for trainning on goater
recommended him to contact nearest veterianery hospital
describe in details about goat ai
preservation of potato seed
recommended to apply malathion 5 % dust 1 gm per 1 kg seed
the control measure against stem borer infestation in paddy
advised him to spray tricel-20 or classic-20 @ 1 ml./litre of water.
for govt subsidised scheme of agriculture
recommended him to contact with office of the district agriculture officer for govt subsidised scheme of agriculture
control of leaf folder in paddy
advice to apply tricel20 @ 2ml/l of water
for control of soil pest
recommended him to drench the soil with tricel @ 3 ml per litre of water
control of rice gandhi bug
advice to apply pegasus @ 2 gm / litre
control of termite attack in coconut plantation
spray tricel 20 ec(chlorpyriphos 20 ec) @ 2 ml per litre of water
asked about how to avail kcc loan
advised him to visit nearest nationalised bank
control measure of pest infestation
spray rogor @ 2ml/ltr water
control measure leaf curling of bitter gourd
spray 'rogor 35 ec' @ 1.5 ml per litre of water
management of squirel in coconut.
poison baiting with ripe banana fruit sandwiched with 0.5 g carbofuran 3 g granules.
the control measure of aphids in bean.
to spray dimethoate(rogor)@1ml/lt of water of water or methyl 25ec @1ml/lt of water and used phermone trap.
forward to expert for further consultation
hormone for mango grafting
advice to use rootex hormone for mango grafting
the control measure against powdery mildew in ivy gourd
advised him to spray bavistin @ 2 gm./litre of water.
queryabout the rain-fall
there is no rain
micronutrient requirement for fish
feed with 'agrimin forte' @ 10 gm per kg of feed
control measure of flower droping in bitter gourd.
to spray tracel 2 @ 2 ml/liter of water to control flower droping in bitter gourd.
variety of sali rice
advice to apply ranjit ,bahadur, ir 35,pankaj,lakhami
management of fruit fly.
spray either malathion @ 2 ml per litre of water or neem oil @ 5 ml per litre of water.
control of immature fruit drop in mango
apply tracel @ 2 gram per litre of water
the control measure against fruit fly infestation in cucumber
advised him to spray malathion 50 ec @ 1 ml./litre of water and also dissolve 10 gm gur to it.
control of fruit fly in ridge gourd
advice to apply karate @ 2 ml / litre
the fish seed rate
advised him to apply fish seed @ 1500 seed/ bigha water area
control of bacterial wilt in king chilli
apply plantomycin @ 1 gram per 10 litres of water
fruit fly in brinjal
advice him to spray decis @ 1.5ml/litres of water
pest control in brinjal.
to spray tricel 20 @ 2 ml /liter of water.
control measures of termites
advice to spray classic 20 ec @ 2 ml/l water
seeking loan for fish pond construction
advised to visit nearest bank branch
ussd schemes.
told him the facilities available under this scheme.
thebacterial wilt in chillies
spray streptomycine @ 1ml/10 litres of water
the control of aphids in chillies.
to apply malathion 50ec @2ml per litre of water.
query about management of local chicken farm
advised given in details regarding feeding,vaccination,rearing,etc
for ussd dial *491*103# . dhnyabad
conplain against dd kisaan sms system and want to stop it
adviced him to send a sms to '51969' as 'kisaan stop'
complain against dd kisaan sms service and want to stop it
adviced to sent a sms to '51969' as 'kisaan stop'
the control of yellowing of leaf in spine gourd.
to apply bavistin@2 gm per litre of water.
to stop sms
recommended him sms kisaan stop to 51969
agril. query
transfered to agril. expert
leaf curling disease in brinjal
advice him to spray rogor 35 ec @ 2ml/litres of water
stopage of sms
adviced to send a sms to '51969' as 'kisaan stop'
complaining against automatic sms
sms "kisaan stop" to 51969 . dhnyabad
excess no.s sms snd by dd kisaan
sms kisaan stop- 51969
physiological disorders regarding flowering
advice to increase female flowers spray 100 ppm planofix hormone for producing better yield.
micronuitrient for bhindi
spray tracel @ 2gm per litre of water
control of fruit borer in cowpea
spray fluton @ 0.5 ml per liter of water
for hybrid seeds of sali rice
hybrid seeds of sali rice as arize 6444
stopping of message
write kisaan in block letter and send it to 51969 to stop the messages
the free tractor
suggest him to contact ado of concerned district
fertilizers dose in saali paddy
advice him to apply urea 9 kg,ssp 17 kg, mop 9 kg per bighas of cultivated land
brown spot problem
advice to apply potas @ 3 kg/bigha
the control of cater pillar in spine gourd.
to apply malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml per litre of water along with molases.
control measures of wilting in pumpkin
recommended to spray captaf @ 2gm per litr of water
aphid problem in bitter gourd
spray rocket @ 2ml per litre of water
control measure of leaf miner in ridge gourd .
to spray malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml/liter of water to control leaf miner in ridge gourd.
the benefit of vitamin solution in pointed gourd.
advised him to spray tracel-2 @ 2 gm./litre of water.
the control for flower droppinng in bhindi and fruit rot in ash gourd.
to spray micronutrient mixture @1gm /lt of water is sprayed for 2 times at 40th and 60 th days or tracel 2 2ml/lt of water at flowering time for bhindi. for ash gourd spray defenoconazole @1ml/lt of water.
non flowering in coconut
to make a 3inch x 3inch x 3 inch hole on 4 ft height from the ground and wait for 1 year
the nutrient management in ranjit
spray paddy special @ 2gram/litres of water
furadon application in rice seedbed
advice to apply furadon @ 2 gm/squaremeter before trnsplanting 7 days
removal of ichornia
adviced for manual removal
fertilizers dose in coconut
advice him to apply urea 750 gm ,ssp 1250 gm ,mop 850 gm
pond preparation for fingerling rearing
explained regarding different aspects of pond preparation
for fertilizer dose in a one year old coconut plant
advised to apply 2.5 kg raw cowdang 150 gram urea 250 gram super 175 gram potash and 25 gram borax at a distance of 1.5 feet around the plant as advised
tree fruit yellowing in cucurbits
spray uctad @ 2 m per lit of water
the control measure against downy mildew in cucumber.
advised him to spray bavistin @ 2 gm. litre of water.
query about a local cow suffering from diarrhoea
advised,1.panacure...1.5gm once in the morning 2. brotone...10ml daily in drinking water for 7-10 days
the control measure against stem borer infestation in sali paddy.
advised him to spray tricel-20 or classic-20 @ 2 ml./litre of water.
control measures of anthracnose of chilli
advice to spray amister @ 1 ml/l water
the procedure for deactivation of sms service.
advised him to send a message mentioning "kisaan stop" and send to 51969.
wanted to know about control of aphid n paddy.
advice to spray malathion 50ec @ 2ml/lit of water
control measures of red ants
advice to apply malathion powder @ 10 gm/plant
nutrient management in paddy
spray 'urea' @ 200 gm per 5 litres of water
querry regarding blast of rice
recommended to spray bavistin @2ml/l water
the control measure against rotting of potato in storage.
advised him to spray indofil m-45 @ 2 gm./litre of water.
fertilizer dose
urea 700gm + 1.5 kg super + 400 gm potash + 10 kg cowdung
pond water become discolouration and fishes are dieying
advised,1.lime @5-8 kg 2.potasium per manganate..150gm
for fertilizer requirement in a 6 year old coconut plant
advised to apply 5 kg cowdang 750 gram urea 1.25 kg super 800 gram potash and 25 gram borax per plant as directed
control measures of gandhi bug in rice
recommended to apply malathion 5% dust
querry regarding bank credit
recommended to consult at regional branch
problem of stem borer in sali rice.
advised him to apply chloropyriphose ( classic 20 ) @ 2 ml / litre of water.
control of white fly attack in dolichos bean
apply actara @ 5 gram per litre of water
the control measure against rice hispa.
advised him to spray classic-20 or tricel-20 @ 2 ml./litre of water.
the fertilizer dose of sali paddy.
advuised him to apply urea 4 kg, ssp 18 kg mop 2 kg per bigha at the time of last land preparation. again top dress urea @ 4 kg per bigha after 30 days of transplanting.
training programe
advice to contact with nearest kvk or ado
to visit kvk silchar for this purpose
topdressing of urea and false smut of rice
recommended him to apply 4.5 kg urea /bigha. .and for false smut of disease kavach can be applied 2ml/ lt of water
the top dressing of urea.
recommended him to apply urea 4.5 kg /bigha of rice
mkisan portal
details of mkisan portal explained
want to know rearding pest attack in paddy in milky stage
advice to spray chloropyriphos 20 ec @ 2 ml/lit of water
want to know regarding pest in rice
advice to spray chloropyriphos 20 ec @ 2 ml/lit of water
the fertilizer dose of sali paddy (local variety).
advised him to apply urea 4 kg, ssp 18 kg, mop 2 kg per bigha at the time of last land preparation. top dress 4 kg urea per bigha after 30 days of transplanting.
control measures of leaf eating caterpilar in paddy
recommended to spray dursban @ 2ml per litr of water
for registration in kcc
registered. your registration no is as15088816
the rice hispa infestation in rice
recommended him to apply tricel 20 @2ml/lt of water
the fertilizer dose of coconut tree (5 years old).
advised him to apply urea 750 gm, ssp 1200 gm, mop 450 gm per plant during september/october in a ring prepared at a distance of 1 metre away from the base of the plant.again apply same amount during march/april also.
for use of fertilizer in coconut
recommended him to apply 750 gram urea, 1250 gram ssp, 875 gram mop and 25 gram borax mixing with 10 kg dreied cowdung by ring method now and repeat the same in march-april
control measure of weeds from paddy
apply butachlor @ 100 gm/bigha