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“Oh my? Lady Indra, are you not the kind of person who rejoices over having even worse schemes set in motion against you?” I blinked in surprise. Sword added, “...You keep tellin’ me, don’t you? That it’s fun if things get even more twisted. Or were you lyin’?” *snap* “You’re right! Now that you mention it!” He opened my eyes! He’s completely right! I forgot! “Shadow or whatever you’re called, I’m the type of woman who seeks thrill. In short! It’d be the standard route to acquit you here, ostracize you, and desire revenge! All while acting kind on the surface!” I’ll carry out my initial plan! I must abide by the common practice, right!? “...So as you can hear, Shadow-or-whatever, this one time I’ll be generous and overlook your evil deeds! You’re free to hate me for this, and seek revenge while snickering at my gentleness for letting you go free! I’ll wait in anticipation for your next move!” When I told him all that in elation, Sword poured cold water on me, “Hmm, I think it needs someone with quite the backbone to take their revenge on you after you’ve said all that. At the very least, I doubt that Shadow got that kind of backbone. Especially when it comes to a fight with the life of his lord on the line.” It’ll be alright! If things proceed according to theory, Shadow is the type of guy who doesn’t learn his lesson. “It’s fine. This fellow is someone who’d answer 『Of course, at once! We’ll hurry right away!』 when being told 『Go and search for the Doskull Stones ~dabeee』!” It earned me a comment from Damsel Scarlet: “Hmm...I kind of feel like I somewhat understand what you are trying to tell us and then again not.” It didn’t get through! What a shock! “Uugh...I’m sure Mr. Amato would have understood.” “Oh my? So there are others like me around?” She asked me. “Indeed. We’ve been sheltering a brave. I guess you can describe him as 『Active Otherworldler』. He’s a pitiful guy whose physical body got pulled into this world from our previous world.” Shadow lifted his face in surprise, staring at me. Seeing him look at me like that, Sword knitted his eyebrows, and called out to me, “Oi.” I cast a grin at Sword and then looked back at Shadow, “Come at me whenever you want, Shadow. I’ll answer with all my power and destroy everything that’s dear to you.” “Please find it in yourself to forgive me.” He prostrated himself once more. “It doesn’t matter at all, even if he’s aware of it. Damsel Scarlet also possesses the same knowledge. Me too, and Mr. Amato, as one of the braves, too. But, all the people possessing that knowledge are under my control, and the one very likely possessing the biggest pool of knowledge is me. Neither Mr. Amato nor Damsel Scarlet will be able to build a Ryoku.” I gently clapped the Ryoku who had drawn close to me. ...Damsel Scarlet looked at him with a somewhat doubtful face for some reason. “...Ryoku? You are talking about that thing next to you? ...Sorry, but to me it looks like no more than a spider monster.” Another shock! For there to exist people who don’t know Ryoku...how unbelievable! “...Humph, whatever. I’m pretty sure, you’re the type of person who would yell out, 『On behalf of the moon, I will punish you』 and things like that.” “Ahh, okay, I will not say anything like that, but I know that line.” Pheew, so it looks like she at least knows that line. ......With that said, I let Shadow get away for the sake of future thrills. I’m expecting great things from him. I’d love him to come up with all kinds of meticulous schemes from now on. I’m so looking forward to it. Given that it was the perfect opportunity, I also told the prince, “Tell Shadow now and here that you’ll completely cut off all contact to Primrose and put all your effort into becoming king, or that you’ll become a commoner while at the same time announcing your betrothal to Primrose.” After looking at Primrose, Shadow probably guessed most of the circumstances, and blamed the prince with the corners of his eyes lifted, “You didn’t have to choose Lady Indra’s sister of all things, did you!? Do you intend to ruin this country!?” “That’s not it! It’s just that the woman I fell in love with was that guy’s sister by chance!” Blood veins popped around Shadow’s temples. “...Hoh? You think such an excuse is going to fly? I had such a disastrous experience just because I carelessly investigated her background a tiny bit, and yet you believe that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you making a move on her sister, who’s the main cause for her character to have become like this!?” That’s wrong. You’re mistaking the point in question here. Moreover, this character of mine is to be rather blamed on her father than Primrose herself. And my mother as well! I’m not that much of a brute that I’d attack a little girl who doesn’t understand her own situation. I can’t get along with her since we’re not on the same wavelength, but it’s not like I hate her since she never gets discouraged, no matter how much sarcasm or cruel words I throw at her. That’s the very reason why I’ve been cruelly showering her with sarcasm, though!
「あら? インドラ様は、よりひどい策を練られるのに喜びを見出すタイプのはずじゃありません?」 「......お前、いっつも言ってるだろうが。『もっとこじれた方が面白い』って。ありゃうそか?」 ぱちーん! 「そうだ! そういえばそうだったな!」 開眼! そうだよ! 忘れてた! 「シャドとやら。私は刺激を求めるタイプだったのだ。つまり! ここで、お前を無罪放免として、放逐し、仕返しを望むのがお決まりだった! 上辺の優しさを見せながら!」 初志貫徹! セオリー通りにしないとね! 「......そういうわけでな? シャドとやら。ここはひとつ、寛大な心を持って見逃してやろうじゃあないか! お前は是非ともこれを逆恨みし、見逃した私に内心舌を出して笑いながら仕返しするとよい! 楽しみに待っているぞ!」 「うん、お前にそう言われて仕返しするやつって、相当気骨のあるやつだって思うよ。少なくとも、シャドに気骨があるとは思えねーな。特に主君をチップに賭けた戦いだとな」 シャドは、セオリー通りならば懲りないタイプだ。 「大丈夫、コイツは『ドクロストーンヲ探スンダベー』と言われて『アラホラサッサー!』って返すタイプだ!」 通じなかった! ショック! 「うぅ......アマト氏ならわかってくれそう」 「あら? 私の他にも同志がいるんですの?」 「そうだ。勇者を匿っている。現役『別世界人』だな。生身で向こうからこちらの世界に引き込まれた、憐れな人だ」 シャドは驚いたらしく顔を上げて私を見て、ソードがその様子を見て眉を顰めた。 シャドに向き直った。 「かかってこい、シャド。私が全力を持って迎え討ち、そして、お前の大切な者を破壊してくれよう」 「何とぞ、ご寛恕を」 また伏せた。 「知られたところでどうともなるまい。スカーレット嬢も英知を持っている。私も、そして勇者、アマト氏も、だ。だが、その英知を持つ人物は全て我が手中にあり、そして、恐らくは最高の英知を持つ者はこの私だ。アマト氏にもスカーレット嬢にもリョークは作れまい」 寄ってきたリョークをポンポンたたいた。 ......スカーレット嬢、リョークを不審げな顔で見てるんですけど。 「......リョーク? それのことですの? ......ごめんなさい、蜘蛛の魔物にしか見えませんわ」 ショック。リョークを知らない人がいるなんて! 「......いいんだもん。きっと、スカーレット嬢は、『月に代わっておっしおっきよー!』とか言ってたタイプなんだもん」 「あぁ、うん、言ってませんけど知ってますよ」 あぁ良かった、これは知ってたみたいだ。 ......というわけで、ワクワク感を楽しむためシャドは見逃した。 ちょうどよかったので王子に「今この場でプリムローズと婚約すると宣言してついでに平民になるか、プリムローズとキッパリ決別して王として努力するかをシャドに言え」と言い、シャドもプリムローズを見て大体の事情を察したのだろう、目をつり上げて王子を糾弾した。 「よりにもよって、インドラ様の妹を選ぶことはないでしょう! 貴男、この国を潰す気ですか!?」 「そんなんじゃない! 好きになった女が、たまたまソイツの妹だっただけだ!」 シャドのこめかみの血管が浮いたぞ? 「......ほう? そんな弁解が通るとお思いか? 私が、ほんのちょっと、うっかりと、彼女の身辺を洗っただけでこのていたらくなのに、貴男は、彼女の性格の元凶になったその妹とよろしくやって何の咎もなくいけると思っているのですか!?」 そしてこの性格はプリムローズよりもその父親に咎がある。 かみ合わないので好いてはいないが、嫌味を言って邪険にしてもへこたれないので嫌ってはいない。
“You know how that pharmacist is goin’ to use that potion, don’t you?” “Obviously I’ve taken into account that my handmade potion would be used on family and friends without ever being sold.” Sword laughed at my response, “Don’t make it sound like it’s somethin’ made by some village child. In a certain sense, it’s more amazin’ than 『special-grade』, isn’t it? It can completely regrow bones, can’t it?” “Sure can, but...what if we ask whether it’s really going to be a part of your own body? It’s going to be a bone made out of magic elements, you know? I wouldn’t be able to put my faith into it. Do you know how babies are made?” “For the most part, yeah. ...But if you’re goin’ to doubt that part, it’ll immediately turn into a question why people are alive, no?” “Correct. That’s why we should limit its use. In short, I’d like you to not consider it as 『Regrowth』, but rather as 『Replacement』 of a missing, natural body part through magic elements. For this reason you can’t really describe it as amazing.” “...Well, if you say so.” He caressed my head. “On another note, if you claim that your handmade potion is obviously goin’ to be used on family and friends, you’ve made handmade potions for me as well, haven’t you?” “......It’d be much better to not rely on them, you know? Rather, you’ll get careless if you have the option, won’t you? You’ll believe that everything will get healed as long as you drink the potion, right?” “You think I’m such a careless bloke? Just think ’bout it. I wouldn’t be alive right now if I was so careless.” I guess he got a point there. I took them out. “Oh, these are mine?” “Let me tell you in advance. Those are potions exclusive to you.” “These are healing potions with your body’s information registered, so I’m telling you to not use them on anyone else.” Sword froze. “......Waaaaaaaiiit!? J-J-J-J-ust when did you do somethin’ so scary!?” “Shut it! It’s better to compensate for the loss with your own cell tissue, isn’t it!? It’s much easier for your body to get accustomed to them! After all, it’s going to have the same “genetic information”!!” “Once again a bundle of incomprehensible, technical words...” “That’s how these things are called! Probably! By chance it might work, regardless of whether it’s made out of magic elements or something else altogether, but you’d also hate it if I tried it on you and it didn’t work as intended, right!? Safety comes first, and if it’s based on the same cell information, it should become mostly identical to the rest of your body!” I shouted. In response, Sword ruffled my hair and accepted the potions. “...Good grief, just what am I goin’ to do with you~? But alright, these are exclusively for me then.” “I’ve also given some to Ryoku. Either way, now you’ve got some as well. Don’t make any mistakes, okay?” Sword grinned broadly, “Don’t worry. Ain’t like I’d let anyone drink special-grade potions except for you.” Just what is that guy blathering!? “Don’t make me take any of them either!! It wouldn’t be funny at all if I ended up becoming a guy!!” What should I do if I suddenly grew out a dick!? Sword is guffawing, but it’s not funny at all, for heaven’s sake!! After stifling the laughter and putting away the potions, he looked at me with an apologetic expression, “...Somehow I’m only receivin’ stuff from you.” Since he suddenly brought it up, I replied with a sullen look, “...It’s the other way around. Aren’t you paying for almost everything?” No matter where we go and what we do, Sword pays for all of it. I know that it’d hurt his pride if he made a small child pay for things, but it troubles me. “I do get your wish of wantin’ to be equal, but you see, there’s no way I could make you pay for stuff. It’s a matter of honor for me.” “I’ve been letting you pay without saying anything because I’m well aware of that. Since I let you pay for things even though I have my own thoughts on the matter, I want you to accept what I give you without any complaints, even if you have your own thoughts about it.” “Yeah, yeah.” Shrugging it off, he swiftly put his arm around my neck. “What is it?” “I like that part of you. Any ordinary Joe would have told me to cough up the dough since I’m rich as S-Rank anyway, you know?” Well, I can understand that notion. It’s the same feeling, or maybe I should call it weirdness, when a boss invites his subordinates out for drinks and then asks them to split the costs or when men and women pay evenly during a mixer. “Well, that’s all well and good. It follows the principle of getting treated in your young years, and then, in exchange, treating the young when you’ve grown old.” “No? Also, how ’bout not treatin’ me like an old man on the fly?” He strangled my neck. “...I-I...don’t...want to...owe you...I...want...to pay myself...rather than...feeling...inferior...People...should...be...equal.” Though it might be a way of thinking that doesn’t exist in this world. The difference in standing, the disparity between men and women, and the disparity of wealth are so striking over here. That’s the very reason why I dislike this world. I’m a woman, and I only have the money I cheated out of that man. But, I don’t want to bend my knee to some ruler either. That’s why I don’t want to always feel inferior to Sword while being around him. At last Sword relaxed his hold on me. “That somehow sounds like an interestin’ concept. Was it like that in the other world?” “As a concept, yeah. It was normal for men and women to be equal, social status to play no role, and being able to eat and wash your body every day even as a poor person. Though I should add that I’m talking about the country my otherworld self was born in. ―In this world, noble women are political tools of their family’s patriarchs, commoners are disposable tools for nobles, and commoner women basically have no rights to speak of, correct?” I want to be equal to Sword while holding up my head high without having to bend my knee to some absolute authority. You might call it a boring insistence on my own pride. But, I will firmly keep that attitude for the sake of standing next to Sword and succeeding as an adventurer. ...Guessing my feelings on the matter, Sword caressed my head. “Don’t worry. Gender disparity or difference in social status doesn’t exist for adventurers. However, a distinction by rank is part of the show.” “That’s no problem. Such concept is called 『Ability-ism』 in the other world. Anyway, as I had thought, adventurer is truly my calling.” Sword laughed, “You sure happy-go-lucky ’bout this. Other adventurers don’t think ’bout it like that. It’s just that they’re ill-suited for other work. Adventurer is a job chosen by those with no money who hate havin’ to lower their head, gettin’ abused, or bein’ pushed ’round.” That in itself is alright, though. Suddenly I tried asking him something that popped up in my mind, “How was it for you?” “......Me? Your askin’ ’bout me, huh......? ......I wonder. I feel like I had some dreams and hopes in the beginnin’. But, those got crushed and trampled underfoot somewhere along the way, and before I realized, I had become an S-Rank.” ...That’s just like a song I’ve heard somewhere. “Well, it’s not like I had any particular dreams and hopes before landing here. I won’t start preaching something like 『Let’s go on a big adventure to find the big treasure the pirate king hid away before getting captured and executed!』, you know?” Sword exploded into laughter. He finds it hilarious without actually understanding the meaning? “Did you become an adventurer in the past while harboring such exaggerated dreams and hopes? Or does such a legend possibly exist?” When I asked him with a tinge of admiration, he roared, “As if! Are you sayin’ that for real? I really don’t get you, girl.” He was flabbergasted, but I think this would be an objective for adventuring that’s very easy to understand, and it’d be the very definition of what it means to have a dream. Sword placed a hand on his jaw, brooding. “Hmm... Let’s see...seein’ how I’ve finally obtained you as my partner and since we’re talkin’ ’bout having dreams, how about we head to the dungeon in the capital, the Kingdom’s most challengin’ dungeon which no one beat so far, and clear it with just the two of us?” Sword suggested, seemingly having come up with it on the fly. Still, a dungeon, huh? Well, it does have something of a dream...I think? “You’re right, I suppose that’s a 『reasonable』 dream to have.” “Only 『reasonable』!?” I mean, an adventurer’s dream isn’t about exploring known dungeons, but finding new ones, isn’t it? And isn’t it about discovering the riches and treasures hidden in such unexplored dungeons? At very least it’s got to be about exploring the toughest and biggest dungeon on this planet! “In that case, we might as well aim for the top dungeon in the world, no?” “That would be the castle of the demon king country.” Sword told me. Heeh. “Okay, I see. So the Sir Dungeon Core is His Majesty the Demon King, huh? That definitely makes it worthwhile to capture the dungeon.” “...That’s the least an adventurer’s dream should entail, no? Discovering new monsters or finding untrodden continents; those things are the core of adventuring.” “Yeah, I got it now. I’ve fully understood that your idea of adventurers and the reality of adventurers got absolutely nothin’ to do with each other.” Sword nodded as if having come to some kind of conclusion on his own. ...Why?
「あの薬師があの回復薬をどう使うか、わかってんだろ?」 「手作りの品は、間違っても売らずに身内で消費すると相場が決まっているな」 「そんな、村の子供が作った工芸品みたいな言い方すんなよ。ある意味『特級』よかすげーだろが。骨があったら全部再生すんだろ?」 「するけど......それは本当に自分の肉体なのか? と言われたらなぁ。魔素で作ってるんだぞ? 私には信じられない。なんで交尾で赤子が出来るかって知ってるか?」 「大体わかってる。......でも、そこに疑問を持ってたら、なんで生きてんだ? って話にまでなってくるだろーが」 「そうだな。だからホドホドにしておく。つまり、『再生した』と考えるんじゃなく、元々生まれ持った肉体の欠損を魔素で『代用した』、と考えてほしい。だから、すごくない」 「でよ。手作りの品は身内で消費するに決まってるっつーなら、俺用にもお手製回復薬作ってくれんだろ?」 「............使わないに越したことはないんだぞ? むしろ、あると油断するだろ? 飲めば治ると思うだろ?」 「俺がそんな油断するか。つーか、そんな油断してたら今生きてねーよ」 取り出した。 「お、これがそうか」 「言っておく、お前専用だ」 「お前の細胞情報を記録した回復薬だから、他のやつに使うなよって言ってる」 ソードがフリーズした。 「............おいぃぃい!? いいいいつの間に、そんな怖いことしてんだよ!?」 「うるさい! 自分の細胞組織で補った方がいいだろ!? 馴染みやすいだろうが! 〝遺伝子情報〟なんだから!」 「まったワケわかんねー専門用語を......」 「そういうものなんだ、たぶん! もしかしたら魔素で出来てようがなんで出来てようがうまく動くかもしれないが、お前に試して動かなかったら嫌だろう!? 安全第一で、同じ細胞情報からならほぼ同じモノになるはずなんだ!」 怒鳴ったら、ソードが頭をわしわしかいて受け取った。 「......ったくお前はよ~。わかった、俺専用だな」 「リョークにも渡してある、が、お前にも渡しておく。間違えるなよ?」 ソードがニヤリ、と笑う。 「お前以外に特級を飲ませるこたねーから、安心しろ」 何言い出してんだコイツ!? 「私にもやめろよ!? 本当に男になってしまったらシャレにならないぞ!?」 ソードがゲラゲラ笑ってるけど笑い事じゃないぞ!? 笑いを収めて回復薬をしまった後、申し訳なさそうな顔をしてる。 突然言い出したので、私も渋い顔をして返した。 チビッコに出させると沽券に関わるのはわかるが、心苦しいのはこっちの方だ。 「お前が対等でありたいっつー気持ちはわかるけどな、お前に出させるわけにはいかねーんだよ。俺の面子に関わる」 「わかってるから黙って支払ってもらってる。こっちだって思うところあっても出してもらってるんだから、お前も思うところあっても何も言わずに受け取れ」 「ハイハイ」 肩をすくめた後、ガッと腕を首に絡めてきた。 「なんだ?」 「俺、お前のそんなトコ、好きだわ。フツーのやつなら、お前Sランクで金持ってんだから出せ、っつーんだぜ?」 まぁ、それはそれでわかる。 会社の上司が部下を誘って割り勘にしたり、合コンで男女平等に割り勘とかっておかしい、って感覚だな。 「まぁ、それはそれでいい、なくもない話だ。若い頃は奢られておけ、その代わり、歳を取ったら今度はお前が若い者に奢る番だ、そういう理屈だな」 「違うぞ? そしてさりげなく年寄り扱いするな?」 ギリギリ首を絞めてきた。 「......わ、私は、借りを、作りたくない。引け目を、感じる、くらいなら、払いたい。人は、対等で、あるべきだ」 身分の違いも男女の格差も貧富の差も著しく、だからこそそれが気に入らない。 私は女で金はあの男からせしめた分しか持ってない。 ようやくソードが手を緩めた。 「面白い考えだよな。別世界はそうだったのか?」 「知識としてはそうだ。身分に違いはなく、男女の格差もないし、貧しいとはいえ毎日身体を洗え腹いっぱい飯を食えるのが当たり前だった。私の生まれ育った国は、とは言い添えておくが。――この世界の貴族の女なんて、当主の政治の駒だぞ。平民は貴族の消耗品だ。平民の女の地位なんて、ないに等しいじゃないか」 ――胸を張り、堂々と、絶対に権力に屈せずに、ソードと対等でありたい。 ......そんな私の気持ちを察してるソードに頭をなでられた。 「安心しろ、冒険者に男女の差も身分の差もねぇ。但し、ランクの差はある」 「それはいいな。そういうのを『実力主義』と言ったのだ、別世界では。では、やはり冒険者は天職だ」 「お前って気楽でいいよなぁ。他の冒険者ってのは、そんなことを考えねーよ。ただ、他に働き口がねーんだよ、人に頭を下げて、罵倒されてこき使われるのが嫌だ、でも金がねぇ、そんなやつが選んでる仕事だ」 それはそれでいいけどね。 ふと、疑問に思ったので訊いてみた。 「............俺? 俺かぁ............。............どうだったんだろうな、最初は夢も希望もあった気がするな。でも、どっかに落っことして踏み潰してきたな。いつの間にかSランクになってた」 ......どっかで聴いた歌のようだな。 「別に私は落とす前から夢も希望もないけどな。『昔処刑された大盗賊が、捕まる前に隠したと言われる大秘宝を探しに冒険しようぜ!』なんて言わないぞ?」 意味がわからなくてもウケるんだ? 「お前は昔、そんな大層な夢や希望を持って冒険者になったのか。もしや、そんな言い伝えがあるのか?」 「ねーよ! 本気で言ってるのかよ、お前ってわかんねーやつだな」 呆れられたが、非常にわかりやすい冒険の目標だと思うし、それこそ夢があっていいと思う。 ソードが顎に手を当てて考え込んだ。 「んー......。そうだな、じゃ、せっかくお前ってパートナーが出来たことだし、夢のある話でいくと、王都にあるダンジョンは、王国最大級でまだ誰もクリアしてねぇ。そこでクリアしようぜ、ってのはどうだ?」 まぁ、ちょっとは夢がある......のかな? 「そうだな、『そこそこ』夢があるな」 「『そこそこ』かよ!」 冒険者の夢って、元々あるダンジョンを探検するんじゃなくて、ダンジョンそのものを見つけるものじゃないのかな? そして、そこに隠されし宝等々を見つけるものじゃないかな? せめて、この星で一番のダンジョン踏破! じゃなければねぇ。 「どうせなら世界で一番を目指すものだろう?」 「魔王国の城になるぞ」 へー。 「なるほどな、ダンジョンコア様が魔王様か。それは攻略しがいがあるな」 「......冒険者の夢は、それくらいだろう? 見たこともない魔物を見つけたり、見たこともない大陸を発見したり、それこそが冒険だろうに」 「うん、今わかったぞー。お前の冒険者に対する認識と、実際の冒険者とのズレが、今ハッキリとわかった」 ......なぜに?
We finally arrived at the capital. It was surrounded by a really, really tall wall. And a long line had formed in front of the checkpoint. Since it’d very likely cause a stir if we drew close in Char, Sword put it away and carried it. Now then, going by the templates, this would be the perfect time for some delinquent adventurers to mess with me, but I had Sword with me. And with him being here, no one would pick a fight with me since he worked like a charm against evil. “Sword, go and play around with Bronko for a bit.” “What’s it all of a sudden?” “As far as my knowledge is concerned, it’s a common occurrence for a frail-looking adventurer like me to get messed with by delinquent adventurers when standing in a line like this. But, they’re staying clear of me because you’re here. It’s the same reason why most of our journey was as peaceful as taking a stroll through our backyard. It’s about time that I’d like to experience some of the adventurer standard templates.” Sword narrowed his eyes, “Why the hell are you tryin’ to deliberately cause problems? ...Ahh! Hey!! Your still pissed because you couldn’t vent on the folks who messed with Benny the other day, aren’t you!?” Ugh. N-No way, t-that’s n-not true! “...No? I just want to enjoy a thrilling situation for a bit.” Once I averted my face, he grabbed my head and forced it his way. “G-I-R-L-Y!! Aren’t you actually the delinquent adventurer here? Do you understand what your sayin’?” “Y-You’re wrong!” “Acting all cute only at times like this won’t get you anywhere!” He used an iron claw on me!! “Gyaaaah!!” In the end, I queued up together with Sword. ...And as predictable, nothing happened. Boooooh! “I miss out on all the standard events with you! It’s not like I’m planning to torture anyone, okay? I just want to enjoy the situation! The situation! Look! Aren’t those guys over there like the perfect specimen for causing one of the events I desire!? I also want to have some fun while you enjoy your Bronko! ...Ouch!” “Aren’t you completely n’ utterly lookin’ down on life!? You’re ’bout the only person in this world who’d get involved with ill-bred folks on purpose!” “I mean, Sword, even you’d be able to fully enjoy adventuring if you started to have some fun with such situations while blocking your reception of malicious intentions, you know? As if I’d care what kind of malice they embrace when they pick a fight with me! Instead, I want them to come at me! I’ll use all of them for my own entertainment!” “No, I have more than enough of a blast with ridin’ Bronko, ‘kay?” What a boring and dull guy he is!! He’s completely unsuited for being an adventurer! “...You know, you’re perfectly suited to be an inhabitant of the other world. You made a mistake in your birthplace, really. The world over there was overrun with guys who enjoyed a reserved life like you do.” “Yeah...I also had an inklin’ that it might be the case after hearin’ you talk ’bout that place. They’ve got vehicles like Bronko or Char, liquor that’s better than the one I’m drinkin’ these days is commonplace, and there’s almost no difference between the rich n’ poor, right? I definitely prefer the world over there.” Hero of the lower middle-class...pfft, hahaha. The instant I thought that, he immediately grabbed my mouth! “Mmmpf mmmpf!” “It’s damn obvious from your face what your thinkin’.” At last our turn came, and we showed our adventurer cards. The government official immediately straightened his posture! On top of that, he saluted! “Sir 【Thunderclap Whitefang】! Welcome to our fine city! We would have let you through right away if only you had called out to us, so please do so next time! Please call out to us!” I was dumbfounded. While I gawped at him with my mouth gaping, Sword looked troubled. The people around us became super noisy, too. Just when I wondered whether they’d start protesting our permission to cut the line, many of them started to say, “He said Sir 【Thunderclap Whitefang】...!” “No, I formed a party. This girl here is my partner, ‘kay? Please call us 【Allrounders】 from now on.” “Eh.........?” For some reason, the peanut gallery was lost for words. Huh? What’s the matter? Is Allrounders a bad name? Though I thought that it’s a fairly decent name? “Is our name so uncool?” I asked while tilting my head. Coming to his senses, the official furiously shook his head, “N-Not at all! B-But...it might have been better to include the alias of Sir 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 in the party name...” This time it was my turn to shake my head furiously. “I don’t want to have anything to do with such an uncool name!!” In the next moment, I received another iron claw!! “I also like Allrounders. It’s a namin’ that fits us very well.” He talked to the official, completely unperturbed by my loud complaints. The official was startled! We passed through the gate while Sword dragged me along with his iron claw. After we left the gate area, he finally let go of me. After stroking my head, I lifted my face, just to become surprised. It’s fantasy!! A fantastic world out of a märchen!! “...Ooohhh!” Sword laughed, “Oh, finally curiosity has kicked in, eh?” “Yep! This is a sight just how I had imagined it to be!” The roads were maintained and even though they were frequented by carriages, there was enough space. The pedestrians weren’t filthy either. The buildings were tall. Moreover, instead of being simple, square houses with holes in them, the buildings were ornamented with wood and stones, and their windows were properly made out of wood or glass. Not an assortment of leftover, wild trees, but plants that had been systematically planted colored the cityscape. The river flowing through the city allowed for a guess that the city also might possess water and sewer services. “Yep! It totally looks like a sanitary city!” “Well, if you compare it to the towns we visited so far...” Sword mumbled. Once I looked at him, he smiled bitterly, “But, to be blunt, compared to our mansion, it’s no different from all the towns we’ve visited until now. It ain’t at a level you’d approve of.” I see........ Then they should prepare themselves for a substantial price reduction.
すっごい高い塀に囲まれてる。 シャールを出してるとさすがに邪魔そうなので、しまって、ソードが背負った。 さて、定番だとここらでチンピラ冒険者に絡まれるのがセオリーなんだがにいるのがソードだ。 「お前、ちょっとブロンコで走り回ってこい」 「なんだよ? どうした急に」 「私の知ってる知識だと、こういう長蛇の列では、私のようなか弱そうな冒険者は、チンピラ冒険者に絡まれるのがセオリーなのだ。だが、お前がいると絡まれない。旅の大半絡まれなかったのも、お前と一緒にいたせいだ。そろそろ冒険者の定番を味わってみたい」 「何お前わざと問題を起こそうとしてるんだよ。......あっ、お前! こないだベンに絡んだ連中に出来なかったこと、やる気だな?!」 そ、そんなこと、ないもん。 「............違うぞ? ちょっと、シチュエーションを楽しみたいだけだ」 顔をそらしたら頭をつかまれて無理やり向かされた! 「おーまーえーーーー? むしろ、お前がチンピラ冒険者だぞ? わかってるのか?」 「ち、違うもん!」 「そんなときだけかわいく言ったって通用しねーよ!」 アイアンクローだ!! 「ぎゃー!」 結局、ソードと一緒に並んでた。 何も起きない。 「お前といると、テンプレの展開を逃すんだぞ? 別に、拷問しようなんて思ってないぞ? シチュエーション! シチュエーションを楽しみたいだけだ。ホラ、あそこに見える冒険者なんて、いかにもテンプレの展開に持っていきそうな輩じゃないか? お前がブロンコで楽しんでる間、私もテンプレの展開を楽しみたいんだー! ......いたい!」 「お前って、つくづく! 人生なめてるよな!? わざわざガラの悪い連中に絡まれたいやつなんて、この世界中でお前だけだぞ!」 「ソードだって、その悪意の受信をシャットアウトしてシチュエーションを楽しむようになれば、ぐっと冒険が楽しくなったんだぞ? 相手がどんな悪意を持って挑んでこようが知ったことか! むしろどんどん来い! 私の人生を楽しむ糧にしてやる!」 「いや、俺、ブロンコ乗ってるのでジューブン楽しめるから」 冒険者に向いてないぞ! 「......お前って、別世界の住人に向いてるな。生まれた場所を間違えたな。あっちはお前みたいにホドホドに人生を楽しむ輩がたーくさんいたぞ?」 「あぁ......俺もな、お前の話を聞いてると、薄々そんな気がしてたんだ。ブロンコみたいな、シャールみたいな乗り物があって、今飲んでる酒以上にうまい酒がゴロゴロしてる、ほとんど貧富の差がない世界なんだろ? 俺、絶対、そっち向きだわ」 小市民の英雄様って......。ウププ。 って考えた途端に唇つかまれたし! 「にゅーにゅー!」 「お前って、表情で考えてること丸わかり」 ようやく順番が来て、冒険者カードを見せる。 途端に! 役人さんの姿勢が伸びた! 「【迅雷白牙】様! ようこそいらっしゃいました! お声がけいただければ、すぐにお通しいたしますので、今度から是非! お声がけ下さい!」 私は口を開けて役人を見て、ソードは困った顔をした。 横入りに対する抗議かな? と思ったら、「【迅雷白牙】様だってよ......!」って声が多数。 「いや、俺、パーティを組んだんだ。コイツ、俺のパートナーな? これからは【オールラウンダーズ】で呼んでくれ」 「え............」 なぜか、周り中、絶句。 結構マシなネーミングだと思ったんだけどな? 「かっこ悪い名前だったか?」 「い、いいえ! で、ですが......どうせなら【迅雷白牙】様名をどこかに冠した方が......」 今度は私がブンブン首を振った。 「そんなかっこ悪い名前、イヤだ!!」 途端にアイアンクロー!! 「俺も、オールラウンダーズは気に入ってるんだ。いかにも〝俺たち〟らしいネーミングだからな」 役人がびっくりしているぞ! アイアンクローされたまま門を抜けた。 頭をなでた後、顔を上げて、驚いた。 ファンタジーな世界だ! 「......おぉ!」 「お、ようやく物珍しいって顔をしたか」 「うむ! これは、私のイメージしていた通りの光景だ!」 その建物は、単に穴が空いてい家ではなく、木や石で装飾されており、窓は木窓だったり、硝子窓だったりしている。 単に整備されずに残った雑木、ではなく、計画的に植林された植物が街を彩っている。 「うむ! 清潔そうな街だな!」 「まぁ、今まで回った町に比べたらな......」 「でも、ハッキリ言や、拠点の屋敷に比べたら、今までの町に毛が生えたみたいなモン。お前が納得するレベルじゃねーよ」 そっか............。 期待値下げて覚悟を決めておこう。
The shady guy showed up at the same time of the day as yesterday. For starters I’m going to extract some information out of him while keeping my caution up. “Oh came first n’ waited for me? Nice, nice.” “No, I’ve been here the whole time.” Recently I’ve entered a cycle of going back to eat in the morning, then visiting the kitchen to talk with the cook about new dishes, and the progress and outcomes of her experiments, and lastly secluding myself on the mountain until dinner. I’ve also been washing myself out here. So far no one ever came here, so it’s not like anyone got to see me naked either. The man knitted his eyebrows. “The whole time? ...That okay with your job?” “Look, I’m training out here for the very sake of finding a job! There’s no way that a kid, who can’t do anything, would be able to get a job...right?” At the end I phrased it like a question, tilting my head in doubt. ...Maybe children can actually work in this world!? In such a case, it might be smart to speed up my schedule a bit. For the time being, I’m going to ask this shady guy whether there’s any work I could do. Yep, let’s do that. “Ahh...guess callin’ it a job goes bit too far. Helpin’ out your parents...would be better?” ...Oh, I get it. That’s how he meant it. What a disappointment. “Nevermind it. I don’t have any parents though.” I loosely waved his reservations off. In response, the man awkwardly scratched his head. “...I see. Sorry for askin’ something inconsiderate.” “Don’t worry. It’s not like it’s wrong to ask whether someone is fine in regards to helping out their parents. ...At least as far as my common sense goes.” I wonder how it might be in this world...? Oh, it might actually be wrong to ask this in the other world as well. The man smiled wryly, “You a funny fellow. ...Alright, I like you, so I’ll give you some trainin’.” “Please wait a moment. I have a few questions first.” I held him back quickly and decisively. “Right now I’m seven years old, but can you usually find a job at such an age?” “No, probably not.” ...Then don’t get my hopes up! And don’t deny it instantly as if it’s only natural! “...How old do you need to be to get some decent work? Or to be precise, I want to know the minimum age and job types that would allow me to earn enough to be able to live normally by myself.” The man placed a hand on his jaw. “...Sorry, but I don’t know much ’bout jobs other than adventurer. You can basically become an adventurer whenever you want. Kids, who lost their parents like you, register as adventurers to get some cash or earn their livin’ by doin’ odd jobs.” “Hmm...” That means the adventurer job would be the quickest way to support myself. What was it again that adventurers do? Ah! The ones in fantasy stories kill goblins and dive into dungeons, don’t they? ...Sounds kinda interesting, so maybe I should try giving it a go? “...You plan on becoming an adventurer?” He asked while looking amused. “I’ve added it to the candidates. Or rather, I don’t know of any other jobs. ...Oh wait, cook is also an option.” Our cook has told me that my skills are already at the level of a professional. I think it was just flattery though... However, working as a cook is definitely impossible as a child. Even if I were to extort some money from that man when leaving home, I basically cannot trust the people of this world. Human society is separated into classes. I don’t know how much of a difference there is between nobility and commoners, but there’s a clear distinction between adults and children. I can’t believe that I’d be taken seriously, so I’d like to avoid any job where I’d have business partners to deal with. In the worst case, I can sustain myself with my skill set, but I’d love to go sightseeing. I mean I’ve already come to this world, so I want to make full use of that opportunity, and just staying in the mansion or on this mountain all the time is boring. If possible, I’d like to live a bit longer this time around. “Wow, bringin’ that up means you can cook?” “Yeah, more or less...I can cook up something edible, I’d say.” He’s intrigued by that news. Well, at least cooking is something the otherworld me has done before, so yeah. Seeing how I’ve done it for a good while now, it’s only natural that I’m capable of it at my current age... I mean I know that it’s normal in the other world. “...I don’t know any other places than the mountain forest around here and the house I’m currently living in. Going by my common sense, it’s only natural to be able to do most of the things you’re interested in, even at my current age, but I don’t know whether that common sense applies to this world as well. That’s why being able to cook isn’t anything overly special as far as I know...” I explained. “...I see. Well, I’d say it’s a bit unusual. But okay, for the time bein’, if there’s anythin’ you wanna know, I’ll teach you. As long as it’s within the range of what I know or what I can find out from other people, that is. So...what’s it gonna be in regards to the trainin’?” “Of course I still want to do it. Just as you’ve guessed, I’ve never fought against a live opponent. As I’ve learned everything through self-study, I don’t know whether my training is lacking in some parts. If possible, it’d be a huge help if you could tell me whether I have the skills necessary to become an adventurer. I’d like to adjust my training menu as early as possible. The man laughed. Oh, finally your shadiness vanished, you know? “...What, your totally actin’ like an adult, or rather, like a cheeky lad, I s’pose. Indra, was it?” I nodded. “Gotcha, then come at me. ...The wooden sword tied to your waist is your weapon, right? Draw that and take your stance.” ...Is he going to look at my stance? Hmm...I don’t really mind, I guess. But, the otherworld me was a fairly decent black belt holder, okay? I smoothly drew my sword, and took my stance. “Hoh. ...Ain’t that a fairly decent stance for someone who’s self-taught?” “...No need to bother with my form. I got the necessary knowledge.” “Knowledge and actual experience are two different pairs of shoe, aren’t they?” “Sure, but my stance and form are fine. I just haven’t experienced any real combat with this body.” The knowledge of what the other world me has experienced is recorded in my brain. No matter how much people say you got to experience things with your body, it’s the brain that moves the body. As long as I possess the knowledge how to move, the brain will move my body accordingly. “To be blunt, I don’t get half o’ what your sayin’, but I’ve got it that your confident. If your talkin’ so big, come at me and I’ll coach you properly.” ... “Umm...” “Don’t know how to fight?” “No, that’s not it. ...I’m troubled about you not getting ready for combat. Or is there anyone else I should attack?” ...The common sense of this world is super hard to understand. “Nah, I’m your opponent. ...Now listen, you think I need to take a proper combat stance for a pipsqueak like you?” “I think so, yes. ...Let me tell you in advance, but I’m not looking into becoming a murderer or bandit. You have to measure someone’s real strength before practicing with them without preparing in any way. For today I’d like to normally practice fighting a hostile enemy.” As I was talking, admiration began to color the man’s expression. “...Your really cheeky, you know? Well, whatever. You convinced me. Just a sec...” He walked around, and once he found what he was looking for, lopped off a branch and readied it as something similar to a long staff. ...Ah! That stick! It’s kinda like a wooden sword! Gimme! “That stick is really nice! Would you trade it for my sword?” “Bah, stop sidetrackin’ and come at me, will you?” It looks like it was hopeless to hope for a weapon exchange. Shrugging my shoulders, I closed the distance and slashed at him.
うさんくさい男は同じ時間に現れた。とりあえず、警戒しつつも情報を引き出すことに決める。 「お、先に来て待ってたか。感心感心」 「いや、ずっといるから」 最近は朝に朝食を食べに戻り、その後厨房に顔を出して料理人と実験の経過や結果、あと新作などを話したらまた山に籠もり夕飯まで帰らないサイクルだ。身体もここで洗ってしまっている。今まで誰も来なかったし何も現れなかったから。 男が眉をひそめた。 「ずっと? ......お前、仕事は良いのか?」 「だから、その仕事を見つけるために今ここで鍛錬してるのだ! 何も出来ない子供が仕事を得られるわけない............よな?」 最後、疑問形で首をかしげてしまった。 ......もしや、この世界では子供でも仕事が得られるのか?! 取りあえず今日はこのうさんくさい男から、私でも出来る仕事がありそうか聞き出してみよう。そうしよう。 「あー......いや、ま、仕事は言い過ぎだけどな。親の手伝いだよ、それはいいのか?」 ......なるほど。そういう意味だったのか。がっかり。 「いいんだ、親はいない」 そうしたら、男がバツが悪そうに頭をかいた。 「......そうか。悪いこと聞いたな」 「親の手伝いはいいのか、って質問は悪いことではないから安心しろ。......私の常識ではな」 この世界だとどうなのか......あ、別世界でも悪いことかもしれなかった。 「お前、面白いやつだな。......よし、気に入ったから稽古をつけてやろう」 「私は今なんだが、普通は七歳で仕事が見つけられるものなのか?」 「いや、無理だろ」 ......なら、さっき期待させんな! 当然みたいに即否定すんな! 「......いくつならマトモな仕事につける? 具体的には独りで普通に暮らせるくらいの賃金を稼ぐ最低年齢と職」 男が顎に手を当てた。 「......悪いが、俺も冒険者以外の職業は詳しくないんだよ。冒険者は基本、いくつでもなれる。お前さんと同じ、親を失った子供たちが日銭を稼ぐために冒険者に登録して、それこそ雑用こなして日銭を稼いでるよ」 「ふーん......」 ということは、手っ取り早いのは冒険者か。 ......面白そうだから目指してみようかな? 「......お前、冒険者になるつもりか?」 「候補に入れてる。というか、他の職業が分からん。......あ知ってた。料理人」 うちの料理人にはもうプロになれる腕前です、とか言われた。お世辞だろうけど......。 ただ、子供では確実に無理だろう。 人間社会には階層があるし、貴族と平民の差がわからんが、大人と子供には差がある。まともに相手されるとも思えないので、人相手の商売以外に就きたい。 最悪自給自足でも良いが、観光したい、せっかくこの世界にいるんだし、屋敷と山しか知らないのはつまらない。出来ればもうちょっと長く生きてみたいし。 「へぇ。それが出てきたってことはもしかしてお前、料理出来るのか?」 「まぁ、人並み......食える物は作れるな」 特に私は小さい頃から作ってたから、この年で作れるのは普通だって......別世界では普通だって知ってるもん。 「......私は、今住んでいるところとこの山林しか知らないのだ。私の常識ではこの年齢でも興味があるなら大体のことを出来るのは知っているが、それがこの世界の常識なのかはわからない。だから、私の常識では料理が作れるのは普通なのだが......」 って弁解した。 「......そうか。ま、それで変わってるのか。わかった、とりあえずお前が知りたいことがあったら教えてやる。俺が知ってるか、人に聞いて分かる範囲でならな。で......稽古はどうする?」 「もちろんやりたい。察している通り、生き物と対戦したことがないのだ。自主練だけだと自分の鍛錬が足りてるのかどうなのかわからない。出来れば私に冒険者になり得る実力があるのか無いのかも教えてもらえると助かる。軌道修正は早めに行いたい」 男が笑った。 あ、ようやくうさん臭さが消えたぞ? 「......なんつーか、大人ぶった、つーか、こまっしゃくれた坊主だな。インドラ、だっけか?」 「わかった、とりあえずかかってこい。......その腰にくくり付けている木剣がお前の武器だろう? それを構えろ」 ......構えを見るのか? まぁ......いいけどな。 スラッと抜いて、構えた。 「ほー。......独学で、いい構えするじゃないか」 「......構えはいいんだ。その知識はある」 「知識と実践は違うだろ」 「そうだが、構えや型はいいんだ。〝実践〟をこの体で体験したことがない」 いくら体で覚えるとは言っても、その体を動かしているのは脳だ。脳に動かした知識がある限り、それが私の体を動かす。 「正直、何言ってんのか半分もわかんねーんだけど、自信があるっつーのは伝わった。それだけ大口をたたくなら実践で指導してやるからかかってこい」 ............。 「えーと......」 「戦い方がわからねーのか?」 「いや、そうじゃない。......お前が構えてないから困っている。それとも、お前の他にかかっていくものがあるのか?」 ......この世界の常識って、難しい。念のために周りを見渡したが、よくわからない。 「俺だよ。......あのな、お前ごときに構えが必要だと思うのか?」 「必要だろう。......言っておくが私がなりたい職業は盗賊や殺人を生業にしてる者じゃない。何も構えてない者をたたく稽古は実力を測ってからにしてくれ。今回は、普通に、敵対している相手と戦う稽古をしてほしい」 話しているうちに男が感心したような顔をした。 「......お前、本当にこまっしゃくれてんな。まぁ、いい。納得した。んじゃ......」 ぶらっと歩くと、枝を切り落とし、長い棒のようなものを構えた。 ......あ! その棒! 木刀っぽい! ほしい! 「いいから、かかってこいっつってんだろ!」 肩をすくめると、間合いを詰めて、斬りかかった。
“It is an honor to see you again after such a long time, Lady Indra.” The ones bowing at me were the former head maid, butler, and moreover the veteran servants and maids. Given their not wearing any formal clothing, they’ve maybe come here on vacation? Good work in expressly troubling yourself to make the long journey. “Long time no see. Are you in the middle of traveling? Well, no point in talking out here. Come inside,” I tried to invite them into the mansion, but they firmly refused to go beyond the entrance door’s threshold. “Don’t be such sticklers to formality. I’m already a commoner and thus of the same social standing as you. And the owner of this mansion is Sword. I’m something akin to a freeloader, but I’m Sword’s partner and as such he lets me do as I please. Anyway, follow me to the dining hall. I’m sure the others must have missed you as well.” I forced them to enter the mansion. “Still, you guys are all going on a trip together, huh? For that Earl Springcoat to give you a vacation... Did he eat something weird or something like that?” I asked while looking back at them, just to spot all of them kneeling. “...What’s wrong? A sudden stomach pain?” Did they eat something weird? “...We have come here to confess to you, Milady,” answered the butler for all of them. ....Huh? Did they do something requiring repentance? I called Sword over to have him listen to their story as well. He looked quite bothered, but still humored me by showing up. Well, in reality I tightly hung onto his arm so that he wouldn’t escape. “I got it, I got it, don’t worry, I won’t run away,” he said and gently caressed my head. So, according to the butler, everyone present here had apparently served House Springcoat since the previous earl. The head maid and the maids under her came to the family as maids of my birth-mother, a former ducal daughter, whereas the butler and the servants had served under the old earl and decided to stay back out of obligation when Sword had invited them to come to our mansion, or so they said. Okay, but what about it? It’s got nothing to do with me, has it? Those were my thoughts after having heard their explanation up until this point, but those senior maids and servants sure had a strong sense of duty towards their respective lords. Mother had been useless trash for me, but because she had gone completely mad out of love for the earl, the maids attached to her had been tormented by their guilty conscience for having been unable to stop her or remonstrate her for this obsession. The butler and the servants of the Earl family had decided in their hearts that they’d serve the family for their whole life as the old earl had been a man of character who possessed outstanding abilities in administration, but as it was often the case with such people, he had no eye for women. Moreover, the present earl was born late, and rather than caring about the education of him as the heir, the old earl prioritized dotting on him. The butler warned the old earl about the issues with that, but at that point it was already too late, or maybe it was simply his character by birth, either way, the present earl turned out to be a useless playboy who only messed around. As that guy would be unable to run the earldom, the butler begged the old earl to adopt a son and bring him up as heir who would be able to protect the fief and House Springcoat. The old earl apparently sympathized with that notion, but just as he was about to put it into practice, he was met with an accident, suffering heavy injuries. Being told by the old earl to support House Springcoat and help his son where possible while on his deathbed, the butler and servants couldn’t turn down the plea, agreed to it, and tried to reeducate the son by repeatedly admonishing him, but the son ran away. Winning over a ducal daughter while aiming for her dowry and marrying her was a good idea, but flinching away from his wife’s deep jealousy, he ran away once again. In the meantime, the senior servants ran the territory. Despite the old earl’s plea, they quickly gave up on the son and instead pinned their hopes on me. At a tender age of three my language comprehension was perfect and so were my manners. They believed that I’d definitely become a talented woman in the future... They believed that I’d be able to protect House Springcoat as long as I didn’t get deceived by a weird man and married him, and as such, they apparently hardened their determination to help me wherever possible as a united front. Though I didn’t have a clue about any of that. ...However, once his wife died, the husband returned while bringing the daughter from his lover into the house. He shunned me while dotting on his other daughter. After remonstrating him over and over again, they somehow managed to get the earl to manage the fief, but he didn’t listen to their advice at all and treated me coldly as he hated to run the fief, wanted to go out to play, and was eager to spend money. While all of this was going on, I, as their last ray of hope, almost died and then left the house later on. The butler and servant apparently regretted and became terribly mortified by this. ......Ah okay, but now after all this time I don’t really care anymore. I’m happily living over here as Sword’s partner. Besides, even I’d have hated to manage a fief. “Well...if it helps you to apologize, feel free to do so. Personally I don’t mind the past either way at this point, and thanks to my meeting with Sword, I’ve been having a blast. Rather, I feel like celebrating over having been able to escape from being an earl’s daughter. After all, I doubt I’d have been able to get out if I had been dotted on like Primrose. ...Still, did you come all the way here to apologize? I can’t believe that a guy like Earl Springcoat would readily let you visit me, though.” “We were discharged.” “”Haaah?”” Sword’s and my voice overlapped. According to the butler, the fief’s management had recently gone downhill. The earl somehow managed to make Primrose enroll at the capital’s academy with the objective of her finding herself a rich marriage partner, but the earldom itself was deep in the red. Earl Springcoat was apparently considering remarrying to sponge off yet another dowry, but he wasn’t as young anymore, and since rumors about him had spread wide and far, he couldn’t find a partner. And then it eventually reached following point: “Hannibal, you failed at the administration, so I’ll dismiss you,” the earl had said and fired all the naggy servants of the old earl’s era in one swoop, the butler explained. Since Primrose was currently absent as she had gone to the academy and because the earl himself was almost never at the mansion, the earl declared that the least required amount of maids to keep up the mansion would do, and fired all the maids of his previous wife, the head maid explained. In short, he’s pulled off a downsizing. Apparently he couldn’t pay them any severance pay either, though. In reality, those he dismissed had given up on the earl long ago and expected that they wouldn’t be given a severance payment anyway, so they didn’t feel salty or angry at that, but now without a job, they started to wonder what they should do next. The head maid said, “I told everyone that, if possible at all, I wanted to meet Your Ladyship once more and apologize to you, before considering what to do about the rest of my life. Hearing that, everyone agreed.” Since they had heard from the servants and maids, who left first, that they were making liquor in Ys together with me, all of them apparently came to visit from afar and apologize.
「お久しぶりでございます、インドラお嬢様」 頭を下げてきたのは、かつてのメイド長と執事、さらに古株の使用人とメイド嬢たち。 着てる服が堅苦しくないので、バケーションとかで来たのかな? わざわざ遠路はるばるご苦労様だな。 招こうとしたけど、玄関先でと固辞する。 「堅苦しく考えるな。私はもう平民、お前たちと同等の立場だ。そして、この屋敷の持ち主はソードだな。私は居候のようなものだが、私はソードのパートナーだからな、相棒なので好きにさせてもらっている。だから、ひとまず食堂へ案内しよう。他の者も懐かしいだろう」 スプリンコート伯爵がお前たちに休みを与えるなんて、何か変なものでも食べたのか?」 変なものを食べたのはこやつ等の方だったか? 「......私たちは、インドラお嬢様に、懺悔しに参りました」 ............はて? 懺悔とは? ソードも呼んで話を聞いてもらう。めんどくさがったが来てくれた。 「わかったって。逃げないから」 メイド長以下メイドも先代、つまり、私を産んだ母親、元公爵令嬢付のメイドたち、執事以下使用人は先代に仕えていた者たちで、だからこそ、ソードが誘ったときに先代への義理で残留を決定した、とのこと。 うん、それでどうした。私には関係なくね? 私にとってはろくでもない母親だったが、それもこれも伯爵への恋に狂ったためで、それをいさめられなかった止められなかった自責の念が母親付のメイドたちを苦しめていた。 執事以下伯爵家に仕えていた使用人たちは、先代は! 人格者で経営手腕もある素晴らしい人物で一生お仕えしようと心に決めていたが、ありがちなことに女を見る目がなく、また、現伯爵は遅くに出来た子で嫡男としての教育よりもかわいがりの方が先に立ってしまったとのこと。それをいさめたが、既に手遅れもしくは元々の性質がそうなのか遊んでばかりの女好きのろくでなしが出来上がった。 アレでは経営などできない、養子をとるなりしてちゃんと領地と伯爵家を守れる跡取りを、と先代に望み、先代もそれは理解していたらしく、実行に移そうとした矢先。先代が事故に遭い、重傷を負う。 持参金目当てで公爵令嬢を落とし結婚したのは良いが、妻の嫉妬深さにへき易してまたとん走。 わずで完璧に言語を理解し、社交マナーも完璧。将来はきっと才女になるであろう。......変な男にさえ騙されて結婚しなければ、彼女がスプリンコート伯爵家を守るであろうと信じ、一丸となって私をもり立てるべく決意を固めていたそうだ。知らんぞそんなこと。 ......だけども、妻が死んだら他所の連れ子を連れて夫が戻ってきた。 何度もいさめ、なんとか領地経営をさせていたが、全く聞く耳を持たず私に冷たく当たり、領地経営は嫌がり遊びに行きたがり、金を使いたがる。 そうしているうちに、頼みの綱の私が死にかけ、そして最終的に出て行ってしまった。 私、ここで、ソードの相棒として、幸せに暮らしてるし。それに私だって領地経営とか嫌だもん。 「まぁ......謝って気が済むなら謝れば良い。私は今更何も気にしていないし、ソードと巡り会えたおかげで楽しく暮らしている。むしろ、伯爵令嬢から脱出出来て両手を挙げたいくらいだ。プリムローズのようにかわいがられていたら出来なかったであろうからな。......それにしても、わざわざ謝りにここまで来たのか? 「解雇されました」 「「は?」」 ソードと声をそろえた。 スプリンコート伯爵はまた持参金目当てに再婚を考えているらしいが、もう若くないし、 で、行き着いたところ 「経営を失敗したハンニバル、お前を解雇する」 メイドも、プリムローズは今学園に行っていて不在なので、ついでに自分もほとんど屋敷にいないので最低人数でよし、とやはり先代付を解雇したそうだ。 つまりはリストラだな。退職金も出さなかったらしいが。 正直、解雇された方はとうに見限っていたし退職金など出るわけがないと予測していたので痛くも痒くも無かったが、これからどうしよう、となり。 「私が、どうかインドラお嬢様にもう一度会い、謝罪したい、それから余生を考えたいと申しますと、皆が同意しまして」 先に出て行った使用人やメイドたちからイースで私と共に酒を造ると話を聞いていたので、はるばる訪れ、そして謝りに来た、ってことだそうだ。
{Sword} ――Where’s this? If I remember correctly, I――『we』 should have conquered the dungeon. We got close to the last floor――defeated an ice dragon――and then... Oh right, that girl should have said that us two would be able to handle ‘nythin’, even if it was somethin’ unexpected, before the two of us charged into the next area. But, this place... Did I die? I’ve been tossed into a pitch black world where I can’t hear a thin’ or feel ‘nythin’ ’round me. The last area was an instant-death area? ――Or wait, is that girl a’right?” I don’t mind dyin’. I’ve been livin’ while thinkin’ that, so I got no regrets, really. But, even if I don’t care, what ’bout her? Even if we might’ve entered an instant-death area, I can’t believe that she’s died. In that case, what is she thinkin’ while lookin’ at my corpse? Ain’t that seriously dangerous? Ugh, can’t I get back to life somehow? I mean, even Sir Dungeon Core shouldn’t wish for the end of this world, right? Oh shit, if I don’t get back to life, that girl’s goin’ to destroy the world―― Just as I thought all that, a gentle light filled my sight. It had her shape. And immediately followin’, the Ryokus emerged as lights. And at the end, I could see my own body shinin’ as well. “......You okay? Nothing less of someone possessing a sixth sense. You’re a class of your own. Being able to stay so calm even without the glasses, huh...?” Her voice sounded relieved. “No, I panicked a bit. I’m a normal human, you know?” Isn’t she somehow...let’s see...yes, overestimatin’ me way too much? With that thought in mind, I’ve been repeatedly tellin’ her that I’m a normal human. ――Honestly! And I mean it! I do hate bein’ considered inferior by her! But, won’t she totally mistake me for some crazy superman of sorts if I don’t keep tellin’ her that I’m a normal human!? Of course, if I’m told to follow in her footsteps or some such, I’ll do it! But, it ain’t like I can do it with a yawn all the while ‘kay? It’s something I can pull off while concentratin’ all my efforts on it, you see? Usually you’d die if your hit by magma, and you’d also die if you carelessly stepped into a poisonous swamp. Somethin’ like takin’ on an ice dragon’s breath, just to shake off the ice as if nothin’ happened is impossible for me! ――Once I pulled myself together, I looked ’round me. “...Where are we?” I asked a very ordinary n’ reasonable question. “We probably entered the last area. I see, so that’s how he’s going to play it, huh...? A space of zero gravity, no sound, and no light. Is it representing space or something else altogether...? Either way, it’s very interesting,” said Indra while lookin’ extremely excited. So even this room doesn’t make her change her ways, eh? She’s a truly reliable partner!! “...Hmm? Wait, you said no sound, didn’t you? How are we talkin’ then?” “We’re transmitting our thoughts through soundless waves. The Ryokus and I had been able to do so from the very start, but you were limited to perceiving malicious intents. However, feeling the danger of this nullifying space, you’ve become able to do it as well, I guess? As I thought, you’re really incredible. Your ability to perform without any practice is quite astonishing.” ――I’m bein’ praised by her, but somehow I feel happy and at the same time got the urge to insist that I’m a normal human... Suddenly an idea struck me. “Ah. ...Have you been able to stay calm since you can 『see』 even without it bein’ bright?” “That plays a part, too. But, there’s probably no setting that would go beyond this as an area above an ice and snow region. And if there is, I’d sure love to see it.” ......I see. Because she’d prepared herself after bein’ unable to come up with ‘nythin’ followin’ this, now that we went through magma, ice, and snow, she could come to terms with this place, is what she’s sayin’? ...But yeah, she’s gotta be right about there bein’ nothin’ beyond this. I mean, I thought I’d died. “What are we goin’ to do?” The shinin’ Indra pointed below when I asked. “The deepest floor comes after we descend ten floors, right? As far as I can see, there exist no walls, ceilings, or floors. I don’t see any enemies either. All we have to do is descend. It’s going to be a [Space Walk], I suppose,” she said happily. ――Then, teach me how to have fun as well! “Wait, your sayin’ somethin’ incomprehensible ‘gain.” “My knowledge might not apply to this world. That’s why let me warn you: all that follows stems from my otherworld knowledge. This world, or better, this planet has gravity...in other words, the power causing things to fall to the ground. You, me, and many other things are being dragged down. So what would happen if that power pulling us would wane? The answer is our current situation,” explained Indra and spread both her arms. Her appearance as she was floatin’ while shinin’ brightly looked like that of a goddess. “The power pulling us has its limits. Umm, what do you think would happen if we suddenly jumped out of the power’s range? The answer would be this here. Light, sound, and everything is energy. And that energy would be for naught. However, only magic elements alone can’t be erased. That demon said it before. Magic elements are energy based on a concept existing outside the normal framework.” ... She’s gleefully explainin’ it all in detail, but sorry, none of it registers with my head. But, I got it. “It’s gonna be the last floor once we get down all the way to the bottom, right?” “Indeed. This place has air, unlike [Space]. That means it’s also possible to manipulate air. You’ll be able to descend to the bottom, if you cast wind magic.” With her bright smile, Indra truly looked like a goddess. “...Why are you shinin’?” This light is weird as heck. Different from light magic, it’s much more frail and solemn―― “Oh? You realized? This is, you see, a new technique! This light is called [Chemiluminescence]. It doesn’t emit any heat, and its intensity is low, but it’s extremely useful to let others know of my position in a pitch black darkness like this! I know of two luminescence methods, but I implemented this one as...” “Yeah, okay, okay. I totally get that it ain’t solemn.” She’s truly and utterly a disappointment as a person!! I spat out a sigh and snorted glumly. “What? You are interested in this light, no? Sure, it doesn’t have the intensity to brighten up my surroundings, but in exchange, it’s not being hot even when I’m clad in it like this, you know? Quite amazing, isn’t it?” “Yeah, it’s awesome. But, I simply got slightly devastated after havin’ to listen to your explanation that totally spoiled my admiration of it bein’ divine work.” “It’s no divine work! As if I’d be ever able to pull off something crazy as that! Rather, you people are doing divine works! Magic that ignores all logic and that ridiculous super-duper sixth sense of yours are the very definition of divine acts in my eyes!” She thrust a finger at me. “Hee...Well, I guess you’ve got a point. Your always talkin’ ’bout all this tedious, small stuff, but all of it is based on theories you can comprehend while my actions are based on theories you can’t comprehend, huh?” She’s right, though. I don’t have a clue why we can use magic by just chantin’ a spell. I don’t understand, but since it works either way, I haven’t given it much thought. “There even exists a reason for the morning sun to rise in the east, and yet you can make magic explode by just chanting a spell. I don’t get the principle behind that. I...all these developed theories aren’t anything I came up with. I’m merely putting on a face as if I’d know the differences of the theories researched by scholars based on findings of adventurers.” ......Oh. I said something bad. It looks like I made her all depressed. I wanna console her, but my hands won’t reach. ...No, she said it’d be fine if I used wind magic, didn’t she? “...Uff,” I crashed into Indra once I cast it. But, as expected of a superwoman. She didn’t budge in the slightest even without any foothold. “...Even if I understood the theories behind it, the one usin’ all of them is you, right? I’ve received all kinds of stuff from you thanks to those theories. So, don’t worry and keep usin’ your knowledge as much as you want from now on. Ain’t like you puttin’ ‘nyone on the spot ‘nyway.” When I hugged and stroked her, she apparently became mellow. “......Then I’ll take you up on that.”
〈ソード〉 ――ここは、どこだ? 最深部が近くて――アイスドラゴンを倒して、それから――。 そうだ、アイツが、予想出来ないとかで、でも、俺たちならどうにか出来るって、そう言って、次のエリアへ突入したはずだ。 俺、死んだのかな? 真っ暗で、音も聞こえない、何の感触もない、そんな世界にほうり出された。 ――って待てよ、アイツ、大丈夫か? そう思って生きてきたし、実際未練も無い。 即死エリアに入ったとしても、俺は死んでもアイツが死ぬとも思えない。 となると、死んでないアイツが死んだ俺を見て、どう思う? ダンジョンコア様だって、この世界の滅亡を望んじゃいねーだろ。 ヤバいって、俺が生き返らねーと、アイツがこの世界を―― 急に、視界に、優しい光が宿った。 「............大丈夫か? さすが、があると違うな。アイグラスなしでも、そんなに冷静でいられるか」 ホッとしたようなあいつの声。 「いや、ちょっとパニクってたし。俺、普通の人間だからね?」 なんか......そう、時々、コイツって俺のこと買い被り過ぎじゃね? って思うときがあって、普通の人間を連呼するようにした。 コイツに自分よか劣ってるって思われるの嫌だけどさぁ! 自分の足跡確実に踏め、とか、「やれ」って言われたらやるけどさぁ! 普通に、マグマに当たったら死ぬし、猛毒の沼にうっかり足突っ込んでも死ぬし、アイスドラゴンのブレス受けて、ぶるぶる身体揺さぶるだけで氷落とせてノーダメージとか、ないからね!? ――気を取り直して周囲を見渡す。 「......ここはどこだ?」 「たぶん、最深部に突入した。そうか、こうきたか......。無重力、無音、無光の部屋だ。宇宙を表してるのか、または違うものを表しているのか......興味深いな」 ホンット、頼もしいやつだよ!! 「......ん? 待て、無音って言ったな? どうやって会話してるんだ?」 「思念を無音の音声に乗せて飛ばし合ってるな。私やリョークは元々出来ていたが、お前は悪意のみ出来ていた。だが、この〝無の部屋〟で危機を感じ取り、出来るようになったのかな? やっぱり、お前はすごいな。ぶっつけ本番に強い」 ――感心されて、うれしいような、「俺は普通の人間だから」と再度アピしたくなったっつーか......。 ふと、思いついた。 「あ。......お前等は、明るくなくても『見える』から、落ち着いていられるのか」 「それもある。だが、氷雪地帯以上のエリアで、これ以上のところはないだろう。これよりすごい最深部があったら、お目にかかりたいぞ」 マグマ、氷雪、それが続いて次はコイツにすら思いつかねぇな、って思って構えてたから、コレが来て納得した、ってのか。 ......まーな、確かにこれ以上の部屋はねぇ。 俺、死んだと思ったし。 「どうする?」 聞いたら、光るインドラは下を指した。 「十階層分降りれば最深部だろう。見渡す限り、壁も、床もない。敵もいない。ただただ下に降りるだけだ。[宇宙遊泳]だな」 ――なら、俺も楽しむから教えてくれよ。 「まった、意味不明なコトを言ってるし」 「私の知識で、この世界には当てはまらないかもしれない。だから、別世界の知識では、と言っておく。この世界は、この〝星〟は、重力......つまり、ものが地面に落ちる力で、私や、お前や、いろいろなものを地面に降り立たせている。この引きつける力が弱まるとどうなるか? 今の状態になる」 光りながらフワフワと浮いている姿は、神のようだった。 「引きつける力は、限度がある。その、引きつける力から飛び出したらどうなるか? こうなる。光も、音も、全てはエネルギー。それを無にしている。ただ、魔素だけは無に出来ない。それは、あのデーモンが言っていた、魔素はその軸から外れた概念のエネルギーだから」 ............。 うれしそうに小難しいこと語ってるけど、ゴメン、頭に入らない。 けど、わかった。 「下に降りりゃ、最深部か」 「あぁ。[宇宙]と違ってここには空気がある。と、いうことは、空気の操作ができる。お前なら風魔術を起こせば下に降りれるだろう」 ニコリと笑うインドラは、本当に神のようだった。 「......なんで光ってるんだ?」 光魔法とは違う、もっと弱々しいが、もっと神々しい―― 「お? 気がついたか? これはな! 新技術だ! この光は[化学発光]、[ケミルミネッセンス]と言い、熱を発しないが、光量は少なく、だが、こんな真っ暗闇で自分の位置を知らせるのには非常に役立つのだ! 私が知ってるのの発光方法だが、そを応用し......」 「うん、わかった。神々しくないってのが、よーくわかった」 本ッ当に残念なやつだ!! 俺がため息をつくと、不満げに鼻を鳴らした。 「なんだ? お前だって、この光に興味があるのだろう? この光は、確かに周りを照らすほどの光源はないが、代わりにこうやって纏わせても熱くないんだぞ? すごくないか?」 「すごいすごい。でも、俺としちゃ、神の御業だって感心してたところのお前のその台無しな説明を聞かされて、ちょっと悲しい気持ちになってるんだよ」 「神の御業じゃない! 私にそんな大それたことが出来るワケないだろうが! むしろ、お前たちがやってるだろうが! 理論を無視した魔術や、お前のその意味不明の超感覚は、私から見たらそれこそ神の御業だぞ!」 指を突きつけてきた。 「へぇ。......ま、確かにそうか。お前は小難しいこと言ってるけどよ、それはお前には理解出来てる理論で、お前に理解出来ない理論で俺は動いてるのか」 確かに、なんで詠唱すれば魔術が使えるのかはわからない。 「朝日が昇る方角にすら理屈があるのに、お前が呪文を唱えれば魔術が炸裂する理屈は私にはわからないんだ。私は............今、この培っている理論は、私が考え出したものじゃない。私は、単に、冒険者たちが見つけ学者が研究した理論をさも知ったような顔で振りかざしている、だけだ」 まずいこと言った。 ......いや、風魔術繰り出せばいい、っつったな? 繰り出したら、インドラに激突した。 が、さすが超人。 「......理屈は知ってても、実際使ってんのはお前だろ。お前のその理屈で、俺は、いろんなモンをもらった。だから、これからも、お前のその知識をガンガン使っていけ。誰が困るわけじゃねーんだからよ」 抱きしめてなでてやったら、デレたらしい。 「............そう言うなら、そうする」
In the next town we visited, I got shocked by something I spotted. “..........Eh??” I rubbed my eyes and took another look. “...T-That’s...” I pointed ahead of me with a trembling finger... At the milk over there. “Ah, the milk?” When Sword asked as if it was nothing, I snapped. “Yoooouuuuu!! Y-Yoouuu knew about it, and yet didn’t tell me!? Whyyyy?” I grabbed his collar and violently shook him back and forth. “W-Wait, I-I give up! Stop it! I’m gonna die!” “Do you know just how much I wanted to get my hands on miiiiiilk!?” Sure, it’s not indispensable since I can somehow work around it with soybeans. But you see, if I got milk, the taste is totally different, especially for butter! The taste!! If it drops with plop due to its flavor, the taste really comes out. Also, sometimes I do have a craving for using fresh cream and similar. “Well, I knew about it, but it woulda been pointless to tell you. I mean, it’s a local speciality which you can’t get anywhere else.” “There has to be animals who produce it, right!? Get those! Now is the perfect time for you to flaunt the power of an S-Rank adventurer! Show me that you aren’t just a self-alleged 『Bigshot』!” When are you going to use it if not now!? Haven’t you been using that authority even at times when you didn’t have to!? I sighed deeply and walked onwards, now with a dry throat. “...You gettin’ so agitated means you can make somethin’ delicious out of it? I’ve drank it in the past, and well, it’s decent, but for you to desire it to such an extent...” “Right now I’m substituting milk with soybeans, but the taste differs. For starters, I’ll sample it. After all, it’s unlikely that it’s actually 【Cow Milk】.” I went to a milk stall with Sword, bought it, and gave it a try. “...Hmm, I see, I see!” “Is it good?” “It’s a tiny bit different from the taste I know, but this is great in its own way! Alright, we’ll get our hands on this! Come on, hurry, put that S-Rank of yours to work!” Sword scratched his head. “...The merchant guild then, huh? But they’re definitely gonna take advantage of this. That’ll suck badly.” The stall boy, who had been watching with an astonished face, called out to us, “......Are you possibly Sir 【Thunderclap Whitefang】?” “Huh?” The one reacting to that was me, whereas Sword instantly turned his face away. “...Sorry, but I sometimes fail to hear certain words. What did you say just now?” “Eh? I mean, he’s Sir 【Thunderclap Whitefang】... ...isn’t he?” Feeling dumbfounded, I looked at Sword. “......What’s that? This super embarrassing name? What? Thunderclap? Whitefang? I totally don’t get the meaning. The name 【Bloody Witch】 is way cooler than that, isn’t it? Rather, it’s so grating on the ears that I’m tearing up. It hurts.” “...Havin’ you say all that makes me tear up as well!” Both of us became teary-eyed. “...You’ve adopted such an embarrassing nickname? Oh my god, drop it right away! Otherwise I won’t be able to walk through town with you anymore!” “Ain’t like I chose it myself! What are you tellin’ me to do ’bout it!?” No way, this guy isn’t going to go “My right eye throbs, it throbs so much!” on me, is he? “......Let me just make sure, but you’re not going to start muttering that some part of your body throbs or that you can hear things no one else can hear, right?” “What’s with that lunatic treatment all of a sudden?” It sounds like he won’t do any of that. Pheew, that’s good to hear. “...It’d just be a typical symptom. People with such names usually mutter things like 『The Evil Eye that has been sealed in my right eye is throbbing...』.” “No, even if you seal things, you wouldn’t use your own body for that. That’d be like carryin’ ’round a magic tool that could explode at any moment. It’d be far too dangerous.” Oh, so sealing in itself is actually being carried out? Just what you’d expect from a fantasy world! “Ah, just now my opinion of you improved a bit.” “You see, Sealing was a hyped term in the other world.” A short moment later, he proudly said to the stall boy, “It’s just, I formed a party. So remember the name Allrounders from now on.” “O-Okay!! ...That means, is the boy over there possibly...” Sword broke out into laughter. Then he introduced me while roughly stroking my head around, “Right, this boy here is my partner. Just as the party name suggests, this guy is likewise an Allrounder. And the golems, too.” “Nice to meet you! I am Ryoku!” “Nice to meet you! I am Mr. Sword’s personal Ryoku!” ...Each time I hear this greeting, it ticks me off. Just why doesn’t Sword’s Ryoku use the standard greeting!? “Should I explain it to you, just in case?” “What precisely?” “The origin of my nickname. For better or worse, I had confidence in my speed, and used to be the fastest in the world. ...But, once you showed up, I gave up on that title. Anyway, the meanin’ of Thunderclap lies in being as fast as lightnin’. Also, because I mainly use lightnin’ magic. Lightnin’ magic basically works on everythin’. Then, the remainin’ Whitefang...the white probably comes from my white hair, and I think the fang indicates my attacks bein’ as sharp as a fang since I usually take down my enemies in one blow.” What’s with that explanation? It totally sounds like an exposition about the theory behind a math formula. “Okay, okay, I got it. Your nickname has a meaning. My brain rejected translating it whenever I heard it, but now that I’ve heard the explanation, I can somewhat understand where it’s coming from. And I’ve also decided to remain a nameless adventurer for eternity.” Sword revealed an evil grin, “You think you’ll be able to escape’ havin a nickname stuck on you while adventurin’ with me? I’m pretty sure folks will give you an awfully embarrassin’ nickname, so I’m goin’ to look forward to that.” I plugged my ears. The stall boy seemed to be Sword’s fan. “My little brother is a much bigger fan of yours. He’s aiming to become an adventurer to follow in your footsteps!” The boy said...but, when I looked at Sword’s face, he grabbed my face. “Mmh-mmh-m-mmh-mmhmmh-mh!” I can’t talk! “It might be because you don’t know the rumors about me, but don’t look at me like that!” Like how? The boy abandoned his stall, and ran off to call his brother. “Isn’t that wonderful? You’re quite popular, aren’t you? So wouldn’t it be alright for you to get along with your fans?” I was able to talk again since he finally stopped grabbing my face. “No, that’s a bit... I don’t even know what bein’ my fan is about.” Isn’t it alright to get along with your fans even without being an idol? The other party apparently idolizes him like a god, but if he crushes that deluded idea, I’m sure they’ll be able to become friends. The stall boy brought his brother along. But, I gotta say, that kid’s outfit totally screams 『adventurer cosplayer』! “Going by his appearance, he’s quite the adventurer!” “At least when compared to you.” Sword retorted. “Wasn’t it you who said that armor would be meaningless in my case?” “Normal enemies wouldn’t be even able to scratch you ‘n me, even if we were stark naked. And in case of an enemy, who can injure us, armor won’t be of much use either. In such case, I think it’s more feasible to aim for clothes that allow easy movement over heavy armor restrictin’ it. Even this here is sturdy in its own right.” It’s a suit and mantle made out of some random leather, isn’t it? Moreover, the maids went over the top with the ornaments while claiming, “It’s such a rare opportunity, so let’s make something decent!” In the end, I’m not looking like an adventurer in the least! “Whoa, it’s the real 【Thunderclap Whitefang】! Awesome!” “Nah, it’s cool. No need to be formal ’round me.” “Hey, cheer up, will you? In the eyes of this boy, you’re a hero, right? So act like one, for heaven’s sake.” “Now listen, if he carelessly aims to become an adventurer because of that, blunders, and dies...” He glared at me. “That would be the boy’s way of life then. You wouldn’t be responsible for it. How often do I need to tell you until you get it? On the other hand, he could also follow in your footsteps as an adventurer out of adoration, and achieve great things. Consider that possibility as well. Also, it’s not like I’m telling you to deceive him with some pretense. Just treat him kindly, will you?” “...Gotcha.” Now then. Leaving the little brother to Sword, I talked to the big brother. “It’s just perfect to have you here. There’s something I’d like you to tell me if possible.” “Eh? Me?” I nodded. And then I explained to him that I wanted milk – if possible a regular supply of milk for myself, and asked him whether anything could be done about it as it was apparently only being sold in this town. The boy pondered. “Hmm, you see, milk can be procured from monsters called Charge Cow.” Charge Cow? In other words, normal cows? “It’s a very cowardly monster that lives deep in the mountains. In addition, they’re somewhat ferocious. If you irk them the wrong way, they’ll charge at you and you’ll get killed. But, they’re slaves to their appetite. If you give them fodder, they become completely engrossed with eating. At that time, they’ll release milk. We fill that milk into tanks, refill it into bottles after coming out of the mountains, and sell it. ...If I remember correctly, the milk doesn’t last long, and I don’t know how far it is to the mountains, but you might spoil your tummy if you drink it after around one day has passed...” ...But, I got it. Contrary to my idea that they might be raising them, they were actually wild monsters. “Would it cause any issues if I caught those monsters and took them with me?” “Eh? I-I wonder. So far as it goes, they’re monsters famous for only living in this area, and you don’t get into any trouble even if you accidentally kill them after getting attacked, but neither the adventurer nor the merchant guild would ever buy them off you, you know?” Alright, let’s take back around two or three while pretending I accidentally killed them. “Sword! Our next steps are decided!” “Hold back on it for a bit. Don’t make any moves on your own since I’m goin’ to pass it through the adventurer and merchant guild first.” I was stopped by Sword. ...Oh well, no choice then. I’ve also experienced adult society in the other world, so I know you’ve got to lay the groundwork for a smooth exchange. Though, a part of me thinks that it might be totally fine for me to take back a few for raising since this world doesn’t have any animal protection laws anyway.
次に訪れた町で、見かけたものに驚愕した。 「............えっ??」 目を擦って、も。 「......あ、あれ......」 ぷるぷる震える指を差したその先に。 ミルクが、あった。 「あぁ、ミルクか」 ソードが何の気なしに言ったのにキレた。 「お前ぇえええ! 知ってたのになぜ教えないんだぁあああ!」 胸倉つかんでユッサユッサ揺すってやった。 「ま、待て、ギブ、無理、死んじゃう」 「私がどれだけミルクを欲していたと思っているんだぁあああ!」 でもね、やっぱり、ミルクがあるとね、特にバターとかはね、風味が違うの、風味なの。 あとね、生クリームとかも使いたいときが、たまにあるの。 「いや、知ってる、けど、どうしようもない。 「原材料の動物がいるだろ! それを手に入れる! 今こそSランク冒険者の威光を魅せよ! 自称『偉い人』じゃないことを示せ!」 使わなくていいときに使ってんじゃねーよ! ハァ、とため息をついて喉をさすりながら歩いた。 「......お前が興奮するってことは、うまいもんが作れるって事か? 飲んだことあるけど、まぁ、うまいとは思うけど、でも、そこまで欲しがる程じゃ......」 「今は豆で代用しているが、香りが違う。とりあえず飲んでみよう、何しろ【牛乳】ではなさそうだからな」 ソードとミルクスタンドに行き、買って飲んでみた。 「......ふむ、ふむふむ!」 「うまいか?」 「知っている味とはちと異なるが、これはこれでヨシ! よーし、手に入れるぞー。さぁさぁ、Sランクを振りかざせ!」 ソードが頭をかいた。 「......商人ギルドか? でも足下見られそうなんだよなぁ、やだなぁ」 呆れたような顔で見ていたスタンドの青年が声をかけてきた。 「は?」 聞き返したのは私で、ソードは瞬間顔を背けた。 「......すまない、私は、たまに単語を聞き逃すことがあってな。今、なんと仰られた?」 「え? ですから、【迅雷白牙】様、と......。......ですよね?」 がく然としてソードを見た。 「............なんだ? その、こっぱずかしいネーミング。何? 迅雷? 白牙? 意味不明だし、何? 【血みどろ魔女】の方がまだかっこよくね? つーか、痛々しすぎて涙出てきた、ツライ」 「......お前にそこまで言われてる俺が涙出てくるわ!」 互いに涙目。 「......お前、そんな恥ずかし名つけてるのか!? やめろ! 一緒に町を歩けないぞ!」 「俺がつけたわけじゃねー! どーしろっつーんだよ!」 やだこの人、右目が疼いたり右手が疼いたりしないよね? 「............確認するが、身体のどこかが疼くとつぶやいたり、聞こえない幻聴が聞こえるとかつぶやいたりしないよな?」 「何今度は狂人扱いしてるの?」 しないらしい、よかった。 「......らしいのだ、そういうネーミングを持つ者は、『右目に封印されし邪気眼が疼く......』などとつぶやくらしいのだ」 「いや、封印しても自分の体にはしないし。それこそ、いつ爆発するかわからないような魔導具持ってるみたいだろ、危険だろが」 あ、封印自体はしたことあるんだ? 「あ、今、ちょっとだけお前を見直した」 「〝封印〟は、別世界で憧れのワードだぞ?」 「俺、パーティ組んだんだ。これからはオールラウンダーズで覚えてくれ」 「は、ハイ!! ......っていうことは、もしや、そちらの少年が......」 ソードがプッと笑った。 「そうだ、この少年が俺のパートナーだ。パーティ名通り、コイツもオールラウンダーだよ。あと、ゴーレムな」 「初めまして! ボクは、リョーク!」 「初めまして! ボクはソードさん専用のリョークだよ!」 ......この挨拶を聞くとムカッとする。 「一応、弁解していいか?」 「なんの」 「二つ名の。俺は、スピードには自信があるの、一応世界最速、だった。......お前ってやつが出てきて名前返上だけどよ。で、〝迅雷〟は、雷の如く速い、って意味。あと、俺、基本雷魔術使うから。雷魔術って、基本、何にでも効くからさ。後、残りの白牙は......、白は多分髪の色からきてるんだろ、牙は、一撃で倒すから、牙の如く鋭い攻撃、って意味だろ」 何熟語の解説か? 「わかったわかった。意味はある、と。聞いたときは脳が翻訳を拒否したレベルだったが、解説を聞いたらなんとなくは納得した。そして、私は無名でいこうと決意した」 「俺と一緒に活躍して、逃れられると思うか? さぞかし痛々しい二つ名がつくだろうなぁ。今から楽しみだぜ」 耳を塞いだ。 スタンドの青年は、ソードのファンだそうだ。 「弟はもっとファンで、冒険者を目指してるんです!」 ソードを見たら、顔面つかまれた。 「むむむむむーーーっ!」 しゃべれない! 「お前は、俺の噂を知らないからだろうけど、そんな目で見るな!」 どんな目だ。 青年、スタンドほうり出して弟呼びに行ったし。 「良かったな、人気があるじゃないか。 ようやく顔面つかむのを止めてくれたので、話せた。 「いや、ちょっと......。ファンって意味わかんないし」 いいじゃないか、アイドルでもなし、ファンと仲良くなっても。 弟を連れてきた。 おう、いかにも『冒険者のコスプレ』っぽい子が来たぞ! 「見た目はかなり冒険者だな!」 「お前に比べたらな」 「私の場合、防具に意味が無いと言ったのはお前じゃないか」 「俺もお前も、普通の敵じゃマッパでも傷すらつけられない。傷をつけられる敵の場合は防具に意味が無い。なら、動きを阻害するような防具を着けるより動きやすい服装を心がけた方がいい。これだって、丈夫は丈夫だ」 しかも、メイド嬢たちが「せっかくですからちゃんと仕立てましょう!」と装飾過剰にしてくれた。 見た目は全く冒険者に見えないな! 「わぁ、ホントに【迅雷白牙】だ! スゲー!」 「いいって、〝様〟ってガラでもねーし」 「お前、いいじゃないか。少年からすればお前はヒーローなんだろう。らしく相手をしてやれ」 「お前なぁ、それでうっかり冒険者目指して、下手して死んだら......」 「それはその少年の生き様だ。お前に責任はないと、何度言えばわかる? 逆に、お前に憧れて目指し冒険者として大成するかもしれない、その可能性も考えろ。あとな、虚像を偽れと言ってるワケじゃない。優しく相手をしてやれと言ってるんだ」 「......わかったよ」 さて。 ソードに少年は任せ、私は青年と話そう。 「ちょうどいい、出来る範囲でいいので教えてもらいたいことがある」 「えっ、俺に?」 うなずいた。 そして、ミルクがほしい、自分用のみで、できれば定期的にほしい、この町でしか取れないし売ってないらしいが、どうにかならないか、と言った。 青年、考え込む。 「えーとですね、ミルクは、チャージカウという魔物から取れるんです」 チャージカウ? ってことは牛? 「山奥に棲んでいて、結構臆病な魔物です。それに、ちょっと凶暴です。下手につつくと突進されて殺されます。ただ、食欲に忠実で、餌をあげると夢中になって食べます。そのとき、ミルクを放出するんです。それをタンクに詰めて、下山して瓶に詰め替えて売ってます。......確かに日持ちしませんし、どれくらいの距離かわかりませんが、一日くらいたっちゃうと飲むとお腹壊すかも......」 飼育されてるのかと思いきや、野生だったとは。 「その魔物、捕まえて持って帰ったら怒られるか?」 「えっ? ど、どうなんでしょう? 一応、ここでしか生息してない魔物で有名で、襲われてうっかり殺しても怒られはしませんが、冒険者ギルドでも商人ギルドでも買取は絶対にしてくれませんよ?」 よし。うっかり殺したことにして、二持って帰ろう。 「ソード! 方針が決まったぞ!」 「ちょっと止めてよ。一応冒険者ギルドと商人ギルドに話を通すから、勝手に動かないでよ」 ソードに止められた。 自分で飼育するのくらい持ってってもいーじゃん、どーせこの世界に保護動物とかいう法律ないでしょ? とは思ったけど。
I don’t quite get him, so I left the crying boy to his own devices and washed the charge cows. Yes, this! This is the very reason why I bought a brush! And I also splurged on the soap! After covering their whole bodies with bubbles, I carefully and thoroughly rubbed them clean with the brush, just to wash down the soapy foam with hot water and dry them with warm air. When I loudly exclaimed, “Yaaaaaay! You guys became so amazingly pretty!”, while throwing my hands in the air, I got rebuked with, “Stop bein’ so noisy. Your gonna scare the monsters with your shoutin’.” I cleared my throat. “...Sorry. I got slightly too excited. But still, you guys have become sparky clean!” Black now has a glossy jet-black fur while White A and B are sparkling pure white! Even though he said this and that, Sword still helped out, so I suspect he thinks the same, but he’s simply too shy to admit it. Sword is a bit of a tsundere, isn’t he? Even though he constantly pesters me, I’m sure he actually likes the charge cows. I wouldn’t be too surprised if he starts doting on them anytime soon. When I cast a broad grin at him, he grabbed my lips! “Mmhpf, mpf, mmmhhph!” “Don’t look my way with such a gross face.” Hey! That’s totally mean! I’ve been preparing to camp out, but... “Boy, do you plan to leech off us?” The bawling boy tried to enter the camp we were setting up as if it was his natural right. “What was that!?” “Why are you so surprised? We’re askin’ whether you plan to selfishly stay here, and on top of that, shamelessly enter our camp. Or rather, you’ve got nothin’ with you, do you? Why didn’t you go back home?” The boy immediately became speechless when confronted by Sword and me. Just go home, will you? Both Sword and I were fed up with him. “...You’re the prime example of a pampered, little boy, aren’t you? I wonder, do commoners usually pamper their children? Why do you shamelessly join the camp of complete strangers? I mean, I wouldn’t think of doing something like that, you know?” “Just as you say, he’s been pampered to no end, I’m sure. Or rather, he’s probably never left the side of the town’s residents. He must think that the adults will take care of everythin’ for him, including preparin’ a camp, as long as the children play ’round while stayin’ nearby.” “Huh...? Didn’t he mention something about wanting to become an adventurer? And yet, he’s allowed to act like that?” So he was just cosplaying after all? Once I looked at him in disgust, he cried once again. “...You’re truly a spoiled crybaby, aren’t you? Go and call your parents. I feel like they need a proper scolding.” Since I was treated terribly by my parents, I get an urge to vent my anger at spoiled children who’ve been pampered like him. Sword looked at his watch and sighed. “...Shit, we were too late. The gate’s already closed.” Wuuuuutt!? “...I get a bad feeling about this, but has this guy properly told his parents where he’s going to be today? You think a child, who believes that setting up camp is an adult’s duty, would inform his parents that he might be going camping today?” I asked Sword while looking down at the boy. “Your askin’ me? It’d be better to ask him, but well, doesn’t look like he’ll answer since he’s busy cryin’. Then let me answer in his stead. There’s likely no way he told them anythin’ ’bout this. Maybe he’s even hidden that he came here. Otherwise, it’d be impossible for him to be here after I had a notification put up. Pretty sure the town is in an uproar right now. The adults are goin’ to look for him in town all night long. First thing in the mornin’, a search party selected by the guild is goin’ to head for the mountains as soon as the gate opens.” The boy became pale. “I-I...... ......What should I do?” “Like I care.” Sword spat out. “That’s why I told you that you ain’t suited for bein’ an adventurer. You can’t assess your own situation, so what kind of adventurer are you supposed to be anyway? What are you goin’ to do if you can’t even predict what’s goin’ to happen and act on that? Don’t ever blather ’bout becomin’ an adventurer again.” Obviously, I agreed with Sword. This kid resembles that debt slave guy, who was the reason for Sword’s heavy drinking, doesn’t he? I’m pretty sure that guy had been pampered by his parents as well. Afterwards, he kept bawling aaaaaaall the time. “Your crying grates my nerves, so could you go somewhere where I can’t see you?” I told him, but he seemed adamant about not moving from his spot. Oh well, whatever. I’ll ignore him. Sword set up the camp facilities (tent, shower place, toilet enclosure), deployed a barrier around the camp, and then gave the charge cows their fodder and water. Yep, just as I thought, he started to like them, and now he’s dotting on them. The Ryokus were patrolling, and later, parallelized with each other. After I installed the toilet with magic, I set up the kitchen kit, and started to cook. Since I’ve finally got my hands on milk, I’m going to make all kinds of stuff with it! I’ve already made lots before coming here though! I got various dishes ready, including a grounded-potato, milk soup. I usually ate my soup first while Sword ate his last. “This goes well with wine. Ah, but wait, this has a distinct taste, so I think distilled liquor would be great as well.” I said while roasting the bread. Sword nodded happily while sitting down on a folding chair. Just when I thought so, I heard a very loud stomach rumbling. From the direction of the crybaby. ...... In reflex, I exchanged a look with Sword, and then gazed at the boy. The crybaby had stopped crying, and was staring this way while looking like a starved wolf. Sword sighed, “What are we goin’ to do?” “I’m fine either way. Though I’ve got some conditions. ...Crybaby, if you want to eat, come here.” The crybaby was about to open his mouth, but closed it again, and came close. “No helping it. Since I won’t be able to enjoy my food in peace while being watched by a starving wolf, I’ll share some with you. However, if you say that it tastes bad, or leave anything behind, I’ll get very angry. Should you do anything like that, I’ll chop you up, dismantle you, and feed you to Sword for breakfast tomorrow. Got it?” “Wait a sec! Stop! Why are you goin’ to feed him to me?” “Humans have few edible parts. Moreover, no matter how skilled at cooking I might be, I don’t know whether I’d be able to make anything delicious out of human flesh. It’d be way too pitiful to spoil the cow’s stomachs by feeding him to them, wouldn’t it?” “...Hey? Wouldn’t I be pitiful either? Hmm?” He ground my temples. But even while having that done to me, I said with a serious face, “Listen, I’m not joking. If you plan to trash talk my food, then don’t eat it. If you’re going to leave some of it, tell me ahead of time so that I lower the portion.” Apparently it got through to him that I wasn’t kidding, seeing how he furiously nodded his head while trembling all over. “Alright, in that case, I’ll give you some.” Sword warned the boy with a serious look, “Hey, make sure to never ever say that it’s bad, got it? Don’t underestimate Indra, ‘kay? She’s a woman who’s mistaken for a guy but follows up on her words. Since she’ll definitely make her words come true, watch your mouth. Both of us want to greet tomorrow’s morning sun, right?” He’s using some weird persuasion method. But, he apparently succeeded. The meal I handed him was greedily wolfed down without a crumb left. “We’ll finish breakfast before dawn, and leave the mountains as soon as the sun’s up.” I nodded at Sword’s words. That meant, we’d arrive before the gate opened. Given that the crybaby started to nod off, I rolled him on top of the cloth I had spread out as bed for the charge cows. Sword and I took a shower, and went to bed in our tent. Good night~
よくわからないので泣き虫少年は放置、チャージカウを洗ってやった。 そのために、このために! ブラシを買ったぞ! 泡泡にしてブラシで丁寧に擦り、お湯で流して温風で乾かす。 「うおーーー! お前たち、すっごい綺麗になったぞーーー!」 ってツッコまれた。 「......すまない、少々興奮した。だが、綺麗になったぞ、お前たち!」 黒は漆黒の艶めきに、白は純白の輝きに! ソードって、ちょっとツンデレだよね、私にやいのやいの言いながら、きっとチャージカウのこと好きなんだよ、かわいがっちゃうんだよ? ニヨッってたら、唇つかまれた! 「ニュニュニューー!」 「気持ち悪い顔してコッチ見るな」 って! 理不尽なこと言われた! 野営の支度をしていたのだが......。 「お前、もしや、寄生するつもりか?」 泣き虫少年、当然かのように私たちの用意する野営に入り込もうとしているのだが。 「なんだと!?」 「いや、なんだと、じゃねぇよ。お前、勝手にここに居座って、しかもずうずうしく野営に入り込む気か、っつってんだよ。つか、お前、手ぶらだよな? なんで帰らなかったんだよ?」 少年、私とソードにツッコまれてぐっと詰まった。 いや、帰れよ。 私もソードも呆れた。 「......お前、甘やかされた坊ちゃんの典型だな。なんだろう、平民の方が子供は甘やかされてる気がするぞ? なんで赤の他人の野営にずうずうしく加わってこれるんだ? 私だってそんな真似はしないぞ?」 「お前の言った通り、甘やかされてんだろ。つーか、町の住民の側を離れたことがないんだろ。野営の準備は大人がするもの、子供はそれにくっついて周りで遊んでれば、大人があとはぜーんぶしてくれる、ってワケ」 「え......冒険者を目指してる、とか、言ってなかったか? それなのに、それで許されるのか?」 やっぱりコスプレだったのか? 呆れて見てると、また泣いた。 「......お前、本当に泣き虫で甘ったれだな。ちょっと、お前の親を呼んでこい。説教したくなってきた」 私は親から非常に冷たい仕打ちをされてきたので、こういった甘やかされた子供に対し当たりしたくなる。 ソードが時計を見てため息をついた。 「......しまった、判断が遅すぎたな。もう門が閉まるぞ」 ナニーーー!? 「......嫌な予感がするんだが、コイツ、居所をちゃんと親に言ってきたのか? こんな、野営は大人がするものなんて考えている子供が、「今日は野営するかも」と親に伝えてきたと思うか?」 「俺に訊くの? 直接訊いた方がいいけど、ま、泣いてて答えねーか。じゃ、代わりに答えるよ。言ってくるわけねーだろ、ここに来たことすら隠してるかもな。じゃなけりゃ、俺が通達したここに、この時間、いるわけがねーからな。今頃町じゃ大騒ぎだろうな。大人連中中徹夜で町の中を捜索。明日の朝イチ、門が開いたらギルド選抜の捜索隊が山に向かってくると思うぜ?」 少年、青くなった。 「お、俺......。............どうしよう」 「だから冒険者に向いてねーっつってんだよ。正しく状況判断が出来ねーで、何が冒険者だ。どうなるかの未来予測くらい、たてれねーでどーするよと冒険者になりたいなんて抜かすな」 この子、ソードの深酒の原因になったあの借金奴隷の男に似てるぞ? その後は、ずーーーっとメソメソ泣いている。 「お前、鬱陶しいから見えないところに行って泣いてくれないか?」 まぁいい。無視しよう。 ソードは野営の設備(テント、シャワー場、トイレの陣幕)を作り、周りに結界を張って、その後はチャージカウにお水とご飯をあげてる。 やっぱ好きになったんだ、かわいがっちゃってるよ。 私は魔術でトイレの設置をした後、調理キットを設置し、調理。 せっかくミルクが手に入ったので、いろいろ作っちゃうぞ! 芋のすり流しっぽいミルクスープも作った。私は最初、ソードは最後に飲むスープ。 「これは葡萄酒が合うぞ。あ、でもこれは味がハッキリしてるから蒸留酒でもいいかな」 ソードがうれしそうにうなずきながら折りたたみ椅子に座った。 さて、私も......と思ったら、ものすっごい大きなお腹の鳴る音が聞こえてきた。 ............。 思わずソードと顔を見合わせて、泣き虫少年を見る。 「どうする?」 「私はいいぞ、別に。条件はあるがな。......泣き虫少年よ、食べたいなら来なさい」 泣き虫少年、口を開き掛けたが、閉じて、傍に来た。 「しょうがない、物欲しそうに見られながら食べるのも落ち着かないので、分けてやる。ただし、私は、食べたものを『まずい』と言われたり、残されたりすることに非常に怒りを覚える。もしもそんなことをしたならば、お前を切り刻み解体し、明日の朝食のメニューにしてソードに食わせてやるからな」 「ちょっと待って、止めてよ、なんで俺に食べさせるの?」 「人間の可食部分は少ない。しかもだな、いかな私の腕でもうまいものが作れるかはわからん。チャージカウに食べさせてお腹でも壊させたらかわいそうだろう?」 「......おい? 俺はかわいそうじゃないのか? ん?」 「いいか、冗談ごとではない、まずいと言うつもりなら食うな。残すくらいなら先に言え、出さん」 本気で言ってるのが伝わったらしい、ブルブルとすごい勢いで首を振った。 「よし、なら出そう」 「おい、本気でまずいとか言うなよ? インドラなめるなよ? コイツはやると言ったらやる男、間違えた女だ。絶対やるから、言わないでね? お互い明日の朝日は穏やかに眺めたいでしょ?」 変な説得をしてる。 でも、納得したらしい、渡した食事は、ガツガツと、綺麗に平らげた。 「明日は朝日が出るまでに朝食を済ませて下山するぞ」 門が開く前に、ってことだね。 その後泣き虫少年がウトウトし出したので、チャージカウの寝床用に敷いた布の上に転がした。 お休みなさーい。
And then we also went to our bedroom together. Sitting down on the bed, we had a talk. ...He’s drinking even here...a night drink or something like that? “You see, my name’s fairly well-known, and I’m not exactly poor. It ain’t just in my head and I’m not boastin’ either, okay? It’s simply proof that S-Ranks are popular. Moreover, I’ve never taken any pupils or anythin’ like that. Since I’ve been wanderin’ the lands myself without having a base so far, I’ve got more cash than other S-Ranks. Guess you can see where this is goin’. A flexible, famous bachelor with cash to boot is the perfect prey or target for single women lookin’ to strike rich. You understand, right?” That was common sense even in the other world. “I mean, it got so bad that women would try to trap me. I got targeted by women who were workin’ for guys with shady jobs in the underworld, and whenever I got careless, they tried to feed me weird drugs or use magic on me. It happened so often that I stopped countin’ at some point. Even the women here, with Bloody Witch in the lead, are thinkin’ of somehow establishin’ facts with me or make up shit to lock me up and wring out my money. Those girls are magic nerds, but they’re buyin’ up expensive, old books like mad, so they’re always broke. That makes me great prey. Right?” “Well, that might be one of the reasons too, but...” I glanced at him with upturned eyes. Sword flinched away. “W-What!?” “You’ve noticed, haven’t you?” “......” He averted his eyes. ...Yep, just as I thought, he’s only been pretending to be dense. “Ms. Bloody loves you, you know?” “......Don’t say it.” “Why not? She’s totally your type as well, isn’t she?” “Haah? Your wrong there.” “I mean, that woman is seriously stacked. They’re way bigger than those of my otherworld self! Sticking it between those two jugs woul-bwwphht!!” My face got slapped with the base of his palm! Moreover, he hit me seriously! I groaned in pain. “Hey, you old sleazeball. I don’t like dirty talk. Can you tone it down a bit?” “...Why don’t you like dirty talk as a guy...?” Is Sword a weirdo? The guys my otherworld self knew mostly liked it. At the very least, none of them hated it to such an extent that they’d slap me over it. Sword scratched his head, “Ah, that’s also the reason why I’ve been a loner. Casual banter between guys isn’t my cup of tea. I never played around with prostitutes either, so I don’t have your frightenin’ extent of knowledge about techniques and such.” Hmm. Certainly, in an internet-less world, where information goes around by mouth, you’ve got no choice but to learn the tricks and know-how from professionals, I suppose. “Okay, I’ll refrain from now on.” I’ve now understood that some guys hate dirty talk. I’m a woman who can learn. “Also, stop talkin’ ’bout Bloody Witch bein’ my preferred type. What are you gonna do if she takes it seriously.” He warned me with a serious look. “I understand...I see, so she’s completely out, huh?” “I already told you, didn’t I? I...don’t plan on marryin’ anyone. Even if she got serious ’bout me, I wouldn’t be able to answer her feelings. To put it bluntly, that woman’s trouble since she’d try to somehow make it work by kidnappin’ me and creatin’ facts, even if I told her off...” Ah, this is something I wouldn’t be able to accept. “I see. ...Well, it’s your decision, so I won’t tell you what to do.” “I mean, you understand where I’m comin’ from, don’t you? You told me that you wouldn’t marry anyone either, didn’t you?” I did say that, yes. “I think that’s different though. I hate this world. That’s why I also hate the humans of this world.” Sword’s face cramped up. “And while we’re at it, I also hate my current self. I loathe the woman who gave birth to me, and that man. I detest this body which has their blood running through its veins. Marrying someone? Give me a break. I hate this body and planet to such an extent that I want to erase either from existence.” Suddenly Sword hugged me. “......Gotcha. My feelings don’t go as far as yours, but I probably hate myself as well.” Eh? That’s a lie. “Incidentally, I might also hate others. Somethin’ like carefreely datin’ a woman is absolutely impossible for me. Just the idea that she’d try to entrap me makes me want to keep all of them at a distance. ...Your resemblin’ me somewhat. And since I felt that, I invited you to come along with me. But, I didn’t want you to end up like me, so I tried to push you away, and yet I couldn’t let go of you. When you told me that I’m like air to you, I became very sad and it felt like the times when I was about to die, so I clung to you and frantically apologized. I knew that you were pissed, but I was happy when I learned that it wasn’t as though you didn’t feel anythin’ about me at all. ......I wanted to find friends. That’s the whole reason for me travelin’. That’s why I’m overjoyed that you’ve become my friend.” ......I guess I’ll ignore it as the babbling of a drunk. Come to think of it, the liquor I created in the beginning wasn’t of good quality, so it might have caused a drunken frenzy. I consoled him by clapping his back. “......You’re really a hopeless guy, aren’t you? I won’t marry anyone, but we’re going to adventure together. Somehow you seem to not think of me as a woman, but I can’t really think of you as being of the opposite gender either. As long as you can keep your reasoning even when I grow up into a captivating beauty someday, we’ll adventure together.” He burst into laughter. Loudly, at that!! “......Don’t worry. Your gonna stay a brat. Your insisting on having small breasts, but in reality, you don’t have any, do you? You’ve got the perfect, flat body line of a brat! Moreover, inside hides an old lecher! It ain’t like I’m thinkin’ of you as a guy, but perceivin’ you as opposite gender woulda be too much of a stretch for me. Or rather, the same would apply to anyone else. Even if you were to introduce yourself as a woman, everyone would be sure that your a guy. Even when washin’ right next to you while stark naked, no one would take you for a woman.” How terrible of him!! And here I was consoling and encouraging him! ...At some point I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up, Ms. Bloody stood next to the bed like a stone statue after having flipped over the bed sheet to take a peek. “.......WHAT IS THIS ABOOOOOOUT!?” ABOOOOOOUT as in what? Is she asking how Sword and I ended up in the same bed? If I remember correctly, we went to sleep together. But look, we’re wearing clothes and all. Our attires don’t even look messed up as if we had some sex play involving wearing clothes. “In short, it is AS YOU CAN SEE. Sorry, but I got my hands full with this girl here.” Ah, Sword is going with the flow and uses it to casually reject her. “It looks like Sword converted to the no-breast faction. Sorry for having said something inconsiderate as I was sure that he definitely belonged to the big-breast faction.” I also chipped in, explaining that he turned down Ms. Bloody because she apparently wasn’t his type. At once Ms. Bloody started to tremble violently. “...You cheaaaaater~~!” She screamed while trying to punch us. Both of us jumped back. “Hmm, I wonder who’s meant with that?” “Probably you, no I’m sure it’s you. Absolutely sure.” Sword frantically pushed the blame on me. “No, that was a joke, you know?” My part in this is nonexistent, I’m certain. Ms. Bloody pulverized the bed she ended up hitting thanks to her splendid, superhuman strength. “Okay, just as I thought, my strength is pretty much normal in this world.” “Wait, wait, Bloody Witch is an S-Rank, just so you know. Also, as for the reason why she’s received a brutal name like Bloody, there’s an anecdote goin’ ’round that she’s punched the countless men, who dumped her, bloody with her fists.” Sword calmly retorted. Thanks for the explanation. “I guess it’s your turn to become bloody next, huh!?” Ms. Bloody does appear to have herculean strength, but unfortunately she’s got no stamina. She immediately started to pant heavily, completely worn out. “Wouldn’t it be better for you to work on your stamina? While it might be true that you’re a mage, you’d still be troubled if you don’t have enough stamina to go on adventurers seeing how you’re an adventurer as well so far as it goes, don’t you think?” “No, we’d be the ones in trouble if she could chase after us after havin’ become a stamina monster.” Sword lands a pin-point retort! “That in itself would be fine with me since it’d be some fun. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to at least protect your virginity. But, some thrill would definitely be nice.” Ms. Bloody started to loudly bawl. “Anyway, thanks for having taken care of us. We’re off now.” And yet Sword completely disregarded it, and bid farewell from her with a refreshed look, intending to quickly get out of here. “It got slightly exciting at the very end, but in the end it wasn’t anything worthwhile. Oh well, it can’t be helped. I’m kinda reluctant to leave, but since we’ve still got a request to finish, I’ll have to excuse myself at this point. Let’s meet again if we get another opportunity.” I opened the window, and jumped down.
で、寝室と相成った。 ......ここでも酒飲んでるし。 「俺はね、割と名が売れてて、しかもお金持ってるの。自慢でも自称でもないからね? Sランクってのはそれだけのことをしたって証しなの。さらに、お弟子さんとかも取ってないし、拠点も今までなくて、独りモンで流浪の旅してたから、他のSランク冒険者より金持ってるの。でね、金があって名が売れてる身軽な独身男って、お金がほしい独身女性にとってはターゲットなの、獲物なの。わかる?」 別世界でもそれは常識。 「それはもー、はめられそうで大変なのよ。裏に後ろ暗い商売やってる男とかいる女とかにも目を付けられて、うっかり油断すると変な薬飲まされたり魔術使われたりするのよ。もう、数え切れないほど。ここでも、血みどろ魔女を筆頭に、どうにか俺と既成事実を作って、あるいはでっち上げて、ここに閉じ込めて金を搾り取る、って考えてるのよ。連中、魔術バカだから、お高い古書とかガンガン買ってるから、お金ないの。俺、格好の餌食なの。わかる?」 「まぁ、それも理由の一つだろうが......」 「な、なんだよ?」 「気付いているんだろう?」 「............」 ......やっぱりな、鈍感なフリをしてるだけか。 「血みどろさん、お前が好きだぞ?」 「............言うな」 「お前だって、好みのタイプだろう?」 「は? それは違うって」 「だって、あんな大きいおっぱい見たことないぞ? 前世の私よりずっとデカかった! あのおっぱいで挟んでしゴハッ!!」 顔面掌底打ちされたぞ! 苦悶した。 「おい? オッサン? 俺はエロトーク好きじゃないんだ。控えてくれるか?」 「......なんで男なのにエロトーク好きじゃないんだよ......」 少なくとも張り手されるほど嫌いなやつはいなかったぞ? ソードが頭をかいた。 「あー、だから俺ってボッチだったから。男同士のネタとかって疎いんだよ。商売女の相手もしたことねーし、お前の恐ろしいまでの技巧の知識なんてついてけねーんだよ」 確かに、ネットもない情報が口コミみたいな世界で、技を知るとしたら専門業者からしかないのか。 「わかった、控える」 嫌いな男もいる。理解した。 「で、血みどろ魔女が俺の好みのタイプって言うのはやめてくれ。向こうが本気にしたらどうすんだ」 え。そこまでダメなの? 「わかった......そうか、ダメなのか」 「お前にも言っただろ、俺は......誰かと結婚する気なんてない。本気になられても、気持ちに応えられない。ハッキリ言われたら伝えられるが、アイツ、俺をさらって既成事実作ってどうにかしようとするからやっかいなんだよ......」 あ、これはホントに受け入れられないっぽい。 「そうか。......まぁ、お前の気持ちだ、アレコレ言わん」 「お前だってわかるだろ? お前も誰とも結婚しないっつってただろうが」 言ったけどさ。 「それとは違うぞ? 私は、この世界が嫌いなんだ。だから、この世界の人間も嫌いなんだ」 ソードの顔がこわ張った。 「ついでに言うなら今の〝私〟も嫌いだ。産んだ女とあの男が嫌いで、その血脈を持つこの肉体が嫌いなんだ。誰かと結婚なんて冗談じゃない、この身体もこの星も残らず消し去りたいくらいなのに」 急にソードが抱きしめた。 「............わかったよ。そこまでは思ってないけど、たぶん、俺も俺が嫌いなんだよ」 「ついでに、他人も嫌いかもな。気楽に女と付き合うのなんて絶対無理だし、はめられるかと思うと近寄ってももらいたくないし。......お前って、ちょっと俺に似てる。そう思うから、一緒に行こうって誘ったんだし、だけど俺みたいになってほしくなくて突き放してみたりもした。でも、やっぱ手放せなくて、お前が俺をもう何とも思ってないって、俺を殺そうとしたとき感じて、悲しくなりすぎて、すがって謝った。お前が怒ってるってわかって、何も感じてなかったわけじゃないってわかって、うれしかった。............仲間が、ほしかったんだ。旅をしてたのはそのせいだ。だから、お前って仲間が出来て、うれしい」 そういえば、最初に造った酒は良質ではないから悪酔いするかもしれなかった。 ポンポンと背中をたたいて慰めてやった。 「......しょうがないやつだな、結婚はしないが、一緒に冒険しよう。お前はどうも私を女だと思ってないかもしれないが、私もお前を異性だと意識できん。いつか私が艶めかしい美女に成長してもお前の理性が保たれるなら、一緒に冒険してやろう」 ブハッと笑われた。 「......無理だろ。小僧のままだろ。お前、微乳とか言い張ってるけど無乳じゃんかよ。身体が【直線】を描く完全無欠の小僧体形じゃねーか! しかも、中身がエロオヤジ! 別に男だって思ってるワケじゃねーけど、コッチだって異性の意識が出来ねーわ。つか、誰しもが無理だろ、お前、女だって名乗っても男だと頑なに思われてるだろうが。素っ裸で横に並んで身体洗っても、お前を女だって認識出来ねーくらいに無理だわ」 慰めて励ましたのに、ヒドイ! ............いつの間にか眠ってしまった。 「............コレ、どーーゆーー、コト?」 私とソードがコトに及んだというコトなのか? 着衣プレイにしたって、乱れすらないだろうに。 「つまり、そーーゆーー、コト。悪いな、俺はコイツで手一杯だ」 あ、尻馬に乗ってソードがさりげなくお断りしてる。 「ソードは無乳派に転向したそうだ。てっきり巨乳派だと勘違いしてつまらないことを言ってしまったな、すまん」 血みどろさんはタイプじゃないそうなのでお断りを私も入れた。 「......浮気者ぉ~~!」 「さて、どちらに向かって発せられた言葉だろうか?」 「たぶんお前、きっとお前、絶対お前」 「いや、冗談で言ったんだぞ?」 私のワケがなかろうが。 血みどろさん、結構な怪力で、殴りかかったベッドが破壊された。 「やはり、この世界だと私は『普通に強い』くらいなのかな」 「おい、血みどろ魔女だってSランク冒険者だぞ。あとな、なんで〝血みどろ〟なんて物騒な二つ名付いてるかつーと、コイツは数々のフッた男を拳で血みどろにしてきたって逸話から来てるんだ」 そして解説ありがとう。 「じゃあ、今度はソードが血みどろになる番か!」 って切り返された。 血みどろさん、残念ながら剛力だけど体力がないらしい。 「体力作りをした方がいいぞ? 魔術師だからといって、仮にも冒険者でもあるなら冒険できるだけの体力が無いと困るだろう」 「いや、下手に体力つけられて追いかけられたら困るから」 ソードがビシ! とツッコんだ。 「それはそれで私は面白いからいいな。貞操だけは守ってやるから安心しろ。でもワクワク感はほしい」 血みどろさん、ワンワン泣き出した。 「じゃ、世話になったな。行くか」 それなのにガン無視で爽やかに挨拶してとっととトンズラする気のソード。 「最後はちょっとだけワクワクしたけど、大したことがなかったな。まぁ、仕方ない、名残惜しいが依頼もまだ片付けてないのでこれでお暇させていただく。では、機会があったらまた会おう」 窓を開け、飛び降りた。
Hmm, it’s a problem that there are no movements whatsoever. I had been diligently parading through the academy during recessions, but I didn’t find any places where Mr. Fluff had gathered... Or to be more precise, I was the one with the biggest accumulation of Mr. Fluff... And even though I’m looking so very, very frail, I couldn’t form any fateful connections with anyone ever since that incident... Although an academy for nobles should have a strict pecking order, why didn’t anyone speak up to me, a plain commoner? Especially since the usual development would certainly include me having some false accusations thrown at me or being insulted with “Why is a filthy commoner walking in the middle of the hallway?” Another development would abide to the following scenario: 『Someone runs into me』 〉〉 『The other party falls over on purpose』 〉〉 『They’ll pull a super, exaggerated show to frame me』. But instead, I kinda feel like I’m being avoided by the nobles who’re walking the hallways. When I came back to my classroom, my roommate Swan Bally approached me. He was trying to get along with me, a commoner, due to us sharing a room, it seems. But, since I wouldn’t stay at the academy for long anyway, it’d be totally fine for him to not pay me any attention, really... “Where did you go?” “...Nowhere in particular. I was just hoping for a development where I’d get picked on by some noble after walking a few steps across the hallway as a commoner, but no one confronted me with any false accusations or anything. Believing that to be strange, I tried to walk all over the place.” Swannyboy stared at me with his mouth agape. “In the end, no one tried anything with me. I really wonder why. What do you think, Swannyboy? Why is that so?” “......I don’t know, but, still, if you walk around while planning for something to happen, it might lead to such situations unexpectedly avoiding you.” He said something that could have come out of Sword’s mouth. “But, why do you want them to pick on you anyway?” Swannyboy asked me timidly. “Hmm? Because it’s more fun that way!” In response, he looked at me with a face, clearly saying, “Is this guy for real?” “...Fun?” “Don’t you think it’s no fun if such very common developments are missing? A frail-looking, beautiful girl...err, boy is somehow being bullied while being told, 『Just your existence is already a sore!』 by stinky, ugly folks such as small-fry nobles! It’s rather ordinary as a setting, but isn’t that a story you hear fairly often?” “......Y-Yep. I don’t quite get it, though...” Swannyboy is someone who doesn’t read many novels? “Oh well, whatever. I think it’s common. And since I finally managed to enroll at the academy, I want to enjoy some common developments as they happen so often!” “......Indra, you’re definitely weird.” “In short, you’re saying you have been acting in a way so as to deliberately cause some incidents, Indra?” When I turned around towards that voice, I spotted two extremely shiny boys standing behind me. “That’s slander, you know? I don’t intend to do anything like causing incidents. It’s just...oh right, I’m aiming for the seat of the strongest in this academy. That’s why I’m walking around to make it easier for challengers to show up.” One of them became flabbergasted while the other narrowed his eyes. “The seat of the strongest in this academy? Wouldn’t it be fine to challenge people to a duel during our practical lesson’s mock battles?” “Ah, that won’t work. It’s pointless, and I’m forbidden from participating in any mock battles to begin with. I was told I’d kill my opponents or block any attack my opponent threw at me, thus making it not much of a mock battle.” Even the squinting boy, who had questioned me, finally became flabbergasted. “...Even if it’s just bragging, you sure are brazen. Don’t you know the current strongest person in the academy?” “I do. Sword...Instructor Sword, right? But, he’s an instructor, so yeah... If possible, I’d like to narrow it down to students.” Everyone looked at me in shock. They started to whisper among each other, and some like Swannyboy became ghastly pale. “What’s wrong? Was the answer so obvious that it became boring instead?” “...The strongest in the academy is pretty obviously Prince Elias over here!!” Oh, he was a prince? No wonder he’s so shiny. “Hmm, is it that one? Those fixed matches for social reasons? Well, the surroundings have it tough as well. ...But, you’re wrong. That’s not the kind of position I want. I’m attracted by developments that make my heart throb.” Swannyboy started to cry all of a sudden. Eh? Was this so moving that he’d start to cry? “...You did well to call them out as fixed matches for social reasons. You show some promise despite being a commoner. Alright, I’ll challenge you to duels during the next swordsmanship and magic lessons.” I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure, if you can get the instructor to agree. I can’t decide it on my own discretion. For this very reason I’ve been walking around, searching for unauthorized duels.” An event where someone yells, “I challenge you to a duel!”, isn’t bad, but it doesn’t seem likely for Sword to approve of that. “I won’t use any underhanded, cowardly means, okay? I’ll definitely get permission, so just wait and see.” Since he told me all that, I answered, “Well, go for it. By the way, I’m fine with you using underhanded tricks, you know? That way would be more fun after all!” That caused him to fly into a rage. I wonder why?
うーん、動きがないので困る。 まめに休憩時間に学園中を練り歩いているのだが、ふんわりさんが密集している場所もないし......。もっと言うなら、私密集させてるし......。 貴族の学園なんてすごい上下関係厳しいはずなのに、平民なのになぜ誰からも何も言われないのだろう? 別パターンで、『誰かがぶつかってくる』〉〉『相手、わざとらしく倒れる』〉〉『大仰に騒ぎ立てられ むしろ廊下を歩く貴族から避けられてる気がするんだよなー。 教室に戻ってくると、同室の子、スワン・バリー君が寄ってきた。 「どこに行ってたの?」 「......普通、私のような平民が廊下を歩いてたら歩けば貴族に絡まれる、みたいな事態を期待してたんだが、誰も何も言いがかりをつけてこないのだ。不思議に思って、あちこち歩いてみた」 「やはり、誰も言いがかりをつけてこない。なぜだろうか? スワン君は、なぜだと思う?」 「............わからないけど、でも、そう思って歩くと、意外とそういう事態が逃げてくのかもしれないね」 ソードみたいなことを言った。 「でも、どうして絡まれたいの?」 「ん? その方が面白いからだ!」 言い切ると「本気かコイツ?」みたいな顔をされたよ。 「......面白いの?」 「そういう、いかにもありきたりの展開が無いと、面白くないと思わないか? か弱そうな美少女......じゃなかった、美少年が、いかにも三下貴族! といった鼻持ちならない不細工な連中に『お前の存在がただただ不快なんだよ』とか何とか絡まれる! ありきたりだがよくある話とは思わないか?」 「............う、うん。僕にはよくわからないけど............」 スワン君は、あまり小説を読まない方かな? 「まぁ、いいんだ。私はありきたりだと思うんだ。で、せっかく学園に入学したんだから、ありきたりのよくある話を堪能したいんだ!」 「............インドラ君って、変わってるね」 「つまり、インドラ、君はわざと事件を起こすような って声がし、振り返ると、やたらキラキラしい男立っていた。 「心外だな。私は、自分から事件を起こそうなんて思っていない。ただ......そうだな、学園最強の座を目指している。だから、手っ取り早く、挑む者を募集するために歩くわけだ」 一人があきれ、一人が目を細めた。 「学園最強の座? ならば、実技の模擬試合で勝負を挑めばいいだろう?」 「あぁ、それはダメだ。つまらないし、そもそも私は試合を禁じられている。相手を殺してしまうし相手の攻撃は何をせずとも防げてしまうし。試合にならないらしい」 問いただしてきた少年も、とうとうあきれた。 「......大言壮語にしても、立派だな。君は、現在の学園最強の者を知らないのか?」 「知っている。ソード......教官だろう? だが、教官だからなぁ。出来れば学生で絞りたいのだ」 全員があきれた。 「どうかしたか? 当たり前すぎた答えだったから、つまらなかったか?」 「......学園最強の座は、こちらのエリアス王子に決まっているだろう!?」 王子だったのか。 「ふぅん。アレだな、接待試合というヤツか。周りも大変だ。......違うんだ、私はそういうのを望んでない。もっと、心躍る感じの展開に引かれているのだ」 スワン君、ワッと泣き出した。 泣くほど感動するようなトコ、あった? 「......接待試合とはよく言った。お前は平民ながら見所があるな。よし、次の剣術と魔術の時間、お前に勝負を挑んでやる」 「教官が許してくれるならいいぞ。私の一存では決められないのだ。だからこそ、野良試合を求めて歩き回っているわけだしな」 「決闘を申し込む!」みたいな展開も悪くはないけど、それってソードが許してくれなさそう。 な手を使うなよ? 私が教官に必ず許可を取ってやるから、首を洗って待っていろ」 な手を使っていいぞ? その方が面白いからな!」 激怒された。 なぜだろう?
The story about Duke Chaudgal having obtained the latest golems spread in no time before summer vacations were actually over. After all, he took the golem, which had nothing but a moving carriage’s loading tray, everywhere he went. Additionally, rumors about the duchess herself driving around on a weird two-wheeled golem propagated at lightning speed. ――At the start of the new term, that appeared amidst the coming and leaving carriages. An unknown golem. It possessed a pretty, glossy frame and a high-class driver’s seat. Running next to other carriages which noisily clattered and creaked as they shook along the road, this particular golem seemed to glide across the ground without so much as a single sway. And right behind followed a two-wheeled golem with a floating load-tray next to it. A woman in protective clothing sat on the two-wheeled golem, and the floating load-tray was manned by a bow-holding guard who scanned the vicinity with a piercing look. As soon as the golem stopped at the academy’s parking lot for carriages, the driver stepped down from his seat and opened the golem’s door. Immediately a staircase unfolded automatically and Scarlet used it to gracefully disembark. “...Aww, damn it, I want to stay in ChaNon for the rest of my life... It’s way too comfortable...,” she muttered, sorrow dyeing her face. “I can fully understand your feelings on this, but His Lordship and the Madam have taken a liking to ChaNon, so they would interfere if you were to monopolize it, Milady.” Scarlet became sullen at her maid’s, Ann’s, words. “In the first place, it was me who begged Lady Indra to make this, and yet...! Both of them are awful!” But, even though she bickered about it, the duke had bragged too much about ChaNon, resulting in the golem becoming a 『Public Representation of House Chaudgal』. As such, Scarlet had no choice but to give up on owning it personally. “See you later, ChaNon,” Scarlet called out to the golem. “I’ll come pick you up later, Scarlet!” were the words echoing from the golem into the surroundings. ChaNon was also capable of speech. Indra had installed an AI so that it could make its own judgments within certain boundaries. It’d answer if you spoke to it, and it’d also act as an assistant in driving. Being used to this from her previous world, Scarlet wasn’t overly surprised, merely answering, “Oh my, it comes with an audio assistant?”, but in the eyes of the people around her, this golem seemed to be a work of god as it was way too innovative. As she walked while gathering the attention of all the people, she encountered Prince Elias and Genius who were frozen solid out of sheer surprise. “Oh my, nice to meet you, Prince Elias, Lord Genius.” In response to her refined greeting, the prince absentmindedly muttered, “.........What...is that?” No greeting whatsoever, huh? I must re-educate him from now on, I suppose, Scarlet assessed while gracefully smiling. “Are you possibly talking about our family’s latest golem? We have been using it instead of a carriage. Its guard is yet another new golem... Oh, if I remember correctly, it is described as 『Two-Wheeled Golemmobile』. It is called 【Bronko】, so I have been using that name. Hohoho,” she laughed boastfully. After all, it’s a golem only our family, except for its creator, possesses! Other nobles won’t ever be able to get their hands on one of those! I mean, even His Majesty gave up on obtaining one when he heard about its origin! I can only praise my own foresight for having become friends with Lady Indra! Scarlet thought triumphantly. It comes with a full array of ridiculous features such as not shaking during operation, not hurting your bum thanks to its fluffy and comfy seats, and the possibility to sleep and shower inside. It was such an outstanding creation that Scarlet and Gerard quarreled over who would be driving it as they went camping, and even Ally, who got angry and harshly reprimanded those two, quickly fell in love with it as soon as she experienced the comfort of its interior design, immediately enjoying it together with her husband and daughter. After casting a glare at Scarlet, Prince Elias shifted his eyes back to ChaNon. He closely scrutinized it, before suddenly blurting out, “You were my fiancée, weren’t you?” “Oh, you finally feel like approving of it?” Scarlet immediately had an inkling where this conversation was headed, but she answered while pretending to be ignorant. Prince Elias laughed scornfully, “Personally, I don’t approve of you. ...I bid farewell to Rose, but that doesn’t change you being a decorative fiancée.” Scarlet shrugged her shoulders, “If I had to say, I feel like calling you a decorative prince, though. ...Since I have been told so by everyone, I did not ease up on my training as queen, and I also plan to relentlessly train you from now on, you know?” Once she rebutted right away, the prince glared at her again. “Watch your tone with me, cheeky lass! You really don’t have any charm whatsoever! ...But, whatever. No matter what I might think, you’re still my fiancée. So, give that to me.” I thought you’d say that, and you sure didn’t disappoint in that regard, Scarlet thought while acting dumbstruck with her mouth gaping, but then she put on a sweet smile, “The king also told my father to give it to him when he was bragging all about it.” “What?” The prince immediately started to become tense. ――The present king had been recognized for his abilities, and moreover enjoyed a high popularity among the populace. Even back when he was but a royal prince, he had gone out into the city and carefreely chatted with commoners. On top of having the achievement of having fought side-by-side with the hero in the capital’s defense, he had worked towards rebuilding and slowly developing the capital, which was as good as destroyed after the attack. Nowadays, he was hailed as a wise king. Prince Elias, who was supposed to succeed the crown in a few years, didn’t have such a reputation, and many voices called for the current king to remain in power. Of course, some nobles, who plotted to use Prince Elias as a convenient puppet, opted for him to take the throne, but many nobles, not to mention the commoners, didn’t harbor much expectations towards the current prince. Rather, everyone would likely become worried if Prince Elias should become king. ......And Prince Elias knew all of that. It’d have been his salvation if only he was a dimwitted puppet prince, but because he was excellent in his own right, he could tell the parts he was lacking in comparison to the current king, and envied the king for them. For this reason, rage and jealousy welled up in him when he heard about the king having demanded something he wanted for himself.
ショートガーデ公爵が最新のゴーレムを手に入れた話は、バケーションが終わるまでにあっという間に広まった。 ――新学期が始まり、馬車が行き交う中、ソレは現れた。 二輪のゴーレムには防具を装備した女性が乗り、浮遊した荷台には、弓を装備した護衛が鋭く辺りを見回していた。 学園の停車場にゴーレムは止まると、御者が降り、ドアを開ける。 「......あぁ、もう、ずっとシャノンに泊まっていたい......。快適すぎ......」 「お気持ちはわかりますが、旦那様も奥様もシャノンはお気に入りですから、お嬢様が独占されると差し支えます」 メイドのアンの言葉にスカーレットがむくれた。 「そもそも、私がインドラ様に頼んで作っていただいたものなのに! ひどいわ!」 そうは言っても、公爵が自慢しすぎて『ショートガーデ公爵家の顔』となっているゴーレムだ。 「またね、シャノン」 「帰るときに迎えに来るね! スカーレット!」 インドラがある程度自己判断出来るようにAIを組み込んだのだ。 別世界で慣れていたスカーレットは「あら、音声アシスタントですのね」と特に驚かなかったが、周りからは革新的すぎて神の偉業としか思えなかった。 周りの視線を集めつつゆっくりと歩くと、驚きの余り硬直しているエリアス王子とジーニアスが立っていた。 「あら。ごきげんよう、エリアス王子、ジーニアス様」 優雅に挨拶をすると、王子が放心したようにつぶやいた。 挨拶無しかよ、ここから教育をしないとね、と内心で考えつつ優雅に微笑んだ。 「もしかして、我が公爵家が所有する最新ゴーレムのことかしら? 馬車の代わりに使っておりますの。護衛も最新のゴーレム......あぁ、確か『二輪駆動ゴーレム』と言っていたかしら? 名を【ブロンコ】と言いますけれど、それに乗っておりますわ」 他の貴族は持つことは決して出来ない! だって、 スカーレットとジェラルドは争うほどに運転しまくり、キャンプを楽しみ、そんな二人を怒り叱り飛ばしたエリー夫人ですら、内容を知ったら陥落しに楽しむほどの逸品なのだ。 エリアス王子はスカーレットをにらんだ後、シャノンに視線を移した。 「あら、ようやくお認めになりますの?」 スカーレットはなんとなく流れを察したが、とぼけた返事をした。 「私自身は認めていない。......ローズとは別れたが、お前がお飾りの婚約者なのは今も変わらない」 、皆にも言われておりますので私自身の王妃教育も手を抜きませんし、王子の教育もこれからビシバシ行うつもりですわ?」 即座に反論したら、またにらまれた。 「生意気な口をたたくな! 本当にかわいげが無いな! ......だが、まあ良い。お前はそれでも私の婚約者だ。だから、アレを私に献上しろ」 言うと思ったが、まんまと言ったな、とスカーレットは口を開けて 「何?」 王子は途端にピリピリしだした。 王弟だったときは市井に出かけ平民と気軽に挨拶や会話を交わし、王都防衛戦では英雄と肩を並べて戦った経歴がある上、壊滅状態だった王都を復旧させ少しずつ発展させた賢王としてたたえられているのだ。 数年後に譲位されるはずのエリアス王子にはそこまでの評判がなく、現王の存続を望む声が高い。 むしろエリアス王子が即位した途端に、皆不安がるだろう。 ......それらをエリアス王子は知っている。 単なる傀儡の盆暗王子であったならむしろ救われたのに、優秀であったが故に自分と現王とを比べて足りない部分が理解出来てしまい、それに嫉妬していた。 だから、自分が狙っているものを王が献上させようとしたと聞いて、怒りと嫉妬がわいた。
After being told by Sword to 「Accompany him in his regret」, we arrived at the town where he met his ex-girlfriend. Hmm, it’s ordinary. It was as standard as it gets when it comes to fantasy stories. The places supposed to prosper were prospering, and it had all sorts of stores. But, just as it didn’t have any industry, it didn’t seem like it’d have any local specialties either. It was simply flourishing all over. The church was somewhat larger, but that didn’t mean people were flooding it. The guild was also somewhat larger, but it wasn’t as though the town was centered around the guild. “Hmm. So you had a normal meeting in this normal town, dated her normally and got dumped normally?” “......” Sword ground my temples. “Personally I think that’s a very common story though. Well, it’s not that I’m against diving into the dungeon, but that won’t allow you to reconcile with anything. I don’t know what you’re regretting so much, but living beings, and not just humans, always do and say things incomprehensible to others, you know? Because you fret and worry about each and every little thing, your lim-ou-ou-ouuuuchh!” Without being allowed to finish my words, I received corporal punishment, as if he had already predicted what I was going to say next. “I know all that! Even without you tellin’ me, I know that bein’ fretful ’bout each and every little thing is shameful, and that it’s a common occurrence to leave without spellin’ out the reason in detail!” No, you’re fussing over this because you don’t understand, right? Sword told me that he’d like to sightsee this town now that he had the chance to do so. As for me, I’d prefer to quickly get into the dungeon, catch Sir Dungeon Core or the boss monster (if it’s capable of speaking), and ask them about what happened back then... After looking at me for a while, Sword sulkily commented, “You don’t feel any of your usual thrill? I think this town has pretty much everythin’ you’d need. It’s quite popular among mid-tier adventurers, you know?” Hmmm. I feel like we aren’t mid-tier adventurers anymore, but well, if he says all that, I guess I’ll enjoy some standard stuff. “You’re right. I suppose we can sightsee it normally as normal adventurers would do. “...... Your right, we aren’t normal adventurers ‘nymore, but...whatever. Let’s go?” I got dragged around against my will. Certainly it might be a charming town to a mid-tier adventurer who graduated from being rookies. You could find most things here such as weapons, armor, tools, and living-ware. They were also selling somewhat fashionable accessories (apparently charms). There was also the big church. An orphanage had apparently been built into the church, too “The church over here is decent, so I’m gonna donate a bit,” he said. It piqued my interest, so I entered as well. Okay, it’s got no gilded splendor. Rather, it’s run-down. But, I prefer it looking shabby over it shining all over the place with gold. Let’s describe it as the church having meaning. He talked to someone who appeared to be a priest...going by his normal, black cassock...and gave him the donation. The priest thanked Sword many times over. But he was right, it’s a decent church. “Sorry for makin’ you wait.” “Not really. ...But, I didn’t expect you to be the type to do something like that.” For some reason Sword started acting suspiciously due to my words. “......Why?” “You seemed like someone without flexibility. Also, you’re distrustful of other people, even though not as much as I am. That’s why I thought you wouldn’t donate anything as you’d inevitably wonder whether they’d really put the money to good use.” In response, he averted his eyes and then became restless. As I watched him while further tilting my head, he answered, “...An acquaintance grew up here, so I know the circumstances.” I see. “In other words, your ex.” “Yep.” Hmm, I got it. Didn’t his partner let her guard down quite a bit, seeing how she told him about her origin? So it’s not like she tried to trick him from the very start. ...In that case, the probability that he was simply dumped gains even more traction. Did their bodily compatibility simply not match? I mean, that kind of stuff is hard for a woman to bring up., “...What’s up? Your thinkin’ some weird shit ‘gain, aren’t you?” “Your partner having led you to her hometown is an expression of her affection towards you. The feeling of wanting your partner to learn more about you is connected to you taking them to a place where your roots can be found.” Sword froze. “But, while that may be true, it’s not like people don’t break up afterwards. In the other world, I broke up with guys even after taking them back home.” “Whoa! Your terrible! You shattered my feelings like it’s nothin’.” Why? “In other words, I might have felt like it, but 『that feeling』 was limited to a certain time and it often happened that my feeling changed after having had sex.” “......” My temples were silently ground. Moreover, quite strongly. It looks like he grasped what I wanted to tell him. “In most cases, that’s the reason when a woman can’t say anything. It’s wonderful that you know the reason now, right?” “Shut it! And don’t decide shit as you please!” But, he appeared to know what I meant. ...So he got dumped after having had sex with her, huh? “How pitiful...” Sword, who had walked ahead with a brisk, rough stride while being pissed, whirled around and grabbed my face with a genuine iron claw! “Mmgphghphghph!” “Don’t look at me with eyes full of pity! Also, don’t decide on things as you please!” I was told once more.
ソードに「心残りに付き合って」って言われて、元カノと出会った町にやってきた。 ふむ、普通。 だが生産が盛んな町でもなければ、特産品がある感じでもないく、全体的に万遍なく栄えてる。 教会も大きめだが、乱立してるわけでもないし、ギルドも大きめだがギルドが中心というわけでもない。全てが普通。 「ふむ。この普通の町で普通に出会い普通に付き合って普通に捨てられたのか」 「............」 「私としては、よくある話だと思うのだけどなぁ。まぁ、ダンジョンに潜るのは吝かではないが、だからといってヨリを戻せるワケでもない。何がそんなに心残りなのかわからないが、生き物っていうものは人間に限らず、必ず他人には解らない言動をするものだぞ? いちいち気に留めて気に病むからふにゃいたいいたいいたい」 もう、言葉を予測されたかのように最後まで言えずにウメボシの刑にされる。 「わかってるの! お前に言われずとも、みっともなく気に病んでるのは! お前に俺がそうしたように、いっちいち理由を言わずに去るなんてよくある話だってわかってるの!」 いや、わかってないから拘ってるのだろうが。 私としては、憂いを晴らすためにとっとと潜ってダンジョンコア様なりボスモンスター(会話出来るタイプなら)なりを捕まえて当時のことを聞きたいと思うのだが......。 「ワクワク感はないのかよ? この町はそこそこ揃っているだろうが。中堅冒険者には人気の町だぜ?」 私たちは既に中堅冒険者ではない気がするが、まぁ、そう言うなら定番感を味わうか。 「そうだな。普通の冒険者らしく、普通に観光してみるか」 「............。確かに、俺たちはもう普通の冒険者じゃなくなってるけどよ......。ま、いいから行こうぜ?」 無理やり連れ回された。 ちょっとだけ洒落たアクセサリー(お守りらしい)も売っていたりする。 大きめの教会もあった。 教会には孤児院も併設されているらしく、ソードが寄った。 「ここは真面な教会だから、ちょっと寄付してくる」 私も興味があるので入ったら、うん、金ピカじゃない。 だが、金ピカよりこっちの方がいい。 教会の司祭らしき......あ、普通に黒のカソックだ、の司祭と話して、寄付していた。 「待たせたな」 「いや? ......だが、お前がそういうことをするとは思わなかったな」 私の言葉でなぜか挙動不審になるソード。 「......なんでだよ?」 「お前には余裕がないように思えた。それに、人間に対して私ほどではないにしろ不信感がある。だから『はたして寄付金はちゃんと使われるだろうか?』などと考え、しないと思っていた」 私は首をかしげて尚も見ていると、 ふむ。 「つまりは元カノ」 「そう」 出身地を伝えたとなると、相手もそれなりに気を許していたのか。 ......だとすると、ますます普通に捨てられたって可能性しか残らなくなってきたしー。 「......なんだよ? なんかまた変なことを考えてるだろ?」 ソードにグリグリされた。 「相手が故郷を案内するのは、好意を示しているからだな。相手に自分を知ってもらいたいという気持ちが、自分のルーツとなった場所を案内することにつながる」 私の説明に、ソードが固まった。 「だが、だからといって別れないことはない。別世界では案内されて、別れた」 「うーわ! お前って、ヒドイ。俺の情緒を木っ端微塵に砕いたわ」 なんでだよ。 「つまりは。その気になろうが、その時の『その気』だ。交尾した後気が変わることはしょっちゅうある」 「............」 しかも、かなり強め。 言いたいことがわかったらしい。 「女の言えない理由は大体ソレだな。理由が分かって良かったな?」 「うっせーよ! 決めつけんな!」 だが、心当たりあったらしい。 ......交尾した後捨てられたのか。 「気の毒に......」 憤ってズカズカ先を歩いていたソードがくるりと振り返ると、顔面つかまれて、正真正銘のアイアンクロー! 「フグググググ!」 「憐れんだ顔で、見るな! あと、決めつけんな!」 も言われた。
I recalled a conversation we had. “If I make a Ryoku, do you want one as well?” “Yes, please.” An instantaneous reply. “The [Parallelization]...to describe it, let’s see...the Ryokus use a system where all Ryokus memorize what a single Ryoku learns, but if you’re okay with that, I’ll prepare a personal Ryoku for you. We received the money for completing the request, so I’ll be able to make it if I gather a few more materials.” “Tell me anythin’ you need. I’ll get it for you.” He wants one so badly? Even though he looked so coldly at my Ryoku in the past? “Is it okay for me to specify a color?” “Sure, but...I don’t know whether I’ll be able to mix the color as you want. Also, exclusive functions for the frame are no option. It’s possible if it’s an extra function through the removal of other parts. But if not, your Ryoku might not be able to move properly.” “I don’t mind either way, so please make one for me.” Ever since the liquor, it’s the first thing he’s really eager about. “I can also change its size. What should I do?” “Makin’ it too big is, well...it won’t be able to fit through narrow places, right?” “Most likely, yep. So far there’s been no problem, but I’ve been wondering whether a slightly smaller version would be better.” In the end he told me to keep the size as it is now and use a white color. “I was sure you’d ask me for red.” “Why would you bring up red of all things? Red is the personal color of 【Bloody Witch】.” Eh? Is that how it works? And, Sword’s personal color is white? “If we’re speakin’ ’bout the personal color of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, it’s obviously gotta be white...” “Eh? What was that?” Just now I heard some weird words? Do your best, Mr. Translator! What I heard...what was it again? Mr. Translator has ceased working in my brain! “......Nevermind. Anyway, my personal color as 『S-Rank Adventurer Sword』 is white! That’s what I told you!” “I-I see. Some strange words reached my ears, and my brain rejected translating them. It must have been my imagination, yep! Okay, I see, I see, S-Ranks have personal colors, huh? Come to think of it, I’ve heard that you can choose a color once you made a name for yourself.” The ace pilot of the other world’s ducal army also had red as personal color! Over here red seems to be assigned to Ms. Bloody. Still, that sure is a crazy name. “You’ll be able to pick one as well once you become an S-Rank, you know? Rather, I feel like folks selfishly set the color, goin’ by what you use preferably as your personal color, though.” “Blue-green is the only choice for me.” Alright, I’m going to actively use blue-green on everything from now on! “...Which reminds me, what are you goin’ to use for the frame? Unless your fixated on iron, even Mithril or Admantite would be possible since I’m gonna pay...” “No, I won’t use any metals. If I did that, automatic self-repair wouldn’t be possible in case of damage, right? Maintaining the painting would be a pain as well, and above all, it’d make the Ryoku heavy. That’s why it’s best to go with a carapace similar to insects and crustaceans. If it gets damaged to such an extent that the automatic self-repair can’t fix it anymore, it’ll repair itself by molting.” Sword’s smile froze. “...That’s totally like a spider, isn’t it!? Molting? Why the hell molting!?” “The Ryokus are a lot more amazing than spiders. After all, they can automatically repair most of the damage they might receive. A normal spider can’t do that, can it?” If you throw magic elements into the mix, it’s really anything goes. (Note: Indra-san was at an age of five already at a level where she could read and write difficult books, but when her memories revived, the language from her previous life entered her brain. What made matters worse is her not having talked much with other people of her current world ever since then, so the language of her thoughts has become that of her previous world. Basically she’s bilingual, but when she’s confronted with words she doesn’t want to comprehend, she’ll deliberately translate them as “What does this expression mean?”) Several days later. “I’m done.” If you got the design specifications, a Ryoku is easier to build than assembling a plastic model. Magic is so convenient~ “I have registered your biometrics. He’ll listen to my orders as well, but you have the highest authority.” “Nice to meet you, Mr. Sword! I am, Ryoku!” He gives a cute greeting while lifting a hand. Oh drat, he’s so friggin’ cute that I might die from an overdose of sweetness! “...Why are all of ’em called Ryoku?” “I won’t accept any requests for name changes.” Ryoku is Ryoku. Period! “Haaah...well, whatever. Best regards.” No matter what he might say, he seems happy. He’s pleased with his Ryoku. “Did the extras work?” “Yep, that side is okay.” The extra addition Sword suddenly came up was “to fire lightning spells from the grenade launcher and not the usual mm bomb spells.” In other words, it’s that, isn’t it? The ninjutsu sounding like the cry of a chidori that was used at the early stage by a copy ninja of the other world. The Ryoku back at the mansion can’t use it, but since it’s an extra, I got to avoid letting it waste away by not using it after assigning it. Let’s make sure to make it usable while doing the maintenance once I get back to the mansion. ――According to the information pulled through the parallelization, the Ryoku back in the mansion seems to be helping with the farming, plays and giggles around with the maids, goes shopping with the cook, and so on. He appears to be so convenient that the mansion’s guards are asking whether Ryoku wouldn’t be plenty to handle the entire guard protocol. Moreover, the mansion Ryoku has become able to talk adorably! Why!? Why is only my Ryoku different despite both Ryokus supposedly being connected!?! After I made him his own Ryoku, Sword finally started to distance himself from liquor. I suspect it comes from me having secretly added a warning as a basic function, telling him, “Mr. Sword, drinking too much liquor won’t only damage your main body’s internal devices, but it will also create processing delays of your operational circuits and memory lines, you know? Here you go with some water.” When I felt relieved about that part, he stroked my head, “...Sorry, I made you worry, didn’t I?” “Your liquor is bad liquor. Enjoy drinking it to the extent of marching around with Ryoku while singing loudly without exposing your bottom half. Just make sure to remember that the idea that it’ll be alright since you’ve drunk an antidote won’t work.” “Gotcha. ...Your really clear-cut, aren’t you? What would you think if a person died because they received a request for fun as if playin’ a game?” “As in them dying out of carelessness? I think that’d be their bad luck at work then. Something like someone sneaking in during a test run of a Ryoku and getting accidentally shot, for example?” Sword shook his head. “I meant when that person got killed in front of your eyes after acceptin’ a request without a care because they believed it to be a walk in the park.” “You mean the thing from the other day? That’s why I said 「What about it?」. ...If it was so hard on you, it’d have been fine if I had handled it instead of you.” He shook his head once more. “Such people have never died in front of your eyes, right? I wonder whether you’d be so clear-cut ’bout things if you had seen such a scene...” “The only person I’d want to rescue is you.” Sword came to a grinding halt upon those words. “The things you’ve seen as someone, who only knows this world, and the things I’ve seen as someone, who’s lived in this world and the other, are different. It’s no like I don’t feel anything either. But, in my eyes, this world is far too brutal. I won’t bother to worry about what happens to the people of this world to the extent of whittling down my own spirit. I’ll get angry if a Ryoku gets destroyed, and if you get killed, I’ll destroy the world alongside your murderer. However, I won’t care about other people to such an extent.” Sword’s bitter smile gradually deepened. “...The guy, who was your man in the other world, might have come to this world as well, no? And yet you’d destroy the world?” “My otherworld self and my current self are different. That’d be the same for the man who was my lover in the other world. Even if we met each other, we wouldn’t recognize one another, and even if he’s now living in this world, I’ll stick to my previous words: The only one I would want to rescue is you alone.” “...I understand.” Sword caressed my head. ...Things have become slightly worrisome. It’s because Sword is kinda crying. If it’s so hard on you, I’ll handle all the rescue missions from now on.
会話をしていて思い出した。 「リョークを作ったら、お前もいるか?」 「いります。ください」 即答が来た。 「[並列化]......具体的に言うとだなのリョークが覚えたことは全部のリョークが覚えるような仕組みになっているが、それでも良いならお前専用を用意するぞ。依頼達成金ももらったし、もうちょっと材料が集まれば作れる」 「用意するから何でも言って」 あんなに冷めた目で見てたのに。 「色の指定もしていいか?」 「いいけど......うまく色が出るかわからないぞ? あと、その機体専用の機能はダメだ、パーツの取り外しでオプション指定になら出来る、じゃないとうまく動かなくなる」 「なんでもいいから作って下さい」 酒以来の食いつきだな。 「大きさは変えられるぞ? どうする?」 「あんまりデカくてもなぁ......。狭いところを通り抜けられなくなるだろ?」 「そうなんだよなー。今のところ困ってないが、もう少し小さい方がいいのかと悩む」 結局、大きさは同じ、色は白、って言われた。 「赤って言うかと思った」 「なんで赤なんだよ、赤は【血みどろ魔女】のパーソナルカラーだろ」 そして、ソードのパーソナルカラーは白なの? 「【迅雷白牙】のパーソナルカラーと言ったら白に決まって......」 「え? なんて?」 今、変な言葉が聞こえてきたぞ? 頑張れ翻訳くん! 聞こえたのは......なんだっけ、脳内の翻訳くんが機能を停止してるぞ! 「............なんでもない。とにかく、俺『Sランク冒険者ソード』のパーソナルカラーは白だ! そう言った!」 「そ、そうか。なんか変な言葉が聞こえてきて、脳が翻訳を拒否してきたんだ。気のせいだな! うん、そうか、Sランクってパーソナルカラーがあるのか。そういや、偉くなると色指定が出来ると聞いたことがあるな、うん」 別世界の公国軍のエースパイロットも赤がパーソナルカラーだもんな! 「お前もSランクになったら決められるぞ? つーか好んで使う色を勝手にパーソナルカラーにされる感じだけどな」 「青緑一択で」 よし、これから青緑を積極的に使っていこう。 「......そういや、機体は何使ってんだ? 鉄辺り使ってんなら、俺が金を出してやるからミスリルかアダマンタイトで......」 「いや、鉱物を使ってない。それだと傷がついたとき自動修復出来ないだろう? 塗装もメンテナンスも大変だし、何より重くなる。だから虫や甲殻類と同じ、殻をベースにしている。自動修復出来ないほど壊れたら、脱皮して治すんだ」 ソードが笑顔で固まった。 「......まるっきり蜘蛛じゃねーかよ! 脱皮ってなんだ、脱皮って!」 「蜘蛛よりすごいぞ、大抵の傷は自動修復するんだからな。普通はしないんだぞ?」 魔素が混じると何でもアリになるよね。 (注:インドラさん時点で難しい原書も読み書き出来ちゃうほどでしたが、記憶がよみがえって前世の言語が入ってきて、おまけに今世では以降殆ど会話しなかったので思考言語が前世よりになってます。基本バイリンガルですが、理解したくない言葉を言われた際、「その表現なんつってる?」とわざわざ翻訳してしまいます。) 数日後。 「出来た」 設計書があればプラモを組み立てるより簡単に作れた。 「ソードの生体認証で登録してある。私の命令も聞くが、最上位はお前だ」 「初めまして、ソードさん! 僕は、リョーク!」 手を挙げてかわいく挨拶! ヤヴァイ! 萌え死にしそう! 「......なんで全部リョークなんだよ?」 「名前の変更は受け付けておりません」 リョークは、リョークなんだよ! 「はぁ......まぁいいか。よろしくな」 なんだかんだでうれしいらしい。 「オプションいけたか?」 「うん、それは大丈夫」 ソードが唐突に思い出して付けたオプションは「グレネードランチャーから発射するのミリ爆撃魔術ではなく雷撃魔術で」 アレだな、別世界のコピー忍者が初期に使ってた千鳥が鳴くような音を出す忍術みたいな! ――並列化情報によると、屋敷のリョーク、農作業手伝ったりメイドさんとウフフキャッキャしてたり料理人と買い物に行ったりしてるらしい。 しかも、屋敷のリョークはかわいくしゃべるようになってきたぞ! 並列化してるはずなのにうちのリョークとどうして違うんだ!! ひそかに基本動作として「ソードさーん、お酒の飲み過ぎは本体内部装置の損傷だけじゃなく、記憶回路や演算回路の処理遅延を発生させるんですよー? はい、お水」ってセリフを追加したためのはずだ。 ホッとしてると、頭をなでられた。 「お前の酒はよくない酒だ。下半身丸出しではなくとも、大声で歌いながらリョークと行進するくらい楽しく飲め。解毒薬を飲んでるから大丈夫、なんてことはないのを覚えておいてくれ」 「わかった。............お前は本当に割り切ってるよな。ゲームするように遊びで依頼を受けてそのせいで人が死んだらどう思うんだよ?」 「不注意で死なせるということか? ソイツの運が悪かったって思うな。例えば、リョークの試運転中、誰かが忍び込んで誤射に当たったとかだろ?」 ソードが首を振った。 「大したことねーだろ、って鼻歌交じりで依頼を受けたら目の前でソイツが殺されちまった、とかだな」 「この間のことか? だから、「それがどうした」だ。......そんなにつらかったのなら私が代わってやれば良かった」 また首を振る。 「お前は目の前で死なれたことがないだろ? その場面で本当にそう割り切れるのかって......」 「私が助けたいのはお前だけだ」 その言葉にソードが止まった。 「別世界を知らない、この世界しかわからないお前と私は見えてるものが違う。私だって何も思わないわけじゃない、だが、私にとってこの世界はあまりにも殺伐とし過ぎている。こんな世界の人間がどうなろうと、私の精神を削ってまでどうこう思えない。リョークを壊されたら腹を立てる、お前を殺されたらソイツごと世界を滅ぼす。だが、他の人間にはそこまで思えない」 だんだんとソードが苦笑した。 「......別世界でお前の男だったやつが、この世界に来てるかもしれないぜ? そんでも滅ぼすのかよ?」 「別世界の私とこの世界の私は違う。それは、別世界で恋人だった男もそうだ。例え出会ってもお互いわからないし、この世界にいるとしても、さっきの言葉の通りを行う。〝私〟が助けたいのはお前だけだ」 「............わかったよ」 どうやら、ソードが泣いてるっぽいからだ。 そんなにつらかったのなら、人命救助は私がメインで受けよう。
“Ooohh! Congratulations!!” I applauded reflexively while the magicians pulled faces screaming, “We did it!” Ah! Something has come out. “...My goodness, it has really been a long time since I was summoned, but the circumstances seem rather boring. The desires are lacking.” Okay? It’s the type capable of conversation! “Hello.” “Oh? You...” “Since I was told that I only have five minutes, I’d be happy if you could allow me to have some greetings and a light questioning session while keeping in mind that I also have to defeat you within that time frame. Would that be alright for you?” Sword slapped a hand against his forehead in the background. Meanwhile the others around me were taken aback. But look, if he can talk, you’d want to use that opportunity, no? Knowing that I can talk with life-forms other than humans in this world, I feel an urge to use such chances. “Nice to meet you, young lady. I am a nameless demon.” “My name is Indra. Where did you come from?” “Spirit world is the best term to describe it, I would say. It is a plane outside the material world.” “That sounds like there is yet another incredible place to be found in this world. I am sure it must be a place where the concept of time does not matter, right?” “Oh? ...Nothing less of you who possess such a huge amount of magic elements despite being stuck in a physical form. It is only natural for you to comprehend such things, I suppose.” Hmm? Hmmmmm? I feel like he said something important just now. “Magic elements aren’t...physical?” “Oh, so you did not know?” “I just recently learned about the existence of magic elements. A while ago I lived in a world that did not even have any magic elements.” “I see. I suspect magic elements were attached to you while in the material world since you did a 『Soul Crossing』. You are a very interesting young lady, I must say.” He broke into a grin. Hmm, I want to talk a lot more with him, but Sword is gesturing to me to defeat him, so it looks like I won’t be able to keep this conversation going for much longer. “I’m also very interested. I really am, but... ...By the way, what happens to you if I defeat you?” “It depends on the way you defeat me, but I think it is impossible for someone of the material world to completely eradicate the existence of us spirit world dwellers. At most you can return us from being material to only exist as spirits again.” “Okay, I got it. I’d love to continue our conversation for much, much longer, but time is running out. This is the material world and as such the concept of time works here. ...I wonder, would you respond to my call if I were to summon you someday?” “Of course. I shall be looking forward to our next meeting. ...But,” the demon’s smile deepened, “it is also an option to release you from the shackles of the material world and invite you over to the spirit world. As for me, I would like to recommend that method.” His magic elements burst forth. So he’s truly not afraid of me. Nice, that’s really nice. Hihihi. “Then let me show you my real power as a present for not being afraid of me.” I gathered magic elements. Nowadays I’ve reached a level where Mr. Fluff would immediately rush over as soon as I pulled him to myself just a tiny bit. That’s why an incredible amount gathered in no time. Even from the demon. The demon’s smile disappeared for an instant, but immediately returned. However, this time it was a smile full of resignation. “...I give up. It looks like I foolishly made my judgment of you after seeing only a fraction of your real power. Even if I were to be destroyed completely, I would have no room to complain.” “No, I’d be troubled. I desire knowledge. As much as possible. That’s why, let’s meet again. For now, go back to the spiritual world.” One flash with my wooden sword, and the demon disappeared. I think the exam is over, but I wonder whether I’ve been able to make my way to B-Rank? As I wondered about that while waiting, I was called over. “You have passed the A-Rank exam.” I see, that’s great! I safely passed the A-Rank exam...hmm, wait? “Just now you said A-Rank exam?” “The monster you defeated moments ago was a being even an A-Rank party would struggle with. If they didn’t have at least one light magic user with them, it’d be out of the question, and just that would naturally be far from enough. The theory states that you bring down an incarnated demon with the strongest light magic while enduring its onslaught. The only one who brought one down by himself so far is 【Thunderclap Whitefang】.” Hee. So that’s how it is. “...To defeat that demon with one blow without even using any magic...” Sword came over. “Figures. If she and I fought, she’d likely be the last one standin’. At one time it also looked as if I’d get killed by her.” He means the case where he covered for that scummy adventurer? “That was your own fault since you covered for such a trashy adventurer.” The examiners were dumbfounded. “...That’s yet another brilliant adventurer you’ve found.” Brilliant? Are they talking about me? I see, that’s a great way to describe me! Just as I got cocky while folding my arms, my head was pinned down with my hair being ruffled up. “She’s quite ill, though. Despite bein’ kind to monsters, she shows absolutely no mercy to rude humans.” “Why should I mercilessly slaughter frightened monsters who show no will to fight? And why must I be kind to rude humans who try to kill me?” “...Well, as you can see, that’s the kinda girl she is.” Sword said to the examiners without answering my question. Anyway, I’m an A-Rank now! Just one more rank to catch up to him! But! “S-Rank might be difficult, huh? I wonder whether a dragon won’t visit anytime soon? Or should I visit them myself?” “I’m tellin’ you to stop it. Don’t wake any sleepin’ dogs. No one would complain ’bout raisin’ to A-Rank. The difference between S-Rank and A-Rank can only be found in whether you’ve participated in the previous battle or not.” Really? I see. It’s unfortunate, but let’s give up (on reaching S-Rank and killing a dragon).
「おぉ! 思わず拍手したし、魔術師たちもやりきった! みたいな顔をしていた。 お! 出てきたぞ、なんか。 「......おやおや、久しぶりに呼ばれて来てみましたが、つまらなそうですねぇ。欲望が少ない」 会話出来るタイプだ! 「こんにちは」 「おや? 貴女......」 しかないとのことなので、倒すのも含め、挨拶と軽い質問をさせていただきたいのですが、よろしいでしょうか」 遠景で、ソードが額で手を打ってる。 私、この世界で人間以外とも会話出来るって知って、会話したくて堪らないんだから。 「初めまして、お嬢さん。私は、名も無きデーモンでございます」 「私は、インドラと申します。あなたは、どちらからいらっしゃいましたか?」 「精神界、とでも呼びましょうか。物体に囚われない、そんな階層からやってまいりました」 「それはまたすごいところがこの世界にはあるのですね。きっと時間の概念がない世界なのでしょう」 「おや? ......さすが、物質に囚われながらもそれほど巨大な魔素を持つお方だ。その事を理解しておられるのですね」 今、大事なことを言った気がする。 「魔素は、物質では、ない?」 「おや、ご存じありませんでしたか」 「魔素の存在を最近知ったもので。以前はそもそも魔素すらない世界にいました」 「そうでしたか。『精神渡り』をしたので、物質界にいながら魔素を纏わせているのでしょうかね。非常に興味深いお方だ」 うむー、もっと会話をしたいが、ソードが「巻け!」というジェスチャーをしてるので、そうも言ってられないらしい。 「私も興味深い。の、だが......。......ところで、貴方を倒した場合、貴方はどうなる?」 「倒し方によりますが、物質界の者には私たち精神界の者の完全破壊は無理でしょう。せいぜい物質から精神に還す、くらいが関の山でしょうね」 「なるほど。ずっと話していたいのだが、そろそろタイムオーバーだ。ここは物質界、時間の概念が存在する。......いつか、私が呼び出したら、応じてくれるだろうか?」 「もちろんですとも。再会を楽しみにしております。......ですが」 魔素が膨れ上がった。 お、本当に脅えないな、ヨシヨシ、ウシシ。 「私に脅えない貴方に、私の本気をお見せしよう」 フンワリさんは、今では「おいで」とちょっとたぐり寄せればごーっそりとやってくるほどになった。 だから、すっごい集まってくる。 デーモンの笑みが一瞬消え、次にはまた笑顔が戻ったが、それは諦観の笑みだった。 「......参りました。私は愚かにも実力の一端のみを見て、貴女を判断してしまっていたようだ。完全なる破壊をされても、何も申し上げることはありません」 「いや、私が困る。私は知識に貪欲だ。だから、また会おう。今は、一旦精神界に戻ってくれ」 木刀で一閃。 試験は終わったと思うが、私は無事Bランクに上がれるのかな? 「Aランク試験、合格だ」 そっか、良かった、無事Aランク試験合格......んん? 「今、Aランク試験、と言ったか?」 「お前が倒したのは、Aランクのパーティが倒せるかどうかの魔物だ。最低でも光魔術の遣い手がメンバーにいなければ話にならないし、それだけでももちろんダメだ。受肉したデーモンの攻撃を抑えつつ、最高の光魔術で仕留めるのがセオリーだろうな。たった一人で倒したのは、現在、【迅雷白牙】のみだ」 そーなんだー。 「......そのデーモンを、魔術も使わず、たった一撃で倒すとは......」 ソードが来た。 「まーな、俺とコイツが戦った場合、最後に立ってるのはコイツだろうな。一度殺されそうになったしな」 前に、ろくでなし冒険者をかばった件か? 「アレは、お前が悪い。あんなろくでもない冒険者をかばうからだ」 試験官たち、呆気にとられてる。 「......それはまた、凄腕の冒険者を見つけたな」 うむ、いい表現だな! 腕を組んでふんぞり返ったら、頭を押さえられてガシガシなでられた。 「かなり病んでるやつだけどなぁ。魔物に優しいくせに、礼儀知らずの人間には容赦ないっつーな」 「なぜ私が戦意のない、脅え恐れている魔物を容赦なく殺し、殺そうと向かってくる、礼儀知らずの人間に優しくせねばならんのだ?」 私の問いに答えず、ソードが試験官に向かって言った。 ともあれ、私はAランク! 「Sランクは難しいだろうな。ドラゴン、来襲しないかな? あるいはこっちから向かうか?」 「やめろって。寝た子を起こすな。Aランクまで上がれば誰も文句言わねーって。SランクとAランクの違いなんて、前回の戦いに参加したかしてねーかの違いしかねーんだからよ」 そうなのか? 残念だけど(ドラゴン退治も、Sランク到達も)諦めよう。
Now then, we’ve arrived at the entrance area of the dungeon. And it’s shocking! It’s situated on a huge general graveyard, allowing one to immediately get excited...moreover, I’m told the sun doesn’t shine here all year round... “How exciting!” “For you, yes.” Although Sword looked so happy earlier, his attitude is gradually becoming more irresponsible and apathetic as he watches my reactions. “You said you’ve been here before. Don’t you think you should be a bit more excited? Look at this situation! A gloomy sky, swarms of sinister-looking birds, and the groans of the dead we can hear for some reason!” “Yeah, well, somehow, if you talk so happily ’bout, it all starts lookin’ like some cheap fake, you see.” He answered apathetically. “You’re such a bore. ...Maybe I should go into the dungeon with the guys over there? I’m sure I’d have a blast if I went with them.” A party of men and women was quarreling in a place slightly away from us. The guys seemed willing to go, but the women were reluctant...or rather, scared. “I believe it’d be best if that cocky attitude got corrected least once, but the nasty part ’bout you is that you somehow get everythin’ done with ease even with that cocky attitude of yours. You might receive a divine punishment if you get too condescendin’, you know?” He cracked a smile. “Divine punishments are handed out by gods, right? But look, the gods are no humans, and that’s why it’s unthinkable for them to care whether humans have a cocky attitude or not. I think divine punishments might rather be carried out by other humans.” “Yeah, yeah, gotcha.” Going into a huff, I pointed a finger at Sword, “But leaving that aside! You yourself said that you want to have more fun, that things were boring despite adventuring, didn’t you!? Just take responsibility for your own life! The lives of others are their own issue! Whether you dive into a dungeon while having a fun stroll or do it with a super gloomy face, it’ll be the end either way if you die as everything turns into nothing. In that case, wouldn’t it be a lot smarter to die after having had fun in a dungeon? Come on, have a blast together with me while using everything to that end!” I nodded. “Now then, with this out of the way, we got to find someone in charge of livening things up a bit. If we go into the dungeon with just the two of us, things are going to become extremely boring.” Even though he just said that he wants to have fun, he now sighs in response to my mutter? “W-Wa-Wait!” Once called to a halt by a trembling voice, I looked back, just to spot Sayla behind me. “Ooohh, small-breasted woman!” “Who’s small-breasted!?” Ah, damn, I just blurted it out unconsciously. “My bad. You were called Sayla, weren’t you?” “I-If y-y-you t-take me a-along, you w-won’t n-n-need any holy w-w-water!” She declared while trembling all over. “No, look, we don’t need any holy water to begin with. I didn’t plan to use it in the dungeon either. I told you, didn’t I? I wanted it as a souvenir, but if you won’t sell it to me, I don’t need it.” In addition, Sayla had brought a rod with her. How to describe this...? Trying to force a debt of gratitude on you? “Nooow then, if possible, I’d love to call out to some women who’re going to become cutely scared. Isn’t there a woman-only party around?” Sword looked coldly at me as I shaded my eyes and scanned the vicinity. “What’s the problem? I’m just going to have fun with all I can!” What’s the point in rushing into a haunted house with a dull combination of two men, err, an middle-aged dude and a girl who sadly and boringly shows no reactions whatsoever? The fun part about dares is going around with scared girls who scream around! “Listen to me! I’ve been telling you that I’ll go with you!!” Hah? Once I looked back, I found Sayla behind me. She was glaring my way while trembling like a newborn fawn. ..........Hmm. I placed a hand on my chin and brooded. “Ah! A skeleton’s hand has appeared at your feet!” “Eee~~~~~~eek!!” Wow, what an amazing scream. And on top of that she jumped up, just to fall down in the next moment. ...........I see. “Alright, you pass. You may come with us into the dungeon.” I lent a hand to Sayla. Sword asked me with a somewhat angry voice, “Are you goin’ to take responsibility for that girl’s safety?” “Did you listen to anything I said so far? I’ve said, 『Everyone is responsible for their own lives』, several times, didn’t I?” Sword sighed. “You’re trying to take on too much yourself! I just want to do a dare while watching a scared woman!” “Whoa, your really scummy.” Shut it! Why do you care!? We’ve got an applicant right here! This is a win-win situation for both of us! “Anyway, you don’t have a fragment of responsibility to bear. No matter what happens, you don’t need to worry. I’ll repeat this over and over again should you forget it.” “...Gotcha. I won’t mention it anymore.” It looks like he’s somehow made up his mind, despite looking the other way. Most likely he’s planning to save her somehow himself. “Now’s the perfect time I’d want you to drink some liquor. If you become drunk, your judgment will be dull, and you’ll likely be able to enjoy the here and now without bothering yourself with what you should or should not do yourself.” “Whoa, your seriously awful, you know?” Why? I’m just looking out for you. “Why do I have to walk in front!?” Sayla roared. “Of course because we plan to proceed ahead while using you as a sacrifice.” Upon my answer, not only Sayla, but even Sword became dumbfounded. “Oof, I underestimated just how much of a brute you are. Far from readily considering accidental deaths, you actively intend to sacrifice others without a care...I didn’t expect you to be so deranged.” “The only one I’m going to protect is you, Sword. I’ll gladly sacrifice everyone else for your protection and my enjoyment.” “You casually added 『for your enjoyment』 in there, didn’t you?” Of course. Once I nodded, I had my temples ground. Sayla had stopped moving altogether after starting to cry. I sighed deeply, “No choice, I guess. Do you want to walk together with me then? While holding hands?” When I held out my hand, she grabbed it while sobbing. “...... Are you possibly...quite skilled at wooin’ women?” What’s this guy yapping? “You stay away from us a bit. It won’t be any fun if you stick too closely. Also, don’t defeat anything that approaches us, okay? I’ll do it myself.” “Haaah.... Gotcha. But, are you going to be okay?” Sword asked after having given up. “Of course. Now, let’s be off! We’re going on an adventure!” Sword finally smiled due to those words, and after she blinked her eyes a few times, Sayla stopped crying and smiled as well.
ダンジョン入り口付近に到着。 なんと! 気分の盛り上がることに、大規模な集合墓場の中にあるという......。 「盛り上がるな!」 「お前はな」 ソード、あんなに楽しそうだったのに、私の反応を見てるうちにどんどん投げやりに。 「お前、行ったことがあるからって、もうちょっと盛り上がろうって思わないか? 見ろ、このシチュエーション! 薄暗い空、群れ飛ぶ不吉そうな鳥、そこはかとなく聞こえてくる、ような、死人の唸り声!」 「何だろね、お前がうれしそうに語ると、途端に安っぽい見世物みたいになるよね」 「お前はつまらないやつだなぁ。......私はむしろあの子たちと行きたいぞ? 一緒に行ったらさぞかし楽しそうだ」 離れたところに、男女のパーティがもめている。 「お前のそのなめた態度を一度改めさせた方がいいとは思うんだけど、なめた態度でも簡単にどうにかなっちまうのが嫌なんだよなぁ。あんまなめた態度とってると天罰が下るかもだぞ?」 ニッコリ笑った。 「天罰は、神が与えるものだろう? だがな、神は人間ではない、だから人間のなめた態度など意に介するわけがなかろう。むしろ同じ人間が当てたがるものだろうな」 「ハイハイ。わかりましたよ」 「むしろな、お前こそ、もっと楽しめ! 冒険するのに辛気くさいぞ! 言っただろう、お前はお前の生死にだけ責任を取れ! 人の生き様死に様は、ソイツだけの責任だ! 鼻歌交じりでダンジョンに潜って死のうと、辛気くさい顔でダンジョンに潜って死のうと、死んだら全て無に還りそれで終わりだ。なら、鼻歌交じりでダンジョンに潜って死んだ方がいいじゃないか。さあ、私と一緒に全てのものを使ってでも状況を楽しもう!」 ソードはため息を吐くと、私の頭をくちゃくちゃにした。 「さて、そうと決まれば盛り上げ役がほしいところだな。このコンビで突入すると、非常につまらないことになりそうだ」 楽しむと言ったくせに、私のつぶやきにソードがため息をついたぞ? ............と。 「ま、待ち、待ちなさい!」 震える声で呼び止められて、振り向いたらセイラだった。 「おぉ、チッパイ女子」 「誰がチッパイか!」 あ、しまった、つい。 「間違えた、セイラとか言ったか」 「わ、私、私を、連れてけば、聖水、いらない、わよ!」 「いや、その前に聖水はいらん。ダンジョンで使うつもりはない。言っただろう、土産でほしかったが、売らないのならいらない」 セイラはロッドを追加で持ってきていた。 なんといいますか......恩の押し売り? 「さーてと、出来ればかわいく脅える女子に声をかけたいな。女子だけのパーティで潜るやつはいないかな?」 額に手をかざして周りを見渡す私をソードが白い目で見た。 「いいじゃないか、私は全力で楽しむんだ!」 何が悲しくて無反応の、間違えたオッサンと少女の組み合わせでつまらなそうにお化け屋敷に突入しなければならんのだ。 「だから、私が、一緒に行ってあげるって言ってるでしょ!!」 振り向いて、セイラを見た。 ............ふむ。 顎に手を当てて考えてみた。 「あ、足元からスケルトンの手が」 「キャーーーーーッ!!」 すっごい声を上げて、飛び上がって転んだ。 「よし、合格だ。一緒にダンジョンに行こう」 「ホンット、お前って、度し難いバカだよな」 若干怒った声でソードが訊いてきた。 「お前、私の話を今まで聞いてたか? 私は、『人の生死はそいつ自身の責任』と何度も言っただろうが」 ソードがため息をつく。 「お前は、何でも抱え込もうとしすぎだ! 私は、怖がる女子を見ながら肝試しをしたいだけだ!」 うるさい! 希望者がいるんだからいいじゃないか! 「とにかく、お前には一欠片の責任もない。何かあってもお前の責任じゃない。忘れたら何度も繰り返すぞ」 「......わかった。もう口出ししないよ」 そっぽ向きながらなんか決意してるようだけど。 「今こそお前に酒を飲ませたい。ベロベロに酔っ払わせたら判断力が鈍り、自分がどうにかしようなどと考えず大人しく今を楽しめるようになるだろう」 「わー、ホントーにお前ってヒドイやつだなー」 なぜだ。気を遣ったと思う。 「なんで私が先頭なのよ!?」 「もちろん、お前を犠牲にして先に進むつもりだからだ」 そう言ったらセイラだけでなくソードまで唖然とした。 「わーお、お前の人でなしさを俺、見縊ってたわー。軽く考えて人死に出たら、どころか積極的に他人を犠牲にしようって、そこまでとは思ってなかったわー」 「守る者はソード、お前だけだ。他の者は、お前を守るため、私が楽しむためにどんどん犠牲になってもらう」 「さりげなく『自分が楽しむため』も加わってたね」 もちろん。 セイラが泣き出して先に進まなくなったので、 「仕方ない、じゃあ、一緒に歩こう。手を繋ぐか?」 手を差し出したら、泣きじゃくりながら握ってきた。 「............。お前、女を口説くの、もしかして、巧い?」 何言ってんのコイツ。 「お前はちょっと離れてろ。あんまりくっつくと楽しくない。あと、私たちに近付いてくる者は倒すなよ? 私が倒す」 「はぁ......。わかったよ。でも、大丈夫か?」 「もちろん。さぁ、出発だ! 冒険するぞ!」 その言葉に、ようやくソードが笑い、セイラも目をパチクリさせた後、泣きやんで笑った。
I grabbed Sword’s hand and pulled the ball of depression along, walking around for a bit longer. And on the way I justified my line of thinking. “Look, you’re relatively calm for your age, aren’t you? In the other world, men at your age get seduced by any women they come across, even if they know that those women are honey traps. You didn’t feel perturbed when seeing me naked either. That’s why I thought you had reached an age where you’re used to such things. Once men pass their thirties, they grow accustomed to female bodies, and they stop getting jumpy when they see them, you know?” “...No, well, I doubt anyone would show a reaction to your body, though?” WHAT!?! How terrible of him. And here I was trying to console him! I’m not quite sure about this world, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find people with a fetish for loli bodies over here as well! There were some among the leg fetishists! And the small-breasts faction! After grunting something akin to an approval, Sword scratched his head, “...Your right. Your a woman, and you probably bathed together with me because you thought I was close in age to your father. I s’pose your belief of us having a big age difference led to the comment about you not considerin’ me a guy, huh?” “No, that was unrelated to our difference in age. It’s because you don’t look at me with horny eyes.” “...I think that would apply to most guys, though?” SHUT IT!!! “Anyway, I’ve understood that anti-aging is important. I thought that the number of guys using such products was low, but maybe surprisingly many guys applied them in secrecy in the other world. I’ll use medical creams and also adjust my diet suitably. I can’t afford to become careless either.” “You? Isn’t that way too early?” “What are you saying? Just starting with anti-aging early is already going to have an effect. I haven’t used medical creams or some such to take care of my skin, but I’ve been shutting out [UV], you know?” “Haaah!?” “I have absorbed the harmful sun rays with magic elements and scattered them with magic, which is the reason for my pretty, white skin, you see?” Sword stared at me with his mouth agape, “You...I had already wondered why you didn’t get any sunburns and thought that it might have to do with you havin’ been a noble, and yet you’ve been doin’ somethin’ like that...!?” You’re saying something that’s similar to denying nobles being humans. “Even nobles get sunburns. They’re humans just like you, after all. What matters the most is how often you’re exposed to sunlight, and right after, what measures of prevention and skin care you use.” “Let me do it as well. Please!” He clung to me. We looked around the other stalls and did some shopping over the next few hours. There was also a liquor stall. It was a novel sight for me, but... “.........Okay?” I got a dreadful feeling from what was being sold there. This has... a somewhat dangerous smell. Is that stuff really safe? Once I looked back at Sword, he smiled wryly, “This is normal. If your unlucky, you can also run into booze that’s undrinkable thanks to its bitterness and sourness.” “Ah, then it just has turned into something else after having fermented too much, I’d say.” ...But, certainly! Fermented food might be great for the body, but just as some germs are good for the body, others are bad! If it’s full of only bad germs, it’ll naturally upset your stomach! After touring the stalls, we went to the adventurer guild. Somehow we got welcomed there in an exuberant friendly way. They were so humble that I thought I stepped into the wrong place. The receptionist called the guildmaster, and we were shown into the most luxurious room to date. When Sword was shown the deferred requests, he flew into a rage, snarling with the voice of a mafia gang member, “...This ain’t anythin’ I gotta do. This one neither. Rather, did you make a mistake in the piles of documents? Isn’t this pile here full of weird shit?” Hearing him complaining like that, I also took a peek. It was all stuff like 『Attend the birthday party of Earl X』 or 『Escort Marquis X to his marchesse』. Yep, figures. Sword would get pissed at that. “I can take care of those if it’s okay for me to torture and slaughter them if they take an attitude with me, you know?” Both men froze. “Haha...ha...you’re saying some funny things, young boy.” The guildmaster answered in a manner of seemingly laughing but then again, not for real. “You think she’s kiddin’ around? You’ve seen her rank, right? She’s already A-Rank at this age. Much faster than me, you know?” The guildmaster’s strained, artificial laughter disappeared. “She’s someone who walks ’round while wearin’ arrogance like a dress. She never got injured or lost either. You believe a brat, who’s completely lookin’ down on life, would bow her eyes to the likes of mere nobles? It’s plain as day that they’d look down on her as 『Luggage Carrier』 with a condescendin’ attitude. I don’t really wanna watch how this girl here peels off their skin in response, okay? We’re definitely turnin’ down all requests for escorts and party attendances.” “You just don’t need to watch? It’s okay. No matter what I do to them, I’ll patch them back up, no problem. The folks, who used my healing potions and medicines, have been sending me letters of thanks and responses to my questionnaires.” I informed him with a cheerful smile while throwing out my chest and hitting it with a hand, “Just leave everything to me! I’ll make sure to train the super cheeky guys to a level where they’ll happily lick the soles of my shoes! To the extent that they wouldn’t even imagine in their wildest dreams to send malicious intent your way! ...Gyaaaah!” Another iron claw! “Hey, you still wanna pass 『these requests』 to me? Then I’ll bring ’bout the results desired by you together with this girl, ‘kay?” The guildmaster withdrew the documents in a hurry. How boooring. Certainly it’s very likely that I’d have been treated horribly at a noble’s party or while working as a guard, but that’s also exciting in itself. After all, it’d totally match what you’d call a 『template development』! But, it looks like I become too talkative once I become excited. I readily blabbed about things I should have kept to myself. As a result, it proceeded into the template development of nothing happening, except for me suffering from Sword’s iron claw. Even though I always promise myself to keep my trap shut... When I swung my legs around on the chair while booing, I got kicked by Sword. (Note: 『Luggage Carrier』 is an occupation. Their task is to follow adventurers around while carrying their baggage. It’s a common occurrence for debt slaves to be used for that sort of work. Usually the guild takes care of organizing carriers for adventurers above average. The adventurers have to guarantee the lives of the luggage carriers. If they let them die, the adventurers will be forced to pay a penalty and shoulder the debts, if the carriers used to be debt slaves. It’s not like there exist absolutely no freelance luggage carriers though. Adventurers with strong legs and loins, who can’t fight for one reason or another, do it, and it often happens that veteran adventurers make rookies carry their stuff if they take them along.
落ち込んでるソードの手をとって繋いで、もうちょっと歩いた。 「いや、お前も、年の割に落ち着いているだろう? 別世界じゃ、お前くらいの年齢なんてハニートラップがあったらわかってても引っかかりまくるぞ? 私の裸を見ても動じないし、だから、そういうのを見慣れてる年齢だと思ったのだ超えてたら、女の身体なんて見慣れて何も感じなくなるものだろう?」 「......いや、まぁ、お前の身体で反応するやつはいないと思うけどな?」 なにおう!? この世界では知らないけどなあ、ロリ体形スキーだっているんだぞ! 「......確かに、お前は女だし、お前は俺の年齢を父親くらいだと思ってたから一緒に風呂入ったりしてたのか。俺を男だと思ってないっつってたのは、年齢差がありすぎだという意味かよ」 「いや、年齢差は関係ないな。 「......それだと、大概の男が当てはまる気がするけどよ?」 うるさいっ!! 「とにかく、アンチエイジングというのは大切だとわかった。男でそんなものやってるやつなんていないと思ってたが、別世界ではひそかに手入れしてるやつの方が多かったんだろう。塗り薬と、食事もそれらしいのに変える。私も油断出来ないしな」 「お前が? いくらなんでも早くないか?」 「何を言ってる。アンチエイジングは早くからやってれば、それだけ効果はあるぞ。私は塗り薬等のお手入れはしてないが、[UV]はカットしているぞ?」 「ハァ?」 「魔術で、有害光線のみ魔素で吸収拡散させてるから、美白の美肌だろう?」 「お前......なんで日焼けしねーのか、貴族だからかって思ってたら、そんなことしてたのかよ......!」 貴族は人間じゃないみたいなこと言ってるよ。 「貴族だって日焼けするぞ、同じ人間なんだから。どれだけ太陽光線を浴びないか、が、一番重要で、その次は、予防とお手入れだな」 「俺にもやって、お願い」 すがりつかれたし。 他の露店も見て回り、数軒で買い物した。 「............うん?」 これは......なんかヤバい臭いがするんだが、大丈夫なのか? 振り返ってソードを見たら、苦笑してた。 「発酵しすぎて別のものになってるな」 発酵食品は、身体に良いのだけれど! 見て回った後、冒険者ギルドへ。 なんか、歓待された。 ギルドマスターに呼ばれ、今までで一番豪勢な部屋に通された。 「......これは、俺がやるべきじゃねーだろが。これもだ。つーか、なんか書類間違えてねーか? 変なの混ぜてんじゃねーよ!」 ってヤクザ口調で怒りだしたので、覗き込んだら。 『何とか伯爵の誕生会出席』とか、『何とか侯爵の領地までの護衛』とか! うん、怒るね。 「気に入らない態度をとったら拷問の上惨殺していいなら、私が受けるぞ?」 「はは、は......。面白いことをいう少年だな」 「冗談で言うと思うか? ランク見ただろ? この年齢で既にAランク、俺よか早いんだぜ?」 ギルドマスターの、わざとらしい笑いが止まる。 「〝傲慢〟が服着て歩いてるようなやつだ。負けたことも怪我すらしたこともねぇ、人生をなめきってるガキが、〝たかが貴族〟に頭下げられると思うか? 連中がコイツを『荷物持ち』って見下しなめた態度とるのは解りきってるし、なめた態度とられたコイツがソイツらの皮膚をはいでいく様を、俺は見たくないんでな。護衛やパーティの出席は絶対にお断りだ」 「お前は見なくていいぞ? 大丈夫だ、何をしようとも、綺麗に治るらしいぞ? 回復薬と薬を使った連中から、感謝の手紙とアンケートの回答が送られてきた」 アイアンクローがきた! 「お前、これでも俺に『コレ』回すか? なら、コイツとお前の望み通りの結果にしてやるけどよ?」 ギルドマスター、慌てて書類を引っ込めた。 確かに貴族のパーティだの護衛だのは凄まじいほどの非道な扱いをしてきそうだけど、それだけにワクワク感がある。 が、どうも私は興奮するとおしゃべりになるらしく、思ってても言ってはいけないことをベラベラしゃべり、結果、ソードにアイアンクローされる以外何事も起きないって事態が今のテンプレの展開だ。 黙っていようといつも心に誓うのになー。 ぶーぶー言いながら足をブラブラさせてたらソードから蹴られた。 (注:『荷物持ち』は職業です。旅客業のポーターではなく、冒険者の荷物を持ってついていく仕事で、借金奴隷がよくなります。 フリーもいなくはないですが、様々な理由で戦えないけれど足腰は丈夫だという冒険者が荷物持ちをやっていたり、ベテラン冒険者が新米冒険者を連れていくときに荷物持ちをやらせることが多く、そのために荷物持ちは低く見られます。)
Apparently the opening reception was a full success on the whole. The event itself was quite some work, but there was no real chaos, and the master chef and his staff were overflowing with a sense of accomplishment. The guests seemed nervous at first, but after Sword went around, calling out to several people, and when they drank some liquor, people started to relax a bit. Also, Sword probably drank way more than three cups. Each time he went to a new person, he was holding a new glass. ...Oh well, all’s fine as long as it’s not been exposed. When the guests headed back home, Sword and I bid them farewell at the door while personally handing each a small souvenir, and that was the end of the whole event. “We’ll have a review meeting tomorrow. For today, let’s celebrate the successful opening. After a short cleaning, we should enjoy some liquor and eat the leftover appetizers. If that’s not enough, I’ll make some more.” Everyone broke out in loud cheering upon my words. After putting the first part of my words into practice by giving the venue a rough tidying, we lined up the leftovers. In addition I made some pasta, and then all of us toasted. “Man~ We somehow managed to get through this!” “In the end it became a lot busier than expected.” “But, I think we can still call it a success.” The cooks chatted cheerfully. The part-timers seem happy as well. I hear all of them are going to become official staff. But, they’ll have to run through the staff training courses, starting from the lowest position. Either way, I’ll leave that stuff to my servants. “Sword, you were a big help. Thanks to you making the rounds, things went down smoothly for the most part.” “Well, it’s just what you’d expect from carefully chosen guests. All of ’em were gentle, well-mannered rich folk. So even someone like me could handle it one way or ‘nother.” As we were talking, the master chef drew close. “Your Ladyship Indra, please allow me to congratulate you on your success.” “Master cook, you also performed your duties exceptionally well.” The cook smiled wryly after we exchanged courtesies. “Your dress suits you perfectly. You have also become a master at giving greeting speeches... And yet you are not going to return to being a noble?” “Of course not. It’s too stiff and cramped for me. The commoners’ dislike and insults are similar to a faint, gentle breeze when compared to noble abuse, malicious harassment, and extreme bullying, you know? It’s pretty obvious that I wouldn’t be able to put up with that. And the best job where you don’t have to put up with anything is being an adventurer! Look at Sword. He lives as he pleases, earns tons of money, and if things go south, even royalty lowers their head in front of him, probably?” “Hey, could you stop phrasin’ the last part like a question? Doesn’t that make me look like a wannabe?” The cook laughed, “I guess you have a point there... But true, as long as you stay at Sir Hero’s side, you will be safe.” ......What was that? After cocking my head in confusion, I shifted my eyes to Sword, and then looked back at the cook. “......You’re saying he also has such an alias?” “Alias? No, Sir Sword is a patriotic hero of this Kingdom. You did not know?” I shifted my eyes to Sword once more. “......What does that mean?” Sword scratched his cheek with a troubled expression, “I was designated as S-Rank Adventurer because I repelled a dragon and demon who had attacked the Kingdom. The ones fighting at my side back then were the guy with the alias 【Peerless Strength】, and 【Bloody Witch】 whom you met the other day.” “However, the one fighting to the bitter end, carrying away heavy injuries, and ultimately making the enemies flee was the Hero 【Thunderclap Whitefang】.” ...... “I didn’t know.” “Among the nobles, some dislike this fact while others are thankful. But, I have heard that the royal family had been deeply grateful. And for the common people, he is a hero.” For there to exist such a deep meaning behind Sword being an S-Rank...! So he wasn’t a self-proclaimed 『bigshot』! “I see.” Sword looked at me like a beaten dog, completely disappointed, “That’s all you got to say ’bout this?” “I suppose in the end you weren’t a self-proclaimed 『bigshot』.” He grabbed my face! “Mmmpffmmmppffmpff!?” “I gotta take my hat off in light of your admirable calmness!” Okay, but why are you grabbing my face then!?!?
現場は大変だったようだが特に混乱もなく、料理長以下、やりきった感に満ちあふれてる。 客も最初は皆緊張していたようだったけれど、ソードがあちこち回って声をかけ、酒を飲んでいたらほぐれたようだ。 ......まぁ、バレなきゃいい。 最後に帰る際、私とソードがドア前で挨拶しながら小さいお土産を手渡しし、完了。 「反省会は明日だ。今日は無事に終わったことを祝おう。軽く片付けた後、余りを肴に軽く飲むか。足りなかったら作ってやる」 私の言葉に全員が歓声をあげ、軽く片付けた後に余り物を並べ、私がパスタを作り、スタッフ全員で乾杯。 「いや~、なんとかなりました!」 「やはり、想定してたよりバタバタしましたね」 「でも、成功と言ってもいいでしょう」 料理人達がうれしそうに語る。 バイト君たちもうれしそう。彼等は正式にスタッフになるそうだ。 「ソード、助かった。お前が回ってくれたおかげで、大分円滑になったぞ」 「まぁ、さすが選ばれた人選、って感じの、穏やかで気の良い富豪だったからな。俺でも何とかなった」 話していたら、料理長が近付いてきた。 「インドラお嬢様、この度はご成功、おめでとうございます」 「料理長、貴男もよくやってくれた」 挨拶を交わすと、料理長が苦笑した。 「そちらのドレス、非常にお似合いです。挨拶も堂に入っておられました。......それでも、貴族には戻られないのですね?」 「当たり前だ。私には窮屈過ぎる。平民共の嫌味や暴言など、貴族の悪態や陰湿な嫌がらせや凄絶な虐めに比べればそよ風程度だぞ? 私は我慢しないと決めたんだ。我慢しない最高の職業は、冒険者だ! ソードを見ろ、好き勝手生きて、金をガッツリ稼いで、下手をすると王族にす置かれている、らしいぞ?」 「ちょっと、最後の部分を疑問形で言うのやめてくれない? 自称っぽいじゃんかよ」 「左様でございますか。......そうですね、英雄様がついてらっしゃるのであれば、安心出来ますね」 ............なんですと? 首をかしげた後、困った顔のソードを見て、また料理長を見た。 「............また、そん名がある、と?」 「二つ名? と言いますか、ソード様は、救国の英雄様でいらっしゃいますよ?」 もう一回ソードを見た。 「............どういうことだ?」 「俺がSランク冒険者に認定されたきっかけは、王都を襲ってきたドラゴンと魔族を撃退したからだよ。そのとき一緒に戦ったのが、【剛力無双】っつー二つ名のやつと、こないだの【血みどろ魔女】だ」 「ですが、最後まで戦い抜き、深手を負わせ、相手に敗走させたのは英雄【迅雷白牙】様ですね」 ............。 「知らなかった」 「貴族の方々でも、そのお話を好まれる方と好まれない方がいらっしゃいます。ですが、王族の方々は深く感謝していると聞き及びましたし、民にとっては英雄です」 ソードのSランク冒険者にそんな深い意味があったとは! 「そうか」 ソードが肩透かしを食ったような顔をした。 「自称『偉い人』じゃなかったんだな」 顔面つかまれた! 「にゅにゅにゅ!?」 「お前は、本ッ当に冷静で、頭が下がりますよ!」 だからって、なぜに顔面つかむのだ!?
I froze up out of sheer surprise. Up until now no one has ever shown up around here. For the last two years I ran across this mountain forest as I pleased and tested out all kinds of things, but I never met anyone else during all that time!? The guy who had appeared now felt like he had the same age or was a bit younger than that man. My first impression of him was: 『My-Pace-Traveler』. He doesn’t look like a mountain hunter at all. Then again, I don’t know anything about the hunters of this world. His pretty white hair color has turned into a dull creamy, probably because he hasn’t washed it for some time. The color of his pupils is light green...jade with a cyan bordering, I’d say. We scrutinized each other cautiously. “...You a child? What you doin’ here?” That’s what he asks me. But, you’re the last person I want to hear this from! I breathed out, and answered his questions with my own questions, “That is my line. You are on private land. Did you obtain permission from the owner of this estate? Or are you somehow related to the owner?” After becoming puzzled for a moment, he breaks out in laughter. “...Sorry. I see. Didn’t know this was private land. I’ve got nothing to do with the owner here. Or to be precise, I’ve got no clue who owns this place in the first place. ...Seeing how you’re bringin’ up such lines, you the owner’s kid?” I was uncertain whether I should answer, but since I wanted to know the reason for this guy showing up here, I confirmed while keeping it ambiguous. “Hmm. ...... Oh well, whatever.” Muttering that, he surveyed the vicinity. I got tired of waiting as he didn’t show any signs of leaving, and lowered the level of my wariness. “...To begin with, why have you shown up here? This mountain forest has no beautiful scenery to offer, nor an abundance of food, you know?” That’s why, shoo, shoo. I didn’t say the last line out loud, and probably because of that, it didn’t get through to him. “Ain’t like I came here for such a reason. ...How to say it? Ah, it’s probably the same as you.” Eh? As me? “Nah, not that. ...Just thought this a great place for trainin’, so I came.” As I’ve become speechless, he grinned at me. “You’re training ’round here as well, aren’t you?” “No, it’s just that I don’t have any other place where I could train. If I did it somewhere else, I’d definitely get in trouble, resulting in me getting scolded. Besides, I’d become unable to ever do it again, too.” Once I denied that part, he looked flabbergasted. “...Ah, that so?” “That so.” “...I’m sorry to hear that. ...Oh, that’s why connected, huh? I see.” “The name’s Sword. Adventurer.” He started to introduce himself all of a sudden. Dude, I got it, so get lost. “...Uwaah, your lookin’ as if you don’t give a damn. But listen. Adventurers are folk who’s makin’ a living by goin’ on adventures. ‘Course just goin’ on adventures won’t turn into cash, so they gotta do requests and such. Most of those requests heavily rely on your body.” Hoh, that got me slightly interested. Adventurer; one of the key elements of any standard fantasy story. “Oh? Drew your interest? So you see, as it involves lots of physical labor, it’s necessary to train during your free time.” “I understand what you want to say. And that’s why you found this place, right?” “My trainin’ is somewhat special. Just when I had chosen a deserted place that looked like it’d allow me to go a bit ballistic, I found you.” Certainly this area meets his conditions, but...I’d like him to not show up as he pleases just because of that. “So, if you could stay silent and overlook me, I’ll practice with you, ‘kay? Trainin’ in such a place all by yourself, and havin’ to stop and gettin’ scolded when found out means you’ve got no trainin’ partner, right?” ...I silently gazed at his face for a while. In case he’s a criminal...well, it wouldn’t really matter to me anyway. After all, I’ve hardly ever talked with other people during the last two years, and I didn’t learn any information about this world either. I’m fully aware that I’m a sheltered young lady. As an adventurer, he probably knows quite a bit. Though it’s possibly biased information “I understand. Nice to meet you then.” “Youngster, what’s your name?” “Indra.” “Nice to meet you too, Indra.” When he held out his hand, I hesitated for a moment, but then shook it. His eyebrow twitched at that, but immediately following, a fishy smile formed on his lips. ――Sword told her that he’d go back for the moment and come back tomorrow, leaving through the mountain forest. And then he headed straight for town at a surprisingly quick pace. Reaching his destination, a building with a signboard that had 【Adventurer Guild】 written on it, he opened the door. “Hey, call the GuilMas.” He yelled carefreely, immediately after entering. In response, a man in his mid-thirties appeared, and invited him to his office with the words, “I’m here. I’ll listen to you inside.” “...Did you finish your investigation already? You coming here empty-handed means that you didn’t find any monsters?” Sword nodded, “Yeah, just found a cute youth over there.” The guild master furrowed his eyebrows. “A youth...?” “No presence of monsters throughout the mountain forest. The only one clad in an absurd amount of magic elements was that youngster. For a sec, I thought he might be dangerous, but 『Who are you?』 was clearly written all over his face. Since it’d be bad if I were to cut down someone by mistake, I talked to him, and found out that it was a good call to not cut him down.” The guild master stared at Sword quizzically, “...But, is he really human? I don’t know any youngsters who would make the S-Rank adventurer 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 falter, you know?” “No clue. World’s a big place. I mean adults also flinched away from me when I was still a brat.” Sword shrugged his shoulders. “He told me that this place was off-limits for outsiders as it was private land. ...That true?” The guild master revealed a bitter expression, and nodded reluctantly. “Hey, hey, just a sec, you sent me into such a place!?” Since a tinge of anger oozed out of Sword’s voice, the guild master started to explain in a hurry, “That’s the very reason why I asked you! I heard about unusual phenomena taking place on the mountain owned by a noble lord. Moreover, not only was the cause a mystery, but no damages had occurred either, so there was no way that I could have put up a request for 『Normal Adventurers』, right!? Not to mention that not just the adventurers, but even the guild would have been in danger if the noble was the cause behind it all! I knew that you’d be able to finish this mission in secret without being found out and somehow deal with the noble in the worst case, which is the very reason why I asked you!” “...Wait, wait, the owner bein’ a noble is news to me!” Sword clicked his tongue. “So, there’s somethin’ I wanna ask. Know anyone with the name 『Indra』?” The guild master froze. “...I know that name, but...” “...But what? For you to react like that...what kind of person is that Indra?” “...Based on your story, that youth must have introduced himself with that name... You see, Indra Springcoat is the first daughter of Earl Springcoat, the owner of that land.” Sword froze as well. “......Hah?” Say what you like, it can’t be him, Sword assessed, That youngster is well beyond tomboy levels. He wore dirty work clothes, and his hair was cut messily short. Totally unbecomin’ for a young lady. It’d be a stretch to regard him as a noble’s son, let alone a young lady. Thought he must be a servant workin’ at the mansion who slipped out for trainin’, and it seems to be just like that. He probably used the name of the mansion’s young lady on the spur of the moment when I asked for the name, Sword concluded. “Okay, I got the gist o’ it. He piqued my interest, so I’ll go investigate the details tomorrow. ...To see if that 『Missy』 is the cause of it all.” With those words, Sword stood up and left the room.
今までここに人が現れたことはない。この山林の間、我が物顔で走り回りましたが、いろいろ実験もしましたが、人が現れたことないよ!? 現れた男は、あの男くらいの年かもう少し下か、って雰囲気だった。 お互いをいぶかしげにジロジロ見合う。 「......お前、子供か? ここで何してる?」 とか聞いてきたぞ。お前が言うな! 「それはこちらのセリフです。ここは個人所有地ですよ。それとも、ここの持ち主に許可されて来た方ですか? あるいは持ち主の関係者とか?」 男はキョトンとした後笑い出した。 「......悪い。そうか、個人所有地とは知らなかった。持ち主とは無関係だよ。つーか、誰が持ち主かも知らねーな。......そういうセリフを吐くお前は、持ち主の子供か?」 答えるべきか悩んだが、この男がここに現れた理由を聞きたかったので曖昧にうなずいた。 「ふーん......。......ま、いいか」 全然立ち去りそうにないのにしびれを切らして対応レベルを下げた。 「......大体なんで、ここに現れたんだ。 別にこの山林は、景色が綺麗とか山の幸が豊富とかないのだが?」 だからもう消えろ。 最後の言葉は言わなかった。そしたら伝わらなかった。 「そんな理由で来たんじゃねーよ。......なんつーか、お前と同じ理由かな」 え? 私と? 「違う、そうじゃねーよ。......いい鍛錬場になりそうな山だな、って考えて来てみた」 男が、絶句してる私に笑いかけた。 「それでお前もここで鍛錬してるんだろう?」 「いや、単に他にやる場所がなかっただけ。他でやったら間違いなく怒られるし迷惑がかかるしついでに二度とやることができなくなるし」 ソッコー否定したら男がポカンとした。 「......あ、そーなのか」 「そーなの」 「......そりゃ、悪かった。......あー、だから関係者か。そっか」 「俺は、ソード。冒険者なんだ」 いきなり自己紹介が始まった。わかったから去れ。 「......うわ、お前興味なさそうな顔してるな。いいから聞け。冒険者ってのは、冒険を生業にしてる連中だ。ただ冒険してても金にならねーから、依頼を受けてこなしたりもする。その依頼ってのは大体において身体が資本の依頼だな」 ほー。ちょっと興味が出てきた。 「お? 興味が出てきたか。で、だ。肉体労働なもんで、仕事がないときにも鍛錬は必要なんだよ」 「言いたいことはわかった。それでここを見つけたのか」 「俺の鍛錬は特殊だからな。誰もいないような場所で、ちょっと派手にやらかしても大丈夫なとこを選んだら、ここにお前がいた、と」 確かに条件に合うけどさ......。だからって、のこのこ現れないでほしい。 「で、だ。お前が黙って見逃してくれたら、お前に稽古をつけてやるぞ? 一人きり、こんなところで鍛錬してる、見つかったら怒られて止められる、っつーことは、稽古相手がいないんだろう?」 ......しばらく黙って男の顔を見た。 この男が犯罪者の場合......ま、それでも構わないか。何せ二年の間、ほとんど人と会話してなかったし、この世界の知識がまったく手に入らなかった。自分が世間知らずのお嬢さまなのは自覚している。 冒険者ならそれなりにいろいろと知ってるだろう。偏ってる可能性もあるけれど。 「わかった、よろしく」 「小僧の名前はなんだ?」 「インドラだ」 「よろしく、インドラ」 手を差し出されたので、一瞬ためらったが、握手した。 ――ソードは、いったん引き上げて明日また来ると山林を後にした。そして、驚くほどの早足で町に向かった。 「おーい、ギルマス呼んでくれー」 する代半ばほどの男が現れ、「中で話を聞く」と部屋に呼んだ。 「......もう調査が終わったのか。手ぶらということは、モンスターじゃなかったのか?」 「あぁ。かわいらしい小僧が一人いただけだったよ」 ギルドマスターが眉をひそめる。 「小僧......?」 「山林から魔物の気配はしなかった。唯一、その小僧だけがありえねーほどの魔素をまとってたな。一瞬ヤベェやつかなと思ったけどよ、ソイツの顔に『誰だお前?』って書いてあってよ、間違いで人を斬ってもまずいから話したら、斬らなくて正解だったわ」 「......だが、本当に人か? Sランク冒険者【迅雷白牙】がひるむほどの小僧などいないだろう?」 「わからねーな。世の中広いし、俺もガキの頃は大人にひるまれたからな」 ギルドマスターが苦い顔をした。渋々うなずく。 「おいおい、そんなところに俺を向かわせたのかよ」 「だからこそ、頼んだんだろうが! 貴族様が持ち主の山で異変がありそうだ、しかも原因がハッキリしない被害も出ていない状態で『普通の冒険者』に調査依頼なんぞ出せるわけないだろうが! ましてや貴族様がそれの原因だった場合、冒険者どころかギルドだって危ないだろうが! だからこそ、内密に、知られずに調査を終えられ、最悪貴族様相手でもなんとか出来るお前さんに頼んだんだよ!」 「......持ち主が貴族サマってのも初耳だぞオイ」 ソードが舌打ちした。 「で、一つ聞きたい。『インドラ』って名前のやつ、知ってるか?」 ギルドマスターが固まった。 「......知っているが......」 「......なんだ? その反応。どういうやつなんだよ?」 が、そう名乗ったんだろうけどな......。インドラ・スプリンコートは、その私有地スプリンコート伯爵の第一 ソードも固まった。 「............は?」 おてんば少女では済まない。小汚い作業服を着て、髪は令嬢にあるまじき、ガタガタに短く切られた髪だ。令嬢どころか子息として見ても無理がある。 てっきり屋敷で働いている使用人が抜け出して練習しているのかと思っていたし、事実そうなんだろう。名前を聞かれてつい屋敷のお嬢様の名前を出してしまったんだろう、と結論づけた。 「ま、大体わかった。興味も出たし明日詳しく調べてくるわ。......その『嬢ちゃん』が原因ならな」 そう言うと立ち上がり、部屋を出て行った。
“Yahooo!! We’ve finally reached a town!!” One month has already passed since I left home. Going up and down the mountains like we were doing some kind of ascetic training out in the wild, we pushed our way through trackless paths, just to arrive at a human habitation at long last. Yep, somehow it feels like living in the mountains might actually work, is what I had started to believe at some point! But that’s not what I’ve been aiming for with leaving home. Otherworld sightseeing! I want to go around this new world and look at what it’s got to offer. I mean wouldn’t it be pearls thrown before swine if I didn’t do that with all the gold coins I obtained jingling in my bag? “For starters we’re goin’ to the guild to get you registered as an adventurer. Then we can talk about what to do next.” Sword ruffled up my hair. “...? Is something wrong?” Sword had suddenly looked at me with a somewhat cryptic expression. “No, not really... It’s just us arrivin’ at a human settlement for the first time in a few dozen days, and yet your hair’s so tidy.” “Don’t state the obvious. Filthiness is an enemy.” No matter where we went, I always took a shower. If I were to choose a place to settle down, it’s got to have a bath I can enter whenever I feel like it. “I can totally tell a thing or two about it. You’ve forced me to do the same every day.” “Smelly blokes are unpopular. “......You really have no cuteness in you!” He grabbed my head, with an iron claw! “Yikes! Back at you! How are you behaving towards a lady!?” “Just where’s that lady you speakin’ of!? A lady would never use somethin’ like 『Smelly bloke』 when describin’ a gentleman!” At a place appearing to be a checkpoint, Sword showed a sparky, silver plate with a gem embedded to a governmental official. The official’s eyes widened, and after looking back and forth between the plate and Sword many times over, he bowed. “This one’s with me. I’ll vouch for her. We plan to have her register at the guild, so please let her pass.” “Y-Yesh!” I stared at Sword and the official in alternation, “Please tell me the common customs for this here.” “Checkpoints are set up at the entrances of most cities and towns for times of emergencies or when criminals are tryin’ to get inside. So, everyone gets inspected. They’ll write down who you are, where you come from, why your here, and when you plan to leave. The adventurer card issued by the guild also works as identification, so you’ll get a pass most of the times when showin’ it.” “I see, I see.” He explained in a way making it easy to understand the conversation between him and the official just now. Once we passed the checkpoint, a fantasy world awaited me beyond. ――Oohh! It’s kinda like I’ve come to a World Heritage village during a vacation abroad! The buildings were square with the rudimentary walls made out of dirt. Since all of them look the same, I’d definitely get lost here. “I’m gonna leave you behind if you dawdle ’round.” He hit my head. “No problem. I’ll be able to meet up with you as long as I go to the adventurer guild.” Upon my answer, he intently stared at me with his eyes narrowed down to a thin line, “I really take my hat off to how calm you always act, without a shred of childishness.” We went to the guild and I got registered. It seems like getting a card issued goes much smoother if an adventurer acts as chaperon for you. Smooth and without any problem whatsoever... “...? It’s different from the card you own, isn’t it?” “Naturally. Ain’t no way it’d be the same for me as for a newbie adventurer, right?” The people around us laughed. “It’s only natural for you, I don’t know any of it. Before telling me what’s natural or not, explain things in advance.” When I talked back to Sword, those around us became dumbfounded. Sword shrugged his shoulders, “Your card is the basic one. My card is special.” “...You committed a crime, and because of that...” “Hey! You bundle of absurdity! That’s an unwarranted accusation!” “Eek! It’s just been a joke!” Another iron claw. *** {Sword} ――I secretly took a deep breath while messing ’round with her. ...Once I say this, she’s probably gonna resent, scold, and blame me. But, at this rate, it’s gonna be bad for her. She’s strangely smart and got enough talent allowin’ her to call herself a prodigy, but she’s still a ten years old girl. If she only hangs ’round adults, she won’t be able to make any friends of her age, resultin’ in her becomin’ isolated more n’ more. Since she was finally able to get outta that environment, I want her to find friends she can trust and accumulate lots of experience as a young adventurer. ...It’d suck if she became like me. I let go of her hand, took a step back, and told her, “Okay then, this is where we part. As you can see, I’m a big-shot, so, because of the huge difference between a newbie adventurer like you and a veteran like me, I won’t be able to keep you company any longer. Don’t show yourself in front of me until you found new friends, created a party with them, and reached at least C-Rank.” I had intended to say this with a carefree tone. But...just as I’d expected, her face froze. After lookin’ at me for a while, apparently not understandin’ what I meant, her eye color suddenly intensified, and she burst into laughter while brushin’ her forelocks up. Okay, she’s pissed. Let’s see what she’s goin’ to hurl at me. I can’t imagine her bawlin’, but if she actually does, I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to hold on to my determination. “...I see.” This was the first sentence that left her mouth. “...As I’ve thought, you can’t trust any of the people of this world.” Mutterin’ that, she abruptly erased all expressions from her face, and turned on her heels without saying anythin’ else, quickly leavin’ the guild without a single word. “Scorn” rather than “blame and scolding” was an option as well, huh? I thought while watchin’ her small, upright back that never turned around again.
「見えてきたな」 「やったー!! 町だー!!」 野良修行みたいに山を登り下り、道なき道をかき分け、ようやく人が集い住む場所にやってきた。 うん、なんかもうね、このまま山で暮らしていけるかも? とか思い始めちゃったよ! 異世界観光! 異世界観光したいから! 「とりあえずギルドに行って冒険者登録をしよう。先の話はそれからだ」 「......? どうかしたのか?」 ソードが急になんとも言えない顔で私を見ていた。 「いや? ......数十日ぶりの人里だってのに、小綺麗なもんだよな」 「当たり前だろ。不潔は敵だ」 どこにいようとも必ずシャワーを浴びた。どこか住む場所が得られたら、念願の風呂に入りたい。 「お前、俺にも強制してきたよな」 「臭いオッサンは嫌われるぞ」 「............。お前、相変わらずかわいくねぇ!」 頭をつかまれた。アイアンクローだ! 「ぎゃー! お前こそ、レディに何てことするー!」 「どこにレディがいんだよ!? レディは紳士に向かって『臭いオッサン』なんざ言わねーんだよ!」 関所らしきところでソードが役人に宝石をはめ込んだピッカピカの銀色の板を見せる。 「コイツは連れだ。身元は保証する。ギルドで登録する予定だからよろしくな」 「は、はいぃ!」 私はソードと役人を見比べたよ。 「大体町の入り口には犯罪者が入り込むのといざって時のために関所が設けられてる。で、検問されんだよ。どこの誰で、何しにここに来て、いついつ出立予定かってのを申告するんだ。ギルドが発行してる冒険者カードは、身元保証も兼ねてるから、見せりゃ大体通してもらえる寸法だよ」 今のやり取りをわかりやすく語られた。 ――おぉ! 海外旅行で世界遺産の村に来たみたいだぞ! 基本土壁い建物だ。似たような建物ばかりなので絶対に迷う。 「ボーッとしてると迷子になるぞ」 「問題ない。冒険者ギルドに行けば落ち合える」 答えたら、すっごい目を細めて見られた。 ギルドに行って、登録した。 冒険者が付き添いにいるとスムーズに発行してもらえるらしい。 「......? お前の持ってるカードと違う?」 「当たり前だろ。俺と登録したての冒険者と同じワケねーだろがコラ」 周りが笑っている。 「その当たり前を知らないと、お前は知っているだろうが。当たり前って言う前にちゃんと説明しろ」 言い返したら周りが今度は唖然とした。 ソードが肩をすくめた。 「基本はお前が持ってるカードだよ。俺が持ってるのは特別製」 「......お前、犯罪を犯してそれで......」 「おい、非常識。そんなワケ、あるかコラ!」 「ぎゃー! 冗談に決まってるだろー!」 またアイアンクローだ! *** 〈ソード〉 ......これを言ったら、憤り、なじられ、恨まれるだろう。 変に悟りきってるし、天才を自称するだけの才能はあるが、まだ十歳の少女なのだ。大人ばかりに接していたら、年の近い友人も出来ず、ますます孤立してしまう。 せっかくあの環境から抜け出せたのだから、若い冒険者として様々な経験を積み、信頼し合える仲間を見つけてほしい。......自分のようにはならないでほしい。 「じゃあな。これで俺とはお別れだ。俺はこう見えても偉いんでな、登録したてのお前とは天と地ほどの差があって、これ以上お前の相手はしてられない。 お前はお前に見合った新たな仲間を探して、パーティを作り、最低でもCランクになるまで俺に顔を見せるな」 意味がわからなかったのか、しばらく俺を見つめた後、急激に目の色を強くし、前髪をかき上げて笑い出した。 コイツが泣くとは思えないが、泣かれたらさすがに俺の決心も揺らぎそうだ。 「......なるほどな」 出てきた最初のセリフはそれだった。 「............やはり、この世界の人間は誰も信用ならない」 振り返ることもない、まっすぐ伸びた小さな背中を見ながらそう考えた。
Before going to the dungeon, we stopped by the church. We settled down on buying one bottle. If it looks like it’s possible to make holy water ourselves, we will do so, and if not, we’ll attack some undead with it. “Speaking of churches, it’s all about the structure. Does it have any designs worthy of notice?” “Huh? You were interested in such stuff?” “Obviously. Art is bountiful in sensitivity. Culture is the proof of mankind. The same also applies to cooking. You enjoy it with your eyes, nose, and tongue.” My otherworld self was good at cooking, but she didn’t really fuss over food arrangement and coloring. But she believed that delicious food should also be a feast for the eyes. My current self is aiming for photogenic dishes, so far as it goes. The taste is still lacking in some parts, so I also considered adding the visual aspect. “Worryin’ ’bout such stuff sure points to you bein’ a Noble Lady.” Sword said after taking a long, hard look at me. “You think so? Well, nobles certainly might be like that, but... Hmm, you’re right. Art and culture may be built on sacrifices of the weak. Without riches, art won’t come into existence.” Even in the other world, it was always the rich who allowed art to thrive. The church Sword led me to was... “Quite new, isn’t it?” I couldn’t feel any art or history from it. Or to describe it in one word, 『unrefined』. It might have cost quite a bit of money, but it totally gives off the impression of nuveau riche, or to be blunt, they’ve pointlessly wasted lots of money. Moreover, it’s covered all over with shiny gold. “...I’ve already felt so before, but my artistic sense doesn’t mesh with the artistic sense of this world’s inhabitants.” “Nah, it ain’t my taste either.” Yep, you can’t settle down in such a thing, can you? “The churches in the other world I considered as pretty had...colored glasses, and windows joined together by those colored glasses. They depicted wonderful religious paintings by combining various colors. And the windows were set up to be hit by sunlight, making the whole experience extremely beautiful. The technique of pasting elements together was also used on the ceilings and walls. It was impressive to see how they had meticulously painted on small tiles and pasted them all together into one bigger picture.” “You can tell just from hearing that it’s gotta be a ridiculous amount of work.” “You’re right about the labor itself, but I think it’d have been impossible without a good sense of color. And that’s also the reason why it’s art. I hope they have at least some elaborate interior decoration and colorful frescoes. I mean, I thought I’d be able to take a look at such things...” I got disappointed. “Your previous world was really incredible. I’ve got a hunch that things are far more advanced over there than they’re here.” “Maybe it’s because magic didn’t exist. Art that’s created without using magic, only relying on your own hands, is possibly so bewitching a feat that it’s beyond the reach for the people of this world who rely on magic for everything? But then again, nature produces the best art, I’d say.” I like works made by humans, but I also love looking at breathtaking natural sceneries. ...Just as I was having a discourse on art with Sword, someone approached us. “You people look like you might be adventurers. I shall allow you to take me with you, if you head into the dungeon.” ...... Hmm? What was that? Umm...another misunderstanding? I looked at the person who had drawn close to us. I’d say she’s around my age. A girl with similarly small breasts like me. She’s wearing a cassock that’s a lot more luxurious than the ones I know of. Its color is also very flashy – pink and violet...and on top of that, it’s got embroideries added to it with golden threads. Is she a cosplayer or something? I looked at Sword, but he was completely ignoring her existence. Moreover, “You ignore her as well” was totally written on his face. But... I looked at the girl once more. “Didn’t you hear me? Then let me repeat it once more. I shall kindly allow you to take me with you to the dungeon. Now, follow me.” ......I don’t get the meaning of what she’s talking about. How troublesome. I should be bilingual, but on top of having recovered my otherworld memories, I didn’t have much opportunity to talk with others until I met Sword. Maybe because of that, I’m better at the other world’s language, and every once in a while, there will be times when I can’t understand what the people of this world are saying. I sought help from Sword. “You see, Sword, as a matter of fact I’m better at the language of the other world. Until I met you, I didn’t talk to others much, so it happens that I occasionally don’t understand what the people of this world are saying.” Sword spluttered, bursting into laughter. “...So, I don’t quite get what she’s saying, but... Sword, what is she talking about?” The small-breasted girl sighed with a shake of her head. “Apparently it was too difficult for people of low birth to understand my words... Although I had my hopes up since your attires are fairly decent.” Oh, blue veins popped on Sword’s forehead, huh? “Now, now, aren’t you a bit too touchy? It’s because you’re drinking too much alcohol.” “Don’t blame my liquor on everythin’ and anythin’! You as former nobility don’t feel anythin’ when insulted like that!?” “Well, I can understand that those aren’t the words of the clergy. At least as far as the clergy in memory goes. Isn’t she a noble herself? I mean, that’s how nobles are, correct?” The small-breasted woman flinched away. After artificially clearing her throat, “My name is Sayla. ...But I see, so you were of noble descent? On top of that, a decent personal appearance. By the way, you came here to buy holy water, didn’t you? If I come with you people, you won’t need any holy water. That’s why I am telling you that I shall accompany you.” ...I was able to understand around half of it. Granted I didn’t misunderstand it, though. “I see. Now that you have introduced yourself, I must do so as well. I’m called Indra. It’s true that I came here to buy holy water. I want one bottle as a souvenir. Since there’s no point in getting you in exchange for a souvenir, I’d like you to refrain from accompanying us.” I looked at Sword. “...You agree with me, don’t you?” He caressed my head. “I’m totally with you on that. It’s a big boon that you’re such a composed girl. Now, if you only wouldn’t treat humans and monsters equally, it’d be even better.” “You’re funny. I’m just making a distinction between 『those dear to me』 and 『everyone else』. There’s no way that I’d put you and monsters on the same level.” I think even Sword would destroy any human who destroyed his Ryoku regardless of whether they knew that he’s a golem or not. “......Pardon me? I feel I might have misheard. You mentioned that you wish to obtain holy water as a 『souvenir』?” “You didn’t mishear. That’s what I said.” ......Once again, I don’t comprehend what she’s telling us. “Sword, I didn’t understand her again. I think that I received a reasonably good education, but maybe it’s now working against me that I didn’t have many opportunities to talk with others during my childhood?” When I asked him, almost on the verge of tears, Sword roughly stroked my head. My eyes spun a bit from my head being whirled around. “Hmm, just now, you see, she apparently got angry because you pissed her off. She’s insistin’ that holy water should be used properly, ‘kay?” Hee. “It’s not like it’s set in stone how you ought to use holy water, or is it? In the first place, it’d be impossible to go around and check how every buyer has used it. Also, using it as a souvenir shouldn’t be regarded as such a bad use. It’s not like I’ve suggested, 『Let’s sprinkle holy water in the toilet since it works great as deodorant!』, have I?” Sword guffawed whereas the small-breasted Sayla trembled even more furiously. “H-How blasphemous! I-I won’t tolerate this! You won’t be forgiven until you correct yourself!” “What, you didn’t know? It’s currently a fad among nobles.” “......You’re lying......” “Oh, you found out?” “!?!?!?!” Sword folded his arm, and stared at me in obvious admiration, “Your instigation skill is truly a class of its own, you know?” Since she told us that they wouldn’t sell holy water to someone so heretic, I immediately gave up on it, and we left the church. Yet, she chased after us. “W-Wait a moment! Why are you leaving without buying any holy water!?” ......Somehow I feel like I don’t possess the skill to speak with this girl. “Wasn’t it you who told us that you won’t sell it to us?” She groaned. “T-That’s right, but why did you leave just like that without buying it?” I got more confused by the second since I had no idea what she was talking about. “......I thought it was common sense that you can’t buy something that’s not up for sale, but does the church operate on another common sense?” She groaned once more. “O-Of course, it’s different!” She declared right afterwards. “If you promise to correct your ways, wholeheartedly apologize while bowing, and beg while clinging to my legs, it might be possible for you to obtain what’s not up for sale.” “Nah, I don’t need it to the extent of doing anything like that.” I quickly turned her down. “Anyway, we had some fun, but now we’ll be off. The church didn’t offer anything we gotta see, but I s’pose it had a rare animal at least.” “You’re treating her like a rare animal?” “A small-breasted rare anima...no, that’s wrong. A woman with a moderate bust.” Sword coughed deceivingly Afterwards, he pretended to not hear anything she said. “Now then, let’s go. We don’t need anythin’ like holy water anyway. If you wanna enjoy that thrill of yours, an item allowin’ you to kill enemies in a whiff would contradict that, right?” “Of course! I’m the type who clears games without any cash boosts!” Yet, Sayla chased after us. “Hey!? Just now you said small-breasted rare animal, didn’t you!? Small-breasted!?” “It’s just your imagination. ...Ah, by the way, Sword and I hate people who act all high and mighty. Remember, even if you try to throw your weight around by borrowing the power of god, it won’t just not work on some people, but there are also people who hate such a behavior.” “S-S-Something l-like t-t-that...” “If you’re saying I’m wrong, then practice what I’ve told you just now in the future. ――Don’t stand between god and the people offering their devoted prayers to god. Rather, stay in the back and offer your prayers to those pious believers. Lend money to those depending on god without demanding piety in exchange, and don’t become arrogant or proud over doing so. Don’t seek anything from those who don’t pray to god as they don’t believe, and don’t coerce them by flaunting god’s name. ――That’s the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing, don’t you think? You’re a prime example of 『abusing god’s power for your own purposes』.” Yep, I said something great there! ...Just when I thought that, Sayla broke out in tears. “Oh boy, you’ve gone way overboard. Once again you’ve broken someone’s mind.” “Huh? I said something good!” “Certainly, you did. But look, as someone who got pampered all the time until now, she was never told anythin’ like 「You’re actin’ all high and mighty」.” Just because she was never told so doesn’t mean that she has to cry over it, does it? It’s not like I’m a parasite hunter.
ダンジョンに行く前に、教会に寄った。 「教会といえば建造物だが。やはり見所があるのか?」 「え? お前、そんなのに興味あるの?」 「なくもないな。芸術は感性を豊かにする。文化は人であるという証明だ。料理もまた然り。目で見て楽しみ、薫りを嗅いで楽しみ、舌で味わって楽しむ」 別世界の私って、料理は得意だったんだけど盛り付けや色彩に拘らなかったんだよね。 味が今ひとつの分、視覚要素も加えようかと考えたのだ。 ソードが私をまじまじと見て言った。 「うん? まぁ、貴族もそうかもしれないが............。ま、そうだな。弱者を犠牲にして芸術や文化は成り立つのかもな。富がなければ芸術は生まれない」 別世界でも、富を多く持つ者が芸術を生ませたものねー。 案内された教会は...... 「新しいな」 歴史も芸術も感じさせなかった。 しかもピッカピカに光る金。 「......以前も感じたが、この世界の人間の感性と私の感性は合わない」 「いや、俺も趣味じゃねーよ」 うん、落ち着かないよね。 「私が別世界で綺麗だと思った教会は......。硝子に色をつけ、色硝子をつなぎ合わせて窓を作るんだ。様々な色をつなぎ合わせ、美しい宗教画に仕上げ、それを日の当たる窓に設置すると、それはそれは美しい。その貼り合わせる手法は、天井や壁でも使える。小さなタイルを貼り合わせて一面に絵を描いたりすると、見応えがあるぞ」 「聞いてるだけで気が遠くなりそうな作業だよな」 「作業自体もそうだが、色彩感覚がないと無理だろう。だからこそ芸術だ。せめて、色彩豊かな壁画や精緻な室内装飾などがあればな。そういったものが見られるかと思ったんだが............」 「お前のいた世界って、すっげーな。確実にここよか大分先に進んでるって気がするわ」 「魔術がないからかな。魔術を使わず己の手作業のみで行う芸術は、魔術に頼っている人間には及びもつかないほどの技を魅せるぞ? まぁ、でも、一番の芸術は、自然造形かな」 人間の手作業も好きだけど、ハッとするような景色を見るのも好き。 ......と、ソードと芸術談義をしていたら、誰か寄ってきた。 「貴方がた。冒険者とお見受けします。ダンジョンに向かうのであれば、私も同行して差し上げましょう」 ............。 えーっと......また誤変換したかな? 寄ってきた人を見た。 色も派手だ。ピンクに紫って......さらに金糸の刺繍がされてるし。コスプレか? しかも顔に「お前も無視しろ」って書いてあるけど。 でも......。 もう一度彼女を見た。 「聞こえなかったのかしら? もう一度言いましょう。ダンジョンに、私が自ら同行して差し上げましょう。さぁ、ついてらっしゃい」 ............言ってる意味がわからない。 困ったな。 私はバイリンガルのはずなんだけど、別世界の記憶を取り戻し、さらにソードと会うまでほとんど会話してこなかった。 ソードに助けを求めた。 「実はな、ソード。私は別世界での言語の方が得意なのだ。この世界ではお前に会うまでほとんど会話を交わしてこなかったから、たまにこの世界の人間が何を言ってるのかわからないことがあるんだ」 「......それで、私は彼女の言ってることが理解出来ないのだが......。ソード、彼女はなんと言ってるんだ?」 チッパイ女子はため息をついて首を振った。 「下賎の者には私の言葉は理解が難しいようでしたか......。身なりはそこそこ良いようなので期待したのですが」 あ、ソードがピキッと青筋立てたぞ? 「どうどう。お前、怒りっぽいぞ? 酒を飲むからだ」 「何でも酒のせいにするなよ。お前こそ、元お貴族サマがあんなこと言われて何とも思わねーのかよ?」 「まぁ、聖職者の言葉ではない、というのは理解出来るな。私の知識にある聖職者と同じならば、と付け加えておく。......貴族なのではないのか? 貴族はこんなもんだろう?」 の身なりなのですね。ところで、ここには聖水を買いに来たのでしょう? ならば、私が同行すれば聖水がいらなくなりますよ。ですから、同行して差し上げましょう、と言っているのです」 ......半分くらいは理解出来た。 「そうか、名乗られたならば私も名乗らなくてはな。私はインドラと言う。聖水を買いに来たのは確かだ。土産に一つほしくなったのでな。貴女を土産の代わりにするわけにもいかないから、同行は遠慮させていただく」 頭をなでられた。 「合ってる合ってる。お前はホントに冷静で頼もしいよなー。これで魔物と人間を同列に扱うことがなくなればなー」 「お前がおかしい。私は『大切なもの』と『それ以外』とを区別しているだけだ。お前と魔物とを同列に扱っているわけではない」 ソードだって、リョークがゴーレムとわかっていようが壊されたら壊した人間を破壊すると思うぞ? 「............あの? 聞き違いでしたかしら? 聖水を『土産』と申されました?」 「聞き違いではない。そう言った」 ............また、言ってる意味がわからない。 「ソード、またわからないんだ。私は結構教育を受けた気がするんだが、やはり幼少時に会話をしてこなかったのがいけないのだろうか」 頭がぐりんぐりん回る。 「うん、今のはな、お前が煽ったから、怒ったらしいぞー? 聖水は、正しい用途で使いましょう、っつってるんだぞー?」 へぇ。 「どう使おうと知ったことじゃないだろう? 第一、買っている人間が実際どう使ってるかなんて全員について回って結果を調べているわけではあるまい。第一、土産はそう悪い使い方ではないはずだ。『トイレの臭い消しには聖水を振りかけるのが一番よく効くんだ!』とか言い出してないぞ?」 ソードがゲラゲラ笑った。 チッパイセイラ、ますます震えてる。 「ぶ、侮辱です! ゆ、許しませんよ、改心するまで許しません!」 「なんだ、知らないのか? 貴族の間では流行ってるんだぞ?」 「............うそ............」 「もうバレたか」 「?!!?!」 「お前の煽りスキル、ホントすげーな」 そんな罰当たりなやつには聖水を売らない、と言われたのでサクッと諦めて教会を出た。 ら、追いかけてきた。 「ちょ、ちょっと待ちなさい! なんで買わずに出るのですか!?」 ......なんかこの子と会話出来るスキルがない気がする。 「売らないと、お前自身が言わなかったか?」 うっ、とうめいた。 「そ、そうですが、それでどうして買わないで出るのですか」 意味がわからないから。 「......売ってないものは、買えないのが常識なのだが、教会の常識は違うのか?」 また、うっとうめいた。 「も、もちろん違います!」 「売っていないものは、改心すると約束し、心を籠めて頭を下げ謝罪し、私の足元にすがり乞うのです。そうすれば手に入ることもあるでしょう」 「いや、そんなことさせられるくらいならいらない」 「じゃあ、そこそこ面白かったし、行くか。見るべきものはなかったが、珍獣がいたな」 「珍獣扱いかよ」 「チッパイの珍じゅ......いや違う、爽やかな胸の女子だったな!」 その後聞かなかったフリをした。 「さて、行くか。そもそも聖水いらねーしよ。お前もワクワク感とやらを楽しむなら、簡単に倒せるアイテムなんざ邪道だろ」 「もちろん、私は無課金攻略タイプだからな!」 って、セイラ、追いかけてきたし。 「ちょっと!? 今、チッパイの珍獣とか言った!? チッパイ!?」 「気のせいだ。......あぁ、私とソードは威張っている人間は嫌いだ。神の威光を笠に着て権力を振りかざそうとしても通用しないどころか嫌悪する人間がいることを覚えておけ」 「そ、そ、そんな、こと............」 「もしも違うと言うのなら、これから言うことを実行しろ。――神と神に対して祈りを捧げ膝をつく人間との間に立つな。そのさらに後ろの下座で、祈りを捧げる人間に向かって膝をつき、祈りを捧げろ。神にすがる人間に、金も信仰心も求めず手を貸し、それを誇りも驕りもするな。神を信じず祈りを捧げない人間に、何も求めず、神の名を騙って強要をするな。――お前は真逆を行っているだろう? それこそが、『神の威光を笠に着ている』ということだ」 うん、良いこと言った。 ......と思ったら、セイラ、泣き出した。 「あーあ、言い過ぎだっつーの。また相手の心を折ったよ」 「え? 私、良いこと言った」 「確かにその通り、だけどな。今までチヤホヤされてた人間は「あなた、威張ってますよ」なんて言われたことないんだよ」 言われたことないからといって泣くことはないと思う。 寄生ハンターじゃあるまいし。
After they came back, the adventurers prostrated themselves before me. “”””Your Grace, please give us your permission for a rental registration! We beg you!!”””” “Yo, that’s quite a change in attitude, isn’t it? Didn’t you people look down on Indra?” Sword asked. Hmm? ......AHH! Once again this guy has perceived malicious intent, hasn’t he!? “We will earnestly and humbly apologize for any rudeness and impolite behavior! Please forgive us!” They apologized, but I shook my head, “I don’t really remember you having been rude to me, nor do I feel like you changed your attitude. ...Sword! I don’t want you to listen to my talks with other people any longer! I’ve been telling you over and over again to shut out the ill will of others, haven’t I!?” Sword ducked his head. “...I know that. If you insist on believin’ that others desire a handshake with you because your a beautiful girl, I’ll just go ‘long with that dream of yours, no matter how disappointin’ it might be.” It’s not disappointing, for heaven’s sake! It’s reality! The maids confirmed it as well when I asked them! “There is no mistake! Sir Sword is the odd one out here! Anyone would feel a desire to shake hands with a beauty as lovely as you, Your Grace!” That’s what they told me! “Uuhh~...” “I got it, it’s just as you say. You and your maids are completely right. So stop lookin’ at me with teary eyes!” When I groaned in frustration, Sword soothed me by stroking my head. “...Goddammit, the maids are a lost cause as well, aren’t they? Because of their pamperin’, your completely on the way of becomin’ a dud who immediately starts cryin’ ’round out of conceit and misunderstandin’.” “Did you say something?” “No, nothin’.” I felt like he said something terrible about me, though. “Well, whatever... Bennyboy, what’s your take on this?” Bennyboy got startled when I suddenly brought him into play and pointed a finger at himself, “Y-You mean me?” “Registering them for rental would be proof of our trust in them. You should be quite aware what kind of item that thing is. Right? You were brought along by Sword, and because you’re trusted by Sword, I trust you as well, which is the reason why I allowed you to get registered for rental. Sword has declined their registration since he doesn’t believe them, and I can’t really make a call since I haven’t known them for long. Bennyboy, what do you think? You had to do with them the most among us three, and you’re going to remain connected to them in the future as well, aren’t you? If we increase the number of registered rental users, the number of potential traitors grows in proportion. That’s directly linked to the possibility of your own death and a theft of Char. So, what would you like to do?” “Hmm? No, it’s something I should ask now and here, isn’t it? Bennyboy is the merchant we contracted to sell our liquor, and he’s the one in charge of the transport with Char. And they’re adventurers who have been merely hired as guards. Their positions are completely different, no? That’s why, if Bennyboy says that he can trust them while considering the future and the harshness of the current situation, where only he can drive, if disaster strikes, I might be willing to register them for rental after adding some limitations. However, if Bennyboy says that it’s too dangerous for his life and that it’d be possible for Char and the liquor to be stolen, I won’t register them. After all, it’s likely nothing Bennyboy could ever reimburse. Leaving aside the liquor, Char’s value is priceless.” The adventurers all let their heads hang all at once. “You should give it a rest if you just wanna drive the thing ’round because it looks fun. Sure, it’s a blast to do so, but look, this is a battle golem for supply transport to begin with. If you attack with that thing, no one will be able to handle it unless it’s me, her, or the golems she built. In reality it ain’t anythin’ that should be driven ’round without the necessary precaution.” Sword, you were the one who coaxed me into making it! Once I stared at him, he grabbed my face once again! “Mmpfmmpfmmmmpfff?!” As I struggled, Bennyboy replied, “No? I’m totally cool with it. These guys’re my friends. You can trust them as much as you trust me. Hence, please register them for rental,” without any hesitation. Sword stopped arresting my face, and I stopped wriggling. “I see. I’ll register them for rental then. You might want to take a break because of exhaustion after driving Char for a long time, so you’d need someone to switch with you, I guess. However, they won’t be allowed to change the modes. They’ll be allowed to drive Char for one hour per day on normal mode. With all four of them, that’ll be four hours per day. I think that should be enough time for you to take a rest, don’t you think?” “You’re right. Please do it like that.” “”Ben...”” “You...” “Ben, you...” The adventurers were touched by Bennyboy’s chivalrous spirit. “Oh right, it’s not really a replacement, but I can register you guys for renting out Bronko, you know? That’s a golem I built with the sole intent for being a toy. It’s something similar to a horse. Moreover, it’s a dangerous vehicle. It requires proper driving skills, and it’s not easy to handle, but if any of you...” I got interrupted. “...Eh...?” “That one’s a no! I borrowed it! Didn’t I tell you to paint it with me in mind!?!” “...That’s certainly true, but...” Huh? Char is okay, but Bronko is out? Just why? Bronko doesn’t have any particular attack magic, and it’s something like a horse that’s running on magic stones. In the first place, motorbikes are hobby items. The adventurers all zoomed in on Bennyboy in the next moment. “...Somehow I get what you’re planning. You’re thinking that you’ll drive around that golem while letting us run the transport one, don’t you?” Bennyboy’s body shook as he gulped. And then he started to fidget around. “No, I mean, of course I like Char, okay? But, there are times when I wanna feel the wind. Bronko, you see, kinda allows me to become one with the wind, unlike a horse.” “Oh, yeah, I can totally relate to that. Char’s automatic drivin’ and comfort that protects you from any weather is great, but Bronko allows you to directly feel the weather while givin’ you a feedback when movin’ it with your whole body. Drivin’ Bronko and going back to a relaxed drive with Char when tired is the best combo.” “Absolutely!!” After getting all riled up like that by themselves, the two suddenly withered away. Probably because the adventurers and I were staring at them super coldly. “Hmm, I wonder, should I add a usage limit for Bennyboy’s Bronko...?” When I mumbled that, he started to bawl while clinging to me. When told to show his Bronko, Bennyboy, and Sword as well for some reason, triumphantly showed their bikes off. A little while later, four people were lying in the dust in front of me once again. “Your Majesty, please grant us your permission to borrow a Bronko!” “Ben has grumbled that he definitely wouldn’t lend out his Bronko, so please take some pity with us!” “If you tell me to lick your feet, I shall immediately get to it! Please call me slave from now on! So please, please, please, lend it to me!” “Your Majesty, I shall become your faithful manservant who will never betray you, no matter what happens. So please lend a Bronko to me!” It looks like I obtained a manservant, and also a slave. “I got it, I got it. You’re really hopeless. I’ll build a new one since Bennyboy would cry otherwise. But, you have to properly do your work, okay? Don’t spend all your time playing around with Bronko, got it? Also, practice how to drive Char!” I built another Bronko since I had no other choice. The bikes are crazy popular, aren’t they? But, they require quite the reflexes and technique, they’re dangerous, and they need a reasonable amount of maintenance, you know? I told the same to Sword and Bennyboy, but those two apparently tended to their bikes gleefully. Hmm, what should I do about the color? I love bikes with flashy colors. Given that Sword claimed his personal color to be white, that was a valid choice, but since I colored Bennyboy’s to match with that, I’m already out of options in a certain sense, am I not? Because I plan to paint my own one blue-green, that one’s a no-go. And because red is Ms. Bloody’s personal color, that one’s out as well. Then again, if I used their party name as a basis, I’d need to go with a transparent coloring. Pfft, pupupu. At the end of some fretting over the color, I went with metallic silver! I also added black and vivid red color points! “Is it okay like this?” “”Woooooooowww!!”” It looks like they’re happy with it. “I’m first!” “No! Me!” “I’m going to ride it!” “No, I’m first!” They were so damn noisy. “Don’t fight over it. If it becomes a reason for bobbery, I’m going to revoke your rental registration.” They calmed down at once. “Oh! On another note, you aren’t allowed to drive it like that. Ask Bennyboy, and get the necessary outfit ready first. Ask him also about how to ride it. If you’re unlucky, it won’t just end with some injuries.”
戻ってきて、冒険者たちに土下座された。 「「「「インドラ様、どうか、私たちにも、レンタル登録の許可を! お願いします!」」」」 って。 お前等、インドラなめてなかったか?」 ............あっ、コヤツ、また、悪意の意思を汲み取ってたな! 「無礼の程は、平に! 平に! 謝罪致します!」 「私は別に無礼を働かれた覚えも掌を返された覚えもない。......ソード! 私はもうお前に、人との会話を聞いてもらいたくなくなってきたぞ? いっちいち人の悪意を汲み取るな、と言ってるだろうが!」 ソードが首をすくめた。 「......わかったって。お前が残念にも「自分が美少女だから鼻の下を伸ばして握手を求められた」って思ってるんなら、そう思っとくよ」 メイド嬢たちに聞いたら、そう言ってたもん! 「勘違いじゃありませんよ、ソード様がおかしいんです! インドラ様ほど愛らしい方となら是非握手したいって思うに決まってます!」 って言ってくれたもん! 「うぅ~......」 「わかった、その通りだ。お前とメイド嬢の言う通り、だから半べそかくな」 「......ったく、メイド嬢たちにも困ったもんだよな。お前を甘やかすから、お前の自惚れと勘違いが爆走して残念っぷりに磨きがかかってきたぞ」 「なんか言ったか?」 「別に」 ひどいこと言われた気がするが。 ベン君、お前はどうだ?」 急に振られてびっくりしたベン君が、自分を指差した。 「レンタル登録する、ということは、信頼の証しだ。お前も、アレが、どういう代物かはわかるだろう? お前はソードが連れてきた、ソードが信用している、だから私も信用してレンタル登録したのだ。ソードはソイツらを信頼していないから×、私では日が浅すぎて判断が付かん。ベン君、君はどうだ? 君彼等と関わってきたし、これからも関わるんだろう。レンタル登録の人数を増やせば、それだけ裏切りの数が増え、シャールの盗難、そして君の死亡確率が増える。君はどうしてほしい?」 って聞いたら、ソードがため息をついて頭をかいた。 「ん? いや、今聞くべきだろう? ベン君は、私たちが委託販売契約をした商人で、シャールでの輸送の責任者だ。そして、彼等はベン君に〝単に〟護衛に雇われた冒険者だ。立場が全然違うだろう? だから、ベン君が今後を考えて、自分一人だけが運転出来る状況だと厄難のときに厳しいと思い、彼等が信用出来ると言うのであれば、制限を設けてレンタル登録するのは可能だろう。だが、ベン君が、シャールと酒の盗難の可能性と命の危険性を考慮するなら登録はしない。ベン君に弁償出来るものじゃないだろうからな。酒はともかく、シャールに値はつけられん」 冒険者たちが一斉にうな垂れた。 「楽しそうで、運転してみたくなった、っつーならやめとけ。確かに楽しいけどよ、そもそも輸送用戦闘ゴーレムだ。アレで攻撃されたら、俺かコイツかコイツの作ったゴーレムか、じゃねーと太刀打ち出来ねー。本来は、気楽に扱っていいモンじゃねーんだよ」 ソードはそれをねだってきたけどな! じーっと見てたら、また顔をつかまれた! 「にゅにゅにゅにゅ!?」 「いや? 全然大丈夫ッス、コイツらは俺の仲間で、俺と同じくらい信用出来るッス。だから、レンタル登録、お願いするッス」 ソードが顔をつかむのを止め、私もジタバタを止めた。 「そうか、じゃあ、レンタル登録をしよう。お前も長く運転してたら疲れて休みたいときが出るだろうしな。交代要員は必要だろうな。ただ、モードの変更は不可だ。通常モードのみ、一日一時間、運転可能だ。全員間、まぁ、それだけあればお前も休めるだろう?」 「そうッスね。じゃあ、それでお願いするッス」 「「ベン......」」 「お前......」 「ベン、お前......」 冒険者たち、ベン君の男気に心打たれてる。 「そうだな、代わりといってはなんだが、ブロンコならレンタル登録していいぞ? アレは完全なる玩具ゴーレムだもんな。馬みたいなものだしな、しかも危険な乗り物だ。運転テクも必要で、簡単には乗れないが希望者に......」 「ダメッス!!」 遮られてダメが出た。 「......え......」 「アレは、ダメッス! 俺が借りたッス! 俺のイメージで色塗ってくれた、っつったじゃないスか!!」 「......それはそうだが......」 ブロンコは特に攻撃魔術つけてないし、餌が魔石の馬みたいなものだぞ? 急に、じとーん、と冒険者たちがベン君を見た。 「......なんか、わかったぞ? お前、俺たちに運転させて、そのゴーレムを乗り回そう、って思ってるな?」 ギクリ、とベン君の身体が揺れた。 「いや、シャールももちろん好きッスよ? でも、たまーに風を浴びたいときがあるんスよ。ブロンコって、こう、馬とは違って、俺は風になった! みたいな」 「あー、わかる。そうなんだよなぁ、シャールのメカニカルで気候関係ない快適さもいいんだが、ダイレクトに気候を浴びつつ身体全体で動かして反応が返ってくるのはブロンコなんだよなぁ。ブロンコを走らせて、疲れたらシャールに切り替える、ってのが最高だな」 私と冒険者たちが白い目で見ているからだろう。 「ベン君のブロンコに、使用時間制限を設けようかな?」 つぶやいたら泣きつかれた。 ブロンコを見せて、と言われて、ベン君と、ソードまでもが意気揚々と見せに行った。 暫くして、また土下座された。 「インドラ様、どうか我々にも、ブロンコをお貸し下さい」 「ベンが、絶対に貸さないとほざいておりますが、どうぞお願い致します」 「足をなめろと言われればなめます、奴隷と呼んで下さい、ですからどうかお貸し下さい」 「インドラ様の忠実なる僕となります、決して裏切ることはありません、お貸し下さい」 下僕が出来ちゃったよ。奴隷も出来たそうだ。 「わかったわかった。しょうがない、ベン君が泣くから新たに作ってやる。でも、その代わりちゃんと働けよ? ブロンコで遊びまくるなよ? あと、シャールの運転の練習もしろ?」 でもアレ、結構テクニックと運動神経必要だし、危険だし、それなりにメンテが必要だぞ? ソードとベン君にも伝えたが、嬉々として手入れしているようだが。 ソードは白がパーソナルカラーっつったから一択だったけど、それと対になるようにベン君のは作ったので、ある意味もう出尽くしたんだよねー。 パーティ名に因むとなると、透明にしないといけないけど。プププ。 悩んだ結果、メタリックシルバー! 「これでいいか?」 「「ウオーーーーー!!」」 良かったらしい。 「一番! 私、一番!」 「ダメ! 私!」 「俺が乗る!」 「ダメ、俺が最初!」 めちゃくちゃうるさい。 「喧嘩するな。喧嘩の元になるならレンタル登録剝奪するぞ」 「あぁ、あと、その装備じゃダメだ。ベン君に聞いて、必要装備を調えろ。乗り方もな。下手をすると怪我じゃ済まないぞ」
...And just as we were having some fun, Sword showed up. “Indra! Your up to somethin’ ‘gain, right!? Your the one behind the broken windows, aren’t you!?” Tsk. He got wind of it too quickly. Now he’s already here, huh...? “...I haven’t tortured anyone so far. Rather, I was looking forward to some fun time from now on.” “””Eh?””” I heard several people gasp, but I was just talking to myself, so please don’t pay any attention to it. “You’re wrong. This here is the 『Damsel Scarlet vs. Primrose and her goons』 stage. I’ve been just defending Damsel Scarlet.” “””””Eh?””””” This time even more people grunted at my reply, but that’s my take on this! Because of my remark, Sword suddenly came to a halt. “......Primrose?” “Yeah. She was apparently trying to push the responsibility for herself tripping on her own two feet on someone else again. This time she chose Damsel Scarlet as her target. One of her goons, the son of the Knight Leader, fielded a fake witness after constructing some false accusations, and on top of that, tried to get rough with Damsel Scarlet, so I burned his hand. And since I caused skin and muscles to melt together while he was gripping his hand, he probably won’t be able to ever open his hand again, let alone hold a sword.” Everyone was startled. And the musclehead also got startled by that, staring at his own hand. “My hand...my haaaannnd!” “Shut it. Where did all of your earlier haughtiness go? Didn’t you loudly bark until Sword came around? But, leaving that aside, apologize to Damsel Scarlet. You were also told to do so by your beloved Primrose, weren’t you?” ...While I was talking, Sword walked on stage. “Instructor Sword!” My little sister looked at Sword with teary eyes for some reason, but...does Sword also enter the category of useless bums? Well, I guess he does pick up malice right away and gets all depressed over it. And there’s also him being a drinker, I suppose. As I was worrying about this, Sword came to a halt right in front of Primrose. “...So your Primrose?” “Yes! Thanks for always looking after my big brother! ...I longed for the opportunity to have a good long chat with you. Did my brother cause you any troubles? Back at home, my brother often put me on the spot with his carelessness and got regularly scolded by our Father because of it.” Hey!? What’s with those fabricated memories? It’s true that your father yelled at me, but I never acted carelessly and I didn’t put you on the spot either. The only one blundering was you, and the only one causing trouble was you as well. “――Yeah, I know,” Sword laughed in a scary way while staring at Primrose. “I met Indra when she was seven years old. I’m also aware ’bout the circumstances at your home. Even though Indra should have been the noble daughter of an earl, she was runnin’ ’round with an appearance that made me mistake her for a poor brat back when I saw her for the first time. She wore the tattered work clothes of a commoner that didn’t match her size at all, and her hair had been trimmed down like that of a boy. ...I hear you were the one who cut her hair?” “Eh? ...Yes, indeed! Ehehe, it’s embarrassing since I wasn’t good at it...” For some reason, Primrose started to bashfully fidget around. “So, who cut your hair?” “Me? My father called a barber to the mansion and had him cut my hair!” Due to her words, most of those present apparently grasped how I was treated at the earl house. But I wonder why? Most look frightened as if asking, “How gutsy of them to have treated this guy like that!!” It must be my imagination. “So, Young Lady Primrose Springcoat, you lived a life of no need, wearin’ pretty dresses and havin’ your hair done by professional barbers, always bein’ pampered by your father. But your elder sister, Indra Springcoat, did special trainin’ in the backyard, wearin’ shabby rags and havin’ her hair messily cut short by her little sister. Everythin’ she had owned was stolen by her father, who came back to the mansion after her mother died, and an extremely harsh life was forced on her. So extreme in fact, that she obtained her current strength after single-mindedly trainin’ herself with the goal of leavin’ her home as fast as possible. ...You see, I know all about it since I had been there back then. I’m fully aware of your and your father’s treatment of Indra!!” ......I got startled. Sword was seriously angry. And right now he was gathering magic elements in a density comparable to me...no, going beyond me. He’s even stealing some of my Mr. Fluff. Primrose, and even the prince and his underling froze due to Sword’s serious mode, cowering in front of him. All those around us also held their breath while paralyzed. “...Yeah, I was finally able to meet you, Primrose Springcoat. I cannot help but find it strange n’ a shame that Indra didn’t kill you n’ your father with her own hands, but luckily I vowed that I’d take care of it in her place. I’d planned to get rid of you when leavin’ this place, but fortunately I ran into you right now n’ here. Well, I guess it’s just a matter of your life havin’ been shortened a bit. ――Bye bye.” Sword drew his sword and slashed it. ――I blocked it with a single stroke of my wooden sword. “......Indra......” Sword groaned while scowling at me with a gleam in his eyes. “Calm down, Sword. Why are you getting so heated anyway?” ...Sword’s serious blow was terrifying. My wooden sword would have been shattered if I didn’t get quite serious myself... ――Bah, the wall in the back has been cut by the aftermath! Sword, you went way too far! “.....Hey, tell me!! Why are you forgivin’ this wench!!” To make matters worse, he shouted at me. “It’s because I was able to meet you,” I answered while looking straight into his eyes. “......Meet me?” I nodded, “I was able to meet you. That was a miracle which would have never taken place if I had lived normally with my father not being such scum and this girl over here not having entered my life. Even me having obtained all this knowledge probably stemmed from me being on the verge of death after having been unable to procure anyone’s affection. If not for that, all the knowledge and memories would have likely been too straining and expansive to recall. All of that was a necessary miracle for me to reach this place now and here. I’m happy right now, and that’s because I was able to meet you. It might have been fine to live my life as a normal, noble lady, but living the life of a caged bird is nothing for me, I think. So, it’s good that it happened as it did.” Sword’s anger faded and his magic elements dispersed. “If you don’t regret having met me and me having become your partner, and if you don’t think that it’d have been better for me to remain a noble daughter of Earl Springcoat, then please stop being so obsessed about this. I’m glad that I became your partner.” “......gh.”
......と遊んでいたら、ソードが来てしまった。 「インドラ! お前、また何かやってるだろ!? 窓を壊したのお前だな!?」 チッ。嗅ぎつけるのが早い。もう現れてしまったか......。 「......まだ拷問にかけてないのに、むしろこれからがお楽しみタイムだったのに」 「「「え?」」」 多数聞き返してきましたが、独り言なので気にしないで下さい。 「違う。これは、『スカーレット嬢vsプリムローズとその取り巻きたち』の舞台だ。私は、スカーレット嬢の弁護をしていただけにすぎない」 「「「「「え??」」」」」 私の返答にもっと大勢が疑問視したが、私の認識はそうなの! その言葉で、ソードがピタリと止まった。 「............プリムローズ?」 「あぁ。自分で転んだのを、また誰かに責任を押しつけようとしたらしくてな。今回はスカーレット嬢が選ばれた。取り巻きで騎士団長の息子とかいうやつが、えん罪を組み立て偽の証人を立て、さらにスカーレット嬢に暴力を振るおうとしたので、手を焼いてやった。そして、握ったまま、皮膚も筋肉も癒着させたので、もう剣は握れないどころか手を開くこともできないだろう」 全員がギョッとして、ついでに筋肉達磨もギョッとして自分の手を見た。 「手が......手がぁ!」 「うるさい。お前、さっきの威勢はドコに行った。ソードが来る前までは元気よく吠えていたじゃないか。それよりも、スカーレット嬢に謝れ。愛しいプリムローズにも言われただろう? 『謝って?』って」 ......と話してる隙に、ソードが壇上に歩いていった。 「ソード教官!」 我が妹、なんかウルウルした目で歩み寄るソードを見ているが。 うーむと悩んでいる間にソードがプリムローズの前で立ち止まる。 「......お前が、プリムローズかよ」 「はい! お兄様が、いつもお世話になっております! ......私、ぜひ、お話ししてみたかったんです。お兄様が、ご迷惑をおかけしてませんか? お屋敷にいたとき、お兄様ったらよく粗相をして私を困らせたり、お父様によく叱られたりしていたんです」 オイ? 記憶が捏造されてるぞ? お前の父親が私を怒鳴っていたのは確かだが、私は一度も粗相をしたことなどないしお前が困ったこともない。粗相したのは全部お前で、迷惑をかけてたのもお前だろうが。 「俺は、インドラのときに出会ってる。屋敷の様子も知ってるよ。出会ったときのインドラは、伯爵令嬢のはずなのに、貧民の小僧と見間違うような格好をしていた。ボロボロの、身体に合ってない平民の作業服、男のように短く切られた髪。......なんでも、髪は、お前が切っていたそうだな?」 「え? ......ええ、そうです! えへへ、下手くそで恥ずかしいです......」 なぜか恥ずかしがってモジモジしだすプリムローズ。 「で? お前の髪は誰に切ってもらっていた?」 「私ですか? お父様が屋敷に職人の方を呼んでくれて、その方に切ってもらっていましたわ!」 その言葉で、私の扱いがどういうものだったか、大体の者が察したようだ。 「で? プリムローズ・スプリンコート伯爵令嬢。アンタは、綺麗なドレスを着て、髪を専門家に切ってもらい、父親に甘やかされ何不自由ない暮らしをしていた。だが、アンタの姉であるインドラ・スプリンコート伯爵令嬢は、妹の手でざん切りに切られた髪で、見窄らしい服を着て、裏庭で特訓をしていた。屋敷に戻ってきた父親から全てを取り上げられ、非常に不自由な暮らしを強いられ、とにかく屋敷を出ることを目標に、ひたすら自分を鍛え、今の強さを手に入れた。 ......俺はな、当時、そこにいたから、知ってるんだよ。――お前等スプリンコート親子の、インドラへの仕打ちをな!!」 そして、本気で怒ったソードは、私に匹敵するくらい......いやそれ以上の魔素を纏っていた。 プリムローズも、そして王子や腰巾着でさえも、本気のソードに凍りついて、竦んでいた。 「......あぁ、ようやく会えたな、プリムローズ・スプリンコート伯爵令嬢。アンタとアンタの父親をインドラが手にかけないのが無念で不思議でしょうがないんだが、なら、俺が手にかけてやると誓っていたんだ。ここを出るとき始末する予定だったが、今出会っちまったな。ま、多少寿命が縮まっただけの話か。――あばよ」 ――一閃を、受け止めた。 「............インドラ............」 「おい、落ち着け。何を興奮してるんだ」 ......本気のソードの一撃は凄かった。 私でもかなりの本気を出さないと木刀が砕けるところだったな......。 ――って、余波で後ろの壁が斬れてるぞ! ソード、本気を出しすぎだ! 「......お前は!! なんでコイツを許すんだよ!!」 おまけに怒鳴られたし。 「お前に出会えたからだ」 「............俺に」 「お前に出会えた。それは、普通に暮らしていたら、父親がアレでなければ、そしてソイツが来なければ、絶対になし得なかった奇跡だ。ここまでの知識が手に入れられたのも、誰からも愛情が得られずに死にかけたからだろう。でなければ膨大すぎて思い出すことはできなかったろうからな。それは全て、今ここに至るまでの必然の奇跡だ。私は、今、幸せで、それはお前と出会えたからだ。普通に貴族令嬢をこなしても良かったのだろうが、籠の中の鳥は私には無理だろう。だから、良かったのだ」 ソードの怒りが解け、魔素が薄まる。 「お前が私と出会って、パートナーとなったことを後悔しているのでなければ、私がスプリンコート伯爵令嬢のままが良かったと思うのでなければ、もう拘るのはやめてくれ。私は、お前のパートナーになって、良かったのだ」 「......っ」 ソードが剣を引き、しまった。
Shortly after I felt like having heard a knock while dressing myself, the door was opened. And seeing me up and about, the visitor yelled out in surprise, “M-Milady!? Have you already recovered from your illness?” It’s Ms. Newcomer Maid. She’s still a young years old...but then again I doubt she wants to be told that by a five-years-old. “Yes. I am fine, thank you.” As I went with a safe answer while looking back at the maid who was coweringly glancing my way, I began to ponder. I’m sure she’s always acting so timid because she’s been assigned to me despite being a newcomer, because she’s making lots of mistakes since she hasn’t learned anything and thus constantly embarrasses herself, because I’m being hated by everyone in this mansion, and because the other people in this mansion must look at her with eyes full of scorn and ridicule. ――Guh, who am I to say all that? I mean I’m going to use her for my own schemes as well, contrary to the sympathy I feel for her! ...I do feel sorry for her, but everything is the fault of that man, so I’ll have her take the blame for a bit longer. I’m sorry, okay? “I will take all my meals in this room from now on.” “Eh?” “... I’m telling you to bring all my meals here.” “Y-Yesh, m-milady!” Once I repeated myself, she bowed while answering me in a funny way. I’m more than certain that that man is going to use this as yet another reason for abusing me, but to be honest, I don’t even want to see his face. At least the meals should be something enjoyable, right? ――The newcomer maid passed on Indra’s words to the head maid who then passed them on to the butler. The servants, who had been working in the mansion for a long time, felt for Indra’s circumstances, despite Indra herself not having noticed as much. Her mother only spared cruel slander for her daughter, day in and out. She got educated in a way that might as well be described as torture. On the other hand, her father only came back after her mother died, bringing the daughter of his lover with him, and on top of favoring that girl over Indra, he treated Indra, his own blood, like trash. And yet Indra chased after her father, always doing as told in her desire to receive some parental love. Therefore the butler decided that they’d heed to her small selfishnesses and demands. He nodded his agreement, expecting that it’d be hard on her to get out of bed, especially after just having recovered fully, and handed out the necessary instructions to the other servants. Just in case, the butler also informed her father about his daughter having woken up. “Don’t bother me with each and every single triviality.” He snarled coldly with obvious disgust written on his face. “...Certainly, master.” The butler answered after a moment of silence. Since he had been told to “not bother him with trivialities”, the butler decided to not mention the matter with the meals. The food in my current world isn’t tasty at all. How to describe it? It kinda lacks a flavor or two. Though, I won’t complain. As long as it contains enough nutrients, it won’t hinder my body’s development and training. I’ll do something about the taste when I start cooking myself one day. Anyway, I fully recovered from my illness only yesterday, so I limited myself to obediently reading books and making plans for the future, but the real show is going to start today! I had ordered the newcomer maid to prepare male clothing that would allow for free movement. Given that I followed various interests in the other world which also included becoming skilled at sewing, I can make rudimentary clothes easily, yep, easily! (I’m repeating myself to stress something important). However, now I want to study or train myself instead of investing time into sewing. That said, it’s time to train now that I’ve safely secured myself some training wear. I adopt the positive thinking that I can freely train and study as I want since I’m basically being neglected anyway. The lover’s daughter seems to receive teaching from a private tutor, but I’ve never joined those lessons. Let alone that it’d be a pipe dream for me to be allowed to learn together with her...even if I asked for it...it’d most likely result in me being exposed to a flood of insults. Since I don’t feel like being on speaking terms with her at this point either way, I’ll somehow deal with my education on my own. First up is basic training. In the other world I’ve done various martial arts, be it Japanese, Chinese, or Western. While recalling all that, I stretch, do muscle and endurance training, and practice the basic forms and stances. Okay, I’ve got the body of a noble lady, so things aren’t going well at all! Oh well, I’m still five years old, so I guess it’s only to be expected. At the same time, I’m practicing my magic! Look, I’m also studying normally, okay? But, I’ve already mastered reading and writing through a Spartan training regimen, and I’ve also learned how to calculate in the other world, so I don’t need to learn any of those. I’m especially good at mental arithmetics. Or rather, since I’ve always been gifted at science-related subjects, all that’s left for me to learn is geography and history. For these two I can only rely on books. I decided to read books about magic, geography, and history after asking Ms. Newcomer Maid to bring them to my room in the form of an order. My focus was mostly on the books about magic though. “...Hmm, I see, I see. So in the end it relies on gut feeling, huh?” The books say people capable of using magic arts sense that they can use magic. Of course I don’t get it at all, but! I can tell it’s an entity different from the otherworld me. How to describe it? It’s like a fluffy feeling that cannot be expressed in words, kinda like...hmm...ah, yeah! A sixth sense. I’m pretty sure this must be the sensation signifying that I can use magic arts. For sure. Conviction is the key here. While concentrating on this fluffy something, I focus on sensing the fluff. ....... Okay, I’ve become able to sense a fluffy current. Yay, now I’m positive that I’ll become capable of using it! As of yet I only feel the fluff, though!
身支度をしていたら、ノック音が聞こえてきたと思うとしばらくして扉が開いた。そして私を見て驚いた。 新人メイド嬢だ。とまだ若い。......五歳に言われたくないだろうが。 「ええ。おかげさまで」 無難に答えを返し、オドオドとこちらを見ているメイドを見返しながら思案する。 いつもオドオドしているのは、新人なのに側付きにされ、肩身が狭いし何も知らないで失敗ばかりしているし私は屋敷中から嫌われているしで、周りの目がきついんだろう。かわいそうに。 ――って、同情してる割には利用させてもらうんだけどね! ......この子には悪いけど全てあの男が悪いんだから、もうちょっと泥を被ってもらおう。ごめんね。 「これから全ての食事は部屋でとります。食事を部屋に運んで下さい」 「え?」 「......。食事を部屋に運んでくれ、と言ったのだ」 「は、はいぃ!」 言い直したら、へんな返事をしてお辞儀する。 きっとこれもあの男が私を虐待するいい口実になると思うけど、正直顔も見たくないし、食事くらいおいしく食べたいんだよね。 ――新人メイドがインドラの言葉をメイド長に伝え、メイド長が執事に伝える。 母親からは心ない言葉を浴びせられ、虐待とも思えるような教育をされ、父親は母親が死んでから愛人の娘を連れて戻ってきて、その子は父親としてかわいがるのに同じはずの娘には冷淡に突き放す。 それでも親の愛を欲して言うことを聞き、父親を追いかける。 なので、小さいワガママや要望は聞いてあげよう、特に病み上がりならばベッドから起き上がるのもつらいだろうしとうなずいて了承し、指示を出した。 執事は念のため、父親である当主にも目が覚めたことを伝える。 「つまらないことをいちいち報告するな」 の沈黙の後、返事をする。 食事の件は「つまらないことは報告するな」とのことなので報告しないことにした。 なんつーか、ひと味もふた味も足りない。足りないけど、文句は言わない。栄養が足りてれば体の育成には問題ない。味はいつか自分で料理したときになんとかしよう。 で、昨日までは病み上がりだったので大人しく本を読み今後の計画を立てるにとどめていたけど、今日から本番! 別世界では縫い物も達者だった多趣味な私だったので一通り簡単な、簡単な! 服なら作れるのだけど(大事なことなの言う)その時間があるなら勉強もしくはトレーニングしたい。 ということで、無事練習着を手に入れ、トレーニング。 愛人の娘は家庭教師に教えてもらっているらしいけど、私がそれに混じることはない。 まずは基礎トレ。私は格闘技は和洋中どれもやっていた。 うん。お嬢様の体だけあって、全然なっとらんわ! ま、まだ五歳だもんね、しょーがないか。 並行して、魔術の勉強! いや、普通の勉強もしてるよ? でも、文字の読み書きはスパルタ教育でもう終了し、計算は別世界で勉強したので必要ない。暗算は得意です。つか理系は得意なので残るは地理歴史、それは本を読むしかない。 新人メイド嬢にお願いという命令して地理と歴史と魔術の本を持ってきてもらい、読むことにした。主に魔術の本をね。 「......ふむふむ。結局感覚が頼りなんだね」 もちろんわからないが、ただ、別世界の私とは違う体だというのがわかる。なんというか、こう、! みたいな言い表せないふんわりとしたものを感じる。 きっとこれが魔術が使える感覚だ。そうに違いない。思い込みは大事。 この、ふんわりとしたものを集中してふんわりと感じることに集中した。 ............。 うん、ふんわりとした流れを感じるようになってきた。よし、きっと使えるようになるぞ! まだふんわりと感じるだけだけど!
『I’m a nameless demon. Smith is certainly a demonkin, but he had been picked up as a baby and then raised by his foster parents. He always worried and suffered about being different from the other kids around him. Only his parents supported him. ...I had been sealed in a cave where he got locked up by the children as a prank. His wish of 『wanting to go back home』 resonated with me. I also want to go back home... Having been summoned into the material world and sealed away, I always wanted to go back to the spirit world』 Hmm, I see, I see? So Smith wants to go back to the demon king’s country? 『Because I resonated with him, I became able to occupy Smith’s body. But, we haven’t done anything. We just wish to 『go back home』』 Sword scratched his head, asking me telepathically, “What we gonna do ’bout this?” “Okay, it’s true that you haven’t perpetrated anything, I suppose. Well, Miss Nameless Demon, I have heard and understood your wish. Sending you back is easy enough. ......It is, right?” “Yeah, light magic would normally work on a demon,” Sword chimed in. “So, Smith, where’s the place you call home? Guessing from the story just now, it’s not your parents’ home, is it?” “......I don’t know.” Smith finally spoke up for himself, huh? “But, I always felt that this isn’t the place I belong to. I feel grateful towards my parents for picking me up and raising me. But, everyone other than my parents shunned me, so I always thought that I want to go back to some place I can call home,” he explained to us while squeezing the words out through his tears. After pondering about it for a while, it suddenly hit me. “I got it. In other words, you want to become an adventurer!” “No, that’s not it.” I was denied in no time. Bahh...then what? “I planned to leave the mansion which was the root of all persecution and abuse by my parents, but I didn’t have a place I wanted to go to, you see?” “......If one is as strong as you, I think it’s possible to build your own home even without going back, but I’m not as strong as you are.” “You’re just not training enough, right? Your negligence in putting forth effort to train yourself is grounded in your parents pampering you, isn’t it? ...I see, that’s the reason why you should be able to get along with my sister, too.” Cain, now Smith, lifted his face, and stared at me, “......Eh?” I see, I see. Primrose’s ability to see through trashy guys, who got pampered to no end, is not to be underestimated. ......But wait, if that’s true, her having zeroed in on Instructor Sword means...he also has such a part to him? When I looked at him, I immediately received a grounding of my temples. “Your thinkin’ some weird shit ‘gain, aren’t you?” I shook my head violently. Once I turned my eyes back at Smith, he seemed to have suffered a shock. I smiled at him, “Isn’t it wonderful that you were kindly raised by parents who didn’t give birth to you? I was disciplined by my birth mother to the extent of abuse and torture, and the man, who appears to be my father, told me, 『We don’t know who might have fathered you, so it’s not said that I’m your father』, you know? Well, ever since the age of five I’ve lived a comfortable life without having to think about not having a place to call home, though. The trick to that was me discarding all expectations towards other people. Because you want others to act as you hope, you harbor that ridiculous dream of wanting to go back to some place where you belong someday. Other people live their own lives. They act in a way befitting themselves, so you have to act in a way befitting yourself.” Smith had listened to me while being dumbfounded. “Now that we’ve confirmed that Smith is a pampered boy, who hasn’t even put in any effort into anything, without possessing any relevant power either, it’s time to exorcize him. Sword, I leave it to you.” “......Your truly meticulous in shreddin’ other people’s hearts to pieces, aren’t you? Even I felt like cryin’ there.” Why!?
『私は名も無きデーモンです。スミスは、確かに魔族ですが、赤ん坊の頃、彼の育ての両親に拾われ引き取られたのです。彼は、自分と周りの子たちとの違いに悩み、苦しんでいました。両親だけが彼のより所でした。......私は、彼が子供たちに悪戯をされて、閉じ込められた洞窟に封印されていました。彼の『帰りたい』と思う心に共鳴したのです。私も帰りたい............。物質界に呼び出され、封印されてしまった私は、精神界に帰りたかった』 つまり、スミス君は魔王国に帰りたいのかな? 「共鳴してしまったため、スミスの肉体が私の依り代となってしまいました。ですが、私たちは何もしておりません。ただ『帰りたい』と願っているだけなのです」 ソードが頭をかいて「どうするよ?」って思念で訴えてきた。 「うーむ、確かに何もしてないな。まぁ、名も無きデーモン嬢、君の希望は分かった。君を帰すのは簡単だ。............よな?」 「まぁ、デーモンなら普通に光魔術でいけるな」 「で、だ。スミス君、君の帰りたい場所はどこだ? 今の話から察するに、両親の元ではないだろう?」 「............わかりません」 スミス君、ようやく言葉を発したか。 「でも、いつも、俺の居場所はここにはないって気持ちがありました。両親は俺を拾ってくれて、育ててくれて、感謝をしています。でも、俺は、両親以外から、迫害されてきて、いつも、どこかに帰りたい、って、そう思ってたんです」 しばし思案。ピコーン! 閃いた! 「わかった、つまり、冒険者になりたいってことだな!」 「違います」 間髪をいれず否定。 むぅ......ではなんなのだ? 「私は両親にこそ迫害され諸悪の根源の屋敷を出ようとは思ったが、帰りたい場所などなかったぞ?」 「............貴方ほど強ければ、帰らなくても居場所は作れるでしょうけど、俺は貴方ほど強くない」 「鍛え方が足りないんだろう。両親に甘やかされて、自身を鍛える努力を怠った己の怠慢が原因だな。......なるほどな、我が妹と仲良くなれるはずだったワケだ」 カイン君改めスミス君が顔を上げて私を見た。 なかなかに、プリムローズは甘ったれたクズ男を見抜く目があるようだ。 ............待て待て。それってことは? ソード教官に目を付けた、ってことは? ソード教官もそういう部分があるのか? ソード教官を見たら、途端にグリグリされた。 「まーたおかしなこと考えてねーか?」 ブルブル首を振った。 「産みの親でもない両親に優しく育てられて良かったな? 私は産みの母親から虐待まがいの躾をされ、父親らしき男からは『相手の男は誰だかわからないだろうから、自分が父親とは限らないぞ』と言われたぞ? まぁ別に以降は居場所がないなどとは思わず、悠々自適に過ごしていたがな。コツは、とっとと他人への期待を捨てることだ。自分が他人を思うとおりに動かしたいと思うから、いつかどこか居場所があるところに帰りたいなどという愚にもつかない妄想を抱くのだ。他人は他人で生きているのだ、そいつらはそいつらで勝手に動く、自分は自分で勝手に動け」 スミス君、ぼう然と聞いていた。 「さて、スミス君は大した努力もしてない甘ったれたボウヤで大した力はないと確信したところで、ソード、お祓いだ。任せた」 「......お前ってホンット、相手の心をバッキバキに折ってくるよな。俺、泣きそうになっちゃったよ」 なんでだよ?
The guildmaster had put up a big notice at a conspicuous place in the merchant guild, announcing, 『Indra ― member of the S-Rank adventurer party Allrounders, a great mage, and a grand sorcerer ― is researching ground-breaking dishes that use milk as main ingredient!』. I had stored the milk at the guild, filled it into a huge bottle, and was now observing the progress inside the bottle. The adventurer guildmaster was present as well, and so were interested merchants, restaurant aunties, and even the stall boy. “...As you can see, the upper part has hardened into a more solid body while the lower part has remained fluent, right? This is a sign that water and oil within the milk have separated.” “””Ooohhh!!””” They were amazed, but did they actually understand what I said? Well, even if they don’t get it, it might be fine as long as they get the desired results. “So, now it’s divided into three sections: a clear top layer, a middle layer, and a bottom layer. You could watch the progress of separation in the milk as I filled it into a bottle for easier observation, but usually you’d put it into a barrel which makes it easier to scoop it out later, so use that method. Also, the barrel you use for this has to be washed out with boiling hot water! That’s absolutely necessary! Doing or not doing it has a big impact on the durability of the milk!” They were amazed, but did they actually understand what I said (second time)? “The top layer is rich in fat. As such it already has a wide range of utility even in this state, but what I’d like you to make out of it by all means is...” I filled the top layer into another bottle, and shook it. At high speed. It was done in no time. “Ah! Somehow it separated!” “Yes, that! If you shake it, the water and fat will separate even further, resulting in a solid oil. This has a great taste, and if you store it in a cool place, it’ll last longer than milk. Though I can’t tell you how long since I haven’t actually tried it out myself yet.” I smeared the solid oil on a slice of bread, and bit into it. ...At once I was on the verge of crying. “Great, [butter] is just a dream!” The people around me swarmed towards the bread and butter, sampling it. “Oh! Amazing! This is superb!” “It has a milky aroma, but it’s really dense!” “Yeah, this is definitely great stuff. It’s a tad different from your [pseudo-butter], isn’t it?” Sword remarked while eating. “Yep, that one contains various ingredients. ...This one here can be eaten just like that, and if you add it to fried food, it’ll give the stir-fry an aroma that makes it taste like high-class food. Also, since I’m going to use this for the creation of your local specialty, make sure that you’re able to make this while blindfolded. By the way, use the creamy part of the top layer. You can also use the liquid, but it’ll increase the time needed for shaking, okay? I need less than ten seconds, but any ordinary person is going to need around ten to thirty minutes, so resolve yourself and keep shaking.” Everyone froze. “Now then, as for the remaining liquid, the middle layer can be drunk just like that. It’s lost its thickness, but in reverse, it’s become possible to drink it easily. As for the bottom layer, I’ll experiment on changing it into another foodstuff next.” I poured it into a pot, and heated it up over a low flame. At that point, I got praised, “It’s magic...!” “Nothing less of a great Mage...!” ...I see. I used it very naturally, but for them it’s not that common a sight. “When steam starts to rise, stop it before bubbles appear on the surface. At this point, you enter plenty of sour fruit juice.” And then I stirred the mass around. “When it cools down, heat it up once more. ...I think it should be fine like this.” I divided it, put it into a cloth, and filtered the water out. “Usually it’d be better to filter it after around a day. I’ll leave it to rest like this, but feel free to sample this version which is somewhat watery.” Before straining, I prepared two versions, one dressed with sweet fruits and another dressed with salty meat, and sampled them. “Uuhh...it’s [cheese]...!” I was deeply moved. “It’s slightly sour, but still sweet.” “What a funny taste.” The evaluation was somewhat lacking in comparison to the butter. “It tastes like it’d go well with wine,” was Sword’s assessment. “This is something you’d usually use for making sweets, but if you sprinkle it over fruits or grilled veggies, the dish will 『look high-class』.” “””I see.””” Everyone agreed. “The remaining juice over here has a high nutritional content even if you drink it just like that, but if you add salt to it and thoroughly pickle veggies in it, they’ll become long-lasting and sour. Since it’s also good for your body, I think it’d be a great idea to sell it as food pickled in milk acid. Especially during winter when green veggies are scarce, you can eat those as a substitute since the pickled veggies become very long-lasting if you keep them stored in the coolest place available to you. Now then, the next part is going to take some time. But it’s totally worth it. It’d be best to use this as your restaurants’ special local dish. I call it 『Stew with White Sauce』.” “...Umm.” The boy raised his hand. “What is it, boy?” “Milk stew already exists, you know?” I grinned broadly, “It’s probably different from what you know. You’ll understand once you try it.” “This here is 『Stew with White Sauce』. 『White Sauce』 has extremely many uses for cooking. You can also roast meat, finely cut up veggies and fry them, and finish it up by pouring the 『White Sauce』 over the meat and veggies. In such a case it’ll 『look high-class』. Also, if you fry the veggies in the pot where you roasted the meat without washing it first, and add the 『White Sauce』 to it, the taste will improve even further.” I’m calling each and every single dish 『high-class』, but since those are supposed to become their local specialties, I want them to regard the dishes as important. They swarmed towards the table with the food samples like starving wolves, and after eating, they were extremely pleased with the stew. “I’ve never eaten anything so delicious!” “Even nobility doesn’t get to eat something so great!” “This is going to sell! I’m absolutely sure!” “Oh, it does resemble the usual soy milk stew you make, but it’s got its differences.” Sword commented. “That one is fine in its own right, and I’ll keep making it in the future. But, sometimes I crave to eat something richer like this.” Above all, I can’t obtain milk as easily as soybeans, and since there’s plenty of other dishes made out of butter, I plan to keep using soy milk for stew. Now then, there’s still plenty of other recipes left. I haven’t used the 【Fresh Cream】 yet, but even if I taught them any more recipes, their memorization capacity should have reached its limit around now, so I’d like them to individually research the rest after seeing the dishes. I taught them basic variations, so it’s up to them to come up with ideas how to put them to use. Given that everyone in the town willingly agreed with me catching a few charge cows, I wanted to go catch them right away...but before that I had to prepare a bit. I produced fodder resembling silage (at least I think it’s called that). “Now it’s time to depart!” Sword smiled wryly at me, who was super motivated, but as he apparently understood the greatness of milk-based dishes, he readily got on board with this endeavor. Since he said that it might be dangerous, Sword got the guild to put up a notification telling everyone to fetch the milk until noon and stay away from the mountains afterwards since we’d go there in the afternoon. Because of that, the people had already descended the mountains and started their businesses. Everyone was amiably waving their hands at me as I headed out in high spirits. “Please do your best at capturing them, okay?” “If you make some new, delicious dishes, teach us as well~” “Sure! I’ll make sure to properly choose the cows agreeing to accompany me! You make sure to develop milk dishes yourself! Milk is a great ingredient with an infinite amount of possibilities!” When I waved back while replying this, everyone suddenly broke out into laughter. Why? Sword was also laughing. “Why?” “It’s just that bottomless cheerful adventurers are too radiant.” “What are you talking about? You’re the same, aren’t you? After all, we’re a party!” “Haha, come to think of it, you’ve got a point there. That means they’re thinkin’ the same of me as well, huh?” Once I nodded, Sword laughed once more while caressing my head.
商人ギルドにて、大々的に『Sランクパーティ、オールラウンダーズのメンバーで、大魔術師であり大魔導師であるインドラ様が、ミルクをメインにした画期的な料理を研究!』と掲示を出した。 私は、商人ギルドに詰めて、ミルクを大きな瓶に詰めて、経過観察中。 「......この状態、上の方に固形物が固まり、下の方はサラサラの状態になるだろう? これは、ミルクの中にある、水分と油分が分離している」 感心してるが、理解しているか? まぁ、理解してなくてもいい、結果さえ出れば良いんだろうから。 「で、上澄み、中間、下と分ける。今回見やすいように瓶に詰めて経過観察したけど、普通に樽に入れれば汲み取りやすいので、そうしろ。あと、使う樽は、必ず! 熱湯をかけろ! ミルクの日持ちが違うからな!」 感心してるが、理解しているか?目) 「この上澄みは、脂肪分が豊富なのだ。このままでも用途は広いのだが、是非に作っていただきたいのは......」 瓶に入れて振った。 あっと言う間に出来上がり。 「あ! なんか、分離した!」 「そう、その通り! 振るとさらに脂と水が分離し、固形のオイルになるのだ。これは風味も良く、涼しいところにおけばミルクよりは日持ちする。どのくらいかは実際試さないと何とも言えないな」 薄切りパンに塗って試食。 ......涙が出そうになった。 「うまい、[バター]、うまい」 その場にいる人間も群がって食べた。 「あ! すごい! これ、おいしい!」 「ミルクの香りがするのに、すごく濃厚!」 「お、確かにうまいな。お前が言ってた[バターモドキ]とはちょっと違うか?」 「そうだな、アレはいろいろ入ってるから。......これはそのまま食べてもヨシ、炒め物に入れると炒め物に風味がついて高級そうな料理になるぞ。あと、これを使った、名物料理を開発するので、これは絶対に作れるようにしてくれ。ちなみに、上澄みはクリーム状の部分を使うこと。液状のところを入れてもいいけど、振る時間が長くなり、大変だぞ? 私なら十秒かからないが、普通の人間なら十分分ほどかかるので覚悟して振ってくれ」 みなさん、固まった。 「さて、残りの液体だが、中間層は普通に飲んでもいい。濃厚さはなくなるが、逆にさっぱりと飲めるようになる。下層は、これから別の食材に変える実験をする」 鍋に入れて、弱火で温める。 ところで、「魔術だ......!」「さすが大魔術師様......!」と感心された。 ......そっか、当たり前に使ってたよ。 「湯気が立ち、泡立つ手前で止めること。ここに、酸っぱい果汁をたくさん入れる」 そしてぐるぐる。 「冷めたらまた温める。......こんなものだろう」 布に入れて、こす。 くらいこした方がいい。このまま放置、だが、水分多めのこちらを食べてみよう」 こす前のを、甘い果物に和えたバージョンと塩漬け肉と和えたバージョンを作って試食。 「うう......[チーズ]だ......!」 「ちょっと酸っぱいけど甘い」 「面白い味だな」 と、バターより若干評価は低め。 「酒に合いそうだな」 「これは、本来はお菓子に使うものだが、焼いた野菜に振りかけたり、果物に振りかけたりすると『高級そうに見える』」 「「「なるほど」」」 全員が納得。 「こっちの余った汁は、そのまま飲んでも栄養価は高いのだが、これに塩を加え、野菜を漬け込むと酸っぱくて日持ちのするものになる。体にも良いので、ミルクの酸で漬けたものとして売り出してもいいと思う。特に冬場の青菜が不足する時期に漬けて一番寒いところに置いておけば、かなり日持ちするぞ」 「では、次からは時間がかかるぞ。だが、それだけの甲斐はある。これを食堂の名物料理にするといい。名付けて『白いソースの煮込み』」 「......あの」 「なんだね? 青年よ」 「ミルクの煮込みは、ありますよ?」 「たぶん、それとは違う。食べてみれば解る」 「おお......!」 「これが、『白いソースの煮込み』だ。『白いソース』は応用が非常にきく。肉を焼いて、細かく刻んで炒めた野菜と和えたコレをかけても『高級そうに見える』その場合、肉を焼いた鍋を洗わずにそのまま野菜を炒めコレを入れると味が良くなる」 いちいちが『高級そう』なんだけど、名物料理ってからにはそれも大事かな、と思ってさ。 試食はすごい群がりよう、そして大絶賛だった。 「こんなにうまい料理は食べたことがない!」 「貴族サマでも食べてないぞ!」 「これは絶対売れる!」 「お、確かにいつも作ってる豆汁の煮込みとは似てるけど違うな」 「アレはアレでいいし、今後もアレは作っていく。だが、たまにこういうコッテリしたものも食べたくなるのだ」 何よりミルクは豆ほど気軽に手に入らないしバターを使った料理は他にもいっぱいあるので、シチューは豆乳でいくつもり。 他にも料理はまだまだある、まだ【生クリーム】使ってないしね、とは思ったけど、これ以上教えても飽和すると思うので、あとはものを見て個人研究してほしい。 町の皆さんにも快く捕獲の同意を得たので、早速捕獲......の前に、仕込みを行う。 「いざ! 出陣!」 張り切ってる私に苦笑をしてるソードだが、ミルクの料理がおいしいってのは理解したみたいで捕獲には乗り気になってきた。 危険があるかもしれないから、と、皆がミルクを汲み終わった後、昼過ぎくらいに行くことにし、危険だから念のためその頃までには山を下りてくれとソードを通してギルドに通達してもらったので既に山を下りて、もう商売を始めてる。 皆、好意的に、張り切ってる私に手を振ってくれる。 「頑張って捕獲してくださいねー」 「またおいしい料理開発したら教えて下さーい」 「おう! ちゃんと来てくれることに同意してくれる子を選んでくるぞ! ミルクの料理は、自分たちでも開発しろ! まだまだ無限にあるぞ、ミルクは偉大だ!」 手を振り返しつつ応えると、ドッと笑いが起きた。 なぜだ。 ソードも笑ってる。 「なぜだ?」 「底抜けに明るい冒険者が眩しいんだよ」 「何を言ってる。お前もそうだ。何しろ、私たちはパーティなんだからな!」 「ワーオ。そういえばそうだったわ。じゃ、俺もそう思われてるってコトか」 うなずくと、ソードがまた笑って、頭をなでてきた。
Before I noticed, I turned , and the maids threw a grand birthday party for me. From the very start, the servants, and especially the maids for that matter, loved to doll me up. Since they’ve been insistently telling me to grow out my hair, I’ve followed their request. And after they dolled me up, the servants, who have been with me since my days at the Springcoat mansion, praised me highly for my beauty. On the other hand, Sword and the new servants watched all of this with slightly strange looks. Sword even went as far as telling me to my face, “Somehow, you know...you still look like your crossdressin’ as a woman. I prefer your usual outfit, to be honest.” After the celebratory gifts, I gave a closing remark. “Because things have settled down now, I’ll return to adventuring again,” I announced, using the lucky opportunity of everyone having gathered. Everyone agreed with Sword when he answered while scratching his head, “For starters we’ll visit the capital and the sea. I mean, Ys is simply too small for Indra.” While being regretful to part with them, I also informed my pets (cows, chickens, and slimes) about it. For those reasons, we started to get ready for traveling. Sword would apparently take Bronko and Char with him, out of sheer obstinacy. Bronko would be fine since it could be stored away in his Ryoku, but Char is quite big. It has the size of an average minivan. I told Sword to give up on it since it’d be hard to cross the mountains like that, but he claimed that he’d stuff it into a huge magic bag and carry it himself if it became necessary. Well, then it should be alright, I guess. Char is a mobile home, and it’d definitely be more comfortable to travel in it during rain. Toilet matters can be handled inside as well, as long as I ask the slime Sli-rin (simple) to handle the cleaning. So it’s perfect. As might be expected, it’d be asking too much to have a function to shrink down a golem with one touch. Should I develop that capsule which would allow cars and airplanes to appear alongside a boom and some smoke, if you pressed a button and tossed it? At first we departed in Char. I think we’d have been faster if we had ran by ourselves. But, oh well, whatever. It’s not like we’re in any hurry with our journey. Thus we had leisurely set off with everyone waving us goodbye. On the road, Sword suddenly started to tell me to sing. He even brought my lute with him! “......I’m not really planning to become a songstress, so I won’t take any money for this, but if a girl as beautiful as me sings a song, it’d be very reasonable to demand a wage for it, you know?” I added before I started to sing. My songs covered everything from nursery songs to rock. Sword laughed, “You always start dancin’ as soon as you sing, don’t you? Is that also normal in that other world of yours?” “There are times where I sing while remaining still. Or rather, my otherworld self didn’t dance. This body tends to start dancing when I sing, for some reason.” I also think that it’s kind of weird, but my body simply dances on its own accord. Well, since we’re inside Char, I haven’t danced that much yet, but if I sang outside, my body would dance wildly, I’m sure. Which reminds me...when I gave the mini-live in the dining hall, I also danced, didn’t I? Since Sword started to pester me about wanting to ride Bronko a little while later, I offered “Then, how about we let Char run on auto, and I ride with you in the back? It’d be a tandem touring.” Sword immediately warmed up to that idea. “Can the auto control run completely independently?” “It’s possible to make Char follow Bronko. You can also set the location where Char will follow. However, you’ll need to ride Bronko while considering the road’s width for Char, okay? It’s a function I added, expecting that you might ask to let you ride Bronko. Well, it’d also be possible for me to drive, but...” I’ve grown much taller, but I’m still much shorter than Sword. His legs are long too. In other words, I don’t know whether I’ll be able to reach the pedals. I’ve made sure that you can adjust the seat as needed, but since it’s Sword’s exclusive Char, there are limits to this. I simply didn’t take into consideration that I’d drive Char myself. Then again, there’s also the remote controller as an option. Just, driving inside Char while steering it with the remote controller...that’s way too outlandish, seriously. We did a tandem touring with Bronko. It’s really been a long time since I last rode a motorbike. Moreover, in a tandem set up. No, it’s my first time over here, isn’t it? “Yep, the wind feels really nice.” “Right!? Thank you lots and lots for havin’ made this, seriously!” So he likes it that much, huh? All of a sudden, Sword asked, “...Did you ride like this with a man in your previous world too?” “No, not that I remember. It was limited to the instructor, who taught me how to drive, and friends who liked riding a bike just like me. You get the highest kick out of enjoying something with people who share your preferences. Given that bikes were more of a niche hobby, I didn’t have that many friends riding one either.” “I see.” I was startled when he asked me out of the blue. “What is it all of a sudden?” “Nothin’ in particular. Just thought you remembered somethin’ ‘gain because your voice became so nostalgic.” So that’s the reason. “Well, rather than nostalgic, it’s a first for this body. The bike I rode before had a different shape. The previous one looked more like a locust...” “Then it’s good you didn’t build a locust! Thank you very much for using this design!” He shouted his thanks at me. A locust shape is cute as well, you know? Our journey proceeded well. The people we passed were surprised by Char and the Ryokus, but once they played the standard greeting, we got them to understand that they’re golems...apparently. It seems they could come to terms with the line 『Sword’s exclusive』 the most. Come to think of it...the Ryokus learned the songs I sang (or rather was asked to sing) often. At some point they began to sing together with me! “It’s proof that music is essential for adventuring! By just singing a song you already feel like you’re on an adventure!” “Well...I s’pose that does apply for the song your singin’. They’re all cheerful.” When I sang 【Tiny Adventurer】 while making a random parody out of it in the language of this world, it received raving praise, and Sword started to request it often. Since I sang often, the Ryokus became very decent at it as well. When they started to sing on top of Char after announcing, “I’m going to sing a song from now on!”, the adventurers around us first got startled, but then soon started to applaud. To the Ryokus. ――As such, our journey was going well, but it seemed like Bennyboy had a fair share of trouble on his side. That’s super weeeird! He said that S-Rank adventurer held quite a mettle as title, and moreover he also added the line, “I may look like this, but I’m actually a friend of the S-Rank adventurer Mr. Sword! Ahem!” On one occasion he almost had his cargo stolen by governmental officials during a gate inspection, so he contacted us through the wireless communication device. Since I was looking forward to things happening, I exclaimed, 『We’re going to head over right away! If you like, let them steal the cargo! I’ll get there at once, and tear off their skin while they’re still alive! Then I’ll paste their skin to the walls of their homes! It’s okay! As long as I use my own healing potion, they’ll heal up! Probably! Since I’ve never tested it myself, they’ll be the perfect specimen for test runs! Also, I wonder how much I should torture them? Oh well, whatever, I’ll try out various things once I get there! Make sure to note down their names! Though it’d also be great if you could make sure of their looks! Yahooo! This got my blood pumping!!』 My conversation with Bennyboy was audible from the speakers, so when the officials heard what I said, most of them ran away. The guy, who seemed to be the leader of them all, was caught by Pale Moon of Dawn. I hear he apologized with his whole body trembling while in tears. 『Ah, S-Rank Sword speaking. I think you got it after having heard my partner, but she has a screw loose. She believes she can do anything as long as it doesn’t kill you in the end. If you don’t wanna go through an experience that would make you beg to be killed, you should stop messin’ around, I think』 『Mr. Sword, just let me tell you in advance, but they all ran away after having heard Lady Indra’s previous comment』 Since Bennyboy said so, I snatched the microphone out of Sword’s hand. 『What about the cargo? Was it stolen? It was stolen, right!? I’m coming over right away! What, with my ability we can catch them all in one swoop! It’ll be easier than catching dirty rats! I mean, it should be fine to treat crooks, who steal the belongings of others, worse than dirty rats! After all, dirty rats don’t steal other’s belongings! Alright, wait for me! Be right there!』 『Wait a sec, stop, stop. You meant this seriously? Were you going to pull off a torturing worse than what you did to the sorcerer gramps before?』 『Don’t ask the obvious! Something like stabbing needles between nails and the nether region doesn’t even count as torture! Also, didn’t I fix him up nicely with a healing potion afterwards?』 『Ah, Lady Indra, I’m terribly sorry to interrupt you while you’re having fun, but nothing has been stolen. Also, the leader guy has been begging us while prostrating to hand him over to the guards. Also, could I have you stop now since the story just now caused the guys to pop a boner?』 I got fervently soothed by the two. With the goods safe and the checkpoint’s supervisor (quite a bigshot) apologizing while prostrating himself, Bennyboy’s side could apparently pass without any further issues. Just, I wonder, why do I never experience such thrilling events?
いつの間にか私はになっていて、メイド嬢たちが盛大にお祝いをしてくれた。 髪も伸ばしてほしいと言われているので、現在徐々に伸ばしている。 そして、昔からの使用人たちは着飾った私を絶賛するのだが、ソードや新参者たちが実に微妙な顔をする。 「なんだかなぁ......。女装感が抜けないんだよなぁ。俺、いつものお前の方がいいわ」 お祝いの後、最後のシメで挨拶をし、 「落ち着いたのでまた冒険者家業に戻る」 「とりあえず、王都と海の方を回ってくるわ。インドラにゃ、イースの町だけってのは小さすぎるだろ」 ペット(牛と鶏とスライム)にも言い聞かせ、別れを惜しんだ。 ソードは根性でシャールとブロンコを持っていく、らしい。 ブロンコはリョークに収納出来るから良いとしても、シャールはかなりデカい。 山越えは無理だから諦めろと言ったが、いざとなれば巨大マジックバッグに入れて背負ってくそうだ。 まぁ、それなら良いよ。 トイレ問題はスライムのスラリン(安易)に頼めば中でも出来る。完璧。 カプセルタイプの、ほうり投げたらBON! って爆発と共に車や飛行機が現れるアレを開発するべきなのか? 最初はシャールで出発。 私たち、たぶん、自前の足で走った方が速いよ? のんびりと、皆に手を振って見送られながら出発した。 途中でソードが「歌え」とか言い出した。 「............。私は別に歌姫を目指してはいないので金はとらないが、私ほどの美少女が歌を歌ったら、金を取るモノなんだからな?」 童謡からロックまで。 「お前って、歌ってると踊り出すよな。それも別世界では普通か?」 「じっとして歌う場合もある。というか、別世界の私は踊らなかったな。この身体、歌ってるとなぜか踊り出すのだ」 車中だからまだそこまで踊ってないけど、コレ、外で歌ったら踊るだろう。 そういえば、食堂でミニライブやったときも踊ってたな。 その後、ブロンコに乗りたいと言い出したので ソードが途端にその気になった。 「オート操縦って、完全オートいけるのか?」 「ブロンコに追従出来るぞ。追従する位置も決められる。ただ、シャールの幅と道を考えて走れよ? お前がブロンコを走らせたい要望があるだろうから加えた機能だ。まぁ、私が運転してもいいのだが......」 大分背は伸びたが、ソードはまだまだ身長が高い。 座席位置はちゃんといじれるようにしてあるが、それでもソード専用車、限界があるからなぁ。 まぁ、リモコンもあるんだけどね。 ブロンコでタンデムツーリング。 久しぶりにバイク乗った。しかもタンデムで。 「うん、気持ちがいいな」 「だよな! よくもまぁ作ってくださいましたありがとうございます」 そんなに好きか。 「......前いた世界でも、こうやって男と乗ったのか?」 「いや? 乗り方を教えてくれた教官や、同じくこの乗り物が好きな仲間とだな。楽しみは、同じ趣味を持った連中と楽しむのだ。特にこの乗り物はかなり趣味が偏るので、そう仲間はいなかった」 「そうか」 唐突に訊かれてびっくりした。 「どうした? 唐突に」 「別に? なんかお前が懐かしそうな声を出したから、またなんか思い出したのかと思ったんだよ」 そういうことか。 「まぁ、懐かしいというか、この身体では初だが。前に乗っていたのとは違う形だしな。前のは、飛蝗のような形をしていて......」 「お前が飛蝗を作らなくて良かったわ! 本当にこのデザインにしてくれてありがとうございます!」 飛蝗の形もかわいいよ? すれ違う人々にシャール、及びリョークを驚かれるのだが、お決まりの挨拶を流すと、ゴーレムと納得してくれてる......ようだ。 『ソードさん専用』、っていう台詞が一番納得してるらしい。 そういえば......私がよく歌っていた(というか歌わされていた)ら、リョークが歌を覚えたよ! 「冒険者に音楽は必要だという証拠だな! 歌を歌うだけでもう、冒険をしている気分になる!」 「まぁ......お前が歌う歌はそうだよな。陽気な感じの曲だよな」 【ちびっ子冒険者】と、こっちの世界の言葉で適当に替え歌して歌ったら、すごく気に入ってリクエストされるようになった。 ――と、こちらの旅路は良いのだが、ベン君が中々に難儀しているらしい。 おっかしいなー、Sランク冒険者ってのは結構な肩書きだって言うから、追加で「僕はこう見えてSランク冒険者ソードさんの仲間なんだよ! エッヘン!」って言う台詞も追加したのにな? 一度なんか、検問所で役人から積み荷を奪われそうになり、無線連絡が来た。 『そっちへ向かうぞ! なんなら積み荷を盗ませろ! 私が即到着し、ソイツらの皮膚を生きたままはいでやる! それをソイツらの家の壁に貼り付けてやるぞ! 大丈夫! 私自らが作った回復薬があれば、多分治る! 試したことないから、ちょうど人体実験にもいいな! あとどんな拷問があったかな? まぁいい、着いたらいろいろ試す! ソイツらの名前を聞き出しておけよ! 人相で突き止めてもいいけどな! ウッヒョー! テンション上がってきたぁ!!』 って会話をスピーカーでベン君が流し、それを聞いた役人の大半が逃げ出し、リーダー格らしき男を明け方の薄月の連中が捕まえた。 震えながら涙を流して謝ったそうだ。 『あー、Sランク冒険者のソードだ。今の相棒の台詞を聞いてわかったと思うが、相棒は頭がイカレてる。命はとらなくて結果無事なら何をしてもいいと思ってるやつだ。死んだ方がマシって目に遭いたくなかったら、巫山戯たことは止めておくんだな』 『ソードさーん、その前に、さっきのインドラ様の台詞聞いて逃げ出しましたー』 ベン君が言ったので、ソードからマイクをひったくった。 『積み荷は? 盗まれたのか? 盗まれたんだよな?! 今から行く! 何、私の実力なら、全員捕まえられるぞ! ダーティラットを捕まえるよりも簡単だ! 何、人の物を盗む連中は、ダーティラット以下に扱って良いはずだ! なにせダーティラットは物を盗まないからな! よし、待ってろ! 今から行くぞ!』 『ちょっと、やめて。お前、本気だろ。前に魔導師のジーサンにやった拷問よかひどいことするだろ』 『当たり前だ! 爪の間と局部に針を刺すくらい、拷問のうちに入らないぞ! しかも回復薬で綺麗に治ったじゃないか!』 『あー、インドラ様、盛り上がってるトコ悪いんスけど、盗まれてません。あとー、リーダー格らしき男が憲兵に引き渡しを土下座してお願いしてきましたー。あとー、今の話で男連中のアレがひゅんってなったんで、やめてもらえますかー?』 からすっごい宥められ、積み荷が無事、且つ、検問所の責任者(かなり上の人)が土下座して詫びて、無事に通過したそうだ。 なんでそう心躍るような出来事が私たちにはないのかにゃ?
“...So well, as you can hear, Damsel Scarlet seems to possess the same memories as I do. However, she’s perfectly playing the part of being a young lady of the Ducal House Chaudgal.” “Makes sense. Most would be compelled to do so if born as a daughter of a ducal family.” I was speaking with Sword through the wireless transmitter, bringing him up to date on what happened earlier. “I’d love to have a long, nice chat with her, so I want to invite her to Char, but would that be okay with you?” “Sure. Want me to stay away?” “Why?” Sword laughed, “‘Kay, then I’ll sit in.” First I accepted her invitation to a tea party. Since I had been invited on a public occasion, I received a written invitation, before I visited. “Damsel Scarlet, you have my deepest gratitude for inviting me on this fine day,” I lightly kissed the back of her hand. I’m a woman, but...it can’t be helped since I’m visiting as a guy. Normally you’d have a maid – or a valet if it’s a man – bring a present for her, but I’m a commoner. When I considered asking Sword to play that role, Swannyboy said, “I must become someone’s valet in due time, so how about I help you as part of my training?” So I asked him to take care of that part. His manners were clumsy at best, but he was unexpectedly suitable for being a valet. “Here you go. ...I somehow managed to reproduce some sweets. Though there existed some ingredients I couldn’t get my hands on,” she explained and encouraged me to try her sweets. Hmm. “Milk can be procured in a town called Gheenie. However, it’s only consumed in Gheenie because of the lacking means of transport. Malt sugar and honey are the only sweeteners I’m aware of. For nobles it should be simple to obtain honey. Malt sugar is easy enough to produce, but it’s a source of income for me, so I cannot sell the production method.” Damsel Scarlet widened her eyes. “...Milk is...I see. It does make sense, doesn’t it? I mean, its shelf life is rather short. Still, malt sugar...even now that you mention it, I can only recall it as a vague memory that something like this might have existed... ...The cheat is strong in you, isn’t it, young man?” Why does she insist on treating me as a guy despite me denying it with all I have? “Do you know anything about [Baking Powder]?” “It’s not that I can’t make it. If you want to keep it simple, it’d be a mixture of carbonated water and citrus juice, right? As a noble daughter of a ducal family it should be simple enough to procure natural, carbonated water, no? But, carefully creating it in a workshop would be more comfortable on top of better-tasting.” “Yeah... I did bake yeast-based bread in the past, but I never went as far dabbling with sweets. I liked the process of making sweets, however.” Her articulation was gradually becoming more casual. “I used to be crazy about fermentation. I made all kinds of stuff in that direction. As for [Baking Powder], I was curious why something such as [Aluminum-free] had appeared on the market, and investigated it further. As a result I found out that it used the creation of carbon dioxide through a chemical reaction between alkali and acid. That’s why it’s fine to use anything as long as it foams. Carbonated water will work as well.” “Heeh!!” Hey, a young noble lady doesn’t go “Heeh!!”, right? Your maids are surprised (despite remaining expressionless). “...Umm, if your cheat works to such an extent, there’s another question I want to ask. ......Did you create [Soap]?” “Of course.” “For reaaaaal!?” Hey, your maids have started to become unable to keep up their poker faces! “Calm down. I brought it with me as a gift. [Curry Powder], too.” “H-H-H-How d-d-did yo-you m-m-m-manage t-to m-m-m-make s-s-s-s-soap!?” “Ahh, I’m the type who explores everything. At some point I also researched how to make [Caustic Soda]. I recreated that by using magic. ...It might be possible to produce it normally if you build the necessary tools and equipment, but magic will be indispensable for most parts of it. After all, you need electrolysis. By the way, it’s also a truly strong poison.” Hearing that, Damsel Scarlet was dejected. “......Would it work with lightning magic?” “No, it wouldn’t. The lightning magic in this world is no electricity. And it’s pointless if you don’t use magical electricity.” She let her head hang, crestfallen. “Now, now, I’m planning to build the facilities and teach workers for selling [Soap] in the near future. I’ll share my own soap with you until then, so don’t be disappointed. I guess I’ll pass you [Caustic Soda], if you can make it yourself. It’s very poisonous, though.” “......If you have finished [Soap], I’d like to request that. To be honest, I never made [Soap] before.” I see. I suppose you normally wouldn’t make soap yourself. When I tasted the black tea, I was slightly surprised. “Hmm... This is quite good,” I blurted out unintentionally. Well, it was tasty enough to make me do that. “If you like, you can have some black tea as my thanks for the [Soap]. It’s a black tea I had cultivated while using the full power of a ducal house.” In short, Damsel Scarlet acts as supervisor, huh? “Thanks. ...As might be expected, I haven’t gone as far as getting involved with black tea. Our place is all about making liquor. All my servants love their booze, and thus they’re brewing while even growing the raw materials.” After looking astonished for a moment, Damsel Scarlet giggled, “...Somehow you don’t seem to be a commoner at all. If I had to say, it reminds me of my chats with Prince Elias.” Mmh? Why does she bring up the crybaby-prince here? “...I’ll tell you the rest at our next meeting,” Damsel Scarlet said with a meaningful smile.
「......とまぁ、そういうわけで、スカーレット嬢はどうやら私と同じような記憶の持ち主らしい。本人、完璧にショートガーデ公爵令嬢を演じているけどな!」 「そりゃ、公爵令嬢に生まれたらそうせざるを得ないよね」 さっきあったことをお話しした。 「是非とも話を伺いたいので、シャールにご招待したいのだが、良いだろうか?」 「いいよ。俺、外した方がいい?」 「なんでだ?」 ソードが笑った。 公の場で誘われたので、招待状を受けとり、訪問した。 「スカーレット嬢、本日はお招きありがとうございます」 私は女なのだが......仕方ない、男子としての訪問だからね。 「僕、そのうち誰かの側近にならなくちゃいけないし、練習として手伝うよ?」 マナーは下手くそだったが、側近は意外と出来てた。 「どうぞ。......お菓子は、なんとか再現出来たの。いくつか手に入らないものがあるのだけど」 ふむ。 「ミルクは、ギーニという町で手に入る。ただ、輸送手段がないのでギーニでのみの消費になっているな。甘味料でわかっているのは、麦芽糖と蜂蜜のみだ。蜂蜜は貴族なら手に入れやすいだろう。麦芽糖は簡単だが、これは私の収入源なのでな、製法を売るわけにはいかん」 スカーレット嬢が目を見開いた。 「......ミルクは、そうですか、そうですよね、アレって、賞味期限が短いですものね。それにしても、麦芽糖......そういえばそんなのあったかなーと言う程度の記憶しか無いけれど......。......チートしてますね、インドラ君は」 なぜ、否定しまくってるのにあえて君付けする。 「[ベーキングパウダー]はわかります?」 の汁だろうな。公爵令嬢なら天然の炭酸水を手に入れられるだろう? だが、酵母でじっくり作った方が楽だしうまいぞ」 「うーん......。酵母パンは作ったことがあったんですけど、お菓子までは手を出したことなかったんですよねー。お菓子作り自体は好きだったんですけど」 だんだん口調が砕けてきた。 「私は発酵にハマったことがあってな。いろいろ作っていたのだ。[ベーキングパウダー]に関しては、なぜ[アルミフリー]とかいうのが出てきたのか気になって調べたことがあったのだ。結果、アレは、アルカリと酸の化学反応によ化炭素が発生する、それを利用したものだと理解した。だから、発泡するなら何でも良いのだ、炭酸水で良い」 「へー!」 おい、公爵令嬢が『へー』はないだろう。 「......あの。そこまでチート出来ているのなら、も質問があります。............[せっけん]、作れました?」 「もちろんだ」 「マジでーーーー!?」 おい、侍女たちがポーカーフェイスを維持出来なくなってきたぞ! 「落ち着け。手土産に持ってきた。[カレー粉]もだ」 「せ、せ、せ、せっけん、ど、ど、ど、どーやって」 「あぁ、私は何でも調べるタイプなので、[苛性ソーダ]がどのように作られるのかを調べたことがあるのだ。それを、魔術を駆使して作った。......器材を作れば作れないことはないだろうが、魔術は必須だな。あれは電解しないといけないからな。ちなみに、本当に劇薬だ」 聞いていたスカーレット嬢がしおれた。 「............それって、雷魔術でいけます?」 「いけないな。この世界の雷魔術は電気じゃない。電気の魔術を使わないとダメだな」 ガックリとうな垂れた。 「まぁまぁ。今度、職人と器材を作って、[せっけん]も売り出そうと思っている。それまでは私が作った物を分けてやるから、そうガッカリするな。自分で作れるなら、[苛性ソーダ]を譲ろうか? 劇薬だが」 「......出来上がった[せっけん]があるなら、[せっけん]でお願いします。正直、作ったことないので」 そっか、やっぱ普通は作ったことがないのか。 紅茶を口に含み、ちょっと驚いた。 「ふむ。......これはなかなか」 思わず言ってしまった。それくらいおいしかった。 「良かったら、[せっけん]のお礼にお持ちになります? 公爵家の権力を駆使して作ってもらった紅茶ですの」 つまり、監修はスカーレット嬢か。 「ありがとう。......さすがに紅茶にまでは手が回らんなぁ。うちは酒を造ってるのだ。使用人が皆酒好きで、今は原料から育てている」 「......なんだか、到底平民とは思えません。どちらかというと、エリアス王子と会話していたときを思い出します」 なんでここで泣き虫王子が? 「............その続きは、次のお招きの時に」
Several days later. I went to the place granny told me, dried the plants, and delivered them to her. In exchange, she kept her side of the deal, teaching me the effects of the medicinal plants every day. Sword has been abstaining from alcohol just as he had announced. He’s also avoiding any requests that involve saving the lives of others. Or rather, those requests seem to be rather rare. Which reminds me, it appears he hunted some amazing monster during a subjugation request, but I haven’t seen it. ...Sword sure is living the life of an adventurer. Me, on the other hand, I haven’t done any adventuring in a while. I’m making robots and contorting medicines. Or in other words, nothing you could describe as adventuring. ...But, it’s fine! Right now I’m in a period of learning! Once I’m done with this, I’ll adventure again! I want to hunt monsters...no, it’s pitiful to hunt them indiscriminately, so let’s go for a dungeon next! I’ll have Sir Dungeon Core pump out formidable enemies for me! “...Hey, don’t add weird functions to my Ryoku!” Sword scolded me after coming back. “Eh? Did something trigger?” “He started to tell me, 『Mr. Sword, my tummy hurts, so can we go home? Pwetty please?』!” Yikes! What was thaaaaaaaat!? “That one got triggered!? How enviable...!!” “Moreover, smack down in the middle of the guild!! I had absolutely no idea what to do, you know!?” “Just answer him, 『Where was your tummy again?』.” “As if I’d say that, silly!” What! “Ouch ouch ouch!!” “N-O-W L-I-S-T-E-N, don’t waste all your effort on bullshit, girl!” That’s no bullshit! “...So, how are things on your side? Are you about done?” “No, I’m already done.” ...is how it turned out at least. It looks like this request is a regular type. A request I shouldn’t have accepted as it’s always done by the same local adventurer. Since it pays way too little for the effort it takes, no one other than that girl had been accepting the request, but then I came along and took it up. It’d have been great if the guild staff would have told me all that in advance, but since the staff member knew about the usual adventurer having injured herself and thus being unable to do the request for a while, he had apparently let me do it since he saw no harm in it. When the adventurer in question wondered about the request not being up after having recovered, she heard about me having accepted the request in her absence and kept doing it all the time ever since then, flying into rage. She then stormed into the pharmacy, yelling, “So it’s you!? The one who stole my request!!” Granny and I stared at her blankly. ...Was she talking to me? And then granny explained the situation to the angry girl. She had apparently also thought that I, who had interest in medicines, had been sent here instead of the injured girl. “I see. It’s my bad then.” “You think all will be fine with that!?” “Obviously. Has anyone suffered any loss from this? Why haven’t you simply taken another request?” That caused her to completely stall. But, she recovered. “...You’re just causing trouble for the pharmacist!!” Once I looked at granny, she shook her head. “I haven’t had so much fun in a while now. Due to her not only being curious, but also very passionate and knowledgeable, it motivated me quite a bit as well.” “Yeah, it was a big help for me. I’d be troubled if weird side effects would appear from my medicine because they were nothing more than handmade contortions of a novice, but I think Sword and I would have been fine either way. However, after getting your advice, I’ve gained a bit of confidence.” We both smiled at each other, thinking from the bottom of our hearts that it’s great to have found a soulmate on this! ...But. “...That’s obviously a lie!! Isn’t it totally impossible that you haven’t caused her trouble!?” As she was screaming and ranting around, people started to gather. And she began to blather about me being a scoundrel and criminal who planned something evil to deceive granny. Granny tried to calm her by objecting, but the surrounding people had already sided with the girl, and at this point the situation started to go out of control, requiring suppression by force. Having Ryoku act as a messenger, I explained the circumstances to the authorities through the guild staff. The officials hauled in all the rioting folks, and had them stay in prison for having staged an uprising. Since I didn’t want Sword to hear about this, I kept it a secret. Anyway, after I explained the situation to the guild staff, he admitted his own mistake, and explained things to the girl. I don’t know whether that got her to calm down...no, it’s evident that she’s still upset, I suppose. It’s a foregone conclusion that she’ll pick another fight with me. Therefore I formally stopped doing that request ever since that day. I didn’t go to granny to bid farewell either, but it can’t be helped since I can’t get close to her anymore. “Okay, the requests on my side are done as well, so let’s leave soon. ...Or rather, this town been an unexpected waypoint anyway.” “Taking detours is what adventuring is all about!” “...You know, sometimes I’m really jealous of your bottomless positive view of adventurin’.” “...My training period is finally over! All that’s left after having obtained the necessary knowledge is to put it into practice!” “Leavin’ ‘side the golems, what’s the point in a trainin’ period for obtainin’ knowledge about medicines that aren’t even healing potions!?” He thrust a finger at me, looking sullen. “For your information, I can now make any medicine, be it healing potions or antidotes!” Sword jumped, apparently startled. “Haaah!?” “Those are magic tools! Magic tools you drink! And I can make magic tools!” “Huh!? Healing potions are magic tools, you say!?” “You have magic elements dissolve in liquid...well, it’s just plain water though...by adding herbs with a high density of magic elements. Once you drink that, it triggers a spell that converts into cells similar to those of a healthy body. Injuries and illnesses are cured thanks to this effect. Antidotes work in a similar way.” “...Seriously?” He was looking at me, dumbfounded, but it’s true. “You’re right, I think it’s amazing and incomprehensible how this world’s magic returns something to its previous state by just chanting something like 『Return to normal』, but I’ve become capable of analyzing how magic elements work! And recreating those analyzed spells is my specialty! So you see, magic elements contain extremely crucial potentials, but since they’re elements that didn’t exist in the other world, I want to heal without relying on them as much as possible. For this reason I studied medicinal plants.” After being lost for words, he stroked me. “You really love studyin’, don’t you? I feel like that part clearly shows your noble origin. You won’t find any adventurers who like desk work, you know?” “I don’t know about desk work, but I prefer knowing over not knowing. I want to make decisions for the future after I’ve understood things. However, I should add the limitation 『to a certain extent』. ...In short, for the reasons I told you just now, when push comes to shove I can make healing potions, and before that, I can also rely on magic, but since it goes against my principles, I made medicines.” I held out two paper packages to Sword. “Take this before drinking liquor. It will strengthen your [Liver]...the organ responsible for disassembling alcohol, and it’ll also improve your water metabolism. If you’re plagued by painful feelings, take this one. It’ll allow you to sleep soundly without seeing any nightmares while also improving your sleep’s quality.” Sword stared at me stupefied for a while. “...In other words, you went there because you wanted to make these?” “...Pretty much.” Afterwards he kept staring at me blankly for a while longer, and then showed me a smile that was so gentle as I’d never seen it before. “Thanks.” “......It has a bitter taste which the people of this world aren’t used to drinking, but put up with it.” “Gotcha.” He took the packages from me and stored them in his pocket. “...If you plan to spend your remaining years with me, don’t drink too heavily, okay? You’re a middle-aged guy, so if you indulge in liquor too much, you’ll croak early, got it?” “That’s none of your business! ...But, I’ll be careful.” Sword had been looking at me with a soft face all the time. ...Suddenly the phrase, “I’ll show you that I’ve got the same feelings even ten years down the line!”, crossed my mind. I said them to my lover, didn’t I? I also remembered the lines ten years later. “See, even ten years later I haven’t changed a bit, have I?” “Yeah, yeah, I realized as much even before that.” He had answered me as if it was only natural. That’s what I’ve recalled now. ――In other words, I thought the same about Sword. That I’ll feel the same even ten years down the line. There’s no romantic love nor affection between us. He isn’t my lover nor my friend. But, I’m sure, we’ll still be together ten years later.
代わりに薬草の効能を教えてもらう日々が続いた。 ちゃんと人命救助は避けてる様子。と、いうか、そんな依頼はあんまりないらしいね。 そういや討伐の依頼でなんかすごい魔物を狩ってきたらしいが、私は見ていない。 ......ソードは冒険者してるなぁ。 私も魔物狩りした......無闇に狩るのはかわいそうだから、ダンジョン潜っちゃうぞ! 「......お前、リョークに変な仕込み入れるな!」 「え? 何が発動した?」 「『ソードさーん、お腹痛いんで帰っていいですか?』って言い出したんだよ!」 なんですとーーー!? 「それが発動しただと!? なんてうらやましい......!」 「しかもギルドでだぞ!? 俺、どうしていいかわかんなかったんだぞ!?」 「ちゃんと、『腹ってドコだよ?』って切り返した?」 「言うか、バカ!」 なんだよ! 「いたいいたいいたい!」 「おーまーえーはー! くっだらねぇことばっかに力入れてんじゃねーよ!」 くだらなくないっ! 「......で、お前は? まだ終わりそうにないのか?」 「ううん、もう終わり」 ......になったというのかな。 いつも決まった地元の冒険者が受けてる、受けてはいけない依頼。 ギルド職員も教えてくれれば良かったのだけど、その子が怪我してしばらく依頼を受けられないのを知っていたので、ま、いいかとそのまま私に渡したらしい。 治ったその子が依頼が無いのを疑問に思い、聞いたら、依頼を受けてない間に私が受けてしまいました、しかもそれからずっと受け続けてます、と聞いて激怒。 「アンタね!? 私の依頼を横取りしたやつは!!」 私とおばあちゃん、ぽかーんと放心。 ......私に言ったのか? おばあちゃんも、てっきり彼女が怪我したので、代わりに薬に興味のある私が送られてきたと思ってたらしい。 「そうか、それは悪いことをした」 「それで済むと思ってんの?!」 「思うに決まってるだろう。誰が損してるんだ。君も、別の依頼を受ければ良いだけの話だろう?」 ぐっと詰まった。が、開き直った。 「......アンタが! 薬師様に迷惑をかけてんのよ!!」 「ここしばらくないくらいに楽しかったよ。興味があるだけじゃなく、熱意も、知識もある子でね、私も随分と刺激になった」 「あぁ、私も助かった。門外漢の素人の手作りだからな、変な副作用が出ても困るが、自分とソードが飲む分には平気だろうと思ってたんだ。でも、貴女から助言をいただけて、自信が持てた」 良かった、ここに同士がいた! って心強く思えたしね! ......と。 「......そんなの!! うそに決まってるでしょ!! 迷惑かからないワケないじゃない!?」 で、彼女は私が極悪人で悪いことをたくらみおばあちゃんを騙す犯罪者だと言いだし、おばあちゃんは違うと宥めたが周りが彼女に同調してもう収拾がつかないようになり、武力を以て鎮圧。 リョークに使いに行ってもらい、ギルド職員を経由し官憲に事情を説明。暴れた連中を全員しょっ引いて、暴動を起こしたってことでお泊まりしてもらったらしい。 で、ギルド職員に事情を説明され、職員も手落ちを認めて彼女に説明。 落ち着いたかは解らない......いや落ち着いてないだろうね、またもめること必至。なので私はその日を以て依頼は受けない、と相成った。 「じゃあ、俺の方の依頼落終えたし、そろそろ行くか。......つーかよ、通過点なんだけどな、この町」 「冒険には寄り道がつきものだろ!」 「......お前のその底抜けに明るい冒険者に対する感想が、たまに羨ましくなるよな」 「......ようやく修業時代が終わる。知識は得た、あとは実践だ!」 「ゴーレムはともかく回復薬でもねー薬の知識を得るのが修業時代かよ」 「言っとくけどな! 回復薬にしろ解毒薬にしろ、私は作れるぞ!」 ソード、びっくりしたらしく飛び上がった。 「はぁ!?」 「あれは魔導具だ! 飲む、魔導具! 魔導具は作れる!」 「はぁ!? 回復薬が魔導具だぁ?」 「液体......水だけどな、に、魔素濃度の高い草を漬け魔素を溶かし込み、飲むと健康な肉体と同じ細胞に変換する魔術を刻むんだ。これで怪我が治る、病気も治る。解毒薬も似たようなものだ」 「......マジか」 がく然としてるが、マジだ。 「確かにな、この世界の『元にもーどれ』って唱えれば元に戻る魔術は意味がわからないしすごいと思うが、魔素がどういうふうに作用しているかは私には解析可能なのだ! その解析した魔術を再現するのはお手の物! それでだな、非常に重要な可能性を秘めている〝魔素〟だが、別世界にはない成分だったので、できれば多用せずに治したいのだ。そのための勉強を、してきた」 絶句された後、なでられた。 「お前って、勉強家だよなあ。そこら辺お貴族サマだった、って感じだよな。冒険者でデスクワーク好きなやつなんて皆無だぞ?」 「デスクワークかどうかわからんが、知らないより知っていたい。知ったその先で判断したいって思うんだ。ただ、『ある程度』って言葉を添えておく。......つまりは、先の理由で、いざとなれば回復薬は作れる、の前に魔術を執行出来るが、主義に反する! ので薬を作った」 ソードに二つの紙包みを突き出した。 「酒を飲む前に飲め。[肝臓]......酒を分解する内臓を強くし、水分代謝を高める。つらいことがあり思い煩ったらこっちを飲め。寝付きを良くして嫌な夢など見ずにぐっすり眠れる」 ソードがしばらくぼうっと見た。 「......つまりはよ、コレを作りたかったから、通ってた、ってことか?」 「............まぁな」 そのまましばらくぼうっと見てた後、見たことないほど柔らかな笑顔を見せた。 「ありがとよ」 「............この世界の人間には飲みつけてない苦い味だが、我慢しろ」 「わかった」 受け取ってくれて、ポケットにしまわれた。 「............私と余生を過ごすつもりなら、あまり深酒するなよ? お前はオッサンだから、酒が過ぎると余生の前にポックリいくんだからな?」 「余計なお世話だ! ......けどな、気をつける」 ソードはずっと、柔らかい顔のまま私を見ていた。 ......ふと、「十年後、同じ気持ちでいると証明する!」というセリフが浮かんだ。 十年後のセリフも覚えてる。 「ホラ、十年後も変わらなかったじゃん?」 って当たり前みたいに答えられた。 それを今、思い出した。 ――つまりは、ソードに対してそう思ったのだ。 恋でも愛でもない、恋人でも友達でもない、でも、きっと、十年後も一緒に居る。
Climbing the mountains, we searched for charge cows. But, we couldn’t find any. Yep, I knew it. I’m a woman feared by monsters. “...Swooord, the charge cows might hate me.” “Ah, your talkin’ ’bout the 『monsters can tell strong foes apart』 thing? Shit, that immediately puts us in a bind. ...Okay, no choice, you get off the mountain. I’ll catch some myself.” No, no, no! I don’t wanna! I wanna catch some with my own hands! “Uuuhh...” As soon as I started to whimper with tears in my eyes, Sword tried to calm me by gently caressing my head. “No helpin’ it, I think. ...Or rather, it’s damn incredible that we haven’t run into a single monster so far.” Why!? Am I possibly emitting some smell that repels monsters?!? Just around the time when I was about to start thinking that I might as well leave the mountains after getting calmed by Sword... ...screams echoed across the mountain. “...Ah, come on, I told ’em to stay away since it’d be dangerous! And yet there’s still folk left up here?!” “Or rather, doesn’t it point towards them having been ambushed? The voice just now sounded like that of a boy!” It was a child’s voice. But since it wasn’t as high-pitched as a girl’s voice, I think it came from a boy. Once we rushed over, a monster was in the middle of attacking the boy called Serge. Probably because he had stumbled, he fell on the ground, resulting in him evading the monster’s charge by luck. But, he doesn’t seem to be skilled enough to defeat the monster himself. ...Hmm? This monster...is that possibly...? “It doesn’t look like a cow, but...is that a charge cow?” It’s black and is equipped with magnificent horns. If I had to describe it one way or another, I’d say it resembles a deer in some ways. Its face leans somewhat closer to that of a cow, I think? “Hey! Are you a charge cow?” Addressed by me, the monster looked my way. Ooohh! It seems to be intelligent! “Ooohh, good boy, good boy...Should I give you something to eat right now? It’s special fodder made by me!” Since it looked like it understood what I was saying, I took out the feed as a test. The boy was taken aback. “Ah, does it look like you’ll be able to capture it?” “Wait, this monster seems to understand me. I’ll try feeding it, and if it likes the fodder, I’ll give persuasion a go.” “...Talk? You’re going to talk with it? Well, okay, why not. Suit yourself. Once you’ve got your fill, I’ll capture it.” Sword said something disturbing. Meanwhile the boy booted back up. “T-This thing t-tried to kill me!!” “So? What about it? Don’t be such a pain in the ass and shut up.” Loud shouting might startle the charge cow. “It’s your fault for surprising it despite being such a weakling. If you don’t want to get killed, behave yourself. ...Good boy, calm down, I’ll protect you, okay?” The boy became astonished again. Meanwhile the charge cow had apparently taken a liking to the fodder, and began to greedily stuff itself after lowing, “Bhmoooh! (Delicious!)” And since it immediately started to release milk, I took out a container in a hurry, and fetched the milk. I gently brushed it while it was eating. “You like the food? ...Sword, it seems like it’s taken a liking to me! Once it finishes eating, I’ll try scouting it!” Why is he so apathetic about it? While I was frolicking around with the cow, the boy apparently recovered, immediately turned bright red, and shouted, “Y-You’re calling me a weakling!? Okay, I got it, I’ll prove to you how strong I am by defeating that charge cow...” “Hey, brat, why are you here?” Sword interrupted him coldly. The boy jumped with a start, and looked at Sword. “I got the guild to put up a notification, statin’, 『Please stay away from the mountains in order to avoid any danger while we’re capturin’ charge cows』, didn’t I? Indra taught you people new milk dishes, which she could have used as a source of income for herself, for free and treated the guildmasters to expensive wine, and this is the result? ...Ignorin’ the warnin’ put out by us is your own decision. But, then you’ve got no right to bitch ’bout get killed. Your just a damn nuisance for us.” “...Hey, how about coming with me? Wouldn’t you want to live on a farm prepared by me? I get it that you like the mount...oh, you’re going to come with me!? Great! So you’re going to accompany me!” “I got it!!” I tightly hugged the cow. “...Bah, and just as I’m havin’ a serious talk over here, our crazy genius is pullin’ some silly stunts. Hey, everythin’ ‘kay with your head?” Ignore! I’m going to ignore the peanut gallery! “Say, I’d like a few more of your friends to come with me. Any ideas for potential candidates? You’d feel lonely all by yourself, right? I won’t be at our base all the time either. Could you get some friends to come with you?” It replied, and trotted away. “Oi, it’s runnin’ away, you know?” “As if. I’ve explained the circumstances and we’ve agreed on it persuading its friends.” How rude! We properly understood each other! “For the time being, I’m going to put the milk in vacuum packs. This will lengthen its durability.” I decanted the milk, and sealed the packs. One hour of waiting later. Sword preached to me, “Give it a rest and give up already, will you? Take the brat and get off the mountain. I’ll catch you some charge cows.” But, just as I pretended to be deaf, I could hear a rustling, and that charge cow showed up! It has come back with friends! Sword and the boy were dumbstruck. “Oohh! You’re back! So you got two friends to come with you, huh!?” “Moooohh.” “Boooohh.” “Nice, nice, you’re good cows. I’m looking forward to working with you from now on. Want to eat some more?” “””Bhmooooh!””” In a hurry I took out the feed and fed it to them. And as they started to release milk, I fetched it with containers in a hurry. “...Holy shit, I feel like my common sense croaked just now. Yep, I’ll admit it, I’m still lackin’ experience on all accounts.” Sword grinned while watching this whole scene. “If you get surprised by something of this level, you’re still lacking experience for sure. But, I still have a long way to go as well! I look forward to our future adventures!” Sword laughed out loud, and ruffled my hair. “I see, your completely right. I still haven’t adventured enough, or rather, this is quite a decent adventurer tale, you know? Somethin’ like talkin’ with monsters and befriendin’ ’em...even a tamer wouldn’t be able to pull that off. ...And so, these guys are most likely unique monsters, I suspect. Look at their color.” Hmm? Color? The first child is black. Its friends are white. “Aren’t those their usual colors?” “Ordinarily it’d be light brown.” Certainly, that color would be possible, too. When I lifted my face, Black lowed, “Bhmooh!” “Oh, okay.” “Bhmoomoomoomoo!” “I understand.” When I talked with Black, the back of my head got slapped. “What kind of sketch are you pullin’ while lookin’ all serious!?” I rubbed the back of my head, “It’s no sketch. I talked with him. ―According to Black, he was born with this color, and it made him stand out. It caused him to get often attacked by other monsters and humans. He didn’t get fed like the other charge cows, and since I scouted him just as he was about to starve, he brought friends with similar circumstances over.” Sword looked at me dumbfounded, his mouth gaping open. “...What? Such magic exists, doesn’t it?” “What kind of magic!? Ain’t no friggin’ way for that magic ― whatever it might be ― to exist, is there!?” He thundered at me while sending his saliva flying. “...But it does, you see? You transmit your will by including it in magic elements and sound. At the same time, you read the other party’s will that got transmitted through their magic elements and sounds. It’s kinda similar to sound waves and light waves. It didn’t work like that in the other world, but as might be expected of this world, it’s really anything goes with magic.” “Hmm? ...Magic tools exist, don’t they? This spell is similar to the tool used by the guild, you know?” Sword blinked his eyes in confusion. “However, this magic has the downside that you won’t be able to talk with the other party if they can’t read your intent in the same way. They’ll know what you want to say, but they won’t be able to answer you in kind. Of course there are also creatures on whom this doesn’t work at all. Prime examples would be skeletons or ghouls. But I see, that means Black is smart!” I gently caressed him. “Eh? Then what ’bout me who can’t do it?” “You’re dumber than Black. Or to be more precise, you’re on the level of ghouls and skeletons.” “Teach me a bit! I feel like it’d be better for me to be capable of it, so please, teach me!” “Sure, but...even if you ask me to teach you... Besides, aren’t you already able to use it to some degree?” “Hah?” “Aren’t you awfully sensitive to other people’s bad intentions? Isn’t that coming from you picking up their will, albeit only the bad one? To me it seems like you’re constantly picking up all the ill will contained in other people’s words.” On top of having a tendency to be unfortunate, he possesses magic that allows him to perceive just the bad intents. He sure is a pitiful guy, isn’t he? “There, there,” I stroked his head. “You just need to train that magic to read the waves of ill-intent. ―Then again, I feel like you’d break if you seriously kept training that, but maybe that’s just my imagination?” “...I also think so. I’ll stay ‘way from it since it’s scary.” “For you it’d be better to study the magic I use to shut out sound instead. Since you’re insensible anyway, go ahead and learn that.” “Aren’t you casually dissin’ me there?” He objected in a bad mood. I feigned ignorance. Once I did, he pressed his hands against the sides of my head, and turned it around!! “Ouch, ouch, ooouch!!” With this and that happening, the feeding and scouting of the charge cows came to an end. “Since we won’t be able to enter town with these guys, let’s camp out! I’m going to wash them, okay? I’m sure their fur will become wonderfully nice and shiny once it gets cleaned up, you know?” “Yeah, yeah, do as you see fit. ...Anyway, how long are you plannin’ to stay ’round? Hurry up and go back home.” The boy, whose existence I had completely erased from my mind, was still present. While sitting on the ground grasping his knees with tears in his eyes, he glared at me. “You’re still bawling? You’re a real crybaby for a guy, aren’t you?” I admonished him. “Shut up! I hate you! Don’t talk to me!” He roared at me while crying. “I see, we share that sentiment. It’s very unlikely for me to ever get to like you. Now that we’ve established our mutual loathing, you can freely hate me as much as you like!” When I told him so with a smile, he got lost for words, and then cried even more. “Jeez, your really awful.” Wha-? Now it’s my fault!?
山に登り、チャージカウを捜す。 私、魔物から恐れられる女。 「......ソード~。私、もしかしてチャージカウに嫌われてるかもしれない」 「あー......。あの『魔物には強者が解る』ってヤツかよ。参った、いきなり頓挫したな。......仕方ないからお前、下山しろ。俺が適当に捕獲しておくから」 自分の手で捕まえたいんだい! 「うぅ~......」 涙目で唸ったら、ソードがヨシヨシとなでた。 「しょーがねーだろ。......つーか、ホントに魔物にエンカウントしねーんだよな、すげーわ」 私、もしかして魔物が嫌う匂いでも発しているのか?! ソードに宥められて下山しようかなと下りかけたとき。 「うわーーー! わーーー!」 叫び声が木霊した。 「......オイオイ、危険だからこの時間には下山しとけ、っつっただろうが。まだ人が残ってたのかよ?」 「と、いうか、待ち伏せてたんじゃないのか? 今の声は、少年のようだぞ」 少女ほど甲高くないので少年と思われる。 駆けつけると、サジー少年が魔物に襲われていた。 この魔物......もしや。 「牛には見えないが......チャージカウか?」 色は黒だし、立派な角あるし、どちらかというと鹿のような雰囲気だが。 「おい! お前はチャージカウか?」 話し掛けると、魔物がこちらを向いた。 おぉ! 賢そうだ! 「おぉ、ヨシヨシ。......今、ご飯をやるぞ? 私が作った特別製だ!」 話が通じそうなので、餌を出してみる。 「お、捕獲できそうか?」 「待て、この魔物は話が通じそうだ。ご飯を食べさせてみて、気に入ったなら説得してみよう」 「......話、うん、話ね。存分に話せよ、気が済んだら捕獲するぞ」 ソードが物騒なこと言ってるし。 「こ、コイツ! 俺を殺そうとしたんだぞ!」 「お前が弱いくせに驚かすのが悪い。殺されたくなかったら大人しくしてろ。......ヨシヨシ、私が守ってやるぞー?」 チャージカウ、餌が気に入った様子で「ブモー(おいしー)!」と叫ぶとガツガツ食べる。 そしてミルクを放出したので慌てて器を取り出して汲む。 「よーし、うまいかー? ......ソード、気に入ってくれたようだぞ! 食べ終わったらスカウトしてみよう!」 なんで投げやり? 私がチャージカウと戯れてる間に、少年が復活したらしく、見る間に真っ赤になって怒鳴ってきた。 「おい、テメ、なんでここにいんだよ?」 冷たい声でソードが遮り、少年がビクッとしてソードを見た。 「俺は、ギルドに通達してもらったぞ? 『俺達がチャージカウを捕獲してる間、万危険に備えて下山してくれ』とな。インドラが、金もうけの種になり得るであろうミルクの新しい調理法を無料で教え、ギルマス連中に金貨が飛び交うような高い酒を贈って根回しした結果が、コレか? ......別に俺たちが出した警告を無視するのはテメェの勝手だ。けどな、こっちだってテメーを殺したとしても文句は言わせねーよ。お前は、俺たちの、邪魔を、したんだ」 「......なぁ、お前、私と一緒に来てくれないか? 私の用意した牧場で、暮らしてくれないか? 山が気に入ってるのはわか......来てくれるか?! そうか! 来てくれるのか!」 「そうかー!」 むぎゅーっとチャージカウを抱きしめた。 「............って、シリアスに説教してる横でイカレた天才がバカやってるんだけどよ。おーい、アタマ大丈夫かー?」 無視だ、無視! 「なぁ、もう少し来てほしいんだが、心当たりないか? お前も一人だとさみしいだろう? 私も拠点にはずっといないんだ。仲間と一緒に来てくれ」 返事をすると、ノシノシ歩き出した。 「オイ、逃げられたぞ?」 「そんなわけないだろう、事情を説明にいって、仲間を説得してきてくれる手はずだ」 ちゃんと意思疎通出来てたじゃないか! 「とりあえず、ミルクを真空パックだな。これで日持ちがする」 真空にして蓋をする。 待つこと一時間。 「いい加減諦めて、その小僧連れて下山しろよ。俺が捕まえといてやるから」 ガサガサ音がして、あのチャージカウが! 仲間を連れて戻ってきた! ソードと少年、唖然。 「モォォォー」 「ボォォォー」 「ヨシヨシ、これからよろしくな。もう少し食べてくか?」 「「「ブボモォォォ!」」」 イソイソと取り出して与えると、またミルクを放出するので慌てて容器に汲み取る。 「............うわー。俺の常識がたった今崩れ去った気がする。俺ってまだまだ経験が足りなかったって気分」 「この程度で驚いていたら確かにまだまだ経験不足だぞ? 私だってまだまだだ! お前と冒険を楽しむぞ!」 ソードが笑って、頭をくちゃくちゃにする。 「そーだそーだった。俺もまだ冒険してなかった、つーか、コレ、結構な冒険譚だぜ? 魔物と会話して仲間にするなんて、テイマーですら無理だろ。......そんでもって、コイツら、恐らくユニーク種だぜ? 色、見てみろよ」 ん? 色? 最初の子が、黒。 「普通じゃないのか?」 「普通は茶色」 確かにその色もアリだな。 ......と、顔を上げた黒が、 「なるほど」 「ブモモモモー!」 「そうか、わかった」 会話してたら後頭部たたかれた。 「真面目な顔してなんのコントだよ」 「コントじゃない、会話してたんだ。――黒の言うことには、生まれついてこの色で、この色だと、目立つんだそうだ。他の魔物に襲われやすいし、人間にも襲われやすい。他のチャージカウのように餌をもらえないし、飢えていたところ、私が訪れて、スカウトしてきたので、同じような境遇の仲間を連れてきた、と言ってる」 ソードが口を開けて唖然としてる。 「......なんだよ、そういう魔術があるだろう?」 「どんな魔術だよ! それは!? あるわけねーだろ!!」 「......あるだろう? 意思を音声と魔素に乗せて飛ばす。音声と魔素に乗せられた相手の意思を読み取る。音波...音の波、光の波、それと似たような感じだな。別世界にはなかったが、流石は魔術のある世界。何でもアリだよな」 ソードが額を押さえてうめいた。 ......魔導具であるだろ? ギルドで使ってる、アレは、似た感じだぞ?」 「ただ、この魔術、相手に同じ意思を読み取る魔術が使えなくては話にならん。相手の言いたいことはわかるが、こちらの意思が伝わらないからな。会話が出来ないタイプもいた、最たるはスケルトン、グールだ。うーむ、黒は賢いぞー」 「え? じゃあ、出来ない俺って」 「黒よりも賢くないな。言うなら、スケルトン、グールレベルだ」 「ちょっと、俺に教えて。それは出来た方がいい気がする、教えて」 「いいけど......教えると言ってもなぁ......。それに、お前も半分くらいは出来てるんじゃないのか?」 「は?」 、意思を受け取ってるんじゃないか? 相手の言葉に乗ってきた悪意をお前はいっちいち拾い上げてるように思える」 不幸体質の上に、悪意の意思だけ聴き取れる魔術持ちって、不憫よね。 「その悪意の波動を読み取る魔術をもっと鍛えればいいんだ。――でも、それを研さんしていくとお前が壊れそうな気がするんだが、気のせいだろうか?」 「......俺もそんな気がしてきた。コワイからやめとく」 「むしろ私のようにシャットアウトする魔術を研さんした方がいいぞ。どうせお前は無神経なんだから、ソッチを研さんしていけ」 「さりげなくディスられてない?」 したら、両手で挟み込むようにグリグリされた!! そんなこんなで、チャージカウのお食事&スカウト完了。 「コイツらを連れて町には入れないから、野宿をしよう! お前たち、身体を洗ってやるからな? 洗ったらきっと素晴らしく美しい毛並みになるぞー?」 「ハイハイ、好きにしろよ。......つーか、お前、いつまでいる気だ? とっとと帰れ」 すっかり存在を忘れてた少年が、そこにまだいた。 「まだ泣いていたのか。男のくせにビービー泣くな」 少年に諭した。 「うるさいっ! お前なんか嫌いだ! 話し掛けるな!」 「そうか、それは気が合うな。私もお前のことは到底好きになれそうもない。お互い嫌い合ってるというなら、存分に嫌えるな!」 笑顔で言ったら、絶句した後、泣いた。 「うーわ、お前ってホントヒドイ」 え、私が悪いの?!
We checked the requests at the guild. “Hmm, I don’t see any requests that’d make my heart skip in excitement.” “I’m really envious of your positive mindset towards adventurerin’, you know?” Sword said something to me, but I ignored it. “Either way, we’ll leave this place behind as soon as we’ve wrapped up everythin’. This is the territory of 【Bloody Witch】. If we overstay our visit, things are goin’ to become a hassle.” “I see. So, is there any untrodden land to be found around here?” I asked the receptionist. “Hey, did you listen to what I’ve said?” Sword butted in from the side. “I got the part about turfs. But, going on an adventure in unexplored land is something different altogether, no?” “Yes, there is.” The receptionist told me. “In the northwestern forest you’ll find a gloomy place covered by a layer of miasma and filled with the cries of monsters, where the sunlight doesn’t reach. It’s said that no one has ever come back alive after entering...” “They merely got punished by 【Bloody Witch】, didn’t they? Stop givin’ her wrong ideas.” “Oh, so you already knew?” The receptionist stuck out her tongue. “Hmm?” “The magician and sorcery guild have a lot of power in this town, and both are on bad terms with the adventurer guild. The goal of the adventurers around here is more about buying magic tools or utensils related to magic arts. It’s also easier to get requests over at the other two guilds.” Come to think of it, we got stopped at the entrance to the adventurer guild. “The northwestern forest is the dwellin’ of 【Bloody Witch】. If you enter without permission, you’ll get blown away by all the spells and magic tools hurled at you from all over the place.” “So it’s no untrodden land? People are living over there, right?” Or is Ms. Bloody a demon? A “Whip-Wielding Corpse Mistress” – is that the setting here? “I got it! Basically you want to say that Ms. Bloody is no human, right!? I’ll ask her when I happen to run across her.” “Excuse me, I am terribly sorry. I will never say something like that again, so please forgive me.” The receptionist lady performed a magnificent dogeza. After we left the guild, Sword said with a grim face, “As you might have suspected, even I won’t suggest spendin’ the night in an inn over here. Campin’ out is much safer. If your sayin’ you’ve got no interest in magic tools, then let’s finish up the request quickly and hurry ‘long.” Sword was awfully on edge. I surveyed the town around me, but yep, it’s got nothing of interest. A magic street appearing in a city of fog when you hit some bricks in a certain order would have been extremely fascinating, but the magic tools around here are completely different. They’ve got no feel of fantasy, or rather, this town is more like a souvenir shop you’d find in a rustical hot spring district... “If it had been me, I’d want to decorate the storefronts with things like flying brooms, talking pots, books fighting each other, or other such thrilling attractions that would make people’s hearts throb in excitement.” “Your perception of thrillin’ is totally messed up! What would be the point in showcasin’ such useless things!? Are you lookin’ for toy stores or what?” “Yeah, a store for assorted mischievous goods would be nice. Sweets where your nose starts bleeding as soon as you eat them or something along those lines...” “Uff, that’s scary as fuck! Isn’t that just plain old poison then!?” I can’t get him to understand. “Oh right, a bank run by goblins or similar would be neat as well, I suppose.” I can’t get him to understand to such an extent that he actually apologizes to me. “I’ve understood that your feelin’ of thrill has gone completely haywire thanks to your otherworld knowledge.” Sword brought up while we were heading towards the summit of a mountain. Moreover, he comes up with a topic like that, despite being quite vigilant. “Look, having the mind of a child can also lead to technological development, you know? For example, the Ryokus. They’re modeled after golems I adored very dearly. I’ve also made other things because I thought it’d be nice to have them, but I admire passion towards perfection. It’s not like I want to straddle a broom and fly through the sky on it myself, so I wouldn’t make one for such a reason, but I’d like to create a flying broom because of that passion.” I’ve got no interest in it myself, but I’d love to see people flying on one. “Your ’bout the only person in this world harborin’ such a passion. In the first place, magic tools are mostly reproductions of ancient items.” “Huh? ...But, that doesn’t apply to clocks, does it?” “Indeed. But that’s also the very reason it spread so widely as a great magic tool. The folks hidin’ their magic tools are researchin’ how to somehow rebuild ancient items they obtained for the most part. Because of that process, they’ve created tools of lower quality and derived tools to sell them for fundin’ their research. Try to give Ryoku to that old bugger from earlier. He’d gleefully take Ryoku apart.” Eeeeek! What was that!? Are they dismantling maniacs or something!? “I’ll never give them any of my Ryokus!!!” As we were chatting and walking with the ground under our feet crunching, I couldn’t shake the bad feeling of being followed. When I glanced at Sword, he sighed. It looks like he had already noticed a while ago. “...Now then, what are we gonna do ’bout this?” “What’s the point in asking? If they come at us, we kill them. That’s all there is to it.” “Whoa, your truly straightforward, aren’t you?” “Want me to show you how I dismantle them? I don’t know whether they’re going to have any edible parts though.” “Stop it, please, stop it for real. If you go that far, you’ll really leave the path of humanity for good.” It was just a joke. ...But well, thinking about it now, I’m certainly a lot more level-headed than my otherworld self could have ever been. Even though she ate meat and fish, killing living beings was a no-go, and similar...ah, but she killed bugs, despite not eating them. However, nowadays I’ve become able to kill without any hesitation. ――Yep, as I thought, my otherworld self and my current self are different beings. The me before collapsing was different as well. I’ve changed, but a part of me thinks that it’s not really much of an issue. I might have changed while living in this world, but so what? Rather, I’ve obtained a personality that can make pretty clear cuts. I’m much more worried about Sword than myself. I mean, adventurer is a job where people can die easily, and yet he hasn’t come to terms with that at all. “...If we’re going for the thrill, intentionally going along with the other side’s plan would be an option, too. It’d be much more exciting to resolve things with a big bang after things have grandly escalated.” “Sorry, I don’t get at all what your talkin’ ’bout.” Once again I couldn’t get him to understand to the extent that he apologized. And then I got hit on the head by his fist. “Intentionally! Escalatin’! Things! Is no fun!” Ouch ouch ouch. I rubbed my head. “I mean, you and I can deal with most things without much of an effort, can’t we? Even monsters end up dead in no time. You continuing to work as an adventurer despite being rich means you’re looking for some kind of thrill, doesn’t it? Otherwise you could simply retire with all the money and drink liquor every day, no?” Sword faltered. And then he averted his face. “......I abandoned my dreams and hopes. But, sometimes I feel like I might possibly rediscover those dreams and hopes at some point.” “Right? So, how about we try throwing the other side off their guard on this occasion?” “Let’s not.” “Okay, in other words, you want to head into a dungeon then, right? Let’s go to some dungeon with moderate difficulty to enjoy a feeling of excitement over what might drop if we defeat the boss! If we can’t get any enjoyment out of a dungeon with moderate difficulty, we could also ask the demon king to let us capture his castle. If we add the condition that we won’t kill him, he might allow us to have some fun, don’t you think?” “......” Sword burst into laughter. And then he ruffled up my hair. ...Has it been a wise decision for me to not grow out my hair? This guy has the bad habit of always messing up the hair of other people! “Your right. That sounds fun. The demon king would be startled too, I’m sure. If we asked him something along the lines of 『We won’t kill you, so please let us play ’round by capturin’ your castle for the sake of enjoyin’ a thrill』. Well, if he doesn’t get pissed off by that, I s’pose he’s goin’ to let us have some fun.” Since he finally gave it a break with messing up my hair, I tidied it up while saying, “If the demon king is a Dungeon Core, I believe he’ll happily let us play since he’ll be able to have a talk with us, you know? Look, dungeons are definitely entertainment facilities made by the Dungeon Cores!” Ones where you bet your life though! “A game with your life on the line?” “Quite so. It’s very risky, but it’s perfect for humans seeking out thrills. I mean, even if you simply walk on a road, you could lose your life after getting attacked by bandits. Hence, people should rather enjoy it while being aware of the risks.” “Not like it really matters, but what’s with you always speakin’ ’bout dungeon cores so formally? ...Nevermind, it’s about time for ’em to show up. It’s no game, but don’t kill ’em. I wanna talk to ’em.” I don’t feel like allowing them to talk to you though!? You might take some mental damage again!! At the moment when I was about to spell this out, I heard a “...Get them!” alongside presences quickly closing in on us. Wind and lightning spells were incoming on Sword. On the other hand, the Ryokus and I were confronted with incoming rope-like spells. Binding magic, huh? Sword dodged very quickly and I repelled them with my wooden sword. “Ryokus! You have permission to use the Gatling gun after deploying the barrier! Fire at will if the opponents attack!” “”Aye Sir!”” Yep, they’re super adorable. The Ryokus jumped up diagonally, and perched on trees. “Hey! If they get hit by that, they’re gonna die, no!? Ryoku, no!” I don’t really think that we need to keep all of them alive though. The Ryokus took the middle ground between our instructions, firing their Gatling guns while aiming at the legs of the guys who cast offensive magic. Three of them were incapacitated. Meanwhile I erased the binding spells fired at the Ryokus. It was a simple job to flick them away with my wooden sword. “Kuuh, damn it! I don’t care anymore even if you destroy them! Just get one of them!” Whaaaat? I charged at the person who gave the order. It was that grandpa. “I thought you might have died after getting too excited, but it looks like you pulled through. I guess I should fix it now.” Grandpa felt completely shaken. “W-What? Do you know who I am...?” Sorry, but I don’t feel like listening to any stereotypical introductions, you know? Some things are better left unknown in this world, right? “Indra! Wait! Stop! Don’t kill him!” Sword cried out to me in panic. “Don’t worry. We’ll pretend he died of a natural cause.” “You think you can fake it with this many people ’round!? You idiot!” He was too late. “Ah, sorry. You were too late.” A vacuum pack attack. Space got isolated just around the grandpa. He got startled from suddenly being unable to breathe. Given that I was stopped by Sword, I immediately discontinued the spell, but the grandpa still collapsed with his eyes wide open. “It seems the area around him suddenly turned into a vacuum after the wind flow changed. I guess he died while unable to breathe. It was an unfortunate accident. The end.” Seeing that, the other assailants stopped attacking all at once and surrendered. “Hmm? Did you lose your will to resist? Even though I’d have been totally fine giving you a little show of dismantling at least one person by slicing them up and arranging them so that they look alive. I wonder whether that’d be enough for you to grasp my true ability and grit?” “Yeah okay, you’ve shown ’em your ability and backbone plentifully with just these words, don’t you think? So, could you stop at that?” All assailants simultaneously nodded at Sword’s remark.
ギルドで依頼を見た。 「うーん、心躍るような依頼は無いな」 「お前のその、冒険に対するポジティブな発想がとっても羨ましいと思うぞ?」 なんか言われたがスルーしておく。 「どっちみち未処理案件片付けたらとっととオサラバだ。ここは【血みどろ魔女】のテリトリーだからな。長居したら面倒が起きる」 「そうか。じゃあ、前人未踏の土地とかないか?」 「お前、話聞いてた?」 「縄張りはわかった。それと前人未踏の土地に冒険しに行くのとは話が違うだろ?」 「北西の森は、瘴気が漂い、魔物が鳴き叫び、日中も陽の差さない陰惨とした場所でして。そこに足を踏み入れたが最後、生きて戻った人はいないという......」 「単に【血みどろ魔女】に折檻されたってだけだろが。けしかけてんじゃねーよ」 「あ、ご存じでしたか」 「ん?」 「この町は魔術師ギルドと魔導師ギルドがハバ利かせてて、冒険者ギルドとは仲が悪いんだよ。冒険者の目的も魔導具買うか、魔術関連の道具買うか、って感じだからな。依頼もあっちに取られやすい」 そういえば、入り口で止められた。 「その北西の森ってのは、【血みどろ魔女】の住み処だよ。許可無く入ったらあっちこっちに仕掛けられてる魔術や魔導具で吹っ飛ばされるぞ」 「前人未踏の土地じゃなくないか? そもそも人が住んでるんだろ?」 それとも、その血みどろさんは魔族とかかな? 「わかった、つまり、その血みどろさんは人間じゃないって言いたかったんだな! 出会うことがあったら聞いてみよう」 「大変申し訳ございませんでしたとそのようなことは言いませんので、ご容赦下さいませ」 見事な土下座をしてみせた受付嬢さんだった。 「さすがの俺もここで宿屋泊まろうぜなんて言わないぜ。野宿の方が安全だ。お前が魔導具に興味ねーっつーんなら、とっとと依頼片付けて先を急ぐぞ」 町をぐるっと見渡したが、確かに興味ない。 霧の街の、煉瓦をたたくと現れるという魔術横丁は非常に心惹かれる物があったが、ここの魔導具は違う。 「私だったらもっと、こう、心躍るような、例えば空飛ぶ箒や、しゃべる大鍋とか、闘ってる本同士とか、そういうワクワクしたものを店先に飾りたいのだが」 「お前のワクワク感、変! そーーーんな実用性のないモノ飾ってどーすんだ?! それこそ玩具じゃねーかよ!」 「あぁ、イタズラ用品店だな。食べると鼻血を出す甘味とか......」 「怖ッ! 何それ毒薬じゃねーの?」 わかってもらえない。 「そうだな、あとはゴブリンの経営する銀行とかあるのかな?」 謝られるほどわかってもらえない。 「別世界の知識のせいで、お前のワクワク感がかなり変なのはわかった」 しかも、かなり警戒しながらも、内容がソレ。 「だけどな、そもそも〝子供心〟って技術の発展にもつながるんだぞ? 例えばリョーク。これは私がすっごーーーく憧れたゴーレムだ。他にも『あったらいいな』で作ることもあるが、完成への情熱は憧れなんだ。箒に跨がって空を飛びたいと思わないから作らないが、その情熱で空飛ぶ箒を作ってほしい」 私は御免被るが、飛んでる人を見てみたい。 「そんな情熱抱くのはお前くらいだろ。そもそも魔導具っつーのは、古代アイテムの復刻が主だよ」 「え。......でも、時計は違うだろう?」 「そうだ、でもだからこそ偉大な魔導具だし普及してんだ。他の秘匿にしてる連中のは、手に入れた古代アイテムをどうにかして復刻させるって研究が主なんだ。その過程やなんやらで劣化品や派生品が生まれて、それを売って資金稼ぎしてる。さっきのやつにリョーク渡してみろ、嬉々としてぶっ壊しにかかるぞ」 解体マニアかよ! 「絶対に渡さん!!」 話しながらもザクザクと歩いてると、どうもつけられているくさい。 「......さてと、どーすっかね」 「どうするもこうするも、襲ってきたなら殺すだけじゃないか?」 「ワーオ。お前って、ホンット潔いよねー」 「解体してみせようか? 可食部分があるかわからないが」 「やめて、ホンットやめて。そこまでいくと人の道を外れるレベルじゃなくなっちゃうから」 お肉もお魚も食べてたくせに、生き物殺すの駄目だとか......あ、でも虫は食べなくても殺してたな。 でも、今はサックサク殺せるようになっちゃった。 ――やっぱり、別世界の私と今の私は違うな。 簡単に人が死んでいくような冒険者って職業で、全然割り切れてないんだもん。 「......ワクワク感をもっと盛り上げたい場合、ここは相手の手の内に乗っかっておく、というもアリなのだが。もっと事を大きく大袈裟にした後に重い腰を上げて解決するととっても盛り上がる」 「ごめん、ホンット言ってる意味がわからない」 また謝られるほどわかってもらえない。 「わざわざ! 事を! 大きくして! 楽しむんじゃねーよ!」 頭をさすった。 「だって、私とお前って、大体簡単にものを片付けてしまうじゃないか。魔物だってすぐ倒してしまう。お前、金持ちなのに冒険者を続けてるってことは、何か刺激を求めてるんじゃないのか? じゃなけりゃその金を持って引退して酒を飲む毎日だって構わないだろうが」 その後、そっぽを向く。 「............夢も希望も捨てた。だけど、もしかしたら捨てた夢と希望が見つかるかもとは考えるときがあるんだよ」 「だろう? じゃあ相手に油断させてみようか」 「そんなんじゃねーし」 「わかった、つまり、ダンジョンに行きたいのか。ボスを倒すとお宝が出るのは『何が出るかな』ワクワク感が楽しめるものな! では、そのホドホド感のあるダンジョンに向かおう。ホドホドも楽しめなかったら、魔王に頼んで城を攻略させてもらおう。殺さないとか条件をつければ遊ばせてもらえるかも知れないぞ?」 「............」 ソードが笑い出した。 ......私、髪を伸ばしてなくて正解じゃない? 「そうだな、そりゃ楽しそうだ。魔王もびっくりだよな、『殺さないからワクワク感を楽しむために攻略させて遊ばせてくれ』とか頼まれたらな。ま、それで怒られなかったら、遊ばせてもらおうぜ?」 「ダンジョンコア様が魔王様なら、会話出来るから喜んで遊ばせてくれると思うぞ? ダンジョンとは絶対、ダンジョンコア様が作ったアトラクション施設だぞ!」 命かかってるけどな! 「命を懸けた遊びかよ」 「そうだ。ハイリスクだが、刺激を求める人間にはピッタリだ。どうせ普通に道を歩いてても盗賊に襲われて命を散らすことだってあるんだ。なら、むしろリスクがあるとわかってる分、楽しめるな」 「どーでもいいけどお前ってダンジョンコアに〝サマ〟つけるのね。......って、そろそろお出ましだぜ? 遊びはナシだが、殺すな。一応話は聞きたい」 話をさせたくないのだが!? そう言おうとした矢先、かなり近付いてきた気配とともに「......かかれ!」という声が聞こえた。 ソード目がけて風魔術と雷魔術が飛んでいった。 拘束魔術かな? ソードは高速で避け、私は木刀で弾いた。 「リョーク! 障壁を展開した後、ガトリングの使用を許可する! 相手が攻撃しようとしたら発砲しろ!」 「「あいさー!」」 うん、かわいい。 リョークは斜め上に飛んで木に留まる。 「おい! リョークにアレやられたら死ぬだろ! リョーク、ダメ!」 全員生き残らせる必要も無いと思うが。 リョーク、間を取って攻撃魔術を詠唱した連中の足にガトリング連射した。 木刀で弾く簡単なお仕事です。 「くっ、この際破壊しても構わん! 一台は手に入れろ!」 なにぃ? 指令を出した声のする方に突進。 「興奮して死んだかと思ってたが、まだ生きていたか。なら、興奮して死んだことにしておくか」 おじいちゃん、超動揺。 「な、なに? 私が誰だかわかって......」 うん。 世の中には、知らない方がいいことがあるってものだよね。 「インドラ! おい待て、殺すな!」 「安心しろ、自然死を装う」 「こんだけ人がいるのに装えるか! バカ!」 言うのが遅い。 「あ、ごめん。遅かった」 おじいちゃんの周りだけ空気を遮断した。 「急に風の流れが変わって、真空状態になったようだな。呼吸出来ずに死んだか。 不幸な事故だった、まる」 それを見ていた他の襲撃者、一斉に攻撃を止めて降伏した。 「んん? 抵抗しなくなったぞ? 一人くらい〝活け作り〟として目の前で解体ショーを見せてやっても良かったんだけどな。それくらい示せば私の実力や胆力を理解してもらえるだろう?」 「うん、その言葉だけで、お前の実力も胆力もジューブン伝わったぞ? だから、絶対に止めような?」 ソードのセリフに、一斉に襲撃者がうなずいた。
When I entered the guild the next morning, I was welcomed very warmly. “Please tell me the recipe for the liquor you gave me!” “Indra! That food was a dream. Thanks a lot!” The guild master begged me while I was being hugged by the receptionist lady. “Ah man, you folks are so damn noisy. ――Also, we’ve got somethin’ to discuss with you.” We headed over to the guild master’s room. “Rent us one of the warehouses run by the guild. Or have the guild manage a warehouse I’d buy.” “...Now listen, I’m not a convenient troubleshooter” “Look, I’d be troubled if someone sneaked in on an off chance ‘n stole things from there.” The guild master scratched his head, looking rather bothered by this, “...Would it be an issue to go with a merchant’s warehouse?” “I’m lookin’ for a place to store liquor. If the merchant found out, they’d give me an ear full, no?” “Alright, I got it. I’ll arrange everything.” ...Just what did you get? “If you had a dark and quiet place at hand, you’d be able to brew alcohol, right?” “Pretty much. But, the cook and the servants had been faithfully cleaning and checking the quality regularly, you know?” “I’ll handle that part.” Somehow the guild master is full on board with this all of a sudden? “...It sounds like I’m quite the clean-freak, but yet they kept it so clean that I couldn’t find a single fault with it.” I told them, just in case. “It’s alright, leave it to me.” The guild master drummed on his own chest. “...Oh well, whatever. It’s just about the alcohol you people are going to drink anyway. If it fails, we just need to make it anew.” “We won’t get anywhere if we assume it’ll fail. We’ll make this town our base. Even if we were to go on a journey, things will be fine as long as we come back several times a year to check, right?” “...The tools available in this world are pretty sloppy in their making. Just look at the barrels. When we gathered them, we had to trash % because they were leaking, don’t you remember? Succeeding on a first attempt would be close to a miracle under these circumstances. It’d be much safer to beg the cook and the servants, and buy their wine for a big amount of money.” “I’ve already taken measures on that end.” “Hah?” “...Hey, if you don’t want me to unveil the great spell that will destroy everything on this planet right here and now, spit out everything.” The guild master slapped the back of Sword’s head, “For heaven’s sake, you’re always such a goddamn troublemaker!” ...This sneaky bugger apparently got all chummy with the cook and the servants behind my back. Isn’t he awfully sociable considering he’s got no friends whatsoever? No, I guess it’s his resourcefulness rearing its head when it comes to things that are of advantage to him. Anyway, it looks like he brought up the idea with them to continue the alcohol brewing and sell the products since he’d finance them after I was gone. Apparently he went even as far as declaring that they’d suffer no losses since he’d buy up everything they couldn’t sell. Almost everyone, with the cook in the lead, agreed to his proposal. However. “All of this depends on Lady Indra giving her approval.” So said the cook. “Hoh, so you’re saying I’ll be able to buy that liquor if I go to the brewery involved with Sword?” “Ah, sorry. I don’t think they’ll sell you the liquor I gave you, guild master.” I robbed him of any false hope early on. “Why not!?!” “You can’t make that liquor without magic. I won’t say it’s completely impossible if you create the appropriate magic tools or utilities, but even though I know the underlying principle, I wouldn’t know how to go about actually making the necessary tools. I’m sure it’d be a series of trials and errors at the start. Then again, you should know that it took me quite a number of failures when I created the liquor I gave you at first.” “...That’s because you were aimin’ for perfection, no? When I asked the cook n’ the others, they seemed to be confused as to why you’d label your trial products as failures.” They sure don’t get it, do they? If I say it’s a failure, then it’s just that. “T-Then, please let me have a taste of the liquor they’re selling. Just to sample it.” So early in the day? Oh well...if it’s just sampling, it should be okay, I suppose. I took out wine from the cooling magic bag. “That’s...” “Ah, I won’t give you all of it. Just a cup for testing.” “Eeeehhh!?” “Me too!” ...... With a sigh, I filled their cups. “Such a tiny amount!?” “You don’t drink wine so early in the day. A component called alcohol is included in it.” “Gotcha, just taste testin’, okay?” Sword chugged the whole thing down in a breath. “The taste is really different when it’s cooled.” “It loses some of its aroma, I think. Well, I’ve opened this wine several times for cooking, so this also plays a role.” “Awesoooooooome!!!” I got super startled when the guild master shouted all of a sudden. Dude, you made me jump up from my chair! “This is great stuff! It’s easy to drink since it’s cooled, and this aroma! It’s marvelous! This is wine, right!? How is it so different from the stuff available for sale on the markets!?” “I’d say because they’re sloppy in their brewing procedures. Wine is alive.” It’s just that they haven’t realized that fact. Or to go even further, they aren’t even aware of the living beings contained in the air or water. You people should really try using your brain why things are rotting, sheesh. “I see... It’s alive, huh...? So you’re saying it becomes so lovely, if you raise it dearly...?” Ah, the personification of alcohol has started. I got suddenly promoted to D-Rank. It’s said that the guild masters can promote people to D-Rank on their own authority. Since you must take an exam to move up to C-Rank, I was told to keep my eyes open for the next chance, and take it then. Given that I was in a party with Sword, I’d be able to take S-Rank work as well, but because it was rare for such work to come around, it’d apparently get moved to the rankless, pending cases handled directly by the guild. While checking the request board, I said, “Somehow I’ve started to feel like being an adventurer isn’t suited for me.” “At long last?” is what I got in response. “I don’t get the meaning behind killing monsters. Isn’t it actually the humans of this world that attack them? To me it seems like it’d be better for the life-forms other than humans to kill the monster-like humans.” “Don’t babble stuff the demon king would say. They might have left you alone, but other humans are gettin’ attacked by monsters. ...Rather, why are the monsters leavin’ you alone anyway? That’s the really mystery here.” They did attack me every once in a while though. ...Still. “So a demon king does exist?” “Hmm? ...Ah, I s’pose it’s impossible for you to know. Yep, he exists.” “Do heroes or similar possibly exist as well then?” “Yep.” “What’s the difference between an S-Rank adventurer and a hero?” “...A big one. Rather, they can’t be compared. A hero is chosen by the Kingdom as its representative with the goal to invade the demon king’s country. S-Rank signifies an adventurer who had 『their actual abilities and achievements』 approved by the adventurer guild.” Oh, somehow he’s talking about it as if it contains some hidden implications. “S-Rank adventurers occasionally fend off monsters which would destroy a country. Heroes go to someone else’s country and try to destroy it. Does that summarize it in a nutshell.” “Oh, that’s a great way of describin’ it.” He praised me while ruffling my head. “Stay away from heroes as much as possible. The folks chosen as heroes are fairly strong in martial arts and magic, as might be expected from ’em havin’ been chosen by the country, but when unknown commoners suddenly get promoted to such a high rank, many of ’em act as they please, knowin’ that the country got their back, and since they’re gettin’ pampered, their elitism demeanor is much worse than that of nobles. They’re nothin’ but trouble if you get involved with ’em.” “Huh? No, I think it’ll be alright. The current generation’s hero hasn’t appeared yet. And even if he does, you ain’t goin’ to meet him if you stay clear of the royal capital until he departs to the front.” ...Well, for the time being, this place will be my base. After all, I have to brew alcohol. ...Mmh? In that case... “Couldn’t we call over the cook and the servants? In that case we could leave everything to them, and only come back here every now and then to handle the parts requiring magic, no?” I voiced my thoughts. Sword scrutinized me closely. “Your a really smart girl.” “...Though I expect them to say that it’s impossible and that they’ll do it over there. I’d prefer having them make the liquor here, but I don’t know how much we can rely...on that guild master when push comes to shove. Can he actually be trusted? I mean I don’t know what kind of uproar it’s going to trigger in that town when that man finds out. Isn’t it highly likely that he’d seize the liquor, the profits, and the knowledge at the very least? And if he discovers my involvement, I’m sure he’d destroy all the barrels and falsely charge them for something so that they wouldn’t be allowed to ever make liquor again, don’t you think?” “I’ll contact ’em right away and try to have ’em come here.” An immediate reply! But, transport, huh? If it comes to this world with its crappy means of transportation for liquor... “The liquor will likely get spoiled, I think...” When I mumbled that, he got totally startled. “W-Why?” “They’re going to move with carriages, right? The liquor will be exposed to the carriages’ strong vibrations over a long time. Moreover, it’ll be stowed away on the load-carry tray, so no one knows how hot it’s going to get up there. I told you, didn’t I? Alcoholic beverages turn into poison if they aren’t allowed an environment where they can 『rest peacefully in a dark and cool place』. If things go totally south, the barrels could even explode.” “...Alright, you and me are goin’ to carry ’em. In the worst case, I’ll drink up everythin’.” I thought he’d say that. Sword quickly advanced the preparations for us to head over to the place of the cook and the servants. As for me, I worked together with the guild master to select a good place, and performed analysis and development on magic tools. Somehow I’ve totally stopped doing anything adventury, haven’t I? At least I don’t feel like the other adventurers are doing what I am. Then again, I still don’t get what adventurers are doing anyway... Suddenly I recalled that I had said it’d get spoiled when transported as load on a carriage. “...Honestly speaking, it’d have been fine even without becoming so neurotic about it, wouldn’t it?” In the other world transport by plane or boat was available, but in the past they used carriages as well, didn’t they? Leaving aside liquor, distilled liquor seems to be quite resilient to its environment. Even if the taste degraded a bit, the heavy drinkers around here would still drink it without any problem, I’m sure. But, using that method despite knowing that the taste is going to suffer from it spells a failure as a craftswoman, doesn’t it? After all, I’m the maker and not a merchant. I do have some ideas for carriages suited for transport, but I’ve got no idea whether they’d work in this world. As I was pondering about all this, I got contacted by Sword.
翌朝ギルドに行ったら大歓迎された。 「あの酒の製法は!」 「インドラ君! あの食べ物、すっごくおいしかったわありがとう!」 ギルドマスターには迫られ受付嬢には抱きつかれた。 「あー、お前等うるせー。――俺もお前に相談があるんだよ」 ギルドマスターの部屋に向かった。 「ギルドが管理する倉庫貸してくれ。あるいは、俺が買った倉庫をギルドで管理してくれ」 「......お前、いきなり難題を突きつけてくるな」 「万が一にも中に忍び込まれて盗まれると困る」 ギルドマスターは面倒くさそうに頭をかいた。 「酒を保管する場所がほしいんだよ。商人に見つかったらうるせーだろーが」 「よしわかった、手配しよう」 ......何が分かったんだろう? 「お前なら、暗くて静かな場所があれば酒を作れるんだよな?」 「まぁな。ただ、料理人や使用人たちはまめに掃除をしたり品質チェックしていたぞ?」 「それは俺がやろう」 なんかギルドマスターが乗り気なんですけど? 「......私はひどい潔癖症らしいが、それでもケチのつけようのないほどに綺麗にしていたが」 一応言っておいた。 「大丈夫だ、任せておけ」 「......まぁいっか。お前たちの飲む酒だもんな。失敗したってまた作れば良いんだし」 「失敗前提で話を進めるな。拠点はここにし、旅に出ても年に数回帰ってきてチェックすればいいんだろう?」 「......この世界の道具って、結構作りが雑なんだよ。樽だって集めたとき、中身が漏れ出るのあったりしたんだからな? そんな世界で、一発で成功するのなんて奇跡。料理人たちに頭を下げて高額でワイン買った方が絶対安全パイ」 「そっちはそっちで手を打ってある」 「は?」 「......オイ、ここで世界を滅亡させる大魔術をお披露目されたくなかったら、洗いざらい全て吐け」 ギルドマスターがソードの後頭部をたたいた。 友達いないくせに社交的ではあるのか。いや、利するものがあると積極性が出るのか。 そこで、私がいなくなった後、自分が出資するから酒造を続け売りに出さないか、と持ちかけたらしい。 料理人を筆頭に、ほぼ全員が賛同した。 但し。 「インドラお嬢様の許可があればのお話です」 「ほう、つまり、ソードの絡んでる酒蔵に行けば酒が買えるってことだな?」 「あ、悪い。ギルドマスターに渡した酒は売ってないと思う」 最初にお断りした。 「なんだと?!」 「アレは魔術がないと無理なんだ。そういう魔導具もしくは器具を作れば出来ないことはないだろうが、私も原理はわかっても器具で作るとなるとどうやっていいかわからないし、最初はトライエラーで失敗の連続だろうな。そもそも、渡した酒を造り出すのにもかなりの失敗を繰り返していたぞ?」 「......それはお前が完璧を求めたからだろ? 料理人たちに聞いたら『なんでこれが失敗?』って内心首をかしげてたらしいぞ?」 失敗と言ったら失敗なのだよ。 「じゃ、じゃあ、味見のために、売ってる酒を飲ませてくれ」 朝から? まぁ......味見程度ならいいけど。 保冷マジックバッグからワインを取り出した。 「それが......」 「あ、全部はあげないよ。テスター用のカップでだからね」 「えええ?!」 「俺も!」 ............。 ため息をついて、コップについだ。 「こんな少量かよ?!」 「朝から酒を飲むな。酒に含まれる[アルコール]という成分は」 「わかった、味見だな」 ソードがぶった切って一気飲みした。 「冷えてると味が変わるな」 「香りが弱くなるよな。まぁ、これ、料理用で何度か開けてるから、そのせいもあるけど」 「うまぁああああい!!」 椅子から飛び上がっちゃったよ。 「これはこれでうまい! 冷えてるから飲みやすいし、この香り! 素晴らしい! これ、葡萄酒だよな?! 売られてるのとなんでこんなに違うんだ?!」 「管理が杜撰なんだろ。酒は生き物です」 もっというなら、この空気中や水中に溶け込んでいる生き物を意識したことがないのだ。なんで腐るんだろうって考えてみろ。 「そうか......。生き物なのか......。大切に育て上げれば、こんなにも美しくなるものなのか......」 あ、酒の擬人化が始まった。 Dランクまではギルドマスター権限で上げられるのだと。 Cランクに上がるには試験を受けなくてはいけないので折を見て受けてくれと言われた。 ソードとパートナーを組んでるからSランクの仕事も受けることが出来るけど、そんな仕事はめったにないから、そのギルドで対応するランクがいない保留案件を片してくらしい。 「なんだか私に冒険者は向いてない気がしてきた」 って言ったら「今更か?」って返された。 「魔物を殺す意味がわからない。この世界の人間の方が襲ってくるじゃないか。魔物のような人間を殺した方が人間以外の生物に優しい気がする」 「魔王みたいな発言するな。お前は襲われないんだろうが、他の人間は襲われるんだよ。......つーか、なんでお前襲われないの? そっちの方が不思議だよ」 たまに襲いかかってこられるけどな。 ......それにしても。 「やっぱいるんだ、魔王」 「ん? ......そうか、知るわけないか。いるよ」 「もしかして勇者とかもいるのか?」 「いるよ」 「Sランク冒険者と勇者の違いは?」 「......相当違うけどな。比較対象にないっつーか。勇者は、魔王国への侵略を目的に、王国が選別した者の代表を指す。Sランクっつーのは、冒険者ギルドが『実際に実力と実績を示したことを』認定した冒険者のことだよ」 お、なんか含みのある言い方。 「国を滅ぼすような魔物を退治したことがあるのがSランクの冒険者、他所様の国に行って国を滅ぼそうとするのが勇者、ってことか」 「勇者にはなるべく近付くな。勇者に選ばれたやつは、国から選ばれただけあって武術も魔術もかなり強いが、いきなり名も無い平民が選ばれて、以降チヤホヤされるから選民意識が貴族よか高くて、国の後ろ盾があるから好き放題やらかす連中が多い。絡まれたらトラブルの素だ」 「は? いや、大丈夫だろ、今代勇者はまだ現れてない。現れたら出て行くまで王都を避けときゃ会わねーよ」 ......まぁ、当分はここが拠点だ。 ............うん? それならば。 「料理人たちをここに呼ぶことは出来ないのか? それなら、私が時たま戻ってきて魔術でしか出来ない部分を処理し、あとは任せればいいのでは?」 ソードがまじまじと私を見た。 「......無理だからあの場所でやるんだよ、って返答を期待してたんだがな。ここで酒を作ってもらった方が、いざとなったときにギルドマスターに......どこまで頼れるかわからないが、頼れるだろう? あの町では、あの男にバレたときどんな事態になるかわからん。 少なくとも酒を横取りされる、利益を横取りされる、知識を横取りされる、私だとバレた場合酒樽は全部壊し破棄され、以と作らせないようにえん罪で陥れられるくらいはやりかねないぞ?」 「すぐ連絡して、ここに来てもらうようにする」 即答! でも、移動か、酒をこの輸送手段がまずいこの世界で運ぶとなると......。 「酒は駄目になるだろうがな......」 つぶやいたらギョッとされた。 「な、なんでだ?」 「馬車での移動になるだろう? 長い時間、馬車の激しい振動を与え続けることになる。しかも、荷台に積んで、どのくらい温かくなるかわからない。言った通り『暗く涼しい場所で、静かに過ごす』環境じゃないと酒が毒に変わるんだよ。ヘタすりゃ大爆発だ」 「......よし、俺とお前で運ぶぞ。 最悪飲み干す」 言うと思った。 ソードはいち早く料理人たちのところに向かって準備を進め、私はというとギルドマスターと組んで場所の選定をしたり、魔導具の解析及び開発を行ったりした。 なんかほとんど冒険者活動してなくないか? 私の行っていることは少なくとも冒険者がやることじゃない、気がする。 いまだに冒険者とは何たるかがわかってないんだが......。 ふと、荷運びで駄目になるって言ってしまったことを思い出す。 「......正直なところ、そこまで神経質にならなくても良かったかな?」 今は船旅やら空輸やらだろうけど、昔は馬車を使ってただろうし、醸造酒はともかく蒸留酒は環境に結構強いらしいし。 多少味が落ちたって飲んべえたちは平気で飲むだろ。 だが、味が確実に落ちると分かっているのにその手段を採るのは職人としてダメだよな。 って考えてたらソードから連絡が来た。
On the next day we charged into the boss room. As predicted, it was an ice dragon. What made it a lot more fiendish than the flame dragon was its ice breath for which we didn’t have any countermeasures. In the first place, the existence of a huge living being with a body temperature below freezing point is weird. Well, it must have adopted itself to its environment, yep. I’m sure. That must be it. Immediately following our entry, the battle began. The room temperature was -°C. Moreover, it was a whiteout. You’d freeze into a solid block if you became careless and stood still, and although Sword was slashing away with his fire sword, the parts that melted from his cuts immediately froze again. This was looking to become a difficult fight. “...Damn it. Got any ideas how to deal with this?” Sword asked me after stopping his attacks for a moment. “Yeah... It’s heresy to do it like that, though...” “Still better than a war of attrition, ain’t it?” “I could remove the limiter on the laser gun which would allow us to shoot through it.” “Alright, let’s go with that.” He was totally hyped by the idea. “I think your light magic would work as well, though. Also...oh, I’ve got something even better! It should be more suited for you, too!” What I took out was a lightsaber as it was used during certain space wars. You could probably call it a standard item for space battles. “It’s a laser sword! This will definitely be able to burn through it! And not just melting it, but actually vaporizing it!” “Gimme,” he held out both hands. “The switch is at the guard. Watch out, okay? I’m not kidding, but it can basically burn through anything.” Once he pressed the switch, the laser extended with a buzz. ――This was a superior weapon that used quite a bit of knowledge and technology to affix its starting and end point. I would never have been able to put it into practice with just my otherworld knowledge. The clincher here was gravity control! By the way, I couldn’t come up with a theory for extension magic. However, I could reproduce it since I was able to grasp how to control magic elements, although I don’t understand the principle behind it. Anyway, I digressed. “You can adjust its length by turning the guard. Set it to the length you like and chop the dragon up.” Sword happily tuned the beam sword’s length. “...Still, I gotta say, she really excels in buildin’ toys that tickle a man’s heart, doesn’t she...?” Sword muttered under his breath. Well, look, Sword. That’s just because you love SF stuff, okay? I mean, a guy with no interest in that direction wouldn’t hype it so much either. With Sword looking very happy, we challenged the dragon once again. The Ryokus’ Gatling guns and rocket launchers already were effective because of their bursting shells, therefore they kept going just like that. ――Me? I can cut everything. This is something I don’t understand at all, but wouldn’t you think that cutting something like ice would be child’s play if you can cut through rock with wood? Even when I was turned into a snowman after getting directly hit by the dragon’s breath, I only had to shake the snow off without needing any evaporation agent or anything. “Whoa, just as I thought, you ain’t no human,” or some such said Sword, but I don’t want to be told that by a guy who kills his enemies with his sixth sense. In the end, Sword cut off its tail, and I used that chance to chop its neck, killing it in the process. “――If you cut off the tail, the loot in the treasure chest increases, was it?” Sword said, selfishly making up rules as they suited him. This was a comment directed at Sir Dungeon Core. After the ice dragon turned into particles and vanished, a treasure chest appeared. “Ooohh!” “Whoa!” Probably because Sword had earlier talked about us getting unnecessary stuff, Sir Dungeon Core splurged for us. There were two treasure chests! A second had appeared! I put my hands together, praying towards the treasure chests. “Thank you very much, Sir Dungeon Core. I cannot thank you enough for being as kind as going along with Sword’s selfish rule making after complaining about only getting unnecessary items. ...Gyaaah!” Sword’s iron claw lunged at me! “Hey, you’ve been the one talkin’ ’bout tail this n’ that, so I went out of my way to cut it off at great pains, so what’s with all your bullshit now!?” That was me talking about games! It’s not like I claimed that you’d get a high-score for cutting off the tail or anything like that! Moreover! Probably because Sir Dungeon Core heard my booing last time, the gems were inside ores this time around. On top of that, ice dragon materials, platinum coins (come to think of it, it looks like platinum coins and healing potions come from dungeons after all), and even a huge magic stone! “Yaaay! Truly, thank you very much, Sir Dungeon Core! That’s an incredible magic stone! I think I’ll use it for the Ryokus’s server~” I had used the best magic stone in Sword’s possession to run the server, but this one here is bigger by several sizes. “And if you do? Then...wait...aren’t magic stones embedded in the Ryokus?” Sword asked me with a puzzled expression. “They are, but those are for the data load, or what you’d call a temporary storage device. The server stands in the mansion. The magic stone over there is so important that I’ve programmed all Ryokus to eliminate anyone approaching the server room except for me. The information obtained by all Ryokus is being stored on the server and likewise distributed to all Ryokus. That’s why they shouldn’t have any individuality.” ...But, individual personalities have started to appear. I cannot help but feel that it’s quite strange. No, it’s actually scary instead. “I’ve built the Ryokus with the intent of being able to revive them at any time if they get physically destroyed by just building the machine anew and loading the data on the new unit. And yet...” ...the Ryokus possess personalities. The only explanation I can think of is that their personalities are stored on the magic stones for the data load. What if an emotion of being a separate “individual” has been stored there? Since that’s no information, it won’t be uploaded to the server. However, the most crucial data is contained in the part that’s not being uploaded. Sword knocked on my head as I was hanging it in contemplation and then stroked it. “I know. The golems made by you are alive as they possess emotions. This is what you’ve wished for all the time, isn’t it? Thus, it’s a good thing. The Ryokus protect me. And you and I protect ’em. So they won’t get destroyed. Gotcha?” ...... “I see.” We just need to protect them. If they don’t get destroyed, the Ryokus with souls won’t die. As long as they’re alive, I’ll keep giving them maintenance. And at a time when I’ve passed away, they will recognize Sword as “Dad” if he’s still alive at that time, or they will run on an autonomous program if Sword is dead as well. Hence, if they possess a soul as individuals, they might live on while following their own, independent wills. Now then, the next floor is going to be... “Hmm, if Sir Dungeon Core has done his best and prepared maps and dragons that are a lot more fiendish, we might have another ten or twenty floors ahead of us, but I’ve got trouble to imagine maps that would much more brutal than the ice and snow maps we just passed.” “I agree. Anyway, whatever might come at us, I’m sure you n’ me can deal with it one way or ‘nother.” “Gyaaah!” “Where’s your reply?” “O-Of course! Something like an event you and I can’t beat doesn’t exist!” Seemingly satisfied, he released his iron claw and stroked me instead. “Okay, let’s go then?” “...Mmh.” Somehow, he’s quite irrational.
翌日、ボス部屋へ突入。 そもそも、零度よりも低い温度の巨大生物の存在自体が変なんだけど。 外気温は摂氏マイ。 油断して立ち尽くすと凍りつくし、ソードも炎の剣で斬ってるけど、斬ったそばから溶けた部分が固まるからなー。 「......参ったな。対処法はあるか?」 「うーん......。邪道だけどな......」 「消耗戦よかいいだろ」 「レーザーガン、アレの制限を解除し、打ちまくる」 「よし、その手でいこう」 「お前の光魔法でも効くと思うのだが。あとは......あ、もっといいものがあった! お前はこっちの方が向いてるかもだ」 取り出したるは、かの宇宙戦争で使われていたライト○ーバー。あるいは宇宙戦闘モノの定番。 「レーザーの剣だ! これは絶対に焼き切れるぞ! 溶かすんじゃなく、気化させてしまうからな!」 両手出してきた。 「鍔にスイッチがある。気をつけろよ? 洒落にならんほど、なんでも焼き切るからな」 スイッチを入れると、ブォン! と音がして、レーザーが伸びる。 ――これは、始点と終点を定めるのに結構な知恵と技を使った逸品だ。 が、魔素の制御のみは理解出来たので、再現は出来ているが、理屈は分かっていない。 余談でした。 「鍔を回すと長さの調整が出来る。好きな長さにして、切り刻め」 「了解!」 ソード、うれしそうに長さの調整をしてる。 「......ホンット、お前って、男心を誘う玩具を作るよなー......」 ソードがつぶやいたが、それはね? ソードが、SF好きだからだよ? 興味ない男は興味ないからね? リョークのガトリング砲もランチャーも、爆発弾なので効果はある、ので、そのまま維持。 ――私? 私はなんでも切れるから。 それこそ理屈がわからないけど、木で岩が切れるなら、氷なんてスイスイ切れると思いません? ブレス直撃して雪だるまになっても、消散剤なしでもブルブルッとすれば終わる。 とかソードが言ってきたけど、で敵を倒す人間に言われたくない。 結果、ソードが尻尾を斬り、その隙に首チョンパして、倒した。 「――尻尾を斬ったら宝箱の中身が増えるんだったよな?」 って、勝手にルール作ってる。 アイスドラゴンが粒子になって消え、宝箱が現れる。 「おぉ!」 「うわ!」 ソードがいらんこと言ったからか、ダンジョンコア様、すっごい奮発してくれた。 二つ出た! 私は宝箱に手を合わせた。 「ダンジョンコア様、ありがとうございます。いらんこと言ったソードの、勝手に作ったルールに乗って下さり、感謝の言葉もございません。......ぎゃー!」 アイアンクロー炸裂! 「お前が、尻尾がどーの言ったから、手間かけて、尻尾斬ったんだぞコラ?」 別に、尻尾斬ったら高得点なんて言ってないもん! 更には! 前回の私のブーイングを聞いてか、宝石が原石で入ってた。 あと、アイスドラゴンの素材、白金貨(そういえば白金貨や回復薬とかってダンジョンから出るらしいよ?)に、さらにはデッカい魔石も! 「わー! 本当に、ダンジョンコア様ありがとうございます! すっごい魔石! リョークのサーバをコレに入れ替えようかなー」 ソードが持って良い魔石をサーバにしてたんだけど、こっちは段違いでデカい。 「そうすれば? そしたら......つーか、リョーク自体に魔石は入ってないのか?」 って、けげんな顔して聞いてきた。 「入ってるが、それはデータロードのための、いわば一時保存装置だ。サーバは屋敷にある。そこに近付く者がいたら私以外なんであれ排除するようにリョークに基礎プログラミングしてあるほど重要な魔石だ。サーバには全てのリョークが得た情報が蓄えられ、それを全てのリョークに配布している。だから、本来は、個性が出ないはずなのだ」 ......だが、個性が出ている。 「......私は、リョークの物理本体が壊れても、また新たに作りあげてそこにデータをロードすれば同じリョークが再生する、ように作ったつもりなのだ。なのに............」 そこに、情報とは別の、〝個体〟としての感情が蓄えられていたとしたら? ソードがうな垂れている私の頭をポンとたたき、その後なでた。 「わかってるよ。お前が作ったゴーレムは、感情を持って〝生きている〟。それは、お前が望んだことだろう? だから、良いことなんだ。リョークは俺が守る。俺とお前が守る。だから、壊れない。解るよな?」 ............。 生きている限りメンテするし、私が死ぬようになった時は、もしもソードが生きていたならソードを〝お父さん〟と認識するようにしてあるし、ソードもいなかったら、自律プログラムが作動するようにしてある。 それが、もしも〝個性〟という魂が宿っていたならば、各々の自律に従って動き出すだろう。 次の予想だが......。 「うーん、ダンジョンコア様が頑張って、さらに凶悪なマップとドラゴンを用意してくれるのならば、あと十階か二十階は存在するだろうが、今回の氷雪地帯より凶悪なマップって、想像しづらいんだよなぁ」 「同感。ま、何が来てもいいさ。俺とお前なら対処出来るだろ」 「ぎゃー!」 「返事は?」 「あ、当たり前だ! 私とお前に処理出来ない事象なんてない!」 満足したのか、手を離してナデナデされた。 「じゃ、行くか?」 「......うむ」 なんか、理不尽だなー。
We had decided to challenge the mountain side this time. The map had become quite detailed at this point, and the more we went around while traveling, the closer the map came to completion. Sword also had fun watching that. “This is really amazin’. Guess it’s the 『Thrillin’ Adventurin’』 you’ve been talkin’ ’bout. I totally feel like fillin’ out all of the map.” “Yep. It’s also fine to visit towns, but I want to go to remote regions where no one else has arrived yet. Maybe completely unknown monsters are lurking there. We might also be able to experience shockingly beautiful nature. That’s what adventuring is about!” Sword has stopped denying it at this point. It looks like he’s finally grasped what I mean with adventuring. “We have earned so much money that we won’t be able to spend it anymore, right? So, let’s have adventures. Let’s search the unknown. If not for the dragon nest on the floating island, I’d definitely go there, but...” This alone is something that can’t be helped. “Is a floatin’ island somethin’ you wanna see so much as an otherworldler? Amato said somethin’ similar as well.” Mr. Amato must have watched that masterpiece of a movie that featured a certain floating island. “It should be filled with dreams and ambitions, but...it sounds like it’s filled with dragon poop in this world.” Probably able to easily imagine it, Sword looked totally dejected. “Let’s not go there, ‘kay?” “Yep,” I nodded. Filthy, scary. Currently we were heading for a lake. Lakes make you excited in all kinds of ways, don’t they? “For example, the lake is inhabited by monsters who pull in and devour people, who have been fascinated by the pretty scenery, or you won’t ever surface again after entering the lake.” “......Sorry, but that doesn’t sound excitin’ to me at all,” Sword apologized when I voiced my imaginations full of giddiness. “I guess a simple way to make you excited about a lake would be “clear and serene.” While admiring a lake at night as it reflected the moonlight, you’d drink booze.” “Ohh, now we’re talkin’!” Sword shouted at once. So he doesn’t get excited if no alcohol is involved, huh? As we walked further, we ran into a town...no, a small village. Seeing it at a distance, Sword furrowed his eyebrows. “That’s...a village we should avoid. If we’re unlucky, it might be a den of thieves.” Sword started to say some weird things. Wouldn’t a den of thieves actually be a place we should approach and destroy? When I tilted my head in confusion, Sword gave me an explanation, “...There’s all kinds of thieves ’round. Some of ’em usually live amongst ’emselves without interactin’ with others much. They grow and raise their own food, and only become bandits and attack other folks durin’ famines. Well, even if you call it 『attack』, it ain’t like they kill their targets and they only steal enough food to pull through. In such cases, the ones bein’ attacked offer the food to the bandits, if they got some leeway of their own, and as their valuables won’t be stolen altogether either, most of those victims won’t bring it up with the authorities.” I see, I see, so it’s kind of like demanding forced support. “Since the stolen goods will be quickly consumed anyway, if it’s food, the victims don’t put up any requests with the guild. Assumin’ they were to put up a request out of retaliation, there wouldn’t be much of loot to be gained from such a village, even if the adventurers catch the whole lot or subjugate ’em. In short, the requester would remain sittin’ on the costs and since there ain’t much to gain outta it, adventurers won’t accept such requests either. ――Well, because of that, they’re often bein’ overlooked, I guess.” Okay, I see. So rather than them being overlooked due to circumstances, no one wants to hunt them down as it’s pointless to subjugate poor folks anyway. Sword is probably in the camp of the ones overlooking them, though... The village was rather tiny and it seemed to have some children. We made a detour, passing it. As soon as we exited the forest, a lake sprawled in front of us. It was beautiful. Because it had a beach, we chose that place as a camp and took out Char. “Now then, it’s a fairly pretty lake. I’d be delighted if it has any pretty monsters or spirits.” “Well...yeah, looks like you might not be disappointed.” Oh? It sounds like Sword detected something with his skill to spot presences. “No, I just said might, not definitely won’t. Don’t get all riled up,” he told me, but Sword saying so usually means that something is around, doesn’t it? “Alright! This calls for a camp! I took out Char, but camping out will be a lot more fun, I’m sure!” “...Not that I mind. Well, I s’pose it’ll be excitin’ if somethin’ comes out, yep.” Sword started to get pumped as well! First comes scouting. The boards I made before are going to come in handy again, I think. But, before that, I must make sure that this lake isn’t “Ruo Shui.” Once I tossed a piece of wood into the lake, it floated. “In the other world existed an unexplored region surrounded by a river called “Ruo Shui.” Its water was said to not let anything float as everything would immediately sink down. That’s why I’ve been making sure when we come to unexplored areas.” “Hmm...your sayin’ you’ll definitely drown if you enter it?” I nodded. Or rather, if such water (or rather, that won’t be water anymore) exists, I’d like to know about its composition, but as might be expected, I suppose it doesn’t exist in this world? Or maybe it does? Anyway, I’ll visit all kinds of places and look for it. Together with Sword. “...In the other world, it was a secluded region accessible only to a very limited number of people. After coming to this world, I should have become the only person who can reach such unexplored, secluded regions. That’s why I want to visit it together with you, if such secluded areas exist in this world as well.” “Sword laughed, “That’s way too absurd, I think. Searchin’ despite not even knowin’ whether somethin’ exist, eh? But! I’ve grasped that this is your 『Thrill』.” He gently caressed my head.
今回は山側を攻めることにした。 ソードもそれを見て楽しんでる。 「コレ、ホントすげーよな。お前の言ってる『ワクワクする冒険』ってヤツだわ。全部埋めたくなる」 「そうなのだ。人が住んでいる町を訪ねるのもいいが、まだ人が到達していない未開の地も行ってみたい。誰も見たことのない魔物が潜んでいるかもしれない。もしかしたら驚くほどに美しい自然の造形が見られるかもしれない。それこそが冒険なのだ!」 ようやくそれが冒険だとわかってくれたようだ。 「金はもう使い切れないほど稼いだろう? だから、冒険しよう。未知を探そう。浮島がドラゴンの巣でなければ、絶対に行ったのだが......」 コレばっかりはしょうがない。 「浮島って、別世界だとそんなに行ってみたいトコなの? アマトも似たようなこと言ってたけどよ」 アマト氏も、かの浮島を題材にした名作を見てるのでしょうね。 「夢とロマンが詰まってるはずなんだが......この世界の現実は、ドラゴンの糞が詰まっていそうだな」 ソードもそれが容易に想像出来たのだろう、げんなりした。 「やめとこうぜ?」 「うん」 汚い、コワイ。 湖って、いろいろワクワク感があるよね。 「例えば、湖に魔物が棲んでいて、美しい景観に惹きつけられる者を引きずり込み食らうとか、その湖入ったが最と浮かんでこれないとか」 「............ごめん。俺、ソレではワクワクできない」 「お前の手っ取り早いワクワク感は、〝明鏡止水〟かな。月の美しい夜に、月明かりで輝く湖に映る夜景を 酒が絡まないとワクワクしないのか。 さらに進んでいくと、町......?じゃないな、小さな村があった。 「あれは......近寄ったらダメな村だ。下手すると盗賊の住み ソードが変なことを言いだしたぞ。盗賊の住み になったときだけ盗賊になって他所を襲うって連中もいるんだ。この『襲う』ってのも、襲ったやつらの命は取らないで、自分たちが当座しのげるくらいの食料を奪う程度なんだ。こうなると、襲われた方も余裕があるなら提供するし、金目のものをゴッソリ ふむふむ。強制的に援助を求めてる感じだね。 られたモノが食料じゃ、とっとと食い尽くされてるだろうから被害者はギルドに依頼を出さない。腹いせに依頼を出したとして、ソイツらを捕らえるなり討伐しても、食い潰してるような村じゃ戦利品なんてないだろう。つまり依頼者は余計な出費がかさむだけだし冒険者も旨味がないので受けない。――っつー感じで見逃される事が多いんだよな」 ふーむ、そうか、事情があるので見逃します、というよりは、貧乏人を討伐しても意味ないので誰もやりたがらないのだな。 ソードは前者の見逃す方だろうが......。 村はごく小規模で子供がいるようだ。私たちは 森を抜けたら湖だった。 浜辺があったので、そこに陣取って、シャールを出した。 「さて、なかなかに美しい湖だ。是非とも美しい魔物か精霊がいてほしいな」 「ま......な。いそうだよな」 気配察知スキルのあるソードが、何かいるのを察知したぽい。私は鼻息を荒くした。 「ふむふむ!」 って言われたけど、ソードがいそうって言うのは、いるってことじゃん? 「よし! これはキャンプだな! シャールは出したが、やはりキャンプの方が盛り上がる!」 「......いいけどね。ま、なんか出た方が盛り上がるか」 ってソードも言い出したぞ! その前に、この湖が〝弱水〟でないか確かめないとなー。 木を浮かべたら浮いた。 「別世界で、〝弱水〟という川に囲まれた、秘境の地があるのだ。その水は、どんなものも浮かない、絶対に沈んでしまうという水でな。だから、秘境の地に来たときは確かめている」 「ふーん......。入ったら絶対に溺れ死ぬってことか」 うなずいた。 むしろ、そんな水があったら成分を知りたいが(というか水じゃないと思う)、やっぱりこの世界にもないのかな? とにかく、いっぱい見よう、探そう。 「......別世界では限られた者しかたどり着くことができない秘境。この世界に来て、私はきっと秘境にたどり着くことが出来る人間の一人になったはずだ。だから、もしもこの世界にも秘境があるなら、お前と一緒に行ってみたい」 「荒唐無稽過ぎるよな。あるかもわかんねーのに、探すのか。でも! それが『ワクワク感』なんだな。わかってきたよ」 そう言って、私の頭をなでた。
After the venue exploded into a flurry of whispers and stirs, things calmed down, and everyone stared at the prince. “The victim is Primrose! The girl standing right next to me! She had to experience all kinds of harassment!” The prince put an arm around Primrose’s shoulder while fervently explaining everything in detail. All of it pertained to insignificant incidents such as her being pushed down a stairway, her chair being dirtied, and her being thrust aside. I tilted my head in confusion. ....They didn’t brand her with a hot iron or some such? The bullying of girls sure is lame. Yet, the noble boys had tried to mark me with a hot iron and turn me into their slave, no? “...The criminal...who schemed all of these atrocities...is you! Scarlet!” Once the prince finally reached his punch line, a loud chattering filled the venue while everyone simultaneously stared at Damsel Scarlet. Damsel Scarlet’s face went pale, but even so, she boldly lifted her face, and responded to the prince, “Prince Elias, what kind of farce is this supposed to be?” “You are a farce! Scarlet! Fearing that your position as my fiancée would be stolen by Primrose, you harassed her so as to keep her away from me, didn’t you!?” “...Do you have any proof? You are not accusing some commoner here. Accusing me, the daughter of a Duke, without any proof whatsoever would be preposterous, even for you as first prince, do you not agree?” Damsel Scarlet’s voice was trembling. It looks like things were proceeding in the same way as in the shojo game. ――According to the story I’ve heard from her, Damsel Scarlet will be expelled from the academy, moreover beaten up by the male students who bear a grudge against her, and commit suicide, or she’ll be disinherited by her family as someone who brought shame to her family’s reputation, get banished to a foreign country under the pretext of studying abroad, and die on the way after being murdered by bandits, if Damsel Scarlet appears as villainess. By the way, in case I play the villainess, it looks like I’d die after some secret maneuvering in such a wretched state that it’d only invite pity. I see. A battle, huh? If the pampered crybaby prince were to be the strongest in the academy, he’d likely be able to kill everyone with ease, even if they all came at him at once. Ah, if the capture target Sword also fought, it might be possible to have a slightly more gorgeous battle, maybe? ...is what I thought while watching the accusation scene with my arms folded. Now then, I wonder when’s the perfect time for me to enter the stage? After listening to Damsel Scarlet’s words, the prince smiled in a way like a horse that was having a flehmen reaction. ...I can only see him as the villain here. That’s really a prince? Seriously? “Of course, I do! Primrose witnessed it! Until now she had remained silent as she feared you, but at last she opened up to me with a heavy heart! And I, as the first prince, will become the backer for her testimony. With this you won’t have any objections, right? ...Direck, arrest Scarlet!” “Please wait! I――” “――Yes, Your Highness! Shut up, you wench! No one is going to believe your nonsense anyway! Realize the pain you caused Rose!” The muscled lackey took big strides towards Damsel Scarlet while interrupting her words and hurling insults at her. Whoa, he’s definitely a sadist who loves to torture those weaker than him. He’s totally looking down at her with a sadistic smile on his lips. The muscle buffoon tried to grab Damsel Scarlet’s shoulder who was trembling despite remaining steadfast. ....It’s now or never! “!!...Gyaaaaaa!!” The muscle buffoon crouched down while holding his hand. I had burned his hand as he was about to touch Damsel Scarlet! “...Could I have you desist from touching Damsel Scarlet with your filthy hands?” At once, everyone’s eyes focused on me. And everyone simultaneously drew back. ...Hey, why are you pulling back FROM ME!?! Well, whatever. It’s stylish if you look at it like a drama act. Damsel Scarlet looked back at me with a face on the verge of tears, yet full of relief. ...Still, her face immediately cramped up as soon as she saw me being all smiles. What’s going on? “...Indra...” The prince groaned. “Damsel Scarlet is my friend. If she’s being treated as a criminal for no reason, I’ll adopt appropriate measures, you know? Luckily, Instructor Sword isn’t present right now. ...So there’s no one here who could stop me, you see?” The instant I said so, everyone tried to get away from me as far as possible for some reason. Somehow everyone has gathered near the doors. Why? Hmm, it’s kinda like I’ve become the leading part of a drama, but this doesn’t really sit well with me. The prince kept rambling, apparently flustered, “R-Rose is your little sister, isn’t she!?” “Yeah, that’s why I know her quite well. Did you hear the tragic story of the Earl’s noble daughter Indra Springcoat...and do you know why she became a commoner?” The prince remained silent. Meaning, he knows about it. “Primrose being unable to keep manners is all because of Indra, Primrose being unable to properly greet others is all because of Indra, and Primrose’s way of eating being a total mess is all because of Indra...well, everything and anything was blamed on me. And once I was gone, Damsel Scarlet became the new target for all those ridiculous claims, I guess.” I walked up to the stage while keeping my eyes on the prince. The prince gradually retreated while looking uneasy as if he lost all of his earlier eagerness. “Aren’t you way too conceited about being loved by Damsel Scarlet? It’s pretty much set in stone that a pampered crybaby prince...a brat, who can’t beat me in anything, will be removed from the succession line and become 『a commoner who might have been a prince in the past』, and yet you say you’re going to back Primrose? Don’t make me laugh, snotty brat. ...Your reason for blaming Damsel Scarlet really pisses me off as it reminds me of Primrose’s trashy scum of a father.” ...Recalling the events from back then still makes me furious. “――That guy truly blamed me for each and every little problem. Even when Primrose tripped over her own feet, I was faulted for having been too far away to catch her. I remember how he expressly visited my room and barked at me, 『You dumb bitch. Didn’t Primrose get injured because you weren’t by her side to prop her up!?』. And right now you’re trying to do the very same to Damsel Scarlet, aren’t you?” Probably understanding that my anger level had risen sharply, Primrose’s little goonies drew back when they saw me climbing on the stage. A small boy swiftly hid behind Primrose, and a boy with a delicate face fell over and peed himself. And from behind, I heard... “...As I thought, Indra is much scarier than any demon or demonkin...” “I fully agree with you on that...” ...such mutterings.
会場は大きくざわめいた後、静まり、全員が王子を見た。 「その被害者とは! 今、私の隣にいるプリムローズだ! 彼女は、様々な嫌がらせに遭ってきた!」 王子は横にいるプリムローズの肩を抱き、クドクドと説明する。 首をかしげる。 ......焼きごてを押されたとかじゃないのか? 「......その全ては! それを企てた犯人は! ――お前だ! スカーレット!」 王子がようやくオチを言うと、大きくざわめき、皆にスカーレット嬢を見た。 スカーレット嬢は顔を青ざめさせていたが、それでもこう然と顔を上げ、王子に応対する。 「とち狂ったのはお前だ! スカーレット! お前は、婚約者の肩書きをプリムローズに奪われるのが怖くて、遠ざけるように嫌がらせをしていただろう!」 を、いくら第一王子とはいえ、何の証拠もなく犯罪者扱いできないでしょう?」 どうやら、乙女ゲームとやらと同じ展開になっているようだ。 ――彼女から聞いたストーリーだと、スカーレット嬢が悪役令嬢として登場している場合、学園を追放され、さらに恨みを買っていた男子学生連中に乱暴され自殺するか、『公爵家に泥を塗った者』として公爵家から勘当され、留学という名の国外追放させられることになり、しかも移動の道中で盗賊に殺されるかの終焉を迎えるそうだ。 ちなみに私が悪役令嬢の場合は、暗躍していたわりにがっかりするほどショボいやられ方で死ぬそうな。 なるほど、バトルか。泣き虫甘ったれ王子が学園最強だったなら、まとめてかかってこられても全員をがっかりするほどショボく殺せそうなんだが。 ......と、断罪シーンを見ながら考えつつ、腕を組む。さて、私はいつ登場すれば良いのだろう? スカーレット嬢の言葉を聞いた王子は、馬のフレーメン反応のような笑みを浮かべた。......悪役面にしか見えない。あれが王子なのか。そうなのか。 「もちろんある! プリムローズが証言した! 今まではお前が怖くて黙っていたが、ようやく重い口を開いてくれたのだ! そして、第一王子である私がその証言の後ろ盾となろう。これで異論はあるまい? ......ディレク、スカーレットを捕らえろ!」 「お待ちください! 私には――」 「――はっ! 黙れこの犯罪者! お前の言葉など誰も聞く耳持たぬわ! ローズの痛みを思い知れ!」 筋肉達磨がスカーレット嬢の言葉を遮り罵りながらスカーレット嬢に大股で歩み寄った。 うわー、あいつ絶対に弱い者いじめ好きのサドだ。 筋肉達磨が、毅然としつつも細かく震えているスカーレット嬢の肩を掴もうとする。 ......ここだ! 「!! ......ギャアアアア!!」 筋肉達磨が手を押さえて蹲る。 ――私が、触れようとした手を焼いてやったのだ! 「......汚い手で、スカーレット嬢に触らないでもらおうか」 一斉に私を見る。 そして、一斉に引く。 まぁ、演出的にはかっこいいから、いいか。 スカーレット嬢は、気が緩んで泣き出しそうな顔で私を振り返った。 ......のに、私の満面の笑みを見た途端、引きつったんだけど。なにゆえに? 「......インドラ......」 「スカーレット嬢は、私の友だ。謂われもなく犯罪者扱いされたならば、私も相応の対応を取るぞ? 折良くソード教官はいない。......私を止められる者は今、いないんだからな?」 なぜかみなさん扉付近に固まってるんですけど? うーむ、ドラマの主役になったみたいだけど、なんとなくしっくりこない。 。......悲劇のインドラ・スプリンコート伯爵令嬢の話を聞いたことがあるか?」 王子が黙った。 「プリムローズのマナーがなってないのはインドラのせい、プリムローズの挨拶がちゃんとできないのはインドラのせい、プリムローズが汚く食事するのはインドラのせい。まぁ、なんでもかんでも私のせいにされたな。私がいなくなり、今、そのお鉢が回ってきたのがスカーレット嬢というわけか」 私は王子を見ながら壇上へと歩く。 王子は先ほどの勢いなどまるでなかったように、歩み寄る私を見て焦燥感を浮かべつつ、じりじりと下がった。 「お前、スカーレット嬢に愛されてると自惚れているな? 甘ったれ泣き虫王子が、私に何一つ勝てない坊やが、プリムローズを選んだ時点で王位継承から外されることが決定の『以前王子だったかもしれない平民』が、プリムローズの後ろ盾だと? 笑わせるな。......お前のその、スカーレット嬢を責める理由が、プリムローズのクズな父親を彷彿とさせて、私の怒りを煽る」 ......当時のことを思い出すと、今でも腹が立つ。 「――あの男は本当に、事ある毎に私の責任にしたよ。プリムローズが自分で転んでも、遠くにいた私のせいにしてきたな。『私が側にいて支えなかったせいでプリムローズが怪我をしたじゃないか、この愚図が!』とわざわざこっちに来て殴られたのを思い出した。今、お前は、スカーレット嬢に同じ事をしようとしたな?」 私の怒りのボルテージが上がってきたのがわかったのだろう。壇上に上がった私を見て、プリムローズの取り巻きたちが後ずさりした。 小さい少年はプリムローズの後ろに素早く隠れ、繊細な顔の少年なんか、転んでお漏らししたぞ。 そして後ろの方で 「......やっぱり、デーモンより、魔族より、絶対にインドラ君の方が怖いと思う......」 「僕も思いきり同意するよ......」
I walked through town while teaching Ryoku all kinds of things. Since he asked me whether I wanted to get on in the middle of our little outing, I confirmed and climbed on top of him. Of course, this is part of his basic functions. When we were strolling around, kids started to chase after us, saying “How cool,” “Wow!”, “It’s a monster!”, and a lot more. “This is a golem. His name is Ryoku. Ryoku, greet the boys and girls.” “Nice to meet you! I am Ryoku!” “Oh, it talked!” “Whoa!” It looks like they got super curious about Ryoku. But that’s nice since it fits perfectly. “Boys, girls, currently Ryoku is in the middle of learning. Can I ask you to teach him various things?” “Learning?” The children were puzzled. “There exists a lot this golem doesn’t know. For example, what’s that store?” “That one? It’s a Weapons dealer! A place selling weapons!” After having listened to the child’s answer, Ryoku started to talk, “ThAT oNE iS wEapOnS DEaleR wEapOnS DEaleR sELl wEapOnS.” I got off Ryoku and let him play with the children. They were just like Sword. The children started to cheerfully talk to him, trying to teach Ryoku various things like training a mynah. When it’s just the two of us, the learning doesn’t really make much progress. It’s because I unintentionally end up teaching him only about the things piquing my interest. This should also increase his vocabulary. While at it, I’d like him to memorize a childish way of speaking. The default speech pattern is me. He’s way too stiff in his patterns except for the cute talk that’s part of his basic functions. When I looked in the direction of the surprised voice, I spotted a girl with scarlet hair. Having said that, she seems to be older than me. ...I feel like she’s staring my way? But, I don’t know her. Probably she doesn’t mean me. When I removed my attention from her, trying to keep the girls and boys company, she roared, “Wait a moment!! What do you plan to do with the children!?!” ...It looks like she actually meant me. She’s probably mistaking Ryoku for a monster. “This is a golem. His name is Ryoku. Ryoku, greet the girl.” The greetings and gestures are default functions. Maybe I should add a little more spice to it? No, I’ll pin my hopes on the learning function. “As if such a golem could exist anywhere! It’s a monster! You kids, move back!” I furrowed my eyebrows. ...Mr. Sword, Mr. Sword, can you hear me? In the end strong people or golems are fated to get entangled with idiots. People gathered around us while the girl got ready to attack. “...Seriously, you can truly find nothing but idiots among adventurers. They can’t tell apart golems or strong people, really.” I brushed up my hair. “...H-Hey, bro, are you going to be okay?” “I’ll be fine, but boys, girls, you’ll be in danger...or not. Stay close to Ryoku. Ryoku, deploy barrier.” “Aye sir!” Yes, it’s part of the basic functions. Oops, I forgot to make a retort towards the boy, about me being a woman. Very headstrong, was the impression I got from the girl as she loudly snarled at me, “Let me warn you! Hurry up and get lost before you get injured!” “Back at you. You’re still young, and yet you are okay with losing your adventurer license? I’ve just been walking through town, and the boys and girls have been teaching words to my golem. Then you suddenly showed up, started to shout without listening to anything others tell you, and now you’re about to attack me, who’s not even resisting. No matter how you look at it, you won’t be able to talk your way out of this. If it’s now, I’ll overlook all of this in light of your adorable face.” She should be older than me, but she’s a fairly small and cute girl. It’d be a pity for her to have her license revoked. At that moment, she became bright red. ...Why is she angry? I thought I praised her? “I-I-I-I-I won’t be d-d-deceived b-by that s-s-s-sleazy line!!” “...Somehow we’re talking past each other, I think. Just what is it that frightens you and why are you so upset? I’ve been just sightseeing, and yet you called out to me and then started to yell. Do you see the problem with that?” I give up. When I sighed, she flew into a rage, “...You...! Last time, and today as well...to take me for a fool...! Don’t look down on others just because you’ve got an S-Rank as a teacher!!” She started to chant. “Haah? We’ve never met before, have we? I arrived at this town just yesterday, and yesterday I only talked to the receptionist lady, you know? Besides...an S-Rank as teacher? Wait, do you possibly mean Sword? He’s not my teacher. He hasn’t taught me anything to begin with. That guy is my partner.” Just as I finished rattling down all that, I could hear the last words of her chant, “Oh Explosive Flames! Reduce her to ash!” I didn’t understand what she was saying about Sword and so on, but it was easy to follow her chant. Flames were heading for me. A fire emission spell, huh? In that case I’ll get rid of it by removing its oxygen and magic elements. The flames were drawing closer while roaring, but I dealt with them in an instant. Over. “There was no need to have Ryoku deploy his barrier, huh? What a waste of fuel.” I mumbled. “......Eh?” She was surprised by the sudden disappearance of her flames. “If it hadn’t been me, it could have been dangerous...maybe. Then again, Ryoku would have also been able to handle an attack of this level.” After having quieted down, the boys and girls broke out into loud cheering. “Bro, you’re awesome!” “That was so cool! How did you do it?” They swarmed towards me. “You should try to think about why fire is burning.” “How is it burning?” “A component helping it to burn is contained in the air. And the source of magic. If you remove those two, it’ll vanish in an instant.” “”Wooow!!”” Mmh, my mood has improved a lot after getting praised. “Boys, girls, I’m no Bro. Call me lady.” “No, you’re a bro, aren’t you?” “I understand, then call me Indra.” “Bro Indra!” “Do me the favor of using Sis at least.” It looks like they want to insist on me being a guy. ...Hahaan, in that case they must be hiding their embarrassment, right? I mean I can totally understand, seeing how I’m such a beautiful girl! Now then, leaving the kids aside...this is definitely going to turn into an uproar. It’d be great if they could send someone over from the guild to fix it, but if not, I won’t have any other choice but to have Ryoku turn on his optical camouflage, and call Sword. ...Ah, the authorities showed up. “What are you doing!?” No, I’m not really doing anything, though. “The bastard over there! I’ll beat him black and blue! I won’t get a closure on things unless I wallop him a good one!” The girl roared with an angry glare. “Cathy!? What are you doing here!?” Another girl with an appearance that screams adventurer has shown up, apparently my opponent’s acquaintance. “Look! It’s that man!” That’s not about me, is it? I mean I’m a woman. “Ah! Him...!” “Who casted magic in town?” Everyone quickly and decisively pointed at the scarlet-haired girl. “...Wait, someone tell me, what the hell is that thing!? A monster!?” “No matter how you look at it, it’s a golem, don’t you think?” “”Yeah, as if.”” I got myself a retort from everyone. Clearing my throat while maintaining my dignity, I said, “...It’s a golem I built.” “You!?” “It’s self-taught, but I understand the principles behind magic arts and magic tool creation. Accordingly, I’ve tried to fulfill my aspiration of building a golem in my own way. However, the golem I built won’t move by just giving it a single order like the ones created by other mages and sorcerers. I have to teach it. Thus I was walking through town with the goal of teaching it, and since the boys and girls over there got interested in the golem, I had them help me out. At that moment, the girl over there fired a spell at me for the sake of walloping me a good one. That’s all.” I was able to explain things in a well-reasoned way. Or rather, it was nothing more than a recount of the facts. “Cathy!? Just what are you doing while we’re waiting for the exam!?” “But, that guy...!” Hoh, that means they’re going to challenge the C-Rank exam, huh? “I told you, didn’t I? That I’d overlook all of this if it was now. And yet you started to chant your spell.” The girl, who seemed to be the partner of that Cathy or whatever girl, looked my way, flabbergasted. “Are you possibly looking for a fight?” “Why would you take things in that direction?” This is the point where you’d end things with “I got it, goodbye,” isn’t it? “...Indra!” I looked over my shoulder in response to the voice. “Oohh, great to see you here, Sword! ...In the end I got into a fight with a stupid adventurer who can’t discern strength and golems!” “...Come to think of it, you mentioned something along those lines, didn’t you? It completely escaped my memory.” Sheesh, Sword’s retorts are really getting out of hand as of late. And then Sword held up his card to the official like some seal case. The official quickly fixed his posture by standing upright, showing his respect. “The foulmouthed one over here’s my partner. Even if she might have said somethin’ rude, please forgive her for my sake.” “No, it is not like that... I received a report that a fairly powerful spell had been unleashed in town, so I rushed over to confirm the situation.” “I think you understand without me telling you, but it wasn’t me.” “No need to spell it out since it’s obvious. I’m pretty sure you simply pissed off the other party by makin’ full use of your skill to agitate others.” “...But, I’ve been just playing with Ryoku while keeping the boys and girls company, you know? Right, children?” “...Wait, your capable of gettin’ ‘long with kids!?” “Of course I am. I am their hero!” Once I got a bit too cocky, I was told with a cold voice, “Yeah, whenever your dealin’ with Ryoku, your childish side suddenly pops out, I s’ppose.” The hell is that? “I wonder, maybe children are simply immune to your agitation skill.” He added. The surrounding people also attested that I didn’t use any magic and that the children had apparently played with the golem – although they weren’t sure whether they should call Ryoku like that – and thus I was free to go. The scarlet-haired girl was taken away to get interrogated since the same obviously didn’t apply to her. “Is she your acquaintance, Sword? She apparently knew you.” “No clue. Or rather, plenty of folk claim to be acquainted with me on their own account. I’d think she belongs in that category.” “...For heaven’s sake, I really ain’t no friend of coercin’ others by flaunting my rank.” “Sorry about that. But, it’s great that it worked on the official. If it had been me, it’d have ended with me asking 『Okay, so what about it?』.” Sword firmly grabbed my head! “...Yeah, right. Accordin’ to you, I’m just a smelly old man!” “...I-It’s alright. You won’t stink if you wash yourself properly. Also, hold back on your liquor.” “D-o-n-t w-a-n-n-a! Then I’d rather be a smelly old man!” ...You like alcohol so much? Is that really alright with you?
リョークにいろいろ教えつつ街を歩いた。 もちろん基本動作です。 見回ってると、子供が追いかけてきたりした。 「これはゴーレムだ。リョークと言う。リョーク、少年少女たちに挨拶をしろ」 「初めまして! ボクは、リョーク!」 「しゃべったー!」 「すげー!」 リョークに興味が湧いたようだ。 うん、ちょうどいい。 「少年少女たち、リョークは今、学習中だ。いろいろ教えてやってくれないか?」 「学習?」「ゴーレムが?」 子供たちが首をかしげた。 「このゴーレムは知らないことが多いからな。例えば、あの店はなんだ?」 「アレ? あれは〝武器屋〟! 武器を売ってるところ!」 子供たちの回答を聞いたリョークがしゃべり出した。 ソードと同じだな鳥に教え込ませるようにいろいろ教えようと子供たちがワーワー話し出した。 だと、なかなか学習がはかどらない。つい、興味があるところしか教えないからだ。 ついでに子供らしい口調も覚えてほしい。デフォルト私だからなー、基本動作のかわいいしゃべり方以外が固すぎる。 誰かが驚いた声を発したのでそちらを向くと、朱色の髪の少女がいた。 「ちょっとアンタ!! 子供たちをどうする気よ?!」 ......どうやら私のことだったらしい。 リョークをモンスターと勘違いしてるようだ。 「これはゴーレムだ。リョークという。リョーク、少女に挨拶をしろ」 もうちょっとバリエーションを入れた方がいいかな? いや、学習機能に期待しよう。 「こんなゴーレムいるわけないじゃない! モンスターよ! あなたたち、下がりなさい!」 眉を顰めた。 やっぱり強者でもゴーレムでもバカからはインネンつけられます。 周りに人が集まり、少女は攻撃態勢。 「......全く、本当に冒険者というのはバカばっかりだよな。強者もゴーレムもわからないときたもんだ」 髪をかき上げた。 「...お、おい、にーちゃん。大丈夫か?」 「私は大丈夫だが、少年少女たちは危険......でもないな。リョークの近くにいろ。リョーク、障壁を展開だ」 はい、基本動作です。 あ、少年にツッコミ忘れたな、私は女だ。 「警告するわ! 怪我をする前にとっととどきなさいよ!」 「お前こそまだ若いのに冒険者ライセンス剝奪されていいのか? 私は街を歩いていただけで、少年少女たちはこのゴーレムに言葉を教えていた。そこにいきなりお前が現れ人の話も聞かず怒鳴りつけ、無抵抗の私を今まさに攻撃しようとしている。どう見ても言い逃れ出来ないぞ、今ならまだそのかわいい顔に免じて見逃してやる」 年上のはずだが、随分小さくてかわいらしい少女だからね、ライセンス剝奪されたらかわいそうだし。 途端に、真っ赤。 ......なぜ怒った。褒め言葉だと思うんだけど? 「ああああんたのその軽いセリフに騙されないわよ!!」 「......なんだか会話がかみ合ってないんだが? お前は一体何に脅えて何に怒っているんだよ? 私は普通に町を観光していただけで、お前が声をかけ怒鳴ってきてるんだぞ、わかってるのか?」 参ったな。 「......この......! 前回といい、今日といい、バカにして......! いっくらSランクが師匠だからって、ナメないでよね!!」 詠唱しだした。 「は? 会ったことなどないだろう? 私はこの町に昨日着いたばかりだし、昨日は受付のお姉さんとしかしゃべってないぞ? それに......Sランクの師匠? ってソードのことかもしかして? 何も習ってないし、師匠じゃない。アイツはパートナーだ」 最後の言葉だけ聞き取れた。 ソードとか何言ってるかわからなかったけど、この子の詠唱は聴き取りやすかったな。 炎が向かってきた。 火炎放射魔術か。なら、魔素と酸素を取り除いてしまおう。 悲鳴が上がり炎が迫るが一瞬で処理。完了。 「リョークの障壁を展開させるまでもなかったか。燃料の無駄だったな」 「............え?」 消えたことに驚いている。 「私じゃなかったら危なかった......かもしれないぞ。まぁ、今の程度じゃリョークがどうにかなることもないな」 静まった後、わぁっと少年少女たちが歓声を上げた。 「にーちゃん、すげーな!」 「かっこいい! どうやったの?」 わらわら寄ってきた。 「火はどうして燃えるのかを考えてみるといい」 「どうやって燃えるんだ?」 「空気の中に燃えることを助ける成分が含まれているんだ。それと、魔術の素。それらを取り除いてやれば、一瞬で消える」 「「すげーーー!」」 うん、褒め称えられて気分が良くなってきた。 「少年少女たちよ、私は〝にーちゃん〟ではない。私のことは〝お嬢ちゃん〟と呼びなさい」 「いや、にーちゃんじゃん」 「わかった、インドラと呼べ」 「インドラにーちゃん!」 「せめてねーちゃんにしろ」 「にーちゃん!」 ......ははぁん、さては照れ隠しだな? 私が美少女だからだな! ギルドの誰かが調整に来てくれれば良いが、さもなければリョークを光学迷彩化してソードを呼びに行かせなければ。 ......と、官憲が来てしまった。 「何をしている!?」 いや、何もしてないんですけどね、私は。 「コイツ! コイツをやっつけるのよ! ギャフンと言わせないと私の気が治まらないわ!」 朱色の髪の少女が目を吊り上げて怒鳴ってる。 「キャシー!? 何やってるの!?」 どうやら彼女の知り合いらしい、いかにも冒険者って格好の少女が来た。 「見てよあの男!」 それは私じゃないな。私は女だからな。 「あっ! アイツ......」 「魔術を使ったのはどいつだ!」 「......というかな、それは何だ?! モンスターか!?」 「どこから見てもゴーレムだろう」 ってまた全員にツッコまれた。 「......私が作ったゴーレムだ」 「お前が!?」 「我流だが、魔術や魔導具作成の心得がある。そこで、我流で憧れのゴーレムを作ってみた。ただ、私の作ったゴーレムは、他の魔術師や魔導師が作ったように命令一つで動かせることはないんだ。教えなくてはいけない。で、教えるために町を歩き、少年少女たちが興味を持ったので、協力してもらっていた。そこに、彼女が私をギャフンと言わせるため魔術をぶっ放してきた。以上だ」 理路整然と説明出来た。 「キャシー!? アンタ、試験を控えたこの日に何やってんのよ!?」 「だってアイツ......!」 ほう、ということはCランクを受けるのか。 「私も言ったぞ? 今ならまだ見逃してやる、と。そうしたら詠唱しだしたんだ」 キャシーとやらのパートナーらしい子が唖然としてこっちを見た。 「もしかして、喧嘩売ってる?」 「どうしてそうなる」 わかった、さよなら、で終わる話だろうが。 「......インドラーッ!」 声がしたので振り向いた。 「おぉ、良かった。......ソード! やっぱり強者とゴーレムがわからないバカな冒険者に絡まれてしまったぞ!」 「......そういえばそう言われたな。うっかり失念した」 んもう、ソードのツッコミはどんどん激しくなるなあ。 で、来たソードがカードを印籠の如く官憲にかざした。 「コッチの口の悪いのは俺のパートナーだ。何か言われたとしても今回は俺に免じて許してやってくれ」 「いえ、私は特に......。かなり高威力の攻撃魔術が発射されたと通報があったので飛んできました」 「わかってると思うが、私じゃないぞ」 「わかってるから言わなくて良い。どーせお前が煽りスキル駆使して煽りまくったんだろうが」 「......でも、私は、少年少女たち相手にリョークと遊んでいただけだぞ? なぁ?」 「......お前、子供と仲良く出来るのかよ?!」 「当たり前だろうが。少年少女たちのヒーローだぞ、私は」 「あぁ、リョーク相手だと唐突に出る〝子供返り〟が発動したのかよ」 何だソレ。 「子供ならお前の煽りプレイを聞き逃せるのかもなぁ」 とかも言われたし。 周りからも、私は魔術を使ってない、子供たちは確かにそのゴーレム?と遊んでいたようだ、と判明し私は解放された。 「ソードは知り合いなのか? お前のことも知っていたようだぞ」 「知らねーな。つか、相手が一方的にお知り合い、っつーやつは腐るほどいるよ。その手合いじゃねーのか?」 「...ったく、正直ランクカード見せびらかして相手を威圧する真似なんざやりたかねーのによ」 「それはすまなかったな。だが、通用する相手で良かったな。私だったら『だからどうした』で終わるからな」 ガシッと頭をつかまれた! 「......あぁそうだよ。お前に言わせたら俺は〝臭いオッサン〟だからな!」 「......だ、大丈夫だ。ちゃんと洗えば臭くない。あと、酒も飲むのを控えろ」 「いーやーだーね! なら、臭いオッサンでいいわ!」 ......そんなに酒が好きなのか。大丈夫か。
Cheers, I was walking through dusty corridors. ...They sure are inattentive when it comes to sweeping. Why is this country so indifferent to cleaning and hygiene anyway? Though I guess I should increase their rating somewhat for using glass windows. Well, who would open sliding windows without glass anyway? With the hallways being so wide, it’d be impossible, right? I guess that’s the underlying idea here. ...While thinking about all that, I followed an instructor, before entering one of the classrooms. Ooohh, how do I describe it? It’s a truly fantasy-like classroom! It has that plenary-hall-like structure which I like so much. “He’s a student who’s going to join us in the special class starting today. ――He has extremely good academic results. An extremely talented student who passed all subjects, including magic and martial arts, with flying colors. All of you, follow his example and try to achieve new heights in your learning.” After being introduced by the instructor, I introduced myself. “Thanks for this kind introduction. My name is Indra. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” This spelled the start of my academy adventure arc. The emergency request delivered by the guildmaster had been forwarded by the royal palace. 『There are rumors about a demon or demonkin having infiltrated the capital’s academy which is managed by the royal palace. It’s said that a high level of magic elements has been detected. Find out the truth and the objective of the perpetrator』...is the rather vague request’s content. Sword and I narrowed our eyes, and then looked at each other. ――Okay, our thoughts are on the same page here. We’re both wondering what kind of request this is supposed to be, huh? Sword waved a hand, indicating that we’d be turning down the request. “That’s impossible, no? How are we supposed to get in there?” “It sounds like you’ll be officially admitted as a special instructor, Sword, and Indra will be enrolled as a student on a special scholarship.” ...Hmm. In that case it might be slightly fun, no? It might be alright to head in there as long as I can go on a rampage as I please. “I’m against it. I hate havin’ to deal with fuckin’ cheeky noble brats. And I’d hate it even more to clean up after Indra goes berserk.” This time I shrugged my shoulders, “What, it’s no problem. You just need to go berserk with me. We’ll be able to slaughter the demon, demonkin or whatever it is, if we kill everyone, right?” “I’m against it,” repeated Sword. “...Having said that, is this a request we can turn down? Whether it’s a demon or demonkin, no one can take this on now that there’s no A-Rank adventurer around. If it’s a demonkin, Bloody Witch would be hard pressed to deal with them, and if it’s a demon, Peerless Strength would be ill-suited to handle them.” “...Tsk!” Sword clicked his tongue. “Now, now, isn’t it fine to do it since they haven’t added any restrictions to our actions? You don’t need to tolerate things. After all, I’ll take care of all that stands in our way.” “Why must I suffer like this?” The guildmaster looked at Sword with a face full of pity, and caressed his shoulder, “I get your feeling on this, but no one can do it in your stead, right? Besides, it’s become an emergency request because the first prince is currently enrolled at the academy.” Hmm. “What do they want us to do if that first prince has been possessed by a demon? Indra is goin’ to butcher him, regardless of whether he’s the first prince or whatever, you know?” “Bah, isn’t that fine in itself? Give up. All of it will be the fault of the client anyway,” the guildmaster admonished Sword with a face as if he had attained some kind of enlightenment. “Sword, don’t worry, I’ll protect you. You said that you decided to have fun yourself as well, didn’t you? Let’s enjoy academy life together. I’ll do everything so we can have some fun.” Sword screamed while lying on the table, “Don’t wannaaaaaaaa!” ――What should I do? Sword broke, didn’t he? ...and thus as I soothed and persuaded Sword, who was initially against it, we enrolled at the academy. Not like I really care, but they sent me a male uniform for some reason. I wonder why? Are they telling me to search while crossdressing as a guy? I don’t mind either way, but to be honest, guys smell a lot more than girls, don’t they? Let’s stay away from other guys as much as possible. Okay, we’ve arrived at the Integrated National Academy Farland. It was located in a relatively classy area of the capital. As might be expected for a city labeled as capital, it was very huge. Generally noble children in the range of eleven to fifteen years would enroll at this academy (even if it’s just for making connections or for the sake of social intercourse), but everyone, whose abilities had been approved of (be it through connections or pure talent), could enter this school as a scholarship student. And after having their abilities recognized further, and passing the academy with excellent marks, divided by field, they’d be able to take relatively important posts at the palace in the future. ――I got such an explanation, but I didn’t care since I’m an adventurer anyway. ――At the classroom I was led to, all the students were staring at me for some reason. Most of them were either wearing expressions full of ridicule or didn’t seem overly interested in me. Hmm, but there’s no demon or demonkin in this classroom. Usually, any being would show interest if they saw me, except for humans...ah, dwarves are around as well, huh?...so except for humans and dwarves. Plana had apparently sensed that I have many magic elements (according to her, she ended up staring at me in surprise when we passed each other at the guild because of that). She also mentioned that elves, who were a lot more sensitive than her, would show an even stronger reaction. I don’t know about demonkin, but people should also show interest in me if their amount of magic elements is big. But, there’s no one like that here. Sword had predicted that we’d be able to either find such a person in the magician class or the special class, if they were at the academy. Since the mana of demons or demonkin is thick, they’d stand out if they were in other classes, he explained. By the way, I can somehow grasp the density of magic elements (the presence of Mr. Fluff), but I can’t detect anyone with a rich mana in here. ――Aww shucks, no helping it. It looks like we’re being taught magic together with the magician class, so I guess I’ll take a look at that class then. The classes were plain normal. Language, math, history, and manners. Music as a selective. Those who had their abilities recognized, had magic and swordsmanship as practical classes on top of that. I heard a special class that focused on a lady’s training and thus only contained girls also offered embroidery. The educational material was all stuff I had already finished, albeit only if you also included my self-study. I was actively called out starting with the first day’s classes, but I answered all of the questions with ease. When I even gave my opinion on the class, the lecturer became teary-eyed. Quite bad with being outperformed, aren’t we? ――I wonder whether Sword is fine. That guy always picks up malicious intent right away. I have the Ryokus follow him, but still, I’m kind of worried. ...just as I thought about that, classes ended. Good grief, how boring. There’s nothing new about the lessons, or rather, it’s all stuff that I finished learning close to ten years ago. This is the level of the special class? How laughable. As I walked through the hallway while thinking that I should quickly wrap up the request and bid farewell to this dull place, several nobles planted themselves in front of me while clearly having scorn color their faces. ...Nice! Maybe things have just become a bit more interesting.
ほこりっぽい廊下を歩く。 ......掃除が行き届いてないな。どうしてこの国は掃除や衛生について無頓着なのだろうか。 まぁ、ガラスなしの戸板だと、開け閉めって誰がするの? こんな広いのに無理でしょ? ってことなのかなー。 ......そんなことを考えながら、教官の後ろについて歩きの教室に入る。 ――おぉ。なんというか、ファンタジーな教室だ。あの憧れの、段々高くなる造りになってるぞ! 「今日からこの特別クラスに編入する生徒だ。――彼はかなりの成績優秀者で、武術も魔術も学術も、すべて満点で合格した才能あふれる生徒だ。皆も、彼を刺激とし、より高みを望むように」 教官から紹介され、自己紹介する。 「紹介にあずかりましたインドラと申します。どうぞ お願いします」 これにて、学園冒険編が始まった。 ギルドマスターが持ってきた緊急依頼は、王宮からだった。 『王都の、王宮が管理する学園にデーモンもしくは魔族が侵入したという ソードと私、目を細めた。 ――うん、思いは一緒。何その依頼? って思ってるよね。 ソードは手を振って依頼拒否の合図。 「無理だろ。どーやって入るんだよ」 「特別講師として、ソード、特待編入生として、インドラ、それが表向きの肩書きだそうだ」 ......ふーん。それならちょっと面白そうかな? 「俺、やだよ。クソ生意気な貴族のガキ共を相手するのもやだし、インドラが暴れるのを尻拭いするのも嫌だ」 「なに、問題ない。お前も一緒に暴れればいいんだ。全員殺したら、デーモンも魔族も皆殺しに出来るだろう」 ソードが繰り返す。 「......とは言っても、断れない依頼だぞ? コレ。デーモンにしろ魔族にしろ、Aランクがいない今、お前等しか相手に出来ない。魔族だったら血みどろ魔女の分が悪いし、デーモンだったら剛力無双の分が悪い」 「......チッ!」 「まぁまぁ、行動制限がついてないんだからいいじゃないか。お前は我慢しなくていい。私が全て請け負ってやるから」 「俺、なんでこんな苦労性なんだよー!」 「気持ちはわかるけどよ、誰も代わってやれないんだぜ? それに、緊急依頼になったのは、第一王子が今入学してるんだ」 ふーん。 「その第一王子にデーモンが取りついてたらどうする気だよ? インドラは第一王子だろうと殺しちまうぞ?」 「もう、それはそれでいいじゃねーか。諦めろ。依頼側が全部悪いんだよ」 「ソード、私が守ってやるから心配するな。お前だって、楽しむって決めたんだろう? 学園生活を共に楽しもう。楽しめるようにしてやるから」 ソード、机に突っ伏しながら叫んだ。 ――どうしよう、ソードが壊れたぞ? ......と嫌がるソードをなだめ説き伏せ、入学したのだ。 どうでも良いけど男子用の制服が届いたのだが。なぜだろうか? 男装して探れということか? はい、やってきましたフーランド国立総合学園。 この学園、大体くらいの貴族子弟が(コネクションを得るためや社交のためにバカであっても)入学するんだけど、(純粋に、あるいはコネクションで)能力が認められた者は誰でも特待生として入学出来る。そうして能力が更に認められ、専門分野に分かれる上位の学院の合格が決まると、将来的に王宮で割と重要な職種に就くことが出来る。――と説明されたがどうでもいい。私は冒険者だ。 ――案内された教室にいる、生徒全員をなんとなく眺める。 大体、人間以外......あ、ドワーフもか、人間とドワーフ以外の者が私を見ると、興味を示す。 プラナも私の魔素が多いことを察知したそうだ(ギルドですれ違ったときに驚いてガン見してしまったそうな)。もっと敏感なエルフならもっと反応するかも、と言っていた。 魔族は知らないが、自身の魔素が大きいならば、私に興味を示しても良いはずだ。 ......だが、いないな。 ソードの予想では、もしもいるならば、魔術クラスか特別クラスだろうとのことだ。マナが濃いので、他のクラスにいたら目立つだろう、とのことだった。ちなみに、私も魔素の濃度(ふんわりさんの漂い具合)がなんとなくわかるが、濃いやつはいない。 ――やれやれ、仕方ない。魔術は魔術クラスと合同らしいし、そこで見てみるか。 言語、計算、歴史、マナー。選択で音楽。能力が認められた者は、実技に魔術と剣技。 女子のみで構成された、淑女教育に重点をおいたクラスは刺しゅうもあるそうだ。 授業内容は、独学も含まれるが既に終わらせている内容だった。 意見もしたら、講師が涙目になってしまった。随分打たれ弱いな。 ――ソードは大丈夫だろうか。アイツはすぐ悪意を拾うからなぁ。リョークがついてるけど、心配だよなぁ。 ......と考えてたら放課後になってしまった。 やれやれ、つまらないな。授業も目新しいことは無いし、というか、私は既に十年近く前に済ませてしまった内容ばかりだ。このレベルで特別クラスとは笑わせるぞ。 とっとと依頼を片付けてオサラバしようと考えつつ廊下を歩いていた私の前に、明らかに見下した表情でこちらを見ている貴族が数人立った。 ......面白くなってきたかも。
When I stepped inside the restaurant, today’s invitees had their breath taken away while straightening their backs. On this fine day we were holding the Pre-Open Reception. On the first day, the owners, Sword and me, would personally greet the guests. Well, I’m going to be the only one doing the greeting, though. Sword has completely refused it, hands down. “Dear ladies and gentlemen, you have my deepest gratitude for having followed our invitation to attend our humble feast today despite your busy schedule. My name is Indra, and I am the owner of the 『Haughty Restaurant』. I am delighted and pleased to make your acquaintance.” After the customary greeting, I explained all the key points of this restaurant such as the store’s concept, the methods of ordering, the means to reserve a table, the requirements for companions, what to do if they’d like to introduce acquaintances to this place, and so on. “Since we will accept requests to take out the leftover food, feel free to ask at any moment. However, the food will not last long, so please make sure to eat it up on the same day. I can already foresee that the ladies and gentlemen, who are fond of drinks...or maybe I should say, liquor, will be very eager to purchase the liquor that is going to be served today. But, at present, we do not have any plans to sell it.” The venue became noisy. Some of the guests even looked shocked. Huh? Were they hoping to buy a stock here or something like that? “The reason is grounded in my personally producing only small amounts. Unfortunately the supply would not be able to keep up with the demand. I believe currently the only places for you to buy the liquor will be this restaurant and an auction where Sword’s friend, a merchant, is going to sell some of the liquor. Also, since it is a product that is difficult to store, sales to individuals will have to wait for the time being. To make up for this, the first cup will be free of charge for you. We have a drink menu, and you can pick any of the drinks listed there for free. However, starting with the second cup, we will need to charge you the price as it is listed on the menu.” Cheers welled up. Sword cast a glance at me. But, don’t worry. Rather than them tenaciously pestering us about selling the liquor to them, it’s better to run a first-cup-free campaign. “...Now then as you can see, I am former nobility, but nowadays I am a commoner and adventurer. That said, I might know noble etiquette, but I don’t plan on bothering you with it. This restaurant is intended for commoners as a place to visit when they feel like enjoying some extravagance.” I stopped talking for the moment, and took a look around me. Shrugging my shoulders, “......That’s why, no need to act all stiff and formal. Although it’s bound to the condition of not causing any trouble to others, you can enjoy the liquor and food to your heart’s content. ...Oh, before I forget, no matter how much money you might have, don’t overdo it with the drinking. If you go on a rampage or act inappropriately, you’ll be kicked out and won’t be allowed to drink any liquor in this restaurant anymore. Well then, please enjoy yourself to the fullest.” Laughter suddenly broke out. Sword smiled wryly, too. For the time being, I had Sword escort me to the waiting room. “Now then, I think we’ll help out where needed while keeping an eye on things.” “Yeah, yeah...even if you say that, all I can do is carry the luggage, you know?” “That’s plenty. How about you go entertain the guildmaster for a bit?” He came since we sent him an invitation, but he looked somewhat overwhelmed by all of this. “Sure, why not. I’m gonna call out to all the folk thinking they came to the wrong place.” Sword disappeared towards the floor. As I was looking around, the first thing I noticed were the people who couldn’t decide on their first drink. Since I suspected that some people would fill their cups to the brim if left to their own devices, I had the staff walk around with trays that were loaded with pre-filled cups of different drinks. A normal drink would be filled to the brim together with ice. The cups with cider and ale were filled by % without any ice. The smaller, ornamented glasses with wine were likewise filled by %. Brandy and whiskey could contain ice, but they were usually one-shots and the glasses were half full. We also mixed brandy and whiskey with carbonated drinks, turning them into Highballs. I had hired staff for the sake of only working the drinks, and had thoroughly taught them all I know about it. To be honest, I had expected that some of them might steal liquor, but not a single one has done so. On the contrary, they were holding the bottles and glasses with trembling hands while looking scared (because all of it was expensive stuff). When I rudely asked some of them, “Don’t you sometimes feel like stealing and selling the liquor , seeing how you’d be able to earn manifold your wages?”, they shook their heads furiously. “I’d definitely get exposed! This is the only place selling these, so I’d be caught in no time.” “I don’t have the balls to steal and sell something belonging to an S-Rank adventurer.” “If I did anything like that, my life would be forfeit.” Ah, I guess it’s what Sword talked about a while ago: “No one would sneak into the house of an S-Rank adventurer.” Seeing how it apparently happened quite a few times in reality, I can’t describe you as anything but naive and too good-hearted. Don’t become too complacent just because you’re an S-Rank adventurer! is what I thought, but it looks like normally people don’t steal and sell your stuff. Once everyone had finally chosen a drink, people toasted all over the place. Even the guildmaster, who had been acting meek and frightful so far, seemed to have relaxed a bit after chatting with Sword, and cheerfully clinked glasses with him. The guildmaster went with a Highball, I think. Sword chose ale. How unusual...for Sword to pick ale... Oh, I got it. It’s because he alone can drink as much as he likes. Well, I think he’d drink as much as he wants even without the permission to do so, but I wonder whether he understands that it’s a bad idea? Can he actually read the mood? I told a waiter to not give Sword any refills, even if he asked. As soon as I also added a message for Sword, telling him that he should read the atmosphere as we couldn’t have him being the only one in the room getting as many refills as he wanted, the waiter headed over to inform Sword. The guildmaster who watched and listened from the side broke out into roaring laughter at Sword’s completely flabbergasted face. Sword immediately blew a fuse, and rushed over to me. “I’m one of the owners, so what’s the issue!?” “Then you should read the situation all the more. The guests around you can’t drink as much as they like, can they? If only you were to down one drink after the other, you’d draw extremely envious and reproachful looks on yourself, wouldn’t you?” After being at a loss for a moment, he headed back on the floor once more. There he went on the stage I had used for my greetings earlier, and gave a rather messy speech himself. “I’m the owner Sword. Thanks for comin’ to our restaurant today. Today it’ll be my treat. Drink as much as you like...well, if I said that, Indra would get pissed and beat me black n’ blue, so three cups! Up to three cups is free of charge for everyone!” The hall burst into loud cheers. Still, he wanted to drink his liquor so much that he went even as far as doing something he’s bad at like giving a speech? The Full Course Menu is as follows: – Amuse-bouche and Gougère – As hors d’oeuvre: a three-layered terrine, monster meat in a chilled, fermented orange-mint sauce, and one item from the assorted platter of appetizers. – As supper: a potage made out of potatoes and fermented apples. – As main: monster meat saute and a portion of wine-based stew. – As dessert: cheesecake with fermented berry sauce. Lastly, the guests could choose between cold water with a shot of orange-mint and regular, hot water. One cup was free of charge here. Black tea cost extra. So did the bean tea I had developed. This was the menu the master chef and I came up with after pooling our ideas. Given that we could use as much milk as we wanted nowadays, we adopted it in many dishes. I mean we made mountains of Gougère. Mmh? Eggs? You’re asking where I found eggs in this world? Hihihihi. That’s something I caught as well! No! I scouted it! A cockatrice! Moreover, a unique kind! ――It was tiny. On top of that, its plume had an eye-popping blue color! Since it told me, “I was shunned by my brethren for being small, and thus I’ve been living in hiding since I’m weak,” with its body trembling all over, I answered, “Then, how about I provide you with a safe place to live in exchange for you giving me eggs?” And thus the scouting was complete. Of course I also had it invite its friends. They were red and yellow, resulting in me having various thoughts on the matter, but I didn’t mention a single of them. After explaining the situation to the charge cows, I got both to live together. Since the cockatrices said, “Our cock-spurs and the fangs of our snake part have poison glands, but no poison will come out unless we will it,” I prepared a magic antidote tool and an antidote that could be drunk at any moment as a precautionary measure. But, they lived so peacefully together that it didn’t look like it’d be needed, and the cockatrices produced masses of eggs for us as well. Still, that was really a big help. Until now I had diligently walked around and picked up eggs whenever I found some, but with this I’d finally be able to have a stable supply. Their fodder was very cheap too, since they had apparently taken an extreme liking to the leftovers from our liquor brewing. The charge cows liked those leftovers as well, so they heartily feasted on it together. In addition, they pecked at malt or pea plants, and their snake part apparently ate the smaller monsters that showed up every once in a while. They sure are peaceful. Their colors are super close to being a traffic light though. ...Oops, I spilled the beans. The eggs produced by those colorful cockatrices had colorful shells, but their content was ordinary. The colorful shells made it seem like we were having Easter every day, but they were a lot more delicious than the ones I had gathered so far! The flavor was deep. By the way, the milk from my charge cows was also more delicious than the one I drank at the milk stand a while back. That’s a unique species for you! ――As I blankly thought about the events around the cockatrice, the menu had progressed all the way to dessert. Around a third of the people wanted to take out some food. The guildmaster was among them, too. The dessert was especially a dish all of them wanted to take out. It looks like they’re going to share it with their wives and children. How very kind! I’m sure most of the family-oriented people opted for take-out. The drinkers turned down a digestif for the reason of having to sober up. Quite amazing, that.
中に入ると、今日の招待客が息を飲み、姿勢を正した。 初日はオーナーの私とソードが挨拶を行う。 まぁ、挨拶は私だけがするのだが。 「皆様、本日はお忙しい中お招きに応じて来店してくださり、感謝を申し上げます。私は、この『傲慢レストラン』のオーナーである、インドラと申します。以後、お見知りおきをお願い致します」 定型の挨拶の後、店のコンセプト、オーダー方法、次回の予約方法、同伴の条件、知人を紹介したい場合、等々の注意点を述べた。 「食べ残しの持ち帰りは応じておりますので気軽にお声がけください。ただし、日持ち致しませんので、当日中にお召し上がり下さい。ドリンク......恐らくお酒を嗜まれる方は、本日お出しする酒のご購入に意欲的になると推測いたします。 ショック受けてる顔の人もいるし。 なんか買う気になってたのか? 「理由は、少量を個人的に作っておりますので、需要に対して供給が追いつかなくなるからでございます。現在、レストランに提供する分、ソードが懇意にしている商人にオークションに掛けてもらう分、以上のみの販売になるでしょう。また、保管の難しい商品となりますので、個人への販売は見送らせていただきます。代わりに、最初の一杯は無料とさせていただきます。ドリンクメニューにある、どれでも無料です目以降はメニューにある金額を一杯ごとにいただくことになります」 と歓声が上がった。 ソードがチラ、と私を見たが、いいんだ、売ってくれってしつこくされるくらいなら、最初の一杯無料キャンペーンやった方がいいんだ。 「......さて、見ての通り、私は元貴族でしたが、今は平民で冒険者をしております。ですので、貴族のマナーは知っておりますが、それをうるさく言うつもりはありません。ここは、平民のための、贅沢したいときに訪れる場所として開店するつもりです」 言葉を一旦止めて見渡し、肩をすくめる。 「............だから、そう萎縮するな。『周りに迷惑をかけなければ』、という前提はつくが、思い思いに料理を酒を味わえ。......あぁ、あと、いくら金があるからと言って深酒するなよ。暴れたり醜態を晒したらたたき出して次からは飲ませんからな。じゃあ、楽しんでいってくれ」 どっと笑いが起きた。 「さて。様子を見つつ、ヘルプが必要になったら手助けするか」 「ハイハイ。......っつっても俺、荷物運びくらいしか出来ねーぞ?」 「充分だろ。なんならギルドマスターの相手をしてやればどうだ?」 招待状を出したので来てくれたが、萎縮してしまってる。 「ま、そうさな。場違いなトコに来た、って思ってる連中に声かけてくるわ」 フロアに向かっていった。 様子を見てると、まず、最初の一杯が決まらない。 それを見ながらウンウン悩んでいる。 ワインは小さめの装飾グラスに七分目、ブランデー、ウイスキーは氷をいれるがワンショットで見た目半分くらい。 ブランデー、ウイスキーは炭酸割りも対応。ハイボールね。 これらのドリンク対応〝だけ〟のために、バイトを雇いました。徹底的にしごきました。 盗んで売ったらここで働く給料の何十倍ももらえるのに、そういう気持ちは起きなかったの? と失礼なことを訊いたら、すっごい勢いで首を横に振られた。 「絶対! バレる。出処、ここしかないし、すぐ捕まる」 「Sランク冒険者のものを盗んで売るなんて度胸はない」 「そんなことしたら命がいくつあっても足りない」 あ、ソードが言ってたのってこのことか、「Sランク冒険者の家に忍び込むやつはいない」って。 実際何度もあったそうで、全く見通しが甘いやつだな、Sランク冒険者って肩書きに胡座をかきすぎなんだよ! って思ったけど、普通は盗んで売ったりしないっぽいね。 ようやくドリンクが決まったらしく、あちこちで乾杯が起きてる。 萎縮してたギルドマスターも、ソードがなんだかんだ話し掛けてようやく緊張が解けたようで、ソードと乾杯してる。 ギルドマスターはハイボールにしたんだな、ソードはエールだ。 珍しいな、ソードがエールなんて......あ、わかった、やつだけ飲み放題だからだ。 給仕に、ソードにおかわり頼まれても出すなと伝える。 すぐにソードが憤然と私の所に来た。 「オーナーなんだからいいだろ!」 「ならばより一層空気を読め。周りは飲み放題じゃないんだぞ? お前だけパカパカ飲んでたら、非常に視線の痛いことになるぞ?」 うっ、と詰まった後、しばし黙り、またフロアに行った。 「オーナーのソードだ。本日は、来店感謝する。今日は俺の奢りだ。飲み放題......はインドラが激怒して俺をたたき出すから止めといて!三杯まで無料だ!」 ワーッと歓声が上がった。 苦手な挨拶までして飲みたかったらしいよ? コースメニューは、 ・アミューズにグジェール ・オードブルが三層のテリーヌ、魔物肉の冷製発酵柑橘ソースがけ、前菜盛り合わせの中から一品 ・スープは芋と発酵林檎のポタージュ ・メインが魔物肉のソテー、ワイン煮込みの中から一品 ・デザートに発酵ベリーソースがけチーズケーキ 最後は柑橘を軽く搾った冷水か普通に白湯か選べる。これも一杯だけ無料。 料理長と私が決めた渾身のメニューだ。 グジェールなんか、大量に作っちゃったもんね。 ん? 卵? この世界の卵ってどうなってるの? って? それも捕まえてきた! しかも、ユニーク種! しかも、目が覚めるようなブルーなの! ボク、小さくて仲間からも除け者にされてて、力も弱いから、隠れて棲んでるんだ、ってプルプル震えながら言うので、じゃあ、卵をくれるんだったら安全な住み処を用意するよ? って言い、スカウト完了。 赤と黄色で、いろいろ思うところはあったけど、全部飲み込んだ。 チャージカウに事情を話して一緒に暮らしてもらってる。 毒腺が蹴爪と蛇部分の牙にあるけど、意識的に出さない限りは出ないよー、と言うので、念のために毒消しの魔導具を用意して、そこにいつでも飲める毒消し薬を用意した。 でも、必要ないくらい仲良く暮らしてるし、卵もガツガツ産んでくれる。 いやー、助かった。 今まで卵拾いに精を出してたんだけど(巣らしきところに産み捨ててある、ちなみに本体はついぞ見かけたことがない)、これで安定して供給出来るわー。 これはチャージカウも好きで、みんなでガッツガツ食べてる。 あとは、麦芽とか、マメ科の植物をついばんだり、蛇部分はたまに現れる小魔物を食べるらしい。 のどかだねぇ。色はなかなかに信号機だけど。......あっ、飲み込んだもの吐き出しちゃったよ。 その、カラフルコカトリスが産んだ卵、殻はカラフルだけど中身は普通だった。 味が濃いのだ。 ちなみに、チャージカウのミルクも、スタンドで飲んだのより美味かった。 さすがユニーク種! ――ボーッとコカトリスのことを考えてたら、デザートまで行き着いていた。 お持ち帰りは三分の一くらい出た。 特にデザートは全部持ち帰りでと頼んでた。 やっさしーい! たぶんにそんな人たちがお持ち帰りを選択したぽいね。 酒飲みは「酔いが覚めるから」という理由で食後のドリンクを断ってたよ。
Once we called out for driver candidates, many hands shot up among the servants of the duke family. Even maids were among them! And of course, the duke himself as well! “The one also piquing my interest is that one over there,” Ann commented while pointing ahead. “Ah, Bronko, huh? That one’s a replacement for a horse, I’d say. If you want to drive it, Sword...well, even if it’s not him, our butler and servants can teach you how. However, you need armor, so please get that sorted first.” Bronko sure was popular. Damsel Scarlet declined, “As expected, a bike is out of my league, I think.” But, around as many servants as Bronko raised their hands for ChaNon...the shortened name of Char Non-Violence – Special edition which Damsel Scarlet considered to be too long as a name, and thus abbreviated it to ChaNon as protegee of Char. She probably believes that it’s bad if she can’t always be diagonally behind her. And although that certainly seems to be an element of a maid’s pride...I sighed and persuaded Ann. “Say, Ann, you finally came on a vacation, so take the opportunity and relax a bit, will you? It’s your time to rest. R-E-S-T! The servants in our mansion used to attend nobility, and some of the veteran servants have also been serving my mother and the late earl. In short, we’ve got a line-up of experienced servants!” “But, just because of that...” “I get where you’re coming from. It’s a matter of dignity for a maid, right? Your mistress allows it, but you can’t allow yourself to do it. However, if you discipline yourself so strictly, your mistress won’t be able to relax either.” She pulled a face as if having been slapped. A maid acting as a maid implicitly coerces her master into acting as a master. Damsel Scarlet also came here on vacation. And she chose my place for that. In other words, she feels like easing a bit on the noble manners and cutting loose somewhat.” I cast a fleeting glance at Damsel Scarlet. “But, if you constantly follow her as a maid, Damsel Scarlet won’t be able to act without restraint, right? There’s also her unadorned personality she’s shown to me as her school friend, so there must be times when she wants to relax a bit. You have to perceive that and also rest a bit. ――You understand what I’m talking about, don’t you?” Ann stared at me with widened eyes. And then, after a short while, she performed a respectful maid bow at me. “...Thank you very much for your wise advice. Very well, please take care of Her Ladyship.” “Yeah, count on me. ...With that out of the way, Damsel Scarlet, you’re going to have some chill time with me for a bit. What, this is a mansion where commoners have assembled. On top of that, you should be much more accustomed to the various facilities over here than your maids. I’ll also treat you to food as it has been eaten by commoners in the other world. You surely aren’t going to tell me that you can’t use “chopsticks,” are you?” “Eh? ...Does that mean...?” “”Udon,” “ramen,” and “yakisoba” ―― it kinda stings that our merchant, Benjamin, hasn’t come back with the “rice” yet, but “noodles” are my forte when it comes to cooking. My cooks are going to treat you to “pasta,” but I’ll make something more plebeian. There’s also “okonomiyaki” and “pizza,” I guess. If you have any requests for dishes other than “rice-based” ones, I’ll go along with them, you know? I mean, I was pretty good at cooking back in the other world.” “Yahooooo!” Okay, at this point she totally looks like she’s cutting loose, but her maids are ignoring it. ...Suddenly, my shoulder was tightly grabbed from behind. When I looked back, I found Duke Chaudgal staring at me with sparkling eyes. “Is it okay for me to cut loose as well? I’m extremely interested in that commoner food you spoke of.” ......Sure, I don’t particularly mind. But, I think it’s better for you to keep your meddling at bay, unless you want to be hated by your daughter, you know? In the end, it resulted in me building another Bronko and renting it out. However! Since it’d be nothing more than a simple toy at this rate, I requested them to use it for courier services. “I’ll add a sidecar, so I want you to transport the black tea with two people in the Bronko. If the trip takes five days with a carriage, it should be possible to lower the travel time to three days with Bronko. However, since you need proper driving abilities, I’d like you to properly select the personnel for this task. Given that the sidecar will allow for a substitute driver to come along, the one riding in there has to use it for decently resting, okay?” I guess I’ll build the sidecar without tires, making it float thanks to wind and gravity magic, while it’s going to use Char’s following function. Of course, it won’t be able to stop suddenly to prevent accidents, and I think I’ll have it deploy a magic element barrier while running. “Wireless communicators have been installed in all vehicles. So if something happens, use the wireless to contact Sword, me, and the guard Ryokus. We all are connected to the wireless communication network. I’ll promise on our name as S-Rank adventurers that we’ll immediately come running, even if we might be on the other side of this planet!” “Oohh! That’s Sword’s partner for you! So you also match him in speed, huh!?” Because the duke praised me, I answered in a good mood, “Yep! I might lose out a bit to Sword, but I’m no pushover either!” Watching us, Damsel Scarlet asked Sword, who had been acting as if all of this was no concern of his, “...Say, don’t you feel like those two get along too well?” “No kiddin’. I’ve been vaguely sensin’ it for a while now, too. But, I wanted to keep my eyes averted from reality,” answered Sword. Damsel Scarlet naturally passed the driving course for ChaNon in one go. Her curving, cranking, braking, and parking were all perfect. According to the person herself, “It was quite easy with all the cameras.” Meanwhile, our butler had the other applicants train driving. The servants and maids, who loved Bronko, took care of the short course for Bronko. Our maids taught the women while our servants handled the men. The duke wanted to ride Bronko as well, but I stopped him. “If you fall off a horse, you’ll suffer a serious injury, but if you crash with Bronko, you’ll be lucky if you only suffer heavy injuries. And, the death rate is much higher for Bronko than for ChaNon. I don’t mind you learning how to drive it, but I think it’d be better for the patriarch of a duke family to refrain from driving around. If you don’t keep up to date with training, it’ll be really dangerous. Damsel Scarlet is aware of that, and because of that, she isn’t going to ride Bronko.” “Ugh! ...If that’s the case, I’ll give up on it.” Oh, unexpectedly he knows when to throw in the towel. The duke readily pulled back.
運転手希望者を募ったら、公爵家使用人から多数の挙手が! 「あと、気になってるのが、アレなのですが」 「あぁ、ブロンコか。アレは馬の代わりだな。乗りたいなら、ソード......でなくても執事や使用人が教えてくれるぞ。但し、防具が必要なので、そろえてくれ」 ブロンコは人気だなー。 「さすがにバイクは無理ですわ」 と辞退したが使用人たちは、シャール・ノンバイオレンス、スペシャルエディション......長いわ! シャールの妹分としてシャノンにしてやる! ......のシャノンと同じくらい乗り手に手を挙げた。 たぶん、常に斜め後ろに控えてないと駄目だと思ってるのだろう。 「なぁ、アンよ。せっかくバケーションに来たんだ、お前も息抜きしろ。休暇だ、休暇を取れ。うちの屋敷の住人はこれでも貴族の使用人だった者たちで、古株は先代や私の母親から付き添っている者もいる。ベテランぞろいなんだ」 「ですが、そういうわけには......」 なのだろう? 主人が許そうが、自分が許せない。だが、逆にな、お前がそう厳しく自分を律していると、主人も休めないのだ」 を受けたような顔をした。 「メイドがメイドたれ、というのは、暗に、主人に主人たれ、と強要してるのだ。スカーレット嬢だって、バケーションに来たんだ、そして、選ばれたのは私なのだ。つまりは、貴族のマナーを少しばかり放り出して、羽目を外したい気持ちはあるのだ」 ちらり、とスカーレット嬢を見やった。 「だが、お前がメイドとして常に付き従っていたら、スカーレット嬢は羽目を外せないだろう? 学友の私に見せる素顔もあるのだ。息抜きしたいときもあるだろう、それを察してお前も休め。――お前には、私の言ってることが分かるだろう?」 そして、しばらく見つめた後、メイドの最敬礼をした。 「......助言、ありがとうございます。わかりました、お嬢様をお願いいたします」 「あぁ、請け負った。......というわけでな、スカーレット嬢、しばらく私と共に羽を伸ばせ。なに、ここは平民の集まる屋敷だ。おまけにここの仕組みは貴女の方がメイドよりも数段詳しく慣れているはず。私が、別世界で平民が食べていた料理でも振る舞ってやろう。まさか、〝箸〟が使えないとは言うまい?」 「えっ? ......ってことは?」 「〝うどん〟、〝ラーメン〟、〝焼きそば〟。――〝米〟を運んでいるベンジャミンという商人が帰ってこないのは痛いが、〝麺〟は私の得意料理だ。〝パスタ〟は料理人が振る舞うが、もっと庶民的なものを作ってやろう。他にも、〝お好み焼き〟に〝ピザ〟もあるか。〝米〟料理以外のリクエストがあれば受け付けるぞ? 私は別世界でもかなり料理が得意な方だったからな」 「わーいわーい」 うん、この時点で既に羽目を外している気がしなくもないが、メイドたちは黙殺している。 ......すると、後ろからガシッと肩をつかまれた。 「私も羽目を外して良いかな? その、庶民の食べ物とやらに、非常に興味があるのだが」 娘に嫌われないように、ホドホドにした方がいいよ? それじゃ単なる玩具になるので、バイク便をお願いした。 「サイドカーを付ける組で、ブロンコで紅茶を運んで欲しい。馬車の行程なら、ブロンコなで着けるはずだ。ただ、運転テクニックは必要になるので、それなりの人選で挑んで欲しい。サイドカーは交代要員なので、サイドカーに乗っている者はきちんと身体を休めろよ?」 サイドカーはシャールの追随機能を用い、風魔術と重力魔術で、タイヤなしで浮遊するようにするか。 「全てに無線が付いている。私とソード、あとは護衛のリョークにつながるので、何かあったら無線で連絡してくれ。Sランク冒険者の名に賭けて、たとえこの星の反対側にいようとも、瞬時に駆けつけよう!」 「おぉ! さすがはソードのパートナー! 速さも匹敵するか!」 「うむ! ソードには少し負けるかもしれないが、私もなかなかだぞ!」 それを見ていたスカーレット嬢が、我関せずを貫いていたソードに、 「言わないで。俺も薄々感じてたから。でも、現実を直視したくないの」 S字、クランク、停車、幅寄せ、完璧だった。 「カメラが付いている分、かなり楽でしたわ」 ブロンコの講習はブロンコ大好きな使用人とメイドが請け負った。 女性にはメイドが、男性には使用人が教えている。 公爵もブロンコに乗りたがったが、止めた。 「馬から落ちれば大ケガを負うが、ブロンコから落下して大ケガで済めば幸いだ。そして、シャノンよりもブロンコの方が死亡率が高い。乗り方は教えても良いが、乗り回すのは、公爵家当主ならばやめておいた方がいい。練習にとどめておかないと本当に危険だ。スカーレット嬢はそれがわかっているから乗らないのだ」 「むむ! ......そういうことなら、諦めましょう」 お、意外と往生際が良かった。 公爵はすんなりと引き下がった。
The Chaudgals were fairly aggressive. They were interested in everything around here, constantly triggering the security system. What drew their curiosity the most was Char Non-Violence. “Oh my! Nothing less of you, Lady Indra! Your cheats are incredible! You built a “car,” didn’t you!?” “As a replacement for a carriage, yeah... I usually ride this one here if I don’t have to observe a high level of decorum.” I’d be totally okay with Char, but sadly this world wouldn’t allow me to use him for every occasion. Duke Chaudgal also latched on. “This...outstanding! So not even the royal sorcerers are able to match you, Indra!?” “No, they’re not. The only one who’s somewhat on her tracks would be our local elf, I guess,” Sword chimed in. Damsel Scarlet got immediately triggered by that, causing the duke to also latch on, “”E-Elf!?”” So, we introduced Plana to them, and since they had taken an interest in the plates, Sahad as well. And while at it, we also introduced the brave, Mr. Amato. “Ah! A diligent noble lady!” He cried out as soon as he saw Damsel Scarlet. ...Hey? What about me? Damsel Scarlet apparently became unable to hold back after seeing Car Non-Violence, and unleashed an adorable pleading pose in my direction. “Say, Lady Indra. What about a car? Is a car no good? Can’t you make me one? I got my driver’s license during spring break before I was reincarnated! I was super eager about driving all over the place, just to die soon after!” ...was what she told me, but... “...I won’t mind if you’re okay with 『renting』 it. My magic tools are all 『rent-only』. Except for the items I made for Swords, I hold the highest priority with all other items. Other people are only given rental rights. Are you still okay with that?” “Yep! If it’s a rental car, I’ll actually be able to have you do the maintenance for me!” ...So that’s her take on it, huh? “Well, you’re not wrong about that. However, I’ll demand you to take care of the daily maintenance. Then again, you probably won’t do it yourself as a noble lady, so have your servants take care of it.” “I knowww! Yay! Yay!” She was dancing around in joy. Anyway, she’s cute, so I’ll allow it. And humor her. Having watched that exchange, Sword retorted, “...Hey, why are you oglin’ women with a lewd look? Bein’ weak to cute women is a fault of old men, isn’t it?” Shut it! I’m not ogling! I’m simply admiring! “I believe in the justice of cuteness, regardless of race, gender, and age.” When I made such a clear statement, I got casually rejected by Damsel Scarlet, “Whoaaa, Lady Indra, so you swing both ways? But, you should give up on me since I’m a big fan of the prince?” Sure, even in my wildest dreams I haven’t thought that I want to become your lover. “Let’s stay great friends from now on, okay?” I struck back with a smile. Anyway, I made it. After being told that she wanted it to be like a camping car, similar to Char, if possible, I quickly and easily adjusted the designs, used a classy rouge as color, and finished building the car. “This is a Char Non-Violence – Special Edition, I’d say.” “What a long name.” I was shot down, but it can’t be helped, can it? Damsel Scarlet showered me with questions as she looked all over its exterior. “It doesn’t have a side mirror?” “It comes with cameras.” While at it, I also explained the specs to Damsel Scarlet. “It uses biometric authentication. Please make sure that only someone, who had their biometrics registered, opens the door. If someone else touches it, the antitheft magic will activate.” Damsel Scarlet froze. “......Isn’t that scary?” “They just don’t have to touch it. I’m sorry to say, but this is a spec of the car. I can’t stand people trying to touch my things all over as they please. I recommend you have your servicemen register their biometric data. ――Ah, you can only drive this if you’re registered. ...However, I’ll hand you a key card for emergency situations.” I showed her the key card. “Registering with this key card allows the card holder to drive for one hour per day. Since I’m going to give you three such cards, you’ll be able to drive three hours per day. Anyone wanting to drive for longer than that requires my permission. ――Of course, before that, they’ll also need your permission though, Damsel Scarlet. And a driving course.” Since we have no traffic rules around here, it’s not all that difficult to just drive a car. I mean, they mostly run on auto anyway. And they have an in-built navigation system. “I took the liberty to incorporate a speed limit. The roads aren’t really all that great, so it’s possible to topple over if you race too much. Ah, moreover, driving while drunk is forbidden. If the car systems detect alcohol in the air, they’ll stop the car.” “...You sure added a huge bunch of things to prevent car accidents, haven’t you?” Of course I did. I get angry if something I built gets broken, you know?
あっちこっちに興味を持って、セキュリティ警告されている。 「あらー! さすがインドラ様! チートがすごいわ! 〝自動車〟を作ったんですのね!」 「馬車の代わりにな......。それなりに シャールでいいんだけど、そうもいかない世の悲しさよ。 「これは......素晴らしい! インドラ殿には、宮廷魔導師ですらかなわないのでは!?」 「かなわないだろうよ。現在後追い中は、うちで雇ってるエルフかな」 ついでに公爵も食いついた。 で、プラナを紹介したり、皿に関心を持っていたのでサハド君も紹介したり、勇者もついでに紹介した。 「あ! ガチのお姫様だ!」 私は? スカーレット嬢、シャール・ノンバイオレンスを見て我慢できなくなったらしい。かわいいおねだりポーズをしてきた。 「ねぇ、インドラ様。自動車は? 自動車はダメですか? 作ってもらえません? 私、転生前の春休みに運転免許を取ったんです! よーし、これからバリバリ運転するぞ! って意気込んだ矢先に死にまして」 とか語られたんですが......。 「......作って『貸す』のは構わない。私は、自分の作った魔導具は、基本的に『貸す』だけだ。先権は、ソードに作ってやったもの以外は私にある。他者にはレンタル権しか渡していない。それでもいいのか?」 「うん! レンタカーなら、逆にインドラ様がメンテナンスやってくれることになるんだもんね!」 ............そうきたか。 「まぁな。ただ、日々のメンテナンスはやってもらうがな。まぁ、お嬢様はしないだろうから、使用人にやってもらえ」 「わかったー! ワーイワーイ!」 まぁ、かわいいから許すよ、作っちゃうよ。 「......お前、なんで女に鼻の下を伸ばすんだよ? かわいい女に弱いって、オッサンだろ?」 うるさい! 伸ばしてない! 「私は、種族性別年齢問わず、『かわいいは正義。』なのだ」 「わぁ、インドラ様って両刀なんだー。でも私は王子推しだから、諦めてね?」 うん、恋人になってほしいとは夢にも思ってないから。 「これからもいい友達でいましょう?」 出来ればシャールみたいにある程度キャンピングカー風にしてほしいと言われ、ちょこちょこ改変し、色は渋い 「シャール・ノンバイオレンス、スペシャルエディションだな」 「長いわ」 外見をキョロキョロと見ていたスカーレット嬢から質問が飛んできた。 「サイドミラーはないのですか?」 「カメラがついている」 ついでにスカーレット嬢に仕様を説明する。 「生体認証だ。必ず、生体認証登録された者がドアを開けてくれ。登録された者以外が触れた場合、盗難防止の魔術が働く」 スカーレット嬢、固まった。 「......それ、怖くないですか?」 「触れなければ良い。残念ながら仕様だ。私の作ったものに勝手に触れようとするのは我慢がならないのでな。整備をする人間には生体認証登録をお勧めする。――あぁ、運転も、登録された者以外はできない。......ただ、それだと万が一もあるだろうから、カードキーを渡す」 カードキーをみせた。 「このカードキーに登録したら、一枚で一日のうち一時間運転が出来る渡すので合計三時間だな。それ以上運転したい者は、私の許可が必要になる。――もちろんその前に、スカーレット嬢の許可だな。そして、運転講習もか」 道交法はないので、運転するだけならさほど難しくはないけどね。ほぼオートで走るもん。ナビもつけてるし。 「スピード制限は設けさせてもらった。道路事情も悪いので、あまり飛ばすと横転する可能性があるのだ。あ、あと、飲酒運転は厳禁。酒気を感じたら停止するようになってるからな」 「......自動車事故に対する 私の作ったのを壊されたら怒るよ?
“Well then, as thanks for having taught me this magic, as a reward for having defeated the demon earlier, and as a commemoration for clearing my dungeon for the first time, I shall award you these treasures.” A swarm of huge treasure chests spawned with loud popping sounds, similar to the shadow clones of a certain ninja. Whooaaa...!! I’m happy about all the nice gifts, but will we be able to carry all of this? Oh, wait, Sword emptied out his magic bag, didn’t he? In the worst case, I’m going to stuff some of it into the Ryokus and have them carry the rest as we head back. “Feel free to take the chests as well, okay?” Sir Dungeon Core offered with a grin. “...Good thing I dumped the rubbish on the way. Looks like all of it is goin’ to fit somehow.” “That’s great to hear. I had already planned to tie them together with ropes so that we could carry them, if we ran out of space.” If we were allowed to take the chests with us, it’d be feasible for me to carry them as well. “...Also, I am going to pass you these,” Sir Dungeon Core added, drew close, and handed something to me. ――Oof, his hand is cold. And it’s even whiter than my hand. “What are these?” “...The teleport stones for this place, huh?” Sword muttered under his breath. “Correct. These stones can only be used by you two and allow you to go anywhere within this dungeon.” Hoh. That makes them sound pretty valuable...but teleportation, huh...? I’m somewhat afraid of teleporting around. I know that it’s a standard element of many SF and fantasy stories, but if they’ve got elements of horror, things become quite scary, don’t they? I’d much prefer an elevator or some such. “Will you be able to understand if I describe it as connecting two points by distorting space?” “Hoh! Interesting, indeed!” In that case, it might not be scary...maybe? “Eh? No way. Sir Dungeon Core is the same kind of geek as Indra?” Sword mumbled, but his initial premise was mistaken. Sir Dungeon Core is not a person, so we can’t be of the same kind. “Please come visiting again,” requested Sir Dungeon Core as he saw us off. “Yeah, I had a blast! Our dungeon lover Sword looked like he was able to enjoy himself as well! So we’ll definitely be back!” “No, wait, it ain’t like I’m a dungeon lover...bah, listen to me!” He sighed, and then added, “Oh well, whatever. Cya, we’ll be back.” We waved our hands as we left. Given that the path in the inner part of Sir Dungeon Core’s room was connected to the surface, we’d be able to get back quickly to the surface, once we followed it. As we walked up a flight of stairs, we soon encountered a door. And when we opened it... “Oohh, the sun is so bright!” ...we were greeted by the outside world. Sword sighed deeply, bickering, “I’m so pooped,” as he flopped down on his bed. ――Our clearing of the capital’s dungeon immediately became widely known, even without us explicitly reporting it. But that makes sense. Many people witnessed how an incredibly gorgeous teleportation gate suddenly manifested, only to be followed by us stepping out as soon as its doors opened. I mean, of all things the gate had appeared close to the dungeon entrance we had used to depart at first, you know? The people present at that time couldn’t do much more but to stare at us with their eyes wide open and their mouths agape, completely dumbstruck. Watching us nonchalantly come out of the door as if we were on a walk, they had become speechless, just to break out into excited cheering moments later. For a reeeeeally long time we were dragged around to give our report to the guild, talk about our experiences to all kinds of folks, and participate in feasts and banquets. Because the adventurers and citizens were all very curious, I got atop Char and loudly recited our tale on a plaza as if holding a concert at some point. “Sir Dungeon Core eagerly awaits for people to visit the last floor! Adventurers, sail forth to meet Sir Dungeon Core!” The audience burst with excitement. And, 『Sir Dungeon Core』 became a new trend word. In addition, I got carried away, and further announced, “This is what a beautiful idol is about!”, just to start singing and dancing. The people lionized me, but I soon suffered an iron claw from Sword. Two weeks flew by amidst such hustle and bustle. Because Sword was oddly insistent on keeping up his appearance, he got extremely exhausted from all this. Even though he’d have no problems if he simply acted natural. Whether he pretends to be a nice guy or simply allows his true self to shine through, he’s going to pick up ill intent, so in the end, it’s two sides of the same coin anyway. “Are you alright? Want me to give you a massage?” “No, thanks. If you massaged me with your superhuman strength, I’d end up a bloody pulp,” he barked back such rude stuff, even though I was just trying to be considerate of him. “I’m going out to shop. What about you?” “...I’ll head out after restin’ up for a lil’ longer.” “How about taking it easy for today?” “I made a promise. But, could you prepare dinner for me?” “Sure.” Promise? Is he talking about the woman from the other day? Well, considering that he doesn’t look like he hates it overly much, I suppose she’s at least no honey trap. Either way, all will be fine as I can have Ryoku rescue him when necessary.
「では、この魔術を教えて頂いたお礼と、先程のデーモンを倒した報酬、そして、私のダンジョンを初めて踏破した記念として、これらの宝を贈ります」 って感じに、デッカい宝箱がわんさか湧いた。 最悪、リョークに積んで、リョーク背負って帰ろう。 「宝箱ごとどうぞ?」 「......途中でガラクタ捨てといて良かったわ。なんとか入りそう」 「それは良かった。最悪、縄に括って背負っていこうかと思ったぞ」 宝箱ごともらえるなら、私が背負っていく方法が採れる。 「......それと、これをお渡しします」 ――うわ、手が冷たいぞ。 「これは?」 「......ここの、転移石か?」 「そうです。貴方方のみが使用出来る、このダンジョンの、どこにでも行ける、転移石です」 SFやファンタジー定番だけどさぁ、ホラーだと結構怖いことになるんだよ? 「空間をねじ曲げて点と点を繋ぐ、と言えば、貴女には理解出来ますか?」 「ほぅ! ほぅほぅ!」 そういうことなら、怖くない......かも? 「え、うそ。ダンジョンコア様もインドラと同じ方向性の人?」 ダンジョンコア様は人じゃ無い。 「また来て下さい」 「あぁ。楽しかったぞ! ダンジョン好きなソードも楽しめたようだ! また来るぞ!」 「いや、俺、ダンジョン好きなワケじゃ......って、ま、いっか。じゃあな、また来るな」 帰りは、ダンジョンコア様の奥の道が地上へつながってるので、行けば地上に出れるそうだ。 そこを開けると......。 「おぉ、太陽が眩しい」 地上に出た。 ソードがベッドに倒れ込んだ。 ――王都のダンジョン踏破は、報告せずともすぐバレた。 だって、その転移門、よりにもよってダンジョン入り口近く目立つところに現れたのよ? 冒険者や住民も聞きたがったので、一度、広場にてコンサートのように、シャールの上に乗り、皆に語って聞かせた。 「ダンジョンコア様は、最深部で誰かが現れるのを首を長くしてお待ちだったぞ! 冒険者よ、お前たちもダンジョンコア様に会いに行け!」 そして『ダンジョンコア様』という言葉が流行った。 と、歌って踊ったらウケたが、ソードにアイアンクローされた。 そんなこんな間。 どうせ取り繕おうが、素を出そうが、悪意を拾うんだから同じ同じ。 「大丈夫か? マッサージしてやろうか?」 「やめて。お前の怪力でマッサージされたら、俺、ミンチになっちゃう」 「私は買い物に行くが、お前はどうする?」 「......もうちょっとしたら出かける」 「今日くらいはゆっくりしたらどうだ?」 「約束がある。でも、夕飯は作っておいて?」 「わかった」 まぁ、いざとなったらリョークに救い出させればいいだろう。
{Sword} I know why Indra stopped me. After all, it was for my sake. If I had killed Primrose for no reason, I might have gotten arrested. Of course, they wouldn’t go as far as executin’ an S-Rank adventurer like me, but the nobles would be able to use this as excuse to treat me as their lapdog. As punishment, they’d have confiscated all my assets, includin’ our base. In the worst case, I could have been turned into the nobles’s slave, forced to endlessly farm cash in the capital’s dungeon. It was clear that Indra wouldn’t accept that, and she’d likely save me while usin’ all methods available to her. ――In the first place, Indra isn’t the type of girl who’d avoid that kinda trouble. She does what she wants to do, and if someone opposes her, she simply crushes ’em. She keeps tellin’ me to do what I wanna do as well, but that’s because I quickly end up broodin’ ’bout silly stuff. The reason why Indra stopped me from 『doin’ what I wanna do』 this time is probably because it’d have increased the things for me to brood ’bout. She’s clearly grasped that I tend to avoid killin’ people. Of course it ain’t like I haven’t killed any people so far and I’ll naturally kill people if it’s part of a request. I haven’t regretted doin’ so either. But, stuff like that still torments me. ――Even so, I’d still become a murderer at anytime if it’s for Indra’s sake. I could easily slaughter the folks who maltreated Indra. But, that lass didn’t kill ‘nyone and havin’ treated Indra badly was her only crime. And yet, I’d kill her. I wouldn’t regret killin’ her either, but butcherin’ innocent folk isn’t ‘nythin’ I can do as calmly as Indra. Knowin’ that, Indra stopped me. The one thinkin’ the most ’bout my good, and not just preachin’ it with pretty words either, is Indra. ――That’s why I really felt like killin’ Primrose. Also, as form of personal atonement for havin’ taken Indra’s emotional scars too lightly in the past. I stopped after havin’ walked up next to Indra, taken a breath, and looked at her. “......Sorry ’bout earlier. You might have been the one to destroy the window, but I yelled at you without askin’ ’bout the circumstances first.” Indra also stopped, and looked at me, blinkin’ her eyes in surprise. And then she put on an awfully sulky expression. “...What’s wrong?” Why are you poutin’ albeit I’m apologizin’? When I asked her in confusion, Indra suddenly averted her face, “That’s so not like you. You’re not a guy who would agree with my doing things like that, right? Rather, you’re the kind of guy who drops a fist on my head although I didn’t do anything wrong, aren’t you? And you’re just fine like that! You just need to get irrationally angry at me without thinking about any unnecessary stuff!” Eh? That’s her evaluation of me? ...Sure, I do scold her at times, but that’s only when she overdoes things. Who’s gonna teach her how to hold back if not me? “...I’m scoldin’ you for your own sake, you know?” It’s because I can’t leave you be like that. After all, I don’t wanna see you fall into darkness. You probably wanna get your revenge on the folks that attack you, but not knowin’ how to hold back, you’ll simply massacre everyone, and thus get dragged in even worse situations. And if that starts to even affect the folks idolizin’ you, even your gonna regret it, right? Though, if you get seriously pissed and feel like doin’ as you please, I won’t stop you and simply handle the aftermath. But, I don’t wanna see you cryin’ in regret when you end up hurtin’ somethin’ you cherish just because you did somethin’ out of fun. “I know! So you don’t need to tell me! In the first place, I won’t be able to shine as a silly nutcase without your retorts! That’s why you’re the only one allowed to scold me! It’s like how the “Chief” scolds “Ryo,” or how “Namihei” scolds “Katsuo!” “Ryo” and “Katsuo” would also feel sad and lonely if they were abandoned and didn’t get scolded anymore!” She told me while still avertin’ her face sulkily. ...Though I got absolutely no clue what she’s talkin’ ’bout.... After gazing at her for a while, I thrust my hands under her arms and lifted her up. “What are you doing!? Put me down!” For a change, Indra became beet red, flappin’ her feet as she trashed ’round. She landed several kicks. “Don’t make such a fuss. ...’nyway, I’m goin’ to properly train you from now on as well. If you hate that, get your act together and learn how to hold back.” “Yeah, whatever. Just put me back down!” Indra with her boyishness, as she kicked up such a fuss, was cute.
〈ソード〉 俺がプリムローズを理由もなく殺したなら、俺は捕まるだろう。 罰として、拠点を含めて全財産没収。最悪、貴族どものカモにされ、王都のダンジョンにずっと籠もらされて延々と金稼ぎさせられるだろうな。 インドラがそれを是としないのは明白だし、シャドを『味方』という名の下僕につけたインドラは、どんな手段を使っても俺を助けるだろう。 ――そもそもインドラは、そういう面倒を避けるタイプじゃない。 俺にもやりたいようにやることを勧めてくるが、それは俺がすぐにくだらねーことを考え込むからだ。 今回、インドラが『俺のやりたいこと』を止めたのは、考え込んだ俺の酒量が増えるからだろうな。 別に俺だって、依頼を受けたら人だって殺すし、今まで人を殺したことがないわけじゃない。 ――それでも俺は、インドラのためなら人殺しだってする。 でも、ソイツらは人殺しをしたわけじゃねーし、インドラに酷い仕打ちをした、ってだけで何の罪もねぇ。 殺したことに後悔はしないが、罪のない連中を殺して、インドラみたいに平然としていられる俺じゃない。 言葉だけじゃなくて、俺に思ってくれてるのは、インドラだ。 ――だからこそ俺は、本当はプリムローズを殺したかった。 インドラの心の傷を浅く見積もっていた、過去の罪滅ぼしも兼ねて。 インドラと並んで歩いていた俺は足を止め息を吐くと、インドラを見た。 「......さっきは悪かったな。窓を割ったのはお前だろうが、事情も聞かずに怒鳴っちまってよ」 インドラも止まり、目をパチクリさせて俺を見る。 「......なんだよ?」 なんで謝ったのにふくれっ面するんだ? 「お前らしくない。お前は、そんなふうに私のやることに納得するようなやつじゃないだろう。私が悪くないのに拳固を落とすやつだろう。お前は、それでいいんだ! よけいなことを考えず、理不尽に私を怒っていればいいんだ!」 え。俺の評価って、そんななの? ......確かに叱るけどよ、やりすぎだからだよ。 「......俺は、お前のために叱ってるんだぜ?」 お前をそのまま放っておけないからだぜ? お前が闇に堕ちてほしくないからだよ。 お前は襲ってくるやつを返り討ちにしたいんだろうが、手加減知らずのお前が惨殺して、もっと面倒なことに巻き込まれてお前を慕ってる連中までに波及したら、いくらお前だって後悔するだろう? お前が本気で怒っていて好きにしたいなら俺は止めないし後始末だけするけどよ、お前が面白半分でやらかしたことの代償で、万が一お前の大切なものが傷つけられたとき後悔して泣くような目に、お前を遭わせたくねーんだよ。 「わかってる! から、言わなくていいんだ! だいたい、お前がツッコミを入れなければ、私のボケが光らない! だから、お前だけが私を叱ることが出来るんだ! 〝部長〟は〝両さん〟を叱るものだし、〝ナミヘイ〟は、〝カツオ〟を叱るものなんだ! 見放されて叱られなくなったら、〝両さん〟や〝カツオ〟が悲しくてさみしい気持ちになるだろうが!」 ............何言ってんのかさっぱりわからねーけど............。 しばらくインドラを眺めたあと、脇に手を突っ込んで抱き上げた。 「なにをする!? 下ろせ!」 珍しく、インドラが赤くなってバタバタ暴れた。 「暴れるなって。......んじゃ、これからもキッチリ指導していくからな。嫌ならそろそろ手加減を覚えろよ」 「いいから下ろせ!」 バタバタ暴れるインドラは、小僧っぽさがあってかわいかった。
Okay, enough of that. “Let us move on. ――Ah, but before that. Did the Indra in your story play some role in the hidden route? Sword and I have business with that hidden route.” Damsel Scarlet brooded, and then answered, “...As a matter of fact, I did not clear the whole game. The hidden route is hard, and you quickly run into a bad end if you make a little mistake. As for Indra...she does appear in all routes, but her role is one of making others look better, or rather, that of a truly malicious half-sister...but...I feel like she had an important role in the hidden route...” “Then let me change the question. Damsel Scarlet, does your character have an important role?” Damsel Scarlet jumped with a start. Moreover, she started to look pale. I tried to give her a peace of mind by holding out a hand and saying, “I don’t intend to harm you in any way. I’m very tolerant towards those who aren’t hostile towards me. I can guarantee you that, so please don’t worry.” “...But, I could also do something hostile without realizing, couldn’t I?” She asked, clearly shaken. “Definitely not. Being hostile without realizing it is no hostility. Hostility means you would consciously choose to become my enemy and attack me.” She seemed to calm down a bit upon my declaration. “......I’m the prince’s fiancée, playing the role of villainess,” she muttered. “In the end, I would become Lady Primrose’s enemy. And after being blamed by the prince’s valet Lord Genius for all the various plots that afflicted Lady Primrose, my betrothal would be revoked. Hearing of that, I would be chased out of the ducal family for my actions would sully the duke’s reputation. That is...my role.” “Hmm, what an ordinary story. Then do you believe that I might have been burdened with such a role as well?” Damsel Scarlet was taken aback. “...You’re right, I just remembered. Lady Indra was good at dark magic, and deeply attracted to the good-looking Cain, who was steeped in darkness himself. Thus she amplified Cain’s darkness in order to make him her own. After learning about her elder sister being a dark magic practitioner, Lady Primrose studied holy magic to deter her sister at first. But, independent of that, she met Cain and then continued to diligently study holy magic. However, this time for Cain’s sake. Her elder sister became jealous about her sister and Cain becoming closer, and got swallowed by her own dark magic. ...But, since she has ended up becoming a guy in reality...” “She hasn’t become a guy. I’m a woman. Or rather, I’ll go back to being a woman. Then things will become a bit more interesting...o-ouuuch.” My temples were ground. “...Right... I’m sorry, but I have actually been building up a network of alibis. I have always received lessons from instructors or held tea parties with influential people whenever it seemed like Lady Primrose would be involved in an event. As evidence to defend myself. Lady Indra, you are a commoner, but since you have drawn the attention of the prince and Lord Genius upon yourself, I had also been expecting that the prince would pull back, if you, Lady Indra, put in a good word.” Sword lifted an eyebrow. ...I’m thankful, but it’s a bother if you react to each and every little thing. “I don’t mind if it’s that much. After all, I’m going to use you for our objectives as well,” I said generously and looked at Sword. “You’re too tense. We’re of equal status, aren’t we? Besides, it’s not like this has anything to do with you and me. When it comes to other people, you use them and you’re used by them. The same applies to monsters as well, doesn’t it? Our cute monsters are fed at our place and provide us with eggs and milk in return. It’s a very reasonable give-and-take.” Sword breathed out, “Certainly, you got a point. Though, I’m scared of your idea of using others when I hear 『I’m going to use you for our objectives as well』 out of your mouth.” I feel like the faces of Damsel Scarlet and Ann cramped up a bit? “It’s just your imagination. ――Now then, I never played a shojo game, but what has Cain done where?” Sword looked at me with a face as if asking, 『your still goin’ to continue with this?』. “Wait, Sword. That’s a story related to our request. If we have to stay in this academy all the time, we won’t be able to go on adventures. I want to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. I must go search for [Cherry Trees] with you!” When I shouted so, Damsel Scarlet widened her eyes as she stared at us. “...Come to think of it, we agreed on that, didn’t we? Is that the reason for you keepin’ to stir up trouble?” “Of course it is, or what did you think!? Walking through the hallways, getting the seat of the academy’s strongest, and everything else was all for the sake of flushing out the culprit! Seeing how you couldn’t move freely, I had no choice but to be even flashier in exchange, right!?” Sword ruffled up my hair, looking full of praise. “I see, I see, I’d already wondered what you were tryin’ to pull there, but now that you mention it, it does make sense.” “If you don’t know the other side’s objective, you have no choice but to try to meddle with them, using various means. ...And yet, all of these actions didn’t yield a result. At least it doesn’t look like they wanted to have the seat of academy’s strongest, nor use some ritual after getting their hands on a frail-looking sacrifice. Because I realized that it might not work unless the sacrifice is a beautiful girl, I was planning to go with being a woman next.” “No chance. At this point, no one is going to believe that you are a woman!” Damsel Scarlet declared decisively. I puffed out my cheeks in discontent, but it can’t be helped either way, I guess. “...But, we obtained some valuable information. The possibility of a male demonkin student who’s been possessed by a spirit, huh? However, there’s no one with an overly rich amount of magic elements around, is there? Wasn’t it said that demonkin have lots of magic elements?” I asked Instructor Sword. “Your right. They got more magic elements than humans. But, if compared to you, you might be the one suspected to be a demonkin.” Eehh...!?
よし、もうこれでおしまいだ。 「では、話を続けよう。――と、その前に。そのお話の方のインドラは、裏ルートでは何かしらの役割を与えられていたか? 私とソードは、その裏ルートに用がある」 スカーレット嬢が考え込んだ。 「......実は、全クリしてないんです。裏ルートは難しくて、すぐバッドエンドになってしまうので。インドラは......全ルートで出てきたことは出てきたんですが、結構引き立て役というか当てられ役というか、まさしく意地悪な腹違いの姉って役割で、でも......重要な役割があったような......」 「では、質問を変えよう。スカーレット嬢、君は何か重要な役割を請け負っていたか?」 ビクン、とスカーレット嬢が跳ねた。しかも顔色が悪くなったぞ。 「貴女に危害を加える気は無い。私は、自分に敵対しない者には寛容だ。そこは保証するので安心したまえ」 「......でも、知らずに敵対するようなことになるかもしれないでしょう?」 「ならないな! 知らずに敵対、など、敵対じゃない。敵対とは、明確に私を敵とみなし、攻撃してくる輩だ」 言い放ったら、安心したようだ。 とつぶやいた。 「最終的にプリムローズ様と敵対します。プリムローズ様を陥れた様々な陰謀は全て 「ふむ、ありがちの話だな。となると、私もそのような役割を背負っていたかと思うのだが?」 「......そうでした、思い出しましたわ。インドラ様は、闇魔術が得意で、見目良く闇の深いカイン君に引かれます。それで自分のものにするためにカイン君の闇を増幅させたんですのよ。プリムローズ様は姉が闇魔術の遣い手と知り、最初は姉の抑止力となるために聖魔術を学びます。それとは別のところでカイン君と出会い、今度はカイン君のために聖魔術を研さんしていくのです。姉は、妹とカイン君が親しくなるのに嫉妬し、闇魔術に飲まれていきます。......ですが、男になってしまわれたので......」 「男になってない、女だからな。というか、女に戻ろう。そうなると、ちょっと面白いことに......いたいいたい」 「......ですので......。申し訳ありません、実はアリバイ工作に使ってしまいました。プリムローズ様が事件に遭われるような時、必ず、有力な方とお茶会や、教官の方に指導を受けたりしております。身を守る証拠として。インドラ様は平民ですけど、王子もジーニアス様以上置かれてますから、インドラ様が言い添えていただければ、王子も引き下がるでしょう、そんな心積もりもありました」 ソードが眉を上げた。......ありがたいけど、いちいち反応されると困るなぁ。 おう揚に言い、ソードを見た。 「お前はピリピリしすぎだ。お互い様だろう? 別に私とお前の関係じゃないんだ。他人とは、利用し利用される。それは、魔物だってそうだろう? うちのかわいい魔物たちは、うちで食事をし、卵やミルクを提供する。当たり前の営みだ」 ソードが息を吐いた。 「確かに、正論だ。俺は、『こちらも利用させてもらう』っつったお前の利用度が怖いけどな」 スカーレット嬢とアン侍女、ちょっと顔が引きつったぞ? 「気のせいだ。――さて、乙女ゲームとやらをやったことないのだが、カイン君はどこで何をやっていた?」 ソードが『まだ続けんの?』みたいな顔をしているが。 「待てソード、これは依頼に関連する話だ。このまま学園にずっと居続けたら冒険が出来ない。私は早急にこの案件を片したいのだ。お前と[桜]を探しに行かねばならないのだー!」 叫んだら、スカーレット嬢が、目を見開いて私たちを見た。 「......そういやそうだったな。だからお前、事を起こしてるのか?」 「当たり前だろう?! お前、私をなんだと思ってるんだ! 廊下を歩いてるのだって、学園最強の座だって、全部事が起きないか探りを入れるためだろうが! お前が動けない分、私が派手に動くしかないじゃないか!」 「そーかそーか。ホンット『何しでかしてくれてんだこのバカ』って思ってたけど、そういやそうだよな」 「相手の目的がわからないなら、手当たり次第にちょっかいかけるしかない。......しかし、それでも引っかかってこないのだがな。少なくとも学園最強の座がほしいわけじゃなく、気弱そうな獲物を手に掛けて何かの儀式に使うといったわけでもない。美少女の生けにえではないとダメなのか? と思い至ったので、今度は女で行こうかと」 「無理、今更女は通用しません!」 ブスッと膨れたが、仕方が無い。 「......だが、有益な情報は手に入れた。霊に取りつかれた魔族の男子学生の可能性がある、か。だが、あんまり魔素の濃いやつがいないんだよなぁ。魔族って魔素が濃いとかいう話じゃなかったか?」 「確かに、人間よりは魔素が濃いよ。でも、お前と比べると、お前が魔族だって思われるだろうな」 えー......。
Sword headed straight for me as soon as our swordsmanship lesson started. “You IDIOT!” He suddenly bonked my head. Why!?! “Don’t you possess a shred of sympathy with my situation!?” “Hmm? I do sympathize with you! That’s why I’ll take care of all the troublesome matters mys...gyaaa!” An iron claw!! “If you sympathize with me, why did the prince approach me ’bout allowin’ him to have a mock battle ‘gainst you!?” “...Does it matter? You’re free to allow it or not, aren’t you? I don’t mind either way. To be honest, since it’ll be extremely difficult to hold back enough to not kill him, let’s consider the rest after I kille...gyaaa!” “Instructor Sword, please leave it at that. Otherwise he’s going to excuse his defeat with him having been punished by you before the fight,” said the prince. “......” With a sigh, Sword finally released me. The pain stings~ “Sorry, but I forbid a mock battle. That’s why you’ll have your showdown in this way,” Sword declared and took something out, before dropping it on the ground with a thud. “The other day we subjugated a cyclops. This is a part of its arm. I’ve been given it back after bein’ told that its arm is no good for craftin’. You guys, try to cut this up.” Hmm? Something so simple? “I don’t particularly mind, but...will this serve as any kind of contest?” I asked the prince. ...Humph! If not, I’ll just challenge you to another match!” When I tried to draw my wooden sword, my hand was stopped. “I’ll designate the weapon, too. Cut it with this.” I was handed another sword. “Cut, switch swords, cut again, switch again, cut again, switch again, and cut once more. We’ll properly check the condition of your blades. Anyway, give it a go.” A sword, huh...? Well, it’s not like I can’t use one. “Haaah!” Next to me, the prince brandished his sword widely, swinging it down with all his might. A clang reverberated across the area. “~~~~!!” It looks like his hands were hurting from the recoil. And while observing him, I cut the cyclops’s arm. “It’s much cooler with my usual wood sword. Do you know the technique of drawing your sword, slashing your opponent, and sheathing your sword in one single stroke? I can perform that in a pretty nifty way, you know?” “Okay, switch~” Instructor Sword didn’t even listen to me! “Eh?” The prince appeared to be startled over me having already cut the arm. “I’m not accustomed to this sword, so I can only use it in a normal way,” I passed the sword to him while explaining. “W-We’ll also switch the location! This spot was too tough!” The prince blurted out in a fluster. “I don’t mind either way. How about you decide where to hit?” “H-Hit the place I hit!” “Sure.” I quickly slashed at the spot, slicing it apart like ham. “Can it be used for something if you strip off the skin and tan it? “How ’bout you strip the skin then?” Instructor Sword is so cold-hearted towards me! While puffing out my cheeks in a huff, I skinned the cyclops’s arm. It felt more like lightly scraping across stone than skin, didn’t it? Aren’t cyclops organic beings or some such? They don’t seem to decay, though. I think tanning the skin might be kinda impossible. Next to me, I heard yet another metallic clang. “Okay, switch.” Once we switched, I got scolded, “Isn’t there a chip in the blade!?” “It’s nothing major, so don’t make such a racket.” It doesn’t matter anyway. In the first place, if I feel like cutting it, I can always cut it with my wood sword. “It is major! Your way of using the sword is...” “Okay, stop there. Do you recall the time before the switch? Was there a chip in the blade at the beginning when you switched for the first time?” The prince looked at Sword, and reluctantly admitted, “......No.” “And now there’s a chip in the blade. ...Indra, show us the sword you received after switching.” I handed it over. “Do you see any chips in the blade?” It was apparently chipped. “Did you understand why I didn’t want to let you fight ‘gainst this guy? No matter how often we do this or how many swords we use, the result will be the same even if you hand a kitchen knife to him while usin’ a sharp sword capable of cuttin’ this here yourself. It won’t be much of a duel. Give it a rest if you don’t wanna die. The strongest in this academy is Indra,” declared Sword to the prince and turned in my direction. “......With that decided, Indra, could you settle down? Could stop involvin’ His Highness the Prince, or plan to kill people by makin’ ’em pick a fight with you through your agitation skill?” Somehow I’m being told something terrible here? “......Ugh, but even the prince can’t accept this, can he? Very well, let us have a duel with that much of a handicap. I’ll use a kitchen knife while you’ll come at me with a masterpiece of a sharp sword. Like this you won’t mind us fighting, will you? ...Gyaaaa!” An iron claw!! “Just what are you suggestin’ after I’ve brought everythin’ so neatly to a close!?” “T-The prince doesn’t agree!” “...No, I’ll obey Instructor Sword. ――But, this was only the sword part!! Next we’re going to have a match with magic!” “Oof, and here he came up with somethin’ where he got even less of a chance for winnin’,” Sword mumbled under his breath.
まっすぐソードが向かってきた。 「この、バカ!」 いきなり 「お前に、俺へのいたわりって気持ちは 「うん? いたわってるぞ! だから、面倒事は私に引き受け......ぎゃー!」 アイアンクローだ!! 「いたわってるなら、なぁんで王子が俺に、お前との模擬試合を受けさせろって言いに来るんだよ?」 「......別に、お前の好きにすれば良いじゃないか。私はどっちでも構わない。正直、殺さないような手加減は非常に難しいから、殺してから考えよう。......ぎゃー!」 「ソード教官、それ以上は止めて下さい。ソード教官に体罰を食らったせいで負けた、などと弁解されます」 「............」 ため息をついたソードが、ようやく手を離してくれた。 「悪いがな、模擬試合は禁じている。だから、こういった形式で対決しろ」 悲鳴が上がる。 「こないだ討伐したサイクロプスの腕先の部分だ。腕先は加工に向いてないっつーんで、引き取ってきた。お前等、これを刻んでみろ」 そんな簡単なこと? 「私は別に構わないが......。それで試合になるのか?」 「......ふん! ならなければ、改めて勝負を挑むまでだ」 「なるほどな」 木刀を出そうとしたら、手で制される。 「武器も指定だ。これで切れよ」 別の剣を渡された。 「切って、交換してまた切って、再度交換してまた切って、もう一度交換して切れよ。互いに刃の状態をよく確認してからな。じゃあ、やってみろ」 まぁ、使えないことはない。 「はぁっ!」 隣では大振りに振りかぶり、下ろして、ガキーン! とか音がしている。 「~~~~!!」 手に反動がきて痛かったらしい。 「いつもの木刀の方がかっこいい。[居合い抜き]って技を知ってるか? 私は、それをかなりかっこよく出来るぞ?」 「はい、交換~」 ソード教官が相手にしてくれないっ! 「え?」 王子、私が既に切ってたのに喫驚したらしい。 「使い慣れてないので普通にしか斬れない」 「ば、場所も交換だ! この箇所は硬かったんだ!」 「私はどこでもいいぞ。なんなら指定するか?」 「わ、私の斬った辺りだ!」 スッと斬った。 したら、何かに使えるかな?」 「じゃあ、皮むきでもしてたら?」 ソード教官が冷たいっ! ぶーっと膨れつつ皮むきした。 皮というか、石を薄く削るような感じだよね。――サイクロプスって、有機物じゃないぽいなぁ。腐らないらしいし。 隣では、またガキーン! って音がしてた。 「はい、交換」 交換したら、怒られた。 「刃こぼれしてるじゃないか!」 「大したことじゃないだろう、大げさに騒ぐな」 どうってことないじゃん。そもそも切ろうと思えば木刀でも切れるし。 「大したことある! お前の使い方が......」 「はいストップ。その前に交換したのを覚えているか? 最初と、最初の交換のときに刃こぼれはあったか?」 王子がソードを見て、渋々「............いいえ」と答えた。 「で、今回交換したものには刃こぼれがあった。......インドラ、お前が交換して受け取った方の剣も見せてやれ」 渡した。 刃こぼれしてたらしい。 「俺が、お前とコイツを戦わせたくない理由が分かったか。何度やろうと、剣を交換しようと、お前がこれを斬れそうな業物を持ってきて、コイツに食事用のナイフを渡そうとも、結果は同じだよ。勝負にならん。死にたくなければ止めとけ。この学園最強は、そこにいるインドラだ」 なんかひどい言われようだけど? 「............むぅ。でも、王子だって納得しないだろう? いいぞ、それくらいのハンデで模擬試合しても。私は食事用のナイフ、お前は業物の剣、それで戦っても構わないぞ? ......ぎゃー!」 アイアンクローだ!! 「俺が奇麗にまとめたのに、何言い出してんだ?」 「お、王子が納得してない!」 「......いや、ソード教官に従う。――ただし、剣ではな!! 次は、魔術で勝負だ!」 「うわ、もっと勝ち目が無いところにもってったか」
We arrived in front of the boss room. But I got to say, just as you’d expect of the floors before the last one, they’ve been truly brutal. Apes and dogs attacked us in swarms while working together! Weren’t you guys supposed to be on really bad terms!? Moreover, huge yetis made an appearance as well! And gigantic wolves too! They were giving instructions to the swarms, making things super annoying. Given that we’d become exhausted, we pitched a camp in the shade of a grotto, a safe zone. Sword didn’t insist on charging the boss room just like that either. My body shouldn’t feel cold, but for some reason it had cooled down to the core. Therefore I entered the bath in Char. ......Together with Sword. What’s the deal here? We’re man and woman, so far as it goes, no? Only lovers enter a bath together, right? And yet, entering the bath together like that makes us almost seem like parent and child, doesn’t it? No, it is parent and child, isn’t it? But even then, entering the bath together with Dad would be too much of a stretch for a -years-old, wouldn’t it? “Lalaaalaa♪” I sang while thinking all that. “How did you make all this foam?” Currently we were in a bubble bath. A bath in carbonated water to get warm. “Are you telling me to explain the theory behind it?” “No, thanks. I just felt like askin’ a bit.” ...I don’t know what Sword is thinking. But, I wonder whether Sword might possibly not have spent a normal childhood either, seeing how he doesn’t really understand the implications of doing stuff which normally would only be done by man and woman. Is he yearning for skinship or something? He did emphasize 「solo」 and 「alone」 awfully much, didn’t he? Then again, I might have entered the bath with him without thinking anything in particular about it, if I didn’t possess my otherworld knowledge. After we entered a bath to warm us up, we ate a stew to warm us up even further. It became very cozy and snuggly. “It makes you totally forget that your in a dungeon, doesn’t it?” Sword commented in a relaxed manner while drinking a brandy. “It’s a good thing that you coaxed Char out of me. I’m always hyped about camping being all about tents, but even I’d feel depressed to stay in a tent during such a blizzard. We wouldn’t be able to enjoy the luxury of gazing at the harsh weather outside from inside a warm, comfortable room, if we didn’t have Char with us.” “You and your sadistic remarks, really. I didn’t consider things that far, ‘kay?” Boo, I’m no sadist! After deeply sighing, Sword stretched out on the sofa, “Just what’s with this homely vehicle that feels more comfortable than a high-class residence or an expensive room in the capital?” “I’m particular about the necessities of life. You provide the funds necessary for me being fixated on it while I provide the technology. As such, this is just a natural outcome. ...Anyway, food and living space are set with this. Next would be clothing, I guess? ...Hey, don’t you have an idea about fabric made out of the threads of insects?” The main stream for clothing in this world was woolen material won out of animal and monster pelt. The people wove the long strands of monster fur together, creating clothes that were comfortable enough to not call them bad. But, the summers were hot around here. Commoners apparently used plant-based clothes. Not really hemp or cotton, but well, I guess it was close to hemp. They wove sturdy, soft fibers together, resulting in uncomfortable clothes similar to soft hemp or stiff cotton clothing. But, the winters were cold around here. I don’t dislike natural fibers. Rather, I like them as LOHAS. However, number one for me are threads of insects...silkworm threads!! The touch and gloss of silk is top notch, and on top of that, the threads’ components are outstanding to help with a beautiful skin, too! In the other world it was impossible unless you went with silkworms, but I wonder, how things are over here? “They exist. Or rather...you like bugs that much?” ...Don’t look at me with such a pitying expression! “NOO!! The highest quality cloth products in the other world were woven out of insect threads! They were super glossy, had a nice touch, and were way beyond any animal fur or plant-based clothes!” “Hmm...if it’s like that...well, it’s not like I don’t have any connections. ...But, are you possibly capable of makin’ clothes as well? “Pretty much. Embroidery is a pastime of nobility, and sewing is a field I excel in. Since my otherworld self also took lessons in three-dimensional patterns, I can also make pattern papers based on the human body. In other words, I could run a dress shop in this world.” I’m generally good at anything that’s related to home economics. “Anyway, isn’t the underwear I made your personal favorite?” “Huh?” Sword smacked his own waist. The belly wraps and pants, made out of woolen materials and plant-based cloth combined with ribbing of the elastic parts, were regularly used by everyone in the mansion. I made several myself, and the maids used my creations as reference to make their own variations. I created the ribbing in S, M, and L with big lily yarn, which the maids knitted together in a team effort. I wanted to make it possible for them to use a machine for weaving, but I didn’t know how to build a weaver. “...You made these!? Those groundbreaking pants with the hole in front? The ones that are so nice because you don’t need to take them off each time when your takin’ a piss? The ones where you don’t need to untie a string each time you take them off?” I nodded. “In reality, you see, I could make it even more comfortable if only I had elastic materials. If you use things like frog tongues as a replacement for ropes, they’ll stretch if you pull on them, and thus fit your body as needed. Do you have a clue where to find such material?” “.........I do.” Ohh! This will allow me to secure rubber material! The skin of amphibian monsters is quite flexible in its own right, but that’s the only good part about it. It doesn’t possess a softness at the level of rubber. Just as I wondered what I’d make with it, I got hugged by Sword. “What’s wrong?” “Will you make clothes for me?” .......What’s going on with him? Is he drunk?
ボス部屋前到着。 いやー、さすが最深部手前、かなりの凶悪さだった。 猿も犬も、連携して群れて攻撃してきたし! しかも、巨大雪男、又の名をドド○ランゴ出てきたよ! 疲れてきたので、安全地帯である洞の陰で野営する。 寒さは感じないはずなんだけど、なんとなく身体の芯が冷えてるのだ。 ............ソードに。 男女で一緒にお風呂入るの、恋人同士だよ? 親子だよね? でもさー、お父さんと一緒に入るのでも、とかって、無理がないかにゃ? とか考えつつも歌ってる私。 「この泡どーやってんだ?」 炭酸風呂は、温まるから。 「理論を説明しろ、と」 「やめて、ちょっと聞いただけだから」 けど、ソードもどうやら普通の幼少期を過ごしてないんじゃないかと思うのは、こういった男女の行為めいたことを誘ってくる割にそれがわかってないところでそう思う。 やたら「ソロ」とか「一人」を強調するしなー。 お風呂に入って、温まったら、さらにあったまるシチューを食べる。 ぬくぬくになったー。 って、ソードがブランデー飲みながら寛いで言ってる。 「シャールをお前がねだってくれて良かった。テントはいかにも野営! って気分が盛り上がるのだが、こんな吹雪の中だと気が塞ぐ。快適な部屋の中から外の悲惨な風景を他人事のように眺めている贅沢は、シャールというキャンピングカーがなければ味わえない」 「相変わらずドSの発言だな。俺、そこまでは思ってないよ?」 ドSじゃないもん! 「王都のお高い客室より、高級住宅より快適な乗り物って、なんだろな?」 「私は衣食住には拘る。拘れるだけの財力はお前が持っていて、技は私が持っている。ならば当然の帰結だ。......食と住は満たした。あとは衣、なんだけどな? ......お前、虫が出した糸で作った布とか心当たりないか?」 この世界の布は、動物の毛織物が主流だ。 麻の方が近いんだろうな、柔らかく丈夫な繊維を縒り合わせて織った、柔らかい麻、あるいはゴワゴワした綿、って着心地の服。 天然繊維は嫌いじゃない、むしろ好きです、ロハスです。 別世界じゃ蚕以外無理だったぽいが、この世界じゃどうだろう? 「あるぜ。つーか、お前......そんなにも虫が好きか」 ......そんな、憐れんだ顔で私を見なくても! 「違うぞ! 布の最高級品は、別世界じゃ虫の糸から織り出した布なんだ! それは、艶といい、肌触りといい、動物の毛や植物ではかなわない代物なのだ!」 「ふーん......。そんな話だったら、ま、伝手はないこともないけどよ。......お前、もしかして、服も作れたりするのか?」 「まぁな。刺繍は貴族の嗜みだし、縫い物は料理と並んで得意分野だな。別世界で立体パターンを習ったこともあるので、人体から型紙も作れる、つまりこの世界の服屋にもなれるぞ」 私は家庭科一般が全部得意です。 「というか、私の作った下着を愛用してるじゃないか」 「えっ」 バシッと自分の腰をたたくソード。 ゴム編みは、おっきいリリアンをS、M、Lと作って、メイド嬢が頑張って編んでる。 「......コレ、お前が作ったの? この、画期的な、前に穴が空いてるヤツ。いちいち全部脱がなくてもいいヤツ。着脱にいちいち紐を解かなくていいヤツ」 「本当はな? 伸縮する素材があれば、もっと楽なのだ。蛙の舌のような、ああいったのを紐代わりに入れれば、引っ張れば伸びる、そのままだとフィットする。心当たりないか?」 「............ある」 両生類魔物の皮もそれなりに弾力があるが、弾力がある、くらいなんだよねー。 さーてなにを作ろうかなーと考えてたら、ソードが抱きついてきた。 「なんだ?」 「俺の服、作って?」 ............なんだろ?
Month ○ Day × At last I was able to wake up right after Indra left. Because I spotted him heading into the woods behind our dormitory, I rushed out of the room in a hurry, following him. Indra was doing morning practice. Apparently training his swordsmanship. As the relationship between Indra and Lady Scarlet had continued to grow closer, everyone started to gossip about them. But, since Prince Elias was sharing a happy relationship with Lady Primrose, it seemed to be tit for tat. ――――Lastly, I don’t think that Indra has any particular weaknesses. He’s as fearsome and strong as demons while being a human. A demon can be defeated with light or holy magic, but the same cannot be said about Indra. I think it’d be the smartest choice to avoid angering him, or even worse, turning him into an enemy. The letter this time didn’t contain anything overly interesting. I’m worried about his last lines, but overall it was a normal letter. “...This time the contents are unusually tame. For her to train herself everyday means she has a fairly diligent side to her as well, huh? The instant I tossed the letter into the fireplace while speaking to myself, 『Shadow or whatever you’re called! You have become my enemy, right!?』 thundered a loud voice, 『Forcing a debt of gratitude on Swannyboy’s parents, you threatened the boy into snooping around my matters, didn’t you!? I have been provided evidence of it! If you want to be my enemy to such an extent, I’ll humor you! And pay you back ten-fold! I will also threaten and subjugate those you love and respect to have them monitor you! If you think I can’t do that, you’re heavily underestimating my abilities! I’ll make you fully realize that!』 As soon as the yelling stopped, the letter exploded. ――――Some time passed with Shadow having been confined to his own room. A letter was delivered to Shadow who was being tormented by regret. It had already gone through an inspection. Shadow opened the seal, slowly pulled out the paper, and started to read. Month ○ Day × I thought I wasn’t qualified anymore to send you any letters, but I got worried what might have happened to you, Lord Shadow, so I have taken the liberty to send you one last letter. Lord Shadow, please forgive me. Indra caught me before I sent the last letter, and as he threatened to torture me, I spilled everything and agreed to his conditions for sending that letter. Indra apparently added some trick to it, but I don’t know what he’s done with it. Therefore I cannot tell whether you’re alright. I spent my days in fear of what I should do if Indra or you did something to me, but later on I received a simple message telling me to stop the investigation, and after my parents visited and spoke with me, my heart calmed down somewhat. ...To be very frank, from the very start it was unreasonable for someone like me, who isn’t brave, careful, smart, and trained, to spy on a superman like Indra. As I spent my days feeling guilty and frightened of Indra, I started to resent you who forced such a life on me, but it’s also true that you helped my parents. As such, I want to end this work after writing to you what kind of person Indra is in my eyes. Indra always seeks the thrill. On top of his spirit, body, and magic being ridiculously strong, he finished all his education during his early childhood, so he’s always bored. For this reason, he tried to pick fights with nobles, got involved with the prince, and sought experience anyone else would regard as crazy. But, deep down he might be a generous and gentle boy. He’s undoubtedly kind towards women and he apparently forgave me for spying on him when I honestly apologized, going by him interacting with me normally. Because of that, I think Indra is going to forgive you as well, if you apologize, Lord Shadow. ――――I don’t know whether this is something I should tell the aide of the king, but for Indra...status doesn’t matter, I think. Indra is the strongest person in this world, and not only this country, who can’t be caught by anyone. I think it’d be in the best interest of the kingdom to get along with Indra. Please excuse me for writing all kinds of impertinent things. I’ll pray for your safety, Lord Shadow. – Swan Bally
『 ○月×日 裏の雑木林に向かう後ろ姿を見つけたので慌てて飛び出し後をつけました。 インドラ君は朝稽古をしていました。 でも、エリアス王子はプリムローズ様と仲睦まじくされているので、どちらもお互い様のようです。 彼はデーモンのように恐ろしく、そして強い人間です。 デーモンなら聖魔術や光魔術で倒せますが、インドラ君は人間なので倒せません。 最後の言葉が気になるが、内容は普通だった。 「......今回は珍しく大したことが無い内容ですね。毎日鍛錬しているとは、中々勤勉もあるのですか。............それにしても、スカーレット嬢と誼を通じたのは、かなり困った事態ですね。ショードガーデ公爵は、自他共に認める【迅雷白牙】びいき。ソード自身はそういったことが嫌いだから警戒していなかったが、〝彼女〟は一体どう出るか............」 『シャドとやら! お前、スワン君の両親に恩を売りつけ、スワン君を脅し、私を嗅ぎ回らせただろう! 証拠は挙がっているんだぞ! それほどまでに私と敵対したいなら! 受けて立とう! 十倍にお返ししてな! 私も! お前の敬愛する者たちを脅し、屈服させ、お前を監視してやるぞ! 私に出来ないと思ったら大間違いだ! 思い知るがいい!』 叫びがやんだと思ったら、爆発した。 ――――シャドが自室に軟禁されて、しばらく経つ。 後悔に苛まれているシャド宛に、手紙が届いた。 シャドは封の開いた手紙をノロノロと取り出し、読んだ。 『 ○月×日 もう手紙を出す資格はないと思いましたが、シャド様がどうされたのか心配で、これを最後の手紙として書かせていただきます。 シャド様、申し訳ありませんでした。 僕は前回の手紙を出す前にインドラ君に捕まり、拷問されそうになって洗いざらいしゃべり、あの手紙を出すのを条件に許されました。 インドラ君がなんらかの細工をしたようですが、僕にはそれがわかりません。 インドラ君やシャド様になにかされたらとどうしようと怯える日々でしたが、その後調査中止とだけ連絡が入り、そのまた後で両親が来て話し合いをして、僕の心は落ち着きました。 ......正直に言いますと、勇敢でもない、慎重でもない、頭も運動も取り柄がないといった僕が超人であるインドラ君へのスパイ行為なんてどだい無理な話で、インドラ君への恐怖と後ろめたさにおびえる毎日を過ごし、そんな生活を強いるシャド様を恨みましたが、両親が恩を受けたのも確かです。 精神も肉体も魔術も、全てがとても強い上に全ての教育も幼少に終わらせてしまっているので、いつも退屈しています。 だから、貴族に絡まれてみたり、王子に絡まれてみたり、普通ならとんでもないと思うことを体験したがっているのです。 女性には間違いなく優しいですし、僕がスパイしてたことも謝って正直に言ったら許してくれたようで、普通に接してくれました。 ですので、シャド様もインドラ君に謝ったら許してもらえると思います。 ――――王の側近の方に使う言葉ではないとは承知しています。 この国どころかこの世界で一番強く、誰にも捉えられないのがインドラ君です。 いろいろ生意気なことを書いてごめんなさい。 スワン・バリー』
While waiting for Bennyboy’s group to arrive at the base, I spent my time holding preparatory meetings, designing, increasing the facilities, and making all kinds of things. I also customized the Ryokus. ――So far it has been Sword’s task to carry Char, but keeping it like this would be slightly inconvenient. Char had been stored away in a super special magic bag, but it only fits in there cause it’s special, and that bag is pretty troublesome because it’s huge. Either way, Sword kept getting stuck whenever we traveled animal trails. Therefore I adjusted the Ryokus’s pods so that they’d be suited for stowing away lots of things. As a gimmick, their rear ends would open up with a yawning like a spiderweb, allowing Char to enter the storage area from there. I was somehow able to achieve this with expansion magic once I made the front part bigger as well. The weight was no problem either because of the gravity control. Sword sighed a “That’s a huge help,” as he apparently also found it inconvenient to carry the huge magic bag all the time. I’ll leave the capsule with the Poof! as homework for next time, but for now we will have to do with this. Moreover, I also customized Char. Since we frequently had Char run on auto-pilot while we drove around on Bronko, I added a function, allowing Char to automatically extend magic cannons from its circular windows to defend itself. I must increase the offensive options, yep! Also, I checked the farms. This world has few seasonal changes, though that observation is limited to the places I visited. Just like it rains, it’ll also snow, and just like you have periods of cold days, you also have periods of somewhat warmer days, but fundamentally, you could sum up the weather as everlasting spring. A bit like some island countries. In this regard, it wouldn’t be weird for the magic cherry bonsai to keep running all the time. I hear desert areas, tropical forests, and icelands also exist. I’d love to go there someday. If I’m not mistaken, I feel like plants bud depending on the temperature...is what I thought, but as far as Ys goes, temperature doesn’t play a role at all. The problem is the soil! The key point is the saturation with magic elements! It’s no wonder that those are strange chemical elements! ...Wait, those aren’t chemical elements in the first place, I guess. I mean, I’ve already said that magic elements aren’t tangible. By the way, our monsters have no gender. It seems like they suddenly came into existence. ...How were they born? I want to watch the moment they pop up. The propagation of incarnated fairies like Plana appears to be the same as that of humans, but then again it’s different in various ways too, huh. ――Oops, I digressed. Anyway, since I was asked by the servants, who were growing wine grapes, to provide nutrients to the wine-growing area, I tried to have Mr. Fluff cover the field as if blending it with the soil. Thereupon the servants sowed something. No, they scattered something. “Hmm...?” So far I’ve never watched the sowing of seeds, but is that how it works? In the first place, can you actually call that sowing seeds? “...Those are...?” I asked a servant. Maybe they’re scattering fertilizer. “These are grapes!” ......Eh? Grapes? So it’s a fertilizer after all? “Lady Indra, after we received your advice to make the wine with very sweet and sour, extraordinarily delicious grapes, we searched. And here are the pieces of the grapes we found!” Oh, so I was right. They’re pieces, huh? But, those aren’t even seeds. Just skin and other worthless scraps! “Because you blessed the land with plenty of magic elements, they should sprout tomorrow!” .........? I tilted my head in total confusion. On the next day, the pieces had vanished, just to be replaced by sprouts. ――Okay, this world is a lot weirder and miraculous than I thought! The pieces transformed into sprouts. To begin with, they’re being translated as grapes, but you see, there’s no such miraculous produce like otherworld grapes! They’re mysterious lifeforms pretending to be grapes! ............Thinking up to this point, I noticed it. ......Huh? Monsters...are they possibly born if you leave monster pieces in places with a rich magic element saturation.............? ――Yeah, okay, now it’s become scary, so let’s shelve thinking about this. ――And thus, as I was working on this and that while also making many new discoveries, I was summoned by the guildmaster. Rather than him summoning me, he came to our mansion, however. Well, he’s a guy who would expressly come here to ask for liquor instead of tea. His aim in wanting to drink liquor is as plain as day. “...An emergency request has arrived from the main guild.” I exchanged a look with Sword. “It’s an emergency, and here you sit carefreely, drinking wine?” I retorted, but he waved my remark off. “Emergency requests are just a means for the client to get hold of you.” I exchanged another look with Sword. “...Oi, don’t tell me...” “It’s just as you think.”
拠点でベン君たちの到着を待ちつつ、いろいろ作って設備を増やして設計して打ち合わせして過ごしていた。 ――シャールの持ち運びはソードが背負ってたのだが、今のままではちょっと不便。 なので、リョークのポッドに収納出来るようにしたのだ! ソードも何気に持ち歩きが不便だったのか、「助かった」って感想を漏らしたよ。 カプセルBON! は今後の課題として残しておくけど、とりあえずはこれで凌ごう。 ブロンコでぶっ飛ばしてシャールをオートで走らせる、ということをしょっちゅうするので、シャールの自衛のために丸窓からオートで魔素ガンを出して、シューティングさせるようにした。 雨も降れば風も吹くし、肌寒い日が続くこともあればちょっと暑いかな? って日が続くこともあるけど、基本的に常に常春。どこぞの島国のようだ。そういう意味では桜の魔導具が常に出しっ放しなのは、変じゃなかったか。 砂漠地帯や熱帯雨林地帯や氷雪地帯もあるらしい。行ってみたい。 確か寒暖差で芽が出るような植物もあったような......とか思ったけれど、このイースに限って言えば全く関係ない。 ......って、そもそも元素じゃなかったか。魔素は物質じゃないとか言ってたもんな。 ちなみにウチの魔物たちは無性別。いつの間にやら存在してた、らしい。 ......どうやって生まれるんだろう? 誕生の瞬間を見てみたい。 プラナたち受肉した妖精さんの繁殖は人間と変わらないそうだけど、いろいろ違うんだなぁ。 ――話は逸れたけど、農地に栄養を与えてほしいと酒用の葡萄を育てている使用人に頼まれたので、ふんわりさんを農地に混ぜるように纏わせてみた。 そこに使用人が、何かを蒔いている。いや、撒いている。 「うん......?」 今まで種まきを見てはいなかったけど、そういうものなの? そもそもそれは、種まきなの? 「......それって......?」 撒いている使用人に聞いた。もしかして肥料を撒いてるのかもしれないしー。 「これは、葡萄です!」 ............え? 葡萄って? やっぱり肥料かな? 「インドラ様から『甘味と酸味の強いとびきり美味しい葡萄で作ってみろ』とアドバイスをいただき探しました。その葡萄の欠片です!」 あ、やっぱり欠片なんだ? 種ですらないもんね、皮とか、木っ端とかだもんね。 「インドラ様にたっぷりと魔素を与えていただけたので、明日には芽が出ると思いますよ!」 ..................? 私、思いっきり首を傾げた。 欠片が消えて、芽になってた。 ――うん、この世界は私が思っている以上にミラクルワールドだね! そもそも〝葡萄〟と訳してるけどさ、別世界の葡萄ってそんなミラクル作物じゃなかったね! 〝葡萄らしき謎の生命体〟だね! ............と、ここまで考えて、気がついた。 ............あれ? 魔物って......もしかして、魔素の濃い場所に、破片を置いておくと、誕生したり、する、のか............? ――うん、怖くなってきたので考えるのやめとこうっと。 ――と、いろいろ新発見もしながらあれこれ働いていたらギルドマスターから呼び出しがあった。 わざわざ来て、お茶じゃなくてお酒を頼む人です。 「......本部から緊急依頼が来た」 ソードと顔を見合わせる。 「緊急なのに、酒を飲むとはのん気だな」 「緊急案件っつーのは、依頼側の方便だ」 またソードと顔を見合わせた。 「......おい、それって、まさか」 「その『まさか』だよ」
{Cathy} ――The S-Rank adventurer 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 was someone I admired. Because I was a little magician, I publicly pretended to support 【Bloody Witch】, but in my heart I adored that man who’s outstanding in swordsmanship and magic. Hence I got super happy and excited when the guild approached us about looking after the pupil of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】. I was jealous of that child, but I’ve heard he’s got some special circumstances, and well, if they’re asking us to do it, we might as well do it, right? Then again Liz seemed quite eager about this whole thing, too. In the first place, Liz belongs to the 【Peerless Strength】 faction, doesn’t she? Or, wait... Does she actually admire 【Thunderclap Whitefang】? ...W-Well, such things happen sometimes, I guess. But, if he can use magic, I’ll teach him! While sparks flew between Liz and me, the appointed day arrived. Waiting in the back for our turn, we secretly watched from the shadows. ...Oh my, isn’t that a pretty boy right there? Sure, he’s still a child, and small, but he looks promising. He’s inferior to 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, but okay, why not? I like him, so I’ll take care of him. That’s what I thought, but! The receptionist glanced our way with a troubled look. It seemed like the conversation didn’t go as well as planned. The pretty boy quickly left the counter, about to leave the guild. We chased after him in a hurry, and spoke up to him from the side. “Hey, boy. Interested in forming a party with us?” Sasha called out to him as the one who’s the most sociable and approachable among us, but without even trying to stop or look our way, the boy left the guild. ...What’s his damn problem!? Sasha looked completely flabbergasted, too. The receptionist apologized to 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 who had shown up. Apparently it had failed. But what exactly? ...According to the story I heard later on, they had come up with some kind of plan, but not only didn’t it work out as intended, but that guy stopped listening to anyone after getting upset. The receptionist apologized to us, but isn’t that boy’s willfulness at fault here? I mean, I can understand that you’d have a hard time to bid your farewell as pupil of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, but consider all the trouble you’re causing to your teacher, sheesh. For several days afterwards, he completely blocked out anyone and everyone trying to talk to him, but according to rumors, 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 gave in and they formed a party in the end. And that wasn’t even the end of the bullshit!! They say he skipped all the way to D-Rank after doing some collection requests and hunting for a bit!! How can such nonsense even be allowed!? When Liz heard about it, she got so pissed that she butchered a monster to such an extent that the guild didn’t want to buy it from us anymore. Sasha gave up, saying that this was how the world works, but she had changed her opinion, now saying that we should do our best with just the three of us instead of getting a new member. I fully agreed with that. I’ll show that asshole how we’re going to reach C-Rank before him!! Luckily connections and influence are worth nothing when it comes to C-Rank. You’ve got to pass a test to get it. Once I’m a C-Rank, I’ll find that guy and laugh at him, saying, “You’re still a D-Rank? Aww, too bad that D-Rank is the highest you can get through connections. Looks like you can’t pass the exam because of the influence of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 either, eh?” ...I ran into him before that though. As he played dumb when I called out to him, I snapped, and unleashed my magic at him. When I did, even I realized that I might have gone too far, and became pale as not only him but even the children might die from my spell. Just when I was about to cry as it fully hit me that not only wouldn’t I be rising to C-Rank, but I’d actually become a criminal with this, it vanished. My spell was suddenly gone. Seeing that guy standing there so nonchalantly that it actually pissed me off, I understood that he’d erased it. The children all looked pale as well, but then they started to praise him all at once. ...Of course, the authorities showed up. I was sure that my license would be taken away with me heading straight for jail, but that boy gave some explanation and scurried off right afterwards, so when I fervently argued that the golem looked like a monster and that I tried to defeat it in a hurry out of fear for the children’s safety, the officials bought that excuse. Since no one got injured and probably because it wasn’t an overly powerful spell either, it all came to a close with me spending one day in prison. It looks like the officials thought I got startled by the golem and tried to chase it away...that in itself was quite mortifying, but Liz, who had accompanied me to the guard station, kicked my shin under the table when I was about to act up, resulting in me leaving it at an anxious-looking nod. On the next day, after I had pulled myself together, Liz and Sasha gave me a sermon, saying, “Make sure to control your temper, okay? You’d end up biting the dust anyway before you could even beat up that boy.” Then we got on the carriage, and headed over to the exam site. And over there I saw 【Thunderclap Whitefang】! Yay! So he’s come as well! ......together with that boy. Somehow it actually feels like even the C-Rank exam is going to be rigged, doesn’t it!? I wasn’t the only one thinking so. Another party flew into a rage after seeing 【Thunderclap Whitefang】. By the way, one of them blathered, “Female brats takin’ the C-Rank exam!? Ain’t no way they gonna pass. Best would be for them to run back home to weed the fields!”, which resulted in me almost firing a spell at him, but with Sasha and Liz holding me back, we managed to avoid any further incidents. ...If I were to use what that boy had used against me, I’d run out of mana, unable to cast any other spells for a while, I think. Since mana potions are anything but cheap, I don’t really want to rely on them much. I’m far from liking these guys, but I’ll at least praise them for what they said to that boy. However, when they did, 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 answered them with a super scary face instead. That face of his was the same expression as it was drawn on his portrait. Since he looks quite friendly when he’s with that boy, I wonder whether that’s actually his real expression, but...somehow, it pains me a bit to see him like that. The rumors I’ve heard about 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 said that he’s a cold-hearted man, so it made my heart throb when I learned of his kind side by taking a pupil with some special circumstances, but...somehow it’s like he’s only showing his gentle and caring side to that boy. It does make me a tad jealous. ...Wait, now’s not the time for that! I’ll also declare my war on that boy! And then the exam started... Eeeeehhh!? That boy rushed off at an unbelievable speed. What’s the idea here!? Even those creepy guys, who had been scheming to get in the boy’s way, howled like sour losers as it looked like all their little plans went bust. But, true, it’s not like any of us knows how long he’ll be able to keep up going at that pace. If he runs out of steam inside the dungeon, it’ll spell his death. Moreover, when being solo. Even if he might have a golem with him, that thing should use quite a bit of mana, so it should be accompanied with quite a bit of danger to go at such a pace. I’m sure he ran away because of all the bullying, and is now hiding somewhere!! I’ll totally poke fun at him if I spot him!! We finally arrived at the dungeon entrance. We kept looking for that boy all the time, but he was nowhere to be found. He must be quite skilled at hiding. He got my praise for that. An examiner stood in front of the dungeon entrance. “...Did I see wrongly after all? Somehow it looked like a child entered the dungeon while being chased by some kind of monster...” Hearing him mumbling that, I pinned my eyes on the examiner in surprise, “...He...entered already?” “When!? How long ago!?” “Eh? So my eyes didn’t play a trick on me then!? It’s been quite a while ago. More than minutes by now.” Those scummy guys, who’d arrived here at the same time as us, were shocked as well. “...Gotta be havin’ fun by using that golem, right? Ahhh, I’m so damn envious of a piece of shit who gets pushed everythin’ into her ass by an S-Rank!” How can it make things easier by using a golem!? Don’t look down on magic arts, okay? Even just having it walk around all over the place while following you eats lots of mana! ...But, if it’s a golem 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 obtained, it might have some function to not use mana? As I thought, he’s a cheat! We blundered on our pacing. Since we wanted to get away from the guys who had been bitching all the time, we somehow managed to lose them halfway. Wanting to finish the exam faster than those idiots and that boy, I pushed my party members and advanced while limiting the breaks to the minimum. “Huh...? I feel like we’ve passed this way some time ago...?” “No way. You properly drew a map, didn’t you?” “Wha-, of course I did! But, I was a bit in a hurry, so I might have made a mistake.” Not drawing a map in a dungeon is fatal. If you fail at it, you should head back the way you came. But, since I was impatient, I plunged onwards. ...and got completely lost. No examiner is to be found anywhere, and we don’t know any safe areas either. As we continued on, still not taking a rest, my feeling of time slowly started to fade. And just when my exhaustion reached its peak... Those monsters showed up. We should have retreated here. But, in the end we underestimated the enemy. I mean, it was just two goblins. “Wait! It’s dangerous to take them on in our current state! I’ll cast a barrier, so let’s use that moment to fall back!” Ignoring Sasha’s warning, I rushed ahead. “We can easily get rid of two lousy goblins, right!? We’re a party that’s going to become C-Rank!” “True. Defeating them will allow us to get rid of some stress even if we’ll retreat in the end, won’t it? ...And to be honest, I don’t know whether I’ll have enough stamina to get away if they chase after us.” When I cast a fireball as a restraint and Liz tried to cut into them... ...my fireball clashed against another spell and vanished. On top of that, the other spell continued heading my way. “...Oh wall, block everything!” Sasha’s barrier spell was in time, resulting in the spell getting repelled. But, at the same time Sasha ran out of mana. She crumbled down on her knees. ...I had used too much offensive magic, so I ended up drinking Sasha’s share of mana potions. It was all because I wasted my spells out of impatience. “Ughh!” Liz had her thigh stabbed by the other goblin. I looked at the goblin in surprise. ――This is no ordinary goblin! It’s an evolved one! “Liz!” I threw the bomb magic tool. This was a very expensive item, but I bought it just in case. Using the opportunity, Liz somehow managed to fall back to us and drink a healing potion. It apparently stopped her bleeding, but the wound itself didn’t heal. ――We prepared all kinds of things in order to pass the C-Rank exam in one go. All the money we’d earned so far went into it. We went this far, and yet it was all in vain. That and everything else was my fault. I got impatient and didn’t even consider our pace. Even though I messed up with the map, I continued onwards without admitting so. I attacked pointlessly, resulting in me using up even the mana potions of someone else. ...Yep, it was really hard, but we somehow managed to reach D-Rank. But, I never felt my life was in danger. I didn’t understand the meaning behind having the skill allowing you to reach D-Rank through connections, why you had to take a proper exam for C-Rank, and why it was said that you could only call yourself an adventurer after becoming a C-Rank. Now that I’m about to die, I’ve finally realized it. The reason behind the pledges I agreed to before taking the exam: 『No matter what happens, the guild won’t be held accountable for anything, even if the examinee dies during the exam』 and 『Please write a will in advance. In case you die or go missing, we will hand your belongings to the people mentioned in your will after the exam has ended』. Very likely, those are a Goblin Warrior and a Goblin Mage. After those two squealed as if laughing at us, the Goblin Mage cast a fire spell. The large-scale Blaze spell I specialize in. ...Yeah, I did something bad to that boy. And yet he was able to calmly deal with such a spell being used on him. It’s inevitable for me to be totally scared of that approaching fire... ...No! I don’t want to die! No, no, no! Please no...! “I wonder whether it’s more stylish to hold up a hand? I mean, it surely gives the feeling of 『using magic』.” Eh? When I lifted my head, that boy was standing in front of me. With the flames having disappeared. When I looked at him in sheer amazement, he stared back at me, and smiled, “Yo, sorry for making you wait!”
〈キャシー〉 魔術師の端くれなので体面的には【血みどろ魔女】を支持してるフリしてたけど、内心は剣も魔術も凄腕のあの人を崇拝してた。 その、【迅雷白牙】のお弟子さんの面倒を見る、って話になって内心狂喜乱舞したわ。 第一リズは【剛力無双】派でしょ?え?実は【迅雷白牙】に憧れてた? ......ま、まぁ、そういうこともあるでしょうけどね、魔術が使えるなら私が教えるから! 出番を待って待機しながら陰からコソッと見た。 ......あら、結構な美少年じゃない。 確かに子供ね、小さいけど、将来有望そうだし、【迅雷白牙】には負けるけど、いいわ、気に入ったから面倒見てあげる。 そう思ってたのに! 受付嬢が困った顔になって、私たちをチラチラ見た。 私たちは慌てて追いかけ横に立った。 こういったときに一番優しく社交的に話し掛けられるサシャが声をかけたけど、止まりもせず振り向きも、こちらを向くことすらせずに出て行ってしまった。 サシャも唖然としてる。 出てきた【迅雷白牙】に受付嬢が謝ってる。 ......その後話を聞いたら、どうやら何らかの作戦を立ててたんだけど、うまく進まなかっただけじゃなくて彼が怒って誰とも口を聞かなくなっちゃったらしい。 そりゃ、【迅雷白牙】のお弟子さんで離れがたいのはわかるけど、師匠の迷惑を考えなさいよ。 数日後。その後、誰が話し掛けても一切合切無視し、結局【迅雷白牙】が折れてパーティを組むことになったって噂を聞いた。 ......何ソレ!? ふざけんじゃないわよ!! さらによ!? あの子、採取とちょっと魔物狩っただけでDランクに飛び級したんですって!! そんなこと許されるの!? サシャは、そんなもんじゃないと諦めたけど、新しいメンバーは入れずで頑張ろうと意見を変えた。私も賛成した。 Cランクは威光もコネも無理、試験を受けないといけないものね。 「まだDランクなの? コネで得たランクじゃDランクがせいぜいだものね、【迅雷白牙】の威光があっても試験は通らないわよ?」 って! ......その前に出会っちゃったけど。 自分でもやり過ぎたと思ったし「あ、あの子どころか子供たちまで死んだかも」って青くなったわよ。 Cランクに上がるどころか犯罪者になっちゃった......と泣きそうになった途端。 子供たちも青くなってたけど、一斉にあの子を褒め称えた。 間違いなくライセンス剝奪で投獄されると思ったけど、あの子は弁解した後すぐどっかに行っちゃって、モンスターにしか見えませんでした! 子供たちが襲われてると思って慌てて倒そうとしました! って言い張ったら、その言い分が通ったわ。 どこにも被害がなかったから、大した魔術じゃなかったんだろうってことで一日投獄されるだけで済んだ。 リズとサシャに「絶対に短気を起こさないでね、あの子をぎゃふんと言わせる前にあなたがぎゃふんと言うことになるわよ」って言い聞かせられて馬車に乗って試験場所へ向かった。そこに。 【迅雷白牙】が! 来てた! ......ちょっと、Cランクまで不正する気?! って思ったのは私だけじゃなくて、別のパーティも食ってかかってた。 ちなみにそのパーティ、馬車で「女のガキがCランク受けたって受かるわけねーだろ、とっとと帰って草むしりでもしてろよ」って言ってきた連中で、危うくまた魔術ぶっ放しそうになったけど、リズとサシャに取り押さえられて事無きを得たの。 ......あの子に使ったアレ使うと、魔力切れで他の魔術使えなくなっちゃうのよね。魔力回復薬は高いから、あんまり使いたくないし。 その顔は、絵姿になってるのと同じ顔で、あの子と一緒にいたとき随分気さくだったからそれが素なのかと思うけど......なんか、ちょっとだけモヤモヤした。 私が噂で聞いている【迅雷白牙】って、冷たい人だって聞いていたから、ワケありのお弟子さんを採るような優しさにキュンとなったんだけど......なんか、あの子だけが気を遣われて優しくされてるっぽくて、ちょっと妬けるのよね。 ......って、それはもうどうでもいいわ! そして開始......えええええ。 あの子、ありえない速度で行っちゃったんだけど!? あの子の邪魔を企んでたらしいあのいけ好かない連中も、完全にたくらみが外れたっぽくて負け犬の遠吠えっぽいこと吠えてる。 でも、そうよ、あのスピードでどこまで保つかわかったもんじゃない。 いっくらゴーレム持ってるからって、アレだって魔力を使うはずだもの、かなり危険を伴うはず。 きっと、虐められるからって逃げ出して、どこかで隠れ潜んでいるのよ!! 私はずっとあの子を探してたけど、いなかった。 隠れるのうまいわね、それだけは褒めてあげる。 入り口前に試験官が立ってた。 「......やっぱ、見間違いだったかな? なんかモンスターに追いかけられてったような子が入ってったの......」 ってつぶやきを聴いて、驚いて試験官を見てしまった。 「いつ?! いつくらい?!」 「え?見間違いじゃなかったのか! かなり前だよ、も分以上はたってる」 同じペースで来たあのいけ好かない連中も驚いた。 「......どうせ、ゴーレム使って楽してんだろ。うらやましいぜ、Sランクさんに依怙ひいきされてるやつはよ!」 ゴーレム使ってどう楽するのよ。 ......でも、【迅雷白牙】が手に入れたゴーレムなら、もしかしたら魔術消費しないって手があるのかも。やっぱり狡いわ! いがみ合ってた連中とは別れたかったから、何とか途中で別れたわ。 ソイツらよりもあの子よりも早く辿り着きたくてを叱咤して、休憩をなるべく減らして、先に進んだ。 「あれ......? この道、前通ったような気が......?」 「ウソ、地図ちゃんと描いたの?」 「か、描いたわよ! でも、ちょっと焦ってたから、間違えたかも」 ダンジョンで地図を描かないのは命取り。 ......完全に迷った。 試験官すら見つからない。安全地帯もわからない。 休むこともままならず、時間の感覚がわからなくなってきて、疲労がピークに達したとき。 そのモンスターは現れた。 でも、敵をなめてしまったの。 「待って! 今の私たちには危険よ、結界魔術をかけるから、その隙に撤退しましょう!」 サシャの警告を無視して、私は前に出た。 「こんな連中、簡単にやっつけられるじゃない! 私たちはCランクになるパーティなのよ?!」 「そうだ、撤退するにしても倒した方が憂いが晴らせるだろ? ......正直、追いかけられても逃げ切れる体力があるかわからない」 私が、牽制のファイアボールを唱えて、リズが斬り込もうと...... ファイアボールが、別魔術にぶつかって消えた。 それどころか、その別魔術がこっちに向かってきた。 「...壁よ!全てを防げ!」 サシャの結界魔術が間に合い、魔術が弾ける。 ......私が攻撃魔術を使いすぎて、サシャの分の魔力回復薬も飲んでしまったから。 「ぐぁっ!」 リズが、もう一匹のゴブリンに太腿を刺された。 ――このゴブリン、普通のゴブリンじゃない。 「リズ!」 これもものすごく高いけど、念のために買って持ってきたものだ。 その隙になんとかリズがこちらに引いて、回復薬を飲んだ。 ――今回のCランクの試験で一発合格するために、いろいろ準備した。 そこまでしたけど、ダメだった。 地図を間違えたのに認めずに先に進んだから。 コネで昇格出来る程度だって、なぜCランクがちゃんと試験なのかって、Cランクからようやく冒険者を名乗れるって、その意味がわかってなかった。 今、死にそうになって、ようやく気付いた。 『遺書は前以て書いておいて下さい、試験終了後、死亡または行方不明時に希望された遺族に渡します』 恐らく、ゴブリンウォーリアとゴブリンメイジ。 その二匹が笑ったような奇声を上げた後、ゴブリンメイジが炎魔術を使った。 こんな魔術を使われて、よく冷静に対処出来たな。 私、この、迫り来る炎が怖くてしょうが無い。 いやだ、死にたくない、死にたくないよ......! 「手をかざすとかっこいいかな。 いかにも『魔術使ってます』みたいな感じで」 顔を上げたら、あの子が目の前に立っていた。 呆けて見てたら、あの子がこちらを見て、笑った。
After I was led to a private room, Shadow cleared the people out. The Knight Leader did his utmost to be allowed to stay as a guard, but the king told him off, “It’d be rude towards our hero, wouldn’t it?” And thus he compromised by guardin’ outside the door. “Oh man, it took that much time and effort to get the opportunity to talk with you,” the king spat out, havin’ immediately switched to a casual tone as soon as the three of us were alone. I stretched on the chair, “Gimme a break. ...It’s you who wanna talk with me, not the other way ’round.” “Don’t be so cold. I mean, while I’ve been working my ass off, you’ve been enjoying your life as an adventurer, haven’t you? How about you give up on the adventurer business and become my aide? I’ll even form a royal guard unit for you and let you be its leader.” “No, thanks. I’ve already found a partner and formed a party with her. Why would I need to drop the quality of my current lifestyle which is a lot more comfortable than bein’ somethin’ like a royal guard leader?” The cunnin’ sadist’s eyebrow twitched up. “Shadow, stop being so jumpy. ...You’ve been weird ever since you came back from Sword’s place,” remarked King Hulland, formerly Arkhide, while castin’ a bewildered look at Shadow. “Probably because he argued with my partner, lost, and came back like a beaten dog.” “I did not lose. I am simply not childish enough to pick a fight with a brat,” he exclaimed, clearly showin’ his emotions for a change. “Seriously. You guys gotta be kept apart. You were quite close to havin’ the palace together with king and all wiped out, you know?” “Hah!?” Arkhide looked flabbergasted. “My partner is a sadist. A huge sadist who loves to torture folks. So I’m sayin’ our lil’ sly Shadow here mustn’t meet that cute sadist girly. I mean, he got totally trashed by my partner with her agitation skill at full throttle. Because of that, it resulted in me comin’ here, though...” “Hoh, so she won a war of words against Shadow? That’s incredible.” “I have been telling you, I did not lose or anything like that,” Shadow spat out sullenly. “But, you weren’t ’bout to win either, right? She was serious, just so you know. Even I don’t want to see an acquaintance butchered in front of me. By the way, if you ask me who I’m goin’ to side with, it’s definitely goin’ to be Indra. Make sure to not get on her bad side, gotcha?” Shadow revealed an eerie smile, and blurted out, “Of course I am going to crush her with all my power, you know?” Whoa, he doesn’t get a thing, that idiot. “Before that, you’ll be crushed like a bug, physically. ...Don’t lump her together with ordinary humans. She doesn’t die even when directly hit by magma, let alone big rocks. Not only do deadly swamps not work on her, but she simply shrugs off a direct hit by an ice dragon by shakin’ her body a bit. She’s brimmin’ over with vitality and health.” The two were lost for words. “...Indra Springcoat was supposed to have been born between the first daughter of Duke Summersol and Earl Springcoat, though?” “I haven’t heard anything about those two not being humans or some such. Or maybe they got some non-humans among their families?” Shadow shook his head, “...Umm, I really would love to hear the story directly from Indra Springcoat. Also, Your Majesty, I did warn you about it, but by then it was already too late.” Once Arkhide snapped his fingers, Shadow prepared drinks. “Ah, wait a sec. I’ve got some with me.” “What did you bring with you? ...This drink is of a fairly exquisite quality, you know? You mentioned that drinking is about the sole entertainment for you, didn’t you?” “Yep, that’s why I’ve brought some with me.” Shadow furrowed his eyebrows. “...Come to think of it, I’ve heard rumors that you’ve started running your own brewery?” Nothin’ less of the king’s information network. So he already knew, huh? “Aye, I’m a brewery owner. By the way, I’m also running a restaurant...a fancy eatery for rich commoners based on a membership system, back at my base. Because of that I’ve become pretty picky ’bout taste.” “Okay, then let me have a try.” Hey, is that somethin’ a king would say? Look, Shadow is starin’ at you, his face overflowin’ with damnation and wariness. “Your the king, so be a bit more careful ’bout poisonin’, will you?” “What’d be the idea behind you poisoning me at this point? Besides, if a man like 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 planned to kill me, I’d be lying in my own blood right now, wouldn’t you say?” Figures. “Then, only if Shadow permits it.” “...Very well. Certainly, it would make no sense for him to poison you now after all this time.” With that out of the way, I took out an array of bottles. “What do you wanna drink? Want some snacks to go with it?” The two were dumbstruck when they saw the bottles. “...Listen, no matter how much you may like your drinks, that’s way too much, isn’t it? Why do you have so many with you?” “I won’t relinquish any of ’em, ‘kay? They’re too awesome for sharin’. ...Let’s go with wine for starters.” I handed the wine bottle to Shadow. “Hoh,” Shadow unintentionally grunted while smellin’ for poison. The king swallowed audibly. I laughed, “You can tell by the fragrance, eh? It’s completely different from the usua stuffl. Genuine wine has that kind of complex aroma, I was told. Moreover, that one’s still 『lackin’』, it seems. Right now, we’ve started growin’ grapes...the raw material.” The two became speechless once more. “I got it. Shadow, hurry up with the poison testing and pass it over to me!” Shadow put on airs. He’s deliberately teasin’ him, isn’t he? I mean, that guy’s a sadist on the same level as Indra, so yeah. He held the wine in his mouth, closin’ his eyes and thus raisin’ the suspense. “......This is...lacking?” “Shadow!” Arkhide is ’bout to snap, but that’s okay with you?
個室に案内され、人払い。 で、扉の外で護衛、で妥協した。 「やれやれ。お前と話すのに、これだけの手間がかかったよ」 俺は椅子で伸びる。 「そう言うな。お前だけ冒険者を楽しんでるんだから。冒険者に飽きたら、俺の側近にならないか? 近衛団を作って団長にしてやるから」 「お断りだ。もう相棒も見つけてパーティ組んだ。近衛団の団長よか良い暮らしをしてるのに、なんで格を落とす必要があるんだよ」 陰険ドS野郎がピクリと眉を上げる。 「シャド、そう突っかかるな。......お前、この間ソードのところから帰ってきてから変だぞ?」 「俺の相棒とやりあって、負けて帰ったからだろ」 「負けてない。子供と喧嘩するほど幼稚じゃないだけだ」 「ホント、お前たち、出会っちゃいけなだったな。とばっちりで王様が王城もろとも消されるとこだったんだぞ?」 「は?」 「俺の相棒、ドSなの。拷問が大好きなドS。そのドSちゃんに、陰険ドSのシャド君が、言っちゃいけないことを言って、煽りスキルMAXの相棒にコテンパンに言い負かされてきたんだよ。そのせいで俺はここに来ることになったんだし......」 「ほぉ。舌戦でシャドに勝つか。それはすごい」 「でも、勝とうとしないでね? アイツ、本気でやるから。俺だって、知り合い殺されたくないし。ちなみに俺は、どっちに味方するって言ったらインドラに決まってるから。絶対敵対しないでね?」 「もちろん、私も全力で潰しますよ?」 とか言い出したよ。 うーわ。わかってねー。 「その前に潰されるから、物理的に。......アイツをそこらの人間にするな。大岩どころかマグマ当たって死なない人間だから。猛毒の沼はおろか、アイスドラゴンのブレス直撃して、身体をブルブルっと揺さぶるだけで、終わりだから。ピンピンしてるから」 二人が絶句した。 「......インドラ・スプリンコートは、サマーソル公爵の第一令嬢とスプリンコート伯爵との間に出来た令嬢だったはずだが?」 「その二人、実は人間じゃないとか、聞いてない? あるいは一族に人間じゃないのがいるとか」 「......その、麗しのインドラ・スプリンコートの話を聞きたかったのだ。あと、時は既に遅いのだが、お前に忠告があった」 アレクハイドが指を鳴らすと、シャドが飲み物の用意をした。 「あ、待った。俺、持参してる」 「なんだその持参とは。......これは、中々の逸品だぞ? お前、酒が唯一の娯楽とか言ってただろうが」 「そう、だから持ってるの」 シャドが眉根を寄せた。 「......そういえば、ソード、貴方、酒蔵を経営し始めたという話を聞きましたよ?」 知ってたか。 「そう。俺、酒蔵のオーナー。ちなみに拠点ではレストラン......会員制の、富豪の平民相手の高級レストランも経営してる。 「じゃあ、そっちをよこせ」 って、王が言うか。 「王なんだから、一応毒を警戒しろよ」 「今更お前が私に毒を盛ってどうするんだ。第一、あの【迅雷白牙】なら、殺そうと思えば今この瞬間にだって殺せるだろうが」 「シャドの許可が出たらな」 「シャド!」 王がシャドにほえた。 「......わかりましたよ。確かに今更毒を盛っても意味ないでしょうね」 っつわれたんで、酒瓶を取り出した。 「何飲む? ツマミ、いる?」 並べると、二人が呆れた。 「......お前、いっくら酒好きでも、持ちすぎだろう。なんでそんなに持ってるんだ?」 「手放せないの。うますぎて。......最初はワインにしておくか」 ワインをシャドに手渡した。 シャドが毒味で匂いを嗅ぎ、思わず声を漏らす。 俺は笑った。 「匂いからしてまず違うだろ? 本物のワインって、そういう複雑な匂いみたいだぜ? しかも、それは『イマイチ』な出来らしい。今は、そもそもの原料......葡萄を育てるところから始めてるよ」 また、二人が絶句。 「わかった、から、シャド、早く毒味して、こっちに回せ!」 コイツって、インドラに匹敵するドSだよな。 口に含んだシャドが、目を閉じて、焦らす。 「............これで、イマイチ、ですか」 アレクハイドがキレそうだけど、いいの?
First up is the farm! I spread out pea and true grass plants...the charge cows should like...on the ground, and added a corn-like field on top of that. I also created a magic silo. Let’s stock up plenty before the winter or our departures. The farm was on a plain. When I asked the cows whether they’d be alright with a plain, seeing how they grew up in the mountains, they answered me that it’d be a-okay, but that they couldn’t settle down. Also, they looked fatter now. “Bhmoo!” “Ah, I see. Yeah, figures.” As I folded my arms while talking with Black Fatty, I heard someone asking, “...Hey, what you up to?” When I looked back, I spotted the guildmaster. “You can tell by looking, can’t you? I’m talking with the charge cows.” “......Say, how should I respond to that?” The guildmaster looked back, asking Sword. “Listen and be surprised. This girl, you see, can talk to monsters through magic.” “Huuuh!? For real!? Even tamers can’t use such magic!” “According to her, folk unable of usin’ it are on the level of skeletons and ghouls.” The guildmaster suffered a visible shock. “...By the way, what about you?” “Me? ...I can use it ’round half.” “Half? Like how is half supposed to work!?” “Only ill will is bein’ passed on. She told me to stop since she doesn’t know what’d happen to me if I study it any further.” “Hahaha...ha, yep, it’s really better you stop that.” I stared at the guildmaster. Did he come here to take a look at the cows? “So you haven’t put a collar of insubordination around them because you can talk with them? But even so, they’re still monsters, so use the collar.” Hmm? Collar? ...Ohh, I got it! “You’re right! I totally forgot about the stereotype here!” Sword looked at my face with a quite bad expression as my tension built up. “Bah, it looks like she came up with somethin’ completely retarded ‘gain, you know?” It’s not retarded! “There, there, I’ll give you guys awesome collars as present, okay? The cows resembling you in my previous world always wore those. They’re super cute, you know? I’m sure they’ll fit you wonderfully!” Sword and guildmaster looked at each other. “I talked about a collar of insubordination, didn’t I?” “Give up. As long as it’s a similar collar, the annoyin’ folks are goin’ to shut up ’bout it.” I immediately created it as planned! Like taking something out of a four-dimensional pocket. “Say, Black Fatty, what color would you like the belt to be?” “Bhmooo!” “Oh, you good with that color!? You’ve got great sense. Blue-green is a color I also love!” “Ooohh, Black Fatty, you look so stylish! How cool!” “Bhmoo!” It seems like Black Fatty likes it as well. “Whitey and Whiteo, which do you like? Red and cyan? Either color is nice. It’s going to totally suit your white body color. ...Ohh, how cute! You guys are so lovely!” Sword thrust fingers into his ears. The guildmaster stared at me, flabbergastet with his mouth gaping open. “...Should I also register her as tamer?” “Please do.” The guildmaster and Sword had such a dampened conversation after some time. Granting the cows’ wish, I afforested some of the farm. While at it, I also added a hilly sham obstacle course. However, the charge cows happily hopped around it. That’s not what cows do, is it? Are those guy actually deer or something!?
まずは牧場! 地面にチャージカウたちが好む......はずの、マメ科の植物と、イネ科の植物を敷き、さらにトウモロコシっぽい畑も作った。 出立前や冬支度のときは大量に作っておこう。 山育ちなので、平原大丈夫? って聞いたら全然大丈夫だけど落ち着かない、と答えられた。 「ブモー!」 「そっかぁ、そうだよねー」 黒太と話しながら腕を組んでると、 って声が聞こえてきて振り返ったらギルドマスターが立ってた。 「見ればわかるだろう、チャージカウたちと話している」 「............なぁ。俺、なんて答えればいいと思う?」 「聞いて驚け、コイツはな、魔術で魔物と会話出来るんだ」 「ハァ?! マジかよ! そんな魔術、テイマーですら使えねーぞ!」 「コイツ曰く、使えねぇ連中は、スケルトンやグール並なんだとよ」 ガーン! ってショックを受けてるギルドマスター。 「......ちなみにお前は?」 「俺? ......半分くらい」 「半分って何だよ、半分って」 「悪意のみ、伝わる。これ以上研さんすると俺、どうなっちゃうかわからないからやめといた」 「ははー......ぁ。 そりゃ止めといた方がいいな」 牛を観に来たの? 「つーか、会話出来てるから、隷属の首輪してないのか? でもよ魔物なんだからつけとけよ」 ん? 首輪? ............あっ、わかった。 「そうだな! お決まりだったな、忘れてた!」 テンションを上げる私に、ソードがイヤ~ぁな顔をして私を見た。 「うわー、なんかくだらねぇこと思いついたらしいぜ?」 くだらなくない! 「ヨーシヨシ、お前たちにかっこいい首輪をプレゼントするぞー? 私のいた世界では、お前たちに似た生物が必ずつけてたんだ。とってもかわいいぞー? きっと似合うぞー?」 ソードとギルドマスターが顔を見合わせてる。 「俺は、隷属の首輪、っつったんだけどよ?」 「諦めろ、それらしい首輪してたらうるさく言ってきた連中は黙るだろ」 元ポケットから物を取り出すかの如く! 「カーウーベールーーー!」 「なぁ、黒太、お前、どの色のベルトがいいか?」 「そうか、この色か! センスが良いな、青緑は私も大好きな色だ!」 「おぉー黒太よ! かっこいいぞ!」 「ブモー!」 黒太も気に入ってる様子だ。 「白美と白奈はどっちがいいか? 赤と、シアンか! どっちも良い色だよなー。お前たちの白い肌に似合う色だよなー。......おぉ、かわいいぞ! お前たち、かわいいぞ!」 ソードは耳の中に指を突っ込んでるし。 「......テイマー登録もしておくか?」 「そうしてくれ」 しばらくして、ギルドマスターとソードが冷めた会話をしていた。 牧場は、チャージカウたちの希望により、いくつか植林した。 牛じゃないよね? アレ、鹿じゃないのかな??
For starters I head to the guild together with Sword. The little brother of the stall boy followed us as well, but why is he glaring at me? “...? Boy, is something wrong?” “Shut up! Aren’t you a boy yourself!?” What is he saying while having such a beautiful girl in front of him? Or is he possibly embarrassed? “Boy, I can fully understand you being embarrassed when having such a beautiful girl in front of your eyes, but at this point even I’ve had enough of being ridiculed as a boy? Can’t you use another way to address me?” “Haah? Are you a nutcase or something?” For some reason, I was treated like a lunatic. Sword laughed at that. “No, I’m very normal. ...Now, now, there’s no need for you to be so bashful.” “Listen, I’m not bashful! Why would I be in the first place!?” Pubescent boys sure are moody. Sword simply ignored the exchange between me and the boy, entering the guild. Then, he showed his card. “I’m Sword of Allrounders. I’d like to speak with the guildmaster.” And thus he was led inside the guild. I tried to go after him, but got held back by the receptionist. “Huh? ...Why?” The receptionist smiled sweetly, “I’m really sorry. I get it that you adore Sir 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, but he’s currently busy and needs to talk with our guildmaster. Since you’d only get in the way, could you go back for now?” Eh? ...Is she saying this to me? Sword looked back and sighed, “Indra, show her your card.” I rummage through my bag in a hurry while answering, “O-Okay.” Once I took my card out and showed it to the receptionist, she froze. “I’m Indra. I’ve formed a party with Sword. Given that it’s me who has business with the guild to begin with, I don’t think it’d be good to leave everything to Sword, so I want to go with him.” “E-Excuse me! Please, come this way!” And thus I was let through. “But true, it’s wrong for me to keep leaving everything to you, Sword. I’ll keep in mind to properly show my card from now on.” “Nah, you were just unlucky this time. You can let me handle this kind of stuff. ...Hey, you don’t belong to us, so get lost.” Ah, the boy has followed us. The receptionist stopped him in a hurry, “I’m terribly sorry for all the troubles. ―Hey, Serge, you hanging around like this made even his partner think that you’re one of us, didn’t it!? Go back home at once!” Serge scowled at me with a face, clearly telling anyone that he’d pick a fight with me if I rubbed him the wrong way. And while at it, he seemed to be on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry, but I plan to stay single, and thus I don’t plan to have any lovers. Boy, take a look around you, and you’ll easily find other girls to offer your love.” “No, that’s a misunderstandin’ based on your conceit. Ain’t like that boy fell in love with you or anythin’.” Sword retorted calmly. “...With that said...we wanna catch one...no, I guess that’s too little...two or three of ’em for research purposes.” Sword introduced me as a skilled mage and sorcerer, and while at it, also as a researcher on a quest to improve the cooking of this world. When he requested to catch the monsters for research since I had taken interest in the milk of this city, the guildmaster pulled a troubled face. “No, the adventurer guild, you see, isn’t that fussy over those monsters, so it’d be alright with me, but...although you could call it a special local product, it’s not like it’s possible to export it. We don’t have any visitors coming to this city just for the milk, and even if you buy it, it doesn’t last long. However, since many people are making a living by selling milk, I’d like you to take their circumstances into account as well.” “Don’t worry, I have no plans to popularize milk. And even if it did spread, there are measures you could take, so I’ll inform you about those as well.” I asserted powerfully, but the guildmaster’s face remained as troubled as before. “...Really...?” Hmm, I couldn’t get him to believe me. “...No choice. First I’ll let you see some of my research results. I’d like you to consider my request after tasting them.” I took out my wine. And he immediately bit. “...T-This? Wine? Huh? You’re making wine?” I grinned broadly, “In reality no one besides me can make it since it requires you to have a good command of magic. Sword is regularly drinking it as well, you know? ...Won’t you give it a little test?” While at it, I also took out a side dish. An open sandwich with pseudo-butter and ham made out of monster meat, using thin slices of bread as base. Yep, I had expected you to say that, Sword. A drink tasting meet. “This is great! It seriously rocks! I’ve never eaten and drunk anything like that! It’s way too good.” “I see. ...These are results of my research, but I haven’t publicized them. After all, I’m the only one who can make them. Well, it’s possible that the sale has started at our base, but...it’s very likely sold out by now.” “Eh...?” The guildmaster looked devastated. I took out a bottle and offered it to him. “I’ll give you one as a present. ...I assume I can get you to agree with that, guildmaster, but the problem lies with the merchant guild, you see. I’m not sure whether we can get them to go along with this, so could you somehow put in a good word for us?” The guildmaster energetically nodded his head. “Please leave it to me.” He stood up, called the receptionist and spoke about something with her. “Please wait a moment.” “Hey! You had me called over because you supposedly had something to talk about, and yet...what’s with the drinking bout here!?” He’s got a point. Anyone would be upset if they ran into a drinking party after having been summoned for business, right? “What is it? Hurry up and tell me!” Oh, he’s not angry. Rather, he looks happy. While completely ignoring what he said, the adventurer’s guildmaster introduced Sword. “Oh, there you are. Over here we have the famous 【Thunderclap-” “It’s the S-Rank party Allrounders. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Sword butted in, introducing us. “Oohh! I already heard the rumors in the town. You’re that famous 【Thunder-” “It’s Allrounders!” Sword smiled. His ears gradually turning red was apparent proof of himself feeling embarrassed about his pitiful nickname. The guildmaster then pointed at me, and gave an introduction, “And this is his partner, Lady Indra.” Ah, now I’m a Lady, huh? I dare say I leveled up in esteem thanks to the wine. “Hello, I’m Indra. As a matter of fact, I was just in the middle of consulting with the guildmaster as I had a request.” Then Sword gave the merchant guildmaster the same rundown as he did for the adventurer guildmaster before. The merchant guildmaster listened while pulling a face as if asking, “Eh? I don’t get any wine?” After he finished listening, his face screwed up into a grimace. “Yeah, well, if it’s that, it’s difficult to object, but... I worry that there might be a drawback in the worst case. If we had some kind of gain out of it, it’d be easy to persuade people if something happens.” He croaked with his arms folded. But, it doesn’t look like he’s that much against it either. “So you’re saying, as long as there’s a gain, it’ll be okay?” “For starters, have a taste of some of my research results.” “Yes! Please let me try them by all means!” The merchant guildmaster jumped at it as if he had only waited for this. “It’s a wine brewed by me.” The guildmaster’s eyes flew wide open, “Y-Y-Y-Yo-You made this...? It was brewed...by..you, Lady Indra?” The merchant guildmaster also started to address me as Lady. 1 “Correct. I’d like to research milk in a similar way. Going by my intuition, it should be quite possible to make something wonderful out of the milk...ah, it won’t be any liquor, though. I’ll hand over the results of that research to you. I think it’d be a great idea to use that as a local specialty. As milk doesn last long, it’ll be impossible to reproduce it elsewhere unless you can freely use high-ranking magic to increase the durability of milk and its products. In other words, it’ll be impossible for anyone other than me, but instead you’ll be able to drink it just like that, and if you process it into exceptional foodstuff, that in itself will become a boost for the development of this town, don’t you think? After all, it’ll be 『dishes that can only be enjoyed over here』.” The merchant guildmaster audibly gulped down his spit. “The cream on the bread is something I created to substitute a 『certain foodstuff』 that’s made out of milk. ―Well, this is also great, of course, but I’d also like to eat the one made with milk. Therefore, please give me permission to catch some Charge Cows for taking them back with me.” The merchant guildmaster bit into the bread, and after chewing on it, he looked at me and nodded. “Very well, you’ll get your permission. I’ll suppress anyone speaking against it.” Yahoo! With this, I’ll be able to get my hands on milk!
ソードとまず冒険者ギルドに向かう。 「......? 少年よ、どうしたのだ?」 「うるせぇ! お前だって少年じゃねーか!」 何言ってるんだ、こんな美少女を捕まえて。 「少年よ、私ほどの美少女を前に照れるのはわかるが、いい加減私も〝少年〟と揶揄され飽きていてな。別の表現にしてくれないか?」 「ハァ? お前、頭おかしーのかよ?」 なぜか狂人扱いされたし。 「いや、至って正常だ。......まぁまぁ、そう照れるな」 「だから、照れてねーし、なんで照れるんだよっ!」 思春期の少年は気難しいなぁ。 ソードは私と少年のやり取りをサクッと無視し、ギルドに入った。 「オールラウンダーズのソードだ。ギルマスと話をしたい」 に行こうとしたら、受付嬢に阻止された。 「え......なぜだ?」 「ごめんね、【迅雷白牙】様に憧れてるのはわかるけど、ご用があって、ギルドマスターとお話ししないといけないのよ。迷惑になるから、帰ろうね?」 え......私に向かって言ってるのか? 「インドラ、お前もカードを提示しろ」 慌ててガサゴソ探る。 イソイソ出して受付嬢に見せると、受付嬢、固まった。 「ソードとパーティを組んでいる、インドラだ。そもそも私の用事なのでな、任せっきりはよくないと思うので、同行したい」 「し、失礼しました、どうぞ」 それで通された。 「そうか、私もソードに任せたままではいけないな。これからはちゃんとカードを見せるように心がける」 「いや、今回間が悪かっただけで、そこはいんだけどよ。......おい、お前は違うだろ、帰れ」 ん? 少年がついてきてた。 「重ね重ね、申し訳ありません。――ちょっと、サジー! アンタがウロチョロしてるから、パートナーの方までアンタと同類だって思っちゃったんじゃないの! 帰りなさい!」 サジー少年、つついたら癇癪を起こしそうな顔をして私をにらみつけてる。 「残念だが、私は独身主義で、恋人を作る気は無い。少年よ、広く目を向け、他の少女に恋をするが良いぞ」 「いや、それ、勘違い。お前の自惚れ。あの少年、別にお前に恋してないから」 「......っつーわけで、一......じゃ少ない捕まえて研究対象にしたい」 ソードが、私が凄腕の魔術師で魔導師で、ついでに料理向上の研究もしていて、この町のミルクに目を留め、研究対象として魔物を捕獲したいと願い出たら、ギルドマスターに困った顔をされた。 「いや、冒険者ギルドは、まぁ、そこまで拘ってないので、良いんですが......。特産品とはいえ、出荷出来るシロモノじゃないので、コレ目当てで来る客もいませんし、買っても日持ちしませんからね、ただ、ミルクを売って生活している人間が多いので、それを考慮して頂ければ、と」 「安心しろ、広めるつもりはない。広まったとしても、その対策はあるので伝授する」 「......そうですか......」 うぅむ、信じてもらえない。 「......仕方ない、まずは私の研究結果の一部をお渡ししよう。これを味わって、考慮してもらいたい」 酒を出した。 「......こ、これは、酒? え? 酒を、作った?」 「魔術を駆使しないと作れないので事実上私だけしか作れん。ソードも愛飲しているぞ? ......少し、味見してみないか?」 薄切りパンにバターモドキを塗ったものに、魔物肉で作ったハム。 うん、言うと思ったよ、ソード。 試飲会。 「これはうまい! マジうまい! こんなの飲んだことも食べたこともねーぞ! 美味すぎる!」 「そうか。......これらは私の研究結果だが、表には出ていない。私しか作れないのでな。まぁ、拠点では売り出す可能性はあるが......恐らく拠点で売り切れるだろうな」 「え......」 瓶を取り出して見せた。 「一本ずつ、進呈しよう。......それでだ、ギルドマスターは納得いただけるものとしてだが、問題は商人ギルドだな。果たして納得していただけるものかなんだが、何とか口を利いてもらえないだろうか?」 ギルドマスター、キッパリ首を縦に振った。 「お任せ下さい」 立ち上がると、受付嬢を呼んで何事か話し、 「少々、お待ちください」 「おい! 話があるのはいいとして、呼びつけるとはどういう......酒盛りしてるのか!」 そうだよね、呼びつけておいて酒盛りしてるって、怒るよね。 「なんだ! それを早く言え!」 あ、怒ってないや。 冒険者ギルドマスター、サクッと無視してソードを紹介。 「おう、来たか。こちら、かの有名な【迅雷」 「Sランクパーティ、オールラウンダーズだ。お見知りおきを」 「おぉ! もう町で噂になってますぞ! かの有名な【迅」 「オールラウンダーズです!」 じんわり耳が赤くなってるのは、やっぱ本人も痛々しい二つ名が恥ずかしいらしい。 「こっちがパートナーのインドラ様だ」 恐らく酒のせいで昇格したらしい。 「インドラだ。実は、頼みがあってギルドマスターに相談していたところなんだ」 商人ギルドマスター、え、俺には酒ないの? って顔しながら聞いている。 聞き終わった後、渋面。 「うーん、まぁ、そういうことですと、反対はしづらいのですが......。万が一にも不利益が生じたら、という懸念はあるものなのですよ。何かこちらにも旨味があると、何かが起きたときに説得しやすいのですが」 腕を組んで唸るが、まぁ、そこまで反対はしないらしい。 「では、旨味があればいいのだな?」 「まぁ、まずは私の研究結果の一部を味わってくれ」 「はい! 是非いただきましょう!」 待ってました! とばかりに食いつく商人ギルドマスター。 「私が作った酒だ」 「こ、こ、こ、これを? ......インドラ様、が、作った?」 商人ギルドマスターからも〝様〟をつけられた。 「そうだ。同じように、ミルクも研究したいのだ。私の勘では、きっと素晴らしいものが出来上がる......あ、酒ではないがな。その研究結果を渡そう。それを名物にすればいい。ミルクというものは日持ちのしないもので、それを日持ちさせるには高等魔術を駆使しないと無理、つまり私でないと無理だが、その代わり、単にそのまま飲む、以外の食品に加工すれば、それはそれはこの町の発展につながるぞ? 何しろ、『ここでしか味わえない料理』になるのだから」 商人ギルドマスター、ゴクリと唾を飲み込んだ。 「このパンにつけたものは、私がミルクで作った『あるモノ』の代用の為に作ったものだ。――まぁ、これもうまいのだが、ミルクで作ったものも食べたい。ので、そのチャージカウとやらを捕獲し連れて行く許可をくれ」 商人ギルドマスター、パンを囓り、その後私を見てうなずいた。 「わかりました、許可しましょう。反対する者は私が抑えます」 これでミルクが手に入るぞー!
All blood drained from Damsel Scarlet’s face, and yet she approached with a quick but elegant stride. You’d expect nothing less of a ducal daughter, really. “Indra!” In her confusion, Damsel Scarlet messed up how she addressed me. “T-T-T-T-T-T-The t-t-t-toilet! I-I-I-I-I-I-It flushes!” “All hail magic arts,” I answered with a shrug of my shoulders. Damsel Scarlet immediately started to tremble, just to suddenly scream, “Don’t wanna! If I live in this place, I’ll become unable to ever go back to my old lifestyle!!” Heeey, wait a sec, you’re showing way too much of your old character. “You just need to consider it like a foreigner visiting our country and entering a toilet. The otherworld version of that. Once they go back to their own country, they’ll be faced with the same old inconveniences, but they’ll get used to it right away.” When I soothed her, she timidly asked me with upturned eyes, “...By the way, assuming I’d request this, would it be possible?” “No. Before we started to live in this mansion after buying it, I repaired it on a fairly large scale. It went almost as far as rebuilding it while thinking of everything, like drainage systems. Back then I had time for that, but now I won’t find such a spare time since I’m involved in various other things. In the first place, I’m an adventurer. Once everything is more or less settled, making it possible to leave all the rest to the residents over here, I’m planning to depart again.” She dropped her shoulders and became depressed when I clearly turned her down. But, that won’t change anything. It’s not like everything’s done and over with by just building a toilet bowl with streaming water. You must also consider the water’s destination and its processing, otherwise things will turn really ugly. In my own mansion I can set my own rules, but since that’s impossible in the mansion of other people, it’ll doubtlessly end in failure. “In the other world, filthy water streams through the sewage into a processing plant where it gets purified. We’ve been using that system without being particularly aware of it. ――But, you see, this world doesn’t have anything like that. In other words, you must carry out the sewage processing somewhere in your own mansion. Of course, it’s necessary to maintain that system and you have to clean it regularly so that it doesn’t get clogged. You must use the sewage while also understanding the means of how to maintain it. I don’t know whether the residents of your mansion are capable of that. That’s why it’s impossible.” Albeit still looking dispirited, Damsel Scarlet had apparently understood and nodded her confirmation lightly. “......Okay, I got it. You’re saying it’s no good if it’s just superficial convenience, right?” “Correct. I desire a hygienic life and don’t shun any effort for that sake. The residents of this mansion also comply with that. That’s why it’s possible over here.” But that’s true isn’t it? Our residents have come a long way, haven’t they? It’s only comfortable when you’re using it. But, I think at this point, the difficulty and importance of its maintenance has sunken deeply into their minds instead. Well, my beloved Slirin has been handling the cleaning of the drainage, though. Some time passed after this, and when I passed in front of a terrace in the evening, I spotted the Chaudgals drinking orange-flavored water in comfy clothes. It looks like they enjoyed the bath. “...As I thought, the bath was first rate. I would love to have one of those for our mansion as well, but...” “Uh-huh, it’s definitely magnificent, but preparing that much hot water is quite a chore, you know?” “Yes, indeed... Though it would be alright if we could draw it from a hot spring vein.” Given that they were holding such a conversation, I drew close and spoke up to them. “It looks like you were able to enjoy yourself, and that is all that counts. Dinner will be served in a little while. Please look forward to it. Our cooks are fairly skilled. I am sure it will be to your satisfaction.” “Oh my? It is not going to be made by you, Lady Indra?” Damsel Scarlet asked with her head tilted. I shook my head, “At first I made all kinds of dishes together with them while experimenting, but as might be expected, I haven’t been doing that these days. I’d get scolded for stealing the servants’ work. Although I’m not even this mansion’s owner...” And yet I still got scolded. So, since it can’t be helped, I’m not doing it. But, in reality, we all have the same standing, you know? Since they’d start to cry and become extremely dejected if I told them that, I kept it to myself. For them I might be the true Countess Springcoat. It’s an illusion or hallucination, but maybe they won’t be able to keep going without that as people who used to be servants of nobility. It’s probably because serving a commoner is asking too much. Yep, let’s leave it at that.
スカーレット嬢が血相を変えて、それでも優雅に早歩きで近寄ってきた。 さすが公爵令嬢だなぁと感心する。 「インドラ君!」 血相を変えたスカーレット嬢が、動転して私の呼び名を間違えた。 「と、と、と、と、トイレが! 水洗!」 肩をすくめて答えた。 「やだー! ここに住んだら、もう後戻りできなくなりそうー!」 おいおい、素に戻りすぎだ。 「例えて言うなら、別世界で、外国人が私たちの国に来てトイレに入ったと考えればいい。自国に戻ったら、また不便なことになるが、すぐ慣れる」 なだめたら、上目遣いでおずおずと尋ねてきた。 「無理だな。この屋敷を買い取り住む前に、かなり大規模な改修工事を行った。排水から全て考え、ほぼ作り直しのように工事したのだ。当時は時間があったが、今はいろいろ手がけていて時間が取れない。そもそも私は冒険者だからな。大体のことが軌道に乗り屋敷の住人に完全に任せられるようになったらまた出かける予定だ」 キッパリ言ったら、肩を落として意気消沈。 単に水の流れる便器を作ればいいだけじゃなく、流した先とその処理を考えないととんでもないことになるだろう。 自分の屋敷なら自分でルール付けも出来るが、他人の屋敷ならそれも無理なので、間違いなく破綻すると思う。 「別世界では、汚水処理は下水を流れて汚水処理場に流れ、そこで浄化される。私たちはそれを意識せず、単に使っていた。――だがな、この世界にはそんなものはなく、つまりは自分の屋敷のどこかに汚水処理場を作らねばならない。もちろんメンテナンスが必要で、詰まらないように定期的に掃除していた。メンテナンスの方法すらも理解して利用しなければならないのだ。それが貴女の屋敷の住人に出来るかもわからない。だから、不可能なのだ」 スカーレット嬢、しょげてるけど理解したようで小さくうなずいた。 「............わかりました。表面の便利さだけじゃ、駄目ってことですね?」 「その通りだ。私は、清潔な生活を望み、そのためのメンテナンスをいとわない。屋敷の住人もそれに応えてくれている。だからこそ可能だ」 快適なのは使ってるときだけで、メンテナンスの大変さはむしろ住人たちが身に まぁ、排水溝の掃除は愛するスラリンがやってくれてるんだけどー。 それから時間が経過し、夕方にテラスの前を通りかかると、リラックスした服で柑橘水を飲んでいるショートガーデ親子を見かけた。 「......やはり、お風呂は極上ですわね。うちの屋敷にもほしいですけど......」 「うーむ。確かに素晴らしいが、あれだけの湯を用意するのはかなり大変だぞ?」 「そうなんですよね......。湯脈でも引き当てられれば良いのですけど」 そんな会話をしていたので、近寄って話しかけた。 「堪能して頂けたようで何よりだ。もう少し後に夕食になる。期待していてくれ。我が料理人は、かなりの腕の持ち主だ。きっと満足頂けると思う」 「あら? インドラ様が作るのではなくて?」 「当初にいろいろと実験しつつ作っていたが、さすがに最近はやらないな。使用人たちの仕事を取り上げると怒られる。私はこの屋敷の主人ではないのだが......」 しょうがないからやらないけど。 でもね、本当は同じ立場なんだよ? ――彼らにとっては私こそがスプリンコート伯爵なのかもしれない。 平民に仕えるのは無理だから。 もう、そういうことにしておく。
Once I mentioned that it was ’bout time for me to go back, Karen invited me to another place, “Ah! ...Just one more place. I know of another nice store I wanted to visit with you!” “Sorry. I’ve kept Indra waitin’, so it’d be bad if I don’t get back soon.” “Eh...? Ah, I see, well...” I used my skill for wardin’ off honey traps I had honed over the years. “See you. Make sure to stay healthy, ‘kay? I’ll tell you just for caution’s sake, but don’t try the impossible. Overestimatin’ yourself is a big no, got it?” “Oki, thanks.” I raised a hand and tried to leave, just for her to call out to me, “Sword! ...Can we meet again?” I shook my head, “We don’t have any need to meet again, do we? We both have found comrades and now we’re walkin’ different paths. This time I just wanted to report back to you, someone who partied with me in the past, that I had also found a comrade.” Karen looked like she was on the verge of cryin’. But I pretended to not notice, and continued, “I’m no longer the solo adventurer 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, but Sword of the party 【Allrounders】. I wanted to tell you that, and I wanted to make a clean cut with my past. Tellin’ you that I’m not a loner ‘nymore. Bye. The next time you see me, don’t call out to me ‘nymore. Let us both move on while facin’ the future.” With those words, I turned around and left. After several strides, Ryoku suddenly showed up and commented, “Mr. Sword, you held back on the alcohol. I’m sure Mother will praise you, you know?” “Whoa! Hey, peepin’ isn’t a nice thing to do, ‘kay?” “I was guarding you!” This guy’s learnin’ ability is seriously amazin’! “Welcome back. Did everything go well?” Indra had come out to greet me. “I’m home. And, what should have gone well?” “You being ensnared by a honey trap or you drinking too much after sensing some weird malice. Basically, I’m asking whether you’ve come back without any such things occurring.” ...’kay, Indra’s overprotective mindset towards me has reached a level similar to her excessive care for the Ryokus. “Fortunately, somethin’ of that level is a breeze for my veteran evasion skills...wait, was it possibly you who sent Ryoku to watch over me?” “I believe he’d have voluntarily done so even without me saying anything, but since I was worried, I told him to save you when needed.” Whoa. Just what the hell have I done for a golem to be worried ’bout me? “Well, it’s just I met this woman who was a member of my first party, so I felt somewhat nostalgic...or maybe, I just wanted to brag a bit?” “Haah?” Walking in front, Indra looked back at me. “Did you see!? I’m no loner anymore! That kind of stuff.” “.........I see. Well........sure, why not.” “Oh? What’s with that ambiguous phrasin’?” Indra crossed her arms behind her head, and continued without mindin’ my comment, “All’s fine as long as you had fun. However...I just wonder whether that woman, who used to be in a party with you long ago, didn’t have something she wanted to consult you about.” Heh, considerin’ how she’s doin’ everythin’ at her own pace, she’s surprisingly quick on the uptake ’bout such things, isn’t she? “......Pretty much, yeah.” “Ah, so you played the dense guy despite having realized it!? You sure use that trick quite often, don’t you? But look, you gotta be careful since it comes with the danger of you becoming even more popular!” “I mean, you’d be troubled if I’m suddenly asked to let someone in our party, no?” I asked and peered at her face, wonderin’ how she’s goin’ to react. “Ugh...you’re right, that’d be a problem. Or rather, you’ve got the choice to turn it down, no?” Oh? Is this girl thinkin’ that I have a choice here? “Hmm... Turnin’ em down sure is hard,” I probed to trigger more reactions. “Really?” And that was the end. How disappointin’. “...What do you think ’bout it?” “Me? Wouldn’t it be fine to let them enter the party if it’s a talented person who would fit us in your eyes?” She calmly responded. “Huh? That’s a’right with you?” “I don’t have a reason to be against it in the first place. If you let a woman, who loves you, join, you’ll be the one troubled.” “But, let me give you a warning. If you let a woman, who loves you, into our party and don’t change your attitude towards me, that woman might try to kill you and me after becoming half-crazed or completely insane,” she added all of a sudden. “Huh? Why?” “Bloody Witch is a prime example. We merely slept in the same bed after having a long talk, and that alone was enough for her to pulverize the bed, wasn’t it? If she had seen us bathing together, she might have immediately launched fatal, wide-ranged destruction magic.” ......Eh? “Ah, so bathin’ together is kinda out?” I’ve been yearnin’ to bath together with my comrades, though. “If you base it on the other world’s values, it’s definitely out. I’ve got no clue about this world, though. In the first place, nobles don’t bathe all that often, not to mention commoners. Should I try to ask our maids? However, if it’s a no go, they’ll try to murder you in a fit of craziness.” “Oof, I can clearly picture that, so please don’t.” I see, so it was out, huh...? “Do you hate enterin’ the bath with me?” “I don’t care either way,” answered Indra, obviously not giving much of a damn. ......So she doesn’t care, huh? I’ve been yearnin’ for it though? Didn’t you look like you’ve been enjoyin’ it quite a bit, too? “...What, and here I thought you enjoyed it as well.” When I responded with a sulky voice, she became puzzled. She stared at me, her eyes repeatedly blinkin’, but then looked as if she’d grasped somethin’, sayin’, “I see. ...Okay, so that’s your take on the matter, eh? But, why not. I didn’t know that you wanted to enter with me, but apparently you want to invite someone to bath with you since you experience it as 『fun』. I see. Now I’ve got it.” Huh? Why is she agreein’ there and to what? “Don’t mind it. It’s a story you’d hate. You can simply interpret it as me saying, 『Let’s bath together since it’s fun』.” ...In other words, perverted stuff, huh? Then it’s better for me to not probe ‘ny further. .........No, wait. That means her ‘out’ in regards to men and women bathin’ together was about doin’ “that kind of stuff”? ...Hey, hey, we’ve bathed together on many occasions, haven’t we? She wasn’t afraid or ‘nythin’, right? “...Did you possibly dread bathin’ with me?” She gawped at me, bewildered, “Dread it? Why would I just because your flappy, shriveled dic-gueeehhh!” I strangled her neck with an arm. “Dear Indra, were you sayin’ somethin’ just now?” “N-N-No-Not at a-all. I-I-I wasn’t s-scared, I-I just s-s-sa-said.” ...Seriously, that girl’s got no delicacy whatsoever!!! And you tellin’ me I should think of someone like that as a woman!?! Like, no way in hell!!
「あ! ......も、良い感じの店があるんだけど」 「悪い。インドラを待たせてるから。もう帰らないとまずいんだ」 「え......あ、そう、なんだ......」 ここら辺、ハニートラップを躱すスキルが役立つな。 「じゃあな、お前も元気でやれよ。言っておくが、無理は禁物だ。何事も過信するなよ?」 「うん、ありがと」 手を挙げて、去ろうとしたら呼び止められた。 「もう、会う必要は無いだろう。俺もお前も、仲間が出来て、別の道を歩んでる。今回、俺は、報告したかったんだ。昔、パーティを組んでた連中に『俺にも仲間が出来た』ってな」 「俺は、ソロの【迅雷白牙】じゃない、パーティ名【オールラウンダーズ】のソードだ。それを伝えたかった、そして、過去と決別したかった。もう、ボッチじゃねーよ! ってな。じゃあな、次に見かけても、もう声をかけるな。互いに前を向いて歩こうぜ」 そう言って踵を返した。 「ソードさん、お酒、控えめでした。お母さんがきっと褒めますよ?」 「うーわ、お前、覗き見って良くないことだよ?」 「護衛してましたー!」 ホンットーに、学習能力高ェなオイ! 「お帰り。無事に帰ってきたか」 インドラが出迎えた。 「お前がハニートラップに引っかかったり、変な悪意を察知して酒を過ごしたりと、そういうことが無事じゃなく帰ってくる、と言う」 ......うん、インドラの俺に対する過保護さが、リョークに対してと同じレベルになってきた件。 「おかげさまで、あれくらいじゃ磨かれた俺の回避スキルにはどうってことない......って、もしかして、リョークに見張らせたの、お前?」 「私が言わなくても自発的に見張ってたと思うが、心配してたからいざとなったら助けてこい、とは伝えてあった」 ゴーレムからも心配されてる俺って一体? 「ま、ちょっとね。最初のパーティにいたやつだったから、懐かしくて......つーか、惚気たくて?」 「は?」 先を歩いてたインドラが振り返った。 「見たか! もう、ボッチじゃねーんだよ! ってな」 「............そうか。まぁ............いいけどな」 「お? なんだよ、その、濁した言葉は?」 インドラは気にした風もなく続ける。 「お前が楽しかったなら、いいんだ。ただ......その昔一緒のパーティだった女性は、お前に相談したいことがあったんじゃないかと思ってな」 コイツって、マイペースな割にそんなこと察知してくるんだよなー。 「............まーな」 「あ、気付いてて鈍感男子を演じてたのか! お前、その手口、結構使うけどな! それってな、余計モテることになるから気をつけろ!」 「だってよ、『私をアナタのパーティに入れて』とか言われても、困るだろ?」 「むぅ......確かに困るな。というか、断る一択だろう?」 コイツは俺が『断る一択』だと思ってるのか? 「んー......。断りづらいからなー」 「そうなのか」 「......お前はどう思う?」 「私か? お前がパーティに入れてやっていけると思う人材なら入れればいいんじゃないか?」 「え? いいの?」 「私が断る理由こそないだろう。お前を好いた女が入って、困るのはお前だ」 そして、その通りデスネ。 「だが、忠告しておくが、お前を好いた女がパーティに入り、私に対して変わらない態度をとったら、女は半狂乱か狂気に走って私とお前を殺そうとするかもしれないぞ」 「え、なんで?」 「血みどろ魔女が良い例だ。単に、話し込んで一緒のベッドで寝た、それだけでベッドを拳でたたき壊したじゃないか。一緒に行水しているところを見られでもしたら、殲滅魔術をかけてきたかもしれんぞ」 ............え? 「あ、行水って、一緒に入るのアウトな感じ?」 俺、仲間と一緒に行水って憧れてたんだけど。 「別世界だと確実にアウトだな。この世界は知らん。そもそも平民はもちろんのこと貴族もさほど行水するやつはいないからな。メイド嬢に聞いてみるか? この場合、アウトだったらメイド嬢が半狂乱でお前を殺しにかかると思うが」 「うーわ、想像出来るので、やめとく」 そっか、アウトなのかよ......。 「お前、俺と一緒に入るの、嫌か?」 お前だって、結構楽しそうだったじゃねーかよ。 「......なんだよ、お前も楽しいと思ってると思ったのによ」 拗ねた声を出したら、キョトンとした。 「別にいいぞ? お前が何を考えて一緒に入りたがるのかわからなかったが、お前は、誰かと一緒に行水するのを『楽しい』と感じるから誘うのか、なるほど、そうか」 なんで納得してるの? 「気にするな。お前が嫌がる話だ。私が『腑に落ちたから一緒に入ろう』と、それだけ理解してれば良い」 じゃ、聞かない方がいいな。 ............いや待て。 つーことは、アウト、っつーことは、男女で行水する、ってのは、〝ソーユーコト〟になるのか。 「......もしかして、俺と行水するの、怖かった?」 「なんで怖がる? ふにゃっふにゃの萎んだアレを見せられて、私がどうしでぐぇええ!」 首を腕で絞めてやった。 「インドラ君? 俺のナニがどうかしたか?」 「な、なんでも、ない。こ、わく、な、い」 こんなやつを女と思えと!?
We toasted n’ drank our ale. ...Well, okay, it’s drinkable ’cause I cooled it down, I s’pose. A tad sour, but let’s just take it for what it is, yep. “Oh, how nice! Cooling it down makes it easy to drink!” Karen cheered in delight. After a short time, a waitress served Karen’s recommended dishes. I took a bite, and stopped. ...Yep, my taste’s become daintily. I see. That’s me havin’ become successful. No, that’s wrong. It’s all because of Indra. “...Still, I must say, you haven’t changed at all. I immediately recognized you out on the street,” said Karen while scrutinizin’ me with a serious look. “Eh? Did I age so much?” I was slightly shocked. Indra has been tellin’ me that I lack youthfulness, but bein’ told so even by an acquaintance from my youth is really a bummer. “No, you got it wrong. It’s the opposite! You haven’t aged at all!” “...I’m not that youthful n’ spunky, ‘kay?” Indra said that my skin recovered a lot and I think so as well, but if your next to a genuine -years-old, bein’ told you haven’t changed from back when you were thirteen years old is... Ah, I’ve been exposed to the sun for god knows how long, so my skin’s bein’ damaged for just as long, I guess. “...Eh? Why do you look so depressed?” “...No, I’ve just been thinkin’ that I had dry skin since back in the ole’ days.” Karen burst into laughter, “You’re a guy, and yet you care about dry skin? As I thought, you’ve changed, Sword.” “...It ain’t like I’ve been carin’ ’bout it all the time or ‘nythin’. It’s just, my partner started talkin’ ’bout me being forty, so I got incredibly worried ’bout it.” Karen became bewildered again. “...You formed a party?” “Yeah, I finally found someone.” Indeed, ‘finally.’ It took me twelve years for that ‘finally’ to come true. “...What kind of person are they? Umm, it’s the kid who was with you the other day, right? He looked awfully young, though...” “She’s actually young. That girl turned thirteen just recently.” Karen was lost for words. “Well, her inner self is that of an old man, though. Moreover, she’s a total sadist. At the undead dungeon she started blatherin’ ’bout it goin’ to be borin’ without a scaredy-cat. When some completely useless priestess called out to us in a high-handedly way, she let her come along, gettin’ a kick out of watchin’ the priestess gettin’ scared to death and bawlin’. Seriously, she’s the worst.” ...Honestly, that was an incident which completely flipped over my views. Takin’ along a useless, domineerin’ priestess whose sole aim was to mooch off me, Indra actively used her as shield instead of coverin’ for her, deliberately killed enemies in front of her eyes to scare her, kicked the woman whenever she told Indra to rescue her all while threatenin’ her to be exploited as human meat shield. It was truly incredible. I realized that I’d been wrong until then as Indra’s handlin’ was a good way to deal with such people. “...Why that girl? You’d be able to form a party with anyone, wouldn’t you? Why did you join a party with such a kid despite being able to choose anyone you like?” Karen’s tone was sullen and full of blame, but thinkin’ back on it now, I did call her somethin’ like 『that girl』. It’s my bad. “No, sorry. She ain’t someone you’d describe as 『that girl』. She cherishes what’s precious to her. She’s a softhearted, loyal meddler. Sure, she’s an extreme sadist, but she simply outclasses everyone, you see? Whenever folks lunge at her or talk shit ’bout her, she readily wields her instigation skill, simply droppin’ her opponents into the deepest recess of self-loathin’. She’s a nice girl who can be kind to those who are kind to her.” Once I explained things, Karen fell silent, and then hung her head. “......I...see. Sorry, I’ve been rude, haven’t I?” “No, it’s me who’s at fault here. She’s my comrade, so I inadvertently started to nitpick a bit ’bout her, but you see, at some parts, she’s really a great person.” It’s because I’ve been only talkin’ with the maids and servants so far... Since those fanatics do nothing but sing her praises, I’ve started to unconsciously refute ’em, but if I talk like that to someone who doesn know her, they’ll naturally consider her to be a bad person. “――She’s a nice girl. Always worryin’ ’bout me. Bein’ with her is relaxin’. She made me realize that 『it’s fine to consider things like this』. ...She’s the first one who made me feel that I made a partner.” When I looked at Karen while praisin’ Indra like that, her face became gloomy. ――Ah, I see. “...I think I’ve wronged you guys.” “.........Huh?” “Back then I was still a brat who was happy over havin’ found “friends” for the first time in his life. That’s why I didn’t consider your feelings, believin’ that all would be fine as long as I handled things somehow. But, I’ve finally comprehended how wrong I had been. ...No, I was a lost case. No matter how you look at it, I was a total failure, wasn’t I? In the end I couldn’t even support you guys, could I?” ――When I grasped what was going on around me as a child, I was already isolated. Most of the village ignored my existence. But, some folks called out to a loner like me, tellin’ me to become an adventurer together with ’em. I was really happy. That’s why I thought all would be fine if I did my best and protected ’em. And they, except for Karen, also thought that it’d be fine since I was doin’ my best for ’em. Karen followed me around, but followin’ me was all she could handle. And that reality hurt and tormented Karen. “I can’t follow you anymore. I don’t even see any meaning in me being with you,” she told me at last. I decided to leave our party. My friends had been unable to keep up with me for a very long time now, only living from the money I earned by killin’ monsters. The one who’d turned them into useless bums was me. “...Well, I guess things got back in order once I was gone, right? How are the others doin’? It’d have been fine to bring them along today for a reunion,” I said cheerfully, but her face became even gloomier. “......Well, the party immediately dissolved after you left, Sword. I...wasn’t confident about getting along with the other guys, so I left the party as well, and so the party naturally broke apart. Sam...went back home, I think. Then again, it seems like he only became an adventurer because everyone dragged him along. Jack and Tom...tried to continue as adventurers, but it didn’t go well for them, and they became debt slaves, eventually dying from that. Den...... ...became a bandit, is the rumor I heard out on the streets. Who knows whether he’s still alive?” ...... “Yep.” ......Now that she mentions it, a number of my acquaintances have died. So it was weird to think that everyone else would be fine just because Karen was still alive and workin’ as adventurer.
乾杯して、飲んだ。 ............うん、ま、冷やした分、飲めるな。 「あ、おいしい! 冷やしてると、飲みやすいわね」 暫くして、カレンのおすすめの料理が並ぶ。 ............うん、舌が贅沢になってるな、俺。 そうか、これが成功したってことか、いや違うな、インドラのせいだ。 「......それにしても、変わらないわね。見てすぐわかったわ」 「え? 俺ってそんなに老けてた?」 インドラから「若々しさが足りない」って言われてたけど、昔を知ってるやつにまでそう言われると、結構ヘコむ。 「違うわよ、逆。全然老けてないじゃない」 「......そこまでピチピチじゃないよ? 俺」 大分、大分回復したってインドラが言ってたし、俺もそう感じるけど、やっぱ、本物のが隣にいると、十三の頃と変わらないって言われてもなー............あ、昔ッから俺、太陽光浴びてた、だから昔ッからお肌が荒れてたのか。 「......え? なんで落ち込んでるの?」 「............いや、昔から俺って肌荒れしてたのかなー、って考えた」 「男のくせに、肌荒れなんて気にするの? やっぱり変わってる、ソードって」 「......俺も気にしてなんかなかったよ。でも、俺の相棒が、俺のこ歳とか言い出して、すっごい気にしだした」 カレンがまた戸惑う。 「......パーティ、組んだんだ?」 「あぁ。ようやく見つかった」 本当に、ようやくだ。 「......どんな子? あの、一緒にいた子よね? 随分若そうだったけど......」 「実際若いよ。十三歳になった」 カレンが絶句した。 「まぁ、でも、中身はおっさんみたいだけどな。しかもドS。アンデッドのダンジョンで、俺たち二人だと怖がるやつがいないからつまらないとかで、高飛車な、でもおびえまくって全く役に立たない神官に声かけて、おびえて泣きじゃくるのを見て楽しむような最低なやつだよ」 俺目当ての、役に立たない高飛車な神官を連れて行き、ソイツをかばうどころか積極的に盾にしようとか、わざと怖がらせるように至近距離で敵を倒すとか、自分を助けろと命令してきた女に蹴りを入れて、お前を盾にしてやるとか言い放つとか、すっげーよな。 「......どうしてそんな子と? あなたなら、誰とでも組めたじゃない。選り取り見取りだったのに、どうしてそんな子と組んだの?」 非難するような口調にムッとしたが、よく考えれば俺が『そんな子』みたいなこと言ったんだった。反省。 「いや、すまない。『そんな子』って言われるようなやつじゃない。大切なやつを大切だって思える、お人よしのまめな世話焼きだよ。確かに、ドSだけど、相手が悪いんだぜ? つっかかってきたり嫌味を言ってきたりするから、アイツが煽りスキル駆使して相手を底の底までへこませるだけだ。優しいやつには優しく出来る、いいやつだよ」 弁解したら、カレンが黙った後うつむいた。 「............そう、なの。ごめんなさい、嫌な言い方したわね」 「いや、俺こそ悪い。アイツは仲間だから、つい、軽く論うけど、でも、それはアイツの一部分で、いいやつってのが大前提だ」 信者があまりにもアイツを大絶賛するから、ついつい反論してやらかしたことを言っちまうけど、知らないやつはそこだけ言われたらひどいやつだって思うよな。 「――いいやつだよ。いつだって、俺の心配をしてくれてる。一緒に居て、気楽だな。『こんなふうに考えていいんだ』って気付かされる。......初めて、仲間が出来た、って感じられたやつだ」 そう言ってカレンを見たら、カレンが曖昧な顔になっていた。 ――あぁ、そうか。 「......お前たちには悪いことしたって思ってる」 「............え?」 「俺は、あの時まだ子供で、初めて出来た〝仲間〟に浮かれた。だから、お前たちの気持ちなんて考えず、俺がどうにかすりゃいい、って、それだけしか考えてなかった。そうじゃなかった、って、ようやくわかった。............いや、ダメだったな、どっちみちダメだったか。結局、支え合うことは、お前たちとは出来なかっただろう」 ――俺は物心付いた頃には既に孤独で、村で殆ど無視されてきてた。 そんな俺に「一緒に冒険者になろう」そう声をかけてくれた連中がいて、心底うれしかった。 カレンは、俺についてきてくれたが、ついてくる〝だけ〟だった。 「もう、ついてくことができない。私のいる意味がわからない」 仲間はとうについてこれず、俺が倒して稼いだ金で暮らしてるだけだった。 「......ま、俺がいなくなった方がまとまっただろ? 他の連中、どうしてる? 今日、声をかけてくれたら良かったのに」 「............うん。パーティは、ソードが抜けて、すぐ解散した。私......他の連中とは、うまくやっていける自信が無かったから、私も抜けて、自然と解散。サムは......実家に帰ったと思う。元々、みんなに引きずられて冒険者になったみたいだし。 ............。 「うん」 カレンが生きて冒険者やってるからって、他の連中も無事だなんて、思うのがおかしかった。
I made a toy since we’d be fighting out on the sea. Sword didn’t stop me either. Far from it, he butted in. “What you goin’ to make?” “I’ll build a board that slides across the water. You can ride any kind of vehicle, and I won’t have any problems either. I’ve added a spell to the Ryokus’s repertoire that allows them to float temporarily. The Ryokus back at the mansion can’t do it yet, but I’ll treat it like an option. As soon as we get back to the mansion, all of them will be able to use it. Also, I’ll add ice magic as an option. It’d be impossible to eat the target if we destroy it with explosion magic, and that would be a waste after I finally found it.” Sword rolled his eyes at me. For some reason. “Whoa, your obstinacy with food is really incredible, to say the least.” Naturally. Why does he think we came to a port town? While planning a prototype, I groaned in worry. “The speed regulation...if I install it near the hands, one hand will be occupied, won’t it?” “How ’bout puttin’ it at the feet?” “Oh! That’s a great idea. I’ll take it.” Deciding on the board’s size and shape as well as the location of the brakes and accelerator, I built a prototype, tried to get on it, further adjusted it, finally completed it, and built another one. It looks like Sword has finally grasped the fun of building stuff, too. “The excitement ’bout what your goin’ build next sure is nice, but it’s also fun to build it together,” he told me. ――Now then, since we’re done with this and that, let’s go defeat the octopus while testing out the boards at the same time. When we stopped by the guild on the way, we were asked whether we wanted to rent a boat, but I shook my head. “You’d be troubled if the boat got destroyed because of the battle, right?” “But...” “It’s no problem. Indra built somethin’ amazin’, so no need,” Sword refused with a wave of his hand. Once we went to the port with everyone, a crowd of people formed for one reason or another. ...They said they gathered after hearing the rumors. “Okay, we’re off.” I took out the boards and we leaped into the sea. As soon as we stepped on the accelerator, the boards gained in speed. It feels really great. Yep, it rocks! The Ryokus also jumped into the sea and started to race after us. “Wai-! Aren’t those [jet boards], no [reef boards]!? Or rather, those spiders look just like Ta-....” is what I could hear in the distance. ...Those terms... “Just now someone among the people watching us used words from the other world.” Sword froze and then became unsteady. “Hey! Stay focused!” I reprimanded him in a hurry. “Sorry.” Sword fixed his posture in a fluster. “No, I’m also sorry for surprising you like that. ...Anyway, we can worry about that later. We’re touring the sea at long last, so let’s enjoy ourselves.” Sword pulled himself together. Once Sword tapped his foot, he leaped up like a jumping fish. Just for your information, it’s no reef board, okay? I don’t really know reef boards, but you regulate this one with your forefoot, kinda like a car. Well, since it uses wind magic, it can also fly in the sky, though... Oh, I spotted the octopus! If you fry them crispy, it’s going to be yummy fried octopuuuus~~! If you add wasabi to it, it’s going to be takowasaaaa~~!” Since it looks so delicious, I couldn’t help my hunger and started to sing. The octopus apparently discovered us as well, seeing how it launched tentacle attacks at us. The tentacles shot out of the sea accompanied by loud splashes. But, we nimbly dodged all of them. “Haha! This really rocks!” Sword enjoyed it the most, playing around while having a blast. “Sword, the legs are super tasty, so don’t cut them off!” “Whoa, you just raised the bar by a lot! As usual!” Just don’t pick the option of lopping them off after you’ve been dodging them tentacle attacks. For a while, we played around by evading all its attacks. Sword kept delivering small slashes against the octopus, but his attacks lacked fatality, and thus they didn’t manage to kill the octopus. “Do you know of its weak point!?” Sword shouted, apparently having grown tired of this game. “Between the eyes!” If I remember correctly, they’re being killed by stabbing them between the eyes in fish tanks. After hearing my answer, Sword jumped. “Ro...ger!” When he skewered it with his sword, I applauded. Then I froze it with ice magic, and we headed back to the shore with the octopus in tow. It looks its eyeballs, suction pads, and ink sac count as materials, but either way, it won’t serve as any proof for the request if we don’t bring it first. Once we landed, people were still waiting at the port, kicking up a fuss. I jumped off the board, and went ashore while carrying the board. Immediately following, the crowd broke out in cheers. Sword did the same. Well, there was no other means to get back on land, so yeah. The Ryokus also jumped and landed in the port. Just as I wondered what we should do next, the guildmaster rushed over to us. “Nothing less of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】. That was quick.” “Allrounders!!” Sword corrected him. “We don’t need the suction pads, but we’ve already cut off all the lower legs, so we’re going to take them. Moreover, I want the magic stone as well.” “...Your really goin’ to eat it?” “Yeah, all of it is edible...supposedly, but the octopus is quite big. The tentacles are the tasty part, I’d say. But, since the root is too big, we’ll settle for the tips.” “...I see.” Somehow he’s looking at me with eyes full of disbelief, but octopuses are delicious, you know?” “Whoa, it’s frozen solid.” “What we gonna do with this?” “If you leave it like that, it’ll melt sooner or later. You can give it time till tomorrow, I’d say.” After telling them so, I entrusted the rest to them. Now then, I got my hands on an octopus, but I’d like to procure other ingredients, too. The highest priority would be seaweed, but I wonder whether they have that? ...As I walked while pondering about that, I noticed us being tailed. “Let’s see. I’d like to try having a talk with them. Can you sense any malice from them?” “No, not at all.” “In that case, the other side probably wants to have a chat as well.” We entered a random alley, and ambushed them once they came along. “Ah.” Apparently they realized that they had been ambushed. They froze on the spot. I also realized at a glance. This guy is... “Your...a brave, aren’t you?” Sword kicked off the conversation.
海上で戦うので玩具を作る。 「何作るんだ?」 「海上を滑るように疾走するボードを作る。お前は何でも乗りこなすし、私も問題ない。リョークは、臨時で浮けるように魔術を施した。屋敷のリョークが対応出来ないが、オプション扱いにする。屋敷に戻り次第、全員対応だ。また、オプションで、氷魔術を追加だ。爆発魔術でせっかくの獲物を破壊されたら食べられない」 「うーわ。食うための執念がすごい」 当たり前だろ。何のために海の町に来たと思ってるんだ。 試作をしつつ、うーむ、と悩む。 「速度調整は......手元でやると、片手が塞がるな」 「足ではどうだ?」 「おぉ! それはいいな、採用」 ボードの大きさや形状、アクセルとブレーキの位置などを決め、試作して、乗ってみて、調整して、完成。 ソードもものづくりの楽しさがわかってきたぽい。 「今度はどんな作ったのをくれんのか、ってワクワク感もいいけどに作るのも楽しいな」 ――さて、そうこうやっている内に出来たので、早速お試しがてら倒しに行ってこよう。 途中寄ったギルドで船を貸し出そうかと言われたが首を振った。 「巻き込まれて船を破壊されても困るだろう?」 「ですが......」 「問題ない、インドラがスゲーの作ったから」 ソードが手を振って断った。 皆で港に行ったら、なんか、人だかりができてる。 ......噂を聞いて集まったと。そうなんだ。暇なんだ。 「じゃあ、行ってくる」 ボードを出すと、ボードと共に海に飛び込む。アクセルを踏むと疾走した。 うむ! いい歓声だ! リョークも飛び込んできた。そして疾走。 「ちょ! アレって、[ジェットボード]、いや[リフボード]?! つーか、アレってタ......」 ......その単語は......。 「今、コレを見た人間の中に、私の別世界で知っている単語を発した者がいた」 ソードが固まった。 「おい! 注意力をそらすな!」 「悪い」 ソードも慌てて立て直す。 「いや、私こそ驚かせてすまない。......まぁ、この話は後だ。せっかくの海上ツーリング、堪能しよう」 ソードが気を取り直した。 ソードが足をタップすると、トビウオみたいにジャンプする。 言っとくけど、リフボードじゃないよ? リフボードはよく知らないけど、コレは車みたく前足で調整するから。 蛸発見! カラッと揚げたらたこ揚げだーー 山葵に混ぜたらたこわさだーーー」 おいしそうなので、つい欲望のまま歌ってしまった。 蛸もこちらを発見したようで、触手攻撃をかましてきた。 海からドバンドバン突き上げてくる触手。しかし全員、華麗に回避。 「はは! すっげー楽しい!」 ソードが一番楽しんでるぞ。遊んでるぞ。 「ソード! 足がうまいから、切り離すなよ!」 「うわー、難易度高いこと抜かすよなぁ、相変わらず!」 そんだけ楽しそうに触手攻撃をかわしておいて、切り離す選択肢を採るな。 しばらく回避して遊ぶ。ソードはちょこちょこと斬りつけてたけど、決定打に欠けて殺すまでは至らず。 「弱点は知ってるか?!」 「眉間だ!」 確か、活き締めするのは両目の間だったはず。聞いたソードが跳んだ。 「了......解!」 冷凍魔術で氷漬けにして、持って帰る。 素材としては、目玉と吸盤、あと墨袋くらいだそうだが、どっちみち持って帰らないと証拠にならない。 帰ったら、港にはまだ人がいた。そして騒いでいる。 ボードでジャンプし、そのままボードを手に持ち替えて陸に降り立つと、拍手された。ソードも同じ事やってる。 まぁ、陸に上がる方法がそれしかないからね。リョークも、ジャンプして降り立った。 さーて、これからどうしようかと思ってたら、ギルドマスターが走ってやってきた。 「さすが、【迅雷白牙】、早いな」 「オールラウンダーズ!」 「吸盤はいらないが、足先の方は全部切り落として既にもらってある。あと、魔石もほしい」 「......本気で食うのか?」 「あぁ。全部食べられる......はずだが、大きいからな。うまいのは触手の部分だろう。根本は大きすぎるので、先の方だけもらっておいた」 「......そうなのか」 なんか信じられないような目で見られてるけど、蛸、おいしいよ? 「うわ、ガッチガチに凍ってる」 「そのままにしておけば、いずれ溶ける。明日まで放置だな」 そう伝えると、あとはお任せする。 さーて、蛸は手に入れたけど、他の食材も手に入れたいぞ? 一番は海藻類だけど、あるかなぁ? ......って考えながら歩いてたら、つけられてる。 「どうする?」 「そうだな。会話をしてみたい。お前は、悪意を感じるか?」 「全然?」 「なら、向こうも会話をしたいんだろう」 適当な路地に入り、待ち伏せすると、やってきた。 「あ」 待ち伏せされたの、わかったらしい。固まった。 「お前......勇者だな?」
Ms. Bloody and hers first repaired the entrance area. “Oh! A mysterious magic spell!” As soon as Ms. Bloody chanted, the broken wall and ornaments got fixed in a whiff. “This much is no more than beginner’s magic, you see?” Ms. Bloody grinned broadly. “Sword, can you cast it as well?” “I can, but I’ve got nothin’ to use it on.” Hmm. “Why can’t you regenerate an arm if you can do something like this?” The room froze into silence. And then everyone except for Sword burst out into laughter. “Healing magic and restoration magic are two different pairs of shoes! This is why children, who don’t understand magic, are so troublesome!” Ms. Bloody rebuked me. But, I objected, “What’s different? Both handle 『Broken Objects』, don’t they? It’s not like a soul is dwelling in an arm. If you can restore that broken ornament, it only follows logic that you’d be able to fix an arm as well, right?” I don’t get the idea here. Sword sighed, “You might be able to use it like that if you learn restoration magic.” “”......Eh?”” Everyone stopped laughing, and stared at Sword and me. “It’s impossible since I don’t know restoration magic. And it’s not like I can compensate for it with magic elements. Otherwise something a lot weirder might occur. It interests me, but at present I don’t feel any need to analyze it as long as you can use it.” The eyes of Ms. Bloody and her maids were fixed on us. “......Is this child possibly capable of using magic?” “She’s the one who built the golems called Ryoku.” The Ryokus showed up and greeted Ms. Bloody. “Nice to meet you! I am Ryoku!” “Nice to meet you! I’m Mr. Sword’s personal machine!” Whaaaat!? I’ve never taught him these woooords!? I intently stared at Sword’s Ryoku. “...Why just Sword’s Ryokuuu!? Even though I didn’t teach him those words!! That’s so unfaaaaaaiiir!!” I started sobbing. “...Why are the golems talkiiing!?” Ms. Bloody screamed. “If I had to describe this girl, 『Mad Genius』 would fit the bill. She’s coninuin’ to invent crazy stuff while shatterin’ common sense with her unique theories. By the way, as you can probably tell from the state of your own mansion, she possesses force comparable to me. And since it’s not just swordsmanship, but also unarmed combat with her, she’s a nasty opponent to mess with. ...Well, I can’t really complain as her partner.” Sword gently stroked my head to soothe me. ......You think doing that is going to heal my broken heart!?!? “Mother, don’t cry, okay?” Ryoku also soothed me. “...Tadah, I’m back! I was comforted by Ryoku!” “Ain’t that just a function? I’m really startin’ to wonder whether your an idiot for gettin’ all cheered up by the Ryoku carryin’ out functions you added to them.” I can’t hear anything. “Now then, since it’s such a rare occasion, I’ll demonstrate my cooking skills. Otherwise you won’t be able to eat anything, right Sword? Then again, we’ve been planning to camp out anyway, so I’ve prepared myself for cooking.” Sword openly felt relieved. “Whaaat!? Youngster, you’re saying you can cook?” Ms. Bloody scrutinized me with complete distrust. “Don’t worry. I’ve got cooking skills that made noble cooks beg me to teach them.” Ms. Bloody’s expression became super sadistic, “Heeh...a bigshot has shown up, eh? Very well, then please show us what you’re capable of. However, my palate is quite refined, you know? What do you plan to do if the taste doesn’t agree with me?” “I’ll give you my treasured liquor...is what I’d say, but I guess a woman wouldn’t be happy over such a present. Oh right! I’ll give you my detergent!” “Detergent...? No, I’m fine with the liquor.” Ah, looks like I found another heavy drinker over here? “Hey!! Why liquor!? Why!!? That Wheat Honey of yours would’ve been plenty, no!?!?” “She’s nobility, isn’t she? Nobles are used to eating honey. Moreover, that stuff is cheaper and has a quirkier taste. A commoner would be delighted by it, but I doubt that it’ll go down well with nobles. If it’s about rarity value, the detergent comes with that, I’d say. Items related to beauty are always popular, but since I don’t use anything but detergent myself, I can’t give her any other beauty items at the moment.” She might have happily received face lotion or packs, but I don’t have any of those since I don’t use them. Since the soap and the scalp scrub are made out of oil with herbs, she might be delighted since they smell nicely. “It’s just as you say. I’m a noble, but how did you know?” She examined me with narrowed eyes. Sword replied in my stead, “This girl was a noble, too.” “...So that’s it. No wonder. She’s way too bold for a commoner. Moreover, she doesn’t behave humbly either.” I stopped her by holding up a hand. “No, right now I’m a commoner. But, because I believe that all people are equal, I make sure to not act menial.” “...Hmm. Still, I feel like that thinking despite being a commoner shows that you haven’t completely stopped acting like a noble.” “I don’t plan to bend my knee, even when facing royalty. I doubt that’s the attitude of nobility. Rather, it’s the way of an adventurer. Adventurers are treated equally whether they might be commoners or women as long as they take responsibility for their own life! They’re embracing a truly free life!” When I threw my hands up into a hurrah pose, Sword ground my temples with his hands. “You can only entertain such an impression because your simply an eccentric oddball!” Now then, the kitchen. Sword was closely sticking to me. How annoying. “I’ll make some side dishes, so sit down over there and drink.” When I tried to chase him out of the kitchen, he protested, “I’ll get attacked if I become dead drunk!” Why is he so scared? “Don’t worry. If that happens, I’ll toss you into your Ryoku’s pod.” He cheered up at once. “Oh, that option existed ‘s well. Alright, time to drink.” He immediately started to drink. “Don’t overdo it.” I told him over my shoulder, and started to cook. Okay, I guess I gotta make enough for all of them. I got plenty of ingredients, but on the other hand, not much time. I guess I’ll make stew. If I apply pressure with magic, it’ll be done in a short period of time. As soon as I added wine to my cooking, Sword howled, “Waaaahh! I’ve told you over n’ over ‘gain, that’s a waste!!” “...Shut up! Don’t get in the way of my cooking! Or I’m going to throw you into Ryoku’s pod!” You praise the food as delicious when it’s included, but always bicker whenever I put it in! I folded my arms, groaning. “We’re totally lacking bread, aren’t we?” Since Sword is usually a big eater, I’ve prepared a somewhat bigger portion, but since I’ve been trying to bake new bread once every three days, it won’t be enough even if I hand out all of our stock. Hence I really want to use the bread that has been prepared over here, but leaving aside myself, I’d be troubled if Sword got caught in a trap added to the food. No helping it. Let’s go with pasta. When I kneaded and cut the noodle dough, Sword commented, “Ohh! Your makin the thing called [Pasta]? Sure like that one.” Well, many men like noodles. If we settle down next time, I’ll make ramen. I even know the method to make noodles with wood ashes instead of water! Sword watched me prepare the food while drinking his liquor. “...Lookin’ at you, I feel like you’ve really headed down the wrong way. Multiple spells at the same time without chantin’? I’ve got no clue how that works. I mean, I can use magic better than your average magician, you know? And yet your easily surpassin’ me by leaps n’ bounds.” Are you already drunk? You’re babbling, dude. “Aren’t we equal since I can’t use magic that uses chants? I can’t use the restoration magic from earlier. It’s great that we can supplement each other in what we’re lacking, don’t you think?” ...As soon as I said that, I got hugged by the drunkard! “Waah!” “Your truly nice! Yep, a great girl!” He rubbed his face against my head, messing up my hair once again! “You drunkard! Behave yourself and stick to your booze!” “Am not drunk yet.” “Yeah, yeah, that’s what every drunkard says. Switch to wine after taking the medicine. I’ll also serve wine for the meal.” I thrust water and medicine in front of his nose.
血みどろさんたち、まずはエントランスの修理から。 「でた、謎の魔術」 詠唱をすると、みるみるうちに壊れた壁や置き物が直っていく。 「これくらい、序の口の魔術よ?」 「ソードも出来るのか?」 「出来るけど、やることはねーよ」 ふーん。 「コレが出来るのに、なんで腕を再生させるのが出来ないんだ?」 後、ソード以外が笑った。 「回復魔術と復元魔術は全く違うでしょ! これだから魔術を分かってない子は困るのよ!」 「何が違うんだ。同じ『壊れた物体』じゃないか。腕に魂が籠もってるわけでもない。その壊れた置き物を復元できるのなら腕だって復元できるのが筋だろう?」 意味がわからない。 ソードがため息をついた。 「お前なら、この復元魔術を習得したなら、出来るんだろうな」 「「............え?」」 全員が笑いを止めて、ソードと私を見た。 「復元魔術がわからないから無理だな。魔素で補ってるわけではない。もっと変なことを起こしているようだ。興味はあるが、今のところ、お前が使えるのなら私は解析する必要を感じないな」 「............もしかして、ソイツって、魔術が使えるの?」 「リョークってゴーレム作ったの、コイツだよ」 リョークが現れて挨拶した。 「初めまして! ボクは、リョーク!」 「初めまして! 僕はソードさんの専用機だよ!」 そんな言葉教えてねーぞ!! ギラーンとリョークをにらむ。 「......なんでソードのリョークだけーっ! そんな言葉教えてないのにぃ! ずるいーーーっ!!」 「............なんでゴーレムがしゃべってるのよーーーっ?!」 「コイツを言い表すと、『イカレた天才』だ。独自の理論で常識をぶっ壊しながら超人的発明し続けてんだよ。ちなみにな、この有り様見てわかるとおり、俺に匹敵する武力の持ち主だ。剣だけじゃなく、素手でも闘えるから嫌になるんだよな。......なんで、相棒としても文句つけようがないワケ」 ......そんなんで私のハートブレイクが癒されるわけがないでしょ?! 「お母さん、泣かないで?」 リョークによしよしされた。 「......復活! リョークが慰めてくれたし!」 「仕込みじゃねーかよ。お前が作った仕組みで動いてんのに、それで元気出すお前ってホントバカじゃねーかと思うわ」 聞こえなーい。 「さて、じゃあ、せっかくだから料理を披露してやろう。じゃないとソードも警戒して食べないだろうからな。元々野宿するつもりだったし、用意はしてある」 「なぁに? 小僧が料理を作る? ですって?」 すっごい疑惑の目で見られたけど。 「安心しろ、私は貴族の料理人から教えを乞われる腕前だ」 血みどろさんがドSの顔になった。 「へぇ......大きく出たわね。なら作ってみせてちょうだい。ただし、私の舌は相当肥えているわよ? もしも、私が納得出来ないような味だったならどうする気?」 「秘蔵の酒を渡す......と言ったとしても女性は喜ばないかな。 そうだな、〝洗剤〟でもプレゼントするか」 「〝洗剤〟......? いえ、酒でいいわよ?」 あ、ここにも飲んべえがいたぞー? 「おい! なんで酒なんだよ!? あの〝麦蜜〟でも渡せばいいだろう!?」 「彼女は貴族だろう? 貴族は蜜など食べ慣れている。しかもアレは、蜜より安価で癖がある。平民ならば喜ばれるが、貴族にウケるかわからない。希少性なら〝洗剤〟の方があるぞ? 美容関係はウケが良いが、私自身〝洗剤〟しか使わないので洗剤以外今渡せるものがない」 せっけんやスカルプは、ハーブを漬けたオイルで生成してるので、良い香りがするので喜ばれるかもしれない。 「その通り、私は貴族だけど、なんでわかったの?」 ソードが答えた。 「......なるほどね。道理で、平民にしては堂々とし過ぎていて、しかも卑しくないのね」 手で制した。 「いや、今は平民だ。だが、人に対して対等でありたいと思うので卑屈にならないようにしている」 「......ふぅん。だけど、平民のくせにそんなことを思うということが貴族が抜け切れていない理由の気がするのだけど?」 「私は例え王族だろうが膝をつくつもりはない。それは貴族ではない気がするぞ? むしろ、冒険者だ。冒険者は、己の生死にのみ責任を持てば、平民であろうと女であろうと対等に扱われるからな! 実に自由に生きているぞ!」 万歳したら、ソードがこめかみ辺りで手をくるくる回した。 「こんな感じの、単なる常識外れのイカレ野郎ってだけだよ」 さて、調理場。 ソードは私にビッタリくっついてます。ウザい。 「ツマミをやるから、その辺に座って飲んでろ」 追っ払おうとしたら抗議された。 なぜにそんなに脅えているのだ? 「そうしたらリョークのポッドにほうり込んでおくから安心しろ」 途端に元気になったよ。 「その手があったな。よし、飲むぞ」 早速飲んでるし。 言い捨てて調理します。 煮込みでも作るか。魔術で圧力掛けたら短時間で仕上がるし。 ワインを入れたら吠えられた。 「......うるさい! 調理の邪魔だ! リョークのポッドにほうり込むぞ!」 使った方がうまいって言うくせに、使うと文句を言うんだから! 腕を組んで、唸った。 「圧倒的にパンが足りないな」 ここに用意されているパンを使いたいのは山々だが、私はともかくソードが食材に仕込まれてる罠にひっかかると困る。 ここは仕方がない、パスタにしよう。 麺を打ち切ってたら、ソードが食いついた。 かん水の代わりに木灰で作る麺の方法も知っているのだ! 作っているのを酒を飲みながらソードが眺めてる。 「......こう、見てると、ほんっとお前って道を間違えてるって気がするわ。同時に複数魔術を無詠唱? 意味分かんねー。俺だってそこら辺の魔術師よか魔術使えるんだぜ? なのにそれの上を軽く越えてきてんだからよ」 もう酔っ払ってるのかな? 「私は詠唱魔術が使えないんだからおあいこだろう? さっきの復元魔術も使えない。なら、お互い足りないものが補えて良かったよな」 ......と、酔っ払いが抱きついてきた! 「わっ!」 「お前って、ホンット良いやつだ! 良いやつだなー! うりうり」 グリグリされて、また髪の毛を乱された! 「酔っ払い! 大人しく飲んでろ!」 「まだ酔ってねーよ」 「酔っ払いの常套句だ、ソレ。薬を飲んだ後、ワインに切り替えろ。 ワインは食事にも出す」 水と薬を突き出した。
{Sword} “It seems like it wasn’t human, but did it look like one of your acquaintances?” Indra asked dispassionately. “......Well yeah. Its appearance was -to- that of my past lover. Though the contents were different.” Once I looked at Indra since she had stayed silent, she blinked her eyes. “...Hey, even I had one or two lovers in the past, ‘kay?” No, it was just one. So I exaggerated a bit. “Okay, figures, but you haven’t really talked about them much. I was surprised since it came a bit like a shock.” “......It’s just, the memories aren’t all that great, so yeah...” “I see. Yep, I suppose that makes sense. ...Well, anyway, everyone got a past,” she evaded ambiguously, somehow in a panic. “What? Why are you so flustered?” When I asked her in doubt, Indra fidgeted around, and then cleared her throat with a light cough, “...It’s nothing. I got it. So you, unlike Mr. Amato, were experienced, huh...? ...And yet why doesn’t it sta...no, umm, why don’t you feel anything even when seeing women?” I squeezed her hand with full force. “O-ou-ouch, it hurts!!” “My feelings took a leap thanks to you. You have my gratitude! So? What about it? ...I’m certainly experienced, but as I was confronted with drugs, poisons, and troubles by all kinds of women, superficial women don’t make me feel anything anymore.” Upon my explanation, Indra looked at me as if watchin’ somethin’ very pitiful. “I see... .........No helping it if such things happened in the past. I guess it made you dysfunctional..... Wait, I’ve succeeded in furthering my pharmacy skills, so I’ll cure your limpness–ouch-ouch!!” I tightly grasped her hand once more. “Could you give it a rest? I’ve already been fed loads of medicines. My resistance isn’t anything to scoff at, but if it’s your medicine, I feel like it’d easily break through, and I’d hate that. “You don’t like sticki...ouch, ouch, ouch!” If I told her to explain what she wanted me to stick in where, she’d likely spell it out, so I won’t say ‘nythin’, but watch your language, idiot! “I’ll always remain untouched, you know?” “Even without you makin’ such a declaration, no men would feel like wantin’ to touch you, so don’t worry.” ...Yeah, she totally spoiled the emotional moment. “......I mean, you also cried about your former boyfriend not bein’ ’round ‘nymore, right? I haven’t cried, but there was somethin’ I wanted to ask if I could meet her once more.” Once I told her so, Indra blinked again. “...I understand the notion. I really do, but since you probably won’t get the answer you desire, I think it’d be better to give up on it.” Indra told me somethin’ as if bein’ knowledgeable about this kind of stuff. Sure feels like she’s quite experienced. “...It’s different from that, I think. The answer I desire...” “No. I meant that you won’t be able to get an answer for your question.” Indra returned my look, “When you were about to break up with me, you planned to not tell me the true reason, didn’t you? You wanted to gloss it over, saying that such a reason wouldn’t serve as much of an explanation, right? It’s the same here. You won’t get an answer. Not only is this another world, but I never had a father or mother to give me an answer either. So I got used to that and didn’t ask. It’s pointless to try finding out. That’s why it’d be better to just give up.” She looked at me with a face full of pity. That’s why I hugged her. “I...gave you an answer, didn’t I?” “Because of that, I’m still with you. I broke up with those who didn’t answer me. Even if we met once more, we just broke up once more since they didn’t provide any answers.” “Gotcha.” ――She’s right, I guess. I answered her, so I’m still together with Indra. The other folks didn’t answer, so they’re not with her or me. ――They might have had some reason or none at all. But, they aren’t with me ‘nymore. That fact in itself is already the reason. Hence, there’s nothing left to ask ‘nymore either. After comparing the monsters I know of with the story I heard from Sword, I concluded that it had been a Mimicking Spirit. They’re undead who appear around water, adopt appearances which would draw the interest of their targets, and lure their victims into the water. “Hmm, illuminating your deepest desires and catering to those; those monsters sure use a sophisticated technique. I’d love to talk to them if they can speak.” When I muttered that, Sword stared at me. “...In your case, would the monster transform into your otherworld boyfriend? If it did, I’d love to see him.” I shook my head, “That won’t happen. I don’t feel any lingering affections towards old boyfriends...or rather, my otherworld boyfriends. It’s not like any of them was together with my current self, right? If I were to break up with you, there would be a tiny chance for it to transform into you, but even if the monster appeared right now, it’d simply show its monster appearance.” Sword’s eyes narrowed, “...Wait a sec. Your old boyfriends don’t matter ‘nyway. If your current self is different, I can totally understand things to work out like that. But, your sayin’ there’d be only a tiny chance for it to change into me if we broke up?” “My current self has a character that doesn’t dwell on the past. I have no feelings about the guys with whom I broke up. Of course, the same applies to women, too. That’s why I feel absolutely nothing about the dead woman, who called herself my mother, or the guy, who yapped about not being my father despite having screwed her!” Sword reluctantly nodded. “......In short, if you’d broken up with me back then, I’d have been treated in the same way as your father?” “Obviously? If you hadn’t explained the circumstances, it’d have been impossible for me to have known that you did it for my sake.” After feeling heartbroken, he hugged me. “I acted while thinkin’ of you, you know?” “That’s why I’m with you right now.” “That makes sense, somehow. So, I’ll always properly explain stuff to you so, so if somethin’ happens, don’t treat me and your father like two peas in the same pond, ‘kay?” Though I don’t think that it’d matter much to you if you were hated by me anyway, I thought, but nodded anyway. In the first place, we aren’t married or in a relationship, so I think it’d be better to not use breaking up as terminology here. Oh well, whatever. We’re talking about a limp guy, so I don’t need to worry about getting assaulted either! If it remains pointing downwards for eternity, we can always stay together as he won’t try to stick it in either, pfft. ...My thoughts were immediately read and I suffered an iron claw.
〈ソード〉 「人では無かったようだが、お前は知り合いだったのか?」 「............まーな。姿形は、俺の昔の恋人にソックリだったな。中身は違ったようだけどよ」 インドラが黙ったのでそっちを見たら、目をパチクリさせていた。 「......おい。俺だって、恋人、いたって」 いや、一人だけだけど。 「うん、それはそうだろうが、お前はあまり話したがらないから。ズバンと言ってきたので驚いた」 「............ま、あんまり面白くない思い出だからな」 「そうだな、まぁ、そうだよな。............まぁ、うん、誰にでも過去はある」 「なんだよ? 何慌ててるんだ?」 「......なんでもないんだ。そうか、お前はアマト氏と違って使用済みだったのか......。......なのになんでフニャ......いや、えーと、女性を見ても、何も思わないのだ?」 手を思いっきり握りしめてやった。 「いたいいたいいたい」 「お前のおかげで俺の情緒がぶっ飛んだよありがとうございます! で? それが何か? ......俺は確かに使用済みですけど、数々の女性からそれはもうトラブルと毒薬としびれ薬を持ち込まれましてね、おかげさまで生半可な女じゃ俺の感情を揺さぶることはなくなったんだよ!」 そう言ったらインドラが、ものすごくかわいそうなものを見る目で俺を見たぞ? 「そうか......。............うん、そんなことがあったならしかたがないな。機能不全か............。待っていろ、私がもっと薬学を極めて、お前の機能不全を治してやるいたいいたいいたい」 また手を握りしめてやった。 「やめてくれる? 俺、その手の薬もたくさん盛られてきてるから。耐性が半端ないけど、お前の作る薬だとそれを簡単に突破してきそうで嫌なんだよ」 「ふにゃんふにゃんが好きなのか......いたいいたいいたい」 何がふにゃんなのか言ってみろって言ったら言いそうだから言わないけど、言ってみろ! このバカ! 「私はずっと未開通で行くぞ?」 「宣言しなくても、お前を開通したいって思う男はいないから安心しろ」 ホンット、情緒が台無し。 「......お前だって、もういない男のことで泣くだろ? 俺は泣くことはないけど、もう一度出会えたら聞いてみたいことがあったんだよ」 俺がそう言うと、インドラがまた目をパチクリさせた。 「......気持ちは分かる。分かるが、たぶん、望んだ答えをもらえないから諦めた方がいい」 インドラが、悟ったようなことを言い出した。 「......それとは違うだろ。俺には望んでる答えなんて......」 「お前が私と別れようとしたとき、お前は本当の理由を言わないつもりだったろう? あんな、理由になっていない理由を言って、けむに巻くつもりだっただろう? それと同じだ。答えは返ってこない。別世界だけじゃなく、母親にも父親にも答えを返してもらったことがない。私はそれに慣れていたから、問いたださなかった。知ろうとすることが無駄なんだ。だから、諦めた方がいい」 同情するような顔で、俺を見ている。 「俺は......お前に、答えを返しただろ?」 「だから今も一緒にいる。別れた連中は、答えを返さない。もう一度会っても、また別れるし、答えは返ってこない」 「わかった」 俺は答えを返して、だからインドラと一緒にいるんだ。 ――何か、理由があったのかもしれない。 ソードに聞いた話と私が知ってるモンスターと照らし合わせて、擬態霊だと決定した。 「うーむ、心の奥底の欲求を照らしそれに擬態するとはなかなかに高度な技を持つ魔物だったな。言葉が交わせるなら是非とも会話したかった」 とつぶやいたらソードが私を見た。 「......お前なら、別世界の男とやらに変化したのか? なら、俺も見てみたかったな」 「それはないな。私に昔の男......というか、別世界の男などに未練があるワケないだろうが。今の私の男だったわけでもないんだぞ? お前と別れていたらもしかしたらお前に化けた可能性はかすかにあるが、今私がその魔物に出くわしても、その魔物の姿のままだろう」 ソードの目が細くなった。 「............ちょっと待てよ。昔の男はどーでもいい、今のお前とは違うってんなら、そうなんだろうなって納得する。でもよ、俺と別れてても、かすかにしか可能性はないのかよ?」 「今の私は過去は振り返らない性質だ。別れた男たちに未練を残すことはない。女にももちろんない。だから、母親とか言っている死んだ女にも、父親じゃないと交尾したくせに抜かした男にも、綺麗さっぱり未練はないのだ!」 「............つまり、あの時俺と別れてたら、お前の父親と同じくくりになったのかよ、俺は」 「当たり前だろう? お前が事情を話さなければ、私を想ってだなんてわかるわけないだろうが」 言い切ったら、ガックリされた後、抱きつかれた。 「俺は、お前を想って、考えてやったんだぞ?」 「だから、今も一緒にいる」 「うん、そうだよな。だから、ちゃんと言うから、なんかあっても、俺とお前の父親と同じくくりにしないでね?」 別に私に嫌われようと痛くもかゆくもないだろうが、とは思ったがうなずいた。 そもそもが、恋人や夫婦じゃあるまいし、別れる別れないとか使わない方がいいと思うけど。 機能不全の男だもんね、私が襲われる心配も無し! 永遠に下向きならずっと一緒にいれるね、ふにゃんふにゃんじゃ入れようもないし、ウププ。 ......って考えをすぐ読まれてアイアンクローされた。
I told Plana to build the still halfway so that we’d finish it together once I got back, but since only a little push was left anyway, I’m going to wrap it up while preparing the sake. Though it really hurts that I got no yeast plants. Anyway, I’ll somehow manage with what I have on hand! I pickled polished rice in gastric juices of worms (on top of working as a powerful disassembler, the gastric juices themselves have no taste) in a ratio of : to split off the sugar. In addition, I made unpolished rice ferment to disassemble itself. It was a fermentation process where lactic-acid bacilli and yeast would be added to this. Though I didn’t expect that it’d go smoothly in one shot. But, I’ll do my best by using a trial-and-error approach. Not only the brewer’s team, but also Sword participated in this. “Somehow it got a weird aroma.” “That’s how rice smells.” I mean, it’s a unique scent after all. While waiting for the sake, I used the time to cook. I wanted to try both brown and white rice. Japanese cooking generally uses white, polished rice while Western cooking leans towards brown, unpolished rice, I think. First I started by simply cooking it. This was also the way it was locally eaten, according to Bennyboy. The reaction by my taste testers Bennyboy and Sword was so-so. Next I threshed and polished the rice (of course with magic), and then I divided the result into rice, rice-bran, and rice husks. “Please tell Mr. Amato to store the husks in a silage. Rice-bran can be used for rice-bran pickling,” and then I looked at the women, and added with a grin, “If you put this into a bag made out of insect cloth, and pat your face and skin with it, it’ll make the skin healthier.” The maids immediately picked it up. “And lastly we have this, the actual rice. It’s so white because I polished it with magic, but it’s not like you have to polish it. Given that unpolished rice has its own peculiar taste, I’ll use it to add it to cooking. The polished rice will be steam-cooked until all the moisture is gone. That’s how it’s originally prepared in Mr. Amato’s and my previous world, though it’s not like I ever ate it.” Mr. Amato got totally hyped when he heard this after rushing over to pick up the rice husks. “Hmm, what should I make as a side dish...? Oh right, I guess I’ll go with gyoza.” “For reaaaaal!? Gyoza rice!? Whoa, sucks to be Damsel Scarlet. She can’t eat it since she already went back.” Nah, I doubt that a former female high-school student would be so gung-ho about gyoza. Mr. Amato could naturally use chopsticks, but the same applied to Sword. He had quickly learned it after I told him that it’d required skill to use these, thus tickling his competitive spirit, back when he saw me using them and asked. And the cooks were able to use them too. They apparently learned it after judging chopsticks to be handy for cooking. At some point, the maids and servants apparently picked it up as well, also finding them convenient. So, since most of the people in this mansion could now use chopsticks, they should all be able to enjoy gyoza rice. Though it’d also be okay to eat it with a spoon, fork, and knife, to be honest. Using my magic and high-spec body, I made close to a thousand gyoza in no time. If there’s anything left afterwards, I just need to freeze-store them anyway. By the way, Mr. Amato was a challenger who would later borrow a spot in the kitchen to make more of them whenever he got an urge for gyoza. Moreover, seeing him do that, the servants would coax him into making additional ones, and given that he was a softhearted guy to begin with, he’d humor them. Anyway, with the gyoza set as the main dish, I added a sour soup and a simple stir-fry of greens. I also prepared various sauces for the gyoza. “Fuhahaha!” When I cooked the rice while getting meaninglessly excited over my awesome skill in magic, not only the cooks, but also Sword and Mr. Amato showed up. “Wow, that sure is a nostalgic scent, I gotta say.” “...Somehow, it smells weird.” Unlike Mr. Amato and me who were excited, Sword seemed rather uninterested. “Well, please don’t harbor the same expectations as Mr. Amato and me. I’ve said it many times over, but cooking is a matter of individual taste. It’s impossible for someone to consider everything tasty.” Sword put on a troubled expression, “No, well...” “EH? Personally I consider everything you make to taste great, you know Lady Indra?” Mr. Amato told me. Sword turned his head around towards him with such force that I thought he’d pull a muscle there. “Hmm? Is that so? I’m grateful to hear that... I’m really happy if I can have people eat my food while enjoying it.” “I mean it, seriously! I was a corporate slave, but sometimes during my vacations I went out to various places. I also happened to visit restaurants and eateries with good reputations, but you see, I think your cooking goes way beyond theirs in deliciousness. Moreover, you had to make all the seasonings and stuff yourself, unlike those places, so I think it’s truly incredible for you to produce such an awesome taste, okay?” I see. I’m really happy to hear that, yep, yep. After flapping his mouth open and close like a fish, Sword vanished. ......Hmm? Was Sword one of the people who disliked rice? “...Oh damn, it looks like Sword is bad with rice.” “Eh!? Seriously!?” Mr. Amato looked like he couldn’t believe that such people even existed. “Hmm, maybe he simply dislikes this aroma? ...I wonder if it’d be better to process the rice as it’d be easier to eat it after the smell is gone when letting it rest for a bit?” “Ah! I know what you’re talking about! You mean the fans of cold rice! I’m all for hot rice, though!” Such fan-bases actually existed?
プラナに、蒸留器を途中まで作っておいてくれ、帰ってきたで仕上げようと言ってたのだが、もうちょい残ることになったので、日本酒を仕込むついでに作ってしまおう。 が、あるものでなんとかする! 磨の米をワームの消化液(強力な分解作用がある上に、消化液自体は無味無臭)に漬け込み、糖に分解。 けど、トライ&エラーで頑張ろう。 酒造りチームだけでなく、ソードも参加。 「なんか、不思議な香りだな」 「米の匂いはこういう感じだ」 独特の香りだよね。 玄米と白米両方試そう。 まずはシンプルに、炊く。 脱穀して、精米。 はアマト氏に、これをサイレージに入れてくれと伝えてくれ。〝糠〟は〝糠〟漬けにする手もあるが」 即座にメイド嬢たちが回収した。 「で、これが米だ。今、魔術で研磨したのでこういった白さになったが、別に研磨しなくても良い。それはそれで味わいがあるので、料理に混ぜるには研磨しないのを使おう。研磨したものは、汁気がなくなるまで煮て蒸らす。アマト氏は懐かしいだろう、私は食べたことはないのだが、それが私とアマト氏のルーツの料理だ」 籾殻もらって飛んできたアマト氏、大喜び。 「おかずは何にしようか。んー......。そうだな、餃子にするか」 ライス!? うわー、スカーレットお嬢、かわいそうに。帰っちゃったから食べられなかったなー」 いや、女子高生だったから、そこまで餃子ライスに食いつかないと思うよ? アマト氏はもちろん箸が使えるが、ソードも使える。 そして料理人も使える。 使用人やメイドたちも、いつの間にやら使えるようになった。便利らしい。 ――と、箸の使える人口が多いので、餃子ライスは皆、おいしく食べられるはず。 あっという間に千個ばかり作った。 ――アマト氏は、小腹が減ると料理人に頼らず自分で調理場の一角を借りて作っちゃう強者で、さらにそれを見ていた使用人たちにねだられて作り続ける羽目になるお人よしでもある。 あとはシンプルな青菜 「ふはははは!」 意味不明のテンションで高笑いしつつご飯を炊いてたら、料理人チームだけでなく、ソード、そしてアマト氏が現れた。 「うわー、懐かしい匂いがするー」 「......なんつーか、珍妙な匂いだな」 私と同じくテンションの高いアマト氏に対して、ソードのテンションが低い。 「まぁ、アマト氏や私のテンションと同じ期待をしないでくれ。何度も言うが、料理には 「いや......」 「えー、俺はインドラ様の料理は全部うまいって思うけどな?」 ソードが、首の筋を違えるぞって勢いでアマト氏を見たぞ。 「ん? そうか? それはありがたいな......。私は、うまいと思って食べてもらえると、本当にうれしい」 「つーか、うまいって! 俺、社畜ではあったけど、たまの休みはあっちこっち出かけてたから。うまい料理屋とか評判の店に行ったこともあるけどさー、インドラ様の料理も負けないくらいうまいって思うもん。しかもさ、アッチと違って調味料から作らなきゃ、ってスタートで、このうまさって、すげーと思うよ?」 うんうん、そう言われるとうれしいな。 ソードはパクパクと口を動かした後、消えた。 ......ん? 「......参ったな。ソードは〝ご飯〟が苦手らしいな」 アマト氏、そんな人間がいるなんて信じらんない的な顔をしてる。 「うーむ、この匂いが苦手なのか。......炊きたて以外は匂いが飛んで食べやすくなるだろうし、加工した方がいいのだろうか」 「あ! 知ってる! 〝冷や飯〟派だ! 俺、断然〝炊きたて〟派!」 そんな派閥があるのか。
- minutes ..2022 {Serge} I didn’t like him from the very start. That guy who was sticking to the famous 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 like it was his god-given right. He looks a lot frailer and weaker than me. In fact so much that I suspect he’d break down crying if I just nudged him a bit. And yet, of all things, that guy is supposed to be the partner of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】. That’s why I thought I could be his partner as well, and approached 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 about it. “Umm! Please! Me too! Please let me become a member of your party!” When I begged him, he blinked three times, before answering, “...Looks like your kinda misunderstandin’ somethin’. Folk doesn’t become my partner so easily. Especially when it comes to 『guys who can’t discern their own strength and don’t have a clue of what it means to be an adventurer』.” I was shocked when I was told so. He sighed deeply, “...Listen boy, did you really think that a brat, who’s ’bout to bawl over somethin’ like this, would be able to kill brutal monsters with me? Don’t get deceived by Indra’s appearance. Your probably thinkin’ that you can become like her, but give up on it. With her bearin’, she’s got more guts than adults, and on top of that, she’s as strong as I am. To be honest, it often happens that I’m bein’ soothed by her. Adventurer, you see, is an occupation where you kill monsters with your life on the line. You gotta be responsible for your own life. Other folks don’t matter. ...Your family got its own business, no? Then you gotta succeed that place by all means! It’s profitable, safe, and suited for you. Just go ahead and succeed the business.” He told me and then left. I suffered another shock. ――After a while, rumors of that guy became a hot topic. Currently he’s more popular than 【Thunderclap Whitefang】. People are even respecting him by adding honorary titles. Mom also sings the highest praises. “I gotta say, it’s just what you’d expect of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】’s partner! That kid is amazing! A great mage, a grand sorcerer, and on top of that, a genius at cooking! What else would you call this, if not amazing!? That kid not only paid attention to the development of this town that hasn’t anything but its milk speaking for it, but also made so many different, delicious dishes for us, and moreover, for free! What a wonderful person!” And then I was told that it was my job to shake a bottle with milk. I didn’t get the meaning behind this, but I shook as I was told. ...I kept shaking it like forever, but I wasn’t allowed to stop. “...I still need to shake it? My arms are already numb.” When I objected, not only Mom, but even bro said with disappointed faces, “...Yes, just as I thought, Indra is on a different level.” “And yet that kid produced milk grease in the blink of an eye despite being the same age as you...” I got pissed off. When I shouted back, “What do you mean by that!?”, I was told that he separated the solid mass and the water by shaking a bottle like this at a super fast speed. Afterwards, bro and Mom also shook it, resulting in the oil and water being separated properly. ...In short, it means my shaking was too weak. ――Either way, it’s Indra this, Indra that! So annoying! Isn’t he just some crazy freak who’s as frail as a girl!? When I heard that he wanted some charge cows and went out to catch some with 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 in tow, I thought that this would be my chance. If I show my true might here and rescue him on the fly while he’s shitting his pants, 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 might see me in a new light!
〈サジー〉 最初から気に入らなかった。 俺よかひょろっこい、どついたら倒れて泣きそうなほどなよなよしたアイツが、よりにもよって【迅雷白牙】のパートナーだなんて! だったら、俺も! と思って【迅雷白牙】に 「あの! 俺! 俺も! パーティメンバーに入れて下さい!」 「......なんか勘違いしてるみたいだけどよ。俺、そんなに簡単に自分のパートナーにしないぜ? しかも『自分の実力も冒険者って職業もわかってないやつ』なら、尚更だ」 って言われてショックを受けた。 「......あのな。この程度で泣きそうになる子供に凶悪な魔物を退治出来ると思ってるのか? インドラの見た目に騙されて、自分もなれると思ってんだろうけどよ、やめとけ。アイツはあのナリで、大人よか肝が据わってて、しかも俺に匹敵するほど強い。さらには俺より冷静沈着、正直俺の方が宥められることが多いってやつだ。冒険者はな、他人がどーの、じゃねぇ、自分の生死に責任を持って殺すか殺されるかって命賭けて魔物を倒す職業だよ。......お前、家業があるんだろう? なら、ソッチを継いだ方が絶対! 儲かるし安全だし向いてる。家業を継いどけよ」 って言われて去られた。 今は、【迅雷白牙】よりもアイツの方が人気だ。 かーちゃんまでもが褒めちぎってる。 「いやぁ、さすが【迅雷白牙】様のパートナーだけあるよ! あの子はすごい! 大魔術師様で、大魔導師様で、さらに!料理まで天才的って、すごいじゃないか! こんなミルクしかない町の発展を気にして下さって、こんなおいしい料理をいろいろ開発してくださって、さらに、それにお金を取らないなんて! 素晴らしいお方だよ!」 で、ミルクを瓶に入れて振れ、お前の仕事だ、と言われて意味がわからず振った。 ......ずっと振ってるけど、許しが出ない。 「......まだ振るのぉ? もう腕がだりーよー」 そうすると、かーちゃんどころかにーちゃんまでもが残念な顔してこう言った。 「同じくらいの年齢なのに、あの方はあっと言う間にミルク油作ってたね......」 どういうことだよ! って聞いたら、アイツはこれをものすごい速度で振って、そうすると塊と水に分かれたんだって。 その後にーちゃんとかーちゃんが振ったらちゃんと出来た。 ――とにかく、なんでもかんでもインドラ様、インドラ様! アイツがチャージカウをほしがって、捕まえに行くのに【迅雷白牙】がついてく、って聞いて、チャンス! って思った。 俺がちゃんと実力を示せば、なんならビビったアイツを俺が助けたりしちゃったら、【迅雷白牙】も見直してくれるかも!
We headed to the workshop where Plana and Sahad lived. Even while on the way, the two kept having a serious conversation every once in a while. Well, if he hates it that much, you don’t really need to force him or anything, you know...? The place we arrived at was a small hut at the town’s edge. However, it was still properly equipped with a blast furnace and so on, even if a number smaller than usual. Tentatively I told them in advance, “If you don’t feel like coming along, I won’t force you, okay? After all, you’d just become a bother for the guys over at our base.” Plana jumped up in surprise, violently shaking her head. “T-T-T-T-Th-That’s not i-i-it at a-a-a-all!!” ...Oh really? If you say so... Plana seemed to have almost no personal belongings. I heard she had Sahad let her freeload at his workshop. Since Sahad told me that he wanted me to take a look at his creations, I did. “Ooooohhh!” “Eh? This is...tableware?” He had produced earthenware tableware, something I hardly ever encountered in this world so far! You see, somehow, all of it was made out of silver. Maybe because nobles are worried about poison or because it doesn’t sell otherwise. Rich folks actually use tableware made out of gold, too! But, silver is soft, gets damaged easily, and rusts if it comes in contact with acid. In short, it’s not really suited for being tableware. Why don’t they make tableware out of ceramics, was something I had already wondered beforehand. “Hmm! I see! I see, I see!” “Do you like it?” Sword asked. I nodded, causing Plana and Sahad’s faces to bloom. “However, I’d like it to be a bit more gorgeous. Have you worked with overglazes? Do you know about ceramics painting? Also, the shape. I want it to be more elaborate, and a bit thicker. Though I also want thin ceramics,” I rattled down all I dreamed of. Both nodded vigorously. But then Sword stopped me. “Calm down! You get really scary when excited!” I took a deep breath. “...Forgive me. Oh right, you don’t happen to have a glassmaker as an acquaintance? We’re brewing liquor at our base. Of course it’s fine to fill it into ceramic bins too, but if possible, I’d love to use bottles where you can tell the liquor’s color.” “A-Ah, in that case I can make glass as well. I’m capable of using earth and stone magic, that’s why. Since glass didn’t really sell while I could sell earthenware goods to curious collectors, I’ve focused on the latter.” I grabbed the dwarven boy’s hand and said, “Won’t you come to our base, please? I don’t know whether you’ll find soil that can be used for ceramics near our base, but I’ll help you with the search for the right soil, and I’ll also pay money for that sake. You might want to do your own creations, but I’ll have you first finish the things I order. But afterwards you’ll be able to do as you please.” “O-Okay! I’ll go!!!” He decided immediately. “Yahooo! Sahad, we’re going to be together from now on as well!” Plana put on a display of beautiful friendship. ...Aahh, I get it. Her hesitation stemmed from her unwillingness of being separated from him. It’s really disappointing that they can’t sleep with each other. No, wait. Maybe they have no sexual desires because they’re fairies?
プラナ達と、彼女達が住む工房へ向かった。 道中も、時々深刻そうに話してる。いや、そんなに嫌なら別に無理に来なくてもいいけどさ......。 到着したのは町の外れにある小さな小屋。だけど、高炉等々は小さいながらもしっかりしたものの様子。 、言っておいた。 「気が乗らないのなら、無理に連れてはいかないぞ? 拠点の連中に迷惑がかかるからな」 プラナが驚いて飛び上がり、激しく首を振った。 「そそそそそんなんじゃありません!」 ......そうなの? それならいいんだけど......。 プラナはほぼ持ち物がないらしい。サハドの作業場に居候させてもらっていたということだ。 「おぉおおお!」 「え? これって、食器?」 この世界ではほぼ見かけなかった、陶器の食器を作ってた! なんかさー、貴族は毒を気にしてなのか単に売ってないからなのか、全部、銀! なワケですよ。金持ちとか、金! 使ってたりするの! なんで陶器の食器作ってないんだよ、って思ってたんだけど。 「ふむ! ふむふむ!」 「気に入ったのか」 サハドとプラナの顔が輝く。 「ただ、もう少し華やかにしてほしい。釉薬は使ってるか? 絵付けはわかるか? あと、形もな、もう少し凝ってほしいし、あと、ちょっと厚みがある。薄いのもほしいんだ」 そしてソードが止めた。 「落ち着け! お前は興奮すると怖いんだよ!」 「......失礼した。そうだな、後知り合いにガラス職人はいないか? 拠点では酒を造っている。ガラス瓶も非常に重要でな。陶器の瓶に入れるのもいいが、出来れば色合いが分かる瓶に詰めたいのだ」 「あ、あ、それなら、俺、ガラスも出来ます。俺、土や石の魔術を使えるから。ガラスはあんまり売れなくて、食器の方が珍しがられて売れるから、こっちを作ってます」 「君、良かったら私達の拠点に来ないか? 陶器になる土が拠点にあるかはわからないが、土を探す手伝いはするし、そのために金も払おう。創作はしたいだろうが、とりあえず、注文したものを先に仕上げてくれるならあとは好きにしてくれていい」 「は、はい! 行きます!!」 即決。 「やった! サハド、これからも一緒だ!」 プラナが麗しい友情を見せている。 交われないのが残念だね。いや、妖精さんだから性欲はないのかな?
Damsel Scarlet and I frequently talked after our first tea party. ――I was stopped by Swannyboy and Instructor Sword, but I didn’t give up on parading around. ...is what I’d like to say, but why is Sword stopping me anyway!? Has he forgotten about our objective here!? Occasionally, I ran across her during those parades of mine. Just like today. We exchanged greetings and started to chat. “...Still, how were you able to make [Curry Powder]?” “I ate [Curry] when eating out in the past, so I reproduced it by combining the spices myself. Well, I did buy the spices whole and not as powder. That’s why I know about the shape and color of the ingredients. I also adjusted the spices used and their apportionment in various ways depending on my mood.” “Whoa, I now understood just how important your original specs are when it comes to a cheat,” she told me something that could have come out of Mr. Amato’s mouth. And then she returned to her usual, polite way of talking. “I would like to request you to sell me the soap and scalp shampoo. I shall willingly buy up everything while freely using the assets of the ducal house.” “No, trade me for black tea. I’d like to also buy up the black tea while using Sword’s fortune.” “Eh? What might be your relationship with Instructor Sword?” “At the academy, he’s officially my guardian. That guy’s an S-Rank adventurer, and a whimsical, unmarried wanderer. He possesses mountains of cash, and on top of that, we cleared the capital’s dungeon the other day, obtaining so much riches that we won’t be able to use them up in a lifetime. He’s such a rich guy that some average noble can’t even begin to hold a candle to him.” “Ohh, as I expected, adventurers are dreamy after all. It would have been wonderful if I had been reincarnated as someone connected to that field, but...,” she said while keeping the rest ambiguous. “Hmm? What’s wrong? If you want to leave your birdcage, I’ll gladly help out, you know?” She shook her head, “I do not particularly mind being a young noble lady of a ducal family. I could not rely on my knowledge from before the reincarnation like you did, Lady Indra, but even so, I changed things quite a bit. However...” “Lady Scarlet, what are you talking about with that commoner?” The one calling out to her was the second shiny guy. “Oohh, you’re the prince’s lackey, aren’t you?” “Who’s a lackey!?” “You,” I exclaimed while thrusting a finger at him. Damsel Scarlet, who had donned a sad expression, was taken aback. I tilted my head in confusion and looked at Mr. Lackey. “What’s wrong? The one calling out to us was you. Alright, I’ll follow you anywhere in light of your courage. You know some good, deserted place, don’t you? You may bully me to your heart’s content with a face full of disgust! I’ll gladly turn the tables on you! Yahooo! My blood is pumping!” When I pumped a fist in the air, everyone in the hallway simultaneously drew back. “Don’t cause any weird misunderstandings! Besides, I’ve got no business with you! Don’t make up things on your own while getting all heated!” Booo. What? How boring~! “...I’m telling you that I’ll come along with you, okay?” “NO THANKS! Rather, stay away! I don’t ever want to have anything to do with you again!!” Mr. Lackey faced Damsel Scarlet, “Lady Scarlet, why are you talking with such a freak!?” Oh, so he had business with Damsel Scarlet, huh? “...Certainly, he is a rather peculiar person, but...since he possesses an extremely wealthy trove of knowledge, I felt very interested in listening to what he has to say. It looks like it could be very well connected to the future development of my house, you see?” She smiled sweetly. Mr. Lackey cast a glance at me. “...Certainly, it sounds like his marks are outstanding. But! His character is the worst!” How awful. “It’s not as bad as that of nobles, you know?” “I don’t want to hear that from you! You won’t find anyone as arrogant and heinous as you, even among the nobility!” Booooo! “I just live my life freely. Besides, I only retaliated after being offended first, okay? While it may be true that the folks, who picked a fight with me, got paid back double, the character of someone speaking for the offenders is much worse.” “A life without any thrills is boring.” Putting on airs, I brushed away my forelocks. Damsel Scarlet burst into laughter. This caused Mr. Lackey to flare up at Damsel Scarlet next, “......Lady Scarlet, was there anything funny about what I said?” “Oh my, forgive me. I just thought that Sir Indra is amazing for making 【Genius of the Frozen Smile】 change his expressions so rapidly.” .......What? What’s that Frozen-something?
スカーレット嬢と私は、それからちょこちょこと話していた。 ――スワン君やソード教官に止められたが、私は練り歩くのを止めない。 ......と、言いますかね。なんでソードが止めるのだよ! 目的忘れてやしませんかい?! その、練り歩きの最中に時々出くわすのだ。本日も出くわした。 挨拶を交わす。 「......それにしても、どうして[カレー粉]作れましたの?」 「私は、外食は定番の[カレー]を食していたが、自分ではスパイスを組み合わせて作っていたのだ。粉末ではなくホールを買っていたしな。だから材料の形はわかっていたのだ。組み合わせや配合も、気分に合わせていろいろ変えているぞ」 「うわー、チートって、元のスペックが重要なんだって理解した」 そして、口調が戻っているぞ。 「せっけんとスカルプシャンプーは、お願いします、売って下さい。公爵家の財力を駆使して、買い占めます」 「いや、紅茶と交換してくれ。私も、ソードの財力を駆使して買い占めたい」 「え? ソード教官とご関係が?」 「学園での表向きは私の保護者だな。やつはSランク冒険者で気ままな独身の風来坊だ。金をうなるほど持っているし、この間も王都のダンジョンを攻略して、また使い切れないほどの財を手に入れた。そこらの貴族では太刀打ち出来ないくらいの金持ちだ」 「わ、やっぱり冒険者ってすごいですね。 「ん? どうした? 籠から飛び出すなら、手助けするぞ?」 「公爵令嬢でも、別に構いません。インドラ様よりは転生前の知識を生かせてませんけど、それでも随分変えましたし。ただ......」 「スカーレット様、何を平民と話しているのだ?」 と声をかけてきたのは、キラキラし目の方の男。 「おぉ、お前は王子の腰巾着か」 「誰が腰巾着だ!」 憂い顔だったスカーレット嬢が、あっ気にとられる。 私は首をかしげて腰巾着君を見た。 「どうした? 廊下で呼び止めてきたのはお前が二組目だな。よし、その意気に免じてどこにでもついていってやろう。人気のない場所も心当たりがあるぞ? 存分に、その嫌らしい顔つきで私をなぶるがいい! 返り討ちにしてくれよう! オラ、ワクワクしてきたぞー!」 拳を振り上げたら廊下にいた皆がに引いた。 「変な誤解をするな! それに、お前に用事は無い! 勝手に誤解してテンションを上げるな!」 なんだよ、つまらないなー。 「......ついていってやると言ってるんだぞ?」 「お断りだ! むしろついてくるな! もう、金輪際二度とお前に関わりたくないわ!」 ひどい。 「スカーレット様、なぜ貴女がこんなやつと話をしているのですか!?」 あ、スカーレット嬢に用があったのね? 「......確かに、かなり変わった方ですけれど......。非常に豊かな知識をお持ちでしたので、興味深くお話を聞かせて頂きましたの。今後の公爵家の発展にもつながりそうですわ?」 ニッコリ、とほほ笑んだ。 腰巾着君がジロリと私を見た。 「......確かに、成績は優秀なようだ。だが! 性格は、最低だ!」 「貴族ほどではないぞ?」 「どの口が言うか! お前ほどの極悪で傲慢な性格の者など、貴族にすらいないわ!」 むーっ。 「私は自由に生きているだけだ。それに、やられてからやり返してるぞ? 向かってきた連中を倍返しの返り討ちに遭わせたからといって、それを悪く言う連中の性格の方がよほど悪い」 「刺激の無い人生などつまらない」 気取って前髪を払ってやった。 「............スカーレット様、何がおかしいのですか」 「あら、ごめんなさい。【氷の微笑のジーニアス】様が、それほどに表情をコロコロと変わらせるなんて、インドラ様はすごい方ですのね、と思っただけですの」 ............何?
Since Sally said that she “wants to doll” me up, I’m currently in the middle of making accessories for myself. If anyone else wants to have these as well, I’ll put them up for sale. Because I also got gems, I challenged myself to do some glasswork in order to become capable of swiftly bringing out a twinkly cut for gems. It’s that one. You know. Kinda like Swarovski. Since I was able to satisfy the maids with that, I dubbed it fine to go with those imitations. “Does it look okay like this?” “Yes! Aaahh...wearing these...Lady Indra...oh my...” ......Why is she getting so excited about this? I mean, look, don’t you have a pretty elven girl as material to work with nearby!? Of course I’m a pretty girl as well! But, Plana’s shape is more beautiful than mine! ...is what I thought, but since this was what she had hoped for, it can’t be helped. Once I’d get dolled up, Sword would escort me and we’d take a meal at my restaurant. When I told him that he’d be able to drink as much as he wanted, he told me that he’d tag along. By the way, I prepared a car for that sake! A carriage-styled automobile! It’s moving without any horses! is what you’d expect people to wonder about, but...only the newcomer adventurers among the people of Ys would actually think something like that. Now that they’ve seen the Ryokus, Chars, and Bronkos, I guess a horseless carriage isn’t anything that would draw their attention anymore. It’s a digression, but the horses of this world are, naturally, monsters. Bicorns and unicorns who had their horns broken. I’m told that white ones are rare with only the royal family possessing some. Or to be precise, you’ll be stuck offering any white ones you possess to the royal family. That’s all for the digression. Since this car prioritized appearance, I went with a classic design. It only had a driver’s seat in front with its rear being like a limousine. I made the tires big like those of a carriage, but a bit thicker. Given that it was for formal occasions where traveling was required, the sheets were ultra-luxurious. I even made the driver’s seat extravagant in order to trick people. Because it was for putting on a show, I colored it with Sword’s white and my blue-green, used lacquered wood for some parts, and spent quite some money to make it look as pompous as possible. The driver’s seat could be set to fake a coachman stand thanks to sliding doors and a convertible roof. All for the sake of appearance. Our butler volunteered to drive this car. The butler actually seemed to like new stuff. Seeing how the old earl shared the same preference, the butler may have been influenced by him. “Nothing less of someone who has inherited the Springcoat blood,” he told me, but I did intend to go with a fairly classical design for this... Wanting to ride Char and Bronko, the butler took lessons from Sword, quickly picking up how to drive. ...Yep, it’s great that he’s having fun after his retirement. As far as I can tell from our conversations, his success is the result of blood, sweat, and tears. By the way, Mr. Amato, who should be familiar with cars, excused himself and instead suggested, “Ah, I didn’t have a driver’s license. Rather than that, Lady Indra, you made an automobile? I’m a fan of bicycling! A bicycle is much easier to make than a motorbike or car, right?” You idiot! Making a bicycle is much more difficult in this world! After all, its parts are staggeringly complicated to make by hand!
サリーが〝私を〟着飾りたい、というので、自分で自分のアクセを制作中。 宝石もあるけど、手っ取り早くキラキラ感を出すためにガラス工芸に挑戦。アレですよ、ス○ロフスキー的なヤツ? メイドの満足感を得るためなので、バッタもんで良いのだ。 「こんな感じので良いか?」 「はい! あぁ......これを身につけているインドラ様......あぁ......」 私も確かに美少女ではあるが! プラナの方が美形だぞぅ! ......とは思ったが、彼女の希望なのでしょうがないのだ。 ソードにも付き合わせて、私を着飾ったらレストランで食事だ。飲み放題でいいから、って言ったら付き合ってくれると言ってくれた。 馬もいないのに走ってる! と思われるだろうが......いやイースの人間でそんなこと思う奴は新参冒険者くらいだな。リョーク、シャール、ブロンコを見慣れている彼らには馬のない馬車が走ろうとも不思議がるわけがないか。 余談だが、この世界の馬は、もちろん魔物だ。ユニコーンかバイコーン、の角を折られたもの。 この自動車は見栄えが最優先なので、クラシカルなデザインにした。前側は運転席のみの助手席無し、後ろはリムジンぽくしてる。馬車風にタイヤを大きくしてあるが、タイヤはちょっと太目にした。 見栄のためなので、とにかく豪華に見えるよう、色もソードの白と私の青緑とで着色し漆塗りの木を使ったり、金を使ったりしている。運転席のみ、見栄のため、オープンカー風に屋根とドアがスライドして御者台のようにして魅せることが出来る。 執事、実は新しもの好きだったらしい。先代も新しもの好きで、感化されたとか。 とか言われたけど、これ、私、随分クラシカルなデザインにしたつもりなんだけど......。 シャールとブロンコに乗りたがって、ソードが教え、早々に習得したのも執事だ。 ......うん、引退後、楽しんでるようで良かったよ。話を聞く限りだと、なかなかに苦労人だったみたいだからね。 「あ、俺、免許持ってなかったから。それよりインドラ様、自転車作ってよ! 俺、サイクリング派! バイクや自動車よりかは簡単でしょ?」 あほう! この世界だと、自転車の方が作るの大変だわ! 人力ってな、パーツが半端なく複雑なんだからな!
Hi, Indra here. Your local heroine who showed up as promised! Yep, you could put it like that, right? Anyway, it seems like things have gotten slightly hairy. I wondered what I should do since I hadn’t been taught whether it was alright for me to poke my nose into the battles of other adventurers, but if they die because I didn’t help them, I’d feel like it was my fault, and if that argument doesn’t fly, I’ll just allow myself to get scolded, yep. In the first place, the monsters don’t really seem to be all that tough. Is something wrong with them? Are they maybe tired or something? Well, it’s obvious that they’re exhausted, I suppose. Maybe they enjoyed the thrill of going without a map a bit too much and got lost? “T-These guys are evolved goblins! A Goblin Warrior and a Goblin Mage! Normal methods won’t work against them!” Thanks for the explanation. In short, they’re strong...? They are shivering in fright as they’re looking at me, though? “...They don’t appear to be all that strong, though...” “Is this the time to look down on the enemy!? If you do something like that, you’ll die right away!!” “But, they seem to be scared of me, you know? Monsters can discern strength, so they have to be weak enemies since they’ve become afraid after seeing me.” “...Eh?” The girl looks at the monsters, apparently stunned. Hmm, it’d go against my style to kill those who don’t attack me out of fear. Then again, I don’t really have a style. “If you leave now, I’ll let you go. So, get lost.” When I said so to the goblins, they scurried away in a hurry. Yep, as I thought, they were weak. “Wait a sec!? Why are you letting them get away!?” “My current request is to rescue stranded examinees. Not the killing of monsters. Besides, if I killed scared, non-resistant monsters, it’d leave a bad aftertaste. Getting joy out of tormenting frightened monsters is a fairly trashy fetish to have.” Since my remark caused everyone to look dumbfounded, it looks like I’ve messed up again. ...I’ll ignore it! I took out a hand-held magic tool for communication. “Sword, Indra speaking. I’ve succeeded in rescuing one party of the rescue targets.” ...With a crackling, I can hear various line such as 『Hey Ryoku, how can I talk to her?』, 『Eh? This? Rather, your goin’ to talk?』, and 『Give it a rest ‘n pass it to me. I want to talk to her!』. 『Can you hear me, Indra?』 Then I heard, 『Ohh, so you can hear me!』, 『Eh? You want to talk with her?』, and 『No, it’s fine. I’ll talk with her』. 『*cough* We are...done on our side. I think it’s fine to call it like that. We had some troubles over here, but I’m gonna toss them into Ryoku’s pod and head back』 “Ehh!? Wait a sec! Could you spare me from throwing filthy, old men into my cute Ryoku? Those guys stank quite a bit, okay? I’m % sure that they don’t wash themselves!” 『Don’t worry, I’ll wrap ’em up in blankets! Anyway, I’m goin’ back, so hurry back yourself as well!』He yelled at me. I disconnected the communication device with a shrug, and faced the girls. They were still frozen in sheer amazement. “Let’s see...I guess I’ll first take care of your injuries.” Since one of them had been stabbed, I treated her. “...What’s this?” “...Ah, around here you can heal everything with a medicine called healing potion or something like that, right? I don’t really like that. Medical treatment should be carried out slowly through your own bodily healing functions. Then again, it’d be bad to leave the wound alone. Once you carefully wash out the wound opening and block it with fat, it’ll heal up nicely through your own regenerative powers. This here is a special ointment I made myself which combines detoxifying, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. On top of that it does skin care and repairs the flesh tissues. If you apply this, cover it with a jelly pad, and rest for a bit, your wound will heal up completely in a week. Probably.” Probably because I haven’t tested it myself yet since I didn’t get injured so far. But, the ointment is a special creation that uses the ingredients I found after capitalizing on the knowledge of my otherworld self. Hence it ought to work, I think. I smeared it on her wound, and applied a handmade jelly pad. “Okay, all that’s left is to carry you girls.” “””Haah...?””” I took out a special wooden rack with shoulder straps. With its bench shape, three girls can easily fit on it. “...Wait a minute! Are you possibly planning to put us on that thing and then walk while carrying us!?” The strong-willed girl pointed at the rack, trembling all over. “No need to guess the obvious, is there? Don’t worry, a girl’s weight is famous for being lighter than that of a feather.” It’s clearly true! My weight is lighter than that of a feather, after all! I had the unwilling girls sit down on the rack, and then fastened them to the rack and tied them together. “Alrighty, make sure to not bite your tongues since it might be a somewhat bumpy ride. I’ve warned you, okay?” “Wait a sec. This is a crazy idea!” “Stop, please stop. Seriously!” “Hey, I’m wounded, or did you forget!? What are you going to do if things end up in a disaster by you trying to do the impossible!?” They keep quacking, but luckily I don’t hear aaanything thanks to my soundproofing spell. “Okay, now hold out for a bit. Also, grit your teeth, relying on your willpower as girls, to avoid puking, got it?” After lifting up the rack on my back, I dashed off at full speed. “””Nooooooo~~~~~~~~~ooo!!!””” We arrived after around five minutes. “Oh, there you are.” “Sorry, one of them was wounded, so I had to treat her.” Sword was already waiting for me. After opening the pod, he retrieved some old dudes from within. “...Sure made somethin’ weird again, haven’t you? Or rather, don’t you have any pity with ’em?” He commented while looking at the girls who were ghastly pale while still fastened to the rack. “No, I actually think you should use this as well. This one here is a lot more stable.” “No thanks. It’d be a huge pain if they started to piss themselves.” Oh, I hadn’t considered that possibility. “Did you know? The water coming out of a girl is called 『Holy Water』. I hear some men will pay big amounts of money for it.” I informed him with a broad grin of what I had suddenly recalled. “Hey, old man, gimme a break with weird ass noble knowledge.” “You’re wrong. It’s knowledge from the other world.” “That’s even worse!” ...When I quickly glanced at the old men Sword had pulled out of the pod, several of them were dead. “You weren’t in time, huh?” “Two have survived.” The two men rolled out of the pod, their clothes in tatters. The instant they came out, one started to yell at Sword. “It’s all your fault! You! If you had come to save us earlier...! Moony, Sig, and Nick wouldn’t have died!!” ...... What is he ranting about? I kicked him for good measure. “Uuuaagh!” Sword scratched his head, “Come on, don’t kick ’em. It’d waste my savin’ them if you kill ’em here, don’t you think?” “The request has been completed since we’ve rescued them. We’re now free to do as we please, aren’t we? It’s a common occurrence for the people you rescued to turn against you or switch into being your enemy. If they’re not happy with being rescued and cut their ties, I’ll kill them.” “Don’t.” I reluctantly nodded since Sword held me back. I guess I’ll keep it at a level where they won’t die. I looked at one of the old buggers, “Hey, you there. If you claim that we’re at fault for your party members having died because we came too late to your rescue, how much responsibility do you carry for having taken the C-Rank exam?” “W-What was that!?” “I’m asking you how much responsibility you bear for letting your friends die in such an easy dungeon because you didn’t even possess the ability to protect them.” Sword slapped his forehead. “Hey, give him a break. He lost his cool because his friends died. You gotta understand that he can’t cope with it unless he lays the blame on someone else.” “And that’s you then? I don’t get the reasoning... The people of this world are truly selfish. I got to say, this place seems to be teeming with folks who blame their own mistakes on others.” “...Hey.” Sword placed a hand on my shoulder. “He’s blaming someone else because he lost his cool? And you get blamed even though it’s not even your fault? I don’t understand how this kind of logic would even work. ...You, explain it to me. Tell me why Sword’s having come too late for the rescue would be at fault for your party members having died? Did you ask Sword to help you? I was always at his side, but I’ve never heard you utter any such words, you know? Having come too late for the rescue would mean that you had at least requested Sword to rescue you guys and that Sword accepted that request, right? Of course it’d have come with the term that he’d need to take responsibility in case you died, no? ...But, I don’t know anything of such an exchange between you two. Come on, hurry up and answer me.” “...Shut up! In the first place, our pace got messed up because you went ahead so quickly!” Whoa, how scummy. Now this guy is trying to push the blame on me. In the next moment, Sword kicked him, blowing the moron away. “...I feel like it was you who warned me to not kill them.” I retorted, but got ignored. “...I can forgive it if you stick to blamin’ me. I’m an S-Rank, so I’ll accept the blame if I hadn’t been in time despite ’em still bein’ alive when I headed out for the rescue. But, why’d you blame an unrelated adventurer who took the same exam as you? Also, care to tell me what you’ve said to her before the exam started? Well?” Sword grabbed the guy by the hair with a somehow scary face, and started to question him. “You said 『She’s set to pass this rigged exam thanks to her connections』, and you ridiculed her with 『Only an idiot would run so quickly』 even after the exam started, didn’t you? In other words, you considered her to be someone who’d pass through her connections without even havin’ the ability to back it, right? So? Why would such a superb adventurer like you fail to pace himself due to the existence of a stupid D-Rank adventurer who doesn’t know how to pace herself in a rigged exam? Come on, tell me! Why? Explain it in a way I can understand!!” After having been kicked, the guy started to bawl while groaning. Sword clicked his tongue, threw him on the ground, and gave him another kick. I looked down at the idiot, tilting my head to the side. “Shouldn’t we rather say that he’s the one to be blamed the most for his party members having died? In short, he’s desperately pushing the blame on you and me because he wants to shirk his own responsibility, and not because he lost his cool, don’t you think? It’s a really common trick among selfish old men with a big pride who specialize in shifting the blame.” He reminds me of my otherworld’s boss! When I looked up, I noticed that everyone was watching us with indescribable expressions. “...It is very reasonable for you to have taken offense, but please leave it at that. We still have some business with these guys.” “...Okay, okay.” Sword spat out a deep sigh, and turned around. ......Somehow Sword seems to be acting weird. It looked like we’d be given a ride on a carriage on the way back to town, but I didn’t want to get on something that shook so much. Hence, I’ll ride Ryoku! “I can take those who are injured or totally exhausted with me, if you like? If you’re worrying about peeing or puking, don’t worry. I can give you a lift after making you faint.” I said out of deepest kindness, but everyone shook their heads at ultra-high speed.
はい、お約束の登場をしたインドラでーす。 ここは使いどころでしょ? ちょっとヤバそうだったし。 こういった、戦いに横ヤリを入れて良いモノかってのは教わってなかったからどうしようかと思ったけれど、助けなくて死んだらやっちゃった感があるもんね、ダメだったら怒られよう。うん。 そもそもが、大した敵じゃなさそうなんだけど、どうしたんだろう、疲れてるのかな? まぁ、見るからに疲れてそうだよね、地図のないワクワク感を味わいすぎて迷っちゃいました、みたいな? 「そ、ソイツら、ゴブリンの進化系よ! ゴブリンウォーリアとゴブリンメイジ!縄じゃいかないのよ!」 解説ありがとう。 ほう、強い......のか? 私を見てビビってますが? 「......強くは、なさそうなんだが......」 「何敵をナメてんのよ! そんなんだと簡単に死ぬわよ!!」 「でも、連中は私に脅えているようだぞ? 魔物は強者が解るから、私を見て脅えるということは、弱い敵なんだ」 「......え?」 驚いたように魔物を見ている。 うーむ、脅えて攻撃してこないものを倒すのは私の流儀に反するなあ。 「今ならまだ見逃してやる。立ち去れ」 って言ったら、あたふた逃げていった。うん、弱い。 「ちょっと!? どうして逃がすのよ?!」 「私の今回の依頼は遭難した受験者の救出だ。魔物の退治ではない。それに、脅えて無抵抗の魔物を殺したらかわいそうだろう。脅えた魔物を甚振って喜ぶのは下賤な性癖だぞ」 全員に、唖然とされたので、どうやらまた私はやらかしたようだ。 ......放置! 私は通信機型魔導具を取り出した。 「ソード、こちらインドラ。救出対象パーティ一組、救出完了」 ......ガチャガチャと『おい、リョーク、こっちはどう会話するんだよ』『え? コレ? つーかお前が話す?』『いーから、俺が話したいの!』って声が全部拾えてるけど。 『インドラ、聞こえるか?』 『お、聞こえるってよ!』『え? お前が話したい?』『いやいいだろ、俺が話すって』って聞こえてくるんだけど。リョークとフツーに会話してるお前が私とリョークのやり取りを白い目で見るな。 『ゴホン。こちらは......完了、と言っていいな。多少トラブったけど、とにかくリョークのポッドにほうり込んで帰還する』 「えーちょっとー。私のかわいいリョークに、汚いオッサンたち入れないでくれるー? ソイツら相当臭かったよ? 絶対身体を洗ってない!」 『布に包んでくから安心しろ! とにかく、帰るからお前も戻ってこい!』 肩をすくめると通信機をしまって、少女たちと向き合った。 「えーと、まず怪我の手当をするか」 刺されてる子がいるので、その子の手当てをした。 「......これって、何?」 「......あー、ここだとなんか回復薬とかいう薬で何でも治すんだって? 私はソレがあまり好きじゃない。治療は、自分の免疫機能でゆっくり行った方がいいと思う。ま、そうはいっても放置はよくない。傷口はちゃんと真水で洗い、その後油脂で塞ぐと自分の治癒力で綺麗に治るぞ。これは、私が作った解毒、抗菌、抗炎症、さらに肉芽形成と美肌効果のある特製の塗り薬だ。これを塗ってこのゼリーパッドで覆って安静にすれば、一週間で綺麗に塞がるだろ、たぶん」 でも、塗り薬は別世界の知識を活かして材料見つけて作った特製のだから、効くと思う。 塗って、やはりお手製のゼリー状のパッドを貼った。 「じゃあ、あとはまとめて運ぶだけだな」 「「「は......?」」」 長椅子型で、少なら余裕で座れる。 「......ちょっと待ってよ、もしかして、私たち、それに乗って、アンタが背負って歩くつもり?!」 「もしかしなくてもそのつもりだな。安心しろ、少女の体重は羽よりも軽いと相場が決まってるんだ」 私の体重も羽より軽いんだ! 嫌がる少女たちを座らせて束ねて括り付けた。 「じゃあ、ちょっと揺れるだろうから、舌をかまないようにしろ。伝えたからな?」 「ちょっと待ってよ、嫌、無理だから!」 「止めて、ホント止めて、無理!」 「おい! 私は怪我人なんだぞ!? 無理してより大惨事になったらどうする!?」 ギャーギャーうるさいが、遮音魔術で聞こえなーい。 「じゃあ、ちょっと我慢しろよ。あと、乙女の意地で、吐くな」 背負って、全力疾走した。 「「「ぎゃーーーーーー!!」」」 くらいで着いた。 「お、着いたか」 「悪い、怪我人が出て手当てしてた」 ポッドを開けて中からオッサンたちを出してる。 「......また妙なものを作ったな。つーか、ちょっとかわいそうじゃねーか?」 「むしろ、お前も使え。こっちの方が安定する」 「やなこった。ションベン漏らされたら大惨事だろーが」 それは考えつかなかったな。 「知ってるか? 少女から流れ出る水は『聖水』と言ってな、一部の連中が高値で取引をするという」 「おいオッサン、変な貴族の知識広めるな」 「違う、別世界情報」 「尚悪いわ!」 ......ふと、ポッドから出されてるオッサンたちを見たら、何人か死体だった。 「間に合わなかったか」 「生き残ってたのだ」 ボロボロの二人が転げ出てきた。 「お前のせいだ! お前が! もっと早く救出に来てたら! ムーニも! シグも! ニックも! 死なずに済んだんだ!」 ............。 何言ってんだこのオッサン? とりあえず蹴っといた。 「ぐはっ!!」 「お前、蹴るなって。せっかく救出したのに死ぬだろうが」 「救出したんだから依頼は完了だ。あとは好きにしていいだろう。助けたやつが敵に回ったり仇で返してきたりするのはテンプレだ。助けたところで関係を切り、気に入らなかったら殺す」 「殺すな」 死なない程度にしておくか。 「おい、お前。パーティメンバーが死んだのが、『助けに来たのが遅い』という理由が責任というなら、Cランク試験を受けたお前等にはどれほどの責任があると思うんだ?」 「な、なんだと!?」 「仲間を守れる技倆もないくせに、あんな簡単なダンジョンで仲間を死なせたお前の責任はどれくらいなんだと聞いている」 ソードが額で手を打った。 「おい、勘弁してやれよ。仲間が死んで余裕がないんだ、誰かの責任にして当たり散らさなきゃやってられないってのをわかってやれ」 「それでお前の責任に? 意味がわからない。......本当にこの世界の人間は利己的で、他人を陥れ罪を擦り付ける連中ばかりで反吐が出そうになるんだ」 ソードが肩に手を置いた。 「余裕がないから他人のせいにするのか? そうしてお前が、お前のせいではないのに責められるのか? どうしてそうなるのか理解出来ない。......お前、説明しろ。お前は、なぜお前のパーティメンバーが死んだのが『助けに来たのが遅い』せいなのかを答えろ。お前、ソードに助けを求めたのか? 私はずっと傍に居たが、お前からそんな言葉を聞いたことがないぞ? 助けに来るのが遅い、ということは、お前はソードに少なくとも「全員を助けてくれ」と依頼を出し、ソードはそれを受諾したんだよな? もちろん、死んだ場合は責任を取る、という言葉も添えてな。......そんなやり取りは知らないぞ? ほら、とっとと答えろ」 「......うるさい! そもそもお前があんなに早く行くから、ペースを乱されたんだ!」 うわー、今度は私のせいにしてきたよこのオッサン。 途端にソードが蹴って、オッサン吹っ飛んだ。 「......殺すなと私に忠告したのはお前だった気がするが」 「......まだ俺を責めるのは許せる。俺はSランクだからな、救出作業に出たときは生きていて間に合わなかったのなら、その責めを受けよう。だが、なんで同じランクを受験した、お前と無関係の冒険者のせいにしてんだよ? しかもお前、試験前にコイツに何と言ったか憶えてるか?」 なんかソードが怖い顔で男の髪をつかみ、語るように質問してる。 「『不正受験でコネで合格決定してる』っつったよな? で、始まった後も『あんなに飛ばすなんてバカがやることだ』つって笑ってたよな? つまりは、実力もねーのにコネで受かるやつだって思ってたんだよな? で? その不正受験のペース配分知らずのおバカさんなDランク冒険者がいたくらいで、どうして優秀なお前がペース乱されたりするんだよ? あ? なんでだか、わかるように言ってみろよ!!」 ソード、舌打ちすると地面にたたきつけて足蹴にしてるし。 私は首をかしげて男を見下ろした。 「と、いうかな、パーティメンバー死んだの大半がコイツのせいってことじゃないか? つまりは、余裕がないからじゃなくて責任を逃れたいから必死で私やお前に押しつけてるんだろう。利己的で責任転嫁を得意とするプライドが肥大したオヤジがよくやる手口だな」 別世界の上司とかな! 思い出した。 ふと見ると、周りが何とも言えないような顔で私たちを見ている。 「......ご立腹は尤もですが、そのくらいにしてあげてください。コイツらにはこの後のこともありますから」 ソードは大きく息を吐き出すと、踵を返す。 ............なんかソード、様子が変だな。 馬車で帰途に就くらしいが、あんなに揺れる乗り物には乗りたくない。 ならリョークに乗る! 「怪我人や体力のないやつは背負って運んでやるぞ? お漏らしと嘔吐の不安がある場合は気絶させてから乗せるから安心しろ」 って親切心で言ったのに、超高速で首を振られた。
“.........Uh.” I forced my hazy consciousness awake. Tsk. Got blood taste in my mouth since I’ve bit myself. “As always, you’re quite resistant to magic, aren’t you? Any ordinary person would have slept a whole day.” I shook my head to sober up since my sight was unfocused. “......How ’bout not capturin’ me against my will, 【Bloody Witch】.” I said to the intelligent beauty with black hair and gray eyes peerin’ down at me from above. “Don’t use that name!” Looks like the news that I’ve come to this land had been immediately passed on to her. ...Had to be that receptionist missy, I s’pose. Means she’s an underling Bloody Witch had infiltrate there since she got us to head over in this direction. They had put me to sleep on a bed, but I got up and sat down on a nearby sofa. “O-Oh my? How about allowing your body to rest a bit longer? No matter how sturdy you might be, the spell still hasn’t worn off, has it?” “Shut it. You think this here’s a situation where I can sleep without a care!?” Looks like she truly thinks so. But, I’ve got absolutely no clue what’s going to happen if I don’t get out of here at once. “...So? What’s your business with me?” After being at a loss for words, Bloody Witch suddenly shouted at me, “...What the hell are those golems!? Moreover, just when did you find one with your own personal color!? Spit it out! Where did you find them!” ......Good grief. “...I had already expected that it might have been ’bout that. Sorry. I didn’t find it. It’s a present.” Bloody Witch became speechless. “There’s this girl who’s got buildin’ golems as a hobby. I got one from her. You see, since it’s her hobby, she only gives ’em to those she likes...or rather, normally she wouldn’t give ’em to anyone else. I mean, she’s someone with a few screws loose, sayin’ she’s goin’ to build ’em as a hobby n’ live her remainin’ years while bein’ served by ’em.” I burst into laughter when remembering it. “Therefore, that’s all I gotta say ’bout this. Accordin’ to her, anyone callin’ themselves magician or sorcerer should build ’em with their own hands instead of stealin’ from others.” Her eyes shot up. Seems like she got pissed off as her pride got hurt. “What was that? Does she understand at whom she’s directing that?” “No matter who it might be and what they might say, that’s the kind of girl she is. By the way, since her sword skills are at my level, you ain’t got a chance of winnin’ ‘gainst her. Moreover, you won’t find any common sense in her. I’ve got no idea what she’s gonna do once she learns that her partner is bein’ held in a place like this, so hurry it up and let me go. Or rather, it’s going to get really dangerous if she goes into a frenzy and uses that big, taboo magic of hers. That said, I’m goin’ back now.” I can’t really believe that she’d go into a frenzy, considerin’ her usual calm demeanor, but if she were to calmly judge that I was dead and use a spell she herself calls “taboo”, things would get really scary. “There’s no way that I’ll let you go back just like that, is there? Even though I was finally able to meet you after such a long time...” I ignored her words towards the end. After all, I spotted Ryoku peekin’ into the room from outside the window. “Ah...shit, it’s already too late.” “Huh?” In the next instant, magic was rapidly fired from Ryoku’s right hand. The window frame alongside the surroundin’ wall were blown away. My personal Ryoku entered through the wrecked window. “Mr. Sword, I’m here to rescue you.” “Sure...thanks, but I could have made it back myself. Also, I’m somewhat scared to ask, but what about Indra?” “She’s drawing enemy attention to her by invading through the front door. I think we’ll be able to join up with her in a little while.” Bloody Witch got hit by the fragments of the wall and was now covered by dust. Yet, she was standin’ stock still, completely flabbergasted. “......Hey, just a moment. Didn’t it talk just now? Also, rapid firing magic? Why did it enter through the window? This is a golem, no? It’s no monster, right?” “He’s a golem. He also sheds his skin, but he’s still a golem.” ...Ah, what can be heard through the door are even more amazin’ sounds of destruction and the panicked screams of people... Somehow I can’t open the door since it’s scary, but what should I do? “......It’s somewhat noisy outside.....” “Get away!” At once I threw myself on Bloody Witch, who had approached the door, to protect her, resultin’ in us rollin’ across the floor. In the next instant, the entire wall, includin’ the door, exploded and scattered! The thick clusters of dust were carried away by gusts of wind, and as might only be expected, an expressionless Indra became visible within the debris. Ugh, shit. She’s totally pissed. I stood up while scratchin’ my head. ...Once I staggered a bit, she immediately rushed over, proppin’ me up. “Hey! You okay!?” “Rather, I almost got killed by you! Did you know that I was close to the door!?” “It’s alright. You’re a tough guy, so magic that blows away a wall won’t hurt you.” “No, it obviously will. Don’t do it anymore, okay?” Just what do you take me for? Don’t judge me by your standards. If you were hit by a huge rock, the rock would crumble apart, I’m not that sturdy, okay? Our eyes met. I saw anxiety and fear in her eyes. “......Certainly if things are blown out of proportion, I could experience a thrill going beyond anything far, but I don’t want to experience thrills to such an extent that I’d go as far as endangering your safety.” Tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to tremble lightly. Once I hugged her, she hugged me back. “...You dummy, so you finally got it, huh?” “I was scared. You were gone all of a sudden. I was worried whether you’re still alive. It was so frightening.” As I stroked the sobbin’ girl in my arms, I remembered. ――I used to have a dream. A dream of goin’ on adventures with my friends. Capturin’ dungeons, beatin’ monsters, goin’ on journeys while laughin’ n’ helpin’ each other, and someday we’d become the strongest with our party’s name being famous across the whole world. Back then my friends and I excitedly talked about such silly dreams and hopes. But, in reality, only I became strong. My childhood friends with whom I had formed a party in the beginnin’ grew estrange and started to hate me. Our relationship got twisted, and in the end I withdrew from their party myself. And afterwards I couldn’t accept anyone as friend, no matter which party I joined. I got constantly deceived and exploited. Because of that, I discarded that dream and started to complete requests by myself. And without me noticin’, I became an S-Rank as solo adventurer at some point, resultin’ in only my name becomin’ famous. In the same way, I amassed a big amount of cash without me realizin’. Even though I wouldn’t have minded to retire and live somewhere by myself, just like Indra had suggested, I still kept wanderin’ the lands, unable to stop bein’ an adventurer. All because I couldn’t fully give up on the borin’ dream of 【adventuring together with my friends】 that I had lost somewhere along the road. ――That’s the dream I recalled just now. “It’s still way too early for me to croak. I still haven’t found any treasures that might have been hidden by some big bandit. Also, I still didn’t ask the demon king for permission to capture his castle. The value of adventurers lies in adventurerin’ right? So, unless I go on adventures with you, nothin’ is going to start either. ――Wanna go on adventures with me?” “Mmh.” I roughly stroked her head. So, with this out of the way, I looked around me. Okay, their side was at fault, but she went too far. The mansion of Bloody Witch has turned into a half-ruin. I’m prayin’ that no one got killed, but it’d be a miracle if that wasn’t the case... After blankly starin’ at us for a while, Bloody Witch seemed to finally realize the state of her own mansion, and ran outside while screamin’. “Hey!? Everyone, are you alright!? Answer me if you’re okay!!” While hearing her voice in the distance, I asked Indra, “......I’m scared to ask, but I s’pose not askin’ isn’t an option...... How many did you kill on the way here?” “I still haven’t killed anyone. They didn’t seem interested in killing me, so I held back on them.” I breathed out deeply. “...The way was somewhat forceful and rough, but I got invited into the mansion so far as it goes. Bloody Witch is that kind of a woman... She kidnaps others without carin’ ’bout their circumstances. I somehow wanted to get out of here before bein’ found out by her, but...” I breathed out once more. Well, it’s a blessin’ that no one has died. Otherwise we had definitely turned Bloody Witch into an enemy which would have meant war. I’m certain that we’d have won, but I don’t really feel like killin’ someone I fought side-by-side with in the past.
「............う」 霞んだ頭を無理やり覚醒させた。 チッ、口の中をかんだから血の味がする。 「相変わらず魔術の効きにくいやつよね。本来ならくらい寝てるはずなのに」 視点が定まらないので頭を振って覚醒させた。 俺を上から覗き込んでる、黒髪でグレーの瞳の見た目だけは知的美人ってやつに向かって言った。 「その名前で呼ぶなっ!」 俺がこの土地に来た情報が早速伝わったらしい。 ベッドに寝かせられてたが、身体を起こしてソファに座った。 「あ、あら? まだ寝てたらどう? いくらなんでもまだ魔術が抜けきってないでしょう?」 「うるせー。のん気に寝てられる状態かよ」 とっととここを出ねーと何が起きるかわからねー。 「......で? 用件は?」 「......何なのあのゴーレムは! しかもパーソナルカラーのなんていつの間に見つけたの! どこで見つけたか吐きなさい!」 ............やれやれ。 「......そのことだろうと思ったわ。悪いな、アレは見つけたんじゃねえ、もらい物だ」 血みどろ魔女が絶句した。 「趣味でゴーレムを作るやつがいてな、ソイツからもらった。趣味だから、気に入ったやつにしか渡さねぇ......つーか普通は渡さねーな。趣味で作って侍らせて余生を暮らすとか言ってるネジ飛んでるやつだからよ」 思い出し笑いした。 「つーことで、話は終わりだ。ソイツ曰く、仮にも魔術師魔導師を名乗るなら、他人から盗むな自分の手で造り出せ、だってよ」 プライドが刺激されて怒ったらしいな。 「何ですって? 誰に向かってモノを言ってるか、わかってるの?」 「誰だろうと言うだろうな。そんなやつだよ。ちなみに、剣の腕も俺並みにあるから、バトっても勝てねーぞ。しかもだ、常識は欠片もねぇ。パートナーの俺がこんなところにとっ捕まってる、って知れたらどんなことが起きるかわからねーから、とっとと戻るわ。つーか、逆上して禁呪の大魔術を使われたら本気でヤバい。帰ります」 あの冷静さで逆上するとか考えられないが、冷静に俺がいなくなったって判断してアイツが〝禁呪〟っつーくらいの魔法を使われても怖い。 「帰すわけないでしょう! せっかく会えたのに......」 窓からリョークが顔を出したからだ。 「あ。......ダメだ、もう手遅れだ」 「へ?」 リョークの右手から魔術が連射された。 「ソードさーん、助けに来たよー」 「あぁ......ありがたいけどな、自力で戻れた。あと、聞くのも怖いんだけどよ、インドラどうした?」 「ドアから侵入して敵を引きつけてますよー。もう少ししたら合流すると思いまーす」 血みどろ魔女は、壁の破片を食らって埃まみれになってた。 「............ねえ、ちょっと? 今、しゃべってなかった? あと、魔法連射? なんで窓から入れたの? これ、ゴーレムなの? モンスターじゃないの?」 「ゴーレムだよ。脱皮もするけど、ゴーレムだ」 ......あぁ、ドア越しから、下ですげー砕けたり悲鳴が上がってたりすんのが聞こえてくるんですけど......。 なんかドア開けるの怖くて出来ないんだけど、どうしよう? 「............ちょっと、廊下が騒がしい............」 「離れろ!」 ドアに近付いた血みどろ魔女を咄嗟にかばって、床に転がる。 もうもうと上がる埃が風に流され、現れたのは......やっぱりというか、無表情のインドラだ。 あ、やべ。そーとーキてるぞ。 頭をかくと、立ち上がった。 ......ちょっとふらついたら、飛んできて支えてくれた。 「おい! 無事か?!」 「つーか、お前に殺されそうだったけど? 俺、ドアの近くにいたんだよ、知ってる?」 「大丈夫だ。お前は頑丈だから、壁が吹っ飛ぶくらいの魔術ではどうにかならない」 「いや、なるからね? やめてね?」 お前なら大岩が当たったら大岩の方が砕けるだろうけど、俺、そこまで丈夫じゃないからね? 目が合った。 その目の色に、不安とおびえがあった。 「............確かに、事を大きくすると、今までに無いほどの緊迫感が味わえる。けど、お前を危ない目に遭わせてまで、味わいたくない」 瞳に涙が膨れ上がった。細かく震え出す。 「......ようやくわかったか、バカ」 「怖かった。お前が急にいなくなって、生きてるのかって不安で、怖かった」 泣きじゃくるインドラをなでながら、思い出した。 ダンジョンを攻略したり、魔物をやっつけたり、仲間と笑い助け合いながら旅をして、いつか俺たちが一番強く、そして俺たちのパーティの名前を世間に轟かせよう、そんなバカな夢と希望をみんなで語っていた。 最初に組んだ幼馴染みの仲間たちは俺を疎い憎み、関係は拗れ、俺は自ら脱退した。 騙されることも利用されることもしょっちゅうだった。 それに疲れて夢を捨て独りで戦い依頼をこなし、そしていつの間にかソロでSランクになって、俺の名だけが有名になっていた。 ならインドラの言う通り、引退してどっかに引き籠もっても構わなかったのに、それでも冒険者を辞めずに放浪していた。 ――それを今、思い出した。 「まだいなくなるワケにはいかねーな。大盗賊が埋蔵したかもしれねー宝物も見つけてねーし、魔王に頼んで城を攻略させてもらってもいねー。冒険者は冒険してナンボなんだろ? なら、お前と冒険しなけりゃな、まだ始まってもいねーからよ。――俺と、冒険しようぜ?」 「うん」 ガシガシ頭をなでてやった。 で、ひと段落ついたところで見回した。 血みどろ魔女の屋敷、半壊。 血みどろ魔女、俺たちをボケーッと見た後、自分の屋敷の有り様にようやく思い至ったらしく、悲鳴を上げて外に出た。 「ちょっと!? みんな、無事!? 無事なの返事して!!」 その声を遠く聞きながらインドラに質問した。 「まだ殺してない。向こうに殺す気が無かったから、こちらも手加減した」 大きく息を吐いた。 「......ちょっと手荒で問答無用だったけど、一応屋敷に招待されたんだ。血みどろ魔女は、そーいったやつでな......。こっちの事情お構いなしでさらってくる。なんで、やつに知られる前にここを離れたかったんだけどよ......」 もう一度息を吐いた。 その場合、確実に血みどろ魔女を敵に回す。 勝つ気はあるが、かつて一緒に戦ったやつと殺し合いたくはない。
I’m making lunch. “Your sure skilled at this. Honestly, aren’t you actually more amazing than any cook?” The man commented. But you see, this uses lots of magic arts, okay? I’m quite aware that no one would be able to cut the ingredients so quickly. I mean it totally looks like fantasy cooking as it’s done in manga. Just when I ignite a fire to stir-fry the veggies, “...Your casually usin’ fire magic like it’s nothin’. Wait, is this really fire magic? Such fire magic actually existed? Also, what’s up with you doin’ all of it without chantin’!?” He’s so damn noisy about everything. As soon as I took out the seasoning, he bent himself forward, “Hey, what’s that? What you usin’ there?” “Seasoning I made myself. This world doesn’t have a term to express it.” “Your sayin’ 『This world』 all the time, but what’s the meaning?” “Not just manners had been driven into me until I was five years old, but also language. My vocabulary is at the level of an adult noble. However, my vocabulary doesn’t possess a term that would describe this seasoning. That’s the meaning. That’s why I can’t tell you how to call it.” “Gotcha. In short, it’s an original.” “Pretty much.” It’s not like I created it out of thin air, but after searching for similar ingredients and trying to create it in a similar way, I guess it might be proper to call it my original creation. Mayonnaise is a cryptic naming in the first place, isn’t it? Once I sprinkled wine into the pan in the middle of frying, he leaned in even closer. “Hey, that! What’s that!?” “Wine.” “?!?! Don’t use wine for somethin’ like cookin’!!” He roared. “Actually it’s something that’s made to be used for cooking, I believe.” “The hell your sayin’, you bundle of irrationality!? It’s a friggin’ waste! Hand it over! Right now! I’ll drink it!!” “Dream on.” “This ain’t anythin’ a brat should have!” He flooded me with another barrage of incomprehensible nonsense. “I’ve just told you that it’s something to be used for cooking, didn’t I? In the first place, this was quite difficult to make. Or did you think it’s easy to make?” “?!!!!!? You...can make wine?” “As long as it’s a homemade version. ...What? Are only folks with the necessary qualifications allowed to make liquor after all? Our cook didn’t mention anything about something like that, though...” “Qualifications or anythin’ like that is unnecessary! It’s just that folk usually hide the manufacturin’ method.” Oh my. While sending his saliva flying, the man snarled, “In other words, your sayin’ you got that knowledge?” “The cook as well, I’d say. The people who helped me out, too. And the same applies for a part of the servants. After researching how to make it with everyone, we finally brought it up to a stage where it’s drinkable. This was yet another reason why I improved my magic arts drastically.” “...” The man’s shoulders slumped down in disappointment. “What’s wrong?” “In other words, you can make it as long as you can freely use high-level magic?” “Yep... I think it’s also possible even without the ability to use magic arts. However, then it’ll cost a lot of money, to put it simply.” “...I see. High-level magic or enough money to compensate for it, huh?” “That’s the idea.” ――Brewery, yeast plant, natto bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, acetobacteraceae. Food culture is all about fermentation. ...I’m kidding, I’m just making up things. Sorry. But! Rotten food has turned into fermented food throughout history! After discovering mushrooms that are good for the body, mankind has started to cultivate only specific mushrooms! Those mushrooms were then improved into safe ingredients! Moreover, food has been developed after going through tons of hardships until it reached a point of being provided in mass without allowing saprophytes to multiply within!! ...*huff huff* *pant pant* I feel like turning this into my meaning in life if it’s so difficult to obtain it in this world, but for a child like me it’s a pipe dream without a sponsor. Besides, I’m not really sure, but maybe it’s due to the power of magic that the production of fermented foods using yeast is going well at present. Among the servants, liquor throws the men into a frenzy while women get frenzy over malt sugar. It’s always leading to arguments whether we should make whiskey or starch syrup with the malt. If you stop the initial fermentation to create fruit wine halfway, it becomes a very sweet, carbonated juice, so the female group has been stopping the fermentation to enjoy the juice. It always makes me think that the people of this world should simply do more research if they like the stuff... While brooding about this, I finished cooking. I served mystery meat (it seems to be monster meat), stir-fried veggies with plenty of seasoning, and lightly roasted bread. “Ah, feel free to smear this here on the bread.” Self-made soy milk butter. Since cows don’t exist in this world, cow milk is no option. Luckily the otherworld me had come up with a soy-milk-based butter when she studied various recipes for a friend with a milk allergy. It’s different from normal butter, but this one is great as well. At first the man tasted the food cautiously, but in no time he started to wolf it down like a starving lion. Watching me smear the butter on the bread, he imitated it, and starting with the next slice, he thickly spread butter on the bread before tossing it into his mouth. “Gimme wine, too,” he then started to say. “The component called alcohol contained in wine is addictive.” Unwillingly I filled a cup and passed it to him. “For your information, even if it doesn’t need that many ingredients, it still requires a huge amount of labor and assiduous efforts, got it?” In response to my mumbled complaint, “Gotcha, I’ll prepare an extraordinary magic tool for you.” “Please enjoy it to the fullest.” I handed him the bottle and all. “Girl, become a cook. Make liquor n’ sell it.” He said with a serious look after finishing his lunch. Even when he was drinking the wine, he caused a huge ruckus, yelling, “Even at the royal palace they don’t serve wine like this!!” “It’s impossible as a young girl. I’ll consider it if I live to become an adult.” “Your a child n’ not a young girl, right? Still, it’d be a waste for you to become an adventurer when you’ve got such a skill.” Sighing, I said, “I cannot trust the people of this world.” The man froze. “That’s why I haven’t added any jobs in the service business where you deal with other people among my job choices. I’ve taught the cook and servants about brewing and making sweets, but it’s not like they know all of it, and even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to make it without me. Given that they won’t be able to reproduce it without me, I’ve been making these things while getting them involved. On the other hand, they’ve been cooperating with me since the research results include things they want to enjoy or because it’s something they’re good at. That’s completely different from trusting someone and telling them the full truth.” Very likely the cook knows how to make the most of it, but without magic, it’s difficult to make these well『in this world』. After all, it’d probably require a huge amount of money to prepare all the necessary facilities and tools. To begin with, I don’t really know how to make the necessary tools anyway. So far I’ve been pretty much solving this issue with magic... Rather, it’s only today that I’ve learned for the first time that I’ve been using magic arts. The cook or the servants could have told me, really. “Let’s make a deal.” He suddenly brought up, “Very likely the liquor made by you can only be made by you alone. So produce liquor and sell it to me. Of course I’ll pay you twice the amount of the most expensive liquor available on the market.” Not like I know the pricing around here, though. “Liquor is a no-go. Just as I told you earlier, I’m handling the main part of the production, but procuring the ingredients, securing a site, controlling everything, and taking records is completely handled by our cook and the servants. No matter how much money you throw at me as someone unrelated to this, I can’t sell it to you as long as the others don’t agree.” “Gotcha, take me to them right now. Unlike an oddball like you, they surely understand common sense.” “Stop! You’ll put me on a spot! ...I got it. I can’t guarantee you the volume, but if it’s just a bit, they might show some flexibility, so I’ll try asking them. Also, let me tell you in advance, but the liquor is alive. In other words, it can’t be brewed instantly. It requires several months or even years, and has a tendency to become better the longer it rests. I won’t say that this applies to all liquors, but it does for the majority.” “Huh?” The man stared at me with his mouth agape. “Liquor is something that takes time to grow. At least one year. The one you drank right now needed almost a year to cultivate safely without failing midway. Moreover, I wanted to let it rest for a year, but the men were so naggy about letting them drink it, so in exchange for giving up on my initial plan, we stocked up plenty recently, and I released this wine after making it a rule that the new stock would be cultivated for at least three years. ...The early brew is wine that hadn’t been fully researched.” The man swallowed, “...Your talking ’bout the one you passed me earlier, right? What about that wine?” “The early brew is quite unripe. Well, since it’s still a success, I’ve been using it for cooking. I mean for cooking it’s fine as long as it got alcohol, even if the fragrance and taste might be inferior.” The man’s face lit up, “I don’t mind the inferior wine, so sell it to me. Just the amount you can sell is cool with me. In exchange, I’m goin’ to teach you common sense, and help you becomin’ an adventurer. Additionally, gimme some of the successful ones after three years too, or let me join its production.” “It’d become a hassle if you entered the mansion, so stay away. I’ll sell you some of the ones I’ll secure for myself, so stay away.” We’ve got a deal, probably, kind of.
料理を作る。 「確かに手際が良いな。つーか、料理人よかすごくねーか?」 とか言われたが、うん、これね、たぶんに魔術が発動してるらしいよ? こんなに素早く切れないよね、ファンタジーな料理マンガみたいだもんね、って自分でも思う。 「......お前、サラッと火魔術を使ってくるよな。つか、今の、本当に火魔術か? そんな火魔術アリなのか? あとなんで無詠唱なんだよ?」 とか、いちいちうるさい。 「お前、ソレ、何だ? 何使ってる?」 「私が作った調味料だ。この世界の言葉では表現方法がない」 「お前、ちょくちょく『この世界』っつーけど、なんて意味だよ?」 までにたたき込まれたのはしつけだけじゃなくて言語もだ。語彙は大人の貴族並みにある。だけど、私が知っている言葉にはこの調味料に該当する単語がない、という意味だ。だからお前に伝えられない」 「わかった、つまり、オリジナルってことか」 「大体合ってる」 無から有を産み出したワケではないが、似た材料を探して似た製法で試した私のコレはオリジナルと言っていいんじゃないだろか。マヨネーズって、そもそも意味わかんないネーミングだよね。 途中で酒を振ったらさらに身を乗り出してきた。 「お前、ソレ、なんだ!?」 「酒だ」 「?!!? 酒を料理なんかに使うな!!」 「むしろ料理に使うものだろう」 「何言ってんだこの非常識人間! もったいないだろうが! 貸せ! よこせ! 俺が飲む!!」 「やなこった」 「ガキが持ってるものじゃねえ!」 「料理に使うものだって言ってるだろうが。これは、結構苦労して作ったんだ。簡単にやれるか」 「?!!!!!!? お前......酒が造れるのか?」 「自家製ならな。......なんだ? やっぱり酒は、資格を持ってるやつじゃないと作れないのか? 料理人はそんなこと言ってなかったが......」 「別に資格なんざねーよ! 作り方が秘匿されてるだけだよ!」 なんと。 「つまり? お前はその知識を持ってると?」 「料理人もな。あ、手伝いの連中も知ってるな。使用人の一部も知ってる。皆で研究してようやく飲用可能レベルまでになったんだ。私もそのために大分、魔術が上達したな」 「............」 男がガックリと肩を落とした。 「なんだ?」 「つまり、お前が高等魔術を駆使して作れば作れるってことか?」 「うーん......。魔術を使わなくても出来るだろう。ただ、一言で言えば金がかかる」 「......なるほどな、高等な魔術か、それを補えるほどの金か、ってことか」 「そんな感じ」 ――酵母、麹菌、納豆菌、乳酸菌、酢酸菌。 でも! 歴史を積み重ねて、腐った食べ物が発酵食品となり! 身体に良い菌を見つけて特定の菌だけを培養するようにしたり! その菌をより安全な物に改良したり! さらに、雑菌を繁殖させず安定供給されるまで、苦労に苦労を重ねて食が発達したと思うの!! ......ぜぇぜぇはぁはぁ。 この世界でこう手に入れにくいとライフワークにしたい気分になるが、子供の私にはスポンサーがいないとどうにもならないもん。それに、なんだかよくわからないけど、もしかしたら魔術の力が働いたのかもしれないせいで、今のところ、酵母を使った発酵物はうまいこといってる。 特に、酒は男連中が目の色を変え、麦芽糖には女連中が目の色を変えた。麦芽でウイスキーを作るか水飴を作るかでいつも争いが起きてる。果実酒を作る最初の発酵を途中で止めると甘みの強い炭酸ジュースになるので、女連中は途中で止めてジュースを楽しんでいるし。 いや、おいしいって思うならもっと研究しなよ、とこの世界の人たちに思うのだが......。 謎肉(魔物の肉だそう)と調味料を駆使した野菜の炒め物、軽く炙ったパンを出した。 「あ、パンにはコレ、つけてもいいよ」 この世界、牛がいないので間違いなく牛乳が手に入らない。そこで別世界で乳製品アレルギーの友人のために勉強したときの成果、豆乳代用のバターモドキを開発した。バターとは違うがこれもうまい。 私がパンにバターを塗って食べているのを見て真似をし、次から遠慮なくモリモリつけて食べるし。 「酒もくれ」 「酒に含まれる〝アルコール〟という成分は、依存症にかかりやすい」 渋々、コップについで渡す。 「言っとくけど、原料はそんなにせずとも大変な労力とたゆまぬ努力がかかってんの、わかってる?」 「わかった、お前のためにとびっきりの魔導具を用意してやる」 「どうぞお納め下さい」 瓶ごと渡した。 「お前、料理人になれ。酒も造って売れ」 酒を飲んだときも「こんな酒、王城でだって出ねーぞ!!」とか大仰に叫ばれたし。 「小娘には無理。大人になるまで生きてたら考える」 「小娘っつーか子供だな。でも、冒険者なんざもったいねーだろ、こんなスキル持っててよ」 「この世界の人間は信用ならない」 「だから、人相手の客商売は職業の選択肢に入れてない。酒造りも、甘味も、料理人や使用人に教えているけれど全部を知っているワケじゃないし、それを理解したとしても私がいなければ作れない。私がいなくなれば再現出来ないので、巻き込んで作っている。連中も、研究成果が『自分の得になるものあるいは欲しているもの』だから協力している。信用して打ち明けているのとは違う」 料理人は恐らく全部を大体理解しているが、魔術なしでは『この世界では』難しい。その設備や器具を用意するためにばく大な金額がかかるだろうからだ。そもそもどういった器具を作るかすらわからないだろう。 つーか、私って魔術使ってたのね。今日初めて知った。料理人も使用人も教えてくれれば良いのに。 「恐らく、お前が造り出す酒は、お前にしか造れない。だから、酒を造って俺に売ってくれ。もちろん、市場に出回ってる酒の一番高額なものの倍は出そう」 その価格をしらんがな。 「酒は無理だ。さっきも言った通り、メインの作業は私がやっているが、材料をそろえ、場所を確保し、管理を行い、記録をつけているのは全て料理人や使用人たちだ。まったく関わっていないお前がいくら金を積もうと、連中が首を縦に振らない限りは売ることは出来ない」 「わかった、今から俺を連れてけ。常識外れのお前より常識を知ってるだろ」 「やめろ! 私が困るだろうが! ......わかった、量は確保出来ないが、少しなら融通してくれるかもしれないから聞いてみる。あとな、あらかじめ言っておくと、酒っていうのは生き物だ。つまり、一瞬で出来上がることはない。かなりの年月が必要で、年月をかけるとうまくなる傾向にある。一概には言えないが、大方そうだ」 「え?」 男がポカンとした。 「手間を掛けて育てるものなんだ。最低でも一年。今現在、途中失敗せずに無事に育ちようやく一年たったものがある。あと一年は寝かせたいが、男連中が飲ませろとうるさいので諦めそれらの代わりとしてこの間大量に仕込み、最はかけて育てることにして放出した。......初期のはまだまだ研究途上のものだったしな」 「......お前、さっき、俺に渡したよな? あの酒は?」 「初期のかなり未熟なヤツだな。まぁ、それでも成功したので料理に使ってる。料理なら香りが弱くて味が劣ってもアルコールが入ってればいいもんな」 男がキリ! とした顔になった。 「駄作でいいから売ってくれ。買える分だけでいい。あと、お前に常識を教えて冒険者になる手助けをしてやる。それで三年後にその成功作品を、俺にも譲ってくれ、あるいはそれの育成にかませろ」 「お前が屋敷に来たらややこしいことになるから、来るな。私分に確保するヤツを売ってやるから、来るな」 交渉が成立した、たぶん、ぽい。
Since I had no other choice, I washed the cyclops with cleaning magic (an electrolytic alkali water jet spray!) and dried it afterwards. Given that its meat was inedible, I stopped the bleeding by scorching the open wounds. After putting a cloth around its head, I tossed it inside my magic bag, but is my bag able to actually hold the torso as well...? “I got it, I got it, you just need to wrap it up in a cloth, right? I’ve just asked the dwarves to get us some cloth so that we’ll be able to tuck the torso into them if folded.” Seemingly Sword had understood my plight, albeit looking super unwilling about it, and thus asked the dwarves to prepare some cloth. Hence, after waiting for a while, the necessary cloth was carried over, so I wrapped up the torso and stuffed the bundle in a Ryoku. At last the dwarves realized that my Ryokus weren’t tamed monsters but golems, resulting in them being surrounded by a horde of little guys staring at my Ryokus with keen curiosity twinkling in their eyes. Close to them stood a pretty elven girl and a dwarven boy, chatting. It seemed to be a pretty serious talk. ...Well, if I’m told that they don’t want to come along, I don’t plan to drag them with me either. Even if I forced them to come with us, they’d just become a nuisance to our servants. Once we brought the cyclops to the guild, it apparently turned out that they had put up a request for its subjugation. Just a little while ago, however. The dwarven boy had spotted the cyclops and defended against it with earth magic (What a surprise! He’s an amazing dwarf who buried the cyclops inside a pitfall after softening the soil into something akin to a swamp!). While stalling for time, he rushed to a mine to report that a cyclops had shown up, but the miners over there didn’t believe him. Instead they boasted that they’d be able to somehow handle the cyclops, assuming one had shown up for real. And just as he managed to persuade them, the cyclops arrived at the mine after escaping the pitfall. And then a human, who understood that they wouldn’t be able to handle the cyclops with their own strength, ran down the mountain and reported to the guild. The dwarves back in the mine intercepted the monster, but they had literally no chance, I heard. “Why didn’t you use your earth magic once more?” I asked the boy. “If I had done it at the mine, the damage afterwards would be huge, and I’d be forced to pay restitutions.” ——What an answer. Life’s tough, so die if you can’t cope! Notwithstanding, the dwarven boy still kept defending with earth magic over and over again, causing the cyclops to howl in irritation, which then led us to him. By the way, when I was asked what kind of superb weapon I had used to lop off the cyclops’s head, I showed them my wooden sword, resulting in everyone becoming lost for words. “...Yeah, sorry, I can cut most things with this thing here, and I can crush most things with my fists. Even if I run into a big rock, it’s the big rock that crumbles. Since I can use magic too, I can protect myself from magma, ice, and snow without requiring any armor. Forgive me for being a weaponsmith crusher. Now then, it looks like the dwarves won’t overestimate their strength anymore and will rely on adventurers henceforth. Yep, I think that’s for the best. “If the strongest adventurers can slay prey without even using swords, let alone masterpieces of weaponry, it’ll be unnecessary for us to put our lives on the line to fight monsters. Providing sturdy armor and deadly weapons to adventurers until they reach that level will be our job,” one of them said. Aye, those are fine words for a crafter! As I nodded while repeatedly grunting my approval, Sword burst into laughter. “So you think so as well?” “Of course. You see, even I used all kinds of weapons and armors in the other world. I have been using the right tools for the right job such as earplugs against monsters which screeched loudly, and fire-resistant armor as well as ice-based weaponry when challenging fire-based monsters. In the end, after I obtained a superb weapon, I would be only using that for everything, but I used all kinds of weapons and armors until I obtained such exquisite items!” During a certain hunting game, that is. But, even in RPGs you wouldn’t be given the highest-class weapons and armors from the get-go. Starting with a wood stick and linen clothes while repeatedly farming slimes was the standard! “Hmm...eh? Hey! Wait a sec! Didn’t you say that there were no monsters in your previous world!?” Sword retorted. “Well, they didn’t exist in the real world, yeah...gyaaa!” An iron claw!! “So, it’s again that dream world of yours, eh?” “It wasn’t a dream world! It was a game! A world of play!” “That’s even worse!!” “Gyaaaa!”
しょうがないので洗浄魔法(アルカリ電解水ジェット噴射!)で洗い、乾かした。 肉は食べられないらしいので、傷口を焼いて止血。頭は布でくるんで、マジックバッグにしまったが、胴体まで持ってくのか......。 「わかったわかった。布に包めばいいんだよな? 今頼んだから、折り曲げれば包めるくらいの布を用意してもらったから」 で、しばらくしたら布が運ばれてきたので、包んでリョークに収納。 ようやく、リョークが使役魔物ではなく、ゴーレムだと気付いたらしい。すっごい興味深げに見つめるドワーフに囲まれてる。 その近くでは、美少女エルフと少年ドワーフが話し込んでいる。深刻そうだな。 ......まぁ、最悪、行きたくないと言われれば連れて行くつもりはない。無理やり連れて行っても、使用人達が迷惑するだけだ。 ギルドにサイクロプスを持って行ったら、依頼は出てたらしい。さっきだけど。 少年ドワーフが発見、土魔術で防衛(なんと! 土を沼の如く軟らかくして落とし穴に生き埋めにしたそうだ! すごいぞドワーフ!)。時間稼ぎして慌てて鉱山に向かい、サイクロプスが出たと報告したが信じてもらえないしたとえ出たとしても自分達でなんとか出来ると豪語され、それでも説得していたところに穴から抜け出したサイクロプスがやってきた。で、自分達ではなんとか出来ないと知る人間が走って下山、ギルドに報告。居残ったドワーフは迎撃したが、全然勝てなかったらしい。 「また土魔術は使わなかったのか?」 「鉱山でやると、その後の被害が大きくて、損害賠償させられるから」 ——なんという答え。 少年ドワーフ、それでもちょこちょこと土魔術で防衛していたところに苛々したサイクロプスが吠え、私達がやってきたそうだ。 ちなみに、私がサイクロプスの首を切り落とした業物は何か、と問われて木刀を見せたら絶句された。 「......うん、すまんな。私は、大抵のものがこれで斬れてしまい、大抵のものは拳で砕けるのだ。大岩が当たっても大岩の方が砕けるし、魔術が使えるのでマグマも氷雪も防具が要らずに防げるのだ」 ごめんね、鍛冶職人殺しで。 流石にもう過信しないらしいドワーフは、今後はちゃんと冒険者に頼るらしい。 「業物どころか剣ですらない得物で斬れるのが最高の冒険者ならば、儂たちが身体を張って戦う必要など無い。そこに至るまでの冒険者達によく斬れよく防げる武器防具を与えてやるのが、儂たちの仕事だ」 うん、職人さんの言葉らしいね! うむうむ頷いてたら、ソードが笑った。 「お前もそう思うのか?」 「当たり前だ。私だってな? 別世界では、いろんな武器防具を使いこなしてたぞ。火属性の魔物には氷属性の武器、耐火防具で挑み、よく鳴くうるさい魔物には耳栓をして、と、使い分けていた。最終的にすごい業物を手に入れたらそ倒になったりするが、そこに至る過程はいろんな武器防具を使っていたのだ!」 でもRPGだって、最初から最高級の武器防具が手に入るワケじゃないし、ヒノキの棒と布の服から始めてスライムをちまちま倒すのがセオリーなんだから! 「ふーん......。って、おい、ちょっと待て。お前のいた世界って、魔物出ないんじゃ無かったのか?」 「リアルの世界では出ないな。......ぎゃー!」 アイアンクロー!! 「お前? ソレって、まーた妄想の世界だろ?」 「妄想じゃない! ゲームだ! 遊びの世界だ!」 「尚悪いわ!」 「ぎゃー!」
Shadow finally poured the wine in the king’s glass, and we toasted. “...Okay, just as I thought, this stuff’s really good. The aroma comes out when it’s not cooled too much, huh?” “It’s cool, isn’t it?” Shadow retorted. “If you cool it down a bit more, it’ll become easier to drink. But, the aroma won’t be able to fully unfold, I s’pose. By the way, booze becomes sour if you don’t store it in a dark, cool place or so I heard.” “Eh?” While I talked with Shadow, Arkhide drained down his wine. While at it, he also wolfed down the snacks which hadn’t been tested for poison yet. “...Hey, wait a minute! I take my eyes off you for a moment, and then this!” Shadow had finally noticed the king’s antics. “It doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I’ve been starving here, okay? This wine...it’s frustrating to admit it, but it’s really superb. ...Shit! Being an adventurer must be so nice! I’ve become a king, and yet I can’t drink such great wine, you know?” “Very well, then we will have Sword offer it to you as a gift.” “Wait a sec. Could you not steal my booze as you please?” “Also, these snacks are great. Where did you get these?” “Hmm? I got Indra to make ’em for me.” Shadow froze audibly. “You mustn’t, my Liege! They are poisoned!” “No, they’re not. By the way, Indra was also the one who brewed the drinks. I just provided the cash.” Shadow stiffened up once more. “Hooh! Indra Springcoat appears to be a fairly talented woman despite being born into nobility.” “That’s why we call ourselves 【Allrounders】. She also made the clothes I’m wearin’ today. ...At this point...I really wonder why Shadow would pick a fight with a girl like her...” If that girl seriously enters her S-mode, it wouldn’t end with things just gettin’ dangerous. You’d get tortured on end, man. You’d turn into a total cripple, you know? “Okay, I am terribly sorry! I did not intend to pick a fight with her, however!” “Either way. please don’t piss her off, ‘kay? That girl grew up in a shit hole of permanent abuse, resultin’ in her bein’ quite crazy. She’s capable of bein’ kind to frightened monsters, but she’ll joyfully torture any human opposin’ her. I mean, even you’d hate to have your skin peeled off with the sole excuse that it’d be curable with a special-grade healin’ potion, right?” Not only Shadow, but even Arkhide became pale. “She’s crazy, seriously. The responsibility lies with her parents. Though I’ve heard her mother’s died already.” “That’s true. ...The marriage over there was apparently the worst. In the first place, the present Earl Springcoat was famous for being an extraordinary womanizer and lustful man. His marriage with the young lady of the ducal house caused a huge discord. But, Earl Springcoat belonged to the neutral faction during my enthronement, and since he’s still loyal to me, I can’t interfere.” I shrugged my shoulders, “At this point, it probably doesn’t matter ‘nyway. It looks like she can lead a much better life with me than at the Springcoat mansion.” Ah, I remembered due to the talk about special-grade healing potions. “I’ll give you these as a substitute for booze, so please leave my drinks alone.” I handed healing potions made by Indra to Shadow. “Those are?” “Indra’s carefully produced, special-grade healin’ potions. She said it can heal any injury, as long as it’s bones or somethin’ regarded as bones. However, if it also has to fix muscles, you apparently won’t be able to move the body part well afterwards. You’ll need to do rehabilitation, but that’s still fine as long as you can recover, right?” The two were lost for words. “......Indra Springcoat can even produce special-grade healing potions, is what you’re saying?” Shadow asked while bein’ at a loss. “Rather, she can do ‘nythin’. Is there actually ‘nythin’ she can’t do? ...Oh, she mentioned she can’t imitate how I 『somehow perceive an enemy without hearin’ or seein’ ’em』. But, since she’s able to see stuff you can’t see with the naked eye, it’s basically the same in the end.” Which reminds me, she mentioned she can’t simply follow orders and she’s unable to go easy on others...yeah, ‘kay, let’s forget ’bout those. Shadow sighed, “.........Is that so? So, you are saying almost nothing would be impossible for you, if you and her team up. Certainly, then it will not be a smart choice to be hostile towards you two,” muttered Shadow, apparently havin’ grasped it himself, at long last.
シャドがようやくグラスに注ぎ、乾杯。 「......うん、やっぱうまいな。あんまり冷えてない方が香りが立つか?」 「冷えてますよね?」 シャドがツッコんできた。 「もうちょい冷やすと、飲みやすくはなるんだけど香りがたたないんだよなぁ。ちなみに、酒って、暗くて冷えてるところに置いておかないと酸っぱくなるらしいよ?」 「えっ」 そんな会話をシャドと繰り返している間、アレクハイドはワインを飲み干してた。 「......ちょっと! 目を離した隙に!」 シャドがようやく気がついた。 「もういいだろ、私も疲れたし、この酒、悔しいが、うまい。......くそう、やっぱり冒険者は羨ましい。私は王になったのに、こんなにうまい酒すら飲めないんだぞ?」 「わかりました、ソードに献上させますから」 「ちょっとやめてよ。俺から酒を奪わないでよ」 「あと、このツマミ、うまい。これはどこで手に入れた?」 「うん? 作ってもらったの、インドラに」 「いけません、王! 毒が入ってます!」 「入ってないから。ちなみに、酒を造ってるのもインドラだから。俺は、金を出しただけー」 シャドがまた、ピキ、と固まった。 「ほー! インドラ・スプリンコートは貴族の出なのに随分と多才な少女のようだな」 「だから【オールラウンダーズ】ってつけた。今日着てる服も作ってもらったものだし。......もう、ホント......そんなやつに、喧嘩売ったシャドをどうしてくれようかと......」 アイツが本気でドSモードになったらヤバいなんてもんじゃない。 「はい、申し訳ございませんでした! 喧嘩を売ったつもりはございませんけどね!」 「とにかく、敵対しないでくれ。アイツは、幼少の頃から虐待まがいに育てられてきて、かなり病んでるんだ。おびえる魔物には優しく出来るくせに、刃向かう人間には喜色を浮かべて拷問するやつだ。お前だって、特級回復薬を飲めば元通りになるから、って、皮膚をはぎ取られるのは嫌だろ?」 シャドだけじゃなくアレクハイドも顔色を失った。 「病んでるんだ。責任は親にある。片親死んでるらしいけど」 「そうだ。......あそこの婚姻は、最悪だったらしいな。そもそも、現スプリンコート伯爵と言えば稀代の女好き女たらしで有名だったそうだ。公爵家令嬢との婚姻も、相当もめたらしい。だがスプリンコート伯爵は、私の即位に中立派だったし、今も忠誠を誓っているから、口出し出来ないのだ」 「今更いいだろ。たぶん、スプリンコート伯爵のところにいるよか、俺の方が良い暮らし出来てるみたいだし」 あ、特級回復薬で思い出した。 「酒の代わりにコレを献上するから、酒は勘弁して」 インドラの作った回復薬を渡した。 「これは?」 「インドラ謹製特級回復薬。骨、もしくは骨に見立てた何かがあれば、どんなケガでも再生するってよ。ただ、筋肉までイッてると、うまく動かないらしい。リハビリが必要になる、けど、再生するならいいだろ?」 が絶句した。 「............インドラ・スプリンコートは、特級回復薬の作成も出来る? と?」 「つーか、なんでも出来るな。アイツが出来ないことってなんだろ? ......あ、俺がやってる、『見えなくて聞こえなくてもなんとなく敵が分かる』とかは無理っつってたな。でも、アイツ、肉眼視以外も見えるから、結局同じなんだけど」 そういえば、手加減と許すことと言いなりになることは出来ないって......うん、そのことは忘れよう。 「............左様でございますか。では、貴方と彼女が組んだらほぼ不可能なことはない、と。確かに、敵対は良い選択肢ではありませんね」
For starters, we had everyone sit in seiza while holding stones as means of reflecting on their wrongdoings. The grandpa...didn’t die. Though he might have taken brain damage. For the time being I forced a healing potion down his throat, and now we were waiting to see whether that did the trick. “Oh, it wasn’t a big deal after all.” He came back to his senses. “...Uuhh...” Sword dropped his shoulders in disappointment. Looking at him, I said, “To be honest, since you suffer mental damage so easily, I’d like you to go over there and wait till I’m done.” He became lively all of a sudden and ground my temples. “I admit, you’ve got a bold attitude of treatin’ humans unrelated to you like monsters. But, for this very reason I’m way too scared to leave things to you!” Why!? Grandpa went for the super stereotypical statement of “You think you’ll get away with doing something like this to me!?”, but as soon as I stabbed some needles between his nails and into his nether region, he immediately quieted down. Me warning, “Don’t worry. These wounds only hurt but won’t leave any lasting injuries. They’ll quickly heal up once I pull the needles out. Though I’ll stab them back in again, you know? Let’s count how many dozen times I need to stab you before I get away with it,” was probably part of the reason why he became docile. After around five times, he reached a point of willingly fessing up his objectives. Two additional stabs later I got stopped by my surroundings, and grandpa had been fully reformed. One hour after hugging stones, the other guys fell prostrate. Though I think it was partly owed to their legs having become numb. “Bah, everything got resolved so easily. And even without having to kill anyone.” When I muttered that, everyone started to bawl. “...Yep, I was wrong. Your strong. At this point, you don’t need to prove it anymore. But, I’ve decided to absolutely keep you away from any requests involvin’ other people.” Sword declared with a smile. The objective of grandpa and his goons were my Ryokus. Just as Sword had said, they apparently wanted to examine them by breaking them apart. When I finished speaking, he was crying sorrowfully. I’m sure he must have been deeply touched by my wise words, yep. You said something great there, me. As I was reassuring myself while repeatedly nodding, Sword’s fist visited my head. “Why!? I said something so wonderful!” “Just whaaaaaaaat was wonderful about any of it!?!?! On top of instigatin’ him, you probably broke his heart! Now even I feel pity for him!” But, he kinda became curious about building things himself, I think? Although we wasted time unnecessarily, let’s finish up the request. We headed for the summit. “Fog has come out, huh?” Suddenly visibility became bad and blurry as the area got covered by thick layers of fog. How nostalgic. Come to think of it, back in the other world, my otherworld self used to climb mountains. This feels kinda like that, doesn’t it? “...Hey, this is... ...Indra! Come to me! Ryokus, you too! This is magic! This magic art belongs...” When I turned around towards Sword’s panicked voice, Sword became hazy at a very quick rate. He extended a hand, but before I could grab it, his hand vanished alongside the fog. “......Eh?” The fog cleared up. But no Sword was to be found anywhere. “......Swooooooooooorrdd!!” I shouted, but no reply came back.
とりあえず、反省の意味を籠めて全員正座&石を抱いてもらった。 「お、やっぱり大したことなかったぞ」 目を覚ました。 「......う......」 「正直、お前はすぐダメージを負うからアッチに行っててほしいのだが」 「確かにお前って無関係の人間は魔物レベルの扱いをする図太い神経の持ち主だな。でも、だからこそ怖くてお前に任せられねーんだよ!」 なんでだ! おじいちゃん、「ワシにこんなことをしてただで済むと思うなよ?!」的テンプレを吐いたのですが、股間と爪の間とに針を刺してあげたら大人しくなった。 「大丈夫、こんな怪我、痛いだけで大したことない、抜いたらすぐ治療してやる、また刺すけどな? 何十回刺したらただで済むか数えてみよう」と諭したせいもあるが。 くらいでスラスラと目的を言うようになり、追で周りが止め、おじいちゃんは改心した。 石を抱いてる連中間後、平伏した。 「簡単に解決してしまったな。人も殺さずに済んでしまった」 ってつぶやいたら、全員泣き出した。 「......うん、俺、間違ってたよ。お前は強い。もう証明して見せなくてもいい。でも、人が関わる依頼はお前に任せっきりは絶対止めとくことにした」 おじいちゃんたちの目的は、リョーク。 って言ったらさめざめと泣かれた。 良いこと言った、私。 ウンウンうなずいてたら、ソードの拳固が飛んできた。 「なんでだ!? 良いこと言った!」 「なーーーにが、良いこと言っただよ! 煽ってる以上に心折ってるだろうがよ! さすがの俺もかわいそうだって思ったぞ!」 でも、自分で作る気になったぽいよ? 余計な時間を食ったけど、依頼を片付けよう。 山頂を目指す。 「霧が出てきたな」 急に視界がガスってぼやけてきた。 懐かしいな、そういえば別世界で山登りしたときもこんな感じになったっけ。 「......おい、こいつは......。......インドラ! こっちに来い! リョークも! これは魔術だ! この魔術は......」 ソードの焦った声に振り向くと、ソードが急激に霞む。 「............え?」 霧が晴れた。 叫べど、返事はなかった。
Next up is port town Keyha! Yaaay! I’m looking forward to it soooo much! “Alright, let’s stock up plenty and plentyyyy!” “Hmm...the last time I went there and ate somethin’, it didn’t taste all that special, though.” He really doesn’t get it. Fish is great even when eaten raw! When we switched to Bronko on the way... “Ooohh! The scent of the sea hangs in the air!” “Hmm? ......... Ah, this is what you call it, huh?” The ocean!!! I’m so hyped! “I want to make a swimsuit. I’ll use the insect fabric for it.” “Swimsuit? You mean clothes you wear ’round water?” “Indeed! Well, it doesn’t really matter for men. As long as you wear a pair of pants that’s not transparent and hides your nether region, the rest doesn’t matter. But, for women it’s different! I have to make a cute swimsuit~” Sword immediately poured cold water on me as I was in high spirits. “Don’t worry. It won’t make any difference if you wear the same as men. You not havin’ ‘nythin’ down there is goin’ to make it easier to sew as well, right?” ...... I CA-N’T HE-AR A THI-NG! Once we entered the town after passing the checkpoint, I exclaimed, “Oohh! Oooooohhh! A seashore fantasy!” It was a town suited for houses made out of earth the most so far. I could also see masts in the background. Probably because sailing ships were anchored at the port. Once I squealed cheerfully, Sword said with a laugh, “You sure got it nice. Everything’s new for you. I’ve come here in the past, so I can’t get so deeply impressed ’bout everythin’.” Seeing Sword so indifferent about it, I pointed a hand at the sun, “Then, become moved from now on! The sea is close and there are no tall grasses, so the sunlight’s reflections on the water are dazzling! The harmful sun rays are glittering!” “And I should be moved by that? Listen up, just make sure to block the harmful sun rays, ‘kay?” Since I’ve been doing that, his skin has become quite beautiful. He’s looking a lot younger these days. “Touring...driving Bronko along the coastline rocks. It feels nice to feel the salty wind on your skin while watching the glittery sea, you know?” “Yep, okay, I’m deeply moved now!” I guess Sword has started to feel all excited too now. First off, the guild. By now it’d become a standard routine for a guild to become noisy once we named ourselves. And the guildmaster immediately showing up was a common occurrence too. Behind us, “That hero?” “Eh? Ah, right, you don’t know him, do you? He’s a hero because...,” someone started to explain. But still, I wasn’t the only one! In the end, there’s people who don’t know about Sword being a hero. Just like me! We were led to the guildmaster’s room and shown the pending requests. “Isn’t there something like a leviathan around? It’d be quite thrilling! A giant squid would be nice too! Squids taste great!” The guildmaster became flabbergasted upon my remark. “Sorry t’tell, but neither of ’em can be found here. ...How about this here? It’s somethin’ similar.” He held out a request form. By the way, the guildmaster of Keyha was sunburned and his appearance totally screamed “Man of the Sea.” “Hmm! I see, I see!” “Mmh? You like it?” Sword asked. “This is tasty too.” “”You plan to eat (t’eat) it!?”” The two men cried out in harmony. I mean, a Darking Octopus is an octopus that shoots out ink, no? “Octopus is all about [Takowasa]! ...Gah, I don’t have any [wasabi], though... Oh well, it’s also delicious when roasted or fried. I’ll make a superb dish out of it, so you should try it as well. Octopus eggs are great too, but I wonder whether we’ll be able to find any.” The guildmaster stared at me with a blank look and his mouth agape. Is the jinx that otherworld inhabitants don’t eat octopus really true? Sword seems to be fine with it, though. “I see. It’s incredibly grotesque, but your sayin’ its tasty, eh? ...You seriously eat ‘nythin’, don’t you?” “I don’t eat bugs, you know?” He told me, but I’m not doting on them!
お次は海の町キーハ! わーい楽しみにしてたー! 「よーし、仕入れまくってやる!」 「ふーん......。前に来て食べたときは、特にうまいとも思わなかったけどな」 わかってないなぁ。魚なんて、生で食べてもおいしいのに! 途中でブロンコに乗り換え、走ってると......。 「おぉ! 磯の香りが!」 「ん? ............。あ、これってそう言うのか」 海に来たー! テンション上がるー! 「水着を作りたいな。虫の生地で作ろう」 「水着? 水辺で着る服? ってことか?」 「そーだ! ま、男は別にな、パンツ一枚だとしても、股間部分が透けたり形が分かったりしなければどうでもいいのだ。女は別だ! かわいいのを作るぞー」 張り切ってる私にソードが水を差した。 「大丈夫、お前なら男と同じものでも違和感ないから。ついてない分、作りやすいだろ」 ............。 きーこーえーなーいっ! 検問所を通り、町へ入ったら。 って感じの、今までで一番土壁の家が似合う町だった。帆船があるのか、遠景にマストが見える。 「お前って、いいよな。いちいちが新鮮で。俺、この町に来たとき、そんな感動無かったぜ」 「なら、今感動しろ! 見ろ! 海が近くて背の高い植物がないから、太陽光が反射して眩しいぞ! 有害光線がギラギラしてる!」 「それで感動するの? いいから、ちゃんと有害光線シャットアウトしてね」 してるから美肌になってきてるんだろうが。随分と若返ってきたぞ。 「ツーリング......ブロンコを走らせるのは、海岸線が一番いいぞ。海面の煌めきを見ながら潮風を浴びたら気持ち良いだろう」 「うん、俺、感動してきた!」 ソードもワクワクを感じるようになってきたか。 名乗るとざわつくのは毎度だな。そしてギルドマスターが出てくるのも定番だな。 後ろの方で 「あの、英雄って?」 「え? あ、そうですね、ご存じありませんよね。英雄と言うのは......」 おぉ、私と一緒だぞい。やっぱ、ソードが英雄だって知らない人だっているじゃんか! ギルドマスターの部屋に案内されて、停滞案件を聞く。 「リヴァイアサンとかいないか? かなりワクワク感があるのだが。大王イカでもいいな! イカはうまいもんな!」 って言ったらギルドマスターに呆れられた。 「残念だが、いねーな。......似たのでこれはどうだ?」 依頼票を出された。 ちなみにキーハのギルドマスターは、日焼けしたいかにも〝海の男〟ぽい感じの人だ。 「ふむ! ふむふむ!」 「ん? 気に入ったのかよ?」 「これもうまい」 「「食べる気かよ?!」」 って声をそろえられたけど。 だって、ダーキングオクトパスって、墨吐く蛸じゃん。 「蛸は、[たこわさ]! ......って、[山葵]がないんだよなぁ......。まぁ、焼いてもうまいし、炒めてもうまい。私が絶品の料理に仕上げてやるから、食べてみよう。蛸の卵もうまいのだが、見つからないかな?」 海の男ギルドマスターが、口を開けて放心して私を見てる。異世界人は蛸食べないジンクスって本当なんだ? ソードはでも、平気そう。 「そうか。すっげーグロテスクだけど、うまいのか。......お前って、ホント、何でも食うよな」 「虫は食べないぞ?」 とか言われたけど、愛でてないけど。
The messenger loosened the clothes around his collar even further, sweating profusely. “...I have fully understood that she is an irrational person with her lack of common sense exceeding all limits.” “What counts most is that you’ve finally got it. That’s why it’s impossible for her to go to the palace. You guys gotta compromise here. It’s somethin’ like keepin’ a dragon or a fiendish monster. Tamin’ her is impossible. You’ll be annihilated for just harborin’ the idea, ‘kay?” “...I shall inform my Liege of this.” After having such a conversation with Sword, the messenger left. Then, while stroking my head after it had suffered from Sword’s iron claw, I asked, “Hey, are you acquainted with that messenger guy?” In response, he remained silent for a while, before answering, “...Somewhat.” Hmm? That’s an awfully evasive answer, isn’t it? “You don’t want to talk about it?” “That’s not it, but...... ...Well, if I tell you to keep somethin’ a secret, you’ll do just that, I s’pose.” A secret? “...The present king took the throne after the dragon attack. It’s because the previous king had been killed by the demon. Back then, the crown prince, who’s now king, fought the dragon together with me, so he came out unscathed in the end.” Hee, quite the courageous guy. Or I guess he’s a king with a strong inclination towards military matters. “...He was an eccentric crown prince who often slipped out of the castle while pretendin’ to be a commoner. And during one such time, I rescued him by chance, leading to us gettin’ acquainted.” “If it had been a princess, it’d have made for a beautiful story.” “Who cares about that! ――Hearin’ ’bout me wantin’ to learn magic, he got me into the academy as a scholarship student. And that’s when I learned ’bout him being the crown prince since everyone called him 【His Highness】 over there. Him preferrin’ to repay his debt by lettin’ me enter the academy over the risk of me findin’ out ’bout his true identity showed that he’s a guy with a strong sense of duty.” I see. So Sword called him a good king because he’s actually got some achievements to back it, huh? “At that time, the guy from before was always stickin’ next to the king. He’s a tricky sadist who worships the king. When you started to blather ’bout destroyin’ the palace, I was on tenterhooks, worryin’ ’bout what he might do.” “Don’t worry. No matter what he might try, it won’t be able to shake either you or me.” “I know. But, don’t overdo it with pickin’ fights, ‘kay?” Bah! Though, as long as it’s Sword’s request, I’ll try to abide as much as possible. “Don’t be too unreasonable. My priority lies with you and the Ryokus. Then the residents of our mansion and Bennyboy’s party as runner-up. I’ll use all my power to rescue you and the Ryokus, but as for the others, I’ll only help them if I get the time to do so. Hence, if you’re tied down, it’s tough for me to make any moves.” Sword hugged me. “.......Gotcha. For me your the highest priority as well. Because of that, I don’t plan to ask you the impossible.” Suddenly he let go of me. “...But you know, you were somewhat scary when you got excited. To the extent that I wanted to scream at you, 『Snap out of it!』. What was that ’bout? What triggered you all of a sudden?” ...... Yep, I’m well aware of it myself, okay? “...I’ll be careful...” But, it’s probably no use. In the end, Sword was summoned to the royal palace. Since I got worried, I deployed all Ryokus to the palace in stealth mode after telling them to contact me and rescue Sword if something happens. Though it’s unthinkable for Sword to not pick up any malicious intents when being in a den of treacherous snakes like a royal castle. Today I’m going to treat him to a feast, and on top of that, I’ll splurge a bit on the alcohol since it can’t be helped. ...Ah! I got a nice idea! Let’s set up a stall! I’ll rent some place where I can open a stall! I rushed out of the mansion. And then, when I consulted with the store owners I often frequented for shopping such as the spice lady or the greengrocer lad, they all told me they’d help out since they liked the idea. The butcher rented out a place for me, and then I prepared the food together with everyone. Over time female adventurers and the bakery miss joined in as well, saying they want to help. “Whoa, you can use spices like that!?” “Oh, you cut off this part! That makes it more delicious if you cook it together, right?” They apparently made several new discoveries for themselves. Since I didn’t have the right containers and skewers, I left the city, chopped down a few trees, and made what I needed on the fly. After having made around a thousand bowls, I stopped, thinking that it’d be enough. Probably. Everyone who had watched me, had become flabbergasted. “...Just as I thought, S-Rank adventurers are in a league of their own,” I was told, but you see, I’m an A-Rank adventurer. It’s a crude stall born out of a spontaneous idea, but oh well, whatever. “Alright, it’s done!!!” Everyone applauded and cheered. Okay, all that’s left now is to wait for Sword to come back from his mission at the palace.
お使いの人が、さらに首元を緩めて汗を拭いた。 「............この上なく非常識な方だと理解出来ました」 「わかってくれて何より。だから、王城無理だから。妥協はソッチでしてくれ。ドラゴンよか凶悪な魔物飼ってるようなモンだから。手懐けようなんざ、無理。考えただけで滅ぼされるからな?」 「......主君にお伝えいたします」 そんな会話をソードとして、お使いの人は去ってった。 「お前、あのお使いの人と知人なのか?」 聞いたら、ちょっと黙った。 んん? 歯切れが悪いな。 「言いたくないのか?」 「そうでもない、けど......。......ま、お前なら内緒にしてくれと言えば内緒にしてくれるか」 秘密の話? 「......現王は、ドラゴン来襲の後即位した。先王が亡くなったんだ。魔族にやられてな。当時、王弟だった王は、俺にドラゴンと戦ってたので、結果無事だった」 へぇ。随分と勇気がある、というか、武寄りの王なんだな。 「......一風変わった王弟で、平民のフリをして抜け出してたんだ。で、たまたま俺が危ないところを助けて知り合った」 「それが王女だったら麗しい話になるのだが」 「いいんだよ! ――王弟だと知ったのは、俺が魔術を習いたがってるのを知って、学院に特待生で入れてくれたことで、そこにいたやつが【王弟殿下】と呼ばれていたことで、知った。俺に知られるリスクより、恩を返すために学院に特待生で入れてくれる方を採った、義理堅い人間だ」 実績があるから、ソードは王は良い人って言ったのか。 「そのとき、いつも王の側についていたのが、さっきのやつだ。王を崇拝してる上、陰険なドSだ。お前が王城を滅ぼすとか言い出したから、やつが何しでかすか気が気じゃなかったぜ」 「安心しろ、やつが何をしでかそうとも私とお前が揺らぐことなど一つもない」 「知ってる。だけど、あんまり争わないでね?」 むぅ。 ソードの頼みなら、なるべく聞くけどー。 「あまり無理を言うな。私の優先順位はお前とリョーク、あと、次点で屋敷の住人とベン君一行だ。お前とリョークは全力で救うが、あとは余力があれば、くらいになる。だから、お前が縛られると、私の身動きが取りづらいのだ」 ソードが私を抱きしめた。 急に身体を離す。 「......でもさー、お前、興奮するとちょっと怖いんだよ。『正気に戻れ!』って言いたくなるくらい。なんなの? なんで急にスイッチ入るの?」 ............。 うん、ちょっと自覚あるよ? 「......気をつける......」 でも、たぶん、無理。 心配なので、リョーク全員を光学迷彩化させて王城に配置、何かあったら連絡して救出しろと伝えた。 王城なんて魔窟に行って、ソードが悪意を拾わないなんてことあり得ないけど。 ......あ! どっか屋台を開ける場所を借りてこよう! そして、スパイス屋のおねーさんとか屋のおにーさんとか、よく買い物に行くお店の人に相談したら、面白そうだから手伝いたい! って言ってきた。 「うわー、スパイスって、こうやって使うんだ!」 「この部分、捨ててたよ! 煮込むとおいしくなるんだね!」 とか、新発見! だったらしい。 容器や串が無かったので、外に出て、木を切り倒して即席で器作成。 千個くらい作ったから、足りるだろう、たぶん。 見ていた皆が唖然としてた。 「......やっぱり、Sランク冒険者って、ひと味違う」 思いつきの雑な屋台だが、ま、いいだろう。 「よーし、出来たぞー!!」 皆、拍手! よし、あとは御疲れ様なソードが戻ってくるのを待とう。
Some adventurers came around to visit Bennyboy. It looked like he was going to depart at long last. Nowadays he had completely settled down in our mansion as one of its residents by shrewdly securing himself a room. On top of that, he was earning some pocket money after having opened up a street stall for our eggs, milk, and processed goods. But the adventurers’ visit reminded me that he was actually a peddler. “Heeey, Lady Indra, let me introduce you! This is the party I belonged to back when I was an adventurer myself, 【Pale Moon of Dawn】.” Somehow I managed to nod at the inconspicuous quadruplet of small people. “Ah, you must be thinking something rude, am I right!? Don’t be deceived by their appearance. They’re excellent B-Rank adventurers.” I widened my eyes in slight surprise. It seems like there’s almost no A-Rank adventurers around these days. Well, Sword and 【Peerless Strength】 used to be two A-Rankers, but both became S-Rank. There was another party, but they were missing ever since the dragon attack. So you could rightfully claim that B-Rank was essentially the highest rank among adventurers. 【Pale Moon of Dawn】 consisted of two men and two women. Both of the women held wands, but also shouldered bows. One man was equipped with a short spear and daggers while the other had a club and bow. “We mostly do escort requests, as a party that focuses on ranged attacks.” A woman said after noticing my stare. “I’m the leader of 【Pale Moon of Dawn】, Shine. It’s an honor to meet you, the partner of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】.” She held out a hand. “I’m Indra, Sword’s partner. Nowadays we go under the name 【Allrounders】. We plan to have Bennyboy sell our liquor in the near future. Please take care of him and the goods as his escort.” When I clasped her hand, she had quite the grip, as might be expected of an archer. Probably. All I can sense is her probably trying to apply pressure. Maybe? “...Hey, what you doin’ there?” Sword turned up. “Hmm? As you can see, we’re exchanging greetings.” Just as I answered, my hand was suddenly released. “Mmh? Is something the matter?” “N-No, nothing at all.” She cracked a smile at me while seeming flustered, so I replied with a smile of my own. “You have quite the grip. I guess that’s only to be expected of an archer. It’s proof of your diligent training, I’d say.” Then again, it makes sense for the training regime to be different when it comes to B-Rankers. The other party members looked back and forth between their leader and me, grinning broadly. “Is it alright for me to greet you as well?” Ah, we’ve got another playboy over here, too. “I’m Tran!” ...... ......... “Could I have my hand back anytime soon now?” He let go of my hand while looking crestfallen. What’s going on? Is it something like a handshake event because I’m such a beautiful girl? I wonder whether I should sing and dance a song. All of them requested a handshake from me. Am I kinda popular? Am I’m in the period where I draw the most romantic interests? When I looked back at Sword, he was watching with narrowed eyes, and yet a fed-up expression. “Am I possibly popular? Did they want to shake my hand because I’m such a beauty?” Bennyboy immediately burst into laughter. Pfft! He went Pfft! on me!! “Maaan, that’s Lady Indra for you! I must lower my head at your calmness of handling everything at your own pace, seriously.” “Then lower it.” I grabbed his head and pushed it downwards. Once I let go, Sword stroked me. “Yep, your a bundle of conceit while bein’ quite strong. It ain’t because your popular, just so you know. Also, your looks aren’t bad, sure. But, no one would ever think of you as a beautiful girl, you know?” What was that!?!? “That’s not true! The maids and servants keep telling me that I am!” “Ahhh, them, huh......? They’re special. They blindly worship you, no matter what you might do. In reality, it’s already weird to consider you as a woman.” How terrible!!! Sword looked at the other adventurers, “So, you with your prided grip? What did you think of my partner’s hand grip? Or rather, your aware that my partner grabbed your hand as carefully and kindly to not crush it like a ripe tomato, are you? All while misunderstandin’ it as her bein’ popular.” “That stung! Nothing would be weird about a beauty like me holding a handshake event! It isn’t odd in any way if everyone crowds towards me while wishing to touch my hand!” I snarled loudly in anger, but Sword didn’t listen. “You had luck that it was someone like her. My partner is a dud. I mean she’s really so silly to misunderstand somethin’ like folk lungin’ at her as being popular. Otherwise you’d be stuck gulpin’ down healin’ potions ’round now.” Dud!? What’s with him calling me a dud!?! I’m no disappointing beauty! “Now, now, calm down. It’s just their usual way o’ greeting people. Please don’t get so pissed at them, okay?” Bennyboy went between the two parties. “A handshake event is a greeting? No, shaking hands is normal, isn’t it? Sure, I won’t deny being a clean-freak, but just because the other party’s hands are dirty, I wouldn’t do something as rude as shaking their hand with a glove on.” “Yeah okay, that comment just now went out of bound in rudeness.” The adventurers all stared at their hands. Meanwhile Sword sighed very deeply. Afterwards, the adventurers apologized to me. They explained that they always compared grip strength in the name of performing a greeting with people who ridiculed them for being small and powerless. “Wait, I didn’t ridicule you in any way, though, did I? I just thought that you were unfortunate to have a thin presence just like your party name suggests.” “Whoa, that’s even worse.” All of them felt dejected. “Aren’t you glad? This girl here doesn’t shy away from callin’ other folks’ party names as pathetic into their face. Yours is still better as an evaluation, isn’t it?” “Sword’s nickname is so bad that my brain refuses to translate it. It’s so painful on the ears that it almost drives tears into my eyes.” “I’ll make you forget by squeezin’ it outta you just like that.” “Don’t worry! I’ve already forgotten!” It was a prickling pain. As I stroked the place he’d grabbed, the adventurers looked at us, dumbfounded. “No doubt, 【Allrounders】 is a nice party name. It fits you two to a tee,” Bennyboy commented. “Eh...this girl, too?” Their leader asked. “Lady Indra is incredible! She can use magic arts and build magic tools! I’ve also seen her train the sword. It was friggin’ awesome!” He said friggin’ awesome just now, didn’t he? That doesn’t really sound strong. “She’s capable of cuttin’ a big rock apart with the sword at her waist.” Sword pointed at my wooden sword. The adventurers were lost for words. “At some point I’ve simply become able to do so. Very likely, the only thing I can’t cut with this is [Konjac].” “”Haah?”” “...Nevermind, just ignore it.” This world has no konjac, so yeah... “Anyway! It’s time to unveil the transport golem Lady Indra built and lent to me!!” Bennyboy is super excited. He totally looks like he wants to brag. Previously we’d have gone to the barn with everyone, but now the golems are stored away in a golem parking lot. “”Eeeeeekk!!””, the two women shrieked. “A-Ain’t t-t-hose m-m-monsters!?” “You’d think so, I guess. But, Lady Indra is a genius. If she makes up her mind to build something, she simply goes ahead and finishes it in a whiff. Though, for some reason she’s obsessed with bugs. But! Despite that, their performance is marvelous!!” Once Bennyboy passed through the infrared sensor, accompanied by a peep, the windscreen slid down with a whoosh. “Eehh? W-What was that just now?” “Awesome, isn’t it? It moves independently, you know? Now, come on and hop in. Hurry, hurry!” Bennyboy beckoned them over. “It totally feels like willfully entering the mouth of a crazy-ass demonic bug just to be eaten...” How awful! But, it looks like they got startled when they took a look at the interior. “Wow!! The inside is as incredible as an ancient city!” “Eh? Ben, can you control all of this?” “Yeah, around half of it, I think. Basically it’s fine as long as you don’t start fiddling around with it. Ah, but Mr. Sword loves to play around by tampering with this and that, so I learned some from that, I guess.” When I directed a powerful glare at Sword, he quietly averted his face. “Wheee! Contrary to its exterior appearance, its insides are the height of comfort, aren’t they!?” “What the hell!? The seats are all fluffy and soft, you know?” “Oh my, this seems like the ideal place for sleeping...” “I’ve been practicing driving this baby every day, so I think I’ve got the basics completely down. Anyway, lemme give you a little ride around here!” He said and then they soon drove off.
ベン君を訪ねて冒険者がやってきた。 ベン君、屋敷にすっかり居着いて自室もちゃっかり確保し、ミルクや卵や加工品を、露店を開いて売って小金を稼いだり、もう住人のようになってたのだが、そういえば、旅商人だったんだなと思い出した。 「オィーッス。インドラ様、紹介します。俺が冒険者だったときのパーティ【明け方の薄月】ッス!」 なんとなくうなずける、印象の薄い小柄組だ。 「あっ、インドラ様、失礼なこと考えてるっしょ! こう見えて、Bランク冒険者なんスからね!」 ちょっと驚いて目を瞠った。 ソードと【剛力無双】さんがそうだったらしいがともSランクになってしまいパーティがいたが先のドラゴン来襲以来、消息不明になってしまったそうだ。 女性はどちらもロッドを持ってるが、さらに弓も背負ってる。 「【明け方の薄月】のリーダーを務めてる、シャインです。【迅雷白牙】のパートナーの方に会えて、光栄です」 って手を差し出された。 「ソードのパートナーの、インドラだ。【オールラウンダーズ】という名をつけた。今後、ベン君に委託して酒を販売してもらう予定だ。護衛、宜しく頼む」 手を握ると、さすが弓使い、結構な握力だった。たぶん。 「......おーい。何やってんだよ?」 「ん? 見ての通り、挨拶を交わしている」 答えた途端にパッと手を離された。 「ん? どうかしたか?」 「い、いえ、どうもしませんよ?」 慌てたようにニッコリ笑うので、ニッコリ返した。 「なかなかの握力だな。弓使いなら当然か。鍛錬している証拠だな」 さすがにBランクともなると、鍛え方が違うのだろう。 パーティメンバーがリーダーと私を見比べると、ニヤリと笑った。 「俺も挨拶良いっすか?」 あ、ここにもチャラ男が。 「メンバーのトランっす!」 ......。 ............。 「そろそろ手を離してくれないか?」 ガクリ、としたように手を離される。 私が美少女だから、握手会? みたいな? 全員に握手を求められた。 モテ期か? ソードを振り返って見たら、目を細めてて、かつ呆れ顔だ。 「私は、ひょっとして、モテてるか? 美少女だから握手を求められたのか?」 途端にベン君が噴いた。 ブハ! って! 「いや~、さすがインドラ様ッス! ホント、そのマイペースな冷静沈着さに頭が下がるッス!」 「なら下げろ」 頭をつかんで下げさせた。 手を離すと、ソードがナデナデしてきた。 「うん、お前って結構自惚れ強いよなー。モテてないからなー。あと、確かに、顔立ちは悪くないが、〝美少女〟だとは誰にも思われてないぞー?」 なんだとぅ!? 「そんなことはないっ! メイド嬢や使用人からいつも言われてるっ!」 「あぁ、アイツらな............。アレは別枠。お前が何しても盲目的に崇拝してるから。お前を女って思ってるってだけでもうおかしい」 「で? 握力自慢のお前等、俺のパートナーと握力比べしてどう思った? つーかよ、俺の相棒、お前等の手を握り潰さないように極力優しーくニギニギしてあげてたんだけどよ? モテてる、って勘違いしながらな」 「言葉がとげとげしいぞ! 私くらいの美少女だとな、〝握手会〟なるものが開催されてもおかしくないのだ! 皆が私と握手したいと群がっても何ら不思議じゃないんだぞ!」 「お前等良かったなー。俺の相棒が残念なやつで。なんか突っかかられても全部「モテてる」って勘違いする痛いやつでよ。じゃねーと、特級回復薬飲む羽目になってたぜ?」 残念てなんだ、残念って! 私は残念美少女じゃない! 「まぁまぁ、コイツらのお決まりの挨拶ッスから、そう怒らないでくださいって」 「握手会が挨拶なのか。いや、握手は普通だぞ? 私は確かに潔癖症だが、相手の手が不潔だからといって、手袋をして握手するほど失礼じゃ無い」 「うん、今の発言が失礼極まりないけどな」 冒険者たち、一斉に自分の手を見つめた。 小柄で非力そうとバカにしてきたやつに毎回〝挨拶〟と称して握力比べを挑んでるのだと。 「いや、バカにしてはいないぞ? パーティ名の如く、存在感の薄い薄倖そうな連中だな、と思っただけだ」 「うーわ、もっとひどいこと思われてた」 全員がガッカリする。 「いいじゃねーか、コイツ、あんまりなパーティ名の連中の目の前で「痛々しい」とか抜かすやつだからな。その程度ならまだ評価されてる方だぜ?」 「ソードの二つ名は、脳が言語理解を拒否したレベルだな。痛々しすぎて涙が出そうになった」 「このまま圧かけて忘れさせてやる」 「大丈夫だ! もう忘れた!」 つかまれたところをなでてたら、呆気にとられてた。 「確かに【オールラウンダーズ】っていいパーティ名ッスね。二人とも名前の通りだし」 とベン君が言ってくれた。 「え......この子も?」 「インドラ様はすごいッス! 魔術も使えて魔導具も作れるッスよ! 剣の鍛錬も見たことあるけどすっごいカッチョイイッス!」 強くなさそう。 「この腰に差してる剣で、大岩切れるやつだからよ」 冒険者さんたち、絶句。 「いつの間にやら斬れるようになってたな。恐らくこれで斬れないものは[こんにゃく]だけだろう」 「......いいんだ、聞き流してくれ」 こんにゃく、この世界にないしね。 「その! インドラ様が作って俺に貸してくれた! 輸送ゴーレムをお披露目するッス!!」 ベン君、テンション高い。 皆で厩舎......だったんだろうね、今はゴーレムが置いてある駐ゴーレム場に行った。 「「ギャーーー!!」」 「ま、ま、魔物じゃねーか!」 「そうなんスよねぇ、インドラ様って天才だしカッチョイイもの作ろうと思えば作れるのに、なーんか虫に拘るんスよねぇ。 ベン君がピッ!と赤外線センサーを押すとウィーン、とフロントガラスが降りた。 「えっ? い、今の何?」 「すごいっしょ? 自動で動くんスよ? ホラ、乗った乗った!」 「滅茶苦茶魔虫の口から食われる感満載なんだけど......」 でも、中を見てびっくりしたらしい。 「うわ! 中、古代都市みたいに凄くない!?」 「え、ベン、お前、コレ、扱えるのか!?」 「うーん、半分くらい? 基本弄らなくていいんで。あ、でも、ソードさんがいろいろ弄って遊んだんで、それは覚えたッスよ?」 ジロン、とソードをにらんだら、サッと顔をそらした。 「うっわー! 見た目に反して乗り心地サイコーじゃん!」 「ナニコレ、椅子がフワフワしてるよ?」 「やだ、寝そう......」 「毎日運転の訓練してたから、もうバッチリッスよー? んじゃ、ちょっくら辺りを走ってくるんで!」
As I made and produced all kinds of stuff like that, the dress was finished and got delivered. And now’s the appointed day! I was put into the bath by several maids and scrubbed with brushes. With several people working on the scrubbing, no crook or cranny was left untouched. Somehow, you see, it feels like they’re doing whatever they want at this point. I mean, even Sword never did anything like that to meee! ...Well, since Sword would get killed if I said that, I kept my mouth shut. After all, the maids attached to me really hate it when Sword gets too close to me. In the first place, Sword is a great hero and seems fairly popular, but our maids don’t even spare him a glance. On the contrary, the impression of Sword being treated coldly despite being their landlord... If you go even further, I get the impression that the whole town of Ys treats Sword in the same way... After quite a bit of time had passed, the maids finally stopped moving their hands, apparently satisfied with the outcome. But, once I stepped out of the bath, they immediately applied balm on me and started to massage me... By the way, I created the balm, so its fragrance was low-key. The ones sold on the market (for nobles) had a stunningly strong aroma, though I didn’t know whether it was a measure to daub the oxidized odor or to prevent oxidation. “You are truly and utterly beautiful. No one other than Your Ladyship has such pretty and unblemished skin!” They stressed. Yeah, I got it. Just do whatever you want. They put clothes on me, added accessories, and applied light make-up. After seemingly being satisfied with their work, the maids all sighed in admiration. “You are so very beautiful!” “I see. Thanks.” It might be a bit blunt when being praised with so much verve, but my self of this world doesn’t really like getting dolled up all that much, you see...? Rather, I like making the stuff used for dolling up much more. On my way to Sword, the head maid got startled, and moreover, started to cry. “...A beautiful appearance just like Milady...Lady Isadolla looked during her youth...” Whoa, that’s no praise, you know? ...Still, we look similar, huh? That’s a plain shock. ...But, whatever. It looks like the people around me were happy. The servants also praised me as soon as they spotted me. When it came to the seniors, many of them cried like the head maid. The only one not satisfied was Sword who was pulling a 『Full parade of crossdressing』 face. Standing in front of him, I offered a hand. “Sorry for having kept you waiting.” Sword shrugged his shoulders and grabbed my hand. “Don’t mind it. It’s not like you were the one who made me wait. Besides, looks like the people ’round us are satisfied. This is yet another duty of a master, right?” I nodded. After I paraded through the mansion while escorted by Sword ― Mr. Amato also said, “Ah! You’re crossdressing as a woman!” !! ― we boarded the automobile. The butler was acting as the perfect driver. And it also suited him. The car was extremely comfortable. Sword seemed to be very pleased with it as well. After getting in, he examined the whole interior and gently brushed many places. Though he grumbled, “...You know, if you can make somethin’ like this, there ain’t no need to make everythin’ in the shape of Char, is there!?” It’s okay like that! That one’s a camping car that can intercept incoming attacks! “...I’ll christ this one Char Non-Violence. It means it’s a Char without any means to attack.” “...I see. Gotcha. I favor Char.” It sounds like he doesn’t prefer a non-violent approach. While having his meal, Sword looked my way and smiled bitterly, “You’ve got it tough as well, don’t you? Even though you don’t like wearin’ such an outfit, you gotta go along with the maids’ wishes.” Appreciation? Or something like that? I was told. “Hmm. Well, you’re not wrong about that, but it made them look sooo happy, you see. Originally they’re servants of the nobility. They might have accumulated frustration as servants of a commoner. As a matter of fact, they were taken off me when the lover’s daughter showed up and got assigned to her. ...It sounds like things became tough for them afterwards. I guess they got weird from then on.” “Whoa, that sounds terrible. Nobility is an absolute no-go for me. I’d be troubled if they went crazy on me after they were assigned to me.” “I think you’d do unexpectedly well, you know? After all’s said and done, you can read other’s intentions. I think you’d be able to handle most passive people with ease.” Sword drank his booze while pulling a super unwilling face. A little later. “Don’t wanna!” He cried out like an unruly child.
そうやっていろいろ作って準備して、ドレスも出来上がって到着し、いざ当日! メイド嬢数人に、風呂に入れられて、ブラシで磨かれてます。 なんだかもう、好きにしてーって気分。こんなこと、ソードにだってされたことないのにぃ! ......って言ったらソードが殺されそうだから言わないけど。――私付きのメイド嬢たちってば、ソードが私に近付きすぎてるのも、とてつもなく気に入らない様子だからね。 そもそもソードは英雄様だしそこそこモテるぽいのだが、ウチのメイド衆、鼻も引っかけないもんなー。それどころか家主様なのに邪険に扱われる感が......。もっと言うならイースの町全体がソードに対してそんな感じが......。 だいぶ時間が経ち、ようやくメイド嬢の気が済んだらしく手が止まった。だが、風呂から上がったら、今度は香油を塗りたくられてマッサージが始まったよ......。 ちなみに香油は私が作ったので香り控えめだ。市販(貴族用)のは酸化を防ぐためか酸化臭を誤魔化すためなのかわからないが、とてつもなく香りが強い。 「本当に、本当にお綺麗です。こんなに綺麗な肌を持つ方は、インドラ様以外におりません!」 力説。 うん、わかったよ。好きにしてくれ。 着付けられて、飾り付けられて、薄化粧されて、ようやく満足したのか、メイド嬢たちが吐息を漏らした。 「とっっっても、お綺麗ですよ!」 「そうか。ありがとう」 溜めて力いっぱい言われたのに素っ気ないかもしれないが、この世界の私、飾り付けられるのそこまで好きじゃないんだよね......。むしろ作る方が好きなんだけど。 ソードのところに向かう途中で、メイド長に驚かれ、しかも泣かれた。 「......奥様の、イサドラ様のお若い頃と、生き写しのようにお美しいお姿で......」 うわ、ソレ、褒め言葉になってないよ? ......だが、まぁいい。周りは満足しているようだ。使用人たちも私を見ていちいち褒めてくれる。古株に至っては、メイド長のように泣く人がたくさん出たよ。 満足してないのは『女装感満載』って顔に書いてあるソードだけだ。 「待たせたな」 ソードが肩をすくめ、その手をとる。 「いいよ。お前が待たせたわけじゃないし、周りは満足してるみたいだし。これも主人の務めなんだろ」 うなずいた。 屋敷中を、ソードにエスコートされ練り歩いた後(アマト氏も「あっ! 女装してる!」っつった)自動車に乗り込んだ。 ソードもそうとう気に入ったらしく、乗ってからもあちこちを見たりなでたりしている。 「......お前さ、コレ作れるなら、何もシャールの形にしなくても良かったじゃねーかよ」 いいんだ! あれは、迎撃出来るキャンピングカーなの! 「......命名、シャール・ノンバイオレンス。攻撃手段をまったく持たないシャールという意味だ」 「......そっか。わかった、俺、シャールをかわいがるよ」 非暴力主義はお好みでないらしいぞ。 「お前も大変だな。お前自身はそんな格好をするのを望んでないのに、メイドたちの希望でやってあげるんだからよ」 労い? なのか? 言われた。 「ふーむ。まぁ、そうなんだが、あぁもうれしそうにされるとなぁ。元々が貴族の使用人だ。平民の使用人はフラストレーションが溜まるのだろう。実際、愛人の娘が来て、彼女たちは私から外され愛人の娘付にされた。......後、大変だったようだ。そこからおかしくなったな、彼女たちは」 「うわー、大変。俺、貴族無理だわ。俺付とかになっておかしくなられても困るしよ」 「お前は意外といけるぞ? なんだかんだ、意思をくみ取るからな。受け身の人間は、大体対応出来るだろう」 ソードがすっごい嫌そうな顔でお酒を飲んだ。後。 と、子供みたいに言い放った。
{Serge} Just as I was sleeping, I got suddenly kicked. “Giv-!” Thinking it was bro, I was about to complain... “Hey, I told you yesterday we’re goin’ before dawn, so how long do you plan to stay asleep?” ...just to spot 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 looking down at me. U-...Umm, where am I...? Oh right! Yesterday I cried out of frustration. 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 and that guy were so mean to me, but I felt scared about going down the mountains by myself. Then I was told that it’d surely cause a huge uproar in town... 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 sighed deeply. “In my eyes, your nothin’ but a spoilt crybaby. It’s nothin’ unusual for folks to try leechin’ off me, but your lookin’ down on Indra, aren’t you? Moreover, your obviously regardin’ her as your rival for some odd reason. But, I got a big problem with you treatin’ my precious partner as equal or below a lil’ shit like you. ...Come, I’ll show you the difference between you n’ her.” He urged me along. “By the way, she’s already gotten up several hours ago. Since I said we’d leave before dawn, she woke up early and finished all breakfast preparations. What did you actually do ever since comin’ here? Indra is ’round your age, you know? And yet Indra had prepared various things ’round the camp yesterday and today, but you haven’t lifted a single finger to help, have you? How ’bout realizin’ that difference between you two for starters? ...In the first place, somethin’ like chowin’ down some food and then goin’ sleep is usually impossible for adventurers! Settin’ up night watches in shifts in light of possible monster attacks is common sense. On top of that, it’s usually the young, inexperienced rookies who take the initiative in handlin’ such tasks! And yet you’ve been sleepin’ in without a care, snorin’ as loudly as a boar grunts.” On the way, he continuously showered me with sermons. 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 was super pissed and scary. ...After walking for a while, I could hear a sound. Just when I wondered what it might be, I spotted that guy swinging a wooden sword at a terrifying speed. “...She’s been doin’ this kind of trainin’ before breakfast ever since she was five. Even after she partnered up with me, she’s been continuin’ it all the time. Did you do any practice swings yesterday? That or muscle trainin’, did you do any of it? She might have a knack for it, but her strength bein’ equal to mine comes mostly from her hard trainin’. I don’t want her to be lumped together with some ordinary bum like you. After all, she’s the partner I approve of.” 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 declared powerfully. When I timidly looked at his face, he wasn’t angry nor did he look at me. He was staring at that guy. I followed his line of sight. ......Somehow he looks incredibly cool. He’s brandishing his sword as if performing a dance. After we watched for a while, he apparently finished his training, and came over. “Your stoppin’ already?” “Let’s have breakfast now that you’re awake.” He said over his shoulder and started to walk off. Despite having moved around so much just moments ago, not a single drop of sweat could be seen on him. His breathing was calm and orderly, too. ...This guy is truly strong. At last I had also understood. 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 walked up next to him with a puzzled expression. “What? Was it wrong of me to have shown him?” “It distracted me, and my training is unique anyway. If you wanted to show him something, your training would be much more of a reference, wouldn’t it?” “No, that wasn’t my intent here.” 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 scratched his head. “Sorry for disturbin’ you.” I was startled. For him to apologize to someone my age... “Don’t mind it. You followed your own way of thinking, right? Just...” At that point, he grinned broadly. “Don’t you think this could become an exhibition? If he were to memorize and imitate it, it’d lower one of our sources of income.” “Wow, your quite the cheapskate, aren’t you?” Then both laughed. ...Watching from behind, I finally realized that these two were partners in the truest sense.
〈サジー〉 寝てるところをいきなり蹴られた。 「でっ!」 兄ちゃんだと思って文句を言おうと思ったら......。 「おい、朝日が出るまでに出発、っつったのに、いつまで寝てるつもりだよ」 【迅雷白牙】が見下ろしてた。 えー......と、ここは......。 そうだ、昨日、悔しくて泣いて、でも【迅雷白牙】もアイツも冷たくてで下山するのも嫌だと思って、そしたら、きっと町は大騒ぎになってるって言われて......。 【迅雷白牙】が、ハァ、とため息をついた。 「俺としては、お前が甘ったれの泣き虫で、俺に寄生してきても、よくある話だ、で済ますんだけどよ。お前、インドラを見下してるだろ? しかも変にライバル視してるようだしよ。俺の大事なパートナーが、お前なんかと同列以下に扱われんの、俺が嫌なんだよ。......来いよ、アイツとお前の差を見せてやる」 促されて、連れてかれた。 「ちなみに、アイツが起きたのはもう何時間も前だ。俺が『朝日が昇るまで』っつったから、その前に起きて、朝飯の準備まで済ませてある。お前、ここに来てから今まで何をした? インドラとお前は同じくらいの歳だぜ? なのに、インドラは昨日も今日もいろいろ野営の準備したけど、お前、手伝いの一つすらしてないよな? まず、その差を思い知れよ。......大体、冒険者が飯食ったらグースカ寝るなんて、普通はあり得ねぇんだよ! 魔物に襲われる可能性を考え、交代で寝ずの番をするのが当たり前、しかも、そういうのはランクの低い若者が率先してやるものなんだよ! なのに、高いびきで誰よりも遅くまで寝てるってんだからな」 道中、ずっと説教を食らってる。 何の音だろう?と思ってたら、アイツが、凄まじい速度で木剣を振るっていた。 「......アイツの時からああやって、朝飯前に鍛錬をしてる。俺と一緒に組んでからもずっとだ。お前、昨日、一度でも素振りしたか? 筋力トレーニングでもいい、何かやったか? アイツは、素質はあったんだろうが、俺と並ぶ強さはほぼ努力の成果だ。そんじょそこらのやつと一緒にされたくない。俺が認めた〝パートナー〟だからな」 その顔を恐る恐る見たら、怒った顔はしてなくて、アイツを見ていた。 踊るように剣を振り回してる。 しばらく見てたら、終わったみたいで、こっちに来た。 「もう止めんのか?」 「起きたなら朝食にしよう」 あれだけ動いてたのに汗一つかいてない。 ......コイツ、本当に強いんだ。 俺もようやくわかった。 【迅雷白牙】がけげんな顔して、前を歩くアイツの側に行った。 「なんだよ? 見せたらダメだったか?」 「気が散るし、私の鍛錬は独特だ。見せるならお前の鍛錬の方が参考になるだろう?」 「いや、そんなつもりじゃなかったんでな」 俺と同い年のやつに、謝るなんて。 「気にするな。お前にはお前の考えがあったんだろう。ただ......」 ここで、アイツがニヤリと笑った。 「これって、見世物になると思わないか? 覚えられて真似されたら、飯の種が一つ減る」 「わー、お前って結構守銭奴だなー」 笑い合ってた。 ......それを後ろから見てて、本当にこって、パーティ組んでるんだ、ってようやくわかった。
I knew it. The people of this world basically don’t care about others. A mother who continued to swing her whip, rebuking and blaming her child for its father not coming back home, let alone not praising that child for making an effort to do as told while desiring her praise. A father who had a child with another woman since he hated his wife, just to nonchalantly come back once his wife croaked to take over the house and continue to insult his wife’s daughter with cruel slander. A younger sister who flaunted the presents she got from her father while fully aware that her elder sister from a different mother was given nothing out of spite. Servants who indifferently watched it all happen as if being unrelated bystanders. The people of this world won’t move a single finger if it’s not for their own benefit. Even the guy from before had taken a young noble lady, who didn’t know how society worked as she hadn’t even once visited the town close to her mansion, to a distant town while she still didn’t understand a thing, and quickly discarded her right there. I’m sure he hasn’t even considered for a single moment whether she’d be able to survive herself. In that case, it’d have been better to remain in the mansion for another two years while gathering information from the nearby town and accumulating experience, before leaving the mansion after having put all preparations in order. ...I really botched this one. After clicking my tongue, I put on my business smile and spoke up to the woman at the reception. “Pretty lady, I’d love you to tell me a few things. Would that be okay?” When I spoke up to her while emanating an aura of innocence, yep, imitating Primrose, the lady at the reception blushed. ...Wait, she’s blushing? Why? ...Well, whatever. I asked her what I should do first after becoming an adventurer. “...In other words, I’m G-Rank, so I should first take on requests available to a G-Rank, huh? The purchase is over there, and they’ll buy up all the materials other than the items specified in the request after an assessment.” I see, I see, it’s the standard template. As G-Rank I can only collect things, pick up trash or clean. I’m good at cleaning since I can do it with magic, but currently I can’t stand the idea of doing work that would bring joy to the people of this world. And I’d be troubled if I felt an urge to kill them after they started to complain about my work being sloppy. “I’ll take the collection requests. They’re permanent and don’t have a time limit, right?” It’d be a pain if they had to be handed in before the day was over. “Correct. But, if you take too much time, the freshness of the medicinal plants you picked up is going to deteriorate which might lead to the request failing.” “Got it. So it’s okay for me to gather a bigger amount!” “Eeehh!” A big smile as service, and a big service for you as well, miss! “...If you like I can contact a reliable party I know of, and introduce you to them?” I got startled when she brought this up. What’s with her voice that totally sounds like that of a local guide’s bribed recommendation to a certain shop... “No, I have absolutely no interest in joining up with anyone! The people of this can’t be trusted after all! I clearly turned her offer down. The lady looked disappointed. “Eh...but...” She glanced sideways. ......I see. “Thanks for your help, miss.” “Huh? W-Wait a moment!” After erasing my smile and coldly giving her my thanks, I left the place. In short, the group she wanted to introduce me to was already awaiting me. But no thanks, I don’t want to go along with such a shady invitation. After leaving the guild, I headed back the way I used before, arriving at the checkpoint. “Ooh? Lad, you’re...” I’m no lad, for heaven’s sake. “I’m not a lad, but Indra. ...Here you go, my adventurer card. I’d like to go outside. I’ll be back tomorrow.” The official looked around while bewildered. “Huh? Outside? And you say you’ll be back tomorrow?” “I’m going to gather medicinal plants.” “No, I mean, you’ll be back today then, right? The gate will be closed at night, so it’ll be difficult to come back here, you know? Wouldn’t it be better to wait until tomorrow morning?” “I’m scared of what the people of this world would do to me if I were to spend the night in town, so no thanks.” The official was taken aback when I answered him melodiously.
この世界の人間は、基本、他者に対しての配慮が全くない。 褒めてほしくて努力し言われたとおりにこなしてもほめ言言わず、鞭を振るい、夫が帰ってこないのを子供のせいにして責め続けた母親。 妻が嫌いだからと他所に子を作り、妻が死んだらノコノコ現れ乗っ取り、先に住んでいた妻の娘に心ない言葉を浴びせ続けた父親。 腹違いの姉がいびられ何も与えられていないのを知っていながら父親からもらったプレゼントを見せびらかす妹。 景色を眺めるようにそれを無関心に見ていた使用人たち。 自分に利がなければ指一本動かさないこの世界の人間。 目の前にいた男も、屋敷近くの町にすら行ったことのない世間知らずの貴族の令嬢が、何も知らないまま遠い町に連れて来られてすぐさまほうり出され、一人でやっていくことが出来るのか? なんて、考えたこともないんだろう。 ならばあ屋敷にいて、まず近場の町で情報を得たり経験を積んだりと準備を整えてから出て行った方がマシだった。 ......失敗したな。 舌打ちした後、営業スマイルを浮かべて受付にいた女性に声をかけた。 「綺麗なお姉さん。少し教えてほしいんだけど、いいかな?」 あどけない感じを出して、そう、プリムローズをお手本に話し掛けたら受付のお姉さんが赤くなった。 ......赤くなった? なんで? ......まぁいいや。 お姉さんに、冒険者とは、から、とりあえずはどうすればいいの? ってのを聞いた。 「......つまり、私のランクはGだから、Gで受けられる依頼をまず受けるのか。買い取りはそこで、依頼の品以外でも査定して買い取ってくれる」 掃除は魔術で簡単にやれるので得意だが、現在この世界の人間に喜ばれるような仕事は絶対に嫌。クレーム言われて殺したくなっても困るし。 「採取受けます。常設だと、期間がないんですよね?」 日付が変わる前までに、だと困る。 「そうよ。でも、あんまり時間がかかっちゃうと、採取した薬草の鮮度が下がっちゃうから依頼失敗になるかもしれないわ」 「わかりました。つみたてがいいんですね!」 「えぇ!」 笑顔大サービスでお姉さんも大サービス! 「......良かったら、私の知っていて安全そうなパーティに連絡を取って、紹介しようか?」 そう言ってきたので驚いた。 なんだ? その現地ガイドの「オススメの店紹介するよ」的袖の下がチラチラ見える声がけは......。 「いえ、私、誰かと組むつもりは〝絶対〟ありません! この世界の人間は信用ならないので!」 「え......でも......」 お姉さんがチラッと横の方を見た。 ............なるほどな。 「お姉さん、ありがとう。もういいや」 「え? ちょ、ちょっと!」 笑顔を消して冷めた声で礼を言ってその場を後にした。 つまりは、そういう紹介するグループがもう待ち受けてたということだろう。そんな怪しい勧誘は受けたくない。 ギルドを出てもと来た道を引き返し、関所に出た。 「おぉ? 坊主は......」 坊主じゃねぇ。 「坊主じゃなくて、インドラって言うんだ。......ハイコレ、冒険者カード。外に出たい。明日には帰ってくる」 役人は戸惑いながらキョトキョトしてる。 「え? 外? で、戻りは明日? って?」 「薬草をつんでくるから」 「いやあの、今日戻るんだよな? 夜は門が閉まるから、それまでに戻ってくるのは難しいだろう? 止めておいた方がいいぞ?」 「町で寝るなんてこの世界の人間に何されるか怖くて出来ないよ」 朗らかに言ったら呆気にとられた。
I asked Damsel Scarlet about Cain’s profile. According to her, he’s a pretty boy with indigo blue hair and eyes, but in reality, both are red. He seems to usually disguise the true colors with magic. ...That’s rather vague information, isn’t it? Pretty boy... I can tell a beautiful girl apart, but pretty boys are out of my league. Of course, I can easily tell that I’m a beautiful girl as well! “Doesn’t he have any other outstanding traits?” “He was raised without being aware that he’s a demonkin. Given that it is a shojo game, the setting is a bit half-baked, but him getting possessed by a spirit should have, if I remember correctly, happened during his childhood when he carelessly broke a seal. But, there was no mention of what kind of seal and where it was located.” Hmm, in that case, it’ll be impossible to investigate the seal’s location, huh? “...In the first place, isn’t that guy harmless anyway? He hasn’t caused any trouble, has he? It might be necessary to catch him if he perpetrated more than I did, but I doubt it’s a problem to leave him to his own devices if he’s just a boy with a slightly bigger amount of magic elements than usual. Although you said he was possessed by a spirit, we might as well let Primrose exorcize him if she’s capable of it. I’m completely thick headed when it comes to spirits. Which is extremely unfortunate! I can detect wraiths, but the same can’t be said about spirits at the moment. If it’s something I can’t handle, it won’t change my inability to cope with it, no matter what I do.” Somehow it’s become a major pain at this point. I want to drop this whole matter, get on Bronko with Sword, and race out of here. In the first place, I’ve got plenty of unfinished business at our base waiting as well. So I want to get back temporarily, wrap up everything, and then head out to search for cherry trees~! “Please do not look so completely unmotivated. If I am not mistaken, I feel like the kingdom might perish if the hidden route is not handled properly.” “I don’t particularly care whether the kingdom vanishes. Let’s move to the demon king’s country, Sword. We’re going back to our base and I’ll mass produce Chars.” “Please wait! I will be troubled. I have finally managed to obtain a small cheat at great pains, allowing me to eat delicious bread and drink wonderful black tea! I have taught my family about the concept of baths and my people have started to take a bath everyday, but if the kingdom perishes, all my efforts will go down the drain!” Damsel Scarlet cut in energetically. “I will also try to recall a bit more, so please continue your investigation. ...Also, about Lady Primrose...” Since she looked like she was going to complain, I waved my hand lightly. “Ah, I won’t accept any complaints. That one is unmanageable even for me. She will either break up with the prince or he’ll retire from his post for her. If the prince insists on turning that girl into his queen, he’ll definitely lose his succession rights.” “.......Is that so?” Hmm? She’s become somewhat gloomy. “What’s up? Did something happen with that perverted crybaby of a prince?” She glared at me furiously. “...I was a big fan of the prince in [RosePri]!” “I see. ...And?” I tilted my head in confusion. “I didn’t want to become the villainess! I’ve put in lots of effort into evading the bad ends, but I won’t give up on the prince either!” Or so she says. “I don’t quite get the romantic matters, so I can’t say much more than “I see.” For me, this world is a place I don’t want to be ever born into again and I hate meddling with the humans of this world so much that I get goosebumps, so there’s no way I could answer in any other way.” Once I told her that, Damsel Scarlet cast her eyes down, “...So that is how it is for you. But since my life has improved as a ducal daughter, I like this world. Even in regards to the prince...I have thoroughly trained myself to become suitable as the prince’s fiancée, so I will not give up on him easily.” She sure is a role model for hard work. “Well, just like you have a type of guy you like, the prince also has a type of girl he prefers, and in his case it’s that girl. I don’t know how far you’ll get with this, but since love becomes stronger the more obstacles it faces, confront them with reality while moderating yourself so as to not meddle too strongly. Tell them about the training for a queen, or the training for a queen, and that they won’t have any choice but to become poor commoners, if she hates all that training.” “...I understood. Thank you very much for having brought that to my attention,” she thanked me in past tense with an expression you could call anything but grateful.
スカーレット嬢にカイン君のスチル情報を聞いた。 美少年で、藍色の髪に藍色の瞳だそうだが、実は赤だそうで。 ......曖昧な情報だなぁ。美少年って......。美少女はわかるんだけど、美少年はわからないのだよ。もちろん、自分が美少女なのもわかってるぞ! 「他に特徴は無いのか?」 「自分が魔族だと知らずに育ちました。乙女ゲームなので設定が緩いんですけど、霊に取りつかれたのは、確か、幼い頃封印された場所をうっかり壊してしまったからだったはずです。でも、どこに何を封印していたのかは、出てきませんでした」 うーむ、となると、その場所を調査することも出来ないか。 「......大体ソイツ、無害なんじゃないか? 何も事を起こしてないだろう? 私以上にやらかしてたなら捕まえる必要もあるだろうが、単にちょっとだけ魔素の濃い男の子、っていうなら放置しても問題が無いだろう。『霊に取りつかれた』といってもプリムローズが除霊出来るなら、もう任せてしまおう。私は非常に! 残念なことに、霊に対して全く鈍感だった。レイスは感知出来るが、霊は現在感知出来ない。出来ないならどうすることもできない」 なんかもう面倒くさくなった。 飽きてきたし、ソードとブロンコぶっ飛ばしてどっかに出かけたいなー。 そもそもさー、拠点でもいろいろほうり出してきたのよ。 「そんな、やる気のなさそうな顔をしないでください。確か裏ルートは、下手をすると王国が滅ぶようなことになった気がします」 「別に私は王国が滅んでもいいんだけどな。魔王国に引っ越ししよう、ソード。拠点に帰って、シャールを量産する」 は困ります。せっかくちょっとチート出来て、おいしい紅茶とパンが食べられるようになったんです! お風呂の概念も教えて、毎日お風呂に入れるようになったのに、滅びたらせっかくの苦労が水の泡です!」 苦情を言われそうだったので、ひらひらと手を振った。 「あぁ、苦情は受け付けない。アレは私でも手に負えない。どっちみち別れるか王子が野に下るかだろう。アレを王妃にすると頑張ったら、間違いなく王子は継承権を外されるな」 「............そうですか」 なんか暗くなった。 「どうした? 色ボケ泣き虫王子がどうかしたか?」 は、[バラプリ]では、王子推しだったんです!」 「そうか。......それで?」 「悪役令嬢になんかなりたくなかったんです! バッドエンド回避に尽力してますが、王子のことも諦めてません!」 らしい。 「私は恋愛のことはわからんので、そうか、としか言えないな。私にとってこの世界はもと生まれてきたくない場所の上、この世界の人間と交わるなど鳥肌が立つほどに嫌なので、どうとも答えようがない」 自身はこの世界が好きです。王子のことも......王子の婚約者に相応しくなれるよう、徹底的に自分を磨きましたから、そう簡単に諦められません」 努力の鑑だな。 「まぁ、スカーレット嬢に好みのタイプがいるように、王子にも好みのタイプがいて、それがアレなのだろう。どこまで突っ走れるかはわからんが、障害がある方が愛は燃え上がるので、下手にちょっかいをかけずにそっとしておきながら現実を突きつけてやれ。王妃教育とか、王妃教育とか、嫌なら二人で平民になって貧乏生活するしか手はないだろう、とか」 全然お礼を言ってない顔でお礼を過去形で言われたし。
Moreover, he became even more troublesome when he was hailed as a hero after overachieving in the attack on the capital – although it was great that he protected the king, of course. But, it was only until then I could have crushed him whenever I felt like it. Then he became even more of a pain after finding a partner and forming a party with her. I had heard the rumors about her, but although I called her over after being asked by the king since Sword and her had achieved the great feat of clearing the capital’s dungeon...the human, who became Sword’s partner, was bad news on all accounts. I installed my pawn in the special class, had her become his classmate and roommate, and ordered my pawn to sound her out while acting as if he couldn’t overlook a troubled commoner. The pawn was an amateur in all respects, but that’s because a professional would have likely been found out by them in no time. Month ○ Day × The student admitted into the special class was a commoner with the name Indra. He’s a very pretty and delicate boy. But, even in my eyes as a child of a poor baron family, his attitude was daring and bold...compared to the commoners I met so far. He surveyed the entire class with a smile that could be perfectly described as fearless. Are active adventurers people who feel so menacing? When our eyes met, I immediately ended up looking downwards. Hearing my explanation, Instructor Sword slapped his forehead. “Ugh, it’ll be great if those guys’re still alive...” I thought I might have misheard his muttering, but later I realized that I didn’t misunderstand at all. “Ryoku! Do you know where I can find Indra!?” “Aye Sir!” “Hiii!” I got startled by a monster suddenly popping out of nowhere, but got pacified by Instructor Sword. According to him, that thing is a golem. Then Instructor Sword roared at a band coiled around his wrist. I was surprised since I could hear Indra’s voice out of that band. But, I guess adventurers, who are hailed as heroes, naturally possess incredible magic tools. Amazing. Since Instructor Sword went over to rescue him, I returned to my room, believing that things would work out one way or another. Just in case, I prepared some emergency medicine, but Indra came back without a single scratch or dirt on him. We had a chat, but somehow we talked past each other. I didn’t understand what he was telling me. But, somehow it looks like I’ve done something unnecessary. Month ○ Day × Viscount Yearner complained about Indra, saying that Indra used violence to torture him. ......Isn’t it the other way around? was what I wondered, but either way, his complaint was rejected. If Viscount Yearner had been tortured as he claimed, wounds should be still left on his body, and yet nothing like that could be seen anywhere. “...That’s so dull. Hey, couldn’t you have put a bit more effort into your complaint? I couldn’t even get my fill of joy out of this, you know? The standard for situations like this would be me getting caught in a dilemma after being falsely accused of a crime by you, wouldn’t it?” I doubted my own hearing. Just what was Indra saying there? Even when being asked by Indra, “I don’t mind you guys coming at me as well, you know?”, they only answered, “We will never defy you, Sir Indra.” Indra watched that happen with a very bored look. I don’t know just what happened between them, but Indra seems to be strong enough to win against those troublemakers. As soon as break started, Indra would stand up and leave the classroom. I followed him several times, but he was merely walking through the hallways. Well, maybe he found out about me tailing him. ......Still, it bothers me quite a bit how he was walking in the middle of the hallways while acting like he was owning the place. After massaging his temples, Shadow tilted his head to the side in confusion. “The part about her merely walking through the hallways bothers me. Very likely she’s looking for the demonkin mentioned in the request, but why is she using that method to do it? Let’s have my pawn find out the reason. ...Still, torturing a noble on the first day of school, huh...? Maybe I should say that it’s just as expected of her...? Moreover, she possesses magic going beyond Sword’s that allows her to heal wounds without a single scar or trace so that the victim’s complaints are regarded as nothing but exaggerations... I guess that makes it even more clear just what a troublemaker she is.” Shadow was relieved that he wasn’t at the academy as a student right now. I asked him about the reason why he was walking through the hallways like that. In response, I got a surprising answer. According to him, he wants nobles to pick fights with him! Though, I doubt anyone would pick a fight with him, if he walked around while looking at everyone with such a threatening, domineering attitude! At least I would never be able to call out to him or anything like that! He told me that he wishes to experience the commonplace story of a frail-looking, pretty boy being bullied by an intolerable noble, but I think Indra is incredible for calling himself a “frail-looking, pretty boy.” Certainly, he is pretty, but why does he believe he’s frail-looking? I think he’s the one being intolerable, and not some noble, but even though I think so, I would never be able to honestly tell him so. After we had that conversation, he drew the attention of Prince Elias and Lord Genius. I told him to behave for mercy’s sake, but my prayers were in vain. Indra told the prince, who’s the strongest in the academy, that he’s aiming to take the seat of strongest. Seeing how veins popped out all over the prince’s temples, I became ghastly pale. It was clear that the prince was pissed. Since Indra gave it the finishing blow by calling the prince’s matches prearranged when Lord Genius told him about the prince being the strongest in the academy, I started to cry for real, expecting that this was doomed to end very badly. ...In the end, the prince challenged Indra to a duel, and Indra accepted it indifferently, saying that Instructor Sword would need to agree first. To make matters worse, Indra told the prince that he was free to use underhanded means when the prince told him to not use any foul means. It made me acutely feel that I really don’t want to be here anymore. Once Shadow finished reading, he massaged his temples. “...Well, why not. Prince Elias opposed the king’s enthronement. He’s a fool prattling about usurper behind the king’s back. It might be just perfect if she and him crush each other. At least it’d be much better than them becoming friends,” he muttered with a sigh. Does she have no weaknesses? A commoner making the nobles scared of her at a nobles’ academy isn’t normal by any means...or rather, she’d be the only person to do something like that. Even Sword had his fair share of troubles at that academy. Since he was backed by Prince Arkhide back then, he simply avoided being harassed publicly. But, for Indra, who has no backer, to make light of even the prince while being even more domineering than nobles.. Shadow sighed once more. Anyway, I’ll wait and see what the next report tells me.
『 ○月×日 廊下を歩く理由を聞いてみました。 「貴族に絡まれたいから」だそうなんです! あんなに威張り散らして周りに鋭い視線を送りながら歩いてたら、誰も絡まないと思います! 「か弱そうな美少年が鼻持ちならない貴族に絡まれるといったありきたりの話を体験したい」って言ってましたが、自分のことを〝か弱そうな美少年〟って表現するインドラ君が凄いと思うし、確かに綺麗だけど〝か弱そう〟ってどうして思ったんだろ? とか思うし、鼻持ちならないのは貴族じゃなくて君の方だと思うけど、とも思うけど、怖くて言えません。 お願いだからインドラ君、大人しくしてて! っていう祈りも虚しく、インドラ君は「学園最強の座を目指してる」と学園強い王子に向かって言ってしまいました。 王子のこめかみがピクピク痙攣してるのを見て血の気が引きました。 ......結局、王子がインドラ君に決闘を申し込み、インドラ君は「ソード教官がいいって言ったら」と気のない返事で受けました。 僕、もうこれ以上ここにいたくない、って痛切に思いました』 シャドは読み終えるとこめかみを揉んだ。 「............まぁ、いいでしょう。エリアス王子は王の即位に反対していましたし、陰で〝簒奪者〟などとほざくうつけ者ですからね。彼女と潰し合ってくれればちょうど良いでしょう。下手に友誼を結ばれるよりはマシですね」 貴族の学園において、貴族の方が恐れを成して目線を避けるような平民など普通はいない......というか彼女だけだろう。 当時のアレクハイド王弟が後ろ盾になったので、表だっての嫌がらせがなかっただけだったのだ。 もう一度ため息をついた。 「......とにかく、次の報告を待ちましょう」 『 ○月×日 ソード教官は〝サイクロプスの腕〟と言っていました。 だから「すごく固い」って言われてて、王子ですら斬れない魔物の腕を、インドラ君なら斬れる、と、そう感じました。 王子が使うと刃こぼれしてしまうほど固い魔物でも、インドラ君なら食事用のナイフでも刃こぼれを起こさず切れる、とソード教官が言いました。 それで王子も納得したようです。 王子は魔術でも学園一ですから、魔術なら勝ち目があると思ったのでしょう。 「............え?」 ソード教官だけは結果がわかっていたようで「ちなみに、今のはどうやったんだ?」と、インドラ君に聞いています。 終わった後に聞いたんですけど、やっぱり理解出来なかったです。 インドラ君はすごく頭が良いみたいです。 エリアス王子は、ソード教官に頼ったと言ってましたが、絶対違うとみんなが思いました。 インドラ君は証拠を見せると言い、言った途端にエリアス王子が魔術で攻撃されました。 インドラ君が魔術でやっているようなのですが......インドラ君、詠唱も何もしてないのです。 学園に棲むといわれているデーモンよりも強いのではないでしょうか。 シャドは眉間を揉んだ。 「............ソードは短縮詠唱、彼女はその上をいく無詠唱ですか。これは............困りましたね。しかも、魔術キャンセルが出来るのですか............。強いのはわかっていましたが............こうも人間離れしているとは............」 別クラスと合同です。 ............そう、僕たちはインドラ君という人をまだ舐めていたのがわかりました。 インドラ君は、僕なんかよりも、優雅に、そしてスマートに、完璧に、スカーレット様をエスコートし、完全無欠にこなしてみせました。 教官も「エクセレント!」と叫びました。 ――凄いです。 インドラ君は本当に平民なんでしょうか? インドラ君は、この間マナーの授業でご一緒したスカーレット様と気が合ったようです。 スカーレット様からお茶に招かれ、側近に困っていたので僕が名乗り出ました。 無邪気な笑顔でお礼を言われると、到底怖い人には思えないのですけど......。 ですが、食材のようでした。 インドラ君の知識の豊富さは、スカーレット様ですら舌を巻くようでした。 「困ったことになりましたね~。スカーレット・ショートガーデと気が合ってしまいましたか。噂では聡いがかなり気の強い少女だと聞いていたのですが......。彼女とソードが繋がっていると判明したら、恐らく公爵が乗り出してくる気がします、というか乗り出してくるでしょうね。公爵が変わってないとしたら、ショートガーデ公爵家が彼女の後ろ盾になってしまいそうです」 顔を上げ、視点の合わない目で遠くを見る。 「......本当に、この依頼は失敗でしたね。こうなったらなんでもいいですから何か得るところがほしいものです。むしろどんどん彼女に有利な展開になってきましたか。全く......弱味ってないんですか?」 スカーレット様とインドラ君はすれ違うと必ず挨拶して笑顔で会話をされていますので、スカーレット様の方もインドラ君のことを嫌っても怖がってもいないようです。 そして、僕が目を醒ますまでの間に何かしているようです。 「女に弱い? って弱点ですか? でも、彼女自身女性ですよね? ............まぁ、マナーとして、女性に紳士に振る舞っているということでしょうか。とりあえず様子を見て下さい、としておきましょう。スカーレット・ショートガーデが彼女の弱味となってくれると良いのですが............。後は、この早朝に何をやっているかを調べて貰いましょう。まぁ、彼女の性格として、それが弱味となるとは思えませんが」
Sword resolutely declined an invitation to what would have become similar to a lavish reception, and we headed over to Bennyboy’s location. Bennyboy had apparently rented out a house for us in the outskirts of the city. When we arrived at our destination, Bennyboy was standing in front of what appeared to be a mansion. “Oh, I’ve been waiting for you!” He waved his hand energetically. “Yo, everything’s alright on your end?” “Thanks to you, somehow, is the feeling I get! Anyway, we were under attack throughout almost all of our journey! Man, it was really tough, but luckily we had Char with us. Thanks to him, it was no problem to repel all attackers!” “I see. It sure sounds like you had lots of fun.” Uuhh, it makes me totally jelly! I also want to try to repel attackers with Char! As I thought that, Bennyboy cast a cold glare at me, and said... “Lady Indra, you might be a genius, but you’ve got way too many screws loose in your head.” ...or something like that... “Oh, yes! The theft prevention for Bronko is awesome! I leaped to my feet in the middle o’ the night.” Yep, bikes are prone to get stolen. My otherworld self had hers stolen as well. That’s why I added a theft prevention function to the Bronkos. If a person, who’s not registered for rental, tries to touch the handle and move the bike, an alarm will ring with a loud roar, and the thief will be stunned by electricity magic through the handle. That’s no offensive magic, okay? It’s prim and proper crime prevention magic! It sounds like Bennyboy managed to catch several thieves with this function. Still, I wonder, why do I never experience such interesting fun events...? Well, partly it might be because the Ryokus have been patrolling and guarding our vicinity, I suppose. Before entering the mansion, cleaning came first. “Holy smokes!” Ben cried out in surprise, but I just cast magic to sterilize, clean, and dry, as well as a spell to blow out all the dust. That was all. Bennyboy was dumbstruck, “...The hell was that just now?” “That’s why I told you to not underestimate Indra’s obsession with cleanliness. She’s someone who’ll start blabbin’ ’bout campin’ out in the wild being much better than stayin’ at an inn. Just now she used her standard cleanin’ magic for when we live in rented houses or inn rooms. The rooms become so shiny that it’d even shock nobles.” Sword explained with a worn-out tone. “I’m perfectly fine with camping out. But, Sword can’t settle down in the wild, it seems. To be honest, I think it’s a waste of money to pay for rooms, but...” I sighed deeply. Bennyboy lined himself up next to me, declaring to Sword, “Only this time I’m on Lady Indra’s side!” Sword looked at Bennyboy full of surprise. “To be frank, I’ve been staying over at inns for appearance’s sake. Those guys have spent their nights in Char, always telling me that they want to save on the inn fees or some other plausible stories. For this reason, they’ve bought magic stones or gone out to hunt monsters for magic stones. I confronted them about it being cheaper to stay in an inn in such a case, but only got to hear that they had become unable to stay at cheap inns once they experienced the comfort of Char.” Makes sense. I mean, since it’s no car, there’s no worry about using up the battery by spending the night in the car, and I have set up the sofas inside with a bed function by pushing down the backrest. There’s something similar to Urethane foam among monster materials. I’ve used that for the seats, so it should be quite nice to sleep on them since it’s a relatively soft material. If they squeeze together, sleeping inside with four should be possible, I think. “Well, you’ve got a point there, but...I gotta keep face as well. An S-Rank adventurer always campin’ out will be seen as bein’ stingy on the inn expenses, right?” So that’s the reason, huh? That’s why he’s going for inns with excessively high prices. After going inside, Bennyboy gave us a report on the auction. “Really, you’ll be totally shocked if you hear this! Rather, I was astonished myself as well!” First the auction items were appraised. It looks like the standard template of any fantasy story, Appraisal, actually exists in this world as well. Seriously, that totally screams fantasy!! I wanna learn it as well!! ...Anyway, as soon as they knew that the item was not fake, thanks to the appraisal, the item received an authentication certificate. They drew up a gorgeous certificate parchment with a few keywords, a stamp, and a sales pitch provided by Bennyboy. At that time, they figured out from my name Indra and my attribute former noble that I used to be the daughter of Earl Springcoat. After also investigating the gossip (actually the truth) I spread back in a distant, distant past, my liquor was introduced as product of a 『The Tragic Genius Daughter of an Earl』. Even that alone was already plenty to bait lots of people, but once I was further introduced as a successful partner of the S-Rank adventurer 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, the auction hall went abuzz. One bottle of wine went for gold, one bottle of whiskey for gold, and one bottle of brandy for gold. A bundle of five liquors, which also included ale and cider, was sold on the last auction day and went for 320 gold per set. All of the bottles were handed over in cooling boxes with handwritten cards from me, titled 『Ryo’s Fantastic Way of Drinking!』 And then one of the buyers started a sampling event (apparently they took money for the participation), and popularity of my liquor went through the roof. Bennyboy immediately became a star merchant, and all kinds of people swooped down on him in droves, requesting to do business with him. ...And yet he’s standing so nonchalantly in front of this house? “The wheat honey was immediately sold out. The liquor inquiries were incredible, but after I explained that it required careful storing, time, and awesome, advanced magic to reach its taste, I got people to give up on it.” Nobles, who had heard of the liquor, tried to get information out of Bennyboy in all kinds of ways, claiming that it should be attempted with their breweries and wineries, but it’s not like Bennyboy knows how to make my liquor. “I boasted: I’ve only heard that storing the liquor is super difficult, and that the means of transportation is very simple and prompt... Oh, and Lady Indra is an amazing magician, and a great sorceress! So the liquor can’t be made by anyone but her!” Saying things that wouldn’t even count as an answer, he brushed them off. “I see. It must have been tough on you. I’m sure you’re exhausted from all this. I guess we should have a celebration party today then.” “Yahooooo!” Business as usual with you, I’d say. In a certain sense, you’re truly a fine, young man. “Is it okay for me to invite those guys over as well?” “Of course. There’s some dishes I’d like you guys to sample, so I look forward to your impressions.” Sword smiled wryly, but didn’t say anything. Yep, I’ve finally gotten Sword to understand that testers are indispensable for human experiments.
ベン君が、街の外れ家を借りてくれたそうだ。 目的地に向かうと、ベン君が、それらしき屋敷の前に立ってた。 「あ! お待ちしておりましたー!」 「よぉ。無事だったか?」 「おかげさまで何とか、ってカンジッスねー! とにかく、襲われまくりでした! いやー、大変でしたけどでも、シャールなら問題なく撃退出来たッスよ!」 「そうか、それは楽しそうだったな」 私もシャールで撃退してみたい! って考えてたら、ベン君から白い目で見られた。 「インドラ様って天才ですけど、頭のネジ外れまくってるんスね」 とか......。 「あ、そうそう、ブロンコの防犯機能、すごいッスねー。俺、夜中に飛び起きました」 そう、バイクとは盗まれるもの。 レンタル登録なしの人間が、ハンドルを触って動かそうとした場合、大爆音でアラームが鳴り、且つ、ハンドルを握った者を電気魔術でスタンさせる仕様だ。 なぜだろう、私にはそんな楽しそうなイベントは無かったんだが......。 まぁ、リョークが見回ってたせいもあるのだろうけど。 中に入る前に、まず掃除。 「うわっ!」 ベン君が驚いてるが、殺菌、洗浄、乾燥及びホコリの吐き出し、の魔術を行い、終了。 「......今の、なんだったんスか?」 「だから、インドラの潔癖性を甘く見るなって。町の宿屋に泊まるくらいなら野宿の方がマシ、って言い放つやつだからな? 今のは、インドラが宿屋の部屋や借りた家に住む際の、お決まりの掃除魔術だ。貴族もびっくりの綺麗な部屋になる」 「私は野宿でいいんだ。でも、ソードは落ち着かないらしいんだ。正直、金の無駄だと思うんだけどな......」 ベン君が私の横に立って、ソードに宣言した。 ソードが驚いてベン君を見る。 「正直、俺は体裁があるからホテル泊まってますけどね? アイツらって、今、宿代浮かすとか尤もらしいこと言って、シャールで寝泊まりしてるんスよ? そのために、魔石買い漁ったり魔石取りに魔物狩りに行ってるんスよ? それなら宿屋に泊まった方が安上がり、ってなモンなんスけど、シャールの快適さを覚えちゃったら、下手な宿屋に泊まれないッスよ」 まーね、車じゃないので車中泊しようがバッテリーが上がる心配は無いし、中のソファは背もたれが倒せて寝れる仕様になっている。 魔物の素材でウレタンぽいのがあり、それを使ってるので、低反発素材だから寝心地もいいはず。 「まぁ、そうなんだけどな......。でも、俺も体裁がなぁ。Sランク冒険者が野宿するって、宿代ケチってるみたいだろ?」 だからやたらお高めのところを狙うのか。 中に入り、ベン君からオークションの報告を受ける。 「いやぁ、もう、聞いてびっくり! つーか、俺もびっくりしたッス!」 まず、出品物は鑑定される。 私も覚えたい! ......の、鑑定魔術で、商品にうそ偽りがないことがわかったら、紹介文を作ってもらう。 そのとき、私の名前〝インドラ〟〝元貴族〟で、スプリンコート伯爵の娘だった、のが調べ上げられたらしい。 葡萄酒一本金枚、ウイスキー一本金枚、ブランデー一本金枚、最終日に売り出したシードル、エールも加えセットは一セット金いったそうだ。 私が手製で作った『リョーク君の、おいしい飲み方!』という紙を添えて、保冷箱に入れて受け渡し。 そして、買った人たちの誰かが試飲会(金を取ったらしいぞ?)を開催し、評判がうなぎ上りになったそうで。 ......の、割に、ノコノコこの家の前で立ってたけどな? 「麦蜜はすぐ完売だったッス。酒の問い合わせは凄くて、でも、この味にするのにすっげー高等魔術と時間と繊細な保管方法が必要だって説明して、諦めてもらえたッス」 聞きつけた貴族が自分の持ってるワイナリーや酒蔵で試そうと、ベン君にあの手この手で聞き出そうとしたけれど、ベン君が知ってるわけもなく、 「保管が超大変で、輸送した方が手っ取り早い、としか聞いてない......あ! インドラ様、すっげー大魔術師で、大魔導師なんスよ! 自分じゃなけりゃ作れない、って豪語してたッス!」 とか、答えになってるようでなってないことを言ってはぐらかしたそうだ。 「そうか、それは大変だったな。疲れただろう、今日はここで慰労会でもしようか」 通常運転だね、君はある意味好青年だよ。 「アイツらにも声かけていいッスか?」 「もちろん。ちょっと、試したい料理もあるので、感想を聞かせてくれ」 ソードは苦笑してるけど何も言わない。 うん、人体実験の被検体は必要だって、ソードもわかってくれたんだね。
We arrived in the sixties. Hmm. A grassy plain as far as the eye can see, huh? “...This is...” “Does it remind you of somethin’?” I do remember having seen something like this before. “Yep, a marshland zone.” The safety-zone-like plain right after we descended the stairs has no swamps, but it’s pretty likely that we’ll run into a swampland if we proceed further through the grassy plain. And, it’d only follow the typical pattern for there to also be poisonous swamps. “Going by theory, this floor is a marshland, and although it won’t apply to the entire floor, we can expect poisonous swamps, too. I have no idea about the poisons of this world, but you should become poisoned if you enter any such poisonous swamp.” “Yeah...I know. Gotcha.” Sword scratched his head. I looked upwards, but although it was a cave, it didn’t seem to have a ceiling. “Taking the easy way out would be flying in Char while almost grazing the ceiling. However, assuming it follows the cliche, we can assume the floor to be inhabited by monsters who catch their prey by extending their tongues. It’d be typical for the ceiling to still be within their attack range. Now then, what should we do...hmm,” I said as I folded my arms. In response Sword clapped his hands together, “Well, let’s take our time thinkin’ it through after settin’ up our camp since it’s ’bout time for that anyway, ‘kay? I’m pooped from before and this place is a safe area, which means drinkin’ some booze won’t be any problem either!” ...... That’s fine with me, but still... ――Sword made me shower with him without losing any of his high spirits, and then he grandly rejoiced when I provided him with some grilled meat-skewers after starting a campfire, stabbing the meat on twigs, and roasting them over the flames. ...Aren’t ordinary adventurers doing stuff like that? Just as I wondered about that, Sword brought the lute over, holding it out to me. “Please play somethin’.” ...... “Certainly, that’s the standard when sitting around a campfire. But, why do you know about such a cliche?” I asked while taking the lute. “Somehow, it just felt right. Probably,” he answered. Oh shit, this guy’s ability to deal with things flexibly cannot be underestimated. ――Since it’d be a problem if he got too excited, I played the standard song for classic guitars, 【Jeux interdits】. Afterwards I sang several common campfire songs while suitably adapting their lyrics to the language of this world, but they were more popular than I had expected. “...You know, you could totally become a songstress. You might even fill the capital’s theater, you see?” Sword told me, seemingly drunk. “A songstress requires a patron. At least according to my knowledge. ...They’re allowed to sing their songs while giving their body to someone as collateral. I’ve got absolutely no intention to do anything like that!” “......Hmm, so that’s how it works for musicians?” Probably. But in the first place, do songstresses actually exist in this world anyway? “...Play a cheerful song at the end,” demanded Sword. “...Okay, but you sing as well since the lyrics are pretty simple.” “Don’t act like a fool. That’s what music is about. It’ll be fine even if you hum or just use lalala or lelele, so match my singing. Come on, swing this. That’s how it’s usually done.” Since I had no spring onion, I plucked some grass and passed the bundle to him. “Alright, let’s start. 【Ievan Polkka】.” I sang while thrumming the lute. Once my singing started to repeat itself since I only knew a part of the song, Sword also joined in. Even the Ryokus had apparently learned it once it started to repeat it. ...Eventually even the monsters memorized it, it seems. A jovial polka song could be heard from all over the place. ――Now then, the morning sun hasn’t risen, but it’s morning anyway. “I guess we’ll fly in Char,” I said after deciding. “It’ll only apply to this floor, but I’ve come up with an effective method. While flying high up, we’ll think of a new countermeasure for the next floor.” “Okay, and what kind of method is it?” “[Singing in a canon]!” Sword didn’t show any reaction to that. “Memorize the song we’re going to sing from now on.” Sword became flabbergasted. “...What’s that, the song you just sang?” Sword became even more flabbergasted when I finished singing. “How should I answer that anyway? Rather than that, did you memorize it?” “...Well, it’s easy enough, but...” “We’ll [sing this in a canon] with everyone on this floor!” “Now listen, did you realize that the words you said just now make absolutely no sense?” “It’s just that I haven’t found any proper words in this world’s language to describe it. Hmm, I suppose you could call it a trailing song? First the Ryokus and I’ll have a go at it. Ryokus, once I say 『Yes』, sing the song I sang one after the other.” “”Ayessir!”” “Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, rib, yes!” “Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, rib.” “Yes!” As the three of us sang, Sword also started as he had apparently understood the principle. As we were now singing with the four of us, the monsters had apparently understood as well, seeing how they started to sing, too. Sword appeared to have understood the situation even without me explaining, and after I matched my eyes with his, both of us got into Char. While singing. Then we flew off while letting the canon blare through Char’s megaphone. We didn’t get attacked at all. Yep, we didn’t get attacked, but the chorus was terrifying. We passed through this floor while accompanied by a thundering canon. “If they had attacked us, I’d have killed them without hesitation, but I couldn’t bring myself to indifferently slaughter comrades who sang together with us yesterday evening. It’s great that we could wrap this up without killing any of them.” Sword smiled wryly, “Monsters who like singin’, huh? Are they sirens or what?” Oh, sirens exist? “I’ve heard it’s best to sing together with sirens while being out of tune to avoid being bewitched by them, you know?” Sword burst into laughter, “Deliberately singin’ out of tune? Sounds like a high-level technique to me!” “About that...you don’t know since the people of this world don’t sing, but there’s lots of people who’re basically tone-deaf, okay? Rather, the number of people unfamiliar with music might be much more predominant.” Sword’s body shook with a start. “......What ’bout me?” “Your music was proper, wasn’t it? No need to worry.” Hearing that, Sword appeared to be relieved from the bottom of his heart.
階層到達。 見渡す限りのススキ野。 「......これは......」 「なんかわかったか?」 見覚えがある。 「沼地ゾーンだ」 安全地帯っぽい階段を下りた直後の平原は沼じゃないが、進んだ先のススキ野は恐らく沼地だろう。 「セオリーだと、ここは沼地で、全体じゃないだろうが、毒の沼地があるはずだ。この世界の毒状態はわからないが、入ったら毒状態になるはず」 「あー......。わかる、わかった」 上を見たが、洞窟なのに天井がない。 「簡単に行くのなら、シャールで天井すれすれを飛ぶ。ただし、やはりお約束として、舌が伸びて捕まえて食う魔物が生息すると思われる。射程範囲は天井すれすれがお約束。さて、どうしようか?」 さっきので疲れたしよ、ここは安全地帯。 ............。 いいけどね? ――ソードのテンションは落ちずにシャワーを浴びさせられたので、キャンプファイヤーぽくたき火をたいたり枝に刺して火で炙った串焼きなんかも出したら大喜びだった。 ......普通の冒険者って、こういうことしないのかにゃ? って考えてたらソードがリュートを持ってきて突き出した。 「なんか演奏してくれ」 ............。 「確かにお決まりだけどな? そのお約束、なんでお前が知ってるんだ?」 「なんか、たぶん、そんな感じがした」 コヤツ、物事の柔軟性と対応力がパない。 ――盛り上がられても困るので、クラシックギターと言えばお決まりの【禁じられた遊び】を演奏し、後はお決まりのキャンプファイヤーソングをいくつか歌った。 「......お前ってさぁ、それこそ歌姫になれたな。王都の劇場を埋められたかもだぜ?」 「歌姫は、パトロンが必要だな。私の知識だとな。......誰かに身体を与えてその見返りで歌を歌わせられる? 冗談じゃない」 「............ふーん。音楽家って、そんなモンなのか」 そもそもさぁ、歌姫っているの? 「......最後に、陽気な曲を歌ってくれ」 「......歌詞は適当でいいから、お前も歌え」 「は、じゃない。音楽とはそういうものだ。鼻歌でもラララでもレレレでもいいから、適当に合わせて歌うものだ。ほら、これを振り回せ。お作法だ」 長葱がなかったので、ススキをむしって手渡した。 一部分しかわからないので繰り返し歌ってたら、ソードも適当に歌いだした。 あちこちから、ポルカの陽気な音楽が聞こえてきた。 ――さぁ、朝日は昇ってないが、朝だ。 「この階のみでだが、有効な手段を思いついたぞ。頭上を飛びつつ、次の階での対策を練るか」 「どんな手だよ?」 「[輪唱]だ!」 ソード、無反応。 「今から歌う歌を覚えろ」 ソードがポカンとした。 「......なんだ? 今の歌」 歌い終わるとますますソードがポカンとした。 「なんだ? と言われてもな。覚えたか?」 「......まぁ、簡単っちゃあ、簡単だけどよ......」 「これを、このフロア全員で[輪唱]する!」 「お前、今、自分の言ってる言葉がワケわかんねーことになってるの、気付いているか?」 「適切な語句が見つからないのだ。うーん〝後追い歌〟かな? まずは私とリョークでひとまずやってみる。リョーク、私が『ハイ』と言ったら私が歌った歌を一人ずつ続いて歌え」 「「あいさー!」」 「ゲーコーゲーコーゲーコーゲー、ハイッ!」 「ゲーコーゲーコーゲーコーゲー」「ハイッ!」 で歌って、解せたらしいソードも歌いだした。 ? で歌ってて、解せたらしい魔物たちも歌いだした。 説明しなくても、状況が分かったらしい、ソードと視線を合わせ、シャールに乗り込んだ。 拡声魔術で輪唱を響かせつつ、シャールで飛ぶ。 襲われないが、合唱がすごい。 「襲われたらためらいなく殺すが、昨夜、一緒にキャンプファイヤーで盛り上がった同士を殺すのも忍びなくてな。殺さずに済んで良かった」 「歌が好きな魔物か。セイレーンかよ」 セイレーン、いるんだ? 「セイレーンの歌声に惑わされないようにするには、音程を外して一緒に歌うと良いそうだぞ?」 「わざと外すのか。むしろ高等テクニックだな!」 「それはな? この世界の人間は歌わないから知らないだけで、音の通りに歌えない人間はたくさんいるんだぞ? むしろ、音楽に耳慣れてないこちらの人間の方が多いかもな」 ソードがギクリ、と身体を揺らした。 「............俺は?」 「合ってたぞ? 良かったな」 ソード、心からホッとしたようだった。
And here comes magic class next~! “It’s time for the duel!” “Seriously, can you give it a rest? Your gonna die, you know? Do you wanna die?” Sword asked the shouting prince dejectedly. “It’ll be okay, Sword! ...Instructor Sword! I can hold back if it’s magic!” With magic, it’s possible for me to make minute adjustments! “In short, your sayin’ you won’t kill him, right? On the verge of death is not an option either, ‘kay? Rather, don’t injure him at all!” “I know, I know. ...Ouch! Yessir!” I was bonked on the head when I gave a half-hearted reply. Sword sighed deeply, “...Whatever, have it your way. I won’t give a damn even if you die.” Instructor Sword has become apathetic! “Now then, we got permission, so let’s get this started. Come at me as you will.” “Hah...how assertive of you. Certainly, you’re superior when it comes to the sword. I’ll admit that. But, magic is my forte!” After acting all cool, he started to chant something. So long. “Sword, err, Instructor Sword, your chant is much shorter, isn’t it? Why is there such a difference between you and him?” “You finally realized that part? I chant abbreviated spells. By the way, the only ones capable of that are people at the level of 【Bloody Witch】.” Hoh, I see, how fascinating. As I thought, Instructor Sword is an amazing guy after all! “Ah, it finally activated.” The prince finished his chant at last, and the spell got invoked. Any enemy can definitely escape this, can’t they? It’s pointless if it’s not at least as fast as Sword’s, you know? What he shot at me was water. I disassembled its chemical elements. Done. “......Eh?” The prince cried out, dumbstruck. With his arms folded, Sword looked in my direction and asked, “How did you do that?” “Water is something that comes into existence by combining elements that are included in the atmosphere. That’s why I dissolved the binding and thus returned it to being part of the atmosphere.” “...Somehow that’s a logic I feel I can understand and then ‘gain not. As always with your theories.” Certainly the canceling of atomic bonds is complicated, I guess? But, that’s because all the Mr. Magic Element are so outstanding! “What’s wrong? Keep going and come at me! If you’re done, it’ll be my turn next!” The prince looked incredibly frustrated when I challenged him to more. “...That’s unfair! You had Instructor Sword assist you, hadn’t you!?”, or some such he said. “There’s no way I’d get Instructor Sword involved in this, is there? It’d just earn me another iron claw or fist, right? I just want to try enjoying myself! ...Anyway, if you really think so, should I attack from my side? Since my and your magic are different, I doubt you understand why your water vanished just now, but maybe you’ll be able to understand if I come at you?” “...Hey, seriously, don’t kill him, ‘kay?” Sword, you don’t need to look at me with a face full of worry. “I know. It’s not like the prince attacked me with the intent to kill, so I won’t kill him either. I possess at least that much kindness.” “Really?” Instructor Sword, that’s terrible! “Okay, then here goes nothing.” The instant I said so, I activated blast magic. It caused loud banging sounds right next to the prince. Since it’d make noise from below and above as well, even if you tried to take cover, it was impossible to avoid. “I think the injuries will be few with that. Well, he might have received a certain amount of burns, but he’ll immediately heal up thanks to my healing magic. Since I’ve been using it simultaneously just now, he probably healed in an instant.” Instructor Sword was speechless. Our surroundings as well. “He hasn’t died, okay? If we leave him like that for the entire magic lesson, he’ll probably understand my true strength. Once that happens, he won’t ever trouble you again, Instructor Sword. After all, he’ll realize his own position!” I’m such a kiiiind woman! I put on airs towards Instructor Sword. “......Yeah, just as I thought, your an extreme sadist.” Just when I thought that he might praise me, Sword responded with this, his voice sounding distant. “Stop it already! If you go any further, I’ll take you on!” The other shiny guy planted himself between the prince and me. “Sure, but do you really believe that you’ll be a match for me if the strongest is such a weakling?” He tried to shield the prince from my eyes by spreading his arms. “Hmm? It sounds like you’re misunderstanding something. I haven’t released any magic from my own palms. I can cause the effect to manifest where he’s lying right now, so it’s pointless for you to block my way. ...By the way, since I can see in ways other than the naked eyes, he’s still in my sight even if you shield him like that. That’s why I can clearly see how the prince started to bawl.” The second shiny guy looked back in a fluster as I took a pose of clenching my hands and not showing my palms. “Just for your information, I tried to stop ’em, ‘kay? He’s payin’ for his own mistake. You should have warned him to not do it as the prince’s attendant. Thus you also bear responsibility for this havin’ happened.” Sword gave it the finishing blow. “...Please. Stop it already!” The super-shiny, second guy prostrated himself on the ground in front of us. While looking down at him, Sword told me, “...Indra, stop. If you don’t, you’ll eat a double fist bonk.” “Yessir!” I stopped. The attendant-like guy rushed over to the prince. “Are you okay, prince!?” “......” He was staring blankly at the ground while heaving with sobs. They left while the attendant guy protected him. Or rather, they skipped class.
はーい、お次は魔術の時間でーす。 「勝負だ!」 「ホンット、止めてくれる? お前、死んじゃうよ? 死にたいの?」 叫ぶ王子にソードがげんなりした。 「大丈夫だ、ソード! ......教官! 魔術なら手加減出来るぞ!」 魔術なら! 細やかな調整が可能だ! 「つまり、殺さないってことだな? ひん死もダメだからね? つーか、 「わかったわかった。......いたい! イエッサー!」 生返事したら 「はぁ......もう、勝手にしろ。死んでも知らねー」 ソード教官が投げやりにっ! 「さて。許可が出たので、やるか。どんどん攻撃しろ」 「ふっ......威勢が良いな。確かに剣は、お前の方が上だ。それは認めてやる。だが、私は魔術の方が得意なのだ!」 かっこつけた後なんか詠唱してる。 長い。 「ソードは、間違えた、ソード教官はもっと短いよな? どうしてその差が出る?」 「ようやくソコに気付いてくれた? 俺は短縮詠唱してるの。ちなみに、出来るのは【血みどろ魔女】くらい」 やっぱりソード教官はすごい人らしいぞ! 「あ、ようやく発動した」 え終わって、魔術が発動した。 これ、絶対、敵に逃げられるよな? ソードくらい早くないと無理だぞ? 打ち出してきたのは水。 「............え?」 ソードが腕を組んだまま、顔をこちらに向けて聞いてきた。 「水とは、空気中に含まれる要素が結合して成るものだ。だから、結合を解いて空気に戻した」 「......なんか、わかるようでわかんねー理屈なんだよな、お前の理論って」 確かに、結合を解くのは難しいかな? 「どうした? どんどんかかってこい! 終わったら、私が今度はいくぞ!」 と、言ったらすっごい悔しそうな顔をした王子。 「......汚いぞ! ソード教官に支援してもらっているだろう?!」 をもらったりアイアンクローをもらってしまうじゃないか。私は、自分が楽しみたい! だけだ。......まぁ、そう思うなら、私からいくか? お前の魔術と私の魔術は違うので、なぜ今水が消えたのか解せないと思うが、私が仕掛けたら理解出来る、かもしれない」 「......オイ、本当に殺すなよ?」 ソード、そんな心配そうな顔をしなくてもいいから。 「わかっている。別に王子も私を殺す気ではいないようだから、私も殺さない。それくらいの優しさは持ち合わせている」 「本当かよ?」 ソード教官がひどいっ! 「では、いくぞ」 かばおうにも、下からも上からも鳴るので避けようもない。 を負うかもしれないが回復魔術ですぐに奇麗になる。今、同時にかけているから、瞬時に治っているだろうな」 「死なないだろう? 魔術の時間いっぱいあのままにしておけば、私の実力が理解出来るだろう。そうしたらもう、ソード教官の手を煩わせることなどない。己の身の丈を思い知るだろうからな!」 私ってやっさしーい! ソード教官に向かって威張ってみせた。 「............うん、やっぱ、お前って、ドSだわ」 褒めてくれるかと思いきや、ソード教官が遠い声で返してきたよ。 「もう止めろ! これ以上やるなら、俺が相手だ!」 「いいけど、最強があの様なのにお前、私にかなうと思うのか?」 手を広げて視界を妨げるようにする。 「うん? 勘違いしているようだが、私は自分の手の平から魔術を打ち出してないぞ。あの場所から発生させてるんで、ここで立ち塞がっても無意味だ。......ちなみに、私は肉眼視以外も見えるので、お前が立ち塞がろうとも 手をにぎにぎして手の平から出してないポーズをしたら、慌てて振り返るキラキラし目。 「言っとくけど、俺は止めたぞ? 自業自得だ。側近のお前が王子をいさめるべきだったのに、それを怠ったお前の責任でもあるな」 ソードが止めを刺した。 「......頼む! もう止めてくれ!」 キラキラしい二人目が土下座した。 「......インドラ、もう止めてやれ。じゃないとダブルでげん骨食らわす」 「イエッサー!」 止めた。 側近らしいキラキラしい二人目が走って駆け寄った。 「大丈夫ですか、王子?!」 「............」 彼をかばいつつ、退場。 というか、授業エスケープ。 ソード教官が、パンパンと手をたたいた。
As might be expected, even I stood frozen in surprise. After rebooting a little while later, I asked Sword, “No harm has been done...at least not as long as we aren’t told to reimburse them, but what should we do about this?” Sword scratched his head, “For starters, we’ll report it to the officials, I s’pose. How we goin’ to deal with it changes accordin’ to who’s done this.” When we heard a voice in the distance and looked in its direction, an official was rushing this way even without us calling for one. “Did you come back just now?” Hmm, it looks like he’s actually been looking for us. While pointing at the ruin of our rented house with a thumb, Sword asked, “Who’s done this?” “......That’s......” “Someone with a higher rank than yours?” In response to Sword’s question, the official answered in panic, “No, that’s not it. .......It was Sir Brave.” Hoh. Meaning, the brave, who was said to not have appeared yet, has actually shown up and destroyed the building. “Hmm? Why did the brave destroy this building in particular? Did the demon king show up over here?” If not, there would be no reason for the brave to destroy the building, right? “...I heard he came along after catching the rumors of 【Thunderclap Whitefang】... ...And then when you didn’t answer his calls, he apparently tried to get you out by force.” Moron. Of course someone who isn’t home can’t come out, duh. “Though he heard that you were visiting the castle, and so he apparently headed over to the palace thereafter. ...Given that Sir Brave is the perpetrator, I think the entire matter will be dropped, however.” Is that so? The brave is getting quite the preferential treatment, isn’t he? And, he seems to follow the doctrine of anything goes. “We’re fine, but is the owner of the building going to agree with that?” “I doubt they’ll have any say in this. Their only option will be to regard it as a natural disaster having struck. Good grief...such issues each time a brave shows up. Just what is the palace thinking when they choose their braves?” Oh, the official is bitching. “Now, now, don’t be so pissed off. Here, have some leftover fish and wine. Feel free to drink it with your friends once you’re done with work.” “Thank you so much!!” His mood immediately and drastically improved. Somehow, the people of this world really love their liquor, huh? And yet they’re selling such junk themselves. “Well, we’re going to stay the night in Char then. Fortunately I’ve stored all our luggage in there so that we’d be able to leave this place at a beck’s call. After all, we’d planned to immediately depart on a journey after eradicating the royal palace in the worst case.” “Well, the timin’ fits. I also planned to tell you, 『The brave has apparently shown up, so let’s get outta here as soon as possible』.” Since the cheerful official told us that he’d show us to an open plot of land next to their lodging house, we went with him. On the way, I chatted with him a bit. The official, his name is Yassi, has been serving as government official in the capital for a long time. He’s still unmarried, but he does have a lover. “I’ve got pride in my work as an official, but she’s the only daughter of a small store.” Apparently he can’t agree with her parents who wish that they’d inherit the business and manage it together. “Oh, what a nice story!” “Huh? Isn’t it rather a pitiful story?” Aww, Sword, please don’t get on with the story on the premise that they’re going to break up. “No one says they have to run the store as a married couple, right? If she doesn’t hate the idea of succeeding the business, she just needs to work at the store. And Mr. Official can continue working as an official. Their income will increase with Mr. Official working elsewhere, won’t it? If she’s short of hands, they can hire someone with the additional income from his wages. Even if she can’t work after becoming pregnant, everyone in the family just needs to chip in. If it’s for the sake of a child, even Mr. Official would do his best at his current job and her family would help out as well. It might become tough for a while, but it’s a hardship everyone is going to bear happily. Their bonds will become stronger too, if they overcome it together, don’t you think?” Mr. Official and Sword looked at me with totally startled faces. “What’s wrong? It’s something that happens often, isn’t it? Even our servants, for example the maids, marry and take a temporary leave if they become pregnant, but all of them come back again afterwards, no?” Even small children work in this world. It’s not like they go to school, and its a custom for parents to fuss over their children as little as possible. Especially, if the business starts to go downhill, everyone will run dry on income. Then it’d be definitely better for Mr. Official to earn a wage somewhere else. “...You’re absolutely right! I’ll try to ask for her hand while telling her all that!” He rebooted. Still, how old is Mr. Official anyway? He looks older than Sword before his skin treatment, so I thought he’s at an age where he’d already have older children. Arriving at the lodging house, I got his permission to park Char on the vacant plot. Mr. Official told us to come inside as he’d treat us to some refreshments as a thanks, but since we were tired at this point, we turned his offer down. “It’s already bedtime for good children.” “You and your colleagues are goin’ to feel nervous, if I’m present, right? By the way, you gotta work tomorrow, so don’t party too hard, ‘kay?” Both of us said, and waved our hands at him.
「被害はない......これを弁償しろと言われない限りはないが、どうする?」 「とりあえず、役人に報告だな。誰がやったかによって、対応が変わる」 遠くから声が聞こえてそちらを見ると、呼ぶまでもなく役人が走ってきた。 「戻られましたか」 というか、捜していたらしい。 ソードが破壊された家を親指でさして聞いた。 「............それが............」 「お前より、上の連中か?」 「いえ、そうではなく。............勇者殿です」 ほう。まだ現れないと言ってた勇者が現れて、建物を壊した、と。 「ん? なんで勇者が建物を壊す? ここに魔王でも現れたのか?」 じゃないと建物壊す理由にならないよね? 「......どうやら、【迅雷白牙】様の噂を聞きつけて、やってきたようで......。......呼んでも応じなかったので、実力行使に出たようです」 そりゃ、いないなら出られないよね。 「王城に参上した、と聞いて、今度は王城に向かったようですが。......犯人が犯人なので、不問になるかと」 そうなのか。すごい優遇されてるな、勇者って。そして何でもアリだな、勇者って。 「俺たちはいいけど、この建物の所有者は納得するのか?」 「するしかないでしょう。天災が起きた、と思うしかありませんよ、まったく......。毎回、勇者が現れるとこんな騒ぎで、王城は、何を考えて勇者を選抜してるんだか」 あ、役人が愚痴った。 「まぁまぁ。売れ残りのエールと肴をやるから、そう愚痴るな。仕事が終わったら、仲間と飲むがいい」 「ありがとうございます!!」 なんだろ、この世界の人間って、お酒好きだよね。売ってるの、あんなすごいのなのに。 「じゃあ、私たちはシャールに泊まろう。折良く、いつでも出て行けるよう、荷物は全部シャールに積んでしまったんだ。最悪、王城を殲滅してすぐ旅立つ予定だったからな」 「そりゃ、タイミングがいい。俺も『勇者が現れたらしいからとっとと出ようぜ』って言うつもりだったんだ」 上機嫌の役人から、自分たちの宿舎の近くの空き地にどうぞ、と言われたのに向かう。向かいながら話を聞いた。 ヤッシという名の役人さんは、王都の役人になって長いそうだ。まだ独身だけど、恋人はいるらしい。 「役人という仕事に誇りを持ってるんです、けど、彼女は商店の一人娘でして」 商店を継いで切り盛りしてほしい、と願う両親との折り合いがつかないらしい。 「うむ、いい話だ!」 「え? むしろかわいそうな話じゃない?」 ちょっとソードったら、別れる前提で話を進めないでくださいよ。 「別に夫婦で切り盛りしなくてもいいだろう。その女性は継ぐのは嫌ではないなら、店で働けばいい。役人さんは、役人を続ける。収入は、役人さんが外で働く分、増えるだろう? 手が回らないなら、その増えた分で人を雇えば良いのだ。彼女が妊娠して働けなくなっても、そのときは皆で頑張ればいい。役人さんも産まれてくる子のためなら、役人も頑張り、彼女の実家も手伝い、一時的に大変だろうが、幸せな大変さだ。乗り越えたなら、絆は強くなるだろう」 役人さんもソードも、びっくりした! みたいな顔をしている。 「なんだ? よくあることだろう? 使用人たちだって、例えばメイド嬢が結婚し、妊娠しても一時的に休みを取るが、その後また復帰するぞ?」 この世界って、小さい子でも働くじゃん。学校行くわけでもないし、子供に手をかけない風習だ。 「......そうですね! 俺、そう言って求婚してみます!」 復活した。 それにしても、役人さんはいくつなのかな? 美容製品使う前のソードよりも老けて見えるけど、もう子供が大きいって年齢かと思ったけど。 お礼に宿舎に差し入れ。中にどうぞ、とは言われたけど、さすがに疲れたので辞退した。 「子供はもう寝る時間だ」 「俺がいると緊張するだろ。 明日もあるんだから、宴会にするなよ」 二人でそう言って手を振った。
“Which reminds me, was flyin’ on brooms or some such a normal occurrence in the other world?” Sword asked Mr. Amato at our parting. Mr. Rob blinked his eyes in surprise. Mr. Amato lightly answered, “Ah, flying brooms? You mean the ones in fairy-tales? Or the courier service ones?” “Both,” I butted in. “They were a common thing, right?” “...Wow, that other world is really incredible. It’s got golems like the Ryokus, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t kill, and people fly ’round on brooms, eh?” Ah, Sword’s image of the other world is completely twisted. “No, not really? Golems like the Ryokus are just owned by Public Security...I guess you can describe them as knight order...in other words, very few people. Even people flying on brooms isn’t something you’ll see normally. It’s more like a legendary means of transport. Also, the part about anything goes as long as it doesn’t kill is the same here and over there, but in the case of the other world, you’d get caught by state officials. Public order in the other world is much, much better, and no monsters wander the lands over there. That’s why Mr. Amato is unable to kill. He lived in a world where it was unnecessary to kill. I gave the toys to him for the sake of self-defense. By the way, anything goes as long as it doesn’t kill is my own rule for the sake of surviving in this world, regardless of my otherworldly knowledge.” “”......”” “Lady Indra, in the first place, Ta-...oops, I gotta watch out...the Ryokus and flying brooms come from fantasy stories like anime. They don’t exist in reality, even in the other world.” “......” As soon as Sword’s eyes became narrow, his iron claw lunged at me!! “Gyaaa!” “Now I’ve got it. Amato, you teach me the common sense of the other world. I was taught everything I know ’bout it by this girly here, but your explanation just now told me that it might actually all be bogus. I’m gonna write a few lines down so that your travel goes smoothly. Anyway, arrive safely, and then tell the folks at the mansion what’s common sense in the other world of all the stuff installed over there.” Mr. Amato became flabbergasted. By the way, Mr. Rob had been staring at us vacantly for a while now. It looked like he couldn’t keep up with the conversation. Since Sword finally let go of my head, I caressed it. “...It’s not that different, you know? I built transport vehicles and bikes, but those are...a bit flashy, however it’s not like they don’t exist. Even this existed in the other world, right?” I held out my wrist to Mr. Amato. “Ah! A smart watch!” “This existed over there, didn’t it?” “Yes, it did, it did. I didn’t own one myself though. Did you also make a smartphone?” “No, I didn’t. Smartphones require both hands to be operated. We’re adventurers, so we must keep our hands free in case of attacks.” “I see. I really want a smartphone. I made apps for smartphones, you see.” Hee. I never created smartphone apps. “If you have an idea, think it over on the way and pass it on once you arrive at our mansion. So far as it goes, you were summoned as 『Brave』, so you gotta have some cheat specifications, no? Even if you being a weakling can’t be helped, but if you throw you’ll hit what you wanted to hit, if you shoot you won’t miss, and as long as you’re fast at running away, you won’t die, right? ...Ah, come to think of it, here is a first-aid kit. Just in case.” I handed him a kit. “The healing potions are from this world. But, take them only if you’ve got a serious injury. Make do with the medicine for normal stuff.” “Hee! So healing potions do exist after all.” He looked at it with curiosity twinkling in his eyes, and then stored the kit away. Afterwards, he bid us farewell while waving a hand and walking away. I’d like him to reach our place safely, but I’m not as kind as taking him all the way back there. I mean, he’s a guy I met only today. I’ll simply pray that he doesn’t become disheartened by the harshness of this world. “Oi,” Sword called out to me with a scary voice just as I was brooding. “What’s up?” “Did you truly teach me ’bout the other world properly!?” “Of course. Sure, some things come out of fantasy stories, but the knowledge itself is correct. I mean, the Ryokus exist in reality, don’t they? That guy might not have known since he wasn’t that much of a fan, but I read an article about a fan building a Ryoku and putting it on exhibition! Putting the exterior aside, Char’s interior is like that of a tank...a carriage without horses used by the self-defense forces...folks similar to a knight order. I told you that I rode a Bronko myself to begin with, didn’t I? Even if it might not be typical, I’ve been building stuff based on proper knowledge!” In the first place, what’s the idea with him doubting my information of the other world, despite not showing an ounce of interest in the structure of this world. It’s not like he’ll ever be able to go there, even if he knows all about it. And even if he managed to get here, he won’t be able to survive. What’s he going to do as jobless, broke, homeless visitor with no passport in a world without magic elements? “What ’bout the flyin’ brooms?” “......” I averted my face. ...Just why is he fussing so much over the brooms? Sure, I’ve never seen any myself! But, it’s still the way it should be! Yep! I’m % sure that some people riding brooms exist in a major country of Western Europe! “Flyin’ brooms!” He firmly grabbed my head. Another iron claw!!!! “Gyaaa! ...I’ve never seen any, but I’m sure they exist! Definitely!” “As if!”
「それで思い出したけど、別世界って、箒で空飛ぶとかってフツーにあるの?」 ロブさんは目が点になってる。 「あ、空飛ぶ箒? 童話の方? 宅急便の方?」 「両方だ」 「定番だよねー」 「......すげーな、別世界。リョークみたいなゴーレムがいて、死ななきゃなんでもアリで、箒で空を飛ぶのかよ」 あ、ソードが間違った別世界のイメージを持ってる。 「いや、そうはいないぞ? リョークみたいなゴーレムは、超ほんの数人の、特殊警備隊......王国騎士団の、、と考えればいい、が、持っているだけだし、箒で飛ぶ人間も、普通は見られてはいけないものなのだ、伝説の乗り物だ。あと、死ななければ何でもアリは、ここでもそうだし別世界でもそうだが、別世界の場合は役人に捕まるな。別世界は段違いに治安が良く、別世界には魔物がいない。だから、アマト氏は殺せない、殺す必要がない世界だったから。そんなアマト氏の自衛のために渡したのだ。ちなみに、私は別世界の知識は持っていてもこの世界で生きているため、死ななければ何でもアリは、私のルールだ」 「「............」」 「インドラ様、そもそもタ......おっといけない、リョークも、空飛ぶ箒も、〝アニメ〟です、空想の世界のお話ですから。別世界でも現実には存在しませんて」 「............」 ソードの目が細くなったと思ったら、アイアンクロー!! 「ぎゃー!」 「よしわかった。アマト、お前は俺に別世界の常識を教えてくれ。俺は、コイツから別世界の常識とやらを教わったが、間違ってるかもしれないってのは、アマトの説明で分かった。俺も旅がスムーズに行くよう、一筆書いてやるから。とにかく無事に辿り着いて、まず、屋敷の連中に、今の屋敷の状態は別世界では常識なのかを教えてやってくれ」 ちなみにロブさんは、放心状態です。話についてけてなさそう。 ソードがようやく手を放したので頭をなでた。 「......そこまで食い違ってないぞ? 輸送車とバイクを作ったが、それは......ちょっと派手だが、なくはないだろうし。コレだって、別世界でもあっただろう?」 「あ! スマートウォッチしてる!」 「これはあったよな?」 「あったあった、俺、持ってなかったけど。〝スマホ〟は作った?」 「作ってない。アレは、両手が塞がるからな。私たちは冒険者だから、両手は攻撃のために空けておかないといけないのだ」 「そっかー。〝スマホ〟はほしいよなー。俺、〝スマホ〟の〝アプリ〟も作ってたよ」 私はスマホアプリはなかったなぁ。 「アイデアがあったら道々考えて、拠点に着いたら伝えてくれ。一応、『勇者』として召喚されたんだから、それなりにチートスペックなワケだろう? ヘタレなのはどうしようもないとしても、投げたら思った部分に当てられて、撃ったら外さない、あと、逃げ足を速くすれば死なないだろうからな。......あ、そうか。あと、念のため、応急キットだ」 「へー! やっぱあるんだ回復薬」 そして、じゃあな、と手を振って別れた。 なんとか辿り着いてほしいけど、送るほど親切ではない。だって、今日会ったばかりの人だし。 ......って考えてたら、コワイ声でソードが呼んだ。 「なんだ?」 「お前、本当に俺にちゃんとした別世界の情報を教えてるんだろうな!?」 「当たり前だ。確かに、空想のお話もあるが、知識は正しい。リョークだって、現実にもあったぞ? やつはそこまでその話のファンじゃなかったから知らないだろうが、ファンがリョークを作って展示したって記事だって読んだ! シャールも、外見はともかく、中身は戦車...馬のいらない馬車として、自衛隊...騎士団のような連中の所有物だった。ブロンコはそもそも私が乗っていたと言っただろう? 一般的じゃないにしろ、私はちゃんと知識に基づいてこの世界で作りあげてるのだー!」 そもそもが、この世界自体の仕組みにだって興味を示さないくせに、別世界の情報を疑ってどーすんだ。知ったところで行けやしないのに。 「空飛ぶ箒は?」 顔を背けた。 確かに、それは見たことないけど! でも、お作法だもん! 西欧の大国にはきっと乗ってる人がいるんだもん! 「空飛ぶ箒!」 ガシッと頭を鷲づかみ! 「ぎゃー! ......見たことないけど、きっといるんだ! 絶対いる!」 「いねーよ!」
Recently I’ve been noticing that my physical abilities have risen quite a bit. And on top of that, at a totally weird rate. I mean anyone would wonder what’s going on if a girl, who used to be sick because of malnutrition and a lack of exercise, suddenly became able to run five times the distance without being out of breath, right? Before my sickness it was questionable whether I’d be able to do push-ups, and now I don’t feel anything even after having done ... My current stamina is exceeding that of the otherworld me at her prime time, even though I’m only five years old! But, it’s not like I’ve become a buffed bulk of muscles... Anyway, it’s muscle training, and such training has the goal to build muscle strength, so I’ve decided to repeat the exercises until I get tired. One day, Primrose showed up. I’ve been telling this girl each and every single time to stay away from me, and yet she doesn’t listen. No matter how often I warn her to not come into my room as she pleases, she does it anyway. Since she still hasn’t learned any manners either, I’m pretty sure that she’s got a tough future ahead of her. Or maybe the outside world isn’t so fussy about manners? It’d mean that only the woman, who gave birth to me, and that man have been so naggy about my manners. While brooding over these things, I nonchalantly kept ignoring her, but this girl has been steadily upping her resistance against my cold attitude, and nowadays she rattles on without a care about what I think or do. I must admit, in a certain sense, she forces me to pay her respect. “...And therefore, I replied that I would attend the tea party together with you, Elder Sister.” Just when I was ignoring her as usual, she blurted out something unbelievable. “Hah?” “We were invited to a tea party that’s going to take place in five days! I’ve begged Father to be allowed to go together with you.” ......What was that? “I don’t have any dresses to wear for such an occasion.” My growth period as a child quickly resulted in me not fitting any of my clothes. I’m sure the outfits hanging in my closet are all too small for me by now. The casual dress I’m currently wearing is something the head maid secretly prepared for me as she couldn’t stand watching me always run around in the same old, dirty training wear. That man probably doesn’t know about this either. Or rather, I don’t remember having received any new clothes since that woman died. “I’ll lend you one of my dresses! I’ve got lots of them!” “Even if you’ve got many clothes, no one says that they’re going to fit my size, right? Or to put it more bluntly, they won’t fit. And even if they did fit, your father would definitely slap me after blaming me for stealing his daughter’s clothes.” “...” Primrose sank into silence. “Okay, this conversation is over and done with. Goodbye.” “Ah, wait, Elder Sister...” Given that I had raised my physical strength, it was a breeze to throw her out. Primrose apparently begged her father. Even the butler and head maid joined in, and used various arguments to persuade him, or so it seems. Just when I thought I heard a knocking on the next day, Primrose stormed into the room, excitedly shouting, “Elder Sister! I asked him to buy you a dress! Hannibal and Coral helped me, too!!” Ah, Hannibal is the butler’s name, and Coral the head maid’s. I clicked my tongue. “Doing something uncalled-for...” “Now then, Elder Sister!” ...I don’t want to go to something like a tea party, though. As I was wavering, the head maid entered the room with an unknown woman in tow. “Excuse us. I have brought the seamstress with me.” I refused while alternatively looking at the head maid and the seamstress, “The tea party takes place in four days, doesn’t it? In other words, you’d only have two days. It’s impossible to prepare something like a dress in such a short period of time!” I can’t really believe that this world has something like ready-made clothes. Moreover, dresses of all things. “I am terribly sorry since it would be secondhand clothing, but rest assured, I can prepare something from among those. Of course they have been washed properly, and since they have been worn several times, they will not pinch you.” Argh, secondhand clothing! ...That was a blind spot! But, with secondhand clothing it’s even less certain whether they’ll fit my size, right? “...I find it a bit hard to believe that you have fitting sizes at hand, however.” “I think I can adjust them quickly as long as no big changes are needed.” Seriously...? But, I totally understand. I mean my otherworld self has sewn as well, so it should be possible to get it done quickly, if pushing it. “In addition, I would like to be allowed to make new dresses for you. I think you are going to require them in the near future.” I gave up with a sigh. The secondhand clothes arrived on the next day. Whoaaa, how faaast. And how unwanted... The clothes had been chosen based on how well they fitted my size, and not whether they suited me or not. ...Despite clothes and accessories having been a hobby of the otherworld me, these dresses don’t make my heart throb at all. No, I’d rather say it’s just the dresses of this world that I don’t like. They undeniably seem cheap...kinda like rental outfits from the past. This fabric...isn’t silk, is it? I wonder what kind of yarn has been used? While pondering about all this, the fitting came to an end. “By the way, milady, your...underwear is... It looks like you have been wearing something rather unusual...” Yep, I earned myself that retort. I had hoped that she’d overlook it, but I guess that was too naive. ――The circumstances for clothing in this world: Jersey fabric doesn’t exist, nor elastic bands. Only underpants bound to the waist with cords. And since the restroom situation over here is bad as well, it makes you want to hold back on going to the toilet as much as possible. But, untying the cord with the bladder pressing down on you takes time and is an annoying hassle. At first I had the idea to make buttoned underpants, but since buttons are just as troublesome, I challenged myself to make a rib stitch. It was super difficult! Yes, super difficult! As a reward for all the hardships, it tightens moderately while not slipping off, and it’s easy to take off and put on. Ha ha ha, all hail my otherworld knowledge! “It’s something I made after coming up with the design myself. Please don’t steal it, okay?” I told her while cracking a smile.
だってさー、いっくらビフォーが栄養失調で運動不足の病んでる子だとしてもさ、アフターの距離を走って息切れしないってどうよ? 腕立て伏せとか、十回出来るかどうかだったのが、今じゃ五十回やってもやった気がしないのよ? おかしいよね? つーか、女子としてどうなの? まだ五歳なのに別世界の全盛期の体力を超えてるし! だからといってムッキムキになったわけでもなく......。 ......なんとなく原因がわかる気がするんだけど。でも、筋力トレーニングなんだから筋力をつけるために疲れるまで回数をこなすことにした。 そんなある日、プリムローズが顔を出した。 この子、「近寄るな」って毎度お願いしてるのにまったく聞かないし、勝手に入ってくるなと何度言っても勝手に入る。マナーもいまだになってないので、将来さぞかし苦労するだろうね。 それとも、他所様はそんなにマナーにうるさくないのかな? 私を産んだ女と、私に対するあの男だけがうるさいってだけで。 そんなことを考えながらさりげなく無視を決め込んでいたが、この子ったらどんどん私への耐性を身につけていっていて、おかまいなしにしゃべりまくるようになった。さすがだね。ある意味尊敬する。 「......それでね、お姉様とお茶会に出るってお返事したの」 聞き流していたら、とんでもないことを言われた。 「は?」 「五日後に、お茶会に呼ばれたの! お父様にお願いして、姉様もに、ですって!」 ............なんですと? 「私に着ていくドレスなんてないぞ」 幼児の成長期はあっと言う間に服が入らなくなる。今クローゼットにかかってる服はもうどれも入らないだろう。 この普段着のドレスは、いつも小汚い練習着ばかりを着ている私を見かねてメイド長がこっそり用意してくれたものだ。あの男はそんなことも知らないだろうね。つか、産んだ女が死んでから服を作った覚えがないわ。 「私のドレスを貸してあげるわ! たくさんあるもの!」 「たくさんあったとしても、サイズが合うかわからないだろうが。もっとハッキリ言うと、合わない。そして、合ったとしても、そんなことしたらお前の父親に『娘の服を奪い取った』って 「............」 プリムローズは黙り込んだ。 「はい、じゃあこれでこの話はおしまいだな。さよなら」 「あ、待って、姉様......」 身体能力が上がったので、ほうり出すのが簡単になったよ。 プリムローズ、どうやら父親に訴えたらしい。 「姉様! 姉様のドレスを買ってもらえるように頼んだわ! ハンニバルやコーラルも協力してくれたの!!」 あ、ハンニバルは執事の名前、コーラルはメイド長の名前ね。 私は舌打ちした。 「余計なことを......」 「さ、姉様!」 ......お茶会なんて行きたくないんだけど。 渋ってたらメイド長と知らない女性が入ってきた。 「失礼します。ドレス職人を連れて参りました」 「お茶会後だろう? つまり、あしかないのにドレスなんて用意出来るわけがない!」 この世界に既製服なんてあるようには思えないんだけど? しかもドレスなんてさ。 「大変心苦しいのですが、古着ならご用意出来ます。もちろん、きちんと洗濯されているものですし、数回ほどの着用ですので、傷みはほとんどありません」 ......そうきたかー。でも、古着ならなお合うサイズがあるかわからないかも? 「......合うサイズがあるとは思えないんですけど」 「多少でしたらすぐお直し出来るかと」 マジかー。でもわかるー。うん、私も縫製やってたからね、無理したらすぐ出来ちゃうよね。 「合わせて、新しくドレスも作らせていただきます。今後も必要になってくるでしょうから」 ため息をついて諦めた。 その翌日、古着が届いた。 わぁ。早ーい。いらないのにー。 似合うとか似合わないとかではなく、一番サイズが合う服、という点で選ばれた服。 ......服飾が趣味だった割にはドレスにはまったくときめかない私。いや、この世界のドレスが好きじゃない、って感じだな。昔の貸衣装のような......安っぽい感じが否めない。 この生地、シルクじゃないからかなぁ。なんの糸だろう? 考えつつ入るのを確認して終了。 「ところでお嬢様、その......下着は......。変わったものを身につけられているようですが......」 うん、ツッコまれた。見逃してくれるかと思ったが、無理だったか。 ――この世界の服飾事情。ジャージ生地もなければゴムひももない。ウエストがひものパンツしかない。そしてトイレ事情もよろしくないので、出来るだけトイレを我慢したい。 ボタンパンツ形を最初考案したけれど、ボタンも面倒なことは面倒なので、すっごい大変だったけどリブ編みに挑戦したよ! すっごい大変だったけど! 苦労のかいあり、ほどよい締め付けで落ちてこないし、着脱も楽。 フフフ、別世界の知識に栄光あれ! ――その苦労の結晶を見られてしまった。 「自分で考え作り出したものです。盗まないでくださいね?」
Now then, on to the next floor, but... “Going into a haunted house with this lineup...?” It’ll probably turn into a haunted house with zero scare. Though it’s a cave this time. “Just gotta get quickly through this, right?” “Right,” is what I thought, but... It’s totally got the atmosphere of a cemetery! Although this place is inside a cave, it’s set up so that you have to enter the basement of a mansion to go down to the next floor! “Hmm, it’s a rare chance, so let’s honor its efforts by playing around a bit. We’ll go with a game for you who’s so apathetic about it.” I took something out of my magic bag. Immediately following, Sword’s eyes flew wide open, sparkling. Good grief, he really loves this kind of stuff, doesn’t he? “I’ve got several types, but each of them has its own quirks and limitations. Make sure to remember them, okay?” I created several types of guns powered by magic elements, using a famous shooting game as reference. “The shotgun fires a single volley of six shots at a time with a cooldown of two seconds. Once you shoot it, you must reload...well, act as if you’re reloading it. The submachine gun can consecutively shoot ten bullets, but you need to wait for five seconds once those ten shots finish. This also requires you to reload after the ten shots. The laser gun perforates, but it has a time limit on its usage. Once it exceeds one minute, it needs to cool down for one minute. If you let it rest for ten seconds after using it for ten seconds, you can use it again for its longest period of one minute. The Gatling gun can shoot forever on end, but it requires low-quality magic stones to run, so it’ll stop working once it runs out. And lastly, the grenades,” I pass him five, “If you throw them, everything within a range of a hundred...err, a fairly huge circle around their center is going to definitely die. Throw one at the enemies from a good distance to not get hit yourself.” “Your a fanatic, do you know that!? I mean your really poolin’ all your efforts into havin’ fun!” “Obviously. I laboriously prepared everything for the sake of this day!” I don’t want to do something as boring as dispassionately proceeding through a haunted house. But, if you have these, it’s going to be fun! Definitely! I totally dig shooting games! Moreover, preparing a set of rules guarantees that you’ll have fun! “Ah, by the way, be careful where you use these since everything is going to die, be it monsters or people. It’s a sorcery ball that emits the harmful light waves I mentioned a while ago.” “Wow!” I thought he’d bicker about it, but it looks like I was wrong. Far from it. He gleefully checked out each of the guns. “I’m happy to see that you’re keen to go along with it.” “Mmh?” “What follows next is the way of usage in the other world. We...of course including the Ryokus as well...are going to compete for points until the boss room while freely using these guns. Since I don’t know what’s going to appear, the points will be added depending on the number of kills and the gun’s efficiency. Killing with a shotgun gives you the most points, but then again, its power is the weakest, too. We’re both able to use magic, but kills with magic don’t count at all. You can check your rank and the total number of points on your wristwatch. You just need to order the wristband to show them, okay? Since you might be getting more handicapped the less enemies that can be seen with the naked eyes are around, I’ve set the program to use a factor of . on your points.” “No need. I’m cool with playin’ under the same conditions as you,” he refused bluntly. Oh, Sword is quite eager about this, isn’t he? “Alright. I’ll readjust the program to count the points normally then,” I smiled at Sword as I fixed the code. “Have I made a mistake in how I’m enjoying my life? Do you think it’s weird for me to turn this life-threatening situation into a game where you vie for points?” After blinking in surprise for a moment, Sword laughed, “Yeah, your totally nuts. Your a mad girly for sure! But, if we’re doin’ it ‘nyway, we might as well enjoy it for at least this much! We’re goin’ to have some fun with a life-threatenin’ gamble! The chip will be our lives! But that’s just fine with me!” Sword yelled and then laughed madly, “Haha! For there to be someone who’s more broken than I am; life has finally become fun! I never even considered the meaning of dungeons! I see! So they exist for the sake of enjoyin’ ’em like this, huh!? In that case, I’ll have a blast with ’em!” “No, if cute, frightened girls were with us right now, that in itself would be fun, you know?” ... “Check the map. Though it’d also be bad if you got tripped up while looking on the map all the time.” “I know, I know. I ain’t no S-Rank just for show, ‘kay?” Rather, I’m a gamer, you know? For him to aim at higher rankings in a game he’s never played before without any handicap... “Well, the upper ranks will probably be taken by the Ryokus anyway. They have no rules tying them down. In short, they can use superior guns without reserve.” “Uff, you could have told me earlier.” I met Sword’s eyes and we both smiled. “Let’s go then!” ――We scattered in all directions. “Yahooo! I’m goin’ for it!” That was Sword’s personal Ryoku. And at once, he unleashed his rocket launcher, becoming first at once. My Ryoku jumped undauntedly and fired bursts of its Gatling gun. I used my frustration to throw a grenade into a pack of zombies in the distance. Sword is...ah, he’s shooting his shotgun. Three hours later. At last, everyone had arrived in front of the boss room. “Did you set it to stop showin’ the rankings in the middle o’ the game”?” “Yep. When I arrived by myself on the floor of the boss room, I made sure that the rankings wouldn’t be shown any longer. It’s no fun otherwise, is it?” Going ahead without considering the respawn or arriving after annihilating all of the respawn would be both fine. Just in case I had also included the speed of arrival at the destination into the total ranking. It can be checked within the ranking information. “Now then! Ryoku, please tell us the ranks!” After voicing out something similar to a drum roll, Ryoku projected a hologram on the boss room’s door. “Yay, I did it!” “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Sword was first. And I... ...was last. “Why!? Why, why, why!!!” I’m the person who built those guns, am I not!? I’m the one who set up the rules, am I not!? So why am I in last place!? As I was mortified, hitting my fists on the ground, the other three consoled me. By the way, the Ryokus had the same points. “Why has a complete and utter beginner at this secured the first raaaaaannk! Even though I’ve been doing it over and over again in the other world!!” “That’s obviously because of the difference in experience between us. You might have done it in that other world of yours, but it’s your first time in here, right? I’ve cleared this area by myself in the past. The information from back then has imprinted itself in my head.” What was thaaaat!? After feeling bitter about my loss while sobbing profusely, the boss room was next up on the agenda. It was a lot less exciting than the game of clearing up to here. “The first rank is to clear the room as a reward.” “Stop bein’ so sulky.” Given that king skeletons were unable of normal conversation, it dampened my motivation even further, and thus I had Sword defeat it. When my cheeks puffed up, Sword caressed me in consolation. “Don’t pout. It was fun, you know? I could fully enjoy myself as well. So, thanks for that, ‘kay?” ...As he got me with a surprise attack, my peevish mood was blown away in one go. “......I guess it’s okay then...” “I had a blast as well. We competed. I could laugh loudly after winnin’ ‘gainst you while you were mortified over losin’ ‘gainst me. All while we enjoyed it together.” “......Mmh.” .........If he had so much fun, I suppose it had merit that I made the guns and played together with him. ......But. “Either way, it still sucks that I lost!!” Sword guffawed in response to my yelling.
さて、次の階だが。 「お化け屋敷をこの面子で行くのか......」 さぞかし脅かし甲斐のないお化け屋敷になるだろう。洞窟だけど。 「とっとと抜けりゃいいだろ」 ......と、思ったんだけど。 そもそもここは洞窟の中だというのに、階を降りるには屋敷の地下へ入るような演出だー! 「うーむ、折角だから、敬意を表してちょっと遊ぶか。気乗りしてないお前のために、ゲーム風にしてやろう」 マジックバッグから取り出した。 ホント、こういうのが好きだなー。 「いくつかあるが、それぞれ特徴がある。頭にたたき込めよ?」 有名ガンシューティングゲーム風に、いくつか魔素ガンを作ったのだ! 「ショットガンは単発で、クールタイムごと。打ったら装填......するような動作をしなくてはならない。サブマシンガンは十連連射可能で、十連終わる。これも十連終わった後に装填だ。レーザーガンは貫通するが、使用時間制限がありを超えるとクールタイムに一分。十秒使って十秒休ませればまた最長一分連続使用出来る。ガトリングは、延々と打ち続けられるが、内部にクズ魔石が必要で、魔石が切れたら終わりだ。最後に、手榴弾だ」 「お前、凝ってるなー! ホンット、楽しむために全力使ってるな!」 「当たり前だ。この日のために、コツコツ用意したぞ!」 お化け屋敷を淡々と進むなんてつまらんことをしたくない! しかも、縛りも用意するのが楽しむお約束だ! 「あ、ちなみに、人だろうが何だろうが死ぬだろうから気をつけろよ? それが例の有害光線の魔術弾だ」 「ワーオ!」 なんかクレーム言うかと思ったのに言わなかった。 「お前が乗り気で良かった」 「ん?」 「ここから、別世界でのお作法だ。これらのガンを駆使し、ボス部屋前まで、私たち......もちろんリョークも含め、点数争いだ。何が出てくるかわからないので、倒した数とガンの性能により点数を加算する。ショットガンで倒すのが一番点数が高い、が威力も一番低い。お互い魔術が使えるだろうが、魔術だと点数無しだ。点数の確認及び順位は、リストバンドで確認出来る。話し掛ければ出てくるぞ? 敵が肉眼でしか見えない分、お前が不利だろうから、一.五倍に点数を増やしておいた」 「いらねーよ。お前等と同条件で結構だ」 お、ソードがかなり殺る気だな? 「私の人生の愉しみ方は間違っているか? こんな、生死の狭間で、点数争いを愉しむなんておかしいと思うか?」 「あぁ、お前はぶっ壊れてる。頭のおかしいやつだよ! でも、どーせやるなら、これくらい楽しまねーとな! 俺たちは、生死を賭けたゲームを楽しんでるんだ! チップは自分たちの命! 上等だな!」 ソードは叫ぶと、壊れたように笑った。 「いや、かわいく脅える女の子がいたら、それはそれで楽しいぞ?」 って............。 「地図は確認しろ。地図ばかり見て足下を掬われてもまずいが」 「わーってるって。伊達にSランクじゃねーから」 むしろゲーマーだよな。 「まぁ、上位はリョークだろうけどな。連中に縛りはない。つまり、上位ガンを使い放題だ」 「うっわー。それを早く言って欲しかった」 ソードと視線を合わせると、笑い合った。 「では、行くぞ!」 ――掛け声と共に思い思いの方向に散っていった。 「うっひょー! やりますよー!」 って言ったのはソード専用のリョーク。 私お供のリョークも、負けじとジャンプして、ガトリング連射。 私は、遠くにあるゾンビの巣に、手榴弾を遠投でお見舞いした。 とうとう、全員がボス部屋前に集結した。 「途中から順位が出なくなったのは仕様か?」 「そうだ。ボス部屋のある階に一人でも到達したら、以降出ないようにした。面白くないだろう?」 リポップを考えずに先に行くのもまたよし、リポップを全部駆除して到達するもまたよし。 「さぁ! リョーク、順位を!」 リョークが、「じゃらららららららららららららららららん!」って言って、ボス部屋の扉にホログラムを出す。 「おし、やった」 「のおおおぉおぉぉおおお!」 ソード、一位。 私、最下位。 「なんでー?! なんでなんで!」 ルールも作った本人なのに!? 地面をたたいて悔しがったら、三人から慰められた。 ちなみに、リョークは同点なのだった。 「なんで一度もやったことのない素人のやつが一位なのだーーー! 私なんて、別世界でやりまくったのにぃ!」 「そりゃ、実戦経験の差だな。お前は別世界でやりまくったんだろうが、ここじゃ初めてだろ? 俺は一度ここで単独クリアしてるからな。そのときの情報は頭にたたき込まれてるんだよ」 なんですとーーー?! ビービー泣いて悔しがった後、ボス部屋。 「一位のやつが勲章として始末しろ」 「そう拗ねるなって」 キングスケルトンって、会話すら出来ないヤツでますます盛り上がらないのでソードに倒させた。 膨れていたら、ソードがよしよしとなでた。 「拗ねるなよ。面白かったぜ? 心置きなく、俺も楽しめた。だから、ありがとな?」 ............不意打ちで言ってきて、拗ねる気持ちが吹っ飛んだ。 「............なら、いいけどな?」 「俺も楽しむ。お前と勝負したり、一緒に楽しんだり、お前に勝って高笑いして、お前に負けて悔しがって、一緒に楽しむよ」 「............うん」 ............そんなに楽しかったなら、うん、まぁ、作って遊んだ甲斐はあったけどな。 ............。でも。 「やっぱ、負けて悔しい!!」
She told me that she wanted to have a chat since it’s been a long time, and I had no reason to refuse. Well, in the past I’d have probably turned her down, tellin’ her that we’ve got nothin’ to talk ’bout. ...But, if it’s 『now』, I’ve got no problem with it. Still, I gotta admit, it’s fun to be with Indra. Seriously. That girl’s instigation skill is nothin’ to scoff at, but she’s capable of ignorin’ malice, and goes even as far as usin’ it against ‘anyone givin’ her beef. I, on the other hand, am very sensitive to ill intent, and immediately end up becomin’ servile, don’t I? Then again, I’ve been definitely called a successful person, and in fact, I’m 『now』 succeedin’. Bein’ on the receivin’ end of jealousy would be no wonder, 『now』 that is. I mean, 『now』 I have a Ryoku, Char, and Bronko. On top of that, I’ve got a cool watch and glasses with incredible functions. Moreover, a sword that cuts through everythin’ and even ranged weapons capable of penetratin’ ‘nythin’. And as if to round it all up, I’ve acquired stacks of gold coins through the auction, and possess booze that cannot be bought with money. It really wouldn’t be odd for me to draw envy. I put on the clothes Indra had made for me and went out. Once I bought cloth woven out of bug threads, that bug-lovin’ girl leaped in joy, immediately sewin’ all kinds of stuff. One of her creations was a shirt for me. ...Sure, it does feel nice on the skin. In addition, she also made a jacket and pants, both tight and stylish, for me. The pants were affixed to the waist with a button instead of a string. The entire outfit is similar to a noble’s attire, but it’s much easier to move in. Because she also added pockets at various places, it’s possible to walk ’round empty-handed. ——Seriously, if not for her bug obsession, all the stuff she’s sewn is really awesome. But, why is she so particular ’bout bugs? Man, I’m reeeally glad she didn’t turn Bronko into a locust. As I thought ’bout all that while walkin’, I arrived at our meetin’ place. It looked like Karen just got here, too. ......... If you get used to Indra’s youthful, smooth and springy skin...ah, yep, let’s not go there. Once I get back, I’ll carefully apply Indra’s direct application pack or whatever it’s called. She’s grown old, but she’s also become taller. Indra probably wants to grow as tall as her. Her chest also became somewhat bigger, it seems. ......... What’s going on? Am I bein’ influenced by Indra? Given that thoughts teemin’ with the stench of an old lecher started to pop up in my mind, I stopped thinkin’ altogether. “Right on time, huh?” “Yes. ...As always, you’re a punctual man.” Hmm? Was I always like that? I didn’t carry a clock for most of my life, so I couldn’t have determined whether I was on time or not, kinda? We went to the pub Karen had recommended. It was certainly a dim and cozy place, apparently frequented by many couples, so I was grateful to her as I wouldn’t draw any attention to myself. I ordered ale. ...Ah, I had an urge to pay for the ale, sayin’ that it’d be my treat. But, the last time I did that, I was told that I’m treatin’ people with the money I got for turnin’ folks into debt slaves. That’s why I’m not doin’ it ‘nymore. Still, if it’s ’round this much, it should be no problem. When the waitress brought the ale over, Karen tried to pick up the glass, but I stopped her and chanted in a whisper. “...Eh?” The glass froze over, coolin’ the ale down. “It tastes better when cool. Recently I’ve gotten really hooked on that, y’see.” After being confused for a moment, Karen laughed and said, “Using offensive magic in such a way is so like you.” But, it ain’t my idea. After all, I ain’t lackin’ common sense.
久しぶりだから話がしたいと言われて、断る理由がなかった。 いや、前の俺なら断っただろう。 ......だけど、『今』なら話が出来る。............はずだ。 アイツって、煽りスキルが半端ないけど、悪意を聞き流して逆手に取って相手にダメージ与えられるからさー。 まぁ、でも、確かに俺は成功した人間と言われているし、『今』は、成功している。 さらに、なんでも斬れちゃう剣も、なんでも貫通しちゃう遠距離武器まで持ってるし。 妬まれても仕方が無いな、うん。 インドラに作ってもらった服を着て出かけた。 虫が大好きなアイツは、虫の糸から織った布を俺が買ってやったら喜び、いろんなものを作ってた。 ......確かに、肌触りがいい。 ウエストが紐じゃなくてボタンで、貴族の服みたいだけど、貴族の服よか動きやすい。 ポケットがあちこちについてて、ちょっとしたものなら入るから、手ぶらでもいけそうだ。 ――ホント、虫に拘らなきゃ、格好いいのが作れるのにな。 ホンットーにブロンコを飛蝗にしてくれなくて良かったと思うぜ? ......って考えながら歩いてたら待ち合わせ場所到着。 ............。 インドラのピチピチのきめ細やかなお肌を見慣れてると、こう............あ、ブーメランだ。 ――老けたけど、背が高くなり、インドラもこれくらいは成長したいであろう、胸も多少育った、ようだ。 ............。 なんだろ? インドラの影響かな? おっさん臭い発想が浮かんできたので、思考を止めた。 「ちょうどか?」 「えぇ。......相変わらず、時間に正確ね」 俺、時計持ってなかったから、時間に正確かどうかはわからなかったけどな? カレンおすすめのパブに行った。 エールを注文した。 けど、前にソレやったら、「借金奴隷になった奴の金で酒を奢った」とか言われたし。 だけど、これくらいは、やる。 エールが来たので、カレンがグラスを取ろうとするのを止め、小声で詠唱。 「......え?」 グラスが凍り、エールが冷える。 「冷やすとうまいんだ。最近ハマっててな」 カレンが戸惑った後、笑った。 って言われたけど、ソレ、俺の発想じゃないから。
{Sword} My spirit got completely destroyed by Indra. ....Yeah, right! I thought it might be a much more compellin’ situation...a reason she couldn’t talk ’bout. Don’t say that she lost interest in me because of our bodily compatibility!! Would she deceive me because of somethin’ like that? Eh? Was I that bad? I mean, it was the first time for both of us, wasn’t it? ...It was her first time, right? “......” My feelin’ of wantin’ to know got much stronger... But yeah, if I were told, 『Sorry, I couldn’t tell you that you suck too much. I didn’t expect the person, who I dated after likin’ him so much that I told him about my embarrassin’ past, to be such a dead-lay, so my love vanished in one go and I tricked you as I couldn’t stand bein’ with you any longer』...that would be quite the 『answer I don’t wanna know』. ――Then again, that’s how reality works, right? Indra, who’s knowledgeable in that area, sayin’ so means it’s a common reason for couples to break up. She 『got tired』 of me, or I 『sucked too much』. Guess it’s gotta be somethin’ along those lines. It’d just mean that I read too much into stuff. Hahaha. When I reflexively sighed deeply, Indra told me, “Now, now, it’s just better to not know the reason. If you consider your emotions, that is. Just apply your preferred 『reason for breaking up』. Reality will do with that as you’ve 『already broken up』.” ――I visited Luna’s and my datin’ spots with Indra, but regretted it a bit as I should have listened to Indra and let bygones be bygones. In other words, all of it was disappointin’, shabby junk. ...Back then, I was still young, all of it looked nice and sparklin’. I enjoyed the places for just bein’ together with my beloved. We often talked ’bout not bein’ able to buy a place as it was too expensive, but planned to buy it someday once we made a break-through. ――Now, without several years having passed yet, only I’ve been able to fulfill that dream. Also, the girl next to me right now had skills allowin’ her to make stuff which was several leagues above the things sold in this town, and she faithfully accompanied me while probably havin’ no interest whatsoever. At the end, we headed towards the guild. “Sorry for makin’ you tag along.” When I apologized, she stared at me blankly for a moment, before answerin’, “I told you didn’t I? That I’d even go to hell with you. But, this place isn’t hell, so you don’t need to apologize.” I laughed at her, and asked, “But, it’s a very borin’ town to you, isn’t it?” “I don’t think of it as boring, but I guess it’s normal. I’m going to use this as reference for what might be a standard in this world. ...I might have enjoyed this place if I had come here as a normal adventurer first,” she muttered with a slightly distant voice. That’s why I caressed her head. “Don’t worry ’bout it. Ain’t your fault for bein’ broken. That’s also why I can enjoy bein’ with you.” “Hmm... But, you’re quite the passive guy. Wouldn’t you consider something fun just because the person next to you considers it fun?” ...... “It’s not really like that, you know?” I’m not that soft-hearted a person. In reality, I encountered many situations where I didn’t have any fun while those ’round me did. “Really...?” Indra tilted her head, but didn’t say ‘nythin’ else while continuin’ to walk. Enterin’ the guild, I headed to the reception and gave ’em my name. “I’m Sword of the S-Rank adventurer party 【Allrounders】. Is the guild mas...” “Sword!?” I remembered havin’ heard that voice before and turned ’round in surprise. A grown Luna...no. She looks similar but is still different. “......Umm, if I remember correctly......” ...Oh right, Luna had a younger sister. She said they didn’t resemble each other, and sure, they were different. But now that she’s grown up, she does look like Luna. “Ivana...was it?” Her face beamed. ...Great, looks like I was correct. “Long time no see, Mr. Sword.” ......That’s someone I didn’t want to meet, seriously. My face cramped up. ――It ain’t like I don’t have any fault in her sister’s death altogether. Or rather, I can’t really tell either. I can’t explain 『why she died』. Given that Luna’s other party members weren’t locals, I wasn’t questioned by their families either. Only Luna came from here. She grew up in the orphanage together with her sister. Her sister Luna was an adventurer in trainin’ as a priestess apprentice...I only learned of it later, but she had formed a party with her fans. Back then I didn’t know any of it, and only joined their party after bein’ invited by the leader for my sword skills. In a role as a simple tank. I was grateful to the leader who invited me for that point alone. A lot more back then than now. Far from havin’ romantic relationships, I didn’t even have any friends. Anyway, I wanted to get friendly with that party as I was happy that they’d invited someone like me. And I hoped they’d approve of me as a friend if I obediently carried out my duty as a tank. That’s why I didn’t know the party’s circumstances either. Nor the circumstances of the woman called Luna...
〈ソード〉 インドラに、俺の情緒を完全破壊された。 もっと、言えない理由って......こう、のっ引きならない事情かって思ってましたよ! え、そこまで下手だった? だって、お互い、初めてでしょ? 「............」 知りたい気持ちがぶっ飛んだわ......。 『ごめん、下手すぎて、でもそんな理由言えなくて、自分の恥ずかしい過去を教えるくらい好きになって付き合った人がこんなに下手だと思わなくてに気持ちが冷めて「もういっか」って陥れちゃったの』 ――現実なんてそんなモンだよな。 知識豊富なインドラがあぁ言ってるってことは、それがありふれた男女が別れる理由。 『飽きた』とか『下手だった』とか、そんなもんか。 ははは。 「まぁまぁ。理由なんてわからない方がいいんだ。お前は情緒的に考えてればいいんだ。好きな『別れの理由』を当てはめていろ。現実は、『もう別れた』それだけでいいんだ」 ――ルーナと一緒にデートしたスポットをインドラと回ったけど、思い出は思い出としてとっておいた方がいい、っていうインドラの意見を聞いておくべきだったとちょっと後悔した。 要するに、ガッカリするほど見すぼらしくてガラクタだらけだった。 ......あの頃は若くて、なんでもキラキラして見えた。 ――数年経たずに俺だけが叶えた。 でもって、今俺の横にいるやつは、この町に売ってるものより数十段上の高品質なものを作れる腕前で、まったく興味ないだろうに律儀に付き合ってくれた。 最後にギルドだ。 「悪いな、付き合わせて」 「言っただろう? お前が行くなら地獄だろうと共に行くと。だがここは地獄じゃないんだから、謝る必要はないぞ」 「でも、お前にとっちゃつまんねー町だろ?」 「つまらないとは思わないが、普通だな。これがこの世界のスタンダードなんだろうと参考になった。......私が普通の冒険者で、最初に来ていたら楽しかったかも知れない」 だから頭をなでた。 「いいじゃねーかよ。お前がぶっ壊れてるのはお前のせいじゃねーし、だからこそ俺もお前といて楽しいんだ」 「ふーむ......。だが、お前は受け身だからなぁ。楽しいと思っているやつが側にいれば、楽しいと思えるやつなんじゃないか?」 ............。 実際、周りが楽しんでても俺だけ楽しくなかったことはたくさんあるし。 インドラは首をかしげたが、それ以上は言わず黙って歩いた。 ギルドを訪ね、受付に向かい名乗った。 「Sランク冒険者パーティ【オールラウンダーズ】のソードだ。ギルドマスターに......」 「ソード!?」 その声に聞き覚えがあり、驚いて振り返った。 そこには、歳を取ったルーナが............ 「............えーと、確か............」 ......そうだ、ルーナには歳の離れた妹がいた。 あまり似ていないと言っていて、確かに似ていなかった。 「イワナ......だっけか?」 ぱぁっと顔が輝いた。 ......良かった、当たりだったようだ。 「お久しぶりです、ソードさん」 ............会いたくなかったな。 俺の顔がこわ張った。 ――姉の死に責任がないわけじゃない。 他のパーティの連中は地元のやつがいなかったので家族に問い詰められることも無かったのだが、ルーナだけは地元だった。 姉のルーナは神職の見習いで修行として冒険者......後で知ったが彼女のファンとパーティを組んでいた。 その点では、誘ってくれたリーダーに感謝していた。 俺は色恋はおろか友達すらいなくて、とにかくそのパーティになじみたくて、声をかけてくれたのもうれしかったし、おとなしく盾としての役割をこなしていれば仲間として認めてもらえた。 だから、パーティの実情も知らなかった。
We had a test run. Bennyboy also came along in his Char, apparently being curious. I watched the whole show from atop my Ryoku. Thinking it’d distract the driver if someone watched and talked to them from the side, I added a 【Talking Char】 function to the navigational system, so the explanation of the functions should pose no problems. Sword – as might be expected from him being an Allrounder – managed to drive the camping car without a hitch. “Bennyboy, yours is for transporting goods, so the freight would be shaken around if you went too fast. Also, if a huge bug went on long trips at high speed, people would fall into panic, right? Sword’s car is a toy. Since it’s intended for him to have some fun around here, I fiddled with it to my liking.” After driving normally for some time, Sword’s car jumped. “Whoa!?” I mean, it’s a Kn○ht Rider, so a jumping function is a must! “D-Didn’t it f-fly just now?” “That’s why I told you that it’s Sword’s personal toy. It’s completely removed from the idea of transport. Also, it’s jumping. Jumping.” “Haah?” After having jumped several times, its wings came out as the flight time had apparently become too long. “Whaaa!!” Sword’s car flew off with a buzz. Gradually the inertial flight time stopped and the speed dropped, resulting in a relaxed flight. Bennyboy stared with his mouth agape, completely dumbfounded. “Don’t fly up too high~! You’ll draw too much attention~!” I informed Sword while empowering my voice with a booster spell. After flying around for a while, he apparently had his fill, and landed on the ground again. Then he drove his car over to us, and stopped. I got off Char with my Ryoku. “How was it?” “I haven’t heard anythin’ ’bout it goin’ to jump!” He thundered. Contrary to my expectation of him enjoying himself, he was startled, it seems. “Should I remove the function then?” “Nah, just leave it there.” “Also, you mentioned a [Bike] or somethin’ like that?” “Yep. In the language of this world you’d describe it as Two-wheeled Golem, I guess. Let’s see...I think I’ll name it [Bronko]. It means Vaulting Horse.” Bennyboy was shocked. “Just a sec, Indra. Aren’t you pampering Mr. Sword way too much? Building something that’s far more amazing than ancient golems and readily giving it to him just like that...in the first place, Mr. Sword doesn’t even need it, does he? He can run much faster than a golem, right?” Apparently well aware of it himself, Sword quietly averted his face as he was unable to refute. “Now, now, he’s taking care of me in various ways, and I like building stuff. It’s not like he forced me into it. I made it and gave it to him on my own accord, so don’t be so bitter about it.” Bennyboy sighed deeply, “...Somehow, you’re totally like an adult. Men, you see, never stop being little boys, but you don’t follow that rule at all.” That’s because I’m a woman. Next, the bike test run. Seeing Bronko after it was unloaded by Ryoku, the two men howled, “”Uuoooooohhh!!”” The frame imitated that of a fully cowled tour bike, just with a conspicuously futuristic style. I colored it piano white – Sword’s personal color – and accentuated it with black – Sword’s eye color. For the frame I properly used metal, and even coated it! However, since it’s not like it’s powered by an engine and gasoline, half of it is hollow! “Awesome! It’s so friggin’ cool! The hell’s this!? I can’t believe my own eyes!!” “You can build such stuff ‘s well!?” Leaving aside Bennyboy’s exuberant praise, Sword’s comment is rather rude, isn’t it? “Actually I’m surprised that you guys consider it cool. I thought you wouldn’t understand the artistic appeal behind this.” “”I don’t wanna be told that by someone who builds insectoid golems!!”” They retorted in sync. Shaking their comment off, I explained, “It uses biometric authentication. It’ll start up if you touch the handle.” Sword straddled it, grabbed the handle, and turned the switch on! “Whooaa! It’s glowing!” Lamps went on all over the frame. “Wow, this is amazin’. I’m gettin’ totally hyped here!” “Glad to hear. It doesn’t matter which side, but if you twist the grip towards yourself, it’ll speed up, and if you twist it the other way, it’ll slow down. If you let go of it, the speed will be locked, but continue to drop over time. You’ll find a lever close to the right hand grip. That one’s the brake. Don’t grab and screw it around with a jerk, okay? You’d experience an impact that would be far worse than a horse suddenly stopping mid-gallop. Since it’s dangerous, it’s set to limit the speed at first.” I gave him a run-down on the operation. You can release the speed limit with the left footpeg. It has three stages: 『Normal』, 『Speedy』, 『Ultimate』. For each stage you have to lift the footpeg while pinning down the level at the left hand grip. Once the bike stops, it returns to 『Normal』. Otherwise it’d leap up when departing. Etc., etc. “...Moreover, it’s a hidden function, but this bike can 『Jump』 as well. If you reach under the right hand grip with your thumb, you’ll find a button. Press it while keeping the timing in mind. Depending on how strongly you press it, the jump power will change. When you dismount the bike, press this stop panel over here. Stands will come out. Also...it’s wrong to merely sit on the bike and steer it with the handle. The trick is to tightly keep the bike’s seat between your thighs and bend the bike to the sides by shifting your center of gravity.” “Gotcha. I’ll practice.” Sword immediately got started. Oof, nothing less of an S-Rank adventurer. He’s already driving it quite proficiently despite being a beginner at it. It makes me slightly envious. I want to ride it as well, but since I made it for Sword, my feet won’t reach the pegs thanks to my loli body! And here I had thought that I might be able to rebuild it for my own use if he’d said that he doesn’t want it! “How nice, so damn nice! Always pampering only Mr. Sword~” Bennyboy looked super jelly. “...I don’t really mind building one for you as well, but that thing is really dangerous, you know? Sword might survive a fall, but any ordinary human would definitely suffer heavy injuries, and if unlucky, die on the spot.” “Ugh~ I can’t ride such a fearsome magic horse! Or rather, is the danger of being thrown off smaller, the less ferocious it is in comparison to a magic horse?” ...... Is it...? I can’t tell. “Oh well, whatever. I’ll build you one.” “But, since it’s going to be dangerous, I want you to wear boots, knee and elbow protectors, and a shock-reducing helmet.” “Whoa, I’ll be just like an adventurer. But, who cares. It’ll be cool as long as I think of it as a magic horse. I’ll ride it while wearing powerful shock-absorbing armor.” In the background, Sword had probably shifted the mode after completely mastering the driving. Letting the bike race across the plain with a loud vrooming, he casually pulled off a slalom track, and occasionally let the bike leap and jump. ......Don’t tell me that having built a Char for him had been completely for naught...!? Later on I also finished Bennyboy’s bike. It’s a version with the same shape but gray on piano black coloring! “Wow! So flashy!” “Because it seems like it’d fit a playboy.” “Hah?” I’d planned to use the reverse color scheme of Sword’s bike, but since that’d have become way too garish, I toned it down. Of course I plan to make mine blue-green. But, currently I’ve got no time to play around with bikes. Next I must turn my attention back to the restaurant again.
ベン君も興味あるみたいでシャールに乗ってついてきた。 ナビゲーションで【おしゃべりシャール君】がついてるから、機能の説明は大丈夫のはずだ。 ソード、流石オールラウンダーズを名乗るだけあって、簡単に乗りこなした。 「ベン君のシャールは輸送用だから、あんまりスピードを出すと中の貨物が揺れる。あと、遠方に出かけたときに巨大な虫が恐ろしいスピードで走ってたら、パニックになるだろう? ソード専用のアレは、玩具だ。ここら辺で遊ぶ用だから、好きにいじった」 ある程度走ったら、ジャンプ。 「おわっ!?」 ナイ○ライダーだもの、ジャンプ機能はないとね! 「い、今、跳ねませんでした!?」 「だから、ソード専用の玩具なんだ。輸送の概念はない。跳ぶし、飛ぶ」 「は?」 何度か跳んだ後、滞空時間が長かったのか、羽が出た。 「おわぁっ!!」 次第に慣性の滞空時間が終わり、スピードが落ちてゆっくりとした飛行になった。 ベン君、呆気にとられて口を開けっぱなし。 「あんまり高くは飛ぶなよー。目立つからなー」 拡声魔術でソードに伝えた。 しばらく飛んで、満足したのか地面に降りてきた。 「どうだ?」 「ジャンプするって聞いてないぞ!」 楽しんでるかと思いきや、びっくりしてたのか。 「じゃあ、機能を取るか?」 「そのまま付けといて」 「あと、[バイク]とか言ったか?」 「そうだが、こちらの言葉では駆動ゴーレム〟と言う表現だな。そうだな......名は【ブロンコ】とでもしておくか。〝跳ね馬〟という意味だ」 ベン君が呆れた。 「ちょーっと、インドラ様。ソードさんを甘やかし過ぎじゃないッスか? 古代ゴーレムよかスゲーのを作ってあげて、玩具としてホイホイ与えるなんて......。そもそも、ソードさんにいらないっしょ? ゴーレム使うよか自分で走った方が速いっしょ?」 ソードも自覚があるのか、反論せずにそっと顔をそらしてるし。 「まぁまぁ。私もいろいろ世話になってるし、ものづくりは好きなのだ。ねだられたワケじゃなく、私が勝手に作って贈ったものだから、そう苦言を呈してくれるな」 「......なんか、インドラ様って大人ッスねー。男ってこう、ガキっぽさがいくつになっても抜けないもんスけど、インドラ様は違うっつーか」 それは、女だからだな。 バイク試乗。 リョークから下ろしてきたブロンコを見て、二人が ソードのパーソナルカラーのピアノホワイトをベースに黒とソードの瞳の色をアクセントに着色した。 ガソリンとエンジンで駆動するわけではないので中スッカスカだけどね! 「すっげー! すンげーかっこいいッス! なんスかコレ!? ありえねーッス!!」 「お前、こんなのも作れるのかよ!?」 ベン君はともかく、ソードの感想が失礼だぞ? 「むしろお前たちがこれをかっこいいと思うのに驚いたぞ。このセンスはわからないかと思ってた」 「「虫をゴーレムにする人間に言われたくない」ッス」 「生体認証だ。ハンドルを触れば自動的に起動する」 ソードが跨がってハンドルを握ると、スイッチオン! 「うぉっ! 光ったッス!」 あちこち点灯した。 「うわ、コレ、すげーな。テンション上がるわ」 「そうか。どちらでもいいがグリップを手前にひねるとスピードが上がり、向こうにひねると緩まる。手を離すと固定されるが、徐々にスピードは落ちていく。ブレーキは、右手グリップ近くにあるレバーをつかむ。勢いよく回したりつかんだりするなよ? 馬が急停止するよりもひどい衝撃が出るぞ。危険なので、最初はスピード制御がかかってる」 操作説明をした。 制限解除は左手と足で操作する階、『通常』『スピード』『リミッター解除』。 「......あと、隠し機能だが、これも『ジャンプ』出来る。右手のグリップ下、親指を伸ばせば届くところにボタンがあるから、タイミングを見て押してみろ。押す強さでジャンプ力が変わる。降りるときは、この〝停止パネル〟を押せ。停止スタンドが出てくる。あとは......どっしり座ってハンドル操作のみで乗ってはいけない、太腿で挟んで重心移動で左右に曲がる、のがコツだ」 「わかった、実践するから」 ソード、早速走り出した。 うわー、さすが。初心者のくせにもう乗りこなしてる。 乗りたいのだが、ソード用に作ったので、ロリ体形の私には足が届かないのだ! 「いいなーいいなー。ソードさんばっかり甘やかして~」 ベン君が超羨ましそうだ。 「......別に作って貸してもいいが、アレ、相当危険だぞ? ソードならアレが転倒しようが死なないだろうが、普通の人間は間違いなく怪我をし、下手をすると死ぬぞ?」 「いや~、そんなん怖れて魔馬は乗れませんって! つーか、魔馬よりも凶暴じゃない分、ほうり出される危険性少なくないスか?」 ............。 そうなのか......? 知らないが。 「まぁいい、作ってやる」 「だが、危険だからな、ブーツ、膝当て、肘当て、出来るならショック軽減の兜を被ってほしい」 「うわー、冒険者みたいッスね。まぁ、いいッスよ。魔馬だと思えばいいんだし。打撃に強い防具着て乗るッス」 遠景では、完全に乗りこなしてるソードが恐らくモードを変えて、ギュンギュン走り回り、スラロームをヒョイヒョイとS字で走って、たまにジャンプして飛び越えてるのが見える。 ............まさか、シャール作ってあげたのが無駄になったんじゃ......? 同じ形のピアノブラックベースにグレーとマゼンダバージョン! 「うわー! 派手ッスねー!」 「チャラ男に似合いそうだからな」 「は?」 配色逆にしようかと思ったが。それじゃチャラくなりすぎるので落ち着かせた。 次はまたレストランに戻らなくては。
While the mansion continued to be abuzz with the servants getting everything ready for the sudden visit, I built various stuff, was asked to make this and that, and got dragged around all over the place when Sword was invited somehwere. During such a busy time, a letter was delivered. In this world, letters were – you’d never believe it – transferred through the guild. Although only something with the size of a letter could be passed on like that, it still allowed for letters to be instantly sent from the capital to a remote place like Ys. And even though it was possible for a letter to get lost on the way since it was delivered to the addressee by a guild postman after reaching the destination guild, it almost never happened, so far as I’ve heard. Then again, it’s not usual for commoners to correspond through letters either. Most of them can only write their name and their reading skills are rudimentary at best. Merchants, on the other hand, were obviously able to read and write decently. Anyway, back to the main story. The letter stated that they’d arrive in around five days. ...Isn’t that pretty fast? “Is it normal for them to travel so quickly?” “They are members of a ducal family, so I would guess that they are using swift horses to travel,” the head maid told me. I see. Also, there’s one more thing bothering me about the letter’s content. “...She’s written that her family is coming with her. Why is that so? According to what I’ve heard from Damsel Scarlet, it was something akin to visiting a school friend’s home to play. So for what reason would she come over together with her family?” Everyone present froze on the spot. “Sally, Clara, Anna, please prepare another three guest rooms. Lady Indra, I am terribly sorry, but would it be alright for me to request you make side tables and chairs for the guest rooms?” “Sure.” The head maid rebooted at once, and started to quickly hurl out a flurry of instructions. Given that I excelled at various kinds of workmanship, I built tables and chairs with ornamental carvings. The parlor and dining hall was prettied up to look luxurious, too. On the appointed day, carriages arrived. Three of them. Maids and servants descended from two of them, and opened the door of the third carriage, which was clearly more gorgeous than the other two. “Welcome and thank you kindly for making the long trip all the way here. ...Is it fine for me to assume that you are Duke Chaudgal?” A man with sparkling eyes got off the carriage in front of me. “Oohh, you must be the partner of Hero 【Thunderclap Whitefang】, correct!? My name is Gerard Chaudgal. Hero 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 saved my life in the past!” ...Ah, now I somehow get the reason why her father visited as well. He’s a fan, so he used the chance to come along, huh? Well, he definitely came here to meet Sword. And Sword had apparently grasped that reason, seeing how he immediately disappeared even though he had been standing next to me just moments ago. Damsel Scarlet, who had followed her father out of the carriage, covered her face with both hands, looking extremely apologetic. “......Father......it is embarrassing, so could you please stop it.” “......Damsel Scarlet, I’m not up to date with the most recent etiquette among nobility, but is it normal for your parents to come along when you visit a school friend?” I asked for good measure. “...I truly beg your pardon for my father!” Pheew, that’s great to hear. Wait...nothing is great about it. But well, now that he’s shown up, it can’t be helped either way. Still, at least her mother didn’t show up. Then I was handed a letter by Damsel Scarlet. It basically said: 『My husband, who always turns weird whenever it comes to the hero, threw a tantrum and insisted on coming along. Please forgive us for the trouble we might have caused you with this. In exchange, feel free to use him as you see fit』 “...Well, no helping it. Since you kindly sent us a letter ahead of time, we have prepared everything. I’m not the head of the family around here, but...the lord of the mansion, who’s my partner, ran away after feeling himself to be in danger. I’ll guide you in his stead.” Duke Chaudgal looked at me with eyes full of admiration, “Even though you should have revoked your noble rank, you are coming across as a truly dignified person with a proper demeanor. It looks like the rumor about you is true.” Hmm? Rumor? “What kind of rumor?” I tilted my head in confusion. “The rumor stating that you ought to have rightfully inherited the Springcoat House.” What’s with that crazy rumor? “I’m not such an oddball that I’d feel like inheriting an earl house on the verge of ruin. I’m Sword’s partner and an adventurer.” “Yes, I’m well aware of that. While my powers might be meager, I shall assist you with all I can offer.” Oh my! After resolutely looking at the duke, I held out a hand. “That’d be a big help. I don’t feel like becoming a noble at this point. I want to keep going on adventures with Sword as a commoner. The administration of a fief isn’t anything I would ever want to do. I want to keep traveling in my quest for thrills. If I can have you assist me with that, it’ll be a very reliable source of strength for me.” “Of course! I shall cooperate with you as much as I can!” He exchanged a firm handshake with me. Meanwhile I could hear, “Ah, these two might be kindred spirits?” as a whisper from behind him.
屋敷は使用人たちによって急激に整えられていき、なんか作らされたり、作ったり、ソードはあっちこっちで頼まれごとして連れ回されたりしてたら、手紙が来た。 ――この世界、お手紙はなんとギルドから転送されるのだ! 単語はなんとか読めて自分の名前を書くことは出来る、くらいだって。 商人はもちろんできるけどね。 閑話休題。届いた手紙を読んだらほどで着くってことだった。 ......結構早くない? 「この行程は普通なのか?」 「公爵家ですから、駿馬で移動してるのでしょう」 そっか。 ......あと、気になるのが。 「......家族で来る、って書いてあるが。なんでだ? 私がスカーレット嬢から聞いた話だと、学友の屋敷に遊びに行く、くらいの感覚だったぞ? なんで家族で押しかけてくるんだ?」 ピキ、とその場の全員が固まった。 「サリー、クララ、アンナ。さらに来客用の部屋ほど整えて下さい。インドラ様、申し訳ありませんが、来客用のサイドテーブルと椅子の作成をお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか?」 「わかった」 私は、細々した細工が得意なので、装飾彫りしたテーブルや椅子を作成。 馬車が来た。 メイドさんや使用人が降りて、絢爛な馬車のドアを開けた。 「遠路はるばるようこそ。......貴殿は、ショートガーデ公爵でよろしいかな?」 私の前に、キラキラ目の男性が降り立った。 「おぉ、貴方が英雄【迅雷白牙】のパートナーの方か! 私はジェラルド・ショートガーデ。かつて英雄【迅雷白牙】に命を救われた者です!」 ............あぁ。家族で訪れた理由がなんとなくわかった。 ソードも理由がすぐわかったみたいで消えた。 降りてきたスカーレット嬢が、顔を両手で覆い、非常に申し訳なさそうにしてる。 「............お父様............。恥ずかしいので、本当におやめ下さい」 「............スカーレット嬢。私は最新の貴族のマナーに疎いのだが、学友の屋敷には、家族で訪問するのが普通なのか?」 一応、尋ねた。 「......本当に、父が、申し訳ありません!」 まぁ、来てしまったものはしかたがない。 さすがに母親は来なかった。 『英雄様のことになるとおかしな言動に出る夫が駄々を捏ね、大変なご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。その代わり、好きなように使ってやって下さい』 「......まぁ、しかたがない。手紙はいただいていたので、それなりの準備はしてある。私は当主ではないのだが......パートナーである当主は、危機を感じて逃げ去った。代わりに、私が案内しよう」 「野に下ったはずなのに、実に堂々とした佇まい、卑しさのない姿勢、さすが噂通りの方のようだ」 ん? 噂? 「噂とは?」 「インドラ殿こそ、スプリンコート伯爵家を継ぐべき方だという噂です」 なんだそのとんでもない噂は。 「つぶれかけた伯爵家を継ぎたい物好きなどいないだろう。私は、ソードの相棒で、冒険者だ!」 「えぇ、存じてます。私も微力ながら、力添えしますぞ」 なんと! そう言ってくれたショートガーデ公爵を思いっきり見た後、手を差し出した。 「それは助かる。私は、今更貴族になる気などないし、平民で、ソードと共に冒険を続けるつもりだ。領地経営など真っ平御免だ、私は、ワクワク感を求め、旅をし続ける。貴男が力添えしてくれたならば、大変に心強い」 「もちろん! ご協力いたしますぞ!」 「あ。こ、同類かもしれないわ?」
{Sword} This lil’ shit closed the distance in an instant, just to aim at my wrist. Sure I didn’t take him serious, but it ain’t like I was careless or anythin’ like that. And yet it looked like my defenses wouldn’t be in time thanks to his astoundin’ speed and precision. ...Yep, just as I thought, he ain’t no ordinary youth. I’m damn sure that this can’t be that noble lady Indra, leavin’ the question, who’s this guy, or rather, “what” is he...? ...No, he’s gotta be a human after all. He’s fightin’ with a proper style after all. This is also the reason why I’m able to pull through with some leeway, though. I deliberately led the battle into a lockin’ of swords in order to take a look at his power. ...But this part truly surprised me. ...We’re friggin’ even in strength! Moreover, magic elements are swellin’ up in him! What a blunder. Didn’t expect him to be this strong. This crude piece of wood won’t hold out much longer either. I swiftly recited a spell to raise my physical abilities, and send him flyin’. The brat’s body went airborne, and his torso became defenseless as he threw up his hands in response to bein’ sent flying. The instant I swung my stick horizontally, tryin’ to land a hit on his unprotected belly, that pipsqueak kicked up my wrist with superb timin’! “Ughh!” ...Fuck, my bones might be broken. The brat landed, and even while staggering, closed the distance right away... “Wait, I give up. Let’s end this here.” He stopped at the last moment. Seein’ how he’s come to a halt, I swiftly take out a healin’ potion, chug it down, and get ready for the next set of attacks, but... “I see. ...So, what do you think? Does it look like I could become an adventurer? Or do I still lack strength?” He asked casually after releasin’ his combat stance, makin’ me wonder what I should do about this... *** “...Now listen, let me get this straight first. ――You! Completely and utterly! Lack anythin’ resemblin’ common sense!!!” Eeehh...? “You don’t really have to stress it so much...” “I felt like sayin’ it! No matter how much you trained by yourself, and even if you say you got not one to consult with, there’s a friggin’ limit for everything!! Why the hell would you think you lack strength!?!” That’s why I told you that I don’t know about other people. “Rather, how the fuck did you become so strong!? Speed, power, and everythin’ else ain’t nowhere near the level of a brat! On the contrary, even a grown man wouldn’t be able to pull this off!!” Ah, so it’s as I thought after all. Since this world is a fantasy, I thought around this much would be commonplace though. “...I vaguely sensed that it’s weird.” “Vaguely!?!” He spat out a deep sigh. “...You human?” Did he think that I came here on a spaceship from some veggie planet? I don’t have a tail, you know? “...I don’t get the meaning behind your question, but the one who gave birth to me was human, I think. Though she pulled faces like a devil, and her way of treating me was just like that of a devil as well... The man, hmm...for better or worse, it’s clear that one of the men she partnered with is a human, but most likely only the woman who gave birth to me knows the full truth. But since she’s already dead, it’ll remain an unresolved mystery for eternity.” This made him dumbfounded. Then he spat out another deep sigh. “...Gotcha. Well, means your an outstandin’ kid. But! Without any common sense!” Once again he labeled me like that. “Common sense doesn’t matter as long as I don’t get involved with people. ...Anyway, does it seem like I could become an adventurer?” “Your belief that you ain’t goin’ to have anythin’ to do with people as adventurer is already perfect proof of your lackin’ common sense.” Whaa! Looks like it’s necessary after all. And it looks like my dream of becoming an adventurer might fall through because of lacking common sense rather than lacking ability! Watching me brood, he scratched his head. “...Well, this is gotta be some kind of fate. If your sayin’ you wanna become an adventurer, I’ll look after you for a bit. Also, you seem like you’d be a great trainin’ partner.” ...or so he told me! “...Despite pulling a face like a gangster, you’re an unexpectedly nice person.” When I praised him like that, “Who’s a gangster here!? Rather, you really have no common sense whatsoever!” I got scolded. “So? Training over with this?” He asked. Shaking my head, I answered, “We already worked out so the physical training has been covered. It’s about time for lunch now, and afterwards it’s going to be training in magic arts until evening, I’d say.” “Eating lunch? How refined.” Is it? “...Not eating lunch would fine as well, but I’ve reassessed that it’d be better to eat three meals during my childhood for my body to develop properly.” “...You know....your quite cheeky, no, it’s more like I’m dealin’ with a geezer who’s been ’round for many, many years.” He told me and added while he was at it, “So, lunch, was it? You mentioned that you could also aspire to become a cook, didn’t you? Then let me have a taste.” “Ehh.” “Whoa, you look so totally ‘gainst it.” “I’m not aspiring to become a cook. Besides, good adults don’t sponge off children.” “This is why I’ve been tellin’ you that your cheeky. Just let me get this straight for you who’s got no common sense, that was no praise, ‘kay?” “I know, I know. Today you taught me various things, so let’s make this your reward. And while we are at it, please teach me a bit about common sense. Also, wash yourself. You stink like a skunk.” “...Is it just me, or is your treatment of me gradually becomin’ crude and unrestrained?” I won’t deny that part, but he still stinks. The man suddenly threw his eyes wide open. “...Ah, I got it! You sure are pretty neat considerin’ your filthy outfit, aren’t you?” “I’ve been washing myself here every day. Since no one came here...well, until you showed up at least...I washed my body outside.” “...Here? In these woods?” “It’s because I can also use soap and scrub. Let’s wash our bodies before eating lunch. The smell is going to waste all the good food.” {Sword} When the brat told me to take off my clothes, I looked suspiciously at her, asking, “What about the water?” “I’m going to produce it right away.” He said, followed by rain startin’ to fall at a spot slightly away from me. “Hah!?” ...Don’t tell me... “Wet your body by letting that pour down on you. Once you’re wet, step out for a moment, and use this. Smear this on your body. For your hair, use this over here. Spread this on your hands and rub it against your head. Then you wipe your body, but not the face, with this cloth!” While I was completely flabbergasted ’bout him bein’ able to use magic, this n’ that was pushed into my hands. Since I was pestered to take off my clothes while I was still dazed, I surrendered myself to the unavoidable, took off my gear and headed over to the spot he’d pointed at. Water was rainin’ down from above at a place beneath interwoven branches... “The hell!? This water is warm!!” “Even during the hot seasons your body can get chilled when bathing in cold water, right? All the more so out here. ...Aww, you’re really a lost case, sheesh. I’m going to show you how to do it, so watch!” He said and started to take off his clothes. Havin’ become stark naked, his body was astonishingly white, slender, and... “You were a girl!?” How upsetting! “It’s obvious at a glance that I’m a girl!? Or do you see anything on me that would point to me being male!?!” I had only checked myself out through my reflection on water, but I’m a pretty beautiful girl! Fair-skinned, and although I possess startling strength like those people from the veggie planet, I’m quite slender! “You were Indra herself!?” Did he talk to me on the basis of it being a false name!? “Your a noble, so what’s with that hair of yours!? Even among commoners you ain’t gonna find any women with such short hair!!” He thundered, just to look taken aback in the next moment, “...No way, you tellin’ me someone cut it off like that?” “Well, the one who cut my hair was the family head’s daughter, so you’re not wrong about that.” “That means...” “At first she cut it while looking somewhat absentminded, but these days she has fun doing it. Well, it just confirms my suspicion that she’s fast at adapting to new situations. Quite the flexible one, or maybe I should call her forgetful?” “You had her cut it for you!?” “Anyway, imitate me. ...You’ll understand once you’ve washed your head, but long hair is a pain to keep clean. There’s not a single benefit in having long hair when training either, or to be more precise, the only two options for getting my hair cut were me doing it myself or having her do it for me, so it’s also true that having short hair is still better than long hair that got messily cut with a child’s skill.” I explained while rubbing myself with the body towel after smearing the soap on my body. “...For fuckin’s sake, you really got no common sense at all... Wait, somehow something’s foamin’ on you?” “Want me to explain the underlying principle in detail? I don’t know whether you’ll be able to understand half of it though, okay?” “Give it a rest. ...Are you a sorceress or somethin’?” Sorceress somehow sounds pretty cool! “No, it’s just my common knowledge.” When I shook my head, he stared at me, an eyebrow lifted. “But your usin’ high-level magic like it’s nothin’? Without chantin’, and on top of that, I’ve never heard of any spell that allows you to produce hot water.” ... “So this was magic after all!?” He shouted again. The smelly guy washed himself, and using the occasion, I washed myself as well, even though I didn’t stink. When I dried us with hot air, it triggered him to run his flap again. After the drying was done, he looked like he had just enjoyed a nice hot bath, saying, “Ah, this was really refreshin’.” “That’s great to hear. For both of us.” Muttering that earned me a glare. But, why! “Oi brat...err, missy, just what the hell is this thing?” He pointed at the soap. “It’s something called soap or soap. In this world you call it 【Detergent】, I think.” “How did you get your hands on it?” “I made it.” He glared at me once again. But, why! “How?” “The base materials are water, salt, and oil, but it’s the result of running many, many tests, okay? It’s nothing you can make on the fly. It was super difficult, as a matter of fact.” The reason is electrolysis. That one was really tough, and ultra dangerous! “...You really not a sorceress? How old are you actually? You not goin’ to come around the corner with a punchline like bein’ years old or some shit like that, right?” “I’m minus 693 years old. I don’t know what kind of a person a sorceress would be. Rather, I’d prefer if you were to call me a prodigy.” The man shrugged his shoulders as if having given up. “Ms. Prodigy, I’m lookin’ forward to your cooking.” “Got it, so please teach me.” “What would I be able to teach a prodigy?” “Common sense. ...I’ve been using magic arts, haven’t I?” “What did you think you were usin’?” “I was troubled because I didn’t know. Describing it properly it’d be like 『I gave it a go and somehow succeeded. Tehe ☆』.” He burst into guffawing. “So, is it normal to be able to use magic?” “Those with talent can use it. But what your usin’ is anythin’ but normal. Your not chantin’ any spells, are you?” “I don’t. It’s not like anyone taught me how, and it wasn’t written in the books either.” “You read books, huh?” I nodded, “Those only covered the general concept. But I managed somehow.” “That’s weird as fuck. Rather, how did you do it in the first place?” “Can you use magic arts? Then again I wouldn’t be able to tell even if you told me you can’t.” The man held up a hand, and then, after quickly babbling some incomprehensible words, fire flew out of his hand. “Oohh! A classic has appeared!” “Don’t you know your stuff then?” He retorted like that, but I wouldn’t ask if I knew, hmph! “No, I don’t. However, I imagined using magic might be just like that with the tiny amount of knowledge I possess. The words you said just now were a chant?” “Aye. ...Still, you ain’t even surprised about me bein’ able to pump out such powerful spell without a wand, eh?” “You held back quite a bit, didn’t you? I mean if things went badly a powerful fire spell would turn into a wildfire, wouldn’t it?” “...Just gimme a break already. Your a natural at tickin’ me off.” Eeeeehh, why!? When I pouted my lips, the man ruffled my hair with a smile. “...True, lookin’ closely, you’re a woman, and you seem to be of noble origin. The gloss and whiteness of your hair as well as the smoothness of your skin resemble those of a young noble lady.” “Nah, anyone can look like that if they wash themselves with detergent.” When I coolly replied to his comment, it earned myself another glare. Moreover, he pulled on my cheeks. Why! “Unless your a noble, keepin’ yourself clean everyday is a pipe dream.” No way! Filthy! Dirty! “Don’t look at me as if I’m trash! That’s why nobles are such pain to deal with!” Bah... Am I going to act like him once I become a commoner? No, let’s not imitate that part. Definitely not. While talking about these things, we headed over to the cooking spot. “Hoh! I see, I see. Quite proper, this place.” I think it’s terribly simple, though. Then again, my common sense doesn’t work here. This is a crucial piece of information. After warning him to behave, I prepared the meal with the ingredients I received at the kitchen. Since I had an inkling that he’d be a glutton, I decided to make a somewhat bigger portion this time. Since the cook was also a big eater, she ate up almost everything I created at first. I’m a woman who’s capable of learning. “Come to think of it, you ain’t usin’ magic tools despite all that weird knowledge of yours, Ms. Prodigy?” I whirled around. “Do you know how to make magic tools?” “Look, there ain’t no way I would. Told ya I’m an adventurer, didn’t I?” Hmm, I see. No luck, huh? For me as someone who’s interested in all kinds of things, I’d love to make my own magic tools. ...Anyway, I kinda feel like this guy is gradually treating me worse and worse. “Let alone having touched a magic tool, I haven’t even seen one so far, so it’s the very definition of an unknown for me. I’m praying that I’ll be able to take a look at one at least once before I die.” “Your exaggeratin’. Just how old are you anyway? Also, clocks are magic tools.” “No exaggeration. I might die tomorrow, and I know about clocks being magic tools. But, I don’t have one. I’m not allowed to have it. I just know about it.” The man fell silent. “You sayin’ Her Noble Ladyship doesn’t have any clocks?” “It’s not wrong to call me a noble, or at least something like that. But in the end I’m seen as a freeloader, and thus don’t get anything. Manners were the only thing driven into me, physically, until I turned five, so I’m perfect at those if I feel like it.” I don’t really feel like taking lessons while being abused, and me having frantically learned out of a desire to get praised is part of my dark past. I’m going to dump my nobility anyway, and right now it’s pretty much as if I’ve already discarded it, so it’s no problem even if I don’t do any of it either. “...... Here.” I caught the object tossed my way by reflex. “...This is...” “Gimme the thing I used for washin’ myself earlier in exchange for this.” I got a watch in exchange for soap. From a straw to a millionaire!
〈ソード〉 なめてはいたが、そこまで油断したわけじゃねぇ。それでもあまりの速さと正確さに防御が間に合わなくなりそうだった。 ......やっぱ、ただ者じゃねぇな。インドラって令嬢本人じゃないのは確実として、じゃあ誰だ、いや〝何だ〟って話だが......。 ......いや、やっぱ人だな。型にはまった戦い方をしやがる。 パワーを見るために、わざとつばぜり合いに持っていった。 ......コイツ、俺と互角に渡り合ってやがる! さらにだ、魔素が膨れ上がりやがった! 失敗したな、ここまでだとは予想してなかった。この棒ッ切れじゃもたねぇ。 小僧の身体が宙に浮き、跳ね飛ばされた反動で手が上がり胴ががら空きになる。そこをなぎ払おうと棒を水平に振った瞬間。 「ぐっ!?」 ......ヤベェ、骨がイッたかもしんねーな。 小僧はたたらを踏みつつも着地し、すぐさま間合いを詰め...... 「待った、降参。これで終わりだ」 小僧の動きが止まったのを見て素早く回復薬を飲んで追撃に備えたが 「そうか。......それで、私はどんな感じだ? 冒険者になれそうか? それともそんな実力は無かったか?」 って、構えを解いてのん気に聞いてきて、どうしようかと思ったぜ......。 *** 「......あのな。まず最初に言っておく。――お前には! 常識が! 欠片もねぇ!!」 ええー......。 「そんな力いっぱい言わなくても......」 「言いたくもなるんだよ! いっくら一人で練習してました、誰にも見てもらってません、そうは言ってもな、モノには限度ってモンがあるだろ!! なんで実力がねぇとか考えるんだよ!!」 だから、他の人を知らないんだって。 「つーか、なんでそんなに強くなれたんだよ! スピード、パワー、どれをとってもガキのレベルじゃねーぞ! それどころか大の大人にだっていやしねーよ!!」 あ、やっぱりそうなのか。この世界はファンタジーだからこれくらいゴロゴロいるかと思ったけど。 「......薄々は、おかしい気がしてた」 重ーいため息をつかれた。 「......お前、人族か?」 って......。 どこぞの野菜の星から宇宙船でやってきたとでも? 尻尾、生えてないよ? 「......質問の意味がわからないが、私を産んだのは人間だな。悪魔みたいな顔をしていたし仕打ちも悪魔のようだったが。......男の方はなぁ......。一応、相手の男の一人は人間と確定してるのだけど、実際のところは産んだ女しか知らないだろうな。だが産んだ女は死んだので、永久に謎のままだ」 唖然とされたし。 その後、再び重いため息をつかれた。 「......わかった。ま、優秀な子供だってこったな。しかし! 常識がねぇ!」 また言われたし。 「常識は人に絡まなければ大丈夫だ。......じゃあ、私は冒険者になれそうなんだな?」 「冒険者が人に絡まねぇなんて考えてんのがもう、常識がねぇ証拠だよ」 わぁ。必要だったみたーい。そして実力より常識知らずのせいで冒険者の夢は頓挫するかもだ! 考え込んでる私を見て、頭をかくと 「......ま、これも何かの縁だ。冒険者になりたいってんなら、ちょっと見てやるよ。俺もいい練習相手が出来そうだしな」 と言ってくれた! 「......お前。うさん臭そうな顔をしてるのに意外といいやつなんだな」 「うさん臭ぇってなんだよ!? つか、お前、ホント常識ねぇな!」 「で? 訓練はこれで終わりか?」 「身体の鍛練はもうやったからいい。もうそろそろ昼飯を食って、その後夕方まで魔術の訓練だな」 「昼飯食ってんのか? 優雅だな」 優雅なんだ? 「......食べなくても良かったんだが、子供の時期、ちゃんとした身体を作るに食べた方がいいと考え直した」 「......お前って......。こまっしゃくれた、つーよかなんか長年生きてるジジイみたいだな」 「えー」 「うっわ、嫌そうな顔してるな」 「料理人志望じゃないし。それに、いい大人が子供にたかるな」 「お前、それがこまっしゃくれてる、って言ってんだよ。常識のねーお前に言っておくけどな、ほめ言葉じゃねーぞ」 「わかったわかった。今日はいろいろ教わったし、そのお代だな。ついでに、もう少し常識を教えてくれ。あと、身体を洗って。とてつもなく臭い」 「......お前、段々遠慮が無くなって雑な扱いになってきてるよな」 それは否定しない。だが臭い。 男がふと目を見開いた。 「......あ、気付いた。お前、小汚いカッコしてる割には小綺麗にしてるよな」 「毎日ここで洗ってるのだ。誰も来ない......お前以外来なかったから、外で身体を洗ってた」 「......ここで?」 辺りをキョロキョロしている。 「せっけんとスクラブも使っていいから。昼飯食べる前に身体を洗おう。臭いと食欲がうせる」 〈ソード〉 「これから出す」 そう言うと、ちょっと離れたところに雨が降った。 「あァ?!」 ......コイツ、まさか。 「アレに当たって身体をぬらせ。ぬれたら一度止めるから。その後、コレ。コレを身体に塗りたくれ。頭はコッチ。コレを塗って、頭はそのままこする。身体は顔以外はこの布でこするのだ!」 ボーッとしてると、「とにかく、脱いで」ってせっつかれたので、仕方ねーから脱いでその場所に行った。 下が組み木になってるその場所、上から水が降って......。 「なんだ?! 温かいぞこの水!」 「暑い時期だって、水浴びは身体が冷えるだろうが。しかもこんな外じゃより一層な。......あー、もうしょーがないやつだな。やり方見せるからまねしろ!」 服を脱ぎ捨て、驚くほど白くその細い身体は......。 「お前、女だったのかよ?!」 心外な! 「見るからに女だろうが!? どこに男の要素があるのだ!!」 水面に映った自分を見たことあるけどな、結構な美少女だったぞ! 色白だし、野菜の星の人もびっくりなパワー持ってても、結構ほっそりしてるし! 「お前、インドラ本人か!」 偽名前提で話してたのかよ!? 「貴族がなんでそんな頭してんだよ! 貴族じゃなくたって、そんなに短い髪の女いねーよ!」 「まぁ、切ったのは屋敷の当主の娘だけどな」 「それって......」 「最初は放心しながら切ってたけど、最近は喜んで切ってるな。やっぱりあの娘は物事に慣れるのが早い。柔軟性があるっつーよか、鳥頭だな」 「お前が切らせたのかよ?!」 「いいから、まねしろ。......お前も頭を洗えばわかるけどな、髪が長いと洗いにくいんだよ。稽古にしたって髪が長いメリットなんて何一つないし、もっと言うなら私は髪を切る手段が自分で切るかその子に切ってもらうかしかない。子供の腕でガタガタに切られた長い髪より、まだ短い髪の方が様になるからって理由もある」 「......ホンット常識ねーな......。って、なんか泡立ってきたぞ?」 「原理の詳しい説明がほしいか? 聞いても半分も理解できるかわからないぞ?」 「やめとく。......お前、魔導師とかなのか?」 魔導師! なんだかかっこいい響き。 「違う。私の中では常識なんだ」 首を振ると、男が眉根を寄せて私を見た。 「でもお前、何気に高度な魔術使ってるだろ。無詠唱で、しかも湯を出せるなんて聞いたことないぞ」 「やっぱりこれは魔術だったのか!!」 また怒鳴られた。 臭かった男が洗い上がった。ついでに臭くない私も洗い上がった。 乾かし終わって、男がいかにもいいお湯だった、みたいな顔をして言った。 「それは良かった、お互いに」 そうつぶやいたらにらまれた。なぜだ。 「おい坊主......じゃねぇ、嬢ちゃんよ。コイツはいったい何なんだ?」 「[せっけん]、もしくは[ソープ]と呼ぶものだ。この世界の言葉で言うなら【洗剤】とでも表現するかな」 「どうやって手に入れた」 「私が作った」 またにらまれた。なぜだ。 「どうやって」 「水と塩と油が原料だが、かなり試行錯誤の結果だぞ? 簡単には出来ない。ものすごく大変だった」 電解するんですよ。それが超大変なんですよ。そして超危険なんですよ。 「......お前、本当に魔導師じゃないのか? 実際いくつだ?歳とかいうオチじゃないのか?」 「七百三歳だ。魔導師がどういう者かわからない。むしろ天才と呼んでほしい」 男がやれやれ、って感じで肩をすくめる。 「天才さんよ。料理も期待してるぜ」 「わかった、だから教えてくれ」 「天才に何を教えるって?」 「常識だ。......私は魔術を使ってるんだな?」 「なんだと思って使ってんだよ、お前は」 「わからないから困ってたんだ。『やってみたらなんか出来ちゃった☆』って表現が正しい」 ブホッと噴き出した。 「で、魔術が使えるのは普通なのか?」 「才能のあるやつは使える。けど、お前が使ってるのはフツーじゃねーんだよ。お前、詠唱はしてねーよな?」 「してない。誰に教わったわけじゃないし、本にも載ってなかった」 「本は読んだのか」 「概念しか載ってなかった。でも出来た」 「それがおかしいんだよ。つーか、お前、どうやってんだ?」 「お前は魔術を使えるか? 使えないと言ってもわからないと思う」 男は手をかざした。で、意味のわからない言葉を早口でつぶやくと、火が飛んで出た。 「おお! 王道だな!」 「知ってんじゃねーか」 ツッコまれたけど、知ってるわけじゃないもん。 「知らない。けど、それこそ本の知識でそんなふうに使うのが魔術なんじゃないかと想像していた。今何か言ってた言葉が詠唱というものか?」 「そーだよ。......つーかよ、杖なしでこの威力を出せるってのには驚かねーのかよ」 「手加減したんだろう? 火で威力を出したら下手をすると火事になるからな」 「......もーやだお前。ナチュラルにあおってくる」 えええ。なんでさ? 唇をとがらすと、男が笑って髪をくしゃくしゃとなでる。 「......確かによく見たら女で、貴族の出らしいな。この髪の艶と色の白さ、肌のきめ細やかさはご令嬢サマらしい」 「いや、洗剤で洗ったら誰でもこうなるから」 ってクールに返すとまた、にらまれた。しかもほっぺた引っ張られた。なぜだ。 「貴族サマでもなけりゃ、毎日身体を洗わねーよ」 「えーーーっ!」 イヤ! キチャナイ! フケツ! 「ゴミを見るような顔するな! だから貴族だっつってんだよ!」 うわー......。私、平民になってやってけるのかしら? いや、そこはまねしないでおこう。 などと話しながら料理場に移動。 「ほー! なるほどな、ちゃんとしてるな」 ひどく簡素だと思ってるけど。私の常識は常識じゃない。コレ重要。 ......なんか大食いっぽい予感がしたので多めに作ることにした。料理人も大食いだったから最初作ったときほとんど平らげられた。 私、学習する女。 「そういや、そんだけ変な知識があるのに魔導具は使わねーのか? 天才さんよ」 「魔導具の作り方、知ってる?」 「知るわけねーだろコラ。俺は冒険者だっつってんだろうがコラ」 うむー。やっぱダメか。 多趣味な私としては、是非とも魔導具も自作したいところだったけど。......それにしてもこの男、だんだん私の扱いが雑になってきてるような? 「魔導具は触ったことはおろか見たこともないから、まさしく未知の産物なんだ。死ぬまでに是非ともひと目お目にかかりたいと願っている」 「大げさな。お前は一体いくつだ。あと、時計は魔導具だ」 「大げさじゃないし、明日死ぬかもしれないし、時計が魔導具なのも知ってる。けど、持ってない。持たせてもらえなかった。知識として知っている、だけ」 男が黙った。 「貴族サマが持ってないって?」 「確かに私は貴族、らしいけどな。居候だし何も与えられてないんだよ。しつけだけまでに物理的にたたき込まれて、やろうと思えば完璧だけどな」 虐待されて習ったことなんかやりたくない。褒めてもらいたくて必死で習得したことは黒歴史だ。どうせ貴族は捨てるんだし、今も捨ててるようなものだし、やらなくても問題ない。 「............。ホラよ」 ってほうり投げられて、思わずキャッチしたものは。 「......これは......」 「それの代わりに、さっき身体洗ったアレらをよこせ」 せっけんと交換で、時計をゲットした。わらしべった!
On the day of the exam I went to the designated meeting place. For some reason, Sword accompanied me as well. He argued that he has to supervise me since I’ll start some kind of trouble otherwise. As we waited, four other parties showed up, and immediately got startled. “...How did you come all the way here?” “I walked, obviously. No, I suppose it’d be more accurate to say I ran.” When I answered while looking at Sword, he was yawning, completely disregarding the other adventurers. “Hey, are you okay? Recently you’ve been drinking every day, haven’t you? You should also drink some water for a change.” “It’ll be fine since I’ve taken the antidote.” Alcohol counts as poison for you then!? Looking my way, Sword grinned broadly, “As expected, even you can’t compound medicine, huh?” “My parent...the other one...has been a doctor, so it’s not like I can’t as I’ve learned it from watching.” Sword’s mouth gaped in surprise. “But, unfortunately the medicinal plants around here are way too different. I’ve found several I know... Still, it’s something I can’t handle as long as I don’t hear about which effects what plants have by becoming the apprentice of a doctor. ...Or rather, in this world you can heal everything by just taking a healing potion, and you can detoxify yourself by taking an antidote, can’t you? Based on my knowledge, medicine doesn’t actually work that way. In the first place, medicine has the task of boosting one’s own healing powers...” “Yeah, yeah. Least you’ve realized that you’ve got some limits in what you can do.” He roughly stroked my head around. ...Feeling gazes on me, I spotted two parties glaring at me. One was the party of the scarlet-haired girl who picked a fight with me a few days ago. It looks like her adventurer license hasn’t been revoked. ...I wonder, what’s the difference between her and the guy who had his license revoked after picking a fight with me? The other party consisted of men. I’d say they are kinda similar to Sword. They started to bicker all of a sudden. “Shit! So it’s gonna be a rigged exam, eh!? That little bitch sure takes it easy, seein’ how she’s set to pass anyway thanks to her connections.” ...... “Does it look like that to you?” When I looked up to Sword, I was surprised to see him pull a cold face I’ve never seen on him before. “Rigged exam, eh? I s’pose it makes sense for folk who don’t get why your my partner. Well, you just need to show ’em that your good enough to get through the dungeon without havin’ to rely on my connections anyway, right? Though I hope that their spirit doesn’t break from the difference in ability afterwards.” ......? “In other words, you’re telling me that it’d be better for me to not go with my self-imposed restrictions?” “Clear the dungeon the fastest with Ryoku.” “I got it! So basically a clearing with the restriction of not stopping at all!” Kind of like a sidescroller game, I guess. ...Suddenly the scarlet-haired girl planted herself in front of me. “It’s nice to see that they didn’t take your license away.” “Obviously they wouldn’t!? I only 『came to the rescue』!” ...Eh? Our conversation isn’t meshing again? Placing a finger on my temple, I brood deeply. “So you interpreted the 『I’ll wallop you a good one』 as 『came to the rescue』? I was forced to master how to put adults to shame as a child at a very young age, but...is there a different way to interpret that when you’re a commoner?” I asked Sword. “Nah. Ain’t no way that I’m gonna finish you off passes as comin’ to the rescue or anythin’ like that.” Figures. “...S-Shut up! Listen, okay!? We definitely won’t lose to someone like you! Mark my words! I’ll laugh at you after beating you!” “!!” The girl became bright red. “Now, now, it might be impossible, but aren’t you slightly mean to her when you’re so blunt about it? It’s the statement of a determined girl at an age where she’d want to push herself to the limits. Just be tolerant and listen to her in silence.” As I consoled and soothed Sword, the girl scowled at me with tears in her eyes. Why? “...Once again your natural agitation skill’s rearin’ its head. Haah... Oh well, whatever. Still, I gotta say, sometimes your more of an old man than me, you know?” “I’d like you to at least change that part into an old woman.” Why make a guy out of me? Sword shrugged his shoulders. Next, the other girls from her party arrived. “Do you remember having heard the party name 【Crimson Lilies Are a Girl’s Oath】?” A girl that screamed swordswoman asked while glaring at us. “...Parties have names? I hear about this for the first time.” Feeling astounded, I looked up to Sword, asking for an explanation, “Hey, we’ve made a party, haven’t we? You didn’t stick such a...pathetic name to our party, did you?” “”What was that!?”” Sword caressed me with a sigh. “Don’t worry, I haven’t named our party. Rather, I don’t quite get why you girls would cry here. Is there any reason to become so teary-eyed?” “Uncool, scary.” The other party got angry. ...But yep, I know this is also partly my fault. “Ah. ...mmh, everyone has different tastes. It just didn’t agree with my tastes. Don’t mind it.” “”We do mind it!!”” They thundered at me. “You, can you finally give it a rest with the condescending attitude!? Don’t get so cocky just because you’ve got an S-Rank as a teacher!!” I was told once more. “Sword isn’t my teacher, okay? This guy hasn’t taught me a single thing. ...Ou-ouuuch!” “Should I have the nickname of Natural-born Agitator added to you?” “No!” That’s so uncool! “We’ve been active at the town of Ys.” The girl, who seemed to be the calmest among the three, started to explain. “We’ve worked our way up to E-Rank by steadily completing requests. But, at some point we talked about bolstering our numbers with a vanguard since things would become difficult for just the three of us going forward. As if fitting perfectly, we were told by the guild about a kid they’d like us to take care of. They told us that she was a beginner at adventuring, and yet should possess the necessary abilities since an S-Rank had been taking care of her. Thus they wanted us to teach her the ropes. Hearing that the girl would be able to attack enemies or assist our party members since she could use sword and magic, it was just the position we’d been looking for to fill for our party. We felt a bit uneasy since she was a beginner, but decided to give it a try anyway... When I saw her show up, I got anxious, but since my two partners were brimming with motivation to train her, I suppressed my worries, and tried to call out to her. ......Just to get ignored.” Ooohh, from back then, huh? When I looked up to Sword he’d started to fidget around while looking quite awkward. “I see. Sorry about that. Back then Sword had dragged me to that place after I had never left my mansion...err, my house and the woods around it. After he had suddenly announced that we’d split up there since he was a big shot, I was quite sulky. It was a time when I pondered whether I should turn the whole region into a death zone with a big, taboo spell. You weren’t the only ones I ignored at that time, so please forgive me.” Sword also apologized while scratching his head. “Your definitely right...I did somethin’ bad to you girls. You see, I’d planned various things, but it all went up in smoke because of my mistake. I thought that it’d be great for girls her age to teach her ’bout adventurin’ since she was a perfectly lil’ sheltered lady, but...yep, it’s completely my fault! Please forgive me! And, I’m sorry, but I don’t plan to party with anyone other than her anymore!” The composed girl shook her head. “That’s not an issue anymore. Actually, we’d be actually troubled if you asked us to let you join now. But, after that he suddenly rose up to D-Rank, so we couldn’t really...come to terms with that.” I’m not a he, but a she. Hmm, why is everyone so eager to make a man out of me? Just now Sword described me as a sheltered “lil’ lady,” and yet she ignored it altogether? Besides, boys with such slender contours don’t exist, okay? The men in this world are kinda like buffed foreigners, aren’t they? Sword is on the more slender side, but even he is quite the macho. I don’t think that it’s anywhere close to my slenderness. Or rather, I consider myself to be a beautiful girl, you know!? Sword also treats me somewhat like a brat, but I’m a beautiful girl, am I not!? ...As I got upset in my mind, the other two girls joined the conversation as well. “Yes, she’s absolutely right! Suddenly becoming a D-Rank without doing anything just because you’ve got an S-Rank as a teacher!? What do you think how much time and effort it took us to climb all the way to E-Rank!?” “In the first place, isn’t it an unprecedented, special treatment to ask E-Ranks to look after a G-Rank!? On top of that, you ignored us when we called out to you from our side!! And then you became a D-Rank without any achievements! You believe such selfishness will be forgiven just like that!?” Even if you tell me all that... “I apologized moments ago for having ignored you. Since most of it is Sword’s fault, bring up your complaints with him. Also, the guild master raised my rank to D on his own accord. If you have a problem with it, sort it out with the guild master. If you want, I’ll bring him in front of you next time.” After shortly being at a loss for words, she gritted her teeth in anger, “...I hate that part about you. Throwing your weight around while just borrowing the power of a great man totally sucks!” Eeeehh? “...Who is the great man you’re talking about?” “Me, it’s me. That’s why I’ve told you that I’m not a self-alleged 『bigshot』. Did you finally get it, idiot?” I see, Sword was great, huh? I don’t know in what area, but it’d sure help if it’s in regards to political power. “Let’s leave it at that.” I feigned ignorance, “Throwing my weight around while just borrowing Sword’s power, you say? I don’t recall having said something cute like, “I’ll tattle to Sword on you if you don’t do as I say,” though. ...Oh well, I suppose that’s the same misinterpretation as turning the threat to beat someone up into having tried to come to a rescue. I suppose it makes sense in that regard. ...Sword, the friends you tried to allocate to me are girls like these? Would you be able to become friends with them, loner coot?” “I know, I know, I’m sorry, okay? Also, don’t add coot to loner!” I ignored him. Looking at the girl trembling in rage, I sighed. “Don’t be so edgy. The exam is going to start anytime soon, and it’s a waste of your cute face.” I tried to pacify her by saying that, but... “It’s a really tough call whether that line was agitation or a sleazy, old man comment.”
試験当日、指定された場所に行った。 待ってたら、ほど現れた。 「......どうやってここまで?」 「歩いてだな。いや、正確には走ってか?」 私が答えてソードを見たら、呆れてる皆を無視してあくびしてる。 「おい、大丈夫か? 最近毎日飲んでるだろう? ちゃんと水も飲め」 「解毒剤飲んだから平気だよ」 酒は毒なのか! 「さすがのお前も薬の調合は出来ないか」 「べっせ...の親が薬師をしていたから、門前の小僧で出来なくもない」 ソードが口を開けた。 「ただ、残念ながら原料となる薬草が違いすぎるんだよ。いくつかは見つけたんだが......。こればっかりは薬師に弟子入りしてどれがどういう効能なのかを聞き出さないと無理だな。......というか、この世界って、回復薬飲んだら何でも回復するし、解毒薬飲んだらなんでも解毒するだろ? 私の知識ではそういうもんじゃないんだよ、薬って。そもそも薬というモノは自分の治癒力を高め......」 「ハイハイ。ま、なんでも出来るってワケじゃねーのがわかって良かったよ」 ......視線を感じると、にらんでるパーティがあった。 は数日前に絡んで来た朱色の髪の少女がいるパーティだ。 ......以前私に絡んで来て剝奪されたやつとの違いは何なんだろう? もう一組はソードと同じくらいか? の男のパーティだな。 「けっ! 不正受験かよ! コネで合格決定してるやつは余裕だよな!」 ............。 「そういうふうに見られるらしいぞ?」 ソードを見上げたら、ソードが見たこともないような冷たい顔をしていて驚いた。 「不正受験、か。『なんでお前が俺とパートナーを組めているか』、ってのがわからねー連中にはそう見えるんだろうな。ま、どーせお前は『俺がコネで合格させる必要が無い実力』でダンジョン突破して見せんだろ。その時に自分たちとの差に心折れなきゃいいけどな」 ............? 「つまり、縛りプレイしない方がいいってことか?」 「リョークと最速でクリアしてこい」 「わかった。つまり、立ち止まらない縛りプレイだな!」 スクロールゲーム風だな。 ......と、今度は朱色の髪の少女が目の前に立った。 「ライセンス剝奪されなくて良かったな」 「当たり前でしょ!? 私は『助けに入った』のよ!」 ......え、また誤変換した? 指をこめかみにおいて沈思黙考。 「『私をぎゃふんと言わせる』のって、『助けに入った』って言う解釈になるのか。私は幼少の頃に大人顔負けの教育を身につけさせられたんだが......。平民だと解釈のし方が違うのか?」 「違うわけねーだろ。お前をやっつけたいっつってんのを助けに入るなんざぜってー言わねーよ」 「......う、うるさい! いい!? 私たちは絶対にアンタなんかに負けない! アンタに勝ってアンタの目の前で高笑いしてやるわ! 覚えておきなさいよ!」 「!!」 少女が真っ赤になる。 「まーまー、無理だろうが、そんなにハッキリ言ったらかわいそうだろう。勝ち気で背伸びしたい年頃の少女の発言だ、寛容に聞いてやれ」 ソードを宥めて慰めたのに少女に涙目でにらまれた。 なんでだ。 「......またナチュラルに煽ってるな。はぁ......ま、いいか。それにしてもお前って時々俺よかオッサンぽくならねーか?」 「そこはオバチャンと言ってほしいな」 なぜ性別を男寄せにするのだ。 ソードが肩をすくめた。 今度は、彼女のパートナーの少女たちがやってきた。 「【紅の百合は乙女の誓い】ってパーティ名に聞き覚えは?」 「おい、私たちはパーティを組んでるんだよな!? そんな......今聞いたみたいな痛々しいパーティ名とかつけてないよな!?」 「「なんですって?!」」 ソードがため息をついて私をなでた。 「つけてねーから安心しろ。つーか、お前の泣くポイントがよくわからねーな。そんなんで涙目になるのかよ」 「......かっこ悪くて悪かったですねえ」 相手、怒ってた。 ......うん、これは私でも悪かったのはわかった。 「あ。......うん、人の感性はそれぞれだ。私の感性に合わなかっただけだ。気にするな」 「「気にするわ!!」」 怒鳴られた。 「アンタ、いい加減ナメるのもいい加減にしてよ! Sランクが師匠だからって、天狗になりすぎなのよ!!」 また言われた。 「ソードは師匠じゃないぞ? コイツに教わることなど何一つない。......いたたた!」 「ナチュラルボーン煽り屋、って二つ名つけてやろうか?」 「嫌だ!」 カコワルイ! 「地道に依頼をこなしてEランクまで上がって、喜んでました。ただ、今後じゃきつくなるだろうから前衛を増やそうって話してたんです。その時ちょうどギルドから「面倒を見てもらいたい子がいる」って言われたんです。 冒険者になりたてだけど、Sランク冒険者が面倒見てる子で、実力はあるはず、ただ、初心者だから教えてあげてほしい、って。魔術も剣も使えるから遊撃で活躍できる、って聞いて私たちのパーティが希望してたポジションだし、初心者ってのが引っかかったけど、いいかな、って......。現れたのを見たとき、私はかなり心配だったけど、二人が育てる気満々だったから、じゃあいいか、って思って、声をかけたんです。............無視されました」 あー、あのときか。 ソードを見上げたら、気まずそうにモジモジしだした。 「そうか、すまなかったな。あの時は、屋敷...じゃなく家と林の中しか行ったことのない私をソードがあそこに連れてきて、いきなり「俺は偉い人だからここでお別れだ」とか言い放たれてかなりやさぐれていたんだ。禁呪の大魔術でここら一帯を死の地に変えようかとも思ったり思わなかったりしていた頃なんだ。無視したのは君たちだけじゃないから、勘弁してくれ」 ソードも頭をかきながら謝った。 「確かにな......お前たちには悪いことしたな。ちょっとな、いろいろ計画してたんだが、俺が間違えて全部パーにしちまったんだ。コイツは完全なる箱入り娘だったから歳近い子たちにいろいろ教えてもらえ、って思ってたんだが......。うん、俺が間違えた! すまん! で、悪いがコイツを別のやつと組ませる気はもう無い!」 落ち着いた少女は首を振った。 「それはいいんです、今更「入れて欲しい」って言われても困りますし。ただ、その後、急に〝彼〟がDランクに上がったから、それで......釈然としなくて」 〝彼〟じゃない、〝彼女〟だ。 え、なんでみんなそう私を男にしたがるの? 今ソードが箱入り〝娘〟って言ったのガン無視ですか? それに、こんな線の細い男の子いなくない? この世界の男って、結構ガッチリ系外国人じゃね? 私の線の細さ、そんなもんじゃなくね? つーか美少女だと思うんだけど!? ソードもなんだか私を小僧扱いしてるけど、美少女だよね、私って!? ......って内心憤ってたら残り二人も参戦。 「そうよ! Sランクの人が師匠だからって、何もしないでいきなりDランク!? 私たちがEランクまで上がるのにどんだけ大変だったと思ってるの!?」 「大体、GランクをEランクが面倒見てやるってのだって、破格の扱いなのよ!? それも、こっちから声をかけてやったのに、無視! しかも、なんにもしないでDランクになったなんて! そんな勝手が許されると思ってるの!?」 そんなことを言われても。 「無視したのはさっき謝ったし、その原因の殆どがソードのせいだからソードに文句言ってくれ。Dランクは、ギルドマスターが勝手にした。その文句はギルドマスターに言え。なんなら今度目の前に連れてきてやる」 ぐっと詰まった後、歯を食いしばった。 えええ。 「......お前が思ってる、偉いやつって誰なんだ?」 「俺だよ、俺。だから自称『偉い人』じゃねーんだよ、わかったかバカ」 どこら辺がかはわからないが、権力があるなら助かるな。 「それは置いておくとして」 「私がソードを笠に着て、威張ってるのか? 「私に逆らったらソードに言いつけるぞ」みたいなかわいいことを言った覚えはないんだがな。......まぁ、私をぎゃふんと言わせるのが助けに入ろうとしたことになるくらいの誤変換だからな。そうなるのか。............。ソード、お前があてがってこようとした〝友達〟ってこんな少女だぞ? お前、コイツと友達になれそうか? ボッチおじさんよ」 「わかった、ごめんなさい! あとボッチに〝おじさん〟つけるな!」 無視。 怒りに震えている少女を見てため息をついた。 「そうカリカリするな。もうすぐ試験だし、かわいい顔が台無しだぞ」 そう言って宥めてみたが。 「煽ってんのかオッサン発言なのか微妙なところだな」
I called out to Sword who suddenly tried to head into a store. “Which reminds me, is it okay to not go to the guild?” It had become a custom for us to visit the guild first, and yet he didn’t do so over here. Sword scratched his head, “Mmh... This place is special. It has a guild, but only folks with confidence in their physical strength gather over there, so there’s almost no requests. Then again, it’s not like there’s no requests at all. Just, they’re at the level of rescuin’ an apprentice who got stranded after goin’ to mine by themselves, or helpin’ out with minin’ rare metals if they lack manpower. So, it’s kinda like...we don’t really need to go. Of course, they’d put up a request if there was a dragon ’round or somethin’ like that, but in such case, we’d be called in to help, no matter where we might be.” Haaah, I see. In short, it’s okay to not go as long as they don’t call for us. In that case, we might as well go shopping. First off, any shop with an imposing structure is off the list. I’m pretty sure they won’t be of any help for us. After all, they’re already making big profit, so they won’t need to work for us. We chose shops as small as possible, but only Sword could talk to them. But that makes sense. Going by my appearance, they probably see me as no more than Sword’s attendant. Moreover, I don’t look like a buyer whatsoever! I mean why would they regard a girl, who’s not even wearing armor and has a wooden sword dangling at her hip, as a customer? ...But although I could fully understand their viewpoint, Sword apparently wasn’t very amused about the shop’s approach. He immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store. “Wait, wait, wait. I understand the shop’s attitude, you see? It’s an unreasonable demand for them to consider me, who seems to have absolutely nothing to do with metallic goods, as a customer. In your case, they’d probably think that you might buy a sword, even if you don’t need armor.” Sword looked back at me, scrutinized me from head to toes, and apparently comprehended what I meant. “But, that gives ’em no right to ignore or mock you, does it!?” “Since I’d do so in their shoes, I’m fine with it.” Sword stopped walking all of a sudden. “Would you be willing to shower someone, who doesn’t feel like buying stuff, with courtesy? Normally, you wouldn’t even feel like being kind to them, would you? But, if they don’t do it, they won’t be able to get any income, and without income, they wouldn’t be able to make stuff. That’s why they grit their teeth and do it unwillingly. And since I hate the idea of becoming such a crafter, I’m working as an adventurer.” Upon hearing my explanation, Sword apparently remembered me giving the same reply to the pharmacist. “...So, a super sadist like you would hate sellin’ stuff while butterin’ up to customers, huh?” “Of course. I only sell my creations to those whom I want to sell them, no matter how much people beg me. No, to be more precise, I just 『lend』 stuff. That’s why I’ve merely 『lent』 a Char and Bronkos to Ben and his friends, you see?” Sword burst into laughter. “But, Ben that bum believes that he owns the Bronko, you know?” “No matter what he thinks, I’ve only lent it to him. You can’t put a price on my creations anyway.” As long as Ben and his friends treat my creations with care, I won’t mind lending it to them, though. Sword seems to have understood the shop’s attitude with this, but then mused, “...In such case, it doesn’t look like we’ll get ‘nyone to come with us unless they’re quite poor, don’t you think? I thought that we might find someone here, seein’ how many crafters with good skills have gathered in this town. Skilled crafters capable of not just makin’ swords, but also armors and wares. But...in the end I hate people mockin’ you. Even though your such a capable crafter yourself, why must you be ridiculed by folks with far inferior abilities!?” ...... I averted my face in a huff. “I don’t really give a damn about such things. ...Besides, if we don’t find anyone, so be it. It’ll be fine if I deal with it myself for as long as I’m alive. And since I’ll pass on the general concepts, someone capable of reproducing my stuff might show up someday. My basic interests lay with adventuring and sightseeing in this country.” Sword stroked my head. “Gotcha. We’ll just stroll ’round a bit, and if you find somethin’ you want, we’ll enter the respective store.” When I nodded with my face still averted, Sword guffawed. With that out of the way, I took a look at the handiwork for sale without paying any attention to swords or armors. The first thing striking me as odd was the question why no one was selling living-ware. “Hmm, I thought that I’d find stores producing living-ware in a town as specialized on metallic products as this, but I guess I was wrong.” “If stores sellin’ such stuff were around, they’d probably not listen to your request either,” retorted Sword. Once I looked at him, he added, “The folk 『comin’ all the way to this place』 to buy swords and armor are rich. No one would bother to travel here to buy living-ware. Handiwork is no more than something to stave off boredom, or rather, to show off your own skill, and so it’s fine to sell it to the rich as souvenirs, right? Just as you said, they’re makin’ stuff to earn money with it.” “I see...” I stared at the handiwork. Certainly, you could call it beautiful, but the design was somewhat old-fashioned, or rather, boorish. Since I like delicate work...it’s hard for me to judge. “...Which reminds me, we got cut gems at Sir Dungeon Core’s place, didn’t we?” Probably because I started this topic too abruptly, Sword got confused. “Hmm? What’s it all of a sudden?” “I remembered it while looking at the merchandise here. Sir Dungeon Core seems to have cut the gems to stave off his boredom, but since it was an old-fashioned method, I taught him another cutting method.” “Wait a sec, don’t feed me such corrupt inside stories, girl. I’ve been secretly idolizin’ Sir Dungeon Core, ‘kay?” So I’m an idol crusher now, keke. “Anyway, the inhabitants of this world have no mind for taking challenges. Once they learn something, they keep repeating the same method over and over again like idiots, never trying to achieve any progress. Even with a single cut of a gem, there exist various ways to do it, right? Sir Dungeon Core is no person, and basically a shut-in, so he might not have learned it from anyone else if I didn’t show him another method. But, various people....and even fairies have gathered in this place, haven’t they? Why don’t they challenge the new? I wonder whether these guys even know what it means to cultivate one’s character.” “And you challenged the new a bit too much, turning the Ryokus and Chars into bugs, eh?” I earned myself a retort. But, that’s not it! It just happened by chance! Sword scratched his head with a sigh, “...Oh well, whatever. Let’s wrap up things for today. Once we show our faces at the guild, we’ll look for a place to park Char. The inns over here would make you cry, so we got no option but to go with Char.” Whaaa. It’s really a blacksmith town. They’re totally overdoing it with the lack of motivation for anything other than smithing!
いきなり店に向かおうとするソードに声をかけた。 「そういえば、ギルドはいいのか?」 最初にギルドに行くのがお決まりだったけど。 「うーん......。ここは特殊なんだよ。ギルドはあるけど、ここの連中って、腕っ節にも自信がある連中の集まりだから、依頼がほとんど無い。まぁ、あることはあるけど、なんつーか、見習いに一人で採掘に向かわせて、ソイツが遭難したってときの救助依頼くらいだな。どうしても手が空かないってときに、希少石の採掘依頼とかある程度で、俺たちが行かなくても......って感じだよ。それこそドラゴンが居座った、とかだったら依頼が来るとは思うけど、その場合はどこにいても呼ばれるだろうな」 はーん。なるほどね。つまり、呼ばれない限りは行かなくて良い、ってことだ。 まず、店が立派な構えのところはパスする。間違いなくやってもらえない。 なるべく小さい店を選んで入ったが、まず、ソードしか会話出来ない。 まーね! 私の外見上、ソードのお付きの人くらいにしか思われないだろう。しかも、百パー買わなそう! ......と、私にでもよくわかる店側の心理状態を、ソードは快く思わないらしい。 「待て待て。私は店側の気持ちは分かるぞ? このいでたちで、金気物所有ゼロの私を客と思えというのが無理難題だ。お前なら、鎧はいらないとしても、剣は買うかもしれないと思うだろうが」 ソード、私を振り返り、上から下まで眺めて解せたようだが。 「だからって、無視したり、鼻で笑ったりはないだろう?!」 「私が逆の立場ならそうするから平気だ」 ソード、ピタリと足を止めた。 本来なら愛想すら振りまきたくないだろう。ただ、そうしないと収入が得られない、収入が得られなければ作れない、だから渋々やってるんだ。そして、私はそんな職人になるのが嫌だから冒険者をやってる」 そのセリフで、薬師にも言われて同じ回答をしたことを思い出したらしい。 「......ドSのお前は、こびて売るのは嫌か」 「もちろんだ。頭を下げて乞い願っても売りたいやつにしか売らん。いや、もっと言うなら、『貸す』だけだな。だから、ベン君たちには『貸している』だけだろう?」 ソードが笑い出した。 「でも、ベンの野郎は、自分の所有物の気持ちでいるぜ?」 「どういう気持ちだろうと、貸してるだけだ。売値はつけられない」 ベン君たちほど大切に使ってくれるなら貸してもいいけどね。 「......だとすると、そうとう困窮してるやつじゃないと来てくれなさそうだぜ? 俺も、こんだけ集まってるなら誰かいるだろうと思ったし、腕はいいんだ。剣だけじゃない、鎧も、細工物も、腕利きが集まってる。だけど......俺、やっぱ、お前がバカにされるのは嫌だ。お前自身が腕利きなのに、なんでそれよか劣る連中にお前がバカにされんだよ!!」 ............。 プイと顔を背けた。 「別にそんなことどーでもいい。......それに、いないならいないで構わない。私が生きているうちは私が処理すれば良いし、概念は伝えてあるから、それを作れる者が、いつか出てくるかもしれない。基本は冒険、この国の観光だ」 ソードが頭をなでてくる。 「んじゃ、軽く見て回って、お前がほしそうな物があったら店に入ろう」 顔を背けたままうなずいたら、ソードが笑った。 見て回ってまず思ったのは、なぜに剣や防具ばかりで生活用品がないのだ? だ。 「ふーむ。別世界だと、こういう金気専門街には、生活用品を作る店もあったりするのだが、この世界だとないんだな」 「たぶん、ソレを売ってる店があったら、お前の依頼を聞いてくれるかもしんねーな」 と返された。 「剣や防具を買いに『ここまで来る』連中は、金持ちだ。生活用品を買いにここまで来る連中はいない。細工物は、手慰み、っつーか、自分の器用さを示すためのもので、金持ちが土産に買うのにいいだろ? お前が言ったとおり、売るために作ってるからな」 「そうか......」 確かに、綺麗は綺麗だけど、ちょっとデザインが古くさい、というか、無骨。私は繊細な作りが好きなので......判定、微妙。 「......そういえば、ダンジョンコア様のところでカットされた宝石が出ただろう?」 急に私が言い出したせいか、ソードがいぶかしんだ。 「ん? どうした、急に」 「ここの商品を見て思いだしたのだ。あのカットをダンジョンコア様は暇潰しの手慰みにやってるらしいが、古くさいから別のカットを教えた」 「ちょっと、そういう生臭い裏話をしないでよ。俺、あのダンジョンコア様にはひそかに憧れを抱いてるんだから」 憧れクラッシャーだな私は。 「つまり。この世界の住人は、とにかく冒険をしない。一つ覚えたらそれをバカの一つ覚えのように繰り返す、進歩がない。 宝石のカット一つにだって、様々なカットがあるのだぞ? ダンジョンコア様は人ではないし、基本引きこもりだからな、私が教えなければ誰からも教わらないだろう。だが、ここは、様々な人......人以外だって集まる場所だろう? なんで冒険しないんだ。切磋琢磨という言葉を知っているんだろうかコイツらは」 「それで、お前は冒険しすぎてリョークとシャールを虫の形にしたのか」 違う、そうじゃない。あれはたまたまだ。 「はぁ......。まぁいいや、今日のところは切り上げて、ギルドに顔出したらシャールをとめられる場所を探そうぜ。ここの宿は、お前が泣き出すレベルのトコしかねーから、シャールじゃねーと無理だ」 本当に、鍛冶の町だなー。他のやる気がなさ過ぎる!
{Sasha} 【Crimson Lilies are a Maiden’s Oath】 has mostly ceased its operations nowadays. Since we’ve turned everything into money, even selling off our equipment, we wouldn’t be able to take on anything but collection requests and odd jobs like we did as G-Ranks. Thus we’ve decided to do individual jobs to earn money. Cathy is working at an inn as a live-in. Given that people capable of using fire magic are highly valued, she seems to be given a fairly decent wage. The other day she smiled bitterly, bickering, “Isn’t it totally outrageous that this job earns me more than working as an adventurer?” Some adventurers ridicule and jeer at us for being in such a mess, but on the other hand, some encourage us. The latter seem to grow in number the higher their rank as adventurers. ...I’m pretty sure it’s because they know. That having survived is more important than being broke. And that we’ll be able to make a living as adventurers again as long as we continue without becoming discouraged. In the past, our party would have belonged to the group of people ridiculing and looking down on others. But, now it’s different. ――We’ve started to honestly do our best. But, I was naive in many respects. I never realized it until I felt death looming over me. Being pulled along by Cathy, I pushed all responsibility on her while leaving all decisions to her. Even though I knew that we should have headed back a lot earlier, I didn’t say a word. Just for the reason that it’d be troublesome to persuade and pacify Cathy. But, that was wrong. We’re a party, so we have to talk with each other since it involves the lives of all of us. I’m sure he also shares his opinion, even if his partner is an S-Rank adventurer. I’ve got to follow that example a lot more. ......As a matter of fact, I’ve been meeting and talking with him while keeping it a secret from Cathy and Liz. Cathy always flies into a rage thanks to her personality, but in reality it’s pretty obvious that she’s head over heels for him. I also didn’t miss how Liz became as bright red as an apple when he gave her medical treatment. But, at that moment – the instant he planted himself in front of us in the blink of an eye and erased the spell – I also fell in love with him. ――He answered me normally when I chatted him up during a normal situation. He is younger than me, but has a very pretty face. He is a bit slender, but not only his magic, but also his swordsmanship seem to be amazing. And he was strong enough to run while carrying us three with ease. What gave me the finishing blow is his silky hair and him not stinking like the other men! When I spotted him the other day, I boldly called out to him. I worried what I’d do if I’d get ignored again, but he stopped and looked back at me. “...We had to even sell off our equipment to pay the fine, and currently we’re earning money by doing odd jobs. Oh, I almost forgot! I’m deeply grateful to you for saving us, and no, that’s no sarcasm or anything! I firmly believe it, because being alive allows us to keep being adventurers as long as we do our best like this! That’s why, umm...thank you for saving us!” He smiled gently, “I see, but please give your thanks to Sword. I just accepted the request because he’s my partner. ...Sword has been unlucky since the guys he rescued insulted him for it, so he got hurt and has been feeling down. I think he’d be delighted to hear that you’re grateful. Also, I share your opinion. Making great efforts while being positive about the future isn’t for anyone’s sake but your own. The process of persevering while believing that you’ll achieve your dreams one day is very important.” I got to see his modesty and diligence. When I met him for the first time, he only seemed very peevish, but now he is treating me very gentlemanly. When I called him Mr. Sword’s pupil, he denied it over and over again. He is claiming that he learned everything himself! That’s awesome! He explained that he met Mr. Sword by chance, and when Mr. Sword invited him to work as adventurers together, he simply accepted it. But now it makes sense. I mean everyone would be pissed if you agree on something like this, and yet get dumped the instant you arrive at a town. That golem...is something he built after teaching himself how. To be honest, it looks like a monster, but...but the longer I look at it, the cuter it seems to me. It’s also wonderful how it’ll repeat what you’ve taught it. As I kept listening to him, I understood his amazingness and how much he‘s cherishing Mr. Sword. Whenever we talk, Mr. Sword will pop up as a topic, so it’s obvious that he is worrying about Mr. Sword. ...Some people in town are against Mr. Sword. In reality, Cathy is one of them as well. According to her, he’s drinking booze at bars while treating folks to expensive liquor every night. She also mentioned that he’s recently going around with a white golem that looks just like his golem, boasting that it’s his exclusive golem. Cathy seems to have heard all of this from the inn’s customers, and felt disappointed about it. “...Isn’t that the cash he got from our fine!? Even that guy, who did nothing but bicker around, fell into slavery because he couldn’t pay up. And yet he uses that money to treat himself and others to booze, and to buy a golem? ...Why don’t you feel anything after hearing that? Wouldn’t it have been okay for them to at least lower the fine!?” “...But, isn’t it a normal reward for completing a request? Even we would have hated it if someone told us how to spend our money when we completed requests to save villagers, no?” “...That’s true, but...” “It looks like various things happened to Mr. Sword during that rescue, and he has been feeling down ever since, trying to drown his pain with liquors. Moreover, it’s not like his liquor has been bought with the money for saving us. It seems it’s the liquor he’s brought with him from his own brewery...Besides, I heard he didn’t buy that golem, but “he” made it for him. They said “he” built it for Mr. Sword as encouragement...” “...Sasha? Don’t you know awfully much about all of this? How come?” “......It’s the gossip of the town, you know?” I deceived her with a cheerful smile. No matter what, I won’t ever tell her that I’ve heard it from him. When I heard that he would leave town, I cried. “I’ll do my best, so you do the same. Let’s meet again as adventurers.” I nodded at his words. “...Oh, and lastly, I’m no he, but a she. Please address me like that when we meet next, okay?” .........Eh? He departed, leaving those cryptic words behind. Wait, ehh!? She? What’s that about?
〈サシャ〉 装備品まで売って金を工面したので、Gランクが受けるような雑用や採取しか受けることが出来ず、お金が貯まるまでは個別に活動することになったからだ。 火魔法を使える人間は重宝されるから、結構稼げてるらしい。冒険者より稼げてるって理不尽よね? と苦笑していた。 そんな状態の私たちを嗤ったり野次を飛ばしたりする冒険者もいるけれど、「頑張れよ」って声をかけてくれる人もいる。 ......そう、それはきっと、たとえ文無しになっても「生き残れた」から、挫けず続ければまた冒険者としてやっていけることを知っているから。 以前の私たちなら、バカにして見下してる連中の方に入ってた。 ――私たちは、地道に頑張ってきた。 キャシーに引きずられて、判断を任せたまま、全部の責任を押しつけていた。 でも、そうじゃない。 〝彼〟だって、相手がSランク冒険者だろうがちゃんと意見してるもの。 ............実は、彼女たちには内緒で、〝彼〟と会って話してる。 キャシーはあんな性格で、いっつもつっかかってるけど実は気になってるのはバレバレだし、リズも手当をされてぽーっと赤くなってたのを見逃さなかった。 瞬きの間に彼が私たちの前に立ちかばい、魔法を消し去ったあの一瞬で、私は彼に恋をした。 ――彼は、普通の状態のときに話し掛けたら普通に返してくれた。 年下だけど、とても綺麗な顔をしているし、ちょっと細いけど魔術だけじゃなくて剣もすごいらしいし、私たを楽々背負って走るくらいに力持ち。 彼を見かけたとき、思い切って話し掛けて、また無視されたらどうしようかと思ったけど、立ち止まってこっちを振り返ってくれた。 「......罰金を払うのに装備まで売っちゃって、今は雑用とかを受けてるんです。あ、もちろん! 助けてもらったこと感謝してるし、嫌味とかじゃなくて! あの、生きて、こうやって頑張ってればまた、冒険者続けていくことが出来る、って、そう思ってて! だから、あの......助けてくれてありがとう!」 「そうか、でも礼はソードに言ってくれ。私はパートナーだから受けただけだ。......ソードは運悪く、救出対象者に罵倒されて傷ついて落ち込んでいるから、君がお礼を言ってくれたら喜ぶと思う。それと、私もそう思うぞ、前向きに努力するのは誰のためでもなく自分のためだ。いつか叶うと信じて頑張る過程も大切だとな」 あの最初の時は本当にやさぐれていただけみたいで、今は普通に、とっても紳士に接してくれる。 ソードさんのお弟子さんと言ったら再三否定されちゃった。 すごいわ! たまたま通りかかったソードさんが「冒険者になるなら一緒に行かないか」と誘ってきて、それを受けただけだったんですって。 そうよね、それなのに町に着いたらさようなら、って、やさぐれるわよね。 あのゴーレム......も、我流で作ったんですって。素敵。 正直、見た目はモンスターなんだけど......でも、見てるうちに段々かわいく思えてきたわ。 話を聞いていると、〝彼〟のすごさと、ソードさんをとっても大切にしてるのがわかった。 ......町ではソードさんを否定してる人たちもいる。 毎晩酒場で飲んでいて、高いお酒をオゴリだって言って振る舞ったりしてるそう。 「......それって、私たちの罰金で得たお金じゃないの? あの文句ばっかり言ってた男だって、払えなくて奴隷落ちよ? それなのに、そのお金でお酒を奢ったりゴーレム買ったりしてるの? ......なんで何とも思わないのかしら? なら、罰金をまけてくれるくらいしてくれてもいいじゃない!」 「......でも、依頼達成金の正規のお金じゃない。私たちだって、村人を助けて依頼を達成したときに、そのお金の使い途をアレコレ言われたら嫌じゃない?」 「......それはそうだけど......」 「ソードさん、あの救出のときにいろいろあったらしくって、気落ちしていて、つらくてお酒を飲んでるみたい。しかも、そのお酒も私たちを助けたお金で買ったわけじゃなくて、ソードさんが持ってる酒蔵からの持ち出しみたいだし......。それにあのゴーレムは、買ったんじゃなくて〝彼〟が作ってあげたって聞いたわ。落ち込んでるソードさんを励まそうと思って作ったって......」 「......サシャ? なんか詳しくない? どうしてそこまで知ってるの?」 「............噂よ?」 〝彼〟に聞いたなんて口が裂けても言えない。 町を出るって聞いたとき、泣いちゃった。 「私も頑張るから、君も頑張れ。お互いまた冒険者として会おう」 って言ってくれて、うなずいた。 「......最後に。私は、〝彼〟じゃなくて、〝彼女〟なんだけどな。次に会ったときにはちゃんとそう言ってくれ」 ............え? 謎めいた言葉を残して、〝彼〟は去っていった。 って、え? 〝彼女〟って、どういう意味?
“Are the other people fine with such inns?” I tried to ask Sword. “Whether they’re or not, they got no choice. Besides, you shouldn’t use your standards here. Other folks aren’t as fussy ’bout cleanliness as you. I mean, no one with such a clean freak attitude would go on a journey in the first place. Your ’bout the only adventurer who’d start cryin’ over dirtiness!” Is that so? Well, now that he mentions it, it might be just as he says. “It’s alright. I got Char with me. And Slirin, too.” When I clapped my chest in pride, it earned me a glare from Sword. We went to the guild. It felt the most snugly among the guilds I’d seen so far. ...Once we entered, I saw someone leaving in passing, and got startled. It’s because that person was so delicate and beautiful that I immediately thought they’re no human. Moreover, they had a tear-stained face, and their ears were tapered. As I wondered, our eyes met, but immediately afterwards she left the guild. When I looked at Sword, he was surprised as well. “...That just now was an elf? Why’s an elf here...?” Ah, so dwarves and elves are on bad terms, just as expected, huh? We talked with the guildmaster (he was a dwarf too!), but... “We don’t have any requests requiring S-Ranks t’come here.” ...he said. “I see, that’s too bad. It’d have been interesting if a rock dragon or some such had shown up, though. Well, I wanted to see a cyclops at least once, though those might not be as powerful.” The guildmaster’s face cramped up when he heard my words. Sword laughed soundlessly, and stood up. “Anyway, even if a rock dragon or cyclops shows up, it probably won’t be much of an issue. I mean, it’s a city full of arms, armors, and tough guys, making adventurers unnecessary, right? As such I likely won’t be called in either. I just showed my face at the guild for caution’s sake. After all, the guild will be pissed if you ignore ’em, even if they don’t have any business with you.” Hmm? “Let’s go. If no interestin’ monsters pop up, there’s less and less reason to stay here. ....Oh, I see, no interestin’ monsters are around, huh? What a borin’ town,” commented Sword at last and started to laugh. After leaving the guild, I wanted to buy kitchen knives and cookware as souvenirs for the folks back at the base, but the town didn’t seem to have that kind of atmosphere. Accessories are out either, huh...? Making them myself and giving them as gifts would make them delighted, wouldn’t it? My otherworld self did metal carving in the past, and I’d be able to choose a design I like. “According to my otherworld knowledge, goblins make jewelry with excellent design.” “The goblins over at your place are truly incredible. They run banks and make jewelry! The goblins over here are small, bipedal monsters, you know?” “Do they kidnap women for breeding and such?” “The goblins over at your place are scary as fuck!” Sword yelled. Going by Sword’s explanation, people of different races apparently didn’t have sexual relationships with each other. They’d die if they slept with each other, or something like that. I think that’s actually much scarier, to be honest. “So, even if a dwarf and elf love each other, they can’t have any children, is what you’re saying?” I guess it’s a world where no halves are born. “To begin with, those guys were incarnated as fairies. The concept for them should be as different as the question whether one could have a child with a human-shaped demon.” Hmm, I see... I thought that men could sleep with anyone they want to as long as they’re human-shaped and that some men with very special fetishes would sleep even with non-human-shaped people, but I guess that’s not the case here. I wonder whether Mr. Amato is going to be okay. He’s someone who’d been summoned to this world from another world. He shouldn’t know about the rule (you die if you have sex with other races). Or rather, I wonder whether Mr. Amato can be classified as human. If a category for otherworld humans exists, he won’t be able to have any sexual relationships from now on. Is he going to be alright with that? “Hrm...it’s completely different from the other world’s ruleset. In the other world, gods had sex even with non-human-shaped beasts, giving birth to all kinds of kin.” “Whoa! What a terrifying world!” Sword drew back. Well, it’s certainly terrifying. It might be a fictional story written up by ancient people, but how did they come up with it in the first place?
「他の連中はそんな宿屋で平気なのか?」 「平気じゃなかろうともそこしかねーし、それにな。基準をお前にするな。他の連中は、そこまでこだわらねーんだよ。こだわる奴は旅なんてしねーだろうしな。冒険者のくせに泣き出すくらい嫌がるのはお前くらいだ!」 そうなのか。言われてみればその通りかも。 「大丈夫だ。私にはシャールがついている。ついでにスラリンもついている」 胸を叩いたら、ソードにジロリと睨まれた。 ギルドに行った。 ......と、入ったら、入れ違いのように出て行く人を見て、驚いた。人ではないな、ってレベルで繊細な奇麗な子だったから。 と、目が合ったが、そのまま出て行ってしまった。 ソードを見たら、ソードも驚いていた。 「......今の、エルフか? なんでエルフがここに......」 あ、やっぱりドワーフとエルフって仲が悪いんだ? ギルドでギルドマスター(やっぱりドワーフ!)と話をしたけど 「Sランク冒険者にわざわざお越しいただくような依頼はねーな」 ってことだった。 「そうか、残念だな。ロックドラゴンとか出たら面白そうだったんだが。 ソードが声を立てず笑う。そして立ち上がった。 「ま、ロックドラゴンが出ようともサイクロプスが出ようとも、問題ないだろう。冒険者なんてお呼びじゃない猛者と武器防具が勢揃いの町だろうからな。 ふーん? 「じゃあ行くか。大した魔物も出ないんじゃ、ますますいる価値もないからな。......そうか、大した魔物は出ないのか。つまらない町だな」 ギルドを出た後、拠点の連中の土産に包丁とか料理道具を買っていってやりたかったが、そういう雰囲気の町ではないらしい。 アクセサリーもなぁ......コレ、私が作ってプレゼントした方が喜ばれないか? 私、別世界で彫金もやったことあるし、デザインも好きに出来るし。 「私の別世界の知識だと、ゴブリンは秀逸なデザインの宝飾具を作るというのがあったが」 「お前のトコのゴブリン、銀行を経営してたり宝飾具作ったり、スゲーのな! こっちのゴブリン歩行の小さい魔物だぜ?」 「繁殖のため女をさらったりするか?」 「お前んトコのゴブリン、怖ェよ!」 ソードから説明されたが、異種族同士は交われないらしい。交わったら死ぬとか。 むしろソッチが怖い。 「じゃあ、好き合ってても、エルフやドワーフとは交われない、と」 ハーフは生まれない世界だな。 「そもそも連中は妖精が受肉した存在だからな。それこそ人型のデーモンと交われるか、ってくらいに概念が違う筈だけど」 うむむ......。男は人型ならなんでも交わりたがるものだと思ってたけど、そして一部特殊趣味を持つ男は人型でなくても交わりたがるものだと思ってたけど、そうでもないのか。 つーか、アマト氏は人間に分類されるんだろうか。別世界人とかいう分類があったら、今後一切交尾なしだぞ。大丈夫か。 「ううむ......別世界の理論とは悉く違うな。別世界は、神は人型ではない獣とすら交わって様々な眷属を産み出していたが」 「うーわ。すげーな別世界!」 まぁ、確かに凄いよね。大昔の人の創作話だろうけど、なんでそんなこと考えるのか。
While taking some breaks along the way, we arrived in front of the boss room. This time it took us quite a while. Even monsters like huge, double-headed iguana showed up, and the monsters were generally much stronger than those on the upper floors. As might be expected, even my stamina was drained by all this. “Should we just camp out in Char for today? It’s a camping car to begin with. I mean, even I wouldn’t be able to calmly enjoy dinner and a good night’s rest amidst this bloodthirsty, brutal scenery.” Sword shrugged his shoulders, “That’s...great to hear. Well, then again I’d planned to sleep inside Char anyway, even if you’d persisted on sleepin’ outside.” How awful! Inside Char I set the cooling magic and an alarm for the unlikely event of us getting attacked. Well, this place seems to be inside a safe zone, so I don’t think that magma is suddenly going to spew out of the ground... Anyway, the Ryokus were patrolling outside in shifts. Even though I haven’t even asked them to! What praiseworthy children! Sword had completely changed his attitude. He totally made himself at home on the sofa as if having completely forgotten about us being inside a dungeon’s volcanic zone right now. Meanwhile I sorted our loot. “At last some magic stones dropped after we came all the way down here.” As I had been using them as fuel, I wanted some to drop along the way, but they didn’t want to drop at all, as if avoiding us! Thanks to the salamanders and double-headed iguana dropping them for us, I was finally, finally able to get them at the source! “Well, yeah. But I’ve still got quite a bunch myself so don’t worry. Or rather, we haven’t been usin’ them up at all!!” So far Sword has been providing the magic stones. ...Since I usually don’t encounter monsters, I’ve got no choice but to buy them, but after telling me that I don’t need to buy any since he’s got a huge stock himself, Sword has used his magic stones to cover my needs. It looks like he’s also left quite a lot at the mansion. Though he’s also given the maids some money, telling them to put up a request at the guild, if they run out of magic stones. “Don’t you have them because you need them yourself?” “Mhm? Hmm, I do need them, yea, but...since I’ve been told that they’re needed for makin’ swords and armor or runnin’ magic tools, I’ve kept them on me without pawnin’ ’em off. Even scrap magic stones sell for quite a bit at the capital since the city got its fair share of magic tools, so I brought ’em with me, but I totally forgot ’bout sellin’ ’em.” Hmm. “Or rather, nowadays I’ve stopped usin’ most of my magic tools anyway. If I ask you, you can make much better ones, right? So I was going to sell ’em off.” “Wait a sec! Show them to me before you do that! I didn’t even know that you’ve got so many on you!” Even though you should know that I’m interested in magic tools!!! “Ain’t like I got that many. ...Look, this is a magic lamp. But, the one on your head is much better, right? This here is a magic tool that emits water. However, the released water vanishes after a few minutes, so it’s impossible to drink it.” He took out one magic tool after the other. Hmm, I see, I see. “This is...what was it ‘gain? Ah, a magic tool for ignitin’ fire. This also vanishes after a few minutes, so it’s meaningless. This one...got an alarm timer. You made one like this as well. Moreover, yours isn’t such a huge chunk either.” “Were these made on a playful whim or something?” “The creators would break down in tears if they’d heard your line just now,” retorted Sword. After taking them all out, he tossed them into another bag. Still. “You’re carrying around quite a bunch of things, aren’t you?” He’s got magic stones, money, and magic tools. On top of that, he’s also carrying liquor and Char with him. “I’ve got a magic bag, so yeah... Even when it became somewhat heavy, I didn’t care, and soon forgot ’bout it after gettin’ used to the weight. But now’s the perfect chance. I’m gonna pawn these off after we leave the dungeon.” Guess they’ll be recycled in that way. It looked like Sword completely had his cleaning-switch flipped. He took out all kinds of stuff, just to put it away again or sort it into another bag. “If it’s junk, you could burn it by throwing it into the magma, you know? It’d be an efficient way of disposal through incineration.” “Oh, that’s a great idea!” Apparently having finished his sorting, he went outside, heading straight for the magma.
巨大な双頭のイグアナみたいなのも出てきたし、上の階と比べて段違いに強い。 さすがに疲れた~! って気分になった。 「野営は全部シャールの中でするか。もともとキャンピングカーだもんな。流石の私もこの殺伐とした光景の中での飲食や就寝は落ち着かない」 「そりゃ、良かった。ま、お前が外で寝るって頑張っても、俺は中で寝るつもりだったけどな」 ヒドイ! シャールに冷却魔術と、万アラームをセット。 まぁ、安全地帯らしいので、急に下の地面が割れてマグマが噴火することはないと思うけど......。 リョークは、たまに交代で外を見回りしてる。 今、ダンジョンの、しかも火山地帯だってのを忘れたかのようにソファで寛いでる。 私は戦利品の整理。 「ここに来て、ようやく魔石が落ちた」 燃料として使うので道中にドロップしてほしかったのに、全然落ちないんだもん。 「まーな。でも、まだまだ持ってるから安心しろ。つーか、全然使ってねーよ」 ......私、魔物にエンカウントしないので、買うしかないんだけど、ソードがいっぱい持ってるから買わなくていい、と言って出してくれてるのだ。 「お前は必要だから持ってるんじゃないのか?」 「ん? まぁ、必要っつーか......。魔導具に使ったり、剣や防具を作るのに必要だって言われるから、売らずに取ってた。 「つーか、魔導具の大半が要らなくなった。 「ちょっと待て。その前に見せろ! 私は、お前がそんなに持ってるとは知らなかったぞ!」 私が魔導具に興味があるのを知ってるくせにーーー! これは、水が出る魔導具。ただし、出した水は数分で消えるから、飲用は無理」 次々出してきた。 ふむふむ。 「これは......何だっけかな? あ、火を点ける魔導具か。これも、数分で消えるから意味ナシ。これは......時計にアラームがついたヤツか。これもお前が作ったな。しかも、こんなデッカいのじゃねーヤツな」 ......うん、言ってる意味がわかった。 「遊び心で作ったのだろうか?」 「今の台詞、作ったやつが聞いたら泣くぞ」 出した後、別の袋にほうり込んでる。 それにしても。 「お前、結構物持ちだな」 魔石も持ってる、お金も持ってる、魔導具も持ってる。 「マジックバッグ持ってるとなー......。多少重くても、ま、いいか、って思って、しかも重さに慣れると忘れるんだよな。 リサイクルだな。 ソード、片付けスイッチが入ったらしく、いろいろ出しては、しまったり別の袋に入れたりしてる。 「ゴミなら、マグマにほうり込めば燃えるだろう。体の良い焼却処分だ」 「お、お前、良いこと言った」 整理が終わったらしいソードが、外に出て、マグマに向かった。
The following floors were the problem. Sword and I probably wouldn’t be harmed by poison, but I didn’t know how much the Ryoku’s shell could take. Normal poison wouldn’t work on it. But, the poisons in this world most likely aren’t normal. That’s why you have to 『cure them with an antidote』. “...The magic elements of this world are quite troublesome. Even if you call it Poison, there exist many kinds, and yet it’s all bundled up into one word with Poisonous Swamp. Don’t you think that it makes no sense that entering there will become your end as you’ll be poisoned no matter what equipment you might wear?” Sword shrugged his shoulders, “Well, your ’bout the only one ponderin’ ’bout the meanin’ behind it. No matter the poison, the antidote is goin’ to cure it. Also, it’s not like poison is goin’ to work on you, right?” “What are we going to do about the Ryokus?” I retorted. He rolled his eyes at me, “Hey, you don’t even worry ’bout me, but you do worry ’bout golems...err, the Ryokus!?” “Poison doesn’t work on you either, right? But, it might work on the Ryokus.” “Rather, it definitely won’t work on the Ryokus, damnit! Look, I’m a normal human! Got it?” What is he talking about? A normal human would never rank above me in a shooting game. “...I guess we can proceed normally if it doesn’t work on the Ryokus.” “No wait, it does work on me! Normal poison is somethin’ I can handle somewhat, but I’ll die from deadly poison!” I can’t hear aaaanythiiing! “Ouch, ouch, ouuuuch! It’ll be okay. Sword, you’re a hero and an S-Rank, right? Isn’t it often said that 『Heroes don’t die』?” “I’ve never heard of that!” After grinding my temples, he sighed and then started to chant something under his breath. “Ryokus, deploy the magic element barrier. It looks...like it won’t work on you guys, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” They deployed the barrier after saluting. As for me...I’ll think about it when I get poisoned. We ran through the grass fields. Certain Death! Ninja-style Running! Yep! I mean the one where you wonder whether they’re able to move across water if they tap the foot off the surface before sinking. Well, in reality it’s impossible to run across water in such a way, but I’m running while using my reaction speed and gravity control. I also cast a floating spell on the Ryokus. Sword seems to somehow cope with magic as well. ...At the same time, insects flew at us! Like bullets! I flicked them away with my wooden sword, the Ryokus repelled them with their magic element barriers, and Sword cut them down or simply dodged them altogether. ――Hmm? Sword has started to chant something? Just as I wondered, he apparently used a wide-area spell, giving off a loud cracking. The grasses were scorched, and the bugs died as they dried up with crunch. “...So fuckin’ annoyin’!” Looks like they pissed him off. Even afterwards, we continued to run in such a manner, arriving at the th floor in no time. We didn’t get poisoned either. Rather, I feel like strong acidic swamps, chlorine swamps, or very alkaline swamps would have been much more of a danger to us, if they had been around. Anyway, nothing extraordinary happened, so I guess we’ll charge into the boss room just like that. Or so I thought, but Sword raised a hand in front of the boss room, “Sorry, but I’m bummed out. I’d like to take a break.” Hmm, yup, he looks kind of unwell. “I see. You do look pale. Okay, let’s camp out here for today.” As soon as he nodded, he flopped down. He was completely exhausted. “How about sleeping inside Char? I’ll get everything ready.” Once I took out Char, he crawled inside. ...Is he suffering from some kind of abnormal condition? ...Hmm, are Sword and I the same, and yet slightly different? Or am I different? I wonder why...I can’t really believe that it’s connected to my parents and family lineage, though... Oh well, whatever. I don’t have any interest in the lineage of this body. Since I’d be troubled if he died on me, I went to check his condition. “...Are you still alive?” “...Barely.” What’s wrong with him? Up until now, he never felt sick. “Was there a poisonous swamp on the way? ...I didn’t notice any.” “...No, ain’t...poison. Used a bit...too much...mana.” Mana? “I drank...mana potions, but...wasn’t enough.” Mana potions? “...Is there no other way to recover your mana?” “It’ll regenerate...naturally...over time.” ...What should I do? “Mana is magic power. And, you recover it with mana potions. Or, over time. ....... Oh, I got it!” I understand! It’s fuel, huh!? “Wait a moment! I’m going to make it!” “...Don’t mind me and let me sleep,” I was told. But! I’m going to make it! Anyway! I wanna make it! Once I finished and brought it over, Sword was already asleep. Since I felt bad about waking him up, I pulled a blanket over him, placed the energy drink down next to him alongside a note from me, and went outside again. Since I was bored after preparing the camp, I had Sword’s personal Ryoku watch over his master, and went out hunting again. The bullet insects seem to drop carapaces. Hmm, they’re kinda...hard. I’ll use them as reference for Ryoku and Char’s shell. If I change the server program for the next update, their shells might become tougher during their next shedding! I also found some frogs. They dropped poison sacs! But, I have no use for those. The frog meat looks like it’s edible, kinda? But, dungeon monsters disappear when they die, don’t they? And then they seem to be revived again. Once I returned to our camp, Sword was back on his feet. “Oohh! You’re awake! Are you alright? Did you drink my energy drink?” “Rather, what’s that? It worked a lot faster than a mana potion.” His complexion had visibly improved. “Really? I mixed milk liquor and apple vinegar, and added liquefied magic elements to it. Hehehe, I got it totally right! In short, you were in the same state as the Ryokus when they’re out of fuel!” “Ugh.” “It worked, didn’t it? The nutritional value of milk liquor is high, and apple vinegar removes one’s exhaustion! It’s perfect against physical weariness! Well, it’d also have been fine to let you drink Ryoku’s fuel just like that, but then it’d have tasted dully, you know?” Sword stared at me while still remaining speechless. “...Sword? Is something wrong?” “...Tell me, is it really alright to drink that stuff?” I tilted my head, “Why wouldn’t it be? In the first place, magic stones can be retrieved from monsters, you, and me. In other words, they’re internal organs, right? They should be made out of something consisting of body parts and magic elements. If you heat them up, they’ll liquify. It might be possible to extract the magic elements if you let them soak in alcohol, but I never did that.” “Please use that method next time.” Ehh? Even though the liquefied version has proven to work... “It’s nothing you’d dislike, though? It’s the same as eating monster meat, you know?” Sword clapped his hands together, “I see. You might be right. No, I’ll just consider it to be like that.” ...I don’t quite get it, but he seems to have come to terms with it, despite apparently disliking it. Just like that we had a meal which simultaneously counted as lunch and dinner. For today’s menu I went with a tender stew with high digestive and nutritional value for Sword’s sake. The bread was a soft, steamed bun this time, too. “...Magic stones, you see, are basically nothin’ you’d eat normally, so I feel somewhat avert to doin’ it. They’re bein’ used as fuel for blacksmiths or as power source for magic tools. Well, your right that you can probably eat ’em if you think of eatin’ magic stones as eatin’ meat...no, I s’pose that’s only natural.” “Yep, it’s natural. Of course, even I wouldn’t eat hair since there’s no good way to make it taste good, but if it comes to bones, they can be used to make great soup if you cook them thoroughly, right? Sometimes they’ll also reinforce your own bones if you drink bone powder. ...Still, you draw the power for your spells from the magic elements in your body, huh? That’s incredible.” “Your the incredible one for bein’ able to use magic without usin’ mana! You...never run out of mana ’cause you don’t use mana for your magic in the first place, do you...?” I mean, I’ve learned all my magic through self-study! Even the books didn’t mention anything like 『You’ll need to use your own magic elements』, okay? Sword sighed, and then requested, “...Please prepare ten potions for me. The mana potions I have on me have a bad efficiency and on top of that, they taste like shit.” I wonder, how are those made anyway? I tried sampling a liquefied magic stone, but it didn’t really taste like anything. “Then I’ll make them while adding your beloved distilled liquor. Adding alcohol will also make them last longer.” “Yahooo!” He cheered up at once. Afterwards I received an explanation by Sword. Healing and mana potions apparently came out of dungeon treasure chests. However, great wizards could create low-grade healing potions. “High- and special-grade healin’ potions are impossible to make for ’em.” Or so he said. “Putting special-grade healing potions aside, low-grade healing potions frequently appear in dungeons. We also got one in your first dungeon, remember? High-grade healing potions can drop in any dungeon as well, but with a lower probability. Mana potions only have one type, and they drop at the same rate as high-grade healin’ potions, but since demand for ’em is low and because of their nasty taste and low efficiency, they’re bein’ treated as misses and sold off for cheap,” Sword explained in detail. Translation Notes:
私とソードは毒に侵されないだろうが、リョークの外殻がどこまで保つか解らない。 だが、この世界の毒って、たぶん普通の毒じゃない。 「......この世界の魔素は、やっかいだな。〝毒〟って言っても、いろんな毒があるのに、〝毒の沼〟で済ませ、そこに入ったが最後、どんな装備をしてようが毒にする、って、意味がわからないと思わないか?」 「ま、その意味を考えるのはお前だけだろうな。何の毒だろうが、解毒薬で治るし、お前なら毒が効かないんじゃないか?」 「リョークどうするんだよ」 ツッコんだら、呆れた顔をされた。 「お前、俺の心配もせずに、リョーク......ゴーレムの心配をするのかよ!」 「お前だって毒が効かないだろう。だけど、リョークには有効かもしれない」 「むしろリョークに効かねーだろ! 俺は、フツーの人間なの!」 何言ってるんだ、普通の人間が私よりガンシューティングのランキングが上のワケがない。 「......リョークに効かないなら、普通に行くか」 「いや、俺は効くから。普通の毒ならまだしも猛毒だと死んじゃうから」 聞こえなーい。 「いたいいたいいたい。大丈夫、ソード、お前はSランク冒険者の英雄だろう? よく言うじゃないか、『英雄は死なず』」 「聞いたことねーよ!」 私をグリグリした後、ため息をついて、なんか小声で唱え出した。 「リョーク、魔素障壁を展開しろ。お前たちには効かない......らしいが、念のためだ」 「「あいさー!」」 敬礼して、展開。 私は......毒になったら考えよう。 すすき野を走り抜ける。 そう、あの、沈む前に足を離せば水上を移動出来るのではないか? というアレだ。 まぁ、実際のところ、そんなんで水上走れるわけないんだが、重力制御と反作用を使って走ってる。 ソードも魔術でどうにかしてるぽい。 ......と、弾丸みたいに飛んでくる! 虫が! 私は木刀で弾き飛ばし、リョークは魔素障壁で弾き、ソードは避けるか斬ってる。 ――ん? ソードが何か唱えだしたぞ? と思ったら、バリバリバリッと音がして、ソードが広域魔術使ったらしい。 「......うっとーしいんだよ!」 ウザかったらしい。 あっという間階到着。 むしろ、強酸の沼とか、塩素の沼とか、強アルカリの沼とかがあったなら、ソッチの方が危険だった気がする。 特に何事もなかったし、ボスもこのまま突入するか。 と、思ってたら、ボス前で、ソードが手を挙げた。 確かに顔色が悪い。 「そうか。具合が悪そうだな。今日はもうここで休もう」 「シャールの中で寝てたらどうだ? 私が準備をしておく」 シャールを出すと、その中にはっていった。 ......うーん、私とソードは同じようでやっぱりちょっと違うのかな? というか、私が違うのか? なんでだろう......特に、両親やその家系に変わったものがいるとは思えないのだけど......? 死なれると困るので、様子を見に行った。 「......生きてるか?」 「............なんとか」 ここまで具合の悪いことは今まで無かった。 「毒の沼地があったのか? ......私にはわからなかった」 「............や、毒、じゃ、ない。ちょっと、マナ、使いすぎ」 マナ? 「魔力回復薬、飲んだけど、そんでも、足りなかった」 魔力回復薬? 「......魔力を回復させるには、それしかないのか?」 「時間、経てば、回復」 ............どうしよう。 「マナは、魔力。で、魔力回復薬で、回復。あるいは、時間経過。............。そうか!」 「ちょっと待ってろ! 作ってくる!」 「......いいから、寝かせて」 とか言われた。 けど! 作っちゃうもん! 起こすのは悪いので、毛布を掛けて、作った栄養ドリンクを、メモを添えて置いて戻った。 野営の準備をした後暇だったので、ソード専用リョークにソードを見てもらい、私はもっかい狩りへ。 次のアップデートで、サーバーのプログラムに書き込んでおけば、次回の脱皮でより強力な殻になるだろう! 蛙のドロップは、毒袋だった! 蛙の肉は、食べられるらしいのにね? 戻ったら、ソードが復活してた。 「おぉ! 起きたか! 大丈夫か? 栄養ドリンクは飲んだか?」 「つーか、アレ、何? 魔力回復薬よか即効性あるんだけど」 顔色が良くなってた。 「そうか。牛乳酒にリンゴ酢を加え、そこに、液状化した魔石を混ぜたものだ。フフフ、私はピンときたのだ! つまり、リョークの燃料不足と同じ状態だとな!」 「げ」 「効いただろう? 牛乳酒も栄養価が高いし、リンゴ酢も疲れを取る! 肉体疲労にももってこいだ! まぁ、そのままリョークの燃料を飲ませても良かったのだが、味気ないだろう?」 ソード、絶句したまま私を凝視。 「......ソード? どうかしたか?」 「............おい。飲んで、大丈夫なのかよ?」 「なんでダメなんだ? 魔石はそもそも魔物からもお前からも私からも採れる、いわば内臓だろう? 魔素と肉体を構成する何かで出来ている、はずだ。これに熱を加えると液状化するぞ。酒に漬けておけば抽出も出来るかもしれんが、やったことがない」 「今度はそっちでお願い」 液状化の方が効くのにぃ。 「嫌がるようなものじゃないぞ? 魔物の肉を食べるのと一緒だろう?」 「そっか、そうかもな。そう考えよ」 ......よくわからないけど、嫌だったらしいが、納得したらしい。 本日のメニューは、弱っているソードのために、消化と栄養価の高い、柔らか煮込みになっております。 「......魔石ってのは、基本、食うモンじゃねーから、ちょっと忌避感がな。それこそ鍛冶屋が燃料に使ったり、魔導具の素に使ったりするんだ。ま、確かに、肉食ってんだから魔石だって食おうと思えば食えるだろ、って、当たり前だよな」 「当たり前だ。さすがに毛は食べてもうまくないように作られてるから食わないが、骨だって、よく煮込めばうまいスープになったりするんだぞ? 粉にして飲めば自分の骨が丈夫になったりする。......にしても、お前、体内の魔素で魔術を繰り出してるのか。すごいな」 「マナを使わずに魔術を繰り出すお前の方がすごいんだよ! お前って......マナ切れ起こさないのは、魔術にマナ使ってねーからなのかよ......」 本にも『自前の魔素を使いましょう』なんて書いてなかったよ? 「......十本くらい作っておいてくれ。持ってる魔力回復薬は、効きが悪いし、おまけにまずい」 液状化魔石、なめてみたけど、特に味はしなかったけど? 「なら、お前の大好きな蒸留酒に混ぜておいてやる。アルコールに混ぜておけば、日持ちもするからな」 途端に喜んだ。 そのあとソードから説明された。回復薬や魔力回復薬は、ダンジョンの宝箱から出るそうだ。 「上級・特級は無理」 「特級はともかく低級回復薬はダンジョンでちょこちょこ出るぜ。お前と最初に行ったダンジョンでも出ただろ? 上級も低確率だけどどのダンジョンでも出るぜ。魔力回復薬は一種類で、ドロップは上級回復薬と同じ程度の確率だけど、需要がさほどないのと、効き目も味もイマイチなのでハズレ扱いの安値で取引されてる」 って、解説を受けた。
{???} ――In the morning...having said that, the sun still hasn’t risen...I quietly got out of bed. He wasn’t in the room anymore. I had known that he was always going somewhere for a while now. Today, I must determine where he’s going every morning. Once I peeked out of the window, I spotted him head into the woods behind the building. Hurrying, I ran after him into those very woods. .....Suddenly, my mouth got blocked, I was restrained, and taken somewhere at a ridiculous speed. I experienced an overwhelming fear as if I had been swallowed by a demon and kidnapped into their world. ...It means the stories about the existence of a demon in this academy, who would kidnap and eat you after they spelled you, were all true. *** I brought my catch to a deserted storage house, and there I released that guy...【Swannyboy】. Swannyboy awkwardly looked at me while trembling, “......Indra.” “You’re the first person I’ve actively taken somewhere with me, you know? Feel honored. After all, I’m basically a passive person. Except for me repaying everything ten-fold, that is,” I closed in on him with a broad grin. “Now then, I’ve been aware of you secretly snooping around me. But, your magic elements are way too thin. To be honest, I have my doubts whether you could actually be even counted as a magician, so I didn’t expect you to be a demonkin. In the first place, your marks are questionable at most and your noble rank is low as well, so I don’t understand how you’ve ended up in the special class. That’s a clear sign that 『a special reason must be at work here』.” Swannyboy jumped with a start. “I can’t come up with a solution other than that it’s been ordered by someone. So, I let you run free in order to determine the mastermind. But, at this point, I got tired of waiting,” I planted myself in front of him, and peered into his face, “You see, I didn’t really want to come to such a boring academy. The classes are boring, and moreover, they keep repeating stuff I’ve finished learning close to ten years ago. I’m not allowed to get serious in my magic and swordsmanship classes either. Hence, I’ve got nothing to do here. That’s why I decided to bring things to a close as quickly as possible.” Swannyboy was visibly shuddering. “I’ll have you spit out the truth about your objective. I cannot use anything like hypnosis and so on, and thus I’ll adopt a method which will urge you to speak very quickly. Moreover, if I don’t return soon, not only Instructor Sword, but the other folks will notice my absence. That’s why, okay? It might hurt somewhat, but I’ll thoroughly discipline you so that you’ll willingly tell me everything I want to know.” “Sorry! Sorry! Forgive me! Please spare me since I’ll tell you everything! Please! I’ll tell you all I know!” He rattled down while crying and prostrating himself. “Hmm...but I won’t be able to tell whether you speak the truth, you see?” “I promise you, I won’t lie! I won’t mind even if you collect evidence to prove my words! Please, just spare me from torture! Please!” Baah....I can’t torment scared, trembling living beings... “...Then, out with it. First, what’s the aim of your employer?” “My...my parents were saved by my employer, and so I was told to repay the kindness. It was my first time to be ordered by my employer, but he told me to keep informing him of any information at the academy, where I’d be enrolled, no matter how trivial or silly it might be. Accordingly, I pretended to write letters to my parents while actually sending letters to my employer.” Hmm. In short, it’s someone who knew I’d be enrolled here, huh? “What’s that guy’s name?” “...Sir...Shadow.” Shadow.........ah, that guy, eh? The cunning-looking middle-aged dude who intruded upon our rented house in the capital as Sword’s acquaintance, right? I see. So that guy was an enemy, huh? “Got it. Then I’ll have you write a letter for me instead of torturing you. What did you plan to write this time?” “...That you were waking up before anyone else and vanished somewhere, just to return soon after, and that I headed into the woods today to determine where you were going since I saw you from the window, guessing that something had to be hidden in the woods.” I see. It makes sense that anyone would suspect me doing something shady, if watching my actions from the side, I guess. “Leaving aside magic, my swordsmanship would become rusty with the half-assed training taking place several times a week at the academy. I’ve been training myself everyday since I was five years old, and I never missed out on it either. Rather than sniffing around, you should put some effort into training yourself after writing some random reports to get yourself labeled as 『useless』. You told me that you’re going to become a valet, but that’s out of the question with your low level of strength, you know? Our maids and servants are far stronger than any low-level adventurer. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to protect their master, right? Isn’t that the pride of a valet?” Swannyboy apparently suffered a shock. “Write that I’ve been doing sword training in the woods. It’s a fact known by Instructor Sword, too. And then lend me your letter for a bit. Once I give it back, put your seal on it and send it out. ...You don’t want to be tortured, right?” He nodded with such a force that I thought he was head-banging. “Then do as told. Even if you consider to trick me, I’ll immediately find out, you know? Well, I don’t mind if you prefer learning it the hard way, though. Feel free to try underestimating me.” In no time, he yelled while bawling, “I won’t! I definitely won’t go against your orders! I’ll do as I’m told! So please, save me!” He said... He makes it sound as if I’m the villainess here!
〈???〉 ――朝......とはいえ、まだ日も昇らない時刻、そっと起き出した。 いつも、これより少し前にどこかに行ってしまうのを知っていた。 窓の外を覗くと、彼が裏の林に向かうのが見えた。 急に口を押さえられ、身柄を拘束され、物すごいスピードでどこかに連れ去られていく。 それはあたかもデーモンが自分を飲み込み彼の世界に連れ去られてしまうような、圧倒的な恐怖だった。 *** 人気の無い荷物置き場まで連れてきて、その男......【スワン君】を解放した。 スワン君、ガクガクしながらぎこちなくこちらを見た。 「さて、君が私をコソコソと嗅ぎ回っていたのは、知っていた。だが、君はあまりにも魔素が薄く、正直、魔術師としても微妙で、君が魔族とは思えなかった。そもそも、成績も微妙、貴族の爵位も微妙、そんな君がなぜ特別クラスにいるのかもわからないのだ。それこそ、『 スワン君がビクッとした。 「私はな? 本来、こんなつまらない学園に来たくは無かったのだ。授業も退屈、しかも、もう十年近く前にとっくに終わらせた内容を単に繰り返しているだけ、魔術も剣術も本気を出してはいけない。そうなると私にはもう、やることがないのだよ。だから、とっとと終わらせることにした」 スワン君、目に見えて震えてる。 「君の目的を、正直に言ってもらおう。私は催眠魔術など使えないのでな、手っ取り早く言いたくなる方式を採らせてもらう。しかも、早く戻らないとソード教官だけでなく他の連中も気付いてしまう。だからな? 多少、痛いかもしれないが、言いたくなるようにしつけてやろう」 「ごめんなさい! ごめんなさい! ごめんなさい! 何でも話しますから許して下さい! お願いします! 何でも話しますから!」 伏せして泣きながらまくし立てられた。 「ふむ......でもそのことが真実かわからないからなぁ」 「誓ってうそは言いません! 裏を取ってくれて構いません! お願いします、拷問だけは! 拷問だけは許して下さい!」 私はおびえ震える生物を痛めつけられないんだよなぁ。 「......では、しゃべるんだ。まずは、お前の雇い主の目的は何だ?」 「僕......僕の親が、雇い主様に、助けられて、ご恩に報いるように、って言われました。雇い主様から命令されたのは初めてですが、今度、編入してくる学生の、事細かな情報を、どんな下らないことでも構わないので手紙に書いて送るように、と。それで、僕は、両親に手紙を書いているフリをして、雇い主様に手紙を書いていました」 つまり、私が編入することを知っていた人間、か。 「そいつの名は?」 「............シャド、様、です」 以前、王都の借家に押しかけてきた、ソードの知り合いの、陰険そうな中年男だな。 アイツは敵だったか。 「わかった。では、お前を拷問しない代わりに、手紙を書いてもらおう。今回は何を書く予定だ?」 「............朝早く、誰よりも早く起きてどこかに消えて、戻ってくるから、どこに行くのか突き止めようと、今日は、窓から見たら、裏の林に向かったので、裏の林に何かあるのかなって」 なるほど、確かに端から見たら何か怪しげなことをやってると思われるか。 「魔術はともかく剣術は、学園の週に数回の生ぬるい鍛錬では鈍ってしまう。私はいつもの時から毎日、自主鍛錬を行っていて、それを欠かしたことはない。お前もコソコソと嗅ぎ回るよりも、報告書など適当に書いて『使えない』というレッテルを貼られた後、もっと自分を磨く努力をしろ。側仕えになると言ってもその弱さでは論外だぞ? うちのメイドや使用人は、下手な冒険者よりももっとずっと強い。でなければ、主人の身を守れないだろうが。それが側仕えの矜持ではないのか?」 スワン君、衝撃を受けたようだった。 「私は、裏の林で剣の稽古をしていた、と書け。それはソード教官も知っている事実だ。そして書いた物を私に少し貸し、返したならば封をして送れ。......拷問されたくはないんだよな?」 ヘドバンかという勢いでブンブンうなずいてる。 「ならば、言うとおりに実行しろ。騙そうと思っても、すぐバレるぞ? まぁ、身を以て知ってもいいが。私をなめてかかっているなら、好きにしろ」 「なめてません! 絶対に逆らいません! 言う通りにします! だから、助けて下さい!」 って......。 まるで私が悪者みたいじゃないか!
Scarlet calmly continued, “...But, he gave up on it after hearing about the details.” “Humph, what a coward! I wouldn’t have backed down so easily!” Prince Elias asserted, but Genius started to become alert upon hearing Scarlet’s words. ――Like many others, Genius had gone back home over the summer vacation, just to get ambushed by his fuming parents and receive a severe scolding. They’d heard about everything that pertained during the term’s closing party, and of all things, their son Genius, who had been in a position to put a stop to it, had made the huge, unthinkable blunder of trying to pin several crimes on a ducal daughter after getting cajoled into it by the young lady of the declining Earl Springcoat family. He was thoroughly insulted, beaten, admonished, and re-educated from scratch. Moreover, he was ordered to discard Prince Elias whenever it was judged that he was no longer fit to be prince. And on top of that, the decision whether he could serve Prince Elias any longer solely rested on the ducal daughter remaining the prince’s fiancée. In case House Chaudgal were to revoke Scarlet’s engagement with Prince Elias, the prince would lose his rank in the crown’s succession order. At that point, Genius would also stop being the prince’s valet. For this reason, Genius had to push for the marriage between Scarlet and Prince Elias, no matter how reluctant he might be about it or how much he might hate her. “Prince Elias, even if a prince holds a right to succeed the throne, that still puts him at the stage of a potential successor. You cannot confiscate something from a ducal house unless they approve of it. Besides, if they were to offer an item, which they declined to give to the king, to a prince, it would earn them a lot of criticism.” “Humph! You just need to do as I tell you. Have Scarlet give me that. What belongs to my fiancée naturally belongs to me as well, right?” At that moment, Genius recalled the words Indra had said. 『He considers everything given to him as his own, be it people or items, and he thinks he can do with them as he pleases』 ...But, even if that’s true, this is the meaning behind kingship. Yes, that’s the very expression of having a caliber as king, I’m sure. Everything moving as desired is only natural for someone bound to become king, Genius persuaded himself. But. “No? You’re wrong, you know?” Scarlet denied the prince’s words with a broad smile, “My things are my own. Prince Elias, they are not your belongings, and just because I am your fiancée, it does not make me your possession either, right?” She completely shot the prince down with a smile. “Our engagement only means that our surroundings have made an agreement that we would marry in the future. It is not like we decided for it to be so by ourselves, correct? Did you not say that we are but betrothed in name only, Prince Elias? I would appreciate it if you did not try to abuse a nominal agreement.” ...Yeah, this is why I hate women, Prince Elias and Genius thought at the same time. Both shared the same view on this point. “Allow me to use the same words my father told His Majesty.” Scarlet watched the two with a smile, wondering how they would react. 『This golem has been built by Lady Indra. ――Yes, the same Indra who is the partner of Hero 【Thunderclap Whitefang】 as you should probably know. It is something she built for my daughter and lent it to her after they became friends. We are merely renting it from Lady Indra. Therefore Lady Indra owns the golem. In reality, one cannot even touch that golem without Lady Indra’s explicit permission. The instant someone touches it without her permission, the security system starts up and repels the offender. For this reason, I had no trouble coming here even when getting attacked by monsters and bandits on the way. After all, all of them got flashily defeated as soon as they touched the golem. Given those circumstances, I would first need to speak with Lady Indra before I could even consider giving the golem to you. Would you like me to do that?』 Scarlet joyfully watched how the faces of Prince Elias and Genius froze in an instant. “Those were the words my father told His Majesty, and our wise king apparently gave up on it before his advisor could even admonish him to not do it. As far as I know, His Majesty said that he would be troubled if the palace got destroyed due to him asking something unreasonable of her and that my father should treat it as if he had never asked in the first place. ――Now then, what will it be, Prince Elias? I am just 『renting』 that golem. The maintenance for this type of machi...err, golem is quite a challenge, but since Lady Indra kindly handles it for us, I actually prefer renting over owning it. Then again, I doubt that anyone other than Lady Indra would be able to maintain it in the first place.” Prince Elias and Genius had become dumbfounded. After somewhat recovering from his blank shock, Genius asked, “...With Indra...you mean that Indra?” “Indeed, I am talking about the very same Lady Indra. That person possesses a peculiar character, but she has the brains of a genius. ...Besides, it is common knowledge that you will find many weir...err, people with peculiar personalities among those regarded as geniuses.” Surveying the two, Scarlet added with a smile, “So as you hear, that golem belongs to Lady Indra. During the vacation my father and I intruded upon her mansion, and I got her to make me one after begging her to do so, you see?” “Huh? You went to the home of a commoner?” Genius asked in surprise. Scarlet looked at Genius as if not quite understanding what his problem was, “Even if she calls herself a commoner, she is a former noble and an extremely rich person who cleared the capital’s dungeon, is she not? Her servants have all worked for nobility in the past, so it was no different to actually visiting a noble’s estate. Besides, comparing our mansion to theirs...theirs was a much more comfortable and wonderful home...haah... I have already spoken with my father that we will definitely beg Lady Indra to help us with a redesign during our next reconstruction, Absolutely! I am repeating myself here, but Lady Indra is a prodigy, okay? Her whole existence is a cheat!” Scarlet stressed.
スカーレットは静かに続けた。 エリアス王子は言い切ったが、ジーニアスはスカーレットに警戒しだした。 ――ジーニアスは休み中実家に帰省したが、待ち構えていた両親の怒りは大変なものだった。 終業式でのいざこざは全部伝わり、よりにもよっていさめるべき立場にいるジーニアスが、斜陽のスプリンコート伯爵家の令嬢に籠絡され公爵令嬢を犯罪者に仕立て上げようとするなどと、考えられない大失態を行ったのだ。 エリアス王子が使い物にならないと判断されたときは見限るようにも命じられている。 ショートガーデ公爵家がエリアス王子との婚姻を破談にした場合、エリアス王子は王位に就けない。 だから、不本意であろうとも、スカーレットを嫌っていようとも、彼女とエリアス王子の結婚を推し進めなければならないのだ。 「エリアス王子。王位に就いているならまだしも、まだ王子は継承者の段階です。公爵家からの同意がなければ召し上げられませんし、それに、王が諦めたものを王子が献上させた、となれば、批判が集まります」 「ふん! お前は私が言うとおりにすればいい。スカーレットからアレを献上させろ。婚約者の物は当然、私の物だろう?」 瞬間、ジーニアスはインドラが言った言葉を思い出した。 『与えられた物はそれが人であろうとも、自分の所有物だと思い、自由に出来ると思っている』 ......だが、そうであっても、それが王なのだ。 だが。 「私の物は私の物ですわ。エリアス王子、貴男の物ではありませんし、婚約者だからって、別に私、貴男の物ではありませんのよ?」 笑顔でバッサリ斬り捨てた。 「単に、将来婚姻を結ぶ契約を周りがしただけのことですの。私たち自身がしたわけでもありませんわよね? 『婚約者なんて名ばかり』とはエリアス王子も言ったではありませんか。名だけのものに、たからないでいただきたいわ」 ......あぁ、これだからこの女は嫌いなのだ、とエリアス王子もジーニアスも思った。 「父が王に伝えた言葉を、私もエリアス王子に伝えますわ」 スカーレットは、どんな反応をするかしらと笑顔で二人を見た。 を結びまして、娘のために作って貸したものなのです。私どもはインドラ殿に借りているだけですので、あれの持ち主はインドラ殿になります。実際、インドラ殿の許可が無ければ、あのゴーレムには触ることも出来ません。触った途端に防犯魔術が作動し、許可無く触った者を撃退するのです。ですので、道中は盗賊や魔物から身を守るのに苦労はしませんでした。なにせ、触っただけでバタバタと倒れていくのですから。......そういった事情がありますので、もしもこのゴーレムを献上する場合は、まず、インドラ殿にお伺いを立てねばなりませぬが、どうなさいますか?』 エリアス王子とジーニアスの顔が一瞬にしてこわ張ったのを、スカーレットは面白そうに見やった。 「これが、父が王に伝えた言葉で、側近が悲鳴を上げていさめる前に王は諦めたそうですわ。『彼女に無理を言って王宮を破壊されては困るな』と笑い、聞かなかったことにしてくれ、そう言ったそうですの。――さて、エリアス王子、どうなさいますの? 私はあのゴーレムは『借りている』だけですのよ。あぁいったマシン......コホン、ゴーレムはメンテナンスが大変なのですが、それはインドラ様がやってくださるので、私はむしろ借りているだけの方が良いのですけど。そもそもインドラ様にしかメンテナンス出来ないでしょうしね」 エリアス王子とジーニアスが、がく然となった。 「............インドラ、とは、あのインドラか?」 「えぇ、あのインドラ様ですわ。あの方は、変わった性格をしておられますけれど天才的な頭脳の持ち主なのです。......それに、天才的な頭脳の方って、変人......コホン、変わった性格の方が多いって話ですものね」 「えっ? 平民の家に行ったのか?」 「平民とは申しましても、元貴族の、しかも王都のダンジョンを攻略した大富豪ではないですか。屋敷の住人も元伯爵家や元公爵家の使用人たちばかりで完全に貴族のお屋敷に遊びに行くのと変わりませんでしたし、屋敷自体が我が屋敷に匹敵する......以上の素晴らしく快適なお屋敷でしたわ......ハァ......。今度ウチを建て直すときは、絶対! インドラ様におねだりして、プロデュースしていただこうと父と話し合いましたの! インドラ様は、繰り返しますけど、天才ですのよ? 存在がチートですの!」
Does this world have calendars? Or is it just that they exist in places where I can’t see them? ――For the time being I’ve been training a lot over the last few months (by standard of the other world). I’ve got my hands on a wooden sword instead of a training sword for swordsmanship...or rather practice-swings. Using that, I’ve been doing practice swings every day, and I’ve also become quite good at hand-to-hand fighting techniques such as Karate, Boxing, and Kempo. Then again it’s only martial arts where you strike your opponent...but, I never learned Judo or Aikido, unfortunately. The training of my magic arts ― I feel like I’ve become able to use them more or less by now...probably. The training of somehow sensing the fluffy something has entered the second stage, and now I’m practicing to fluffily gather the fluffy something around me. Originally that wasn’t written in the books about magic, but when I somehow tried it after feeling that I’d be somehow able to pull it close to me, I noticed that it worked, and thus I’ve been gathering it. But if I were to be asked, “Okay so what about it?”, I wouldn’t have any smart answer since I don’t know myself! Learning magic arts through self-study is tough. The general concepts are recorded in the books, but they don’t mention any training methods. Therefore I’ve got to teach myself every day through trial and error. I’ve been doing my training of gathering Mr. Fluff while seated in Zen meditation, as if drawing in iron sand with a magnet...hmm, no, the pull isn’t that powerful...as if sucking in dust with an air cleaner, but then I reconsidered, wondering whether I would be able to gather it without the Zen meditation part. Ever since then I changed my training regimen towards always gathering Mr. Fluff. It’s been crowned with success as I feel that lots of Mr. Fluff has gathered around me. Now then, I think I’ve probably got to do something with Mr. Fluff, but...since I couldn’t come up with anything good, I’m still stuck with merely amassing it around me. The practical application of my otherworld knowledge made some progress after I got the cook to cooperate with me. After threatening her that I’d kill her...err, strictly forbade her to tell anyone else, I passed on a few of the recipes and cooking techniques I knew of. This world has no fermented food despite knowing how to make wine! A simple fermentation method is to put veggies into a boiled container, crush them, and let them ferment. Same works with fruits. After using this as stock, marinating the meat with it, and heating it up in a covered pot, you slowly cook it over the residual heat of a flame (increase the intensity when it becomes lukewarm) to finally bring out a full and deep taste. “Why do you have wine but no food that’s made with the same procedure?” When I asked the cook, she told me, “Very likely the commoners have this kind of cooking. However, normally you wouldn’t come up with the idea to deliberately let food rot before cooking it.” No, there exist people who thought of this, right? The other world’s food had far more variety and quality than that of nobility in this world, and yet people over there came up with fermented food, you know? ――Of course, the dishes based on my knowledge aren’t served to that man and his ilk. I mean the cook would be beheaded with her head placed on a pike outside the mansion if she fed them something made out of rotten food! Thus only the cook, me...and the servants, who wanted to eat it, partook in it. By the way, when I was asked whether you could brew wine in the same way, I answered that it should be possible to make fruit wine with a similar method. Since the cook looked like she wanted to try it out, I asked her whether she wants to have a go at it if you don’t require a license for brewing alcohol. And since she deeply nodded her approval, we’re currently in the middle of preparing everything to brew wine. But, a high level of experience and temperature control is essential when it comes to brewing wine, so it’s bound to fail, isn’t it? Because I’ve been paying attention to not run into that man, I never saw him ever since that one time, but one day I got careless and inadvertently came across him. Of course I totally ignored his existence, but once that abuse-loving man spotted me, he apparently felt an urge to mentally corner and bully me. He went out of his way to draw close to me, and started to run his flap, so I lightly clicked my tongue. Seemingly having heard that, his expression changed. ...Even though he always clicked his tongue whenever I approached him before falling ill, I guess he’s not okay with getting the same treatment from me. “I” “expressly” “avoided” “you” “to” “not” “have” “to” “see” “your” “face,” “so” “do” “me” “the” “favor” “of” “not” “speaking” “to” “me” “when” “you” “have” “no” “business” “with” “me.” I clearly, and slowly pronounced every word so that even an old man with bad hearing would catch it. “...You really have a terrible character, don’t you? It remains a mystery to me how someone like you could have been born.” His voice was trembling, and he had become unable to clearly articulate himself because of his advanced age...how pathetic. “Didn’t I simply turn out similar to those who are my biological parents?” Upon me replying this with a chilly voice, he froze. “Wouldn’t it have been better if you hadn’t copulated with the woman who gave birth to me, if you didn’t want her to give birth to me? It’s your own fault for having succumbed to your sexual desire, isn’t it? Something like claiming no responsibility after doing what you want to do... Ah, is it possibly the syndrome where old people stop remembering past failures?” I unnaturally cocked my head to the side with a finger placed on my chin. “...You...!” As he apparently got pissed off by that gesture, he tried to slap me, but I dodged it. ...Ooh! It seems my physical ability has leveled up! The man seemed startled about my evasion. Rather, I’m also surprised at myself for having been able to dodge it, even if I’ve been training for this very reason. I thought that he might try to punch me next, but... “Master!?” The butler rushed over while looking shocked. That man was panting with his shoulders heaving, and then he laughed scornfully while looking down at me. “Don’t make any mistakes. You think you’re my daughter? ...Where do you have any proof for such a claim? You might have been born from that woman, but it’s not said that I’m your father, right? Aren’t you some bastard she made with some unknown man somewhere? After all, you don’t resemble me in the slightest!” “Master!! ...How could you...!?” “Shut up!” How unusual. The butler, who’s always calm and collected, has raised his voice in anger. But well, I can relate. I don’t know what kind of relationship they share, but if that woman’s family heard this statement, it’d turn into a problem, wouldn’t it? “Hoh.” The two looked at me. “In” “other” “words,” “Earl” “Springcoat” “has” “not” “once” “copulated” “with” “the” “woman” “who” “gave” “birth” “to “me!” “...is” “what” “you” “are” “saying?” Confronted with my direct question, that man averted his eyes. “So you did.” “Shut up! Moreover, don’t call it copulation!” “No matter what I call it, it doesn’t change what you’ve done.” I calmly pointed out. “Well, you insisting that I don’t resemble you despite that is very appreciated. It’s a good piece of news that I still have a chance for a 『father overflowing with love, broadmindedness and kindness, who’s going to come meet me someday, after he had to tearfully part with the woman who gave birth to me out of inability to live with her』.” The butler looked flabbergasted. No, not just him, the same could be said about that man as well. But then that man revealed a creepy smile. “Do you really believe in such a fairy-tale?” “You think I would? Isn’t that something you’d be able to immediately tell without having to ask? ...For heaven’s sake, that’s why old people are such a pain to deal with.” The man’s face turned bright red as soon as he heard my frosty reply. “I just became delighted over the prospect that it’s possible for me to be unrelated to abusive trash that loves to look down on others and finds joy in bullying, hurting, and scorning a girl who’s merely five years old. I must say, today is truly a wonderful day. Please excuse me then.” I bid my farewell with a bright smile.
この世界って、カレンダーあるの? 剣術......というか素振り用の木刀代わりに木剣も手に入れられて毎日素振りしてるし、格闘術という名の空手、ボクシング、拳法も大分様になってきた。打撃ばかりだな......でも柔道とか合気道は習ってなかったんだよな。 魔術の訓練――たぶん......も出来てる、気がする。 そもそも魔術の本にそんなことは書いてなかったけど、なんとなくたぐり寄せられそうな気がしたのでなんとなくやってみたら出来るようなので集めてる。 だから何? と尋ねられても、わからない! 本に概念は書いてあったんだけど訓練法は書いてなかった。なので自力で試行錯誤の毎日。 座禅をしてこのふんわりさんを、砂鉄を集めるかのごとく......そこまで吸引力ないか、空気清浄機に吸い寄せられるホコリのごとく集める訓練をずっとやっていたけれど、座禅しなきゃ集められないってダメなんじゃね? と思い直し、常日頃から集めるように訓練を変えた。 成果があって、私の周りにふんわりさんは大分集まってる、気がする。 さーて、たぶんこのふんわりさんをどうにかするんだろうけど......。思いつかなかったのでまだ集めるにとどまっている。 誰かに漏らしたら殺すと脅し......もとい厳重に口止めして、知ってる料理知識をちょっと教えた。 この世界って、酒はあるのに発酵食品がないとか! お手軽発酵として、煮沸した容器に野菜を入れて潰して、発酵。同じく果物で発酵。 これを出汁として、肉を漬け込み、蓋をした鍋で熱した後余熱で火をゆっくり通す(ぬくくなったら温める)調理法で、ようやく味に奥行きが出た。 「酒はあるのに、どうして似たような手順で作った食べ物がないのだろう?」 「恐らく、平民の料理にはあるかもしれません。ですが、あえて食べ物を腐らせ調理するなどとは普通思いつきません」 とか返されたし。いや、思いついた人いるよ? 別世界はこの世界の貴族より食生活が豊かだったけど、思いついた人いるじゃん? ――当然のことながら、私考案の料理は屋敷の当主たちには出さない。だって、腐ったものを調理したものなんて食べさせたら、打ち首獄門モノだからね! 私と料理人......あとは食べたがる使用人がいたらあげる、となった。 ちなみに、酒も同じように造れるのかと聞かれて、果実酒ならば似たようなものが造れるはず、と答え、試したそうだったので、酒造に認可が必要ないなら試してみる? と聞いたら、深々とうなずいたので現在酒も仕込み中。 だけど、酒って結構見極めとか温度管理とか大事だよ、失敗前提だよ? 私はあの男に会わないように気をつけているのであれ以来姿を見たことをなかったのだが、油断してうっかり出くわしてしまった。 舌打ちが聞こえたのか、顔色を変えた。......寝込む前、私が近寄ってきたときに舌打ちしたくせに、私に舌打ちされるのは平気じゃないのか。 「わざわざ」「顔を見ないように」「避けていたのに」「用もないのに」「話し掛けないで」「くださいませ」 耳の遠くなった老人用に、区切ってハッキリと発音する。 「......お前は、本当にろくでもない性格をしているな。どうしてお前みたいな者が生まれてきたのか、不思議でしょうがない」 声が震えてるよ、年を取ると発音もハッキリできなくなるのね、かわいそうに。 「生ませたくなかったのなら、私を産んだ女と交尾などしなければ良かったではないですか。性欲に負けたご自身の責任でしょう? やることをやっておいて、それが自分の責任じゃないみたいに......。お年を召すと、昔の都合の悪いことを思い出せなくなるという、アレかしら?」 「......この......!」 その仕草にカッとなったらしく、平手打ちをしようとしたが、避けた。 ......おぉ! 身体能力が上がってるようだぜ! 男は私が避けたのにびっくりしたらしい。つか、構えていたとはいえ、避けることが出来た自分自身が驚いてるよ。 執事が驚いて走ってきた。 男は肩で大きく息をすると、見下して冷笑してきた。 「勘違いするな。お前が、私の娘だと? ......そんな証拠がどこにある? お前は、あの女から生まれ落ちたのだろうが、私が父親かどうかなどとはわからんだろうが。どこぞの誰ともわからない男との間に出来た子ではないか? 私に似ても似つかないからな!」 「旦那様!! ......なんということを......!」 「うるさい!」 まぁねー、力関係がどうなのかわからんけど、今の発言、死んだ女の実家が聞いたらかなり問題なんじゃね? 「つまり」「スプリンコート伯爵は」「私を産んだ女とは」 私がハッキリと聞いたら、男は顔をそらせた。 「したんだ」 「黙れ! しかも、交尾、などという表現をするな!」 「まぁ、それでも似ていないのは有り難いし、私には『優しくて、包容力と愛情にあふれ、だけれども産んだ女とは一緒になれず泣く泣く別れはしたものの、それでもいつか私を迎えに行こうと決意している父親』がいるかもしれないのは朗報ですね」 執事が唖然とした。いや、男も唖然としてる。 「そんなおとぎ話のようなことを本気で思っているのか?」 「た児を相手に、いじめ傷つけ蔑めることに喜びを見いだし、他人を見下すことが大好きな、虐待癖のあるクズのような男の血脈が入っていない可能性があると聞いて、つい喜んでしまったのですよ。......今日はとても気分の良い日だな。では、ごきげんよう」
We descended towards the last floor. I told Sword to put his glasses on as well. This wasn’t the time for him to act stubborn and insist on relying only on his sixth sense or whatsoever. Even electromagnetic waves didn’t allow me to discover any ceilings, floors, or walls on this floor. You can’t do anything about what doesn’t exist either. Wouldn’t it be terrible to crash after charging? Though, in such a case, it’d be the other party that would break, I think! Yep, I’m sure! We descended further. I felt like the descent itself took quite a bit of time. Of course we could take a break in Char, if necessary, but since it’d somehow feel like watching a movie and then not being able to see the end, I want to float all the way to the last floor. On the way back, I’ll spend a leisurely time in Char though! I think it’d be really fun to return while making toys out of the dungeon drops. As we were descending while I was thinking all that, the sixth-sense-guy suddenly said,”...I can see something down below.” Ryoku had apparently spotted it with his far-sight function, reporting, “It’s kinda like a boss. A humanoid one.” When I looked in the same direction...our eyes met. It grinned at me? I tried waving a hand at it. “Hey, what you doin’?” “It grinned at me, so I waved back. ...Hmm, if I should explain, I’d say, I was trying to give a friendly first impression?” “Whoa, thanks for makin’ no sense.” Weren’t you the one asking!?!? At last we arrived at a place which was very likely the last boss’s area. Unfortunately, it wasn’t an ancient dragon. But, it has a humanoid shape! In other words, communication is possible! “You, who possess wisdom and courage, well done to have reached this place,” it addressed us from its side. “Hello. I wouldn’t claim to have that much courage, but I desire wisdom and I’m also aware of possessing some. How long have you been here?” Sword grumbled telepathically, “It’s started ‘gain,” but I didn’t hear anything. “Who knows. This place does not have a concept of time. Plus, time is not anything I need to concern myself with either.” “Okay, then let me rephrase the question: Where have you been before coming to this place?” “In a place without time that resembles this place quite closely.” That means... “In short, this place is similar to the spirit world, huh?” “Hoh. ...One with wisdom, why do you know of that place?” “A while ago I had a short conversation with a being that manifested from the spirit world.” “...I see. That is very interesting.” “I’m also interested. I thought that this place is similar to space, but I suppose this is the feel of the spirit world. Even if I can process a timeless dimension as information, it’s still a phenomenon I can’t understand logically. What kind of place is a dimension with no past or future?” “A dimension where an instant lasts but an eternity. You are free to visit.” Don’t ask the unreasonable. “I like the tangible world. Because it’s a dimension where an instant doesn’t last an eternity, everything has an end, and in itself hides beauty within. I prefer an universe that’s filled with enough energy to permit life over a black hole, even if both are dominated by darkness.” I scattered light like a star with my luminescence spell. Though, rather than a star, calling me...a firefly would be more appropriate, I guess. If you actually look at fireflies, they lack cuteness, don’t they? But, the light of fireflies looks fantastical in the darkness. I think, those are also lights that burn through their lives in an instant. ――Being illuminated by my luminescence, the humanoid had a very pretty form. White porcelain skin, black, silky, long hair, and ruby lips...or such you’d describe its traits, wouldn’t you? But, it lacked all humanity. It was the beauty of artificial molding. But, I doubt it matters to a spirit world dweller which is disconnected from its own and others’ appearances. “...I believe not knowing has good and bad sides to it. Your form is something that would be described as beautiful, but I’m sure for a spirit world dweller that’s irrelevant. If you learn of its beauty, it might trigger emotions, but if you don’t, you wouldn’t care either.” The person laughed, “Your soul is beautiful as well. That radiance of trying to greedily devour anything you desire definitely is an alien concept in the spirit world.” Hey, that’s no praise at all!! And then the humanoid added, “Also, just now you made me realize that we are not in the spirit world, but the material world. ...I see. The material world is beautiful in its own right. I also learned that you could describe it as 『fantastical』,” while looking at the chemiluminescence that appeared like gently floating fireflies. “Well, you might be right about the appearance. Because the material world possesses a set of principles, this is yet another outcome, okay? The material world stores energy in matter, but...” “Just a sec there. I get it that your all happy ’bout discussin’ all this stuff, but give it a rest with all the tedious details. In the first place, you think a spirit world dweller would understand all your lil’ theories if you explain ’em in full detail?” Sword chimed in. ...He’s right, I wouldn’t understand detailed accounts about the spirit world either. After all, I haven’t lived there. “You got a point, it would be difficult. But, you are beautiful. You taught me that burning through your short, transient life in the material world was beautiful, and I comprehended it. ...Therefore I want to ascertain that burning with my own eyes.” “He’s comin’,” warned the superman with his sixth sense. Because the magic elements are gushing? But, I don’t feel any fighting spirit from the humanoid. “......Then let me ask one last thing. Did anyone ever visit this place before us?” “Yes...but, they died upon entering this area. It seems like the dwellers of the material world cannot endure this place which resembles the spirit world so much.” Well, anyone would panic if they were plunged into a room of nothingness without any background knowledge. Sword was incredibly calm about it, though. I guess because he’s seen me. “Very well, here I come.” I readied my wooden sword. Sword took out his laser sword from the get-go, too. By the way, Sword’s laser sword has a white hilt and a fluorescent-green laser beam. The fluorescent-green color can be turned off, but being unable to see the beam would be scary. As for me, I naturally went with a green-blue hilt and a magenta beam! It’s just I never use it! I mean, I somehow cope with everything using my wooden sword! If I can’t cut this enemy with my wooden sword, I’ll give the laser sword a try! Yep, let’s do it like that! I charged at the humanoid together with Sword. The being took our attacks head on without budging, and got cut up just like that. “......Why, didn’t he dodge?” Sword muttered, and then shouted, “Bastard, you’ve seen our attacks. You should have been able to dodge ’em, if you felt like it. So why didn’t you do that!?” The humanoid smiled, “It is because 『I saw the future of me losing to those visiting this place』.” We became speechless. Sword and I exchanged a look. “Future exists in the material world, but not in the spirit world. All the spirit world possesses is the eternity of an instant. The event of me losing to those visiting this place had been decided within that eternal instant. ――I am going to return to the spirit world temporarily. I enjoyed our meeting, bearers of courage and wisdom.” “Wait, my name is Indra. And that guy is Sword. Names are important in the physical world. It’s a component defining an object for what it is. Keep that in mind. These two are Ryokus.” “I understand, Indra, Sword, Ryokus. ...I wonder if we will be able to meet once again?” I nodded, “If you desire, we’ll come back.” Starting with the next time, we’re apparently going to use Sword’s shortcut tool, allowing us to reach this place in around a day if we run at full speed while ignoring all else. “.......Somehow, quite the lonesome guy,” mumbled under his breath. Well, if you spend your time all alone here, you’d become lonesome, I’m sure... “......Though it’s questionable whether spirit world dwellers know the emotion of 『loneliness』.” Did he establish this situation out of free choice? Then again, he called a sight similar to fireflies bustling about pretty, so it might be different? “Okay, and what about the treasure chests?” Sword rolled his eyes at my murmur, “Your truly way too calm ’bout everythin’! Immediately shiftin’ your interest to treasure chests without immersing in any kind of sentimentality!” What’s your problem? You’re not looking forward to the treasure chests? Besides, the humanoid said he’d go back to the spirit world temporarily, didn’t he? It’s not like I’d need to indulge in sentimentality then... Suddenly a door opened up ahead of us with a screeching, dragging me out of my thoughts. Eh? ...That guy wasn’t the last boss? After exchanging glances with Sword, wariness quickly washed over his face, and we headed towards the door, just to spot a figure on the other side.
ソードにも、ここではアイグラスをかけるように言った。 電磁波を駆使しても、この階の壁や床が見つからないのだ。 壊れるのは相手の方だとは思うけど! 思うけど! いざとなればシャールで休憩すればいいのだが、なんとなくエンドが見られない映像を見てる気分になってるので、最下層まで行きたい。 帰りはシャールでゆっくり過ごそーっと。 って考えてながら下降してたら リョークは望遠で見たらしい。 私も見たら............あ、目が合った。 「おい、どーした」 「笑いかけられたので、手を振ってみた。......そうだな、言い表すと、愛想を振りまいた」 「うーわ。どーでもいい報告ありがとう」 お前が聞いてきたんだろうがぁ! ようやく、恐らくラスボス、のところまで到達した。 だが、人型だ! 「知と勇ある者たちよ、よくぞここまで到達した」 「こんにちは。勇はさほどでもありませんが、知は欲していますし、ある方だとも自覚しています。あなたは、いつからここにいらっしゃいますか?」 ソードが、「また始まった」とか思念飛ばして来たけど、聞こえなーい。 「さてな。ここは時間の感覚がない場所だ。そして、私にとっても、時間とは気にするべきものではないものだ」 「では、質問を変えます。ここにいらっしゃる前はどちらにいらっしゃいましたか?」 「ここによく似た、時間のない場所だ」 と、いうことは......。 「つまり、精神界に近い場所なのですか、ここは」 「ほう。......知ある者よ、お主はどうして其処を知っている?」 「以前に精神界から現れた方と、ほんの少しお話ししました」 「......なるほど。面白い」 「私も面白い。ここは......私は、宇宙に近いと思ったが、精神界もこんな感じなのか。時間がない世界は私には知識として蓄えられていても、理解は出来ない現象だ。過去と未来がない世界って、どのようなものなのだろう?」 が永遠に続く世界だ。お前が来ればいい」 無茶言うな。 「私は物質界が好きなので。一瞬が永遠でない世界だから、終わりがある世界だからこそ、そこに美しさがある。同じ暗闇でも、ブラックホールより、その存在を許すエネルギーに満ちた宇宙の方が、私は好きだ」 アレも、一瞬の命を燃やし輝く光だと思う。 ――化学発光の光に照らされたその人型は、随分と美しい造形をしていた。 でも、自分の姿も他人の姿も関係ない精神界の者には、意味のないことなんだろう。 「......知らないということは、良いことなのか悪いことなのか。お前の造形は、美しいと表現されるものだが、精神界の者においてはどうでもいいことなんだろうな。知っていれば、そこに感情が発生する。が、知らなければそれで終わる話だな」 「貴殿の魂も美しい。精神の欲望のまま欲し貪欲に貪ろうとするその輝きは、精神界には決してないものだ」 うーわ。ソレ、褒めてませんから! 「そして、私は今、精神界ではない、物質界にいることを思い知らされた。......なるほど、物質界は、それはそれで美しい。これを『幻想的』と表現するのかと、今知った」 「まぁ、見た目はそうだろうがな。物質界においては、それなりに理論があって、こうなるんだぞ? 物質界は、物質におけるエネルギーが......」 「ちょーっと、話が盛り上がってるのはわかるけど、小難しい話はやめてよ。そもそも精神界の住人に、物質界の小難しい話聞かせて理論がわかると思う?」 ......確かに、私が精神界の小難しい話を聞いてもわからないと思う。 「確かに、理解しがたい。が、お前は美しい。物質界の、短い生を燃焼して燃えるそれが美しいと、お前が教え、私は理解した。......ならば、お前のその燃焼を見届けたい」 がある超人が警告してきた。 魔素が膨らんだからかな? 「......最後に質問だ。私たちが来る前に、ここを訪れる者はいたのか?」 「いた。......が、このエリアに入ってすぐ死んだ。物質界の者は、この精神界に似た場所に耐えられないようだ」 まぁ、無の部屋って予備知識ないとパニクるよね。 「では、いきます」 ソードも、最初からレーザー剣を出してきた。 ちなみに、ソードのレーザー剣は白の柄に蛍光緑のレーザーにしてる。 この敵が斬れなかったら使ってみよう、そうしよう。 その者は、微動だにせず、攻撃を受け、そのまま切り裂かれた。 「テメェは俺たちの攻撃が見えていた。避けようと思えば避けれたはずだ。なんで避けなかった」 「『私がここを訪れる者に負ける未来が視えていた』からだ」 私とソードは顔を見合わせた。 「物質界には未来がある。精神界には未来がない。あるのは、永遠の一瞬。その、永遠の一瞬の中に、私がここを訪れる者に負ける出来事は決定されていた。――一度、精神界に戻ろう。楽しかったぞ、知と勇ある者たちよ」 「待て、私の名は、インドラだ。そして、そいつはソード。物質界において、名は重要だ。物質を物質たらしめる要素だ、覚えておけ。これは、リョークだ」 「わかった、インドラ、ソード、リョーク。............また、会えるだろうか」 「望むなら、また来よう」 次からは、ソードのショートカットの道具を使って、その後ぶっ飛ばしてまっすぐ走れば一日くらいで着けそうだし。 「............なんか、寂しそうなやつだったな」 まぁ、こんなところでずっと一人でいれば寂しいんじゃ............。 「......精神界の者が『寂しい』という感情が解るかは謎だが」 でも、この蛍の飛び交うような、光景を綺麗だと言ってたから、そうでもないのかな? 「宝箱、なんだろなー?」 「ホンット、お前って冷静だよな! 感傷に浸ることもなく、宝箱へ興味を移すとか!」 それに、さっきのやつは、いったん精神界に里帰りしたじゃないか。 って考えてたら、音がして、先の扉が開いた。 え。 ......やつが、ラスボスでは、ない? ソードと顔を見合わせ、ソードは急激に警戒した顔になり、扉へ向かった。
The bosses were a huge locus and frog. Killing them swiftly, we advanced to the next floor. When we entered the first floor, I was astonished. “Whoaaa!” It was a magma floor. “...Hey, what are we goin’ to do ’bout this?” “Hmm, the simple solution would be to board Char as it’ll be no problem whatsoever if we cool the surroundings with magic, but that would be boring, wouldn’t it?” “......Is the question whether it’s borin’ really the issue here?” It is. We came here to have fun, so it’s an absolute no-go to cheat our way through the dungeon. “Okay, I understand. I’d be troubled if you ran out of mana again, so I’ll cast the magic.” I cast a freezing spell. “Ah, it immediately became less stuff.” I see. This is just like the volcanic area of that hunting game, isn’t it? It totally looks like those wiggly-wiggly things, which I utterly hated for jumping out at any moment, are going to be around as well. “Let’s assume that we’ll also suffer locational damage. I mean, if you step into magma it’s going to hurt.” “Girl, you really regard havin’ fun your purpose in life, don’t you? Even though you’ve got the power to invalidate the effects of this floor, your deliberately goin’ as far as takin’ damage for the sake of fun?” Of course, I am. “What kind of enemies do you expect to show up?” “Fish, or rather, dragons who can swim through lava, I think. It’d be funny if they peeked out of cracks or came attacking by leaping at us.” “Gotcha. ...If we keep avoidin’ any predicaments by castin’ offensive magic while maintainin’ defense magic, we should be able to cope somehow, I s’pose,” said Sword and took a sword out of his magic bag. “This one is probably goin’ to work. It’s also got a cold touch.” I quickly stretched my neck, taking a look at it, “An ice sword, huh?” “Yep. ...You don’t seem to have much interest in swords, or rather, you’re wrappin’ up everythin’ with that wooden sword of yours anyway, so I didn’t mention anythin’ since it ain’t like you need to gather expensive swords by buyin’ or havin’ them made for you like me and other folks. But, just like this ice sword here, I’ve got a collection of swords with different attributes to match any potential enemy.” “Of course I know about it! Even in the other world it was customary to handle it like that!” ...But, it’s also true that you can cover all of it if you got one sword that delivers extremely high damage. When I started to sing the soundtrack of that hunting game, Sword laughed out loud. “You can actually sing in such a situation?” “For the time being, avoid stepping into magma! It’d hurt you enough to make you cry out that it’s crazy hot. Also, watch out to not get hit by spraying magma, okay?” “Yep. Normally anyone would croak from that, no?” That might be the case, but in the hunting game it doesn’t go as far as dying. “I’m sure swarms of large monsters are also...ah, how nice that would be. I have no clue what they could drop, but I’m looking forward to it. Let’s go then.” “Sure thing.” We rushed onwards. Come to think of it, I forgot the template for zones like this one. Just as I thought so, I saw a monster appearing. And here I was just thinking of fire spirits! Salamander! Spotting a blazing lizard, my tension leaped. “Ooohh! I completely forgot about your existence!” “I thought you were talking about these guys,” muttered Sword and unleashed a flash. The lizard turned into particles. “Noooooooo!” The lizard! The cute lizaaaard! “Girl, stop admirin’ monsters. They gonna pop up in swarms anyway.” He’s got a point, but still! No choice. Since they appeared in numbers that made it hard to admire them, I triggered huge hail to fall over a wide area. “Whoa, your ice magic is friggin’ awesome.” I blankly stared at Sword. “No? That just now wasn’t ice magic. Don’t you have those days when thick clouds suddenly gather on a hot day, just to be followed by a hail of ice over here in this world? That’s...” “Ah, gotcha. It’s alright. I fully understand that your a very smart genius.” He didn’t even let me finish all I wanted to say...booohh! The salamanders were kind of like small fry. Salamander, huh...? Wasn’t there a song with such a title? When I started to sing it while hunting, Sword rolled his eyes at me. “As expected, they’ve become more ferocious the further down we go.” The floors were quite huge as well, so it took us quite some time to work our way through. In addition, enemies as big as floor bosses also started to appear. I mean wisps...or maybe it’d be better to call them bombs! They’re definitely going to explode, I’m % sure!...believing that, I erased them with my vacuum spell the instant they appeared. “That now was vacuum magic, wasn’t it? Why did those monsters disappear despite not being living beings?” “Fire can’t burn without air.” Sword became dumbfounded. “...So you use vacuum magic and not water or ice magic against fire magic?” “Water can cause unexpected collateral damage, you know? The temperature of the water after getting heated up by the fire and turning into steam goes beyond ° C. In short, it’s a temperature hot enough to easily cause burns and since it’s a gas, it’ll burn not only your skin, but also your lungs. As a result of that, you’d die.” “Ugh.” “As for ice... If you throw a solid, incombustible object at fire, you can consider it to act like a stone or rock, but the fire itself won’t vanish unless you hit its core, you know? The rules of magic in this world might be different, but if you want to extinguish a fire as quickly as possible, using a vacuum is the fastest method. But anyway, no matter how you do it, the crucial part in extinguishing fire lies in isolating the air, the element essential for allowing fire to burn.” Sword stared at me, completely stunned. “...Just as I thought, your really incredible. You can make such great booze. The wisdom mentioned by the cooks is ’bout this stuff, huh?” He suddenly blurted out.
サクッと殺して次の階へ。 移動して、驚いた。 「うわー!」 マグマの階だった。 「............オイ。こりゃ、どーする?」 「うーん、簡単なのはシャールに乗って、周りを魔術で冷やせばまるで問題はないが、つまらないよな」 「............。つまらなねーかどうかって問題なのか?」 楽しむために来たのに、チート攻略とかダメ、絶対。 「わかった、お前がまた魔素が尽きたら困るから、私が魔術をかけてやる」 冷却魔術をかけた。 「あ、涼しくなった」 うーむ、これはあの狩りゲーの、火山地帯だよね? 「地形ダメージはアリにしようか。マグマを踏んだらダメージだ」 「お前って、ホンットーに楽しむことに生きがいを感じてるよな。このダンジョンを無効化出来る力があるのに、楽しむためだけに、わざわざダメージを受けるようにするのかよ?」 もちろんですとも。 「お前の予想だと、どんな敵が出るんだ?」 「マグマを泳ぐ、魚というか、竜かな。割れ目から顔を出す、もしくは飛び出して攻撃してくる、と面白い」 「了解。......まぁ、防護魔術をかけつつ攻撃魔術をかける羽目にならねーなら、なんとかなるか」 ニョッと首を突き出して見た。 「氷の剣か?」 「そうだ。......お前は剣に興味がなさそうだし、つーかその木でなんでもこなすからな、俺や他の連中みたく高い剣を買ったり打ってもらってそろえる必要も無いから言ってなかったけどよ。俺はこうやって、敵に合わせた剣をいくつか持ってて、使い分けてる」 「もちろんそれは知ってるぞ! 別世界でもあるお作法だ!」 ......だけど、すごく強いダメージを与える剣がある場合は、それ一本でまかなえちゃうのも確かだけど。 思わず狩りゲーの音楽を歌い出したら、笑われた。 「お前って、こんな状況でも歌えるのか」 「とりあえず、マグマは踏むな。熱い! って思うくらいのダメージを受けるようにしてある。飛んできたマグマに当たってもダメだぞ?」 「うん。フツー、死んじゃうよね? ソレ」 そうかもしれないが、狩りゲーは、死ぬまでいかないからな。 「きっと大型の魔物もウヨウヨいる......といいな。ドロップ品は見当もつかないが、楽しみだ。じゃあ、行くか」 「はいよ」 飛び出した。 と思ったのが、出てきた魔物を見たとき。 燃え盛るトッケーを見つけて、テンションが上がった。 「おおお! お前の存在を失念していたぞ!」 「俺はコイツのことを言ってたのかと思ってた」 粒子になるトッケー。 「のおおぉぉぉお!」 かわいいトッケーがぁあ! 「お前、魔物愛でるの止めろ。どーせうじゃうじゃ湧いてくるから」 確かにそうだけどさぁ! 仕方ない、愛でてる場合じゃ無いくらい湧いて出たので広範囲にデッカい雹を降らせた。 「うーわ、お前の氷魔術、すげーな」 「いや? 今のは氷魔術じゃない。こちらではないか? 暑い日に、急に空が曇ったかと思ったら、氷が降ってくることが。 「あー、わかった。大丈夫だ、お前が博識で天才なのはわかってる」 皆まで言わせてもらえなかった。 そんな題名の歌があったような。 思い出して歌いながら狩ってたら、呆れられた。 「やはり、階を降りると凶悪になってくるな」 マップも広大で、私たちの快足でも結構時間がかかる。 ウィスプ......というかボムだろアレ! 「今のって、真空魔術だっけか? アレって生き物でもないのになんで消えた?」 「火は、空気が無いと燃えないからだな」 ソードが唖然とする。 「......火炎魔術に水魔術や氷魔術じゃなくて、真空魔術使うのか」 「水は、意外被害が出るぞ? 火に熱せられて水蒸気化した水の温度は百度を超える。つまり、簡単に火傷するほどの熱が、空気になって肺や皮膚を焼く。結果、死ぬ」 「げ」 「氷はなぁ......。燃えにくい固形物をぶつけるというのなら、砂でも岩でもいいと思うけどな、でも、燃やしている芯に当てないと消えないぞ? この世界の魔術の法則は違うのかもしれないが、すぐさま消火したいなら、真空にするのが一番早い。 何をしようとも、とにかく、燃やすための必要成分、空気を遮断することが火を消すのに重要な点だ」 ソードがボーッと私を見てる。 「......お前って、やっぱ、すげーな。あんなにうまい酒を造れるワケだ。料理人たちが言ってた〝英知〟ってのは、このことかよ」
Restaurants apparently achieved a highly appraised ambiance through paintings and performers. As I couldn’t evade this custom, I created gorgeous covers and flowerpots that gave the decorative plants an additional artistic touch, resulting in everyone becoming extremely delighted. Now then, leaving the interior design at that, I started to work on the management. I thought I had hired people capable of accounting to let them handle it, but...the people capable of accounting actually couldn’t process the accounting! Bennyboy hasn’t only played around by driving Bronko together with Sword, but he’s also gone along with my consultations. I’ve heard that he’s capable of accounting to a reasonable degree as a merchant, but I quickly realized that accounting on the level of the other world would be impossible. “...You are truly a box full of surprises when it comes to versatility, Indra. What’s the deal with you being better at accounting than me?” Bennyboy said in astonishment. “I’m not an Allrounder for show. ...But, I’m in a bind. Is it something that can somehow be handled through education?” Even in the other world, the number of people capable 『of properly noting down the figures in accordance to the set rules』 were limited. I wonder whether this world has any of them... ...At that point, an employee’s child raised its hand. “I’m good at writing, so I’ll memorize it, even if it costs me my life!” Eh? You don’t have to go that far, seriously. “Umm, there’s other people who are good at it as well, so would it be alright for them to learn it as well?” I was asked. “If they’re motivated, I’ll teach them, but their employment will depend on whether they’re good enough at it afterwards,” I warned in advance. Bennyboy was apparently going to join in as well, stating that now wasn’t the time to play around. I held a bookkeeping course for several children and adults (somehow they increased in number) who had become my pupils. I’ll be troubled if I can’t get them to master a receipt journal at the very least as absolute basics. Using a presentation with holographic panels, I explained what the course would be about and what a receipt journal was used for. “It’s a method to note down figures, eventually allowing anyone to easily tell how much profit has been made, how many goods are still left on stock, and whether it matches with the account book, if you aim for perfection, but this world doesn’t require all that. For starters, it’ll be for simply tracing the money flow.” Given that this world had only simple paper, I created paper bundles with grids similar to registers at high speed with my magic. Because the currencies were divided in this kingdom, it made things slightly annoying. And then I gave a lecture on how to write a cash book. For the calculations I built a magic calculator! I also used an abacus, so I gave them a lecture on how to use abacuses. I strictly instructed them to use the magic calculator for the final verification of accounts and to always check back three times if they found any errors. When I told them that they could do mental arithmetics if they felt confident in that, all of them shook their heads. Bennyboy raised his hand. “It might be no more than an absurd idea, but don’t tell me, can you actually calculate these figures in your head, Indra?” “Obviously.” Everyone stared at me with their mouths agape. Not just Bennyboy, but even other merchants came to me in order to receive my lessons on accounting for some reason. It was plain as day that Bennyboy was the criminal behind spreading the information. “It’s impossible for me to teach them free of charge. Bennyboy, you’re Sword’s friend, and we plan to explo...have you help out without profit now and in the future, so it’s an investment into the future.” “You said exploit right there. I totally heard it!” Bennyboy became naggy. “...It suddenly struck me, but Bennyboy, aren’t you too loose-tongued?” “Huh? You haven’t heard?” Heard what? ――It seems like Bennyboy’s loose tongue was the trigger for him to get acquainted with Sword in the first place. Back when Sword tried to sell treasures he had obtained in a dungeon to the merchant guild, Bennyboy apparently went against the rules by interfering with the trade and calling the price in question. For Sword it was a welcome meddling, but it was still taboo to do so in the merchant guild. Apparently they follow the guideline that the one getting cheated is at fault and should take it as a lesson. Under normal circumstances Bennyboy should have had his merchant guild’s license revoked as he broke that taboo, and moreover smack down in the middle of the merchant guild, but the one getting cheated was Sword. Sword got really pissed, it seems. “...Hee, I should take it as a lesson, eh? Then lemme give the merchant guild a lesson ‘s well. Especially, you little bastard. From now on I’ll never accept a request of the merchant guild. Even if you get attacked by a dragon; as long as the merchant guild is affected, I won’t move a single finger, even if I’m gonna lose my license over it. I’ll publicly announce that I was ’bout to get mugged by this guild and that the guild revoked the license of the sole merchant who tried to prevent it. Oh well, I s’pose that somethin’ like this is just a normal practice for you people. But, if you believe that such shit flies outside this guild, I’ll give you a proper lesson ’bout the value of such a thinkin’. You better be ready for it, fuckers.” As might be expected, even the guild considered this a very bad deal, and immediately apologized while reissuing Bennyboy’s license, but ever since then Sword never did any business with the merchant guild, always selling stuff directly to Bennyboy. Later, when the adventurer guild started to purchase his dungeon treasures at a fair price, this story spread like the wind, resulting in the guildmaster and his staff of the merchant guild in question being sacked. The end. “Hoh! Sword sure is a patient man. I’d have taught the merchant guild what happens if you cheat people by blowing the whole building to smithereens right then and there!” “Whoa, nothing less of a former noble! You definitely don’t shy away from drastic measures!” He told me in admiration. “Well, if that were to help Sword, it’d be fine, but I’d hate it, if it caused trouble for him. In short, there are good and bad times to speak up, you know Bennyboy? I guess it means I can’t tell you anything I want to keep secret.” “You’ve got so little trust in me. I mean, even I wouldn’t blather about something that’s supposed to stay confidential.” Can he be trusted? Right now, in this situation. But, the merchants attending the lesson through Bennyboy were young and modest. They were also paying for the lessons. Therefore, I taught them how to keep an account book, how to extract lists out of the account book, and how to draft documents based on analysis of the account book. Using a merchant who had been keeping book relatively decently as an example, we did his accounting once more with what we’d learned so far, fixed it, did assorted journalizing, classified the accounts, and created lists. “If you do it like this, it’s easy to tell what the money has been spent on, right? You’re also able to say how much profit you made with this paper here. Even the entries written down here are easier to understand if you keep book. If you continue filling out these papers regularly, you’ll become able to grasp the money flow over time. Until now you might have done it by feeling, but numbers are precise and don’t lie. I think you’ll reach a point where you’ll be able to analyze the fluctuations in the amount of money of stocked goods.” It made me feel slightly good how the merchants were full of admiration. Bennyboy praised me highly as well. “Maaan, don’t you think it’d have been better to not have quit being a noble after all? I mean, you’d be able to develop your fief at an incredible rate if you used your awesome abilities to manage a territory.” He told me, but all of this is at the level of managing a household’s account book in the other world, you know?
レストラン、絵画や演奏者の伝手があったようで、かなり華やかな雰囲気になった。 さて、内装はこれくらいにして経営に着手。 会計処理が出来る者を雇い、会計処理を......と思ったが、会計処理出来る者が会計処理出来ない! ベン君、ソードにブロンコ乗り回して遊んでるだけじゃなく、私の相談にも乗ってくれる。 「......ホンット、インドラ様って多芸ッスよね。会計処理も、俺よか得意って、なんなんスか?」 「伊達にオールラウンダーズを名乗ってはいない。だが......参ったな、教育してなんとかなるものなのか?」 別世界ですら、『決められたルールに則ってきちんと記述』出来る人間というのは限られていた。 ......と、ここで、使用人の子供が挙手。 「書き物は得意なので死ぬ気で覚えます!」 そこまではしなくてもいいけど。 「あの、他に得意な者がいたのでソイツもいいですか?」 と訊かれたので、やる気があるなら教えるが、採用するか否かは実力次第、と答えておいた。 ベン君も交じるらしい。 子供数人、大人数人(なんか増えた)の生徒による、簿記講座。 ホログラムパネルで、プレゼンテーション風に、出納帳とは何か、科目とは何か、ってのを説明。 「最終的に完璧を目指すのであれば、帳簿が合っているか、仕入れた物の残りはどれくらいか、もうけはいくらくらいなのか、というのがひと目でわかるように記述する方法があるのだが、こんな世界だ、そこまでは求めない。最初は簡単に金の流れだけを追う」 この世界、紙だけはあるので、私が魔術で高速に帳簿のようにマス目を引いた紙束を作った。 計算魔導具は、最終の検算で使うこと、間違っていたら必は確かめること、とした。 暗算出来るやつは暗算でやれと言ったら皆が首を振った。 ベン君、挙手。 「まさかって思いますけどー、インドラ様ってこの桁の暗算出来るんスかー?」 「当たり前だろう?」 みんなが口を開けて私を見つめた。 ベン君だけじゃなく、なぜか商人までもが経理教えてとやってきた。 「無料で教えるワケにはいかん。ベン君はソードの知人で、今も今後も利益なしでこき使......手伝ってもらう予定だから、先行投資しているだけだ」 「こき使うって言った。今、こき使うって言った」 ベン君、うるさい。 「......ふと思ったんだが、ベン君、口が軽くないか?」 「あれ? その話知らないッスか?」 なんの話? ――そもそもソードと知り合ったきっかけは、ベン君の口の軽さからだったそうだ。 ベン君、ソードがダンジョンで手に入れた宝を商人ギルドで売ろうとした際、掟破りの口出し&価格の指摘をしてしまったらしい。 騙される方が悪い、それもまた勉強だ、って話らしい。 一方ベン君は、掟破りの口出しを、しかも商人ギルドで行った、として、本来なら商人ギルドライセンス剝奪なのだが、騙されたのがソードだった。 ソード、めちゃくちゃ怒ったらしい。 「............へぇ、勉強ねぇ。なら俺も、商人ギルドに勉強させてやるよ。特に、お前だ。俺は、今後一切、商人ギルドの依頼は、決して受けない。例えドラゴンに襲われようとも、商人ギルドが絡んでるんだったら、ライセンス剝奪されようとも、決して、だ。この商人ギルドで買いたたかれそうになり、それを助けた商人を商人ギルドがライセンス剝奪にした、って、大々的に宣伝してやるよ。ま、そんなこと日常茶飯事の勉強なんだろうけどな。商人ギルド以外で通用するって思い込んでるのなら、俺がその考えの通りなのか、お前等に勉強させてやるからな、覚悟しとけやコラ」 さすがにまずいと思った商人ギルド、慌てて謝罪してベン君のライセンス剝奪も取りやめた、けど、以降ソードは決して商人ギルドで取引しなくなり、ベン君に直接売るようになった。後に冒険者ギルドがダンジョンの宝の適正価格での買取を始め、この話は瞬く間に広まり、件の商人ギルドのギルドマスター及び職員は解雇になったという。どっとはらい。 「ほー! ソードは我慢強いな、私なら即そのギルドの建物商品一切合切破壊して私を騙すとどうなるかの勉強をさせたのにな!」 「うわー、インドラ様、さすが元貴族ッスねー! やり方パないッス!」 「まぁ、ソードがそれで助かったならいいが、迷惑をかけられる方になるのは堪らないな。つまり、ベン君には言っていいことと悪いことがあるのだな? 秘匿したい情報は、ベン君に言ってはいけないということか」 「信用されてないッスねー。さすがに言っちゃいけないことは言わないッスよ」 今この状況で。 お金も払う、ということで、帳簿のつけ方、その帳簿から表を作り分析する資料を作る方法を教えた。 比較的マトモな帳簿を付けてた商人を例として、それを再度記帳し直し、仕訳して科目分類し表を作ってやり、 「こうやると、何に使ってるかがわかりやすいだろう? この紙で、ちゃんと利益が出てるかもわかる。可能ならば、ここに書かれた項目も帳簿をつけるとわかりやすい。この紙を定期的につけてとっておくと、時期による金の流れがつかめてくる。 商人たち、感心してるので気分が良い。 「いやぁ、やっぱお貴族サマ辞めるんじゃなかったんじゃないスか? この手腕で領地経営やったら、すっげー発展すると思いますよ?」 って言われたが、これは別世界では家計簿程度だけど?
{???} I went down the stairs on a stairway in a deserted area with no one nearby. Recently I’ve started to avoid other people even more than before. ......If I have to live in such fear, I might as well...... Just when I thought, someone suddenly showed up in front of me. Even though I didn’t even sense them coming up the stairs... “Found you, 【Cain】. No, you were called Smith around here, weren’t you?” The one chatting me up with a smile was that famous boy. *** The name Primrose mentioned at the end was likely his true name. But, she probably couldn’t capture him since her magic power was too lacking to challenge the hidden route, if you put it into game terms. ――That means, Smith must be Cain, if you leave out Sword who’s no member of her reverse harem. ...But, was such a boy attending this academy? When I asked Sword while tilting my head in confusion, he confirmed it, saying that the name is listed in the student register. “Good job! I wouldn’t even have dreamed of findin’ him by referrin’ to the boys your sister likes. Well done, really,” he praised me and stroked my head. “A member of the magician class, huh? He’s frighteningly good at erasin’ his presence. At this rate, he can easily become an assassin, can’t he?” I mean, even my detection skills didn’t identify him. And since he didn’t leave any impression on Sword either, he’s truly not to be underestimated. “However, once I catch him, he won’t be able to get away anymore,” I commented with a broad grin. “Hey, don’t go and kill him all of a sudden,” warned Sword. I answered with a nod, “I don’t know his objective. No, I don’t even know whether he has an objective to begin with. But, for the time being I’m going to have a chat with him and if he proves to be harmless, I’ll let him go. As long as he hasn’t abandoned his body, things are going to work out one way or another.” “Wait, that would be equivalent to him havin’ died, you know?” Sword retorted. “That’s not set in stone. If a demon is the wire puller here.” ――After that conversation, I caught him, and brought him over to Sword’s place. ...Somehow he’s looking like he’s about to be pulled on the executioner’s block any moment... “...Hey, isn’t it kinda harsh for you to have tortured him out of the blue?” Smith trembled with a start. “I didn’t do anything like that. Or rather, I haven’t done anything to him at all. We haven’t even talked yet.” With that as the impetus, we had a chat. “Hello, you’re a member of the magician class, aren’t you? I’m Indra. A student of the special class!” “What’s with that fishy introduction?” The peanut gallery should stay out of this! “As a matter of fact, I came to this academy after being used by a heinous villain! On the pretext that something is occurring in this academy! Do you have an idea what that might be?” Smith shook his head while quivering. “You don’t know either? I’ve completely given up all hope in finding out as well! But, the villain, who’s using Instructor Sword and me, won’t let us leave this academy unless we find 『that something』. For this reason, I’ve been thoroughly trying everything around here! I meddled with the guys, who picked a fight with me on the first day, the prince, his valet, Damsel Scarlet, Swannyboy, and now you!” At that point I peered into Smith’s face, asking, “Say, are you a demonkin?” Smith widened his eyes, the blood visibly draining from his face. I fixedly stared at him, “Hmm, I imagined demonkins to be surrounded by a far denser layer of magic elements, but you’re different. Or is the evil spirit, who had been sealed before possessing you, concealing your magic elements?” Smith was gawking, so frozen in his movements that I started to wonder whether he was still breathing. And he didn’t talk to me at all. “――In reality, you see, it was apparently planned for Primrose, my dumb younger sister, to exorcize the evil spirit haunting you, but look, my sister is stupid to the core, you know? Even if she might possess the talent for light and holy magic, she can’t use them as the dumb mutt she is. ...Because of that, I called Instructor Sword! The instructor will carry out your exorcism!” I pointed a hand at Sword full of pride. Once I looked at him, he was pulling a miserable face, though. “Indra, somehow I’ve started to pity Smith, so could you leave it at that?” No look, I was talking because he hasn’t said anything, okay!? And then, just when I thought Smith was trembling, his magic elements gushed out. “Oh? The real deal is making its appearance?” “Rather, ain’t that a normal demon?” We had such carefree talk, but in the meantime the magic elements kept gaining in intensity. ...But to be honest, it’s no big deal...the amount of magic elements is lower than the guy I met during my A-Rank exam, not to mention the last boss of the capital’s dungeon. The magic elements took form. A fleeting demon in the shape of what seems to be a woman? If anyone asked me to describe a ghost, she’d perfectly fit the bill. 『......Please wait. Smith hasn’t done anything wrong』 She covered for him! Hmm? She doesn’t really seem to be an evil spirit, does she?
〈???〉 最近、より人気を避けるようになった自分がいる。 ......こんなふうにおびえて暮らすなら、いっそ...... 考えていたら、急に目の前に人が現れた。上ってくる気配など無かったのに......。 「見つけたぞ、【カイン君】。いや、ここではスミス君だったな」 笑顔で語りかけてきたのは、 *** ゲーム的に表現するなら、裏ルートに挑むには魔術力が足りないから捕捉出来ないんだろうね。 ――ってことで、逆ハー要員じゃないソードは抜かしてスミス君がカイン君だろう。 首をひねりつつソードに聞いたら『いる』ってことだ。 「でかした! 妹の好みの男から見つけ出すなんて、俺は絶対に思いつかないよ。よくやった」 何せ私の感知に引っかからなかったんだもの。ソードの印象にも残らなかったというのだから本当に凄まじいな。 「ただ、捕捉したなら逃げられはしないがな」 「ちょっと、いきなり殺さないでよ?」 「目的が分からん。いや、目的があるのかもわからん。とりあえず会話してみて、無害だったら放置しよう。肉体を捨て去らない限りはどうにでもなる」 「うん、ソレ、死んだのだよね」 「そうでもない。デーモンが黒幕ならな」 ――って会話の後、私が捕捉。 ......なんか、これから死刑執行されるような顔つきだが......。 「......ちょっと、いきなり拷問したらかわいそうじゃない」 ビクッとスミス君が震えた。 「してないぞ? というか、何もしてない。会話すらまだだ」 と、いうことで会話します。 「こんにちは。君は魔術クラス生だよね? 僕はインドラ。特別クラスの学生さ!」 「なんだその胡散臭い挨拶」 外野、うるさい! 「実は僕、とんでもない悪党に利用されてこの学園に来たんだ! この学園で何かが起こってるから、だって! 何かってなんだろうね?」 スミス君、震えながら首を振る。 「君もわからない? 僕もサッパリお手上げさ! でも、僕とソード教官を利用している悪党は、その『何か』を見つけ出さない限り、この学園から解放してくれないんだ。だから、心当たりに片っ端から当たって砕けてるんだ! 初日に僕に絡んだやつ、王子と側近、スカーレット嬢、スワン君、そして、最後は君さ!」 スミス君、見る間に顔色を失い目を見開く。 「うーん、僕、魔族ってもっと強い魔素を纏ってるイメージだったけど、君は違うんだね。それとも、君に取りついてる封印されていた霊が君の魔素を隠してるのかな?」 スミス君、呼吸してないんじゃないかってくらい凝固して目を見開いてる。 「――本当はね? 君に取りついた霊の除霊は、プリムローズって名前の僕のバカな妹が行う予定だったらしいんだけど、ホラ、僕の妹って、バカじゃん? いっくら光魔術と聖魔術のスキルを持っててもさ、バカには唱えられないんだよ。......というわけで、ソード教官をお呼びしました! 君の除霊は、ソード教官が執り行いまーす!」 ソードを見たら切ない顔になってる。 「インドラ、なんかスミス君がかわいそうになってきたから、この辺で止めたげて?」 いや、彼がしゃべらないから私がしゃべってんじゃん! スミス君がブルブル震えたと思ったら、魔素が膨れ上がったぞ! 「お? 本命がお出ましか?」 「つーか、フツーにデーモンじゃね?」 などとのん気に会話していますが、その間も膨らんでる。 ......けれど正直、大したことない......王都のダンジョンのラスボスはおろか、私がAランクの試験を受けたときのやつよりも魔素量が少ない。 魔素が形を作った。 どうやら女性形? 儚げなデーモンだな。幽霊というならばまさにそんな感じ。 『............待って下さい。スミスには、罪はないのです』 かばった! 悪霊ではなさそうだぞ?