3 values
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. randomly taken from other feature vectors encoded in different patches of the same image. z^ is expressed by the following equation. From the above, the CPC loss can be expressed as follows. Results In the experiments, the segmentation performance of four models was measured in order to compare the
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. different regularization effects: encoder-decoder alone (EncDec), EncDec with VAE branch (VAEseg), EncDec with boundary attention branch (Boundseg), and EncDec with CPC branch (CPCseg). The results in Table 4s suggest that when the amount of labeled data is small, the regularization branch with
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. labeled data has a limited impact on the segmentation performance. Segmentation results for semi-supervised CPCseg (ssCPCseg), which learns representations from both labeled and unlabeled data, show that the semi-supervised method outperforms the fully supervised method (Fig. 4). Furthermore,
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. ssCPCseg outperformed all other regularization methods, including the fully supervised state-of-the-art model, VAEseg, in regions with small labeled data. These results suggest that semi-supervised methods using CPC branches can provide state-of-the-art performance when the amount of annotated data
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. is limited. Reference [Oord et al., 2018] van den Oord, A., Li, Y., Vinyals, ``O.: Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding,’’ arXiv e-prints arXiv:1807.03748 (2018) [H´enaff et al., 2019] H´enaff, O.J., Srinivas, A., De Fauw, J., Razavi, A., Doersch, C., Eslami, S.M.A., van den
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. Oord, ``A.: Data-Efficient Image Recognition with Contrastive Predictive Coding,’’ arXiv e-prints arXiv:1905.09272 (2019) [ssCPCseg][Github] J. Iwasawa, Y. Hirano and Y. Sugawara, ``Label-Efficient Multi-Task Segmentation using Contrastive Learning,'’ MICCAI BrainLes 2020 workshop Past Paper
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging. Summary List Deep Learning method 2020: [DCTNet] Uncertainty Learning 2020: [DUL] Anomaly Detection 2020: [FND] One-Class Classification 2019: [DOC] 2020: [DROC] Image Segmentation 2018: [UOLO] 2020: [ssCPCseg] Image Clustering 2020: [DTC]
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash Welcome to the world of social media influencers and e-commerce! In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience and increase sales. One of the key players in this game are social media influencers,
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. individuals who have amassed a large following on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. These influencers have the ability to sway the purchasing decisions of their followers and can have a significant impact on e-commerce sales. The Rise of Social Media Influencers Social media
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. influencers have changed the game when it comes to marketing and advertising. Traditional methods of advertising are no longer as effective as they once were, and businesses are turning to influencers to promote their products and services. These influencers have built a loyal following who trust
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. their recommendations and are more likely to make a purchase based on their suggestions. Why Social Media Influencers Matter in E-commerce When an influencer recommends a product or service to their followers, it can have a huge impact on e-commerce sales. Their followers see the influencer as a
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. trusted source of information and are more likely to make a purchase based on their recommendation. This can lead to a significant increase in sales for businesses that partner with influencers. Choosing the Right Influencers for Your E-commerce Business When selecting influencers to work with,
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. it’s important to choose individuals who align with your brand and target audience. Look for influencers who have a genuine interest in your products or services and who have a following that matches your target demographic. By partnering with the right influencers, you can effectively reach your
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. target audience and drive sales for your e-commerce business. Measuring the Success of Influencer Marketing It’s important to track the success of your influencer marketing campaigns to see if they are driving results for your e-commerce business. Look at key metrics such as website traffic,
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. conversion rates, and sales to determine the impact of your influencer partnerships. By analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions about future influencer collaborations and optimize your marketing strategy. The Future of E-commerce and Social Media Influencers As social media continues
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. to evolve, so too will the role of influencers in e-commerce. Businesses that embrace influencer marketing and leverage the power of social media will have a competitive edge in the digital marketplace. By partnering with the right influencers and creating authentic and engaging content, businesses
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. can drive sales and grow their e-commerce presence. So, whether you’re a business looking to increase your e-commerce sales or an influencer looking to partner with brands, the impact of social media influencers on e-commerce is undeniable. Embrace this digital revolution and watch your sales soar!
Socialmedia, Influencers, E-commerce. If you’re looking to streamline your influencer marketing efforts on Shopify, check out autoBlogger — the perfect tool to help you connect with influencers and grow your e-commerce business. Note, this article was written with AI assistance to improve readability and give you, the reader, a better
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. Java plays a significant role in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem due to its platform independence, robustness, and scalability. Source Here’s how Java contributes to IoT: Platform Independence: Java’s “write once, run anywhere” philosophy makes it well-suited for IoT devices, which often
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. have diverse hardware architectures and operating systems. Java applications can run on various devices without modification, simplifying development and deployment. Scalability: Java’s multithreading capabilities and scalable infrastructure make it suitable for IoT solutions handling large volumes
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. of data from numerous connected devices. Java’s ecosystem offers robust frameworks and libraries for building scalable IoT applications. Security: Security is a critical concern in IoT deployments. Java provides built-in security features, such as secure coding practices, cryptographic libraries,
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. and authentication mechanisms, which help developers build secure IoT solutions resistant to cyber threats. Device Management: Java-based frameworks and platforms facilitate device management in IoT deployments. These frameworks offer functionalities for device provisioning, configuration,
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. monitoring, and remote management, simplifying the administration of large fleets of IoT devices. Integration with Cloud Services: Many IoT solutions leverage cloud services for data storage, analytics, and machine learning. Java’s compatibility with major cloud platforms, such as AWS, Azure, and
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. Google Cloud, enables seamless integration between IoT devices and cloud services, allowing for advanced data processing and analysis. Edge Computing: Java supports edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the data source (IoT device) rather than in centralized cloud servers. Java
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. applications can run on edge devices, enabling real-time analytics, reduced latency, and efficient use of network bandwidth. Interoperability: Java’s extensive ecosystem of libraries, protocols, and APIs facilitates interoperability between IoT devices and systems. Java-based IoT solutions can
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. communicate with devices using various protocols such as MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP, ensuring compatibility with diverse IoT ecosystems. Community Support: Java benefits from a large and active developer community continuously contributing to IoT-related projects, frameworks, and tools. This community
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. support accelerates development, fosters innovation, and provides resources for solving IoT challenges. Overall, Java’s versatility, scalability, security features, and compatibility with cloud services make it a compelling choice for developing robust and scalable IoT solutions. Eclipse IoT.
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. Eclipse IoT is a collection of open-source projects that provide implementations of IoT standards and protocols. It includes projects like Eclipse Paho (for MQTT), Eclipse Mosquitto (MQTT broker), Eclipse Kura (Java/OSGi-based framework for IoT gateways), Eclipse Hono (IoT messaging
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. infrastructure), and more. Pi4J. Pi4J is a Java library for Raspberry Pi GPIO control and hardware interfacing. It allows Java developers to interact with the GPIO pins, SPI, I2C, and serial interfaces of Raspberry Pi boards, enabling them to build IoT applications that interact with external
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. sensors, actuators, and peripherals. ThingSpeak Java Library. ThingSpeak is an IoT platform for collecting, visualizing, and analyzing data from sensors and devices. The ThingSpeak Java Library provides APIs for interacting with the ThingSpeak cloud service, enabling Java applications to send and
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. retrieve data from IoT devices. AWS IoT SDK for Java. The AWS IoT SDK for Java enables Java developers to interact with the AWS IoT platform, which includes device shadow support, MQTT messaging, and device management capabilities. It allows developers to build IoT applications that leverage AWS
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. services for data processing, storage, and analytics. Blynk. Blynk is a platform for building IoT applications that enables developers to create custom IoT dashboards and control IoT devices remotely. The Blynk Java library provides APIs for integrating Java applications with the Blynk platform,
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. allowing developers to build IoT solutions with user-friendly interfaces. Pi4J Let’s review simple example of Pi4J how easy it is. Firstly we need maven dependency: <properties> <!-- DEPENDENCIES VERSIONS --> <slf4j.version>2.0.12</slf4j.version> <pi4j.version>2.5.1</pi4j.version> </properties>
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId> <version>${slf4j.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-simple</artifactId> <version>${slf4j.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- include Pi4J Core -->
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. <dependency> <groupId>com.pi4j</groupId> <artifactId>pi4j-core</artifactId> <version>${pi4j.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- include Pi4J Plugins (Platforms and I/O Providers) --> <dependency> <groupId>com.pi4j</groupId> <artifactId>pi4j-plugin-raspberrypi</artifactId>
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. <version>${pi4j.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.pi4j</groupId> <artifactId>pi4j-plugin-gpiod</artifactId> <version>${pi4j.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> Firstly we need to initialize a new runtime context: var pi4j = Pi4J.newAutoContext(); For example we
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. can print some important information: Platforms platforms = pi4j.platforms(); console.box("Pi4J PLATFORMS"); console.println(); platforms.describe().print(System.out); console.println(); Let’s blink a LED example: private static final int PIN_LED = 22; var led =
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. pi4j.digitalOutput().create(PIN_LED); while (pressCount < 5) { if (led.state() == DigitalState.HIGH) { led.low(); } else { led.high(); } Thread.sleep(500 / (pressCount + 1)); } Here button press example: private static int pressButtonCounter = 0; private static final int PIN_BUTTON = 24; var
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. buttonConfig = DigitalInput.newConfigBuilder(pi4j) .id("button") .name("Press button") .address(PIN_BUTTON) .pull(PullResistance.PULL_DOWN) .debounce(1000L); var button = pi4j.create(buttonConfig); button.addListener(e -> { if (e.state() == DigitalState.LOW) { pressButtonCounter++;
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. console.println("Button was pressed " + pressButtonCounter+ " times"); } }); Exit. To correctly free all resources we need to do shutdown: pi4j.shutdown(); To run this app on your RasperyPi you need do following. You need attach a LED, and recent Raspbian OS image with Java 11 or newer Build
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. project: mvn clean package And after this you will have simple file run.sh inside build folder. And after that you have console output like this: LED high LED low LED high Button was pressed 1 times To more detail examples you can use Pi4J Project Documentation. This was a simple example. But Pi4J
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. is particularly interesting for Java developers working on Raspberry Pi projects. Here are some reasons why Pi4J is worth using: GPIO Control: Pi4J provides an easy-to-use API for controlling the GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins of the Raspberry Pi. This allows developers to interact with
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. external sensors, LEDs, motors, and other electronic components connected to the GPIO pins. Hardware Interfacing: With Pi4J, Java developers can interface with various hardware peripherals of the Raspberry Pi, including SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit), and serial
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. interfaces. This enables communication with external devices and sensors using standard communication protocols. Platform Independence: Pi4J is designed to be platform-independent, meaning that Java applications developed with Pi4J can run on any operating system supported by the Raspberry Pi, such
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. as Raspbian, Ubuntu, or Windows IoT Core. This flexibility simplifies development and deployment across different environments. Integration with Java Ecosystem: Pi4J integrates seamlessly with the Java ecosystem, allowing developers to leverage existing Java libraries, frameworks, and tools for
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. building Raspberry Pi projects. This includes IDEs like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, build tools like Maven or Gradle, and libraries for networking, concurrency, and data processing. Event-Driven Programming: Pi4J supports event-driven programming paradigms, allowing developers to create responsive
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. and asynchronous applications that react to external events, such as GPIO state changes or sensor readings. This makes it suitable for building interactive and real-time IoT applications. Community and Support: Pi4J benefits from an active community of developers and contributors who provide
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. support, tutorials, and examples for getting started with Raspberry Pi development in Java. The community-driven nature of Pi4J ensures ongoing development and improvement of the library. Educational Purposes: Pi4J is widely used in educational settings to teach students about electronics, embedded
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. systems, and programming. Its simplicity and ease of use make it an excellent tool for introducing beginners to the world of hardware programming using Java and Raspberry Pi. Overall, Pi4J is a powerful and versatile library that enables Java developers to harness the capabilities of the Raspberry
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. Pi for building a wide range of IoT, robotics, automation, and educational projects. Whether you’re a hobbyist, student, or professional developer, Pi4J offers a rich set of features for exploring the potential of Raspberry Pi hardware with Java. Let’s create another example using Pi4J to control a
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. servo motor connected to a Raspberry Pi. We’ll write a program that allows us to control the position of the servo motor using a potentiometer connected to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Here’s the code: import com.pi4j.io.gpio.Pin; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.RaspiPin; import
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. com.pi4j.io.gpio.GpioFactory; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.GpioPinAnalogInput; import com.pi4j.io.gpio.GpioPinPwmOutput; public class ServoControl { private static final Pin POTENTIOMETER_PIN = RaspiPin.GPIO_00; private static final Pin SERVO_PIN = RaspiPin.GPIO_01; public static void main(String[]
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. args) throws InterruptedException { // Create GPIO controller instance final com.pi4j.io.gpio.GpioController gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance(); // Create analog input pin for the potentiometer final GpioPinAnalogInput potentiometer = gpio.provisionAnalogInputPin(POTENTIOMETER_PIN); // Create PWM
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. output pin for the servo final GpioPinPwmOutput servoPin = gpio.provisionPwmOutputPin(SERVO_PIN); // Set the PWM range (1000-2000) for the servo servoPin.setPwmRange(1000); while (true) { // Read the potentiometer value (0-1023) int potValue = potentiometer.getValue(); // Map potentiometer value to
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. servo PWM range (1000-2000) int pwmValue = (int) map(potValue, 0, 1023, 1000, 2000); // Set the servo position servoPin.setPwm(pwmValue); // Wait for a short time Thread.sleep(20); } } // Helper function to map a value from one range to another private static double map(int x, int in_min, int
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. in_max, int out_min, int out_max) { return (double) (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } } In this example: We import necessary Pi4J classes for controlling GPIO pins. We define the GPIO pins for connecting the potentiometer (analog input) and servo motor (PWM
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. output). We create a main method where we initialize the GPIO controller and provision the GPIO pins. Inside the main loop, we continuously read the value of the potentiometer (0–1023) and map it to the PWM range of the servo motor (1000–2000). We then set the PWM output to control the position of
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. the servo motor accordingly. To run this example, make sure you have Pi4J installed on your Raspberry Pi, a servo motor connected to a GPIO pin, and a potentiometer connected to another GPIO pin (via an ADC if needed). Then compile and run the Java code on your Raspberry Pi. You should be able to
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. control the position of the servo motor by rotating the potentiometer. In conclusion, Pi4J offers Java developers a versatile and accessible way to interact with the GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi, enabling the creation of a wide range of IoT projects. With Pi4J, developers can easily integrate sensors,
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. actuators, displays, and other peripherals into their Java applications, opening up endless possibilities for innovation in the IoT space. Whether you’re a hobbyist, educator, or professional developer, Pi4J provides a robust framework for exploring hardware programming with Java on the Raspberry
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. Pi platform. Its simplicity, platform independence, and seamless integration with the Java ecosystem make it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to dive into the world of IoT development. By leveraging Pi4J’s features and capabilities, developers can unleash their creativity, build interactive
Java, IoT, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering. prototypes, automate tasks, and bring their IoT ideas to life with ease. With Pi4J, the only limit is your imagination. So, grab your Raspberry Pi, fire up Pi4J, and embark on your journey to explore the exciting possibilities of IoT development with Java!
Django, Python, Web Development. Achieving optimal performance in Django applications requires a deep understanding of how to efficiently interact with the database. This comprehensive guide delves into sophisticated optimization strategies that go beyond the basics, ensuring your Django applications run as efficiently as
Django, Python, Web Development. possible. Table of Content · Why Optimize? · Indexing · Aggregation and Annotation · What is Aggregation? ∘ When to Use Aggregation: · What is Annotation? ∘ When to Use Annotation: · Additional Query Optimization Techniques: · Using .only() and .defer() · Using exists() · Batch Processing with
Django, Python, Web Development. iterator() · Database Functions and Expressions · QuerySet Caching · Monitoring and Profiling · Key Features of Django Debug Toolbar · Conclusion Why Optimize? The goal of query optimization is to minimize the load on your database, which in turn, leads to faster response times and an improved user
Django, Python, Web Development. experience. Identifying slow queries is the first step towards optimization. Tools like Django’s connection.queries or the Django Debug Toolbar are invaluable in this process. from django.db import connection print(connection.queries) This snippet is essential for pinpointing the queries that need
Django, Python, Web Development. optimization. Indexing for Speed: Indexes are crucial for expediting data retrieval operations. They allow the database to find data without scanning every row of a table, thereby significantly improving performance. from django.db import models class User(models.Model): username =
Django, Python, Web Development. models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True) email = models.EmailField(unique=True) signup_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=['username'], name='username_idx'), models.Index(fields=['-signup_date'], name='signup_date_idx'), ] In this
Django, Python, Web Development. example, we’ve indexed the username and signup_date fields, ensuring quick searches based on these attributes. Efficient Data Retrieval: Utilizing select_related and prefetch_related correctly is pivotal in reducing the number of queries, especially when working with related objects. Use
Django, Python, Web Development. select_related for single-value relationships and prefetch_related for many-to-many or many-to-one relationships to reduce the number of database queries. from django.db.models import Prefetch from myapp.models import Author, Book # Using Prefetch with prefetch_related prefetch = Prefetch('books',
Django, Python, Web Development. queryset=Book.objects.filter(published_date__year=2020)) authors = Author.objects.prefetch_related(prefetch) This example demonstrates how to use Prefetch to further control the queryset of the related objects, optimizing data retrieval by filtering the books published in a specific year.
Django, Python, Web Development. Aggregation and Annotation Django’s ORM provides powerful tools like aggregate() and annotate() for performing calculations directly in the database. What is Aggregation? Aggregation collects data from multiple rows to return a single summary value. It’s useful when you need to calculate totals,
Django, Python, Web Development. averages, minimums, or maximums across a set of rows. Django’s aggregate() function enables you to perform these calculations across a queryset. When to Use Aggregation: Calculating Summaries: Use aggregation when you need to calculate a summary over a dataset. For instance, finding the total sales
Django, Python, Web Development. from all orders, the average price of products, or the maximum score achieved in a game. Global Calculations: Aggregation is best suited for global calculations that span multiple rows or even the entire dataset to produce a single result. from django.db.models import Sum from myapp.models import
Django, Python, Web Development. Order # Calculating the total amount for all orders total_amount = Order.objects.aggregate(total=Sum('amount'))['total'] What is Annotation? Annotation adds a calculated field to each object in a queryset. It’s particularly useful for querying a set of objects and attaching some calculated data to
Django, Python, Web Development. each object without requiring a separate query. When to Use Annotation: Adding Calculated Fields to Each Object: When you need to append calculated data to each object in a queryset. For example, counting the number of comments on each post or calculating the total sales per customer. Queryset
Django, Python, Web Development. Enhancements: Annotation is the go-to when you want to enhance your queryset with additional information, making it more informative or easier to filter/sort later in your application. from django.db.models import Count from myapp.models import Post # Annotating each post with the number of
Django, Python, Web Development. comments posts_with_comment_count = Post.objects.annotate(comment_count=Count('comments')) Additional Query Optimization Techniques: Using .only() and .defer() To load only a subset of fields from the database, you can use .only() and .defer().This can significantly reduce memory usage and speed up
Django, Python, Web Development. query execution. When you query a model using .only(), Django will fetch only the specified fields from the database, significantly reducing the amount of data transferred. from myapp.models import User # Retrieving only the username and email fields from the User model users =
Django, Python, Web Development. User.objects.only('username', 'email') The .defer() method is the counterpart to .only(). Instead of specifying which fields to load, you specify which fields to defer. When you query a model using .defer(), Django will fetch all fields except those specified. from myapp.models import User #
Django, Python, Web Development. Deferring the loading of the profile_picture field users = User.objects.defer('profile_picture') Using exists() to Check for Existence Instead of loading objects to check their existence, use exists(). This method is more efficient than loading an entire object or collection of objects just to
Django, Python, Web Development. check existence. if Author.objects.filter(name="John Doe").exists(): print("Author exists!") Batch Processing with iterator() For processing large datasets, using iterator() to fetch database records in chunks can save memory. This method avoids loading all objects into memory at once, which is
Django, Python, Web Development. useful for data-intensive operations. for user in User.objects.all().iterator(): # Process each user one at a time without loading all into memory print(user.username) Database Functions and Expressions Django’s ORM supports the use of database functions and expressions, such as Concat, Lower, and
Django, Python, Web Development. Coalesce, allowing for complex annotations and modifications to values directly in the query. Get more details on all supported functions HERE. from django.db.models import CharField, Value as V from django.db.models.functions import Concat from myapp.models import User
Django, Python, Web Development. User.objects.annotate(full_name=Concat('first_name', V(' '), 'last_name', output_field=CharField())) QuerySet Caching Repeatedly executing the same query in a short period can be inefficient. Django querysets are lazy and won’t hit the database until evaluated. Cache the result of expensive queries
Django, Python, Web Development. if you know the data won’t change frequently. from django.core.cache import cache def get_expensive_data(): data = cache.get('expensive_data') if not data: data = list(ExpensiveModel.objects.all()) cache.set('expensive_data', data, 60 * 15) # Cache for 15 minutes return data Monitoring and
Django, Python, Web Development. Profiling Regularly monitor and profile your application to identify slow queries. Tools like Django Debug Toolbar or database-specific profilers can help pinpoint areas for improvement. Key Features of Django Debug Toolbar SQL Queries: This panel displays all database queries made during the
Django, Python, Web Development. request-response cycle, along with their execution times. It’s invaluable for identifying and optimizing slow or redundant queries. Request and Response: View detailed information about the current request, session data, GET and POST data, cookies, and headers. This can help debug issues related to
Django, Python, Web Development. HTTP headers, form submissions, and more. Cache: The cache panel shows how Django’s caching framework is being used. It can help identify opportunities to cache data that’s expensive to compute or retrieve. Templates: This shows the templates involved in rendering the current page, including their
Django, Python, Web Development. context data. It helps in pinpointing inefficiencies in template rendering and context data usage. Signals: Django’s signal dispatching is powerful but can sometimes lead to hidden performance bottlenecks. The signals panel displays all signals fired during the request, making it easier to debug
Django, Python, Web Development. signal-related issues. Profiling: For more detailed performance insights, the toolbar can integrate with Python’s cProfile module to provide a line-by-line breakdown of function calls and execution times. Django Debug Toolbar Interface Conclusion By incorporating these advanced optimization
Django, Python, Web Development. strategies into your Django projects, you’ll see significant improvements in application performance. Always remember to measure the impact of your optimizations and continue refining your approach based on those insights. Stay curious, keep optimizing, and your Django applications will not only
Django, Python, Web Development. perform better but also scale more gracefully. Happy Coding ! 💻 If you found this blog insightful, don’t hesitate to like, comment, and share it with your network. Feel free to connect with me for discussions, questions, or to explore more topics related to Python, Django, React, and JavaScript.
Django, Python, Web Development. Stay tuned for more informative content! 👍🏻 Like 🔗 share and 👉🏻 follow for more. Connect with me: Linkedin, Github Continue Learning: For details on annotation and aggregation visit Here For details on DB index visit Here For Details on Django Debug Toolbar visit Here
IoT, Fpga, Physical Design, Semiconductor Electronic, Low Power. Low Power Design — A Game Changer in ASIC Physical Design With the advent of personal computers and integrated circuits, the target has been to fit as many transistors as possible in one chip and make them run at the highest possible frequency. A lot of effort has gone in meeting computing scale and
IoT, Fpga, Physical Design, Semiconductor Electronic, Low Power. performance requirements, from personal computers to data servers, essentially sidelining power optimization or reduction in holistic ways — although it has been constantly considered in implementation flows. For the last couple of years, the demand for portable devices has increased rapidly; as a
IoT, Fpga, Physical Design, Semiconductor Electronic, Low Power. result, the semiconductor industry needs to be limit the power consumption of chips. The ASIC/FPGA chip design industry is driven towards low power development due to the widespread use of devices, which require minimal power consumption and maximum speed, such as 4G/5G smartphones, healthcare
IoT, Fpga, Physical Design, Semiconductor Electronic, Low Power. devices that generate data continuously, smart wearables, and other edge computing devices. Hence, developing varied and multiple real-time functionalities in these devices requires the design of millions of gate counts on a single chip. Also, speed is another major consideration in such designs.
IoT, Fpga, Physical Design, Semiconductor Electronic, Low Power. To meet all these demands, mixed-signal ASIC chip design with low power transistors like FinFET, 7nm, 5nm nodes has been adopted rapidly. In order to sustain the ecosystem of always-connected personal/portable devices — which have similar computing capacity and power optimization requirements –the
IoT, Fpga, Physical Design, Semiconductor Electronic, Low Power. demand for low power has increased in the semiconductor domain. Although servers and network SoCs are not dependent on battery power, overall power footprint and heat dissipation pose major challenges in terms of maintenance, cost and scale. Here is the formula for dynamic power: Power = F Cload