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Mutational signatures of replication timing and epigenetic modification persist through the global divergence of mutation spectra across the great ape phylogeny
Great ape clades exhibit variation in the relative mutation rates of different three-base-pair genomic motifs, with closely related species having more similar mutation spectra than distantly related species. This pattern cannot be explained by classical demographic or selective forces, but imply that DNA replication fidelity has been perturbed in different ways on each branch of the great ape phylogeny. Here, we use whole-genome variation from 88 great apes to investigate whether these species mutation spectra are broadly differentiated across the entire genome, or whether mutation spectrum differences are driven by DNA compartments that have particular functional features or chromatin states. We perform principal component analysis and mutational signature deconvolution on mutation spectra ascertained from compartments defined by features including replication timing and ancient repeat content, finding evidence for consistent species-specific mutational signatures that do not depend on which functional compartments the spectra are ascertained from. At the same time, we find that many compartments have their own characteristic mutational signatures that appear stable across the great ape phylogeny. For example, in a mutation spectrum PCA compartmentalized by replication timing, the second PC explaining 21.2% of variation separates all species late-replicating regions from their early-replicating regions. Our results suggest that great ape mutation spectrum evolution is not driven by epigenetic changes that modify mutation rates in specific genomic regions, but instead by trans-acting mutational modifiers that affect mutagenesis across the whole genome fairly uniformly. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTAll heritable variation begins with damage or copying mistakes affecting the DNA of sperm, eggs, or embryos. Different DNA motifs can have different mutation rates, and these rates can evolve over time: the spectrum of mutability of three-base-pair motifs has evolved rapidly during great ape diversification. Here, we show that even as ape mutation spectra diverged from each other, ape genomes preserved a landscape of spatial mutation spectrum variation. We can thus deconvolute the mutational process into a mixture of fast-evolving signatures with uniform spatial distributions and conserved signatures that target specific regions. Our findings may ultimately help determine the factors, either genetic or environmental, that contribute to temporal and spatial variation in germline mutagenesis.
Reconstructing the history of variation in effective population size along phylogenies.
AO_SCPLOWBSTRACTC_SCPLOWThe nearly-neutral theory predicts specific relations between effective population size (Ne) and patterns of divergence and polymorphism, which depend on the shape of the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations. However, testing these relations is not straightforward, owing to the difficulty in estimating Ne. Here, we introduce an integrative framework allowing for an explicit reconstruction of the phylogenetic history of Ne, thus leading to a quantitative test of the nearly-neutral theory and an estimation of the allometric scaling of the ratios of non-synonymous over synonymous polymorphism ({pi}N /{pi}S) and divergence (dN/dS) with respect to Ne. As an illustration, we applied our method to primates, for which the nearly-neutral predictions were mostly verified. Under a purely nearly-neutral model with a constant DFE across species, we find that the variation in{pi} N /{pi}S and dN/dS as a function of Ne is too large to be compatible with current estimates of the DFE based on site frequency spectra. The reconstructed history of Ne shows a ten-fold variation across primates. The mutation rate per generation u, also reconstructed over the tree by the method, varies over a three-fold range and is negatively correlated with Ne. As a result of these opposing trends for Ne and u, variation in{pi} S is intermediate, primarily driven by Ne but substantially influenced by u. Altogether, our integrative framework provides a quantitative assessment of the role of Ne and u in modulating patterns of genetic variation, while giving a synthetic picture of their history over the clade. SO_SCPLOWIGNIFICANCEC_SCPLOWO_SCPCAP C_SCPCAPO_SCPLOWSTATEMENTC_SCPLOWNatural selection tends to increase the frequency of mutants of higher fitness and to eliminate less fit genetic variants. However, chance events over the life of the individuals in the population are susceptible to introduce deviations from these trends, which are expected to have a stronger impact in smaller populations. In the long-term, these fluctuations, called random drift, can lead to the accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations in the genomes of living species, and for that reason, the effective population size (usually denoted Ne, and which captures the relative strength of drift, relative to selection) has been proposed as a major determinant of the evolution of genome architecture and content. A proper quantitative test of this hypothesis, however, is hampered by the fact that Ne is difficult to estimate in practice. Here, we propose a Bayesian integrative approach for reconstructing the broad-scale variation in Ne across an entire phylogeny, which in turns allows for quantifying how Ne correlates with life history traits and with various measures of genetic diversity and selection strength, between and within species. We apply this approach to the phylogeny of primates, and observe that selection is indeed less efficient in primates characterized by smaller effective population sizes.
evolutionary biology
Reconstructing the history of variation in effective population size along phylogenies.
AO_SCPLOWBSTRACTC_SCPLOWThe nearly-neutral theory predicts specific relations between effective population size (Ne) and patterns of divergence and polymorphism, which depend on the shape of the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations. However, testing these relations is not straightforward, owing to the difficulty in estimating Ne. Here, we introduce an integrative framework allowing for an explicit reconstruction of the phylogenetic history of Ne, thus leading to a quantitative test of the nearly-neutral theory and an estimation of the allometric scaling of the ratios of non-synonymous over synonymous polymorphism ({pi}N /{pi}S) and divergence (dN/dS) with respect to Ne. As an illustration, we applied our method to primates, for which the nearly-neutral predictions were mostly verified. Under a purely nearly-neutral model with a constant DFE across species, we find that the variation in{pi} N /{pi}S and dN/dS as a function of Ne is too large to be compatible with current estimates of the DFE based on site frequency spectra. The reconstructed history of Ne shows a ten-fold variation across primates. The mutation rate per generation u, also reconstructed over the tree by the method, varies over a three-fold range and is negatively correlated with Ne. As a result of these opposing trends for Ne and u, variation in{pi} S is intermediate, primarily driven by Ne but substantially influenced by u. Altogether, our integrative framework provides a quantitative assessment of the role of Ne and u in modulating patterns of genetic variation, while giving a synthetic picture of their history over the clade. SO_SCPLOWIGNIFICANCEC_SCPLOWO_SCPCAP C_SCPCAPO_SCPLOWSTATEMENTC_SCPLOWNatural selection tends to increase the frequency of mutants of higher fitness and to eliminate less fit genetic variants. However, chance events over the life of the individuals in the population are susceptible to introduce deviations from these trends, which are expected to have a stronger impact in smaller populations. In the long-term, these fluctuations, called random drift, can lead to the accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations in the genomes of living species, and for that reason, the effective population size (usually denoted Ne, and which captures the relative strength of drift, relative to selection) has been proposed as a major determinant of the evolution of genome architecture and content. A proper quantitative test of this hypothesis, however, is hampered by the fact that Ne is difficult to estimate in practice. Here, we propose a Bayesian integrative approach for reconstructing the broad-scale variation in Ne across an entire phylogeny, which in turns allows for quantifying how Ne correlates with life history traits and with various measures of genetic diversity and selection strength, between and within species. We apply this approach to the phylogeny of primates, and observe that selection is indeed less efficient in primates characterized by smaller effective population sizes.
evolutionary biology
Reconstructing the history of variation in effective population size along phylogenies.
AO_SCPLOWBSTRACTC_SCPLOWThe nearly-neutral theory predicts specific relations between effective population size (Ne) and patterns of divergence and polymorphism, which depend on the shape of the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations. However, testing these relations is not straightforward, owing to the difficulty in estimating Ne. Here, we introduce an integrative framework allowing for an explicit reconstruction of the phylogenetic history of Ne, thus leading to a quantitative test of the nearly-neutral theory and an estimation of the allometric scaling of the ratios of non-synonymous over synonymous polymorphism ({pi}N /{pi}S) and divergence (dN/dS) with respect to Ne. As an illustration, we applied our method to primates, for which the nearly-neutral predictions were mostly verified. Under a purely nearly-neutral model with a constant DFE across species, we find that the variation in{pi} N /{pi}S and dN/dS as a function of Ne is too large to be compatible with current estimates of the DFE based on site frequency spectra. The reconstructed history of Ne shows a ten-fold variation across primates. The mutation rate per generation u, also reconstructed over the tree by the method, varies over a three-fold range and is negatively correlated with Ne. As a result of these opposing trends for Ne and u, variation in{pi} S is intermediate, primarily driven by Ne but substantially influenced by u. Altogether, our integrative framework provides a quantitative assessment of the role of Ne and u in modulating patterns of genetic variation, while giving a synthetic picture of their history over the clade. SO_SCPLOWIGNIFICANCEC_SCPLOWO_SCPCAP C_SCPCAPO_SCPLOWSTATEMENTC_SCPLOWNatural selection tends to increase the frequency of mutants of higher fitness and to eliminate less fit genetic variants. However, chance events over the life of the individuals in the population are susceptible to introduce deviations from these trends, which are expected to have a stronger impact in smaller populations. In the long-term, these fluctuations, called random drift, can lead to the accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations in the genomes of living species, and for that reason, the effective population size (usually denoted Ne, and which captures the relative strength of drift, relative to selection) has been proposed as a major determinant of the evolution of genome architecture and content. A proper quantitative test of this hypothesis, however, is hampered by the fact that Ne is difficult to estimate in practice. Here, we propose a Bayesian integrative approach for reconstructing the broad-scale variation in Ne across an entire phylogeny, which in turns allows for quantifying how Ne correlates with life history traits and with various measures of genetic diversity and selection strength, between and within species. We apply this approach to the phylogeny of primates, and observe that selection is indeed less efficient in primates characterized by smaller effective population sizes.
evolutionary biology
Dynamic interactions and intracellular fate of label-free GO within mammalian cells: role of lateral sheet size
Graphene oxide (GO) holds great potential for biomedical applications, however fundamental understanding of the way it interacts with biological systems is still lacking even though it is essential for successful clinical translation. In this study, we exploit intrinsic fluorescent properties of thin GO sheets to establish the relationship between lateral dimensions of the material, its cellular uptake mechanisms and intracellular fate over time. Label-free GO with distinct lateral dimensions, small (s-GO) and ultra-small (us-GO) were thoroughly characterised both in water and in biologically relevant cell culture medium. Interactions of the material with a range of non-phagocytic mammalian cell lines (BEAS-2B, NIH/3T3, HaCaT, 293T) were studied using a combination of complementary analytical techniques (confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and TEM). The uptake mechanism was initially interrogated using a range of pharmaceutical inhibitors and validated using polystyrene beads of different diameters (0.1 and 1 m). Subsequently, RNA-Seq was used to follow the changes in the uptake mechanism used to internalize s-GO flakes over time. Regardless of lateral dimensions, both types of GO were found to interact with the plasma membrane and to be internalized by a panel of cell lines studied. However, s-GO was internalized mainly via macropinocytosis while us-GO was mainly internalized via clathrin- and caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Importantly, we report the shift from macropinocytosis to clathrin-dependent endocytosis in the uptake of s-GO at 24 h, mediated by upregulation of mTORC1/2 pathway. Finally, we show that both s-GO and us-GO terminate in lysosomal compartments for up to 48 h. Our results offer an insight into the mechanism of interaction of GO with non-phagocytic cell lines over time that can be exploited for the design of biomedically-applicable 2D transport systems.
cell biology
Efficient and robust coding in heterogeneous recurrent networks
Cortical networks show a large heterogeneity of neuronal properties. However, traditional coding models have focused on homogeneous populations of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Here, we analytically derive a class of recurrent networks of spiking neurons that close to optimally track a continuously varying input online, based on two assumptions: 1) every spike is decoded linearly and 2) the network aims to reduce the mean-squared error between the input and the estimate. From this we derive a class of predictive coding networks, that unifies encoding and decoding and in which we can investigate the difference between homogeneous networks and heterogeneous networks, in which each neurons represents different features and has different spike-generating properties. We find that in this framework, type 1 and type 2 neurons arise naturally and networks consisting of a heterogeneous population of different neuron types are both more efficient and more robust against correlated noise. We make two experimental predictions: 1) we predict that integrators show strong correlations with other integrators and resonators are correlated with resonators, whereas the correlations are much weaker between neurons with different coding properties and 2) that type 2 neurons are more coherent with the overall network activity than type 1 neurons.
A Neural Circuit Model of Proprioceptive Feedback from Muscles Recruited during an Isometric Knee Extension
The influence of proprioceptive feedback on muscle activity during isometric tasks is the subject of conflicting studies. To better understand the relationship, we performed an isometric knee extension task experiment at four pre-set angles of the knee, recording from five muscles, and for two different hip positions. We applied muscle synergy analysis using NMF on the sEMG recordings to identify structure in the data which changed with internal knee angle, suggesting a link between proprioception and muscle activity. We hypothesised that such patterns in the data arise from the way proprioceptive and cortical signals are integrated in neural circuits of the spinal cord. Using the MIIND neural simulation platform, we developed a computational model based on current understanding of spinal circuits with an adjustable proprioceptive input. The model produces the same synergy patterns as observed in the experimental data indicating that such synergies are indeed encoded in the neural connectivity of the spinal cord and modulated by the proprioceptive input. When matching the proprioceptive input to the knee angles of the experiment, the model predicts the need for three distinct inputs: two to control the normal reciprocity between the agonist and antagonist muscles, and an additional to match the non-linear trend towards the limit of extension. Finally, we discuss the risks of using NMF for synergy analysis and demonstrate how to increase confidence in its results. Future modelling of human motor outputs should include interneuronal spinal circuits such as this to distinguish the modulatory role of supraspinal and peripheral afferent inputs to the spinal cord, during both passive and dynamic tasks. Significance statementSensory feedback from muscles has a significant role in motor control, but its role in tasks where limbs are held in a fixed position is disputed, because the effect is reduced when muscles are not stretched. Here, we first identified patterns of muscle activity during such tasks which changed with different leg positions. We developed a computational spinal motor circuit model with adjustable muscle stretch input, which reproduced the same patterns of activity as observed experimentally. The model predicts three distinct muscle stretch signals required to produce the activity patterns for all leg positions. Because the connections in the model are based on well known spinal circuits, it is likely the observed activity patterns are generated in the spinal cord.
Proximity proteomics in a marine diatom reveals a putative cell surface-to-chloroplast iron trafficking pathway
Iron is a biochemically critical metal cofactor in enzymes involved in photosynthesis, cellular respiration, nitrate assimilation, nitrogen fixation, and reactive oxygen species defense. Marine microeukaryotes have evolved a phytotransferrin-based iron uptake system to cope with iron scarcity, a major factor limiting primary productivity in the global ocean. Diatom phytotransferrin is endocytosed, however proteins downstream of this environmentally ubiquitous iron receptor are unknown. We applied engineered ascorbate peroxidase APEX2-based subcellular proteomics to catalog proximal proteins of phytotransferrin in the model marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Proteins encoded by poorly characterized iron-sensitive genes were identified including three that are expressed from a chromosomal gene cluster. Two of them showed unambiguous colocalization with phytotransferrin adjacent to the chloroplast. Further phylogenetic, domain, and biochemical analyses suggest their involvement in intracellular iron processing. Proximity proteomics holds enormous potential to glean new insights into iron acquisition pathways and beyond in these evolutionarily, ecologically, and biotechnologically important microalgae.
cell biology
Parallel Factor Analysis for multidimensional decomposition of fNIRS data
SignificanceCurrent techniques for data analysis in functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), such as artifact correction, do not allow to integrate the information originating from both wavelengths, considering only temporal and spatial dimensions of the signals structure. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) has previously been validated as a multidimensional decomposition technique in other neuroimaging fields. AimWe aimed to introduce and validate the use of PARAFAC for the analysis of fNIRS data, which is inherently multidimensional (time, space, wavelength). ApproachWe used data acquired in 17 healthy adults during a verbal fluency task to compare the efficacy of PARAFAC for motion artifact correction to traditional 2D decomposition techniques, i.e. target principal (tPCA) and independent component analysis (ICA). Correction performance was further evaluated under controlled conditions with simulated artifacts and hemodynamic response functions. ResultsPARAFAC achieved significantly higher improvement in data quality as compared to tPCA and ICA. Correction in several simulated signals further validated its use and promoted it as a robust method independent of the artifacts characteristics. ConclusionsThis study describes the first implementation of PARAFAC in fNIRS and provides validation for its use to correct artifacts. PARAFAC is a promising data-driven alternative for multidimensional data analyses in fNIRS and this study paves the way for further applications.
Lymphoid follicle formation and human vaccination responses recapitulated in an organ-on-a-chip
Lymphoid follicles (LFs) are responsible for generation of adaptive immune responses in secondary lymphoid organs and form ectopically during chronic inflammation. A human model of LF formation would provide a tool to understand LF development and an alternative to non-human primate models for preclinical evaluation of vaccines. Here, we show that primary human blood B- and T-lymphocytes autonomously assemble into ectopic LFs when cultured in a three-dimensional (3D) extracellular matrix gel within an organ-on-a-chip microfluidic device. Dynamic fluid flow is required for LF formation and prevention of lymphocyte autoactivation. These germinal center-like LFs contain B cells expressing Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase and exhibit plasma cell (PC) differentiation upon activation. To explore their utility for vaccine testing, autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells were integrated into LF Chips. The human LF chips demonstrated improved antibody responses to split virion influenza vaccination compared to 2D cultures, which were enhanced by addition of a squalene-in-water emulsion adjuvant, and this was accompanied by increases in LF size and number. When inoculated with commercial influenza vaccine, PC formation and production of anti-hemagglutinin IgG were observed, as well as secretion of cytokines similar to those observed in vaccinated humans over clinically relevant timescales.
The Role of State Uncertainty in the Dynamics of Dopamine
Reinforcement learning models of the basal ganglia map the phasic dopamine signal to reward prediction errors (RPEs). Conventional models assert that, when a stimulus predicts a reward with fixed delay, dopamine activity during the delay should converge to baseline through learning. However, recent studies have found that dopamine ramps up before reward in certain conditions even after learning, thus challenging the conventional models. In this work, we show that sensory feedback causes an unbiased learner to produce RPE ramps. Our model predicts that, when feedback gradually decreases during a trial, dopamine activity should resemble a bump, whose ramp-up phase should furthermore be greater than that of conditions where the feedback stays high. We trained mice on a virtual navigation task with varying brightness, and both predictions were empirically observed. In sum, our theoretical and experimental results reconcile the seemingly conflicting data on dopamine behaviors under the RPE hypothesis.
DeepImageJ: A user-friendly environment to run deep learning models in ImageJ
DeepImageJ is a user-friendly solution that enables the generic use of pre-trained deep learn ing (DL) models for biomedical image analysis in ImageJ. The deepImageJ environment gives access to the largest bioimage repository of pre-trained DL models (BioImage Model Zoo). Hence, non-experts can easily perform common image processing tasks in life-science research with DL-based tools including pixel and object classification, instance segmentation, denoising or virtual staining. DeepImageJ is compatible with existing state-of-the-art solutions and it is equipped with utility tools for developers to include new models. Very recently, several train ing frameworks have adopted the deepImageJ format to deploy their work in one of the most used software in the field (ImageJ). Beyond its direct use, we expect deepImageJ to contribute to the broader dissemination and reuse of DL models in life-sciences applications and bioimage informatics.
Reference transcriptome data in silkworm, Bombyx mori
BackgroundThe silkworm Bombyx mori is a lepidopteran model insect with biological and industrial importance. Its high-quality genome sequence has recently become available and the utilization of this information in combination with extensive transcriptomic analyses is expected to provide an elaborate gene model. It will also be possible to clarify gene expression in detail using this approach. ResultsWe herein performed RNA-seq analysis of ten major tissues/subparts of silkworm larvae. Sequences were mapped onto the reference genome assembly and reference transcriptome data was successfully constructed. The reference data provided a nearly complete sequence for sericin-1, a major silk gene with a complex structure. We also markedly improved the gene model for other genes. Transcriptomic expression was investigated in each tissue and a number of transcripts were identified that were exclusively expressed in tissues such as the testis. Transcripts strongly expressed in the midgut formed tight genomic clusters, suggesting that they originated from tandem gene duplication. Transcriptional factor genes expressed in specific tissues or the silk gland subparts were also identified. ConclusionsWe successfully constructed reference transcriptome data in the silkworm and found that a number of transcripts showed unique expression profiles. These results will facilitate basic studies on the silkworm and accelerate its applications, which will contribute to further advances in lepidopteran and entomological research and the practical use of these insects.
Reference transcriptome data in silkworm, Bombyx mori
BackgroundThe silkworm Bombyx mori is a lepidopteran model insect with biological and industrial importance. Its high-quality genome sequence has recently become available and the utilization of this information in combination with extensive transcriptomic analyses is expected to provide an elaborate gene model. It will also be possible to clarify gene expression in detail using this approach. ResultsWe herein performed RNA-seq analysis of ten major tissues/subparts of silkworm larvae. Sequences were mapped onto the reference genome assembly and reference transcriptome data was successfully constructed. The reference data provided a nearly complete sequence for sericin-1, a major silk gene with a complex structure. We also markedly improved the gene model for other genes. Transcriptomic expression was investigated in each tissue and a number of transcripts were identified that were exclusively expressed in tissues such as the testis. Transcripts strongly expressed in the midgut formed tight genomic clusters, suggesting that they originated from tandem gene duplication. Transcriptional factor genes expressed in specific tissues or the silk gland subparts were also identified. ConclusionsWe successfully constructed reference transcriptome data in the silkworm and found that a number of transcripts showed unique expression profiles. These results will facilitate basic studies on the silkworm and accelerate its applications, which will contribute to further advances in lepidopteran and entomological research and the practical use of these insects.
A functional corona around extracellular vesicles enhancesangiogenesis during skin regeneration and signals in immune cells
Nanoparticles can acquire a protein corona defining their biological identity. Corona functions were not yet considered for cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs). Here we demonstrate that nanosized EVs from therapy-grade human placental-expanded (PLX) stromal cells are surrounded by an imageable and functional protein corona when enriched with permissive technology. Scalable EV separation from cell-secreted soluble factors via tangential flow-filtration and subtractive tandem mass-tag proteomics revealed significant enrichment of predominantly immunomodulatory and proangiogenic proteins. Western blot, calcein-based flow cytometry, super-resolution and electron microscopy verified EV identity. PLX-EVs protected corona proteins from protease digestion. EVs significantly ameliorated human skin regeneration and angiogenesis in vivo, induced differential signaling in immune cells, and dose-dependently inhibited T cell proliferation in vitro. Corona removal by size-exclusion or ultracentrifugation abrogated angiogenesis. Re-establishing an artificial corona by cloaking EVs with defined proangiogenic proteins served as a proof-of-concept. Understanding EV corona formation will improve rational EV-inspired nanotherapy design.
cell biology
Integrating multi-omics data through deep learning for accurate cancer prognosis prediction
BackgroundGenomic information is nowadays widely used for precise cancer treatments. Since the individual type of omics data only represents a single view that suffers from data noise and bias, multiple types of omics data are required for accurate cancer prognosis prediction. However, it is challenging to effectively integrate multi-omics data due to the large number of redundant variables but relatively small sample size. With the recent progress in deep learning techniques, Autoencoder was used to integrate multi-omics data for extracting representative features. Nevertheless, the generated model is fragile from data noises. Additionally, previous studies usually focused on individual cancer types without making comprehensive tests on pan-cancer. Here, we employed the denoising Autoencoder to get a robust representation of the multi-omics data, and then used the learned representative features to estimate patients risks. ResultsBy applying to 15 cancers from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), our method was shown to improve the C-index values over previous methods by 6.5% on average. Considering the difficulty to obtain multi-omics data in practice, we further used only mRNA data to fit the estimated risks by training XGboost models, and found the models could achieve an average C-index value of 0.627. As a case study, the breast cancer prognosis prediction model was independently tested on three datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), and shown able to significantly separate high-risk patients from low-risk ones (C-index>0.6, p-values<0.05). Based on the risk subgroups divided by our method, we identified nine prognostic markers highly associated with breast cancer, among which seven genes have been proved by literature review. ConclusionOur comprehensive tests indicated that we have constructed an accurate and robust framework to integrate multi-omics data for cancer prognosis prediction. Moreover, it is an effective way to discover cancer prognosis-related genes.
Understanding patterns of HIV multi-drug resistance through models of temporal and spatial drug heterogeneity
1Triple-drug therapies have transformed HIV from a fatal condition to a chronic one. These therapies should prevent HIV drug resistance evolution, because one or more drugs suppress any partially-resistant viruses. In practice, such therapies drastically reduced, but did not eliminate, resistance evolution. In this article, we reanalyze published data from an evolutionary perspective and demonstrate several intriguing patterns about HIV resistance evolution - resistance evolves (1) even after years on successful therapy, (2) sequentially, often via one mutation at a time and (3) in a partially predictable order. We describe how these observations might emerge under two models of HIV drugs varying in space or time. Despite decades of work in this area, much opportunity remains to create models with realistic parameters for three drugs, and to match model outcomes to resistance rates and genetic patterns from patients on triple-drug therapy. Further, lessons from HIV may inform other systems.
evolutionary biology
Understanding patterns of HIV multi-drug resistance through models of temporal and spatial drug heterogeneity
1Triple-drug therapies have transformed HIV from a fatal condition to a chronic one. These therapies should prevent HIV drug resistance evolution, because one or more drugs suppress any partially-resistant viruses. In practice, such therapies drastically reduced, but did not eliminate, resistance evolution. In this article, we reanalyze published data from an evolutionary perspective and demonstrate several intriguing patterns about HIV resistance evolution - resistance evolves (1) even after years on successful therapy, (2) sequentially, often via one mutation at a time and (3) in a partially predictable order. We describe how these observations might emerge under two models of HIV drugs varying in space or time. Despite decades of work in this area, much opportunity remains to create models with realistic parameters for three drugs, and to match model outcomes to resistance rates and genetic patterns from patients on triple-drug therapy. Further, lessons from HIV may inform other systems.
evolutionary biology
Evolutionary impact of size-selective harvesting on shoaling behavior: Individual-level mechanisms and possible consequences for natural and fishing mortality
Intensive and size-selective harvesting is an evolutionary driver of life-history as well as individual behavioral traits. Yet, whether and to what degree harvesting modifies the collective behavior of exploited species is largely unknown. We present a multi-generation harvest selection experiment with zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model species to understand the effects of size-selective harvesting on shoaling behavior. The experimental system is based on a large-harvested (typical of most wild capture fisheries targeting larger size classes) and small-harvested (typical of specialized fisheries and gape-limited predators targeting smaller size classes) selection lines. By combining high resolution tracking of fish behavior with computational agent-based modeling we show that shoal cohesion changed in the direction expected by a trade-off between vigilance and the use of social cues. In particular, we document a decrease of vigilance in the small-harvested line, which was linked to an increase in the attention to social cues, favoring more cohesive shoals. Opposing outcomes were found for the large-harvested line, which formed less cohesive shoals. Using the agent-based model we outline possible consequences of changes is shoaling behavior for both fishing and natural mortality. The changes in shoaling induced by large size-selective harvesting may decrease fishing mortality, but increase mortality by natural predators. Our work suggests an insofar overlooked evolutionary mechanism by which size-selective harvesting can affect mortality and in turn population dynamics of exploited fish.
Fine human genetic map based on UK10K data set
Recombination is a major force that shapes genetic diversity. Determination of recombination rate is important and can theoretically be improved by increasing the sample size. However, it is challenging to estimate recombination rates when the sample size is extraordinarily large because of computational burden. In this study, we used a refined artificial intelligence approach to estimate the recombination rate of the human genome using the UK10K human genomic dataset with 7,562 genomic sequences and its three subsets with 200, 400 and 2,000 genomic sequences under the Out-of-Africa demography model. We not only obtained an accurate human genetic map, but also found that the fluctuation of estimated recombination rate is reduced along the human genome when the sample size is increased. UK10K recombination activity is less concentrated than its subsets. Our results demonstrate how the sample size affects the estimated recombination rate, and analyses of a larger number of genomes result in a more precise estimation of recombination rate.
evolutionary biology
Gene Ontology Meta Annotator for Plants (GOMAP)
Annotating gene structures and functions to genome assemblies is necessary to make assembly resources useful for biological inference. Gene Ontology (GO) term assignment is the most used functional annotation system, and new methods for GO assignment have improved the quality of GO-based function predictions. The Gene Ontology Meta Annotator for Plants (GOMAP) is an optimized, high-throughput, and reproducible pipeline for genome-scale GO annotation of plants. We containerized GOMAP to increase portability and reproducibility and also optimized its performance for HPC environments. Here we report on the pipelines availability and performance for annotating large, repetitive plant genomes and describe how GOMAP was used to annotate multiple maize genomes as a test case. Assessment shows that GOMAP expands and improves the number of genes annotated and annotations assigned per gene as well as the quality (based on Fmax) of GO assignments in maize. GOMAP has been deployed to annotate other species including wheat, rice, barley, cotton, and soy. Instructions and access to the GOMAP Singularity container are freely available online at A list of annotated genomes and links to data is maintained at
Gene Ontology Meta Annotator for Plants (GOMAP)
Annotating gene structures and functions to genome assemblies is necessary to make assembly resources useful for biological inference. Gene Ontology (GO) term assignment is the most used functional annotation system, and new methods for GO assignment have improved the quality of GO-based function predictions. The Gene Ontology Meta Annotator for Plants (GOMAP) is an optimized, high-throughput, and reproducible pipeline for genome-scale GO annotation of plants. We containerized GOMAP to increase portability and reproducibility and also optimized its performance for HPC environments. Here we report on the pipelines availability and performance for annotating large, repetitive plant genomes and describe how GOMAP was used to annotate multiple maize genomes as a test case. Assessment shows that GOMAP expands and improves the number of genes annotated and annotations assigned per gene as well as the quality (based on Fmax) of GO assignments in maize. GOMAP has been deployed to annotate other species including wheat, rice, barley, cotton, and soy. Instructions and access to the GOMAP Singularity container are freely available online at A list of annotated genomes and links to data is maintained at
AMR - An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data
Antimicrobial resistance is an increasing threat to global health. Evidence for this trend is generated in microbiological laboratories through testing microorganisms for resistance against antimicrobial agents. International standards and guidelines are in place for this process as well as for reporting data on (inter-)national levels. However, there is a gap in the availability of standardized and reproducible tools for working with laboratory data to produce the required reports. It is known that extensive efforts in data cleaning and validation are required when working with data from laboratory information systems. Furthermore, the global spread and relevance of antimicrobial resistance demands to incorporate international reference data in the analysis process. In this paper, we introduce the AMR package for R that aims at closing this gap by providing tools to simplify antimicrobial resistance data cleaning and analysis, while incorporating international guidelines and scientifically reliable reference data. The AMR package enables standardized and reproducible antimicrobial resistance analyses, including the application of evidence-based rules, determination of first isolates, translation of various codes for microorganisms and antimicrobial agents, determination of (multi-drug) resistant microorganisms, and calculation of antimicrobial resistance, prevalence and future trends. The AMR package works independently of any laboratory information system and provides several functions to integrate into international workflows (e.g., WHONET software provided by the World Health Organization).
Caveat in Fisher's theorem reveals fitness can change without mutations
The fitness of microbial genotypes is linked to their reproduction rate: Mutants reproducing faster than their wild-type counterparts are favoured by selection, but otherwise the mutation is lost. Here I show that relative differences in fitness between two mutants can change over time without invoking new mutations, contravening textbook population genetics theory. Widespread fitness measurements assume the ratio between Malthusian reproduction rates of competing genotypes is constant. But they are not. Here I competed two constructs of Escherichia coli, one harbouring the non-transmissible plasmid pGW155B. The plasmid protects the bacterium against tetracycline, and yet, it was maintained without using the antibiotic. pGW155B imposes a slower reproduction rate due to carriage costs but it also prompts a known trade-off between reproduction and survival, so the construct harbouring pGW155B attains higher densities at the equilibrium. Consequently, if selection favours survival the bacterium could maintain the plasmid, despite its slower reproduction, without using tetracycline. Exclusive reliance on reproduction rates may therefore yield inaccurate fitness measurements, altering our intuition about how natural selection operates, unless competing genotypes reach their equilibrium. This means that selection for plasmid carriage could be stronger than previously thought.
evolutionary biology
Effective mechanical potential of cell-cell interaction explains basic structural units of three-dimensional morphogenesis
Mechanical forces of cell-cell interactions have been suggested to be critical for the emergence of diverse three-dimensional morphologies of multicellular organisms. The direct evaluation of the forces in living systems has been difficult due to technical limitations. Here, we developed a framework for inferring and modeling mechanical forces of cell-cell interactions. First, by analogy to coarse-grained models in molecular and colloidal sciences, cells were assumed to be spherical particles, where the mean forces (i.e. effective forces) of pairwise cell-cell interactions were considered. Then, the forces were statistically inferred from live imaging data, and subsequently, we successfully detected effective mechanical potentials of cell-cell interactions as a function of the cell-cell distances in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, C.elegans early embryos, and mouse pre-implantation embryos. The qualitative and quantitative differences in the inferred potentials can be a control parameter for morphological transition during the mouse compaction process, and can also reproduce various three-dimensional morphologies including aggregates, cavities, tubes, cups, and two-dimensional sheets, which constitute basic structures observed during morphogenesis. We propose that effective potentials of cell-cell interactions are measurable, and their qualitative and quantitative features are critical for the emergence of diverse three-dimensional morphogenesis. Significance statementEmergence of diverse morphologies of multicellular organisms is one of the most intriguing phenomena in nature. Mechanical forces generated by cells play central roles in morphogenesis, however, their measurement is technically limited. Furthermore, due to the complex situations in living systems, a model for describing the emergent properties of multicellular systems has not been established. Here, we developed a method for inferring mechanical potential energy of cell-cell interactions, and showed that the quantitative differences in the potential is alone sufficient to describe basic three-dimensional morphologies observed during embryogenesis and organogenesis. This framework sheds light on the emergent properties of multicellular systems.
Network dynamics underlying OFF responses in the auditory cortex
Across sensory systems, complex spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity arise following the onset (ON) and offset (OFF) of stimuli. While ON responses have been widely studied, the mechanisms generating OFF responses in cortical areas have so far not been fully elucidated. We examine here the hypothesis that OFF responses are single-cell signatures of recurrent interactions at the network level. To test this hypothesis, we performed population analyses of two-photon calcium recordings in the auditory cortex of awake mice listening to auditory stimuli, and compared linear single-cell and network models. While the single-cell model explained some prominent features of the data, it could not capture the structure across stimuli and trials. In contrast, the network model accounted for the low-dimensional organisation of population responses and their global structure across stimuli, where distinct stimuli activated mostly orthogonal dimensions in the neural state-space.
Low-dimensional learned feature spaces quantify individual and group differences in vocal repertoires
Increases in the scale and complexity of behavioral data pose an increasing challenge for data analysis. A common strategy involves replacing entire behaviors with small numbers of handpicked, domain-specific features, but this approach suffers from several crucial limitations. For example, handpicked features may miss important dimensions of variability, and correlations among them complicate statistical testing. Here, by contrast, we apply the variational autoencoder (VAE), an unsupervised learning method, to learn features directly from data and quantify the vocal behavior of two model species: the laboratory mouse and the zebra finch. The VAE converges on a parsimonious representation that outperforms handpicked features on a variety of common analysis tasks, enables the measurement of moment-by-moment vocal variability on the timescale of tens of milliseconds in the zebra finch, provides strong evidence that mouse ultrasonic vocalizations do not cluster as is commonly believed, and captures the similarity of tutor and pupil birdsong with qualitatively higher fidelity than previous approaches. In all, we demonstrate the utility of modern unsupervised learning approaches to the quantification of complex and high-dimensional vocal behavior.
animal behavior and cognition
Population coding of strategic variables during foraging in freely-moving macaques
To optimize their foraging strategy, animals must continuously make decisions about where to look for food and when to move between locations of possible food sources. Until now it was difficult to examine the neural bases of foraging in naturalistic environments because previous approaches have relied on restrained animals performing trial-based foraging tasks. Here, we allowed unrestrained monkeys to freely interact with concurrent reward options while we wirelessly recorded population activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). Although the relevant reward dynamics were hidden from the animals, they were nonetheless encoded in the population activity and helped predict foraging choices. Surprisingly, the decoded reward dynamics were represented in a subspace of the high-dimensional population activity, and predicted animals subsequent choice better than either the true experimental variables or the raw neural responses. Our results indicate that monkeys foraging strategy is based on a cortical model of reward dynamics as animals freely explore their environment.
Fully-automated and ultra-fast cell-type identification using specific marker combinations from single-cell transcriptomic data
Single-cell transcriptomics enables systematic charting of cellular composition of complex tissues. Identification of cell populations often relies on unsupervised clustering of cells based on the similarity of their scRNA-seq profiles, followed by manual annotation of cell clusters using established marker genes. However, manual selection of marker genes is a time-consuming process that may lead to sub-optimal annotation results as the selected markers must be informative of both the individual cell clusters and various cell types present in the complex samples. Here, we developed a computational platform, termed ScType, which enables data-driven, fully-automated and ultra-fast cell-type identification based solely on given scRNA-seq data, combined with our comprehensive cell marker database as background information. Using a compendium of six scRNA-seq datasets from various human and mouse tissues, we show how ScType provides an unbiased and accurate cell-type annotation by guaranteeing the specificity of positive and negative marker genes both across cell clusters and cell types. We also demonstrate how ScType enables distinguishing between healthy and malignant cell populations, based on single-cell calling of single-nucleotide variants, making it a versatile tool for exploration and use of single-cell transcriptomic data for anticancer applications. The widely-applicable method is deployed both as an interactive web-tool (, and as an open-source R-package, connected with a comprehensive ScType database of specific markers.
systems biology
Hybridization disrupts growth-defense strategies and reveals trade-offs masked in unadmixed populations of a perennial plant
Organisms are constantly challenged by pathogens and pests which can drive the evolution of growth-defense strategies. Plant stomata are essential for gas-exchange during photosynthesis and conceptually lie at the intersection of the physiological demands of growth and exposure to foliar fungal. Generations of natural selection for locally adapted growth-defense strategies can eliminate variation between traits, potentially masking trade-offs and selection conflicts that may have existed in the past. Hybrid populations offer a unique opportunity to reset the clock on selection and to study potentially maladaptive trait variation before selection removes it. We study the interactions of growth, stomatal, ecopysiological, and disease resistance traits in Poplars (Populus) after infection by the leaf rust Melampsora medusae. Phenotypes were measured in a common garden and genotyped at 227K SNPs. We isolate the effects of hybridization on trait variance, discover correlations between stomatal, ecophysiology and disease resistance, examine trade-offs and selection conflicts, and explore the evolution of growth-defense strategies potentially mediated by selection for stomatal traits on the upper leaf surface. These results suggest an important role for stomata in determining growth-defense strategies in organisms susceptible to foliar pathogens, and reinforces the contribution of hybridization studies towards our understanding of trait evolution.
evolutionary biology
Information Enhanced Model Selection for Gaussian Graphical Model with Application to Metabolomic Data
In light of the low signal-to-noise nature of many large biological data sets, we propose a novel method to learn the structure of association networks using Gaussian graphical models combined with prior knowledge. Our strategy includes two parts. In the first part, we propose a model selection criterion called structural Bayesian information criterion (SBIC), in which the prior structure is modeled and incorporated into Bayesian information criterion (BIC). It is shown that the popular extended BIC (EBIC) is a special case of SBIC. In the second part, we propose a two-step algorithm to construct the candidate model pool. The algorithm is data-driven and the prior structure is embedded into the candidate model automatically. Theoretical investigation shows that under some mild conditions SBIC is a consistent model selection criterion for high-dimensional Gaussian graphical model. Simulation studies validate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the existing ones and show the robustness to the model misspecification. Application to relative concentration data from infant feces collected from subjects enrolled in a large molecular epidemiological cohort study validates that metabolic pathway involvement is a statistically significant factor for the conditional dependence between metabolites. Furthermore, new relationships among metabolites are discovered which can not be identified by the conventional methods of pathway analysis. Some of them have been widely recognized in biological literature.
Whole genome sequencing and the application of a SNP panel reveal primary evolutionary lineages and genomic diversity in the lion (Panthera leo)
BackgroundPrevious phylogeographic studies of the lion (Panthera leo) have improved our insight into the distribution of genetic variation, as well as a revised taxonomy which now recognizes a northern (Panthera leo leo) and a southern (Panthera leo melanochaita) subspecies. However, existing whole range phylogeographic studies on lions either consist of very limited numbers of samples, or are focused on mitochondrial DNA and/or a limited set of microsatellites. The geographic extent of genetic lineages and their phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain, clouded by massive sampling gaps, sex-biased dispersal and incomplete lineage sorting. ResultsIn this study we present results of low depth whole genome sequencing and subsequent variant calling in ten lions sampled throughout the geographic range, resulting in the discovery of >150,000 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Phylogenetic analyses revealed the same basal split between northern and southern populations as well as four population clusters on a more local scale. Further, we designed a SNP panel, including 125 autosomal and 14 mitochondrial SNPs, which was tested on >200 lions from across their range. Results allow us to assign individuals to one of these four major clades (West & Central Africa, India, East Africa, or Southern Africa) and delineate these clades in more detail. ConclusionsThe results presented here, particularly the validated SNP panel, have important applications, not only for studying populations on a local geographic scale, but also for tracing samples of unknown origin for forensic purposes, and for guiding conservation management of ex situ populations. Thus, these genomic resources not only contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary history of the lion, but may also play a crucial role in conservation efforts aimed at protecting the species in its full diversity.
evolutionary biology
Learning Your Heart Actions From Pulse: ECG Waveform Reconstruction From PPG
This paper studies the relation between electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmogram (PPG) and infers the waveform of ECG via the PPG signals that can be obtained from affordable wearable Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices for mobile health. In order to address this inverse problem, a transform is proposed to map the discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients of each PPG cycle to those of the corresponding ECG cycle based on our proposed cardiovascular signal model. The proposed method is evaluated with different morphologies of the PPG and ECG signals on three benchmark datasets with a variety of combinations of age, weight, and health conditions using different training setups. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve a high prediction accuracy greater than 0.92 in averaged correlation for each dataset when the model is trained subject-wise. With a signal processing and learning system that is designed synergistically, we are able to reconstruct ECG signals by exploiting the relation of these two types of cardiovascular measurement. The reconstruction capability of the proposed method can enable low-cost ECG screening from affordable wearable IoT devices for continuous and long-term monitoring. This work may open up a new research direction to transfer the understanding of the clinical ECG knowledge base to build a knowledge base for PPG and data from wearable devices.
Interictal Signatures of Human Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia
Periventricular nodular heterotopia (PNH) is a malformation of cortical development that frequently causes drug-resistant epilepsy. The epileptogenicity of ectopic neurons in PNH as well as their role in generating interictal and ictal activity is still a matter of debate. We report the first in vivo microelectrode recording of heterotopic neurons in humans. Highly consistent interictal patterns (IPs) were identified within the nodules: 1) Periodic Discharges PLUS Fast activity (PD+F), Sporadic discharges PLUS Fast activity (SD+F), and 3) epileptic spikes (ES). Neuronal firing rates were significantly modulated during all IPs, suggesting that multiple IPs were generated by the same local neuronal populations. Furthermore, firing rates closely followed IP morphologies. Among the different IPs, SD+FA pattern was found only in the three nodules that were actively involved in seizure generation, but was never observed in the nodule that did not take part in ictal discharges. On the contrary, PD+F and ES were identified in all nodules. Units that were modulated during the IPs were also found to participate in seizures, increasing their firing rate at seizure onset and maintaining an elevated rate during the seizures. Together, nodules in PNH are highly epileptogenic, and show several IPs that provide promising pathognomonic signatures of PNH. Furthermore, our results show that PNH nodules may well initiate seizures. HighlightsO_LIFirst in vivo microelectrode description of local epileptic activities in human PNH C_LIO_LIRecordings revealed multiple microscopic epileptic interictal patterns C_LIO_LIFiring rates of all detected units were significantly modulated during all interictal patterns C_LIO_LISeizures recruited the same units that are involved in interictal activity C_LI
A CTP-dependent gating mechanism enables ParB spreading on DNA in Caulobacter crescentus
Proper chromosome segregation is essential in all living organisms. The ParA-ParB-parS system is widely employed for chromosome segregation in bacteria. Previously, we showed that Caulobacter crescentus ParB requires cytidine triphosphate to escape the nucleation site parS and spread by sliding to the neighboring DNA 1. Here, we provide the structural basis for this transition from nucleation to spreading by solving co-crystal structures of a C-terminal domain truncated C. crescentus ParB with parS and with a CTP analog. Nucleating ParB is an open clamp, in which parS is captured at the DNA-binding domain (the DNA-gate). Upon binding CTP, the N-terminal domain (NTD) self-dimerizes to close the NTD-gate of the clamp. The DNA-gate also closes, thus driving parS into a compartment between the DNA-gate and the C-terminal domain. CTP hydrolysis and/or the release of hydrolytic products are likely associated with re-opening of the gates to release DNA and to recycle ParB. Overall, we suggest a CTP-operated gating mechanism that regulates ParB nucleation, spreading, and recycling.
A CTP-dependent gating mechanism enables ParB spreading on DNA
Proper chromosome segregation is essential in all living organisms. The ParA-ParB-parS system is widely employed for chromosome segregation in bacteria. Previously, we showed that Caulobacter crescentus ParB requires cytidine triphosphate to escape the nucleation site parS and spread by sliding to the neighboring DNA 1. Here, we provide the structural basis for this transition from nucleation to spreading by solving co-crystal structures of a C-terminal domain truncated C. crescentus ParB with parS and with a CTP analog. Nucleating ParB is an open clamp, in which parS is captured at the DNA-binding domain (the DNA-gate). Upon binding CTP, the N-terminal domain (NTD) self-dimerizes to close the NTD-gate of the clamp. The DNA-gate also closes, thus driving parS into a compartment between the DNA-gate and the C-terminal domain. CTP hydrolysis and/or the release of hydrolytic products are likely associated with re-opening of the gates to release DNA and to recycle ParB. Overall, we suggest a CTP-operated gating mechanism that regulates ParB nucleation, spreading, and recycling.
A Francisella tularensis L,D-carboxypeptidase plays important roles in cell morphology, envelope integrity, and virulence.
Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative, intracellular bacterium that causes the zoonotic disease tularemia. Intracellular pathogens, including F. tularensis, have evolved mechanisms to survive in the harsh environment of macrophages and neutrophils, where they are exposed to cell envelope-damaging molecules. The bacterial cell wall, primarily composed of peptidoglycan (PG), maintains cell morphology, structure, and membrane integrity. Intracellular Gram-negative bacteria protect themselves from macrophage and neutrophil killing by recycling and repairing damaged PG - a process that involves over 50 different PG synthesis and recycling enzymes. Here, we identified a PG recycling enzyme, L,D-carboxypeptidase A (LdcA), of F. tularensis that is responsible for converting PG tetrapeptide stems to tripeptide stems. Unlike E. coli LdcA and most other orthologs, F. tularensis LdcA does not localize to the cytoplasm and also exhibits L,D-endopeptidase activity, converting PG pentapeptide stems to tripeptide stems. Loss of F. tularensis LdcA led to altered cell morphology and membrane integrity, as well as attenuation in a mouse pulmonary infection model and in primary and immortalized macrophages. Finally, an F. tularensis ldcA mutant protected mice against virulent Type A F. tularensis SchuS4 pulmonary challenge.
Learning to learn persistently modifies an entorhinal-hippocampal excitatory-inhibitory subcircuit
Cognitive control, the judicious use of relevant information while ignoring distractions, is a feature of everyday cognitive experience, but its neurobiology is understudied. We investigated whether cognitive control training (CCT) changes hippocampal neural circuit function in mice, beyond the changes caused by place learning and memory formation. Mice learned and remembered a conditioned place avoidance during CCT that required ignoring irrelevant locations of shock. They were compared to controls that learned the same place avoidance under lower cognitive control demands. Weeks after CCT, mice learn new tasks in novel environments faster than controls; they learned to learn. We investigated entorhinal cortex-to-dentate gyrus neural circuit changes and report that CCT rapidly changes synaptic circuit function, resulting in an excitatory-inhibitory subcircuit change that persists for months. CCT increases inhibition that attenuates the dentate response to medial entorhinal cortical input, and through disinhibition, potentiates the response to strong inputs, pointing to overall signal-to-noise enhancement. These neurobiological findings support a neuroplasticity hypothesis that, beyond storing item/event associations, CCT persistently optimizes neural circuit information processing.
Male genital lobe morphology affects the chance to copulate in Drosophila pachea
IntroductionMale genitalia are thought to ensure transfer of sperm through direct physical contact with female during copulation. However, little attention has been given to their pre-copulatory role with respect to sexual selection and sexual conflict. Males of the fruitfly Drosophila pachea have a pair of asymmetric external genital lobes, which are primary sexual structures and stabilize the copulatory complex of female and male genitalia. We wondered if genital lobes in D. pachea may have a role before or at the onset of copulation, before genitalia contacts are made. ResultsWe tested this hypothesis with a D. pachea stock where males have variable lobe lengths. In 92 mate competition trials with a single female and two males, females preferentially engaged into a first copulation with males that had a longer left lobe and that displayed increased courtship vigor. In 53 additional trials with both males having partially amputated left lobes of different lengths, we observed a weaker and non-significant effect of left lobe length on copulation success. Courtship durations significantly increased with female age and when two males courted the female simultaneously, compared to trials with only one courting male. In addition, lobe length did not affect sperm transfer once copulation was established. ConclusionLeft lobe length affects the chance of a male to engage into copulation. The morphology of this primary sexual trait may affect reproductive success by mediating courtship signals or by facilitating the establishment of genital contacts at the onset of copulation.
evolutionary biology
A memory-based theory of emotional disorders
Learning and memory play a central role in emotional disorders, particularly in depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. We present a new, transdiagnostic theory of how memory and mood interact in emotional disorders. Drawing upon retrieved-context models of episodic memory, we propose that memories form associations with the contexts in which they are encoded, including emotional valence and arousal. Later, encountering contextual cues retrieves their associated memories, which in turn reactivate the context that was present during encoding. We first show how our retrieved-context model accounts for findings regarding the organization of emotional memories in list-learning experiments. We then show how this model predicts clinical phenomena, including persistent negative mood after chronic stressors, intrusive memories of painful events, and the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies.
A memory-based theory of emotional disorders
Learning and memory play a central role in emotional disorders, particularly in depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. We present a new, transdiagnostic theory of how memory and mood interact in emotional disorders. Drawing upon retrieved-context models of episodic memory, we propose that memories form associations with the contexts in which they are encoded, including emotional valence and arousal. Later, encountering contextual cues retrieves their associated memories, which in turn reactivate the context that was present during encoding. We first show how our retrieved-context model accounts for findings regarding the organization of emotional memories in list-learning experiments. We then show how this model predicts clinical phenomena, including persistent negative mood after chronic stressors, intrusive memories of painful events, and the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies.
A memory-based theory of emotional disorders
Learning and memory play a central role in emotional disorders, particularly in depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. We present a new, transdiagnostic theory of how memory and mood interact in emotional disorders. Drawing upon retrieved-context models of episodic memory, we propose that memories form associations with the contexts in which they are encoded, including emotional valence and arousal. Later, encountering contextual cues retrieves their associated memories, which in turn reactivate the context that was present during encoding. We first show how our retrieved-context model accounts for findings regarding the organization of emotional memories in list-learning experiments. We then show how this model predicts clinical phenomena, including persistent negative mood after chronic stressors, intrusive memories of painful events, and the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies.
A conserved enzyme found in diverse human gut bacteria interferes with anticancer drug efficacy
Pharmaceuticals are the top predictor of inter-individual variations in gut microbial community structure1, consistent with in vitro evidence that host-targeted drugs inhibit gut bacterial growth2 and are extensively metabolized by the gut microbiome3,4. In oncology, bacterial metabolism has been implicated in both drug efficacy5,6 and toxicity7,8; however, the degree to which bacterial drug sensitivity and metabolism can be driven by conserved pathways also found in mammalian cells remains poorly understood. Here, we show that anticancer fluoropyrimidine drugs inhibit the growth of diverse gut bacterial strains by disrupting pyrimidine metabolism, as in mammalian cells. Select bacteria metabolized 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to its inactive metabolite dihydrofluorouracil (DHFU), mimicking the major host pathway for drug clearance. The preTA operon was necessary and sufficient for 5-FU inactivation in Escherichia coli, exhibited high catalytic efficiency for the reductive reaction, decreased the bioavailability and efficacy of oral fluoropyrimidine treatment in mice, and was prevalent in the gut microbiomes of colorectal cancer patients prior to and during treatment. The observed conservation of both the targets and pathways for metabolism of therapeutics across domains highlights the need to distinguish the relative contributions of human and microbial cells to drug disposition9, efficacy, and side effect profiles.
A conserved enzyme found in diverse human gut bacteria interferes with anticancer drug efficacy
Pharmaceuticals are the top predictor of inter-individual variations in gut microbial community structure1, consistent with in vitro evidence that host-targeted drugs inhibit gut bacterial growth2 and are extensively metabolized by the gut microbiome3,4. In oncology, bacterial metabolism has been implicated in both drug efficacy5,6 and toxicity7,8; however, the degree to which bacterial drug sensitivity and metabolism can be driven by conserved pathways also found in mammalian cells remains poorly understood. Here, we show that anticancer fluoropyrimidine drugs inhibit the growth of diverse gut bacterial strains by disrupting pyrimidine metabolism, as in mammalian cells. Select bacteria metabolized 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to its inactive metabolite dihydrofluorouracil (DHFU), mimicking the major host pathway for drug clearance. The preTA operon was necessary and sufficient for 5-FU inactivation in Escherichia coli, exhibited high catalytic efficiency for the reductive reaction, decreased the bioavailability and efficacy of oral fluoropyrimidine treatment in mice, and was prevalent in the gut microbiomes of colorectal cancer patients prior to and during treatment. The observed conservation of both the targets and pathways for metabolism of therapeutics across domains highlights the need to distinguish the relative contributions of human and microbial cells to drug disposition9, efficacy, and side effect profiles.
Targeted gene correction and functional recovery in achondroplasia patient-derived iPSCs
BackgroundAchondroplasia (ACH) is the most common genetic form of dwarfism and belongs to dominant monogenic disorder caused by a gain-of-function point mutation in the transmembrane region of FGFR3. There are no effective treatments for ACH. Stem cells and gene-editing technology provide us with effective methods and ideas for ACH research and treatment. MethodsWe generated non-integrated iPSCs from an ACH girls skin and an ACH boys urine by Sendai virus. The mutation of ACH iPSCs was precisely corrected by CRISPR-Cas9. ResultsChondrogenic differentiation ability of ACH iPSCs was confined compared with that of healthy iPSCs. Chondrogenic differentiation ability of corrected ACH iPSCs could be restored. These corrected iPSCs displayed pluripotency, maintained normal karyotype, and demonstrated none of off-target indels. ConclusionsThis study may provide an important theoretical and experimental basis for the ACH research and treatment.
developmental biology
PLETHORA-WOX5 interaction and subnuclear localisation control Arabidopsis root stem cell maintenance
Maintenance and homeostasis of the stem cell niche (SCN) in the Arabidopsis root is essential for growth and development of all root cell types. The SCN is organized around a quiescent center (QC) maintaining the stemness of cells in direct contact. The key transcription factors (TFs) WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 5 (WOX5) and PLETHORAs (PLTs) are expressed in the SCN where they maintain the QC and regulate distal columella stem cell (CSC) fate. Here, we describe the concerted mutual regulation of the key TFs WOX5 and PLTs on a transcriptional and protein interaction level. Additionally, by applying a novel SCN staining method, we demonstrate that both WOX5 and PLTs regulate root SCN homeostasis as they control QC quiescence and CSC fate interdependently. Moreover, we uncover that some PLTs, especially PLT3, contain intrinsically disordered prion-like domains (PrDs) that are necessary for complex formation with WOX5 and its recruitment to subnuclear microdomains/nuclear bodies (NBs) in the CSCs. We propose that this partitioning of PLT-WOX5 complexes to NBs, possibly by phase separation, is important for CSC fate determination.
plant biology
High-Throughput Translational Profiling with riboPLATE-seq
Protein synthesis is dysregulated in many diseases, but we lack a systems-level picture of how signaling molecules and RNA binding proteins interact with the translational machinery, largely due to technological limitations. Here we present riboPLATE-seq, a scalable method for generating paired libraries of ribosome-associated and total mRNA. As an extension of the PLATE-seq protocol, riboPLATE-seq utilizes barcoded primers for pooled library preparation, but additionally leverages rRNA immunoprecipitation on whole polysomes to measure ribosome association (RA). We compare RA to its analogue in ribosome profiling and RNA sequencing, translation efficiency, and demonstrate both the performance of riboPLATE-seq and its utility in detecting translational alterations induced by specific inhibitors of protein kinases.
systems biology
Incorporating Gene Expression in Genome-wide Prediction of Chromatin Accessibility via Deep Learning
Although computational approaches have been complementing high-throughput biological experiments for the identification of functional regions in the human genome, it remains a great challenge to systematically decipher interactions between transcription factors and regulatory elements to achieve interpretable annotations of chromatin accessibility across diverse cellular contexts. Towards this problem, we propose DeepCAGE, a deep learning framework that integrates sequence information and binding status of transcription factors, for the accurate prediction of chromatin accessible regions at a genome-wide scale in a variety of cell types. DeepCAGE takes advantage of a densely connected deep convolutional neural network architecture to automatically learn sequence signatures of known chromatin accessible regions, and then incorporates such features with expression levels and binding activities of human core transcription factors to predict novel chromatin accessible regions. In a series of systematic comparisons with existing methods, DeepCAGE exhibits superior performance in not only the classification but also the regression of chromatin accessibility signals. In detailed analysis of transcription factor activities, DeepCAGE successfully extracts novel binding motifs and measures the contribution of a transcription factor to the regulation with respect to a specific locus in a certain cell type. When applied to whole-genome sequencing data analysis, our method successfully prioritizes putative deleterious variants underlying a human complex trait, and thus provides insights into the understanding of disease-associated genetic variants. DeepCAGE can be downloaded from
Identification of neural oscillations and epileptiform changes in human brain organoids
Brain organoids represent a powerful tool for the study of human neurological diseases, particularly those impacting brain growth and structure. However, many diseases manifest with clear evidence of physiological and network abnormality in the absence of anatomical changes. This raises the question of whether organoids possess sufficient neural network complexity to model these conditions. Here, we explore the network level functions of brain organoids using calcium sensor imaging and extracellular recording approaches that together reveal the existence of complex network behaviors reminiscent of intact brain preparations. We demonstrate highly abnormal and epileptiform-like activity in organoids derived from MECP2 mutant patients compared to isogenic controls accompanied by modest transcriptomic differences revealed by single cell analyses. We also rescue key physiological activities with an unconventional neuromodulatory drug, Pifithrin-. Together, these findings provide an essential foundation for the utilization of brain organoids to study intact and disordered human brain network formation and illustrate their utility in therapeutic discovery.
Coordination through inhibition: control of stabilizing and updating circuits in spatial orientation working memory
Spatial orientation memory plays a crucial role in animal navigation. Recent studies of tethered Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) in a virtual reality setting showed that the head direction is encoded in the form of an activity bump, i.e. localized neural activity, in the torus-shaped ellipsoid body (EB). However, how this system is involved in orientation working memory is not well understood. We investigated this question using free moving flies (Drosophila melanogaster) in a spatial orientation memory task by manipulating two EB subsystems, C and P circuits, which are hypothesized for stabilizing and updating the activity bump, respectively. To this end, we suppressed or activated two types of inhibitory ring neurons (EIP and P) which innervate EB, and we discovered that manipulating the two inhibitory neuron types produced distinct behavioral deficits, suggesting specific roles of the inhibitory neurons in coordinating the stabilization and updating functions of the EB circuits. We further elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying such control circuits using a connectome-constrained spiking neural network model. Significance statementHead-direction (HD) system has been discovered in rodents for decades. But the detailed neural circuit mechanisms underlying the HD system were only described recently by studies of fruit flies on the similar HD system. However, how this fruit fly HD system involves in orientation memory was not well investigated. The present study addresses this question by investigating free moving flies in a spatial orientation working memory task. By combining neural functional experiments and neural circuit modelling, the study shows how disrupting either of the two subcircuits, one stabilizing and the other updating the neural activity, in the HD system leads to different behavioral impairments. The result suggests specific roles of the HD subcircuits in the spatial orientation working memory. Visual Abstract O_FIG O_LINKSMALLFIG WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=138 SRC="FIGDIR/small/819185v2_ufig1.gif" ALT="Figure 1"> View larger version (22K): org.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@101cb04org.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@b7ac8borg.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@a10a41org.highwire.dtl.DTLVardef@a8691e_HPS_FORMAT_FIGEXP M_FIG C_FIG
The NTD of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4B Drives Yeast Translational Control in Response to Urea
The yeast eukaryotic initiation factor 4B binds the 40S subunit in translation preinitiation complexes (PICs), promoting mRNA binding. Recent evidence suggests mRNAs have variable dependence on eIF4B, suggesting this factor could promote changes in mRNA selection for translation, in order to adapt to stressors. However, the importance of eIF4B and its constituent domains for mRNA selection under diverse cellular and environmental conditions remain undefined. Here we compared the effects of disrupting eIF4B RNA- and ribosome-binding motifs under ~1400 growth conditions. The RNA-Recognition Motif (RRM) was dispensable for stress responses, but the 40S-binding N-terminal Domain (NTD) promoted growth in response to various stressors. In particular, the NTD conferred a strong growth advantage in the presence of urea. Ribosome profiling revealed that the NTD promoted translation of mRNAs with long and highly structured 5-prime untranslated regions, both with and without urea exposure. Our results suggest eIF4B controls mRNA loading and scanning as a part of the PIC, rather than by activating mRNPs prior to ribosome binding. Furthermore, our data indicate the yeast response to urea includes a translational component, driven by production of proteins associated with the cellular periphery. Together our analyses suggest general eIFs can promote diverse cellular responses.
molecular biology
Ten-eleven translocation 1 Mediated-DNA Hydroxymethylation is Required for Myelination and Remyelination in the Mouse Brain
Ten-eleven translocation (TET) proteins, the dioxygenase for DNA hydroxymethylation, are important players in nervous system development and diseases. However, their role in myelination and remyelination after injury remains elusive. Here, we identify a genome-wide and locus-specific DNA hydroxymethylation landscape shift during differentiation of oligodendrocyte-progenitor cells (OPC). Ablation of Tet1 results in stage-dependent defects in oligodendrocyte (OL) development and myelination in the mouse brain. The mice lacking Tet1 in the oligodendrocyte lineage develop behavioral deficiency. We also show that TET1 is required for remyelination in adulthood. Transcriptomic, genomic occupancy, and DNA hydroxymethylation profiling reveal a critical TET1-regulated epigenetic program for oligodendrocyte differentiation that includes genes associated with myelination, cell division, and calcium transport. Tet1-deficient OPCs exhibit reduced calcium activity, increasing calcium activity rescues the differentiation defects in vitro. Deletion of a TET1-5hmC target gene, Itpr2 impairs the onset of OPC differentiation. Together, our results suggest that stage-specific TET1-mediated epigenetic programming and intracellular signaling are important for proper myelination and remyelination in mice.
Roles of adenine methylation and genetic mutations in adaptation to different temperatures in Serratia marcescens
Epigenetic modifications can contribute to adaptation, but the relative contributions of genetic and epigenetic variation are unknown. Previous studies on the role of epigenetic changes in adaptation in eukaryotes have nearly exclusively focused on cytosine methylation (m5C), while prokaryotes exhibit a richer system of methyltransferases targetting adenines (m6A) or cytosines (m4C, m5C). DNA methylation in prokaryotes has many roles, but its potential role in adaptation still needs further investigation. We collected phenotypic, genetic, and epigenetic data using single molecule real-time sequencing of clones of the bacterium Serratia marcescens that had undergone experimental evolution in contrasting temperatures to investigate the relationship between environment and genetic, epigenetic, and phenotypic changes. This data provided a detailed description of the methylation landscape of S. marcescens and allowed us to examine the potential contributions of genetic and epigenetic changes to phenotypic adaptation. The genomic distribution of GATC motifs, which are the main target for m6A methylation, and of partially methylated epiloci pointed to a link between m6A methylation and regulation of gene expression in S. marcescens. Evolved strains, while genetically homogeneous, exhibited many polymorphic m6A epiloci. There was no strong support for a genetic control of methylation changes in our experiment, and no clear evidence of parallel environmentally-induced or environmentally-selected methylation changes at specific epiloci was found. Both some genetic and epigenetic variants were associated with some phenotypic traits. Overall, our results suggest that both genetic and adenine methylation changes have potential to contribute to phenotypic adaptation in S. marcescens, but that any environmentally-induced epigenetic change occurring in our experiment would probably have been quite labile.
evolutionary biology
Broadband Signal Rather than Frequency-Specific Rhythms Underlie Prediction Error in the Primate Auditory Cortex
Detection of statistical irregularities, measured as a prediction error response, is fundamental to the perceptual monitoring of the environment. We studied whether prediction error response is associated with neural oscillations or asynchronous broadband activity. Electrocorticography (ECoG) was carried out in three male monkeys, who passively listened to the auditory roving oddball stimuli. Local field potentials (LFP) recorded over the auditory cortex underwent spectral principal component analysis, which decoupled broadband and rhythmic components of the LFP signal. We found that the broadband component captured the prediction error response, whereas none of the rhythmic components were associated with statistical irregularities of sounds. The broadband component displayed more stochastic, asymmetrical multifractal properties than the rhythmic components, which revealed more self-similar dynamics. We thus conclude that the prediction error response is captured by neuronal populations generating asynchronous broadband activity, defined by irregular dynamical states which, unlike oscillatory rhythms, appear to enable the neural representation of auditory prediction error response. Significance StatementThis study aimed to examine the contribution of oscillatory and asynchronous components of auditory local field potentials in the generation of prediction error responses to sensory irregularities, as this has not been directly addressed in the previous studies. Here, we show that mismatch negativity - an auditory prediction error response - is driven by the asynchronous broadband component of potentials recorded in the auditory cortex. This finding highlights the importance of non-oscillatory neural processes in the predictive monitoring of the environment. At a more general level, the study demonstrates that stochastic neural processes, which are often disregarded as neural noise, do have a functional role in the processing of sensory information.
Cerebellar lesions disrupt spatial and temporal visual attention.
The current study represents the first comprehensive examination of spatial, temporal and sustained attention following cerebellar damage. Results indicated that, compared to controls, cerebellar damage resulted in a larger cueing effect at the longest SOA - possibly reflecting a slowed the onset of inhibition of return (IOR) during a reflexive covert attention task, and reduced the ability to detect successive targets during an attentional blink task. However, there was little evidence to support the notion that cerebellar damage disrupted voluntary covert attention or the sustained attention to response task (SART). Lesion overlay data and supplementary voxel-based lesion symptom mapping (VLSM) analyses indicated that impaired performance on the reflexive covert attention and attentional blink tasks were related to damage to Crus II of the left posterior cerebellum. In addition, subsequent analyses indicated our results are not due to either general motor impairments or to damage to the deep cerebellar nuclei. Collectively these data demonstrate, for the first time, that the same cerebellar regions may be involved in both spatial and temporal visual attention.
Host-microbiome protein-protein interactions capture mechanisms in human disease
Host-microbe interactions are crucial for normal physiological and immune system development and are implicated in a wide variety of diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colorectal cancer (CRC), obesity, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Despite large-scale case-control studies aimed at identifying microbial taxa or specific genes involved in pathogeneses, the mechanisms linking them to disease have thus far remained elusive. To identify potential mechanisms through which human-associated bacteria impact host health, we leveraged publicly-available interspecies protein-protein interaction (PPI) data to find clusters of microbiome-derived proteins with high sequence identity to known human protein interactors. We observe differential targeting of putative human-interacting bacterial genes in metagenomic case-control microbiome studies. In nine independent case studies, we find evidence that the microbiome broadly targets human proteins involved in immune, oncogenic, apoptotic, and endocrine signaling pathways in relation to IBD, CRC, obesity and T2D diagnoses. This host-centric analysis strategy provides a mechanistic hypothesis-generating platform for any metagenomics cohort study and extensively adds human functional annotation to commensal bacterial proteins. One-sentence summaryMicrobiome-derived proteins are linked to disease-associated human pathways by metagenomic and protein-protein interaction analyses.
Species richness increases fitness differences, but does not affect niche differences
A key question in ecology is what limits species richness. Modern coexistence theory presents the persistence of species as a balance between niche differences and fitness differences that favor and hamper coexistence, respectively. With most applications focusing on species pairs, however, we know little about if and how this balance changes with species richness. Here, we present the first mathematical proof that the average fitness difference among species increases with richness, while the average niche difference stays constant. Extensive simulations with more complex models and analyses of empirical data confirmed these mathematical results. Taken together, our work suggests that, as species accumulate in ecosystems, ever-increasing fitness differences will at some point exceed constant niche differences, limiting species richness. Our results contribute to the expansion of modern coexistence theory towards multi-species communities.
Non-selective response inhibition in Go/NoGo task: Bayesian analysis of fMRI data
Response inhibition is typically considered a brain mechanism selectively triggered by particular "inhibitory" stimuli or events. Based on recent research, an alternative non-selective mechanism was proposed by several authors. Presumably, the inhibitory brain activity may be triggered not only by the presentation of "inhibitory" stimuli but also by any imperative stimuli, including Go stimuli, when the context is uncertain. Earlier support for this notion was mainly based on the absence of a significant difference between neural activity evoked by equiprobable Go and NoGo stimuli. Equiprobable Go/NoGo design with a simple response time task limits potential confounds between response inhibition and accompanying cognitive processes while not preventing prepotent automaticity. However, previous neuroimaging studies utilized classical null hypothesis significance testing, making it impossible to accept the null hypothesis. Therefore, the current research aimed to provide evidence for practical equivalence of neuronal activity in Go and NoGo trials using Bayesian analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Thirty-four healthy participants performed a cued Go/NoGo task with an equiprobable presentation of Go and NoGo stimuli. To independently localize brain areas associated with response inhibition in similar experimental conditions, we performed a meta-analysis of fMRI studies using equal probability Go/NoGo tasks. As a result, we observed overlap between response inhibition areas and areas demonstrating the practical equivalence of neuronal activity located in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex, premotor cortex, and left inferior frontal gyrus. Thus, obtained results favour the existence of non-selective response inhibition, which can act in settings of contextual uncertainty induced by the equal probability of Go and NoGo stimuli. Highlights O_LINon-selective response inhibition was assessed by equiprobable Go/NoGo task C_LIO_LIBayesian analysis of fMRI data was combined with a meta-analysis of fMRI studies C_LIO_LISeveral nodes of response inhibition system were equally involved in Go and NoGo trials C_LIO_LIEvidence for non-selective response inhibition in uncertain context was found C_LI
Non-selective response inhibition in equiprobable Go/NoGo task: Bayesian analysis of fMRI data
Response inhibition is typically considered a brain mechanism selectively triggered by particular "inhibitory" stimuli or events. Based on recent research, an alternative non-selective mechanism was proposed by several authors. Presumably, the inhibitory brain activity may be triggered not only by the presentation of "inhibitory" stimuli but also by any imperative stimuli, including Go stimuli, when the context is uncertain. Earlier support for this notion was mainly based on the absence of a significant difference between neural activity evoked by equiprobable Go and NoGo stimuli. Equiprobable Go/NoGo design with a simple response time task limits potential confounds between response inhibition and accompanying cognitive processes while not preventing prepotent automaticity. However, previous neuroimaging studies utilized classical null hypothesis significance testing, making it impossible to accept the null hypothesis. Therefore, the current research aimed to provide evidence for practical equivalence of neuronal activity in Go and NoGo trials using Bayesian analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Thirty-four healthy participants performed a cued Go/NoGo task with an equiprobable presentation of Go and NoGo stimuli. To independently localize brain areas associated with response inhibition in similar experimental conditions, we performed a meta-analysis of fMRI studies using equal probability Go/NoGo tasks. As a result, we observed overlap between response inhibition areas and areas demonstrating the practical equivalence of neuronal activity located in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex, premotor cortex, and left inferior frontal gyrus. Thus, obtained results favour the existence of non-selective response inhibition, which can act in settings of contextual uncertainty induced by the equal probability of Go and NoGo stimuli. Highlights O_LINon-selective response inhibition was assessed by equiprobable Go/NoGo task C_LIO_LIBayesian analysis of fMRI data was combined with a meta-analysis of fMRI studies C_LIO_LISeveral nodes of response inhibition system were equally involved in Go and NoGo trials C_LIO_LIEvidence for non-selective response inhibition in uncertain context was found C_LI
Activation of G-protein coupled estradiol receptor 1 in the dorsolateral striatum attenuates preference for cocaine and saccharin in male but not female rats
There are sex differences in the response to psychomotor stimulants, where females exhibit a greater response than males, due to the presence of the gonadal hormone estradiol (E2). Extensive research has shown that E2 enhances drug-seeking and the rewarding properties of cocaine for females. The role of E2 in male drug-seeking, however, is not well understood. The current study investigated pharmacological manipulation of E2 receptors in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) on preference for cocaine in gonad-intact male and female rats. In males, activation of G-protein coupled E2 receptor 1 (GPER1), via administration of ICI 182,780 or G1, attenuated conditioned place preference for 10mg/kg cocaine, while inhibition of GPER1, via G15, enhanced preference at a 5mg/kg cocaine dose. Similarly, GPER1 activation, via G1, prevented males from forming a preference for 0.1% saccharin (SACC) versus plain water. Surprisingly, activation of GPER1 did not alter preference for cocaine or SACC in females. These studies also examined the quantity of E2 receptor mRNA in the dorsal striatum, using qPCR. No sex differences in relative mRNA expression of ER, ER{beta}, and GPER1 were observed. However, there was greater GPER1 mRNA, relative to ER and ER{beta}, in both males and females. The results presented here indicate that E2, acting via GPER1, may be protective against drug preference in male rats.
NHR-8 regulated P-glycoproteins uncouple xenobiotic stress resistance from longevity in chemosensory C. elegans mutants
Longevity is often associated with stress resistance, but whether they are causally linked is incompletely understood. Here we investigate chemosensory defective Caenorhabditis elegans mutants that are long-lived and stress resistant. We find that mutants in the intraflagellar transport protein gene osm-3 were significantly protected from tunicamycin-induced ER stress. While osm-3 lifespan extension is dependent on the key longevity factor DAF-16/FOXO, tunicamycin resistance was not. osm-3 mutants are protected from bacterial pathogens, which is pmk-1 p38 MAP kinase dependent while TM resistance was pmk-1 independent. Expression of P-glycoprotein (PGP) xenobiotic detoxification genes was elevated in osm-3 mutants and their knockdown or inhibition with verapamil suppressed tunicamycin resistance. The nuclear hormone receptor nhr-8 was necessary to regulate PGPs and tunicamycin resistance in a cholesterol-dependent fashion. We thus identify a cell-nonautonomous regulation of xenobiotic detoxification and show that separate pathways are engaged to mediate longevity, pathogen resistance, and xenobiotic detoxification in osm-3 mutants.
Distinct roles for dopamine clearance mechanisms in regulating behavioral flexibility
Dopamine plays a crucial role in adaptive behavior, and dysfunctional dopamine is implicated in multiple psychiatric conditions characterized by inflexible or inconsistent choices. However, the precise relationship between dopamine and flexible decision making remains unclear. One reason is that, while many studies have focused on the activity of dopamine neurons, efficient dopamine signaling also relies on clearance mechanisms, notably the dopamine transporter (DAT), which predominates in striatum, and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), which predominates in cortex. The exact locus, extent, and timescale of the effects of DAT and COMT are uncertain. Moreover, there is limited data on how acute disruption of either mechanism affects flexible decision making strategies mediated by cortico-striatal networks. To address these issues, we combined pharmacological modulation of DAT and COMT with electrochemistry and behavior in mice. DAT blockade, but not COMT inhibition, regulated sub-second dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core, but surprisingly neither clearance mechanism affected evoked release in prelimbic cortex. This was not due to a lack of sensitivity, as both amphetamine and atomoxetine changed the kinetics of sub-second release. In a multi-step decision making task where mice had to respond to reversals in either reward probabilities or the choice sequence to reach the goal, DAT blockade selectively impaired, and COMT inhibition improved, performance after reward reversals, but neither manipulation affected the adaptation of choices after actionstate transition reversals. Together, our data suggest that DAT and COMT shape specific aspects of behavioral flexibility by regulating striatal and cortical dopamine, respectively, at fast and slow timescales.
Distinct roles for dopamine clearance mechanisms in regulating behavioral flexibility
Dopamine plays a crucial role in adaptive behavior, and dysfunctional dopamine is implicated in multiple psychiatric conditions characterized by inflexible or inconsistent choices. However, the precise relationship between dopamine and flexible decision making remains unclear. One reason is that, while many studies have focused on the activity of dopamine neurons, efficient dopamine signaling also relies on clearance mechanisms, notably the dopamine transporter (DAT), which predominates in striatum, and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), which predominates in cortex. The exact locus, extent, and timescale of the effects of DAT and COMT are uncertain. Moreover, there is limited data on how acute disruption of either mechanism affects flexible decision making strategies mediated by cortico-striatal networks. To address these issues, we combined pharmacological modulation of DAT and COMT with electrochemistry and behavior in mice. DAT blockade, but not COMT inhibition, regulated sub-second dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core, but surprisingly neither clearance mechanism affected evoked release in prelimbic cortex. This was not due to a lack of sensitivity, as both amphetamine and atomoxetine changed the kinetics of sub-second release. In a multi-step decision making task where mice had to respond to reversals in either reward probabilities or the choice sequence to reach the goal, DAT blockade selectively impaired, and COMT inhibition improved, performance after reward reversals, but neither manipulation affected the adaptation of choices after actionstate transition reversals. Together, our data suggest that DAT and COMT shape specific aspects of behavioral flexibility by regulating striatal and cortical dopamine, respectively, at fast and slow timescales.
Using the Tea Bag Index to determine how two human pharmaceuticals affect litter decomposition by aquatic microorganisms.
This study demonstrates that independent additive effects of two human pharmaceuticals, the antibiotic trimethoprim and the artificial estrogen 17a-Ethinylestradiol (EE2), inhibit plant litter decomposition by aquatic microorganisms. The constant release of pharmaceuticals, such as these, has the potential to affect aquatic microbial metabolism and alter biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nutrients. Here we advance the Tea Bag Index (TBI) for decomposition by using it in a series of contaminant exposure experiments testing how interactions between trimethoprim and EE2 affect aquatic microbial activity. The TBI is a citizen science tool used to test microbial activity by measuring the differential degradation of green and rooibos tea as proxies for respectively labile and recalcitrant litter decomposition. Exposure to either trimethoprim or EE2 decreased decomposition of green tea, suggesting additive effects upon microbial activity. Exposure to EE2 alone decreased rooibos tea decomposition. Consequently, trimethoprim and EE2 stabilized labile organic matter against microbial degradation and restricted decomposition. We propose that the method outlined could provide a powerful tool for testing the impacts of multiple interacting pollutants upon microbial activity, at a range of scales, across aquatic systems and over ecologically relevant time scales.
CloneSig: Joint inference of intra-tumor heterogeneity and mutational signatures' activity in tumor bulk sequencing data
Systematic DNA sequencing of cancer samples has highlighted the importance of two aspects of cancer genomics: intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) and mutational processes. These two aspects may not always be independent, as different mutational processes could be involved in different stages or regions of the tumor, but existing computational approaches to study them largely ignore this potential dependency. Here, we present CloneSig, a computational method to jointly infer ITH and mutational processes in a tumor from bulk-sequencing data. Extensive simulations show that CloneSig outperforms current methods for ITH inference and detection of mutational processes when the distribution of mutational signatures changes between clones. Applied to a large cohort of 8,951 tumors with whole-exome sequencing data from The Cancer Genome Atlas, and on a pan-cancer dataset of 2,632 whole-genome sequencing tumor samples from the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes initiative, CloneSig obtains results overall coherent with previous studies.
CloneSig can jointly infer intra-tumor heterogeneity and mutational signature activity in bulk tumor sequencing data
Systematic DNA sequencing of cancer samples has highlighted the importance of two aspects of cancer genomics: intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) and mutational processes. These two aspects may not always be independent, as different mutational processes could be involved in different stages or regions of the tumor, but existing computational approaches to study them largely ignore this potential dependency. Here, we present CloneSig, a computational method to jointly infer ITH and mutational processes in a tumor from bulk-sequencing data. Extensive simulations show that CloneSig outperforms current methods for ITH inference and detection of mutational processes when the distribution of mutational signatures changes between clones. Applied to a large cohort of 8,951 tumors with whole-exome sequencing data from The Cancer Genome Atlas, and on a pan-cancer dataset of 2,632 whole-genome sequencing tumor samples from the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes initiative, CloneSig obtains results overall coherent with previous studies.
A rationally designed oral vaccine induces Immunoglobulin A in the murine gut that directs the evolution of attenuated Salmonella variants
Introductory paragraphThe ability of gut bacterial pathogens to escape immunity by antigenic variation, particularly via changes to surface-exposed antigens, is a major barrier to immune clearance1. However, not all variants are equally fit in all environments2, 3. It should therefore be possible to exploit such immune escape mechanisms to direct an evolutionary trade-off. Here we demonstrated this phenomenon using Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium (S.Tm). A dominant surface antigen of S.Tm is its O-antigen: A long, repetitive glycan that can be rapidly varied by mutations in biosynthetic pathways or by phase-variation4, 5. We quantified the selective advantage of O-antigen variants in the presence and absence of O-antigen specific IgA and identified a set of evolutionary trajectories allowing immune escape without an associated fitness cost in naive mice. Through the use of oral vaccines, we rationally induced IgA responses blocking all of these trajectories, which selected for Salmonella mutants carrying deletions of the O-antigen polymerase wzyB. Due to their short O-antigen, these evolved mutants were more susceptible to environmental stressors (detergents, complement), predation (bacteriophages), and were impaired in gut colonization and virulence in mice. Therefore, a rationally induced cocktail of intestinal antibodies can direct an evolutionary trade-off in S.Tm. This lays the foundations for the exploration of mucosal vaccines capable of setting evolutionary traps as a prophylactic strategy.
Regulation of apical constriction via microtubule- and Rab11-dependent apical transport during tissue invagination
The formation of an epithelial tube is a fundamental process for organogenesis. During Drosophila embryonic salivary gland (SG) invagination, Folded gastrulation (Fog)- dependent Rho-associated kinase (Rok) promotes contractile apical myosin formation to drive apical constriction. Microtubules (MTs) are also crucial for this process and are required for forming and maintaining apicomedial myosin. However, the underlying mechanism that coordinates actomyosin and MT networks still remains elusive. Here, we show that MT-dependent intracellular trafficking regulates apical constriction during SG invagination. Key components involved in protein trafficking, such as Rab11 and Nuclear fallout (Nuf), are apically enriched near the SG invagination pit in a MT-dependent manner. Disruption of the MT networks or knockdown of Rab11 impairs apicomedial myosin formation and apical constriction. We show that MTs and Rab11 are required for apical enrichment of the Fog ligand and the continuous distribution of the apical determinant protein Crumbs (Crb) and the key adherens junction protein E-Cadherin (E-Cad) along junctions. Targeted knockdown of crb or E-Cad in the SG disrupts apical myosin networks and results in apical constriction defects. Our data suggest a role of MT- and Rab11-dependent intracellular trafficking in regulating actomyosin networks and cell junctions, to coordinate cell behaviors during tubular organ formation.
developmental biology
Regulation of apical constriction via microtubule- and Rab11-dependent apical transport during tissue invagination
The formation of an epithelial tube is a fundamental process for organogenesis. During Drosophila embryonic salivary gland (SG) invagination, Folded gastrulation (Fog)- dependent Rho-associated kinase (Rok) promotes contractile apical myosin formation to drive apical constriction. Microtubules (MTs) are also crucial for this process and are required for forming and maintaining apicomedial myosin. However, the underlying mechanism that coordinates actomyosin and MT networks still remains elusive. Here, we show that MT-dependent intracellular trafficking regulates apical constriction during SG invagination. Key components involved in protein trafficking, such as Rab11 and Nuclear fallout (Nuf), are apically enriched near the SG invagination pit in a MT-dependent manner. Disruption of the MT networks or knockdown of Rab11 impairs apicomedial myosin formation and apical constriction. We show that MTs and Rab11 are required for apical enrichment of the Fog ligand and the continuous distribution of the apical determinant protein Crumbs (Crb) and the key adherens junction protein E-Cadherin (E-Cad) along junctions. Targeted knockdown of crb or E-Cad in the SG disrupts apical myosin networks and results in apical constriction defects. Our data suggest a role of MT- and Rab11-dependent intracellular trafficking in regulating actomyosin networks and cell junctions, to coordinate cell behaviors during tubular organ formation.
developmental biology
Ebselen attenuates mycobacterial virulence through inhibition of ESX-1 secretion
The type VII secretion system ESX-1 mediates virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium marinum. We find that in M. marinum, the synthetic organoselenium compound ebselen inhibits secretion of ESAT-6, a major ESX-1 substrate. We find that ebselen inhibits the in vitro activity of the ESX-1 AAA+ ATPase EccA1, which potentiates ESX-1 substrate secretion and function. Ebselen modifies a cysteine in its N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain that is required for EccA1s in vitro ATPase activity. Surprisingly, mutational analyses show this this cysteine is not required for ESX-1 secretion or ebselens activity, showing that ebselen inhibits ESX-1 secretion independently of inhibiting EccA1 activity in vitro. While the mechanism by which ebselen inhibits ESX-1 secretion remains elusive, we show that it attenuates ESX-1-mediated damage of M. marinum-containing macrophage phagosomes and inhibits intramacrophage growth. Extending our studies to M. tuberculosis, we find that ebselen inhibits ESX-1 secretion and phagosomal membrane damage in this organism. This work provides insight into EccA1 biology. Ebselen is an orally active drug in clinical trials for other conditions and this work suggests its potential in tuberculosis therapy.
Low-disturbance Farming Regenerates Healthy Deep Soil towards Sustainable Agriculture
Intensive conventional farming has degraded farmland topsoil and seriously threaten food and environment security globally. Although low-disturbance practices have been widely adapted to restore soil health, whether this measure in a long run can potentially recover the critical deep soil to meet sustainable intensification of crop production are still unclear. Here we compared soil microbiome, physicochemical parameters along 3-m deep soil profiles, and crop yield in Northeast China subjected to ten years of farming practices at 3 levels of disturbance, including conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage without stover mulching (NTNS), and no-tillage with stover mulching (NTSM). We found that low-disturbance practices (NTNS and NTSM) promoted the ability of the deep soil to retain water, nitrogen and salt-extractable organic, regenerated whole-soil microbial diversity and metabolic function, improved topsoil organic carbon stock and corn yield in the drought year, showed the potential to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, thus regenerating highly efficient, sustainable agriculture.
Population structure of chum salmon and selection on the markers collected for stock identification
Genetic stock identification (GSI) is a major management tool of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus Spp.) that has provided rich genetic baseline data of allozymes, microsatellites, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the Pacific Rim. Here, we analyzed published data sets for adult chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), namely 10 microsatellites, 53 SNPs, and a mitochondrial DNA locus (mtDNA3, control region and NADH-3 combined) from 495 locations in the same distribution range (n = 61,813). TreeMix analysis of the microsatellite loci identified the highest level of genetic drift towards Japanese/Korean populations and suggested two admixture events from Japan/Korea to Russia and the Alaskan Peninsula. The SNPs had been purposively collected from rapidly evolving genes to increase the power of GSI. The highest expected heterozygosity was observed in Japanese/Korean populations for microsatellites, whereas it was highest in Western Alaskan populations for SNPs, reflecting the SNP discovery process. By regressing the SNP population structures on those of the microsatellites, we estimated the selection on the SNP loci according to deviations from the predicted structures. Specifically, we matched the sampling locations of the SNPs with those of the microsatellites according to geographical information and performed regression analyses of SNP allele frequencies on the two coordinates of multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) of matched locations obtained from microsatellite pairwise FST values. The MDS first axis indicated a latitudinal cline in American and Russian populations, whereas the second axis found a differentiation of Japanese/Korean populations. The top five outlier SNPs were mtDNA3 (combined locus of the control region and NADH-3), U502241 (unknown), GnRH373, ras1362, and TCP178, which were consistently identified by principal component analysis. We summarized the functions of the 53 nuclear SNPs and mtDNA3 locus by referring to a gene database system and discussed the functions of the outlier SNPs and fitness of chum salmon.
evolutionary biology
Stability of neocortical synapses across sleep and wake
Sleep is important for brain plasticity, but its exact function remains mysterious. An influential but controversial idea is that a crucial function of sleep is to drive widespread downscaling of excitatory synaptic strengths. Here we used real-time sleep classification, ex vivo measurements of postsynaptic strength, and in vivo optogenetic monitoring of thalamocortical synaptic efficacy to ask whether sleep and wake states can constitutively drive changes in synaptic strength within the neocortex of juvenile rats. We found that miniature EPSC amplitudes onto L4 and L2/3 pyramidal neurons were stable across sleep and wake dense epochs in both primary visual (V1) and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Further, chronic monitoring of thalamocortical synaptic efficacy in V1 of freely behaving animals revealed stable responses across even prolonged periods of natural sleep and wake. Together these data demonstrate that neocortical synaptic strengths are remarkably stable across sleep and wake states, and provide strong evidence against the view that sleep drives widespread synaptic downscaling at neocortical synapses.
Prefrontal deep projection neurons enable cognitive flexibility via persistent feedback monitoring
Cognitive flexibility, the ability to alter ones strategy according to changing stimulus-response-reward relationships, is critical for acquiring and updating learned behavior. Attentional set-shifting, a test of cognitive flexibility, depends on the activity of prefrontal cortex (PFC). It remains unclear, however, what specific role PFC neurons play and how they interact to support set-shifting. One widely held view is that prefrontal activity biases sensorimotor responses by mediating attention. Using optogenetics and 2-photon calcium imaging, we demonstrate that, while PFC activity does encode attentional sets, this activity does not bias sensorimotor responses. Rather, PFC activity enables set-shifting by encoding trial feedback information, a role it has been known to play in other contexts. We identify a circuit-level mechanism that supports feedback monitoring through persistent, recurring activity bridging multiple trials. Unexpectedly, the functional properties of PFC cells did not vary with their efferent projection targets in this context. Instead, representations of trial feedback formed a topological gradient, with cells more strongly selective for feedback information located further from the pial surface and receiving denser afferent inputs from the anterior cingulate cortex. Together, these findings identify a critical role for deep PFC projection neurons in enabling set-shifting through behavioral feedback monitoring.
Dietary fat promotes antibiotic-induced Clostridioides difficile mortality in mice
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), is the leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea and emerging evidence has linked dietary components with CDI pathogenesis, suggesting that dietary modulation may be an effective strategy for prevention. Here, we show that mice fed a high-fat/low-fiber "Western type" diet (WD) had dramatically increased mortality in a murine model of antibiotic-induced CDI compared to a low-fat/low-fiber (LF/LF) diet and standard mouse chow controls. We found that the WD had a pro- C. difficile bile acid composition that was driven in part by higher levels of primary bile acids that are produced to digest fat, and a lower level of secondary bile acids that are produced by the gut microbiome. This lack of secondary bile acids was associated with a greater disturbance to the gut microbiome with antibiotics in both the WD and LF/LF diet compared to mouse chow. Mice fed the WD also had the highest level of toxin TcdA just prior to the onset of mortality, but not of TcdB or increased inflammation. These findings indicate that dietary intervention to decrease fat may complement previously proposed dietary intervention strategies to prevent CDI in high-risk individuals. One Sentence SummaryA high-fat/low-fiber Western type diet promoted mortality in a mouse model of antibiotic-induced C. difficile infection compared to a low-fat/low-fiber diet and chow diet, suggesting that lower dietary fat may be an effective strategy for preventing C. difficile pathology.
Dietary fat promotes antibiotic-induced Clostridioides difficile mortality in mice
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), is the leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea and emerging evidence has linked dietary components with CDI pathogenesis, suggesting that dietary modulation may be an effective strategy for prevention. Here, we show that mice fed a high-fat/low-fiber "Western type" diet (WD) had dramatically increased mortality in a murine model of antibiotic-induced CDI compared to a low-fat/low-fiber (LF/LF) diet and standard mouse chow controls. We found that the WD had a pro- C. difficile bile acid composition that was driven in part by higher levels of primary bile acids that are produced to digest fat, and a lower level of secondary bile acids that are produced by the gut microbiome. This lack of secondary bile acids was associated with a greater disturbance to the gut microbiome with antibiotics in both the WD and LF/LF diet compared to mouse chow. Mice fed the WD also had the highest level of toxin TcdA just prior to the onset of mortality, but not of TcdB or increased inflammation. These findings indicate that dietary intervention to decrease fat may complement previously proposed dietary intervention strategies to prevent CDI in high-risk individuals. One Sentence SummaryA high-fat/low-fiber Western type diet promoted mortality in a mouse model of antibiotic-induced C. difficile infection compared to a low-fat/low-fiber diet and chow diet, suggesting that lower dietary fat may be an effective strategy for preventing C. difficile pathology.
Dietary fat promotes antibiotic-induced Clostridioides difficile mortality in mice
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), is the leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea and emerging evidence has linked dietary components with CDI pathogenesis, suggesting that dietary modulation may be an effective strategy for prevention. Here, we show that mice fed a high-fat/low-fiber "Western type" diet (WD) had dramatically increased mortality in a murine model of antibiotic-induced CDI compared to a low-fat/low-fiber (LF/LF) diet and standard mouse chow controls. We found that the WD had a pro- C. difficile bile acid composition that was driven in part by higher levels of primary bile acids that are produced to digest fat, and a lower level of secondary bile acids that are produced by the gut microbiome. This lack of secondary bile acids was associated with a greater disturbance to the gut microbiome with antibiotics in both the WD and LF/LF diet compared to mouse chow. Mice fed the WD also had the highest level of toxin TcdA just prior to the onset of mortality, but not of TcdB or increased inflammation. These findings indicate that dietary intervention to decrease fat may complement previously proposed dietary intervention strategies to prevent CDI in high-risk individuals. One Sentence SummaryA high-fat/low-fiber Western type diet promoted mortality in a mouse model of antibiotic-induced C. difficile infection compared to a low-fat/low-fiber diet and chow diet, suggesting that lower dietary fat may be an effective strategy for preventing C. difficile pathology.
Automaticity in the reading circuitry
Skilled reading requires years of practice associating visual symbols with speech sounds. Over the course of the learning process, this association becomes effortless and automatic. Here we test whether automatic activation of spoken-language circuits in response to visual words is a hallmark of skilled reading. Magnetoencephalography was used to measure word-selective responses under multiple cognitive tasks (N = 42, 7-12 years of age). Even when attention was drawn away from the words by performing an attention-demanding fixation task, strong word-selective responses were found in a language region (i.e., superior temporal gyrus) starting at ~300 ms after stimulus onset. Critically, this automatic word-selective response was indicative of reading skill: the magnitude of word-selective responses correlated with individual reading skill. Our results suggest that automatic recruitment of spoken-language circuits is a hallmark of skilled reading; with practice, reading becomes effortless as the brain learns to automatically translate letters into sounds and meaning.
Towards Practical and Robust DNA-based Data Archiving Using "Yin-Yang Codec" System
DNA is a promising data storage medium due to its remarkable durability and space-efficient storage. Early bit-to-base transcoding schemes have primarily pursued information density, at the expense however of introducing biocompatibility challenges or at the risk of decoding failure. Here, we propose a robust transcoding algorithm named the "Yin-Yang Codec" (YYC), using two rules to encode two binary bits into one nucleotide, to generate DNA sequences highly compatible with synthesis and sequencing technologies. We encoded two representative file formats and stored them in vitro as 200-nt oligo pools and in vivo as an ~54-kb DNA fragment in yeast cells. Sequencing results show that YYC exhibits high robustness and reliability for a wide variety of data types, with an average recovery rate of 99.94% at 104 molecule copies and an achieved recovery rate of 87.53% at 100 copies. In addition, the in vivo storage demonstration achieved for the first time an experimentally measured physical information density of 198.8 EB per gram of DNA (44% of the theoretical maximum for DNA).
synthetic biology
Mutations in Auxilin cause parkinsonism via impaired clathrin-mediated trafficking at the Golgi apparatus and synapse
Parkinsons disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative motor disorder characterized in part by neuropathological lesions in the nigrostriatal pathway. Loss of function mutations in Auxilin, the major neuronal clathrin uncoating protein, cause an aggressive form of juvenile onset PD. How mutations in Auxilin cause PD, is currently not understood. Here, we generated a novel mouse model carrying an endogenous pathogenic Auxilin mutation that phenocopies neurological features observed in patients, including motor impairments and seizures. Unbiased mapping of the Auxilin interactome identified synaptic and Golgi-resident clathrin adaptor proteins as novel interactors. Impaired clathrin-mediated trafficking in mutant Auxilin mice, both at the Golgi and the synapse, results in neuropathological lesions in the nigrostriatal pathway. Collectively, these results provide molecular mechanisms of PD pathogenesis in Auxilin mutation carriers, reinforcing a key role for clathrin-mediated trafficking in PD, and expand our understanding of the cellular function of Auxilin.
Genomic Background Governs Opposing Responses to Nalidixic Acid Upon Megaplasmid Acquisition in Pseudomonas
Horizontal gene transfer is a significant driver of evolutionary dynamics across microbial populations. Although the benefits of the acquisition of new genetic material are often quite clear, experiments across systems have demonstrated that gene transfer events can cause significant phenotypic changes and entail fitness costs in a way that is dependent on the genomic and environmental context. Here we test for the generality of one previously identified cost, sensitization of cells to the antibiotic nalidixic acid after acquisition of a [~]1Mb megaplasmid, across Pseudomonas strains and species. Overall, we find that the presence of this megaplasmid sensitizes many different Pseudomonas strains to nalidixic acid, but that this same horizontal gene transfer event increases resistance of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 to nalidixic acid across assays as well as to ciprofloxacin under competitive conditions. These phenotypic results are not easily explained away as secondary consequences of overall fitness effects and appear to occur independently of another cost associated with this megaplasmid, sensitization to higher temperatures. Lastly, we draw parallels between these reported results and the phenomenon of sign epistasis for de novo mutations and explore how context dependence of effects of plasmid acquisition could impact overall evolutionary dynamics and the evolution of antimicrobial resistance. ImportanceNumerous studies have demonstrated that gene transfer events (e.g. plasmid acquisition) can entail a variety of costs that arise as byproducts of the incorporation of foreign DNA into established physiological and genetic systems. These costs can be ameliorated through evolutionary time by the occurrence of compensatory mutations, which stabilize presence of a horizontally transferred region within the genome but which also may skew future adaptive possibilities for these lineages. Here we demonstrate another possible outcome, that phenotypic changes arising as a consequence of the same horizontal gene transfer event are costly to some strains but may actually be beneficial in other genomic backgrounds under the right conditions. These results provide new a new viewpoint for considering conditions that promote plasmid maintenance and highlight the influence of genomic and environmental contexts when considering amelioration of fitness costs after HGT events.
Genomic Background Governs Opposing Responses to Nalidixic Acid Upon Megaplasmid Acquisition in Pseudomonas
Horizontal gene transfer is a significant driver of evolutionary dynamics across microbial populations. Although the benefits of the acquisition of new genetic material are often quite clear, experiments across systems have demonstrated that gene transfer events can cause significant phenotypic changes and entail fitness costs in a way that is dependent on the genomic and environmental context. Here we test for the generality of one previously identified cost, sensitization of cells to the antibiotic nalidixic acid after acquisition of a [~]1Mb megaplasmid, across Pseudomonas strains and species. Overall, we find that the presence of this megaplasmid sensitizes many different Pseudomonas strains to nalidixic acid, but that this same horizontal gene transfer event increases resistance of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 to nalidixic acid across assays as well as to ciprofloxacin under competitive conditions. These phenotypic results are not easily explained away as secondary consequences of overall fitness effects and appear to occur independently of another cost associated with this megaplasmid, sensitization to higher temperatures. Lastly, we draw parallels between these reported results and the phenomenon of sign epistasis for de novo mutations and explore how context dependence of effects of plasmid acquisition could impact overall evolutionary dynamics and the evolution of antimicrobial resistance. ImportanceNumerous studies have demonstrated that gene transfer events (e.g. plasmid acquisition) can entail a variety of costs that arise as byproducts of the incorporation of foreign DNA into established physiological and genetic systems. These costs can be ameliorated through evolutionary time by the occurrence of compensatory mutations, which stabilize presence of a horizontally transferred region within the genome but which also may skew future adaptive possibilities for these lineages. Here we demonstrate another possible outcome, that phenotypic changes arising as a consequence of the same horizontal gene transfer event are costly to some strains but may actually be beneficial in other genomic backgrounds under the right conditions. These results provide new a new viewpoint for considering conditions that promote plasmid maintenance and highlight the influence of genomic and environmental contexts when considering amelioration of fitness costs after HGT events.
Attenuated directed exploration during reinforcement learning in gambling disorder
Gambling disorder is a behavioral addiction associated with impairments in value-based decision-making and behavioral flexibility and might be linked to changes in the dopamine system. Maximizing long-term rewards requires a flexible trade-off between the exploitation of known options and the exploration of novel options for information gain. This exploration-exploitation trade-off is thought to depend on dopamine neurotransmission. We hypothesized that human gamblers would show a reduction in directed (uncertainty-based) exploration, accompanied by changes in brain activity in a fronto-parietal exploration-related network. Twenty-three frequent, non-treatment seeking gamblers and twenty-three healthy matched controls (all male) performed a four-armed bandit task during functional magnetic resonance-imaging. Computational modeling using hierarchical Bayesian parameter estimation revealed signatures of directed exploration, random exploration, and perseveration in both groups. Gamblers showed a reduction in directed exploration, whereas random exploration and perseveration were similar between groups. Neuroimaging revealed no evidence for group differences in neural representations of basic task variables (expected value, prediction errors). Our hypothesis of reduced frontal pole recruitment in gamblers was not supported. Exploratory analyses revealed that during directed exploration, gamblers showed reduced parietal cortex and substantia-nigra / ventral-tegmental-area activity. Cross-validated classification analyses revealed that connectivity in an exploration-related network was predictive of group status, suggesting that connectivity patterns might be more predictive of problem gambling than univariate effects. Findings reveal specific reductions in strategic exploration gamblers that might be linked to altered processing in a fronto-parietal network and/or changes in dopamine neurotransmission implicated in gambling disorder. Significance statementWiehler et al. report that gamblers rely less on the strategic exploration of unknown, but potentially better rewards during reward learning. This is reflected in a related network of brain activity. Parameters of this network can be used to predict the presence of problem gambling behavior in participants.
LiGIoNs: A Computational Method for the Detection and Classification of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
Ligand-Gated Ion Channels (LGICs) are one of the largest groups of transmembrane proteins. Due to their major role in synaptic transmission, both in the nervous system and the somatic neuromuscular junction, LGICs present attractive therapeutic targets. During the last few years several computational methods for the detection of LGICs have been developed. These methods are based on machine learning approaches utilizing features extracted solely from amino acid composition. Here we report the development of LiGIoNs, a profile Hidden Markov Model (pHMM) method for the prediction and ligand-based classification of LGICs. The method consists of a library of 10 pHMMs, one per LGIC subfamily, built from the alignment of representative LGIC sequences. In addition, 14 Pfam pHMMs are used to further annotate and classify unknown protein sequences into one of the 10 LGIC subfamilies. Evaluation of the method showed that it outperforms existent methods in the detection of LGICs. On top of that, LiGIoNs is the only currently available method that classifies LGICs into subfamilies. The method is available online at
Blinking Statistics and Molecular Counting in direct Stochastic Reconstruction Microscopy (dSTORM)
MotivationMany recent advancements in single molecule localisation microscopy exploit the stochastic photo-switching of fluorophores to reveal complex cellular structures beyond the classical diffraction limit. However, this same stochasticity makes counting the number of molecules to high precision extremely challenging, preventing key insight into the cellular structures and processes under observation. ResultsModelling the photo-switching behaviour of a fluorophore as an unobserved continuous time Markov process transitioning between a single fluorescent and multiple dark states, and fully mitigating for missed blinks and false positives, we present a method for computing the exact probability distribution for the number of observed localisations from a single photo-switching fluorophore. This is then extended to provide the probability distribution for the number of localisations in a dSTORM experiment involving an arbitrary number of molecules. We demonstrate that when training data is available to estimate photo-switching rates, the unknown number of molecules can be accurately recovered from the posterior mode of the number of molecules given the number of localisations. Finally, we demonstrate the method on experimental data by quantifying the number of adapter protein Linker for Activation of T cells (LAT) on the cell surface of the T cell immunological synapse. AvailabilitySoftware available at
Linear B-cell epitope prediction for in silico vaccine design: a performance review of methods available via command-line interface
Linear B-cell epitope prediction research has received a steadily growing interest ever since the first method was developed in 1981. B-cell epitope identification with the help of an accurate prediction method can lead to an overall faster and cheaper vaccine design process, a crucial necessity in the covid-19 era. Consequently, several B-cell epitope prediction methods have been developed over the past few decades, but without significant success. In this study, we review the current performance and methodology of some of the most widely used linear B-cell epitope predictors which are available via a command-line interface, namely BcePred, BepiPred, ABCpred, COBEpro, SVMTriP, LBtope, and LBEEP. Additionally, we attempted to remedy performance issues of the individual methods by developing a consensus classifier, which combines the separate predictions of these methods into a single output, accelerating the epitope-based vaccine design. While the method comparison was performed with some necessary caveats and individual methods might perform much better for specialized datasets, we hope that this update in performance can aid researchers towards the choice of a predictor, for the development of biomedical applications such as designed vaccines, diagnostic kits, immunotherapeutics, immunodiagnostic tests, antibody production, and disease diagnosis and therapy.
Matrix Inversion and Subset Selection (MISS): A novel pipeline for quantitative mapping of diverse cell types across the murine brain
The advent of increasingly sophisticated imaging platforms has allowed for the visualization of the murine nervous system at single-cell resolution. However, current experimental approaches have not yet produced whole-brain maps of a comprehensive set of neuronal and nonneuronal types that approaches the cellular diversity of the mammalian cortex. Here we aim to fill in this gap in knowledge with an open-source computational pipeline, Matrix Inversion with Subset Selection (MISS), that can infer quantitatively validated distributions of diverse collections of neural cell types at 200m resolution using a combination of single-cell RNAseq and in situ hybridization datasets. We rigorously demonstrate the accuracy of MISS against literature expectations. Importantly, we show that gene subset selection, a procedure by which we filter out low-information genes prior to performing deconvolution, is a critical pre-processing step that distinguishes MISS from its predecessors and facilitates the production of cell type maps with significantly higher accuracy. We also show that MISS is generalizable by generating high-quality cell type maps from a second, independently curated single-cell RNAseq dataset. Together, our results illustrate the viability of computational approaches for determining the spatial distributions of a wide variety of cell types from genetic data alone.
Estradiol-induced progesterone synthesis develops post-puberty in the rostral hypothalamus and coincides with post-pubertal changes in the steroidogenic pathway in female mouse hypothalamic astrocytes
The development of estrogen positive feedback is a hallmark of female puberty. Both estrogen and progesterone signaling are required for the functioning of this neuroendocrine feedback loop but the physiological changes that underlie the emergence of positive feedback remain unknown. Only after puberty does estradiol (E2) facilitate progesterone synthesis in the rat female hypothalamus (neuroP), an event critical for positive feedback and the LH surge. We hypothesize that prior to puberty, these astrocytes have low levels of membrane estrogen receptor alpha (ER), which is needed for facilitation of neuroP synthesis. Thus, we hypothesized that prepubertal astrocytes are unable to respond to E2 with increased neuroP synthesis due a lack of membrane ER. To test this, hypothalamic tissues and enriched primary hypothalamic astrocyte cultures were acquired from pre-pubertal (postnatal week 3) and post- pubertal (week 8) female mice. E2-facilitated progesterone was measured in the hypothalamus pre- and post-puberty, and hypothalamic astrocyte responses were measured after treatment with E2. Prior to puberty, E2-facilitated progesterone synthesis did not occur in the hypothalamus, and mER expression was low in hypothalamic astrocytes, but E2-facilitated progesterone synthesis in the rostral hypothalamus and mER expression increased post- puberty. The increase in mER expression in hypothalamic astrocytes corresponded with an increase in caveolin-1 protein, PKA phosphorylation, and a more rapid [Ca2+]i flux in response to E2. Together, results from the present study indicate that E2-facilitated neuroP synthesis occurs in the rostral hypothalamus, develops during puberty, and corresponds to a post-pubertal increase in mER levels in hypothalamic astrocytes. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTEstradiol facilitation of hypothalamic neuroprogesterone synthesis is necessary for the positive feedback of the LH surge. The present study localized the increase of neuroprogesterone to the rostral hypothalamus, a region that mediates estrogen positive feedback. Across pubertal development, hypothalamic astrocytes increase levels of membrane ER and the cell signaling responses needed to facilitate neuroprogesterone synthesis that triggers the LH surge demonstrating a mechanism for pubertal maturation resulting in reproductive competence.
Unravelling the genetic architecture of musical rhythm: a large-scale genome-wide association study of beat synchronization
Moving in synchrony to the beat is a fundamental component of musicality. Here, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify common genetic variants associated with beat synchronization in 606,825 individuals. Beat synchronization exhibited a highly polygenic architecture, with sixty-nine loci reaching genome-wide significance (p<5x10-8) and SNP-based heritability (on the liability scale) of 13%-16%. Heritability was enriched for genes expressed in brain tissues, and for fetal and adult brain-specific gene regulatory elements, underscoring the role of central nervous system-expressed genes linked to the genetic basis of the trait. We performed validations of the self-report phenotype (through internet-based experiments) and of the GWAS (polygenic scores for beat synchronization were associated with patients algorithmically classified as musicians in medical records of a separate biobank). Genetic correlations with breathing function, motor function, processing speed, and chronotype suggest shared genetic architecture with beat synchronization and provide avenues for new phenotypic and genetic explorations.
Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity
Moving in synchrony to the beat is a fundamental component of musicality. Here, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify common genetic variants associated with beat synchronization in 606,825 individuals. Beat synchronization exhibited a highly polygenic architecture, with sixty-nine loci reaching genome-wide significance (p<5x10-8) and SNP-based heritability (on the liability scale) of 13%-16%. Heritability was enriched for genes expressed in brain tissues, and for fetal and adult brain-specific gene regulatory elements, underscoring the role of central nervous system-expressed genes linked to the genetic basis of the trait. We performed validations of the self-report phenotype (through internet-based experiments) and of the GWAS (polygenic scores for beat synchronization were associated with patients algorithmically classified as musicians in medical records of a separate biobank). Genetic correlations with breathing function, motor function, processing speed, and chronotype suggest shared genetic architecture with beat synchronization and provide avenues for new phenotypic and genetic explorations.
Integrative nascent RNA methods to reveal cell-type specific transcription programs in peripheral blood and its derivative cells
Nascent RNA sequencing is a powerful method to measure transcription with high resolution, sensitivity, and directional information, which gives distinctive information about transcription from other methods such as chromatin immunoprecipitation or mRNA sequencing. We present an integrated package of nascent RNA-seq methods - ultrafast Precision Run On (uPRO) combined with computational procedures to discover cell type specific enhancers, promoters, and transcription factor networks. uPRO is composed of adaptor ligation and reverse transcription reactions, which is reduced to a one-day procedure and makes nascent RNA-seq more feasible and flexible for a widespread use. We generated genome-wide profiles of nascent transcription in human blood derived cell lines and clinical samples of ~1 ml of untreated whole blood. We integrated these data into deep learning and hierarchical network analysis to detect enhancers, promoters, and co-expression networks to define cell-type specific transcription programs. We found conservation of position but variation of expression in cell type specific enhancers and transcription start sites. Transcription factors (TFs) such as TCF-3 and OCT1 were pivotally associated with TF-enhancer-gene networks across cell types. Intriguingly, we also discovered that TFs related to cell stress and inflammation - such as SRF, ATF, CHOP, and NF-kB - are associated with inter-individual variation of leukocyte transcription in whole blood. Our integration of experimental and computational nascent RNA methods will provide an efficient strategy to identify specific transcriptional programs, both in cell-type and patient/disease-associated, with minimal sample requirements.
molecular biology
Temperature predicts the maximum tree-species richness and water and frost shape the residual variation
The kinetic hypothesis of biodiversity proposes that temperature is the main driver of variation in species richness, given its exponential effect on biological activity and, potentially, on rates of diversification. However, limited support for this hypothesis has been found to date. I tested the fit of this model on the variation of tree-species richness along a continuous latitudinal gradient in the Americas. I found that the kinetic hypothesis accurately predicts the upper bound of the relationship between the inverse of mean annual temperature (1/kK) and the natural logarithm of species richness, at a broad scale. In addition, I found that water availability and the number of days with freezing temperatures organize a part of the residual variation of the upper bound model. The finding of the model fitting on the upper bound rather than on the mean values suggest that the kinetic hypothesis is modeling the variation of the potential maximum species richness per unit of temperature. Likewise, the distribution of the residuals of the upper bound model in function of the number of days with freezing temperatures suggest the importance of environmental thresholds rather than gradual variation driving the observable variation in species richness.
Temperature predicts the maximum tree-species richness and water and frost shape the residual variation
The kinetic hypothesis of biodiversity proposes that temperature is the main driver of variation in species richness, given its exponential effect on biological activity and, potentially, on rates of diversification. However, limited support for this hypothesis has been found to date. I tested the fit of this model on the variation of tree-species richness along a continuous latitudinal gradient in the Americas. I found that the kinetic hypothesis accurately predicts the upper bound of the relationship between the inverse of mean annual temperature (1/kK) and the natural logarithm of species richness, at a broad scale. In addition, I found that water availability and the number of days with freezing temperatures organize a part of the residual variation of the upper bound model. The finding of the model fitting on the upper bound rather than on the mean values suggest that the kinetic hypothesis is modeling the variation of the potential maximum species richness per unit of temperature. Likewise, the distribution of the residuals of the upper bound model in function of the number of days with freezing temperatures suggest the importance of environmental thresholds rather than gradual variation driving the observable variation in species richness.
Temperature predicts the maximum tree-species richness and water and frost shape the residual variation
The kinetic hypothesis of biodiversity proposes that temperature is the main driver of variation in species richness, given its exponential effect on biological activity and, potentially, on rates of diversification. However, limited support for this hypothesis has been found to date. I tested the fit of this model on the variation of tree-species richness along a continuous latitudinal gradient in the Americas. I found that the kinetic hypothesis accurately predicts the upper bound of the relationship between the inverse of mean annual temperature (1/kK) and the natural logarithm of species richness, at a broad scale. In addition, I found that water availability and the number of days with freezing temperatures organize a part of the residual variation of the upper bound model. The finding of the model fitting on the upper bound rather than on the mean values suggest that the kinetic hypothesis is modeling the variation of the potential maximum species richness per unit of temperature. Likewise, the distribution of the residuals of the upper bound model in function of the number of days with freezing temperatures suggest the importance of environmental thresholds rather than gradual variation driving the observable variation in species richness.
Trading Mental Effort for Confidence in the Metacognitive Control of Value-Based Decision-Making
Why do we sometimes opt for actions or items that we do not value the most? Under current neurocomputational theories, such preference reversals are typically interpreted in terms of errors that arise from the unreliable signaling of value to brain decision systems. But, an alternative explanation is that people may change their mind because they are reassessing the value of alternative options while pondering the decision. So, why do we carefully ponder some decisions, but not others? In this work, we derive a computational model of the metacognitive control of decisions or MCD. In brief, we assume that fast and automatic processes first provide initial (and largely uncertain) representations of options values, yielding prior estimates of decision difficulty. These uncertain value representations are then refined by deploying cognitive (e.g., attentional, mnesic) resources, the allocation of which is controlled by an effort-confidence tradeoff. Importantly, the anticipated benefit of allocating resources varies in a decision-by-decision manner according to the prior estimate of decision difficulty. The ensuing MCD model predicts response time, subjective feeling of effort, choice confidence, changes of mind, and choice-induced preference change and certainty gain. We test these predictions in a systematic manner, using a dedicated behavioral paradigm. Our results provide a quantitative link between mental effort, choice confidence, and preference reversals, which could inform interpretations of related neuroimaging findings.
A multi-measure approach for assessing the performance of fMRI preprocessing strategies in resting-state functional connectivity
It is well established that head motion and physiological processes (e.g. cardiac and breathing activity) should be taken into consideration when analyzing and interpreting results in fMRI studies. However, even though recent studies aimed to evaluate the performance of different preprocessing pipelines there is still no consensus on the optimal strategy. This is partly due to the fact that the quality control (QC) metrics used to evaluate differences in performance across pipelines have often yielded contradictory results. Furthermore, preprocessing techniques based on physiological recordings or data decomposition techniques (e.g. aCompCor) have not been comprehensively examined. Here, to address the aforementioned issues, we propose a framework that summarizes the scores from eight previously proposed and novel QC metrics to a reduced set of two QC metrics that reflect the signal-to-noise ratio and the reduction in motion artifacts and biases in the preprocessed fMRI data. Using this framework, we evaluate the performance of three commonly used practices on the quality of data: 1) Removal of nuisance regressors from fMRI data, 2) discarding motion-contaminated volumes (i.e., scrubbing) before regression, and 3) low-pass filtering the data and the nuisance regressors before their removal. Using resting-state fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project, we show that the scores of the examined QC metrics improve the most when the global signal (GS) and about 17% of principal components from white matter (WM) are removed from the data. Finally, we observe a small further improvement with low-pass filtering at 0.20 Hz and milder variants of WM denoising, but not with scrubbing.
A multi-measure approach for assessing the performance of fMRI preprocessing strategies in resting-state functional connectivity
It is well established that head motion and physiological processes (e.g. cardiac and breathing activity) should be taken into consideration when analyzing and interpreting results in fMRI studies. However, even though recent studies aimed to evaluate the performance of different preprocessing pipelines there is still no consensus on the optimal strategy. This is partly due to the fact that the quality control (QC) metrics used to evaluate differences in performance across pipelines have often yielded contradictory results. Furthermore, preprocessing techniques based on physiological recordings or data decomposition techniques (e.g. aCompCor) have not been comprehensively examined. Here, to address the aforementioned issues, we propose a framework that summarizes the scores from eight previously proposed and novel QC metrics to a reduced set of two QC metrics that reflect the signal-to-noise ratio and the reduction in motion artifacts and biases in the preprocessed fMRI data. Using this framework, we evaluate the performance of three commonly used practices on the quality of data: 1) Removal of nuisance regressors from fMRI data, 2) discarding motion-contaminated volumes (i.e., scrubbing) before regression, and 3) low-pass filtering the data and the nuisance regressors before their removal. Using resting-state fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project, we show that the scores of the examined QC metrics improve the most when the global signal (GS) and about 17% of principal components from white matter (WM) are removed from the data. Finally, we observe a small further improvement with low-pass filtering at 0.20 Hz and milder variants of WM denoising, but not with scrubbing.
Personalized single-cell networks: a framework to predict the response of any gene to any drug for any patient
BackgroundThe last decade has seen a major increase in the availability of genomic data. This includes expert-curated databases that describe the biological activity of genes, as well as high-throughput assays that measure gene expression in bulk tissue and single cells. Integrating these heterogeneous data sources can generate new hypotheses about biological systems. Our primary objective is to combine population-level drug-response data with patient-level single-cell expression data to predict how any gene will respond to any drug for any patient. MethodsWe take 2 approaches to benchmarking a "dual-channel" random walk with restart (RWR) for data integration. First, we evaluate how well RWR can predict known gene functions from single-cell gene co-expression networks. Second, we evaluate how well RWR can predict known drug responses from individual cell networks. We then present two exploratory applications. In the first application, we combine the Gene Ontology database with glioblastoma single cells from 5 individual patients to identify genes whose functions differ between cancers. In the second application, we combine the LINCS drug-response database with the same glioblastoma data to identify genes that may exhibit patient-specific drug responses. ConclusionsOur manuscript introduces two innovations to the integration of heterogeneous biological data. First, we use a "dual-channel" method to predict up-regulation and down-regulation separately. Second, we use individualized single-cell gene co-expression networks to make personalized predictions. These innovations let us predict gene function and drug response for individual patients. Taken together, our work shows promise that single-cell co-expression data could be combined in heterogeneous information networks to facilitate precision medicine.
systems biology
PharmOmics: A Species- and Tissue-specific Drug Signature Database and Online Tool for Drug Repurposing
Drug development has been hampered by a high failure rate in clinical trials due to efficacy or safety issues not predicted by preclinical studies in model systems. A key contributor is our incomplete understanding of drug functions across organ systems and species. Therefore, elucidating species- and tissue-specific actions of drugs can provide systems level insights into therapeutic efficacy, potential adverse effects, and interspecies differences that are necessary for more effective translational medicine. Here, we present a comprehensive drug knowledgebase and analytical tool, PharmOmics, comprised of genomic footprints of drugs in individual tissues from human, mouse, and rat transcriptome data from GEO, ArrayExpress, TG-GATEs, and DrugMatrix. Using multi-species and multi-tissue gene expression signatures as molecular indicators of drug functions, we developed gene network-based approaches for drug repositioning. We demonstrate the potential of PharmOmics to predict drugs for new disease indications and validated two predicted drugs for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. We also examined the potential of PharmOmics to identify drugs related to hepatoxicity and nephrotoxicity. By combining tissue- and species-specific in vivo drug signatures with biological networks, PharmOmics serves as a complementary tool to support drug characterization.
systems biology
A small-molecule antagonist for the Tudor domain of SMN disrupts the interaction between SMN and RNAP II
Survival of motor neuron (SMN), a Tudor-domain-containing protein, plays an important role in diverse biological pathways via recognition of symmetrically dimethylated arginine (Rme2s) on proteins by its Tudor domain, and deficiency of SMN leads to the motor neuron degenerative disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Here we report a potent and selective antagonist with a 4-iminopyridine scaffold targeting the Tudor domain of SMN. Our structural and mutagenesis studies indicate that the sandwich stacking interactions of SMN and compound 1 play a critical role in selective binding to SMN. Various on-target engagement assays support that compound 1 recognizes SMN specifically in a cellular context. In cell studies display that the SMN antagonist prevent the interaction of SMN with R1810me2s of DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit POLR2A and results in transcription termination and R-loop accumulation, mimicking depletion of SMN. Thus, in addition to the antisense, RNAi and CRISPR/Cas9 techniques, the potent SMN antagonist could be used as an efficient tool in understanding the biological functions of SMN and molecular etiology in SMA.