fruit drop in coconut
adviced to apply urea 1.5 kg, ssp 2.5 kg, mop 1.75 kg and borax 25 gm per plant in two split dose one in may and next in the month of october
pest infestation in brinjal
adviced to spray cartap 50%
query regrading pest control measures of mustard
rogor @ 2gm per litr of water
hybrid seeds of rice
varities of hybrid rice as arize 6444
pest attack
profex super @ 2ml/lit
asked about poultry
the brinjal nutrition
application of green harvest all crops @ 2.5 ml per litre of water
pest attack and fruit rot
profex super 2ml/lit,blitox 2g/lit
fertilizer requirment in coconut
adviced to apply urea 1.5 kg ,ssp 2.5 kg, mop 1.75 kg and borax 50 gm per plant in ring
catterpiller problem in bamboo
adviced to apply malathion 5 % dust @ 2 kg
the control of panama disease in banana
advised to spray carbendazim @ 2 gram / litre of water
the control measure of mildew
soray blitox @ 2gm/lit of water
the stem borer problem in paddy
application of phospomidon @ 2 ml per litre of water
medication to local chicken
1.anyantibiotic....2,3,4 days 2.vitamin+ calcium....7 days onward for 10 days.3 deworming at 9 weeks
atack of rhinocerous beetle in coconut
apply lime with water at the crown
shoot borer in ginger
adviced to apply rogor @ 1 ml per liter of water
control of fungal spot in the leaf of colocasia
advised to apply indofil m-45 @ 2 gram / litre of water
fruit fly problem
spray confidence 555 @ 1 ml per litre of water
fruit borer in mango
adviced to apply malathion 50 ec or charge @ 2 ml per liter of water
query reagrding fertlizer application in paddy ( ranjit )
18kgs of urea , 17 kgs ssp and 9 kgs mop
wanted to know the webside of assam govt agricultural department
wilting promblem in bottle gourd
to spray bavistin @ 1gm + indofil m-45 @ 2gm/litre of water
the coconut cultivation
explain in details the cultivation practices of coconut
termite problem in colecassia
adviced to apply malathion dust 5% dust @ 1 kg per bigha
agricultural query
transfer to expert
the seed bed preparation of sali rice
explained him in details.
the fertilizer application of coconut
explained him in details as per recommanded dose.
nurient problem
spray tracel 2
agriculture related problem.
transfer to agrioculture expert.
downy mildew in french bean
adviced to apply diathane z 78 @ 3 ml per liter of water
transfer to vaterinery expert
transfer to vaterinery expert
vaccination schedule in poultry.
explain in details about vaccination schedule in poultry.
fruiting problem
use proper dose fertilizer
apply green harvest all crops @ 2gm/litre of water
the nutrient management of ridge gourd and pest control of dolichos bean
explained him in details as per recommandation
the treatment of poultry
answer is given in detailed
flower dropping in bottle guord
application of meghabor @ 2.5 ml per of water
micronutrient deficiency
spray tracel-2 @ 2ml mixed with one litre of water
application of vitamin in pomegranate
tracel 2 @ 2ml per litr of water
asked about carp raising in 1 bigha of water area.
explained in details..
control of root rot in colocassia
advised to apply blitox-50 @ 2 gram / litre of water
the vaccination schedule in poultry.
explain in details about the vaccination schedule in poultry.
askikng about treatment of throat infection in dog.
to inject lynx @ 2 ml i/mly daily for five days.along with that administer velcote @ 5 ml once daily.
informing that his kroiler birds had eaten up the eggs
advised, 1.ostocalcium.....20ml/100 birds water for 10 days 2.put small stones in water trough 3. put on red light bulb at night
insects pest problem in yard long bean
application of malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml per litre of water
white spot in leaf of spine gourd
adviced to spray bevistin @ 2g/l of water
kcc loan
contact vlew,nearby centralized bank,
fruit drop
give proper fertilizer dose
aau- j -1,pusa sikmi
leaf curling
spray bavistin
fruit and shoot borer in bhendi
adviced to apply decis 2.4 ec @ .5 ml per liter of water or malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml per liter of water
the control measure of leaf curl in cucumber
advised to spray rogor 35 ec @ 2 ml / litre of water
fungal disease problem
application of captaf @ 2 gram per litre of water
problem of rice stem borer.
advised him to apply classic 20 @ 2 ml ? liter of water.
leaf disease
spray tracel 2gm/l
fungal attack
spray blitox 50 @2 ml mixed with one litre and then spray tracel-2 @ 2ml mixed with one litre of water after three days of spraying blitox
vet.related query expert
tranferred to vet. expert
the pest control in rice
advised to apply ustad @ 2ml/litres of water
late sali varity
transfer to vety. expert
fertilizer for brinjal
to apply urea-8kg,mop-5kg,compost-100kg inbetween the lines
the various schemes on model nursery
given in details about the govt sponsored schemes
informing that the some of the chicks are bitting each other
advised,1. debeaking 2. calcium in water 3.stone grit in drinking water
external parasitic infection
inj.ivermectin.....1ml/50kg body weight...sub.cut and repeat again after 1 week
pest control in musk melon
malathion 50 ec @ 2ml per litr of water
application of vitamin in ridge gourd
tracel 2 @ 2gm per litr of water
problem of fussarium wilt in chilli.
advised him to apply blitox 50 @ 2 ml / liter of water.
want to know about fertilizer requirment in rice
adviced to apply urea 9 kg, ssp 17 kg and mop 9 kg per bigha
powdery mildew in brinjal
adviced to apply bavistin @ 1 gm per liter of water
the control of leaf spot in chilli
advised to apply carzim 50 @ 2 gram / litre of water
asked about pest control in cucumber
adviced to spray malathion 50 ec
fungal wilt in betel vine
bordeaux mixture is recommended
cultural prctices and insect infestation in pomegranate
advice him to apply urea,ssp and mop and he has malathion with him so advice him to spray infeested leaves @2ml/litre
informing that leaves of pomegranate are infested with insects
explain in details by expert
the chillies cultivation and pest problem
explai in details
fruit drop problem
spray tracel 2 and vitamine
query from vety section
answer given by our vety expert
dog bite case in cow..
to inject postbite antirabies therapy with the help of a veterinarian
for yellow vein mosaic problem
spray rogor @ 1.5 ml per liter of water
wilt in brinjal
spray rhodomil 2g + streptomycine 1g/2lit of water
fruit borer in brinjal
adviced to apply charge @ 2 ml per liter of water
the feed for broiler.
to give amrit feed to the broiler to get better result.
that his broiler birds are 2 months old and wants to get egg
advised, eggs will give at the age of 5-6 months, give restricted feed schedule and give more space to run
informing that few nos. of his broiler birds are dozing at a corner
advised,antibio tics powder for whole folk @ of i.2gm/lt water for 3 days ii.5gm/lt water for 5 days
disease of broilar
1.enrox powder @ 10g per 100 birds daily for three days 2. ambiplex @ 20ml per 100 birds daily for 3 days
quary related to fishery loan
explined in detail
informing that some chicks are showing the canibilism habit
advised,1. seperate/segregate the affected ones 2.debeak the flock 3.calcicare...40-50ml/100 birds
informing that canibilism in his broiler folk
advised,1.calcicare...40-50ml/100birds 2.debeaking 3.seperated the affected ones
problem of slow growth in broiler
give ambiplex @ 15- 20 ml per 100 birds for 7 days
the fertilizer application method in rice cultivation
given in details about how to apply fertilizer in paddy field
root rot
spray diothen mz -72 @2 ml / litre of water
fertilizer application in coconut plant
adviced to apply urea 750 gm, ssp 1250 gm, mop 850 gm and borux 25 gm in ring method
forwarded to the agriculture expert
the treatment of white diarrhoea in a broiller farm.
to apply the sulcoprim pow. @ 5gm per 5 litre of water.
the control measure of yellow stem borer pest attack in rice cultivation
advised to spray tricel 20 ec @ 2 ml / litre of water
for fish pond management
explained in detials
treatment of diarrhoea in broiler chicken.
to administer sulcoprim powder @ 1gm/lit of water twice daily for five days.
the fertilizer dose in paddy cultivation.
fertilizer dose for paddy cultivation in per bigha are urea 12kg, ssp 17kg and 4kg.
for flower dropping problem
spray aminose @ one teaspoon per 2.5 litre of water
kcc loan facility
to meet his nearest vlew for this purpose