how to get size of file in mb?
[ "Format file size as MB, GB etc" ]
[ "After encryption using RSA algorithm, what will be the size of 1 mb file", "Create 50 MB Java Object", "How to get last 1 mb data of a text file using java code?", "read a huge 90 mb file from a URL", "Extract Video Meta Data from First Few MB on S3", "Create A Java Variable (String) of a specific size (MB's)", "How to get file size in KB and MB in android", "Android JAVA $_FILE returms empty at files bigger than ~ 50 mb", "How to handle post data of size more than 2 mb", "Not able to add file to repo larger than 1.5 MB", "How can I put an object into a MB queue from an external Java application?", "Max Memory only 880 MB in Java Program", "Why does my 160kb app background become 49 MB at run time?", "Struts 2 convention plugin - upload a file of more than 2 MB", "Java / Android Read large text file (~2.5 MB)", "How to Upload a file > 1 MB using GWT", "Running empty program in Eclipse takes ~10 Mb. Why?", "Can a String variable hold data which is equal to a 10 MB text file?", "Find an integer not in list of 4 billion using 4 mb. But 4 MB is not enough", "Is It possible to parse large xml file which has size 800 MB using SAX Parser", "Arrays and Linked List : will arrays be able to allocate 300MB in memory if 512 MB is free but 300 MB is not contiguous", "Sending 1 MB Buffer of data over Socket in Android", "How to append 50 mb data(From text file) in jtextArea in java?", "Which are the Cloud service which we can use in our application ,which needs to store small files of max size 5 mb", "Java BufferedWriter very slow - 300 MB of data", "How to get a file size in Bytes or in MB's through a URL", "winzipaes is slow to decrypt a 10 MB file on Android", "Plupload file size more than 10 mb saving as blob file", "OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB" ]
JProgressBar without JButton and PropertyChangeListener
[ "JProgressBar not working properly" ]
[ "JProgressBar update not working", "How to add text on jprogressbar?", "How to overlay a Jbutton over a JprogressBar", "Java PropertyChangeListener not working when called from another class", "Update JProgressBar", "Java: JProgressBar", "JProgressBar query", "java - JProgressBar while method is running", "How to use JProgressBar", "Changing JProgressBar", "Java using jProgressBar within loop", "Java propertychangeListener() method", "How JProgressbar should work?", "Is it a good way to use PropertyChangeListener interface?", "JProgressBar - Won't work in the class that I am calling it in", "Jprogressbar not working", "Firing PropertyChangeListener for JProgressBar without changing value", "Setting a JProgressBar", "Update JProgressBar from new Thread", "What is the difference between PropertyChangeListener and VetoableChangeListener?", "PropertyChangeListener Java", "Return Values & JProgressbar", "Color in JProgressBar", "How to use a JProgressBar in a different Thread?", "JProgressBar won't update", "Java PropertyChangeListener", "Change JProgressBar value, while Thread is running", "JProgressBar not working as expected", "JProgressBar does not update" ]
How to print the extended ASCII code in java from integer value
[ "JAVA extended ASCII table usage", "Extended Ascii doesn't work in console!" ]
[ "How i can use functions that is not extended", "Calling function of an Extended Class (Java)", "How to use an extended class to create an instance?", "Using method of an extended class", "Methods in extended class are not working", "ReadLine and encoding of the extended ascii table", "Access extended class method", "How to use an extended class' name in an if statement", "Create object of extended type", "What type should my class be to access a class and the class it extended?", "Calling an activity from class which is extended to other class,which is extended from fragment", "Can I place extended objects in a list in java along with the object it extended from?", "How to use extended class as variable?", "Default class that is extended by all classes in java", "How to declare extended model class in extended activity?", "Casting int to char and back using extended ASCII range", "Extended Classes in Java", "Extended ascii in java files", "Calling from extended class", "How do I get the value of an ASCII code in Java?", "convert extended ascii character into code in java", "Eclipse error for extended class", "Using Extended Class", "How to create an instance of an extended class?", "How to write ASCII extended characters(which has ascii code > 127) to XML file using java?", "Returns the ASCII value as an integer in Java", "Convert String to Extended ASCII Decimal", "Extended class constructor" ]
InetAddress.getByName on Android
[ "How to get IPAddress using InetAddress in Android" ]
[ "What does the static InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() return?", "converting InetAddress to string", "Android - comparing two InetAddress which are equal fails?", "Why does InetAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() in Java source code always returns false", "What does InetAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() actually mean?", "Java:inetaddress to String conversion", "InetAddress.getByName(FQDN) vs InetAddress.getByName(IP), performance issues", "how to create a URL object using an InetAddress object in Java?", "Occasional error Using InetAddress.getByName()", "InetAddress cannot be resolved to a type", "Java: convert int to InetAddress", "Is the static method getByname of InetAddress class in java an example of Factory method pattern?", "Where is the constructor for InetAddress Class?", "Android unable to add getByName", "Java: Cannot initialize InetAddress", "Java: How can I get the connected port from an InetAddress?", "java.net.UnknownHostException error in InetAddress", "Creating InetAddress object in Java", "Using InetAddress to get own IP", "Is there a faster method for a NSLookup than InetAddress.getByName()?", "Implementing new InetAddress types in Java", "InetAddress.getByName fails behind proxy", "Java InetAddress.getByName.isReachable() Alternative", "Can't encode INetAddress to xml", "Java InetAddress failed", "Slash before InetAddress.getByName(host)", "Is there an easy way to convert String to Inetaddress in Java?", "Use InetAddress in Velocity template", "Java network programming InetAddress objects" ]
Jackson ignore all properties of superclass from external library
[ "Jackson serialization: how to ignore superclass properties" ]
[ "SuperClass and SonClass", "Spring and Jackson: set json ignore dynamically", "What's the superclass of class Object in Java?", "How to get the list of properties of a class as Jackson views it?", "Java - Jackson to a file", "How to ignore Jackson annotations?", "Ignore missing properties during Jackson JSON deserialization in Java", "Is it possible to have a class have more than one superclass?", "Jackson-XML. How can I ignore an XML attribute?", "Jackson ObjectMapper ignore all properties that has no annotation", "Java Object superclass", "How to make Jackson ignore properties if the getters throw exceptions", "Why use <T extends Superclass> instead of just Superclass?", "Ignore given custom value Jackson JSON", "How can I ignore a superclass?", "Write-only properties with Jackson", "Jackson ignore fields when writing", "Check which jackson library is being used", "External properties of a Java class", "Jackson - BeanDeserializerBase", "Ignore Jackson property", "Unable to resolve superclass of External Library", "Jackson ignore properties using the same class", "Jackson: Ignore Json configuration value", "Why does Java ignore the first line of a .properties file?", "Jackson JSON mapping of superclass value", "Java code superclass error", "get jackson to ignore a field in a map", "Jackson - Ignore attributes with specific name" ]
Using JNDI to share servlet session objects and data in Tomcat
[ "Common JNDI resources in Tomcat" ]
[ "JNDI modifyAttributes and NameNotFoundError", "Tomcat JNDI: managed stack of objects", "Jndi spring issue", "JNDI implementation for working with java objects", "activemq jndi tomcat error", "JNDI clarification: JNDI API, JNDI SPI, Service Provider", "problem with JNDI", "how to correctly configure jndi data source in tomcat 8", "Where is the JNDI name in my code?", "JNDI.What is the thing?", "How to configure jndi in tomcat regarding my errors?", "JNDI InvalidNameException", "Java JNDI Name java:/", "Database Table JNDI Name problem", "trouble with JNDI Data Source in Tomcat", "tomcat's JNDI sharing", "simple string value by JNDI in Java", "jndi look up for DefaultFtpSessionFactory", "Why JNDI resource can only be called once in Tomcat?", "Tomcat +jndi.properties", "JNDI configuration in Tomcat", "Creating A File Resource Using Tomcat JNDI", "Project's exception Spring Hibernate Jndi Tomcat", "To JNDI or not to JNDI when embedding an application server?", "How do you use global JNDI URL resources in Tomcat 8?", "I can't use JNDI in tomcat to connect MySQL", "JNDI API how it works", "JDBC, JNDI Problem with tomcat 6.0.26", "Location of JNDI file" ]
BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException due to autowired fields
[ "Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean?" ]
[ "java cannot refer to non-final variable", "when an object is eligible for a garbage collector?", "What is faster, Regex or if compares - Java", "Android find array index value of a partial match", "Class Not Found: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean(by BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException)", "Transactional services => BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException, should be Advice, but is TransactionInterceptor", "Spring BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException", "How to get a fixed state iterator for a set/map without cloning overheads", "Implementing the singleton pattern in Java", "tomcat deny access to specific files", "Switch-Case using quote (')", "Batch insert using Native SQL in Hibernate", "Spring error : BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException", "What's the Ruby equivalent for Java's StringReader?", "Turning text file into a 2d array", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException when using spring-statemachine and spring cloud slueth", "Java string split with multiple delimeters", "Migrating from spring xml configuration to @Configuration (servlet 3.0) with bean references causes BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException", "How to query mongodb with “start with” using java", "java.awt.Robot equivalent in OS X Cocoa?", "Display soft keyboard automatically on a dialog activity", "still having You can't operate on a closed ResultSet error after using connection pool", "Getting BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException in Spring while using BeanPostProcessor", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: spring factory not being resolved to child type", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException with Spring AOP", "How can I change this code to make the user enter in both the Month and the Year instead of just stopping at entering in the month?", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException but was actually of type $Proxy" ]
Object.finalize() not output
[ "When is the finalize() method called in Java?" ]
[ "Java: file write on finalize method", "Exception in finalize method", "How does finalize() work in java?", "why finalize() does not automatically call its parent finalize() like constructor in java?", "Can java finalize an object when it is still in scope?", "Finalize first element of an array", "when finalize() is being executed?", "finalize method in MessageDrivenBean", "How to finalize a java program, should it be in an .exe file?", "The method finalize() from the type Object is not visible?", "finalize() method", "Set object reference to null or call the finalize() method?", "Can you count on .finalize() to be called?", "Why is finalize not being called?", "Is there any need for java's finalize method?", "Order of the finalize() operations in Java", "Why calling super.finalize() is preferred when overriding finalize() method?", "How am I able to call finalize()", "finalize method in Java", "Reference to object during finalize", "java finalize method use", "Can other methods be called after finalize()?", "Java Finalize method call when close the application", "Java \"finalize\" thread on exception", "Good uses of the finalize() method", "Object Creation in java and finalize", "Use finalize() in my case?", "Why finalize() is not called?", "When should be we use finalize() method in java?" ]
how to make jni.h be found?
[ "Cannot find jni.h", "jni.h: No such file or directory" ]
[ "C and Java through Jni", "JNI return type", "Java Jni and C++", "couldn't find \"librealm-jni.so\"", "Return a string from JNI (C++) code to Java", "JNI: From C code to Java and JNI", "JNI Java in c++", "jni.h Errors using JVM (Java to C++)", "How to create an object with JNI?", "Java Objects on JNI", "Using JNI to load another JNI library?", "jni.h: no such file or directory", "JNI - \"Cannot open include file: 'jni_md.h'\"", "JNI: What type of CallStaticMethod to use?", "JNI UnsatisfiedLink Error", "Java method is not found when called through JNI/C++", "JNI SetFloatArrayElement() not working", "Cannot open include file: 'jni.h': No such file or directory", "How to return a list from java to JNI", "set a string from c jni to java", "Trying to understand C function call in JNI.h", "JNI String return value", "How to return an array from JNI to Java?", "JNI c to Java with a class", "JNI SetDoubleArrayRegion problem", "GetByteArrayRegion in JNI", "How to return an array in JNI?", "Error with JNI (Java and C++)" ]
AES-NI intrinsics enabled by default?
[ "Does Java use AES-NI when available?" ]
[ "How to disable intrinsics usage for the JIT compiler?", "AES key size in Java", "How to switch between AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256", "nCipher Using KeySafe generated AES Key in java", "When will JVM use intrinsics", "AES CS2Padding for java", "AES Performance in java", "Java AES and using my own Key", "Android AES problem", "AES custom password key", "AES buffer size", "AES JavaScript & Java", "Android AES issue", "How can I specify an AES key in Python?", "Perform single AES-NI round in Java", "Javascript <-> Java AES", "How to switch from AES-256 to AES-128?", "Android: Define which encryption to use: AES 128 or AES 256", "Gradle Project: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics", "convert byte[] to AES key", "Android Library Module developed in Kotlin exported to Java Application causing Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics", "Java Tax & NI GUI Calculator", "AES Java to Python", "Does AES need to use Java?", "AES vs PBEWithSHA256And256BitAES", "Generate a key for AES", "AES_ENCRYPT and AES_DECRYPT using java", "Impact of Intrinsics and inlining on Lambda's performance?", "What's the default size of AES generated keys?" ]
Problems Resteasy 3.09 CorsFilter
[ "Cannot access services after adding corsfilter in resteasy" ]
[ "Tomcat SEVERE: Exception starting filter CorsFilter, ClassNotFoundException", "Raw image in RESTeasy", "Can RestEasy extends @Path?", "RestEasy - ResteasyServletInitializer fail", "InternalServerErrorException in RestEasy", "RESTEasy + Spring 3 + Maven", "Resteasy PostProcessInterceptor after ResteasyJacksonProvider", "RestEasy missing @NoJackson annotation", "How to get the response header in a RestEasy client?", "How to run RESTEasy project", "Cache Data on a RESTEasy Web Server?", "RESTeasy and X-HTTP-Method-Override", "RESTeasy, JSON and null fields", "Match Filter with specific Method through NameBinding on RESTeasy", "How can I use RESTEasy to return to a JSP page?", "REST APIs With Wildfly Swarm CORSFilter", "CorsFilter setAllowedOrigins(*) redundancy", "resteasy response", "Spring CorsFilter does not seem to work still receiving a 401 on preflight requests", "Return HTTP error from RESTeasy interface", "Resteasy multiple objects request", "Can we run resteasy on jdk 1.5", "generate javascript for resteasy", "Resteasy. Class def not found", "Can I get the ResourceMethodRegistry being used by Resteasy", "maven dependency for play.filters.cors.CORSFilter", "Is there a good BrowserCache implementation for RESTEasy? (better than LightweightBrowserCache)", "ClientRequestFactory RestEasy Deprecated... Any other RestEasy alternative ?", "CookieParam in RESTEasy Singleton" ]
Iterating over arrays by reflection
[ "How to write arrays to XML file using Java reflection?" ]
[ "Iterating through Parameter Array - Java Reflection", "reflection get and set String", "Reflection class java", "List<> - Reflection", "Java/reflection - where's error?", "Iterating through nested arrays in Java", "Iterating over list of arrays", "Method to iterating through classes in a package using Reflection", "Reflection in java?", "Error in Reflection", "Why use reflection for HttpResponseCache?", "Using java reflection", "Java reflection unclarity", "Using reflection in Java", "Java reflection, what class does the object have?", "Using reflection", "How to call MethodInvoke - reflection", "Java reflection 'Can not set' error", "get paramterized type java reflection", "Get object from list using reflection", "Reflection and Arrays", "Using Reflection while iterating over a map", "Reflection in C++", "What is the problem with Reflection?", "Java reflection isAccessible method", "Java Reflection Class", "Java - isntantiate with reflection does not work", "Why reflection doesn't find method?", "Reflection / Class -> NamedClass" ]
Could not find or load main class when running through command line
[ "Error: Could not find or load main class" ]
[ "Could not find or load main class?", "Error - Could not find or load main class", "Error: Could not find or load main class on running the java file", "Java command error. Couldn't find or load main class", "Could not find or load main class", "Could not find or load main class", "Could not find or load main class using command line", "Could not find or load the main class", "Could not find or load main class Java", "Error: Could not find or load main class FrameDemo?", "Java can't find or load main class when running my program", "Could not find or load main class", "Java - \"Could not find or load main class\"", "Error: Could not find or load main class ClassDemo", "Java command line could not find or load main class", "Error: Could not find or load main class JDBCExample", "Error: Could not find or load main class SOAPTester", "Error Could not find or load main class", "Could not find or load main class error", "Could not find or load the main class.", "Could not find or load main class", "Could not find or load main class SortingRuntime", "Java command line error (could not find or load main class)", "Error: Could not find or load main class openWordDocument", "Could not find or load main class onjava", "Could not find or load main class s1p1.S1P1", "could not find or load main class in java?", "Error: Could not find or load main class", "Error: Could not find or load main class ExampleScenario" ]
JPA and Hibernate - Criteria vs. JPQL or HQL
[ "What to use: JPQL or Criteria API?" ]
[ "How select column at rune time using JPA (JPQL or Criteria API)?", "HQL order by criteria", "How would I join these in a Hibernate HQL query or Criteria API call?", "Java Hibernate HQL to Hibernate Criteria", "JPA / JPQL Query error", "While running Hibernate Criteria, HQL query is not created in given order", "JPA 2.0 JPQL Update", "How to write following JPQL using Criteria?", "Simple HQL Query and Criteria in Hibernate", "Hibernate Criteria API versus JPQL", "How to use date_format when using JPQL/JPA", "JPA/Hibernate: How to use INSERT JPQL?", "Hibernate: How do I rewrite this criteria to HQL?", "Hibernate get() method vs hql. which would be best approach?", "What is wrong with this jpql query?(JPA)", "Convert this HQL to Criteria", "Hibernate Date Criteria fails but HQL works", "Why does Hibernate HQL work, but Criteria does not?", "CASE statement in HQL or Criteria", "JPA/Hibernate + HQL/JPQL: select DTO with BigDecimal parameter", "Hibernate - Perform HQL query on Criteria Result", "Ordering a join fetched collection in JPA using JPQL/HQL", "JPQL to Criteria", "Criteria to HQL", "Hibernate Criteria and HQL will go to database by default?", "Hibernate Criteria equivalent to HQL", "How to transform a text JPQL JPA query into a criteria query?", "JPQL/HQL: select with OR fails", "JPA: JOIN in JPQL" ]
Does hashcode number represent the memory address?
[ "Java Object.hashCode() - address or random()?" ]
[ "hashCode methods in Java", "Hashcode in java", "Hashcode of an int", "How to compute the hashCode() from the object's address?", "Class with the hashcode function", "Why hashcode does not generate unique hashcode?", "Java hashCode from one field", "Why hashcode is called in this example?", "java hashcode return value", "Java hashcode method error", "Why does the Hashcode of an Object change in Java?", "What is hashCode used for?", "Hashcode is memory address or integer number of content of memory address?", "Java hashcode of string from 0-1", "Does hashcode return the memory address?", "Java - new hashCode method", "String.hashCode in Java", "how does the hashCode() method of java works?", "Is hashCode() used any where?", "overriding hashCode, why is this.hashCode() not used?", "Can you just return a field's hashCode() value in a hashCode() method?", "Java hashCode for a Point class", "Difference between Objects.hashCode() and new Object().hashCode()?", "Use String hashCode() Method?", "Get value from HashCode Java", "creating hashCode and equals for Address", "Why are this == other and and this.hashcode == other.hashcode() giving different results?", "Hashcode Of a String", "How hashCode works in Java" ]
How to find the jar of java.rmi package
[ "Using JAVA RMI in Android application" ]
[ "rmi class can not found exception", "Running Java RMI", "Getting Java RMI up and running", "RMI - do I get it right?", "Cannot get SocketPermission to work with RMI", "Simple RMI Application", "how to create rmi in java", "java.rmi.ConnectIOException", "JAVA: How to set thread name (RMI)?", "RMI client method call", "RMI Binding Issue (from Windows RMI Server to Ubuntu RMI Registry)", "RMI implementation Java", "RMI example and ExportException", "RMI no such object exception", "What type is RMI?", "Return a string with Java RMI", "Get RMI socket in RMI function?", "Java RMI external jar", "import/package issue with RMI", "Java RMI Reference", "why java RMI can't get return value by reference", "Java RMI has different values in same instance", "JDK7u21 RMI changes", "Problem running RMI server", "Java can't start RMI server", "Java RMI Server does not print output", "Java RMI - jar on NetBeans", "What is the point of Java RMI?", "RMI: does rmi server at the same time can work only with one network interface" ]
How do the Proxy, Decorator, Adapter, and Bridge Patterns differ?
[ "Differences between Proxy and Decorator Pattern" ]
[ "How do I install the Java Access Bridge?", "How list differ from map?", "Design patterns, how do they differ from other programming styles?", "Java's Random values differ each time", "How can I implement a PHP - Java bridge?", "A Bridge Pattern example", "Is this a correct implementation of Bridge pattern in java?", "Include .jar-File in PHPJAVA Bridge", "Bridge method creating", "Java Generics - Bridge method?", "Can't figure out where these C# and Java code differ", "Patterns in Java", "Java <-> C Bridge", "in a dilemma about which to use decorator vs bridge pattern", "Bridge between Java and C#", "Java Bridge Pattern Issue", "Is it a bridge method?", "Java - Object properties does not differ", "Java to C++ bridge?", "Error in Java/PHP bridge API", "How to choose a Java-COM bridge?", "Java COM bridge", "Scala 2.9 Bridge-Method", "Hibernate Search object to string bridge", "Error when trying to implement the Bridge pattern in Java", "Java and R bridge", "PHP/Java bridge problem", "Couldn't find a differ for type: [B", "Difference adapter and decorator" ]
Handling of `final` by the JVM
[ "What does the JVM do with a final variable in a class?" ]
[ "Java File Handling, what did I do wrong?", "Java: but you need to make each JVM, don't you?", "Error handling with @KafkaListener", "Handling java.net.SocketException", "How can I get Syslogging to work on the JVM?", "Run Java code on my own JVM", "Why flashplayer does not need JVM?", "Can't find file error handling", "Exception Handling", "JVM getObjectSize example", "Java test String Handling", "Handling Java Interupts", "Handling \\n in LineBreakMeasurer", "Error Handling java program", "Exception Handling", "File handling java", "Calllable and exception handling", "Regarding JVM signal handling", "Handling ReadTimeoutHandler time out", "Java error handling", "Handling \"netascii\" in JAVA", "File handling in java", "String Handling in Java", "XML handling in Java", "JVM Exception handling flow of control", "Find jvm from Java", "SQLServerBulkCopy error handling", "Java string to array handling", "How works the Java JVM?" ]
How to directly initialize a HashMap (in a literal way)?
[ "Java - instantiate a hashmap from literal value pairs" ]
[ "HashMap in Java", "I don't make HashMap in HashMap {Java}", "ConcurentModificationException in Java HashMap", "Limitiation in HashMap java", "Does Hashmap autosort?", "How to for each the hashmap?", "how to do String Literal in Java", "Java + List to HashMap", "getting line of a literal?", "String literal not working", "Initialize Empty HashMap", "Java - When a String is not a literal but an Object?", "Hashmap with class", "get Hashmap from Method", "File to HashMap", "Literal declaration of HashMap in Java", "HashMap of hashMap", "What is a class literal in Java?", "Correct way to initialize HashMap and can HashMap hold different value types?", "How to initialize Key Class in HashMap in Java", "HashMap<String, boolean> copy all the keys into HashMap<String, Integer>and initialize values to zero", "get() method for HashMap", "Initialize HashMap with an array of items?", "To HashMap or not to HashMap?", "Best way to initialize ArrayList and HashMap?", "HashMap in a HashMap", "What will HashMap(it) do?", "hashMap in Java", "Initialize variable (Read out of file and store in ArrayList/HashMap) once in Java" ]
SWT-Browser: How to load a resource using HTTPS if the certificate is untrusted?
[ "How to import a SSL certificate file with SWT Browser" ]
[ "java ignore https certificate validation", "Find browser type/version of SWT Browser", "Java SWT CheckedListBox", "Java HTTPS client certificate authentication", "Java SWT StyleRange", "Why can't untrusted code change the log level under Java Logging?", "HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app", "Java SMTPS untrusted certificate", "How can I connect to https web-service without certificate?", "SWT Browser not working?", "How to change default https certificate for web services in Dataminder?", "How do I retrieve an untrusted SSL server certificate in order to review and trust it?", "How can I safely run untrusted Java applications?", "java example in swt", "Allowing Java to use an untrusted certificate for SSL/HTTPS connection", "Untrusted Groovy Script Security in Java", "Java HTTPS connection with SSL certificate Error", "Create SWT browser exception", "how to load jar:file: uri in swt browser?", "In java SSL over https without certificate", "Call Java method from GWT app via SWT Browser / SWT BrowserFunction", "How to use the SWT List?", "JAVA - Simple GET request, using SSL certificate and HTTPS", "Certificate java client https", "Cannot call HTTPS untrusted URL from java client", "JavaFX WebView not working using a untrusted SSL certificate", "ColumnViewerTooltipSupport in SWT", "Change URL (from other thread?) in a Java SWT Browser", "using Certificate in https" ]
How to tell the diffarences of installed java - JDK or JRE
[ "What is the difference between JDK and JRE?" ]
[ "can't find JRE in the JDK", "Invoke JRE that is found in JDK", "Are both the JRE and the JDK required to run a JAR file?", "Why Java installs a JRE when a JDK is being installed", "JRE and JDK not match", "Install JRE if not installed", "Should JAVA_HOME point to JDK or JRE?", "Eclipse and JRE (JDK)", "How to set path for Jre 6 when jre 7 installed?", "Problem installing JDK and JRE", "A full JDK (not just JRE) is required", "Eclipse JRE or JDK missing", "How Does Eclipse find the JRE or JDK locaton?", "Using JRE vs JDK", "What happen to my pre-installed JRE when I download a JDK?", "Why JDK includes JRE?", "Is is possible to build java code using JDK 1.6 to run on JRE 1.5?", "Problem in Running Java Application in Non JDK/ Non JRE installed system", "How to update Jre and Jdk", "Java JDK and JRE versions", "JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE", "How do I make the JDK the default JRE?", "Error JDK and JRE", "Where does Eclipse default to look for the JDK/JRE to use?", "How to tell if JRE or JDK is installed", "How to get JRE/JDK with matching source?", "JDK instead of or in addition to JRE?", "Do I need JDK or only JRE?", "Which one to download: JDK or JRE?" ]
Live video streaming between Server and client - Using Java
[ "Best way to live stream video from java server to android client?" ]
[ "Video Streaming on website using java", "Audio streaming from java not working but video works fine", "Live video streaming through proxy", "android live streaming for video is not working", "JSP Video Streaming (with Servlet)", "Video Streaming not working over internet or local network", "how to get video link from of live streaming videos using java?", "Video Streaming Server on Mobile", "Using File Streaming", "Live Streaming Topic", "File Streaming in Java", "Live Video Encryption in Java", "How can I code a server/client video and audio streaming application?", "android live streaming app using embed code", "How to get fastest streaming video using URL in android", "Where to get streaming (live) video and audio from camera example app for Nokia?", "Bluetooth video streaming", "How can I use java to download a video file from http url(video streaming link)?", "Java live video capturing/streaming", "Client-Server Based Audio Live Streaming in java using Socket", "not able to capture live streaming in applet", "Streaming video in play framework using videojs", "Live video streaming using Java?", "Java - Live Streaming Video which uploaded to Database", "Java Streaming Image or Video Over HTTP", "Streaming any image to HTML client?", "When streaming video from on device to another, who is the server and who is the client?", "Streaming live video from Raspberry Pi to my Android App but getting security exception", "The strategyn of Streaming API" ]
Difference between java and javaw
[ "Difference between java.exe and javaw.exe" ]
[ "Cannot find javaw on eclipse to run hello world", "Why do I see Eclipse as 'javaw.exe' in Windows task manager?", "using python subprocess to run javaw.exe", "Batch script with Javaw", "How java.exe and javaw.exe are used in Eclipse?", "Why javaw is not found on my java installation on ubuntu?", "Why isn't javaw.exe exiting on Windows 8?", "DatagramSocket doesn't work with java but works with javaw", "javaw.exe crashes on creating JFrame", "Eclipse : JAVAW terminated", "Can I find out if the java program was launched using java or javaw", "Javaw.exe won't run .jar file while java.exe will", "open .Jar file with java and not javaw via Double Click", "Java Runtime Environment was not found at bin\\javaw.exe", "Difference between java.exe, javaw.exe and jvm.dll", "Difference between java/javaw/javaws", "What happens when I use javaw to run the java program in the following scenario?", "javaw.exe eating up my memory?", "How do I redirect a javaw.exe console output to a log file?", "How to find where javaw.exe is installed?", "javaw.exe cannot find path", "javaw keeps restoring itself", "Invalid command do javaw in Eclipse?", "terminated java application javaw.exe eclipse", "How to do a professional setup for java app to avoid \"javaw\" cannot be found?", "Eclipse cannot find javaw.exe", "Determine is application has been started via Java or Javaw?", "javaw.exe won't exit after System.exit(0)", "How does Eclipse capture stdout from a process started with javaw.exe?" ]
Is there a way to check if two Collections contain the same elements, independent of order?
[ "Way to check if two Collections contain the same elements, independent of order?" ]
[ "Check if a Java Set contains a particular string, independent of case", "How to implement a map with 2 independent keys?", "collections in java", "Order Independent Hash in Java", "XML inside an string element vs independent elements", "Can composite elements contain collections in Hibernate", "Create an independent copy of the object", "How to make this unit test independent?", "Java GarbageCollection and Collections", "How to execute completely independent application from Java. Like independent process", "Which collections to use?", "How to create a view of all elements in many collections in Java?", "Is java really platform independent ?", "Java independent block of code", "Android : Create Service as Independent Project", "Java independent number variable for each object", "How can I add two components so they are both independent of each other?", "match all characters in a string independent of their order in the sequence", "Java Collections", "How can I make my java code machine independent", "Collections - add elements to a collection", "Why does my array contain the same elements?", "How to make jar file independent?", "Two way collections in Java", "Spring run independent thread", "Java: why static field are \"independent\" each other?", "Why is Java platform independent?", "Platform independent Image in java" ]
Simple way to compare 2 ArrayLists
[ "Compare two different ArrayLists for matching element" ]
[ "How to return 2 ArrayLists in java", "Inserting ArrayLists into ArrayLists", "Arraylists without loop", "Compare object fields in if statement and 2 arraylists", "java array of arraylists", "Java - ArrayLists", "Compare two different type of ArrayLists to find common data", "How to create an array of ArrayLists in java?", "How do I read and write a file from ArrayLists in Java", "Array of ArrayLists in java", "Arraylists within a class Java", "Array of ArrayLists?", "how to cmpare the values of Arraylists", "Compare two arraylists to return the latest date", "Merge Arraylists inside an ArrayLists of Arraylists", "How to compare two Arraylists which contain objects of the same class in Java?", "What is the point of ArrayLists?", "What is the error Java ArrayLists", "How to compare 3 ArrayLists and get the differences in 3 new ArrayLists?", "How to pass data between ArrayLists?", "Methods on ArrayLists", "How do I compare and order two arraylists in Java", "Two arrayLists, each object to have their own List", "2 arraylists for one program", "An array of ArrayLists?", "Objects and ArrayLists", "Create an Array of Arraylists", "How do I compare 2 arraylists in a Hashmap?", "Objects and ArrayLists in Java" ]
Difference between break and continue statement
[ "Continue statement works but break statement doesn't work the way it should" ]
[ "How does continue work?", "break; then continue; in java", "Difference between Return and Break statements", "Continue Statement in a Java Function", "Java Loops - Break? Continue?", "What's the difference in new statement between C++ and JAVA", "Java - How to break a long statement", "Break out of nested for loop without using break statement", "Java: If variable is empty (from user input); break; else continue the main method", "Why can't I use 'continue' inside a switch statement in Java?", "How to return a break or Continue in a method is it possible?", "How to iterate by all not empty rows without using break or continue statement?", "break statement in \"if else\" - java", "does continue work in a do while?", "If statement code break", "difference between if ( !statement) and if (statement != true)?", "#break statement not working", "How to use the statement continue in while loop?", "How to break and continue a try-catch inside a while loop?", "Why does this break statement break not work?", "What does break statement do in java?", "= and == difference in If statement Java", "java loop break with if statement?", "Continue on exception", "break and continue doesn't work in Java", "Won't this just break out of the if statement?", "Program fails to continue running after break; in loop", "Continue statement in Java", "break statement in Java" ]
Object class as super class in Java
[ "super-constructor if there is no super class?" ]
[ "How it works super() and super. in Java", "Why use super call in a super class when it has no explicitly defined super class", "What does super() do here", "The use of super(); in Java", "this and super in java", "Why does this not print \"super\"?", "Using this and super() in java", "Using this and super in Java", "super() in Java", "Calling super super class method", "use super () in Java?", "How to get <? super T> from T", "What's the different between super and super() in java?", "(class)this.method and super.method in java", "Use of \"super\" with \"?\" in Java", "How do I use super in java?", "Java question about super", "Working with super in java", "Java Object be super of my class?", "super() function in JAVA", "Java ASM4: super(ASM4);?", "Can't \"access\" variable from super,super class", "How to change the super of a class?", "Why can't one add an Object to List<? super Number>?", "Is there a super() in Object class also,if so where does it poin?", "Why should I call super() in Java?", "What does super() method do?", "create an object before the super call in java", "When do I use super()?" ]
How to use a class customization to resolve file generating conflicts
[ "How to use a class customization to resolve conflict when generating jaxb object from xsd" ]
[ "how to I revert my solutions to resolve the conflicts?", "Java Stack Boolean Output Customization?", "JButton Customization Issue", "How to resolve dependency version conflicts (NoSuchMethodError's)", "ListView dynamic customization", "Gradle war customization - folder name", "Solr Customization using Java for modified output?", "Netbeans Button Customization", "UI customization in java web application", "In an Eclipse Java project that is dependent upon two other projects, how do you resolve jar conflicts?", "TreeSet Customization in Android Java", "Android Manifest file customization", "Determine if there are conflicts in set", "Conflicts between 'for' and 'switch'?", "wsimport: class customization bindings when generating a Java SOAP client", "Name conflicts in jar file", "JFrame Customization", "In eclipse quick fix customization possible?", "Can Hibernate check conflicts (Java)", "Java Package names and conflicts", "How to resolve pom.xml conflicts when downmerging/upmerging changes in between different branches?", "Customization of Spring Roo DataOnDemand getNewTransientObject method?", "The import [...] conflicts with a type defined in the same file error [java]", "Where To Put JAR Files To Avoid Conflicts?", "Exit Conflicts in Java GUI", "Alert Dialog Customization", "IntelliJ code style customization", "Eclipse Java multiple-instance conflicts?", "Customization of Hibernate sequence generation" ]
Unable to parse DateTime-string with AM/PM marker
[ "Unable to parse AM/PM using SimpleDateFormat" ]
[ "What exactly is marker interface in java?", "convert string to date and time as am/pm format", "How to use Class as a generic type marker", "Adding HashMap to marker to display image doesn't return the correct image for that specific marker", "How do I parse a Date to a long with am/pm?", "How can I display time in AM/PM format", "myLocationOverlay change the marker", "Is this possible to write a Marker interface", "Parsing date and AM/PM using java 8 DateTime API", "How to print Java Marker Annotations?", "Marker Annotation vs Marker Interface", "What is use of user defined marker interface", "setOnInfoWindowClickListener for a Marker", "marker interface in java", "How to write our own marker interface in Java?", "Display time in AM/PM format", "How to compare AM/PM time in Android", "PM Changes to AM Java", "Unable to parse, FomatStyle", "If a Marker Interface does not have any methods, how does it work?", "Add a circle around the marker, when marker becomes visible", "Unable to display a map marker with a shadow", "Subclass the Marker Class", "Adding the title for each new Marker", "java get date marker field(am/pm)", "Loop Array to Plot Marker", "Java DateTime parse", "get datetime with AM or PM in java", "Java Marker Interface" ]
JSoup 1.6.0 on Android throws Exception: String.isEmpty() NoSuchMethodExists
[ "Java isEmpty() undefined for String?" ]
[ "Should I use string.isEmpty() or \"\".equals(string)?", "Java CircularArrayQueue isEmpty method", "Jsoup or Java č and ć", "How do I return a value when ArrayList.isEmpty()?", "JSOUP Does not work", "ConcurrentWeakKeyHashMap isEmpty method", "Android using JSOUP for HTML", "Jsoup get class name", "Jsoup throws an exception when it doesn't find the html element", "Difference between isEmpty() and zero length", "Java Tutorial .isEmpty() Method", "Does java.util.List.isEmpty() check if the list itself is null?", "My if (choice.isEmpty()) {} is not working", "Does the isEmpty() method check for null values?", "Android Jsoup error unexpectendly stoppes app", "Register isEmpty", "Getting Null Pointer Exception when using isEmpty() method", "Difference between String.isEmpty() and String.equals(\"\")", "Android HTML Jsoup", "NullPointerException for if(line[waitingLine].isEmpty()) --emptyLines;", "can't call String.isEmpty() in android", "Java global isEmpty() method", "Use JSoup with Android Java", "Any difference between String = null and String.isEmpty?", "Implementation of isEmpty()", "Jsoup getElementsByAttributeValueMatching", "java.lang.String#isEmpty() vs org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils#isEmpty()", "Eclipse search for String.isEmpty()", "Why is there always isEmpty whereas I use !isEmpty 99% of the time" ]
Signed Java Applet gives AccessControlException when calling from JavaScript
[ "signed applet gives AccessControlException: access denied, when calling from javascript" ]
[ "Signed applet running a PrivilegedAction still fails with an AccessControlException", "JOptionPane on applet, accessEventQueue accessControlException", "Signed java applet", "How to solve java.security.AccessControlException?", "Java applet: AccessControlException again", "AccessControlException in doPriveledge", "Java Applet java.security.AccessControlException?", "Applet signed throw: java.security.AccessControlException. How can I make it run?", "java.security.AccessControlException:", "AccessControlException in Java Applet", "Java Security AccessControlException in Applet", "Java applet HttpClient AccessControlException", "AccessControlException in JavaFX application", "Why does my applet get a java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission ...), and how can I avoid it?", "Java applet project \"java.security.AccessControlException: access denied\" error", "How to solve java.security.AccessControlException", "Why is my applet throwing an AccessControlException?", "java.security.AccessControlException in applet communicating with mysql", "java.security.AccessControlException: access denied executing a signed Java Applet", "Java applet AccessControlException (apache httpclient)", "AccessControlException when attempting to delete a file", "netty in applet throws AccessControlException", "java.security.AccessControlException: Occured when Running an applet", "Applet with JDBC - java.security.AccessControlException: access denied", "signed Java applet causes AccessControlException when writing files to local system", "Java Applet AccessControlException: access denied (SocketPermission) - WHERE do I put the fix?", "AccessControlException while parsering an XML file using JAVA DOM", "AccessControlException when i'm trying to run applet on jsp", "Why do I get an AccessControlException while using RMI from an applet?" ]
How to tell if a random string is an email address or something else
[ "What is the best Java email address validation method?" ]
[ "Java get email address from url", "pattern for email address with 2 letters between @ and", "Sending email such that \"from\" is a name or text rather than real email address", "How to email in Java?", "Why won't this regex match the to: email address", "How to change email address to reply to in Java", "How to configure an app on Google App Engine to Receive Email on any email address?", "Pattern Matching Email Address with <...>", "Find out if email address is managed by google", "How to read all email?", "Custom RegEx for Username/Email Address Java", "How can I get an address of a List?", "How to insert the string before of '@' in the email address?", "the address of GImage", "Extract Email address from html source", "validate that an email address contains \"@\" and \".\"", "How to hide an email address as a url parameter", "How can you get an Android user's email address?", "Java mail with + character in email address", "Android send email from any Email Address programmatically", "Email method not working", "How can i return the address of a line in a Random Access file?", "Send email with custom \"from\" address", "regex to find email address from a String", "Regex email address validation", "EmailValidation (email address) with RFC3696", "How to set From as a name in SparkPost email", "Java code to send email only works for one email id?", "Encrypt email address using java" ]
how can I convert unicode string to ASCII in java
[ "Convert Unicode to ASCII without changing the string length (in Java)" ]
[ "Android: Convert Text Input to ASCII and print it as a string", "ASCII code equivalent of unicode character in Java", "Java ASCII output to file", "Convert ascii to int?", "How to convert ASCII to int?", "Convert string from file to ASCII and binary", "How to convert ASCII characters to string in Android?", "Java: How to convert String of ASCII to String of characters?", "Java convert unicode code point to string", "Can we switch between ASCII and Unicode", "How to convert a Java String to an ASCII byte array?", "how to convert string into it's \"html\" ascii code using Java?", "Unicode Replacement with ASCII", "Convert ASCII byte[] to String", "Is there a way to convert non-ascii chars to unicode and leave ascii as they are?", "How to convert a string into 8-bit ascii in java?", "convert String to ASCII and ASCII to String", "How to write Unicode in java without displaying ASCII Code?", "Convert a String of bytes into ASCII", "How to read not ASCII file?", "Convert UTF-8 Unicode string to ASCII Unicode escaped String", "How do I get the value of an ASCII code in Java?", "How to convert a binary value to ASCII in JAVA?", "Convert string to unicode", "Convert a string containing ASCII to Unicode", "text to ascii in java", "How do you convert from the ASCII value to string", "How can I convert a String in ASCII(Unicode Escaped) to Unicode(UTF-8) if I am reading from a file?", "Is this ASCII type?" ]
how do I add threads or pools to avoid ConnectException: Connection refused?
[ "Multiple sockets cause ConnectException: Connection refused: connect" ]
[ "How to resolve java net ConnectException Connection refused connect even server is up", "Error = java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException:", "Socket Programming ConnectException", "Netty 4.0.x Correctly catch a ConnectException", "Netty does not retry connection on ConnectException", "java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: <public IP>", "java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host when exporting an object client-side", "java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;", "Connection to http://repo.maven.apache.org refused", "java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused", "ConnectException thrown using ServerSocket", "java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:", "ConnectException: Connection timed out even if the URL works in the browser", "Connection Refused?", "I have a ConnectException that isn't being caught for some reason", "ConnectException on one machine but not on another", "java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host", "Logging source tcp port when ConnectException in Java?", "Chat application in Java over the Internet | ConnectException (connection timed out)", "Java java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused", "why do I get java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused?", "Trying to test connection on localhost ports using Socket and get ConnectException", "Java delay before throwing ConnectException", "Why do I get a connection refused?", "What could cause socket ConnectException: Connection timed out?", "java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:", "Trying to start Liferay with Tomcat I get this Java ConnectException: Connection Refused. Any suggestions?", "ConnectException while connecting to server through IP in Java", "How to produce ConnectException on purpose?" ]
Ambiguous mapping found when one @Controller extends another @Controller
[ "Ambiguous mapping found when I use extends clause" ]
[ "Play 2.5.x java - How to call a controller method from another controller?", "JavaFx Controller set Object Another Controller", "Custom controller with NiftyGUI", "How to pass array in controller class", "Mapping a .jsp to a Controller in Spring", "Get original mapping value inside Spring controller method", "How to make controller mapping more specific", "Java Controller what code to be in?", "How to run method within controller from external controller", "How can I get data from my controller?", "No HanderMapping found - Spring 3.x - Controller", "Spring Mapping Url to Controller and View", "i have a controller mapping issue while running two controller together", "How do i pass array list to a controller", "How is controller written in PRPC", "How to pass the model attribute object values one controller to another controller by rediect url", "Spring MVC, calling another controller from Inside a controller", "How to calla method only once in a Controller", "JavaFX - How to use a method in a controller from another controller?", "Controller doesn't work with spring", "How can I call a method with requestParameterMap from other controller", "Property on model attribute set in one controller method is not available in another controller method", "Spring mvc Ambiguous mapping found. Cannot map controller bean method", "Spring controller regex mapping", "Why is this method ambiguous?", "How to pass the User object from one Controller to the different JavaFX Controller?", "Ambiguous mapping error : Spring Controller", "Get the View in the Controller", "Get user in a Rest Controller class instead of each controller method" ]
Convert String to java.util.Date
[ "I am getting date as String from jsp page how to convert it in to java.util.Date" ]
[ "Convert java.util.Date to what “java.time” type?", "How to show to date while using before for java.util.Date.before", "Java convert string to java.util.Date object with custom format", "how to convert timestamp string to java.util.Date", "What is a util in Java?", "Convert List to Array without java.util", "How to convert String date to java.util.Date?", "Convert java.util.Date to String", "How can I convert an Integer (e.g 19000101 ) to java.util.Date?", "convert string into java.util.date format in java", "Util Class in Java", "Convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date", "Error java.util.Date", "Convert String date to util date and insert in sql date", "Convert ArrayList<String> to java.util.List", "java util date value of string", "How to set fastTime of a java.util.Date?", "Convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date", "Groovy's java.util.Date or Java's java.util.Date?", "How to convert string date in util.date format?", "Convert java.util.Date to json format", "How to convert java.util.Date with a given format to String instance?", "How to convert java.util.Date to String", "java convert long time to java.util.Date", "Convert String to java.util.Date in Java 8", "Json Date \\/Date(1389715867000)/ to convert to java.util.Date in java", "Convert nscala-time Datetime to java.util.Date", "What's the difference between import java.util.*; and import java.util.Date; ?", "How to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date?" ]
How to host a Java web service in IIS
[ "Web service in java using IIS", "Running a java web application in IIS" ]
[ "Deploy War File in Microsoft IIS 7", "how to run .jar file on IIS", "how to start/stop an application pool in IIS 6.0 from Java remotely", "java applet run local host but doesn't run after publish iis , By asp.net", "Website in IIS with tomcat connection", "Issue with getting output from PERL script running on IIS", "Running java webapp on iis", "Tomcat/IIS closes socket after http response has completed", "Is it a good idea to host Java JAX-RS web services on IIS?", "Is there any Jetty IIS Connector available for IIS server?", "How can I host a spring project in Windows IIS using tomcat?", "Problems with rerouting requests to a specific ip and port in IIS?", "Connect to a IIS with HTTPS and client-certificate authentication", "Java Applet requires authentication only when IIS is set to require SSL", "IIS hosted WCF Service to provide client cert", "Why does Java apps need an application server and .Net just IIS Web Server?", "Java based mobile app+IIS server", "ASP.NET/IIS equivalent of Java/WAS context-root", "Sending an Image in Base64 Format over to an IIS server (hosting C#.net based Web Handler)", "Websockets on Tomcat 8 + IIS 8 with ARR 3 are not working", "Java servlet - Windows Authentication Token / IIS Server", "SOA/web services: Java on Tomcat or C# (.NET) on IIS?", "IIS version 10 with an application server to run JSP/Servlet", "IIS windows authentication error (401.1)", "Saved ZIP File gets Corrupted (from an Android App to an IIS Server)", "create iis application via java", "PHP exec java on IIS 7", "Java Socket exception while trying to reach .NET WCF web service on IIS" ]
Eclipse JFace's Wizards
[ "Eclipse JFace's Wizards (Again ...)" ]
[ "What does JFace add to SWT?", "Spring 3 MVC and modal wizards", "JFace Action and ImageDescriptor - I wnt to show image and text", "Equivalent of JPanel in JFace?", "Using newline in JFace ErrorDialog", "Layout setting for a jface Table", "How would one use IDecorationContext api from Eclipse JFace", "How to add buttons to the JFace ErrorDialog", "Jface: custom FieldEditor bad layout", "NoClassDefFoundError on JFace FontRegistry", "JFace question: How do I select all items in a ListSelectionDialog?", "Add custom wizards to new menu in eclipse plugin", "How to search for required elements in list using jface", "JFace-Dialog: How to query user-input", "What is a definition ID of a JFace Action?", "Eclipse JFace FieldEditor for Dates?", "Trying to create basic JFace application, not sure what issue is", "JFace MasterDetailsPart - details Page is not shown", "Option dialog in Jface", "get error list from org.eclipse.jface.text.Document", "Creating Internal Wizards using Java Swing", "Eclipse cannot find the main class in JFace?", "JFace and FieldEditor", "DIsable JFace TextCellEditor Field", "How do I use eclipse Data Tools wizards?", "Eclipse DLTK: Adding wizards to the 'New' menu of ScriptExplorerPart", "Exclude built-in import/export wizards in Eclipse Workbench", "Multiple Data Binding Objects in Eclipse Jface MVC", "Eclipse JFace editor with JavaScript support" ]
Java Record Mic to Byte Array and Play sound
[ "Play sound directly from byte array - Java", "java byte array play sound" ]
[ "hardware mic control", "How Do I Play Sound from another java activity?", "Record sound from mic to file with sound meter in Java", "how can we access mobile device camera and mic with html page", "Play sound on specific sound device java", "How to block the mic for another app to use?", "How can I use a button to change an image AND play a sound?", "Return amplitude of the mic input when not recording", "Recording a wav file from the mic in Android - problems", "Can I play sound from this class into another class and control it from the other class", "My sound won't play in a .jar file", "How to play/record sound on/from a javax.sound.sampled.Line", "How to play sound in java?", "why this code doesn't play the sound file", "how to play sound on button", "Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs", "Not able to play sound in Java", "How can I play sound in Java?", "Java: Play a sound more than once", "Android Mic Volume Meter", "Making sound play in Java Program", "Java/Eclipse won't play sound", "Capturing sound from a mic", "Java stop sound when another sound is starting to play", "How would play sound and not get an Exception?", "Android record sound of our own app" ]
Ant build failing, "[javac] javac: invalid target release: 7"
[ "Ant Javac and Commandline Javac give different results" ]
[ "javac : command not found", "Netbeans Maven Error: javac: invalid target release: 1.7", "Using javac with import", "Why does this javac command not work?", "javac default memoryInitialSize and memoryMaximumSize?", "Error running javac compiler in Ant", "javac in Eclipse?", "Ant fails without message at javac", "javac: invalid target release: 1.7", "Javac Command Not Working", "ant javac print the javac filename", "Javac can't find class that is in the same directory", "How to import a class to a java program using Javac?", "Ant compile with javac Main Class not found", "javac e java command-line", "How to use javac 1.7 instead of 1.6?", "'javac' cannot be found problem", "Ant: passing compilerarg into javac", "-version with java and javac", "Faster javac/ant?", "javac: invalid target release: 1.8", "java version value is different with java and javac", "Change javac path from ant", "Javac is not found", "Why this javac: File Not Found error?", "Ant javac: package does not exist", "'java' command is working but 'javac' don't", "Why can't Ant find javac?", "If javac was written in Java, why I can execute javac as if it is a none-java program?" ]
Can you save java.util.Date to DATE in SQL?
[ "java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date" ]
[ "How to show to date while using before for java.util.Date.before", "What is the difference between java.util.Date and java.sql.Date?", "sql.date vs util.date", "How to store time from java.util.Date into java.sql.Date", "Java date to sql date", "String to java.sql.Date", "conversion from util.Date to sql.Date not working", "java.util.Date to java.sql.Date doesn't contain Time", "How to convert String date to java.util.Date?", "How to merge java.sql.Date and java.sql.Time to java.util.Date?", "Converting java.sql.Date to java.util.Date", "Convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date", "Error java.util.Date", "why two date classes one in java.util.Date and java.sql.Date?", "String date to java.sql.Date", "Convert String date to util date and insert in sql date", "Date Conversion from string to java.util.Date and then to java.sql.Date", "java util date value of string", "How to set fastTime of a java.util.Date?", "java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.sql.Date", "Convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date", "How to convert string date in util.date format?", "How to save time using java.sql.Date?", "Checking for a null date before converting to java.sql.date from java.util.date", "How to cast java.util.date to java.sql.date?", "Json Date \\/Date(1389715867000)/ to convert to java.util.Date in java", "Incorrect date returned when converting from java.util.date to java.sql.date", "error casting Java.Util.Date into Java.Sql.Date", "How to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date?" ]
How to get getclass().getResource() from a static context?
[ "How to call getClass() from a static method in Java?" ]
[ "Write To file with getResource", "Loading resources using getClass().getResource()", "sysLoader.getResource() problem in java", "Is there an alternative to getClass().getResource() for a Static ImageIcon", "getClass().getResource(...) doesn't find my image", "java netbeans getClass().getResource(filename) return null", "Understanding \"ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource(path))\"", "Scala getClass.getResource() returning null", "Using getClass().getResource to retrieve a .txt file to a JTextArea", "Difference between getClass().getClassLoader().getResource() and getClass.getResource()?", "getClass().getResource + Tomcat + Hibernate", "getResource() of another class", "getClass().getResource() in static context", "getClass().getResource() always returning null", "Is getClass() method static in java?", "What does getClass().getResource(...) do when creating ImageIcon?", "Java getClass().getResource on a png returning Null Pointer", "why is my `getClass().getResource(\"logs\")` returns null?", "Java ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource()) returns null", "java getResource() not working", "How to use this.getClass().getResource(String)?", "How should I use getResource() in Java?", "What location does URL url = getClass().getResource(\"\") refer to?", "How i can use FileInputStream getclass().getresource() for load txt file in jar", "getClass().getResource() not working for .txt files?", "getClass().getResource(\"/\") returns null in command line", "Where does this.getClass().getResource() look?", "NullPointerException on getClass().getResource not working for Apache Spark", "NullPointerException JApplet with getClass().getResource" ]
Setting Arabic numbering system locale doesn't show Arabic numbers
[ "How to add locale for Arabic", "Use arabic letters with arabic numbers" ]
[ "Java generate a Random string of Arabic text", "Issue parsing arabic characters using java", "How to Parse date in Simple date format in arabic locale?", "Easy way to print arabic numbers", "Best way to convert English numbers to Arabic", "Java: How to write \"Arabic\" in properties file?", "sort map using arabic value inside value object in java", "Java - How can I use Arabic characters?", "Print arabic string in java", "Split on non arabic characters", "How to type arabic latters with (Tashkeel : vowelization) using java", "Can Joda format dates for Arabic locale using Arabic digits?", "How to Read Arabic text from .txt file in Android", "Write arabic in Java file in Android", "How to create csv file in Arabic Language?", "Can't read the first word of an Arabic text file", "Matching arabic text with regex", "how to read and write in arabic in eclipse", "How to Insert arabic data into mysql database by Java?", "Arabic text in Java AWT", "how to perform search on Arabic text in JAVA?", "Arabic text displayed as ??? in Android", "Arabic characters in String.Format(\"%d\",1,Locale.US)", "Java Arabic (Hirji) Calendar", "Trying to show arabic characters in Java", "How to write in arabic in arraylist", "How to show arabic text in textview", "Print Arabic or other charset in System.out" ]
How does the JVM ensure that System.identityHashCode() will never change?
[ "Does Object class default implementation of hashcode uses identityhashcode" ]
[ "How to ensure that a field will never be null in a Java class", "Java: but you need to make each JVM, don't you?", "How can I ensure that a method returns a value?", "Is using System.identityHashCode(Obj) reliable to return unique Id", "How can I get Syslogging to work on the JVM?", "Run Java code on my own JVM", "Why flashplayer does not need JVM?", "Same output for hashCode() and identityHashCode()", "System.identityHashCode() can the same hashCode be returned after an Object is GC'ed", "Find jvm from Java", "How does jvm ensure java core libraries safe?", "Ensure that only class A can call class B", "How does the JVM read system properties?", "Setting the system time of JVM", "JVM getObjectSize example", "Ensure that a variable is only set once", "No 'server' JVM at '...'", "Compc \"could not find a JVM\"", "Eclipse Java Remote Debug: How do I ensure that the code I've got in my project is the same as the code running in the JVM?", "Can I assume two objects with the same System.identityHashCode are the same?", "If Java's garbage collector moves objects, what is Object.hashCode and System.identityHashCode?", "System.identityHashCode inverse?", "How JVM access the file system", "Java how is a main method invked by JVM", "In Java, how do I ensure a dummy class is never used?", "what are the functions of JVM, What JVM does when we run “java A” , A is class", "Java without JVM", "Use case for method , System.identityHashCode(Object x)", "How works the Java JVM?" ]
How to add support for resizing when using an undecorated JFrame?
[ "Drag and Resize undecorated JFrame" ]
[ "Resizing a JFrame", "JFrame not resizing with JPanel", "Undecorated JFrame shadow", "How do I change the background color in the undecorated frame?", "Resizing a JFrame and all the contents inside", "exception to stop jframe from resizing", "setBackground is undecorated JFrame", "Java: Undecorated JFrame not displaying Graphics?", "JFrame Resizing", "Resizing Components with JFrame", "Why the JInterFrame not resizing?", "How to stop resizing of JPanel in JFrame", "Resizing BasicArrowButton", "Java JFrame not resizing", "showing only close button on the JFrame undecorated", "LwjglCanvas with JFrame resizing", "Have a canvas on an undecorated JFrame?", "swing javafx application with undecorated frame", "How to move undecorated JFrame by holding click on a JPanel in Java?", "JFrame: How to disable window resizing?", "JavaFX: Undecorated Window", "Undecorated JDialog / JFrame bigger than a decorated one", "how to make frame undecorated after jTattoo theme installed", "Resizing arrayArray", "creating undecorated stage in javafx 2.0", "Resizing a JPanel inside a JFrame", "Moving undecorated JFrame using mouse event and thread to update", "Java JFrame Resizing", "Java undecorated jFrame not working on Windows" ]
Eclipse on Mac 10.8 - Installed 1.7.0 JRE / JDK, but Eclipse won't launch
[ "How do I run Eclipse using Oracle's new 1.7 JDK for the Mac?" ]
[ "How to update the JRE in Eclipse", "Java 7 - Mac + Eclipse", "JRE missing in Eclipse Mac", "Eclipse jre 1.5 > 1.8", "How can I run JRE 7 on Mac 10.6", "How to use Eclipse and Java for Mac 10.8.1", "How do I add the Java 7 JRE to Eclipse on my mac?", "How to set eclipse with JRE 8?", "Install JRE 1.7 on Mac - when version 1.8 is already installed", "How do I check if the Java JDK is installed on Mac?", "Use different jre for projects and for eclipse launch", "Eclipse and JRE (JDK)", "How to tell the diffarences of installed java - JDK or JRE", "How to install JRE 1.7 on Mac OS X and use it with Eclipse?", "Eclipse not running (even with JRE installed)", "Eclipse JRE or JDK missing", "Eclipse don't find installed JRE on Mac OS X", "How Does Eclipse find the JRE or JDK locaton?", "JRE not found by eclipse", "Adding JDK 8 to Eclipse on mac", "Eclipse will not launch on my Windows 7 system, JRE not found error", "Where does Eclipse default to look for the JDK/JRE to use?", "Eclipse and JDK 7", "installed JDK 7 is not found in eclipse", "How to tell if JRE or JDK is installed", "Eclipse Launch Failure Mac", "What JRE home to set in Eclipse for JDK7u4 on Mac OS X?", "Do I need JDK or only JRE?", "Eclipse for C++ (Mac OSX): Do I need JRE or JDK?" ]
How to write response filter?
[ "Adding header in response in filter?" ]
[ "How to filter the string/array by using java", "How to make a text filter in java?", "Replace response body using filter", "no response to my code", "Servlet filter change response?", "How to filter a List by class?", "Get method name in Java Filter", "Filter a list in Java", "How to use a Filter?", "How to filter NullString In Java", "How do I filter a HTTP get response?", "Filter not working", "How to get the response object java", "How to create list filter", "Return a file in RestExpress response", "DeferredTask response", "Filter out text java", "Java filter images from an http response", "How to create filter", "how to filter the string/list?", "How to filter the result of KNeighborhoodFilter?", "Can't find Filter class", "Filter SystemApp from getInstalled app", "How to get response from this filter?", "How to get data from response", "How to get response data from ConnectionRequest when response code is an error code", "How to filter an array in Java?", "Jersey Response Filter", "Filter file in java" ]
Why does Map not extend Collection interface
[ "Java collection not have Map as part of collection framework" ]
[ "Convert Collection to Map", "How to write map collection on file and read it?", "Collection Map in Java", "Java - extend an interface", "How can I extend an OHLCItem class and use it in OHLCSeries", "Java 8 map to only value type collection", "What class should I extend, AcionBar or ActionBarImpl?", "Java - Extend a class that extend a Thread class", "Extend android.net.wifi.WifiManager", "Why is a Map not a \"true\" collection?", "java - use of extend", "If Annotation is an interface then how it can extend an Object class?", "Which Map/Collection to use?", "Eclipse - find all classes that extend interface", "Map Interface in Java", "Collection<Interface> name = null;", "Map Collection<String> to String column", "When should I use the interface List<> instead of Collection<>", "How to extend CassandraRepository", "How do I extend a class?", "Does an interface by default extend Object?", "How to define a generic parameter which should extend Map or Collection?", "Can I have a class field that is the Class<?> of a type that must extend another class and an interface?", "Collection of interface from single object", "How to extend an interface", "Java: Map of objects that extend and implement", "Java - Get 'View' of Collection by Type/Interface", "i Have a java class and interface, i want if anyone extend my java class should implement interface", "Can't extend a class in Java" ]
How to copy resultset into object?
[ "Java ResultSet copy to generic object or list" ]
[ "Need help for ResultSet in java", "Resultset To List", "ResultSet to Array", "Working with a ResultSet", "How to get one int value from an object of type ResultSet?", "Check ResultSet values one by one", "ResultSet to String java?", "How to append data in resultset?", "Error while getting resultset", "Resultset get all values", "Resultset within resultset", "ResultSet doesn't return all the values", "Resultset to list", "ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data", "How to return 2 ResultSet?", "Why ResultSet isn't null,But I can't get data from the ResultSet", "function return resultset, get in another class - JAVA", "What does resultSet.next() do", "get ResultSet into JTxtField", "Java:ResultSet error", "Error ResultSet can not be int", "multiple use of the same ResultSet in Java", "What does a ResultSet object look like?", "Any way to return a ResultSet in Java?", "How to get the list inside a resultset?", "Get value from ResultSet Java", "Using Resultset in Java Program", "Difference between ResultSet.TypeForwardOnly and ResultSet.TypeScrollable", "ResultSet in Java" ]
Returning time in minutes
[ "Difference between minutes" ]
[ "Java returning an Object", "Method is not returning String?", "Converting hours:minutes into minutes", "Adding minutes to Time object in Java", "Returning Class<T> From a Method", "Error in Returning in a Method", "java: what is this method returning?", "Java returning object", "DocumentContext not returning value", "What is CvMatchShapes returning?", "Problem adding minutes with plusMinutes", "Java convert minutes into hours minutes", "How to add minutes to my Date", "Java not returning value", "Returning a value in Java", "Returning String[] from a method", "Returning python list to Java", "how to convert minutes to days,hours,minutes", "Am I not returning a string?", "Returning value if it's 0", "running loop for 5 minutes", "Call a method every x minutes", "Returning error from GrapQL-Java", "Java do something in X minutes", "How to add minutes to a date variable in java", "Class method returning 0", "Returning a value from a Method" ]
Why const keyword is not used in Java?
[ "In Java, when do you use const instead of final?", "Java's final vs. C++'s const" ]
[ "C++ similar const method in Java", "Usage of the Java keyword const", "Returning const reference of an arraylist", "Why does C# not allow const and static on the same line?", "Java class keyword", "In Java how should I compare an object to a const value?", ".class keyword in Java", "Passing \"const\" variable to method in Java", "Keyword 'of' in Java", "Class<T> and class keyword in Java", "why can't the 'this' keyword be used here?", "Why (n mod const) is faster than (const mod n)?", "Does java have a keyword \"that\"", "Equivalent of const(C++) in Java", "How can I convert string to const class int value?", "Does Java have a const reference equivalent?", "class a keyword or a Class?", "const and non-const function overloading", "Difference between \"final\" and \"const\"?", "java this keyword", "'this' keyword in Java", "Why is the \"this\" keyword being used here?", "Java 'this' keyword", "What is the Java equivalent of C++'s const member function?", "Java: equivalent to C++ const method", "What is the difference between final, const and static variables in java", "C# assign const member with function", "Const return values in Java" ]
Android FragmentManager BackStackRecord.run throwing NullPointerException
[ "NullPointerException in FragmentManager" ]
[ "JSP not throwing NullPointerException", "Android: FragmentManager version mismatch", "How to access FragmentManager in Service?", "Using FragmentManager to always return to the same fragment", "Why is this throwing a NullPointerException?", "Error incompatible types: android.app.FragmentManager cannot be converted to android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager", "Always getting Null Pointer at fragmentManager", "cannot resolve method show(android.support.v4.app FragmentManager,java.lang.string)", "My code is throwing a NullPointerException in Java", "How come this code is throwing a nullpointerexception?", "XML parsing throwing NullPointerException", "null value for a date throwing a NullPointerException", "This FragmentManager should be recycled after use with #recylce()", "Why is this not throwing a NullPointerException?", "Hibernate throwing NullPointerException", "How to refer to a fragment within a ViewPager with FragmentManager?", "Why is my application throwing a NullPointerException?", "NullPointerException - Not sure why is is throwing that error", "Android:Having problems with fragmentManager(Error XML inflateExeption)", "Incompatible types: android.app.FragmentManager cannot be converted to android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager", "FragmentManager recycled", "Android: Fragmentmanager in Widget Subclass", "Why am I throwing a NullPointerException", "cannot convert from android.app.FragmentManager to android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager", "Android - Can't find what's throwing NullPointerException", "Cannot resolve method 'show(android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager, java.lang.String)", "Method show(FragmentManager, String) is not applicable for show(FragmentManager, String) android?", "Get an object \"FragmentManager\" in \"Service\"", ".matches(\"text/.*\") throwing NullPointerException" ]
SwingWorker exceptions lost even when using wrapper classes
[ "How should I handle exceptions when using SwingWorker?" ]
[ "Java - using Thread instead of SwingWorker", "SwingWorker get a result", "How to use SwingWorker in this example", "How to use SwingWorker?", "For loop in SwingWorker", "Java SwingWorker now to update model", "Java swingworker output", "SecondaryLoop instead of SwingWorker?", "Problems with a SwingWorker", "Java - SwingWorker - Can we call one SwingWorker from other SwingWorker instead of EDT", "Why isn't my SwingWorker working?", "Java - SwingWorker - problem in process() method", "where SwingWorker should be in the class", "SwingWorker doesn't work as expected", "Problems with SwingWorker", "How do I use SwingWorker in Java?", "SwingWorker: process() method is not being called", "How to use JavaProgressBar with SwingWorker in a for loop?", "Java SwingWorker does not work in a main method?", "SwingWorker in another SwingWorker's done method", "SwingWorker for Both Output & Work, or 1 Each?", "How to make a SwingWorker Start more than once..?", "Java SwingWorker with same instance of Class?", "Reinvoke SwingWorker with another parameter value when the same previous SwingWorker is done", "Pass data to swingWorker?", "Java Swingworker Thread", "SwingWorker problems", "SwingWorker, done() method not called", "A swingworker does not work" ]
Convert from java.util.date to JodaTime
[ "How to convert from java.util.date to JodaTime and get same date" ]
[ "How can I mock JodaTime actual date?", "Unable to parse to jodatime", "JodaTime not parsing what it should parse?", "How to use JodaTime with Spring and Hibernate?", "JodaTime convert from Java.util.Date to DateTime (or LocalDate)", "false result given by JodaTime", "Going from java.util.time to jodatime", "How to create an iterater over days in JodaTime", "Java JodaTime wrong seconds format", "Unable to Convert Time to Datetime using JodaTime Android", "JodaTime very slow on first call", "java.util.Date/JodaTime: Given a java.util.Date, generate a start and end of that given date", "Execute function between two times jodatime", "Getting nominative month name in jodaTime", "java JodaTime remove seconds", "Change date pattern from shortDate() format in JodaTime", "JodaTime date formatting issue", "How to set a fixed date with JodaTime?", "Convert date to other format in JodaTime", "Check if Date X is after Date Y with JodaTime", "How to get the last date of a particular month with JodaTime?", "get day name from string date using jodatime", "assign a variable to JodaTime", "Compare date with jodatime", "Add month with JodaTime?", "Why does JodaTime's DateTime class have a minusMillis() method?", "Using DateTimeConstants(JodaTime) value to store dayOfTheWeek in database?", "How to use jodaTime with hibernate", "Convert duration to String in JodaTime" ]
what do the square brackets mean? in Java
[ "Difference between String[] (with square brackets) and String (without square brackets) in Java" ]
[ "How to extract text between square brackets with String.split", "What does a type name in brackets mean?", "get rid of square brackets in java", "Java scanner won't match square brackets", "data with square brackets inside sqlite DB", "Java replace all square brackets in a string", "How to parse parameters array with square brackets?", "Read Variable from URL Encoded Array with Square Brackets", "How to use square brackets for math in Java?", "How to convert json String with Square brackets to List?", "Extract strings outside square brackets", "Regex to return the characters between square brackets (but not the brackets)", "Get string in square brackets", "Java read string with square brackets", "How do I get rid of the square brackets after the code is implemented?", "How can I parse string using square brackets as a delimiter in Java?", "Square brackets causing error in URL string in android", "Matrix square brackets", "How do you print the value of an int inside square brackets in Java?", "Is it possible to remove square brackets from ImmutableMultimap.keys()", "What is the purpose of using square brackets in Java code comment?", "Java split String \"[one][two][three]\" into array without square brackets", "How to create a regEx to extract value from a string with square brackets in Java", "json from java missing square brackets", "Match contents within square brackets, including nested square brackets", "Remove Square Brackets and replace with Curly Brackets", "Find text in square brackets but not in parentheses", "Reading multiple square brackets value one line in Java IO", "Need to remove extra square brackets in the string" ]
Avoiding memory leak in JNI C to/from Java
[ "Memory leak when calling java code from C using JNI" ]
[ "Memory leak in Java application", "Memory leak with an array", "How can I solve this memory leak? Actually, where is the memory leak?", "Java memory leak example", "is this a java memory leak", "Java memory leak", "Is this a memory leak?", "Memory leak in java", "Possible Memory Leak?", "Memory leak in Java?", "Will this create a memory leak?", "C memory leak in android JNI code", "java while loop memory leak", "Memory leak in JNI function Java_java_io_WinNTFileSystem_rename0?", "JNI NewByteArray memory leak", "Is this a memory leak in Java?", "MediaControllerCompat memory leak", "Is it memory leak?", "Java Memory Leak or not?", "Memory leak on list", "Can't find a memory leak in my code", "How to find a Java Memory Leak", "Does this Java code leak memory?", "Java String Memory Leak", "Simple Class - Is it a Memory Leak?", "Can there be memory leak in Java", "How to check memory leak?", "Memory leak when use newInsance() method", "JDOPersistenceManager memory leak" ]
Multiple properties files
[ "Multiple .properties files in a Java project" ]
[ "using properties within the properties file", "Multiple properties file in spring", ".properties file in java", "How to filter a list by multiple properties in Java?", "Properties files best way of using them", "Loading multiple properties files", "using Properties to read .properties files", "Class & Properties - Java", "Spring doesn't file properties files", "How to get list of properties using apache.commons", "java properties", "Print properties of an Object", "How to get all properties of .class in Java?", "Can't get the data from the properties file", "(no) Properties in Java?", "Does Java have \"properties\" that work the same way properties work in C#?", "Why do we need Properties class in java?", "object properties are not the same", "Java Properties object to String", "Get all properties java Object", "Java: Load multiple properties files as one", "Loading updated properties automatically from multiple properties files", "Properties file in java", "Issue with loading multiple properties files with Spring <util:properties /> when the list of files is a parameter", "why when i run project it can not read properties from properties file?", "Change Multiple properties of same object", "How do I use a properties file in Java?", "JAVA .properties file", "Why this method does not use any properties of the object?" ]
Clicking Past a Transparent Frame (Java)
[ "A transparent JFrame that is always on top, but allows clicking underneath" ]
[ "Painting a transparent object on another transparent object", "Have a transparent background?", "Rotation of Transparent Image Over Transparent Panel", "How to get transparent JFrame?", "JavaFx Transparent window - yes please. Mouse transparent - no thanks", "Transparent background in NoiseInk (Java)", "Java: Transparent Windows with non-transparent components?", "How to make a view transparent in android?", "How to add non-Transparent components to Transparent JFrame in java 1.5?", "Transparent Frame works correctly in Windows, but not in Linux", "Java: clicking on button->start new frame", "Need help for clicking a function", "Transparent JTexfield with background image", "android-how to get a color, make that transparent and then return it?", "Transparent PNG isn't transparent in LWJGL", "Why is my transparent icon not getting rendered as transparent?", "How to set a transparent background?", "How to set a transparent Icon from a transparent SVG file", "Transparent Stage with transparent ScrollPane is not transparent", "Java: create second frame while clicking on button of first frame", "How can I make a shape transparent in Java?", "Using transparent window in both Java 6 and Java 7", "Close Java Frame by clicking X button", "Transparent JFrame", "How to make my activity transparent?", "How to make a transparent layout?", "How to draw a transparent line?", "Make a JPanel transparent to see behind the frame?", "How to make JButton with transparent icon and non-transparent text?" ]
Java Enums and Switch Statements - the default case?
[ "Java Enums - Switch statements vs Visitor Pattern on Enums - Performance benefits?" ]
[ "Java array with enums", "Java switch statements", "Loop for Enums in Java", "Enums,use in switch case", "How do I return a class' enums from its own class in Java?", "Can I add a function to enums in Java?", "using method in switch case statements", "End of list of enums in Java", "What is wrong with using enums this way in Java?", "Java - How to use enums", "Using enums in Java", "Enums with constructors and using it in switch JAVA", "Question about Java enums", "Java Enums Issue", "Help with enums in Java", "Using enums instead of switch in Java", "Using enums for switch case in Java", "Methods in Enums", "Removing Switch Statements in Enums", "Where should we put our enums?", "How to put string items in a map of enums of enums of enums of String?", "Java-Enums- How to create with default values and access them", "Enums and how they work", "Using enums and switch statements to control method execution", "How to use the name() method in Java enums", "List of enums: I have 2 enums and I have to make a list/array", "How to match and switch Strings against enums?" ]
Java: check symbolic link file existence
[ "Java 1.6 - determine symbolic links" ]
[ "How to check if a JFrame is in existence?", "How to find if a Path has been used as source for a symbolic link", "Symbolic library design pattern", "existence of an element in two List", "java - check table existence in sqlite", "How to read the path that a broken symbolic link points to?", "java nio iterate files in symbolic link", "Key existence check in HashMap", "Can't name symbolic link to java file other than name of the java file", "Check the existence of a HashMap key", "Is there a proper way to check for file/directory existence in Java?", "Windows shortcut to a symbolic link to an executable", "How to check existence of a program in the path", "What exactly is a Link(Symbolic or otherwise)", "Detect if a File is a symbolic link in Java 8", "Java & symbolic links in windows", "JAVA how to find the target file path that a symbolic link points to?", "Copying symbolic link for different OS's in java", "There is no existence of the saved file.How to do that?", "Is there a way to force a variable out of existence in Java?", "existence of a \"java standard\"?", "How can i test existence specific data in session?", "Java, how to check the existence of file", "Tomcat 7 symbolic link to war file", "Symbolic references in Java", "how to create a symbolic link in Jython", "Java - object existence dilem", "existence of an object, and what will happen in this case", "Symbolic link to libraries for compiling java code" ]
Create a mutable java.lang.String
[ "Is there some way to pass a String to a method as mutable?" ]
[ "How can implementation know if an input parameter is mutable?", "Should I make the object mutable?", "How can I make this object mutable", "How to set Immutablity to the class when reference of mutable class is present", "Mutable BasicDynaBean Map", "mutable fields for objects in a Java Set", "Java Collections with Mutable Objects", "Passing mutable data between threads", "Thread and mutable params", "Mutable boolean field in Java", "cloing object which has reference to another mutable object in java", "Can we change the value of a final variable of a mutable class?", "Why we need mutable classes?", "Set Collection for mutable objects in Java", "Using mutable objects as a constant", "Could It possible to write a mutable String in java?", "Mutable strings in Java", "Java mutable byte array data structure", "Is java.util.List mutable?", "Why is this class considered mutable?", "How to pass mutable objects by value to java", "Create mutable List from array?", "how using Mutable key in hashamp working in this example?", "Mutable Date class fix", "the good way of returning a mutable object", "Mutable or immutable class?", "Is an object that contains a fixed set of mutable objects mutable?", "Mutable 4 dimensonal tuple in java", "immutable to mutable" ]
Android: HTTPS (SSL) connection using HttpsURLConnection
[ "Android HttpsURLConnection Problems" ]
[ "Getting SSL context for HttpsURLConnection from X509Certificate", "HttpsURLConnection and POST", "HttpsURLConnection: Connection Timed out error", "HttpsURLConnection and Cookies", "How do I use proxy authentication with an SSL connection using HttpsUrlConnection?", "Getting error while trying to create HttpsURLConnection through proxy", "SSL Handshake in Java Servlet (HttpsURLConnection)", "Java 1.6 HttpsURLConnection : java.net.SocketException: Connection reset", "HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier scope", "set methods aren't working for HttpsURLConnection", "Handling connection problems HttpsURLConnection", "HttpsUrlConnection Android vs Native Java", "Https Request working with curl but failing with HttpsURLConnection", "way to Ignore ssl certificate using HttpsURLConnection", "Android SSL https post", "How to decrypt HttpsURLConnection", "How to send Post Data to https server via HttpsURLConnection", "java.net.protocolException with HttpsURLConnection in android", "With https URL, HttpsURLConnection works but HttpClient does not", "Unable to set headers in HttpsUrlConnection in AndroidApp", "HttpsURLConnection Connection Problems", "How to get unique ID of HttpsUrlConnection Object", "Java and HttpsUrlConnection ignoring ssl certificates", "javax.net.ssl.SSLException on HttpsURLConnection request", "GET call using HttpsURLConnection to fetch an image", "Java POST Connection Timeout Using HttpsUrlConnection", "java HttpsURLConnection", "How to prevent CONNECT method call from HttpsURLConnection", "In a Java HttpsURLConnection POST, I can't read the response from the server" ]
Generating a MD5 hash from a char[]
[ "How can I generate an MD5 hash?", "Generating an MD5 Hash with a char[]" ]
[ "how can i get an hash/md5 from an object?", "Java test for MD5 using a file", "How to turn a MD5 Hash to a String?", "keytool is not generating md5 hash for debug.store", "Issue with MD5 hash generation", "Zeros missing from md5 hash in java", "From string to hex MD5 hash and back", "MD5Algorithm-Add 2 md5 values", "How to do compute hash using md5 in java", "Java MD5 Hash Not Matching .NET Hash", "java md5 hash, php function to check", "Generating MD5 Hash", "Different md5 hash results in Java and JavaScript", "Hash with MD5 in Java?", "MD5 hash is different", "Generate MD5 hash in Java -Output 16 character", "MD5 hash for zip files", "C# MD5 hash not matches Java / PHP MD5 hash", "java how to get unsighned md5 hash", "Generate MD5 hash for a list of integers", "MD5 hash in android or java", "How to get the same MD5 string in Java as in C#", "Getting MD5 Hash of File from URL", "Calculate md5 hash of a zip file in Java program", "hash md5 result not changing", "Get the MD5 hash code (as a String) for a given file in C#", "Java calculate MD5 hash", "Javascript md5 hash of image to compare with Java" ]
In Java, How to detect if a string is unicode escaped
[ "How do I detect unicode characters in a Java string?" ]
[ "How to check if all \" characters in a string are escaped", "Print escaped representation of a String", "how to detect (shutdowninput in read)", "Convert escaped Unicode character back to actual character", "How to detect whether my JSON string has escaped HTML tags in Java", "Transform a String with unicode escaped character to normal string (without escaped characters)", "Java: how to get a File from an escaped URL?", "Why does Java permit escaped unicode characters in the source code?", "How do I detect an array", "Convert HTML-escaped strings to plain Unicode/ASCII", "Java regex escaped characters", "Java escaped sequence syntax error", "Java String.split() regex for handling escaped delimeter and escaped escape characters", "How to detect &ensp; in string", "JSON strings and how to handle escaped characters", "Decoding escaped unicode", "How to set a regex string with spring without it being escaped?", "How does this Java regex to replace escaped characters work?", "Convert byte array to escaped string", "Convert UTF-8 Unicode string to ASCII Unicode escaped String", "Replace specific character with escaped version in Java", "Conversion from javascript-escaped Unicode to Java Unicode", "Read escaped quote as escaped quote from xml", "Java regex: Normalize all escaped or non-escaped newlines - why does this fail?", "Java: How's the loop for reading escaped?", "Detect First Run", "How can I convert a String in ASCII(Unicode Escaped) to Unicode(UTF-8) if I am reading from a file?", "Convert Unicode to escaped Unicode programmatically", "Why I can't access my escaped URL?" ]
Java Delegates?
[ "Are there delegates in Java 8?", "C# delegates to Java and asynchronous handling of methods" ]
[ "How can I use delegates in Java like in C#?", "Why doesn't Java have method delegates?", "Delegate objects produce duplicate code: (inheritance vs delegates)", "iOS delegates from Java Developers POV", "What is the closest thing Java has to the .NET Func<> and Action<> delegates?", "To which controller play delegates to?", "Objective-C delegates vs Java listeners", "Events/Delegates In Java or C#", "Map of delegates in Java", "What is the correct term for an implementation of an interface that delegates method calls to a collection of the same interface?", "Delegates implementation in java", "Java: How to open pop-up window from a class the GUI already delegates to?", "Handling of multiple delegates", "custom ui delegates for TreeUI", "Java equivalent of C# Delegates (queues methods of various classes to be executed)", "In C# could we imagine writing our own events without writing delegates?", "EJB3 Business Delegates", "How to create an object from a class that delegates methods?", "Conditional Delegates in Java", "Collection implementation that mostly delegates to a class member", "Real advantages of .Net delegates over Java's anon classes?", "Composition of objects vs functions: Should I use one method interfaces or delegates?", "A Spring MVC controller that delegates to a Servlet", "Java Equivalent to C#'s Delegates/Events: Changing Event Invoked Code Dynamically", "Bus or listeners/delegates in client-side Swing application?", "Function pointers/delegates in Java?", "C# language doesn't need the concept of delegates?", "Delegates code generation Intellij Idea" ]
Java : create jar executable with dependant jars embedded
[ "Java Jar Combining several jars into one executable Jar" ]
[ "Including dependant Jar's inside a single JAR", "Hibernate, automatically persist dependant objects", "Jackson - how to get view-dependant CsvSchema?", "how to obfucate dependant .jar in Proguard?", "Is it possible to use a web framework but not be dependant on that framework?", "How to pass deployment dependant parameters to webapp", "Find jars in a jar", "How to import jar of jars", "Hibernate Entity dependant on column value", "How to fill a multidimensional array dependant on variables", "Executable jar file error", "Replace a regex pattern in a string with a replacement string dependant on the match", "Factory which is not dependant on implementation", "Select most recent dependant record", "Creating an executable jar from 2 other executable jar", "Java - Executable Jars", "How to create .jar (Create Executable) of the Ktor embedded Server", "Static class-dependant object initialization from child classes", "How to make an executable jar file?", "my dependant jars cannot find resources on project classpath", "Building executable from different jars", "How to create an executable jar with dependency jars", "Spring creating a bean dependant on other beans", "Executable Jar File", "NetBeans & Executable JARs", "Java Executable file from JAR", "Combine or merge all jars in one executable jar", "netbeans dependant libs do not compile after change", "Create an executable jar" ]
How to append existing line in text file
[ "How to add a new line of text to an existing file in Java?" ]
[ "Append node to an existing xml-Java", "How do I append a node to an existing XML file in java", "create a new object from existing object", "How can I append a query parameter to an existing URL?", "Java I/O: How to append to an already existing text file", "Write file if not existing", "How to append existing array in existing collection in mongodb using java with new values", "How to make it add it to the existing Array", "Append new Element into existing XML", "Java can't find existing method in a class", "Append text field data to an existing JSON file in java", "Convert and Append string into existing byte array", "Append existing PDF file", "Should I create new class or use the existing one", "append to existing xml file", "not existing while loop (java code)", "How to append text to an existing file in Java", "Java - Getting the existing time of an object", "Main-Class can't be set to existing class", "Java to edit the existing file", "Append object existing file", "How to append new data to existing data in properties file?", "Update an existing string in a file", "How do I add an existing .class to an existing eclipse project?", "Add a new string in between existing string", "Add new method to existing class", "Append nodes into existing XML File with java", "How can I add method to an existing object in Java?" ]
Java: Extending Class At Runtime
[ "Extending class at runtime" ]
[ "How to change type to extending object in java array?", "Extending Classes in Java", "Java: Extending a Class", "Extending dataOuputStream in android", "Classes Extending Object", "Creating a class by extending DefaultMessage", "Extending application or using singletion?", "Extending View Class", "Extending in a package", "Error when extending class", "Class extending more than one class Java?", "How to use a method from a class in another class without extending", "Java: extending Object class", "Extending List<T> in Java 8", "Extending from two classes", "problem with extending classes", "Error in extending a class", "Extending String Array", "Java: extending an object to another", "Extending from more classes", "Java - Creating an object extending List", "Extending SQLServerPreparedStatement in java", "Java - Extending Classes", "Extending a class at runtime", "Extending JPA entity data at runtime", "Java extending classes", "Extending DefaultChannelGroup", "Class extending another issue?", "Java - Extending Classes" ]
Type mismatch Error : Cannont convert from ArrayList<SubClass1> to List<SuperClass>
[ "Reason of Type mismatch Error : convert ArrayList<SubClass1> to List<SuperClass>?" ]
[ "Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to R.string", "Type mismatch cannot convert from String to String[]", "Convert ArrayList<subclass> to ArrayList<superclass>", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to EnderPearl", "Android Type mismatch help. Convert ArrayList to List?", "Type mismatch error in java 8", "Type Mismatch cannot convert one type to another", "type mismatch in java?", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from List to ILogin", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from ArrayList to List", "ArrayList Array Type mismatch", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from ASuperClass to ASubClass", "Objects of superclass into arraylist?", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from void to ArrayList<String>", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Class object", "ArrayList type mismatch", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from AwsClientBuilder to AmazonCloudFormation", "Type mismatch in java", "Type mismatch : cannot convert from element type Object to String", "Java: ArrayList in Superclass", "Type mismatch error", "Type mismatch: convert from String to List<String>", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from List to Object[]", "Java: Type mismatch cannot convert from element type Object to MethodNode", "Java For-each loop data type mismatch", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to String", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class <..> to Class <...>", "Type mismatch: cannot convert from List<InfoIndividual> to String", "Type mismatch of same type" ]
ClassCastException DataSource cannot be cast to javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
[ "DataSource or ConnectionPoolDataSource for Application Server JDBC resources" ]
[ "java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionOldImpl cannot be cast to javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection", "java.lang.ClassCastException: android.app.Application cannot be cast", "Android: Loop for is getting java.lang.ClassCastException: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap cannot be cast", "Cast string to Date error for return type -ClassCastException", "Can I cast an object to a string from an object array of strings. Getting classCastException", "ClassCastException: Cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor", "is javax.sql.DataSource thread safe?", "Make a fake javax.sql.DataSource?", "java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.SqlNode cannot be cast to org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromReferenceNode", "java.lang.ClassCastException: ihtika2.i_testbundle.TestClasss cannot be cast to ihtika2.i_testbundle.service.TestClasssInter", "ClasscastException : MyClass cannot be cast to javax.servlet.Filter", "Hibernate using an instance of javax.sql.DataSource", "java.lang.ClassCastException: android.os.ResultReceiver cannot be cast to com.hello.utils.network.MyReciever", "Is it a good idea to cache a single instance of javax.sql.Datasource object?", "ClassCastException Object cannot be cast to", "Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.sql.Timestamp cannot be cast to java.sql.Date", "How can DataSource be a reference to a ConnectionPoolDataSource.", "org.sqlite.JDBC cannot be cast to javax.sql.DataSource", "java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.servlet.Servlet", "javax.sql.DataSource Can not resolve symbol", "ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.sql.Date", "Get javax.sql.DataSource from javax.persistence.EntityManager", "java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource cannot be cast to org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource", "Using 2 beans of the same type: javax.sql.DataSource in Spring", "Unable to bind ConnectionPoolDataSource Instance", "RDBMSLoginModule: ClassCastException com.ibm.ws.jdbc.DataSourceService to javax.sql.DataSource", "ClassCastException NativeRegExpExecResult cannot be cast to NativeArray", "Activity cannot be cast to Interface (ClassCastException)", "java.lang.ClassCastException: libcore.net.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl cannot be cast to javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection" ]
ExecutorService slow multi thread performance
[ "Java's ExecutorService performance" ]
[ "How Executorservice works in java?", "Can't stop a ExecutorService", "How to change my Thread implementation to use ExecutorService", "Thread.interrupt is not called when using ExecutorService", "ListenableFutureTask / ExecutorService", "Java, Multi Threading, ExecutorService", "Any difference between ExecutorService.submit and ExecutorService.execute?", "ExecutorService where to store", "Choose between ExecutorService's submit and ExecutorService's execute", "Is there anything wrong with my ExecutorService code?", "Should I use ExecutorService?", "ExecutorService for Do-While Loop in Java", "How to check if a thread is running in the ExecutorService Thread pool", "Java: ExecutorService error", "Java ExecutorService - why does this program keep running?", "ExecutorService performance issue", "ExecutorService: the output is not expected", "ExecutorService.execute() does not return the thread type", "ExecutorService might execute on calling thread?", "Java ExecutorService REST call error", "Is there an ExecutorService that uses the current thread?", "How to change the name of threads in an ExecutorService?", "Detect if current thread is ExecutorService thread", "Java - ExecutorService : How to re run \"wait state\" thread", "Should you always use an ExecutorService instead of starting your own thread?", "Java ExecutorService - Creating a new thread but not starting it", "How to add a variable to an ArrayList inside an ExecutorService thread", "Using ExecutorService , instead of doing Thread.start", "How to use return value from ExecutorService" ]
several requests from one HttpURLConnection
[ "HttpURLConnection implementation" ]
[ "HttpURLConnection RequestPropertys are null", "HttpURLConnection and json android", "HttpUrlConnection PUT method doesn't work", "Set instance value of FollowRedirects on HttpURLConnection", "android - HttpUrlConnection don't working", "PUT request (JAVA) with HttpUrlConnection", "HttpUrlConnection: how to get the XML response into a String?", "Java HttpURLConnection class Program", "Using HttpURLConnection to POST in Java", "HttpURLConnection returns -1 as a response code", "How to Pass a File through an HttpURLConnection", "JAVA HttpURLConnection I/O Not working", "HttpURLConnection Get Connection", "Adding TwinPrime to my HttpURLConnection", "Trying to close a HttpURLConnection", "Android Java: HttpURLConnection", "Java HttpURLConnection VS Android HttpURLConnection", "HttpURLConnection: how to read the answer", "HttpUrlConnection method is always GET on android", "HttpUrlConnection and file issue", "Android HttpURLConnection with json string", "HttpURLConnection response is not working", "Java HttpURLConnection Returns JSON", "Should i use Same HttpUrlconnection or define each time a new one?", "Manually time out a httpurlconnection in java", "Java - HttpUrlConnection", "Android HttpURLConnection Error", "When does HttpUrlConnection.usingProxy() return true?", "Reading HttpURLConnection" ]
Volatile keyword in Java - Clarification
[ "What is the volatile keyword useful for" ]
[ "Volatile Keyword not working as Expected", "Volatile keyword usage in Java", "What is Volatile in Java and when/how should we use them?", "Java volatile array?", "Volatile keyword does not work as expected with multiple instances of a class", "Volatile keyword without static not working as expected", "Java Volatile Variable", "What is the \"volatile\" keyword used for?", "When exactly do you use the volatile keyword in Java?", "Using volatile keyword for creating one instance", "Using volatile keyword with wrapper classes", "clarification of \"this\" keyword in Java", "proper use of volatile keyword", "A little clarification on the volatile keyword", "Why no volatile?", "Java volatile keyword not working as expected", "Make an AtomicXXX object volatile", "Why is volatile keyword not allowed for local variables?", "Why make a method volatile in java?", "String [][] clarification", "Using volatile keyword with mutable object", "Do I need the volatile keyword? (Java)", "Is the \"volatile\" keyword word needed in this instance? (Java)", "Why don't we need volatile with StampedLock?", "Volatile Keyword & the thread local memory", "Java's volatile in C?", "Java : why no clrscr in Java ? - want more clarification", "Volatile keyword behavior after version 1.5", "Volatile variable in Java" ]
how to write an array to a file Java
[ "How do I write an array to a file?" ]
[ "Won't write to file?", "Horew to write a parsePolynomial in Java?", "Java Copyring an array to itself", "How to write a 'get/set method' for an array of type class?", "In Java, why can't I write i++++ or (i++)++?", "Write text file into array then return it in Java", "Java: write an array into a text file", "over write file in java", "Write-to-file code doesn't write", "Writing from console to text file, file data not saved", "Java - write obenglobish method", "File to Array - Java", "Java read file and write into array", "How to write HttpChunkedInput / ChunkedStream?", "Java - out.write", "Trying to write a method to create an array list", "Array of a class (Java)", "java write class to file", "What to write in MyGCMListenerService?", "Can't Write to File", "Java-Write in file", "write FacePrinte in java", "Can you write a Java class with ABCL?", "how to write T.class in java?", "java: array if all the same", "how to write an array format", "how to write an array by using write() in file", "Using a string to write to an array", "How to write file in java?" ]
How to get frequency from fft result?
[ "Using gdx Library and FFT to Calculate Frequency (Java)" ]
[ "Calculate FFT from audio file", "Understanding FFT output", "real-to-complex FFT with JCufft", "FFT realforward vs realforwardfull in example", "Android Values are all 0 after FFT", "Get frequency from microphone input and FFT- Java", "Understanding the FFT output", "Java - Finding frequency and amplitude of audio signal using FFT", "How to convert WAV files to the frequency domain for use FFT libraries", "fft in matlab and java", "Does java have a Frequency table?", "FFT division Complex, Java", "How to get magnitude and corresponding frequency after FFT", "Level out FFT graph (Processing)", "Wrong values in calculating Frequency using FFT", "What should be the input and output for an FFT image transformation?", "how to retrieve the different original frequency in each FFT caculating and without any frequency leakage in java", "Processing.org/Minim FFT Error", "Very simple explanation for using FFT to find audio frequency changes", "Get current Audio Frequency from song - Java (Maybe use FFT?)", "How do I apply FFT onto an audio recording to get a frequency?", "Help with using FFT to determine frequency of an audio sample", "FFT interpretation", "FFT implementation", "How to use fft to detect environment", "frequency range of the spectogram", "Frequency with fft.complexForward", "FFT confusion using JTransform" ]
Hibernate or EclipseLink for JPA?
[ "Hibernate vs EclipseLink" ]
[ "JPA Eclipselink Inheritance: update doesn't work", "JPA/EclipseLink - Retrieve Columns Names", "Alternative JPA providers like eclipselink? Is eclipselink environment specific?", "JPA 2: EclipseLink Ant Build Error", "How to setup Eclipselink with JPA?", "How can I get changed attributes on update using JPA/EclipseLink", "JPA EclipseLink and dynamic Jar-Files", "EclipseLink - ConcurrencyException - signalAttemptedBeforeWait", "JPA 2.0 EclipseLink Check for unique", "Switch from EclipseLink to Hibernate", "Need help in setting application name with JPA (EclipseLink)", "JPA with EclipseLink and Java SE", "Using EclipseLink", "JPA EclipseLink 2 query performance", "JPA - EclipseLink - How to change default schema", "JPA/EclipseLink Error in Creating Tables", "How to validate model with eclipselink jpa", "JPA Entity from Hibernate to EclipseLink", "JPA, Eclipselink, MySQL. How do you query for null?", "EclipseLink/JPA: Specify length of byte array", "SSL with EclipseLink JPA", "EclipseLink JPA Transaction.commit() does not return", "How to have a List of a MappedSuperType class in JPA Eclipselink?", "Eclipselink and ArrayMapping JPA problem", "JPA (EclipseLink) returning null in list", "EclipseLink 1.2 and BatchFetch", "Replace single entity in query cache from JPA/Hibernate/EclipseLink?", "JPA (EclipseLink) list order", "eclipselink jpa operator details" ]
How to control the MIDI channel's volume
[ "What's the method to control volume in an MIDI sequencer?" ]
[ "Send multiple MIDI messages", "Change midi channel on proMIDI library", "MIDI-Channel-Track-Correlation", "Java MIDI Parser?", "Simplest way to output a simple MIDI file?", "How to detect specific MIDI controller in Java MIDI?", "Java Midi Player program", "A simple free MIDI implementation in Java besides javax.sound.midi: Are there any?", "how to make control over volume using java...?", "Writing Midi software in Java", "How to create MIDI Sysex Master Volume message from volume level?", "Midi device on OSX with javax.sound.midi", "How to get midi file type (0/1/2) in java?", "Terminate Java Midi output", "How to close a midi device?", "Control MIDI volume Java without synthesizer", "How to loop a Midi sequence Java", "Read Midi Messages from a Midi File in Java", "Enable/Disable MIDI channel in android (java)", "Choose volume channel to change on volume key press", "What is a MIDI soundbank?", "Writing Midi Files in Java", "Play single midi woodblock note on Java?", "How to interface Java midi to other applications", "Why doesn't my MIDI program finish/close?", "How to control the volume of an MIDI sequence", "How to play changing midi on Android - jetPlayer", "Reading MIDI files in Java", "MIDI program warning" ]
UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define
[ "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define" ]
[ "Cannot invoke method in secondary dex in Application's onCreate() method though I loaded the dex before", "Eclipse/Java/Android Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define", "Dex Exception - I can't resolve", "UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: com.android.dex.DexException", "Android build fails over com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support", "Error in the build. gradle ( Multiple dex files define )", "the relationship between .dex file and .apk in Android and the dex method count limit", "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lorg/OpenUDID/OpenUDID_manager$ValueComparator;", "how to fix Android Error Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define La$1", "How to convert .jar or .class to .dex file?", "com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/location/places/PlaceReport;", "UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define", "What is the difference between .class and .dex files?", "Including Java-library not in .dex file", "Android Socialize SDK: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define", "Dex debug_info format", "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lbolts/AggregateException", "make dex file from framework.jar", "Multiple dex files define in Android Studio", "Conversion of .class to .dex", "converting java files into .jar and make it .dex", "Multiple dex files - Conversion to Dalvik format failed - Unable to execute dex", "Android jar/dex method count on windows", "Android: Dex Issue(UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION:)", "Is it necessary to keep classes of the same package in the same dex while using multiple dex files", "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define... OR NoClassDefFoundError", "Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files are defined", "Is there a way to get a list of all classes from a .dex file?", "Android Eclipse Multiple Dex Files Error" ]
How to read Pipe delimited Line | from a File and Splitting Integers in two different ArrayList
[ "Java Null value causing issue when reading a pipe delimited file" ]
[ "Java - Splitting ArrayList", "Splitting by pipe in Java yields different results", "Issue splitting comma delimited String, creates a new line?", "Java ArrayList splitting into two columns", "Get length of delimited string in java?", "Java Regular expression - Pattern matching on a pipe-delimited string", "format String from a Pipe delimited string", "Splitting a string with two (x,y) integers in it - Java", "Comma-Delimited String of Integers", "Splitting String from Arraylist (java)", "JAVA RegEx on _ delimited string", "Splitting string with pipe character (\"|\")", "Splitting arraylist to 6 elements each", "Splitting a period-delimited string into multiple strings", "Splitting a string to a list of integers in java", "Java - splitting a delimited file into smaller parts based on first item in each line", "Convert java object in to pipe delimited string", "Java - convert pipe and comma delimited file into xml", "Scanner and Pipe Delimited File Java", "Java - convert pipe delimited text file to XML", "Splitting several integers in java", "Splitting Comma Delimited String into Multiple New Strings", "Splitting a string on the double pipe(||) using String.split()", "Splitting strings delimited by [[ ]] in java?", "Read Tab Delimited file into ArrayList<ArrayList> in Java", "Splitting a Java String by the pipe symbol using split(\"|\")", "Sum integers in delimited string", "How to Split String with delimited string \"#|#\"", "Convert List<String> to delimited String" ]
java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: object not locked by thread before wait()?
[ "Java Wait and Notify: IllegalMonitorStateException" ]
[ "What causes an java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException", "Why does this method throw an IllegalMonitorStateException?", "Reason for IllegalMonitorStateException", "java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException in CArtAgO (JaCaMo) on the first execution of execLinkedOp", "IllegalMonitorStateException in Thread wait notify", "Why do I get `IllegalMonitorStateException` exception", "How to fix IllegalMonitorStateException", "java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException when condition.wait", "Java: Class entirely run in second thread / IllegalMonitorStateException", "Mass IllegalMonitorStateException on thread wait", "Why does this throw an IllegalMonitorStateException?", "Getting the java.lang.illegalMonitorStateException, how to fix it?", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException", "IllegalMonitorStateException on wait() call", "IllegalMonitorStateException Java", "Can not put a thread on wait() - IllegalMonitorStateException", "IllegalMonitorStateException in thread", "IllegalMonitorStateException notify() and wait()", "Android java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: object not locked by thread before wait()", "why does this code throw a IllegalMonitorStateException?", "IllegalMonitorStateException with Condition", "This Code can Throw an IllegalMonitorStateException", "Why am I getting IllegalMonitorStateException?", "java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException trhown when calling signal()", "Android: java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: object not locked by thread before wait()", "Why IllegalMonitorStateException?", "IllegalMonitorStateException calling wait() on a thread inside its run method (with no synchronized block)", "Does anyone know why I am getting this IllegalMonitorStateException?", "driver.wait() throws IllegalMonitorStateException" ]
How to split pdf file by result in java pdfbox
[ "How to split a PDF using Apache PDFBox?" ]
[ "Java create link to page in PDF with PDFBox", "How to get the direction of text from PDF using PDFBox API", "How to import an XFDF into an PDF with Apache pdfbox 2.0", "Api pdfbox-app-2.0.2 How I can to split pdf file?", "How to extract images from pdf using Java (not using pdfbox)", "Checking if a PDF is PDF/A 1-a format or not using PDFBOX in java", "Can't add an image to a pdf using PDFBox", "How to get Unicode of the characters from PDF using java and PDFBox", "How to extract text from a PDF file with Apache PDFBox", "Create pdf file from ArrayList<String> using pdfbox in JAVA", "Replace PDF page using PDFBox", "Edit pdf page using pdfbox", "Create a pdf with dimensions 1700pixels*2200pixels in java using pdfBox", "Editing PDF from Java Using PDFBox", "pdf reading via pdfbox in java", "Creating a new PDF document using PDFBOX API", "How to create a PDF file from HTML using PDFBox?", "PDFBox Split into 3 at specified page numbers (to insert pdf)", "How to create image from PDF using PDFBox in JAVA", "PDF form fill with PDFBox doesn't work", "Create pdf and merge with pdfbox", "PDFBox setOpenAction to print", "Open PDF file in a specific page using pdfbox", "PDFBox: How to print a range of pages from a PDF", "Using PDFBox to write unicode strings to a PDF", "Create a pdf with text at given coordinates (PDFBox?)", "pdfbox convert images to pdf file", "PDF generated with PDFBox is blank", "Font information of text in PDF using PDFBox" ]
JTextPane is not wrapping text
[ "Strange text wrapping with styled text in JTextPane with Java 7" ]
[ "Read text line by line in a JTextPane", "Multiple line JTextPane", "How to access jtextPane in a different form?", "How to add method to JTextPane", "Wrapping text with in a JTextPane", "JTextPane clear text", "How To Create A Console With JTextPane", "Word wrapping in JTextPane", "JTextPane print text after previous line", "Read JTextPane line by line", "How to enable space-based line-wrapping in JTextPane?", "how can I get the content of my JTextPane?", "How to create and use a JTextPane", "jtextpane doesn't wrap text", "Java JTextPane Save", "How to make JTextPane line break", "JTextPane does not go to a new line?", "JTextPane - Where is the content?", "JTextPane line break", "Getting raw text from JTextPane", "How to get JTextPane line count", "How to get the number of lines from a jtextpane", "JTextPane line wrapping", "Remove last line from a jTextPane", "JTextPane read from text file", "JTextPane append HTML string", "JtextPane of one Line", "Find Removed text in JTextPane", "How to Unhighlight the text in JTextPane" ]
Why it says that "Cannot refer to a non-final variable i inside an inner class defined in a different method"?
[ "Java - Cannot refer to a non-final variable" ]
[ "Bypassing 'Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined'", "Android - Cannot refer to a non-final variable test inside an inner class defined in a different method", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method issue", "java cannot refer to non-final variable", "I want to refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method", "non-final variable inside an inner class", "Type Cannot refer to a non-final variable Asortiment inside an inner class defined in a different method", "inner class non-final variable java", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable LinearLayout inside an inner class defined in a different method", "How to refer to non final variable \"out\" from inside class?", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable name inside an inner class defined in a different method", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable lblNewLabel inside an inner class defined in a different method", "Using the non-final variable in inner-class", "How to refer to an inner class inside a list in Java", "Why must I make variable final if I want to refer to it from inner class?", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable str inside an inner class defined in a different method - How to fix this?", "Java: \"Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class [...]\", difference between OS X and Windows", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable buttonflag inside an inner class defined in a different method", "can't refer to non final variable password", "Getting error \"Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method\"", "Use non-final variable inside inner method using Java", "Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method", "Cannot refer to non-final variable inside an inner class", "Android app, can't refer to a non final variable but don't want to make it final", "Java: cannot refer to non-final variable", "Cannot refer to non Final Variable (Array)", "Android: Java cannot refer to a non-final variable", "Java Android refer to a non-final answer inside an inner class", "Java cannot refer to a non-final variable" ]
How can I reduce the Cyclomatic Complexity of this?
[ "How to remove The Cyclomatic Complexity", "How do I reduce the \"Cyclomatic Complexity\" of the following code" ]
[ "How to reduce cyclomatic complexityfor a method returning the name of the month?", "Sonar - Exclude Cyclomatic Complexity Check on a Class", "Cyclomatic Complexity in piece of code with multiple exit points", "McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity for switch in Java", "How to override equals without increasing cyclomatic complexity?", "Tools to automate calculation of cyclomatic complexity in java?", "Cyclomatic Complexity and variants", "What should be the range of cyclomatic complexity for JAVA", "Refactoring java method to reduce cyclomatic complexity", "Code complexity analysis tools beyond cyclomatic complexity", "Cyclomatic-complexity metrics", "Cyclomatic Generics Code Design", "The Cyclomatic Complexity of this method is greater than authorized", "PMD :the method has cyclomatic complexity 10. What is the alternative or is it fine?", "Cyclomatic Complexity, joining conditions and readability", "Reducing the Cyclomatic Complexity of the code", "Java Cyclomatic Enum initialization - what happens & why does it happen?", "Can high cyclomatic complexity (warnings) be avoided when using switch-case on a large enum?", "Cyclomatic Complexity reduction", "java cyclomatic complexity tools to use fully qualified class names", "java switch cyclomatic complexity vs performance", "How to reduce cyclomatic complexity?", "Java code PMD Complains about Cyclomatic Complexity , of 20", "Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 ( max allowed is 10 ) in Java code", "What Modifications in below Code are required to return Function Level Metrics like Cyclomatic Complexity by passing Function Name using Sonar Api", "Reducing Cyclomatic Complexity with an interval", "Reducing the cyclomatic complexity, multiple if statements", "What is the best way to handle code with if/switch statements having high cyclomatic complexity?" ]
JWT is issuing the same token
[ "How to properly handle a JWT refresh?" ]
[ "Update JWT token field using numbus library", "JWT implementation with out Oauth", "JWT JAAS - how to get the JWT in WebSocket header?", "create JWT (Json Web Token) with RSA encryption using java library?", "Login failure when using JWT and Spring", "JWT (JSON Web Token) library for Java", "nested json JWT nimbus-jose -jwt library", "New Activity issuing nullpointerexception", "JWT token encryption and transferring in http get", "JWT Token verification with Java", "What is the API to set content type in JWT token?", "JWT identify type of the token(refresh or access)", "Where to control the expireIn JWT", "Is it possible to validate a firebase token (JWT) from server (Java)", "How to create a jwt image within a spring controller", "Spring Boot Unit Tests with JWT Token Security", "Accessing JWT Token during verification", "How to send back a JWT token with HttpURLConnection in java?", "Get access to REST API using JWT security token", "Poynt Creating a JWT from private key in JAVA", "java-jwt with public/private keys", "Done - Spring Security JWT Token_Key", "Spring Boot + Security + JWT can't generate token", "Parse JWT token payload data to get certain value in android/java", "REST Security with JWT", "How can I reset the JWT token expiration time?", "JWT auth from android apps", "Get user and validate JWT token in vert.x", "How do I verify a JWT signature for an Azure B2C id token in Java?" ]
How to check the state of an JCheckBox?
[ "How to check that a JCheckBox is checked?" ]
[ "JCheckbox not showing", "How to get the selected index of JCheckbox?", "NullPointerException when trying to set a jcheckbox", "JCheckBox setting values in other class", "JCheckBox issue in Java?", "Add JCheckBox by for loop", "How can I determine which JCheckBox caused an event when the JCheckBox text is the same", "Add to a variable when a JCheckBox is selected", "Add values when JCheckBox clicked", "How to get a handle to all JCheckBox objects in order to loop?", "Two JCheckbox sources?", "what method is executed when I click a JCheckBox", "UndoRedo.Manager and JCheckBox", "JCheckBox trouble", "JCheckBox List error?", "JCheckBox, something wrong with my constructor.", "Trying to put a JCheckBox in a GUI", "Java JCheckBox ArrayList help needed", "How to add a JCheckBox in JTable", "JCheckBox data model, MVC", "JCheckbox only changing his state by controller", "JCheckBox with Image", "How to add JCheckBox in JTable?", "JCheckBox not getting updated", "JCheckBox centereing", "Can i use JCheckbox to show \"mixed state\"", "Third option on JCheckBox?", "How to create JCheckBox for elements of an ArrayList", "Check both JCheckBox and JButton in Java" ]
Ldap search by email value can't find records
[ "How to do an LDAP Search of Various fields", "How do a LDAP search/authenticate against this LDAP in Java" ]
[ "LDAP Search in Java APP", "Check LDAP connection (Java)", "A Java client for LDAP", "how to use java to query LDAP's ROOTDSE", "LdapRepository update spring-ldap", "ldap search is very slow", "Setting LDAP SecurityPrincipal value", "LDAP Client Library", "LDAP attributes with JNDI.LDAP", "Java API to query LDAP", "how to write LDAP client using java", "getting Manager's email ID from LDAP?", "JAVA ldap error NO_OBJECT", "Java: LDAP Search returning 1 row", "How to get all users using ldap?", "LDAP bind/search in servlet JAVA", "edit LDAP Photo attribute, spring-ldap InvalidAttributeValueException", "Java - LDAP: Attribute is Read-Only", "Can not add user to a group with Ldap in Java", "All Users from in LDAP in JAVA", "Set method timeout on Ldap search", "what's the data source url for LDAP type", "get ldap attribute PwdLastSet using java", "read LDAP with Java", "Ldap error code 32 while adding user to ldap", "ldap connection issue", "How to read values from ldap using spring-ldap", "How to find out the right ldap parameters" ]
unexpected end of subtree exception after Hibernate version update on delete query
[ "Hibernate and Unexpected end of Subtree exception", "Hibernate Delete query" ]
[ "Easy way to find Subtree in a Tree", "Hibernate doing a delete query when I try to update an object in Spring", "Unexpected error with my class", "How to get subtree of an Xpath expression?", "Hibernate error : unexpected end of subtree select TIMEDIFF", "ErrorCounter Unexpected Token where - Hibernate", "xpath search on subtree", "Sort an XML subtree in Java", "Hibernate: Unexpected Error while using Named Query", "Java XPath API - get string representing subtree", "binary search tree recursive subtree in java", "Hibernate SubQuery Bug? Unexpected End of Subtree", "java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server", "Copy a subtree in the nested set model Java/MySQL", "JPA query exception unexpected (", "Hibernate :: unexpected token : FOR", "Size of the specific object's subtree in the JVM memory", "Hibernate Query update", "Equivalent subtree", "JSON extract subtree as string in android", "hibernate and delete all", "Iterate over a subtree of a (mutable) filesystem", "Native query on hibernate is not working (unexpected token)", "Attributes in XML subtree that belong to the parent", "Using a recursive method to find the smallest element in a subtree given the root: what am I doing wrong here?", "How to use Delete query in Hibernate", "Hibernate Delete Error: Batch Update Returned Unexpected Row Count", "Java. Retrieve subtree by parent node" ]
Difference between minutes
[ "Returning time in minutes" ]
[ "Difference of current time and past time in minutes?", "How can I retrieve the difference between two Date instances in minutes?", "difference between 2 date objects in minutes in java", "Converting hours:minutes into minutes", "Difference between two times in minutes", "Adding minutes to Time object in Java", "Check a JSON data every x minutes", "Difference, in minutes, between two dates", "checking if difference between 2 date is more than 20 minutes", "HQL Date difference in minutes", "Check Database every 5 minutes", "How to run java function for only 30 minutes", "How I can add minutes in my current Date?", "Problem adding minutes with plusMinutes", "Java convert minutes into hours minutes", "How to add minutes to a date inside a loop", "How to add minutes to my Date", "How to test a value under a condition during 1 minutes in java", "Difference Between two dates in minutes - different months - Java", "how to convert minutes to days,hours,minutes", "How to call a method until it returns true every x minutes", "running loop for 5 minutes", "Making a program run for 5 minutes", "Call a method every x minutes", "Difference of two dates in minutes", "Java do something in X minutes", "How to add minutes to a date variable in java", "How to call a method every 2 minutes until it returns true?" ]
Remove border from JComboBox
[ "Not Editable JComboBox Border" ]
[ "How to add a JComboBox on an IToolBarManager", "Remove JCombobox border inside JTable", "java JComboBox issue", "Change JComboBox colourms how?", "typeable JComboBox", "Return object from JComboBox", "Instance of JComboBox", "Getting string value from JComboBox in java", "error to get the value from JComboBox", "JComboBox Error", "JComboBox doesn't get my values", "how to set text to a jcombobox, but the text set should not be an element of jcombobox", "ItemChangeListener of JComboBox", "How to get text from JComboBox?", "get value from object and add in jcombobox", "JComboBox.remove is not working", "How do you change border of the pop up section of a JComboBox?", "Get Value from JComboBox", "Values of JComboBox", "Check JComboBox Value", "JComboBox. What am I doing wrong?", "List to array and into jComboBox", "Is possible that a JCombobox has 2 ItemListeners?", "MySQL Java Use a JComboBox to set a second JComboBox", "JComboBox and vetoableChange?", "how use JComboBox with Class value", "JComboBox and file read", "List<String> array in JComboBox", "JCombobox change another JCombobox" ]
String Deduplication feature of Java 8
[ "Is String Deduplication feature of the G1 garbage collector enabled by default?" ]
[ "Deduplication for String intern method in ConcurrentHashMap", "Java8 string deduplication and jruby - no effect?", "Run cucumber feature from within feature?", "How to use custom SurroundWith feature of eclipse", "What kind of feature is that?", "Is package by feature approach good?", "Why String Deduplication when we have String Pool", "Play Again feature not working", "Duke deduplication engine: linking records not working?", "Duke Fast Deduplication: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Operation not yet supported?", "SAXNotRecognizedException for feature 'http://apache.org/xml/features/standard-uri-conformant'", "How does this lambda feature in java 8 work?", "How remember me feature works?", "Java bug or feature?", "How do I use the code duplicate feature?", "How to add ToXmlGenerator.Feature to Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer?", "'try with resource' feature for File class", "Duke deduplication engine : exact same record not matched", "Eclipse Java clean-up feature", "Why is there no Constant feature in Java?", "Is there a feature in Java to make sure that method is called", "How do i implement a play again feature?", "Play again feature issue", "What's this language feature called?", "Check first implementation of a feature in java", "Why we say Dependency Injection is a Java Spring framework feature, instead of Java language feature?", "Feature error with eclipse plugin", "com.google.common.collect.Sets.SetView bug or feature?", "Java 8 String deduplication vs. String.intern()" ]
How do you crash a JVM?
[ "how to set location of jvm crash log files" ]
[ "Crash code when i am using from a method of class?", "Why does my App crash after i set an array?", "Avoid jvm crash logs", "InvalidRecordException from Neo4J after a JVM crash", "To Do app crash", "Can the below program crash?", "How to get Crash Point in Java code", "Finding the cause of a JVM Crash", "Java Application Crash", "Android crash on getActiveNetworkInfo()", "How to specify a unique name for the JVM crash log files?", "Crash while trying to get data from other class", "why does my code crash", "Could this (unsafe) code crash the JVM?", "Android + List = Crash?", "Java eclipse, why JVM crash?", "Application crash with android 2.3", "BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset crash", "Application crash on android", "Crash Ropeytask with Java 9", "What does BufferBlob::Interpreter in JVM crash log mean?", "Crash report from JVM", "JVM Crash outside of the JVM in native code", "How can I let my function crash?", "Does new PathDasher(null) in Java really cause JVM to crash?", "Android string-array crash", "JVM crash suddenly", "Android min3d crash", "Run code on application crash" ]
Responsibilities of JVM bytecode verifier
[ "Indicating when the JVM Verifier Verifies classes" ]
[ "Simple JAVA: Password Verifier problem", "How should responsibilities be delegated among these classes?", "Java Class ideal responsibilities with client", "Should a function share two responsibilities or should we use a state checker function", "refractoring java bytecode", "Is it valid to have a JVM bytecode class without any constructor?", "Responsibilities and use of Service and DAO Layers", "How JVM distinguish between Scala bytecode and Java bytecode?", "How do run scala bytecode on the jvm?", "Does JVM generate bytecode or run bytecode?", "Android Verifier failure due to class length?", "What to expect when the Verifier is wrong", "Stand-alone Bytecode Verifier", "Location and responsibilities of Main class in MVC pattern", "Input Verifier on JTextField returns incorrect", "Bytecode instrumentation generating java verifier error", "Why doesn't the Java 7 byteode verifier choke on this?", "Java: Getting Bytecode of Class at Runtime from within the Same JVM", "Password verifier problems", "Input Verifier effect not work by click, just work by tab button", "How does JVM Classfile verifier works?", "An abstract input verifier and the JDialog class", "Refactoring Java class with multiple responsibilities", "JVM Bytecode, how can I find the type of local variables?", "Signature Verifier returns false on checking with itself", "Learning about Java bytecode and the JVM", "Java verifier and resolution", "moving java class bytecode from jvm to jvm", "Java Sudoku Solution Verifier" ]
How to avoid warnings when implementing an interface that uses raw types?
[ "How to avoid generics warnings when using \"raw types\" as static field / return type?" ]
[ "Implementing a java interface", "Java: Convert between iterator types (interface / implementing class)?", "A list of Java errors and warnings", "Return the type of a java class implementing an interface", "Not implementing all the methods of an interface", "Error implementing my interface?", "Some Java 7 warnings - how to remove them", "Error/warnings list in IDEA", "Avoid Unchecked Call Warnings", "One class \"uses\" another class in Java? Implementing \"uses-a\" class", "How to remove warnings java", "Implementing an interface not working", "How can I create an instance of a class implementing an interface from a method?", "Error implementing Interface Methods in Class", "Implementing interface in java", "Warnings while running an application", "Java Generics: how handle raw type member variable and avoid warnings?", "Class design:class implementing an Interface implementing another interface", "Implementing an interface in C++", "Implementing an interface without implementing it", "Java WEB project warnings", "Implementing interface with just one class or more classes", "Class implementing interface should be able to only add an object of the same class", "Implementing methods having raw types in Scala", "List of Classes implementing an Interface", "Raw Types in Java", "implementing interface", "How would I go about implementing this Java interface?", "Java custom warnings" ]
Certain Unix commands fail with "... not found", when executed through Java using JSch even with setPty enabled
[ "Certain Unix commands fail with \"... not found\", when executed through Java using JSch" ]
[ "JSch Exec output for error", "JSCH: No such file error", "Read a file from the another location using JSch", "Executing commands after reading the response of a previous command in JSch", "Copy System.out to a File using Jsch and Java", "Running multiple unix commands through java | Jcraft - Jsch", "JSch Logs in files", "Using root Commands with JSch (ssh)", "How to get jsch shell command output in String", "Write a text with multiple lines into a file with JSCH", "Jsch - Sending commands via ssh", "JSch to add private key from a string", "JSch - How to issue commands as the user I have switched to", "How to read JSch command output?", "jsch-->Not able to connect from unix jump server to another unix servers using java", "How do I get $JAVA_HOME by Jsch", "How i can read file from unix server after doing some grep operation using java(Jsch)", "no such method jsch.JSch.setLogger", "How to get the Output result in jsch", "Execute a list of commands from an ArrayList using JSch exec in Java", "Unix commands in java", "Running linux commands on java through JSch", "If I use JSch from more than one thread, how should I use it", "Jsch session Configuration", "Is it possible to add ControlMaster to a JSch connection?", "JSch Latest version", "Executing a command using JSch", "Auth fail in jsch-0.1.42 with Java 1.4.2", "jsch auth fail without private key" ]
DynamoDBMapper for conditional saves
[ "DynamoDBMapper save item only if unique" ]
[ "How to get conditional input in java?", "Is using DynamoDBMapper a bad idea?", "How can I retrieve all items from the paginated result of a DynamoDBMapper query()?", "Java For Loop conditional test", "What's wrong with this conditional?", "DynamoDBMapper - Failed to instantiate class", "Project attributes on local secondary index with DynamoDBMapper", "HTTP Conditional GET", "Conditional if evaluation with &&", "conditional variable?", "DynamoDB's withLimit clause with DynamoDBMapper.query", "How do I use a string conditional in a while loop, java?", "Unable to mock dynamoDBMapper.query", "AWS DynamoDB Range scan using DynamoDBMapper", "Conditional write item if attribute not equals with DynamoDBMapper", "Java - conditional access to methods of a class", "DynamoDBMapper for java.time.LocalDateTime", "Conditional ternary without else", "Java conditional regex", "Fetching All Items with DynamoDBMapper", "How can I make a conditional Loopin Java", "DynamoDBMapper - performance and best practice", "Is it possible to make conditional includes and conditional function calls?", "Create a List of saves from one button", "Java conditional statement", "DynamoDBMapper Table Generation Creating Only Index", "conditional import", "Conditional Class Import", "OR conditional in loop with Java" ]
Java: Find Caller Class
[ "How to know the caller class of a function" ]
[ "How to get a caller class of a method", "Is there any way to know the caller class name?", "Pass value to caller without using `return`", "How to pass data to the caller page?", "Get line number of method caller?", "Idendifying caller number. What is the easiest way?", "Can I make a methods caller return?", "How to add reference of the caller of the method?", "Java: How to get the caller function name", "return statement not returning control to caller in java", "caller URL in Restful Java", "Where to inject class. In using class or in caller class", "Java: How can I find the caller of a method at compilation time?", "create a list, add an element and return it to the caller in one statement", "Get the caller id", "NGN Stack Caller Id/Details issue", "Java access the caller variable, is it possible? how?", "Can I make a method do return for the caller method?", "Android caller Id lookup from database", "Java: this points to caller for methods, but to current class for variables. Why?", "Get caller class and method name", "How to get the caller's number?", "Retrieve the caller instance (not class) of a method or constructor", "What's wrong with my async caller?", "How to resolve from an Injeactable its caller class?", "Find Exception caller and modify to display a value", "What do you mean by the caller of a method in Java?", "How can I call interface callback on its caller thread?", "Return a valid value to the caller using a static method in Java" ]
IntelliJ Gradle Plugin: The supplied javaHome seems to be invalid
[ "Android Studio - supplied javaHome is not a valid folder" ]
[ "Getting Gradle dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle build", "Intellij + Gradle: properties file", "Gradle IntelliJ add java dependencies", "Generate a Java class using Gradle for Java plugin", "Intellij & Gradle module file name", "Best way to add Gradle support to IntelliJ Project", "iepy django Environment variable JAVAHOME not defined", "Show or open my plugin in IntelliJ", "Gradle Eclipse Plugin", "How to run JAR in an IntelliJ plugin", "How can I set the compileOptions for my Gradle Java plugin?", "Strange Gradle IntelliJ error", "How do I load a gradle java project into Intellij with bad gradle code", "Intellij Can't import Gradle Project Because of Proxy", "How can intelliJ run gradle task as test", "Intellij IDEA and Gradle projects", "How to run main method using Gradle from within IntelliJ IDEA?", "IntelliJ execute gradle test from root project", "Gradle: Could not create plugin of type AppPlugin", "How to import Gradle Projects in IntelliJ?", "Get IntelliJ Kotlin plugin and gradle to match up", "IntelliJ Having problems running Gradle", "Openshift DIY cartridige with Tomcat 8 and JDK 8. JAVAHOME subscribe", "Running gradle application by IntellIj", "IntelliJ gradle add module dependency", "Intellij - set default output path to gradle output", "How do I run a Gradle project in the IntelliJ", "Intellij IDEA Java Gradle Project Running", "IntelliJ plugin: how to use a custom FrameTitleBuilder?" ]
IllegalMonitorStateException notify() and wait()
[ "Java Wait and Notify: IllegalMonitorStateException" ]
[ "What causes an java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException", "Why does this method throw an IllegalMonitorStateException?", "Reason for IllegalMonitorStateException", "Java: IllegalMonitorStateException on notify()", "java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException in CArtAgO (JaCaMo) on the first execution of execLinkedOp", "IllegalMonitorStateException in Thread wait notify", "Why do I get `IllegalMonitorStateException` exception", "How to fix IllegalMonitorStateException", "java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException when condition.wait", "Why does this throw an IllegalMonitorStateException?", "IllegalMonitorStateException on notify() when synchronized on an Integer", "Getting the java.lang.illegalMonitorStateException, how to fix it?", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException", "IllegalMonitorStateException on wait() call", "IllegalMonitorStateException Java", "Notify Thread from another class using synchronized but result IllegalMonitorStateException", "Can not put a thread on wait() - IllegalMonitorStateException", "IllegalMonitorStateException in thread", "why does this code throw a IllegalMonitorStateException?", "IllegalMonitorStateException with Condition", "This Code can Throw an IllegalMonitorStateException", "Why am I getting IllegalMonitorStateException?", "Wait And Notify IllegalMonitorStateException Anonymous Class", "Why IllegalMonitorStateException?", "notify giving IllegalMonitorStateException", "Does anyone know why I am getting this IllegalMonitorStateException?", "driver.wait() throws IllegalMonitorStateException", "Java Lock Condition Wait and Notify: IllegalMonitorStateException", "Java multi-threaded Server notify() IllegalMonitorStateException" ]
Difference between UTF-8 and UTF-16?
[ "Why don't UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoded Strings print the same in Java?" ]
[ "Is there any reason to prefer UTF-16 over UTF-8?", "Creating a UTF-8 File in Java", "Trying to output UTF-8 Text, and it doesn't work", "UTF-8 String class for java", "How to read write this in utf-8?", "How to Open File in UTF-8 and Write in Another File in UTF-16", "Why does Java use modified UTF-8 instead of UTF-8?", "java utf-8 encding problem", "Android/Java: convert UTF-8 to UTF-16", "Read XML from file with utf-8", "How to write a UTF-8 file with Java?", "Re-encoding entire code base from UTF-16 to UTF-8", "Read UTF-16 chars from a file and store them as UTF-8", "Read file utf-8", "UTF-8 to code point", "how to convert a string to UTF-16", "Is charset=unicode UTF-8, UTF-16 or something else?", "Write x^y using UTF-8", "Written UTF-16 character to a file by using UTF-8 charset output stream in java but resulting data on file is still UTF-16. why?", "DataEditorSupport and/or ClonableEditor using UTF-8", "File written in UTF-16 can't be opened, but UTF-8 can", "UTF-8 issue in Java code", "How can I convert UTF-16 to UTF-32 in java?", "BlockingSenderDestination.sendReceive() UTF-8 issue", "UTF-8 and UTF-16 in Java", "Java UTF-16 conversion to UTF-8", "Which encoding does Java uses UTF-8 or UTF-16?", "java UTF-8 string", "UTF-8 for URL, Java" ]