stringlengths 5
| image
stringlengths 18
| code
stringlengths 55
10890 | Test/png/10890.png | # Write a function to find uppercase, lowercase, special character and numeric values using regex.
import re
def find_character(string):
uppercase_characters = re.findall(r"[A-Z]", string)
lowercase_characters = re.findall(r"[a-z]", string)
numerical_characters = re.findall(r"[0-9]", string)
special_characters = re.findall(r"[, .!?]", string)
return (
10235 | Test/png/10235.png | def GT(self, a, b):
return Operators.ITEBV(256, Operators.UGT(a, b), 1, 0)
10408 | Test/png/10408.png | def Async(cls, token, session=None, **options):
return cls(token, session=session, is_async=True, **options)
10609 | Test/png/10609.png | def algo_exp(x, m, t, b):
return m*np.exp(-t*x)+b
10438 | Test/png/10438.png | def switch(template, version):
temple.update.update(new_template=template, new_version=version)
10887 | Test/png/10887.png | # Write a function to find if the given number is a keith number or not.
def is_num_keith(x):
terms = []
temp = x
n = 0
while temp > 0:
terms.append(temp % 10)
temp = int(temp / 10)
n += 1
next_term = 0
i = n
while next_term < x:
next_term = 0
for j in range(1, n + 1):
next_term += terms[i - j]
i += 1
return next_term == x
10144 | Test/png/10144.png | def write(self, data):
10314 | Test/png/10314.png | def guid(self, guid):
return self._json(self._get(self._build_url('guids', guid)), 200)['data']['type']
10124 | Test/png/10124.png | def remove_task(message):
task = Task.objects.get(pk=message['id'])
11179 | Test/png/11179.png | # Write a python function to find remainder of array multiplication divided by n.
def find_remainder(arr, lens, n):
mul = 1
for i in range(lens):
mul = (mul * (arr[i] % n)) % n
return mul % n
11018 | Test/png/11018.png | # Write a function to convert a given string to a tuple.
def string_to_tuple(str1):
result = tuple(x for x in str1 if not x.isspace())
return result
10593 | Test/png/10593.png | def expand(self, problem):
"List the nodes reachable in one step from this node."
return [self.child_node(problem, action)
for action in problem.actions(self.state)]
10607 | Test/png/10607.png | def abfIDfromFname(fname):
fname = os.path.abspath(fname)
basename = os.path.basename(fname)
return os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
10816 | Test/png/10816.png | # Write a function to merge multiple sorted inputs into a single sorted iterator using heap queue algorithm.
import heapq
def merge_sorted_list(num1, num2, num3):
num1 = sorted(num1)
num2 = sorted(num2)
num3 = sorted(num3)
result = heapq.merge(num1, num2, num3)
return list(result)
11167 | Test/png/11167.png | # Write a function to remove uppercase substrings from a given string by using regex.
import re
def remove_uppercase(str1):
remove_upper = lambda text: re.sub("[A-Z]", "", text)
result = remove_upper(str1)
return result
11159 | Test/png/11159.png | # Write a function to remove all whitespaces from the given string using regex.
import re
def remove_whitespaces(text1):
return re.sub(r"\s+", "", text1)
11028 | Test/png/11028.png | # Write a function to calculate the difference between the squared sum of first n natural numbers and the sum of squared first n natural numbers.
def sum_difference(n):
sumofsquares = 0
squareofsum = 0
for num in range(1, n + 1):
sumofsquares += num * num
squareofsum += num
squareofsum = squareofsum**2
return squareofsum - sumofsquares
10811 | Test/png/10811.png | # Write a function to find eulerian number a(n, m).
def eulerian_num(n, m):
if m >= n or n == 0:
return 0
if m == 0:
return 1
return (n - m) * eulerian_num(n - 1, m - 1) + (m + 1) * eulerian_num(n - 1, m)
10556 | Test/png/10556.png | def release(self):
with self._stat_lock:
self._locked = False
self._last_released =
10251 | Test/png/10251.png | def f7(seq):
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]
11092 | Test/png/11092.png | # Write a python function to find the frequency of the smallest value in a given array.
def frequency_Of_Smallest(n, arr):
mn = arr[0]
freq = 1
for i in range(1, n):
if arr[i] < mn:
mn = arr[i]
freq = 1
elif arr[i] == mn:
freq += 1
return freq
10773 | Test/png/10773.png | # Write a function of recursion list sum.
def recursive_list_sum(data_list):
total = 0
for element in data_list:
if type(element) == type([]):
total = total + recursive_list_sum(element)
total = total + element
return total
10947 | Test/png/10947.png | # Write a function to find the number of possible sequences of length n such that each of the next element is greater than or equal to twice of the previous element but less than or equal to m.
def get_total_number_of_sequences(m, n):
T = [[0 for i in range(n + 1)] for i in range(m + 1)]
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(n + 1):
if i == 0 or j == 0:
T[i][j] = 0
elif i < j:
T[i][j] = 0
elif j == 1:
T[i][j] = i
T[i][j] = T[i - 1][j] + T[i // 2][j - 1]
return T[m][n]
10145 | Test/png/10145.png | def add_new_heart_handler(self, handler):
self.log.debug("heartbeat::new_heart_handler: %s", handler)
10858 | Test/png/10858.png | # Write a python function to find whether the given number is present in the infinite sequence or not.
def does_Contain_B(a, b, c):
if a == b:
return True
if (b - a) * c > 0 and (b - a) % c == 0:
return True
return False
10359 | Test/png/10359.png | def clone(self):
return StreamThrottle(,
10270 | Test/png/10270.png | def cmd_join(opts):
config = load_config(opts.config)
b = get_blockade(config, opts)
11024 | Test/png/11024.png | # Write a function to find the index of the last occurrence of a given number in a sorted array.
def find_last_occurrence(A, x):
(left, right) = (0, len(A) - 1)
result = -1
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if x == A[mid]:
result = mid
left = mid + 1
elif x < A[mid]:
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
return result
11256 | Test/png/11256.png | # Write a function to find the length of the longest increasing subsequence of the given sequence.
def longest_increasing_subsequence(arr):
n = len(arr)
longest_increasing_subsequence = [1] * n
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(0, i):
if (
arr[i] > arr[j]
and longest_increasing_subsequence[i]
< longest_increasing_subsequence[j] + 1
longest_increasing_subsequence[i] = (
longest_increasing_subsequence[j] + 1
maximum = 0
for i in range(n):
maximum = max(maximum, longest_increasing_subsequence[i])
return maximum
10994 | Test/png/10994.png | # Write a function to find the largest sum of contiguous array in the modified array which is formed by repeating the given array k times.
def max_sub_array_sum_repeated(a, n, k):
max_so_far = -2147483648
max_ending_here = 0
for i in range(n * k):
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i % n]
if max_so_far < max_ending_here:
max_so_far = max_ending_here
if max_ending_here < 0:
max_ending_here = 0
return max_so_far
10648 | Test/png/10648.png | def save(self):
if len(self) == 0:
return []
mdl = self.getModel()
11161 | Test/png/11161.png | # Write a python function to find the sum of even factors of a number.
import math
def sumofFactors(n):
if n % 2 != 0:
return 0
res = 1
for i in range(2, (int)(math.sqrt(n)) + 1):
count = 0
curr_sum = 1
curr_term = 1
while n % i == 0:
count = count + 1
n = n // i
if i == 2 and count == 1:
curr_sum = 0
curr_term = curr_term * i
curr_sum = curr_sum + curr_term
res = res * curr_sum
if n >= 2:
res = res * (1 + n)
return res
10351 | Test/png/10351.png | def get_action_environment(op, name):
action = _get_action_by_name(op, name)
if action:
return action.get('environment')
10614 | Test/png/10614.png | def iso_reference_isvalid(ref):
ref = str(ref)
cs_source = ref[4:] + ref[:4]
return (iso_reference_str2int(cs_source) % 97) == 1
10864 | Test/png/10864.png | # Write a function to convert a tuple of string values to a tuple of integer values.
def tuple_int_str(tuple_str):
result = tuple((int(x[0]), int(x[1])) for x in tuple_str)
return result
10354 | Test/png/10354.png | def discover(cls):
file = os.path.join(Config.config_dir, Config.config_name)
return cls.from_file(file)
10660 | Test/png/10660.png | def lunch(self, message="Time for lunch", shout: bool = False):
return self.helper.output(message, shout)
10418 | Test/png/10418.png | def error(message):
global parser
print(_("Error: ") + message)
10168 | Test/png/10168.png | def get_url_args(url):
url_data = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
arg_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(url_data.query)
return arg_dict
11130 | Test/png/11130.png | # Write a python function to find the average of cubes of first n natural numbers.
def find_Average_Of_Cube(n):
sum = 0
for i in range(1, n + 1):
sum += i * i * i
return round(sum / n, 6)
10431 | Test/png/10431.png | def sorted(list, cmp=None, reversed=False):
list = [x for x in list]
if reversed:
return list
10547 | Test/png/10547.png | def get(self):
fields = [c.get() for c in self.comps]
return self.field_reduce_func(fields)
10685 | Test/png/10685.png | def addMenu(self):
self.getPrograms(logType, programName)
10775 | Test/png/10775.png | # Write a function to find the number of ways to partition a set of bell numbers.
def bell_number(n):
bell = [[0 for i in range(n + 1)] for j in range(n + 1)]
bell[0][0] = 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
bell[i][0] = bell[i - 1][i - 1]
for j in range(1, i + 1):
bell[i][j] = bell[i - 1][j - 1] + bell[i][j - 1]
return bell[n][0]
10481 | Test/png/10481.png | def account_number():
account = [random.randint(1, 9) for _ in range(20)]
return "".join(map(str, account))
10193 | Test/png/10193.png | def time(self):
"Return the time part, with tzinfo None."
return time(self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond)
10283 | Test/png/10283.png | def stop_scan(self, timeout_sec=TIMEOUT_SEC):
self._is_scanning = False
11174 | Test/png/11174.png | # Write a function to find the peak element in the given array.
def find_peak_util(arr, low, high, n):
mid = low + (high - low) / 2
mid = int(mid)
if (mid == 0 or arr[mid - 1] <= arr[mid]) and (
mid == n - 1 or arr[mid + 1] <= arr[mid]
return mid
elif mid > 0 and arr[mid - 1] > arr[mid]:
return find_peak_util(arr, low, (mid - 1), n)
return find_peak_util(arr, (mid + 1), high, n)
def find_peak(arr, n):
return find_peak_util(arr, 0, n - 1, n)
10298 | Test/png/10298.png | def url_from_path(path):
if os.sep != '/':
path = '/'.join(path.split(os.sep))
return quote(path)
11277 | Test/png/11277.png | # Write a function to sort each sublist of strings in a given list of lists.
def sort_sublists(list1):
result = list(map(sorted, list1))
return result
10776 | Test/png/10776.png | # Write a python function to check whether the given array is monotonic or not.
def is_Monotonic(A):
return all(A[i] <= A[i + 1] for i in range(len(A) - 1)) or all(
A[i] >= A[i + 1] for i in range(len(A) - 1)
10367 | Test/png/10367.png | def filter(self, x):
y = signal.lfilter(self.b, [1], x)
return y
11039 | Test/png/11039.png | # Write a python function to count unset bits of a given number.
def count_unset_bits(n):
count = 0
x = 1
while x < n + 1:
if (x & n) == 0:
count += 1
x = x << 1
return count
10637 | Test/png/10637.png | def labels(self):
return sorted(self.channels, key=lambda c: self.channels[c])
11196 | Test/png/11196.png | # Write a function to find the area of a pentagon.
import math
def area_pentagon(a):
area = (math.sqrt(5 * (5 + 2 * math.sqrt(5))) * pow(a, 2)) / 4.0
return area
11286 | Test/png/11286.png | # Write a function to interleave lists of the same length.
def interleave_lists(list1, list2, list3):
result = [el for pair in zip(list1, list2, list3) for el in pair]
return result
10729 | Test/png/10729.png | # Write a function to find m number of multiples of n.
def multiples_of_num(m, n):
multiples_of_num = list(range(n, (m + 1) * n, n))
return list(multiples_of_num)
10948 | Test/png/10948.png | # Write a function to replace the last element of the list with another list.
def replace_list(list1, list2):
list1[-1:] = list2
replace_list = list1
return replace_list
10311 | Test/png/10311.png | def destroy(self):
10513 | Test/png/10513.png | def execute(helper, config, args):
10665 | Test/png/10665.png | def rmse(a, b):
return np.sqrt(np.square(a - b).mean())
10702 | Test/png/10702.png | def handle_data(self, data):
if data.strip():
data = djeffify_string(data)
self.djhtml += data
10913 | Test/png/10913.png | # Write a function to find the inversions of tuple elements in the given tuple list.
def inversion_elements(test_tup):
res = tuple(list(map(lambda x: ~x, list(test_tup))))
return res
11013 | Test/png/11013.png | # Write a function to match two words from a list of words starting with letter 'p'.
import re
def start_withp(words):
for w in words:
m = re.match("(P\w+)\W(P\w+)", w)
if m:
return m.groups()
11032 | Test/png/11032.png | # Write a function to extract the sum of alternate chains of tuples.
def sum_of_alternates(test_tuple):
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
for idx, ele in enumerate(test_tuple):
if idx % 2:
sum1 += ele
sum2 += ele
return ((sum1), (sum2))
10839 | Test/png/10839.png | # Write a python function to reverse only the vowels of a given string.
def reverse_vowels(str1):
vowels = ""
for char in str1:
if char in "aeiouAEIOU":
vowels += char
result_string = ""
for char in str1:
if char in "aeiouAEIOU":
result_string += vowels[-1]
vowels = vowels[:-1]
result_string += char
return result_string
10265 | Test/png/10265.png | def get_volume(self, volume_id):
return Volume.get_object(api_token=self.token, volume_id=volume_id)
11000 | Test/png/11000.png | # Write a python function to find quotient of two numbers.
def find(n, m):
q = n // m
return q
10971 | Test/png/10971.png | # Write a function to merge two dictionaries.
def merge_dict(d1, d2):
d = d1.copy()
return d
10430 | Test/png/10430.png | def reverse(self):
colors = ColorList.copy(self)
return colors
10353 | Test/png/10353.png | def format_pairs(self, values):
return ', '.join(
'%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in sorted(values.items()))
11199 | Test/png/11199.png | # Write a function to find the sum of geometric progression series.
import math
def sum_gp(a, n, r):
total = (a * (1 - math.pow(r, n))) / (1 - r)
return total
10993 | Test/png/10993.png | # Write a function that matches a string that has an a followed by two to three 'b'.
import re
def text_match_two_three(text):
patterns = "ab{2,3}"
if, text):
return "Found a match!"
return "Not matched!"
10794 | Test/png/10794.png | # Write a function to find nth centered hexagonal number.
def centered_hexagonal_number(n):
return 3 * n * (n - 1) + 1
11248 | Test/png/11248.png | # Write a python function to find the difference between highest and least frequencies in a given array.
def find_Diff(arr, n):
count = 0
max_count = 0
min_count = n
for i in range(0, (n - 1)):
if arr[i] == arr[i + 1]:
count += 1
max_count = max(max_count, count)
min_count = min(min_count, count)
count = 0
return max_count - min_count
11134 | Test/png/11134.png | # Write a function to filter odd numbers using lambda function.
def filter_oddnumbers(nums):
odd_nums = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 != 0, nums))
return odd_nums
10572 | Test/png/10572.png | def getnodefor(self, name):
"Return the node where the ``name`` would land to"
node = self._getnodenamefor(name)
return {node: self.cluster['nodes'][node]}
10514 | Test/png/10514.png | def commit(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(Deposit, self).commit(*args, **kwargs)
10705 | Test/png/10705.png | def FromJsonString(self, value):
for path in value.split(','):
11228 | Test/png/11228.png | # Write a function to find the lcm of the given array elements.
def find_lcm(num1, num2):
if num1 > num2:
num = num1
den = num2
num = num2
den = num1
rem = num % den
while rem != 0:
num = den
den = rem
rem = num % den
gcd = den
lcm = int(int(num1 * num2) / int(gcd))
return lcm
def get_lcm(l):
num1 = l[0]
num2 = l[1]
lcm = find_lcm(num1, num2)
for i in range(2, len(l)):
lcm = find_lcm(lcm, l[i])
return lcm
10285 | Test/png/10285.png | def clubStaff(self):
method = 'GET'
url = 'club/stats/staff'
rc = self.__request__(method, url)
return rc
10624 | Test/png/10624.png | def abs_img(img):
bool_img = np.abs(read_img(img).get_data())
return bool_img.astype(int)
10147 | Test/png/10147.png | def get_ipython_package_dir():
ipdir = os.path.dirname(IPython.__file__)
return py3compat.cast_unicode(ipdir, fs_encoding)
11136 | Test/png/11136.png | # Write a function to sort the given array by using shell sort.
def shell_sort(my_list):
gap = len(my_list) // 2
while gap > 0:
for i in range(gap, len(my_list)):
current_item = my_list[i]
j = i
while j >= gap and my_list[j - gap] > current_item:
my_list[j] = my_list[j - gap]
j -= gap
my_list[j] = current_item
gap //= 2
return my_list
10712 | Test/png/10712.png | # Write a function to find the largest integers from a given list of numbers using heap queue algorithm.
import heapq as hq
def heap_queue_largest(nums, n):
largest_nums = hq.nlargest(n, nums)
return largest_nums
10587 | Test/png/10587.png | def restore(self, removals):
"Undo a supposition and all inferences from it."
for B, b in removals:
10854 | Test/png/10854.png | # Write a function to find the ascii value of total characters in a string.
def ascii_value_string(str1):
for i in range(len(str1)):
return ord(str1[i])
10221 | Test/png/10221.png | def _set_name(self, name):
if self.own.get('name'):
self.func_name = name
self.own['name']['value'] = Js(name)
11043 | Test/png/11043.png | # Write a function to find the sum of arithmetic progression.
def ap_sum(a, n, d):
total = (n * (2 * a + (n - 1) * d)) / 2
return total
10508 | Test/png/10508.png | def _ratio_metric(v1, v2, **_kwargs):
return (((v1 - v2) / (v1 + v2)) ** 2) if v1 + v2 != 0 else 0
10451 | Test/png/10451.png | def fail(message, exitcode=1):
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: {}\n'.format(message))
10942 | Test/png/10942.png | # Write a function to find the volume of a cube.
def volume_cube(l):
volume = l * l * l
return volume
10424 | Test/png/10424.png | def _density(self):
return 2.0*len(self.edges) / (len(self.nodes) * (len(self.nodes)-1))
11084 | Test/png/11084.png | # Write a function to remove tuple elements that occur more than once and replace the duplicates with some custom value.
def remove_replica(test_tup):
temp = set()
res = tuple(
ele if ele not in temp and not temp.add(ele) else "MSP" for ele in test_tup
return res
10693 | Test/png/10693.png | def determine_type(x):
types = (int, float, str)
_type = filter(lambda a: is_type(a, x), types)[0]
return _type(x)
10422 | Test/png/10422.png | def copy(self, graph):
l = self.__class__(graph, self.n)
l.i = 0
return l
10360 | Test/png/10360.png | def get_hash(x):
if isinstance(x, str):
return hash(x)
elif isinstance(x, dict):
return hash(yaml.dump(x))
11221 | Test/png/11221.png | # Write a function to convert tuple into list by adding the given string after every element.
def add_str(test_tup, K):
res = [ele for sub in test_tup for ele in (sub, K)]
return res
10296 | Test/png/10296.png | def save_file(self):
with open(self.write_file, 'w') as out_nb:
json.dump(self.work_notebook, out_nb, indent=2)
11235 | Test/png/11235.png | # Write a function to find all pairs in an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number.
def get_pairs_count(arr, n, sum):
count = 0
for i in range(0, n):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
if arr[i] + arr[j] == sum:
count += 1
return count