Can I prevent S-voice from unlocking my screen?
I use s-voice while driving, so I don't need (or want) to see the screen. Yet, it unlocks the screen upon use (and then it's easy to accidently press a wrong button). Is there a way to disable that?
Samsung Kies fails to restore all my stuff. What other software can I use to complete the process?
I spoke with the Samsung Support today, and as part of the troubleshooting process they asked me to do a backup of the phone and then reset it. I followed through and I've done that (the initial problem still remained). What they failed to tell me is that I won't be able to restore all my stuff to the phone. Because apparently, the Samsung Kies (version can only restore some parts of your data from a previous backup. When you make a backup, it offers to include everything in the backup. Here's a list of the stuff it offers to backup. - Contacts - S Planner (Calendar) - Call log(s) - S Health - Message(s) - Videos - Music - Photos - Miscellaneous content files - Ringtone(s) - Applications - Home screen - Wi-Fi - Lock screen - Email account information - Other preferences _(Click on screenshots below for a bigger view.)_ ![A](http://i.stack.imgur.com/wcZdJt.png) ![B](http://i.stack.imgur.com/mI6Hzt.png) This is what it offers to restore after the reset. - Contacts - S Planner - Message - Videos - Music - Photos - Miscelaneous content files ![C](http://i.stack.imgur.com/0lGUct.png) Obviously, it offers to restore less than half of the things it had taken a backup of. Why offer to backup something you know you can't restore?... This makes absolutely no sense! It's absolutely insane!! The options that I can't select for restore are greyed out. There's also a small blue warning triangle icon with exclamation mark on the side of each of these options. If I hover over this icon I get a bubble message explaining the following. > This item cannot be restored to the connected device. What the hell is that supposed to mean?... It's still the same bloody "smart" phone! It's not like I have switched to some Samsung Bada phone or something. It's exactly the same phone?... So what the hell!?... **How do I restore the rest of the stuff like apps, app data, messages, account settings, customized settings, widgets and app shortcuts on the home screens?** I can see it has taken a backup of more than it likes to admit! I can see a whole list of APK files in a subfolder of the backup location. I recognize some of them as the apps I had previously installed. So why doesn't it want to restore them then? **File locations...** Everything that has been backed up can be found in this location. %userprofile%\Documents\samsung\Kies\Backup\GT-I9506\GT-I9506_\GT-I9506_20140108044055 Contacts, logs, messages, calendar events, etc. is stored in .\Calllog.scl .\Contacts.spb .\LockScreen.sls .\Message.sme .\SHealth.ssh .\SPlanner.ssc .\Wallpaper.swp .\WIFI.swi Even the Wifi settings! Apps are stored in .\APPLICATION\_SamsungBnR_\Abackup Some sort of settings are stored in .\CONFIGURATION\BR\Configuration.bk Email messages are stored in .\EMAIL\BR\Email.bk Music files are stored in .\Music App data seems to be stored in a folder named Others e.g. the backup files from ColorNote are stored in .\Others\data\colornote\backup Pictures are stored in .\Photo Videos are stored in .\Video Photos and videos are stored as actual media files and they can be read without a problem. But all the other files (scl, spb, sls, sme, ssh, ssc, swp, swi, bk) are encoded in a format I can't read, and some might be encrypted. Is there a way I can open and make use of these files and have them imported to the phone? Or is it just garbage now?
HTC Evo 4g LTe Jellybean (JB) charge only
I just flashed a new stock JB ROM from viper boy over at xda. What happened to the Connect to PC in the settings window? I can see my HTC Evo 4g LTE as a disk drive and media exchange, but it has no option for charge only. What mode do I need to be in to run cmd commands on my JB phone? Every tutorial for cmd says charge only.
Samsung Kies program on my PC can't restore contacts to Samsung Galaxy S
I downloaded a new program, and I already did a backup using the Samsung Kies program installed on my PC, but now I can't restore the contacts because the program is not recognizing the phone, and I can't choose the restore button. How do I fix this problem?
Why won't my Galaxy Tab 2 connect with WiFi or USB?
Whenever I try to connect to WiFi or my PC with USB, it always just says "connecting..." indefinitely. It detects my WiFi signal, kies detects the tablet, but neither one has managed to actually complete a connection. I've tried re-installing kies, manually adding my network, factory resetting the Tab, and running the kies connecting troubleshooter. None of those have worked. I'm starting to think I should just return it and buy a laptop.
CM9 skips to the next song, even on short presses
I have a Motorola Defy (MB525), running Android ICS (4.0.4), CyanogenMod 9-20121116-NIGHTLY-jordan, and the option to skip to the next / previous songs on a long press of the volume buttons is active. It is intended to skip to the next song only after a long press, but even after (very) quick presses, it skips to the next song, and my only option is to disable it completely. In short: **it seems to be considering _any_ press on the volume key as a long press, regardless of the duration**. Is there any sort of fix?
Why are my photographs not stored with GPS location?
I'm currently on vacation and used my Samsung Galaxy S 2 to take a couple hundred photographs. I'm running the stable CyanogenMod 9 and have the **Store Location** option enabled in the Camera app. I also kept the GPS activated at all times. Yet, most of my photographs were stored without location information which is somewhat disappointing. I kept mobile data deactivated for long periods of time (to conserve battery power) and am wondering if that may have had an impact.
Why does Kies select one photo cover for all of my song?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3. I have a specific photo for every song that I have on my Kies Library. When I sync my playlist only one photo gets chosen for all of the my songs on my Galaxy. Does anybody know why this happens and how I can fix it?
SGS2 Replace preinstalled apps in Custom ROM
Is is possible to change / modify the custom ROM you're about to install on your rooted Galaxy S2 (9100)? Usually, I would install CyanogenMod 10 Nightly build. Then, I'd install GAPPS (google apps). Lastly, I'd restart and it would work. Now, what I want to do is to replace a default CM (CyanogenMod) apps (SMS, Contact manager/Call manager) with those included in JB 4.1.2 (leaked version). Is there any way to achieve it? Thanks in advance for any info and suggestions. **UPDATED POST** Here is a pic of apps difference in icons (on left CM10, onright JB) And here is a snapshot of apps in `system/app/` of those versions
Easy question: How do I search for apps on my S3?
I know (N00b) but I see the Google search bar for performing internet searches. But I don't see where a quick search for my phone's content is, like you would find on an iPhone by moving to the search screen. (Which searches through all of the phones content-contacts, apps, email, etc.)
CM7.2 Viber installing problem
I'm on HTC Wildfire S With my stock ROM I can use all versions of Viber But on CM7.2 I can't install newer version than 2.0.x.xxxxxx (I didn't try every version, but the 2.2. and 2.1. installing exit with the app didn't get installed message. Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks for your time
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 port name
What is the name of the flat port (that you use for charging) that comes with Samsung Galaxy Tab 2? I bough a USB keyboard and I'm looking forward to buy an adapter for it. I'll attatch some images of the port I've found on the internet: ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/nWgSW.jpg) ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/iVX2T.jpg)
Kitkat appdrawer hide apps and create folders
Back in Jellybean you where able to sort the apps in the app drawer, even make folders. In KitKat it seems that this feature is removed. Is there a rom or app that can bring this back?
Why do certain apps always try to install to a specific Google account?
I have 3 Google accounts on my Android phone: gmail and 2 Google Apps accounts (one at my full-time job and one for my small business). I want all my apps to install under the gmail account, so I've done the following: 1. Open Play Store 2. Press menu button 3. tap Accounts 4. select the gmail account When I install some apps, they install to whatever account I've selected in the Accounts menu. But despite having the gmail account selected, when I try to install certain apps such as My Tracks (by Google) and K-9 Mail, the Play Store says the apps will be installed under the Google Apps account for my full-time job. How do I force _all_ apps to be installed under my gmail account instead?
Smaller "Turn off all sounds" widget
My OS version is 4.1.2. I'm currently using the "Turn off all sound" 2x1 widget on my home screen, but I feel it is too big. I'm looking for a widget that is 1x1 and has the same functionality: mute all (or as many as possible) sounds and leaves vibration notifications on.
Is there a soft keyboard for the HTC Droid Incredible that learns word combinations?
A friend of mine was talking about a soft keyboard replacement for the HTC Droid Incredible and I believe that he mentioned one of the features was that it not only suggested words, but it would "learn" word combinations and suggest not only the current word, but the next word in the sentence. However, I've forgotten the name of the keyboard. Does anyone know of such a thing?
Solutions for connecting phone/tablet to a bigger monitor?
An ebook I purchased is locked to my device so I can't open it anywhere else. I'm having a hard time reading due to the small screen size of my phone. Is there a way I can get it to display on my monitor? I don't have any special cables so I'll have to use any wireless means possible. Also to note: I'm not looking for emulation as the app has locked my ebook to the device. Any creative solutions are welcome.
How can I transfer SMS messages from my old iPhone to my new Android phone?
I think my previous SMS are stored somewhere in iTunes, can I get them back and store them in my new Android?
How to determine cause of boot halt in Samsung logo screen?
The apps kept crashing on my phone (even MIUI Home) so I shut it down using the long power press and selecting shut down/power off option. When I powered it back on, it just stays stuck on the Samsung logo boot screen with the yellow warning sign (which has been there ever since I rooted it). Here's what I tried which didn't work: * List item * cleared cache, dalvik, fixed permissions - FAIL * with above, it means booting into CWM works fine but booting into OS fails * reflashed with MIUI i9100 ICS 2.12.14 (still downloading 3.1.25 as I type this) - FAIL * removed micro SD and SIM and tried booting - FAIL * earlier today, it started doing the crashing thing too but after reboot, it went into Safe mode. I rebooted again to get out of safe mode. After booting back normally into OS, all my non-system apps were out of there arranged folders and just listed in the next home screens like they were all reinstalled. So I got to backing up my data with CWM and did a data wipe and it now boots successfully. I need to restore my data. Can't work with a fresh wipe. With this, at least I know it's not a HW problem. Or is it? :O
Power button stopped on my Nexus S
My power button has stopped working on my Nexus S, everything else works but this! How can i get my power button back?
WhatsApp contact's icon not showing
I have WhatsApp installed on my HTC Sensation running Android 2.3.4 (Gingerbread). I also have other social contact related apps such as Google Voice, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. For my Google Contacts, it links each of these services up to the people in my address book. When using WhatsApp, only a few of my contact's icons shows up for the screen with recent messages. When I view the contact in my address book, they have an icon (headshot) either from Google contacts, Facebook, or some other social service. Why do only some of my WhatsApp contacts have icons showing? The other WhatsApp contacts default to an Android avatar. I've refreshed the WhatsApp contacts list and the problem still persists.
Is is possible to configure the 'listen to' voice action to pull up Amazon MP3 player (or other player) rather than youtube search?
Love the voice commands, but for me 'listen to [[blah blah]]' only ever pulls up the youtube app & searches for whatever [[blah blah]] is. I've got the amazon mp3 app installed (as well as UberMusic) and would like for one of those two to come up instead. I tried going into Menu > Manage Apps > Youtube & hit the 'clear defaults' button to see if I would get prompted to choose a program to respond to 'listen to' commands, but there was no prompt--I still went right to youtube. This is a t-mobile vibrant running bionix 1.2.1 (an android 2.2 version). Thanks!
Endless loading for emulator on low-end netbook
I'm trying to develop on my old netbook but the emulator never completely loads. It keeps working and sometimes it freezes but then it doesn't finish booting. I'm not really skilled in Android development and I would like to know if I can tweak the emulator to require less computational power. I'm learning new stuff so I don't have to run big stuff, I just need to start the emulator and launch a simple application
How do I get my GPS working in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean?
Recently I've been having all sorts of troubles with audio and GPS and the compass... I tried different ROMs, different kernels, different patches. The short story is that after a long time spent messing around trying to get all features working at the same time, in the end I had to factory reset my phone and start anew. Now, the current situation is that I have a rooted phone running Jelly Bean 4.1. It's freshly installed as of about an hour before writing this. However, the GPS is unresponsive. Of course I want to fix this, but I don't want to go through the whole mess I just went through over the last few days. So... how do I get my GPS working without playing feature whack-a-mole? I'm taking a breath, slowing down, and I'm looking for a reliable patch or process that I can execute with reasonable assurance and no guesswork. Specifics are that I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, GT-I9100, issued in Japan. Android version 4.1.2, Kernel 3.0.15-CM (Siyah 5.0.1), Cyanogenmod 10-20121120-NIGHTLY. _**Update:** The compass issue I mentioned earlier was fixed when I used the build of Cyanogenmod available in this thread on the XDA forum. So I'm now just focused on fixing the GPS._
Routing uPnP over USB to ethernet on Ubuntu
My phone has a uPnP server app (MirrorLink) that should connect to an in-car dash via USB. However, for testing out I have downloaded the Nokia Qt Client, but as far as I can tell from the source code it only tries to find the client over Wi-Fi. How would I go about re-routing the USB to Ethernet so that the client can find the USB cable? I've seen various solutions for tethering, but they involve using a proxy on the mobile device to re-route on the mobile Wi-Fi to USB, but the mobile app directly talks to USB. (I'd like to create uPnP and MirrorLink tags, but I don't have the rep yet...)
recover a phone number I didn't save
At the bar last night I got a number I opened a new contact under my Google contacts on my Droid Incredible and typed in the information. But in my sub lucid state I never saved it, I would love to call this girl but the number is lost to me, any thoughts on how I might get the digits back?
Are there any torrent clients allowing you to choose one file from a list?
I currently use uTorrent but I need to be able to choose one file to download instead of all the available files in a folder. I can't seem to find one Play. Any way to achieve this? OS: 4.1.1 Samsung S3
Incoming calls: no caller info when device is locked
When my phone is locked, if somebody calls, I am not able to view the caller details on the screen. I can only find the receive and decline options. How can I change this?
phone makes touch vibration sounds when on facebook
Why my galaxy s3 make a vibration sound like im recieving a notification while I'm on facebook. While this is happening I am not touching my phone, its happening while I am reading something on facebook or a website. Again, I am not touching the screen in any way, just holding my phone while reading something on facebook or a website.
Galaxy S2 can't plug in to laptop with usb correctly
Why when i try to plug in with the cable Galaxy S2 and a laptop, it's not showing any new partition that must be for the galaxy.I get a successful conection on the phone, but it's not having a popup window, for example to ask me if i want to charge my battery from the laptop or to do some stuff with the files.
Does disabling mobile data revert from 3G to 2G?
When I disable mobile data in Android 2.2, the 3G symbol disappears. Does this revert my phone's signal to 2G? I don't want to lose my signal when I go to the subway, but I don't want to all my apps consume all my monthly bandwidth.
How can i get my phone to boot again OR reset my developer options?
Hi Android Enthusiasts.. I have a **galaxy S2** and the ROM I'm using is **CM10.1** , i was messing with the developer options and i saw an option called "simulate second screen" i guess so i clicked that and selected 720 then it froze .. i forced rebooted it and stops at the end of the boot animation and get stuck there.. any ideas please? if there's a way to do it _w/o flashing_ a new ROM.. thanks
Market not working on droid 2 with 2.3.3 after factory reset
I did a factory reset on the phone, to switch to a different email account. Since it's cell service contract expired a while ago, I used this to bypass activation and get to the home screen, then connected my google account. Before the reset, I had the google play app, and had used it without a problem. Now it's gone, replaced by the Market app. Whenever I try to open the Market app, it sends me to a web page with the google Play TOS, but no "Accept" button. How do I update to the google Play app? _**EDIT_** Nevermind, my phone seems to have re-installed all of the apps from before it's reset, including google Play.
Fascinate gets to download mode and splash (boot loop) but not recovery mode
The device is a Samsung Fascinate. I had MIUI working for about a year, tried installing Cyanogen-mod today. The install got stuck in the CM splash screen, so I recovered the MIUI backup. On reboot (after recovering), it got stuck in the MIUI splash. It's in a soft brick right now. It boots into a) download mode or b) the MIUI splash screen then gets stuck. It will not boot into recovery mode using the up/down button combo at all. The down button alone boots it into download mode. I have Ubuntu on one of my PC's (physical not virtual) but this fails to recognize the device. Is is possible that the recovered image of MIUI overwrote the recovery partition so that it doesn't work now? How would you recover this to a working state? I'm new to fixing phones, and brand new to this site but am trying to revive this once-great Android. This is my main phone. Thanks for reading, please help.
HTC one X Gallery Pics and videos are not visisble
My HTC one x gallery pics and videos suddenly disappeared. I can see them in DCIM folder but not visible over the phone. I restarted the device , clear the cache everything is done but no use. When I open gallery the message shows " No photos found.
How to root Huawei Y210?
It runs Android 2.3.6 and has the kernel version. I've already tried using SuperOneClick but it doesn't work. :( I'm rather contented with it ( oh wait, it has this puny internal storage, 120+ mb, but I can live with that ) and I'd rather just leave it alone except for the fact that Huawei saw it fit not to add proxy support. My university network uses proxies so the smartphone is rather useless at school. I tried proxy apps but they all require the phone to be rooted. I hope somebody here can guide me in rooting this phone. Thank you for your time :) * * * **UPDATE:** I tried SRSRoot as @Izzy suggested, unfortunately, it doesn't work either :( ---= SRS One-Click-Root v4.3 =--- 11:29:51 PM - Starting ADB Server.. 11:29:57 PM - Manufacturer: HUAWEI 11:29:58 PM - Model: HUAWEI Y210-0100 11:29:58 PM - Android Version: 2.3.6 11:29:58 PM - Build ID: Y210-0100V100R001C294B837 11:29:58 PM - Board ID: Y210-0100 11:29:58 PM - Chipset Platform: msm7k 11:29:58 PM - Getting OffSets.. : 0x8003 0x8005 (False) 11:30:00 PM - Query Server for Best Method.. Found Rootkit: 2 ----= Start Rooting Process.. Please Wait =---- 11:30:00 PM [+] Testing exploit: root2a (Please wait it can take some minutes).... 11:30:21 PM [+] Executing root2a exploit Failed, Proceed next... 11:30:21 PM [+] Testing exploit: root4 (please wait..) 11:30:24 PM [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started) 11:33:23 PM [+] Executing root4 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0) 11:33:23 PM [+] Testing exploit: root4b (please wait..) 11:33:27 PM [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started) 11:36:45 PM [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started) 11:39:57 PM Auto Root Failed on this device. :( 11:39:57 PM Rebooting Device and try again...
How to change facebook profile avatar and cover photo from Android app?
I cannot change my avatar and cover photo from within the Facebook app. I can do that using a browser. Any idea?
How does contact management work?
I've got a Samsung Galaxy 3 with Android 4.1.2. I changed my SIM card today and was worried I might lose contact so I've backed them up. I've always found the contacts very confusing and obviously I messed up the restore process and I now have hundreds of duplicates, single contacts appearing up to 20 times. To be precise - they are not exactly 20x the same, but say for a person 4 times the phone number as separate contacts, 12 times for two different email addresses, 4 times for Skype etc ... I've tried to push them all to Gmail and delete/edit them online and then reimport, but it seems that step missed quite a few contacts that have only phone numbers. I also have to admit that I totally don't understand how all the contacts are separated internally (on SIM, on SD, Google, Samsung; import to/from/merge/push/blabla ... why can't there be a single list of contacts). I know I am not able to clean the contacts up on the phone - there's simply too many. So question: what would be the best way out of this chaos? Thanks heaps EDIT: ok, kind of did it. Superbackup app, uploaded to Gmail, imported, merged and de-duped by Google, exported tp vcf, deleted old vcf files on phone, figured out where Android wanted the new vcf, reimported ... and looks halfway sane. But there must be an easier way, right?
Problem with Google Now in Tab 2
I have a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 which I have updated to the official jellybean provided by Samsung, it is supposed to have Google Now but I cant see the cards on opening the the app. Can anyone help me out by pointing out the way in which I can see the cards.
Facebook mobile for Droid unable to delete friends
How does one go about deleting friends via the Droid's Facebook application? I am running the latest build of Facebook.
GMail - notify until read?
I'm a new Android user with a Motorola X2 running Android 2.3.4 and the GMail app version I have a set of labels set up and custom notifications enabled for those that I need to have distinguished. I need a constant alert until the message is marked as read. I have been looking at the GMail Label Notifier app but it doesn't appear to have the necessary option. Any suggestions?
Does the EVO 3d's 3.5mm head phone also support a microphone?
My old Nokia had a 2.5mm headphone/microphone port. I've recently had that phone stolen and moved to a EVO 3D. It has a 3.5mm port: however, is this a compact headphone/microphone or just stereo headphone?
Is it possible to use Prey on a non-phone device?
This answer to a question asked earlier today reminded me that I had been wanting to check out Prey because I had heard some good things about it. I ended up installing it and creating an account, but it appears you can only activate Prey on a lost device via an SMS message. Their original announcement for the Android version notes this, and it looks like things haven't changed (insofar as I can tell, anyway). This is fine for my EVO, but I also have a Motorola Xoom and I'm not sure how it would work in this case. Also of note: I don't have a data plan on the Xoom, I just use it for wifi. It is a 3G version because I wanted to have the option of possibly adding a data plan later, but it has never been authenticated on Verizon's network. The Xoom is supported and I can install Prey from the Market just fine, but is there any way for me to activate Prey if my Xoom - or any device that can't receive an SMS - was ever lost or stolen?
Motorola Milestone Android - Bluetooth Issue - Paired but not connected
im using a Motorola Milestone. I have tried to connect to various bluetooth devices (laptops/other android phone) with this phone but none of them work. I can pair them But after pairing it says "Paired but not connected" I have tried all normal steps: Soft reset, Hard reset etc and the phone is running the latest OS 2.2.1 Intrestingly, If I download the application "Bluetooth File transfer" by medieval software - I can succesfully pair and connect via this application to my macbook and send files. However, for my purpose I need to use the bluetooth SPP profile off the phone (Which it claims to support). So the question here is, Is it a software/hardware issue? -Seems to me like a software issue, because It doesnt connect with my macbook with the official bluetooth settings menu, but works through a third party application? any fixes? - I called motorola, but no luck as Im not in the states. Mohit
LG G Flex keeps rebooting
My Brand new LG G Flex keeps restarting about every 10 minutes. It's an unlocked T-mobile one and I have not downloaded and installed any apps. I noticed that it does not restart when it's being used. For example when charging or listening to music it does not restart. A factory reset did not make it any better. Any suggestions will be really helpful and thanks in advance. I have not rooted the phone and wish to keep it stock.
HTC One m7 mobile data disconnects
I got this phone at the end of November and it started giving me problems with the mobile data a week or 2 before the update to Kit Kat. When my reception is at 3 bars or less, using apps that require online connectivity, sending or receiving mms, browsing the internet, etc it intermittently hangs and when I go to settings, the mobile data displays as disconnected. Restarting the phone kicks it back on, but it will do it again shortly after. Calling and texting works fine though. I've factory reset the phone multiple times, changed the preferred network to cdma/lte, and added an APN all with no luck. I've never rooted it or installed any roms but I have a feeling that if I do try that, it won't change anything. Suggestions?
Google Play, Lookout, other apps are not running after force stop
In order to save on battery, I force stopped **all** the running apps on my HTC One. Now, apps like Google Play Services, Lookout Security, Vaults are not running since that action. On Apps Info page all buttons(force stop, disable, uninstall, clear data) are disable state.
Execute "am" through OpenSSH (root)
I'm trying to show a notification triggered from my PC through ssh. My Solution uses Tasker (with external access enabled) to display the notification and running ` am broadcast -a net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ACTION_TASK -e task_name "Backup" ` from the CyanogenMod Terminal works just fine. When running the exactly same command from the SSH shell (as root) nothing happens. No notification and no error output. I found this question but since I'm logged in as root this cannot be the problem, right? If there is a solution to show a notification even without Tasker thats perfectly fine, too! Any ideas? Thanks! **Edit:** I found a pretty hacky solution: First create an empty file e.g.: `touch /mnt/shell/emulated/0/Tasker/modify- event` Then create a new profile in Tasker that triggers on file modification. Execute `ssh -q -o ConnectTimeout=10 root@${HOST} 'echo $RANDOM > /mnt/shell/emulated/0/Tasker/modify-event'` from the PC to trigger the notification.
How can I set up different notification tones for each of my email accounts?
I have a Bionic running Android 2.3.4. I receive mail on a few accounts via the stock Email app and would like a different notification tone for each e-mail account. Can that be done?
Why won't 'usb debugging' mode stay on?
I'm trying to put my phone into usb debugging mode, but it won't work. I'll turn it on, and it will turn off right away.. Has anyone else gone through this? I'm running 2.3.4 on a zte score.
Droid only boots into ClockwordMod
So I've just rooted my Motorola Droid (I've done this before on the same device, but with a different method back on 2.0.1). I am on 2.2.2. The root went successfully, Super User app was present, etc. I then installed ROM Manager and http://www.cyanogenmod.com/ from my SD card. After that, my phone would boot, then run through the boot animation, freeze, then start the boot animation over again, and repeat. I made a backup through ROM Manager before the install, and have restored it. From what I could tell, that went fine, but now I'm stuck in ClockwordMod Recovery each time I try to reboot my device. It boots once, showing the Motorola logo, then shuts off, then boots again showing the logo, then goes directly into ClockworkMod, without me holding `x` or anything special. Can I get out of this or am I bricked? And troubleshooting suggestions?
Where can I find my Android applications?
I want to know where do Android applications stay? For example, if you install a program with package name `xx.yyy` , you will see `xx.yyy-1.apk` in `/data/app` and will see `xx.yyy` in /data/data and `data@app@xx@yyy-1apk@classes.dex` in `/data/dalvik-cache`. I want to know other places that a program can stay. At a glance, I want to remove a program manually, and I want to know places the application might occupy. At the end I want to know the function of each file. What's the duty of `data@app@xx@yyy-1apk@classes.dex` in `/data/dalvik-cache` for example?
Buying apps and entering credit card number via 3G/GPRS. Is it secure enough?
As title. Of course using Android market and the Google Checkout payment. By the way, how about other market-like apps?
Can't send photos from this account - WTH?
I have a Nexus 5 running 4.4.4. I have a Google Apps account that I use for GMail, G+, etc. My wife has a standard GMail account with G+ enabled. We chat back and forth using the Hangouts feature rather than SMS as much as possible. This works fine. We can send each other photos through SMS, and it works fine. She can send me photos using the hangouts feature, and it works. I cannot send her photos. The message > Can't send photos from this account Pops up at the top of the screen immediately. Is this a feature I've disabled in my account somewhere? How do I fix it?
Encrypted phone stolen - will it be possible to reset and reinstall phone without PIN code?
Today my Android phone (4.4 Kit Kat) is stolen. Bad luck, but nobody's hurt and I'm quite sure my insurance will cover this. I've encrypted the phone and external SD card. Now this has happened I wonder if it is possible (for the new owner) to reset the phone, whipe and reinstall it?! They don't have the code of course, and trying to enter the code manually will be a waste of time - the code is too long for that. **So what I want to know: can this phone ever be used again?** * * * **Update** I've bought a new phone, exactly the same, and it's encrypted again. It is not rooted! I don't know if USB debugging was on, but it could very well be. So let's assume it was. If I understand correctly, I need to boot into recovery mode to reset the machine. I've found the following guide: How to Boot Into Sony Xperia Z1 Compact Recovery Mode. It offers three methods. The last method involves the Playstore, which requires that you started up the phone, which is not possible without the PIN code. So that method is out. The first method doesn't seem to work. When I reboot the phone, I don't see the led flashing, and pushing the volume button up or down many times during startup doesn't do anything, well except that I seem to enter some kind of "secure mode", but then again only after unlocking the phone. The second method involved the ADB. I have enabled developer options on the stolen phone. I probably have enabled USB debugging, and didn't disable it afterwards. I need to try this, but it seems to me that this method too requires that you can startup the phone. I'll come back on this.
How to put the Kindle Fire in airplane mode?
I use the Amazon _Kindle Fire_ (Android 2.3.4) model no: `D01400 FCCID:ZEV-1229`. I use this device in developing Android apps. In my device WiFi is available, and also cyberoam for security purposes. I want to test the device is connected or not connected with WiFi. I know if you want to check the network connection and you have cyberoam then you want put your device in airplane mode. How can I do that?
Game runs on wrong resolution
I love laying this game on my phone, I have played it since I had a Nexus S. After switching to the Galaxy S3, I found it didn't work well, so I just used my Nexus still, but now that device is broken, so I would like to figure out how to make it work on this device. The game is called Legends of Yore, and the problem is that it displays very small. When I play it on my Nexus, it displays "normally" (phone mode), but on the S3 it displays it like it would on the computer (I'm going to call it tablet mode, because it's huge). It shoves everything that it would display on a desktop into the S3 screen, making buttons small and unusable. I don't know much about how the game is coded, but I'm guessing that it is treating the S3's higher (than the Nexus) screen size, or pixel density, or whatever, as capable of running the game's tablet mode. So, is there any way to make the game run in its phone mode? This is kind of an old game, not very popular I don't think, hasn't been updated in a long time, developer is unresponsive, and the official community forum has long been overrun with spam, so I am assuming that the developer doesn't really care about updating the app to work with modern phones, if that's indeed why it won't work right. But, I love playing this game, and I hope someone can help.
Who can see how many people have uninstalled an app?
A few months ago I installed a free comic viewer app from a local publisher because I always have bought the comics on paper anyway so it seemed a logical way to do. This publisher is boasting about the thousands of downloads he got for his app. However, having seen the app, I uninstalled it the day after because it simply was not good enough (and took to much memory). So I am just wondering: we always see how many downloads an app has. But can we see somewhere how many uninstalls have occurred?
Sony Xperia Z stuck in a bootloop
My Xperia Z is stuck int a bootloop. It goes up to the colorful waves and then it restarts. It was connected with USB in charging mode. Suddenly, it starts restarting. I thought it might be carrying out some of its processes, but even after an hour of restarts, it failed to start normally. Now my battery is completely drained. I want to recover/restore it to factory settings, but I can't because of bootloops. The phone is only two months old, and I do not want to format and restore flash files via flashtools as suggested on the XDA forums. Getting into recovery mode and restoring from there will be preferred, instead of flashing. My last resort will be a Sony Service Center.
Turn off the voice notification for emails on GALAXY S4?
So I tried to figure this issue out for my boss and ended up stumped, decided to call Verizon for some assistance however, due to lack of "official literature" (?) the tech was unable to assist me in solving the problem. Turns out if I go into the settings for the actual email account that my boss has connected to his phone and shut off the notifications completely that eliminates the voice from say... "You have one new email... You have five new email... You have eleven new email" but.... if we do that he can't receive any notifications at all. No beep, no vibrate, no standard email dings... there has got to be a way. Someone please help, the voice is driving everyone in the office crazy.
SSH server on Android Emulator
Is it possible to start SSH server on Android emulator? What is the app name? I've tried a few apps but neither of them could run on Emulator.
Is there any compatibility issue while using wifi-direct between different cell phone vendors?
I was trying to transfer a file via my LG optimus L9 (T-mobile) wifi-direct to my friend's Samsung galaxy S3, it got connected successfully however shortly after sending initialization, I got an error "Sending Failed". then I tried the other way i.e. Recieving, but no success. Later, I have tried with my another friend's Samsung galaxy Note, but no success. nobody around having LG device with wifi-direct feature. Can someone tell why is that going wrong?
adb su permission denied, no rom, rooted, need to fix internal sd card
can someone please help. im pulling my hair out lol im trying to fix a friends phone GT-I9000. basically i get error in mounting sdcard. after searching endlessly and installing 100s of stock rom. still no luck. i assume that the partition on my internal sd card is corrupted. i have come across this thread. http://forum.xda- developers.com/show....php?t=1253036 im hoping i can reset my partition on the sdcard. but i can't get su permission on android sdk adb shell command phone is in clockwork recovery mod when running the adb commands i.e. this is the code i have to do.. adb shell mount /sdcard su parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 rm 1 rm 2 rm 3 quit but it ends up like... adb shell ~ $ mount /sdcard mount /sdcard mount: permission denied (are you root?) ~ $ the su command it not recongised.... any ideas? the phone will not boot into any rom. only option is recovery or download mode. i have rooted it with CF-ROOT, which in turn installs CWM therefore i can't install or turn on debugging HELP please!!!!!!!!
Samsung Galaxy S3 notification bar style changes
I currently have Android 4.1.2 on my galaxy s3 from Verizon and I am having issues with the notification bar. Seemingly at random it changes how the notification bar works. I had recently updated the gmail app to allow messages to be archived from the notification bar. However later the bar changed back to the old style where it no longer showed snippets of the email in the notification bar and I can no longer take actions for new email. At the same time I noticed new notifications are tacked on to the right side of the list instead of the left side when the new features where working. Has anyone else experienced this issue or figured out a solution for it? This is still happening after I upgraded to Android 4.3
Games unable to connect to the internet
I have a Samsung galaxy Ace, rooted. I installed Final Fantasy Dimensions and Sandbox (both are games). They require intial net connection for registration, but I get an `unable to connect to network` every time. I am using Wi-Fi. Downloading and browsing via browser works. So, why is the internet not working for the games?
Android music player keeps switching on party shuffle when brought to front
Since last week, every time I bring the standard Android music player to the front, it switches to party shuffle mode and skips away from the current tune, continuing to change tune every few 10s of seconds until I switch to normal shuffle or no shuffle. It also drops the play history, so I cannot easily get back to the piece of music it interrupted this way. Afterwards, if I do something else, for instance use the browser, when I switch back to the player, it switches party shuffle on again and starts skipping around as before. I have tried clearing settings for the music player and restarting it after forcing it to stop, but it has no effect. I have heard that various bluetooth and network enabled stereo devices can do this sort of thing, but both are switched off. If I take it to a different place and additionally turn off the radio transmitter under `*#*#INFO#*#*`, it still does it, so I am inclined to believe it is not another device interfering. As far as I am aware, it is a sudden change and I haven't updated the OS for a while or installed any apps - I have only a couple (Android version is 2.3.6 on a Nexus One). If anybody has an idea about how to stop this sudden forcing of party shuffle upon me, I would be greatful.
How to install Cyanogenmod on Huawei IDEOS U8150?
I am installing a custom rom for the very first time and I simply don't want to brick my phone (Huawei U8150). 1. I downloaded and installed Rom Manager 2. I downloaded Cyanogen 7 (update-cm-7.2.0-RC0-U8150-KANG-signed-dec5.zip) for my U8150 and stored it on SD card. 3. I started Rom Manager > Flash ClockMod Recovery > shows a list of supported phones. _It does not have U8150 in the list._ I wonder how others have made it work! 4. From ROM Manager I chosen the Rom file manually with "Install ROM from SD Card" option, it restarts and gives only for options a. reboot, b. apply update.zip c & d. wipe What to do next? The rom file is in .zip, while I downloaded another .img file (clockworkmod_5.0.2.7_u8150.img). What does it exactly do? I think i must first create backup of current rom and then install cyanogen.
Can Google Docs for Android work Offline?
I am intending to get probably the Asus Eee Pad Transformer soon. I am looking at the apps I need. I am thinking of getting just the non 3G version and wonder if the lack of 3G/Internet connectivity will affect my use of applications like Google Docs. Perhaps I need to look at a non-cloud based app?
Temporarily cache notifications
Is there a way to completely block notifications on my Android device? I'm not asking for "silent mode" or "remove individual apps, one by one". What I'd like, ideally, is an app that disables temporarily (like Windows 8 does) for say, 1, 3 and 5 hours all notifications. This includes sound, vibration, LED blinking, and the notification "banners" that appear on the notification area. Except obviously the permanent notifications, like Avast!, alarm clocks and TuneIn (just to name a few). And then, after the timer expires, show all notifications that have been blocked. Even if root is required, is there any possible way to achieve this? When I'm studying, I really hate having pending notifications in my bar, so instead of dismissing it, I'm forced to check them. I think Honeycomb tablets with the merged bottom bar had the feature to turn off notifications (although not temporarily, it was as easy as flipping the switch on when you were done). Edit: I'm running Android 4.2.2 AOSP (no root but I know how to root it) on a Nexus 7. Fully OEM. Edit 2: There is definitely no notification toggle on my device. ![Screenshot](http://i.stack.imgur.com/mUL5f.jpg) (Click image to enlarge)
What are the features that Motoblur has that vanilla Android does not have?
What are the features that Motoblur has that vanilla Android does not have?
Does it make any sense to use a firmware with HTC Sense or is better to go for plain 2.3 firmware?
I do have HTC Desire HD and I rooted it but I'm not sure how valuable is the HTC Sense package and if it makes "sense" (funny) to use a 2.2 firmware with HTC Sense or just to go for the plain Android 2.3 firmware.
Is there a lock-screen that can unlock without swiping across screen
My father has an HTC Incredible, and a major source of frustration is that the Sense lock-screen uses a swipe gesture to unlock, which for some reason is very difficult for him, especially when trying to answer a call. I can turn the lock-screen off, but this results in the answer and decline call buttons being active immediately, which could result in premature answering, or accidental hang-ups. I've also looked into some of the security options, as replacing the swipe gesture wholly with a short PIN or password (skip the gesture, only enter the PIN) would likely solve this problem. Losing the ability to answer from he lock-screen is acceptable. Unfortunately, these options still require the gesture to get to them on Sense (and on my own phone running CyanogenMod, as well). The hardware is out of warranty, so I can root and flash CyanogenMod if I need to lose HTC Sense to do something.
How do I connect my Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tab to a hard wired broadband point (no wifi available)?
I have moved into student accommodation which only has hard wired broadband. Please can anyone tell me how I can connect my Galaxy 10.1 tablet to the internet via the wall point provided?
Problem with connection to home Wi-Fi - how to debug?
My Android device (GT-S5570 running 2.2.1) is having connection problems with my home Wi-Fi network (ZyXEL adsl P-660HW-D1). **The device connects ok, gets an IP address, and sees all other computers on the network** (using Overlook Fing). I have good signal strength, and there are no conflicting Wi-Fi networks around. However, ping results are rather mixed. Depending on the attempt results come back with **packet loss of anything from 100% to 0%,** usually one or the other, but something around 20% or 60% happens quite often too. This happens with all the devices on network, including the gateway. Other devices can ping each other just fine, independent of connection type (Wi-Fi or Ethernet wire). _There are also some other wlan problems with one (but only one!) of the computers:_ 1) It has some random touble connecting to the wlan (authentication failure), but when it gets a connection it stays connected without connection issues. 2) Sometimes ping results show some random packets with weirdly long latency, and occasional lost packet (<2% if even that). This would point to trouble with the Wi-Fi settings. However, the packet loss doesn't appear parallel: The Android can get packet loss while the computer at the same time reports perfect ping. The Android device **always gets a connection, and stays connected** to the Wi-Fi even when it's getting 100% packet loss. The Android device also **works perfect in any other Wi-Fi** I've tried. Also, any visiting computer I've tried connecting to my home Wi-Fi has had no trouble. The router has the original (which is also the latest) firmware, and I haven't meddled with the settings it came with - I woudn't know which settings to meddle with. **How do I debug this further?** What Wi-Fi settings could be causing this? _(This also seems oddly similar to the trouble described inthis question.)_ _(Cross-posted to Super User since while the main problem is with the Android device, the problem itself appears wider.)_
Android Language Change
I have a LG Android. How do I change language settings on the phone itself? Sometime today, the language on the phone displays changed from English. I'd like to return to English. I suspect it'd be in settings, but where? Thank you.
FireFireFire Kindle Fire stuck in strange bootloop
I have a Kindle Fire (1st gen) using the FireFireFire bootloader to boot TWRP and AOKP. It has worked fine for a while before. Now, I cannot turn it on when it is not plugged in. When it is plugged in, it automatically boots to FireFireFire, then turns off, then back to FireFireFire, and so on. I do not have time to choose a boot. I also cannot get ADB to recognize the device because it is never on long enough. What can I do? Thanks for any help.
Galaxy S2 won't turn on properly
My Samsung Galaxy S2 wont turn on properly, it just flashes the boot screen. I've tried taking the battery out and turning it on without the SD card. What should I do? I don't want to factory reset it because I don't want to lose anything... By the way, I'm fourteen so please make it simple.
How do I keep my email and passwords secure without full-device encryption?
I bought a cheap, no-name Android 4.1.1 tablet a while back, and was dismayed to find that the "Encrypt Data" option was simply not present in the "Settings" -> "Security" menu. I then upgraded to a more mainstream Asus Memo Pad HD 7 assuming that this would have the full device encryption option, but this tablet didn't have it either! So I was wondering if there were any means of keeping e-mails (including ones that were sent unencrypted)/ passwords safe from attackers who have root access in case I lose my device, in the absence of full-disk encryption? Keeping web-browser passwords/ authentication cookies secret would be very handy, too. Thanks!
Possible Virus; Eratic Behavior on Galaxy Pocket Neo
Some time ago(a few months) I've bought a Galaxy Pocket Neo from a local internet store, which isn't really famous (actually everyone I asked knew nothing about it). It turned out to be a branch of mobileshop.eu, which was also unheard of by me or anyone I know. I'm saying this because I cannot be sure whether the OS itself was bought infected or with a backdoor or something like that. After several weeks of using, I've noticed rapid battery drain overnight, from 70% to emptying(the phone was turned off when I woke up). Not sure whether it's important, but sometimes, when I turned it on again, I got report that battery is on 252% or similar numbers - I assumed wrong calibration. The weird part is, when my phone 'survived' the night (happened a few times), and I tried to use it in the morning, it felt like I was fighting with someone to control the phone, like someone was tapping on my screen - except no one was near me. I solved that problem once by turning it off (took me a couple of minutes, the other _one_ was fast), and when I figured out I could just remove the battery I used that 'technique' (duh, mornings). Then I'd just turn it back on and it'd be normal, for the rest of the day. After a few days I've started turning off wi-fi&sync (mobile data was always off), and my battery only have lost a couple of percent. When I turn them back on in the morning, it's normal. The thing that persisted is the silencing of the phone and/or putting it on vibration. I'm sure that didn't press the button accidentally or something, that can happen even when the phone is just sitting on the desk. From what I've noticed, the screen doesn't turn on, but I hear the vibration. Cannot tell whether that happens overnight, since my phone is usually on vibration/silenced during that period of the day. I've checked the app permissions, didn't notice anything weird (if you could instruct me for what to look, I'd be grateful). Only non-play app I've installed is the Youtube Downloader from github. So, does anyone have any idea what I'm dealing with? I'm quite new smartphone and Android user, but I know my way around desktop PCs/Linux/Java/some C and experimenting with them, so any help is welcome. If it is a virus, what is the best way to remove it? From what I've read, the Android antiviruses aren't really effective (and if there are any that could help me, please list them), and custom ROMs should erase everything (I'm ready to take that step if needed), but are there any more options? Rooting the phone and uninstalling everything? If it's a bug or something I'm missing in settings, please notice me, preferably with instructions how to fix it. Thanks.
Samsung Galaxy Grand Running Slowly After Upgrading to Android 4.2.2
I am using a _Samsung Galaxy Grand_ for 8 months now, which was originally running Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. Recently I got a Firmware Update and upgraded my mobile to Android 4.2.2. After this update, my mobile is running slow, and even RAM usage is too high. Please help me how to solve this Issue.
Cannot install some apps on Galaxy Note 10.1: parse error
I downloaded Awesome note Hd and Awesome note-jujuburi. But I can't install both of them on my _Galaxy Note 10.1:_ my device showed "parse error". I activated _Unknown sources_ , and cleared data/cache in Google Play, but this error note remains. How can I fix this?
call history - red phone numbers with exclamation
what does it mean when android labels some (incoming in my case) calls red with an exclamation next to them? Are they suspected tele-marketing calls? Most are long distance but some are local. Any ideas? Thanks a million, --Carrie I have an HTC one phone on verizon
How to recover your google account contacts
I merged my contacts with Google. Later, I accidentally removed my Google account by removing it from contacts the options. There aren't any contacts visible to me now. Is there a way I can get my contacts back?
Put G+ back on share menu?
It use to be when I went to share a photo on from my Droid, a little menu would pop up with Facebook, G+, GMail, text messages, and more. After what I think was an update, that menu changed. G+ seems to have been removed and something called "Photos" has replaced it. Tapping "More" lists a lot more apps but none of them are G+. Choosing photos does not create a post on my G+ stream. Instead it uploads the photo to some weird holding place that can only be accessed from the G+ web interface. How can I get my G+ app back into the share menu? Thanks in advance. P.S. I have tried Andmade Share. It involves way too many taps. First after tapping share, you have to tap more. Find Andmade share in that list and tap it. Then Andmads Share shows an even longer list of apps. From there you have to scroll to find G+. Not the simple, tap share tap G+ post.
wireless crash in android 4.3 and 4.4
after updating my google nexus 4 android version to 4.3 , my wireless get crashed. in just one way. if it was on and i turn off my screen, and it goes in sleeping mode, after turnning on my screen it just crashed. always off , and in just two ways i could fixed it. restart or flight mode. sure i used flight mode. but it wasn't the big problem. the big one happened in version 4.4 . after this happend i can't fix it even by flight mode. just restart. now is there any solution for that?
Possible bug in Google Play's work out if an app is compatible with my device?
I cannot download a GPS navigation program for my tablet because Google play says my device is not compatible. Well, technically this is true - it has no GPS at all, but my intention was to use external GPS receiver for the first place so this is why I think the detection for compatibility should be fixed. My options for using an external GPS receiver could be bluetooth or Wifi. Is there a way I can utilize this or another GPS app with my external receiver or am I out of luck without on e built in?
Galaxy SII i-9100 is not recognised by windows
I have a Samsung SII which I was attempting to flash from the sprint to the US Cellular Network. I was successful in doing so but got a black screen as no application were installed on the custom os. I then attempted to install android os GT-i9100 it corrupted when it was almost finished installing and now the only mode I can go into is Odin. My computer will no longer recognize the device. I have Kies installed have updated the drivers and uninstalled/reinstalled them but still windows does not even recognize I am inserting a device.
Screen Mirroring with Chromecast
I have two devices - a Samsung Galaxy S3 and a Nexus 7 (2012 version) - that I'm trying to mirror to a Chromecast. It looks like neither device supports screen mirroring on Chromecast with the default app. I also installed EZCast on the Nexus 7 but the EZMirror is not enabled on it. Is there any way, (third party apps, rooting?) wherein I can cast my screen from any of the above two devices to Chromecast?
Disable Location History in Android
1. If I disable Location History and keep Location Reporting enabled, will Google still save the Locations I've been to? I am purchasing an Android phone for the first time and I am quite paranoid about security. 2. If I use plain GPS and not Google Location Services, will I be missing anything? 3. Is using Google Maps on Android secure, or should I use any alternate apps. I am looking for an offline GPS that I can use for apps like Runtastic etc.
Is there any FREE android mail client with Exchange Support?
I am searching for a free Exchange mail client for Android 2.3+. Can anybody please suggest me one?
Does KitKat improve performance on devices with more than 512MB of RAM?
I know that KitKat is "designed to work better with 512MB RAM". This is all fine and dandy but does it have any impact in devices with more RAM than that? If the device is not starved of RAM to begin with, improving memory consumption - while always will be welcome - may not be worth much in practice. I'm asking because I'm going to upgrade my GT-N7000 from CM 10.1 to CM 11. I've used CM11 as daily driver for a while and had to revert to stable for a reason, I'm considering upgrading again but want to know if there's any real performance benefit with KitKat in general Note: I'm fine with nightly build
Can't install previously installed apps from Google Play
My Samsung Galaxy S2(I-9100) was upgraded to 2.3.6 by the technician at a Samsung Service Station. This resulted in a wiped-off of all the apps that I had installed along with some other data(like contacts,sms etc). I had to go through the entire procedure of registering your phone with my gmail account. I cannot install some of the apps that I had previously installed (from the web store) because I cannot choose the device and I get the message "Your device already has this app installed". Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ![error1](http://i.stack.imgur.com/t2dzJ.png) ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/BLpXc.png)
Remove password lock created by Android Device Manager (Galaxy Note 3)
I created a password lock on My Galaxy Note 3 with the Android Device Manager web site. How can I cancel it or administer it? (I have reduced the hassle a bitb y creating a simple password on the website)
Cant go to last week of month in calendar
I can't seem to find a way to navigate to the last week of a month, meaning 24 is the last day i see this month March 2012 (in month view), when navigating to next month, first day is 1 whilst week 13 is completely skipped. Any idea what that can be? Here is what it looks like: ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/dg44J.png) ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/dUKgp.png)
Is there any dictionary app the can lookup for words like on iPhone?
I just moved from iPhone to Android and I am looking for a way to lookup words by highlighting and choose define like in image below. ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/IeaYp.png) Is it possible to do this on Android? If so, how to do that?
Twitter for HTC Sense claims multiple accounts are not supported
I deleted internet data and other data to get more space on my internal memory. Now Twitter for HTC Sense will not work again and keeps telling me "multiple accounts are not supported". I do not have multiple accounts. But I can't get into this app to change anything. What should I do?
Unable to play motion games on samsung galaxy s2
Every time i play motion games on samsung galaxy s2 the character or car or motorbike tilts to the left side? Like when i play motor bike on the Samsung galaxy s2 the bike always tilt on the left side :: Can someone please let me know the fix ?
App page sorting after app uninstall
My Galaxy S3-alpha runs Android version 4.1.1. Recently I uninstalled some of the apps I didn't use. But when I go into the "Apps" page, with all the apps lined up, the places of the old apps (that were un-installed) is still empty! So there is a lot of empty space between the apps that make navigation between them hard. I have also tried restarting the phone several times, the OS has also been updated once, but the empty space in the apps page remains! I wanted to see if there is a way that once an app is un-installed its place won't be left empty in the apps window. Or more generally, is there a way I can sort the apps in the apps page so for example they can be sorted by their name or date installed? Thank you very much in advance,
Can I make Google Play not run a background process (on CM10)?
There is always a background process for Google Play Market in the CyanogenMod 10 system (Android 4.1.x). I don't like this. Since my device (Samsung Galaxy S) doesn't have much memory, I'd like to make it not run in the background. Instead I'd like it to run only when started manually to install a new app or check for updates, or from time to time (to give it the possibility to sync). Is this possible without de-installing Goolge Play?
Are there any specific advantages to using the Amazon Android App Store over the Google Android Market?
Is the new Amazon Android App Store just another marketplace or are there any specific features or benefits that the Google Android Market doesn't have?