The PowerShell code has several layers of obfuscation.
[ { "id": 29739, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 4, "end_offset": 14 } ]
Group Encryption Algorithm JavaScript Library Magecart Group 11 AES Gibberish-AES ReactGet RSA JSEncrypt Mirrorthief AES Crypto-JS Table 2. Comparison of encryption algorithms used by the different groups
[ { "id": 28757, "label": "location", "start_offset": 39, "end_offset": 46 }, { "id": 28758, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 47, "end_offset": 55 }, { "id": 28759, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 69, "end_offset": 78 }, { "id": 28760, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 92, "end_offset": 95 } ]
However, and lucky for us, the malware author was arrested in 2010 so several of the hypothesis can be verified.
[ { "id": 46573, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 62, "end_offset": 66 } ]
When devices (in this case, the routers) are under someone else’s control like this, the collection is referred to as a “botnet”, a network (-net) of remotely controlled systems or devices (bot-).
The final 5-byte sequence looks like F3 00 00 00 92 0D.
In our investigation, we also found a suspicious executable named telegram.exe.
[ { "id": 49926, "label": "FILEPATH", "start_offset": 66, "end_offset": 78 } ]
When developers incorporate the libraries into their apps they need to carefully test them and monitor for any abnormal activities.
The spyware displays the online dating scam website upon the installation of the malicious Virtual Girlfriend app What will be shown is the registration page of an online dating site, which will lure users into giving out their credit card information.
Figure 13. Avenger2 with internal URL Casper Casper is a modified version of the Cobalt Strike backdoor, showing the team server SHA1 hash if the controller connects to the C&C.
The most famous set of key pairs would be the key pairs included within the AOSP source files (in Table 1, below).
[ { "id": 46774, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 76, "end_offset": 80 } ]
We think that Pawn Storm compromises lots of email accounts through brute force attacks on internet-facing services like email, LDAP, Microsoft Autodiscover, SMB, and SQL.
[ { "id": 31294, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 14, "end_offset": 24 }, { "id": 31295, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 68, "end_offset": 79 }, { "id": 31297, "label": "location", "start_offset": 163, "end_offset": 166 } ]
[ { "id": 49549, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 1, "end_offset": 11 } ]
The U.S. should also consider ways to foster greater transparency in the marketplace, including setting heightened transparency requirements for the domestic surveillance industry.
[ { "id": 50687, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 4, "end_offset": 8 } ]
These activities may be difficult to identify for defenders due to the use of these things like: PSEXEC to execute a program from remote system Schedule a remote task to execute back door or malicious code RDP or net use to connect to other hosts
[ { "id": 47165, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 210, "end_offset": 214 }, { "id": 44527, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 101, "end_offset": 107 } ]
Please mark, I'm not a robot!
The kit initially serves some heavily obfuscated javascript used to fingerprint the target system.
By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement.
Command and Control
The producer of the NetWire WorldWiredLabs, states that the tool uses 256-bit AES encryption, which we found to be accurate.
[ { "id": 45091, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 20, "end_offset": 42 } ]
SMS information collected by the receiver is saved in a hashmap with “other” as the key and sent to a method that uploads the message to as shown in Figure 4.
[ { "id": 3036, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 137, "end_offset": 150 } ]
However, identity theft is a global concern and the Chinese citizen ID is no exception, allowing for potential sellers to simply purchase a usable identity online.
[ { "id": 46528, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 8, "end_offset": 23 } ]
In July 2020, we noticed interesting activity coming from the group, and we have been closely monitoring it since.
[ { "id": 49867, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 3, "end_offset": 12 } ]
While their phishing tools are basic (i.e., no backdoors, trojans, and other malware), they made use of public cloud services to conduct their operations.
[ { "id": 51735, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 12, "end_offset": 20 }, { "id": 51736, "label": "Infrastucture", "start_offset": 104, "end_offset": 125 } ]
On the other end are places like some large banking and R&D companies that can manage about 98 or 99%.
We talk about north/south traffic with the network, which is basically inside the network to outside of the network, so out to the the internet and back.
We investigated the name shown on the account but did not find any useful information other than the fact that this name is used mostly in the Ivory Coast in Africa.
GET http://{C2}/Index.php?vubc={identity} HTTP/1.1
[ { "id": 13184, "label": "URL", "start_offset": 4, "end_offset": 40 } ]
Until then, the makers of operating systems can (and have) released patches that make the physical-layer vulnerabilities inaccessible.
Trend Micro™ Hosted Email Security is a no-maintenance cloud solution that delivers continuously updated protection to stop spam, malware, spear phishing, ransomware, and advanced targeted attacks before they reach the network.
[ { "id": 23857, "label": "location", "start_offset": 55, "end_offset": 60 }, { "id": 23858, "label": "location", "start_offset": 105, "end_offset": 115 }, { "id": 23859, "label": "location", "start_offset": 119, "end_offset": 123 }, { "id": 23860, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 139, "end_offset": 153 }, { "id": 23861, "label": "location", "start_offset": 167, "end_offset": 170 } ]
As such, not all samples may have the embedded resource that leaks the same OS language.
Figure 21.
[ { "id": 51369, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 5 } ]
The malicious activity itself doesn’t cause long-term damage to systems, and ends as soon as users leave the malicious or compromised site.
Again, the response is expected to be "OK".
Microsoft Equation Editor
[ { "id": 45798, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 1, "end_offset": 26 } ]
Moreover, to protect our users, we have referred the below activity to the FBI for further investigation.
If an attacker has control over a PC, which the Android device is attached to (for charging or for other purposes), they don’t need to get physical access to the phone.
Palo Alto Networks has shared these findings, including file samples and indicators of compromise, with our fellow Cyber Threat Alliance members.
[ { "id": 49616, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 116, "end_offset": 145 }, { "id": 49613, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 1, "end_offset": 19 } ]
Recently observed COLDRIVER indicators: In another campaign tracked by CERT-UA as UAC-0056 we observed compromised email addresses of a Regional Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine leveraged to send malicious Microsoft Excel documents with VBA macros delivering Cobalt Strike.
[ { "id": 50783, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 71, "end_offset": 78 }, { "id": 50785, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 204, "end_offset": 219 }, { "id": 50786, "label": "tools", "start_offset": 257, "end_offset": 270 }, { "id": 50784, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 136, "end_offset": 175 }, { "id": 14710, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 18, "end_offset": 27 }, { "id": 14713, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 82, "end_offset": 90 } ]
[ { "id": 1015, "from_id": 14713, "to_id": 14710, "type": "duplicate-of" }, { "id": 1016, "from_id": 14710, "to_id": 50784, "type": "targets" }, { "id": 1017, "from_id": 14710, "to_id": 50785, "type": "uses" }, { "id": 1018, "from_id": 14710, "to_id": 50786, "type": "uses" } ]
As always, we continue to publish details surrounding the actions we take against coordinated influence operations in our quarterly TAG bulletin.
Figure 1.
Credential phishing through a compromised website demonstrates these attackers will go to great lengths to appear legitimate – as they know it's difficult for users to detect this kind of attack.
[ { "id": 24923, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 11, "end_offset": 19 }, { "id": 24924, "label": "location", "start_offset": 79, "end_offset": 83 } ]
As part of TAG's mission to counter serious threats to Google and our users, we've analyzed a range of persistent threats including APT35 and Charming Kitten, an Iranian government-backed group that regularly targets high risk users.
[ { "id": 50537, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 55, "end_offset": 61 }, { "id": 50538, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 132, "end_offset": 137 }, { "id": 50539, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 142, "end_offset": 157 }, { "id": 50540, "label": "location", "start_offset": 162, "end_offset": 169 }, { "id": 50536, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 11, "end_offset": 14 } ]
[ { "id": 980, "from_id": 50538, "to_id": 50540, "type": "located-at" }, { "id": 981, "from_id": 50539, "to_id": 50540, "type": "located-at" } ]
A closer look at PlugX svchost injection
[ { "id": 27412, "label": "tools", "start_offset": 17, "end_offset": 22 } ]
The first thing our researchers noticed was the similarity between this mutex name and the previous one.
Some Virlock variants ask for more ransom, such as 0.771 BTC, 1.008 BTC or more.
[ { "id": 44782, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 5, "end_offset": 12 } ]
We remediated the compromises for these users and implemented controls to protect all Android users.
[ { "id": 50609, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 86, "end_offset": 93 } ]
However, there is a secondary effect when the version resource is added to a binary.
Code snippet of the malicious extension plugin Connection between Round Year Fun and Maikspy
[ { "id": 48547, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 85, "end_offset": 92 } ]
BIOPASS RAT Loader Backdoor.Win64.BIOPASS.A 36e3fcd6a4c7c9db985be77ea6394b2ed019332fdae4739df2f96a541ea52617 Silverlight.exe
[ { "id": 10242, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 11 }, { "id": 10243, "label": "SHA2", "start_offset": 46, "end_offset": 110 }, { "id": 49045, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 20, "end_offset": 44 }, { "id": 49046, "label": "FILEPATH", "start_offset": 112, "end_offset": 127 } ]
[ { "id": 596, "from_id": 10242, "to_id": 49045, "type": "duplicate-of" }, { "id": 597, "from_id": 49046, "to_id": 10243, "type": "duplicate-of" }, { "id": 598, "from_id": 49046, "to_id": 49045, "type": "indicates" }, { "id": 599, "from_id": 10243, "to_id": 49045, "type": "indicates" } ]
Property list with persistence settings launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/filename.plist > /dev/nul or launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ filename.plist > /dev/nul will then command the operating system to start the dropped backdoor file at login.
[ { "id": 29553, "label": "location", "start_offset": 9, "end_offset": 13 }, { "id": 29554, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 40, "end_offset": 49 }, { "id": 29555, "label": "location", "start_offset": 50, "end_offset": 54 }, { "id": 29556, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 107, "end_offset": 116 }, { "id": 29557, "label": "location", "start_offset": 117, "end_offset": 121 }, { "id": 29558, "label": "location", "start_offset": 172, "end_offset": 176 }, { "id": 29559, "label": "location", "start_offset": 214, "end_offset": 219 } ]
Arrival Vector
[ { "id": 39188, "label": "tools", "start_offset": 8, "end_offset": 14 } ]
By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement.
TCP stream excerpt of the malware receiving commands from C&C server
.LNK shortcut in .ISO file
In this blog, we explore some of the most notable campaigns we’ve disrupted this year from a different government-backed attacker: APT35, an Iranian group, which regularly conducts phishing campaigns targeting high risk users.
[ { "id": 24889, "label": "location", "start_offset": 37, "end_offset": 41 }, { "id": 24893, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 181, "end_offset": 189 } ]
Upon reviewing phishing attempts since the beginning of this year, we’ve seen a rising number of attackers, including those from Iran and North Korea, impersonating news outlets or journalists.
[ { "id": 21584, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 15, "end_offset": 23 }, { "id": 21587, "label": "location", "start_offset": 134, "end_offset": 137 } ]
[ { "id": 46781, "label": "DOMAIN", "start_offset": 2, "end_offset": 15 }, { "id": 46782, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 16, "end_offset": 30 }, { "id": 46783, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 31, "end_offset": 45 }, { "id": 46784, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 46, "end_offset": 59 } ]
Figure 11.
Variable}.WMI.createProcess Creates specified process {Variable}.shell File/Process Execution functions {Variable} Run commands {Variable}.shell.exec Executes process {Variable}.file File-related functions {Variable}.file.getPath Get specified file path {Variable}.file.readText Reads specified text file {Variable}.file.get32BitFolder Get System Folder (32/64-bit) {Variable}.file.writol Writes on specified file {Variable}.file.deleteFile Deletes specified file {Variable}.file.readBinary Reads specified binary file. Figure 8.
The greatest area of risk is in shared-hosting scenarios.
Figure 3. An example of a coronavirus-related spear-phishing email attachment Once the victim downloads the malicious macro, it will decrypt an embedded executable dropper that is hidden inside a text box, which will then be saved to a hardcoded path prior to it executing in the machine. Figure 4. Malicious macro that decrypts an executable hidden inside a text box Figure 5. Examples of encrypted Crimson RAT executables hidden inside text boxes Once the executable file is executed, it will proceed to unzip a file named and then execute a Crimson RAT executable named dlrarhsiva.exe.
[ { "id": 21716, "label": "location", "start_offset": 52, "end_offset": 57 }, { "id": 21717, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 58, "end_offset": 66 }, { "id": 21718, "label": "location", "start_offset": 138, "end_offset": 142 }, { "id": 21719, "label": "location", "start_offset": 222, "end_offset": 226 }, { "id": 21722, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 420, "end_offset": 431 }, { "id": 21723, "label": "location", "start_offset": 514, "end_offset": 518 }, { "id": 21724, "label": "location", "start_offset": 559, "end_offset": 562 }, { "id": 21725, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 578, "end_offset": 589 } ]
A log file is written containing a count of the emails that were downloaded.
In collaboration with TAG, Project Zero has published the technical analysis of CVE-2021-30983.
This hack-for-hire actor has been publicly referred to as 'Void Balaur'.
[ { "id": 50838, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 5, "end_offset": 18 }, { "id": 14831, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 59, "end_offset": 70 } ]
When the previously mentioned C2 response is both decoded and decrypted, we are presented with the following data: The command structure of the C2 response always begins with the string ‘tick’
The .onion site links to an entity calling themselves “Free Civilian” and offering to sell databases containing the personal data of Ukrainian citizens.
Urpage Bahamut Confucius Patchwork "BioData" Delphi backdoor and file stealer X X X VB backdoor X Android "Bahamut-like" malware X X X Custom Android malware X AndroRAT Android malware X InPage malicious documents X X simply obfuscated HTA downloaders X X IOS malware X Confucius malware X remote-access-c3 backdoor X Sneepy/Byebye shell malware X Python cloud filestealers X AllaKore RAT X Badnews malware X QuasarRAT X NDiskMonitor malware X Targets
[ { "id": 5685, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 3, "end_offset": 9 }, { "id": 5686, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 10, "end_offset": 17 }, { "id": 5687, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 18, "end_offset": 27 }, { "id": 5688, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 28, "end_offset": 37 }, { "id": 5689, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 39, "end_offset": 46 }, { "id": 5693, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 118, "end_offset": 125 }, { "id": 5694, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 179, "end_offset": 187 }, { "id": 5695, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 309, "end_offset": 318 }, { "id": 5697, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 369, "end_offset": 375 }, { "id": 5700, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 439, "end_offset": 451 }, { "id": 5701, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 460, "end_offset": 467 }, { "id": 5702, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 484, "end_offset": 493 }, { "id": 5703, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 502, "end_offset": 514 }, { "id": 47059, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 155, "end_offset": 162 }, { "id": 47060, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 376, "end_offset": 382 } ]
This surge in unauthorized coin mining is driven, in large part, by the recent skyrocketing in the value of digital currencies like bitcoin.
[ { "id": 46107, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 133, "end_offset": 140 }, { "id": 46108, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 15, "end_offset": 39 } ]
Auto Update
Code snippets of the scanning, fetching, and uploading of .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .txt, .wav, .html, .doc, .docx and .rtf files (left).
The faster the good guys track these down and get them patched, the harder we make the lives of the criminals looking to exploit them.
We also found that these fake download campaigns rotate domains to distribute the same malicious binaries.
[ { "id": 44664, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 25, "end_offset": 38 }, { "id": 44665, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 87, "end_offset": 105 } ]
Screenshot functionality comparison between SLUB and APT37 Working Hours
[ { "id": 43645, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 44, "end_offset": 48 }, { "id": 43647, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 53, "end_offset": 58 } ]
The tool is designed to “mine” cryptocurrencies, that is it earns credit in the cryptocurrency in exchange for computing power that is used to power the cryptocurrencies’ digital infrastructure.
In our updated report on ransomware from Unit 42, “Ransomware: Unlocking the Lucrative Criminal Business Model,” Unit 42 researcher Bryan Lee notes: “In 2016, it was thought that there were less than one hundred active ransomware variants out in the wild.
[ { "id": 45846, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 41, "end_offset": 48 }, { "id": 45847, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 153, "end_offset": 157 }, { "id": 45844, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 113, "end_offset": 120 }, { "id": 45845, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 132, "end_offset": 141 } ]
Figure 3.
Figure 2. Timestomping used on the bin file The decryption key is used as an argument of Nerapack and various keys are used on different victims.
[ { "id": 49893, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 98, "end_offset": 106 } ]
After the WebKit RCE succeeds, an embedded Mach-O binary is loaded into memory, patched, and run.
[ { "id": 47397, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 10, "end_offset": 16 } ]
These channels were mostly uploading spammy, non-political content, but a small subset posted primarily Chinese-language political content similar to the findings of a recent Graphika report.
Rather than simply using a theme or lure that is relevant to the target, the attackers behind these attacks use an email conversation that’s in progress to carry out their attack.
Figure 7.
The loader can be recognized by its use of a unique user-agent “bumblebee” which both variants share.
[ { "id": 18780, "label": "location", "start_offset": 11, "end_offset": 14 }, { "id": 18781, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 64, "end_offset": 73 } ]
Testing the sample with Trend Micro Vision One, the attempt failed as its sensors were still able to send activity data to the platform.
[ { "id": 46933, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 24, "end_offset": 46 } ]
Developing new skimming code which is usable across as many different payment pages as possible.
[ { "id": 51538, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 15, "end_offset": 28 } ]
Figure 3 shows a GIF file containing an obituary notice for a woman, while Figure 4 shows a Microsoft Word document containing the obituary of a man.
[ { "id": 46643, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 92, "end_offset": 106 } ]
Inbound attempts to exploit the SpringShell vulnerability from 194.31.98[.]186 attempted to install the webshell from the original proof-of-concept seen in Figure 14.
[ { "id": 45533, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 63, "end_offset": 78 }, { "id": 47557, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 104, "end_offset": 112 }, { "id": 47558, "label": "vulnerability", "start_offset": 32, "end_offset": 43 } ]
Code snippets showing keylogs This secondary payload does not have any function to upload the collected keystrokes back to the attacker.
While not all SMS-based IAP applications steal user data, we recently identified that the Chinese Taomike SDK has begun capturing copies of all messages received by the phone and sending them to a Taomike controlled server.
[ { "id": 46449, "label": "location", "start_offset": 91, "end_offset": 98 }, { "id": 44904, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 42, "end_offset": 57 }, { "id": 44905, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 99, "end_offset": 110 }, { "id": 44907, "label": "Infrastucture", "start_offset": 198, "end_offset": 223 } ]
[ { "id": 37, "from_id": 44905, "to_id": 44907, "type": "exfiltrates-to" }, { "id": 38, "from_id": 44905, "to_id": 44907, "type": "communicates-with" }, { "id": 190, "from_id": 44905, "to_id": 46449, "type": "located-at" }, { "id": 191, "from_id": 44905, "to_id": 44904, "type": "uses" } ]
These brute force attacks started in 2019, and then we could firmly attribute them to Pawn Storm because we could cross-relate the extensive probing of Microsoft Autodiscover servers around the world with high-confidence indicators of the group’s more traditional attack methods (spear phishing and credential phishing).
[ { "id": 31324, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 6, "end_offset": 17 }, { "id": 31326, "label": "location", "start_offset": 43, "end_offset": 46 }, { "id": 31327, "label": "location", "start_offset": 78, "end_offset": 82 }, { "id": 31328, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 86, "end_offset": 96 }, { "id": 31329, "label": "location", "start_offset": 114, "end_offset": 119 }, { "id": 31332, "label": "location", "start_offset": 194, "end_offset": 199 }, { "id": 31333, "label": "location", "start_offset": 210, "end_offset": 220 }, { "id": 31334, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 280, "end_offset": 294 }, { "id": 31335, "label": "location", "start_offset": 295, "end_offset": 298 }, { "id": 31336, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 310, "end_offset": 318 } ]
Related IOCs
One notable campaign attempted to target personal accounts of U.S. government employees with phishing lures using American fast food franchises and COVID-19 messaging.
[ { "id": 21033, "label": "location", "start_offset": 12, "end_offset": 20 }, { "id": 21034, "label": "location", "start_offset": 34, "end_offset": 40 }, { "id": 21036, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 93, "end_offset": 101 }, { "id": 21038, "label": "location", "start_offset": 144, "end_offset": 147 } ]
But until now, based on the latest research in the IEEE Security & Privacy paper, everyone has believed that malicious apps attempting to carry out overlay attacks must overcome two significant hurdles to be successful: These are significant mitigating factors and so overlay attacks haven’t been reckoned a serious threat.
[ { "id": 46549, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 51, "end_offset": 55 }, { "id": 44929, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 269, "end_offset": 284 }, { "id": 44930, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 148, "end_offset": 163 } ]
The DarkHydrus threat group has targeted government entities and educational institutions with spear-phishing attacks and credential harvesting campaigns.
[ { "id": 20576, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 5, "end_offset": 15 }, { "id": 20577, "label": "location", "start_offset": 62, "end_offset": 65 }, { "id": 20578, "label": "location", "start_offset": 96, "end_offset": 101 }, { "id": 20579, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 102, "end_offset": 110 }, { "id": 20580, "label": "location", "start_offset": 119, "end_offset": 122 } ]
The exception indicates that Apple added generic protections in Big Sur which rendered this exploit useless.
The answer is simple: credential theft.
[ { "id": 47748, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 22, "end_offset": 38 } ]
This bulletin includes coordinated influence operation campaigns terminated on our platforms in Q2 2022.
There is no single solution to stopping these attacks, but the same technologies and policies you use to prevent other malware infections will be effective.
[ { "id": 44590, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 119, "end_offset": 137 } ]
And indeed, as with the second hypothesis, standard virus detection logs prove that each of these mutexes do span multiple variants of the worm.