mock_confluence.get_page_by_id.side_effect = [self._get_mock_page('123'), self._get_mock_page('456')] mock_confluence.get_all_restrictions_for_content.side_effect = [self. _get_mock_page_restrictions('123'), self._get_mock_page_restrictions('456') ] confluence_loader = self._get_mock_confluence_loader(mock_confluence) mock_page_ids = ['123', '456'] documents = confluence_loader.load(page_ids=mock_page_ids) assert mock_confluence.get_page_by_id.call_count == 2 assert mock_confluence.get_all_restrictions_for_content.call_count == 2 assert len(documents) == 2 assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in documents) assert documents[0].page_content == 'Content 123' assert documents[1].page_content == 'Content 456' assert mock_confluence.get_all_pages_from_space.call_count == 0 assert mock_confluence.get_all_pages_by_label.call_count == 0 assert mock_confluence.cql.call_count == 0 assert mock_confluence.get_page_child_by_type.call_count == 0
def test_confluence_loader_load_data_by_page_ids(self, mock_confluence: MagicMock) ->None: mock_confluence.get_page_by_id.side_effect = [self._get_mock_page('123' ), self._get_mock_page('456')] mock_confluence.get_all_restrictions_for_content.side_effect = [self. _get_mock_page_restrictions('123'), self. _get_mock_page_restrictions('456')] confluence_loader = self._get_mock_confluence_loader(mock_confluence) mock_page_ids = ['123', '456'] documents = confluence_loader.load(page_ids=mock_page_ids) assert mock_confluence.get_page_by_id.call_count == 2 assert mock_confluence.get_all_restrictions_for_content.call_count == 2 assert len(documents) == 2 assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in documents) assert documents[0].page_content == 'Content 123' assert documents[1].page_content == 'Content 456' assert mock_confluence.get_all_pages_from_space.call_count == 0 assert mock_confluence.get_all_pages_by_label.call_count == 0 assert mock_confluence.cql.call_count == 0 assert mock_confluence.get_page_child_by_type.call_count == 0
llm_string = get_prompts({**llm.dict(), **{'stop': stop}}, [])[1] return self.lookup_with_id(prompt, llm_string=llm_string)
def lookup_with_id_through_llm(self, prompt: str, llm: LLM, stop: Optional[ List[str]]=None) ->Optional[Tuple[str, RETURN_VAL_TYPE]]: llm_string = get_prompts({**llm.dict(), **{'stop': stop}}, [])[1] return self.lookup_with_id(prompt, llm_string=llm_string)
"""Return type of chat model.""" return 'mlflow-ai-gateway-chat'
@property def _llm_type(self) ->str: """Return type of chat model.""" return 'mlflow-ai-gateway-chat'
Return type of chat model.
"""Given input, decided what to do. Args: intermediate_steps: Steps the LLM has taken to date, along with the observations. callbacks: Callbacks to run. **kwargs: User inputs. Returns: Action specifying what tool to use. """ output =, stop= self.stop, callbacks=callbacks, **kwargs) return self.output_parser.parse(output)
def plan(self, intermediate_steps: List[Tuple[AgentAction, str]], callbacks: Callbacks=None, **kwargs: Any) ->Union[AgentAction, AgentFinish]: """Given input, decided what to do. Args: intermediate_steps: Steps the LLM has taken to date, along with the observations. callbacks: Callbacks to run. **kwargs: User inputs. Returns: Action specifying what tool to use. """ output =, stop =self.stop, callbacks=callbacks, **kwargs) return self.output_parser.parse(output)
Given input, decided what to do. Args: intermediate_steps: Steps the LLM has taken to date, along with the observations. callbacks: Callbacks to run. **kwargs: User inputs. Returns: Action specifying what tool to use.
"""Verify that with_types works if we use things like List[int]""" def foo(x: int) ->None: """Add one to the input.""" raise NotImplementedError() RunnableLambda(foo).with_types(output_type=List[int], input_type=List[int]) RunnableLambda(foo).with_types(output_type=Sequence[int], input_type= Sequence[int])
def test_with_types_with_type_generics() ->None: """Verify that with_types works if we use things like List[int]""" def foo(x: int) ->None: """Add one to the input.""" raise NotImplementedError() RunnableLambda(foo).with_types(output_type=List[int], input_type=List[int]) RunnableLambda(foo).with_types(output_type=Sequence[int], input_type= Sequence[int])
Verify that with_types works if we use things like List[int]
args = [arg.accept(self) for arg in operation.arguments] return {self._format_func(operation.operator): args}
def visit_operation(self, operation: Operation) ->Dict: args = [arg.accept(self) for arg in operation.arguments] return {self._format_func(operation.operator): args}
"""Lazy load text from the url(s) in web_path.""" for path in self.web_paths: soup = self._scrape(path, bs_kwargs=self.bs_kwargs) text = soup.get_text(**self.bs_get_text_kwargs) metadata = _build_metadata(soup, path) yield Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)
def lazy_load(self) ->Iterator[Document]: """Lazy load text from the url(s) in web_path.""" for path in self.web_paths: soup = self._scrape(path, bs_kwargs=self.bs_kwargs) text = soup.get_text(**self.bs_get_text_kwargs) metadata = _build_metadata(soup, path) yield Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)
Lazy load text from the url(s) in web_path.
"""Initializes the loader. Args: config: The config to pass to the source connector. stream_name: The name of the stream to load. record_handler: A function that takes in a record and an optional id and returns a Document. If None, the record will be used as the document. Defaults to None. state: The state to pass to the source connector. Defaults to None. """ source_class = guard_import('source_hubspot', pip_name='airbyte-source-hubspot' ).SourceHubspot super().__init__(config=config, source_class=source_class, stream_name= stream_name, record_handler=record_handler, state=state)
def __init__(self, config: Mapping[str, Any], stream_name: str, record_handler: Optional[RecordHandler]=None, state: Optional[Any]=None ) ->None: """Initializes the loader. Args: config: The config to pass to the source connector. stream_name: The name of the stream to load. record_handler: A function that takes in a record and an optional id and returns a Document. If None, the record will be used as the document. Defaults to None. state: The state to pass to the source connector. Defaults to None. """ source_class = guard_import('source_hubspot', pip_name= 'airbyte-source-hubspot').SourceHubspot super().__init__(config=config, source_class=source_class, stream_name= stream_name, record_handler=record_handler, state=state)
Initializes the loader. Args: config: The config to pass to the source connector. stream_name: The name of the stream to load. record_handler: A function that takes in a record and an optional id and returns a Document. If None, the record will be used as the document. Defaults to None. state: The state to pass to the source connector. Defaults to None.
"""Test that commands can be run successfully and returned in correct format.""" engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') metadata_obj.create_all(engine) stmt = insert(user).values(user_id=13, user_name='Harrison', user_bio= 'That is my Bio ' * 24) with engine.begin() as conn: conn.execute(stmt) db = SQLDatabase(engine) command = 'select user_id, user_name, user_bio from user where user_id = 13' partial_output = user_bio = 'That is my Bio ' * 19 + 'That is my...' expected_partial_output = f"[(13, 'Harrison', '{user_bio}')]" assert partial_output == expected_partial_output full_output =, include_columns=True) expected_full_output = ( "[{'user_id': 13, 'user_name': 'Harrison', 'user_bio': '%s'}]" % user_bio) assert full_output == expected_full_output
def test_sql_database_run() ->None: """Test that commands can be run successfully and returned in correct format.""" engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') metadata_obj.create_all(engine) stmt = insert(user).values(user_id=13, user_name='Harrison', user_bio= 'That is my Bio ' * 24) with engine.begin() as conn: conn.execute(stmt) db = SQLDatabase(engine) command = ( 'select user_id, user_name, user_bio from user where user_id = 13') partial_output = user_bio = 'That is my Bio ' * 19 + 'That is my...' expected_partial_output = f"[(13, 'Harrison', '{user_bio}')]" assert partial_output == expected_partial_output full_output =, include_columns=True) expected_full_output = ( "[{'user_id': 13, 'user_name': 'Harrison', 'user_bio': '%s'}]" % user_bio) assert full_output == expected_full_output
Test that commands can be run successfully and returned in correct format.
"""Refreshes the schema of the FalkorDB database""" node_properties: List[Any] = self.query(node_properties_query) rel_properties: List[Any] = self.query(rel_properties_query) relationships: List[Any] = self.query(rel_query) self.structured_schema = {'node_props': {el[0]['label']: el[0]['keys'] for el in node_properties}, 'rel_props': {el[0]['types']: el[0]['keys'] for el in rel_properties}, 'relationships': [el[0] for el in relationships]} self.schema = f"""Node properties: {node_properties} Relationships properties: {rel_properties} Relationships: {relationships} """
def refresh_schema(self) ->None: """Refreshes the schema of the FalkorDB database""" node_properties: List[Any] = self.query(node_properties_query) rel_properties: List[Any] = self.query(rel_properties_query) relationships: List[Any] = self.query(rel_query) self.structured_schema = {'node_props': {el[0]['label']: el[0]['keys'] for el in node_properties}, 'rel_props': {el[0]['types']: el[0]['keys'] for el in rel_properties}, 'relationships': [el[0] for el in relationships] } self.schema = f"""Node properties: {node_properties} Relationships properties: {rel_properties} Relationships: {relationships} """
Refreshes the schema of the FalkorDB database
if name == 'streamlit.external.langchain': raise ImportError return self.builtins_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
def external_import_error(name: str, globals: Any, locals: Any, fromlist: Any, level: int) ->Any: if name == 'streamlit.external.langchain': raise ImportError return self.builtins_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return self._field == other._field and self._value == other._value
def equals(self, other: 'RedisFilterField') ->bool: if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return self._field == other._field and self._value == other._value
self.mlflow = import_mlflow() if 'DATABRICKS_RUNTIME_VERSION' in os.environ: self.mlflow.set_tracking_uri('databricks') self.mlf_expid = self.mlflow.tracking.fluent._get_experiment_id() self.mlf_exp = self.mlflow.get_experiment(self.mlf_expid) else: tracking_uri = get_from_dict_or_env(kwargs, 'tracking_uri', 'MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI', '') self.mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri) experiment_name = get_from_dict_or_env(kwargs, 'experiment_name', 'MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_NAME') self.mlf_exp = self.mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(experiment_name) if self.mlf_exp is not None: self.mlf_expid = self.mlf_exp.experiment_id else: self.mlf_expid = self.mlflow.create_experiment(experiment_name) self.start_run(kwargs['run_name'], kwargs['run_tags'])
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): self.mlflow = import_mlflow() if 'DATABRICKS_RUNTIME_VERSION' in os.environ: self.mlflow.set_tracking_uri('databricks') self.mlf_expid = self.mlflow.tracking.fluent._get_experiment_id() self.mlf_exp = self.mlflow.get_experiment(self.mlf_expid) else: tracking_uri = get_from_dict_or_env(kwargs, 'tracking_uri', 'MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI', '') self.mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri) experiment_name = get_from_dict_or_env(kwargs, 'experiment_name', 'MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_NAME') self.mlf_exp = self.mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(experiment_name) if self.mlf_exp is not None: self.mlf_expid = self.mlf_exp.experiment_id else: self.mlf_expid = self.mlflow.create_experiment(experiment_name) self.start_run(kwargs['run_name'], kwargs['run_tags'])
llm, PROMPT = setup() feature_embedder = pick_best_chain.PickBestFeatureEmbedder(auto_embed=True, model=MockEncoderReturnsList()) chain = pick_best_chain.PickBest.from_llm(llm=llm, prompt=PROMPT, feature_embedder=feature_embedder, auto_embed=True) str1 = '0' str2 = '1' ctx_str_1 = 'context1' dot_prod = 'dotprod 0:5.0' expected = f"""shared |User {ctx_str_1} |@ User={ctx_str_1} |action {str1} |# action={str1} |{dot_prod} |action {str2} |# action={str2} |{dot_prod}""" actions = [str1, str2] response =, action=rl_chain. ToSelectFrom(actions)) selection_metadata = response['selection_metadata'] vw_str = feature_embedder.format(selection_metadata) assert vw_str == expected
@pytest.mark.requires('vowpal_wabbit_next', 'sentence_transformers') def test_default_w_embeddings_on() ->None: llm, PROMPT = setup() feature_embedder = pick_best_chain.PickBestFeatureEmbedder(auto_embed= True, model=MockEncoderReturnsList()) chain = pick_best_chain.PickBest.from_llm(llm=llm, prompt=PROMPT, feature_embedder=feature_embedder, auto_embed=True) str1 = '0' str2 = '1' ctx_str_1 = 'context1' dot_prod = 'dotprod 0:5.0' expected = f"""shared |User {ctx_str_1} |@ User={ctx_str_1} |action {str1} |# action={str1} |{dot_prod} |action {str2} |# action={str2} |{dot_prod}""" actions = [str1, str2] response =, action=rl_chain. ToSelectFrom(actions)) selection_metadata = response['selection_metadata'] vw_str = feature_embedder.format(selection_metadata) assert vw_str == expected
"""Embed a list of documents using EdenAI. Args: texts: The list of texts to embed. Returns: List of embeddings, one for each text. """ return self._generate_embeddings(texts)
def embed_documents(self, texts: List[str]) ->List[List[float]]: """Embed a list of documents using EdenAI. Args: texts: The list of texts to embed. Returns: List of embeddings, one for each text. """ return self._generate_embeddings(texts)
Embed a list of documents using EdenAI. Args: texts: The list of texts to embed. Returns: List of embeddings, one for each text.
""" Make a list of texts into a list of embedding vectors. """ return [self.embed_query(text) for text in texts]
def embed_documents(self, texts: List[str]) ->List[List[float]]: """ Make a list of texts into a list of embedding vectors. """ return [self.embed_query(text) for text in texts]
Make a list of texts into a list of embedding vectors.
if self.streaming: raise ValueError('`streaming` option currently unsupported.') if not self.access_token: self._refresh_access_token_with_lock() payload = {'messages': [_convert_message_to_dict(m) for m in messages], 'top_p': self.top_p, 'temperature': self.temperature, 'penalty_score': self.penalty_score, 'system': self.system, **kwargs} logger.debug(f'Payload for ernie api is {payload}') resp = self._chat(payload) if resp.get('error_code'): if resp.get('error_code') == 111: logger.debug('access_token expired, refresh it') self._refresh_access_token_with_lock() resp = self._chat(payload) else: raise ValueError(f'Error from ErnieChat api response: {resp}') return self._create_chat_result(resp)
def _generate(self, messages: List[BaseMessage], stop: Optional[List[str]]= None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any ) ->ChatResult: if self.streaming: raise ValueError('`streaming` option currently unsupported.') if not self.access_token: self._refresh_access_token_with_lock() payload = {'messages': [_convert_message_to_dict(m) for m in messages], 'top_p': self.top_p, 'temperature': self.temperature, 'penalty_score': self.penalty_score, 'system': self.system, **kwargs} logger.debug(f'Payload for ernie api is {payload}') resp = self._chat(payload) if resp.get('error_code'): if resp.get('error_code') == 111: logger.debug('access_token expired, refresh it') self._refresh_access_token_with_lock() resp = self._chat(payload) else: raise ValueError(f'Error from ErnieChat api response: {resp}') return self._create_chat_result(resp)
"""Return simple embeddings.""" return [float(1.0)] * (OS_TOKEN_COUNT - 1) + [float(texts.index(text))]
def embed_query(self, text: str) ->List[float]: """Return simple embeddings.""" return [float(1.0)] * (OS_TOKEN_COUNT - 1) + [float(texts.index(text))]
Return simple embeddings.
"""Test end to end construction and search with metadata.""" texts = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] docsearch = ElasticsearchStore.from_texts(texts, FakeEmbeddings(), ** elasticsearch_connection, index_name=index_name, strategy= ElasticsearchStore.ApproxRetrievalStrategy(hybrid=True)) def assert_query(query_body: dict, query: str) ->dict: assert query_body == {'knn': {'field': 'vector', 'filter': [], 'k': 1, 'num_candidates': 50, 'query_vector': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]}, 'query': {'bool': {'filter': [], 'must': [{ 'match': {'text': {'query': 'foo'}}}]}}, 'rank': {'rrf': {}}} return query_body output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=1, custom_query=assert_query) assert output == [Document(page_content='foo')]
def test_similarity_search_approx_with_hybrid_search(self, elasticsearch_connection: dict, index_name: str) ->None: """Test end to end construction and search with metadata.""" texts = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] docsearch = ElasticsearchStore.from_texts(texts, FakeEmbeddings(), ** elasticsearch_connection, index_name=index_name, strategy= ElasticsearchStore.ApproxRetrievalStrategy(hybrid=True)) def assert_query(query_body: dict, query: str) ->dict: assert query_body == {'knn': {'field': 'vector', 'filter': [], 'k': 1, 'num_candidates': 50, 'query_vector': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]}, 'query': {'bool': {'filter': [], 'must': [{'match': {'text': {'query': 'foo'}}}]}}, 'rank': { 'rrf': {}}} return query_body output = docsearch.similarity_search('foo', k=1, custom_query=assert_query) assert output == [Document(page_content='foo')]
Test end to end construction and search with metadata.
"""Test MRR search.""" metadatas = [{'page': i} for i in range(len(texts))] docsearch = DocArrayHnswSearch.from_texts(texts, FakeEmbeddings(), metadatas=metadatas, dist_metric=metric, work_dir=str(tmp_path), n_dim=10) output = docsearch.max_marginal_relevance_search('foo', k=2, fetch_k=3) assert output == [Document(page_content='foo', metadata={'page': 0}), Document(page_content='bar', metadata={'page': 1})]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('metric', ['cosine', 'l2']) def test_max_marginal_relevance_search(metric: str, texts: List[str], tmp_path: Path) ->None: """Test MRR search.""" metadatas = [{'page': i} for i in range(len(texts))] docsearch = DocArrayHnswSearch.from_texts(texts, FakeEmbeddings(), metadatas=metadatas, dist_metric=metric, work_dir=str(tmp_path), n_dim=10) output = docsearch.max_marginal_relevance_search('foo', k=2, fetch_k=3) assert output == [Document(page_content='foo', metadata={'page': 0}), Document(page_content='bar', metadata={'page': 1})]
Test MRR search.
"""Clear session memory from DB""" self.collection.delete_many(filter={'session_id': self.session_id})
def clear(self) ->None: """Clear session memory from DB""" self.collection.delete_many(filter={'session_id': self.session_id})
Clear session memory from DB
from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import _get_debug import langchain previous_value = langchain.debug previous_fn_reading = _get_debug() assert previous_value == previous_fn_reading langchain.debug = not previous_value new_value = langchain.debug new_fn_reading = _get_debug() try: assert new_value != previous_value assert new_value == new_fn_reading assert new_value == get_debug() finally: set_debug(previous_value)
def test_debug_is_settable_directly() ->None: from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import _get_debug import langchain previous_value = langchain.debug previous_fn_reading = _get_debug() assert previous_value == previous_fn_reading langchain.debug = not previous_value new_value = langchain.debug new_fn_reading = _get_debug() try: assert new_value != previous_value assert new_value == new_fn_reading assert new_value == get_debug() finally: set_debug(previous_value)
"""Test invoke tokens from ChatAnthropicMessages.""" llm = ChatAnthropicMessages(model_name='claude-instant-1.2') result = llm.invoke("I'm Pickle Rick", config=dict(tags=['foo'])) assert isinstance(result.content, str)
def test_invoke() ->None: """Test invoke tokens from ChatAnthropicMessages.""" llm = ChatAnthropicMessages(model_name='claude-instant-1.2') result = llm.invoke("I'm Pickle Rick", config=dict(tags=['foo'])) assert isinstance(result.content, str)
Test invoke tokens from ChatAnthropicMessages.
"""Load given path as pages.""" return list(self.lazy_load())
def load(self) ->List[Document]: """Load given path as pages.""" return list(self.lazy_load())
Load given path as pages.
"""Returns a tenacity retry decorator, preconfigured to handle PaLM exceptions""" import google.api_core.exceptions multiplier = 2 min_seconds = 1 max_seconds = 60 max_retries = 10 return retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(max_retries), wait= wait_exponential(multiplier=multiplier, min=min_seconds, max= max_seconds), retry=retry_if_exception_type(google.api_core.exceptions. ResourceExhausted) | retry_if_exception_type(google.api_core.exceptions .ServiceUnavailable) | retry_if_exception_type(google.api_core. exceptions.GoogleAPIError), before_sleep=before_sleep_log(logger, logging.WARNING))
def _create_retry_decorator() ->Callable[[Any], Any]: """Returns a tenacity retry decorator, preconfigured to handle PaLM exceptions""" import google.api_core.exceptions multiplier = 2 min_seconds = 1 max_seconds = 60 max_retries = 10 return retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(max_retries), wait= wait_exponential(multiplier=multiplier, min=min_seconds, max= max_seconds), retry=retry_if_exception_type(google.api_core. exceptions.ResourceExhausted) | retry_if_exception_type(google. api_core.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable) | retry_if_exception_type( google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPIError), before_sleep= before_sleep_log(logger, logging.WARNING))
Returns a tenacity retry decorator, preconfigured to handle PaLM exceptions
"""Return docs and relevance scores, normalized on a scale from 0 to 1. 0 is dissimilar, 1 is most similar. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _similarity_search_with_relevance_scores(self, query: str, k: int=4, ** kwargs: Any) ->List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs and relevance scores, normalized on a scale from 0 to 1. 0 is dissimilar, 1 is most similar. """ raise NotImplementedError()
Return docs and relevance scores, normalized on a scale from 0 to 1. 0 is dissimilar, 1 is most similar.
"""Initialize with domain, access_token (tenant / user), and document_id. Args: domain: The domain to load the LarkSuite. access_token: The access_token to use. document_id: The document_id to load. """ self.domain = domain self.access_token = access_token self.document_id = document_id
def __init__(self, domain: str, access_token: str, document_id: str): """Initialize with domain, access_token (tenant / user), and document_id. Args: domain: The domain to load the LarkSuite. access_token: The access_token to use. document_id: The document_id to load. """ self.domain = domain self.access_token = access_token self.document_id = document_id
Initialize with domain, access_token (tenant / user), and document_id. Args: domain: The domain to load the LarkSuite. access_token: The access_token to use. document_id: The document_id to load.
"""Flush the tracker and reset the session. Args: repo (:obj:`str`, optional): Aim repository path or Repo object to which Run object is bound. If skipped, default Repo is used. experiment_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Sets Run's `experiment` property. 'default' if not specified. Can be used later to query runs/sequences. system_tracking_interval (:obj:`int`, optional): Sets the tracking interval in seconds for system usage metrics (CPU, Memory, etc.). Set to `None` to disable system metrics tracking. log_system_params (:obj:`bool`, optional): Enable/Disable logging of system params such as installed packages, git info, environment variables, etc. langchain_asset: The langchain asset to save. reset: Whether to reset the session. finish: Whether to finish the run. Returns: None """ if langchain_asset: try: for key, value in langchain_asset.dict().items(): self._run.set(key, value, strict=False) except Exception: pass if finish or reset: self._run.close() self.reset_callback_meta() if reset: self.__init__(repo=repo if repo else self.repo, experiment_name= experiment_name if experiment_name else self.experiment_name, system_tracking_interval=system_tracking_interval if system_tracking_interval else self.system_tracking_interval, log_system_params=log_system_params if log_system_params else self. log_system_params)
def flush_tracker(self, repo: Optional[str]=None, experiment_name: Optional [str]=None, system_tracking_interval: Optional[int]=10, log_system_params: bool=True, langchain_asset: Any=None, reset: bool= True, finish: bool=False) ->None: """Flush the tracker and reset the session. Args: repo (:obj:`str`, optional): Aim repository path or Repo object to which Run object is bound. If skipped, default Repo is used. experiment_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Sets Run's `experiment` property. 'default' if not specified. Can be used later to query runs/sequences. system_tracking_interval (:obj:`int`, optional): Sets the tracking interval in seconds for system usage metrics (CPU, Memory, etc.). Set to `None` to disable system metrics tracking. log_system_params (:obj:`bool`, optional): Enable/Disable logging of system params such as installed packages, git info, environment variables, etc. langchain_asset: The langchain asset to save. reset: Whether to reset the session. finish: Whether to finish the run. Returns: None """ if langchain_asset: try: for key, value in langchain_asset.dict().items(): self._run.set(key, value, strict=False) except Exception: pass if finish or reset: self._run.close() self.reset_callback_meta() if reset: self.__init__(repo=repo if repo else self.repo, experiment_name= experiment_name if experiment_name else self.experiment_name, system_tracking_interval=system_tracking_interval if system_tracking_interval else self.system_tracking_interval, log_system_params=log_system_params if log_system_params else self.log_system_params)
Flush the tracker and reset the session. Args: repo (:obj:`str`, optional): Aim repository path or Repo object to which Run object is bound. If skipped, default Repo is used. experiment_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Sets Run's `experiment` property. 'default' if not specified. Can be used later to query runs/sequences. system_tracking_interval (:obj:`int`, optional): Sets the tracking interval in seconds for system usage metrics (CPU, Memory, etc.). Set to `None` to disable system metrics tracking. log_system_params (:obj:`bool`, optional): Enable/Disable logging of system params such as installed packages, git info, environment variables, etc. langchain_asset: The langchain asset to save. reset: Whether to reset the session. finish: Whether to finish the run. Returns: None
"""Return type of llm.""" return 'deepsparse'
@property def _llm_type(self) ->str: """Return type of llm.""" return 'deepsparse'
Return type of llm.
main_meta = {'title': outline_res['document']['title'], 'source': self. outline_instance_url + outline_res['document']['url']} add_meta = {'id': outline_res['document']['id'], 'ranking': outline_res[ 'ranking'], 'collection_id': outline_res['document']['collectionId'], 'parent_document_id': outline_res['document']['parentDocumentId'], 'revision': outline_res['document']['revision'], 'created_by': outline_res['document']['createdBy']['name'] } if self.load_all_available_meta else {} doc = Document(page_content=outline_res['document']['text'][:self. doc_content_chars_max], metadata={**main_meta, **add_meta}) return doc
def _result_to_document(self, outline_res: Any) ->Document: main_meta = {'title': outline_res['document']['title'], 'source': self. outline_instance_url + outline_res['document']['url']} add_meta = {'id': outline_res['document']['id'], 'ranking': outline_res ['ranking'], 'collection_id': outline_res['document'][ 'collectionId'], 'parent_document_id': outline_res['document'][ 'parentDocumentId'], 'revision': outline_res['document']['revision' ], 'created_by': outline_res['document']['createdBy']['name'] } if self.load_all_available_meta else {} doc = Document(page_content=outline_res['document']['text'][:self. doc_content_chars_max], metadata={**main_meta, **add_meta}) return doc
base_df_fields = [field for field in base_df_fields if field in base_df] rename_map = {map_entry_k: map_entry_v for map_entry_k, map_entry_v in rename_map.items() if map_entry_k in base_df_fields} llm_df = base_df[base_df_fields].dropna(axis=1) if rename_map: llm_df = llm_df.rename(rename_map, axis=1) return llm_df
@staticmethod def _build_llm_df(base_df: pd.DataFrame, base_df_fields: Sequence, rename_map: Mapping) ->pd.DataFrame: base_df_fields = [field for field in base_df_fields if field in base_df] rename_map = {map_entry_k: map_entry_v for map_entry_k, map_entry_v in rename_map.items() if map_entry_k in base_df_fields} llm_df = base_df[base_df_fields].dropna(axis=1) if rename_map: llm_df = llm_df.rename(rename_map, axis=1) return llm_df
"""Load suggestions. Args: query: A query string doc_type: The type of document to search for. Can be one of "all", "device", "guide", "teardown", "answer", "wiki". Returns: """ res = requests.get(IFIXIT_BASE_URL + '/suggest/' + query + '?doctypes=' + doc_type) if res.status_code != 200: raise ValueError('Could not load suggestions for "' + query + '"\n' + res.json()) data = res.json() results = data['results'] output = [] for result in results: try: loader = IFixitLoader(result['url']) if loader.page_type == 'Device': output += loader.load_device(include_guides=False) else: output += loader.load() except ValueError: continue return output
@staticmethod def load_suggestions(query: str='', doc_type: str='all') ->List[Document]: """Load suggestions. Args: query: A query string doc_type: The type of document to search for. Can be one of "all", "device", "guide", "teardown", "answer", "wiki". Returns: """ res = requests.get(IFIXIT_BASE_URL + '/suggest/' + query + '?doctypes=' + doc_type) if res.status_code != 200: raise ValueError('Could not load suggestions for "' + query + '"\n' + res.json()) data = res.json() results = data['results'] output = [] for result in results: try: loader = IFixitLoader(result['url']) if loader.page_type == 'Device': output += loader.load_device(include_guides=False) else: output += loader.load() except ValueError: continue return output
Load suggestions. Args: query: A query string doc_type: The type of document to search for. Can be one of "all", "device", "guide", "teardown", "answer", "wiki". Returns:
assert os.getenv('XATA_API_KEY' ), 'XATA_API_KEY environment variable is not set' assert os.getenv('XATA_DB_URL'), 'XATA_DB_URL environment variable is not set'
@classmethod def setup_class(cls) ->None: assert os.getenv('XATA_API_KEY' ), 'XATA_API_KEY environment variable is not set' assert os.getenv('XATA_DB_URL' ), 'XATA_DB_URL environment variable is not set'
loader = ConfluenceLoader(url='') docs = loader.load(space_key='RD') assert len(docs) == 14 assert docs[0].page_content is not None
@pytest.mark.skipif(not confluence_installed, reason= 'Atlassian package not installed') def test_load_full_confluence_space() ->None: loader = ConfluenceLoader(url='') docs = loader.load(space_key='RD') assert len(docs) == 14 assert docs[0].page_content is not None
"""Perform a similarity search with ClickHouse Args: query (str): query string k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. where_str (Optional[str], optional): where condition string. Defaults to None. NOTE: Please do not let end-user to fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. When dealing with metadatas, remember to use `{self.metadata_column}.attribute` instead of `attribute` alone. The default name for it is `metadata`. Returns: List[Document]: List of (Document, similarity) """ q_str = self._build_query_sql(self.embedding_function.embed_query(query), k, where_str) try: return [(Document(page_content=r[self.config.column_map['document']], metadata=r[self.config.column_map['metadata']]), r['dist']) for r in self.client.query(q_str).named_results()] except Exception as e: logger.error(f'\x1b[91m\x1b[1m{type(e)}\x1b[0m \x1b[95m{str(e)}\x1b[0m') return []
def similarity_search_with_relevance_scores(self, query: str, k: int=4, where_str: Optional[str]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->List[Tuple[Document, float] ]: """Perform a similarity search with ClickHouse Args: query (str): query string k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. where_str (Optional[str], optional): where condition string. Defaults to None. NOTE: Please do not let end-user to fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. When dealing with metadatas, remember to use `{self.metadata_column}.attribute` instead of `attribute` alone. The default name for it is `metadata`. Returns: List[Document]: List of (Document, similarity) """ q_str = self._build_query_sql(self.embedding_function.embed_query(query ), k, where_str) try: return [(Document(page_content=r[self.config.column_map['document'] ], metadata=r[self.config.column_map['metadata']]), r['dist']) for r in self.client.query(q_str).named_results()] except Exception as e: logger.error(f'\x1b[91m\x1b[1m{type(e)}\x1b[0m \x1b[95m{str(e)}\x1b[0m' ) return []
Perform a similarity search with ClickHouse Args: query (str): query string k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. where_str (Optional[str], optional): where condition string. Defaults to None. NOTE: Please do not let end-user to fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. When dealing with metadatas, remember to use `{self.metadata_column}.attribute` instead of `attribute` alone. The default name for it is `metadata`. Returns: List[Document]: List of (Document, similarity)
_run_manager = run_manager or CallbackManagerForChainRun.get_noop_manager() _table_names = self.sql_chain.database.get_usable_table_names() table_names = ', '.join(_table_names) llm_inputs = {'query': inputs[self.input_key], 'table_names': table_names} _lowercased_table_names = [name.lower() for name in _table_names] table_names_from_chain = self.decider_chain.predict_and_parse(**llm_inputs) table_names_to_use = [name for name in table_names_from_chain if name.lower () in _lowercased_table_names] _run_manager.on_text('Table names to use:', end='\n', verbose=self.verbose) _run_manager.on_text(str(table_names_to_use), color='yellow', verbose=self. verbose) new_inputs = {self.sql_chain.input_key: inputs[self.input_key], 'table_names_to_use': table_names_to_use} return self.sql_chain(new_inputs, callbacks=_run_manager.get_child(), return_only_outputs=True)
def _call(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any], run_manager: Optional[ CallbackManagerForChainRun]=None) ->Dict[str, Any]: _run_manager = run_manager or CallbackManagerForChainRun.get_noop_manager() _table_names = self.sql_chain.database.get_usable_table_names() table_names = ', '.join(_table_names) llm_inputs = {'query': inputs[self.input_key], 'table_names': table_names} _lowercased_table_names = [name.lower() for name in _table_names] table_names_from_chain = self.decider_chain.predict_and_parse(**llm_inputs) table_names_to_use = [name for name in table_names_from_chain if name. lower() in _lowercased_table_names] _run_manager.on_text('Table names to use:', end='\n', verbose=self.verbose) _run_manager.on_text(str(table_names_to_use), color='yellow', verbose= self.verbose) new_inputs = {self.sql_chain.input_key: inputs[self.input_key], 'table_names_to_use': table_names_to_use} return self.sql_chain(new_inputs, callbacks=_run_manager.get_child(), return_only_outputs=True)
"""Expect url and browser content. :meta private: """ return [self.input_url_key, self.input_browser_content_key]
@property def input_keys(self) ->List[str]: """Expect url and browser content. :meta private: """ return [self.input_url_key, self.input_browser_content_key]
Expect url and browser content. :meta private:
yield from self.transform(iter([input]), config)
def stream(self, input: Input, config: Optional[RunnableConfig]=None, ** kwargs: Optional[Any]) ->Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: yield from self.transform(iter([input]), config)
"""Whether to ignore agent callbacks.""" return self.ignore_agent_
@property def ignore_agent(self) ->bool: """Whether to ignore agent callbacks.""" return self.ignore_agent_
Whether to ignore agent callbacks.
"""Call out to Aleph Alpha's completion endpoint. Args: prompt: The prompt to pass into the model. stop: Optional list of stop words to use when generating. Returns: The string generated by the model. Example: .. code-block:: python response = aleph_alpha("Tell me a joke.") """ from aleph_alpha_client import CompletionRequest, Prompt params = self._default_params if self.stop_sequences is not None and stop is not None: raise ValueError( 'stop sequences found in both the input and default params.') elif self.stop_sequences is not None: params['stop_sequences'] = self.stop_sequences else: params['stop_sequences'] = stop params = {**params, **kwargs} request = CompletionRequest(prompt=Prompt.from_text(prompt), **params) response = self.client.complete(model=self.model, request=request) text = response.completions[0].completion if stop is not None or self.stop_sequences is not None: text = enforce_stop_tokens(text, params['stop_sequences']) return text
def _call(self, prompt: str, stop: Optional[List[str]]=None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->str: """Call out to Aleph Alpha's completion endpoint. Args: prompt: The prompt to pass into the model. stop: Optional list of stop words to use when generating. Returns: The string generated by the model. Example: .. code-block:: python response = aleph_alpha("Tell me a joke.") """ from aleph_alpha_client import CompletionRequest, Prompt params = self._default_params if self.stop_sequences is not None and stop is not None: raise ValueError( 'stop sequences found in both the input and default params.') elif self.stop_sequences is not None: params['stop_sequences'] = self.stop_sequences else: params['stop_sequences'] = stop params = {**params, **kwargs} request = CompletionRequest(prompt=Prompt.from_text(prompt), **params) response = self.client.complete(model=self.model, request=request) text = response.completions[0].completion if stop is not None or self.stop_sequences is not None: text = enforce_stop_tokens(text, params['stop_sequences']) return text
Call out to Aleph Alpha's completion endpoint. Args: prompt: The prompt to pass into the model. stop: Optional list of stop words to use when generating. Returns: The string generated by the model. Example: .. code-block:: python response = aleph_alpha("Tell me a joke.")
"""Test that the python REPL tool works with a single input.""" tool = PythonREPLTool() assert tool.is_single_input assert int('print(1 + 1)').strip()) == 2
def test_python_repl_tool_single_input() ->None: """Test that the python REPL tool works with a single input.""" tool = PythonREPLTool() assert tool.is_single_input assert int('print(1 + 1)').strip()) == 2
Test that the python REPL tool works with a single input.
"""Format tweets into a string.""" for tweet in tweets: metadata = {'created_at': tweet['created_at'], 'user_info': user_info} yield Document(page_content=tweet['text'], metadata=metadata)
def _format_tweets(self, tweets: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_info: dict ) ->Iterable[Document]: """Format tweets into a string.""" for tweet in tweets: metadata = {'created_at': tweet['created_at'], 'user_info': user_info} yield Document(page_content=tweet['text'], metadata=metadata)
Format tweets into a string.
self.value = value self.keep = keep
def __init__(self, value: Any, keep: bool=False): self.value = value self.keep = keep
"""Test tracer on a Chain run.""" uuid = uuid4() compare_run = Run(id=str(uuid),,, events=[{'name': 'start', 'time':}, {'name': 'end', 'time': timezone.utc)}], extra={}, execution_order=1, child_execution_order=1, serialized={'name': 'chain'}, inputs={}, outputs={}, error=None, run_type='chain', trace_id=uuid, dotted_order= f'20230101T000000000000Z{uuid}') tracer = FakeTracer() tracer.on_chain_start(serialized={'name': 'chain'}, inputs={}, run_id=uuid) tracer.on_chain_end(outputs={}, run_id=uuid) assert tracer.runs == [compare_run]
@freeze_time('2023-01-01') def test_tracer_chain_run() ->None: """Test tracer on a Chain run.""" uuid = uuid4() compare_run = Run(id=str(uuid),,, events=[{'name': 'start', 'time':}, {'name': 'end', 'time':}], extra={}, execution_order=1, child_execution_order=1, serialized={'name': 'chain'}, inputs={}, outputs={}, error=None, run_type='chain', trace_id=uuid, dotted_order=f'20230101T000000000000Z{uuid}') tracer = FakeTracer() tracer.on_chain_start(serialized={'name': 'chain'}, inputs={}, run_id=uuid) tracer.on_chain_end(outputs={}, run_id=uuid) assert tracer.runs == [compare_run]
Test tracer on a Chain run.
"""Test collapse documents functionality when only one document present.""" docs = [Document(page_content='foo')] output = collapse_docs(docs, _fake_combine_docs_func) assert output == docs[0] docs = [Document(page_content='foo', metadata={'source': 'a'})] output = collapse_docs(docs, _fake_combine_docs_func) assert output == docs[0]
def test__collapse_docs_one_doc() ->None: """Test collapse documents functionality when only one document present.""" docs = [Document(page_content='foo')] output = collapse_docs(docs, _fake_combine_docs_func) assert output == docs[0] docs = [Document(page_content='foo', metadata={'source': 'a'})] output = collapse_docs(docs, _fake_combine_docs_func) assert output == docs[0]
Test collapse documents functionality when only one document present.
models = importlib.import_module('langchain.chat_models') model_cls = getattr(models, provider) model_config = model_cls(**kwargs) converted_messages = convert_openai_messages(messages) if not stream: result = model_config.invoke(converted_messages) return ChatCompletions(choices=[Choice(message=convert_message_to_dict( result))]) else: return (ChatCompletionChunk(choices=[ChoiceChunk(delta= _convert_message_chunk(c, i))]) for i, c in enumerate(model_config. stream(converted_messages)))
@staticmethod def create(messages: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], *, provider: str= 'ChatOpenAI', stream: bool=False, **kwargs: Any) ->Union[ ChatCompletions, Iterable]: models = importlib.import_module('langchain.chat_models') model_cls = getattr(models, provider) model_config = model_cls(**kwargs) converted_messages = convert_openai_messages(messages) if not stream: result = model_config.invoke(converted_messages) return ChatCompletions(choices=[Choice(message= convert_message_to_dict(result))]) else: return (ChatCompletionChunk(choices=[ChoiceChunk(delta= _convert_message_chunk(c, i))]) for i, c in enumerate(
generations = [] for res in response.choices: message = convert_dict_to_message({'role': 'assistant', 'content': res. text}) gen = ChatGeneration(message=message, generation_info=dict( finish_reason=res.finish_reason)) generations.append(gen) llm_output = {'token_usage': response.meta, 'model': response.model} return ChatResult(generations=generations, llm_output=llm_output)
def _create_chat_result(self, response: GenerationResponse) ->ChatResult: generations = [] for res in response.choices: message = convert_dict_to_message({'role': 'assistant', 'content': res.text}) gen = ChatGeneration(message=message, generation_info=dict( finish_reason=res.finish_reason)) generations.append(gen) llm_output = {'token_usage': response.meta, 'model': response.model} return ChatResult(generations=generations, llm_output=llm_output)
"""Test BedrockChat wrapper with generate.""" message = HumanMessage(content='Hello') response = chat.generate([[message], [message]]) assert isinstance(response, LLMResult) assert len(response.generations) == 2 for generations in response.generations: for generation in generations: assert isinstance(generation, ChatGeneration) assert isinstance(generation.text, str) assert generation.text == generation.message.content
@pytest.mark.scheduled def test_chat_bedrock_generate(chat: BedrockChat) ->None: """Test BedrockChat wrapper with generate.""" message = HumanMessage(content='Hello') response = chat.generate([[message], [message]]) assert isinstance(response, LLMResult) assert len(response.generations) == 2 for generations in response.generations: for generation in generations: assert isinstance(generation, ChatGeneration) assert isinstance(generation.text, str) assert generation.text == generation.message.content
Test BedrockChat wrapper with generate.
"""Test serialization.""" from langchain.chains.loading import load_chain with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: file = temp_dir + '/llm.json' loaded_chain = load_chain(file) assert loaded_chain == fake_llm_chain
@patch('langchain_community.llms.loading.get_type_to_cls_dict', lambda : { 'fake': lambda : FakeLLM}) def test_serialization(fake_llm_chain: LLMChain) ->None: """Test serialization.""" from langchain.chains.loading import load_chain with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: file = temp_dir + '/llm.json' loaded_chain = load_chain(file) assert loaded_chain == fake_llm_chain
Test serialization.
"""Test valid call to openlm.""" llm = OpenLM(model_name='dolly-v2-7b', max_tokens=10) output = llm(prompt='Say foo:') assert isinstance(output, str)
def test_openlm_call() ->None: """Test valid call to openlm.""" llm = OpenLM(model_name='dolly-v2-7b', max_tokens=10) output = llm(prompt='Say foo:') assert isinstance(output, str)
Test valid call to openlm.
"""Test splitting by characters while keeping the separator that is a regex special character. """ text = '' splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(separator=separator, chunk_size=1, chunk_overlap=0, keep_separator=True, is_separator_regex=is_separator_regex ) output = splitter.split_text(text) expected_output = ['foo', '.bar', '.baz', '.123'] assert output == expected_output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('separator, is_separator_regex', [(re.escape('.'), True), ('.', False)]) def test_character_text_splitter_keep_separator_regex(separator: str, is_separator_regex: bool) ->None: """Test splitting by characters while keeping the separator that is a regex special character. """ text = '' splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(separator=separator, chunk_size=1, chunk_overlap=0, keep_separator=True, is_separator_regex= is_separator_regex) output = splitter.split_text(text) expected_output = ['foo', '.bar', '.baz', '.123'] assert output == expected_output
Test splitting by characters while keeping the separator that is a regex special character.
"""Test escaping lucene characters""" assert remove_lucene_chars('Hello+World') == 'Hello World' assert remove_lucene_chars('Hello World\\') == 'Hello World' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter!' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter&&' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('Bill&&Melinda Gates Foundation' ) == 'Bill Melinda Gates Foundation' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter(&&)' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter??' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter^' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter+' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter-' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter~' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter'
def test_escaping_lucene() ->None: """Test escaping lucene characters""" assert remove_lucene_chars('Hello+World') == 'Hello World' assert remove_lucene_chars('Hello World\\') == 'Hello World' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter!' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter&&' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('Bill&&Melinda Gates Foundation' ) == 'Bill Melinda Gates Foundation' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter(&&)' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter??' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter^' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter+' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter-' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter' assert remove_lucene_chars('It is the end of the world. Take shelter~' ) == 'It is the end of the world. Take shelter'
Test escaping lucene characters
"""callback that stop continuous recognition""" speech_recognizer.stop_continuous_recognition_async() nonlocal done done = True
def stop_cb(evt: Any) ->None: """callback that stop continuous recognition""" speech_recognizer.stop_continuous_recognition_async() nonlocal done done = True
callback that stop continuous recognition
qa_prompt_template = 'QA Prompt' cypher_prompt_template = 'Cypher Prompt' memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key='chat_history') readonlymemory = ReadOnlySharedMemory(memory=memory) qa_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=qa_prompt_template, input_variables=[]) cypher_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=cypher_prompt_template, input_variables=[]) try: GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(llm=FakeLLM(), graph=FakeGraphStore(), verbose=True, return_intermediate_steps=False, qa_prompt=qa_prompt, cypher_prompt=cypher_prompt, cypher_llm_kwargs={'memory': readonlymemory}, qa_llm_kwargs={'memory': readonlymemory}) assert False except ValueError: assert True
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain_prompt_selection_5() ->None: qa_prompt_template = 'QA Prompt' cypher_prompt_template = 'Cypher Prompt' memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key='chat_history') readonlymemory = ReadOnlySharedMemory(memory=memory) qa_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=qa_prompt_template, input_variables=[]) cypher_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=cypher_prompt_template, input_variables=[]) try: GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(llm=FakeLLM(), graph=FakeGraphStore(), verbose=True, return_intermediate_steps=False, qa_prompt= qa_prompt, cypher_prompt=cypher_prompt, cypher_llm_kwargs={ 'memory': readonlymemory}, qa_llm_kwargs={'memory': readonlymemory} ) assert False except ValueError: assert True
""" Get the relevant documents for a given query. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents. """ fused_documents = self.rank_fusion(query, run_manager) return fused_documents
def _get_relevant_documents(self, query: str, *, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun) ->List[Document]: """ Get the relevant documents for a given query. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents. """ fused_documents = self.rank_fusion(query, run_manager) return fused_documents
Get the relevant documents for a given query. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents.
docs_dists = self.similarity_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) docs, dists = zip(*docs_dists) scores = [(1 / math.exp(dist)) for dist in dists] return list(zip(list(docs), scores))
def _similarity_search_with_relevance_scores(self, query: str, k: int= DEFAULT_K, **kwargs: Any) ->List[Tuple[Document, float]]: docs_dists = self.similarity_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) docs, dists = zip(*docs_dists) scores = [(1 / math.exp(dist)) for dist in dists] return list(zip(list(docs), scores))
from import BaseSparkSQLTool return BaseSparkSQLTool
def _import_spark_sql_tool_BaseSparkSQLTool() ->Any: from import BaseSparkSQLTool return BaseSparkSQLTool
"""Evaluate a trajectory. Args: prediction (str): The final predicted response. agent_trajectory (List[Tuple[AgentAction, str]]): The intermediate steps forming the agent trajectory. input (str): The input to the agent. reference (Optional[str]): The reference answer. Returns: dict: The evaluation result. """
@abstractmethod def _evaluate_agent_trajectory(self, *, prediction: str, agent_trajectory: Sequence[Tuple[AgentAction, str]], input: str, reference: Optional[str] =None, **kwargs: Any) ->dict: """Evaluate a trajectory. Args: prediction (str): The final predicted response. agent_trajectory (List[Tuple[AgentAction, str]]): The intermediate steps forming the agent trajectory. input (str): The input to the agent. reference (Optional[str]): The reference answer. Returns: dict: The evaluation result. """
Evaluate a trajectory. Args: prediction (str): The final predicted response. agent_trajectory (List[Tuple[AgentAction, str]]): The intermediate steps forming the agent trajectory. input (str): The input to the agent. reference (Optional[str]): The reference answer. Returns: dict: The evaluation result.
try: from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, pipeline except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( 'Cannot import transformers, please install with `pip install transformers`.' ) from e tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) return pipeline('text-classification', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=512, truncation=True)
def _model_default_factory(model_name: str= 'laiyer/deberta-v3-base-prompt-injection') ->Pipeline: try: from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, pipeline except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( 'Cannot import transformers, please install with `pip install transformers`.' ) from e tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) return pipeline('text-classification', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=512, truncation=True)
texts = [d.page_content for d in documents] metadatas = [d.metadata for d in documents] return cls.from_texts(texts, embedding, metadatas, index_name, content_key, metadata_key, **kwargs)
@classmethod def from_documents(cls, documents: List[Document], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]]=None, index_name: str='langchain', content_key: str='content', metadata_key: str='metadata', **kwargs: Any ) ->Tair: texts = [d.page_content for d in documents] metadatas = [d.metadata for d in documents] return cls.from_texts(texts, embedding, metadatas, index_name, content_key, metadata_key, **kwargs)
"""Initialize a PALValidation instance. Args: solution_expression_name (str): Name of the expected solution expression. If passed, solution_expression_type must be passed as well. solution_expression_type (str): AST type of the expected solution expression. If passed, solution_expression_name must be passed as well. Must be one of PALValidation.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION, PALValidation.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE. allow_imports (bool): Allow import statements. allow_command_exec (bool): Allow using known command execution functions. """ self.solution_expression_name = solution_expression_name self.solution_expression_type = solution_expression_type if solution_expression_name is not None: if not isinstance(self.solution_expression_name, str): raise ValueError( f'Expected solution_expression_name to be str, instead found {type(self.solution_expression_name)}' ) if solution_expression_type is not None: if (self.solution_expression_type is not self. SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION and self.solution_expression_type is not self.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE): raise ValueError( f'Expected solution_expression_type to be one of ({self.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION},{self.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE}),instead found {self.solution_expression_type}' ) if solution_expression_name is not None and solution_expression_type is None: raise TypeError( 'solution_expression_name requires solution_expression_type to be passed as well' ) if solution_expression_name is None and solution_expression_type is not None: raise TypeError( 'solution_expression_type requires solution_expression_name to be passed as well' ) self.allow_imports = allow_imports self.allow_command_exec = allow_command_exec
def __init__(self, solution_expression_name: Optional[str]=None, solution_expression_type: Optional[type]=None, allow_imports: bool= False, allow_command_exec: bool=False): """Initialize a PALValidation instance. Args: solution_expression_name (str): Name of the expected solution expression. If passed, solution_expression_type must be passed as well. solution_expression_type (str): AST type of the expected solution expression. If passed, solution_expression_name must be passed as well. Must be one of PALValidation.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION, PALValidation.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE. allow_imports (bool): Allow import statements. allow_command_exec (bool): Allow using known command execution functions. """ self.solution_expression_name = solution_expression_name self.solution_expression_type = solution_expression_type if solution_expression_name is not None: if not isinstance(self.solution_expression_name, str): raise ValueError( f'Expected solution_expression_name to be str, instead found {type(self.solution_expression_name)}' ) if solution_expression_type is not None: if (self.solution_expression_type is not self. SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION and self. solution_expression_type is not self. SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE): raise ValueError( f'Expected solution_expression_type to be one of ({self.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION},{self.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE}),instead found {self.solution_expression_type}' ) if (solution_expression_name is not None and solution_expression_type is None): raise TypeError( 'solution_expression_name requires solution_expression_type to be passed as well' ) if (solution_expression_name is None and solution_expression_type is not None): raise TypeError( 'solution_expression_type requires solution_expression_name to be passed as well' ) self.allow_imports = allow_imports self.allow_command_exec = allow_command_exec
Initialize a PALValidation instance. Args: solution_expression_name (str): Name of the expected solution expression. If passed, solution_expression_type must be passed as well. solution_expression_type (str): AST type of the expected solution expression. If passed, solution_expression_name must be passed as well. Must be one of PALValidation.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FUNCTION, PALValidation.SOLUTION_EXPRESSION_TYPE_VARIABLE. allow_imports (bool): Allow import statements. allow_command_exec (bool): Allow using known command execution functions.
return create_prompt(num_plates=request.num_plates, num_rows=request. num_rows, num_cols=request.num_cols)
def _load_prompt(request: FileProcessingRequest): return create_prompt(num_plates=request.num_plates, num_rows=request. num_rows, num_cols=request.num_cols)
"""Used for compiling integration tests without running any real tests.""" pass
@pytest.mark.compile def test_placeholder() ->None: """Used for compiling integration tests without running any real tests.""" pass
Used for compiling integration tests without running any real tests.
"""Validate search type.""" if 'search_type' in values: search_type = values['search_type'] if search_type not in ('similarity', 'hybrid', 'semantic_hybrid'): raise ValueError(f'search_type of {search_type} not allowed.') return values
@root_validator() def validate_search_type(cls, values: Dict) ->Dict: """Validate search type.""" if 'search_type' in values: search_type = values['search_type'] if search_type not in ('similarity', 'hybrid', 'semantic_hybrid'): raise ValueError(f'search_type of {search_type} not allowed.') return values
Validate search type.
"""Checks whether a collection exists for this message history""" try: self.client.Collections.get(collection=self.collection) except self.rockset.exceptions.NotFoundException: return False return True
def _collection_exists(self) ->bool: """Checks whether a collection exists for this message history""" try: self.client.Collections.get(collection=self.collection) except self.rockset.exceptions.NotFoundException: return False return True
Checks whether a collection exists for this message history
from import JsonGetValueTool return JsonGetValueTool
def _import_json_tool_JsonGetValueTool() ->Any: from import JsonGetValueTool return JsonGetValueTool
"""Parse the filename from an url. Args: url: Url to parse the filename from. Returns: The filename. """ if (url_path := Path(url)) and url_path.suffix == '.pdf': return else: return self._parse_filename_from_url(url)
def parse_filename(self, url: str) ->str: """Parse the filename from an url. Args: url: Url to parse the filename from. Returns: The filename. """ if (url_path := Path(url)) and url_path.suffix == '.pdf': return else: return self._parse_filename_from_url(url)
Parse the filename from an url. Args: url: Url to parse the filename from. Returns: The filename.
return self.embedding_function
@property def embeddings(self) ->Embeddings: return self.embedding_function
with pytest.raises(ValueError): OpenAIEmbeddings(model_kwargs={'model': 'foo'})
@pytest.mark.requires('openai') def test_openai_invalid_model_kwargs() ->None: with pytest.raises(ValueError): OpenAIEmbeddings(model_kwargs={'model': 'foo'})
return {'status': 'ok', 'payload': base64.b64encode(bytes( '{"some": "data"}}', 'utf-8'))}
def json(self) ->Any: return {'status': 'ok', 'payload': base64.b64encode(bytes( '{"some": "data"}}', 'utf-8'))}
"""Run query through Searx API and parse results. You can pass any other params to the searx query API. Args: query: The query to search for. query_suffix: Extra suffix appended to the query. engines: List of engines to use for the query. categories: List of categories to use for the query. **kwargs: extra parameters to pass to the searx API. Returns: str: The result of the query. Raises: ValueError: If an error occurred with the query. Example: This will make a query to the qwant engine: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.utilities import SearxSearchWrapper searx = SearxSearchWrapper(searx_host="")"what is the weather in France ?", engine="qwant") # the same result can be achieved using the `!` syntax of searx # to select the engine using `query_suffix`"what is the weather in France ?", query_suffix="!qwant") """ _params = {'q': query} params = {**self.params, **_params, **kwargs} if self.query_suffix and len(self.query_suffix) > 0: params['q'] += ' ' + self.query_suffix if isinstance(query_suffix, str) and len(query_suffix) > 0: params['q'] += ' ' + query_suffix if isinstance(engines, list) and len(engines) > 0: params['engines'] = ','.join(engines) if isinstance(categories, list) and len(categories) > 0: params['categories'] = ','.join(categories) res = self._searx_api_query(params) if len(res.answers) > 0: toret = res.answers[0] elif len(res.results) > 0: toret = '\n\n'.join([r.get('content', '') for r in res.results[:self.k]]) else: toret = 'No good search result found' return toret
def run(self, query: str, engines: Optional[List[str]]=None, categories: Optional[List[str]]=None, query_suffix: Optional[str]='', **kwargs: Any ) ->str: """Run query through Searx API and parse results. You can pass any other params to the searx query API. Args: query: The query to search for. query_suffix: Extra suffix appended to the query. engines: List of engines to use for the query. categories: List of categories to use for the query. **kwargs: extra parameters to pass to the searx API. Returns: str: The result of the query. Raises: ValueError: If an error occurred with the query. Example: This will make a query to the qwant engine: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.utilities import SearxSearchWrapper searx = SearxSearchWrapper(searx_host="")"what is the weather in France ?", engine="qwant") # the same result can be achieved using the `!` syntax of searx # to select the engine using `query_suffix`"what is the weather in France ?", query_suffix="!qwant") """ _params = {'q': query} params = {**self.params, **_params, **kwargs} if self.query_suffix and len(self.query_suffix) > 0: params['q'] += ' ' + self.query_suffix if isinstance(query_suffix, str) and len(query_suffix) > 0: params['q'] += ' ' + query_suffix if isinstance(engines, list) and len(engines) > 0: params['engines'] = ','.join(engines) if isinstance(categories, list) and len(categories) > 0: params['categories'] = ','.join(categories) res = self._searx_api_query(params) if len(res.answers) > 0: toret = res.answers[0] elif len(res.results) > 0: toret = '\n\n'.join([r.get('content', '') for r in res.results[: self.k]]) else: toret = 'No good search result found' return toret
Run query through Searx API and parse results. You can pass any other params to the searx query API. Args: query: The query to search for. query_suffix: Extra suffix appended to the query. engines: List of engines to use for the query. categories: List of categories to use for the query. **kwargs: extra parameters to pass to the searx API. Returns: str: The result of the query. Raises: ValueError: If an error occurred with the query. Example: This will make a query to the qwant engine: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.utilities import SearxSearchWrapper searx = SearxSearchWrapper(searx_host="")"what is the weather in France ?", engine="qwant") # the same result can be achieved using the `!` syntax of searx # to select the engine using `query_suffix`"what is the weather in France ?", query_suffix="!qwant")
import pandas as pd client = Client() df = pd.DataFrame({'input': ["What's the capital of California?", "What's the capital of Nevada?", "What's the capital of Oregon?", "What's the capital of Washington?"], 'output': ['Sacramento', 'Carson City', 'Salem', 'Olympia']}) uid = str(uuid4())[-8:] _dataset_name = f'lcp llm dataset integration tests - {uid}' client.upload_dataframe(df, name=_dataset_name, input_keys=['input'], output_keys=['output'], description='Integration test dataset', data_type=DataType.llm) yield _dataset_name
@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def llm_dataset_name() ->Iterator[str]: import pandas as pd client = Client() df = pd.DataFrame({'input': ["What's the capital of California?", "What's the capital of Nevada?", "What's the capital of Oregon?", "What's the capital of Washington?"], 'output': ['Sacramento', 'Carson City', 'Salem', 'Olympia']}) uid = str(uuid4())[-8:] _dataset_name = f'lcp llm dataset integration tests - {uid}' client.upload_dataframe(df, name=_dataset_name, input_keys=['input'], output_keys=['output'], description='Integration test dataset', data_type=DataType.llm) yield _dataset_name
"""Do nothing"""
def on_agent_finish(self, finish: AgentFinish, **kwargs: Any) ->None: """Do nothing"""
Do nothing
jsonformer = import_jsonformer() from transformers import Text2TextGenerationPipeline pipeline = cast(Text2TextGenerationPipeline, self.pipeline) model = jsonformer.Jsonformer(model=pipeline.model, tokenizer=pipeline. tokenizer, json_schema=self.json_schema, prompt=prompt, max_number_tokens=self.max_new_tokens, debug=self.debug) text = model() return json.dumps(text)
def _call(self, prompt: str, stop: Optional[List[str]]=None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun]=None, **kwargs: Any) ->str: jsonformer = import_jsonformer() from transformers import Text2TextGenerationPipeline pipeline = cast(Text2TextGenerationPipeline, self.pipeline) model = jsonformer.Jsonformer(model=pipeline.model, tokenizer=pipeline. tokenizer, json_schema=self.json_schema, prompt=prompt, max_number_tokens=self.max_new_tokens, debug=self.debug) text = model() return json.dumps(text)
from langchain_community.vectorstores.faiss import FAISS return FAISS
def _import_faiss() ->Any: from langchain_community.vectorstores.faiss import FAISS return FAISS
"""Search the API for the query.""" assert isinstance(query, str) return 'API result'
@tool(return_direct=True) def search_api(query: str) ->str: """Search the API for the query.""" assert isinstance(query, str) return 'API result'
Search the API for the query.
"""Construct the record key to use""" return self.key_prefix + self.session_id
@property def key(self) ->str: """Construct the record key to use""" return self.key_prefix + self.session_id
Construct the record key to use
args = [arg.accept(self) for arg in operation.arguments] return {self._format_func(operation.operator): args}
def visit_operation(self, operation: Operation) ->Dict: args = [arg.accept(self) for arg in operation.arguments] return {self._format_func(operation.operator): args}
if self.AdditionalAttributes and self.AdditionalAttributes[0 ].Key == 'AnswerText': excerpt = self.get_attribute_value() elif self.DocumentExcerpt: excerpt = self.DocumentExcerpt.Text else: excerpt = '' return excerpt
def get_excerpt(self) ->str: if self.AdditionalAttributes and self.AdditionalAttributes[0 ].Key == 'AnswerText': excerpt = self.get_attribute_value() elif self.DocumentExcerpt: excerpt = self.DocumentExcerpt.Text else: excerpt = '' return excerpt
filepath = '' if filecol == '': nvec = list(nvmap.keys()) vvec = list(nvmap.values()) else: nvec = [] vvec = [] if filecol in nvmap: nvec.append(filecol) vvec.append(nvmap[filecol]) filepath = nvmap[filecol] for k, v in nvmap.items(): if k != filecol: nvec.append(k) vvec.append(v) return nvec, vvec, filepath
def _parseMeta(self, nvmap: dict, filecol: str) ->Tuple[List[str], List[str ], str]: filepath = '' if filecol == '': nvec = list(nvmap.keys()) vvec = list(nvmap.values()) else: nvec = [] vvec = [] if filecol in nvmap: nvec.append(filecol) vvec.append(nvmap[filecol]) filepath = nvmap[filecol] for k, v in nvmap.items(): if k != filecol: nvec.append(k) vvec.append(v) return nvec, vvec, filepath
return create_model('AnalyzeDocumentChain', **{self.input_key: (str, None)})
def get_input_schema(self, config: Optional[RunnableConfig]=None) ->Type[ BaseModel]: return create_model('AnalyzeDocumentChain', **{self.input_key: (str, None)} )
"""Get relevated documents given a user question. Args: query: user question Returns: Relevant documents for re-phrased question """ response = self.llm_chain(query, callbacks=run_manager.get_child()) re_phrased_question = response['text']'Re-phrased question: {re_phrased_question}') docs = self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(re_phrased_question, callbacks =run_manager.get_child()) return docs
def _get_relevant_documents(self, query: str, *, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun) ->List[Document]: """Get relevated documents given a user question. Args: query: user question Returns: Relevant documents for re-phrased question """ response = self.llm_chain(query, callbacks=run_manager.get_child()) re_phrased_question = response['text']'Re-phrased question: {re_phrased_question}') docs = self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(re_phrased_question, callbacks=run_manager.get_child()) return docs
Get relevated documents given a user question. Args: query: user question Returns: Relevant documents for re-phrased question
self.uuid = 'fake_uuid'
def ParseFromString(self: Any, data: str) ->None: self.uuid = 'fake_uuid'
"""Get the source id from the document.""" if source_id_key is None: return lambda doc: None elif isinstance(source_id_key, str): return lambda doc: doc.metadata[source_id_key] elif callable(source_id_key): return source_id_key else: raise ValueError( f'source_id_key should be either None, a string or a callable. Got {source_id_key} of type {type(source_id_key)}.' )
def _get_source_id_assigner(source_id_key: Union[str, Callable[[Document], str], None]) ->Callable[[Document], Union[str, None]]: """Get the source id from the document.""" if source_id_key is None: return lambda doc: None elif isinstance(source_id_key, str): return lambda doc: doc.metadata[source_id_key] elif callable(source_id_key): return source_id_key else: raise ValueError( f'source_id_key should be either None, a string or a callable. Got {source_id_key} of type {type(source_id_key)}.' )
Get the source id from the document.
chat = QianfanChatEndpoint(model='ERNIE-Bot') prompt_tmpl = 'Use the given functions to answer following question: {input}' prompt_msgs = [HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_tmpl)] prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(messages=prompt_msgs) chain = prompt | chat.bind(functions=_FUNCTIONS) message = HumanMessage(content="What's the temperature in Shanghai today?") response = chain.batch([{'input': message}]) assert isinstance(response[0], AIMessage) assert 'function_call' in response[0].additional_kwargs
def test_functions_call_thoughts() ->None: chat = QianfanChatEndpoint(model='ERNIE-Bot') prompt_tmpl = ( 'Use the given functions to answer following question: {input}') prompt_msgs = [HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_tmpl)] prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(messages=prompt_msgs) chain = prompt | chat.bind(functions=_FUNCTIONS) message = HumanMessage(content="What's the temperature in Shanghai today?") response = chain.batch([{'input': message}]) assert isinstance(response[0], AIMessage) assert 'function_call' in response[0].additional_kwargs
print('\x1b[95m\x1b[1m' + """ *****TASK LIST***** """ + '\x1b[0m\x1b[0m') for t in self.task_list: print(str(t['task_id']) + ': ' + t['task_name'])
def print_task_list(self) ->None: print('\x1b[95m\x1b[1m' + '\n*****TASK LIST*****\n' + '\x1b[0m\x1b[0m') for t in self.task_list: print(str(t['task_id']) + ': ' + t['task_name'])
"""Initialize the LangChain tracer.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.example_id = UUID(example_id) if isinstance(example_id, str ) else example_id self.project_name = project_name or ls_utils.get_tracer_project() self.client = client or get_client() self._futures: weakref.WeakSet[Future] = weakref.WeakSet() self.tags = tags or [] self.executor = _get_executor() if use_threading else None self.latest_run: Optional[Run] = None global _TRACERS _TRACERS.add(self)
def __init__(self, example_id: Optional[Union[UUID, str]]=None, project_name: Optional[str]=None, client: Optional[Client]=None, tags: Optional[List[str]]=None, use_threading: bool=True, **kwargs: Any) ->None: """Initialize the LangChain tracer.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.example_id = UUID(example_id) if isinstance(example_id, str ) else example_id self.project_name = project_name or ls_utils.get_tracer_project() self.client = client or get_client() self._futures: weakref.WeakSet[Future] = weakref.WeakSet() self.tags = tags or [] self.executor = _get_executor() if use_threading else None self.latest_run: Optional[Run] = None global _TRACERS _TRACERS.add(self)
Initialize the LangChain tracer.
prompt = SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template('You are a nice assistant.' ) + '{question}' chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=['foo']) chain: Runnable = prompt | chat assert repr(chain) == snapshot assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence) assert chain.first == prompt assert chain.middle == [] assert chain.last == chat assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, 'invoke') chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, 'invoke') tracer = FakeTracer() assert chain.invoke({'question': 'What is your name?'}, dict(callbacks=[ tracer])) == AIMessage(content='foo') assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {'question': 'What is your name?'} assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your name?')]) assert tracer.runs == snapshot mocker.stop(prompt_spy) mocker.stop(chat_spy) prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, 'batch') chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, 'batch') tracer = FakeTracer() assert chain.batch([{'question': 'What is your name?'}, {'question': 'What is your favorite color?'}], dict(callbacks=[tracer])) == [AIMessage (content='foo'), AIMessage(content='foo')] assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == [{'question': 'What is your name?'}, {'question': 'What is your favorite color?'}] assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == [ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your name?')]), ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your favorite color?')])] assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None and len(r. child_runs) == 2] ) == 2, 'Each of 2 outer runs contains exactly two inner runs (1 prompt, 1 chat)' mocker.stop(prompt_spy) mocker.stop(chat_spy) prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, 'invoke') chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, 'stream') tracer = FakeTracer() assert [*{'question': 'What is your name?'}, dict(callbacks=[ tracer]))] == [AIMessageChunk(content='f'), AIMessageChunk(content='o'), AIMessageChunk(content='o')] assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {'question': 'What is your name?'} assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your name?')])
@freeze_time('2023-01-01') def test_prompt_with_chat_model(mocker: MockerFixture, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) ->None: prompt = SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template( 'You are a nice assistant.') + '{question}' chat = FakeListChatModel(responses=['foo']) chain: Runnable = prompt | chat assert repr(chain) == snapshot assert isinstance(chain, RunnableSequence) assert chain.first == prompt assert chain.middle == [] assert chain.last == chat assert dumps(chain, pretty=True) == snapshot prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, 'invoke') chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, 'invoke') tracer = FakeTracer() assert chain.invoke({'question': 'What is your name?'}, dict(callbacks= [tracer])) == AIMessage(content='foo') assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {'question': 'What is your name?'} assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your name?')]) assert tracer.runs == snapshot mocker.stop(prompt_spy) mocker.stop(chat_spy) prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, 'batch') chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, 'batch') tracer = FakeTracer() assert chain.batch([{'question': 'What is your name?'}, {'question': 'What is your favorite color?'}], dict(callbacks=[tracer])) == [ AIMessage(content='foo'), AIMessage(content='foo')] assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == [{'question': 'What is your name?'}, {'question': 'What is your favorite color?'}] assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == [ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your name?')]), ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your favorite color?')])] assert len([r for r in tracer.runs if r.parent_run_id is None and len(r .child_runs) == 2] ) == 2, 'Each of 2 outer runs contains exactly two inner runs (1 prompt, 1 chat)' mocker.stop(prompt_spy) mocker.stop(chat_spy) prompt_spy = mocker.spy(prompt.__class__, 'invoke') chat_spy = mocker.spy(chat.__class__, 'stream') tracer = FakeTracer() assert [*{'question': 'What is your name?'}, dict( callbacks=[tracer]))] == [AIMessageChunk(content='f'), AIMessageChunk(content='o'), AIMessageChunk(content='o')] assert prompt_spy.call_args.args[1] == {'question': 'What is your name?'} assert chat_spy.call_args.args[1] == ChatPromptValue(messages=[ SystemMessage(content='You are a nice assistant.'), HumanMessage( content='What is your name?')])
return self.client.get_summaries_as_docs(self.query)
def get_summaries_as_docs(self) ->List[Document]: return self.client.get_summaries_as_docs(self.query)
from langchain_community.utilities.stackexchange import StackExchangeAPIWrapper return StackExchangeAPIWrapper
def _import_stackexchange() ->Any: from langchain_community.utilities.stackexchange import StackExchangeAPIWrapper return StackExchangeAPIWrapper
return datetime.fromtimestamp(date / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def _convert_date(self, date: int) ->str: return datetime.fromtimestamp(date / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
"""Load the deanonymizer mapping from a JSON or YAML file. Args: file_path: Path to file to load the mapping from. Example: .. code-block:: python anonymizer.load_deanonymizer_mapping(file_path="path/mapping.json") """ load_path = Path(file_path) if load_path.suffix not in ['.json', '.yaml']: raise ValueError(f'{load_path} must have an extension of .json or .yaml') if load_path.suffix == '.json': with open(load_path, 'r') as f: loaded_mapping = json.load(f) elif load_path.suffix == '.yaml': with open(load_path, 'r') as f: loaded_mapping = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self._deanonymizer_mapping.update(loaded_mapping)
def load_deanonymizer_mapping(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]) ->None: """Load the deanonymizer mapping from a JSON or YAML file. Args: file_path: Path to file to load the mapping from. Example: .. code-block:: python anonymizer.load_deanonymizer_mapping(file_path="path/mapping.json") """ load_path = Path(file_path) if load_path.suffix not in ['.json', '.yaml']: raise ValueError( f'{load_path} must have an extension of .json or .yaml') if load_path.suffix == '.json': with open(load_path, 'r') as f: loaded_mapping = json.load(f) elif load_path.suffix == '.yaml': with open(load_path, 'r') as f: loaded_mapping = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self._deanonymizer_mapping.update(loaded_mapping)
Load the deanonymizer mapping from a JSON or YAML file. Args: file_path: Path to file to load the mapping from. Example: .. code-block:: python anonymizer.load_deanonymizer_mapping(file_path="path/mapping.json")
return {'ai21': _import_ai21, 'aleph_alpha': _import_aleph_alpha, 'amazon_api_gateway': _import_amazon_api_gateway, 'amazon_bedrock': _import_bedrock, 'anthropic': _import_anthropic, 'anyscale': _import_anyscale, 'arcee': _import_arcee, 'aviary': _import_aviary, 'azure': _import_azure_openai, 'azureml_endpoint': _import_azureml_endpoint, 'bananadev': _import_bananadev, 'baseten': _import_baseten, 'beam': _import_beam, 'cerebriumai': _import_cerebriumai, 'chat_glm': _import_chatglm, 'clarifai': _import_clarifai, 'cohere': _import_cohere, 'ctransformers': _import_ctransformers, 'ctranslate2': _import_ctranslate2, 'databricks': _import_databricks, 'databricks-chat': _import_databricks_chat, 'deepinfra': _import_deepinfra, 'deepsparse': _import_deepsparse, 'edenai': _import_edenai, 'fake-list': _import_fake, 'forefrontai': _import_forefrontai, 'giga-chat-model': _import_gigachat, 'google_palm': _import_google_palm, 'gooseai': _import_gooseai, 'gradient': _import_gradient_ai, 'gpt4all': _import_gpt4all, 'huggingface_endpoint': _import_huggingface_endpoint, 'huggingface_hub': _import_huggingface_hub, 'huggingface_pipeline': _import_huggingface_pipeline, 'huggingface_textgen_inference': _import_huggingface_text_gen_inference, 'human-input': _import_human, 'koboldai': _import_koboldai, 'llamacpp': _import_llamacpp, 'textgen': _import_textgen, 'minimax': _import_minimax, 'mlflow': _import_mlflow, 'mlflow-chat': _import_mlflow_chat, 'mlflow-ai-gateway': _import_mlflow_ai_gateway, 'modal': _import_modal, 'mosaic': _import_mosaicml, 'nebula': _import_symblai_nebula, 'nibittensor': _import_bittensor, 'nlpcloud': _import_nlpcloud, 'oci_model_deployment_tgi_endpoint': _import_oci_md_tgi, 'oci_model_deployment_vllm_endpoint': _import_oci_md_vllm, 'ollama': _import_ollama, 'openai': _import_openai, 'openlm': _import_openlm, 'pai_eas_endpoint': _import_pai_eas_endpoint, 'petals': _import_petals, 'pipelineai': _import_pipelineai, 'predibase': _import_predibase, 'opaqueprompts': _import_opaqueprompts, 'replicate': _import_replicate, 'rwkv': _import_rwkv, 'sagemaker_endpoint': _import_sagemaker_endpoint, 'self_hosted': _import_self_hosted, 'self_hosted_hugging_face': _import_self_hosted_hugging_face, 'stochasticai': _import_stochasticai, 'together': _import_together, 'tongyi': _import_tongyi, 'titan_takeoff': _import_titan_takeoff, 'titan_takeoff_pro': _import_titan_takeoff_pro, 'vertexai': _import_vertex, 'vertexai_model_garden': _import_vertex_model_garden, 'openllm': _import_openllm, 'openllm_client': _import_openllm, 'vllm': _import_vllm, 'vllm_openai': _import_vllm_openai, 'watsonxllm': _import_watsonxllm, 'writer': _import_writer, 'xinference': _import_xinference, 'javelin-ai-gateway': _import_javelin_ai_gateway, 'qianfan_endpoint': _import_baidu_qianfan_endpoint, 'yandex_gpt': _import_yandex_gpt, 'VolcEngineMaasLLM': _import_volcengine_maas}
def get_type_to_cls_dict() ->Dict[str, Callable[[], Type[BaseLLM]]]: return {'ai21': _import_ai21, 'aleph_alpha': _import_aleph_alpha, 'amazon_api_gateway': _import_amazon_api_gateway, 'amazon_bedrock': _import_bedrock, 'anthropic': _import_anthropic, 'anyscale': _import_anyscale, 'arcee': _import_arcee, 'aviary': _import_aviary, 'azure': _import_azure_openai, 'azureml_endpoint': _import_azureml_endpoint, 'bananadev': _import_bananadev, 'baseten': _import_baseten, 'beam': _import_beam, 'cerebriumai': _import_cerebriumai, 'chat_glm': _import_chatglm, 'clarifai': _import_clarifai, 'cohere': _import_cohere, 'ctransformers': _import_ctransformers, 'ctranslate2': _import_ctranslate2, 'databricks': _import_databricks, 'databricks-chat': _import_databricks_chat, 'deepinfra': _import_deepinfra, 'deepsparse': _import_deepsparse, 'edenai': _import_edenai, 'fake-list': _import_fake, 'forefrontai': _import_forefrontai, 'giga-chat-model': _import_gigachat, 'google_palm': _import_google_palm, 'gooseai': _import_gooseai, 'gradient': _import_gradient_ai, 'gpt4all': _import_gpt4all, 'huggingface_endpoint': _import_huggingface_endpoint, 'huggingface_hub': _import_huggingface_hub, 'huggingface_pipeline': _import_huggingface_pipeline, 'huggingface_textgen_inference': _import_huggingface_text_gen_inference, 'human-input': _import_human, 'koboldai': _import_koboldai, 'llamacpp': _import_llamacpp, 'textgen': _import_textgen, 'minimax': _import_minimax, 'mlflow': _import_mlflow, 'mlflow-chat': _import_mlflow_chat, 'mlflow-ai-gateway': _import_mlflow_ai_gateway, 'modal': _import_modal, 'mosaic': _import_mosaicml, 'nebula': _import_symblai_nebula, 'nibittensor': _import_bittensor, 'nlpcloud': _import_nlpcloud, 'oci_model_deployment_tgi_endpoint': _import_oci_md_tgi, 'oci_model_deployment_vllm_endpoint': _import_oci_md_vllm, 'ollama': _import_ollama, 'openai': _import_openai, 'openlm': _import_openlm, 'pai_eas_endpoint': _import_pai_eas_endpoint, 'petals': _import_petals, 'pipelineai': _import_pipelineai, 'predibase': _import_predibase, 'opaqueprompts': _import_opaqueprompts, 'replicate': _import_replicate, 'rwkv': _import_rwkv, 'sagemaker_endpoint': _import_sagemaker_endpoint, 'self_hosted': _import_self_hosted, 'self_hosted_hugging_face': _import_self_hosted_hugging_face, 'stochasticai': _import_stochasticai, 'together': _import_together, 'tongyi': _import_tongyi, 'titan_takeoff': _import_titan_takeoff, 'titan_takeoff_pro': _import_titan_takeoff_pro, 'vertexai': _import_vertex, 'vertexai_model_garden': _import_vertex_model_garden, 'openllm': _import_openllm, 'openllm_client': _import_openllm, 'vllm': _import_vllm, 'vllm_openai': _import_vllm_openai, 'watsonxllm': _import_watsonxllm, 'writer': _import_writer, 'xinference': _import_xinference, 'javelin-ai-gateway': _import_javelin_ai_gateway, 'qianfan_endpoint': _import_baidu_qianfan_endpoint, 'yandex_gpt': _import_yandex_gpt, 'VolcEngineMaasLLM': _import_volcengine_maas}
"""Initializes the selector.""" self.examples = examples
def __init__(self, examples: Sequence[Dict[str, str]]) ->None: """Initializes the selector.""" self.examples = examples
Initializes the selector.
"""Load chain from Config Dict.""" if '_type' not in config: raise ValueError('Must specify a chain Type in config') config_type = config.pop('_type') if config_type not in type_to_loader_dict: raise ValueError(f'Loading {config_type} chain not supported') chain_loader = type_to_loader_dict[config_type] return chain_loader(config, **kwargs)
def load_chain_from_config(config: dict, **kwargs: Any) ->Chain: """Load chain from Config Dict.""" if '_type' not in config: raise ValueError('Must specify a chain Type in config') config_type = config.pop('_type') if config_type not in type_to_loader_dict: raise ValueError(f'Loading {config_type} chain not supported') chain_loader = type_to_loader_dict[config_type] return chain_loader(config, **kwargs)
Load chain from Config Dict.
index_schema = {'text': [{'name': 'job'}, {'name': 'title'}], 'numeric': [{ 'name': 'salary'}]} text = ['foo'] meta = {'job': 'engineer', 'title': 'principal engineer', 'salary': 100000} docs = [Document(page_content=t, metadata=meta) for t in text] r = Redis.from_documents(docs, FakeEmbeddings(), redis_url=TEST_REDIS_URL, index_schema=index_schema) output = r.similarity_search('foo', k=1, return_metadata=True) assert output[0].metadata['job'] == 'engineer' assert output[0].metadata['title'] == 'principal engineer' assert int(output[0].metadata['salary']) == 100000 info = convert_bytes(r.client.ft(r.index_name).info()) attributes = info['attributes'] assert len(attributes) == 5 for attr in attributes: d = make_dict(attr) if d['identifier'] == 'job': assert d['type'] == 'TEXT' elif d['identifier'] == 'title': assert d['type'] == 'TEXT' elif d['identifier'] == 'salary': assert d['type'] == 'NUMERIC' elif d['identifier'] == 'content': assert d['type'] == 'TEXT' elif d['identifier'] == 'content_vector': assert d['type'] == 'VECTOR' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected attribute in index schema') assert drop(r.index_name)
def test_index_specification_generation() ->None: index_schema = {'text': [{'name': 'job'}, {'name': 'title'}], 'numeric': [{'name': 'salary'}]} text = ['foo'] meta = {'job': 'engineer', 'title': 'principal engineer', 'salary': 100000} docs = [Document(page_content=t, metadata=meta) for t in text] r = Redis.from_documents(docs, FakeEmbeddings(), redis_url= TEST_REDIS_URL, index_schema=index_schema) output = r.similarity_search('foo', k=1, return_metadata=True) assert output[0].metadata['job'] == 'engineer' assert output[0].metadata['title'] == 'principal engineer' assert int(output[0].metadata['salary']) == 100000 info = convert_bytes(r.client.ft(r.index_name).info()) attributes = info['attributes'] assert len(attributes) == 5 for attr in attributes: d = make_dict(attr) if d['identifier'] == 'job': assert d['type'] == 'TEXT' elif d['identifier'] == 'title': assert d['type'] == 'TEXT' elif d['identifier'] == 'salary': assert d['type'] == 'NUMERIC' elif d['identifier'] == 'content': assert d['type'] == 'TEXT' elif d['identifier'] == 'content_vector': assert d['type'] == 'VECTOR' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected attribute in index schema') assert drop(r.index_name)
"""Test FacebookChatLoader.""" file_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'examples/facebook_chat.json' loader = FacebookChatLoader(str(file_path)) docs = loader.load() assert len(docs) == 1 assert docs[0].metadata['source'] == str(file_path) assert docs[0].page_content == """User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:46:11: Bye! User 1 on 2023-02-05 13:43:55: Oh no worries! Bye User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:24:37: No Im sorry it was my mistake, the blue one is not for sale User 1 on 2023-02-05 13:05:40: I thought you were selling the blue one! User 1 on 2023-02-05 13:05:09: Im not interested in this bag. Im interested in the blue one! User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:04:28: Here is $129 User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:04:05: Online is at least $100 User 1 on 2023-02-05 12:59:59: How much do you want? User 2 on 2023-02-05 08:17:56: Goodmorning! $50 is too low. User 1 on 2023-02-05 00:17:02: Hi! Im interested in your bag. Im offering $50. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks! """
def test_facebook_chat_loader() ->None: """Test FacebookChatLoader.""" file_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'examples/facebook_chat.json' loader = FacebookChatLoader(str(file_path)) docs = loader.load() assert len(docs) == 1 assert docs[0].metadata['source'] == str(file_path) assert docs[0].page_content == """User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:46:11: Bye! User 1 on 2023-02-05 13:43:55: Oh no worries! Bye User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:24:37: No Im sorry it was my mistake, the blue one is not for sale User 1 on 2023-02-05 13:05:40: I thought you were selling the blue one! User 1 on 2023-02-05 13:05:09: Im not interested in this bag. Im interested in the blue one! User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:04:28: Here is $129 User 2 on 2023-02-05 13:04:05: Online is at least $100 User 1 on 2023-02-05 12:59:59: How much do you want? User 2 on 2023-02-05 08:17:56: Goodmorning! $50 is too low. User 1 on 2023-02-05 00:17:02: Hi! Im interested in your bag. Im offering $50. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks! """
Test FacebookChatLoader.
n = 1 if model_name == 'gemini-pro' else 2 llm = GoogleGenerativeAI(temperature=0.3, n=n, model=model_name) output = llm.generate(['Say foo:']) assert isinstance(output, LLMResult) assert len(output.generations) == 1 assert len(output.generations[0]) == n
@pytest.mark.parametrize('model_name', model_names) def test_google_generativeai_generate(model_name: str) ->None: n = 1 if model_name == 'gemini-pro' else 2 llm = GoogleGenerativeAI(temperature=0.3, n=n, model=model_name) output = llm.generate(['Say foo:']) assert isinstance(output, LLMResult) assert len(output.generations) == 1 assert len(output.generations[0]) == n
"""Format the chat template into a string. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments to use for filling in template variables in all the template messages in this chat template. Returns: formatted string """ return self.format_prompt(**kwargs).to_string()
def format(self, **kwargs: Any) ->str: """Format the chat template into a string. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments to use for filling in template variables in all the template messages in this chat template. Returns: formatted string """ return self.format_prompt(**kwargs).to_string()
Format the chat template into a string. Args: **kwargs: keyword arguments to use for filling in template variables in all the template messages in this chat template. Returns: formatted string
generations = [] if not isinstance(response, dict): response = response.dict() for res in response['choices']: message = convert_dict_to_message(res['message']) generation_info = dict(finish_reason=res.get('finish_reason')) if 'logprobs' in res: generation_info['logprobs'] = res['logprobs'] gen = ChatGeneration(message=message, generation_info=generation_info) generations.append(gen) token_usage = response.get('usage', {}) llm_output = {'token_usage': token_usage, 'model_name': self.model_name, 'system_fingerprint': response.get('system_fingerprint', '')} return ChatResult(generations=generations, llm_output=llm_output)
def _create_chat_result(self, response: Union[dict, BaseModel]) ->ChatResult: generations = [] if not isinstance(response, dict): response = response.dict() for res in response['choices']: message = convert_dict_to_message(res['message']) generation_info = dict(finish_reason=res.get('finish_reason')) if 'logprobs' in res: generation_info['logprobs'] = res['logprobs'] gen = ChatGeneration(message=message, generation_info=generation_info) generations.append(gen) token_usage = response.get('usage', {}) llm_output = {'token_usage': token_usage, 'model_name': self.model_name, 'system_fingerprint': response.get('system_fingerprint', '')} return ChatResult(generations=generations, llm_output=llm_output)