how do i find out where are command line commands installed ?
[ "where will be my grails default installation location ?", "where is zend-framework library ?", "where can i find the commands for the main menu items ?", "where are launchable programs installed ?", "after doing a sudo apt-get install < app > , where does the application get stored to ?", "where is wine-1.5 installed ?", "ladspa-foo-plugins – where are the plugins located ?", "where did mercurial install to ?" ]
[ "single line group of commands as individual ?", "where to find actual commands for nautilus `` open with '' options ?", "where can i find introductory material for using the command line ?", "how do i terminate the xserver", "how to install older version of java with the webupd8 ppa", "type '' is not known on line 3 in source list", "where can i find the command line ?", "how can i determine about a command , that which package provides it , using the command line ?", "where are mysql-admin and query-browser ?", "how do i restore the original grub2 boot loader ?", "how to find out where the `` grub '' is installed", "can i change from mint lxde to vanilla ubuntu from the command line or do i need a fresh install ?" ]
ubuntu took away permissions from my data partition
[ "recovering very important lost data from ntfs partition", "partitioning issues", "no permissions on new partition .", "how to change permissions to the other drives in a hard disk ?", "how can i change the permissions of a folder from create or delete to list files only on a ntfs partition ?" ]
[ "how can i mount my partition with executive permissions using the launcher icons ?", "recover data from partition overwritten by swap partition", "the ubuntu partition on my hard disk is not detected on windows . what to do ?", "how backup data from ubuntu using a livedvd with another ubuntu", "write to user defined partition /data", "possible data loss while installing ubuntu 11.04 over ubuntu 10.10", "ubuntu partition permissions", "ubuntu with win7", "why did ubuntu and windows start hanging mysteriously after i took a vacation ?", "ca n't install 12.10 on a separate partition in a pc with windows 7", "issues when copying data to my ntfs external terabyte harddrive - natty 32bit", "about partition of harddisk", "are there any safer dropbox alternatives ?", "permissions of www-data on an addtional drive on ubuntu 14.04", "formating ntfs partition into ext4 and setting up as home" ]
sharing subfolders with ubuntu one
[ "ntfs file-system sharing control", "subfolders not syncing in ubuntu one", "mounted network share does not list all subfolders", "sync only selected subfolders to ubuntuone ?" ]
[ "upload folder with subfolders containing files", "how to delete sub-folders but keep all the files ?", "restrict access to apache2 web root but allow it to subfolders", "how to merge folders and subfolders ?", "samba share permissions", "windows client : stop synchronising all subfolders from ~/ubuntu one ?", "move certain subfolders to another folder", "how to use the ubuntu one client to sync different folders to different accounts", "banshee intelligent playlist including subfolders", "how to unite all files from several subfolders into one big folder ?", "how to share encrypted folders with samba", "sync configuration files of lightning", "how to delete all the files with a certain extension from a folder and all of its subfolders ?", "retrieving contents of multiple subfolders , and move them into single folder", "how to share files and folders on a forum so that anyone can download without having an ubuntu one account ?", "compare files in loop" ]
how to free up space on /boot ?
[ "how do i free up more space in /boot ?", "how can i free up space in my /boot partition ?", "how do i free up space to install software updates ?", "boot folder is full so can not install updates .", "ca n't upgrade ubuntu the system", "unable to free space in /boot", "ubuntu 12.10 , i ca n't clean up space in boot directory", "how to find large unwanted packages to uninstall to free space ?", "how to free disk space on disk '/boot", "installing ubuntu 12.10 downloads", "ca n't install updates due to boot folder size on 13.04" ]
[ "how do i free up disk space ?", "install ubuntu on a partitioned hdd with free space", "how much partition ?", "how can i either free up enough space on root or resize my partitions ?", "how can i free up disk space by removing files that are n't needed ?", "free space in tmpfs partition not adding up", "trying to use free space on bootable usb", "rsync 'd a folder , folder does n't show up , but free disk space decreased", "ubuntu 12.04.4 dual-boot menu missing" ]
installer gets stuck with a grayed out forward button
[ "`` continue button '' grayed out in `` installation type '' screen during 13.04 installation", "installer wo n't let me continue , forward and skip buttons greyed out", "ca n't select continue to install ubuntu alongside them" ]
[ "in wired connection settings save option is getting grayed out", "how to unlock `` add '' and `` set as default '' in the `` open with '' tab of a files ' properties", "start text mode installer from 13.10 dvd ?", "hangs up on install `` who are you '' -- dell inspiron 1150", "install button in the software center is grayed out when trying to install .debs without an internet connection", "how to debug grayed out vpn connection in network manager ?", "what to do when unity 's launcher gets stuck open ?", "the '' interface '' on qjackctl is grayed out , how do i fix this ?", "add new printer disabled - grayed out using gnome shell", "just upgraded to 12.10 , and can not enable virtualbox driver", "`` back '' and `` install now '' buttons grayed out in 14.04 installer", "can not calibrate my monitor & laptop", "ubuntu 12.10 network settings ui grayed out", "authentication is required to change user data", "installer hangs/get stuck at `` where are you ? ''", "nexus 7 installer gets stuck on 'erasing boot partition ''", "nexus 7 installer gets stuck on 'erasing boot partition '' help what to do next ?" ]
advantages/disadvantages of installing from source code
[ "is it there any advantage to unticking the `` source code '' entry of a repository ?", "what is the advantage to build unity from source", "ffmpeg : installing from repository or compiling from source ?" ]
[ "how to install newest version of minitube from source", "installing two version of a software", "how to find source for a line in $ path ?", "how do i install network driver source code to /lib/modules/ < kernel version > /build/drivers/net/ethernet", "ca n't install vmware-view-client from partner repo in saucy", "why apt-get does n't install the newest software", "what is the right way to reinstall from source after package was installed via apt ?", "do i have to remove open drivers to switch to fglrx ?", "how do i install clang version 3 in 10.10 ?", "adding extract tool to nautilus ( compiled from source code )", "how to point to boost built from source", "how to remove httpd built from source", "if i build a package from source how can i uninstall or remove completely ?", "avoid reinstall virtualbox and update to the latest release", "installing only ruby 1.9", "can i update software installed from source code directly", "determine which package ( s ) were installed from a particular source" ]
how do i get grub to install on a raid array ?
[ "ubuntu 14.04 desktop and raid", "how do i install grub on a raid system installation ?" ]
[ "how to install software raid 0 on ubuntu 12.04 server with mdadm ?", "two usb drives as raid 1 array ?", "installing ubuntu server 14.04 on a pre-built raid array", "how can i create a raid array with > 2tb disks ?", "testing my raid array / is my mdadm raid working ok ?", "install ubuntu side by side with windows 7 on existing raid 5 array", "expand raid array", "not enough components to start the raid array ?", "how do i rename an mdadm raid array ?", "realigning ubuntu raid - partition misaligned by 3072 bytes", "possible to migrate from non-raid to raid 1 and then raid 5 ?", "how to install ubuntu on a raid 5 array using mdadm", "remount raid 5 array", "install to a raid 0 array from windows", "get rid of software raid", "how to install software to os on other disk ?", "recovering a degraded raid array", "rsyncing from a sata to a raid 1array" ]
ubuntu install erased windows
[ "ubuntu erased my windows when i chose to replace old ubuntu install", "clean install ubuntu 14.04 erased all win7 partitions , how to recover with testdisk ?", "windows 8.1 erased after updating to ubuntu 14.04" ]
[ "wifi fail : /lib/firmware erased during boot", "erased root trash but still getting no memory", "windows 8.1 erased ubuntu 14.04 partition", "ubuntu installer does n't see that windows is already installed", "rhythmbox was erased after update and cant reinstall", "how do i install ubuntu on a windows xp laptop with no boot disk ?", "no sound in 12.04 lts ubuntu", "is it possible to recover luks partition after windows install overwrites", "windows 7 to ubuntu - erased data", "files lost while installing 13.04 ?", "deleted ubuntu , then windows 7 , now windows is not booting from cd", "if i install ubuntu 10.10 over 10.04 , will all my programs be erased ?", "can an iso file be erased from a liveusb ?", "all files erased after installing ubuntu", "has my ubuntu been deleted ?", "unintsallation ubuntu", "mistakingly erased hard drive" ]
constant crashes and freezes after upgrade to 12.04
[ "i can not update ubuntu 64 11.10 , have constant crashes", "12.04 upgrade freezes after restart , what can i do ?", "various crashes in 12.04 after upgrade and fresh install", "ubuntu distribution upgrade to 12.04 freezes on configuring lswh", "12.04 freezes just after installation", "ubuntu 12.04 freezes after booting to desktop" ]
[ "ubuntu crashes after upgrade to 13.10 , laptop wo n't boot anymore", "minecraft crashes after a few minutes , freezes computer", "what steps are recommended for resolving system crashes and freezes ? ( sorry for low specificity )", "screen totally freezes in few minutes after upgrade to ubuntu server 12.10", "restarting update manager after freezing !", "constant crashes from ubuntu 12.10 amd", "upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04", "vmplayer 6.0.3 crashes on kubuntu 14.04", "after upgrade to ubuntu 13.10 , firefox sometimes crashes the computer", "nautilus crashes after upgrade ( 12.04lts- > 14.04lts )", "firefox constantly crashes no log", "rhythmbox 2.98 crashes all the time", "how do i debug when the system freezes or when it crashes back to login ?", "ubuntu 14.04 freezes on splash screen after broken upgrade from 13.10" ]
how to prevent unity dash from taking keyboard control
[ "keyboard does not work in dash", "ubuntu 13.10 ca n't type in unity dash" ]
[ "making unity dash open with the last used lens as the active lens", "how do i prevent the installation to fail during the step of taking a picture ?", "how to fix : unity dash does not find a program which is listed in unity dash programs ?", "how do you run xbmc on nvidia dual screen and stop it from taking over the keyboard and mouse ?", "how to prevent files from being shown in unity dash ?", "custom keyboard shortcut not working in saucy", "where does unity dash store information ?", "is it possible to remove the dash window control buttons ?", "how can i remove un-installed programs from the unity dash menu ?", "how to i prevent the screen from locking when i want a virtual machine to ungrab my mouse ?", "can i remove 'dash home ' from the unity launcher ?", "how do i use `` ld_preload '' to control what apps can and can not connect to internet ?", "how to prevent alt-f1 from selecting dash", "how to prevent networkmanager from taking control of a specific network interface ?", "are there keyboard shortcuts for opening/using the filter on the unity dash ?", "changing unity dash title , ubuntu 13.04", "what are unity 's keyboard and mouse shortcuts ?", "must double-tap windows key to open dash" ]
disable the confirmation of shutdown
[ "how do i shut down without the confirmation prompt ?", "how to shutdown oneiric ocelot in two clicks ?", "how do i remove the shutdown confirmation menu ?" ]
[ "clicking on `` shut down '' system is displaying `` lock '' and `` log out '' button", "ubuntu 12.04 does a restart instead of a shutdown", "how do i disable suspend when my laptop is in the middle of shutting down ?", "can not restart , reboot , nor shutdown ubuntu 11.04", "when shutdown with my 13.04 with button it does not go off", "can i shorten automatic shut down time from 60s to 5 ?", "how can i make the shutdown button shutdown , instead of logout , in xubuntu ?", "no sound after suspending ubuntu 13.04", "lubuntu - power button does n't turn off computer,", "how to configure ubuntu 13.04 to shutdown when the power button is pressed", "shut down does n't shut down properly", "laptop refuses to power down or restart from top bar power icon", "ca n't shut down or restart after 13.10 upgrade", "how do i get my computer to shut down with the power button ?", "shut down/restart from unity panel menu wo n't work", "still ca n't shut down , also experiencing random full freezes", "is there a way to move/remove `` system settings '' from the shut-down menu ?" ]
any command line calculator for ubuntu ?
[ "quick simple mathematics calculations", "ubuntu calculator in dash" ]
[ "shortcut to open/focus terminal window", "how to assign shortcut keys in gnome ?", "menu bar not visible on gnome-calculator", "how to permanently enable in-dash calculator in 13.10", "a good hex/binary calculator", "command line calculator that keeps fractional values", "is there any calculator in software centre which could solve quadratic equations ?", "how to make shortcut to terminal application ?", "can calculator show decimal as fraction ?", "how to open pseudo-terminal devices on terminal ?", "keep calculator from opening a new window every time i press the `` calculator '' button on the keyboard ?", "keyboard shortcut for terminal does n't work since updating to 12.10", "decimal point from number pad wo n't work on the calculator but will everywhere else", "how to set qalculator as default calculator ?", "what is 'calculator ' package ?", "how to get a 'non-screenlet ' calculator in compiz widget layer ?", "how do i use the 'scientific ' mode in the calculator ?", "how can i capture text from my terminal without redirecting it to a text file ?" ]
why does the ubuntu software center deliver an outdated version of tex live ?
[ "how do i install the latest tex live 2012 ?", "how to install tex live in ubuntu ? ( any version )", "upgrade from tex live from 2013 to 2014 on ubuntu 14.04", "how should i install tex-live 2010 on top of the existing installation ?" ]
[ "running latex via command line on ubuntu server", "what 's equivalent of basictex in ubuntu ?", "how to view dvi files with evince", "kile ' [ pdflatex ] failed to start ' when using tex live 2013 + self compiled kile", "texlive version used by texstudio", "problems installing tex live 2012 on 12.04", "tex live 2010 or 2011 in 11.10 ?", "how to remove texlive 2009 on ubuntu 12.04", "removing tex live", "finding the tex live version", "how to install latex packages for tex live ?", "setting tex live path for root", "searching package repositories by contents", "easy way to install tex live ( and tex studio ) in ubuntu 12.04", "setting up latex with texmaker", "apt-get errors after tex live 2012 update with tlmgr" ]
unity does not start in ubuntu 13.04
[ "unity wo n't start after upgrading to 13.04", "unity does not start after booting", "unity does n't start", "unity wo n't to start after installing proprietary amd graphics driver" ]
[ "bumblebee indicator icon on unity bar does not show up ubuntu 13.04", "unity autostart hides dropbox icon while manual start does not", "unity does not start despite having worked for several months", "x server without unity", "libre office menu does not show submenus automatically", "could unity 2d speed up 3d games on ubuntu 13.04 ?", "unity does not start and log in automatically", "why does unity 2d start when i choose the `` gnome/openbox '' session ?", "ubuntu 13.04 default icons in ubuntu 12.04", "unity does n't show some running apps", "ubuntu 13.04 stuck on the home screen and not able to display any wallpapers and have problem closing down the appplications", "unity does not start automatically , have to start it manually", "how to get hibernate button in unity shutdown dialog in ubuntu raring 13.04 ?", "unity does not get listed in lightdm on xubuntu 13.04", "unity does not start in 3d but only on 2d / unity no inicia en 3d pero si en 2d", "why does ubuntu 13.04 fails to start showing a purple screen and on restart shows a blank ( black ) screen with blinking cursor ?" ]
what is the password for `` ssh root @ localhost `` ?
[ "permission denied for root @ localhost for ssh connection", "need to connect as **root @ my-server-ip** with ssh", "how to deny root ssh login + require ssh key for user ?", "not able to ssh to localhost", "server asking for password even after adding ssh keys", "how to setup passwordless ssh access for root user", "how to scp a file ( s ) from ubuntu virtual machine to remote web host ?" ]
[ "installed mysql but can not login : access denied for user 'xxxxxx ' @ 'localhost ' ( using password : yes )", "mysql access denied for user 'root ' @ 'localhost '", "how to change my hostname ?", "why phpmyadmin did n't work ?", "access webpage through ssh", "can not login to ubuntu 13.10 hosted in virtualbox from os x mavericks", "mysql access denied for user 'root ' while using lamp", "ssh into shell , get 'error : ca n't open display : ( null ) '", "use real browser instead of w3m on ssh connections", "unable to create database due access denied", "ssh : connect to host localhost port 22 : connection refused", "mediawiki installation on 14.04", "`` 'access denied for user 'root ' @ 'localhost ' '' when trying to do commands" ]
how can i get window thumbnails when hovering over unity bar application icons ?
[ "how to iconize all windows for current application , unity" ]
[ "spread does not activate when restoring minimised windows across different workspace", "how can i bring all windows of an application to the front ?", "change color of top menu bar in unity and top menu bar in any window ( application and file explorer )", "how to integrate jframe menu bar into unity top bar ?", "expose ( osx style ) functionality in unity", "how can i ungroup icons in unity launcher", "how to stop window controls appearing in menu bar and apllication", "arrows next to launcher icons in unity 2d", "simpler alt-tab in unity", "is there any way to open more than one folders ( home folder , videps etc.. ) by clicking the 'files ' icon on the unity bar ?", "how to make the nautilus icon open the existing window instead of a new one", "after ubuntu upgrade the cursor of the mouse is no more displayed", "unable to see terminal", "why does n't thunderbird appear in the application switcher ?", "how to enable workspace switching selecting app in unity bar ?", "why is the top menu-bar not accessable when previewing open windows of an application ?", "how do i bring unity interface in-front of all other windows ?", "unity bar personal folder icon open a new icon on the unity bar when clicked", "google chrome unity icon does not restore after minimizing" ]
change desktop background from terminal
[ "how to fetch a image from online ( http ) and make it as a wallpaper using ubuntu terminal", "how do i change the desktop background from command line ?", "how to change desktop background from command line in unity ?", "unable to change desktop background using gsettings in unity" ]
[ "run script full screen in terminal", "setting default ubuntu desktop backgrounds", "how to change tooltip 's background color in xfce ?", "how to change background color of gedit embedded terminal", "xubuntu 12.04 ca n't change desktop background/wallpaper permanently", "can i change the lock screen background to be different from the desktop background ?", "user wallpaper the same as login wallpaper", "how do i change background color of the desktop icon font ?", "how to change desktop background to the next/brev background image with mouse right cick menu depending on wallch program ?", "how to embedded terminal in desktop background ?", "can change background only from gnome , not from unity", "ca n't change unity background after installing mate", "how to change my desktop background image `` forever '' ?", "how to remove change desktop background from right click ?", "can not change background color in ubuntu 13.04", "what 's wrong with my ubuntu appearance" ]
wubi install was fine . weeks later , i can not boot into ubuntu . can i now try to boot via disk or usb and still have access to my files ?
[ "ubuntu hanging at boot screen", "can not see my files but i see a lost_found folder and can not boot ubuntu 10.04", "ubuntu 14.04 wo n't start", "updated from ubuntu 12.04 lts wubi to 13.10 , wo n't boot now" ]
[ "unable to boot from usb", "no boot device found error", "ubuntu 14.04 wo n't boot", "grub rescue problem", "why does ubuntu 's boot become slower with the passing of time ?", "after i installed ubuntu via usb i do n't know how to access it any more . what do i do ?", "windows 7 wo n't boot", "installing ubuntu failed , now i have just a command line", "attempted to dual boot with windows and now can only run ubuntu", "make usb bootable , but install ubuntu on hardrive", "usb wo n't boot correctly ( not live boot )", "wubi took up all of my disk space on win 7", "ubuntu will only boot off of a usb", "new bootloader for ubuntu ?", "will ubuntu boot if i install on a hard drive that is n't the windows boot disk via wubi ?", "how to uninstall ubuntu from other ubuntu ?" ]
installing ubuntu on another hard drive disk ( f : )
[ "installing dual boot ubuntu 64 bit 13.10 along side windows 8.1 enterprise", "how to install ubuntu 12.04 along with windows xp", "installing ubuntu in a external hard drive and not placing grub of my c : hard drive", "partitioning in dual boot of ubuntu and windows 7", "installing ubuntu 12.04 along windows 7", "will installing 12.04 delete contents on a hard drive ?", "installing ubuntu in a windows laptop in dual boot mode-please help", "i can not get ubuntu to install side by side", "ubuntu on a secondary drive", "installing ubuntu 12.04 along windows xp and windows 7", "how do i install ubuntu allong side an existing windows 7 ?" ]
[ "problem while installing ubuntu after bios update", "how do i set up multiple hdd ?", "windows 7 ca n't boot with ubuntu on different hard drive", "how can i install ubuntu on my virtual harddisk ( one of the feature of windows 7 )", "what filesystem should i choose for my hdd ?", "grub and installing a secondary ssd", "how to install xubuntu from a hard drive instead of a dvd or a usb stick ?", "how to install windows xp from the second hard drive on ubuntu 13.04", "how to boot ubuntu from another disk" ]
how do i get youtube to work ?
[ "why ca n't google chrome load flash plug-in ?", "i have trouble playing youtube videos on firefox using gnash", "watching share video", "adobe flash player upgrade", "adobe flash player not working", "adobe flash player is not working in google chrome", "problem with youtube under 12.04", "youtube videos on khan academy do not play", "how can i get miro to use the installed flash player ?", "i cant see youtube videos in ubuntu 12.04", "firefox , chrome , and flash on ubuntu" ]
[ "can not play any video on epiphany", "linux adobe flash player youtube videos sound distorted", "pyhon ( v2.7 ) requires to install plugins", "i ca n't find the youtube browser plugin in totem 3.8.2 player", "flash player plugin on firefox will not update on ubuntu 11.10 32 bit", "ca n't watch youtube videos with chromium on ubuntu 13.04 64-bit", "how do i get two finger scrolling to work when the mouse is over a flash object ?", "miro and flash player problem", "flash player issue in chromium in ubuntu 14.04" ]
how do i recover my root password ?
[ "how do i recover my root password in ubunto terminal ?", "how to recover the root password on ubuntu server", "how do i reset or recover my root password ?", "changed root password on my server , now ca n't login anymore", "ubuntu root user", "lost the root privilege after try to add the user to a group", "password problem with ubuntu ( virtual machine )", "lost password after installing and configuring afs in the system", "recovering root password in vmware for ubuntu 12.10", "how can i find out the root password ?" ]
[ "my user password is not accepted when connecting to a wireless network", "how to set up root account on a new install ?", "sudo instead of root sometimes asks for password", "how to change root password in ubuntu ?", "i enabled the root account by mistake , how do i disable it ?", "root password does not work to install some programs", "quit from the middle of password setting process", "i do n't want other administrator to change my password", "why does `sudo passwd root` reset my root password ? is this a security risk ?", "how to enable root password in ubuntu 12.04" ]
how to install amd ati radeon graphics hd 6770m
[ "how do i install proprietary amd drivers for a radeon hd 6870m / integrated intel hybrid graphics ?" ]
[ "ubuntu integrated graphics suspend + hybrid graphics", "amd drivers install", "ati driver installation failed", "installing ati radeon hd driver on ubuntu 13.04", "install amd catalyst drivers in ubuntu 13.04", "ati amd radeon hd 4350 graphics driver", "why ubuntu is not detecting my amd radeon graphics ?", "want to use ati graphics in ububtu14 !", "hp pavilion g6 2312 ax drivers for ubuntu", "ubuntu 12.10 detecting wrong graphics card", "what graphics card do i have in this hp pavilion g6 ?", "how do i only use the intel hd 3000 card on an hp dv6 ?", "how well does a ati mobility radeon hd 6370 graphics card work ?", "amd catalyst control center displaying unknown discrete graphics card", "ubuntu 14.04 amd/intel hybrid switchable graphics not working", "can not enable my graphic card ( ati radeon hd 3200 graphics )", "ubuntu 13.04 amd/intel hybrid switchable graphics not working !", "brightness not working on an hp pavilion dv6 with a ati radeon hd6770m", "how do i login/logout change with ati/intel hybrid graphics ?" ]
compiz crash leaves no usable interface
[ "closing the terminal where `` compiz -- replace '' is run , causes compiz to crash again", "compiz crashes on 12.04", "clicking on the app indicators iin the panel causes compiz to crash", "why does compiz crash on the ubuntu host when opening windows 7 in virtualbox ?", "can i remove compiz and still run gnome desktop ?", "does compiz work on ubuntu 11.10", "is it safe to restart compiz ?", "compiz closed in error w/ unity plugin off , system disabled", "how do i recover when compiz crashes ?", "compiz crashes using ubuntu classic and unity" ]
[ "how can i repair error when trying to access my home folder after installing compiz in xubuntu", "status of ubuntu tv ? can i use as an htpc interface ?", "bug in unity 3d", "best graphics card for ubuntu", "how do i change the size of the compiz window shadow ?", "how do i create a compiz launcher on the desktop ?", "using compiz by default in unity 2d", "can anyone tell me how to make an image of a disc in ubuntu that later i can mount and use ?", "ubuntu 12.10 is increasingly slower until compiz is restarted through change in ccsm", "ubuntu 11.10 and compiz config" ]
reasons why not to update an ubuntu version to a newer/older kernel version
[ "it is possible to easily upgrade the kernel in 10.04.3 to version 3.0.0 and newer ?", "how can i install a newer kernel ?", "what kernel should be used with ubuntu 12.04", "is it really necessary to upgrade the kernel ?", "when to apply the kernel update ?", "can i update my kernel in 10.10 ?" ]
[ "why is better to upgrade/install a newer release", "how do i backport/install a newer version of clang ?", "does an upgrade to a partition format get applied to an already existing partition ?", "conexant modem in ubuntu", "how do i correctly bump the version number when building a kernel package from git ?", "can i use a newer ubuntu version with an older kernel version ?", "does upgrade affect ubuntu or kernel version ?", "will final version of 12.04 use the power management changes found in kernel 3.3", "why am i still using an older kernel version after upgrading ?", "where can i check what version of the linux kernel is released for 12.04 ?", "what kernel version comes with ubuntu 10.04.1 ?", "google chrome segfaults with newer kernels on ubuntu 12.04.3 lts on amazon ec2", "how to enable some functionality from newer kernel in older kernel in xubuntu 14.04 ?", "problems when installing kernel 3.6.6 ." ]
how to solve the 'nodata ' ( does the network require authentication ? ) problem ?
[ "e : gpg error : http : //ppa.launchpad.net saucy inrelease : clearsigned file is n't valid , got 'nodata ' ( does the network require authentication ? )", "while installing anything : clearsigned file is n't valid", "gpg error while downloading software : `` clearsigned file is n't valid , got 'nodata ' ''", "what is `` clearsigned file is n't valid , got 'nodata ' ( does the network require authentication ? ) ''", "requires installation of untrusted packages ? ? and cant update apt-get", "issue when runing apt-update with ubuntu 14.04 lts", "`` gpg error : clearsigned file is n't valid '' when installing mongodb", "red triangle in top and `` use this source '' error", "got nodata issue : 'nodata ' ( does the network require authentication ? )", "ca n't update my system due to gpg error clearsigned file is n't valid , got 'nodata '", "problem with `` apt-get update '' command !", "e : gpg error : http : //dl.google.com stable release : the following signatures were invalid : nodata 1 nodata 2", "problem with apt-get update gpg error : http : /dl.google.com the following signatures were invalid : nodata 1 nodata 2", "while installing the `` universe '' source i get the following error `` failed to download repository information ''", "beerorkid repositories does n't work", "error doing sudo apt-get update xubuntu 12.10", "new installation with invalid signatures : nodata 1 nodata 2 error", "signatures error", "`` authentication failed '' when trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10", "awkward gpg error with ubuntu server running `` sudo apt-get update ''" ]
how to share wine with other machine ?
[ "how to copy wine on pendrive ?" ]
[ "share internet connection", "samba share on ubuntu with linux vm", "how to use wi-fi atheros card to share the internet with windows 7 box ?", "sharing internet connection", "is it safe to install ubuntu 14.04 packages on kubuntu 14.04 ?", "kubuntu 13.04 smb protocol source", "how to share my wifi internet to other system ?", "how can i share my internet connection via bluetooth ?", "share ppp0 internet connection via wireless modem", "usb tethering from ubuntu to android", "is wine an emulator or compatibility layer ?", "why is software slow to install using ubuntu software center ?", "how do i add my network drive to wine to use applications from there ?", "how to share dsl ( pppoe ) connection", "how can i share the internet on my laptop to my wireless network connection in my laptop ?", "installing wine produces error about my internet connection", "how to share a wired internet connection via wifi ?", "how to share internet between a ubuntu and xp ?", "internet connection is very slow" ]
how would i install ubuntu on a disk already containing windows 7 , not dual booting
[ "can i virtualize a pre-installed windows 7 ?", "how to replace windows 7 completely and repair grub" ]
[ "about the dual booting", "ubuntu installer not seeing free space on hard disk ( dual boot )", "installing windows 8 over windows 7 when dual booting with ubuntu ?", "windows dual boot installation question", "windows partition not booting", "adding a ssd drive to an exisitng dual boot system", "how to re-enable grub when installed ubuntu system wo n't boot ?", "how to install fresh 12.04 install to a pc with dual booting windows 7 & ubuntu11.10 ?", "how can i make the wubi installation partition bigger ?", "grub rescue error on windows 7", "how to install windows 7 after ubuntu and dual boot ?", "ubuntu is not getting booted ?", "can i install windows 8 along with already dual windows 7 & ubuntu 12.04 ? ? does it affects boot menu ?", "do i have to partition the drive in windows before installing ubuntu ?", "how can i dual boot ubuntu alongisde windows 7 's guid gpt partition ?", "having trouble with partition while dual booting ubuntu 13.10 and windows 7", "how do i install ubuntu on an hp laptop with four primary partitions ?", "problem in dual boot with ubuntu 12.04 and windows 8 ( ca n't choose an os when boot )" ]
that i 'm must change or add to the grub for the disappearance of a black screen ?
[ "how to remove ubuntu 10.10 grub bootloader ?", "black screen after grub", "long black screen before lubuntu login , after grub", "xubuntu 12.04 black screen after grub , external screen", "black screen after grub , ca n't install . uefi", "black screen when booting ubuntu after grub", "xubuntu 13.10 boots to black screen after grub", "gnu grub black screen on boot [ not a duplicate ]", "problems with black screen", "black screen after the grub screen", "ca n't boot into ubuntu , black screen after grub menu", "13.04 - > 13.10 = black screen after grub , before login", "ubuntu goes to black screen after any chosen grub options", "black screen after boot repair and grub lost after third reboot", "grub screen missing", "ca n't boot up ubuntu after changing grub file with nomodeset ?", "grub black screen" ]
[ "ca n't customize grub", "how do i get grub-customizer to change appearance on grub screen ?", "grub on start up changed color from purple to black ?" ]
possible memory leak on ubuntu 10.04 lts
[ "how to detect a memory leak ?", "memory utilization increased from 7 % to 72 % in 10 mins . in ubuntu 14.04", "how to detect a memory leak system wide ?" ]
[ "will my server reboot itself if the memory fills up ?", "ubuntu sync using too many resources", "how to send mail from the command line using tor ?", "server locking up router", "evolution not showing latest email in my imap inbox", "system monitor disagrees with 'free -m '", "stopping xfce4 from starting up on boot on ubuntu server 10.04", "what does cached memory mean when viewing htop ?", "roundcube not sending email", "secure shared memory", "memory usage statistics different in free and htop", "how to increase memory allocated to java ? java.lang.outofmemoryerror : java heap space", "top command not clear", "mount virtualbox sharedfolder in ubuntu vm on boot", "how to set up a mail server which i can then use with email clients ?", "upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 , can not boot", "how to setup sendmail with nginx" ]
what 's the visual difference between unity 3d and unity 2d ?
[ "what is the difference between unity-2d and unity-3d ?", "how can i tell if i am running 2d or 3d unity ?" ]
[ "unity 2d and 3d both running", "how to turn off unity 3d so i can use unity 2d on ubuntu 13.04", "is it possible to change unity 3d to 2d and will i gain any performance boost after that ?", "unity 2d for 12.10", "could unity 2d and unity 3d merge", "can i install unity 2d and 3d at the same time ?", "set notification icons to show all in unity-2d", "how do i configure unity 2d ?", "how add panel 3d unity in gnome shell ( not panel 2d unity )", "how to make unity 2d show the whole application when clicking its icon ?", "unity or unity2d , which will be fastest on a high spec computer ?", "toggling between unity 3d and unity 2d", "no unity 3d in virtualbox", "can i choose between gnome shell and unity on login ?", "does ubuntu 12.04 livecd run unity 2d or 3d or selects which one to run adaptively ?", "as i ca n't use unity ( 2d or 3d ) , is there any reason to use 11.04 over 10.04 ?", "how do i enjoy unity 2d in ubuntu 12.10 with a computer that is capable of running unity 3d ?", "unity does not start in 3d but only on 2d / unity no inicia en 3d pero si en 2d" ]
how can i get thunderbird contacts to sync with ubuntu one ?
[ "does thunderbird ubuntu one contacts sync work in 11.10 ?", "ubuntu one contacts not syncing ?" ]
[ "save contacts in thunderbird so that they are `` ubuntu one '' -ready", "installing or setting up barry in ubuntu 12.04", "why does ubuntu one address book not work in evolution ?", "how do i add a folder to sync . ?", "how to sync ubuntu one contacts with thunderbird ?", "how to sync contacts in 12.04 with thunderbird / ubuntu one ?", "contact sync ubuntu one on windows", "why does ubuntu one ask you to install couchdb for thunderbird ?", "thunderbird contacts sync with ubuntu one on ubuntu 12.10", "are the ubuntu one mobile contacts saved locally on my phone ?", "export & sync contacts thunderbird ?", "ubuntu one messes up with my thunderbird folders", "import gmail contacts into thunderbird via ubuntu one ?", "thunderbird contact sync to ubuntu one", "how sync ubuntu one contacts with thunderbird on ubuntu 12.04 ( release version ) ?", "ubuntu one contacts ?", "ubuntu one and missing folders from thunderbird", "sync thunderbird data wuth android" ]
a problem with conky in gnome 3.4
[ "conky not working in gnome 3.4", "conky in gnome 3.10 shell", "conky autostart problem", "crashes when using gnome tweak tool with gnome 3.4" ]
[ "how to install gnome 3.4 ubuntu ?", "does anybody know why the new gnome 3.4 changing wallpaper does not change ?", "i want toreturn to gnome 3.4 from gnome 3.6 in ubuntu 12.04", "how to update gnome to 3.4 ?", "gnome-shell 3.4 themes not working in 12.04 ?", "how to downgrade gnome shell 3.5 to 3.4", "how to revert back to nautilus 3.4 ?", "gnome shell 3.4 - i ca n't change theme", "upgrading gnome 3.4 in 12.04 using individual packages", "gnome 3.4 work at fallback mode with two monitors", "upgrading to gnome 3.4 breaks unity and gnome-shell in 11.10", "how do i run two different conky sessions at the same time ?", "how to get mgse under gnome 3.4 ? ( or how to go from gnome 3.4 to gnome 3.2 ? )", "upgrade gnome-shell in ubuntu12.04", "how to install gnome 3.4 ( not 3.6 ) in ubuntu 12.10 ?", "conky display problem showing the horizontal half of info not the full info" ]
problem upgrading ubuntu 9.10
[ "problem upgrading ubuntu 9.10", "upgrading ubuntu server 9.10 to 10.04", "can i update directly from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.10 ?", "boot problem after upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04", "upgrading ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04 lts", "upgraded to 10.04 lts and can not startup", "upgrading server 9.10", "upgrading from 9 to 13 , do i have to go through minor versions ?", "how to upgrade ubuntu 9.10 to 12.10 via terminal ?" ]
[ "xorg.conf for ati radeon x1300 and ubuntu 9.10", "installing ubuntu 11.10 over 10.04", "ubuntu 9.10 screen on virtualbox turns black ?", "problem with ghostscript 9.10 in ubuntu 14.04", "how to upgrade ubuntu using the live cd ?", "not able to reinstall 9.10 ubuntu", "are there any other sources for ubuntu 9.10 ?", "problem detecting mic on sony vios pcg 7192l", "mount of file system failed . -- after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10", "'on-screen keyboard ' error after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10", "problem with release upgrade 9.04 to 9.10" ]
is it possible to have two different dpi configurations for two different screens ?
[ "how can i change the dpi of my monitors separately ?", "using external monitor with laptop monitor as separate monitors", "resolution in login screen", "different text scaling factors for different displays ?", "external display is showing and reporting wrong resolutions", "hard drive encryption boot screen resolution", "how to disable clone display mode on ubuntu login screen ?" ]
[ "change logon screen display configuration", "login screen on the wrong monitor", "only one resolution available in xorg.conf", "force gdm login screen to the primary monitor", "how to find and change the screen dpi ?", "dual screen different font resolution", "how can i display laptop screen on the tv by hdmi in kubuntu", "how do i turn off the laptop screen while using an external monitor ?", "adapt ubuntu to a high-dpi resolution screen", "how can i change my login screen resolution when connected to my monitor ( 12.04 )", "dpi setting in ubuntu 13.10", "resolution of the login screen is wrong on a second monitor", "force full-screen game to one monitor ?" ]
firefox application associations not working
[ "firefox : open downloaded files with system default application" ]
[ "how to find the default file format associations & applications menu", "add custom command in the open with dialog ?", "where are file associations stored ?", "text files open in nautilus instead of text editor", "how to revert vlc media player to its original state ?", "how do i reenable opening jar files by double clicking on them ?", "default app for opening videos is smplayer , then why videos are being opened in movie player ?", "right click select program to open the file", "vlc is loading a playlist when i double click to open a video file in nautilus", "open file on already open application", "is there any application for editing the file type associations ?", "what does changing the default aplications list do ?", "vlc as standard for avi files", "how to open file with default application from command line ?", "is there a way to open a text file in an already open instance of gedit ?", "music files wo n't open with rhythmbox as default", "`` permission denied '' error when changing the default applications", "how do i set idle as the default editor for python scripts ?", "why ca n't i run java web start applications ?" ]
how to install stable `` gnome shell 3.6 '' for ubuntu 12.04 ?
[ "how to get gnome shell 3.6 in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "what is the correct way to install gnome shell 3.6 on ubuntu 12.10 ?", "how can i install gnome or gtk+ 3.6 on ubuntu 12.04 ?", "how to install gnome-shell ?", "how to update from gnome 3.4.1 to 3.6 ?", "is it possible to use gnome shell 3.6 with 12.04 ?", "gnome 3.6 apps in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "upgrade gnome-shell in ubuntu12.04", "how do i install gnome-shell-extensions package in ubuntu quantal" ]
[ "what 's the difference between gnome remix and gnome shell ?", "why am i stuck with a version of gnome shell unlike kde or other desktop environments ?", "how can i install firefox 4 nightlies and firefox 3.6 stable on the same system", "will gnome 3.6 be backported to 12.04", "missing gnome shell session circle badge", "where is error log in looking glass in gnome shell 3.6 ?", "ca n't install extensions on site , gnome shell 3.6", "how to install firefox 3.6 and 4.0+ in parallel ?", "can the gnome 3.6 notification area be shrinked ?", "how to install gnome shell with jhbuild", "how to install gnome 3.4 ( not 3.6 ) in ubuntu 12.10 ?" ]
method to create a live usb disk ( with persistence ) which actually works ?
[ "live usb persistence", "how do i get a live-usb to use a partition for persistence ?", "how to set up persistence in ubuntu usb live boot ?", "how can i save settings on a live usb ?", "how do i make a live usb of an amd64 iso that has persistence ?", "can i `` refill '' the persistence ?", "will a live usb with persistence store files automatically ?" ]
[ "why does n't my live usb save settings , even though i have a persistence file ?", "how to create and use casper-rw in different usb with a live usb", "how to make a usb drive bootable after live image is copied into it using `dd` command ?", "if i create a live usb bootable distro with persistence files , can i later use the usb to install to the hard drive ?", "xubuntu persistence . plop loading usb and no hard drive . -how to ?", "how to boot from ubuntu live usb with 'try ubuntu ' directly ?", "problem with the persistence of a live cd ?", "trouble with persistence after making a usb live thumb drive using pendrivelinux", "live usb works on win , problems on mac", "i have customized my ubuntu live usb , should i expect the same customization after installing to a hard drive ?", "netbook wo n't boot to lubuntu gui after using live usb creator programs & setting aside 1gb for persistence", "ubuntu live cd - persistance and install", "if i have a live usb with persistence , if i install it , will the persistence be included" ]
how to change a password
[ "how do i change my password ?", "how to change the root password on ubuntu 11.10 ?", "how to change root password in ubuntu ?" ]
[ "athentication password for updateing ubuntu", "can i set my user account to have no password ?", "why is ubuntu asking me for a password ? ( i did n't set one . )", "after changing password , ubuntu wo n't recognize any password", "change keyring password after resetting password with `` passwd '' : ubuntu 13.10", "how to change password for full disk encryption ?", "ca n't use sudo after changing the user password", "how do i set a password for individual folders ?", "help w/ password", "i forgot computer user password", "how do i detect wireless broadband on ubuntu ?", "pppoe wireless connection , ubuntu 12.4", "how do i make ubuntu not ask me for my password ?", "what is `` password aging limits '' ?", "how to recover password without restart", "how to change defaulkt soundcard getting past password silliness on my own computer", "change ownership or permissions of external drive using username and password" ]
should i install programs from a source tarball ( `.tar.gz` ) , from the ubuntu software centre , or from elsewhere ?
[ "is apt-get install method the same as ubuntu software centre installation ?", "how are packages actually installed via apt-get install ?", "methods of installing software in ubuntu ( command-line )" ]
[ "ubuntu software center search only returns magazines", "how to install gnome-app-install ?", "can synaptic install application from a .tar.gz file downloaded from outside the repositories ?", "how can i install 'revenge of the titans ' ?", "how can i install firefox manually ?", "difference between tar and deb", "how to install utorrent.tar.gz on ubuntu 13.10 ?", "how can i run a program installed from a tar.gz file ?", "how to install a program published as a tar.gz file ?", "install an application so that it can be launched from the terminal", "can not remove dropbox", "ubuntu software centre - error", "how to remove all traces of curl installed using libcurl package ( .tar.gz )", "can i make a package .deb from .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 ?", "install lirc-0.8.7.tar.bz2 in ubuntu 13.10", "how can i get a list of files on my computer that are not `` owned '' by any package ?", "where can i find my original 'sources.list ' file ?" ]
installing packages in multiple systems
[ "how to save changes and installed packages so i can install them in other systems", "how can i distribute a file across multiple systems in a network ?", "mirroring ubuntu on several systems in a computer lab", "is there a way to do scp in parallel to multiple systems ?", "how to share packages with other ubuntu systems ?", "customized distributable packages", "is it possible to repackage an already installed ubuntu for an oem install ?", "copy of ubuntu os from one system to another", "how to share installed packages across different os partitions ?" ]
[ "how to reboot morethan one remote system ?", "can maas install non-ubuntu operating system", "how to share/transfer ubuntu 13.10 downloaded packages", "when running locally , does juju use the host machine 's apt cache ?", "how to install recommend packages from a file ( package.deb ) ?", "get a list of packages on a fresh install", "how to install package with all dependencies offline !", "how to add packages to ubuntu 11.04 install dvd ?", "how to install packages without internet connection", "commercial redistribution of ubuntu server", "installing ubuntu as the primary os on multi-boot system" ]
how to avoid opening duplicate files in new windows in gedit ?
[ "is there a way to open a text file in an already open instance of gedit ?", "configure gedit to always open in new window", "how to open the same document in evince/gedit multiple times ?" ]
[ "gedit - files in file browser i never opened", "how to configure nautilus so when a cd/dvd/usb is inserted it does not open another window", "using gnome-open to open pdf files", "how to open the existing file explorer and not a new one", "how can i change the default text editor from gedit to vim ?", "open another terminal window with the same ssh session as original window", "gedit messes up file names in headline", "how to open a downloaded file with a running instance", "gedit - background mouse wheel", "opening a non-utf8 encoded text file", "nautilus - how to duplicate the current window", "attach one window to another window in ubuntu", "gedit open everything in tabs", "i want to see if a file is opened with gedit . is it possible ?", "gedit opens new windows with two tabs", "how to get yelp to open the docs ?", "sublime text 2 move to current workspace" ]
audio decoder ( mp3 ) is not present
[ "how to install codecs offline", "codec support to play mp3", "python ( v2.7 ) requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type : windows media audio 8 decoder", "rhythembox music player and media player not working in usb start up", "how to play mp3 files using rhythmbox ?", "how to get rid of this error", "mp4v and mp4a in ubuntu vlc", "online audio troubles in firefox", "vlc player fails with python errors" ]
[ "sound converter on ubuntu gnome offers no option for converting audios to mp3", "sound effects work , but mp3 , wav files produce no sound", "mp3 file playing problem ubuntu_13.10", "audio problem with 14.04 and mp3", "mp3 quality bad when running on virtualbox", "how do i convert an mp4 to an mp3 ?", "how can i know whether a sound card is present on my system or not ?", "decoder for .ram file", "offline installation of video plugins", "why are n't my songs showing up on my creative zen when i put an mp3 file on it using ubuntu ?", "how do i add zero padding to filenames that already have numbers in them ?" ]
ubuntu keeps freezing but mouse still moves
[ "diagnosing freezing/hanging", "random `` freezes '' ( only mouse cursor moves )", "ubuntu keeps freezing . how do i reinstall ubuntu 12.04" ]
[ "nvidia geforce 6100 missing memory", "my ubuntu 13.04 keeps freezing", "in ubuntu 12.04 my mouse moves automatically , how can i stop it ?", "will ubuntu software center ever be usable ? ( keeps hanging and freezing )", "mouse freezes randomly", "unity freezing after changes icons sets !", "mouse keeps freezing ramdomly", "control mouse with keyboard and web browsing", "ubuntu on my computer", "cyborg r.a.t . 9 mouse keeps freezing", "ubuntu 13.04 keeps freezing after latest update", "ubuntu 12.04 keeps freezing after dual boot with windows 8", "ubuntu volume control slider moves strangely", "mouse moves itself on fps full screen games", "ubuntu 14.04 screen freezes randomly nvidia", "server on atom d410 ?", "ubuntu 13.04 screen freezing" ]
where can i find a repository for older unsupported releases ?
[ "download wubi 10.04", "downloading older versions of ubuntu", "where do i find older ubuntu versions ( specifically 11.10 )", "where is the download link for 10.04 desktop ?" ]
[ "where can i find gnome-classic themes ?", "where can i find btnx ?", "seeking ubuntu version compatibility resource", "does the update manager have a log ?", "i can not find the ff multi converter for ubuntu 14.04 lts", "computer desktop icon for 13.04", "how do i find if a package is installed by default for each ubuntu release ?", "detailed document for dns-search in /etc/network/interfaces ?", "where to find the images for old ubuntu beta releases ?", "where to find older source & binary package versions ?", "where can i find a compatible graphics driver for an old unsupported graphics card ?", "how to install older version of java with the webupd8 ppa", "where can i find my unity to download", "where can i find the original ubuntu logo files of various versions ?", "in which repository is libreoffice to be found ?", "where do i get my drivers" ]
can i use all my ram for application data ?
[ "how can i use up all ram by cache ?", "how much ram will my php application have access to on a 32bit server ?", "how to use ram disk for certain application" ]
[ "how to use my 6gb of free ram to optimize ubuntu12.04 ?", "how to delete file ( s ) in secure manner ?", "what software can i use to search for and applying missing tags to my music collection ?", "force to use specific number of cores", "how can i make gwibber use desktop couch ?", "high ram eaters in ubuntu servers", "nmr fid data opener for ubuntu", "i am looking for an easy to use graphical data recovery program", "any good application for data usage monitor ?", "how can i access ubuntuone contacts and notes with python ?", "where is application data for the ubuntu touch core apps stored in ubuntu desktop ?", "access mtpfs on the fly from any application", "can i install ubuntu 64x on an intel i3 processor to make use of full 4gb of ram ? or is only 86x loadable for i3 ?", "can ubuntu use all my 4gb of ram ?", "how to disable caching in ubuntu ? does ubuntu consume more ram ?", "is it possible to use the same java application with out any changes as a charm ?", "does all programs in ubuntu are portable ?" ]
need help creating shortcuts on the desktop in ubuntu
[ "is there any easy way in unity to add shortcuts to the desktop ?", "how to add a shortcut on desktop", "can not add app shortcuts to desktop", "problem while creating desktop shortcuts from ubuntu-tweek", "how do i make a desktop shortcut in the gnome fallback ui ?" ]
[ "install libgluezilla & create .desktop in kubuntu 14.04", "how can i add other languages and what are equivalent shortcuts for what `` alt+shift '' and `` crtl+shift '' does in windows ?", "what is a desktop recorder with global shortcuts ?", "how to make shortcuts", "are there any gui apps that can create .desktop files ?", "how to add linux mint desktop to ubuntu 14.04 ?", "how to add main menu and other widgets to gnome-do", "how to add an option to create a new file with a specific extension in right click menu", "desktop switching shortcuts not working at all !", "can anyone offer help with wine and shortcuts in windows apps ?", "i ca n't navigate in the 3d view of modo 701 in ubuntu 13.04 . is the os overriding the shortcuts somehow and how can i fix it ?", "how do i reset unity in ubuntu 11.10 ?", "how to add my favorite places as a quicklist in my home 's icon in unity ?", "lost right-click open with java - jar file", "how to add shortcuts to top pannel" ]
gnome-shell , how to fix it ?
[ "how to restore unity after gnome-shell installation ?", "gnome shell and ati driver", "how to fix this broken gnome shell ?", "gnome broken splash screen", "gnome shell lags heavily when using the notification area in the activities overview", "gnome shell installation problems in ubuntu 13.10" ]
[ "i can not set up dual monitors to work with 11.10 using amdcccle 11.9", "how can i make the lightdm lock screen my gnome-shell lock screen in 12.04", "getting gnome shell back", "gnome shell glitched top bar ubuntu 11.10", "gnome shell theme displays orange title bars", "how to remove gnome from login screen after uninstalling gnome shell", "alt+f2 stopped working in gnome shell", "is memory leak a common phenomenon for gnome-shell ?", "how do i fix gnome shell themes ?", "login screen does n't remember my choice of desktop enviroment", "text gets garbled after hibernate", "i installed gnome on ubuntu 14.04 and now unity is broken", "gnome-shell and unity run at the same time", "status of gnome graphics with ati cards in 11.10" ]
how to install windows 8 pro after installing ubuntu 14.04
[ "unable to boot windows 8 x64 from grub", "how to add my windows 8 partition into ubuntu 12.04 partition" ]
[ "which os do i use to install ubabtu ?", "dual boot windows 8 on already installed ubuntu", "trying to dual boot win 8 and ubuntu 12.10", "os selection menu not appearing on system with ubuntu and windows 8 installed", "how to install burg on ubuntu 13.04 with windows 8 dual boot ?", "install ubuntu with windows 8 on seperate partition", "standalone installation of ubuntu 13.10", "how to make my laptop bootable to windows 8 and ubuntu 12.04 ?", "i want to uninstall ubuntu 12.04 lts completely and install windows 8", "installing ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8 on lenovo e420", "problem of loading ubuntu 14.04 32 bit alongside windows 8 pro 32 bit", "access windows 8 partition via virtualbox", "ubuntu wo n't let me boot back into windows after installing on surface pro", "can i install windows 8 along with already dual windows 7 & ubuntu 12.04 ? ? does it affects boot menu ?", "will i loose my data stored in a different partition to the one that i will install ubuntu 12.04 ?", "install ubuntu to a 15gb partition", "how to install ubuntu 13.04 alongside with windows 8 ?", "installing ubuntu and windows 8 dual boot" ]
how to save command line output to text file ?
[ "how to both display a command line 's output on console and save the output into a text file ?", "how to add words to a text file using just open terminal command ( no editors ) and then save the text file", "how to automatically save terminal command output to file", "how do i save terminal output to a file ?", "saving output of a grep into a file with colors" ]
[ "how to prevent crontab command line output from interfering with other text ?", "is there a text editor for the command line that uses the same keys as notepad on windows ?", "how to run a command without keyboard ?", "run shell command when i save in sublime-text", "how can you print a text file via gedit from the command line ?", "how to replace spaces with newlines/enter in a text-file ?", "can i save the command output to a file other than text-files ?", "how to save output from command ( eg . diff ) into a variable", "save mysql ouput as text ?", "sort lines in text file with specific separator in linux", "is it possible to save output from a command to a file after the command already has been executed ?", "running a command as soon as i save a file", "how to save sudo vim /sbin/chkconfig", "how to text-to-speech output using command-line ?", "how can i capture text from my terminal without redirecting it to a text file ?" ]
gparted - increase ext4 partition using unallocated space
[ "could not unmount /dev/sda1 with root filesystem", "how can i add space from unallocated to extended ?", "how to partition your internal harddrive in ubuntu 12.04 lts", "how to combine partitions" ]
[ "`` failed to unmount partitions '' during installation ubuntu 11.10", "i ca n't dual boot ubuntu and windows 7 !", "what unix codes do i need to extend my ubuntu partition", "how to expand partition in gparted", "how to increase size of partition to take up unallocated space", "how to increase ubutnu 's disk space ?", "how to mount partition permanently ?", "how can i expand a partition into non adjacent free space using gparted ?", "maximizing hdd space on dual boot fedora 16 and ubuntu 12.04 system", "gparted merge unallocated space to ext4 partition", "freeing disk space on ubuntu to use in windows", "increasing ubuntu ( 12.04 ) partition size", "gparted problem - `` unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition ''", "how can i resize an lvm partition ? ( i.e : physical volume )", "can not expand ubuntu partition even though i have 22 gb of extra unallocated space", "script to automatically create ext4 and swap in unallocated diskspace" ]
how do i encrypt ext4 home folder partition ?
[ "how do i encrypt my home partition ?" ]
[ "how to move $ home to an encrypted partition ?", "what 's the maximum filename length in encrypted ext4 partition ?", "how do i recover data from an encrypted home directory", "how to partition an encrypted disk", "encrypt folders out of home", "how do you backup your encrypted home folder ?", "new encryption feature in ubuntu 12.10 : home encryption or full disk encryption ? or both ?", "how to check if your home folder and swap partition are encrypted using terminal ?", "how do i encrypt the / partition but not the whole disk ?", "encrypted /home wo n't decrypt after upgrade to 11.10", "why the cryptographic key was not provided at ubuntu 12.04 first run ?", "migrating , partitioning , and encrypting plan of attack", "sharing an encrypted home directory between ubuntu installs", "ca n't see my old /home", "is the swap partition encrypted ?", "does system encryption encrypt /home if it is on a separate hdd ?", "how do i access an encrypted home folder from a dual-boot machine ?", "can i install natty alongside maverick and retain my encrypted /home partition ?", "resize ext4 /home partition from start sector" ]
why does battery power drain quicker in ubuntu compared to windows in dell inspiron ?
[ "why is ubuntu so power-inefficient ?", "battery drain and over heating", "why does my computer get less battery life with ubuntu compared to windows ?", "my thinkpad x201 battery is draining extra fast . what can i do ?", "short battery life for dell xps 15z", "laptop battery does n't last that long compared to windows", "short battery life dell 15 3521 in preinstalled ubuntu", "inefficient power management", "why ubuntu uses more battery power ?", "what power settings can i use for asus u32u-es21 to achieve something close to the stated 10 hours battery life ?", "any tips or software to increase battery life ?", "is ubuntu battery management better than windows ?", "poor battery life in ubuntu 12.10 on toshiba p755-s5215 , how can i manage background applications ?", "how to improve battery life on a hp pavilion dv6 ?", "battery time decreased on an hp probook 4530s" ]
[ "do 'tunables ' in 'powertop ' help on battery life ?", "how do i stop the battery from charging ?", "12.10 consumes too much battery", "battery life greatly depreciated in 64-bit when compared to 32-bit", "battery life decreased after upgrade to 11.04" ]
weather indicator app stopped working
[ "weather indicator stuck on `` refreshing ''", "my-weather-indicator has stopped working" ]
[ "battery indicator disappears and shows frequently", "differences among weather indicators", "application indicators do n't seem to have tooltips -- is this due to conformity to touch interfaces ?", "add shut-down/logout indicator to panel", "weather indicator does n't launch after startup", "weather indicator unity/12.10", "how can i make the temperature visible in indicator-weather in lubuntu ?", "my-weather-indicator alternatives ?", "indicator-weather does n't work", "ca n't launch my-weather-indicator", "why is there no clear day weather icon in the ubuntu mono icons set ?", "how to add weather forecast on desktop ?", "is there a desktop weather app ?", "how do i show the outside temperature in the indicator bar ?", "why does my indicator-weather sometimes turn gray ?", "e : unable to locate package", "weather indicator not showing icons ?", "weather indicator not showing felt air temperature ?" ]
skype crashes after installing ubuntu 13.04
[ "skype not working after upgrading to 13.04 from 12.10", "skype segmentation fault ubuntu 13.04", "skype crashes with a segmentation fault", "skype no video in 13.04", "skype crashes in ubuntu 13.04 64bit edition - while talking" ]
[ "problem with font in skype", "skype sound not working and crashes while in call", "skype on my laptop not working", "skype and steam will not run at the same time", "64bit ubuntu 13.04 – problems with apps that use 32bit libs", "ubuntu 13.04 hangs at grab after upgrading", "skype crashes when selecting photo for avatar", "skype crashes in ubuntu 14.04", "skype crash on start up after update", "various crashes in 12.04 after upgrade and fresh install", "why ca n't i link my skype contacts with the rest in empathy ?", "skype 4.1 keeps crashing on ubuntu 12.10 !", "unable to install skype in ubuntu 13.04 on hp envy 17", "problems with ubuntu 13.04 upgrading", "after the skype update , on ubuntu 12.04 , it crashes directly after log in ." ]
how to reset gnome panel ?
[ "unable to press alt + super + right click", "how can i disable gnome-panel 's context menu ?", "how to make alt + click work with gnome panel in 12.04 ?", "how to add panel applets to classic gnome panel ?", "gnome panel alt-right click does not work", "how do i recover the gnome classic default panel ?", "ca n't right-click on gnome-shell panel to add extension", "ca n't open panel settings with super-alt right-click in gnome-classic after resize" ]
[ "how do i get wingpanel to replace the default gnome panel ?", "accidentally removed default gnome panel applications", "how can i get a temperature sensor on my gnome panel in ubuntu ?", "how to put `` gnome-panel '' like icons in gnome 3 ?", "disable gnome-panel launcher ( alt+f2 )", "how can i disable window minimization from the `` window list '' gnome panel ?", "how do i change the super-alt-rightclick combination for the panel edit menu in gnome classic ?", "panel settings not appearing on right-click in gnome", "can i disable the alt+window+right click behaviour for editing panels in gnome classic ?", "how to list gnome-control-center panel names ?", "add a custom text to gnome panel", "specific hide delay of the classic gnome panel" ]
how to make my own dropbox / ubuntu one server at home ?
[ "can i install ubuntu one server on my private cloud ?", "ubuntu in virtualbox in dropbox or cloud ?", "local cloud system" ]
[ "dropbox-client does not work", "openvpn server on home desktop & client on laptop", "ltsp : fat client with motion - > dropbox upload", "optimal ubuntu home server/raid setup", "minecraft server automaticly moves to home folder", "how do i purchase ubuntu one songs without using ubuntu one file sharing ?", "encryption question", "gui for server editions", "how do i configure dropbox to log to syslog ?", "how to make home pc into ubuntu server", "autostart dropbox in lubuntu", "setting up a secure mail server ?", "are the any commercially available , easy to use , media servers running ubuntu ?", "ubuntu 13.04 : user name", "how to create file/folder sync functionality ( similar to dropbox ) ?", "how to set-up my own cloud server ?", "starting dropbox on its own without any user intervention" ]
how to get flash working on abuntu 13.10
[ "how do i change default gnomeplayer to flash set in firefox 27 preferences for ubuntu 13.10", "ca n't use flash in ubuntu 13.10" ]
[ "multiple casper-rw partitions for liveusb persistence ?", "downloading ubuntu on a flashdrive", "protected videos are not working on ubuntu 14.04 on tvnz on demand", "why did adobe stop flash player for linux ?", "why wo n't this video work on ubuntu 12.04 ?", "trouble with reinstalling ubuntu on lemur ultra , installation seems to work properly but computer does n't work upon reboot", "why does sites not recognise flash ?", "how to fix a `` read only '' hard drive issue when trying to install ubuntu ?", "13.10 on lenovo z61p , flash videos laggy and overheating", "i have the newest adobe flash player , but it still wont work !", "flash videos with steam app ?", "where is the file i saved on my usb flash drive ?", "u14.04 wireless driver for lenovo z60t", "how to download flash ( streaming ) videos from sites like youtube , dailymotion , vimeo , etc . ?", "simple guide to making public_html work", "locate saved game file", "how to play games using bumblebee + wine 1.5", "chrome flash problems on ubuntu 11.10" ]
how to install ubuntu 32bit with wubi
[ "install 32bit java ( openjdk ) on 64bit ubuntu 12.04", "installing 64bit as 32 bit", "ubuntu 12.04.3 -32bit failed to install grub-efi to /target/", "how do i force wubi to download and install 32 bit version ?" ]
[ "install 32bit or 64bit packages for 64bit ubuntu ?", "install libopencv-dev 32bit on 12.04 64bit", "how to install 32bit python 2.7 on 64bit ubuntu 13.04", "make a bootable disc with both 64bit and 32bit versions ?", "un-install 32bit ubuntu and install 64bit ubuntu ?", "how to install ubuntu 12.04 from iso using wubi", "searching for printer/scanner canon pixma mp230 ( 32bit ) ubuntu 12.04 drivers and how to install", "how to install 32 bit wine on 64 bit ubuntu ?", "display error after installing ubuntu 12.04 32bit on a 64bit machine", "how to upgrade from 32bit wubi to 64bit wubi ?", "successfully installed 11.04 64bit on two amd 32bit laptops -- how is that possible ? & differences between i386 and amd64 ?", "what are the biggest disadvantages of using a 64bit version of linux over a 32bit and vice-versa", "why 32bit installation of ubuntu is recommended ?", "how to install 64 bit program ( deb ) on my 32 bit ubuntu install ?", "how to install xubuntu inside windows ( no downloading )", "how can i install a 32bit library on a 64bit system" ]
downloaded 14.04 to a usb stick
[ "booting directly from liveusb on a usb stick with ubuntu 12.04", "how do i install linux to a bootable usb stick ?", "how to install ubuntu in emachines t2200", "no startup selection screen for option to run from dvd or usb stick", "ubuntu on usb stick with windows installed" ]
[ "grub rescue issue", "recover files in ubuntu from usb stick", "can i write to the usb stick that i 'm running ubuntu from ?", "`` error loading operating system '' , while trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on windows 7 netbook with usb stick", "how to boot usb in uefi mode ?", "installing non-pae ubuntu from usb-stick without network", "is it possible to install ( ubuntu 12.04 lts ) via a usb stick ?", "how to install ubuntu using a usb stick ?", "installed ubuntu with usb on windows 7 pc , doesnt boot to ubuntu , bios doensnt see usb stick anymore", "how can i remove windows and upgrade wubi install to a full install without a cd or usb stick ?", "usb stick made with unetbootin missing bootmgr .", "how do i install ubuntu from an usb drive / create a live usb-stick in windows ?", "how to install or run ubuntu on windows 8 using wubi ?", "how do i install ubuntu 14.04 on samsung n10 netbook ?", "how to install ubuntu on a very old pc" ]
w : duplicate sources.list entry
[ "how can i get rid of the message `` duplicate sources.list entry", "i am having trouble updating in ubuntu 12.10 64-bit ?", "ubuntu 13.04 package manager error", "package skype i386 problem with ubuntu 14.04", "what to do about errors with update & upgrade ?", "error while update process", "not able to update 12.04 , error . please help", "the update command give some error", "duplicate sources.list entry cdrom:", "i delete duplicate packages but canonical keeps reinstalling them , ubuntu 14.04", "duplicate source error on apt-get update", "error while apt update", "w : duplicate sources.list entry ubuntu 13.10", "error while doing sudo apt-get update", "duplicate sources", "duplicate source.list entry for chrome", "apt-get issue : duplicate software sources", "issue with updating in ubuntu 12.04 running on flash drive", "how do i stop this warning : `` w : duplicate sources.list entry cdrom : //ubuntu 11.10 _oneiric ocelot_ ... ''", "running apt-get update shows gpg error" ]
rss torrent software
[ "which is the most up to date and modern rss feed reader ?", "is there any command-line rss feed file grabber ?" ]
[ "i need someone to go through my conky scripts and correct my mistakes", "using rss in qbittorrent", "simple rss feed manipulation software", "installing tt-rss : files ar n't where they ought to be", "how to add authenticated podcast feed to rhythmbox", "podcast subscription in banshee", "package other than calibre for converting an rss feed 's entries to an ebook", "how to add bbc podcasts to rhythmbox ?", "when adding a magnet link in deluge how can i choose which files in the torrent to download ?", "is there an rss feed of ubuntu release torrent files", "how do i set deluge to open .torrent files ?", "is there a ticker application available ?", "exporting thunderbird rss feeds to liferea in ubuntu", "deluge autoadd plugin is n't working for me", "how do i add an rss feed in evolution ?", "liferea plain text downloads ?", "how do i configure deluge bittorrent client ?", "how do i get evolution mail 's rss to work ?" ]
fresh install of xubuntu on an acer travelmate 2410 , system will not reboot or shutdown
[ "reboot of fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 is kiss of death- shutdown fails , reboot goes to `` recovery '' screen", "xubuntu and lubuntu wo n't shutdown or restart", "my ubuntu system does n't shutdown . stays in splash screen" ]
[ "fresh install of kubuntu 14.04 on desktop system will not shutdown . why ?", "how do i mount my main internal ext4 drive on a fresh install of xubuntu 12.04 ? ( acer c7 320gb hdd )", "right-click not working on 12.04 [ acer travelmate ]", "no sound in right speaker", "can i install ubuntu on my acer x483 with linpus lite preinstalled , if so how ?", "how to disable a touchpad on an acer travelmate 6492 ?", "acer travelmate 5735z - how do i update graphic drivers ?", "how do i install ubuntu 11.10 on an acer travelmate 240", "does ubuntu work on an acer travelmate 5742z ?", "acer travelmate p645-mg 3g modem dose n't recoginized", "wireless does n't work on an acer travelmate 5520g with a broadcom 4311", "how to make ubuntu 32 bit read my 4gb ram on a acer travelmate 3210 notebook ?", "i can not adjust the brightness of my acer travelmate 4740 laptop", "acer wireless is not working", "shutdown and reboot is causing logout", "reboot stuck on `` [ 1534.028775 ] restarting system ''", "shutdown and reboot is causing logout , and brings me to login page" ]
how to map right windows key to backspace ?
[ "how can i set up a keyboard shortcut so that ctrl+backspace = del ?", "how to map the 'menu key ' as 'altgr key ' ?", "how can i change the function of the caps lock key within the colemak keyboard layout ?", "how to create custom keyboard short cut", "how to map a key to another on my keyboard ?", "backspace key for back/forward in a open window", "how to map `` รง '' to another key ?", "microsoft wireless keyboard 3000 v2.0 doesnt recognize `` flip key ''", "how to create a shortcut for forward delete ?", "map ctrl key to alt key & alt key to win key from command line ?" ]
[ "backspace in insert mode in vi does n't erase the character", "keyboard not working properly in terminal", "bring back `backspace` keyboard shortcuts on nautilus and thunar", "back arrow key is random", "how to disable print screen shortcut", "pressing backspace does n't open previous page in firefox", "backspace key is not working in ubuntu 13.04", "xfce : how do i get standard norwegian keyboard layout with dead keys ?", "backspace key not working", "where have the keyboard layout options gone in ubuntu 13.10 ?" ]
unable to connect via wifi in ubuntu 14.04 ?
[ "unable to connect to wireless networks", "wifi not detected on hp envy touch" ]
[ "how to install ath5k driver ?", "how can i prioritize wireless networks with network-manager", "my computer ca n't connect to my wifi", "i am unable to connect to wifi network , using a 'dell inspiron 3521 ' with ubuntu 12.04", "why can i not connect to my wireless network after i upgraded to 13.04 ?", "how do i detect wireless networks ?", "wifi works in vista , but not in ubuntu", "empathy not connecting on school 's public wifi", "internet connection problem after closing and reopening laptop", "trouble connecting to wifi from eee pc and kindle fire", "wireless not connecting/dropping connection", "ca n't connect to one wifi network , keeps asking for password", "help wanted to connect to wifi .", "is it possible to connect ( wireless ) a usb printer to wlan ?", "unable to connect to a netgear router", "unable to connect to wifi - dell vostro 2420", "realtek rtl8188cus 802.11n wlan adapter not connecting , keeps asking for password", "wireless does n't connect after suspend on an asus k52f" ]
notification on unity after i3 desktop removal
[ "notification theme broken" ]
[ "wrong notification on gnome shell ?", "no sound notification in kde plasma desktop", "always visible notifications in gnome3", "thunderbird occasionally does not display notifications on new mail arrival .", "installing ubuntu on virtualbox with a windows 8 host", "how to turn off mail notification blue envelope ?", "forwarding gnu screen notification to ubuntu desktop", "uninstalling unity results in booting to white screen", "control notification display time or better close them", "system tray icons for gnote and mail-notification", "how to enable the update notification in the unity notification area ?", "gnome 3 change system notification to be as unity ?", "how can i get notifications of new emails ?", "how to remove the bubble notification of empathy from the notification area", "14.04 : re-enabling unity style notification in unity after xubuntu-desktop install ?", "remove update notification in unity indicator after xubuntu-desktop installation ( 12.04 )", "login screen switched to gnome3 when i istalled other desktop environement . ca n't find how to make it go back to unity !", "how can i remove the `` gnome desktop environment '' entry from my login screen after uninstalling gnome ?", "wireless notification when session start in kubuntu" ]
software to easily and quickely create colorful and intuitive review sheets
[ "workflow for creating math heavy notes and review sheets on linux", "note taking software that can support advanced math notation", "free pdf reader that supports taking notes ( and bookmarks )" ]
[ "how do i create a chroot of an earlier version of ubuntu ?", "are there any games which can train people to learn terminal commands ?", "when will my application be reviewed ?", "notation for byobu keybinding files", "software center freezes in ubuntu 12.04 , how can i fix it ?", "journal software that works", "can i review programs that are from ppa 's ?", "what is the best video editor on ubuntu for editing multi-format/multi-eco ?", "how to add path ?", "learning the command line", "does gnome-character-map include any math symbols ?", "writing file to cd/dvd process", "learning programs for kids", "directory creation problem", "how long does it take to complete the review stages in ubuntu ?", "can i make deb files for documents and other non-binary content ?", "how to configure export formats in lyx ?" ]
firefox becomes default browser after upgrade . can not revert to google chrome
[ "how to set google chrome as the default browser ?", "how to change java webstart default browser from firefox to google chrome ?", "how to set up google chrome as default browser in xubuntu", "can not make google chrome default browser", "can not set chrome as default browser" ]
[ "stop google chrome being the default browser in lubuntu 12.04", "change web browser shown in the ubuntu desktop application launcher ?", "gwibber facebook login ( was virus facebook login )", "why does removing firefox install another browser ?", "google chrome can not determine or set the default browser", "how to change the default programs that are associated with every new user that is created ?", "set default browser when running as sudo", "getting all the temporary internet files after clear history", "is google chrome and chromium are different browser", "terminal command to open url 's in default and non-default browser", "installation of google-chrome overrides preferences for 'default browser '", "chrome always asks to be default browser and icon in dash does n't work", "open folders with google chrome instead of the default file manager", "transfer browser tabs from firefox to google chrome", "always use firefox for web-apps" ]
mount a disk where windows is hibernated
[ "why could n't i mount windows 7 partition when it is hibernated ?", "unable to mount 63gb file system", "how do i mount a hibernated partition with windows 8 in ubuntu ?", "hard drive problem", "i ca n't access secondary hard drive", "how do i mount a hibernated ntfs partition ?", "error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media", "disk mount error in ubuntu 13.04", "can a windows 8 partition be mounted in ubuntu if `` fast startup '' is switched on ?", "ca n't mount disk", "ca n't mount ntfs partition", "error mounting ubunitu on windows partition , windows 7 hibernated", "help me , how to mount this partiotion", "new instalation of ubuntu 13.4", "ca n't access my hard drive" ]
[ "ntfs drive mount", "unable to mount windows partition - not hibernated or fast restarted", "mount windows disk after error mounting", "how to automatically mount hibernated ntfs to read-only ?", "how to wipe clean an ntfs hard drive , with a hibernated windows" ]
how to disable discrete graphic in ubuntu 14.04
[ "how can i disable ati discrete graphic gpu at startup in ubuntu 14.04 without bios ?", "how do i turn off the discrete card on boot when there 's no option in the bios ?", "how to disable ati 6490m and only use intel hd", "14.04 : how to disable discrete graphics card", "disabling discrete gpu at startup without system crash", "ubuntu integrated graphics suspend + hybrid graphics", "how to permanently switch off discrete graphic card ?", "muxless hybrid graphic card and power-saving" ]
[ "ubuntu 12.04 hybridgraphics ( ati and intel ) problem ( acer aspire 7745g )", "how to use intel integrated graphic card for display and nvidia card for cuda on a desktop", "how to install ati radeon 5650 hd graphic card", "system freezes when using vgaswitcheroo", "lenvono y560 ( ati hd5730 ) can i hot switch discrete & integrated graphics card in ubuntu 12.10 ? tks", "12.10 nb=amd690g gfx=ati-x1250 graphics driver problem", "overheating laptop dual ati gpu hd4200 and discrete hd5400", "ubuntu 13.10 64bit does not detect intel graphic card !", "ubuntu 11.10 and ati/amd radeon 5650", "disable dedicated video card without installing drivers", "want to use ati graphics in ububtu14 !", "how to manage two video cards on a laptop ( ati and intel ) ?" ]
dpkg : error : can not scan updates directory `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/ ' : no such file or directory
[ "having a problem after installing mac-osx theme and setting it up with cairo dock", "dpkg exit with error `` can not scan updates directory `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/ ' : no such file or directory '' , how to fix it ?", "packaging system broken due to missing `/var/lib/dpkg/available` file", "e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 ) ?", "i can not install any software on ubuntu 13.04", "'e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 ) ' while updating", "e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 ) -- whats the problem with this ?", "unable to install anything on ubuntu 14.04", "e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 ) - every time i use apt-get install" ]
[ "syntax error : unknown group 'crontab ' in statoverride file", "apt-get has a error", "could not exec dpkg ! e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 100 )", "dpkg upgrade error", "libev4 installation error", "dpkg error : `` could not exec dpkg ! e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 100 ) ``", "installation problem xdg-desktop-menu : no writable system menu directory found", "dpkg : error : failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available ' for reading", "package 'libhtml-parser-perl ' : is a directory e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 )", "dpkg exit with error parsing file `/var/lib/dpkg/status` , what to do ?", "how do i fix `` dpkg status database is locked by another process '' ?" ]
which ubuntu os is best for my old core duo 1.66ghz laptop as of 13 august 2014 ?
[ "would ubuntu 12.10 on a dell inspiron e1405 ( intel core duo t2300 ( 1.66 ghz/2mb l2 cache ) be too slow ?", "12.04 or 14.04 for an old computer ?", "what version of ubuntu do i need for a intel core 2 duo laptop with 6gb ram ?", "installation of ubuntu on lenovo b480 laptop", "will ubuntu 12.10 run on intel core 2 duo 2.00ghz ?", "which version of ubuntu should i choose for these specs ?", "need suggestion which version of ubuntu is suitable for my machine", "will this work on my laptop ?", "compatible os on amd apu dual core-e1-2100 with 2gb ram" ]
[ "alternative method to shrink ntfs", "boot device not detected", "using ubuntu 14.04 within a light version ui", "i do n't have any os", "should i use a 32 or 64-bit system ?", "is it possible to have portable lubuntu drive able to install packages ?", "64 bit download or mac ( amd ) download for hp win 7 laptop amd 8 quad core processor ? thanks !", "try to install 64 bit version of lubuntu", "is an internal hdd required to `` try ubuntu from disk '' ?", "macbookpro delayed boot into 13.10 ubuntu", "ubuntu support to backup plus 1tb external hard drive" ]
how to remove ubuntu
[ "removed wubi from add/remove programs menu , but i can still boot into it", "why wo n't my hard drive show up ?", "how to migrate from wubi to a regular installation ?", "how to completely remove ubuntu 12.04 after restoring computer to factory settings ?", "how do i remove the ubuntu boot option created by wubi ?", "how to remove windows after install wubi ?" ]
[ "installing ubuntu server from usb installs to wrong location ?", "how do i boot up in windows after using the wubi installer", "usb flash drive no longer works on ubuntu 13.04 but external hard drive does ?", "booting from flash drive", "installing ubuntu on a flash drive", "blinking cursor in the left when booting from the harddrive but works fine from flash drive", "ca n't boot into windows after installing ubuntu on usb", "why ca n't i boot xubuntu from a flash drive after installing with wubi", "how to install adobe flash into bootable usb", "want to get rid of installer on ubuntu for flash drive", "share folders on dual-boot wubi and windows", "is there a way for me to install ubuntu without a flash drive or cd ( not using windows )", "full ubuntu flash drive install wo n't boot", "can you get rid of the install or try screen ?" ]
which graphics driver amd radeon 6400m
[ "low graphics mode after fiddling with amd driver", "which ati drivers to use , and how to keep them updated ?", "check if my 12.04 has graphics card drivers and find the right ones", "amd radeon hd 7470m proprietary driver not working on ubuntu 12.04lts", "how to install amd radeon hd 6470 graphics card driver and prevent the low graphics situation after restart ?", "how to install radeon open source driver ?", "unable to install amd radeon 7670m graphics driver on 12.04", "how do i install drivers for an amd radeon hd 6450 ?", "which driver should i choose ?", "how to enable open source radeon driver for a radeon hd 5570 ?" ]
[ "how to install or activate the amd graphics card ?", "unity wo n't to start after installing proprietary amd graphics driver", "samsung 7 graphics nightmare", "does ubuntu 14.04 support the ati radeon 9200 graphics card ?", "displaying gnome classic instead gnome 3 with fglrx driver", "ati driver installation failed", "after upgrade to 12.04 , suspend locks my laptop", "laptop runs hot in ubuntu 13.04", "ubuntu 12.04 black screen after driver instal", "details showing unknown driver for graphic" ]
cant boot from usb
[ "windows 7 install usb wo n't boot after installing ubuntu", "grub rescue problem", "boot from usb fail , ubuntu 12.04", "live usb boot windows 8.1", "error in installation" ]
[ "can not boot from liveusb created with pendrivelinux", "how do i reformat hdd to ntfs with ubuntu on a bootable usb", "cant boot from usb . usb device not show up in boot options menu", "ca n't boot from usb or cd when installing ubuntu server", "windows 8 install - usb", "how do i dual boot ubuntu 14.04 with windows 7 ?", "booting into windows from grub rescue", "failure to boot from usb", "how can i boot ubuntu from a usb drive on a windows xp computer ?", "ubuntu 14.04 wo n't boot", "can not get usb to boot in windows 8", "ubuntu 12.04 usb boot stuck", "ubuntu wo n't boot from usb - windows 8 - non dual boot related", "showing `` boot : '' trying to install ubuntu from usb stick created with pendrive", "how do i boot up ubuntu on windows 8 from a linux usb key ?" ]
is this ppa safe and will it work ?
[ "why to use ppa ?", "using ubuntu-x-swat ppa solved my problem . can i be sure the commands i ran are safe ?" ]
[ "blank desktop after upgrade", "can do an `` apt-get update '' but for only for one package ?", "get back ubuntu desktop", "how do i get add-apt-repository to work through a proxy passwd protected network ?", "how to uninstall the experimental hud ppa ?", "bitcoin ppa installation problem", "how to install winusb ?", "`` can not access ppa '' trying to download ubuntu sdk", "where is zend-framework library ?", "update only one non-ppa repository", "how do i install openxcom from the ppa repository ?", "where is my cursor ?", "what does add-apt-repository mean ?", "chaining apt commands", "install custom version of node with apt-get", "what is the use of the various apt commands ?", "upgrading nginx on raring ringtail", "how to get a drive formatted with exfat working ?" ]