for the same advertisement or subscription revenue as the licensed operators, therefore, it was imperative that the services be regulated at par with other services. It claimed that Pemra has received tremendous response from some stakeholders, including internation­al players on the consultation process. As a result of public feedback received through this consultation process, rec­ommendations for regulating the web TV and OTT content will be finalised. It is unfortunate that instead of giving feed­back in a professional way and sharing concerns if any with the regulator, some individuals and organisations have adopt­ed a highly objectionable way of simply rejecting the consultation process and have initiated a smear campaign against Pemra. It said more the news that Pem­ra has circulated another version of the draft regulation with the federal cabinet is totally false and devoid of any facts. The Nation
With the spread of the coronavirus, more and more well-known people are falling victim to the virus; earlier in the day, it was reported that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson had tested positive for COVID-19. Rammstein's frontman Till Lindemann was hospitalised in Berlin after testing positive for coronavirus, the German newspaper Bild reported on Friday. The 57-year-old musician had high body temperature and pneumonic fever, and after testing positive for COVID-19, he was transferred to the intensive care unit. However, doctors reportedly claim that there's no danger to the musician's health. In early-March, Lindemann had a concert in Moscow and after a gig in Ukraine’s capital Kiev, he had a tour of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
According to reports in the German daily Bild newspaper, Lindemann is presently not in critical condition, despite being admitted to a Berlin ICU. The tabloid wrote that the Rammstein singer had returned to Berlin last week after a performance in Moscow, upon which he reportedly suffered from a lung infection as well as fever, prompting his ongoing stay in intensive care. The newspaper claimed that Lindemann had contracted the novel coronavirus after positive test results; however, Bild later added that subsequent tests came back negative. While still remaining in intensive care, the overall health of the 57-year-old singer is said to be improving. German music export Till Lindemann is known as Rammstein’s poster-boy. Born in Leipzig in 1963, he worked as a drummer in various bands during the 1980s before launching Rammstein in 1994. The band quickly became one of the most successful German rock bands in history, selling more than 20 million albums. Rammstein is recognized the world over for their provocative lyrics, music and performances. Taking artistic liberties to new levels, the band has repeatedly made headlines with supposed references to Nazi aesthetics and more. Belonging to the “Neue Deutsche Härte” (NDH) music scene, they mix techno sounds with hard rock and other styles. More recently, Lindemann pursued his solo career, performing in Russia without his legendary band ; Russia hosts one of the biggest fan communities of Rammstein. During his stage performances there, Till Lindemann is said to recently have made references to the novel coronavirus. With an ongoing ban on public gatherings of more than 5,000 people in place in Moscow, Lindemann had decided to give two separate performances to smaller audiences. An earlier Version of this article said that according to Bild, the singer had contracted the novel coronavirus. The newspaper has since changed its depiction of events. This text has been modified accordingly. jk,ss/rf (Bild/ntv)
THE Talomo Police Station will be deploying nearly 300 policemen to ensure the security at Shrine Hills, Matina, Davao City during the celebration of the Feast of the Santo Nino today.Police Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Lao, Talomo Police Station commander, said there are a total of 291 security forces excluding medical and emergency teams from Central 911 who will be within the area of the procession and parade routes to provide security.“The security measure is to ensure the safety of thousands of local devotees as well as other visitors that are expected to be in Davao City for the religious feast,” Lao said.He added that the deployed workforce will be composed of personnel from their station together with the Newly Appointed Police Commission Officers (NAPCOs), Traffic Group, Davao City Transport and Traffic Management Office (CTTMO), and Police Auxiliaries.Lao directed the personnel to enforce orderliness, traffic management, and security measures inside and outside the perimeter of the Holy Infant of Jesus of Prague in Shrine Hills.“I’m asking for your cooperation and support on our strict implementation. After all, we are for everyone’s safety,” Lao said.Authorities reiterated the city-wide gun ban in Davao City and so, permit to carry firearms outside residence (PTCFOR) is suspended. Only the members of the PNP, Armed Forces of the Philippines and other law enforcement agencies on duty and are wearing prescribed uniforms are allowed to carry firearms.
A MAN, who threatened his girlfriend with a gun during an argument Monday, February 3, is facing multiple charges for illegal possession of firearms and violence against women.The incident alarmed the authorities, who then warned male partners on using force against women.Based on the report, the incident happened around 3 p.m. of February 3. The suspect's girlfriend, whose name was withheld, went to Talomo Police Station to seek police assistance regarding the alleged violation of his partner of the Republic Act 9262 during their altercation.The man was allegedly armed with a firearm inside the complainant's house in Catalunan Pequeño, Davao City. The suspect allegedly threatened and intimidated her with his firearm.After receiving the report, the operatives responded to the area and arrested the suspect who was identified as Harold Tampos, 24, unemployed and a resident of Catalunan Pequeño, Davao City.During the operation, policemen recovered from the suspect a caliber .38 revolver with four pieces of live ammunition.When asked for the permit of his firearm, the suspect failed to present any document.Police Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Lao, chief of Talomo Police Station, said the suspect will now face gun charges for violation of Republic Act (RA) 10591 and RA 9262, or Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) Law.Lao also reminded the men not to take advantage of the vulnerability of women by using violence to intimidate them, as he assured that they will not tolerate such action."Women are born to be loved, respected, like on how we adore our mothers. All acts of violence against women, whether intentional or not, will not be tolerated and the PNP (Philippine National Police) will continue to hold those responsible for this type of behavior accountable for their actions," Lao said.Meanwhile, the police advised the victim to undergo a physical examination and psychological evaluation at the Southern Philippines Medical Center.Lao said the suspect is currently detained at this office for proper disposition.
Dyeing eggs in spring may be a pagan tradition that was adopted by the Christians, but the folks in Eastern Europe took it to the highest level. The technique of creating colorful patterns with a wax resist is called pysanky, and it came to the United States with the émigrés of the Ukraine in the diaspora that began just before WWI. The cultural traditions took root here and in Canada, and were passed through to the current generation. Shannon Wallis is from the Upper Valley, not the Ukraine, but nevertheless enjoys the patterns and colors of the pysanky technique. She often runs into folks who know the history and recognize the regional patterns on her eggs — the patterns she first used to learn the process. Find It Instagram @shannon_w_designs (603) 306-2281 Instagram @shannon_w_designs(603) 306-2281 After eight years of developing her style, Wallis created her own language of design elements that goes beyond the traditional. She sees patterns everywhere — on someone’s dress, in a Hindi henna tattoo or flowers. Wallis says it’s a challenge creating two-dimensional geometric designs with squares and triangles that skirt a conical egg, but therein lies the satisfaction. Starting with a raw chicken or duck egg, Wallis draws on the first layer of design with a kistka filled with flowing hot wax. Wallis says the method is like creating a coloring book — first she draws the lines in wax and then colors in between with dyes. Finally, all the wax is removed with a few seconds in a microwave, and the design is revealed. That is her favorite moment — is it a masterpiece or a mess? The finished eggs are “blown out” to preserve them. Lately, she has been experimenting with brown eggs that are first “etched” with vinegar in spots to create whites lines, revealed under the brown surface. The colors used may be the only seasonal element to her designs, as she sells the most eggs in December as hanging ornaments. But Easter is the traditional time for egg dyeing throughout history and cultures. Wallis may not have a Ukrainian heritage for design inspiration, but she has gathered dozens of “egg friends” all over the world on social media. She’s also been invited to participate in a show at the Pysanka Museum in Kolomyia, Ukraine, in April to bring back to the homeland variations of the technique that took root in America and Canada over the past 100 years. As a side note, she says that the most respected egg artist in the Ukraine is a soldier fighting, at the moment, against the Russian aggression. When Wallis gets around to having her DNA tested, she almost hopes there is a percentage from Eastern Europe. That would explain a lot of things.
The report by Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization did not immediately say the missiles caused the crash but only that “the impact of these missiles on the accident and the analysis of this action are under investigation.” The report also requested help from U.S. and French authorities for equipment and know-how to recover information from Flight 752’s flight recorders, the so-called “black boxes” that record the voices in the cockpit and the flight data. AD AD Iran faces growing impatience by countries whose citizens were on the plane, particularly Canada and Ukraine, for access to the recorders. Iranian officials first said they would send them to Ukraine for analysis but then backtracked. The plane was shot down on Jan. 8 during a tense confrontation between the United States and Iran following the killing of a top Iranian commander.
Getty Images A man drags a handcart across a road in Wuhan, China, Feb. 5. On Wednesday, Tencent, a Chinese tech giant best known for its super-popular messaging app WeChat, found itself at the center of a frenzy. Screenshots began to circulate of the company’s "Epidemic Situation Tracker," which tracks the coronavirus’s spread in mainland China, displaying a death toll almost 80 times higher than the official number. This time was reportedly the third instance the tracker briefly displayed numbers much higher than the official counts coming out of Beijing. Adding to the alarm, the numbers matched a viral WeChat rumor that spread separately across Chinese and American social media. (In actuality, the coronavirus outbreak has killed 565 people and grown to more than 28,000 cases, according to the World Health Organization, with 265 outside of China.) A spokesperson for Tencent told BuzzFeed News the screenshots were fake: “Unfortunately, several social media sources have circulated doctored images of our ‘Epidemic Situation Tracker’ featuring false information which we never published,” the spokesperson said. “Tencent does not condone the dissemination of inaccurate information and fake news especially during this sensitive period. We reserve all legal rights and remedies in this matter.” China's censorship laws, which far predate the first coronavirus cases in the city of Wuhan late last year, have been deployed under the pretense of preventing mass panic. But it has still been a constant struggle for China's government to control the narrative around the outbreak. Tencent / Supplied A viral screenshot of Tencent's outbreak tracker with numbers higher than official counts. Tencent said the screenshot was doctored. On Thursday, Chinese state media reported via Weibo, a Twitter-like social platform, that Dr. Li Wenliang died after contracting the coronavirus, only to report hours later that he was alive but in critical condition. Li was then declared dead hours later on Thursday night. "We deeply regret and mourn this," hospital staff wrote on Weibo. Li, who contracted the virus while treating patients, was one of the eight whistleblowers initially arrested by local police in Wuhan, China, last month for "spreading rumors” about the outbreak. There are reports that up to 40 other people have been investigated for similar charges across the country. The reaction to Li’s death on platforms like Weibo and WeChat has been intense. “I’ve never seen such collective anger and sadness on my WeChat feed,” journalist Viola Zhou tweeted. But even as Li became a hero on Chinese social media, the enforcement of anti-misinformation laws like the one used to arrest him is becoming common across Asia. In the last month, three people were arrested in Kerala, India, on allegations of “spreading fake news,” two people were arrested for purportedly sharing “false information" in Bangkok, and five people were arrested for similar charges in cities across Malaysia. This week, Hong Kong police arrested a mall security guard for the alleged “transmission of false message[s] by telecommunication," accusing the 37-year-old man of causing panic by sharing an audio file on WhatsApp that claimed five mall staffers had called in sick with a fever. The arrest did little to quell rumors, because following it, Hong Kong police bragged about arresting the man on Facebook. Unlike the rest of China, Hong Kong has no "fake news" law, but it does have a law dating back to 1935 against using a phone to send false messages to cause annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety. But people in China are still using the internet to track the outbreak. The problem is: If they amplify the wrong thing, they could get arrested. Yuan Xiaohui, the CEO of Beijing-based tech company QuantUrban, is trying to create a useful coronavirus crowdsourcing service while avoiding rumors. “To prevent arousing panic, we only add government publicly released data. All of the data comes from [the] Health Commission of the related city,” Yuan told BuzzFeed News. QuantUrban combines preexisting map data of Chinese cities with reports from volunteers along with outbreak data that comes from cities’ health commissions. So far, it shows infection cases for 23 cities, including Beijing, and a timeline of daily changes. To minimize the possible accusations that a live, hyperlocal heat map of coronavirus cases could cause alarm, there’s a warning on its website that reads “don’t panic.” “Some users of our websites will give us feedback when [a] certain place is mistakenly or not accurately annotated, then we will correct it and update the website,” Yuan said. Hong Kong's government has the almost impossible task of navigating between the CCP’s coronavirus plan and a pro-democracy protest movement now entering its eighth month. The city government has demanded more transparent and proactive containment measures and has been accused by users on pro-democracy social networks like Reddit and LIHKG of downplaying the outbreak’s seriousness and putting its citizens in danger to appease the government in Beijing. Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has resisted a total border closure, instead enacting quarantines for mainland Chinese travelers entering Hong Kong. A screenshot of thebaselab's Wuhan Virus tracker taken on Feb. 7. As the city’s officials continue to walk a difficult path, a group of high school students in the city, working under the name thebaselab, went viral after building a coronavirus tracker similar to the one on the other side of the Great Firewall, China’s heavily restricted internet. “The live map idea is inspired by [the] mainland's websites on the coronavirus by Tencent and other tech corporations,” Ken Chung, the map’s developer, told BuzzFeed News. “Those are huge sites with large teams behind them, and really popular among mainlanders. But they were only in Simplified Chinese and mostly report local official news and numbers.” Thebaselab’s live map works in three languages and has been shared several thousand times on Facebook and Reddit since it launched last month. Chung said that Beijing’s inability to control the flow of information about the outbreak will be a huge wake-up call for Chinese users. “I think arresting someone just because they posted inaccurate information is plain ridiculous. While I do agree there's a certain responsibility borne when posting stuff online, it's really impossible to draw a line between misinformation and non-government approved content,” Chung said. “While the Chinese have just noticed the harsh truth of censorship, I don't see why Hong Kongers should step back and accept it.” “While the Chinese have just noticed the harsh truth of censorship, I don't see why Hong Kongers should step back and accept it.” The live map is only half of thebaselab’s coronavirus work. The team members also run a WhatsApp group chat called GloNews Room, which they recently gave BuzzFeed News access to. It’s primarily run by thebaselab member Andy Tang. “Since the Wuhan virus outbreak happened in Wuhan, China, I have been following different Chinese media reports and social platforms as the Beijing government tries to lock down the free flow of information,” Tang told BuzzFeed News. “Eventually it turned into a global emergency issue, and it would be our job to deliver instant reports from countries abroad.” GloNews Room has about 100 users, who collect, vet, and disseminate coronavirus news, but the group doesn't always focus on the virus. A bunch of the members also used the group to share memes about US President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address earlier this week. Tang said that while crowdsourcing can make things more confusing, it’s also the best way in the current information ecosystem to deal with the sheer scale of the global news cycle. “Crowdsourcing is providing an all-round perspective for netizens to fact-check the authenticity of a large amount of information,” he said. “Which is now critical under this chaotic environment with all sorts of rumors floating around.”
A Wall Street Journal commentary calling China "the real sick man of Asia" outraged Beijing so much that it immediately kicked out three of its reporters out of the country after the newspaper refused to apologize for running the commentary. Who would have anticipated at the time that the February incident would later escalate to catch Hong Kong by total surprise? The Foreign Ministry's expulsion of a further group of American journalists working for three US media outlets after Washington drastically slashed by a third the number of journalists working for five Chinese state media bodies was undoubtedly retaliation in the ongoing diplomatic war between the two countries. Such expulsions were not unprecedented. However, the Foreign Ministry's decision to say the ban on those American journalists also applied to Hong Kong and Macau was a bad move as it has so much to do with the "one country, two systems" arrangement for the two SARs. The ill-conceived move by the ministry has created a difficult situation for Hong Kong - it's not as difficult for Macau which is less international than we are here. That difficulty is evident in Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's inability to address some legitimate questions in relation to the ban. Mute in the beginning, she's now speaking up declaring that she could not possibly predict who would be allowed to work here as she referenced the immigration policy that every application is treated individually. The reply was not satisfactory. She clearly tried to confine the cases to the remit of Hong Kong's immigration policy that is supposed to form part of the SAR's high degree of autonomy. That's all she could say. Unfortunately, this still falls short of addressing the concern that a local matter could readily become a foreign affairs matter. And when a line should have been defined with clarity, it became blurred instead. Can Lam answer that concern? Perhaps only those in the Foreign Ministry can. The ministry has been rather dramatic these days with a bewildering array of incidents. If Global Times' Hu Xijin was known for his often radical commentaries, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has proved he's more than a match for Hu because the latter - despite his combative mockery of the United States - has never been as successful as Zhao in creating a diplomatic storm. Angry that the world hasn't been thankful to Beijing amid the coronavirus pandemic, Zhao dropped the bombshell alleging sick US soldiers were cuplrits of the virus that began in Wuhan. His predecessor, Cui Tianhai - currently the Chinese ambassador to the United States - had to clear the mess saying Zhao's tweet didn't represent the central government's point of view. Hu is no match for Zhao because, while Hu is a man of the media, Zhao is an official spokesman of the Foreign Ministry. It appears that Zhao has since gone into hibernation. Is the ministry making an adjustment to its policy towards the United States? If so, should it also adjust its ill-conceived decision to involve Hong Kong in the Sino-US diplomatic row?
Photo: Hailey BollingerIn light of the global COVID-19 outbreak, CityBeat has made the decision to postpone our annual Best of Cincinnati event, which was scheduled for Wednesday, March 25. While disappointed, the health and safety of event attendees, vendors and staff are the highest priority for our business. We are following the lead of our city, state and federally elected officials, who have advised that large events be canceled or rescheduled. We are working to notify everyone involved and plan to keep you up to date on any details we have regarding the new date for the event. As soon as we have a new date confirmed, we will notify you in hopes that you can still attend and join us for the celebration. The Best of Cincinnati magazine will be going to press and printed on schedule and will be on newsstands and online March 25. We appreciate your support of CityBeat Events and hope to see you soon. Visit our live blog for the latest COVID-19-related news, announcements, cancelations and other updates.
Photos: Hailey Bollinger As the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on both public health and the national and local economy continues to swell, elected officials, health care leaders and businesses have taken unprecedented measures — at least in our lifetime — to curb the spread of the virus and mitigate its effects. That means, whether voluntarily, preemptively or under direction, major events like the Flying Pig Marathon, Ohio’s primary election and even Sunday mass have been rescheduled or suspended; orders have been issued requiring social distancing in public; bars and restaurants have had to shut their dining rooms and shared spaces; live music events and theater runs have been canceled — basically, regular life is on hold as we deal with COVID-19. And the effect of all of the above has had a direct impact on us here at the paper. The reality is CityBeat is and always has been a free publication, both in print and online — there’s no subscription fee and no paywall, which means our revenue relies 100 percent on Cincinnatians being able to gather at concerts, theaters, restaurants, bars, museums, festivals and even our own events. As advertisers have had to make tough decisions and cut their budgets to weather the quarantine, we are asking for your support. We have no idea how this pandemic is going to affect us long-term, and everyone will need as much information as they can get.Our small but mighty local team works tirelessly to cover issues that matter to the community, and to spotlight Cincinnati businesses and the city's active cultural scene. Now more than ever, we need your support to continue supplying Cincinnati with independent, free press. Please consider making a donation of $5, $10 or whatever you can afford, to help keep Cincinnati CityBeat on stands and online. Other ways to support Cincinnati CityBeat: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter Subscribe to our newsletters Advertise with Cincinnati CityBeat
AVANESHNI Govender was one of Scottburgh High’s top matric achievers, bagging an impressive six distinctions. Unlike most pupils, Avaneshni did not have a fixed study schedule. ALSO READ : Sfundo soars with six distinctions “The manner in which I studied changed according to the subject,” she said. “I planned and strategised each day. This helped make studying feel more of an adventurous challenge and less of a stressful and boring process.” Her subjects included English home language, Afrikaans first additional language, life orientation, mathematics, accounting, life sciences and physical sciences. “My favourite subject was Afrikaans because it was different to the other subjects and my teacher, Reinette Tylcoat, never failed to put a smile on my face during lessons.” The matric year is notorious for being fast-paced and crammed with work. This is one of the biggest challenges pupils face. “Towards the end of the year, I felt as if I was running out of fuel! I began to feel nervous and demotivated, but through positive self-talk I was able to uplift myself and keep going,” said Avaneshni. “I reminded myself of the long-term goals that I wanted to achieve. This was a driving force which I used to overcome any hurdles that I experienced.” Avaneshni explained that her final year at school was “nothing but memorable”, adding that although the highlight was undoubtedly the matric dance, she also thoroughly enjoyed the school’s Evolution Tour to Maropeng. And what does the future hold for this bright and dedicated lass? First step – a degree in chemical engineering. “Science has always been a thought-provoking subject and I’m positive that I will enjoy the challenges that come with this course of study.” With the degree behind her, Avaneshni plans to travel, with the first stop being the United Kingdom. “I’m grateful to my parents and best friend for their love and support. I would not be who I am without the people who have been there for me every step of the way,” she said. “To the matrics of 2020, don’t stop believing in yourself. The things that feel overwhelmingly impossible to do are often the things which one is capable of.” HAVE YOUR SAY Like the South Coast Herald’s Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and Instagram To receive our FREE email newsletter, click HERE
Jealousy has destructive power. It’s actually a disagreement with God over something we don’t have that He has chosen to give someone else. In some cases, it results from fear of being replaced in a relationship or job. ALSO READ : Devotion: You matter to Him To overcome this attitude, we must first acknowledge that we have a conflict with God. We should confess our wrong mindset, repent, and then turn away from it. The next step is harder: Thank God for the person of whom you’re jealous, and express gratitude for the blessings in his or her life. Then the weight of our ill feelings will begin to lift. In addition, do something good for the other person, regardless of how you feel. We can never overcome jealousy if we think only of our feelings. One of the most helpful things we can do is focus on what the Lord is doing in our own life. (Source: HAVE YOUR SAY Like the South Coast Herald’s Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and Instagram To receive our FREE email newsletter, click HERE
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BARNWELL COUNTY, S.C. (WJBF) — A rumor circulating social media concerning a case of the coronavirus in Barnwell County is inaccurate, according to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. “Corona Virus has touched down in Bwell county yall be safe! Wash yo hands,” the social media post said. “DHEC has no reports of any confirmed cases in Barnwell County, to date,” officials told NewsChannel 6’s Shawn Cabbagestalk. We’re told the agency is continuing to monitor, assess and respond to cases of COVID-19 throughout the state. New positive cases are expected to be updated on the agency’s COVID-19 webpage.
Coronavirus cases grow to 45 in Michigan, state working to temporarily close casinos Show Caption Hide Caption Nursing homes dealing with coronavirus Johanna Mannone visits her husband Michael Mannone at WellBridge of Rochester Hills but only for 30 minutes and she had to wear a gown and mask. Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press As the number of coronavirus cases grow in Michigan, the state’s Gaming Control Board is working with Detroit’s three casinos to temporarily shut down in order to help stop the spread of the virus. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Sunday night that another 12 people have tested positive for the coronavirus, bringing the state’s total to 45. “This is a moment in Michigan. We are up to the challenge and we’ll do everything to mitigate the challenge,” she said. “Every decision we’ve made has been based on the best science and the best facts.” The state has the capacity to test about 115 samples a day, said Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, the chief medical executive at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. But private labs and hospitals also are beginning to come on board to begin testing what is expected to be a widely burgeoning number of samples. More: Where are the coronavirus cases in Michigan? More: Michigan reacts as coronavirus hits the state Without the additional help from hospitals and labs, the state might not be able to get results for 72 hours. Casinos have been a continuing question as the virus has spread. Often filled with elderly people, sitting shoulder to shoulder at slot machines and gaming tables, it is an ideal place for transmission of the virus. Some of the casinos have been trying to section off areas with temporary walls to stay under the 250 person limit, but Whitmer said the Gaming Control Board was working to at least temporarily to shut down the casinos. “We’re working diligently to put a policy together and enforce it so that there is a temporary closure of casinos,” Whitmer said. “There is a lot of close contact in the casinos, so we’re taking a serious look at that.” Social distancing is key, Whitmer said, in flattening the curve of the coronavirus so that hospitals will have the capacity to treat patients over a longer period of time. “With social distancing, we can slow down the number of infections and give our hospitals more time to respond,” she said. And to deal with essential items and food flying off grocery store shelves, Whitmer said the spring weight restrictions that are usually put on trucks at this time of year has been lifted so that trucks can make more frequent deliveries to stores so that they can restock their shelves. The number of cases in the state have ticked up since Tuesday when the state announced its first two cases of the virus that causes the global, deadly COVID-19 respiratory illness. Whitmer also announced a state of emergency on Tuesday. Since then, the state has moved to close all K-12 schools, public and private universities have closed, and gatherings of more than 250 people have been banned. Contact Kathleen Gray: 313-223-4430, or on Twitter @michpoligal
Gov. Whitmer signs executive order banning gatherings of more than 250 people Show Caption Hide Caption Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan gives coronavirus updates Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan talks with the media about the coronavirus and officials' recommendation for response to the growing problem on Thursday, March 12, 2020. Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press In light of the expanding number of coronavirus cases in Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered that all gatherings of 250 people or more be canceled or postponed. Under the executive order, which was to begin at 5 p.m. Friday, all events and gatherings of more than 250 people are temporarily prohibited in the state. Certain events are exempt from this prohibition, such as industrial or manufacturing work, mass transit, or the purchase of groceries or consumer goods. While high school, college and major league sporting events have all already been canceled, the new order could affect some church services this weekend and many churches had already canceled Sunday Mass. “This is about protecting the most people we can from the spread of coronavirus,” Whitmer said. “My administration will continue to do everything we can to mitigate the spread, and to ensure our children, families and businesses have the support they need during this time. We are going to get through this, but we must be flexible and take care of each other.” More: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: All Michigan K-12 schools must close until April 5 More: Amid coronavirus concerns in jail, there's nowhere to avoid the crowds The order came about 12 hours after Whitmer ordered all schools to shut down through April 5. The number of cases has grown to 16 in Michigan as of Friday afternoon and the state is awaiting results from another 26 suspected cases. “Prohibiting large assemblages is the smart thing to do to mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, chief deputy for health and chief medical executive for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. “It’s crucial that everyone in Michigan follow these orders and make smart choices that will slow the spread of the virus, including practicing good hygiene and social distancing. We will continue to work with the governor and our partners across state government to protect Michigan families and businesses.” One of the events that was canceled by Friday afternoon was the annual Boat Show at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi. "The situation today is much different than it was two days ago when we decided to move forward with the Progressive Novi Boat Show," the sponsors of the show said on its website. "In light of the new developments surrounding the coronavirus, the MBIA Board has decided to cancel the remaining 3 days of the Progressive Novi Boat Show." Information about the outbreak is changing rapidly. For updates, see Contact Kathleen Gray: 313-223-4430, and on Twitter @michpoligal.
Norwegian-born model Frida Aasen has a body worthy of envy, and she likes to show it off in a bikini every once in a while. The former Victoria's Secret model took to Instagram on Wednesday to showcase her curves in a black string bikini that left little to the imagination. Frida's bikini top had uniquely shaped cups and skinny straps, and a strap was also threaded through the cups for a cool look. The cups were spread far apart, revealing her cleavage. The tiny top also gave her fans a peek of underboob. The bottoms were a classic style with a thin strap that wrapped around her hips and tied on one side. The beauty's update consisted of two photos that showed her outside, standing next to a white wall that was partially shaded. The snaps captured her body from the middle of her thighs up. Her hair was wet, and a drop of water ran down her bare thigh, indicating that she might have just come from a swim. In one photo, Frida stood with one leg in front of the other, her hip cocked to the side. The pose put her flat abs and hourglass figure on display. She ran her hands through her hair as she gave the camera a sultry look. The second picture captured the model as she shook her hair. Her head was tilted to the side and her hand was above it. She also had a dreamy look on her face. Her bronze skin popped against the white paint on the wall, and her body looked perfect in the outdoor lighting. Frida looked to be wearing little — if any — makeup. Her cheeks and lips were a natural rosy color.
Norwegian beauty Frida Aasen posted a new photo set on Instagram that showed her rocking a blue bikini. The first image was the most revealing, showing her laying on her stomach in a thong bikini. The model was seen posing on a boat laying on an off-white platform. She crossed her arms in front of her, and lay her head on top of them. Meanwhile, Frida extended her legs behind her and crossed her right leg on top in a way that accentuated her long legs. The bikini bottoms, which were a bright light blue tone, popped against her tanned body. The swimsuit also featured dark blue trim. The stunner's face was obscured in the shot, thanks to her hair and pose. The second picture showed off the blonde's look from a different angle. This time, Frida stood up and leaned on a low, silver railing. She raised her left hand into the air, as she was seemingly playing with her hair. Her locks fell down behind her backs. Meanwhile, the model wore a pair of dark sunglasses. This image also revealed much more about the swimsuit. The front of the top and bottoms had multiple shades of blue, with the lightest hue being the most prominent. Her tiny waist and flat abs were on full display here. Behind the sensation were other boats on the dark blue waters and green hills. The photos were taken on a cloudy day with hardly any blue skies visible in the frame.
Two employees associated with the Department of Public Instruction — a teacher serving with a government primary school and a cluster resource person — have been suspended from service for sharing messages on social media critical of the recent request from Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa for donations from the public for COVID-19 relief works. Dakya Naik, a teacher serving with the government higher primary school in Thimmapura village of Sorab taluk, had shared an audio clipping on WhatsApp in which the Chief Minister was criticised for requesting the public to chip in funds. The audio also had suggestions for the Chief Minister on mobilising resources from various sources to handle such exigences. Sri Raju, a cluster resource person serving with the department, was the administrator of the WhatsApp group in which Mr. Naik posted the audio clip. He also endorsed the opinion voiced in it. In a press release, K.M. Vaishali, CEO of Shivamogga Zilla Panchayat, said that prima facie, it was evident that both Mr. Naik and Mr. Raju had acted in contravention to their service conditions by showing disrespect to elected representatives. The CEO also said that when the people were in distress owing to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown, the duo had acted in an irresponsible manner by spreading misinformation about the government and the Chief Minister.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses special challenges to patients with organ failure. Those waiting for transplant or who had received a transplant tend to have more severe disease due to weak immunity. Patients with severe heart, lung, or liver failure and waiting for transplant are at a high risk for dying if a transplant does not happen within a short period of time. But if there are clusters of COVID-19 disease in the region around the hospital or if there are COVID-19 patients already admitted in the hospital then, the course ahead becomes a quandry. Performing a transplant surgery in such situation will increase the risk of exposure to the recipient during the surgery and in the recovery period. This exposure could happen from the donor or healthcare providers or other patients in the hospital. It is possible that the hospital resources could become limited due to COVID-19 cases and the care of the transplant recipients may get compromised. Non-urgent transplant surgeries such as kidney transplants in relatively stable patients on dialysis may be avoided in areas of high prevalence of COVID-19. If the recipient is critically ill and the surgery is unavoidable then care must be taken to check both the donor and the recipient for COVID-19 prior to transplant. Elective living donation transplants could continue in regions with low incidence and in hospitals with no infected patients. Deceased donation can continue in countries/regions with low incidence of COVID-19 but with stringent precautions. Currently, there is no evidence to support blood-transfusion related transmission of the virus particles and no additional precautions need to be taken by the blood bank during transplant surgeries. But voluntary blood donation may decrease and hence available blood must be used judiciously. All brain dead donors should be adequately screened for recent travel and potential exposure to virus. Deceased donation involves significant amount of interaction with the donor family, and increased human movement in hospital. Transplant coordinators should follow appropriate preventive measures to avoid exposure during evaluation. Donors with active infection or exposure to COVID-19 should not be considered for transplantation. Organ transportation throws additional challenges. Also deceased organ donation from hospitals with COVID-19 patients should be avoided due to risk of cross contamination. Regular visits to the doctor should be limited during this period of virus spread. Physicians can use telemedicine to reduce visits but continue interacting with the patient. Routine investigations should be limited and any elective procedures must be postponed. Dialysis patients and their treating physician should identify another small volume unit for dialysis needs if the situation arises where the primary centre is overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. The role of pre-emptive placement of AV fistula should be evaluated in patients with advanced renal failure to avoid the occurrence of emergent needs during COVID-19 epidemic. Transplant recipients with mild symptoms including runny nose, cough, throat pain and low-grade fever should be considered as suspected case of COVID- 19. They should be asked to self-quarantine themselves at home and consideration must be given to lower the immunosuppression. A majority of mild illnesses resolve spontaneously, with time and rest. However, such patients should be asked to closely monitor their symptoms. Patients with severe symptoms such as breathing difficulty, high fever and lack of oxygen should be admitted to the hospital. Immunosuppressive therapy should be discontinued or reduced in patients with severe illnesses. Currently, there are no proven therapies to cure coronavirus infection. The treatment in the hospital includes oxygen and organ supportive care until the lung injury resolves. Certain anti viral medication have been used on experimental basis with some reported benefits.
LEE TWP. — Two ice fishers were pulled from Lower Scott Lake Sunday after falling through the ice. The two men, who are brothers, fell through the ice around 4:24 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, near 54th Street and 110th Avenue. The Allegan County Sheriff's Office, Michigan State Police, a Department of Natural Resources officer and the Lee Township Fire Department responded to the call. The Allegan County Sheriff's Office Casco Township deputy, who is also on the county's dive/rescue team, arrived on the scene to find two males in the water and a third male using a small boat to attempt to rescue the men in the water. The deputy and a state trooper were able to get one of the fishers on shore after he got on top of the ice. They threw a rescue line to the other male. Once the second fisher was out of the water and onto thin ice, police instructed the man to flatten out and roll toward shore until they were able to pull him to safety. In total, the men were in the water about 20-30 minutes. The brothers, who are 62 and 60 years old, are longtime residents of Lower Scott Lake and have nearly 30 years of ice fishing experience. Neither of them, however, had any safety gear with them. Both brothers showed signs of hypothermia and small cuts from the ice, but they declined to go to the hospital. The Allegan County Sheriff’s Department was also assisted at the scene by Fennville AMR and Clyde Township Fire Department. The sheriff's office is reminding everyone that "no ice is safe ice," according to Lt. Brett Ensfield. The sheriff's office asks anyone going onto a frozen lake or pond to abide by these safety precautions: Tell someone where you are going and when you should return.Bring proper safety gear, including a Personal Flotation Device (life jacket), ice picks, and a whistle.Do not walk out on less than four inches of clear ice. This is the minimum recommended thickness.
Two separate fires in east Toronto kept fire crews busy on Sunday. Toronto Fire said they were called to an apartment building on Dawes Road in East York at around 10:30 a.m. There were concerns there may be children trapped inside the building, so the call was upgraded to a second-alarm, bringing more fire units to the scene. Toronto Fire said the children were quickly located in a neighbouring apartment and were not injured. The blaze was contained to a unit on the 11th floor and was quickly extinguished. Toronto Fire said there were no other reports of injuries, but two cats were rescued by firefighters. It is not known if the pets were injured. The second fire call was at a townhouse on Parma Court, near Victoria Park Avenue, at around 11:30 a.m. When crews arrived, flames were seen coming from a third-floor window, Toronto fire said. The residents got out of the building before crews arrived and there were no reports of injuries. The cause of both fires is under investigation.
× Expand File photo LGWC_Outhouse_Firefighters Despite their heavy turnout gear and slippery boot soles, Lake George firefighters stay close to their competitors — skiing enthusiasts from Albany — in an outhouse race held years ago during Lake George Winter Carnival. LAKE GEORGE | The region’s premier event for combating “cabin fever” — Lake George Winter Carnival — kicks off this weekend, offering a wide variety of activities for family fun. The opening weekend of the 59th annual carnival is expected to be a blockbuster because it hosts the ever-popular outhouse races. This zany event features people-powered privies fashioned in bizarre and humorous themes, skidding across the lake-top ice, or on packed snow. Whether the races feature a giant Star Wars creature, a sleek Batmobile replica with a toilet seat, or there’s a bride in her wedding gown careening in an outhouse on skis, the race has never failed to amuse spectators. People attending the carnival can witness their dog compete in a canine talent contest, sing at an open mic session, gather around a bonfire on the beach, or gaze at fireworks — There’s an array of family-oriented activities planned for this weekend at the Lake George Winter Carnival. Most all the activities are centered around Shepard Park beach. Saturday’s events start off with opening ceremonies at noon at MacDonald Pier, followed by a chili cook-off in the Shepard Park amphitheater featuring cuisine prepared by local chefs. The wacky outhouse races start at 1 p.m. at the Charles Wood Park Festival Commons off West Brook Road due to lack ice not forming soon enough. Registration is held at The Lagoon starting at 10 a.m.; call (518) 685-5009 for details. Beginning at 1:45 p.m., people will be gathering around bonfires on Shepard Park Beach and making s’mores as they enjoy hot chocolate. From 1:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., people are welcome to make their own tie-dyed T-shirts in the snow. Following at 4 p.m. is the annual winter carnival parade down Canada St., and a large number of floats and attractions are participating this year. Featured are several monster trucks, as well as firefighters from all over the region with their fire trucks. Beginning at 6 p.m., spectacular fireworks will light up the sky — and their blazing hues will reflect off the ice of Lake George. Sunday: keg toss, free sundaes, canine talent On Sunday, scheduled events start with youth hockey scrimmages on the lake — from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. — if the ice is thick enough. Make-your-own sundaes with toppings are provided free of charge by Stewart’s Shops beginning at noon on Shepard Park beach until supplies are gone. Then from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, people will be showing off their talents — or lack thereof — in the karaoke/open mic event in Shepard Park, and all are welcome to perform. Following at 2 p.m. is another top draw, for folks seeking to impress their dates — a keg toss on the beach. Sign-up is from 1:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. at the souvenir tent. All ages are welcome to test their strength. On both Saturday and Sunday, a variety of activities will be held through daylight hours. Cornhole games are offered beginning at noon for youth and adults, and from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., arts, crafts, games and face painting are offered at various area venues, while pony rides will be offered at Shepard Park for a modest fee. Beginning at noon each day, a chainsaw-wielding artist will carve felled tree trunks into various creatures. At 2 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday, the Lake George Dogs Got Talent Contest is to be held — and whether your dog can sing or dance, be sure to enter. At 3 p.m. is the event that for half a century has drawn a crowd — the carnival’s public Polar Plunge. Those participating are urged to bring a towel and dry clothes. Throughout each day, people will be warming up at bonfires and socializing, while other folks will be taking horse-drawn carriage and sleigh rides for a fee. Call Tina Purdy at (518) 321-5539 for details. Lake George Winter Carnival co-chairman Lou Tokos said this week that more and more families are participating in the carnival each year. “Most people have ‘cabin fever’ by February, and our carnival prompts people to get outdoors and enjoy fun activities,” he said. “Considering all our family-friendly events which are free, we’re definitely unique.” ■
× Expand Photo by Tim Weatherwax/One Shot Photography LGWC.ATV.Poker.1 A group of all-terrain vehicle riders drive along the lakeside walkway during a prior year’s Lake George Winter Carnival. This year’s edition of the popular four-weekend event resumes this Saturday and Sunday featuring an ATV Poker Run, a barbecue cookoff, bonfires by the beach, a dog talent show, and a karaoke contest — as well as an array of children’s activities. LAKE GEORGE | A myriad of activities are to be held at this weekend’s Lake George Winter Carnival — whether it’s prompting your dog to howl in a canine talent show, imitating Adele in a karaoke session, riding an ATV around the lake, gazing at fireworks, or making new friends while warming up at a bonfire on the beach. The 2020 edition of the carnival returns for its second weekend Saturday Feb. 8 and Sunday Feb. 9, featuring an ATV Poker Run, which annually brings hundreds of three- and four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles and their riders into the village. But with the ice of Lake George not yet thick enough to support automobiles, the sports car ice racing events scheduled for the carnival have been postponed until later this month, event officials said this week. All the carnival’s other traditional attractions are to occur as planned. The variety of children’s activities is vast this year, featuring pony rides, face painting, and indoor craft sessions — all held both Saturday and Sunday. All ages will enjoy Saturday’s barbecue cook-off, evening fireworks, and ice diving demonstrations. Also on Feb. 8 are tie-dyeing of T-shirts in snow, and making s’mores or sipping hot chocolate beside a bonfire on Shepard Park Beach. Sunday features youth hockey competitions on ice, make-your-own sundaes, an open mic session, a keg toss contest on the beach, and a snowman-building contest. Held both Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. are the “Dogs Got Talent” shows, in which aanyone can enter their pet or watch the canine antics, as well as the traditional bonfire-on-the-beach likely be to burning from mid-afternoon into the evening. Both days also host woodcarving demonstrations, cornhole games, children’s activities, as well as the traditional carnival Polar Plunge, in which people of all ages dash into the frigid water, while others watch and wince. Sleigh and carriage rides, as well as helicopter excursions are also to be offered through the weekend. Times of these events and other details are posted online at: “We provide a wide variety of activities for people of all ages, offering them the opportunity to get outdoors and really enjoy winter,” carnival official Lou Tokos said. ■
Houston performer Roxanne Collins is a renowned Tina Turner impersonator. Photo: courtesy of Roxanne Collins We've heard a lot, and rightfully so, about how the coronavirus closures are affecting live music and the livelihood of musical acts. The closure of bars and clubs has affected another community of performers: drag queens. No more drag brunches or midnight shows, at least for the time being. Roxanne Collins, a lauded Houston performer and renowned Tina Turner impersonator, is doing something about it. Collins will host "QuaranTina" at 9 p.m. Friday from her Facebook page. The hourlong show will feature songs from several of Turner's albums, including "Private Dancer," "Break Every Rule" and "Foreign Affair." And of course Collins will do "Proud Mary." She'll continue doing livestreams while she's home, digging into Turner's more recent work. "As the isolation became a stay home order and off work extension, I knew I needed to do something," Collins says. "People often underestimate the love I receive through my work that translates financially. I have been so blessed to make a career out of doing what I love to do. I have faith, and my faith is strong. I will be OK, and in the end, better than before this happened. You will make it through this, too. We are gonna make it together." Spoken like a true diva. The stars of "RuPaul's Drag Race" are also doing their part. The Werq the World livestream will feature performances by some of the show's most popular queens, 7 p.m. April 4 at Bianca Del Rio and Lady Bunny will host. Admission is $7.99 for the first 5,000 people. Proceeds will go to local performers across the country. Houston drag entertainers who have lost all income due to shutdowns can apply for aid at Joey Guerra is the music critic for the Houston Chronicle. Follow him on Twitter. Get experts’ picks for concerts, kids’ stuff, fine arts, movies and more by subscribing to the Preview entertainment newsletter.
BTS, Blackpink, Got7: Who will be the first K-pop act to perform at RodeoHouston? Who will be the first K-pop act to play RodeoHouston? Click through for some guesses>>> Who will be the first K-pop act to play RodeoHouston? Click through for some guesses>>> Photo: Photo Collage Photo: Photo Collage Image 1 of / 14 Caption Close BTS, Blackpink, Got7: Who will be the first K-pop act to perform at RodeoHouston? 1 / 14 Back to Gallery K-pop is coming to RodeoHouston. But who will be the first Korean act to take the rotating stage? Rumors began swirling in December when the RodeoHouston genre calendar was revealed and included a March 10 K-pop date. Twitter was still talking it about it earlier this week. HTOWN: 23 Houston acts making great music in 2020 BTS, of course, was the most frequently mentioned contender. But that might not be the case. The group is readying a new album and might be on tour elsewhere. There are several other acts, then, who could send fans into hysterics. Click through above to see who it might be. Joey Guerra is the music critic for the Houston Chronicle. Follow him on Twitter. Get experts’ picks for concerts, kids’ stuff, fine arts, movies and more by subscribing to the Preview entertainment newsletter.
On Thursday morning, Bernie Sanders took to twitter to share a clip of Joe Rogan seemingly endorsing him in the Democratic primary. The Vermont senator posted a clip of Rogan from one of his recent podcasts with New York Times op-ed columnist Bari Weiss, where the comedian stated he would probably support Sanders in the upcoming election. ”I think I’ll probably vote for Bernie. Him as a human being when I was hanging out with him, I believe in him. I like him, I like him a lot,”, Rogan said before dismissing the recent controversy between Sanders and fellow candidate Elizabeth Warren. “Look, you could dig up dirt on every single human being that’s ever existed if you catch them in their worst moment. That said, you can’t find very many with Bernie. He’s been insanely consistent his entire life. He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.” The endorsement, followed by Sander’s amplification of Rogan’s support, has sparked newfound controversy and debate surrounding the campaign and has divided the senator’s supporters on social media. Rogan is a well known comedian, former Fear Factor host and beloved UFC commentator with an exceptionally successful podcast called The Joe Rogan Experience, which has over seven million YouTube subscribers and is downloaded tens of millions of times each month. However, Rogan is almost as controversial as he is popular due to the selection of questionable guests he has hosted on his show over the past few years, including far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, disgraced far-right political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, and conservative commentator (and homophobe) Steven Crowder. While there is much for the Sanders campaign to gain from Rogan’s endorsement, it has also created a schism between the senator’s supporters, especially among those who do not approve of Rogan’s world view or approach to his podcast. This article will attempt to lay out the various pros and cons from Rogan’s endorsement while determining its significance on the upcoming election. The Good Over the past decade, Joe Rogan has managed to build a podcasting empire. His show, The Joe Rogan Experience, is one of the most popular podcasts available on the internet, and was the second most downloaded podcast on Apple’s network in 2017 and 2018. The podcast also receives tens of millions of views on YouTube each month, mainly from the highly coveted young male demographic who are drawn to the relatable, laid back nature of the podcast. Over the last couple of years, Rogan’s podcast has also become politically significant. In 2019, the comedian hosted three 2020 Democratic presidential candidates: Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie Sanders. Rogan later claimed that other Democratic candidates like Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren requested to appear on the show but were not accepted as guests. Yang was the first 2020 presidential candidate to appear on the show. A fringe candidate with a loyal base of young supporters, Yang’s campaign later reported a significant spike in campaign donations stemming from his appearance on the show. “Everything is up and to the right since the Joe Rogan podcast,” Yang’s campaign manager told the Daily Beast. “That was the key. That was the moment.” Then in August 2019, Rogan hosted Sanders on his podcast, where the two discussed health care, gun laws, and — naturally — aliens. The hour-long appearance was important for several reasons. Firstly, it showed that Sanders was communicating left-wing values on platforms that did not represent his ideological stance. By appearing on the show, Sanders not only promoted his own policies, but successfully exposed Rogan’s audience to left-wing ideas in a favourable and persuasive manner. Secondly, it was arguably a better platform for Sanders to deliver his policies than mainstream media has proven to be since the Democratic primaries began. While Sanders has not gotten a fair shake from outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, and the New York Times, he was allowed the time to reach non-traditional constituencies while on Rogan’s podcast without being interrupted or written off. He managed to persuade a portion of Rogan’s audience while still delivering his pro-working class message. Sander’s appearance on Rogan’s show clearly left a positive mark on the host, as Rogan has since admitted that he would “probably” vote for the Vermont senator, even going so far as to say that “when I was hanging out with him, I believe in him.” If that is how Sander’s impacted Rogan after a single podcast appearance, imagine the effect it had on the millions of impressionable young minds that listen to Rogan’s show. The opportunity to win back some of the voters that mainstream Democrats have alienated is something that Sanders should continue to do and proves that he would be a formidable challenger for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. The Bad While Joe Rogan is an exceptionally popular podcast host with a cult-like following, he has also proven to be a controversial figure with a willingness to push the boundaries when it comes to acceptable guests on his shows. Over the past decade, Rogan has hosted a wide range of characters that fall across the entire political spectrum, including liberals, conservatives, reactionaries, innocuous weirdos, conspiracy theorists, and snake oil salesmen. His list of guests include the likes of Edward Snowden, Richard Dawkins, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jesse Ventura, Mel Gibson, Robert Downey Jr., Elon Musk, Bob Lazar, Roseanne Barr, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Mike Tyson. There is no common denominator between the aforementioned guests except for their status as well-known figures. However, Rogan has hosted several figures who should not have been offered such expansive platforms. These include Alex Jones, who promotes conspiracy theories on his InfoWars network such as white genocide, vaccines, and climate change denial. Some of his most despicable actions include claiming that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012 and the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018 were false flag operations, which led to parents of victims and survivors being harassed and threatened. Despite Jones’ reputation, Rogan still referred to him as the “most misunderstood guy on the planet” in 2019. By normalizing people like Jones as a loveable lunatic and harmless weirdo, Rogan is inadvertently exposing his audience to hateful and xenophobic rhetoric and contributing to their potential radicalization. Rogan has also been guilty of transphobic comments over the past few years, most notably when discussing trans MMA fighter Fallon Fox in 2013, whom he referred to as a “f***ing man.” “She calls herself a woman but... I tend to disagree,” Rogan said on his podcast in 2013 (h/t Bleacher Report). “And, uh, she, um... she used to be a man but now she has had, she’s a transgender which is (the) official term that means you’ve gone through it, right? And she wants to be able to fight women in MMA. I say no f***ing way. I say if you had a dick at one point in time, you also have all the bone structure that comes with having a dick. You have bigger hands, you have bigger shoulder joints. You’re a f***ing man. That’s a man, OK? You can’t have... that’s... I don’t care if you don’t have a dick any more…” Fox, a natal male who transitioned in 2006, had served in the Navy as a operations specialist 2nd class for the U.S.S. Enterprise to support her daughter. She was also forced to quit college and to work as a trucker in order to save money for gender reassignment surgery. Yet despite the fact that she had transitioned seven years earlier, she was still made the target of Rogan’s bullying campaign. “Look, [Fox is] huge! She’s not just huge, she’s got a f***ing man’s face,”Rogan continued. “I mean, you can wear all the lipstick you want. You want to be a woman and you want to take female hormones, you want to get a boob job, that’s all fine. I support your life to live, your right to live as a woman. Fight guys, yes. She has to fight guys. First of all, she’s not really a she. She’s a transgender, post-op person. The operation doesn’t shave down your bone density. It doesn’t change. You look at a man’s hands and you look at a women’s hands and they’re built different. They’re just thicker, they’re stronger, your wrists are thicker, your elbows are thicker, your joints are thicker. Just the mechanical function of punching, a man can do it much harder than a woman can, period.” While Rogan promotes himself as a free thinker who is happy to discuss topics with both sides of the political spectrum, he has also allowed his podcast — and its substantial audience — to be hijacked by charlatans, conspiracy theorists, and bad faith actors who end up influencing his impressionable audience. However, while Rogan’s support for Sanders is controversial given Rogan’s past mistakes, it should be placed in relative contrast with the countless controversial characters who have previously endorsed Democratic candidates and were not met with the same level of scrutiny. The Political While Sanders’s willingness to amplify Rogan’s endorsement is problematic given Rogan’s questionable perspective on several topics, it is hardly the most controversial endorsement that a Democratic candidate has received. In 2016, Bernie Sanders criticized Hillary Clinton’s ties to Henry Kissinger during one of the Democratic debates, admitting he found it “rather amazing” that she was proud of her relationship with Kissinger. He added that Kissinger — whose legacy includes much of the Vietnam War and the genocidal bombing of Cambodia — was “one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country.” ”I’m proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend,” Sanders added during the debate. “I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger.” Instead of referring to Kissinger as the war criminal he is for helping orchestrate the carpet-bombing of Cambodia which killed between 150,000 to 500,000 citizens among other crimes, Clinton referred to him as a “friend.” And while her comments were criticized by the media, it highlighted the hypocrisy of establishment democrats and their willingness to put aside controversial differences in the pursuit of self-interest. In the end, Clinton’s comments about Kissinger had little effect on her winning the Democratic nomination. She continued to rack up endorsements, this time from celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay Z, Lena Dunham, Bruce Springsteen and Kate Perry. The Kissinger comments became a thing of the past. Sanders has proven that he can communicate through American pop culture after endorsements from Jack White, rapper T.I, Norah Jones and Brandi Carlile, as well as interviews with the likes of Cardi B and Killer Mike. And while Sanders did not need to amplify Rogan’s endorsement to reap its benefits, it highlights his willingness to take advantage of opportunities to capture a voter base that is generally skeptical of Democrats and their policies. Rogan’s fan base does not have a primary political allegiance — their allegiance is to Rogan, who has taught them to question everything. Winning them over is a coup because many are potentially undecided voters. It could also open the door for other progressive voices to be featured on Rogan’s show, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib among others. In response to the criticism, Sanders spokeswoman Briahna Joy Gray released a statement saying that “the goal of our campaign is to build a multi-racial, multi-generational movement that is large enough to defeat Donald Trump and the powerful special interests whose greed and corruption is the root cause of the outrageous inequality in America. Sharing a big tent requires including those who do not share every one of our beliefs, while always making clear that we will never compromise our values.” While Rogan’s transphobia and questionable guests should be criticized, it is understandable why Sanders would use Rogan’s platform and support at such a crucial stage of the presidential campaign. It is strictly political.
Joe Rogan is one of the most popular talk show hosts in the world, a hero to politically disenchanted men across America in particular. The Joe Rogan Experience covers an eclectic range of topics, from sports to science to politics, and has millions of dedicated followers on YouTube alone. Rogan has described himself as “left on everything” politically, and said on Tuesday that he would likely vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary. It’s the kind of endorsement that strengthens Sanders’s electability argument: that he can reach out to audiences beyond progressive activists. But when the Sanders campaign made a short video trumpeting Rogan’s announcement on Thursday, it immediately kicked off a controversy over whether the campaign should have trumpeted the endorsement so publicly. Rogan, despite his claims to be left-wing, also has a very long history of offensive commentary, especially about trans people. He’s had friendly interviews with right-wing extremists like Milo Yiannopoulos, Candace Owens, and Alex Jones — and even voiced some support for 9/11 conspiracy theories. The progressive world immediately split into competing camps. Some are arguing that Sanders was right to trumpet Rogan’s support because beating Donald Trump will require alliances with people who you disagree with on some issues. Others argue that Rogan’s views on transgender people — in a 2013 show, he referred to a trans woman as “a fucking man,” saying, “I don’t care if you don’t have a dick anymore” — should place him beyond the pale, just as an endorsement from a prominent racist would. This Twitter exchange between two prominent left-leaning Washington, DC, journalists — the Justice Collaborative’s Chris Geidner, a longtime reporter on law and LGBT issues; and the Intercept’s Ryan Grim, who covers Democratic Party politics — cuts to the core of the disagreement: Everyone on the left has correctly expended so much energy over the past years condemning Trump for his association with and support from white supremacists, but when it’s Sanders and an anti-trans, anti-gay bigot it’s “he’s a part of our politics, what can we do?” What bullshit. — Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) January 24, 2020 This is one of the most revealing spats in the 2020 primary so far. It touches on a core moral question about politics: What views should render someone unacceptable in polite discourse? It’s also a dispute about how to win in 2020. Should Democrats water down some of their commitments to win over potential Trump voters and, if so, which views? And it’s also yet another piece of ammunition in the war over Sanders among progressives, a sign that the 2016-era fight over how much he can be trusted on issues other than economic inequality still hasn’t been settled. Why you should care about Joe Rogan’s endorsement For about 10 years, Rogan has been the host of The Joe Rogan Experience, an internet talk show that’s become astonishingly popular both in podcast and video form on YouTube. It’s been the No. 1 or 2 show in the world on Apple Podcasts for the past few years; its YouTube channel, PowerfulJRE, has over 7 million subscribers. It’s given a new relevancy to the 52-year-old media veteran. He started his career as a standup comedian, starred in the ’90s sitcom NewsRadio, and then worked as the host of the gross-out reality show Fear Factor from 2001 to 2006. He’s also a passionate mixed martial arts fan who has worked as an announcer at MMA fights. Rogan’s show is a meandering interview series with a very strange panel of guests that reflect the host’s personal interests, ranging from MMA fighters to comedians to evolutionary biologists to Dr. Phil. His most famous episode is a 2018 interview with tech mogul Elon Musk, in which Musk smoked a blunt with Rogan and floated a proposal to sell his company stock at $420 (get it?). The interview kicked off a panic in the business world about Musk’s mental competency. Rogan is an engaging host, one who lets conversations float freely on a range of diverse and often quite interesting topics. When you watch some of Rogan’s more thoughtful interviews, it’s easy to understand why he has such a big cult following. But the show’s treatment of politics, a common topic in the interviews, is something else entirely. While Rogan claims to be left-wing, the show’s principal political enemy appears to be liberal identity politics. He’s a leading light of the “Intellectual Dark Web,” the loose confederation of anti-PC thinkers including Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson and right-wing gadfly Ben Shapiro. In fact, the question that led to his Sanders endorsement came from one of the IDW’s chief popularizers, New York Times columnist Bari Weiss. Rogan’s contempt for political correctness comes through throughout the show. In a 2013 episode, for example, he “joked” that seeing a screening of Planet of the Apes in a mostly black neighborhood was “walk[ing] in to Planet of the Apes.” He described the experience of finding out that his comedy hero Richard Pryor had sex with men as “a spike to the heart.” He has a particular distaste for the trans rights movement. In a 2017 JRE episode with Shapiro, he describes his radicalization on the issue as stemming from anger at Fallon Fox, a trans woman who competed in women’s MMA fights: I didn’t have a dog in this fight. I was completely open and liberal about it — until there was a case where a man who had been a man for 30 years became a woman for a little less than two years and then started MMA fighting women. Beating the fuck out of these women, and then not proclaiming that he or she used to be a man ... if you ever watch the fights, she wasn’t winning because she was skillful. She was fucking manhandling these women, it was ugly. This very short paragraph contains all the classic tropes of transphobia: a denial of the authenticity of trans people’s identity, an insinuation that they’re a threat to cis folks, and a claim that they’re using their gender identity to somehow get ahead in life. It is, to quote Rogan, ugly, and one of many such examples when it comes to trans issues. Trying to understand the nature of The Joe Rogan Experience, what connections there are between its often-offensive content and immense popularity, is a kind of tricky question. One plausible conclusion, exemplified by this piece by Slate’s Justin Phillips, is that they’re deeply intertwined — that the show succeeds because it’s a kind of dangerous faux-intellectualism for shallow bigots: By routinely disparaging the credibility and intentions of traditional centers of learning while giving idiots hours on end to profess their theories, Rogan allows his guests to establish themselves as the real fonts of mind-expanding knowledge. Many of his listeners are buying in. ‘My generation has hit the jackpot with this new way of learning. If you don’t watch or trust television and school feels like it has failed you, there is still hope to claim back your humanity, this show is the answer. … You’re welcome,’ wrote one podcast reviewer at the iTunes Store. Another: ‘Great Show please have Richard Spencer on.’ A second and opposing view, embodied in an Atlantic feature by Devin Gordon, is to understand Rogan as a way to reach a unique and underserved audience of men. “Most of Rogan’s critics don’t really grasp the breadth and depth of the community he has built, and they act as though trying is pointless,” he writes: The bedrock issue, though, is Rogan’s courting of a middle-bro audience that the cultural elite hold in particular contempt—guys who get barbed-wire tattoos and fill their fridge with Monster energy drinks and preordered their tickets to see Hobbs & Shaw. Joe loves these guys, and his affection has none of the condescension and ironic distance many people fall back on in order to get comfortable with them. He shares their passions and enthusiasms at a moment when the public dialogue has branded them childish or problematic or a slippery slope to Trumpism. Like many of these men, Joe grumbles a lot about “political correctness.” He knows that he is privileged by virtue of his gender and his skin color, but in his heart he is sick of being reminded about it. Like lots of other white men in America, he is grappling with a growing sense that the term white man has become an epithet. And like lots of other men in America, not just the white ones, he’s reckoning out loud with a fear that the word masculinity has become, by definition, toxic. It is the gulf between these two ways of seeing of Rogan and the subculture he speaks to that defines the debate over how Sanders should have handled Rogan’s endorsement. Joe Rogan, Bernie Sanders, and the big debates about 2020 After Rogan said he’d likely vote for Sanders on Tuesday’s Joe Rogan Experience episode, Sanders’s team released an edited version of Rogan’s comments, tweeting them out on the senator’s heavily followed personal account Thursday afternoon: “I think I'll probably vote for Bernie... He’s been insanely consistent his entire life. He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.” -Joe Rogan — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 23, 2020 The online backlash started more or less immediately on Twitter, with numerous high-profile users accusing the campaign of promoting a transphobe. Via email, Sanders campaign spokesperson Briahna Joy Gray argued that these criticisms were largely off-base. “Sharing a big tent requires including those who do not share every one of our beliefs, while always making clear that we will never compromise our values,” she writes. “The truth is that by standing together in solidarity, we share the values of love and respect that will move us in the direction of a more humane, more equal world.” There’s a lot implied in both the initial arguments against releasing the video and Gray’s response. Broadly speaking, the issues under debate deal with three different issues: one moral, one tactical, and one about the identity of the Sanders campaign itself. Let’s start with the moral dispute: whether someone with Rogan’s views should be outside the realm of acceptable political discourse. On the one hand, politics inevitably requires a degree of compromise and coalition-building. You simply can’t win elections and pass laws without appealing to a broad group of people who disagree internally, and in a country like the United States that will likely include some people with social views progressives find odious. At the same time, though, there has been an idea that some people’s views are so odious that they can never be acceptable political partners. In 2008, for example, Nation of Islam leader and notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan endorsed Barack Obama for president. Obama denounced Farrakhan’s bigoted comments but faced criticism for not saying more explicitly that he rejected the endorsement itself. Virtually everyone called on Donald Trump to reject former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s endorsement in 2016; the fact that he didn’t really do it kicked off a major political firestorm. The question, then, is where Joe Rogan falls on this spectrum. Is his history of offensive comments, especially about transgender people, so odious that the Sanders campaign shouldn’t ethically promote him, or maybe even should denounce him? Or is it a case where trumpeting Rogan’s support is worth it for the greater good of beating Trump? The idea that Rogan’s endorsement is helpful to the Sanders campaign also depends on a particular theory of victory: the idea that winning the White House requires appealing to both disaffected non-voters and working-class, non-college whites who populate the Rust Belt states. You hear this sort of argument a lot from the Sanders campaign and its media surrogates, particularly at the flagship socialist publication Jacobin. In this view, Rogan’s audience is a uniquely persuadable subset of these people, which helps explain why Sanders actually appeared on Rogan’s show last August. A competing vision, though, is that focusing on winning over these demographics — which include a healthy number of Trump supporters — is a huge mistake because they’re animated primarily by their resentment of marginalized groups, and winning them over would require selling out the Democratic base: racial minorities and women and LGBTQ voters. Any gains, in this view, would be offset by depressed turnout in the base. There’s a lot of room for nuance here. It can be true that, broadly speaking, the second view is correct, but also that the Sanders campaign rejecting the endorsement would still ultimately do more harm than good because Rogan’s fans are obsessive, while most non-fans don’t care all that much. It’s possible the smartest move politically would have been to say nothing about Rogan’s comments, letting it reach his hardcore fans without trumpeting it to a more mainstream audience (and kicking off a controversy). But broadly speaking, the differences in big-picture strategic assessment help explain why Sanders and his allies are at odds with other people in the progressive camp. And this brings us to the last question: How much has Sanders learned from his last presidential run? Throughout the 2016 campaign, Sanders was dogged by accusations of disinterest in identity issues — of having a monomaniacal socialist focus on economic inequality and class that led him to sideline other vectors of oppression. The Sanders campaign has worked to address this concern in 2020, building a strong base of support in minority communities (particularly among young voters) and putting forward highly progressive plans on issues like criminal justice and immigration. But the scars from 2016 aren’t entirely healed over. Trumpeting Joe Rogan’s support plays right into this axis of conflict. Rogan isn’t particularly offensive to the left on class issues; his worst excesses all come on other identity-based concerns. Deciding to highlight his support so prominently will play to stereotypes, justified or not, about what Sanders really cares about. The fight over Bernie Sanders and Joe Rogan is, in short, not really a fight about Joe Rogan. It’s a fight over the direction and identity of the Democratic Party at a moment when Sanders is rocketing up in the polls — a debate over who he is, and whether he has the right values and judgment to lead the party.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) took to Twitter on Thursday where he seemed to suggest that Donald Trump needs to be watched at all times, almost as if he were a toddler. In the tweet, Grassley pleaded to have someone in the White House make Trump read a column by the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger, presumable to influence the president’s trade policy. “Whoever keeps watch on [President Trump] at [the White House] have the economist there especially Navarro read WSJ oped by Henninger,” Grassley wrote. “This is what I’ve been preaching to the President for two years. President would benefit from reading it.” Whoever keeps watch on @realDonaldTrump at WH have the economist there especially Navarro read WSJ oped by Henninger This is what I’ve been preaching to the President for two yrs./President wld benefit fr reading it / IN TURN USA BENEFITS — ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) January 2, 2020 Some people were quick to notice Grassley referring to Trump as if he were a toddler. Congratulations to @dandrezner on getting Chuck Grassley to effectively blurb his new book, Toddler-In-Chief! 🎉 — Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) January 2, 2020 Grassley pleading to the daycare workers at the White House. — Paul 👻 (@pablo_honey1) January 2, 2020 Chuck, this is literally the job of Congress. Congress is supposed to keep an eye on the POTUS. — Matt (@BigotedVsBigots) January 2, 2020 Even you agree he needs a babysitter lol. — Emily Doton (@Emilyisadem_) January 2, 2020 If we need someone “keeping watch” over a President, maybe he doesn’t need to be President — Mimi62, Fiona Hill Fan Club member (@GMimi62) January 2, 2020 RELATED: Trump Rips ‘Dirty (Filthy) Cops’ For Arresting His Criminal Associates
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) caused a few chuckles on Thursday when he asked President Donald Trump’s handlers to direct him to an editorial in The Wall Street Journal. In a tweet sent on Thursday morning, Grassley wrote: “Whoever keeps watch on [Donald Trump] at WH have the economist there especially Navarro read WSJ oped by Henninger.” He added, “This is what I’ve been preaching to the President for two [years]./President [would] benefit [from] reading it / IN TURN USA BENEFITS.” Whoever keeps watch on @realDonaldTrump at WH have the economist there especially Navarro read WSJ oped by Henninger This is what I’ve been preaching to the President for two yrs./President wld benefit fr reading it / IN TURN USA BENEFITS — ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) January 2, 2020 Grassley appears to be talking about a column by The Wall Street Journal editorial writer Daniel Henninger. Henninger’s most recent column, titled “Will the ’20s Roar Again?” addresses economic issues and praised tax cuts. In the piece, Henninger declared that, because of Trump’s tax cuts, “the consumer is again king.” He also criticized tariffs but, largely, the column spoke on about how wonderful everybody was in the 1920s. This isn’t even the first time that Grassley has tweeted at Trump, hoping to get him to read something. In early 2017, he made it a bit of a habit, though, at the time, he wasn’t tagging the president in his tweets. In February of 2017, Grassley tweeted at “whoever monitors twitter at WH for President Trump” and called for the president to “start declassifying.” Whoever monitors twitter at WH for Pres Trump get on subject of my immediate tweet and stop overclassification & start declassifying — ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) February 11, 2017 On the next day, the Iowa senator sent out a tweet asking when the White House would be open for public tours and saying that his wife wanted to know. That was during the usual period just after the inauguration in which the White House is closed to the public. Whoever monitors twitter at WH for businessman president Trump "when is WH going to be opened for public tours?" Mrs G wants to know — ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) February 12, 2017 But Grassley probably would have had better luck in getting the president’s attention if he appeared on Fox News. On Thursday, around the same time that Grassley was tweeting at him, Trump was tweeting at his favorite network and complaining about impeachment.
ST PETE BEACH St. Pete Beach Recreation Dept. has Senior Trips Saturdays 8:30-4 pm this month for $15/person (plus lunch) to…March 7 – Tampa Bay Downs March 14 – Marie Selby Botanical Gardens March 21 – The Florida Aquarium March 28 – Brooker Creek Preserve March 29 – Music in the Afternoon April 11 – Underwater Egg Hunt & Chalk-Lit Fair April 17 – Beach Goes Pops – TomKats Orchestra 6-9pm April 18 – Beach Goes Rock – Horny Toads 4-6pm, Greg Billings 7-9pm MADEIRA BEACH Incumbent Commissioner Deby Weinstein will face a challenge from resident Helen Price in District 1. In District 2, incumbent Commissioner, and current Vice Mayor, Nancy Hodges won unopposed. Mayor Maggi Black has chosen not to seek re-election. John Hendricks and Gary Hughes are Mad Beach voter choices for the mayor’s job. The Ninth Annual Great American Grunt Hunt Returns to Madeira Beach March 13-14. On Saturday, March 14th at 4pm, don’t miss the weigh-in and fish fry! For just $10 you get a heaping portion of freshly cleaned fish with fries and coleslaw prepared by Snappers Sea Grill. The Grunt Hunt is an easy, inexpensive and fun event that anyone from kids to grandparents can participate in and win. Contact Curt Preisser, City of Madeira Beach Public Information Officer at 727-391-9951 ext. 299 or The Gulfcoast Rotary Club’s big fun and fundraiser with the City of Madeira Beach is the Spring Break Festival and Carnival held this year March 19-22nd at ROC Park in Mad Beach. With the proceeds they have built theMiracle League’s Field, contribute to All Children’s and Rotary Camp Florida. Mad Burger Fest, Sunday, April 5th Madeira beach’s first hamburger food festival and car show! Benefiting R.O.C. Park “Remember Our Children” • Best Burger Contest • Food trucks • Car Show • Trophies / Awards • Kids Zone • Vendors • Music Contact Dona Crowley, LUXE Fashion Group, Event Design & Marketing, (813) 580-9000 @DONACROWLEY Movies on the Beach at Archibald Park April 17 – The Wizard of Oz May 15 – Splash June 19 – Hook July 17 – Summer Rental August 21 – Rocky September 18 – Back to the Future Oct 2 – ET ST PETERSBURG Florida CraftArt presents: Contemporary Fiber in Florida March 13 – May 3, 2020 This juried exhibition at Florida CraftArt showcases innovative approaches to traditional fiber techniques, includes weaving, surface design, wearable art, basketry, beading and textile dyeing. It features 40 artists from around the state of Florida, from Tallahassee to Sunrise. The opening reception and awards presentation are on March 13 from 5:30-7:30pm and the exhibit runs through May 3. This inventive show is curated by Cindy Bartosek, a West Palm Beach-based artist and educator. Ms. Bartosek specializes in tapestry weaving, botanical eco-printing, and photography, as well as photographic printing on fiber. Creative Clay hosts a workshop with Missionary Mary Proctor March 14 from 3-5pm Create a mixed media/assemblage one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. Basic supplies, such as boards, glue and paints will be provided by Missionary Mary. You bring the fun stuff, like mementos, photos or copies of photos, grandma’s buttons, costume jewelry, keys, old letters, dried flowers, ribbon, wire, and anything else you love. Creative Clay also welcomes participants to peruse our Creative Thrift store, which has many fun items that can be used in the workshop as well. Mary Proctor’s artwork is included in permanent collections from St. Petersburg’s MFA and the Smithsonian Institution to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, New Orleans Museum of Art and the California African American Museum (Los Angeles). Mary has also participated in 13 of Creative Clay’s art and music festivals held each fall since 2007. Contact 727-825-0515 Florida Suncoast Tiny Home Festival, March 28-29, 10am-6pm at England Brothers Park, 5010 81st Ave N. in Pinellas Park. The festival, organized by LocalShops1, features the latest and greatest in tiny home living trends! In addition to the tiny structures, the festival brings a lineup of more than two dozen leading experts in the Tiny House movement. It is a kid and dog-friendly outdoor event! General Admission, $15 for one day, $20 for both includes full access to the festival grounds, where guests will get to explore the Tiny Homes and speak directly with the homeowners and builders. Admission also includes access to all the presentations, with topics including zoning, building regulations, de-cluttering your home, living green and much more. Florida Suncoast Tiny Home Festival, March 28-29, 10am-6pm at England Brothers Park, 5010 81st Ave N. Early Bird Tickets are $10 for one day, or $15 for the weekend. Reflection of Mirror Lake to Rise After selling his Tierra Verde home, longtime local Fred Hemmer and his wife moved into the Camden Pier District, an 18-story apartment building in Downtown St. Pete. And although they traded their waterfront home for a high-rise, they viewed the move as an upgrade, “Downtown has so much entertainment to offer,” Hemmer says, “We were tired of always driving downtown and figured, why not just move there?” Now, Hemmer is looking to use his decades of experience in banking and real estate to further transform downtown St. Pete. A group of locals, led by Hemmer, are proposing an 18-story condominium tower for the northeast corner of 3rd Ave. N. and 8th St. N. The project, named Reflection, will be located a block from Mirror Lake and will offer 77 units in a modern building with a glass facade. The building was designed by SMP Architecture. Reflection will rise 200 feet over Mirror Lake with views of the Downtown St. Pete skyline. Unlike other condominium buildings in downtown St. Pete, the top floor won’t contain penthouse units. Instead, drawing on his experience living at Camden Pier District, Hemmer’s plans call for a rooftop amenity deck featuring a resort style pool that will offer 360 degree views of the city. Units at Reflection will range from 1,300-2,300 square feet with 1-3 bedrooms. Pricing is set to begin in the $600,000s, which is about 30% lower than Beach Drive prices, and will rise to around $1.3 million. Albert Whitted Airport expansion could help fuel downtown boom located on 179 acres just south of downtown St. Petersburg, a new master plan is expected for Albert Whitted Airport by the end of 2020. A key focus of the plan likely will be a proposal to extend one of the runways further east into Tampa Bay, Rich Lesniak, airport manager, told a City Council committee. Making that shift could allow the airport’s neighbor, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, and the hospitals and businesses west of USF, to build taller buildings and employ more people in those buildings. That could create a potential economic impact of close to $400 million, according to an economic analysis. It is a general aviation airport with two runways. About 180 aircraft are based at the airport and it averages about 90,000 takeoffs and landings per year. The last master plan for Albert Whitted was completed in 2007, and the city has since wrapped up most of the projects in that plan. About 85 percent of the $18.5 million in capital improvements from the 2007 master plan were paid for with federal and state grants. St. Pete’s future tallest building? The New York-based Red Apple Group, can now submit a building permit application with design and construction plans to the city. The hotel, condominium and retail complex would sit on the 2.27-acreparcel south of Central Ave, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. Included in the complex: 45 stories of condominiums, a 20-story hotel and an 842-space parking garage. The site would also include a six-story building with office and retail space. Obstacles remain, however. Corey Malyszka, an urban design and development coordinator with the city, said the developers had not, to his knowledge, gotten approval from the Federal Aviation Administration for their 515-foot tower. With Albert Whitted Airport nearby, that’s a must. Council Member Gina Driscoll said she is concerned about how the site would interact with downtown traffic. Body Electric gym in the Warehouse Arts District The owners of The Body Electric Yoga Co. cut the ribbon Friday on their second site, The Body Electric Athletic Co. The nearly 16,000-square-foot facility, at 655 31st St. S. in the Warehouse Arts District, was packed with people who turned out to see the three large studios, an open gym for members, a café and childcare facilities. Charge of the Soul LLC, led by co-owners Katelyn Grady and Jenny Miller, paid $840,000 for the building in July 2019, and the company has put at least $650,000 in. Wannemacher Jensen Architects designed the project, which was financed by Bank OZK. Body Electric Athletic Co., 655 31St S., St. Petersburg PINELLAS COUNTY Free tire collection event to help reduce mosquito population. Residents can drop off tires at four locations on April 18. Pinellas County is hosting a FREE tire collection event on Saturday, April 18, 9am-1pm. Tires are a common breeding location for mosquitoes. They can hold water, which provides mosquitoes with the perfect location to lay eggs and grow larvae. Tires will be collected at the following locations: Largo: Eagle Lake Park, 1800 Keene Road Lealman: Lealman Exchange, 5175 45th St. N. Palm Harbor: John Chesnut Sr. Park, 2200 East Lake Road S. Seminole: Walsingham Park, 12615 102nd Ave. N. Proof of residence in any Pinellas town or city qualifies too. No business drop-offs accepted. Residents may bring up to 12 tires of 36 inches or less in diameter with or without rims. The collected tires will be processed through Pinellas County Solid Waste’s Waste-to-Energy facility, which generates enough electricity to power approximately 45,000 homes a day. Additionally, metal from the tires will be recovered from the processed ash and recycled. For more information, residents may call Pinellas County Mosquito Control at (727) 464-7503 or visit Sunstar First Care Ambulance Membership Enroll today for ambulance coverage through March, 2021.There is still time for individuals and families to enroll in the Sunstar FirstCare Ambulance Membership program and receive medical transport cost coverage for more than a year. The Sunstar First Care Ambulance Membership is a Pinellas County Government program that works to minimize out-of-pocket ambulance expenses. While the membership is not an insurance plan, having it can cover out-of-pocket expenses associated with copays or significantly reduce the cost of medically necessary transportation expenses for members without insurance. The family membership covers individuals who reside in the same household related by blood, marriage or adoption. The average cost of a single transport is $746. Annual membership fees are $68 for a single membership and $103 for a family membership. Congressman Charlie Crist (D-FL) announced a $210,000 grant to the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council to support the development of a comprehensive economic development strategy for the region. Administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, this funding will double the amount being invested by Tampa Bay counties, establishing an economic development strategy for the future that supports capital investment and job creation in the region. This EDA grant supports the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the region served by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, which comprises the counties of Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, and Pinellas. The CEDS process is designed to bring together the public and private sectors in the creation of an economic development roadmap to diversify and strengthen the regional economy. Crist also announced a $263,040 grant to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to be used for the restoration of seven threatened coral species. Allocated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), these funds will allow FWC to respond to the severe decline of corals in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The funds will be used to establish two permanent field-based coral nurseries and four pop-up nurseries, to transplant nursery-reared corals onto degraded reefs, and gene banking of genotypes of these corals. TAMPA BAY & BEYOND The Tampa Bay Vipers will play its home games at Raymond James Stadium, headquartered at Plant City Stadium where players will be housed and practices held. Tampa Bay joins Seattle, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, St. Louis and Washington, D.C. as the league’s inaugural cities. Teams will have 40-man active rosters and play a 10-week season. Vince McMahon said “the game will feature simplified rules for a faster pace of game that should complete in under three hours,” and will draw from former college and NFL players. On March 5, 2019, Marc Trestman was announced to be the head coach and general manager of the Tampa Bay XFL team. Clyde Butcher, world renowned landscape photographer, especially of the Everglades in black & white, was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the South Florida National Parks Trust (SFNPT) at their 5th Annual Wine & Wildlife at Naples Botanical Garden late last month. “The SFNPT is a special organization to our family and we have partnered with them for many years in support of the SWAMP program. SWAMP is an environmental education program that sends Collier County 6th graders into Big Cypress National Preserve on ranger-led field trips to see their backyard and become scientists for the day. I can’t think of a better organization to honor Clyde for his lifetime of conservation and educational work in support of Florida’s national parks,” said Clyde’s daughter Jackie Butcher Obendorf. Top 15 Beaches In America Florida is home to some of the most famous beaches in the world, according to a recent TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards selection. Here are the Top 15 beaches in America. #1 – Clearwater Beach, Florida #2 – Siesta Beach, Florida #3 – Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii #4 – South Beach, Florida #5 – Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Oahu, Hawaii #6 – Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida #7 – St. Pete Beach, Florida #8 – Hollywood Beach, Florida #9 – Santa Monica Beach, California #10 – Lanikai Beach, Oahu, Hawaii #11 – Panama City Beach, Florida #12 – Waikiki Beach, Oahu, Hawaii #13 – Kailua Beach Park, Oahu, Hawaii #14 – Fort Myers Beach, Florida #15 -Napili Beach, Maui, Hawaii
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Queen makes Christmas pudding with Prince George royal alerts including a daily special Jubilee edition SUBSCRIBE Invalid email Sign up forincluding a daily special Jubilee edition We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Prince George looked all grown-up standing next to Prince Charles wearing a blue and green tartan pair of trousers. Traditionally royal boys have been dressed in shorts, even in winter, and Prince George’s outfits in the past have been no exception. However William and Kate’s eldest has now reached the age where he can wear trousers at official royal events and photos. The young royal made his Sandringham Christmas debut as he joined the royals for their traditional Christmas Day church service in public with his sister Princess Charlotte. Prince George donned trousers, while his sister looked adorable in a festive green coat. Kate and William released a black and white photo on Christmas, after their Christmas card photo was leaked online. Prince George stands with the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William The Queen and three future kings Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George In the photo, William, Charlotte and young Louis are picture all bundled up in coats and jumpers, while Prince George wears shorts and a fleece jacket. The photo was taken by Kate at their place in Norfolk and so the Duchess of Cambridge did not feature in the snap. For Cambridge family’s Christmas photo in 2018, George was pictured wearing jeans like his dad William. The family picture to mark the beginning of the 2020 decade is only the second time such a portrait of just the Queen and her heirs has been issued. READ MORE: The ONE thing Kate Middleton wants for her children Prince George wearing shorts during the Cambridge family’s tour of Canada in October 2016 Prince George wearing shorts aged 3 in Canada The first was released in April 2016 to celebrate Her Majesty's 90th birthday and featured a three-year-old Prince George in shorts. The photo released on Friday night by photographer Ranald Mackechnie was taken on December 18, the same day as the Christmas pudding photos – which were released before Christmas – and the Royal Family’s annual Christmas lunch, hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The Queen, Charles, William and George made Christmas puddings in Buckingham Palace in front of a Christmas tree adorned with regal corgi and crown decorations. DON'T MISS Queen to 'bypass Prince Charles to naturally pass on Crown to William' [OPINION] How Queen ‘admires’ Kate Middleton - but THIS royal remains favourite [REVEAL] Princess Charlotte gives FIRST curtsy to Queen after Kate shows her [VIDEO] A photo released of the Queen, Charles, William and George to mark her 90th birthday in 2016 Trending In footage shared on the Royal Family’s social media accounts as well as being played during the Queen's Christmas message, George was seen battling with the thick pudding mixture with a wooden spoon, making his grandfather chuckle. The video was shared on Twitter with the caption: “The Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge and Prince George came together to make Christmas puddings at Buckingham Palace as part of a Royal British Legion initiative.” The Queen is patron of the Royal British Legion and the puddings will be served at Christmas gatherings of the Armed Forces community in late 2020. However, it was young Prince George who stole the show as royal fans flocked to comment on the post. Prince George is third in line to the British throne
Prince George looks so grown up as he poses for new photo with the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William The photo was taken on the day of the Queen's Christmas lunch Buckingham Palace has released a new portrait of the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge and Prince George, to mark the start of a new decade. The 93-year-old monarch, wearing a white dress and sapphire brooch, poses for a photo with her three heirs in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace. Her son Prince Charles, 71, stands on her right with his arm around his six-year-old grandson Prince George. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's eldest child looks smart in a blue-trimmed white shirt from Amaiakids, a pair of blue and green tartan trousers and a sweet pair of shoes, also by Amaiakids, as he smiles for the camera. The Queen's grandson, Prince William, 37, who is second-in-line to the throne, stands on her left, dressed in a navy-blue suit. READ: Prince William teams up with Strictly's Alex Scott and other football stars for important cause The new portrait of the Queen, Charles, William and George. Credit: Ranald Mackechnie This is only the second time a portrait has been issued of the Queen, Charles, William and George; the first was released in April 2016 to mark Her Majesty's 90th birthday. The youngest royal's elevated position in the new picture is reminiscent of the 2016 photo, when then-two-year-old George stood next to his great-grandmother on a blue and black step, holding the hand of his father, William. The latest photo of the four generations of the royal family was taken by the same photographer, Ranald Mackechnie, on Wednesday 18 December 2019 – the day of the Queen's Christmas lunch for her family. William and George arrived at the festive bash a little earlier than Kate, Charlotte and Louis, so they could make Christmas puddings with the Queen and Prince Charles. WATCH: Go behind the scenes at HELLO! as we reveal the royal highlights of 2019 The first photo of the Queen and her three heirs in 2016. Credit: Ranald Mackechnie Buckingham Palace released a series of adorable photos and a video of the Queen, Charles, William and George stirring the mixture to make the festive treat, as part of a Royal British Legion project. The Together at Christmas initiative aims to provide extra support to the Armed Forces community at annual festive "get-togethers" across the charity's network, both at home and abroad. The royals placed commemorative sixpences into the mixture, ready to be found by those attending the gatherings next year. George and his sister Princess Charlotte, four, made their public debut at the annual Christmas Day church service in December. The Prince looked smart in a navy blazer, jumper and trousers, while his sibling wore a dark green double-breasted coat from Amaia Kids. Make sure you never miss a ROYAL story! Sign up to our newsletter to get all of our celebrity, royal and lifestyle news delivered directly to your inbox.
Bulldog Track & Field has ‘Amazing Opener’ at Orange & Purple Elite Meet SOURCE: GEORGIA SPORTS COMMUNICATIONS Share this story: Linkedin Pinterest Tumblr Georgia’s track and field teams posted nine top collegiate finishes and a series of top-five national finishes at the indoor season opening Orange & Purple Elite meet in Clemson, S.C., on Saturday. “I’m very happy with our season opener today,” said Georgia head coach Petros Kyprianou. “We have a young but tough team on both sides. Everyone who set personal bests were my highlight today. But I was also excited to see Jasmine (Moore), Darius (Carbin) and Shelby (Tyler) for setting top-three NCAA marks. It is very early in the year but I am seeing a very, very bright future for these Dawg teams. “Lots of energy, hunger for greatness and enthusiasm is the sum of the good culture that we have on this team. Ninety-nine percent of our student-athletes work really hard and they want to see results. We as a coaching staff are excited to ride this ride with them as they attempt to pursue success at the NCAA Championships in Marsh. I can’t wait for the next meet to see how we improve upon an amazing opener in Clemson!” Senior Darius Carbin had four first attempt clearances in the high jump, including his victorious mark of 7 feet, 4 ¼ inches, to take over the early national lead in the event. This came within an inch of his personal best of 7-5 set at last year’s Tyson Invitational. On the women’s side, freshman Shelby Tyler answered a third attempt in the high jump with a clearance at 5-11.50 to win in her collegiate debut. Her mark is tied for No. 2 on the current NCAA list. Freshman Matthew Boling had a busy start to his collegiate career. He made his debut on the track and left with the third-fastest 60-meter dash time in school history. Boling sped to a 6.68 to finish .01 behind Florida State freshman Taylor Banks for second and shot to No. 10 on this year’s NCAA list. He was fifth (6.74) in the prelims with what was sixth on Georgia’s all-time list. In the long jump, Boling took off for an opening mark of 24-7.25 to earn runner-up honors and move to ninth in the school record books. This effort tied the No. 10 entry in the Bulldog record books. He then anchored the 4x400m relay team to a 3:11.42 victory with Elija Godwin, Johannes Erm and Caleb Cavanaugh also taking a turn with the baton. This was Godwin’s meet back with the Bulldogs after sustaining a season-ending injury during practice for last year’s SEC Outdoor Championships. Cavanaugh was making his collegiate debut on Saturday. The women’s 4x400m relay squad helped complete the sweep for Georgia with the nation’s fifth-best time in 2020. Arria Minor, Victoria Powell, Sterling Lester and Amber Tanner moved into the No. 9 spot on the school’s all-time top-10 list after clocking a 3:41.26. Minor and Powell were competing in the red and black for the first time. Freshman Jasmine Moore soared 20-11.75 on her first career attempt in the long jump to win and rocket to second on this year’s NCAA performance list. This gave her possession of the No. 9 spot in the school record books. Sophomore teammate Titiana Marsh approached her personal record with a fifth attempt of 20-3, which gave her second in the competition and No. 7 on the national list. Also of note, Marsh registered a career-best finish of 7.66 in the 60m on Saturday. Sophomore Imani Carothers recorded the top collegiate finish and was third overall in the 60m hurdle final with an 8.25. This ties Carothers’ No. 5 entry from last year in the school record books and situates her eighth on this year’s national performance list. In the prelims, Carothers was fourth with an 8.33. Tanner, who was third at last year’s indoor conference meet in the 800m and qualified for the NCAA meet, won the 600m after crossing the finish line in 1:29.79. Freshman heptathlete Anna Hall came across in sixth place with a 1:34.38 during the first race of her collegiate career. Georgia went 1-2-3 in the men’s pole vault with a true freshman leading two of the Bulldog decathletes. Haze Farmer went over the bar at 16-6.75 on his second try while Erm (15-11) and Tilga (15-1) finished second and third, respectively. A pair of Lady Bulldog pole vaulters posted matching marks for fifth and sixth place. Freshman Gracie Jauch and sophomore Courtney Long each cleared 12-3.50 (Jauch on her first attempt and Long on her second) in the 17-woman field. Kyle Garland and Erm began their in-season training for the heptathlon in the 60m hurdle prelims. Garland was 10th with an 8.07 while Erm, who is the two-time defending SEC heptathlon champion, improved his personal record to 8.08, which betters his No. 10 spot in the school record books. Junior transfer Nina Schultz also clocked an 8.72 in the 60m hurdle prelim. This marked her first action after redshirting in 2019 and earning two national runner-up finishes in the multi-events for Kansas State in 2017-18. In the 3000m races, redshirt freshman Sam Bowers was the top collegiate finisher (third overall) after running a time of 8:29.32 and true freshman Chase Condra was fourth with an 8:32.23. On the women’s side, freshman Ellie Hall was the second collegiate finisher (third overall) after completing her laps in 10:02.19 while senior Tiffany Yue finished one spot behind with a 10:04.10. Results and a recap from the Orange & Purple Elite meet will also be found at News and updates from Georgia’s track and field and cross country teams are always located on Twitter/Instagram at @UGATrack. Bulldog Winners Name Event Mark/Time Jasmine Moore W. Long Jump 20 feet, 11 ¾ inches (No. 9 in UGA history) Darius Carbin M. High Jump 7-4.25 Amber Tanner W. 600m 1:29.79 *Imani Carothers W. 60mH 8.25 (No. 5 in UGA history) *Sam Bowers M. 3000m 8:29.32 A. Minor, V. Powell W. 4x400m relay 3:41.26 (No. 9 in UGA history) S. Lester, A. Tanner E. Godwin, J. Erm M. 4x400m relay 3:11.42 C. Cavanaugh, M. Boling Haze Farmer M. Pole Vault 16-6.75 Shelby Tyler W. High Jump 5-11.50 *top collegiate finish, third overall
Bulldog Elite Put UGA on the NCAA, World Radar at Razorback Invite SOURCE: GEORGIA SPORTS COMMUNICATIONS Share this story: Linkedin Pinterest Tumblr Georgia’s track and field teams exploded for a series of performances that repositioned the Bulldogs at the top or near the top of the 2020 NCAA and world performance lists at the Razorback Invitational in Fayetteville, Ark., on Saturday. Starting the day in 1-2-4, the Bulldogs finished the meet with a perfect gold, silver and bronze in the heptathlon with two scores of at least 6,000 points and one six points short. Junior Johannes Erm moved to second in the school record books with a 2020 NCAA/world leading mark of 6,114 points to be the 11th top performer in collegiate history. Sophomore Karel Tilga battled in his first collegiate combined event competition for 6,019 points for runner-up honors and to take over the No. 6 spot in the school record books, No. 2 on this year’s NCAA list, No. 3 on the 2020 world list and No. 22 collegiate performer of all-time. Redshirt freshman Kyle Garland was third in his first multi-event comp at UGA with 5,994 points, which ranks seventh in school history, third on the national performance list, fourth on the 2020 world list and become the No. 25 all-time collegiate performer. In addition, freshman Jasmine Moore put her name up with some of the all-time greats in the women’s triple jump by taking control of this year’s women’s triple jump list. Full Results: For full meet results, please visit: “This was a pretty good weekend for us and an outstanding meet for our elite competitors,” said head coach Petros Kyprianou. “Overall, we had some ups and downs, but our positives overshadowed any of the other spots where we still need to work. We are making everyone understand that Georgia is here and that we are and will be challenging for titles. “The highlight on the men’s side was not only our heptathletes going 1-2-3, but the way they did it. We have the top four spots in the world right now, counting former Bulldog Garrett Scantling, and that speaks to the ‘Decathlon Academy’ we are trying to establish here. The guys today kept responding with big performances and pushed each other in a healthy way. They, along with Darius Carbin in the high jump, are working to put this men’s team on the map. As always, we need leaders to step up and for our aces to perform when it counts. “I think the high point of the weekend for the women was Jasmine Moore’s monster jump in the triple. She came within eight centimeters or so of Keturah (Orji’s) American junior record and continues to make strides. Having Titiana Marsh also leave with one of the top marks of her indoor career also gives up two strong reps in the triple on the national level. I was also impressed with Anna Hall’s performance in the pentathlon this weekend and probably one of the more notable performances came from Kayla Smith in the pole vault. She showed everyone that she is not here to mess around this year and after a number of surgeries is taking that ‘Mamba Mentality’ and taking care of business. I am excited for her and to see her journey this year.” Already hanging around the top five nationally in both the long and triple jumps, freshman Jasmine Moore answered an opening foul in the triple with an effort of 45 feet, 7 ¼ inches. This takes over the national lead, moves her to No. 3 on the 2020 world list and No. 2 in the UGA record books behind collegiate record holder Keturah Orji. Moore also had a mark of 45-0.50 in her series, which also would lead the country. Sophomore Titiana Marsh opened at 43-0.25 in the triple and then improved to 43-8 on her fourth try for fourth place. This betters Marsh’s spot on this year’s national performance top-10 list. The Drop sisters fought for a 2-3 finish in the 3000-meter Invitational to move into the nation’s top 10 this year and establish a new top-five entry in the school record books. Junior Jessica Drop was the runner-up with a 9:18.64, which put her seventh on the national list for this season. Fellow junior Samantha Drop finished in 9:26.50 and jumped from 10th to fourth on the school’s all-time top-10 list. Senior Amber Tanner nearly caught her personal record in the 800m set last year on her way to third-place honors on Saturday. She completed her laps in 2:05.72, which is expected to move her into the top 10 nationally and was only .13 off of her time from the 2019 SEC Championships. Two weeks after establishing a new personal record, sophomore Imani Carothers bettered her 60m hurdle time to 8.18 to be third in the qualifying round and improve her No. 4 spot in the school record books. She finished fifth with an 8.21 for fifth in the final. Freshman Ellie Hall ran a season-best time of 9:51.76 to take sixth in the women’s 3000m. Also of note, a pair of Georgia freshmen – Sam Bowers and Chase Condra – set fresh personal bests in the 3000m with an 8:25.13 and 8:26.95, respectively, to finish in the race’s top 15. The Bulldogs flexed their muscle in the multi-events with a 1-2-3 finish in the heptathlon and a runner-up showing in the pentathlon. For the second week in a row, Erm bettered his personal record in the 60m hurdles to 8.03 (actually 8.028 behind Garland’s 8.027) for 972 points and second place. Erm was also in second place overall going into the pole vault. He posted three clearances in the pole vault, including an effort of 15-9 to score 849 points, and breaks into the lead with just the 1000m to go. He completed the competition with a personal-best time in the 1000m at 2:36.02. Tilga was third in the third heat after crossing the 60m hurdle finish line in 8.40. His 884 points, which was eighth in the competition, situated Tilga in third place with two events to go. He used a second attempt clearance at a UGA personal-best height of 15-5 to add 819 points to his total and put him in third place overall behind his teammates. Tilga stayed on pace with Erm in the 1000m and finished in 2:36.34. Garland won the 60m hurdles by .001 over Erm for 974 points. Garland registered a season best 8.03, which put him in the lead. He battled for a third and final try clearance at 14-5.25 to score 731 points. Garland was in second overall by just 44 points heading into the 1000m. He wrapped up his competition by completing his 1000m laps in 2:42.82. The Bulldogs return to work in two weeks at the Husky Classic (Seattle, Wash.) and the Tyson Invitational in Fayetteville. How To Keep Up With The Dogs: Updates from Georgia’s track and field and cross country teams can always be found on Twitter/Instagram (UGATrack) and Snapchat (ugatrack). Heptathlon Scores Name 60m LJ SP HJ Day 1 Johannes Erm *6.99 ^24-11 *47-9.25 ^6-5 *3,373 pts. 60mH PV 1000m TOTAL *8.03 15-9 *2:36.02 *6,114 Karel Tilga 60m LJ SP HJ Day 1 *7.18 24-4.25 50-8.25 *6-8.75 *3,401 pts. 60mH PV 1000m TOTAL 8.40 *15-5 *2:36.34 *6,019 Kyle Garland 60m LJ SP HJ Day 1 *6.95 24-2.50 44-11.50 *7-0.25 *3,447 pts. 60mH PV 1000m TOTAL 8.03 14-5.25 *2:42.82 *5,994 *UGA personal record; ^season best
A 64-year-old man who was tested positive of Coronavirus in Mumbai, passed away on Monday at Kasturba Hospital, confirmed BMC commissioner Praveen Pardeshi. As per sources, the deceased was tested positive after returning from Dubai. Earlier, two deaths have been reported in Kalaburagi and West Delhi, making this the third Coronavirus death in India Maha CM declares 'Coronavirus epidemic' The Maharashtra government on Friday invoked the Epidemic Diseases Act declaring the Coronavirus as an epidemic, as announced by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. Informing the state assembly of the number of positive cases detected at that time, he declared all the schools to be shut in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad till further notice barring where 10th and 12th standard board exams are being conducted. Further, gyms, swimming pools and theatres in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur, Pimpri-Chinchwad have been shut till March 30. Subsequent to that, the state government has notified that offices mustn't work with over 50% attendance at any given time, in order to further 'social distancing'. Read: 16 Italian tourists infected; Rajasthan govt takes anti-COVID measures along their trail The Coronavirus outbreak As of date, the total number of positive cases in India has soared over 125, including 17 foreign nationals. The maximum cases of the virus have been reported in Maharashtra and Kerala. The Centre has “strongly advised” Indians to avoid all non-essential travel abroad. The government is also monitoring all suspected cases and has issued preventive advisories. Earlier on Saturday, the Central government decided to treat the deadly virus as a "notified disaster", and has since issued even more advisories and travel restrictions. Read: Will COVID 19 go away with warmer weather? Here are some myths that are busted by WHO First detected in Wuhan in December 2019, COVID-19- the novel Coronavirus has affected nearly 148 countries in the world. Presently, there are around 182,609 confirmed cases of COVID-19 which has led to the death of around 7,171 people. As there is no vaccine or specific antiviral medicine to treat COVID-19 yet, countries have been grappling with all possible mechanisms to contain its scope. So far, China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran have witnessed the most number of confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus. Read: Aaditya Thackeray reviews preparations to deal with COVID in Mumbai suburbs Read: TDP responds to AP CM's 'Coronavirus only harms the already sick, cured by Paracetamol'
In a significant development, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), which has been medically heading India's fight against coronavirus, is holding a crucial meeting on the measures that have been taken so far. Earlier in the day, ICMR had confirmed that there is no community transmission of the Covid-19 virus yet. The development comes after ICMR tested 826 cases to check if there is any community transmission of the virus and found the results to be negative. The ICMR is said to have shared details of the same with the Central government on Thursday. Had the results turned positive, it would have been a serious concern nationwide as other nations such as Italy, France, Iran are bearing the brunt of the community transmission of the virus leading to lockdown in their respective countries. The high-level meeting is being attended by ICMR Director-General Dr Balram Bhargava and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) director Randeep Guleria. It is also reported that discussions about community transmission are being held. READ: 'No evidence of community transmission in India so far': ICMR on Coronavirus outbreak Government measures The government has announced numerous measures to combat the deadly virus. Thermal screening is being carried out at airports across the country. The Ministry has deployed around 30,000 - 35,000 personnel on community surveillance keeping a close watch. The government has also allowed private testing facilities to test patients for Coronavirus, besides the already functional government testing facilities. Schools and other educational institutions, malls, cinema halls, pubs, gyms and swimming pools have been shut down in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Also, religious and spiritual places of pilgrimage and worship such as Vaishnodevi, Shirdi's Saibaba temple and Mumbai's Siddhivinayak temple among others have been shut down. READ: Change in temp will not impact coronavirus spread: ICMR chief The Coronavirus crisis First detected in Wuhan in December 2019, COVID-19- the novel Coronavirus has affected nearly 173 countries in the world and one international conveyance-- the Diamond Princess cruise ship harboured in Yokohama, Japan. Presently, there are around 219,087 confirmed cases of COVID-19 which has led to the death of around 8,961 people. As there is no vaccine or specific antiviral medicine to treat COVID-19 yet, countries have been grappling with all possible mechanisms to contain its scope. So far, China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran have witnessed the most number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus. On March 19, the total number of positive cases in India has reached 182. The maximum cases of the virus have been reported in Maharashtra and Kerala. The third death was reported in India on Tuesday in Mumbai's Kasturba Hospital. Earlier, two deaths were reported in Kalaburgi and West Delhi. The Centre has “strongly advised” Indians to avoid all non-essential travel abroad. The government is also monitoring all suspected cases and has issued preventive advisories. Earlier on Saturday, the Central government decided to treat the deadly virus as a "notified disaster", and has since issued even more advisories and travel restrictions. READ: 'India has reached stage 2 of COVID-19 pandemic,' says ICMR Director-General Dr Balram READ: India's ICMR rules out dreaded Stage 3; confirms no Coronavirus community transmission yet
By MAKHTUM MUZIRANSA Four years down the road, Uganda Swimming Federation (USF) are ready to re-launch their annual awards tonight at GEMS Cambridge International School – Butabiika. The awards were first organized in 2016 to reward the top achievers of 2015 but USF struggled to sustain that momentum after Arnold Kisulo and Jamila Lunkuse were awarded as the top swimmers then. The two retired almost immediately after that recognition – as they got to the peak of their powers – but their legacy is intact. In fact among the winners from 2016, Greenhill Academy still ranks among the best primary and secondary schools while among individuals, only Muzafaru Muwanguzi is still around to defend his title as best coach. He goes up against Erick Kisero and Joseph Kabogoza, who was head coach as Uganda’s Kirabo Namutebi won the country’s first ever continental gold at the Africa Junior Championships in September. Muwanguzi, however, deserves even more credit for raising Namutebi – who holds the national record (26.98) in the girls’ 50m freestyle made at the World Junior Championships in Budapest, Hungary in August 2019. His club Dolphins also ranked number one at the USF National Championships in June last year. Advertisement Kisero, who was Muwanguzi’s assistant at the Cana Zone III Championships where Uganda finished second out of nine countries, also had his relatively smaller Altona Swim Club rank fourth at the nationals and top in water polo. Their counterparts Cari Karugireyo (Silverfin), Zamzam Khalil (Aga Khan and Dolphins) and Tabithah Nakasinde (Malta) are in running for the best female coach award. Meanwhile, Namutebi, who bagged gold in the 50m breaststroke (35.13) and 50m freestyle (27.33) at the Africa Juniors will likely be crowned best female swimmer ahead of her senior counterparts Avice Meya and Selina Katumba. Her only competition tonight could be Dolphins teammate and para-swimmer Husnah Kukundakwe, who at 12 years represented Uganda at three international para meets and Paulsen Settumba, who made the most age group records. The trio battle for the most inspirational swimmer award. The real clash of the titans is for best male swimmer award; Atuhaire Ambala broke national records for fun last year but Tendo Mukalazi edged him as best swimmer at the nationals last year. Meanwhile, Adnan Kabuye did not only break records like the two front-runners but was easily Uganda’s best male performer at the Cana Zone III Championships in Nairobi last December. Kabuye’s influence transcended the pool and featured for the national team in open water too in Nairobi. And his consolation could be an open water award at the expense of his younger teammates Mikkah Kigundu and Hayyan Kisitu. For USF and sponsors DStv, the challenge will be to make the awards night an annual fixture on their calendar. 2019 Nominations Best Female Swimmer: Avice Meya, Kirabo Namutebi, Selina Katumba Best Male Swimmer: Adnan Kabuye, Atuhaire Ambala, Tendo Mukalazi Most Inspiring Athlete: Husnah Kukundakwe, Kirabo Namutebi, Paulsen Settumba Best Female Coach: Cari Karugireyo, Tabithah Nakasinde, Zamzam Khalil Best Male Coach: Erick Kisero, Joseph Kabogoza, Muzafaru Muwanguzi Best Female Open water swimmer: Ahura Ambala, Mubiru Swagiah, Olivia Nalwadda Best Male Open water swimmer: Adnan Kabuye, Hayyan Kisitu, Mikka Kigundu Best Female Masters Swimmer: Aya Nakitanda, Grace Kigundu, Philippa Makobere Best Male Masters Swimmer: Gilbert Kaburu, Hassan Latif, Morris Yuda Ssekamatte Best Swim Club: Dolphins, Seals, Silverfin Best Waterpolo Team: Altona, King’s College Budo, Seeta Green HS Best Primary School: Greenhill Academy, Kampala Junior Academy, Seeta Junior Academy Best Secondary School: Greenhill Academy, Seeta Green High School, Taiba Secondary School 2015 USF Awards Winners Best Senior Male Swimmer: Arnold Kisulo Best Senior Female Swimmer: Jamila Lunkuse Best Junior Male Swimmer: Nabil Saleh Best Junior Female Swimmer: Rebecca Ssengonzi Best Masters Female Swimmer: Kate Kizza Best Masters Male Swimmer: Latif Kajumbi Best Coach: Muzafaru Muwanguzi Best National Primary School: Greenhill Academy Best National Secondary School: Greenhill Academy
Kirabo won 11 individual gold medals and broke all meet records in her category on top of setting a new 50m freestyle record of 26.90. Kirabo won 11 individual gold medals and broke all meet records in her category on top of setting a new 50m freestyle record of 26.90. SWIMMING Juniors still hold the fort for Uganda swimming with now over 600 swimmers engaged in the sport at different levels. Dolphins Club and national swimmer Kirabo Namutebi, 14, in particular, continued to prove how far she has come and grown with the sport by again shining out locally and internationally. She received plaudits from the swimming fraternity and many other Ugandans following her superb performance at the 7th FINA World Swimming Championship that was held in Hungary, in August. The 14-year-old British School of Uganda, Dolphins Swim Club, and national swimmer did not only achieve personal bests in all her races but set a new national record when she clocked 26.98 in the 50m freestyle race. She bettered Jamila Lunkuse’s 27.43 set in 2014 over the same distance by 1.45 seconds as she became Uganda’s first swimmer in recent times to win a heat at the World Championships. Despite her time being 2.27 second shy of USA’s Warsh Gretchen who won gold over the distance, Namutebi beat nine other swimmers from different countries in her heat and finished 38th overall out of 102 swimmers who swam that race. She also registered personal bests in the 50m fly, 100m freestyle, 50m butterfly and 50m breaststroke races. She had earlier claimed 2gold and 1silver and 2bronze in the CANA Zone IV championship in Namibia in February where Uganda team Captain Avice Meya also bagged 2silver and 1bronze. During the 13th CANA Junior Swimming Championship in Tunisia, she achieved another milestone when she bagged 2 gold and 1silver to help Uganda finish 4th overall out of 42 countries. That earned her the Real Stars Monthly Sports Award and only lost out on the USPA monthly award to athlete Halima Nakayi who had also grabbed gold in the 800m race at the World Athletics Championship. Her brother Tendo Mukalazi also shattered the national 50m breaststroke national record at the FINA Junior World Championships in Korea. Tendo made 32.64 and 29.70 in the 50m breast and backstroke races, which were all personal bests. Atuhaire Ambala, Selina Katumba and Avice Meya were the other members on the team. Another international outing was made by Darren Ssamula and Adnan Kabuye who together with Kirabo made their debut at the worlds in Budapest, Hungary, in August. At the CANA Zone 3 Swimming Championship held at the Kasarani Aquatic Center in Nairobi, Namutebi was once again unstoppable in the 13-14 years category that she led with 174 points ahead of Kenya’s Islam Lubaina (140pts) and South Africa’s Adams Keesha (131pts). Kirabo picked 6 gold and 3 silver and was instrumental in a number of relay races as Ugandan won 53 individual medals overall (14gold, 29sliver,10bronze). The girls finished third overall on 851 points behind Tanzania and Kenya who won the category with 1,180 points. Earlier during the annual Independence Swimming Gala Kirabo won 11 individual gold medals and broke all meet records in her category on top of setting a new 50m freestyle record of 26.90. Kirabo, who was USPA swimmer of the year in 2013 and 2016, looks to add another award from her 2019 performance. The Dolphins Swim Club missed her as they competed in the KSF Long Course Nationals 2019 at the Kenya Swimming Federation Age Group Swimming Championships in Nairobi, in February but they would collect a total of 42 medals (8gold, 18silver and 16bronze) to finish second for the first time in five years. The Coach Paul Bampata led team produced some golden performances in the three-day event with Pendo Kaumi, Jordan Ssamula, Tendo Kaumi picking gold in the 200m freestyle, 400IM and in the 100m backstroke races, in a time of 2:36.97, 6:45.30 and 1:17.38 respectively in some of the races. The other Uganda club the Seals was also on top of their game topping the girls’ category on 862 points ahead of Bandari and Loreto teams but finishing third overall. It was also a first for most of the Seals but the likes of Amelia Mudanye, Alexis Kituuka, Mpeera Yalonda, Neema Kangi, Anthea Mudanye, Natalie Lutalo, and John Kafumbe gave a good account of themselves with some golden performances. Clubs also continued to develop the sport through the different club events like the Seals League Meets and Invitational, the Dolphins Fast and Furious as well as the Silverfin Pentathlon. The Dolphins Swim Club swimmers proved dominant throughout the year in the Seals League meets that were held at the Kampala Parents School pool. But the The Dolphins topped six of the ten categories with the Seals only getting a top spot in only the boys’ 13-14, the girls’ 9-10 and 13-14 years categories where John Kafumbe, Mpeera Yalonda, Neema Kangi and Amelia Mudanye won. Dolphins’ Adnan Kabuye, Ethan Ssengooba, Daniel Nuwagaba, Ssango Kiggundu, Michelle Sine and Shalom Birungi topped the other age categories. The Uganda Swimming Federation (USF) also organised two sprint galas in the year where juniors continued to test their speed in the different races. In the second sprints gala Seals’ Amelia Mudanye’s time of 1: 23.33 in the 100IM, in the girls 10&Under category remained intact with the winner of the category Kampala Aquatics’ Rahmah Nakasule, managing 1: 28.03. Daniel Nuwagaba who won the boys’ event in the same category was also slower 60 microseconds slower than his previous time from the same race In the girls’ 11-12 years category Dolphins’ Kirabo Namutebi’s 1: 15.43 set in 2017 also remained intact with Michelle Sine who won making 1:17.72; just like John Kafumbe’s 1: 09.67 set from the first gala. Pendo Kaumi could only manage 1:14.95 over the four-stroke race. In the girls’ 13-14 years Namutebi (1:08.90) and Paulsen Ssettumba (equaled their first sprint time while Selina Katumba in the 15&Over made 1:14.95 to edge fast-improving Alexis Kituuka. Elsewhere, Uganda para swimmer Husnah Kukundakwe’s classification classes were confirmed after she competed in the World Para Swimming World Series 2019 in Singapore in May. Kukundakwe currently competes in the S9 (freestyle, butterfly, and backstroke), SB8 (breaststroke) and SM9 (Individual Medley) which was due for review at the championship. All these were confirmed at the championship where the 12-year-old managed to collect some points in all the four events although she could not make it to the finals. She also competed in the World Para-Swimming Championships in London, United Kingdom. Kukundakwe, 12, was the youngest swimmer at the championship but the weight of the competition and seniority of her colleagues did not stop her from posting personal bests (PB) in the 50m and 100m freestyle events.She made 1:24.85 and 38.14 in the 100m and 50m freestyle races. Aga Khan High School garnered 2,701 points to win the Uganda Swimming Federation (USF) Independence Gala tournament held at Kampala International School of Uganda (KISU) for the fifth time in a row. Aga Khan dominated both the girl’s and boys’ categories to beat the British School of Kampala that finished second overall, by 1216 points. But despite being beaten to the overall title, the British School produced some of the best individuals of the tournament with national swimmer Kirabo Namutebi, Neema Kangi, Ethan Olowo and Mpeera Yalonda shining for their school. Kirabo won 11 individual gold medals and broke all meet records in her category on top of setting a new 50m freestyle record of 26.90. His brother Tendo Mukalazi also weighed in with ten medals; 4 Gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze on top of four meet records and a new national 50m freestyle record of 24.54. The USF has also been keen on developing water polo by organizing a schools league and water polo development clinics in Jinja and Masaka. They also joined the 3rd FINA World Aquatics Day celebrations that involved a brief address on Water Safety, Water Health, the Environment, and a 1.5km Open Water Swimming Exhibition Sprint at Aero Beach in Entebbe. They also continued to hold the Masters Championship for retired swimmers and those who swim for fun as a way of keeping them active in swimming.
1. North Dakota gas prices plummet to near historic lows, 99 cents a possibility The coronavirus has caused the price of gasoline in North Dakota to drop 15 cents in the past week, and some industry analysts say the downward spiral could see gas plummet to 99 cents a gallon. More from Adam Kurtz 2. A bittersweet day: UND unloads last load of coal into old steam plant listen live watch live As the last pile of coal was unloaded into UND’s old steam plant Monday morning, with it went more than 100 years of university history. When that coal is consumed in the coming days, plant manager Craig Machart says it will be a “bittersweet” day. More from Sydney Mook 3. Kirsten Baesler: Failed bill allowing virtual classes could have helped with closures A bill that failed last year in the North Dakota House of Representatives would have allowed school districts to propose plans for online learning in lieu of in-person classes and might now be “very applicable” had it become law, according to Superintendent of Public Instruction Kirsten Baesler. More from Jeremy Turley and Sydney Mook 4. Salvation Army food pantry available by drive-thru only; donations accepted in Grand Forks, East Grand Forks The Salvation Army will provide items from its food pantry via drive-thru only from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, Lt. Matthew Beatty announced Monday, March 23. More from Pamela Knudson 5. Digi-Key is teaming with the University of Minnesota in hopes of ending the ventilator shortage Digi-Key collaborates with the University of Minnesota to create a plan to make parts for low-cost respirators ⁠— devices that could save lives. More from Ken Chase
1. Cooler, wetter weather could result in a later flood season The flood outlook in the Red River Basin has changed little in previous weeks, and the Grand Forks area is still expected to see a Top 10 or Top 5 flood. More from Hannah Shirley 2. UND to go online-only for two weeks after spring break listen live watch live UND has become the latest university to alter its class schedule amid coronavirus concerns. UND on Thursday, March 12, made the decision to move its courses online for a two-week period after spring break. More from Sydney Mook 3. As coronavirus precautions ratchet up, Edgewood senior living facilities further restrict visits Edgewood Healthcare senior homes have tightened visitor restrictions as institutions across the country ramp up measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. More from Joe Bowen 4. Forecasters eye potential snowstorm in Red River Valley Sunday and Monday Forecasters are keeping their eyes on potential weather conditions that could bring snow to the Red River Valley on Sunday and Monday, March 15 and 16, but caution that it’s too early to make predictions. More from Pat Springer 5. New Hope Food Shelf to open in Crookston After a five-month hiatus, Crookston will have a food shelf. New Hope Food Shelf, based at the Care and Share Center in Crookston, will open its doors Monday, March. 16. The food shelf will be open Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 p.m. to 5 pm. More from Ann Bailey
Telehealth services are being expanded under Medicare in an effort to mitigate the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), President Donald Trump announced Tuesday.1 In a press briefing with the Coronavirus Task Force, Trump said the expansion of telehealth services allows more patients to communicate with physicians through digital services, such as Skype and Facetime. He indicated that the goals of the expansion are to maintain social distancing and to avoid overburdening hospitals with patients.1 “This is a historic breakthrough,” Trump said.1 “It’s been a very successful method of communication, but never used on [this large of a] scale.” CMS Administrator Seema Verma said the “dramatic expansion” will benefit the 62 million beneficiaries across the country enrolled in Medicare. Previously, she said, full telehealth services were limited to patients who met certain criteria, including those mostly in rural areas of the United States who had difficulty accessing medical care. However, these services are now accessible in more homes and in a variety of care facilities.1
People Under Investigation (PUI) in the United States*†‡ Cases of COVID-19 Reported in the US, by Source of Exposure Travel-related 92 Close contact 75 Under investigation 771 Total cases 938 * Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan. State and local public health departments are now testing and publicly reporting their cases. In the event of a discrepancy between CDC cases and cases reported by state and local public health officials, data reported by states should be considered the most up to date. † CDC is no longer reporting the number of persons under investigation (PUIs) that have been tested, as well as PUIs that have tested negative. Now that states are testing and reporting their own results, CDC’s numbers are not representative of all testing being done nationwide.
Windows 10 users, yes it has been a rocky spell, but you need to be on high alert yet again. Here’s everything you need to know. Windows 10 updates continue to cause problems STEVE KOTECKI MORE FROM FORBES How To Upgrade To Windows 10 For 'Free' In 2020 [Updated] Picked up by both BleepingComputer and Windows Latest, the early problems with Microsoft’s new KB4535996 Windows 10 update are now spiraling out of control. Here are the main issues you need to be aware of. 03/09 Update: Microsoft has confirmed Windows 10 has run into more trouble. The company has published a support page explaining that a new bug in Windows 10 can prevent users from manually installing drivers on their PCs. Users will receive the error message: "A driver can't load on this device" and it can break installations even after they appear to complete successfully. Microsoft states "If you choose to continue using your device without addressing the driver problem, you might discover that the functionality the driver supports does not work any longer, which could have consequences ranging from negligible to severe." Third party drivers can be essential, particularly for legacy devices, so Microsoft has offered a workaround which (perhaps surprisingly) involves turning off a Windows 10 security setting that guards memory integrity to allow the driver installation to complete: Go to the Core isolation page in Windows Security. Turn the Memory integrity setting Off if it isn’t already. You'll need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Microsoft offers no timeline for a proper fix to this issue but, given the level of inconvenience and potential problems, surely it will be a priority. 03/10 Update: the problems associated with KB4535996 are still increasing. The always diligent BetaNews, reports that some Windows 10 users who have installed the update are discovering that sleep no longer works correctly on their computers and Microsoft's KB4535996 community page is filled complaints including broken search, trouble opening apps and a growing number of users reporting their PCs will not boot after updating. Remarkably, three days on from these troubles beginning, Microsoft still states on its KB4535996 update page that it is "not currently aware of any issues with this update". Ignore this. If you haven't already, get the Windows Update troubleshooter and proactively block KB4535996. Until more is known, this is an update you need to avoid. Boot Problems And Crashes The former appears to be widespread among users who have installed KB4535996, with significant delays in PCs starting after installing the update and occasionally showing a disconcerting black screen partway through the elongated boot process. My own PC is exhibiting this problem. That said, if you have this issue you are lucky because for others their PCs will not boot at all: “I just had this update on my PC and now it will not boot. Fails the BIOS POST test with a series of beeps, completely blank screen. I bought it only 5 days ago, have tried re-seating the RAM and GPU. Hard to decipher the beeps as the screen is blank and I don’t know what MB make it is. (8 regular slow beeps. Then a repeat of two slow low tone beeps, two fast high tone beeps - if that means anything to anyone!) I did have some important work to do, but I guess not, thanks Microsoft :( I presume there is no way to fix this and the PC is now dead, as it won’t ever boot up again now, to receive a Windows update fix ... to fix this ‘update fix’?” - source Blue Screen Of Death The infamous BSOD is also hitting users with KB4535996 installed with the blue screen appearing as Windows loads the login screen. This appears to be less widespread, but when it does hit it can hit hard. Bleeping Computer highlights the plight of one company in particular: “Seeing this issue with about 200 machines. Uninstalling the update doesn’t come off cleanly and still gets lock ups on initial boot.” Slowdowns Windows 10 stutters, dropped frame rates (primarily in games), high disk usage and thrashing have also all been reported. “It's not extreme, but I say my framerate in games has gone down 10 frames or so and stuttering occurs once in a while,” wrote one user on Reddit. “After uninstalling the cumulative update, everything was fine. Weird.” “Can confirm. Ramped up my CPU usage and caused stuttering even on the easiest games to run,” - source “After I installed the update the disk usage in task manager is 100% all the time, and my pc is slow af now!” - source Audio Problems Installing KB4535996 has resulted in reports of broken audio in Windows 10 too: “Thanks to the recent update I no longer have any sound on my computer, I’ve tried everything and nothing will fix it besides rolling the update back, point is [I] shouldn't have to. Microsoft needs to get their **** together.” - source “The latest Microsoft update has caused my audio to stop working.” - source “I updated on the 1st March I have nothing but troubles now intermittent shutting down sound issues video issues I cannot uninstall this even after a reset” - source Microsoft Visual Studio Impacted The Visual Studio code-signing tool signtool.exe appears widely broken for many users. Coder Rafael Rivera appears to have found the root of it warning: “If you're having trouble with signtool.exe, check if you have KB4535996 (optional 2020-02 CU) installed. Looks like WTLogConfigCiScriptEvent got removed from wldp.dll without sufficient testing.” Microsoft has also issued a warning about this stating: “We’re aware of issues with signtool.exe after installing the latest optional update for Windows 10, version 1903 or Windows 10, version 1909 (KB4535996). If you are encountering issues or receiving errors related to signtool.exe, you can uninstall the optional update KB4535996. We are working on a resolution and estimate a solution will be available in mid-March." And yet here’s the crazy part: go to the KB4535996 page and Microsoft still writes “Microsoft is not currently aware of any issues with this update”. The company regularly fails to update the warnings on troubled Windows 10 updates (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) but this time it’s particularly poor. While some users have experienced problems trying to uninstall KB4535996, these are the steps you need to follow: In Windows Desktop Search type ‘update history’ then click ‘View your Update history’ Select ‘Uninstall Updates’ On the Installed Updates dialog window, find and select KB4535996, click the Uninstall button Restart You can also download Windows Update troubleshooter, which will enable you to block KB4535996 proactively / stop it from reinstalling. All these problems come just weeks after a Windows 10 update started deleting user data while another was pulled days earlier for causing system crashes. Microsoft has recently rolled out Windows 10 optional update improvements first announced in September but the quality of updates themselves still leave a lot to be desired. Microsoft, it's time to do better. ___ Follow Gordon on Facebook More On Forbes How To Upgrade To Windows 10 For ‘Free’ In 2020 Windows 10 Alert: This Is The Default Setting You Must Change To Stay Safe New Windows 10 Update Is Deleting Data For Some Users
Since the release of the Windows 10 KB4535996 cumulative update, Windows users have been reporting numerous problems including boot issues, crashes, performance problems, audio issues, and developer tools no longer working. The optional Windows 10 KB4535996 cumulative update was released on February 27th, 2020 and while it resolved some Windows Search issues, it also introduced other issues for users who installed the update. Unfortunately with Windows 10 installed on over 900 million PCs, there are always going to be problems for some users when installing a new update such as Windows not booting, the screen flickers, Cortana is broken, or they can no longer launch programs. For some, these issues can be resolved by updating to newer drivers or software installed on the computer. Below are the most common issues Windows 10 users are encountering after installing the KB4535996 option update released on February 27th. Boot issues and hangs On two machines that BleepingComputer has installed the KB4535996 update there is a noticeable slowdown before we are shown the login screen after restarting Windows 10. Before the update, the booting of Windows 10 was quick and would go right into the lock screen. Now there is a few seconds delay during which Windows 10 shows a black screen before displaying the login prompt. I am lucky, though, as others have reported worse issues [1, 2, 3] such as Windows 10 not starting at all after installing the update. "On the initial download and install my PC hung at 100% for 5 - 10 mins. Afterwards it hung on the welcome screen after restarts. I recovered the PC by running startup recovery in WinRE, it removed the update. I tried again to install it with the same result. I ran sfc/scannow after both attempts, it found and repaired a few things." Blue screen crashes at login One enterprise user reported on the Microsoft forums that after installing the KB4535996 cumulative update almost 200 PCs in their organization would crash with blue screens at the login screen. "Seeing this issue with about 200 machines. Uninstalling the update doesnt come off cleanly and still gets lock ups on initial boot. " It should be noted that this may be an outlier or something related to software installed in their organization as I am not seeing many reports like this elsewhere. Performance issues One of our readers submitted a tip this week stating that after installing the KB4535996 update, their system has been having performance issues and once they uninstalled the update it worked properly again. "March 2020 - Installed Microsoft cumulative update KB4535996 on Windows 10 Home 64 bit - caused severe machine slowdown, application and website loading delays. Uninstalled update and problem went away." Others have also reported similar performance issues [1, 2, 3] where Windows 'stutters', frame rates in games have gone down, and reports of high disk usage or thrashing. Sound and audio hardware issues After installing the KB4535996 update, users are reporting [1, 2, 3] that the sound in Windows 10 no longer works. One user stated that their problem was related to their Sound Blaster USB device no longer being detected by Windows 10. "After this update my Sound Blaster USB Audio cards stopped working, They would not even show up in the Device Manager yet they were properly connected and worked prior to the update." Microsoft Visual Studio signtool.exe stops working Since KB4535996 was released, we have had numerous reports about the Visual Studio code-signing tool signtool.exe no longer working. Signtool.exe is a program that allows you to digitally sign an executable with a code-signing certificate to indicate that the program comes from a specific publisher and has not been tampered with. After installing KB4535996, users are reporting that when they use the tool it generates an error code -1073741502. According to Windows developer Rafael Rivera, this bug is being caused by WTLogConfigCiScriptEvent being removed from wldp.dll. Microsoft has stated that they are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution for release in mid-March. "We’re aware of issues with signtool.exe after installing the latest optional update for Windows 10, version 1903 or Windows 10, version 1909 (KB4535996). If you are encountering issues or receiving errors related to signtool.exe, you can uninstall the optional update KB4535996. We are working on a resolution and estimate a solution will be available in mid-March."
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Gov. Mike DeWine at his Thursday coronavirus media briefing said his plea to parents to take their kids out of day care was yielding results. The state has already closed down schools and limited gatherings in the state to 10 people as a response to the infectious COVID-19 virus. The governor has indicated that restrictions will be placed on child day care at some point, though he said in past briefings he is giving time for parents to make arrangements. “People have taken our advice and used their own judgment and taken their kids home,” DeWine said. “We are now in the process of determining how many of the kids left there represent parents who are vital to our health system, vital to our economy and those determinations are being made. But you’re already seeing a dramatic drop in the number of kids in day care and we will have more for you tomorrow.” Last week, DeWine suggested parents find accommodations in the event he closes child care facilities. During last Sunday’s briefing, he said an order would be coming soon. Throughout his administration’s response to coronavirus, the governor has generally telegraphed the next possible steps he might take to prevent the spread of the disease, which reached 119 confirmed cases on Thursday. Close contact between any two individuals is not recommended as they may spread the disease even if they don’t show symptoms. Doctors have gone so far as to suggest that even small gatherings of children should be avoided, such as playdates. Read more coverage: Ohio health officials investigating possible first death from coronavirus in Lucas County Coronavirus information, services limited for Ohioans who don’t speak English When thermometers are not available, what should Ohio employers do to screen workers for the coronavirus? Gov. Mike DeWine deploys Ohio National Guard to help distribute food during coronavirus crisis
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Gov. Mike DeWine said Friday that he would consider a mass shutdown of businesses in the state if employers do not take the proper precautions to protect employees from coronavirus. It’s a drastic move that has been applied in other states – one that DeWine said he was trying his hardest to avoid as he balances keeping the economy going with ensuring the safety and health of Ohioans. However, DeWine said his office continues to receive texts and emails about businesses ​that are not taking the proper precautions, which could force his hand to shut down businesses statewide. “This simply must stop. I implore you, please, do what is right,” DeWine said. “As I continue to balance my responsibility to the people of the state of Ohio, the responsibility, when I took an oath of office to do the essential thing government does, which is to protect the people. As I balance that with our attempt to keep this economy moving, let me make it very, very clear, that I will err on the side of protecting people.” The aggressive announcement came the same day Ohio confirmed its first death from coronavirus – a Toledo attorney whom DeWine said he and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted considered a friend – as the number of cases climbed to 169. So far, DeWine and health officials have decided against mass business closures across the state, with the exception of restaurants and bars, ​salons, barbershops and some others. At no time had they ruled out the option, though. “No announcement today,” DeWine said. “But the bad behavior, the reckless behavior, must stop. And I congratulate all those who are out there making a difference every day, businesses who are mindful of what they need to do to protect their employees. Evidence shows when businesses do this and are very, very aggressive, they can protect their employees. I would ask, please, do that.” DeWine said call centers were among the list of businesses he’s received complaints about, though they included a “wide range of different types of businesses.” DeWine made several recommendations – now, more appropriately viewed as orders – for businesses to take extra care and pay attention to best practices: physical distancing, sanitary conditions and monitoring employees’ health. Earlier this week, he asked businesses to take workers’ temperatures. Fever is one symptom of the coronavirus. “I think people can imagine what that next step would be,” DeWine said. “I’ve not hesitated in the past to close businesses and other operations if they are a threat to the public. The safety of the public has to come first. There’s a way we can do this, but we have to do it. I think I’ve demonstrated that I’m going to put the safety of the people first.” Read more politics coverage: President Trump suspends student loan interest, allows payment delays during coronavirus pandemic Although mail-in voting continues, Ohio’s postponed primary remains clouded by legal, political disputes President Trump, Ohio Gov. DeWine, authoritarianism and the coronavirus: When does a leader cross the line? Coronavirus information, services limited for Ohioans who don’t speak English
Image caption The project aims to tackle a decline in salmon numbers Plans to plant one million trees in the Cairngorms as part of a major wildlife restoration project have been unveiled. The £5.5m project aims to tackle a decline in salmon numbers, by providing shade on tributaries of the Dee in the Balmoral and Invercauld estates. It is believed the shade will help keep river temperatures down, easing damage on young salmon stocks. The project is being led by the River Dee Trust charity, in the hope it will help wildlife to thrive in the future. The trees would also offer nutrition and shelter for other species. So far, about 200,000 have already been planted. The aim is for the remainder to go into the ground over the next 15 years, doubling the current rate of planting. Image caption Fisheries officer Colin Esson is planting saplings The main species of trees involved are alder, willow, rowan, birch, aspen and Scots pine. It is said they would have been common in the landscape thousands of years ago. 'Help nature help itself' River Dee director Lorraine Hawkins said that Atlantic salmon are now "virtually extinct" across their southern European range, and are vanishing fast in the south of England. "All the major Scottish salmon rivers have seen drastic declines," she explained. "At current rates, we may have just 20 years to save the species. "We know there are catastrophic losses at sea. Those factors must be tackled urgently. But we can take action now to give the young fish their best chance of survival before leaving their native rivers. "We must provide shade against more of the extreme temperatures we have been told to expect, while restoring a whole ecosystem that's been degraded over many centuries. This will help our threatened salmon, and all wildlife will benefit." Image caption The trees could eventually help shade salmon She added: "Of all the major Scottish rivers, the Dee is especially vulnerable to extreme temperatures because of its land use. We are determined to do everything we can to help nature help itself." The Trusts's fisheries officer Colin Esson is among those doing the planting by hand, his small spade breaking the ground to allow thousands of young saplings to be carefully placed down. He said of his efforts: "Hopefully it should give a bit of shelter not only to the animals but to the river. "That's what we're concerned about - the rise in temperature, so we want to get some shelter, particularly in these high up burns, (which are) more vulnerable to higher temperatures." Angling in the River Dee is said to generate about £15m annually and support hundreds of jobs.
Volunteers would deliver supplies to vulnerable people who are self-isolating (Victoria Jones/PA) A volunteering scheme for those who want to help NHS Scotland during the coronavirus pandemic should be quickly set up, the Scottish Conservatives have said. People living in England who do not show symptoms of Covid-19 can sign up to be an NHS volunteer responder, helping those who are most at risk. This can include delivering supplies for vulnerable people who are self-isolating, transporting discharged patients home or phoning to chat with people who feel isolated. Went to sign up for the NHS volunteer scheme but it says England only. Anything similar going on for Scotland? — Eddie Barnes (@EddieBarnes23) March 25, 2020 While the Scottish Government is pointing people towards volunteering opportunities such as the Red Cross community reserves, there is not currently a scheme specific to the Scottish NHS. The Scottish Conservatives said thousands of people would be willing to help during the Covid-19 lockdown, which is due to last for at least three weeks. Miles Briggs, the party’s health spokesman, said: “So far, both the Scottish and UK Governments have worked really well together as we face this unprecedented crisis. “Now this volunteering scheme has been set up for England, this would be another good way for both to collaborate. “Thousands of Scots would have seen this announcement and immediately looked into it, only to find it was just those living south of the border who could get involved. “Hopefully now the Scottish Government will follow suit and harness the amazing goodwill that is out there.” He added: “Ordinary people are desperate to help out our amazing NHS at this crucial time. “Scots help out fellow Scots when they are facing tough times. “That’s just how Scotland works and that’s exactly what we are all going to have to do.” PA
His social worker, who has borne witness to extremes of challenging environmental situations in her many years of caring for cancer patients, looked grim. “His father’s in jail. His mother is addicted to drugs and in the past has stolen his money and medications. His sister is developmentally delayed. He doesn’t have any caregivers and has been living independently for years.” She paused, giving me space to absorb this. “It’s going to be tricky for him to get through all of his therapy.” Adolescents and young adults, which in medicine we define as ages 15 to 39, are a special population of patients with respect to the types of cancers they commonly get and the biology of those cancers. They also have distinct concerns from older or younger cancer patients, including unique issues surrounding their emerging identities, body image and autonomy. They are caught in the no-man’s land between being treated by adult oncologists, who may not be sensitive to these concerns, or by pediatric oncologists, where they may feel out of place sitting in an infusion chair receiving treatment next to a child. I walked into my patient’s room, where he lay in his hospital bed, looking almost too fragile to be able to handle this huge mass lesion, never mind the chemotherapy I was about to propose. Slight, at five-and-a-half feet and 125 pounds, his face appeared even smaller, with a thick, black beard, oxygen tubing beneath his nose, and a snapback trucker baseball cap over his head. Tattoos covered both of his arms — a style element that my teenage children tell me is now considered normative. Another young man sat in the chair by his bed. I discussed his diagnosis and its treatment. “The first course of chemotherapy we’ll give you in the hospital. After that, over the next few months, we’ll provide most of your care as an outpatient, meaning you’ll need to come back and forth to clinic a bunch of times.” I paused, giving him space to absorb this. “Is that something you can do?” He nodded and gestured with his thumb toward his buddy, sitting in the chair beside him. “These guys will help me out.” He sounded confident.
Think Well, Think Different is a series of columns devoted to discussing trends in fintech, both from the consumer and founder points of view. Click here for previous columns. What we value is hard to achieve. Things like physical fitness require discipline. Spirituality requires practice. Education takes years of incremental challenges. Marriage requires patience and understanding. Creating a successful business is no different—it requires courage and determination. In my experience, one of the hardest parts of building a business is creating a company culture. Building a company culture that reflects the mission and vision of the founder is as hard as starting the business in the first place. Well, almost. Everyone talks about company culture because it is hard to build and difficult to maintain. It is the reason you read so much about company culture in CEO interviews, entrepreneur blog posts, and motivational Instagram feeds. One of the tensions in creating a company culture is something each of us faces in our careers: idealism versus practicality. Idealism is the pursuit of the pure form of values, even unrealistically. Practicality is the exceptions and rationalizations we make to our ideals to be able to function in a complex world. In other words, the way we wish the world was versus the way it is. Ideally, we are able to harness this tension to form the right mixture of the two. Inspiration in ideals is necessary to give the company purpose, whereas the values must be realistic and helpful enough to support the decisions facing your team each and every day. Here are four considerations when approaching the battle between idealism and practicality within the culture of your company. Leaders bring the weather. Organizations tend to take on the personality of the leader. Your team looks up to your team leader the same way an entire company of people looks up to the CEO. How you approach culture will dictate how serious it is treated by your team. The best cultures and the best leaders provide the values in a way that supports day-to-day decisions. Understand the tradeoffs. Allowing practical concessions to your company culture is an example of a tradeoff. Bad company cultures are either nonexistent or asking team members to fight against their own human nature (and sometimes common sense) in order to maintain the company culture. An example of a conflicted company culture is the large bank that claims to value its people but enforces a strict travel policy where the cheapest flight must be booked even if it is three stops and 12 hours of travel. Here, the tradeoff may mean spending a little more on travel expenses to value your peoples’ time and energy. Another example of a tradeoff could mean sacrificing revenue or market share to honor a core value of the company. A digital, financial services lead aggregator can maximize profitability by selling a lead as fast as possible and as many times as possible. A lead generator that decides to curate the lead and offer a more human experience – collecting information, vetting providers and placing the lead with the right match – is sacrificing volume and (likely) revenue based on ideals to benefit the consumer. Both models can operate as a successful business, just not at the same time, which is why the company must be aware and honest about the tension between the ideal and the practical. Release control. The hardest part of the tension in building a consistent company culture is knowing what you can control and what you cannot. You are in control of your message but not in control of how it is received. You are in control of your policies and procedures but not in control of how your clients or customers will behave. Recognizing that people are not going to buy your product simply because of the goodness of the employees is helpful in remembering the realities of your business. It will be hard. In business, being first and being wrong feel the same. When defining your company culture, you have defined the company. There will be uncertainty, second-guessing, and the temptation to change course all the time. Fight that urge with the discipline of a marathon runner or surgeon. Do not enforce discipline, however, to such a degree that you squeeze the flexibility right out of your people. Whether you are thinking about starting a company, just started a company, or leading a company or a large group of people, you know there is a lot to balance. That balance between values and practice can determine a company’s potential. Too idealistic, and the company cannot be taken seriously. Too practical, and the company will not motivate or retain employees or customers. The hard thing for any company is striking the proper mix of purpose and execution. That’s why we place such a high premium on culture; it’s the company equivalent of diet and exercise.
Two brothers have been arrested for allegedly killing an 85-year-old woman by setting her house on fire in northeast Delhi’s Bhajanpura area during last month’s riots, police said on Thursday. The two accused, Arun, 26, and Varun, 22, who lived in the victim’s neighbourhood in Gamri village, were arrested by the Crime Branch of the Delhi police on March 11. They were identified on the basis of video clippings as well as with the help of locals and eyewitnesses, officials said. The woman, Akbari, was trapped inside her home when a mob set it ablaze on February 25. Her body was retrieved around 10 hours later when the fire brigade managed to bring the blaze under control, police said. Also read: Delhi violence | Amit Shah lauds police for controlling riots Akbari died of suffocation. While her family members managed to reach the top floor of the house in time, she was not able to do so, they said. According to the woman’s son, the complainant, he had gone to get milk from a nearby shop around 11 a.m. on February 25, when he received a call from his son Asif informing him that a huge crowd had assembled near his house. The complainant ran a garment workshop on the ground and the first floor of the four-storey building, while his family lived on the other floors. The crowd barged into the house and set it on fire. The complainant’s family members and 10 other employees rushed to the top floor of the house, but his 85-year-old mother, who was on the second floor could not, a senior police official said. Also read | Snuffed out by hatred: Here are 21 of the lives lost in the Delhi riots He said the other family members and workers of the complainant were rescued from the roof following a rescue operation by the police with the help of locals. Around ₹8 lakh in cash, a box of gold and silver ornaments and other valuable articles were also looted by the mob, the police official said. During the investigation, two mobile phones, including one of complainant, were seized as technical evidence. The accused were produced before the court, which sent them to police remand for two days, police said. They were being interrogated in order to nab the other accused, they added. The violence in northeast Delhi last month claimed 53 lives and left over 200 injured.
Q. At present, super top-up policies are available with ₹20 lakh as the highest cover. Is it permitted for an individual to take two separate policies with two different service providers and submit claims on both, should medical expenses exceed ₹20 lakh? N. KRISHNAMOORTHY A. A super top-up policy comes into play once the sum insured (SI) under your basic policy for an entire policy year is exhausted. To begin with, you would have structured your super top-up policy threshold limit to match the SI under your basic policy. You are exploring a need for a higher coverage than both these put together. If you take two super top-up policies from two different insurers, you may be able to claim under both the policies, but payment will be received only proportionately from each policy depending on the threshold and the SI of each. The limiting factor is that this is an indemnity policy and you can only make claims against bills. An alternative could be the following, and this is hypothetical. In addition to looking at the maximum SI under your second super top-up policy, try for a threshold limit matching the combined SIs of your basic policy and the first super top-up policy. Then you can claim in sequence with higher coverage. By the way, many companies offer higher SIs than what you mention on super top-ups and you should be able to shop around successfully. Q. I have taken a term insurance policy. I am not into technical things about choosing term insurance. It is being initiated by an agent. Please advise whether I should continue with it or switch to any other option. Now, I am in the free-look period when I can return the policy. I am in a state of confusion; please help me. PABITRA P. K. A. Please talk to your agent and get them to explain the pros and cons of a term insurance policy which is pure insurance without any investment return or survival/ maturity benefit. Because of the same reason, it is the most cost-effective life insurance. If these benefits are not what you need, you can make use of your free-look period (usually 15 days) and terminate the policy, getting a pre-decided part of your premium refunded. After that process, please talk further to your agent and explore which other policy suits you best before making a final decision. This is a long-term investment and something that affects your financial planning for life, so it is worth investing in making a well-informed decision that you are confident about and can live with. (The writer is a business journalist specialising in insurance & corporate history)
(MENAFN - Bangladesh Monitor) Dhaka: Guo Ping, Rotating Chairman, Huawei called for international collaboration on industry standards and appealed to governments across the world to listen to cyber security experts in his keynote speech at Mobile World Congress 2019. Guo mentioned how Huawei developed the most integrated 5G networks in the world, and argued that such innovation is nothing without security. He urged the industry and governments to work together and adopt unified cyber security standards. The past few months have been a challenge for Huawei due to security issues. But Huawei has already claimed that it has not and will never plant backdoors disallowing anyone else to do so in their equipment. On the 2018 EU R & D Investment Scoreboard, Huawei ranks number 5 globally. Last year, it invested more than 15 billion US dollars for security. Guo said, 'The more we invest in engineering science, the more value we can create. At Huawei, we can bring powerful, simple, and intelligent 5G networks to carriers anywhere in the world, faster than anyone else. Huawei is the global leader in 5G. But we understand innovation is nothing without security.' He added, 'Huawei is the first company that can deploy 5G networks at scale. More importantly, we can deliver the simplest possible sites with better performance. Anyone can rely on Huawei for best technology and greater security.' Giving high importance on security, Guo Ping highlighted the role of governments and mobile operators to work together to agree upon Europe's assurance testing and certification regime. He identified responsibilities of technology providers, carriers and the industry. MENAFN0201202001630000ID1099500079
ANYONE who shops online regularly will know the feeling of trying something on for the first time and realising it looks nothing like it did on the model. But leading online fashion retailer ASOS is taking steps to remedy this problem by showing clothes on a range of models of varying heights, sizes and body shape. Using Augmented Reality software, ASOS will show customers clothes on a range of 16 models, ranging from size 4 to size 18. The new See My Fit button is available on the desktop and mobile sites, and currently the trial involves 800 different dresses. When a customer selects a model, See My Fit digitally maps the product onto that model in a realistic way, taking account of the size, cut and fit of each individual garment. The resulting images appear similar to real photographs. ASOS is the first retailer in Europe to trial the technology, and said See My Fit aims to 'help customers make more informed purchasing choices, by better showing how products look on models that more closely reflect individual customers'. The tool was developed in partnership with Israeli AR company Zeekit that offers customers a simulated view of a product in different sizes and on different body types. See My Fit follows a small earlier test by ASOS using Zeekit’s technology in 2018, which automatically displayed products on up to four different models.
The Grand Princess cruise ship carrying passengers who have tested positive for coronavirus passes the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, March 9, 2020. Kate Munsch/Reuters The coronavirus-stricken Grand Princess cruise ship docked in Oakland on Monday so passengers could leave the ship for quarantines on land. But 19 crew members who tested positive for the coronavirus were kept onboard because they were "asymptomatic," according to Princess Cruises. The ship is expected to leave the San Francisco Bay with more than 1,000 crew members still onboard. The quarantine of the Diamond Princess, a ship from the same cruise line, left crew members in close quarters and vulnerable to the coronavirus' spread. For the latest case totals, death tolls, and travel information, see Business Insider's live coronavirus updates here. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. The Grand Princess cruise ship is unloading all of its passengers in Oakland, California after a string of coronavirus cases brought the ship into port. But 19 crew members who tested positive for the virus will remain on the ship with more than 1,000 other staff, Princess Cruises said in an email update on Tuesday. The cruise line said that those 19 staff were "asymptomatic." But some limited research has suggested that infected people who don't have symptoms can pass the coronavirus to others. In one case, a woman in Wuhan, China, passed the virus to five family members without ever getting sick herself. The Grand Princess arrived in Oakland on Monday after sitting off the coast of the San Francisco Bay Area for four days while officials planned what to do with its passengers. As of Monday night, 407 passengers had left the ship and begun traveling to US military bases for quarantine. Non-US citizens were put onto charter flights. Two passengers who tested positive for the new coronavirus were transferred to local hospitals. It's expected to take a few more days to unload the rest of the passengers. Once they have all left the ship, the Grand Princess plans to leave the San Francisco Bay with its entire crew onboard. It is unclear where the ship will go after that. "Plans for a crew quarantine are still being determined," Princess Cruises said in the email. An on-ship quarantine in Japan failed, especially for crew members Crew members aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship at the Daikoku Pier Cruise Terminal in Yokohama port, February 24, 2020. More Kazuhiro Nogi/AFP/Getty The Grand Princess cruise ship is from the same line as the Diamond Princess, which hosted one of the largest outbreaks of the new coronavirus outside of China. The ship sat in the port of Yokohama, Japan, for about three weeks in February as the local government placed everyone on board under quarantine. In the end, more than 700 people who were on the Diamond Princess tested positive for the new coronavirus. Experts have criticized the Japanese government's decision to keep passengers and crew on the Diamond Princess, and some have said the quarantine procedures may have even helped the virus spread. "I'd like to sugarcoat it and try to be diplomatic about it, but it failed," Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA Today. "People were getting infected on that ship. Something went awry." Crew members were especially at risk, since they still had to share cabins, bring food to passengers, and eat together in a mess hall. A crew member moves about the passageways of the quarantined cruise ship Diamond Princess on February 9, 2020, in Yokohama, Japan. More AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko "We all are really scared and tense," Sonali Thakkar, a worker on the Diamond Princess, told CNN during the quarantine. "There are many places where we all are together, not separated from each other," she added. "Especially when we sit in the same mess hall and eat together, the place where it can spread very fast." As the case count on the ship rose, some Indian crew members begged their government to rescue them, sharing a series of videos on Facebook. One of them, Binay Kumar Sarkar, told Business Insider that the situation on the ship was "out of control."
Passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship got their first piece of bad news on February 4: 10 people on board had tested positive for the novel coronavirus. It was the beginning of a nearly month-long ordeal of quarantine orders and disease response that has been widely criticized as a failure. As of Friday, Japan's Ministry of Health reported that 705 people from the ship had contracted the virus, as well as one quarantine officer who worked on the ship. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Friday that 44 passengers flown back to the US had tested positive. Six people who were on the ship have died. "The quarantine was not justified, and violated the individual rights of the passengers while allowing the virus to literally pick them off one-by-one," Dr. Amesh Adalja, who works at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told Business Insider in an email. Adalja and other experts have criticized the decision to keep passengers and crew on the ship and said poor hygiene practices helped spread the virus. "I'd like to sugarcoat it and try to be diplomatic about it, but it failed," Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA Today. "People were getting infected on that ship. Something went awry." Here's how it got so bad.
CES 2020 has seen the debut of many new and innovative gadgets that break traditional boundaries: from Alienware’s introduction of a handheld PC gaming device to Razer’s first-ever gaming desktop, brands have definitely strived to think outside of the box. Now, Panasonic has followed suit with its groundbreaking re-imagination of how users can interact with virtual reality. Doing away with the cumbersome headset designs of Oculus and Vive, the Japanese electronics company has crafted a sleek, lightweight and more streamlined pair of VR glasses partly reminiscent of steampunk eyewear. Offering more than just a more comfortable and fashionable design, however, Panasonic says that its VR glasses are the first in the world to have full HDR capabilities, greatly enhancing image quality in terms of color reproduction and contrasts for a truly immersive experience. The device also utilizes a newly-developed OLED display jointly built by Panasonic and Kopin which practically eliminates the “screen-door effect” found on other conventional VR headsets, allowing for an incredibly HD experience. Completing the glasses are two earbuds equipped with Panasonic’s very own Technics drivers, providing high quality audio to the wearer. There’s currently no release date or pricing information on the new VR glasses from the Japanese company, but some reports suggest that they’ll mainly be made for commercial use instead of being for the consumer market. However, those interested should definitely stay tuned as more updates are due to roll in. Elsewhere in the tech world, Uber is now letting passengers in California pick their favorite drivers.
The problem with VR headsets is that they still all look like VR headsets — glorified ski goggles that shut you off from the world. I’m not going to say Panasonic has solved the matter altogether with its own VR glasses at CES this year, but the project does represent something of an improvement. Basically, they’re regular-ish glasses with a dash of steampunk aviator style. The glasses — and they are glasses, rather than a headset — also offer technical improvements over other solutions in the market. The micro OLED panels, co-developed by Panasonic and Kopin, are extremely high resolution with almost no hint of the “screen-door effect” that plagues most VR hardware. They’re also the first VR glasses to support HDR, which was particularly impressive during a CG demo of the interior of a Japanese temple, with light realistically bouncing off golden decorations. Panasonic has made use of its own audio technology in the headset, with Technics drivers in the earbuds providing rich, dynamic sound. The company says it also used optical designs from the Lumix camera division and similar signal processing technologies as found in its TVs and Blu-ray players. The prototype unit I tried had some clear limitations. The micro OLED panels were smaller than they could have been, resulting in a squarer image with a lower viewing angle than traditional VR headsets. The glasses were also a little front-heavy and slid down my nose whenever I tilted forward; this wasn’t helped by the cables running directly out of the eyepieces to a gaming PC. A non-functioning mockup of the envisaged final product, which I also got to wear, solved these problems by being significantly lighter and running a single USB-C cable through the end of one of the glasses’ arms. Panasonic is unlikely to ever sell these glasses as a consumer product. Instead, it’s pointing to commercial applications that are likely to spring up alongside the rollout of 5G networks, such as virtual travel and VR sports. Japanese companies are talking about this sort of thing a lot this year, given the Olympic Games in Tokyo and the fact that 5G services are yet to launch in the country. But my main takeaway from the demo was that hey, turns out it’s possible to make VR glasses that are both better quality and with a better form factor. It might not make for a practical consumer product just yet, but it’s an intriguing look at a step that could make VR technology more appealing to a mainstream audience.
Acquisition includes a potentially transformative immuno-oncology diagnostic test for the selection of therapy for cancer patients Data presented at SITC 2019 demonstrated performance surpassing current predictive companion diagnostic tests Includes a pharma trial lab compliant with 21 C.F.R. Parts 820 and 11 IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OncoCyte Corporation (NYSE American: OCX), a molecular diagnostics company with a mission to provide actionable answers at critical decision points across the lung cancer care continuum, today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire, through a subsidiary, all of the outstanding capital stock of privately-held Insight Genetics, Inc. (IG), which has a history of impactful discoveries in the areas of lung and breast cancer. OncoCyte entered into the agreement to access IG’s technology and pharma service offerings. IG has a rich menu of relevant targeted therapeutic panels including two emerging therapeutic targets, RET and NTRK. IG’s lead test is the “Immune Modulation” (IM Score), a gene expression test that measures the state of the immune system in biopsies from cancer patients to identify patients more likely to respond to PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapies. Data presented at the 2019 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting showed a strong association of the IM score with response to PD-1/PD-L1 targeted immunotherapy in lung cancer. Importantly, the IM Score test was superior to two currently marketed predictive companion diagnostic tests for immunotherapy selection, PD-1/PD-L1 IHC staining and tumor mutational burden (TMB). IG’s lab has capacity to support clinical trials or assay design across a cadre of currently available commercial platforms to develop companion diagnostics and has successfully completed audits by major pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies. IG has performed assay development and clinical testing for leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. IG has achieved ISO 9001 certification, and it has a CLIA certified and College of American Pathology accredited lab that performs and develops proprietary cancer tests. IG’s initial work identified and patented an ALK PCR translocation assay licensed by Qiagen. Its second initiative focused on Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC), where IG developed a unique classifier that identifies six subtypes of TNBC, many of which have been demonstrated to have potential companion diagnostic applications to help women manage this deadly form of cancer. “The addition of the Insight Genetics IM Score Test expands the decision points that OncoCyte’s proprietary portfolio of tests addresses along the lung cancer continuum of care. To our knowledge this test is uniquely differentiated in that it characterizes immune response in cancer tissue in the context of characteristics of surrounding tissue. Combined with DetermaRx™ (previously the Razor treatment stratification test), we now have proprietary tests that help manage key decision points in both early and more advanced lung cancer, ” said Dr. Doug Ross, Consulting Chief Medical Officer of OncoCyte. The principal investigator of IG’s study, Dr. Gregory Vidal M.D, Ph.D., Lead of the Breast Cancer Research program at the West Cancer Center and Research Institute and Assistant Professor of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center added, “Identifying which patients will benefit most from immunotherapy remains an outstanding question for oncologists. The data presented by the Insight Genetics team at SITC is incredibly promising, and the oncology community is looking forward to seeing the impact the IM score test can have on a broader patient population. I believe it has the potential to improve patient outcomes and streamline the development of new therapies.” Padma Sundar, SVP Marketing and Market Access added, “According to a recent JAMA publication, close to 750,000 patients are eligible for immunotherapy treatment, representing a $2.2 billion total addressable market. The eligible patient population is anticipated to increase as immunotherapies are approved for the early stage adjuvant setting. In addition, there are close to 3,000 PD-1/PD-L1 ongoing clinical trials that are expected to recruit over 500,000 patients representing a large pharma services opportunity.” Al Parker, Chief Operating Officer of OncoCyte further commented, ”We believe the combination of assets contemplated in this transaction will create enhanced value for our stakeholders and shareholders and advances our mission to provide actionable answers at critical and underserved decision points in lung cancer.” About the Proposed Merger and Principal Transaction Terms Upon closing, OncoCyte will deliver closing consideration of approximately $12 million, consisting of $7 million in cash and $5 million of OncoCyte common shares, less deductions for transaction expenses and other liabilities. The merger agreement provides for OncoCyte to pay a 10-year revenue share of not more than 10% of net collected revenues for current IG pharma service offerings and a tiered revenue share percentage of net collected revenues through the end of the lifecycle if certain new cancer tests are developed using IG technology. OncoCyte may pay contingent consideration of up to $6 million, in any combination of cash or OncoCyte common shares if certain milestones are achieved. The closing of the merger with IG is subject to a number of conditions, including approval of the merger by IG’s stockholders. OncoCyte will issue the shares in a private placement and has agreed to register the shares for resale. Additional information regarding the terms of the transaction will be provided in OncoCyte’s Current Report on Form 8-K expected to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 10, 2020. Conference Call Information: OncoCyte management will host a conference call and webcast today, January 10, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. ET. To access the call and webcast, please use the information below: Dial in (US): 877-407-9716 Dial-in (International): 201-493-6779 Webcast: About Insight Genetics Insight Genetics is dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients through advanced molecular diagnostics that enable precision cancer care. The company specializes in the discovery, development and commercialization of molecular diagnostics that detect specific cancer biomarkers in triple negative breast cancer and lung cancer to assist in guiding the effective diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of cancer. Insight Genetics partners with leading academic researchers, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, clinical reference laboratories, and IVD kit manufacturers to create new standards of care for cancer patients worldwide. About OncoCyte Corporation OncoCyte is a molecular diagnostics company whose mission is to provide actionable answers at critical decision points across the lung cancer care continuum, with the goal of improving patient outcomes by accelerating and optimizing diagnosis and treatment. The company is currently preparing to launch a treatment stratification test that enables the identification of early-stage lung cancer patients at high risk for recurrence, allowing them to be treated when their cancer may be more responsive to adjuvant chemotherapy. DetermaDx, the company’s liquid biopsy test in development, utilizes a proprietary immune system interrogation approach to clarify if a patients’ lung nodules are benign, which may enable them to avoid potentially risky invasive diagnostic procedures. OncoCyte Forward Looking Statements OncoCyte cautions you that this press release contains forward-looking statements concerning, but not limited to, the acquisition of IG and the effects of the merger. The proposed merger described in this press release has not yet closed. All statements that are not historical facts (including, but not limited to statements that contain words such as “will,” “likely,” “may,” “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “estimates,” “intends,” “seeks,” “designs,” “develops,” “would,” “future,” “can,” “could,” “project,” “potential,” and similar expressions) are forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to changes in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to (i) failure to realize the anticipated benefits of the acquisition, (ii) unexpected expenditures or assumed liabilities that may be incurred as a result of the acquisition, (iii) unanticipated difficulties in conforming business practices, including accounting policies, procedures, internal controls, and financial records of IG with OncoCyte, (iv) inability to accurately forecast the performance of IG resulting in unforeseen adverse effects on OncoCyte’s operating results, (v) failure to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the acquisition on the anticipated schedule, or at all, (vi) synergies between IG and OncoCyte being estimates which may be materially different from actual results, (vii) failure to retain or integrate IG personnel, (viii) greater than estimated allocations of company resources to develop and commercialize IG technologies, or (ix) failure to maintain any laboratory accreditation or certification. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, risks inherent in the development and commercialization of potential diagnostic tests or products, uncertainty in the results of clinical trials, changes to regulatory requirements, the need and ability to obtain future capital, protection of trade secrets and maintenance of other intellectual property rights, and the need to obtain third party reimbursement for patients’ use of any diagnostic tests we commercialize. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements and accordingly such statements should be evaluated together with the many uncertainties that affect the business of OncoCyte, particularly those mentioned in the “Risk Factors” and other cautionary statements found in OncoCyte’s Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings, which are available on the SEC’s website. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they were made. OncoCyte undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law. Investor Contacts Bob Yedid LifeSci Advisors, LLC 646-597-6989 Media Contact Cait Williamson, Ph.D. LifeSci Public Relations, LLC 646-751-4366
GARDEN CITY, N.Y., and REHOVOT, Israel, March 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beyond Air, Inc. (NASDAQ: XAIR), a clinical-stage medical device and biopharmaceutical company focused on developing inhaled Nitric Oxide (NO) for the treatment of patients with respiratory conditions, serious lung infections , including those suffering from COVID-19, and pulmonary hypertension, as well as gaseous NO for the treatment of solid tumors, today announced that the Company has drawn $5 million from its previously announced $25 million line of credit to provide the resources to more rapidly move the LungFit™ BRO COVID-19 program forward. “While we await feedback from BARDA (a division of HHS) and other US and international agencies, this money allows us to accelerate the anticipated COVID-19 clinical study start,” said Steve Lisi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Beyond Air. “While we anticipate receiving grants on an emergency basis, we have decided that there is an urgent need to commence the study as soon as possible pending IDE approval from FDA.” About Beyond Air, Inc. Beyond Air, Inc. is a clinical-stage medical device and biopharmaceutical company developing a revolutionary NO Generator and Delivery System, LungFit™, that uses NO generated from ambient air to deliver precise amounts of NO to the lungs for the potential treatment of a variety of pulmonary diseases. The LungFit™ can generate up to 400 ppm of NO for delivery either continuously or for a fixed amount of time and has the ability to either titrate dose on demand or maintain a constant dose. The Company is currently applying its therapeutic expertise to develop treatments for pulmonary hypertension in various settings, in addition to treatments for lower respiratory tract infections that are not effectively addressed with current standards of care. Beyond Air is currently advancing its revolutionary LungFit™ in clinical trials for the treatment of bronchiolitis and severe lung infections such as nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), as well as for the potential treatment of COVID-19 patients. Additionally, Beyond Air is using ultra-high concentrations of NO with a proprietary delivery system to target certain solid tumors in the pre-clinical setting. For more information, visit . About Nitric Oxide (NO) Nitric Oxide (NO) is a powerful molecule proven to play a critical role in a broad array of biological functions. In the airways, NO targets the vascular smooth muscle cells that surround the small resistance arteries in the lungs and is used in adult respiratory distress syndrome and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Additionally, NO is believed to play a key role in the innate immune system and in vitro studies suggest that NO possesses anti-microbial activity not only against common bacteria, including both gram-positive and gram-negative, but also against other diverse organisms, including mycobacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and parasites, and has the potential to eliminate multi-drug resistant strains. About the LungFit™ NO Generator and Delivery System* Beyond Air’s NO Generator and Delivery System is a cylinder-free, phasic flow Nitric Oxide delivery system and has been designated as a medical device by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The ventilator compatible version of the device can generate NO from ambient air on demand for delivery to the lungs at concentrations ranging from 1 part per million (ppm) to 80 ppm. The LungFit™ could potentially replace large, high-pressure NO cylinders providing significant advantages in the hospital setting, including greatly reducing inventory and storage requirements, improving overall safety with the elimination of NO 2 purging steps, and other benefits. The LungFit™ can also deliver NO at concentrations above 80 ppm for which intended treatments are: bronchiolitis in the hospital setting, and chronic, refractory lung infections in the home setting. For the first time, Beyond Air intends to offer NO treatment in the home setting with the elimination of cylinders. * Beyond Air’s LungFit™ is not approved for commercial use and Beyond Air is not suggesting use over 80 ppm or use at home. Beyond Air’s LungFit™ is for investigational purposes only. About COVID-19 COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 first emerged in Wuhan, China in December of 2019. Those affected develop fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing. While the majority of cases result in mild symptoms, some can progress to pneumonia and multi-organ failure. The fatality rate is currently estimated at between 1% and 3%. Older adults and people who have serious chronic medical conditions are at an increased risk of developing severe complications from COVID-19. There is no specific treatment approved for COVID-19 and patients are managed with supportive care. NO may prove to be a treatment as the impact on the lung should result in bronchodilation, reduction in inflammation and inhibition of the viral replication process. As of March 17, 2020, more than 190,000 cases of COVID-19 and more than 7,500 deaths have been reported in more than 160 countries. About Bronchiolitis The majority of hospital admissions of infants with bronchiolitis are caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a common and highly transmissible virus that infects the respiratory tract of most children before their second birthday. While most infants with RSV present with minor respiratory symptoms, a small percentage develop serious lower airway infections, termed bronchiolitis, which can become life-threatening. The absence of treatment options for bronchiolitis limits the care of these sick infants to largely supportive measures. Beyond Air’s system is designed to effectively deliver over 80 ppm NO, for which preliminary studies indicate may eliminate bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes from the lungs. Forward-Looking Statement This press release contains “forward-looking statements” concerning inhaled nitric-oxide and the Company’s LungFit™ product, including statements with regard to potential regulatory developments, the potential impact on patients and anticipated benefits associated with its use. Forward-looking statements include statements about our expectations, beliefs, or intentions regarding our product offerings, business, financial condition, results of operations, strategies or prospects. You can identify such forward-looking statements by the words “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “impacts,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates,” “likely,” “goal,” “assumes,” “targets” and similar expressions and/or the use of future tense or conditional constructions (such as “will,” “may,” “could,” “should” and the like) and by the fact that these statements do not relate strictly to historical or current matters. Rather, forward-looking statements relate to anticipated or expected events, activities, trends or results as of the date they are made. Because forward-looking statements relate to matters that have not yet occurred, these statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from any future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are only predictions and reflect our views as of the date they are made with respect to future events and financial performance. Many factors could cause our actual activities or results to differ materially from the activities and results anticipated in forward-looking statements, including risks related to: our approach to discover and develop novel drugs, which is unproven and may never lead to efficacious or marketable products; our ability to fund and the results of further pre-clinical and clinical trials; obtaining, maintaining and protecting intellectual property utilized by our products; our ability to enforce our patents against infringers and to defend our patent portfolio against challenges from third parties; our ability to obtain additional funding to support our business activities; our dependence on third parties for development, manufacture, marketing, sales, and distribution of products; the successful development of our product candidates, all of which are in early stages of development; obtaining regulatory approval for products; competition from others using technology similar to ours and others developing products for similar uses; our dependence on collaborators; our short operating history and other risks identified and described in more detail in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC, all of which are available on our website. We undertake no obligation to update, and we do not have a policy of updating or revising, these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law. CONTACT Steven Lisi, Chief Executive Officer Beyond Air, Inc.
(New York) - The Chinese government's heightened repression faced unprecedented resistance from Hong Kong people and growing criticisms from concerned governments, as the Chinese Communist Party marked the 70th anniversary of its rule, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2020. This backlash was evident in months of demonstrations opposing Beijing's encroachment on Hong Kong's freedoms and public statements by countries critical of the oppression of Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang. In the 652-page World Report 2020, its 30th edition, Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in nearly 100 countries. In his introductory essay, Executive Director Kenneth Roth says that the Chinese government, which depends on repression to stay in power, is carrying out the most intense attack on the global human rights system in decades. He finds that Beijing's actions both encourage and gain support from autocratic populists around the globe, while Chinese authorities use their economic clout to deter criticism from other governments. It is urgent to resist this assault, which threatens decades of progress on human rights and our future. The Chinese government continued to subject Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in the northwestern Xinjiang region to severe repression. An estimated one million Muslims are being indefinitely held in "political education" camps, where they are forced to disavow their identity and swear loyalty to the Communist Party. Authorities also forcibly separated some of the children whose parents are detained or in exile from their families, and are holding them in state-run "child welfare" institutions and boarding schools. They are also imposing mass surveillance systems - equipped with latest technologies - on the region's residents, scrutinizing them and restricting their movement. In Hong Kong in April, a court sentenced Benny Tai and Chan Kin-man, scholars who led the 2014 pro-democracy "Umbrella Movement," to 16-month prison terms on public nuisance charges. In June, anger over proposed revisions to laws that would allow extradition of criminal suspects to mainland China prompted a million people to protest. The Hong Kong government's initial refusal to withdraw the bill and the police's excessive use of force led to escalating protests. Hong Kong authorities repeatedly rejected calls for an independent investigation of allegations of police abuse. Since June, authorities have arrested nearly 7,000 people and denied at least 17 applications for protests. In Tibet, authorities continue to severely restrict freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion. From May to July 2019, thousands of monks and nuns were reportedly expelled from a monastery in Sichuan and their dwellings demolished. In November, Yonten, a former Buddhist monk, became the 156th Tibetan to die of self-immolation since March 2009. In 2019, authorities continued to crack down on human rights activists, journalists, and lawyers. In July, two months after being released from prison, activist Ji Sizun died from unidentified illnesses, continuing a pattern in recent years in which prominent human rights defenders died in custody or soon after release. Courts in Hubei and Sichuan sentenced activists Liu Feiyue and Huang Qi to 5 and 12 years in prison respectively. Authorities across the country also detained activists and netizens for supporting the Hong Kong protests, including journalist Huang Xueqin. Authorities deepened their assault on freedom of expression. Police nationwide detained or summoned hundreds of Twitter users, forcing them to delete tweets criticizing the government or to close their accounts. The government launched a disinformation campaign that framed Hong Kong's protesters as violent and extreme, prompting Twitter and Facebook to suspend hundreds of accounts originating in China suspected of being part of the campaign. Beijing continued to muzzle criticism abroad by monitoring Chinese students on university campuses, harassing critics' family members based in China, censoring Chinese social media platforms which are popular among the diaspora, and leveraging China's economic clout. In October, after a National Basketball Association (NBA) team manager tweeted his support for the Hong Kong protests, Chinese authorities canceled the broadcasts of NBA games in China and demanded the manager's firing. The NBA did not fire him. A number of governments increasingly called out China's repression, particularly through interventions regarding Xinjiang at the United Nations. In response, China organized a coalition of notorious rights-violating states to rebut the allegations. The United States government sanctioned 28 Chinese entities over Xinjiang abuses. Few other governments moved beyond rhetorical condemnations of Beijing's egregious human rights violations to take concrete actions. "President Xi Jinping's policies have been challenged by massive protests in Hong Kong and joint statements at the United Nations," said Richardson. "Governments and international institutions should stand with those defending human rights in China and push back against Beijing's repressive policies." Source: Human Rights Watch
(New York) - The Chinese government is carrying out an intense attack on the global system for defending human rights, Kenneth Roth, executive director at Human Rights Watch, said today in releasing Human Rights Watch's World Report 2020. Decades of progress that have allowed people around the world to speak freely, live without fear of arbitrary imprisonment and torture, and enjoy other human rights are at risk, Roth said. At home, the Chinese government has created a vast surveillance state in its efforts to achieve total social control. It is now increasingly using its economic and diplomatic clout to fend off global efforts abroad to hold it to account for its repression. To preserve the international human rights system as a meaningful check on repression, governments should band together to counter Beijing's attacks. "Beijing has long suppressed domestic critics," Roth said. "Now the Chinese government is trying to extend that censorship to the rest of the world. To protect everyone's future, governments need to act together to resist Beijing's assault on the international human rights system." January 14, 2020 Video Chinese Government Poses Global Threat to Human Rights Governments Should Unite Against Its Assault on Rights Bodies In the 652-page World Report 2020, its 30th edition, Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in nearly 100 countries. Roth noted many other threats to human rights around the world, including in Syria and Yemen, where government forces from Syria, Russia, and the Saudi-led coalition blatantly disregard the international rules designed to spare civilians, including the prohibitions against attacking civilians and bombing hospitals. An inhospitable terrain for human rights is aiding the Chinese government's attack. A growing number of governments that previously could be relied on at least some of the time to promote human rights in their foreign policy now have leaders, such as United States President Donald Trump, who are unwilling to do so. And the autocratic populists who gain office by demonizing minorities and keep power by eliminating independent journalists, judges, and activists bridle at the same body of international human rights law that the Chinese government undermines. Many people across China, like everywhere else, want the right to live freely and with dignity, Roth said. But President Xi Jinping's government is overseeing the most brutal and pervasive oppression that China has seen for decades. Authorities have shut down civic groups, silenced independent journalism, and severely curtailed online conversation. They are seriously encroaching on Hong Kong's limited freedoms under "one country, two systems." And in Xinjiang, authorities have built a nightmarish surveillance system to control millions of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims, arbitrarily detaining 1 million people for forced political indoctrination. Beijing has made technology central to its repression, Roth said, using mass intrusions on people's privacy through such tools as forced collection of DNA samples, and then deploying big data analysis and artificial intelligence to refine its means of control. The goal is to engineer a society that is free of dissent. To avoid global backlash for its crushing repression at home, the Chinese government has significantly increased efforts to undermine the international institutions designed to protect human rights. China intimidates other governments - for example, repeatedly threatening other member states at the United Nations to protect its image and deflect discussion of its abuses. The Chinese government is courting and is itself courted by governments, companies, and even academic institutions that ostensibly support human rights but prioritize access to China's wealth. They know that publicly opposing Beijing's repression puts at stake a chance at the Chinese market - 16 percent of the world's economy - as the US National Basketball Association quickly discovered following a tweet by one team's general manager. Chinese authorities have faced few consequences from countries that purport to defend human rights. The European Union, diverted by Brexit, obstructed by nationalist member states, and divided over migration, has found it difficult to adopt a strong common voice on human rights in China, although individual European governments have at times been outspoken. Trump has embraced Xi, although the US government has imposed sanctions for human rights violations on the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau and eight Chinese technology companies. Rising to the challenge of defending the world from Beijing's frontal attack calls for an unprecedented response from those who recognize that people and their human rights matter. By acting together, governments could shatter Beijing's divide-and-conquer strategy, Roth said. For example, if the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) spoke out against the repression of Muslims in Xinjiang, as it did for Rohingya Muslims persecuted in Myanmar, Beijing would face pressure that matters to it. Governments and international financial institutions should offer compelling, rights-respecting alternatives to China's "no strings" loans and development aid. Companies and universities should draft and promote codes of conduct for dealing with China - strong common standards would make it more difficult for Beijing to retaliate against those who stand up for basic rights and freedoms. Leaders committed to human rights should force a discussion of Xinjiang at the UN Security Council so Chinese officials understand that they will not gain the respectability they crave while they persecute people. "Unless we want to return to an era in which people are pawns to be manipulated or discarded according to the whims of their overlords, we must resist Beijing's assault on our rights," Roth said. "Decades of progress on rights, and our future, are at stake." Source: Human Rights Watch
New Delhi [India] Feb 26 (ANI/NewsVoir): Coding Blocks announced the Income Sharing model program "Career Bootcamp" through its flagship center in Pitampura, New Delhi today. With Career Bootcamp, Coding Blocks joins the league of Programming Training Centers offering the new ISA model in which students can study without paying any upfront fee, get trained and placed and pay the fee through their monthly salaries. Career Bootcamp is a six months long program which trains students extensively in data structures, algorithms, advanced programming concepts, and web development to get placed. This is a placement guarantee program, so if the student does not get placed, they won't have to pay any fee. "We train students across India through classroom, online and live class programs but there is a huge proportion of the community who want to be independent and manage their fee for this additional training on their own", said Sankalp Sunder, CEO Coding Blocks. Coding Blocks has some of the best coders who have worked with global giants like Facebook, Sony, Barclays, American Express and many more in the country. They mentor students and help them ace programming. More than 25000 students have been trained by Coding Blocks to date and more than 5000 placed in MNCs like Google, Zomato, Flipkart, etc. "This course allows us to learn without having any upfront burden of fees on parents. Guaranteed placements which come with the program assures us that even though we might not be from very good colleges but if we are talented and work hard, we will get good placements in great companies", said Rishabh Rawat, a fourth-year student of NIEC college in Delhi and a participant of Career Bootcamp program. Career Bootcamp will run using the live class technology. This will allow students from across the country to join the program and learn closely with the mentors. Facilitated with two-way interactive communication, Career Bootcamp classes will not only let mentors and students interact but will also help in solving doubts immediately. "We received over 11,000 applications for the program, out of which we have selected only 50 for our first batch. We will start running more batches to accommodate the candidates and help them realize their dreams", said Manmohan Gupta, Principal mentor and Founder of Coding Blocks. This story is provided by NewsVoir. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/NewsVoir)
New Delhi [India], Jan 24 (ANI/NewsVoir): India Accelerator, a seed-stage accelerator program today announced it has commenced Winter Cohort in association with Startup Buddy, which is a one-stop shop offering end-to-end solutions of financial and startup advisory services. In its continued effort to strengthen the collaboration between start-ups and corporates, IA has selected some buddying start-ups, which will be part of such an exercise for the first time. The selected start-ups in the cohort are - AS-Technolution, GoTo, Hypermine, Ingenium, Kachcha Chittha, Lionise, MSF, MGM, Tubbr, TrialRoom, Ubiqc, Wardrobe, and Wardo. "It feels a great pleasure and honour to provide an additional welcoming platform to the start-ups. This exclusive program will help IA's Startups to move beyond the startup phase by equipping them with the knowledge, tools, and connections needed for their next stage of growth," said Mona Singh, Co-founder and Partner, India Accelerator. "We in association with Startup Buddy aim to provide start-ups with the opportunity to excel to no bounds. With our reach spanning all over the nation, India Accelerator's ecosystem provides entrepreneurs and organizations with the prospect to hone their skills," added Singh. "I am excited with Partnership of Startup Buddy with India Accelerator for Winter Cohort. Joint efforts by two established organisations in the field will give more power to the Program," said Amit Singal, CEO, Startup Buddy. This story is provided by NewsVoir. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/NewsVoir)
A Corbin man is facing multiple charges, including DUI, after leading law enforcement on a high-speed pursuit through southern Laurel County early Sunday morning that ended when he ran over a set of spike strips. Matthew Bryce Kolvek, 33, was arrested in connection with the pursuit that began at approximately 2:15 a.m. when Laurel County Sheriff’s Deputy Joey Robinson attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a Ford Fusion that he observed weaving on the roadway it traveled south on U.S. 25 in Lily. “The vehicle then passed a car on double yellow no passing zone lines,” said Deputy Gilbert Acciardo, the department’s public affairs officer. When Robinson activated his blue lights to initiated the traffic stop, Acciardo said, the driver, later identified as Kolvek, turned off the car’s headlights and continued south, turning onto American Greeting Card Road Laurel County Constable David Griffith, who was traveling north on American Greeting Card Road, was nearly struck head on as the Fusion continued to flee. “The vehicle traveled onto West Cumberland Gap Pkwy., running red lights and driving in the opposing land of traffic nearly hitting other vehicles,” Acciardo stated. The chase passed under Interstate 75 before turning onto Adams Road where Kolvek turned around in a field and traveled south back toward Ky. 770. “Sheriff’s deputies had radioed ahead requesting Corbin City Police to deploy spike strips where Adams Road met Ky. 770,” Acciardo stated, noting the Fusion hit the strips, ending the chase. Deputies along with Corbin Police and Constable Griffith attempted to secure Kolvak in handcuffs, and were successful after a brief struggle. “The arrested individual (Kolvek) was determined to be under the influence and had numerous outstanding warrants,” Acciardo stated, noting the warrants are for unpaid child support. Kolvek was charged with first-degree fleeing or evading police – motor vehicle, reckless driving, second-degree wanton endangerment of a police officer, failure to signal, operating a motor vehicle under the influence, failure to wear seat belts, speeding more than 20 mph over the limit, operating on a suspended or revoked operator’s license, resisting arrest and tampering with physical evidence. Acciardo noted that Kolvek allegedly threw drugs out the window during the pursuit. Deputies served Kolvek with an outstanding warrant out of Whitley County charging him with contempt of court on the child support matter. A second warrant out of Clay County charged Kolvek with failure to appear in district court on charges of first-degree fleeing or evading police – motor vehicle, second-degree fleeing or evading police – on foot, giving officer false identifying information, and identity theft. Kolvek was lodged in the Laurel County Correctional Center where he is being held on a $5,000 cash bond.
Two men were arrested Friday night following a high-speed vehicle pursuit and foot chase in north Corbin. Laurel County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Michael Browning, 44, of Lily, and William Jones, 19, of Corbin. Deputy Gilbert Acciardo, the department’s public affairs officer, stated the incident began at approximately 7:25 p.m. on American Greeting Card Road when Deputy Joey Robinson clocked a white Chevrolet Equinox SUV traveling 25 mph over the speed limit. “When Deputy Robinson activated his emergency equipment the vehicle sped up and attempted to flee pulling into an apartment complex there where children were playing in the parking lot,” Acciardo stated, adding that the vehicle came to a stop and the two men, later identified as Browning and Jones, fled the scene on foot. Robinson, along with Sergeant Greg Poynter, K-9 Deputy Gary Mehler, and Deputies Allen Turner, Hunter Disney and Travis Napier, chased down the duo and took them into custody following a brief struggle. Browning was charged with first-degree fleeing or evading police – motor vehicle, second-degree fleeing or evading police – on foot, speeding – 25 mph over the limit, reckless driving, and resisting arrest. Jones was charged with second-degree fleeing or evading police – on foot, menacing and resisting arrest. Browning and Jones were both lodged in the Laurel County Correctional Center.
RUSH EXCERPT: WELKER: “It’s moving so quickly, Chuck. This is undoubtedly, I think, his greatest leadership test to date. And you sort of saw that dichotomy on display yesterday. He was in the briefing room. Then you had the President Trump who went to CPAC and you saw his natural instincts step in a little bit more. He stepped away from the language that it’s a hoax, but the other piece of this, chuck, is the economy. Of course the health crisis comes first. But there’s also this issue about the economy. People watched what happened to the stock market this week. That’s his signature argument for re-election. So behind the scenes, he’s quite concerned by this. You saw it play out a little bit by Twitter, but his officials are trying to tamp down his concern. They’re saying wait until summer, it’s going to rebound. Question mark about that.
Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From “CNN journo praises Trump’s coronavirus response, immediately clarifies on Twitter before she loses lib credibility”. Below is an excerpt from the article. “He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today and yesterday, in tone that people need, and want, and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty,” Bash, CNN’s chief political correspondent, said on-air Tuesday in response to Trump’s coronavirus press conference. She also called Trump “remarkable,” an adjective you don’t typically hear used on CNN to describe the president. Dana Bash just called Trump's tone "remarkable" and the kind of leadership we need during a crisis and said his recent pivot was "pretty incredible." Bash’s willingness to go against the grain earned her praise from conservatives such as actor and Fox News contributor Dean Cain, something no doubt new to the CNN journalist. After getting roasted by Trump critics, however, Bash quickly took to Twitter to downplay her praise and remind everyone of her history of bashing the president. Read more...
The Single Best Strategy To Use For backsplash ideas for white kitchen cabinets The Single Best Strategy To Use For backsplash ideas for white kitchen cabinets Blog Article Travertine may possibly sound like a cloth that you'd probably use as part of your kitchen, basement or entrance porch, but travertine tiles can be quite a good modern day look with your bathroom. On Decoist we feature a variety of ideas to make your bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens or offices glance prettier. We convey you household furniture and lighting ideas, houses All people would desire of and luxurious Qualities that defy the earth crisis. A gray subway tiled kitchen backsplash tile appears to be like good with white kitchens in addition, specially when teamed with equally hued appliances. You may mix and match shades For those who have a straightforward kitchen (an all-white one particular for example) of you may Opt for only one coloration when you need to introduce texture. Lots of application advancement is finished overseas lately, but the need for high-degree Laptop gurus capable of tie systems together is still potent. I'm installing 3/4 inch tile being a backsplash behind my assortment. My stove sits almost flush to the wall and if I had been to set up the backsplash behind the stove it would make the variety adhere out with the cabinets. Shiny black tiles seem terrific with contrasting white grout to really make them pop. They go properly with gray kitchen cabinetry as well as with white kitchen units alike. With the countless variety of decorative choices obtainable, determining which look is great for your Room is often rather too much to handle. Start off your get it done on your own collection approach by searching our on-line Picture galleries and showrooms stuffed with the best 2018 kitchen designs featuring wonderful backsplashes for inspiration of how to include this investigate your very own Area. Time and energy to get creative! You don’t have to spend hrs or times setting up a fresh backsplash from scratch. Whether or not you’re restricted by time and tight spending budget or else you’re hunting for a Inventive solution, look into the backsplash ideas that adhere to. The appearance might be cleaned with a moist cloth, but never rub with all sorts of abrasives which can injury the can. Tin is gentle, really should be viewed as when managing to avoid sagging on the tiles. The two most significant points to take into account when setting up this straightforward get it done your self job, are the way to seamlessly combine the design into your present layout and décor scheme in addition to what supplies will reach that glance. The era of massive details is simply getting going, with quite a few corporations wanting to tap extensive new databases to collect a lot more information on their clients, their competitors, more info and even them selves. This light coloured stone mosaic kitchen backsplash has simply enough hints of brown to complement the dark brown cabinets. The dark wood cabinets element silver handles which match into the colour plan nicely. Determine what’s trending in house décor now. The long, reduced dimensions of 2x10 white glass rectangles — and the fact that they run only partway up the wall — lend additional horizontal focus to the kitchen's modern, small profile design.
How painting cabinet veneer can Save You Time, Stress, and Money. How painting cabinet veneer can Save You Time, Stress, and Money. Blog Article Also, bear in mind that goof off also can make a PAINT STRIPPER which is not similar to the oopsie remover–the paint stripper is amazingly caustic and burns similar to a Reside coal if it will get on your skin, and will not immediately prevent burning even when h2o is applied to your skin!!! LED lighting has experienced a very fantastic operate as homeowners adjust above from traditional incandescent bulbs. It provides good lighting for actions, comes in a variety of colors plus the bulbs past for a really long time. This has made it a favorite selection for beneath-cabinet lighting. Less than cabinet LED lights appear in various varieties including pucks, strips, and bars. When mounted beneath the wall cabinetry, they help include mild for the Operating place along with Enhance the General ambiance. In its place, paint the hook 1st, then proceed to the rest of the door. Then go back to the hook region, and operate the artist brush in excess of the pooled paint. Use that paint to go more than the hook once again. You mean, you happen to be acquiring stains get into the finish on the paint instead of come off? I’ve by no means had a difficulty with that utilizing latex or sealing chalk paint with the polycrylic. I do think The real key is acquiring sufficient paint on plus a tough paint which often can withstand scrubbing. Paint the cabinet bins, drawers and doors with the oil-primarily based primer utilizing a nylon/polyester brush. I love to do the backs with the doors and drawers initially. Enable them dry, then convert them more than and prime the fronts. Make sure to paint during the direction in the grain of the wood. Centered on performance, currently’s kitchens are increasingly being made with big single bowl sinks or with various sinks. Considering the fact that handwashing dishes isn’t a regular event in homes nowadays, the necessity for a double bowl sink is less important. In part, the farmhouse style has grown to be extremely well-known. Farmhouse sinks are well-liked mostly for their significant deep sizes, that enables For additional comfy use, and magnificence. If your apron entrance sink doesn’t in shape into your design, then opt for only one bowl undermount sink in the exact same width to be a double bowl. Open shelves seem attractive inside the Journals, but not essentially a “have to-have” for many homeowners. Lets encounter it, You will need to have a matching set of dinnerware or specialty items you need on display. But with good Corporation and the appropriate type of shelves, you can produce a definitely browse this site unique cutting edge model for your kitchen. Open kitchen shelves as an alternative to wall cabinetry has started to become a fair hotter development for 2018. Whilst you could obtain it challenging to go without your beloved shut door wall cabinetry, open shelving has loads of Gains. Wonderful enable complete data below. Could you make use of your process of refinishing home furnishings and use the Benjamin Moore Advance paint for your kitchen cabinets as well? thanks! That is so helpful and also the timing is ideal—I’ve been pondering more and more about painting our oak cabinets white. My one dilemma is: for those who ended up to get it done again (heaven forbid!), which process would you utilize? Seems wonderful! My daughter is going to be painting her cabinets shortly, I'll make sure to share your submit with her. Thank you! So it was out the window with The 1st step, and on to step two: deglossing. I just applied some rubber gloves as well as a rag to use the deglosser after which let all the things dry just a little so it wasn’t soaking moist right before shifting onto action a few: implementing 1 thin coat of spray primer. Hold the doors and drawers flat and amount until They may be dry into the touch. Then hold them to dry wholly. Thanks for this type of very well considered out and handy put up! I’m so impressed by how detail-oriented and thorough you are. I’ll should explore that! I realize it would need to generally be greatly thinned down, but Possibly I’d use less of it in that situation.
MIAMI — John Harbaugh beat the 49ers in their last Super Bowl, and he is one of only three coaches who beat them this season. How would he play it if his Baltimore Ravens and not the Kansas City Chiefs advanced to Sunday’s Super Bowl LIV? Let him count the ways, as the NFL’s AP Coach of the Year explained on the NFL Honors show’s red carpet Saturday: 1. “You have to play a perfect football game.” 2. “You can’t turn the ball over.” 3. “You’ve got to keep them bottled up in their end.” 4. “You’ve got to stop the run.” 5. “You’ve got to keep your eyes on the luggage. In other words, you’ve got to keep your eyes on your guys, because they’re going to be running across the field with a great deal of speed and Jimmy (Garoppolo) can hit them. They’re a tough team to defend.” Harbaugh’s Ravens beat the 49ers 20-17 on Dec. 1, and he beat the 49ers seven years ago in the Super Bowl when they were coached by his brother Jim. “I wish it would have been us winning one year and him winning the next year,” John Harbaugh said. “As great as it felt for us and our team, I felt bad for him and his family. You want to see him do well. “Jim’s an amazing coach. He did an amazing job. He really put the 49ers back on the map and helped them build that stadium.” Jim Harbaugh nearly did lead the 49ers back to the Super Bowl only to lose in the 2013 season’s NFC Championship Game, his penultimate season before leaving to coach at his alma mater, Michigan. “He’s done a great job everywhere he’s been. That (Har-Bowl) is a great memory. It’ll never happen again, I think. Maybe it will. It’s still special.” MARIUCCI MARVELS AT OFFENSE Steve Mariucci, the 49ers’ coach from 1997-2002, said the score could dictate what plan of attack the 49ers deploy. “Jimmy G’s going to have to throw it more than eight times,” Mariucci said referring to Garoppolo’s 6-of-8 passing stats in the NFC Championship win. “But they run the ball so darn well.” Mariucci took the 49ers to the playoffs in 4 of 6 seasons, and he admires how well Shanahan has converted the franchise back into a contender. Former #49ers coach @SteveMariucci is pulling for Lynch and BY. Funny how that works out with Lynch as his Bucs ended Mooch’s tenure in 2002 playoffs with 31-6 loss — Cam Inman (@CamInman) February 1, 2020 “I love the fact they came from 4-12 last year,” Mariucci said. “Now, your quarterback gets hurt (as Garoppolo did in 2018 Week 3). We’ve all seen that before: I remember when Steve Young got hurt. It’s hard to lose not only your quarterback but your mojo. “I try to look at the bright side of things. Had Jimmy G not gotten hurt, they don’t get to draft Bosa and they’re drafting later and I don’t know who they draft.” Related Articles Close calls don’t go 49ers way in Super Bowl LIV loss to Kansas City Five Super Bowl LIV plays that cost 49ers a victory over Kansas City What might’ve been: 49ers’ would-be unsung heroes in wake of Super Bowl collapse 49ers report card: Who failed most in Super Bowl collapse to Chiefs? Video: Bay Area News Group reporters Cam Inman and Dieter Kurtenbach break down the San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl loss COWHER SEES DIFFERENCES Recently elected Hall of Fame coach Bill Cowher gushed over what a great matchup this is. “It’s a contrast of offenses. You have the (49ers’) running game against the (Chiefs’) passing game,” Cowher said. “These are the two best teams in the league. “I love the fact there’s so many different ways of doing it and you’re seeing it in their journeys to this game. It’s going to be a back and forth game.” Cowher wouldn’t reveal his pick. “San Francisco can play a shootout. They showed it against New Orleans (a 48-46 win Dec. 8). If you don’t stop the run, they won’t quit running. I love their style. “But I like Andy (Reid). He’s going to want to throw it around. It’s going to be a fast field and a great matchup.”
Opinion: Balance is why the San Francisco 49ers will win Super Bowl LIV Show Caption Hide Caption Exclusive: Jerry Rice, Steve Young remember their dominant Super Bowl performance SportsPulse: In an exclusive one-on-one with USA TODAY, 49ers legends Jerry Rice and Steve Young recall their record setting Super Bowl performance 25 years ago. USA TODAY MIAMI — Maybe this is the time that Patrick Mahomes takes his much-anticipated seat on the NFL throne. Maybe the long-awaited hour is near for Andy Reid to finally raise the Lombardi Trophy. Or maybe not. The San Francisco 49ers will win Super Bowl LIV because they are the most complete team in football. Besides, how many times have we seen this type of classic matchup with a high-powered offense facing a ferocious defense? Yes, defense typically wins the championship. No, the 49ers defense, powered by the NFL’s best D-line and bolstered on the back end by savvy cornerback Richard Sherman, won’t totally extinguish a Kansas City Chiefs offense triggered by one of the game’s most electric players. Somehow, they must counter the notion that speed kills. The need for heat on Mahomes is obvious. But even with that, the magic of KC’s QB is always an X-factor. In other words, it won’t be pretty or textbook-preserved. Yet when it’s over, the 49ers could be the Super Bowl champions – like Philly, in LII -- who allow more than 30 points and still wins. As long as that defense can make a stop when it needs it the most. The 49ers will win because they, too, are capable of lighting up the scoreboard. THE OTHER SIDE: One big reason why the Chiefs will be the champs MORE PREDICTIONS: Full staff picks for Super Bowl, MVP and more PROP BETS: The best, craziest and most offbeat Super Bowl wagers Balance is the ticket for Kyle Shanahan’s team. The 49ers defense is complemented by a sophisticated offense that can control the tempo with a potent, zone-blocking running game – yet is also versatile enough to morph into a unit that can roll with Jimmy Garoppolo’s arm. Let’s not forget that the same 49ers who ran all over the Packers in the NFC title game (285 yards on 42 rushes) also won a shootout at New Orleans in December when Garoppolo threw for 349 yards and 4 TDs. It’s on tape. They can do it. It might take the best game of Garoppolo’s life – I’m talking no-mistake efficient, not necessarily record-breaking yardage – to out-point Mahomes. But it’s a team game. Shanahan would be perfectly fine if they can somehow repeat the type of punishing rushing game the 49ers demonstrated in the two NFC playoff victories with 471 yards on 89 runs in the two games. Although Kansas City’s defense has improved as the season has progressed, and held NFL rushing king Derrick Henry to 69 yards in the AFC title game, the challenge will be greater at Hard Rock Stadium on Sunday because it is on the wrong side of the strength vs. weakness variable. Regardless, the 49ers can strike in more ways than one. IS THAT GRONK?: No, but this 49ers star could easily take over Super Bowl MORE SUPER BOWL: Everything you need for the big game Presumably, Shanahan learned something about situational play-calling during his Super Bowl appearance with the Falcons in LI, when New England’s ability to come back from a 28-3 deficit was enabled by risking play-calling that backfired, among other reasons. This time, he should know when common-sense play-calling will work, even if it’s not sexy. No team in the NFL this season that went through a gauntlet as difficult as the 49ers faced. That’s a factor, too. They are battle tested. Here’s to thinking the 49ers will pass the final exam to claim the franchise’s sixth Super Bowl crown. And the wait for Mahomes and Reid to bring Kansas City its first NFL championship in more than 50 years will carry over to next season. Maybe the Chiefs are next year’s champs. If you love talking football, we have the perfect spot for you. Join our Facebook Group, The Ruling Off the Field, to engage in friendly debate and conversation with fellow football fans and our NFL insiders.
MONTRAL -- Across Quebec, 3D printing companies are active and working to fight the coronavirus. They make prototypes of masks and visors; valves; devices for opening doors without using one's hands; and other medical equipment to supply hospitals that fear shortages. Since Sunday, dozens of Panthera Dental employees in Quebec have been hard at work manufacturing various prototypes of equipment designed to protect caregivers. “We understand the importance of the thing, something big is happening and we can help,” said Béatrice Robichaud, co-founder of the company specializing in the manufacture of dental medicine products. Panthera Dental has around twenty 3D printers and as it is well known in the medical community, the company has received many requests related to the pandemic. “The federal government, the provincial government, hospitals in Quebec, and even hospitals in the United States called us to find out what we could do,” said Robichaud. “What sets us apart from other companies is that we already print medical equipment, so we can create sterilized and reusable products.” She said she has presented various prototype equipment to medical authorities, and that her company continues to research while waiting to see what type of equipment the authorities will need. “There is a global shortage of certain medical devices and each country is trying to produce for itself, so we cannot count on the others, we must be able to produce between our walls,” she added. Public health authorities have also contacted the 3D printing company Fablab to put its printers to work and help doctors. “We are part of an unofficial group, there is a network that has been formed with doctors and people from public health and we are discussing what is possible to manufacture,” said Fablab production manager Vincent Charlebois. Voxel Factory, which is located in Montreal, sells professional 3D printers designed for businesses. Sales director Francois Lahey is also in contact with various hospitals. “There are currently discussions to know what the needs will be. It is important to wait for the authorities to tell us what they want, to properly meet the requirements of the medical staff,” he said, adding that his company is one of the largest suppliers of 3D printers in Canada. Small businesses that do 3D printing are also in demand. The Eric Paré Photo Studio, which has a single 3D printer, was contacted by a doctor, who wanted to have a visor made to protect herself from the risks of contamination. “It's a doctor I know, so we printed a prototype and this doctor will present it to the medical staff where she works,” said Christian Dion, an employee at the studio. The improvised manufacturing of medical equipment involves health risks, but in France and in Italy, companies initiatives which mobilized to 3D print the material had great success. Some of these initiatives play an essential role in the fight against the coronavirus. The Italian Minister for Technological Innovation Paola Pisano has also congratulated and publicly thanked entrepreneurs who have succeeded in creating respiratory valves thanks to 3D printing. This report by The Canadian Press was first published Mar. 24, 2020.
A sign notifying customers of a closed terrace is shown at food court in Montreal, Wednesday, March 18, 2020, as COVID-19 cases rise in Canada and around the world. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes OTTAWA - While Canada's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has taken off drastically in the last week, some have found it lopsided across the country. In Ontario and Alberta, dine-in restaurants and bars are closed by provincial decree, while Quebec has shut down bars but ordered restaurants to limit the number of customers. Other provinces have made no such order. Even in a single city like Ottawa, there's variation between which businesses have stayed open and which have shuttered to the public. Businesses need more federal direction to avoid confusion, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce said Wednesday. "One of the things businesses are looking for is more coherence," said Perrin Beatty, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Right now in Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and federal health minister provide advice to the provinces, but each province and territory is ultimately responsible for making its own decisions. Beatty said the situation can be particularly vexing for companies that operate across jurisdictions. "As rate of infection is growing, the same rules increasingly should apply across the board," he said. For some, without specific advice from the federal government, it can be a difficult financial proposition to voluntarily shut their doors, he said. Federal authorities say that have been co-ordinating with provincial counterparts, but that local context is important. "We very much recognize ... that there are specific conditions in specific cities, specific provinces," said Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. "That's why we have public health officers also at the provincial and the city level." The provinces' decisions about whether to close non-essential businesses comes down to the reality on the ground, including the number of cases of COVID-19 in the region and whether the area is seeing community transmission. Chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam said it may also come down to a particular health system's ability to deal with an outbreak. A weaker health system may take a more cautious approach, for example, she said. Beatty suggested a national message might still be more helpful, even if it leaves room for exceptions. At least then the information would be coming from one source, he explained. He did complement the federal government though on its open lines of communication with the business community. And to some extent, he said it will be up to businesses to do the right thing for their customers and employees. This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 18, 2020.
The European Commission has finally launched its updated EU industrial strategy, after long-standing requests by industry groups and political leaders calling for a stronger single market. Tuesday's (10 March) proposals followed commission's new approach for the digital and green transition, as well as "the need for more inclusive working methods," said the commissioner for the digital portfolio, Margrethe Vestager. Student or retired? Then this plan is for you. But the proposals failed to soften competition rules to boost so-called national "champions" - a key demand from Germany and France. The commission plans to update how EU antitrust regulators assess industries in 2021 following an ongoing evaluation in a separate initiative. But there was no mention on Tuesday of the 'national champions' idea, which covers cross-border mergers between national firms. The commission, instead, wants to ensure an "equal level playing field" in the single market and address lack of reciprocity from abroad - pushing for European companies to gain access to public procurement in third countries, such as China. The commission will also promised a white paper by mid-2020 and a new law in 2021 to address the effects caused by foreign subsidies in the single market and to tackle foreign access to EU public procurement and EU funding. From sectors to ecosystem approach While the single market is considered one of the biggest achievements of the European project, around 70 percent of businesses now thought that it was poorly integrated, said Vestager. The commission estimated that removing barriers could bring in up to €713bn by the end of the decade. These barriers included restrictive and complex national laws, excessive administrative procedures, and inadequate enforcement of EU rules. The new industrial strategy also spoke of an "industrial ecosystem" approach that aimed to fully address the complex interrelationship between small and big companies, Vestager said. Each of the "industrial ecosystems" will have access to digital platforms and a dedicated toolbox, as they will face different opportunities and challenges in the environmental and digital transformation areas - although a detailed plan will not be public until September. However, according to Vestager, "one of the benefits that all ecosystems will share is fair competition - based on the EU's values". Green Deal failure? Meanwhile, emissions from heavy industry have not declined since 2012, making this sector a large contributor to climate change. Industry accounts for about one-fifth of EU emissions, with the majority coming from the steel, cement, and plastics factories. However, it takes up to 25 years to transform an industrial sector and all the related value chains and to be ready by 2050, "decisions and actions need to be taken in the next five years," the commission's Green Deal previously said. "An industrial strategy that is fully aligned with the EU Green Deal needs to have industrial decarbonisation at its core," said the policy officer at NGO Carbon Market Watch, Agnese Ruggiero, who believes that Tuesday's proposal "failed" one of the first tests. The new strategy also failed to set decarbonisation and technology deployment targets that could bring investment to industry. Projects such as the EU Emissions Trading System can also be barriers to real industrial decarbonisation, Ruggiero addeed, urging the commission to swiftly put forward concrete measures "to clean up Europe's largest polluters". The commission's proposal did mention support for cleaner technologies that can help to reach the 2050 climate-neutrality target. But according to Johanna Lehne, policy advisor to NGO E3G, the lack of targets is "a significant gap" in the strategy as targets provided clarity on the pace and direction of travel. "The commission is sending the right signals on the urgency to transform the industry, but it is delaying taking a stance on the most controversial elements of its industrial policy," she said. "Without a landing zone, the strategy will feel incomplete," Lehne added. The commission also proposed further legislation on innovation, investment, and skills. A clean hydrogen alliance to accelerate the decarbonisation of industry will be launched in the summer, followed by alliances on low-carbon industries, and on industrial clouds.
The National Reference Center for respiratory viruses analyzes the tests for respiratory viruses, like the coronavirus, in Paris | Thomas Samson/AFP via Getty Images France granted EU funds for coronavirus repatriation The first aircraft should take off Wednesday morning. The EU will help pay for two planes to bring home around 350 Europeans from parts of China affected by the deadly coronavirus, following a request for assistance from Paris. Under the French-led operation, the first aircraft should take off Wednesday morning carrying an expected 250 French passengers, with the second — carrying people from other EU countries — expected to depart later in the week, the European Commission announced Tuesday. “At this stage, only healthy or asymptomatic citizens will be authorised to travel,” the statement read, adding that the EU Emergency Response Centre was in touch with governments to “coordinate the arrivals and subsequent possible quarantine periods.” The move follows the Commission’s disclosure earlier Tuesday that countries could request money from the so-called EU civil protection mechanism to part-fund their efforts to respond to the outbreak. “The EU does not forget its citizens in need, wherever they are in the world,” said Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič. Lenarčič said further action would be taken if needed and that the Commission’s emergency response team was in “constant contact” with the Chinese embassy in Brussels. The virus first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has killed 106 people so far. The first case in Europe was discovered in France last week. Germany is also reportedly planning to send a military plane to repatriate some 90 people. The Commission said Tuesday that the EU could also help to “provide logistical support to transport vaccines and medical equipment between member states,” or to transport specialized equipment for screening of the virus such as thermal imaging cameras. The College of Commissioners will discuss the issue on Wednesday. “The Commission is working at all levels to monitor the situation regarding the spread of the coronavirus,” a Commission spokeswoman said. This story has been updated.
The family of a pensioner who died during a burglary in her home spoke today of the dread she must have felt as a fresh police appeal was issued. Maureen Whale, 77, collapsed struggling to breathe as she dialled 999 on December 4, 2018 in Barnet. In the call, Mrs Whale said: “I’ve just been burgled. Yes, two young men just went into the house and walked off with my handbag. I’m shaking, I’m sorry.” Asked her name, she gasps: “Maureen, I can’t talk, I’m sorry.” There is silence as the operator pleads: “Hang on in there, please.” A post-mortem examination gave the cause of Mrs Whale’s death as coronary heart disease and identified that her death had been brought on by stress. In a statement today, a relative said: “I dread to think what went through her mind. We will always have the terrible thoughts of Aunt Maureen’s last call to the police — it is heartbreaking.” Detectives are treating Mrs Whale’s death as manslaughter. A £20,000 reward is on offer for information leading to the burglars’ prosecution. Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 020 8785 8099 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Sign up to FREE email alerts from GrimsbyLive - Daily Subscribe Thank you for subscribing See our privacy notice Invalid Email A man was held at gunpoint when robbers raided his home and stole items last night. There was a large police presence including armed response teams in the Hainton Avenue area of Grimsby around 7.30pm. One man has been arrested and an imitation firearm recovered by police. Police checked vehicles in the Nuns Corner area and on the Nunsthorpe and Bradley estates for several hours after the armed robbery. (Image: GNP) Humberside Police are continuing their investigations today. A police spokeswoman said: "A man has been arrested following reports of an armed robbery at an address on Hainton Avenue in Grimsby last night. "It was reported that two men entered an address, shortly after 5pm, and allegedly threatened a man inside with a weapon before assaulting him, leaving him with what are thought to be minor injuries. The men reportedly stole items from the address before leaving." Detective Inspector Phil Booker of Humberside Police said: “Whilst this is a very serious report, I would like to offer my reassurance that we believe it to be an isolated incident. (Image: GNP) “Armed officers were quickly deployed to the scene and as part of our investigations what is thought to be an imitation firearm has been recovered and a man has been arrested, he remains in our custody whilst enquiries continue. “We do have officers in the area today, both to carry out investigations and to offer reassurance to the community. “Investigations are continuing and I ask anyone with information to please get in touch. You can do so by calling out non-emergency 101 line quoting crime reference 16/39713/20 or, if you’d prefer not to give you name, you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. In an emergency always dial 999.”
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Prevailing Over Trust Issues In Your Relationship It tends to be testing defeating trust issues in a relationship. The two parties included the need to invest in a lot of effort. For the situation that the trust in your relationship is being analyzed, it isn’t past time to patch the conditions. Go through this article to gain more. Your accomplice most likely has affections for you. This is the ideal opportunity to consider your more joyful past, open your heart, and give your accomplice put a smidgen of trust. The mystery in any case, is in letting them understand the amount you have changed. Here are 5 hints in this article for conquering trust issues in your relationship after examples of unfaithfulness or when getting the pieces after a detachment. Realize the grieving process. At the point when you have been sold out, you experience the five phases of anguish. Denial, outrage, dealing, depression and lastly, acknowledgment. This is a bit of your excursion for overcoming trust issues. Try not to attempt to surge or battle any of these stages and don’t let any of them devour you. Acknowledging that each phase will happen will prevent you from performing something that you may regret later. You need to seek expert help if you feel that you are not prepared to deal with any of these grief stages. Be willing to duty. Before you start to remake trust in a relationship, the two gatherings must focus on changing and vanquishing trusty issues first. Trust is a two way thing and you are either both in or not. Re-building trust is not a straightforward endeavor. It needs authentic effort from the two gatherings and may be successful in the occasion that you are both completely willing to making it work. Another hint discussed in this article is, try not to hide anything from your partner. You should open up to your associate if you require to revamp trust in the wake of losing it. Try not to give your accessory any motivation to address you. You will barely conquer trust issues in case you disregard to explain what you were doing, where you are going or who you are with. Most importantly, prepare to have the same from your partner. Explain yourself in detail and always be responsible for everything you do or say. Thus you and your accomplice won’t have any motivation to question one another. The last indication in this article, take the time and exertion. On the instance that you have betrayed your partner, you ought to give them the space to alleviate their emotions. You may confront put-down or inactive forceful activity. You are required to acknowledge these because you are more likely than not merit it. You should be consistently prepared to reply, comfort and console your accomplice. The hints covered in this article will help.
At least 32 people were killed on Wednesday when suspected nomadic Misseriya herders from Sudan attacked a village in the disputed oil-rich region of Abyei along the border of South Sudan, a local official said. Abyei has been contested since South Sudan gained independence in 2011, while there have long been tensions between the South Sudanese Ngok Dinka community and the Misseriya herders who traverse the area looking for grazing. Kuol Alor Kuol, the chief administrator of the Abyei area, told AFP that heavily armed Misseriya and allied militia attacked the village of Kolom early on Wednesday. "Thirty-two people were killed among them children and women, and secondly about 24 people are wounded ... and about 15 people including children were abducted and 20 houses burned," Kuol said. He said the wounded had been evacuated to a hospital in the town of Agok which is run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF). In 2011, the UN Security Council deployed a peacekeeping force to the area after deadly clashes displaced some 100 000 people. The United Nations Interim Security Force in Abyei (UNISFA) is made up entirely of Ethiopian troops, with some 4 500 soldiers on the ground. UNISFA could not be immediately reached for comment on the attack. The UN Security Council in 2018 warned that the situation in Abyei and along the Sudan-South Sudan border "continues to constitute a serious threat to international peace," and called on the two countries to show concrete progress on border demarcation and monitoring.
32 dead after tribal clashes on South Sudan border A man waves a South Sudan flag in the town of Abyei. File picture: Goran Tomasevic/Reuters Johannesburg – At least 32 people have been killed, 15 abducted and dozens wounded after several attacks on a village in Kolom in the disputed town of Abyei in the South Sudan border area, the UN peacekeeping mission UNISFA said on Friday. “Our mission in Abyei has increased protection of civilian efforts after attacks that killed at least 32 people. The mission apprehended five armed group members and stepped up patrols and engagement at community levels,” UNISFA said in a post on Twitter. Local elders confirmed the deaths after armed nomadic herders from the Misseriya tribe carried out the attack on the rural Dinka Ngok village, burning down 19 houses during the violence. UNISFA spokesman Daniel Adekera told the Sudan Tribune that Thursday’s violence followed clashes between the two sides on Monday and Wednesday, which had already claimed 22 lives. The cause of the violence is unknown but conflict in the area has revolved around cattle rustling with the absence of police and administrative structures in Abyei exacerbating the situation. The Dinka Ngok tribe has long called for a referendum to be held on the future of the area, which is currently part of Sudan, so that it can join South Sudan. South Sudan ceded from Sudan in 2011 and this has been a cause of friction between the two countries due to the political and security vacuum in the 10,500 km area border area despite it previously being seen as a model of coexistence. Due to the ongoing friction UNISFA deployed troops to the area to contain the situation and prevent any escalation as armed men from both sides converged on Kolom. "UNISFA would like to reiterate that any presence of armed groups within the Abyei box other than its own troops is viewed by the mission as a violation of its mandate and will not hesitate to place responsibility on those engaged in such violations," Adekera said. African News Agency (ANA)
UPDATE (8 p.m) - The McLean County Board, meeting in special session Wednesday evening, agreed to move two polling places in Normal, also for fear of spreading the coronavirus. MCLEAN COUNTY (WEEK) -- Due to concerns over COVID-19, the Bloomington Election Commission has moved Precincts 21 and 48 for the March 17 primary election. The precincts, according to the Commission's website, are being moved from the Westminster Village to the Double Tree Hotel at 10 Brickyard Drive, Bloomington, Conference Room No. 2. Polling hours will be 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 17. In the commission's announcement, the polling location will return to the Westminster Village location. Outside of Bloomington, the McLean County Board must approve polling place changes. Wednesday evening, the board meeting in special session agreed to move Normal Precinct #10 from the Evergreen Place assisted living center to Cardinal Court Apartments, which is owned by Illinois State University. The board also approved relocating Normal Precinct #21 from the McLean County Nursing home to the nearby Fairview Park Pool.
The protection of staff and respondents who participate in our research is of highest priority for J-PAL. As of March 17, J-PAL has therefore suspended all research activities that contribute to in-person interactions in order to limit COVID-19 spread. Many other research organizations have done so or will do so soon. In order to disseminate expertise quickly and build on our combined networks, we are crowd-sourcing best practices on switching from in-person to surveying online or via phone. This is a living document that aggregates crowd-sourced tips and factors to consider when conducting remote surveys (in particular phone surveys) while practicing social distancing. We will be updating this page regularly. Many thanks to those who have contributed to this collection thus far. Do you have experience conducting surveys online or via phone? You can contribute via this form. Last updated: April 7, 2020
Bernie Sanders lost all three of the primary contests on Tuesday to former Vice President Joe Biden, leading some people to believe he would be hanging up his bid. He’s not… at least yet. CNN’s Manu Raju reports Sanders responded angrily when asked at the Capitol whether or not he would be ending his campaign. “Sen. Bernie Sanders grew angry when asked about his campaign plans. During a gaggle with reporters in the Capitol, I asked Sanders about his timeframe for making a decision, and he lashed out: ‘I’m dealing with a f*****g global crisis. You know, we’re dealing with,'” the CNN congressional correspondent said in a tweet. Raju pressed further but Sanders said he was more focused on the coronavirus and its impact on the country than campaigning. “I noted he’s running for president, and he said: ‘Well right now, right now I’m trying to do my best to make sure that we don’t have an economic meltdown and that people don’t die. Is that enough for you to keep me busy for today?'” As BizPac Review reports, Axios initially reported that Sanders was dropping out of the presidential primary before correcting their report to say he was reassessing his approach. the publication subsequently released an apology. Do You Like This Artice? Give Us Feedback 👇 From BizPac Review: CNN’s Manu Raju said when another reporter asked Sanders what he’s saying to his supporters, “he sidestepped the question, noting he sent out a statement. Then, I asked about his time frame [for suspending his campaign] — and he was furious.” — Advertisement — And:
As Bernie Sanders continues to hear the cat calls from liberal media hacks like CNN Manu Raju, Sanders finally lost it and had a meltdown when asked about his campaign today on the hill. CNN and Manu Raju are basically cheerleading for pedophile Joe Biden at this point and Raju asked Comrade Bernie was asked about how campaign plans. Sanders cussed out Raju and replied: Meltdown! Bernie Sanders cusses out CNN hack Manu Raju “I’m dealing with a fucking global crisis. You know, we’re dealing with.” Again, it’s hard to take sides here. CNN is the fake news kings and Bernie Sanders is a Democrat communist, but isn’t in the closet like the rest of the party. CNN getting owned though is awesome. Sen. Bernie Sanders grew angry when asked about his campaign plans. During a gaggle with reporters in the Capitol, I asked Sanders about his timeframe for making a decision, and he lashed out: "I'm dealing with a fucking global crisis. You know, we're dealing with." — Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 18, 2020 that’s not all: I noted he's running for president, and he said: “Well right now, right now I'm trying to do my best to make sure that we don't have an economic meltdown and that people don't die. Is that enough for you to keep me busy for today?" — Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 18, 2020
The Oyo State police command has opined that Alhaji Fatai Yusuf popularly known as Oko Oloyun was possibly killed because of a fraud he detected in his Lagos office. This was made known to newsmen on Friday by the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Olugbenga Fadeyi. Also Read: Oko Oloyun, Popular Trado-Medical Expert, Shot Dead The police spokesman stated that the detection of fraud by the trado-medical expert was possibly responsible for the fire incident in the office during which some account records were destroyed. Going further, the police spokesman revealed that some of his staff and two police escorts are being questioned by a team of detectives from the homicide section of State Criminal Investigation Department, Iyaganku, Ibadan, with a view of finding and apprehending the fleeing suspects, who committed the heinous act.
The Oyo State Police Command on Friday vowed to fish out the killers of a trado-medical practitioner, Alhaji Fatai Yusuf, popularly known as Oko Oloyun. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the convoy of the deceased was attacked on Thursday on the Igbo-Ora-Eruwa Road by gunmen who shot at them from a thick forest, with a bullet fatally injuring him. He was said to have later died from the injuries caused by the bullet. A statement by the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Olugbenga Fadeyi, hinted at a nexus between a fire incident in his Lagos office, ostensibly to cover up suspected fraud, and the attack. Fadeyi said: “The report of Yusuf’s death was received by the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Igbo-ora that the two-car convoy of the deceased was allegedly ambushed shortly after passing through five different police stop and search teams along Igbo-Ora road by yet to be identified assailants who fired at the moving vehicles on the road from the thick forest. “The two-man armed escorts of policemen protecting the deceased engaged the assailants, but they managed to escape back into the forest after a single shot had hit the deceased who died later of his bullet injuries. “An interesting twist to the story was that the deceased had earlier detected an alleged book keeping records fraud in his Lagos office which subsequently allegedly led to the burning of some financial/book keeping records. “Some of his staff and two police escorts are being questioned by a team of crack detectives from the homicide section of State Criminal Investigation Department( SCID), Iyaganku, Ibadan, with a view of finding and apprehending the fleeing suspects who committed the heinous act.” Fadeyi said the police in the state were working with other police formations and units to ensure that the directive of the Inspector General of Police, Muhammed Adamu, to unravel the killers was complied with. The spokesman also said the Commissioner of Police in the state, Shina Olukolu, had promised to bring the culprits to justice within the shortest possible time. Fadeyi said Olukolu, however, appealed to members of the public with credible information not to hesitate in passing it to the police to assist it in the apprehension of the assailants.
HANOI: Vietnam has so far this year culled tens of thousands of birds to contain an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N6 bird flu detected at several farms in its northern provinces, an agriculture ministry official and state media said on Monday. The authorities have culled the birds, mostly chicken and ducks, at farms in Nghe An, Thanh Hoa and Quang Ninh provinces, said the official, who declined to be named because he was not authorised to speak to the media. Thanh Hoa province, 170km south of Hanoi, has culled 23,000 birds at 10 household farms after they tested positive to the virus, Thanh Hoa newspaper reported on Monday. “We are concerned that the virus may spread further, and are trying our best to stop the outbreak,” the official said. Apart from culling the birds, the authorities have also disinfected the farms and put a ban on poultry transport from the infected zones, the official said. H5N6 virus has also been detected in poultry at a farm outside Hanoi, prompting the culling of more than 2,300 birds there, Kinh Te Do Thi newspaper reported. Vietnam has a poultry herd of 460 million, and small-sized bird flu outbreaks have not been uncommon in the country during the past five years, the official said.
Poultry prices sharply drop Poultry prices have sharply decreased after the Tet holiday, which has been mainly affected by the coronavirus outbreak and the avian flu A/H5N6. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, a food trader at Dong Xa Market in Hanoi, said that broiler chicken prices have fallen to just VND55,000-80,000 (USD2.60-USD3.47) per kilo, down VND10,000-15,000 against 2-3 months ago. Chicken prices have sharply dropped
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