__label__2 Vampire Diaries Season 1: What should I say? This item is just the best =)For all Vampire Diaries fans it is the greatest thing in the world and I really like the booklet!So, when I get the season I just lay down and watched it...I can't wait getting the next season =)
__label__2 This ain't Twilight: For those who keep trying to insinuate that this is a copy of Twilight I'd like to point out that the original 2 books in this series were written in the early 1990's so I have to wonder who was copying who. The series is better than the books.
__label__2 Vampire Diaries: I bought this for a gift. It was as pictured. My granddaughter and I am thoroughlysatisfied and she enjoys viewing it immensely.
__label__2 LOVE, LOVE IT!: It's safe to say that I love the vampire diaries. This is the best show ever. I love the special features and interviews with the cast and crew. I watched the first season on TV but I was so happy to get this on DVD. If your a fan of vampire diaries this is a must have. This isn't anything like Twilight so if you hate that but love vampires this will be perfect for you.
__label__2 yyyyyaaaayyyy!!!!: omg!!! i was unsure at first how i would like tvd cuz it's about vampires and werewolfs and well twilight's conquered that love story but this is much more than that!!! every episode is different and it really shows how each character is important to the main plot! ah! just awesome! keeps you wanting more!
__label__1 Vampire Diaries: I love the vampire diaries and download all episodes! Presently I view them on my Kindle Fire but I will eventually purchase the DVDs too.
__label__2 My weekly Twilight fix! LOVE this show!: Stefan is the next best thing to Edward. This show is very similar to Twilight but with subtle differences. The story lines are very entertaining and keep you guessing as to what will happen week after week. It has some gory scenes sometimes but what do you expect when you're dealing with vampires. Damon is a great character on the show. I love him almost as much as Stefan. He's very quick-witted and plays the part of a bad boy perfectly. I love all of his little smart-alec remarks because he's completely serious when he says them even though what he says can be so mean. He cracks me up. If you need your Edward fix between the Twilight series' movies, The Vampire Diaries is a great way to get it.
__label__1 What did they do?: I bought these books years ago, found them in the back corner of a tiny little book shop. I loved those books so much I have read them until they fell apart and I had to buy new ones. When they put out this... travesty I was so disappointed. The chars are completely wrong, Elena is blond with blue eyes, she had a little sister, bonnie is a red head with curly hair. Meredith is the dark one with olive skin and Caroline has green eyes. Matt is close but Stefan's clothes are wrong. I know you can't do TV or movies just like a book, but if they had at least tried to get it close it would have been better. The books have such a depth of sorrow and love it draws you in. This is just some stupid producers way to make money and RUIN a perfectly good book.I would love to see these books done into a movie. With the same care and quality put into the twilight series. They aren't perfect but they are damn close enough for even me.I'm upset and disappointed in this show.
__label__2 Don't underestimate this show: It completely took me by surprise how enjoyable this show is. The first three episodes were kind of dull, but if you manage to get beyond them, you're in for a treat. The Vampire Diaries is compelling, exciting and totally addictive. It is full of strong female characters (Elena, Caroline) and the plotlines never become dull -in fact, they just keep getting better (I am up to season three right now, and loving this show more than ever).It doesn't hurt that all the characters are very attractive (I personally am super jealous of Nina Dobrev's hair).Strongly recommended (just struggle through those first few episodes).
__label__2 Love the vampire genre?: I am enjoying the whole vampire genre on the big screen and small screen. The Vampire Diaries is one facet of this genre. I enjoyed Season 1 while it played out weekly on TV so I decided to buy the DVDs. I was delighted to find deleted scenes included on the DVDs. If you are a fan of the books or not, I have read the books and in some ways the television show surpasses the books.
__label__2 Playing Unknown: It is rather a blue paper toTwilightI had commented already, of which a comprehensive volume allows much more and better learning and understanding of the issues dealt with blood thirsty human creatures.A story of a town in Virginia happened being a hub of objects transforming.A work grasped attention with beautiful actors performing while things could be more realistic if producers knew of vampires' inability to reflect in mirrors.
__label__2 vampire diaries: I am so excited for the DVD's of the season to come out so I can watch it from the begining.
__label__2 LOVE this show: You will not regret spending your time watching this show: the plot is internally consistent (and I am on Season 4 now), the characters are well-developed, and it is a show that I wouldn't mind watching with my children. The only downside is the show is VERY addictive!
__label__1 I like it but....: I love The Vampire Diaries tv show but the Ubox is very annoying. When I bought this offline it said that I would be able to do what ever I wanted with it. But Iv tried and tried to download it onto and ipod and things like that but it will not let me. It makes me very mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
__label__2 Wow, held my attention even after seeing it three times. My daughters loved it!: Reminds us of Twillight, but has it's own twist. Great story and parts played well. Makes you want to believe in Vampires!
__label__2 Might be a good series: I am a fan of the Twilight series, and before watching this I thought it sounded like a complete rip off. In most ways it is very similar to Twilight but after watching it I think it could hold it's own. The story is not bad at all. I do think the main vamp character (Stephan?) looks way too old to be a high school student, but he did say he was, what, over a century old? So maybe they were trying to make him look a bit older because of that. Some of the other students looked more like they should be in college or older. The show could do without the cheesy fog and crow, but I do like the special effects around Stephan's eyes when he starts to vamp out. Overall, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.
__label__2 couldn't get any better!!: I could not have been happier. The disks and cover were perfect. It looked like I just bought it from the store.
__label__2 Vampire Diaries season 1: Was shipped in the time range it said it was supposed to get to me. Its a great new copy of the season for a good price
__label__2 love it: i cant get enough of stephen and damon hey are the hottest guys on censerd television. i love lj smith fro comming up with this story line and i hope that there will be as many seasons on tv as there are books.
__label__2 Really fun: Ok, yes, it is based in high school and yes, none of these people look like teenagers but it was a fun story about undying love with other nice twists. Check it out on Netflix though if you can. Last I checked it was streaming on there.
__label__2 really great!: I got my DVD's in a timely manner, they were in fantastic condition and working well. I'm extremely happy with this order and will go to this seller again if I need anything else.
__label__2 Gotta Get Past the First Couple of Episodes: I wasn't too convinced that this series was going to make it after I saw the pilot. I told myself I would give it a chance and low and behold it turned into a pretty decent series so far. I surprised myself that I actually like that the series doesn't follow the book exactly. I read this series back when it first came out and remembered loving it. So that's my opinion anyway.
__label__1 A little too cheesey: Too many similarities to the Twilight Saga. Good vampire/Bad vampire; friend that can see the future; jealous blonde girl; struggles with resisting vampire nature... The actors are really too old looking for high school. The scene where the brother is drinking a beer right in front of a policeman is ridiculous and the continuity suffers when Elena suddenly loses the red undershirt she was wearing at the beginning of the party. The fog is too much over the top. They don't need it to create a sinister mood.... The show will probably have a cult following but they really need to pay more attention to details and be a little more original.
__label__2 Much better than the books: The series is not like the book and I enjoyed it much more than the books. The series seems well acted and hasn't gotten too redundant yet with the romantic triangle. The two main characters didn't go through much change in my opinion. I know that Elena is dealing with the death of her parents (her brother Jeremy is having problems coping too); but other characters keep reminding her that it happened months ago and it is time to get past it which somehow belittles Elena's emotional problems. Bonnie, one of her best friends, seems to go through the most dramatic changes and turns very angry and hatefull.
__label__2 Vampire Diaries-Complete First Session: I love the show. Definitely a nice gift to buy someone or yourself. Worth every penny. Received the product on time.
__label__2 A great season: I bought it in September =) I like this season. A beautiful box...Each DVD is wonderful, but the box is frail.
__label__2 Breathtakingly Good!: When True Blood finale'd for the season I didn't know how I would make it. But then Vampire Diaries aired and while there is nothing that can take the place of TB, darned if VD doesn't make a perfect companion. Like a little sister. Each week it's so blindingly good that I never realize I'm not breathing very much until the commercial comes and I can finally let out a sigh. It actually plays like a movie in the broad sense of the word. It's like a mini movie every week. Even watching the reruns is almost as exciting as the first time you saw it. It's just flawless and the only way I'm going to be able to make it when it's on summer hiatus is because True Blood comes back next month thank God. I still hope they play VD episodes all summer. Even the thought of being without Elena, Stephan, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Jeremy and even little Ana is more than I can bare.CAN'T.WAIT.TO.BUY.THE.DVD! And for the record I'm in my late 30s.
__label__2 Gets better every episode: Nothing like the books, some of the same characters and same basic tragedy, but most if not all of the events differ from the books. This isn't a bad thing at all as long as you can avoid comparing them, both have interesting turns in events to enjoy. By mid way through the episodes you can't wait to see what happens next... happy hunting ; )
__label__2 vampires: hi i never new that L.j smith made a movie series on his book vampire diaries.. its an awesome story- i have all his books on the series- the awakening- the struggle- the fury - and the dark reunion... my favorite was the fury- when stefan damon and elena had to join forces to fight katherine... i must have that book hundreds of times-L. J. smith is a talented writer- the books are great i look forward to seeing the movie- and all of the books will come on dvd...please see the movie its great -ul- enjoy it!!!!!!....
__label__2 Television review: For anyone that loves Twilight, this is a must see! It brings the characters to life and goes in depth to describe their lives in detail, something I wish Twilight had done in there movie. Very satisfying story line. Thriller,and a bit scary will keep you on the edge of your seat. Be warned it is addicting to watch, you won't be able to stop!
__label__2 Vampire Diaries!: I love this show! It always catches my attention! At first I was not too sure if I would like it. They have good story lines but there are some things that do bother me.. One would be that the whole world revolves around Elena, which I feel like with the two brothers liking her it is very similar to True Blood with Sookie, Bill and Eric. Also that gets very repetitive ALL ABOUT ELENA! There are quite a few vampire shows out right now, but I am a fan of this one! :]
__label__2 Best Show on TV: This is the BEST show on TV!! even my husband loves this show! hope this show keeps airing for many years to come. Im rooting for Damon and Elana!!! this show is almost better than One Tree Hill, which im the biggest fan of!! Love the CW for all the great shows.. Keep it up Vampire Diaries
__label__2 Wonderful DVD set: I was so excited when the TV series came out because I was already a fan of the books. The TV series didn't disappoint, either. It's a great series!
__label__2 shades of twilight: being a twilight fan, and an ardent lover of vampires,werewolves,and anything that goes bump in the night. i appreciate a good movie in that genre. this is a light version of Twilight, and certainly not Carpenters vampires. i enjoyed it, it did catch and keep my interest. i find the little twists that will lead up and onward fun.the cemetary and diary is good and different. although the fog is a little hokey. who knows it may get better as it goes along. i like the fact that it is nt filled with screaming and yelling.i will tune in again.
__label__2 vampire diearies year 1: Have not had time to even open this product; but it is new so I have no doubt it is good.
__label__1 Absolutely Horrible: Can we say unoriginal? I'm sure a lot of people are going to be suckered into this show because of the vampire craze. This show is not creative, and completely unoriginal. Way to go CW, your shows are terrible. Gossip Girl was great...when it was a book I read lets say...6 years ago. I can't believe someone could get away with a story line entirely too close to this other little book saga, Twilight..I'm not sure if you've heard of it.
__label__1 Broken Item: I came home and saw the package; when I picked it up I heard a lot of noise. I opened the package and the wrap was torn in the edge so I shook the item and heard more noise. I then opened it and pulled the case out and it was COMPLETELY BROKEN! I am really disappointed and upset because this was going to be a Christmas present and it looks like it was run over and then placed in a wrap. Not what I PAID FOR :( !!!
__label__2 LOVE this Series!: I missed seeing season one of the series when it was broadcast, and got hooked on it by watching the episodes on DVD. I plan to pay to see the season two episodes online that I have missed to try catching up with the story. (It is crucial to watch the programs in order to understand the plot). This series is perfectly cast and has incredible dialogue, acting and music ! The stories are fast-paced with lots of twists, turns and and flash-backs. I have been unable to get into the books now that I've seen the series on video, because unlike most movies or TV series, the video is so much better in every way. The characters and stories are absolutely addicting - even for older viewers like me. Fans of "Twilight" and "Moonlight" will love this series!
__label__2 Vampire Diaries season 1: vampire Diaries season 1 is an exciting series that keeps you interested every step of the way. I would recommend this series to anyone who likes to get lost in fantasy every now and then.
__label__2 Arrived hella FAST!!!: Would order from this seller EVERYDAY of the week. The product was REASONABLY priced. More reasonable than anyone else to boot. Practically a steal! AND, it arrived damn near 2 weeks earlier than I'd expected. Can't rave enough about the seller and I am enjoying my DVDS. THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!!
__label__2 Blu-ray Vampire Diaries: The blu-ray picture quality is worth the extra cost of the DVD. Especially enjoyed the bonus material about the development of the series and how the actors were cast. I plan to order the second season as soon as it's available.
__label__2 I got hooked!: I watched a couple of episodes of Season 2. I saw that season 1 was onAmazon. I got hooked from the first episode. The Season Finale was awesome!
__label__2 Well...: First and foremost I am NOT a Roger Sanchez fan, (too commercial for me) but these mixes are SLAMMIN!!!...... Great classic tracks on here, and surprisingly, easily became a TUNE! preferred on the "CHOICE" mixes for me. Don't expect cheese on this one (plus several remixes and edits by the S-man himself!), Roger is digging deep in them crates!
__label__1 1st CD = weird: Had to stop listening to the 1st CD, im listening to the 2nd one now and the first track is better than anything on the 1st. Maybe I'm just not a big fan but this is more lounge than house.
__label__2 A good general history of opera: This paperback edition of the Oxford Illustrated History of Opera is the same as the hardback edition. It's a very good general history of opera with great pictures. The authors are all experts on the eras they cover. I'm using it for my opera history class, adding readings from other sources that discuss the music in more detail because this one has no musical examples. My only complaint is that it took forever to get!
__label__2 Good Progressive House: If you like Progressive House this is a most have, i really appriciate good music and this is real good music!!!
__label__2 Nice Tribal Progressive House. But expected a bit more...: Most of the songs on the cd are amazing except for 2 which arent really my type. Some of the songs might start up really good from the beginning when u start hearing the voice and drums kick in, but some of the songs might start up average and as the music goes by it turns really good. so basicaly like in a club u usually hear the best stuff as time goes later.Bottom line is, this is good progressive house but for that price i expected a bit more. But thats just my thing, dont hezitate to buy this!
__label__2 Good Deal: What a good deal for the price. These is a good collection of Tom Cruise in high definition blu ray. Good action and good stories and good acting.
__label__2 The Drummer: If you like tom cruise this is a great package for a good price, lost of good action. And i love good action flicks.
__label__2 Great movies: I love Tom Cruise despite everything, and these are some quality movies to add to my collection. If you're looking for special features you'll be disappointed, but if you just want films then this is for you.
__label__2 5 Stars for 5 Movies!: This "Deal Of The Week" is great! This collection of movies is well put together, and you can't beat the value 5-pack. I love Minority Report and Top Gun. I can't wait to watch Days Of Thunder, it came out the year I was born! All five movies come in one case with clip-cover. I'm very satisfied!
__label__2 Cruise control: For $30 what is there to dislike, apart from war of the worlds. Top gun, Days of thunder, collateral and Minority report are some of his best work.
__label__1 Did not received what was promised: Order 11" Charizard Plush Toy. After four weeks went by, sent seller email for status. They said they were out-of-town and agreed to expedite shipment for no extra charge (thanks.) Received toy in one month and three days. It is not an 11" Charizard, it is a 5" toy that is commonly available on eBay for $3.99 plus shipping. I paid $25 plus shipping. I sent email to seller, but have not received reply. Cannot recommend seller. Feel like I was taken for a ride. Ten-year-old daughter doesn't understand why her allowance money is gone and she didn't get what was promised.
__label__1 Mein Kampf: In this work, millionaire Jorge Ramos essentially advocates for a Hispanic conquest of the United States. He urges Hispanics in the U.S. to reject cultural assimilation in the U.S. and, at the same time, to drop their national identities in order to form a united front to make the U.S. a Hispanic nation. He labels anyone who disagrees with this conquest of the U.S. a racist. Jorge Ramos's work has been likened to Mein Kampf, and it's easy to see why: It provides an intellectual underpinning for the actions of such groups as Aztlan, the quasi-Nazi groups that promotes ethnic cleansing of all non-Hispanic people in the U.S. At best, this work serves as a horrifying warning of what may soon be coming to the U.S.: internal terrorism bankrolled by wealthy U.S. citizens who are benefitting from illegal immigration.
__label__2 Very pretty along w/the matching earrings: I bought these for my sister for her birthday along w/the matching earrings. The set is really pretty together and she loved the gift(s)! The chain is long so it hangs very elegantly and the pearl is a nice color. Great price.
__label__2 Pearl pendant necklace: This is a very nice necklace it is a wonderful addition to most any outfit. The chain is a little overly delicate though, making it hard to clasp. But overall it is a wonderful necklace at a fantastic price.
__label__1 good action score that fails on cd: This score to the Jamie Lee Curtis action horror thriller is scored for full symphonic orchestra and, in one cue, male chorus. The music has no memorable theme to tie the material together and at times becomes very unpleasant to hear. This is not a bad score, just an unpleasant listen away from the movie. This is one CD you'll play once and probably never again.
__label__2 Not only for crafts folks: Very useful for photographers, too: Consistent "daylight," regardless of room light or time of day, for evaluating digital color prints ... also for use as a desk lamp near a computer monitor (no glare, either on the screen or on glossy paper stock). One of those rare products that does exactly what it says it does.
__label__1 light head sags: Decent lighting, but the head is too heavy for the arm and sags down from where it is positioned. If I had it to do over, I'd look for a different lamp. Not worth the price.
__label__2 Cross stitchers, this is for you: I had been having trouble seeing the subtle differences in color shades while working my cross-stitch patterns. This lamp makes colors pop and makes them so much easier for me to see. I didn't know that I could have eliminated my struggles years ago with this lamp!My only con is the high price but quality does cost more, eh?
__label__2 Still only one album out?!: Come on, Ladell! Give us more!There aren't enough rockers like Ladell out there. Play it raw and dirty and jump with it. Who needs a lame review like this when you can hear the music for yourself. Listen and dig it.
__label__2 great!: This album rocks! I am not going to pick it apart and detail every song. Buy the album, play it, and enjoy. 'nuf said
__label__2 2 x 4 basics Picnic Table: Excellent product. We love it. Purchased a bench and an addition table since the picnictable. I recommend these for anyone. Look great, go together great. Not one problem.
__label__1 not good very cheap looking: was not please with this product. Was not worth the money. My box was damaged and screws missing.
__label__1 misreprenresented: The item I purchased was misrepresented. I thought I was a whole table. I wouls send it back if I could but it will cost me more in shipping than its worth. If this is not corrected I will close my account. You have checked my credit and it is outstanding and I will buy from another consumer and I always pay on time. Thank you Terri Darnell, 2600 shelton mission road Greeneville, Tennessee 37743
__label__2 Awesome: Awesome and awe-inspiring. These collections of original sources seem to say it all about our American history in three short volumes.
__label__1 COMPLETE GARBAGE!!!: People, stay away from this ridiculous band!!! They dress like a rock act, They got a lot of tattoos but in fact it's a mediocre pop band with guitars! PLEASE, YOUTH OF THE WORLD...Don't think that this crap is rock!If you want to see rock you gotta search in the past for bands like RAMONES, LED ZEPPELIN, DEEP PURPLE....Forget this Emo pile of garbage!If i could give ZERO stars i give!
__label__2 A great anime with even greater music!!!: What more could you ask for?Not only you have here one of the greatest animes you'll ever see, but its greater Soundtrack.In this ST you can find all the opening/ending themes from the anime series "Rurouni Kenshin" ; from the first opening "Sobakasu" (Judy & Mary) to the last ending "Kimi Ni Fureru Dake De" (Curio), I can say that all the songs are really good. There are performances by one of Japan's most famous Pop groups L'ARC~EN~CIEL, with songs such as "Fourth Avenue Cafe" and "Niji", the last one being the opening theme to the Rurouni Kenshin movie "Requiem for the Ishinshi"; I must also mention the the Japanese group ANIMETAL with their song "Towa no Nirai" (ending theme from the movie).If you're into JPop or saw the anime and liked it, you sure can't miss this extraordinary ST.
__label__2 Good but not complete: This CD contains most of the best TV anime opening and closing themes except for "Fourth Avenue Cafe" by L'ARC~EN~CIEL. Apparently there was a controversy surrounding this artist's arrest which, subsequently, has made this particular song rare. I was misguided by "rdmencia"s review that mentions this song. Upon purchasing it, I found that it does not contain this song. However, a CD soundtrack with a very similar name "Best Collection", apparently contains the song.
__label__2 Best Theme Collection not QUITE the Best: I picked up this CD at an anime convention for ten bucks, and though it was worth the buy, it is far from holding all of the songs of the series that I love on it. However, this is a great place to start if you're just looking to get the main themes to the show.If you want more of Rurouni Kenshin's instrumental music I suggest you look somewhere else. There is also a great deal of J-POP centered around Kenshin, and if you can track those down, they're great fun to look into also.
__label__2 Best Themes: This CD contains some of the Best Themes in Rurouni Kenshin series (mentioned above); However, It would have been better if all the RK themes were in one CD. I enjoyed it very much and still listen to it. I have to buy another CD to get the rest of songs though.
__label__1 Not worth the hype Part 2: This is an inexpensive pan and I couldn't figure out why. I did some research and CIA Masters Cookware is made in China (or "PRC" as I am starting to see now.) I know it's hard to find things not made in China any more but I at least try. If it were made in any other Asian country I would probably consider it but made in China/PRC is a deal breaker. Unless you're using an induction cook top you're probably not going to notice a difference between 3, 5, and 7 layers. Especially when some of those layers are as thin as a coat of paint. You can get three layer Brazilian made Tramontina for a little less cost or better yet you can go American made with Regal Ware American Kitchen Tri-Ply all around.
__label__1 Misrepresentation: I ordered this book as new for $85. It is used, the pages are dog-eared and many of the worksheets are completed!
__label__1 pages missing: The product is in good condition except that I went to start my first lab and there is pages that are torn out. I had to borrow someone elses book and make copies. I dont think you should sell a book back if all the pages are not in the book especially the pages with the questions on them!!
__label__1 Problems with Kindle Version: I saw that this was available for Kindle for cheaper than paperback, so I decided to purchase it as textbooks are expensive enough. The book itself is fine content-wise; it is for a fairly basic geology class and therefore it is fairly simple. However, our professor makes us turn in the lab assignments straight from the pages in the lab book, and that becomes a problem with the Kindle edition. Luckily through other programs I have been able to make it work, but it causes me about an extra hour and a half per week of work that must be done to make Kindle pages usable for the lab. If you are going to buy this for Kindle, make sure that your professor will accept the labs as another format (spreadsheet, write-up, etc). My professor has been very lenient with me on this, but not all will be. I would honestly just recommend that any student shell out the extra cash and buy the paper version. It just makes life much easier.
__label__2 Lab Manual: great; no problems, shipped on time in great condition! No markings, all the pages were there (in tact) and got a great use out of it!
__label__1 Manual Review: The last lab manual I got came quickly. When I started class I soon realized I was missing some lab assignment sheets and a tools sheet out of the back. Otherwise it was fine.
__label__2 Affordable price: I received the Lab manual just in time for class. The local book store has ridiculous pricing so I looked on amazon where it was much more affordable. Great quality since it was new. Too bad once I get done with it I wont be able to sell it back. There are lots of little diagrams to cut out. Hope this helps.
__label__2 excellent timing: i ordered the book less than two weeks before school started. and it arrived with plenty of time for me to begin paging through it. it is in excellent condition, unused and very modestly priced.
__label__1 Falsely advertised as being New.: Falsely advertised as being new. This manual is full of markings and in poor condition. The manual was advertised as "new" though it is clearly used. I could have purchased 5 truly used manuals for the cost of this purchase.
__label__1 missing pages: a lab book is useless if it is missing the pages which have the questions for the labs. Dissapointed.
__label__1 Terrible lab manual: I inherited this lab manual when I started teaching physical geology this semester, and I told my students to return it to the bookstore. It contains factual errors (such as referring to hornblende and other non-metallic minerals as metallic, which they are not - metallic minerals are opaque in thin section), and the pedagogy is highly questionable. In the rock and mineral sections, it relies too heavily on photographs. Students already have a tendency to want to simply match minerals and rocks to pictures, which doesn't work, and this book encourages this. The book is too much talk and not enough action. Students in a lab should be guided to work with objects, not to simply answer questions out of a book. There is too much explanation provided, with little left for students to figure out on their own. Labs should be presented to students as mysteries to be solved, and this book takes all the mystery out of everything.
__label__1 Geology Prof.: This "lab manual" is VERY thick and far too wordy. Really, it's more of a spiral-bound textbook than a lab manual. Additionally, the lab questions appear in list format at the end of each section, so there is virtually no standardized answersheet for students to record their work on. That not only makes it harder on the students, but efficient grading is nearly impossible unless the instructor makes his/her own taylor-made answer sheets for the students to use on EACH lab. As if that weren't bad enough, the lab manual's companion web site is horrid. I am amazed that the AGI and the NAGT produced this lab manual.
__label__2 the title is kind of lying: I bought this book for my Geol 110 class at the University of Maryland in College Park. It's completely unlike every other lab manual I've used in college. It does not directly relate to the lab project, its more like a textbook or information packet to prepare you for the concepts you'll cover in lab. It has glossy pages instead of the usual paper so I'm discouraged from writing notes and lab findings in it. I feel like we probably could have gotten this information out of our normal textbook rather than buying a separate lab manual.
__label__2 Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology: Publishers are driving me nuts with their inflated prices...they made a small number of edition #6 which was considered their best one and then let their supplies run out so that schools would have to buy their "new" one. After flipping through it, it is clear that it is nearly identical to the sixth edition lab manual. Such a waste.
__label__1 OUCH!: I apologize for the low rating...but, none-the-less, it is needed. As I go through my "used" lab book, I realize that nobody QC'd this product. It is missing several lab sections, not to mention some being pre-filled. Buyer beware!
__label__1 pages: I know that when I buy a used book it's not going to be perfect (although I have received perfect ones. I was very satisfied with this one until I had to do a specific lab for homework and the pages were missing. There was nothing in the description that suggested that there were pages missing. If there was, I would not have bought it, obviously. I take my classes online and don't have easy access to my classmates and it was difficult to find someone who could scan the missing pages and send them to me. Needless to say I was not happy. Very frustrating.
__label__1 Yuck!: Although I loved my Intro to Geology class, I HATED this lab manual! UGHHHH! It isn't even a lab book, it is more of a "let's read some more", and have some very difficult questions at the end, that I could hardly understand to answer, even though I read all the text! I am a 4.0 Student and I hated it! Not to mention there are no answers anywhere to check your work, as I took this course online. This book almost made it impossible to learn and apply the concepts. Luckily we weren't graded on them or else I would have failed the course. Goodluck if this is required for your class! :(
__label__1 Lab Manuel Missing Pages: I found that some very important pages were not in the book. I had to order another book, which of course cast me more money.
__label__2 reading: these book has a lot of different learning activies in it. it has words like pig anf dig and the child has to figure out whitch letter is missing. it has rhyming pictures where they have to pick the two pictures that match. It has begining letters that are missing and they have to pick the letter that goes with that word. this activity book is very helpful. i wanted to get this at walmart but they were sold out so i ordered from amazon. if i were you i would see if walmart had it before i payed for shipping. This is a great book for children learning how to read.
__label__1 Disappointed: Keep in mind I didnt order this from Amazon. I actually ordered this set from Target and I was expecting something TOTALLY different. On their website the plates look to have a bronze gold glow like maybe if you were to cut a African tree and see the swirl pattern of all these beautiful hues of brown and bronze. this was just a hot mess and I couldnt have been more disappointed. Fortunately I dont have to ship them back they will be returned to my nearest Target A.S.A.P!!!
__label__2 This is great stuff!: This is a collector's dream. All of Bill's American recordings of the 60s are here, and a lot of unreleased stuff too. Although he didn't reach the charts any more, his musical output was enormous and differed from good old Rock'n'Roll, Twist and Country & Western even to a Mariachi song. Quite enjoyable are recordings of three live-shows in the Bitter End, NYC, in 1969 - Bill sounds really relaxed. The price für this German set is really high, but you get the best quality, including a large booklet with rare photos and a discography.
__label__1 Disappointed: I recently bought James for my 3 year old son. The train works, but is very slow. We already had Thomas' Jet engine so maybe we got spoiled by jet's supersonic speed. It still seems as though James falls off the track and sputters on the hills way too often. Seeing as The Jet engine is starting to fail I'm continuing my search for a replacement (James didn't fit the bill). I just put in an order for Brio's green rechargeable 4 wheeled engine with the battery back-up. I'm hoping that one does the trick.Follow-up:I bought the "green monster" from Brio. It is also pretty slow but that's OK.The rechargeable battery is great and the train itself is much more versatile as it can push as well as pull long trains.
__label__1 James broke on day 2: Ok, maybe it's just me, but you'd think that a battery operated train designed for toddlers should be able to withstand, oh, I don't know . . . toddlers. Our toddler doesn't quite get that he can't push James around like he can the non- battery operated trains. It appears that pushing him (rather than letting him motor on his own) stripped the gears. Now the light goes on, but the wheels won't turn. That was a big waste of $30.
__label__1 Not good: This train stopped working after a week. We thought it was the battery but no. It was just a pain and ended up going to waste. Along with the money spent on it.
__label__1 Worked ONCE!: We were really excited about this train. It worked once. We replaced the batteries, and it worked for about 3 more seconds, then never worked again. Boo.
__label__1 James doesn't move on its own: It's supposed to be a Christmas gift for my son. He opened it and then I put the battery on. No light. No movement. Nothing happened. I should have read all the reviews before I bought this product
__label__1 Not that great: We bought James last night while we already had battery operated Percy. James does not run as well on Melissa and Doug train track as he does on original Thomas train track. He is also more sensitive going around curves. It seems to be the middle wheel. As the middle wheel is loose and can float up and down, it seems to cause the train to get stuck at certain points along the track even while running on only original Thomas train track. Percy has no problems on either train tracks and never gets stuck.James does seem faster than Percy but that could be due to having a newer battery.
__label__2 A well-built toy: I have gotten these locomotives for my other grandchildren and they really enjoyed them. My new adopted grandson loves his trains and to have one that really goes and pulls lots of cars has him spellbound. Wonderful toy.
__label__1 No Fun With James: We have four battery operated engines (Thomas, Percy, Lady, James) and James was the last one purchased. James can not make a complete circle without derailing. Also, he can't make it up one of the low Thomas drawbridges. It has nothing to do with the way our track is set up because we did it according to manufacturer's instructions. Even in our own custom set up we removed all small curved track and James had serious problems. Even when Thomas didn't. There is no consistency from engine to engine. It is disappointing.