She is thoroughly thoughtful, and her religion is not of the uninfluential kind Mary describes.Those distresses and perplexities which poor Isa affected were chiefly borrowed from her genuine ones; but she has obtained the high cultivation and intelligence that her Oxford life can give in full measure, and without conceit or pretension, and it is her unselfish, yielding spirit that has prevented me from knowing her sooner, though when not suppressed she can be thoroughly agreeable, and take her part in society with something of her mother's brilliancy.I think, too, that she would be spared, as Oxford does not agree with her, and a southern winter or two would be very good for her. Besides, the others might come and see her in vacation time.Could we not take both her and Isabel at least for the first winter? 19.--A stormy wet day, the first we have had. Poor Isa has made an attempt at explanation and apology, but lost herself in a mist of words and tears.I suppose I was severe, for she shrinks from me, and clings to Avice, who has stood her friend in many a storm before, and, as Jane indignantly tells me, persists in believing that she is really sorry and wishes to be good.She is very attentive and obliging, and my dear mother, who is in happy ignorance of all this uproar, really likes her the best of all the girls. 21.--We have had a great alarm.Last evening we went to the parish church; Horace Druce had been asked to preach, and the rain, which had fallen all the morning, cleared off just in time for the walk.Emily, Margaret, two of her children, and I sat in the gallery, and Avice and Isa in the free seats below. Avice had been kept at home by the rain in the morning, but had begged leave to go later.Darkness came on just as the first hymn was given out, and the verger went round with his long wand lighting the gas.In the gallery we saw plainly how, at the east end, something went wrong with his match, one which he thought had failed, and threw aside.It fell on a strip of straw matting in the aisle, which, being very dry, caught fire and blazed up for a few seconds before it was trampled out. Some foolish person, however, set the cry of 'Fire!' going, and you know what that is in a crowded church.The vicar, in his high old-fashioned desk with a back to it, could not see. Horace in a chair, in the narrow, shallow sanctuary, did see that it was nothing, but between the cries of 'Fire! 'and the dying peal of the organ, could not make his voice heard.All he could do was to get to the rear of the crowd, together with the other few who had seen the real state of things, and turn back all those whom they could, getting them out through the vestry.But the main body were quite out of their reach, and everybody tried to rush scrambling into the narrow centre aisle, choking up the door, which was a complicated trap meant to keep out draughts.We in the gallery tried vainly to assure them that the only danger was in the crowd, and the clergyman in his desk, sure that was the chief peril, at any rate, went on waving and calling to them to wait; but the cries and shrieks drowned everything, and there was a most terrible time, as some 600 people jammed themselves in that narrow space, fighting, struggling, fainting.You may suppose how we watched our girls. They had let themselves be thrust up to the end of the seat by later comers: Avice the innermost. We saw them look up to us, with white faces.To our joy, Avice seemed to understand our signs and to try to withhold Isa, but she was too wild with fright not to try to push on to the end of the pew. Avice held her dress, and kept her back.Then, as the crowd swayed, the two girls stood on the seat, and presently I saw Avice bend down, and take from some one's arms a little child, which she seated on the edge of the pew, holding it in her arms, and soothing it.I don't know how long it all lasted, Horace says it was not ten minutes before he had got men and tools to break down the obstruction at the door, and pull out the crowded, crushed people, but to us it seemed hours.They were getting calmer too in the rear, for many had followed the lead through the vestry door, and others had found out that there was no fire at all. Wonderful to tell, no one was killed.There were some broken arms, three I think, and some bad bruises.Many people were fainting, and much hurt by the horrible heat and crush, but when at last the way was free, we saw Horace come into the church, looking about in great anxiety for the two girls, whom he had failed to find in the trampled multitude.Then Avice came up to him, with the child in her arms, and Isa followed, quite safe! How thankful we all were!Avice says she remembered at once that she had been told of the American fireman's orders to his little girl always to keep still in such an alarm, for the crowd was a worse peril than the fire.By the time we had come down the stairs and joined them, the child's father had come for it in great anxiety, for its sister had been trampled down fainting, and had just only revived enough to miss it!I shall never forget what it was to see people sucked down in that surging mass, and the thankful thrill of seeing our girls standing there quietly with the child between them, its little fair head on Avice's breast.We went home quietly and thankfully.Horace took Avice to the hotel that he might explain all to her parents, and let them know how well she had behaved; Isabel was shaken and tearful, and her voice sounded weak and nervous as she bade her cousin good- night and embraced her with much agitation.So I went to her room to see whether she needed any doctoring, but I found Metelill soothing her nicely, so I only kissed her (as I had not done these two nights). "Ah, dear aunt, you forgive me!" she said.The tone threw me back, as if she were making capital of her adventure, and I said, "You have not offended _ME_." "Ah! you are still angry, and yet you _DO_ love me still a little," she said, not letting me go. "The more love, the more grief for your having done wrong," I said; and she returned, "Ah! if I always had you." That chilled me, and I went away. She does not know the difference between pardon and remission of consequences.One must have something of the spirit of the fifty-first Psalm before that perception comes. Poor dear child, how one longs for power to breathe into her some such penitence!Avice is quite knocked up to-day, and her mother has kept her in bed, where she is very happy with her Jane. I have been to see her, and she has been thanking me for having suggested the making way for fresh comers in a pew.Otherwise, she says, she could not have withstood the rush. SIR EDWARD FULFORD TO MISS FULFORD 22D JULY.
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My Dear Charlotte,--I decidedly object to the company of a young lady with such a genius for intrigue as Isabel Fulford seems to possess.If we had only ourselves to consider, no doubt it would be well for you to take her in hand, but in the sort of house ours will be, there must be no one we cannot depend upon in our own family.I suppose I am guilty of having betrayed my thoughts to Edith. I had certainly wished for Metelill.She is an engaging creature, and I am sorry you take so adverse a view of her demeanour; but I promised to abide by your judgment and I will not question it.We will ask Arthur and Edith to bring her to visit us, and then perhaps you may be better satisfied with her.The learned young lady is out of the question, and as Avice is my dear wife's godchild as well as mine, I am very glad she has deserved that your choice should fall upon her.It seems as if you would find in her just the companionship you wish, and if her health needs the southern climate, it is well to give her the opportunity. You had better propose the scheme at once, and provide what she will need for an outfit.The last touches might be given at Paris. I hope to get time to run down to New Cove next week, and if you and the niece can be ready to start by the middle of August, we will take Switzerland by the way, and arrive at Malta by the end of September.I shall be curious to hear the result of your throwing the handkerchief.--Your affectionate brother, E. F. MISS FULFORD TO SIR EDWARD FULFORD JULY 24.--I threw the handkerchief by asking Martyn and Mary to spare their daughter.Tears came into Mary's eyes, the first I ever saw there, and she tried in vain to say something ridiculous. Martyn walked to the window and said huskily, "Dr. A--- said it would confirm her health to spend a few winters in the South.Thank you, Charlotte!" They did not doubt a moment, but Martyn feels the parting more than I ever thought he would, and Pica and Uchtred go about howling and bewailing, and declaring that they never shall know where to find anything again.Avice herself is much more sorrowful than glad, though she is too courteous and grateful not to show herself gracious to me. She did entreat me to take Isa instead, so earnestly that I was obliged to read her your decided objections.It was a blow to her at first, but she is rapidly consoling herself over the wonderful commissions she accepts. She is to observe Mediterranean zoophytes, and send them home on glass slides for the family benefit.She is to send her father photographs and drawings to illustrate his lectures, and Jane has begged for a pebble or rock from S. Paul's Bay, to show to her class at school.Indeed, I believe Avice is to write a special journal, to be published in the BOURNE PARVA PARISH MAGAZINE; Charley begs for a sea-horse, and Freddy has been instructed by one of the pupils to bargain for nothing less than the Colossus of Rhodes; Metelill is quite as cordial in her rejoicing, and Edith owns that, now it has come to the point, she is very glad to keep her daughter.And Isa? Well, she is mortified, poor child. I think she must have cried bitterly over the disappointment, for she looked very wretched when we met at dinner.Meanwhile, Martyn had a walk with Emily, who found that he was very sorry not to be relieved from Isabel, though he knew you were quite right not to take her.He thought Oxford not a good place for such a girl, and the absence of the trustworthy Avice would make things worse. Then Emily proposed to take Isabel back to the Birchwood with her. Grandmamma really likes the girl, who is kind and attentive.There are no young people to whom she could do harm, Emily can look after her, and will be glad of help and companionship.The whole family council agreed that it will be a really charitable work, and that if any one can do her good, it will be the mother and Aunt Emily. Isa has acquiesced with an overflow of gratitude and affection to them for taking pity on her.It sounds a little fulsome, but I believe some of it is genuine. She is really glad that some one wishes for her, and I can quite believe that she will lose in Avice all that made life congenial to her under Mary's brisk uncompromising rule.If she can only learn to be true--true to herself and to others--she will yet be a woman to love and esteem, and at Birchwood they will do their best to show that religious sentiment must be connected with Truth.And so ends my study of the manners of my nieces, convincing me the more that as the manners are, so is the man or woman. The heart, or rather the soul, forms the manners, and they _ARE_ the man. C. F. COME TO HER KINGDOM 'Take care!Oh, take care! 'Whisk, swish, click, click, through the little crowd at Stokesley on a fine April afternoon, of jocund children just let loose from school, and mothers emerging from their meeting, collecting their progeny after the fashion of old ewes with their lambs; Susan Merrifield in a huge, carefully preserved brown mushroom hat, with a big basket under one arm, and a roll of calico under the other; her sister Elizabeth with a book in one hand, and a packet of ambulance illustrations; the Vicar, Mr. Doyle, and his sister likewise loaded, talking to them about the farmer's wedding of the morning, for which the bells had been ringing fitfully all day, and had just burst out again.Such was the scene, through which, like a flash, spun a tricycle, from which a tiny curly-haired being in knickerbockers was barely saved by his mother's seizing him by one arm. 'A tricycle!' exclaimed the Vicar. 'A woman! Oh! 'cried Susan in horror, 'and she's stopping--at the Gap. Oh!' 'My dear Susie, you must have seen ladies on tricycles before,' whispered her sister. 'No, indeed, I am thankful to say I have not! If it should be Miss Arthuret! 'said Susan, with inexpressible tones in her voice. 'She was bowing right and left,' said the Vicar, a little maliciously; 'depend upon it, she thought this was a welcome from the rural population.' 'Hark! here's something coming. 'The Bonchamp fly came rattling up, loaded with luggage, and with a quiet lady in black seated in it, which stopped at the same gate. 'The obedient mother, no doubt,' said Elizabeth. 'She looks like a lady. 'There had been a good deal of excitement at Stokesley about the property known by the pleasing name of the Gap.An old gentleman had lived there for many years, always in a secluded state, and latterly imbecile, and on his death in the previous year no one had for some time appeared as heir; but it became known that the inheritrix was a young lady, a great-niece, living with a widowed mother in one of the large manufacturing towns in the north of England.Her father had been a clergyman and had died when she was an infant.
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That was all that was known, and as the house had become almost uninhabitable, the necessary repairs had prevented the heiress from taking possession all this time.It was not a very large inheritance, only comprising a small farm, the substantial village shop, four or five cottages, and a moderate-sized house and grounds, where the neglected trees had grown to strange irregular proportions, equally with the income, which, owing to the outgoings being small, had increased to about 800 or 900 pounds a year, and of course it was a subject of much anxiety with Admiral Merrifield's family to know what sort of people the newcomers would prove.Of the large family only the two eldest daughters were at home; Susan, now nearly forty, had never left it, but had been the daughter-of-all-work at home and lady-of-all-work to the parish ever since she had emerged from the schoolroom; her apricot complexion showing hardly any change, and such as there was never perceived by her parents.The Admiral, still a light, wiry, hale man, as active as ever, with his hands full of county, parish, and farming business; an invalid for many years, but getting into that health which is LA JEUNESSE DE LA VIEILLESSE.Elizabeth had, from twenty-five to thirty-two, been spared from home by her father to take care of his stepmother in London, where she had beguiled her time with a certain amount of authorship under a NOM DE PLUME, and had been introduced to some choice society both through her literary abilities and her family connections.Four years previous the old lady had died, leaving her a legacy, which, together with her gains, would have enabled her to keep such a home in town as to remain in touch with the world to which she had been introduced; but she had never lost her Stokesley heart enough for the temptation to outweigh the disappointment she would have caused at home, and the satisfaction and rest of being among her own people.So she only went up for an occasional visit, and had become the brightness of the house, and Susan's beloved partner in all her works.Her father, who understood better than did her mother and sister what she had given up, had insisted on her having a sitting-room to herself, which she embellished with the personal possessions she had accumulated, and where she pursued her own avocations in the forenoon, often indeed interrupted, but never showing, and not often feeling, that it was to her hindrance, and indeed the family looked on her work sufficiently as a profession, not only to acquiesce, but to have a certain complacency in it, though it was a kind of transparent fiction that MESA was an anagram of her initials and that of Stokesley.Her mother at any rate believed that none of the neighbours guessed at any such thing.Stokesley was a good deal out of the world, five miles from the station at Bonchamp, over hilly, stony roads, so that the cyclist movement had barely reached it; the neighbourhood was sparse, and Mrs. Merrifield's health had not been conducive to visiting, any more than was her inclination, so that there was a little agitation about first calls.The newcomers appeared at church on Sunday at all the services.A bright-faced girl of one-and-twenty, with little black eyes like coals of fire, a tight ulster, like a riding habit, and a small billycock hat, rather dismayed those who still held that bonnets ought to be the Sunday gear of all beyond childhood; but the mother, in rich black silk, was unexceptionable.Refusing to be marshalled up the aisle to the seat which persistent tradition assigned to the Gap in the aristocratic quarter, daughter and mother (it was impossible not thus to call them) sat themselves down on the first vacant place, close to a surviving white smock- frock, and blind to the bewildered glances of his much-bent friend in velveteen, who, hobbling in next after, found himself displaced and separated alike from his well-thumbed prayer and hymn book and the companion who found the places for him. 'It ain't fitty like,' said the old man confidentially to Susan, 'nor the ladies wouldn't like it when we comes in with our old coats all of a muck with wet. ''The principle is right,' said Bessie, when this was repeated to her; 'but practice ought to wait till native manners and customs are learnt. 'The two sisters offered to save their mother the first visit--leave her card, or make her excuses; but Mrs. Merrifield held that a card thus left savoured of deceit, and that the deed must be womanfully done in person.But she would not wait till the horses could be spared, saying that for near village neighbours it was more friendly to go down in her donkey-chair; and so she did, Bessie driving her, and the Admiral walking with them.The Gap had, ever since Bessie could remember, been absolutely shrouded in trees, its encircling wall hidden in ivy bushes, over which laburnums, lilacs, pink thorns, and horse chestnuts towered; and the drive from the seldom-opened gate was almost obstructed by the sweeping arms of laurels and larches.It was obstructed now, but by these same limbs lying amputated; and 'chop, chop!' was heard in the distance. 'Oh, the Arbutus!' sighed Bessie. 'Clearing was much needed,' said her father, with a man's propensity for the axe.The donkey, however, thought it uncanny, 'upon the pivot of his skull, turned round his long left ear,' and planted his feet firmly.Mrs. Merrifield, deprecating the struggle by which her husband would on such occasions enforce discipline, begged to get out; and while this was going on, the ulstered young lady, with a small axe in hand, came, as it were, to the rescue, and, while the donkey was committed to a small boy, explained hastily, 'So overgrown, there is nothing to be done but to let in light and air.My mother is at home,' she added; 'she will be happy to see you,' and, conducting them in with complete self-possession--rather, as it occurred to Bessie, as the Queen might have led the way to the Duchess of Kent, though there was a perfect simplicity and evident enjoyment about her that was very prepossessing, and took off the edge of the sense of conceit.Besides, the palace was, to London eyes at least, so little to boast of, with the narrow little box of a wooden porch, the odd, one-sided vestibule, and the tiny anteroom with the worn carpet; but the drawing-room, in spite of George IV furniture, was really pretty, with French windows opening on a well-mown lawn, and fresh importations of knick-knacks, and vases of wild flowers, which made it look inhabited and pleasant.There was no one there, and the young lady proceeded to fetch her mother; and the unguarded voice was caught by Bessie's quick ears from the window. 'Here are Admiral and Mrs. Merrifield, and one daughter. Come along, little mammy!Worthy, homely old folks--just in your line.'
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To Bessie's relief, she perceived that this was wholly unheard by her father and mother.And there was no withstanding the eager, happy, shy looks of the mother, whose whole face betrayed that after many storms she had come into a haven of peace, and that she was proud to owe it to her daughter.A few words showed that mother and daughter were absolutely enchanted with Stokesley, their own situation, and one another--the young lady evidently all the more because she perceived so much to be done. 'Everything wants improving.It is so choked up,' she said, 'one wants to let in the light. ''There are a good many trees,' said the Admiral, while Bessie suspected that she meant figuratively as well as literally; and as the damsel was evidently burning to be out at her clearing operations again, and had never parted with her axe, the Admiral offered to go with her and tell her about the trees, for, as he observed, she could hardly judge of those not yet out in leaf.She accepted him, though Bessie shrewdly suspected that the advice would be little heeded, and, not fancying the wet grass and branches, nor the demolition of old friends, she did not follow the pair, but effaced herself, and listened with much interest to the two mothers, who sat on the sofa with their heads together.Either Mrs. Merrifield was wonderful in inspiring confidence, or it was only too delightful to Mrs. Arthuret to find a listener of her own standing to whom to pour forth her full heart of thankfulness and delight in her daughter. 'Oh, it is too much! 'occurred so often in her talk that, if it had not been said with liquid eyes, choking voice, and hands clasped in devout gratitude, it would have been tedious; but Mrs. Merrifield thoroughly went along with it, and was deeply touched.The whole story, as it became known, partly in these confidences, partly afterwards, was this.The good lady, who had struck the family at first as a somewhat elderly mother for so young a daughter, had been for many years a governess, engaged all the time to a curate, who only obtained a small district incumbency in a town, after wear and tear, waiting and anxiety, had so exhausted him that the second winter brought on bronchitis, and he scarcely lived to see his little daughter, Arthurine.The mother had struggled on upon a pittance eked out with such music teaching as she could procure, with her little girl for her sole care, joy, and pride--a child who, as she declared, had never given her one moment's pang or uneasiness. 'Poor mamma, could she say that of any one of her nine?' thought Bessie; and Mrs. Merrifield made no such attempt.Arthurine had brought home all prizes, all distinctions at the High School, but--here was the only disappointment of her life--a low fever had prevented her trying for a scholarship at Girton.In consideration, however, of her great abilities and high qualities, as well as out of the great kindness of the committee, she had been made an assistant to one of the class mistresses, and had worked on with her own studies, till the wonderful tidings came of the inheritance that had fallen to her quite unexpectedly; for since her husband's death Mrs. Arthuret had known nothing of his family, and while he was alive there were too many between him and the succession for the chance to occur to him as possible.The relief and blessing were more than the good lady could utter.All things are comparative, and to one whose assured income had been 70 pounds a year, 800 pounds was unbounded wealth; to one who had spent her life in schoolrooms and lodgings, the Gap was a lordly demesne. 'And what do you think was the first thing my sweet child said?' added Mrs. Arthuret, with her eyes glittering through tears. 'Mammy, you shall never hear the scales again, and you shall have the best Mocha coffee every day of your life. 'Bessie felt that after this she must like the sweet child, though sweetness did not seem to her the predominant feature in Arthurine.After the pathos to which she had listened there was somewhat of a comedy to come, for the ladies had spent the autumn abroad, and had seen and enjoyed much. 'It was a perfect feast to see how Arthurine entered into it all,' said the mother. 'She was never at a loss, and explained it all to me. Besides, perhaps you have seen her article?' 'I beg your pardon.' 'Her article in the KENSINGTON. It attracted a great deal of attention, and she has had many compliments.' 'Oh!the KENSINGTON MAGAZINE,' said Mrs. Merrifield, rather uneasily, for she was as anxious that Bessie should not be suspected of writing in the said periodical as the other mother was that Arthurine should have the fame of her contributions. 'Do you take it?' asked Mrs. Arthuret, 'for we should be very glad to lend it to you. 'A whole pile was on the table, and Mrs. Merrifield looked at them with feeble thanks and an odd sort of conscious dread, though she could with perfect truth have denied either 'taking it' or reading it. Bessie came to her relief. 'Thank you,' she said; 'we do; some of us have it. Is your daughter's article signed A. A., and doesn't it describe a boarding-house on the Italian lakes? I thought it very clever and amusing.' Mrs. Arthuret's face lighted up. 'Oh yes, my dear,' slipped out in her delight. 'And do you know, it all came of her letter to one of the High School ladies, who is sister to the sub-editor, such a clever, superior girl!She read it to the headmistress and all, and they agreed that it was too good to be lost, and Arthurine copied it out and added to it, and he--Mr. Jarrett--said it was just what he wanted--so full of information and liveliness--and she is writing some more for him.'Mrs. Merrifield was rather shocked, but she felt that she herself was in a glass house, was, in fact, keeping a literary daughter, so she only committed herself to, 'She is very young. ''Only one-and-twenty,' returned Mrs. Arthuret triumphantly; 'but then she has had such advantages, and made such use of them. Everything seems to come at once, though, perhaps, it is unthankful to say so.Of course, it is no object now, but I could not help thinking what it would have been to us to have discovered this talent of hers at the time when we could hardly make both ends meet. ''She will find plenty of use for it,' said Mrs. Merrifield, who, as the wife of a country squire and the mother of nine children, did not find it too easy to make her ends meet upon a larger income. 'Oh yes! indeed she will, the generous child.She is full of plans for the regeneration of the village.' Poor Mrs. Merrifield!
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this was quite too much for her.She thought it irreverent to apply the word in any save an ecclesiastical sense; nor did she at all desire to have the parish, which was considered to be admirably worked by the constituted authorities, 'regenerated,' whatever that might mean, by a young lady of one-and- twenty.She rose up and observed to her daughter that she saw papa out upon the lawn, and she thought it was time to go home. Mrs. Arthuret came out with them, and found what Bessie could only regard as a scene of desolation.Though gentlemen, as a rule, have no mercy on trees, and ladies are equally inclined to cry, 'Woodman, spare that tree,' the rule was reversed, for Miss Arthuret was cutting, and ordering cutting all round her ruthlessly with something of the pleasure of a child in breaking a new toy to prove that it is his own, scarcely listening when the Admiral told her what the trees were, and how beautiful in their season; while even as to the evergreens, she did not know a yew from a cedar, and declared that she must get rid of this horrid old laurustinus, while she lopped away at a Portugal laurel.Her one idea seemed to be that it was very unwholesome to live in a house surrounded with trees; and the united influence of the Merrifields, working on her mother by representing what would be the absence of shade in a few months' time, barely availed to save the life of the big cedar; while the great rhododendron, wont to present a mountain of shining leaves and pale purple blossoms every summer, was hewn down without remorse as an awful old laurel, and left a desolate brown patch in its stead. 'Is it an emblem,' thought Bessie, 'of what she would like to do to all of us poor old obstructions? 'After all, Mrs. Merrifield could not help liking the gentle mother, by force of sympathy; and the Admiral was somewhat fascinated by the freshness and impetuosity of the damsel, as elderly men are wont to be with young girls who amuse them with what they are apt to view as an original form of the silliness common to the whole female world except their own wives, and perhaps their daughters; and Bessie was extremely amused, and held her peace, as she had been used to do in London.Susan was perhaps the most annoyed and indignant. She was presiding over seams and button-holes the next afternoon at school, when the mother and daughter walked in; and the whole troop started to their feet and curtsied. 'Don't make them stand!I hate adulation. Sit down, please. Where's the master?' 'In the boys' school, ma'am,' said the mistress, uncomfortably indicating the presence of Miss Merrifield, who felt herself obliged to come forward and shake hands. 'Oh!so you have separate schools. Is not that a needless expense?' 'It has always been so,' returned Susan quietly. 'Board? No? Well, no doubt you are right; but I suppose it is at a sacrifice of efficiency. Have you cookery classes? ''We have not apparatus, and the girls go out too early for it to be of much use.' 'Ah, that's a mistake. Drawing?' 'The boys draw.' 'I shall go and see them. Not the girls? They look orderly enough; but are they intelligent?Well, I shall look in and examine them on their special subjects, if they have any. I suppose not.' 'Only class. Grammar and needlework.' 'I see, the old routine. Quite the village school. ''It is very nice work,' put in Mrs. Arthuret, who had been looking at it. 'Oh yes, it always is when everything is sacrificed to it. Good- morning, I shall see more of you, Mrs.--ahem. ''Please, ma'am, should I tell her that she is not a school manager?' inquired the mistress, somewhat indignantly, when the two ladies had departed. 'You had better ask the Vicar what to do,' responded Susan.The schoolmaster, on his side, seemed to have had so much advice and offers of assistance in lessons on history, geography, and physical science, that he had been obliged to refer her to the managers, and explain that till the next inspection he was bound to abide by the time-table. 'Ah, well, I will be one of the managers another year.' So she told the Vicar, who smiled, and said, 'We must elect you.' 'I am sure much ought to be done.It is mere waste to have two separate schools, when a master can bring the children on so much better in the higher subjects.' 'Mrs.Merrifield and the rest of us are inclined to think that what stands highest of all with us is endangered by mixed schools,' said Mr. Doyle. 'Oh!' Arthurine opened her eyes; 'but education does all _THAT_! ''Education does, but knowledge is not wisdom. Susan Merrifield's influence has done more for our young women than the best class teaching could do.' 'Oh, but the Merrifields are all so BORNES and homely; they stand in the way of all culture. ''Indeed,' said the Vicar, who had in his pocket a very favourable review of MESA's new historical essay. 'Surely an old-fashioned squire and Lady Bountiful and their very narrow daughters should not be allowed to prevent improvement, pauperise the place, and keep it in its old grooves. ''Well, we shall see what you think by the time you have lived here long enough to be eligible for--what?' 'School manager, guardian of the poor!' cried Arthurine. 'We shall see,' repeated the Vicar. 'Good-morning. 'He asked Bessie's leave to disclose who MESA was. 'Oh, don't!' she cried, 'it would spoil the fun! Besides, mamma would not like it, which is a better reason. 'There were plenty of books, old and new, in Bessie's room, magazines and reviews, but they did not come about the house much, unless any of the Rockstone cousins or the younger generation were staying there, or her brother David had come for a rest of mind and body.Between housekeeping, gardening, parish work, and pottering, Mrs. Merrifield and Susan never had time for reading, except that Susan thought it her duty to keep something improving in hand, which generally lasted her six weeks on a moderate average.The Admiral found quite reading enough in the newspapers, pamphlets, and business publications; and their neighbours, the Greville family, were chiefly devoted to hunting and lawn tennis, so that there was some reason in Mrs. Arthuret's lamentation to the Vicar that dear Arthurine did so miss intellectual society, such as she had been used to with the High School mistresses--two of whom had actually been at Girton! 'Does she not get on with Bessie Merrifield?' he asked. 'Miss Bessie has a very sweet face; Arthurine did say she seemed well informed and more intelligent than her sister. Perhaps Arthurine might take her up.It would be such an advantage to the poor girl.' 'Which?' was on Mr. Doyle's tongue, but he restrained it, and only observed that Bessie had lived for a good many years in London. 'So I understood,' said Arthurine, 'but with an old grandmother, and that is quite as bad as if it was in the country; but I will see about it. I might get up a debating society, or one for studying German.
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'In the meantime Arthurine decided on improving and embellishing the parish with a drinking fountain, and meeting Bessie one afternoon in the village, she started the idea. 'But,' said Bessie, 'there is a very good supply.Papa saw that good water was accessible to all the houses in the village street ten years ago, and the outlying ones have wells, and there's the brook for the cattle. ''I am sure every village should have a fountain and a trough, and I shall have it here instead of this dirty corner.' 'Can you get the ground?' 'Oh, any one would give ground for such a purpose! Whose is it?' 'Mr. Grice's, at Butter End. 'The next time Susan and Bessie encountered Arthurine, she began-- 'Can you or Admiral Merrifield do nothing with that horrid old Grice! Never was any one so pigheaded and stupid.' 'What? He won't part with the land you want? ''No; I wrote to him and got no answer. Then I wrote again, and I got a peaked-hand sort of note that his wife wrote, I should think. "Mr. Grice presented his compliments" (compliments indeed! ), "and had no intention of parting with any part of Spragg's portion. "Well, then I called to represent what a benefit it would be to the parish and his own cattle, and what do you think the old brute said?--that "there was a great deal too much done for the parish already, and he wouldn't have no hand in setting up the labourers, who were quite impudent enough already. "Well, I saw it was of no use to talk to an old wretch like that about social movements and equal rights, so I only put the question whether having pure water easily accessible would not tend to make them better behaved and less impudent as he called it, upon which he broke out into a tirade. "He didn't hold with cold water and teetotal, not he.Why, it had come to _THAT_--that there was no such thing as getting a fair day's work out of a labouring man with their temperance, and their lectures, and their schools, and their county councils and what not! "Really I had read of such people, but I hardly believed they still existed.' 'Grice is very old, and the regular old sort of farmer,' said Bessie. 'But could not the Admiral persuade him, or Mr. Doyle?' 'Oh no,' said Susan, 'it would be of no use.He was just as bad about a playground for the boys, though it would have prevented their being troublesome elsewhere.' 'Besides,' added Bessie, 'I am sure papa would say that there is no necessity.He had the water analysed, and it is quite good, and plenty of it.' 'Well, I shall see what can be done.' 'She thinks us as bad as old Grice,' said Susan, as they saw her walking away in a determined manner.The next thing that was heard was the Admiral coming in from the servants' hall, whither he had been summoned by 'Please, sir, James Hodd wishes to speak to you.' 'What is this friend of yours about, Bessie?' 'What friend, papa? ''Why, this Miss Arthur--what d'ye call her?' said the Admiral (who on the whole was much more attracted by her than were his daughters). 'Here's a deputation from her tenant, James Hodd, with "Please, sir, I wants to know if 'tis allowed to turn folks out of their houses as they've paid rent for reg'lar with a week's notice, when they pays by the year."' 'You don't mean it! 'exclaimed Mrs. Merrifield and Susan together. 'Poor old Mrs. West,' said the mother. 'And all the Tibbinses!' exclaimed Susan. 'She can't do it, can she, papa? ''Certainly not, without the proper notice, and so I told James, and that the notice she had sent down to him was so much waste-paper. ''So at least she has created a village Hampden,' said Bessie, 'though, depend upon it, she little supposes herself to be the petty tyrant.' 'I must go and explain to her, I suppose, to-morrow morning,' said the Admiral.However, he had scarcely reached his own gate before the ulstered form was seen rushing up to him. 'Oh! Admiral Merrifield, good-morning; I was coming to ask you--' 'And I was coming to you.' 'Oh!Admiral, is it really so--as that impudent man told me--that those horrid people can't be got out of those awful tumbledown, unhealthy places for all that immense time?' 'Surely he was not impudent to you? He was only asserting his right.The cottages were taken by the year, and you have no choice but to give six months' notice. I hope he was not disrespectful.' 'Well, no--I can't say that he was, though I don't care for those cap-in-hand ways of your people here.But at any rate, he says he won't go--no, not any of them, though I offered to pay them up to the end of the time, and now I must put off my beautiful plans.I was drawing them all yesterday morning--two model cottages on each side, and the drinking fountain in the middle. I brought them up to show you. Could you get the people to move out? I would promise them to return after the rebuilding. ''Very nice drawings. Yes--yes--very kind intentions.' 'Then can't you persuade them?' 'But, my dear young lady, have you thought what is to become of them in the meantime?' 'Why, live somewhere else! People in Smokeland were always shifting about. ''Yes--those poor little town tenements are generally let on short terms and are numerous enough. But here--where are the vacant cottages for your four families?Hodd with his five children, Tibbins with eight or nine, Mrs. West and her widow daughter and three children, and the Porters with a bedridden father?' 'They are dreadfully overcrowded. Is there really no place? ''Probably not nearer than those trumpery new tenements at Bonchamp. That would be eight miles to be tramped to the men's work, and the Wests would lose the washing and charing that maintains them.' 'Then do you think it can never be done?See how nice my plans are!' 'Oh yes! very pretty drawings, but you don't allow much outlet.' 'I thought you had allotments, and that they would do, and I mean to get rid of the pig-sties.' 'A most unpopular proceeding, I warn you. ''There's nothing more unsanitary than a pig-sty.' 'That depends on how it is kept. And may I ask, do you mean also to dispense with staircases?' 'Oh! I forgot.But do you really mean to say that I can never carry out my improvements, and that these people must live all herded together till everybody is dead? ''Not quite that,' said the Admiral, laughing; 'but most improvements require patience and a little experience of the temper and habits of the people. There are cottages worse than these.I think two of them have four rooms, and the Wests and Porters do not require so much. If you built one or two elsewhere, and moved the people into them, or waited for a vacant one, you might carry out some of your plans--gradually. ''And my fountain?' 'I am not quite sure, but I am afraid your cottages are on that stratum where you could not bring the water without great expense.' Arthurine controlled herself enough for a civil 'Good-morning!
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In fact, she was their idol, and a very gracious one.Deeply did they sympathise in all her sufferings from the impediments cast in her way at Stokesley.Indeed, the ladies there did not meet her so often on their own ground for some time, and were principally disturbed by reports of her doings at Bonchamp, where she played at cricket, and at hockey, gave a course of lectures on physiology, presided at a fancy-dress bazaar for the schools as Lady Jane Grey, and was on two or three committees.She travelled by preference on her tricycle, though she had a carriage, chiefly for the sake of her mother, who was still in a state of fervent admiration, even though perhaps a little worried at times by being hurried past her sober paces.The next shock that descended on Stokesley was that, in great indignation, a cousin sent the Merrifields one of those American magazines which are read and contributed to by a large proportion of English.It contained an article called 'The Bide-as-we-bes and parish of Stick-stodge-cum-Cadgerley,' and written with the same sort of clever, flippant irony as the description of the mixed company in the boarding-house on the Lago Maggiore.There was the parish embowered, or rather choked, in trees, the orderly mechanical routine, the perfect self-satisfaction of all parties, and their imperviousness to progress,--the two squires, one a fox-hunter, the other a general reposing on his laurels,--the school where everything was subordinated to learning to behave oneself lowly and reverently to all one's betters, and to do one's duty in that state of life to which it _HAS_ pleased Heaven to call one,--the horror at her tricycle, the impossibility of improvement, the predilection for farmyard odours, the adherence to tumbledown dwellings, the contempt of drinking fountains,--all had their meed of exaggeration not without drollery.The two ancient spinsters, daughters to the general, with their pudding-baskets, buttonholes, and catechisms, had their full share-- dragooning the parish into discipline,--the younger having so far marched with the century as to have indited a few little tracts of the Goody Two-Shoes order, and therefore being mentioned by her friends with bated breath as something formidable, 'who writes,' although, when brought to the test, her cultivation was of the vaguest, most discursive order.Finally, there was a sketch of the heavy dinner party which had welcomed the strangers, and of the ponderous county magnates and their wives who had been invited, and the awe that their broad and expansive ladies expected to impress, and how one set talked of their babies, and the other of G.F.S.girls, and the gentlemen seemed to be chiefly occupied in abusing their M.P. and his politics. Altogether, it was given as a lesson to Americans of the still feudal and stationary state of country districts in poor old England. 'What do you think of this, Bessie?' exclaimed Admiral Merrifield. 'We seem to have got a young firebrand in the midst of us.' 'Oh, papa! have you got that thing? What a pity!' 'You don't mean that you have seen it before? ''Yes; one of my acquaintances in London sent it to me.' 'And you kept it to yourself?' 'I thought it would only vex you and mamma. Who sent it to you?' 'Anne did, with all the passages marked. What a horrid little treacherous baggage! ''I daresay we are very tempting. For once we see ourselves as others see us! And you see 'tis American.' 'All the worse, holding us, who have done our best to welcome her hospitably, up to the derision of the Yankees!' 'But you won't take any notice. ''Certainly not, ridiculous little puss, except to steer as clear of her as possible for fear she should be taking her observations. "Bide as we be"; why, 'tis the best we can do. She can't pick a hole in your mother though, Bess.It would have been hard to have forgiven her that! You're not such an aged spinster.' 'It is very funny, though,' said Bessie; 'just enough exaggeration to give it point! Here is her interview with James Hodd. 'Whereat the Admiral could not help laughing heartily, and then he picked himself out as the general, laughed again, and said: 'Naughty girl! Bess, I'm glad that is not your line. Little tracts--Goody Two-Shoes!Why, what did that paper say of your essay, Miss Bess? That it might stand a comparison with Helps, wasn't it? ''And I wish I was likely to enjoy such lasting fame as Goody Two- Shoes,' laughed Bessie, in a state of secret exultation at this bit of testimony from her father.Mrs. Merrifield, though unscathed, was much more hurt and annoyed than either her husband or her daughter, especially at Susan and Bessie being termed old maids.She _DID_ think it very ungrateful, and wondered how Mrs. Arthuret could have suffered such a thing to be done. Only the poor woman was quite foolish about her daughter-- could have had no more authority than a cat. 'So much for modern education. 'But it was not pleasant to see the numbers of the magazine on the counters at Bonchamp, and to know there were extracts in the local papers, and still less to be indignantly condoled with by neighbours who expressed their intention of 'cutting' the impertinent girl.They were exactly the 'old fogies' Arthurine cared for the least, yet whose acquaintance was the most creditable, and the home party at Stokesley were unanimous in entreating others to ignore the whole and treat the newcomers as if nothing had happened.They themselves shook hands, and exchanged casual remarks as if nothing were amiss, nor was the subject mentioned, except that Mrs. Arthuret contrived to get a private interview with Mrs. Merrifield. 'Oh!dear Mrs. Merrifield, I am so grieved, and so is Arthurine. We were told that the Admiral was so excessively angry, and he is so kind. I could not bear for him to think Arthurine meant anything personal. ''Indeed,' said Mrs. Merrifield, rather astonished. 'But is he so very angry?--for it is all a mistake.' 'He laughs, and so does Bessie,' said the mother. 'Laughs! Does he?But I do assure you Arthurine never meant any place in particular; she only intended to describe the way things go on in country districts, don't you understand?She was talking one day at the Myttons, and they were all so much amused that they wanted her to write it down.She read it one evening when they were with us, and they declared it was too good not to be published--and almost before she knew it, Fred Mytton's literary friend got hold of it and took it to the agency of this paper.But indeed, indeed, she never thought of its being considered personal, and is as vexed as possible at the way in which it has been taken up.She has every feeling about your kindness to us, and she was so shocked when Pansy Mytton told us that the Admiral was furious.'
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'Whoever told Miss Mytton so made a great mistake.The Admiral only is--is--amused--as you know gentlemen will be at young girls' little--little scrapes,' returned Mrs. Merrifield, longing to say 'impertinences,' but refraining, and scarcely believing what nevertheless was true, that Arthurine did not know how personal she had been, although her mother said it all over again twice.Bessie, however, did believe it, from experience of resemblances where she had never intended direct portraiture; and when there was a somewhat earnest invitation to a garden party at the Gap, the Merrifields not only accepted for themselves, but persuaded as many of their neighbours as they could to countenance the poor girl. 'There is something solid at the bottom in spite of all the effervescence,' said Bessie.It was late in the year for a garden party, being on the 2d of October, but weather and other matters had caused delays, and the Indian summer had begun with warm sun and exquisite tints. 'What would not the maple and the liquid amber have been by this time,' thought the sisters, 'if they had been spared.' Some of the PETITE NOBLESSE, however, repented of their condescension when they saw how little it was appreciated.Mrs. Arthuret, indeed, was making herself the best hostess that a lady who had served no apprenticeship could be to all alike, but Arthurine or 'Atty,' as Daisy and Pansy were heard shouting to her--all in white flannels, a man all but the petticoats--seemed to be absorbed in a little court of the second-rate people of Bonchamp, some whom, as Mrs. Greville and Lady Smithson agreed, they had never expected to meet.She was laughing and talking eagerly, and by and by ran up to Bessie, exclaiming in a patronising tone-- 'Oh! my dear Miss Bessie, let me introduce you to Mr. Foxholm--such a clever literary man.He knows everybody--all about everybody and everything. It would be such an advantage! And he has actually made me give him my autograph! Only think of that! 'Bessie thought of her own good luck in being anonymous, but did not express it, only saying, 'Autograph-hunters are a great nuisance. I know several people who find them so. ''Yes, he said it was one of the penalties of fame that one must submit to,' returned Miss Arthuret, with a delighted laugh of consciousness.Bessie rejoiced that none of her own people were near to see the patronising manner in which Arthurine introduced her to Mr. Foxholm, a heavily-bearded man, whose eyes she did not at all like, and who began by telling her that he felt as if he had crossed the Rubicon, and entering an Arcadia, had found a Parnassus.Bessie looked to see whether the highly-educated young lady detected the malaprop for the Helicon, but Arthurine was either too well-bred or too much exalted to notice either small slips, or even bad taste, and she stood smiling and blushing complacently.However, just then Susan hurried up. 'Bessie, you are wanted. Here's a card. The gentleman sent it in, and papa asked me to find you.' Bessie opened her eyes.The card belonged to the editor of one of the most noted magazines of the day, but one whose principles she did not entirely approve. What could be coming? Her father was waiting for her. 'Well, Miss Bessie,' he said, laughing, 'Jane said the gentleman was very urgent in wanting to know when you would be in. An offer, eh? ''Perhaps it is an offer, but not of _THAT_ sort,' said Bessie, and she explained what the unliterary Admiral had not understood. He answered with a whistle. 'Shall you do it, Bessie?' 'I think not,' she said quietly.The editor was found waiting for her, with many apologies for bringing her home, and the Admiral was so delighted with his agreeableness as hardly to be able to tear himself away to bring home his wife.The offer was, as Bessie expected, of excellent terms for a serial story--terms that proved to her what was her own value, and in which she saw education for her sister Anne's eldest boy. 'Of course, there would be a certain adaptation to our readers.' She knew what that meant, and there was that in her face which drew forth the assurance. 'Of course nothing you would not wish to say would be required, but it would be better not to press certain subjects.' 'I understand,' said Bessie. 'I doubt--' 'Perhaps you will think it over. 'Bessie's first thought was, 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, then let my right hand forget her cunning.' That had been the inward motto of her life. Her second was, 'Little Sam! David's mission room! 'There was no necessity to answer at once, and she knew the periodical rather by report than by reading, so she accepted the two numbers that were left with her, and promised to reply in a week.It was a question on which to take counsel with her father, and with her own higher conscience and heavenly Guide.The Admiral, though not much given to reading for its own sake, and perhaps inclined to think ephemeral literature the more trifling because his little daughter was a great light there, was anything but a dull man, and had an excellent judgment.So Bessie, with all the comfort of a woman still with a wise father's head over her, decided to commit the matter to him. He was somewhat disappointed at finding her agreeable guest gone, and wished that dinner and bed had been offered.Mrs. Merrifield and Susan were still a good deal excited about Arthurine's complimentary friend, who they said seemed to belong to Fred Mytton, of whom some of the ladies had been telling most unpleasant reports, and there was much lamentation over the set into which their young neighbour had thrown herself. 'Such a dress too!' sighed Mrs. Merrifield. 'And her headmistress has just arrived,' said Susan, 'to make her worse than ever!' 'How comes a headmistress to be running about the country at this time of year?' asked Bessie. 'She has been very ill,' said Mrs. Merrifield, 'and they wrote to her to come down as soon as she could move. There was a telegram this morning, and she drove up in the midst of the party, and was taken to her room at once to rest.That was the reason Miss Arthuret was away so long. I thought it nice in her.' 'Perhaps she will do good,' said Bessie.Dinner was just over, and the Admiral had settled down with his shaded lamp to read and judge of the article that Bessie had given him as a specimen, when in came the message, 'Mrs. Rudden wishes to speak to you, sir.'Mrs. Rudden was the prosperous widow who continued the business in the village shop, conjointly with the little farm belonging to the Gap property.She was a shrewd woman, had been able to do very well by her family, and was much esteemed, paying a rent which was a considerable item in the Gap means. The ladies wondered together at the summons.Susan hoped 'that girl' did not want to evict her, and Bessie suggested that a co-operative store was a more probable peril. Presently the Admiral came back. 'Do any of you know Miss Arthuret's writing?' he said.
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'Bessie knows it best,' said Susan.He showed a letter. 'That is hers--the signature,' said Bessie. 'I are not sure about the rest. Why--what does it mean?' For she read-- 'The Gap, 2D OCT. 'MRS.RUDDEN,--You are requested to pay over to the bearer, Mr. Foxholm, fifty pounds of the rent you were about to bring me to- morrow.--I remain, etc., 'ARTHURINE ARTHURET.' 'What does it mean?' asked Bessie again. 'That's just what Mrs. Rudden has come up to me to ask,' said the Admiral. 'This fellow presented it in her shop about a quarter of an hour ago. The good woman smelt a rat. What do you think she did?She looked at it and him, asked him to wait a bit, whipped out at her back door, luckily met the policeman starting on his rounds, bade him have an eye to the customer in her shop, and came off to show it to me.That young woman is demented enough for anything, and is quite capable of doing it--for some absurd scheme. But do you think it is hers, or a swindle?' 'Didn't she say she had given her autograph?' exclaimed Susan. 'And see here,' said Bessie, 'her signature is at the top of the sheet of note-paper--small paper. And as she always writes very large, it would be easy to fill up the rest, changing the first side over. ''I must take it up to her at once,' said the Admiral. 'Even if it be genuine, she may just as well see that it is a queer thing to have done, and not exactly the way to treat her tenants. ''It is strange too that this man should have known anything about Mrs. Rudden,' said Mrs. Merrifield. 'Mrs.Rudden says she had a message this morning, when she had come up with her rent and accounts, to say that Miss Arthuret was very much engaged, and would be glad if she would come to-morrow! Could this fellow have been about then? 'No one knew, but Bessie breathed the word, 'Was not that young Mytton there?' It was not taken up, for no one liked to pronounce the obvious inference.Besides, the Admiral was in haste, not thinking it well that Mr. Foxholm should be longer kept under surveillance in the shop, among the bread, bacon, cheeses, shoes, and tins of potted meat.He was then called for; and on his loudly exclaiming that he had been very strangely treated, the Admiral quietly told him that Mrs. Rudden had been disturbed at so unusual a way of demanding her rent, and had come for advice on the subject; and to satisfy their minds that all was right, Mr. Foxholm would, no doubt, consent to wait till the young lady could be referred to.Mr. Foxholm did very decidedly object; he said no one had any right to detain him when the lady's signature was plain, and Admiral Merrifield had seen him in her society, and he began an account of the philanthropical purpose for which he said the money had been intended, but he was cut short. 'You must be aware,' said the Admiral, 'that this is not an ordinary way of acting, and whatever be your purpose, Mrs. Rudden must ascertain your authority more fully before paying over so large a sum.I give you your choice, therefore, either of accompanying us to the Gap, or of remaining in Mrs. Rudden's parlour till we return.' The furtive eye glanced about, and the parlour was chosen.Did he know that the policeman stationed himself in the shop outside?The dinner at the Gap was over, and Miss Elmore, the headmistress, was established in an arm-chair, listening to the outpouring of her former pupil and the happy mother about all the felicities and glories of their present life, the only drawback being the dullness and obstructiveness of the immediate neighbours. 'I thought Miss Merrifield was your neighbour--Mesa?' 'Oh no--quite impossible! These are Merrifields, but the daughters are two regular old goodies, wrapped up in Sunday schools and penny clubs.' 'Well, that is odd!The editor of the --- came down in the train with me, and said he was going to see Mesa--Miss Elizabeth Merrifield.' 'I do think it is very unfair,' began Arthurine; but at that moment the door-bell rang. 'How strange at this time!' 'Oh!perhaps the editor is coming here!' cried Arthurine. 'Did you tell him _I_ lived here, Miss Elmore?' 'Admiral Merrifield,' announced the parlour-maid.He had resolved not to summon the young lady in private, as he thought there was more chance of common-sense in the mother. 'You are surprised to see me at this time,' he said; 'but Mrs. Rudden is perplexed by a communication from you.' 'Mrs. Rudden! 'exclaimed Arthurine. 'Why, I only sent her word that I was too busy to go through her accounts to-day, and asked her to come to-morrow. That isn't against the laws of the Medes and Persians, is it?' 'Then did you send her this letter?' 'I? 'said Arthurine, staring at it, with her eyes at their fullest extent. 'I! fifty pounds! Mr. Foxholm! What does it mean?' 'Then you never wrote that order?' 'No! no! How should I?' 'That is not your writing?' 'No, not that.' 'Look at the signature.''Oh! oh! oh!' --and she dropped into a chair. 'The horrible man! That's the autograph I gave him this afternoon.' 'You are sure?' 'Quite; for my pen spluttered in the slope of the A. Has she gone and given it to him?' 'No.She brought it to me, and set the policeman to watch him.' 'What a dear, good woman! Shall you send him to prison, Admiral Merrifield? What can be done to him?' said Arthurine, not looking at all as if she would like to abrogate capital punishment. 'Well, I had been thinking,' said the Admiral. 'You see he did not get it, and though I could commit him for endeavouring to obtain money on false pretences, I very much doubt whether the prosecution would not be worse for you than for him. ''That is very kind of you, Admiral!' exclaimed the mother. 'It would be terribly awkward for dear Arthurine to stand up and say he cajoled her into giving her autograph. It might always be remembered against her! ''Exactly so,' said the Admiral; 'and perhaps there may be another reason for not pushing the matter to extremity. The man is a stranger here, I believe.' 'He has been staying at Bonchamp,' said Mrs. Arthuret. 'It was young Mr. Mytton who brought him over this afternoon.' 'Just so. And how did he come to be aware that Mrs. Rudden owed you any money? 'There was a pause, then Arthurine broke out-- 'Oh, Daisy and Pansy can't have done anything; but they were all three there helping me mark the tennis-courts when the message came.' 'Including the brother?' 'Yes. ''He is a bad fellow, and I would not wish to shield him in any way, but that such a plot should be proved against him would be a grievous disgrace to the family.' 'I can't ever feel about them as I have done,' said Arthurine, in tears.
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'Daisy and Pansy said so much about poor dear Fred, and every one being hard on him, and his feeling my good influence--and all the time he was plotting this against me, with my chalk in his hand marking my grass,' and she broke down in child-like sobs.The mortification was terrible of finding her pinnacle of fame the mere delusion of a sharper, and the shock of shame seemed to overwhelm the poor girl. 'Oh, Admiral!' cried her mother, 'she cannot bear it.I know you will be good, and manage it so as to distress her as little as possible, and not have any publicity.' '1 will do my best,' said the Admiral. 'I will try and get a confession out of him, and send him off, though it is a pity that such a fellow should get off scot-free.' 'Oh, never mind, so that my poor Arthurine's name is not brought forward!We can never be grateful enough for your kindness.' It was so late that the Admiral did not come back that night, and the ladies were at breakfast when he appeared again.Foxholm had, on finding there was no escape, confessed the fraud, but threw most of the blame on Fred Mytton, who was in debt, not only to him but to others.Foxholm himself seemed to have been an adventurer, who preyed on young men at the billiard-table, and had there been in some collusion with Fred, though the Admiral had little doubt as to which was the greater villain.He had been introduced to the Mytton family, who were not particular; indeed, Mr. Mytton had no objection to increasing his pocket-money by a little wary, profitable betting and gambling on his own account.However, the associates had no doubt brought Bonchamp to the point of being too hot to hold them, and Fred, overhearing the arrangement with Mrs. Rudden, had communicated it to him--whence the autograph trick.Foxholm was gone, and in the course of the day it was known that young Mytton was also gone.The Admiral promised that none of his family should mention the matter, and that he would do his best to silence Mrs. Rudden, who for that matter probably believed the whole letter to have been forged, and would not enter into the enthusiasm of autographs. 'Oh, thank you!It is so kind,' said the mother; and Arthurine, who looked as if she had not slept all night, and was ready to burst into tears on the least provocation, murmured something to the same effect, which the Admiral answered, half hearing-- 'Never mind, my dear, you will be wiser another time; young people will be inexperienced. ''Is that the cruellest cut of all?' thought Miss Elmore, as she beheld her former pupil scarcely restraining herself enough for the farewell civilities, and then breaking down into a flood of tears. Her mother hovered over her with, 'What is it? Oh!my dear child, you need not be afraid; he is so kind!' 'I hate people to be kind, that is the very thing,' said Arthurine,-- 'Oh! Miss Elmore, don't go!--while he is meaning all the time that I have made such a fool of myself!And he is glad, I know he is, he and his hateful, stupid, stolid daughters.' 'My dear! my dear!' exclaimed her mother. 'Well, haven't they done nothing but thwart me, whatever I wanted to do, and aren't they triumphing now in this abominable man's treachery, and my being taken in? I shall go away, and sell the place, and never come back again. ''I should think that was the most decided way of confessing a failure,' said Miss Elmore; and as Mrs. Arthuret was called away by the imperative summons to the butcher, she spoke more freely. 'Your mother looks terrified at being so routed up again. ''Oh, mother will be happy anywhere; and how can I stay with these stick-in-the-mud people, just like what I have read about?' 'And have gibbeted! Really, Arthurine, I should call them very generous! ''It is their thick skins,' muttered she; 'at least so the Myttons said; but, indeed, I did not mean to be so personal as it was thought.' 'But tell me. Why did you not get on with Mesa?' 'That was a regular take-in. Not to tell one!When I began my German class, she put me out with useless explanations.' 'What kind of explanations? ''Oh, about the Swiss being under the Empire, or something, and she _WOULD_ go into parallels of Saxon words, and English poetry, such as our Fraulein never troubled us with. But I showed her it would not _DO_. ''So instead of learning what you had not sense to appreciate, you wanted to teach your old routine.' 'But, indeed, she could not pronounce at all well, and she looked ever so long at difficult bits, and then she even tried to correct _ME_. ''Did she go on coming after you silenced her?' 'Yes, and never tried to interfere again.' 'I am afraid she drew her own conclusions about High Schools. ''Oh, Miss Elmore, you used to like us to be thorough and not discursive, and how could anybody brought up in this stultifying place, ages ago, know what will tell in an exam?' 'Oh! Arthurine.How often have I told you that examinations are not education. I never saw so plainly that I have not educated you.' 'I wanted to prepare Daisy and Pansy, and they didn't care about her prosing when we wanted to get on with the book. ''Which would have been the best education for them, poor girls, an example of courtesy, patience, and humility, or _GETTING ON_, as you call it?' 'Oh! Miss Elmore, you are very hard on me, when I have just been so cruelly disappointed. ''My dear child, it is only because I want you to discover why you have been so cruelly disappointed. 'It would be wearisome to relate all that Arthurine finally told of those thwartings by the Merrifields which had thrown her into the arms of the Mytton family, nor how Miss Elmore brought her to confess that each scheme was either impracticable, or might have been injurious, and that a little grain of humility might have made her see things very differently.Yet it must be owned that the good lady felt rather like bending a bow that would spring back again. Bessie Merrifield had, like her family, been inclined to conclude that all was the fault of High Schools.She did not see Miss Elmore at first, thinking the Arthurets not likely to wish to be intruded upon, and having besides a good deal to think over.For she and her father had talked over the proposal, which pecuniarily was so tempting, and he, without prejudice, but on principle, had concurred with her in deciding that it was her duty not to add one touch of attractiveness to aught which supported a cause contrary to their strongest convictions.Her father's approbation was the crowning pleasure, though she felt the external testimony to her abilities, quite enough to sympathise with such intoxication of success as to make any compliment seem possible.Miss Elmore had one long talk with her, beginning by saying-- 'I wish to consult you about my poor, foolish child.' 'Ah! I am afraid we have not helped her enough!' said Bessie. 'If we had been more sympathetic she might have trusted us more. ''Then you are good enough to believe that it was not all folly and presumption.'
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'I am sure it was not,' said Bessie. 'None of us ever thought it more than inexperience and a little exaltation, with immense good intention at the bottom.Of course, our dear old habits did look dull, coming from life and activity, and we rather resented her contempt for them; but I am quite sure that after a little while, every one will forget all about this, or only recollect it as one does a girlish scrape.''Yes. To suppose all the neighbourhood occupied in laughing at her is only another phase of self-importance.You see, the poor child necessarily lived in a very narrow world, where examinations came, whatever I could do, to seem everything, and she only knew things beyond by books.She had success enough there to turn her head, and not going to Cambridge, never had fair measure of her abilities. Then came prosperity--' 'Quite enough to upset any one's balance,' said Bessie. 'In fact, only a very sober, not to say stolid, nature would have stood it.' 'Poor things! They were so happy--so open-hearted. I did long to caution them. "Pull cup, steady hand."' 'It will all come right now,' said Bessie. 'Mrs Arthuret spoke of their going away for the winter; I do not think it will be a bad plan, for then we can start quite fresh with them; and the intimacy with the Myttons will be broken, though I am sorry for the poor girls.They have no harm in them, and Arthurine was doing them good.' 'A whisper to you, Miss Merrifield--they are going back with me, to be prepared for governesses at Arthurine's expense.It is the only thing for them in the crash that young man has brought on the family.' 'Dear, good Arthurine! She only needed to learn how to carry her cup.' MRS. BATSEYES I. FATHER AND DAUGHTER SCENE.--THE DRAWING-ROOM OF DARKGLADE VICARAGE.MR. AVELAND, AN ELDERLY CLERGYMAN. MRS. MOLDWARP, WIDOW ON THE VERGE OF MIDDLE AGE. MR. A. So, my dear good child, you will come back to me, and do what you can for the lonely old man! MRS. M. I know nothing can really make up-- MR. A. Ah!my dear, you know only too well by your own experience, but if any one could, it would be you. And at least you will let nothing drop in the parish work. You and Cicely together will be able to take that up when Euphrasia is gone too.MRS. M. It will be delightful to me to come back to it! You know I was to the manner born. Nothing seems to be so natural! MR. A. I am only afraid you are giving up a great deal.I don't know that I could accept it--except for the parish and these poor children. MRS. M. Now, dear father, you are not to talk so!Is not this my home, my first home, and though it has lost its very dearest centre, what can be so dear to me when my own has long been broken? MR. A. But the young folks--young Londoners are apt to feel such a change a great sacrifice.MRS. M. Lucius always longs to be here whenever he is on shore, and Cicely. Oh! it will be so good for Cicely to be with you, dear father. I know some day you will be able to enjoy her.And I do look forward to having her to myself, as I have never had before since she was a little creature in the nursery.It is so fortunate that I had not closed the treaty for the house at Brompton, so that I can come whenever Phrasie decides on leaving you. MR. A. And she must not be long delayed. She and Holland have waited for each other quite long enough.Your dear mother begged that there should be no delay; and neither you nor I, Mary, could bear to shorten the time of happiness together that may be granted them.She will have no scruple about leaving George's children now you and Cicely will see to them--poor little things! MRS. M. Cicely has always longed for a sphere, and between the children and the parish she will be quite happy.You need have no fears for her, father! II. BROTHER AND SISTER SCENE--THE BROAD WALK UNDER THE VICARAGE GARDEN WALL, LUCIUS MOLDWARP, A LIEUTENANT IN THE NAVY. CICELY MOLDWARP. C. Isn't it disgusting, Lucius? L. What is?C. This proceeding of the mother's. L. Do you mean coming down here to live? C. Of course I do! Without so much as consulting me. L. The captain does not ordinarily consult the crew. C. Bosh, Lucius.That habit of discipline makes you quite stupid. Now, haven't I the right to be consulted? L. (A WHISTLE) C. (A STAMP) L. Pray, what would your sagacity have proposed for grandpapa and the small children? C. (HESITATION.) L. (A SLIGHT LAUGH.)C. I do think it is quite shocking of Aunt Phrasie to be in such haste to marry! L. After eleven years--eh? or twelve, is it? C. I mean of course so soon after her mother's death.L. You know dear granny herself begged that the wedding might not be put off on that account. C. Mr. Holland might come and live here. L. Perhaps he thinks he has a right to be consulted. C. Then she might take those children away with her.L. Leaving grandpapa alone. C. The Curate might live in the house. L. Lively and satisfactory to mother. Come now, Cis, why are you so dead set against this plan? It is only because your august consent has not been asked?C. I should have minded less if the pros and cons had been set before me, instead of being treated like a chattel; but I do not think my education should be sacrificed. L. Not educated! At twenty! C. Don't be so silly, Lucius.This is the time when the most important brain work is to be done. There are the art classes at the Slade, and the lectures I am down for, and the Senior Cambridge and cookery and nursing. Yes, I see you make faces!You sailors think women are only meant for you to play with when you are on shore; but I must work. L. Work enough here! C. Goody-goody! Babies, school-children, and old women!I'm meant for something beyond that, or what are intellect and artistic faculty given for? L. You could read for Cambridge exam. all the same. Here are tons of books, and grandpapa would help you. Why not? He is not a bit of a dull man.He is up to everything. C. So far as _YOU_ know. Oh no, he is not naturally dense.He is a dear old man; but you know clerics of his date, especially when they have vegetated in the country, never know anything but the Fathers and church architecture. L. Hum!I should have said the old gentleman had a pretty good intelligence of his own. I know he set me on my legs for my exam. as none of the masters at old Coade's ever did. What has made you take such a mortal aversion to the place?We used to think it next door to Paradise when we were small children.C. Of course, when country freedom was everything, and we knew nothing of rational intercourse; but when all the most intellectual houses are open to me, it is intolerable to be buried alive here with nothing to talk of but clerical shop, and nothing to do but read to old women, and cram the unfortunate children with the catechism.And mother and Aunt Phrasie expect me to be in raptures! L. Whereas you seem to be meditating a demonstration.C.
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I shall tell mother that if she must needs come down to wallow in her native goodiness, it is due to let me board in Kensington till my courses are completed. L. Since she won't be an unnatural daughter, she is to leave the part to you.Well, I suppose it will be for the general peace. C. Now, Lucius, you speak out of the remains of the old tyrannical barbarism, when the daughters were nothing but goods and chattels. L. Goods, yes, indeed, and betters.C. No doubt the men liked it! But won't you stand by me, Lucius? You say it would be for the general peace. L. I only said you would be better away than making yourself obnoxious.I can't think how you can have the heart, Cis, such a pet as you always were.C. I would not hurt their feelings for the world, only my improvement is too important to be sacrificed, and if no one else will stand up for me, I must stand up for myself. III. BRIDE-ELECT AND FATHER SCENE.--THREE WEEKS LATER.BREAKFAST TABLE AT DARKGLADE VICARAGE, MR. AVELAND AND EUPHRASIA READING THEIR LETTERS. THREE LITTLE CHILDREN EATING BREAD AND MILK. E. There! Mary has got the house at Brompton off her hands and can come for good on the 11th.That is the greatest possible comfort. She wants to bring her piano; it has a better tone than ours. MR. A. Certainly!Little Miss Hilda there will soon be strumming her scales on the old one, and Mary and Cis will send me to sleep in the evening with hers. E. Oh! MR. A. Why, Phrasie, what's the matter? E. This is a blow!Cicely is only coming to be bridesmaid, and then going back to board at Kensington and go on with her studies. MR. A. To board? All alone? E. Oh! that's the way with young ladies! MR. A. Mary cannot have consented. E. Have you done, little folks?Then say grace, Hilda, and run out till the lesson bell rings. Yes, poor Mary, I am afraid she thinks all that Cecilia decrees is right; or if she does not naturally believe so, she is made to. MR. A.Come, come, Phrasie, I always thought Mary a model mother. E. So did I, and so she was while the children were small, except that they were more free and easy with her than was the way in our time.And I think she is all that is to be desired to her son; but when last I was in London, I cannot say I was satisfied, I thought Cissy had got beyond her. MR. A. For want of a father? E. Not entirely.You know I could not think Charles Moldwarp quite worthy of Mary, though she never saw it. MR. A. Latterly we saw so little of him! He liked to spend his holiday in mountain climbing, and Mary made her visits here alone. E. Exactly so.Sympathy faded out between them, though she, poor dear, never betrayed it, if she realised it, which I doubt. And as Cissy took after her father, this may have weakened her allegiance to her mother.At any rate, as soon as she was thought to have outgrown her mother's teaching, those greater things, mother's influence and culture, were not thought of, and she went to school and had her companions and interests apart; while Mary, good soul, filled up the vacancy with good works, and if once you get into the swing of that sort of thing in town, there's no end to the demands upon your time.I don't think she ever let them bore her husband.He was out all day, and didn't want her; but I am afraid they do bore her daughter, and absorb attention and time, so as to hinder full companionship, till Cissy has grown up an extraneous creature, not formed by her.Mary thinks, in her humility, dear old thing, that it is a much superior creature; but I don't like it as well as the old sort. MR. A. The old barndoor hen hatched her eggs and bred up her chicks better than the fine prize fowl. Eh?E. So that incubator-hatched chicks, with a hot-bed instead of a hovering wing and tender cluck-cluck, are the fashion!I was in hopes that coming down to the old coop, with no professors to run after, and you to lead them both, all would right itself, but it seems my young lady wants more improving. MR. A.Well, my dear, it must be mortifying to a clever girl to have her studies cut short.E. Certainly; but in my time we held that studies were subordinate to duties; and that there were other kinds of improvement than in model-drawing and all the rest of it. MR. A.It will not be for long, and Cissy will find the people, or has found them, and Mary will accept them. E. If her native instinct objects, she will be cajoled or bullied into seeing with Cissy's eyes. MR. A.Well, Euphrasia, my dear, let us trust that people are the best judges of their own affairs, and remember that the world has got beyond us. Mary was always a sensible, right-minded girl, and I cannot believe her as blind as you would make out.E. At any rate, dear papa, you never have to say to her as to me, 'Judge not, that ye be not judged.' IV. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER SCENE.--DARKGLADE VICARAGE DRAWING-ROOM. MRS. M. So, my dear, you think it impossible to be happy here?C. Little Mamsey, why _WILL_ you never understand? It is not a question of happiness, but of duty to myself. MRS. M. And that is-- C. Not to throw away all my chances of self-improvement by burrowing into this hole.MRS. M. Oh, my dear, I don't like to hear you call it so. C. Yes, I know you care for it.You were bred up here, and know nothing better, poor old Mamsey, and pottering suits you exactly; but it is too much to ask me to sacrifice my wider fields of culture and usefulness. MRS. M. Grandpapa would enjoy nothing so much as reading with you.He said so. C. Oxford half a century old and wearing off ever since. No, I thank you! Besides, it is not only physical science, but art. MRS. M. There's the School of Art at Holbrook. C. My dear mother, I am far past country schools of art!MRS. M. It is not as if you intended to take up art as a profession. C. Mother! will nothing ever make you understand?Nothing ought to be half-studied, merely to pass away the time as an _ACCOMPLISHMENT_ (UTTERED WITH INFINITE SCORN, ACCENTUATED ON THE SECOND SYLLABLE), just to do things to sell at bazaars. No!Art with me means work worthy of exhibition, with a market-price, and founded on a thorough knowledge of the secrets of the human frame. MRS. M. Those classes! I don't like all I hear of them, or their attendants.C. If you _WILL_ listen to all the gossip of all the old women of both sexes, I can't help it! Can't you trust to innocence and earnestness? MRS. M. I wish it was the Art College at Wimbledon. Then I should be quite comfortable about you.C. Have not we gone into all that already? You know I must go to the fountain-head, and not be put off with mere feminine, lady-like studies! Pah! Besides, in lodgings I can be useful.I shall give two evenings in the week to the East End, to the Society for the Diversion and Civilisation of the Poor. MRS. M. Surely there is room for usefulness here! Think of the children!And for diversion and civilisation, how glad we should be of your fresh life and brightness among poor people!
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C. Such poor!Why, even if grandpapa would let me give a lecture on geology, or a reading from Dickens, old Prudence Blake would go about saying it hadn't done nothing for her poor soul.MRS. M. Grandpapa wanted last winter to have penny readings, only there was nobody to do it. He would give you full scope for that, or for lectures. C. Yes; about vaccination and fresh air! or a reading of John Gilpin or the Pied Piper.Mamsey, you know a model parish stifles me. I can't stand your prim school-children, drilled in the Catechism, and your old women who get out the Bible and the clean apron when they see you a quarter of a mile off. Free air and open minds for me!No, I won't have you sighing, mother. You have returned to your native element, and you must let me return to mine. MRS. M. Very well, my dear.Perhaps a year or two of study in town may be due to you, though this is a great disappointment to grandpapa and me. I know Mrs. Payne will make a pleasant and safe home for you, if you must be boarded. C. Too late for that.I always meant to be with Betty Thurston at Mrs. Kaye's. In fact, I have written to engage my room. So there's an end of it. Come, come, don't look vexed. It is better to make an end of it at once. There are things that one must decide for oneself.V. TWO FRIENDS SCENE--OVER THE FIRE IN MRS. KAYE'S BOARDING-HOUSE. CECILIA MOLDWARP AND BETTY THURSTON. C. So I settled the matter at once. B. Quite right, too, Cis. C. The dear woman was torn every way.Grandpapa and Aunt Phrasie wanted her to pin me down into the native stodge; and Lucius, like a true man, went in for subjection: so there was nothing for it but to put my foot down.And though little mother might moan a little to me, I knew she would stand up stoutly for me to all the rest, and vindicate my liberty. B. To keep you down there.Such a place is very well to breathe in occasionally, like a whale; but as to living in them-- C. Just hear how they spend the day. First, 7.30, prayers in church.The dear old man has hammered on at them these forty years, with a congregation averaging 4 to 2.5. B. You are surely not expected to attend at that primitive Christian hour! Cruelty to animals!C. If I don't, the absence of such an important unit hurts folks' feelings, and I am driven to the fabrication of excuses.After breakfast, whatever is available trots off to din the Catechism and Genesis into the school-children's heads--the only things my respected forefather cares about teaching them. Of course back again to the children's lessons. B. What children?C. Didn't I explain? Three Indian orphans of my uncle's, turned upon my grandfather--jolly little kids enough, as long as one hasn't to teach them. B. Are governesses unknown in those parts?C. Too costly; and besides, my mother was designed by nature for a nursery-governess. She has taught the two elder ones to be wonderfully good when she is called off. 'The butcher, ma'am'; or, 'Mrs.Tyler wants to speak to you, ma'am'; or, 'Jane Cox is come for a hospital paper, ma'am. 'Then early dinner, of all things detestable, succeeded by school needlework, mothers' meeting, and children's walk, combined with district visiting, or reading to old women.Church again, high tea, and evenings again pleasingly varied by choir practices, night schools, or silence, while grandpapa concocts his sermon. B. Is this the easy life to which Mrs. Moldwarp has retired? C. It is her native element.People of her generation think it their vocation to be ladies-of-all-work to the parish of Stickinthemud cum-Humdrum. B. All-work indeed! C. I did not include Sundays, which are one rush of meals, schools, and services, including harmonium. B.No society or rational conversation, of course? C. Adjacent clergy and clergy woman rather less capable of aught but shop than the natives themselves! You see, even if I did offer myself as a victim, I couldn't do the thing!Fancy my going on about the six Mosaic days, and Jonah's whale, and Jael's nail, and doing their duty in that state of life where it _HAS_ pleased Heaven to place them. B. Impossible, my dear!Those things can't be taught--if they are to be taught--except by those who accept them as entirely as ever; and it is absurd to think of keeping you where you would be totally devoid of all intellectual food!SCENE.--ART STUDENT AND DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR A YEAR LATER. SOIREE IN A LONDON DRAWING-ROOM. PROFESSOR DUNLOP AND CECILIA. PROF. D. Miss Moldwarp? Is your mother here? C. No; she is not in town. PROF. D. Not living there?C. She lives with my grandfather at Darkglade. PROF. D. Indeed! I hope Mr. and Mrs. Aveland are well? C. Thank you, _HE_ is well; but my grandmother is dead. PROF. D. Oh, I am sorry! I had not heard of his loss. How long ago did it happen?C. Last January twelvemonth. My aunt is married, and my mother has taken her place at home. PROF. D. Then you are here on a visit. Where are you staying? C. No, I live here. I am studying in the Slade schools.PROF. D. This must have greatly changed my dear old friend's life! C. I did not know that you were acquainted with my grandfather. PROF. D. I was one of his pupils. I may say that I owe everything to him.It is long since I have been at Darkglade, but it always seemed to me an ideal place. C. Rather out of the world.PROF. D. Of one sort of world perhaps; but what a beautiful combination is to be seen there of the highest powers with the lowliest work!So entirely has he dedicated himself that he really feels the guidance of a ploughman's soul a higher task than the grandest achievement in science or literature. By the bye, I hope he will take up his pen again. It is really wanted.Will you give him a message from me? C. How strange! I never knew that he was an author. PROF. D. Ah! you are a young thing, and these are abstruse subjects. C. Oh! the Fathers and Ritual, I suppose?PROF. D. No doubt he is a great authority there, as a man of his ability must be; but I was thinking of a course of scientific papers he put forth ten years ago, taking up the arguments against materialism as no one could do who is not as thoroughly at home as he is in the latest discoveries and hypotheses.He ought to answer that paper in the CRITICAL WORLD. C. I was so much interested in that paper. PROF. D. It has just the speciousness that runs away with young people. I should like to talk it over with him.Do you think I should be in the way if I ran down? C. I should think a visit from you would be an immense pleasure to him; and I am sure it would be good for the place to be stirred up.PROF. D. You have not learnt to prize that atmosphere in which things always seem to assume their true proportion, and to prompt the cry of St. Bernard's brother--'All earth for me, all heaven for you.'C. That was surely an outcome of the time when people used to sacrifice certainties to uncertainties, and spoil life for the sake of they knew not what.
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PROF. D. For eye hath not seen, nor ear heard. STRANGER. Mr. Dunlop!This is an unexpected pleasure! C. (ALONE). Well, wonders will never cease. The great Professor Dunlop talking to me quite preachy and goody; and of all people in the world, the old man at Darkglade turning out to be a great physiologist! VII.TWO OLD FRIENDS SCENE.--DARKGLADE VICARAGE STUDY. MR. AVELAND AND PROFESSOR DUNLOP. PROF. D. Thank you, sir. It has been a great pleasure to talk over these matters with you; I hope a great benefit.MR. A. I am sure it is a great benefit to us to have a breath from the outer world. I hope you will never let so long a time go by without our meeting. Remember, as iron sharpeneth iron, so doth a man's countenance that of his friend.PROF. D. I shall be only too thankful. I rejoice in the having met your grand-daughter, who encouraged me to offer myself. Is she permanently in town? MR. A. She shows no inclination to return.I hoped she would do so after the last competition; but there is always another stage to be mounted.I wish she would come back, for her mother ought not to be left single-handed; but young people seem to require so much external education in these days, instead of being content to work on at home, that I sometimes question which is more effectual, learning or being taught.PROF. D. Being poured-upon versus imbibing? MR. A. It may depend on what amount there is to imbibe; and I imagine that the child views this region as an arid waste; as of course we are considerably out of date.PROF. D. The supply would be a good deal fresher and purer! MR. A. Do you know anything of her present surroundings?PROF. D. I confess that I was surprised to meet her with Mrs. Eyeless, a lady who is active in disseminating Positivism, and all tending that way. She rather startled me by some of her remarks; but probably it was only jargon and desire to show off.Have you seen her lately? MR. A. At Christmas, but only for a short time, when it struck me that she treated us with the patronage of precocious youth; and I thought she made the most of a cold when church or parish was concerned.I hinted as much; but her mother seemed quite satisfied. Poor girl! Have I been blind? I did not like her going to live at one of those boarding-houses for lady students. Do you know anything of them?PROF. D. Of course all depends on the individual lady at the head, and the responsibility she undertakes, as well as on the tone of the inmates. With some, it would be only staying in a safe and guarded home.In others, there is a great amount of liberty, the girls going out without inquiry whether, with whom, or when they return. MR. A. American fashion! Well, they say young women are equal to taking care of themselves.I wonder whether my daughter understands this, or whether it is so at Cecilia's abode. Do you know? PROF. D. I am afraid I do.The niece of a friend of mine was there, and left it, much distressed and confused by the agnostic opinions that were freely broached there. How did your grand- daughter come to choose it? MR. A. For the sake of being with a friend.I think Thurston is the name. PROF. D. I know something of that family; clever people, but bred up--on principle, if it can be so called, with their minds a blank as to religion.I remember seeing one of the daughters at the party where I met Miss Moldwarp. MR. A. So this is the society into which we have allowed our poor child to run! I blame myself exceedingly for not having made more inquiries.Grief made me selfishly passive, or I should have opened my eyes and theirs to the danger. My poor Mary, what a shock it will be to her! PROF. D. Was not she on the spot? MR. A.True; but, poor dear, she is of a gentle nature, easily led, and seeing only what her affection lets her perceive. And now, she is not strong. PROF. D. She is not looking well. MR. A. You think so!I wonder whether I have been blind, and let her undertake too much. PROF. D. Suppose you were to bring her to town for a few days. We should be delighted to have you, and she could see the doctor to whom she is accustomed.Then you can judge for yourself about her daughter. MR. A. Thank you, Dunlop! It will be a great comfort if it can be managed. VIII. AUNT AND NIECE SCENE.--IN A HANSOM CAB. MRS. HOLLAND AND CECILIA. MRS. H. I wanted to speak to you, Cissy.C. I thought so! MRS. H. What do you think of your mother? C. Poor old darling. They have been worrying her till she has got hipped and nervous about herself. MRS. H. Do you know what spasms she has been having? C. Oh!mother has had spasms as long as I can remember; and the more she thinks of them the worse they are. I have often heard her say so.MRS. H. Yes; she has gone on much too long overworking herself, and not letting your grandfather suspect anything amiss. C. Nerves. That is what it always is.MRS. H. Dr. Brownlow says there is failure of heart, not dangerous or advanced at present, but that there is an overstrain of all the powers, and that unless she keeps fairly quiet, and free from hurry and worry, there may be very serious, if not fatal attacks.C. I never did think much of Dr. Brownlow. He told me my palpitations were nothing but indigestion, and I am sure they were not! MRS. H. Well, Cissy, something must be done to relieve your mother of some of her burthens.C. I see what you are driving at, Aunt Phrasie; but I cannot go back till I have finished these courses. There's my picture, there's the cookery school, the ambulance lectures, and our sketching tour in August. Ever so many engagements.I shall be free in the autumn, and then I will go down and see about it. I told mother so. MRS. H. All the hot trying months of summer without help! C. I never can understand why they don't have a governess. MRS. H. Can't you?Is there not a considerable outgoing on your behalf? C. That is my own. I am not bound to educate my uncle's children at my expense.MRS. H. No; but if you contributed your share to the housekeeping, you would make a difference, and surely you cannot leave your mother to break down her health by overworking herself in this manner. C. Why does grandpapa let her do so?MRS. H. Partly he does not see, partly he cannot help it.He has been so entirely accustomed to have all those family and parish details taken off his hands, and borne easily as they were when your dear grandmamma and I were both there at home, that he cannot understand that they can be over much--especially as they are so small in themselves.Besides, he is not so young as he was, and your dear mother cannot bear to trouble him. C. Well, I shall go there in September and see about it. It is impossible before. MRS. H. In the hopping holidays, when the stress of work is over!Cannot you see with your own eyes how fagged and ill your mother looks, and how much she wants help? C. Oh! she will be all right again after this rest. I tell you, Aunt Phrasie, it is _IMPOSSIBLE_ at present--(CAB STOPS).
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IX.THE TWO SISTERS SCENE.--A ROOM IN PROFESSOR DUNLOP'S HOUSE. MRS. MOLDWARP AND MRS. HOLLAND. MRS. H. I have done my best, but I can't move her an inch. MRS. M. Poor dear girl!Yet it seems hardly fair to make my health the lever, when really there is nothing serious the matter. MRS. H. I can't understand the infatuation. Can there be any love affair? MRS. M. Oh no, Phrasie; it is worse! MRS. H. Worse!Mary, what can you mean? MRS. M. Yes, it _IS_ worse. I got at the whole truth yesterday. My poor child's faith has gone! Oh, how could I let her go and let her mingle among all those people, all unguarded!MRS. H. Do you mean that this is the real reason that she will not come home? MRS. M. Yes; she told me plainly at last that she could not stand our round of services.They seem empty and obsolete to her, and she could not feign to attend them or vex us, and cause remarks by staying away, and of course she neither could nor would teach anything but secular matters. 'My coming would be nothing but pain to everybody,' she said. MRS H. You did not tell me this before my drive with her. MRS. M. No, I never saw you alone; besides, I thought you would speak more freely without the knowledge.And, to tell the truth, I did think it possible that consideration for me might bring my poor Cissy down to us, and that when once under my father's influence, all these mists might clear away. But I do not deserve it.I have been an unfaithful parent, shutting my eyes in feeble indulgence, and letting her drift into these quicksands. MRS. H. Fashion and imitation, my dear Mary; it will pass away. Now, you are not to talk any more.MRS. M. I can't-- (A SPASM COMES ON.) X. AUNT AND NEPHEW SCENE.--SIX MONTHS LATER, DARKGLADE VICARAGE, A DARKENED ROOM. MRS. HOLLAND AND LUCIUS.MRS. H. Yes, Lucius, we have all much to reproach ourselves with; even poor grandpapa is heart-broken at having been too much absorbed to perceive how your dear mother was overtasked.L. You did all you could, aunt; you took home one child, and caused the other to be sent to school. MRS. H. Yes, too late to be of any use.L. And after all, I don't think it was overwork that broke the poor dear one down, so much as grief at that wretched sister of mine. MRS. H. Don't speak of her in that way, Lucius. L. How can I help it? I could say worse!MRS. H. She is broken-hearted, poor thing. L. Well she may be. MRS. H. Ah, the special point of sorrow to your dear mother was that she blamed herself, for-- L. How could she? How can you say so, aunt? MRS. H. Wait a moment, Lucius.What grieved her was the giving in to Cissy's determination, seeing with her eyes, and not allowing herself to perceive that what she wished might not be good for her. L. Cissy always did domineer over mother.MRS. H. Yes; and your mother was so used to thinking Cissy's judgment right that she never could or would see when it was time to make a stand, and prevent her own first impressions from being talked down as old-fashioned,--letting her eyes be bandaged, in fact.L. So she vexed herself over Cissy's fault; but did not you try to make Cissy see what she was about? MRS. H. True; but if love had blinded my dear sister, Cissy was doubly blinded-- L. By conceit and self-will.MRS. H. Poor girl, I am too sorry for her now to use those hard words, but I am afraid it is true.First she could or would not see either that her companions might be undesirable guides, or that her duty lay here, and then nothing would show her that her mother's health was failing.Indeed, by that time the sort of blindness had come upon her which really broke your mother's heart. L. You mean her unbelief, agnosticism, or whatever she chooses to call it. I thought at least women were safe from that style of thing.It is all fashion and bad company, I suppose? MRS. H. I hope and pray that it may be so; but I am afraid that it goes deeper than you imagine.Still, I see hope in her extreme unhappiness, and in the remembrance of your dear mother's last words and prayers. XI. GRANDFATHER AND GRAND-DAUGHTER A MONTH LATER. MR. AVELAND AND CECILIA. MR. A. My dear child, I wish I could do anything for you.C. You had better let me go back to London, grandpapa. MR. A. Do you really wish it? C. I don't know. I hate it all; but if I were in the midst of everything again, it might stifle the pain a little.MR. A. I am afraid that is not the right way of curing it. C. Oh, I suppose it will wear down in time. MR. A. Is that well? C. I don't know.It is only unbearable as it is; and yet when I think of my life in town, the din and the chatter and the bustle, and the nobody caring, seem doubly intolerable; but I shall work off that. You had better let me go, grandpapa.The sight of me can be nothing but a grief and pain to you. MR. A. No; it gives me hope. C. Hope of what? MR. A. That away from the whirl you will find your way to peace. C. I don't see how. Quiet only makes me more miserable. MR. A.My poor child, if you can speak out and tell me exactly how it is with you, I think it might be comfortable to you. If it is the missing your mother, and blaming yourself for having allowed her to overdo herself, I may well share with you in that.I feel most grievously that I never perceived how much she was undertaking, nor how she flagged under it. Unselfish people want others to think for them, and I did not. C. Dear grandpapa, it would not have been too much if I had come and helped.I know that; but it is not the worst. You can't feel as I do--that if my desertion led to her overworking herself, Aunt Phrasie and Lucius say that what really broke her down was the opinions I cannot help having. Say it was not, grandpapa.MR. A. I wish I could, my dear; but I cannot conceal that unhappiness about you, and regret for having let you expose yourself to those unfortunate arguments, broke her spirits so that her energies were unequal to the strain that I allowed to be laid on her.C. Poor dear mother! And you and she can feel in that way about the importance of what to me seems--pardon me, grandpapa--utterly unproved. MR. A. You hold everything unproved that you cannot work out like a mathematical demonstration.C. I can't help it, grandpapa. I read and read, till all the premises become lost in the cloud of myths that belong to all nations. I don't want to think such things. I saw dear mother rest on her belief, and grow peaceful.They were perfect realities to her; but I cannot unthink. I would give anything to think that she is in perfect happiness now, and that we shall meet again; but nothing seems certain to me. All is extinguished. MR. A. How do you mean?C. They--Betty and her set, I mean--laughed at and argued one thing after another, till they showed me that there were no positive grounds to go on. MR. A. No material grounds. C. And what else is certain? MR. A.Do you think your mother was not certain? C. I saw she was; I see you are certain. But what am I to do? I cannot unthink.
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MR. A. Poor child, they have loosed you from the shore, because you could not see it, and left you to flounder in the waves.C. Well, so I feel it sometimes; but if I could only feel that there was a shore, I would try to get my foothold. Oh, with all my heart! MR. A.Will you take my word, dear child--the word of one who can dare humbly to say he has proved it, so as to be as sure as of the floor we are standing on, that that Rock exists; and God grant that you may, in prayer and patience, be brought to rest on it once more.C. Once more! I don't think I ever did so really. I only did not think, and kept away from what was dull and tiresome. Didn't you read something about 'If thou hadst known--' MR. A. 'If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things that belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.' But oh, my dear girl, it is my hope and prayer, not for ever.If you will endure to walk in darkness for a while, till the light be again revealed to you. C. At any rate, dear grandfather, I will do what mother entreated, and not leave you alone. XII. TWO YEARS LATER. ST. THOMAS'S DAY.C. Grandpapa, may I come with you on Christmas morning? MR. A. You make me a truly happy Christmas, dear child. C. I think I feel somewhat as St. Thomas did, in to-day's Gospel.It went home to my heart MR. A. Ah, child, to us that 'Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed,' must mean those who are ready to know by faith instead of material tangible proof.CHOPS You ask me why I call that old great-grandmother black cat Chops? Well, thereby hangs a tale.I don't mean the black tail which is standing upright and quivering at your caresses, but a story that there will be time to tell you before Charlie gets home from market.Seven years ago, Charlie had just finished his training both at an agricultural college and under a farmer, and was thinking of going out to Texas or to Canada, and sending for me when he should have been able to make a new home for me, when his godfather, Mr. Newton, offered to let him come down and look after the draining and otherwise reclaiming of this great piece of waste land.It had come to Mr. Newton through some mortgages, I believe, and he thought something might be made of it by an active agent.It was the first time Mr. Newton had shown the least interest in us, though he was a cousin of our poor mother's; and Charlie was very much gratified, more especially as when he had 150 pounds a year and a house, he thought I might leave the school where I was working as a teacher, and make a home with him.Yes, this is the house; but it has grown a good deal since we settled down, and will grow more before you come to it for good.Then it was only meant for a superior sort of gamekeeper, and had only six rooms in it--parlour, kitchen, and back kitchen, and three bedrooms above them; but this we agreed would be ample for ourselves and Betsey, an old servant of our mother's, who could turn her hand to anything, and on the break-up of our home had begged to join us again whenever or wherever we should have a house of our own once more.We have half a dozen cottages near us now; but then it seemed to us like a lodge in a vast wilderness--three miles away from everything, shop, house, or church.Betsey fairly sat down and cried when she heard how far away was the butcher, and it really seemed as if we were to have the inconveniences of colonisation without the honour of it.However, contrivances made us merry; we made our rooms pretty and pleasant, and as a pony and trap were essential to Charlie in his work, we were able to fetch and carry easily.Moreover, we had already a fair kitchen garden laid out, and there were outhouses for pigs and poultry, so that even while draining and fencing were going on, we raised a good proportion of our own provisions, and very proud of them we were; our own mustard and cress, which we sowed in our initials, tasted doubly sweet when we reaped them as our earliest crop.Mr. Newton had always said that some day he should drop down and see how Charles was getting on, but as he hardly ever stirred from his office in London, and only answered letters in the briefest and most business-like way, we had pretty well left off expecting him.We had been here about six months, and had killed our first pig--'a pretty little porker as ever was seen,' as Betsey said.It was hard to understand, after all the petting, admiration, and back- scratching Betsey had bestowed on him, how ready she was to sentence him, and triumph in his death; while I, feeble-minded creature, delayed rising in the morning that I might cower under the bedclothes and stop my ears against his dying squeals.However, when he was no more, the housekeeping spirit triumphed in our independence of the butcher, while his fry and other delicacies lasted, and Betsey was supremely happy over the saltings of the legs, etc., with a view to the more distant future.It was a cold day of early spring.I had been down the lanes and brought in five tiny starved primroses with short stems, for which Betsey scolded me soundly, telling me that the first brood of chickens was always the same in number as the first primroses brought into the house.I eked them out with moss in a saucer, and then, how well I remember the foolish, weary feeling that I wished something would happen to break the quiet.We were out of the reach of new books, and the two magazines we took in would not be due for ten long days.I did not feel sensible or energetic enough to turn to one of the standard well-bound volumes that had been Charlie's school prizes, and at the moment I hated my needlework, both steady sewing and fancy work. It was the same with my piano.I had no new fashionable music, and I was in a mood to disdain what was good and classical.So, as the twilight came on, I sat drearily by the fire, fondling the cat--yes, this same black cat--and thinking that my life at the ladies' college had been a good deal livelier, and that if I had given it up for the sake of my brother's society, I had very little of that.The hunt had gone by last week--what a treat it would be if some one would meet with a little accident and be carried in here! Behold, I heard a step at the back door, and the loud call of 'Kitty! Kitty! 'There stood Charlie, as usual covered with clay nearly up to the top of his gaiters--clay either pale yellow, or horrid light blue, according to the direction of his walk.He was beginning frantically to unbutton them, and as he beheld me he cried out, 'Kitty! he's coming!' and before I could say, 'Who?' he went on, 'Old Newton. His fly is working through the mud in Draggletail Lane.The driver hailed me to ask the way, and when I saw who it was, I cut across to give you notice. He'll stay the night to a dead certainty.' What was to be done?A wild hope seized me that, at sight of the place, he would retain his fly and go off elsewhere for better accommodation.
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Poor old gentleman!I am afraid he heard some irrepressible laughter, and it was very sore to him to be ridiculous.His grave dignity and politeness when he came down very late the next morning were something awful, and it must have been very dreadful to him that he could not get away till half the day was over.So dry and short was he over matters of business that Charles actually thought we might begin to pack up and make our arrangements for emigrating.Grave, dry, and civil as ever, he departed, and I never saw him more, nor do I think he ever entirely forgave me.There did not, however, come any dismissal, and when Charlie had occasion to go up to his office and see him, he was just the same as ever, and acceded to the various arrangements which have made this a civilised, though still rather remote place.And when he died, a year ago, to our surprise we found that this same reclaimed property was left to my brother. The consequence whereof you well know, my dear little sister that is to be. Poor old Chops!you had nearly marred our fortunes; and now, will you go with me to my home at the Rectory, or do you prefer your old abode to your old mistress? Footnotes: {127} [In the book this genealogy is a diagram.It is rendered as text here.--DP] John Fulford: sons: John Fulford {127a} (married Margaret Lacy) and Henry {127b}. {127a} John Fulford and Margaret Lacy: Sir Edward Fulford (married Avice Lee--died after two years), Arthur, Q.C. (married Edith Ganler) {127c}, Martyn (Professor, married Mary Alwyn) {127d}, Charlotte, Emily, Margaret (married Rev. H. Druce) {127e}. {127b} Henry had a son called Henry--whose son was also Henry-- whose daughter was Isabel. {127c} Arthur, Q.C.and Edith Ganler: Margaret called Metelill, Charlotte called Charley, Sons not at New Cove. {127d} Martyn (Professor) and Mary Alwyn: Margaret called Pica, Avice and Uchtred.
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Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Sean Bartell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Transcriber's Note: Obvious errors have been corrected, and the illustrations have been moved.A full list of changes can be found at the end of this book. JACK RANGER'S GUN CLUB Or From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail BY CLARENCE YOUNG AUTHOR OF "JACK RANGER'S SCHOOLDAYS," "JACK RANGER'S WESTERN TRIP," "JACK RANGER'S OCEAN CRUISE," "THE MOTOR BOYS," "THE MOTOR BOYS IN THE CLOUDS," ETC.ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY BOOKS BY CLARENCE YOUNG THE JACK RANGER SERIES 12mo.Finely Illustrated JACK RANGER'S SCHOOLDAYS Or The Rivals of Washington Hall JACK RANGER'S WESTERN TRIP Or From Boarding School to Ranch and Range JACK RANGER'S SCHOOL VICTORIES Or Track, Gridiron and Diamond JACK RANGER'S OCEAN CRUISE Or The Wreck of the Polly Ann JACK RANGER'S GUN CLUB Or From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail THE MOTOR BOYS SERIES (_Trade Mark, Reg.U. S. Pat. Of._) 12mo.Illustrated THE MOTOR BOYS Or Chums Through Thick and Thin THE MOTOR BOYS OVERLAND Or A Long Trip for Fun and Fortune THE MOTOR BOYS IN MEXICO Or The Secret of the Buried City THE MOTOR BOYS ACROSS THE PLAINS Or The Hermit of Lost Lake THE MOTOR BOYS AFLOAT Or The Stirring Cruise of the Dartaway THE MOTOR BOYS ON THE ATLANTIC Or The Mystery of the Lighthouse THE MOTOR BOYS IN STRANGE WATERS Or Lost in a Floating Forest THE MOTOR BOYS ON THE PACIFIC Or The Young Derelict Hunters THE MOTOR BOYS IN THE CLOUDS Or A Trip for Fame and Fortune Copyright, 1910, by CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY JACK RANGER'S GUN CLUB Printed in U. S. A.CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I Jack Wins a Race 1 II The New Boy 12 III A Curious Lad 22 IV Bully Snaith 30 V A German-French Alliance 36 VI A Snowstorm 46 VII A Strange Confession 55 VIII The Midnight Feast 64 IX An Alarm of Fire 71 X Saving the Flags 78 XI The Gun Club 85 XII Will Runs Away 93 XIII Off on the Trip 101 XIV The Broken Train 108 XV Jack Meets a Girl 117 XVI A Dangerous Descent 125 XVII Thirsty on the Desert 133 XVIII Lost in the Bad Lands 146 XIX A Perilous Slide 155 XX Long Gun Is Afraid 162 XXI The Deadly Gas 171 XXII An Unexpected Encounter 178 XXIII Another Night Scare 184 XXIV Jack Gets a Bear 191 XXV Some Peculiar Marks 199 XXVI The Spring Trap 206 XXVII Ordered Back 212 XXVIII Will Saves Jack's Life 223 XXIX The Blizzard 231 XXX Jack's Hazardous Plan 238 XXXI A Perilous Ride 245 XXXII Into a Strange Camp 254 XXXIII Held Captives 262 XXXIV The Mystery Explained 272 XXXV Jack Meets Mabel--Conclusion.283 JACK RANGER'S GUN CLUB CHAPTER I JACK WINS A RACE "Now, then, are you all ready?" "I'm as ready as I ever shall be," answered Jack Ranger, in reply to the question from Sam Chalmers. "Let her go!" "Wait a minute," cried Dock Snaith. "I want to put a little more oil on my oarlocks." "Oh, you're always fussing about something, Dock," said Sam. "It looks as if you didn't want to go into this race after all your boasting." "That's what it does," came from Nat Anderson. "Hu!Think I can't beat Jack Ranger?" replied Dock with a sneer as he began putting more oil on the oarlock sockets. "I could beat him rowing with one hand." "Get out!" cried Sam. "You've got a swelled head, Dock." "I have, eh?" "Now are you ready? "asked Sam again, as he stepped forward and raised the pistol, ready to fire the starting shot in a small race between Jack Ranger, one of the best-liked students at Washington Hall, and Dock Snaith, a bullying sort of chap, but who, in spite of his rather mean ways, had some friends. "I guess I'm all ready now," replied Dock, as he got on the center of the seat and adjusted the oars. "Better send for your secretary to make sure," said Nat Anderson, and at this there was a laugh from the students who had gathered to see the contest. "Rusticating rowlocks, but you're slow! ""You mind your own business, Anderson," came from the bully, "or I'll make you." "It'll take more than you to make me," responded Nat boldly, for more than once he had come into conflict with Snaith and did not fear him. "It will, eh?Well, if I can get out of this boat----" "Aw, go on! Row if you're going to!" exclaimed Sam. "Think I haven't anything to do except stay here and start this race? You challenged Jack, now go ahead and beat him--if you can. ""Yes, come on," added Jack, a tall, good-looking, bronzed youth, who sat on the seat in the small boat, impatiently moving the oars slowly to and fro. "Oh, I'll beat you," said the bully confidently. "You can give the word whenever you're ready, Chalmers." "Ah! that's awfully kind of you, really it is," said Jack in a high, falsetto voice, which produced another laugh. Dock Snaith scowled at Jack, but said nothing.There was a moment's delay, while Sam looked down the course to see if all was clear on Rudmore Lake, where the contest was taking place. "I'm going to fire!" cried Sam.The two contestants gripped their oars a little more firmly, they leaned forward, ready to plunge them into the water and pull a heavy stroke at the sound of the pistol. Their eyes were bright with anticipation, and their muscles tense. Crack!There was a puff of white smoke, a little sliver of flame, hardly noticeable in the bright October sunlight; then came a splash in the water as the broad blades were dipped in, and the race was on. "Jack's got the lead! Jack's ahead! "cried the friends of our hero, as they ran along the shore of the lake. "Dock is only tiring him out," added the adherents of the school bully. "He'll come in strong at the finish." "He will if he doesn't tire out," was Nat Anderson's opinion. "Dock smokes too many cigarettes to be a good oarsman." "I suppose you think Ranger will have it all his own way?" spoke Pud Armstrong, a crony of Snaith. "Not necessarily," was Nat's answer as he jogged along. "But I think he's the better rower. ""We'll see," sneered Pud. "Yes, we'll see," admitted Nat. The two contestants were now rowing steadily.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
They had a little over a mile to go to reach the Point, as it was called; that being the usual limit of impromptu racing events.The contest between Jack Ranger and Dock Snaith was the result of an argument on oarsmanship, which had taken place in the school gym the night before.It was shortly after the opening of the term at Washington Hall, and in addition to football, which would soon be in full sway, there was rowing to occupy the attention of the students, for the lake, on the shores of which the academy was situated, was well adapted for aquatic sports.The talk had turned on who were the best individual oarsmen in the school, and Jack Ranger's friends lost no time in mentioning him as the champion, for more than once he had demonstrated that in a single shell, or a large, eight-oared one, he could pull a winning stroke.Dock Snaith's admirers were not slow in advocating his powers, and the bully, not at all backward to boast of his own abilities, had challenged Jack to a small race the next day. Jack had consented, and the contest was now under way. "Jack's going to walk right away from him," said Dick Balmore, otherwise known as "Bony," from the manner in which his inner skeleton was visible through his skin, and from a habit he had of cracking his knuckles. "Don't be too sure," cautioned Sam. "Snaith has lots of muscle. Our only hope is that he won't last. His wind isn't very good, and Jack has set him a fast clip." "Go on, Dock," cried Pud Armstrong. "Go on! You can do him easy! "Dock nodded, the boats both being so close to shore that ordinary conversation could easily be heard. "That's the stuff, Jack!" cried Nat Anderson. "Keep it up! "Jack had increased his stroke two or three more per minute, and Dock found it necessary to do likewise, in order not to get too far behind.He was letting his rival set the pace, and so far had been content merely to trail along, with the sharp bow of his frail craft lapping the stern of Jack's a few feet. "Dock's holding back for the finish," remarked Pud as he raced along, and in passing Nat he dug his elbow into the side of Jack's chum. "Well, if he is, that's no reason why you should try to puncture my inner tubes," expostulated Nat. "I'll pitch you into the lake if you do that again." "Aw, you're getting mad 'cause Jack's going to lose," sneered Pud. "That's what he is," added Glen Forker, another crony of the bully. "Am I? Just wait," was all Nat answered as he rubbed his ribs. "Slithering side saddles! but you gave me a dig!" The contestants were now rowing more rapidly, and the students on shore, who were following the race, had to increase their pace to keep up to them. "Hit it up a little, Jack!" called Sam. "You've got him breathing hard." "He has--not! I'm--I'm all right," answered Dock from his boat, and very foolishly, too, for he was getting winded, and he needed to save all his breath, and not waste it in talking.Besides, the halting manner in which he answered showed his condition. Sam noticed it at once. "You've got him! You've got him, Jack!" he cried exultantly. "Go on! Row hard!" "Say, that ain't fair!" cried Pud Armstrong. "What isn't?" asked Sam. "Telling Jack like that. Let him find out about Dock." "I guess I know what's fair," replied Sam with a withering look. "I'll call all I want to, and don't you interfere with me, or it won't be healthy for you." Pud subsided.Sam Chalmers was the foremost authority, among the students, on everything connected with games and sports, for he played on the football eleven, on the nine, and was a general leader. "You'd better hit it up a bit, Dock," was Glen Forker's advice to his crony, as he saw Jack's lead increasing. "Beat him good and proper. ""He'll have to get up earlier in the morning if he wants to do that," commented Bony Balmore, as he cracked his big knuckles in his excitement. And it was high time for Dock to do some rowing.Jack had not been unaware of his rival's difficulty, and deciding that the best way to win the race would be to make a spurt and tire him out before the finish, he "hit up a faster clip," the broad blades of the oars dipping into the water, coming out and going in again with scarcely a ripple. "There he goes! There he goes!" cried Sam. "That's the ticket, Jack!" "Go on! Go on!" yelled Nat. "Get right after him, Dock," advised Pud. "You can beat him! Do it!" cried Glen. But it was easier said than done.Jack was rowing his best, and when our hero did that it was "going some," as Sam used to say.He had opened up quite a stretch of water between his boat and Dock's, and the bully, with a quick glance over his shoulder, seeing this, resolved to close it up and then pass his rival.There was less than a quarter of a mile to the finish, and he must needs row hard if he was to win. Dock bent to the task. He was a powerfully built lad, and had he been in good condition there is no question but what he could have beaten Jack.But cigarette-smoking, an occasional bottle of beer, late hours and too much rich food had made him fat, and anything but an ideal athlete.Still he had plenty of "row" left in him yet, as he demonstrated a few seconds later, when by increasing not only the number of his strokes per minute, but also putting more power into them, he crept up on Jack, until he was even with him.Jack rowed the same rate he had settled on to pull until he was within a short distance of the finish. He was saving himself for a spurt. Suddenly Dock's boat crept a little past Jack's. "There he goes! There he goes! "cried Pud, capering about on the bank in delight. "What did I tell you?" "He'll win easy," was Glen's opinion. "It isn't over yet," remarked Nat quietly, but he glanced anxiously at Sam, who shook his head in a reassuring manner.Dock began to increase his lead. Jack looked over his shoulder for one glance at his rival's boat. The two were now rowing well and swiftly. "Go on, Jack! Go on! Go on! "begged Bony, cracking his eight fingers and two thumbs in rapid succession, like a battery of popguns. "Don't let him beat you! "Dock was now a boat's length ahead, and rowing well, but a critical observer could notice that his breathing distressed him. "Now's your chance, Jack!" yelled Sam. But Jack did not need any one to tell him.Another glance over his shoulder at his rival showed him that the time had come to make the spurt. He leaned forward, took a firmer grip on the ash handles, and then gave such an exhibition of rowing as was seldom seen at Washington Hall.Dock saw his enemy coming, and tried to stave off defeat, but it was no use. He was completely fagged out. Jack went right past him, "as if Dock was standing still," was the way Sam expressed it. "Go on! Go on!" screamed Pud. "You've got to row, Dock!" But Dock could not imitate the pace that Jack had set. He tried, but the effort was saddening. He splashed, and the oars all but slipped from his hands. His heart was fluttering like that of a wounded bird.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"You've got him!You've got him, Jack!" yelled Nat; and, sure enough, Jack Ranger had. On and on he rowed, increasing every second the open water between his boat and his rival's, until he shot past the Point, a winner by several lengths. "That's the way to do it! ""I knew he'd win!" "Three cheers for Jack Ranger!" These, and other cries of victory, greeted our hero's ears as he allowed his oars to rest on the water flat, while he recovered his wind after the heart-breaking finish. "Well, Dock could beat him if he was in training," said Pud doggedly. "That's what he could," echoed Glen. "Not in a thousand years!" was Nat's positive assertion. The boys crowded to the float that marked the finish of the course.Jack reached it first, and stepped out of his shell, being greeted by his friends. Then Dock rowed slowly up. His distress showed plainly in his puffy, white face. He got out clumsily, and staggered as he clambered upon the float. "Hard luck, old man," said Jack good-humoredly. "I don't want your sympathy!" snapped Dock. "I'll row you again, and I'll beat you!" Jack had held out his hand, but the bully ignored it.He turned aside, and whether the float tilted, or whether Snaith tottered because of a cramp in his leg, was never known, but he staggered for a moment, tried unsuccessfully to recover his balance, and then plunged into the lake at one of the deepest spots, right off the float.CHAPTER II THE NEW BOY "There goes Dock!" "Pull him out!" "Yes, before he gets under the float!" "He can't swim! He's too exhausted! "These were some of the expressions the excited lads shouted as they surged forward to look at the spot where Dock had disappeared. A string of bubbles and some swirling eddies were all that marked the place.The float began to tilt with the weight of so many boys on one edge. "Stand back!" cried Jack Ranger. "Stand back, or we'll all be in the lake!" They heeded his words, and moved toward the middle of the platform. "Some one ought to go in after him," said Pud Armstrong, his teeth fairly chattering from fright and nervousness. "I--I can't swim." "Look out!" cried Jack. "I'm going in! "He began pulling off the sweater which some of the lads had helped put on him, when he stepped from the shell all perspiration.He poised for an instant on the edge of the float, looking down into the dark waters, beneath which Dock had disappeared, and then dived in. "Get one of the boats out.Maybe he won't come up near the float," ordered Sam Chalmers, and several lads hurriedly shoved out into the lake a broad barge, which could safely be used by Jack in getting Dock out of the water, if he was fortunate enough to find the youth. "Queer he doesn't come up," spoke Glen in a whisper. "Who--Dock or Jack?" asked Bony, cracking his finger knuckles in double relays. "Dock." "He's too exhausted," replied Bony. "Can't swim. But Jack'll get him. "How long it seemed since Jack had dived down! The swirl he made had subsided, and the water was almost calm again. Anxiously the lads on the float and shore watched to see him reappear. Would he come up alone, or would he bring Dock with him? "Maybe Jack hit his head on something," suggested Nat. "Jack knows how to dive, and it's deep here," said Sam. "I guess he'll come up all right, but----" He did not finish the sentence.At that moment there was a disturbance beneath the surface of the lake. A head bobbed up. "There's Jack!" cried Bony delightedly. A white arm shot up and began sweeping the water. "He's got him!" yelled Nat. "He's got Dock! "Sure enough, Jack had come to the surface, encircling in his left arm the unconscious form of Dock Snaith, while with his sturdy right he was swimming slowly toward the float. "The boat! the boat! It's nearer! "cried Sam, for Jack had come up at some distance from the little pier and closer to the rowboat which had put out from shore. Jack heard and understood. Turning, he began swimming toward the craft, and the lads in it rowed toward him.A few seconds later Jack had clutched the gunwale, holding Dock's head out of water. Several eager hands reached down to grasp our hero. "Take--take him first," he said pantingly. "I'm--I'm all right." Dock was hauled into the boat. "Now row ashore.I'll swim it," went on Jack. "Get the water out of him as soon as you can. He--he was right on the bottom. Struck--struck on the--on the float, I guess." "We'll take you in," cried Bob Movel. "Sure! There's lots of room," added Fred Kaler. "No.Get Dock on shore," ordered Jack, and they obeyed. Relieved of his burden, and having recovered his wind, Jack swam slowly to the float.The boat reached it some time ahead of him, and Dock was lifted out, while, under the direction of Sam Chalmers, the students administered first aid to the drowned.Dock was turned over on his face, a roll of coats having been placed under his stomach to aid in forcing the water out of him. There was no need to remove his clothing, as he and Jack were clad only in rowing trunks and light shirts. "Now turn him over on his back and hold out his tongue, fellows," directed Sam, and this was done, the tongue being held by Nat Anderson, who used his handkerchief to prevent it slipping away.This was done so that it might not fall back into the throat and prevent Dock from breathing. "Now work his arms! Over his head!Press up his diaphragm and start artificial respiration," went on Sam, and under the ministrations of the lads, Dock soon began to breathe again. He sighed, took in a long breath naturally, opened his eyes, and gasped feebly. "He's all right now," said Sam in a relieved tone. "How do you feel, Dock?" "All--right--I--guess. My head----" He closed his eyes again. Sam passed his hand over the prostrate lad's skull. "He's got a nasty cut there," he said, as he felt of a big lump, "but I guess it's not serious. We must get him up to the school." "Come on, let's carry him," suggested Nat. "Never mind--here comes Hexter!" cried Bony.As he spoke the chug-chugging of an automobile was heard, and a touring car came along the road down to the float.It was a machine kept at Washington Hall, and used by the teachers, and, occasionally, when Hexter, the chauffeur, would allow it, by the students. "Dr. Mead sent me down to see what the matter was," said Hexter as he stopped the car. "He saw a crowd on the float and thought something might have happened." "There has," replied Sam. "Here, Hexter, help us get Dock into the car, and then throw on all the speed you've got, if you have to blow out a spark-plug." "Is he--is he dead? "asked Hexter quickly. "No; only stunned. Lively, now!" Hexter aided the boys in lifting Dock into the machine, and then he made speed to the school, where the injured lad was cared for by Dr. Henry Mead, the master of Washington Hall. "Well, that was an exciting finish to the race," remarked Jack as he walked up from the float to the shore, surrounded by some of his chums, after Dock had been taken away.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"He oughtn't to try to row," said Fred Kaler. "He hasn't got the staying powers." "Well, he didn't have to-day," observed Jack; "but if he would only train, he'd make a good oarsman. He's got lots of muscle. I hope he isn't hurt much." "He'll be all right in a few days," was Nat's opinion. "Say, Jack, but you're shivering." "Yes, that water's a little cooler than it was Fourth of July." "Here, put a couple of sweaters on," went on Nat, and soon Jack was warmly wrapped up. "Now run up and change your duds," advised Bony, and Jack broke into a dog-trot, his friends trailing along behind him and discussing the race and the accident.While they are thus engaged I will take the opportunity to tell you a little something about Jack Ranger and his friends, so that you who have not previously read of him may feel better acquainted with our hero.The first volume of this series was called "Jack Ranger's Schooldays," and in it there was related some of the fun Jack and his special friend, Nat Anderson, had in their native town of Denton.So exciting were some of their escapades that it was decided to send them off to boarding-school, and Washington Hall, sometimes called Lakeside Academy, from the fact that it was located on the shore of Lake Rudmore, was selected.There Jack made friends with most of the students, including some who have already been mentioned in this present tale. He incurred the enmity of a bully, Jerry Chowden, who, however, was not now at the academy, as you will presently learn.Jack's home was with three maiden aunts, the Misses Angelina, Josephine and Mary Stebbins, who took good care of him.In the first volume there was related something of a certain mystery concerning Jack's father, Robert Ranger, and how he had to go into hiding in the West because of complications over a land deal.In the second volume of the series, "Jack Ranger's Western Trip," was related what happened to Jack, Nat Anderson, and a half-breed Indian, John Smith, whose acquaintance Jack had made at Washington Hall, when they went West in search of Mr. Ranger.They journeyed to a ranch, owned by Nat's uncle, and they had many exciting times, not a few of which were caused by a certain faker, whose real name was Hemp Smith, but who assumed the title Marinello Booghoobally, and various other appellations as suited his fancy.Mr. Ranger was located, but only after the boys had suffered many hardships and gone through not a few perils, and Jack was happy to be able to bring his father back East, there being no longer any reason for Mr. Ranger remaining in exile. "Jack Ranger's School Victories," was the title of the third volume, and in that was told of Jack's successes on track, gridiron and diamond. Hemp Smith and Jerry Chowden made trouble for him, but he bested them.He had plenty of fun, for which two teachers at the school, Professor Socrat, an instructor in French, and Professor Garlach, a German authority, furnished an excuse. But Jack's activities did not all center about the school.There was told in the fourth volume, "Jack Ranger's Ocean Cruise," what happened to him and his chums when they went camping one summer.Jack, Nat Anderson, Sam Chalmers, Bony Balmore, and an odd character, Budge Rankin, who chewed gum and ran his words together, went off to live in the woods, near the seacoast, for a few weeks.There they fell in with a scoundrel named Jonas Lavine, who was aided in his plots by Jerry Chowden and Hemp Smith. Jack and his chums stumbled upon a printing plant, maintained in a cave by Lavine and his confederates, where bogus bonds were made.Before they had time to inform the authorities Jack and Nat were captured by Lavine and sent to sea in a ship in charge of Captain Reeger, a tool of Lavine.Jack learned that Captain Reeger wanted to be freed from the toils of Lavine, and our hero agreed to assist him, in return for which the captain said he would aid Jack. Jack and Nat managed to get out of the cabin in which they were confined.As they were about to escape from the _Polly Ann_ a terrible storm came up, and the ship was wrecked. But not before Jerry Chowden had boarded her, to help in keeping Jack and Nat captives.They had many hardships, afloat on a raft in a fog, and saved Jerry Chowden from drowning. Finally they were rescued, and Lavine and his confederates were arrested, Captain Reeger being exonerated.Jerry Chowden fled to the West, fearing arrest should he remain in the East.Jack and his chums were reunited, and they again enjoyed life under the canvas, until it was time to resume their studies at Washington Hall, where the opening of this story finds them.As Jack and his chums walked up the gravel path to the dormitories, where our hero intended to get into dry clothes, the group of youths chatting eagerly of the events which had just taken place passed a lad standing beneath a clump of trees.The latter, instead of coming to join the throng, turned away. "Who's that?" asked Jack of Bony Balmore. "I don't remember to have seen him before." "He's a new boy," replied Bony, cracking three finger knuckles in his absent-minded way. "What's his name?" "Will Williams." "Looks like a nice sort of chap," added Nat. "But his face is sad," said Jack slowly. "I wonder why he should be sad when he's at such a jolly place as Washington Hall?" "Maybe he's lonesome," suggested Fred Kaler. "Give him a tune on your mouth-organ, and he'll be more so," spoke Bob Movel, but he took good care to get beyond the reach of Fred's fist, at this insult to his musical abilities. "Let's make friends with him," went on Jack. "Hey, Williams, come on over and get acquainted," he called. But the new boy, instead of answering, or turning to join the happy crowd of students, kept on walking away. "That's funny," said Jack, with a puzzled look at his chums. "Fellows, there's something wrong about that boy. I can tell by his face, and I'm going to find out what it is." "You'd better get dry first," suggested Nat. "I will, but later I'm going to make that lad's acquaintance.He looks as if he needed a friend." CHAPTER III A CURIOUS LAD "There's Hexter!" exclaimed Jack as he saw the chauffeur slowly running the automobile to the garage. "Hello, Hexter, is Snaith all right?" "I think so," replied the automobilist."Dr. Mead says the hurt on his head doesn't amount to much, and that he is suffering mostly from shock. He'll be all right in a day or so." "That's good," said Jack. "I don't want him to be laid up right after I won the race from him. "The students began to disperse, Jack to remove his wet clothes, and the others to retire to their rooms to get ready for the summons to supper, which would soon sound. "Why, Mr. Ranger! "exclaimed Socker, the janitor at Washington Hall, as he saw Jack entering the gymnasium, "you're all wet." "Yes, it's a trifle difficult to fall in the lake and keep dry, especially at this time of year," went on Jack.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"But I say, Socker, get me a couple of good, dry, heavy towels, will you? I want to take a rub-down." "I certainly will, Mr. Ranger. So you fell in the lake, eh?" "No, I jumped in." "Jumped in?Why, that reminds me of what happened when I was fighting in the Battle of the Wilderness, in the Civil War. We were on the march, and we came to a little stream.The captain called for us to jump over, but----" "Say, Socker, if it's all the same to you will you chop that off there, and make it continued in our next? I'm cold, and I want to rub-down. Get me the towels, and then I'll listen to that yarn.If there's one kind of a story I like above all others, it's about war. I want to hear what happened, but not now." "Do you really? Then I'll tell you after you've rubbed down," and Socker hurried off after the towels.He was always telling of what he called his war experiences, though there was very much doubt that he had ever been farther than a temporary camp.He repeated the same stories so often that the boys had become tired of them, and lost no chance to escape from his narratives. "There you are, Mr. Ranger," went on the janitor as he came back with the towels. "Now, as soon as you're dry I'll tell you that story about the Battle of the Wilderness." "You'll not if I know it," said Jack to himself, as he went in the room where the shower-baths were, to take a warm one. "I'll sneak out the back way. "Which he did, after his rub-down, leaving Socker sitting in the main room of the gym, waiting for him, and wondering why the lad did not come out to hear the war story. Jack reached his room, little the worse for his experience at the lake.He possessed a fine appetite, which he was soon appeasing by vigorous attacks on the food in the dining-room. "I say, Jack," called Nat, "have you heard the latest?" "What's that? Has the clock struck? "inquired Jack, ready to have some joke sprung on him. "No, but Fred Kaler has composed a song about the race and your rescue. He's going to play it on the mouth-organ, and sing it at the same time to-night." "I am not, you big duffer! "cried Fred, throwing a generous crust of bread at Nat, but first taking good care to see that Martin, the monitor, was not looking. "Sure he is," insisted Nat. "Tell him how it goes," suggested Bony. "It's to the tune of 'Who Put Tacks in Willie's Shoes?'" went on Nat, "and the first verse is something like this----" "Aw, cheese it, will you? "pleaded Fred, blushing, but Nat went on: "You have heard about the glorious deeds Of the brave knights of old, But our Jack Ranger beats them all-- He jumped in waters cold And rescued one whom he had beat In a race that he had led, And while he strove to find him, Unto me these words he said: "Chorus: "'Never fear, I will rescue you, Dock-- Around you my arms I will lock.I will pull you right out of the hole in the lake, And then upon shore I will you safely take. For though you tried to beat me, In a boat race, tried and true, I came out ahead, Dock, so Wait and I'll rescue you!'" "How's that? "asked Nat, amid laughter. "Punk!" cried one student. "Put it on ice!" added another. "Can it!" "Cage it!" "Put salt on its tail! It's wild!" "Put a new record in; that one scratches. "These were some of the calls that greeted Nat's rendition of what he said was Fred's song. "I never made that up!" cried the musical student. "I can make better verse than that." "Go on, give us the tune," shouted Sam. "That's right--make him play," came a score of calls. "Order, young gentlemen, order!" suddenly interrupted the harsh voice of Martin, the monitor. "I shall be obliged to report you to Dr. Mead unless you are more quiet. ""Send in Professors Socrat and Garlach," advised Jack. "They can keep order." "That's it, and we'll get them to sing Fred's song," added Sam Chalmers. "Ranger--Chalmers--silence! "ordered Martin, and not wishing to be sent to Dr. Mead's office the two lively students, as well as their no less fun-loving companions, subsided.Quiet finally reigned in the regions of Washington Hall, for the students had to retire to their rooms to study.There were mysterious whisperings here and there, however, and occasionally shadowy forms moved about the corridors, for, in spite of rules against it, the lads would visit each other in their rooms after hours.Several called on Jack to see how he felt after his experience. They found him and Nat Anderson busy looking over some gun catalogues. "Going in for hunting?" asked Sam. "Maybe," replied Jack. "Say, there are some dandy rifles in this book, and they're cheap, too. I'd like to get one." "So would I," added Sam. "And go hunting," put in Bony, cracking his finger knuckles, as if firing off an air-rifle. "It would be sport to organize a gun club, and do some hunting," went on Jack. "Only I'd like to shoot bigger game than there is around here. Maybe we can----" "Hark, some one's coming! It's Martin," said Fred Kaler in a whisper.Jack's hand shot out and quickly turned down the light. Then he bounded into bed, dressed as he was. Nat followed his example.It was well that they did so, for a moment later there came a knock on their door, and the voice of Martin, the monitor, asked: "Ranger, are you in bed?" "Yes," replied our hero. "Anderson, are you in bed?" "Yes, Martin." "Humph!I thought I heard voices in your room." Jack replied with a snore, and the monitor passed on. "You fellows had better take a sneak," whispered Jack, when Martin's footsteps had died away. "He's watching this room, and he may catch you. "The outsiders thought this was good advice, and soon Nat and Jack were left alone. "Did you mean that about a gun club?" asked Nat. "Sure," replied his chum, "but we'll talk about it to-morrow. Better go to sleep. Martin will be sneaking around. "Jack was up early the next morning, and went down to the lake for a row before breakfast. As he approached the float, where he kept his boat, he saw a student standing there. "That looks like the new chap--Will Williams," he mused. "I'll ask him to go for a row." He approached the new lad, and was again struck by a peculiar look of sadness on his face. "Good-morning," said Jack pleasantly. "My name is Ranger. Wouldn't you like to go for a row? "Will Williams turned and looked at Jack for several seconds without speaking. He did not seem to have heard what was said. "Perhaps he's a trifle deaf," thought Jack, and he asked again more loudly: "Wouldn't you like to go for a row? ""I don't row," was the answer, rather snappily given. "Well, I guess I can manage to row both of us," was our hero's reply. "No, I'm not fond of the water." "Perhaps you like football or baseball better," went on Jack, a little puzzled. "We have a good eleven." "I'm not allowed to play football."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Maybe you'd like to go for a walk," persisted Jack, who had the kindest heart in the world, and who felt sorry for the lonely new boy. "I'll show you around. I understand you just came. ""Yes; I arrived yesterday morning." "Would you like to take a walk? I don't know but what I'd just as soon do that as row." "No, I--I don't care for walking. "The lad turned aside and started away from the lake, without even so much as thanking Jack for his effort to make friends with him. "Humph!" mused Jack as he got into his boat. "You certainly are a queer customer.Just like a snail, you go in your house and walk off with it. There's something wrong about you, and I'm going to find out what it is. Don't like rowing, don't like walking, afraid of the water--you certainly are queer. "CHAPTER IV BULLY SNAITH "Hello, Dock, I'm glad to see you out of the hospital," remarked Jack one morning about a week later, when his boating rival was walking down the campus. "You had quite a time of it. ""Yes," admitted Snaith, "I got a nasty bump on the head. Say, Ranger, I haven't had a chance to thank you for pulling me out. I'm much obliged to you." "Oh, that's all right. Don't mention it," answered Jack. "If I hadn't done it, some one else would." "Well, I'm glad you did. But say, I still think I can beat you rowing. Want to try it again?" "I won't mind, when you think you're well enough." "Oh, I'll be all right in a day or so." "Be careful.You don't want to overdo yourself." "Oh, I'll beat you next time. But I want to race for money. What do you say to twenty-five dollars as a side bet?" "No, thanks, I don't bet," replied Jack quietly. "Hu!Afraid of losing the money, I s'pose," sneered Dock. "No, but I don't believe in betting on amateur sport." "Well, if you think you can beat me, why don't you bet? It's a chance to make twenty-five. ""Because I don't particularly need the money; and when I race I like to do it just for the fun that's in it." "Aw, you're no sport," growled Snaith as he turned aside. "I thought you had some spunk." "So I have, but I don't bet," replied Jack quickly.He felt angry at the bully, but did not want to get into a dispute with him. "Hello, Dock," called Pud Armstrong, as, walking along with Glen Forker, he caught sight of his crony. "How you feeling? ""Fine, but I'd feel better if there weren't so many Sunday-school kids at this institution. I thought this was a swell place, but it's a regular kindergarten," and he looked meaningly at Jack. "What's up?" asked Pud. "Why, I wanted to make a little wager with Ranger about rowing him again, but he's afraid." "It isn't that, and you know it," retorted our hero quickly, for he overheard what Snaith said. "And I don't want you to go about circulating such a report, either, Dock Snaith." With flashing eyes and clenched fists Jack took a step toward the bully. "Oh, well, I didn't mean anything," stammered Snaith. "You needn't be so all-fired touchy! ""I'm not, but I won't stand for having that said about me. I'll race you for fun, and you know it. Say the word." "Well--some other time, maybe," muttered Snaith, as he strolled off with his two cronies.It was that afternoon when Jack, with Nat Anderson, walking down a path that led to the lake, came upon a scene that made them stop, and which, later, was productive of unexpected results.The two friends saw Dock Snaith, together with Pud Armstrong and Glen Forker, facing the new boy, Will Williams.They had him in a corner of a fence, near the lake, and from the high words that came to Jack and Nat, it indicated that a quarrel was in progress. "What's up?" asked Nat. "Oh, it's that bully, Snaith, making trouble for the freshman," replied Jack. "Isn't it queer he can't live one day without being mean? Snaith, I'm speaking of. He's a worthy successor to Jerry Chowden." "Well, you polished off Chowden; maybe you can do the same to Snaith. ""There's no question but what I can do it, if I get the chance. He's just like Jerry was--always picking on the new boys, or some one smaller than he is." "Come on, let's see what's up. "They did not have to go much closer to overhear what was being said by Snaith and his cronies on one side, and Will on the other. "I say, you new kid, what's your name?" asked the bully. "Yes, speak up, and don't mumble," added Pud. "My name is Williams," replied the new lad. "I wish you would let me go." "Can't just yet, sonny," said Glen. "We are just making your acquaintance," and he punched Will in the stomach, making him double up. "Hold on, there," cried Snaith. "I didn't ask you to make a bow. Wait until you're told," and he shoved the lad's head back. "Now you stop that!" exclaimed Will with considerable spirit. "What's that! Hark to him talking back to us!" exclaimed Pud. "Now you'll have to bow again," and once more he punched the new boy. "Please let me alone!" cried Will. "I haven't done anything to you." "No, but you might," spoke Snaith. "Have you been hazed yet?" "Of course he hasn't," added Glen. "He came in late, and he hasn't been initiated. I guess it's time to do it." "Sure it is," agreed the bully with a grin. "Let's see--we'll give him the water cure." "That's it! Toss him in the lake and watch him swim out!" added Pud. "Come on, Glen, catch hold!" "Oh, no! Please don't!" begged Will. "Aw, dry up! What you howling about?" asked Pud. "Every new boy has to be hazed, and you're getting off easy. A bath will do you good. Let's take him down to the float.It's real deep there." "Oh, no! No! Please don't! Anything but that!" begged Will. "I--I can't swim." "Then it's time you learned," said Snaith with a brutal laugh. "Catch hold of his other leg, Pud. "They quickly made a grab for the unfortunate lad, and, despite his struggles, carried him toward the lake.It was not an uncommon form of hazing, but it was usually done when a crowd was present, and the hazing committee always took care to find out that the candidates could swim.In addition, there were always lads ready to go to the rescue in case of accident. But this was entirely different. "Oh, don't! Please don't!" begged Will. "I--I don't want to go in the water. Do anything but that." "Listen to him cry!" mocked Glen. "Hasn't he got a sweet voice?" Nearer to the lake approached the three bullies and their victim, who was struggling to escape. He was pleading piteously. "I can't stand this," murmured Jack. "Williams is afraid of water. He told me so.It's probably a nervous dread, and if they throw him in he may go into a spasm and drown. They should do something else if they want to haze him." "What are you going to do?" asked Nat. He and his chum were hidden from the others by a clump of trees. "I'm going to make Snaith stop!" said Jack determinedly as he strode forward with flashing eyes. "You wait here, Nat." CHAPTER V A GERMAN-FRENCH ALLIANCE "Oh, fellows, please let go! Don't throw me in the lake! I--I can't swim! "It was Will's final appeal.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Well, it's time you learned," exclaimed Snaith with a laugh. "Come on now, boys, take it on the run! "But at that moment Jack Ranger fairly leaped from behind the clump of trees where he and Nat Anderson stood, and running after the three mean lads who were carrying the struggling Will, our hero planted himself in front of them. "Here--drop him! "he cried, barring their way. Surprise at Jack's sudden appearance, no less than at his words and bearing, brought the hazers to a stop. "What--what's that you said?" asked Snaith, as if disbelieving the evidence of his ears. "I said to drop this, and let Williams go." "What for?" demanded Pud. "For several reasons. He can't swim, and he has a nervous dread of the water, as I happen to know. Besides, it's too chilly to throw any one in the lake now. ""Are those all your reasons?" asked Snaith with a sneer. "No!" cried Jack. "If you want another, it's because I tell you to stop!" "S'posing we don't?" "Then I'll make you." "Oh, you will, eh?Well, I guess we three can take care of you, all right, even if you are Jack Ranger." Snaith had a tight hold on Will's arm. The timid lad had been set down by his captors, but they still had hold of him. "Please let me go," pleaded Williams. "We will--after you've had your dip in the lake," said Glen. "Yes, come on," added Snaith. "Get out of the way, Ranger, if you don't want to get bumped." "You let Williams go!" demanded Jack, still barring the way. "We'll not!Stand aside or I'll hit you!" snapped Snaith. He and his cronies again picked Williams up, and were advancing with him toward the lake. Snaith had one hand free, and as he approached Jack, who had not moved, the bully struck out at him.The blow landed lightly on Jack's chest, but the next instant his fist shot out, catching Snaith under the ear, and the bully suddenly toppled over backward, measuring his length on the ground. He was up again in a second, however, and spluttered out: "Wha--what do you mean? I'll fix you for this! I'll make you pay for that, Jack Ranger! ""Whenever you like," replied Jack coolly, as he stood waiting the attack. "Come on, fellows, let's do him up!" cried Pud. "We're three to one, and I owe him something on my own account." "Shall we let the freshman go?" asked Glen. "Sure! "exclaimed Snaith. "We can catch him again. We'll do up Ranger now!" The bully and his cronies advanced toward Jack. Will, hardly understanding that he was released, stood still, though Jack called to him: "Better run, youngster.I can look out for myself." "Oh, you can, eh?" sneered Snaith. "Well, I guess you'll have your hands full. Come on, now, fellows! Give it to him! "The three advanced with the intention of administering a sound drubbing to our hero, and it is more than likely that they would have succeeded, for Jack could not tackle three at once very well. But something happened.This "something" was a lad who came bounding up from the rear, with a roar like a small, maddened bull, and then with a cry Nat Anderson flung himself on the back of Pud Armstrong. "Flabgastered punching-bags!" he cried. "Three to one, eh?Well, I guess not! Acrimonious Abercrombie! But I'll take a hand in this game!" "Here! Quit that! Let me go! Stop! That's no way to fight! Get off my back!" yelled the startled Pud. "I'm not fighting yet," said Nat coolly, as he skillfully locked his legs in those of Pud and sent him to the ground with a wrestler's trick. "I'm only getting ready to wallop you! "Snaith, who had rushed at Jack with raised fists, was met by another left-hander that again sent him to the ground.And then, to the surprise of the rescuers, no less than that of the would-be hazers, Will, who had seemed so timid in the hands of his captors, rushed at Glen Forker, and before that bully could get out of the way, had dealt him a blow on the chest."There!" cried Will. "I guess we're three to three now!" "Good for you, youngster!" cried Jack heartily. "You've got more spunk than I gave you credit for. Hit him again! ""Now, Pud, if you'll get up, you and I will have our innings," announced Nat to the lad he had thrown. "Suffering snufflebugs! but I guess the game isn't so one-sided now. "But, though Pud got up, he evinced no desire to come to close quarters with Nat. Instead, he sneaked to one side, muttering: "You wait--that's all! You just wait!" "Well, I'm a pretty good waiter.I used to work in a hash foundry and a beanery," said Nat with a smile. Snaith, too, seemed to have had enough, for he sat on the ground rubbing a lump on his head, while as for Glen, he was in full retreat. "I hope I didn't hurt you, Snaith," said Jack politely. "Don't you speak to me!" snarled the bully. "All right," said Jack. "I'll not." "I'll get square with you for this," went on Snaith as he arose and began to retreat, followed by Pud. "You wait! ""That's what Pud said," interjected Nat. "It's getting tiresome." The two bullies hurried off in the direction taken by Glen, leaving Jack, Nat and Will masters of the field. "I--I'm ever so much obliged to you," said Will to Jack after a pause. "That's all right. Glad I happened along." "I--I don't mind being hazed," went on the timid lad. "I expected it, but I have a weak heart, and the doctor said a sudden shock would be bad for me.I'm very much afraid of water, and I can't swim, or I wouldn't have minded being thrown into the lake. I--I hope you don't think I'm a coward." "Not a bit of it." "And I--I hope the fellows won't make fun of me. ""They won't," said Jack very positively, for, somehow, his heart went out to the queer lad. "If they do, just send them to me. As for Snaith and his crowd, I guess they won't bother you after this. Say, but you went right up to Glen, all right. ""I took boxing lessons--once," went on Will timidly. "I'm not afraid in a fair fight." "Glad to hear it, but I fancy they'll not bother you any more. Do you know Nat Anderson?" and Jack nodded at his chum. "I'm glad to meet you," spoke Will, holding out his hand. "Same here," responded Nat. "Unified uppercuts! but you went at Glen good and proper! ""You mustn't mind Nat's queer expressions," said Jack with a smile, as he saw Will looking in rather a puzzled way at Nat. "They were vaccinated in him, and he can't get rid of them." "You get out!" exclaimed Jack's chum. "Going anywhere in particular?" asked Jack of Will, as he straightened out a cuff that had become disarranged in the scrimmage. "No, I guess not." "Then come on and take a walk with us." The lad appeared to hesitate. Then he said slowly. "No--no, thank you. I--I don't believe I will. I think I'll go back to my room." He turned aside and walked away. Jack and Nat stared after him in silence. "Well, he certainly is a queer case," remarked Nat in a low voice. "I don't know what to make of him." "I, either," admitted Jack. "He showed some spunk when he went at Glen, but now it appears to have oozed away." The two chums continued their walk, discussing the recent happening.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Do you know, I think something is about due to happen, fellows," announced Fred Kaler that night, when he and some of Jack's and Nat's chums were in the latters' room. "Why, what's up, you animated jewsharp?" asked Nat. "I don't know, but it's been so quiet in the sacred precincts of our school lately that it's about time for something to arrive. Do you know that Socrat and Garlach haven't spoken to each other this term yet?" "What's the trouble now? "asked Jack, for the French and German teachers, with the characteristics of their race, were generally at swords' points for some reason or other. "Why, you know their classrooms are next to each other, and one day, the first week of the term, Professor Socrat, in giving the French lesson, touched on history, and gave an instance of where frog-eaters with a small army had downed the troops from der Vaterland.He spoke so loud that Professor Garlach heard him, his German blood boiled over, and since then neither has spoken to the other." "Well, that often happens," remarked Nat. "Sure," added Bony Balmore, cracking his finger knuckles by way of practice. "Yes," admitted Fred, as he took out his mouth-organ, preparatory to rendering a tune, "but this time it has lasted longer than usual, and it's about time something was done about it." Fred began softly to play "On the Banks of the Wabash Far Away. ""Cheese it," advised Nat. "Martin will hear." "He's gone to the village on an errand for the doctor," said Fred as he continued to play. Then he stopped long enough to remark: "I'd like to hear from our fellow member, Jack Ranger. ""That's it," exclaimed Sam Chalmers. "I wonder Jack hasn't suggested something before this." "Say!" exclaimed Jack, "have I got to do everything around this school? Why don't some of the rest of you think up something? I haven't any monopoly. ""No, but you've got the nerve," said Bony. "Say, Jack, can't you think of some scheme for getting Garlach and Socrat to speak? Once they are on talking terms we can have some fun." Jack seemed lost in thought. Then he began to pace the room. "Our noble leader has his thinking apparatus in working order," announced Nat. "Hum!" mused Jack. "You say the trouble occurred over something in history, eh?" "Sure," replied Fred. "Then I guess I've got it!" cried Jack. "Wait a minute, now, until I work out all the details." He sat down to the table, took out pencil and paper, and began to write. The others watched him interestedly. "Here we are!" Jack cried at length. "Now to carry out the scheme and bring about a German-French alliance!" "What are you going to do?" asked Nat. "Here are two notes," said Jack, holding aloft two envelopes. "We'll take your word for it," remarked Bob Movel. "One is addressed to Professor Garlach," went on Jack, "and in it he is advised that if he proceeds in the proper manner he can obtain information of a certain incident in history, not generally known, but in which is related how Frederic II, with a small squad of Germans, put a whole army of French to flight.It is even more wonderful than the incident which Professor Socrat related to his class, and if he speaks loudly enough in the classroom, Professor Socrat can't help but hear it." "What are you going to do with the note?" asked Fred. "Send it to Garlach." "And then?" "Ah, yes--then," said Jack. "Well, what will happen next will surprise some folks, I think.The information which Garlach will be sure to want to obtain can only be had by going to a certain hollow tree, on the shore of the lake, and he must go there just at midnight." "Well? "asked Dick Balmore as Jack paused, while the silence in the room was broken by Bony's performance on his finger battery. "Well," repeated Jack, "what happens then will be continued in our next, as the novelists say.Now come on and help me fix it up," and he motioned for his chums to draw more closely around the table, while he imparted something to them in guarded whispers. CHAPTER VI A SNOWSTORM Professor Garlach received the next day a neatly-written note.It was thrust under the door of his private apartment, just as he was getting ready to go to breakfast. "Ach! Dis is a letter," he said, carefully looking at the envelope, as if there was some doubt of it. "I vunder who can haf sent it to me? "He turned it over several times, but seeing no way of learning what he wished to know save by opening the epistle, he did so. "Vot is dis?" he murmured as he read. "Ha! dot is der best news vot I haf heard in a long time. Ach!now I gets me efen mid dot wienerwurst of a Socrat! I vill vanquishes him! "This is what the German professor read: "I am a lover of the Fatherland, and I understand that an insult has been offered her glory by a Frenchman who is a professor in the same school where you teach.I understand that he said a small body of the despised French beat a large army of Germans.This is not true, but I am in a position to prove the contrary, namely, that in the Hanoverian or Seven Years' War, in 1756, a small troop of Germans, under Frederic II, defeated a large army of the French.The incident is little known in history, but I have all the facts at hand, and I will give them to you. "The information is secret, and I cannot reveal to you my name, or I might get into trouble with the German war authorities, so I will have to ask you to proceed cautiously.I will deposit the proofs of what I say in the hollow of the old oak tree that stands near the shore of the lake, not far from the school.If you will go there at midnight to-night, you may take the papers away and demonstrate to your classes that the Germans are always the superiors of the French in war. I must beg of you to say nothing about this to any one.Proceed in secret, and you will be able to refute the base charges made against our countrymen by a base Frenchman. Do not fail. Be at the old tree at midnight.For obvious reasons I sign myself only "BISMARK." "Ha!" exclaimed Professor Garlach. "I vill do as you direct. T'anks, mine unknown frient! T'anks!Now vill I make to der utmost confusionability dot frog-eater of a Socrat! Ha! ve shall see. I vill be on der spot at midnight!" All that day there might have been noticed that there was a subdued excitement hovering about Professor Garlach.Jack and his chums observing it, smiled. "He's taken the bait, hook and sinker," said Jack.When the class in history was called before him to recite, Professor Garlach remarked: "Young gentlemens, I shall have some surprising informations to impart by you to-morrow.I am about to come into possession of some remarkable facts, but I cannot reveal dem to you now. But I vill say dot dey vill simply astonishment to you make alretty yet. You are dismissed. "He had spoken quite loudly, and Professor Socrat, in the next room, hearing him, smiled.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Ah," murmured the Frenchman, "so my unknown friend, who was so kind as to write zis note, did not deceive me. Sacre! But I will bring his plans to nottingness!Ah, beware, Professor Garlach--pig-dog zat you are! I will foil you. But let me read ze note once more." Alone in the classroom, he took from his pocket a letter. It looked just like the one professor Garlach had received that morning. "Ha, yes.I am not mistake! I will be at ze old oak tree on ze shore of ze lake at midnight by ze clock. And I will catch in ze act Professor Garlach when he make ze attempt to blow up zat sacred tree. Zat tree under which La Fayette once slept.Queer zat I did not know it before. Ha! I will drape ze flag of France on ze beloved branches. Ah! my beloved country! "For this is the note which Professor Socrat received: "DEAR PROFESSOR: This is written by a true friend of France, who is not at liberty to reveal his name.I have information to the effect that the old oak tree which stands on the shore of the lake is a landmark in history.Under it, during the American war of independence, the immortal Washington and La Fayette once slept before a great battle, when their tents had not arrived. The tree should be honored by all Frenchmen, as well as by all Americans. "But, though it is not generally known that La Fayette slept under the tree, Professor Garlach has learned of it in some way. Such is his hatred of all things French, as you well know, that he has planned to destroy the tree.At midnight to-night he is going to put a dynamite bomb in the tree, and blow it to atoms. He hopes the plot will be laid to the students. If you wish to foil him be at the tree at midnight.I will sign myself only "NAPOLEON." "Ha! destroy zat sacred tree by dynamite!" murmured Professor Socrat. "I will be zere! I will be zere! "It lacked some time before twelve o'clock that night, when several figures stole out of a dormitory of Washington Hall. "Have you got everything, Jack?" asked a voice. "Yes; but for cats' sake, keep quiet," was the rejoinder. "Come on now.Lucky Martin didn't spot us." "That's what," added Nat Anderson. "Scouring sky-rockets, but there'll be some fun!" "Easy!" cautioned Jack as he led a band of fellow conspirators toward the lake.They reached the old, hollow oak tree, of which Jack had spoken in his two letters to the professors, and which he had made the rendezvous for his joke. Into the hollow he thrust a bundle of papers.Then, some distance away from the tree, he stuck something else upright in the ground, and trailing off from it were what seemed to be twisted strings. "Lucky it's a dark night," whispered Bony. "They won't see each other until they get right here.What time is it now?" "Lacks a quarter of twelve," replied Jack, striking a match and shielding it from observation under the flap of his coat as he looked at his watch. The boys crouched down in the bushes and waited.It was not long before they heard some one approaching in the darkness. "That's Garlach by the way he walks," whispered Bob Movel. "Yes," assented Jack. "I hope Socrat is on time. "The German professor approached the tree, anxious to take from it the papers that were to prove the valor of German soldiers. A moment later another figure loomed up in the darkness on the other side of the big trunk. "There's Socrat," whispered Nat. "But what is he carrying?" "Blessed if I know," answered Jack; "but we'll soon see." He struck a match and touched it to the end of the twisted strings. There was a splutter of flame, and some sparks ran along the ground.A moment later the scene was lighted up by glaring red fire, the fuse of which Jack had touched off. By the illumination the boys hidden in the bushes could see Professor Garlach, with his hand and arm down the hollow of the old oak tree.At the same time Professor Socrat rushed forward, and what he had in his hand was a pail of water. "So!" cried the Frenchman. "I have caught you in ze act! I will foil you!" "Don't bodder me!" cried the German. "Ach!You would steal der evidence of your countrymen's cowardice, vould you? But you shall not! I vill haf my revenge!" "Stop! stop!" cried Professor Socrat. "You shall not destroy ze tree under which ze immortal Washington and La Fayette slept!You shall not! I, Professor Socrat, say it! Ha! you have already lighted ze dynamite fuse! But I will destroy it!" Professor Garlach drew from the tree the bundle of papers.No sooner had he done so than Professor Socrat dashed the pail of water over him, drenching him from head to foot. "Du meine zeit! Himmel! Hund vot you are! I am drowning!" cried the German, choking. "Ha! ha! I have put out ze fuse!I have quenched ze dynamite cartridge! Ze tree shall not be blown to atoms! I will drape it wiz my country's flag." From his coat the French professor drew the tri-colored flag, which he draped over the lowest branches of the old tree.Then, as the red fire died out, the boys saw the German make a spring for his enemy. "Come on, fellows!" softly called Jack. "We'd better skip while they're at one another. "They glided from the bushes, while at the foot of the tree, in the dying glow from the red fire, could be seen two shapes struggling desperately together. From the midst came such alternate expressions as: "Ach! Pig-dog! Frog-eater! Sauerkraut!Maccaroni! Himmel! Sacre! La Fayette!" "Oh, but aren't they having a grand time!" said Nat as he hurried along at Jack's side. "It worked like a charm. But who would have thought that Socrat would have brought along a pail of water? ""Couldn't have been better," admitted Jack, "if I do say it myself." "But won't they find out who did it?" asked Bony. "They may suspect, but they'll never know for sure," said the perpetrator of the trick. "How about the bundle of papers you left in the tree?" "Nothing but newspapers, and they can't talk. But I guess we've livened things up some. Anyhow, they've spoken to each other. ""They sure have," admitted Sam, as from the darkness, at the foot of the tree, came the sounds of voices in high dispute.The next day Professor Socrat passed Professor Garlach without so much as a look in the direction of the German, but when he got past he muttered: "Ze La Fayette tree still stands." And Professor Garlach replied: "Pig-dog vot you are!To destroy dot secret of history!" Jack and his chums awaited rather anxiously the calling of the French and German classes that day, but neither professor made any reference to the happenings of the night previous.All there was to remind a passer-by of it were some shreds of a French flag hanging to the limbs of the tree. "They must have ripped the flag apart in their struggle with each other," said Sam as he and Jack passed the place.Matters at Washington Hall went on the even tenor of their ways for about two weeks.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
The boys buckled down to study, though there was plenty of time for sport, and the football eleven, of which Jack was a member, played several games.The weather was getting cold and snappy, and there were signs of an early and severe winter. These signs were borne out one morning when Jack crawled out of bed. "Whew! but it's cold!" he said as he pulled aside the window curtains and looked out.Then he uttered an exclamation. "Say, Nat, it's snowing to beat the band!" "Snowing?" "Sure, and I've got to go to the village this afternoon. Look!" Nat crawled out, shivering, and stood beside Jack. "Why, it is quite a storm," he admitted."B-r-r-r-r! I'm going to get my flannels out!" "No football game to-morrow," said Jack. "I guess winter's come to stay." CHAPTER VII A STRANGE CONFESSION "Say, Jack," began Nat at breakfast a little later, "what are you going to the village for? ""Got to get something Aunt Angelina sent me," replied our hero. "I got a letter saying she had forwarded me a package by express. It's got some heavy underwear in it for one thing, but I know enough of my aunt to know that's not all that's in it. ""What else?" "Well, I shouldn't be surprised if there were some pies and doughnuts and cakes and----" "Quit!" begged Bony, who sat on the other side of Jack. "You make me hungry." "What's the matter with this grub?" inquired Jack. "Oh, it's all right as far as it goes----" "Smithering slaboleens!" exclaimed Nat. "Doesn't it go far enough in you, Bony?" and he looked at his tall chum. "Do you want it to go all the way to your toes? ""No; but when I hear Jack speak of pies and doughnuts----" "You'll do more than hear me speak of them if they come, Bony," went on Jack. "We'll have a little feast in my room to-night, when Martin, the monitor, is gone to bed." "When are you going? "asked Nat. "Right after dinner. Want to come along? I guess you can get permission. I did." "Nope. I've got to stay here and bone up on geometry. I flunked twice this week, and Doc. Mead says I've got to do better. Take Bony. ""Not for mine," said Bony, shivering as he looked out of the window and saw the snow still coming down. "I'm going to stay in." "Then I'll go alone," decided Jack, and he started off soon after the midday meal.The storm was not a severe one, though it was cold and the snow was quite heavy. It was a good three-mile walk to the village, but Jack had often taken it.He was about a mile from the school, and was swinging along the country road, thinking of many things, when, through the white blanket of snowflakes, he saw a figure just ahead of him on the highway. "That looks familiar," he said to himself. "That's Will Williams. Wonder what he can be doing out here? Guess he's going to town also. I'll catch up with him. I wish I could get better acquainted with him, but he goes in his shell as soon as I try to make friends. "He hastened his pace, but it was slow going on account of the snow.When Jack was about a hundred yards behind Will he was surprised to see the odd student suddenly turn off the main road and make toward a chain of small hills that bordered it on the right. "That's queer," murmured Jack. "I wonder what he's doing that for?" He stood still a moment, looking at Will. The new boy kept on, plodding through the snow, which lay in heavy drifts over the unbroken path he was taking. "Why, he's heading for the ravine," said Jack to himself. "He'll be lost if he goes there in this storm, and it's dangerous. He may fall down the chasm and break an arm or a leg." The ravine he referred to was a deep gully in the hills, a wild, desolate sort of place, seldom visited.It was in the midst of thick woods, and more than once solitary travelers had lost their way there, while one or two, unfamiliar with the suddenness with which the chasm dipped down, had fallen and been severely hurt. "What in the world can he want out there?" went on Jack. "I'd better hail him. Guess he doesn't know the danger, especially in a storm like this, when bad holes are likely to be hidden from sight. "He hurried forward, and then, making a sort of megaphone of his hands, called out: "Williams! I say, Williams, where are you going?" The new boy turned quickly, looked back at Jack, and then continued his journey. "Hey! Come back!" yelled our hero. "You'll be lost if you go up in those hills. It's dangerous! Come on back!" Williams stopped again, and turned half around. "Guess he didn't hear me plainly," thought Jack. "I'll catch up to him.Wait a minute," he called again, and he hastened forward, Will waiting for him. "Where are you going?" asked Jack, when he had caught up to him. "I don't know," was the answer, and Jack was struck by the lad's despondent tone. "Don't you know there's a dangerous ravine just ahead here?" went on Jack. "You might tumble in and lose your life." "I don't care if I do lose my life," was the unexpected rejoinder. "You don't care?" repeated Jack, much surprised. "No. ""Do you realize what you're saying?" asked Jack sternly. "Yes, I do. I don't care! I want to be lost! I never want to see any one again!I came out here--I don't care what becomes of me--I'd like to fall down under the snow and--and die--that would end it all!" Then, to Jack's astonishment, Will burst into tears, though he bravely tried to stifle them. "Well--of all the----" began Jack, and words failed him. Clearly he had a most peculiar case to deal with. He took a step nearer, and put his arm affectionately around Will's shoulder.Then he patted him on the back, and his own voice was a trifle husky as he said: "Say, old man, what's the matter? Own up, now, you're in trouble. Maybe I can help you. It doesn't take half an eye to see that's something's wrong.The idea of a chap like you wanting to die! It's nonsense. You must be sick. Brace up, now! Tell me all about it. Maybe I can help you." There was silence, broken only by Will's half-choked sobs. "Go ahead, tell me," urged Jack. "I'll keep your secret, and help you if I can. Tell me what the trouble is." "I will!" exclaimed the new boy with sudden determination. "I will tell you, Jack Ranger, but I don't think you can help me. I'm the most miserable lad at Washington Hall. ""You only think so," rejoined Jack brightly. "Go ahead. I'll wager we can make you feel better. You want some friends, that's what you want." "Yes," said Will slowly, "I do. I need friends, for I don't believe I've got a single one in the world. ""Well, you've got one, and that's me," went on Jack. "Go ahead, now, let's hear your story." And then, standing in the midst of the storm, Will told his pitiful tale. "My father and mother have been dead for some time," he said, "and for several years I lived with my uncle, Andrew Swaim, my mother's brother.He was good to me, but he had to go out West on business, and he left me in charge of a man named Lewis Gabel, who was appointed my guardian.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"This Gabel treated me pretty good at first, for my uncle sent money regularly for my board.Then, for some reason, the money stopped coming, and Mr. Gabel turned mean. He hardly gave me enough to eat, and I had to work like a horse on his farm. I wrote to my uncle, but I never got an answer. "Then, all at once, my uncle began sending money again, but he didn't state where he was. After that I had it a little easier, until some one stole quite a sum from Mr. Gabel. He's a regular miser, and he loves money more than anything else.He accused me of robbing him, and declared he wouldn't have me around his house any longer. "So he sent me off to this school, but he doesn't give me a cent of spending money, and pays all the bills himself.He still thinks I stole his money, and he says he will hold back my spending cash, which my uncle forwards, until he has made up the amount that was stolen. "I tried to prove to him that I was innocent, but he won't believe me.He is always writing me mean letters, reminding me that I am a thief, and not fit for decent people to associate with. I'm miserable, and I wish I was dead.I got a mean, accusing letter from him to-day, and it made me feel so bad that I didn't care what became of me. I wandered off, and I thought if I fell down and died under the snow it would be a good thing. ""Say, you certainly are up against it," murmured Jack. "I'd like to get hold of that rascally guardian of yours. But why don't you tell your uncle?" "I can't, for I don't know his address. ""But he sends money for your schooling and board to Mr. Gabel, doesn't he?" "Yes, but he sends cash in a letter, and he doesn't even register it.I wrote to the postal authorities of the Western city where his letters were mailed, but they said they could give me no information." "What is your uncle doing in the West?" "He is engaged in some secret mission.I never could find out what it is, and I don't believe Mr. Gabel knows, either. Oh, but Gabel is a mean man! He seems to take delight in making me miserable. Now you know why I act so queerly.I like a good time, and I like to be with the fellows, but I haven't a cent to spend to treat them with, and I'm not going to accept favors that I can't return. Why, I haven't had a cent to spend for myself in six months!" Jack whistled. "That's tough," he said. "But say, Will, you're mistaken if you think our crowd cares anything for money. Why didn't you say something about this before?" "I--I was ashamed to." "Why, we thought you didn't like us," went on Jack. "Now I see that we were mistaken. I wish we had Mr. Gabel here. We'd haze him first, and throw him into the lake afterward. Now, Will, I'll tell you what you're going to do?" "What? "asked the lad, who seemed much better in spirits, now that he had made a confession. "In the first place, you're coming to the village with me," said Jack. "Then you're going to forget all about your troubles and about dying under the snow.Then, when I get a bundle from home, you're coming back with me, and----" "Home!" exclaimed Will with a catch in his voice. "How good that word sounds! I--I haven't had a home in so long that--that I don't know what it seems like. ""Well, we're going to make you right at home here," went on Jack. "I'm expecting a bundle of good things from my aunt, and when it comes, why, you and me and Nat and Sam and Bony and Fred and Bob, and some other choice spirits, are going to gather in my room to-night, and we're going to have the finest spread you ever saw.I'll make you acquainted with the boys, and then we'll see what happens. No spending money? As if we cared for that!Now, come on, old chap, we'll leg it to the village, for it's cold standing here," and clapping Will on the back, Jack linked his arm in that of the new boy and led him back to the road.CHAPTER VIII THE MIDNIGHT FEAST "Well, fellows, are we all here?" asked Jack Ranger later that night, as he gazed around on a crowd in his room. "If there were any more we couldn't breathe," replied Bony Balmore, and the cracking of his finger knuckles punctuated his remark. "When does the fun begin?" asked Bob Movel. "Soon," answered Jack. "We ought to have some music.Tune up, Fred," said Sam. "Not here," interposed Jack quickly. "Wait a bit and we can make all the noise we want to." "How's that?" inquired Bony. "Have you hypnotized Dr. Mead and put wax in Martin's ears so he can't hear us? ""No, but it's something just as good. This afternoon I sat and listened while Socker, the janitor, told me one of his war stories." "You must have had patience," interrupted Nat Anderson. "Bob cats and bombshells, but Socker is tiresome! ""Well, I had an object in it," explained Jack. "I wanted him to do me a favor, and he did it--after I'd let him tell me how, single-handed, he captured a lot of Confederates.I told him about this spread to-night, and was lamenting the fact that my room was so small, and that we couldn't make any noise, or have any lights. And you know how awkward it is to eat in the dark." "Sure," admitted Bony. "You can't always find your mouth." "And if there's anything I dislike," added Nat, "it's putting pie in my ear." "Easy!" cautioned Jack at the laugh which followed. "Wait a few minutes and we can make all the noise we want to." "How?" asked Bony. "Because, as I'm trying to tell you, Socker did me a favor. He's going to let us in the storeroom, back of where the boiler is, in the basement.It'll be nice and warm there, and we can have our midnight feast in comfort, and make all the row we like, for Martin can't hear us there." "Good for you, Jack!" cried Nat. "That's all to the horse radish!" observed Sam.Jack's trip to town that afternoon had been most successful. He had found at the express office a big package from home, and from the note that accompanied it he knew it contained good things to eat, made by his loving aunts.But, desiring to give an unusually fine spread to celebrate the occasion of having made the acquaintance of Will Williams, Jack purchased some other good things at the village stores.He and Will carried them back to school, and managed to smuggle them in. It was a new experience for Will to have a friend like Jack Ranger, and to be taking part in this daring but harmless breach of the school rules.Under this stimulus Will was fast losing his melancholy mood, and he responded brightly to Jack's jokes. "Now you stay in your room until I call for you," our hero had said to Will on parting after supper that night.Jack wanted to spring a sort of surprise on his chums, and introduce Will to them at the feast.In accordance with his instructions the lads had gathered in his room about ten o'clock that night, stealing softly in after Martin, the monitor, had made his last round to see that lights were out.Then Jack had announced his plan of having the feast in the basement. "Grab up the grub and come on," said the leader a little later. "Softly now--no noise until we're downstairs."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Will Socker keep mum?" asked Bony. "As an oyster in a church sociable stew," replied Jack. "I've promised to listen to another of his war tales." "Jack's getting to be a regular martyr," observed Sam. "Silence in the ranks!" commanded Captain Jack.The lads stole softly along the corridors. Just as they got opposite the door of Martin's room, there was a dull thud. "What's that?" whispered Jack softly. "I--I dropped one of the pies," replied Bony, cracking his knuckles at the double-quick in his excitement. "Scoop it up and come on. You'll have to eat it," said Jack. In fear and trembling they went on.Fortunately, Martin did not hear the noise, and the lads got safely past. Jack, who was in the rear, paused at a door at the end of the hall, and knocked softly. "Yes," answered a voice from within. "Come on," commanded Jack, and he was joined by a dark figure. They reached the basement safely, no one having disputed their night march. Socker, the janitor, met them at the door of the boiler-room. "Here we are," said Jack. "So I see, Mr. Ranger.Why, it reminds me of the time when Captain Crawford and me took a forced night march of ten miles to get some rations. We were with Sherman, on his trip to the sea, and----" "You must be sure to tell me that story," interrupted Jack. "But not now.Is everything all right?" "Yes, Mr. Ranger. But I depend on you not to say anything about this to Dr. Mead in case----" "Oh, you can depend on us," Jack assured him. "I thought I could.It reminds me of the time when we were before Petersburgh, and a comrade and I went to----" "You must not forget to tell me that story," interrupted Jack. "I particularly want to hear it, Socker. ""I will," said the janitor, delighted that he had at last found an earnest listener. "But not now," said Jack. "We must get to work. Do you like pie, Socker?" "Do I, Mr. Ranger? Well, I guess I do.I remember once when we were at Gettysburg----" "Bony, where's that extra choice pie you had?" asked Jack with a wink at his chum. "Give it to Mr. Socker here," and Bony passed over the bit of pastry that had met with the accident in the hall. "That will keep him quiet for a while," said Jack in a whisper. The lads, bearing the good things Jack had provided, passed through the boiler-room and into a storage apartment, where cans of oil, waste, tools and the like were kept.Socker had arranged some boards on a couple of sawhorses for the students, and there, by the light of several candles stuck in the necks of bottles, the table was spread. "Say, but this is jolly, all right," said Sam Chalmers. "Jack, you're a public benefactor." He leaned over to shake hands with our hero. "Look out! You'll upset the table!" cried Jack, as Sam, leaning against the boards, tilted them. "Save the pieces!" cried Nat, springing to the rescue. "Gentlemen, be seated!" invited Jack as the lads arranged themselves about the table. Socker had provided planks, stretched across big, empty oilcans. "Here you are, Will, right next to me," went on our hero in a low tone to the lad who had joined him in the dark hall. "I'll introduce you presently. "No one of Jack's chums had yet noticed the new lad, for Will had kept in the shadows, and there was much confusion attending the placing of the good things on the board.But as the guests prepared to seat themselves, Sam Chalmers caught sight of the unfamiliar face of Will Williams. He knew he was not one of Jack's crowd, and thinking the lad might have come uninvited he said: "We have a stranger with us. "There was a sudden hush, and all eyes were fastened on Will, who turned red. "He is a stranger," said Jack quickly, "but we are going to cure that.Boys of Washington Hall--the top-notchers--the élite--the high-rollers--the cream of the bunch--allow me to present my friend Bill Williams. He is one of us, though I didn't know it until to-day. I'm giving this blowout in his honor.Henceforth he is one of us, and in token of that we will dub him not William, but Bill, which has a more kindly sound. Fellows, salute our new member! "CHAPTER IX AN ALARM OF FIRE There was a moment's pause after Jack's announcement, then, as one, the assembled lads bowed to Will, or, as he was to be more affectionately called, Bill. He blushed with pleasure at the new sensation of having friends. "New member of the Irrepressibles, we, who are about to dine, salute thee!" exclaimed Sam. "We sure do, and now, if the salutin' ceremony is over, let's eat," suggested Bob Movel. "Wait until Fred gives us a tune," came from Nat. "Jumping gewhillikins, but they always have music at a banquet!" "Then don't let Fred play--if you want music," said Sam, dodging behind Jack to be out of the musical student's reach. "I'll punch your head!" exclaimed Fred. "No, go on and play," said Jack. "It will liven things up a bit." So Fred got out his mouth-organ, and rendered a lively march, the boys parading around the table, each one clapping on the back the new member of the informal club. "Now I guess we can eat," announced Jack. "Bill, pass that plate of sandwiches at your elbow. Fred, juggle the doughnuts down this way. Sam, don't let those pies go to sleep. Bob, you open some of the ginger-ale, but don't let it pop too loud, or Doc.Mead may think it's the safety valve of the boiler going off, and send Martin to investigate." The lads were soon actively engaged in putting away the good things, and then, for a time, conversation languished, save for intermittent remarks. "Are you having a good time, boys?" asked Socker, poking his head in the storeroom, after having shoveled some coal on the fire. "We sure are, and we're much obliged to you," replied Jack. "Oh, that's all right.It reminds me, to see you all eating, of how I once was nearly starved in Andersonville prison. I was in there----" "I'm coming out to hear that story in about five minutes, Socker," interrupted Jack. "Have it all ready for me. ""I will," promised the janitor, as he went back to look at the boiler. It was a merry time, and Will, or, as the boys called him, Bill, enjoyed it more than any one. It seemed as if a new world had opened before him.His face lost the downcast look, his eyes were brighter, and he even ventured to make one or two jokes. The boys seemed to like him, and Jack was glad of it, for he had a genuine admiration for the new boy, and wanted to befriend him.To some of his chums he told something of Will's story, and there was general indignation expressed against the mean guardian. "Well, fellows, I guess we've eaten everything except the table and the candles," said Jack after a while. "I think we'd better be getting back to our rooms, for Martin may take it into his head to pay a late visit." The advice was timely, and as the lads had had a jolly evening, they prepared to disperse.They cleared away the remains of the feast, leaving Socker to put aside the boards, cans and bottles.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
As they filed out of the boiler-room, Socker called to Jack: "I'm all ready to tell you that story now. ""I've got to see these infants to bed," replied our hero with a wink. "Then I'll be back, Socker. Think over all the points in the story. I don't want to lose any. ""I'll do that, Mr. Ranger," and Socker sat down in a chair before the fire and began to think deeply. The students reached their rooms without being detected, whispering to Jack, on their way, their thanks for the spread. "I've had the best time in my life!" exclaimed Will as he clasped Jack's hand at his door. "I can't thank you enough." "Then don't try," replied Jack. "Brace up, and you'll be all right." "I will. "Whether it was the effect of the pie or doughnuts Jack never knew, but some time during the night he began to dream that he had swallowed a big piece of pastry the wrong way, and it was choking him.He sat up, gasping for breath, and found to his horror that his room was full of smoke. "There's a fire!" he spoke aloud. Then he called to Nat, who was in the bed across from him: "Nat! Nat! Wake up! There's a fire! ""No, I can't get up any higher," sleepily responded Nat, turning over in bed, and evidently thinking that his chum had asked him to climb up a tree. "It's a fire!" cried Jack, springing from bed. "There's a fire, Nat! "This roused the sleeping lad, who also bounded out from under the covers. There was no doubt about it. Their room was filled with smoke, which was getting thicker every minute. "Fire! Fire! Fire! "yelled Jack, for he heard no one stirring about in the school dormitory, and he rightly guessed that he was the first to sound the alarm.His call was sufficient to arouse students on either side of him, and then Martin and several of the teachers came running from their apartments. "Where is the fire, Ranger?" asked Mr. Gales, one of the mathematical instructors. "I don't know, but my room is full of smoke." Just then, from somewhere below stairs, sounded a cry: "Fire! Fire! There's a fire in the boiler-room! Help!" "That's Socker, the janitor," declared Jack. "Come on, fellows, we'll help him. "He rushed for the stairs, attired in his pajamas and slippers, and was followed by Nat and a score of other students. "Boys, boys! Be careful!" called Mr. Gales. Meanwhile, the smoke was getting thicker, and every one was beginning to cough. "Fire!Fire!" yelled Socker. Jack, leading the rush of pupils through the smoke, soon reached the boiler-room in the basement.Through the clouds of vapor, illuminated by gasjets here and there left burning all night in case of accident, he could see the flicker of flames. "Come on!" he called. "There are some pails with water along the wall, and a couple of hand extinguishers!" They reached the engine-room, to find a blaze in one corner, where Socker kept some waste, cans of oil, old rags and brooms.The fire had been eating toward the storeroom, where the midnight feast had been held. "Forward the fire brigade! "yelled Jack as he grabbed up an extinguisher and began to play it on the flames, while some of his chums caught up pails of water, kept filled for just such an emergency.The flames were beginning to crackle now, and the fire seemed likely to be a bad one. Suddenly Socker, who was running about doing nothing, looked at the boiler and cried out: "Run! Everybody run!The safety valve has caught, and the boiler will blow up! Run! Run!" The boys needed no second warning.Jack paused for a moment, for the stream from his extinguisher was beginning to quench the flames, but as he saw Socker fleeing from the room, and as he reflected that it would be dangerous to remain, he turned and fled, carrying the apparatus with him. "Everybody out!" cried Socker. "Get 'em all out! The boiler will blow up!" The lads, lightly clad, fled through the basement door out into the night.The snow, which had ceased that evening, had started in again, and the storm was howling as if in glee at the plight of the students of Washington Hall, who were driven from their beds by fire.CHAPTER X SAVING THE FLAGS "Telephone for the town fire department!" cried Dr. Mead, who had been apprised of the fire. He, like all the others, was out in the storm, with a few clothes he had hastily donned. "They can't get in the boiler-room to fight the fire!" cried Socker. "Why not?" "Because the boiler will blow up. Something is wrong with the safety valve, and there are two hundred pounds of steam on. The boiler is only meant for one hundred. ""How did the fire start? What made the safety valve get out of order?" asked the principal. The group of students and teachers, standing in the storm, could now see the bright flicker of flames in the boiler-room. "I don't know," replied Socker. "I was asleep in front of the boiler, waiting to put some more coal on, when all of a sudden I smelled smoke." "How long before the boiler will go up?" asked Dr. Mead anxiously. "I have some valuable books I must save. "He started to re-enter the school. "Don't go back!" cried Socker. "It's liable to go up any minute!" Dr. Mead returned to the waiting group, his face betraying intense excitement. "We must get the fire out!" he cried. "Can't some one send word to the village?" "There's a telephone in Mr. Raspen's house, about half a mile away," volunteered Sam. "I'll run there. "He started off, and just as he did so a series of alarming cries broke out at one of the upper corridor windows of the school. "Fire! Fire!" cried a voice. "Der school ist being gonsumed by der fierce elements! Safe me, somebodies!I must get out my German flag! I must out get quvick, alretty yet!" The anxious face of Professor Garlach appeared at one of the windows. "Don't jump!" cried Jack, as the teacher seemed about to do so. "You've got time enough to come down the stairs.""B-r-r-r-r! It's cold!" cried Nat Anderson, as some snow got inside the slippers he had put on, and some flakes sifted down his back. "It will soon be warm enough," observed Jack. "The fire is gaining. Poor Washington Hall!It deserved a better fate than being burned down." "Look!" cried Sam, who had paused in his run to go to the telephone. "There's Socrat." The French professor had joined his German colleague at the window, and both were struggling to climb out of it. "Stand aside, German brute zat you aire!" exclaimed the Frenchman. "I must save ze glorious flag of la belle France! Let me toss it out of ze window!" "I vill nottings of der kind do alretty yet!" responded Professor Garlach. "I vos here firstest! ""Zen you are no gentlemans!" was Professor Socrat's reply. "Bah! Sacre! Let me out, I demand of you! I am insult zat you should flout zat rag in my eyes! "The wind had blown the German flag, which Professor Garlach held, into the face of the Frenchman. "Rag! Hein! You call dot glorious flag a rag! Himmel! I vill of der mincemeat you make now!" Professor Garlach made a grab for his enemy.To do so he lost his hold on his precious flag.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
It fluttered out of the window and to the ground. "Save it! Save it!" he cried, leaning out. "My flag!" "I'll get it," shouted Jack.With a quick movement the German snatched the French colors from the hand of Professor Socrat. An instant later that, too, was fluttering to the snow. "Oh! la belle tri-color! It is insult! I moost have blood to satisfy my honaire! "shouted the Frenchman. He made a lunge, and clasped Professor Garlach about the neck. The two struggled at the window. With a quick wit Jack grabbed the two flags, and, waving them, intertwined, above his head, he shouted: "See, professors!A German-French alliance at last. Both flags are saved. They have not touched the ground. Now come on down and get them. Quick! The fire is gaining!" "Ach! Dot is goot! Der flag is not sullied!" called Professor Garlach. "And mine also--my beautiful tri-color, eet is safe!" added Professor Socrat. "Ranger, you are ze one grand gentleman. I salute you!" and the enthusiastic Frenchman blew Jack a kiss.The two enemies, reconciled by the flag incident, embraced each other, and as Jack called to them to make haste down the stairway, they disappeared from the window. Meanwhile, the smoke was pouring from the boiler-room, and the flames were brighter.Sam had raced off through the storm to the telephone to summon the fire department. "Say, I don't believe that boiler's going to blow up," announced Jack. "If it was going to, it would have done so long ago. I'm going to take a look. ""No, no," begged Socker. "You'll all risk your life!" "Don't be rash, Ranger," cautioned Dr. Mead. "I think Socker exaggerated the danger," replied our hero. "I'm going to take a look." He ran back to the engine-room and looked in.He could see the boiler plainly, as the place was brightly illuminated by the flames. His eyes sought the steam gage. "Why!" he cried. "There are only twenty pounds of steam on! Socker took it for two hundred. There's no danger.That's a low pressure." Then he raised his voice in a shout: "Come on, fellows! Help put out the fire! There's no danger! The boiler's all right!" There was an immediate rush. Jack still held his extinguisher, and Nat Anderson had secured one.Several other students, hearing Jack's reassuring news, rushed into the school, and came back with pieces of hand apparatus. "Now to douse the fire!" yelled Jack, again turning on the chemical stream. "Use snow!" cried Bob Movel. "That will help! "He scooped up some in a water pail that he had emptied, and tossed the mass of white crystals on the edge of the flames, which were in one corner of the boiler-room.There was a hissing sound, a cloud of steam arose, and the fire at that particular point died out. "That's the stuff!" cried Jack, and other students and some of the teachers followed Bob's example.The fire was fast being gotten under control, and Socker, returning to the boiler-room, had attached a small hose to a faucet, and was playing water on the flames.Suddenly, above the noise made by the shouting lads, the hiss of snow and water, and the snapping of the flames, there sounded a cry of distress. "Help! Help! Help!" "Some one is caught by the flames!They must have eaten their way up to the upper floors!" cried Dr. Mead. "It iss dot boy Snaith--he und two odders!" announced Professor Garlach, rushing into the boiler-room, his beloved German flag clasped in his arms, where Jack had placed it."Quick! Sacre! We must not let zem perish!" added Professor Socrat, as he caught up a big fire shovel and dashed from the basement. "I will rescue zem!" "Und me also," added Professor Garlach as he grabbed up a long poker. "There can't be much danger," said Jack. "The fire is almost out. Here, Nat, you keep things moving here, and I'll take a look." He ran out into the storm.Looking up at the side of the school, he saw, framed in a window, behind which a light burned, the figures of Dock Snaith, Pud Armstrong and Glen Forker. "Save us! Save us!" cried Dock. "We can't get out." "Catch me! I'm going to jump!" yelled Pud."No! no! Don't!" Jack called. "There's no danger. I'll come and get you!" and he dashed into the main entrance of the school.CHAPTER XI THE GUN CLUB For a few moments after Jack's disappearance into the burning school, the spectators, pupils and teachers hardly knew what to do or say.The thick volumes of smoke that rolled out, even though they knew the fire in the boiler-room was under control, seemed to indicate that the conflagration was raging in some other part of the building. "Ach! Dot brafe Ranger fellow! "exclaimed Professor Garlach. "He vill burned be alretty yet! Ach Himmel! Der school will down burn!" "So! Sacre!" exclaimed the French professor. "It iss too true, zat which you speak. Terrible! terrible!" "Und dose odder boys!Der flames vill gonsume dem also!" wailed the German. "But ze flags--ze flags of our countries--zey are safe!" exclaimed Professor Socrat, and at this thought the two former enemies threw their arms about each other.Meanwhile, Jack was dashing upstairs. "I don't see any signs of fire," he said. "I believe it's only smoke, after all." Up he went to the floor where Dock Snaith and his cronies had their rooms.The smoke was very thick, but there were no evidences of flame.And as Jack reached the trio, who were still leaning out of the window and calling for help, he saw that a lighted gasjet, reflecting through the clouds of vapor, had made it appear as if there were flames. "Oh! will no one save us!" cried Snaith. "Fellows, I guess we're going to die!" and he began to whimper. "No! no!" yelled Pud Armstrong. "Let's jump!" "I'm--I'm afraid!" blubbered Snaith. "Come on!" cried Jack, bursting into the room. "There's no danger. It's only smoke.The fire's 'most out." "Are you--are you sure?" faltered Glen Forker. "Yes. Come on! It's all down in the boiler-room." Thus assured, the three bullies, who were the worst kind of cowards, followed Jack through the smoke-filled corridors.When the four appeared there was a cheer, and Professors Socrat and Garlach embraced each other again. "It's all out!" cried Nat Anderson, running from the boiler-room. "Fire's all out!" He was smoke-begrimed, and his thin clothing was wet through. "Are you sure there is no more danger?" asked Dr. Mead. "None at all," answered Nat. Jack hurried up to join his chum. The snow was changing into rain, mingled with sleet, and it was freezing as it fell. "Say, if I was you I'd go in," exclaimed a voice at Jack's elbow, and he turned to see a lad standing near him, whose lower jaw was slowly moving up and down, for he was chewing gum. "Hello, Budge," said Jack. "Where have you been all this while? "For Budge Rankin, the odd character whom Jack had befriended by getting him the position of assistant janitor at Washington Hall, was clad in overcoat and cap.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Me?Oh, I've been in town," answered Budge, stretching some gum out of his mouth and beginning to pull it in again by the simple process of winding it around his tongue. "In town?" questioned Nat. "Yep. 'Smynightoff. ""Oh, it was your night off," repeated Jack, for Budge had a habit of running his words together. "Yep. Wow! My gum's frozen!" he exclaimed, pausing in the act of trying to chew it again. "But say," he added, "if the fire's out, you'd better go inside.It's cold here." "You're right; it is," admitted Jack, shivering. "Here, take my coat," spoke Budge, starting to take it off. "Indeed, I'll do nothing of the sort," replied Jack. "I'll go in and get warm. ""I guess that's what we'd all better do," added Nat, for the wintry wind was beginning to make itself felt, now that the exercise in putting out the fire no longer warmed them. "Come, young gentlemen, get inside," called Dr. Mead, and the students filed back into the school.The smoke was rapidly clearing away, and after a tour of the building, to make sure the flames were not lurking in any unsuspected corners, the pupils were ordered to bed.Jack and his chums managed to get a little sleep before morning, but when our hero awoke, after troubled dreams, he called out: "Say, Nat, there doesn't seem to be any steam heat in this room. ""There isn't," announced Nat, after feeling of the radiator. "It's as cold as a stone." "Socker must have let the fire in the boiler get low," went on Jack. "Probably he thought the blaze last night was enough. B-r-r-r!Let's get dressed in a hurry and go down where it's warm." They soon descended to the main dining-room, where to their surprise they found a number of shivering students and teachers. There was no warmth in the radiators there, either. "What's the matter?" asked Jack. "Ach, Ranger," explained Professor Garlach, "der fire from der boiler has avay gone, alretty, und dere is no more hot vasser mit vich more can be made yet. So ve haf der coldness. ""I should say we did," commented Jack. "Can't Socker start a new fire and get up steam?" "I believe not," said a voice at Jack's side, and he turned to see his new friend, Will Williams. "I heard the janitor tell Dr. Mead something was wrong with the boiler. They have gone to look at it." "I'm going to get my overcoat," spoke Nat, and his example was followed by several others, for the room was very chilly.Presently Dr. Mead came in, followed by Socker. "Young gentlemen of Washington Hall," began the head of the school, "I regret to inform you that the fire last night has damaged the boiler in such a way that it is impossible to get up steam.I have just made an investigation, and the boiler will have to have extensive repairs. It will take some time to make them, and, I regret to say it, but I will have to close the school until after the holidays----" "Hurray!" yelled Nat.The doctor looked shocked. Then he smiled. "Such feeling is perhaps natural," he said, "and I would resent it, only I know that Nat Anderson is a good pupil, who loves his school, as, I hope, you all do. But we cannot hold sessions in cold rooms.Now I suggest that you all retire to the general assembly room. There is a large fireplace there, and I will have the janitor build a blaze in it. You can at least have a warm breakfast, and discuss future plans. "There was a buzz of excitement at once, and the lads made a rush for the assembly room. There, a little later, somewhat warmed by a big log fire, they ate breakfast.The fire of the night previous, it was learned, had been caused by spontaneous combustion among some oiled rags, and the damage was only in the boiler-room.There had been no need for the fire department from the village, and though Sam had summoned it, the order had been countermanded before the apparatus started, so there was no damage by water to the school.Some smoke-begrimed walls were the only evidence in the upper stories of the fire. "Well," remarked Nat Anderson, as Jack and several of his chums gathered around in a warm corner, "no more school for a couple of months, anyhow. Solidified snowballs!but I wonder what we'll do all that time?" "Go home and rest up," suggested Bony Balmore as he cracked a couple of finger knuckles just to keep in practice. "Rest! Why, we just had one during the summer vacation, Bony," remarked Fred Kaler. "Oh, I can use more," said Bony. "What are you going to do, Jack?" "I'm going hunting and camping," announced Jack quietly. "Hunting?" questioned Nat. "Camping?" cried Sam Chalmers. "Sure," went on Jack. "I've been thinking of it for some time, but I didn't see any opportunity of doing it. I'm going camping and hunting after big game out West, and I wish some of you fellows would go along. ""We haven't any guns--that is, such as would do for big game," objected Nat. "We can get 'em," declared Jack. "I was thinking we fellows who went camping before might organize a sort of gun club and take a trip.Now that the school is to close, it will give us just the chance we want." "A gun club," mused Nat. "Say, but that's a fine idea! Petrified pedestrians! but we'll call it Jack Ranger's Gun Club! That will be a dandy name. ""You'll do nothing of the sort," said Jack quickly. "It won't be my gun club any more than it will be yours or Bony's or Sam's." "But you're organizing it." "That doesn't make any difference. Every fellow will pay his own way.We'll just call it a gun club." But, in spite of Jack's objection, when the organization was perfected a little later, every one thought of it as Jack Ranger's club, even if they didn't say so. "Where could we go hunting?" asked Nat. "There's no big game around here." "I guess you're right," admitted Jack, "but I know where there is some, and I'm going." "Where?" "Out in the Shoshone Mountains, in the 'bad lands' district of Wyoming.There's the finest hunting in the United States." "Hurrah for the gun club!" cried Nat. "I'm going, too." "Well, don't leave me behind," pleaded Sam. "I guess you can count me in." Jack looked around at the eager faces of his chums.Then off in a corner he saw the somewhat downcast countenance of the new boy--Will Williams. "I wonder if he wouldn't like to go, too?" Jack said to himself.CHAPTER XII WILL RUNS AWAY The boys gathered about the warm fire, crowding close around Jack to hear more details of the proposed trip of the gun club. "I've been reading up about hunting big game," went on Jack, "and I asked my father if I could go the first chance I got. He said I could, and now I've got the chance." "What are those bad lands?" asked Fred Kaler. "Any Indians out there? ""Some, I guess. A few Sioux, Crows and some Shoshones. But they're mostly guides. You see, bad lands are what the Westerners call a region that isn't very good for anything but hunting.They consist of a lot of sandstone peaks, with deserts here and there." "And what can you hunt there?" asked Nat. "Oh, lots of things.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
Big-horn sheep, bears, elk, deer, jack-rabbits and birds. It will be lots of sport." "Wyoming, eh?" mused Sam. "That's quite a way off." "Yes, it is, but we've got lots of time. I've been making some inquiries, and they say the best spot to aim for is around the town of Cody, which is named after Buffalo Bill.You see, we can go to Fort Custer, and from there we have to travel in wagons or on horses. I've got a route all mapped out.We'll go along a small stream, called Sage Creek, across the Forty-mile Desert, and hunt along the Shoshone River, near Heart Mountain. It's a fine hunting ground, and we'll have no end of fun camping out." "But it'll be cold," objected Bony. "There'll be snow." "What of it?" asked Jack. "It'll do you good. We'll have warm tents, warm clothing, and we can build big camp fires that will make the ones here look like a baby bonfire." "Galloping gasmeters!" exclaimed Nat. "When can we start, Jack?" "Oh, it'll take some time to get ready. We've got to get the guns and camping outfit together." The boys talked for some considerable time about the prospective trip. Socker, meanwhile, came in to replenish the fire.In some of the rooms there were stoves and gas heaters, and these were soon in operation to take the chill off the apartments, for the big building, being without steam heat, was like a barn. Budge Rankin came in once with some logs for the fire."Goinome?" he said to Jack. "Going home?" repeated our hero. "That's what I am, Budge. Are you?" "SoonsIkin." "As soon as you can, eh? Well, it will be this afternoon for mine," went on Jack. "Can't stay here and freeze."Dr. Mead and his assistants were busy arranging for the departure of the pupils, while the head of the school also telegraphed for new parts of the damaged boiler. Jack and Nat packed their belongings, and prepared to start for Denton. "Say, who all are going camping and hunting?" asked Nat, pausing in the act of thrusting his clothes into his trunk. "Why, I was thinking if we could take the same crowd we had before you and I were captured and taken aboard the _Polly Ann_ this summer, it would be nice," replied Jack. "There's you and Bony and Sam and me." "And Budge." "Oh, yes, Budge.I'll take him along if he'll go. He likes to putter around camp, but he doesn't care much about hunting. He'd rather chew gum. "Though Budge worked as assistant janitor at Washington Hall, Jack and his chums did not consider that his position was at all degrading.Jack felt that Budge was one of his best friends, and though the lad was poor he was independent, which quality Jack liked in him. "And I tell you some one else I'm going to take, if I can manage it," went on our hero. "Who?" "Bill Williams.I like that fellow, and he's had it pretty hard. I'd like to do something for him, and I'm going to ask him to come hunting with us." "S'pose he'll go?" "I don't know. Guess I'll go ask him now.Say, you finish crowding my stuff into my trunk, will you? We want to catch the twelve o'clock train for Denton. ""Sure," agreed Nat, ending his packing by the simple process of crowding all that remained of his clothes into the trunk and then jumping on them with both feet, so that they would collapse sufficiently to allow the lid to fasten.Jack found the new boy sitting in his room beside his trunk and valise. "All ready to go home?" asked Jack. "Yes," was the answer in a sad sort of voice. "Why, you don't seem to be very glad that school has closed, giving you an additional vacation," remarked Jack. "I'm not." "Why?" "Because I've got to go and live with my guardian. He hates me.He'll be twitting me of how I robbed him, when I had no more to do with the loss of his money than--than you did. I was beginning to like it here, but now I've got to go back. It's tough!" "Say, how would you like to come with me?" "Come with you?Where?" "Hunting in the Shoshone Mountains." "Do you mean it?" asked Will eagerly, his eyes brightening. He sprang to his feet, all his sadness gone. "Of course I mean it," went on Jack. "Some of my chums are going to form a sort of gun club, and I'd like to include you in it. Will you come?" "Will I come? Say, I----" Then the lad paused. The light faded from his eyes. He sank back into his chair. "No--no," he said slowly. "I'm much obliged, but I--I guess I can't go." "Why not?" Will hesitated. "Well--er--you see--er--the fact is, I haven't any money. My guardian pays all the bills, and, as I told you, he doesn't give me any spending money.Not even enough for a postage stamp." "That's tough," said Jack, "but I guess you didn't quite understand me. I didn't ask you to spend any money." "How can I go camping and hunting, away off in Wyoming, without money? ""You'll go as my guest," said Jack simply. "I'm inviting you to go with me. The other fellows are coming on their own hook, as members of the gun club, but I'd like to have you come just as my guest. Will you do that?" "Will I? "Once more the lad's eyes sparkled. "Of course I will," he said, "only it doesn't seem right to have you pay my way. If my uncle only knew of my plight he'd give me some money, I'm sure, but I can't even write to him.It's quite mysterious the way he hides himself. I can't understand it." "Then you'll come?" "Yes--but I don't like to feel that it is costing you money." "Don't let that worry you," said Jack quickly. "I'm pretty well off, and my dad has all the money he can use. I guess you didn't hear about the gold mine Nat and I helped discover when we were out West looking for my father." "No, I never did. ""Well, that will keep the wolf from howling around the door for a while. I'm real glad you're coming, Bill. I hope you'll enjoy it." "I know I will. I'm fond of hunting and camping." "All right. Now I'm going back to Denton.I s'pose you're going home, too?" "Well, it isn't much of a home. I live in Hickville with my guardian." "Hickville, eh? That's about a hundred miles from Denton.Well, I was going to say that I'll write you a few days before we start, and you can come on to Denton." "All right. I'll do it." "Then I'll go and finish packing.I left Nat Anderson to do it, and he's just as likely to put things upside down as right side up. I'll see you at Denton, then." "Yes," replied Will.But Jack did not see the new boy at Denton, and not until some time after their parting at the school; and when he did see him, it was under strange circumstances.Good-bys were said among the pupils and teachers of Washington Hall, and Jack and his chums separated, he and Nat journeying to Denton, which they reached that night, much to the surprise of Mr. Ranger, Jack's three aunts, and Nat's folks.Jack lost no time in beginning his preparations for the camping trip, his father consenting that the gun club might be formed.Our hero wrote many letters, arranged for transportation to the West, got into communication with a guide near Cody, Wyoming, and invited Budge to go along.
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"Sure I'll go," said the gum-chewing lad as he placed into his mouth a fresh wad of the sticky substance. "When'll it be?" "In about two weeks," said Jack. "There are quite a few things to do yet. "In the meanwhile, Nat Anderson, Sam Chalmers and Bony Balmore had secured permission from their parents to go with Jack, and they were busy at their respective homes, making up their kits. Sam and Bony lived about a day's journey from Denton. "Now I'll write to Bill, and invite him to come on," said Jack one night, and then he waited for a reply from the lad with whom he had so recently become friends. "Here's Bill's answer," said Jack to Nat one afternoon a few days later, when they went down to the post-office, and Jack received a letter marked "Hickville." As Jack read it he uttered a low whistle. "What's the matter? Can't he come?" asked Nat."No. This is from his rascally guardian. It's to me. Bill's run away." CHAPTER XIII OFF ON THE TRIP Nat stood still in the street and stared at Jack. "What's that you said?" he asked. "Bill's run away. Listen and I'll read the letter to you.It says: 'A few days ago my ward, William Williams, returned from Washington Hall, greatly to my regret. He explained the cause of his enforced vacation, and stated that you had asked him to go off on a hunting trip.Of course, I refused to let him go. In the first place I don't believe in hunting, and for a lad of William's age to go off to the West, where he may learn bad habits, is not the thing.Besides, I cannot trust him away from the authority of older persons.'" "Wouldn't that jolt you?" commented Jack as he looked up from the letter. Nat nodded. "Suffering snufflebugs!" he exclaimed. "That's the limit--isn't it, Jack?" "Pretty near.Listen; there's more to it: 'When I told my ward that he could not go, he answered me very sharply that if his uncle was here he could get permission. That may be, but his uncle is not here. He begged to be allowed to go, but I was firm in my refusal.I do not believe in such nonsense as camping out, and I told William so. "'The other day, to my surprise, he disappeared from my home, and I have not been able to get a trace of him.I am forced to come to the conclusion that he has run away in a fit of anger, because I would not let him go camping with you. I hold you partly to blame for this, as it was wrong of you to ask him to go.I must therefore ask you, in case you see him, to at once compel him to return to me. I absolutely forbid him to go camping with you, and should he join you, you must send him back. He has defied me, and must be punished.If you see him, turn him over to the nearest police officer, inform me, and I will come and get him.'" "Well, wouldn't that loosen your liver pin!" exclaimed Nat. "Do you s'pose he's coming here, Jack?" "I don't know.I'm glad he ran away from such a mean man as Mr. Gabel, though. The idea of not letting him go camping! It's a shame!" "Will you make him go back if he does come?" "Will I? Not much! I'll take him camping." "That's the stuff!" cried Nat. "Gollywoggled gimlet giblets! but some persons can be mean when they try real hard! I wonder if he will come here?" "It's hard to say," replied Jack. "He showed spunk, though, in running away, and I guess he couldn't have taken any money with him, either, for his guardian never let him have any. Well, if he comes I'll look out for him, and I'll not hand him over to a policeman, either. ""Say," called a voice from the other side of the street. "Bettergome, Jack." "Better go home--what for, Budge?" asked Jack as he saw the queer, gum-loving lad coming toward him. "Some of your camping stuff arrived, and your aunts don't know where to put it. It's all over the parlor floor," explained Budge, taking his gum out of his mouth in order to speak more plainly. "I hope it's my new gun!" exclaimed Jack. "Come on, Nat, let's hurry. Did they send you after me, Budge?" for the assistant janitor used to do chores for Jack's aunts, and was constantly around the house. "'Swat," replied Budge, that being his gum version of "That's what. "Jack and Nat hurried to the former's house. They found several packages strewn about the parlor, while Jack's three maiden aunts were sitting in chairs, staring helplessly at the accumulation of stuff. "Oh, Jack!" exclaimed Aunt Angelina. "Whatever is in all those packages? The man who brought them told us to be careful, as one was marked firearms." "That's all right," said Jack easily. "It's only some guns and cartridges I expect, Aunt Angelina. ""But--but suppose it should blow up the place, Jack dear?" asked Aunt Mary. "Yes, and break my best set of china," added Aunt Josephine. "Oh, Jack, take them away, please!" "All right," exclaimed Jack. "I'll give you a correct imitation of Marinello Booghoobally, _alias_ Hemp Smith, making things disappear.Catch hold, Nat, and we'll take them out to our private office," and with his chum's aid Jack had soon removed the offending packages to a loft over the barn, which he had fitted up as a sort of clubroom. "Now, Jack, be careful," cautioned Mr. Ranger as he saw his son busily engaged. "You know the danger of firearms." "Sure, dad. Say, I wish you were going hunting with us. Why can't you? ""I had enough of the West," remarked Mr. Ranger, as he thought of his enforced stay there for many years. "I'm not going back. You brought me home, Jack, and I'm going to stay East. But I hope you have a good time. ""I guess we will, if Jack has anything to do with it," remarked Nat. "Say, Jack, that's a dandy gun." "Pretty fair," observed our hero, as he brought to view a fine new rifle, which he had sent for.There was also a shotgun in the outfit, and many other things to be used on the trail and in camp. Nat's eyes showed his admiration. "Jumping jillflowers!" he exclaimed, "but you are certainly doing this up good and brown, Jack. ""Yes, I don't like anything half done. It's bad for the digestion. You've got a gun, haven't you?" "Oh, yes, a pretty fair one. But I wish I had one like yours." "You can use it whenever you want to," was Jack's generous offer. "Budge hasn't any, and I'm going to let him take my old rifle, though I expect he'll get the lock all stuck up with gum, so it won't shoot." "I'm glad Budge is going. He'll keep things lively." "Yes, and I'm sorry Bill Williams can't go.I s'pose I've got to write to his guardian, and tell him I haven't seen Bill. Well, we're almost ready. I guess we can start in about three days." "When will Sam and Bony arrive?" "I expect them to-morrow.Then we'll make for the West, for the mountains, the bad lands, the desert, and the home of big game! Whoop! La-la! Hold me down, Nat! I'm feeling fine! "Jack began dancing about the loft, and the loose boards of the floor made such a racket as he leaped about, pulling Nat this way and that in his enthusiasm, that Budge, who was cleaning out the stable, called up from below: "'Sanythingwrong?
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
""No, nothing's wrong, you old gum-masticating specimen of a big-horn sheep," replied Nat. "We're just working off some steam, that's all." "Better send it back to Washington Hall," advised Budge. "They need it there." "That's right," laughed Jack.Sam Chalmers and Bony Balmore arrived the next day, and were entertained at Jack's house.Preparations were rushed, Nat and Budge finishing their packing, and two days later, with their guns, their camping outfits, and their baggage, they stood in the railroad station, ready to start for the West.It was a fine, clear, crisp November day, all traces of the recent storm having disappeared, and it seemed as if winter, having sent on an advance agent, rather repented of opening the season so early. "It will be fine hunting weather," said Jack as he and his chums waited for the train. "Couldn't be better," agreed Nat. At that moment the agent came hurrying from the depot, holding aloft an envelope. "Here's a telegram for you, Jack Ranger," he said as he handed it over. "It just came." "A telegram?" mused Jack. "I wonder who it's from?" He tore open the envelope, and as he read the message he gave a start.CHAPTER XIV THE BROKEN TRAIN "What is it?" asked Nat. "Any bad news? Can't you go camping?" "It's a message from Mr. Gabel, Bill Williams' guardian," replied Jack. "He says he has a clue that Bill has gone out to a settlement on the Big Horn River, in Montana, and he wants me to tell him to go back to Hickville at once if I see him." "But you're not likely to, are you?Is the Big Horn River near where we are going?" asked Bony. "Not very, I guess," answered Jack. "The Big Horn starts in Wyoming, but I rather think the chances are a thousand to one against seeing Bill. Poor chap! He has a hard row to hoe.I wish I could help him, but if he's run away I don't see how I can." "I wish we'd meet him out West," said Sam. "Wouldn't it be a joke if, after all, he could go camping with us and fool his mean old guardian? ""Oh, what's the use discussing fairy tales?" asked Jack. "Are you fellows all ready? Don't leave anything behind, now." "I guess we're all here--what there is of us," remarked Bony, cracking his finger joints.Just then the whistle of an approaching train was heard. "Gotchertickets?" asked Budge Rankin, taking in a fresh wad of gum. "Hu! Do you think I left them until now?" inquired Jack. "I've got all the tickets. That's our train, fellows.Now we'll say good-by to Denton for a while, and live in the wild and woolly West. Here, Budge, you take that satchel, and I'll tote the dress-suit case. Try and get seats together, boys. "A little later they were on the train and being whirled rapidly away from Denton. They had a long journey before them, and as the first part of it contained no features of interest the lads spent all their time discussing what was before them. "I want to get a big buck mule deer," remarked Jack as they were talking about what kind of game they would be likely to find. "Me for a big-horn sheep," said Nat. "I want to get the head mounted and put it in my room.Then I'll put my rifle across the horns, and show it to every one who comes in." "I s'pose you'll tell 'em you shot it, won't you?" asked Bony. "Of course. I will shoot it. ""You won't if you haven't improved your aim any since we were camping this summer." "I can shoot better than you can," retorted Nat. "Like pie!" exclaimed Bony, discharging a whole volley of knuckle-bone shots. "Why, you missed that big muskrat you aimed at, the day before Jack and I were kidnapped!" taunted Nat. "Yes, but you joggled my arm." "I did not." "You did so." "Hold on," interposed Jack in a quiet voice. "All the passengers are laughing at you two." "I don't care," replied Nat. "I guess I can shoot as good as he can." "Oh, I fancy there'll be game enough out there, so if you miss one thing you can hit another," consoled Sam. "What I want to see are the bad lands. Just think of thousands of small sandstone peaks, so much alike that they look like a stone forest, with sulphur springs here and there, and all sorts of queer-shaped rocks. It must be a great sight! ""Yes, and it's easy to get lost among those same peaks," added Jack. "I read of a hunter who went out there, and he was so near camp that his friends could hear him shouting, but they couldn't locate him until he began to fire his gun, and then they had hard work because of the echoes.We'll have to keep together if we get in such a place as that." "But there are some woods, aren't there?" asked Bony. "Sure, woods, mountains, valleys, and all sorts of wild places," said Jack. "I fancy there'll be plenty of snow on the upper peaks, too, but it's likely to be nice and warm down below." "What do you want to shoot, Budge?" asked Nat, for the gum-chewing youth had not said much. "Hu! Guessarabbit'lldome. ""A rabbit," remarked Jack. "Maybe we'll be glad of a good rabbit stew, or one roasted, in case these mighty hunters don't bring down a buck or a bear. "Thus they talked for many miles, until they had to change cars, where they took another road leading more directly West. They arrived at Chicago the morning after the day on which they had started, and spent some time in the Windy City.Then they started off again. "Two days more and we'll be in Wyoming," remarked Jack the next afternoon, as they were speeding through Iowa. "Then for a good time. Eh, fellows?" "That's what!" answered Sam. "My, but I'm getting stiff.I'd like to get out and have a ball game." "So would I," said Nat. Their train stopped at a small station, and was held there for some time. "Wonder what we're waiting for?" ventured Jack. "What's the matter? "he asked of a brakeman who passed through their car at that moment. "Some block on the line ahead," was the reply. "We'll go in a few minutes." There was some fretting among the passengers at the delay, but finally the train started off again.It proceeded slowly. Then followed some sharp whistles, and finally there sounded a report like a gun. "It's a hold-up!" cried an excited man. The boys and all about them leaped to their feet in alarm. "That's what it is," went on the man. "It's a Wild West hold-up! Better hide your watches and money." He began emptying his pockets of his valuables, and was thrusting them under his seat. The train had come to a sudden stop. "Do you s'pose it's train robbers?" asked Bony in some alarm. "I don't know," answered Jack. "I guess----" "Where'sthegunsan'we'llshoot'em!" exclaimed Budge, jumping up. Just then a brakeman ran through the car, carrying a red flag. "What's the matter? Is it a hold-up? Are they after our money? "These questions were rapidly fired at him. "A freight train has broken in two just ahead of us," explained the railroad man. "The engine's disabled," he went on. "We've got to back up to a switch so as to pass it.I've got to go back with a danger flag." "Oh, dear!" exclaimed a woman. "But who got shot? I'm sure I heard a gun go off."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"That was a torpedo on the track, ma'am," explained the brakeman. "The freight crew put it there on a sharp curve, so we wouldn't run into the tail-end of their train. It's all right. There's no danger. "The brakeman hurried down the steps of the last car, in which the boys were riding, and began to run along the track. When he was about a hundred yards away the train began to back slowly up. "I wonder how far back we have to go to reach the switch? "asked Jack. "About two miles," answered a man across the aisle from the lads. "It's near Mine Brook Station, and it'll take us quite a while to get there." "Why?" asked Bony. "Can't the train go fast backward? ""Yes, but the engineer dare not run past the man with the flag. He has to keep a certain distance in the rear of the last car, to warn any other trains that may be approaching behind us. So we really can't back up any faster than the brakeman can run.I don't like this delay, either, as I have an important engagement. But something always seems to be happening on this road. I wish I'd come another route. "There were other grumbling remarks by the various passengers, but the boys were too interested in watching the brakeman to notice them.The train must have gotten too close to him, for it came to a stop, in obedience to a signal on the air whistle, and waited until the man with the red flag was out of sight around a curve. Then it began to back again.This was kept up for some time, and finally the boys saw the brakeman come to a halt and wave his flag in a peculiar manner. "He's at the switch now," remarked the man who had first spoken to the lads. "We'll soon be on our way again. "The train proceeded more slowly, and then the boys saw where a switch crossed from one track to another.The rear car was halted some distance from the cross-over, and a man came running up from the head end, carrying a key in his hand, with which to unlock the switch.He quickly turned it, and then began to wave his arm, as a signal for the engineer to back up. He continued to wave for several seconds, and then he exclaimed: "He can't see me. Hey! "he called to a group of men on the back platform of the last car, "give him the whistle signal, will you?" "What?" asked a man. "Give him the whistle. Blow it three times, so he'll back up. Hurry! I can't leave this switch. "The men did not seem to know what to do. Some of them began looking inside the car for the old-fashioned bell cord, that used to run through the train to the engineer's cab.This is now displaced by a small red cord at one side of the car, and it operated a whistle connected with the air-brake system. "Pull the cord. Give him three whistles, can't you?" cried the man at the switch. "We can't lay here all day. ""I don't see any whistle," murmured the man who had told the boys about the switch. "Let him come and pull it himself. This is a queer road, where they expect the passengers to help run it." "Can't some of you pull that whistle cord? "demanded the man. "Hurry up." Jack heard and understood. He had often seen the brakemen or conductor at the Denton station start the trains by pulling on something under the hood of the car, as they stood on the platform. "I guess I can do it," he said as he worked his way through the crowd of passengers about the door. He reached up, and his fingers encountered a thin cord.He pulled it slowly, as he had seen the railroad men do, for as the air pressure had to travel the entire length of the train it required some time, and a quick jerk would not have been effective.Once, twice, three times Jack pulled the whistle cord, and he heard the hissing of escaping air that told of the signal sounding in the locomotive cab. An instant later came three blasts from the engine, and the train began to back up. "Much obliged to you," called the man at the switch to Jack, as the rear car passed him. "I'm glad somebody knew how to work it." "Is that where the whistle cord is?" asked a man. "I was looking for a bell cord. "The train backed across the switch, and was soon on another track, and one not blocked by a disabled freight. "Say," remarked Nat to Jack, "you're getting to be a regular railroad man. ""Well, I'm in a hurry to get out to camp and take the trail," replied Jack. "That's why I'm helping 'em run this road. "CHAPTER XV JACK MEETS A GIRL The train soon began to move forward again, but it had to proceed slowly, as it was on the wrong track, and a flagman had to precede it to prevent a collision.It was tiresome traveling, and nearly every one grumbled--that is, all save the boys. To them the affair was novel enough to be interesting. Finally they reached and passed the disabled freight train.As they puffed past it a girl, who had come in from some car ahead with an elderly gentleman, took a seat with him just across from where Jack sat. "There, daddy," said the girl in a sweet, resonant voice that made Jack look up quickly, "there's the train that made all the trouble. Now we'll go more quickly." "Are you sure, Mabel?" he asked. "Why, yes, daddy.Didn't the conductor say that as soon as we passed the broken freight train we would get on our regular track? You heard him." "Yes, I know, but you can't always believe what these railroad men tell you. They'd say anything to keep a passenger quiet.I'm nervous riding in these cars. There may be a collision when we're on the wrong track. Don't you think so?" he asked, turning to Jack. "Why, no.I don't believe we're in any danger," replied our hero, and his heart beat faster at the grateful look which the pretty girl flashed at him from her brown eyes. "There is a flagman ahead of us, and we'll soon be on the right track.There is no danger." "I'm sure I hope so," went on the aged man. "I'm not used to this way of traveling. A wagon, a horse, or hitting the trail for mine. I came out of the front car, because I thought it would be safer here in case of a collision.Don't you think so?" he asked anxiously. "Of course," answered Jack reassuringly, and again the girl looked gratefully at him. "My name's Pierce," went on the timid man. "Dan Pierce. What's yours?" "Oh, daddy!" exclaimed the girl. "Perhaps the young gentleman doesn't want to tell his name." "Why shouldn't he?" asked Mr. Pierce quickly. "Every one ought to be proud of his name. I'm proud of mine. Dan Pierce it is. I'm an old Western hunter, and this is my daughter Mabel.We've been East on a visit, and we're going back. I'm glad of it, too. What's your name?" he went on. "Father," expostulated the girl, "perhaps he doesn't wish to tell." "Oh, I haven't the least objection," answered our hero. "I'm Jack Ranger, and these are some friends of mine." "I'd like to know 'em," said Mr. Pierce quickly, and Jack introduced the boys, the old hunter, in turn, presenting his daughter Mabel, who blushed more than ever.But Jack thought her ever so much prettier when the color surged up into her brown, olive-tinted cheeks. "Going far?" asked Mr. Pierce.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"We're taking a hunting trip to the Shoshone Mountains," replied Jack. "You don't say so?Why, that's where I lived and hunted for forty years!" exclaimed Mr. Pierce. "That's where me and my daughter live. About ten miles from Pryor's Gap. But my hunting days are over," he said a bit sadly. "I have to settle down now and live in a house with Mabel here." Jack thought that was not at all a bad arrangement, and he stole a glance at the girl.He caught her looking at him, and he felt the blood mounting to his face, while he saw the blush spread again over her cheeks. "How long are you going to stay?" asked Mr. Pierce.Then Jack told of the formation of the gun club, and how it happened that they had a chance to come West on a late fall hunting trip. "It makes me feel young again," declared Mr. Pierce as his eyes lighted up. "I declare, I've a good notion to hit the trail again." "Oh, you mustn't think of that, daddy!" exclaimed Mabel. "Remember, you promised me you would stay home now and rest." "Rest?I guess you mean rust," said Mr. Pierce, his deep-set eyes sparkling with fun. "I sure would like to hit the trail again." "We would be very glad to have you come along with us," said Jack. "We have plenty of shelter tents, and lots of grub. ""I'd like it--I'd like it," said Mr. Pierce musingly. "Daddy!" expostulated his daughter. She shot a somewhat indignant glance at Jack for proposing such a thing, but she was not angry. "There, there, Mabel, of course I won't go," said her father. "I'll stay home. My hunting days are over, I reckon, but I sure would like a chance to wrassle with a bear or draw a bead on a mule deer or a fine big-horn sheep.Say, if you boys ever get near Pryor's Gap I'll feel mortal offended if you don't stop off and see us." "We'll stop," promised Jack heartily, and he looked into Mabel's eyes, whereat she blushed again, and Jack felt his heart strangely beating. "Masquerading mud-turtles! but that's a fine view!" suddenly exclaimed Nat, who was looking from a window. "You can see fifty miles, I'll wager." Mabel laughed heartily. "What a funny expression!" she said. "Where did you get it? ""Oh, he makes them up as he goes along," explained Jack, while Nat was in some confusion. "It must be some tiresome," observed Mr. Pierce, while his eyes twinkled humorously. "But we sure do have fine views out here.You needn't be in a hurry to look at 'em. There's plenty where you're going. But I meant to ask you boys how do you calculate to travel after you get to Fort Custer? I believe you said you were going there first. ""We are," replied Jack, "and from there we have arranged to go in wagons to Sage Creek and across Forty-mile Desert." "That's a good route," observed Mr. Pierce. "Who was you depending on to tote your stuff across the desert? ""Why, a man named Isaac Blender," answered Jack. "I wrote to him on the advice of my father, who heard of him through some Western friends he has." "Oh, you mean Tanker Ike," said Mr. Pierce. "Tanker Ike?" repeated Jack. "Yes.You see, we call him that because he used to drive a water tank across the desert to the mining camps. So you're going with Tanker Ike, eh? Well, that's middlin' curious." "Why so?" asked Sam. "Because me and my daughter are going to take a short trip with him. I've got a sister I want to visit before I go back to Pryor's Gap, and Mabel and I are going in one of Tanker Ike's wagons. ""Maybe we can go together," spoke Jack quickly, and he glanced at Mabel, who suddenly found something of interest in the scenery that was rushing by. "That's just what I was thinking," went on Mr. Pierce. "I'll give you a proper introduction to Ike.Are you going to have a guide?" "Yes," answered Jack. "I wrote to Mr. Blender about it, and he promised to get an Indian guide for us. Do you think he can?" "Oh, yes. There are plenty of Crow Indians that can be hired.I'll see that he gets you a good one." "Thank you," said Jack, secretly delighted that he could travel for some time longer in Mabel's company.The rest of the railroad journey seemed very short to Jack, and to his chums also, for Mr. Pierce proved an interesting talker, and told them many stories of camp and trail.Finally they reached Fort Custer, found their camping outfit on hand, with their guns, tents and other necessaries, and there was Tanker Ike on hand to meet them. "Hello, Ike!" called Mr. Pierce as he descended from the car. "Well, bust my off wheel!If it ain't Dan Pierce!" exclaimed the other. "Where did you drift in from?" They greeted each other heartily, and then Mr.Blender approached Jack and his chums, Mr. Pierce doing the introducing, which was hardly necessary, as the man who was to pilot the boys across the desert was a hearty, genial Westerner, whom to meet once was to feel well acquainted with. "And I want you to get these boys a good Indian guide," said Mr. Pierce. "None of those lazy, shiftless beggars." "I've got Long Gun for them," said Mr. Blender. "Good!" exclaimed Mr. Pierce. "Long Gun is as good a Crow Indian as there is.You'll be safe with him, boys." "Sanctimonious scalplocks!" exclaimed Nat. "Are we going to travel with a real live Indian?" "That's what, son," replied Tanker Ike softly. "But don't let off any more of them curious expressions than you can help.They might scare Long Gun, and he's sort of timid--for an Indian," and Mr. Pierce joined the wagon driver in a laugh. "Well, if we're going to start we'd better be going," remarked Mr. Blender at length. "Let's see.I guess I can get you all in one wagon, and pack the grub and camp truck in another." "Where will the Indian guide meet us?" asked Jack. "The other side of the desert." "Do you think he'll be there? ""When Long Gun says a thing, it's as good as done," commented Mr. Pierce. "Well, Mabel, climb up, and I'll get aboard in a few minutes." Jack made a start for the wagon. "Where you going?" asked Nat quickly. "I'm going to get in, of course. ""But what about our stuff?" "Oh, Mr. Blender will look after that, I guess." Jack kept on, following close after Mabel, and he took a seat beside her in the big wagon. "Say, fellows," remarked Nat in a low voice to the other lads, "what do you think of Jack?" "He's got 'em bad," commented Sam. "But I don't know as I blame him. She's awful nice." "Cut it out!You're getting sentimental in your old age, Sam," objected Bony, as he cracked a couple of knuckles for practice. CHAPTER XVI A DANGEROUS DESCENT Jack looked down at his chums from his seat in the big wagon beside Mabel. "Aren't you going to get aboard?" he asked with a smile. "Are we going to start soon?" asked Nat. "As soon as our stuff is loaded in the freight wagon," replied Jack. "Why?" "I want to get my gun," replied Nat. "We may see something to shoot at. ""Not much around here," commented Mr. Pierce. "Better leave your truck all together until you get to camp. It'll carry better that way." "Juthinkwe'llseeanyrobbers?" asked Budge suddenly.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"I beg your pardon," said Mr. Pierce slowly, while a look of surprise slowly spread over his face. "But what was that remark you just made? "For Budge had not talked much, thus far on the journey, and when he had spoken he had not used any of his conglomerated remarks. "He merely inquired if you thought we'd see any robbers," answered Sam with a smile. "'SwatIsaid," added Budge, rapidly chewing gum in his excitement. "No, I don't cal'alate we'll meet up with any bandits," answered Mabel's father with a smile. "If we do--well, Tanker Ike and I are pretty well heeled, I guess," and he lifted from his side coat pocket, where he carried it as if it was a pound of sugar, a revolver of large size. "Oh, daddy! Don't bring out that horrid gun!" exclaimed Mabel. "I thought Western girls were used to guns and such things," remarked Jack. "So she is," said her father. "Mabel is as good a shot with the rifle as I am, but somehow she don't exactly seem to cotton to these pocket pistols. ""I think they're dangerous," explained the girl with a glance at Jack that set his heart to beating faster again. "I don't mind a rifle, but for all daddy says so, I'm not as good a shot as he is." "I'd like to see you shoot," said Jack. "Maybe you will--if you come to see me--I mean us," she corrected herself quickly, with a blush. "I'll come," said Jack. Meanwhile, Mr. Blender and some men from the railroad freight office were loading the other wagon.This was one with a canvas top, something like the prairie schooners of the early Western days, and was drawn by a team of four mules. The passenger vehicle was hauled by four horses. "Well, I guess I've got everything in," commented Tanker Ike. "Now it's up to you boys to get the game. There's plenty of it, and I expect when you come back here to take a train East you'll have a great collection." "We'll try," answered Jack. "All aboard!" sung out Mr.Blender, and Sam, Bony and Budge, together with Nat, who had been wandering about, looking at the view, started to climb up into the big wagon.Jack had not relinquished his seat by Mabel's side, and he was oblivious to the winks and grins of his chums. "Have you got a good seat, Jack?" asked Sam, giving Nat a nudge in the ribs. "I've got the best seat in the wagon," replied Jack boldly, and Mabel seemed to find something very interesting on the opposite side of the vehicle from where Jack sat at her elbow. Mr. Pierce and Mr.Blender took their places on the front seat, the four other boys distributing themselves in the rear, while a teamster in charge of the freight wagon drove the mules that were to haul the camping outfit over the desert and mountains.It was fine, clear weather, not cold, in spite of the lateness of the season, and the boys, as well as all the others in the party, were in fine spirits. "Hurrah for Jack Ranger's gun club! "cried Nat, when they started off, the horses and mules plunging forward in response to pistol-like cracks of the long whips. "That's right!" sung out Sam. "Is it your gun club?" asked Mabel. "Well, they call it that," explained Jack, as he told how it came to be formed. "Cæsar's side saddles!" suddenly exclaimed Nat, when they had gone a little farther. "Did you see that rabbit? It was as big as a dog! ""That's a jack-rabbit," explained Mr. Pierce. "Why didn't I keep out my gun?" asked Sam with regret in his voice. "I'd like a shot at it. That's the biggest game I've seen in some time." "Wait until you see a mule deer, or a big-horn sheep," said Mr.Blender. "Then you can talk." They continued on slowly for several miles, the view changing every moment, and bringing forth exclamations of astonishment and delight from the boys.To Jack and Nat, who had been West before, there was not so much novelty in it, but Sam, Budge and Bony said they had never seen such beautiful aspects of mountain and valley.They stopped at noon to get dinner at a stage station, and though the place was of the "rough and ready" style, the meal was good. "'Sanycowboys?" asked Budge of Jack, as they came out to resume their journey. "I suppose you mean where are any cowboys," said Jack, and Budge nodded, being too busily engaged in preparing a fresh wad of gum at that moment to answer in words. "There aren't many around here," explained Mr. Pierce, who had heard Jack's interpretation of the question. "Oh, the West isn't half so wild and woolly as some book writers make it out to be." "Are you boys pretty good at going dry? "asked Tanker Ike, turning to Jack, when they had accomplished several miles more of their journey. "Going dry?" repeated our hero. "Yes. Can you go without a drink if you have to?" "Why? ""Well, you see, we'll start to cross the desert to-morrow, and though we'll take plenty of water along, you never can tell what will happen.It usually takes two days to make it, but sometimes an accident happens to a wagon, or a horse or a mule may go lame, and then you're longer on the trip.When you are, your water doesn't always last, and many a time I've finished the journey with my tongue hanging out of my mouth, and the poor beasts as dry as powder-horns. So I just thought I'd ask you if you were pretty good at going dry. ""Well, Nat and I were shipwrecked once," answered Jack, "and if it hadn't rained we'd have been in a bad way, eh, Nat?" "That's what. Sanctified sand-fleas! but that was a tough time," he added, as he thought of the cruise of the _Polly Ann_. "Well, it never rains on this desert," commented Mr. Pierce. "Can't you carry enough water so that if you're four days instead of two crossing the desert you'll have plenty?" asked Bony. "You can only carry just so much," replied Tanker Ike. "But don't worry. I was only asking just for fun. I reckon we'll make out all right." "Were you really shipwrecked?" asked Mabel, interestedly turning to Jack. "Well, yes," he admitted, for he disliked to talk about himself. "Oh, do tell me about it, please. I love to hear real stories of adventure." "And tell her how you knocked out Jerry Chowden," put in Sam. "Say, maybe we'll meet him out here. He went West, you know. ""I hope not," responded Jack, and then he told Mabel of his ocean cruise. "Everybody hold on tight now," cautioned Mr. Blender about an hour later, as he set the brake of the wagon and called back a warning to the driver of the freight vehicle. "Why? "asked Jack. "There's a bad hill just ahead, and I've got more of a load on than I usually carry. But I guess we'll make it all right," and he gathered the reins in a firmer grip and braced himself on the seat.A few minutes later they came to a turn in the road, and started down a dangerous descent of the bluff that bordered the valley of the desert.The brake began to screech on the wheels, and the horses threw themselves almost on their haunches to hold back the heavy wagon, which, in spite of the fact that two wheels were almost locked, was sliding down the declivity at a dangerous speed.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"I'd oughter chained the wheels," said Tanker Ike grimly, as he tried to force the brake lever forward another notch. "Can't you do it now?" asked Mr. Pierce. "Nope!" spoke the driver between his clenched teeth. "We've got to go on. "More and more rapidly the vehicle slid down the hill. The horses were slipping, but they managed to keep their feet, and the brake was more shrilly screeching on the wheels.All at once, as they made a turn and came to yet a steeper part of the trail, there was a sudden chill to the air, and some white flecks, as if some one had scattered tiny feathers, swirled in front of those in the wagon. "Snow!" exclaimed Tanker Ike. "I thought it was coming." A moment later there was a sharp squall, and the air was filled with white crystals, which came down so thick that it was impossible to see twenty feet ahead. "Steady, boys--steady! "called the driver to the horses, which seemed frightened by the storm and the weight of the wagon pushing them from behind. The speed was faster now, though Tanker Ike was doing his best to have the animals hold back the wagon.The horses were almost "sitting down," and were fairly sliding along. Suddenly there sounded a sharp snap, and the wagon seemed to plunge forward. "What's that?" cried Mr. Pierce. "Brake's busted!" shouted Mr. Blender. "Now we're in for it! "He loosened his hold on the reins slightly, and swung his long whip over the heads of the astonished horses with a crack like that of a rifle. "Go on!" he yelled. "Go on! Run! "The steeds began to gallop, just in time to prevent the wagon, so unexpectedly released from the hold of the brake, from striking them, and they dashed down the mountain-side, dragging the vehicle after them.CHAPTER XVII THIRSTY ON THE DESERT "Hold fast, everybody!" called out Tanker Ike, giving one glance backward at his passengers. The fury of the sudden storm increased. The road became more steep, and the speed was faster. "I hope we don't meet any other wagon," thought Jack. He gave one glance at the girl at his side. He could see that she was pale, but there was no sign of fear in her brown eyes.She was clinging tightly to the side of the seat, and Jack edged closer to her, hoping he might be of some service. "Look out!" suddenly cried the driver. An instant later Jack and his chums knew the reason why.The wagon struck a big stone in the road, and the occupants of the seats were nearly thrown off them. Then followed a sound as of something breaking, and the next moment Jack felt the seat, on which he and the girl were, sliding forward.It had broken loose from its fastenings.Another jolt of the wagon threw the end on which Mabel sat down into the bottom of the vehicle, and she pitched sideways over the edge of the wagon, which at that moment was on a narrow part of the road, skirting a big cliff.On one side the rock rose sheer like a wall. On the other there was a precipice, dropping away for a hundred feet or more.Mabel could not repress a scream as she felt herself tossed out of the wagon, and she threw her hands upward, vainly clutching for something to cling to. Her father turned and saw her.He prepared to leap backward to her aid, but he could not have done it. But Jack saw what had happened.His end of the seat was elevated, as the other was depressed, and, taking in the situation at a glance, he made a spring toward the girl, and clasped her about the waist just in time to prevent her falling out.He braced himself against the edge of the wagon, and held on with all his strength, for the girl was no lightweight, and the swaying of the vehicle threatened to toss them both out.By this time Mr. Pierce had left his seat beside Tanker Ike, who was doing his best to safely guide the horses down the winding, steep road in the storm, and Mabel's father came to the aid of her and Jack. "I've got her!" Jack managed to gasp. "So I see!" cried Mr. Pierce, and then, lending his strength to that of our hero, he pulled Mabel safely within the wagon. "That--that was a narrow squeak," commented Mr. Pierce, when Mabel, pale and gasping from fright, had been assisted to the seat, which was replaced and braced up after a fashion. "Rather," admitted Jack with a smile. "You saved her life, Ranger," went on Mr. Pierce, and there was a husky note in his voice. "She's--she's all I've got, and--and--I don't know how to thank you. If she'd gone over the edge there--well, I don't like to talk about it. ""Oh, if I hadn't grabbed her some one else would," said Jack modestly. Mabel did not say much, but the glance she gave Jack from her brown eyes more than repaid him.The excitement caused by the second accident calmed down, and then the occupants of the wagon had time to notice that the progress of the vehicle was slower.The road was not so steep, and a little later Tanker Ike guided his horses to a comparatively level stretch. The snow squall, too, suddenly ceased. "Well," remarked the driver slowly as he halted the team and got out to repair the broken brake, "I don't want a thing like that to happen again. I wanted to help you, Mabel, but I didn't dare leave the horses. ""I--I was helped in time," answered the girl with a little blush. "Guess we'll wait for the freight wagon," went on Tanker Ike. "Then I'll fix things up and we'll go on. There's no more danger, though. We're over the worst part of the road. "Mexican Pete, who drove the freighter, soon came up, he having had no mishap on the trip down. The three men soon mended the broken brake, and the journey was resumed.That night they arrived at the stage station, which marked the beginning of the two days' trip over the desert. It was here that Mr. Pierce and his daughter were to leave the boys, to go on a different route. "Now don't you young fellows forget to come to Pryor's Gap if you get a chance," commanded Mr. Pierce. "My daughter and I will be there in a few weeks, after I do a little more visiting.You can get there from where you are going to hunt without crossing this desert, though it's rather a long, roundabout way. But I hope I'll see you again." "Yes, try to come," added Mabel as she shook hands with the boys, Jack last of all.Was it fancy, or did she leave her hand in his a little longer than was absolutely necessary? I rather think she did, or perhaps Jack held it. "I hope you'll come to see me--I mean us," she said. "I'll come," was Jack's answer.Mr. Pierce and his pretty daughter went to stay with a friend that night, while the boys, Tanker Ike and Mexican Pete put up at the stage hotel. "We'll start early in the morning," said Mr. Blender as the boys were getting ready to retire. "I'll see to filling the water tanks, and the grub you ordered in advance is here. I'll stack it in the wagon, and we'll start off as soon as it's daylight. I've got good horses for us all." "Horses? Are we going to ride horses?" asked Sam. "Of course, from now on," replied Jack. "Didn't I tell you?"
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"There's so much about this trip, I guess if you did tell us we'd forget some of it," said Bony. "But traveling on horses will be sport. I wish it was morning. Don't you, Budge? ""I'mungry," was the queer lad's reply. "Hungry?" remarked Jack. "Didn't you eat enough supper?" "I guess it must be this Western air," put in Nat. "Salubrious centipedes! but I could eat a bit myself.I wish we had some of that last spread you gave, Jack." Then, though it was almost bedtime, the boys went to the dining-room, where they bribed the only waiter to set them out some pie, cheese and glasses of milk, on which they regaled themselves.Meanwhile, Mr. Blender and Mexican Pete had loaded the freight wagon, which was to start off ahead of the travelers, who were to go on horseback. They would catch up with the vehicle at noon, and have dinner in the shade of it.Jack aroused his companions next morning, when there was only a faint light in the east. "It's time to start," he said. "How is it you're dressed?" asked Sam suspiciously. "Oh, I--er--I was up a little earlier," replied Jack. "Say, I know where he was," commented Bony, cracking his knuckles in the semi-darkness. "He was off to bid Mabel good-by again. I heard him say last night he'd come over before the start of the stage she was to take." "Masticated mushrooms! "exclaimed Nat. "I wouldn't have thought it of you, Jack!" "Come on, get up!" was all Jack replied as he hurried from the room to see if Tanker Ike had everything prepared. The boys, after a hasty breakfast, found the horses in readiness for them.They had taken out the night before their guns and some clothes from the bundles shipped from the East, and now were equipped to take the trail and begin hunting.They started off some time before the sun shone above the horizon, and almost immediately found themselves upon a bare and partly sandy waste. "This is Forty-mile desert," explained Ike. "If you have any trouble at all, it'll be here.But I hope we won't have any." It was warm, in spite of the lateness of the season, and as they jogged along on their horses they began to feel the discomfiture of the journey. But no one minded it. "We ought to come up with Mexican Pete soon," remarked Ike, when they had trotted along for several miles. "That looks like the wagon over there," he added, pointing ahead. Jack and his chums could make out a white speck on the trackless waste.As they approached it grew larger, until it evolved itself into the freight wagon. They halted at it for a meal, and, resting the horses, gave Pete a chance to get some distance ahead of them. Then they resumed their jaunt.It was the middle of the afternoon when Ike, who was in the lead, made a sudden exclamation. "What's the matter?" asked Jack. "Mexican Pete's just ahead," replied the old plainsman with a worried accent in his voice. "I wonder what he's stopping for?I told him not to halt until we reached Stinking Spring, where we are to camp for the night." "Maybe something's happened," suggested Bony. "I hope not, but it looks so. "A moment later Tanker Ike had leaped from his horse, and was examining something on the ground. It looked like a small streak of darker sand than any which surrounded it. "His water tank has sprung a leak!" he exclaimed. "You can see where it's been running out. That's why he's halted to wait for us. Come on, boys; let's hurry up. I can see trouble ahead." They soon reached the driver of the freight wagon. He met them with a rueful face. "Water mos' gone," he said.Tanker Ike made a hasty examination. There was only a small quantity left in the second tank, the full one, which had not yet been drawn upon, being completely empty, from a leak that had sprung in the bottom. "Well, this is tough luck, boys," commented the plainsman. "I don't know what to do. We're bound to be up against it bad whatever we do.We haven't hardly enough water to last us going back for a fresh supply, and if we keep on we'll be awful dry by to-morrow night. I don't like to waste time going back, either." "Didn't you say something about Stinking Spring?" asked Jack. "Can't we get water there?" "Yes, but neither man nor beast can drink it. It's filled with some kind of vile-smelling chemical, and it gives off a gas so deadly that at times it will kill animals that come too close.I've even seen a big bear killed by it. No, we can't get water there." "Then what can we do?" asked Sam. He and the other boys were alarmed by the accident, the most serious that had yet befallen them. "Well, the only thing I see is for us to keep on," replied Ike. "If we travel all to-night and keep up a pretty good pace to-morrow, we may strike the Shoshone River in time to--well, in time to wet our whistles.But it's going to be a hard pull, and I don't know whether the horses will stand it." "Let's try," suggested Jack, who never believed in giving up in the face of difficulties. "That's the way to talk!" commented Ike. "Maybe we can do it. "They halted for a short rest, then resumed the journey again. But this time they kept with the freight wagon, and they had to travel more slowly to accommodate the pace of the horses to the slower gait of the mules drawing the heavy vehicle.They made a light supper, and drank sparingly of the little water that remained, doling out the smallest possible quantity to the horses and mules, which greedily thrust their tongues even against the wet sides of the pails, after all the fluid was sucked up. "Now for the night journey," said Tanker Ike, and they started off, with the moon shining from a clear sky. It was a trip that would have been wonderfully interesting to the boys had there not been the worry about the water.As it was, they enjoyed it at first, for in the cool, moon-lit darkness they did not suffer from thirst. But when daylight came, and the sun began to mount into the heavens, pouring down considerable heat on them, their tortures began.Tanker Ike served out the water with sparing hand. The animals were given barely enough to wet their parched mouths, and the boys and two men got but little more. They made all the speed they could, which was not much, for the wagon held them back. "Don't eat much," cautioned Ike as they stopped for a mid-day lunch. "You'll not be so thirsty then. "But even refraining from food did not seem to make much difference, and as the day wore on and the supply of water became lower and lower, with a consequent reduction of the ration, the sufferings of the boys grew acute. "Oh, for a good glass of ice water," sighed Bony. "Dry up!" commanded Nat. "I can't be any drier than I am now," responded the bony lad. Meanwhile, Tanker Ike had been anxiously scanning the horizon.He appeared worried, and Jack, seeing this, asked him: "Do you think we ought to be at the river now?" "We ought to, yes, but we're not," was his answer. "I'm afraid I've gotten off the trail.I don't see any familiar landmarks, yet I was sure I took the right route."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
He called a halt and consulted with Mexican Pete. That individual was of the same opinion as Ike--that they were on the wrong trail. "Well, there's no help for it," said the plainsman. "We'll have to go back a ways. I'm sorry, boys. It's my fault. It's the first time I ever did a thing like that. ""Oh, mistakes will happen," said Jack, and he tried to speak cheerfully, but his voice was husky and his throat was parched.They turned around, the horses seeming unwilling to retrace their steps, and they were beginning to get restive, as were the mules. "The last of the water," announced Tanker Ike at dusk that evening, when they halted for a short meal. "We'll have to push on with all speed to-night. If we don't find water in the morning----" He did not finish, but they all knew what he meant. That night was one of fearful length, it seemed.As it wore on, and the parched throats of the travelers called for water where there was none, it became a torture. Morning came, and the sun blazed down hotter than ever. The horses and mules acted as if crazed, but they were urged on relentlessly.The tongues of Jack and his comrades began to get thick in their mouths. Those of the animals were hanging out, and foam was falling from their lips where the bits chafed.At noon, though Tanker Ike strained his eyes for a sight of the Shoshone River or for some water hole, there was no sign of either. On and on they pushed, trying to swallow to relieve their terrible thirst.Suddenly the horse which Sam rode gave a leap forward, and then began to go around in a circle. "That's bad," murmured Ike in a low voice. "He's beginning to get locoed from want of water. "He urged his own beast up to Sam's, and gave the whirling animal a cut with the quirt. That stopped it for a while, and they went on. Mexican Pete and Tanker Ike said little.They were men used to the hardships of the West, and it was not the first time they had suffered in crossing the desert. But it was hard for Jack and his chums.Nevertheless, they did not complain, but taking an example from the men, silently rode their horses. The poor beasts must have suffered dreadfully. Tanker Ike, who was riding ahead, suddenly leaped off his horse.At first the boys thought he had seen a water hole, but he merely picked up some pebbles from the sand. "Put some of these in your mouth and roll them around," he said. "It will help to make the saliva come and keep down your thirst some. "Mexican Pete followed his example, and the boys were about to do likewise, when Budge Rankin, reaching into his pocket, called out: "What'smatterwithis?" And he held out several packages. CHAPTER XVIII LOST IN THE BAD LANDS "Gum!" cried Jack."Gum! That's the stuff, Budge!" "The very thing!" added Tanker Ike. "I wonder I didn't think to ask for some. That will be better than the pebbles. Pass it around, young man. "Budge handed out packages of gum, which he was seldom without, and soon all the travelers were busily engaged in chewing it. In a measure it relieved their thirst at once, and their tongues felt less swollen, and not so much like pieces of leather. "'Stoobad," remarked Budge as he put in a fresh wad. "What is?" asked Jack. "That the horses can't chew," replied Budge. "Hu! I guess it would take a bigger cud than you could muster to satisfy a horse--or a mule," remarked Tanker Ike. "But it's lucky you had it for us. I was feeling pretty bad." The little diversion caused by the production of the gum and the relief it brought, helped them to pass over several miles in a comfortable fashion.But the terrible thirst did not leave them, and as for the horses and mules, they were half crazed, or "locoed," as Tanker Ike expressed it. How they traveled the remainder of that day none of them could tell exactly afterward.But they managed to keep on, and just as it was beginning to get dusk there was a sudden movement among the animals. "They smell water," cried Ike as the mules, drawing the heavy wagon, broke into a run. "They smell water! They do, for sure! "And he was right. Half an hour later they came to a small water hole, and here they slaked their thirst, drinking slowly at first, and keeping the animals back from it by main force, until they had each been given a pailful, which they drank greedily.Then, after the life-giving fluid had had a chance to take off the first pangs of thirst, boys, men and horses drank more freely. "Petrified persimmons!" exclaimed Nat. "I used to think ice-cream sodas were the best ever, but now I think a cupful of water from a mud hole is the finest thing that ever came over the pike. Let's have another, boys! "Their sufferings were at an end, and, their thirsts having been slaked, they ate a good meal and rested that night beside the water hole. The next day they reached the Shoshone River and the end of the desert. "Well, boys, now I'm going to leave you," said Tanker Ike. "Long Gun will be here pretty soon, and he'll show you where to get some big game. Then you'll have to sort of shift for yourselves.Mexican Pete will take your camp stuff wherever you tell him to, and the rest depends on you." "Oh, I guess we'll make out all right," replied Jack. "But what about that Indian, Long Gun?" asked Sam. "I thought he was to meet us here. ""He will," replied Tanker Ike confidently, and, sure enough, about an hour later there sauntered into the camp a tall, silent Indian guide, who, as he advanced to the fire, uttered but one word: "How?" "How? "responded the plainsman, and then he introduced the boys. Long Gun merely grunted his salutations, and then seating himself near the fire, he took out his pipe and began to smoke. "I wonder why he doesn't pass it around," whispered Nat to Jack. "Pass what around?" "His pipe? Isn't that a peace pipe? I thought Indians always smoked the pipe of peace with their friends." Long Gun must have had good ears, for he looked up at Nat's words. Then he smiled grimly. "No peace pipe.Corn-cob pipe--plenty bad, too," he said. "Yo' got better one?" "No, Long Gun, they don't use pipes," said Tanker Ike with a smile. "Say, he understands English," remarked Sam. "That's what," put in Bony. "Pity he wouldn't," remarked Ike. "He's been guiding hunting parties of white men for the last ten years." Early the next morning Tanker Ike started back, taking a longer trail, that would not make it necessary for him to cross the desert.On the advice of Long Gun the boys and Mexican Pete started off up into the mountains, where they were to make a camp, and begin to hunt. "Here good place," remarked Long Gun that afternoon, as they came to a level clearing on the shoulder of the mountain. "Plenty much mule deer and sheep here. Like um jack-rabbits, or um bear? Plenty git here. We camp." "Hu! Good! "grunted Mexican Pete, and he began to unload the wagon. In a short time all the things Jack and the other boys had brought were on the ground, beside the two tents that formed part of their outfit.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"At last it begins to look like camping," remarked Bony. "It'll look a good deal more like it if you'll give us a correct imitation of a fellow helping put up a tent," said Jack. "Every one get busy, now. "Mexican Pete started back with the freight wagon, agreeing to come and get the camp stuff whenever word was sent to Tanker Ike or him.They pitched in with a will, Budge helping to good advantage, and soon the canvas shelters were up, a fire built, and, under Jack's direction, a meal was in progress, Long Gun volunteering to oversee this.It was no novelty for the boys to sleep in a tent at camp, but as the night advanced they found that it was far from being summer, in spite of the hot days, and they were glad of heavy clothing and the blankets which they had brought along. "Now for a hunt!" cried Jack the next morning, after a fine, hot breakfast. "Long Gun, I want to get a big mule deer." "I want a bear!" cried Sam. "A big-horn sheep for mine!" was Nat's stipulation. "I'd like a mountain lion," remarked Bony. "How about you, Budge?" asked Jack. "'FIkillanelkI'llbesatisfied," was the answer. "An elk!" exclaimed Jack. "I guess so! Why, I'd like that myself. ""Well, I thought I might as well wish for something big while I was at it," said Budge calmly, as he stowed away some fresh gum. Under the guidance of Long Gun they mounted their horses and started out for their first hunt in that region.The Indian gave them some good advice about how to shoot, for going after big game was something new to them. "If git lost, fire gun," was the Indian's final word of caution. They rode on together for a mile or more, but got no sight of any game. "I think we'd better separate," suggested Jack. "We'll never get anything if we stick together. Let's try it alone. We can meet at some central point. Eh, Long Gun?" "Hu!" grunted the Indian. "Git lost, maybe." "That's right," assented Bony. "I don't want to go off alone." "Well, Nat and I will strike off to the left," went on Jack. "You, Sam and Budge can keep with Long Gun and go to the right. We'll meet by that big peak over there," and he pointed to one that could easily be seen.This was agreed to, the Indian giving his consent with a grunt, and then Jack and Nat started off alone. "I hope we get something," remarked Jack when they had traveled for a mile or more. "Same here," added Nat. "Let's go closer to that bad lands section Long Gun told us of." "I'm afraid we'll get lost," objected Jack.The bad lands, as they are called, are a peculiar tract covered with ten thousand little sawtooth peaks and cones of earth and sandstone, rising abruptly from the plain, and so closely set together, and so lacking in any distinctive objects to mark them, that one can wander about in them as in a maze.The two lads had been hunting on the edge of them, but had not ventured in. "Oh, I guess we can find our way back, if we don't go in too far," said Nat. "Well," began Jack a little doubtfully, "I don't know----" And then he saw something that made him change his mind. "Look! "he whispered to Nat, and his chum, looking where Jack pointed, saw a big deer, just on the edge of the bad lands, and about to enter them. "It's a buck!" exclaimed Nat, bringing his rifle around. "We'll follow him and get a shot," decided Jack, and they left their horses and began to stalk the big buck. Fortunately the wind was blowing from him to them, or the animal might have taken fright.As it was, they were not far behind him when he entered the maze of little peaks. Several times they thought they were in a position to get a good shot, but each time the deer moved just as one or the other of the lads was drawing a bead on him.Finally Jack got just the chance he wanted. Kneeling down he took quick aim and pulled the trigger.The report that followed nearly deafened him and Nat, so many were the echoes, but when the smoke cleared away they saw the big deer lying on the ground not far away. [Illustration: "KNEELING DOWN, HE TOOK QUICK AIM AND PULLED THE TRIGGER. "]"You've got him!" cried Nat. "Our first big game!" exclaimed Jack as he ran forward. "My, but he's big!" commented Nat. "How we going back to camp?" "Put him on the horses, of course," said Jack. "We can do it. We'll lead them up here. ""Sure," responded Nat. "I forgot we had 'em. We'll go back and lead 'em in." They started back, full of confidence in their ability to find where they had tethered the animals.They walked on for half an hour, and then Jack said: "Say, it seems to me we're a long time finding those horses." "That's right," agreed Nat. "We didn't take so long coming in here. I guess we came the wrong way." "I'm sure of it," declared Jack. "We should have gone to the right." "No, the left." They discussed it for some time, and finally decided to try the right. They went on for some distance, but no horses were seen. "Let's go back to where we left the deer and begin over," proposed Jack. They started, but the sawtooth peaks seemed to multiply. They turned this way and that, but could not find the place where they had made their first kill. "Jack," said Nat at length, "do you know it's getting late?" "It sure is," admitted his chum. The sun was low in the western sky. The two boys stared about them. On every side were the peculiar peaks of the bad lands. Jack turned around in a circle.He was trying to see some landmark, by which he could tell whether they had passed that spot before. He saw none. "Nat," he said finally, "we're lost." CHAPTER XIX A PERILOUS SLIDE For a few seconds after Jack's announcement Nat stared at his chum."Lost?" he repeated. "That's what I said, Nat. Long Gun was right, and so was Tanker Ike. It's a heap sight easier to get lost in here than I thought. Why, every one of these peaks looks just like the one next to it.I don't believe we've been over the same bit of ground twice." "I know how we can tell." "How?" "Make a mark on one of these peaks, and then walk around and see if we get back to it." "That's a good way, but in which direction shall we go? "Nat shrugged his shoulders. "You've got me," he admitted. "But, say, didn't we come into this bad section from the east when we were after the deer?" "Yes," said Jack after a little thought, "I believe we did.I know when we were eating lunch I noted the sun. We sure did come in from the east. But what of that?" "Why, if we want to go back we must walk toward the east. That is, have the sun at our backs.Instead of that we've been walking with the sun in our faces most of the time. Let's try it." "All right, but first let's make a mark on one of these peaks." They did so by digging out a hollow with their hunting knives, and placing some stones in it.This accomplished, they started off again. "What about the deer you shot?" asked Nat. "We'll not try to get back to that. Make for camp is what I say. Long Gun will probably be able to find the deer.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"It was getting quite late now, and the sun was barely visible from over the peaks of the bad lands. But turning their backs to it they started off.They did not know how far they went, but it was getting dusk rapidly, and they saw no indication that they were getting nearer to the edge of the curious region in which they were lost. "Well?" asked Nat dejectedly as he sat down on a stone. "How about it?" "We don't seem to be getting any closer to camp," admitted Jack. "Say!" he exclaimed, "why didn't we think of it before? We ought to yell." "Yes, and fire our rifles," added Nat. "That's what Long Gun told us to do if we got lost.Queer we didn't think of it long ago. Well, here goes!" He raised his voice in a loud shout, and Jack joined in. They called several times, but the echoes seemed to be their only answer. "Now let's fire a few shots," proposed Jack, and they discharged their weapons together, making a terrible din, and causing so many echoes that it seemed as if a thunderstorm was in progress. "I believe those echoes will confuse them," said Nat. "I know they would me." "I guess Long Gun can tell where we are if he hears 'em at all," replied Jack. "But I think we're quite a way from camp. I wish we'd stuck together." "Too late for that now. Fire again. "They did so, and also shouted a number of times, moving about in the interval. "Well," said Nat at length as he noted the shadows growing longer and longer, "I guess we're in for the night; and it's getting colder, too. ""You're right, there," answered Jack, turning up the collar of his coat. "Still there's one consolation." "What's that?" "We haven't gone in a circle. We haven't seen anything of that peak we marked. ""No; but it will soon be so dark we can't see anything." The two lads gazed at each other. Their plight was a serious one, for they were in no condition to remain out in the cold night without shelter.All at once, from somewhere off to the left, there came a curious noise. It startled the lads, and Nat exclaimed: "What's that?" "I don't know," answered Jack. "Some sort of an animal," and in spite of himself he felt the cold chills running down his spine. "Maybe it's a bear," suggested Nat. "I wish----" The noise came again, louder than before, and closer. Jack burst into a laugh. "Aren't we the ninnies? "he exclaimed. "Those are our horses whinnying, and the echoes made their calls sound strange. Now we're all right, Nat. We'll find the horses and ride right to camp." "My! but that's good news!" responded his companion.Once more came the whinnying, and following the direction of the sound, the lads soon came to their horses, but, to their surprise, the steeds were standing in among the sawtooth peaks of the bad lands. "Didn't we leave them outside, on the edge of this pestiferous region?" asked Nat in some doubt. "We sure did," replied Jack, "but they've pulled up the tether pegs and followed us in. Never mind, they can probably find their way out.We'll mount them and let them take us back to camp. "With hearts very much lighter, the two lads leaped into the saddle, and calling to the horses, let the reins lie lightly on their necks, trusting to the superior intelligence of the beasts to extricate them from their plight.As if only waiting for their masters, the horses started off. It was almost dark now, and one or two early stars could be seen. "Ho! for camp, and a good, hot supper!" exclaimed Jack. "Jumping Johnniecakes! but you're right! "cried Nat with something of his old enthusiasm. "I don't believe I ever was so hungry." The horses walked at a fast pace, and seemed to have no hesitation in making their way out of the bad lands. "Next time I'll ride my horse in," said Jack. "I didn't think it was good footing, or I'd have done it to-day." They rode on for some time longer, and then Nat remarked: "Seems to me it's taking quite a long while to get out of this place. The horses must have come in quite a distance. ""Maybe they did," agreed Jack, "or maybe they're taking us out on the other side. I don't know as it makes much difference." "Well, we're going up hill, anyhow," went on Nat. "It's quite a grade. "It certainly was, and the horses were having no easy task. But they kept on, as if they knew just where they were going.The boys were beginning to get a bit anxious again, wondering if, after all, the horses were taking them right, when the bad lands came to a sudden end. There were no more of the sawtooth peaks. "Hurrah, we're out of 'em!" cried Jack. "Yes, and look where we are," said Jack. "Nowhere near camp." They were on the shoulder of a steep mountain, while below them, wrapped in the fast approaching night, was a great valley. Then something else caught the eyes of the boys. "There's a fire!" called Nat, pointing to a blaze at the foot of the mountain. "I'll wager it's our camp," declared Jack. "Here goes for a hail." He shouted and fired his gun.In a few seconds there came an answering call, and a firebrand was waved in the air. "That's Bony's voice," cried Nat. "I can almost hear him cracking his knuckle bones." "Yes, but how are we to get down?" asked Jack. "I don't see the sign of a trail." The next instant his horse answered the question for him by starting right down the side of the mountain, which at that point was composed of shaling stones, and quite smooth. "Where you going?" cried Nat. "I don't know," answered Jack. "My horse seems to want to take a slide. "Then Nat's steed followed the other, and a moment later the two lads, on the backs of their animals, were sliding, stumbling and slipping down the precipitous slope of the mountain.CHAPTER XX LONG GUN IS AFRAID From below them Jack and Nat could hear cries of alarm, and they could see several waving firebrands and note ghostly figures circling about the camp blaze. "Can you stop your horse, Jack?" called Nat. "I'm not going to try," was the reply. "I've got all I can do to hold on. How about you?" "I'm in the same boat. I hope we don't strike anything, for if we do I'll shoot over his head and land I don't know where. This is fierce!" "Hold on tight! ""That's what I'm doing!" The horses reached a place that was not quite so steep, and managed to stop sliding, running for a short distance.Then the slipping began again, but both animals were like cats on their feet, and seemed to take it all as a matter of course. "We're almost there! "cried Jack as he saw the camp fire more plainly, and could distinguish Sam's and Bony's voices calling to them. "I'm--glad--of--that," replied Ned brokenly, for he was bounding up and down in the saddle.A minute later and the horses had come to a stop on the level ground where the camp was pitched. "'Sanyoneurt?" asked Budge anxiously. "No, I guess neither of us is hurt," answered Jack, "though we're some shaken up. ""Where in the world have you been?" asked Bony. "What did you come down that way for?" was Sam's question. "Were you lost?" inquired Budge.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Heap long time gone," was Long Gun's contribution. "Say, if you'll give us a chance we'll tell you," said Jack. "I wonder if the horses are hurt, though? I never expected to get down with them alive." "Horses plenty much all right," announced the Indian after a short examination. "They do that afore.Slide down mountain many times. Know how--easy." "Well, I'm glad they knew how," spoke Nat. "I thought it was an accident. "Then Jack told of the shooting of the deer, how they were lost in the bad lands, and how they found the horses and slid down to the camp fire.Long Gun, in his broken English, explained that the horses which they had were often used by hunters, who thought nothing of sliding down a favorable place in the side of the mountain on the backs of their steeds.Jack's and Nat's animals had probably thought that their riders desired to come down that way, as it was the shortest route to camp and supper. "Well, you certainly had us worried," said Sam as the two wanderers were seated before the fire, eating a late meal. "We could hear your guns, but the echoes confused us.Long Gun said you'd be all right, but if you hadn't come pretty soon Bony and I were going after you." "Say, what about our deer, that you shot, Jack?" asked Nat a little later. "Can't we go get it?" "Not to-night," replied Jack. "I wouldn't venture in among those peaks in the dark for ten deer. We'll get it in the morning." "Hu! Mebby none left," grunted the Indian. "None left? What do you mean?" "Plenty things eat um. Bears, rats, foxes, mebby. ""Well, we'll have to shoot another, that's all," said Jack. "But did you fellows have any luck?" "Bony shot a jack-rabbit," replied Sam, "but the rest of us didn't get anything, though I fired at a big sheep." "Too far off," explained Long Gun.It was getting colder, and there was a promise of snow in the air, which, the Indian explained, would make it all the better for tracking game.The boys were glad to wrap themselves up well when they went to their beds, which consisted of heavy blankets spread over hemlock boughs, placed inside the tent on the ground.A big camp fire was kept going, with enough wood at hand, so that if any one awakened in the night and found it low the fuel could easily be thrown on. The whole party, with Long Gun included, left after breakfast to bring in the deer Jack had shot.They found it without any trouble under Long Gun's guidance, but the carcass had been so torn by other beasts that it was not fit for food. "Rambunctious ram's horns!" exclaimed Nat. "I was counting on some nice venison steaks, too. ""Well, we'll try again," suggested Jack, and the whole party, on horseback, started off to hunt.This time they did not go into the region of the bad lands, but to an easy slope of the mountain, well wooded, yet with rocky precipices here and there, with bare spots where, the Indian said, the big-horn sheep might be found.On Long Gun's advice the party separated, Jack, Nat and Budge going off to one side, and the others in a different direction. As there was a plain trail back to camp, and plenty of landmarks, there was no danger of any one getting lost.Jack, Nat and Budge rode along, watching for signs of game, but all they saw were numbers of jack-rabbits. "ShallIshoot'em?" asked Budge, as a particularly large one dashed by. "If you want to," replied Jack. "But I'm going to wait for bigger game.A buck or a ram for mine, eh, Nat?" "That's what." But the bucks and the rams did not seem to be on view that day, and after riding about all the morning the three boys stopped to rest near a spring and eat their lunch. "I tell you what we'll do," suggested Jack as they prepared to resume their journey. "Let's leave the horses here and work up that mountain," and he pointed to the steep sides of a towering peak, at the foot of which they had halted. "I'm with you," agreed Nat. "'Stoomuchwork," announced Budge as he turned over on his back and began chewing some fresh gum. "I'll stay here until you come back. "They tried to get him to come with them, but he would not, so Jack and Nat started off alone. They had not gone more than a mile before Jack, who was slightly in advance, came to a sudden halt and motioned to Nat to make no noise. "There he is," whispered Jack, when Nat had joined him, and he pointed to a distant boulder that jutted out from the side of the mountain, a short distance away. Nat looked, and saw something that made the blood leap in his veins.It was a big mountain ram, with a massive pair of horns--a fine specimen. The animal's back was toward them, and it seemed to be viewing the valley spread out below it. "You shoot first, and if you miss I'll take him," directed Jack in a whisper, wishing to give his chum the first chance. Fixing his eyes on the ram, Nat brought forward his gun, cocked it, and aimed.Then for some unaccountable reason his hand began to tremble. It was his first shot at big game, and he was nervous. "I--I can't shoot," he whispered, lowering his rifle. "Nonsense! You've got to," said Jack sternly, and this brought Nat to himself.Once more he raised his weapon. Jack was in readiness with his in case his chum should miss. There was a moment of breathless suspense, and then Nat fired. Instantly the ram wheeled about and stood facing the spot where the two lads were.He must have seen them, for the floating cloud of smoke drew his gaze. "I've missed! You fire!" exclaimed Nat. And, indeed, he had missed the ram cleanly. Jack threw his gun to his shoulder, and instantly it cracked out. "You hit him! I saw him jump! "cried Nat excitedly. "Come on! We'll get him!" Without a word Jack pumped another cartridge into the chamber, and fired again. But just as he did so the ram gave a leap and disappeared from the rock. "We've got him! We've got him! "yelled Nat excitedly. "Come on!" "No use," said Jack quietly, placing a restraining hand on Nat's arm. "No use? Why?" Jack pointed to a bare spot below the rock and some distance to the right. Along it the ram was running at full speed. "Guess I only grazed him," he said. "He isn't hurt much when he can run like that." "Side-splitting sandpaper!" exclaimed Nat. "That's tough luck. Why did I miss?" "That's nothing. I missed him, too.We can't hit everything we aim at, or it wouldn't be any fun--especially for the animals." "Let's trail him," proposed Nat. "No, it's too late. We'd better get back to camp. "They found Budge with the horses, and the gum-chewing lad did not appear to have moved, but three big dead jack-rabbits at his side showed that he had not been idle. "Well, you had some luck," observed Jack. "'Stooeasy--killin' them," remarked Budge. "They are almost tame." "Well, they'll make good eating," observed Nat. "I hope the others did better than we did.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"And when they were back at camp, which Long Gun, Sam and Bony reached shortly after they did, they found that Sam had killed a fine deer, and Bony a small sheep, which gave them plenty of fresh meat.It was very dark that night, for it was cloudy, and the moon and stars were obscured. Outside the circle of light from the camp fire, there was blackness so deep that it seemed like a wall of ebony. "I'd hate to be lost out there," observed Bony, motioning toward the dark valley as he prepared to turn in with the others. "Yes, it wouldn't be very pleasant," admitted Jack. "I wish we could----" He stopped suddenly.From the black void above them there came a peculiar sound. It was like the blowing of a wind, that sighs and moans in the pine trees, but there was no wind blowing.Then it was like the rush of some mighty wings, while there sounded a deep throbbing, and all in camp were conscious of some large object passing close over their heads, but they could see nothing.The boys stared at each other in wonder, not unmixed with fright. "Are there any big eagles around here?" asked Jack, quickly turning to Long Gun. But the Indian did not seem to hear. He was staring up into the black sky.The noise passed on, the throbbing becoming fainter. Then Long Gun cried out: "Great spirit! Danger come! Bad luck! "With a howl that did more to frighten the boys than had the mysterious sound, the Indian made a dive for the tent, and hid himself under his blankets.CHAPTER XXI THE DEADLY GAS Long Gun's example and his fright were contagious, to a certain degree. Seeing him run, Bony and Sam turned also, for they thought the Indian heard or recognized some danger.Then, as the noise ceased, they stopped in their progress toward the tent. "What in the world do you suppose that was?" asked Sam. "You've got me," was Bony's answer, while, in his excitement, he cracked his knuckles on the double-quick. "What do you think it was, Jack?" "Blessed if I know. It sounded like a big bird, or, maybe, a whole lot of them. But Long Gun wouldn't be frightened of some birds, even if they were eagles." "Let's ask him," suggested Nat.They went into the tent, which was illuminated by a couple of lanterns, and found Long Gun groveling among his blankets. "What was that, Long Gun?" asked Jack. The Indian murmured something in his own tongue. "Were they birds?" went on Jack. "What's the matter with you?" "Long Gun 'fraid," was the reply. "No like sound in dark night. Long Gun 'fraid." "But what sound was it?" persisted Jack. "Dunno. Great Spirit, mebby. Bad sound. Trouble come. ""That's all nonsense," said Jack, as he saw that his chums looked worried. "It was probably the wind." "But there isn't any wind," declared Nat. "It's as still as can be." "Maybe there is a wind in the upper currents of air," suggested Jack. "You must remember we're among the mountains, and the air is different here." "It isn't different enough to make a noise like that," was Sam's opinion. "That's right," agreed Bony. "Juthinkitwasacyclone?" asked Budge, all in one word. "A cyclone? "repeated Jack. "They don't have cyclones in the mountains. No, I think it was birds." "No birds," declared Long Gun suddenly. "Birds not got wings go that way." "That's right, it didn't sound like birds' wings," said Nat.They discussed the mysterious happening for some time further, but could arrive at no solution of it. Jack and Nat went out to look and listen, but they could see nothing, of course, and the night seemed very silent.As for Long Gun, he could not be induced to come outside the tent.The boys passed rather an uneasy night, but fatigue finally made them sleep, in spite of their alarm, and they slumbered so soundly toward morning that no one awoke to replenish the camp fire, which went out. "Well, we're all here and alive, at any rate," remarked Jack as he looked around on coming out of the tent for a wash. "Snapping sand-bars! but it's cold!" cried Nat, rubbing his benumbed fingers and threshing his arms about. "Hi!Long Gun, are you so afraid of the mysterious noise that you can't build a fire?" "Hu!" grunted the Indian as he came from the tent, but he speedily had a genial blaze going, and breakfast in preparation. "Well, now for some more hunting," said Jack when the camp had been put in order. "Nat and I want to get that ram we missed yesterday." "And I want to land a big buck mule deer that I think I hit, but not hard enough," said Sam.They started off, and were gone all day, sometimes hunting together, and, again, separating for a few miles. But they had no luck, though Jack got an opportunity for a couple of fine shots, missing both of them.However, they did not much mind, as they had plenty of food in camp. A day or so later, however, when Jack and Sam were out together, Jack got the very chance he wanted.They were walking along a rocky ridge, and, coming to the edge of a deep ravine, were debating whether to cross it or travel back, as they had seen no signs of game, and it looked as if a storm was brewing. "I guess we'll go back," Sam remarked. "There doesn't seem to be any----" He looked around to see what Jack was doing, and beheld his chum down on one knee, aiming at something on a distant rock. Sam looked and saw, outlined in the clear light, a big ram.He did not speak, fearing to disconcert Jack's aim, and the next instant the rifle of his chum cracked.The ram gave a convulsive leap into the air, turned partly around, and then plunged over the rock, and went rolling down the steep side of the mountain. "You got him, Jack! You got him!" cried Sam. "It looks so," admitted Jack with a smile of triumph. "And he's a beaut!" went on Sam. "But how will we get him?" "Oh, he's just where we want him," said Jack. "Come on down. "It was no easy task scrambling down the slope, at the bottom of which they had left their horses, but they managed it, and then rode to the spot where the ram had fallen.They found the body in the bushes, and Sam saw that he had not misstated it when he called it a "beaut." The ram's head was graced with a fine pair of horns, which Jack at once announced he would take back East as a trophy. "Put 'em in your room at Washington Hall," suggested Sam. "Sure," replied his chum.It was difficult to get the ram back to camp, but they managed it by constructing a sort of litter from saplings, and having the horses pull it with ropes, dragging it along behind them.They found on their arrival that the others had not yet reached camp, and sat down to wait for them. Presently Long Gun, Nat and Bony came in. "Where's Budge?" asked Jack. "Why, he went off shooting jack-rabbits," explained Nat. "He said he'd be over near the river, down by the tall pine. He seems to like to pop over those rabbits better than going after big game." "I'll take a walk down there and tell him to come in to supper," said Jack. "Come on, Nat.I guess we had all the luck to-day, Sam."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
This was true, for Long Gun and the others had not been able to shoot anything. As Jack and Nat advanced toward the river, which was about half a mile from camp, Nat suddenly called out: "What's that smell?""Whew! It isn't very nice," declared Jack as he took a long sniff. "No wonder they used to call this place Stinking Water before they named it the Shoshone." "What makes it smell so?" asked Nat. "Well, I understand there are springs around here, the water of which is impregnated with sulphureted hydrogen." "That's it. Sulphureted hydrogen! Humpty-doodle's hydrangeas! I thought it smelled like the chemical laboratory at Washington Hall.Is it the river?" "No, only some small springs, and some of them give off gases that kill animals. But there's the tree where Budge ought to be. I s'pose he's asleep." As they approached nearer the unpleasant odor became more pronounced.Then, as they topped a little mound, they looked down and saw their friend reclining on the ground near a dead cottonwood tree. "Sure enough, he's asleep," remarked Jack. "Come on, we'll wake him up.Get close, and then we'll yell like wild Indians and scare him." They crept softly closer to the outstretched Budge. He did not stir. Then they united their voices in a terrorizing yell.But instead of Budge sitting up suddenly he remained in the same position, his gun by his side, and a couple of dead rabbits at his feet. "That's queer," remarked Jack. "He's certainly sleeping sound. "He tiptoed up to his chum, and bending over looked closely at him. He was struck by the paleness of his face and the fact that Budge did not seem to breathe. "Nat!" called Jack quickly, "he's dead!He's fallen asleep and been killed by those poisonous gases!" Nat ran up. It did seem as if Budge was dead. "We must carry him away from here," said Jack sadly. "I--I begin to feel rather faint myself," said Nat as he sat down on the ground.CHAPTER XXII AN UNEXPECTED ENCOUNTER Jack glanced at Nat. The lad was pale, and Jack himself began to feel the effect of the poisonous gas. But he made up his mind he would not give in. "Brace up, Nat!" he cried. "We must get Budge out of here.Maybe he's only fainted. Brace up! It will only take us a minute, and then we'll get where there is better air." "I will," said Nat faintly. He stood up, and by a strong effort fought off the feeling of faintness.Then he and Jack reached down and took hold of Budge, lifting him by his head and feet. His gun was strapped over his shoulder. "There's what did the mischief," said Jack, and he nodded toward a spring, about five feet in diameter, near which Budge had been sitting when he had been overcome.The poor lad's body was limp, and it was hard to carry him, but Nat and Jack strained and staggered along. As they went on, the effect of the deadly gas became less, and soon they could breathe better. "Do you--do you think he's dead?" faltered Nat. "I hope not," answered Jack, but his voice was serious. "It depends on how long he has breathed that gas. I heard Tanker Ike say he once saw a grizzly bear killed by it, so it must be pretty powerful." "Have we got to carry him back to camp? ""No, we'll take him out of the reach of the vapor, and then one of us can run back and get the medicine chest. I'll try some strong ammonia on him. That may revive him--if he isn't dead. "A little later they staggered with the limp body of Budge out on a clear place, where the fumes of the gas could not be noticed. "I'll wait here with him until you run to camp," said Jack, and when Nat, who had recovered from his faintness, had started off, Jack chafed Budge's hands, and running to the river filled his cap with cold water, which he dashed into the face of the unconscious lad.This treatment was effective in a measure, for Budge opened his eyes. Then he exclaimed: "Don't--don't drown me!" "Budge! Budge!" cried Jack. "Do you feel better?" But the lad's eyes closed again, and Jack feared that it was but a momentary reviving.He chafed the lad's hands again, and tried to force some cold water from the river between his set teeth. Then Nat came running back, bearing a medicine box, which Mr. Ranger had insisted that Jack take with him. Long Gun, Sam and Bony followed.Jack took out a bottle of ammonia, and held it beneath the nose of Budge. The powerful liquid fumes made Budge gasp, and he struggled to sit up. "Hi! quit!" he called. "Don't burn me!" For the ammonia stung him. "Oh, he isn't dead! "cried Nat, much relieved. "Pretty soon be all right," said Long Gun, who had been told what had happened. "Plenty much fresh air make um well." And he seemed to be right, for presently Budge sat up, opened his eyes, and began feeling in his pockets. "What do you want?" asked Jack. "Where'smygum?" was what Budge wanted to know, and his companions laughed. "I guess you're all right when you can chew gum," spoke Jack. "But what made you go over by that sulphur spring? ""I was shooting jack-rabbits," explained Budge, "and I thought that would be a good place. I didn't like the smell, but pretty soon I fell asleep, and then----" "Yes, and then if Jack and Nat hadn't come along you'd be sleeping yet," added Sam. "'Sright," admitted Budge. They helped him back to camp, and he was soon feeling better, but he registered a firm resolve not to go too near the deadly gas spring again.Hunting was over for the day, and they were all soon gathered about the camp fire, telling their various experiences. It was the middle of the night when Jack, who was rather restless, was awakened suddenly.At first he thought some one had called him, but as he raised up and looked over at his sleeping companions he realized that none of them were awake. "I wonder what that noise was?" he asked himself.Just then he heard, in the air above the tent, that same sighing, throbbing sound that had so startled them on a previous occasion. It was like the passage of some immense body through the air.Jack, who was partly dressed, hurried to the flap of the tent. He peered upward into the blackness of the night. Was it fancy, or did he see some great, mysterious shape moving over the camp?He could not tell, but the throbbing, swishing noise became fainter. "I wonder what that is?" thought Jack as he went back to bed. In the morning he did not tell his chums nor Long Gun of the affair, fearing to frighten them.They prepared for a big hunt the next day. There was a light fall of snow, which the Indian guide said would serve to enable them to track the game. They were out early in the morning on their horses, and were gone all day, keeping together.Jack shot a big buck, and Bony, to his great delight, brought down a fine mountain sheep, while the others had to be content with jack-rabbits.Budge had entirely recovered from the effects of the deadly gas, but he said he felt too nervous to do any shooting, so he and Long Gun, who, despite his name, was a poor shot, simply trailed along in the rear.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"I'd like to get another pair of big horns for my room," said Jack toward the close of the day. "What do you think, Long Gun, have we time to go a little farther and try for a big ram?" "Hu! Mebby," answered the Indian. "Plenty sheep been here," and he pointed to where the animals had scraped away the snow to get at the grass and shrubs beneath. Jack and Nat started off, while the others made a temporary camp and warmed some tea.They were to stay there until Jack and Nat returned, which the lads promised to do within an hour if they saw no signs of sheep. They tramped on, having left their horses in the temporary camp, Jack eagerly watching for a sign of a big pair of horns. "I guess I'm not going to find them this time," he said as he mounted a pinnacle of rock and looked about him. "It looks like a good place, too," he added. "Hark, something's coming," said Nat in a whisper.There was a crackling in the bushes to Jack's right. He turned in that direction, his rifle in readiness. Something was moving there. Was it a mountain sheep? He raised his gun.A dark object could be seen to be moving behind the screen of bushes, and the snow on them was shaken off. Suddenly there stepped into view, not a mountain sheep, but the figure of a lad, all in tatters.For an instant Jack and Nat stared at the youth. He had appeared so unexpectedly that they did not know what to say. On his part, the lad stood there silent, as if he did not know what to do.Then Jack threw down his rifle and sprang forward, at the same time crying out: "Bill! It's Bill Williams! Well, how in the world did you ever get here? "CHAPTER XXIII ANOTHER NIGHT SCARE Will Williams, the strange, new boy, whom Jack had last seen at Washington Hall, now so far away, rushed forward. "Jack Ranger!" he gasped, as if he could not believe it. "That's who I am," responded our hero. "But, Bill, what has happened? You look as if you were suffering." "I am suffering," was the answer. "I'm almost starved!" "Starved!" exclaimed Nat. "Wobble-sided watermelons! And our camp just filled with good things! Come on, Bill.We'll feed you up." The two chums clasped Will successively by the hand. Then Jack asked: "How did you get away out here?The last I heard of you was when I received a letter and a telegram from your guardian, asking me to send you home if I saw you." "You--you're not going to--are you?" faltered Will. "Am I? "Jack clasped his arm about the shrinking form of the unfortunate lad. "Well, I guess not! I'd like to have that guardian of yours here, for about five minutes!" "Petrified pancakes! So would I!" exclaimed Nat. "I'd send him over where that bad-smelling spring is to spend the night. But, Bill, you haven't told us how you got here." "I hardly know myself," was the answer. "I did run away, just as Mr. Gabel told you, Jack.I couldn't stand his mean ways any longer. He refused to let me go camping with you, and said I would have to go to work, while school was closed for repairs, to make up the money he said I stole.I decided I would come out West and try to find my uncle. He's out here somewhere, but where I haven't been able to learn. I had a few dollars saved up, that I had earned, and I came as far as they would bring me.Then I worked my way on from Chicago by jumping freights and by doing odd jobs whenever I got the chance. I heard, in a roundabout way, that my uncle was either in the southern part of Montana, or the northern part of Wyoming, and so I came on.I've been traveling around now for two weeks, trying to find him, and I've been living like a tramp, but I can't seem to locate him. I met some men who said they knew him, but they acted so mysterious that I could get no information from them.They didn't seem to want to tell me where he was. So I decided to keep on until I found him. I've been tramping all day, and when I heard you talking I thought maybe you were a party of hunters who would help me." "And so we will," burst out Jack. "Come along to camp with us, Bill, and we'll fix you up. It's a shame, the way your guardian treats you. And your uncle can't be much better. ""Oh, he used to be kind to me," said the unfortunate lad, "but I don't believe he knows how things have gone with me. If I could find him I think he would take care of me." "Well, maybe we can help find him for you," said Nat.Little time was lost in getting back to the temporary camp, and there Will, who was weak and faint from hunger, was given a light meal. Then the whole party went on to the main camp, Will riding behind Jack, for the latter's horse would carry double. "My, but you certainly are doing this up in style," remarked the ragged lad as he saw the fine tents and noted how comfortably Jack and his chums lived, in spite of the fact that they were far from civilization. His arrival created quite a sensation. "Oh, when Jack Ranger does a thing, it's done good and proper," said Bony. "It's the first outing out of the gun club, and he wants to make a record, I guess." "I want you all to have a good time, that's all I want," was Jack's reply.Some better clothes were found for Will, and after a good meal some of the hopelessness faded from his face. He told of his wanderings in the mountains, and how he had worked his way from camp to camp, and from stage station to stage station. "But you're done tramping around now," said Jack. "Have you--have you got room for me here?" faltered Will. "Have we? Well, I guess!" was Jack's hearty answer. "You can stay here as long as you like, or until you find your uncle.You've accepted my invitation to come camping, after all, and I guess your guardian would be surprised if he could see you now." "I guess he would," remarked Will with a smile.There was plenty of room in the big sleeping tent, and a bed was made up for the wanderer. It was the first good night's rest he had had in nearly a week, he said.As they had plenty of fresh meat in camp they did not go hunting for several days, but Jack and his chums could not remain inactive, so they all, including Will, went on short jaunts about the camp.A gun was provided for the newcomer, and he proved that he was a good shot, at least on jack-rabbits, which abounded in that region. About a week after Will had joined his former chums they went on an all-day hunt.The luck fell to Bony and Sam this trip, for each of them killed a fine mountain ram, the horns of which were equal in size to the one slain by Jack. Nat killed a small deer, and Will was delighted when he also brought one down. "Plenty much game," observed Long Gun. "No need hunt right 'way 'gin." "I guess Long Gun is getting tired," observed Jack. "Well, of course we don't want to kill just for the sake of killing, so I think we will take a few days off.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"The weather continued fine, being clear, and not too cold, while there was no deep snow to hamper the movements of the members of the gun club, though there were several light flurries.The lads went out on short trips, Will riding the horse assigned to Budge, for the latter was not a very enthusiastic sportsman, and would rather remain in camp, stretched on his back, chewing gum, than go after deer or mountain sheep. "Well," remarked Jack one night, about a week after the last hunt, "I think we'll go out again to-morrow and try to fill up the cupboard again. Supplies of fresh meat are running low." "Good idea," commented Nat. "Maybe you can get another ram with horns to match your first pair." Jack was successful in this venture, for after a long day's jaunt he got a fine shot, just at sunset, bowling over a large ram.They took the head and horns back to camp, leaving the carcass to be brought in the next morning, having first taken the precaution, however, of tying the choicest portions high in a tree, out of the reach of marauding animals.As they were all gathered about the camp fire that night, discussing the events of the day, Jack suddenly held up his hand to insure silence. "Hark!" he exclaimed. "There's that queer sound again. "In the air over their heads was the rushing of great wings, while there was a throbbing as if some mighty beast was passing over the camp. "Wow!" cried Long Gun, and he made a dive for the tent. "That's it!" said Nat softly. "I wonder if we shall ever solve the mystery?" The boys looked at each other in alarm. Will sprang to his feet. "That sound!" he cried. "I heard it one night when I was camping in the woods." "Where?" asked Jack. "About ten miles from here.It's the same noise." "We must solve this mystery!" exclaimed Jack. "I believe it must be----" But he did not finish the sentence, for from the air above them sounded the call of a voice: "To the left! To the left!" was the cry. "There's the camp fire we saw before." They all sprang to their feet and looked up into the dark sky. Surely that was some vast shape hovering over them! And then the throbbing and the rush of wings died away.CHAPTER XXIV JACK GETS A BEAR "Fellows," spoke Jack, and his voice trembled in spite of his efforts to render it steady, "we've got to get at the bottom of this." "That's right," agreed Bony. "Maybe Bill can tell us something," suggested Sam. "Long Gun ought to know something about it. He's lived around here all his life," said Budge, speaking plainly this time. "Long Gun thinks it's spirits or something like that," remarked Jack. "He's so scared he can't speak. But what about you, Bill?Are you sure you heard it before?" "Yes," replied the newcomer. "I heard that same noise about a week ago. I was in a lumber camp, to which I had worked my way, and one night, just about this time, we all heard that rushing sound in the air.Some of the men were frightened, but others said it was a flight of eagles or other big birds." "That's what we thought it was, first," came from Nat. "But I don't believe it now." "Why not?" asked Bony. "It's the same sound. ""But did you hear some men speaking?" demanded Nat. "We didn't hear that before." "No, that's right," agreed Jack. "And the voices were quite plain, as if they were close at hand. ""Maybe they were chasing the peculiar creature, whatever it was," suggested Sam. "That might be it," Jack said. "Let's give 'em a hail," put in Bony. The boys thought this a good idea, and united their voices in a loud shout.After that they fired their rifles in a volley, but no answer came back. "Either they don't hear us, or they don't want to answer us," commented Jack. "Or else that big bird or beast, whatever it was they were chasing, has eaten them up," suggested Budge, preparing to stow away a fresh wad of gum. "Nonsense!" exclaimed Nat. "I don't believe it was a big bird." "Waitansee," was all Budge said.Though the boys discussed the matter for some time longer, they could arrive at no satisfactory explanation. As for Long Gun, it was useless to ask him his opinion of the mysterious noise.He cowered under his blankets, murmured something about "bad spirits," and predicted that evil would befall any one who sought to solve the secret.The night was not disturbed by any further alarms, and they were all up bright and early the next morning, with fine appetites. "The big bird, or whatever it was, didn't steal any of us," remarked Jack as he was washing for breakfast. "I hope it didn't steal the ram I shot yesterday. We must go after that meat as soon as we have breakfast." Leaving Budge and Long Gun in camp, the others went to where Jack and Nat had slain the ram.It was quite a long ride, and they took their time. "Look here, Jack," called Nat, as, riding slightly in advance, he was first to arrive at where the carcass had been tied in a tree. "Something's been here at it. There's none of it left. ""Do you mean that?" cried Jack, riding up. "Sure. You can see it's gone." The boys dismounted and went closer to the tree. There was no doubt but that the choice portions of the ram were gone.And at the foot of the tree the dirt was trampled down as if whatever it was that had stolen the meat had been put to considerable trouble to get it. "It was a bear that took it!" cried Sam. "How do you know?" asked Jack. "Look where he climbed the tree. The bark's torn off with his claws, and you can see the marks of his paws in the soft dirt." "That's right," agreed Nat. "Lopsided lollypops! but it must have been a big one, too!Look where the first marks of his claws begin," and he pointed to abrasions in the bark a good distance above the ground. "Do bears eat meat?" asked Bony, cracking all his finger knuckles excitedly. "Sometimes, I believe," answered Jack. "Anyway, if the bear that stole my ram didn't get it for himself he must have pulled it down for some friends of his." "What do you mean?" asked Nat. "Here are the marks of footsteps," went on Jack, "and they aren't ours, either.Look, whoever made these had heavy boots with hobnails in them, made in the shape of an arrow." He pointed to the ground.There, in addition to the paw-marks left by the bear, were footprints, clearly to be seen, and it needed but a glance to show that they had not been made by any of the boys or Long Gun. "Some one--some men, that is--have been here since Nat and I were here yesterday," went on Jack. "Either they or the bear took the ram." "Maybe they were the men we heard yelling last night," suggested Nat. "Yes, and maybe they have a trained bear, that goes around stealing meat for them," added Sam with a laugh. "Don't get such crazy ideas," objected Nat. "Well, that might happen," went on Sam. "Almost anything is likely to happen in this queer country.I wonder what we'd better do about it?" "I know what I'm going to do," said Jack. "What?" "I'm going to trail that bear.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
He's left plenty of marks, and maybe I can get a shot at him.I owe him something for taking my meat, and he'll make a good substitute." "That's the way to talk," cried Bony. "I'm with you, Jack. "The marks of the bear's paws were plainly visible for some distance, leading off to the right, and up the sloping side of a mountain. As for the footprints of the man or men, they were soon lost to sight. But the boys decided to trail the bear.They lost the marks after about a mile, but arguing that the beast would make nearly a straight line for his den, after he had the meat, the young hunters laid their course as well as they could by compass and kept on.They had to travel slowly, because the road was not very good for the horses, and at noon they had not come up to bruin.Eating a light lunch, they kept on, and it was mid-afternoon when Jack, who was ahead, noticed that his horse suddenly stopped and began to shiver. "Fellows," he cried, "we're near the bear. That's what ails the horse. "The other steeds began to exhibit signs of terror, so it was decided to dismount and lead them back a short distance. "I'll stay with the horses," volunteered Bony. "I--er--I don't exactly feel up to hunting bears to-day. ""You're not afraid, are you?" asked Sam. "No, not exactly. You might call it--out of practice," and Bony began cracking his knuckles. They tried to persuade him to go with them, but he would not, so Jack, Will, Nat and Sam went on.It did not take much searching to discover a trail leading farther up the side of the mountain, and following this a little way they smelled the unmistakable odor of wild animals. "His cave's near here," whispered Jack.They came in sight of it a moment later, and then there was no doubt as to who had stolen part of the ram. For in front of a black opening in the side of the big hill was a portion of the carcass. "I wonder if he's in there?" said Jack. "Maybe you'll wish he wasn't," commented Sam. "I will not," was Jack's bold reply. "I'm going to get a shot at him now." "How are you going to get him out?" "I'll show you. "Jack quickly made a torch of some dry bark, and lighting it, tossed it into the mouth of the cave. Then he ran quickly back, and with his chums stood waiting with ready rifle. "We'd better separate a bit," said Nat. "If he comes out with a rush, and you miss him, Jack, we can take a crack at him." This was voted good advice, and Sam, Will and Nat moved down the slope a short distance, leaving Jack nearer the cave. "I guess he isn't going to come out," called Jack to his chums. "He's asleep, maybe. I'll try to wake him up." He caught up a large stone, and tossed it into the cave.Hardly had he done so than there sounded a series of angry growls, and with a loud "woof!" bruin appeared at the mouth of the cavern, his little eyes glistening with wrath, and the fur on his back raised in a long ridge. "Shoot him, Jack!" cried Nat.But Jack did not need this advice. Dropping on one knee he took quick aim and pulled the trigger. At the sound of the shot bruin lurched forward, and without the loss of a second Jack pumped in another cartridge and let him have it right in the head.Then the big, tawny brute, with a scream, launched himself forward, and doubling up into a ball, began to roll down the mountain-side, straight toward where Sam and Nat stood. "Look out! "cried Jack, for he saw that the bear was in his death struggle, and might attack his chums. Sam and Nat needed no warning, but as they turned to get out of the way of the infuriated creature, Nat's foot slipped.He fell, and, to save himself, he clutched at Sam. They both went down in a heap, rolling over and over, but a few feet in front of the bear, that came bounding after them, clawing up dirt, stones and little shrubs as it tried to stay its progress.CHAPTER XXV SOME PECULIAR MARKS "Shoot! Shoot!" cried Will Williams, who had remained to one side. "Shoot him again, Jack!" "I can't! I may hit Sam or Nat!" Jack did not know what to do.He and Will had to stand there and watch their chums rolling and slipping down the mountain-side, with the bear, in its death struggle, slowly gaining on them.Suddenly the beast struck a large boulder, bounded up into the air, and came down nearly on top of the two lads. Jack's heart almost stopped beating, and Will turned his head aside. Bear and boys seemed to be in one indistinguishable heap. "They'll be killed!" cried Will. Jack started down the hill on the run.He had not taken a dozen steps, his gaze all the while fixed on that heap, which had now reached a little ledge, where it came to a stop, when he saw Sam and Nat slowly extricate themselves. "They're alive, anyway," he murmured.He heard Will following after him, but did not look back. He wanted to see what the bear would do. Sam and Nat appeared bewildered, but Jack noticed that they moved away from bruin. The brute was quiet. "I wonder if I killed him?" thought Jack.Then he called out: "Is he dead?" "As a door-nail," replied Sam. "Are you hurt?" sung out Will. "Only bruised some," answered Sam, rubbing several places on his body. By this time Jack had reached his chums.Their clothing was disheveled, and their hands and faces were covered with dirt, but the bear had not harmed them. "I thought it was all up with you," said Jack with relief in his voice. "So did I," admitted Nat. "But I guess that bear was dead when he started to roll. It was when it hit us, anyway, for it never made a move. It rolled right on top of us, and Sam yelled----" "So did you," spoke Sam quickly. "You were just as frightened as I was. ""I guess that's right," admitted Nat. "But you got your bear, all right, Jack." They looked at the dead animal. It was a large grizzly. "Another trophy for the gun club," remarked Sam. "Say, we're doing all right for amateurs.Jack's new organization is a success. "It's all to the bear steaks!" exclaimed Nat with a grin, as he gently caressed his elbow, where the skin was rubbed off. "How are we going to get this back to camp?" asked Will. "Oh, I guess we can pile it on the horses," said Nat. "Not until it's cut up," remarked Jack. "Did you ever try to lift a dead bear?" None of them had, and when they tried to raise the lifeless bruin they found it beyond their strength.They had keen hunting knives with them, however, and soon had the bear skinned and the choicest portions cut off. Jack took the skin, intending to have a rug made of it. Then the horses were brought up, and the meat tied on the backs of the saddles.Satisfied with their day's hunt thus far, the boys headed for camp, Will getting a shot at a fine ram on the way back, but missing it, much to his regret. "Better luck next time," consoled Jack.Long Gun and Budge had a fine supper ready for the young hunters, and never was a meal better enjoyed. Then, as it grew dark, they all sat about the camp fire, listening to the story of killing the bear. "Oh, this is the kind of life to lead," said Nat with a sigh.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"It's simply perfect." "And to think that we'll soon have to go back to Washington Hall," put in Bony. "I know where Jack would rather be than here," said Sam with a grin barely visible in the flickering light of the camp fire. "Where?" asked Nat. "Over at Pryor's Gap, where a certain girl with brown eyes----" Plunk!A wad of dried leaves took Sam squarely in the face. "You dry up!" commanded Jack as he looked around for another missile. "Oh, of course; but I thought you'd like to be reminded of her," went on Sam. "I guess he can think of her without you reminding him," added Nat. "I'm going to turn in," announced Jack suddenly, and the laughs of his chums did not seem to disconcert him. They all retired a few minutes later and slept soundly. "Well, what's the program to-day?" asked Sam as they stepped from the tent the next morning into the cold, crisp air. "Hello," he added, "it's been snowing again." "Plenty good for track sheep," announced Long Gun. "Oh, we don't need any fresh meat.What's the use of going hunting again?" asked Jack. "What will we do, then--go fishing?" demanded Nat. "I have an idea that it would be fun to take a trip back over the mountain," went on Jack. "We've never been in that direction. ""It's quite a climb," said Bony as he looked up the immense hill, at the foot of which they were camped. "I know it, but Long Gun says there's a good trail, and we can go on our horses and take it easy. What do you say?" "I say let's go," put in Will. "I heard there was some sort of a camp over there, and maybe I could get a trace of my uncle." "Then we'll go," decided Jack. "What sort of a camp is it?" "I don't know exactly.I met a man during my wanderings who told me he had been delivering supplies at a camp over on the eastern slope of Rattlesnake Mountain. This is Rattlesnake Mountain, isn't it?" "That's the name it goes by," said Jack. "But what sort of supplies did he take?" "That's the queer part of it. He couldn't tell. They were in boxes, and he was never allowed to go very close to the camp. He always had to halt quite a way off, leave his stuff and drive away. ""That's queer," commented Jack. "I wonder if that can have anything to do with----" Then he stopped suddenly, without finishing his sentence. "Well, with what?" asked Bony. "Never mind," replied Jack as he began oiling his gun. "Let's get ready to go over the top of the mountain." They found it a hard climb, but they took it by degrees and did not hurry the horses, who were used to mountain trails.They reached the summit at noon, and after a rest and lunch, they started down the slope. The newly-fallen snow made a white mantle over the earth, and it was undisturbed by any marks until they came along. "No signs of game," said Jack, "but I guess we don't need any. Long Gun and Budge will be able to get up a good supper with what's in camp," for the Indian and the gum-chewing lad had remained behind.They traveled on for a few miles farther, admiring the view of a much more wild and desolate country than was visible on the side of the mountain where they were staying. "Well, I guess we'd better turn back," called Sam as he noted that the sun was getting low in the sky. "No; let's ride down to that little level spot and look over," proposed Jack. "Then we'll come back." They were not long in reaching the place.Nat, who had urged his horse ahead, was the first to get to it. Suddenly he pulled his animal back and uttered a cry. "What is it?" called Jack. "Some peculiar tracks," replied Nat. "Look here!" They all rode up.There in the snow were many strange marks. The white crystals were scattered, and in some places the ground was swept bare. In other spots there were many footprints. "See!" cried Jack. "The man with the arrow made in hobnails on the soles of his shoes has been here!" He pointed to the impressions. "Yes, and there's been a fight or a struggle here," added Sam.And, indeed, it did seem so, for in some places the ground was torn up, the dirt being scattered over the snow. CHAPTER XXVI THE SPRING TRAP For several moments the boys gazed in silence at the strange marks they had come across.Then Jack said: "Well, fellows, we seem to be up against some more of that mystery." "Why?" asked Bony. "Do you think this has anything to do with the other?" "I do." "You mean the strange sound we heard at night?" asked Will. "That's it," went on Jack. "I think we are on the track of something queer." "And do you intend to look further?" was Nat's query. "Well, not to-day," answered Jack. "But I will sooner or later.I believe something happened here which has to do with that queer disturbance we have heard several times. What it is I don't know, but I'm going to find out." "Say, I have an idea," came from Bony. "Don't let it get away from you," advised Nat. "No, I'm serious," went on the lanky youth. "I think these men have some strange beast or bird in captivity, and that it gets away from them at times. Maybe that's what happened here, and they had to fight to capture it again." "That's nonsense! "exclaimed Sam. "Not so nonsensical, either," Jack hastened to say. "If it was an immense bird, like a big eagle, it would account for the noises we heard--at least, some of them. ""But there is no eagle large enough for men to ride on its back," objected Nat. "How do you know men were on its back?" "Didn't we hear them call and speak about our camp fire?How could they see it unless they were up high in the air, on the back of some big bird?" "They might have been on some point of the mountain above us," said Bony. "They could have the eagle, or whatever it was, tied by a cord. ""Yes," admitted Nat; "but I don't believe it's a bird." "Me either," came from Sam. "But what is it?" "Let's look at the marks a little more carefully," proposed Jack. "Several men have been here, struggling with the--the--er--whatever it was," spoke Will. "See the different footprints." That much was evident.In addition to the man with the mark on his shoes of the arrow in hobnails, there were tracks of several other individuals. "And if this isn't the mark of a big bird's wing, I'll eat a pair of snowshoes!" exclaimed Nat suddenly. "Look here, fellows! "They hurried to where he was. There in the snow was the unmistakable print of what seemed to be a wing of a great creature of the air. "And here's another wing," added Sam a little later as he walked slowly over the level place. "But they're some distance apart." "I should say so," agreed Jack. "Sixty feet, if they're an inch." "But the marks are those of two wings, and they were made at the same time," went on Sam. "Look, you can see where the body comes between the wings.The bird was over on its back. That happened when they tried to secure it." "But sixty feet," objected Nat. "There's no bird living with a spread of wings like that. It's out of the question." "Here's the evidence," spoke Sam obstinately. "You can see for yourself." "Sixty feet spread," murmured Jack.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"It doesn't seem possible. "But there was no doubt but that the marks in the snow were those of wings, and, as Jack paced the distance from tip to tip, they proved to be over sixty feet apart. "Maybe the men have discovered some prehistoric monster," suggested Will, "and are trying to subdue it so they can exhibit it. There used to be monsters as large as the marks left by this thing, whatever it is. ""Yes," admitted Jack; "but they disappeared from the earth ages ago. Only their fossil remains are to be found now." "But might one not be alive, by chance, in some big mountain cave?" asked Nat. "I don't know," spoke Jack with a worried look. "It has me puzzled, fellows. I don't know what to think." "Let's go back to camp, tell Long Gun about it, and bring him here to-morrow to see it," suggested Sam. "Long Gun would never come," said Jack. "He's too much afraid of bad spirits.No, boys, we'll have to solve this ourselves, if it's to be solved at all." The boys walked around the little level place, whereon there was the mute evidence of some terrific struggle. "The queer part of it is," said Sam, "that the footsteps of the men don't seem to go anywhere, nor come from anywhere.Look, they begin here, and they end over there, as if they had dropped down from the clouds and had gone up again on the back of the big bird." Jack looked more thoughtful.As Sam had said, there were no marks of the men coming or going, and they could not have reached the level place, nor departed from it, without leaving some marks in the tell-tale snow. "I give it up!" exclaimed Jack. "Let's get back to camp.It's getting late." They started, talking of nothing on the way but the mystery, and becoming more and more tangled the more they discussed it.It was getting dusk when they came in sight of the camp fire, and they saw Budge and the Indian busy at something to one side of the blaze. "I wonder what they're up to now?" said Jack. "Oh, probably Budge is teaching Long Gun how to chew gum," was Nat's opinion. A moment later something happened. Budge seemed to shoot through the air, as if blown up in an explosion.He shot over the top of a small tree, and coming down on the other side, hung suspended by one foot. "Help me down! Help me down!" he cried. "What's the matter?" called Jack, spurring his horse forward. "I'm caught!" answered Budge. "It certainly does look so," spoke Nat, and he could not refrain from laughing at the odd spectacle Budge presented as he hung by one leg in a rope that was fast to the top of a tree, which bent like a bow with his weight. "Take me down! "wailed the unfortunate one. "How did it happen?" asked Sam. "Long Gun made a spring trap," gasped Budge, "and--and----" "And you wanted to try it," finished Jack, as he went to his chum's aid. CHAPTER XXVII ORDERED BACK "Hurry up and get me down! "pleaded Budge, as he tried to grasp the sapling with his hands, to ease the strain on his foot. "I'm coming," replied Jack, who was laughing heartily. "Guess I'll have to cut the tree down, though." "No; I have a better plan than that," spoke Will. "I'll show you." In another moment he was climbing up the thin trunk of the hickory that served to hold Budge Rankin suspended. Then Will's plan was apparent.As he climbed up farther, his weight, added to that of Budge, caused the sapling to sway toward the ground. "Grab me and cut the rope!" cried Budge. "All right," replied Jack, and when his queer chum was near enough to him, Jack seized him around the waist. Nat, with his hunting knife, severed the thongs of deer sinew from which Long Gun had made the loop.Then Budge was released, and he assumed an upright position on the ground, while Will dropped from the bending tree, which straightway sprang back to its place. "Hu!" grunted Long Gun, with just the suspicion of a smile on his copper-colored face. "Boy go up heap fast." "'Sright," admitted Budge, while he began hunting through his pockets for a piece of gum. "What in the world did you ever put your foot in that trap for?" asked Jack, when it was ascertained that Budge had not been injured. "Well," he said, "I'll tell you. You see, I asked Long Gun to show me how to make a spring trap. I thought it might come in handy when I got back home. He showed me, and made one. But it didn't look to me as if it would work.So I just touched the trigger with my foot, and--and----" "We saw the rest," finished Bony. "Cracky! But I thought at first you were giving us an exhibition of a human skyrocket. ""Or trying to imitate the gigantic bird that left the marks in the snow," added Sam. "Let's tell Budge about it. "Which they did; and as his chum was usually pretty sharp in his conclusions, Jack asked him what he thought it was that had made the mysterious prints in the snow. "It must have been a roc, one of those birds you read about in the 'Arabian Nights,'" declared Budge. "There never were such birds," objected Jack. "Sure there were," declared Budge. "It says so in the book." "No one ever saw one," objected Sam. "No, and you never saw George Washington," spoke Budge quickly. "But you're sure he was here once, ain't you?" "This is different," remarked Bony. "'Sallright.You'll find that's a big bird, like a roc," declared Budge, while he began to help the Indian get supper.They discussed, until quite late that night, the cause of the mysterious noises they had heard, and also what peculiar bird or beast had had the struggle with the men. Then Jack finally declared: "Oh, what's the use of wasting our breath over it?We can't decide what it was. There's only one thing to do." "What's that?" asked Sam. "Try and find out what it was." "How can we?" "Well, I've got two plans. One is to make another trip on the other side of the mountain, and go farther next time.We can search for some sort of a camp." "And the other plan?" asked Will. "Is to keep watch, and see if we hear that thing passing over our camp again.If we do, we'll throw a lot of light wood on the fire, and when it blazes up we may catch sight of it." "That's a good idea," declared Nat. "We'll take turns keeping watch at night, and we'll begin right away. "They agreed that this was a good plan, and the night was divided into six watches, one for each of the lads, as Long Gun positively refused to have anything to do with seeking a solution of the mystery.Some light wood was collected and piled near the camp fire, in readiness to throw on, so as to produce a bright blaze the moment the queer noise was heard in the air overhead. But that night passed without incident, and so did the three following.During the day the boys went hunting in the forest, or fishing in the Shoshone River, having fairly good luck both on land and in the water.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
It was about a week after Jack's plan of keeping night watches had been in effect, that something happened.He had about given up hearing the noise again, and was about ready to propose that the next day they should go on a trip over the mountain.It was Jack's watch, and he was sitting by the camp fire, thinking of his father, his aunts and matters at home, and, it must be confessed, of a certain brown-eyed girl. "I must take a trip over to Pryor's Gap and see her," he said softly to himself.The fire was burning low, and Jack arose to put on some more wood. As he did so he heard a vibration in the air, not far above the camp. Then came what seemed to be a whirr of wings and a throbbing noise. "The mystery! The mystery! "cried Jack, tossing an armful of light wood on the embers. The fire blazed up at once, and Jack looked upward.He saw a great shape hovering over the camp, a shape that was fully sixty feet wide, and he knew he could not be mistaken, for there were the gigantic wings flapping. The object was flying right across the valley.Will, Sam and Nat rushed from the tent. They had heard Jack's cry. "Do you see it?" the watcher demanded. "Right up there!" The fire blazed up more brightly, and in the glare of it could be dimly seen something like a great bird. "That's it! "cried Nat. "Gasolened grasshoppers! but what is it?" No one answered. The throbbing and whirring grew fainter, and the shape passed out of sight. From the tent could be heard the howling of Long Gun, as he prayed in his own tongue. "Quit that! "yelled Bony from the canvas shelter. "Do you want to frighten us all to death?" Then Long Gun's cries were muffled, and it was evident that he had hidden his head under his blankets. "This settles it!" declared Jack positively. "We'll make another trip over the mountain to-morrow and see if we can't solve this." "That's what we will!" added Nat. "First thing you know we'll wake up some night and find ourselves gone. "They made preparations to be away all night if necessary, taking plenty of blankets and food. Budge and Long Gun decided to remain in camp to look after things. "S'posin'youdon'tcomeback?" asked Budge, all in one word. "Oh, we'll come back," replied Jack confidently. "If we don't, you and Long Gun will have to come after us." "Where'llyoube?" "You'll have to hunt," was Jack's answer as he flicked his horse with the quirt.They had decided to do some hunting as they proceeded, and were on the lookout for game. The weather continued fine, and the snow had disappeared, though they might expect heavy storms almost any day, Long Gun said.They crossed the mountain ridge, and started down the other side, without having had a chance to shoot anything.They reached the place where they had seen the mysterious marks in the snow, and made a careful examination, but could discover nothing new. "Well, Jack, which way now?" asked Sam as they stood looking about them. "Down the mountain," decided Jack. "I think we may get a shot at some deer, if we don't find anything else in the valley. Long Gun said it was a good hunting ground." They rode on, Jack and Nat in advance.Whether their horses were better than the steeds of their companions, or whether Jack and Nat unconsciously urged them to greater speed, was not apparent, but the fact was that in about an hour the two found themselves alone, having distanced their companions. "Let's wait for them," suggested Nat. "No, let's keep on. It's a good trail, and they can't miss it. They'll catch up to us soon.Maybe we can see something to shoot if we go on a little way, or maybe----" "Maybe we'll see that mysterious bird," finished Nat. "I believe you'd rather find that than kill a big buck." "Oh, I don't know," replied Jack slowly. "I'd like to get a nice buck, but I'd also like to solve that mystery." "Speaking of bucks," whispered Nat quickly, "look there! Two of 'em! "He pointed to a little glade, into which they were turning, and Jack saw two large mule deer feeding on the grass. "A buck and a doe," he said as he raised his rifle. "I think we are close enough to risk a shot. You take the buck, Nat.You haven't had a good pair of horns yet, and that fellow has some beauts. We'll both fire together." Nat nodded to show that he understood. The deer had not scented the young hunters, but were still quietly feeding.Slowly Jack and Nat raised their rifles, having dismounted from their horses. Just as they were about to pull the triggers a curious thing happened. The deer suddenly raised their heads, and gazed at a spot to the left of them.Then they bounded away, so swiftly that it was difficult for the eye to follow them. "Well, did you see that?" asked Nat. "Something scared them." "Yes, and it wasn't us," said Jack. "We're out of sight, and the wind's blowing from them to us.I'm going to see what it was that sent them off." He mounted his horse again, an example that Nat followed, and they rode down the glade to where the deer had been feeding. "I wonder if it could have been a bear?" asked Jack of his chum. "If it was----" He did not get a chance to finish the sentence, for even as he spoke the bushes just in front of the two lads were parted, and three men stepped into view. "What are you lads doing here?" asked one of the strangers sternly. "We--we were hunting," replied Jack. "We saw two deer, but they ran before we could get a shot." "Well, you'd better make back tracks to where you came from," said another man gruffly. "Vamoose, you!" "Are these private grounds?" asked Jack. "We didn't know. We're camped on the other side of the mountain, and we understood we could hunt here." "Well, you can't," said the third man. "These aren't private grounds, but we don't want you around here, so you'd better skedaddle.Move on, now, or it won't be healthy for you." As he spoke he advanced his rifle in a threatening manner. "Oh, we don't want to trespass," spoke Nat. "We'll go." "You'd better," was the grim response of the man who had first spoken. "Clear out, and don't come here again. We don't want any spies around." "We're not spies," said Jack, wondering that the man should use such a term. "Well, we don't care what you are. Clear out! That's all! Clear out! "There was nothing to do but turn back. Slowly Jack and Nat wheeled their horses, meanwhile narrowly eyeing the men. The trio, though roughly dressed, did not appear like hard characters or desperadoes. They looked like miners. "You'll have to move faster than that," said the man who had spoken first. "If you don't we may have to make you." There was a movement in the bushes back of him, and Jack and Nat glanced in that direction to see who was coming.Another figure stepped into view, the figure of a lad well known to Jack and Nat, for it was none other than Jerry Chowden, the former bully of Washington Hall. "Jerry Chowden!" gasped Jack. "Jack--Jack Ranger! "exclaimed the bully, no less surprised than were the two lads on horses. "Do you know him?"
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
asked one of the men quickly of Jerry. "Yes--er--that is----" "Come on, you! Move away from here if you don't want to get into trouble! "fairly shouted one of the men. He advanced toward Jack and Nat, who, deeming discretion the better part of valor, clapped spurs to their horses, and raced along the trail to rejoin their companions.As they galloped on Jack gave one glance over his shoulder. He saw Jerry Chowden in earnest conversation with the three men, and that our hero and Nat was the subject of the talk was evident from the manner in which the bully was pointing toward them.CHAPTER XXVIII WILL SAVES JACK'S LIFE "What do you think of that, Jack?" asked Nat. "Bullyragging bean-poles! but who would have expected to meet Jerry Chowden out here? What do you make of it?" "I don't know," Jack replied. "I'm as much surprised as you are. Not only at seeing him, but at meeting those men, and at being ordered back." "Do you think Jerry had anything to do with them making us move away?" "How do you mean? ""I mean do you think he told those men lies about us? Such as saying we were dangerous characters, and not safe to have around?" "No, I hardly think that.I believe those men have something to conceal, and would order back any one who they thought would discover their secret. They ordered us back before Jerry appeared and recognized us." "That's so. But how do you suppose he came to get in with them? ""I don't know. It's all part of the same puzzle, I think--the mysterious sounds, the queer marks in the snow, and all that. Of course, Jerry may have met them by accident, and they might have hired him.We knew he came out West, you know, after the part he played in kidnapping us, and very likely he was willing to do any kind of rascally work these men wanted." "Yes, that's probable. But what do you s'pose it is? ""I give it up; that is, for the time being. But I'm going to solve this mystery, Nat, if it takes all winter. We've got something to do now besides hunt. We'll see what these men are up to.Maybe it's something criminal, such as Jonas Lavine and his gang were mixed up in." "I hardly think that." "What do you think, then? ""I believe they have some rare kind of animal or bird, or, maybe, several of them, and they are going to place them on exhibition. For I'm sure the noise we heard, and the marks in the snow, were made by some gigantic bird. ""Oh, you're away off," declared Jack. "It isn't possible." "That's all right. 'Most anything is possible nowadays," answered Nat. They soon rejoined their comrades, and told them what had happened.Sam was for going on, defying the men, and administering a sound drubbing to Jerry. "Then we'll find out what's up," he said, "and end all this suspense." "Yes, and maybe get into trouble," objected Jack. "There must be several men in that camp, if it was a camp, and those we saw seemed ready to use their guns on us. No, I think we'll have to prospect around a bit first, until we see how the land lays. I'm not going to run into danger.We made a mistake by moving too suddenly in the bogus stock certificate case, and only because of good luck were the rascals caught. I'm going a little slower this time." "Jerry Chowden is certainly going to the bad fast," declared Bony. "We don't know that he is in anything bad this time," said Jack. "It may be all right, and those men may be engaged in some regular business. But I admit it looks suspicious. "A sharp snowstorm kept the boys in camp the next two days, but on the third, as fresh meat was getting low, they started off again after game, leaving Budge and Long Gun, as usual, in charge of the place. "Boys, we've got to get something this time," said Jack. "The place is like Mother Hubbard's cupboard, almost bare, so don't despise even jack-rabbits, though, of course, a nice deer or a sheep would go better. "They had been directed by Long Gun to take a trail that led obliquely up the side of the mountain, as the Indian said it was a likely place for game, and at noon they camped in a little clearing for lunch, having had no sight of anything bigger than squirrels, which they would not shoot. "I tell you what it is," said Jack, after thinking the matter over, "I believe we're too closely bunched. We ought to divide up, some go one way, and some the other. We'd be more likely to see something then.We can make a circle, and work our way around back to camp by nightfall." "All right," agreed Sam. "Bony and I will take the trail to the left, and you can go to the right with Nat and Will. I'll wager we beat you, too." "That's a go," agreed Jack. "Come on." A little later the two parties of young hunters separated, and were soon lost to sight of each other. For an hour or more Jack, Nat and Will slowly urged their horses through the light snow.They kept a sharp lookout for signs of game, but were beginning to despair of seeing any, when Jack uttered a cry. "There's been a deer along here," he said. "And not long ago, either, if I'm any judge of the signs Long Gun taught us. ""It does look so," admitted Nat. "Easy, now, and maybe we can trail him." "We'd better leave our horses, though," Jack went on. "It's bad going, and they make quite a bit of noise." "I'll stay with them," volunteered Nat. "I've had my share of good shots lately. Let Will have a show. You and he go ahead, Jack." Jack did not want to leave Nat, but his chum insisted that some one had to stay with the animals, and he wanted to do it.So Will and Jack started off alone to trail the deer. They went on about a mile, the trail becoming fresher at every step, until Will, who was close behind Jack, gently touched his companion on the arm and pointed to the left.There, framed in a little opening of the trees, pawing the snow off the grass in a little glade, stood a noble buck mule deer, the largest Jack had ever seen. The animal had not heard nor scented them. "Take the shot, Will," urged Jack. "You may never get another like that." "No, I'd rather you would." "Nonsense. I've shot several of 'em. You take it." "I'd rather you would." "Go on," urged Jack in a whisper. "Wait, though, we'll move forward a bit, and you work off to the left.You'll get a better shot then. The wind's just right." They went forward a few feet cautiously, until they stood just on the edge of the clearing. Then Will, stepping a few paces to the left, raised his rifle.No sooner had he done so than, to his surprise and regret, his arms began to shake violently. He had a severe touch of "buck fever." "I--I can't do it. I'm too nervous," he said in a whisper to Jack. "Nonsense. Wait a minute and aim again.You'll be all right in a second. Take a long breath and count five." Will did as directed, but it was no use. The muzzle of his rifle wobbled more than ever when he tried to aim. "I--I can't," he whispered again. "You shoot, Jack.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Then, realizing that Will was too nervous to do it, and not wanting to see the buck escape, as they needed fresh meat in camp, Jack took aim and pulled the trigger.At the instant the report rang out, the buck raised his head, wheeled around, and catching sight of Jack standing on the edge of the clearing, came at him almost as fast as an express train.He had been only slightly wounded, and, full of rage, he had only one desire--to annihilate the person responsible for the stinging pain he felt. Jack saw him coming, and threw down the lever of his rifle to pump another cartridge into the chamber.But, to his horror, the lever refused to work. It had become jammed in some way, and the exploded shell could not be ejected. He pulled and tugged at it, the buck coming nearer by leaps and bounds. "Jump--jump! "Jack heard Will cry, and realizing that he could not get in another shot, he leaped to one side, hoping to get out of the way of the infuriated animal.But his foot caught in the entangled branch of a bush, and he fell backward, full length, right in the path of the advancing buck, that was snorting with rage. Jack tried to roll over, but the bush held him fast.He felt that it was all up with him, and he closed his eyes, expecting the next instant to feel the buck leap on him, to pierce him with its keen hoofs.Jack could hear the thundering approach of the big creature, and he could feel the tremor of the ground as the brute came nearer. He fancied he could see the big bulk in the air over him.Then there sounded a sharp crack, followed by a thud, and the black shape seemed to pass to one side.There was a shock as a big body hit the ground, a great crashing among the bushes, and Jack opened his eyes to see the buck lying dead a few feet away from him. Then he saw something else. It was Will, running toward him, a smoking rifle in his hands. "Are you--are you all right?" asked Will, his voice trembling. "Yes," said Jack, hardly able to speak, because of the reaction of the shock through which he had just passed. "I'm all right. Did you shoot the buck? ""I--I guess so," replied Will with a nervous laugh. "I aimed my rifle at him and pulled the trigger, anyhow." Jack went over to the big body, that had not ceased quivering. "Right through the heart," he said, as he saw where the bullet had gone in. "Bill, you saved my life!" CHAPTER XXIX THE BLIZZARD Jack extended his hand, and clasped that of Will's in a firm grip. "This would have ended my hunting days if you hadn't fired," he said. "Maybe he would have leaped over you," said Will. "He was coming very fast." "I saw he was. He'd have jumped right on me, too, and that would have been the finish of yours truly. My, but that was a crack shot of yours." "I didn't seem to take any aim.As soon as I saw him coming for you, I seemed to get steady all at once, and I didn't tremble a bit." "Lucky for me you didn't. My rifle went back on me just at the wrong minute." "What's the matter with it?" "I don't know. I must take a look.It's risky to be hunting with such a rifle." Jack looked for the cause of the trouble, and found that in taking the gun apart to clean it he had not screwed in far enough a certain bolt, which projected and prevented the breech mechanism from working.The trouble was soon remedied, and the rifle was ready for use again. "Well, you can shoot the next buck," remarked Will as the two looked at the carcass of the big animal. "Not to-day. I'd shake worse than you did if I tried to aim.We'll do no more hunting to-day. We'll go back and get Nat, and take this to camp. There's enough for a week." It was with no little difficulty that the three boys loaded the best parts of the buck on their horses and started back to camp.They found that Sam and Bony had arrived ahead of them, Sam having killed a fine ram. "Well, I know what I'm going to do to-day," remarked Jack the next morning. "What?" inquired Nat. "I'm going to have another try at that mystery. ""Do you think it'll be safe?" "I don't see why. I'm going to try to get to that camp from another trail, and if they see me the worst they can do will be to order me away again. ""I'm with you," declared Nat, and the others agreed to accompany the senior member of the gun club. They started directly after breakfast, Jack, Nat, Sam, Bony and Will. Jack, making inquiries of Long Gun, learned of another trail that could be taken.They rode along this for several miles, and then proceeded cautiously, as they judged they were near where the hostile men had their camp. Suddenly Nat, who was riding along beside Jack, stopped his horse and began sniffing the air. "Smell anything? "he asked his chum. Jack took several long breaths. Then he nodded. "Gasolene, eh?" questioned Nat. "Cæsar's pancakes! but I believe we're on the track of those same bogus certificate printers again!" "It can't be," declared Jack. "But smell the gasolene." "I know it, but it might be from an automobile." "An automobile out here? Nonsense! Listen, you can hear the pounding of the engine. "Certainly there was an odd throbbing noise, but just as Jack was beginning to locate it again the sound ceased. "Never mind, fellows," he said. "We'll follow the smell of the gasolene.I don't believe it's the same gang that we were on the trail of before, but we'll soon find out. Keep together, now. "They went on for perhaps half a mile farther, when there was a sudden motion among the bushes on the trail ahead of them, and a man's voice called out: "Halt!" It was one of the three men who had, a few days previous, warned Jack and Nat away. "Where are you going?" the man demanded. "We were looking for your camp," said Jack boldly. "Our camp?" The man seemed much surprised. "Yes. We wanted to see what sort of a place you had.We smelled the gasolene, and heard the engine, and----" "Now look here!" exclaimed the man angrily. "You've been told once to keep away from here, and this is the second time. The next time you won't hear us tell you. We'll shoot without warning.And we won't shoot you, either, for we think you're here more out of curiosity than anything else, but we'll shoot your horses, and you know what it means to be without a horse out here. So if you know what's good for you, keep away. ""Yes," added another voice. "You'd better keep away from here, Jack Ranger, if you don't want to get into trouble." "Oh, it's you, is it, Jerry Chowden?" spoke our hero. "I wonder if your new friends know as much about you as we do?" "Never you mind! "exclaimed Jerry quickly. "You mind your own business, and let me alone." "That's what I've often wished you to do for me," spoke Jack. "Do you know that there is a warrant out for your arrest if you ever come back in the neighborhood of Denton? "Jerry gave a frightened look over his shoulder. The man who had halted the lads had stepped back into the bushes. "You clear out of here, Jack Ranger. And you, too, Nat Anderson and the rest of the bunch!
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"snapped Jerry, and then he drew from his pocket a revolver. "Look out, Jerry, that might go off," remarked Jack with a laugh. "Don't you make fun of me!" ordered the bully. "I'm working here, and I've got authority to order you away. ""That's right, Jerry, tell 'em to vamoose," added the man who had first spoken, as he again came into view. "We don't want any spies around here." Another man joined the first, and the two looked angrily at the intruders.They were armed with shotguns. "What do you want?" asked the second man. "Oh," said Nat lightly, "we just came to call on an acquaintance of ours--Jerry Chowden. The police back East would like to see him, and we've just told him." "That's not so! "cried Jerry angrily. "You're afraid to go back," added Jack. "I am not! You mind your own business and clear out! ""Yes, move on," ordered the first man, but Jack noted that he looked closely at Jerry, as if to determine the effect of the charges made against the bully. There seemed to be nothing else to do, and the boys turned back. "Beaten again," remarked Jack, as they headed for camp. "Well, there's just one other way of discovering their secret." "What is it?" asked Nat. "Go down the mountain, directly back of their camp, only it's dangerous because it's so steep.We can't take the horses. I'll try that way, however, before I'll let Jerry Chowden laugh at us." "So will I," answered Nat, and Sam and Bony said the same thing. "I think we're in for a storm," remarked Will as they jogged along. "It's beginning to snow. "A few flakes were sifting lazily down, and they increased by the time the boys reached camp, where they found Budge and Long Gun busy tightening the tent ropes and piling the wood and provisions within the smaller supply tent. "What's the matter? "asked Jack. "Storm comin'," replied the Indian. "Plenty much bad. Git ready." Early the next morning Jack and his chums were awakened by the wind howling about their tent. It was cold, in spite of heavy blankets and thick clothing. "B-r-r-r! "exclaimed Jack as he crawled out and went to the flap of the tent. Then he gave a startled cry. "Boys, it's a regular blizzard!" he said.Nothing could be seen but a white wall of fiercely swirling snowflakes, while the wind was howling through the trees, threatening every minute to collapse the tent. But Long Gun had done his work well, and the canvas shelter stood.CHAPTER XXX JACK'S HAZARDOUS PLAN The boys crowded up around Jack and peered through an opening in the tent flap. "Blizzard! I should say so!" exclaimed Nat. "It's fierce! How are we going to cook any breakfast? ""Me show," answered Long Gun with a grin. Then he pointed to where he and Budge, the day before, had constructed, inside the living tent, a small fireplace of stones and earth.There was a piece of pipe that extended outside the canvas wall, and in the improvised stove a blaze was soon started, over which coffee was made, and some bacon fried. "Let's go out and see what it's like," proposed Sam, as he wrapped himself up warmly. "No go far," cautioned Long Gun. "No git back if yo' do. Heap bad storm." "There's no danger of Sam going too far," said Jack. "He's too fond of the warm stove. ""Get out!" replied Sam. "I can stand as much cold as you can. "But none of the boys cared to be long in that biting cold, for the wind sent the snowflakes into their faces with stinging force, and the white crystals came down so thickly that had they gone far from the tent it is doubtful if they could have found their way back again.The horses were sheltered in a shack that had been built of saplings, with leaves and earth banked around it and on the roof, and the animals, huddled closely together, were warm and comfortable.Inside the big tent, where the members of the gun club stayed, it was not cold, for Long Gun and Budge kept the fire going in the stone stove, and as the tent was well banked around the bottom, but little of the biting wind entered.Nothing could be done, as it was not safe to venture out, so the boys put in the day cleaning their guns, polishing some of the horn trophies they had secured, and talking of what had happened so far on their camping trip.Toward evening Long Gun went out to the supply tent to get some meat to cook. He came back in a hurry, his face showing much surprise. "What's the matter?" asked Jack quickly. "Meat gone!" exclaimed the Indian. "Something take him from tent. "The boys rushed out into the storm toward the smaller canvas shelter where their food and supplies were kept. One side had been torn down, and within there was a scene of confusion.In the fierceness of the storm, while the campers had been in the big tent, some wild beast, or, perhaps, several of them, had stolen up and carried away most of the food on which Jack and his chums depended.Nor could it be said what beasts had robbed them, for their tracks were obliterated by the snow that had fallen since. "Well, this is tough luck!" exclaimed Jack. "What are we going to do now?" "There's some bacon left from breakfast," said Budge. "Have to eat that, I guess." "Yes; and, thank goodness, the thieves didn't care for coffee," added Nat. "We sha'n't starve, at least, to-night." "There's some canned stuff left, too," went on Will. "But it won't last long, if this storm keeps up," spoke Jack seriously. "I guess we're going to be up against it, fellows." "Like fish?" asked Long Gun suddenly. "What have fish got to do with it?" inquired Bony. "Catch fish through ice soon.Storm stop," replied the Indian. "River plenty full fish." "That's a good idea," commented Jack. "But when will the blizzard stop?" It kept up all that night and part of the next day.The campers were on short rations, as regards meat, though there was plenty of canned baked beans, and enough hardtack for some time yet, while there was flour that could be made into biscuits.But they needed meat, or something like it, in that cold climate. It was late the next afternoon when Jack, looking from the tent, announced: "Hurrah, fellows! It's stopped snowing, and the wind has gone down. Now for some fish through the ice.Long Gun, come on and show us how." The Indian got some lines and hooks ready, using salt pork for bait. Then the whole party went down to the river, traveling on snowshoes, for there was a great depth to the snow, and it was quite soft.It was no easy task to scrape away the white blanket and get down to the ice that covered the river, but they managed it. Holes were chopped in the frozen surface of the stream, and then they all began to fish.They had good luck, and soon had caught enough of the finny residents of the Shoshone to make a good meal. "Um-um!" exclaimed Bony, as they sat down to supper a little later. "Maybe this doesn't taste fine!
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"and he extended his plate for some more of the fish, fried brown in corn meal, with bacon as a flavoring.The next day Jack, Nat and Sam went out and killed some jack-rabbits, and this served them until two days later, when Jack killed a fat ram and Will a small deer.All danger of a short food supply was thus obviated, and, the damaged tent having been repaired, the boys prepared to resume their hunt. "We've only about three weeks more," announced Jack one night. "If we stay much longer we may get snowed in and have to stay until spring." "Well, that wouldn't be so bad," spoke Bony. "I know why Jack wants to start back," spoke Sam. "He is going to stop at Pryor's Gap and see a certain party with brown eyes, who----" Then Sam dodged to avoid the snowshoe which his chum threw across the tent at him. "When are we going to make another try to discover the secret of the strange camp?" asked Nat when quiet was restored. "That's so. When?" asked Will. "We haven't heard that queer noise lately." "We'll see what we can do to-morrow," answered Jack.That night the lads were startled by again hearing that strange sound in the air over their camp. But this time it seemed farther away, and only lasted a short time, while Jack, who rushed out the moment he heard it, could discover nothing.Jack, Nat, Sam, Bony and Will started off early the next morning on snowshoes for the top of the mountain, in accordance with a plan Jack had formed of trying to reach the camp of the men from a point directly back of the place whence they had been ordered away.They reached the summit of the mountain and found, as Long Gun had said they would, a trail leading directly down. But it was so steep and so covered with snow that it seemed risky to attempt it. "We can never get down there," said Nat. "Sure we can," declared Jack. "We might if we had some of those long, wooden snowshoes, like barrel-staves, which the Norwegians use," spoke Sam. "Otherwise I don't see how we're going to do it." Jack did not reply.Instead he was walking slowly along what seemed to be an abandoned trail. Suddenly he uttered an exclamation. "The very thing!" he cried. "What?" asked Bony. "That old sled," answered Jack, pointing to a sort of bobsled, that had evidently been made by lumbermen. It consisted of a platform of slabs, on long, broad, wooden runners, and stood near an abandoned camp. "How can we use that?" asked Nat. "Get on it and slide down the mountain," daringly proposed Jack. "There's plenty of snow. The old sled will hold us all, and maybe we can ride right into their camp lickity-split. Then they can't put us out until we've seen what's going on.Will you go?" The boys hesitated a moment. It was a hazardous plan, one fraught with danger, but they were not the lads to draw back for that. It seemed the only feasible way of getting down the mountain.CHAPTER XXXI A PERILOUS RIDE "Well," asked Jack again, "will you go, or do I have to take the trip alone?" "I'll go!" cried Nat suddenly. "And I!" "And I!" "And I!" added Bony, Sam and Will. "Then let's get the sled out and look it over," said Jack. The old sled seemed to be in fairly good condition. It was roughly but strongly made, as it had to be to stand dragging over the mountain trails. The boys hauled it to the edge of the slope. "Get on," called Jack as he began piling upon the flat top his gun and a package of food he had brought along. "Wait a minute," proposed Nat. "What's the matter now?" inquired Jack. "You're not going to back out, are you? ""No, but it just occurred to me that we'd better have some sort of a brake on this thing. If we get going down that mountain we might not be able to stop." "We don't want to, until we get to the camp. ""But s'pose we get to a ravine, or something like that?" "Well, I guess it would be better to have a brake or drag," admitted Jack. "I'll tell you how we can make one.Get a long sapling, sharpen one end, and put it down through a hole in the back of the sled. When you want to stop, just jab it into the ground, and it will scrape along." "Better have two, while you're at it," said Sam. "Then we can steer with them by jabbing first one, then the other down. They will slew us around whichever way we want to go." "Fine!" cried Jack, always willing to give any of his chums the credit for a good invention. "We'll do it. "With a small hatchet, which they had brought with them, two stout saplings were cut, trimmed of their branches and sharpened to points. Then they were thrust down holes in the rear of the sled, near where the wooden runners came to an end. "Now I guess we're all ready," remarked Jack as he surveyed the work. "Get aboard, fellows, for the Snow Sled Limited. No stops this side of Chicago." "And maybe not there, if we get going too fast," spoke Bony grimly.They had taken off their snowshoes, and piled them on the bob, with their guns and packages of food. Then the boys took their places. "All ready?" asked Jack as he took his seat in front. "As ready as we ever shall be," replied Will, who was a trifle nervous. "Then push off, Sam," called Jack, for Sam and Nat had taken their places at the two brake poles.They used them to shove the sled nearer the edge of the hill, and then, as the sled began to move, they slipped the sharpened saplings into the holes again. Slowly the sled began to go down the hill.At first the slope was gradual, and the speed was not great. Then, as the side of the mountain became more steep, the bob gathered headway, until it was moving along swiftly. "Hold on, everybody!" cried Jack. "There's a bump just ahead of us! "The warning came only just in time, for the sled reached a sort of ridge in the slope, and bounded up in the air.The boys went with it, and as they stayed up a little longer than the sled did, when they came down they did so with considerable force, so that the breath was nearly shaken out of them. "Ouch!" cried Nat. "I bit my tongue. ""Lucky it's no worse," spoke Jack. "Did we lose anything off the sled, Will?" "No, but your gun came near going," for the food and other objects had slid around when the jolt came. "I held on to them," went on the strange lad, who, from the association of Jack and his chums, was fast losing his odd manner. "That's the idea! Well, we certainly are moving now." And indeed they were.The sled was increasing its speed every moment, and was now whizzing along over the snow like some racing automobile, but with none of the noise.The snow, by reason of thawing and freezing, had acquired a hard, slippery surface, and the sled, the broad runners of which did not sink in, was fairly skimming along over it. "Try the brakes!" Jack called back to Sam and Nat. "Let's see if they work." "Put on brakes!" called Nat, giving vent to a couple of screeches in imitation of a whistle. "That means let off brakes," said Sam. "One whistle is to put 'em on." "What's the odds?" inquired Nat. "Put your pole down. "He was already shoving on his, and Sam did likewise.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
There was a shower of white flakes behind the sled as the sharp points of the poles bit into the snow.There followed a scratching sound, and two long depressions appeared to mark the wake of the bob. Then the speed began to slacken. "They work all right," Jack announced. "We'll try how they steer, now." "Off brakes! "shouted Sam, and he and Nat pulled up the poles. Once more the sled shot forward, coasting down the side of the mountain. Bony sat beside Jack, in front, while Will was in the centre, surrounded by the guns and packages. "Wow! "exclaimed Bony suddenly. "There's a bad place just ahead." "I see," remarked Jack. "We must go to one side of it. "The place was a little hollow in the face of the mountain, and if the sled, which was headed directly for it, dipped down into it, there might be a serious accident. "Jab your pole down, Nat! "cried Jack, as he calculated to which side of the hollow it was best to pass. "Jab it hard." "Hard it is!" repeated Nat, as he bore down on his pole with all his force. The result was more than they bargained for.The sled slewed suddenly around, and only by clinging desperately to it did the boys manage to save themselves from being spilled off. "Let go!" yelled Jack quickly. "Let go it is!" Nat managed to repeat, as he pulled up his pole.The sled slung around straight again, and continued to slide, but the steering had been successful, for they passed well to one side of the hole. "I guess a light jab will be all we'll need to change the course of this schooner," remarked Bony. "No more of those 'hard 'a port' orders, Jack." "That's right. We had a narrow escape." On and on they went, Jack watching carefully for holes or rocks, that he might call orders to steer to one side or the other of them.The sled answered her "helm" readily, and, when there was need to slacken speed, the same poles served as brakes. There was still a long snowy stretch before them, though they had come a mile or more.It was fully five miles to the bottom of the slope, where the valley began and where they knew the mysterious men were encamped.The course they were on led almost straight down, and, by some curious freak of nature, it was quite like a cleared road down the side of the mountain.There were few trees in the path the sled was taking, and it seemed as if, in ages gone by, a great snowslide or avalanche had gone crashing down the declivity, preparing a path upon which, however, few would have ventured.Now the speed, which had slackened on a place where the slope was not so great, became faster. The wind whistled in the ears of the boys, and the broad runners were throwing up a fine shower of frozen snow. Faster and faster the bob went.It was skimming along like a great bird now, and the course was so clear that there was no need of steering. Suddenly Jack spied, just ahead of them, a great boulder, partly covered with snow.To strike it meant a disaster, and the sled was headed right for it. "Sam! Sam!" cried Jack. "Put your pole down." This would slew the sled to one side.Sam, bearing in mind what had happened when Nat put his sapling down too suddenly, gently dug his point into the snow. But, so great was the speed, that the sled was slewed around almost as badly as before.But it cleared the rock, and then righted itself. "Say, but we're going some," remarked Bony. Jack nodded. "Too fast," he called. "Put on the brakes, fellows." Nat and Sam prepared to obey this order.They bore down on the saplings, but the sled seemed only to go the faster. "Put on brakes! Hard!" yelled Jack. "We're trying to," called Sam. He and Nat bore down with all their force.They could hear the ends of the saplings scraping over the frozen snow, but they did not seem to take hold. There was no shower of frozen crystals--no depressions behind the runners. The sled went faster and faster. Then Nat understood. "The points of the brakes are worn off!" he cried. "They won't take hold!" "Take 'em up and sharpen 'em!" shouted Jack. "We've got to slacken up or we'll be hurt! Sharpen the stakes. "It was the only thing to do. The points of the poles, dragging over the hard snow, had been worn flat and smooth.It was hard work, putting points on them, aboard the swaying bob, but Sam and Nat, aided by Bony and Will, managed to do it with the hatchet. All the while the sled was skimming along, faster and faster. "Jab 'em in! Jab 'em in! "yelled Jack desperately. Nat and Sam did so. There was a scraping sound, as the sharp points bit into the snow, but the speed of the sled did not seem to slacken. "The snow's frozen too hard!" cried Nat. "We can't stop it now!" "You've got to! "yelled Jack. "We're going like greased lightning!" But, try as Nat and Sam did, they could not force the newly-sharpened stakes into the ground. Jack, Bony and Will added their strength, but it was of no use.Faster and faster the sled leaped down the slope. The wind cut the faces of the boys, and the flying particles of snow, freed by the edges of the runners, stung them like needles. "We can't stop!" said Nat, hopelessly.Straight as an arrow flew the sled. "Look! Look!" cried Will, and he pointed ahead. There, right in the path, and not a quarter of a mile away, at the foot of the hill down which they were shooting like a rocket, was a patch of blackness. "It's a lake! A lake of open water!" cried Jack. "Get ready to jump!" CHAPTER XXXII INTO A STRANGE CAMP It seemed that this was the only thing to do.To remain on the sled, as it plunged into the black water, might mean that they would be drawn down into the depths, never to come up. So the lads prepared to leap from the swiftly-moving sled.Yet they would not jump without their guns, and they hesitated a moment while they secured them. Then they moved to the edge of the bob. But to leap from it, while it was traveling almost with the speed of a railroad train, meant no little risk.No wonder they hesitated, especially as there was no place to land but on the hard, frozen surface of the snow, down which they were sliding.Still, it was a choice of two desperate expedients, and, as they supposed, they were choosing the lesser evil. "Here we go!" cried Nat, as he crouched for a spring. "No! Wait! Wait!" almost screamed Jack. "That's not water! It's ice! It's ice!We're all right! Stay on!" He had called only just in time, for, as the sled came nearer to the black patch, he had seen, from the glint of light upon its surface, that it was hard, black, thick ice.A moment later the sled, striking a little hollow place bounded into the air. It came down with a thump, and in another second was skimming over the frozen surface of a little pond.Straight across it flew, into a snow bank on the other side, where it came to an abrupt stop. So sudden, in fact, was the halting, that Will, who was near the front end, was shot from the bob, and came down in the bank of snow, head first. "Pull him out!" cried Jack, as he leaped off. "Maybe he's hurt."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
The others hastened to the aid of their chum, and he was soon hauled out. He seemed dazed, and there was blood coming from a cut on his head. "Hurt much?" asked Jack anxiously. "No--not much--hit my head on a stone under that pile of snow, I guess. But where are we?" "Where we started for, I think," replied Jack. "My, but that was a trip!" "Petrified pole-cats! I should say so!" ejaculated Nat. "I thought we were goners! ""Same here," remarked Sam. "But we don't seem to have arrived at any place." "We're at the foot of the hill," spoke Bony. "That's something," and he tried to crack his knuckle joints, forgetting that he had thick mittens on. "Let's see what's beyond those trees," proposed Jack, after they had rested, and he pointed to some dark pines that fringed one shore of the pond. "Bring your guns, fellows, and come on." "What about the grub?" asked Nat. "Leave it on the sled," replied Jack. "We'll probably come back here." He led the way to the trees, and passed beyond the natural screen they formed, followed by his chums.No sooner had he penetrated the thick branches, than he uttered a cry of surprise. And well he might.For in front of the young hunters was a strange camp, a large one, consisting of a big shed-like structure, with several small log cabins grouped around it.And the place smelled of gasolene, while from one of the cabins came a noise of machinery in operation. "Boys!" exclaimed Jack, "we've found the place." "Yes, and there doesn't seem to be anybody here to stop us," remarked Nat.They stood for a few moments on the edge of the camp, the secret of which they had tried to solve several times before. "Come on," said Jack. "Might as well take it all in." As he spoke the doors of the big shed swung slowly open.The boys saw a man pushing the portals, but something else they saw attracted their attention, and held them spellbound.For the "something" was a great bird-like creature in the shed, a creature with an immense spread of wings, and from the big structure there came a peculiar throbbing noise, such as that they had heard in the air over their camp several nights. "There it is!" exclaimed Nat. "There's the monster that's been flying in the air over our heads! They've got it captive, and they're trying to tame it! "The doors opened wider, the man pushing them with his back to the boys, so that at first he did not see them. "Wow! Aunt Jerusha's Johnnie cake!" exclaimed Nat. "See that bird." Inside the shed the great creature appeared to be fluttering its wings.The boys were peering forward eagerly. Suddenly there sounded a shout, and from one of the cabins a figure ran. "Jerry Chowden!" cried Jack. Jerry had seen the boys. Pointing one hand at them, he yelled something to the man opening the shed doors.In an instant the man turned, went back into the shed, and the doors swung shut. Then, from other cabins came several men, running toward Jack and his chums. Jerry joined them. "We're in for it, now," remarked Nat. "Keep cool," advised Jack. "They can't hurt us." "That's them! They're the same fellows!" exclaimed Jerry, as he ran up. "Glad to see that you recognize us," remarked Jack calmly. "I was afraid you'd forgotten us, Jerry." "Hu! Think you're smart, don't you? "sneered the former bully of Washington Hall. "None of this chinning!" exclaimed one of the men sullenly. "How did you chaps get here, this time?" "Slid," replied Jack laconically. "Don't get fresh. It might not be healthy. ""That's a fact," went on Jack. "We slid down the side of the mountain on a sled, and landed on your little lake back of the trees." "You never did it!" exclaimed the man incredulously. "Well," said Jack slowly, "if you don't believe it you can go back there and look at the lake." "Yes," added Nat, "and if that doesn't convince you, you can go look at the mountain, and see the sled. "The man turned, and spoke a few words in a low voice to one of his companions. The latter set off toward the fringe of trees. "Now, what did you chaps come here for?" went on the spokesman. "To see your big bird fly," replied Jack. The man started. "We haven't any big bird," he said. "Looks mighty like one, in that shed," went on Jack. The man scowled. Then he resumed. "Weren't you warned to keep away from here before? Weren't you told that your horses would be shot if you came? ""Yes," answered Jack, smiling a bit, "but you see we haven't any horses with us now." "Hu! That's a mighty poor joke," sneered the man. "I don't think much of it myself, but it was the best I could make under the circumstances. "Jack was as cool as a cucumber, while the man was visibly losing his temper. "Lock 'em up!" burst out Jerry Chowden. "That Ranger fellow and Nat Anderson are always making trouble." "Say, when I want your advice I'll ask for it," said the man curtly.Just then the individual he had sent off to report about the sled came back. "It's there," he said. "Hum!" murmured the other.Then, turning to the group of men about him he said: "Better take 'em, and put 'em in one of the vacant cabins for the time being. Then I'll decide what to do with them." "You haven't any right to touch us, or detain us!" exclaimed Jack. "We haven't, eh? Well we're going to take the right, just the same. You put your head in the lion's mouth, and now you are going to be lucky if he doesn't bite it off. Lock 'em up, men. "Several of the roughly-dressed men advanced toward the group of boys. Jack's chums looked to him for advice. He had gotten them into the difficulty, and it was up to him to get them out. "See here!" exclaimed our hero boldly. "Don't you lay hands on us. We are camping on this mountain, and I happen to know that it's government land, and that any one has a right to travel all around it.We have just as much right here as you have, and if you annoy us I'll appeal to the law." "There ain't no law out here, sonny," said one man. "You are suspicious characters, anyhow. Better not make a fuss now. We're too many for you.Next time mind your own affairs and you'll not get into trouble." The men had seized Nat, Bony, Sam and were advancing toward Will and Jack, who stood a little to one side of their chums.One man laid hold of Jack, and our hero tried to wrench himself free. But the man was too strong for him. Suddenly Will looked across the camp. He saw the man again coming from the big shed.For a moment it seemed as if the lad had seen a ghost, his eyes stared so. Then, with a cry he sprang forward, and ran toward the person near the big shed. "Catch him!" shouted the man who had directed that the boys be made prisoners. "He's locoed--crazy!" "Andy will look after him! He's running right into his arms," said some one, and sure enough, the man did catch Will in his arms. The next moment the two disappeared inside the big shed. Jack and his chums looked at one another. "He must have gone suddenly out of his head," said Jack. "That blow he got when he landed in the snow bank has crazed him."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
CHAPTER XXXIII HELD CAPTIVES "Now then, you chaps; are you going to come along quietly, or will we have to use force? "demanded the man who had hold of Jack. "It depends on what you're going to do with us," replied the captain of the gun club. "Well, I don't know what we are going to do with you," answered the man. "It will depend on what Andy says." "Who's Andy? ""That man who just captured your friend--the lad that tried to get away." "Look here!" burst out Nat. "If you hurt Will, or any of us, we'll have you arrested. Hoptoads and hornets! but you haven't any right to treat us this way. ""Say, sonny, don't use such big words, or you might break an arm or leg," spoke the man sarcastically. "I've told you once that you hadn't any right to come here, but now that you're here, you'll have to put up with the consequences.You'll have to stay here, until Andy decides what to do with you." "Well, you'd better go ask him to decide at once," suggested Sam. "We've got a long way to go back to camp, and we want to start." "Now just take your time," advised the man. "You're not running this." He took off his cap, and scratched his head in perplexity. He had a shock of thick, red hair, and for want of a better name, since he had not announced it, the lads dubbed him Sandy. "Was that Andy, as you call him, who went in the big shed with Will?" asked Jack. "That's him. He'll have to decide what to do with you, for I'm blessed if I know. He's the boss." "Then go ask him," demanded Jack, backing up Sam's suggestion. "I can't," was the reply. "Why not?" "Because Andy has given orders that no one but himself is allowed inside that shed, except on certain occasions." "Is he afraid the big bird will get away?" asked Nat. "What big bird?" inquired Sandy quickly.He took a tighter grip of Jack's arm, and the other men in the group, each of whom held one of the young captives, seemed waiting for Nat's reply. "Oh, we know you've got some kind of a monster bird in that shed," went on Nat. "We heard it flying over our camp, and we came out here to see it." "Is that all you came for?" asked Sandy. "That's all," put in Jack. "We wanted to solve the mystery of the strange noises, and the queer marks in the snow. ""What queer marks in the snow?" Jack told Sandy what he and his chums had seen, relating in detail how they had tried, on several occasions, to penetrate to the camp, and how, at length, they had made the trip on the sled. "Now why don't you go tell Andy, who seems to be the head of this crowd, what I say, and ask him to let us go?" went on Jack. "We meant no harm, but we'd like to see the bird." "So you think it's a bird; eh? ""Yes, or perhaps some prehistoric monster." Sandy laughed. "You're right in thinking Andy is the head of this camp," he said. "We're all working for him, but, as I said, he won't let one of us go inside that shed without his orders.Since your friend went in there he'll have to stay until Andy brings him out. Then you can make your own plea. Until then I'm going----" "If you're going to hold us prisoners, you'd better think twice about it," went on Jack. "My father has friends out West here, and I shall telegraph him of this outrage as soon as I get away." "Now go easy," advised the red-haired man. "I'm not going to harm any of you, but I'm not going to let you get away until Andy has seen you.You'll have to stay here, but we'll make you as comfortable as possible. I guess you can stay in one of the cabins. There are some of them empty, as a number of the men have left." "Then we're captives?" asked Jack. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call it that," spoke Sandy with a grin. "Just consider yourselves our guests. We'll treat you well, and give you plenty of grub, such as it is." "We have some of our own," Bony said. "You haven't any right to detain us," declared Sam. "We won't discuss that again," said Sandy. "Now be reasonable. S'pose I did let you go. You couldn't get back to your camp to-night, over the mountain, and without horses.You'd have to camp in the open. Isn't it better to stay in one of our cabins, where it's nice and warm? Besides, it looks like a storm." Jack could not but admit that this reasoning was good.They had not counted on getting back, after their trip on the sled, but it was obvious that they could not coast back to camp, and if they had started to return, they would have had to pass the night in an open camp, no very pleasant prospect. "Well," said Jack at length, "I guess we'll have to stay. But I don't like the idea of being considered prisoners." "Well, don't think of it then," advised Sandy with another grin. "Now, you're free. I let you go. Where will you head for? "He released Jack's arm, and motioned for his companions to do likewise for the other lads. Jack looked about him. Clearly there was no place to escape to. Besides, it would never do to go off and leave Will in the hands of the enemy.There was nothing to do but to stay. "Now, then," went on Sandy, "you can go to that cabin over there," and he pointed to a large one. "You'll find some bunks there, a good fireplace, and some grub.Or you can use your own provisions, just as you like. All I ask is that you give me your word of honor that you'll not leave without telling me first. It may be that Andy won't want you detained at all, but I'm taking no chances. Will you promise? ""Will any harm come to Will?" asked Jack. "You mean the lad who ran into the shed? I can't say. I know Andy will be very much put out at his going there, but I don't believe he'll harm him.Now, will you give me your parole, or will I have to lock you up?" Jack hesitated a moment. "I haven't any right to speak for my chums," he said. "Then take a few minutes to talk with them.We'll leave you alone for five minutes, and you can give me your answer then." Sandy and his men withdrew a short distance, leaving the boys in a group by themselves. "Well?" questioned Jack. "What shall we do? ""I don't see what we can do but give him our promise," replied Sam. "It will be better to be by ourselves, and comparatively free, than to be locked up somewhere. Besides, we haven't discovered the secret yet." "That's so," agreed Nat. "I want to see what's in that shed." "And we may be better able to help Will, by being somewhat free," added Bony. "I'm for giving our parole." "All right," agreed Jack. "I think, myself, that will be the best plan.I wonder what in the world can be in that shed?" "And I wonder what's happening to Will in there?" added Nat. "We must find out, if possible. ""We'll give our parole," called Jack to Sandy, and the red-haired man approached the group of boys alone, having motioned to his companions, on hearing this, that they could resume their occupations. "That's good," answered the red-haired man, apparently much relieved. "Now you can go over there and make yourselves at home. You say you have some grub of your own. Fetch it, and get busy. Nobody will disturb you.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
""And you'll speak to Andy about us, as soon as you can; won't you?" asked Nat. "Sure thing. You're only in the way here, if you'll excuse my saying so, and the sooner you're off, the sooner we can go on with our work. "The boys went to where they had left the sled, got the packages of food, and, with their guns, which had first been taken from them, and then restored, as they gave their parole, they went to the cabin Sandy indicated.The red-haired man seemed to pay no further attention to them, but entered another cabin, near the big shed, while none of the other men were now in sight. Jerry Chowden had also disappeared. "They've left us to ourselves," remarked Jack. "Yes," added Sam. "I wonder what their 'work' can be?" "It's got something to do with that gigantic bird, I'm sure," said Nat. "Queer, though, it doesn't make some sound." "Maybe it's dead," suggested Bony, absently cracking his finger knuckles. "No, for we saw the wings moving when the doors were open," said Jack. "They were evidently just going to let it out, when they saw us." "But what puzzles me," went on Nat, "is why Will ran off in that queer fashion. ""And why they're keeping him in that shed," added Bony. "Why don't they let him come here with us? We're all in the same boat, as far as coming here is concerned." "Maybe they're going to make an example of him," suggested Nat. "An example?What do you mean?" asked Jack. "Well, you know they've got a terrible big bird, or some monster in there. Maybe they're going to feed Will to it--offer him up as a sort of human sacrifice, you know. Maybe these men worship that strange bird. ""Say, you've been reading too many dime novels," cried Jack. "Offer Will for a sacrifice! You're crazy to think of such a thing, Nat!" "I don't care. Didn't the old Aztecs make human sacrifices?" "Yes, but these men aren't Aztecs." "How do you know? ""How do I know? Of course they aren't! They're Americans, all right." "But they've got some queer secret in that shed," declared Nat obstinately. "True enough," admitted Jack, "and we're going to discover what it is, if possible.But now let's get something to eat. I'm hungry." They found a good fireplace in the log cabin, and plenty of dry wood, and soon had a roaring blaze going.They prepared a simple meal, finding a sufficient supply of dishes in the place, and after eating heartily of the food they had brought along, they felt better. It was getting late in the afternoon, and they prepared to spend the night in the hut. "I wonder if Budge and Long Gun will worry about our not coming back?" asked Sam. "No," replied Jack, "for I told Budge I didn't see how we could return, in case we were successful in getting to the mysterious camp. ""Well, we got here all right," remarked Nat, with an uneasy laugh. "The question is, how to get away." "And rescue Will," added Bony. "Yes," continued Jack, "I don't like the way he acted.I'm afraid his brain was affected by the blow on the head, following the fright at coming down on the sled. He isn't very strong, and it wouldn't take much to upset him.Besides, he's been worrying about finding his uncle, and about the mean way his guardian has treated him. I certainly hope nothing has happened to him in that shed, but I can't understand why that man Andy should keep him there. "The boys passed rather an uneasy night, not only because of their strange surroundings, but on account of worrying over the fate of Will. Nor were they altogether easy regarding themselves. "Well, we're still alive, at any rate," observed Jack, as he arose the next morning, and helped to get a simple breakfast. "Did any of you fellows hear anything in the night?" "It seems to me that I heard people sneaking around the cabin," said Bony. "Same here," added Sam. "Guess they didn't altogether trust us," came from Nat. "They looked in on us every once in a while. I wonder how Will slept?" "Guess we'll have to wait to have that answered," remarked Jack. "If I see Sandy I'll ask him----" He stopped suddenly, and looked from a window. "Here comes Will now," he added. "And that man Andy is with him!" exclaimed Sam. "Maybe now we'll solve the mystery. "CHAPTER XXXIV THE MYSTERY EXPLAINED Jack opened the cabin door, and stood in it, prepared to greet Will. The other captives gathered back of their chum. "How are you, Will?" asked Jack, as soon as his friend came within speaking distance. "We were quite worried about you." "I'm all right," answered the strange lad. "Why did you run away?" inquired Sam, while Nat looked closely at Andy. The man had a good-natured, smiling face, and Nat's spirits began to rise.He did not think they had much to fear from such a man. "It's a strange story," said Will, as he entered the cabin, followed by the man. The boys crowded around the two, and waited anxiously for Will's next words. "First," began the lad, who had acted so strangely, "let me introduce to you my uncle, Mr. Andrew Swaim." "Your uncle!" exclaimed Jack. "Your uncle!" echoed Sam, Bony and Nat. "That's right. My uncle, whom I ran away from home to seek," went on Will. "I never expected to find him here." "Nor I to see my nephew," explained Mr. Swaim. "I was never more surprised in my life than when he ran to me in the shed. After he had called me by name, he fainted dead away.He has been unconscious all night, and only a few minutes ago did he come to his senses. I remained at his bedside all the while.As soon as he roused, and felt better, he told me about coming here with you boys, and insisted that I come out to look for you. That was the first I knew you were still in my camp. I hope you haven't suffered any inconvenience.I saw you as I was about to open the shed doors, but I supposed my men warned you away. I hope you are not angry." "Not much," replied Jack with a smile. "And so Will fainted as soon as he greeted you?" "Yes.He explained later that he got a blow on the head, and that, together with the thrilling ride down the mountain, on top of the worry he had sustained in searching for me, and other hardships he had undergone, made him go temporarily out of his mind.But he is all right now, he says." "Yes, that's what I am," said Will. "All my troubles are over, now that I've found my uncle. What did you think, when I ran away?" "We didn't know what to think," replied Jack. "Especially when you didn't come back. ""This is how it was," explained Will. "I saw my uncle as soon as he began opening the big doors the second time. Before I knew what I was doing I had run toward him, and when I was near enough I called his name, and told him who I was.He recognized me at once, and----" "Yes, and I saw that he was about to keel over," interrupted Mr. Swaim. "I caught him in my arms, carried him inside the shed, and I had my hands full all night with him.I had given orders to my men never to enter that shed except on certain occasions.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
They did not disobey my instructions to tell me you boys were still here, and, of course, Will could tell me nothing until this morning.Then he insisted that we come out and find you. I called in Stephen----" "Is that the red-haired man?" asked Jack. "He is. I called him in, and he explained about you being in this cabin.And now here we are--Will and I, and I can't thank you enough, Jack Ranger, for what you did for him. He has told me a little about it, and how kind you were to him in school. I shall have a score to settle with that rascally guardian of his.I never suspected Gabel could be so mean. But his charge of my nephew is ended. I will make other provisions for Will. Are you boys all right now? Did you have some breakfast?" "Oh, yes," replied Jack. "If we had known that Will's uncle was in charge of this camp, we wouldn't have----" "Now don't make any apologies," interrupted Mr. Swaim. "It's all right. I want you to make yourselves right to home here.My regulations were only intended for men who might try to spy on my work. For I am perfecting a means----" "Fellows, you'll never guess what the mystery is," burst out Will. "Excuse me, Uncle Andy," he went on, "but let me tell them.You see we've puzzled over it so long, and none of us could guess. Jack, Nat, Sam, Bony--what do you think it is that my uncle has in the big shed--the thing that flew over our camp and scared Long Gun so? See if you can guess. ""A great bird--like the roc of the Arabian Nights," said Nat. "No." "Some sort of eagle, larger than any ever seen in these parts," ventured Sam. "No, that's as far off as Nat was. ""A kite, carrying an engine, working a camera, for taking moving pictures at night," was Bony's guess. "No," said Will. "It's your turn, Jack." Jack thought for a minute. He glanced at the big shed, and then started, as a sudden idea came to him. "A balloon?" he asked. "No, but you're nearest to it. Shall I tell them, Uncle Andy?" Mr. Swaim nodded. "It's a great aeroplane!" exclaimed Will. "An aeroplane!" exclaimed all the other lads in a breath. "A new form of aeroplane, with propellers built like the great wings of a bird," explained Mr. Swaim. "It's an invention of mine, but is not perfected yet, though it flies fairly well.There are certain parts, on which I have not yet got my patents, and that is why I do not admit any of the men to the shed when the '_Eagle_' as I call her, is there.But Will got in before I could stop him, though I guess he'll not try to get ahead of his uncle." "No, indeed, Uncle Andy!" "And did you fly it over our camp?" asked Jack. "I did, and that was the sound you heard.It makes quite a whirring noise, when the wings are working fast, and the engine has a peculiar throbbing sound. I don't wonder you and the Indian guide were frightened." "Oh, Long Gun was more scared than we were," explained Nat. "Probably.You see I only flew it at night, because I did not want any one to see it." "And it really works?" asked Bony. "Yes, but not as well as I would like it to. I have only been able to take up myself and one other man, so far.I want it to carry at least five passengers, but I shall have to alter my engine, or change the shape of the wings, or else increase their size, before it will lift that much. But Stephen and I often flew over the mountain.We used to judge of our position by your camp-fire. At least I suppose, from what Will tells me, that it was your fire." "Yes," said Jack. "We heard you calling to one another one night, and that kept us guessing more than ever. ""What about those queer marks in the snow?" asked Bony. Mr. Swaim looked puzzled until Jack explained. "Oh," said the inventor, "that was when we had an accident. The _Eagle_ came down unexpectedly, and turned turtle.Neither I nor Stephen was hurt, but we had quite a time righting the machine. The marks you saw must have been the impressions of the wings in the snow." "We thought it was a great bird," explained Nat. "And I wasn't so far out, calling it an eagle," spoke Bony, cracking a couple of finger knuckles, and ending up with both thumbs. "I have been out here in this secluded place for several months," went on Mr. Swaim. "That is why I left no address for my nephew's guardian, as I did not want to be disturbed. I never supposed my nephew would try to find me, and he probably would not have done so, except by accident.But I will soon go back East, for my invention is almost perfected, and I want to give some exhibitions, and try for some government prizes. Would you boys like to see it tried?" "You bet!" exclaimed Jack fervently, and the others nodded assent. "We were going to give it a trial when you boys arrived here," went on Mr. Swaim. "Now that Will is all right, I think I will take the _Eagle_ out for a flight.I was considerably worried," he continued, "when my men brought me reports of strangers trying to enter the camp, and I gave strict orders to keep them out. That is why my men were rather brusk with you." "That's all right," answered Jack. "We had no right to come around, but we were very curious." "I don't blame you. Well, I'll go and get the machine ready for a trial spin. ""Excuse me for mentioning it," said Jack, as Mr. Swaim prepared to leave the cabin, "but you have a chap here named Jerry Chowden? My friends and I used to know him." "Is that so?" asked Mr. Swaim in some surprise. "I know little about him.He came to me one day, and asked for work, saying he needed money. As I was short of help I took him on, but I am sorry I did so, for my foreman tells me he is not worth his salt, and is lazy in the bargain.He never said anything to me about meeting you. I shall get rid of him, I think. Is he a friend of yours?" "Well, I guess not!" exclaimed Jack heartily. "I'm glad of it, for I don't like his manners. Now I'll go and see about taking the ship out.Will may remain with you." The boys had plenty to talk about now. Their exchange of experiences of the incidents of the last few hours was interrupted by the appearance of the great aeroplane, as the men wheeled it out of the shed. "Wow!Petrified pancakes!" exclaimed Nat. "That's a dandy, though!" Indeed the _Eagle_, in spite of the fact that Mr. Swaim had said it was not completed, was a fine example of an aeroplane.The boys crowded up close to it, examining the different parts, while Will's uncle and some of his men got it ready for a flight. As they started the motor, which worked the great wings, Nat said: "That accounts for the gasolene smell.I guess the mystery is all explained now." "It seems so," spoke Jack. The aeroplane was taken to the ice-covered pond, over which the sled had slid on the finish of its perilous trip. "Is that what this is for?" asked Jack. "Yes," replied Mr. Swaim. "We cleared the snow off it on purpose to use for our trials.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
An aeroplane, you know, as at present constructed, has to get a start on the ground, in order to acquire enough momentum to rise.I find it much easier to skim along on the slippery ice, than over the ground. Well, are we all ready, Stephen?" The red-haired man, who was the chief mechanic, nodded an assent.He and Mr. Swaim got into a seat, adjusted some levers and wheels, and then another man cranked up the motor. The great propellers, built like the wings of a bird, began to work, with a sound that was exactly like that heard over the camp.The aeroplane slid forward, and after going for some distance over the frozen pond, rose into the air, as Mr. Swaim shifted the elevation rudders. Up, up, up it went, until it was higher than the mountain down which the boys had slid.Then it began to circle about. "My! But that's fine!" exclaimed Jack. "Jupiter's Johnnie cake! But it certainly is!" exclaimed Nat fervently.For half an hour or more Mr. Swaim circled about in the air overhead; then he and Stephen came down, landing on the pond with scarcely a jolt. "What do you think of it?" asked the inventor proudly. "It's great! "exclaimed Jack enthusiastically, and his chums echoed this sentiment. "Would you like to try a ride in it?" asked Will's uncle. "Well--er--not just now," stammered Jack, and Mr. Swaim laughed. "No, I wouldn't want you to risk it, until I have perfected it a little more, though Stephen and I have gone twenty miles in it." One of the workmen ran up, and whispered something to Mr. Swaim. "Is that so?" he asked, in some surprise. "Well, that simplifies matters. I have just been told," he went on, turning to the boys, "that Jerry Chowden has disappeared. I guess he did not want to meet you lads." "I guess not," said Jack significantly.The boys spent some time further, examining the aeroplane, and visiting the machine shop, whence came the throbbing of a gasolene engine--the same sound they had heard when on their second visit to the camp.Jack asked Will's uncle if on any occasion he and Stephen had not landed near the camp, for Jack had in mind the occasion when the meat was stolen from the tree by the bear. "Oh, was that your meat? "asked Mr. Swaim with a laugh, when Jack had explained. "We always wondered whom we had robbed. Stephen and I were out for a flight that night, and we had to descend because of an accident to the motor.We came down near the tree where the meat was, and surprised a bear at work getting it. Bruin scrambled down and ran away, and we concluded to take some of the meat, as we were short. Then we started the machine off again, and came here.I hope we didn't put you to any inconvenience." "Oh, no," replied Jack. "It only puzzled us some, that was all. But have you an arrow in hobnails, on the soles of your boots?" Mr. Swaim lifted his foot and showed the arrow. "That explains everything," remarked Nat. "Yes, the mystery is ended," added Jack. CHAPTER XXXV JACK MEETS MABEL--CONCLUSION. "Well," remarked Mr. Swaim, when the aeroplane had been put back in the shed, "I'd like to have you boys come to dinner with me. We don't have anything very elaborate in camp----" "We don't care for elaborate things," interrupted Jack. "We're camping on our own hook, and I was just thinking we had better begin to think of going back, or Budge and Long Gun may get worried, and start out after us." "I'd take you back in the aeroplane, only I can't carry you all," said Mr. Swaim. "However, let's have dinner, and then you can decide what to do." The meal was much enjoyed, and at its conclusion, Will remarked: "Have you decided what to do with me, Uncle Andy?" "Well--no--not exactly," replied Mr. Swaim. "Do you want to stay with me, or go back with your friends for a while? One thing is certain, you'll not go back to that rascal of a Lewis Gabel. I'll take you from his charge. ""I'd like to go with Jack and his chums," said Will, "only they'll be going back East soon, I expect, and they haven't got an extra horse for me to ride." "We can easily manage that," said Jack. "I've got to send word to Tanker Ike to come and get our camp stuff, and he can just as well bring along an extra horse with him. So don't let that worry you." "I'm afraid I'm giving you a lot of trouble," said Will. "Not a bit of it.Come, and welcome." "If you can manage it, I think it will be the best plan," said Mr. Swaim. "My camp isn't much of a place for a boy, but I will soon be coming East, Will, and then I'll look after you.In the meanwhile take this to use for the spending money that Mr. Gabel wrongfully kept from you," and he handed his nephew a substantial sum.The boys took a last look at the aeroplane, and bidding Mr. Swaim good-by, set off on a long tramp over the mountain for their camp.Fortunately the weather was fine, and they were not hampered by any storm, so they reached their tent late that afternoon. "Jugitback? "asked Budge, as calmly as if they had been gone only an hour or so, and he pulled out a long string of gum, and began to work it back into his mouth again. "Yes, we're here," said Jack. "Did you and Long Gun get along all right?""Sure'syou'reafoothigh." "Well, we'll soon begin packing for home----" "Home? You mean Pryor's Gap, I guess," exclaimed Nat. "You're not going without seeing Mabel; are you? ""That's none of your affair," retorted Jack, his face reddening under his tan. "We ought to have one more hunt before we go," said Sam. "That's what," put in Bony, and Jack agreed. They spent two days more tramping over the mountains after game.Will killed a fair-sized bear, Nat got a large deer, and Jack bowled over a great ram, that had a fine pair of horns, which our hero declared he was perfectly satisfied with, as they would appropriately fill a certain space on the wall of his room. "And now," he said, as they were gathered around the camp fire that night, "I think the outing of our gun club is almost at an end." "Got to go to Pryor's Gap yet!" murmured Nat from the shadows, and the rest of them laughed.The next day Long Gun started on his horse to take word to Tanker Ike that the boys were ready to come back. He was gone two days, which the lads put in by packing up, and taking little trips, not far from their camp.The third day the Indian returned with the freight wagon, driven by Ike, who also brought along an extra horse for Will. "Well!" he exclaimed, "you certainly had great luck," and he looked at the collection of skins and horns. "But it's about time to go back. There's a big storm coming, and it'll be here soon." "We must take plenty of water this time, so if a tank springs a leak on the desert we won't get thirsty," said Sam. "We're not going to cross the desert," spoke Jack. "Why not?" "Because we're going back by way of Pryor's Gap," explained Jack boldly, and he did not heed the shouts of laughter that greeted his announcement. "We promised to call on Mr. Pierce, you know," he added.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
"Oh, yes, Mr. Pierce, with the accent on the _Mister_," shouted Nat, and then he dodged behind the wagon to get out of Jack's reach.Two days later they were at Pryor's Gap, and Mr. Pierce was glad to see them. He insisted that they stay several days at his house, to which Jack agreed.But his host did not see much of our hero, for, somehow, there were many sights of interest about the Gap, and no one seemed able to point them out to Jack, save a certain brown-eyed maiden--but there, what's the use of rubbing it in? "Well, I hope you lads will come camping out here again, soon," said Mr. Pierce, as the members of the gun club prepared to take their leave. "I hope we can," said Jack. "We have enjoyed the hospitality of you and your daughter very much. ""Especially the daughter," put in Nat, in a voice intended only for Jack's ear. "You old duffer, you monopolized her." "Humph!" exclaimed Jack. "Who had a better right?" "Good-by, boys!" called Mr. Pierce. "Good-by," chorused the members of Jack Ranger's gun club. "Good-by," spoke Mabel, with a blush, but she only looked at Jack. "Come again. ""We will," said our hero decidedly, as he held her hand at parting a little longer than perhaps was strictly necessary. But, as we asked before, what's the use of rubbing it in? "We certainly had a great time," observed Will, as they started off from Pryor's Gap. "The best ever," agreed the others. "I wonder what we'll do next year," spoke Sam.But what they did will be told in the next volume of this series, to be entitled "Jack Ranger's Treasure Box; or, The Outing of the Schoolboy Yachtsmen. "In that story we shall meet all our old friends again and learn the particulars of a most unusual mystery, and how it was solved.A few days later the boys were in a train that was swiftly taking them back East, and to Washington Hall, which institution, as Jack learned in a letter from his father, that was waiting for him at Denver, had been repaired, and was ready for the students. "Oh, dear, to think of going back to studies again," sighed Nat, as he thought of the fun they had had. "Never mind, we'll have some sport yet," consoled Jack. "Professors Socrat and Garlach are still available. ""Yes, and think of the experience we have had," said Will. "Oh, well, we always have some sort of queer experience when we go out with Jack Ranger," added Nat. "All out for Pryor's Gap," he shouted, as the train pulled into a station.Then he ducked down behind a seat to escape a wad of paper that Jack threw at him. THE END THE COLLEGE SPORTS SERIES By LESTER CHADWICK _12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Jacket in Colors_ _Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid_ _Mr.Chadwick has played on the diamond and on the gridiron himself._ 1. THE RIVAL PITCHERS _A Story of College Baseball_ Tom Parsons, a "hayseed," makes good on the scrub team of Randall College. 2.A QUARTERBACK'S PLUCK _A Story of College Football_ A football story, told in Mr. Chadwick's best style, that is bound to grip the reader from the start. 3.BATTING TO WIN _A Story of College Baseball_ Tom Parsons and his friends Phil and Sid are the leading players on Randall College team. There is a great game. 4.THE WINNING TOUCHDOWN _A Story of College Football_ After having to reorganize their team at the last moment, Randall makes a touchdown that won a big game. 5.FOR THE HONOR OF RANDALL _A Story of College Athletics_ The winning of the hurdle race and long-distance run is extremely exciting. 6.THE EIGHT-OARED VICTORS _A Story of College Water Sports_ Tom, Phil and Sid prove as good at aquatic sports as they are on track, gridiron and diamond._Send For Our Free Illustrated Catalogue_ CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers, New York THE JACK RANGER SERIES By CLARENCE YOUNG _12mo. Cloth. Illustrated.Jacket in Colors_ _Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid_ _Lively stories of outdoor sports and adventure every boy will want to read._ 1.JACK RANGER'S SCHOOL DAYS _or The Rivals of Washington Hall_ You will love Jack Ranger--you simply can't help it. He is bright and cheery, and earnest in all he does. 2.JACK RANGER'S WESTERN TRIP _or From Boarding School to Ranch and Range_ This volume takes the hero to the great West. Jack is anxious to clear up the mystery surrounding his father's disappearance. 3.JACK RANGER'S SCHOOL VICTORIES _or Track, Gridiron and Diamond_ Jack gets back to Washington Hall and goes in for all sorts of school games. There are numerous contests on the athletic field. 4.JACK RANGER'S OCEAN CRUISE _or The Wreck of the Polly Ann_ How Jack was carried off to sea against his will makes a "yarn" no boy will want to miss. 5.JACK RANGER'S GUN CLUB _or From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail_ Jack organizes a gun club and with his chums goes in quest of big game. They have many adventures in the mountains. 6.JACK RANGER'S TREASURE BOX _or The Outing of the Schoolboy Yachtsmen_ Jack receives a box from his father and it is stolen. How he regains it makes an absorbing tale._Send For Our Free Illustrated Catalogue_ CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers, New York THE BASEBALL JOE SERIES By LESTER CHADWICK _12mo. Illustrated.Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid_ BASEBALL JOE OF THE SILVER STARS _or The Rivals of Riverside_ Joe is an everyday country boy who loves to play baseball and particularly to pitch.BASEBALL JOE ON THE SCHOOL NINE _or Pitching for the Blue Banner_ Joe's great ambition was to go to boarding school and play on the school team. BASEBALL JOE AT YALE _or Pitching for the College Championship_ Joe goes to Yale University.In his second year he becomes a varsity pitcher and pitches in several big games.BASEBALL JOE IN THE CENTRAL LEAGUE _or Making Good as a Professional Pitcher_ In this volume the scene of action is shifted from Yale college to a baseball league of our Central States.BASEBALL JOE IN THE BIG LEAGUE _or A Young Pitcher's Hardest Struggles_ From the Central League Joe is drafted into the St. Louis Nationals. A corking baseball story all fans will enjoy.BASEBALL JOE ON THE GIANTS _or Making Good as a Twirler in the Metropolis_ How Joe was traded to the Giants and became their mainstay in the box makes an interesting baseball story.BASEBALL JOE IN THE WORLD SERIES _or Pitching for the Championship_ The rivalry was of course of the keenest, and what Joe did to win the series is told in a manner to thrill the most jaded reader.BASEBALL JOE AROUND THE WORLD _or Pitching on a Grand Tour_ The Giants and the All-Americans tour the world, playing in many foreign countries.BASEBALL JOE: HOME RUN KING _or The Greatest Pitcher and Batter on Record_ Joe cultivates his handling of the bat until he becomes the greatest batter in the game._Send For Our Free Illustrated Catalogue_ CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers, New York THE MOTOR BOYS SERIES By CLARENCE YOUNG _12mo.
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Illustrated.Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid_ The Motor Boys _or Chums Through Thick and Thin_ The Motor Boys Overland _or A Long Trip for Fun and Fortune_ The Motor Boys in Mexico _or The Secret of The Buried City_ The Motor Boys Across the Plains _or The Hermit of Lost Lake_ The Motor Boys Afloat _or The Cruise of the Dartaway_ The Motor Boys on the Atlantic _or The Mystery of the Lighthouse_ The Motor Boys in Strange Waters _or Lost in a Floating Forest_ The Motor Boys on the Pacific _or The Young Derelict Hunters_ The Motor Boys in the Clouds _or A Trip for Fame and Fortune_ The Motor Boys Over the Rockies _or A Mystery of the Air_ The Motor Boys Over the Ocean _or a Marvelous Rescue in Mid-Air_ The Motor Boys on the Wing _or Seeking the Airship Treasure_ The Motor Boys After a Fortune _or The Hut on Snake Island_ The Motor Boys on the Border _or Sixty Nuggets of Gold_ The Motor Boys Under the Sea _or From Airship to Submarine_ The Motor Boys on Road and River _or Racing to Save a Life_ THE MOTOR BOYS SECOND SERIES By CLARENCE YOUNG Ned, Bob and Jerry at Boxwood Hall _or The Motor Boys as Freshmen_ Ned, Bob and Jerry on a Ranch _or The Motor Boys Among the Cowboys_ Ned, Bob and Jerry in the Army _or The Motor Boys as Volunteers_ Ned, Bob and Jerry on the Firing Line _or The Motor Boys Fighting for Uncle Sam_ Ned, Bob and Jerry Bound for Home _or The Motor Boys on the Wrecked Troopship_ CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers, New York _The Boy Hunters Series_ _By Captain Ralph Bonehill_ 12mo.Illustrated. Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid.FOUR BOY HUNTERS _Or, The Outing of the Gun Club_ A fine, breezy story of the woods and waters, of adventures in search of game, and of great times around the campfire, told in Captain Bonehill's best style.In the book are given full directions for camping out. GUNS AND SNOWSHOES _Or, The Winter Outing of the Young Hunters_ In this volume the young hunters leave home for a winter outing on the shores of a small lake.They hunt and trap to their heart's content, and have adventures in plenty, all calculated to make boys "sit up and take notice." A good healthy book; one with the odor of the pine forests and the glare of the welcome campfire in every chapter.YOUNG HUNTERS OF THE LAKE _Or, Out with Rod and Gun_ Another tale of woods and waters, with some strong hunting scenes and a good deal of mystery. The three volumes make a splendid outdoor series.OUT WITH GUN AND CAMERA _Or, The Boy Hunters in the Mountains_ Takes up the new fad of photographing wild animals as well as shooting them. An escaped circus chimpanzee and an escaped lion add to the interest of the narrative.CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK THE KHAKI BOYS SERIES By CAPT. GORDON BATES _12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Jacket in full color._ _Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid_ _True-to-life stories of the camp and field in the great war._ 1.THE KHAKI BOYS AT CAMP STERLING _or Training for the Big Fight in France_ Two zealous young patriots volunteer and begin their military training. Together they get into a baffling camp mystery. 2.THE KHAKI BOYS ON THE WAY _or Doing Their Bit on Sea and Land._ Our soldier boys having completed their training at Camp Sterling are transferred to a Southern cantonment from which they are finally sent aboard a troopship for France. 3.THE KHAKI BOYS AT THE FRONT _or Shoulder to Shoulder in the Trenches_ The Khaki Boys reach France, and, after some intensive training in sound of the battle front, are sent into the trenches. 4.THE KHAKI BOYS OVER THE TOP _or Doing and Daring for Uncle Sam_ A spirited tale, telling how the brave soldier boys went over the top in the face of a fierce fire from the enemy. 5.THE KHAKI BOYS FIGHTING TO WIN _or Smashing the German Lines_ Another great war story, showing how the Khaki Boys did their duty as fighters for Uncle Sam under tremendous difficulties. 6.THE KHAKI BOYS ALONG THE RHINE _or Winning the Honors of War_ Telling of the march to the Rhine, crossing into Germany and of various troubles the doughboys had with the Boches._Send For Our Free Illustrated Catalogue_ CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers, New York THE FRED FENTON ATHLETIC SERIES By ALLEN CHAPMAN Author of "The Tom Fairfield Series," "The Boys of Pluck Series" and "The Darewell Chums Series." 12mo.Illustrated. Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid. A line of tales embracing school athletics. Fred is a true type of the American schoolboy of to-day.FRED FENTON THE PITCHER _or The Rivals of Riverport School_ When Fred came to Riverport none of the school lads knew him, but he speedily proved his worth in the baseball box. A true picture of school baseball.FRED FENTON IN THE LINE _or The Football Boys of Riverport School_ When Fall came in the thoughts of the boys turned to football. Fred went in the line, and again proved his worth, making a run that helped to win a great game.FRED FENTON ON THE CREW _or The Young Oarsmen of Riverport School_ In this volume the scene is shifted to the river, and Fred and his chums show how they can handle the oars. There are many other adventures, all dear to the hearts of boys.FRED FENTON ON THE TRACK _or The Athletes of Riverport School_ Track athletics form a subject of vast interest to many boys, and here is a tale telling of great running races, high jumping, and the like.Fred again proves himself a hero in the best sense of that term. FRED FENTON: MARATHON RUNNER _or The Great Race at Riverport School_ Fred is taking a post-graduate course at the school when the subject of Marathon running came up.A race is arranged, and Fred shows both his friends and his enemies what he can do. An athletic story of special merit.CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK THE TOM FAIRFIELD SERIES By ALLEN CHAPMAN Author of the "Fred Fenton Athletic Series," "The Boys of Pluck Series," and "The Darewell Chums Series." 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid.Tom Fairfield is a typical American lad, full of life and energy, a boy who believes in doing things. To know Tom is to love him.TOM FAIRFIELD'S SCHOOLDAYS _or The Chums of Elmwood Hall_ Tells of how Tom started for school, of the mystery surrounding one of the Hall seniors, and of how the hero went to the rescue.The first book in a line that is bound to become decidedly popular. TOM FAIRFIELD AT SEA _or The Wreck of the Silver Star_ Tom's parents had gone to Australia and then been cast away somewhere in the Pacific.Tom set out to find them and was himself cast away. A thrilling picture of the perils of the deep. TOM FAIRFIELD IN CAMP _or The Secret of the Old Mill_ The boys decided to go camping, and located near an old mill.A wild man resided there and he made it decidedly lively for Tom and his chums.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
The secret of the old mill adds to the interest of the volume.TOM FAIRFIELD'S PLUCK AND LUCK _or Working to Clear His Name_ While Tom was back at school some of his enemies tried to get him into trouble. Something unusual occurred and Tom was suspected of a crime.How he set to work to clear his name is told in a manner to interest all young readers. TOM FAIRFIELD'S HUNTING TRIP _or Lost in the Wilderness_ Tom was only a schoolboy, but he loved to use a shotgun or a rifle.In this volume we meet him on a hunting trip full of outdoor life and good times around the camp-fire. CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK THE SADDLE BOYS SERIES By CAPTAIN JAMES CARSON 12mo. Illustrated.Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid. All lads who love life in the open air and a good steed, will want to peruse these books. Captain Carson knows his subject thoroughly, and his stories are as pleasing as they are healthful and instructive.THE SADDLE BOYS OF THE ROCKIES _or Lost on Thunder Mountain_ Telling how the lads started out to solve the mystery of a great noise in the mountains--how they got lost--and of the things they discovered.THE SADDLE BOYS IN THE GRAND CANYON _or The Hermit of the Cave_ A weird and wonderful story of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, told in a most absorbing manner. The Saddle Boys are to the front in a manner to please all young readers.THE SADDLE BOYS ON THE PLAINS _or After a Treasure of Gold_ In this story the scene is shifted to the great plains of the southwest and then to the Mexican border. There is a stirring struggle for gold, told as only Captain Carson can tell it.THE SADDLE BOYS AT CIRCLE RANCH _or In at the Grand Round-up_ Here we have lively times at the ranch, and likewise the particulars of a grand round-up of cattle and encounters with wild animals and also cattle thieves.A story that breathes the very air of the plains. THE SADDLE BOYS ON MEXICAN TRAILS _or In the Hands of the Enemy_ The scene is shifted in this volume to Mexico.The boys go on an important errand, and are caught between the lines of the Mexican soldiers. They are captured and for a while things look black for them; but all ends happily.CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, New York THE DAVE DASHAWAY SERIES By ROY ROCKWOOD Author of the "Speedwell Boys Series" and the "Great Marvel Series." 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid.Never was there a more clever young aviator than Dave Dashaway. All up-to-date lads will surely wish to read about him.DAVE DASHAWAY THE YOUNG AVIATOR _or In the Clouds for Fame and Fortune_ This initial volume tells how the hero ran away from his miserly guardian, fell in with a successful airman, and became a young aviator of note.DAVE DASHAWAY AND HIS HYDROPLANE _or Daring Adventures Over the Great Lakes_ Showing how Dave continued his career as a birdman and had many adventures over the Great Lakes, and how he foiled the plans of some Canadian smugglers.DAVE DASHAWAY AND HIS GIANT AIRSHIP _or A Marvellous Trip Across the Atlantic_ How the giant airship was constructed and how the daring young aviator and his friends made the hazardous journey through the clouds from the new world to the old, is told in a way to hold the reader spellbound.DAVE DASHAWAY AROUND THE WORLD _or A Young Yankee Aviator Among Many Nations_ An absorbing tale of a great air flight around the world, of adventures in Alaska, Siberia and elsewhere.A true to life picture of what may be accomplished in the near future. DAVE DASHAWAY: AIR CHAMPION _or Wizard Work in the Clouds_ Dave makes several daring trips, and then enters a contest for a big prize. An aviation tale thrilling in the extreme.CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK THE SPEEDWELL BOYS SERIES By ROY ROCKWOOD Author of "The Dave Dashaway Series," "Great Marvel Series," etc. 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid.All boys who love to be on the go will welcome the Speedwell boys. They are clean cut and loyal lads.THE SPEEDWELL BOYS ON MOTOR CYCLES _or The Mystery of a Great Conflagration_ The lads were poor, but they did a rich man a great service and he presented them with their motor cycles. What a great fire led to is exceedingly well told.THE SPEEDWELL BOYS AND THEIR RACING AUTO _or A Run for the Golden Cup_ A tale of automobiling and of intense rivalry on the road. There was an endurance run and the boys entered the contest.On the run they rounded up some men who were wanted by the law. THE SPEEDWELL BOYS AND THEIR POWER LAUNCH _or To the Rescue of the Castaways_ Here is an unusual story. There was a wreck, and the lads, in their power launch, set out to the rescue.A vivid picture of a great storm adds to the interest of the tale. THE SPEEDWELL BOYS IN A SUBMARINE _or The Lost Treasure of Rocky Cove_ An old sailor knows of a treasure lost under water because of a cliff falling into the sea.The boys get a chance to go out in a submarine and they make a hunt for the treasure.THE SPEEDWELL BOYS AND THEIR ICE RACER _or The Perils of a Great Blizzard_ The boys had an idea for a new sort of iceboat, to be run by combined wind and motor power.How they built the craft, and what fine times they had on board of it, is well related. CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK THE BOY RANCHERS SERIES By WILLARD F. BAKER _12mo. Cloth. Illustrated.Jacket in full colors_ _Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid_ _Stories of the great west, with cattle ranches as a setting, related in such a style as to captivate the hearts of all boys.In each volume there is, as a background, some definite historical or scientific fact about which the tales hinge._ 1.THE BOY RANCHERS _or Solving the Mystery at Diamond X_ Two eastern boys visit their cousin, whose father owns several cattle ranches in the far West. One of these is the Diamond X.From the moment of their arrival they are involved in a mystery with their western cousin. 2.THE BOY RANCHERS IN CAMP _or The Water Fight at Diamond X_ Returning for a summer visit to their western cousin's ranch, the two eastern lads learn, with delight, that they are to be allowed to become boy ranchers in earnest.The three lads decide to go into the venture together. 3.THE BOY RANCHERS ON THE TRAIL _or The Diamond X After Cattle Rustlers_ This volume relates how our boy heroes took the trail after Del Pinzo and his outlaws and, with the help of the loyal cowpunchers from Diamond X, finally rounded up the cattle thieves.4. THE BOY RANCHERS AMONG THE INDIANS _or Trailing the Yaquis_ Rosemary and Floyd visiting their cousins Bud, Nort and Dick, are captured by the Yaqui Indians.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
The boy ranchers trail the savages into the mountains and eventually effect the rescue._Send For Our Free Illustrated Catalogue_ CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers, New York Changes from the original book: Table of contents, "A Snow Storm" changed to "A Snowstorm" to match the chapter heading.Page 3, "same a splash" changed to "came a splash". Page 4, "as ist was called" changed to "as it was called". Page 13, "order Sam Chalmers" changed to "ordered Sam Chalmers". Page 24, quote added before "and the first verse".Page 26, "advisd Jack" changed to "advised Jack". Page 38, "fist shot out" illustration moved from after page 36. Page 57, "suddeness with which" changed to "suddenness with which". Page 98, question mark added after "in Wyoming, without money".Page 153, "took quick aim" illustration moved from after page 156. Page 161, question mark added after "how are we to get down". Page 166, apostrophe added before "Stoomuchwork". Page 176, "At Jack and Nat" changed to "As Jack and Nat".Page 199, "bear" illustration moved from first page. Page 242, "Jack want's to" changed to "Jack wants to". Page 252, "sled" illustration moved from next page. Page 284, quote removed after "a substantial sum."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Gun Club; Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail
Charles Franks JACK RANGER'S WESTERN TRIP Or From Boarding School to Ranch and Range BY CLARENCE YOUNG CONTENTS CHAPTER I. FUN AT WASHINGTON HALL II. JACK IN TROUBLE III.A THREATENING LETTER IV. A LESSON IN CHEMISTRY V. TURNING THE TABLES VI. A PLAN THAT FAILED VII. FOILING A PLOT VIII. THE BURGLAR SCARE IX. NAT'S INVITATION X. A MEETING WITH CHOWDEN XI. A GRAND WIND-UP XII. HO!FOR THE WEST XIII. AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE XIV. PROFESSOR PUNJAB'S TRICK XV. SHOOTING AN OIL WELL XVI. MR. POST'S ADVENTURE XVII. THE WILD STEER XVIII. THE OLD STOCKMAN XIX. A THIEF IN THE NIGHT XX. A STRANGE SEANCE XXI.FINDING ORION TEVIS XXII. JACK HEARS OF HIS FATHER XXIII. ON THE RANCH XXIV. THE OLD MAN XXV. THE COWBOY'S TRICK XXVI. JACK'S WILD RIDE XXVII. THE CATTLE STAMPEDE XXVIII. HUNTING MOUNTAIN LIONS XXIX. LOST ON THE MOUNTAIN XXX.A VIEW OF GOLDEN GLOW XXXI. JACK AND NAT PRISONERS XXXII. THE ESCAPE XXXIII. DOWN THE SLUICEWAY XXXIV. JACK'S GREAT FIND XXXV. THE ROUND-UP--CONCLUSION CHAPTER I FUN AT WASHINGTON HALL "Now then, are you all ready? "inquired a voice in a hoarse whisper. "Galloping grasshoppers! We're as ready as we ever will be, Jack Ranger!" replied one from a crowd of boys gathered on the campus of Washington Hall that evening in June. "Nat Anderson, if you speak again, above a whisper," said Jack Ranger, the leader, sternly, "you will have to play 'Marching Through Georgia' as a solo on a fine tooth comb seven times without stopping!" "Sneezing snakes! 'Nuff said! "exclaimed Nat, this time in the required whisper. "Playing combs always makes my lips tickle." "Now then, is every one ready?" asked Jack again. "If you are, come on, for it's getting late and we'll have to do this job quick and be back before Dr. Mead thinks it is time to send Martin the monitor after us. Forward march! "Then the crowd of boys, from the boarding school of Dr. Henry Mead, known as Washington Hall, but sometimes called Lakeside Academy, from the fact that it was on Rudmore Lake, in the town of Rudmore, started forth on mischief bent.It was Jack Ranger's idea,--any one could have told that. For Jack was always up to some trick or other. Most of the tricks were harmless, and ended in good-natured fun, for Jack was one of the best-hearted lads in the world.This time he had promised his chums at the academy something new, though the term, which was within a month of closing, had been anything but lacking in excitement. "Fred Kaler, have you got your mouth organ with you? "asked Jack, turning to a lad just behind him. "He always has his mouth-organ, or how could he speak?" asked an athletic looking lad walking beside Jack. "That's a poor joke, Sam Palmer," commented Jack, and he ducked just in time to avoid a playful fist Sam shot out. "Want me to play?" asked Fred. "Play? You couldn't play in a hundred years," broke in Nat Anderson, Jack's best chum. "But make a noise like music." "Play yourself, if you're so smart!" retorted Fred. "Simultaneous Smithereens!" cried Nat, using one of his characteristic expressions. "Don't get mad. Go ahead and play." "Yes, liven things up a bit," went on Jack. "Give us a good marching tune. We're far enough off now so none at the Hall can hear us." Fred blew a lively air and the score of boys behind him began to march in step. "What is it this time?" asked Sam in a low tone, of Jack. "You haven't let on a word." "We're going to administer a deserved rebuke to a certain character in this town," Jack answered. "You've heard of Old Smelts, haven't you?" "That fellow who's always beating his wife and hitting his little girl? ""That's the old chap. Well, I heard he just got out of the lock-up for being too free with his fists on the little girl. Now if there's anything that makes me mad it's to see a kid hurt, girl or boy, it doesn't matter.I've got a surprise in store for Mr. Smelts." "What is it?" "You've heard of the Klu-Klux-Klan, I suppose?" "You mean that southern society that made such a stir during the Civil War?" "That's the one. We're going to be Klu-Klux-Klaners to-night. ""But we haven't got any uniforms." "You'll find them in yonder wood!" exclaimed Jack in tragic tones, and he pointed to a clump of trees just ahead. "What's this, amateur theatricals?" asked Nat, catching the last words. "Maybe," replied Jack. "Now Fred you can pay off your orchestra," he added. "I want to do a little monologue." The boys crowded around Jack, and he told them what he had related to Sam. "I have provided the necessary uniforms to enable us to take the part of Klu-Klux-Klaners," he said. "Old Smelts is a southerner and knows the significance of the thing.We'll throw a good scare into him, and maybe he'll let his wife and daughter alone. Now we're to put on the sheets and the tall white helmets, and you leave the rest to me. Do just as I do when we get to Smelts's house. ""Hemispheres and hot handkerchiefs!" exclaimed Nat. "This is going some!" Jack went to the foot of a big hollow tree, from which he pulled a large bundle. This he opened and showed a number of ghostly uniforms.He distributed these among the boys, who at once donned them, making a weird looking band in the little glade. "Every one stand still until I put the finishing touches on," commanded Jack.With a bottle of phosphorous he outlined waving flame lines around the holes cut for eyes, nose, and mouth on each white-shrouded figure, "Now we're ready," announced the leader. "Smelts's house is just beyond this wood.Follow me, and, Fred, when you see me put my hand on my head that means I want slow tremulous music, like they have in the theater when, the heroine is dying." "Your wishes shall be obeyed," spoke Fred, in hollow tones, whereat the others laughed."Silence!" commanded Jack. It was a good thing those in charge of Washington Hall could not see the pupils just then. If they had the prank would have cost the participators dear. But, after all, as Jack said, it was in a good cause.On they went until their leader held up a warning hand. "Arrange yourselves in a circle about me," he whispered. "I am going to beard the lion in his den. "He walked up to a small cottage that stood some distance from any other dwellings on a lonely street in the village, and knocked loudly. "Who's there?" came a voice, in answer, a few seconds later from an upper window. "Tobias Smelts, come forth! "called Jack in deep tones. "We would hold speech with thee!" The boys could see a man thrust his head further out of the casement. "Come forth and linger not!" called Jack. "Oh! Oh! It's the Klu-Kluxers! It's the Klan! They're after me! "exclaimed Smelts. "Oh, what shall I do?" "Come forth if ye would not have us drag ye out!" cried Jack. "We have business with thee!" "What'll I do?" wailed Tobias. "Better go 'fore they come in here after ye," a woman's voice could be heard to say.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"Remember what they did to Pete Baker in South Caroliny!" The head was drawn in, with many a groan. "Get ready, he's coming," whispered Jack.A few minutes later a very much frightened man, clad in his shirt and trousers came out on the front steps, around which the boys in their ghostly disguise were gathered. "Advance! "commanded Jack, and Tobias, his knees trembling, walked on until he stood in the midst of the frolicking students. "Bind him to the stake!" commanded the leader. A small, pointed stake had been prepared and with a hammer it was driven into the ground.Then the man was fastened to it with several coils of clothes line. "Now the faggots!" said Jack, and the boys dropped some pieces of wood at the victims feet.A second later Jack had emptied the phial of phosphorous over the wood, and the lurid light shone forth. "They're burning me alive!" yelled Tobias. "Save me!" "This is the fate dealt out to all who beat their wives and children!" chanted Jack.At the same time he raised his hand to his head and Fred played tremulous music on the harmonica, lending a weirdness to the scene. "Please don't kill me, good Mr. Klu-Klux-Klan men," begged Tobias. "I'll never do it again.I promise you I never will!" "Do you promise by the great seal of the United States?" inquired Jack, in sepulchral accents. "Yes, Oh yes; I'll promise anything!" "'Tis well! This was but the first trial by fire. The next time will be more severe! "and with that Jack kicked aside the phosphorous covered sticks and signaled to those holding the ends of the ropes to loosen them. Tremblingly Tobias crawled into the house. "Be ye dead, Tobias? "asked his frightened wife, yet she was not a little gratified that her husband had made the promise the mysterious visitors exacted. "Jest about," was the answer. "Oh, this is a terrible night!" "Hence, my brave men," spoke Jack solemnly. "We have work elsewhere. But remember, Tobias Smelts, if thou dost so much as raise a finger to a woman or child we shall hear of it through our ghostly messengers and will visit thee again." "I'll be good! Oh, I'll be good!" promised Tobias.Then at a nod from Jack the white-robed figures filed away into the darkness, Fred playing a dirge. "Say, that was the best sport yet," said Sam, when they were at a safe distance. "Yes, and it was a good thing," said Jack. "That old codger'll not beat his wife any more, I reckon." And it might be said in passing that he did not for a while.The visit of the masquerading Klu-Klux-Klan was a most effective remedy, and the whole village wondered what had cured Tobias temporarily at least, of his bad habit. "Say, but you're all right," remarked Bob Movel to Jack, as the boys rid themselves of the costumes in the woods a little later. "Towering tadpoles! I should say he was!" exclaimed Nat. "What will you do next? ""I guess we'd better be getting back to the Hall," said Jack. "Professor Grimm might take a notion to sit up late and spot us. "While the boys were slipping quietly back to their rooms, having enjoyed a night's fun, which also had its useful side, we may take this opportunity of introducing them more formally to the reader.Those who read the first volume of this series, entitled "Jack Ranger's Schooldays; Or, The Rivals of Washington Hall," need not be told how it was that our hero and his friends came to be at that seat of learning.Jack was a bright American lad, who lived with his three maiden aunts, Josephine, Mary and Angeline Stebbins, in the village of Denton.Jack was to inherit some money when he became of age, but the conditions under which it was to come, as well as the secret of who his father was, bothered him not a little.In the first volume of the series I told of his life in Denton, and the lively times he and Nat Anderson had before they were sent to the Academy.There things were even more lively, and there occurs a sort of sequel to a strange occurrence that happened in Jack's town. At Denton, one night, Jack saw a man rob a jewelry store, but the only thing he took, as it developed, was a strange ring.It was one with a big moss agate, with the outline of a pine tree on it, and a lot of emeralds and rubies set around its center.This ring belonged to Jack's aunts, who had sent it to the jeweler's and when Jack told his relatives of the theft, and described the appearance of the man, they were much excited. However, they would tell him nothing.At the academy, after many other adventures, including aiding and abetting the fighting of a mock duel between Professor Garlach, the German teacher, and Professor Socrat, the French instructor, Jack made the acquaintance of one John Smith, a half-breed Indian who had come to the academy for instruction.John had considerable Indian blood in his veins, as he proved on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, he and Jack Ranger became great chums. One day John Smith disappeared.His friends found that his room had been entered at the school, and there were evidences of a hurried search having been made. Nat discovered, in John's absence, a curious ring under a steam radiator.It was the exact counterpart of the one the burglar stole in Denton. Jack was much puzzled at this, and more, when it developed that John had been kidnapped by some mysterious men. At last the semi-Indian lad was saved by Jack and Nat.John Smith told Jack as much of the secret as he knew. It appeared that his father had given him the ring just before his death, and told him if he was ever poor or in trouble to take it to a man named Orion Tevis, and state who the bearer was.Some time before that, the elder Smith had been in Oregon and Tevis came to him to get him to be a guide to a wild forest country in the far north. There he had bought five thousand acres of valuable land.Some schemers had stolen the papers connected with it and were making for the place, to take possession first, as that would give them a sort of title.Tevis was too sick to make the journey himself, and got Smith to go with some of his own companions. John's father took a man named Clark and one called Roberts with him. Mr. Roberts, or Robert Ranger, which was his real name, was Jack's father.Because of some strange circumstances he had not seen his son in many years. Roberts, for so he was known many years, Clark, and Smith succeeded in claiming the land for Tevis.He gave them each ten thousand dollars for their work and had three rings made as mementoes. They were like the one stolen from the jewelry store. In addition Tevis said that at any time the men or their relatives needed his help they could have it.Clark, later, was killed, John Smith's father retired on his little fortune and Jack's father got into trouble. It seemed that the land schemers offered him a large sum to help them contest Tevis's title.He refused, but learned that, if they could get him into court, they could throw the timber claim into litigation, and force Tevis to pay a large sum to compromise.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Rather than do this Roberts told Smith he would become a wanderer over the earth.Mr. Ranger sent his money to his sisters, Jack's aunts, for the use of his son, and then disappeared. He knew that if he could evade legal service for eleven years he would be free, and that was why he never sought to see his boy or sisters.The Indian student believed that the man who stole Jack's aunts' ring, and those men who made an unsuccessful attempt to get his, thought they could, by use of the emblems send two boys, pretending to be Jack and John to Tevis, and get a lot of money from him.John Smith's only knowledge of Tevis was that his address could be secured from the Capital Bank, at Denver, Colorado, and that he was somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, in retirement.Jack having heard this story, resolved that he and John Smith, would, some day, go in search of Mr. Ranger. However, Jack's aunts said he must finish his term at the academy, and this time was nearly up.The students returning from their adventure were now approaching Washington Hall, and walking quietly along. Jack and John Smith were in the lead, and the others were strung out behind them.Suddenly around a bend in the road there swung a big touring automobile. No lights were on it, and only for the subdued roar of the motor the car's approach would not have been noticed. As it was, Jack did not see it until it was almost upon him. "Look out!" cried John Smith suddenly. At the same time he sprang forward and pushed Jack to one side. To do this he had to get almost in the path of the car, and was struck by one of the projecting springs.He was knocked to one side, but not before he had pushed Jack out of harm's way, the latter being hit only a glancing blow. "Why don't you look where you're going?" called an angry voice, as the car sped on. "Are you hurt, John? "cried Jack, springing to pick up his friend. "No, only bruised. They have nerve to go running without lights and then ask us where we're going. I wonder who they were." "I have an idea." said Jack. "That voice sounded like Adrian Bagot's. ""What, that sporty new student?" "That's who." "Well, he'd better go a bit slow, I'm thinking." CHAPTER II JACK IN TROUBLE The boys crowded around Jack and John, anxious to know if they were hurt.All were loud in their indignation when they learned what had happened. "Let's pay that snob back!" suggested Dick Balmore. "Make him sleep with you one night," suggested Fred, for Dick was so tall and thin that he had been christened "Bony" by his chums. "Dry up!" exclaimed Dick. "I'd rather be thin than a wandering minstrel like you." "Easy now!" suggested Jack. "No noise, we are too near quarters. Ouch! I think I've sprained my ankle, or that auto did it for me." He tried to walk but had to limp, and was forced to accept the aid of Sam and John, on whose arms he leaned.In this manner he entered the Hall just as the monitor was closing up for the night. The other boys slipped to their rooms, but Jack had to be helped upstairs. As the trio were passing through the corridors they met Professor Grimm.Now, Mr. Grimm was an old enemy of Jack's, since Jack had once caught him smoking, a violation of the school rules. "Ha! More skylarking!" the instructor exclaimed. "What does this mean, Ranger?" "I sprained my ankle," replied our hero. "What are you doing out at this hour? And what are the others doing? ""We had permission to go to the village," replied Jack, truthfully enough, for Dr. Mead had allowed the boys to go; though the object of the trip, of course, had not been disclosed to the master. "Go to your rooms," commanded Professor Grimm. "I will look into this." "I wish he hadn't seen us," said Jack, when his two chums had taken him to his dormitory. "Why?" asked Sam. "Where's the harm?" "I have a sort of queer feeling that something is going to happen," Jack replied. "I want to finish out the term with a good record, for my aunts' sakes. If there are any pranks played tonight, Grimm will be sure to suspect me." "Don't cross a bridge until it trips you up," said Sam. "Now, let's have a look at that ankle. "They found it was not as bad as Jack had feared. "I've got a bottle of arnica somewhere," he said. "I think I'll put some on." His chums found the bottle, and were rubbing the swelling with the medicine when there came a knock at the door. "Who's there?" asked Jack. "Professor Grimm," was the reply. "I want to see if you are really in your room." Sam opened the door and the cross-grained professor entered. "So you're not fooling this time, eh? "he sneered, as he smelled the arnica and saw the swelling on Jack's ankle. "It's a good thing you were not." "Nice old party, isn't he?" murmured Sam, when the teacher had withdrawn. "Well, I think I'll say good-night, Jack. Hope you sleep good.Say, but that Klu-Klux business was the limit!" and chuckling over the night's fun, he went to bed, leaving Jack and the Indian student together. "A few weeks more and we'll not have to sneak around this way to have a little fun," said Jack. "Vacation will soon be here. I hope I can carry out a plan I have in mind, John." "What is it, Jack?" "I want to go out west and search for my father. I ought to be with him in his trouble.Besides, the time must be almost up, so he could come back to civilization again." "I hope you do find him," said the semi-Indian. "I wish you could help me, John." "I wish so, too. Perhaps I can. But you'd better get to bed now.We don't want Grimm coming around again." Jack fell asleep dreaming he was crawling through a deep canyon after his father, who was being carried away captive in a birch bark canoe by Indians.But in spite of this he slept so soundly that he did not hear a number of unusual noises under his window. Perhaps it was as well for his peace of mind that he did not.It was about half past seven o'clock the next morning when Jack awoke with a start. "I wonder what's the matter," he said to himself. "It seems as if something had happened. Oh, I know, I haven't heard the morning bell. "It was the custom at the academy to awaken the students by ringing the big bell in the tower every morning, and Jack had come to depend on it as a sort of alarm clock. "I wonder what's the matter," he went on. "Can Martin have forgotten to sound the tocsin? It's the first time he ever slipped up." A little later there came the sound of persons moving in the hall, and then voices could be heard calling one to the other.He got out of bed, finding that his ankle was much better and looked from the window. There was nothing out of the ordinary to be seen. He turned toward his door, just as a loud knock came on the portal. "Who's there?" he asked. "Martin, the monitor," was the reply. "Dr. Mead wants to see you at once in the office." "Trouble! I knew it!" exclaimed Jack to himself. "Well, I wonder what it is now. Hope word of that Klu-Klux-Klan business hasn't reached here already.But I'm not afraid of that.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Even Dr. Mead will admit we acted from a right motive. All right, Martin," he called. "I'll be there as soon as I dress. Anything special?" "I'm afraid it is," replied the monitor, as he hurried down the hall.Jack made a hasty toilet and then went to the office of the head of the academy. He found a number of the teachers gathered there, including Professor Grimm, who looked more angry than usual.The latter was speaking as Jack entered: "This positively has to stop, Dr. Mead," he said. "I will put up with this no longer. Either Ranger or I must leave." "What have I done now?" asked Jack. "Something more serious than usual, Ranger, if it turns out that you are guilty," answered Dr. Mead. "Of course he's guilty," burst out Mr. Grimm. "Haven't I proof? ""Last night," said Dr. Mead, speaking slowly and sternly, "the big bell was taken from the tower. It was carried and placed in front of Professor Grimm's room, and tied to his door so that when he opened it the bell was pulled into his room.In this way some valuable sea shells he had on the floor were broken." "What makes you think I did it?" asked Jack. "I was laid up with a sprained ankle." "That's just how I know it was you and some of your chums," cried Professor Grimm. "Tied on the bell, where it had been used, so the sharp edge would not cut one's fingers, was this rag. There it is. Smell of it. What does it smell like?" and he thrust it under Jack's nose. "Why--why--it smells like arnica," replied our hero, wondering what was coming next. "Arnica! Yes, I guess it does. What was it you were pretending to put on your ankle last night, Ranger? Arnica, wasn't it? Of course it was.I've caught you this time! The evidence is all against you! You didn't think you dropped that rag, and that the arnica would figure in the evidence. Dr. Grimm, I repeat, Ranger must leave or I shall! "CHAPTER III A THREATENING LETTER For a few seconds there was a silence following Professor Grimm's ultimatum. Jack was so surprised he did not know what reply to make.The suddenness of the accusation, with the experience of the night before, and the upset over his sprained ankle, combined to make him hesitate before he made answer. "What have you to say, Ranger? "asked Dr. Mead, in a sterner voice than he had ever before used toward Jack. "I know you will tell the truth, for I have never yet known you to lie. But I must tell you that if I find that you are guilty it will go hard with you this time.I have put up with a good deal from the students, but this is too much." "I--I don't know what to say, sir," replied Jack, in a sort of daze. "I'm not guilty, I can assure you of that! ""It's one thing to say so and another to prove it," snapped Professor Grimm. "The evidence is all against you." "It's all circumstantial," interrupted Jack. "But rather conclusive," went on the irate professor.He detailed how he had seen Jack and his friends out late, how he had come upon them using arnica, and mentioned some of their pranks in the past, including the mock duel arranged between Professor Socrat the French teacher and Professor Garlach, the German instructor. "I admit I have played pranks in the past," said Jack frankly, "but I'm not guilty this time. All I ask is a chance to prove that I had no hand in this." "You don't deserve a chance!" exclaimed Mr. Grimm. "That's hardly fair," spoke Jack indignantly. "Don't talk back to me!" burst out the angry teacher. "I think your request is a fair one, Ranger," went on Dr. Mead. "I will give you twenty-four hours in which to prove that you had no hand in this. That is all now; you may go."Dr. Mead was a man of few words, but Jack knew he would be absolutely fair. So, bowing to the head of the school, and without a glance at his accuser, Jack left the office. "Whew!" exclaimed the youth, as he got outside. "I seem to be up against it harder than ever. Twenty-four hours to prove something that may take a week. Well, I've got to get busy, that's all." "Hello!" exclaimed a voice as Jack was walking along the corridor toward his room. "Whasmatternow?Betcher Ic'nguess!" and the voice evolved itself into a good-natured looking lad, who stretched a big wad of gum from his mouth, and slowly got it back again by the simple but effective process of winding it about his tongue. "Hello, Budge Rankin! "exclaimed Jack, as he saw the queer, bright lad who had lived near him in Denton, and for whom Jack had secured the place of second janitor at the school. "So you think you know what the trouble is? ""Betcherlife," replied Budge, who had a habit of running his words together, a habit which his gum-chewing did not tend to relieve. "What is it?" "Accused you takin' that bell," went on Budge more slowly. "Hu! Wanterbe a detective? ""How did you know it?" asked Jack, a little surprised at Budge's remark. "Easy. Heard 'em talk. Transom open," was his answer. "What do you mean about me turning detective?" "Lookerthis," Budge said, quickly holding out a small object to Jack. "Found it in Grimm's room, 'sIsweptout." "You found it in Mr. Grimm's room as you swept it out?" inquired Jack, not certain he had heard aright. "'Smatter!" exclaimed Budge, that being his short-hand way of stating that was what was the matter. "A spark plug from an automobile," mused Jack. "Well, that doesn't seem to give me much of a clue." "Gotermobe?" asked Budge. "No, of course I haven't an automobile," replied Jack. "Knowoas?" "Do I know who has? Why--By Jove!I believe I see what you mean. Say, it's lucky you found this. I'll turn detective for awhile now. I wonder how this got into Grimm's room." "Rolled under door, I guess," replied Budge, speaking more rationally as he threw away his cud of gum. "From hall, maybe." "That's it!" exclaimed Jack. "I see it now. Thanks Budge. I hope I succeed. I'm much obliged to you." "'Sallright!" exclaimed Budge, as he hurried away to attend to some of his duties.When Jack got back to his room he found quite a gathering of his chums there. "In for it on account of that Klu-Klux business?" asked Sam Chalmers. "Not exactly that," answered Jack, "though if I'd stayed at home It wouldn't have happened. ""Ha-ha-ha-has it g-g-gg-got anything t-t-t--" began Will Slade. "Whistle it!" exclaimed Bony Balmore. "Sing it!" came from Fred Kaler. "Here I'll help you out," and he began to play on his harmonica. "Whole-wheat-whangdoodles! "cried Nat Anderson, "but tell us, Jack. Don't keep us in suspense." "It's the bell," said Jack. "I'm accused of taking it down and putting it in Grimm's room.They found a rag with arnica on it near the ding-dong, and Old Grimm jumped to the wrong conclusion, basing his belief on what he saw here last night in the first-aid-to-the- injured line. I've got until to-morrow to prove that I didn't do it. ""We can prove it easily enough," said Sam. "Not so easily as you think," spoke Jack.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"Grimm saw us out late, you remember, and if all of you joined in saying it wasn't I who did it, they wouldn't believe you.I guess they want to make an example of someone. No sir, I'm going to do some sleuthing on my own hook. I've got a good line and a bit of evidence to start with.I'm pretty sure I can make some folks around here sit up and take notice about this time to-morrow." "Good for you, Jack!" exclaimed Dick. "If you want any help call on us!" "Thanks," replied Jack. "Now I guess we'd better get ready for breakfast. "His chums left him to complete his dressing, and, when they were gone, Jack carefully laid aside the spark plug Budge had given him. "First link," he said. During the noon intermission Jack had a short but earnest talk with Socker, the school janitor.The latter nodded his head vigorously several times during the conversation. "I'll get it for you," he said as he and Jack parted. At the close of school that afternoon the janitor went to Jack's room with a large bundle. "Any trouble? "asked our hero. "Not a bit," replied Socker. "He was out and I found it rolled up in a corner, just where he had thrown it. He hasn't even cleaned it." "So much the better," said Jack, as he gave Socker a small sum of money. "I'll keep quiet about this, don't worry." "I hope you will," the janitor went on. "It's against the rules for me to do what I did, but I want to oblige you, and have you come out all right." "Which I think I will," Jack added.When he was alone he opened the bundle Socker had brought. It was a linen duster, and, as Jack saw several brown spots on it he uttered an exclamation of satisfaction.With his knife he scraped some substance from the garment, and placed the particles in a test tube. Then, taking this with him, he went to the laboratory, where he remained for some time.Late that afternoon Jack, who had avoided his chums, took a walk around the campus.As he came near a small building, where some of the students kept their motor cycles, one or two small automobile runabouts, and a few of the more well-to-do, their ponies, Jack assumed a slow and halting gait.He seemed to be limping from the effects of his sprained ankle. "I wonder if he's around," he muttered to himself. "Socker said he was going to take a spin this afternoon, and it's about time for him to start, by all accounts. "As Jack neared the entrance to the combined garage and stable he saw a group of students approaching from an opposite direction. His limp became more decided than before. "He's there!" he said softly to himself. "Hello, Ranger! "exclaimed a number, as Jack passed them. He knew them fairly well, but was not intimate with them as they belonged to the "fast set," a good-enough crowd, but lads who had more spending money than was good for them. "Hello!" called Jack in reply. "What's the matter?" came several inquiries as the students noticed Jack's limp. "Turned on my ankle," was the reply. "A bit stiff yet. "The crowd had nearly passed by this time, and, owing to the fact that Jack had the middle of the sidewalk, and did not turn to one side, the little group separated. Some went on one side, and some on the other.Just as Jack came opposite a tall, elaborately dressed youth, he seemed to stumble. To save himself from falling Jack threw out his hand and caught the tall student on the wrist. As he did so the well- dressed youth uttered a cry. "Clumsy!You hurt my sore wrist!" "I beg your pardon!" exclaimed Jack, struggling to recover his balance, but still keeping his hold of the other's hand. "Awfully careless of me! "There was quite a little jostling among the students, several trying to help Jack recover his balance. Then Jack straightened up. "I'm all right now," he said. "I bore down on it a little too hard. "He limped on, thrusting one hand hurriedly into his pocket. As he did so, the tall student cried. "There! I've lost the rag off my sore wrist! I sprained it cranking my auto yesterday. "Several of his companions began a search for it, but as Jack hurried on, as fast as he could, while still pretending to limp painfully he said to himself: "I guess you'll look a long while, Adrian Bagot, before you find that rag.Maybe I can get even with you for running me down last night," and Jack pulled a piece of cloth from his pocket and smelled of it. "That's the evidence!" he exclaimed, as he turned down a side street.Whether it was this change, or whether it was because his ankle suddenly healed, was not in evidence, but Jack began to walk with scarcely the semblance of a halt in his step as soon as he was out of sight of the students.The lad hurried back to his room. There he spent a busy half hour, poring over some books on chemistry. He got several test tubes, and his apartment took on the appearance of a laboratory, while many strange smells filled the air.While Jack was engaged in pouring the contents of one test tube into another there came a knock at his door. "Who's there?" he called. "It's me, Sam," was the reply. "Say, Sam, excuse me, but I can't let you in," Jack answered. "I'm working on something that I can't leave. I may have a surprise for you in the morning." "All right," Sam answered. "Here's some mail, that's all. I'll shove it under the door. "There was a rustling of paper and several letters came beneath the portal. Jack laid aside his test tube and gathered them up.One was from his aunts at home, another from Judge Bennetty regarding the payment of certain bills Jack had contracted, while the third was in unfamiliar handwriting. "I wonder who that's from," said Jack. "The best way to find out is to open it. "He ripped the envelope down, and, as he did so, a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. Picking the missive up, Jack read: "It's a long lane that has no turns. I'll get even with you for having me suspended and sent away from the Hall.My time will come yet. "Jerry Chowden." "Jerry Chowden," murmured Jack. "So he's trying to scare me, eh? Well I guess he'll find I don't scare." Jack slowly folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope.He glanced at the postmark, and saw it was stamped "Chicago." "Wonder how he got out there," he mused. "Well, I'm glad he's far away," and he gave little more thought to the matter of the bully, a nephew of Professor Grimm's, whose vain attempt to cast disgrace on Jack, in the matter of painting a pipe on the professor's portrait, had rebounded on his own head.He had been suspended for two months for the escapade, which Jack was accused of, but which our hero managed to prove himself innocent of, and, since leaving the Hall, nothing had been heard of him. "Maybe I'll meet him if I get out west on that strange hunt of mine," thought Jack, as he went on with his chemical tests.He worked far into the night, and when he put out his light he said to himself: "I think I've got things just where I want them." CHAPTER IV A LESSON IN CHEMISTRY Jack was awakened next morning by a knock on his door. "Who's there?"
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he asked. "Martin, the monitor," was the reply. "Dr, Mead wishes to see you at once." "Great Scott! I've overslept!" exclaimed Jack, as he jumped out of bed and saw it was after eight o'clock. "No wonder, being up half the night.Tell Dr. Mead I'm sorry and I'll be right down," he went on. Jack almost made a record for dressing, and went to Dr. Mead's office, where he found the same gathering that had confronted him the previous morning. "Well, Ranger," began the head of the school, "the time you asked for has expired. Have you anything to say?" "I have, sir," replied Jack. "But first I would like to request that this hearing be adjourned to the laboratory.I also request that Sam Chalmers, Dick Balmore, Fred Kaler, Budge Rankin and Adrian Bagot be summoned." "Do you accuse all of them?" asked Dr. Mead, in some astonishment. "I accuse no one," Jack replied. "I want to make a demonstration, and let the facts speak for themselves." "This is all nonsense!" exclaimed Professor Grimm. "This boy is guilty and he knows it. He is only seeking to delay matters. I demand his expulsion! ""I think it only fair to grant his request," said Dr. Mead. "Professor Gales, will you kindly summon the students mentioned. Professor Hall, please see that the laboratory is opened." In a few minutes Jack was leading the way to the latter room.He carried several bundles, while Socker, the janitor, bore a rack of test tubes he had taken from Jack's room. The lads mentioned attended, wondering what had happened. "What's this all about?" demanded Adrian, haughtily. "I haven't had my breakfast yet." "The time was up an hour ago," said Dr. Mead sharply, glancing at the new student, who seemed disposed to take life as easily as possible. "May I speak?" asked Jack, of Dr. Mead. "Since you are the accused it is but fair that you be given a chance to clear yourself," was the reply. "But as you have given a certain publicity to this matter, I shall tell these other students what it is all about."Dr. Mead then explained the charge against Jack. There was an uneasy movement among the other boys, and Adrian Bagot was seen to shift about.He even started to walk around as though to leave the room, but the monitor stood at the door and Adrian did not want to make any confusion by forcing past him. So young Bagot remained in the laboratory. "When Professor Grimm accused me of playing this trick I denied it, as I am innocent," Jack said, when Dr. Mead had finished and looked at him as if inviting him to speak. "Perhaps if the matter has been made public the fellows who took the bell would have come forward and admitted it. As it is I asked twenty-four hours to prove that I did not do it. I believe I have succeeded. "In the first place," Jack went on, "I wish to exhibit this garment," and he held up to view a long linen coat, commonly called a duster. "You will observe," he went on, "that there are several brown lines on it.I have measured these and they are exactly the shape and size that would be made by the sharp rim of a bell, if it was rested on the garment when some one was wearing it." "You will have to have better evidence than that," sneered Professor Grimm. "I think I will have," announced Jack quietly. "Of course those marks might have been made by any sharp, rusty object. Now the bell metal rusts scarcely at all, but the iron clapper of a bell does.The rust from that runs down inside a bell, and gets on the edges. I took some iron rust from the clapper of the stolen bell and placed it in a test tube.I assumed, for the purpose of experimenting, that I did not know that it was iron rust, but only suspected it. I applied the proper chemical tests, and I got the results that showed me there was iron present in the test tube. Here, I will show you. "Jack mixed a few chemicals and soon the brown mixture in the tube turned red. "That is from the bell clapper," the young chemist went on. "Here is a solution made from scraping the lines on the duster. I will apply the test and see what happens. "While the others looked on anxiously Jack dropped some of the mixture into the second tube. In an instant it turned red. "There!" exclaimed Jack, holding up the two tubes, side by side. "The same color coming in both mixtures from the same strength of chemicals that I used, shows that the iron rust on the duster and that on the bell clapper are the same." "What does that prove, except that you might have worn the duster? "asked Dr. Mead. "That is all, as yet," Jack admitted. "But I will prove that the duster is not mine, and that I never wore it. I have something else here," he went on.From among a pile of things on the laboratory table Jack took a white object, with brown spots. Walking rapidly across the room he handed it to Adrian. "The rag off my sprained wrist!" exclaimed the sporty student. "Where did--" Then he stopped, seeming to realize he had said too much. "I will ask Professor Grimm to smell of that," Jack continued, thrusting the rag under the teacher's nose. "Arnica!" exclaimed the instructor. "The same that you used, and which enabled me to discover it was you who played the trick." "It is arnica," Jack admitted, "but it happens I was not the only one who used it that night.I have also to show this article, which was picked up in your room, Professor Grimm," and Jack extended the spark plug Budge had given him. "Ha! What is that?" asked Mr. Grimm. "It is some part of an automobile," Dr. Mead said. "Who, of our students, has one. Ah! I begin to see," he added. "Adrian Bagot, I will return your duster to you," Jack went on, walking forward and passing the rust-stained automobile garment to young Bagot. "I had to borrow it from your room, but I am through with it now. You may also have your spark plug, and this rag I had to take from your wrist rather unceremoniously last night." "You're a thief! "burst out Adrian, but Jack stopped him with a gesture. "I'll not take that from you or any one else," exclaimed Jack."Dr. Mead," he went on, "I ask that you inquire of my friends, Sam Chalmers, Dick Balmore and Fred Kaler when they last saw Adrian in his auto." "When did you?" Dr. Mead asked the boys. "The night the bell was stolen," answered Sam, and the others agreed with his testimony. Jack told the story of the collision and how his ankle was injured. "Is there anything else?" asked Dr. Mead. "I think not," was our hero's answer, "unless Bagot has something to say." "So you did it, eh?" asked Professor Grimm, turning to the new student. "I demand that he be punished, Dr. Mead," and Mr. Grimm did not even take the trouble to beg Jack's pardon for having falsely accused him. "What have you to say, Bagot?" asked the head of the academy. "Circumstances point strongly to you," Bagot mumbled something about it being only a harmless joke, and seemed quite confused. "I will not ask you to tell on your companions," Dr. Mead went on sternly.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"There must have been several of them.If they choose to come forward and admit their part, well and good. I will go no further with this, since the chief culprit is known.Ranger, you are fully vindicated, and I congratulate you on the effective manner in which you have proved your innocence." "As for you, Bagot, seeing that it is your first offense, I will be lenient.I will suspend you for one week, and you are to make up all the studies you lose in that time. That is all." With a scowl on his face, and an angry look at Jack, Adrian shuffled from the laboratory.The teachers followed Dr. Mead out, while Jack's friends gathered around to congratulate him. "Didn't know you were such a chemist," spoke Sam. "I'll have to play a march of victory on the jew's-harp and mouth organ at the same time! "burst out Fred Kaler. "Well," admitted Jack, "it came out about as well as I expected." "Betcherwhat!" exclaimed Budge, as he walked off, stretching his gum out at arm's length.The news soon spread that Jack had been vindicated, and there was an impromptu celebration in his room. "Lopsided lollypops!" exclaimed Nat Anderson. "We ought to do something to get even with Bagot, Jack." "Oh, I'm satisfied, let it go as it is. ""But we're not," Sam Chalmers put in. "You got vindicated all right, but an insult to you is one to all this crowd you travel with. I'll bet Dr. Mead has a sort of idea that some of us had a hand in the joke.We may not be able to prove we didn't, but we can get even with that sneak Bagot for making all the trouble." "L-l-l-lets puncture h-h-h-is t-t-t-t-ti--" sputtered Will Slade. "What's that about his necktie?" asked Sam with a grin. "W-w-w-who s-s-s-said n-n-neck t-t-ti-?" "I thought you were trying to, and I wanted to help you out," replied Sam. "I-I-I-I ni-m-m-meant his autototototo--" "Toot-toot!" sung out Fred. "All aboard! Where does your train stop, Will? ""I know what you mean," put in Jack, coming to Will's relief. "But I don't want to do anything like bursting his auto tires. That's not my way." "We can easily enough find a plan," Sam went on. "Will you join us, Jack? ""You know I'm always ready for anything that's going." "Then I'll try and think up something," Sam concluded. "But we'd better hustle now. Chapel bell will ring in five minutes. "CHAPTER V TURNING THE TABLES For several days after this there were review examinations so that all the students at the academy were kept busy, and there was little time for anything but study.At the end of the week Adrian Bagot returned from his period of suspension. He did not seem to have suffered much, and the boys heard him boasting of having ridden nearly a thousand miles in his auto.One evening Sam and some of his chums paid a visit to Jack Ranger. "Got anything on to-night?" asked Sam. "Nothing special, why? ""Well, I'll not tell you the particulars, and then, if anything happens you can truthfully say you never knew a thing about it.But if you want to see something, put on an old pair of slippers, so you can walk through the corridors softly, and follow us." "Some fun?" asked Jack. "Well, we wouldn't go to all this trouble if it was work or study," replied Sam with a grin. "But say nothing, only saw wood and come on." Jack, nothing loath, did as he was told. He got an old pair of felt slippers, and noticed that the others were also wearing similar foot-gear. "First to Professor Socrat's room," whispered Sam when the boys, including Will Slade, Fred Kaler and Bony Balmore were out in the corridor. "He's not going to fight a duel with Professor Garlach, is he? "asked Jack, recalling an occasion when the two teachers nearly did. "Not this time," replied Sam, "but there may be a fight in it." With Sam in the lead the boys went to the room of the French professor. "Now stay back in the shadows," advised the leader. "You can see and listen, but keep quiet." Sam knocked on the door, and, in his most polite tones said: "I was asked, my dear professor, to leave this with you with the compliments of the sender. ""Ah, I zank you extremely, sir," said Professor Socrat, bowing low, "I zank ze giver, an' I zank you for ze most polite attention you have bestowed on me. ""You are very welcome, I'm sure," murmured Sam, as he hurried away to join his waiting comrades. "I don't see anything funny about that," said Jack. "Wait until he opens it," whispered Sam.A few seconds later the hidden boys heard the door of the French teacher's room open, and saw him come out. "It is some meestake," they heard him murmur. "Zis ees for Professor Grimm.I will take it to heem," and he walked along the corridor toward the elderly instructor's apartment. "Act one," whispered Sam. "Now for the second." Silently in their slippers the boys followed the French professor to Mr. Grimm's room. "What is it? "asked the latter when the Frenchman had knocked. "I come wiz a package, left by mistake wiz me," Mr. Socrat remarked, in his usual polite way. "It is addressed to you inside, but ze outside wrapper was wiz my name inscribed. I ask your pardon. ""Thanks," said Mr. Grimm shortly, as, with a polite bow, Mr. Socrat went back to his room. Professor Grimm left his door open a little way, and the boys could see him quite plainly. They saw him take off the wrapper, and disclose a small white box.This he opened and, as he took the cover off, there dropped out something that gave a musical clang. "A bell!" exclaimed Jack in a whisper. "Hush!" cautioned Sam. "Let's hear what he says." "Ha!" exclaimed Mr. Grimm. "So this is a joke, eh, Mr. Frenchman? Well, we'll see about this! "He grasped the bell, which was a small one, by the handle, and started down the corridor, a scowl on his face, as the boys could see by a flickering gaslight, as they were hidden around the corner. "Now back to Mr. Socrat's room for the third act," said Sam. "Come on." Without the formality of a knock, Mr. Grimm entered the French teacher's room. "So this is your idea of a joke, eh?" he cried, shaking the bell under Professor Socrat's nose. "I'll report you to Dr. Mead for this. You frog-eater you!" "Sir-r-r-r!" fairly shouted Professor Socrat. "You call me a frog- eater-r-r-r-r?" "Yes, and a donkey also!" exclaimed Mr. Grimm. "You knew how I've felt since that bell joke, and you dare to send me a miniature one!" "I sent nossing!" "Didn't I see you just bring this?" demanded Mr. Grimm, holding out the bell. "It was addressed to you on ze paper!" "Yes, and you did it! ""I did not!" "I say you did!" "Zen you mean zat I tells a lie?" "If you want to take it that way!" "Zen I say you also are one who knows not ze truth! ""Don't call me that name or I'll--" What the excited professor meant to say was not disclosed as, at that moment, in shaking his fist at Professor Socrat he let slip the bell, which, with a clang struck the French teacher on the chest. "A blow!I am insult!" Mr. Socrat exclaimed. "It must be wiped out wiz ze blood of my insulter!"
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
He caught up a book to throw at Mr. Grimm, and let it fly, just as Adrian Bagot entered the room. The sporty student caught it full in the face. "Pardon, my dear young friend!" exclaimed the French teacher, seeing his missile had gone wide of one mark, though finding another. "What does this mean?" demanded Adrian, as he saw the two belligerents. "Leave the room, sir!" ordered Professor Grimm. "This is none of your affair!" "I was asked to come here," said Adrian. "Ha, so this is another part of your plan to play a joke on me," cried Mr. Grimm, glaring at the Frenchman. "You ask this student, who was responsible for the original trouble to come here to see a repetition." "Your talk, it ees of ze incomprehensible!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat. "I have sent for no one. ""I got a note, signed with your name, asking me to call at your room at eight o'clock," said Bagot. "Hold me, some one, before I die laughing," whispered Sam to his chums.In fact they were all laughing so that only the excitement on the part of the three in Mr. Socrat's room prevented the boys from being discovered. "Let me see ze writing," said the French teacher. Adrian showed it to him. "I nevair wrote that, nevair, nevair, nevair!" exclaimed the representative of France. "But you brought me the bell," put in Mr. Grimm. "I did, because your name, it was on ze covair of ze box. I not write heem." "Then if you didn't, who did? "asked Mr. Grimm. "I am no readair of ze mind," replied the Frenchman. "I'll bet it is one of Jack Ranger's tricks," said Adrian. "It is just like him." "Are you sure you had no hand in it?" asked Mr. Grimm suspiciously, turning to Bagot. "You don't think I'd risk another suspension with graduation so near, do you?" asked Bagot. "I guess you're innocent this time," admitted Mr. Grimm unwillingly. "If I discover who did this I'll settle with him. ""You've got to catch 'em first," murmured Sam. "Well I guess I'll go," went on Mr. Grimm. "I have been insult, I demand satisfaction," said Mr. Socrat, drawing himself to his full height and glaring at the other teacher. "Will you name a friend, sir, to whom I can send my representative?" "You--you don't mean to fight a duel, do you?" asked Professor Grimm, nervously. "Of a certainly yes! I have been struck! I have been insult! I must have ze satisfaction! ""If it comes to that so have I," said Adrian, rubbing his face where the book had hit him. "I have apologized to you. I beg your ten thousand pardons, my young friend," said Mr. Socrat, bowing low. "I know when I am at fault. It was all an accident.Still, if you demand satisfaction I am bound to give it you. I will send ze--" "Oh, I accept your apology," said Adrian, hastily. "But I have been called ze eater of ze frogs, an' I have been struck by--by a--person!" exploded the Frenchman.u I must see ze blood flow, or--" "Oh, I'll apologize, if it comes to that," said Mr. Grimm, rather awkwardly. "I didn't mean to hit you with the bell. As for calling you names, why--why I was all excited. I beg your pardon. ""Zen you have made ze amend honorable, an' I accept it," said the Frenchman, bowing almost to the floor. "We will regard ze incident as closed." "I'll not, by a long shot," murmured Bagot. "I want satisfaction from whoever got me into this and I'll find out sooner or later." "Mostly later," murmured Sam. "Where did you get the package?" asked the sporty student of Mr. Socrat. "It was brought to me a little while ago, by one of ze students. It was dark in ze hallway and I could not see ze face of heem." "Luck for me," murmured Sam. "I see my name on ze wrappair," went on Professor Socrat. "Zen I open it an' I see ze name of Mr. Grimm. I go to heem. Ha! Zings begin to what you call happen--after zat!" "Vamoose!" whispered Sam. "I guess we've seen all the fun. They'll disperse now. Everyone to his room and undress. Be studying in bed.If there's an investigation we can't be accused." A little later the boys heard Professor Grimm tramping to his room, muttering dire vengeance on his tormentors. They heard him open his window and throw something out.It fell with a tinkle to the ground. "The bell," whispered Sam, as he hurried to his room. "How did you manage it?" asked Jack an hour or so later when Sam had entered his chum's apartment, matters having quieted down. "It was too easy," explained Sam. "I did up the bell, and left it with Socrat. I purposely addressed it double. I figured out what would happen. Then I sent a fake note to Bagot, telling him Socrat wanted him. It came out better than I expected. ""I hope there's no trouble over it," Jack said. There was none, for neither of the professors cared to have the facts made public, and Bagot did not want to let it be known that he had been fooled.CHAPTER VI A PLAN THAT FAILED One afternoon Dr. Mead announced that there would be an evening lecture, in preparation for final examinations, and he stated that he expected every student to be present. "The only excuse that will be accepted for non-attendance," he said, "will be illness. As there are no students sick now, I shall regard with grave suspicion any reports of indisposition between now and the time for the lecture. ""What do you say to a swim?" asked Sam, of Jack, as they filed out from the auditorium where Dr. Mead had made his announcement. "I'll go," replied Jack. "Any of the other fellows going along?" "Dick, Nat and Bill Slade are coming," said Sam. "I left them going for their suits. Come on." "Wait until I get mine," spoke Jack, and he hurried off, to join Sam a few minutes later.On the way to a quiet spot in Rudmore Lake, where the boys were in the habit of taking their swimming exercises, Jack and Sam were joined by the others. "Did you hear the latest? "asked Bony Balmore, making his anatomy rattle in a way peculiar to himself. "No, what is it?" asked Jack. "Two new students arrived," went on Bony. "They're chums of Sport Bagot's I guess, 'cause I saw them walking with him." "Who are they? "asked Sam. "Ed Simpson and John Higley," replied Sam. "I heard they were regular cut-ups, and got fired out of one school. Their guardians sent them here to finish the term. I s'pose they'll try some funny work." "L-l-l-l-et 'em t-t-t-try it! "spluttered Will. "I-i g-g-g-guess we c-c-c--" "Oh, whistle it!" exclaimed Sam. "Pzznt!" exploded Will, which seemed to get his vocal cords in shape again. "We'll fix 'em if they try any tricks!" "Now you're talking," said Jack.The boys lost little time in getting into the lake. They were splashing about in the water, when Jack, who happened to swim near shore, was startled by a cautious hail. He looked up, to see Budge Rankin half hidden in the grass, making signals to him. "What is it?" asked Jack. "Geasynow!" exclaimed Budge, in a hoarse whisper, tossing aside a wad of gum that he might talk more plainly. "Go easy about what?" asked Jack. "They're going to play a trick on you," said Budge. "Who?
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"inquired Jack, while the other boys, attracted by the conversation drew near. "Adrian Bagot and the two new students," went on Budge. "They're on their way here. Goin' t' steal your clothes an' make you late for th' lecture.I heard 'em talkin' about it. Thought I'd warn you. 'Sthmatterithfoolinem?" Budge had taken a fresh chew of gum, which accounted for the way in which he inquired what was the matter with fooling the enemy. "True for you!" exclaimed Sam. "How we going to do it?" Jack pondered a moment, idly splashing the water with his opened hand. Then he exclaimed: "I have it! How long before they'll be here, Budge?" "'Bout ten minutes I reckon." "Long enough. Come on boys." "What you up to? "asked Nat. "Say nothing but follow me," was all Jack replied. He scrambled up the bank to where he had left his clothes.Catching up the garments into a bundle he placed them further along the bank, on a little bluff that overlooked the edge of the lake. The clothes were in plain sight. "They'll see them there," objected Fred. "That's what I want," Jack replied. "Do as I do." Wondering what was up the others obeyed. Jack then ran to a small boathouse, close to the swimming place, and returned with three long, thin ropes, used to tie the craft to the dock. For a few minutes Jack's fingers flew nimbly.Then he placed three rope circles, hiding them well in the grass, each one just in front of each of the three piles of clothes. He carefully carried the long ends of the ropes down the bank and into the water. "Oh, I see! "exclaimed Sam, with a chuckle. "Say, this is great!" "Now, Budge," said Jack, when he had finished his preparations. "You hide in the bushes. When you think it's time, you toss a stone into the water. Do you understand?" "Betcherlife! "replied Budge, shortly. "Get down under the bank, then, fellows," said Jack to his companions. "Keep well in shore, and when you hear the stone splash, pull. That's all!" "But they may take our clothes," objected Will, who did not seem to understand. "I don't believe they will," replied Jack, grimly. The boys entered the water again, and, crouched close under the bank, sinking down so that only the tip of their noses were above the surface. It was almost impossible to tell they were there.Had any one been up on the bank a few minutes later he would have observed three lads come creeping along, as if they were afraid of being seen. Adrian Bagot was in the lead. "I don't see them" spoke one of the trio. "Keep quiet, Ed Simpson," cautioned Adrian. "That Ranger chap has sharp ears. Do you see 'em, John?" "There's their clothes in little piles, just ahead," replied John Higley. "They couldn't have left 'em better for us.Come on; we'll hide 'em, and then we'll see what happens." "Guess they won't be so fresh after this," spoke Bagot. Slowly the trio crept forward.Well might Jack and his chums worried for the fate of their garments had they seen the three conspirators. But Budge was on the watch.Just as the three sneaks were about to reach down and gather the swimmers' clothes, a stone sailed through the air, and fell with a splash into the water. An instant later there was a wild scene on the bank.Three youths went flying toward the edge of the lake as though propelled by unseen hands. They seemed to have ropes attached to their legs, ropes which were being pulled from below.Then three well-dressed lads were struggling in the water, while five other youths stood up in the shallows looking on. "I guess we turned the tables that time," remarked Jack. CHAPTER VII FOILING A PLOT "Save me! Save me!" yelled Adrian Bagot. "I'm drowning!" screamed Ed Simpson. "I'm sinking!" shouted John Higley. The three conspirators were floundering about in the water. Because of the rope nooses about their feet their efforts to stand upright were not entirely successful. "Who did this?" inquired Bagot angrily, as he tried to get rid of a mouthful of water. "If--if I-I die they'll hang for this!" spluttered Ed Simpson. "No danger of your drowning, you're too mean," said Jack. "Besides it's only up to your knees.Stand up and wade out." By this time the three lads, their clothing dripping with water, had managed to stand upright. They reached down under the dancing wavelets and loosened the nooses. "You'll pay for this, Jack Ranger," shouted Adrian, shaking his fist at our hero. "All right, I'm ready whenever you are," was the cool answer. "Come on, fellows, we don't want to be late for the lecture," and he started from the water, followed by his chums. "I'll have you arrested for damaging my clothes," exclaimed Ed. "And I suppose you'd tell on the witness stand about what you intended to do to ours," went on Jack. "I guess you'll cry 'quits,' that's what you'll do. You tried to play a trick on us, but you got left. So long. Don't miss the lecture. "He scrambled ashore, his comrades doing likewise, while the three lads who had taken such an unexpected bath waded out as best they could. They were sorry looking sights. "But I don't exactly un-d-d-d-erstand how it it h-h-h-appened? "stuttered Will, who had not had hold of one of the ropes. "I just made slip nooses, and placed them where they'd have to step into them before they could lay hands on the clothes," explained Jack. "Budge gave me the signal when they were inside the ropes." "And then we just pulled," put in Nat. "Wow! It was a corker, Jack! How did you think of it?" "It just happened to come to me. Say didn't they come down off that bank sailing, though? ""I pulled as if I was landing a ten pound pickerel," said Fred. "I wonder who I had." "Didn't stop to notice," Jack said, as he slipped on his coat. "They all came together. What a splash they made! "By this time the three conspirators had crawled up the bank. They were so soaking wet that it was hard to walk. Their shoes "squashed" out water at every step.They sat down on the grass, took them off, and removed some of their garments, which they proceeded to wring out. "Better hurry up," advised Jack, as he finished dressing. "Lecture begins in about two hours, and you're quite a way from home. ""I'll--" began Ed Simpson, when Adrian stopped him with a gesture. "Sorry we have to leave you," Sam went on. "If you'd sent your cards we would have had the water warmed for you. Hope you didn't find it too chilly. "The three cronies did not reply, but went on trying to get as much water as possible from their garments. Leaving them sitting on the grass, as the afternoon waned into evening, the swimmers hurried back to the academy.When the roll was called at the evening lecture, which was at an early hour, Jack and his friends replied "here!" For a week or more after the episode at the lake, matters at the academy went on in a rather more even tenor than was usual.One night Sam, who finished his studying early went to Jack's room. "Boning away?" he asked. "Just finishing my Caesar," was the reply. "Why, anything on?" "Nothing special," replied Sam.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"Do you feel anything queer in your bones? ""Not so much as a touch of fever and ague," replied Jack with a laugh. "Do you need quinine?" "Quit your fooling. I mean don't you feel as if you wanted to do something?" "Oh I'm always that way, more or less," Jack admitted. "I'm not taking anything for it, though." "I'd like to take a stroll," said Sam. "I think that would quiet me down. I feel just as if something was going to happen." "Probably something will, if we go out at this hour," Jack said. "It's against the rules." "I know it is, but it wouldn't be the first time you or I did it. Come on, let's go out. Down the trellis, the way you did when you discovered Grimm smoking." "I don't know," began Jack. "Of course you don't," interrupted Sam. "I'll attend to all that. Come on. "Needing no more urging, Jack laid aside his book, turned his light low, and soon he and Sam were cautiously making their way from Jack's window, along a trellis and drain pipe to the ground. "There!" exclaimed Sam, as he dropped lightly to the earth. "I feel better already. Some of the restlessness has gone." "Keep shady," muttered Jack. "Some of the teachers have rooms near here. "They walked along under the shadow of the Hall until they came to a window from which a brilliant light streamed forth. It came from a crack between the lowered shade and the casement.It was impossible to pass it without seeing what was going on inside the apartment. At the same time they could hear the murmur of voices. "Adrian Bagot, and his two cronies up to some trick!" whispered Jack, as he grasped Sam by the arm.The two friends saw the three new students bending over a table, containing a pot of something, which they seemed to be stirring with a long stick. "What are they up to?" whispered Sam. "Experimenting with chemicals, perhaps," said Jack. "Don't you believe it," retorted Sam. "They're up to some game, you can bet. I wonder if we can't get wise to what it is." Cautiously they drew nearer to the window. They found it was open a crack. "Will it make much of an explosion? "asked Ed Simpson. "Hardly any," replied Higley. "Only a puff and lots of smoke, but it will leave its mark all right, and I guess those fresh friends of Jack Ranger's will laugh on the other corner of their mouths. ""I'd like to get even with them before the term closes," put in Adrian. "We'll do it all right," went on Ed. "Don't be too sure of that," whispered Jack.It did not require much effort on the part of Jack and Sam to understand what the three conspirators were up to.Their conversation, which floated through the opened window, and their references to certain localities put the two listeners in possession of the whole scheme. "Well, if that isn't the limit," said Jack in a whisper. "I wouldn't believe they'd dare to do it." "How can we foil their plans?" asked Sam. "Hark, some one is coming," said Jack, dropping down on his hands and knees, an example which Sam followed. Then came a cautious signal, a whistle. "It's John Smith, my Indian friend!" exclaimed Jack. "He must have just got back," for the half-breed had been away for a few weeks, as one of his relatives was ill. Jack sounded a cautious whistle in reply, and soon the Indian student was at his side.There were hurried greetings, and Jack soon explained the situation. "Let me think it over a minute," said John Smith. "It takes me rather suddenly." For a few seconds John remained in deep thought. Then he exclaimed: "I think I have it.Have you any chemicals in your room, Jack?" "Plenty," was the answer. "I've been boning on that lately, and I got a fresh supply from the laboratory the other day to experiment with." "Then I think we'll make these chaps open their eyes. "The three friends hurried to Jack's room, where they were busy for some time, behind carefully drawn shades. At the end of about two hours, Jack, who had been keeping watch from a window, exclaimed: "There they go with the stuff.It's time we got a move on." "They'll not set it off until midnight," spoke Sam, "That's what they said. We'll have time enough to do what we are going to." The three friends worked hurriedly. When they had finished they had several packages.Down the trellis they went and out on the campus, which was shrouded in darkness. They made their way to the foot of a statue of George Washington, which stood on a broad base in front of the school.There stood the Father of His Country, with outstretched arms, as if warning invaders away from the precincts of learning. "They've been here!" said Sam in a whisper.He pointed to some straggling black lines at the base of the figure, and to a thin thing like a string: which led over the grass toward the room of Adrian Bagot. "They've put our initials in powder here," said Jack. "Trying to throw the blame on us when it goes off." "We'll soon fix that," replied Sam. The three boys made some rapid movements around the statue, and then cut the thin thing which led to the room of young Bagot. "I guess when he touches off that fuse he'll wonder what has happened," observed John Smith. "Have you enough of the other fuse?" asked Jack. "Plenty," replied the Indian student. "Have you changed the initials?" "Every one," said Sam. "Then I think we can go back," said John. "Take care of my fuse. Don't get tangled up in it." The boys made their way quietly to a spot just under the window of Bagot's room. There they placed what seemed to be a piece of board. "Now back to your room, and wait until they start the fun," said John. The three friends had not long to wait. A little after midnight they heard Bagot's window cautiously open.There was the sound of a match striking, and then Sam called to Jack: "Let her go!" A second later a thin trail of fire spurted along the ground from the sporty student's room.It was followed by a larger one from the foot of the trellis by which Jack had descended. A few seconds later it seemed as if a Fourth of July celebration was in progress. Sparks of fire ran along to the statue of the first President.Then there was a puff of smoke, and in front of the hero of the Revolution there shot up dancing flames.At the same time there sounded several sharp explosions, as though the British were firing on the Minute Men at Lexington, and the latter were replying as fast as they could load and discharge their flintlocks.Windows began to go up here and there, and heads were thrust forth. "What is it?" "What's the matter?" "Are there burglars?" were some of the cries.Brighter now burned the fire at the foot of the statue, which was enveloped in a cloud of flame and smoke, and, had the original been alive he must have delighted in the baptism of gunpowder.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Then there came a louder explosion.It was followed by a shower of sparks, and a trail of sparks began running along the ground, toward the college.An instant later there blazed forth on a board as on an illuminated sign, in front of the room of Adrian Bagot the words in letters of fire: WE DID IT. Underneath, in smaller characters were the initials; "A.B. E.S. J.H. ""Wait until Dr. Mead sees that," said Jack, as he looked out on the campus, which was now a scene of brilliancy. CHAPTER VIII THE BURGLAR SCARE The whole academy was now aroused.Several students and teachers, in scanty attire, had come from their rooms and were hurrying down to see if the place was on fire. For several minutes the blazing words and initials shone out amid the darkness.Then they died away in a shower of sparks, and windows could be heard being put down. "That's excitement enough for one night," remarked John Smith. "It succeeded better than I thought it would." "That was a great idea," said Jack. "Glad you think so," the Indian went on. "I've seen soldiers at the Canadian forts play all sorts of tricks with gunpowder and slow fuse so I just adopted some of them.It was easy enough, after they laid the powder train, with the initials of you, Sam, and Bony, to change them into a general serpentine twist with their initials in the midst of it.By ramming some of the powder down into the holes in the foundation it exploded with quite a noise. ""Lucky you had those chemicals in your room, Jack, or I'd never been able to make that board with the words 'We did it' on and stick it up in front of Adrian's window. I used part of their own long fuse, and it was a good one. ""Seemed to do the work all right," agreed Sam. "It sure did," observed Jack. "I wonder what they thought when they saw the fire coming their way?" "Hush! Here comes some one!" exclaimed Sam. and the boys put out their light, which was burning low. "It's Dr. Mead; I know his step," said Jack. "I'll bet he's on his way to Bagot's room," spoke Sam. "Cracky! I'm glad it isn't me." "It's only good luck it isn't!" put in Jack. "If we hadn't gone out they might have exploded their powder, and, in the morning our initials would have been found at the bottom of the statue, burned in the stone." A little later loud talking was heard from the direction of Adrian's room.It quieted down, after a while. But there was a strenuous session at chapel the next morning, and Adrian and his cronies were given extra lessons to do.For a week or more after this all the students had to buckle down to hard study, as the annual examinations were approaching.Jack and his chums had little time for sports of any kind, as they had a number of lessons to master in addition to their regular work.But by diligence they kept up with the requirements, and, about two weeks before the time set for the closing of the school, they found themselves on even terms. "I'm ready for some fun," announced Jack, one evening. "I've been good and quiet so long I can feel my wings sprouting." "Better go easy," cautioned John Smith. "I'm going to; as easy as I can," replied Jack. "But I've got to do something or break loose." "Shivering side-saddles!" exclaimed Nat Anderson. "Let's have a burglar scare." "How?" asked Sam. "I'll think of a plan," Nat went on. "Howling huckleberries, but I too am pining for a little excitement, Jack." "Well, trot out your plan," Jack said. "We haven't got much time. ""Let me think a minute," begged Nat, and, while he assumed an attitude as though he was trying to solve a problem in geometry, Fred drew out a little tin fife and played such a doleful air that Nat cried: "How do you expect me to think with that thing going? "and, with a quick grab he snatched it from Fred's hand and sent it spinning across Jack's room. "I have it!" Nat exclaimed, when the excitement had somewhat subsided. "You all know what timid creatures Professors Gale and Hall are.They room together, and I believe they'd scream if they saw a mouse. Not that they're a bad sort, for they have both helped me a lot in my lessons. But men ought not to be such babies.Now what's the matter with a couple of us disguising ourselves as burglars and going into their rooms about midnight? The rest of us can hide and hear the fun." "Maybe they'll shoot," suggested Sam. "Shoot!They'd be afraid to handle a revolver," was Nat's comment. "Well, as long as it won't do any real harm, and as we positively have to have something happen, let's go on with it," said Jack. "Who'll be the burglars? ""Nat'll have to be one," spoke John Smith, as he proposed it." "Ll-l-let me be t-t-the o-o-o-other," said Will Slade haltingly. "What? And when you demand their money or their lives how would you say it?" asked Sam. "Nice sort of a burglar you'd make. 'G-g-g-give m-m-m-me y-y-y-your m-m-mon--'" Sam stopped suddenly and dodged back, as Will aimed a blow at him. In doing so he stumbled over a pile of books and went down in a heap. "Serves you right," said Jack. "Just for his making fun of Will I vote we elect Will as one of the burglars." The others agreed, even Sam, and Will regained his good nature. "How about masks?" asked Sam. "I'll make some," replied Jack, and, from some pieces of black cloth, he quickly cut two false-faces. "I-I-I-I've g-g-got t-t-t have a g-g-g-g--" came from Will. "Are you trying to say a pair of gum shoes?" asked John Smith. "I'll lend you a pair of moccasins." "I guess he means gun," volunteered Nat. "But these will do just as well," and he got a couple of nickel-plated bicycle pumps from a drawer. "They'll shine in the dim light just like revolvers," he went on. "Guess I'll take a stroll down the corridor and see how the land lies," said Jack. "We don't want to burglarize a room that has no one in it, and they may not be in when the second story men get there." "That's so, how are we going to get in? "asked Nat. "Easy," replied Jack. "Their room is on the ground floor, and you can just raise the screen up and drop in. They always leave their window open a bit, as they're fresh air fiends. "While Jack went to take an observation, the two amateur burglars made their arrangements.They turned their clothing inside out, and, with the two pieces of black cloth across their faces, while ragged caps were drawn down close over their foreheads, they looked the part to perfection.Jack soon returned, to report that the coast was clear, and that both assistants were in the room. "Gales is reading Shakespeare, and Hall is manicuring his nails," the spy reported. "But it's too early yet.Let's go take a stroll and about midnight will be the right time. We can hide in the bushes opposite the room and hear 'em call for help. Then we can rush up and pretend we came to the rescue.That will be a good excuse in case we're caught watching the game."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Both assistants retired early, and the boys knew that twelve o'clock would find them both sound asleep.After a stroll about the college grounds, taking care not to venture into the light but keeping well in the shadows, Jack announced it was the hour for the show to commence. "Better let Nat do the talking," Jack advised Will. "Have you got anything to disguise your voice, Nat?" "I can talk down in my throat." "Better put a peanut in your mouth," Jack went on passing over several. "That will make you sound more like a desperate villain. "Accordingly, Nat stuffed one of the unshelled nuts into his cheek, and then, seeing that Will was ready, he led the way from the shadow of the bushes toward the window of the room where the assistants slept.It was a dark night, which was favorable to their plans. As Jack had said, the only bar to entrance was a light screen in the casement. Nat raised this, and, listening a few seconds, to make sure the teachers were asleep, he crawled into the room.Will followed him. For a moment after they had entered the boys did not know what to do. They were unaware of the method of procedure common among burglars.They were in doubt whether to announce their presence, or wait until the sleepers discovered it. Chance, however, took charge of matters for them. In moving about Will hit a book that projected over the edge of a table.It fell down, bounced against a cane standing in one corner, and the stick toppled against a wash pitcher, making a noise as if a gong had been rung. "Now be ready to throw a scare into 'em!" whispered Nat to Will. "That's bound to rouse 'em." It did.They could hear the sleepers sitting up in bed. Then Mr. Hall demanded: "Who's there?" "Don't move as you value your life!" exclaimed Nat, in his deepest tones. "We-we-we!" began Will forgetting the instructions to let Nat do the talking.His companion, however, silenced him by a vigorous punch in the stomach. "We're after money!" Nat went on. There was a sudden click and the room became illuminated. Mr. Hall had pulled the chain that turned on the automatic gaslight.The two teachers were sitting up in their beds, staring at the intruders. Nat drew his bicycle pump, and Will followed his example. "Money or your life!" exclaimed Nat, in dramatic accents. "Why--why--I believe they're burglars!" cried Mr. Gales. "The impudence of them!" almost shouted Mr. Hall. The next instant he sprang out of bed and advanced on Nat and Will with long strides. This was more than the boys had bargained for.Seizing Nat, Mr. Hall, who proved much more muscular than his build indicated, fairly tossed the boy out of the window. Fortunately he fell on the soft grass and was only shaken up. "Get out of here, you scoundrel! "exclaimed the athletic teacher, making a rush for Will. "D-d-don't h-h-h-hurt me!" pleaded the bold burglar. "I-I-I-I we--" As Mr. Hall grabbed him the black mask came off and the instructor, seeing the lad's face cried out: "It's Will Slade! "He was about to send the burglar flying after his companion, but this discovery stopped him. At the same instant, the hidden crowd, thinking it was about time to do the rescue act, had started forward. "Keep back!" cried Nat. "It's a fizzle! "and he limped from under the window as fast as he could. CHAPTER IX NAT'S INVITATION The boys needed no other warning to make themselves scarce. They had reckoned without their host in planning the trick on the two teachers. "Where's Will? "asked Jack of Nat. "I guess they've caught him," the limping "burglar" said. "That means trouble," put in Sam. "How did it happen?" The conspirators were now some distance away from the Hall, and out of hearing distance. "It happened because they weren't the milksops we thought them," said Nat; rubbing his elbow. "The way he grabbed me felt as if I was being hugged by a bear." "Then they didn't get frightened?" "Not a bit. Came right at me." The boys looked back.The brilliantly lighted window of the teacher's room shone out plainly amid the blackness of the night. As the boys watched, they saw a figure climb over the sill. "There comes Will," spoke Sam. "I wonder if they're not going to report us," said Jack. "Say, It will be the first time a teacher didn't take an opportunity of getting even." As soon as Will found himself on the ground he set off on a run, toward where he supposed his friends to be in hiding.Jack gave the usual signal-whistle of his crowd, and Will, hearing it, came up quickly. "What happened?" "Didn't he make a row?" "Are they going to report it?" "How'd you get away? "These were some of the questions to which the throng of boys demanded answers. "I-I-I--c-can't t-t-tell h-h-h--." "Here! you quit that!" exclaimed Jack sternly, thinking to frighten Will out of his stuttering.The rebuke had the desired effect, and, for once Will forgot to mix his words and letters. "When he saw it was me," he explained, "he didn't seem to know what to say. Then he laughed and Gales laughed, and I felt pretty foolish; I tell you. "Gales asked me who was with me, but Hall cut in and said he didn't want me to tell. I wouldn't anyhow, only it was white of him not to insist." "It sure was," murmured Jack. "Oh, I can see trouble coming our way." "Well," went on Will. "He looked at me a little longer, and I heard Gales mutter something about 'boys will be boys,' then Hall made a sign to him, and Gales went back to bed." "What did you do?" asked Jack. "Why, Hall motioned to me to climb out of the windows and I did, mighty quick, you can bet" "Wait until chapel to-morrow morning," said Nat. "Maybe we won't get it!Never mind, the end of the term is almost here, and they can't do any more than suspend us. Though I hate to have the folks hear of it. "There were several anxious hearts beating under boyish coats when the opening exercises were held the next morning. The burglar schemers watched the two assistants file in and take their usual places on the raised platform. "How do they look? "whispered Nat to Jack. "Don't seem to have an awful lot of fire in their eyes," was the answer. "Wait until Dr. Mead begins," whispered Sam, a sort of Job's comforter. But to the boys' astonishment, there was no reference to the night's prank.The exercises went off as usual, though every time Dr. Mead cleared his throat, or began to speak on a new subject, there was a nervous thrill on the part of the conspirators. "I have one more announcement to make, and that will end the exercises for the day," the head of the Academy said. "Here it comes," whispered Jack. "Will Slade and Nat Anderson are requested to meet Professors Hall and Gales after chapel," was what the doctor said. There was a little buzz of excitement among the students, for the story of the escapade had become generally known. "Glad I'm not in their shoes, but I suppose we'll all come in for it," said Sam, as he and the others filed out of the assembly room.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Will and Nat remained, their spirits anything but pleasant.Their companions stayed out on the campus, waiting for them, instead of dispersing to their rooms to prepare for the first lesson period. As the minutes dragged away there was a general feeling of apprehension. "Don't s'pose they'll get a flogging do you?" asked Sam. "Against the rules of the institution," replied Jack. "Here they come," announced Fred Kaler. "I don't know whether I ought to play a funeral march or 'Palms of Victory. '""Probably the former," put in John Smith. "Well?" asked Jack, as the two "burglars" came within hailing distance, "what did they do to you?" "It's all right!" exclaimed Nat. "Say, they're bricks all right, Gales and Hall are!They took us to Dr. Mead's little private office, and we thought sure we were in for it. I didn't know how they recognized me until Gales gave me my handkerchief, which I had dropped in the room. It had my name on it." "Skip those details! "interrupted Sam. "Get down to business. Did they fire you?" "Not a bit of it," replied Nat. "They asked me if I was hurt in the-- er--the--jump I took from the window. I said I wasn't.They then made some remarks about the night air being bad toward the end of the term, and they told us to go to our classes. Not a word about it. I call that white, I do." "Right you are!" came in chorus from the others. "We ought to send 'em a vote of thanks," suggested Sam. "No, I think I'd let it rest where it is," came from Jack. "They want to show that they could have made trouble if they wanted to. We'd better let it drop. I wonder if Dr. Mead knows it? ""I don't believe they told him," was Nat's opinion. "You see there wasn't much of a row, and it was all over in a little while. But it certainly is one on us." To this they all agreed.Yet one good thing came of it, for the boys had a better understanding of the characters of the two instructors.They felt an increased respect for them morally as well as physically, and there came a better spirit between Jack's crowd and the two professors.The latter never even referred to the burglar incident, and, whenever any of the other students spoke in rather slighting terms of either of the instructors, Jack and his friends were ready defenders.On account of preparations for examinations there was only a half day's session, the boys being given the afternoon off. After dinner Jack accepted an invitation from John Smith to go out in the Indian student's canoe on the lake.They paddled about for several hours, and were on their way back to the boathouse, when a rowing craft, in which two youths were seated, came swiftly toward them. "Look out!" called Jack. "Do you want to run us down? "Whether the rowers intended that or not was not evident, but they certainly came within a few inches of smashing the frail canoe. Only John's skill prevented it. As the rowboat swept past one of the oars fairly snatched the paddle from Jack's hand. "What's the matter with you?" he demanded angrily. The only answer was a mocking laugh, and, as the boat was now far enough past to show the faces of the rowers, Jack looked to see who they were. "Jerry Chowden!" he exclaimed. "I thought he was in Chicago," and he recalled the threatening letter. "Guess he's here to see the closing exercises," remarked John. "Who's that with him?" "Adrian Bagot" replied Jack. "Well, they're a nice team.I shouldn't wonder but there'd be some trouble for some one if they stay long." "Not many more days left," John observed. "Grab your paddle," and he swung the canoe around to where the broad blade floated.In his room that evening Jack's meditations as to what Chowden's return might mean were interrupted by the entrance of Nat Anderson. He seemed quite excited and was waving a letter over his head. "Great news," he exclaimed. "What is?" asked Jack. "Some one left you a thousand dollars?" "No, it's an invitation from my uncle, Morris Kent, who has a big ranch near Denville, Colorado, to come out and spend the summer vacation with him." "Fine!" cried Jack. "But that isn't the best part," added Nat. "He says I can bring two chums with me, and I want you to be one." "Do you mean it?" asked Jack. "Sure." "Who else will you take?" There was a noise in the corridor.CHAPTER X A MEETING WITH CHOWDEN "Studying or talking?" asked a voice in the hall outside of Jack's room, and the door was pushed open to admit John Smith. Jack and Nat looked at each other. The same thought seemed to come to both of them. "Him! "they exclaimed together. "What's this, a game, or a joke?" "A little of both," Jack said. "Tell him about it, Nat." Nat explained the receipt of his uncle's invitation. "We were just wondering who would make the third member of the party, when you came in," he said, "and we both decided on you." "It was very kind of you to invite me," John said. "I guess I can arrange to go. Where is this ranch? ""Near Denville, Colorado," replied Nat. John started and looked at Jack. "Nothing the matter with that place, is there?" asked Jack. "No. On the contrary it couldn't be better," replied John. "That's where we want to go to settle the mystery--" He stopped, evidently on account of Nat's presence. "Oh, Nat knows all about it," said Jack. "I see what you're driving at." "Yes," went on John. "Denville is not many miles from Denver, and at the latter place, you remember, we can go to the Capital Bank, and get the address of Orion Tevis." "Yes, and then maybe we can locate my father," Jack exclaimed. "Say, Nat, this couldn't have happened better. It's fine of you to think of me." "The same here," put in John. "Well, I don't know of any fellows I'd rather have than you two," replied Nat. "Thanks," his two friends answered. "I'm going to write a reply at once," Nat went on. "I'll go to town and mail it to-night. I guess Dr. Mead will let me." "Let's all three go," suggested Jack. "I'll ask permission.We've not been caught in any scrapes lately, and our records are fairly good. It's early." Dr. Mead readily gave permission for the three chums to go to the village where the post-office was. "But you must be in by eleven o'clock," he stipulated. "I shall instruct Martin to watch out for you, and if you are not in at that hour it will mean demerits all around. I would not let you go, only you have had very good records of late. "On their way to the village the three chums talked of nothing but the proposed trip. To Nat it was enough excitement to think of merely going west. But to Jack, who wanted to solve the mystery of his father it meant much more.He hoped since the eleven years of voluntary exile were almost up, to induce his father to come east and make his home. "That is, if I can find him," thought Jack. "I hope I can. First I'll have to locate Orion Tevis, to see what he knows. ""I'll be glad to get out on a range once more," said John Smith. "I've got enough Indian blood in me to feel cooped up in a house.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
It will be sport out there, riding ponies and seeing the cattle. "The boys reached the post-office about nine o'clock and Nat mailed his letter. "It's early to go back," said Jack. "Isn't there something that we can do?" "There's a moving picture show in town," said John. "Let's go to it for awhile. "This was voted a good idea. The boys enjoyed the scenes thrown on the screene, and were particularly taken with a depiction of a cowboy roping a steer. "That's what we'll soon see in reality," whispered Nat.They started through the village, and, as they turned down a quiet street that led toward Washington Hall, Jack saw a dark figure sneaking along on the opposite side, in the shadow of some buildings. "Looks as if some one was following us," said Jack to himself. As our hero pulled out his handkerchief there flew out with it a letter. The sight of it reminded him that he had promised Professor Hall to mail it that evening.It had slipped his mind, even though he had been in the post-office. "I'd better run right back with it," said Jack. "Mighty stupid of me. Well, there's no help for it, and I don't want to disappoint Hall. He's a good friend of ours. "He picked the letter up, and held it in his hand to insure that it would not be forgotten again. "I say!" called Jack to his companions, who were now some distance ahead of him. "I've got to run back and mail a letter. Go on and I'll catch up to you. ""All right," said John. "We'll walk slow." Intent on rectifying his forgetfulness, Jack turned back on the run. He did not see three figures sneaking into the shadow of a dark doorway just as he turned. "We'll have him just where we want him," whispered one of the youths who had been following the students. "You're not going to be three to one, are you?" asked one of the trio. "No, I guess Jerry Chowden is a match for Jack Ranger any day," was the answer. "You two can look on, and see me wallop him." Jack made good time back to the post-office, and came hurrying along the street, whistling a lively tune.In the meantime the three plotters had walked ahead, taking care not to get too near Nat and John. The latter, however, had walked faster than they intended, so that they were a good quarter of a mile ahead of Jack.As the latter came opposite the last building that stood on the edge of where there were a number of vacant lots, he was surprised to hear a hail. "Hold on there!" someone cried. "Who are you?" asked Jack, looking around.Then, as three figures emerged from the shadows and blocked his path, he exclaimed: "Oh, it's you, is it, Jerry Chowden? Well, what do you want?" "I want to get square with you," replied the bully, in an angry tone. "And you bring two of your toadies along to help you, I suppose," said Jack, unable to keep a sneer from his voice. "Look here!" exclaimed one of Jerry's companions. "I don't know who you are, except by name, but I'm not going to have you insult me.Jerry is a friend of mine--" "Sorry for you," interrupted Jack cooly. "None of your lip!" exclaimed the other strange youth. "Jerry says he has a bone to pick with you," the one who had first addressed Jack went on. "He told us he was going to have it out with you, and invited us along. We're not going to take any part, you can rest assured of that, and there'll be fair play. But if you're afraid, why that's another matter." "Who said I was afraid? "demanded Jack hotly. "You seem to act so." "I don't know that I ever did you any harm, Jerry Chowden," Jack said, more quietly, "but if you feel so why I can't help it." "I do, and I'm going to get even," spoke Jerry, advancing closer to Jack. "Stand aside," demanded Jack, as the bully almost brushed against him. "Not until you've given me satisfaction." "What do you mean?" "You know well enough what I mean." "Do you want to fight?" asked Jack calmly. "Certainly I do! "exclaimed the bully, aiming a blow at the lad in front of him. Jack stepped quickly back, Jerry nearly lost his balance and just saved himself from falling. "You're a coward!" cried Jerry angrily. "I am, eh?" cried Jack. "Well, if I must fight I'm going to do it for all I'm worth!" The next instant he had his coat off, and was ready to defend himself. Jerry, nothing loath, closed in, and there in the darkness, illuminated only by the stars, the fight began.Jerry was well built and strong, but he had little science. On the contrary, though Jack was not as muscular nor as heavy as his antagonist, he more than made up for it in his quickness and his ability to hit hard.Jerry came up with a rush, and aimed a vicious blow at Jack's face. Jack cleverly dodged it, and countered, landing on Jerry's chin with a force that made the bully see stars. "I'll pay you for that!" he cried.He would have done better to have kept quiet, since he took his attention from Jack's fists, which, in the darkness, were hard enough to see at best. A second later Jerry found his nose stopping a solid blow, straight from the shoulder. "Ow! "yelled Jerry, in spite of himself. Then he clenched with Jack, and the two went at it rough-and-tumble. Jack got in a number of good blows, and Jerry tried his best to get away and deliver some in return.He did manage to punch Jack on the body, causing that worthy's breath to come in gasps.Back and forth went the fighters, the two spectators dancing about to see all they could of it, They kept their word not to interfere, and it was a fair struggle between Jack and Jerry.Though Jack did his best he could not avoid getting some severe blows, and one, on his eye, he felt had done considerable damage. But he more than paid Jerry back for it, and, in a little while the bully was fairly howling for mercy. "Help!" he cried. "He's not fighting fair." "Don't be a baby!" Jerry's friends called to him, somewhat disgusted with his actions. "Give it to him!" Jerry made one more effort to deal Jack a blow that would win the victory, but in his eagerness he lowered his guard.Our hero shot out a swift left, and it landed full on Jerry's chin. He staggered for a second, and then went down in a heap. He was up again in a couple of seconds, not much the worse, but all the fight was gone out of him.He held his head in his hands for a while, and then fairly ran up the dark street, while his two friends, surprised at the sudden outcome of the fight, followed more slowly. "I'll get even with you yet!" Jerry called back. "Well, if you do I still will have the satisfaction of knowing that I trounced you good and proper," Jack said, as he held a cold stone to his bruised eye. Just then, from across the lots there came a hail: "Hey, Jack! Where are you? ""Coming," was Jack's reply. He heard some one running toward him as he began to pick up his coat, and put on his hat. CHAPTER XI A GRAND WIND UP "What's the matter?" demanded John Smith, as he and Nat joined their comrade. "Did you get lost? "asked Nat. "No, only sort of delayed," answered Jack. "What makes you talk so funny?" inquired John.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"I expect it's because my lips are swollen," was the reply. "Did some one hold you up and try to rob you?" cried Nat, in alarm. "Well, it was a hold-up, but no robbery," said Jack, and then he related what had happened. "Why didn't you yell for help?" asked John. "We'd have come back." "I didn't need any," replied Jack. "It was a fair fight enough.I guess he'll not forget that one on the chin in a hurry," and he laughed in spite of his swollen lips and blackened eye. "Much damaged?" asked Nat. "I'm afraid I've got a shiner," Jack replied. "They're sure to notice it at the Hall, and what will I say?" "Steal their thunder," advised John. "Let's hurry back, and report at once to the doctor." "Good idea," spoke Jack.They made good time back to the academy, and arrived a little before eleven. "Dr. Mead says I'm to mark down just the time you come in," said Martin, the monitor. "That's right," agreed Jack. "Is the doctor in his study?" "I believe he is. ""We want to see him," went on Jack. "Been fighting." said Martin to himself. "My, my! What boys they are! Always into something!" "Come in!" called the head of the Academy in answer to Jack's knock on his door, and the three lads entered. "Ah, Ranger!And Smith and Anderson. Well, what can I do--Ha! Fighting, eh!" and the tone that had been a genial one became stern. "Yes, sir," admitted Jack boldly. "I came to tell you all about it, before you heard a garbled report from some one else. "Then he related exactly what had happened, Nat and John confirming what he said. The boys' stories were so evidently true that Dr. Mead could but believe them. "That's enough," he said when Jack had finished. "I believe you.Don't let it--well, there, I don't suppose it was your fault. Fighting is a bad business--but then--well boys, now get to bed. You have plenty of hard work before you go in the next week with all the examinations. Good night!" "Good night! "echoed the lads. "That was the best way out," agreed Jack, when they were in the corridor. "Now I've got to get some vinegar and brown paper for this optic or I'll look a sight to-morrow." Examinations held sway for nearly a week thereafter.But "it's a long lane that has no turning" and, at last there came a time when the boys could say: "To-morrow's the last day of school." The term was at an end, and the whole academy was in a ferment over it.The students were busy packing their belongings, the graduates had already departed, and there was almost as much excitement as at the annual football or baseball games with a rival institution.The night before the day of the closing exercises, Jack's room was a gathering place for all his chums.Fred Kaler was so excited he tried to played a mouth organ, a jews'-harp and a tin flute, all at the same time, with results anything but musical, while Will Slade stuttered as he never had before. "What will we do for a final wind-up?" asked Sam. "Let it be something worthy of the name of Washington Hall," exclaimed Jack. "We ought to work Professors Garlach and Socrat into it somehow," suggested Bony. "They're more fun than a bunch of monkeys." "Get 'em to fight another duel," put in Sam. "They'd suspect something leading up to that," spoke John Smith. "Let's see if we can't make one outdo the other in politeness." suggested Jack. "I have a sort of scheme." "Trot it out!" demanded Sam. "I'll get Garlach to write Socrat a note," said Jack. "Where's the fun in that?" asked Bony. "Then I'll have Socrat send a little missive to Garlach." "What's the answer?" demanded Nat. "Garlach will write in French and Socrat will pen a few lines in German, and I'll tell 'em what to write," Jack went on. "Do you see my drift, as the snow bank said to the wind?" "Good!" exclaimed Sam. "Go ahead. "The boys soon got together over the plan, and Jack was given plenty of suggestions to perfect it. He made up a number of sample notes, and then, being satisfied, he announced: "Now I'm going to start in.Just hang around, you fellows, and see what happens." It was about nine o'clock, but as it was the night before the last day of school, hardly any of the teachers or the pupils had thought of going to bed. Jack went to Professor Garlach's room.He found the instructor busy packing up his books preparatory to the vacation. "Ach! It iss young Ranger!" exclaimed the German instructor. "Velcome. Come in. It is goot to see you." "Thanks, Professor," said Jack. "I suppose you are all ready for the long rest?" "Sure I am, Ranger." "Well, we all are. I saw Professor Socrat packing up as I came past." At the mention of the French teacher's name Professor Garlach seemed to bristle up.There was always more or less ill feeling between them on account of their nationalities, but of late it was especially acute. "Ach! Speak not of him!" growled Garlach. "I think he wants to make friends with you," went on Jack, trying not to smile. "In fact he said as much to me. He said he would like to write you a farewell note and apologize for anything that might have given you offense." The German's manner changed.Jack was speaking the truth, though he had been instrumental in bringing the matter about.He had previously paid a visit to Socrat, and, broaching the subject of the cold feeling between the two teachers had suggested that it would be a fine thing if Mr. Socrat would say he was sorry for it, and would do all in his power to heal the breach.It was no easy task to bring this about, but Jack had a winning way with him, and really made the Frenchman believe it was more a favor on his part to apologize than it was of Mr. Garlach to accept it.In the end Professor Socrat had agreed to write a little note to his former enemy. "Only I know not ze Germaine language," he said. "That's all right, I'll do it for you," said Jack. "I can fix it up. ""Then write ze note and I sign heem," said the Frenchman. "So he vill my pardon ask, iss it?" inquired Mr. Garlach when Jack had explained to him. "I believe that's his intention. Why can't you two meet out in the chapel and fix things up.Exchange letters so to speak. He's going to write to you in German, and you can write to him in French." "I know not de silly tongue!" grunted Mr. Garlach. "I'll write it for you," Jack said, turning aside his head to conceal a grin. "I'm pretty good at French." "Den you may do so," said Mr. Garlach. "I haf no objections to accepting his apologies, and being friends mit him." "Then here's the note," said Jack, handing over one he had prepared. "Sign it and be in the chapel in ten minutes. Mr. Socrat will be there, and we'll have a sort of farewell service." "Fine!" exclaimed the German. "Und we vill sing 'Der Wacht am Rhein! '""And maybe the 'Marseilles,' too," added Jack softly as he went to deliver a note written in German to Mr. Socrat. The missives had cost him and the other boys no little thought.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"Now, you fellows want to lay low if you expect to see the fun," cautioned Jack to his chums, when he returned and told of his success. "Garlach and Socrat will be here in about ten minutes. There must be only a few of us around.Bony, I'll depend on you to act when I give the signal." "I'll be there," promised Bony. A little later all but a few of the boys had concealed themselves behind benches in the chapel.Jack was out of sight but could see what was going on, A few students stood conversing in one corner. Mr. Socrat was the first to enter. He came in, holding a note in his hand. "It is now zat I prove ze politeness of ze French," he murmured.A moment later Mr. Garlach entered from the other side. "Goot effning, Herr Socrates," he said, with a stiff bow. "Bon jour!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat. "Only, if it pleases you my dear Professor Garlick, my name ees wizout ze final syllable. ""Und mine it iss Garla-a-ach, und not like de leek vat you eat!" exclaimed the German. "They're off!" said Jack in a whisper to Sam. "Your pardon!" came from Mr. Socrat. "I am in error.But I have here a note in which I wish to greet you wiz the happiness of parting. It iss in your own language!" "Ach! So! I too have a missive for you," went on Mr. Garlach, somewhat modified. "It iss in your tongue as I belief, but I am not so goot in it as perhaps you are." "It is charming of you," spoke Mr. Socrat, bowing low. The two professors exchanged notes, and then stepped over to a flaring gaslight where they could read them. "Now watch out!" exclaimed Jack. "Ha!" cried the German. "Vas ist dis?" "Pah!" cried Mr. Socrat. "Diable! I am insult!" "Dot Frenchman iss von pig-hog!" came from Mr. Garlach. "See! So I will treat ze writair! "exclaimed Mr. Socrat, tearing the note to shreds and stamping on the pieces. "I vill crush the frog-eater as I do dis letter!" muttered Mr. Garlach, as he twisted the slip of paper into a shapeless mass and tossed it into the air. "Scoundrel! "hissed Mr. Socrat "Vile dog vat you iss!" came from Mr. Garlach. Then, unable to restrain their feelings any longer they rushed at each other. "Ready!" called Jack, and the next instant the lights went out, leaving the chapel in darkness.CHAPTER XII HO! FOR THE WEST! For a few seconds there was the sound of a confused stumbling about. Blows were struck, but they seemed to land on desks and tables.Mingled with them were the murmurs of strong French and German words, and the heavy breathing of the two teachers. Then, as the door at the farther end of the room opened, allowing light from the hall to come in, a voice asked: "What's the matter? '"Matter enough! I am terrible insult!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat from behind a table where he was crouching. "I must be apologized by alretty!" muttered Mr. Garlach, in deep tones. "What is this all about? "demanded Dr. Mead, who had made the first inquiry. "What does it mean?" "Ach! I vill tell you!" spoke the German teacher. "I will leave at once razzer zan stay where he iss!" came from the Frenchman. "Come to my office," said Dr, Mead. "I am afraid it's another of the boys' pranks." The two Instructors, muttering against each other, followed the head of the academy down the corridor. "Now's our chance to sneak!" exclaimed Jack. "Say, it was the best ever! ""What was in the notes that made them so mad?" asked Sam. "Why, the one Garlach got stated that the Germans were a race of thieves and robbers and would never be anything better.Professor Garlach, on the other hand, seemed to have written to his French friend that the latter nation was nothing but a lot of long-legged frog-eaters, who were more ladies than they were men!" "No wonder they went up into the air! "exclaimed Bony Balmore. "It was like a match to gunpowder." "Lucky we could turn the lights out," commented Nat Anderson, "or they'd be fighting yet." "Maybe they will have a duel," suggested John Smith.But in some way Dr. Mead managed to patch matters up. Nor was any punishment visited on the boys. The doctor evidently made allowances for the closing of school, and the consequent slacking of discipline that was bound to occur.The next day, though the French and German professors glared more darkly than usual at each other, there was no reference to the notes.The closing exercises were soon over and then, after a few formal words of farewell for the term from Dr. Mead, Washington Hall was declared closed until the fall. "Whoop! "yelled Jack, as he came with a rush from chapel where the final program had been rendered. "Hold me down, someone!" "I will!" exclaimed Nat, jumping on his chum's back, and bearing him to the earth. "I'll help! "cried several, and soon half a dozen had piled upon Jack, in the middle of the campus. "Down!" he cried, half smothered. "That's enough!" "Fall in line for a grand march!" shouted Fred Kaler, as he tooted on a tin fife. "L-l-M-let m-m-m-me--l-l-l--Pzzant!" spluttered Will. "Let me lead!" "Too late!" cried Sam, as he ran out and got at the head of the impromptu procession. "Came on and get Socrat and Garlach in line!" called Jack. "We'll make 'em march side by side and forget all their troubles." The idea was received with shouts of laughter. Off the lads started on a run for the rooms of the two professors. "Come on!" cried Jack to Mr. Garlach. "Ach! Vat iss it now? "inquired the instructor, vainly struggling against the hold Jack had of him. "You boys vill drive me to distraction!" "Got to take part in the grand march!" went on Jack.Before Mr. Garlach knew what was happening, he found himself being hustled out of his chambers and fairly carried along in a rush of the students. Sam Chalmers had in the meanwhile gone to Professor Socrat's study. "Come on!" he cried. "Take part in the grand salute to the French flag." "La belle France!" cried the teacher. "Vive l' Republic!" "That's the cheese!" fairly shouted Sam. "Hurry up! "And, before Professor Socrat could catch his breath he found himself being hurried along the corridor and out on the campus. "Hurrah for France!" cried a score of voices. "My compliments! "exclaimed Mr. Socrat, bowing low to the assemblage of students. "Long may the German flag wave!" came another cry. "Ach! Dot is goot to mine heart!" said Mr. Garlach. "Zat is an insult to me!" spluttered the Frenchman, as Sam hurried him on. "Don't mind 'em. They don't know what they're saying," was Sam's comment. "Vy do they shout for dot frog-eating nation?" inquired Mr. Garlach of Jack. "Mistake I guess," was the reply. "The boys are not very good on language yet. "Then, before either of the instructors could protest, they found themselves side by side, being carried along in a press of students who marched around the academy, singing at the top of their voices, and each one rendering a different air. "Whoop!Isn't this great!" shouted Jack in Nat's ear. "The best ever!" was the answer. "It only happens once in a lifetime!"
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
But all things must have an end, and at last the grand march came to a close.The students fairly outdid themselves, and had to halt every now and then to rest from the combined exertion of laughing and leaping as they paraded. "Three cheers for Washington Hall!" called Jack. The volume of sound was deafening. "Now three for Professor Garlach!" How the boys did yell. The professor looked as pleased as a lad with his first pair of trousers, and bowed low to Mr. Socrat whom he had detected in the act of cheering for him, "Three cheers for Professor Socrat! "yelled Jack. Mr. Garlach joined in the cries for his late enemy, and then the two teachers shook hands, while the boys cheered again. "Now good loud ones for Dr. Mead and all the rest of the teachers! "called Jack, and by this time the cheering habit was so implanted that the lads cheered everything they could think of from vacation to Socker the janitor. Now the crowd began to break up.Several students found they must catch trains, and there were general leave takings. Good-byes were being said on every side, and there were many promises to write letters and keep up new friendships or cement old ones.Jack found so many wanting to bid him farewell for the term that he was kept busy shaking hands, and the number of boys he promised to let hear from him during vacation would have kept two private secretaries busy.Finally, however, matters began to quiet down. Most of the students had left the campus to pack up their belongings while a number had already departed for home. Jack, Nat Anderson and John Smith found themselves alone at least for a few minutes. "Well, this is like old times," said Jack. "Wow!" exclaimed John in true Indian tone. "Heap big time!" "Reminds me of a circus broken loose," commented Nat. "But say, Jack, our train goes in an hour.Are we going to take it or stay over--" "Not on your life!" exclaimed Jack. "Washington Hall will be as lonesome as a desert island in about an hour and I'm off." "I think I'll go also," said John. "Now, about our western trip," put in Nat. "Where will we connect with you. John?" "Well," replied the Indian student. "I am going up to Canada to pay a short visit to some friends of my father's, who were very kind to him before he died.I think I will be with you in a week, and I can come on to Denton." "That will do first-rate," said Nat. "Jack and I will be on the lookout for you. We'll be ready to start in a week, I guess." "The sooner the better for me," put in Jack. "That's so, I forgot you are anxious to solve the mystery of your father's disappearance," Nat said. "Well, perhaps we can hurry a bit." "No, I guess that time will be about right," Jack went on. "I'll have to spend some time with my aunts, and I want to have a talk with Judge Bennett and get some further details. I guess we'll let it stand at a week. ""Well, good-bye until then," said John, shaking hands with his two friends, and he was soon on his way to the Rudmore station. The others followed a little later. Several hours' riding found Jack and Nat at Denton. "I wonder if they'll have the brass band out to meet us," suggested Jack. "Perpetual porous plasters! They would if they only knew what a reputation we have achieved!" exclaimed Nat, as the train rolled in. "Hello, there's some of your folks! ""That's so! My three aunts!" cried Jack, as he saw from the window the three maiden ladies with whom he had lived so long. Aunt Mary caught a glimpse of him, and waved her handkerchief, an example that was followed by the other two.The next instant Jack was being hugged and kissed as though he had been away ten years instead of a few months. "We were so afraid the train would be late, or that you wouldn't come until the night one," said Aunt Josephine. "Couldn't think of staying away from you any longer," Jack replied, his eyes a trifle moist as he realized the love his aunts bore toward him, and he hugged and kissed them in turn. "So long!" called Nat, as he walked up the station platform. "I'll see you later. Got to pack for our trip." The next few days were busy ones for Jack. In the first place he had to tell his aunts all about his school experience, that is such parts of it as he thought they might care to hear and this took time.Then he had to see Judge Bennett, and the family lawyer explained further details about Jack's father. Jack also asked the judge for the curious ring, as he thought he might have to use it on his western trip. "You must take good care of it, Jack," the lawyer said. "No telling what may hinge on it." "If anyone gets it away from me he'll have the hardest proposition he ever tackled," Jack said earnestly.In fact our hero was kept so busy, between this, arranging for his trip, and renewing his acquaintances with the town boys, that he was all unprepared when, one day, John Smith rang the door bell. "Well, where in the world did you come from? "asked Jack. "Straight from Canada. Didn't you get my letter?" "By Jove! So I did, but I clean forgot to-day was Friday. Come right in. "Jack's aunts graciously received John, whom they welcomed for the part his father had played in the life of Mr. Ranger. It was decided that the Indian student should stay at Jack's house until Monday, when the start for the west was to be made.Jack's aunts had, after an effort, given their consent to his making the western trip. More particularly as they felt it might lead to the discovering of his father. Once they got to this point it was clear sailing and they helped Jack to pack up.There were final instructions from Judge Bennett to Jack. There were good-byes, said over a dozen times, from the aunts. There were farewell calls from a host of boys who envied Jack, Nat and John the experience they were about to have.At last, though it seemed it moved on leaden feet, Monday came, and, at least an hour before train time, the three boys started for the depot. They had valises with them, but their trunks had been sent on ahead. "Bounding buffaloes and copper-colored cowboys!" exclaimed Nat, as the whistle of the train sounded. "Here she comes!" "Well, I'm glad of it," observed Jack. "I was getting tired waiting for it. ""It will seem good to get out on a range again," spoke John. "I'm counting on it." "Westward ho! "cried Jack, as he jumped aboard the train, and waved his hand in farewell to his aunts, while the other two boys shook their hats in the air in salute to several lads who had come to see them off.CHAPTER XIII AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE The boys, under the advice of Judge Bennett, had planned to go to Chicago.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
From there they would take a train on another road, which made connections with the line that would land them in Denver.From Denver they had to change to still another railway to get to Fillmore, the nearest station to Denville.Nat's uncle had promised to meet them there a week from the day they started, since he wanted to allow them plenty of time to get to Colorado, and there were sometimes delays in connecting with trains.From Fillmore the lads were to be driven about twenty miles to where Mr. Kent's ranch was located. He had written to Nat that in case he was not in Fillmore when the boys arrived they were to put up at a hotel and wait for him.Also, in case they missed connections and were late in getting there, he would wait for them. "We want to try and find where Orion Tevis is located," said Jack, "and to do this we will have to go to the Capital Bank in Denver.That may take a little time, as we may have to prove our identity." "Ought to be easy to do that with the rings you and John have," answered Nat, the Indian student having secured his gold circlet from Dr. Mead, who had been keeping it for him. "It may be and it may not," John said. "There are a lot of things mixed up in this affair, and no one can see how it will turn out. But I don't expect any trouble in getting Mr. Tevis's address. The hard part will be to find him. ""I'll find him if it's possible," Jack put in. "I want to end my father's wanderings and bring him back with me." "And I'll help all I can, and I know my uncle will, too," said Nat, with ready sympathy.The boys had arranged themselves comfortably in the train, which, by this time, had speeded several miles from Denton. The car was not well filled as it was early and no large cities had been reached.As station after station was passed, however, passengers began to take the seats until the cars were comfortably filled. The boys had taken passage in a through sleeper to Chicago, and got their meals in the dining car ahead.They had supper in Scranton, where the train waited about half an hour to connect with another. As the boys came back to their seats in the sleeper, which had not yet been made up, they saw several new passengers.One was a tall, rather rough looking man, who seemed to have suddenly acquired wealth. His clothes were good but did not fit him well, and he seemed ill at ease in them.There was a big diamond in his shirt front, and he had a heavy gold chain across his vest. "Guess I'm entitled to the best that's goin'," he said in a loud tone as he sat in one seat and put his big feet up in the one opposite. "I've paid for this whole section an' I'm going to use it. I ain't worked hard all my life for nothing. Just sold my share in a coal mine," he said to the boys, whose seats were near his. "Now I'm going to enjoy myself. Going to the 'Windy City'!that's what I am. Got friends in Chicago that'll be glad to see me an' my pile," and he pulled out a big role of bills. "My name's Josh Post, an I'm set in my ways," he added.The boys did not make any answer, but, at the sound of the big man's voice a passenger in the seat ahead of him turned and looked to see who was speaking.As he did so the former mine owner happened to be displaying his money, and the eyes of the other passenger gleamed in a dangerous sort of way.As he turned around to get a glimpse of the miner, Jack got a look at the face of the passenger who had shown such curiosity. The boy started. "Where have I seen him before?" he thought to himself. "I can't seem to place him. "Then he leaned over and whispered to Nat. "Make an excuse to go to the end of the car, and on your way back take a look at the man in the first seat." "All right," said Nat, who did not ask the reason. A little later he sauntered to the water cooler.He could hardly repress a start as he passed the man Jack had mentioned. "Know him?" asked Jack, when his chum had regained his seat. "Sure, in spite of his disguise, his new way of wearing his hair, and the fact that he has shaved off his moustache. ""Marinello Booghoobally?" asked Jack, in low tones. "Otherwise known as Hemp Smith," whispered Jack. "I wonder what he's up to now." "I shouldn't be surprised if he would like to annex the roll of one Mr. Josh Post," observed Nat. "We'd better keep our eyes pealed. Put John next to the game. "Thereupon the Indian student was told the story of the man who had posed as an Oriental mystic and a professor of whatever he thought he could delude people into believing, as it suited his fancy, and netted him cash. "We certainly got the best of him in the haunted house affair," said Jack. "Guess the professor won't tackle another job like that in hurry," and he silently laughed as he thought of the trick (told of in the first volume) the students played on the fakir when a phonograph was used to produce ghostly noises. "Yes, sir, I'm out for a good time," said Mr. Post, as if some one had doubted his word. "Where you boys going?" "Out west," replied Jack, thinking it would do no harm to reply civilly to Mr. Post. "Excuse me for coming into this conversation," spoke Marinello Booghoobally, otherwise Hemp Smith. "I'm going out west myself, and if I can do anything to help you boys or you, Mr. Post, I'll be only too glad to do so. ""Help yourself to our money and his too, I guess," murmured Jack. "Well now, that's kind of you, stranger," said Mr. Post, who seemed ready to accept any one as a friend. "What might your name be?" "It might be almost anything I guess," muttered Nat. "Let's hear what he says. I wonder how he got here, anyhow." "I'm Professor Punjab," replied Hemp Smith. "As you can understand by my name I am from East India, but I have been here so long I have acquired some of the habits. ""Most of the bad ones," said Jack, under his breath. "What do you work at?" asked Mr. Post. "Work? I do not work," replied the fakir. "I am what you might call a mind reader, a mystic, a foreteller of future events." "Ain't no mesmerizer, are you? "asked Mr. Post. "Yes, I can do that also," replied Professor Punjab. "Shall I give you a sample?" "I'd rather have you give me a sample of your fortune telling," said the miner. "What's going to happen now? "Professor Punjab seemed to go into a deep thought trance. Then he gave a sudden start. "The train is going to stop quickly because there is an obstruction on the track!" he exclaimed.An instant later, to the surprise of the boys, no less than Mr. Post, there was a quick application of the air brakes, so much so that the passengers were nearly thrown from their seats. Then with a grinding and shrieking the train came to a stop. "What did I tell you?" inquired Professor Punjab. "Well I'll be horn-swoggled!" exclaimed Mr. Post. "What's the matter?" asked several travelers. The boys had hurried to the front of the car. They were met by a brakeman. "Don't be alarmed," he said. "There is no danger." "What was the trouble?" asked Jack.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"There was some obstruction on the track, a couple of ties, I believe, that fell from a passing flat car," the brakeman explained. "The engineer saw it and stopped just in time. "Professor Punjab pulled a book from his pocket and began to read, as if prophesying that trains would suddenly stop was the most natural thing in the world. CHAPTER XIV PROFESSOR PUNJAB'S TRICK "Well, I call that goin' some," spoke Mr. Post. "If you can do that just sitting still I wonder what you can do when you begin moving" "A mere trifle," said Professor Punjab. "I will be pleased to give you a further evidence of my powers later on. But now I am fatigued.I have studied hard to-day on the great mystery of the future life, and I find I must take a little nourishment,--very little. A bit of cracker and a glass of water," and with that he went forward to the dining car. "Yes, I'd just like to see him get along with a cracker and a glass of water," murmured Jack. "I'll bet corned beef and cabbage is more in his line." "But how do you suppose he knew the train was going to stop?" asked Ned speaking aloud. "That looks queer." "He's a wonder, that's what he is," said Mr. Post. "I want to see some more of him," and he got up to go back to the smoking compartment, leaving the three boys alone in the forward part of the car. "Maybe he just made a guess at it," put in John Smith. "I've seen some of our Indian medicine men pretend to prophesy and it turned out they only made good guesses." "Perhaps he did." Nat admitted.Jack had moved over to the seat vacated by Professor Punjab. He pressed his face close to the window and looked ahead. As he did so he uttered an exclamation. "Come here, John and Nat!" he said in a low tone. "This will explain how it was done. "The two boys took turns looking from the window. "See it?" asked Jack. "Sure!" they chorused. "We were just rounding that curve," Jack went on. "He happened to look from the window and he saw the ties on the track.Any one could as the electric light from that freight station is right over them. He knew the engineer would stop in a hurry, and, sure enough, he did. It's easy when you know how, isn't it? ""But it certainly was strange enough when he made that statement, and then to have the train slack up," spoke Nat. "I was beginning to believe that, maybe, after all, he had some strange power." "He's a fakir clear through," was Jack's opinion. "You wait a bit and you'll see him try some trick on this miner. He's after his money." "We ought to put a stop to that," said Nat, "Galloping greenbacks! But we don't want to see the man robbed, even if he isn't as nice and polite as he might be. ""And we'll not, either," remarked Jack. "We'll be on the lookout, and maybe we can make Professor Hemp Smith Punjab wish he hadn't traveled on this line." The ties on the track were soon cleared away and the train resumed its journey.The porter came in to make up the berths, and while this was being done the three boys had to take seats in other sections of the car. In the meanwhile Professor Punjab returned.He was picking his teeth as though he had dined more substantially than on a mere wafer and a sip of water. "You boys going far?" he asked. "Quite a way," replied Jack in a low voice.He was afraid the former experience the man had passed through might be recalled to him if he heard the voices of the students, and so did not use his natural tones. But Professor Punjab did not seem at all suspicious.Besides he had never had a good look at the boys, and there was so much talking going on the time they played the trick on him it is doubtful if he remembered any one's voice. "Where are you from? "the fakir asked next, but Jack was spared the necessity of replying by the return of Mr. Post from the smoking compartment. "Well, well, Professor," the miner said, "that certainly was a slick trick of yours.Haven't any more of 'em up your sleeve, have you?" "That was no trick," returned the "professor" in an injured tone. "I do not descend to tricks. If I am gifted with certain powers I must use them. I can not help myself.There is something within me--some spirit--that moves me. I saw that the train would have to stop and I had to announce it." "You bet you saw it all right," muttered Jack. "So could any one else who had been sitting in your seat. It was easy. ""No offense, no offense, Professor," muttered Mr. Post, seeing he had made a mistake. "I'm much interested in this thing. ""I welcome real interest in my work," the fakir went on, "I will be happy to illustrate matters to you as far as my poor talents enable me to. You have perhaps heard of the celebrated Indian manifestation of making a plant grow in a few hours? ""Not guilty," said Mr. Post solemnly. "Then these young gentlemen have," the professor went on, turning to the three boys. Jack nodded silently. "It is a strange power that we mystics have over the forces of nature," the pretended philosopher went on. "We have but to plant a seed in the soil, and, lo! a plant bearing fruit shoots up." "That would be a good thing to sell to farmers," said Mr. Post. "It can not be sold. Only an adept can perform it," said Professor Punjab. "I would do it for you, only the conditions are not just right here. But I can, perhaps, show you something you probably never saw before." With a flourish he drew from his pocket a large black handkerchief.This he shook to show there was nothing in it. He spread it over his extended left arm, which was crooked at the elbow. Then he placed his right hand under it, and brought out a large orange. "Well I'll be blowed!" exclaimed Mr. Post. "Ain't got any more of 'em there, have you, Professor?" "There is only one," was the reply, as the man returned the handkerchief to his pocket and passed the orange to Mr. Post. "It is difficult to produce one, I assure you. ""Not when you have them concealed in your coat, where you probably put it when you were in the dining car," was Jack's comment, made to himself. "Well you're a wonder," exclaimed the miner. "I'd like to take lessons off you. ""I can impart the secrets to only those of the inner circle," said the professor, with an air of great wisdom. "But I am allowed to show those who appreciate my doings some of the workings of my art.Perhaps you would like to see a little more of what I am able to do." "I sure would," replied Mr. Post. "What I am about to do," Professor Punjab went on, "is so remarkable that I am allowed to show it to but one person at a time.Therefore I invite you, Mr. Post, into the smoking compartment with me. Later I will be glad to show my young friends, one at a time. ""Not any for mine," muttered Jack, as the miner, who was much interested in what he had seen, followed the fakir to the compartment he had recently left. "I wonder what he's up to," said Nat, when the two were out of hearing. "Something crooked, on the professor's part, you can make up your mind," Jack answered.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"Let's find out what it is," suggested Nat. "How?" inquired Jack. "I think I can manage it," put in John Smith. "I have very good hearing, and I can move around easily. Suppose I go and hide near the compartment. Maybe I can hear what they say." "Good!" exclaimed Jack. "Then you come back and tell us, and we'll see what we can do in the way of tricks. "John put on a pair of moccasins he had in his valise, and moved through the aisle, now completely hemmed in with the curtains from the various berths.The other boys began to undress within their narrow sections but they did not take off all their clothes, so as to be in readiness for whatever should happen. Jack managed to get into an unoccupied berth next to the smoking compartment.By placing his ears to the partition he could just distinguish what the professor was saying to Mr. Post. "Well, that's about the limit!" John exclaimed softly to himself. "I think we can spoil that proposition for him. "Having learned all he wanted to know, the Indian lad returned to his friends. "Professor Punjab is planning to get possession of the miner's money," he said in whispers, as the three boys held an impromptu conference in the lavatory, where Nat and Jack had gone to clean their teeth before retiring. "How's he going to do it? "asked Jack. "He has told Mr. Post that he has the power of making money increase over night," John explained. "He says if a certain sum is put in a mysterious box which he has, it will be doubled in the morning." "And the miner believed him? "asked Jack. "Sure. He agreed to put his roll in the box the fakir has, and it is to be placed under Mr. Post's berth. He is not to open it until morning." "And when he does it will be full of brown paper," said Jack. "I've read about such tricks. ""It won't if we can help it," put in Nat. "I guess here is where we get busy." The boys held a further conference and agreed on a plan of action.They went back to their berths, and, a little later, they heard the fake professor and Mr. Post coming back from the smoking room. "Do I put it at the head or foot?" they heard the miner ask. "At the foot," replied the plotter. "So he can get it easier," muttered Jack. Nat's berth was right opposite that of Mr. Post, so it was arranged he was to do the main work.In a little while the sleeping car became a quiet place, and deep breathing from one berth after another told that the occupants were slumbering soundly. Pretty soon Nat heard a snore from the berth of the miner. "I'd better do it now, before Professor Punjab gets busy," he thought. Then with his umbrella, which had a crook for a handle, Nat reached out between the curtains and began to feel around under Mr. Post's bed for the box.He had to work cautiously, but at length his efforts were rewarded. He felt the umbrella crook fasten on the object, and he pulled it across the aisle toward him. When it was near enough he reached his hand down and took it up into his berth. "Have you got it?" asked Jack in a whisper from the next sleeping compartment. "Sure," replied Nat "Take out the money and put in our messages," Jack added, and Nat did so. Then he placed the box back where he had found it.In a short time the three boys, who were watching from behind their berth-curtains, saw a hand protrude from beneath the hangings around Professor Punjab's bed. The hand felt around a bit, and then went under Mr. Post's berth.In a few seconds it came out and the box was in it. A moment later it moved back again, and seemed to replace the box. "That's where he put a dummy in place of what he thinks is the one with the bills in," thought Nat, who was watching closely. "He'll skip out soon, I guess." His conjecture was right. A few minutes later Professor Punjab, who had not undressed, stole from his berth and walked softly to the end of the car. "I wonder if he'll jump off," thought Nat.But the fakir had no such intentions. The train began to slacken speed, as he probably knew it would, having to stop at a station, which fact he could ascertain by consulting a time-table.The cars came to a halt, with a grinding noise of the brakes, and Nat leaned over toward the window of his berth. He could see the station platform, and caught a glimpse of Professor Punjab as he jumped from the sleeper.Then, while the boy watched, the fakir opened the box he had in his hand. All he pulled out were three cards, on which were written the names of the three boys. "Fooled! "exclaimed Nat as the train started off leaving the professor, a picture of rage, on the platform. CHAPTER XV SHOOTING AN OIL WELL The professor made a move as though he was about to jump back on the train, but evidently thought better of it.He gave another look at the cards, and then put them into his pocket. "Looks as if he wanted to remember us," thought Nat. By that time the train moved so far ahead that the professor was no longer to be seen. "How about it? "asked Jack, sticking his head through his curtains over toward Ned's berth. "He was mad enough to bite a ten-penny nail in two," said Nat. "Did he find out he was fooled?" asked Jack, who had not been able to see the fakir from the car window. "I guess yes," spoke Nat, and he told Jack the details, which were related to John, who was in the berth beyond. "Had we better tell Mr. Post?" asked Nat. "Wait until morning," suggested Jack. "Keep the money safe though. ""Right you are," came from Nat, and then the three boys quieted down and went to bed, though it was some time before they fell asleep, so full of excitement were they.They awoke early, and, without dressing kept watch on the berth where Mr. Post was sleeping. They thought he would soon awaken to see if his money had increased as he had foolishly taken the fakir's word that it would.It was hardly daylight before the boys saw a hand emerge from the miner's berth and grope under his bed. "Where is it?" they heard Mr. Post mutter.Then, as his fingers closed on the box which Professor Punjab had put in place of the one the miner had originally left, they could hear him exclaim: "Here's where I double my money! "About three seconds later there arose such a yell from Mr. Post's berth that the porter came running from his quarters in alarm. "Who's bin done committed murder?" the darky demanded. "Murder!" exclaimed Mr. Post. "I'll murder some one, that's what I will! Look out! I'm a bad man when I'm mad, and I'm mad clear through now!" "What's de matter?" asked the frightened negro. "Who done sumfin to yo', boss?" "Matter?" cried the miner. "I've been robbed, that's what's the matter. Did you take my money, you black rascal?" and Mr. Post leaped from his berth and made a jump for the porter.Just as he grabbed the negro by his kinky wool the conductor, who had been asleep in his berth, emerged. He was struck squarely by the porter, and the two went down in a heap in the aisle, with Mr. Post on top of them. "What's this all about?
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"inquired the conductor, as soon as matters had quieted down a bit. "I've been robbed, that's all," replied Mr. Post, who had partly dressed. "Tell me about it," demanded the conductor, and then the miner, realizing that he had been a bit foolish, explained the circumstances. "Serves you right for trusting a stranger," said the conductor. "But he said he was able to double my cash," protested Mr. Post. "I've got to have it back. It will ruin me to lose it." "Here it is," said Nat, who, with the other boys, had donned his clothes. He thought matters had gone far enough. "We had it for safe keeping," he explained. "Well douse my safety lamp! Where did you get it?" asked Mr. Post, his eyes big with wonder. Nat explained briefly, telling how he and his chums had watched Professor Punjab, and had fooled him. "Say, you boys are all to the good!" exclaimed the miner. "Saved my money for me, that's what you did. I didn't know I could be so foolish until I tried. Well, it will take a slick one to beat me again." Mr. Post began counting over his roll.Meanwhile the other passengers had gathered around, and the story became generally known. "Smart lads, them," commented an elderly man. "Ought to get a reward." "And that's what they will, too," put in the miner, overhearing the words. "Nobody can say Josh Post forgot a good action. Here's a couple of hundred for you." "No, thanks," said Nat firmly, and his companions shook their heads. "We can't take money for that. Besides, it was pay enough to fool the professor.We've had dealings with him before." Mr. Post tried to force the money on the boys, but they refused to listen to him, and he finally understood that there was a higher standard than cash to repay kindness. "Then shake hands! "he cried heartily, and the boys were almost sorry they consented, for the miner's grip was anything but a light one. However, he showed how much in earnest he was. "I'll never forget you boys," he said. "Josh Post never forgets a favor, and if ever you want a friend just you call on me." The boys thought little of this at the time, but there was an occasion when they remembered it and profited by it. The excitement over, the boys went to breakfast.Mr. Post insisted on going with them, and in fact he did not seem to want the boys out of his sight. He was continually referring to his narrow escape at the hands of the fake professor.The boys got to like him better as the hours passed, for he showed that he had a good heart, beneath a rather rough and repelling exterior. At noon the train arrived at the center of the Pennsylvania oil region.The evidences of the great industry were on every hand, and the sight of the tall derricks, the refineries, the storage tanks, and the pipes where natural gas was continually burning, were such interesting ones that the lads never grew tired of looking from the windows.They delayed longer than usual at a small station, and some of the passengers going out to see what the trouble was, reported that the locomotive had broken down and that it would take three hours to repair it. "Here's a chance to get out and see the country," suggested Jack. "What do you say?" "Fine," replied John. "I've always wanted to see an oil well." "Any objection to me going along?" asked Mr. Post, who had overheard the talk. "Guess not," replied Nat heartily. "Come along. "The four had no sooner alighted from the train than a roughly-dressed man rushed up to the miner, grasped him by the hand, clapped him on the back with a sound like a small explosion, and exclaimed: "Don't tell me this is Josh Post! ""All right, Jim Baker, then I'll not do anything of the sort if you don't want me to," was the answer. "Well land of living! Where'd you come from?" asked Jim Baker. "Where you going?" demanded Mr. Post, not answering. "Going to do what I've been doing for the last ten years," was the reply. "Shoot a well." "So you're not dead yet?" asked Mr. Post. "The day isn't over," was the answer, "and I've got two big holes to drop the go-devil down. "Then the two friends began to discuss old times with a vengeance, until the miner, suddenly remembering himself called a halt and cried: "Jim Baker, let me introduce you to three of the best friends I got.They saved a fool from being parted from his money," and, introducing the boys he explained what he meant. "You'd better get a nurse," said Mr. Baker sarcastically as his friend finished. "I've put an advertisement in for one.Got to be a good one though, to keep me straight." "Do you really shoot oil wells, with nitroglycerine, the way I've read about?" asked John Smith of Mr. Baker. "I sure do, son. Want to see me?" "I would like to, very much. ""Excuse me," put in Mr. Post. "I think I hear some one calling me," and he made as if to hurry away. "There's not a bit of danger," called Mr. Baker. "Hold on, Josh, better come along." "Guarantee you'll not blow us up?" "Sure I will. ""What, give the guarantee or blow us up?" asked Jack with a laugh. "I guess Josh knows he can trust me," said the well-shooter. "Now if you want to come along I've got room in the wagon, and the first well is only about a mile out.You'll have time to see it before they get the engine fixed." The boys at once decided they would go. It was a new experience, and, though they realized the danger, they felt comparatively safe with Mr. Baker. "I'll bring the wagon right around," said the shooter. "Wait here." In a few minutes he reappeared with a big two horse vehicle, containing two wide seats. "Get aboard!" he called, and the boys and Mr. Post scrambled up.The horses started off slowly, Mr. Baker driving, and they turned from the single street of the little village and emerged into a country road. Arriving at the well which was to be shot the boys saw a number of men.They had just finished using the borer, and had gone down a number of hundred feet without striking oil.It was, therefore, decided to "shoot it," that is, tin cylinders, containing in all about two hundred pounds of nitro-glycerine, were to be lowered into the hole, one on top of the other. Then a heavy cylindrical weight was to be dropped down on them.The concussion would set off the explosive. The powerful stuff, it was expected, would blow a hole down through the sand and rock, and release the imprisoned oil. Mr. Baker lost no time in getting to work.Carefully as though he was handling eggs, he lowered the tins of nitro-glycerine into the deep but narrow hole. The boys, as well as Mr. Post and the workmen, had moved a safe distance away.The final arrangements were made, and then all was in readiness for dropping the "go-devil," as it is termed. Mr. Baker gave a last look around to see that all were far enough back. Then, with a wave of his hand he stooped over the hole.The next instant he was running like a deer. "He's dropped it!" exclaimed Mr. Post. "Watch it now!" It seemed as if the running man would never get to a place of safety.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
The boys watched with their hearts in their mouths.Suddenly there sounded a subdued roar. Then came a curious trembling of the earth, a shaking of the solid ground. Two seconds later there spouted from the hole a column of black liquid that seemed to envelope the derrick which had not been taken down.At the same time there was a roaring, whistling noise. Suddenly Mr. Post, who was watching the spouting well, shouted: "Run boys! Run for your lives! Follow me! "CHAPTER XVI MR. POST'S ADVENTURE For an instant Jack Ranger and his two comrades did not realize what Mr. Post was saying. They could see no danger near them. "What's the matter?" asked Nat. "Don't stop to ask questions! Run! Run! Run! "yelled the miner. The boys needed no further urging, but set off at top speed after Mr. Post. He halted his run to allow the boys to catch up to him. Then, as he gave a glance backward, he yelled: "Too late! Duck! "The boys found themselves being pushed forward. They stumbled and fell, and it seemed as if some heavy weight toppled on top of them. Then came an explosion that sounded like a thirteen-inch gun being set off close to their ears.They were stunned by the shock and frightened half out of their wits by the unknown terror. An instant later it was as if the sky was raining gravel, stones and sand. "You can get up now," Jack heard Mr. Post saying. "That was about as narrow a squeak as I ever had, and I've been in some pretty tight places." "What's it all about?" asked John Smith, as he rose and began brushing the dirt from his hair. "That's what I want to know," put in Jack. "Snooping sand fleas! But I feel as if I had been digging a tunnel!" cried Nat. "Mighty lucky you didn't get blown down into one, or an oil hole," said Mr. Post. "Anybody hurt?" asked Mr. Baker, running up at that moment. "My!I thought you'd all be killed!" "More good luck than good management that we weren't," replied the miner. "How could you do it, Jim?" "First time I ever was so careless," replied the well-shooter. "You can bet it'll never happen again." "What was it? "asked Nat. "Just an explosion of about twenty pounds of nitro-glycerine about as close to us as I ever care to have it," said Mr. Post. "Yes, and if it hadn't been for Josh, I don't know where you boys would be now," put in Mr. Baker. "He saved your lives, all right. That's what he did." "It wasn't anything," the miner interposed. "You see." he went on, "Jim sort of got careless and left one of his cans of nitro-glycerine lying on the ground.I didn't notice it, and I guess he didn't either, until he shot the well. Then, when I saw the shower of rock and stones, shooting up with the oil, and bearing right over toward where the can of juice lay, I figured out there was going to be trouble.That's why I yelled to you to run. "I knew if any stones fell and hit that can we had a first-class passage to kingdom come all bought and paid for, with through tickets.I could see a lot of stones hurling up in the air, and I knew, there wasn't anything to stop them from coming down. And the majority of them were headed right for that can of death and destruction. ""That's all right, as far as it goes," said Mr. Baker, when the miner had ceased. "But he hasn't told you all.When Josh saw there was going to be an eruption, then and there, for one big stone was almost on top of the can, he just shoved you boys ahead of him, and then fell on you to shield you with his body. That's what I call being a hero." "Hi!You drop that!" exclaimed Mr. Post, making a grab for his old friend. "I didn't do any more than any one would have done. It was all your fault, anyhow, Jim Baker." "I know it was," admitted Mr. Baker, in contrite tones. "But that don't alter what I said, Josh." "Well if I ever hear you making any remarks about it, I'll inform the oil well authorities how careless you're getting and you'll lose your job," put in the miner. "Now I reckon you boys have seen enough for one day." "Well, I guess we have," said Jack. "Besides our train will leave pretty soon." By this time quite a number of oil workers had gathered around.There was considerable excitement, as it had been rumored a number were killed. As soon as matters quieted down men began attending to the oil well, which was spouting away at a lively rate, the thick oil running in many directions.The hole was piped, and then the stream of crude petroleum was turned into a channel whence it flowed into a reservoir. It had been a successful shooting.As they walked back to the wagon, having brushed the dirt from their clothes, the boys saw a big hole in the ground, not far from where Mr. Post had protected them from injury by sending them on the run out of danger. "What did that come from? "asked Nat. "Nitro-glycerine," replied Mr. Baker. "The juice is powerful stuff." The boys agreed with him. "Call in and see me any time you're in this direction," said the well-shooter, as he shook hands at parting with Mr. Post and the boys. "I will," replied the miner, "when you've gone into the grocery business or taken an agency for a life insurance company. Otherwise it's too risky. "When the travelers got back to the station they found the engineer putting the finishing touches to the repairs he and the fireman had been making. The train was about to start. "Where have you been? "asked the conductor as the boys and the miner got aboard. "We've been having a race with death and it nearly won," replied Mr. Post, more solemnly than he had yet spoken. "What's the matter with him? Is he one of those religious fanatics? "asked the conductor, as the miner hurried into the car. "Not much," answered Jack. "We had as narrow a call as I ever want to experience." While the train was getting under way he told the ticket-taker what had happened.The next stop of importance which was reached early the next morning was at Cleveland, and there the boys learned they would have to wait seven hours for another train, as there had been some change in the schedules. "Couldn't be better," said Mr. Post, when he heard about it. "I've always wanted to see a big body of water and here's my chance. What do you boys say to a trip out on Lake Erie? The trolleys go there, I heard a brakeman say. "The three chums, who had learned to like their new acquaintance more and more, thought it would be a fine trip to pass away the time. Accordingly after dinner, they boarded an electric car which took them in the direction of the lake. "Shall we go inside or ride on the platform?" asked the miner, as he paid the fares. "Let's stay outside," suggested Nat. "Tumbling trolley cars! But this is quite a town. Let's see all we can." So the four remained on the rear platform.It was not crowded, but, in a little while a number of men got on. The boys and Mr. Post were obliged to move back into the corner. Still they could see well from there.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
One of the men who was standing close to the miner was smoking a large cigar.He seemed particular of the ashes, and appeared to be trying for a record in the matter of the length of them.They extended from the burned part of the rolled tobacco more than an inch, and at every lurch of the car, the smoker was quite solicitous lest they be knocked off.At length the man standing in front of him jostled against him, as the car gave a sudden jerk. The ashes flew in a shower over Mr. Post, who was standing directly behind the smoker. "What's the matter with you? Don't you know how to ride on a car? "demanded the man with the cigar, of the one who had jostled him. "I beg your pardon, I'm sure," said the other humbly. "It was not intentional, I assure you." "You're a clumsy fellow," the other went on, in a loud voice. "Look here; you've made me knock ashes all over this gentleman," and he turned to Mr. Post. "That's all right," the miner said pleasantly, for he felt sorry for the other man. "He couldn't help it. ""He ought to be made to help it," the smoker went on, as if very indignant. "People who don't know how to ride on cars ought to keep off. I shall write a letter to the papers about it. Allow me to dust the ashes off your vest. "The man drew from his pocket a large white handkerchief, with which he began wiping the cigar ashes from Mr. Post's clothing. "Awfully careless of me, too," he murmured. "Hope you take no offense." "Not at all," the miner was saying. "It was all an accident, I'm sure. You--" Then, the miner's tone, which had been mild, suddenly changed. He made a grab for the hand of the young man who was dusting his vest off, and cried: "No, you don't, you scoundrel!Now I see what your game is! Let go my diamond pin or I'll shoot you!" and he made a motion toward his pocket, while the other passengers on the platform made hasty movements to get off.CHAPTER XVII THE WILD STEER Mr. Post had the cigar smoker tightly by the wrist. The young man tried to break away, but as there were other persons between him and the car steps he was hemmed in.He made a rapid motion toward the passenger whom he had so berated for jostling him. "Ah, I thought so!" exclaimed the gray-haired man, who had remained a quiet spectator of the excitement. "It's about time I took a hand in the game. "He made a rapid motion, intercepted the hand of the smoker which had been extended to the original cause of the disturbance, and grabbing something from it said: "There's your diamond, stranger.Take care of it until I put the nippers on these thieves!" The gray-haired man tried to edge his way around the crowd to get close to the two men who seemed to be the principal actors in the adventure.As he did so, the man who had been smoking--making a flying leap over the back platform railing, darted up the street.At the same time the man who had been accused of causing the cigar ashes to scatter over Mr. Post's vest, slipped from the steps and made a hurried run for the sidewalk. "After him, some one!" cried the gray-haired man. "I'll get the other chap.He's the main one. The other is only a confederate," and he was off in a trice. The car did not stop, though several men, understanding what it was all about, called the conductor. "Can't delay," replied the knight of the bell-rope. "If you want to see the fun, get off. Pickpockets are too common to stop the car for." "Well, I reckon I blocked his game that time," said Mr. Post, as he looked at the diamond which had lately adorned his shirt front. "I don't read the newspapers for nothing, and they'll find Josh Post is hard to beat." "What did he do to you?" asked some of the passengers. "Tried to frisk me out of my sparkler," replied the miner. "It's a new way of working an old trick, but I read about it in a New York paper last week." "How did he do it?" asked Jack. "There were two of 'em," Mr. Post went on. "That fellow had his cigar, with lots of ashes on it, already for me.Then the other fellow bunked into him, and he flicked the ashes on me. Of course he made a play to pretend it was the other fellow's fault, and he started to brush me off.But while he was doing it with his big handkerchief, he was taking out my diamond. I caught him just in time." "But who was the man who chased him, and gave you back your diamond?" asked Jack. "Detective, I reckon," replied the miner. "They're often riding on the cars on the lookout for just such things as that." "That's who he was," the conductor explained. "There's been a lot of pickpockets here lately, and the detectives are riding back and forth all day.Hope he catches that fellow." "Don't worry me any," said Mr. Post "I've got my diamond back," and he placed the sparkling stone in his pocket for safe keeping. Whether the detective ever caught the slick thief the boys never learned.They made the trip out to Lake Erie, and when they had looked at the big body of water and taken a short trip in a launch they returned to the station to find it was nearly the hour set for the departure of their train. "Things seem to be coming our way," remarked Mr. Post after they had been riding half an hour. "We've had lively times since we met, boys. But I'll have to leave you in Chicago." "Perhaps we'll see you again," said Nat. "Have you ever been out west? ""In my younger days," replied the miner. "I had a friend once named Travers--um--no--that wasn't exactly his name either. Travis-- Trellis--Tennis--" "Tevis!" exclaimed Jack, struck by a sudden inspiration. "That's it!" cried Mr. Post. "I knew it was something that sounded like a grape vine.He and I used--" But what Mr. Tevis, or Trellis, used to do was not told then, for a second later there sounded a grinding crash and every one in the car was thrown from his seat while above the sound of hissing steam arose the shrill cries of several women."Wreck!" yelled Mr. Post, struggling to his feet and starting up the aisle of the car, which was tilted at a steep angle. "We've hit something! "By this time, most of the other passengers, who had been thrown here and there, had extricated themselves from more or less undignified positions. There were anxious inquiries on every side, and a number of women fainted.For a while there was a lot of excitement, one lady going into hysterics at the sight of the bloody hand of a man, who was cut by a broken window. Mr. Post had hurried from the car.He came back in a little while, just as the boys, who were feeling themselves to discover if any bones were broken, had made up their minds to follow him and learn what the trouble was. "What is it?" half a dozen asked the miner. "We side-swiped a freight car," was the answer. "Side-swiped?" inquired John Smith, who was not so well up on Americanisms as the others. "Why a car projected over the end of a switch," explained Mr. Post. "Our train came along full tilt, and the engine hit it a glancin' blow, or a side-swipe, as the railroad men call it." "Much damage?"
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
asked an elderly gentleman. "Well, they can't use that freight car without sendin' it to the hospital," replied Mr. Post, with a smile. "And our engine suffered minor bruises and contusions, as the papers say when a man is hurt.I reckon we'll be delayed a bit and it's somethin' I didn't count on." Mr. Post looked at his watch, and then consulted some papers he took from a big wallet. "I've got to be in Chicago at five o'clock to-morrow night," he said to the boys, "and at the rate we've been delayed I'm going to be late.It will mean a big loss to me, too, for I counted on putting a deal through with a friend of mine, Lemuel Liggins. He's to meet me in the stock yards. I don't suppose you boys are in any great rush, are you? ""Well," remarked Jack, "it doesn't make any great difference when we arrive, but we're supposed to be in Denville at a certain time.A little delay more or less will not hurt us, but I have something to do in Denver, and I may need more time than I'm likely to get now." "Then I'll tell you what I'm going to do," said Mr. Post, "I'm going to transfer to another line. ""Then we'll do the same," said Jack. The Chicago train on the other line was on time, and the four passengers boarded it and were soon being pulled toward the great city of the Lakes with more comfort than they had experienced on the other train. "Ever see the Chicago stock yards?" asked Mr. Post, as they pulled out of the last station before reaching the big city. "It's a sight worth looking at," and he went on as the three chums admitted they had not. "I may not get a chance to show 'em to you, but if you want to you can get out there with me, and look at 'em on your own hook. Then you can go into the city. "The lads decided this would be a good plan, and arranged to have their baggage go to a hotel where they were to stop over night.Mr. Post prevailed on the conductor to stop the train at a way station, close to the stock yards, and, when this was reached, he and the three boys alighted. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon, and Mr. Post found he was a little ahead of time.He hired a two-seated carriage in which he and the boys drove to where he was to meet Mr. Liggins. Soon after leaving the way station the boys were aware of a curious roaring sound that filled the air. It sounded like distant thunder. "What is it? "asked Jack. "It's the cattle in the stock yards," said Mr. Post. "There's thousands of 'em, and they keep that noise up all the while. Look ahead, and you can see some of the pens." The boys looked.In a net work of railroad tracks they saw fenced-in yards that seemed filled with a living brown mass. From them came impatient bellows and a shuffling, stamping sound, that told of the movement of innumerable cows and steers. "Drive over that way," said Mr. Post to the coachman. "That's where Lem said he'd meet me." They were now in the midst of the stock yards.The pens extended on every side, and the strong odor of the cattle, the noise and seeming confusion, the tooting of engine whistles, the puffing of locomotives, the movement of trains, and the wild notes of the imprisoned animals made a scene the boys never forgot. "There's my man!" exclaimed Mr. Post. "Hello, Lem! I'm right on time!" "So I see," remarked a tall lanky individual, who was standing near what seemed to be a small office in the midst of the stock yards. "A little ahead. It's only half past four. ""Everything all right?" asked Mr. Post. "Sure thing. Who are your friends? Come along to see fair play?" "Some boys who are going out west," replied Mr. Post. "Now let's get down to business. Excuse me for awhile, boys.Make yourselves to home, and I'll be with you after a bit. Look around all you like." Mr. Post and his friend Lemuel Liggins retired into the small office.The boys alighted from the carriage, which drew up under a shed, and then the lads began to take in the various strange sights about them. "I didn't suppose there were so many cows and steers in all the world," said Jack. "Galloping grasshoppers!Neither did I," admitted Nat. "You've just begun to see the west," said John Smith. "It's a great place, and a big place." "Well, we're likely to see some of it in the next few weeks," said Nat. "I reckon Colorado is a good place to get a wide view from." "None better," admitted John. "It has a fine climate, and when we get there--" At that instant the attention of the boys was attracted by a loud shouting behind them.They turned, to see a crowd of men and boys running after a big brown animal. "One of the cows has got loose," said Nat. "Cows?" exclaimed John. "It's one of the wild steers, and it looks like a dangerous one. Better duck for cover. "With a bellow the steer, which had broken from one of the pens, made straight for the boys. In close chase came the crowd.Suddenly the pursuing party throng parted, and, with a yell, a horseman, waving a lasso above his head, galloped after the beast.He was close to him when the steer, which was near the small office where Mr. Post and his friend were, turned sharply and darted off to the right.The horse man, at that instant had made a throw, but the rope went wild, and, a second later, trying to turn his horse quickly the steed stumbled and fell. The steer, with a mad bellow, turned around and started back for the crowd, that had halted.With lowered head, armed with long, sweeping, sharp horns, the angry animal leaped forward. CHAPTER XVIII THE OLD STOCKMAN "Someone will get hurt!" cried Jack. "Here, hold my coat and hat! "exclaimed John, as he thrust those articles of wearing apparel into Nat's hands. "What are you going to do?" asked Jack. "I'm going to rope that steer!" yelled the Indian lad. He ran to where the cattleman had fallen from his horse.The rider's leg was caught, and when he tried to stand, as John helped him up, it was seen that it was broken. "Is the horse a fast one?" John asked, pulling in the lariat, and coiling it. "He sure is," was the answer, while the man stretched out on the ground to wait for aid, which was on the way.A moment later John had mounted the horse and was off on a gallop after the steer, which was circling around in a wild endeavor to escape into the open.It's wild bellows were producing a panic among the other animals, that were dashing about in the pens, in imminent danger of knocking the sides down.As John, who seemed to be perfectly at home in the saddle, rode at the animal, it gave a snort and dashed off down a railroad track. Just ahead of it a freight train was coming, but the steer did not see it, as it dashed on, with lowered head.Straight down the track after the steer, raced John, urging the horse to top speed. Above his head swung the lasso, which the boy handled almost with the skill of a veteran. "Come back!" yelled Mr. Post. "Don't you see the train? "Evidently John did see, but he was not going to stop.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
He realized that unless he stopped the maddened steer it would dash ahead on into the locomotive.While it could not do the ponderous machine any harm, there was every chance of derailing it, if the wheels ground over the lifeless body, and a wreck might follow. "He's a plucky fellow! "exclaimed the cattleman, as some of his friends came to carry him to a place where his injured leg could be set. The pony John was riding entered into the spirit of the race.It was work for which he had been trained, and, though chasing after wild steers down a railroad track was not like doing it out on the plains, it was "all in the day's work. "With nimble feet the pony leaped from tie to tie, on and on and on after the maddened brute. The engineer of the freight was blowing the whistle in frantic toots to warn the steer from the track, but the animal did not heed. "He'll never make it," exclaimed Jack. "Timbuctoo and turntables!" cried Nat. "He's a brave one. Never knew he could ride like that." John dug his heels into the pony's side to urge it to another burst of speed.Then, with a shout, he whirled the lasso in ever widening circles about his head. Suddenly he sent it whirling straight ahead. Like a thin snake the rope hissed forward, and then fell in coils about the neck of the steer.John had taken a turn or two about the pommel of the saddle, and, true to its training, the little pony settled back on its haunches. The next instant it seemed as if the steer had met a cyclone.It went down in a heap, a wild mixture of horns and flying hoofs.And, not a second too soon, for, as it rolled from the track, being fairly snatched from the rails by the taut-ness of the rope, the train came gliding up, though under reduced speed, and severed the lariat.Then John, with a motion of his wrist, guided the pony from the path to the train, which the engineer was doing his best to bring to a stop.The boy and steed easily got out of the way, and then, turning the pony, John rode to where he had left his companions.The steer, all the desire for fight gone, stood dejectedly beside the track, and a number of men, who had hurried up, took charge of it. "Say, that was the best bit of work I ever saw done!" commented Mr. Post, as he came from the office where he and Mr. Liggins had been talking. "I watched you through the window.Put it there, pardner," and he extended his hand, which John grasped. "Where'd you learn to ride, young man?" asked Mr. Liggins, in business-like tones. "Some of my Indian relatives taught me," replied John modestly, as he dismounted. "I'm not very good at it though. Haven't had any practice." "You don't need it!" exclaimed Mr. Liggins. "Say, young fellow, I'd like to hire you. I need you out here.We have accidents like this every day, only not so sensational, and if you can save a steer that way once in a while you'd more than earn your salary." "Much obliged," John said, "but I can't take your offer. ""Why didn't you tell us you could rope a steer and handle a cow pony?" inquired Jack, "You never asked me," was John's reply. "You see I have some Indian traits in me, even if I am only a half-breed. ""Well, you certainly can throw a rope," Jack admitted. "Wish I could do half as well." "Rollicking rattlesnakes! But I'm going to learn as soon as we get out on the ranch," put in Nat. "I guess you'll both have plenty of opportunity," John remarked. "Well, what are you boys going to do now?" asked Mr. Post. "I'm through with my business, and I've got to stay in town a few days, but I'll be so busy I'm afraid I'll not get much chance to see you. Besides you're going right on, aren't you? ""That's our plan," said Jack. "Well, I'll leave you then," went on the miner, "got to see another man in the yards. I may meet you again, some day, and I may not. This world's an uncertain place.Anyway, I'm glad I met you, and if you ever get into trouble and I can help you, why just wire me. My general address, for a year or two, will be Chicago, care of Lemuel Liggins.He'll see that you get into the city from here, all right, and will take good care of you. Now I'm off," and shaking hands with the boys and with Mr. Liggins, the miner hurried away down the maze of stock yards. "Come inside the office and rest a bit," invited Mr. Liggins. "You've got lots of time, and I'll drive you to town later." "Wait a minute!" cried Jack, darting after Mr. Post.He ran from the office and started down the maze of tracks in the direction the miner had taken. But Mr. Post was not to be seen.He had either met some acquaintance and gone into one of the numerous small offices and shacks that dotted the yards, or else was lost in the crowds. Jack soon came back, looking disappointed. "What did you want of him?" asked Nat. "I wanted to find out more about Orion Tevis," replied Jack. "You remember he spoke of him just before the accident when we collided with the freight, and I meant to ask him if he knew the man on whom the finding of my father may depend.But I forgot about it in all the excitement. Now it's too late." "Who did you want to inquire about?" asked Mr. Liggins, coming forward. "Excuse me, but I happened to hear you mention a strange sounding name." "Orion Tevis," said Jack. "Do you know anything about him, Mr. Liggins?" "Do I? Well I guess I do. Me and him didn't work as mining pardners for ten years for nothing. I reckon I do know Orion Tevis. So does Josh Post." "Where is he now?" asked Jack eagerly. "I must find him.He may know where my father is, who is in hiding because of the scheming of some wicked men." "Well, now you have got me," Mr. Liggins said. "I haven't seen Tevis for some years, not since he retired from active work.He speculates in cattle now and then, and I had a letter from him a few months ago." "Where is that letter now?" asked Jack, his voice trembling with eagerness. "Land live you! I guess I burned it up," replied Mr. Liggins. "I never save letters.Get too many of 'em. But it was from some place out in Colorado. A little country town, I reckon, or I'd have remembered the name." "Try to think of it," pleaded Jack. "A lot may depend on it.I may be able to get Mr. Tevis's address from the Capital Bank in Denver, but they may refuse to give it to me, or may have lost it." "Wish I could help you, son," said Mr. Liggins, sympathetically. "But I reckon I lost that letter.Hold on, though, maybe I can fix you up. You say his address is at the Capital Bank?" "That's what I understand." "Well, I wouldn't be surprised. Come to think of it now, he did write me he transacted all his business through them.More than that he sent me a sort of card to use in case I ever got out there, and wanted to see him.Said there was reasons why he didn't want every one to know where he was, so he instructed the bank to give his address to only those who showed a certain kind of card. I reckon I kept that card as a sort of curiosity."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"I hope so," murmured Jack.The stockman began looking through a big wallet he pulled from his pocket. It was stuffed with papers and bills. "Here it is!" he exclaimed, as he extended a rather soiled bit of pasteboard. "Queer looking thing." Indeed it was.The card had a triangle drawn in the center. Inside of this was a circle, with a representation of an eye. In each of the angles were, respectively, a picture of a dagger, a revolver and a gun.On top appeared this: "_In Medio tutissimus ibis_" "Don't seem to mean anything as far as I've ever been able to make out," Mr. Liggins said. "Looks like a cross between a secret order card and a notice from the vigilance committee.And them words on the top I take to be some foreign language, but I never went to school enough to learn 'em." "They're Latin," said Jack, "and mean, literally, 'you will go most safely in the middle,' or, I suppose, 'the middle way is safest. '""That's like Orion Tevis," commented the stockman. "He was always a cautious fellow, and rather queer here,"--he tapped his forehead. "But now I don't mind giving you that card. It may be no good, and it may help you. If it does I'll be glad of it.I owe you a good turn. That was one of my steers that broke away, and I'm glad it didn't cause a freight wreck." "I'll take good care of this," said Jack, as he put the card in his pocket, "and send it back to you. ""Well, if you find Tevis, just do as he says about it," the cattleman answered. "Now I'll drive you back to the city." Jack was much pleased at getting the card. He felt it would help him in his strange quest after his father. "It will be additional evidence, for us" he said to John. "Mr. Tevis might think the rings were spurious." "Not much danger of that," the Indian answered. "Still, the card may come in handy."Mr. Liggins drove the boys to the hotel where they were to stay over night. They consulted the time-tables in the lobby, and learned that their train did not leave until the next afternoon. "Now for a good night's sleep," said Jack, as he and his chums were being taken up in the elevator to their rooms that night. At the sound of the lad's voice a tall, dark man, in the corner of the car started.Then, as he caught a glimpse of the boys' faces, he turned so his own was in the shadow. "Well, well, luck has certainly turned things my way," he murmured. "Here's where I get even for the trick they played me on the train. "Little imagining they were menaced by one who felt himself their enemy, the three chums went to their rooms, which adjoined. "Very good," whispered the dark man, who had remained in the corridor as the boys walked it. "I think I will pay you a visit to-night. "CHAPTER XIX A THIEF IN THE NIGHT The boys were so tired from their day's adventures, and their travel that they did not need a bit of paregoric to make them sleep, as Nat expressed it, while he was undressing.They left the connecting doors open between their rooms, and, after putting their money and valuables under their pillows, soon fell into deep slumbers.It was about two o'clock in the morning when a dark figure stole along the corridor and came to a halt outside the door leading to Jack's room. "Doesn't make much difference which one I go in, I s'pose," was a whispered comment from the man, who was the same that had ridden up with the boys in the elevator. There was a slight clicking about the lock. Then something snapped. "No go that time," whispered the man. "Try another key." He selected one from among a bunch he held in his hand, and inserted it in the lock of the door leading to Jack's room.This time there was a different sort of click, "That's the time I did it," the intruder remarked softly. "Now to see if I can't get some of the money they made me lose on that other deal." Cautiously the man pushed open the door a few inches.It did not squeak, but, even when he had ascertained this, the thief did not enter at once. He paused, listening to the breathing of the three boys. "Sound asleep," he muttered. "No trouble. This is easy." On tiptoes he entered the room.The lights were all out but enough illumination came in from the street lights through the windows, to enable the intruder to see dimly. He noted that the connecting doors were open. "Easier than I thought," he muttered. "Now if they're like other travelers they have everything under their pillows. If they only knew that is the easiest place to get anything from!Pillows are so soft, and you can get your hand under one without waking up the slightest sleeper, if you go slow and careful." Up to the bedside of Jack the man stole. At every other step he stopped to listen. He moved as silently as a cat. "I fancy the laugh will be on the other side this trip," the man murmured. "I ought to get considerable from all three of them." By this time he had come so near to where Jack was sleeping that he could put out his hand and touch the bed.An instant later his fingers were gliding under the pillow. They grasped a leather pocketbook. Had it been light enough a smile of satisfaction could have been seen on the face of the thief in the night. "Number one," he remarked in a soft whisper.He moved into the next room, taking care not to stumble over a chair or stool. He easily secured Nat's valuables, and then ventured into John's apartment. "Ten minutes more and I'm through," the burglar thought.When he got to John's bedside, he listened for a few seconds. The Indian student could be heard breathing in his slumbers, but at the sound the man hesitated. "A slight sleeper," was his unspoken comment. "Liable to wake up on the slightest alarm.I've got to be careful." His trained observance, despite the evil purpose to which it was put, had at once told the intruder that John was a light and nervous slumberer. Nevertheless the thief decided to risk it.He moved his hand, inch by inch, under John's pillow. A shadow would have made no more noise. It took him nearly twice as long as it had to get the pocketbooks from Nat and Jack, but at length he was successful.Holding the three in his hand he made his way to the door whence he had entered. "I think I'll just take a look at what sort of a haul I made, before I leave here," the man said. "No use carting a lot of useless stuff away. "There was a dim light burning in the hall, nearly opposite Jack's door. Half concealed by the portal the man paused just within the room and looked over the contents of the pocketbooks. "Plenty of bills," he observed.He took the money out and made it into one roll, and this he held in his hand. Rapidly he went through the other compartments of the wallets. He came across the queer card which Mr. Liggins had given Jack. "Might as well take that along," he said to himself. "No telling what it is, but it might come in handy. I might want to pretend I belonged to the order, for it looks like a lodge emblem. I'll stow that away.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"The thief laid the wallets and the money down on the floor, while he reached in a pocket to get a card case in which he carried his few valuables. He placed the odd bit of pasteboard inside this. "Now to toss the wallets aside and skip with the cash," he murmured, and suiting the action to his words he began to move softly into the corridor.It was a good thing that nature had endowed John with a nervous temperament, and had made him a light sleeper. For, at that instant, or maybe a little before, some peculiar action on the Indian's nerves conveyed a message to his brain.It was not a clear and definite sort of message, in fact it was rather confused--in the same shape as a dream. John seemed to be riding a big cow pony down a steep incline, after a big buffalo on whose back sat a dark, smooth-shaven man.The same man, John thought in his dream, he had seen in the elevator that evening.And while John was riding for dear life after the buffalo, he thought he saw the strange man turn back and go to where the three boys had left their coats on the grassy bank of Lake Rudmore.John fancied he gave up his pursuit of the buffalo to leap off and run to where the thief was stealing his own and his comrades' possessions.The shock of leaping from the back of a swiftly running pony, and rolling head over heals as a result, awoke John, or, rather, the peculiar action of his dream did.He sat up in bed with a jump, just in time to see the thief putting the money into his pocket, and, with the three wallets, steal out into the corridor. It must have been the continuance of the dream that made John act so quickly.He leaped out of bed, half asleep as he was, and, with a yell that sounded enough like an Indian warwhoop to startle his two companions, he made a dash for the man. Out of the room and down the dimly lighted hall dashed the Indian student.Before him fled the thief. "Stop!" yelled John. "What's the matter?" cried Jack, sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Is the place on fire?" "What's the matter? Have we missed the train?" Nat demanded to know. "Thieves! "was all John replied. By this time several guests of the hotel had awakened and there were anxious inquiries as to what was going on. The thief sped down the long corridor, with John, clad only in his nightdress, after him.The fellow tossed the wallets down, but the flat way in which they fell told John the intruder had taken their most valuable contents from them. Well for the Indian that he was a fleet runner.Few there were who could have distanced him, and certainly the rascal who was out of training in athletic lines could not. A few more strides, and John grabbed the man by the coat. "Now I've got you!" the Indian shouted.A moment later the two went down in a heap, the man's legs having slipped from under him. But, even in the fall, John did not let go his hold. The man kept one hand in his pocket.In the flickering gaslight the Indian saw this, and rightly guessed that there the money was. Quick as a flash John slipped his hand in and found the man was grasping something tightly. "Let go!" the fellow growled. "Not much!" exclaimed John. "I'm after our money!" "I'll--I'll--cut you!" panted the thief. "Police! Murder! Fire!" yelled a woman outside of whose door the desperate struggle was now going on. With a great effort John loosened the hand that clenched the money.Then the Indian drew out the bills. The thief tried to grab them back. As he did so John tried to get up, having accomplished the main part of his purpose, that of saving his own and his chums' money.But, as he did so, the thief gave a roll, to get on top. This brought him to the edge of a flight of stairs, and, a second later the two were rolling down. Bump! Bump! Bump! they went until they reached a landing.John's head struck the baseboard, and, for a moment he was stunned. There was a rush of feet in the corridor above. "Hold him! We're coming!" was the cry. John heard dimly. Then a blackness seemed to come over him. The lights faded away.He just remembered thrusting his hand containing the bills into his pocket, and then he fainted away.The thief, with nimble feet, was half way down the second flight of stairs by now, for, finding the hold of his captor loosened, he made the best of his opportunity. "Have you got him, John?" yelled Jack. "Hold him until I come!" shouted Nat.They had both run out into the hallway in time to see John pursuing the thief. They reached the top of the stairs just as the fellow fled. The thief, as he ran down the stairs, cast up one look.Jack Ranger saw him, the light from a gas jet in the lower corridor shining full on the man's face. "Professor Punjab! Hemp Smith!" exclaimed Jack, as he recognized the fakir who called himself Marinello Booghoobally. "Did he get away? "asked Nat, coming up just then. "Yes, and I guess he's killed John," said Jack, his heart failing him. CHAPTER XX A STRANGE SEANCE By this time the corridors, above and below were filled with excited men, all scantily attired.Nat and Jack ran to where John was lying on the landing, and lifted his head. "I'm all right," exclaimed the Indian, as he opened his eyes. "Got a bad one on the head, that's all. I can walk. "He proceeded to demonstrate this by standing up and mounting the stairs. "Did he get our money?" asked Nat. In answer John showed the roll he still held tightly clenched in his hand. "Here are some pocketbooks," called a man from the upper hall. "Then we're all right, after all," spoke Jack. "Money and pocketbooks safe. How did it happen? How did you land on him, John?" "He was in our room," replied the Indian. "I woke up and saw him. Then I chased out, that's all. "The man who had picked up the pocketbooks handed them to Jack. The boy saw his own on top, and opened it, as he had a number of souvenirs and keepsakes in it. As he glanced in he uttered a cry of surprise. "The card Mr. Liggins gave me to present to Mr. Tevis is gone!" he exclaimed. "Here! We must catch Professor Punjab! He has my card. Come on!" Jack was about to rush down the stairs but was stopped by several of the men. "You can't catch him," they said. "Besides, the police may have him by now. Go back and get dressed." The boys decided this was good advice, particularly as they were getting chilled, for the halls were draughty.They donned some clothes, and were all ready when several bluecoats and a number of detectives in plain clothes arrived. "Where'd they get in?" asked a big man, with a very black moustache. "Let's see what sort of a job it was. ""Right in here," said the hotel manager, leading the way to where the boys roomed. "From all accounts this was the only place he broke into." "Didn't really lose anything, did you?" asked the black-moustached one of the boys. "He got a valuable card," said Jack. "I would not like to lose it." "What do you mean, a playing card; one you carried for luck?" "No, I don't carry such things for luck," replied Jack.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"It had a message on it. "He described the queer bit of pasteboard Mr, Liggins had given him. "Oh I see; it was a sort of charm," interposed the detective with the light moustache. "Well, we'll make a round of the pawnshops tomorrow. Maybe we'll locate it. ""I don't believe so," said Jack, half to himself. "It's not a thing that would be pawned. "The boy felt that Professor Punjab would be very likely to keep the card, thinking it might be some mysterious talisman, which could be used to advantage in his peculiar line of work. So Jack had little faith in what the detective said.There was nothing more for the police or detectives to do. No trace of the thief was to be found, and, after a general look around, the officers departed and the hotel settled down to normal quietness.The boys went back to bed, but it was some time before they fell asleep. Jack dozed uneasily, wondering how he was going to regain possession of the card which Professor Punjab had stolen. "You ought to be thankful it wasn't our money, which it would have been, only for John," said Nat next morning. "Penetrating peanuts! When I think of what might have happened I shudder," and he gave an imitation of a cold chill running down his back. "It's bad enough," said Jack. "Of course we need the money, but we could get more on a pinch. We can't get another card like that, though, and we may need it very much. At least I will." "Let's go to the police and make them find it," suggested Nat. "They'll never find it," put in John, who sat in a chair with his head bandaged. "We'll have to depend on ourselves." The robbery, and John's slight wound, necessitated a change in their plans.They wired to Mr. Kent, Nat's uncle, that they would be delayed. Then they arranged to stay several days in Chicago. The hotel proprietor insisted on sending a physician, to see the Indian.The medical man prescribed a rest, and, while John stayed in his room his chums paid several visits to the police.Jack impressed them with the value of the card, and the detectives really made efforts to find it, and to arrest the "professor," but without result.One evening, as Jack and Nat came back from a visit to police headquarters, they found John much excited. "I think I'm on the right track," he said. "How?" asked Jack. "Listen to this" John went on, holding up a newspaper, and he read: "Attention, all who suffer or are in distress.Professor Ali Baba, one of the descendants of the Forty Thieves, who has devoted his life to undoing the wrong they did, will give palm readings, star gazings, trance answers, locate the lost, and, by a method learned from an Indian Yogi, double your money.Readings one dollar up." "You're not going to be taken in by one of those foolish clairvoyants, are you?" asked Jack. "Not exactly," said John. "But if I am right I think this Professor Ali Baba is Hemp Smith, or Professor Punjab under another name. ""What makes you think so?" inquired Nat. "Rip-snorting radiators! But if it should be!" "That last clause about doubling your money, by the Indian method leads me to believe it," said John. "That is how Punjab tried to rob Mr. Post.Now I'm going to try this and see what it amounts to." "But he'll know you as soon as he sees you," objected Nat. "Not the way I fix up," replied the Indian.The boys talked over the plan, and agreed it would do no harm for John to attend a seance of the professor, whose address was given in the advertisement. John's best friend would hardly have known him as he sallied forth the next day.He wore the bandages on his head, which was cut by his fracas with the fake professor, and, in addition, he had tied one about his jaw, as though he had the toothache. He had no difficulty in finding the place.Outside the door was a sign reading: PROFESSOR ALI BABA. SCIENTIST. John was admitted by a rather slick individual, in a shining, greasy suit of black. "The professor is busy just now," he said. "He will see you soon.Meanwhile you had better give me a dollar, and state on which particular line you wish to consult him." John handed over a two dollar bill and said: "Tell him to make it extra strong. I have lost a valuable article. ""I am sure he can find it for you," the sleek man said. "The professor has wonderful success." "Well he oughtn't to have much trouble finding this if he's the man I take him for," thought John. As yet he was all at sea.He wanted to get a glimpse of Professor Ali Baba. At last his turn came. Carefully keeping his face concealed, John was shown into a room gaudily decorated with tinsel and cheap hangings. "Who seeks the knowledge the stars alone possess? "asked a deep voice. Jack started. He recognized at once the tones of the recent Professor Punjab. An instant later he had a glimpse of the pretended astrologer's face and knew he could not be mistaken. "Draw near," said the fakir. "I know what thou seekest. It is that which thou hast lost, and it is more precious to thee than rubies." "In this particular instance it is," thought John, but he did not answer at once, as he was so excited he could hardly control his voice.He did not want the swindler to recognize him. "Tell me but the veriest outline of that which thou seekest and I will not only describe it, but tell you where you may find it, if the stars so will," Punjab went on. "It is very difficult," said John, speaking in a sort of whisper. He wanted to gain a little time, to think best how to proceed. He had been more successful than he dared to hope. His reasoning had been exactly right.Now he wanted to make sure of success. "No problem is too hard for those who read their answers in the stars," replied the fakir. "Describe what you have lost. ""It is square," said John, slowly, and he drew a little closer to where the pretended astrologer sat on a divan in the midst of hangings, which let but little light into the room. "Yes, square." "And flat." "Yes. Now one more little detail.I begin to see a glimmering of it before me," and Professor Ali Baba pretended to go into a trance. "It is white with black markings on it," John went on. "In fact it is something you have right here in this house." "What's that? "fairly shouted the professor. "It's that card you stole from Jack Ranger!" went on John, coming close to the fakir and gripping him by the wrists. "The card you took from his pocketbook the night you broke into our rooms. I want it back!Give it up, you scoundrel, or I'll call in the police." "Let go!" yelled the professor. "Give me the card!" shouted the Indian, struggling to hold the man, who was trying to break away. "Help!" cried the professor.The curtains parted and the man who had answered John's summons at the door entered. CHAPTER XXI FINDING ORION TEVIS "What's the matter?" exclaimed the slick individual. "He's trying to rob me!" shouted the fakir. "It's the other way around! "came from John. "I'm trying to get back something he stole from a friend of mine.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Give up that card, you rascal, or I'll yell for the police! "At the same time the Indian youth, who was strong for his age, gave the wrists of Punjab such a wrench that the man cried out in pain.Whether it was this, or the knowledge that he could not afford to have a clash with the officers of the law John never decided, but the professor muttered: "I'll give you the card. Let go!" "Want any help?" asked the sleek and shiny individual. "Don't you interfere!" exclaimed John, "or I'll have you arrested too. Better keep out of this. The professor knows when he's beaten." "Let go of me," muttered the fakir. "Where's the card?" asked John. "It's in my pocket, but I can't get it while you hold my hands," the pretended astrologer said. The Indian youth released his grip, but kept close watch of the professor.The latter lifted up the gaudy robe and disclosed underneath ordinary street clothing. He reached into an inner pocket and brought out the card. "That's it!" cried John, grabbing it before the professor had a chance to play any more tricks. "That's what I want!" "Now you've got it, you'd better get out of my house," said Punjab, trying to assume his dignity which John had sadly ruffled. "Only too glad to," the Indian student said, and, carrying the precious card in his hand he hurried from the place, throwing aside his bandages as he did so. "I'll get even with you boys yet," he heard Marinello Booghoobally, _alias_ Hemp Smith, _alias_ Professor Punjab, _alias_ Ali Baba, call after him.But John was not worried over this and soon was back at the hotel where his companions anxiously waited him. "Any luck?" asked Jack. "The best," replied John, and he told them all that had happened from the time he entered Ali Baba's place until he secured the card, which, he had turned over to Jack as soon as he got in.The police were notified, but the fakir was too quick for them and escaped. "Now we'd better go straight for Denver," said Nat. "We're behind in our schedule now, and maybe my uncle will not wait for us. "John and Jack thought this a good scheme, so, having settled their hotel bill, they were soon aboard a train again, and speeding westward. They made good time, in spite of a few delays by slight accidents, and arrived in Denver at night. "It's too late to go to the Capital Bank," said Jack. "Wish we'd have gotten in earlier. But we'll make inquiries about Orion Tevis the first thing in the morning. "Long before the bank opened the boys had inquired their way to it from the hotel where they stopped. As soon as the doors were swung, to indicate that business might be transacted, Jack led the way into the marble-tiled corridor of the institution. "Who do you want to see?" asked a uniformed porter. "The president," said Jack boldly, thinking it best to begin at the top, and work down if necessary. "Want to deposit a million dollars I s'pose," the porter said with a sort of sneer.Evidently his breakfast had not agreed with him. "I came here to inquire for the address of Mr. Orion Tevis," replied Jack sharply, and in a loud tone, for he did not like to be made fun of. "If the president is not the proper person to ask will you kindly tell me who is?" "What's that?" asked a gray-haired man, peering out from a private office. "I am seeking the address of Mr. Orion Tevis," repeated Jack. "Step right in here," the elderly man said. "Johnson, you may go down into the basement and finish your work," he added to the porter who hurried away, probably feeling as though he had grown several inches shorter. "Now what is this about Mr. Tevis? "asked the man. "I am Mr. Snell, cashier of the bank." "I want to find Mr. Tevis, in order to ask him if he knows the whereabouts of a certain person in whom I am interested," said Jack. "Are you a private detective?" asked Mr. Snell, with a smile. "No sir, I'm Jack Ranger, from Denton, and these are friends of mine," and Jack mentioned their names. "Well, suppose I say we haven't Mr. Tevis's address," spoke Mr. Snell. "I was told it could be obtained here," Jack insisted. "If it could be, under certain conditions, are you able to fulfill those conditions?" asked the cashier. "If you mean this, yes," replied Jack, showing his queer ring. "Where did you get that?" asked Mr, Snell "It's a long story," Jack said. "The last time I got it was when I recovered it from a burglar. But we have another. Show him yours, John." The Indian student exhibited the odd gold emblem with the pine tree tracing on the moss agate.Mr. Snell looked at both circlets critically without saying anything. He glanced at the lettering inside. "I don't believe I am in a position to give you Mr. Tevis's address," he said slowly. "What?" cried Jack. "After all our journey. ""Show him the card," said John, in a whisper. Jack pulled from his pocket the curious bit of cardboard he had secured from Mr. Liggins. At the sight of it the cashier uttered an exclamation. He got up and closed the door leading to the bank corridor. "That settles it!" he exclaimed. "Your credentials are all right. Wait a minute." He pressed a button on his desk. A short, stockily built man entered the room. "Perkins, you may feed the red cow," the cashier said gravely. "Yes sir," replied Perkins, as calmly as though he had been told to hand over the city directory. "And whisper to her that the goats have come," the cashier went on, at which Perkins turned and left the room. "Now boys I am ready for you," said Mr. Snell, and Jack related as much of the matter as he thought might have a bearing on his search. "I can give you Mr. Tevis's address," the cashier went on. "You must excuse my caution, but, as you doubtless know, there have been strange doings in connection with that land deal. So you are Jack Ranger?" "That's me. But now where can I find Orion Tevis and learn where my father is? ""I'm afraid you're going to have trouble," Mr. Snell went on. "All we know is that Mr. Tevis lives somewhere on a wild tract of land among the mountains about one hundred miles from Fillmore. ""Fillmore, that's where we have to go to get to Denville," said Nat "So it is," Jack murmured. "You see Mr. Tevis is a rather peculiar individual and surrounds himself with many safeguards," Mr. Snell went on. "We were only to give his address to those who brought the rings and the card. I was at first afraid you were impostors, as there have been several such.We are also required to send Mr. Tevis word as soon as any one comes here, bearing the proper emblems, and seeking him. You heard what I said to that man a while ago. It was a code message to be transmitted to Mr. Tevis. ""But if you know where to send him a message, why can't you tell us how to reach him?" asked Jack. "I can tell you as much as we ourselves know. We send the messages to a certain man living in Fillmore.He, in turn, rides off into the mountains and, from what I have heard, leaves the letter in the cleft of an old tree, of which he alone knows the location.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Then he comes away. In time Mr. Tevis, or some of his men, come and get the letter.If he wishes to send an answer he leaves it in the tree. If not that ends the matter. If he wishes to remain hidden he does so. He seldom comes to town, and has only been at this bank once in a number of years.Now, don't you think you have a pretty hard task ahead of you?" "Will you tell me how to find this man in Fillmore, who knows how to take that letter?" asked Jack. "Good!" exclaimed Mr. Snell. "That's the way to talk.I sized you up for a plucky lad as soon as I saw you. Now if you will take pencil and paper, I'll give you directions for reaching Enos Hardy, who may succeed in getting a message to Mr. Tevis for you. "Jack jotted down what Mr. Snell told him, and, at his suggestion, the other two boys made copies, in case of accident. Then, having cashed some letters of credit which they brought with them, the boys went back to their hotel. "What are you going to do, Jack?" asked Nat. "I'm going to find Orion Tevis," was the reply. "I think I had better do it before I go on to your uncle's ranch, Nat. What do you say?" "Slippery snapping turtles!" exclaimed Nat. "If I was you I'd do the same thing. You ought to make that hundred miles and back in a week, and we can go to uncle's ranch then. We'll go with you; eh, John?" "Sure," replied the Indian. "Let's hurry on to Fillmore," Nat went on. "If my uncle is there waiting for us, we can tell him all about it. If not we can send him a letter, telling him where we are going, and letting him know about what time we'll be back.It's only twenty miles from Fillmore to Denville, near where his ranch is. "This plan was voted a good one, and as soon as the boys could catch a train out of Denver they were speeding toward what was to be the last railroad station of their long western trip.They were two days reaching it, owing to the poor connections, because they were now traveling on branch line railroads, but they got into the little mining town one evening at dusk.So explicit were the directions Mr. Snell had given them that they had no difficulty in reaching the Eagle Hotel, where the cashier had advised them to put up.They registered, and, in accordance with their directions, left a note with the hotel clerk for Enos Hardy. "He'll be in some time to-night," the clerk said. "He comes here every evening. "It was about nine o'clock that night when a message came to the boys' room that Mr. Hardy would see them in the sitting room of the hotel. Jack went down alone, and found waiting for him a grizzly, heavily- bearded man, rather stoop-shouldered.He glanced from under his shaggy eyebrows at Jack. "You left a message for Enos Hardy?" the man asked. "I did, in reference to Orion Tevis," admitted Jack. "Have you the emblems?" Jack showed the rings and card. "Um!" grunted the man. "What do you want?" "I want to see Orion Tevis, and ask him about my father." "It will take me three days to bring you an answer," Mr. Hardy went on. "Will you wait here until then?" Jack bowed his assent. "You must trust the rings and card to me," Mr. Hardy went on. "Oh, they will be safe," he added, as he saw Jack give a start of surprise. "You can ask any one in Fillmore about me. "Without a word Jack handed over the two rings and the bit of pasteboard. "This is Tuesday," the strange messenger went on. "I will be back here with an answer Friday night." "Then I can start for Mr. Tevis's place the next day," spoke Jack. "If the answer is favorable," Mr. Hardy said, as he left the room. CHAPTER XXII JACK HEARS OF HIS FATHER For a few moments Jack stood looking at the door that had closed on Mr. Hardy.The man seemed a link between the boy and his long-lost father, and Jack felt as if he would not like to allow Mr. Tevis's confidant to be out of his sight.But he reflected if he was to see the man who held his father's secret he must follow out the line laid down. He went to where he had left Nat and John, and told them what had happened.Jack announced anticipation of a favorable reply from Mr. Tevis, who, he said, would, no doubt, keep his promise made years ago to those to whom he had presented the rings. "Then we'll get ready to go with you," announced Nat. "Hopping halibut!I forgot to write to my uncle. I heard from the hotel clerk he had waited here for us two days, and then went back, leaving word we could come on to the ranch, or wait for him. He'll be back inside of a week." "That fits into our plans," Jack said. "Write and tell him we arrived and will be ready to go with him a week from to-day, I think I can learn what I want in that time. "Accordingly Nat got a letter ready, and intrusted it to the hotel clerk, who promised to send it to Double B ranch at the first opportunity.Mr. Kent's ranch was known by the device of two capital B's, one placed backwards in front of the other, and this brand appeared on all his cattle. His uncle's place, Nat learned, was on a big plateau in the midst of a mountain range.Men from it frequently rode into Fillmore, and it was by one of them the hotel clerk proposed sending the boy's letter to Mr. Kent.This done, the three chums sat in their rooms discussing the strange things that had come to pass since they had left Washington Hall. "Seems as if it was several months, instead of a couple of weeks," said John. "I'll be glad when we get out where it's good and wild." The boys found much to occupy their time in the hustling city of Denver. They went about viewing the sights, but all the while Jack was impatiently awaiting the return of Mr. Hardy. "I wonder if the days are any longer here than back east," he remarked. "It's you," replied Nat. "Stop thinking about it, and Friday night will come sooner." "Can't help it," Jack went on, with a deep sigh.Friday night came at last, though it was nearly ten o'clock before Jack, who was anxiously waiting in his room, received a message that some one wanted to see him. He went down and was met by Mr. Hardy. The man showed the dust and grime of travel."Well?" asked Jack. "When do you want to start?" asked Mr. Hardy. "To-morrow morning," was Jack's quick reply, and a load was lifted from his mind. "Then I'll have a horse for you here at nine o'clock," Mr. Tevis's friend went on, as he handed back the rings and the card. "Can't John and Nat go along?" inquired Jack, for he had mentioned his friends to Mr. Hardy. "I suppose so," was the answer. "It will take longer if so many of us go, but I have no orders to keep your friends back if they want to accompany us. It's a wild trip, and has to be made on horseback." "They'll want to go.None of us is a good rider, but we'll do our best" "Very well, I'll have three horses." "Do you think Mr. Tevis will have some news of my father?" asked Jack, a note of anxiety coming into his voice. "I shouldn't be surprised," was the cautious answer. "Mr. Tevis can generally be depended on to produce the goods.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
Now I'll leave you, as I have lots of work to do before morning.I'm glad I succeeded in arranging it for you," "So am I," exclaimed Jack, as he held out his hand and met that of Mr. Hardy's in hearty clasp. "Can you two stand a hundred mile ride on horseback? "asked Jack of his two chums, when he was back in his room. "Two if necessary," replied John. "And two it will have to be," Jack went on. "I forgot it's a hundred each way. Well, we're in for it," and he explained what Mr. Hardy had told him.The horses which Mr. Tevis's messenger brought around the next morning proved to be steady-going animals. Their backs were broad and they carried easy-riding saddles.Under the direction of the guide the boys packed up some blankets and enough "grub," to last several days, since they could not expect to make as good time as had Mr. Hardy.Leaving their trunks and grips at the hotel the boys, with their new-found friend in the lead, started for Mr. Tevis's mountain home. "He's a strange man," said Mr, Hardy, as he rode along by Jack's side a little later. "He had so much trouble with a band of bad men once that he made up his mind he would have no more. He knows the gang is still trying to get the best of him, and that's why he takes so many precautions.It is the same ugly crowd that made your father an exile, I understand." "But his exile is almost up," said Jack earnestly. "The eleven years will pass this summer, and he can come back to us." "If you can only find him to get word to him. ""Do you think I can't find him?" "Well, the mountains are a wild place. It's hard enough to keep track of men who have no motive for hiding, let alone those who believe every effort to locate them is made with an idea of doing them some harm. ""If I can only get word to him I know my father will wander no longer. I need him and he needs me." Half a day's riding brought them to a wild part of the country. The trail was a narrow one.Now it led along a high range of foothills, skirting some deep ravine. Again it was down in a valley, along the course of some mountain stream that was now almost dry.The bracing atmosphere, though it was so rarefied that the boys, at first, found a little difficulty in breathing, made objects seem strangely near.Several times Jack and his companions saw a distant landmark, and wondered why they were so long in reaching it. Mr. Hardy laughed at their astonishment as he explained the reason for the seeming nearness.They had dinner on the side of a mountain which they had begun to ascend shortly before noon. Mr. Hardy proved himself an old campaigner. He had a fire made, and bacon frying before the boys had the stiffness from their legs, caused by their ride.Then, with bread and coffee, they made a better meal than they had partaken of in many a hotel. That night they slept in a lonely mountain cabin, the owner of which Mr. Hardy knew.They pressed on the next morning, their pace being slow because Nat found he could not ride as well as he had hoped. "Galloping gooseberries!" he exclaimed. "I feel as if all my bones were loose.You didn't see any of 'em scattered back along the trail, did you, Jack?" "You'll get over it," said Mr. Hardy. "Got to learn to ride if you're going on a ranch. No one walks there. "They had to sleep in the open the next night, but Mr. Hardy built a big fire, and, well wrapped in their blankets, the boys were not uncomfortable, even though it was cold on the mountain from the time the sun went down.It was cold, too, the next morning, as they crawled from their warm coverings, but when their guide had thrown a lot of wood on the glowing embers, causing them to spring into a fine blaze, the boys got up and helped prepare breakfast. "We're almost there," said Mr. Hardy, as they mounted their horses to resume their trip. They rode until shortly before noon, when Mr. Hardy suddenly pulled his horse up and said: "Here's as far as we can go, boys, until we get word from Mr. Tevis.There's the tree where I leave the messages." He pointed to a big oak that had been struck by lightning, and split partly down the immense trunk. One blackened branch stuck up.It had a cleft in it, in which a letter could be placed and seen from afar. "Now I'll just leave a note there, and we'll have to be guided by what happens," Mr. Hardy went on.He wrote something on a piece of paper, and asked Jack for the rings and the card symbol. These, with the message he had written, he placed in an envelope.The letter was enclosed in a bit of oiled silk, and the whole deposited in the cleft of the limb. "It might rain before it is taken away," he explained. "You can never tell when Mr. Tevis or his messengers come.He can see that letter from his house, by using a telescope, but he may not send for it. It all depends." "How will you know if he does?" asked Jack. "I will come back here to-morrow at noon," replied the guide. "If there is an answer, there will be a little white flag where the letter was, Then I will know what to do." There was nothing to do but wait.Mr. Hardy explained that it was necessary that they move back down the mountain, a mile or more away from the signal tree. To Jack and his chums this seemed a lot of needless precaution, but they were in no position to do anything different.Jack passed the night in uneasy slumber, for he could not help thinking of what the morrow might bring and what effect it might have on his search for his father. But all things have an end, and morning finally came.After breakfast Mr. Hardy looked well to the saddle girths, as he said, if they were to go further on their journey, they would have to proceed over a rougher road than any they had yet traversed.They started for the blighted oak so as to reach there about noon. How anxiously did Jack peer ahead for a sight of the lightning- blasted tree, in order to catch the first glimpse of the white flag he hoped to see!He was so impatient that Mr. Hardy had to caution him not to ride too fast. But in spite of this the boy kept pressing his horse forward. As the little cavalcade turned around a bend in the trail Jack cried out: "I see it! There's the white flag!Now we can go on and hear the news of my father!" "Don't be too sure," muttered Mr. Hardy. "It may be a message saying there is no news," but he did not tell Jack this.The sun was just crossing the zenith when Mr. Hardy took from the cleft of the branch a small packet wrapped in oiled silk, similar to the one he had left. Quickly tearing off the wrapping the guide disclosed a piece of white paper.On It was but one word: "Come." "Hurrah!" yelled Jack, throwing his hat into the air, and nearly losing his balance recovering it. "Walloping washtubs!" yelled Nat. "Let's hurry on," spoke John Smith, more quietly.But he, too, felt the excitement of the moment, only he was used to repressing his feelings. "Prepare for a hard ride," said Mr. Hardy.
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
"We must make Mr. Tevis's place by night, as it is dangerous to camp in the open around here.Too many wild beasts." From the blasted oak the trail led in winding paths up the mountain. It was indeed a hard one. Great boulders blocked the path, and there were places where rains had washed out big gullies.But the horses seemed used to such traveling, for they scrambled along like goats on a rocky cliff.It was just getting dusk when, as they topped a considerable rise, Mr. Hardy pointed ahead to where a light glimmered on the side of the mountain, and said: "There is Mr. Tevis's house." Jack's heart gave a mighty thump.At last he was at one of the important stages of his long trip. As the riders advanced there came, from out of the fast gathering darkness a command: "Halt! Who comes?" "Friends!" exclaimed Mr. Hardy. "What word have you? ""Pine tree and moss agate," was the answer. "You may enter," the unseen speaker added. There was the sound of a heavy gate swinging open, and following their guide the boys urged their horses ahead.They found themselves on a well-made road, which led to a fairly large house. "Dismount," said Mr. Hardy, as he brought his steed to a halt in front of a large piazza that surrounded the residence. "We are here at last. "As he spoke the door opened, sending out a stream of brilliant light. In the center of the radiance stood a tall man, looking out. "Good evening, Mr. Tevis," spoke Mr. Hardy. "Ah, Enos, so you have arrived. And did you bring the boys with you? ""All three, sir." "Very good. Come in. Supper is ready." Jack sprang from his horse and, with a bound was on the porch beside the man he had come so far to see. "Mr. Tevis!" he exclaimed, "Have you any news of my father? Is he alive?Can you tell me where to find him?" "Yes, to all three questions, Jack Ranger," said Mr. Tevis, heartily, and Jack felt his heart thumping against his ribs as though it would leap out.CHAPTER XXIII ON THE RANCH Some men came up and led the horses of the riders to a stable in the rear. Mr. Tevis showed the way into his house. It was a big log cabin, but was furnished with many comforts.On the floors were great bear rugs, while skulls and horns of other animals decorated the walls. The light came from two big kerosene hanging lamps. "Welcome to Cabin Lodge," said Mr. Tevis. "I hope you are all hungry, as we have a fine supper waiting for you." "That's what I want," said Mr. Hardy. "We haven't stopped much for grub since we started." "I'd like to hear more about my father, before I eat," said Jack. "I realize your impatience," Mr. Tevis replied, with a smile, "and I'll endeavor to relieve your mind. I will tell you what I know while the others are getting ready for the meal. "Then Mr. Tevis told briefly the history of Robert Ranger, or Roberts, as he best knew him, with the main facts of which Jack was familiar.He told of his acquaintance with him and John Smith's father, and how the bad men had tried unsuccessfully to get control of the timber claim. Jack found him a peculiar man indeed, but seemingly good hearted. "But what you want to know," Mr. Tevis went on, "is how to find your father now." Jack nodded eagerly. "Of course you know I have not seen him in a long time, as he did not think it wise to come here, fearing the gang would capture him and get him into court. But I have heard from him, not later than three months ago." "Where is he? "asked Jack, hardly able to sit still. "While I can't say exactly," Mr. Tevis went on, "I know he is somewhere in a small range of mountains called Golden Glow. He has a small cabin there, and manages to make a living by doing some mining.He has one companion, whom he can trust, and who goes back to civilization once in a while to get food and supplies. Your father will not trust himself in sight of a town. In fact it is almost as hard to communicate with him as it is with me. ""Where are the Golden Glow mountains?" asked Jack. "The nearest town is Denville," was the answer. "Denville!" exclaimed Jack. "Yes, what is there strange in that?" "Why, we are going to Denville," Jack replied, "That's where Nat's uncle's ranch is. ""Yes, but the beginning of the Golden Glow mountain range is about a hundred miles from there," Mr. Tevis added. "What's a hundred miles when I'm going to find my father and take him back home with me?" asked Jack. "I can travel that. ""You've got pluck," spoke Mr. Tevis. "I wish you luck, my boy. "Then he told all the particulars he knew of Mr. Roberts' whereabouts, how the exile had often written to him of his lonely life, and how much he would like to see his son and his sisters again. "We have both been hounded by that gang of land sharps," concluded Mr. Tevis, with a deep sigh. "I have found means of evading them by living in this wild place, and adopting all sorts of precautions in admitting visitors.That is why I was so careful on your account. I could not tell who might be trying to play a trick on me. But I devised that card for a few of my friends.Lucky you met Lem Liggins, or I doubt if even the sight of the two rings would have convinced me. But I felt reasonably certain no one could have both the card and the rings.Even at that you saw how cautious I am, by the details Mr. Hardy had to go through." "How would you advise me to reach my father, and let him know it is safe to return?" asked Jack. Mr. Tevis paused a moment. He remained in deep thought for some time.Then he spoke. "In one of his letters," he said, "your father told me if I ever wanted to see him, to adopt this plan. There is in the Golden Glow range one peak, higher than all the others.From a certain place in it, a place marked by a big stone on which is carved a cross, a tall pine tree, bare of branches, can be seen. By keeping down the side of the slope, and in direct line with the pine you will come to a little valley.At the lower end of this is your father's cabin. Only be careful how you approach it. In this country men sometimes shoot first and inquire afterward." "How will I know the high peak when I see it?" asked Jack. "You can hardly mistake it," Mr. Tevis remarked. "But you can be sure of it, because, just at sunset, you will see it envelop in a golden glow. That is what gives the name to the mountain range.It seems there is a mass of quartz on top of the peak, and the sun, reflecting from it just before it sets, shines as if from burnished gold.I think you will have no trouble in finding the peak, and, though it may be hard, I hope you will find your father. Here, let me give you this. It may help you." He took from his watch chain, a curious little charm.It was in the shape of a golden lizard, with ruby eyes. "Your father gave that to me many years ago," said the timber owner. "If worst comes to worst, and you can't get to him, but can send him a message, send that.He will know it comes from me, even if he doubts the rings. It has a secret mark. Now let's go to supper."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
There were many thoughts in Jack's mind and many feelings in his heart as he ate at the table at which they all gathered.He did not join in the talk and laughter that went around. Mr. Hardy told Mr. Tevis of the trip he and the three boys had made, and Nat and John added their share to the general conversation. "What makes you so quiet?" asked Nat of his chum. "I'm thinking of what's ahead of me," Jack replied. Mr. Tevis wanted his guests to remain several days with him, but the boys were anxious to get on to the ranch, and decided they would start back for Fillmore the next day.That night Mr. Tevis returned to John and Jack their rings, but he kept the peculiar card. "I will send it back to Lem," he said. "He might want to come and see me some time. I still have to be on my guard. As for you boys, keep a constant watch.There is no telling when those men may resume their tricks. They know the time set by law is almost up, and they are likely to redouble their efforts. Be on your guard, Jack. ""I will," Jack answered, and then he and his chums bade their host good-bye.Mounting their horses, and led by Mr. Hardy, they again took up the trail, and the heavy log gate was shut after them, as they left the stockade inside of which Cabin Lodge was built.When the boys and their guide went back to the hotel in Fillmore, the return trip having been made in better time than the outgoing, there was a letter from Mr. Kent to Nat.The boy's uncle said he was so busy he had no time to come for them, but, he added, he would send one of his men with three horses which the boys could ride out to the ranch.Their trunks and baggage had been called for by one of the Double B ranchmen while they were on their way to Mr. Tevis's, so the boys had nothing to worry about but themselves.They had arrived at the hotel about noon, and having eaten dinner, sat down to await the arrival of the man who was to escort them. He had been in town for two days, the hotel clerk said, but, at that moment, had gone to see some friends. "I'll send him up to your room when he comes in," said the clerk, and the boys went upstairs to pack a few little articles that had not gone on with their trunks and valises.It was while they were in the midst of that that a knock sounded on their door. "Come in," cried Jack, all three being then in his apartment.A tall, slightly built man, with a little light moustache, blue eyes, dressed in regulation cowboy costume, entered, holding his broad- brimmed hat in his hand. "I'm lookin' for Nat Anderson an' his chums, Jack Ranger an' John Smith," he announced. "Right in here," called out Nat. "I'm Rattlesnake Jim," announced the stranger, "and I come from Double B ranch to show you the way." The boys were only too anxious to get started.They paid their hotel bill, and when they got outside found there were three fine ponies waiting for them. "Mount!" called Rattlesnake Jim.The lads were very glad of the practice they had in riding with Mr. Hardy, for they felt their new guide was watching them closely. If he had any fault to find he did not mention it.It was a pleasant afternoon, and, once they were out in the open country, after ascending a slight rise, the boys let their animals out. They found them plenty speedy enough. "Not so bad for tenderfeet," muttered Rattlesnake Jim, under his breath.The road led along a long level stretch, the big plateau extending for miles ahead of them. "About what time will we get to my uncle's place? "asked Nat "Grub time, I reckon," said Rattlesnake Jim, who, as the boys afterward learned, had gained his name from the hatred he bore to the reptiles. "Very busy now?" went on Nat. "Passably so.Been rustlin' after horse thieves for th' last few nights," replied Jim coolly. Before the boys could get over this rather startling remark, Jack's horse suddenly shied.The lad was nearly thrown off, and, as he recovered his balance, and looked to see what had scared the animal, he saw, in the shadow of a big stone at the side of the road, an old man crawling along. "Hold on thar, stranger! "called Rattlesnake Jim, drawing his revolver and covering the man. CHAPTER XXIV THE OLD MAN "Don't shoot!" the old man begged, trying to stand up, but toppling in a heap. "Don't shoot! I haven't done anything! ""We'll see about that," went on Jim, as he dismounted. "What are you sneaking around like that for, hiding under a rock? If it had been a little darker we wouldn't have seen you. Who are you? ""I don't know's it any of your affair," replied the stranger sullenly, as he sat down on the ground. "Shot, eh," remarked Jim, as he noticed that the man's left foot was covered with blood. "Now you'd better tell me all about it, before I make trouble for you." "It was an accident," replied the man. "I was cleaning my gun. I forgot I had a shell in it, and it went off and hit my foot.It was back there, and I thought I'd crawl along until I got to some place I could get help." "Likely story," said Jim with a sneer. "That don't go with me, stranger. You stay here and I'll send some of the men to have a look at you. ""Are you going to leave him here?" asked Jack, who had dismounted, and was walking toward the old man. "Sure. What else can I do?" "Let me look at his foot," went on Jack, "I know a little bit about first aid to the injured.Maybe I can bandage it up," "Better let him alone," advised Jim, mounting his horse again. But Jack was bending over the man, and had already taken off his shoe, which was filled with blood.As the boy was drawing off the sock, the man caught sight of Jack's hand. "That ring! That ring! Where did you get it?" he asked excitedly, as he caught sight of the moss agate emblem on Jack's finger. "Tell me, who are you? "Jack looked at the man in astonishment. His words and manner indicated that some unusual emotion stirred him. For a moment he gazed at the ring and then a film seemed to come over his eyes. His head sank forward, and a second later he toppled over. "He's dead!" exclaimed Nat. "Only fainted, I guess," replied Rattlesnake Jim coolly. "Lost considerable blood I reckon.He's left quite a trail, anyhow," and he pointed to where a crimson streak in the grass showed that the wounded man had crawled along. "What shall we do?" asked John. "We can't leave him here. ""Don't see what else there is to do," said Jim, as he turned his horse back into the path. "We can't carry him. Besides, he is probably only one of a horse-stealing gang, and has been shot in some foray. Better leave him alone. ""I'm not going to," declared Jack. "First I'm going to fix up his foot, and then we'll go for help." "I guess my uncle will see that he is taken care of," spoke Nat, with all a boy's confidence in things he knows nothing about. "Well, you can have your own way, of course," Jim said. "I'm only sent to show you the way, but if it was me I sure would leave him alone."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range
By this time Jack had torn several handkerchiefs into strips to make bandages.Jim, who began to take interest in what the boy was doing, even if he did not believe in it, showed him where there was a pool of water. With this Jack bathed the old man's foot. It had a bad bullet wound in it, but the bleeding had stopped.Carefully bandaging the wound, Jack made a pillow out of a blanket he found rolled behind the saddle and with another covered the senseless form. "Now let's hurry on to the ranch, Nat," he said, "and ask your uncle to send out a wagon.If none of the men want to come we'll drive." "Of course we will," spoke Nat, with rather an unfriendly look at Jim, "Oh, I'm not so mean as that," the cowboy hastened to say. "You'll find out here we have to be mighty particular who we make friends with, son. But if you boys are so dead set on taking care of this-- er--well, this gentleman, why I'll volunteer to drive a wagon back. ""Thanks," said Jack, but from then on there was a better understanding between the cowboy and the three chums. The boys mounted their horses, and, as Rattlesnake Jim put his to a gallop, they urged their steeds to greater speed.As Nat swung up along side of Jack he asked: "What makes you so anxious about that old man?" "Because I think he may know something of my father. Did you notice how excited he was about the ring? Well, that gave me a clue.He may be able to lead me to where my father is hiding. I must have a talk with him." There was considerable activity about the range when the boys and their guide arrived. A score of the cowboys were coming in from distant runs anxious for supper.Horses were being tethered for the night. Half a dozen dogs were barking as though their lives depended on it.Here and there men were running about, some carrying saddies, others laden down with blankets, and some hopping around and firing off their revolvers in sheer good feeling.From a little cabin a Chinese in the regulation blouse, with his queue tightly coiled about his head, came to the door. "Wood-e!-Wood-e?" he called. "Me no glet glub me no got wood-e!" "Get Chinky the cook some wood! "yelled a man who seemed to be a sort of overseer. One or two of the cowboys got up from the ground where they had thrown themselves and brought armsful to the cook's shanty. "Here we are," called Rattlesnake Jim, as he and the boys rode into the midst of this excitement. "Hello, Nat!" called a hearty voice. "Land alive, but I'm glad to see you! "The next instant a red-faced, short, stout, bald-headed man was nearly pulling Nat from his horse. "Hello, Uncle Morris!" called Nat. "How are you?" "Fine as silk. How about you?" "Never better," replied Nat "Here fellows, this is Uncle Morris.That's Jack and that's John," he added, with a wave of his hand. "Howdy!" exclaimed Mr. Kent heartily, shaking hands with his nephew's companions. "I'd been able to pick you out in the dark from the description Nat gave.Come on in, grub's almost ready." "Will you speak to him about the old man?" asked Jack of Nat, in a low voice. "Oh, yes, sure," and Nat told his uncle in a few words of the wounded one, and Jack's desire to have him brought in. "I'll send some of the men in the wagon," Mr. Kent said. "Let me go also," Jack begged, and, after some talk it was arranged he was to go with Jim and another cowboy. "But you must have supper first," said Mr. Kent. "I insist on that.Besides it's going to be a warm night, and, according to your tale, you left the stranger pretty comfortable. What do you think about him, Jim?" "Well, there's no telling," the boy's guide said. "He don't look as though he could do much damage.He's a stranger around here. Don't talk like any of the usual crowd. I was a bit leery of him at first, but the lads seemed to cotton to him right off, so I let 'em have their way." "Well, we'll see what he amounts to," Mr. Kent commented. "No harm in doing him a good turn I reckon." It was quite dark when Jack, accompanying Jim and Deacon Pratt, another cowboy, started on the wagon trip. But after a bit the moon arose, and the journey was not so unpleasant.Jack was much interested in listening to the talk of the two men. They discussed everything from the latest make of cartridges and revolvers to the best way to rope a steer and brand a maverick. "Let's see, we ought to be pretty near the place now," Jim remarked, after more than an hour's drive. "I think I see the big stone. Hark! What's that?" A low moan was heard. "That's him, I reckon," put in Deacon, who was driving.He swung the horse to one side, and Jim leaped down. "He's, here!" Jim called. "Pretty bad shape, I'm afraid. Come here, Deacon, and lend me a hand. "The two men lifted the aged man into the wagon, and placed him upon a pile of blankets, while Jack held the team. "Do you think he's dead?" asked our hero. "Not yet, but he don't look as if he could last long," Deacon replied. "I'll give him a bit of liquor. It may revive him," and he forced a few drops of the stimulant between the cold lips. "Don't shoot!" the old man begged in a feeble tone. "I don't mean any harm. ""It's all right," said Rattlesnake Jim, more tenderly than he had yet spoken. The trip back was made in quick time, and the old man was put in a bed Mr. Kent had ordered gotten ready for him.They were rude but effective doctors, those ranchmen, and, in a little while the stranger had revived considerably. He was suffering mostly from exposure, hunger and loss-of blood from his wound.The three boys were in the sitting room of the ranch house, taking turns telling Mr. Kent of their experiences on their trip west. Before they knew it the clock had struck twelve. "Now you must get off to bed," said Nat's uncle. "We'll have more time for swapping yarns to-morrow." At that moment a man poked his had in at the door. "What is it?" asked Mr. Kent "That party we brought in a while ago, him as is shot in the foot, seems to want something." "What is it? ""He says as how he's got to speak to that lad with the strange ring, calls him Roberts." "He means me!" exclaimed Jack. CHAPTER XXV THE COWBOY'S TRICK "I thought you said your name was Ranger," said Morris Kent. "It always has been," Jack replied. "But my father has been going by the name of Roberts. He was known as that to his associates, because of the necessity for keeping him in exile. So I'll have to consider myself as the son of Mr. Roberts and Mr. Ranger, until we get this cleared up.I am trying to find my father, and I think this old man can aid me. He seems to have a secret." "Then you had better go and see what he has to say," Mr. Kent advised. Jack found the aged man propped up in bed.Though he was still pale, he was evidently a little better. "Let me see that ring again," he said, and Jack, who had taken to wearing the emblem on his finger, held out his hand. "Yes, yes; it is the same," he murmured. "I would know it among ten thousand, though I have never seen it before."
Young, Clarence - Jack Ranger's Western Trip; Or, from Boarding School to Ranch and Range