Non-linear Canonical Correlation Analysis using a RBF networks
[ "Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis by neural networks" ]
[ "SeqViews2SeqLabels: Learning 3D Global Features via Aggregating Sequential Views by RNN With Attention", "28.7 A 0.7V 12b 160MS/s 12.8fJ/conv-step pipelined-SAR ADC in 28nm CMOS with digital amplifier technique", "How to Select Good Neighboring Images in Depth-Map Merging Based 3D Modeling", "Habitat Loss and Extinction in the Hotspots of Biodiversity", "Genetic algorithm-based solver for very large multiple jigsaw puzzles of unknown dimensions and piece orientation", "The promise of machine learning in cybersecurity", "Timeline Summarization for Event-relate Facts and Public Issues on a ChineseSocial Media Platform", "A viability approach for fast recursive feasible finite horizon path planning of autonomous RC cars", "Impact of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of the Listed Trading Companies in Sri Lanka", "Liquid: A detection-resistant covert timing channel based on IPD shaping", "Farthest-Point Heuristic based Initialization Methods for K-Modes Clustering", "A random forest based machine learning approach for mild steel defect diagnosis", "Shape matching and object recognition using low distortion correspondences", "3D Human Pose Estimation = 2D Pose Estimation + Matching", "A cross-program investigation of students' perceptions of agile methods", "Farasa: A Fast and Furious Segmenter for Arabic", "Bayesian Policy Gradient and Actor-Critic Algorithms", "We used Neural Networks to Detect Clickbaits: You won't believe what happened Next!", "A Neural Model for User Geolocation and Lexical Dialectology", "Methods for LiDAR point cloud classification using local neighborhood statistics", "Efficient Verification of Holograms Using Mobile Augmented Reality", "Standing mobility vehicle with passive exoskeleton assisting voluntary postural changes", "Towards Real-time Simulation of Hyperelastic Materials", "Memory Prefetching Using Adaptive Stream Detection", "User Acceptance of Footfall Analytics with Aggregated and Anonymized Mobile Phone Data" ]
Affective and Content Analysis of Online Depression Communities
[ "Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition", "Latent Dirichlet Allocation", "Finding scientific topics.", "Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent.", "Improving Multi-class Text Classification with Naive Bayes" ]
[ "Dealing with the evaluation of supervised classification algorithms", "A Framework for the Cooperation of Learning Algorithms", "A survey of circuit innovations in ferroelectric random-access memories", "Segmentation of color image using adaptive thresholding and masking with watershed algorithm", "MICROCONTROLLER BASED POWER INVERTER", "Almost sure stability of networked control systems under exponentially bounded bursts of dropouts", "Quickly Boosting Decision Trees - Pruning Underachieving Features Early", "Low-Shot Learning from Imaginary Data", "Wavelet filter evaluation for image compression", "Combination of feature selection and optimized fuzzy apriori rules: the case of credit scoring", "Automation of Question Generation From Sentences", "Performance analysis of various machine learning-based approaches for detection and classification of lung cancer in humans", "Classifying Smart Objects using capabilities", "2 . 3 Van Heerden ’ s network attack taxonomy", "Design of permanent-magnet generators for wind turbines", "A Static C + + Object-Oriented Programming ( SCOOP ) Paradigm Mixing Benefits of Traditional OOP and Generic Programming", "Real-time procedural generation of 'pseudo infinite' cities", "Selective inference for group-sparse linear models", "Expectation-maximization for sparse and non-negative PCA", "Efficient Deep Learning on Multi-Source Private Data", "Efficient Voltage Regulation for Microprocessor Cores Stacked in Vertical Voltage Domains", "Hierarchical Multi-class Iris Classification for Liveness Detection", "Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter", "New features and insights for pedestrian detection", "Short-term traffic flow forecasting with spatial-temporal correlation in a hybrid deep learning framework" ]
TextFlow: Towards Better Understanding of Evolving Topics in Text
[ "Deriving marketing intelligence from online discussion", "Dynamic topic models", "Mixed-membership models of scientific publications.", "Stacked Graphs – Geometry & Aesthetics", "Narratives: A visualization to track narrative events as they develop" ]
[ "Feature selection in text classification", "A Survey On Unicast Routing Protocols For VANET", "Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems", "Information Technology Continuance Research : Current State and Future Directions *", "In Vitro and In Vivo Anticancer Activity of Root Extracts of Sansevieria liberica Gerome and Labroy (Agavaceae)", "SOFIA: An automated security oracle for black-box testing of SQL-injection vulnerabilities", "Cognitive training changes hippocampal function in mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study.", "Optimal Tuning of PID controller by Cuckoo Search via Lévy flights", "Feature Extraction from Product Reviews using Feature Similarity and Polarity", "Towards a Fully Automated Diagnostic System for Orthodontic Treatment in Dentistry", "IT Governance Mechanisms in Multisourcing--A Business Group Perspective", "Conjugated polymer-based organic solar cells.", "Towards Low Cost, High Speed Data Sampling Module for Multifunctional Real-Time UWB Radar", "Real-Time Detection of Camera Tampering", "Using sentiment to detect bots on Twitter: Are humans more opinionated than bots?", "Motorization for an Electric Scooter by Using Permanent-Magnet Machines Optimized Based on a Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm", "ReDeBug: Finding Unpatched Code Clones in Entire OS Distributions", "A comparison of the discrete and dimensional models of emotion in music", "Learning to SMILE(S)", "A Review of Brain-Computer Interface Games and an Opinion Survey from Researchers, Developers and Users", "Modeling punctuation prediction as machine translation", "Item-based top-N recommendation algorithms", "Psychological Characteristics of Internet Dating Service Users: The Effect of Self-Esteem, Involvement, and Sociability on the Use of Internet Dating Services", "Deep Reinforcement Learning Autoencoder with Noisy Feedback", "Advertising influences on young children's food choices and parental influence." ]
Heterogeneous Stream Processing and Crowdsourcing for Urban Traffic Management
[ "Kernels and Regularization on Graphs", "Efficient Processing of Uncertain Events in Rule-Based Systems", "Segmentation using Eigenvectors: A Unifying View", "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters", "Learning From Crowds" ]
[ "Hunting or waiting? Discovering passenger-finding strategies from a large-scale real-world taxi dataset", "Scenario Trees and Policy Selection for Multistage Stochastic Programming Using Machine Learning", "Split-parallel through-the-road hybrid electric vehicle: Operation, power flow and control modes", "ChessVision : Chess Board and Piece Recognition", "Sparse Coding-Inspired Optimal Trading System for HFT Industry", "Boosting Optical Character Recognition: A Super-Resolution Approach", "Compression of human body sequences using graph Wavelet Filter Banks", "A Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection", "Web-Scale Web Table to Knowledge Base Matching", "Learning Structured Natural Language Representations for Semantic Parsing", "Visiting theories that predict college students' self-disclosure on Facebook", "Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Design and simulation of a 1 to 14 GHz broadband electromagnetic compatibility DRGH antenna", "Hardware resource estimation for heterogeneous FPGA-based SoCs", "Simplifying Lexical Simplification: Do We Need Simplified Corpora?", "Outlier Rejection for Absolute Pose Estimation with Known Orientation", "Reliability Issues in Photovoltaic Power Processing Systems", "POSTER: Practical Fraud Transaction Prediction", "Visualization of large hierarchical data by circle packing", "Apply blockchain technology to electric vehicle battery refueling", "Modular Petri Net Modeling of Healthcare Systems-draft -", "Agricultural sustainability: concepts, principles and evidence.", "Disease Trajectory Maps", "Evaluating abdominal core muscle fatigue: Assessment of the validity and reliability of the prone bridging test.", "Model Comparison : A Key Challenge for Transformation Testing and Version Control in Model Driven Software Development" ]
Use of depth and colour eigenfaces for face recognition
[ "A subdivision algorithm for computer display of curved surfaces.", "3D free-form surface registration and object recognition", "A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes", "3D Human Face Recognition Using Point Signature", "Iterative point matching for registration of free-form curves and surfaces" ]
[ "A Variable-Flux Hybrid-PM Switched-Flux Memory Machine for EV/HEV Applications", "RFID Localisation For Internet Of Things Smart Homes: A Survey", "Triangle: Engineering a 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator", "Laser speckle photography for surface tampering detection", "A POMDP Formulation of Preference Elicitation Problems", "Testing Unconstrained Optimization Software", "The Past, Present, and Future for Software Architecture", "WIST: Wi-SUN FAN Protocol Emulation Testbed", "Recognizing and Imitating Programmer Style: Adversaries in Program Authorship Attribution", "\"It's alive, it's magic, it's in love with you\": opportunities, challenges and open questions for actuated interfaces", "Kinesthetics eXtreme: An External Infrastructure for Monitoring Distributed Legacy Systems", "Randomized Block Coordinate Descent for Online and Stochastic Optimization", "Phoenix: A Self-Optimizing Chess Engine", "Utilizing Neural Networks and Linguistic Metadata for Early Detection of Depression Indications in Text Sequences", "Effects of psychological and social factors on organic disease: a critical assessment of research on coronary heart disease.", "Monopulse principles and techniques [Reviews and Abstracts]", "Fire flame detection in video sequences using multi-stage pattern recognition techniques", "Egovernment and web accessibility in South America", "A Survey on Natural Language Text Copy Detection", "Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for Static Analysis of Programs by Construction or Approximation of Fixpoints", "Acupuncture modulates resting state connectivity in default and sensorimotor brain networks", "An anatomically-constrained local deformation model for monocular face capture", "Learning to Act by Predicting the Future", "WiFi RSS fingerprinting indoor localization for mobile devices", "Public Displays of Connection" ]
Normalization of real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR data: a model-based variance estimation approach to identify genes suited for normalization, applied to bladder and colon cancer data sets.
[ "Quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR): trends and problems.", "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs.", "Improved tools for biological sequence comparison.", "Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome", "BLAT--the BLAST-like alignment tool." ]
[ "Education, Signaling and Mismatch", "A Comparison of Retrieval Models using Term Dependencies", "Tendril Perversion in Intrinsically Curved Rods", "Expert Recommendation via Tensor Factorization with Regularizing Hierarchical Topical Relationships", "Cannabinoids and the skeleton: from marijuana to reversal of bone loss.", "High breakdown Voltage undoped AlGaN-GaN power HEMT on sapphire substrate and its demonstration for DC-DC converter application", "Intensive care unit environment may affect the course of delirium", "Upscaledb: Efficient Integer-Key Compression in a Key-Value Store using SIMD Instructions", "Architecture for an Artificial Immune System", "Turning a Blind Eye: Explicit Removal of Biases and Variation from Deep Neural Network Embeddings", "' s personal copy Comments and Controversies Ten ironic rules for non-statistical reviewers", "Adaptive query suggestion for difficult queries", "A Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Party Conversational Systems", "Task versus relationship conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction: a meta-analysis.", "Learning pattern classification tasks with imbalanced data sets", "System-level performance evaluation of downlink non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)", "Accelerating Online CP Decompositions for Higher Order Tensors", "Efficient parallel kNN joins for large data in MapReduce", "Comorbidity of anxiety and unipolar mood disorders.", "Reprint of: Pyrolysis technologies for municipal solid waste: a review.", "Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing", "A circuit failure prediction mechanism (DART) for high field reliability", "The ABET “ Professional Skills ” – Can They Be Taught ? Can They Be Assessed ?", "JML: notations and tools supporting detailed design in Java", "Fully Convolutional Network for Depth Estimation and Semantic Segmentation" ]
Heterogeneous Cellular Network With Energy Harvesting-Based D2D Communication
[ "Wireless communications - principles and practice", "On the achievable throughput of a multiantenna Gaussian broadcast channel", "A Tractable Approach to Coverage and Rate in Cellular Networks", "Wireless power transfer via strongly coupled magnetic resonances.", "Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A New Look at Interference" ]
[ "Boils at Frictional Locations in a Patient with Hidradenitis Suppurativa.", "Decentralized learning for wireless communications and networking", "A Graphbased Framework for Multi-Task Multi-View Learning", "Speed/accuracy trade-offs in target-directed movements.", "Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction", "The amputee mobility predictor: an instrument to assess determinants of the lower-limb amputee's ability to ambulate.", "Relationship among family environment, self-control, friendship quality, and adolescents’ smartphone addiction in South Korea: Findings from nationwide data", "FACTORS AFFECTING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DISCLOSURE IN EGYPT", "The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications", "Interleukin-17 inhibitors. A new era in treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases", "Mirror reading can reverse the flow of time.", "A SEM-neural network approach for predicting antecedents of m-commerce acceptance", "Gender Classification Based on Fusion of Different Spatial Scale Features Selected by Mutual Information From Histogram of LBP, Intensity, and Shape", "Information Disclosure and Control on Facebook: Are They Two Sides of the Same Coin or Two Different Processes?", "Modeling and Summarizing News Events Using Semantic Triples", "Selection of Reverse Engineering Methods for Relational Databases", "Vitamin D: A millenium perspective.", "Shuffle and Learn: Unsupervised Learning Using Temporal Order Verification", "Generating Extractive Summaries of Scientific Paradigms", "Sensitivity and specificity of WAIS-III/WMS-III demographically corrected factor scores in neuropsychological assessment.", "Teaching Software Engineering Principles to K-12 Students: A MOOC on Scratch", "Prosopagnosia and structural encoding of faces: evidence from event-related potentials.", "Implementation of image edge detection on FPGA using XSG", "Design of Fractional Order PID Controller for DC Motor using Genetic Algorithm", "Automatic Simplification of Obfuscated JavaScript Code: A Semantics-Based Approach" ]
An exploration of axiomatic approaches to information retrieval
[ "A formal study of information retrieval heuristics", "A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval", "Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation, Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Computer", "Pivoted Document Length Normalization", "Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval" ]
[ "Gaze estimation using local features and non-linear regression", "A Survey On Various Web Template Detection And Extraction Methods", "0.5 Petabyte Simulation of a 45-qubit Quantum Circuit", "Enterprise architecture modelling--the issue of integration", "Analyzing CyberCrimes Strategies: The Case of Phishing Attack", "A 24-GHz SiGe phased-array receiver-LO phase-shifting approach", "Implementation of Total Quality Management in Colleges of Physical Education in Jordan", "Removing rolling shutter wobble", "Structured Learning Modulo Theories", "Flexible Access Management System for Campus VLAN Based on OpenFlow", "Contextualizing agile software development", "Sector-Disk (SD) Erasure Codes for Mixed Failure Modes in RAID Systems", "Semantic segmentation of urban scenes with enhanced spatial contexts", "An HOG-LBP human detector with partial occlusion handling", "Deep learning features at scale for visual place recognition", "A Novel Overactuated Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Modeling, Control, and Experimental Validation", "Features Extraction of Electromyography Signals in Time Domain on Biceps Brachii Muscle", "Character Recognition Using Hierarchical Vector Quantization and Temporal Pooling", "Short Text Classification Using Deep Representation: A Case Study of Spanish Tweets in Coset Shared Task", "Mining Complex Data", "Public versus Private Blockchains Part 2 : Permissionless Blockchains White", "Aligning movies with scripts by exploiting temporal ordering constraints", "Improving performance aligning business analytics with process orientation", "Vision-Based State Estimation and Trajectory Control Towards High-Speed Flight with a Quadrotor", "Ccdd: an Enhanced Standard ECG Database with its Management and Annotation Tools" ]
Transformer tests using MATLAB/Simulink and their integration into undergraduate electric machinery courses
[ "Teaching nonlinear modeling, simulation, and control of electronic power converters using MATLAB/SIMULINK", "Variable structure control: a survey", "Sliding mode control design principles and applications to electric drives", "Induction motor tests using MATLAB/Simulink and their integration into undergraduate electric machinery courses", "MATLAB / Simulink-based transient stability analysis of a multimachine power system" ]
[ "Novel selection policies for container-based cloud deployment models", "The Three Pillars of Machine-Based Programming", "Hyperspherical Variational Auto-Encoders", "Don't throw me away: Threats Caused by the Abandoned Internet Resources Used by Android Apps", "Stop-word removal algorithm for Arabic language", "Improving Comprehension of Measurements Using Concrete Re-expression Strategies", "Exploring Stereotypes and Biased Data with the Crowd", "Affine Parallelization Using Dependence and Cache Analysis in a Binary Rewriter", "Meta-path-based link prediction in schema-rich heterogeneous information network", "Bayesian stackelberg games and their application for security at Los Angeles international airport", "Implicit Discourse Relation Detection via a Deep Architecture with Gated Relevance Network", "A conditional approach to dispositional constructs: the local predictability of social behavior.", "A Classification of Internet Retail Stores", "Label propagation in video sequences", "Human Activity Recognition and Pattern Discovery", "DS-Index: Ranking Authors Distinctively in an Academic Network", "Motor control exercises, sling exercises, and general exercises for patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up.", "Automatic mining of source code repositories to improve bug finding techniques", "Cloud-dew architecture : realizing the potential of distributed database systems in unreliable networks", "FAST - An Automatic Generation System for Grammar Tests", "Human Pose Estimation Using Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors", "Learning Decision Trees over Factorized Joins", "Design and Manufacturing of Robust Textile Antennas for Harsh Environments", "Delay-constrained throughput maximization in UAV-enabled OFDM systems", "WiFi-SLAM Using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models" ]
"multilingual" Deep Neural Network for Music Genre Classification
[ "Automatic Music Genre Classification Based on Modulation Spectral Analysis of Spectral and Cepstral Features", "Context dependent recurrent neural network language model", "Deep Scattering Spectrum", "A comparative study on content-based music genre classification", "A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition" ]
[ "Financial Time Series Forecasting Using Support Vector Machine", "Fast matting using large kernel matting Laplacian matrices", "High-speed asynchronous Optical Camera Communication using LED and rolling shutter camera", "Performance Comparison of Cholesky Decomposition on GPUs and FPGAs", "Design and fabrication of 40GHz hairpin filter using Printed Circuit Board", "Social Network Clustering and Visualization using Hierarchical Edge Bundles", "A Method for Enforcing Integrability in Shape from Shading Algorithms", "From dynamic movement primitives to associative skill memories", "Self-produced Guidance for Weakly-Supervised Object Localization", "Lung nodule detection in CT using 3D convolutional neural networks", "An analysis and comparison of database cracking kernels", "Demystifying Arm TrustZone: A Comprehensive Survey", "Riemann's Hypothesis and Tests for Primality", "Perceptual learning in speech", "MHC class II proteins and disease: a structural perspective", "C-HiLasso: A Collaborative Hierarchical Sparse Modeling Framework", "Achievements in Space Robotics Expanding the Horizons of Service and Exploration BY", "Design and Analysis of 239 GHz CMOS Push-Push Transformer-Based VCO With High Efficiency and Wide Tuning Range", "Generating spiking time series with Generative Adversarial Networks : an application on banking transactions by Luca Simonetto 11413522 September 2018", "Profile hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus detection", "The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility : A Review of Concepts , Research and Practiceijmr", "Parameter estimation of q-Gaussian Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks with a Hybrid Algorithm for binary classification", "Reward Adjustment Reinforcement Learning for Risk-averse Asset Allocation", "Semi-autonomous flying robot for physical interaction with environment", "DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Baseline Stereo" ]
Social Media Use and Perceived Emotional Support Among US Young Adults
[ "Facebook use, envy, and depression among college students: Is facebooking depressing?", "Facebook and texting made me do it: Media-induced task-switching while studying", "Social network activity and social well-being", "The Benefits of Facebook \"Friends: \" Social Capital and College Students' Use of Online Social Network Sites", "ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND DEPRESSION AMONG U.S. YOUNG ADULTS." ]
[ "The cortical language circuit: from auditory perception to sentence comprehension", "Online Dominant and Anomalous Behavior Detection in Videos", "Using Anchors to Estimate Clinical State without Labeled Data", "Minitrack Introduction", "Social computing for image matching", "Differential-drive CMOS rectifier for UHF RFIDs with 66% PCE at −12 dBm Input", "Case report: Acute calcific discitis with intravertebral disc herniation in the dorsolumbar spine", "Increasing the Trustworthiness of Recommendations by Exploiting Social Media Sources", "Structure-Mapping: A Theoretical Framework for Analogy", "A Reconfigurable Smart Sensor Interface for Industrial WSN in IoT Environment", "Multi-level mapping: Real-time dense monocular SLAM", "Silk - Generating RDF Links while Publishing or Consuming Linked Data", "Mental Maze Solving", "Biomedical Image Segmentation Using Fully Convolutional Networks on TrueNorth", "An elaborate data set on human gait and the effect of mechanical perturbations", "Toward Abnormal Trajectory and Event Detection in Video Surveillance", "EdgeIoT: Mobile Edge Computing for the Internet of Things", "Fast Convolutional Neural Network Training Using Selective Data Sampling: Application to Hemorrhage Detection in Color Fundus Images", "Assessing information security culture: A critical analysis of current approaches", "An integrated machine learning approach to stroke prediction", "The Tomaco Hybrid Matching Framework for SAWSDL Semantic Web Services", "SPHINX : A Password Store that Perfectly Hides from Itself", "Implemented family presence protocols: an integrative review.", "Neural Networks and Financial Trading and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis", "Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs): Challenges and Perspectives" ]
SUN3D: A Database of Big Spaces Reconstructed Using SfM and Object Labels
[ "SLAM++: Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping at the Level of Objects", "Learning Generative Visual Models from Few Training Examples: An Incremental Bayesian Approach Tested on 101 Object Categories", "LabelMe video: Building a video database with human annotations", "Multiple view semantic segmentation for street view images", "SUN database: Large-scale scene recognition from abbey to zoo" ]
[ "Fault investigations on die-cast copper rotors", "A 23.1µW 8 Bit 1.1 MS/s SAR ADC with counter based control logic", "Google this!: using Google apps for collaboration and productivity", "Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network and Its Application in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification", "Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Pipeline Automation for Agile Software Project Management", "Vertical distance from the crest of bone to the height of the interproximal papilla between adjacent implants.", "Impact of high-throughput screening in biomedical research", "Construction site navigation for the autonomous excavator Thor", "An Analysis of Deep Neural Network Models for Practical Applications", "High quality compatible triangulations for 2D shape morphing", "Cognition as a dynamic system : Principles from embodiment", "A 21 nV/$\\surd$ Hz Chopper-Stabilized Multi-Path Current-Feedback Instrumentation Amplifier With 2 $\\mu$ V Offset", "Computationally efficient leakage inductance calculation for a high-frequency core-type transformer", "Application of smart antenna technologies in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer", "Supervised Locally Linear Embedding", "Power Load Forecasting with Least Squares Support Vector Machines and Chaos Theory", "Peripherally administered antibodies against amyloid β-peptide enter the central nervous system and reduce pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease", "How to Teach the Usage of Project Management Tools in Computer Courses: A Systematic Literature Review", "A Survey of Game Theory in Wireless Sensor Networks Security", "Understanding compromised accounts on Twitter", "Analysis of Software Defined Network firewall (SDF)", "A high precision micropower operational amplifier", "Participants' perspective on maintaining behaviour change: a qualitative study within the European Diabetes Prevention Study", "Dependent Gated Reading for Cloze-Style Question Answering", "Evidence for a mitotic clock in human hematopoietic stem cells: loss of telomeric DNA with age." ]
Aligning architecture knowledge management with Scrum
[ "Architecture decisions: demystifying architecture", "Software Architecture as a Set of Architectural Design Decisions", "SCRUM Development Process", "An Ontology of Architectural Design Decisions in Software-Intensive Systems", "Software architecture-centric methods and agile development" ]
[ "Near-Optimal Signal Detector Based on Structured Compressive Sensing for Massive SM-MIMO", "Dynamic Android Malware Classification Using Graph-Based Representations", "A Guide to Conducting a Systematic Literature Review of Information Systems Research", "Multi-shot Imaging: Joint Alignment, Deblurring, and Resolution-Enhancement", "Integrated energy and spectrum harvesting for 5G wireless communications", "Towards a Welsh Semantic Annotation System", "Variational methods for the Dirichlet process", "Cnvlutin2: Ineffectual-Activation-and-Weight-Free Deep Neural Network Computing", "ON QUANTITATIVE MICROWAVE TOMOGRAPHY OF FEMALE BREAST", "Attribute based object identification", "An exact algorithm for a vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple use of vehicles", "Studying Fake News via Network Analysis: Detection and Mitigation", "Symbolic execution for software testing: three decades later", "bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis", "Mobile telemonitoring for arrhythmias in outpatients in the Republic of Georgia: a brief report of a pilot study.", "Dynamic analysis of a 3-DOF 3-PUU parallel manipulator based on the principle of virtual work", "Text feature extraction based on deep learning: a review", "Application of Support Vector Machines on Signal Strength Based Localization in Wireless Networks", "Acoustic feature prediction from semantic features for expressive speech using deep neural networks", "Interactive Narrative: A Novel Application of Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games", "Recognizing Fine-Grained and Composite Activities Using Hand-Centric Features and Script Data", "Pricing Services Subject to Congestion: Charge Per-Use Fees or Sell Subscriptions?", "Finite-State Transducers in Language and Speech Processing", "Simple Open Stance Classification for Rumour Analysis", "2D-3D face recognition via Restricted Boltzmann Machines" ]
Fully Connected Deep Structured Networks
[ "Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems - networks of plausible inference", "Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques", "Feedforward semantic segmentation with zoom-out features", "Max-Margin Markov Networks", "Neural conditional random fields" ]
[ "Image Sharpening via Sobolev Gradient Flows", "Performance of Some Image Processing Algorithms in Tensorflow", "Was the gender identity disorder of childhood diagnosis introduced into DSM-III as a backdoor maneuver to replace homosexuality? A historical note.", "Taking spiritual history in clinical practice: a systematic review of instruments.", "Online public communications by police & fire services during the 2012 Hurricane Sandy", "MODELING AND FORECASTING CALL CENTER ARRIVALS : A LITERATURE SURVEY by Rouba", "LTE in the sky: trading off propagation benefits with interference costs for aerial nodes", "Vehicle detection and tracking in wide field-of-view aerial video", "Training a Feedback Loop for Hand Pose Estimation", "ITU-T G.729.1: AN 8-32 Kbit/S Scalable Coder Interoperable with G.729 for Wideband Telephony and Voice Over IP", "ON CLASSIFICATION OF BIOLOGICAL DATA USING OUTLIER DETECTION", "Knowledge Based Image Enhancement Using Neural Networks", "Real Time Automated Fabric Defect Detection System using Microcontroller", "Soft-Switching Solid-State Transformer (S4T)", "Autopilot: automatic data center management", "VANET security surveys", "Borrower Decision Aid for people-to-people lending", "Modeling Trajectories with Recurrent Neural Networks", "A ferrite permanent magnet axial gap motor with segmented rotor structure for the next generation hybrid vehicle", "Autotagging Facebook: Social network context improves photo annotation", "Sensitivity Analysis for AM Detectors", "A Review on Phishing Attacks and Various Anti Phishing Techniques", "Narcissists' social pain seen only in the brain.", "2-D periodic leaky-wave Antennas-part II: slot design", "Hover , Transition , and Level Flight Control Design for a Single-Propeller Indoor Airplane" ]
BlastNeuron for Automated Comparison, Retrieval and Clustering of 3D Neuron Morphologies
[ "The String-to-String Correction Problem", "The Tree-to-Tree Correction Problem", "Feature-based similarity search in 3D object databases", "Basic local alignment search tool.", "Shape distributions" ]
[ "Internal Model Control . 4 . PID Controller Design", "Implementation of continuous VLC modulation schemes on commercial LED spotlights", "SECURING THE CLOUD Why Are Clouds Not Forensics Friendly ?", "Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction and Triplet Classification", "Discovering Your Selling Points: Personalized Social Influential Tags Exploration", "Capturing and analyzing low-level events from the code editor", "Integration challenges of intelligent transportation systems with connected vehicle, cloud computing, and internet of things technologies", "RGBD Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms", "Smart Semantic Middleware for the Internet of Things", "The connection between varying treatment effects and the crisis of unreplicable research : A Bayesian perspective", "Edge Computing – EDGE 2018", "Google App Engine", "Design versus Assessment of Concrete Structures Using Stress Fields and Strut-and-Tie Models", "A video steganography algorithm based on Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi tracking algorithm and error correcting codes", "New Deep Neural Nets for Fine-Grained Diabetic Retinopathy Recognition on Hybrid Color Space", "Out-of-order transmission enabled congestion and scheduling control for multipath TCP", "Reduction of Overfitting in Diabetes Prediction Using Deep Learning Neural Network", "Hieroglyph: Locally-Sufficient Graph Processing via Compute-Sync-Merge", "Measures of Fit for Logistic Regression", "Field-Programmable Deep Neural Network (DNN) Learning and Inference accelerator: a concept", "A group mobility model for ad hoc wireless networks", "Automated Text Summarization and the SUMMARIST System", "Constructing C 1 surfaces of arbitrary topology using biquadratic and bicubic splines", "A quantitative study of irregular programs on GPUs", "AMPK regulates energy expenditure by modulating NAD+ metabolism and SIRT1 activity" ]
CricAI: A classification based tool to predict the outcome in ODI cricket
[ "A new class of upper bounds on the log partition function", "A fast APRIORI implementation", "Variational Message Passing", "Optimal Brain Damage", "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" ]
[ "Design and analysis of cross-fed rectangular array antenna; an X-band microstrip array antenna, operating at 11 GHz", "Clinical translation of a PSMA inhibitor for 99mTc-based SPECT.", "Exploring compact reinforcement-learning representations with linear regression", "Clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic features of body hair disorders.", "The role of emotion in decision-making: Evidence from neurological patients with orbitofrontal damage", "Usefulness of the Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnoea scale as a measure of disability in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.", "CONCEPT LEVEL NAVAL SURFACE COMBATANT DESIGN IN THE AXIOMATIC APPROACH TO DESIGN FRAMEWORK LCDR", "Characterizing hypervisor vulnerabilities in cloud computing servers", "A Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis", "Automatic recognition of plant leaves diseases based on serial combination of two SVM classifiers", "CC Prediction in the Enron Corpus", "Chains of Reasoning over Entities, Relations, and Text using Recurrent Neural Networks", "Abnormal processing of affective words by psychopaths.", "Minutiae Extraction From Level 1 Features of Fingerprint", "Semi-Supervised Clustering with Neural Networks", "An AST-based Code Plagiarism Detection Algorithm", "A framework for monitoring classifiers’ performance: when and why failure occurs?", "iBCM: Interactive Bayesian Case Model Empowering Humans via Intuitive Interaction", "Variational Network Quantization", "Developing an Assessment Method of Active Aging: University of Jyvaskyla Active Aging Scale.", "Box Refinement: Object Proposal Enhancement and Pruning", "Child abuse education: an objective evaluation of resident and attending physician knowledge.", "Meta-Graph Based HIN Spectral Embedding: Methods, Analyses, and Insights", "Opportunities and Challenges in Using Learning Analytics in Learning Design", "Evaluating different query reformulation techniques for the Geographical Information Retrieval task considering geospatial entities as textual terms" ]
Computer Vision Based Novel Steering Angle Calculation for Autonomous Vehicles
[ "Learning Hierarchical Features for Scene Labeling", "Steering angle estimation for autonomous vehicle navigation using hough and Euclidean transform", "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition", "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization" ]
[ "A Smart-Power Synchronous Rectifier by CMOS Process", "A Low-Cost Sensor Network for Real-Time Monitoring and Contamination Detection in Drinking Water Distribution Systems", "Low-latency adaptive streaming over tcp", "Trust management of services in cloud environments: Obstacles and solutions", "Multifactorial uncertainty assessment for monitoring population abundance using computer vision", "FPGA-SOPC based motion controller with ACC/DEC using digital convolution", "An Industry-Based Survey of Reliability in Power Electronic Converters", "INCREMENTAL SENSOR FUSION IN FACTOR GRAPHS WITH UNKNOWN DELAYS", "Computability and λ-Definability", "A Low-Complexity GPS Anti-Spoofing Method Using a Multi-Antenna Array", "Efficient lazy elimination for averaged one-dependence estimators", "A Self-Calibrating Palmer Drought Severity", "A Sequential Importance Sampling Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs with Prescribed Degrees", "1 Billion Pages = 1 Million Dollars? Mining the Web to Play \"Who Wants to be a Millionaire?\"", "Optimum Placement of DF Antenna Elements for Accurate DOA Estimation in a Harsh Platform Environment", "Continuous speech recognition by statistical methods", "Modelling Radiological Language with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks", "Neural Image Restoration for Decoding 1-D Barcodes using Common Camera Phones", "Time series anomaly discovery with grammar-based compression", "Coil design guidelines for high efficiency of wireless power transfer (WPT)", "Twitter as a Corpus for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining", "Frequency-minimal moving target defense using software-defined networking", "Containers and Virtual Machines at Scale: A Comparative Study", "A real time hand gesture recognition system based on DFT and SVM", "Fostering Effective Early Learning (FEEL) through a professional development programme for early childhood educators to improve professional practice and child outcomes in the year before formal schooling: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial" ]
Network Function Virtualization as a Service for multi-tenant software defined networks
[ "OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks", "I Know What Your Packet Did Last Hop: Using Packet Histories to Troubleshoot Networks", "Can the Production Network Be the Testbed?", "VeRTIGO: Network Virtualization and Beyond", "OpenVirteX: make your virtual SDNs programmable" ]
[ "Proof Analysis in Modal Logic", "On the simulation of large-scale architectures using multiple application abstraction levels", "4D Light Field Superpixel and Segmentation", "Wideband 80 W balanced power amplifier for ISM and LTE-bands", "Coverage-Guided Fuzzing for Deep Neural Networks", "MetaCluster 4.0: A Novel Binning Algorithm for NGS Reads and Huge Number of Species", "Acceptance of e-commerce services: the case of electronic brokerages", "Autonomous dynamic honeypot routing mechanism for mitigating DDoS attacks in DMZ", "MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation", "Planning Fitness Training Sessions Using the Bat Algorithm", "Automatic procedural model generation for 3D object variation", "Introduction to Support Vector Machines", "Wireless sensor and actor networks: research challenges", "Structure and Levels of Meaning in Life and Its Relationship With Mental Health in Chinese Students Aged 10 to 25", "Using Green's function method for leaky-wave antenna analysis based on partially-filled slitted rectangular waveguide", "Modern Coding Theory", "Computer-Aided Software Engineering in a Distributed Workstation Environment", "Virage Image Search Engine: An Open Framework for Image Management", "Big data analytics and firm performance : effects of dynamic capabilities", "Center of gravity balance approach based on CPG algorithm for locomotion control of a quadruped robot", "Treatment of Soft Tissue Filler Complications: Expert Consensus Recommendations", "Young adult outcome of hyperactive children: adaptive functioning in major life activities.", "ReLiDSS: Novel lie detection system from speech signal", "Labeled Faces in the Wild: A Survey", "Image information and visual quality" ]
Evaluation of super-voxel methods for early video processing
[ "Watersheds in Digital Spaces: An Efficient Algorithm Based on Immersion Simulations", "SuperParsing: Scalable Nonparametric Image Parsing with Superpixels", "TextonBoost for Image Understanding: Multi-Class Object Recognition and Segmentation by Jointly Modeling Texture, Layout, and Context", "Beyond Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for Recognizing Natural Scene Categories", "Edge-Preserving Smoothing and Mean-Shift Segmentation of Video Streams" ]
[ "A Deep Generative Framework for Paraphrase Generation", "Scenario-based usability engineering", "Next-generation Intrusion Detection Expert System (NIDES)A Summary", "Joint segmentation of multivariate time series with hidden process regression for human activity recognition", "Making sense in a complex landscape: how the Cynefin Framework from Complex Adaptive Systems Theory can inform health promotion practice.", "Extracting and Retargeting Color Mappings from Bitmap Images of Visualizations", "Throwable tetrahedral robot with transformation capability", "Detecting information flow by mutating input data", "A systematic review of implementation strategies for assessment, prevention, and management of ICU delirium and their effect on clinical outcomes", "A selective overview of feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data.", "Efficient Locally Weighted Polynomial Regression Predictions", "The combinatorial assignment problem: approximate competitive equilibrium from equal incomes", "Spaceship Launch: Designing a Collaborative Exergame for Families", "Towards Robust Deep Neural Networks", "VISIBLE: Video-Assisted Keystroke Inference from Tablet Backside Motion", "Context-Aware Collaborative Filtering System: Predicting the User's Preference in the Ubiquitous Computing Environment", "Surgical anatomy of the mandibular ramus of the facial nerve based on the dissection of 100 facial halves.", "Security subcultures in an organization - exploring value conflicts", "Hybrid Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Current Status and a Look Ahead.", "Tracking Hit-and-Run Vehicle with Sparse Video Surveillance Cameras and Mobile Taxicabs", "High-performance Semantic Segmentation Using Very Deep Fully Convolutional Networks", "An Accelerator for High Efficient Vision Processing", "Multivariate analysis of credit risk and bankruptcy research data: a bibliometric study involving different knowledge fields (1968–2014)", "Interference by huntingtin and atrophin-1 with cbp-mediated transcription leading to cellular toxicity.", "End-to-End Waveform Utterance Enhancement for Direct Evaluation Metrics Optimization by Fully Convolutional Neural Networks" ]
Natural Language is a Programming Language: Applying Natural Language Processing to Software Development
[ "ClausIE: clause-based open information extraction", "Corpus-based and Knowledge-based Measures of Text Semantic Similarity", "Semantic Similarity Based on Corpus Statistics and Lexical Taxonomy", "Generating Typed Dependency Parses from Phrase Structure Parses", "Automatic generation of oracles for exceptional behaviors" ]
[ "Identification of phenylpropanoids in fig (Ficus carica L.) leaves.", "Natural Logic Inference for Emotion Detection", "Priming of semantic autobiographical knowledge: A case study of retrograde amnesia", "A NEW EMOTION DATABASE : CONSIDERATIONS , SOURCES AND SCOPE", "Large displacement optical flow", "A Bayesian framework for word segmentation: Exploring the effects of context", "Theoretical framework for physiological profiling using sensors and Big Data Analytics", "A Puzzle-Based Defense Strategy Against Flooding Attacks Using Game Theory", "Tactile information transmission by apparent movement phenomenon using shape-memory alloy device", "A Survey on Feature Selection Techniques and Classification Algorithms for Efficient Text Classification", "Boosted Decision Tree Regression to Predict Yelp Review Stars from Review Text", "Service-Oriented Architecture Maturity", "An analogue approach to the travelling salesman problem using an elastic net method", "Discovering influencers for marketing in the blogosphere", "Design and Development of an automated Robotic Pick & Stow System for an e-Commerce Warehouse", "Human C-tactile afferents are tuned to the temperature of a skin-stroking caress.", "Residual Gated Graph ConvNets", "RESTful Web Services: Principles, Patterns, Emerging Technologies", "Smart Ideas for Smart Cities: Investigating Crowdsourcing for Generating and Selecting Ideas for ICT Innovation in a City Context", "Image-Based Localization Using LSTMs for Structured Feature Correlation", "Analogy-based detection of morphological and semantic relations with word embeddings: what works and what doesn't", "Virtual and augmented reality effects on K-12, higher and tertiary education students’ twenty-first century skills", "Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling of the Human Brain", "Guidelines for medical care of children evaluated for suspected sexual abuse: an update for 2008.", "EnergyTrack: Sensor-Driven Energy Use Analysis System" ]
Securacy: an empirical investigation of Android applications' network usage, privacy and security
[ "MockDroid: trading privacy for application functionality on smartphones", "Privacy and contextual integrity: framework and applications", "Measuring user confidence in smartphone security and privacy", "A diary study of mobile information needs", "A Field Study of Run-Time Location Access Disclosures on Android Smartphones" ]
[ "The CMA Evolution Strategy : A Comparing Review", "Core self-evaluations and job and life satisfaction: the role of self-concordance and goal attainment.", "Visual Programming Language for Thymio II Robot", "Question Classification using Head Words and their Hypernyms", "OpenMM: An Open-Source Multimodal Feature Extraction Tool", "Deep Multimetric Learning for Shape-Based 3D Model Retrieval", "Anti-Solvent Crystallization Strategies for Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells", "Metallurgical characterization of controlled memory wire nickel-titanium rotary instruments.", "An Improvement of Data Classification Using Random Multimodel Deep Learning (RMDL)", "Ensemble Methods for Multi-label Classification", "Coverage of Author Identifiers in Web of Science and Scopus", "Fast Descriptors and Correspondence Propagation for Robust Global Point Cloud Registration", "Multi-Vendor Loyalty Programs: Influencing Customer Behavioral Loyalty?", "Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT", "A Time-based Cluster-Head Selection Algorithm for LEACH", "An empirical study of the correlation between code coverage and reliability estimation", "A New Method for Image Segmentation", "Students' learning styles and their effects on the use of social media technology for learning", "Li-Fi technology in traffic light", "Analytical Modeling of Mode Selection and Power Control for Underlay D2D Communication in Cellular Networks", "Computer animation of knowledge-based human grasping", "State-trajectory control of LLC converter implemented by microcontroller", "MEMS based hair flow-sensors as model systems for acoustic perception studies.", "Online Self-Tracking Groups to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake: A Small-Scale Study on Mechanisms of Group Effect on Behavior Change", "Lanelet2: A high-definition map framework for the future of automated driving" ]
When Good Becomes Evil: Keystroke Inference with Smartwatch
[ "Emotion representation and physiology assignments in digital systems", "TouchLogger: Inferring Keystrokes on Touch Screen from Smartphone Motion", "Beware, Your Hands Reveal Your Secrets!", "(sp)iPhone: decoding vibrations from nearby keyboards using mobile phone accelerometers", "Understanding the Role of Body Movement in Player Engagement" ]
[ "Generative Adversarial Network for Abstractive Text Summarization", "Reference configurations for ear-EEG steady-state responses", "From Throw-Away Traffic to Bots: Detecting the Rise of DGA-Based Malware", "Event detection in baseball video using superimposed caption recognition", "Transparent Offloading and Mapping (TOM): Enabling Programmer-Transparent Near-Data Processing in GPU Systems", "Triangle: Engineering a 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator", "A Generative Model of People in Clothing", "Flow : The Psychology of Optimal Experience", "Hybrid Position / Force Control of Manipulators 1", "Multipath exploitation in through-the-wall radar imaging using sparse reconstruction", "Observer-based inertial identification for auto-tuning servo motor drives", "Area-Efficient ESD-Transient Detection Circuit With Smaller Capacitance for On-Chip Power-Rail ESD Protection in CMOS ICs", "Multi-Task Rank Learning for Image Quality Assessment", "Collaborative Recurrent Autoencoder: Recommend while Learning to Fill in the Blanks", "Music Genre Classification Using MFCC , K-NN and SVM Classifier", "Modelling of transmission line loaded with BCI probe using circuit concept approach", "Integrated feature selection and higher-order spatial feature extraction for object categorization", "Budgeted Task Scheduling for Crowdsourced Knowledge Acquisition", "Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learning: application to medical image segmentation", "IMLS-SLAM: Scan-to-Model Matching Based on 3D Data", "Novel Anti-forensics Approaches for Smart Phones", "IMAGE TO LATEX VIA NEURAL NETWORKS A Project", "Long-Term Visual Localization Using Semantically Segmented Images", "An ear-worn continuous ballistocardiogram (BCG) sensor for cardiovascular monitoring", "Fully Convolutional Crowd Counting On Highly Congested Scenes" ]
A Hierarchy-to-Sequence Attentional Neural Machine Translation Model
[ "On Using Very Large Target Vocabulary for Neural Machine Translation", "Overcoming the Curse of Sentence Length for Neural Machine Translation using Automatic Segmentation", "Discourse Parsing with Attention-based Hierarchical Neural Networks", "Recurrent Continuous Translation Models", "OpenNMT: Open-source Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation" ]
[ "Effects of pectoral fins' spanwise flexibility on forward thrust generation", "Development of a Software Engineering Ontology for Multisite Software Development", "Improving Data Quality by Leveraging Statistical Relational Learning", "Temporal Summaries of News Topics", "Detection of transmission line-fault through CWT based Bewley lattice diagram", "FCM : THE FUZZY c-MEANS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM", "Poetic Machine: Computational Creativity for Automatic Poetry Generation in Bengali", "High-performance work systems and occupational safety.", "Technochange management: using IT to drive organizational change", "Illuminating search spaces by mapping elites", "Unveiling clusters of events for alert and incident management in large-scale enterprise it", "StaticFusion: Background Reconstruction for Dense RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments", "Privacy Preserving Randomized Gossip Algorithms", "Clarifying the roles of homeostasis and allostasis in physiological regulation.", "Cognitive sophistication does not attenuate the bias blind spot.", "IDS rainStorm: visualizing IDS alarms", "A stable multi-scale kernel for topological machine learning", "MIDV-500: A Dataset for Identity Documents Analysis and Recognition on Mobile Devices in Video Stream", "A tactile distribution sensor which enables stable measurement under high and dynamic stretch", "A Study on Developing CRM Scorecard", "Joint Learning of Hierarchical Word Embeddings from a Corpus and a Taxonomy", "SOLID LIPID NANOPARTICLES-A REVIEW", "Meta-Learning with Latent Embedding Optimization", "Intervening Sequences of Regularly Spaced Prokaryotic Repeats Derive from Foreign Genetic Elements", "A Delta–Sigma Interface Circuit for Capacitive Sensors With an Automatically Calibrated Zero Point" ]
Gamut : Sifting through Images to Detect Android Malware
[ "Practical Black-Box Attacks against Deep Learning Systems using Adversarial Examples", "Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?", "Recurrent Models of Visual Attention", "Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks", "Going deeper with convolutions" ]
[ "A Comparison of External Clustering Evaluation Indices in the Context of Imbalanced Data Sets", "Performance Measure Analysis between Anisotropic Diffusion Filter and Bilateral Filter for Post Processing of Fractal Compressed Medical Images", "Pavlovian to instrumental transfer of control in a human learning task.", "The cognitive underpinnings of effective teamwork: a meta-analysis.", "Unsupervised/Semi-supervised Deep Learning for Low-dose CT Enhancement", "Do all birds tweet the same?: characterizing twitter around the world", "How the Temporo-Parietal Cortex identifies Action Goals : The Mirror", "Welch & Bishop , An Introduction to the Kalman Filter 2 1 The Discrete Kalman Filter In 1960", "Data Mining Techniques: To Predict and Resolve Breast Cancer Survivability", "MS-TWSVM: Mahalanobis distance-based Structural Twin Support Vector Machine", "Power Analysis Resistant SRAM", "Beamforming for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems", "Managing Employee Compliance with Information Security Policies: The Critical Role of Top Management and Organizational Culture", "A Low-Power Speech Recognizer and Voice Activity Detector Using Deep Neural Networks", "Lane-level route planning based on a multi-layer map model", "Automatically Tagging Constructions of Causation and Their Slot-Fillers", "Detection of Bare PCB Defects by Image Subtraction Method using Machine Vision", "The Matlab/Simulink modeling and numerical simulation of an analogue capacitive micro-accelerometer. Part 1: Open loop", "FEATURE SELECTION METHODS AND ALGORITHMS", "Performance evaluation of multi-target tracking using the OSPA metric", "Modulated Policy Hierarchies", "Fatal acute intracranial injury, subdural hematoma, and retinal hemorrhages caused by stairway fall.", "From information security to ... business security?", "Importance of Online Product Reviews from a Consumer ’ s Perspective", "Tracking technical debt — An exploratory case study" ]
A mm-Wave Patch Antenna with Broad Bandwidth and a Wide Angular Range
[ "60-GHz Circularly Polarized U-Slot Patch Antenna Array on LTCC", "Circularly Polarized U-Slot Antenna", "60-GHz Two-Dimensionally Scanning Array Employing Wideband Planar Switched Beam Network", "A Low-Cost 60-GHz Switched-Beam Patch Antenna Array With Butler Matrix Network", "A 60-GHz Active Receiving Switched-Beam Antenna Array With Integrated Butler Matrix and GaAs Amplifiers" ]
[ "Group Recommendation Based on Financial Social Network for Robo-Advisor", "NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND THE RIEMANN ZETA FUNCTION", "Research on the Matthews Correlation Coefficients Metrics of Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Evaluation", "Synchronization methods in parallel and distributed discrete-event simulation", "Multi-swarm Optimization in Dynamic Environments", "Feature selection using binary cuckoo search algorithm", "A pilot study to determine whether machine learning methodologies using pre-treatment electroencephalography can predict the symptomatic response to clozapine therapy", "Composition of Augmented Reality and GIS To Visualize Environmental Changes", "Real-time trending topics detection and description from Twitter content", "Confer: A Conference Recommendation and Meetup Tool", "A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Personalized, Social Recommendations", "Designs for broad-band microstrip vertical transitions using cavity couplers", "ApproxDBN: Approximate Computing for Discriminative Deep Belief Networks", "Game-based learning : latest evidence and future directions", "Developing an Isolated Word Recognition System in MATLAB", "Error and attack tolerance of complex networks", "Application of a LabVIEW for Real-Time Control of Ball and Beam System", "Genital injuries in adults.", "VR Learning : Potential and Challenges for the Use of 3 D Environments in Education and Training", "A Probabilistic Approach to WLAN User Location Estimation", "Fast Lexically Constrained Decoding with Dynamic Beam Allocation for Neural Machine Translation", "Distributed Deep Q-Learning", "High-order entropy-compressed text indexes", "The Folk Psychology of Free Will : Fits and Starts", "Towards an Ontology-based Security Management" ]
Driving behavior classification based on sensor data fusion using LSTM recurrent neural networks
[ "Head, Eye, and Hand Patterns for Driver Activity Recognition", "Driving style classification using long-term accelerometer information", "Long Short-Term Memory", "Driver classification and driving style recognition using inertial sensors", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization" ]
[ "Chronic ulcerative stomatitis: a distinct clinical entity?", "A case study of a five-year-old child with pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified using sound-based interventions.", "PanNet: A Deep Network Architecture for Pan-Sharpening", "Statistics: a brief overview.", "Effects of VDT and paper presentation on consumption and production of information: Psychological and physiological factors", "Vertical vibration suppression for a position controlled biped robot", "Anomaly detection of Logo images in the mobile phone using convolutional autoencoder", "Learning Robust Dialog Policies in Noisy Environments", "Physical activity recognition from sub-bandage sensors using both feature selection and extraction", "Presence and significance of microvesicular steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.", "Conceptions of narcissism and the DSM-5 pathological personality traits.", "Arrakis: The Operating System as Control Plane", "Efficient retinal vessel detection using line detectors with morphological operations", "Prolegomena to any future artificial moral agent", "Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions? The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits and Sense of Humor", "Single-Fed Low-Profile High-Gain Circularly Polarized Slotted Cavity Antenna Using a High-Order Mode", "Scaffolding in tissue engineering: general approaches and tissue-specific considerations", "Space-time sketching of character animation", "Automated Scenario Generation - Coupling Planning Techniques with Smart Objects", "Molecular mechanisms responsible for the atheroprotective effects of laminar shear stress.", "- 9359 ( Volume-5 , Issue-4 ) Automated Question Paper Generation System", "A quick MST-based algorithm to obtain Pathfinder networks (∞,n-1)", "Multiscale Energy and Eigenspace Approach to Detection and Localization of Myocardial Infarction", "Adaptive RF Front-Ends Using Electrical-Balance Duplexers and Tuned SAW Resonators", "Closed-Loop Neuromorphic Benchmarks" ]
Entertainment , Culture , and Media Art
[ "Toward sociable robots", "The impact of home computer use on children's activities and development.", "Cultural psychology: a once and future discipline?", "Changing how and what children learn in school with computer-based technologies." ]
[ "Rethinking Privacy Decisions: Pre-Existing Attitudes, Pre-Existing Emotional States, and a Situational Privacy Calculus", "An empirical study of community and sub-community detection in social networks applying Newman-Girvan algorithm", "Survey on routing in data centers: insights and future directions", "Ripple-Based Control of Switching Regulators—An Overview", "Extracting Business Logic from Existing COBOL Programs as a Basis for Redevelopment", "BNS feature scaling: an improved representation over tf-idf for svm text classification", "A Hierarchical Game Framework for Resource Management in Fog Computing", "SDPA: Enhancing Stateful Forwarding for Software-Defined Networking", "Optimal Expectations and the Welfare Cost of Climate Variability", "Shape from Defocus via Diffusion", "Pig Identification Based on MXNet", "Intelligent Tutoring System-Bayesian Student Model", "Hybrid Taguchi-genetic algorithm for global numerical optimization", "RFID-Based Students Attendance Management System", "Price Prediction of Share Market using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)", "Ontology Learning from Text: A Survey of Methods", "SIFT Features Tracking for Video Stabilization", "Going wireless: behavior & practice of new mobile phone users", "Li-Fi technology in traffic light", "Context-Aware Mixed Reality: A Framework for Ubiquitous Interaction", "Multi-connectivity in 5G mmWave cellular networks", "Plagiarism detection using stopword n-grams", "A survey on energy efficient techniques in wireless sensor networks", "Finding available parking spaces made easy", "Short-term traffic flow forecasting with spatial-temporal correlation in a hybrid deep learning framework" ]
Translating Thoughts Into Actions by Finding Patterns in Brainwaves
[ "Statistical Modeling : The Two Cultures", "The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction, 2nd Edition", "Spatio-spectral filters for improving the classification of single trial EEG", "A brain-computer interface using electrocorticographic signals in humans.", "Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: basic principles" ]
[ "THE DIGITAL WORKFORCE AND THE WORKPLACE OF THE FUTURE", "Lean thinking in the supply chain operations and its integration with customer order decoupling point and bottlenecks", "mDARAL: A Multi-Radio Version for the DARAL Routing Algorithm", "STREAM: A First Programming Process", "CONIKS: Bringing Key Transparency to End Users", "Design of a wideband dual-polarized stacked patch antenna with high isolation and low cross polarization for X-band applications", "Biomechanical strategies for mitigating collision damage in insect wings: structural design versus embedded elastic materials.", "Secure cloud storage using AES encryption", "Eigenvector-centrality - a node-centrality?", "Approaches for Enriching and Improving Textual Knowledge Bases", "Scene Classification via a Gradient Boosting Random Convolutional Network Framework", "The effects of specific learning difficulties on processes of multilingual language development", "An Information Retrieval System for Quranic Texts: A Proposed System Design", "Machine Reading", "Input Switched Affine Networks: An RNN Architecture Designed for Interpretability", "Human Sensing Using Visible Light Communication", "Multilevel Inverters for Electric Vehicle Applications", "SNOW 2014 Data Challenge: Assessing the Performance of News Topic Detection Methods in Social Media", "The implementation of a full EMV smartcard for a point-of-sale transaction", "Efficient Large-Scale Domain Classification with Personalized Attention", "Fusing 2D Uncertainty and 3D Cues for Monocular Body Pose Estimation", "An event-based data fusion algorithm for smart cities", "NPCs as People, Too: The Extreme AI Personality Engine", "Emerging ethical issues in neuroscience", "Vaginal labiaplasty: current practices and a simplified classification system for labial protrusion." ]
Interpreting Neural Networks to Improve Politeness Comprehension
[ "Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology", "Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP", "Learning representations by back-propagating errors", "Adaptive Recursive Neural Network for Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization" ]
[ "Learning Conversational Systems that Interleave Task and Non-Task Content", "Scalable Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Commodity Clusters", "An Experimental Evaluation of Apple Siri and Google Speech Recognition", "Patus for convenient high-performance stencils: Evaluation in earthquake simulations", "DIRECTED-INFO GAIL: LEARNING HIERARCHICAL POLICIES", "Supporting attribute-based access control with ontologies", "Digital multiphase buck converter with current balance/phase shedding control", "Crazyswarm: A large nano-quadcopter swarm", "The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Translational Immunometabolism.", "A hybrid model predictive controller for path planning and path following", "Performance of a high frequency quasi-resonant inverter with variable-frequency output for induction heating", "Extended Kalman filter based grid synchronization in the presence of voltage unbalance for smart grid", "A new method on designing and simulating CNTFET_based ternary gates and arithmetic circuits", "Food waste reduction practices in German food retail", "Blockchain as a Service for IoT", "Dynamic Taxi and Ridesharing: A Framework and Heuristics for the Optimization Problem", "Measuring level of cuteness of baby images: a supervised learning scheme", "Self-Tuning Spectral Clustering", "Speech Recognition for Illiterate Access to Information and Technology", "Analytical Design Method of Multiway Dual-Band Planar Power Dividers With Arbitrary Power Division", "LANMAR: landmark routing for large scale wireless ad hoc networks with group mobility", "Fast and robust keypoint detection in unstructured 3-D point clouds", "Usable security and privacy: a case study of developing privacy management tools", "Magnetic Resonance for Wireless Power Transfer [A Look Back]", "Security in Cloud Computing" ]
Forecasting the Saudi Arabia stock prices based on artificial neural networks model
[ "Combining multiple feature selection methods for stock prediction: Union, intersection, and multi-intersection approaches", "Surveying stock market forecasting techniques - Part II: Soft computing methods", "Forecasting stock market movement direction with support vector machine", "Integration of genetic fuzzy systems and artificial neural networks for stock price forecasting", "Adapted Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System on indirect approach TSK fuzzy rule base for stock market analysis" ]
[ "A Study of Parts-Based Object Class Detection Using Complete Graphs", "Simulated+Unsupervised Learning With Adaptive Data Generation and Bidirectional Mappings", "Towards a Theoretical Model for Human Resource Management Information Systems , Government Policy and Organizational Performance : A Research Agenda", "ChestNet: A Deep Neural Network for Classification of Thoracic Diseases on Chest Radiography", "Dependence maps, a dimensionality reduction with dependence distance for high-dimensional data", "TReMAP: Automatic 3D Neuron Reconstruction Based on Tracing, Reverse Mapping and Assembling of 2D Projections", "Improving OCR performance with background image elimination", "For better or for worse: neural systems supporting the cognitive down- and up-regulation of negative emotion", "VMVM: unit test virtualization for Java", "Toward an EEG-Based Recognition of Music Liking Using Time-Frequency Analysis", "Offset Reduction of CMOS Based DynamicComparator by using Charge Storage Techniques- A Comparative Study", "Generalized Canonical Time Warping", "ANAPSID: An Adaptive Query Processing Engine for SPARQL Endpoints", "Calcium hydroxylapatite associated soft tissue necrosis: a case report and treatment guideline.", "Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification — CAPEC TM A Community Knowledge Resource for Building Secure Software", "Automatic number plate recognition system using modified stroke width transform", "Phase control through Huygens' metasurfaces", "The first de novo transcriptome of pepino (Solanum muricatum): assembly, comprehensive analysis and comparison with the closely related species S. caripense, potato and tomato", "Hand Movements and Gestures Characterization Using Quaternion Dynamic Time Warping Technique", "Parameterized Shape Grammar for Generating n-fold Islamic Geometric Motifs", "Polymeric nanoparticle-encapsulated curcumin (\"nanocurcumin\"): a novel strategy for human cancer therapy", "Self-eating and self-killing: crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis", "Learning from delayed rewards", "Health information systems: Failure, success and improvisation", "Density-Based Data Pruning Method for Deep Reinforcement Learning" ]
Social media for software engineering
[ "A Field Study of the Software Design Process for Large Systems", "Awareness 2.0: staying aware of projects, developers and tasks using dashboards and feeds", "Group awareness in distributed software development", "Coordination in Software Development", "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" ]
[ "Why are depictives different from resultatives", "Automatic White Balance for Digital Still Cameras", "Efficient Symbolic Execution for Analysing Cryptographic Protocol Implementations", "Feature Learning with Rank-Based Candidate Selection for Product Search", "A novel integrated dielectric-and-conductive ink 3D printing technique for fabrication of microwave devices", "Cell cluster graph for prediction of biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer patients from tissue microarrays", "A retail store SKU promotions optimization model for category multi-period profit maximization", "A framework for dynamically adaptable augmented reality systems", "Towards Practical Active Learning for Classification", "A 77GHz automotive radar receiver in a wafer level package", "Document Image Binarization Using Recurrent Neural Networks", "Evaluating deep learning architectures for Speech Emotion Recognition", "A Survey on Feature Selection Algorithms", "The spatial and temporal meanings of English prepositions can be independently impaired", "A hybrid 2D/3D user interface for immersive object modeling", "Implementing open innovation concept in social business", "Implementation research: a synthesis of the literature.", "Scholarly Use of the Web: What Are the Key Inducers of Links to Journal Web Sites", "Space-time sketching of character animation", "An exceptional case of bilateral gestational gigantomastia with multiple breast lumps", "A design methodology of chip-to-chip wireless power transmission system", "Automatic personalization based on Web usage mining", "Fog Computing in Healthcare Internet of Things: A Case Study on ECG Feature Extraction", "Differential Evolution versus Genetic Algorithms in Multiobjective Optimization", "Delay-constrained throughput maximization in UAV-enabled OFDM systems" ]
Detect Rumors Using Time Series of Social Context Information on Microblogging Websites
[ "Prominent Features of Rumor Propagation in Online Social Media", "Rumor has it: Identifying Misinformation in Microblogs", "Latent Dirichlet Allocation", "TwitterMonitor: trend detection over the twitter stream", "Information credibility on twitter" ]
[ "DEEP REINFORCEMENT LEARNING", "VIKOR method using interval type two fuzzy sets", "Contactless Slipring System based on rotating magnetic field principle for rotary applications", "Model Extraction for ARINC 653 Based Avionics Software", "Spatial and temporal visualisation techniques for crash analysis.", "SIMPLIFIED SOLAR TRACKING PROTOTYPE", "k-Stacks: High-density valet parking for automated vehicles", "NEUROBIOLOGICAL SEQUELAE OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA : Post-traumatic Stress Disorders in Children", "Super resolution of video using key frames", "An automatic mobile-health based approach for EEG epileptic seizures detection", "Learning physics through play in an augmented reality environment", "The Emerging Role of Electronic Marketplaces on the Internet", "UStore: A Distributed Storage With Rich Semantics", "A field study of two online dry-out methods for power transformers", "A Type-Based Compiler for Standard ML", "Optimal selection of wavelet basis function applied to ECG signal denoising", "Improving Security Screening: A Comparison of Multistatic Radar Configurations for Human Body Imaging", "Congested traffic states in empirical observations and microscopic simulations", "Orthogonal vs. uncorrelated least squares discriminant analysis for feature extraction", "An Introduction to Temporal Graphs: An Algorithmic Perspective", "Recurrent Marked Temporal Point Processes: Embedding Event History to Vector", "Ten Mistakes To Avoid When Injecting Botulinum Toxin.", "Structure-based Sybil Detection in Social Networks via Local Rule-based Propagation", "Integrating Models of Personality and Emotions into Lifelike Characters", "Encrypted key exchange: password-based protocols secure against dictionary attacks" ]
Privacy-preserving Network Provenance
[ "Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions", "Secure Conjunctive Keyword Search over Encrypted Data", "Hyracks: A flexible and extensible foundation for data-intensive computing", "GraphX: Graph Processing in a Distributed Dataflow Framework", "Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing" ]
[ "Proof Analysis in Modal Logic", "Context-encoding Variational Autoencoder for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection", "A comparison of machine learning algorithms for regional wheat yield prediction using NDVI time series of SPOT-VGT", "Crime hotspot mapping using the crime related factors—a spatial data mining approach", "Performance of PMASynRM With Ferrite Magnets for EV/HEV Applications Considering Productivity", "Character Composition Model with Convolutional Neural Networks for Dependency Parsing on Morphologically Rich Languages", "Denoising auto-encoders for learning of objects and tools affordances in continuous space", "Methods and techniques to help quality function deployment ( QFD )", "Detecting and Recognizing Human-Object Interactions", "Autonomous navigation and sign detector learning", "Transform a Simple Sketch to a Chinese Painting by a Multiscale Deep Neural Network", "CLaaS: Cybersecurity Lab as a Service", "'Leave me alone' lesions of the petrous apex.", "Adaptation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) to Spanish in a sample of adolescents.", "Training of Airport Security Screeners", "Kernel Distillation for Gaussian Processes", "Speech recognition of Malayalam numbers", "AuditoryMotor Interaction Revealed by fMRI: Speech, Music, and Working Memory in Area Spt", "Integrating occlusion culling with parallel LOD for rendering complex 3D environments on GPU", "Author ' s personal copy Grammatical aspect and mental simulation", "The Weil Proof and the Geometry of the Adèles Class Space", "Alignment-Based Neural Machine Translation", "Comparison of the Levels of Presence and Anxiety in an Acrophobic Environment Viewed via HMD or CAVE", "Asirra: a CAPTCHA that exploits interest-aligned manual image categorization", "Seamless Image Stitching of Scenes with Large Motions and Exposure Differences" ]
A Novel Depth-Based Virtual View Synthesis Method for Free Viewpoint Video
[ "Intermediate view interpolation based on multiview video plus depth for advanced 3D video systems", "SMOOTHING DEPTH MAPS FOR IMPROVED STEREOSCOPIC IMAGE QUALITY", "Scale-Space and Edge Detection Using Anisotropic Diffusion", "Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling", "Image inpainting" ]
[ "Two-Stage Approach for Detection and Reduction of Motion Artifacts in Photoplethysmographic Data", "How Blockchain Could Empower eHealth: An Application for Radiation Oncology - (Extended Abstract)", "Continuous cuffless blood pressure monitoring based on PTT", "Challenge Benchmarks That Must be Conquered to Sustain the GPU Revolution Emily Blem", "Scalability and sparsity issues in recommender datasets: a survey", "Creating a Labeled Dataset for Medical Misinformation in Health Forums", "Characterization of RF Noise in UTBB FD-SOI MOSFET", "Stakeholder engagement, social auditing and corporate sustainability", "A PCell design methodology for automatic layout generation of spiral inductor using skill script", "Upscaledb: Efficient Integer-Key Compression in a Key-Value Store using SIMD Instructions", "Reference ranges for uterine artery mean pulsatility index at 11-41 weeks of gestation.", "Bi-objective scheduling algorithms for optimizing makespan and reliability on heterogeneous systems", "High-voltage high-frequency power supply using a phase-shifted PWM full bridge inverter fed ozone generator with constant applied electrode voltage", "A micropower dry-electrode ECG preamplifier", "Current breathomics--a review on data pre-processing techniques and machine learning in metabolomics breath analysis.", "Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light (second Edition)", "Densely Connected Progressive Learning for LSTM-Based Speech Enhancement", "Design of an Optical Character Recognition System for Camera-based Handheld Devices", "Stabilization and Path Following of a Spherical Robot", "Requirements of Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network", "Streaming-LDA: A Copula-based Approach to Modeling Topic Dependencies in Document Streams", "Scattered data modeling", "A Novel Attack Graph Posterior Inference Model Based on Bayesian Network", "Emotion Analysis Using Latent Affective Folding and Embedding", "1 Integration of Data Mining Clustering Approach with 2 the Personalized E-Learning System 3" ]
Revisiting past challenges and evaluating certificate trust model enhancements Extended Version
[ "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", "When private keys are public: results from the 2008 Debian OpenSSL vulnerability", "SoK: SSL and HTTPS: Revisiting Past Challenges and Evaluating Certificate Trust Model Enhancements" ]
[ "Secure Cloud based Privacy Preserving DataMinning Platform", "A review of classification algorithms for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces: a 10 year update.", "Gradient Descent Finds Global Minima of Deep Neural Networks", "Performance evaluation in obstacle avoidance", "Improving Energy Efficiency of MQTT-SN in Lossy Environments Using Seed-Based Network Coding", "3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Primitive Surface Feature Distribution", "Effective self-training author name disambiguation in scholarly digital libraries", "Fast and Flexible Successive-Cancellation List Decoders for Polar Codes", "Dynamic Resource Discovery Based on Preference and Movement Pattern Similarity for Large-Scale Social Internet of Things", "A general framework for kernel similarity-based image denoising", "Smart car parking system prototype utilizing CCTV nodes: A proof of concept prototype of a novel approach towards IoT-concept based smart parking", "Bee Colony Optimization with local search for traveling salesman problem", "Quality expectations of machine translation", "An Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Mode Reconfigurable Antenna for Channel Capacity Improvement and Digital Data Encoding", "Formal Design and Verification of Self-Adaptive Systems with Decentralized Control", "DoS & DDoS in Named Data Networking", "Adolescent brain development: a period of vulnerabilities and opportunities. Keynote address.", "Applying the Cognitive-Affective Processing Systems Approach to Conceptualizing Rejection Sensitivity.", "Evolved Machines Shed Light on Robustness and Resilience", "LEXICAL ENTRAINMENT IN SPONTANEOUS DIALOG", "High Efficient Interleaved Multi-channel dc/dc Converter Dedicated to Mobile Applications", "BiDAF Model for Question Answering", "Negation and the Temporal Structure of Narrative Discourse", "Tensor-Factorized Neural Networks", "INOCULANTS OF PLANT GROWTH-PROMOTING BACTERIA FOR USE IN AGRICULTURE" ]
Automatic road sign detecion and classification based on support vector machines and HOG descriptos
[ "Traffic sign recognition and analysis for intelligent vehicles", "Digital Image Processing", "A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition", "Fast Road Sign Detection Using Hough Transform for Assisted Driving of Road Vehicles", "Detection, Tracking and Classification of Road Signs in Adverse Conditions" ]
[ "Developing multiple hypotheses in behavioral ecology", "How do People Make Sense of Unfamiliar Visualizations?: A Grounded Model of Novice's Information Visualization Sensemaking", "An Explanatory Analysis of the Geometry of Latent Variables Learned by Variational Auto-Encoders", "BraMBLe: A Bayesian Multiple-Blob Tracker", "Information-Theoretic Planning with Trajectory Optimization for Dense 3D Mapping", "Addressing the Winograd Schema Challenge as a Sequence Ranking Task", "The Communicative Functions of Emoticons in Workplace E-Mails: : -)", "Software to Sketch Interface Designs", "Horizon occlusion culling for real-time rendering of hierarchical terrains", "Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Statistical Features", "A Review on Comparative analysis of different clustering and Decision Tree for Synthesized Data Mining Algorithm", "A Regularized Singular Value Decomposition-Based Approach for Failure Pattern Classification on Fail Bit Map in a DRAM Wafer", "Predicting Users' Future Interests on Twitter", "A study of success and failure in product innovation: The case of the U.S. electronics industry", "Explaining the Infant ’ s Object Concept : Beyond the Perception / Cognition Dichotomy", "Investigating the appropriateness of social network question asking as a resource for blind users", "ELM-ART: An Adaptive Versatile System for Web-based Instruction", "CSR5: An Efficient Storage Format for Cross-Platform Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication", "Estimating the class prior and posterior from noisy positives and unlabeled data", "Addressing the Fundamental Tension of PCGML with Discriminative Learning", "The theory of economic regulation", "Integrated Plasma Coal Gasification Power Plant", "A General Theory of Equivariant CNNs on Homogeneous Spaces", "Radiation Performance Enhancement of E-Band Antenna in Package", "Short-term conceptual memory for pictures." ]
Nanopower CMOS Relaxation Oscillators With Sub-100 $\hbox{ppm}/^{\circ}\hbox{C}$ Temperature Coefficient
[ "A Submicrowatt 1.1-MHz CMOS Relaxation Oscillator With Temperature Compensation", "A 63,000 Q-factor relaxation oscillator with switched-capacitor integrated error feedback", "A precision relaxation oscillator with a self-clocked offset-cancellation scheme for implantable biomedical SoCs", "A 280nW, 100kHz, 1-cycle start-up time, on-chip CMOS relaxation oscillator employing a feedforward period control scheme", "An On-Chip CMOS Relaxation Oscillator With Voltage Averaging Feedback" ]
[ "The role of autophagy in cancer development and response to therapy", "Ang Social Network sa Facebook ng mga Taga-Batangas at ng mga Taga-Laguna: Isang Paghahambing", "Asymptotic Confidence Regions for High-Dimensional Structured Sparsity", "Clickstream clustering using weighted longest common subsequences", "Goal-oriented Dialogue Policy Learning from Failures", "Knowledge Discovery in Biomedical Data Facilitated by Domain Ontologies", "Augment and Adapt: A Simple Approach to Image Tampering Detection", "An efficient iris segmentation model based on eyelids and eyelashes detection in iris recognition system", "Non-invasive measurement of blood flow using magnetic disturbance method", "Working for Free? - Motivations of Participating in Open Source Projects", "Speech recognition with support vector machines in a hybrid system", "Human actions recognition based on 3D deep neural network", "Social Media and the Decision to Participate in Political Protest : Observations From Tahrir Square", "An Efficient Deep Learning Technique for the Navier-Stokes Equations : Application to Unsteady Wake Flow Dynamics", "DL-Store: A Distributed Hybrid OLTP and OLAP Data Processing Engine", "A consumer transceiver for long-range IoT communications in emergency environments", "A Study of Different Approaches to Aspect-based Opinion Mining", "Design and implementation of FROST: Digital forensic tools for the OpenStack cloud computing platform", "Solid state transformer application to grid connected photovoltaic inverters", "Representation Learning of Multiword Expressions with Compositionality Constraint", "High speed series resonant converter (SRC) using multilayered coreless printed circuit board (PCB) step-down power transformer", "A deep scattering spectrum — Deep Siamese network pipeline for unsupervised acoustic modeling", "Adversarial Ranking for Language Generation", "ELIMINET: A MODEL FOR ELIMINATING OPTIONS", "Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classification" ]
Artist-directed dynamics for 2D animation
[ "As-rigid-as-possible surface modeling", "Fast simulation of mass-spring systems", "Adaptive anisotropic remeshing for cloth simulation", "As-rigid-as-possible image registration for hand-drawn cartoon animations", "An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision" ]
[ "Targeting DNA double-strand breaks with TAL effector nucleases.", "Calciphytoliths (calcium oxalate crystals) analysis for the identification of decayed tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.)", "Active Object Categorization on a Humanoid Robot", "Summer 6-15-2016 VALUE OF DECENTRALIZED CONSENSUS SYSTEMS – EVALUATION FRAMEWORK", "Stock price prediction using LSTM, RNN and CNN-sliding window model", "A Survey on Mobile Banking Applications and the Adopted Models", "UML Modeling of User and Database Interaction", "Design of Circular/Dual-Frequency Linear Polarization Antennas Based on the Anisotropic Complementary Split Ring Resonator", "Advanced modeling and trajectory optimization framework for reusable launch vehicles", "Part-of-Speech Tagging for Code-Mixed English-Hindi Twitter and Facebook Chat Messages", "College students' text messaging, use of textese and literacy skills", "Towards a better understanding of Vector Quantized Autoencoders", "Learning Hypernymy over Word Embeddings", "'The dots just don't join up': Understanding the support needs of families of children on the autism spectrum.", "A Novel Rotor Design of Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors to Cope with Both Maximum Torque and Iron-Loss Reduction", "Regional cerebral blood flow correlates of visuospatial tasks in Alzheimer's disease.", "Emotional and physiological responses to touch massage Lenita Lindgren", "A Machine Learning Approach for Phenotype Name Recognition", "Information Theoretic-Learning auto-encoder", "Antecedents of Information and System Quality: An Empirical Examination Within the Context of Data Warehousing", "Document-Level Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation", "Weakly-supervised TV logo detection", "A Comprehensive Review of Smart Wheelchairs: Past, Present, and Future", "Spatial big data analytics of influenza epidemic in Vellore, India", "Real-Time Big Data Processing Framework: Challenges and Solutions" ]
A Wirelessly-Powered Platform for Sensing and Computation
[ "Inferring activities from interactions with objects", "RFID-based techniques for human-activity detection", "Self-powered wireless temperature sensors exploit RFID technology", "Enabling ubiquitous sensing with RFID", "Battery-free wireless identification and sensing" ]
[ "On the handling of continuous-valued attributes in decision tree generation", "Sliding-Mode Velocity Control of Mobile-Wheeled Inverted-Pendulum Systems", "Emerging cognitive radio applications: A survey", "Performance evaluation and tuning for MapReduce computing in Hadoop distributed file system", "Structure-aware QR Code abstraction", "Enhanced image algorithm at night of improved retinex based on HIS space", "Solving Steiner tree problems in graphs to optimality", "Mobile Security Catching Up? Revealing the Nuts and Bolts of the Security of Mobile Devices", "Style Finder : Fine-Grained Clothing Style Recognition and Retrieval", "Wiener filtering based speech enhancement with Weighted Denoising Auto-encoder and noise classification", "Chapter 0 Immersion in Digital Games : a Review of Gaming Experience Research", "Does print size matter for reading? A review of findings from vision science and typography.", "Soft compression and the origins of nonlinear behavior of GaN HEMTs", "Ending the war between Sales & Marketing.", "Brain of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): neuroanatomy from magnetic resonance images.", "Learning based digital matting", "Predictive Control of Power Converters: Designs With Guaranteed Performance", "On the effect of endpoints on dynamic time warping", "Body Composition Changes After Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet in Obesity Evaluated by 3 Standardized Methods.", "Emerging topic detection on Twitter based on temporal and social terms evaluation", "Real-time neuroimaging and cognitive monitoring using wearable dry EEG", "PERFORMANCE PAY AND TOP-MANAGEMENT INCENTIVES", "Anti-phishing detection of phishing attacks using genetic algorithm", "Low-Sidelobe Design of Microstrip Comb-Line Antennas Using Stub-Integrated Radiating Elements in the Millimeter-Wave Band", "Event-based Dynamic Face Detection and Tracking Based on Activity" ]
Method Pair Enumerator Clone Method Pairs Non-clone Method Pairs
[ "Identifying Similar Code with Program Dependence Graphs", "CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System Code", "Syntactic Clustering of the Web", "Adaptive Importance Sampling to Accelerate Training of a Neural Probabilistic Language Model", "Comparison and Evaluation of Clone Detection Tools" ]
[ "Tap-Tap and Pay ( TTP ) : Preventing Man-InThe-Middle Attacks in NFC Payment Using Mobile Sensors", "Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mediated by cetuximab against lung cancer cell lines.", "A Comparative Study of online P 2 P Lending in the USA and China", "Improved Style Transfer by Respecting Inter-layer Correlations", "Synchronous Binarization for Machine Translation", "Graph Cut Algorithms in Vision , Graphics and Machine Learning An Integrative Paper", "Understanding integer overflow in C/C++", "Plantar fasciitis: diagnosis and therapeutic considerations.", "Vacuum Electronic High Power Terahertz Sources", "Happy families: a twin study of humour.", "Attendance management system (AMS): Comparison of two different approaches", "Mining asynchronous periodic patterns in time series data", "Hardware software co-design in Haskell", "Substrate integrated waveguide power divider based on multimode interference imaging", "ZEUS: A Toolkit and Approach for Building Distributed Multi-Agent Systems", "Ethnicity , Insurgency , and Civil War Revisited ∗", "Review of Silicon Power Semiconductor Technologies for Power Supply on Chip and Power Supply in Package Applications", "Adaptive VM Handoff Across Cloudlets", "Hardware Accelerated Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping", "Neural Turing Machines", "3 DCNN for Lung Nodule Detection And False Positive Reduction", "Solving 0-1 knapsack problems based on amoeboid organism algorithm", "Feature-preserving mesh denoising via bilateral normal filtering", "A Distance Measure for the Analysis of Polar Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks", "Exploratory Analysis of the Factors Affecting Consumer Choice in E-Commerce: Conjoint Analysis" ]
Compact Coplanar Waveguide (CPW)-Fed Zeroth-Order Resonant Antennas With Extended Bandwidth and High Efficiency on Vialess Single Layer
[ "A Broadband Dual-Mode Monopole Antenna Using NRI-TL Metamaterial Loading", "Metamaterial-based electronically controlled transmission-line structure as a novel leaky-wave antenna with tunable radiation angle and beamwidth", "Composite right/left-handed transmission line based compact resonant antennas for RF module integration", "A novel mixed conventional microstrip and composite right/left-handed backward-wave directional coupler with broadband and tight coupling characteristics", "Planar distributed structures with negative refractive index" ]
[ "Optical Flow Based Moving Object Detection and Tracking for Traffic Surveillance", "Distributed job scheduling based on Swarm Intelligence: A survey", "Sound and precise analysis of web applications for injection vulnerabilities", "Basis of theoretical formulations for new approach for modelling darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine rotors using electrical equivalent circuit analogy", "Massaging human feet by a redundant manipulator equipped with a tactile sensor", "The neural correlates of consciousness: an update.", "A survey of hardware Trojan threat and defense", "Strength Design Curves for Thin-Walled Sections Undergoing Distortional Buckling", "Four-directional pixel-wise polarization CMOS image sensor using air-gap wire grid on 2.5-μm back-illuminated pixels", "Context-Dependent Knowledge Graph Embedding", "A Generative Modeling Approach to Limited Channel ECG Classification", "Two routes to emotional memory: distinct neural processes for valence and arousal.", "Expanding the Limits of Vision-based Localization for Long-term Route-following Autonomy", "Detection and Modeling of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images", "Analysis on data mining models for Internet Of Things", "Delay-Dependent $\\hbox{H}_{\\infty }$ Filter Design for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems With Time-Varying Delays", "The orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing controversy: OAM as a subset of MIMO", "Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism", "Exploiting Eigenposteriors for Semi-Supervised Training of DNN Acoustic Models with Sequence Discrimination", "Abnormalities in emotion processing within cortical and subcortical regions in criminal psychopaths: evidence from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study using pictures with emotional content", "Effects of attention and confidence on the hypothesized ERP correlates of recollection and familiarity", "Instance-Based Learning Algorithms", "Compact Elongated Mushroom (EM)-EBG Structure for Enhancement of Patch Antenna Array Performances", "WISDOM: Web intrapage informative structure mining based on document object model", "Annotating documents with relevant Wikipedia concepts" ]
Moving objects in space: exploiting proprioception in virtual-environment interaction
[ "A Toolset for Navigation in Virtual Environments", "The Go-Go Interaction Technique: Non-Linear Mapping for Direct Manipulation in VR", "A study in two-handed input", "Virtual Reality on a WIM: Interactive Worlds in Miniature", "Asymmetric division of labor in human skilled bimanual action: the kinematic chain as a model." ]
[ "Design and implementation of home automation system", "Upgrading Wireless Home Routers for Enabling Large-Scale Deployment of Cloudlets", "A comparison of B2B e-service solutions", "Secure routing protocol design for UAV Ad hoc NETworks", "Nonreciprocal Phase-Shift Composite Right/Left Handed Microstrip Lines Using Ferrite-Rod-Embedded Substrate", "A location-based multiplayer mobile game to encourage pro-environmental behaviours", "First-person hyper-lapse videos", "Understanding modern device drivers", "Multi-dimension semantic dictionary for online intelligence", "A Review on Link Prediction in Social Network", "Cognition in Friedreich's ataxia: a behavioral and multimodal imaging study", "An Algorithm For Open Text Semantic Parsing", "End-to-End Communication Architecture for Smart Grids", "Spectrum management of cognitive radio using multi-agent reinforcement learning", "Culture and Computer-Mediated Communication: Toward New Understandings", "Image segmentation techniques", "Multi-View Learning of Word Embeddings via CCA", "An Improved Location Estimation Method for Wifi Fingerprint-based Indoor Localization", "What Strikes the Strings of Your Heart?—Feature Mining for Music Emotion Analysis", "The long quest for computational thinking", "WaveletNet: Logarithmic Scale Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Edge Devices", "SciMAT: A new science mapping analysis software tool", "Effects of attention and confidence on the hypothesized ERP correlates of recollection and familiarity", "Cardiac pulse detection in BCG signals implemented on a regular classroom chair integrated to an emotional and learning model for personalization of learning resources", "A SLAM Based Semantic Indoor Navigation System for Visually Impaired Users" ]
Cluster Forests
[ "Bagging to Improve the Accuracy of A Clustering Procedure", "Random Forests", "Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression monitoring.", "Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation", "Fast approximate spectral clustering" ]
[ "Different Feature Selection for Sentiment Classification", "Advanced GPU Raycasting", "An Explorative Study of the Mobile App Ecosystem from App Developers' Perspective", "A joint model for action localization and classification in untrimmed video with visual attention", "AdaBoost-based face detection for embedded systems", "Online Gaming Adoption in Competitive Social Networks: Combining the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Network Theory", "Voxel-based morphometry of the human brain: Methods and applications", "Learning Non-Lambertian Object Intrinsics Across ShapeNet Categories", "Rectal mucosal dissection commencing directly on the anorectal line versus commencing above the dentate line in laparoscopy-assisted transanal pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease: Prospective medium-term follow-up.", "An official American Thoracic Society clinical policy statement: palliative care for patients with respiratory diseases and critical illnesses.", "Remotely Controllable Outlet System for Home Power Management", "SDLB: A Scalable and Dynamic Software Load Balancer for Fog and Mobile Edge Computing", "Comparison Detector: A novel object detection method for small dataset", "mclust Version 4 for R : Normal Mixture Modeling for Model-Based Clustering , Classification , and Density Estimation", "Query clustering based on bid landscape for sponsored search auction optimization", "Sentiment analysis and classification based on textual reviews", "Computational higher-dimensional type theory", "Socially-Driven Learning-Based Prefetching in Mobile Online Social Networks", "Tangible authoring of 3D virtual scenes in dynamic augmented reality environment", "Single-Shot Object Detection with Enriched Semantics", "Neuronal Reward and Decision Signals: From Theories to Data.", "A framework for seed user identification across multiple online social networks", "Social sharing through interpersonal media: Patterns and effects on emotional well-being", "Computed tomographic analysis of tooth-bearing alveolar bone for orthodontic miniscrew placement.", "Contact detection and reaction of a wheelchair mounted robotic arm equiped with mechanical gravity canceller" ]
Automotive Camera Simulation for Testing ADAS and Active Safety Systems by Dick Booisma Supervisors
[ "Video-based raindrop detection for improved image registration", "Digital color imaging", "An Improved Technique for Full Spectral Rendering", "SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features", "Vision and Rain" ]
[ "Novel Electrodes for Underwater ECG Monitoring", "Context-oriented programming: beyond layers", "On Inferring Browsing Activity on Smartphones via USB Power Analysis Side-Channel", "Participation in School-Based Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Adjustment", "HotpotQA: A Dataset for Diverse, Explainable Multi-hop Question Answering", "A comparative study on quality assessment of high resolution fingerprint images", "Robust C-Loss Kernel Classifiers", "Making sense of social media streams through semantics: A survey", "Phishing Detection in IMs using Domain Ontology and CBA - An innovative Rule Generation Approach", "Imputing missing values using Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation for time series data", "Room-temperature near-infrared high-Q perovskite whispering-gallery planar nanolasers.", "The behaviour of the LSPMSM in asynchronous operation", "Quantifying and Testing Indirect Effects in Simple Mediation Models When the Constituent Paths Are Nonlinear.", "Chinese character CAPTCHA recognition based on convolution neural network", "Acute diffuse and total alopecia: A new subtype of alopecia areata with a favorable prognosis.", "A cluster centers initialization method for clustering categorical data", "Hashtag Recommendation with Topical Attention-Based LSTM", "Unsupervised meta-path selection for text similarity measure based on heterogeneous information networks", "Robust non-local fuzzy c-means algorithm with edge preservation for SAR image segmentation", "L1-Norm Batch Normalization for Efficient Training of Deep Neural Networks", "Author Name Disambiguation in MEDLINE Based on Journal Descriptors and Semantic Types", "A Thin Shell Volume for Modeling Human Hair", "Examining social adjustment to college in the age of social media: Factors influencing successful transitions and persistence", "DISASTER: Dedicated Intelligent Security Attacks on Sensor-Triggered Emergency Responses", "Adversarial Ranking for Language Generation" ]
Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing
[ "A Minimal Span-Based Neural Constituency Parser", "SemEval 2015 Task 18: Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing", "Span-Based Constituency Parsing with a Structure-Label System and Provably Optimal Dynamic Oracles", "Parsing to 1-Endpoint-Crossing, Pagenumber-2 Graphs", "Addressing the Data Sparsity Issue in Neural AMR Parsing" ]
[ "A 600-dpi capacitive fingerprint sensor chip and image-synthesis technique", "Learning Discriminative Representation with Signed Laplacian Restricted Boltzmann Machine", "Patterns of Contact and Communication in Scientific Research Collaboration", "ATAC: A 1000-core cache-coherent processor with on-chip optical network", "Bridge Correlational Neural Networks for Multilingual Multimodal Representation Learning", "On the Performance Comparison between IEEE 802.11p and LTE-Based Vehicular Networks", "Joint Optimization of Constellation With Mapping Matrix for SCMA Codebook Design", "Action observation and robotic agents: Learning and anthropomorphism", "VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection", "Aerodynamic analysis of variable cant angle winglets for improved aircraft performance", "Up next: retrieval methods for large scale related video suggestion", "CloudSeer: Workflow Monitoring of Cloud Infrastructures via Interleaved Logs", "Three-phase single-stage four-switch PFC buck-boost-type rectifier", "Deep Learning Solutions to Computational Phenotyping in Health Care", "Spark Versus Flink: Understanding Performance in Big Data Analytics Frameworks", "Toward crowdsourcing micro-level behavior annotations: the challenges of interface, training, and generalization", "A Hidden Semi-Markov Model-Based Speech Synthesis System", "Deep Learning and Wavelets for High-Frequency Price Forecasting", "Blockchain beyond bitcoin", "ON MEANING-PRESERVING ADVERSARIAL PERTUR-", "Kernel Codebooks for Scene Categorization", "Software development governance: A meta-management perspective", "Convergence Analysis of Gradient Descent Algorithms with Proportional Updates", "Fast rule mining in ontological knowledge bases with AMIE $$+$$ +", "Evaluation of a Feedback Algorithm inspired by Quantum Detection for Dynamic Search Tasks" ]
Automatic question generation for intelligent tutoring systems
[ "Automatic question generation from text - an aid to independent study", "Automatic Question Generation system", "Good Question! Statistical Ranking for Question Generation", "Learning Algorithms for Keyphrase Extraction", "A Language Modeling Approach to Predicting Reading Difficulty" ]
[ "A review of the use of psychophysiological methods in game research", "Recognizing Disguised Faces: Human and Machine Evaluation", "Predicting Learning and Affect from Multimodal Data Streams in Task-Oriented Tutorial Dialogue", "Visual Sensing for Urban Flood Monitoring", "The use of vacuum assisted closure (VAC™) in soft tissue injuries after high energy pelvic trauma", "ClothCap: seamless 4D clothing capture and retargeting", "Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classification", "Moving towards a new vision: implementation of a public health policy intervention", "On-The-Fly Academic Linked Data Integration", "Inside the Black Box: How to Explain Individual Predictions of a Machine Learning Model : How to automatically generate insights on predictive model outputs, and gain a better understanding on how the model predicts each individual data point.", "Using Microsoft Excel to model a tennis match", "CEPR: A Collaborative Exploration and Periodically Returning Model for Location Prediction", "Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density", "Look, My Baby Is Using an iPad! An Analysis of YouTube Videos of Infants and Toddlers Using Tablets", "Decoronation - a conservative method to treat ankylosed teeth for preservation of alveolar ridge prior to permanent prosthetic reconstruction: literature review and case presentation.", "Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality: an updated systematic analysis for 2010 with time trends since 2000", "An intelligent market making strategy in algorithmic trading", "Design Synthesis of Metasurfaces for Broadband Hybrid-Mode Horn Antennas With Enhanced Radiation Pattern and Polarization Characteristics", "Automatic Model Generation from Documentation for Java API Functions", "An algorithm to find optimal attack paths in nondeterministic scenarios", "A Simple and Fast Incremental Randomized Algorithm for Computing Trapezoidal Decompositions and for Triangulating Polygons", "Programmable Automotive Headlights", "ANN Based Currency Recognition System using Compressed Gray Scale and Application for Sri Lankan Currency Notes - SLCRec", "BFS and Coloring-Based Parallel Algorithms for Strongly Connected Components and Related Problems", "A Case Study in Understanding OSPF and BGP Interactions Using Efficient Experiment Design" ]
Discovering Credit Cardholders' Behavior by Multiple Criteria Linear Programming
[ "Finding Interesting Rules from Large Sets of Discovered Association Rules", "Mining Sequential Patterns: Generalizations and Performance Improvements", "Credit Card Borrowing , Delinquency , and Personal Bankruptcy", "Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques", "The magical number seven plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information." ]
[ "Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Knowledge-Based Speech Enhancement", "Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network", "Including Parent Training in the Early Childhood Special Education Curriculum for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders", "Learned Primal-Dual Reconstruction", "Survey over image thresholding techniques and quantitative performance evaluation", "A GaN MMIC Modified Doherty PA With Large Bandwidth and Reconfigurable Efficiency", "Color Image Segmentation using FCM Clustering Technique in RGB , L * a * b , HSV , YIQ Color spaces", "Social norms and self-presentation on social network sites: Profile work in action", "Data Mining Methods for Recommender Systems", "On the security evaluation of the ARM TrustZone extension in a heterogeneous SoC", "Joint Alignment of Multiple Point Sets with Batch and Incremental Expectation-Maximization", "A Lower-Back Robotic Exoskeleton: Industrial Handling Augmentation Used to Provide Spinal Support", "Validation of heart rate extraction using video imaging on a built-in camera system of a smartphone", "Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminotomy: An Advanced Surgical Technique and Clinical Outcomes", "CSIsnoop: Attacker Inference of Channel State Information in Multi-User WLANs", "Predicting non-small cell lung cancer prognosis by fully automated microscopic pathology image features", "Position-based impedance control of an industrial hydraulic manipulator", "Persistent monitoring in discrete environments: Minimizing the maximum weighted latency between observations", "SMRDB: key-value data store for shingled magnetic recording disks", "Current Sharing Control Strategy for IGBTs Connected in Parallel", "Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms on Different Datasets", "MTPV for Continuous Flux-Weakening Strategy Control Law for IPMSM", "Detection of Emotions during Learning with AutoTutor", "Numerical rating scale for self-report of pain intensity in children and adolescents: recent progress and further questions.", "A Case Study on Learning a Unified Encoder of Relations" ]
Neural networks for computer-aided diagnosis in medicine: A review
[ "To err is human. Building a safer health system", "The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark: A multi-class classification competition", "Traffic sign recognition with multi-scale Convolutional Networks", "Unsupervised Learning of Invariant Feature Hierarchies with Applications to Object Recognition" ]
[ "Developing and Evaluating Quilts for the Depiction of Large Layered Graphs", "Health Cloud: An Enabler for Healthcare Transformation", "Nuclear organization of active and inactive chromatin domains uncovered by chromosome conformation capture–on-chip (4C)", "Segregated Systems of Human Brain Networks", "Coupling Adaptive Batch Sizes with Learning Rates", "Bilingual FrameNet Dictionaries for Machine Translation", "Intrusion Detection in the RPL-connected 6LoWPAN Networks", "Predicting the Parts Weight in Plastic Injection Molding Using Least Squares Support Vector Regression", "On Traffic-Aware Partition and Aggregation in MapReduce for Big Data Applications", "A Review and Characterization of Progressive Visual Analytics", "Extending the Lambda Calculus to Express Randomized and Quantumized Algorithms", "Topic scientific community in science: a combined perspective of scientific collaboration and topics", "Variational Inference using Implicit Distributions", "Building Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Online Shopping", "Blended learning in higher education: Students' perceptions and their relation to outcomes", "Reforming education sector through Big Data", "LTE Capacity Compared to the Shannon Bound", "Deep Biaffine Attention for Neural Dependency Parsing", "Implementing a Cloud Platform for Autonomous Driving", "Electronic switching in phase-change memories", "IT project managers' construction of successful project management practice: a repertory grid investigation", "Intelligent Crime Anomaly Detection in Smart Cities Using Deep Learning", "BP: Profiling Vulnerabilities on the Attack Surface", "A hardware CABAC encoder for HEVC", "Reinstatement of the communicator in delayed measurement of opinion change." ]
Sentiment Analysis for Social Media Images
[ "ET-LDA: Joint Topic Modeling for Aligning Events and their Twitter Feedback", "Sentribute: image sentiment analysis from a mid-level perspective", "Affective image classification using features inspired by psychology and art theory", "Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features", "Robust Image Sentiment Analysis Using Progressively Trained and Domain Transferred Deep Networks" ]
[ "Exploring Topic Models on Short Texts: A Case Study with Crisis Data", "An Empirical Comparison of PDDL-based and ASP-based Task Planners", "Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation", "Child abuse, neglect, and adult behavior: research design and findings on criminality, violence, and child abuse.", "REAL-TIME MULTI-PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM USING ARM AND WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK", "A System-on-Chip EPC Gen-2 Passive UHF RFID Tag With Embedded Temperature Sensor", "Introducing Efficient Parallelism into Approximate String Matching and a New Serial Algorithm", "Renewing and Revising SemLink", "Challenges in information retrieval and language modeling: report of a workshop held at the center for intelligent information retrieval, University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2002", "A comparative analysis of biclustering algorithms for gene expression data", "Dimensioning Large Call Centers", "Epidemic Algorithms for Replicated Database Maintenance", "Deep Discriminative Representation Learning with Attention Map for Scene Classification", "Individual 3D Face Generation Based on Candide-3 for Face Recognition", "A unified view of gradient-based attribution methods for Deep Neural Networks", "Learning Robust Deep Face Representation", "Quantitative Assessment of the Arm/Hand Movements in Parkinson’s Disease Using a Wireless Armband Device", "Alignment of continuous video onto 3D point clouds", "Higher-order, adversary-aware, double JPEG-detection via selected training on attacked samples", "Counter-forensics in machine learning based forgery detection", "Hybrid cryptography mechanism for securing self-organized wireless networks", "Transcranial Doppler correlation with angiography in detection of intracranial stenosis.", "Segmentation of Liver Lesions with Reduced Complexity Deep Models", "Relationship Banking : What Do We Know ?", "GPS-Data Analysis of Munich's Free-Floating Bike Sharing System and Application of an Operator-based Relocation Strategy" ]
Graph-Regularized Locality-Constrained Joint Dictionary and Residual Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis
[ "Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition", "Forensic Face Photo-Sketch Recognition Using a Deep Learning-Based Architecture", "Visibility of wavelet quantization noise", "FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering", "Image Super-Resolution via Sparse Representation" ]
[ "AR-Drone as a Platform for Robotic Research and Education", "Integration of fuzzy AHP and interval type-2 fuzzy DEMATEL: An application to human resource management", "Distributed QoS Evaluation for Real-World Web Services", "Multi-Objective Reinforced Evolution in Mobile Neural Architecture Search", "An optimum VLSI design of a 16-BIT ALU", "Wearable soft sensing suit for human gait measurement", "Notification and awareness: synchronizing task-oriented collaborative activity", "Analysis and Application of an On-Package Planar Inverted-F Antenna", "Attitudes toward Vegans and Vegetarians : The Role of Anticipated Moral Reproach and Dissonance", "Mindfulness Meditation Improves Attention in Novices", "Behavioral and Neural Adaptation in Approach Behavior", "Automatic fault tree generation from SysML system models", "FURTHER ANALYSIS OF THE HIPPOCAMPAL AMNESIC SYNDROME : 14-YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF H . M . *", "Adding navigation to the equation: Turning decisions for end-to-end vehicle control", "A Fully Fabric-Based Bidirectional Soft Robotic Glove for Assistance and Rehabilitation of Hand Impaired Patients", "Neurocognitive poetics: methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective bases of literature reception", "Generating Adversarial Driving Scenarios in High-Fidelity Simulators", "Neural mechanisms for learned birdsong.", "Efficient Real-Time Auditing and Proof of Violation for Cloud Storage Systems", "Proactive avoidance of moving obstacles for a service robot utilizing a behavior-based control", "Face liveness detection using 3D structure recovered from a single camera", "Prediction of Time-varying Musical Mood Distributions from Audio", "Learning the Lie Groups of Visual Invariance", "Using ontologies with UML class-based modeling: The TwoUse approach", "Real-time driver's eye state detection" ]
Automated model selection in covariance estimation and spatial whitening of MEG and EEG signals
[ "EEG and MEG Data Analysis in SPM8", "A WELL-CONDITIONED ESTIMATOR FOR LARGE DIMENSIONAL COVARIANCE MATRICES", "MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data", "The Lack of A Priori Distinctions Between Learning Algorithms", "Optimal spatial filtering of single trial EEG during imagined hand movement." ]
[ "A study of near-field direct antenna modulation systems using convex optimization", "Aspects of Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome", "The Streaming Capacity of Sparsely Connected P2P Systems With Distributed Control", "Version-Aware Rating Prediction for Mobile App Recommendation", "Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Health Monitoring at Home", "Impact of psychological factors in the experience of pain.", "Precise 2.5D facial landmarking via an analysis by synthesis approach", "Bayesian Methods for Mixtures of Experts", "Global context-dependent recurrent neural network language model with sparse feature learning", "Recommender Systems", "Imitation and Mechanisms of Joint Attention : A Developmental Structure for Building Social Skills on a Humanoid Robot", "An Evaluation Exercise for Word Alignment", "Evaluating neural network explanation methods using hybrid documents and morphological agreement", "Hypolipidemic activity of Moringa oleifera Lam., Moringaceae, on high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia in albino rats", "Three Birds One Stone: A Unified Framework for Salient Object Segmentation, Edge Detection and Skeleton Extraction", "Improving Human Action Recognition through Hierarchical Neural Network Classifiers", "Tackling Mental Health by Integrating Unobtrusive Multimodal Sensing", "When static media promote active learning: annotated illustrations versus narrated animations in multimedia instruction.", "Distribution Free Prediction Bands", "Nachdiplom Lecture: Statistics Meets Optimization", "Discovering outlier filtering rules from unlabeled data: combining a supervised learner with an unsupervised learner", "A Region Based Convolutional Network for Tumor Detection and Classification in Breast Mammography", "Practical regular expression matching free of scalability and performance barriers", "Fear Appeals and Information Security Behaviors: An Empirical Study", "Computer proficiency questionnaire: assessing low and high computer proficient seniors." ]
Multilayer Design Techniques for Extremely Miniaturized CMOS Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Distributed Passive Circuits
[ "Millimeter-wave CMOS design", "Compact MMIC CPW and asymmetric CPS branch-line couplers and Wilkinson dividers using shunt and series stub loading", "On-chip Spiral Inductors With Patterned Ground Shields For Si-based RF IC's", "A Uniplanar Compact Photonic-Bandgap ( UC-PBG ) Structure and Its Applications for Microwave Circuits", "A Novel Broad-Band Chebyshev-Response Rat-Race Ring Coupler" ]
[ "A Systematic Review of Data Mining Approaches to Credit Card Fraud Detection", "GPS spoofer countermeasure effectiveness based on signal strength, noise power, and C/N0 measurements", "A Tutorial on H.264/SVC Scalable Video Coding and its Tradeoff between Quality, Coding Efficiency and Performance", "SimpleScience: Lexical Simplification of Scientific Terminology", "Multi-agent based IoT smart waste monitoring and collection architecture", "Outlier Detection using Granular Box Regression Methods", "A survey on attacks, security and trust management solutions in VANETs", "Consuming and producing linked open data: the case of OpenCourseWare", "THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF CONSPIRACY : ILLEGAL NETWORKS IN THE HEAVY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY *", "Lifetime and Energy Hole Evolution Analysis in Data-Gathering Wireless Sensor Networks", "Aggregating local descriptors into a compact image representation", "Data preprocessing algorithm for Web Structure Mining", "LAST: locality-aware sector translation for NAND flash memory-based storage systems", "An airborne experimental test platform: From theory to flight", "How Does Corporate Ethics Contribute to Firm Financial Performance ? The Mediating Role of Collective Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Jinseok", "How Alluring Are Dark Personalities ? The Dark Triad and Attractiveness in Speed Dating", "Millimeter-wave microstrip-to-waveguide transition operating over broad frequency bandwidth", "Adoption and use of Java generics", "Accuracy in optical tracking with fiducial markers: an accuracy function for ARToolKit", "Trend Filtering on Graphs", "Balancing and Velocity Control of a Unicycle Robot Based on the Dynamic Model", "Three learning phases for radial-basis-function networks", "Blind grasping: Stable robotic grasping using tactile feedback and hand kinematics", "Diagonalwise Refactorization: An Efficient Training Method for Depthwise Convolutions", "AMC: an adaptive multi-level cache algorithm in hybrid storage systems" ]
Classification with partial labels
[ "Distance Metric Learning for Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification", "Neighbourhood Components Analysis", "Distance Metric Learning with Application to Clustering with Side-Information", "Integrating constraints and metric learning in semi-supervised clustering", "Constrained K-means Clustering with Background Knowledge" ]
[ "Managing congenitally missing lateral incisors. Part I: Canine substitution.", "Beyond frontal faces: Improving Person Recognition using multiple cues", "BEHIND ADVERTISING : THE LANGUAGE OF PERSUASION Kenechukwu", "Deep Face Recognition: A Survey", "Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement Motivation.", "Deep Reinforcement Learning for NLP", "CMOS Low Noise Amplifier with Capacitive Feedback Matching", "Penile lengthening and widening without grafting according to a modified 'sliding' technique.", "Real time health monitoring of industrial machine using multiclass support vector machine", "Printed Drug-Delivery Systems for Improved Patient Treatment.", "Truthful incentives in crowdsourcing tasks using regret minimization mechanisms", "Generative and Discriminative Text Classification with Recurrent Neural Networks", "Knowledge Management Enabler Factors and Firm Performance : An empirical research of the Greek medium and large firms", "Transformation of generalized chebyshev lowpass filter prototype to Suspended Stripline Structure highpass filter for wideband communication systems", "A least-squares approach to anomaly detection in static and sequential data", "Blur-invariant copy-move forgery detection technique with improved detection accuracy utilising SWT-SVD", "Probabilistic MDP-behavior planning for cars", "An evaluation framework for 360-degree video compression", "The networked sensor tapestry (NeST): a privacy enhanced software architecture for interactive analysis of data in video-sensor networks", "A C3D-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Frame Dropping Detection in a Single Video Shot", "Health worker motivation in Africa: the role of non-financial incentives and human resource management tools", "Biomechanical Design of a Novel Flexible Exoskeleton for Lower Extremities", "Efficient reinforcement learning using Gaussian processes", "Protective action of green tea catechins in neuronal mitochondria during aging.", "Expected Stock Returns and Volatility" ]
QuASM: a system for question answering using semi-structured data
[ "Models for retrieval with probabilistic indexing", "Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation, Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Computer", "Nymble: a High-Performance Learning Name-finder", "A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval" ]
[ "Topology adaptive graph convolutional networks", "Online social networks and offline protest", "Gender differences in consumers' perception of online consumer reviews", "A low dropout, CMOS regulator with high PSR over wideband frequencies", "Ordinal Constrained Binary Code Learning for Nearest Neighbor Search", "gStore: a graph-based SPARQL query engine", "SDN and NFV benchmarking for performance and reliability", "A Low-Cost Gate Driver Design Using Bootstrap Capacitors for Multilevel MOSFET Inverters", "Direct-on-line-start permanent-magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machine with ferrite magnets", "Predicting India Volatility Index: An Application of Artificial Neural Network", "A Temporal Attentional Model for Rumor Stance Classification", "Bandera: extracting finite-state models from Java source code", "Expressive power of recurrent neural networks", "Multi-scale salient object detection with pyramid spatial pooling", "Facial duplication: case, review, and embryogenesis.", "Security Analysis in the Migration to Cloud Environments", "Machine Learning for Vehicular Networks", "Determined to Die! Ability to Act Following Multiple Self-inflicted Gunshot Wounds to the Head. The Cook County Office of Medical Examiner Experience (2005-2012) and Review of Literature.", "Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection for SCADA Systems", "CluWords: Exploiting Semantic Word Clustering Representation for Enhanced Topic Modeling", "A jumping robot using soft pneumatic actuator", "Applied spatial data analysis with R", "Standard Plane Localization in Fetal Ultrasound via Domain Transferred Deep Neural Networks", "Cardiac pulse detection in BCG signals implemented on a regular classroom chair integrated to an emotional and learning model for personalization of learning resources", "Condylomata acuminata and human genital cancer." ]
Iris: A Conversational Agent for Complex Tasks
[ "Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship", "ELIZA - a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine", "Use of kernel deep convex networks and end-to-end learning for spoken language understanding", "Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding", "Enterprise Data Analysis and Visualization: An Interview Study" ]
[ "Demo: Turning a Mobile Device into a Mouse in the Air", "Learning the kernel matrix via predictive low-rank approximations", "Measures of Memory", "DeepBE: Learning Deep Binary Encoding for Multi-label Classification", "A Fast Floor Segmentation Algorithm for Visual-Based Robot Navigation", "Sequential 3D U-Nets for Biologically-Informed Brain Tumor Segmentation", "Emotional BCI control of a smart wheelchair", "A Qualitative Account of The Nature and Use of Self-Regulated Learning ( SRL ) Strategies Employed by University Students", "CAVE-SOM: Immersive visual data mining using 3D Self-Organizing Maps", "NTRU Prime: Reducing Attack Surface at Low Cost", "Modulation of Gut Microbiota in the Management of Metabolic Disorders: The Prospects and Challenges", "Development of GaN HEMT based High Power High Efficiency Distributed Power Amplifier for Military Applications", "Increasing the Capacity of Magnetic Induction Communication Using MIMO Coil-Array", "Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century", "Dynamic program slicing methods", "Overview and management of fillers complications", "MVC architecture driven restructuring to achieve client-side web page composition", "Cooperative Fusion for Multi-Obstacles Detection With Use of Stereovision and Laser Scanner", "Deep Spatial-Temporal Joint Feature Representation for Video Object Detection", "A framework for context-aware privacy of sensor data on mobile systems", "A case study of OSPF behavior in a large enterprise network", "Software radio on smartphones: feasible?", "A Brief Overview of the Developments of the Cognitive Radio Technology", "Perceptual objects capture attention", "Modeling and control of a three-port DC-DC converter for PV-battery systems" ]
Remaining useful life estimation based on nonlinear feature reduction and support vector regression
[ "Nonlinear Component Analysis as a Kernel Eigenvalue Problem", "A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction.", "The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory", "A User's Guide to Principal Components.", "Learning with kernels" ]
[ "Real time automation of agricultural environment", "An empirical investigation of mobile ticketing service adoption in public transportation", "An open access repository of images on plant health to enable the development of mobile disease diagnostics through machine learning and crowdsourcing", "Design of a wideband dual-polarized stacked patch antenna with high isolation and low cross polarization for X-band applications", "THE CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH: HISTORY, NEUROSCIENCE, TREATMENT, AND ECONOMICS.", "HGIMDA: Heterogeneous graph inference for miRNA-disease association prediction", "INTELLIGENT WHEELCHAIR FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES", "The Future of Disaster Response: Humans Working with Multiagent Teams using DEFACTO", "A Machine Learning Framework for Resource Allocation Assisted by Cloud Computing", "Evaluating dopamine reward pathway in ADHD: clinical implications.", "Learning Setting-Generalized Activity Models for Smart Spaces", "Child Care Quality and Child Development", "Deep SimNets", "Analysis and design of monolithic, high PSR, linear regulators for SoC applications", "Mathematical applications of inductive logic programming", "Continuous heart rate and body temperature monitoring system using Arduino UNO and Android device", "Undecidability of Static Analysis", "Recommender systems survey", "Read disturb fault detection in STT-MRAM", "Learning Category-Specific Deformable 3D Models for Object Reconstruction", "Policy-based non-interactive outsourcing of computation using multikey FHE and CP-ABE", "Online Learning with Predictable Sequences", "Opportunistic Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Cloud Computing Environments", "NoSQL Database: New Era of Databases for Big data Analytics - Classification, Characteristics and Comparison", "Verbal fluency tests: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population." ]
The Blurring Boundaries Of Work-Related And Personal Media Use: A Grounded Theory Study On The Employee's Perspective
[ "The qualitative interview in IS research: Examining the craft", "Research Commentary: Desperately Seeking the \"IT\" in IT Research - A Call to Theorizing the IT Artifact", "Reconceptualizing Users as Social Actors in Information Systems Research", "A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems", "Informational Influence in Organizations: An Integrated Approach to Knowledge Adoption" ]
[ "Digital implementation of fuzzy logic controller for wide range speed control of brushless DC motor", "Highly compact 1T-1R architecture (4F2 footprint) involving fully CMOS compatible vertical GAA nano-pillar transistors and oxide-based RRAM cells exhibiting excellent NVM properties and ultra-low power operation", "Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words with Word Embeddings and Semantic Lexicons for Low Resource Statistical Machine Translation", "Smarter Presentations: Exploiting Homography in Camera-Projector Systems", "Causal Generative Domain Adaptation Networks", "Transcriptional regulatory networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.", "The influence of color on emotional perception of natural scenes.", "A soft-switching synchronous buck converter for Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) in light and full load conditions", "Pairwise Word Interaction Modeling with Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Similarity Measurement", "Applying deep learning on electronic health records in Swedish to predict healthcare-associated infections", "VoiceLoop: Voice Fitting and Synthesis via a Phonological Loop", "Structural Health Monitoring Framework Based on Internet of Things: A Survey", "Phonemic Similarity Metrics to Compare Pronunciation Methods", "Edge-based visual-inertial odometry", "Microplastics in aquatic environments: Implications for Canadian ecosystems.", "Miniaturized Wilkinson Power Divider with nth Harmonic Suppression using Front Coupled Tapered CMRC", "Context-aware review helpfulness rating prediction", "Malware analysis using visualized images and entropy graphs", "The population genetics of the Jewish people", "Relationship between peer victimization, cyberbullying, and suicide in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis.", "PUMA: Planning Under Uncertainty with Macro-Actions", "Fused Matrix Factorization with Geographical and Social Influence in Location-Based Social Networks", "Angry Crowds: Detecting Violent Events in Videos", "Using Supervised Learning Methods for Gene Selection in RNA-Seq Case-Control Studies", "Reconfigurable Computing : Architectures and Design Methods" ]
Bidirectional Soft-Switching Series-Resonant Converter With Simple PWM Control and Load-Independent Voltage-Gain Characteristics for Energy Storage System in DC Microgrids
[ "Ultra high efficiency bidirectional dc-dc converter with multi-frequency pulse width modulation", "A ZVZCS PWM FB DC/DC converter using a modified energy-recovery snubber", "Snubberless Bidirectional DC–DC Converter With New CLLC Resonant Tank Featuring Minimized Switching Loss", "Design of Bidirectional DC–DC Resonant Converter for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Applications" ]
[ "Performance evaluation of OFDM-based 256- and 1024-QAM in multipath fading propagation conditions", "Learning Conversational Systems that Interleave Task and Non-Task Content", "Panel 1 : Terms used in qualitative", "Quantity and Quality Aware Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Clustering", "Highways Traffic Surveillance System (HTSS) using OpenCV", "Stochastic-based Optimal Daily Energy Management of Microgrids in Distribution Systems", "RUNNING HEAD : THE SOCIAL ORIENTATION HYPOTHESIS-1The Origin of Cultural Differences in Cognition : The Social Orientation Hypothesis", "Catfish Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Feature Selection", "Shreds: Fine-Grained Execution Units with Private Memory", "Multimodal Word Meaning Induction From Minimal Exposure to Natural Text.", "Discussion of functional design options for online rating systems: A state-of-the-art analysis", "RpStacks: Fast and Accurate Processor Design Space Exploration Using Representative Stall-Event Stacks", "Robust nonrigid ICP using outlier-sparsity regularization", "A data mining approach for database intrusion detection", "The status, challenges, and future of additive manufacturing in engineering", "Beyond the right hemisphere: brain mechanisms mediating vocal emotional processing", "Digital Advertising: An Information Scientist's Perspective", "Intellectual disability and its relationship to autism spectrum disorders.", "MAUI: making smartphones last longer with code offload", "Multi-factor Authentication Framework for Cloud Computing", "A Multiple Expert Approach to the Class Imbalance Problem Using Inverse Random under Sampling", "Multitask Autoencoder Model for Recovering Human Poses", "Efficient Mean-shift Clustering Using Gaussian KD-Tree", "True-Randomness and Pseudo-Randomness in Ring Oscillator-Based True Random Number Generators", "Development Emails Content Analyzer: Intention Mining in Developer Discussions (T)" ]
Review of Recent Phased Arrays for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication
[ "An introduction to millimeter-wave mobile broadband systems", "2-D Beam-Steerable Integrated Lens Antenna System for 5G $E$ -Band Access and Backhaul", "Dual-Polarized Quasi Yagi–Uda Antennas With Endfire Radiation for Millimeter-Wave MIMO Terminals", "Broadband Millimeter-Wave Propagation Measurements and Models Using Adaptive-Beam Antennas for Outdoor Urban Cellular Communications", "Metamaterial-Based Thin Planar Lens Antenna for Spatial Beamforming and Multibeam Massive MIMO" ]
[ "Unsupervised Profiling for Identifying Superimposed Fraud", "Semantic segmentation of microscopic images of H&E stained prostatic tissue using CNN", "Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes", "Microstrip Dual/Quad-Band Filters With Coupled Lines and Quasi-Lumped Impedance Inverters Based on Parallel-Path Transmission", "A High Performance Packet Core for Next Generation Cellular Networks", "Convolutional Neural Network for Brain MR Imaging Extraction Using Silver-Standards Masks", "Parallel data mining on graphics processors", "The Past, Present, and Future for Software Architecture", "Use Cases, Requirements, and Design Considerations for 5G V2X", "Identifying patterns in spatial information: A survey of methods", "Neural Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition", "3D strip meander delay line structure for multilayer LTCC-based SiP applications", "Common factors influence bee foraging in urban and wildland landscapes", "Synchronous Distributed Generation Islanding Protection Using Intelligent Relays", "Text Steganography in chat", "Centrality in valued graphs : A measure of betweenness based on network flow", "The social brain in adolescence", "Modular Petri Net Modeling of Healthcare Systems-draft -", "Clinical human factors: the need to speak up to improve patient safety.", "A robust eye gaze tracking method based on a virtual eyeball model", "AskNow: A Framework for Natural Language Query Formalization in SPARQL", "SMC: A Practical Schema for Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing over Distributed Data Streams", "Wolverine: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Grasping in VR", "Biological synthesis of copper nanoparticles using plant extract", "Tuning the structure and parameters of a neural network by using hybrid Taguchi-genetic algorithm" ]
A Coordinated Approach to Channel Estimation in Large-Scale Multiple-Antenna Systems
[ "Increase in capacity of multiuser OFDM system using dynamic subchannel allocation", "Shifting the MIMO Paradigm", "Transmit power adaptation for multiuser OFDM systems", "Pilot Contamination and Precoding in Multi-Cell TDD Systems", "Analysis and Simulation of a Digital Mobile Channel Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing" ]
[ "AXR-CMP : Architecture Support in Accelerator-Rich CMPs", "Asian rhinoplasty.", "Contextual Augmentation: Data Augmentation by Words with Paradigmatic Relations", "An optimum VLSI design of a 16-BIT ALU", "AIRBUS A320/A330/A340 electrical flight controls - A family of fault-tolerant systems", "Practical Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning on User-Held Data", "Deep supervised learning for hyperspectral data classification through convolutional neural networks", "Evaluating Computer Intrusion Detection Systems: A Survey of Common Practices", "Systematic review of effects of current transtibial prosthetic socket designs--Part 2: Quantitative outcomes.", "Femto Clouds: Leveraging Mobile Devices to Provide Cloud Service at the Edge", "Nonintrusive appliance load monitoring: Review and outlook", "Learning Generalized Linear Models Over Normalized Data", "Linear Support Vector Machines for Error Correction in Optical Data Transmission", "Early versus late fusion in semantic video analysis", "Social Media Use and Impact during the Holiday Travel Planning Process", "A Consistent Approach to Designing Spoken-Dialog Systems", "A new design method based on artificial bee colony algorithm for digital IIR filters", "A MapReduce Implementation of C 4 . 5 Decision Tree Algorithm", "Learning the Kernel Matrix with Semi-Definite Programming", "DO LANGUAGE MODELS HAVE COMMON SENSE?", "Bankruptcy prediction using neural networks", "A Comparison Between the Silhouette Index and the Davies-Bouldin Index in Labelling IDS Clusters", "Comparative analysis of UFMC technology in 5G networks", "Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models for Image Restoration and Beyond", "Fast Texture Transfer" ]
Bivariate shrinkage with local variance estimation
[ "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", "Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression", "Low-complexity image denoising based on statistical modeling of wavelet coefficients", "Spatially Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding with Context Modeling for Image Denoising", "– “ Mixture Densities , Maximum Likelihood and the EM Algorithm" ]
[ "ReGAN: A pipelined ReRAM-based accelerator for generative adversarial networks", "Dynamic modeling of Mckibben pneumatic artificial muscles for antagonistic actuation", "When Edge Meets Learning: Adaptive Control for Resource-Constrained Distributed Machine Learning", "Minimal criterion coevolution: a new approach to open-ended search", "Hiding Images in Plain Sight: Deep Steganography", "Measuring the quality of web content using factual information", "Power-Dependence Relations", "Determinants of Information Security Awareness: An Empirical Investigation in Higher Education", "Read Empiricism And The Philosophy Of Mind Empiricism And The Philosophy Of Mind empiricism and the philosophy of mind", "Interactive Test Tool for Interoperable C-ITS Development", "Combining Formal Concept Analysis with Information Retrieval for Concept Location in Source Code", "Inspection Robot for Hanger Cable of Suspension Bridge: Mechanism Design and Analysis", "A Dual Coordinate Descent Algorithm for SVMs Combined with Rational Kernels", "An Occam's Razor View on Learning Audiovisual Emotion Recognition with Small Training Sets", "Analysis on the Effect of Term-Document's Matrix to the Accuracy of Latent-Semantic-Analysis-Based Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection", "Pro Single Page Application Development", "Function points as a universal software metric", "A deep-learning approach to facial expression recognition with candid images", "Adaptive routing with end-to-end feedback: distributed learning and geometric approaches", "Study designs for PDSA quality improvement research.", "A Proof Procedure for Data Dependencies", "Redline: First Class Support for Interactivity in Commodity Operating Systems", "Wearing Embodied Emotions", "A Review of Cross Validation and Adaptive Model Selection", "Nivolumab in previously untreated melanoma without BRAF mutation." ]
Portfolio Selections in P2P Lending: A Multi-Objective Perspective
[ "Predicting Credit Risk in Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Neural Network Approach", "Using neural network ensembles for bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring", "Instance-based credit risk assessment for investment decisions in P2P lending", "THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF PERSONAL CONSUMER LOANS? DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESS IN ONLINE PEER-TO-PEER LENDING COMMUNITIES", "Introduction to Recommender Systems Handbook" ]
[ "PI-RADS Prostate Imaging - Reporting and Data System: 2015, Version 2.", "The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-based Models of Competition and Collaboration Game Theory, Agent-based Modeling, and the Evolution of Social Behavior", "Small planar monopole antenna with a shorted parasitic inverted-L wire for wireless communications in the 2.4-, 5.2-, and 5.8-GHz bands", "Big data visualization: Review of techniques and datasets", "Broadband transition from dielectric-filled to air-filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide for low loss and high power handling millimeter-wave Substrate Integrated Circuits", "Gradient calculations for dynamic recurrent neural networks: a survey", "SCA-CNN: Spatial and Channel-Wise Attention in Convolutional Networks for Image Captioning", "Phishing Detection: A Literature Survey", "Analysis of the weighted Chinese air transportation multilayer network", "Action Observation and Motor Imagery: Innovative Cognitive Tools in the Rehabilitation of Parkinson's Disease", "A simple algorithm for designing an artificial intelligence based Tic Tac Toe game", "A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMS FOR CREDIT CARD APPROVAL USING WEKA", "Control of a Three-Phase Boost PFC Converter Using a Single DC-Link Voltage Sensor", "Playing with Embeddings : Evaluating embeddings for Robot Language Learning through MUD Games", "Multiple ant-bee colony optimization for load balancing in packet-switched networks", "Comparison of classification techniques applied for network intrusion detection and classification", "Gradient Agreement as an Optimization Objective for Meta-Learning", "Before Name-calling: Dynamics and Triggers of Ad Hominem Fallacies in Web Argumentation", "Program interference in MLC NAND flash memory: Characterization, modeling, and mitigation", "A multifaceted approach to understanding the botnet phenomenon", "Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Evaluation of the Literature with Implications for Mental Health Nursing Leadership.", "The generic model query language GMQL - Conceptual specification, implementation, and runtime evaluation", "Faces and text attract gaze independent of the task: Experimental data and computer model.", "An Augmented Reality Virtual Glasses Try-On System", "Augmented Reality versus Virtual Reality for 3D Object Manipulation" ]
Using county demographics to infer attributes of Twitter users
[ "Homophily and Latent Attribute Inference: Inferring Latent Attributes of Twitter Users from Neighbors", "Understanding the Demographics of Twitter Users", "A Machine Learning Approach to Twitter User Classification", "From Tweets to Polls: Linking Text Sentiment to Public Opinion Time Series", "Discriminating Gender on Twitter" ]
[ "Revisiting Our Reappraisal of the (Surprisingly Few) Benefits of High Self-Esteem.", "Modelling and control of a 2-DOF planar parallel manipulator for semiconductor packaging systems", "Machine Learning Methods for Histopathological Image Analysis", "MIPS : An Efficient Global Parametrization Method", "Adaptive postfiltering for quality enhancement of coded speech", "Integration of an Index to Preserve the Semantic Interpretability in the Multiobjective Evolutionary Rule Selection and Tuning of Linguistic Fuzzy Systems", "THE MEANINGS OF TRUST", "Commonsense for Generative Multi-Hop Question Answering Tasks", "Abnormal image detection in endoscopy videos using a filter bank and local binary patterns", "Robot_gym: accelerated robot training through simulation in the cloud with ROS and Gazebo", "X CLAIM : Interoperability with Cryptocurrency-Backed Tokens ?", "Effects of Position Bias on Click-Based Recommender Evaluation", "Tajik-Farsi Persian Transliteration Using Statistical Machine Translation", "The Complete Exosome Workflow Solution: From Isolation to Characterization of RNA Cargo", "Interpolation error compensation method for look-up table based IPMSM drive", "Face recognition using Laplacianfaces", "Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces.", "Profiling Student Interactions in Threaded Discussions with Speech Act Classifiers", "Bullying, cyberbullying, and mental health in young people.", "Autonomous Navigation and Mapping for Inspection of Penstocks and Tunnels With MAVs", "Designing parts feeders using dynamic simulation", "The Tale of e-Government: A Review of the Stories that Have Been Told So Far and What is Yet to Come", "After the promise: the STD consequences of adolescent virginity pledges.", "DeFlaker: Automatically Detecting Flaky Tests", "Post-processing NPR effects for video games" ]
Efficient and Dynamic Simplification of Line Drawings
[ "Introduction to 3D Non-Photorealistic Rendering: Silhouettes and Outlines", "Semantic Depth of Field", "Illustrating smooth surfaces", "Directing Gaze in 3D Models with Stylized Focus" ]
[ "User experience design and agile development: managing cooperation through articulation work", "Population Bias in Geotagged Tweets", "Analysis of waveguide slot-based structures using wide-band equivalent-circuit model", "Fish gut microbiota analysis differentiates physiology and behavior of invasive Asian carp and indigenous American fish", "Emotional Stress, Heart Rate Variability, Grounding, and Improved Autonomic Tone: Clinical Applications", "Ask Me Anything: Free-Form Visual Question Answering Based on Knowledge from External Sources", "Forensic analysis of video file formats", "Design of a UWB unidirectional radiation compound spiral antenna", "A Survey on Attacks and Countermeasures in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", "Lease/Release: Architectural Support for Scaling Contended Data Structures", "Overview of BioNLP'09 Shared Task on Event Extraction", "A hybrid and learning agent architecture for network intrusion detection", "Implementation of dual-frequency longitudinal slot array antenna on substrate integrated waveguide at X-band", "QDFS: A quality-aware distributed file storage service based on HDFS", "Blockchain and its uses", "DNNVM : End-to-End Compiler Leveraging Heterogeneous Optimizations on FPGA-based CNN Accelerators", "Sparse and Redundant Representations - From Theory to Applications in Signal and Image Processing", "A Merged Interleaved Flyback PFC Converter with Active Clamp and ZVZCS", "The Facebook Experiment: Quitting Facebook Leads to Higher Levels of Well-Being", "Residual-life distributions from component degradation signals : A Bayesian approach", "Broadband RF energy harvesting system covering CDMA, GSM900, GSM1800, 3G bands with inherent impedance matching", "Reparameterization Gradients through Acceptance-Rejection Sampling Algorithms", "A Collodion Baby with Facial Dysmorphism, Limb Anomalies, Pachygyria and Genital Hypoplasia: A Mild Form of Neu-Laxova Syndrome or a New Entity?", "RGB-D Mapping: Using Depth Cameras for Dense 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments", "Detecting highly overlapping community structure by greedy clique expansion" ]
View Planning for Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction Using an Autonomous Multicopter
[ "Towards Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video", "Evaluation of Stereo Matching Costs on Images with Radiometric Differences", "A Comparative Study of Energy Minimization Methods for Markov Random Fields with Smoothness-Based Priors", "Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos", "Photo tourism: exploring photo collections in 3D" ]
[ "A Micromachined Dual-Band Orthomode Transducer", "How to detect the Cuckoo Sandbox and to Strengthen it?", "NetCDF: an interface for scientific data access", "Finding the face in the crowd: an anger superiority effect.", "An Exploration of Eye Gaze in Spoken Language Processing for Multimodal Conversational Interfaces", "Actions Speak Louder Than (Pass)words: Passive Authentication of Smartphone Users via Deep Temporal Features", "Locality Reconstruction Models for Book Representation", "Calculating and reporting effect sizes to facilitate cumulative science: a practical primer for t-tests and ANOVAs", "Expectation Particle Belief Propagation", "Active lower limb prosthetics: a systematic review of design issues and solutions", "Smoothed Sarsa: Reinforcement learning for robot delivery tasks", "Data Processing on FPGAs", "Perceived parental social support and academic achievement: an attachment theory perspective.", "Objective Quality Assessment and Perceptual Compression of Screen Content Images", "Proof of Concept for Robot-Aided Upper Limb Rehabilitation Using Disturbance Observers", "Location Tracking in a Wireless Sensor Network by Mobile Agents and Its Data Fusion Strategies", "Mid-arm lymph nodes dissection for melanoma.", "Predicting Knowledge Sharing Intention Based on Theory of Reasoned Action Framework : An Empirical Study on Higher Education Institution", "Bilingual Sentiment Embeddings: Joint Projection of Sentiment Across Languages", "Automatic sperms counting using adaptive local threshold and ellipse detection", "Identifying Important Places in People's Lives from Cellular Network Data", "Drebin : � Efficient and Explainable Detection of Android Malware in Your Pocket", "Application-Managed Flash", "Detecting Clickbait in Online Social Media: You Won't Believe How We Did It", "Shielding-cancellation technique for suppressing common mode EMI in isolated power converters" ]
Life-iNet: A Structured Network-Based Knowledge Exploration and Analytics System for Life Sciences
[ "LINE: Large-scale Information Network Embedding", "DeepLife: An Entity-aware Search, Analytics and Exploration Platform for Health and Life Sciences", "CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases", "ClusType: Effective Entity Recognition and Typing by Relation Phrase-Based Clustering", "Multi-Dimensional, Phrase-Based Summarization in Text Cubes" ]
[ "Refining Geometry from Depth Sensors using IR Shading Images", "On Evaluation of 6D Object Pose Estimation", "Discovering evolutionary theme patterns from text: an exploration of temporal text mining", "LINE-mediated retrotransposition of marked Alu sequences", "SemEval 2016 Task 11: Complex Word Identification", "Neural encoding of the speech envelope by children with developmental dyslexia", "What Goes Around, Comes Around: Experimental Evidence on Exposed Lies", "A cognitive-motivational analysis of anxiety.", "Palmprint Recognition Using Deep Scattering Convolutional Network", "Affine and Regional Dynamic Time Warping", "HYDRA: hybrid design for remote attestation (using a formally verified microkernel)", "Universal approximation using incremental constructive feedforward networks with random hidden nodes", "A Preliminary Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance Characteristics with Machine Learning Methods", "PccP: A model for Preserving cloud computing Privacy", "Social Media Use in the United States: Implications for Health Communication", "Circuit Modeling for Rectangular Printed Disc Monopole Antenna with Slot for UWB System", "An evidential approach to map-building for autonomous vehicles", "Dual Low-Rank Decompositions for Robust Cross-View Learning", "A Latent Semantic Indexing-based approach to multilingual document clustering", "A Hybrid Vehicle Detection Method Based on Viola-Jones and HOG + SVM from UAV Images", "Neural influences on sprint running: training adaptations and acute responses.", "Global Software Engineering: The Future of Socio-technical Coordination", "Estimation of rotor angles of synchronous machines using artificial neural networks and local PMU-based quantities", "Opioid overdose prevention and naloxone rescue kits: what we know and what we don’t know", "Audio feature reduction and analysis for automatic music genre classification" ]
Using Context Information for Dialog Act Classification in DNN Framework
[ "Classifying Dialogue Acts in One-on-One Live Chats", "Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification", "Token-based chunking of turn-internal dialogue act sequences", "Switchboard SWBD-DAMSL shallow-discourse-function annotation coders manual", "Dialog Act Modeling for Conversational Speech" ]
[ "SAX-VSM: Interpretable Time Series Classification Using SAX and Vector Space Model", "Small Cluster in Cyber Physical Systems: Network Topology, Interdependence and Cascading Failures", "Danmaku vs. Forum Comments: Understanding User Participation and Knowledge Sharing in Online Videos", "Latent Space Model for Road Networks to Predict Time-Varying Traffic", "The Architecture and Datasets of Docear's Research Paper Recommender System", "Making USB Great Again with USBFILTER", "Are mmWave Low-Complexity Beamforming Structures Energy-Efficient? Analysis of the Downlink MU-MIMO", "Corporate career presences on social network sites: an analysis of hedonic and utilitarian value", "Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Control of Skid-Steered Mobile Robots", "A Framework for Distributed Semantic Annotation of Musical Score: \"Take It to the Bridge!\"", "Nopol: Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs", "Visualizing and Exploring Dynamic High-Dimensional Datasets with LION-tSNE", "Density Based k-Nearest Neighbors Clustering Algorithm for Trajectory Data", "A Bayesian Approach for Learning and Planning in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes", "Detection of curcumin and its metabolites in hepatic tissue and portal blood of patients following oral administration", "ESUR prostate MR guidelines 2012", "Entanglements in Practice: Performing Anonymity Through Social Media", "Computational analysis of the role of the hippocampus in memory.", "Analysis of Current Crowding Effects in Multiturn Spiral Inductors", "The timing of puberty (oocyte quality and management)", "Towards a truly mobile auditory brain-computer interface: exploring the P300 to take away.", "Development of an ANN-Based Linearization Technique for the VCO Thermistor Circuit", "Protection motivation and deterrence: a framework for security policy compliance in organisations", "Tagging Sentence Boundaries", "3 D Stereo Reconstruction Using Multiple Spherical Views" ]
Designing multi-objective multi-armed bandits algorithms: A study
[ "Asymptotically Efficient Adaptive Allocation Rules for the Multiarmed Bandit Problem with Switching cost", "UCB revisited: Improved regret bounds for the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem", "Finite-time Analysis of the Multiarmed Bandit Problem", "Exploration-exploitation tradeoff using variance estimates in multi-armed bandits", "Adaptation in natural and artificial systems" ]
[ "One Intelligent Agent to Rule Them All Bachelor Thesis", "Paraphrase Thought: Sentence Embedding Module Imitating Human Language Recognition", "An intentional AI for hanabi", "Driver Identification: a Time Series Classification Approach", "The Three Pillars of Machine-Based Programming", "The LLVM Compiler Framework and Infrastructure Tutorial", "Cultural humility: measuring openness to culturally diverse clients.", "Cognitive measurements of graph aesthetics", "Analyzing Users’ Sentiment Towards Popular Consumer Industries and Brands on Twitter", "Smartphone Applications Usability Evaluation: A Hybrid Model and Its Implementation", "Snippets: Taking the High Road to a Low Level", "Progress towards the development of the SmartHand transradial prosthesis", "The size, mass, and composition of plastic debris in the western North Atlantic Ocean.", "Active vision in robotic systems: A survey of recent developments", "A taxonomy of temporal data visualization techniques", "Evaluating a Convolutional Neural Network on Short-Wave Infra-Red Images", "Understanding the perpetration of employee computer crime in the organisational context", "Toward Efficient Action Recognition: Principal Backpropagation for Training Two-Stream Networks", "Sleep deprivation amplifies reactivity of brain reward networks, biasing the appraisal of positive emotional experiences.", "Pest Detection and Extraction Using Image Processing Techniques", "Multi-Layered Network Embedding", "Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Computing by Saudi University Hospitals", "Why do metaphors seem deeper than similes ? In", "NILM in an Industrial Setting: A Load Characterization and Algorithm Evaluation", "Image Restoration by the Method of Convex Projections: Part 1ߞTheory" ]
Detecting criminal organizations in mobile phone networks
[ "The diameter of the world wide web", "Uncovering individual and collective human dynamics from mobile phone records", "Analysis of topological characteristics of huge online social networking services", "CrimeNet explorer: a framework for criminal network knowledge discovery", "Graph Drawing by Force-directed Placement" ]
[ "ISO / IEC 9126 in practice : what do we need to know ?", "A one-shot deviation principle for stability in matching problems", "The associations between aggressive behaviors and internet addiction and online activities in adolescents.", "Botnet detection techniques: review, future trends, and issues", "FI-CAP: Robust Framework to Benchmark Head Pose Estimation in Challenging Environments", "Compact CPW-Fed Planar Monopole Antenna With Wide Circular Polarization Bandwidth", "FPGA based real-time lane detection and tracking implementation", "Gratifications for using CMC technologies: A comparison among SNS, IM, and e-mail", "Evolution, brain, and the nature of language", "Directional Clustering Through Matrix Factorization", "Robust Indoor Positioning Provided by Real-Time RSSI Values in Unmodified WLAN Networks", "Soccer Jersey Number Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks", "A JOURNEY FROM BIG DATA TOWARDS PRESCRIPTIVE ANALYTICS", "A Broadband Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber Based on Two Circular Split Rings", "Optimizing Interventions via Offline Policy Evaluation: Studies in Citizen Science", "A 90 nm CMOS Low-Power 60 GHz Transceiver With Integrated Baseband Circuitry", "A visual editor for language-independent scripting for BPMN modeling", "Requirements of Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network", "A 60-GHz Dense Dielectric Patch Antenna Array", "Enhanced Modelling and Performance in Braided Pneumatic Muscle Actuators", "Authorized Private Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing", "Sex differences in mate preferences revisited: do people know what they initially desire in a romantic partner?", "Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy using machine learning classification algorithm", "Conversion of complex contour line definitions into polygonal element mosaics", "Relations among positive parenting, children's effortful control, and externalizing problems: a three-wave longitudinal study." ]
Selective Decoding for Cross-lingual Open Information Extraction
[ "Open information extraction from the web", "Recurrent Continuous Translation Models", "A Fast Unified Model for Parsing and Sentence Understanding", "Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks", "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization" ]
[ "A Relation-Based Search Engine in Semantic Web", "An algorithm image Enhancement for Segmentation Palm-Leaf Manuscript", "Angular position measurement using resolvers together with a robust linearization technique", "Approximating dynamic global illumination in image space", "The privacy paradox - Investigating discrepancies between expressed privacy concerns and actual online behavior - A systematic literature review", "Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a 3-D CMOS Fluxgate Magnetometer", "Exoskeleton robots for upper-limb rehabilitation: state of the art and future prospects.", "To recognize shapes, first learn to generate images.", "Comprehensive Two-Level Analysis of Static and Dynamic RBAC Constraints with UML and OCL", "Vehicle Detection Techniques for Collision Avoidance Systems: A Review", "The Reorganization of Human Brain Networks Modulated by Driving Mental Fatigue", "A postmodern Pandora's box: anti-vaccination misinformation on the Internet.", "3D depth estimation from a holoscopic 3D image", "Beyond Play : A New Approach to Games", "Enter the Matrix: A Virtual World Approach to Safely Interruptable Autonomous Systems", "Tool path smoothing of a redundant machine: Application to Automated Fiber Placement", "Software-defined network virtualization: an architectural framework for integrating SDN and NFV for service provisioning in future networks", "The five percent electrode system for high-resolution EEG and ERP measurements", "A scaffolding approach to coreference resolution integrating statistical and rule-based models", "Fear and the human amygdala.", "Testing Programs with the Aid of a Compiler", "Computing CNN Loss and Gradients for Pose Estimation with Riemannian Geometry", "Planar monopole antennas on substrates fabricated through an additive manufacturing process", "Surface reconstruction and path planning for industrial inspection with a climbing robot", "Haptic stylus with inertial and vibro-tactile feedback" ]
A Multistage Training Framework for Acoustic-to-Word Model
[ "Neural Speech Recognizer: Acoustic-to-Word LSTM Model for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition", "On training the recurrent neural network encoder-decoder for large vocabulary end-to-end speech recognition", "Curriculum learning", "Improving the Performance of Online Neural Transducer Models", "Achieving Human Parity in Conversational Speech Recognition" ]
[ "LCD Mura Detection Based on Accumulated Differences and Multi-resolution Background Subtraction", "Distance Visualization for Interactive 3D Implant Planning", "Video Game Addiction and College Performance Among Males: Results from a 1 Year Longitudinal Study", "Nonexistence of Certain Symmetrical Spherical Codes", "Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications", "Demonstration of an optical chip-to-chip link in a 3D integrated electronic-photonic platform", "Comparing clinical and social-personality conceptualizations of narcissism.", "Schema Extraction and Structural Outlier Detection for JSON-based NoSQL Data Stores", "Semantic Similarity from Natural Language and Ontology Analysis", "ARTINO: A New High Resolution 3D Imaging Radar System on an Autonomous Airborne Platform", "Accurate indoor navigation using Smartphone , Bluetooth Low Energy and Visual Tags", "Cowden syndrome.", "Practical Matrix Completion and Corruption Recovery Using Proximal Alternating Robust Subspace Minimization", "A reconfigurable three- and single-phase AC/DC non-isolated bi-directional converter for multiple worldwide voltages", "Increased motor control of a phantom leg in humans results from the visual feedback of a virtual leg", "SW-Store: a vertically partitioned DBMS for Semantic Web data management", "GOGMA: Globally-Optimal Gaussian Mixture Alignment", "Sizing of Energy Storage and Diesel Generators in an Isolated Microgrid Using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)", "The effect of music type on emotion regulation : An emotional-Stroop experiment", "Multivariate analysis of credit risk and bankruptcy research data: a bibliometric study involving different knowledge fields (1968–2014)", "Understanding usage intention in innovative mobile app service: Comparison between millennial and mature consumers", "Nonparametric permutation tests for functional neuroimaging: a primer with examples.", "Implementing Customizable Online Food Ordering System Using Web Based Application", "Long-Time Exposure to Violent Video Games Does Not Show Desensitization on Empathy for Pain: An fMRI Study", "A Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for Fault Coverage Based Regression Test Suite Prioritization" ]
Real time heart rate variability assessment from Android smartphone camera photoplethysmography: Postural and device influences
[ "Biofeedback of heart rate variability and related physiology: a critical review.", "A pilot study of the efficacy of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback in patients with fibromyalgia.", "iPhysioMeter: a new approach for measuring heart rate and normalized pulse volume using only a smartphone.", "Resonant frequency biofeedback training to increase cardiac variability: rationale and manual for training.", "Use of Fourier Series Analysis for Motion Artifact Reduction and Data Compression of Photoplethysmographic Signals" ]
[ "Hand Rehabilitation Learning System With an Exoskeleton Robotic Glove", "Deep Directional Statistics: Pose Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification", "The Assessment of Goal Commitment: A Measurement Model Meta-Analysis.", "Complimentary Memory Technologies to Reform the Homogeneity , Energy Landscape , and Volatility of Future Memory Hierarchies", "Coronal positioning of existing gingiva: short term results in the treatment of shallow marginal tissue recession.", "Efficient in-memory indexing of network-constrained trajectories", "Low-power manycore accelerator for personalized biomedical applications", "Ontology Engineering: a Survey and a Return on Experience", "Combining Lexicon-based and Learning-based Methods for Twitter Sentiment Analysis", "LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG: Behavioral Treatment Programs for Speech and Body Movement in Parkinson Disease", "Subdermal neo-umbilicoplasty in abdominoplasty", "Fault Diagnosis for Rotating Machinery Using Vibration Measurement Deep Statistical Feature Learning", "Consumer-driven definition of traditional food products and innovation in traditional foods. A qualitative cross-cultural study", "A Multiphase Buck Converter With a Rotating Phase-Shedding Scheme For Efficient Light-Load Control", "Phase-Shifted PWM Converter With a Wide ZVS Range and Reduced Circulating Current", "Power and energy capacity requirements of storages providing frequency control reserves", "Cognition as a dynamic system : Principles from embodiment", "A Robot Finger Design Using a Dual-Mode Twisting Mechanism to Achieve High-Speed Motion and Large Grasping Force", "An analysis of various snort based techniques to detect and prevent intrusions in networks proposal with code refactoring snort tool in Kali Linux environment", "C-HiLasso: A Collaborative Hierarchical Sparse Modeling Framework", "Lazy Random Walks for Superpixel Segmentation", "Cross-Cultural Software Production and Use: A Structurational Analysis", "PID Controller Tuning Using Evolutionary Algorithms", "Classification and compensation of amplitude imbalance and imperfect quadrature in resolver signals", "A minutiae-based matching algorithms in fingerprint recognition systems" ]
Realtime Pedestrian Tracking and Prediction in Dense Crowds
[ "Planning-based prediction for pedestrians", "Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters", "Efficient trajectory extraction and parameter learning for data-driven crowd simulation", "Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning", "Artificial fishes: physics, locomotion, perception, behavior" ]
[ "Rotation-discriminating template matching based on Fourier coefficients of radial projections with robustness to scaling and partial occlusion", "Clustering Through Decision Tree Construction", "Learning to Program = Learning to Construct Mechanisms and Explanations", "Military position source challenges for worldwide ADS-B out compliance", "CASH DEMAND FORECASTING FOR ATM USING NEURAL NETWORKS AND SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION ALGORITHMS", "Everything Hertz: methodological issues in short-term frequency-domain HRV", "The use of pro-ana blogs for online social support.", "Centroidal Voronoi tessellation in universal covering space of manifold surfaces", "Distributional Hypernym Generation by Jointly Learning Clusters and Projections", "Unsupervised Simultaneous Orthogonal basis Clustering Feature Selection", "Improving personalized web search using result diversification", "ATOMIC: An Atlas of Machine Commonsense for If-Then Reasoning", "Evaluating Window Joins over Unbounded Streams", "The mathematical theory of communication. 1963.", "Can students really multitask? An experimental study of instant messaging while reading", "On-chip optical isolation in monolithically integrated non-reciprocal optical resonators", "Automatic Language Identification from Written Texts - An Overview", "Low-power flyback converter with synchronous rectification for a system with AC power distribution", "Security Issues in NoSQL Databases", "Ontology-based data access: a study through disjunctive datalog, CSP, and MMSNP", "Estimating Key Parameters in the EKV MOST Model for Analogue Desgin and Simulation", "Visualization of oceanographic applications using a common data model", "Towards a Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud: The Open Linguistics Working Group", "A comprehensive security architecture for SDN", "Unit Dependency Graph and its Application to Arithmetic Word Problem Solving" ]
A survey on image-based rendering - representation, sampling and compression
[ "QuickTime VR: an image-based approach to virtual environment navigation", "Using predictive prefetching to improve World Wide Web latency", "A Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence Algorithms", "Light Field Rendering", "View Morphing" ]
[ "Neurocognitive effects of clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, and haloperidol in patients with chronic schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.", "Automatic Generation of Floating-Point Test Data", "A Low-Cost Sensor Network for Real-Time Monitoring and Contamination Detection in Drinking Water Distribution Systems", "Skill Acquisition and the LISP Tutor", "Human-Like Rewards to Train a Reinforcement Learning Controller for Planar Arm Movement", "An Introduction to Journal Phishings and Their Detection Approach", "Using Design Thinking to Differentiate Useful From Misleading Evidence in Observational Research.", "A system of systems view on collaborative industrial automation", "InsDal: A safe and extensible instrumentation tool on Dalvik byte-code for Android applications", "Recent advances in differential evolution - An updated survey", "Deep Continuous Fusion for Multi-sensor 3D Object Detection", "Exploring Domain Knowledge for Affective Video Content Analyses", "Identifying the Higgs Boson", "A Multi-Domain Analysis of Explanation-Based Recommendation using User-Generated Reviews", "Anatomy-specific classification of medical images using deep convolutional nets", "A Comprehensive Survey on Security in Cloud Computing", "Search-Oriented Conversational AI (SCAI)", "Combining Concurrent Think-Aloud Protocols and Eye-Tracking Observations: An Analysis of Verbalizations and Silences", "Predicting accuracy on large datasets from smaller pilot data", "Effect of occlusal plane on smile attractiveness.", "LTE-V for Sidelink 5G V2X Vehicular Communications: A New 5G Technology for Short-Range Vehicle-to-Everything Communications", "Potsdam Commentary Corpus 2.0: Annotation for Discourse Research", "Data and Code for \"Automatic Identification of Narrative Diegesis and Point of View\"", "Turning telecommunications call details to churn prediction: a data mining approach", "Physiological Signals ( ECG , Blood Pressure , Respiration , Motion , Oxygen , Saturation etc )" ]
Unsupervised Meta-Learning For Few-Shot Image and Video Classification
[ "Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning", "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift", "Adversarial Feature Learning", "ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database", "InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets" ]
[ "Hardware assisted control flow obfuscation for embedded processors", "Learning to Order Things", "Extrinsic calibration of a fisheye multi-camera setup using overlapping fields of view", "Synthesizing API usage examples", "Forward-backward retraining of recurrent neural networks", "A behavioral planning framework for autonomous driving", "A Deep-Learning Approach for the Detection of Overexposure in Automotive Camera Images", "Experimental Analysis of a Wideband Pattern Diversity Antenna With Compact Reconfigurable CPW-to-Slotline Transition Feed", "Role of p11 in cellular and behavioral effects of 5-HT4 receptor stimulation.", "Multipath exploitation in through-the-wall radar imaging using sparse reconstruction", "An alternative text representation to TF-IDF and Bag-of-Words", "The importance of usability in product choice: a mobile phone case study.", "Scaling Clustering Algorithms to Large Databases", "Topic segmentation: algorithms and applications", "CompRec-Trip: A composite recommendation system for travel planning", "In Search of the Uncanny Valley", "Machine Learning for Vehicular Networks", "Efficient Visualization of Lagrangian Coherent Structures by Filtered AMR Ridge Extraction", "AID: A Benchmark Data Set for Performance Evaluation of Aerial Scene Classification", "Bridging Collaborative Filtering and Semi-Supervised Learning: A Neural Approach for POI Recommendation", "High-Resolution Frequency-Wavenumber Spectrum Analysis", "Deep Class Aware Denoising", "Interruptions in manufacturing from a distributed cognition perspective", "Dynamic decoupling control method for PMSM drive with cross-coupling inductances", "Face video based touchless blood pressure and heart rate estimation" ]
Drug knowledge bases and their applications in biomedical informatics research.
[ "The SWISS-PROT protein sequence database and its supplement TrEMBL in 2000", "Conditional Random Fields and Support Vector Machines for Disorder Named Entity Recognition in Clinical Texts", "Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology", "DrugBank: a knowledgebase for drugs, drug actions and drug targets", "BANNER: An Executable Survey of Advances in Biomedical Named Entity Recognition" ]
[ "Anaplastology in times of facial transplantation: Still a reasonable treatment option?", "Gradient Descent Finds Global Minima of Deep Neural Networks", "Suture suspension technique for midface and neck rejuvenation.", "Credit Card Borrowing , Delinquency , and Personal Bankruptcy", "Fingerprint image enhancement using a fast Gabor filter", "A Tutorial on Bayesian Nonparametric Models", "Changing R&D models in research-based pharmaceutical companies", "Visualization of Penile Suspensory Ligamentous System Based on Visible Human Data Sets", "STFCN: Spatio-Temporal FCN for Semantic Video Segmentation", "AISeL ) All Sprouts Content Sprouts 10-3-2008 Understanding Changes in Consumer Payment Habits-Do Mobile Payments Attract Consumers ?", "SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and Its Applications", "Scar revision", "The Secret of Appeal - Understanding Perception of Realistic and Stylized Faces", "NameClarifier: A Visual Analytics System for Author Name Disambiguation", "A Real-Time Malaysian Automatic License Plate Recognition ( M-ALPR ) using Hybrid Fuzzy", "Tuning Response Curves for Synthetic Biology", "Design of permanent-magnet generators for wind turbines", "Feature Analysis for Computational Personality Recognition Using YouTube Personality Data set", "Effects of small-sided games on physical conditioning and performance in young soccer players.", "Virtual Reality as an Innovative Setting for Simulations in Education", "Clinical Presentation of Klinefelter's Syndrome: Differences According to Age", "Relational Data Mining in the Era of Big Data", "Performance Evaluation of NoSQL Databases", "An electrical load measurements dataset of United Kingdom households from a two-year longitudinal study", "On the Functions Realized by Stochastic Computing Circuits" ]
Deep-learning: investigating deep neural networks hyper-parameters and comparison of performance to shallow methods for modeling bioactivity data
[ "A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. 1943.", "LIBLINEAR: A Library for Large Linear Classification", "Long Short-Term Memory", "LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines", "Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks" ]
[ "Brain-computer interface using fMRI: spatial navigation by thoughts.", "Weighted graph algorithms with Python", "Ordinal Regression Methods: Survey and Experimental Study", "Supervised probabilistic principal component analysis", "A Zero Voltage Switching SVM (ZVS–SVM) Controlled Three-Phase Boost Rectifier", "Uniform Robust Scale-Invariant Feature Matching for Optical Remote Sensing Images", "Identity Authentication and Capability Based Access Control (IACAC) for the Internet of Things", "Clarification Questions with Feedback", "Hedonic tone and activation level in the mood-creativity link: toward a dual pathway to creativity model.", "Analysis and Implementation of Transformerless LCL Resonant Power Supply for Ozone Generation", "Deep Multimetric Learning for Shape-Based 3D Model Retrieval", "Analysis and Design of an Ultrabroadband Stacked Power Amplifier in CMOS Technology", "You can't always get what you want: educational attainment, agency, and choice.", "LIP ACTIVITY DETECTION FOR TALKING FACES CLASSIFICATION IN TV-CONTENT", "DC-NMF: nonnegative matrix factorization based on divide-and-conquer for fast clustering and topic modeling", "Fitness determinants of success in men's and women's football.", "Combining segmentation and attention: a new foveal attention model", "The NTNU-YZU System in the AESW Shared Task: Automated Evaluation of Scientific Writing Using a Convolutional Neural Network", "Effects of prosocial video games on prosocial behavior.", "Different Watermarking Techniques & its Applications: A Review", "Effectance and Control as Determinants of Video Game Enjoyment", "Attainment of early feeding milestones in preterm neonates", "Deontological and utilitarian inclinations in moral decision making: a process dissociation approach.", "Spatial Clustering in the Presence of Obstacles", "Deep Neural Network for Learning to Rank Query-Text Pairs" ]
SmartEdge : A Smart Contract for Edge Computing
[ "The Emergence of Edge Computing", "Socially trusted collaborative edge computing in ultra dense networks", "Blockchain Based Distributed Control System for Edge Computing", "A NEXT GENERATION SMART CONTRACT & DECENTRALIZED APPLICATION PLATFORM", "Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges" ]
[ "Unsupervised Text Summarization Using Sentence Embeddings", "A Survey of Radial Methods for Information Visualization", "Information extraction: Evaluating named entity recognition from classical Malay documents", "Research Commentary - The Digital Transformation of Healthcare: Current Status and the Road Ahead", "Flexible job-shop scheduling with parallel variable neighborhood search algorithm", "Commonsense Reasoning in and Over Natural Language", "Double dissociation of conditioning and declarative knowledge relative to the amygdala and hippocampus in humans.", "An effective hybridized classifier for breast cancer diagnosis", "Dynamic Oracles for Top-Down and In-Order Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing", "PAC-Net: Pairwise Aesthetic Comparison Network for Image Aesthetic Assessment", "Multi-core data analytics SoC with a flexible 1.76 Gbit/s AES-XTS cryptographic accelerator in 65 nm CMOS", "Coupling Matrix Synthesis of Nonreciprocal Lossless Two-Port Networks Using Gyrators and Inverters", "Inherent Trade-Offs in the Fair Determination of Risk Scores", "Developing an Aerial Manipulator Prototype: Physical Interaction with the Environment", "A review of high-power wireless power transfer", "Millimeter-Wave Compact EBG Structure for Mutual Coupling Reduction Applications", "A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR DETECTING FINANCIAL CRIME IN MOBILE MONEY TRANSACTIONS", "Pohlig-Hellman Applied in Elliptic Curve Cryptography", "Spatiotemporal Multiplier Networks for Video Action Recognition", "Generalized velocity obstacles", "Backpressure Delay Enhancement for Encounter-Based Mobile Networks While Sustaining Throughput Optimality", "Seasonal Change in Oxidative Stress Markers in Blood Plasma of Tharparkar ( Bos indicus ) and Karan Fries ( Bos indicus x Bos taurus ) Cattle under Tropical Climate", "Quasi-online reinforcement learning for robots", "Radian: Visual Exploration of Traceroutes", "A Multiple Blockchains Architecture on Inter-Blockchain Communication" ]
Advances in Capturing Child Fingerprints: A High Resolution CMOS Image Sensor with SLDR Method
[ "Intelligent Method for Face Recognition of Infant", "Biometrics for Child Vaccination and Welfare: Persistence of Fingerprint Recognition for Infants and Toddlers", "Biometric recognition of newborns: Identification using palmprints", "Giving Infants an Identity: Fingerprint Sensing and Recognition", "Latent orientation field estimation via convolutional neural network" ]
[ "Machine Learning Techniques in ADAS: A Review", "Face anti-spoofing via hybrid convolutional neural network", "Design and optimization on ESD self-protection schemes for 700V LDMOS in high voltage power IC", "Feature selection using multiple auto-encoders", "Better managed than memorized? Studying the Impact of Managers on Password Strength and Reuse", "Capturing Individual and Group Behavior with Wearable Sensors", "Parallel processing in retinal ganglion cells: how integration of space-time patterns of excitation and inhibition form the spiking output.", "Fast unfolding of communities in large networks", "Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Label Transfer", "MINDFULNESS AND TRAUMA: IMPLICATIONS FOR TREATMENT", "A comparison of methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data", "Disinformation Warfare: Understanding State-Sponsored Trolls on Twitter and Their Influence on the Web", "An examination of the relationship among structure, trust, and conflict management styles in virtual teams", "Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Summarization in Multi-document e-Newspapers Articles", "Comparing fiducial marker systems in the presence of occlusion", "Software security and privacy risks in mobile e-commerce", "Survey of failures and fault tolerance in cloud", "FOREX Rate prediction using Chaos and Quantile Regression Random Forest", "Residual Memory Networks in Language Modeling: Improving the Reputation of Feed-Forward Networks", "Contraception and health", "Brain imaging and psychotherapy: methodological considerations and practical implications", "New trends in gender and mathematics performance: a meta-analysis.", "Wide area localization on mobile phones", "A meta-analysis of the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior.", "Robotic Cutting : Mechanics and Control of Knife Motion" ]
A Novel Reconfigurable Feeding Network for Quad-Polarization-Agile Antenna Design
[ "Polarization Reconfigurable U-Slot Patch Antenna", "Polarization-agile antennas", "Design of Polarization Diversity Patch Antenna Based on a Compact Reconfigurable Feeding Network", "A Novel Quad-Polarization Agile Patch Antenna", "A Reconfigurable Quadri-Polarization Diversity Aperture-Coupled Patch Antenna" ]
[ "A PIN diode controlled variable attenuator using a 0-dB branch-line coupler", "Improved asynchronous voltage regulation strategy of non-inverting Buck-Boost converter for renewable energy integration", "Object-Based Features for House Detection from RGB High-Resolution Images", "SPH Based Shallow Water Simulation", "Orthogonal least squares methods and their application to non-linear system identification", "Intentional meaning of programs", "Online Minimum-Energy Trajectory Planning and Control on a Straight-Line Path for Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robots", "Simultaneous video defogging and stereo reconstruction", "Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval", "Improving news articles recommendations via user clustering", "Data privacy and security in business intelligence and analytics", "Sparse Probabilistic Matrix Factorization by Laplace Distribution for Collaborative Filtering", "Through wall sensing of human breathing and heart beating by monochromatic radar", "Lightweight and Secure Session-Key Establishment Scheme in Smart Home Environments", "Dynamic Repositioning to Reduce Lost Demand in Bike Sharing Systems", "DeepPano: Deep Panoramic Representation for 3-D Shape Recognition", "Understanding Customer Behavior in Shopping Mall from Indoor Tracking Data", "24/7 Characterization of petascale I/O workloads", "Human pharmacology of ayahuasca: subjective and cardiovascular effects, monoamine metabolite excretion, and pharmacokinetics.", "Asynchronous Design—Part 1: Overview and Recent Advances", "A Survey on Natural Language Text Copy Detection", "Comparing Similarity Measures for Original WSD Lesk Algorithm", "Signal Characteristics on Sensor Data Compression in IoT -An Investigation", "Architecture-Based Runtime Software Evolution Information and Computer Science", "A swarm optimization algorithm inspired in the behavior of the social-spider" ]
Algorithmic patterns for H-matrices on many-core processors
[ "Meshfree Approximation Methods with Matlab", "Scalable parallel programming with CUDA", "On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem", "A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation", "Boost.Compute: A parallel computing library for C++ based on OpenCL" ]
[ "BERT and PALs: Projected Attention Layers for Efficient Adaptation in Multi-Task Learning", "Dynamic complex event processing — Adaptive rule engine", "An intentional AI for hanabi", "Wordnet improves Text Document Clustering", "Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Binary Neurons by End-to-end Backpropagation", "Development and Learning Control of a Human Limb With a Rehabilitation Exoskeleton", "A novel, compact, low-cost, impulse ground-penetrating radar for nondestructive evaluation of pavements", "Transaction level modeling: an overview", "Does Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve Healthy Working Memory?: A Meta-analytic Review", "A 32kb 10T Subthreshold SRAM Array with Bit-Interleaving and Differential Read Scheme in 90nm CMOS", "Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group.", "Risk, reward, and economic decision making in aging.", "Is dark silicon useful? Harnessing the four horsemen of the coming dark silicon apocalypse", "License Plate Recognition From Still Images and Video Sequences: A Survey", "Matlab/Simulink Model of Space Vector PWM for Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter", "Attention and the detection of signals.", "Predicting student academic performance in an engineering dynamics course: A comparison of four types of predictive mathematical models", "Advanced Optical Modulation Formats", "SOUL: An Edge-Cloud System for Mobile Applications in a Sensor-Rich World", "Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity.", "BiGS: BioTac Grasp Stability Dataset", "System Deadlocks", "THE NECESSITY OF OTHERS IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION : INTRINSIC AND PROSOCIAL MOTIVATIONS , PERSPECTIVE TAKING , AND CREATIVITY", "Comparison of the Levels of Presence and Anxiety in an Acrophobic Environment Viewed via HMD or CAVE", "Brain Modulyzer: Interactive Visual Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity" ]
Open set recognition for automatic target classification with rejection
[ "Support Vector Machines For Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition", "Estimating the Support of a High-Dimensional Distribution", "Optimization by simulated annealing", "A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition", "LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines" ]
[ "A 120 dB Dynamic Range 400 mW Class-D Speaker Driver With Fourth-Order PWM Modulator", "Hunting or waiting? Discovering passenger-finding strategies from a large-scale real-world taxi dataset", "FERA 2017 - Addressing Head Pose in the Third Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge", "Foresight: Recommending Visual Insights", "Investigating on Requirements for Business Model Representations: The Case of Information Technology in Healthcare", "Formalization and verification of event-driven process chains", "CubeSat Attitude Determination via Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer and Solar Cell Data", "Full 3D reconstruction of transparent objects", "Rotor structure in 50 kW spoke-type interior permanent magnet synchronous motor with ferrite permanent magnets for automotive applications", "Genome engineering in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using CRISPR-Cas systems", "EpicFlow: Edge-preserving interpolation of correspondences for optical flow", "A Complexity Theoretic Approach to Randomness", "Bandwidth-Enhanced Low-Profile Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna by Using Hybrid SIW Cavity Modes", "Abnormal image detection in endoscopy videos using a filter bank and local binary patterns", "Detecting Bias : Does an Algorithm Have to Be Transparent in Order to Be Fair ?", "Empirical evaluation methods for multiobjective reinforcement learning algorithms", "Senior Citizens' Acceptance of Information Systems: A Study in the Context of e-Government Services", "Password-Based Authentication: Preventing Dictionary Attacks", "Ranking-Oriented Collaborative Filtering: A Listwise Approach", "Attack and Defense of Dynamic Analysis-Based, Adversarial Neural Malware Classification Models", "EGT for multiple view geometry and visual servoing: robotics vision with pinhole and panoramic cameras", "FPGA Design Methodology for Industrial Control Systems—A Review", "DMM-Pyramid Based Deep Architectures for Action Recognition with Depth Cameras", "Does the use of social networking sites increase children's risk of harm?", "Defending against sensor-sniffing attacks on mobile phones" ]
Learning bicycle stunts
[ "Interactive spacetime control for animation", "Roles of Macro-Actions in Accelerating Reinforcement Learning", "Reinforcement learning of motor skills with policy gradients", "Real-Time Physics-Based 3D Biped Character Animation Using an Inverted Pendulum Model", "Learning to Drive a Bicycle Using Reinforcement Learning and Shaping" ]
[ "Brain tumor segmentation using thresholding, morphological operations and extraction of features of tumor", "Hierarchical committee of deep convolutional neural networks for robust facial expression recognition", "Web Service SWePT: A Hybrid Opinion Mining Approach", "Map quality evaluation for visual localization", "Using Simulation and Evolutionary Algorithms to Evaluate the Design of Mix Strategies of Decoy and Jammers in Anti-Torpedo Tactics", "A novel deterministic approach for aspect-based opinion mining in tourism products reviews", "A Low-delay Protocol for Multihop Wireless Body Area Networks", "A Deep Learning Method for Pathological Voice Detection Using Convolutional Deep Belief Networks", "Replicating viral vector platform exploits alarmin signals for potent CD8+ T cell-mediated tumour immunotherapy", "Deep Subspace Clustering with Sparsity Prior", "Big data integration", "Did Frege Believe Frege's Principle?", "3D human pose estimation from depth maps using a deep combination of poses", "Synthesis and analysis of a flexible elephant trunk robot", "The Thing and I: Understanding the Relationship Between User and Product", "Geometry images", "Inhalation/Exhalation ratio modulates the effect of slow breathing on heart rate variability and relaxation.", "Neuronal population coding of movement direction.", "Relative location estimation in wireless sensor networks", "Switched-Capacitor/Switched-Inductor Structures for Getting Transformerless Hybrid DC–DC PWM Converters", "Evaluating Sketchiness as a Visual Variable for the Depiction of Qualitative Uncertainty", "Community-Based Conservation and Traditional Ecological Knowledge : Implications for Social-Ecological Resilience", "Detection and Classification of Apple Fruit Diseases Using Complete Local Binary Patterns", "Off-line recognition of realistic Chinese handwriting using segmentation-free strategy", "Approximating the Solution of Optimal Control Problems by Fuzzy Systems" ]
Measuring the Immeasurables : Development and Initial Validation of the Self-Other Four Immeasurables ( SOFI ) Scale Based on Buddhist Teachings on Loving Kindness , Compassion , Joy , and Equanimity
[ "A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology.", "Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.", "The clinical use of mindfulness meditation for the self-regulation of chronic pain", "Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation.", "The benefits of being present: mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being." ]
[ "Belvedere : Engaging Students in Critical Discussion of Science and Public Policy Issues", "Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks.", "OSPRay - A CPU Ray Tracing Framework for Scientific Visualization", "Mobile Agents: Are They a Good Idea?", "Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual NLP", "The Satisfaction With Life Scale.", "Pointing at 3D targets in a stereo head-tracked virtual environment", "Using machine learning for software aging detection in Android system", "Natural Language Access to Data : It Takes Common Sense !", "An Integrated Dual MIMO Antenna System With Dual-Function GND-Plane Frequency-Agile Antenna", "A RESOURCE-BASED APPROACH TO PERFORMANCE AND COMPETITION : An Overview of the Connections between Resources and Competition", "Combining Multiple Learning Strategies for Effective Cross Validation", "Hierarchical Tree Long Short-Term Memory for Sentence Representations", "Edge map analysis in chest X-rays for automatic pulmonary abnormality screening", "Low-frequency meandering piezoelectric vibration energy harvester", "A computationally efficient limited memory CMA-ES for large scale optimization", "All your contacts are belong to us: automated identity theft attacks on social networks", "Validation of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) in women with female orgasmic disorder and in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder.", "Implementation of deep-learning based image classification on single board computer", "Automatic CT-ultrasound registration for diagnostic imaging and image-guided intervention", "A 1.4–2.3-GHz Tunable Diplexer Based on Reconfigurable Matching Networks", "A 64-core platform for biomedical signal processing", "Towards an OWL-based framework for extracting information from clinical texts", "OPC-UA Communication Framework for PLC-based Industrial IoT Applications: Poster Abstract", "The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale : Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries" ]
Semantic annotation of unstructured and ungrammatical text
[ "Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction", "Automatically Constructing a Dictionary for Information Extraction Tasks", "CRYSTAL: Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary", "Cleansing Data for Mining and Warehousing", "Learning Information Extraction Rules for Semi-Structured and Free Text" ]
[ "Asymmetry-Aware Link Quality Services in Wireless Sensor Networks", "Novel Electrodes for Underwater ECG Monitoring", "Understanding visual perceptions of usability and security of Android's graphical password pattern", "Generating Cancelable Fingerprint Templates", "NICBPM: Non-invasive cuff-less blood pressure monitor", "Solving the data overload: Device-to-device bearer control architecture for cellular data offloading", "A forensic evidence recovery from mobile device applications", "Dynamical Approximation by Hierarchical Tucker and Tensor-Train Tensors", "Sensor Study for Monitoring Varroa Mites on Honey Bees ( Apis mellifera )", "Discovery of Evolving Semantics through Dynamic Word Embedding Learning", "A Cloud-Based Car Parking Middleware for IoT-Based Smart Cities: Design and Implementation", "Fuel cell power conditioning for electric power applications : a summary", "X band septum polarizer as feed for parabolic antenna", "Characterizing and Countering Communal Microblogs During Disaster Events", "Meta-Learning via Feature-Label Memory Network", "Self-Adaptive Systems in Organic Computing: Strategies for Self-Improvement", "TurkDeck: Physical Virtual Reality Based on People", "Sliding mode control of a photovoltaic-wind hybrid system", "Place recognition using keypoint voting in large 3D lidar datasets", "Stiffness analysis for a 3-PUU parallel kinematic machine", "Game design as marketing : How game mechanics create demand for virtual goods", "KeLP: a Kernel-based Learning Platform for Natural Language Processing", "Secure Information Sharing among Autonomous Vehicles in NDN", "Using sonification", "Aligning movies with scripts by exploiting temporal ordering constraints" ]
Principal Component Analysis by $L_{p}$ -Norm Maximization
[ "On the unification of line processes, outlier rejection, and robust statistics with applications in early vision", "A Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions", "A Framework for Robust Subspace Learning", "Principal Component Analysis", "The Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow Fields" ]
[ "A review of Fraud Detection Techniques: Credit Card", "Efficient Indexing of Regional Maximum Activations of Convolutions using Full-Text Search Engines", "Chinese Word Segmentation as Character Tagging", "sEMG-Based Joint Force Control for an Upper-Limb Power-Assist Exoskeleton Robot", "SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION USING DATA MINING APPROACH", "Antenna-on-package on low-cost organic substrate for 60 GHz wireless communication applications", "Consumer Attitudes Toward Online Mass Customization: An Application of Extended Technology Acceptance Model", "Emotion control in collaborative learning situations: do students regulate emotions evoked by social challenges?", "Privacy Aware Learning", "Bangla Speech Recognition for Voice Search", "Allocentric and Egocentric Spatial Representations: Definitions, Distinctions, and Interconnections", "Efficient SAT Approach to Multi-Agent Path Finding Under the Sum of Costs Objective", "Securing vulnerable home IoT devices with an in-hub security manager", "A Novel Two Switch Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter based Maximum Power Point Tracking System", "Anytime Stereo Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices", "Bounding Multiple Gaussians Uncertainty with Application to Object Tracking", "A wideband substrate integrated waveguide slotted array antenna with multimode and multidirectional characteristics", "Financial Time Series Forecasting - A Machine Learning Approach", "Biomechanical Properties of Insect Wings: The Stress Stiffening Effects on the Asymmetric Bending of the Allomyrina dichotoma Beetle's Hind Wing", "Electricity generation from model organic wastewater in a cassette-electrode microbial fuel cell", "Travi-Navi: self-deployable indoor navigation system", "Understanding and Controlling User Linkability in Decentralized Learning", "Framing Theory", "Rectifying the Bound Document Image Captured by the Camera: A Model Based Approach", "Data Sparseness in Linear SVM" ]
Research trends on Big Data in Marketing : A text mining and topic modeling based literature analysis
[ "Using customer lifetime value and neural networks to improve the prediction of bank deposit subscription in telemarketing campaigns", "Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact", "A dynamic understanding of customer behavior processes based on clustering and sequence mining", "Business intelligence in banking: A literature analysis from 2002 to 2013 using text mining and latent Dirichlet allocation", "Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big Data" ]
[ "A Model Integrating Fire Prediction and Detection for Rural-Urban Interface", "Flow Theory, Evolution & Creativity: or, 'Fun & Games'", "Fusion for Free - Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers", "Performance Evaluation of a U-Shaped Less-Rare-Earth Hybrid Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor", "Active Learning Explored in Open Elective Course: Internet of Things (IoT)", "Tetra-amelia with lung hypoplasia and facial clefts, Roberts-SC syndrome: report of two cases", "Longitudinal study of symptoms and cognitive function in chronic schizophrenia", "Geometric continuous-curvature path planning for automatic parallel parking", "Algebraic MACs and Keyed-Verification Anonymous Credentials", "A diagnostic-ratio approach to measuring beliefs about the leadership abilities of male and female managers.", "Neuronal correlates of a perceptual decision", "Artificial neural networks applied to forecasting time series.", "Human-Robot Dialogue and Collaboration in Search and Navigation", "Tracking the student's performance in Web-based education using Scrum methodology", "A Smart Contract for Boardroom Voting with Maximum Voter Privacy", "An Improved SDA Based Defect Prediction Framework for Both Within-Project and Cross-Project Class-Imbalance Problems", "Blending video games with learning: Issues and challenges with classroom implementations in the Turkish context", "Memory Aware Synapses: Learning What (not) to Forget", "Ultrawide-band properties of long slot arrays", "Computing Visual Attention from Scene Depth", "A grounded theory of information sharing behavior in a personal learning space", "Crossbar-Net: A Novel Convolutional Network for Kidney Tumor Segmentation in CT Images", "Quantum Nearest-Neighbor Algorithms for Machine Learning", "Turning a blind eye to temptation: how cognitive load can facilitate self-regulation.", "The use of web 2.0 technologies in tourism industry: A conceptual model" ]
Cache-Oblivious R-Trees
[ "I/O-Complexity of Graph Algorithms", "An Analysis of Dag-Consistent Distributed Shared-Memory Algorithms", "The Input/Output Complexity of Sorting and Related Problems", "Cache-oblivious priority queue and graph algorithm applications", "External-Memory Graph Algorithms" ]
[ "TR 00-043 Application of Dimensionality Reduction in Recommender SystemA Case Study", "Evolutionary-based heuristic generators for checkers and give-away checkers", "The effectiveness of yoga in modifying risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.", "Survey on Techniques for Ontology Interoperability in Semantic Web", "Emotion Analysis on Twitter: The Hidden Challenge", "Scene Graph Generation by Belief RNNs", "Worldwide use and impact of the NASA Astrophysics Data System digital library", "Semantic trajectory-based high utility item recommendation system", "Aging: a theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry.", "Sentiment Analysis with Long Short-Term Memory networks", "Face recognition using 3D local geometrical features: PCA vs. SVM", "Mid-air pan-and-zoom on wall-sized displays", "Monocular 3D Scene Modeling and Inference: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes", "Crafting a Toolchain for Image Restoration by Deep Reinforcement Learning", "All-at-once Optimization for Coupled Matrix and Tensor Factorizations", "MAFFT: a novel method for rapid multiple sequence alignment based on fast Fourier transform.", "Generating and Adapting Game Mechanics", "Unpacking the Privacy Paradox: Irrational Decision-Making within the Privacy Calculus", "Shift-Reduce CCG Parsing", "A framework for transient rendering", "Business Trend Analysis by Simulation", "Does Size Matter ? Men ’ s and Women ’ s Views on Penis Size Across the Lifespan", "Guided Local Search for the Three-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem", "AdaComp : Adaptive Residual Gradient Compression for Data-Parallel Distributed Training", "Mersenne Twister A Pseudo-Random Number Generator" ]
Performance evaluation of medical imaging algorithms on Intel® MIC platform
[ "Automatic Array Alignment in Data-Parallel Programs", "Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART): a superior implementation of the art algorithm.", "Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation", "Strip mining on SIMD architectures", "Iterative methods for the three-dimensional reconstruction of an object from projections." ]
[ "One Microphone Source Separation", "The role of autophagy in cancer development and response to therapy", "Overview and Framework for Data and Information Quality Research", "Incremental dense semantic stereo fusion for large-scale semantic scene reconstruction", "Overtaking Maneuvers in Simulated Highway Driving using Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Effectiveness of heuristic evaluation in usability evaluation of e-learning applications in higher education", "A gender identity interview for children.", "Polydendrocytes (NG2 cells): multifunctional cells with lineage plasticity", "Transfer Feature Learning with Joint Distribution Adaptation", "How does sexual minority stigma \"get under the skin\"? A psychological mediation framework.", "A Differential Filtering Microstrip Antenna Array With Intrinsic Common-Mode Rejection", "A Survey on the Security of Stateful SDN Data Planes", "A note on the maximum flow through a network", "EbbRT : Elastic Building Block Runtime-overview Schatzberg", "Cloud Service Negotiation: A Research Roadmap", "Application of the functionally generated path technique to restore mandibular molars in bilateral group function occlusion.", "The Multidimensional Knapsack Problem: Structure and Algorithms", "Using information technology: engagement modes, flow experience, and personality orientations", "Frequency invariant transformation of periodic signals (FIT-PS) for signal representation in NILM", "The Mediating Role of Customer Trust on Customer Loyalty", "Memetic evolution of deep neural networks", "Scientific and Pragmatic Challenges for Bridging Education and Neuroscience", "Kangaroo care is effective in diminishing pain response in preterm neonates.", "VizLens: A Robust and Interactive Screen Reader for Interfaces in the Real World", "Trait-based Language for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems" ]
Tracking the power port of remote radio unit (RRU) using computer vision
[ "Robust Real-Time Face Detection", "Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection", "A Survey of Automated Visual Inspection", "Color-Based Tracking of Heads and Other Mobile Objects at Video Frame Rates", "A Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions" ]
[ "Application of Feature Selection Methods in Educational Data Mining", "Low rank matrix recovery from rank one measurements", "Reducing Test Time of Power Constrained Test by Optimal Selection of Supply Voltage", "Challenges and enabling technologies for energy aware mobile radio networks", "Negotiation and Cooperation in Multi-Agent Environments", "Exploring Multiple Execution Paths for Malware Analysis", "npn-soft sets theory and their applications", "TensorFlow: learning functions at scale", "Foreign Capital and Economic Performance of Pakistan", "Bandit Structured Prediction for Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Learning", "Group Touch: Distinguishing Tabletop Users in Group Settings via Statistical Modeling of Touch Pairs", "POP-TRAFFIC: a novel fuzzy neural approach to road traffic analysis and prediction", "Learning and Generalization in Overparameterized Neural Networks, Going Beyond Two Layers", "Dynamic Control of Receiver Buffers in Mobile Video Streaming Systems", "Indian script character recognition: a survey", "Deep Transfer Metric Learning", "An incentive mechanism with privacy protection in mobile crowdsourcing systems", "EOS: A multilingual text archive of international newspaper & blog articles", "Combining RCC5 Relations with Betweenness Information", "A Demand Response Energy Management Scheme for Industrial Facilities in Smart Grid", "Comprehensive Approach to Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Arrays", "Automatic Spelling Correction for Resource-Scarce Languages using Deep Learning", "Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Rotated Patch Antenna With a Parasitic Circular Patch Loading", "Performance analysis of mesh routing protocols for UAV swarming applications", "Serverless Network File Systems" ]
A Categorization of Discovery Technologies for the Internet of Things
[ "CoAP: An Application Protocol for Billions of Tiny Internet Nodes", "Middleware to support sensor network applications", "Near field communication", "New Generation Sensor Web Enablement", "Resource discovery in Internet of Things: Current trends and future standardization aspects" ]
[ "Design of an under-actuated wrist based on adaptive synergies", "Deep Learning Based Link Prediction with Social Pattern and External Attribute Knowledge in Bibliographic Networks", "Finding Contradictions in Text", "Investigating The Adoption of Knowledge Management in a Non-Govermental Organization in Malaysia", "6LoWPAN fragmentation attacks and mitigation mechanisms", "Magicol: Indoor Localization Using Pervasive Magnetic Field and Opportunistic WiFi Sensing", "Scaling of GaN HEMTs and Schottky Diodes for Submillimeter-Wave MMIC Applications", "Insider Threat Analysis Using Information-Centric Modeling", "M2U-Net: Effective and Efficient Retinal Vessel Segmentation for Resource-Constrained Environments", "Coupling CCG and Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics", "Attention-aware Generalized Mean Pooling for Image Retrieval", "How to learn a graph from smooth signals", "Experiments With Some Programs That Search Game Trees", "Distribution and pollution, toxicity and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments from urban and rural rivers of the Pearl River delta in southern China.", "Deep Multimodal Fusion: A Hybrid Approach", "Causal inference in economics and marketing.", "Linked Data and multimedia: the state of affairs", "Galvanometric optical laser beam steering system for microfactory application", "Node Classification in Signed Social Networks", "Object-object interaction affordance learning", "Efficient Randomized Pattern-Matching Algorithms", "Lazy snapping", "Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Voting", "Service-Oriented Architecture : Concepts and Implementation", "Three-dimensional plotting and printing of an implant drilling guide: simplifying guided implant surgery." ]
"How May I Help You?": Modeling Twitter Customer ServiceConversations Using Fine-Grained Dialogue Acts
[ "A Semi-automatic Method for Efficient Detection of Stories on Social Media", "Long Short-Term Memory", "An architecture for more realistic conversational systems", "Automatic detection and verification of rumors on Twitter", "Coding Dialogs with the DAMSL Annotation Scheme" ]
[ "Batch Policy Gradient Methods for Improving Neural Conversation Models", "Dose-response relationship in music therapy for people with serious mental disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis.", "The grand challenges of Science Robotics", "Design of Permanent Multipole Magnets with Oriented Rare Earth Cobalt Materials", "IBM Mastor: Multilingual Automatic Speech-To-Speech Translator", "2Vrms 16Ω switching headphone driver with 82% peak efficiency, 102 dB SNDR and 1.1mA/channel quiescent current", "The empirical status of cognitive-behavioral therapy: a review of meta-analyses.", "Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Accelerometer Measurements", "MARTE: Technology development and lessons learned from a Mars drilling mission simulation", "Information security management needs more holistic approach: A literature review", "Integrated microfluidic devices", "A kinetic framework for computational geometry", "Non-rigid image registration using self-supervised fully convolutional networks without training data", "The Smart Home meets the Web of Things", "The HEXACO Honesty-Humility, Agreeableness, and Emotionality factors: a review of research and theory.", "Developing a Web-Based Application using OWL and SWRL", "A survey on multistage/multiphase statistical modeling methods for batch processes", "Ontology Languages for the Semantic Web", "Serotonin alterations in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: New insights from imaging studies", "Experimental Evaluation of Sketching on Surfaces in VR", "A Peridynamic Perspective on Spring-Mass Fracture", "Physical-Layer Secret Key Agreement in Two-Way Wireless Relaying Systems", "Exploring the physical layer frontiers of cellular uplink", "Energy Big Data Analytics and Security: Challenges and Opportunities", "Rotterdam computed tomography score as a prognosticator in head-injured patients undergoing decompressive craniectomy." ]
N-gram Opcode Analysis for Android Malware Detection
[ "Dissecting Android Malware: Characterization and Evolution", "Analysis of Bayesian Classification based Approaches for Android Malware Detection", "DroidMat: Android Malware Detection through Manifest and API Calls Tracing", "Using opcode-sequences to detect malicious Android applications", "Crowdroid: behavior-based malware detection system for Android" ]
[ "Dynamic mode decomposition of numerical and experimental data", "Hierarchies of octrees for efficient 3D mapping", "Frequency and Time Domain Design , Analysis and Implementation of a Multi-Gbps UWB Wilkinson Power Divider for 5 G New Spectrum and CAR Applications", "Facial Image Attributes Transformation via Conditional Recycle Generative Adversarial Networks", "Predicting Learning and Affect from Multimodal Data Streams in Task-Oriented Tutorial Dialogue", "A Language-Based Approach to Security", "Novel blood pressure estimation method using single photoplethysmography feature", "Three-dimensional imaging techniques: A literature review", "Relative phase information for detecting human speech and spoofed speech", "The measure of face-lift patient satisfaction: the Owsley Facelift Satisfaction Survey with a long-term follow-up study.", "Emission of polarization-entangled microwave photons from a pair of quantum dots.", "Jointly Learning to Label Sentences and Tokens", "Addressing Transient and Permanent Faults in NoC With Efficient Fault-Tolerant Deflection Router", "An online method for tight-tolerance insertion tasks for string and rope", "Monitoring Wind Turbine Vibration Based on SCADA Data", "Crossing analytics systems: A case for integrated provenance in data lakes", "Analog-to-digital converter survey and analysis", "Detecting Android Malware Based on Extreme Learning Machine", "Vehicle Colour Recognition System using CCTV Cameras", "A Testbed and Process for Analyzing Attack Vectors and Vulnerabilities in Hybrid Mobile Apps Connected to Restful Web Services", "Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions", "New Concept of Telemetry X-Band Circularly Polarized Antenna Payload for CubeSat", "Deringing cartoons by image analogies", "This looks like that: deep learning for interpretable image recognition", "Histopathological image classification with bilinear convolutional neural networks" ]
On the Visualization of Hierarchical Relations and Tree Structures with TagSpheres
[ "Semantic-Preserving Word Clouds by Seam Carving", "SparkClouds: Visualizing Trends in Tag Clouds", "ManiWordle: Providing Flexible Control over Wordle", "ManyEyes: a Site for Visualization at Internet Scale", "Concentri Cloud: Word Cloud Visualization for Multiple Text Documents" ]
[ "Computer Go: An AI oriented survey", "Digital Storytelling and Computer Game Design", "A Hybrid Algorithm for Stemming of Nepali Text", "Multifunction Cognitive Radar Task Scheduling Using Monte Carlo Tree Search and Policy Networks", "A Machine Learning Approach for Material Classification in MMW Imaging Systems based on Frequency Spectra", "A three-phase flyback current-fed push-pull bidirectional dc-dc converter for dc microgrid application", "A simple probabilistic spiking neuron model with Hebbian learning rules", "Privacy and human behavior in the age of information", "A theoretical review of social media usage by cyber-criminals", "Trichoscopy Tips.", "Multiresolution splatting for indirect illumination", "Nanoparticle therapeutics: an emerging treatment modality for cancer", "Coordinating multi-agent reinforcement learning with limited communication", "FINGERPRINT BASED GENDER IDENTIFICATION USING FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS", "Topography of projections from amygdala to bed nuclei of the stria terminalis", "Poster: Wireless Power Hotspot that Charges All of Your Devices", "The neural mechanisms of top-down attentional control", "Influence And Dissemination Of Sentiments In Social Network Communication Patterns", "Clustering Student Programming Assignments to Multiply Instructor Leverage", "Ubiquitous GPS vehicle tracking and management system", "Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement.", "Detecting opinion spams and fake news using text classification", "Operators' adaptation to imperfect automation - Impact of miss-prone alarm systems on attention allocation and performance", "Visual tracking with online Multiple Instance Learning", "Novel Isoflux Antenna Alternative for LEO Satellites Downlink" ]
An evaluation of NoSQL databases for EHR systems
[ "The CAP theorem versus databases with relaxed ACID properties", "On the elasticity of NoSQL databases over cloud management platforms", "Performance evaluation of a MongoDB and hadoop platform for scientific data analysis", "Comparing NoSQL MongoDB to an SQL DB", "Can the Elephants Handle the NoSQL Onslaught?" ]
[ "A 1.2–6.6GHz LNA using transformer feedback for wideband input matching and noise cancellation in 0.13µm CMOS", "Quantum coherence enabled determination of the energy landscape in light-harvesting complex II.", "CovertBand: Activity Information Leakage using Music", "The Potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Mapping", "Scaling up dynamic time warping for datamining applications", "Automatic scoring of pronunciation quality", "Noise radar using random phase and frequency modulation", "Unsupervised Learning without Overfitting: Empirical Risk Approximation as an Induction Principle for Reliable Clustering", "Bypassing Space Explosion in High-Speed Regular Expression Matching", "Multidimensional materials and device architectures for future hybrid energy storage", "Test battery for measuring the perception and recognition of facial expressions of emotion", "Adaptive Fraud Detection", "XGAN: Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation for many-to-many Mappings", "Dual-band feed systems for SATCOM antenna applications", "A New Low Power Dynamic Full Adder Cell Based on Majority Function", "Current Evidence on the Socket-Shield Technique: A Systematic Review.", "CEPR: A Collaborative Exploration and Periodically Returning Model for Location Prediction", "Participatory design and \"democratizing innovation\"", "Link Weight Prediction in Signed Networks", "Turing Test: 50 Years Later", "Optimising QoS-assurance, Resource Usage and Cost of Fog Application Deployments", "Critical factors that affect the success of business intelligence systems BIS implementation in an organization", "Association between daily activities, process skills, and motor skills in community-dwelling patients after left hemiparetic stroke", "Synthesizing tests for detecting atomicity violations", "Feature-enriched word embeddings for named entity recognition in open-domain conversations" ]
Learning to solve inverse problems using Wasserstein loss
[ "TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems", "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution", "Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Compressed Sensing Automates MRI", "Sinkhorn Distances: Lightspeed Computation of Optimal Transport", "Wasserstein GAN" ]
[ "Ask Me Anything: Free-Form Visual Question Answering Based on Knowledge from External Sources", "Real-Time Malaysian Sign Language Translation using Colour Segmentation and Neural Network", "Overview: narcissistic personality disorder.", "Real-time Business Process Intelligence. Comparison of different architectural approaches using the example of the order-to-cash process", "Reusing Ambient Light to Recognize Hand Gestures Prepared by Mahina -", "An Adaptive Dataset for the Evaluation of Android Malware Detection Techniques", "On the Limitations of Representing Functions on Sets", "The Role of Attention in Discourse , Cognition , & Syntax : Dynamic Processes Require Dynamic Theory", "Thematic Identification of 'Little Science': Trends in Portuguese IS&LS Literature by Controlled Vocabulary and Co-Word Analysis", "Switched-opamp: an approach to realize full CMOS switched-capacitor circuits at very low power supply voltages", "Learning Multilevel Distributed Representations for High-Dimensional Sequences", "Building a case-based diet recommendation system without a knowledge engineer", "Being Bayesian About Network Structure. A Bayesian Approach to Structure Discovery in Bayesian Networks", "Efficient Transformerless MOSFET Inverter for a Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System", "DC and RF breakdown voltage characteristics of SiGe HBTs for WiFi PA applications", "The Anti-vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine", "A Soldier Health Monitoring System for Military Applications", "Growth rates of modern science: A bibliometric analysis", "Celebrity face recognition using deep learning", "CMOS T/R Switch Design: Towards Ultra-Wideband and Higher Frequency", "Dead Or Alive? The Development, Trajectory And Future Of Technology Adoption Research", "Watch Implicit Memory Retention Without Remembering", "ChoiceNet: Robust Learning by Revealing Output Correlations", "A complete fuzzy decision tree technique", "Design and Development of Artificial Neural Networking (ANN) system using sigmoid activation function to predict annual rice production in Tamilnadu" ]
Kinect For Windows V 2 . 0 Sensor And Sdk 2
[ "Automatic 3D face reconstruction from single images or video", "Static and dynamic 3D facial expression recognition: A comprehensive survey", "Real Time Face Detection and Facial Expression Recognition: Development and Applications to Human Computer Interaction.", "Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets", "Comprehensive Database for Facial Expression Analysis" ]
[ "The use of thermal ir array sensor for indoor fall detection", "A dual-layer estimator architecture for long-term localization", "Big data stream computing in healthcare real-time analytics", "Immersive Analytics for Clinical Neuroscience", "Many regression algorithms, one unified model: A review", "Automatic Model Generation Strategies for Model Transformation Testing", "Lifespan psychology: theory and application to intellectual functioning.", "The Ties that Blog : Examining the Relationship Between Social Ties and Continued Participation in the Wallop Weblogging System", "Deadbeat current control of qZS based grid-connected multilevel inverter", "#Healthy Selfies: Exploration of Health Topics on Instagram", "Digital Transformation as an Enabler for Advanced Services in the Sanitation Sector", "On a 3D analogue of the first Hu moment invariant and a family of shape ellipsoidness measures", "A Comprehensive Survey of Recent Trends in Cloud Robotics Architectures and Applications", "Smarter Cities and Their Innovation Challenges", "A new single phase to three phase converter with active input current shaping for low cost AC motor drives", "Is a metaphor ( like ) a simile ? Differences in meaning , effect and processing *", "Breastfeeding Progression in Preterm Infants Is Influenced by Factors in Infants, Mothers and Clinical Practice: The Results of a National Cohort Study with High Breastfeeding Initiation Rates", "An Effective Gated and Attention-Based Neural Network Model for Fine-Grained Financial Target-Dependent Sentiment Analysis", "A Novel Single-Stage High-Power-Factor AC-to-DC LED Driving Circuit With Leakage Inductance Energy Recycling", "Investigation of the single case in neuropsychology: confidence limits on the abnormality of test scores and test score differences", "Learning to Doodle with Stroke Demonstrations and Deep Q-Networks", "Point-of-Interest Demand Modeling with Human Mobility Patterns", "Mining Optimized Association Rules with Categorical and Numeric Attributes", "Using the Facebook group as a learning management system: An exploratory study", "Adapted unstructured LBM for flow simulation on curved surfaces" ]
Software Defined Unified Device Management for Smart Environments
[ "CloudThings: A common architecture for integrating the Internet of Things with Cloud Computing", "Extending the Internet of Things to the Future Internet through IPv6 support", "Agents of Things (AoT): An intelligent operational concept of the Internet of Things (IoT)", "A Scalable and Self-Configuring Architecture for Service Discovery in the Internet of Things", "IoT Mashup as a Service: Cloud-Based Mashup Service for the Internet of Things" ]
[ "Interpersonal emotion regulation: Implications for affiliation, perceived support, relationships, and well-being.", "Desalination by ammonia – carbon dioxide forward osmosis : Influence of draw and feed solution concentrations on process performance", "Paraphrasing for Automatic Evaluation", "Exploration in Interactive Personalized Music Recommendation: A Reinforcement Learning Approach", "Multi-agent reinforcement learning approaches for distributed job shop scheduling problems", "Business process mining: An industrial application", "A UML profile for goal-oriented and use case-driven representation of NFRs and FRs", "Learning Hierarchical Semantic Image Manipulation through Structured Representations", "A Tutorial on Runtime Verification", "Copy-move forgery detection: Survey, challenges and future directions", "Facilitating Document Reading by Linking Text and Tables", "Soldier suicide rates continue to rise: military, scientists work to stem the tide.", "Functions of Social Networking Services", "Security Aspects in Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey and A Way Ahead", "Misconceptions about real-time computing: a serious problem for next-generation systems", "A structured experiment of test-driven development", "Design of a robotic finger using series gear chain mechanisms", "A Dual-Band Metasurface Antenna Using Characteristic Mode Analysis", "Anatomic Study of the Retaining Ligaments of the Face and Applications for Facial Rejuvenation", "A simple regression method for mapping quantitative trait loci in line crosses using flanking markers", "Deep Machine Learning and Neural Networks: An Overview", "Intermanual apparent tactile motion on handheld tablets", "A Visually Interpretable Iris Recognition System with Crypt Features", "An Effective Scalable SQL Engine for NoSQL Databases", "Rational design of reconfigurable prismatic architected materials" ]
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing Using Attribute-Based Encryption
[ "Sensor networks for emergency response: challenges and opportunities", "Privacy preserving EHR system using attribute-based infrastructure", "Decentralizing Attribute-Based Encryption", "DACC: Distributed Access Control in Clouds", "Xen and the art of virtualization" ]
[ "Built-in Vulnerabilities to Imperceptible Adversarial Perturbations", "Human Brands : Investigating Antecedents to Consumers ' Strong Attachments to Celebrities", "A General Framework for Manifold Alignment", "Gating Neural Network for Large Vocabulary Audiovisual Speech Recognition", "Outlier Detection using Granular Box Regression Methods", "To increase data capacity of QR code using multiplexing with color coding: An example of embedding speech signal in QR code", "A D-Q Frame Controller for a Full-Bridge Single Phase Inverter Used in Small Distributed Power Generation Systems", "A personalized collaborative Digital Library environment: a model and an application", "Slope stability analysis with FLAC in 2 D and 3 D", "Improved Performance of Serially Connected Li-Ion Batteries With Active Cell Balancing in Electric Vehicles", "Semantics-aware malware detection", "Learning Possibilistic Logic Theories from Default Rules", "Text Document Clustering based on Phrase Similarity using Affinity Propagation", "Maternal gestational diabetes, birth weight, and adolescent obesity.", "Fundamentals of Database Systems, 2nd Edition", "The impact of informational incentives and social influence on consumer behavior during Alibaba's online shopping carnival", "Design of synchronous reluctance motor for hybrid electric vehicles", "A novel approach to face recognition under various facial expressions, occlusion and tilt angles", "Algorithms for planar graphs", "RICCI CURVATURE FOR METRIC-MEASURE SPACES VIA OPTIMAL TRANSPORT", "A Modified Functionally Generated Path Technique ( FGP ) for Making Posterior Unit Metal-Ceramic Crown : A Case Report", "Multiuser Full-Duplex Communication", "High lithium anodic performance of highly nitrogen-doped porous carbon prepared from a metal-organic framework.", "On enhancing accessible smart buildings using IoT", "Chinese Named Entity Identification Using Class-based Language Model" ]
Autonomic Fail-over for a Software-Defined Container Computer Network
[ "PortLand: a scalable fault-tolerant layer 2 data center network fabric", "OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks", "On Resilience of Split-Architecture Networks", "FlowVisor : A Network Virtualization Layer", "A clean slate 4D approach to network control and management" ]
[ "From Characters to Understanding Natural Language ( C 2 NLU ) : Robust End-to-End Deep Learning for NLP Organized by", "Dual current control scheme for PWM converter under unbalanced input voltage conditions", "Automatic Generation of Syntactically Well-formed and Semantically Appropriate Paraphrases", "Recurrent Gaussian Processes", "Graph Database Applications and Concepts with Neo4j", "Rule Engine based on improvement Rete algorithm", "Intel MPX Explained: An Empirical Study of Intel MPX and Software-based Bounds Checking Approaches", "A Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Student Model Discovery", "AIS-Based Evaluation of Target Detectors and SAR Sensors Characteristics for Maritime Surveillance", "A nine year study of file system and storage benchmarking", "A Low-Profile Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Antenna With an AMC Surface for WLAN Applications", "FMCode: A 3D In-the-Air Finger Motion Based User Login Framework for Gesture Interface", "Automatic feature extraction and selection for condition monitoring and related datasets", "Fuzzy Color Spaces: A Conceptual Approach to Color Vision", "The Use of Wearable Inertial Motion Sensors in Human Lower Limb Biomechanics Studies: A Systematic Review", "RECOGNITION WITH WEIGHTED FINITE-STATE TRANSDUCERS", "A Machine Learning Method to Improve Non-Contact Heart Rate Monitoring Using an RGB Camera", "HIV-1 Capsid-Cyclophilin Interactions Determine Nuclear Import Pathway, Integration Targeting and Replication Efficiency", "Image Classification in Remote Sensing", "Multi-document Summarization via Budgeted Maximization of Submodular Functions", "Approach and Avoidance Motivation", "Prosopagnosia and structural encoding of faces: evidence from event-related potentials.", "Text Classification Using Association Rules, Dependency Pruning and Hyperonymization", "Trust-Based Requirements Traceability", "Survey of optical indoor positioning systems" ]