22 values
3! 2! 1! GO!
Now you can't change your past. But you can determine your destiny by deciding for Christ. But Christ can change your past. He died on the cross so that all the sins you've ever committed all the things you've ever done wrong are forgiven. What do you have to do? You have to repent of your sins. That means to be willing to change your way of living. You may have no power to do it. You may not have power to give up some of those habits you know are wrong. You may not have power to fall in love with your wife again. You may not have power to change your whole life that you know needs to be changed. But if you surrender to Christ, he'll give you the power. You say, "Well Billy, I don't know what else to do." I've been baptized, I joined the church and so forth. But I don't really have peace and joy and power in my life all that you're talking about. How do I get it? Jesus Christ said, "I am the Way." Come to Christ! He will give you a new strength and a new power, and a new joy and a new peace and a purpose for living. Every person that ever lived has to make the same choice. It's either the world and its pleasures and its gods, or it's Christ. Which is it for you? Who are you choosing, who are you voting for? Choosing rather to suffer the affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Oh yes...there's pleasure in sin for a short time. But it's soon over. The hangover comes. And there's nothing you can do about it. It's going to be there. Choose Christ! And there will never be a hangover, except joy and peace And it's an urgent decision because to delay makes the right decision harder. Indecision in itself is a choice. Not to decide is to decide not to. If you have a ticket for a flight to Atlanta tonight and can't decide whether to go or not, if you wait past the departure time, the choice will have been made. The plane will take off without you. Decisions are made whether we make them or not. Time decides if you will not. And time always decides against you. There's a lonely arena in the depths of your heart where the greatest battle of life must be fought alone. That's your decision about Christ. Your parents can't make it for you, the church can't make it for you, your friends can't make it for you, your girlfriend, your boyfriend can't make it for you. You have to make it yourself. And you must decide tonight. There are hundreds of people here tonight that have to decide tonight and your decision tonight, yes or no, will decide where you'll be a hundred years from now. If you're not sure that you're ready to meet God, if you're not sure you're going to heaven, and you're not sure that your sins are forgiven, you come and make sure tonight. I believe that none of you are here by accident tonight. I believe that you're here on this particular night because this is the night that you are to meet God in a new way, and receive him into your heart.
Portuguese: "Requerimento de Zinco para Vegetarianos" (nota: em Portugal, "oleaginosas" são "frutos secos", no Brasil, são "castanhas") E antes de sairmos do assunto... assim como os requerimentos de ferro para as mulheres menstruando são mais altos que para os homens, porque algum ferro é perdido todos os meses no fluxo menstrual, o requerimento de zinco para os homens é maior do que para as mulheres porque algum zinco é perdido no sêmen. Como o zinco dos alimentos vegetais não é absorvido tão bem como o zinco da carne, um estudo publicado no início deste ano descobriu níveis relativamente baixos de zinco no sangue de vegetarianos. Então, quem se alimenta a base de vegetais - homens ou mulheres - deve certificar-se de comer grãos integrais, feijões e oleaginosas todos os dias. Mas alguns homens podem simplesmente precisar mais do que outros. iw: "דרישות אבץ בצמחוניים" ולפני שאנחנו עוזבים את הנושא ... בדיוק כמו שהדרישה לברזל בתקופת הווסת לנשים גבוהה יותר מלגברים, כי ברזל ברמה כלשהי הולך לאיבוד מדי חודש בזרם הווסת, דרישות האבץ אצל גברים גבוהות יותר מאשר אצל נשים כי אבץ אובד בזרע. בגלל שהאבץ במזונות צמחיים אינו נספג טוב כמו אבץ במזונות בשריים, מחקר שפורסם מוקדם יותר השנה מצא רמות נמוכות יחסית של אבץ בדם של צמחונים. אז, כל אחד האוכל דיאטות מבוססות צמחים - גברים או נשים - צריך לוודא שהוא אוכל דגנים מלאים, שעועית ואגוזים בכל יום. אבל חלק מהגברים אולי צריכים יותר מאחרים. Spanish: "Requerimientos Vegetarianos de Zinc” Y antes de dejar el tema, así como el requerimiento de hierro en la mujer menstruando es mayor que el del hombre, ya que se pierde algo en el flujo, el del zinc en el hombre es mayor pues pierde algo en el semen. Ya que el zinc en los alimentos vegetales no se absorbe tan bien como el de las carnes, un estudio publicó en este año que hay muy poco zinc en los glóbulos de los vegetarianos. Así es que cualquiera que coma una dieta basada en plantas–hombre o mujer- debería asegurarse de comer grano integral, legumbres, y nueces diario. Pero algunos hombres requieren más zinc que otros. English: "Vegetarian Zinc Requirements" And before we leave the topic… just as the iron requirements in menstruating women are higher than in men, because some iron is lost every month in the menstrual flow, the zinc requirements in men are higher than in women because some zinc is lost in semen. Because the zinc in plant foods isn't absorbed as well as the zinc in flesh foods, a study published earlier this year found relatively low blood zinc levels in vegetarians. So, anyone eating plant based diets -- men or women -- should make sure they eat whole grains, beans and nuts every day. But some men might just require more than others. Czech: „Požadavky vegetariánů na příjem zinku“ A ještě než opustíme téma... stejně jako mají menstruující ženy vyšší požadavky na příjem železa než muži, protože menstruačním krvácením každý měsíc o část železa přicházejí, tak mají zase muži vyšší požadavky na zinek. Důvodem je to, že o část zinku přicházejí při ejakulaci. Protože se zinek z rostlinných potravin nevstřebává stejně dobře jako z masa, studie zveřejněná dříve tohoto roku zjistila u vegetariánů relativně nízké hladiny zinku. A proto by si každý, kdo jí převážně/zcela rostlinnou stravu, bez ohledu na pohlaví, měl dát záležet na tom, aby každý den jedl celozrnné obiloviny, luštěniny a ořechy. Někteří muži však zkrátka mohou zinku potřebovat více než jiní.
English: So Californium is another element which was first prepared at the Berkeley labs in California. It’s got quite a few military applications, usually involving the word ‘nuclear’. But what most people don’t realise is it’s actually used in various types of machines for detecting metal fatigue and stress in airplanes, so obviously it’s pretty important our planes don’t fall to bits in mid-air and they are used in the kind of instruments which scan for this and can spot any problems long before they become a serious issue. It’s also probably the only other actinide which has possibly routinely got its way into households which is that it’s also used in metal detectors. Portuguese: O califórnio é outro elemento que foi primeiro preparado nos laboratório de Berkeley, na Califórnia. Tem poucas aplicações militares. Normalmente envolvendo o mundo nuclear. Muitas pessoas não percebem o uso em vários tipos de máquinas para detectar fadiga metálica e stress, em aviões. É muito importante que nossos aviões não se despedacem no ar. Eles usam vários instrumentos para detectar qualquer problema antes de ficar grave. Também, provavelmente, é o único outro actinídeo que possivelmente tem seu lugar em domicílios e também usado em detectores de metais. Traduzido por Prof. Dr. Luís Brudna
Pegunungan Alpen yang spektakuler. Es yang memesona di langit biru yang cerah. Dani Arnold dan temannya adalah pendaki gunung yang ekstrem - di sini mereka mencari sensasi yang luar biasa. Mereka mendaki Piz Palü, ketinggian puncaknya hampir 4000 meter. Ketika kita memosisikan kapak es, kita dapat merasakan ketegangannya. Retakan dan suara mendesis ketika memecah balok es, benar-benar keren! Tetapi semakin banyak ilmuwan memperingatkan bahwa petualangan seperti itu mungkin segera menjadi hal yang tidak mungkin. Pemanasan global mencairkan gletser. Dani Arnold dapat melihat sendiri dampak perubahan iklim. Hari-hari ketika kita benar-benar bisa mendaki di musim dingin. 10 tahun yang lalu, ada lebih banyak lagi. Para pakar mengatakan kami berada pada titik balik. Salju, es, dan gletser semakin berkurang. Tidak akan lama sebelum Pegunungan Alpen sebagaimana kita tahu, tidak akan ada lagi. ALPEN MENUJU SENJA Eropa Tanpa Gletser - Yuk foto! - Cheese! Pada musim semi 2018, suasana di resor ski Glacier 3000 di Swiss sangat ceria, bahkan di kalangan ilmuwan. Sebuah tim yang dipimpin oleh pakar gletser Matthias Huss, dari Institut Teknologi Federal Swiss di Zurich, mengunjungi pegunungan itu dua kali setahun, sekali di musim semi dan lagi di musim gugur, ketika musim dimulai. Mereka menyelidiki berapa banyak salju yang turun di musim dingin dan ketebalan salju yang menutupi es. Semakin banyak salju, semakin baik kondisi gletser. Hari ini - tanggal 25 April 2018 - kondisinya lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. Lebih dari lima meter salju turun di musim dingin. Kami telah mengukur setara air salju di tujuh gletser di Swiss. Pengukuran kami menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2018, tutupan salju jauh di atas rata-rata. Tidak ada kedalaman salju yang cukup banyak di mana-mana di Swiss seperti di sini, tetapi sepertinya ada sebanyak 50 persen lebih banyak dari tahun-tahun normal. Matthias Huss akan kembali di musim gugur. Ada banyak orang yang melihat hujan salju adalah hal yang ‘sehat' sebagai bukti bahwa perubahan iklim adalah mitos. Tetapi di pegunungan tinggi Eropa, buktinya terpampang di sekitar itu. Di Italia, Swiss, Austria, Slovenia - dan di Jerman. Stasiun penelitian lingkungan Schneefernerhaus terletak tepat di bawah puncak Zugspitze. Ini adalah pos penelitian ketinggian tertinggi di Jerman. Bagi Profesor Annette Menzel dan para mahasiswanya, dari Universitas Teknik di Munich atau München, ini adalah titik awal untuk ekspedisi Alpen atau Alpina. Dia mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa mereka dapat melihat tanda-tanda pemanasan global setiap hari. Serbuk sari tingkat tinggi, misalnya .... ....yang dapat berpotensi mengancam jiwa bagi orang-orang yang alergi. Salah satu akibat dari pemanasan global adalah musim serbuk sari dimulai lebih awal - tetapi tidak berakhir lebih awal. Ada banyak serbuk sari tentang bahkan di musim gugur karena invasi spesies. Dan peningkatan kadar karbon dioksida di udara juga meningkatkan produksi serbuk sari. Para siswa eko-klimatologi akan bertemu puluhan pakar dalam perjalanan studi di Alpen. Dimulai dengan Michael Krautblatter, seorang ilmuwan terkenal internasional. Bidang keahliannya adalah permafrost dan tanah longsor, erosi, dan bencana alam, Sekarang peningkatan suhu berarti permafrost di Pegunungan Alpen mulai mencair, sehingga risiko longsornya bebatuan semakin besar. Gunung-gunung itu tidak sedingin dulu, demikian dijelaskan Krautblatter. Selanjutnya, tim ini berangkat untuk melihat ke dalam Zugspitze. Mengukur ketebalan permafrost sedikit seperti melakukan operasi jantung terbuka. Sangat menginspirasi dan intens. Terowongan ini tingginya hanya 50 sentimeter. Para ilmuwan harus merangkak. Permafrost di dalam Zugspitze berada di antara dua puncak, dan beberapa puluh meter ketebalannya, tergantung pada suhu luar. Saat ini dimungkinkan untuk mengukurnya dengan tepat. Batuan itu diterangi dengan sensor listrik yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Semakin sedikit batu di dalam gunung yang membeku secara permanen. Bahkan di sini di puncak tertinggi Jerman, lapisan es tampak mencair. Kami telah mengamati pengurangan permafrost dengan jelas sejak Februari 2007, lebih dari satu dekade lalu. Musim dingin yang kadang-kadang dingin dapat memperlambat prosesnya sedikit tetapi selama bertahun-tahun kita telah melihat pencairannya. Puing-puing dan batu menstabilkan es di daerah kritis di mana mencairnya es, tetapi kita harus berhati-hati, jika terjadi ketidakstabilan. Ketidakstabilan Alpen. Penduduk desa Bondo yang kecil di kawasan Graubünden, Swiss tahu betul apa artinya itu. Elvira Salis mengucapkan selamat tinggal, pada rumah orangtuanya - rumah tempat dia menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya. Rumah itu harus dihancurkan. Saat melihat rumahku sekarat karena proses kematian yang lambat ini, hal itu membuat saya sangat sedih. Tetapi saya siap untuk pergi sekarang. Di musim panas 2017, tanah longsor besar di Piz Cengalo membawa tiga juta meter kubik batu jatuh ke lembah. Tiba-tiba saya mendengar suara mengerikan ini. Saya memandang ke atas gunung dan saya melihat bongkahan batu besar berjatuhan di sisinya. Tampak seperti lava, tetapi bergerak sangat lambat dan tanpa suara. Terdiri dari es, air dan tanah. Kamera pengintai di tempat bisnis pertukangan kayu lokal merekam gambar-gambar ini. Delapan pendaki tewas. Sebagian desa hancur. Tanah longsor adalah hasil dari perubahan iklim. Dulu ada rumah di sini. Sekarang, hanya ada puing-puing. Rumah Elvira Salis penuh dengan batu-batuan raksasa dan bebatuan kecil. Itu ada di daerah terlarang di desa, tempat orang tidak lagi diizinkan untuk tinggal. Elvira Salis yang berusia 82 tahun harus meninggalkan Bondo. Dia pindah dengan putranya ke desa tetangga. Rumahnya berumur 345 tahun. Kakek buyutnya yang dulu membelinya. Awalnya saya sangat sedih. Saya sering menangis. Saya senang saya ada di sana ketika dirobohkan. Itu sama saja dengan orang-orang, Anda tidak membiarkan orang mati sendirian. Saya tidak ingin rumah saya mati sendirian. 200 penduduk Bondo masih dalam risiko bahaya. tiga juta meter kubik batu jatuh dari Piz Cengalo bisa menghantam desa kapan saja. "La Montagne ha la febbre". Gunung itu sedang demam, demikian kata mereka di sini. Apakah tanah longsor menghancurkan Bondo dalam satu kali terjangan? Atau apakah bencana seperti itu semakin sering terjadi? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, Profesor Michael Krautblatter telah membentuk tim ilmuwan. Hari ini mereka menuju ke tempat yang mereka yakini sebagai salah satu tempat paling menarik di seluruh Pegunungan Alpen. Helikopter itu hampir tidak memiliki ruang untuk mendarat di Hochvogel. Perbatasan antara Jerman dan Austria melintasi puncak, yang tidak jauh dari Oberstdorf. Pada tahun 2014, retakan muncul di gunung yang sejak itu melebar. Ada risiko akut longsoran batu. Salah satu dari dua jalur menuju puncak gunung telah ditutup. Pandangan dari udara mengungkapkan bahaya sepenuhnya. Beberapa ratus ribu ton batu bisa meluncur dengan cepat ke lembah. Mengumpulkan data pada ketinggian 2.600 meter adalah pekerjaan yang berisiko. Apa yang bisa terjadi jika puncak runtuh, sungguh tidak terbayangkan ngerinya. Ada sekitar 260.000 meter kubik massa batuan. Kami mulai melakukan pengukuran di sini pada tahun 2014 dan sejak saat itu bergerak 30 sentimeter. Saat ini bergerak beberapa milimeter sebulan. Deformasi yang sedang berlangsung sangat kuat dan dapat berubah dalam waktu yang singkat sehingga tidak akan lama lagi. Itu semua bisa runtuh tahun ini atau tahun depan. Tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja. Pegunungan Alpen secara efektif disatukan oleh lapisan es. Tidak hanya di sini di Allgäu, Jerman, dan Bondo, Swiss, tapi dimana-mana. Retaknya terlihat jelas - secara harfiah – di keindahan alam Alpen. Hari ini para siswa mengunjungi lereng yang longsor. Belum lama ini area tersebut masih tertutup salju sepanjang tahun. Daerah pegunungan tinggi Eropa sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan iklim. Pegunungan ini bereaksi terhadap kenaikan suhu sekecil apa pun - bahkan sepersepuluh derajat pada periode yang panjang tanpa hujan, untuk setiap gangguan di alam, dengan konsekuensi dramatis. Suhu meningkat dan kemudian ada banyak kegiatan yang akan merugikan kita. Jadi pada dasarnya perbuatan kita yang akan membawa situasi kita lebih buruk di masa depan. Misalnya jika Anda akan menggunakan bahan bakar fosil di seluruh planet ini, akibatnya tidak akan mempengaruhi hanya satu negara tetapi secara global. Penting bagi saya karena berpengaruh pada masa depan saya, masa depan anak-anak saya, dan seluruh ekosistem. Saya suka alam, saya suka berada di luar. Itu sebabnya saya ingin mempelajari semua ini dan mencari tahu apa yang terjadi di masa depan di daerah pegunungan. Saya telah melihat banyak hal di sini dan kemudian jika dapat mentransfer teknologi atau pengetahuan yang saya peroleh di sini, maka saya percaya kita bisa menurunkan suhu iklim, meski tidak bisa lebih rendah lagi tetapi kita bisa memitigasi dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim yang terjadi. Dengan tutupan salju sepanjang tahun, gunung tertinggi di Jerman ini adalah objek wisata utama. Gletser Zugspitze tidak lagi bertumbuh. Esnya mencair. Paling lambat pada tahun 2040, puncak ini akan makin mencair. Bajak salju mengikis salju musim dingin yang terakhir. Salju itu disimpan di depot salju. Pada awal musim ski yang baru, simpanan salju itu akan digunakan untuk menyiapkan jalur ski. Dengan begitu, musim ski bisa dimulai sedini mungkin. Tetapi kurangnya salju menjadi semakin bermasalah. Pada tahun 2018, bahkan dengan 'snow-farming', musim ski tidak dapat dimulai pada bulan November karena suhu di Zugspitze terlalu hangat. Bahkan resor di dataran tinggi sekarang mengandalkan salju buatan - yang menggunakan air dan energi secara intensif. Permintaannya sangat besar sehingga operator ski lift terkadang membeli salju dari pemasok swasta. Hampir setiap desa di Pegunungan Alpen bergantung pada pariwisata - dan tentunya pada salju. Membuat pengunjung senang adalah yang terpenting - berapa pun ongkosnya. Tidak ada yang ingin pestanya segera usai. Di musim panas, biaya semua kesenangan itu ‘termaktub‘ ke dalam lanskap. Resor Silvretta terletak di atas Ischgl: lerengnya dipenuhi mesin salju yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Menjaga resor adalah investasi keuangan yang sangat besar. Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh pariwisata sangat besar. Ahli hidrologi, Carmen de Jong dari Universitas Strasbourg meneliti efek salju buatan di Pegunungan Alpen. Bahkan dia terkejut dengan tingkat erosi yang disebabkan oleh olahraga musim dingin. Kanal ini sangat lebar, hampir dua meter. Amati dari tempat saya berdiri; kanal ini sangat dalam. Tanah terkikis sepenuhnya. Ada saluran di seluruh lereng, yang besar, yang kecil. De Jong ingin memastikan apakah tanahnya masih bisa menyerap air. Dia mengukur kepadatan tanah. Truk salju dan salju buatan yang tebal telah membuat tanah jadi sangat padat. Ini adalah perjuangan untuk menempatkan tongkat pengukur. Dia belum pernah melihat hasil seperti ini sebelumnya. Air akan mengalir dari permukaan. Akibatnya, jalur ski akan sepenuhnya kedap air. Air yang mengalir di sini tidak terserap, hanya mengalir dari permukaan dan menyebabkan erosi yang luas. Biasanya ini adalah padang rumput yang sangat cantik dengan tanah yang dapat ditembus kemampuan batuan menyerap air. Namun mesin salju baru sedang dipasang di seluruh Pegunungan Alpen - seperti di sini di St. Moritz, tempat pemasangan pipa sepanjang dua kilometer. Jalur ski dibuat di ketinggian yang lebih tinggi. Bagi banyak resor, itu satu-satunya cara mereka dapat bertahan hidup. Tetapi biaya meledak dan pada akhirnya, banyak operator ski lift tidak akan mampu bertahan dalam bisnis mereka. Industri olahraga musim dingin sedang dikalahkan oleh perubahan iklim. Produksi salju buatan membutuhkan sejumlah besar air. Waduk buatan manusia diberi pasokan dengan sungai dari gletser dan gunung. Air yang dibutuhkan di tempat lain. Bentang alam yang unik berubah secara dramatis tak bisa dikenali lagi dan hancur secara bertahap. Resor ski ini tidak diasuransikan terhadap perubahan iklim. Jika ada kenaikan suhu satu atau dua derajat maka tidak ada jaminan salju di sini. Dan kemudian tidak ada musim ski yang tepat lagi. Menurut penelitian terbaru, kita mungkin melihat peningkatan suhu empat derajat celsius pada akhir abad ini. Sampai saat ini, ada 630 resor ski di seluruh Pegunungan Alpen - dari Slovenia hingga Prancis. Pada tahun 2085, 80 persen kemungkinan tidak akan memiliki lapisan salju yang lebih terjamin dan karenanya akan ditutup. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Institut Teknologi Federal Swiss di Zurich memperkirakan bahwa hanya akan ada lapisan salju alami di atas ketinggian 2.400 meter. Tetapi meskipun ada pandangan suram ini, banyak operator ski lift gagal bereaksi. Banyak pekerjaan bergantung pada industri olahraga musim dingin. Sementara mereka punya pandangan lain, kealamian unik pegunungan Alpen perlahan tapi pasti makin berkurang. Para ahli iklim sekarang sedang dalam perjalanan menuju pembangkit listrik Danau Walchen. Airnya mengalir melalui jaringan pipa 200 meter di lereng gunung ke Danau Kochel, dan memberi kekuatan pada turbin. Meningkatnya kelangkaan air yang berasal dari sumber-sumber ketinggian tinggi adalah pertanda potensi penggurunan di bagian-bagian Pegunungan Alpen. Air yang mencair sangat sedikit yang tersedia di tepi Alpen di bagian atas Bavaria atau Bayern. Di masa lalu, ketinggian air di Danau Walchen harus dikurangi dengan sengaja. Ada risiko banjir karena banyaknya air lelehan di musim semi. Dulu ada begitu banyak salju yang mencair sehingga kami harus membuat ruang untuk itu di danau. Tapi untuk sementara sekarang ini jauh lebih sedikit. Danau bisa menyerapnya, jadi kita tidak perlu mengurangi ketinggian air. Semua yang ada di sini, di Alpen saling terhubung: pembangkit listrik dan pasokan air; meningkatnya suhu dan meningkatnya insiden longsornya batu; lapisan es yang mencair dan kegersangan yang meluas. Selama bertahun-tahun, eko-klimatolog Annette Menzel telah membawa siswa dalam perjalanan studi ke Pegunungan Alpen. Seberapa banyak perubahan situasi di sini pada waktu itu? Yah, kita pasti perlu khawatir. Di wilayah Alpen, suhu sudah naik dua derajat celsius. Itu peningkatan yang lebih besar daripada di dataran rendah dan lebih besar daripada rata-rata global. Prakiraan cuaca mendukung fakta ini. akan semakin tinggi kenaikan suhu di sini dibanding daerah sekitarnya, dan itu sebabnya ada perubahan besar-besaran di alam - dari gletser ke hutan, dari hidrologi ke pasokan air. Sebagai contoh: semua pohon membutuhkan suhu khusus untuk berkembang. Ketika suhu meningkat, habitat pohon yang ideal sekarang berada di ketinggian yang lebih tinggi. Maksudnya, untuk berada di tempat yang sesuai dengan suhunya, pohon sebenarnya harus berada di ketinggian 500 meter lebih tinggi dari yang seharusnya. Itu termasuk spesies pohon yang cocok dengan puncak gunung, tapi masalahnya adalah pohon tak bisa mencapai ketinggian 500 meter, karena jelas mereka sudah berada di puncak. Jadi kemana mereka pergi? Tidak ada kekurangan bukti bahwa lingkungan Alpen berubah. Di sini, di Austria, tim spesialis bekerja tanpa lelah untuk mencegah tanah longsor. Bencana menjadi semakin sering terjadi. Tidak hanya tanah longsor, tetapi juga hujan lebat dan banjir. Perubahan iklim juga menyebabkan periode kekeringan dan panas yang berkelanjutan, yang menyebabkan kebakaran hutan, misalnya di Piedmont, Italia pada Oktober 2017. Diperburuk oleh angin kencang, cuaca panas dan kekeringan, kebakaran hutan berkobar di seluruh wilayah selama berminggu-minggu. Sekitar 1.000 orang dievakuasi dari rumahnya termasuk 200 pemukim rumah pensiun. Renato Bruno bertanggung jawab atas puluhan petugas pemadam kebakaran dari seluruh wilayah yang memerangi kobaran api. Salah satu daerah yang paling terpukul adalah di luar kota kecil Mompantero. Api berkobar hingga seratus meter, kenang Bruno. Banyak rumah hancur lebur, bahkan bagian besi meleleh dalam kobaran api. Bagaikan neraka. Sudah cukup buruk bagi orang-orang di lembah yang bisa melihat betapa api mengamuk, tetapi lebih buruk bagi orang-orang yang di dekatnya, dan bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam upaya memadamkannya. Ada beberapa momen yang sangat kritis. Situasinya berbahaya karena tiupan angin. Anda merasa posisi Anda aman, tetapi kemudian angin akan berbalik dan tiba-tiba Anda dikelilingi oleh api. Jumlah hutan yang dihancurkan oleh api liar di Italia pada 2017 adalah tiga kali lebih besar dari tahun sebelumnya. Dalam periode panas yang ekstrem, satu percikan kecil api bisa memicu kebakaran besar. Bruno mengatakan bahwa 70 persen Mompantero hancur. Hutan ini tidak akan pernah tumbuh kembali. Tidak, pohon-pohon ini tak dapat diselamatkan. Mereka bukan pohon gugur yang dapat pulih. Benar-benar hangus. Tidak ada yang bisa Anda lakukan selain menebangnya. Kehancuran pada skala ini belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di wilayah ini. Bahkan petugas pemadam kebakaran yang lebih senior tidak pernah melihat kebakaran yang seburuk itu. Jika perubahan iklim berlangsung pada tingkat ini dan ada periode kering yang lebih lama di musim panas dan semakin sedikit salju di musim dingin, maka situasinya hanya akan menjadi lebih buruk. Orang-orang di Engadin di Swiss juga berjuang dengan kondisi pengering. Selama berabad-abad, petani lokal mengandalkan air lelehan untuk mengairi ladang mereka. Tetapi air lelehan telah menjadi sumber daya yang terbatas. Reto Dünser sementara itu bergantung pada air hujan. Antara Februari dan Agustus, hujan hampir tidak ada. Padang rumputnya benar-benar kering. Seperti yang Anda lihat, rumput menjadi kering seperti jerami. Tiada yang tumbuh sejak Mei. Rumput seharusnya setinggi lutut pada saat ini - dan sapi akan segera turun dari padang rumput gunung. Sapi-sapinya masih merumput di padang rumput setinggi 1.900 meter. Tapi di sana juga, tanahnya terlalu kering. Dan sapi tidak mendapatkan cukup minum. Di musim panas 2018, pasokan mereka hampir sepenuhnya mengering. Setiap tetes air berharga. Reto Dünser memeriksa ternak secara teratur. Dia mengkhawatirkan masa depan padang rumput di Alpen. Saya punya 90 ekor sapi dan anaknya. Dan air di sini bahkan tidak cukup untuk satu anak sapi. Jika tidak ada cukup air, sapi lebih sedikit merumput dan menghasilkan lebih sedikit susu. Awan berkumpul. Sepertinya mau hujan. Tapi tidak - ini hari yang kering. Petani harus bergantung pada sumber air alternatif: Saat ini, inilah satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan persediaan air di padang rumput. Helikopter mengantarkan 700 liter per perjalanan - dibutuhkan beberapa perjalanan untuk mengisi sumur. Dengan biaya 1.300 euro. Hanya cukup untuk empat hingga lima hari. Bagi petani seperti Reto Dünser, air telah menjadi masalah kritis. Tidak cukup bagi hewan mereka untuk minum dan tidak cukup untuk menjaga padang rumput tetap hijau. Dan itu berarti pakan ternak tak mencukupi. Bakal tak cukup pakan ternaknya sampai musim dingin mendatang. Jadi kita bisa membeli pakan, yang harganya sangat mahal, atau kita mengurangi jumlah ternak kita. Reto Dünser tidak punya pilihan selain untuk menyembelih beberapa hewannya tahun ini. Petani, resor ski, turis, alam - semua orang dan segalanya membutuhkan air. Tapi air semakin langka. Ahli hidrologi Carmen de Jong sedang mengukur penguapan alami. Hasilnya mengkhawatirkan. Dia mengatakan iklim telah mengering seperti di wilayah Sahel di Sahara. HUjan makin jarang dan penguapan skala besar. Distribusi air yang adil akan menjadi tantangan yang semakin meningkat di lembah Alpen yang kering. Pihak berwenang harus melakukan yang terbaik yang mereka bisa. Di masa depan jumlahnya akan semakin sedikit. Tidak akan ada cukup air untuk mengairi semua padang rumput. Harus ada pembagian lebih ketat seperti di negara-negara kering di Afrika. Turun ke dunia bawah tanah. Pendaki es Dani Arnold menjelajah di dalam gletser Plaine Morte di kawasan Bern di Swiss. Jauh di dalam celah, ia menemukan formasi batu dan es yang spektakuler. Tidak banyak orang yang pernah ke sini. Dani dapat mencapai bagian paling bawah hanya karena esnya cukup padat. Permafrost ini berusia ribuan tahun. Ini adalah pendakian yang curam dan berbahaya. Pengalaman unik. Mungkin tidak mungkin untuk melakukan ini di masa mendatang. Hal itu membuat saya berpikir. Jika Anda ingat bahwa para peneliti mengatakan bahwa semua ini tidak akan ada lagi dalam 90 tahun ke depan. Tidak ada lagi gletser! Itu sangat tragis, bukan? Gletser Aletsch di Valais, Swiss, adalah yang terbesar di Pegunungan Alpen. Panjangnya 20 kilometer di bagian wilayah itu, tebalnya hampir satu kilometer. Guillaume Jouvet dari Institut Teknologi Federal Swiss di Zurich sedang meneliti keajaiban alam yang sangat besar ini. Apakah ini akan bertahan? Dalam waktu dekat kita tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa karena sekarang gletser bereaksi terhadap perubahan iklim, peningkatan suhu yang kita alami pada 1990-an. Apa pun yang terjadi di masa depan dalam hal iklim, gletser akan terus mundur sekitar lima kilometer. Dan apa yang akan terjadi jika suhu naik empat derajat, seperti yang diprediksi para ahli? Guillaume Jouvet telah menghitung bahwa pada akhir abad ini, gletser Aletsch akan hampir sepenuhnya menghilang. Jadi jika kita mengasumsikan jika skenario iklim ini benar, kemungkinan besar akan ada sangat sedikit es pada tahun 2100. Jelas bahwa di sini dalam lanskap ini tidak akan ada lagi es pada akhir abad ini. Pondok Konkordia di Alpen terletak beberapa kilometer lebih tinggi. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini pondokan itu dikelola oleh Christoph Sager dan keluarganya. Hari ini dia sedang bersiap-siap untuk musim panas. Pondokan itu dapat menampung 155 tamu - penggemar hiking, pemain ski, dan penggemar gletser dari seluruh dunia. Berkat pemandangannya yang indah, pondok Konkordia adalah salah satu hostel di Alpen paling populer di Eropa. Ini adalah tempat paling indah di dunia untuk bekerja. Saya tahu banyak pondok lain di Alpen yang indah ... tetapi bagi saya inilah tempat paling menakjubkan di dunia untuk melakukan sesuatu. Tapi pondokan itu di bawah ancaman. Di tengah tangga logam yang curam, Christoph Sager menunjukkan bukti bahwa Aletsch sedang sekarat. Pondok ini awalnya dibangun di tempat ini pada tahun 1877. Saat itu, gletser mencapai kira-kira di titik kita berdiri. Jadi selama 140 tahun, segala sesuatu di luar titik itu telah meleleh. Kemundurannya sekitar 150 meter. 150 meter dalam 140 tahun. Sekitar satu meter per tahun. Es mencair lebih cepat: kadang-kadang dua, kadang tiga meter setahun. Hari-hari gletser di Aletsch tak lama lagi. Pariwisata di Pegunungan Alpen perlu diubah dan menjadi lebih lembut dan berkelanjutan. Di beberapa daerah, pergeseran ini sudah terjadi. Di Slovenia, misalnya. Arung jeram di Lembah Logar yang indah. Pedesaan di sini sangat indah. Slovenia tidak selalu ada di peta wisata. Namun popularitasnya semakin meningkat, sebagai tujuan bagi para wisatawan pegunungan yang menghormati lingkungan. Jennifer dan Josh berasal dari Alaska. Ini adalah liburan ketiga mereka di Slovenia. Mereka menyukai alamnya yang murni. Dan ada air yang mengalir di atas lereng. Kami cenderung mencari beberapa tempat yang terisolasi. Itulah yang kami suka. Jadi kami melakukan sedikit riset dan kami memutuskan bahwa ini akan menjadi tempat yang baik untuk dijelajahi. Tiga tahun lalu. Dan kami datang dan merasa senang. Negara ini kecil tetapi tampaknya memiliki hampir semua hal yang Anda ingin temukan di mana saja di seluruh Eropa. Seperti Jennifer dan Josh, semakin banyak turis mencari pemandangan dari kawasan terpencil yang berkembang secara alami. Tempat yang tidak membutuhkan mesin salju di musim dingin, dan dibiarkan gersang di musim panas. Slovenia persis seperti apa yang mereka cari, Memancing di perairan jernih Danau Savinja. 400 kilometer barat laut di Rissbach, Tirol, di perbatasan ke Bayern bagian atas. Di sinilah perjalanan empat hari mahasiswa klimatologi berakhir. Mereka tidak benar-benar di sini untuk belajar cara menangkap ikan - tetapi tentang bagaimana air yang semakin hangat mempengaruhi pasokan ikan. Banyak spesies tidak dapat bertahan hidup. Dampak perubahan iklim di Pegunungan Akpen tidak mungkin tidak terlihat. Saya perhatikan sangat mencemaskan... banyak orang tampaknya tidak percaya hal itu terjadi - atau tidak peduli meskipun terlihat di sekitarnya. Tanpa gletser lagi di pegunungan Alpen, kita tidak akan memiliki banyak air yang mengalir ke hilir dan masuk ke sungai seperti ini di sini. Jadi akan ada banyak dampak lingkungan tanpa mencairnya gletser selama musim panas. Jadi hal itu akan menjadi masalah besar. Kelihatannya tidak terlihat bagus. Tapi tidak ada gunanya pesimistis. Lebih konstruktif jika kita optimistis dan mengambil pelajaran yang telah kita pelajari di sini, dan memanfaatkannya secara personal dan profesional untuk melakukan apa yang kita bisa, dan untuk memerangi perubahan iklim sebanyak yang kita bisa, dan mencoba untuk menghentikannya. Selalu ada icampur tangan manusia di Pegunungan Alpen. Kawasan sudah ditanami; jalur dan jalan telah dibangun di lereng; desa-desa di lembah telah berkembang. Terkadang di tempat yang sekarang berisiko tinggi. Orang-orang yang tinggal di sini harus beradaptasi dengan kondisi yang lebih kering dan panas - dan masa depan tanpa gletser. Pada pertengahan September, pakar gletser Matthias Huss dan timnya melakukan kunjungan lagi ke Glacier 3000. Temuan mereka pada bulan April adalah positif. Bagaimana keadaannya sekarang? Tanah berderak dan mendesis ketika para peneliti menuju ke alat ukur mereka. Itu bukan pertanda baik. Gletser yang mereka lewati sedang sekarat. Semua salju yang seharusnya menutupinya - hilang. Hanya dalam waktu beberapa bulan. Ketika kami di sini bulan April ada lapisan salju yang luar biasa sedalam lima meter. Saljunya tebal dan padat. Coba pikirkan: Lima meter salju, 3000 meter di atas permukaan laut, telah mencair selama musim panas. Kami berpikir hal itu tidak mungkin terjadi. Salju setinggi lima meter. Dan 1,3 meter gletser. Pencairan gletser tidak dapat dipulihkan. Matthias Huss menyaksikan gletser yang dicintainya mati. Sungguh sebuah tragedi.
- When it comes to video marketing and YouTube for business, my number one tip is to hire a video editor. Now, of you're like most people, a bunch of excuses have already started popping up, all of them leading to, "I'm not ready." Do yourself a favor and keep watching, because in this video, I'm gonna put all of that to bed and step through how you can hire a video editor fast and easy and without breaking the bank, so that you can focus on growing your business instead. (upbeat dance music) Hey, it's Justin Brown here from Primal Video, where we help you amplify your business and brand with video. If you're new here, make sure you click that subscribe button and all the links to everything we mention in this video, you can find linked in the description box below. So let's jump into it. Now, if you're creating regular video and marketing content, or you're looking to grow your business online with video, one of the biggest mistakes that you could be making is editing your content yourself. Now, I'm a professional video editor, and I no longer edit our YouTube videos, and I put this off for myself for way too long for our YouTube content, but now that we've refined the hiring process and the onboarding process down, it's easily one of the best decisions we've made. In fact, outsourcing is the number one way that you can easily 10X your video output, improve the quality, and do it all in less time. Now, before you switch off, because I know you're thinking that it's too expensive, or it's too difficult, or you don't have the time, or, "I'm just not ready," or "There is no one better to edit my videos down than me," then, I used to think the exact same thing, and I'm here to tell you that you can call BS on all of those. Outsourcing can be super simple, can be low-cost, think between 3 and $7 U.S. per hour, and can can also free up a ton of your time to allow you to focus on growing your business instead of editing your videos. So in this video, we're gonna step through how you can hire a video editor fast, easy, and without breaking the bank. I'm gonna run through our recommended sites for hiring both locally and overseas, and make sure to stick around 'til the end, 'cause I'll also share with you a link to download a free copy of the exact job descriptions templates that we use to recruit both our video team in the Philippines and Australia. Okay, so the first thing you need to do, or the first decision you need to make, is decide on either a local video editor or an online video editor. And obviously, there's differences and advantages of both. Someone local to you is probably gonna cost you a little bit more per hour, but you can physically sit in with them, or get them to come into your house, or your place of business to work with you on edits. You also probably don't need to worry about things like internet speeds, because you could physically hand over a hard drive or a USB drive with all of your video footage on it for them to edit. An overseas or an online editor is usually gonna cost you less per hour, but you do have things like time zones and time differences that could come into play, and usually because you are transferring video files over the internet, that you will need to make sure that you're allowing enough time for jobs to come back to you. So if you've got something that is super fast turnaround time, then maybe an online editor might not be the best solution for you. But that's where planning comes in. If you plan ahead of time, you're gonna give it to them in enough time to edit your content down. So for us, we actually have a mix, but for most people, you'll be be able to do just fine with a single outsourced or overseas video editor. Now as for where you actually post your job description to find your editors, if you're looking for someone local, the best bet would be your local classifieds. So if you're in the U.S., it could be something like Craigslist. If you're in Australia, that could be something like Gumtree, but whatever your local classifieds are for wherever you live. If you're looking for someone online, the one that we have consistently had the best experience with is onlinejobs.ph, and again, there will be links in the description. Now, as for the actual job description, there's a few things that you'll wanna put in there to get best results. The first one is a bit of an overview on what you're looking for, or the person that you're looking for, the types of edits that you're going to be doing, and the sort of turnaround times that you're expecting from that person. From there, we'll usually ask them a series of questions, and we'll number each one of these questions to make it easier for them to respond, but they'll be things like, "What is your Skype address?" "What video editing software do you use?" "What is your hourly rate?" We'll also ask them to provide links to their three favorite videos that they've edited, and depending on whether we're hiring locally or online, we might also ask them to provide the results from running an internet speed test, so that we can gauge how fast their internet is. Now, if you do want to grab a copy of our exact job descriptions, I'm gonna share a link at the end of this video to where you can download it, so you can copy and paste it and tweak it up for your own business. Now, after you've posted your job description, you're likely gonna have people applying for your editing role. So the next step then is to start refining those applications down into a short list. Now, the two biggest things that we're looking for when we're assessing all of the applications is what video editing software are they using, and have they actually followed the instructions and done what we'd asked them to do in the job application? So, with the video editing software, if they've listed iMovie, that's probably too basic. I mean, they could be awesome in iMovie, and that's good for them. But what we're looking for is a professional video editor. So someone that lists something like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or even something like Avid or Sony Vegas, they're all more professional video editing software, which means that our editor is generally gonna be more skillful than someone that's just listed something like iMovie. And in regards to the application itself, if they haven't followed the instructions, and they haven't answered any of the questions that we've asked, then we won't look any further at that application. It goes straight in the scrap heap at that point. Next, you want to give your top three to five applicants a test job. Now, a lot of your success here is really gonna depend on the quality of the brief that you're giving them, so you really want to get specific and get really, really clear on what you're after. We have a really detailed editing checklist that we provide, along with a really clear project brief that we use for each applicant, and we make these plug and play templates available to all of our Primal Video Accelerator members. Now, using those templates, we're able to get most brand-new editors up to speed editing YouTube-ready content in just one project. So investing the time to build these templates and processes pays of big time in the long run. Now, if you're not a Primal Video Accelerator member and you don't have your own editing checklists or your own templates ready to go, you could start by linking to some of your existing videos on YouTube or on some other platform, and advise them to watch an hour or so back of your content, so that they can pick up on your style and the things that you like in your videos and the way that you've previously been editing your videos down. If you don't have any content up yet or anything that you want them to replicate, you could choose some examples of other people that you like the style and flow of their videos, and use those as examples instead. From there, when you get those editing projects back, obviously, you're going to assess which is the best one, how fast did the people come back through, who asked the best questions if there are any, and you'll be able to pick your top editor from there. So that's it, super simple. Now, if you do want to grab a copy of our job description, then there is a link on screen now, and also below in the description, click that, and you'll get our exact job description that we use to hire both online editors and editors that are local in the area that we live as well. I'll see you soon.
Time to tackle a topic that's been banned in China and loved by Rebecca Even she doesn't play games Welcomo to WatchMojo.com And today we're counting down our picks for Top 10 time travel videogames For this list, we picked games where the ability to travel through time is either a major gameplay mechanic or a crucial part of the game's plot or story So, games that bring a last-minute time travel element Such as Earthbound or Bioshock Infinite (SPOILER ALERT) are out And finally, altogether now, one per franchise "This is the first time I ever try it on people" To play the WatchMojo drinking game take a sip everytime we say the word "time" "I like you, you're my new best friend" Number 10: "Singularity" "You must use it to go back to 1955 and stop Demichev from killing Varisov" When Captain Nathaniel Ranko inadvertenly goes back to 1955 and saves Nikolai Demichev who goes on to take over the world Ranko must use it's time manipulation to defeat the mad russian to fix one hell of a screw up "I think you'll find that impossible for a number of reasons" "Our embassy, right no..." By using the time manipulation device Ranko can alter the time of specific things like restoring ancient and old objects to brand new or even reducing people to nothing but dust For Ranko, time is literally on his side "For all our sakes, I hope you got the TMD" Number 9: "Braid" At a glance, you may pass this off as a Mario ripoff and while the plot involving a princess who was kidnapped by an evil monster sure supports that claim Tim's ability to wind back time is what sets Braid apart from the plumber platformer What's interesting about this game time traveling feature is that the rules of time-travel change in each world One moment, time will always go forward and backwards when you move forward or backwards then later you can travel back and see your past self help you with certain puzzles Number 8: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time" The evil Shredder has stolen the Statue of Liberty So it's up to our favourite teenage reptile ninjas to stop him and get it back In this classic arcade beat'em up, as the title would imply The turtles battle the evil Foot Clan across various periods Like the prehistoric jurassic, the wild west and the distant future just to name a few The battles won't be easy but the turtles always manage to pull through COWABUNGA!!! Number 8: "Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time" Ratchet and Clank are back and using the power of time to defeat their enemies Clank wields the Chronoscepter Which allows him to alter time around him and fight his enemies by changing the time around to Clank's advantage With this new power and proper teamwork Ratchet and Clank must fight to stop Doctor Nefarious from ruining The Great Clock Which balances all time in the Universe It's time to gear up because the fate of the Universe is on the line here Number 6: "Back To The Future: The Game" "Hey Trixie, look over there!" "Why?" Time travel and Marty McFly seem to go hand in hand And in this Telltale Games point-and-click episodic series Which takes place after the movie trilogy Marty has to go back to prohibition-era Hill Valley to Rescue Doc Brown (voiced by Christopher Lloyd) "It will be fine!" Who will be killed if Marty doesn't intervene "Great Scott, I'm going to be gunned down by gangsters on the steps of the courthouse!" Along the way Marty will meet a variety of interesting characters Like his granparents, the sister of his highschool principal and Biff's father Who just so happens to be a mafia boss "Make like a tree and die, rat!" Cheer up, Marty, maybe things won't be so bad this time Just kidding, it's gonna be bonkers "Geez, we've been back together for five minutes Doc and you're already talking about the end of the universe" "I've missed that" Number 5: "Day Of The Tentacle" The title of the game alone should warrant a look But thankfully the rest of the actual game lives up to it When an evil purple tentacle with a mind for world domination is born from toxic waste Bernard and his friends are sent back in time to stop the tentacle When the time machine breaks and leaves the characters stranded in different time periods The heroes must interact with their environments and famous characters within them To help each other in their various time periods return home and stop the purple menace Number 4: "Time Splitters 2" Considered a spiritual succesor to Goldeneye Timsplitters sees aliens using time travel to take over the Earth by ruining the planet's past And you've got to stop them Sargent Cortez must journey to various places in time Like 2019 Neo Tokyo (yeah we see what you did there) 19th century Notredame And the good ol' Wild West to just name a few Cortez must take back the time crystals and save his world's future from the aliens that plague it Number 3: "Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time" When the people of the Kingdom of Asad are turned into horrible creatures by the Sands of Time It's up to the unnamed Prince of Persia to save his kingdom using the Dagger of Time With the dagger the prince can alter time in various ways Such as reversing it to make up for failures in the platforming challenges Stopping time to avoid hazards and obstacles and many other things Between the wicked rewind mechanics and the never before seen parkour system This one was hell of a - oh boy- time Number 2: "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask" Link is certainly no stranger to time travel With four of its games utilizing the trope but we went with Majora's Mask As it makes the best use of the concept Essentially an apocaliptic Groundhog Day on steroids By using his ocarina, Link can relive the same three days again and again To ensure that he has enough time to save the land of Termina from the falling Moon He can also help others by altering their fates through trial and error By doing things as varied as stopping a girl from being abducted by aliens To helping out a young couple that are in love Before we unveil our number one pick Here are a few honorable mentions Number 1: "Chrono Trigger" A timeless epic -pun fully intended- That was worthy enough to make our top ten games of all time list Chrono Trigger starts off inocently enough with a time traveling accident Before your party realizes their future is rot with despair After an interstellar parasite has devastated the planet On top of all that, the parasite's evolution is linked to their world's biggest moment in history With a memorable cast, multiple endings and an amazing soundtrack This RPG is one that'll stand the test of, ahh, time - that's the last one - If anything else was number one of this list it would be videogame heresy Do you agree with our choices? "Go away!" Would you have turn back the clock and change our ranking? For more timeless top ten videos released daily be sure to suscribe to WatchMojo.com
- Welcome to Carl and Jinger channel. We're gonna play a fun family game. Well, we're gonna build apocalypse survival weapons and self fortresses. This time it's on the attack. - Look out! Look out! (whooshing) (crowd exclaiming) (wooshing) - The rules you guys, we have one hour to construct our apocalypse weapons and they have to be safe and functional. And they also have to work through the different challenges. The teams are simple and straightforward. I'm gonna go by myself. Luke and Gauge are also gonna go alone and then Jinger and Kyle are gonna team up. Are you guys ready? - [Crowd] Yeah! - All right, we have one hour. The time starts now! (whooshing) My idea is really straightforward, you guys. I actually only have a couple of items that I need to gather together but I already built most of it in the previous video. Do you have something in mind? - [Luke] Yeah, I do. (upbeat music) - [Carl] (laughing) All right. (upbeat music) Everybody's rummaging through the garage out here. We have so many epic supplies back in here. - [Jinger] Also, I'm gonna say is we just found the lawn and garden torch. - [Carl] That looks cool. (fire scorching) Wait. What bin are you looking in there? That looks like.. - [Luke] Fireworks! - [Carl] Gauge, do you have a strategy in place? - [Gauge] I think so. I have a old rusty axe that I'm trying to sharpen up and I want to attach some nails at the back of it. - [Carl] Luke is building some kind of a firework contraction crossbow thing, - [Luke] Yeah. - is that what's happening? (object clattering) I think we could put those two together. I found where Gauge is working right now but I don't see Gauge anywhere inside. Looks like he has bale rusty axe, just like he said. And then, he's got like a giant nail or some kind. So, I wasn't feeling very confident with this short-handled shovel being safe enough. So, I went ahead and got this big garden hoe and I'm attaching it right now. So, you get the idea of what I'm going for. What's going on back here, guys? - [Jinger] Secret projects, Carl! - [Carl] Holy smoke, you guys! It's actually the next day and talking about surviving the apocalypse. We're building apocalypse weapons right now and there's a whole pandemic going on and then, there's even a 5.7 earthquake in Utah. So, if this was ever relevant, the time is right now. We got rained out last night, we survive the earthquake and now we're gonna test out our apocalypse weapons in the rain. We have a surprise too. You guys wanna see, what's inside this little mystery door? Listen. (lock pounding) Everybody be quiet. (chicks chirping) (Carl exclaiming) - [Crowd] Baby chickens! - [Carl] (exclaiming) It looks all red because they have a warming lamp in here, isn't that adorable? (chicks chirping) Okay, back to the apocalypse! - [Kyle] (zombie mimicking) It's time for everybody to refill their apocalypse survival weapons. Luke, why don't you show us what you got first? - [Luke] Okay. So, I have this handmade crossbow here with a little compound bow, has a pretty good force and it's on a gunrail here. It's all tied up and it looks pretty cool. I think it will work. - [Carl] For apocalypse challenge number one, its accuracy. We have infective, contagion bags hanging here. And Luke, are you ready? We're gonna test this all out and see how accurate this are. Let's see how this goes. - [Gauge] (exclaiming) He's gonna go straigh-- (bow clattering) - [Carl] (exclaiming) Okay. That was crazy. Okay, that was a good shot. We've reset with a better, more, fair contraption and Luke's gonna get a second shot. - [Luke] Okay, ready? - [Carl] Ready. (upbeat music) I noticed that you have customized ammo that you have made too after this round. - [Luke] Yup. - [Carl] Save 'em for later. - [Jinger] Come on, Luke. (arrow clashing) (upbeat music) - [Crowd] (exclaiming) - [Carl] It's stuck into the door. Look at that. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Wow! It went through the back of the door and everything. Look at that. - [Luke] (exclaiming) - [Carl] Holy smokes. - [Luke] (murmurs) - [Carl] Luke's already pass round two which was breaking through to the door. But we're gonna let him compete now 'cause he's got - [Luke] Oh yeah. customize arrows for the next one. Next stop is Gauge. - [Gauge] I like to call my weapon "Oh Rusty"! 'Cause he got the rusty nail and the rusty blade. I use the nail on top for precision strikes against my enemies, have the nails on the back, and then I have the axe for more tactical purposes. - [Carl] Ready, three, two, one, go! - [Luke] Go Gauge go! (slow motion smashing) - [Crowd] (exclaiming) - [Carl] Oh my gosh! - [Guage] Oh no! - [Carl] Look at that, it totally-- You totally broke the whole thing. We've set it up one more time. We've put the slime ball on top of a log. Are you ready? - [Gauge] Yeah. - [Carl] Let's go. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (axe smashing) - [Crowd] (exclaiming) - [Gauge] Oh yeah. - [Carl] Oh gosh. (exclaiming) It's in-- It's stayed in there. - [Gauge] You could see it. You could see it leaking. - [Crowd] (exclaiming) - [Carl] (exclaiming) - [Jinger] (laughing) - [Carl] (exclaiming) Look at that. (murmurs) and it's leaking out bile and toxins everywhere. Oh my gosh. Pandemic is spreading now. Look at that. (whooshing) Gauge's was pretty awesome but mine is RC car powered apocalypse (mumbles) weapon. Are you guys ready for this? - [Crowd] Yeah. - [Carl] I've got it attached to a garden hole but it actually goes forward and reverse. Here we go. (machine whirring) (machine whirring) (machine whirring) (Crowd exclaiming) - [Jinger] (laughing) - [Carl] That was easy. I'm like ready to go straight to the door so, we just (murmurs). - [Jinger] Yes, go straight to the door. (machine whirring) (upbeat music) (machine whirring) (upbeat music) (machine whirring) (upbeat music) (Carl shouting) (upbeat music) - [Carl] Yeah, that was awesome. It totally sawed all the way through it. Did it go through to the backside? - [Jinger] (exclaiming) It did. - [Carl] (exclaiming) - [Jinger] That was so awesome. - [Carl] Jinger! You and Kyle are next, right? - [Jinger] Oh yeah. - [Carl] Let's see what you guys got. It is raining and pouring out here. Look at this balloon we've got set up. I can hear an ATV. Let's see what Jinger and Kyle have made. - [Kyle] Yeah! - [Carl] Oh my gosh. Look at that! They have a flame thrower? This is epic, you guys. They built a quad mounted canister flame thrower. Let's see if we could fire it up and if it works on this water balloon. Oh my gosh, here we go! - [Jinger] Flame thrower apocalypse weapon. - [Carl] Go. - [Jinger] Go! (upbeat music) (Crowd exclaiming) (upbeat music) - [Carl] That totally work. That worked so well. I think we should do a drive by one we'll set another balloon up. Let's see if we can do it. (ATV engine whirring) Well, see they've got a mobile flame thrower. - [Jinger] (screaming) - [Carl] (laughing) - [Jinger] Oh no! We lost our flame! - [Carl] They lost their flame. Oh, there's one flaw. If you voted for Jinger and Kyle, that might-- I don't know if that affects your vote or not. - [Jinger] That has to, right? - [Carl] That's pretty epic looking though. (flame thrower whirring) Oh yeah! We're back in business. Fire it up, Kyle. - [Jinger] Here we go! (ATV engine whirring) (Crowd shouting) - [Carl] Go, go, go, go, go! You gotta get away! (Crowd shouting) (Carl laughing) - [Jinger] Kyle, we nailed it! - [Kyle] Yeah! (engine whirring) - [Jinger] Here we go! - [Carl] Oh my gosh, here they go. They're going to assault the door right now. Let's see if they can burn through it all. (flame thrower whirring) (Crowd shouting) - [Carl] You guys burning it up? That's awesome. (flame thrower whirring) It's totally on fire, check it out. (flame thrower whirring) (upbeat music) (Crowd exclaiming) - [Carl] Yeah. That's pretty awesome. - [Jinger] (shouting) - [Carl] (exclaming) Let's see, check it out. It's still smoldering and smoking, look at this. If I was on the other side of that door, I guess I would definitely be intimated. That's for sure. - [Kyle] (mumbles) if you just punch it, it'll just cave in. - [Carl] I don't know. Let's see if Gauge and Luke can punch through this. Let's see if Luke, he's got some surprise there. Let's see what you got. Luke is all set up with a firecracker! - [Luke] Oh, yeah! - [Carl] He's got a firecracker tip on his crossbow. - [Jinger] It's always important to help your friends during an apocalypse. - [Carl] Here we go, you just gotta light the fuse without mounting everything else. Let's see what happens. - [Jinger] 'Kay, here we go. - [Carl] 'Kay, ready? Wait for it to start goin' and then we'll see. - [Jinger] There, go! - [Carl] Wait. Wait, wait. (firecracker whirring) Go! (Crowd exclaiming) (Crowd exclaiming) Let's see what happened here. Holy smokes! - [Gauge] (exclaiming) - [Carl] You totally landed a flaming arrow-- - [Luke] If that was a giant, it would have hit it right in the (murmurs) - [Carl] I know (laughing). If it wasn't raining outside, you might've actually started a fire. - [Luke] Yeah! Yeah, high five! That was so fun. - [Carl] That was epic. Did it go through the back side? - [Luke] Yeah, I think it did. - [Carl] Look at that, it did. Look, it penetrated the back side. This is like a sparkler multi-colored trident arrow. - [Luke] Yeah. - [Carl] Look at this thing. - [Luke] I don't know about this one. - [Carl] Oh my gosh. - [Jinger] I feel like there should be alien invasion weapon. I'm all for it. - [Carl] This-- This is awesome. - [Jinger] All right, here we go. - [Carl] Here we go. (flame thrower whirring) There they go, there they go, there they go. Kyle, look out, look out, look out! (upbeat music) (Crowd exclaiming) - [Carl] It bounced back. Let's see. Wow, look at that. It's totally burning down. If that would've stuck in there-- - [Luke] If that was like a carpet or anything, (explosion mimicking) - [Carl] If it was like a monster or zombie, it would have totally penetrated and cut their clothes on. - [Luke] Totally. - [Carl] That was pretty awesome idea, dude. (whooshing) - [Luke] Let's see what you guys got. - [Carl] Go Gauge, go! (Gauge grunting) (Crowd exclaiming) (Crowd exclaiming) (machine whirring) (Crowd exclaiming) - [Carl] We're surviving apocalypse. (machine whirring) (Crowd laughing) Get it Gauge! (door parts scattering) - [Jinger] (shouting) (axe smashing) (Jinger laughing) (Gauge grunting) (Carl grunting) (machine whirring) - [Carl] Get it Gauge, get it! (axe smashing) - [Gauge] Yeah. - [Luke] Oh no, the nails gave out. (upbeat music) (axe pounding) (Crowd laughing) - [Gauge] Yeah. (upbeat music) (door smashing) (upbeat music) (Crowd shouting) (Crowd shouting) (upbeat music) - [Carl] We survive the apocalypse. (upbeat music) If you guys like this video, you're gonna love the other one that you see on screen. Make sure to check them out (grunting). I'm out of breath. And subscribe, if you haven't already. See you in the next one. - [Everyone] Bye! (upbeat music) - [Luke] Yes! - [Carl] We did it. Dude, that was epic. (upbeat music) All right. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
Lloyd Pye 🎤 Starchild Skull DNA Ancient Alien Reality Intervention Theory 👽 Evening With Lloyd Pye
notelex: IRL stream? c252: hi tanoshiizo: PogChamp yoyo_brobro: hey Scyned: hey! serhejenos: I thought you would never stream again coProof: Tom my pal khalifornia420: Nice burly beard, what language did you grow that in? PhoenixLuffy: DansGame lefse: Bear grylls? serhejenos: hi yoyo_brobro: test radeon04: camera hacking irl notelex: hello pipecork: hi shekel_gobblin: Remeber no talking about comma ai or logang will come get you. Sub to pewdiepie prafaeltsantos: OMG............GEO is streammmmming........fckkkkk Scyned: where are u? lihfts: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump kljok: Did you build a better vision system that mobile eye in 3 months Not_Alex_Archer: STREAM yoyo_brobro: missed your streams nihonzera: hey c252: how are you today George? tanoshiizo: "1st day living on the streets of LA" PhosphoricAcid: weird flex but ok tanoshiizo: Kappa EventHorizonxD: love the beanie champ coProof: You’re in LA duh teahappyboi: I LOVE YOU GEOHOTZ!!!! hack the fucking world serhejenos: where are you gonna stream coding? twiggy_io: Big booty la Not_Alex_Archer: homeless Hotz Jeppelelle: Are you homeless now? notelex: when is 10 hours streams coming? tanoshiizo: LUL PhosphoricAcid: Kappa rns621: you need a gimbal :) shekel_gobblin: new house notelex: LUL tanoshiizo: stream fortnite Kappa notelex: nice shafiemukhre: “Sort of homeless” oX333: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob ristego: you are dead to me c252: wat GenBurnside: GEORGE HAS A DREAM! robotboy987: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees serhejenos: FailFish FailFish joker2k999: Bro, is this about Microsoft mimicking slack ? tanoshiizo: NotLikeThis robotboy987: FailFish FailFish FailFish c252: NotLikeThis robotboy987: f s0prano22: @tomcr00s3 hello from Russia shafiemukhre: 2019 dream is to be on instagram celebrity teahappyboi: F Not_Alex_Archer: INFLUENCER shekel_gobblin: I have 1.4 mil on insta hahahaha notelex: go back to coding tanoshiizo: @LilRopz jeromez: FailFish tanoshiizo: Kappa GenBurnside: His 'I have a dream speech' notelex: Kapp ristego: should we go to the next fyre festival? shafiemukhre: geohotz coProof: I like it George serhejenos: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa teahappyboi: aren't you trolling???!! Jeppelelle: Whats up with the datacenter bondage on your Instagram avatar? 480i: Omg eduardoadf1: show boobs slimpimp007: woah beard tanoshiizo: are you ok, George? tanoshiizo: LUL PhoenixLuffy: You’re trolling coProof: Lol jailbreak simulation? Tell me more teahappyboi: watch serial experiments lain!!!! Not_Alex_Archer: George is always serious serhejenos: you look like Dorsey btw shafiemukhre: Hey, Hotz, what will be your strategy to be a instagram celebrity? notelex: he's probably trolling shekel_gobblin: i work for zuckaburger thodeann: where is he soad188: make bots to get followers LUL irishyogashirt: Why don't you work at facebook and do this all from the inside twiggy_io: That’s me thomasbakp: sarcasm teahappyboi: watch serial experiments lain twiggy_io: Nah bro eduardoadf1: show boobs. Not_Alex_Archer: O damn notelex: NotLikeThis slimpimp007: damn son c252: was this the point of the whole stream?! EventHorizonxD: yes show boobs tanoshiizo: What's your ig handle? ristego: def a joke slimpimp007: mans went on a full spiritual journey eduardoadf1: hack instagram alluxua: Where are you, geohot? serhejenos: stream code tanoshiizo: this is your IG @georgehotz ? c252: wait your not going to stream programming anymore :( eduardoadf1: why should i shafiemukhre: Monetize personal brand thomasbakp: pewdiehotz notelex: funny joke LUL shafiemukhre: Hotz olajens: LUL cmmeur01: no one wants a geohot t-shirt, we want cars that drive themselves EventHorizonxD: ur a fucking clown dude c252: oh dear god... Not_Alex_Archer: influencer confirmed 480i: "lots of money" serhejenos: no tanoshiizo: Are you going to start playing fortnite and apex legends aswell? MrBankster: yooo MrBankster: been so long tanoshiizo: and don't forget about ASMR robotboy987: emacs vs vim?? lefse: You can instagram live stream coding PogChamp slimpimp007: yeah aight rns621: you should get a dog olajens: i wanna see red switches on that keyboard MrBankster: bro im' unemployed! give me job! shafiemukhre: Lol serhejenos: play apex coProof: Is tai Lopez involved? titanus07: I built a super powerful and evil GAI and will release it upon the world soon. MUHAHAHA. ok. jk. LUL eduardoadf1: hack google thomasbakp: what's going on hotz? thecameroncobb: #getgeoverified MrBankster: LUL tanoshiizo: Can i be your manager? EventHorizonxD: do you carry ? tanoshiizo: Kappa eduardoadf1: no Not_Alex_Archer: I've missed the scopies MrGwopz: geohot how did u manage to jailbreak the PS3 plz answer I really wanted to know for years serhejenos: what are you smoking? 480i: Are you on comma.ai's discord? GenBurnside: you should buy a semi truck, you could live in it thomasbakp: comma ai dead? peatmoss2: light it up bro, become a rapper twiggy_io: Let me be your manager alluxua: Hi, geohot, a serious question: dorkmo and I sent you gift card for donuts. Did you get it? evoxrocks: how can i start codin? slimpimp007: become an Instagram rapper PhoenixLuffy: Become a rapper eduardoadf1: is that california olajens: terry davis 2.0 soad188: make bots to get followers coProof: Crowd source your management 480i: Make an announcement on discord so more people see the stream MrGwopz: how did u manage to jailbreak the PS3? farresito: You look like you just came out of a cave. Looking hot though. tanoshiizo: terry davis LUL 480i: You can add a bot that'll announce your twitch streams PhoenixLuffy: Run for President serhejenos: you should stop smoking pot 480i: Oh ok. PhosphoricAcid: george just wants to get with the times :D PhoenixLuffy: !!! George hotz 2020 Zipzipcekirge: will you train your ai with instagram followers? busted eduardoadf1: we know you are hiding terry davis coProof: Georgehotz.com/shop? alluxua: Doekmo and I sent you gift hard for donuts. Send to comma office . Did you get it? thecameroncobb: Don't know terry davis!?! EventHorizonxD: i miss the old geohot tanoshiizo: LUL olajens: HAHAH, Terry davis created a operative system named TempleOS Mr_Pol_Pot: lol c252: yeah he made TempleOS luhartt: he dead GenBurnside: build automated farming equipment c252: the holiest OS serhejenos: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa slimpimp007: is this your hippy phase painsmake: Do you like Chinese food? coProof: Is this the new double rainbow? 480i: George, will you do the Joe Rogan podcast? c252: maybe its a second puberty? eduardoadf1: you could do what you are doing on twitter 480i: Elon did the podcast. thomasbakp: comma ai...??? Bombapil0t: hey there litguy :) EventHorizonxD: elon is low tiwer EventHorizonxD: tier* aunnsteinsson: love u duze thecameroncobb: Geo, you can request verification on Instagram now GenBurnside: later dawg, you're the best PhosphoricAcid: get a guy do post pics for you btw KyleUE: everyone go submit a request for him to go on Joe rogan coProof: You da man George we down with the brand 480i: Thanks for answering my weird questions. c252: bye serhejenos: buy olajens: LUL slimpimp007: adios msclaireabella: HIIIIIIIIII MrBankster: bye love! Wonfline: u are the best thomasbakp: comma ai eduardoadf1: what actually is your instagram i forgot tanoshiizo: are you trespassing someon's house? robotboy987: PhD vs working? Jeppelelle: This was.....well....hmmm. okej....well....someone bodyswapped this dude thomasbakp: what's going on olajens: create a operative system, then you become terry davis 2.0 480i: Yeah how can we get you on Joe Rogan aunnsteinsson: when will commaia be for smartphones joker2k999: That beard tho bro msclaireabella: are you at griffith? dorkmo: theres something you might npt know about me joe rogan... i smoke rocks! 480i: Which topic would you talk about joker2k999: Nice serhejenos: stream coding Guscles: !twitter PhoenixLuffy: Will you run for president?? mounnrocc: dead PhosphoricAcid: in the ground GenBurnside: how's california? Guscles: Whats his Twitter? eduardoadf1: at george hotz instagram profile KyleUE: theres a website to submit guests for JRE joker2k999: I thought u didn’t do podcast bro? Lol 480i: Link us Kyle. serhejenos: who is the next president? Zvezdas21: is he homeless now? coProof: Doing a cartwheel tanoshiizo: LUL olajens: RIP danielku98: twitter msclaireabella: LULW Jeppelelle: So when the singularity is happening we should all be instagram famous? Jeppelelle: okej tanoshiizo: this is going to be interesting olajens: DDOS radeon04: SeriousSloth SeriousSloth prafaeltsantos: RIP TWITCH
Spanish: Hace unos 2.500 años, un grupo de pensadores revolucionarios cambió la forma en que pensamos acerca de las matemáticas. Los antiguos griegos demostraron que las matemáticas no consisten sólo en realizar cálculos, sino en una manera de entender y testar la realidad del mundo que nos rodea . Se dice que en el letrero de la Academia de Platón se leía: no permitas que un ignorante de la geometría entre aquí. Y el gran Arquímedes fue incluso asesinado por un soldado porque se negó a dejar una demostración inacabada. Pero, ¿qué es una demostración? En pocas palabras, una demostración es un argumento convincente para comprobar si algo es verdadero o falso. Por ejemplo, si todos los perros tienen cuatro patas, entonces: ¿ésto es un perro? Eso es fácil de demostrar porque todos los perros tienen cuatro patas, pero no todo aquello Arabic: [موسيقى] منذ حوالي ٢٥٠٠ عامًا، مجموعة من المفكرين الثوريين غيروا الطريقة التي نفكر بها حول الرياضيات. بإستخدام فكرة البرهان، أظهر اليونانيون القدامى أن الرياضيات ليست مجرد القيام بالحسابات، ولكنها طريقة لإدراك واختبار واقع العالم من حولنا. يقال أن أكاديمية أفلاطون كانت تحمل لافتة بعنوان : لا تدعوا أي جاهل بالهندسة يدخل هنا. كما أن أرشيميدس العظيم قتل على يد جندي بسبب رفضه لترك برهانًا غير مكتمل ولكن، ما هو ال "برهان" ؟ ببساطة، البرهان هو حجة مُقنِعة لإثبات صحة شىء أو خطأه. على سبيل المثال، إذا كانت كل الكلاب تمتلك أربع أرجل، إذن: هل هذا الشىء كلب ؟ من السهل اثبات أنه ليس لمجرد أن كل الكلاب تمتلك أربع أرجل فإن كل شىء بأربع أرجل يكون كلبًا. ماذا عن " البرهان الرياضي" ؟ على الأرجح انك سمعت عن مبرهنة فيثاغورث، وهي حقيقة رياضية حول أضلع English: [MUSIC] Around 2,500 years ago, a group of revolutionary thinkers changed the way we think about mathematics. Through the idea of proof, the ancient Greeks showed that maths isn't just about performing calculations, but a way of understanding and testing the reality of the world around us. The sign above Plato's Academy was said to have read: let no one ignorant of geometry enter here. And the great Archimedes was even killed by a soldier because he refused to leave a proof unfinished. But, what is a proof? Simply put, a proof is a convincing argument to demonstrate whether something is true or false. For example, if all dogs have four legs, then: is this a dog? It's easy to prove that just because all dogs have four legs, not everything with four legs is a dog. How about a mathematical proof? You've probably heard of Pythagoras's theorem, a mathematical fact about the sides Japanese: [音楽] 約2500年前、革命的な思想家のグループが 数学に関する私たちの考えを変えました。 数学による証明という考えを通して、 古代ギリシャ人は 数学は計算するためだけのもの ではないことを示しました。 数学は私たちの世界の真実を 理解したり、試すことにも使えるのです。 プラトーアカデミーに掲げてあるサインにはこのような標語があります。 「すべての人が幾何学に 関心を持つようになるだろう。 このアカデミーに入学しなさい。」 古代ギリシャの偉大な物理学者であるアルキメデスは 証明を未完成のままにすることを拒絶したために、 兵士に殺されました。 いったい、証明とはなんなのでしょうか? 簡単に言うと、 証明とは何が正しくて何が間違っているのか 判断するために、 証拠を挙げて明らかにしていくことです。 たとえば、すべての犬が4本の足を持つのなら、 これは犬でしょうか? これを証明するのは簡単です。 すべての犬が4本の足を持っていたからといって 4本の足を持つものがすべて犬とは限りません。 数学的証明はどうでしょうか? 皆さんはおそらくピタゴラスの定理については ご存知でしょう。 直角三角形の3辺の長さの English: of a right-angled triangle. Here's one demonstration of the theorem. Does it convince you? Good proofs are undeniably true. 200 years after Pythagoras was around, another Greek mathematician called Euclid perfected the way to write proofs. With just a few basic assumptions known as axioms, Euclid was able to prove many other mathematical results. He compiled these results into one remarkable book called The Elements, and his proofs are as true today as when it was first written and have formed the foundations of modern mathematics. From proofs about infinite prime numbers used internet encryption to mathematical formulae used in engineering, the ancient Greeks have provided scientists, economists, lawyers, architects, and well, just about everyone, with a new mathematical understanding of our world. Japanese: 関係を表す数学的な定理です。 これはその定理の1つの説明です。 あなたはこの説明に納得できますか? よい証明は、非の打ち所のない真実を示します。 ピタゴラスが活躍していた時代から200年後、 ユークリッドという名の他のギリシャ人数学者が 証明を書く手法を考え付きました。 自明の理として知られるいくつかの基本的な仮定を 組み合わせることで ユークリッドは他の数学的結果を 証明することに成功しました。 彼はこれらの成果を1冊の「原論」というタイトルの 優れた本にまとめました。 彼の証明は今日でも正しいとされています。 彼がこの世で初めて書いたその証明は 現代数学の基礎を作り上げました。 無限数の証明は インターネットの暗号化に使われています。 数学的公式はエンジニアリングにも使われています。 古代ギリシャ人は、科学者、エコノミスト、弁護士、 建築家、そしてすべての人に 数学を使った新しい世界の理解の仕方を 提供したのです。 Arabic: المثلث قائم الزاوية. ها هو اثبات للمبرهنة. هل أقنعك هذا ؟ البرهاين الصالحة حقائق لا يمكن انكارها. ٢٠٠ عامًا بعد زمان فيثاغورت، رياضي يوناني آخر يدعى إقليدس، أتقن طريقة كتابة البراهين. بإستخدام بعض الافتراضات الأساسية التي تعرف بإسم "المسلمات" ، تمكن إقليدس من إثبات العديد من النتائج الرياضية. ثم أجمع تلك النتائج في كتاب عظيم يدعى "العناصر"، وهذا البراهين حقيقية اليوم كما كانت عند كتابتها لأول مرة ، لقد شكلت أساسيات الرياضيات الحديثة. من براهين حول لانهائية الأعداد الأولية التي استخدمت في تشفير البيانات الإلكترونية، إلي الصيغ الرياضية المستخدمة في حرف الهندسة، وهب قدامى اليونانين العلماء والإقتصاديين والمحاميين والمعماريين ، وكل شخص تقريبًا ، بفهم رياضي جديد لعالمنا. Spanish: con cuatro patas es un perro. ¿Qué es una demostración matemática? Probablemente habrás oído hablar del teorema de Pitágoras, un hecho matemático sobre los lados de un triángulo rectángulo. He aquí una demostración del teorema. ¿Te convence? Las buenas demostraciones son innegablemente verdaderas. 200 años después de Pitágoras, otro matemático griego llamadoEuclides perfeccionó la forma de escribir las demostraciones. Con sólo unos pocos supuestos básicos conocidos como axiomas, Euclides fue capaz de probar muchos otros resultados matemáticos. Recopiló los resultados en un libro llamado "Los Elementos" y sus demostraciones son hoy tan ciertas como cuando fueron escritas por primera vez y han establecido los fundamentos de las matemáticas modernas. Desde demostraciones sobre los números primos infinitos utilizados en el cifrado de Internet a fórmulas matemáticas utilizadas en ingeniería, los antiguos griegos han proporcionado a los científicos, economistas, abogados, arquitectos, a casi todo el mundo, una nueva comprensión matemática de nuestro mundo. English: [MUSIC] Japanese: [音楽] Arabic: [موسيقى]
In their sophomore year at JMU, any student who is in the class called Prowess will be working in a paid position on campus for Aramark. Aramark is our dining facility. They're a Fortune 250 company. So our students have that opportunity to work. So as you look at these 600 hours of related experience, students will have their work experience from what they're bringing, they will also get the Aramark experience which will deal with food service, and then all students prior to completion of this 600-hour requirement, will be working for 25 hours at the Hotel Madison. We work very closely with the Hotel Madison in trying to provide our students with an opportunity for real life experience. Because the hotel is only 10 months old, our students have been involved with a variety of events, helping them from their grand opening to a variety of tours as well as other activities that the hotel has been involved with. Prior to their junior year, they've had immersion into a hotel, they know that they've had some food service experience plus all the other hours that they bring in. Then, in between their junior and senior year, this is when students will do a formal internship. What we try to do in that formal internship is really work with students to say, are you more interested in the lodging side, are you more interested in the food side, or the events side, or private clubs, or cruise lines or whatever it is, because what we've learned is that two out of three students who intern will get a full-time job offer from that experience.
Oh guys so, um, my only alt might put a link in description down below, is it a fellow concert creator today? Yeah, I was planning on playing for tonight right and just cooling it all day And he told me that I need to record as soon as I open up the game now, I'm I've rushed everything Everything it's recording now as you can clearly see it on the screen. I still got a black hole He said the intro was fired. It better not be but I Can't hear nothing I got a I know this is a bit different from what I usually do but it is imperative and I watched this That latest rather Look at the map You fish for weapons or it's just a cinematic Bro, it looks so different I can record it pay it is Wait you have flasks you can You can shield up to a flow when we're done. I'm gonna calm down Maybe it's not as crazy as I think it is. Okay. This is freaking just pretty freakin crazy Battle bus Or don't get in Coos pose because hey hey Different game oh my god Look, no one played themselves. Am I in the game? What? Oh, my don't go off one better go up boys. Good up Hold on. Hold on. I'm in but you can kill it. I'm about to freakin killing. Em, I'm about to Hold up my first game mana always like first game on it's all good. I Think I'm hello loud. Hold on bro. First of all it always does this it always puts me at lowers Bro wait put that away. Stop it. Stop it. What are you doing bro? My controls are all freaked, bro Alright, we are far from the circle. This is kind of crazy. Dude. I'm not gonna lie. I watch this try to catch a body Nope. Any second gotta catch this body real quick done Alright, I'm not gonna be playing for tonight that often on the channel, dude But if I do I'm gonna have to see some gosh darn support watch this. Is that better swimming wait Wait a minute. I know that brother wasn't swimming that monkey-looking Brotherhood. Oh no wicked or you can swim swim Go through that shot. Even me that shot me that shotty I just go come here boy. Come here boy. Aah Get off the water. Get off the freaking Almighty. I'm like a buck I'm stupid. It's freaking bot you Dude I cannot aim. Oh my god, bro, I get from a freaking SMG garbage return to lobby. All right We trapped We trust I don't know what that was. I got spray. I got mowed down I got moldy. I got mosey go down aisle saw the edits your boys. Not a casual. I'm gonna have to change my mother Look at look look at k0. Yes. Here we go and look at a zero Say look a hero. Yep, we out here playing for at night Yes, I do it every night and not enough to drink on sprite I'm about to do a so bright got my girl on the screen there. You know we so clean. Yes I got the white jeans on and we kidding me better hop into the discord cuz we squat in it What you even saying bro? I'm about to kill yo. Everybody knows that this might be my last video Why am I so extra these days I need to relax, you know, we gotta get as he's in love You Came come behind. I think I might have to leave quick this move. Ooh, I think I might have to Oh, dude. Oh, I can't even say mrs. Greg ain't playing bro. Okay, he's not definite pumpkin All right Now y'all better see what you know, your boy quiche ear open up to me where I've been putting my hours in you know Why your boy is naughty casual at this game may know casuals out here. Look at this I'm double crouching while I pop in minis who you know, does it all know about all eh, I'm average I'm just be real with you. I'm average. Is that efficient? What the hell is this for? Oh, no, no no, no, no No, we can actually fish for weapons Wait the door there's no door on the other side. What am I doing? Let's go fishing Bois, so is it like do we let you gotta wait for like, oh, maybe I got a wait What hood Oh baby as soon as I see it splash Yeah, this is what do you see the splash breath? Oh, I'm catching fish I'm a Fisher man woman, you know for a feminist out there Oh, yeah, so super summer summer swimming upstream. Yo, who's this? Crackhead? No, those are fish, huh? Well, can we use this? No, we can't use it. Ah don'tdon't Fight fight Oh, wait yours, yes Come on buddy, come here boy. Wait, did I oh boy. I mean whole ordeal without please grab the pool I'm trash bro. He's right here Oh My god, oh my gosh, he's like I can't I can't If you need help just call Me up I'm about to get sued please wait Pick up bodies How did he freaking hit me bro, I got a plea I got I'm not I'm not comfortable with this game, bro You're just chilling on this bus, you know just chillin, you know eating peanut butter but then sandwich Let's shoot for the same building baby yo Keisha, I'm not gonna make it to you what I'm not gonna make it to you Um, I'm in the face blade. I'm broke. I have 50 buddy. Go shoot for that shotgun, dude. Oh my god Shoddy shoddy crap. I don't want to fight this dude. I'm gonna try getting I Heard that I'm not to get a couple more Matt Eliminated Freaking gold. I got in my lobby. I'm sorry guys. I'm not this toxic. But today I'm toxic. Let's freakin go Let me pop this freaking big pot These BOTS out of my lobby room. Oh, yeah. We got a green shotty. Give me that give me all of that I need all that Skin though, I seen a Nissan Honda what? Yet dude, he's probably coming out towards rain now I hear him breaking something Ooh These are yep, which is bring it Wow, let's go over maybe oh they were named on the same thing dude, they're not nope, haha Iam saying yo, yo, you're outside distance. Oh Yeah, I hit him I hit him for a 19 wait, I'm big shopping behind Southwest I'll come a shot from behind 25 white Hey, obviously, I want me to kill myself. I would see that All right, bro, we got six buys the tea y'all we are P Whoa, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa, whoa, but Let's just relax Okay, y'all in the fight and you decide to shoot at me. Oh my gosh, can I get there in time? Yeah. Oh That's crazy. I'm getting this fight Oh, yeah, let's go baby. I'm like We're gonna shot down he shot down a big shot down, dude This was that crackhead shooting this from holy Stallone's having a mountain where we just came from what a weirdo and for 1900 what how many days you have? Pick me up bro, please please. I got you Okay, you should build cover you build pumpkin, but we can be They really got to sit up there and shut me bro, that's kind of sickening bro, you're the best carry yeah. Oh My god, it's due to the right. There's a mountain to the right Don't do it see the same one that downs you or not. That's the dude that I shot That's the guy What's this burrito doing I don't know Oh my gosh, is he gonna like What Let's go bro. Oh my gosh what your car hurt? Oh my gosh He liked it really had to do all that in Nonsense where I should is one for your car trying to be in there like swimwear, whoa Let's go before. He kills a Viking Everybody here for 11. Uh-huh. Uh-huh Bro, what did you feel that drop it down? Okay I need to get 100 All right guys so well, this was for tonight chapter 2 alright season 1 news story new beginnings We all enjoy this and you want to see more views like this. Yeah, I didn't know to do please be sure It's a credit shop that like button comment never goes in which you described today if you knew it's being part of shinobi and like I said before though if we get Forget about 50 50 likes or something like that, you know saying like, you know, maybe maybe maybe I'm making overcome combos That's why I just said combos fortnight content. Alright until next time I'll catch you boo boo faces in the next video. Peace
(water splashing) - Hey. (upbeat music) - Mr. Avie Cado here and I are back again for another video. Sir, we're very happy to have you on the channel. He has been a great source of pride and joy in my life. Since I bought him in July, we've become fast friends. He sleeps with me and my boyfriend every night. My boyfriend is a big supporter of Avie Cado. He loves him just as much as I do. And so did you guys, when I introduced Avie to the world, you guys also fell in love. I'm very excited to share that Sir Avie Cado has, in fact, inspired my new collection of merch. I don't just love my avocado stuffy. I love avocado everything. Avocado toast, guacamole, avocado on its own, whatever. I love it all. So, hey, even avocado ice cream is good, don't knock it till you try it, okay? That's all I'm saying. So, anyways, new merch, out now, it came out on August 28th. So you can now purchase it. Boom. Here it is. We got this adorable pink tee. It is a unisex fit. My amazing best friend Bradon rocks it all the time. So don't be afraid to rock this no matter what gender identity you have. It says, hi, I'm Avie Cado and it has him with little hands up waving and all the outline of the avocado is puffy and the writing is puffy. So it's kind of fun and textured. We also have, boom, this lavender phone case that says the same thing. Hi, I'm Avie Cado with the avocado. And we have a pink notebook. We also released something else that is not Avie Cado themed in case anybody wanted new merch that isn't repping Avie so proudly. So you can go to fanjoy.co/mollyburke to shop the whole new collection right now. I really hope you love it. I just thought it was a bit of fun. I do have another collection coming out late September with more fun pieces. So keep an eye out for that. We have this cropped top, which is about to sell out. It is from my original merch launch and it will not be coming out. So once this top is sold out, it's gone for good. We also have this shirt over here, one of a kind, which is also about to sell out and I will not be bringing back. So, if you like, either of those pieces, check those out right now, before they are gone for good. All right, now the reason we're all actually here. So a little while back, in early August, I posted this video right here. Where I talked about how since going blond, I am experiencing damage for the first time ever in my two year hair dying journey. I have been bleaching my hair for two years, but this is the lightest I've ever bleached it. And it caused me to experience breakage just on my baby hairs. The rest of my hair is fine. But all around my hairline, all around here, you can see here, I have a lot of breakage. This is the bulk of my breakage, is right along here, but I do have some on this side as well. Right here I have quite a bit of short breakage and then around my baby hairs back here I have some breakage. All of my breakage is happening on my baby hairs all around my hairline. So I'm really trying to give my hair a break from any treatments. I don't heat style my hair at all. I also pretty much always let my hair air dry. Not pretty much, I exclusively let my hair air dry. And I use lots of really hydrating, really healing products on my hair to try to just be as good as I can be to this hair 'cause she has been so good to me. And so my friend, Fernanda who owns a beauty salon in Boston, sent me some instructions and sent me some products to do an at home reparative Olaplex treatment. And she said I should do this every single week, once a week. So today is my first time trying to do an at home Olaplex reparative treatment to myself. I believe this is something that really like, you would typically go to a salon and a professional would do it for you. But I'm just a girl in my bedroom who's gonna give it a go and take you guys on the journey, the experience, the ride. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little bit nervous. I'm hoping there's no way I can damage my hair more by doing this. I don't think there is, but you know, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff. So we'll see, she sent detailed instructions over text, and I'm just going to give it a try. And hopefully by the end of this, my hair is feeling really soft and silky and hydrated. Obviously it's not going to like cure my damage breakage. You know, it has to just grow back. And I know that if she's saying I have to do one treatment a week, it's not gonna like change my life to do his treatment today. But, we're gonna give a try and just share the journey with you, see what the results are like. And maybe this will help some of you find new things to try for your hair damage. So, let's give it a go and head to the bathroom. So I have all the products here. First product I'm supposed to use is this shampoo that Fernanda sent by Mizani. I've never heard of this company, but she had given me a hair mask from them. And it's honestly like my Holy Grail of hair product. So, I'm guessing this is gonna be good. It definitely smells delightful. And she said that I am supposed to shampoo three times, which girl, this hair is so in need of a wash. Last night was hair washing night. But, because I knew I was filming today, I didn't wash it. So, it's a day overdue, okay. She needs to be cleaned. Especially because I've been putting so many, like a lot of different hair oils in, it's like extra, extra grease ball today. So, I'm supposed to shampoo three times and not condition. But before I get in the shower and do that, she said to detangle my hair because I'm not going to be able to comb through after. And she said that when I'm in the shower doing this to not like suds it up to where my hair will get knotted. But to just kind of like smooth the shampoo down, three full rinses, zero conditioner. And that'll update you with the next step. By the way, I'm going to go pop and put a swimsuit on for modesty sake. But, obviously when I'm doing this on my own, I don't usually wear a swimsuit in the shower, just to be clear. All right, my shower is heating to the right temperature. It takes a long time. So I'm just letting it heat up, I'm going to brush through all my hair. By the way, if you notice my armpits aren't shaved. That's all. Just calling it out before anybody else can. I'm gonna shave 'em when I'm in the shower, all right? See, I've brushed through all of my hair, now. There's no knots. So I'm gonna hop in here and do the thing. In I go. (water splashing) I am out of the shower. I just did exactly how Fernanda said. I smoothed the shampoo down and through, instead of scrubbing. I did it three times. My hair is very, very drenched, soaked wet. Also, probably have makeup all over my face because that's what happens when you shower with makeup on. But I just have it clipped up right now. And then what I'm supposed to do, is blow dry it without detangling. And once it is dry, she said it is gonna be like bone dry, like scary, scary, dry. Not a nice feeling because there's zero conditioner in it, and we cleansed three times. But that's the point because apparently it helps open the hair cuticle so that when I put the Olaplex treatment in, it really soaks into the hair shaft. And so that's what I'm gonna do now. And I'll see you in a bit. I've been blow-drying for a while. So I decided to bring one of my kitchen chairs into my bathroom and that's what we're doing. (upbeat music) So my hair is now fully dry, and clean, and honestly feels really soft. I don't know. It doesn't feel dry to me. Feel it Mom. - [Niamh] Ooo, yeah, it feels delicious. - It feels like I used conditioner. I'm like, very impressed with that shampoo because it really does feel very soft. - [Niamh] And this is not a sponsored video. - Oh, God, no. Not sponsored. So here we have this bowl of our Olaplex mix that we created. So what was that mix again, Niamh? - [Niamh] It was, I think, I'd have to look it up, - Fourteen ounces, - [Niamh] Four ounces, was it four or six, of the Olaplex number 1, and then 16 ounces of Olaplex number 2, but I have to double check that. We can always write on the screen. - I thought it was 14 and 16, not four and 16, - [Niamh] I thought it was four. - Well, you're the one who read the instructions and did it, so hopefully. - ` [Niamh] let's double check on that. - As per usual, mama bee is correct. It was four ounces of Olaplex 1, 16 of Olaplex 2. I have two clippies here. I have my shower cap and I'm now supposed to take this very liquidy substance and really drench my hair. So get it root tip, clip it up, put this on. And then she said any heat source will do, like a blow dryer. So I'll blow dry through this. So, I'm just really not sure how I'm supposed to do this. I think I'm gonna section my hair out, but because of the, - [Niamh] I think you should almost put your head in the bowl. - I don't think I can do that cause I have to get it evenly distributed. - [Niamh] Right. - I can't just stick my head in and hope. - [Niamh] Yeah, hope for the best. - Hope for the best. - [Niamh] (laughing) It's pretty small bowl. Yeah, I don't know what you're expecting me to do here Niamh. - [Niamh] You gonna be a long time getting all that on your head. - I'm so hungry. - [Niamh] Do you want a snack? - So hungry, time for snack. Olaplex can wait, Molly needs to eat. - [Niamh] What are you having? - Tuna. - [Niamh] Mm, looks delish. - Okay, so snack break's over, Molly's feeling nice and fulfilled. Took my vitamins for the day, feeling good, okay. It's like, I don't know if I'm allowed to touch it with my hands. - [Niamh] I was wondering about that. - So I only have one proper glove and one cleaning glove. I'm lefthanded, so this one I feel like will allow me to feel a bit more, which is important for me. I hate wearing gloves. I truly do because it takes away my sensation and I can't just like look in the mirror and see what I'm doing. So, we'll see how this goes. ♪ Do, do, do ♪ Okay. (upbeat music) - Okay, to be honest, it did drip a little bit like on down the side of my ear and like a little bit around my back. But not as much as I thought I would for how liquidy it is and how I was trying to apply it. I still have quite a lot left here in the bowl. So, I'm gonna like, bottle that up and have it for the next time I do this treatment next week. But, for now, I try to really focus on saturating all around my root line. So, all around those baby hairs and all around under here. And then I also tried to make sure the tips of the hair were super saturated. So I did actually like dip the end right into it and squeeze that out. But, I feel like I'm pretty well saturated throughout. So, I'm gonna remove these, pop a shower cap on, and get going. I figured because I'll be blow drying for half an hour under this little heated blow dryer, I'll put it on extra hot, I should just chill in bed. Make myself comfy, put on a podcast. I'm going to be listening to "The Thing About Pam" in case anybody's wondering. I'm gonna set an alarm for 30 minutes, which is how long I have to do this for. And I will check in with you then. (upbeat music) I am hot after half an hour. Thank God I thought to put a podcast on and that made time go by faster. Highly recommend that podcast. Comment down below what podcasts you guys are listening to 'cause I'm definitely a podcast fanatic. Anyways, I'm gonna jump in. Fernanda said to just rinse thoroughly, the Olaplex out, but not with shampoo or anything. Just rinse it out with water. And then I use this Mizani hair mask that I said earlier is like one of my Holy Grail products. So I'm gonna do that. Once I get out, I'll put this Brazilian blowout product on all the baby hairs around the edges, and I'll see you then. Clearly my hair is wet once again. I rinsed it out with water, did the mask. Then I just put the Brazilian blow out treatment around my little baby hairs. And I'm gonna leave it to just air-dry tonight. You can probably tell that the lighting's pretty dark, it's after seven o'clock and I have to run to a medical appointment. So I'm gonna go do that. And then tomorrow I will check in with you when it's all dry and show the final results. On Wednesdays, we wear pink. Right, Gallup? Are you wearing pink? Yes. Cause real men wear pink. Anyways, welcome back. It's the next day. My hair is really nice. It's really soft. I mean, to be honest, this is what's crazy about my breakage, is the rest of my hair has remained really soft this whole time. It's just the breakage around all the roots, around the, - [Niamh] Perimeter? - Hairline, the hairline. - [Niamh] The hairline. (Siri talking quietly) - Oh, my phone's talking. So yeah, I will definitely keep doing this. It is a lot of work, but I feel like the first time is always the hardest, right? 'Cause you've never done it before, so I'm gonna keep doing it, might as well. If I'm told it's good for my hair, girl, I'll do it. And you know, the reality is, no one hairdresser is at fault for the damage that I have in my hair. You know, that's how I feel about it. And that's why I'm not upset about it. You know, like in my first video where I talked about having damage, this one right here, I wasn't upset about it. In this video, you see, I'm not upset about it. Like, this is a choice I made. I've been choosing to bleach my hair. And you know that eventually, you know, I knew the reality is I have extra strong hair. You are Fernanda say it in the last video, I have very strong hair. But I knew, eventually, the day would come when it would get damaged. And I kept making the choice to dye it. This is on me. I don't blame any one hairdresser over the last two years, I've seen about four different hairdressers and all of them played a part in where my hair is today, right? So, I'm not like mad at any specific person. This is all my life choice. So, I just want to mention that. Nobody's like attacking any of the hairdressers I've seen. I just wanted to put it out there. Like, at the end of the day, you might be surprised that I don't seem like, more upset about my hair damage. I've said from day one, it's hair, it will grow back. There are things that I can do. So, such is life. see you next time.
English: -Wow. Wow. -What? -Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? Hi, Kong. -Sorry, do you have a band-aid? -No, I don't. I'm sorry. -Oh, that's okay. I just scraped my knee falling for you. -Oh, my god. -Oh, my god! -Did you really just say that? Did you really just say that? Do you want my number? -Fuck yeah, I do. -Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right? -No. -Well, that sucks for me. -No. No. -Did you just fart? -No, maybe that was you. -Because you blew me away. -That was funny. -Come on. Give it back. -What? -Give it back. -What are you talking about? -My heart. -Shut up. Get out of here. -What? -Here, write it down, babe. -Let me write on your tits. Portuguese: Uau, uau O quê? Isso foi um terremoto? Ou você que balançou o mundo? Oi, Kong. Desculpe, você tem um curativo? Não, não tenho. Desculpe. Ah tudo bem, é que eu acabei de ralar o meu joelho caindo por você. Ah, meu deus! Você realmente disse isso? Você quer o meu número? Claro que eu quero! Me beije se eu estiver errado. Mas dinossauros ainda existem, certo? Não. - Bom, que ruim para mim. - Não, não. Você peidou? Não, talvez foi você. É porque você tirou o meu ar. Essa foi engraçada. Qual é. Me devolve. O que? Me devolve. Do que você está falando? Meu coração. - Cala boca. Sai fora daqui. - O que? - Aqui, escreve isso, baby. Qual o seu nome? – Deixa eu escrever nos seus peitos. English: -How am I going to see this? Karen, you have to tell me what this number is. He's literally writing on my chest and I'm letting him. What's your name? -See, I'm dating someone so I don't think he'd really-- [SHUSHING] -Okay. What is your number? -My number is 3-1-0. -3-1-0. -Can I get your picture to prove to all my friends that angels really do exist? -Oh, that's so cute. Sure. -Do you mind taking our picture? -There you go. -Cool. Thank you. -That's really sweet. I'm Hannah. -Very nice to meet you. I'll put it on Facebook. I'll tag you. -For sure. -Hashtag, angel. -Can I borrow your phone real quick? -Like the calling-- -Oh, yeah. Give me the phone. Thanks. -Yeah. Hi, mom. Yeah. I think I just met the girl of my dreams. Yeah. she's standing right in front of me. -Oh, my gosh. -Hey. Can I get directions? -I am not familiar. Portuguese: Como eu vou ver isso? Karen, você vai ter que me falar qual é o número dele. Ele está literalmente escrevendo nos meus peitos e eu estou deixando. Qual o seu nome? Olha, eu estou namorando uma pessoa e eu não acho que ele realmente... Certo. - Qual é o seu número? - Meu número é 3-1-0 3-1-0 Posso tirar uma foto sua para provar para todos os meus amigos que anjos realmente existem? Oh, isso é tão fofo. Claro. - Você se importa em tirar nossa foto? – Aqui está. - Legal. - Obrigado. - Isso foi muito doce. Sou Hannah Prazer em conhecê-la. Vou por esta foto no facebook e te marcar. - Claro. – Hashtag, anjo. Posso pegar seu celular emprestado bem rápido? - Pra ligar pra alguém? - Sim, me dê ele. Obrigado. Oi, mãe? Sim. É. Eu acho que encontrei a garota dos meus sonhos. - Sim, ela está na minha frente agora. - Ai meu deus Ei. Hmm. Pode me dar uma direção? Não sou familiar. English: -Well, I need directions to your heart. -Oh, what is your number? -Oh, 7-6-0. -7-6-0. -I have to stop you because I actually forgot the pick up line I'm supposed to use. Are you a parking ticket? -No. -Because you've gotten fine written all over you. -If I had $0.05 for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I would have $0.05. -Thanks. -Hi. Question-- I have to say my love for you is like diarrhea. I just can't hold it in. -Nice pick up line. -Give me a hug. All right. Now, give me your number. -No, I'm going to class. -Why? Excuse me. Do you have the time? It is 12-- -No, no, no-- the time for me to take your number down. -Oh. -What race are you, by the way? -I'm white. Portuguese: Bem, eu preciso de direção para o seu coração. - Qual é o seu número? - 7-6-0. 7-6-0. Eu tenho que parar você, porquê... eu na verdade esqueci qual era a cantada que eu deveria usar. Você é uma multa de estacionamento? - Não. - Porquê você tem “boa” escrito em você inteira. Se eu ganhasse 5 centavos cada vez que eu visse alguém tão linda quanto você. Eu teria 5 centavos. Obrigada. Oi. Pergunta. Eu preciso dizer que meu amor por você é como diarreia. Eu simplesmente não consigo conter. Bela cantada. Me dê um abraço. - Certo, agora me dê seu número. - Não, eu estou indo para a aula. Por que? Com licença. Você tem tempo? São doze. Não, não, não... tempo para eu anotar o teu número. - Qual a sua raça, a propósito? - Sou branca. English: I'm German, Swedish, Czechoslovakian. -Really? Mm-hmm. -I would have thought you were Jamaican. -Really? What would have made you think that? -Because you're making me crazy. -Excuse me. Do You know if there's an airport nearby? -An airport nearby? -Yeah, or was that just my heart taking off because you walked past? -Oh, my gosh. -If you are words on a page, you'd be fine print. -Hey, that was a good one. -Yeah? Now, what is your number? -9-1-6. -9-1-6. -Mm-hmm. -All right. What is it? -8-0-5. -8-0-5. -Okay, what is your number? -3-2-3. -3-2-3. -5-5-9. -5-5-9. -It's 6-6-1. -Hi. I have to ask, I love this rolling backpack. And I felt like if-- let me ask you question. Did you fall? Did it hurt? What do -You mean? Portuguese: Sou alemã, sueca e tchecoslovaquiana. - Sério? - Aham. - Eu pensei que você fosse jamaicana. Sério? O que te teria feito pensar isso? Porque você está me deixando louco. Certo. Com licença. Sabe existe um aeroporto por perto? Um aeroporto por perto? - Sim, ou será que foi apenas o meu coração decolando porque você passou? - Ah, meu deus. Se você fosse palavras numa página. você seria uma bela impressão. - Ei, essa foi boa. - É? - Agora, qual o seu número? - 9-1-6. Aham. - Certo, qual é? - 8-0-5. 8-0-5. - Certo, qual é o seu número? - 3-2-3. 3-2-3. - 5-5-9. - 5-5-9. É 6-6-1. Oi. Eu preciso perguntar. Eu amo essa mochila de rodinha. E, hum. Eu senti que se, hum. Deixe-me fazer uma pergunta. Você caiu? Machucou? O que você quer dizer? Portuguese: Quando você caiu do... - Do céu. Machuca. - Não. Uau, isso foi uma falha gigante. Merda. Então, nós estamos fazendo cantadas bregas para as pessoas e filmando. - Você se importa se usarmos isto? - Não mesmo. - Não, eu acho isso super fofo. - Obrigado. - Eu gostaria que mais caras fosse, assim para frente e fofos desse jeito. - É? Então agora, nós estamos provando para rapazes que É possível usar cantadas bregas. Com certeza, vocês podem. Caras não tem mais coragem para fazer nada hoje, eles são horríveis. Exatamente. English: -When you're fell from the sky. -No. -Hurts. Wow, that was a huge fail-- shit. -So we're doing cheesy lines say to people and we're filming it. Do you mind if we use that? -Not at all. -No, I think it's super cute. Like, I wish more guys were actually forward and cute like that. -Yeah. -So now, we're here to prove to guys that you can use cheesy pickup lines. -Hell yeah, you can. Guys don't have the guts for anything anymore. They suck. -Exactly. [MUSIC PLAYING]
[dramatic, jazzy music]
Spanish: - Oye, escucha, ¡no puedo entender una palabra de lo que dices !! - No hablo idioma campana! - Bueno, qué es lo que tenemos aquí... - Esto vale la pena, Ahhh...!! - ¿De dónde salió esa luz graciosa? Tu necesitas.. - Así no es como lo imaginé ... - ¡Oye! - Un gusto conocerte! - Vamos, gran amigo. - Salgamos de aqui. - ¡Bueno! - Fue un wisp que me metió en este lío ... - ¿Un qué? - ¡Vamos al norte! - No, al sur! - Y esto que es ... - Oh, vamos, ¿EN SERIO? - ¡Y otra vez! ¡Y otra vez! - ¡¡Eres libre!! Chinese: 嘿,你可以听吗,你说的话我什么都不明白! 我不讲你废话语言! 哦,这到底是什么呢? 你别浪费我的时间 哪奇怪光灵到底从哪里来的? 你应该 — 我没想到会变到这样。。。 嘿! 很高兴见到了你! 同伴,快走啦。 我们快逃走吧。 说得好! 全部的困难都是哪一个奇怪灯球引起的。。。 一个什么? - 快去北! - 错了,去南! 【欸】 可以发光吗? 来这儿! 好。 这到底是什么意思?他们在做什么? 我碎。 什么? 你开玩笑吗?真的这样??! 多一次!多一次! 你瘨了。瘨! 你自由了! English: - Oy, listen, I can't understand a word you just said! - I don't speak chimey bell talk! - Well, what have we here... - This better be worth the... - Where'd that funny light come from? - You need to— - This ain't how I pictured it... - Hey! - Pleased to meet ya! - Come on, big fella. - We'll get ourselves out. - Okay! - It was a wisp that got me into this mess... - A what? - Let's go north! - No, south! [exasperated groan] - Can we get a light? - This way! - Okay. - What does that even mean... - Squish. - WHAT?! - Oh, come on, REALLY?! - And again! And again! - You're mental, son. Mental! - You're free!! French: - Hé, écoute, j'ai pas compris un seul mot ! - Les sons de cloche, je connais pas ça comme langue ! - Tiens, c'est intéressant, ça... - Ça a intêret à en valoir la peine— - Et elle venait d'où cette drôle de lumière ? - Il faut que tu— - Je m'imaginais pas ça... - Hé ! - Content de te rencontrer ! - Viens avec moi, le costaud. - On trouvera la sortie. - Ok ! - C'est une sorte de feu follet qui m'a entraîné ici... - Un quoi ? - Vers le nord ! - Non, le sud ! [soupir exaspéré] - On peut faire de la lumière ? - Par ici ! - D'accord. - Mais à quoi ça rime, tout ça... - Squish. - QUOI ?! - Oh, mais t'es sérieux là ? - Et encore un ! Et encore un ! - T'es dingue, toi. Dingue ! - Tu es libre !! Russian: - Хой, слушай, я не могу понять ни единого слова что ты сказал! - Я не разговариваю как колокольчик! - Что-же, что у нас здесь... - Лучше бы было... - Откуда этот забавный светящийся шарик? - Тебе нужно- - Это не то как я представлял... - Хэй! - Рады видеть тебя! - Ладно, гигантик. - Мы вытащим друг друга отсюда. - Окей! - Это был Висп который меня столкнул сюда... - Эмм.. Что? - Пошли на север! - Нет, на юг! [раздраженный стон] - Может огоньку? - Туда! - Окей. - Что-же это значит... - Бам. - ЧТО?! - Ах, ты серьёзно?! - Опять! И опять! - Ты псих, дружок. Псих! - Ты свободен! Turkish: - Bak dinle, söylediğin hiçbir şeyi anlamıyorum. - Konuştuğun dili konuşamıyorum. - Ne varmış burada? - Buna değse iyi... - O komik ışık nerden çıktı? - Senin ihtiyacın olan— -Tahmin ettiğim şey bu değildi... - Hey! - Tanıştığıma memnun oldum! - Hadi ilerle koca oğlan. - Buradan çıkmamız gerekiyor. - Tamamdır! - Beni bu saçmalığa sokan o minnak ışıktı... - Aa şimdi ne var? - Hadi kuzeye gidelim. - Hayır güneyden! [Bıtkınlık içinde iç çekme] - Işık yakabilir miyiz? - Bu taraftan. - Tamam. - Bu ne anlama geliyor? - Ezmek. - NE!? - Siz ciddi olamazsınız? - Ve diğeri! Ve diğeri! - Siz hastasınız oğlum. HASTA! - Sen özgürsün!! Turkish: - Sanmıyorum. Bence o öldü. - Ah, hadi ama... [Teklenmekten sinirlenen bir yaratığın hırıltısı] - Hey! - Selam! - İhtiyacımız yoktu am— - Çeneni kapat ve teşekkür et. - Bir saniye bekle... - [Sahne dışı gülüşmeler] - Aha Wisp, senin iğneleyici zekan çimenler üzerinde berbat ediliyor. - [Tehlike biplemesi] - Ne? - DUR! - [Gülüşmeler] - Bekleyin, Bundan ister misiniz ha?! Spanish: - Nah, creo que está muerto. - Ohh, vamos ... - ¡Oye! - ¡Hola! - No necesitamos- - Cállate y di gracias. - Espera un minuto... - [Puck riendose] - Ah, Wisp, tu ingenio, se desperdicia en estos seres burdos. - ¿Huh? - ¡DETENTE! - Oh, quieres algo de esto, ¿eh? Russian: - Не, я думаю он мёртв. - Ах, давай же! [рык злобного существа, который получил удар в колено] - Хэй! - Привет! - Нам не нужн- - Заткнись и скажи спасибо. - Подожди-ка... - Ах, Висп, твой мерзкий ум впустую тратится на этих мерзких существ. - Мм? - ОСТАНОВИСЬ! Ох, тебе хочется получить, а?! English: - Nah, I think he's dead. - Ah, come on... [growling of an angry creature that got kicked in the knee] - Hey! - Hi! - We didn't need— - Shut up and say thank you. - Hold on a minute... - [off-screen laughter] - Ah, Wisp, your mordant wit is wasted on these gross beings. - [alarmed beeping] - Huh? - STOP! - [laughter] - Oh, you want some of this, eh?! Chinese: 自由?我认为他已经死了。 啊啊,又困难。。。 【生气地咆哮】 嘿! 你好! 我们其实不需要 — 快闭嘴说谢谢吧。 等一等。。。 【隐形的玩笑】 啊啊,小球。 你在这些作呕生物前,你真的浪费你媒染剂智力。 【慌张地蜂鸣】 啊啊?? 住手! 【笑声】 哇,你要打架啊? French: - Non, je crois qu'il est mort. - Ah, bon sang... [grondement menacant d'une très grosse créature qui vient de se prendre un coup de pied dans le genou] - Hé ! - Salut ! - On avait pas besoin— - Tais-toi et dis merci. - Attends une seconde... - Ah, Wisp, c'est dommage de gâcher un sens de l'humour aussi sophistiqué sur des bêtes aussi primitives que ça. Hein ? - STOP! - [rires] - Quoi, vous en voulez, vous aussi?
[MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning to everybody again. We start now the second session of this exciting meeting. And we are going to talk about stem cells and gene therapy. We like to call stem cell and gene therapy definitive therapy, because we want that this is one-time therapy for our patients. And the goal is indeed to cure diseases that today are really incurable. So when we think about gene therapy and stem cell therapy, we heard today that we can use it to treat many diseases, including damage after brain cancer. But in reality, today we will focus mostly on genetic diseases and what we call monogenic diseases, which is one mistake in one gene. And this mistake in one gene leads to disease. These kinds of diseases are fortunately relatively rare. But when you take them all together, they really affect many millions of people, and mostly children. And when I started to work with genetic diseases a few years ago, we had approximately identified 3,000 monogenic diseases. And today, we are over 10,000, and it's still rising. Every day, we characterize as monogenic diseases, diseases that until yesterday we thought were acquired diseases. So the field is really expanding. And today, what we can do for our patients is a therapy to alleviate the symptoms. But in reality, this is not our goal. Our goal is to cure this patient for life. And, indeed, the next frontier for curing these patients is regenerative medicine-- stem cell therapy, gene therapy, tissue engineering. And our contribution to precision medicine is really to establish successful therapies which are tailored to that specific disease and to that specific patients population. And again, we want one therapeutic intervention to take care of the problem for the rest of the life of the child. So you have to start to think of this session as a session in which we use cells and genes as drugs. So stem cells can regenerate and replace damaged tissue and really cure or treat a condition. And genes can be inserted in the cells to reestablish a function which is missing. And with this approach, using cells and genes as drugs, we can treat many diseases in addition to genetic diseases. We can treat cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, heart diseases. But you can ask-- and actually, I get this question many times-- if stem cell and gene therapy is such a tremendous potential for so many diseases, why it's not on the market? Why our doctor cannot prescribe stem cell and gene therapy to me as a patient, if I need it, or to my child, or to my relatives, if they need it? Well, there are many reasons for that. But the bottom line is that we are not there. We had tremendous acceleration in the field in the last 10 years. But still, today, we have only a couple of drugs that are registered and marketed for gene therapy and for stem cell therapy. And we have a handful of diseases that we can cure. And one of the major reasons why we are still working and really want to accelerate the field, but we were stuck for many years, if you wish, is because there was really what we call "the valley of death" between basic research and clinical practice. But fortunately, although this valley of death stayed there for many years, and we had academic scientists working on basic problems to solve, and then the industry to develop drugs for clinical practice, in the last five years, and more to come, we really see an acceleration towards translational research. And many institutions, and Stanford Medicine is the forefront of translational research, really invest in translational research to close this gap and to bring discoveries to the bad side of the patients. So we want to translate our discoveries into new medicines for our patients. And with that, I want to introduce, really, the speakers of this session. The first speaker comes from industry, Martin Andrews. He will give you the perspective of the industry for stem cell and gene therapy. Then we have an academic leader in the field, Nadia Rosenthal, will give you the perspective of an academic scientist that devotes her career to stem cell therapy. And finally, we will have a panel of four Stanford Medicine speakers, Hiro Nakauchi, Sean Wu, Matt Porteus, and Tony Oro. And I want to recognize that they're not the only scientists working in stem cell and gene therapy at Stanford. We have been really lucky to have an institute for stem cell biology and regenerative medicine directed by Irv Weissman. And in this institute, really, there is a critical mass of excellent scientists working on the problems we try to address today. And also, for gene therapy, we have the Division of Human Gene Therapy directed by Mark Kay and many excellent scientists in gene therapy. Some are today in the audience. So I hope that with the four speakers, you will have a flavor of what we are doing at Stanford Medicine. And if you want to learn more about that, we are at your disposal. So without further ado, I would like to introduce Martin Andrews. Martin Andrews started his career in a pharmaceutical company in 1985, in the Beecham Group. He joined GlaxoSmithKline in 1992, and he worked his successful career in many different disease areas, including neurology, gastroenterology, vaccine. And we have been very fortunate to have him as the senior vice president of GlaxoSmithKline and responsible for orphan disease globally since 2013. So Martin's team really is pushing hard to bring gene therapy and cell therapy to the market. And without further ado, Martin, thank you for being here. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. Well, good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Professor Roncarolo and Dean Minor for this fabulous opportunity to talk with you today at this inaugural Child X conference. It's a real privilege to be here for me, actually. But it's also somewhat of a daunting privilege, especially when I'm addressing many great minds in the area of maternal and child health. And it's a somewhat daunting privilege in respect it feels a bit like being asked to talk about your golf swing to Tiger Woods or Arnold Palmer. So anyway, it also feels a bit daunting in the sense of the format we've got. It's like being asked to do that but from Martha Stewart's Living room at the same time. But anyway, I'll do what I can to give you an industry perspective. What you're not going to hear from me today is any original research about cell and gene therapy. I'm going to leave that to everybody else, the experts. I'm not a treating physician. I'm not a research scientist. But I spent my whole career in industry. And therefore, what I'm going to try and do is to give you an industrial perspective, if you like, on the potential application and what we're really doing in cell and gene therapy at GlaxoSmithKline. Now, first of all, you may ask the question, well, what's a company like GSK even doing in rare diseases? And there's really three reasons why we're present in this area. The first reason is that it's absolutely consistent with our mission as a company. We are here to help people do more, feel better, and live longer. That's the core mission of GSK. It's in our DNA to do that. But secondly, it also, by working in orphan diseases with very, very high unmet need, allows us to apply cutting edge science to solving these problems. And I'll give you a couple of examples. The use of oligonucleotides for gene silencing or for exon skipping is a good example of that. The use of ex vivo autologous gene therapy, which is what I'll talk about more today, gives us an opportunity to do that as well. And doing these in high unmet need areas is far more tractable to take something from the bedside to the clinic and hopefully one day to the marketplace. But there's a third reason. I think this is arguably one of the most important. And that is because researching and developing medicines for ultra-rare diseases gives us a window into human biology. The biggest single reason why medicine development fails is usually because of a poor target validation. And in studying and applying medicine development to rare diseases, it usually allows us to look at a very exquisitely precise mechanism that underlies the disease. And in the case of monogenic genetic disorders, that's very, very exquisitely precise. And here, one of the reasons why this is beneficial for us is it allows us to look at interacting with a fundamental pathway that causes the disease may well teach us things that we can apply either upstream or downstream or at the same point in that pathway for more common diseases. And, I think, as previous speakers this morning have alluded to, the science is generating at such a huge pace here. And as the bioinformatics revolution untangles all the strands of the human genome, it's very likely that common disease populations will be segmented and subsegmented and substratified, such that personalized medicine is not going to be desirable. It's going to be essential in the future. So these baby steps we take today, as science and technology matures, and we learn to apply that science and technology, we really see that as a huge benefit. So that's why GSK is involved in rare diseases, and specifically, cell and gene therapy. But what about myself? Well, I've actually been in the industry for over 30 years now. In fact, when I started, I had a beautiful, thick head of hair which has disappeared over the years. And actually, 10 of those 30 years, I spent in the field of vaccines. Now, many people ask me, why are you moving from vaccines, where everything is done on such a vast scale, where public health impact is truly global, where hundreds of millions of people every year receive vaccines? And, in fact, GSK alone manufacture almost a billion doses of vaccine every year. And you're moving to an area where you can count patients sometimes on one hand or both hands, or at least in the tens and hundreds. And the answer really is the patient. Now, even though the context and the scale is very different, the unmet need is equally raw. Now, in vaccination, if you look at the consequences of not being able to vaccinate kids against infectious disease, there are really profound consequences. Now, there are many, many occasions in my previous life in vaccines where you know that if you do not deliver vaccines where they're needed, there are significant consequences. I'll give you an example with pneumococcal vaccination, where for every million doses of pneumococcal vaccine that we deliver to Sub-Saharan Africa, it's about 3,000 children under five will be spared a premature death from pneumococcal pneumonia. So it's a very, very binary, if you like, cause and effect on the impact you can have on people's health. And actually, in respect to the scale, the same is true with rare diseases. We know that a child diagnosed with a rare disease will have about a one in three chance of seeing their fifth birthday. So the unmet need, despite the scale, is equally raw. And that's the thing that attracts me to this area. To be able to make even a small difference to a child's life is profound. I remember, actually, we had a patient seminar on patients who had successfully been treated with gene therapy. And there was a lad there with his mother and father. He was an early teenager, typically miserable and sullen, but very healthy. And his mother was describing his journey through therapy, their journey through therapy. And she described how all the things we take for granted for our children when they're healthy, they had had to adjust to dramatically, so things like, swimming, playing soccer, skateboarding, being glued to their gaming machines, I guess. But the one thing that really caught my attention was the lack of social interaction and how on his first day at school, he said that he'd never seen so many kids. He didn't realize that kids got together in such big groups. Because until that point, he'd had pretty much an isolated, almost aseptic existence. And that's what we think about transformational medicine. So when we looked at this at GSK, it really felt like the very first page of a new chapter of a new book that has the potential to transform medicine. And it's a book that's being written almost as fast, I think, as you can read it. And if we look at all of the progression of scientific research now, going beyond ex vivo autologous gene therapy and stem therapy, but also the discovery of new vectors, synthetic vectors, the application of gene editing through nucleases, transposons. And every day, there seems to be something new to learn. And actually, it's rather a challenge, because all these things are great ideas unless we can actually apply them and give access to patients on a global scale. And that's really what we're aiming to do at GSK. So imagine, I'll go back to my vaccine analogy, in 1952, when Jonas Salk created his first polio vaccine, could you imagine or could anyone imagine then, that in a lifetime, it would be possible to be on the brink of eradicating polio worldwide? Could anyone imagine that it would be possible to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma as a result of hepatitis? Or protect a child from six infectious diseases with one injection? Or prevent women from cervical cancer through immunizations? All of these things are tractable and have been developed by the confidence and the continual application of giving the immune system a helping hand through immunization. And that's, in a way, I think, how we're seeing this whole area of gene and cell therapy. So let me talk a little bit now about what we're trying to do here and how we're trying to do it. And I want to give you an example of a genetic disorder. Imagine a child who's born with a single gene defect, and that gene is responsible for enabling the creation of a protein which is essential for metabolizing toxic waste in cells that would otherwise accumulate. And when it accumulates, it actually degrades the ability of cell division. Imagine that it's going to be T and B cells in this case, so the child rapidly progresses to immune deficiency. And so you have a very profound immune deficiency on their hands. They're prone to and very susceptible to common infections that most kids can fight off. And they may well never see their first birthday. Or if they do, if they've been successfully treated to a degree with enzyme replacement, then they may get into their teens but not have a great quality of life. That's the kind of patient that we're thinking about here. So if you will forgive me dramatically oversimplifying what is literally decades of scientific research and development, I just want to walk you through the process that a patient like that, with an immune deficiency, would follow. So first of all, the patient would have bone marrow stem cells extracted. These cells, in this case, if it was an immune deficiency, we are thinking about CD34 positive cells. They would be selected and purified. And through a multi-step cell processing process that happens, obviously outside the body, the cells would be mixed with a viral vector. So this is a non-pathogenic virus which has inserted the correct human genome sequence. And that acts as a vector by transducing those stem cells. In other words, by attaching to the cells, inserting into the nucleus of the stem cells the corrected gene sequence in an, albeit, fairly indiscriminate fashion. And with those transduced cells, clearly the patient who's going to be the recipient will have to undergo a period of conditioning to allow-- to make room for the cells by removing some of the uncorrected stem cells that exist in the child's immune system. Now there's a really critical step that comes here as well, and that is the quality assurance release. Now, somebody in this process has to make the decision to release the product for readministration or reinfusion back into the child from which the cells came. Now that's a very important step, and I'll come onto this in a second. Now clearly, this is an irreversible procedure. It's integrative gene therapy. So once you've done it, you've done it. And therefore, patients are going to need very long-term followup, because clearly, whilst there's the potential for cure, there's also the potential for harm. So that in a nutshell is really the process that we're following in the gene therapy. And as we became interested in this, certainly, as I became interested in this, you start to see the limitations quite dramatically, which I think Professor Roncarolo actually expressed at the very beginning. And that is really that from a geoscape perspective, once we are used to making vaccines, biological products, monoclonal antibodies, small molecules, we're not at all experts in the area of selling gene therapy. So this really drove our whole strategy here to partner with clinical academia. Because all of the research was and still is being done in clinical academia, so the basic science, the translational medicine, the medical management of the patient that surrounds the whole area. And that's one of the limitations that clearly we saw and drove our partnership with, in this case, the Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy in Milan, and the Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, and the colleagues of Professor Roncarolo, and others in the unit. And we also see that there were limitations that all of the clinical academics in the area were also facing, and that is really the ability to create a process that is robust, scalable, predictable, and controllable, which allows the filing under regulatory scrutiny to take this from bedside experimental medicine into something that has the right levels to be considered as a medicine. And clearly, there's also the whole manufacturing and control area which is crucial. Because if we're going to do anything, we need to make sure that patients can access this, and it's affordable, and it's also accessible geographically. Now, clearly there's a number of considerations when we do this, a number of real learnings that have been quite hard for us, and they still are. So some of the hurdles we have here are, first of all, you're dealing with an inherently and infinitely variable starting material, and that's the patient. Everybody is different. Their physiology is different, even though a lot of the basics are similar. The second thing is that we are also dealing with fresh cells throughout the whole process. Now this is quite unusual for us in a manufacturing sense, because you cannot sterilize them. So in a way, you would be giving back a non-sterile product to a patient who's actually profoundly immune-suppressed. And that creates its own challenges. The third thing is the release specifications. I mentioned that somebody has to make the decision, from a quality assurance point of view, to release a batch of medicine to treat the sick child. And that is quite an issue, because there are no standard consistently validated assays that we'd normally be used to. How many cells is too little? How many cells are too much? How potent do they need to be? What time window do they need to be readministered or reinfused? So quite a lot of issues on the release aspect of the medicine. And then, of course, there's the whole issue of the shelf life. They're fresh cells. They don't have an infinite life. They lose potency, just like many vaccine antigens lose potency with time. And therefore, there's a narrow window of opportunity to reinfuse the cells into the patient before they lose potency or decrease in the quantity. Then there's the whole area of disease selection. So we're thinking about which diseases do we really believe are tractable with cell and gene therapy. And there's multiple considerations here too. So how strong is the biological rationale in the preclinical data? Is there a really strong cause relationship between the metabolic defect and the gene correction? Is the preclinical model really likely to be predictive of success in the clinic? When we're thinking about the diseases themselves, how much damage is done before the child is born? How rapidly does the disease progress? I mean, if the disease progresses very, very rapidly after birth, then can you really design a study that will show a treatment difference rapidly enough after the therapies had been initiated? Or conversely, if it's a very slowly progressing disease, you may have to do unfeasibly long clinical studies to detect the difference. So quite a lot of considerations purely on the nature of the condition. And then, of course, there's the feasibility from a delivery perspective. So how realistic is it to expect the transduced progeny of the stem cells to actually reach the target organs that may be affected by a rare disease? So it could be the heart valve or the eye, which are inherently difficult areas to be precise in delivering the medicine to. So a whole range of difficult issues that need to be overcome. Now, in our partnership with TIGET, we are targeting a whole range of different conditions. So first of all, there's ADA-SCID, a primary immune deficiency. This is where children lack the ability to make a single enzyme, which is adenosine-deaminase. That creates a difficulty in cell division. It's very similar to what I was describing on the patient side leading to profound immune deficiency and usually an early death. But there are also other areas that are in the scope of our collaboration. So Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, again, in this syndrome you've got a single enzyme defect which prevents the creation of the WASP protein, leading to severe bleeding disorders and also leukemia. And then chronic granulomatous disease, where again, there's enzyme deficiencies that preclude the ability to fight infection. Now these are all in the primary and immune deficiency sphere. But as part of the collaboration, we're also looking at a cluster of lysosomal storage disorders, so metachromatic leukodystrophy being one. And this is, again, a single gene defect where the gene that codes for production of arylsulfatase A is missing and you get an accumulation of GAG and fat in the brain, which results in very dramatic and quite horrific reduction in gross motor function in children affected with MLD. And then, of course, the mucopolysaccharidosis, in this case MPS I or Hurler syndrome. And here we can see how this technology can lend itself very well to MPS I, or indeed, MPS II or MPS III And last but not least, globoid cell leukodystrophy. So a whole range of disorders in the lysosomal storage disorder category. And last but not least, globinopathies, in this case, beta thalassemia. So what you can see from this cluster of indications is the partnership we have with TIGET and San Raffaele is going to allow us to explore not just different diseases but actually a range of tissue compartments and a range of prevalence of illness going from the ultra-rare, such as ADA-SCID or WAS, through to a still rare but far more prevalent condition like beta thalassemia. So this is really a very, very significant learning exercise in how to apply the technology across this range of different conditions. Now, there's also a real challenge here as well, and that is to get from a single center of origin to being able to manufacture on a scale that is A, affordable, because remember, each patient is its own batch here and also accessible. And if we really want to make the leap from going from ultra-orphan very, very specialist treatment to more common diseases-- and there's some encouraging science evolving looking at CCR5 and HIV-1, for example, and other such more common diseases-- then we really need to make sure that we can get the medicine to the patients who need it. Now this sounds rather easy, but it involves a hugely complex technology transfer approach. So right now, the center of excellence that we're working with is in Milan, in Italy. And through tech transfer, we have to make sure that the process and everything is transferred to other centers. And in transferring that technology, the results that come from the transfer of the technology are predictable and reproducible compared to what the outcomes that were derived at the original source. Now it sounds rather easy, but actually, it's a little bit like cookery, rather than chemistry. And the reason I say that is it's a little bit like if I tried to cook a Michel Roux dish from one of his cookbooks. And I can use exactly the same ingredients. I can follow the recipe. But I can guarantee you that my dish won't taste anything like the one that he or his chefs produce in their restaurant. So a lot of this is not just about process. It's not just about technology transfer. It's about know-how and the ability to translate know-how to different centers in an exquisitely precise fashion. Now clearly, in order to extend the life of the medicine, we're going to have to work hard on self-preservation through chemical preservation and cryopreservation. Now we can do this today with the viral vector. That can be deep frozen and shipped pretty much anywhere in the world. But ultimately, the cell processing or the movement of transduced cells presents many, many other issues that we have to contend with. So ultimately, we see this as pretty much an inevitable route towards automation. Now, the technology exists today. It's certainly used in cell selection, but it needs to go further. It needs to go further in respect to not just cell selection or cell purification but also transduction itself. So you can make this a reproducible, consistent, scalable process that can actually take place in the treating center, rather than have to have everybody going to highly specialized centers and actually spending months there in order to go through the whole treatment cycle. So that's the vision. And if we can do this, then clearly we can not only make this medicine approach more accessible to people by reducing the cost, but also increasing the usability and the proximity of the medicine. But it also means that it would open the door to more prevalent diseases, so whether it's HIV, whether it's hepatitis, it could be many other mechanisms. And so what we're trying to really do within GSK is to form partnerships. And that's why I want to recognize the partners that we do have in this area today. I've mentioned already the Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy in Milan. But critically, the manufacturing partner, MolMed, who undertake highly specialized cell processing and cell selection and transduction. And without them, it'd be really impossible to take the steps that we need to do to try and shape the whole pathway of medicine. And more recently, we formed collaboration with a company called Adaptimmune, looking at TCRs in the field of oncology, in the intracellular space, as well as the cell therapy Catapult in the UK. So what we're looking for here is a virtuous partnership where the basic science, the translational medicine, the discovery is really undertaken where it's best, in clinical academia. And what we try to do is to partner early enough in order to make sure that what comes out of that can be manufactured, registered, and scaled, and importantly, that we find a way of getting paid for doing all this at the same time so that we can really push the boundaries further and further as the science matures. So with that, I just wanted to say a very big thank you for listening. And really, thank you on behalf of all of these institutions for the groundbreaking research that you're doing that really helps us further the science but the application of that science. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Thank you so much. Thank you.
Portuguese: - Você pode ter ouvido a frase, "O sionismo é racismo". Embora muitas pessoas pensem que é apenas uma maneira provocante e controversa para criticar as políticas do governo israelense, a história desta ideia que, "Sionismo é igual a racismo" é na verdade muito mais sombrio e complexo. Mas onde exatamente esta ideia se origina? Como evoluiu para uma campanha de ataque diplomático para desafiar Legitimidade subjacente de Israel como um estado soberano? E o que a União Soviética tem a ver com tudo isso? Vamos olhar mais de perto na Resolução 3379 da ONU. (música funky) Em 10 de novembro de 1975, as Nações Unidas votou para declarar que, "O sionismo era uma forma de racismo "e discriminação racial". Foram exatamente 37 anos depois da Kristallnacht, a noite dos quebrados Vidro, na Alemanha nazista, que foi um dos primeiros grandes eventos do Holocausto. Desde o início, o proposta da Resolução 3379 estava envolvido em controvérsia. Isso ficou claro em um discurso poderoso dado por então embaixador dos EUA para as Nações Unidas, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, quem mais tarde se tornaria um célebre senador dos EUA de Nova York. Falando na ONU, ele disse que, "O que temos aqui é uma mentira - uma mentira política Russian: Вы, возможно, слышали фразу "Сионизм — это расизм". Хотя многие народы думают, что это просто провокационная и противоречивая критика политики израильского правительства, история идеи, согласно которой сионизм равняется расизму, на самом деле намного темнее и сложнее. Но откуда в действительности произошла эта идея? Как она вылилась в кампанию дипломатических нападок, бросивших вызов легитимности существования Израиля как суверенного государства? И какое отношение ко всему этому имел Советский Союз? Давайте рассмотрим резолюцию ООН 3379. ИСТОРИЯ ИЗРАИЛЯ ПРОСТЫМ ЯЗЫКОМ 10-го ноября 1975 года по результатам голосования в ООН было сделано заявление, что "сионизм является формой расизма и расовой дискриминации". Это случилось ровно через 37 лет после Хрустальной ночи, или Ночи разбитых витрин, в нацистской Германии, что было первым значительным событием Холокоста. С самого начала, предложение резолюции 3379 было окутано противоречиями. Это стало понятно из яркой речи занимавшего на то время пост американского посла ООН Дэниэла Патрика Мойнихэна, который позже станет выдающимся сенатором из Нью-Йорка. В своей речи ООН он сказал: "То, что мы сейчас имеем — это ложь, политическая ложь разновидности, Spanish: Puede que hayas oído la frase "El sionismo es racismo". Aunque muchos creen que no es más que una forma provocadora y controvertida de criticar las políticas del gobierno israelí, la historia de esa idea de que "el sionismo es racismo" es mucho más oscura y compleja. Pero ¿dónde se originó esta idea exactamente? ¿Cómo evolucionó para convertirse en una campaña de acoso diplomático para desafiar la legitimidad subyacente de Israel como país soberano? Y ¿qué tuvo que ver la Unión Soviética con todo esto? Echemos un vistazo a la Resolución 3379 de la ONU. LA HISTORIA DE ISRAEL EXPLICADA El 10 de noviembre de 1975, las Naciones Unidas votaron para declarar que "el sionismo es una forma de racismo y de discriminación racial". Fue exactamente 37 años después de la Kristallnacht, la noche de los Cristales Rotos en la Alemania Nazi, uno de los primeros eventos principales del Holocausto. Desde el principio, la propuesta de la Resolución 3379 estaba envuelta en controversia. Esto quedó claro con el enérgico discurso pronunciado por el entonces Embajador de EE. UU. ante las Naciones Unidas Daniel Patrick Moynihan, quien se convertiría después en un célebre Senador de Nueva York en EE. UU. Ante la ONU, dijo: "Lo que tenemos aquí es una mentira, English: - You may have heard the phrase, "Zionism is racism." Though a lot of folks think it's just a provocative and controversial way to critique the policies of the Israeli government, the history of this idea that, "Zionism equals racism," is actually a lot darker and more complex. But where exactly does this idea originate? How did it evolve into a campaign of diplomatic assault to challenge Israel's underlying legitimacy as a sovereign state? And what did the Soviet Union have to do with all this? Let's take a closer look at UN Resolution 3379. (funky music) On November 10th, 1975, the United Nations voted to declare that, "Zionism was a form of racism "and racial discrimination." It was exactly 37 years after Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, in Nazi Germany, which was one of the first major events of the Holocaust. From the outset, the proposal of Resolution 3379 was embroiled in controversy. This was made clear in a powerful speech given by then U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who would later become a celebrated U.S. Senator from New York. Speaking at the U.N., he said that, "What we have here is a lie - a political lie iw: בטח יצא לכם לשמוע את הביטוי: "ציונות היא גזענות" למרות שרבים חושבים שזו רק דרך פרובוקטיבית ושנויה במחלוקת לבקר את קווי המדיניות של ממשלת ישראל, ההיסטוריה של הרעיון הזה "ציונות היא גזענות" היא הרבה יותר אפלה ומורכבת. אבל היכן בדיוק התחיל הרעיון הזה? איך הוא התפתח לקמפיין של התקפה דיפלומטית לקרוא תגר על הלגיטימציה של ישראל כמדינה ריבונית? ואיך ברית המועצות קשורה לכל זה? בואו נעיף מבט על החלטה 3379 של העצרת הכללית של האו"ם. ההיסטוריה של ישראל מוסברת ב-10 בנובמבר 1975 התקבלה באו"ם החלטה שקבעה כי "ציונות היא צורה של גזענות ואפליה גזעית". זה קרה בדיוק 37 שנים אחרי "ליל הבדולח", ליל הפוגרום ביהודים בגרמניה הנאצית, שהיה לאחד האירועים המשמעותיים הראשונים בשואה. מההתחלה, ההצעה של החלטה 3379 הייתה רוויה במחלוקות. דבר זה הובהר בנאום העוצמתי שנשא שגריר ארה"ב באו"ם דאז דניאל פטריק מויניהן, שמאוחר יותר כיהן כסנאטור עטור שבחים מטעם מדינת ניו יורק. בדבריו באו"ם אמר: "מה שיש לנו כאן זה שקר, Spanish: una mentira política muy conocida en el siglo XX", concretamente, el antisemitismo. Pero a pesar de tales objeciones, la Resolución 3379 fue aprobada con un margen de voto de 2 a 1. Al final, solo 35 naciones de los 107 miembros votantes se opusieron a su evidente manipulación del lenguaje. Y, aún así, como en todas las estadísticas, los números no cuentan toda la historia, que en realidad comenzó una década antes de la aprobación de la resolución. En 1965, Estados Unidos y Brasil presentaron una propuesta en la ONU para condenar el antisemitismo y reconocerlo como una forma de racismo junto con el nazismo y la segregación racial. Pero la Unión Soviética quiso cambiar el lenguaje de esa propuesta, quizá porque la percibían como una amenaza para sus propias políticas nacionales antijudías, que se habrían puesto bajo la lupa. Así que los soviéticos presentaron una enmienda que añadir a la propuesta que incluía el sionismo en la lista de ideologías condenadas, junto con el antisemitismo, el nazismo, el colonialismo y el racismo. Parece que este fue un cambio en la forma de pensar de los soviéticos. Dadas las primeras raíces socialistas de Israel con el movimiento kibutz, el joven país fue inicialmente percibido por los soviéticos como un posible aliado comunista. Pero a mediados de los 60, Russian: хорошо известной в 20-м веке", в частности, антисемитизм. И все же, несмотря на такие возражения, резолюция 3379 была принята с соотношением голосов 2 к 1. По большому счету, только 35 стран из 107 голосующих членов высказались против ее явных речевых манипуляций. И тем не менее, как и любая статистика, цифры не рассказывают всей истории, которая началась примерно за 10 лет до принятия резолюции. В 1965 году США и Бразилия внесли предложение ООН осудить антисемитизм и признать его формой расизма наряду с нацизмом и апартеидом. Правда, Советский Союз захотел изменить текст предложения, вероятно, восприняв его как угрозу собственной антиеврейской политике, которая могла попасть в поле зрения. Поэтому СССР предложил изменить текст предложения, добавив сионизм к списку осуждаемых идеологий, который бы тогда включал антисемитизм, нацизм, колониализм и расизм. И все же, казалось, что СССР изменил свое мнение в отношении Израиля. Дело в том, что т.к. корни израильского социализма уходили в движение кибуц, молодая страна вначале рассматривалась Советским Союзом как потенциальный коммунистический союзник. Однако, к 1960-м гг. Portuguese: "de uma variedade bem conhecida para o século 20 ". Ou seja, anti-semitismo. Ainda assim, apesar dessas objeções, Resolução 3379 aprovada com margem de 2: 1. No final, apenas 35 nações dos 107 membros votantes ficou em oposição à sua manipulação aberta da linguagem. E, no entanto, como todas as estatísticas, os números não contam toda a história, que na verdade começou cerca de uma década antes da aprovação da resolução. Em 1965, os Estados Unidos e o Brasil introduziu uma proposta na ONU condenar o anti-semitismo, e reconhecê-lo como uma forma de racismo, junto com o nazismo e o apartheid. No entanto, a União Soviética procurou para mudar o idioma dessa proposta, talvez porque foi percebido como uma ameaça à sua própria políticas domésticas, anti-judaicas, que pode estar sob escrutínio. Então, os soviéticos apresentaram uma emenda para ser adicionado à proposta, que teria marcado o sionismo na lista de ideologias condenadas, incluindo anti-semitismo, Nazismo, colonialismo e racismo. E, no entanto, isso parece tem sido uma mudança no pensamento da parte dos soviéticos. Veja, dadas as primeiras raízes socialistas de Israel no movimento Kibbutz, o jovem país foi inicialmente visto pelos soviéticos como um potencial aliado comunista. No entanto, em meados da década de 1960, o força das conexões de Israel English: "of a variety well-known to the 20th Century." Namely, anti-Semitism. Still, despite such objections, Resolution 3379 passed with a 2:1 vote margin. In the end, only 35 nations of the 107 voting members stood in opposition to its overt manipulation of language. And yet, like all statistics, the numbers don't tell the whole story, which actually began about a decade before the passage of the resolution. In 1965, the United States and Brazil introduced a proposal at the U.N. to condemn anti-Semitism, and recognize it as a form of racism, along with Nazism and apartheid. Yet, the Soviet Union sought to change the language of that proposal, perhaps because it was perceived as a threat to their own domestic, anti-Jewish policies, which might have come under scrutiny. So, the Soviets submitted an amendment to be added to the proposal, that would have tagged Zionism onto the list of condemned ideologies, including anti-Semitism, Nazism, colonialism and racism. And yet, this would seem to have been a shift in thinking on the part of the Soviets. See, given Israel's early socialist roots in the Kibbutz movement, the young country was initially seen by the Soviets as a potential communist ally. Yet, by the mid-1960s, the strength of Israel's connections iw: "שקר פוליטי של זרם ידוע במאה העשרים "שהוא – אנטישמיות." ועדיין, למרות התנגדויות כאלה, החלטה 3379 עברה ביחס של 2 ל-1. בסופו של דבר, רק 35 אומות מתוך 105 שהצביעו התנגדו לעיוות הגלוי בניסוח. ועדיין, כמו כל הסטטיסטיקות, המספרים לא מספרים את הסיפור המלא, שהחל למעשה כעשור לפני קבלת ההחלטה הזאת. בשנת 1965, ארה"ב וברזיל העלו הצעה באו"ם לגנות אנטישמיות ולהכיר בה כסוג של גזענות, יחד עם הנאציזם והאפרטהייד. אך ברית המועצות ביקשה לשנות את נוסח ההצעה, אולי כי היא נתפסה כאיום על קווי המדיניות האנטי-יהודיים בתוך ארצם, שעשויים להעמידם תחת חקירה. אז הסובייטים הגישו בקשה תיקון שיתווסף להצעה, שהיה מוסיף את הציונות לרשימת האידיאולוגיות שיש לגנות, כולל אנטישמיות, נאציזם, קולוניאליזם וגזענות. ועם זאת, נראה שזה היווה שינוי במחשבה מצד ברית המועצות. תראו, בהינתן השורשים הסוציאליסטיים המוקדמים בתנועת הקיבוצים, המדינה הצעירה נתפסה תחילה בעיניי הסובייטים כבת ברית קומוניסטית בפוטנציאל. עם זאת, עד אמצע שנות השישים, Spanish: la fortaleza de las relaciones de Israel con Estados Unidos era cada vez mayor. Así que ese ataque inicial de la Unión Soviética contra el sionismo fue visto como una de las muchas batallas de poder diplomáticas de la Guerra Fría. Bueno, como dijo el embajador Moynihan en su discurso tras el voto de la Resolución 3379, este cambio de los soviéticos les llevó directamente a una postura en la que declaraban que el nazismo era un tipo de racismo y que el sionismo era un tipo de racismo así que el sionismo estaba al mismo nivel que el nazismo. ¿Ya te da vueltas la cabeza? No te preocupes, es normal, porque este gran ejemplo del concepto de contradicción de Orwell no tiene ningún sentido. Con este cínico enfoque de hacer pasar el orgullo nacional del sionismo por una forma de odio nacional, los soviéticos convirtieron el escudo del estado judío en una perversa arma de ataque contra sí mismo. Pero sus esfuerzos para minar la legitimidad de Israel como Estado independiente eran tan transparentes como su fingido apoyo a la condena del antisemitismo en primer lugar. Después de todo, los rusos contaban con una larga historia de opresión y agresión contra los judíos que se remontaba a décadas atrás, a los pogromos del zar a finales del siglo XIX, y todo ello está inmortalizado en los protocolos de los sabios de Sion, Russian: Израиль построил прочные отношения с США, которые только укреплялись. Помимо этого, изначальная атака СССР против сионизма рассматривалась как пример дипломатической борьбы за голоса в Холодной войне. Во всяком случае, как сказал посол Мойнихэн в своей речи после голосования по резолюции 3379, это изменение мнения поставило СССР в позицию, где они по сути говорили, что нацизм был формой расизма, и сионизм был формой расизма, т.е. сионизм приравнивался к нацизму. У вас уже кружится голова? Не переживайте, это нормально, потому что этот мастерский пример двоемыслия, описанного Оруэллом, не имеет никакой логики. Циничным образом подменив идею национальной гордости сионизма идеей национальной ненависти, СССР превратил щит израильской государственности в извращенное оружие атаки против самого себя. Но их попытки поставить под сомнение легитимность существования Израиля как суверенного государства, были так же очевидны, как и их притворная поддержка идеи осуждения антисемитизма в самом начале. В конце концов, у русских была богатая история угнетений и агрессии против евреев, которые насчитывали десятки лет, начиная с погромов при царе в конце 1800-х гг., которые увековечены в Протоколах сионских мудрецов, этой печально известной и эпичной фабрикации English: to the United States were increasingly established, and so, this initial attack against Zionism by the Soviet Union was seen as one of the many diplomatic proxy battles of the Cold War. Anyway, as Ambassador Moynihan addressed in his speech following the vote on Resolution 3379, this shift by the Soviets brought them all the way to a position where they were effectively saying that Nazism was a kind of racism, and Zionism was a kind of racism, so that Zionism was on equal footing with Nazism. So, is your head spinning yet? Don't worry, it should be, because this masterful example of Orwell's concept of doublethink, doesn't make any logical sense at all. By this cynical approach of passing off the national pride of Zionism, as a form of national hatred instead, the Soviets turned the shield of Jewish statehood into a perverse weapon of attack against itself. But their efforts to undermine Israel's legitimacy as an independent state, were as transparent as their feigned support for condemning anti-Semitism in the first place. After all, the Russians had a rich and storied history of oppression and aggression against the Jews that dated back decades, to the programs under the Czar in the late 1800s. All of which is immortalized in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that infamous and epic fabrication Portuguese: para os Estados Unidos foram cada vez mais estabelecida, e assim, esta inicial ataque contra o sionismo pela União Soviética era visto como uma das muitas diplomáticas batalhas por procuração da Guerra Fria. De qualquer forma, como embaixador Moynihan abordado em seu discurso na sequência da votação sobre a Resolução 3379, esta mudança pelos soviéticos trouxe-lhes todo o caminho para uma posição onde eles estavam efetivamente dizendo que o nazismo era uma espécie de racismo, e o sionismo era uma espécie de racismo, de modo que o sionismo estava em pé de igualdade com o nazismo. Então, sua cabeça está girando ainda? Não se preocupe, deveria ser, porque este exemplo magistral do conceito de Doublethink de Orwell, não faz qualquer sentido lógico. Por esta abordagem cínica de passar o orgulho nacional do sionismo, como uma forma de ódio nacional, os soviéticos transformaram o escudo do estado judeu em uma arma perversa de ataque contra si mesmo. Mas seus esforços para minar a legitimidade de Israel como um estado independente, foram tão transparentes quanto seu apoio fingido por condenar o anti-semitismo em primeiro lugar. Afinal, os russos tinham uma história rica e contada de opressão e agressão contra os judeus que datava de décadas atrás, para os programas sob o Czar no final do século XIX. Tudo isso é imortalizado nos Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião, aquela fabricação infame e épica iw: קשריה של ישראל עם ארה"ב התעצמו והתבססו יותר ויותר. אז התקפה ראשונית זו נגד הציונות מצד ברית המועצות נתפסה כאחת מיני מאבקים דיפלומטיים דומים רבים של המלחמה הקרה. בכל אופן, כשהשגריר מויניהן התייחס בנאומו בעקבות ההצבעה על ההחלטה 3379 שינוי זה מצד הסובייטים הביאה את כולם לעמדה שבה הם אמרו למעשה שנאציזם הוא סוג של גזענות, ושציונות היא סוג של גזענות, כך שציונות נחשבת כמו נאציזם. מסתובב לכם הראש כבר? אל דאגה, בצדק, כי דוגמה זו של דוחושב (שפה כפולה) של אורוול אין בה שום היגיון. בגישה צינית זו של העברת הגאווה הלאומית של ציונות כסוג של שנאה לאומית במקום זאת, הפכו הסובייטים את המגן של המדינה היהודית כנשק הפוך להתקפה על עצמה. אבל מאמציהם לערער על הלגיטימיות של ישראל כמדינה יהודית הייתה שקופה כמו התמיכה המזויפת שלהם בגינוי אנטישמיות מלכתחילה. אחרי הכל, לרוסים הייתה היסטוריה עשירה ומהוללת של דיכוי היהודים ותוקפנות נגדם, שהתקיימה עשורים שלמים קודם לכן עוד מאז הפוגרומים תחת שלטון הצאר בסוף המאה ה-19. כל אלה זכו להנצחה בפרוטוקולים של זקני ציון, Spanish: esa infame y épica invención con propaganda antisemita que se publicó por primera vez en el Moscú presoviético de principios del siglo XX. Los temas de los Protocolos son bastante conocidos a estas alturas, algunos fueron una herencia de anteriores teorías conspiratorias antisemitas. E incluyen algunos favoritos populares como la ambición judía de dinero y poder, la esclavización de los no-judíos, el control y la manipulación de los medios, y todo ello con el evidente propósito de la dominación global y total. Los soviéticos tenían influencia sobre el bloque de Europa del Este y el más amplio bloque comunista de naciones. Y con el persistente antisemitismo en muchas de esas regiones, incluso tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ya tenían una gran base de apoyo para su plan de minar la legitimidad del estado israelí mediante el ataque al sionismo. Pero también pretendían extender su influencia, y ahí es donde entra una alianza diplomática formada con el bloque de países árabes y la Liga Árabe, de la cual muchas naciones ya habían entrado en guerra con Israel en múltiples ocasiones durante la breve historia del estado y habían perdido. Asimismo, como el plan soviético agrupaba el sionismo con el colonialismo y el racismo, logró avivar el sentimiento africano para conseguir también el apoyo del bloque africano. Los rusos iban amontonando bloques como si de un Tetris político se tratara. English: of anti-Semitic propaganda that was first published in pre-Soviet Moscow at the start of the 20th Century. The themes of the Protocols are, by now, pretty well known, some having been inherited from earlier anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and, they include some popular favorites such as Jewish lust for money and power, the enslavement of non-Jews, control and manipulation of the media, and all of it for the obvious purpose of global and total domination. Now, the Soviets had influence over the Eastern European bloc, and the larger communist bloc of nations and, with the lingering anti-Semitism in many of these regions, even in the wake of World War II, they already had a strong base of support for their plan to undermine the legitimacy of the Israeli state, by attacking Zionism. But, they also intended to further expand their influence, and that's where a diplomatic alliance formed with the Muslim country bloc and the Arab League, from which many nations had already gone to war with Israel multiple times during the state's brief history, and lost. Likewise, because the Soviet plan grouped Zionism with colonialism and racism, it successfully fueled pan-African sentiments to gain the support of the African bloc as well. So, the Russians were just stacking up their blocs like a political game of Tetris. Portuguese: de propaganda anti-semita que foi publicado pela primeira vez na Moscou pré-soviética no início do século XX. Os temas dos protocolos são, até agora, bem conhecidos, alguns foram herdados de antissemita anterior teorias da conspiração e, eles incluem alguns favoritos populares como Desejo judaico por dinheiro e poder, a escravização de não-judeus, controle e manipulação da mídia, e tudo isso para o óbvio propósito de dominação global e total. Agora, os soviéticos tinham influência sobre o bloco da Europa Oriental, e o comunista maior bloco de nações e, com o persistente anti-semitismo em muitas dessas regiões, mesmo na esteira da Segunda Guerra Mundial, eles já tinham uma base forte de apoio por seu plano para minar a legitimidade do estado de Israel, atacando o sionismo. Mas eles também pretendiam expandir ainda mais sua influência, e é aí que um aliança diplomática formada com o país muçulmano bloco e da Liga Árabe, do qual muitas nações já tinha ido para a guerra com Israel várias vezes durante a breve história do estado e perdida. Da mesma forma, porque o plano soviético agrupou Sionismo com colonialismo e racismo, abasteceu com sucesso sentimentos pan-africanos para ganhar o apoio de o bloco africano também. Então, os russos eram apenas empilhando seus blocos como um jogo político de Tetris. iw: הסילוף הידוע לשמצה באמצעות תעמולה אנטישמית שפורסם לראשונה במוסקבה שלפני התקופה הסובייטית, בתחילת המאה העשרים. הנושאים של הפרוטוקולים מוכרים היטב עד היום, חלקם הם גלגול של תיאוריות קונספירציה אנטישמיות מוקדמות יותר. וביניהם כמה נושאים פופולריים כמו התאווה היהודית לכסף ועוצמה, השעבוד של לא-יהודים, שליטה במדיה ומניפולציה שלה, וכל אלה למען המטרה הברורה של "השתלטות עולמית וטוטאלית". הסובייטים היו בעלי השפעה על גוש מזרח אירופה והיו לגוש האומות הקומוניסטי הגדול ביותר. ועם האנטישמיות המתמשכת ברבים מאזורים אלה, גם בפרוץ מלחמת העולם השנייה, כבר היה להם בסיס תמיכה חזק לתכנית שלהם לערער על הלגיטימיות של המדינה היהודית ע"י התקפות על הציונות. אבל הם גם התכוונו להמשיך להרחיב את השפעתם, וכך נוצרה ברית דיפלומטית עם גוש המדינות המוסלמיות ועם הליגה הערבית, שמתוכן מדינות רבות כבר עברו מלחמות מול ישראל פעמים רבות במהלך ההיסטוריה הקצרה של המדינה, והפסידו. בדומה לכך, כיוון שהתכנית של הסובייטים קיבצה יחד ציונות, קולוניאליזם וגזענות, הם הציתו בהצלחה את הרגשות ברחבי אפריקה לשם השגת תמיכה גם מצד גוש המדינות האפריקאי. אז הרוסים רק ערמו את הלבנים שלהם כמו במשחק טטריס פוליטי. Russian: антисемитской пропаганды, которая была впервые опубликована в досоветской Москве в начале 20-го века. Темы Протокола сионских мудрецов сейчас хорошо известны, некоторые были заимствованы из ранних антисемитских теорий заговора. Они включали некоторые излюбленные и популярные идеи: еврейская страсть к деньгам и власти, порабощение всех не евреев, контроль и манипулирование СМИ, и все это с очевидной целью глобального и тотального господства. Нужно отметить, что СССР имел влияние на страны Восточного блока, а также на более крупный блок коммунистических стран. И при наличии антисемитских настроений во многих из этих регионов даже после событий Второй мировой войны у них уже была серьезная поддержка плана по подрыву легитимности израильского государства с помощью атак на сионизм. Но они намеревались и дальше расширять свое влияние, например, вступив в дипломатический союз с мусульманским блоком и странами Арабской Лиги, из которых многие уже начинали войны против Израиля за недолгий период существования страны и проигрывали. Более того, поскольку СССР ставил сионизм в одну группу с колониализмом и расизмом, он также успешно подпитывал панафриканские настроения, чтобы получить поддержку еще и стран африканского блока. Другими словами, русские складывали в стопку блоки стран, играя в политический Тетрис. Russian: Теперь после арабских поражений в войнах 1967 и 1973 гг. созрела возможность нового подхода к уничтожению еврейского государства без дорогостоящих и напрасных военных кампаний. СССР как раз разрабатывал такое решение — операцию СИГ. Операция СИГ — Сионистские государства, или Сионистские правительства, — была последним российским планом дипломатической пропаганды против еврейского суверенитета. Она называла США "надменной и заносчивой феодальной вотчиной евреев, финансируемой еврейскими деньгами и управляемой еврейскими политиками". Но, возможно, чтобы укрепить свой новый союз с арабским и мусульманскими блоками, Операция СИГ добавила новое заявление в своей программе, что целью контроля США сионистами было "подчинение всего исламского мира". И это место, где начинается международная история Ясира Арафата, на тот момент бывшего лидером-террористом ООП, или Организации освобождения Палестины. Между двумя неудачными войнами против Израиля и всего за несколько лет до начала Операции СИГ, КГБ решили, что Арафат — их человек, и они будут поддерживать его как лидера палестинцев. В обмен на это они попросили Арафата объявить войну американскому "империальному сионизму", что он без труда сделал. Скандальные интриги была раскрыты в статье "Человек КГБ" Portuguese: Agora, depois da derrota dos árabes nas guerras de 1967 e 1973, uma oportunidade estava madura para encontrar uma nova abordagem por esmagar o estado judeu, sem campanhas de guerra caras e fúteis. E os soviéticos foram desenvolvendo apenas a solução, Operação SIG. Operação SIG significava Sioniskeeye Gosudarstva, ou governos sionistas, e foi o mais recente russo plano de propaganda diplomática contra a soberania judaica. Referiu-se aos Estados Unidos como, "... um arrogante e feudo judeu altivo, "financiado por dinheiro judaico e dirigido por políticos judeus ". Mas, talvez para consolidar sua nova aliança com os blocos árabes e muçulmanos, Operação SIG adicionou um nova reivindicação à mistura. Que o propósito do sionista controle dos Estados Unidos, "... era subordinar todo o mundo islâmico ". E é aí que o história internacional começa para Yasser Arafat, então líder terrorista da OLP, ou Organização de Libertação da Palestina. Entre os dois falharam guerras contra Israel e, apenas alguns anos antes da Operação SIG, a KGB decidiu que Arafat era o homem deles, e apoiaria sua posição como o líder dos palestinos. Em troca, eles perguntaram Arafat para declarar guerra no sionismo imperial americano, que ele não teve problema em fazer. A incrível entrada foi disposta em Spanish: Tras la derrota de los árabes en las guerras de 1967 y 1973, les llegó la oportunidad perfecta para encontrar un nuevo enfoque para destruir el estado judío sin costosas e inútiles campañas bélicas. Y los soviéticos habían estado desarrollando la solución ideal: la Operación SIG. La Operación SIG iba en contra de los Sioniskeeye Gosudarstva, o gobiernos sionistas, y fue el gran plan ruso de propaganda diplomática contra la soberanía judía. Se refería a los Estados Unidos como a un "feudo judío arrogante y altivo financiado con dinero judío y liderado por políticos judíos". Pero, quizá para consolidar su nueva alianza con los bloques árabes y musulmanes, la Operación SIG añadía una nueva afirmación a la mezcla: que el objetivo del control sionista de los Estados Unidos "era el de subordinar a todo el mundo islámico". Y aquí es donde empieza la historia internacional de Yasser Arafat, el entonces líder terrorista de la OLP, u Organización para la Liberación de Palestina. Entre las dos guerras fallidas contra Israel y varios años antes de la Operación SIG, el KGB decidió que Arafat era su hombre y apoyó su posición como líder de los palestinos. A cambio, le pidieron a Arafat que declarara la guerra al "sionismo imperial" estadounidense y él no tuvo problema en hacerlo. Esta increíble intriga fue expuesta en un artículo iw: אחרי התבוסה של הערבים במלחמות ששת הימים ויום כיפור בשלה ההזדמנות למצוא גישה חדשה לריסוק המדינה היהודית ללא מבצעים מלחמתיים יקרים וחסרי תועלת. והסובייטים פיתחו את הפתרון: מבצע סי"ג. מבצע סי"ג, קיצור של סיוניסקי גוסודרסטבה ברוסית, שמשמעו - ממשלות ציוניות, הוא התכנית האחרונה של הרוסים שהייתה תעמולה דיפלומטית נגד הריבונות היהודית. לפיה התייחסו לארה"ב כאל "ישות יהודית מתנשאת ויהירה "הממומנת ע"י כסף יהודי והמנוהלת בידי פוליטיקאים יהודים." אך אולי כדי לחזק את הברית החדשה שלהם עם הגושים הערביים והמוסלמים מבצע סי"ג הוסיף טיעון נוסף לקלחת, "שמטרת השליטה של הציונות על ארה"ב "הייתה לשעבד את כלל העולם המוסלמי." וכאן הסיפור הבינלאומי מתחיל עבור יאסר ערפאת, אז מנהיג טרוריסט של אש"ף, הארגון לשחרור פלסטין. בין שתי המלחמות הכושלות נגד ישראל ושנים ספורות בלבד לפני מבצע סי"ג, בק-ג-ב החליטו שיאסר הערפאת הוא האיש שלהם ותמכו בעמדתו כמנהיג הפלסטינאים. בתמורה, הם ביקשו מערפאת להכריז על מלחמה נגד "הציונות האימפריאליסטית" האמריקאית, שלא הייתה לו בעיה לעשות זאת. הקנוניה המדהימה הזאת נחשפה English: Now, after the Arabs defeat in the 1967 and 1973 wars, an opportunity was ripe to find a new approach for crushing the Jewish state, without costly and futile war campaigns. And, the Soviets have been developing just the solution, Operation SIG. Operation SIG stood for Sioniskeeye Gosudarstva, or Zionist Governments, and was the latest Russian plan of diplomatic propaganda against Jewish sovereignty. It referred to the United States as, "... an arrogant and haughty Jewish fiefdom, "financed by Jewish money and run by Jewish politicians." But, perhaps to consolidate their new alliance with the Arab and Muslim blocs, Operation SIG added a new claim to the mix. That the purpose of Zionist control of the United States, "... was to subordinate the entire Islamic world." And this is where the international story begins for Yasser Arafat, then terrorist leader of the P.L.O., or Palestine Liberation Organization. Between the two failed wars against Israel and, just a few years before Operation SIG, the KGB decided that Arafat was their man, and would support his position as the leader of the Palestinians. In return, they asked Arafat to declare war on American imperial Zionism, which he had no problem doing. The amazing entry was laid out in iw: במאמר בוול סטריט ג'ורנל ב-2003 שכותרתו: "האיש של ק-ג-ב", שנכתב ע"י קצין הביון בדרגה הגבוהה ביותר שאי פעם ערק מברה"מ לשעבר. עיקרי הדברים במאמר היו שהקרמלין מממן את ערפאת, ומעביר מאות אלפי דולרים כל חודש ככסף מולבן. במאמר זה, שנכתב ע"י קצין ק-ג-ב לשעבר, נטען כי הסובייטים אפילו השמידו את רישומי הלידה של ערפאת בקהיר בכדי להראות כאילו הוא נולד בירושלים וכך לחזק את דרישתו לכונן מנהיגות פלסטינית. היחסים הגיעו לשיאם בנאום בלתי נשכח שנתן ערפאת בעצרת הכללית של האו"ם ב-13 בנובמבר 1974, בו הוא הכריז "הנחישות שלנו לבנות עולם חדש מחוזקת... "עולם נקי מקולוניאליזם, אימפריאליזם, נאו-קולוניאליזם "וגזענות על כל ביטוייה, כולל ציונות." ופחות משנה אחר כך בדיון שלפני ההצבעה על החלטה 3379 בעצרת האו"ם הדיקטטור האוגנדי אידי אמין קרא לא רק לאנשי ארה"ב להתנער מהציונות, אלא גם לגירוש ישראל מהאו"ם ולהשמדת ישראל כמדינה. כך זה היה, "השמדת ישראל כמדינה." כמו שרק הרשעים הכי מהוללים בסרטים מצוירים יכולים להשיג, Portuguese: um 2003 Wall Street Journal artigo intitulado "O Homem da KGB" escrito pelo mais alto oficial de inteligência de classificação já ter desertado de o antigo bloco soviético. A essência disso era que o Kremlin estava financiando Arafat, transferir centenas de milhares de dólares por mês em dinheiro lavado. O artigo, por este antigo oficial da KGB, afirma que os soviéticos até destruíram Registros de nascimento de Arafat no Cairo, a fim de fazer um caso que ele nasceu em Jerusalém, e fortalecer sua reivindicação para a liderança palestina. Essa relação culminou em um discurso inesquecível que Arafat deu nas Nações Unidas em 13 de novembro de 1974, quando ele proclamou, "Nossa determinação de construir um novo mundo é fortificado - "um mundo livre do colonialismo, do imperialismo, "neocolonialismo e racismo em cada um dos seus casos, "incluindo o sionismo". E, menos de um ano depois, durante a preparação para o votação da Resolução 3379, O ditador ugandense Idi Amin telefonou não só para as pessoas dos Estados Unidos, "Para livrar sua sociedade de os sionistas ", mas também, "... pela expulsão de Israel das Nações Unidas, e a extinção de Israel como um estado ". Lá estava. "A extinção de Israel como um estado". Como apenas os mais célebres Looney-Tunes de déspotas pode realizar, English: a 2003 Wall Street Journal article entitled "The KGB's Man," written by the highest ranking intelligence officer ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc. The gist of it was that the Kremlin was bankrolling Arafat, transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in laundered money. The article, by this former KGB officer, claims that the Soviets even destroyed Arafat's birth records in Cairo, in order to make a case that he was born in Jerusalem, and strengthen his claim to Palestinian leadership. This relationship culminated in an unforgettable speech that Arafat gave at the United Nations on November 13th 1974, when he proclaimed, "Our resolve to build a new world is fortified - "a world free of colonialism, imperialism, "neo-colonialism and racism in each of its instances, "including Zionism." And, less than a year later, during the lead-up to the vote on Resolution 3379, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin called, not just for the people of the United States, "To rid their society of the Zionists," but also, "... for the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations, and the extinction of Israel as a state." There it was. "The extinction of Israel as a state." As only the most celebrated Looney-Tunes of despots can accomplish, Spanish: del Wall Street Journal de 2003 titulado "El hombre del KGB" y fue escrito por el agente de inteligencia de mayor nivel que ha desertado del antiguo bloque soviético. El quid del asunto era que el Kremlin estaba financiando a Arafat, transfiriéndole cientos de miles de dólares al mes con dinero blanqueado. El artículo de este antiguo agente del KGB afirma que los soviéticos destruyeron el acta de nacimiento de Arafat en el Cairo para poder decir que nació en Jerusalén y así reforzar su petición de ser líder palestino. Esta relación culminó con un discurso inolvidable que Arafat dio en las Naciones Unidas el 13 de noviembre de 1974, cuando proclamó: "Se fortalece nuestra determinación de construir un mundo nuevo... un mundo libre de colonialismo, de imperialismo, de neocolonialismo y de racismo en cada una de sus instancias, incluyendo el sionismo". Y menos de un año después, en vísperas del voto de la Resolución 3379, el dictador ugandés Idi Amin pidió no solo al pueblo de Estados Unidos que librara a su sociedad de los sionistas, sino también pidió la expulsión de Israel de las Naciones Unidas y la extinción de Israel como estado. Ahí estaba: "La extinción de Israel como estado". Como solo el más loco de los déspotas podría conseguirlo, Russian: в Wall Street Journal article выпуска 2003 года, написанной высокопоставленным офицером разведки, когда-либо бежавшим из советского блока. Если кратко, Кремль спонсировал Арафата, отправляя ему сотни тысяч долларов отмытых денег ежемесячно. В статье бывшего офицера КГБ также говорится, что СССР даже уничтожили записи о рождении Арафата в Каире, сделав новые документы о рождении Арафата в Иерусалиме, чтобы укрепить его заявку на роль палестинского лидера. Кульминацией этих отношений стала незабываемая речь, которую Арафат произнес на заседании в ООН 13-го ноября 1974 года, когда он объявил: "Наше намерение построить новый мир укрепилось — мир свободный от колониализма, империализма, неоколониализма и расизма во всех его проявлениях, включая сионизм". И менее года спустя, во время подготовки к проведению голосования по резолюции 3379, диктатор Уганды Иди Амин не просто призвал народ США избавить общество от сионизма, но также исключить Израиль из Объединенных Наций и ликвидировать его как государство. Именно так — "ликвидировать Израиль как государство". В духе самых отъявленных деспотов из Looney Tunes, Spanish: la suya fue la expresión más cruda y honesta de los objetivos finales subyacentes en la campaña "el sionismo es racismo". Y sus partidarios consiguieron, en palabras del embajador Moynihan, darle a ese lenguaje manipulado "la apariencia de sanción internacional" solo seis semanas después. Incluso las acciones más atroces de otros gobiernos, como el asesinato de los ciudadanos de su propio país, como en China y en la Unión Soviética, o las políticas racistas de una nación, como la segregación en Estados Unidos y el Apartheid en Sudáfrica, no significan la deslegitimación de esos otros países o la amenaza a su soberanía independiente y su derecho a existir. ¿Os imagináis que el movimiento del "Tíbet libre" no pidiera solo la liberación del pueblo tibetano del dominio chino, sino también el fin de China como nación? Eso es justamente lo que está sucediendo porque el sionismo se ha convertido en una herramienta para atacar a Israel. Por supuesto, criticar a un gobierno es otra cosa. Ese tipo de compromiso y de desacuerdo es básico para cualquier democracia sana. Pero pedir que se disuelva un país y negar a la mayoría de su población que luchen por y mantengan su propia autodeterminación, sobre todo estando en unas tierras que son tan únicas y especiales que las condiciones solo se pueden aplicar a ese país, Russian: это было самое честное и обнаженное выражение конечной цели кампании "Сионизм — это расизм". И ее сторонники преуспели, как сказал посол Мойнихэн, в том, чтобы придать этим ловко используемым в своих целях речам "вид международных санкций" всего шестью неделями позже. Даже самые тяжкие действия других правительств, будь то убийство собственных граждан, как в Китае или СССР, или расистская политика нации, как дискриминация в США и апартеид в Южной Африке, никогда не транслировались как делегитимизация этих стран и не угрожали их суверенитету или праву на существование. Можете ли вы представить, что движение "Свободный Тибет" не просто призывает к освобождению тибетского народа от китайского засилья, но требует уничтожить Китай как нацию? И тем не менее, именно это происходило, когда сионизм использовали как орудие атаки против Израиля. Конечно, критика правительства — это одно. Это именно тот вид вовлечения и несогласия, который необходим для любой здоровой демократии. Но призыв к ликвидации страны и отрицание стремления большинства ее населения преследовать и поддерживать собственное самоопределение, особенно основанное на таких уникальных и частных причинах, которые можно применить только к одной стране, iw: הייתה זו ההתבטאות הכנה והשקופה ביותר של המטרות בבסיס הקמפיין "ציונות היא גזענות". ותומכיה יצליחו, לדבריו של השגריר מויניהן, "להעניק לניסוח המעוות "ביטוי של הסנקציה הבינלאומית" רק שישה שבועות מאוחר יותר. אפילו הפעולות השערורייתיות ביותר של ממשלות אחרות, בין אם זה רצח אזרחים של אותה מדינה, כפי שהיה בסין ובברה"מ, או קווי מדיניות גזעניים של מדינה כמו ההפרדה הגזעית בארה"ב והאפרטהייד בדרום אפריקה, כל אלה לא מיתרגמים לדה-לגיטימציה של אותן מדינות או מאיימים על הריבונות העצמאית והזכות שלהן להתקיים. כלומר, אתם יכולים לדמיין אם התנועה לשחרור טיבט לא הייתה רק קוראת לשחרור העם הטיבטי מהשלטון הסיני, אלא גם להורדת השלטון הסיני? וזה בדיוק מה שקורה כשמשתמשים בציונות ככלי התקפה נגד ישראל. כמובן, ביקורת נגד ממשל זה דבר אחד. זה בדיוק אותו סוג של מעורבות וחוסר הסכמה שהכרחי לכל דמוקרטיה תקינה. אבל קריאה לפיזור מדינה והכחשה של רוב אוכלוסייתה לפעול למען ההגדרה העצמית שלהם ולשמור עליה, במיוחד על יסודות שהם כל כך ייחודיים ואופייניים, Portuguese: foi o mais honesto e expressão nua dos objetivos finais subjacentes a campanha "Sionismo é racismo". E os proponentes seriam bem sucedidos nas palavras do embaixador Moynihan, "finalmente dando aquele linguagem manipulada, "... a aparência de sanção internacional ", apenas seis semanas depois. Mesmo o mais notório ações de outros governos, seja o assassinato de os cidadãos de um país, como na China e na União Soviética, ou as políticas racistas de uma nação, como era a segregação nos Estados Unidos, e apartheid na África do Sul, simplesmente não traduz para a deslegitimização desses países, ou ameaçar sua soberania independente e direito de existir. Quero dizer, você consegue imaginar se o movimento do Tibete Livre não só pediu a libertação do povo tibetano do domínio chinês, mas sim pelo fim da China como nação? E, no entanto, isso é precisamente o que está acontecendo quando o sionismo é transformado como uma ferramenta de ataque contra Israel. Claro, crítica de o governo é uma coisa, é precisamente esse tipo de engajamento e desacordo isso é essencial para qualquer democracia saudável, mas uma chamada para o dissolução de um país, e a negação de sua população majoritária para prosseguir e manter a sua própria autodeterminação, especialmente com base em que eles são tão únicos e particulares que eles só podem ser aplicados a esse país, English: it was the most honest and naked expression of the ultimate objectives underlying the "Zionism is racism" campaign. And, it's proponents would succeed, in the words of Ambassador Moynihan, "in finally giving that manipulated language, "... the appearance of international sanction," just six weeks later. Even the most egregious actions of other governments, whether it's the murder of a country's own citizens, as in China and the Soviet Union, or the racist policies of a nation, as was segregation in the United States, and apartheid in South Africa, simply do not translate to the de-legitimization of those countries, or threaten their independent sovereignty and right to exist. I mean, can you imagine if the Free Tibet movement didn't just call for the liberation of the Tibetan people from Chinese rule, but rather for the end of China as a nation? And yet, that is precisely what's happening when Zionism is turned around as a tool of attack against Israel. Of course, criticism of government is one thing, it's precisely that kind of engagement and disagreement that's essential for any healthy democracy, but a call for the dissolution of a country, and the denial of its majority population to pursue and maintain their own self-determination, especially on grounds that they're so unique and particular, that they can only be applied to that country, Spanish: pues bueno, es algo totalmente diferente. Básicamente, es un acto de prejuicio y discriminación internacional. Tristemente, a pesar de todo el trabajo humanitario y del mantenimiento de la paz que la ONU hace a nivel internacional, su historial en Israel no es tan bueno. Piensa que solo en los últimos cinco años, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU ha conseguido justificar la condenación de Israel en casi tantas resoluciones como en el total de las de cualquier otro país del resto del mundo. No digo que no haya nada que criticar. Solo digo que han ocurrido muchas cosas malas por todo el mundo, de Birmania a Corea del Norte, de Siria a Irán y Arabia Saudí, y no nos olvidemos de Venezuela, Somalia, Rusia y Crimea. A veces, la lista parece interminable. Seguramente deberíamos pararnos a pensar qué sucede realmente si se puede juntar todo eso en un platillo de la balanza y luego vemos cómo los países de la ONU señalan al sionismo y, de alguna forma, concluyen que coincide con el cuestionable peso moral de todo lo demás. Y, sinceramente, algunas de esas afirmaciones son absurdas. ¿Decir que Israel es el principal transgresor de la salud mental, física y medioambiental? Portuguese: bem, isso é apenas algo completamente diferente. Ou seja, é um ato de preconceito internacional e discriminação. Infelizmente, para toda a manutenção da paz positiva e trabalho humanitário que o ONU pode fazer internacionalmente, seu historial em Israel não é tão quente assim. Considere que, apenas em nos últimos cinco anos sozinho, os direitos humanos da ONU Conselho de alguma forma justificou condenação de Israel em quase tantas resoluções como todos os outros países no resto do mundo combinado. Agora eu não estou dizendo isso não há nada para criticar Eu só estou dizendo que há foi muito ruim acontecendo em todo o mundo. De Mianmar para a Coreia do Norte, Síria para o Irã e Arábia Saudita, não vamos esquecer da Venezuela, Somália, e a Rússia e a Crimeia. Às vezes, a lista parece interminável. Então, nós devemos provavelmente parar e nos perguntar, o que realmente está acontecendo, se podemos empilhar tudo isso de um lado de uma escala, e depois ver como o países da ONU aponte para o sionismo, e de alguma forma concluir que corresponde a moral questionável peso de todo o resto. Honestamente, alguns desses alegações são simplesmente absurdas. Quero dizer, condenando Israel como o principal violador de mental, física e saúde Ambiental? Russian: что ж, это что-то совершенно другое. Как раз это и есть акт международных предубеждений и дискриминации. К сожалению, несмотря на всю миротворческую и гуманитарную работу, которую ООН осуществляла в мире, ее действия в отношении Израиля просто не были настолько хороши. Подумайте, что только за последние пять лет, Совет по правам человека ООН каким-то образом оправдал порицание Израиля в почти таком же количестве резолюций, как в отношении всех других стран вместе взятых. Конечно, я не хочу сказать, что критиковать нечего. Но на протяжении истории в мире происходило столько плохих вещей: от Мьянмы до Северной Кореи, от Сирии до Ирана и Саудовской Аравии, и давайте не будем забывать Венесуэлу, Сомали и Россию с Крымом. Иногда список просто кажется бесконечным. Так что, возможно, нам нужно остановиться и подумать, что происходит, если мы сложим все мировое зло на одну чашу весов и затем посмотрим, как страны ООН заявляют, что сионизм, может быть соразмерен сомнительному моральному весу всего остального. И, честно говоря, некоторые из этих заявлений — чистый абсурд. Например, осуждение Израиля как лидирующего осквернителя психического, физического и экологического здоровья? English: well, that's just something else entirely. Namely, it's an act of international prejudice and discrimination. Sadly, for all the positive peacekeeping and humanitarian work that the U.N. may do internationally, its track record on Israel just ain't that hot. Consider that, just in the last five years alone, the U.N. Human Rights Council has somehow justified condemnation of Israel in nearly as many resolutions as every other country in the rest of the world combined. Now, I'm not saying that there's nothing to criticize, I'm just saying that there's been a lot of bad stuff going on all over the world. From Myanmar to North Korea, Syria to Iran and Saudi Arabia, let's not forget about Venezuela, Somalia, and Russia and Crimea. Sometimes, the list just seems endless. So, we should probably stop and wonder, what's really going on if we can pile all of that on one side of a scale, and then watch as the countries of the U.N. point to Zionism, and somehow conclude that it matches the questionable moral weight of everything else. Honestly, some of these claims are just plain absurd. I mean, condemning Israel as the leading violator of mental, physical and environmental health? iw: שניתן ליישם רק על אותה מדינה, טוב, זה כבר משהו אחר לגמרי. בעיקר, זהו אקט של דעות קדומות ואפליה בינלאומית. למרבה הצער, עם כל העבודה ההומניטרית ולמען השלום שמבצעים באו"ם ברמה הבינלאומית, ההתייחסות לישראל היא לא כזו טובה. חשבו על כך שרק בחמש השנים האחרונות מועצת האו"ם לזכויות אדם איכשהו הצדיקה את הגינוי של ישראל כל כך הרבה פעמים כמו כל המדינות האחרות ביחד. עכשיו, אני לא אומר שאין על מה להטיל ביקורת. אני רק אומר שקרו הרבה דברים רעים בכל העולם, ממיאנמר לצפון קוריאה, מסוריה לאיראן וערב הסעודית, ובל נשכח את ונצואלה, סומליה, רוסיה וחצי האי קרים. לפעמים הרשימה הזאת נראית אינסופית. אז כדאי שנעצור ונחשוב מה באמת קורה אם נשים את כל אלה על כף המאזניים ואז נראה איך המדינות באו"ם מתייחסות לציונות בצד השני ואיכשהו נסיק את המשקל המוסרי המפוקפק של כל השאר. ולמען האמת, כמה מהטענות האלה הן פשוט אבסורדיות. כמו לגנות את ישראל כמפרה מובילה של בריאות נפשית, פיזית וסביבתית? Spanish: ¿O como el peor infractor de los derechos de la mujer del mundo? Israel tuvo una primera ministra antes de que las mujeres pudieran conducir en muchos países. Como dijo Susan Rice, la Embajadora ante las Naciones Unidas para EE. UU.: "Cuando los países señalan a Israel en la ONU por un trato injusto, no es solo un problema para Israel, es un problema para todos nosotros. Ningún país es inmune a la crítica ni debería serlo. Pero cuando la crítica se hace en forma de señalar a un único país de forma injusta, amarga y despiadada una y otra vez, está mal y todos lo sabemos". En otras palabras, no es que Israel no haya hecho nada mal. Pero es que es bastante raro sugerir que solo Israel lo ha hecho todo mal. Al final, 16 años después de aprobar la Resolución 3379, y con el inminente colapso de la Unión Soviética, la ONU retomó el asunto el 17 de diciembre de 1991 pero, esta vez, para derogarla. Pero el daño ya estaba hecho. El ataque de "el sionismo es racismo" se presentó inicialmente como una forma de negar la idea básica de que Israel es un país. Y su uso para atacar de forma desproporcionada a Israel estaba muy extendido y aún sigue emergiendo de formas nuevas iw: או כמפרה הגדולה בעולם של זכויות נשים? לישראל הייתה ראש ממשלה אישה עוד לפני שנשים הורשו לנהוג במדינות מסוימות. כפי שאמרה שגרירת ארה"ב לאו"ם, סוזן רייס: "כשמדינות מגנות רק את ישראל באו"ם על התנהלות לא הוגנת, "זו לא רק בעיה של ישראל, זו הבעיה של כולנו. "אף מדינה אינה חסינה בפני ביקורת, וגם לא צריכה להיות. "אבל כשהביקורת הזאת מופנית אך ורק כלפי מדינה אחת, "בצורה לא הוגנת, במרירות וללא הרף שוב ושוב, "זה לא בסדר וכולנו יודעים זאת." במילים אחרות, זה לא אומר שישראל לא עשתה שום דבר רע, אלא שזה יותר מקצת מוזר לטעון שישראל לבדה עשתה רק רע. בסופו של דבר, 16 שנה לאחר שהתקבלה החלטה 3379 ולקראת התמוטטותה של ברה"מ, באו"ם העלו את הנושא שוב ב-17 בדצמבר 1991, אבל הפעם כדי לבטל אותה. אך עדיין, הנזק כבר נעשה. ההתקפה "ציונות היא גזענות" הוצגה תחילה כאמצעי לשלול את הרעיון הבסיסי של ישראל כמדינה. השימוש בזה כדי לתקוף את ישראל באופן לא פרופורציוני התבסס היטב, והוא עדיין ממשיך להופיע בצורות שונות, English: Or the world's worst violator of women's rights? I mean, Israel had a female Prime Minister before women could drive in some countries. As U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said, "When countries single out Israel "for unfair treatment at the U.N., "it isn't just a problem for Israel, "it is a problem for all of us." "No country is immune from criticism, nor should it be, "but when that criticism takes the form "of singling out just one country, "unfairly, bitterly and relentlessly, over and over and over, "that is just wrong - and we all know it." In other words, it's not to say that Israel hasn't done anything wrong, it's just that it's more than a little odd to suggest that Israel alone has done everything wrong. Eventually, 16 years after Resolution 3379 had passed, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union imminent, the U.N. took up the matter again on December 17th, 1991, but this time, to repeal it. Yet, the damage had already been done. The "Zionism is racism" attack was first introduced as a way to negate the basic idea of Israel as a country. And its use in disproportionately attacking Israel had become well established. And, it still continues to emerge in new forms, Russian: Или худший в мире попиратель прав женщин? На минутку, женщины премьер- министры в Израиле появились раньше, чем в некоторых странах женщины сели за руль. Как сказала, посол США в ООН Сьюзан Райс: "Когда страны в ООН выделяют Израиль за несправедливое обращение, это не просто проблема Израиля, это проблема всех нас. Ни одна страна не может и не должна быть защищена от критики. Но когда эта критика принимает форму выделения лишь одной страны, несправедливо, горько и безжалостно, снова, и снова, и снова, это просто неправильно, и нам всем это хорошо известно". Другими словами, это не означает, что Израиль не сделал ничего плохого. Но немного странно предполагать, что Израиль один во всем виноват. В конце концов, 16 лет после принятия резолюции 3379 и в условиях неминуемого развала СССР, ООН снова взялась за это дело 17-го декабря 1991 года, но на этот раз с целью отмены. Однако ущерб уже был нанесен. Впервые атака "Сионизм — это расизм" была представлена под видом способа отрицать саму идею Израиля как государства. Ее чрезмерное использование для нападений на Израиль стало установленной практикой и продолжается до сих пор, проявляясь в новых формах, Portuguese: Ou o pior do mundo violador dos direitos das mulheres? Quer dizer, Israel tinha uma primeira-ministra feminina antes que as mulheres pudessem dirigir em alguns países. Como embaixador dos EUA no Reino Unido Nações, Susan Rice, disse: "Quando os países escolhem Israel "por tratamento injusto na ONU, "não é apenas um problema para Israel, "é um problema para todos nós." "Nenhum país está imune crítica, nem deveria ser, "mas quando essa crítica toma a forma "de destacar apenas um país, "injustamente, amargamente e implacavelmente, de novo e de novo e de novo, "isso é simplesmente errado - e todos nós sabemos disso." Em outras palavras, não é para dizer que Israel não fez nada de errado é só que é mais do que um pouco estranho para sugerir que Israel sozinho fez tudo errado. Eventualmente, 16 anos depois Resolução 3379 tinha passado, e com o colapso de a União Soviética iminente, a ONU assumiu o assunto novamente em 17 de dezembro de 1991, mas desta vez, para revogar isso. No entanto, o dano já havia sido feito. O "sionismo é racismo" ataque foi introduzido pela primeira vez como uma maneira de negar o básico idéia de Israel como um país. E seu uso desproporcionalmente atacando Israel tornou-se bem estabelecido. E ainda continua emergir em novas formas, English: including in the often counter-intuitive demands of the BDS movement. Whatever the varying goals of its individual adherence, the movement struggles with its own strain of anti-Zionism, and has appropriated the "Zionism is racism" attack for a new era, whether with or without a complete appreciation of the origins and original purpose of the phrase. And so, this, ultimately, is the sad legacy of Resolution 3379, and the phrase "Zionism is racism," whose purpose was never to change governing policy, but rather to undermine the basic national sovereignty of Israel's right to exist as a nation among the rest of the world. (funky music) Spanish: incluyendo en las demandas, a menudo contradictorias, del movimiento BDS. Sean cuales sean los diversos objetivos de sus partidarios, el movimiento lucha con una variedad propia de antisionismo y se ha hecho con el ataque de "el sionismo es racismo" para esta nueva era, ya sea con o sin una completa comprensión de los orígenes y del propósito original de la frase. Y este es el triste legado de la Resolución 3379 y de la frase "el sionismo es racismo", cuyo propósito nunca fue cambiar la política normativa, sino socavar la soberanía básica nacional del derecho de existir de Israel como nación en el resto del mundo. iw: כולל בדרישות שלרוב מנוגדות לאינטואיציה של תנועת הבי-די-אס. יהיו אשר יהיו המטרות של תומכיה השונים, התנועה נאבקה במהלכים אנטי-ציוניים משלה והעבירה את מושג המאבק "ציונות היא גזענות" לעידן חדש, בין אם יחד או ללא הערכה מלאה למקור המושג ולמטרתו המקורית. אז בסופו של דבר זוהי המורשת העגומה של החלטה 3379 והביטוי "ציונות היא גזענות", שמטרתו מעולם לא נועדה לשנות מדיניות, אלא לערער הריבונות הלאומית הבסיסית של זכותה של ישראל להתקיים כמדינה ככל המדינות בעולם. Russian: например, в часто нелогичных требованиях движения BDS. Каковы бы ни были цели его отдельных сторонников, движение выступает за собственное направление антисионизма, приспособив призыв "Сионизм — это расизм" к новому времени, с или без полного понимания истоков и первоначальных целей призыва. Такое вот печальное наследие резолюции 3379 и фразы "Сионизм — это расизм", чьей целью никогда не было изменение правящей политики, но скорее подрыв идеи национального суверенитета и права Израиля на существование как нации среди остального мира. Portuguese: incluindo no muitas vezes demandas contra-intuitivas do movimento BDS. Quaisquer que sejam os objetivos variáveis da sua adesão individual, o movimento luta com sua própria linhagem de anti-sionismo, e se apropriou o "sionismo é racismo" ataque por uma nova era, seja com ou sem uma completa apreciação das origens e original propósito da frase. E assim, finalmente, é o triste legado da Resolução 3379, e os frase "sionismo é racismo" cujo objetivo nunca foi mudar a política de governo, mas sim para minar o soberania nacional básica do direito de Israel existir como uma nação entre o resto do mundo. (música funky)
Spanish: Okay, bueno, bienvenida a Azerim. Gracias, estoy un poco nerviosa. No te pongas nerviosa, estaras bien. Te voy a enseñar lo básico. Okay, sí. Okay, bueno. Primero lo primero, aprendamos cómo caminar. Caminar, sí, buena idea. Entonces presiona las teclas WSAD en el lado izquierdo del teclado. La tecla W dis dei. W-WSAD. WS dei D. WSA- sí perfecto, sí. Está bien. Adelante. ¡Oh! Sí. ¡Sí, perfecto! ¡Oh! Sí, okay. Es asombroso, sí. Está bien, estoy empezando a entenderlo. Espera, ¿cómo giro? - ¿Qué está pasando ahí atrás? - Vas muy bien. Okay, para rotar usa el mouse. Okay. Sí, el mouse. Oh... ¡oh! Sí, increíble, sí. *Un enemigo se acerca gritando* ¡Ah! Turkish: Tamam pekala ah Azerim'e hoş geldin. Teşekkürler, biraz gerginim. Gerilme iyi olacaksın, sana işin inceliklerini göstereceğim. Tamam evet. Tamam, pekala her şeyden önce hadi yürümeyi öğrenelim. Yürümek, evet iyi fikir. Yani, sen klavyenin sol tarafındaki WASD tuşlarına basıyorsun. W S De D. WASD evet güzel evet. Tamam pekala. Yap bakalım. Tamam. Evet mükemmel. Oh evet, tamam. Bu harika evet. Pekala, kavrıyorum gibi biraz. Bekle, nasıl yönlendiriyoruz? Arkada neler oluyor? Çok iyi gidiyorsun. Tamam, yönlendirmek için fareni kullan. Czech: Okej. Tak. Vítej v Azerimu. - Díky. Jsem trochu nervózní. - Nebuď nervózní. Povedeš si dobře. Ukážu ti co a jak. - Okej, jasně. - Okej nejdříve, pojďme tě naučit jak se chodí. - Jop, chůze. Dobrý nápad. - Takže, stiskni WSAD klávesy na levé straně klávesnice. W S A D. - W S A D. Perfektní - Jasně, dobře. Chápu. - To je úžasné. Ano! - Dobře, myslím, že na to už přicházím. Počkej, jak se otočím? Co se děje tam vzadu? - Vedeš si dobře...Tak jo. Na otáčení používej tvojí myš. Russian: - Хорошо, добро пожаловать в Азерим. - Спасибо, я немного нервничаю. - Расслабься - Всё будет в порядке, я покажу тебе приёмы. - Ладно, хорошо. - Отлично, теперь обо всем по порядку, давай узнаем, как ходить. - Ага, ходить, да, хорошая идея. - Итак, ты нажимаешь клавиши WSAD на левой стороне клавиатуры. - WS Day D. WSAD , ага. - Действуй. Да, идеально. Отлично! - Ладно. Это здорово, да. - Я вроде как привыкаю к этому. Подожди, а как мне повернуться? - Что там творится за моей спиной? - У тебя отлично получается. А чтобы повернуться, используй мышь. Vietnamese: Chào mừng tới Azerim. Em có hơi lo, đừng lo em sẽ ổn thôi anh sẽ chỉ em mấy thứ cơ bản. Đầu tiên thì nên học cách di chuyển. ok ý hay đấy. Được rồi bấm WSAD W S A D. WSAD đúng rồi á. Được rồi. E bắt đầu đây. Tuyệt vời Thật tuyệt. Em bắt đầu quen với nó rồi, làm sao để quay lại nhỉ? Có chuyện gì thế anh? Em làm tuyệt lắm. Để quay lại em phải dùng chuột Được rồi. đúng rồi tuyệt vời Spanish: Bien, ah, bienvenida a Azerim. ¡Gracias! Estoy un poco nerviosa. Descuida, estarás bien. Te mostraré como jugar. Ok, bien. Primero que nada, aprendamos como caminar. Caminar, buena idea. Entonces, usas las teclas WSAD en el lado izquierdo del teclado. W S A D. WSAD W S A D WSAD Sí, bien, lo tienes. Inténtalo. Sí ¡perfecto! ¡Asombroso! ¡Sí! Muy bien, le estoy agarrando el truco. Espera ¿Cómo giro? ¿Qué sucede ahí atrás? Lo estás haciendo muy bien. Bien, para rotar usas el mouse. ¡Sí! ¡Asombroso! ¡Sí! English: Okay well ah welcome to Azerim. Thanks I'm a little nervous. Don't be nervous you'll be fine I'm gonna show you the ropes. Okay yeah. Okay well first things first let's learn how to walk. Walk yep good idea. So you press the WSAD key on the left side of the keyboard. W S day D. WSAD yep that good yep. Okay alright. Go for it. Oh. Yeah. Yes perfect. Oh yeah okay. That's awesome yes. Alright I'm kind of getting the hang of it. Wait how do I rotate? What's going on back there? You're doing so well. Okay so to rotate you use your mouse. Portuguese: Beleza. Bom, seja bem-vinda a Azerim. Obrigada! Estou um pouco nervosa... Não se preocupe, você vai ficar bem. Vou te ensinar como se faz Beleza... Bom, primeiro de tudo, vamos aprender como andar. Andar, tá... boa ideia. Então, aperta W, S, A, D na parte esquerda do teclado. W, S, D... W, S, A, D. W, S, D, D. W, S, A... pode ser! Vai lá! Oh! Isso! Isso! Perfeito! Oh! É! Incrível! Isso! Beleza, tô pegando o jeito. Peraí, como eu me viro? O que tá acontecendo aí atrás? Você tá indo muito bem! Tá! Pra virar, você usa o mouse. Certo. Pra virar, eu uso o mouse. Isso! Maravilha! Italian: Va bene, benvenuti in Azerim. Grazie sto un pò nervoso. Non essere nervoso va bene ti mostrerò le corde. Va bene si. Va bene, prima di tutto impariamo come camminare. Cammina, sì, buona idea. Quindi premi il tasto WSAD sul lato sinistro della tastiera. WS giorno D. WSAD sì che bene sì. Va bene, va bene. Fallo. Oh. Si. Si perfetto. o si va bene. È fantastico, sì. Va bene, sono gentile di prendere il controllo. Aspetta, come faccio a ruotare? Cosa sta succedendo laggiù? Lo stai facendo bene. Va bene, quindi per ruotare usi il mouse. Italian: Va bene. Sì fantastico sì. Stai andando così bene. È così divertente. Woah. Ehi guarda, voglio solo dire grazie mille per aver fatto lo sforzo per entrare in qualcosa che amo. Onestamente io sappi solo quanto ti piace questo gioco e Mi piacerebbe impararlo con te. Quello è Perché ti amo tanto. Oh cos'è quello? Che cosa? Sei stato colpito dalle frecce. Oh Ho? Io sì ah oh. Ebbene ah vuoi per andare alla nostra prima missione insieme? Sì. Va bene ah andiamo. Faccio strada io. si si vai sì perfetto haha English: Okay. Yes awesome yes. You are doing so good. It's so fun. Woah. Hey look I just wanna say thank you so much for making the effort to get into something that I love. Honestly I just know how much you like this game and I would love to learn it with you. That's why I love you so much. Oh what's that? What? You've got a you've been shot by arrows. Oh have I? I yeah ah oh. Well ah do you want to go on our first quest together? Yes. Okay ah let's go. I'll lead the way. Yeah yeah you go yes perfect haha Spanish: Lo estás haciendo muy bien. Es divertido. Oye, mira, solo quiero agradecerte por hacer el esfuerzo de probar algo que amo. Honestamente sé cuánto amas este juego y a mí me encantaría aprenderlo contigo. Por eso es que te amo tanto. ¿Qué... ¿Qué es eso? ¿qué? Tienes una... te están disparando flechas. Oh ¿sí? Sí, sí, cierto. Bien. ¿Te gustaría ir en nuestra primera misión juntos? Sí. Ok ¡Vamos! Voy adelante. Sí, sí, ve. ¡Sí! ¡Perfecto! Así que... Bienvenida a Azeroth Spanish: - Lo estás haciendo muy bien. - Es muy divertido. Guau. Oye, mira, solo quiero darte las gracias por hacer el esfuerzo de probar algo que amo. Honestamente, sé cuánto te gusta este juego y me encantaría aprenderlo contigo. Por eso te quiero tanto. Aww. ¿Qué, qué es eso? ¿Qué? Tienes un... te están disparando flechas. ¿Oh, sí? Oh sí ah oh. Bueno, ¿quieres empezar nuestra primera misión juntos? Sí. Okay ah vamos. Yo guiaré el camino. Sí, sí. Adelante, sí perfecto jaja. *Suspiro* So... bienvenida a... Azeroth. - Hey... - ¡Azerim! ¡M****! Turkish: Tamam. Evet harika evet. Çok iyi gidiyorsun. Bu çok eğlenceli. Vay be. Hey bak, sevdiğim bir şeye alışmak için çaba göstermenden dolayı sana teşekkür etmek istiyorum. Gerçekten senin bu oyunu ne kadar sevdiğini biliyorum ve onu seninle öğrenmek isterim. Bu yüzden seni çok seviyorum. Oh bu ne? Ne? Ok atıyorlar sana. Oh Öyle mi? Evet, ah oh. Pekala, ah, ilk görevimize beraber gitmek ister misin? Evet. Tamam Ah, hadi gidelim. Sana yolu göstereyim. Evet evet sen önden git, evet harika haha Russian: - Двигай мышкой. Да, именно так. ДА! У тебя все отлично получается. - Это так весело. - Слушай, я просто хочу сказать тебе большое спасибо за то, что ты приложила усилия, чтобы вместе со мной заниматься тем, что я люблю. - Честно я просто знаю, насколько тебе нравится эта игра и я с удовольствием бы узнала ее вместе с тобой. - Вот почему я люблю тебя так сильно. - Ой, а что это? - Ты о чем? - Тебя стрелами истыкали. - Кого? Меня? Ну да, есть немного. Хочешь пройти вместе на наш первый квест? Да, я согласна! - Пошли. - Я пойду впереди. - Да, конечно. Ты идешь идеально хаха Vietnamese: Em làm tốt lắm Vui thật đó woah Này anh chỉ muốn nói là cám ơn em vì đã dành thời gian với những điều anh thích. thành thật thì em biết anh rất thích game này và em cũng rất thích đc chơi cùng anh đó là lí do sao anh yêu em Hửm? cái gì thế anh? gì cơ Anh đang bị bắn vào người kìa Có hả? à rồi em có muốn làm nhiệm vụ đầu tiên cùng nhau ko? Có! ah đi thôi. em sẽ dẫn đường YEAH Hoàn hảo haha Portuguese: Você está indo MUITO bem! Até que é legalzinho! Uau! Olha, só quero te dizer: Muito obrigado por fazer esse esse esforço pra aprender algo que eu amo. Sério, eu sei o quanto você gosta desse jogo e eu adoraria aprender com você. É por isso que eu te amo tanto. — Quê? Quê isso? — Isso o quê? É que tem umas... Você levou umas flechadas. Ah. Levei? Ah, é. Bom, você tá a fim de fazer nossa primeira quest juntos? Sim. Beleza, vamos embora! Eu vou na frente. Isso, pode ir! Isso! Perfeito! Então... Seja bem-vinda à "Azeroth". Czech: Okej. Ano! Úžasné, ano! Vedeš si tak dobře. - Je to zábava... Vau! Hele podívej. Jen jsem ti chtěl tak moc poděkovat, že si děláš tu námahu se mnou dělat to, co miluju. - Upřímně... já vím, jak moc máš rád tuhle hru a tak chtěla jsem se jí naučit od tebe. - To je důvod, proč tě tak miluju. - Oh, co to je? - Co je co? - Někdo tě zasáhl šípama. Vážně? Takže, chceš jít na náš první společný úkol? - Ano! - Okej, tak pojďme. Já povedu. Jo, jop. Až po tobě. Ano! Perfektní. Russian: Итак! Добро пожаловать в Азерот...Азерим! Азерим же! Turkish: O zaman Azeroth'a hoş geldin. Azerim. F*** Spanish: ¡Azerim! Portuguese: Azarim! Spanish: ¡Azerim!
BAM! Mr. Tarrou. In this calculus lesson we're all totally going to do three examples determining the interval of convergence of a power series what's power series well it says here if F is a variable then an infinite series in the form of the summation where n starts at 0 and goes to infinity at the a sub n times X minus C raised to the N power is equal to a sub 0 plus a sub 1 times X minus C u raised to the first power plus a sub 2 times X minus C raised to the second power and we keep adding and so on and so on until we get to the nth term and then yeah we just keep adding because this is a series you know and goes to infinity we never stop adding these terms and this is a power series centered at a constant C now if I were to come through here and take out all these variables or this not really variable but this constant of C and just have it set equal to 0 then that would be a power series excuse me centered at 0 but this is the more general form so one thing to note here because now we're talking about you know convergence and divergence and we have these Sigma notations or the summations expression showing up not the sort of standard looking series that we've been working through in our previous sections we talked about ratio and root test and alternate series tests and so on and so on but you'll see here that we go when we go from the summation notation into our expanded series notation the variable of n is gone that's starting at 0 and going to infinity we have a function that is in terms of X so when we are trying to determine the interval of convergence what we're actually trying to determine is when we plug in some value of x we get a series and does that series converge or diverge do we get a real sum from that series if we get a real sum that occurs right when our series converge and so if we get an actual sum for the series if this series is converging well then this is going to give us right that valid well says right here some so we are oh and by the way you can kind of notice when you see an expanded series like this if you have a variable X raised to some power that's when you identify and you can go okay that is a power series this series converges like I just said a second ago if the series converges we get a valid sum we are determining for what values of X does that summation give us a valid sum we are looking for the domain of all X's such that this series right here converges if it converges we get a valid sum we're good to go if it diverges well then our sum would be something like infinity or undefined that's not what we are looking for but that's hopefully giving you a good understanding here an idea of what is going on now to do these three examples we're going to use something that we're going to use that ratio test we just talked about that in the previous section because that ratio test says that a series absolutely converges if the absolute value of the ratio of a sub n plus 1 over a sub n is less than one if it's equal to one it's in determinant if it's greater than one then that series diverges so the ratio test gives us an inequality to work off of to determine that interval of convergence so as I read through here what we're looking for I'm talking about radius of convergence I'm talking about doing that ratio test to this series and we're going to make sure that that ratio stays less than one if the radius of convergence is equal to zero then the power series is going to be said to converge only at that constant at that see the center of that power series if the radius of convergence is infinity then I'm pausing because I'm going okay I want to say these zero and this infinity and then found the condition here with the outcome no three if you will is that result again of setting up the ratio test and looking at ultimately what we're arriving at it'll be clear as we do the examples if the radius of convergence is infinity then the power series converges absolutely for all X it doesn't even matter what X is so these two types of solutions will be example one and two and there they're not quite so interesting because there's no work in determining what that interval of convergence is now if we do the ratio test we set that up and there exists a real number R that's greater than zero so not zero not infinity that's where the little bit of extra work that's where the skills that we learn in all these previous sections learning all these tests alternate and you know alternating series test and direct and women comparative test so and so on come into play well if there exists a real number R greater than zero such that the series converges absolutely for the absolute value of X minus C is less than R and diverges for the absolute value of X minus C is greater than R we're going to be focusing really on this part here when you get the absolute value of some binomial alone and it's less than well whatever your radius of convergence is going to be we'll be able to identify what the center of our power series is if we can't already see it in the expanded form and through the for the three examples that we're going to be doing we're gonna have our series written like in this format here and we'll have our radius convergence now from there we're gonna find that will be fine we'll have found that radius of convergence and then we're going to test whether the power series converges or diverges at the endpoints of your interval that's where maybe you need to once you plug in some particular X values into the series start looking at it and trying to go cables this harmonic I'll alternating harmonic series is it a geometric series is it something that we need to do some kind of limit comparative test to you need we need to determine whether this series converges or diverges at the endpoints of our interval to come up with our answer now this is a lot of words and writing and hopefully kind of makes sense but I think doing these three examples is going to clarify this up for you the first one coming up right now so all the examples are gonna have the same directions find the interval of convergence of the power series so we have our power series the summation where n starts as your own goes to infinity of 2 n factorial times X to the 2n over N factorial and just to expand it out for you here when lit when we let N equals 0 we're going to have 0 factorial and 0 factorial well that's defined to be 1 and X to the 0 power is 1 and now when we let n equal 1 we have 2 factorial over 1 factorial which is 2 and then X to the 2 times 1 which is x squared and then plus 12 with our N equals 2 we have 2 times 2 is 4 4 factorial is 24 over 2 which comes out to be 12 and we have X to the 4th and so on and so on what's the interval where this series converges ok so we're gonna do that ratio test so by the ratio test we're going to be looking at the limit as n goes to infinity with this expression here of a sub n plus 1 just like the previous section so we have 2 to the n plus 1 factorial X to the 2 times n plus 1 power over n plus 1 factorial over 2 to the n times X to the 2n over N factorial so let's get all this cleaned up until we get that that binomial that X minus C the absolute value that compared to our radius of convergence we're going to take this denominator and flip it up we're also going to distribute this to through the parentheses of n plus 1 and expand that factorial hopefully with all that practice from that section will read first learned the ratio test you saw a lot of this expansion you got used to expanding these factorials but just to show you one more time to plot 2 n plus 2 factorial is 2 n plus 2 count down by 1 2 n plus 1 and then count down by 1 again and we get to that 2 n factorial so I'm going to stop there and write 2 n factorial and we can see all these nice factors cancel out oh and of course we have down here and plus 1 times and counting down by 1 until you get to 1 so n factorial so we have the factors of n factorial cancelling out well that's been already rewritten and we have 2 n bases of X in the denominator and we have 2 n plus 2 bases of X in the numerator so there's two more X's in the numerator than in the denominator so that is going to cancel out all but two of them and we've got our 2 n factorials cancelling out let's clean this up a little bit and see where we stand okay I don't know why I took the time to actually distribute this out for the numerator because that's not really truly necessary when we let n go to infinity the only thing that's going to control of course the limit of this first factor is the leading term but at any rate we have for N squared over N now l'hopital's rule or dividing the top of the numerator and denominator by n whatever it takes that we can see that the limit here of our first factor is going to be infinity times X now that absolute value of that has to remain less than 1 and we're about to say here you know infinity and that doesn't really need to be in the absolute value symbols now because we know it's going to pause infinity but infinity times X infinity times what is going to guarantee that you have an answer that's less than 1 well if you put any value in for X now that doesn't even apps you guys almost because we could plug in anything but any value you plug in for X that's not equal to what 0 I mean 1/10 times infinity is still infinity so the only thing the only value of x is going to guarantee that this expression the absolute value of this expression is less than 1 is if X is equal to 0 well kind of a special case we got here and by the way when we see when I'm saying that X has to be 0 you might go in you might be going well if we have infinity times 0 isn't that indeterminate form when we were studying l'hopital's rule and we had to then rework the limit so we had to be infinity over infinity or 0 over and vitter 0 over 0 some form that allows us to apply l'hopital's rule well no because we're saying that X you know to make this inequality be true the only value that X possibly can be is 0 X is a constant of 0 it is 0 not approaching 0 this for N squared plus 6n plus 2 over n plus 1 that is approaching infinity now if we had some kind of end variable over here that was approaching something to make this second factor approach zero well then we would have some form of an determinant and we'd have to you know manipulate that with l'hopital's you know so that we could eventually apply l'hopital's rule and evaluate the limit but know this in this case is not in a determinate form it is actually equal to zero so the only time not much an interval here the only value of x which is going to make this series converge is x equals zero yeah so our radius of convergence is zero this converges this given series converges when x is zero and by the way the center of our power series do we have any kind of you know X minus a number here is it just X is just X and actually it might be beneficial for me to let's go ahead and pull you know n n starts at zero and goes to infinity so this is never going to be negative so really you just need the absolute value symbol around the X and I guess you could say you could divide both sides by infinity and have the absolute value of x is less than 1 over infinity which is zero allowing me to say that that radius of convergence is equal to zero and thus x equals zero let's go on to our second example right now already our second example we're going to look for the interval of convergence of this series here we have n the summation of n starting at zero going to infinity of 4 times X to the N power over 2 n factorial and I did a little bit of expansion here just to let you see that we again have that function in terms of X we're finding the domain of this function such that it gives us a valid some such that it converges so we're going to set up that ratio test and by the ratio test we have the limit as n goes to infinity of a sub n plus 1 over a sub n again instead of dividing by that fraction we're going to bring it up as a multiple over reciprocal and clean things up this factor of 2 in factorial now that we've done a little bit of expansion on that factorial notation is going to cancel out with 2 n factorial in the denominator of our second factor we have n bases of 4x here we have just one more so this is going to cancel out and believe it's with just one factor of 4x in the numerator this is really kind of simplifying very similar to the previous one but we have a lot of ends now in our denominator as opposed into the numerator of our last one now if we let n go to infinity we're gonna have 1 over infinity which approaches zero hmm and zero times 4x is just zero so the limit here I was going to write it on the second line but I don't need any extra room to write zero the limit as n approaches infinity is zero and of course zero is always less than one so since zero is always less than one and there's not even a place for X to go right so for all X on the interval from negative infinity to positive infinity so therefore by the ratio no yeah so therefore the given series converges absolutely for all pets I'll be right back and for our third and last example we have the summation where n starts at 1 and goes to infinity of and negative 1 to the n plus 1 which means that we are looking at an alternating series by the way times X minus 3 to the N over N times 7 to the N power okay so we're looking for the interval of convergence of this series this power series which means that by the ratio test we are looking at the limit as n approaches infinity of a sub n plus 1 over a sub n now we put this in the notes earlier but how is it you know how do we look at this and you know how can we tell that we have a power series now maybe you could expand it a couple of terms to make sure you know what those ends kind of disappear and look at what your expansion looks like because you're only you're only going to have that variable X you have a function in terms of X and you have an X raised up to some power that power of course is gonna be increasing as we let and go from 1 to infinity so that variable x raised to some power is your indication that you're looking at a power series okay as always with ratio test we're going to multiply by the reciprocal and clean things up lots of cancellation so the limit as n approaches infinity of the absolute value of the negative 1 raised to the now n plus 2 power because of course plus one times X minus three raised to the n plus one over n plus one times seven to the n plus one power multiply that by the reciprocal of the denominator we have n times 7 to the N over negative 1 to the n plus 1 times X minus 3 to the N power ok so we have n 7s in the numerator of our second fraction and n plus 1 in the denominator of our first fraction leaving you with one factor of seven in the denominator we have X minus three to the N and X minus 3 to the n plus one just one more factor in the numerator and the same thing here too we have negative 1 to the n plus 1 and negative 1 to the n plus 2 well it was just one more than 1 now cleaning this up what do we got we have the limit as n approaches infinity of the absolute value of well and actually let's do this let's take out all those ends because they're going to be positive the absolute value again is going to take care of that factor of negative 1 we have an N so the limit as n approaches infinity of n over that's this one right here in the denominator we have a factor of n plus 1 and we can bring that 7 out as well if we want or we can leave it you know inside the absolute values I think I'm going to leave it inside the absolute value not that 2 value of 7 is just going to be 7 so we have let me just make sure I didn't copy something down wrong absolute value taking care of that negative 1 we have our factor of x minus 3 here we have a 1 over 7 the absolute value the N is starting at 1 and going to infinity so it's never gonna be negative pulling that out in front of the absolute value so I'm just given this a little bit of a different look the limit as n approaches infinity is this n over n plus one is going to come out to be one so we have that this is equal to the absolute value of 1 over 7 times X minus 3 the absolute value of all of this and remember we are looking for the domain of this function well actually this function when it was expanded that you know the domain of X that makes the function converged so that we have that valid sum so that with the ratio test says that the absolute value of the ratio of a sub n plus 1 over a sub n must be less than 1 for that to absolutely converge in the absolute value of 1/7 is 1/7 so actually I could bring this go ahead and bring that out and at this point like I mentioned earlier in a note so once you have that X minus C the absolute value of X minus C is less than well not quite the absolute value of symbol alone yet so I'm going to multiply both sides by 7 and we have the absolute value of X minus 3 I'm gonna started talking there could you tell and say something that was incorrect we have 1 times 7 is equal to 7 now here's at the point you can look at this and go hey the center of our power series is 3 and here we have that Capitol or that real value that's greater than 0 we have a radius of convergence of 7 okay so we have now a result that is going to allow us to set up an preliminary interval for convergence but then we're going to test the endpoints so let's go ahead and write this without the absolute value signs which means that this can be well the absolute value in the sevens can be like 7 or negative 7 but it has to be in between those values so we have negative 7 is less than X minus 3 which is then less than 7 solving this compound inequality we going to you know very difficult here add everything by 3 and we have negative 4 is less than X which is less than 10 so our interval not I can't say really interval of convergence because we haven't tested the endpoints yet but our preliminary interval here is from negative 10 or excuse me negative 4 to 10 so now we need to test the endpoints and I'm going to try and squeeze this down in here I'll pick a different colors you can tell the difference of what I'm doing test the endpoints very easy for students to forget this part my textbook that I teach from even acknowledges hey don't forget to test the endpoints so what about when X is equal to negative 4 I'm really afraid I'm going to run out of room here but we're going to be looking at the summation where n goes from 1 to infinity and I'm just gonna plug I'm just gonna take out the X and plug in negative 4 so negative 1 and +1 parenthesis negative 4 minus 3 to the N power over n times 7 to the N now here's at the point that no borders with some simplification that we can go through but here's where the point that we you know you might find out that a lot of these become very easy to determine whether they converge or die but you might need to lean on those I you know start pulling those toolboxes out are you gonna use maybe a p-series test a inter the alternating series test interval integral test limit comparative test direct comparative test route test ratio test that here's where it would come in and we have to use all of those tools and know which one is appropriate and many of these mean you know when your test whether series converge or diverge most of them have more than one way to figure that out but what are we got going on here we have the series negative 1 to the N plus 1 negative 4 minus 3 of course is negative 7 to the N and we have n here with the 7 to the N power so we have a negative 7 to the N and then our denominator we have positive 7 to the N looks like we can almost make those things cancel out right and what's the square root of 2 times the square root of 3 well that's just the square root of 6 right you can multiply inside well what do we have here we have 2 to the 1/2 power times 3 to the 1/2 and that's 6 to the 1/2 so we can multiply together 2 times 3 is 6 and then reverse factor that 6 to be 2 times 3 within those matching rational powers in this K 12 it because he has a rational powers in this case we just have n but I'm just pointing it out to validate for you here that I can take the negative 7 to the N power and write it like this basically just factor it so we have negative 1 to the N times 7 to the N over N times 7 to the N well check this out now if I rewrite that 7 as negative 1 to forget the plus 1 here as negative 1 times 7 well then the 7 to the N power over 7 to the N power these are all factors those common factors will cancel out we have a multiplication of like bases well neg you know when you multiply like bases you get to add those exponents and n plus n is 2 n so in the numerator we're left with negative 1 to the 2n plus 1 over N and 2n plus 1 I think you're probably pretty comfortable by now if you take a number and you double it and you add 1 you're guaranteed to have a odd answer and negative 1 to an odd power is always going to come out to be negative 1 so this looked like an and was an alternating series but when we check the end point where X is equal to negative 4 we actually get negative 1 times the summation or n starts at 1 goes to infinity of 1 over N so it's negative 1 times the summation of a harmonic series and harmonic series are divergent so when we tested our end point of x equals negative 4 at negative 4 this series diverges so that is not going to be included in our final interval of convergence now let's check the 10 and I did run out of room so hopefully this is okay I'm gonna go ahead and race this so should one hand just race to all of it huh all right taking the next value of 10 plugging it in what do we got we have negative 1 to the n plus 1 times 10 not dead anymore or X for that matter 10 minus 3 to the N power over n times 7 to the N well of course 10 minus 3 is 7 and our 7 to the N power like the previous one 7 over n divided by 7 over to the nth power excuse me is equal to 1 and this time well this simplification for when the check in the endpoint of x equals 10 comes out to be really nice and simplifies very quickly with the summation where n starts at 1 and goes to infinity of negative 1 to the n plus 1 over N well now this negative 1 to the n plus 1 that's going to well it's going to go between positive and negative and thus we have an alternating harmonic series an alternating harmonic series unlike the regular harmonic series converge so we took our original power series we set the limit up we did a ratio test at the women up as n approaches infinity of a sub n plus 1 over a sub n we did a lot of simplification unlike the previous examples the two examples we did get X minus 3 the absolute value of X minus 3 or X minus C is less than some real R which is greater than 0 in this case it was 7 so our Center is 3 our radius of convergence is 7 we went ahead and wrote that as a compound inequality we solved found in preliminary interval of convergence check the endpoints negative 4 didn't work in the sense that it came out to be that series came out to be divergent but 10 did at x equals 10 our series did converge so our final interval of convergence and just 2 because I'm running out of space here this is our interval of convergence so again if you take these X values starting from but not including negative for up to ten plug them into the function that you get as you expand out the summation notation because all the ends would go away this is actually equal to a function in terms of X plug these values of X into that function of X an expansion of that summation notation you will get a series that converges this is the domain that allows this series to converge thus giving you a valid sum I'm mister true I am go to your homework you
She got a body like an hour glass But I can give it to you all the time She got a booty like a Cadillac But I can send you into overdrive (oh) You've been waiting for that Step on up swing your bat See anybody could be bad to you You need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah Bang bang into the room (I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) Bang bang there goes your heart (I know ya want it) Back, back seat of my car (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) She might've let you hold her hand in school But I'm a show you how to graduate No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk Just come and show me what your momma gave (oh, yeah) Okay you've got a very big shhh Mouth but don't say a thing See anybody could be good to you You need a bad girl to blow your mind Bang bang into the room (I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) B to da' A to da' N to da' G to da' uh (baby) See anybody could be good to you You need a bad girl to blow your mind (your mind) Bang bang into the room (I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) Bang bang there goes your heart (I know ya want it) Back, back seat of my car (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah)
The top 5 cryptocurrencies to start off your altcoin season with a bang! Lately It's been all about Bitcoin and for anyone riding the BTC price wave. It's been great for anyone holding altcoins It's been a rough ride to say the least. If you've been around the crypto scene long enough. You already know what comes next altcoin season Yes, sooner or later bitcoin will need to hit the pause button and share some of those sweet market cap gains with its little brothers and sisters in need altcoins When that time comes you want to be ready and you will be because we are going to be looking at the top 5 altcoins for 2019 not just any altcoins. I'm talking the most promising undervalued crypto projects These projects are real standouts that have continued to build and show continued progress throughout the crypto winter of 2018 and after watching this video you'll know Exactly why these projects are unstoppable and primed for impressive returns. Coming up! If this is your first time here and you want to learn all about cryptocurrencies start now by subscribing and clicking on the bell So you don't miss anything. At number 5 we have ICON I really hate the term sleeping giant, but for ICON I'm going to make an exception This giant is sleeping and it's only a matter of time before it finally wakes up It's rare to find a project that has the support of a whole country's government as well as most of their biggest companies ICON is one of the largest blockchain networks in the world and the largest block chain project in South Korea. ICON has completely dominated its partnerships within the Korean economy Being a country that is at the forefront of new technology South Korea currently has the greatest level of cryptocurrency adoption globally ICON being the most advanced blockchain platform created in South Korea has tremendous potential in achieving wide adoption in the country and beyond to date over 100 businesses have partnered with ICON while most crypto projects were struggling throughout the bear market icon may be one of the only Crypto startups that's already getting substantial revenue coming in. They've expanded the team size to up to 160 people and moved into an even larger office space in addition iconloop the blockchain tech company behind Icon have reported eight million dollars in revenue for 2018 with a projected 12 million in 2019 some upcoming milestones include staking the release of their decentralized exchange decentralized Identification service as well as their own native stable coin most importantly Decentralization is just one step away with icons staking reward system set to launch in August Users will be able to stake their icx to three different entities simultaneously this means that if you stake your coins, you can expect an average annualized return rate of more than 15% during the pre voting period icon acts as a bridge to bring separate blockchain networks together as an example Samsung one of the largest South Korean companies is in the process of developing an ethereum based blockchain platform since Samsung have already pledged to integrate icons chainID Onto their phones means that icon will be able to connect the projects together later on this year Icon is a project that has ongoing business Relationships with a fleet of billion-dollar companies as well as the backing of the Korean government companies such as Samsung SBI line daily intelligence are nothing to sneeze at this is icon Reborn as staking begins and the circulating supply plummets the Korean ethereum should be primed to break its all-time highs once again coming up at number 4 we have VeChain 2018 was a phenomenal year for Vechain Despite the crypto bear market Vechain is much more than a supply chain and logistics solution Vechains partnerships span continents corporations and even governments from partnerships with BMW the wine industry and even the Chinese government its offering solutions that the corporate world has been Grappling with for years and as it continues to resolve them you can bet that its value will grow the use cases are just too Astronomical to ignore governments cities and multinational companies are already using vechains technology since it launched its mainnet Vechain has enjoyed continuous growth in the number of Transactions on its Vechain Thor blockchain while it's mystory and toolchain solutions have proven to be the catalysts for VeChain's massive rise in enterprise adoption throughout the bear market they announced partnerships with Shanghai eGrid Consulting and Inpi Asia in May they entered into a collaboration with PWC and DNV GL which is one of the most fruitful partnerships they concluded to date It seems like Vechain has been gaining one or two similar business Partnerships almost every month of the year Vechain has showcased the next step in their partnership with automobile manufacturing giant BMW a new service called verifycar on the VeChain Thor Network the verifycar application addresses the issue of mileage fraud verifycar is a digital passport that allows users to Monitor their a domitor and maintenance history another announcement from April is the new solution called toolchain the solution grants users with limited technical knowledge the ability to create solutions for themselves or their business on the Vechain Thor blockchain all within 30 seconds The global counterfeiting market is a four hundred billion dollar business. This provides a strong incentive for companies to adopt VeChains anti counterfeiting Technologies if Vechain maintains its relevance in the industry and manages to stay ahead of their competition It will surely be worth a hundred times more than it is Now ultimately adoption and transaction fees will drive the VeChain platform and the value of the VET token number three Tron Yes Justin Suns tweets can be a bit too much but Tron's actual business moves are solid. Tron is aiming to create an entertainment platform that allows content creators full control over their content think of a decentralized Combination of Netflix YouTube and the App Store last year, we've witnessed the launch of Trons Mainnet this allowed for the development of dapps on the Tron blockchain making Tron one of the most formidable alternatives to the ethereum blockchain currently Tron has reached more than 2.7 million user accounts on their network a new record Tron has continued to show a steady growth in users and on some days has been the leading Blockchain platform in daily onchain volume as well as the number of daily Transactions Tron employs more than a hundred engineers worldwide and has even executed one of the most clever Acquisitions into crypto space with BitTorrent with the acquisition of the legendary p2p sharing platform and more Recently Trons partnership with Opera the world's first browser with web 3.0 capabilities means that Tron has just boosted its user base to almost half a billion new users while Tron Continues to have its fair share of haters the best investments usually start with the least Consensus Trons results speak louder than either positive hype or negative FUD partnerships exchange listings trading pairs new Acquisitions new hires and that recruitment all of this in a bear market Tron Simply hustles non-stop to be bigger and better with almost half a billion of potential new users It's easy to see that when the Altcoin Bulls run again The TRX price will reflect all that hard work at number 2 We have Cardano what really makes Cardano remarkable is the sheer amount of care that goes into its development Cardano is the first blockchain project to be developed from a scientific philosophy And the only one to be designed and built by a global team of leading academics and engineers Cardano is secure Flexible and scalable for use by many millions of users and has been developed with the same scientific rigor Applied to mission critical systems such as aerospace and banking it is a third-generation Blockchain and it's powered by the ADA coin much like in ethereum It is a smart contract based system that can be used to run decentralized applications but in a much more Efficient way the Cardano roadmap has five phases in the Gougen phase that is already underway The focus will be on the universal language framework development and security improvements for investors This phase is where the token will gain more utility with the execution of complex smart contracts the Basho phase will improve Scalability security and performance by implementing a revised network layer as well as Ouroboros the next-generation protocol of cardano's proof of state consensus algorithm The voltaire phase is the final phase of cardano's current roadmap We will see the implementation of a treasury system and a governance model if Cardano delivers what it promises It will be set up to become a prime candidate to take over Ethereums throne Last but not least XRP this cryptocurrency is solving a problem measured in trillions of dollars cross-border payments ripple connects banks payment providers and digital asset Exchanges while quickly becoming the standard for digital value transfer globally rivaling established companies like visa Recently XRP has claimed several impressive partnerships. Thanks to its parent company Ripple a San francisco-based blockchain startup that provides international Settlement protocols including XRapid Xcurrent Xvia and ripplenet XRP is one of the fastest growing Cryptocurrencies, it is already backed by over 100 financial institutions from all over the world Ripple are opening multiple offices in Asia Inaugurated a new London office and have a breathtaking track record with European companies helping them with their global expansion Ripple is all about the internet of value proposition It offers innovation and how value moves across the globe it Does this by being fast reliable and cheap one of ripples biggest and most promising Partnerships is with SBI Bank of Japan the bank has a market cap of six billion dollars SBI's chief officer has stated that SBI aims to leverage XRP in a way that will create mass cryptocurrency Adoption in Japan. As XRP begins its unstoppable march to the top It will gain value by settling payments all around the world Ripples Inter ledger Protocol can connect every payment service in the world and process payments across every network and ledger an estimated one hundred and fifty five trillion dollars travel across borders every year by streamlining the means of executing these Transactions this equals to saving trillions and fees every year essentially banks and payment providers can use the digital Asset XRP to reduce their costs enable instant payment settlements globally and access new markets For the coming years there have been Forecasts ranging anywhere from 20 all the way up to five hundred dollars that might seem high right now But if it truly becomes the reserve standard across multiple platforms and Ledger's and the most dominant monetary asset in the world then for XRP the sky is Truly the limit if you made it to the end of this video, let me know which cryptocurrency you're most bullish on in 2019 also, make sure you subscribe and like this video. Thanks for watching and I'll talk to you later!
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter is an adaptation for the general reader of four lectures on quantum electrodynamics (QED) published in 1985 by American physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman. QED was designed to be a popular science book, written in a witty style, and containing just enough quantum-mechanical mathematics to allow the solving of very basic problems in quantum electrodynamics by an educated lay audience. It is unusual for a popular science book in the level of mathematical detail it goes into, actually allowing the reader to solve simple optics problems, as might be found in an actual textbook. But unlike in a typical textbook, the mathematics is taught in very simple terms, with no attempt to solve problems efficiently, use standard terminology, or facilitate further advancement in the field. The focus instead is on nurturing a basic conceptual understanding of what is really going on in such calculations. Complex numbers are taught, for instance, by asking the reader to imagine that there are tiny clocks attached to subatomic particles. The book was first published in 1985 by the Princeton University Press. == The book == In an acknowledgement Feynman wrote: This book purports to be a record of the lectures on quantum electrodynamics I gave at UCLA, transcribed and edited by my good friend Ralph Leighton. Actually, the manuscript has undergone considerable modification. Mr. Leighton's experience in teaching and in writing was of considerable value in this attempt at presenting this central part of physics to a wider audience.Much of Feynman's discussion springs from an everyday phenomenon: the way any transparent sheet of glass partly reflects any light shining on it. Feynman also pays homage to Isaac Newton's struggles to come to terms with the nature of light. Feynman's lectures were originally given as the Sir Douglas Robb lectures at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1979. Videotapes of these lectures were made publicly available on a not-for-profit basis in 1996 and more recently have been placed online by the Vega Science Trust. The book is based on Feynman's delivery of the first Alix G. Mautner Memorial Lecture series for the general public at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1983. The differences between the book and the original Auckland lectures were discussed in June 1996 in the American Journal of Physics. In 2006, Princeton University Press published a new edition with a new introduction by Anthony Zee. He introduces Feynman's peculiar take at explaining physics, and cites: "According to Feynman, to learn QED you have two choices: you can go through seven years of physics education or read this book". == The four lectures == 1. Photons - Corpuscles of Light In the first lecture, which acts as a gentle lead-in to the subject of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman describes the basic properties of photons. He discusses how to measure the probability that a photon will reflect or transmit through a partially reflective piece of glass. 2. Fits of Reflection and Transmission - Quantum Behaviour In the second lecture, Feynman looks at the different paths a photon can take as it travels from one point to another and how this affects phenomena like reflection and diffraction. 3. Electrons and Their interactions The third lecture describes quantum phenomena such as the famous double-slit experiment and Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, thus describing the transmission and reflection of photons. It also introduces his famous "Feynman diagrams" and how quantum electrodynamics describes the interactions of subatomic particles. 4. New Queries In the fourth lecture, Feynman discusses the meaning of quantum electrodynamics and some of its problems. He then describes "the rest of physics", giving a brief look at quantum chromodynamics, the weak interaction and gravity, and how they relate to quantum electrodynamics. == Notes
Serbian: Иако су слично размишљали, Марко Аурелије био је владар а Епиктет роб. Чињеница да је неко из најнижег сталежа сврстан у међу највеће стоичаре показује да стоицизам није само за одабране већ за свакога. Стоичка философија се једним делом бави и очувањем сталоженог ума. Заправо, стоичари верују да су напредни људи достигли истинску срећу, која је неодвојива од спокојства. Епиктетови радови откривају нам значај спокојства и да га треба ценити више од ствари попут новца, угледа, чак и телесног здравља. Он нам преноси да се спокој ума не постиже покушајима да се влада окружењем, већ да се постиже начином на који размишљамо. Vietnamese: Mặc dù họ theo cùng một triết lý, Marcus Aurelius là một hoàng đế và Epictetus là một nô lệ. Thực tế là ai đó từ lớp thấp nhất trở thành một trong những nhà triết học khắc kỷ vĩ đại nhất chỉ ra rằng chủ nghĩa khắc kỷ không chỉ dành cho ưu tú: nó dành cho tất cả mọi người. Một phần của triết học khắc kỷ là khả năng giữ một tâm trí bình tĩnh. Thực tế, Stoics tin rằng con người trong trạng thái hưng thịnh đã đạt được hạnh phúc thật sự, luôn đi cùng nhau với sự bình an nội tâm. Các tác phẩm của Epictetus cho thấy tầm quan trọng của sự yên tĩnh, và rằng chúng ta nên coi trọng điều này trên những thứ ít hơn như tiền bạc, danh tiếng, và thậm chí cả cơ thể. Ông nói với chúng tôi rằng một tâm trí bình tĩnh không đạt được bằng cách cố gắng thay đổi và kiểm soát môi trường xung quanh chúng ta; nó đạt được theo cách chúng ta nghĩ. English: Even though they followed the same philosophy, Marcus Aurelius was an emperor and Epictetus was a slave. The fact that someone from the lowest class became one of the greatest Stoic philosophers, indicates that Stoicism isn’t just for the elite: it’s for everyone. Part of Stoic philosophy is the ability to keep a calm mind. As a matter of fact, the Stoics believe that humans in a state of flourishing have attained true happiness, which always goes together with inner peace. The works of Epictetus reveal the importance of tranquility, and that we should value this over lesser things like money, reputation, and even the body. He tells us that a calm mind is not achieved by trying to alter and control our surroundings; it’s achieved by the way we think. Spanish: A pesar de que seguían la misma filosofía, Marco Aurelio era un emperador y Epicteto era un esclavo. El hecho que alguien de la clase mas baja se convirtiera en uno de los grandes filósofos Estoicos indica que el Estoicismo no es solo para la elite: es para todos. Parte de la filosofía estoica es la habilidad de mantener una mente calma. De hecho, los estoicos creen que los humanos en un estado de florecimiento han alcanzado la verdadera felicidad, que siempre va de la mano con la paz interior. los trabajos de Epicteto revelan la importancia de la tranquilidad, y de que deberíamos valor esto sobre cosas menores como el dinero, la reputación e incluso el cuerpo. El nos dice que una mente calma no se alcanza tratando de alterar y controlar nuestros alrededores; se alcanza a través de la forma en que pensamos. Spanish: Aunque seguían la misma filosofía, Marco Aurelio era un emperador y Epicteto era un esclavo. El hecho de que alguien que venía de la clase más baja se convirtió en uno de los estoicos más grandes indica que el Estoicismo no es solo para la élite: es para todos. Parte de la filosofía estoica es la habilidad de mantener una mente tranquila. De hecho, los estoicos creen que los humanos en un estado de florecimiento han alcanzado la verdadera felicidad, que siempre va junto a la paz interior. Los trabajos de Epicteto revelan la importancia de la tranquilidad y que debemos valorarla por encima del dinero, la reputación e incluso el cuerpo. Él nos dice que una mente tranquila no se alcanza al intentar alterar o controlar nuestro entorno; se alcanza mediante nuestra forma de pensar. Serbian: Најважнији Епиктетов рад је назван "Разговори". То је збирка предавања записаних од стране ученика по имену Аријан. Исти ученик је саставио и "Енхиридион", што значи "Приручник", врло лак за читање и усвајање. Из ових извора можемо видети како је Епиктет излазио на крај за сталним бригама, непријатностима, тешкоћама, остајући сталожен на свешто живот донесе. Кренимо са првим: (1) Поступај у складу са природом. Док је Епиктет поучавао, један од ученика му је рекао да жели кући јер је био болестан. Епиктет га је послао кући. Такође га је упитао може ли у тренутном стању да побољша свој морал. Стога је његов долазак на час био исправан. Рекао је: "Иди и обави шта имаш код куће. Spanish: La obra principal de Epicteto se llama Discursos; una colección de lecciones que fueron escritas por un pupilo llamado Arrian. El mismo pupilo también compiló el Enquiridion, que significa "Manual" y es bastante simple de leer y entender. En estas fuentes, podemos descubrir cómo, según Epicteto, se debe lidiar con las preocupaciones diarias, eventos estresantes y penurias, para mantener una mente tranquila sin importar lo que nos arroje el mundo. Empecemos con la primera: (1) Actúa acorde con la naturaleza. Cuando Epicteto estaba enseñando, uno de sus estudiantes le dijo que quería ir a casa, porque estaba enfermo. Epicteto, entonces, lo mandó a casa. Pero también le preguntó a su estudiante si creía o no que con con condición era capaz de mejorar su propósito moral y que, por lo tanto, venir a clase era lo correcto. Él dijo: "Regresa y atiende tus asuntos en casa. Vietnamese: Công việc chính của Epictetus được gọi là Diễn ngôn; một tập hợp các bài giảng đã được viết xuống bởi một học sinh tên Arrian. Học sinh này cũng đã biên soạn Enchiridion, có nghĩa là 'cẩm nang' và khá dễ dàng để đọc và tiêu hóa. Trong các nguồn này, chúng ta có thể khám phá cách Epictetus nghĩ về việc đối phó với những lo lắng hàng ngày, căng thẳng sự kiện và khó khăn, vì vậy chúng tôi có thể giữ bình tĩnh tâm trí bất kể những gì thế giới ném vào chúng ta. Hãy bắt đầu với cái đầu tiên: (1) Hành động phù hợp với tự nhiên. Khi Epictetus đang giảng dạy, một trong những học sinh của ông nói với anh rằng anh muốn về nhà, bởi vì anh bị ốm Epictetus, sau đó, gửi anh ta về nhà. Nhưng cũng hỏi học sinh của mình có hay không anh ta nghĩ rằng với điều kiện của mình, anh ta có thể để cải thiện mục đích đạo đức của mình và, do đó, anh ta đến lớp là điều đúng đắn. Anh nói: Quay trở lại và có xu hướng các vấn đề của bạn ở nhà. Spanish: La obra principal de Epicteto es llamada Discursos; una colección de lecturas que fueron transcritas por un pupilo llamado Arrian. Este mismo pupilo también compiló el "Enchiridion", que significa "libro de mano" y es bastante fácil de leer y digerir. En estas fuentes, podemos descubrir como Epicteto pensaba acerca de lidiar con las preocupaciones, eventos estresantes y dificultades de la vida diaria, para que podamos mantener una mente calmada a pesar de lo que el mundo nos lance. Comencemos con la primera: (1) Actua en concordancia con la naturaleza Cuando Epicteto esta enseñando, uno de sus estudiantes le dijo que quería ir a casa, porque estaba enfermo. Epicteto, entonces, lo envío a casa. Pero también le preguntó al estudiante si creía o no que en su condición estaba apto para mejor su propósito moral, y si es que el viniendo a clases era la cosa correcta de hacer. El dijo: Vuelve y atiende tus asuntos en casa. English: The main work of Epictetus is called Discourses; a collection of lectures that were written down by a pupil named Arrian. This same pupil also compiled the Enchiridion, which means ‘handbook’ and is quite easy to read and digest. In these sources, we can discover how Epictetus thought about coping with daily worries, stressful events, and hardships, so we can keep a calm mind regardless of what the world throws at us. Let’s start with the first one: (1) Act in accordance with nature. When Epictetus was teaching, one of his students told him that he wanted to go home, because he was sick. Epictetus, then, sent him home. But also asked his student whether or not he thinks that with his condition he is able to improve his moral purpose and, thus, him coming to class was the right thing to do. He said: Go back and tend to your affairs at home. Serbian: Јер ако твоје начело није у складу са природом, нема сумње да се твоје ситно парче земље може ускладити с њом." Крај цитата. Ова поука нам говори да треба извршити оно што ситуација захтева од нас. Све што превазилази наше моћи воља је универзума. Нема потребе за притиском. Кад смо болесни избегнимо необавезне ствари. Често је прихватање болести најбољи пут ка излечењу, најпаметнији тренутни избор. Наравно, Епиктет је знао да је болест препрека за тело, али не и за нашу могућност избора. Ово не значи да се приморавамо на вршење дужности што би само погоршало ствари, већ да упркос телесној сметњи имамо избор да паничимо или да мирно доносимо разумне одлуке. Ако посматрамо пандемију, нпр. видимо две крајности: на једној страни паника, а на другој потпуни немар. Spanish: Porque si tu principio rector no se puede poner en conformidad con la naturaleza, sin duda su miserable terreno puede ser conformado con él. Fin de la cita. La lección que tomamos de esto es que debemos hacer lo que la situación actual demanda de nosotros. Lo que sea que nos sobrepase, es el camino del universo. No hay necesidad de forzar cosas, así cuando estamos enfermos no deberíamos forzarnos a hacer cosas que no podemos. En muchos casos, la mejor forma de tratar una enfermedad es aceptándola, y haciendo lo que es mejor para nosotros en ese dado momento. Seguro, Epicteto también escribió que la enfermedad es un obstáculo para el cuerpo, pero no para nuestra habilidad de elegir. Lo que no significa que deberíamos forzarnos a nosotros mismo a realizar nuestras labores, las cuales podrían empeorar las cosas; significa que a pesar de los obstáculos físicos , todavía podemos elegir entre entrar en pánico o tomar opciones racionales de una manera más tranquila. Cuando observamos una pandemia, por ejemplo, vemos dos extremos; por un lado esta el pánico y en el otro tenemos esta completa indiferencia. Vietnamese: Vì nếu nguyên tắc quản trị của bạn không thể không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa mảnh đất nhỏ bé của bạn có thể được thực hiện để phù hợp với nó. Trích dẫn cuối. Bài học chúng ta rút ra từ đây là chúng ta nên làm những gì tình hình hiện tại yêu cầu từ chúng tôi. Bất cứ điều gì vượt qua chúng ta là cách của vũ trụ. Không cần phải ép buộc mọi thứ, vì vậy khi chúng ta bị bệnh, chúng ta không nên ép buộc bản thân để làm những việc chúng ta không thể làm. Trong nhiều trường hợp, cách tốt nhất để điều trị bệnh là bằng cách chấp nhận nó, và làm những gì tốt nhất cho chúng tôi trong thời điểm đó Chắc chắn, Epictetus cũng tuyên bố rằng bệnh tật là một trở ngại cho cơ thể, nhưng không phải khả năng của chúng ta chọn. Điều đó không có nghĩa là chúng ta nên ép buộc chính chúng ta để thực hiện nhiệm vụ của chúng tôi mà có thể chỉ làm cho nó tồi tệ hơn; nó có nghĩa là mặc dù trở ngại vật lý, chúng ta vẫn có thể chọn hoảng loạn hoặc đưa ra lựa chọn hợp lý trong một thời trang yên tĩnh hơn. Khi chúng ta nhìn vào một đại dịch, ví dụ, chúng ta thấy hai thái cực: ở một đầu, có hoảng loạn, ở đầu bên kia có sự bất cần hoàn toàn này. Spanish: Porque si tu principio rector no puede conformarse a la naturaleza, no hay duda de que tu miserable pedazo de tierra puede conformarse a ella." Fin de la cita. La lección que tomamos de esto es que deberíamos hacer lo que la situación actual pide de nosotros. Lo que viene a nosotros viene del universo. No hay necesidad de forzar las cosas, así que cuando estemos enfermos no debemos forzarnos a hacer cosas que no podemos hacer. En muchos casos, la mejor forma de tratar una enfermedad es aceptándola, y hacer lo que es mejor para nosotros en cada momento. Claro, Epicteto también dijo que las enfermedades son un obstáculo para el cuerpo, pero no para nuestra habilidad para decidir. Lo que no significa que debamos forzarnos a realizar nuestros deberes, ya que solo nos haría daño; significa que a pesar de los impedimentos físicos, todavía podemos elegir el pánico o las decisiones racionales de forma serena. Cuando miramos a las pandemias, por ejemplo, vemos los dos extremos: por un lado, el pánico; en el otro hay una completa despreocupación. English: For if your governing principle cannot be brought into conformity with nature, no doubt your paltry piece of land can be made to conform with it. End quote. The lesson we take from this is that we should do what the current situation asks from us. Whatever overcomes us is the way of the universe. There’s no need to force things, so when we’re sick we shouldn’t force ourselves to do things we cannot do. In many cases, the best way to treat an illness is by accepting it, and doing what’s best for us in that given moment. Sure, Epictetus also stated that illness is a hindrance to the body, but not to our ability to choose. Which doesn’t mean that we should force ourselves to perform our duties which might only make it worse; it means that despite the physical hindrance, we still can choose to panic or to make rational choices in a more tranquil fashion. When we look at a pandemic, for example, we see two extremes: on one end, there’s panic, on the other end there’s this complete nonchalance. Spanish: En el primer caso, la gente esta superada por el miedo y la emoción, y en el segundo caso la gente se rehusa a ver el problema y , quizás, tratar de verse duros. Pero actuar en conformidad con la naturaleza, es decir la naturaleza del universo así como nuestra naturaleza humana, empieza por reconocer la situación, hacer una investigación adecuada, y tomar las medidas necesarias mientras mantenemos la cabeza fría. No importa como decidamos reaccionar; es importante recordar que la enfermedad y la muerte son simplemente parte de la naturaleza. Todos nos vamos algún día. Lo que nos lleva al siguiente punto: (2) Observa tus jucios. La ansiedad no es causada por el entorno. Es causada por la posición que tomamos frente al entorno. Todos tenemos nuestros cuadro de referencia, y desde ese cuadro, decidimos lo que toleramos y lo que no. No hay nada malo con eso. A menudo, esto sirve al propósito de discernir el bien del mal. Como sea, nuestros juicios se convierten en un problema si nos hacen sentir con el derecho a cosas que naturalmente no tenemos derecho. English: In the first case, people are overtaken by fear and emotion, and in the second case, people refuse to see the problem and, perhaps, try to make themselves look tough. But acting in accordance with nature, meaning the nature of the universe as well as our human nature, starts by acknowledging the situation, doing proper research, and taking the necessary measures while keeping a cool head. No matter how we choose to react; it’s important to remember that sickness and death are simply part of nature. We all go someday. Which brings us to the next one: (2) Watch your judgments. Anxiety isn’t caused by the environment. It’s caused by the position we take towards the environment. We all have our frames of reference, and from that frame, we decide what we tolerate and what we don’t tolerate. There’s nothing wrong with that. Oftentimes, it serves a purpose to discern right from wrong. However, our judgments become a problem if they make us feel entitled to things that we’re naturally not entitled to. Serbian: У првом случају, људи су обузети страхом и другим осећањима, а у другом одбијају суочавање са проблемом, можда мислећи да тако делују јаче. Али деловање у складу са природом (људском и космичком) почиње прихватањем ситуације, ваљаним истраживањем и спровођењем потребних мера, без узнемиравања. Какву год реакцију одабрали, треба упамтити да су болест и смрт просто део природе. Сви ћемо једном отићи. Што нас доводи до следећег: (2) Пази на расуђивање. Узнемиреност не проузрокује околина. Она је последица нашег становишта у односу на околину. Сви ми имамо свој систем вредности и уависно од њега одлучујемо шта прихватамо а шта не. То је сасвим у реду. То често служи да разлучимо добро од лошег. Ипак, наше процене постају проблем ако нас терају на ствари којима по природи нисмо склони. Vietnamese: Trong trường hợp đầu tiên, mọi người bị qua mặt bởi sợ hãi và cảm xúc, và trong trường hợp thứ hai, mọi người từ chối nhìn thấy vấn đề và, có lẽ, cố gắng để làm cho mình trông khó khăn. Nhưng hành động phù hợp với tự nhiên, ý nghĩa bản chất của vũ trụ cũng như của chúng ta bản chất con người, bắt đầu bằng cách thừa nhận tình hình, làm nghiên cứu thích hợp, và lấy Các biện pháp cần thiết trong khi giữ mát cái đầu. Cho dù chúng ta chọn phản ứng thế nào; nó quan trọng hãy nhớ rằng bệnh tật và cái chết chỉ đơn giản là một phần của tự nhiên. Tất cả chúng ta sẽ đi một ngày nào đó. Điều này đưa chúng ta đến cái tiếp theo: (2) Xem bản án của bạn. Lo lắng không phải do môi trường. Nó được gây ra bởi vị trí chúng ta hướng tới môi trường. Tất cả chúng ta đều có khung tham chiếu và từ khung đó, chúng tôi quyết định những gì chúng tôi chịu đựng và những gì chúng ta không chịu đựng được. Không có gì sai với điều đó. Thông thường, nó phục vụ một mục đích để phân biệt đúng từ sai. Tuy nhiên, phán đoán của chúng tôi trở thành một vấn đề nếu họ làm cho chúng ta cảm thấy có quyền với những thứ mà chúng tôi tự nhiên không được hưởng. Spanish: En el primer caso, las personas son superadas por el miedo y la impresión; en el segundo, las personas se rehúsan a ver el problema y, tal vez, traten de hacerse los fuertes. Pero actuar de acuerdo a la naturaleza significa tanto la naturaleza del universo como la naturaleza humana, empezando por reconocer la situación, hacer la debida investigación y tomar las medidas necesarias mientras se mantiene la cabeza fría. No importa cómo decidamos reaccionar; es importante recordar que enfermedad y muerte son simplemente parte de la naturaleza. Todos nos iremos algún día. Lo que nos trae el siguiente. (2) Vigila tus juicios. La ansiedad no es causada por el ambiente. Es causada por la posición que tomamos hacia este. Todos tenemos límites de referencia, y desde estos límites decidimos qué tolerar y qué no tolerar. No hay nada malo en esto. Frecuentemente, nos sirve para discernir entre lo bueno y lo malo. Sin embargo, nuestro juicios se vuelven un problema si nos hacen sentir que tenemos derecho sobre cosas a las cuales no tenemos derecho naturalmente. Spanish: Por ejemplo, podemos estar enojados de por vida porque nos sentimos con el derecho a tener buenos padres los cuales nunca tuvimos. Pero Epicteto señala que no tenemos derecho a buenos padres. Solo a tener padres. Y esto es verdad para muchas cosas. Entonces, porque deberíamos sentirnos afligidos por cosas que completamente naturales? Yo cito: Distingue dentro de tu propia mente, y esta preparado para decir , "no es el accidente que aflige a esta persona, porque este no aflige a otra persona, es el juicio que él hace acerca de este." Fin de la cita. De nuevo, esto es importante cuando nos enfrentamos a la enfermedad o la muerte. Estas cosas no son nada nuevo. Son parte de la naturaleza, tanto como la guerra y la violencia, y deberían más bien ser abordadas con ecuanimidad que con fuerte aversión. Además, cuando no cargamos fuerte deseos y aversiones, somos más capaces de lidiar con la situación en una forma racional, que cuando somos llevados por pensamientos irracionales y emociones. Spanish: Por ejemplo, podemos enfadarnos toda la vida porque creemos que tenemos derecho a los buenos padres que nunca tuvimos. Pero Epicteto apunta que no tenemos derecho a un buen padre. Solo a un padre. Y esto es verdad de muchas cosas. Así que, ¿por qué sentimos angustia por cosas que son completamente naturales? Cito: "Distingue en tu propia mente, y prepárate para decir: «No es el incidente lo que angustia a esta persona, porque no angustia a otra persona; es el juicio que él hace sobre el incidente.»" Fin de la cita. De nuevo, esto es importante cuando enfrentamos enfermedad o muerte. Estas no son nuevas en el mundo. Son parte de la naturaleza, tanto como la guerra y la violencia, y deben ser enfrentadas con imparcialidad en vez de repulsión. En cambio, cuando no tenemos fuertes deseos y aversiones, somos más capaces de lidiar con las situaciones de forma racional; que cuando nos dejamos guiar por pensamientos irracionales y emociones. English: For example, we can be angry for a lifetime because we feel entitled to the good parents we never had. But Epictetus points out that we’re not entitled to a good parent. Just to a parent. And this is true for many things. So, why should we feel distressed by the things that are entirely natural? I quote: Distinguish within your own mind, and be prepared to say, “It's not the accident that distresses this person, because it doesn't distress another person; it is the judgment which he makes about it.” End quote. Again, this is important when we face illness or death. These things are nothing new. They’re part of nature, as much as war and violence, and should rather be approached with equanimity than strong aversion. Moreover, when we don’t carry strong desires and aversions, we’re more capable of dealing with the situation in a rational way, than when we’re led by irrational thoughts and emotions. Vietnamese: Chẳng hạn, chúng ta có thể tức giận cả đời bởi vì chúng tôi cảm thấy có quyền đối với cha mẹ tốt chúng tôi không bao giờ có. Nhưng Epictetus chỉ ra rằng chúng ta không được hưởng một phụ huynh tốt. Chỉ cần cho cha mẹ. Và điều này đúng với nhiều thứ. Vì vậy, tại sao chúng ta nên cảm thấy đau khổ bởi những điều điều đó là hoàn toàn tự nhiên? Tôi trích dẫn: Phân biệt trong tâm trí của bạn, và được chuẩn bị có thể nói, đó không phải là tai nạn gây đau khổ người này, bởi vì nó không làm phiền người khác người; đó là sự phán xét mà anh ấy đưa ra về nó." Trích dẫn cuối. Một lần nữa, điều này rất quan trọng khi chúng ta đối mặt với bệnh tật hoặc chết. Những điều này không có gì mới. Chúng là một phần của tự nhiên, nhiều như chiến tranh và bạo lực, và nên được tiếp cận với sự bình tĩnh hơn ác cảm mạnh mẽ. Hơn nữa, khi chúng ta không mang theo những ham muốn mạnh mẽ và ác cảm, chúng ta có khả năng giao dịch nhiều hơn với tình hình một cách hợp lý, hơn khi chúng ta bị dẫn dắt bởi những suy nghĩ phi lý và những cảm xúc. Serbian: На пример, можемо бити доживотно љути желећи добре родитеље које никад нисмо имали. Али Епиктет истиче да није обавезно имати добре родитеље, већ само родитеље. Ово важи за много тога. Стога, зашто да се узнемиравамо потпуно природним стварима? Цитирам: У свом уму разлучи и буди спреман да кажеш: "Овој особи не смета незгода, јер другој особи она не смета. Њу погађа само сопствено расуђивање о незгоди." Крај цитата. Опет, ово је важно када се суочимо са болешћу или смрћу. То није ништа ново. Оне су део природе, као што рат и насиљу треба прићи више сталожено него са јаком одбојношћу. Штавише, ако не гајимо јаке жеље и отпоре способнији смо за суочавање са ситуацијом на разуман начин више него кад нас воде неразумне помисли и осећања. Vietnamese: (3) Tập trung ít hơn vào những thứ nằm ngoài tầm kiểm soát của bạn. Khi bắt đầu Enchiridion, chúng tôi sẽ tìm sự phân đôi nổi tiếng của kiểm soát, mà là một nền tảng của suy nghĩ Stoic. Nó nhấn mạnh rằng một số điều là tùy thuộc vào chúng ta, và những người khác thì không và chúng ta nên tập trung về cái trước, và có sự khinh miệt cái sau. Là những sinh vật sống trong vũ trụ này, chúng ta có để đối phó với những gì xung quanh chúng ta. Chúng ta có thể mong muốn kiểm soát thế giới bên ngoài, có lẽ bằng tiền, một vị trí quyền lực, thể chất sức mạnh, thông minh, hoặc đe dọa. Nhưng, vào cuối ngày, đây chỉ là dụng cụ có thể ảnh hưởng nhưng không bao giờ kiểm soát. Và ngay cả khi chúng ta có thể kiểm soát một số thứ, luôn có hàng tỷ thứ khác mà trượt ra khỏi tay của chúng tôi. Những gì chúng ta kiểm soát theo Epictetus là giảng viên của chúng tôi. Và đó là những gì chúng ta nên tập trung vào. Những gì xảy ra xung quanh chúng ta không quan trọng. Nó quan trọng hơn những gì chúng ta làm với nó. Do đó, chúng ta có thể chọn tập trung sự chú ý của mình trên suy nghĩ và cảm xúc của chúng ta, hơn là Serbian: (3) Мање обраћај пажњу на оно што није у твојој власти. На почетку "Приручника" наићи ћемо на чувену "дихотомију контроле", која је у темељу стоичке мисли. Она истиче да неке ствари зависе од нас, друге не, и да се треба посветити првима а занемарити друге. Као створења која живе у овом универзуму морамо се суочавати са свиме што је око нас. Можда желимо власт над спољашњим светом, можда новац, висок статус, телесну снагу, интелигенцију или застрашивање. Али крајем дана, ово су само средства којима се утиче али никад не влада. Чак и ако овладамо нечим, има милијарда других ствари које нам измичу из руку. По Епиктету, оно чиме владамо јесу наше сопствене могућности. На то треба да се усредсредимо. Оно што се догађа око нас није тако важно. Важније је шта чинимо с тим. Тако, можемо усмерити пажњу на своје мисли и осећања, пре него Spanish: (3) Concentrate menos en las cosas fuera de tu control Al comienzo del Enchiridion, encontramos la famosa dicotomía de control, la cual es una piedra angular en el pensamiento estoico. Esta enfatiza que algunas cosas dependen de nosotros, y otras no y que deberíamos centrarnos en las primeras y despreciar estas últimas. Como criaturas vivientes en este universo, tenemos que lidiar con lo que esta a nuestro alrededor Podemos desear el control del mundo exterior, quizás con dinero, una posición de poder, fuerza física, inteligencia o intimidación. Pero al final del día, estos son solo instrumentos que pueden influenciar pero nunca controlar. E incluso si logramos controlar algunas de las cosas, siempre van a haver un billon de otras cosas que se nos resbalarán de las manos. Lo que si controlamos, según Epicteto, es nuestra propia facultad. Y eso es en lo que nos deberíamos concentrar. Lo que pasa alrededor nuestro no es tan importante. Es mas importante lo que hacemos con eso. Así, podemos elegir concentrar nuestra atención en nuestros propios pensamientos y emociones, más bien que English: (3) Focus less on things outside of your control. At the beginning of the Enchiridion, we’ll find the famous dichotomy of control, which is a cornerstone of Stoic thinking. It emphasizes that some things are up to us, and others are not and that we ought to focus on the former, and have contempt of the latter. As living creatures in this universe, we have to deal with what’s around us. We might desire to control the outside world, perhaps by money, a position of power, physical strength, intelligence, or intimidation. But, at the end of the day, these are just instruments that can influence but never control. And even if we do manage to control some things, there’s always a billion of other things that slip out of our hands. What we do control according to Epictetus is our own faculty. And that’s what we should focus on. What happens around us isn’t that important. It’s more important what we do with it. Therefore, we can choose to focus our attention on our own thoughts and emotions, rather than Spanish: (3) Enfócate menos en las cosas fuera de tu control. Al principio del Enquiridion, veremos la famosa dicotomía del control, la cual es una piedra angular del pensamiento estoico. Enfatiza que algunas cosas están en nuestro control y otras no, y que debemos enfocarnos en la primera, e ignorar la segunda. Como criaturas vivas en este universo, debemos tratar con lo que nos rodea. Podemos desear controlar el mundo exterior, quizás mediante el dinero, una posición de poder, fuerza física inteligencia o intimidación. Sin embargo, al final del día, estos son solo instrumentos que pueden influenciar pero nunca controlar. E incluso si logramos controlar algunas cosas, hay siempre mil millones de cosas que se escapan de nuestras manos. Según Epictero, lo que sí controlamos son nuestras propias facultades. Y eso en en lo que nos debemos enfocar. Lo que pase alrededor no es tan importante. Es más importante cómo reaccionemos a esto. Así, podemos elegir enfocarnos en nuestros propios pensamientos y emociones, en vez de Spanish: preocuparnos constantemente sobre cosas que no podemos cambiar. Esto no significa que nos tengamos que apartar completamente. Significa que desarrollemos una indiferencia saludable hacia los eventos, de manera que no nos estresen demasiado. Aquí es donde entra "amor fati", amor al destino. Porque qué mejor manera de lidiar con lo inevitable que aceptándolo. Gracias por ver. Spanish: estar constantemente preocupándonos sobre las cosas que de todas formas no podemos hacer mucho al respecto. Esto no significa que nos encerramos en nosotros completamente. Significa que desarrollamos una saludable indiferencia frente a los eventos exteriores para que no nos estresen tanto. Aquí es donde el "amor fati", el amor de la fé, entra en juego. Porque, ¿ Hay una mejor forma de lidiar con lo inevitable que abrazarlo? Gracias por ver el video. Serbian: стално бринути о стварима које ионако нису до нас. То не значи да се потпуно затворимо. Ово значи да треба развијати здраву равнодушност према догађајима како нас не би сувише погађали. Овде наступа "amor fati", љубав према судбини. Има ли бољег начина за суочавање са неизбежним него да га пригрлимо? Хвала на пажњи. Vietnamese: liên tục lo lắng về những thứ chúng ta không thể làm nhiều về bất cứ điều gì Điều này không có nghĩa là chúng ta đóng chính mình tắt hoàn toàn. Nó có nghĩa là chúng ta phát triển một sự thờ ơ lành mạnh đối với các sự kiện bên ngoài để họ sẽ không nhấn mạnh chúng tôi quá nhiều. Đây là nơi tình yêu fati, tình yêu của số phận, vào đi. Bởi vì có một cách tốt hơn để đối phó với Điều không thể tránh khỏi, hơn là ôm lấy nó? Cảm ơn vì đã xem. English: constantly worrying about stuff we can’t do much about anyway. This doesn’t mean that we close ourselves off completely. It means that we develop a healthy indifference towards outside events so that they won’t stress us out too much. This is where amor fati, the love of fate, comes in. Because is there a better way to deal with the unavoidable, than to embrace it? Thank you for watching.
Turkish: Bu son ayların en sıcak günü, biz de potansiyel müşterilerle röportaj yapmak için sokaklardayız. Hadi bakalım. Temel müşteri sorunlarında başarılı olmak için korkusuz olmalısınız. İnsanlarla konuşun. En kötü ne olabilir? Evet ama vaktim yok. Sorun değil, başkasıyla konuşursunuz. Bir dakika ayırdığınız için teşekkürler. Sizi güzel bir bahar gününde durdurduğumu biliyorum. Merak ediyorum, cumartesi günü bu mağazada ne yapıyorsunuz? Alışveriş yapıyorum. Dolaşıyorum. Yeni geldim, Boston'a ilk gelişim. Güzel bir gün. Hava çok güzel. Hokkabazlık yaparak evsizleri eğlendireceğiz. Bunu videoya çekip sonunda bir evsize 50$ vereceğiz. Durun. Persian: امروز گرمترين روز آخرين ماه سال است و ما رسما آمديم بيرون در ميان مردم تا با شوق و اشتياق با چند مشتري بالقوه مصاحبه داشته باشيم پس بريم براي اين که در شناسايي نيازهاي اوليه مشتري موفق باشيد بايد نترس باشيد بريد و با مردم صحبت کنيد بدترين چيزي که ممکن است اتفاق بيافتد چيست؟ بله، ولي من الان وقت ندارم. ممنونم شما مي‌رويد و دنبال يک نفر ديگه مي‌گرديد بسيار از شما بابت وقتي که داديد سپاسگزارم مي‌دانم که در يک روز خوب بهاري وقت شما را مي‌گيرم ببخشيد فضولي نباشه ولي شما اينجا چه مي‌‌کنيد؟ توي اين مغازه در روز يکشنبه دارم خريد مي‌کنم فقط دارم قدم مي‌زنم من تازه اومد به شهر بوستون روز زيبا و دلپذيري است زيباست ما مي‌خواهيم چند تا از بي‌خانمان‌ها را سرگرم کنيم با يک سري از حرکات بازي با توپ و دست و مي خواهيم ازش يک ويديو بسازيم و در آخر هم به يکي از بي‌خانمان‌ها 50 دلار هديه بدهيم ولي يک لحظه صبر کنيد Chinese: 这是上个月以来最暖和的一天 我们现在来到街上 来随机地采访一些潜在客户 这样可以使你在获得初期客户的问题上 少一些害怕 这是可能发生的最糟糕的情况之一 我现在很忙 你还是去找其他人吧 非常感谢你花时间来给我们做采访 我们在这样一个美丽的春日相遇 只是出于好奇,你这周六 在商店里都做些什么呢? 我就逛逛街,买点东西 到处闲逛 我第一次来到Boston 今天天气很好 我们打算玩玩杂耍 给无家可归的人们带来欢笑 然后做一个视频 最后给他们每人五十块钱 English: This is the warmest day of the last month, and we are officially out on the street to enthusiastically interview some prospective customers, so here we go. For you to be successful at primary customer issues, you've got to be fearless. Go and talk to people. What's the worst thing that could happen? Yeah, but I don't have time right now. That's OK. You'll go and find someone else to talk to. Thank you so much for a minute of your time. I know I'm catching you on a beautiful spring day. Out of curiosity, what are you doing in the store on this Saturday. Just shopping around. I'm just walking around here. I just came. First time to Boston It's a beautiful day. It's beautiful. We are going to entertain some homeless people with some of my juggling. And we're going to make a video out of it and end up giving a homeless person $50 in the end. But, wait. French: C'est le jour le plus chaud du dernier mois, et nous sommes officiellement dans la rue pour interviewer avec enthousiasme certains potentiels clients. Allons-y. Pour réussir aux questions primaires avec la clientèle, Vous ne devez pas avoir peur. Allez et parlez aux personnes. Quel est le pire qui pourrait arriver? Oui, je n'ai pas de temps maintenant. Ca va. Vous allez rencontrer une autre personne avec qui discuter. Merci d'avoir sacrifié quelques minutes de votre temps. Je viens à vous dans un beau jour de printemps. Juste par curiosité, que faites-vous dans la boutique ce samedi. Juste pour faire des courses. Je me promenais juste dans les parages. Je suis venu. Première fois à Boston C'est un beau jour. C'est beau. Nous allons nous entretenir avec certaines personnes sans abri avec certains de mes jonglages. Et nous allons réaliser une vidéo à ce propos et finir par donner à une personne 50 $. Mais, attendez. Portuguese: Esse é o dia mais quente do último mês, e nós estamos oficialmente na rua para entusiasticamente entrevistar alguns consumidores, lá vamos nós. Pra você ter sucesso na causa primária dos consumidores, você tem que ir sem medo. Vá e fale com as pessoas. Qual é a pior coisa que poderia acontecer? Sim, mas eu não tenho tempo agora. Isso é ok. Vá e ache outra pessoa para falar. Muito obrigado por um minuto do seu tempo. Eu sei que estou te segurando em um dia lindo de primavera. Por curiosidade, o que você está fazendo na loja nesse sábado. Só fazendo as compras. Só caminhando aqui. Acabei de chegar. Primeira vez em Boston. É um dia lindo. Muito bonito. Nós vamos entreter algumas pessoas desabrigadas com um pouco do meu malabarismo. E nós vamos fazer um vídeo sobre isso e dar $50 pra pessoa desabrigada no final. and end up giving a homeless person $50 in the end. Mas, espere. Spanish: ... Este es el día más caluroso del mes pasado, y oficialmente salimos a la calle a entrevistar con mucho entusiasmo a algunos clientes prospectivos, así que aquí vamos. ... Para uno tener éxito es situaciones con clientes primarios, hay que atreverse. Ir y hablar con la gente. ¿Qué es lo peor que podría pasar? Bueno sí, pero ahora no tengo tiempo. ... Está bien. Irás y encontrarás a alguien más con quien hablar. Le agradecería mucho un minuto de su tiempo. Sé que lo estoy demorando en un hermoso día de primavera. Por curiosidad, ¿qué hace usted en la tienda en este día sábado? Solo ando vitrineando. Solo me doy unas vueltas por aquí. Acabo de llegar. Primera vez en Boston. Es un hermoso día. Es hermoso. Vamos a entretener a algunas personas indigentes con algunos de mis malabares. Y vamos a hacer un video de eso para al finar darle a la persona indigente $50. Pero espere. Korean: 오늘은 지난 달 중 가장 따뜻한 날입니다. 그리고 저희는 예상고객들을 열렬히 인터뷰하기 위해서 공식적으로 거리에 나와있습니다. 자, 시작해볼까요. 주요고객과 관련된 사안을 잘 알려면 겁이 없어야 합니다. 사람들을 만나서 대화를 나누세요. 그렇게 해서 일어날 수 있는 최악의 사태가 무엇인가요? 지금은 시간이 없어요. 괜찮아요. 다른 사람을 찾으면 되니깐요. 시간을 내주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 아름다운 봄 날씨에 붙잡았죠. 궁금해서 물어보는 것인데, 토요일에 이 가게에서 무엇을 하고 계시나요? 그냥 쇼핑 중이에요. 그냥 걸어다니고 있어요. 여기 막 도착했어요. 보스턴이 처음이에요. 아름다운 날이네요. 아름다워요. 우리는 노숙자들을 즐겁게 해줄 것입니다. 저의 저글링 솜씨로요. 그리고 우리는 그것을 비디오로 만들어 노숙자들에게 50불을 기부 할 것입니다. 하지만 잠깐만요. Portuguese: Nós precisamos vir com uma ideia. Então qual é a ideia. Que tal um site onde você pode comprar roupas sazonais com um desconto grande. Eu não tenho ideia quem possa estar interessado em um site assim. Eu gostei. É mais barato. Eu gostei muito. Eu definitivamente faria isso. Nós estamos aqui na avenida Newbury, que é um dos centros de compras mais populares em Boston. Você vai encontrar muitas pessoas aqui de diferentes tipos, enquanto compra aqui hoje. O que você faz? Trabalho pra uma empresa de software. Sou contador. Acabei de me formar e estou trabalhando em Boston. Sou vice presidente de comunicação de marcas de uma empresa da Dinamarca. Eu trabalho no MIT em uma empresa que gerencia investimentos. Estou na escola agora. Ainda estou no ensino médio. Estou tentando descobrir no que vai dar minha vida. Assistente executivo em uma firma de RH. Representante comercial em uma fábrica. Sou um mediador. Vamos fazer algumas suposições. Primeiramente, a pessoa que estaria interessada nesse site já compra roupas online. Você também compra online? Sim. Sim. Spanish: Tenemos que idear algo. Entonces, cuál es nuestra idea. Qué tal un sitio web donde usted pueda comprar ropa de temporada con un gran descuento. No tengo idea a quién podría interesarle un sitio web como ese. Me gusta. Es más barato. Me gusta mucho. Definitivamente lo haría. Hoy estamos en Newbury Street, que es uno de los barrios de comercio más populares en Boston. Aquí se encontrarán con muchos tipos de personas distintas que han venido a comprar hoy. ¿Qué hace usted? Trabajo para una compañía de software. De hecho soy abogado tributario. Acabo de graduarme de la escuela y estoy trabajando en Boston. Soy vicepresidente de comunicación de branding para una empresa danesa. Trabajo en el MIT para la compañía de administración de inversiones. Ahora estoy en la escuela. Sigo en secundaria. Solo estoy tratando de ver qué hacer con mi vida. Asistente ejecutivo en firma de RR. PP. Representante de Ventas para un fabricante de muebles. Soy Mediador. Hagamos algunas suposiciones. Suposición número uno, la persona que estaría interesada en este sitio web ya vitrinea en línea. ¿Usted también vitrinea en línea? Sí. Sí. Persian: ما بايد يک ايده داشته باشيم خوب، ايده شما چيست؟ نظرتون در مورد يک وب سايت فروشگاهي چيه که بتوانيد لباس‌هاي فصل پيش را توي اون با تخفيف هاي بسيار خوب بخريد؟ من هيچ نظري در مورد اين که چه کسي ممکن است اين وب سايت را دوست داشته باشدندارم خوبه دوست دارم دوست دارم ارزانتره من خيلي مي‌پسندم من حتما ازش خريد مي‌کنم ما امروز در خيابان نيوبري هستيم که يک از محبوب ترين مراکز خريد در شهر بوستون است شما آدمهاي مختلفي را در اينجا مي‌بينيد که امروز در حال خريد هستند کار شما چي هست؟ من براي يک شرکت نرم‌افزاري کار مي‌کنم. من مشاور مالياتي هستم من تازه از دانشگاه فارغ‌التحصيل شدم و الان در بوستون کار مي‌‌کنم من معاون ارتباطات ارتقاء برند هستم براي يک شرکت دانمارکي من براي شرکت مديريت سرمايه گذاري دانشگاه ام‌آي‌تي کار‌ مي‌کنم من دانشجو هستم من هنوز دانش آموز هستم من هنوز دارم به انتخاب شغل فکر مي‌کنم دستيار مديري اجرايي در يک شرکت عمومي هستم فروشنده يک شرکت سازنده مبلمان هستم من يک ميانجي هستم بياييد چند تا فرضيه داشته باشيم فرضيه اول:کسي که از وب سايت ما خريد مي‌کنه تجربه خريد اينترنتي را دارد آيا شما اينترنتي خريد مي‌کنيد؟ بله بله Korean: 우리는 아이디어를 내야해요. 그렇다면, 우리 아이디어는 무엇인가요? 계절별 의복을 파격할인해서 판매하는 웹사이트는 어떨까요? 과연 누가 그런 웹사이트에 흥미를 가질지는 모르겠네요. 마음에 듭니다. 더 싸잖아요. 정말 마음에 들어요. 저라면 방문 할 것 같아요. 저희는 오늘 보스턴의 쇼핑가로 유명한 뉴버리 거리에 나와있습니다. 오늘 이곳에서 쇼핑을 하면서 다양한 종류의 사람들을 많이 만나볼 수 있습니다. 직업이 무엇인가요? 소프트웨어 회사에서 일합니다. 저는 세무사입니다. 막 학교를 졸업해서 지금 보스턴에서 일하고 있습니다. 저는 덴마크 회사의 브랜드 커뮤니케이션팀 부사장입니다. 저는 MIT의 투자관리 회사에서 일합니다. 지금 학교를 다니고 있어요. 아직 고등학생입니다. 제 인생을 어떻게 살지 아직도 고민 중이에요. PR회사의 이사님 비서에요. 저는 가구회사의 영업 사원입니다. 저는 중재인입니다. 몇 가지 가정을 해봅시다. 첫번째 가정은 이 웹사이트에 관심을 가지는 사람이 이미 온라인 쇼핑을 하는 사람이라는 것이죠. 온라인 쇼핑을 하시나요? 네, 그렇습니다. 네 그래요. Turkish: Bir fikir bulmalıyız. Fikrimiz ne? Büyük bir indirimle mevsimi geçmiş kıyafetler alabileceğiniz bir siteye ne dersiniz? Böyle bir siteyle kim ilgilenir, bilmiyorum. Ben beğendim. Daha ucuz. Çok beğendim. Kesinlikle kullanırım. Bugün Boston'ın en popüler alışveriş bölgelerinden Newbury Sokağı'ndayız. Burada alışveriş yaparken çok farklı insanlar görebilirsiniz. Mesleğiniz ne? Bir yazılım şirketinde çalışıyorum. Vergi avukatıyım. Yeni mezun oldum, Boston'da çalışıyorum. Danimarkalı bir iletişim şirketinin başkan yardımcısıyım. MIT Yatırım Yönetimi Şirketi'nde çalışıyorum. Henüz okuyorum. Daha lisedeyim. Hayatımı oturtmaya çalışıyorum. Halkla ilişkiler şirketinde yönetici asistanıyım. Mobilya imalatçısında satış temsilcisiyim. Arabulucuyum. Varsayımlarda bulunalım. Birinci varsayım, bu siteyle ilgilenen kişi zaten internetten alışveriş yapıyordur. İnternetten alışveriş yapıyor musunuz? Evet. Evet. Chinese: 我们必须想点啥 我们能有什么点子呢 一个你可以买过季衣服的 折扣超高的网站怎么样? 我不知道谁会对这个感兴趣 它更便宜 我太爱这个想法了,一定会试试看 我们现在在Newbury大街, 这里是波士顿最繁华的购物地带之一 在这里你会碰到各种不同的 在购物的人 我在一个软件公司上班 我是个税务律师 我刚毕业现在在波士顿工作 我是一个丹麦公司的品牌管理副总裁 品牌管理副总裁 我在MIT的一个投资管理公司上班 我还在上学 我还在上高中 我正在思考人生 公关公司执行助理 家具制造商的销售代表 我是一个媒体人 让我们来做一些假设 假设一,对这个网站感兴趣的人 已经在网上买过东西了 你会在网上购物吗 French: Nous allons adopter cette idée. Alors, quelle est notre idée. Que pensez-vous d'un site web où vous pouvez acheter des vêtements saisonniers à un prix réduit important. Je n'ai aucune idée de celui qui pourrait être intéressé par un site web comme ça. C'est bon. C'est moins coûteux. Je préfère cela. C'est ce que je dois faire. Nous sommes ici aujourd'hui à Newbury Street, l'un des districts commerciaux les plus populaires de Boston. Vous rencontrerez ici différents types de personnes, en faisant des achats ici. Que faites-vous? Je travaille dans une entreprise de logiciels. Je suis en fait un conseiller fiscal. Je suis un jeune diplômé et je travaille à Boston. Je suis un vice-président de marque et de communication d'une entreprise danoise. Je travaille à MIT pour la société de gestion de placements. Je suis encore à l'école. Je suis encore au secondaire. Je voulais juste aborder tous les aspects de ma vie. Assistant administratif dans une société PR. Un représentant commercial dans une menuiserie. Je suis un médiateur. Faisons certaines propositions. Proposition numéro une, la personne qui serait intéressée par ce site web fait déjà des achats en ligne. Faites-vous aussi des achats en ligne? Oui. Oui. English: We have to come up with an idea. So, what is our idea. How about a website where you can buy off seasonal clothing at a steep discount. I have no idea who might be interested in a website like that. I like it. It's cheaper. I like it a lot. I would definitely do it. We're here today on Newbury Street, which is one of the most popular shopping districts in Boston. You will meet many people here of different types, while shopping here today. What you do? I work for a software company. I'm actually a tax attorney. I just graduated from school and I'm working in Boston. I'm a vice president branding communication from a Danish company. I work at MIT for the investment management company. I'm in school right now. I'm still in high school. I'm just trying to figure out the deal with all my life. Executive assistant at PR firm. A Sales Rep for a furniture manufacturer. I'm a Mediator. Let's make some assumptions. Assumption number one, the person who would be interested in this website already shops online. Do you also shop online? I do. I do. Korean: 아마존에서 시간을 꽤 보내는 것이 유감스럽죠. 항상 온라인에서 득템하려고 기회를 봐요. 특히, 이메일을 받으면요. 어제 갭(Gap)에서 바지를 샀어요. 항상 (온라인 쇼핑을) 해요. 저는 온라인 쇼핑을 더 하는 편이에요. 가끔해요. 가끔. 저는 항상 온라인 쇼핑을 합니다. 무슨 쇼핑을 하나요? 저는 주로 가전제품이나 의류 쇼핑을 해요. 그런 것들이죠. 저희는 이베이(eBay)를 자주 애용해요. 궁금한 것이 많아야 해요. 사람들이랑 대화를 나누어요. 그들에 대해서 배우세요. 그들의 삶에 대해서 배우세요. 길거리에서 잡아서 죄송해요. 하지만 이렇게 근사한 코트를 어디서 사셨는지 물어봐야겠어요. 선물로 받았어요. 저희 어머니가 페이퍼 스토어 (Paper Store)에서 사주셨어요. 나중에 뭐하고 싶으세요? 졸업 후에 무엇을 하고 싶나요? 아직 잘 모르겠어요. 아직 잘 몰라요. 기업가도 꽤 괜찮을 것 같아요. 열린 사고를 가지고 있어야하고 편파적이지 않아야 하죠. 당신이 변호 모드가 아니라 질문/탐구 모드인 것을 기억하세요. 봄이 오고 있습니다. 어떤 봄 의상을 찾고 계시나요? 밝은 색상과 긴 원피스요. Portuguese: Eu acho que, infelizmente, gasto tempo demais na Amazon. Eu estou sempre online olhando promoções. Particularmente, quando eu recebo emails. Eu comprei algumas calças da Gap ontem. Todo o tempo. Eu tendo a fazer compras online. As vezes, as vezes, Eu compro online todo o tempo. O que você compra? Eu vou comprar tipicamente eletrônicos, roupas esse tipo de coisas. Sim. Nós usamos muito o eBay. Você tem que ser curioso. Falar com as pessoas. Conversar sobre elas. Aprender sobre a vida delas. Me desculpe por interromper você na rua, mas eu tenho que perguntar onde você comprou esse casaco super fabuloso? Esse foi um presente. Minha mãe comprou pra mim na papelaria. O que você quer ser? O que você quer ser quando se formar? Eu ainda não sei. Eu não tenho certeza. Empreendedor parece uma boa ideia. E você tem que ter a mente aberta, imparcial. Lembre, você está no modo de perguntar, não de advogar. Primavera está chegando, que tipo de roupas você está procurando? Cores claras e vestidos longos. Persian: بله متاسفانه من وقت زيادي را روي وب سايت آمازون صرف مي‌کنم من هميشه روي اينترنت دنبال تخفيف هستم به خصوص وقتي برام اميل تبليغاتي مي‌رسه بله من همين ديروز چند تا شلوار از شرکت گپ خريدم بله هميشه من علاقه دارم که بيشتر اينترنتي خريد کنم بعضي وقت‌ها ، بعضي وقت‌ها من هميشه اينترنتي خريد مي‌‌کنم چه چيزي مي خريد؟ من براي لوازم الکترونيکي،‌لباس و اين جور چيزها خريد مي‌کنم بليه ما از ايي‌بي خيلي استفاده مي‌کنيم بايد جستجوگر باشيد با مردم صحبت کنيد در مورد آنها بياموزيد در مورد زندگي آنها بياموزيد بخشيد که توي خيايان جلوي شما را مي‌‌گيرم ولي مجبورم از شما بپرسم که اين کت بسيار زيبا را از کجا خريديد؟ اين هديه است مادرم اين را براي من از پيپر استور خريده مي خواهي چه کاره شوي؟ مي‌خواهي وقتي که فارع‌التحصيل شدي چه شغلي را انتخاب کني؟ هنوز نمي‌دانم هنوز مطمئن نيستم کارآفريني به نظرم خيلي جالب مياد بايد روشنفکر و بي طرف باشيد يادتون باشه شما در حالت جستجوگر هستيد نه دفاع از طرح بهار در راه است.شما دنبال چه نوع لباسي براي بهار هستيد؟ رنگ‌هاي روشن و لباس‌هاي زنانه بلند Chinese: 我发现糟糕的是,我花了点时间在亚马逊上 我总是在网上找东西 特别是当我收到邮件时 我其实昨天已经买了裤子了 今天还是想在网上买东西 有的时候 我完全停不下来在网上购物 你买些什么呢? 我一般都偏向买一些电子产品和衣服 这一类的东西 我们经常上eBay买东西 你必须充满好奇心 去跟人们交谈 了解他们的生活 很抱歉在街上打扰你 我想问一下你在哪里买的 这么漂亮的大衣? 这个一件礼物 我妈妈在纸店给我买的 你想成为什么样的人? 当你毕业的时候你想做什么? 我还不知道呢 不太确定 创业听起来不错 你必须思想开放,摒弃偏见 记住,你是在查询模式,而不是宣传模式 春天就要到了 你想买什么样的春装呢 亮色的长裙 English: I find that unfortunately, I spent a bit of time on Amazon. I'm always online looking for deals. Particularly, when I get emails. I actually bought some pants off Gap yesterday. All the time. I tend to do more online shopping. Sometimes, sometimes, I shop online all the time. What do you shop for? I'll shop typically for either consumer electronics, clothing, those sorts of things. Yes. We use eBay a lot. You've got to be curious. Talk to people. Learn about them. Learn about their lives. I'm so sorry to interrupt you on the street, but I have to ask where did you buy this fabulous, fabulous coat? This was a gift. My mother purchased it for me at the Paper Store. What do you want to be? What do you want to do when you graduate? I don't know yet. I'm not to sure. Entrepreneur actually sounds pretty good. And you've got to be open minded, and unbiased. Remember, you're in inquiry mode, not in advocacy mode. Spring is coming, and what kind of spring clothes are you looking for? Bright colors and long dresses. Turkish: Maalesef, Amazon'da biraz zaman geçirdim. İnternette sürekli indirim arıyorum. Özellikle e-posta gelirse. Hatta dün Gap'ten pantolon aldım. Sürekli. Daha çok internetten alışveriş yapıyorum. Bazen, bazen. Sürekli internetten alışveriş yapıyorum. Ne alıyorsunuz? Genelde elektronik eşyalar, kıyafetler, o tip şeyler. Evet, eBay'i çok kullanıyoruz. Meraklı olmalısınız. İnsanlarla konuşun. Onları tanıyın. Hayatlarını tanıyın. Sizi durdurduğum için kusura bakmayın ama bu muhteşem paltoyu nereden aldığınızı sormam lazım. Hediye geldi. Annem, Paper Store'dan aldı. Ne olmak istiyorsunuz? Mezun olunca ne yapmak istiyorsunuz? Henüz bilmiyorum. Emin değilim. Girişimcilik fena bir fikir değil. Açık fikirli, tarafsız olmak gerekiyor. Unutmayın, soruşturma hâlindesiniz, savunma hâlinde değil. Bahar geliyor, nasıl bahar kıyafetleri arıyorsunuz? Parlak renkler ve uzun elbiseler arıyorum. Spanish: Me parece que desgraciadamente paso cierta cantidad de tiempo en Amazon. Siempre que estoy en línea ando buscando ofertas. En particular, cuando recibo correos electrónicos. En realidad me compré unos pantalones rebajados ayer en Gap. Todo el tiempo. Tiendo a hacer más compras en línea. A veces, a veces, Vitrineo en línea todo el tiempo. ¿Qué vitrinea? Habitualmente vitrineo electrónicos de consumo, ropa, ese tipo de cosas. Sí. Usamos eBay bastante. Tienes que ser curioso. Hablar con la gente. Aprender de ellos. Aprender sobre sus vidas. Discúlpeme por interrumpirlo en la calle, pero quisiera preguntarle dónde compró usted este fabuloso, muy fabuloso abrigo. Este fue un regalo. Mi madre me lo compró en Paper Store. ¿Qué quieres ser? ¿Qué quieres ser cuando te gradúes? Todavía no lo sé. No tengo certeza. Emprendedor en realidad suena bastante bien. Y hay que tener la mente abierta, sin prejuicios. Recuerde, usted anda en modo de averiguación, no en modo de defensa. Se acerca la primavera; ¿ qué tipo de ropa primaveral anda buscando? Colores brillantes y vestidos largos. French: Malheureusement, j'ai passé un peu de temps à Amazon. Je suis toujours en ligne à la recherche d'aubaines. Particulièrement, lorsque je reçois des e-mails. J'ai acheté certains sous-vêtements hier. A tout instant. J'ai tendance à faire plus d'achats en ligne. Parfois, parfois, je fais des achats en ligne régulièrement. Qu'est-ce que vous achetez? Typiquement des appareils électroniques, des vêtements, toutes ces choses. Oui. Nous utilisons beaucoup plus eBay. Vous devez être curieuse. Parlez aux gens. Renseignez-vous à leur sujet. Renseignez-vous sur leurs vies. Je suis très désolé de vous interrompre dans la rue, mais je voulais savoir où vous avez acheté ce manteau fabuleux? C'était un cadeau. Ma mère me l'a acheté à Paper Store. Que voulez-vous devenir? Que voulez-vous faire après vos études? Je ne sais pas encore. Je ne suis pas très certain. Entrepreneur, c'est ce qui m'attire. Et vous devez avoir l'esprit ouvert, et être impartial. Rappelez-vous, vous êtes en mode offensif et non défensif. Nous entrons dans le printemps et de quels types de vêtements avez-vous besoin? Des robes longues et de couleurs vives. Spanish: ¿Qué cree usted que este abrigo nos dice sobre su estilo? Diría que da la idea de estudiante preuniversitario. Me gusta ir a la moda. Y cuando se trata de vestuario, no compro mucho del gusto muy estandarizado. ¿Cómo definiría usted su estilo? ¿La moda que uso? ... Atractiva, creo. Simplemente elijo lo que se me ve bien. Me gusta la ropa ajustada. Me gusta la ropa ajustada. ¿Dónde vitrinea en línea? Net-a-Porter y MyCloset, y sitios similares. Shoes, Zappos. J Crew, la liquidadora de fábrica de J Crew, Revolve, Guilt. Si me permite, ¿por qué usted vitrinea en esos sitios? Porque tienen las marcas que me gustan. Y no siempre tengo tiempo para ir a vitrinear. Jamás me compraría zapatillas de tenis en línea. A nivel mundial, ese es el asunto. Puedes obtener cualquier cosa en línea. Es mundial. Suposición número dos, la persona Turkish: Bu palto moda zevkiniz hakkında bize ne söylüyor? Biraz havalı diyebilirim. Modayı takip etmeye çalışıyorum. İş kıyafete gelince standart şeyler almıyorum. Moda zevkinizi nasıl tanımlarsınız? Moda zevkimi mi? Herhalde şık olarak. Bana yakışanı giyerim. Dar kıyafetleri seviyorum. Dar kıyafetleri seviyorum. İnternette nereden alışveriş yapıyorsunuz? Net-A-Porter, MyCloset, buralardan. Shoes, Zappos. J.Crew, J.Crew fabrika satış mağazası, Revolve, Guilt. Neden bu sitelerden alışveriş yaptığınızı sorabilir miyim? Çünkü sevdiğim markalar var. Her zaman alışverişe gitmeye vaktim olmuyor. Asla internetten spor ayakkabısı almam. Dünya çapında moda bu. İnternetten her şey alınabilir. Dünya çapında. İkinci varsayım, Korean: 이 코트가 당신의 패션 스타일에 대해서 어떤 얘기를 해주는 것 같나요? 미국 명문대 패션이라고 생각해요. 저는 유행을 따르는 것을 좋아합니다. 그리고 저는 표준화된 스타일의 옷을 별로 구매하지 않는 편이에요. 당신의 패션 스타일을 어떻게 정의하시나요? 제 패션 스타일이요? “멋짐” 아닐까요. 저는 저한테 어울리는 옷을 고릅니다. 딱 붙는 의상이 좋아요. 딱 붙는 의상이 좋아요. 온라인 쇼핑은 어디서 합니까? 네타포르테 (Net-a-Porter)나 마이클로젯 (MyCloset)같은데서 해요. 슈즈 (Shoes), 자포스 (Zappos). 제이크루 (J Crew), 제이크루 상설매장 (J Crew Factory Outlet), 리볼브 (Revolve), Guilt (길트). 왜 이런 사이트에서 쇼핑을 하나요? 제가 좋아하는 브랜드가 들어와있어서요. 그리고 저는 항상 쇼핑 할 시간이 있지 않아요. 온라인에서 테니스 신발을 절대 사지 않겠죠. 전세계적으로 직구가 가능하잖아요. 온라인으로는 무엇이든 살 수 있어요. 글로벌하게요. 두번째 가정은 이런 웹사이트에 관심이 있는 사람이 French: Ce manteau peut-il nous donner une idée sur votre mode? Je dirais que c'est un peu chic. J'aime rester à la mode. Et lorsqu'il s'agit de vêtements, je n'achète pas assez de goûts de qualité uniformisée. Comment définissez-vous votre mode? Ma mode? Belle, je pense. Je cherche juste ce qui me va. J'aime des vêtements serrés. J'aime des vêtements serrés. Où faites-vous vos achats en ligne? Net-a-Porter et MyCloset, des trucs comme ça. Des chaussures, Zappos. J Crew, centre commercial J Crew, Revolve, Guilt. Puis-je savoir, pourquoi faites-vous des achats sur ces sites? Parce qu'ils ont mes marques préférées. Je ne dispose pas toujours du temps pour faire mes courses. Je n'achèterais jamais des chaussures de tennis en ligne. International, c'est la raison. Vous pouvez tout avoir en ligne. C'est partout dans le monde. Proposition numéro deux, la personne English: What do you think this coat tells us about your fashion style? I'd say it's a little bit preppy. I like to keep up with the styles. And when it comes to apparel I don't buy a lot of pretty standardized taste. How do you define your fashion style? My fashion style? Good looking I guess. I just go for whatever's good on me. I like tight clothes. I like tight clothes. Where do you shop online? Net-a-Porter and MyCloset, and stuff like that. Shoes, Zappos. J Crew, J Crew factory outlet, Revolve, Guilt. If I may ask you, why do you shop on those sites? Because they have the brands I like. And I don't always have time to go do shopping. I would never buy tennis shoes online. Worldwide, that's the thing. You can get anything online. It's worldwide. Assumption number two, the person Chinese: 这件衣服体现了你 怎样的穿衣风格呢? 这个有一点点为春天做准备了 我想保持这个风格 买衣服的话,我不会买很多 大众的衣服 你如何形容你的穿衣风格? 我的穿衣风格 好看的?我就买那些适合我的 我喜欢紧身衣 我喜欢紧身衣 你上哪些网站购物? Net-a-Porter和MyCloset,还有一些类似的 鞋子之类的 J Crew, J Crew Outlet,Revolve, Guilt. 你为什么在这些地方买东西? 因为他们有我喜欢的品牌啊 而且我也不经常有空出来买东西 我绝对不会在网上买网球鞋 全球化是根本 你可以在网上买到任何东西 这是全球化的 假设二 Persian: فکر مي‌کنيد کت شما در مورد نوع پوشش شما به ما چي‌ ميگه؟ به نظرم يک جورهايي دانشجويي روشنفکري هست من دوست دارم که هميشه رو مد باشم وقتي که بخواهم رخت و لباس بخرم من معمولا چيزهايي معمولي را نمي‌خرم شما وضعيت رخت و لباس خودتان را چگونه ارزيابي مي‌‌کنيد وضعيت رخت و لباسم؟ خوش تيپ هستم گمونم من هرچيزي را که بهم بياد مي‌خرم من لباس‌هاي تنگ را دوست دارم من لباس‌هاي تنگ را دوست دارم از چه فروشگاه اينترنتي خريد مي‌کنيد؟ از نت پرتز و مايکلوست اين جور سايت‌ها شوز، زپوز جي کرو، فروشگاه جي کرو، ريولت،گيلت ممکن است بپرسم چرا از اين سايت‌ها خريد مي‌‌کنيد؟ براي اينکه برندهايي که من دوست دارم را دارند و من معولا وقتي براي خريد رفتن ندارم من اصلا کتاني تنيس را اينترنتي نمي‌خرم به صورت کلي همين شما مي‌توانيد همه چيز را اينترنتي بخريد به صورت کلي فرضيه دوم Portuguese: O que você acha que esse casaco nos diz sobre o seu estilo de moda? Eu diria que é um pouco infantil. Eu gosto de estar em dia com os estilos. E quando vem pro vestuário eu não compro um monte de coisas de gosto padrão. Como você define o seu estilo de moda? Meu estilo? Parece bom, eu acho. Eu vou com o que fica bom em mim. Eu gosto de roupas apertadas. Eu gosto de roupas apertadas. Onde você compra online? Net-a-Porter e MyCloset, e sites assim. Shoes, Zappos. J Crew, J Crew factory outlet, Revolve, Guilt. Se me permite perguntar, por que você compra nesses sites? Porque eles têm as marcas que eu gosto. E eu nem sempre tenho tempo de fazer as compras. Eu nunca compraria tênis online. Global, essa é a coisa. Você pode conseguir qualquer coisa online. É mundial. Suposição número dois, a pessoa Korean: 계획을 잘 세우는 사람이고 미래는 내다보는 사람이라는 것이죠. 그래서 우리는 지금 이것에 관심을 가지는 사람들은 타고난 플래너라고 가정하는 것이죠. 그들은 미리 앞을 내다보고 계획하는 것을 좋아해요. 당신은 당신이 플래너라고 생각하시나요? 네 반반이에요. 특정 구매, 특히 규모가 큰 것들은, 미리 계획을 세워서 사려고 하죠. 하지만 다른 것들은 가게에서 즉흥적으로 삽니다. 저는 회사를 다니면서 스케줄을 계획하고 사회생활을 하면서도 스케줄을 계획하죠. 모든 것을 말이죠. 이벤트도 계획하죠. 자선 행사도 계획합니다. 제 인생도 계획하죠. 그리고 저는 그 사람이 알뜰 쇼핑객이라고 가정하고 있습니다. 그들은 할인 구매를 좋아하지요. 그래서 길트 (Gilt), 루라라 (Rue La La), 혹은 제이크루 아울렛 (J Crew Outlet)에서 쇼핑을 한다는 것 자체가 당신이 할인을 좋아한다는 것을 알려줍니다. 저는 할인을 좋아합니다. 네, 당연하죠. 저는 제가 거의 알뜰 쇼핑객이라고 생각합니다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 절대적인 할인을 위해 품질을 매번 포기하는 것은 아닙니다. 와우 그렇다면 당신은 플래너이군요. Turkish: bu siteyle ilgilenen kişi plancıdır, ileriyi düşünür. Bununla ilgilenen kişilerin doğal olarak plancı olduğunu varsayıyoruz. Önceden plan yapıyorlar. Sizce siz plancı mısınız? Evet. Karışık bir durum. Özellikle büyük alışverişlerimi önceden planlıyorum. Ama diğer alışverişleri mağazadayken aklıma eserse yapabiliyorum. İşimi planlarım. Sosyal hayatımı planlarım. Her şeyi planlarım. Eğlenceler planlarım. Hayır işleri planlarım. Hayatımı planlarım. Bu kişinin indirimden alışveriş yaptığını da varsayıyorum. İndirimli şeyler almayı seviyor. Guilt'ten, Rue La La'dan, J.Crew satış mağazasından alışveriş yapmanızdan indirim sevdiğinizi çıkarıyorum. Gerçekten seviyorum. Evet, tabii. Genelde indirimden alışveriş yapıyorum. Yine de indirim için her zaman kaliteden ödün vermem. Vay be. Yani plancısınız. English: who would be interested in such a website is a planner, who likes to look ahead. Now we are assuming that the people who might be interested in this are the people who are naturally planners. They like to plan things ahead. Would you consider yourself a planner? Yes. It's a mixed bag. For some purchases, especially larger ones, I'll usually try to plan it out. But for other purchases, I may just impulsively buy when I'm in the store. I mean, I plan my schedule for work. I plan my schedule socially. I mean, everything. I plan events. I plan charity functions. I plan my own life. And I'm also assuming that that person is a discount shopper. They like to buy things that are discount. So by virtue of the fact that you shop at Gilt, that you shop at Rue La La, that you shop at J Crew outlet, it tells me that you like discounts. I do like discounts. Yeah, of course. I would say I'm mostly a discount shopper. But that being said, I won't sacrifice quality all the time for an absolute discount. Wow. So you are a planner. French: qui sera intéressée par un tel site web est un planificateur, qui aime regarder l'avenir. Maintenant, nous supposons que les personnes qui pourraient être intéressées par ces affaires sont celles qui sont naturellement des planificateurs. Elles aiment planifier des choses pour l'avenir. Vous considérez-vous comme un planificateur? Oui. Il est difficile de le dire. Pour certains achats, de quantité importante en particulier, J'essaye toujours de planifier. Mais pour d'autres achats, je peux juste acheter par impulsion lorsque je suis dans la boutique. C'est-à-dire, j'établis mon programme de travail. J'établis un programme global. Je veux dire, pour tout. Je planifie des évènements. Je planifie des activités de charité. J'établis un plan de ma vie. Et je suppose aussi que cette personne est un client de soldes. Ils aiment acheter des articles en solde. Alors, pour la simple raison que vous faites des achats à Guilt, à la Rue La La, au centre commercial J Crew, ça me fait comprendre que vous aimez les soldes. J'aime les soldes. Oui, bien sûr. Je dirais que je suis particulièrement un client de soldes. Mais ceci étant dit, je ne dois pas toujours sacrifier la qualité pour une ristourne absolument. Waouh. Donc vous êtes un planificateur. Persian: کسي که اين وب سايت را دوست داشته باشد بايد يک برنامه ريز باشد که دوست دارد براي آينده را مد نظر داشته باشد حالا فرض مي‌کنيم که آدمهايي که اين سايت را دوست دارند آدمهايي اهل برنامه ريزي هستند آنها دوست دارند همه چيز را از قبل برنامه ريزي کنند آيا شما خودتان را آدمي برنامه ريز مي‌دانيد؟ بله هم آره هم نه براي بعضي خريدها به خصوص خريدهاي بزرگ سعي مي‌کنم از قبل برنامه ريزي کنم ولي براي خريد‌هاي ديگر به صورت معمولي از مغازه خريد مي‌کنم منظورم اين که من برنامه کاريم را از قبل تنظيم مي‌کنم من برنامه اجتماعي‌ام را تنظيم مي‌کنم منظورم همه چيز هست من مراسمي راکه مي‌خواهم بروم تنظيم مي‌کنم برنامه‌هاي نيکوکاري را تنظيم مي‌کنم تمام زندگي‌ام را برنامه ريزي مي‌کنم و من فرض مي‌کنم که مشتري ما به دنبال تخفيف هست چيزهايي را دوست دارند بخرند که تخفيف دارد خوب با توجه به اين که شما از گيلت خريد مي‌کنيد از قوله‌له و جي‌کرو خريديد مي‌‌کنيد به نظرم مياد که شما تخفيف را دوست داريد بله من تخفيف را دوست دارم بله البته بايد بگم که من بشتر خريد با تخفيف را دوست دارم ولي اين بدين معني نيست که کيفيت را فداي تخفيف کنم واي پس شما برنامه ريز هستيد Portuguese: que estaria interessada nesse site é uma planejadora, que gosta de olhar adiante. Agora nós estamos assumindo que a pessoa que possa estar interessada nisso são as pessoas que são naturalmente planejadoras. Elas gostam de planejar adiante. Você se considera um planejador? Sim. É uma sacola misturada. Para algumas compras, especialmente as grandes, Eu geralmente tento planejar. Mas as outras compras, eu só impulsivamente compro quando estou na loja. Eu digo, eu planejo minha agenda pra trabalho. Eu planejo minha agenda socialmente. Eu digo, tudo. Planejo eventos. Planejo ações de caridade. Eu planejo minha própria vida. E também estou assumindo que a pessoa é um comprador de descontos. Eles gostam de comprar coisas que estão em desconto. Então por virtude do fato que você compra na Gilt, na Rue La La, que você compra na J Crew outlet, me diz que você gosta de descontos. Eu gosto de descontos. Sim, com certeza. Eu diria que sou um comprador de descontos. Mas isso sendo dito, eu não vou sacrificar a qualidade todo o tempo por um desconto absoluto. Wow. Então você planeja. Chinese: 对这个网站感兴趣的人 是一个计划者,喜欢提前安排 现在我们假设 对这个网站感兴趣的人 是那些喜欢提前安排事情的人 你认为你是一个计划者吗? 是 这很难说 对一些大宗购买来说 我通常会提前准备 但是对于其他的 我可能就在商店里顺手买了 我是说,我为工作而计划 我为社交制定日程 所有的事情都不一样 我会计划一个慈善会 我会为自己的生活安排好 我同时假设那个人是一个专买打折货的人 他们喜欢买打折货 所以当你在Guilt购物时 在Rue La La,J Crew Outlet购物时 你显得很喜欢打折的商品 我确实喜欢打折的东西 我几乎就是个打折买家 但还是那句话,我不会牺牲质量 来出一个低廉的价格 所以你是一个计划者 Spanish: que estaría interesada en un sitio web como este es un planificador, al que le gusta proyectar. Ahora estamos suponiendo que la gente que podría estar interesada en esto son personas que por naturaleza son planificadores. Les gusta preparar las cosas con tiempo. ¿Usted se considersaría un planificador? Sí. Uso un enfoque mixto. Para algunas compras, en particular las más grandes, habitualmente trato de planificarlas. Pero para otras compras, es posible que solo haga una compra impulsiva estando en la tienda. Es decir, planifico mi horario para trabajar. Planifico mi actividad social. O sea, todo. Planifico eventos. Planifico funciones de beneficencia. Planifico mi propia vida. Y también estoy suponiendo que esa persona vitrinea buscando rebajas. Le gusta comprar cosas rebajadas. Entonces en virtud del hecho de que usted vitrinea en Guilt, que vitrinea en Rue La La, que vitrinea en la liquidadora de J Crew, deduzco que a usted le gustan las rebajas. Me encantan las rebajas. Sí, por supuesto. Diría que más que nada vitrineo para hallar rebajas. Ahora bien, no sacrificaría la calidad siempre por un descuento absoluto. Ajá. Entonces usted es planificador. Korean: 미래를 내다보는군요. 당신은 알뜰 쇼핑객이에요. 굉장한 행운아죠. 온라인 쇼핑을 하시나요? 어디서 하시나요? 아마존을 좋아하시나요? 할인을 좋아하시나요? 품질이 좋은 물건을 사는 것을 좋아하시나요? 당신을 봐봐요. 고품격 쇼핑을 좋아하신다는 것을 압니다. 바로 알 수 있어요. Portuguese: Você olha pro futuro. Você é um comprador de descontos. Você é bem sortudo. Você compra online? Onde você vai? Você gosta da Amazon? Você gosta de descontos? Você gosta de comprar com qualidade? Olhe pra você. Eu sei que você ama produtos de qualidade. Nós podemos dizer já aqui. English: You look into the future. You are a discount shopper. You are very lucky. Do you shop online? Where do you go? Do you like Amazon? Do you like discounts? Do you like quality shopping? Look at you. I know that you love quality shopping. We can tell it right away. French: Vous regardez dans l'avenir. Vous êtes un client de soldes. Vous êtes très chanceux. Faites-vous des achats en ligne? Où? Aimez-vous Amazon? Aimez-vous les soldes? Aimez-vous les achats de qualité? Regardez-vous. Je sais que vous aimez les achats de qualité. ça se voit sur vous. Turkish: Geleceğe bakıyorsunuz. İndirimden alışveriş yapıyorsunuz. Çok şanslısınız. İnternetten alışveriş yapıyor musun? Nereye gidiyorsun? Amazon'u seviyor musun? İndirim seviyor musun? Kaliteli şeyler almayı seviyor musun? Baksana, kaliteli şeyler almayı sevdiğini biliyorum. Hemen anlaşılıyor. Spanish: Mira al futuro. Usted vitrinea rebajas. Usted es muy afortunado. ... ¿Vitrinea en línea? ¿A dónde va? ¿Le gusta Amazon? ¿Le gustan las rebajas? ¿Le gusta vitrinear buscando calidad? Mírese. Sé que le gusta vitrinear de calidad. Uno lo sabe de solo mirarle. ... Persian: شما آينده‌نگر هستيد شما تخفيف را دوست داريد شما خيلي خوش شانس هستيد آيا شما اينترنتي خريد مي‌کنيد؟ از کجا خريد مي‌‌کنيد؟ آمازون را دوست داريد؟ تخفيف را دوست داريد؟ شما خريد اجناس با کيفيت را دوست داريد؟ به خودتان نگاه کنيد من مي‌دانم که شما خريد اجناس با کيفيت را دوست داريد اين را خيلي راحت ميشه فهميد Chinese: 你往前看 你是一个打折买家 你非常幸运 你喜欢打折吗? 你喜欢高质量的购物吗? 我知道你喜欢高质量的购物 我们马上就可以分辨出来
 Jean-Claude Camus était bien entouré pour son anniversaire Le producteur a soufflé ses 79 bougies en compagnie de la famille Hallyday : ancien producteur de Johnny Hallyday pendant 30 ans, les deux hommes sont très proches Autre invité prestige autour de la table : le chanteur Patrick Bruel, qui a lancé "Bravo !" à Jean-Claude Camus  "Joyeux anniversaire @JeanClaudeCamus on t'aime fort", a souhaité Laeticia Hallyday sur son compte Twitter, accompagné de la vidéo de leur grande tablée "Quelle belle amitié ! Et un grand plaisir de vous voir heureux" ; "Très bien entouré et beaucoup d'émotions dans ce que je vois", ont réagi les internautes, touché par leur profonde amitié Joyeux anniversaire @JeanClaudeCamus on t’aime fort ❤️ ❤️ @JohnnySjh @PatrickBruelOff pic twitter.com/g4qBJplz9s— Laeticia Hallyday (@LHallyday) October 29, 2017  Si le succès n'est arrivé que sur le tard dans la vie de Jean-Claude Camus, aux alentours de ses 41 ans, il reconnaît devoir une fière chandelle à Johnny Hallyday : "J'ai sans doute, avec mes petits moyens, amené beaucoup de choses à Johnny de mon côté Mais ce que je sais, c'est ce que lui m'a apporté parce que je ne pense pas que j'aurais fait la carrière que j'ai faite si je n'avais pas eu Johnny dans les bras C'était le sésame pour tout"
Even in the early days, if you set a computer on every desk in every home, and you'd say, "Okay, how many homes are there in the world? How many desks are there in the world? Can I make $20 for every home, $20 for every desk?" you could get these big numbers. But part of the beauty of the whole thing was we were very focused on the here and now. Should we hire one more person? If our customers didn't pay us, would we have enough cash to meet the payroll? We really were very practical about that next thing, and so involved in the deep engineering that we didn't get ahead of ourselves. We never thought how big we'd be. I remember when one of the early lists of wealthy people came out and one of the Intel founders was there, the guy that ran Wang computers actually was still -- Wang was still doing well -- and we thought, "Hmm. Boy, if the software business does well, the value of Microsoft could be similar to that." But it wasn't a real focus. The everyday activity of just doing great software drew us in. And some decisions we made -- like the quality of the people, the way we were very global, the vision of how we thought about software -- that was very long term. But other than those things, we just came into work every day and wrote more code and hired more people. It wasn't really until the IBM PC succeeded, and perhaps even until Windows succeeded, that there was a broad awareness that Microsoft was very unique as a software company, and that these other companies had been one-product companies, hadn't hired people, couldn't do a broad set of things, didn't renew their excellence, didn't do research. So we thought we were doing something very unique, but it was easily not until 1995, or even 1997, that there was this wide recognition that we were the company that had revolutionized software.
In 1485, Artist “Leonardo Davinci” Drew a diagram that explains human proportions. The drawing, simply, is of a man who stands on two different positions, the first is inside a circle, and the second is inside a square Leonardo named his diagram “Vitruvian man”. Leonardo Davinci was born in Florence, in 1452 He spent his early years in this small rural house In 1466 he attended Verrocchio art workshop to learn painting from master Andrea di Cione who was famously known as Verrocchio Since the beginning, Leonardo showed a very good level in drawing techniques and theories of drawing. His first solo work was of the place where he was raised, it was completed in 1473 Due to his impressive skills, his master Verrocchio involved him in painting “The Baptism Of Christ” which they completed in 1475. Leonardo’s role was to draw the young angel holding Jesus, his drawing was so precise and surprising which made Verrocchio quit painting . Then, Leonardo Started his own workshop, but he did not end his relationship with Verrocchio. That was until 1478, when he went to live with the “Medici” family. And started working in Neo-Platonic Academy, in The Piazza San Marco in Venice, which was established by The Medici Family. In this period, he received his first of two independent commissions But none of them was completed, because he stopped working on them to travel to Milan The reason he travelled was that Leonardo – who had become a talented musician - created a lyre in the shape of a horse's head. Which made Lorenzo de Medici who was known as "The Magnificent" to send Leonardo to Milan bearing the lyre as a gift to the duke of Milan at that time in order to achieve peace. But Leonardo was smart, he wrote a letter explaining the many marvelous things he could achieve, and attached it to the lyre. This letter was the reason behind Leonardo’s settlement in Milan, where he lived until 1499. In this period he painted a number of great works such as “Virgin of the rocks” and “the last supper” “The last supper is considered to be the main inspiration for a number of Novels such as” The Davinci Code” by Dan brown. Leonardo Also worked on a design for the dome of Milan Cathedral and a model for a huge equestrian monument to Francesco Sforza. By the time the second Italian war started in 1499, and the French troops’ invasion – under the leadership of Louis XII – entered the Italian cities, Davinci went to Venice to work as a military engineer. And then he went to Florence to draw again, where he drew “The virgin and the Child” on 8 Pieces of cartoon using chalk. And he drew a map of the city of Imola, which was considered a very unique work. And then he went to Florence in 1503 to start working on his greatest work, or perhaps the greatest piece in art history.
>> Hello, everyone. Welcome today to our webinar on what you need to know bout COVID-19 and the role of community health workers in the Latino community. This webinar is a collaboration between NACHW and CDC. My name is Colleen Barbaro. I'm a health scientist on the applied research and translation team in CDC's Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. And I'm here today with Denise Smith and I will let her introduce herself. >> Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much, Colleen and the whole team at the Centers for Disease Control. My name is Denise Octavia Smith, and I'm the executive director of the National Association of Community Health Workers. Great to be joining you. >> Great. So just a few housekeeping items before we get started. I first wanted to mention that the slides and recording from this webinar will be posted afterwards. So you will have access to these things later. We'll also be taking questions at the end through the Q and A button at the bottom of your screen. And you do have access to the Q and A box during the webinar. So feel free to type in questions for myself and/or Denise at any point. And we'll do our best to answer your questions after the presentation. Next slide. So today's objectives for the presentation will first provide an overview of COVID-19 that community health workers can apply when guiding COVID-19 prevention in the communities that they serve. We'll discuss the evidence-based COVID-19 prevention recommendations on how individuals can help themselves, their families and communities in preventing or slowing the spread of COVID-19. We'll share messages, tools and other resources in Spanish that health promotors may use to inform at-risk groups including older adults and people with underlying conditions. And we'll discuss the experiences of community health workers and the changing roles that they face in the COVID-19 pandemic. Next slide. Let's start with the coronavirus background. So the coronavirus refers to a large family of viruses that cause respiratory illness. It was first isolated in the 1960's. It's named for the crown-like spikes on the surface. There are four subgroupings, alpha, beta, gamma and delta. And some of the coronaviruses can spread between animals and humans or what is known as zoonotic disease. Next slide. Okay, next slide. There are seven human coronaviruses listed on this slide. The common human coronaviruses are provided at the top, and then other human coronaviruses include SARS and MERS. Next slide. So the common human coronaviruses -- let's talk now about the clinical presentation and diagnosis. They usually cause mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illnesses like the common cold. They may cause more severe disease like pneumonia or bronchitis. They're more common in infants, older adults and people with underlying conditions that weaken the immune system. The symptoms of coronaviruses may include runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat, fever and general unwell feeling. Diagnosis involves lab tests that can be used to test respiratory specimens in serum or blood for coronavirus infection in patients with more severe disease. Next slide. So common human coronaviruses -- let's talk now about how they spread. They're most commonly spread from an infected person to others through respiratory droplets by coughing, sneezing or talking. Close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands, and touching an object or surface that has the virus on it. These viruses commonly occur in fall and winter, but they can occur year-round. Young children are most likely to get infected with the common human coronaviruses. And most people will get infected at least once in their lifetime. Next slide. So let's talk briefly now about some other human coronaviruses that you may have heard of called SARS and MERS. Next slide. SARS and MERS were recognized in the early and mid-2000's -- I'm sorry -- after 2010. The SARS virus was first recognized in 2002 in China. The MERS virus was recognized in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. And the scope of the outbreaks included SARS having 8,000-plus probable cases and 774 deaths from 2002-2003. There's been no known human cases of SARS since 2004. For MERS, there were 2,400-plus lab-confirmed cases and 850-plus deaths as of October 3rd, 2019. And two US cases in 2014 were among healthcare professionals. Next slide. Looking at the clinical picture for SARS and MERS, it involves -- these viruses involve transmission between people through close person-to-person contact. The most common symptoms include fever and chills, body aches, cough, shortness of breath. Complications can include pneumonia in SARS and MERS particularly, as well as kidney failure in MERS. As far as treatment, there's no specific antiviral treatment licensed for SARS or MERS. And individuals seek medical care to relieve their symptoms. Looking at prevention, no vaccine is available and everyday preventive actions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses including hand hygiene are important. Next slide. Let's move on now to discuss coronavirus disease 2019, or what is known as COVID-19. Next slide. COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China in December of 2019. It's caused by the virus SARS-COV-2. Early on, many patients were reported to have a link to a large seafood and live animal market. Later patients did not have exposure to animal markets, and this indicated person-to-person spread. Travel-related exportation of cases has been reported. The first US case was reported on January 21st, 2020. And CDC is reporting confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US online at our website, and the link is provided here. Feel free to keep updated on the cases here using that link. Next slide. COVID-19, we know a little bit about how it spreads based on what is known from other coronaviruses. But investigations are ongoing to better understand the spread of this particular virus. It is presumed to occur primarily through close person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets produced when the infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. And it is possibly spread by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching the mouth, nose or eyes. Next slide. So symptoms of COVID-19, the main symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. There have been a wide range of illness severity that has been reported. Some have mild to severe illness and it can result in death. Estimated incubation period is 2-14 days, and complications may include pneumonia, respiratory failure and multi-system organ failure. Next slide. We'll talk now about how you can prevent COVID-19. There are some everyday actions that you can take to prevent respiratory illnesses. You want to avoid exposure to the virus. You can wear cloth face covering if you're leaving the house. You don't want to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. You want to cover your mouth when you're coughing or sneezing with a tissue and then discard it after use. You'll also want to avoid contact with people who are sick. And you'll want to stay home if you are sick, recognizing the fact it will be easier for some to stay -- easier for some to stay home than others, makes practicing these everyday actions at work all the more important. Next slide. So everyday actions to prevent respiratory illnesses include covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throwing it away, as I mentioned. Washing your hands often with soap or water for at least 20 seconds is also important. And you wat to use a alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available. You also want to clean and disinfect frequently-touched objects and surfaces. And we do acknowledge that many poor families are without soap and sanitizer at this time. And some individuals are homeless. And we see a role for community health workers in coordinating with community-based organizations including the police departments, fire departments to help access these essential products. Next slide. So let's talk a minute now about washing your hands the right way. First, you'll want to wet your hands with clean tap water and close the key in soap. Then you should rub your hands together with the soap to create a foam. You want to be sure to wash the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your fingernails. And the whole process should last 20 seconds. If you don't have a watch handy, you can keep rubbing your hands until you're done as you're washing them, and sing the Happy Birthday song twice. You can rinse your hands thoroughly with clean tap water and dry your hands with a clean towel, electric hand dryer or air dryer. Soap and friction are what help to lift the dirt, grease and microbes. And that's why it's so important to wash your hands by following these steps. Wet, lather, scrub, rinse and dry. So you can stay healthy and keep those around you healthy. Next slide. Cleaning and disinfecting, as I've said, is very important. You'll want to wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect. You'll want to routinely clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces and high-touch surfaces include tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, et cetera. You'll want to clean the visible dirty surfaces using soap and water, and when you're disinfecting you'll want to use EPA-registered household disinfectants. And we've provided a link here on this slide to those disinfectants. You can visit that website and find the list. You will want to make sure you follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and effective use of the product. So just a moment here, we'll discuss using household bleach to disinfect surfaces. To do this you mix five tablespoons or one-third cup of bleach per gallon of water. Or you can mix four teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. Let me say that again because I tripped over my words and I want to get it correct. Four teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. You'll want to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application and ventilation. And you'll want to check to make sure the product hasn't passed its expiration date. You never want to mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleaner. Unexpired domestic bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted. Next slide. So we can talk a minute now about social distancing. This is keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. And this is essential to preventing the spread of the coronavirus. To practice social distancing, you'll want to stay at least six feet or two meters away from other people when outside of the home. You do not want to gather in groups. You want to avoid crowded places and mass gatherings. And do not hug, kiss or shake hands. Another thing is to avoid close contact with people who have symptoms. And this public health measure is just very important and something you've probably been hearing a lot about. And we do know that social distancing is a challenge for many families who are sharing one space. It's even more crucial that these households follow safety guidance when trying to prevent the spread of coronavirus. And that includes handwashing, cleaning surfaces, et cetera. There is a webpage on the CDC coronavirus or COVID-19 website that discusses guidance for those living in close quarters. Next slide. CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings outside of the home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. I'm sure you've been hearing about the use of cloth face coverings. You do not place the cloth face coverings on children under the age of two or anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. A washing machine can be used to wash a face covering routinely. And you'll want to continue to take other preventive actions, even when you're wearing a cloth face covering. You'll want to remain at least six feet apart from other individuals. You'll want to wash your hands often. You'll want to clean high-touch surfaces in your home often. And you do still want to stay home when you're sick. The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical mask or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders. Next slide. We know now that some are potentially at a higher risk for COVID-19. And these individuals include those 65 years or older, people who are living in a nursing home or long-term care facility. People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, particularly if they're not well-controlled. And this includes people with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma. And people with serious heart conditions. Next slide. Another group that are highly at risk are those who are immunocompromised. Cancer treatments, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies and poorly controlled HIV or AIDS put individuals at risk. Prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications are also putting some individuals at a higher risk. People with severe obesity, which is defined as a body mass index or BMI of 40 or higher as well as people with diabetes, people with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, and people with liver disease are also all at risk. At this present time, we have no specific information about the risk of COVID-19 in people with HIV. The risk from immune suppression is not known, but with other viral respiratory infections the risk for people with HIV getting very sick is greatest in people with a low CD-4 cell count and people not on HIV treatment, anti-retroviral therapy or ART. People with HIV can also be at an increased risk of getting very sick with COVID-19 based on their age and other medical conditions. Next slide. We are now talking about COVID-19 treatment. There's no specific antiviral treatment license for COVID-19. There is supportive care to relieve symptoms and manage pneumonia and respiratory failure. Next slide. You do want to seek medical care if you feel sick with a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, and if you have been in close contact known to have COVID-19 or if you live in or have recently been in an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19. There are additional symptoms that indicate it's a medical emergency and immediate care is needed. This includes troubled breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face. And there's more about that on the CDC website, so please visit it. Next slide. So lastly, there's a few links on this slide. You do want to stay informed about COVID-19 and the most recent information -- all the information I've been discussing is found online at www.cdc.gov/covid-19. There's also the CDC travel advisories that you'll want to check and find areas with ongoing spread and with level two or three travel health notices. And there's also pages on stress and coping that you might find helpful. All right, so I'd like to turn the presentation over now to Denise to talk about the role of community health workers and COVID-19. >> Well good afternoon again, everyone. My name is Denise Octavia Smith and I'm the founding executive director of the National Association of Community Health Workers. I just want to thank Colleen and Betsy and the team at the Centers for Disease Control for taking time to develop this presentation specifically for community health workers. Next slide please. Who is a community health worker? If you are looking at the slides now, I'm referring to the definition by the American Public Health Association. I know there are some that are connecting to us only by phone. We've put here this definition of CHW's as trusted members of who have unusually close or unique understanding of the community that they're serving. Those who are serving as a liaison between health and social services in the community. Those who facilitate access to a variety of services from health systems. Behavioral health and community-based services. Those who improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery. Those who increase individual and community capacity by increasing health awareness. And I'm going to use the term today community health worker as an umbrella term. This includes [Spanish term] or community health representative. And more than 50 titles that are used for roles around the country that describe the work of community health workers. Next slide please. Like all health or medical professionals, we want community health workers to build their capacity, their knowledge and their readiness to understand COVID-19 and to be able to transmit accurate and factual information in their communities and through their services. We want community health workers to receive training by health personnel. We want community health workers to be authorized and recognized by their health teams to deliver medical information about COVID-19. We want community health workers to be prepared to inform, to guide and educate your peers to conduct appropriate health promotion and disease prevention. Next slide, please. So I'm giving here a snapshot of the roles of community health workers. Many of these descriptions may resonate with you in your work in community, in a health or social service system. Some of you may be promoting let's say preventative actions, increasing the ability of individuals to manage their chronic disease or promote healthy behavior. Many of you are providing information right now to break down the myths and rumors that are present about COVID-19. Many of you are busy trying to identify populations who are most at risk, and earlier Colleen presented that comprehensive list to you. And a number of you are right now actively referring clients to services beyond medical services to help meet their psychosocial needs. Next slide, please. Community health workers can be an ear right now for so many millions of people whose lives have been disrupted by this pandemic. They may be experiencing loneliness or a time of social estrangement. CHW's, many of you right now are helping to organize food delivery, helping people to enroll in utility assistance. You're advocating with landlords to make sure that people are able to maintain their homes or negotiate their rents due to unemployment. A lot of you, I know, are busy explaining the changing role and facilitating enrollment for social benefits and resources that are now available in your community and perhaps in your state. You're promoting preventive health behaviors to curve contagion. Social distancing, appropriate handwashing, the appropriate way to wear a cloth mask. All of these are ways that you can promote to prevent the contagion. And many of you are busy reinforcing public health messages about COVID-19. We want to thank you for the critical role that you are playing and all of the ways that you're stepping up in this time. Next slide, please. Community health workers as experts during this COVID-19 emergency response time. Next slide. I want to say and list up this important and critical workforce. Each of you who are on the call and you are community health workers, you are a frontline public health workforce that is critical for localities and states to provide immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Next slide, please. Some of the factors that are going to promote your effectiveness in service delivery in your community -- community health workers are someone who comes from within the community. Someone who shares the experience, the language, perhaps the same chronic disease state. You speak the language and you share the experiences of that community where you're providing services. You know the customs and the issues that your communities face, those barriers and how to overcome them. You share the same social or cultural background of the community and that can include the same local language, the same dress, the same face. You also understand the myths and beliefs that are moving through community, and how best to communicate actual and factual information to dispel those myths. Next slide, please. I'd like to shift gears now and speak to the important role that a number of community health workers may be serving in. And that is in going into the community and conducting home visits or providing community services at a shelter, at a food pantry. You may be shopping and delivery food to a person's home. This provides greater opportunity and a greater need for you to have the right information and accurate kind of protocols and methods to protect yourself when you're conducting a home visit. So let's talk about what a home visit is and the ways that you can prepare yourself with your employer. A home visit is a set of social and health activities that are provided at a person's home or in their apartment. This is care that allows the CHW to detect, to support and control health problems that the individual may face. And also to help them move toward their health goals. It can enhance the autonomy of the individual that you're serving. And the overall goal is to improve the quality of that person or that family's life. Home visiting can be a set of specific tasks, making it a means of your liaisoning between the family and the health system and the services that people are providing. Next slide, please. During the COVID-19 pandemic, CHW's must establish priority criteria for making home visits. We know that social distancing is a critical way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. And so making a decision to conduct home visits is a important decision that should be prioritized. We're looking at families who have adults living in their home who are over 60 years or over. People who live alone or who are without family networks and support. People who are unable to travel easily to their health center or clinic or medical provider. Families with ill or handicapped family members or patients. People who've been recently discharged from the hospital that you're conducting follow-up services for. And people taking vital medications. These may all be reasons and different categories of community members that you might prioritize in conducting your home visits. Next slide, please. Set goals for your home visiting services. Are you going to coordinate care for people who cannot leave their homes and access services at a health center or clinic. How much information, education or support are you going to provide to the patient, individual or to the family? Will you facilitate primary, secondary or tertiary prevention services? Will you suggest and do you have the protocols to suggest when to go to an emergency room? Is this home visit necessary? Or can this safely and effectively be provided through other means? Will you help the continuation and coordination of these services between the provision of health and social service systems? Next slide, please. There are a number of safety practices that we'll list up now for the community health worker workforce when conducting a home visit and providing community services. We want to develop and sustain a culture of safety, even during these times when we know that there are many needs at the individual or community level. If you're conducting a home visit or providing community services, ask if the individual or family members have experienced coughing, fever or shortness of breath. Ask if the family members have traveled recently to certain international destinations or those geographies in the US that are known hotspots like California, New York, Louisiana, Washington state or other states that currently have high numbers of people with COVID-19. Always follow universal precautions. Seek training if you do not have training on universal precautions. Those of course include handwashing before and after your visit, or if you're able to carry and use hand sanitizer with you, that hand sanitizer should have 60% or more alcohol content. Do not eat or drink during the visit. Avoid touching surfaces and carry with you disposable tissue. Wear your gloves and your cloth face covering as instructed. Keep your distance from others, although that may be new for you. About six feet or two meters when you're conducting home visits or your community services. And don't take unnecessary risks. Go back to your priorities and seek guidance before you conduct that home visit. Next slide, please. There are myths and legends about the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. We're going to list up just a few here. Rinsing your nose prevents contagion. This is not true. The virus is spread, as Colleen talked about, in a number of different ways. And we want to promote and practice reduction of that infection and spread by washing our hands or using hand sanitizer, covering our mouth and nose with a face cloth, and applying our universal precautions. But rinsing your nose will not prevent the contagion. Nor will eating garlic. While that may be a cultural norm and it may have positive benefits that you and your doctor have discussed, eating garlic is not going to protect you against COVID-19 or the novel coronavirus. Nor will sesame oil kill COVID-19. Spraying your body with alcohol or chlorine is not effective and it is not recommended for you to address the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. These are myths and legends. And if you hear them in community or among your peers, refer back to these slides and back to the factual information that was provided earlier so that people know how to effectively protect themselves. Next slide, please. Now I would like to turn the presentation back over to Colleen. She's going to explore some of the bilingual resources that are available through the CDC. >> Great. Next slide. So CDC offers a variety of graphics that you can use to educate others about COVID-19 and the precautions that need to be taken to stop the spread of it. There are graphics that you can use on social media shown on this slide. Next slide. And some more graphics here, and showcasing that we have bilingual resources, and go on the website to see the variety of languages covered. Next slide. There are tip sheets as well that can be helpful in communicating with your clients and with those in the community. So this slide shows the symptoms of coronavirus disease. There's a tip sheet there. And then also how to stop when you're feeling sick and identify potential symptoms. Next slide. So more tip sheets here, just a lot that you can look through and decide what's helpful for you. Next slide. A few other examples here as well showing our bilingual resources. Next slide. We have infographics as well, similar to the graphics. These are helpful in getting across a good amount of information, really focusing on the factual information and messaging that's so important for you to disseminate in your communities and educate others. So these are useful as well. Next slide. And there are posters as well. And if you want to put these up in your community or in places where you can help spread awareness. These are helpful resources as well. Next slide. And lastly, there are videos and those are in English as well as Spanish. And handwashing -- it explains some of the steps of handwashing, but there are these videos that provide the visual and show you kind of the amount of time and could be very helpful for you in helping to spread awareness about one of the most essential practices of proper handwashing. Next slide. Right, so this is the end of our presentation today. And we hope that it was helpful for you. Denise and my contact information is on this slide. And so you can feel free to follow up with any additional questions. As we mentioned at the beginning of the presentation, the slides and a recording of this webinar will be posted on the CDC website. So you'll be able to access it. We'll now move on to the Q and A section, and we've seen that you've ben entering questions and using the question and answer button during the presentation. You can type any more questions you have now into the chat box or the question and answer box. And know that we're documenting all of these questions and concerns and we'll be using them to inform future efforts. And we'll move now to trying to answer some of the questions that we can today. >> We have a few questions. One of them is, can this still be transmitted through kissing or community smoking? >> So that is a good question. I think that there was a slide on this. Yes, it can be transmitted through kissing. And there is probably the potential or anything that your mouth touches to spread those respiratory droplets. Just following the best precautions you can about social distancing is really important, and hygiene and not spreading respiratory droplets is important. >> There is a question for -- I think this one is for Denise. Denise, they're asking if you see a role for community health workers in any state doing contact tracing efforts. And what role could that be? >> Sure. That's a great question. We have heard a lot I'm sure in the media and on the news in your state and around the country about the need to continue to scale up testing and contact tracing so that we can really understand the infection rates across the country so that we can continue to protect our citizens. Community health workers historically have had specific roles in contact tracing for community health workers working with STD's. They would have received this type of training, and many CHW's have done this work over many decades. Right now there are states or cities in specific parts of our nation who are exploring and developing initiatives to stand up contact tracing. And often they are centering and prioritizing the community health worker workforce, not only to perform the specific act of contact tracing, but when they are engaging individuals and community members to link them to care coordination and navigation of services and other supported systems which are the role and where the skill and competencies of community health workers really shine. If you are interested in contact tracing within your state, I would look to your department of public health. I would carefully track the activity and those initiatives as they will usually be presented by your governor, your state health department or other source for you to get more information about those opportunities. >> I have a question. It's a general question that I have here. But it's on three levels. One person is asking if sop and water are sufficient for disinfecting, while another person is commenting on whether the cloth fabric masks are sufficient for avoiding the virus to come through. And if the answer is no, would that be in the best interest of the patients when we're visiting? >> So those are both two great questions regarding disinfecting your hands. Hand washing with soap and water for the recommended 20 seconds is what is being recommended. And so that's really important for your hands, or you use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol. As far as disinfecting surfaces, that's where the recommendations to dilute some solution of bleach are recommended. And so that is how you clean the surfaces. But I advise you to go to the CDC COVID webpages to look at more on disinfection, hand hygiene. There's a lot of good information there. And so whatever your specific purpose, there's just a lot there that you can look up and make sure you're doing the practice that is recommended for what you're doing. And I'm sorry, the second part of the question was about cloth face coverings. So we don't know everything yet about how things are spreading. The CDC recommendation right now is wearing cloth face coverings in public. And I've advised you to go to the website and look at that as well. And really there's a lot of guidance on the webpages. There's an FAQ section and you might find some references to pages there about preventing infection and protecting both yourself as a health professional and also working in communities and you know, working with households. So I would look at those and make some decisions, you know, based on that information and continue to look at it as we're updating it with new guidance and information. We don't know everything yet, and so webinars like today are really important for us to take your questions and take that back and continue to develop that information to help you. >> Okay. There are conditions such as HIV and many people on the chat box were discussing all these conditions that are -- that do affect the body greatly. But in the case of HIV, once it's treated and controlled, are these immune compromising diseases a risk of infection or complication -- at any higher risk of infection or complication of COVID? >> Can you repeat the question? >> Yes. Specifically in the case of the HIV where you know it's an immunocompromising disease but it can be treated and controlled. Once treated and controlled, are they still at a higher risk of contracting the virus or developing complications? >> I don't think we can -- >> Well, just briefly I'll refer to the earlier slides that Colleen presented. There are many different categories that can put someone at increased risk. So if the person is asking -- if that person is able to manage their HIV, if they're taking their medications or if that is not an issue, there may still be other issues that make that person at greater risk. And so maybe we'll have Colleen just go over those increased risk factors and those categories again for people to understand that there can be intersection. There can be many factors that can increase your risk for infection. >> That's right, Denise. And it's important to remember that we can't speak to your risk as an individual, but we have these categories of individuals where we know that the risk is higher. And the notes that we have are that there's not all the information we want right now about the risk of COVID-19 in people with HIV. We know that those that don't have a control are probably more at risk, but we can't say that those with control, you know, are not going to be at risk. So I think it's safe to really look at these categories and take the precautions needed if those risk factors are there. And in your patients and yourself, it's just very important to protect these populations. So I'm referring now to slide 23 with those who are immunocompromised. I'm just going to read the list one more time. This includes those undergoing cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation. Immune deficiencies, and poorly controlled HIV and AIDS. And then the use of any immune weakening medications. So it really could be a lot of individuals, so just really important to focus on those people and not underestimate the risk. >> There is a question here that is making reference if we have other languages available for resources besides Spanish. >> Yes. And I'm not sure the exact number of languages represented on our website. But we have a number of different resources. So please visit our communications and those resources and see if you can find what you need. And if you can't, please contact us and let us know what you need and we'll communicate that. >> Another question I have has to do with community health workers. Are they factored in the workforce development planning for coronavirus contact tracing teams? >> Sure. So as mentioned before, there are a number of national initiatives as well as initiatives happening at the state or city level that are all considering the critical role that community health workers can play right now to enhance public health capacity specific to contact tracing. Contact tracing is an important aspect of the role of community health workers. One, because we have an ability to really build trust and to provide respectful services in a language and in a context that many communities that may be not difficult to reach but may experience barriers to accessing the health system or information about infection. And CHW's are able to reach them. So yes, there are many initiatives that include a role for community health workers. The National Association of Community Health Workers, what we are doing is offering to people clarity on the role of community health workers, that we are effective to support contact tracing efforts. And that we are also effective to continue to provide all of the other services within our roles and our qualities and skills in this time of emergency response. >> Thank you for that. >> There is another question related, and this is I guess for you again, Denise. If you have any pearls of wisdom to share with them about how to best spread the preventative measures and messages in Indian country. Especially in rural areas. >> Yeah. Our rural communities have unique challenges. There are many community health workers who had their initial face-to-face or community-based services disrupted and a lot of them transferred or transitioned those services to phone-based services, onto Zoom, onto different web platforms or even telehealth. But for our rural communities there are real barriers and there are real challenges for community health representatives or CHW's to connect with their communities. If you are still conducting home visits, one, I hope that you have support in your transportation. So if people are reimbursing you for the services that you're providing. I know many of you have to drive several miles to reach and connect with your clients. Please refer back to all of the safety precautions to conduct your home visits. Oftentimes if people are coming into town or coming into clinics to get tested, that may be an opportunity for you to share or distribute information so that you don't always have to travel to communities to conduct those home visits. This is really going to take a networking and a collaborative effort for all of us, but particularly for folks in rural communities. So for instance if you are attempting to service elders and you know that perhaps there is a separate service, one that you do not provide, that brings food to the home, maybe you want to try and coordinate your education and you services with those services. So that you're better able to get the services to the elders who need them. And folks don't have to make as many visits to the home, increasing the risk of infection for that vulnerable individual. At NACHW, we have representatives from the CHR community who we would love to make connections with you. They work across the country. So that you can get specific answers on ways to innovate and coordinate services in your tribal nation. >> Colleen, I believe that someone is asking regarding the probable cases. Can you expand on that a little bit more, specifically on the perspective of testing being available? >> So the testing, probable cases and kind of suspected cases of COVID and kind of erring on the side of caution, when those are sick, that's kind of how we've been going about this. But testing is you know, picking up and we will be able to confirm cases of COVID when testing is widely available in communities. But kind of in the meantime, as testing's been stood up and tried to get it widely implemented in communities, we do need to take the necessary precautions around probable cases and around suspected cases. And really the guidance and the recommendations by CDC right now is erring on the side of caution with regard to symptoms and following these safety practices. And that's what you're seeing with our social distancing measures and all of the messaging and recommendations right now. >> Is it also a myth that people who suffer the flu are at a high risk of testing false positive to the virus? >> I have not heard that to be true. And I'll see if any others on the call have heard that. I don't think I've heard that. I'll look on the website. >> I haven't seen that in the Q and A anywhere there. >> No. >> Thank you. >> There is another question here for Denise. And that question is -- Are CHW's being given additional resources and training to learn how to conduct some visits through telehealth? These might help reach more clients in rural areas. >> Yes. So I have certainly heard from community health workers and employers across the country that they are offering -- for those who offer telehealth services and for those who can reach their clients that way, they are offering free trainings. There are also a number of different online platforms that are offering free software and free trainings as well. If you worked with a employer, I'd reach out to that employer and see what is the approved platform for you to conduct telehealth services. But certainly there are a number -- all of the kind of popular platforms including the Google Hangouts and Zoom, a number of them -- Microsoft teams, a number of them are offering free services and supports. So that if you want to transition your telehealth services, you can better understand the benefits and kind of the functions of those tools. >> On that very same thought, what are the thoughts about virtual home visits and maintaining patient privacy, patient/client privacy? >> Yeah, well if you've already been providing services to those clients, that individual or family member, hopefully you already have the appropriate waivers or approvals or signatures to provide service. So let's assume that that person has been working with that client before. There are some security issues with using telehealth. We know that -- I've even had one of my Zoom meetings to be hacked. I don't know what the official term is. But someone just kind of jumped onto the meeting and fortunately we were not addressing HIPAA protected or a confidential issue at the time. This is why you really want to understand the platform that you're using and why you want to receive proper training about that. You need to get the approval from the patient, from the individual or family to be able to communicate with them in that way. I know when I was providing services for people living with HIV/AIDS, we needed to get that individual's consent before we could make a phone call, before you can leave a voicemail, before you can leave a note or notice in the mailbox. So please consider all of those privacy and protection protocols before you are rushing to implement telehealth. Even in your desire to want to reach clients, we have to protect their privacy. >> There's another question here for you, Denise? Should community health workers continue with routine home visitation activities? Or should home visit only be reserved for those patients more at risk or with serious conditions or needs? >> Yeah. So if you are -- if you have an employer and your employer is recommending or asking you to continue to conduct home visits, I would hope and would advocate for that employer to provide you with the appropriate personal protective equipment. As well as some of the safety precautions and protocols that Colleen mentioned before. So if you don't have training in universal precautions, if you do not have access to gloves, hand sanitizer and appropriate cloth masks, if you are not able to conduct that home visit and maintain a social distance of six feet or more while you're conducting that visit -- and if this is not a priority visit, if there is a way to conduct the same service in a no-touch or a low-touch fashion, I am advocating for your safety and for the safety of your peers, your coworkers, your family members that you do all that you can to protect yourself and your clients. So work with your employer. Make sure that you understand and that you receive training as we mentioned earlier from a medical professional so that you really understand how this novel coronavirus is transmitted or how it can infect you. Understand the risks of the clients that you may be serving. And if they're at high risk, do what you can to reduce that risk by practicing and applying all of those safety precautions. >> We're reaching the time to almost conclude our webinar today. But I want to leave you, Colleen, the last question. And this one is, why is an N95 not recommended to wear during a home visit? >> So these masks are being reserved for healthcare professionals right now. And so I'm not sure that we've provided at CDC any recommendations for home visits yet. But that is the guidance we have right now, is the N95 masks are recommended for healthcare professionals. But I think it's important to talk to your employer. And I would advise you to go to the CDC website and look at those pages for healthcare professionals and what's being recommended to protect yourself and protect others and be knowledgeable of that and talk with your employer. >> So we have reached five-oh-one PM. We should be concluding the webinar. Ladies, please go ahead and conclude the webinar for today. Thank you very much for being with us. Please conclude the webinar. >> Thank you. It's been great and these questions have all been helpful, helpful discussion. And it's been great to hear Denise as well. >> Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Betsy and Colleen and all the team at CDC. And for everyone on the call, my prayers are with you and your family and your community during this time. >> Slides and webinar are going to be available pretty soon. Stay tuned. Some of the questions that have been raised will not be forgotten. So stay tuned. We're going to be coming back to you. Thank you very much. >> Thank you, bye.
Danish: Yo guys Kieran fra Street Soccer International her og velkommen til dagens video noget lidt anderledes en unboxing godt ikke korrekt unboxing fordi min datter ønskede mig at Åbn posen tidligere, så det er allerede åben i grunden har vi fået en masse spørgsmål af jer, hvilken bold var der Jack Downer bruger i sindssyge Street færdigheder video han brugte en af Disse typer bolde, som er en Monta Ball bold nu tror jeg, jeg har ret meget version han havde på ham på det tidspunkt helt sikkert da det var nærende mig det det er hele kigget på det, du kan se Monta skiltet og dette er shredderen dette er Monta Jeg synes, det er deres nyeste produkt ud som er shredder bold meget lyse flotte farver her naturligvis i videoen vi har nede og på Pannahouse World Mesterskaber bolden er meget falmet hvad sker der med disse bolde som dig kan se, men du får meget ud af det Arabic: يا شباب كيران من شارع كرة القدم الدولية هنا ومرحبا بكم فيديو اليوم شيء قليلا مختلفة بشكل غير صحيح وليس صحيح سبب unboxing ابنتي أرادتني أن فتح الحقيبة في وقت سابق لذلك بالفعل فتح في الأساس كنا تحصل على الكثير من الأسئلة من قبلك يا رفاق ما كانت الكرة جاك داونر يستخدم في المجانين فيديو مهارات الشارع كان يستخدم واحدة من هذه الأنواع الكرات التي هي مونتا الكرة الكرة الآن أعتقد أنني حصلت على حد كبير نسخة لديه على ذلك الوقت بالتأكيد عندما كان جوزة الطيب لي ذلك هذا هو النظرة الكاملة في ذلك يمكنك أن ترى علامة مونتا وهذا هو التقطيع هذا هو مونتا وأعتقد أنه من أحدث المنتجات التي هي التقطيع الكرة ألوان جميلة مشرقة جدا هنا من الواضح في الفيديو لدينا أسفل وعلى عالم Pannahouse بطولات الكرة تلاشت كثيرا الذي يحدث لهذه الكرات مثلك يمكن أن نرى ولكنك تحصل على الكثير من الاستخدام iw: יו חבר 'ה Kieran מ כדורגל רחוב הבינלאומי כאן וברוכים הבאים הווידאו של היום משהו קצת שונה היטב unboxing לא תקין ללא שם: unboxing לגרום הבת שלי רצה שאני לפתוח את התיק קודם לכן אז זה כבר פתוח בעצם אנחנו כבר מקבל הרבה שאלות על ידי חבר 'ה מה הכדור היה ג'ק דאונר משתמש בטירוף רחוב מיומנויות וידאו הוא משתמש באחד אלה סוגים של כדורים שהוא כדור מונטה הכדור עכשיו אני חושב שאני די הרבה גרסה שהיתה לו עליו באותה עת בוודאי כאשר זה היה מטורף אותי כך זה כל המבט שאפשר לראות את השלט מונטה וזה המגרסה זה מונטה אני חושב שזה שלהם המוצר האחרון אשר הוא המגרסה הכדור צבעים מאוד בהיר נחמד כאן כמובן בסרטון שאנחנו למטה ועל עולם פאנהאוס אליפויות הכדור הוא דהוי הרבה אשר קורה כדורים אלה כמוך אבל אתה יכול לעשות הרבה שימוש החוצה Gujarati: સ્ટ્રીટ સોકરથી યો ગાય્સ કિરાન અહીં આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય અને સ્વાગત છે આજે વિડિઓ કંઈક થોડી વિભિન્ન અનબૉક્સિંગ સારી નથી મારી પુત્રી મને કરવા માગે છે કારણ કે unboxing કારણ અગાઉ બેગ ખોલી તેથી તે પહેલેથી જ છે મૂળભૂત રીતે આપણે ઘણું બધુ મેળવીએ છીએ તમે ગાય્સ દ્વારા કયા પ્રશ્નો બોલ હતા જેક ડાઉનરેરનો ઉપયોગ કરીને પાગલ સ્ટ્રીટ કુશળતા વિડિઓ તેમણે એક ઉપયોગ કરી રહ્યા હતા આ પ્રકારના દડાઓ જે મોન્ટા બોલ છે બોલ હવે મને લાગે છે કે હું ખૂબ ખૂબ મળી આવૃત્તિ તે સમયે તેમના પર હતી ચોક્કસપણે જ્યારે તે મને જંતુનાશક હતી તેથી તે તેના પર સંપૂર્ણ દેખાવ છે જે તમે જોઈ શકો છો Monta સાઇન અને આ કટકા કરનાર છે આ મોન્ટા છે મને લાગે છે કે તે તેમના છે કટકા કરનાર છે જે તાજેતરની ઉત્પાદન બહાર બોલ ખૂબ જ તેજસ્વી સરસ રંગો અહીં દેખીતી રીતે વિડિઓ અમે નીચે મળી છે અને પન્નાહાઉસ વિશ્વ પર ચેમ્પીયનશીપ બોલ ખૂબ ઝાંખુ છે જે આ દડાને તમે થતાં નથી જોઈ શકે છે પરંતુ તમને ઘણો ઉપયોગ થાય છે Indonesian: Yo guys Kieran dari Street Soccer Internasional di sini dan selamat datang video hari ini sesuatu yang sedikit berbeda dengan unboxing dengan baik tidak tepat unboxing menyebabkan putri saya menginginkan saya buka tas tadi jadi sudah buka pada dasarnya kami sudah mendapatkan banyak pertanyaan oleh kalian apa bola itu Jack Downer menggunakan gila Video keterampilan jalanan yang ia gunakan salah satunya bola jenis ini yang merupakan Bola Monta bola sekarang saya pikir saya cukup banyak mendapat versi yang dia miliki pada saat itu tentu ketika itu pala saya begitu itulah keseluruhan tampilan yang bisa Anda lihat tanda Monta dan ini adalah shredder ini Monta Saya pikir itu milik mereka produk terbaru yang merupakan shredder bola warna bagus sangat cerah di sini jelas dalam video yang kami turunkan dan di Pannahouse World Kejuaraan bola banyak memudar yang terjadi pada bola-bola ini seperti dirimu dapat melihat tetapi Anda mendapatkan banyak penggunaan Italian: Yo guys Kieran di Street Soccer Internazionale qui e benvenuto video di oggi qualcosa di un po ' diverso un pozzo unboxing non corretto unboxing perché mia figlia voleva che lo facessi apri la borsa prima così è già open in pratica ne abbiamo ricavate molte domande da voi ragazzi che cosa fosse la palla Jack Downer usa il pazzo Video di abilità di strada che stava usando questi tipi di palle che è una Monta Ball palla ora penso di aver praticamente ottenuto il versione che aveva su di lui in quel momento certamente quando mi stava mordicchiando così questo è l'intero sguardo che puoi vedere il segno di Monta e questo è lo shredder questo è Monta, penso che sia loro ultimo prodotto fuori che è lo shredder palla colori molto vivaci qui ovviamente nel video ci siamo abbassati e sul Pannahouse World Campionati la palla è molto sbiadita che succede a queste palle come te puoi vedere ma hai un sacco di utilizzo German: Yo Jungs Kieran von Street Soccer International hier und willkommen bei heutiges Video etwas ein bisschen anders ein unboxing gut nicht richtig Unboxing, weil meine Tochter mich wollte Öffne die Tasche früher, also ist es schon offen im Grunde haben wir eine Menge bekommen Fragen von euch Jungs, was für ein Ball war Jack Downer mit den Wahnsinnigen Street Skills Video benutzte er eines von diese Arten Bälle, die ein Monta Ball ist Ball jetzt denke ich, dass ich ziemlich viel habe Version hatte er auf ihn zur Zeit sicher, als es mich so verpflegte Das ist der ganze Blick darauf, den du sehen kannst das Monta-Zeichen und das ist der Schredder Das ist Monta. Ich denke, es ist ihre das neueste Produkt, welches der Shredder ist Ball sehr helle schöne Farben hier offensichtlich in dem Video, das wir haben und auf der Pannahouse-Welt Meisterschaften Der Ball ist sehr verblasst was passiert mit diesen Kugeln wie du kann sehen, aber Sie bekommen viel Nutzen aus Thai: Yo guys Kieran จาก Street Soccer International ที่นี่และยินดีต้อนรับสู่ วิดีโอวันนี้มีอะไรนิดหน่อย ที่แตกต่างกัน unboxing ดีไม่เหมาะสม ทำให้ลูกสาวของฉันต้องการฉัน เปิดกระเป๋าก่อนหน้านี้จึงมีอยู่แล้ว เปิดกว้างเราได้รับจำนวนมาก คำถามโดยพวกคุณว่าลูกบอลเป็นอะไร แจ็ค Downer ใช้ในบ้า วิดีโอทักษะ Street เขาใช้หนึ่งใน เหล่านี้ลูกประเภทซึ่งเป็นบอล Monta ลูกบอลตอนนี้ฉันคิดว่าฉันสวยมาก รุ่นที่เขามีกับเขาในเวลา แน่นอนเมื่อมัน nutmegging ฉันเช่นนั้น นั่นคือรูปลักษณ์ทั้งหมดที่คุณสามารถมองเห็นได้ เครื่องหมาย Monta และนี่คือเครื่องหั่นย่อย นี่คือ Monta ฉันคิดว่ามันเป็นของพวกเขา ผลิตภัณฑ์ใหม่ล่าสุดซึ่งเป็นเครื่องหั่นย่อย ลูกบอลสีสดใสดีมากที่นี่ ชัดในวิดีโอที่เราได้ลง และบนโลก Pannahouse ชิงแชมป์บอลเป็นจำนวนมากจางหายไป ที่เกิดขึ้นกับลูกเหล่านี้ตามคุณ สามารถมองเห็น แต่คุณจะได้รับประโยชน์จากการใช้งานมาก Dutch: Yo jongens Kieran van Street Soccer Internationaal hier en welkom bij de video van vandaag iets een beetje anders een unboxing is niet goed unboxing want mijn dochter wilde dat ik dat deed open de tas eerder dus het is alweer open in principe hebben we veel gekregen vragen van jullie, wat een bal was was Jack Downer gebruikt krankzinnigen Video over straatvaardigheden die hij gebruikte van een van deze soorten ballen die een Monta Ball is bal nu denk ik dat ik de versie die hij op tijd had zeker toen het me zo nutmuskeerde dat is de hele blik die je kunt zien het Monta-bord en dit is de shredder dit is Monta, ik denk dat het van hen is nieuwste product dat de shredder is bal erg heldere mooie kleuren hier natuurlijk in de video die we hebben gemaakt en op de Pannahouse World Kampioenschappen de bal is een beetje vervaagd wat met deze ballen gebeurt als jij kan zien, maar je krijgt er wel veel gebruik van Hindi: स्ट्रीट सॉकर से यो लोग कियरन यहां अंतर्राष्ट्रीय और आपका स्वागत है आज का वीडियो थोड़ा सा है अलग एक अनबॉक्सिंग अच्छी तरह से उचित नहीं है अनबॉक्सिंग कारण मेरी बेटी मुझे चाहता था पहले बैग खोलें ताकि यह पहले से ही हो मूल रूप से खुले तौर पर हमें बहुत कुछ मिल रहा है आपके द्वारा प्रश्न क्या लड़के थे पागल में उपयोग कर जैक डाउनर स्ट्रीट कौशल वीडियो वह एक का उपयोग कर रहा था इन प्रकार की गेंदें जो मोंटा बॉल है गेंद अब मुझे लगता है कि मुझे काफी मिला है उस समय उनके पास संस्करण था निश्चित रूप से जब यह मुझे nutmegging था यह पूरी तरह से देखो आप देख सकते हैं मोंटा साइन और यह श्रेडर है यह मोंटा है मुझे लगता है कि यह उनका है नवीनतम उत्पाद जो श्रेडर है गेंद यहाँ बहुत उज्ज्वल अच्छे रंग स्पष्ट रूप से वीडियो में हम नीचे आ गए हैं और पन्नाहाउस वर्ल्ड पर चैम्पियनशिप गेंद बहुत फीका है जो आप के रूप में इन गेंदों के साथ होता है देख सकते हैं लेकिन आप बहुत उपयोग करते हैं Vietnamese: Yo Kieran từ Street Soccer Quốc tế ở đây và chào mừng bạn đến video của ngày hôm nay khác nhau một unboxing cũng không thích hợp unboxing khiến con gái tôi muốn tôi mở túi trước đó để nó đã về cơ bản, chúng tôi đã nhận được rất nhiều câu hỏi của các bạn quả bóng là gì Jack Downer sử dụng trong điên Video kỹ năng đường phố anh ấy đang sử dụng một trong những loại quả bóng đó là một quả bóng Monta bóng bây giờ tôi nghĩ rằng tôi khá nhiều có phiên bản anh ấy có vào anh ấy vào thời điểm đó chắc chắn khi nó nhục mạ tôi đó là toàn bộ cái nhìn vào nó, bạn có thể thấy dấu hiệu Monta và đây là máy hủy tài liệu đây là Monta tôi nghĩ đó là của họ sản phẩm mới nhất ra là máy hủy tài liệu bóng màu sắc rất tươi sáng ở đây rõ ràng là trong video chúng tôi đã và trên thế giới Pannahouse Vô địch bóng rất nhiều đã bị mờ điều này xảy ra với những quả bóng này như bạn có thể thấy nhưng bạn nhận được rất nhiều sử dụng Korean: Street Soccer의 Yo guys Kieran 국제 여기에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 오늘의 비디오 조금 다른 언 박싱 우물은 적합하지 않다. 내 딸이 나를 원해 왔어. 가방을 일찍 열어서 벌써 기본적으로 우리는 많은 것을 얻었습니다. 너 무슨 질문을 했니? 잭 다우 너는 미친 사람을 사용하여 그가 사용했던 스트리트 스킬 비디오 몬타 공인이 유형의 공 이제 공을 거의 가지고 있다고 생각합니다. 그는 그에게 그에게 걸린 버전 확실하게 그것이 나를 그렇게 nutmegging했을 때. 그게 너가 볼 수있는 전체 모습이야. 몬타 사인과 이것은 분쇄기입니다. 이건 몬타 야. 최신 제품은 분쇄기입니다. 매우 밝은 색 좋은 여기 공 분명히 우리가 가지고있는 비디오에서 그리고 Pannahouse 세계에 챔피언 쉽 공이 많이 흐려집니다. 너처럼이 공들에게 일어나는 일이야. 볼 수는 있지만 많이 사용하지는 않습니다. Japanese: ストリートサッカーからのYoの男Kieran インターナショナルはこちら 今日のビデオはちょっと何か 異なったアンボックスの井戸は適切ではない 私の娘が私に 前もってバッグを開けるので、すでに 基本的に私たちはたくさんの あなたがボールをどのようにしていたかという質問 ジャックダウナーは、狂人で使用する 彼が使っていたストリートスキルビデオ モンタボールであるこれらのタイプのボール ボールは今私がかなり得たと思う 彼がその時に彼に持っていたバージョン 確かにそれは私をそばにしていたとき それはあなたが見ることができる全体を見ている モンタのサインとこれはシュレッダーです これはモンタだと思う 最新の製品はシュレッダーです 非常に明るい素敵な色のボールはここに 明らかにビデオでは私たちはダウンしている パンナハウスの世界 選手権はボールが大きく色あせています あなたと同じようにこれらのボールに起こる あなたが見ることができますが、あなたは多くの使用を得る Russian: Йо парни Киран из Street Soccer Международный здесь и приветствуем сегодняшнее видео что-то немного различная распаковка хорошо не подходит unboxing, потому что моя дочь хотела, чтобы я откройте сумку раньше, так что уже открытые в основном мы получали много вопросы, вы, ребята, какой мяч был Джек Даунер использует в сумасшедшем Уличные навыки видео он использовал один из эти типы шаров, которые являются Monta Ball Теперь я думаю, что я в значительной степени получил версия, которую он имел на нем во время конечно, когда это меня мучило вот и весь взгляд на это вы можете видеть знак Монты, и это измельчитель это Монта, я думаю, что это их последний продукт, который является измельчителем Здесь очень яркие яркие цвета очевидно, в видео, которое мы получили и в мире Паннахауза Чемпионаты по мячу сильно поблекли что происходит с этими шарами, поскольку вы может видеть, но вы получаете много пользы English: Yo guys Kieran from Street Soccer International here and welcome to today's video something a little different an unboxing well not proper unboxing cause my daughter wanted me to open the bag earlier so it's already open basically we've been getting a lot of questions by you guys what ball were was Jack Downer using in the insane Street skills video he was using one of these types balls which is a Monta Ball ball now I think I pretty much got the version he had on him on the time certainly when it was nutmegging me so that's the whole look at it you can see the Monta sign and this is the shredder this is Monta I think it's their latest product out which is the shredder ball very bright nice colors here obviously in the video we've got down and on the Pannahouse World Championships the ball is a lot faded which does happen to these balls as you Spanish: Yo chicos Kieran de Street Soccer Internacional aquí y bienvenido a el video de hoy algo un poco diferente un unboxing bien no es apropiado unboxing porque mi hija quería que yo abre la bolsa antes, así que ya está abrir, básicamente, hemos estado recibiendo una gran cantidad de preguntas de ustedes, qué bola era Jack Downer usando en locura Video de habilidades callejeras que estaba usando uno de estos tipos bolas que es una Bola Monta bola ahora creo que prácticamente obtuve el versión que tenía sobre él en el momento Ciertamente cuando me estaba dando vueltas tan esa es toda la mirada que se puede ver el signo de Monta y esta es la trituradora esto es Monta, creo que es su último producto que es la trituradora bola muy brillantes colores agradables aquí obviamente en el video que tenemos abajo y en el mundo de Pannahouse Campeonatos, la pelota está muy desvanecida que le sucede a estas bolas como tú puede ver, pero se obtiene un gran uso French: Yo les gars de Street Soccer International ici et bienvenue à la vidéo d'aujourd'hui quelque chose un peu différent un unboxing bien pas approprié cause déballage ma fille voulait que je ouvrir le sac plus tôt pour qu'il soit déjà ouvert essentiellement nous avons eu beaucoup de des questions par vous les gars étaient balle Jack Downer utilise dans la folie Street compétences vidéo, il utilisait l'un des ces types de balles qui est une balle Monta balle maintenant je pense que j'ai à peu près la version qu'il avait sur lui le temps certainement quand il était me museler si c'est tout ce que vous pouvez voir le signe Monta et c'est le déchiqueteur c'est Monta je pense que c'est leur dernier produit qui est le broyeur balle très brillante de belles couleurs ici évidemment dans la vidéo, nous avons baissé et sur le monde de Pannahouse Championnats la balle est beaucoup fanée qui arrive à ces boules comme vous peut voir, mais vous obtenez beaucoup d'utilisation Afrikaans: Julle ouens Kieran van Street Soccer Internasionaal hier en welkom by vandag se video iets 'n bietjie anders 'n unboxing goed nie behoorlik nie Unboxing omdat my dogter my wou hê Maak die sak vroeër oop sodat dit alreeds is oop basies ons het baie gekry Vrae vir julle wat die bal was Jack Downer gebruik in die krankzinnige Straatvaardigheidsvideo hy gebruik een van hierdie tipe balle wat 'n Monta Ball is bal nou ek dink ek het pretty much die weergawe wat hy op hom gehad het beslis toe dit my so vermag het dit is die hele blik op dit wat jy kan sien die Monta-teken en dit is die shredder dit is Monta Ek dink dit is hulle nuutste produk wat die shredder is bal baie helder mooi kleure hier natuurlik in die video het ons afgekom en op die Pannahouse World Kampioenskappe die bal is baie vervaag wat gebeur met hierdie balle soos jy kan sien, maar jy kry baie gebruik uit Portuguese: Yo guys Kieran da Street Soccer Internacional aqui e bem vindo a vídeo de hoje algo um pouco diferente um unboxing bem não apropriado unboxing causa minha filha queria que eu abra o saco mais cedo por isso já é abra basicamente temos recebido muito perguntas por vocês que bola foram foi Jack Downer usando no insano Vídeo de habilidades de rua, ele estava usando um dos estes tipos de bolas que é uma bola de Monta bola agora eu acho que praticamente tenho o versão que ele tinha sobre ele no tempo Certamente, quando foi noz-me assim essa é a aparência toda, você pode ver o sinal de Monta e este é o triturador este é Monta eu acho que é a sua mais recente produto fora, que é o desfibrador bola cores muito brilhantes agradáveis ​​aqui Obviamente, no vídeo que temos para baixo e no Pannahouse World Campeonatos a bola está muito desbotada o que acontece com essas bolas como você pode ver, mas você tem um monte de uso Portuguese: deles vamos bombear e nós vamos ter um pouco mais olhar em detalhes ok então estamos aqui testando o Monta triturador de tudo o que eu só vou trazer Silas em que ele está me ajudando Silas é um Mansfield Town está na bolsa de estudos programa certo sim, então ele não é mais de um futebolista de rua ele é mais de um regular jogador de futebol para que você possa fazer certo as pessoas precisam ser muito melhores que eu em termos de mover esses espaços e posições e que por isso estamos usando um bom chance de testar essa bola, minha opinião bola novamente II não quis dizer assim bola em um primeiro desculpe esteticamente é não a bola mais bonita que eles tiveram Russian: из них давайте накачать его, и у нас будет немного подробнее об этом подробнее хорошо, поэтому мы здесь тестируем Монта измельчитель всего, что я собираюсь принести Сайлас, он помогает мне. Сайлас - это Город Мэнсфилд находится на стипендии правильно, да, он не больше уличный футболист, он больше обычного футболистом, чтобы вы могли сделать люди должны быть намного лучше меня с точки зрения перемещения этого пространства и позиции, и поэтому мы используем хорошие шанс проверить этот мяч, мое мнение Мяч снова II не означал так мяч в первый жаль эстетически это не самый красивый, у них был Dutch: van hen laten we het oppompen en we zullen hebben een beetje meer uitstraling ervan in detail Oké, dus we zijn hier aan het testen Monta shredder van alles wat ik ga brengen Silas, hij helpt me. Silas is een Mansfield Town is op de beurs programmeer goed ja, dus hij is niet meer een straat voetballer hij is meer een normale voetballer, zodat je bepaalde dingen kunt doen mensen moeten veel beter zijn dan ik in termen van het verplaatsen van deze ruimte en posities en dat gebruiken we dus goed kans om deze bal te testen, mijn mening de weer bal II bedoelde niet zo bal in een eerste spijt esthetisch het is niet de best uitziende bal die ze hebben gehad Hindi: उनमें से चलो इसे पंप करें और हमारे पास होगा विस्तार से इसका थोड़ा और देखो ठीक है तो हम यहां परीक्षण कर रहे हैं मोंटा श्रेडर मैं बस लाने वाला हूँ सिलास की मदद से वह मुझे सिलास है मैन्सफील्ड टाउन छात्रवृत्ति पर है कार्यक्रम सही हाँ तो वह एक से अधिक नहीं है सड़क फुटबॉलर वह नियमित रूप से अधिक है फुटबॉल खिलाड़ी ताकि आप निश्चित कर सकें लोगों को मुझसे ज्यादा बेहतर होना चाहिए इन जगहों को स्थानांतरित करने के मामले में और पदों और इसलिए हम एक अच्छा उपयोग कर रहे हैं इस गेंद का परीक्षण करने का मौका, मेरी राय गेंद फिर से द्वितीय इस तरह का मतलब नहीं था पहली बार माफ करना मूल रूप से यह माफ करना है उनके पास सबसे अच्छी दिखने वाली गेंद नहीं है German: von ihnen lassen wir es aufpumpen und wir werden es tun ein bisschen mehr davon im Detail okay, also sind wir hier draußen testen die Monta Schredder von allem, was ich nur bringen werde Silas auf, er hilft mir Silas ist ein Mansfield Town ist auf dem Stipendium Programm richtig ja, also ist er nicht mehr a Straßenfußballer ist er eher regelmäßig Fußballspieler, so können Sie sicher sein Menschen müssen viel besser sein als ich in Bezug auf die Bewegung dieser Raum und Positionen und das verwenden wir ein gutes Chance, diesen Ball zu testen, meine Meinung der Ball wieder II meinte das nicht so Ball in einer ersten Entschuldigung ästhetisch ist es nicht der schönste Ball, den sie hatten Japanese: 彼らはそれを汲み上げてみましょう それをもう少し詳しく見る 大丈夫だからここで 私がちょうど持っているすべてのモンタシュレッダー Silasは私を助けてくれているSilasは マンスフィールドタウンは奨学金を受けています プログラムはそうです ストリートサッカー選手 あなたが特定のことをすることができるようにサッカー選手 人々は私よりずっと良いことが必要です これらの空間を動かすという点で 私たちは良いものを使っています このボールをテストするチャンス、私の意見 再びボールIIはこのような意味ではなかった 申し訳ありませんが、審美的にはボールです 彼らが持っていた最も美しいボールではない Vietnamese: trong số chúng ta hãy bơm nó lên và chúng ta sẽ có một chút chi tiết hơn về nó một cách chi tiết được rồi, vì vậy chúng tôi ra đây thử nghiệm Monta shredder của tất cả tôi sẽ mang Silas về anh ấy giúp tôi Silas là một Mansfield Town là học bổng chương trình phải vâng vì vậy anh ta không nhiều hơn một cầu thủ bóng đá đường phố anh ấy thường xuyên hơn cầu thủ bóng đá để bạn có thể làm mọi người cần tốt hơn tôi nhiều về việc di chuyển các không gian này và vị trí và vì vậy chúng tôi đang sử dụng tốt cơ hội để kiểm tra quả bóng này, ý kiến ​​của tôi bóng một lần nữa II không có nghĩa là như thế này bóng trong một xin lỗi đầu tiên thẩm mỹ nó không phải là quả bóng đẹp nhất mà họ đã có Danish: af dem lad os pumpe det op og vi får det lidt mere kig på det i detaljer okay så vi er her testet Monta shredder af alt, hvad jeg bare skal medbringe Silas, han hjælper mig Silas er en Mansfield Town er på stipendiet program lige ja så han er ikke mere af a street fodboldspiller han er mere af en regelmæssig fodboldspiller så du kan gøre visse folk skal være meget bedre end mig i form af at flytte disse rum og stillinger og det gør vi så godt chance for at teste denne bold, min mening bolden igen, jeg betød ikke sådan bolden i en første beklager æstetisk det er ikke den bedste bue, de har haft Afrikaans: van hulle laat ons dit oppomp en ons sal hê 'n bietjie meer kyk daarvan in detail okay so ons is hier besig om die Monta shredder van alles wat ek net gaan bring Silas op hy help my Silas is a Mansfield Town is op die beurs program reg ja so hy is nie meer van a nie straat sokker is hy meer van 'n gereelde sokker speler, sodat jy kan seker maak mense moet baie beter as ek wees in terme van die verskuiwing van hierdie spasie en posisies en so gebruik ons ​​'n goeie kans om hierdie bal te toets, my mening die weer bal Ek het nie so bedoel nie bal in 'n eerste jammer esteties dit is nie die beste bal wat hulle gehad het nie English: can see but you do get a lot of use out of them let's pump it up and we'll have a little more look of it in detail okay so we are out here testing the Monta shredder of all I'm just gonna bring Silas on he's helping me Silas is a Mansfield Town is on the scholarship program right yeah so he's not more of a street footballer he's more of a regular football player so you can do certain people needs to be a lot better than me in terms of moving these space and positions and that so we're using a good chance to test this ball, my opinion the ball again I I didn't mean like this ball in a first sorry aesthetically it's not the best-looking ball they have had iw: של אותם בואו נשאוב את זה ואנחנו נהיה עוד קצת מבט על זה בפירוט בסדר אז אנחנו כאן בדיקות מונטה Shredder של כל אני רק הולך להביא סלאס על זה שהוא עוזר לי סלאס הוא מנספילד טאון הוא על המלגה תוכנית כן כן אז הוא לא יותר שחקן כדורגל ברחוב הוא יותר קבוע שחקן כדורגל, כך שאתה יכול לעשות מסוימים אנשים צריכים להיות הרבה יותר טוב ממני במונחים של העברת החלל עמדות ולכן אנחנו משתמשים טוב הזדמנות לבדוק את הכדור הזה, לדעתי הכדור שוב לא התכוונתי ככה הכדור הראשון מצטער אסתטית זה לא את הכדור הכי טוב שיש להם Italian: di loro lo pompiamo e lo faremo un po 'più in dettaglio okay, siamo qui a testare il Monta shredder di tutto quello che sto per portare Silas su mi sta aiutando Silas è un Mansfield Town è sulla borsa di studio programma giusto sì, quindi non è più di un il calciatore di strada è più normale calciatore per cui puoi essere sicuro le persone devono essere molto meglio di me in termini di spostamento di questi spazi e posizioni e che quindi stiamo usando un bene possibilità di testare questa palla, il mio parere il palla di nuovo II non intendeva questo palla in un primo scusa esteticamente è non è la palla più bella che abbia mai avuto Indonesian: dari mereka mari memompanya dan kita akan memilikinya sedikit lebih memeriksanya secara detail oke jadi kita di sini menguji Monta shredder dari semua yang aku bawa Silas pada dia membantu saya Silas adalah a Mansfield Town ada di beasiswa program yang tepat ya jadi dia tidak lebih dari Pesepakbola jalanan dia lebih dari biasa pemain sepak bola sehingga Anda bisa memastikan orang perlu jauh lebih baik daripada saya dalam hal memindahkan ruang ini dan posisi dan itu jadi kami menggunakan yang baik kesempatan untuk menguji bola ini, pendapat saya Bola lagi II tidak berarti seperti ini bola di pertama menyesal estetis itu bukan bola dengan penampilan terbaik yang mereka miliki Arabic: من لهم دعونا ضخه وسنكون لدينا أكثر من ذلك بقليل بالتفصيل حسنا لذلك نحن هنا اختبار مونتا التقطيع من كل ما أنا سأحضر سيلاس على انه يساعدني سيلاس هو مانسفيلد تاون على المنحة الدراسية برنامج صحيح نعم حتى انه ليس أكثر من لاعب كرة قدم في الشارع هو أكثر من العادية لاعب كرة قدم حتى تتمكن من القيام بعمل معين يجب أن يكون الناس أفضل مني بكثير من حيث نقل هذه المساحة و المواقف وهذا ما نستخدمه جيدًا فرصة لاختبار هذه الكرة ، رأيي في الكرة مرة أخرى الثاني لم يكن يعني هذا الكرة في أول آسف من الناحية الجمالية ليس أفضل كرة تبدو لديهم Gujarati: તેમને તે પંપ દો અને અમે પડશે વિગતવાર તે થોડી વધુ દેખાવ ઠીક છે તેથી અમે અહીં પરીક્ષણ કરી રહ્યા છીએ મોન્ટા કટકા કરનાર બધા હું લાવવા જ છું સિલાસ મને મદદ કરી રહ્યો છે તે સિલાસ છે મેન્સફિલ્ડ ટાઉન સ્કોલરશીપ પર છે કાર્યક્રમ હા હા જેથી તેઓ એક વધુ નથી શેરી ફૂટબોલર તે વધુ નિયમિત છે ફૂટબોલ ખેલાડી જેથી તમે ચોક્કસ કરી શકો છો લોકોએ મારા કરતા ઘણું સારું હોવું જોઈએ આ જગ્યા ખસેડવાની દ્રષ્ટિએ અને સ્થિતિ અને તે એટલા સારા છે કે અમે તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી રહ્યાં છીએ આ બોલ ચકાસવા માટે તક, મારા મતે બોલ ફરી બીજાનો આનો અર્થ એ નથી થતો પ્રથમ માફ સૌમ્ય સૌંદર્યલક્ષી તે બોલ છે તેઓ પાસે સૌથી શ્રેષ્ઠ દેખાવ નથી Thai: ของพวกเขาให้ปั๊มขึ้นและเราจะมี ดูเพิ่มเติมในรายละเอียด เอาล่ะเรามาที่นี่เพื่อทดสอบ Monta shredder จากทั้งหมดที่ฉันเพิ่งจะนำมา Silas กับเขาช่วยฉัน Silas คือ Mansfield Town อยู่ในทุนการศึกษา โปรแกรมใช่ใช่เพื่อให้เขาไม่มากของ a เขาเป็นคนปกติมากขึ้น ฟุตบอลเพื่อให้คุณสามารถทำบางอย่าง คนต้องดีกว่าฉันมาก ในแง่ของการย้ายพื้นที่เหล่านี้และ ตำแหน่งและเพื่อให้เราใช้ดี โอกาสที่จะทดสอบบอลนี้ความคิดของฉัน บอลอีกครั้ง II ไม่ได้หมายความอย่างนี้ ลูกในครั้งแรกขอโทษ aesthetically ก็ ไม่ใช่ลูกที่ดูดีที่สุดที่พวกเขามี Spanish: de ellos vamos a bombearlo y tendremos un poco más de detalle en detalle bien, entonces estamos aquí probando el Monta trituradora de todo lo que voy a traer Silas me está ayudando Silas es un Mansfield Town está becado programa bien, sí, así que no es más de un futbolista callejero él es más de un habitual jugador de fútbol para que pueda hacer ciertas la gente tiene que ser mucho mejor que yo en términos de mover estos espacios y posiciones y eso, así que estamos usando un buen oportunidad de probar esta pelota, mi opinión la bola de nuevo II no significaba esto bola en un primer lo siento estéticamente es no es la pelota más bonita que han tenido Korean: 그 (것)들의 펌프는 그것을 위로 양수하고 우리는 세부 사항에 대한 좀 더 자세히 살펴 보자. 좋습니다. 그래서 우리는 여기에서 내가 가져올 모든 것의 몬타 슈 레더. 실라가 나를 도와주고있어 실라가 맨스필드 타운 장학금에 프로그램 그래, 그래서 그는 더 이상 아니에요. 거리 축구가 더 많아. 당신이 확실하게 할 수있는 축구 선수 사람들은 나보다 훨씬 더 잘해야한다. 이 공간을 움직이는 관점에서 우리는 좋은 것을 사용하고 있습니다. 이 공을 시험 할 기회, 내 생각은 다시 II가 이런 뜻이 아니 었어. 처음에는 공을 미학적으로 미안하다. 그들이 가진 가장 잘 생긴 공이 아니라 French: d'entre eux nous allons pomper et nous aurons un peu plus en détail ok donc nous sommes ici pour tester la Monta déchiqueteuse de tout ce que je vais juste apporter Silas sur mon aide Silas est un Mansfield Town est sur la bourse programme bien ouais donc il n'est plus d'un footballeur de rue, il est plus régulier joueur de football afin que vous puissiez faire certains les gens doivent être beaucoup mieux que moi en termes de déplacement de ces espaces et positions et que nous utilisons un bon chance de tester cette balle, mon avis le balle à nouveau II ne voulait pas dire comme ça balle dans un premier désolé esthétiquement c'est pas la meilleure balle qu'ils ont eu Thai: ออก แต่มันเติบโตขึ้นกับฉันเมื่อเวลาผ่านไป และใช่มันดูดีมันคมชัดและ สดใสคุณสามารถมองเห็นลูกได้ง่ายมาก ทำให้สนุกกับการเล่นด้วย มันไม่ได้จับมากเกินไปบนพื้นมัน ดีสำหรับเช่นนั้นแล้ว SISM บอลสำหรับ ว่าเพราะเขาช่วยจับที่ดี โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งบนพื้นผิวแห้งนี้มี a จำนวนมากของชิปเล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ และหินในนี้ พื้นผิวที่เรากำลังเล่นอยู่และ SISM ลูกบอลสามารถจับได้จริงๆในขณะที่นี้ มอนสเตอร์ดูเหมือนว่าจะเหินได้ง่ายกว่ามาก Silas มาแล้วความคิดของคุณคืออะไร ลูกเป็นอย่างดีก็มีเบาะที่ดีไป รู้สึกไม่เป็นไรและไม่ยากเกินไป นุ่มไม่มันมีด้ามจับที่ดีในนั้น จับมันไม่ได้เป็น grippy เช่น ลูก SISM แต่ก็มีด้ามจับเพียงพอ คุณชอบ groundmoves ควบคุมมันย้าย รอบดี ดังนั้นสิ่งที่ฉันจะทำคือผู้ชาย French: dehors mais il a grandi sur moi au fil du temps et oui, il a l'air bien est-il pointu et lumineux, vous pouvez voir la balle assez facilement rend amusant de jouer avec il n'y a pas trop de prise sur le sol c'est mieux pour comme alors cette balle SISM pour cela parce qu'il garde une bonne prise en main en particulier sur cette surface sèche il y a un beaucoup de petits copeaux et de pierres dans ce surface sur laquelle nous jouons et le SISM balle peut vraiment se faire attraper alors que cela monstre semble glisser beaucoup plus facilement So Silas il y a quelles sont vos pensées sur la balle aussi, il a un bon coussin à elle il se sent bien et ce n'est pas trop difficile ce n'est pas à doux pas, il a une bonne prise en main prise sur elle est pas à saisir comme le Balles SISM mais il a assez de grip donc comme vous déplacez le contrôle, il se déplace autour du bien Donc ce que je vais faire c'est les gars Danish: men det er vokset på mig over tid og ja det ser godt ud er det skarpt og lyst kan du se bolden ganske let gør det sjovt at lege med Det er ikke for meget greb på gulvet, det er bedre for da da denne SISM-bold til det fordi han holder et godt greb især på denne tørre overflade er der en mange små chips og sten i dette overflade vi spiller på og SISM bolden kan blive rigtig fanget, mens dette monster synes at glide meget lettere så Silas siden hvad er dine tanker om bolden har det også en god pude det føles okay, og det er ikke for svært det er det ikke at bløde ikke, det har et godt greb om det greb om det, det er ikke grippy som SISM bolde, men det har nok greb så ligner du jordskærme, kontrollerer den, at den bevæger sig omkring godt. Så hvad jeg skal gøre er fyre German: aber es ist im Laufe der Zeit auf mich gewachsen und ja es sieht gut aus ist es scharf und hell Sie können den Ball ziemlich leicht sehen macht es Spaß mit ihm zu spielen es ist nicht zu viel Halt auf dem Boden besser für wie dann dieser SISM Ball für weil er einen guten Griff behält besonders auf dieser trockenen Oberfläche gibt es ein viele kleine Chips und Steine ​​in diesem Oberfläche, auf der wir spielen, und der SISM Ball kann währenddessen wirklich erwischt werden Monster scheint viel leichter zu gleiten Also, vor Silas, was denkst du über die Ball auch, es hat ein gutes Polster dazu es fühlt sich gut an und es ist nicht zu schwer es ist nicht zu weich nicht, es hat einen guten Griff drauf greife es an, es ist nicht zu grippy wie das SISM Bälle, aber es hat genug Grip so wie du gemurmelt hast, bewegt es sich um gut. Also was ich machen werde, Jungs Gujarati: બહાર પરંતુ તે સમય જતાં મારા પર ઉગાડવામાં આવે છે અને હા તે સારું દેખાય છે તે તીક્ષ્ણ છે અને તેજસ્વી તમે ખૂબ સરળતાથી બોલ જોઈ શકો છો તેની સાથે રમવાનું આનંદદાયક બનાવે છે તે ફ્લોર પર તે ખૂબ પકડ નથી આના માટે આ SISM બોલની જેમ સારી છે કારણ કે તે એક સારા પકડ રાખે છે ખાસ કરીને આ શુષ્ક સપાટી પર ત્યાં એક છે આમાં થોડી ચિપ્સ અને પત્થરો સપાટી પર અમે રમી રહ્યા છીએ અને SISM બોલ વાસ્તવમાં કેચ કરી શકે છે જ્યારે આ રાક્ષસ ઘણું સરળ સરકાવવા લાગે છે તેથી સિલાસ પહેલાં તમારા વિચારો શું છે? બોલ પણ, તે તેને એક સારો ગાદી મળી છે તે ઓલરાઇટ લાગે છે અને તે ખૂબ મુશ્કેલ નથી તે નથી નરમ નથી, તે તેના પર સારી પકડ મળી છે તેના પર પકડ તે જેમ grippy નથી SISM બોલમાં પરંતુ તે પર્યાપ્ત પકડ મળી છે જેથી તમે તેને જમીન પર ખસેડી શકો છો સારી આસપાસ તેથી હું શું કરીશ ગાય્સ છે Indonesian: tetapi itu tumbuh pada saya seiring waktu dan ya itu terlihat bagus apakah itu tajam dan terang Anda bisa melihat bola dengan mudah membuatnya menyenangkan untuk dimainkan itu tidak terlalu banyak pegangan di lantai itu lebih baik untuk seperti itu maka bola SISM ini untuk itu karena dia menyimpan pegangan yang baik terutama pada permukaan kering ini ada a banyak keripik dan batu kecil di ini permukaan yang kita mainkan dan SISM bola bisa benar-benar tertangkap sedangkan ini monster sepertinya meluncur jauh lebih mudah jadi Silas lalu apa pendapatmu tentang itu bola juga, itu punya bantalan yang bagus untuk itu rasanya baik-baik saja dan tidak terlalu sulit untuk tidak lembut, itu punya pegangan yang bagus pegangan di atasnya itu bukan untuk grippy seperti Bola SISM tapi punya pegangan yang cukup jadi seperti Anda groundmoves mengontrolnya bergerak sekitar baik. Jadi yang akan saya lakukan adalah teman-teman Portuguese: fora, mas é cultivado em mim ao longo do tempo e sim, parece bom é afiado e brilhante você pode ver a bola com bastante facilidade torna divertido brincar com não é muito aperto no chão é melhor para como então esta bola SISM para isso porque ele mantém uma boa aderência especialmente nesta superfície seca há uma monte de pequenas lascas e pedras neste superfície que estamos jogando e o SISM bola pode ficar realmente pego enquanto isso monstro parece deslizar muito mais fácil Então, Silas atrás, quais são seus pensamentos sobre o bola também, tem uma boa almofada me sinto bem e não é muito difícil não é para não suave, tem uma boa aderência aperto nele não é a grippy como o Bolas SISM mas tem aderência suficiente Então, como você groundmoves controle move em torno de bom. Então o que eu vou fazer é galera Spanish: pero ha crecido en mí con el tiempo y sí, se ve bien, es nítido y brillante se puede ver la pelota con bastante facilidad lo hace divertido jugar con no es demasiado agarre en el piso es mejor para como esta entonces esta bola SISM para eso porque él mantiene un buen agarre especialmente en esta superficie seca hay un muchas pequeñas virutas y piedras en este superficie en la que estamos jugando y el SISM bola puede quedar realmente atrapado mientras que esto monstruo parece deslizarse mucho más fácil por lo que Silas hace ¿cuál es su opinión sobre el bola también, tiene un buen amortiguador se siente bien y no es demasiado difícil, no lo es no es suave, tiene un buen agarre agarre en él no es tan adherente como el Bolas SISM pero tiene suficiente agarre así que, ¿lo controlas en movimiento? alrededor de bueno. Entonces lo que haré es chicos Hindi: बाहर लेकिन यह समय के साथ मुझ पर उगाया जाता है और हाँ यह अच्छा लग रहा है यह तेज है और उज्ज्वल आप गेंद को आसानी से देख सकते हैं इसके साथ खेलने के लिए मजेदार बनाता है यह मंजिल पर बहुत अधिक पकड़ नहीं है इसके लिए इस एसआईएसएम गेंद के लिए बेहतर है क्योंकि वह एक अच्छी पकड़ रखता है विशेष रूप से इस शुष्क सतह पर एक है इसमें बहुत कम चिप्स और पत्थरों सतह हम खेल रहे हैं और एसआईएसएम जबकि गेंद वास्तव में पकड़ा जा सकता है राक्षस बहुत आसान लग रहा है तो Silas पहले पर आपके विचार क्या है गेंद भी, यह इसके लिए एक अच्छा कुशन मिला है यह ठीक लगता है और यह बहुत मुश्किल नहीं है नरम करने के लिए, यह उस पर एक अच्छी पकड़ है उस पर पकड़ यह गड़बड़ नहीं है एसआईएसएम गेंदें लेकिन इसे काफी पकड़ मिली है तो जैसे आप जमीन पर नियंत्रण करता है इसे नियंत्रित करता है चारों ओर अच्छा तो मैं क्या करूँगा दोस्तों है Arabic: خارج ولكن نمت علي مع مرور الوقت ونعم تبدو جيدة انها حادة و مشرق يمكنك رؤية الكرة بسهولة تامة يجعلها ممتعة للعب معها انها ليست قبضة كبيرة على الأرض أفضل لمثل ثم هذا SISM الكرة ل ذلك لأنه يحتفظ بقبضة جيدة خصوصا على هذا السطح الجاف هناك الكثير من الرقائق والحجارة الصغيرة في هذا السطح الذي نلعب عليه و SISM الكرة يمكن أن تحصل على القبض حقا في حين أن هذا يبدو أن الوحش ينزلق أسهل بكثير هكذا قبل Silas ما هي أفكارك على الكرة أيضا ، انها حصلت على وسادة جيدة لذلك تشعر أنها بخير وليس من الصعب جدا انها ليست كذلك حتى لا ينعم ، إنها قبضة جيدة عليه قبضة عليه انها ليست لامعة مثل كرات SISM لكنها حصلت على قبضة كافية مثل ذلك هل تسيطر على groundmoves يتحرك حول جيد. إذن ما سأفعله هو الرجال Russian: но он вырос на меня со временем и да, это выглядит хорошо, это круто и яркий, вы можете легко увидеть мяч делает забаву играть с это не слишком сильное сцепление на полу. лучше, чем тогда, этот шар SISM для это потому, что он держит хорошую хватку особенно на этой сухой поверхности есть много маленьких чипов и камней в этом поверхность, на которой мы играем, и SISM мяч может стать действительно пойманным, тогда как это монстр, кажется, скользит намного легче так Силас, что ты думаешь о мяч также, он получил хорошую подушку к нему он чувствует себя хорошо, и это не слишком сложно, это не к мягкому нет, у него хорошее сцепление с ним хватайтесь за нее, это не так сложно, как Шарики SISM, но у него достаточно хвата так, как вы, суслики, контролируете его движение вокруг хорошо. Так что я буду делать, это ребята Afrikaans: maar dit het oor die tyd met my gegroei en ja dit lyk goed is dit skerp en helder jy kan die bal redelik maklik sien maak dit pret om mee te speel Dit is nie te veel greep op die vloer nie beter vir soos hierdie SISM bal vir dit omdat hy 'n goeie greep hou veral op hierdie droë oppervlak is daar 'n baie klein skyfies en klippe in hierdie oppervlak waarop ons speel en die SISM bal kan regtig gevang word terwyl dit monster lyk baie makliker So Silas gelede, wat is jou gedagtes oor die bal ook, dit het 'n goeie kussing daarvoor dit voel goed en dit is nie te moeilik nie Om nie sag te maak nie, dit het 'n goeie greep daaroor Gryp dit is nie te grippy soos die SISM balle, maar dit het 'n genoeg greep So, soos jy dit doen, beheer jy dit beweeg rondom goed. So wat ek sal doen is ouens Japanese: それは時間の経過とともに私の上で成長している ええ、それは良いと思うそれは鋭いです 明るいあなたはボールをかなり簡単に見ることができます 遊ぶのが楽しくなる それはあまりにも床のグリップではない このSISMボールのように 彼は良いグリップを保つので 特にこの乾燥した表面には これには小さなチップと石がたくさんあります 私たちがプレイしている表面とSISM ボールは本当に捕らえられる モンスターがもっと楽に滑るようだ だからSilas前にあなたの考えは何ですか? ボールも同様にクッションが良い それは大丈夫だと思うし、それほど難しくない ソフトではない、それには良いグリップがある それをつかむことは、 SISMボールだが十分なグリップがある あなたは地面を動かすように動きをコントロールします まあまあ。だから私がやることは男だ Vietnamese: nhưng nó phát triển theo thời gian và vâng nó có vẻ tốt là nó sắc nét và sáng bạn có thể thấy bóng khá dễ dàng làm cho nó thú vị để chơi với nó không phải là quá nhiều va li trên sàn nhà của nó tốt hơn cho như vậy thì quả bóng SISM này cho bởi vì anh ấy giữ được độ bám tốt đặc biệt trên bề mặt khô này có rất nhiều chip và đá nhỏ trong này bề mặt chúng ta đang chơi và SISM bóng có thể bị bắt trong khi điều này quái vật dường như lướt dễ dàng hơn rất nhiều vì vậy Silas trước suy nghĩ của bạn về bóng là tốt, nó có một đệm tốt cho nó nó cảm thấy ổn và nó không quá khó nó không để mềm không, nó có một va li tốt về nó bám chặt vào nó, nó không bị nghẹt như SISM bóng nhưng nó có một va li đủ như vậy bạn có kiểm soát nó xung quanh tốt. Vì vậy, những gì tôi sẽ làm là guys Korean: 나가서 시간이 지남에 따라 자란다. 그리고 네 그것은 선명하게 보입니다. 너는 공을 아주 쉽게 볼 수있다. 함께 놀 수있게 해준다. 그것은 바닥에 너무 많은 그립이 아니에요. 이 SISM 볼을 좋아하면 그가 좋은 그립을 유지하기 때문에 특히이 건조한 표면에는 작은 조각과 돌이 많이 있어요. 우리가 플레이하고있는 표면과 SISM 공이 실제로 잡힐 수 있지만 괴물이 훨씬 쉽게 미끄러지는 것처럼 보입니다. 그래서 Silas는 당신의 생각을 전합니다. 공도 좋고, 쿠션도 ​​좋네. 괜찮아요. 그렇게 어렵지도 않습니다. 부드럽지 않은데, 그걸 잘 잡았어. 그립을 쥐고있는 것처럼 그것은 껄끄 러운 것처럼 보이지 않습니다. SISM 볼은 있지만 그립은 충분합니다. 그래서 당신은 groundmoves가 움직이는 것을 제어합니다. 주위 좋은. 그래서 내가 뭘 할건지 사람들이야. iw: אבל זה גדל עלי לאורך זמן ו כן זה נראה טוב זה חד בהיר אתה יכול לראות את הכדור די בקלות עושה את זה כיף לשחק איתו זה לא יותר מדי אחיזה על הרצפה זה טוב יותר עבור כמו אז זה הכדור עבור SISM כי הוא מחזיק אחיזה טובה במיוחד על משטח יבש זה יש הרבה שבבים ואבנים קטנים זה פני השטח אנחנו משחקים על מערכת ההפעלה הכדור יכול לתפוס באמת בעוד זה מפלצת נראה לדאות הרבה יותר קל אז Silas לפני מה המחשבות שלך על גם יש לו כרית טובה זה מרגיש בסדר וזה לא קשה מדי זה לא כדי לא רך, יש לה אחיזה טובה אחיזה על זה זה לא לגרגר כמו SISM כדורים אבל יש לו אחיזה מספיק אז כמו שאתה groundmoves שליטה זה נע סביב טוב. אז מה אני אעשה זה בחורים English: out but it's grown on me over time and yeah it looks good is it sharp and bright you can see the ball quite easily makes it fun to play with it's not too much grip on the floor it's better for like then this SISM ball for that because he keeps a good grip especially on this dry surface there's a lot of little chips and stones in this surface we're playing on and the SISM ball can get really caught whereas this monster seems to glide a lot easier so Silas ago what's your thoughts on the ball as well, it's got a good cushion to it it feels alright and it's not too hard it's not to soft not, it's got a good grip on it grip on it it's not to grippy like the SISM balls but it's got a enough grip so like do you groundmoves control it moves around good. So what I'll do is guys Dutch: maar het is me in de loop van de tijd gegroeid en ja het ziet er goed uit, het is scherp en helder zie je de bal vrij gemakkelijk maakt het leuk om mee te spelen het is niet al te veel grip op de vloer beter voor zoals dan deze SISM-bal voor dat omdat hij een goede grip houdt vooral op dit droge oppervlak is er een veel kleine spaanders en stenen hierin oppervlak waarop we spelen en de SISM bal kan echt worden gevangen terwijl dit monster lijkt veel gemakkelijker te glijden dus Silas geleden, wat is jouw mening over de bal ook, het heeft een goed kussen het voelt goed en het is niet te moeilijk, dat is het niet te zacht niet, het heeft er een goede grip op hou je vast aan het is niet te grippen zoals de SISM-ballen, maar het heeft voldoende grip dus hou je van groundmoves om het te besturen rond goed. Dus wat ik ga doen is jongens Italian: fuori ma è cresciuto con me nel tempo e sì, sembra buono, è nitido e brillante puoi vedere la palla abbastanza facilmente rende divertente giocare con non è troppo stretto sul pavimento è meglio per come poi questa palla SISM per questo perché mantiene una buona presa specialmente su questa superficie asciutta c'è un molte piccole fiches e pietre in questo superficie su cui stiamo giocando e il SISM la palla può essere catturata davvero mentre questo il mostro sembra scivolare molto più facilmente così Silas fa cosa pensi di palla pure, ha un buon cuscinetto ci si sente bene e non è troppo difficile non lo è a soft no, ha una buona presa su di esso tienilo stretto non è per afflitto come il Palle SISM ma ha una presa sufficiente così come le tattiche di base che muove in giro bene. Quindi quello che farò sono ragazzi Italian: se vuoi dare un'occhiata a Monta shredder lascerò un link nel descrizione in modo da poter dare un'occhiata il loro sito web lo acquista se lo desideri a loro hanno molti tipi differenti di palle come certamente il pugno da un pollice La variazione di Bruce Lee è probabilmente una delle quelli più belli che è sicuramente uno dei miei i miei preferiti, comunque, grazie per guardare questo video grazie a Silas per avermi aiutato anche a vedere di nuovo nel prossimo video German: wenn Sie einen Monta auschecken möchten Schredder Ich werde einen Link in der verlassen Beschreibung, so dass Sie gehen können Ihre Website kaufen Sie, wenn Sie wollen zu ihnen haben viele verschiedene Arten von Bälle mögen sicherlich den Ein-Zoll-Schlag Bruce Lee Variation ist wahrscheinlich einer der nettesten, das ist sicherlich einer von meinen persönliche Favoriten jedenfalls gut danke Zum Ansehen dieses Videos danke an Silas, dass sie mir auch geholfen haben und sehen du wieder im nächsten Video Japanese: あなたがMontaをチェックしたいのであれば シュレッダー私は あなたがチェックアウトすることができるように説明 あなたが望むなら、彼らのウェブサイトはそれを購入する 彼らにはさまざまな種類の 確かに1インチのパンチのようなボール Bruce Leeのバリエーションはおそらく それは確かに私の とにかくあなた個人のお気に入りもよくありがとう このビデオを見てくれてありがとう 私を助けてもらうためのシラス もう一度次のビデオに Danish: hvis du vil tjekke en monta Shredder Jeg vil efterlade et link i beskrivelse så du kan gå tjekke ud deres hjemmeside køber det, hvis du ønsker det at de har mange forskellige typer af kugler som bestemt en-tommers slag Bruce Lee variation er nok en af de bedste, der helt sikkert er en af ​​mine personlige favoritter godt alligevel tak for at se denne video tak til Silas for at hjælpe mig også og se du igen i den næste video French: si vous voulez vérifier un Monta déchiqueteuse je vais laisser un lien dans le description afin que vous puissiez aller vérifier leur site Web l'acheter si vous voulez ils ont beaucoup de différents types de boules comme certainement le coup de poing d'un pouce Bruce Lee variation est probablement l'un des les plus gentils qui est certainement l'un de mes favoris personnels bien quand même merci pour regarder cette vidéo merci à Silas pour m'aider aussi et voir vous encore dans la prochaine vidéo Gujarati: જો તમે મોન્ટા તપાસવા માગો છો કટકા કરનાર હું એક લિંક છોડી શકશો વર્ણન જેથી તમે તપાસો જઈ શકો છો જો તમે ઇચ્છતા હો તો તેની વેબસાઇટ તેની ખરીદી કરો તેઓના ઘણાં વિવિધ પ્રકારના હોય છે ચોક્કસપણે એક ઇંચ પંચ જેવા બોલમાં બ્રુસ લી વિવિધતા કદાચ એક છે ચોક્કસપણે છે કે મારા એક ચોક્કસપણે છે વ્યક્તિગત મનપસંદ સારી રીતે કોઈપણ રીતે આભાર આ વિડિઓ જોવા માટે આભાર સિલાસને મારી મદદ કરવા માટે અને જુઓ તમે ફરીથી આગામી વિડિઓમાં Thai: ถ้าคุณต้องการตรวจสอบ Monta shredder ฉันจะปล่อยให้ลิงก์ใน คำอธิบายเพื่อให้คุณสามารถไปเช็คเอาท์ เว็บไซต์ของพวกเขาซื้อหากคุณต้องการ มีหลายประเภทด้วยกัน ลูกอย่างแน่นอนหมัดหนึ่งนิ้ว การเปลี่ยนแปลงของ Bruce Lee อาจเป็นหนึ่งใน คนที่อร่อยที่สุดที่แน่นอนหนึ่งของฉัน รายการโปรดส่วนตัวดีต่อไปขอบคุณ สำหรับการดูวิดีโอนี้ขอบคุณ สิลาสช่วยออกไปได้เหมือนกันและดู คุณอีกครั้งในวิดีโอถัดไป Indonesian: jika Anda ingin melihat Monta shredder Saya akan meninggalkan tautan di deskripsi sehingga Anda dapat memeriksanya situs web mereka membelinya jika Anda menginginkannya untuk mereka memiliki banyak jenis yang berbeda bola seperti tentu saja pukulan satu inci Variasi Bruce Lee mungkin salah satunya yang paling bagus yang pastinya salah satu dari saya favorit pribadi juga sih terima kasih untuk menonton video ini, terima kasih Silas untuk membantu saya keluar dan melihat Anda lagi di video berikutnya Portuguese: Se você quiser verificar um Monta triturador vou deixar um link no descrição para que você possa ir conferir seu site comprá-lo se você quiser para eles têm muitos tipos diferentes de bolas como certamente o soco de uma polegada Bruce Lee variação é provavelmente um dos mais bonitos que é certamente um dos meus favoritos pessoais bem de qualquer maneira obrigado para assistir este vídeo obrigado a Silas por me ajudar também e ver você de novo no próximo vídeo Hindi: अगर आप एक मोंटा देखना चाहते हैं श्रेडर मैं एक लिंक छोड़ दूंगा विवरण ताकि आप चेक आउट कर सकें यदि आप चाहें तो उनकी वेबसाइट इसे खरीदती है उनके पास बहुत से प्रकार हैं बॉल निश्चित रूप से एक इंच पंच की तरह ब्रूस ली विविधता शायद एक में से एक है सबसे अच्छे लोग जो निश्चित रूप से मेरे में से एक है निजी पसंदीदा वैसे भी धन्यवाद इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए धन्यवाद मुझे बाहर निकलने और देखने में मदद करने के लिए सीलास आप फिर से अगले वीडियो में iw: אם אתה רוצה לבדוק מונטה shredder אני אשאיר קישור ב תיאור כדי שתוכל לבדוק אתר האינטרנט שלהם לרכוש אותו אם אתה רוצה יש להם הרבה סוגים שונים של כדורים כמו בהחלט את האגרוף אחד אינץ ' וריאציה ברוס לי הוא כנראה אחד היפים ביותר זה בהחלט אחד שלי המועדפים האישיים גם בכל מקרה תודה עבור צופה זה וידאו תודה לך סילה שעזרה לי גם לראות ולראות אתה שוב בסרטון הבא Vietnamese: nếu bạn muốn kiểm tra một Monta shredder tôi sẽ để lại một liên kết trong mô tả để bạn có thể đi kiểm tra trang web của họ mua nó nếu bạn muốn họ có rất nhiều loại khác nhau quả bóng như chắc chắn cú đấm một inch Bruce Lee biến thể có lẽ là một trong những những người đẹp nhất chắc chắn là một trong những yêu thích cá nhân tốt anyway cảm ơn bạn để xem video này cảm ơn bạn Silas cũng giúp tôi và xem bạn một lần nữa trong video tiếp theo Russian: если вы хотите проверить Монту Измельчитель Я оставлю ссылку в описание, чтобы вы могли проверить их веб-сайт покупает его, если вы хотите у них есть много разных типов шары, как, конечно, однодюймовый удар Вариант Брюса Ли, вероятно, является одним из самые красивые, это, безусловно, один из моих личные фавориты хорошо в любом случае спасибо для просмотра этого видео спасибо вам Сайлас тоже помогает мне вы снова в следующем видео Dutch: als je een Monta wilt bekijken shredder Ik laat een link achter in de beschrijving zodat u kunt gaan uitchecken hun website koopt het als je dat wilt ze hebben veel verschillende soorten ballen zoals zeker de one-inch punch Bruce Lee-variatie is waarschijnlijk een van de de aardigste die zeker een van mijn is persoonlijke favorieten en toch bedankt voor het bekijken van deze video, bedankt Silas om me ook te helpen en te zien jij opnieuw in de volgende video Korean: 몬타를 확인하고 싶다면 슈레더 나는 당신이 체크 아웃 할 수 있도록 설명 원하는 경우 자신의 웹 사이트 구매 그들에게는 다양한 종류의 확실히 1 인치 펀치와 같은 공 Bruce Lee 변이는 아마도 확실히 좋은 것들은 내 어쨌든 개인 즐겨 찾기 잘 어쨌든 감사합니다. 이 비디오를 시청 해 주셔서 감사합니다. 나를 도우려는 시라스 다음 동영상에서 다시 너 Arabic: إذا كنت ترغب في التحقق من مونتا سأترك رابط في وصف حتى تتمكن من الخروج موقع الويب الخاص بهم شرائه إذا كنت تريد لديهم الكثير من أنواع مختلفة من كرات مثل بالتأكيد لكمة بوصة واحدة بروس لي الاختلاف هو على الارجح واحدة من أجمل منها بالتأكيد واحدة من بلدي المفضلة الشخصية بشكل جيد على أي حال شكرا لك لمشاهدة هذا الفيديو شكرا لك سيلاس لمساعدتي في الخارج أنت مرة أخرى في الفيديو التالي Afrikaans: as jy 'n Monta wil nagaan Shredder Ek sal 'n skakel in die beskrywing sodat jy kan gaan kyk hul webwerf koop dit as jy wil Hulle het baie verskillende soorte balle soos die een duim-punch Bruce Lee variasie is waarskynlik een van die lekkerste wat beslis een van my is persoonlike gunstelinge goed in elk geval dankie om hierdie video te kyk, dankie Silas om my ook te help en te sien jy weer in die volgende video Spanish: si quieres ver un Monta trituradora voy a dejar un enlace en el descripción para que pueda ir a echar un vistazo su sitio web lo compra si quieres tienen muchos tipos diferentes de bolas como sin duda el golpe de una pulgada La variación de Bruce Lee es probablemente una de las los más bonitos que sin duda es uno de mis favoritos personales bien de todos modos gracias para ver este video, gracias Silas por ayudarme a salir y ver de nuevo en el siguiente video English: if you want to check out a Monta shredder I'll leave a link in the description so you can go check out their website purchase it if you do want to they have a lot of different types of balls like certainly the one-inch punch Bruce Lee variation is probably one of the nicest ones that's certainly one of my personal favorites well anyway thank you for watching this video thank you to Silas for helping me out as well and see you again in the next video
English: Hi, I’m Francis, the host of this show "Cooking with Dog." First, let’s make the sushi vinegar. Combine the rice vinegar, sugar and the salt. Stir to dissolve well. Next, to the corn, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mix it with a spoon. Vietnamese: Hi, tôi là Francis, chủ của chương trình "Cooking with Dog." Đầu tiên, chúng ta hãy làm giấm cho sushi. Kết hợp dấm gạo, đường và muối. Khuấy đều để hòa tan tốt. Tiếp theo, cho ngô, thêm sốt mayonnaise, muối and tiêu. Trộn với một muỗng. Japanese: みなさんこんにちは 僕はフランシスです この”Cooking with Dog”の司会をやっています 始めにすし酢を合わせます 酢に砂糖 塩を加えて よく溶かしておきます 次にコーンの水煮にマヨネーズ 塩 コショウを振りかけ スプーンで混ぜます English: Now, place the fresh steamed rice into a bowl. Gradually pour the sushi vinegar over the rice paddle to distribute it evenly. Toss to coat using a slashing motion to avoid crushing the grains. Use a fan to slightly cool the rice. This will help give it a glossy texture and remove the excess moisture. Next, we will show you how to cut the nori seaweed. Most square sheets of nori have lines every 3.3cm and this will be the height of the gunkanmaki. First, cut off one edge of the nori perpendicular to the lines. Vietnamese: Bây giờ, đặt cơm tươi vào tô. Dần dần đổ giấm sushi trên muỗng múc gạo để phân phối đồng đều. Quăng áo bằng một chuyển động chậm để tránh bị nghiền hạt. Sử dụng quạt để làm nguội cơm. Điều này sẽ giúp cung cấp cho nó một kết cấu bóng và loại bỏ độ ẩm quá mức. Tiếp theo, chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn thấy làm thế nào để cắt rong biển nori. Hầu hết các tấm hình vuông của nori có đường mỗi 3.3 cm. và đây sẽ là chiều cao của gunkanmaki. Đầu tiên, cắt một cạnh của nori vuông góc với các đường dây. Japanese: 炊きたてのご飯をボウルに移し しゃもじを使って合わせ酢を回しかけ しゃもじを使って合わせ酢を回しかけ 米粒を潰さないように切るように 上下を返して全体に行き渡らせます 完全に行き渡ったらうちわであおぎます こうするとご飯に照りが出て余分な水分が取れます こうするとご飯に照りが出て余分な水分が取れます 次に海苔の切り方をお見せします 正方形の海苔には3.3cm幅の線があり これが軍艦の高さになります 海苔の表面についている線の幅で縦に1本切り取り Vietnamese: Sau đó, cắt phần còn lại của nori thành dải dọc theo dòng. Cuối cùng, cắt bỏ các dải dài đầu tiên và bạn có 6 dải nori. Bây giờ, lau thớt với một chiếc khăn hơi ẩm để giúp tránh dính. Thêm một chút dấm gạo vào nước. Làm ướt tay bằng nước và mất khoảng 20g gạo sushi. Hình dạng gạo thành một hình bầu dục. Dàn đều wasabi trên đầu và đặt gạo lên. English: Then, cut the rest of the nori into strips along the lines. Finally, trim off the first longer strip and you have 6 strips of nori. Now, clean off the cutting board with a slightly damp towel to help avoid sticking. Add a sprinkle of rice vinegar to the water. Wet your hands with the water and take about 20g of sushi rice. Shape the rice into an oval. Spread the wasabi on top and place the rice onto the board. Japanese: 残りは線に沿って切り離します 最初に切った海苔の長さを揃え 合計6本取ります 濡れ布巾でまな板を拭き すし飯がくっつくのを防ぎます 水に酢を少量加えて薄い酢水を作ります これで手を濡らし すし飯を20gほど取り 軽く握って俵型を作ります わさびを塗って台に置き English: Wrap the rice with the strip of nori with the glossy side facing outward. Using a rice grain, close the end of the nori. This is the basic shape of the gunkanmaki. The nori seaweed will keep the loose topping from falling off. Now, we will show you how to use the sushi rice mold. Wet your hands again and measure out 100g of sushi rice. Fill the mold with the rice. Cover with the lid and lightly press the rice. And flip it over. Then, remove the 5 pieces. Make the base of the gunkanmaki Japanese: ツヤのある方を外側にし周りを海苔で巻きます 巻き終わりをご飯粒で止めます これが軍艦巻きの基本形です 海苔のおかげでネタが崩れることはありません 握り寿司用の押し型の使い方をお見せします 軽く手酢で濡らし100gの寿司飯をとります 型に均等に入れます 押し板で押し ひっくり返し 5つ分を取り出します 軍艦巻きの基本形を作り Vietnamese: Quấn gạo với dải nori với phía bóng đối mặt với bên ngoài. Sử dụng một hạt gạo, đóng chặt nori. Đây là hình dạng cơ bản của gunkanmaki. Các rong biển nori sẽ giữ topping lỏng không bị rơi xuống. Bây giờ, chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn thấy làm thế nào để sử dụng các khuôn cơm sushi. Làm ướt tay của bạn một lần nữa và đo ra 100g gạo sushi. Điền vào các khuôn gạo. Che đậy lại và nhẹ nhàng nhấn gạo. Và lật nó lên. Sau đó, loại bỏ 5 miếng. Làm cho gunkanmaki một chỗ trống Vietnamese: và để lên đầu ikura shoyuzuke, trứng cá hồi ướp. Tương tự như vậy, để lên đầu với những lát dưa chuột và ika somen, mực thái lát vào dải giống như mì mỏng. Tiếp theo, để trên cùng với bơ và cá hồi tươi. Và đây là cá ngừ tươi xắt nhỏ. Đặt hành lá lá trên đầu. Cuối cùng, chúng ta hãy xem xét quá trình đóng gói một lần nữa. Japanese: いくらの醤油漬けをのせます 同様にきゅうりの薄切りと イカそうめんをのせます 次はアボカドと サーモン 次はマグロのたたきをのせ 青ねぎを散らします 最後にもう一度海苔の巻き方をお見せします English: and top with the ikura shoyuzuke, marinated salmon roe. Likewise, top with the cucumber slices and the ika somen, squid sliced into thin noodle-like strips. Next, top with the avocado and the fresh salmon. And here is the fresh chopped tuna. Place the spring onion leaves on top. Finally, let’s review the wrapping process one more time. English: With a grain of rice, wrap the sushi rice with the nori. You can leave out the wasabi for this corn mayo topping. Place the 5 kinds of gunkanmaki onto a plate. Gunkanmaki was invented at the sushi restaurant Ginza Kyubey in 1941. This invention enabled the use of soft loose ingredients as a sushi topping. Gunkan means warship and the name of the dish is derived from the shape. Enjoy the gunkanmaki before the nori gets soggy and the toppings fall off. Good luck in the kitchen! Japanese: すし飯に海苔を巻きご飯粒を使って固定します コーンマヨはわさびを省いて大丈夫です 大葉を敷いたお皿にのせて出来上がりです 軍艦巻きは1941年に銀座「久兵衛」が考案したそうです 軍艦巻きは1941年に銀座「久兵衛」が考案したそうです この発明で柔らかくバラけやすい材料も 握り寿司のネタとして使われるようになりました このお寿司の名前は軍艦にその姿が 似ていることからつけられました 海苔が湿って形が崩れないうちに 是非ご賞味下さい Good luck in the kitchen! Vietnamese: Với một hạt gạo, bọc gạo sushi với nori. Bạn có thể bỏ wasabi ra rồi cho topping mayo bắp này. Đặt 5 loại gunkanmaki lên một cái dĩa. Gunkanmaki được phát minh tại nhà hàng sushi Ginza Kyubey vào năm 1941. Sáng chế này cho phép việc sử dụng các thành phần mềm lỏng lẻo như một lớp mặt sushi. Gunkan có nghĩa là tàu chiến và tên của các món ăn có nguồn gốc từ hình dạng Thưởng thức gunkanmaki trước khi nori được chưa chín và các bánh rơi ra. Chúc may mắn trong nhà bếp!
They are massive, and extremely dense. They rip apart anything and everything that gets close to them. We can't see black holes. But we know they have the destructive power to wipe everything out of existence. This is WHAT IF, and here's what would happen if a black hole deleted the Universe. Before we get to the part where a black hole erases the Universe, let's make something clear. The Universe is a giant supercomputer processing information. Without information, there can be no Universe. In physics, information is the property of a specific state of a particle. I know, it sounds confusing. Here's a simpler way of looking at it. This is a carbon atom. A bunch of these can be arranged to make a hard diamond. But if you change the arrangement of atoms, you can get soft graphite. The basic building blocks are the same. It's information that makes them different. In quantum mechanics, information is like energy - it can't disappear into nothingness. So how in the Universe can one black hole do the impossible? Black holes act like monstrous cosmic trash compactors. They squeeze stars, planets and unfortunate astronauts who crossed the event horizon into a microscopic point. So what happens to the information about every particle that a black hole consumes? Since information can never be destroyed, it has to be stored somewhere inside that black hole, right? Our original understanding of black holes assumed that everything that disappeared in the black hole, stayed in the black hole. The moment an object passed the event horizon, it got crushed into the density of the black hole. The information about it could never be retrieved again. That's what we thought before Stephen Hawking introduced Hawking radiation. Hawking realized that black holes aren't static. Rather, they release their mass and energy back into the Universe particle by particle, until there is nothing left. So, does that mean the information within a black hole can somehow escape with the black hole's outgoing radiation? Not quite. The black hole doesn't preserve the information it consumes. It chaotically mixes it together with other bits of information, making it impossible to recover. If the information can be lost, that would mean that black holes can eventually delete the Universe. Forever. But there is a possibility that the black hole doesn't delete the information. It may be hiding it in a baby universe - a small self-contained part of the universe that branched off of ours. The information wouldn't technically be lost, but we wouldn't be able to interact with it. Another possibility is that black holes can encode the information, according to the holographic principle. If you were to get trapped inside a black hole, you'd still experience three-dimensional space. For us looking at you from the outside, you'd appear stretched on the flat surface. Just like a hologram. That would mean that the information paradox is resolved, and we don't need to rewrite the laws of physics. But we'd have to rethink our understanding of reality. The Universe could be a 3D image projected off a 2D surface. And you may be a hologram on the surface of a black hole. And the best part - the black hole couldn't delete the Universe after all. Wait, how can we be living in a hologram? Well, that's a story for another WHAT IF.
German: Das ist der neue Bravia OLED-Fernseher von Sony im mittleren Segment mit Flaggschiff-Technologie, der A8. Er ist in 55 und 65“ erhältlich und mit dem X1 Ultimate ausgestattet, unserem leistungsstärkten Bildprozessor. Zudem kommen Pixel Contrast Booster, unser einzigartiger Bildschirmtreiber, ein Triluminos Display und X-Motion Clarity zum Einsatz. Die OLED-Technologie sorgt dafür, dass Bilder voll zur Geltung kommen, da jedes Pixel eine eigene Lichtquelle ist. Das ermöglicht tiefe Schwarztöne, einen beeindruckenden Kontrast und einen großen Betrachtungswinkel, sodass alle ins Geschehen eintauchen. Aber nicht nur der Bildschirm ist für tolle Bilder verantwortlich, sondern auch der Bildprozessor von Sony, der die überragende Bildqualität des A8 erst ermöglicht. Unser hochgelobter X1 Ultimate Bildprozessor nutzt verschiedene objektbasierte Technologien, um farbenprächtige Bilder zu erschaffen. Polish: Oto nowy telewizor OLED Sony BRAVIA średniej klasy z flagową technologią: A8, dostępny w wersjach z ekranem 55" i 65". A8 jest wyposażony w nasz najwydajniejszy procesor obrazu, X1 Ultimate, unikatowy sterownik panelu Pixel Contrast Booster, wyświetlacz Triluminos oraz technologię X-Motion Clarity. Technologia panelu OLED ma kilka ważnych zalet, bo każdy piksel jest własnym źródłem światła. Niezrównane poziomy czerni, niesamowity kontrast i szeroki kąt widzenia, dzięki któremu wszyscy widzą dobry obraz. Ale sam panel to nie wszystko. Procesor obrazu Sony odgrywa pierwszorzędną rolę w zapewnianiu doskonałego obrazu na telewizorze A8. Renomowany procesor obrazu X1 Ultimate wykorzystuje kilka obiektowych technologii, by obraz stawał się bogatszy. Italian: Questo è il nuovo TV OLED Bravia di fascia media con tecnologia all'avanguardia, A8. Disponibile con schermo da 55" e 65" A8 dispone del processore di immagini più potente, X1 Ultimate, il nostro driver esclusivo, Pixel Contrast Booster display Triluminos e X-Motion Clarity. La tecnologia dei pannelli OLED fornisce numerosi punti di forza perché ogni pixel è la propria fonte di luce. Livelli di nero imbattibili, contrasto sorprendente e un ampio angolo di visione in modo che tutti abbiano una vista fantastica. Ma è molto di più che un semplice pannello. Il processore di immagini di Sony è anche il responsabile della straordinaria qualità dell'immagine di A8. Il nostro acclamato processore di immagini X1 Ultimate utilizza diverse tecnologie "object-based" per arricchire la foto. Dutch: Dit is Sony's nieuwe mid-range BRAVIA OLED-tv met de nieuwste technologie: de A8. De A8 is beschikbaar in 55 en 65 inch en bevat onze krachtigste beeldprocessor, de X1 Ultimate, ons unieke schermstuurprogramma, Pixel Contrast Booster, een Triluminos-scherm en X-Motion Clarity. OLED-schermtechnologie heeft diverse sterke punten, want elke pixel is zijn eigen lichtbron. Onovertroffen zwartniveaus, schitterend contrast en een grote beeldhoek, zodat iedereen het goed kan zien. Het houdt echter niet op bij het scherm. Onze beeldprocessor is de sleutel tot de prachtige beeldkwaliteit van de A8. Onze vermaarde X1 Ultimate- beeldprocessor gebruikt op objecten gebaseerde technologieën om het beeld te verrijken. Spanish: Este es el nuevo televisor BRAVIA OLED de gama media de Sony con tecnología insignia, el A8. Disponible en tamaños de pantalla de 55" y 65", el A8 cuenta con nuestro procesador de imágenes más potente, el X1 Ultimate, nuestro exclusivo controlador de panel, Pixel Contrast Booster, pantalla TRILUMINOS y X-Motion Clarity. La tecnología de panel OLED cuenta con varios puntos fuertes inherentes, ya que cada píxel es su propia fuente de luz. Los niveles de negro son incomparables, el contraste es asombroso y el ángulo de visión amplio, para que todos disfruten de una gran experiencia visual. Pero hay mucho más que el panel. El procesador de imágenes de Sony es en última instancia el que proporciona la asombrosa calidad de imagen del A8. Nuestro aclamado procesador de imágenes X1 Ultimate emplea varias tecnologías basadas en objetos para enriquecer la imagen. French: Voici le nouveau téléviseur Bravia OLED de milieu de gamme de Sony équipé de nos technologies phare : l'A8. Disponible en deux tailles d'écran, 55" et 65", l'A8 intègre notre processeur d'image le plus puissant, le X1 Ultimate, notre pilote d'affichage unique Pixel Contrast Booster, un écran Triluminos et la technologie X-Motion Clarity. La technologie d'écran OLED comporte de nombreux avantages car chaque pixel équivaut à sa propre source de lumière. On obtient des noirs incomparables, un niveau de contraste saisissant et un grand angle de visualisation pour que tout le monde puisse en profiter. Mais ce modèle ne se résume pas à son écran. Le processeur d'image de Sony est en fin de compte ce qui détermine la qualité d'image exceptionnelle de l'A8. Notre remarquable processeur d'image X1 Ultimate a recours à plusieurs technologies basées sur objets pour enrichir votre image. Russian: Перед вами — новый OLED-телевизор Sony Bravia среднего класса с флагманской технологией A8. Доступные размеры экрана: 55 и 65 дюймов. В A8 установлен самый мощный процессор нового поколения X1 Ultimate, имеется уникальный драйвер панели, технологии Pixel Contrast Booster, Triluminos Display и X-Motion Clarity. Технология OLED имеет ряд преимуществ над другими панелями, поскольку у каждого пикселя есть индивидуальный источник подсветки. Такая панель отличается непревзойденными черными цветами, высокой контрастностью и широким углом обзора. Но преимущества не ограничиваются панелью. За великолепное качество изображения на A8 отвечает процессор от Sony. В X1 Ultimate используется несколько объектных технологий для улучшения картинки. Portuguese: Esta é a nova TV Bravia OLED de gama média da Sony com tecnologia de topo, a A8. Disponível em ecrãs de 55" e 65" a A8 possui o nosso mais potente processador de imagem, o X1 Ultimate o nosso controlador de painel único, Pixel Contrast Booster Ecrã Triluminos e X-Motion Clarity. A tecnologia de painel OLED possui vários pontos fortes inerentes dado que cada pixel é a sua própria fonte de luz. Níveis de preto imbatíveis, contraste deslumbrante e um amplo ângulo de visão, para que todos tenham uma boa visão. Mas há mais para além do painel. O processador de imagem da Sony é, derradeiramente o que dá à A8 uma incrível qualidade de imagem. O aclamado processador de imagens X1 Ultimate usa várias tecnologias object-based para enriquecer a imagem. English: This is Sony's new mid-range Bravia OLED TV with flagship technology, the A8. Available in 55" and 65" screen sizes the A8 features our most powerful picture processor, the X1 Ultimate our unique panel driver, Pixel Contrast Booster Triluminos display and X-Motion Clarity. OLED panel technology yields several inherent strengths because each pixel is its own light source. Unbeatable black levels, stunning contrast and a wide viewing angle, so everyone gets a great view. But there's more to it than just the panel. Sony's picture processor is ultimately what provides the A8's stunning image quality. Our acclaimed X1 Ultimate picture processor uses several object-based technologies to enrich your picture. Turkish: Bu, Sony’nin öncü teknolojiye sahip, yeni orta aralıklı Bravia OLED TV’si A8. 55 inç ve 65 inç ekran boyutu seçenekleri olan A8’de, en güçlü görüntü işlemcimiz X1 Ultimate, eşsiz panel sürücümüz Pixel Contrast Booster, Triluminos ekran ve X-Motion Clarity bulunuyor. OLED panel teknolojisi, yapısı gereği birçok güçlü yöne sahip çünkü her piksel kendi ışık kaynağını sağlıyor. Rakipsiz siyah seviyeleri, büyüleyici kontrast ve geniş izleme açısıyla, herkes mükemmel görüşe sahip oluyor. Ancak tüm özellikler panelden ibaret değil. A8’in büyüleyici görüntü kalitesini sağlayan, nihayetinde Sony’nin görüntü işlemcisi. Beğenilen X1 Ultimate görüntü işlemcimiz, görüntünüzü zenginleştirmek için nesne tabanlı birçok teknoloji kullanıyor. Italian: Funziona identificando ogni oggetto all'interno dell'immagine. Quindi ne migliorare dettagli, colore e contrasto per una visione totalmente coinvolgente. Il nostro esclusivo Pixel Contrast Booster assicura che le prestazioni del pannello OLED siano massimizzate per fornire trame naturali e creare un'immagine superba e realistica. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision e Atmos, IMAX Enhanced e la modalità immagine personalizzata di Sony co-sviluppata con Sony Pictures, sono tutti inclusi. Vedi film, programmi TV e giochi con il colore, il contrasto e il movimento che erano nelle intenzioni del regista. Il nostro Acoustic Surface Audio, con doppio subwoofer, si occupa del suono. Acoustic Surface Audio ricrea il suono coinvolgente che si ha nelle sale cinematografiche. Gli attuatori fanno vibrare lo schermo in maniera impercettibile creando onde sonore che arrivano direttamente dallo schermo. I subwoofer doppi forniscono i toni di frequenza più bassa per offrire un ricco audio multidimensionale. French: Pour ce faire, il identifie chaque objet dans l'image puis accentue les détails, les couleurs et les contrastes pour une immersion totale. Notre technologie unique Pixel Contrast Booster permet d'optimiser les performances de l'écran OLED pour des textures naturelles et une image d'un grand réalisme. Les fonctionnalités Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision et Atmos, IMAX Enhanced et le mode image personnalisé de Sony, mis au point en partenariat avec Sony Pictures, sont tous inclus. Découvrez vos films, séries et jeux vidéo avec des couleurs, des contrastes et des mouvements fidèles à l'intention de leurs créateurs. Notre système Acoustic Surface Audio doté de deux caissons de basses se charge du son. L'Acoustic Surface Audio reproduit l'expérience audio immersive que vous vivez dans les salles de cinéma. Des actionneurs invisibles font vibrer l'écran pour créer des ondes sonores qui proviennent directement de l'écran. Les deux caissons de basses se chargent de diffuser les graves pour produire un son riche et multidimensionnel. German: Dabei wird jedes Objekt im Bild identifiziert. Anschließend werden Details, Farbe und Kontrast optimiert, um mitreißende Bilder zu erzeugen. Unser einzigartiger Pixel Contrast Booster bewirkt, dass die Leistung des OLED-Bildschirms noch gesteigert wird, um natürliche Texturen und unverfälschte Bilder darzustellen. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision und Atmos, IMAX Enhanced und der von Sony in Zusammenarbeit mit Sony Pictures entwickelte Bildmodus sind ebenfalls enthalten. So erleben Sie Filme, Serien und Spiele mit den Farben, Kontrasten und Bewegungen wie vom Produzenten vorgesehen. Acoustic Surface Audio mit zwei Subwoofern sorgt für satten Sound. Acoustic Surface Audio erzeugt den mitreißenden Klang, den man vom Kino kennt. Durch Aktuatoren vibriert der Bildschirm unmerklich, was Schallwellen erzeugt, die direkt vom Bildschirm kommen. Die beiden Subwoofer stellen die tiefen Basstöne bereit, die für satten, multidimensionalen Klang unabdingbar sind. English: It works by identifying each object within the picture. Then enhancing the detail, colour and contrast for a full immersive view. Our unique Pixel Contrast Booster ensures the performance of the OLED panel is maximised to provide natural textures for a superbly realistic picture. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision and Atmos, IMAX Enhanced and Sony's own custom picture mode setting co-developed with Sony Pictures, are all included. You see films, TV shows and games with the colour, contrast and motion the creator intended you to see. Our Acoustic Surface Audio with twin subwoofers takes care of the sound. Acoustic Surface Audio recreates the immersive sound from picture experience you get in the cinema. Actuators invisibly vibrate the screen creating sound waves that come directly from the screen. Twin subwoofers provide the lower frequency bass tones to deliver rich multi-dimensional sound. Portuguese: Estas funcionam através da identificação de cada objeto. Melhorando depois o detalhe, cor e contraste para uma visão imersiva. O nosso Pixel Contrast Booster garante que o desempenho do painel OLED é maximizado para obter texturas naturais e uma incrível imagem realista. Estão incluídos o Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision e Atmos, IMAX Enhanced e o modo de imagem personalizado da Sony codesenvolvido com a Sony Pictures. Vai ver os filmes, programas televisivos e jogos com a cor, contraste e movimento pretendidos pelos criadores. O nosso Acoustic Surface Audio com subwoofers duplos trata do som. O Acoustic Surface Audio recria o som imersivo da experiência cinematográfica que tem no cinema. Os atuadores vibram o ecrã de forma invisível criando ondas de som que vêm diretamente do ecrã. Os subwoofers duplos fornecem graves com uma frequência mais baixa para dar um som multidimensional detalhado. Polish: Identyfikuje poszczególne obiekty w obrazie, a następnie uwydatnia detale, kolor i kontrast, by zapewnić urzekający obraz. Unikatowy sterownik Pixel Contrast Booster pozwala lepiej wykorzystać możliwości panelu OLED w celu nadania naturalnego wyglądu fakturom i zapewnienia realizmu obrazu. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision i Atmos, IMAX Enhanced oraz nasze firmowe, własne ustawienie trybu obrazu opracowane we współpracy z Sony Pictures - wszystko to jest w zestawie funkcji. Oglądane filmy, programy telewizyjne i gry mają kolor, kontrast i ruch zgodny z zamierzeniem twórcy. Nad jakością dźwięku czuwa technologia Acoustic Multi-Audio z dwoma subwooferami. Technologia Acoustic Surface Audio naśladuje intensywne wrażenie „dźwięku z obrazu”, jakie znamy z kina. Niewidoczne drgania ekranu wywołane przez siłowniki wytwarzają fale dźwiękowe dobiegające bezpośrednio z ekranu. Dwa subwoofery wytwarzają bas o niższych częstotliwościach, będący jednym z elementów wielowymiarowego dźwięku. Spanish: Funciona identificando cada objeto de la imagen y, luego, mejorando el detalle, el color y el contraste para ofrecer una visualización totalmente envolvente. Nuestro exclusivo Pixel Contrast Booster garantiza que el rendimiento del panel OLED se maximice para ofrecer texturas naturales y obtener una imagen increíblemente realista. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision y Atmos, IMAX Enhanced y la configuración de modo de imagen propia de Sony, desarrollada junto con Sony Pictures: todo está incluido. Verás las películas, los programas de TV y los juegos con el color, el contraste y el movimiento que concibió el creador. Nuestro Acoustic Surface Audio con doble subwoofer se encarga del sonido. Acoustic Surface Audio recrea la experiencia Sound-from-Picture cinematográfica que disfrutas en el cine. Los accionadores hacen vibrar la pantalla de forma invisible para crear ondas sonoras que salen directamente de la pantalla. El doble subwoofer proporciona los tonos graves de menor frecuencia para ofrecer un sonido multidimensional detallado. Dutch: Eerst worden alle objecten in het beeld geïdentificeerd. Daarna worden details, kleuren en contrast verbeterd voor meeslepend beeld. Onze unieke Pixel Contrast Booster zorgt dat het OLED-scherm optimaal presteert en natuurlijke texturen toont voor hyperrealistisch beeld. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision en Atmos, IMAX Enhanced en de eigen beeldmodusinstelling van Sony, ontwikkeld samen met Sony Pictures, zijn allemaal inbegrepen. Je ziet films, tv-programma's en games met de kleuren, contrasten en beweging die de maker voor ogen had. Onze Acoustic Surface Audio met twee subwoofers verzorgt het geluid. Acoustic Surface Audio creëert de meeslepende geluid-uit-beeldervaring van een bioscoop. Door actuatoren trilt het scherm onzichtbaar, zodat geluidsgolven rechtstreeks van het scherm komen. Twee subwoofers zorgen voor de bastonen met lagere frequentie, voor rijk, multidimensionaal geluid. Russian: Сначала на изображении определяются все объекты. Потом улучшается детализация, цвет и контрастность, чтобы сделать картинку максимально реалистичной. Наша технология Pixel Contrast Booster обеспечивает эффективную работу панели OLED, чтобы воссоздать естественные текстуры и сверхреалистичное изображение. Также поддерживаются режимы Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision и Atmos, IMAX Enhanced и наш собственный режим изображения, разработанный совместно с Sony Pictures. Вы сможете наслаждаться фильмами, телепередачами и играми в цвете, контрастности и динамике, какими их задумывал автор. За звук отвечают Acoustic Surface Audio и сабвуферы. Технология Acoustic Surface Audio создает кинематографический звук как в кинотеатре. Приводы создают незаметные вибрации, генерируя звуковые волны непосредственно с экрана. Два сабвуфера обеспечивают качественный низкочастотный бас, создавая насыщенный многомерный звук. Turkish: Görüntüdeki her nesneyi tanımlayarak çalışıyor. Sonra sürükleyici bir izleme için ayrıntıları, rengi ve kontrastı iyileştiriyor. Eşsiz Pixel Contrast Booster teknolojimiz, OLED panelin performansını en üst düzeye çıkararak üstün gerçekçiliğe sahip bir görüntü için doğal dokular sağlıyor. Netflix Calibrated Mode, Dolby Vision ve Atmos, IMAX Enhanced ve Sony Pictures ile birlikte geliştirilen Sony’nin kendi özel görüntü modu ayarı; hepsi bu TV’de. Filmleri, TV programlarını ve oyunları içerik oluşturucunun planladığı renk, kontrast ve hareketle görüyorsunuz. Çift subwoofer’lı Acoustic Surface Audio teknolojimiz işin ses kısmını hallediyor. Acoustic Surface Audio sinemada gördüğünüz etkileyici görüntüden ses deneyimini yeniden yaratıyor. Aktüatörler, ekranı görünmeyecek şekilde titreterek doğrudan ekrandan gelen ses dalgaları oluşturuyor. Çift subwoofer’lar, zengin ve çok boyutlu ses sunmak için düşük frekanslı bas tonları sağlıyor. Polish: Te zaawansowane technologie obrazu i dźwięku są połączone z charakterystyczną dla Sony, minimalistyczną stylistyką One Slate. Dzięki niej cała uwaga skupia się na tym, co najważniejsze: akcji. Nasza technologia optymalizacji do otoczenia dopasowuje obraz i dźwięk do warunków panujących w otoczeniu. Automatycznie dostosowuje jasność obrazu do oświetlenia pomieszczenia: zwiększa ją w jasnych pomieszczeniach, a zmniejsza w ciemnych, tworząc optymalny klimat przy oglądaniu. Technologia ta wykrywa w pomieszczeniu obiekty, które mogą tłumić lub odbijać dźwięk, na przykład zasłony i meble. Następnie precyzyjnie koryguje akustykę, zapobiegając pogorszeniu dźwięku. I wreszcie, wysoko wydajny chipset telewizora Sony z platformą Android TV umożliwia szybki i bezproblemowy dostęp do ulubionych treści. Elementem pilota jest wbudowany mikrofon, a dzięki Asystentowi Google można obsługiwać telewizor i urządzenia do inteligentnego domu oraz wyszukiwać rozrywkę za pomocą poleceń głosowych. Do odkrycia jest ponad 5000 aplikacji z serwisu Google Play. Spanish: Estas avanzadas tecnologías de imagen y sonido se envuelven en el distintivo concepto de diseño integral minimalista de Sony, que consigue que centres la atención en lo que es importante: la acción. Nuestra tecnología de optimización ambiental adapta la imagen y el sonido a tu entorno. Esta ajusta automáticamente el brillo de la imagen a la iluminación de la habitación, aumentándolo en habitaciones iluminadas y reduciéndolo en habitaciones oscuras, para una visualización atmosférica perfecta. Esta tecnología puede incluso detectar objetos en la habitación, como cortinas y muebles, que pueden absorber o reflejar el sonido, ajustando con precisión la acústica para que el sonido no se vea afectado. Por último, con un chipset de alto rendimiento, Android TV de Sony te ofrece un acceso rápido y sin esfuerzo a todos tus contenidos favoritos. Hemos integrado un micrófono en el mando a distancia y, con el Asistente de Google, podrás controlar tu televisor, tu hogar inteligente y buscar nuevo entretenimiento con la voz. Explora las más de 5000 aplicaciones disponibles en Google Play Store German: Die hochmodernen Bild- und Sound-Technologien sind in das minimalistische One Slate Design von Sony eingefasst, das Ihnen die Freiheit lässt, sich auf das Wichtige zu konzentrieren – das Bild. Unsere Technologie für Umgebungsoptimierung passt Bild und Ton an Ihre Umgebung an. So wird mit einer höheren Helligkeit in hellen Räumen und dunklerem Bild in dunklen Räumen ein perfektes Fernseherlebnis erreicht. Die Technologie erkennt sogar Objekte wie Vorhänge und Möbel im Raum, die Sound verschlucken oder reflektieren könnten, und passt den Klang entsprechend an. Mit dem leistungsstarken Chipsatz des Android TV von Sony ist der Zugriff auf Ihre Lieblingsinhalte ganz einfach in Sekundenschnelle möglich. In der Fernbedienung befindet sich ein Mikrofon, sodass sich Ihr Fernseher und Smart Home-Geräte mit Google Assistant steuern lassen und Sie im Handumdrehen neue Inhalte finden. Entdecken Sie mehr als 5.000 Apps im Google Play Store und French: Ces technologies avancées en matière d'image et de son sont intégrées dans le design minimaliste emblématique de Sony, One Slate, qui attire votre attention sur l'essentiel : l'action. Notre technologie d'optimisation ambiante adapte l'image et le son à votre environnement. Elle ajuste automatiquement la luminosité de l'image en fonction de l'éclairage de la pièce en l'augmentant dans les pièces lumineuses et en la réduisant dans les pièces sombres pour une image harmonieuse. Cette technologie peut même détecter les objets de la pièce comme les rideaux et les meubles qui peuvent absorber ou réfléchir le son pour perfectionner l'acoustique et sublimer le son. Enfin, grâce à une puce haute performance, le téléviseur Android de Sony vous permet d'accéder facilement à tous vos contenus préférés. Nous avons intégré un microphone à la télécommande afin que vous puissiez contrôler vocalement votre téléviseur, Smart Home et trouver de nouveaux divertissements grâce à l'Assistant Google. Découvrez plus de 5 000 applications téléchargeables sur Google Play Store Portuguese: Estas avançadas tecnologias de som e imagem são finalizadas pelo conceito de design minimalista One Slate de assinatura da Sony que mantém o foco sobre o que é importante, a ação. A tecnologia de otimização do ambiente adapta a imagem e o som ao seu ambiente. Esta ajusta automaticamente o brilho da imagem à luminosidade da divisão aumentando-o em divisões iluminadas e reduzindo-o em divisões escuras para uma vista atmosférica perfeita. Esta tecnologia pode até detetar objetos na divisão como cortinas e móveis que possam absorver ou refletir o som aperfeiçoando a acústica para que o som não seja comprometido. Por fim, um chipset de alto desempenho para a Android TV da Sony dá-lhe um acesso rápido e simples aos seus conteúdos favoritos. Incorporámos um microfone no telecomando e com o Google Assistant pode controlar a TV, uma Casa Inteligente e encontrar novo entretenimento com a voz. Explore mais de 5000 aplicações na Google Play Store Turkish: Bu gelişmiş görüntü ve ses teknolojileri, önemli olana, yani aksiyona odaklanmanızı sağlayan, Sony imzalı minimal tek parçalı tasarımda bir araya geliyor. Ortam optimizasyonu teknolojimiz, görüntü ve sesi ortamınıza göre uyarlıyor. Görüntü parlaklığını odadaki ortam ışığına göre otomatik olarak ayarlıyor ve mükemmel bir atmosferik görüntü için parlaklığı aydınlık odalarda artırıp karanlık odalarda azaltıyor. Bu teknoloji, odada sesi emebilecek veya yansıtabilecek perde, mobilya gibi nesneleri dahi algılayıp sesten ödün vermemeniz için akustiği incelikle ayarlayabiliyor. Son olarak, yüksek performanslı bir çip setine sahip olan bu Sony Android TV, tüm favori içeriklerinize hızla ve kolayca erişmenizi sağlıyor. Uzaktan kumandaya dahili bir mikrofon ekledik ve Google Assistant’la TV’nizi, Akıllı Ev cihazlarınızı sesinizi kullanarak kontrol edebiliyor ve yeni eğlenceler bulabiliyorsunuz. Google Play Store’daki 5000’i aşkın uygulamayı keşfedin, Russian: Передовые видео- и аудиотехнологии дополняет фирменный минималистичный дизайн One Slate от Sony, который помогает зрителю сосредоточиться на происходящем на экране. Технология адаптации к окружающей среде подстраивает изображение и звук под условия в помещении. Она автоматически настраивает яркость изображения в зависимости от освещения в комнате — увеличивает при ярком свете и снижает в темных комнатах для создания нужной атмосферы. Эта технология даже может определять объекты в комнате, например шторы и мебель, которые поглощают или отражают звук, чтобы тонко настроить акустику. Наконец, благодаря высокопроизводительному чипсету телевизор Android TV от Sony обеспечивает быстрый доступ ко всему любимому контенту. В пульте имеется микрофон, что позволяет с помощью Google Assistant искать новый контент и управлять телевизором и системой Smart Home, отдавая голосовые команды. В магазине Google Play доступно более 5000 приложений, Dutch: Deze geavanceerde beeld- en geluidstechnologieën zijn verpakt in het minimalistische One Slate-ontwerp van Sony dat je aandacht gericht houdt op waar het om draait: de actie. Onze omgevingsoptimalisatietechnologie past het beeld en geluid aan op je omgeving. De helderheid van het beeld wordt automatisch aangepast aan het licht in de ruimte. Meer in lichte ruimtes en minder in donkere ruimtes, voor een sfeervol beeld. Deze technologie kan zelfs objecten detecteren, zoals gordijnen en meubels, die geluid absorberen of weerkaatsen en de akoestiek zo afstemmen op optimale geluidskwaliteit. Ten slotte geeft dankzij een hoogwaardige chipset Android TV van Sony snelle toegang tot je lievelingscontent. De afstandsbediening heeft een microfoon en met Google Assistent kun je je tv en smarthome bedienen en nieuwe entertainment vinden door te praten. Ontdek ruim 5000 apps in de Google Play Store Italian: Queste tecnologie audio e video avanzate sono racchiuse nella firma di Sony, nel design One Slate minimalista che mantiene tutta la tua attenzione su ciò che conta davvero: l'azione. La tecnologia di ottimizzazione ambientale adatta l'immagine e l'audio al tuo spazio. Questa tecnologia adatta automaticamente la luminosità dell'immagine alla luce nella stanza potenziandola in stanze luminose e riducendola in ambienti bui per una visione ottimale. Questa tecnologia è inoltre in grado di rilevare oggetti nella stanza, come tende e mobili, che possono assorbire o riflettere il suono perfezionando così l'acustica in modo che l'audio non sia compromesso. Infine, con un chipset a prestazioni elevate Android TV di Sony ti consente di accedere velocemente e senza sforzo a tutti i tuoi contenuti preferiti. Abbiamo integrato un microfono nel telecomando e grazie all'assistente Google puoi controllare TV, Smart Home e scoprire nuove forme di intrattenimento usando la voce. Esplora le oltre 5000 app disponibili dal Google Play Store English: These advanced picture and sound technologies are wrapped up in Sony's signature, minimalist One Slate design that keeps all your focus on what's important—the action. Our ambient optimisation technology adapts the picture and sound to your environment. It will automatically adjust the picture brightness to the light in the room boosting it in bright rooms and reducing it in dark rooms for a perfect atmospheric view. This technology can even detect objects in the room such as curtains and furniture that may absorb or reflect sound fine tuning the acoustics so your sound isn't compromised. Finally, with a high-performance chipset Sony's Android TV gives you fast, effortless access to all your favourite content. We've built a microphone into the remote control and with Google Assistant, you can control your TV, Smart Home and find new entertainment using your voice. Explore over 5000 apps available from the Google Play Store Spanish: y utiliza Google Chromecast o Apple Air Play para transmitir desde tu iPhone, iPad, dispositivo Android u ordenador portátil directamente al televisor. Dutch: en gebruik Google Chromecast of Apple Air Play om beeld vanaf je iPhone, iPad, Android-apparaat of laptop naar de tv te casten. English: and use Google Chromecast or Apple Air Play to cast from your iPhone, iPad, Android device or laptop straight to the TV. Portuguese: e use o Google Chromecast ou o Apple Air Play para transmitir do iPhone, iPad, dispositivo Android ou portátil diretamente para a TV. Polish: Używając technologii Google Chromecast lub Apple AirPlay można przesyłać treści z telefonu iPhone, iPada, urządzenia z systemem Android lub laptopa prosto na telewizor. German: übertragen Sie mit Google Chromecast oder Apple Air Play den Bildschirm Ihres iPhones oder iPad bzw. Android-Geräts oder Notebooks direkt auf den Fernseher. Russian: которые с помощью Google Chromecast или Apple Air Play можно транслировать с iPhone, iPad, мобильного устройства или ноутбука с Android напрямую на телевизор. Italian: e utilizza Google Chromecast o Apple Air Play per trasmettere dal tuo iPhone, iPad, dispositivo Android o laptop direttamente al televisore. French: et utilisez Google Chromecast ou Apple Air Play pour afficher le contenu de votre iPhone, iPad, périphérique Android ou ordinateur portable directement sur le téléviseur. Turkish: ayrıca Google Chromecast veya Apple Air Play ile iPhone, iPad, Android cihazınızdan veya dizüstü bilgisayarınızdan içerikleri doğrudan TV’ye yansıtın.
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-This first poll asked, "Will you listen to Rudy Giuliani's podcast abou Trump being impeached?" 75% said "no." 24% said "yes." Rudy Giuliani said, "What podcast? I never said there was gonna be a podcast. Okay, fine, there's a podcast, but I never said that. Why would you think I said that? I didn't say that." This poll asked, "How do you communicate with your relatives?" 20% said "by phone." 20% said "by e-mail." 60% said, "Occasionally liking one of their Facebook post to let them know we're still cool." This next poll asks, "How many drinks is the appropriate amount with co-workers?" 20% said, "One is fine." 20% said, "Yeah, sure, okay, two." 20% said, "You know what? I could do three." 20% said, "Well, if we're doin four, we're doing five." 20% said, "H.R. is telling m 12 was too many." [ Cheers and applause ] Next, they asked, "What is love?" 33% said, "Baby don't hurt me. 33% said, "Don't hurt me." 34% said, "No more." [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪♪♪ This next poll asks, "How do you take your coffee?" 10% said "black." 15% said "milk and sugar." 10% said, "One Splenda, one Equal, oat milk, steamed Then have them put some ice in it so it's not too hot, two pumps vanilla, and cinnamon sprinkles." 10% said, "Uh, sorry. That was one Splenda, one Equal, what else?" 10% said, "Oat milk, steamed but have them put some ice in it so it's not too hot, two pumps vanilla, and cinnamon sprinkles." 10% said, "Great. Can I get your name?" 35% said, "Jennnnnifer with five N's." These are polls. These are polls that -- -Wow. Polling people -- -They're polling people an getting really interesting - -That many people are name Jennnnnifer with five N's? -"Don't spell it wrong or else I won't be able to know it's my drink." -No one will know it's her drink. -This last poll asked, "What's your favorite food at Thanksgiving?" 60% said "turkey." 35% said "organic turkey." 5% said, "Wild Turkey I chugged in the bathroom just to get through this thing." That's all the time we have fo "Tonight Show Polls."
after nelson mandela passed away a tweet from paris Hilton alleged street from paris Hilton is making its rounds on Twitter it was going viral: but some are wondering whether or not it was true it so the following rest in peace Nelson Mandela your I have a dream speech was so inspiring amazing man are rather be reading it I have to be honest I was one of the people that bought and I was in the studio and I was like all got for my bro I'm okay this is unfair right everybody rushed over my computer and then BuzzFeed quickly to both dead and it turned out there was completely fake it was a a Photoshop tweet by an account at deleted tweets so anyway after that happened Paris open with a little upset because a lot of people read tweeted it may actually did believe that you dumb enough to mix up the two I miss you said the following in response whoever made that stupid fake tweet lacks respect to the Los the world is mourning right now the same goes for all the blogs to run with it alright with it so there were a bunch why would they pick it up yes somebody wrote that week for her yeah jin Shin Bet a little too articulate an element that are not well hold the whole because it's going to get a little less eloquent but it comes one from her I bet head I love this one I'm so sick of people lying about me in using my name please get a way to go it stop talking about my yes it's beyond hash tag your prophetic hash tag get your own life yet that's that's her II my favorite out of all this is it's beyond yeah secretly in love I airhead talk I think it sounds hilarious so now I just want to you but that's why I think dramas I say it as a joke obviously and now it's beyond will be part of my yeah I like they got me excited I know I have a totally with you i i like that any day any time since somebody says like Martin Bashir its be a it's beyond I can't be doing a lot of you don't really fast she says please get a life and stop talking about mine which I love coming from a woman whose career began going to parties to be talked about happening I love film to be talked about and then doing a reality show to be taught a she is a reality star telling people start talking about her life and slashed by the way and now that she's not really hot anymore and and people are talking about her jesse Moore livid about that that she is about these kinda big tweets she probably secretly got a little excited by the thought he had always been talking a lot about my wife our game it they're not even talk about a good how about the fake me that's why we're not really noticed probably wouldn't be surprised I'm still battle that she ever became famous p you she's not that pretty known I got she doesn't do anything she's not intelligent when she talks are interesting or didn't know it at night in the US doesn't really hot female artist rendering liking people that have no talent so I when it really hit hard action has a you know I real nice yes you know like he has that I bet it's a pretty you know with world-class down there people live in paris Hilton is have some but combat your debts and you know what though I there was appeared in my life where I thought paris Hilton was super sexy out really yeah I was like I said all right channel 8 months no no I know I don't want either but she had that look alike yours so me I may be a have right and I was like oh that's fascinating you know it was a yes he looks down at you Mike like no place in like only tell me to tell me more you know I like so that it had that element to it so I enjoy that she looks she might be a big girl job burke et today when I was 19 that were good for you it was a fun topic sai RAM Sai but now we're beyond get me out of here
Okay now another type of tip up is the trap line tip up or horizontal tip up. It's set up a little bit different as I mentioned earlier. It has a horizontal reel on it and the rod twists to let go of the flag. In order to set this up, you might use this on something like walleye or large slabber perch. Onto that you might have a six inch leader and simply by taking your hook, your perfection end of your loop and hooking it through, and then doubling back on itself. You basically come up with a hook that's attached directly to a six foot monofilament leader. Now for this to work out on a particularly windy day like we've got today, we hook this on the larger side of the notch. On a less windy day there's a small notch right here and on a less windy day you want to set that. It's a little more gentle setting. But on a windy day like we have today you want to set it in this harder notch. Now when the fish comes along underneath and is pulling on this. They will pull on the line spinning the reel and setting the flag off. This is a trap style horizontal tip up and it is used a lot of times for large slabber perch as well as walleye. So you could use it on salmon as well, but I prefer the cross set up with a vertical spring.
"The development of Cryptography I have been pushing for the past 20 Years, to protect the integrity and privacy of the individuals and the sovereignty of states from domination by these large players" - Julian Assange The exchange of digital information has become an integral part of our society. Already tens of millions of emails are sent each day, the Internet has provided the infrustructure for the digital marketplace, and e-commerce is thriving. Money is flowing through cyberspace, and it as estimated that every day half of the world's gross domestic product travels through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) network. Democrocies that referanda will begin to have online voting, and governments will increasingly use the Internet to help administer their countries, offering facilties such as online tax returns. Without a doubt, the Information Age is under way, and we live in a wired world. Critically, the success of the Information Age depends on the ability to protect the information as it flows around the world, and this relies on the power of cryptography. Encryption can be seen as providing the locks and keys of the information Age. For two thousand years encryption has been importance only to government and the military, but today it also has a role to play in facilitating business, and tomorrow ordinary people will rely on cryptography in order to protect their privacy. Fortunately, just as the Information Age is taking off, access to extraordinary strong encryption. The development of public-key cryptography, particulary the RSA cipher, has given today's cryptographers a clear advantage in their continual power struggle against cryptanalysts. If the value of N is large enough, then finding p and q takes Eve and unreasonable amount of time, and RSA encryption is therefore effectively unbreakable. Most important of all, public-key cryptography is not weakened by any key-distribution problems. In short, RSA guarantees almost unbreakable locks for our most precious pieces of information. However, as with every technology, there is a darkside to encryption. As well as protecting the communications of law-abiding citizens, encryption also protects the communication of criminals and terrorists. Currently, police forces use wiretaping as a way of gathering evidence to counter organized crime and terrorism , but this word be ineffective if criminals used unbreakable ciphers. In the twenty-first century, the fundamental dilema for cryptography is to find a way of allowing the public and businesses to use encryption in order to exploit the benefits of the Information Age, without allowing criminals to abuse encryption and avade arrest. There is currently and active and vigorous debate about the best way forward, and much of the discussion has been inspired by the story of Phil Zimmermann, an American crytographer whose attempts to encourage the widespread use of strong encryption have frightened America's security experts, threatened the billion dollar National Security Agency and made him the subject of a major inquiry and grand-jury investigation.
The following content is provided under a Creative Commons license. Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. To make a donation or view additional materials from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare at ocw.mit.edu. PROFESSOR: Hello, and welcome. Last week we started to think about programming. Programming was the first module in this class. And it was important for two different reasons. First, we're going to use programming throughout the term in the study of all the different things that we do. So it's important that you learn to program now, just so you can use that tool. More importantly perhaps, we didn't just learn how to program, we focused on how to program in a fashion that would let us construct complicated systems out of a simpler systems. This is the way that we can manage complexity. This is the only possible way that we can make complicated systems. So that was the more important intellectual theme from the first part, where we introduced our mantra, PCAP -- primitives, means of combination, abstraction and identifying patterns. That's the key to this modular approach to hierarchical kind of design. Today what I want to do is start the second major theme. First theme was the design of complex systems, we saw that by reference to programming. Today we're going to start thinking about modeling and controlling physical systems. The idea here is not so much how you construct systems-- but we will get back to that. The idea is to characterize the systems that you've constructed and say something about their metrics as being positive or negative. So what we want to do is, in fact, focus on behavior. So to illustrate that, I'll start with an example. This is an example that you did in design lab last week, or for some of you, yesterday. The idea was to program the robot so that it could sense the distance to a wall. Represented two ways here, sort of the view that you would get from Soar, and a more schematic representation showing the position of a robot, the position of a wall. The idea is that you can sense the position to the wall using the sonars. You know where you would like to be, because some user told you. You'd like to be say, half a meter away from the wall. And your job was to write a program that moves the robot from where it is to where you'd like it to be. So here's the kind of behavior we might have liked-- so I'll do that again. So we might have liked that if you started here, you have a nice smooth progression up to where you'd like to be. Very graceful, ballet type, and you just sort of smoothly glide into the position that you'd like. Some of you probably achieved that behavior, and some of you probably did other things. So that might be the intended behavior. One way to achieve the intended behavior is to use what we call a proportional controller. In a proportional controller, you make the command be, in some way, proportionate to the intended response. So imagine this code, which might establish a class for finding the wall. So the important thing-- as we saw, for all state machines, the important thing is to define a start state and a getNextValues routine. What this getNextValues routine does is it establishes the desired distance to be a half a meter. It figures out the current distance to the wall by reading the sonars, and then it specifies an action. So the first question is what would you like fvel to be in order to make a proportional controller? Which of those expressions makes sense? Take 30 seconds, talk to your neighbor, figure out some answer between (1) and (5). I will ask you in 30 seconds to raise your hand with that number of fingers. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: So what's the right kind of expression if we wanted the controller to be proportionate? Everybody raise your hand, show me some number of fingers. OK, the vast majority is saying (2). Everybody likes the idea of current minus desired. Why is that the right answer? That is the right answer. Why is that the right answer? How do you prove that to somebody? AUDIENCE: Well, in current divided desired, once you meet your desired distance, you're still going to have to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] velocity [UNINTELLIGIBLE], which really doesn't make sense at this point. PROFESSOR: Exactly. So that method, we might call extreme cases. Think of the simplifying cases that give you some insight into the problem. So one simple case is what if desired and current were the same? You'd better stop. OK, that's a simple case. So the simple case says that you better have one of these-- whatever the right answer is, it better have the property that when current equals desired, fvel is 0. Otherwise it's not going to work. And in fact, using just that one simple case, you can eliminate all the ones except (2). There are some other simple cases, what are some other simple cases? Simple cases. Yeah. AUDIENCE: currentDistance greater than desiredDistance? PROFESSOR: Current bigger than desired. So if current were bigger, that would mean that you were starting out way over here someplace. So if you were way over there someplace, you'd want the velocity to be positive. The forward velocity should be positive. That's how you would disambiguate the sign. Similarly, if the current were shorter than desired, if you were too close to the wall, you'd like the forward velocity to be negative. OK. So that's the proportional controller that we'd like. So we might fill in our wall finder class this way. And then when we built it, if things went really well, we would get exactly the behavior we wanted. But if things went more naturally, it wouldn't quite work that way, and you might get a different kind of behavior. Let's do that again. So here is the resulting behavior for that simple controller that I just showed. So in some sense, that's not as good behavior. And the way we want to think about behaviors-- the way we're going to develop today, is to think about behaviors in terms of signals. Plots. So the first question is, what plot best represents the behavior that I saw here? So which of those plots best represents that behavior? Take 30 seconds, talk to your neighbor, figure out what's the right answer? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: OK, so which behavior best represents the illustrated cartoon that I showed previously? Raise your hand, show some number fingers so that I can see if you're with it. Not all correct, but more than 90% correct. The more than 90% answer is number (2). What's good about number (2) that's not good about numbers (1), (3), and (4)? AUDIENCE: The initial value is different than the final value. PROFESSOR: Initial is different. So here, I try initial and final being roughly the same. So what's showed here, is a plot. Current distance on the y-axis, step number on the x-axis. And so we can see from here-- and the implication of the axes, by the way, is 0. So the implication of the vertical axis is it intersects this at 0, unless I label it otherwise. And similarly, this horizontal line intersects the vertical at 0 unless I label it otherwise. So that's the point (0, 0). So the implication here is that the initial and the final values are the same, as they are here. Here they're not, what makes (2) better than (1). AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] the current distance is decreasing [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. PROFESSOR: The current distance starts out bigger than it ultimately is. So we start out bigger than the final value, the final value is presumably half a meter. We start out roughly twice that far, and then we see some approach. The approach is not monotonic. So the answer is (2). Why do you think it under-shot? So on the way to going from one to one-half, it transiently went through something smaller than one-half. Why do you think it did that? Yeah. AUDIENCE: Because [INAUDIBLE] this way, there's a small-- there's a small interval of time when its moving at the velocity where it couldn't [INAUDIBLE]. PROFESSOR: So it's a small interval of time between when it does one thing, and it does something else. When it senses and moves, for example. So there could be a time delay, in the system and in fact, that's true, there is a time delay. So it takes some amount of time for the sonars to register the distance. Then it takes some amount of time for the computer inside the robot to register that the sonar has told it something different. Than it takes some time from the time the computer commands the wheels until the robot starts moving. All of those cumulative effects mean that you have the potential to overshoot where you're going, because there's delay in the system, there's inertia in the robot. All of those reasons can lead to overshoot. And the point of today is to figure out some way of predicting and correcting for those kinds of unintended behaviors. So what we will do then, is develop an approach focused on signals, not systems. So, so far, we've been thinking about how do you build the system? Now we're going to think about behavior. We're going to think about analyzing that behavior. And the focus is going to be on what was the input, what was desired? What was the output, what was achieved? So we're going to be looking at those output signals in order to figure out how good the behavior was. That approach is called the signals and systems approach. The idea is characterize your system-- whatever that system is, a physical system, a mathematical system, a computational system, whatever it is, think about it by the way it transforms an input signal into an output signal. That's kind of a bizarre way to think about systems. So let me just illustrate that by way of a system that you've all seen before. OK, here's a simple system, right? You've all seen this, right? Anything like 8.01 ring any bells? OK, so that's a simple system, you all know how to solve it. There's a gazillion ways you could solve this system, right? Free body diagrams, kinetic energy, potential energy, there's a gazillion ways you could do it. You all know how to do it, that's not the point. The point is, that we're going to learn a different way to solve it. We're going to think about the mass and spring system-- not like potential energy and kinetic energy, not like free body diagrams, we're going to think about it as transforming an input signal into an output signal. So the input signal-- it's kind of arbitrary what I use besides the output, but clearly the thing I have control over is my hand. So it seems natural to associate a variable with the position of my hand, that would be x. Also it seems natural to associate a variable with the position of the mass, that could be the output y. That's not unique. Every time we try to solve a problem we ask ourselves, what's the meaningful input, what's the meaningful output? The meaningful output could have been the force on the spring. I'm just sort of arbitrarily saying for the purpose of my analysis, I'm going to consider the input to be the position of the hand, the output to be the position of the mass. And I'm going to think about the mass and spring system as a box that transforms x into y. So rather than thinking about it in terms of free body diagrams, and kinetic energy, and potential energy, I'm going to think there's some input signal x, and there's some output signal y. And what I'd like to do is given x, calculate y. OK, bizarre, why would I do that? One of the reasons I want to do that is that it's a very general way of thinking about behaviors. It works for the mass and spring system, it works for water tanks. What happens if I have water flowing into a tank that's leaky? Well, it leaks into another tank which is leaky, and that leaks more. Completely different physics. Probably wasn't covered in 8.01. Probably is something you could figure out. The point is that from the signals and systems point of view, I'm going to map this physics, whatever it is, into this structure. Think about the tank system as the system that transforms some input. The input is that there's water spurting for some small interval of time. The output is that there's water coming out. And the idea is that I'm going to characterize the system-- whatever it is, as the rule that transforms the input signal into the output signal. Here's a third example. I could think of a cell phone system. Here again, there are very complicated ways we could think about the system, but I'm going to take the particularly simple approach called signals and systems. Then I'm going to characterize the phone system by the way it transforms some input sound into some output sound. And as you can imagine, there's a way of thinking about performance in terms of that transformation. Ideally, we would like this to bear some resemblance to that. So the point then, is that we're going to focus on behaviors. And to do so, we're going to think about the signals and systems approach. Represent a system, whatever it is, by the way it transforms inputs into outputs. One of the reasons we like the approach is that it's so general. So you can use it for virtually any kind of a system for which you can develop a mathematical underpinning. You can use it to analyze electrical systems, mechanical systems, optical systems, acoustic systems, biological systems, financial systems if you're on the dark side. So there's lots of different kinds of systems that are amenable to this kind of approach. Also, this approach has a nice modularity. Having represented a cellphone by transformation from sound in to electromagnetic field out, as illustrated by this cartoon depicting sound going in and having a radio wave transmitting to a tower. Then we represent tower to tower communication some way, maybe via an optical fiber, maybe via a satellite. Then tower to cell by the same kind of reverse transformation that we used in the first one. We can piece those all together, we can treat them as modules, because each box takes an input signal and makes an output signal. The method is oblivious to the underlying physics. That affords us a certain amount of power. And in particular, it's very modular. You can put together modules that represent very different physical substrates. That allows us to go back to PCAP. If the underlying representations for the different physical substrates are the same, we will be able to-- and we will over the next three weeks, develop a bunch of techniques for combining multiple modules into one. That provides the same kind of abstraction and modularity that we saw in programming for the last two weeks. So that's the idea. What we want to do is represent a system by the way it transforms an input signal to an output signal. There are many different kinds of inputs and outputs, but a fundamental distinction that we are going to have to make is continuous time, and discrete time. This system works in what we will refer to as continuous time. Because my position of my hand is a continuous function of the continuous variable, time. The robots, by contrast, work with what we will call, discrete time. Steps. It turns out the math for those two different approaches are very different. And we will focus entirely in this class on discrete time, because our area of application is the robot. It's not that continuous is deeper, or harder, or anything like that, it's different. So we'll focus on discrete time. And the point of today then, is to develop some representations for signals and systems of this free time nature, that will let us analyze and predict behaviors of systems like the robot system. The first class of methods for representing such systems is difference equations. Difference equations are a lot like differential equations, except there's no differentials, there's differences. Difference equations are the discrete time analog of differential equations for continuous time systems. Simplest possible example here. Say I have an output y, that for reasons that I don't care about, I know can be represented as the difference between two values of the input -- x at time n, and x at time n minus 1. That's a way to represent the behavior of a system, a discrete time system, by using a difference equation. That's in fact, almost a complete description of the system. So let me just explain the way you would use that. It's almost-- because I didn't tell you anything about the input. I'll tell you something about the input for the purpose of example, where I'll use the simplest possible input I can imagine. Something that we'll call a delta function. A delta function is a signal. It's a discrete time signal. It has the value 1 if the time index is 0, and has the value 0 everywhere else. It's, in some sense, the simplest possible signal that we could imagine. So it's natural to start there. So what I want to do now is think about if this were a characterization of the system, and if this were the input to that system? What would the output be? That's after all-- that was the question that I posed at the beginning. We would like to build a representation for a system so that we can predict the output, given the input. So how does that work? So given the difference equation, all we need to do is step through it. OK, it's trivial. We call that analyzing by step by step. So given the difference equation, given the input signal, all we need to do is sequentially go through the different values of n, and think about the implication of the system on that input. So if I were to use the value of n, being minus 1, this general form of the difference equation tells me that the minus 1 value of n for the output is related by this difference, with the input. So y of minus 1 is x of minus 1 minus x of minus 2. Since both of those are 0, it says that the output at time minus 1 is 0. Trivial, right? Trivial. And similarly, we can just iterate through the solution to the whole signal. So y of 0 is x of 0 minus x of minus 1. x of 0 is that special one, that is 1. So now we get 1 minus 0, which is 1. y of 1 is x of 1 minus x of 0. Now the special one is on the other side of the minus sign, so the answer is minus 1. y of 2 is x of 2 minus x of 1 -- they're both 0. And in fact, all the answers from now on are going to be 0. So what I just did is a trivial example of -- I use a difference equation to represent a system, and I figured out the output signal from the input signal. That's the method that we call-- that's the representation for discrete time systems that we refer to as difference equations. Difference equations are very powerful. As we will see, of all the representations we look at, difference equations is the most compact representation. But there are features of other kinds of representations that are also valuable. So the next representation I want to look at is a block diagram. What I'm trying to show here is a picture, a diagram, that represents the same system that we just analyzed with difference equations. Here though, I'm thinking about it as a signal flow path. I'm thinking about what's the cascade of operations that you need to do on each sample in order to get from the input to the output? So the difference equation said every value of the output should be equal to the corresponding value of the input less the value before that. I represent that in a block diagram by saying there's a straight through path, y of n is equal to x of n. The plus just adds the signals on these two paths. So y of n is equal to x of n. Subtract out, because I'm multiplying by minus 1. Delay, so I'm getting the one from before. So this block diagram just is a symbolic representation of that difference equation. The value of the block diagram-- we'll see several of them, but one of them is focus on signal flow path. If you want to visualize the transformation from input to output, the block diagram can provide visual insight into what that transformation is like. So as before, if I gave you this representation rather than the difference equation, you could still step by step and figure out the way it worked. It's still easy. There's one new caveat here. We have to start the system in a state. The state that we will usually talk about is what we will call, at rest. At rest just means all the outputs of all the delays are initially 0. So that specifies the state of the system at the time the signal was turned on. So the system is at rest, which means that all the delays start out with output equal to 0. So at rest means this delay has an output of 0. Well, if I tell you the output is 0 times 0 for this delay, then it's a simple matter of stepping through what is the output for each corresponding input? So if I-- the special value of the delta function is that it's 1 at the time 0. So at the time 0, there's 1 coming in. That 1 makes it through the adder, adds to 0. Well, this is 0 because it was at rest. So the 1 adds to 0 and the output becomes 1. Notice that the 1 also goes down this path, and goes through the gain of minus 1 to give me minus 1. But I'm in step 0. So at step 0, the output of the delay is 0, not minus 1. So the output then, for time equals 0, is y equals 1. Just like we solved for the difference equation-- after all, I'm hypothesizing that those two systems are the same, they better give me the same answer. So then at the next instant, as the time index goes from 0 to 1, two things happen. The input goes from 1 to 0, and the delay box gets updated. The delay is now reporting to me the value that was at its input. So the output of the delay, which had been 0 because it was at rest, becomes minus 1. So then what happens? The 1 goes to 0, the 0 goes to minus 1, the 0 adds to minus 1, and we get an answer which is minus 1. Then the input becomes 0. That 0 comes down here, the minus 1 goes to 0. We end up with 0 being added to 0, and the next answer is 0, et cetera. So the idea then, is that you can step through the block diagram representation, just like you would a difference equation, it's just that now we're thinking about these blocks characterizing the system, rather than thinking of math as characterizing the system. Why on earth would you do that? What's good and bad? What's the relative merits of difference equations verses block diagrams? Take 30 seconds, talk to your neighbor, figure out some good feature of each. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: OK, we'll start with the easy one. What's a feature, what's a property of the difference equation that makes it very good. I already said it, so. What's good about the difference equation? Yeah. AUDIENCE: They can be solved mathematically. PROFESSOR: They can be solved mathematically. The block diagram could be solved, maybe not mathematically, but kind of. Could you refine that a little more? What's special about difference equations that's different from block diagrams? Oh come on, I said it. AUDIENCE: Use math? PROFESSOR: They use math, yes yes. They're concise, a little, right? It's a very simple expression to say that. It's by contrast, a bit more complicated to draw this picture, right? It's mathematically concise, right? It's completely accurate, self-contained, concise, small. It's a very concise representation of a system. So why would we want to use block diagrams? Can anybody think of any good reason for block diagrams other than Freeman's up front saying, do block diagrams? AUDIENCE: Electrical engineering? PROFESSOR: Electrical engineering. There should be a deeper reason, I would hope. I don't disagree with that reason. Why do electrical engineers like this? Yes. AUDIENCE: It's a more physical representation of this. PROFESSOR: It's more physical? Is there anything that you can see that you can't see in math? Yes. AUDIENCE: In the way that you're actually going to be programming it. Like, you're gonna make the delay machine, you're gonna make the state machine that multiplies them by negative 1 and you're gonna see how to connect them. PROFESSOR: That's a really good point. It's kind of isomorphic to the implementation. Everybody get that? It's kind of a picture of the way you would build the system. Along those lines, there's some bit of information-- there's actually more information in this one, than there is in that one. There is exactly one bit more information in the block diagram, what's that bit? AUDIENCE: Delay? PROFESSOR: Delay? There's kind of delay by the n minus 1. Yeah. AUDIENCE: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] PROFESSOR: The input and output are explicit. Yes. The arrows are the big difference. You can't tell from the difference equation, what's the input and the output? You can tell from the block diagram, what is the input and the output by the direction of the arrows. So there's more information in the block diagram. There's another way of thinking about it, and this is kind of a summary of several comments that came from the audience. The difference equation is declarative. It tells you a true statement about what the system will do. The block diagram is imperative. It tells you what to do now. Take the input, put into an adder. Take the input, multiply by minus 1. Put it into a delay. Take the delay output, put it into an adder. The representation with a block diagram is imperative. It tells you what to do. So there's extra information, but it comes at a cost. It's a more complicated representation. It's a whole picture instead of just an equation. What we'd like to do, and what I'm going to do now, is develop a different mathematical approach where you get a difference equation that has the same properties of concision, the same conciseness, but also contains all of the information that was in the block diagram. And the way to do that is to change our focus. And this is the big abstraction of the day. Change our focus from thinking about samples, to thinking about signals. Stop thinking about x of n, start thinking about the input signal x. This is the same kind of lumping that was key to abstraction in Python. Put all the interesting data together into a list, put all the interesting operations together into a definition. Here put all of the interesting samples together into one signal. So what we want to do, is develop a math by which we can operate on signals instead of samples. So what I'm going to do is replace the representation x of n, little x of n, with cap-X. Cap-X means, all of the n's, it's the signal X. Cap-Y means the signal Y. And I'm going to reinterpret all the boxes. This box means, take this signal, the whole thing, all n values on it, multiply it sample by sample, by minus 1. Flip the whole signal upside down. So I'm going to reinterpret all of the operations on the block diagram in terms of signals, rather than samples. To do that, I need a representation-- a mathematical representation, for the delay box. And I'm going to call that R, the right shift operator. If you apply the right shift operator to a single X, it takes the whole signal X and shifts it to the right one. That's all it does. So I'm going to say Y equals R applied to X, or more abbreviated, RX. Simply says, let Y represent the signal that is the same as X, except every sample was shifted to the right. The entire signal was shifted to the right. That's going to let me represent this block diagram this way. Y-- the whole signal Y, is the sum of the whole signal X, subtract out R applied to X. Or, even more concisely, calculate Y by applying to X the operator 1 minus R. So I'm thinking now of an operator. An operator is not something that works on a number. Operations work on numbers, operators operate on signals. So I'm thinking about operator expression. I'm going to try to formulate the transformation from the input to the output in terms of operators. The way I take X, which is the input, and turn it into Y, is to operate on it with the operator 1 minus R. OK, just to see that you're with me, connecting signals and samples, assume the Y is RX, which of the following is also true? Take 30 seconds, talk to your neighbor. Figure out some number -- (1) through (5). AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: OK, so which representation works best? (1), (2), (3), (4), or none of the above? Everybody raise a hand, tell me some number. OK, virtually 100% correct. The answer was (2), why is the answer (2)? Can somebody explain that concisely? No no,no. I asked that wrong, of course everybody can explain it concisely. Do I have a volunteer to explain it concisely? Yes. AUDIENCE: The R operator just shifts all of the values in X of n to the right. So you just add 1 to each of these basically? PROFESSOR: So you think about it-- so a good way to think about this is to think about simple cases. Right? That's the same thing I talked about earlier. What's a simple case? Well what if X-- let's imagine that X is simple. So let's say that X looks like that. So X is delta. What would happen, what is the signal RX? It's a right shift operator. So what does the signal RX look like? Shifted to the right, right? That's the whole point. So the right shift operator gives you that signal, and we've said that that's Y. So is it true that Y of n is X of n, for all n? No. Is it true that Y of (n plus 1) is equal to X of n for all n? Well, is it true for n equals 0? So if we did n equals 0 we get Y of 1, which happens to be 1. And X of 0, which also happens to be 1. And if we choose any other n, we would get two 0's. So at least for this simple case, and it seems to be true, and if you think about building upon this simple case, you can convince yourself that number (2) is always true. And in fact, the general rule is going to be that the left hand side has to have a number that's bigger than the right hand side. Which is only true for number (2). So the idea then, is that by changing our focus, by looking not at samples, but looking instead at signals, we can generate an algebra that looks for all the world like difference equations. Except it knows the direction from the input to the output. So it's more powerful. And in fact, this new algebra is going to obey some very simple properties which we can get a hint at here. If we were to cascade two systems, imagine this system which looks just like the system we've been looking at, but it's cascaded with a clone. The question is, what would be the behavior of that cascade? Well, according to our operator representation, this Y1 signal is just the 1 minus R operator applied to X. Analogously, the Y2 signal should be a similar 1 minus R operator applied to the Y1 signal, which gives us a very concise representation for the cascade. The point of the slide is that the operator representation gives us a representation that is just as compact as difference equations. It has other features, that it can be manipulated just like difference equations. So if we continue with this same example and try to think of the transformation on a sample level, we could say that Y2 is Y1, the straight path, minus Y1 delayed. But then we could substitute for Y1 of n, that Y1 of n is X of n, this path, subtract X of (n minus 1). Similarly, collapse, and we get a simple expression. Now if we think about that same sequence of operations in operator notation, we get a much simpler expression. Throw away the index arithmetic, it's just R. So the Y2 operator is 1 minus R applied to the Y1 signal. The Y1 signal is 1 minus R applied to the X signal. The total is 1 minus R the operator squared, which by polynomial math is just 1 minus 2R plus R squared, the same thing we got there. The point is, the operator notation is just as compact as the difference equation representation. And it contains all the information that's in block diagrams. And it's just as easy to manipulate as a polynomial. So it's got lots of features that make it superior to difference equations. The most important of which, is you will be able to understand all systems that we represent using the R operator using polynomial arithmetic, something you learned in high school. There's nothing new here. That's what we like. Representations that simplify the task of finding an answer. We'll be able to find the answer to these operator expressions by treating them as polynomials. So you can get a feeling for the way that works by looking here, the power of this. So the power here is that, among other things, you'll be able to use the operator representation to prove equivalences. The idea is that here's a system that we looked at before, that was the cascade of two simple delay systems. Here's a somewhat more complicated, somewhat simpler, representation. The point is, it's different. And if we compare the operator representations for the two, we see that they are the same. And what I'm about to prove, is that when the operator representations are the same, the systems represent the same transformations-- provided they all start at rest. The provided is important. Obviously since they have different delays in them, if the delays didn't all start out at 0, the differences in the delays could propagate into the output. So all of the statements that I'm making are premised on the idea of initial rest. The other important thing to remember about operators is that it's a higher level of abstraction. We can think about the operator as composing things, but the things that are composed are whole signals, not samples. And here's an illustration of how to think about that previous example. How do you think about this transformation, 1 minus 2R plus R squared. What happens when you apply that operator to an input signal X? Well let's say that X was our unit sample signal. In order to apply this operator 1 minus 2R plus R squared, all we need to do is think about each component. 1 times X is X. Minus 2R applied to X is minus 2RX. Plus R squared X is just plus R squared X. So we start out with X, which is a unit sample, minus 2RX means shift it to the right and multiply by minus 2. Shift it to the right, multiply by minus 2. Plus R squared X means shift it twice to the right. So the result, this operator 1 minus 2R plus R squared applied to X is just the sum of these things. So you can think about the operator expression, it's just like algebra, except that the elements are signals, not samples. And as I alluded previously, you can make powerful statements about the way these operators work which map isomorphically onto polynomial math. So for example, it's easy to prove that if you were to cascade the 1 minus R operator with R. So start with X, apply 1 minus R. Start with X, apply 1 minus R. Then apply R. That's going to result in the same signal, assuming initial rest, as if you were to flip those operators. The way I can see that is by thinking about signal flow. You'll remember that I said, one of the features, one of the powers of the block diagram representation is that we can look at signal flow paths. We can use that as a way of proving things. This system has two signal flow paths, the one that goes straight through that way, and the one that goes down this way and up that way. Because of the addition, all it does-- the adder just adds the result of those two flow paths. So the first flow path introduces one delay, the second flow path inverts and puts in two delays. So there are two ways to get from the input to the output. Similarly here, there are two ways to get from the input to the output. One of them goes through a delay and then goes through the adder, the other goes through two delays at a minus 1. But that's the same two signal paths that were in the top one. So that's a way of using the block diagram to prove a relationship about the operator. What I've just showed, is that the operators obey commutativity. So what I was able to show is that I can commute these two operators-- doing a general proof is slightly more complicated, I proved it in a special case. But the general case works too. Just like polynomials, operators commute. And I indicated why you should think that's true by thinking about signal flow paths. Multiplication distributes over addition. I apologize, the diagram in your notes is wrong. This is right. I will always post the notes-- I get up in the morning, I make coffee, I read the lecture notes, and I say, oh my goodness, there's a wrong figure. In this particular case, one of the staff members wrote me an email and said, Hey Freeman, your slides, something or other, is wrong. He was right. So this is the right diagram. So the idea is that if multiplication distributes over addition, we should expect that R applied to 1 minus R, would give R minus R squared. And we can again get a feeling for why that ought to be true by thinking about the signal flow paths. The two signals flow paths that represent-- so the signal flow path that represents here, this says take the 1 minus R operator and apply it to X, then apply R to the 1 minus R operator, result. As opposed to this one says, apply the R operator to X, then apply the R squared operator to the X and subtract them. If you think about the signal flow paths through those two systems, they're also the same two signal flow paths. And here's a more complicated example that shows associativity. You can think through that, same idea. The reason that the idea-- the big important point is, difference equations are a good representation for discrete time systems. They're mathematically compact. Block diagrams are a good representation, but they have more information. They tell you what is the input, what is the output, and what are all the different flow paths through the system? Operators kind of combine the best features of both. It's mathematically concise, it tells you which is the input and which is the output. And you can visualize all the flow paths by thinking about all the ads in the operator expression. OK, to make sure that everybody's up with me, how many of the following systems are equivalent? You have 30 seconds. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: OK, so how many of those are equivalent? More hands, more hands. Not necessarily more fingers, but more hands. OK, about 75% correct, roughly speaking. OK, how many distinct signal flow paths are going through the first system? How many distinct signal flow paths can you see? Well, here's one. How many more are there? AUDIENCE: Three. PROFESSOR: Three more. So here's one, here's one, here's one, and here's one. All you need to do to think about this system, is think about all of the signal flow paths through all of them, make a sum, and see how many of them have the same sum. So the path with the greatest delay through this path is two times two delay delay. Two delays with a multiply by 4. What's the path with the biggest delay through this one? Also straight through. Also delay of two, also a coefficient of 4. How about this one? So that's this way. So they all have the same paths with maximum delay. The delay is 2 and the coefficient is 4. This one has four possible paths, this one only has three. So there's one straight through this way. There's one that has one fewer delay. And there's one that only has-- so there's a straight through one, there's a delay of 2, and there's a delay of 1. So let's do the straight through one. This one has a straight through path. No delay, coefficient is 1. This one has a straight through path, coefficient is 1. This one has a straight through path, coefficient is 1. So all three systems have the same maximum delay path, they all have the same minimum delay path, we only have one in the middle yet. This one has two ways to get a delay of 1. 2 delay, 2R, or 2R. Since they're both 2R, they sum, so that's 4R. This one only has one way that we can get 1 delay, and that is to come this way and then go that way, that's 4R. This one, to get 1 delay, I take the center path, and that's 4R. Each path has the same ways to get through the system with zero delay, 1 delay, and 2 delays. They're equivalent in the sense that if you started them with initial rest, they would all generate the same output given the same input. So the answer's (3). OK? So far I've only worked with systems that propagate the inputs systematically through to the outputs. We call such systems feedforward. Things are a little bit different when you have cycles. We call such systems feedback. So what I want to think about now is how do you think about a system that has a feedback loop in it? The interesting thing that happens when you have a feedback loop is that the operator expression no longer represents a simple sum of input signals. Let's look at what happens here. So Y is apparently the sum of two things. It's the signal RY, which comes around that way. Does everybody see that? So if I think about labeling this input as X, labeling this output as Y, then the correct label for this point is-- don't everybody shout at once. If this can be labeled as the point Y, what is the correct label to a label at this point? RY. So the signal Y must be, RY plus X. What that says, is that if I apply the 1 minus R operator to Y, I should get X. OK, that's a fine operator expression, except that it's not a formulaic operator applied to the input. The operator is applied to the output. OK, the difference here is the difference between an imperative system, like we talked about block diagrams when we were thinking about samples. The block diagram tells you what to do step by step. Regardless of whether you have feedback, the block diagram always tells you take X of n, add it to Y of n, whatever. There's an imperative rule, do this. We took the block diagrams and we turned them into operators, and we ended up with something that is not imperative. This is much more the kind of statement we got when we did difference equations. This is a statement of truth, it's declarative. If you tell me the signal X, it must be true that the resulting signal Y when operated upon by 1 minus R, is X. So the idea is that it's a declaration, it's not an imperative rule. Does everybody get that? So this statement up here told me a rule, start with X, apply the 1 minus R operator and you will get Y. That's an imperative operation, do this. This is a declaration. If you tell me X, Y must be the signal that when operated on by 1 minus R, gives you X. But it doesn't tell me a way to find it. It tells me a truth, but it doesn't tell me how to find that truth. So let's go back, let's back up. OK, we got a representation, we like the representation. It's concise, it has many of the features of block diagrams, it doesn't seem to be imperative. Well, that's a problem. So let's back up, think about how this same system that ran into a problem with the operator, think about what must the answer be. Well the answer we can figure out by doing step by step. Imagine that it starts at rest, so the output starts at 0. And now I just tick through the samples. So when the first sample comes in, X is equal to 1, I'm thinking about the unit sample response. We call the delta function the unit sample. When the unit sample at time n equals 0 comes in, it has a value of 1. The 1 adds to the initial condition, which is 0, to give me 1. Then, this output is 1, so when the clock ticks, the input goes from 1 to 0, but the output of the delay goes from 0 to 1. So when the clock ticks, I get another 1. And that persists. Does everybody see what's going on? So I initially had a 0 coming out of the delay. The unit sample made the first output be one, but then that 1 fed back in to make this be 1. Which combined with the next 0 to give me the same 1, and that state persisted. What's different, is that the output signal persists long after the input went away. In fact, there is a prescriptive way to figure out the relationship between the input and the output. It's just that it takes an infinite number of delays. Here's an alternative system that would generate the same response to a unit sample signal as was generated by the simple feedback system. It needs to generate the answer 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 -- when the input is just 1. Well, the output at 0 happens through this path. The output at 1 happens through this path. The output at 2 happens through this path. 3-- et cetera. There's a separate path for every one of those separate components of the output. That's how we can think about this construction. The input had a single non-zero entry, the output has an infinite number. We can think about that as resulting from an infinite number of paths, or something similar, about the simple feedback system, which can be represented by that operator representation, and the infinite feedforward system. This is a simple feedback system. This is an infinite feedforward system. There's something the same about those two. In fact, they're equivalent in the sense that if all the delays start out with initial conditions of 0, they will generate the same response to all possible input signals. Those two signals are equivalent, and that's proved here. All you do is you say, OK, Y2 depends on X2 this way. If X2 is the same as X1, I can substitute it. But X1, according to this rule, looks like 1 minus RY1. When you multiply out this mess, you get Y1. What I just showed is that if X1 is equal to X2, then Y1 is equal to Y2. Those two systems are the same. Well that's weird. So there's something the same about that operator and that operator. We write that this way. So here's the feedback system, we think about that as representing the operator Y over X, 1 over (1 minus R). So in order to calculate X, cross multiply by X. Y is the operator, 1 minus R applied to X. So we want to say Y is the operator 1 minus R applied to X. What is the operator 1 over (1 minus R)? Well, if you didn't know anything but polynomial math, you might have expanded this in a series. And in fact, that gives you exactly the right answer if you were to expand 1 over R in a series. So, for example, evaluate it using synthetic division, evaluate it with a Taylor series, however you want to do it. Think about R as though it were a number, just like you would if it were a polynomial. Expanded just like you would if it were a polynomial. And what you see, is that there's a representation for this operator 1 over (1 minus R) that is equivalent. That's exactly the same as if I applied the operator 1 plus R plus R squared plus R cubed to X. Those two are equivalent in the sense that if both systems start out at rest, and if they are both applied to the same input, they both generate the same output. So that gives us that way of thinking about operators that have numerators and denominators. So, to make sure you're up to speed, a system is described by the following operator expression. Determine the output of the system when the input is a unit sample. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] PROFESSOR: What's the first thing I should do? OK, this is one of those systems that has the R polynomial in the bottom. So it says that X must be the same signal by cross multiplying-- X must be the same signal as the (1 plus 2R) operator on the Y. OK, that's backwards. That's not the way I want to think about it. How do I make that into a forward statement that tells me what operator gets applied to X? The answer is that. So what do I do? Multiply by-- actually you could cross multiply. How do I convert this into an operator that looks like just the numerator times X. Yeah. AUDIENCE: 1 minus 2R plus 4R squared. PROFESSOR: Exactly. What I want to do is convert it by synthetic division, Taylor series, whatever method. I want to think about what would 1 over (1 plus 2R) look like? What's the reciprocal of 1 plus 2R? That is 1 minus 2R plus 4R squared, et cetera. So now I have this, which I apply to X, which is a unit sample. So now I want to think about applying this operator to the unit sample signal. But that's easy. The first term just brings out delta. Minus 2R applied to delta shifts the delta by 1. Gives me delta of n minus 1, and multiplies by minus 2. And that whole mess then just says that my output looks like this. If the input was X, which was a unit sample signal, my output has an infinite number of terms. Each one is a delayed version of the predecessor, and the weights go 1, minus 2, plus 4, minus 8, plus 16, and diverge. So what we just did was pretty complicated. We just solved a block diagram, but we did it with polynomial math. We did it with math that you learned in high school. That's the point. In fact, the point of today is that any system that's built out of simple parts-- delays, adders, scalers, that sort of thing-- can be represented by a difference equation. Fine, that's good, difference equations are wonderful. They can equivalently be represented by an operator equation. The operator equation has more information in it. It knows how to get from the input to the output. It's imperative. It's easy to manipulate. You use the same rules that you use for polynomials. So all in all, this is a more powerful kind of representation. And any system that can be represented by a difference equation can similarly be represented by an operator equation. That's why we're focusing on operators. So final question. Think about-- do everything backwards now. Here's a block diagram, find the associated difference equation. And the idea is to take advantage of operators. In the interest of time, let me just do it. If we wanted to-- because I'm running out of time. So I could start with the block diagram, I could stay in block diagram domain. Presumably that will work, that's hard. I want to do the easy way. So convert it to operators. How do you convert a block diagram to operators? Replace the delays by R, label all the signals. x becomes X, y becomes Y. I don't have a name for this, so I'll call it E, error. I don't have a name for this, so I'll call it W, who knows. And then I'll express each of the relationships imposed by the plus sign, this R or this R, by a line of operator reasoning. The plus says that the E signal is X plus W. The R says that the Y signal is R applied to E. This box says that the W signal is R applied to Y. I get three equations in R. I just solve algebraically. None of this difference stuff, none of the square brackets with n's in them. I just use algebra. So I solve it algebraically and I get this. And that translates into a corresponding difference equation, showed here. The point. The point is three different representations. Difference equations, block diagrams, operators. Operators are easiest. Even when I was asked to solve a problem that has no operators in it, it's easier to cast it into an operator expression, solve it in the operator domain, and then turn it back into a difference equation. Starting next week, we will figure out much more powerful things that we can do with operators. This is just the beginning. So with that, let me just summarize that we looked at three representations, and the point of the labs for the week are going to be to exercise this, to get some experience with representing signals in Python.
Space Missions Part 6 Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus
Turkish: Merhaba. Ben John Green ve bu her şeyin tarihini inceleyeceğimiz Crash Course Big History. Bing Bang'ten bu yana , 13.8 milyar yıllık bir süreçten bahsediyorum. Bu seride size , Douglas Adams'ın meşhur deyimiyle '' Yaşam , evren ve her şey'' in öyküsünü anlatmaya çalışacağım. Bay Green! Bay Green! O tarih değil. Bu bilim ve bilim inek öğrenciler için! Ah, geçmişteki ben! Eğer bunu kabul etseydin işler senin için çok daha kolay olurdu. sen, aslında, bir ineksin! Ve bu sorun değil! Yani, az bir şu resme bak olum ya! Her neyse, akademisyenler genellikle tarihi şöyle tanımlıyor, "yazmaya başladığımızdan beri olan tüm şeyler" her şey bizim bazı şeyleri yazmamızla başladı, onlar öyle düşünüyor çünkü en güvenilir bilgilere sahip olduğumuz yer orası. Ve evet, sanırım yazının ortaya çıkışı büyük bir olay, tabii ki, ama tarihin başladığı zaman demek, tamamen keyfi yani! Aynı kuma bir çizgi çizip "tamam, işte tarih şimdi başladı!" demek gibi. German: Hi. Ich bin John Green und das ist Crash Course: Große Geschichte, wo wir einen Blick werfen auf die Geschichte von, naja, allem. Ich rede von 13,8 Milliarden Jahren, seit dem Urknall bis heute. Ich meine, in dieser Serie werden wir buchstäblich versuchen, euch die Geschichte von dem zu erzählen, was Douglas Adams berühmterweise „das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest“ nannte. [Vergangenheit-John] Mister Green! Mister Green! Das ist nicht Geschichte. Das ist Wissenschaft, und Wissenschaft ist was für Nerds! Oh, Ich aus der Vergangenheit! Die Dinge wären so viel einfacher für dich, wenn du einfach akzeptieren würdest, dass du, tatsächlich, ein Nerd bist! Und das ist in Ordnung! Ich mein, schau dir dieses Bild an, Alter! Wie auch immer, Akademiker beschreiben Geschichte oft als quasi all das Zeug, das passiert ist, seit wir begannen, Dinge niederzuschreiben, aber sie beginnen nur dort, weil wir dort die besten Informationen haben. Und ja, ich glaube, dass der Beginn des Schreibens eine große Sache war, offensichtlich, aber als ein Beginn für Geschichte ist es total willkürlich! Es ist einfach eine Linie, die wir in den Sand malten und dazu sagten: „Okay, Geschichte beginnt jetzt!“ In Große Geschichte beginnen wir Geschichte, wenn sie wirklich beginnt Hungarian: Sziasztok, én John Green vagyok, ez pedig a Crash Course Nagy Történelem, aminek keretei közt meg fogjuk tekinteni a történelmét, nos, mindennek. Konkrétan az előző 13,8 milliárd évről beszélek, az ősrobbanástól a mai napig. És ez alatt tényleg azt értem, hogy ebben a sorozatban megpróbáljuk elmesélni neked annak a történetét, amit Douglas Adams csak így nevezett: ,,Az élet, a világmindenség, meg minden." Mr Green! Mr Green! Ez nem történelem. Ez valami természettudomány, és a természettudományok a kockáknak valók. Oh, én a múltból. Annyival könnyebben mennének számodra a dolgok, ha egyszerűen elfogadnád, hogy te valójában kocka vagy. És ez tök oké. Mármint, haver, nézd már meg ezt a képet. Szóval, a történelmet sokszor úgy kezeljük, mintha akkor kezdődött volna, amikore elkezdtük leírni a dolgokat, de ez csak azért van így, mert onnantól kezdve vannak a legjobb információink. És persze, úgy gondolom, hogy az írás kialakulása elég nagy dolog, nyilvánvalóan, de a történelem kezdőpontjának teljesen önkényes. Csak egy vonal amit a homokba húztunk és azt mondtuk, ,,Oké, akkor kezdődhet a történelem!" English: Hi. I'm John Green and this is Crash Course Big History, in which we'll be looking at the history of, like, everything. I'm talking about 13.8 billion years, from the big bang to now. I mean, in this series, we are literally going to attempt to tell you the story of what Douglas Adams famously called "life, the universe, and everything." Mr Green! Mr Green! That's not history. That's science, and science is for nerds! Oh, me from the past! Things would be so much easier for you if you would just accept that you are, in fact, a nerd! And that's okay! I mean, look at this picture, dude! Anyway, academics often describe history as like, all the stuff that's happened since we started writing things down, but they only start there because that's where we have the best information. And yeah, I think that the advent of writing was a huge deal, obviously, but as a start date for history, it's totally arbitrary! It's just a line we drew in the sand and said "okay, history begins now!" Polish: Cześć. Nazywam się John Green, a to jest Szybki Kurs z Historii Wszechświata, w którym przyjrzymy się bliżej historii wszystkiego. Mam na myśli około 13,8 miliarda lat, od Wielkiego Wybuchu do teraz. W tej serii podejmiemy próbę opowiedzenia historii tego, co Douglas Adams określił jako „życie, Wszechświat i wszystko“. Panie Green! Panie Green! To nie jest historia. To nauka, a nauka jest dla kujonów! Oho, to ja z przeszłości. Byłoby o wiele łatwiej, gdybyś po prostu pogodził się z tym, że tak naprawdę jesteś kujonem! Nie ma w tym nic złego! No popatrz tylko na to zdjęcie, stary! Wracając do tematu, naukowcy często opisują historię jako wszystko, co nastąpiło od momentu wynalezienia pisma, jednak historia ma swój początek właśnie wtedy tylko dlatego, że takie mamy źródła informacji. I jasne, myślę, że pojawienie się pisma było ogromnym sukcesem, to oczywiste, ale jako data początków historii jest całkowicie nieadekwatne! Przecież to tak, jakby ktoś narysował linię na piasku i powiedział: „Dobra, historia zaczyna się od teraz!“ Dutch: Hallo, ik ben John green en dit is Crash Course Big History, waar we gaan kijken naar de geschiedenis van alles. Ik heb het over 13.8 miljard jaar, vanaf de oerknal tot nu. Ik bedoel, in deze serie, gaan we letterlijk proberen om u het verhaal te vertellen van wat Douglas Adams "leven, het universum en alles" noemde. Mr. Green! Mr. Green! Dat is geen geschiedis. Dat is wetenschap, en wetenschap is voor nerds. Oh, mij uit het verleden! Alles zou zo veel makkelijker voor je zijn als je gewoon zou accepteren dat, je in feite, een nerd bent! En dat is oké! Ik bedoel, kijk naar deze foto, kerel! hoe dan ook, academici beschrijven de geschiedenis vaak als al het gene dat is gebeurd sinds we zijn begonnen met het neerschrijven van dingen, maar ze starten daar omdat dat de beste informatie is. En ja, ik denk dat de opkomst van schrijven iets groots was, uiteraard, maar als een startdatum voor de geschiedenis, is het totaal willekeurig! Het is gewoon een grens die we getrokken hebben en zeiden "Oké, de geschiedenis begint nu!" Swedish: Hej, jag är John Green och det här Crash Course Big History (Stora Historian), där vi kommer prata om historien om, typ, allting. Jag pratar om 13.8 miljarder år, från Big Bang tills nu. Jag menar, i denna serien av avsnitt, kommer vi bokstavligen att försöka berätta historien om vad Douglas Adams kallade "Livet, Universum och Allting". Mr Green! Mr Green! Det är inte historia. Det är vetenskap, och vetenskap är för nördar! Åh, jag från mitt förflutna! Saker och ting skulle bli så mycket bättre för dig om du bara accepterade att du är, faktum med, en nörd! Och det är okej! Jag menar, mannen, titta på denna bilden! Nåväl, akademiker beskriver ofta historia som, typ, allt som hänt sedan vi började skriva ned saker, men de börjar där vara för att det är där vi har den bästa informationen. Och visst, jag anser också att upfinningen av det skrivna språket var viktigt, uppenbarligen, men som ett startdatum för historien, det är helt ovidkommande! Det är bara en linje vi drog i sanden och sade "Okej, historien börjar nu!" Spanish: Hola. Soy John Green y esto es Crash Course Historia Grande, en el cual vamos a ver la historia de, ... , TODO. Estoy hablando de 13.800 millones de años, desde el big bang hasta ahora. En esta serie, vamos a literalmente intentan contar la historia de lo que Douglas Adams famosamente llamo:" la vida, el universo y todo". Sr. Green!, Sr. Green! Eso no es historia. !Eso es ciencia, y la ciencia es para nerds! ¡Oh, yo del pasado! Las cosas serian mucho mas fáciles para ti si aceptas que tu eres, de hecho, un nerd! ¡Y eso está bien!, mira esta imagen amigo! Igualmente, los académicos generalmente describen las historia como todas las cosas que pasaron desde que empezamos a escribir, pero ellos empiezan allí porque allí es donde tenemos mejor información. Y si, yo creo que la llegada de la escritura fué importante, obviamente pero como un comienzo para la historia, no tiene sentido! Es solo una marca que hicimos y luego dijimos "Ok, ¡la historia comienza ahora!" Japanese: どうもジョン・グリーンです クラッシュコース・ビッグヒストリー ( 集中講座 : 大きな歴史 )へようこそ これから10回にわたって 歴史のすべてを見ていきましょう 138億年分 ビッグバンから現在までの歴史です つまりこのシリーズで みなさんと一緒に見ていくのは かの『 銀河のヒッチハイクガイド 』 に記されたフレーズ 「 生命、宇宙、そして万物 」についての物語です グリーン先生! そんなの歴史ではありません 科学ですよ 科学なんてオタクどもに 任せておけばいいんです ああ 昔の僕! 自分をオタクと認められたら 君はどんなに楽になれたか もういいんだよ! こいつは一体誰だ さて 学者が好きな歴史というのは 人類が何かを書き残してからの話です やっぱり記録が残っているって ちゃんとしてる感じがしますよね もちろん 記述の発明が超重要なのは 僕だって そりゃ認識してますよ でもその後の歴史ばかり 贔屓しすぎですよね! ではこちらも 勝手に砂場に線を引かせてもらいます 「 よっしゃ 歴史は今始まった!」 ビッグヒストリーの始まりは 本当の歴史の始まり Romanian: Bună. Sunt John Green și acesta e Crash Course Big History', în care o să urmărim istoria a tot. Vorbesc de aproximativ 13,8 miliarde de ani, de la Big Bang până în prezent.Vreau să spun că în această serie, vom încerca literalmente să vă explicăm povestea a ceea ce Douglas Adams într-un mod celebru a numit "viața, universul și totul". D-le Green! D-le Green! Aceea nu e istorie. Aceea e știinta, iar știința e pentru tocilari! Oh, eule din trecut! Lucrurile ar fi mult mai simple pentru tine dacă ai accepta că în fapt ești un tocilar! Si e ok! Adică, uită-te la poza asta! Academicienii descriu adesea istoria ca fiind toate lucrurile ce s-au întâmplat de atunci când am început să scriem, dar ei încep de acolo pentru că de acolo avem cele mai bune informații. Și da, cred, că nașterea scrisului a fost un eveniment uriaș, în mod evident, dar ca o dată de început a istoriei, este absolut arbitrară! E doar o linie desenata de noi in nisip unde am zis: "Bine, istoria începe de aici!" Russian: Здравствуйте, я Джон Грин и добро пожаловать в Crash Course: Большая История, где мы будем рассматривать историю, по большому счёту, всего. Я имею в виду 13,8 миллиардов лет, с Большого Взрыва до настоящего времени. То есть, я попытаюсь, в буквальном смысле, рассказать Вам историю того, что Дуглас Адамс назвал "жизнью, Вселенной, и всем остальным". Мистер Грин! Мистер Грин! Это не история. Это наука, а наука - для нёрдов! Ах, прошлый Я. Тебе было бы настолько легче, если бы ты мог просто смириться с тем, что ты есть нёрд! И это нормально! Ну посмотри на эту картинку! Так или иначе, учёные часто описывают историю как то, что произошло с того момента, когда мы начали вести запись событий, но они только начинают отсчёт там потому, что там у нас есть лучшая информация. И да, я думаю, что появление письменности было крайне важно, ясен фиг, но в качестве даты старта истории этот момент абсолютно произвольный! Это лишь линия, нарисованная нами в песке со словами: "Окей, история начинается здесь!" Danish: Hej, mit navn er John Green og det her er Crash Course Big History, hvor vil skal se på historien om, ja, alting. Jeg taler om 13.8 millarder år, fra Big Bang til nu. I denne serie vil vi bogstaveligt talt give dig fortællingen om, med Douglas Adams berømte ord: "Livet, Universet og Alting". Hr. Green! Hr. Green! Det er ikke en historie. Det er videnskab, og videnskab er for nørder! Nå, mig selv fra fortiden! Det hele ville være meget lettere for dig hvis du blot accepterede at du faktisk ER en nørd. Og det er OK! Se bare det her billede! Akademikere beskriver ofte historie som det der er sket siden vi begyndte at skrive ting ned, men det gør de kun, fordi det er derfra, vi har den bedste information. Og naturligvis synes jeg at skriftsprogets opståen var en kæmpe ting, men som udgangspunkt for historien, er det helt håbløst. Det er blot en linje vi har trukket i sandet, og sagt: "ok, herfra starter historien". Italian: Ciao. Sono John Green e questo è il Crash Course Big History in cui prenderemo in esame la storia di tutto. Sto parlando di 13,8 miliardi di anni, dal Big Bang fino a oggi. Voglio dire, in questa serie, tenteremo letteralmente di raccontarvi la storia di quello che Douglas Adams aveva notoriamente chiamato "La vita, l'universo e tutto quanto". Mr. Green! Mr. Green! Questa non è storia! Questa è scienza, e la scienza è per i nerd! Oh, me stesso del passato! Le cose sarebbero molto più semplici se tu accettassi che tu, in realtà, sei proprio un nerd! E va bene così! Voglio dire, guarda questa foto, amico! Comunque, spesso gli studiosi descrivono la storia come tutte le cose che sono accadute da quando abbiamo iniziato ad annotarle, ma iniziano da lì solo perché è a partire da allora che abbiamo maggiori informazioni. Sì, ovviamente, penso che l'avvento della scrittura sia stata una grande riforma, ma come data di inizio per la storia, è totalmente arbitraria! Abbiamo disegnato una linea sulla sabbia e abbiamo detto: "ok, la storia inizia da qui!" Vietnamese: Chào. Tôi là John Green và đây là Crash Course Lịch sử Vĩ Đại, thứ mà chúng ta sẽ xem xét về lịch sử của, để xem nào, tất cả mọi thứ. Tôi đang nói đến 13,8 tỉ năm, từ vụ nổ Big Bang cho đến nay. Ý tôi là, trong sêri này thì chúng tôi sẽ ráng kể cho bạn nghe câu chuyện mà Douglas Adams nổi tiếng gọi là "cuộc sống, vũ trụ và mọi thứ". Thầy Green! Thầy Green! Cái đó đâu phải là lịch sử. Cái đó là khoa học mà, và khoa học thì dành cho bọn mọt sách! Ồ, tôi của ngày hôm qua ơi! Chuyện sẽ dễ dàng hơn nhiều nếu cậu chịu chấp nhận sự thật rằng chính bạn, là một thằng mọt sách. Và điều đó chả sao cả, í tôi là, nhìn tấm ảnh này này, cậu bé! Đằng nào đi nữa, những học giả đều miêu tả lịch sử là những thứ xảy ra từ khi chúng ta bắt đầu ghi lại chúng, nhưng họ chỉ bắt đầu từ chỗ đó vì đó là khi chúng ta có nhũng thông tin chính xác nhất. Và ừ, tôi nghĩ là sự xuất hiện của chữ viết cũng là một mấu chốt, hiển nhiên rồi, nhưng nếu nói về nó như ngày bắt đầu của lịch sử thì thật là tuỳ tiện! Nó chỉ là một đường thẳng mà ta vẽ trên cát rồi bảo rằng "Ờ, lịch sử bắt đầu bây giờ nghen!" Finnish: Hei. Minä olen John Green ja katsot Crash Coursen Isoa Historiaa, jossa käsittelemme… no, kaiken historiaa. Puhun nyt 13,8 miljardista vuodesta, alkuräjähdyksestä tähän hetkeen. Yritämme siis kirjaimellisesti kertoa tarinan, joka liittyy, Douglas Adamsin kuuluisten sanojen mukaan, ”elämään, maailmankaikkeuteen ja kaikkeen muuhun sellaiseen”. Herra Green, Herra Green! Eihän tuo ole historiaa. Tuo on tiedettä, joka on nörttien hommaa! Ah, minä menneisyydestä! Elämä olisi paljon helpompaa sinulle, jos vain hyväksyisit, että olet oikeasti nörtti. Ja se on okei! Katso nyt tätä kuvaa! Joka tapauksessa, tutkijat usein kuvailevat historiaa asioina, jotka tapahtuivat kirjoittamisen aloittamisen jälkeen, mutta he aloittavat siitä vain koska siltä ajalta meillä on parasta informaatiota. Ja kyllä, tietenkin pidän kirjoitustaidon alkua todella tärkeänä tapahtumana, mutta historian alkuhetkenä se on täysin tuulesta temmattu! Se on vain viiva, jonka piirsimme hiekkaan ja sanoimme ”okei, tästä alkaa historia!” Portuguese: Olá. Eu sou John Green e esse é o Crash Course: Big History. Onde nós estaremos olhando a História de, tipo, tudo. Estou falando de 13,8 bilhões de anos. Do Big Bang até agora. Digo, nessa série, nós iremos, literalmente, tentar te contar a história que Douglas Adams chamou de "a Vida, o Universo e Tudo o Mais". Sr. Green! Isso não é História. Isso é ciência, e ciência é pra nerds! Ah, Eu Do Passado! Tudo seria tão mais fácil para você se apenas aceitasse que você é, de fato, um nerd! E não há nada de errado com isso! Sério, olhe pra essa foto, cara! De qualquer forma, acadêmicos descrevem História como: "tudo que aconteceu desde que começamos a escrever", mas a História só começa com isso porque é quando adquirimos informações confiáveis. E claro que o advento da escrita foi importantíssimo, obviamente, mas como data de nascimento da História, é totalmente arbitrário! É apenas uma linha que desenhamos na areia que diz "okay, a História começa agora!" Arabic: مرحبًا، أنا جون غرين، وهذه سلسلة Crash Course Big History، حيث سنتحدث عن تاريخ كل شيء، وأتحدث عن 13،8 مليار عام، منذ الانفجار العظيم حتى الآن. في هذه السلسلة، سنحاول أو نروي لكم القصة التي أطلق عليها دوغلاس آدمز "الحياة، الكون، وكل شيء". سيد غرين، سيد غرين، هذا ليس تاريخًا. إنّه علم، والعلم للحمقى. هكذا كنت في الماضي، ستكون الأمور أسهل عليك لو اعترفت أنّك أحمق. ولا بأس بذلك، انظر إلى هذه الصورة! على أي حال، يصف الأكاديميون التاريخ غالبًا بأنّه ما حدث منذ بدأنا الكتابة. لكنّهم يبدؤون من تلك المرحلة، لأنّها حيث نحصل على أفضل المعلومات. وصحيح أنّ بداية الكتابة حدَث مهم حتمًا. لكنّ اعتباره بداية للتاريخ هو تصرّف اعتباطيّ جدًا. إنّه مجرّد خطّ رسمناه على الرمال وقلنا "حسنًا، سيبدأ التاريخ الآن"! Korean: 안녕, 존그린입니다. '큰 역사'에 관한 크래쉬코스로 여기서 모든 것에 대한 역사 를 얘기하려고 합니다. 138억년 전의 빅뱅부터 지금까지의 역사를.. 저는 이 시리즈에서 , 실제로 여러분에게 더글러스 아담스 말대로 "생명체, 우주, 그리고 모든 것"에 관한 얘기를 하려고 합니다. 그린씨, 그린씨! 그건 역사가 아니예요. 그건 과학이지요. 샌님들의 과학말이예요. 아 내 어렸을 적이군! 네가 샌님이란 것을 깨닫고 인정하면 세상은 훨씬 이해하기 쉬워질꺼야! 어쨋든 괜찮아! 내 말은, 잘난 녀석, 이 사진을 보면 그럴듯 하네 전통교육에선 역사의 출발을 인류가 기록을 남긴 때 부터 시작하려고 들지. 그런데 그렇게 된 건 그 전것은 정보가 별로 없어서 였었지. 문자의 츨현은 역시 대단한 사건이지만, 그 출현 시점부터 역사를 시작하는 것은 완전히 주관적인 것이지! 이건 마치 모래위에 선을 긋고 " 이제 이 선부터 역사가 시작한다" 라고 말하는 것과 같아. iw: היי. אני ג'ון גרין וזה "קראש קורס" - ההיסטוריה הגדולה, שבו אנו נסתכל על ההיסטוריה של, הכל. אני מדבר על 13.8 מיליארדים של שנים, מהמפץ הגדול עד עכשיו, אני מתכוון, שבסדרה זו, אנחנו ממש הולכים לנסות לספר לכם את הסיפור של מה שדאגלס אדמס קרא לו "החיים, היקום והכל" מר גרין! מר גרין! זה לא היסטוריה. זה מדע, ומדע זה לחנונים! או, אני מהעבר! דברים ילכו הרבה יותר בקלות אם רק תקבל את זה שאתה, למעשה, חנון! וזה בסדר! אני מתכוון, תסתכל על התמונה חבוב בכל מקרה, האקדמיה מתארת לעיתים קרובות היסטוריה ככל הדברים שקרא מאז שהתחלנו לכתוב דברים, אבל היא מתחילה שם רק בגלל שזאת הנקודה בה יש לנו את המידע הכי מהומן. וכן, אני חושב שהמצאת הכתב היה מאוד חשוב אבל ככל שאנו מתארכים את ההיסטוריה, זה מאוד נזיל! זה בסך הכל קו דביוני שציירנו בחול ואמרנו לעצמנו "אוקיי, היסטוריה מתחילה כאן" French: Bonjour. Je suis John Green et bienvenue à Crash Course la grande histoire, aujourd'hui nous allons étudier l'histoire de tout. Je parle de 13,8 milliards d'années, qui s'étendent du big bang jusqu'à maintenant. En fait, nous allons littéralement tenter de vous raconter l'histoire de ce que Douglas Adams a fameusement appelé "la vie, l'univers et le reste". Monsieur Green! Monsieur Green! C'est pas de l'histoire. C'est de la science, et la science c'est pour les intellos! Oh, moi du passé! Les choses pourraient être tellement plus simples pour toi si tu pouvais juste accepter que tu es, en fait, un intello! Et ce n'est pas grave! Je veux dire, regarde cette photo, mec! Bref, les académies décrivent souvent l'histoire comme toutes les choses qui se sont passées depuis qu'on a commencé à écrire, mais ils ne commencent que là parce que ce n'est qu'à partir de là que nous avons les informations les plus précises. Et oui, je pense que le début de l'écriture était quelque chose d'énorme, évidemment, mais en tant que date de départ de l'histoire, c'est complètement arbitraire! C'est juste une ligne qu'on a tracé dans le sable en disant "Ok, l'histoire commence là!" Portuguese: Olá. Eu sou John Green e esse é o Crash Course: Big History (A Grande História), onde nós estaremos visando a História de, tipo, tudo. Estou falando de 13.8 bilhões de anos, do Big Bang à agora. Digo, nessa série, nós iremos, literalmente, tentar te contar a história que o Douglas Adams famosamente chamou de "a vida, o universo e tudo mais". Sr. Green! Sr. Green! Isso não é História. Isso é ciência, e ciência é pra nerds! Oh... Eu do passado! Tudo seria tão mais fácil para você se apenas aceitasse que você é, de fato, um nerd! E não há nada de errado com isso! Sério, olhe pra essa foto, cara! De qualquer forma, acadêmicos geralmente descrevem História como: tudo que aconteceu desde o momento em que começamos a escrever os acontecimentos, mas eles só começaram com isso porque foi quando tivemos as melhores informações. E sim, eu acho que o advento da escrita foi um grande negócio, obviamente, mas como data de nascimento da História, é totalmente arbitrário! É apenas uma linha que desenhamos na areia que diz "okay, a História começa agora!" Hungarian: Mi itt a Nagy Történelemben ott kezdjük a történelmet, amikor ténylegesen elkezdődött - vagy legalábbis, ahol gondoljuk, hogy elkezdődött -, az univerzum keletkezésénél, és ott fejezzük be, ahol a történet véget ér. Légyszi, hadd legyen azután, hogy meghalok! Nos, biztosan azután lesz, hogy én meghalok, csak jó lenne ha azért nem rögtön utána lenne. Szóval, ki fogunk készíteni néhány hagyományos történészt azzal, hogy a fizika segítségével megpróbáljuk megjósolni a jövőt, és évmilliárdokkal később fogunk végezni, amikor az univerzum maga, vigyázz, spoiler: meghal. Legalábbis, bizonyos értelemben. Hey. Én nem John vagyok. Ha úgy látod, hasonlítunk egymásra, az valószínűleg azért lehet, mert testvérek vagyunk. A nevem Hank. Mindenesetre, ha világmindenség 13,8 milliárd éves történelmét annyi idő alatt szeretnéd megtanulni, mint amennyi Amerika 238 évéhez kellett, valószínűleg csalódni fogsz. Természetesen fontos tudni az amerikai történelem neveit és évszámit, de a Nagy Történelmben ez egyszerűen lehetetlen. Polish: W Historii Wszechświata rozpoczniemy historię wtedy, kiedy naprawdę się zaczęła (a przynajmniej tak nam się wydaje) – w momencie powstania Wszechświata, a następnie zakończymy ją tam, gdzie się kończy – BŁAGAM, niech to będzie po mojej śmierci! Hm, w sumie i tak wtedy umrę... ale chodzi o to, żeby minęło jeszcze potem trochę czasu! Tak więc wywołamy zgrozę u historyków-tradycjonalistów, posiłkując się fizyką przy przewidywaniu przyszłości, i skończymy wiele bilionów lat od teraz, gdy Wszechświat (uwaga, spoiler!) umrze. A przynajmniej tak to można określić. Hej! Nie, to nie John. Jeśli wydaje Wam się, że wyglądamy podobnie – to dlatego, że jesteśmy braćmi. Mam na imię Hank. W każdym razie, jeśli chcielibyśmy poznać historię Wszechświata trwającą 13,8 mld lat w tyle samo czasu, ile zazwyczaj zajmuje opowiedzenie 238 lat historii Ameryki, popsułby nam się trochę punkt widzenia. Oczywiście w historii USA ważne jest poznanie wszystkich nazwisk i dat, jednak nie da się tak z historią Wszechświata. Japanese: つまり 限界まで遡って宇宙創造の時 そして終わりは 歴史の全てが終わる時 どうか 僕が死んでからにしておくれ 絶対そうなんだけど とにかく 生きてる間に終わらないで とにかく 昔ながらの歴史家が引いちゃおうが かまわず 物理学を使って未来予測もします 今から何兆年も何兆年もずっとずっと先の 最後の場面で 宇宙そのものが いきなりネタバレしますが 終わるところまで そういうことです どうも!ジョンじゃない人だよ なんか似たような奴が出てきたわけだけど 弟のハンクと申します さて 138億年分の歴史の全てを学ぶといっても 普通にアメリカの歴史 238年を学ぶのと 同じやり方じゃキツいよね そりゃアメリカ史には 名称や年号は重要だけど ビッグヒストリーに そういうやり方は手に余る French: Dans La Grande Histoire, nous allons commencer l'histoire là où elle commence vraiment - ou du moins, où l'on pense - à la création de l'univers, et nous allons finir cette histoire là où elle se termine - En espérant que ça soit après ma mort! Enfin, je présume que ce sera probablement après ma mort, c'est juste que - Je veux que ça dure un bon moment après ma mort! Donc nous allons même terrifier les historiens traditionnels en utilisant la physique pour faire des prédictions sur le futur, et nous allons terminer à des trillions et des trillions d'années de maintenant, quand l'univers lui-même, alerte spoiler: meurt. Du moins, c'est une façon de parler. Hey! Je ne suis pas John. Si vous pensez qu'on se ressemble un peu, c'est parce qu'on est frères. Je suis Hank. Quoiqu'il en soit, si vous voulez apprendre les 13,8 milliards d'années d'histoire de l'univers dans le même laps de temps que nous avons l'habitude de prendre pour couvrir les 238 années de l'histoire de l'Amérique, vous n'allez pas avoir la même précision. Bien sûr, connaissant les noms et dates de l'histoire américaine est important, on ne peut tout simplement pas faire ça dans la Grande Histoire. Portuguese: Nessa série, nós iremos começar a História de onde ela realmente começou (ao menos, onde nós achamos) Na criação do Universo, e nós iremos terminar essa história onde ela termina. Por favor, que seja após a minha morte! Bom, eu acho que será, definitivamente, após a minha morte. Mas quero que seja muito tempo depois da minha morte! Então, nós iremos aterrorizar historiadores tradicionais, usando Física para fazermos algumas predições sobre o futuro, e iremos terminar em muitos trilhões e trilhões de anos no futuro; quando o próprio Universo, *alerta de spoiler*: morre, por assim dizer. E aí! Eu não sou o John. Se você acha que somos parecidos, é porque somos irmãos. Eu sou o Hank. Se quer aprender os 13,8 bilhões de anos de História do Universo no mesmo tempo que cobrimos os 238 anos de História dos Estados Unidos, você não vai ter a mesma resolução. Claro, saber os nomes e datas da História dos EUA é importante, mas não podemos fazer isso nessa série. Romanian: În 'Big History vom porni cu istoria când începe cu adevărat – cel puțin așa credem – la crearea universului, și vom termina povestea unde se termină – mă rog ca asta să fie după ce voi muri! Bine, ghicesc că va fi cu siguranță după ce voi muri, doar că – aș vrea să fie un timp după ce voi muri! Deci o să-i terorizăm pe istoricii tradiționali prin a folosi fizica pentru a face unele previziuni cu privire la viitor și o să ne ia multe trilioane și trilioane de ani de acum când universul însuși,sună alerta: moare.Cel puțin, într-un fel de a spune . Hei! Nu sunt John. Dacă sunteți de părere că semănăm puțin asta e pentru că suntem frați. Sunt Hank. Oricum, dacă vreți să învățați istoria de 13800000000 ani a universului în aceeași perioadă de timp, în care, de obicei, acoperim cei 238 de ani de istorie americană, nu vom acea aceeași rezoluție. Desigur, cunoașterea numelor și datelor Istoriei americane este importantă, dar nu vom face doar asta la Big History. Russian: В Большой истории мы начнём историю там, где она на самом деле начинается (по меньшей мере, как нам кажется) - у сотворения Вселенной, и закончим мы историю там, где она заканчивается... ... и только бы это было ПОСЛЕ того, как я умру! Ну, наверное, это в любом случае будет после моей смерти Пусть пройдёт приличное время после моей смерти! Так что мы даже введём классических историков в шок и используем физику для того, чтобы сделать предсказания насчёт будущего, и мы закончим через много триллионов лет после сего момента, когда сама Вселенная [СПОЙЛЕР] умрёт. Ну, в каком то смысле. Хей! Я не Джон. Если Вас кажетс, что мы похожи, то это потому, что мы братья. Я Хэнк. Так или иначе, если Вы хотите познать историю Вселенной (13,8 миллиардов лет) за то же время, за которое мы обычно освещаем 238 лет американской истории, Вы не получите той же детализации. Конечно, знать имена и даты американской истории важно, но в Большой истории этого просто не сделать. Turkish: Büyük Tarih'de, tarih gerçekte ne zamandan başladıysa o zaman başlayacağız. En azından tahmin ettiğimiz. Evrenin yaradılışından, hikayenin sonuna kadar gideceğiz. Lütfen, ben öldükten sonra olsun. Yani, aslında kesinlikle ben öldükten sonra olacak. Sadece ben öldükten bir süre sonra olmasını istiyorum. Bu yüzden gelecekle ilgili bazı tahminlerde bulunmak için fizik kullanarak geleneksel tarihçileri dehşete düşüreceğiz ve şu andan itibaren trilyonlarca yıl katedeceğiz ne zaman ki evrenin kendisi, spoiler uyarısı: ölürse. En azından, lafın gelişi. [Tema Müziği] Hey! John değilim. Eğer az da olsa benzediğimizi düşünüyorsanız, kardeş olduğumuz içindir. Ben Hank. Her neyse, eğer evrenin 13.8 milyar yıllık yaşını 238 yıllık Amerikan tarihini kapsadığımız süreyle öğrenmek istersen aynı sonucu elde edemezsin Tabii ki, Amerikan tarihinin isimlerini ve tarihlerini bilmek önemlidir, ancak bunu Büyük Tarih'de yapamayız Finnish: Isossa historiassa aloitamme historian sieltä, missä se oikeasti – ainakin tietojemme mukaan – alkaa, maailmankaikkeuden synnystä, ja lopetamme sen sinne, missä se loppuu – toivon mukaan kuolemani jälkeen! No, kyllähän se varmasti tapahtuu kuolemani jälkeen, mutta haluaisin, että kuolemastani olisi ehtinyt kulua jonkin aikaa! Joten aiomme jopa pelotella perinteisiä historioitsijoita tekemällä fysiikan avulla joitakin ennustuksia tulevaisuudesta, ja lopetamme sarjan biljoonia ja biljoonia vuosia tästä hetkestä, , jolloin itse maailmankaikkeus, spoiler alert, kuolee. No, ainakin tavallaan. Hei! En ole John. Jos näytämme mielestäsi vähän samalta, se johtuu siitä että olemme veljeksiä. Minä olen Hank. Joka tapauksessa, jos haluat oppia 13,8 miljardista vuodesta maailmankaikkeuden historiaa samassa ajassa, jonka yleensä käytämme 238 vuoteen Amerikan historiaa, tulos ei tule olemaan sama. Tietenkin Amerikan historian nimien ja päivämäärien tietäminen on tärkeää, mutta emme voi käsitellä isoa historiaa samoin. English: In Big History, we're gonna start history when it really starts - at least, we think - at the creation of the universe, and we're gonna end that story where it ends - please let that be after I die! Well, I guess it will definitely be after I die, just - I want it to be a while after I die! So we're even gonna terrify traditional historians by using physics to make some predictions about the future, and we're gonna end many trillions and trillions of years from now, when the universe itself, spoiler alert: dies. At least, in a manner of speaking. [Theme Music] Hey! I'm not John. If you're thinking we look a little bit the same, that's because we're brothers. I'm Hank. Anyway, if you wanna learn the 13.8 billion year history of the universe in the same amount of time that we usually cover the 238 years of American history, you're not gonna get the same resolution. Of course, knowing the names and dates of American history is important, but we just can't do that in Big History. Spanish: En "Historia Grande", vamos a comenzar la historia donde comienza realmente, en la creación del universo, y vamos a terminar donde termina realmente - por favor que eso sea después de que yo muero!, Definitivamente va a ser después que yo muera ¡Quiero que sea "un tiempo después" que yo muera! Así que vamos a aterrorizar a los historiadores tradicionales usando la física para hacer predicciones sobre el futuro, y vamos a terminar muchos trillones de años en el futuro donde el universo mismo, muere. Al menos figurativamente. ¡Hey! No soy John. Si piensas que nos vemos parecidos, es porque somos hermanos. Soy Hank. Si quieres aprender los 13.800 millones de años de historia del universo en la misma cantidad de tiempo que usualmente cubrimos los 238 años de historia norteamericana no vas a tener el mismo detalle. Por supuesto que saber nombres y fechas de Historia Norteamericana es importante, pero no podemos hacer eso en "Historia Grande" Dutch: In Big History gaan we de geschiedenis beginnen wanneer hij echt begint - althans, dat denken we - met de schepping van het universum, en we gaan dat verhaal beëindigen waar het eindigt - en aub, laat dat zijn nadat ik sterf! Nou, ik denk het zeker zal zijn nadat ik sterf, maar - ik wil dat het een tijdje na ik sterf eindigt! Dus we gaan zelfs traditionele historici angst aanjagen door met behulp van de fysica voorspellingen over de toekomst te maken, en we gaan vel biljoenen en biljoenen jaren van nu eindigen, wanneer het universum zelf, spoiler alert: sterft! Ten minste bij wijze van spreken. Hey! Ik ben niet John. Als je denkt dat we een beetje op elkaar lijken, dat is omdat we broers zijn. Ik ben Hank. Hoe dan ook, als je de 13.8 miljard jaar geschiedenis van het heelal wil leren in dezelfde hoeveelheid tijd die we gewoonlijk gebruiken voor 238 jaar Amerikaanse geschiedenis, dan ga je niet dezelfde resolutie krijgen. Natuurlijk is het kennen van de namen en data van de Amerikaanse geschiedenis belangrijk, maar dat kunnen we gewoon niet doen in Big History. iw: בהיסטוריה הגדולה, אנו נתחיל את ההיסטוריה איפה שהיא באמת מתחילה- או לפחות, איפה שאנחנו חושבים שהיא התחילה בבריאת היקום, ואנו הולכים לסיים את ההיסטוריה היכן שהיא מסתיימת - בבקשה שזה יהיה אחרי שאני אמות! טוב, אני מנחש שזה בטוח יהיה אחרי שאני אמות, פשוט - אני רוצה שזה יהיה קצת הרבה אחרי שאני אמות אז אנחנו הולכים להפחיד מעט היסטוריונים קלאסיים על ידי שימוש בפיזיקה בשביל לנסות לחזות מעט על העתיד, ואנחנו הולכים לסיים טריוליוני שנים מהיום כאשר היקום עצמו [זהירות, ספוילר]: ימות. היי! אני לא ג'ון. אם אתם חושבים שאנחנו קצת דומים, זה בגלל שאנחנו אחים. אני האנק. בכל מקרה, אם תרצו ללמוד 13.8 ביליון שנות היסטוריה של היקום באותו כמות זמן, אנחנו בדרך כלל מסקרים את 238 שנות ההיסטוריה האמריקאית, אז לא נקבל את אותה הרזולוציה כמובן, לדעת את השמות והתאריכים של ההיסטוריה האמריקאית זה חשוב (לא באמת), אבל אנחנו לא יכולים לעשות את זה גם ב"היסטוריה גדולה" Korean: "큰 역사"에선, 역사의 시작 순간부터 출발할꺼야 - 우리 지식에 근거하여 우주의 창조부터 시작하여 우주의 종말까지를 얘기할꺼야 - 아 제발 그 종말은 내가 죽은 후에 일어나기를! 그래, 내 생각엔 확실히 내가 죽은 후에 종말이 와 - 내가 죽고나서도 한참 후에 오기를! 이제 우린 물리학을 동원하여 미래에 대한 과학적 예측을 해서, 전통 역사학자 들을 겁줄꺼야, 그리고 몇 조년, 몇 조년 아주 오랜 후까지 얘기한 후 끝낼꺼야 그 땐 우주가 - 주의- 사망함. 최소한 그렇게 말할 수 있지. 안녕! 난 존이 아닙니다. 우리가 닮았다고 생각한다면 그건 우리가 형제라서요. 전 행크고요. 138억년 간의 우주역사를 미국 238 년 역사 배우는 시간내에 배우려면, 미국 역사 배우듯이 가까이 드려다 보며 자세히 얘기할 수는 없지요. 물론 미국역사에서 사람이름과 사건날짜를 배우는 것도 중요하나 큰 역사에선 그렇게 할 순 없어요. Danish: I Big History, starter vi historien derfra hvor det faktisk starter - i hvert fald derfra hvor vi tror - ved dannelsen af universet, og vil vil slutte historien hvor den ender - jeg håber det bliver efter jeg dør! Det bliver sikkert efter jeg dør, men jeg vil gerne have at det bliver langt tid efter! Vi vil endda skræmme livet af traditionelle historikere, ved at anvende fysikken til at lave nogle forudsigelser om fremtiden, og vi vil slutte mange trillioner og atter trillioner af år fra nu, når universet selv - spoiler alert - dør. På en måde i hvert fald. Hov, jeg er ikke John. Hvis du synes vi ligner hinanden er det fordi vi er brødre. Jeg hedder Hank. Hvis du vil høre den 13.8 mia lange historie om universet på samme tid som vi normalt dækker 238 år af Amerikas historie, vil du ikke helt opnå samme grad af detalje. Det er naturligvis vigtigt at kende navne og datoer i Amerikansk historie, men det kan vi ikke arbejde med i Big History. Portuguese: Na "Big History (A Grande História)", nós iremos começar a História de onde ela realmente começou — ao menos, nós achamos — na criação do universo, e nós iremos terminar essa história onde ela termina — por favor que seja após a minha morte! Bom, eu acho que será, definitivamente, após a minha morte — eu quero que acabe um tempo depois da minha morte! Então nós iremos aterrorizar historiadores tradicionais, usando Física para fazermos algumas proposições sobre o futuro, e iremos terminar em muitos trilhões e trilhões e trilhões de anos partindo de agora, quando o universo, e tudo mais, alerta de spoiler: morre. Ao menos, em um dos modos de dizer. E aí! Eu não sou o John. Se você está se perguntando porque somos um pouco parecidos, é porque somos irmãos. Eu sou o Hank. Seguindo, se quer aprender os 13.8 bilhões de anos de História do universo no mesmo período de tempo que normalmente cobrimos os 238 anos de História dos Estados Unidos, você não terá o mesmo resultado. Claro, saber os nomes e datas da História dos Estados Unidos é importante, mas nós não podemos, simplesmente, fazer isso na "Big History (A Grande História)". Vietnamese: Trong "Lịch sử Vĩ Đại", chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu lịch sử khi nó thực sự bắt đầu - hay chí ít là ta nghĩ vậy - khi vũ trụ hình thành, và ta sẽ kết thúc nó khi nó tàn - làm ơn làm ngày đó kết thúc khi tôi chết đi! Thực sự mà nói, tôi đoán nó chắc chắn sẽ kết thúc sau khi tôi chết - Tôi muốn nó phải thật lâu sau khi tôi chết cơ! Vậy chúng ta phải làm các nhà sử học truyền thống lo ngại bằng cách sử dụng Vật Lý Học để dự đoán tương lai, và chúng ta sẽ đi đến kết thúc hàng tỷ tỷ năm nữa khi mà chính vũ trụ sẽ tuyên bố: Xong rồi!...Ít ra vẫn tuyên bố đàng hoàng. [Nhạc nền] Chào! Tôi phải là John. Nhưng nếu bạn nghĩ tôi nhìn khá giống anh ấy thì đúng rồi, chúng tôi là anh em. Tôi tên Hank. Thôi quay lại vấn đề. Nếu bạn muốn học Lịch sử Vũ trụ vốn có 13.8 tỷ niên sử với lượng thời gian như chúng ta học 238 niên sử Hoa Kỳ Các bạn sẽ nản thôi. Dĩ nhiên là học các tên và ngày tháng trong sử Mỹ khá quan trọng nhưng mà làm vậy với Lịch sử Vĩ đại là không được đâu. Arabic: في هذه السلسلة، سنبدأ حديثنا عن التاريخ حين بدأ فعليًا، حسب اعتقادنا على الأقل وذلك عند بداية الكون. وسنختم تلك القصة حيث ستنتهي. أتمنى أن يحدث ذلك بعد موتي! أظنّه سيحدث بعده حتمًا، لكنّي أريد حدوثه بعد موتي بوقت طويل. إذن، سنرعب المؤرّخين التقليديين باستخدام الفيزياء للتوصل لتنبؤات عن المستقبل. وسنختم بعد ترليونات السنوات من الآن. وذلك حين ينتهي الكون نفسه، بطريقة ما على الأقل. مرحبًا، أنا لست جون، إن كنتم تفكّرون بأنّنا نشبه بعضنا، فذلك لأنّنا أخوَين. أنا هانك. على كلّ، إن أردتم التعرّف على تاريخ الكون الممتد لـ14،8 مليار سنة خلال نفس الوقت الذي نغطّي فيه الـ238 سنة لتاريخ أمريكا، فلن نتوصّل إلى نفس النتيجة. بالطبع، معرفة أسماء وتواريخ التاريخ الأمريكي مهمة، لكنّنا لا نستطيع فعل ذلك في سلسلتنا. Italian: In Big History, inizieremo la storia da quando è realmente iniziata – o almeno, pensiamo – alla creazione dell'Universo e concluderemo questa storia quando esso finirà – per favore fate che succeda quando non ci sarò più! Beh, direi che sarà proprio dopo la mia morte, solo – vorrei che succedesse quando sarò già morto da un po'! Dunque, spaventeremo persino gli storici tradizionali usando la fisica per fare predizioni sul futuro e finiremo a molte migliaia di miliardi di anni da oggi quando l'Universo stesso – allarme spoiler – muore. O almeno in un certo senso. Ehi! Non sono John. Se pensi che ci assomigliamo un po' è perché siamo fratelli. Sono Hank. In ogni caso, se volete imparare 13,8 miliardi di storia dell'Universo nello stesso tempo che di solito coprono i 238 anni della storia Americana, non avrete la stessa risoluzione. Naturalmente, conoscere i nomi e le date della storia americana è importante, ma non possiamo farlo in Big History. German: – zumindest, denken wir das – bei der Bildung des Universums, und wir werden mit der Erzählung enden, wo sie endet. Bitte, lass es sein, nachdem ich sterbe! Nun, ich nehme an, es wird definitiv sein, nachdem ich sterbe, ich will nur, dass es eine ganze Weile ist, nachdem ich sterbe! Also, wir werden sogar traditionelle Historiker (und -innen) in Schrecken versetzen, indem wir Physik benutzen, um einige Vorhersagen über die Zukunft zu treffen, und wir werden nach Billionen und Aberbillionen Jahren von heute gesehen enden, wenn das Universum selbst, Spoiler-Alarm: stirbt. Zumindest gewissermaßen. [Titelmusik] Anbruch des Universums: - Leben könnte per Anhalter zur Erde auf einem Meteoriten mitgefahren sein. - Keine Sorge, das Universum ist nur ein Hologramm. - Riesenwolken von primitiven Elementen vereinigten sich zu Sternen. - Galaxien formten sich etwa 850 Millionen Jahre nach dem Urknall. - Zeitweise waren wir alle Quark-Gluonen-Plasma. - Diese Episode brauchte 13,8 Milliarden Jahre bis zur Erstellung. Frühes Leben: - Die Erde bietet Heimat für rund 8,7 Millionen Lebensformen. - Hank ist im Wahn in der Membran. - Leben auf der Erde startete vor 3,7 – 4,4 Milliarden Jahren. - Einige abiotische Moleküle sind offenkundig selbstreplizierend. - Modernes Leben stammt höchstwahrscheinlich aus einer RNA-Welt. - Leben könnte sich in hydrothermalen Quellen entwickelt haben. Frühes Leben: - Die Erde bietet Heimat für rund 8,7 Millionen Lebensformen. - Hank ist im Wahn in der Membran. - Leben auf der Erde startete vor 3,7 – 4,4 Milliarden Jahren. - Einige abiotische Moleküle sind offenkundig selbstreplizierend. - Modernes Leben stammt höchstwahrscheinlich aus einer RNA-Welt. - Leben könnte sich in hydrothermalen Quellen entwickelt haben. 3: Prehuman: - Die Toba-Supereruption drängte uns an den Rand der Ausrottung. - Homo sapiens ist die einzige ausgestorbene Spezies, von der man weiß, dass sie Monopoly gespielt hat. - Monolithen wurden mit dem exakten Verhältnis von 1:4:9 geschaffen. - Krähen, Delfine, Elefanten und Tragossos [Pokemon] benutzen ebenfalls Werkzeug. - Moderne Menschen verließen Afrika vor rund 90.000 – 130.000 Jahren. - Diese Maschine tötet Faschisten. 3: Posthuman: ...und wir werden also bei der Singularität sein allezeit. [Verballhornung von 1.Thessalonicher 4,17] - Die Keytarre ersetzt 2021 offiziell die Gitarre. - Wir vertrauen auf R.O.B. - Künstliche Intelligenz wird letztendlich übertrumpft von künstlicher Dummheit. - Ich bin ein Computer. - Der dritte Weltkrieg wird von Radiant und Dire geführt. [Fraktionen in dem Computerspiel Warcraft 3] Crash Course: Große Geschichte [Hank] Hey! Ich bin nicht John. Falls ihr denkt, dass wir uns ähnlich sehen, liegt das daran, dass wir Brüder sind. Ich bin Hank. Wie auch immer, wenn man die 13,8 Milliarden Jahre umfassende Geschichte des Universums in der gleichen Zeitspanne lernen will, in der wir normalerweise 238 Jahre der amerikanischen Geschichte behandeln, dann bekommt man nicht dieselbe Auflösung. Sicherlich, die Namen und Daten der amerikanischen Geschichte zu kennen ist wichtig, aber wir können das einfach nicht machen in Große Geschichte. Swedish: I Big History, kommer vi börja historien där den faktiskt började - eller åtminstone, vi tror vi det - vid skapandet av Universum, och vi kommer avsluta den historien där den slutar - snälla snälla säg att det är efter jag dör! Okej, jag antar det definitivt kommer ske efter jag har dött, bara - Jag vill att det ska vara ett tag efter jag dött! Så nu ska vi skrämma traditionella historiker genom att använda fysik för att skapa förutsägningar om framtiden, och vi kommer sluta triljoners triljoner antal år från nu, när hela universumet - spoilervarning - dör. I alla fall, på sätt och vis. Hej! Jag är inte John. Om du tycker att vi liknar varandra, är det för att vi är bröder. Jag är Hank. I alla fall, om du vill lära dig alla 13.8 miljarder år av universums historia på samma tid vi vanligtvis tar för att gå igenom 238 år av Amerikas historia, så kommer du inte få samma slutsats. Självklart, vidkännande av namn och datum i Amerikas historia är viktigt, men vi kan helt enkelt inte göra det i Big History. Danish: Der findes meget større historiske spørgsmål i universets historie, som kun kan blive undersøgt hvis man zoomer ud på den ultimative skala. Når man zoomer ud ser man meget mere af billedet. Detaljerne bliver lidt slørede, men vi ser hurtigt at historien er alt. Kosmologi, geologi, biologi, samfundsvidenskab, litteratur, fysik...det hele! Du tror måske at denne skala vil være fyldt med for mange detaljer, men mængden af detaljer et svar har behov for, afhænger af det spørgsmål der er stillet. Nogle spørgsmål kan kun undersøges ved at zoome ud. Det er dét Big History gør. Nu vi taler om at zoome ud, så er dette en jordopgang, et af de mest berømte fotografier nogensinde. William Anders, som var astronaut på Apollo, tog det i 1968. Fra overfladen af en anden verden kan vi se at vores planet er en lille kugle i rummet. Ingen grænser, ingen mennesker, ingen bygninger. Kun oceaner og skyer og kontinenter, hvorpå solen lader sit lys skinne. Denne skala giver mig perspektiv. Jeg kan forestille mig kompleksiteten af alt liv på jorden, lige fra den benzindrevne motor, der bragte mig hertil, til den politiske ustabilitet English: There are much broader historical questions in the story of the universe that can only be explored by zooming out to the ultimate scale. As you zoom out, you see a lot more of the picture. The details get a little fuzzy, but we quickly realize that history is everything. Cosmology, geology, biology, social sciences, literature, physics... Everything! You might think that such a scale would be filled with way too much detail, but the amount of detail an answer requires, depends on the nature of the question. Some questions can only be explored by zooming out. That is what Big History does. Speaking of zoomed out, this is Earthrise, one of the most famous photographs of all time. William Anders, an Apollo astronaut, took it in 1968. From the surface of another world, we see our planet as a little ball in space. No borders, no people, no buildings. Just oceans and clouds and continents being shined upon by the sun. That sheer expansion of scale gives me perspective. It lets me imagine all the complexity of life on Earth, from the gasoline engine that powered my trip to the studio, to political instability Portuguese: Há uma maior amplitude nas dúvidas da História do Universo, que só podem ser exploradas quando analisadas até a última escala. Quanto mais se vê de longe, mais você entende o quadro geral. Os detalhes ficam confusos, mas rapidamente vemos que História é tudo. Cosmologia, Geologia, Biologia, Ciências Sociais, Literatura, Física... tudo! Talvez você pense que essa escala deva estar cheia de detalhes, mas a quantidade de detalhes nas respostas depende da natureza da pergunta. Certas perguntas só podem ser exploradas quando vistas de longe. É o que a série propõe a fazer. Falando em ver de longe, este é o "Nascer da Terra", uma das fotografias mais famosas de todos os tempos. William Anders, astronauta da Apollo, tirou a foto em 1968. Da superfície de outro mundo, nós vemos nosso planeta como uma pequena bola no espaço. Sem fronteiras, sem pessoas, sem prédios. Apenas oceanos e nuvens e continentes, sendo iluminados pelo Sol. Da superfície de outro mundo, nós vemos nosso planeta como uma pequena bola no espaço. Sem fronteiras, sem pessoas, sem prédios. Apenas oceanos e nuvens e continentes, sendo iluminados pelo Sol. Essa simples expansão de escala me dá perspectiva. Me permite imaginar toda a complexidade da vida na Terra, do motor à gasolina que energiza minha viagem até o estúdio, Swedish: Det finns så mycket bredare historiska frågor i berättelsen om vårt universum som kan enbart utforskas genom att zooma ut till maximum. Genom att zooma ut, ser man avsevärt mer av bilden. Detaljerna må bli lite suddiga, men vi inser snart att historia är allt. Kosmologi, geologi, biologi, sociala vetenskaper, litteratur, fysik... Allt! Du kanske må tro att en sådan skala skulle blir fylld med alltför mycket detaljer, men mängden av detalj ett svar kräver, beror på själva frågan. Vissa frågor kan endast utforskas genom att zooma ut. Detta är vad Big History gör. På tal om att zooma ut, detta är "Jorduppgång", en av de mest berömda fotografierna genom tiderna. William Anders, en Apollo astronaut, tog bilden 1968. Från ytan av en annan värld, ser vi vår planet som en liten boll i rymden. Inga gränser, inga människor, inga byggnader. Bara hav och moln och kontinenter som lyses upp av solen. Den otroliga expansionen av skala ger mig perspektiv. Det tillåter mig föreställa mig livets komplexitet på jorden, från bensinmotorn som drev min resa till studion, till politiska instabilliteter German: Es gibt da viel umfassendere geschichtliche Fragen in der Erzählung des Universums, welche nur untersucht werden können, indem man bis auf die äußerste Skala herauszoomt. Wenn man herauszoomt, sieht man viel mehr vom Bild. Die Details werden ein bisschen unscharf, aber wir sehen ein, dass Geschichte alles ist. Kosmologie, Geologie, Biologie, Sozialwissenschaften, Literatur, Physik... Alles! Ihr denkt vielleicht, dass solch eine Skala mit viel zu vielen Einzelheiten gefüllt wäre, aber die Menge an Einzelheiten, die eine Antwort benötigt, hängt von der Natur der Frage ab. Manche Fragen können nur untersucht werden, indem man herauszoomt. Das ist, was Große Geschichte tut. Apropos Herauszoomen, dies ist „Earthrise“ (Erdaufgang), eines der bekanntesten Fotografien aller Zeiten. William Anders, ein Apollo-Astronaut, nahm es 1968 auf. Von der Oberfläche einer anderen Welt aus sehen wir unseren Planeten als einen kleinen Ball im Weltraum. Keine Grenzen, keine Leute, keine Gebäude. Nur Ozean und Wolken und Kontinente, die von der Sonne beschienen werden. Dieses schiere Expandieren des Maßstabs gibt mir Perspektive. Es lässt mich all die Komplexität des Lebens auf der Erde wähnen, vom Benzinmotor, der meine Fahrt zum Studio angetrieben hat, iw: ישנן שאלות היסטוריות רחבות בהרבה בסיפור של היקום שיכולים להביחן על ידי זום אאוט לסקאלה הגדולה. כשאתה עושה זומ אאוט אתה רואה הרבה יותר מהתמונה. הפרטים מתחילים להיות מעט מתושתשים, אבל אנחנו מבינים מהר מאוד שהיסטוריהזה הכל: קוסמולוגיה, גיאולוגיה, ביולוגיה, מדעי החברה, ספרות, פיזיקה... הכל אתם יכולים לחשוב שסקאלה כזאת רחבה תהיה מלאה ביותר מדי פרטים, אבל כמות הפרטים שהתשובה צריכה, תלויה באופי השאלה. ישנן שאלות שניתנות לבחינה רק על ידי זום-אאוט. זה מה שהיסטוריה גדולה עושה אם מדברים על זום-אאוט, זוהי "ארת'רייז", אחת מהתמונות המפורסמות בכל הזמנים. וויליאם אנדרס, אסטרונאוט מאפולו, לקח את התמונה ב-1968. מפני השטח של עולם אחר אנו רואים את הפלנטה שלנו ככדור קטן ביקום. ללא גבולות, ללא אנשים, ללא בניינים רק אוקיינוסים, עננים ויבשות מוארים על ידי השמש מבט בסקאלה הזאת מאפשר לי לקבל פרוספקטיבה. מאפשר לי לדמיין את כל המורכבות של החיים על פני כדור הארץ, החל ממנוע בנזין אשר הביא אותי לסטודיו, לאי-יציבות פוליטית בנפטל Polish: Mamy tam bowiem do czynienia z kwestiami o o wiele szerszym zakresie historycznym, które można zbadać tylko i wyłącznie uciekając się do najmniejszej możliwej skali. Stosując pomniejszenie widzimy dużo większy obraz. Szczegóły są trochę rozmyte, jednak szybko zdajemy sobie sprawę, że mamy do czynienia z historią wszystkiego. Kosmologii, geologii, biologii, nauk społecznych, literatury, fizyki... Wszystkiego! Można by pomyśleć, że taka skala będzie wypełniona zbyt wieloma szczegółami, jednak ilość szczegółów wymaganych na potrzeby odpowiedzi zależy od rodzaju pytania. Niektóre kwestie można zbadać wyłącznie poprzez oddalenie obrazu. Na tym właśnie polega Historia Wszechświata. Skoro już mowa o oddaleniu, oto wschód Ziemi, jedno z najbardziej znanych zdjęć w historii. Zrobił je w 1968 roku William Anders, astronauta z załogi Apollo. Z powierzchni innego świata widzimy naszą planetę jako małą kulę w przestrzeni kosmicznej. Bez granic, ludzi, budynków. Tylko oceany, chmury i kontynenty oświetlone przez Słońce. Tak znacząca zmiana skali ukazuje mi całkiem nową perspektywę, pozwala wyobrazić sobie całą złożoność życia na Ziemi, od silnika, dzięki któremu dojechałem do studia, do niestabilności politycznej w Nepalu – French: Il y a des questions historiques beaucoup plus grandes dans l'histoire de l'univers qui ne peuvent être explorées qu'en faisant un zoom arrière à l'échelle absolue. Au fur et à mesure que vous zoomez en arrière, vous voyez bien plus de choses sur l'image. Les détails deviennent un peu flous, mais on réalise rapidement que l'histoire est tout. La cosmologie, la géologie, la biologie, les sciences sociales, la littérature, la physique ... Tout! Vous pourriez penser qu'à une telle échelle on aurait bien trop de détails, mais la quantité de détails nécessaires dépend de la nature de la question. Certaines questions ne peuvent seulement être explorées qu'en zoomant en arrière. C'est ce que la Grande Histoire fait. En parlant de zoom arrière, voici Levé de Terre, l'une des plus célèbres photographies de tous les temps. William Anders, un astronaute d'Apollo, l'a prise en 1968. A partir de la surface d'un autre monde, nous voyons notre planète comme une petite boule dans l'espace. Pas de frontières, pas de gens, pas de bâtiments. Juste des océans et des nuages ​​et des continents éclairés par le soleil. Cette expansion considérable de l'échelle me donne une nouvelle perspective. Elle me permet d'imaginer toute la complexité de la vie sur Terre, du moteur à essence qui a alimenté mon voyage au studio, à l'instabilité politique Dutch: Er zijn veel bredere historische vragen in het verhaal van het universum, die alleen onderzocht kunnen worden door uit te zoomen naar de ultieme schaal. Als u uitzoomt, zie je veel meer van het beeld. De details worden een beetje wazig, maar we beseffen snel dat geschiedenis alles is. Kosmologie, geologie, biologie, sociale wetenschappen, literatuur, fysica... Alles! Je zou denken dat een dergelijke schaal gevuld zou worden met veel te veel detail, maar de hoeveelheid detail een antwoord vereist, hangt af van de aard van de vraag. Sommige vragen kunnen alleen onderzocht worden door uit te zoomen. Dat is wat Big History doet. Over uitgezoomd gesproken, dit is 'Earthrise', een van de beroemdste foto's ooit. William Anders, een Apollo-astronaut, nam hem in 1968. Van het oppervlak van een andere wereld, zien we onze planeet als een kleine bal in de ruimte. Geen grenzen, geen mensen, geen gebouwen. Gewoon oceanen en wolken en continenten beschenen door de zon. Deze pure schaalvergroting geeft me perspectief. Het laat me de complexiteit van het leven op aarde voorstellen, van de benzine motor die mijn reis naar de studio heft aangedreven, tot politieke Hungarian: Az univerzum történetét sokkal tágabb kérdések feszítik, amiket csak akkor érthetünk meg, ha eléggé lekicsinyítjük a képet. Kicsinyítés közben sokkal többet látsz a nagy egészből. A részletek ugyan elmosódnak, de hamar rájössz majd, hogy a történelem minden. Kozmológia, geológia, biológia, társadalomtudományok, irodalom, fizika... minden. Azt gondolhatnánk, hogy egy ilyen apróvá zsugorított skála részletekkel van túlzsúfolva, de az, hogy a válasz milyen részletességet igényel, a kérdés jellegétől függ. Néhány kérdést csak akkor érthetünk igazán, ha elég nagyot lépünk hátra. Ez az amiről a Nagy Történelem szól.. Ha már a távlati vizsgálódásról beszélünk, ez itt a Földfelkelte, a valaha készített leghíresebb fényképek egyike. William Anders, az Apollo egyik asztronautája készítette 1968-ban. Egy másik bolygó felszínéről nézve, a miénk csak egy kis labdának tűnik az űrben. Sem határok, sem emberek, sem épületek. Csak a Nap által megvilágított óceánok és felhők és kontinensek. A skála puszta kiterjesztése ad perspektívát. Emiatt tudom elképzelni az élet komplexitását, a stúdióig vezető utamat biztosító benzinmotortól elkezdve a politikai instabilitásig Nepálban, Romanian: Există întrebări istorice mult mai largi în povestea universului care pot fi explorate doar dând zoom la ultima scală. Pe măsură ce măriți, veți vedea mult mai multe imagini. Detaliile obține par un pic neclare,dar ne dăm repede seama că istoria este totul. Cosmologie, geologie, biologie, științe sociale, literatura, fizica ... Totul! Ai putea crede că o astfel de scară ar putea fi umplută cu prea multe detalii, dar suma detaliilor pe care le necesită un răspuns, depinde de natura întrebării. Unele întrebări pot fi explorate doar prin zoom out. Asta este ceea ce face Big History. Vorbind de zoom out, aceasta este Earthrise, una dintre cele mai faimoase fotografii din toate timpurile. William Anders, un astronaut Apollo, a luat-o în 1968. De pe suprafața unei alte lumi vedem planeta ca o minge mică în spațiu. Nici granițe, nici oameni nici clădiri. Doar oceane și nori și continente luminate de către soare. Această veritabilă extindere de scară îmi oferă perspectiva.Îmi permite să-mi imaginez toată complexitatea vieții de pe Pământ, de la motorul pe benzină care a alimentat călătoria mea la studio, la instabilitatea politică Japanese: 宇宙の歴史の物語への 大いなる問いに立ち向かうには 究極的なスケールに ズームアウトしてのぞまなきゃ 頭に全体が表示されれば 細かい部分はざっくりしても 歴史の全てが 一望できる 宇宙論 地質学 生物学 社会科学 文学 物理学 なにもかも! ざっくりしてもらっては困る ディティールが大事 とおっしゃるかもしれない でも答えに要求されるディティールって 質問の質によるよね ズームアウトしなければ 気づけない問い そこに迫るためのビッグヒストリーなんだ ズームアウトと言えば・・・ 『 地球の出 』 誰もが見たことある写真だね ウィリアム・アンダースが アポロ8号から1968年に撮影した この惑星も外から見れば 空間の中にぽつんとある小さなボール 国境も人間も建物も消えて 海と雲と大陸が ただ太陽に照らされている そんな目線を保ったままの僕が この星のすべての命の複雑さに想いを馳せれば スタジオに来るのにガソリンを使ってる事や Spanish: Hay preguntas históricas mucho mas amplias en la historia del universo que solo pueden ser exploradas lléndonos a la mas grande escala. Desde allí se ven mucho mas de la imagen. Los detalles se pierden un poco pero nos damos cuenta que la historia es todo. La cosmología, geología, biología, ciencias sociales, literatura, física... TODO! Debes pensar que a esta escala hay demasiados detalles, pero la cantidad de detalles que requiere una respuesta, dependen de la pregunta. Alguna preguntas pueden solo ser exploradas alejándonos. Eso es lo que "Historia Grande" hace. Hablando de alejarse, esto es Amanecer terrestre, una de las mas famosas fotos de todos los tiempos. William Anders, un astronauta Apolo, la tomó en 1968. Desde la superficie de otro mundo, vemos a nuestro planeta como una pequeña bola en el espacio. Sin fronteras, sin gente ni edificios. Solo océanos y nubes y continentes alumbrados por el sol. Esta gran escala me da perspectiva. Me deja imaginar toda la complejidad de la vida en la tierra, desde el motor de gasolina que me trajo este estudio, hasta la inestabilidad política Russian: Тут намного более масштабные исторические вопросы, которые можно рассмотреть только удалившись на всеобщий уровень. По мере удаления начинаешь видеть намного больше от картины в целом. Детали сливаются, но мы быстро осознаём, что история - это всё. Космология, геология, биология, общественные науки, литературы, физика... ВСЁ! Вам может показаться, что такой картинка может быть перегружена деталями,но количество деталей, которые требуются для ответа на вопрос, зависит от природы вопросы. На какие-то можно ответить только на удалении. Этим и занимается Большая история. К вопросу об удалении, это - Восход Земли, одна из самых известных фотографий в истории. Уильям Андерс, космонавт с Аполлона, снял её в 1968. С поверхности другого мира, мы видим нашу планету как маленький шарик в космосе. Ни границ, ни людей, ни строений. Лишь океаны, облака, континенты, освещённые солнцем. Само это увеличение масштаба даёт определённую перспективу. Оно позволяет представить всю сложность жизни на Земле, от бензинового двигателя, довёзшего меня до студии, до политической нестабильности Korean: 우주의 얘기에는 훨씬 폭넓은 역사적 질문이 들어 있는데, 그것은 오직 최고로 멀리서 바라봐야만 알 수 있어요. 멀리서 볼수록 훨씬 많은 큰 그림들을 보게되요. 자세히 알려면 좀 어렵지만, 금방 역사는 모든 것이 얽혀 있다는 것을 깨닫게 되요. 우주학, 지질학, 생물학, 사회학, 문학, 물리학.. 모든 것들이 연결되어 있어요. 이런 큰 스케일엔 많은 세부항목들이 얽혀 있다고 걱정할 수 있으나 해답에 필요한 세부항목의 양은 질문의 특성에 따라 좌우됩니다. 어떤 질문들은 멀리서 봐야만 답할 수 있어요. 이것이 바로 '큰 역사'에 해당됩니다. 멀리서 본다고 하면, 이것이 지구 뜨는 모습, 역사상 가장 유명한 사진 중 하나죠. 아폴로선 우주비행사, 윌리암 앤더스가 1968년에 찍었어요. 다른 세계에서 보면 우리 지구가 우주의 작은 공으로 보여요. 국경도 사람도 건물도 안 보여요. 대양과 구름 그리고 햇빛에 빛나는 대륙들만 보이지요 이런 스케일만의 팽창이 제게 새 감각을 줘요. 지구상의 복잡한 삶을 상상할 수 있죠. 저를 스튜디오까지 데려다 준 자동차 엔진부터 네팔의 정치불안까지 Turkish: Evrenin öyküsünde, yalnızca en büyük ölçeğe yaklaşarak keşfedilebilecek daha geniş tarihsel sorular vardır Büyüttükçe resmin daha fazlasını görürsünüz. Detaylar biraz bulanıklaşıyor, ancak hızlı bir şekilde tarihin her şey olduğunu fark ettik Kozmoloji, jeoloji, biyoloji, sosyal bilimler, edebiyat, fizik ... Her şey! Böyle bir ölçeğin çok fazla detayla doldurulacağını düşünebilirsiniz, Bazı sorular ancak büyütülerek incelenebilir. İşte Büyük Tarih böyle yapar. Büyütmekten bahsetmişken, bu tüm zamanların en ünlü fotoğraflarından olan, Earthrise. Bir apollo astronotu olan William Anders bunu 1968'de çekti. Başka bir dünyanın yüzeyinden, gezegenimizi uzayda küçük bir top olarak görüyoruz Sınır yok, insanlar yok, bina yok. Yalnızca okyanuslar, bulutlar ve güneş tarafından aydınlatılan kıtalar. Ölçeğin genişlemesi bana perspektif kazandırıyor. Bu, dünyadaki hayatın tüm karmaşıklığını, stüdyoya gittiğim benzinli motoru, Nepal'deki siyasi istikrarsızlığı Portuguese: Há uma maior amplitude nas dúvidas da História do universo, que só podem ser exploradas quando analisadas até a última escala. Quanto mais ampla, mas você percebe sobre a imagem. Os detalhes ficam um tanto embaçados, mas, rapidamente, vemos que História é tudo. Cosmologia, Geologia, Biologia, Ciências Sociais, Literatura, Física... e tudo mais! Talvez você pense que essa escala deva estar completamente cheia de detalhes, mas a quantidade de detalhes e respostas requeridas dependem da natureza da pergunta. Certas questões somente podem ser respondidas quando ampliadas. E isto é o que a série "Big History (A Grande História)" propõe fazer. Falando em ampliar, está é a "Earthrise (Nascer da Terra)", uma das fotografias mais famosas de todos os tempos. William Anders, um astronauta da missão "Apollo 8", tirou-a em 1968. Da superfície de um outro mundo, nós vemos nosso planeta como uma pequena bola no espaço. Sem fronteiras, sem pessoas, sem prédios. Apenas oceanos e nuvens e continentes, sendo iluminados pelo Sol. Esta simples expansão de escalas me dá perspectiva. Deixa eu imaginar toda a complexidade da vida na Terra, do motor à gasolina que energiza minha viagem até o estúdio, à instabilidade política Finnish: Maailmankaikkeuden tarinassa on paljon laajempia historiallisia kysymyksiä, joita voidaan tutkia vain mahdollisimman laajasta näkökulmasta. Kun teemme näin, näemme isomman osan osan kokonaisuudesta. Yksityiskohdat hämärtyvät hieman, mutta tajuamme pian, että historia on kaikkea. Kosmologiaa, geologiaa, biologiaa, yhteiskuntatieteitä, kirjallisuutta, fysiikkaa… kaikkea! Saatat ajatella, että tässä mittakaavassa yksityiskohtia olisi aivan liian paljon, mutta se, kuinka paljon yksityiskohtia vastaus tarvitsee, riippuu kysymyksen laadusta. Joitakin kysymyksiä voidaan tutkia vain laajemmassa näkökulmassa. Tätä iso historia tekee. Näkökulmista puheen ollen, tässä on Earthrise (Maannousu), yksi kuuluisimmista valokuvista ikinä. William Anders, Apollon astronautti, otti sen vuonna 1968. Toisen taivaankappaleen pinnalta näemme planeettamme vain pienenä pallona avaruudessa. Ei rajoja, ei ihmisiä, ei rakennuksia. Vain meriä ja pilviä ja maanosia, joille aurinko paistaa. Näin suuri mittakaavan laajennus antaa minulle uuden näkökulman. Se antaa minun kuvitella Maapallon elämän moninaisuuden – bensiinimoottorista, jonka avulla matkustin studiolle, Nepalin poliittisen Arabic: هناك أسئلة تاريخيّة أشمل في قصة الكون لا يمكن استكشافها سوى بالنظر للصورة العامة، عند إلقاء نظرة عن بُعد، سنرى الصورة أفضل. قد تصبح التفاصيل مشوّشة بعض الشيء، لكن سرعان ما سندرك أنّ التاريخ يضمّ كلّ شيء. علم الكون وعلوم الأرض والأحياء والعلوم الاجتماعية والأدب والفيزياء، كلّ شيء! قد تظنّون أنّ هذه الصورة ستكون مليئة بالتفاصيل. لكنّ كمّية التفاصيل التي تتطلّبها إجابة ما، تعتمد على طبيعة السؤال. بعض الأسئلة لا يمكن الإجابة عنها سوى بالنظر إلى الأمور عن بُعد. وذلك ما سنفعله في سلسلتنا. بمناسبة الحديث عن النظر عن بُعد، هذه هي صورة شروق الشمس، إحدى أشهر الصور في التاريخ. التقطها ويليام أندرز، رائد الفضاء في أبولو في عام 1968، من سطح عالم آخر نرى كوكبنا ككرة صغيرة في الفضاء، بدون حدود أو بشر أو مباني. مجرّد محيطات وغيوم وقارّات تشرق عليها أشعّة الشمس. ذلك العرض على مستوى واضح يجعلني أرى الأمور من منظور آخر، ويجعلني أتخيّل تعقيدات الأرض من محرّك البنزين الذي ساعدني للوصول إلى الأستوديو Italian: Le questioni sono talmente vaste riguardo la storia dell'Universo che possono essere esplorate solo zoomando indietro fino alla massima scala. Più zoomi indietro, più cose vedi nell'immagine. I dettagli diventano un po' sfocati, ma capiamo subito che la storia è ogni cosa. Cosmologia, geologia, biologia, scienze sociali, letteratura, fisica... Tutto! Potreste pensare che a questa scala ci siano troppi dettagli, ma la quantità di dettagli di una risposta dipende dalla natura della domanda. Alcune questioni possono essere approfondite solo zoomando indietro. Questo è ciò che fa Big History. Parlando di zoom all'indietro, questa è la Terra che sorge, in una delle più famose fotografie di tutti i tempi. William Anders, un astronauta di Apollo, l'ha scattata nel 1968. Dalla superficie di un altro pianeta, vediamo la Terra come una piccola sfera nello spazio. Niente confini, niente persone, niente edifici. Solo oceani, nuvole e continenti illuminati dal Sole. Questa espansione di scala mi dà prospettiva. Mi permette di immaginare la complessità della vita sulla Terra, dal motore a benzina che ha reso possibile il mio viaggio in studio, all'instabilità politica Vietnamese: Có rất nhiều câu hỏi xa vời trong sử vũ trụ mà để biết câu trả lời thì phải dùng thuật phóng to đến mức không tưởng. Khi mà bạn phóng to ra, bạn sẽ thấy được toàn cảnh. Các chi tiết trở nên mờ đi nhưng chúng ta nhanh chóng nhận biết được lịch sử của vạn vật. Vũ trụ học, Địa chất học, Sinh học, Xã hội học, Văn học, Vật lý học...Mọi thứ! Bạn có thể tưởng rằng ở mức độ phóng to như thế thì có quá nhiều chi tiết, nhưng lượng chi tiết cần thiết dựa vào tính chất của câu hỏi. Một số nghi vấn chỉ có thể được trả lời bằng thuật phóng to. Đó chính là Lịch sử Vĩ đại! Nói về phóng to, đây là Earthrise (Địa cầu thăng), một trong những bức ảnh nổi tiếng nhất mọi thời đại. William Anders, phi hành gia trên sứ mệnh Apollo đã chụp nó. Ở một góc nhìn khác, chúng ta thấy Trái Đất như một quả banh tròn trong không gian. Không ranh giới, không người, không nhà cửa. Chỉ đại dương, mây, và các lục địa sáng lên nhờ ánh mặt trời. Chỉ nhìn ở mức độ khác đã cho tôi khả năng tưởng tượng được sự phức tạp của sự sống trên Trái Đất, từ động cơ chất đốt trong xe hơi tôi lái đến trường quay, đến bất ổn chính trị iw: כחלק מהחיים הגואשים והמוצלחיים על כדור קטנה שמעופף לו בריק של היקום מה שהתמונה הזאת עושה למרחב פיזיקלי, היסטוריה גדולה מכוונת לעשות להכל אני מתכוון, אנו רוצים לתת תוכן לכל הקיום. אנחנו רוצים להשים דגש על החידושים החזקים והחשובים ביותר בסקאלה העצומה של הקיום, ואיך אנחנו יודעים מה שאנחנו יודעים ולמה אנחנו בטוחים שאנחנו יודעים את זה אוקיי, בואו נלך לבועת המחשבה. אז היקום הוא גדול. כאילו, ממש גדול. וזקן למעשה, 13.8 שנות זקנה, שזה יותר מדי בשביל באמת לתאר אותו בתקופות הגיל שלו. אז בואו נצמצם את הגיל ל13 שנים, קטן דיו בשביל שהמוחות האנושיים שלנו יוכלו להתמודד עם זה על ציר הזמן, היקום החל לפני 13 שנים, ב-2001. גורג' בוש בדיוק הושבע לנשיאות ארצות הברית, מרבית האמריקאים התחברו לאינטרנט בעזרת המודמים הטלפוניים שלהם אז הכוכבים הראשונים והגאלקסיות נוצרו לפני 12 שנים, אך יעברו עוד 7.5 שנים עד שכדור הארץ יוותר, לפני כ-4.5 שנים. נעבור קצת Swedish: i Nepal som en del av en blomstrande, levande, vimlande massa av liv, som far genom tomma rymden. Så vad den bilden lyckas göra för fysisk rymd, är vad Big History försöker göra för allting. Jag menar, vi vill ge kontext till allt i vår existens. Vi vill ge en översikt över de kraftfullaste, viktigaste genombrotten, den otroliga skalan av vår existens, och hur vi vet vad vi vet, och varför vi är så säkra på att vi vet det. Ok, låt oss komma till Tankebubblan. Så vårt universum är stort. Alltså, riktigt stort. Och det är också gammalt. Alltså, 13.8 miljarder år gammal, vilket är tillräckligt med år att det inte finns inget sätt att riktigt föreställa sig det. Så istället trycker vi samman den åldern till 13 år, tillräckligt liten så att våra små hjärnor kan hantera det. På den tidsskalan, skulle vårt universum börjat 13 år sedan, år 2001. George W. Bush hade precis avlagt sin ed som president, de flesta amerikanerna på nätet var uppkopplade till det med telefonmodem. Okej, så de första stjärnorna och galaxerna skulle då ha format 12 år sedan, men sju och en halv år till skulle passerat innan jorden formades, ungefär 4.5 år sedan. Om man flyttar framåt Vietnamese: ở Nepal như là một phần của sự trú ngụ, phát triển, trải rộng của sự sống, vốn trôi dạt trong sự hư vô của không gian Ờ cái hình đó thì cho ta biết về cấu trúc vật lý, còn Lịch sử Vĩ đại thì cho ta biết mọi sự. Ý tôi là chúng ta muốn mô phỏng sự tồn tại. Chúng ta muốn phác họa các bước ngoặc quan trọng nhất mức độ khủng khiếp của sự tồn tại, và làm sao ta biết thứ mà ta nghĩ là ta biết, và tại sao chắc chắn là ta biết được. Được rồi, sao đây là Thought Bubble (Bong bóng Ý nghĩ). Vậy ta biết vũ trụ rất to lớn. Và...rất già! Cỡ 13.8 tỷ năm tuổi. Gìa đến nỗi mà ta cũng không biết rõ được. Vậy thì hãy giả sử nó chỉ 13 tuổi, đủ nhỏ để bộ não mình có thể tưởng tượng được. Ở thước đo thời gian đó, vũ trụ chỉ mới chào đời 13 năm trước, năm 2001. George W. Bush vừa mới tuyên thệ trở thành tổng thống, và hầu hết người Mỹ vừa có Internet thông qua modem điện thoại Ờ, vây là ngôi sao và thiên hà đầu tiên vừa mới được hình thành 12 năm trước. Bảy năm rưỡi sau, Trái đất mới được hình thành, tức là khoảng 4 năm rưỡi trước tính từ giờ Hungarian: ennek a növekvő, élő, bővelkedő, az ürességben lebegő életekkel teli sziklának a részeként. Tehát, amit az a fotó csinál a fizikai térrel, azt szeretné a Nagy Történelem mindennel. Úgy értem, szeretnénk minden létező dolgot kontextusba helyezni. Szeretnénk áttekinteni a leghatalmasabb és legfontosabb áttöréseket, a létezés gigantikus méretét, azt, hogy honnan tudjuk amit tudunk, és azt, hogy miért tudjuk biztosan, hogy tudjuk. Rendben, nézzük meg a Gondolatbuborékot. Tehát, az univerzum nagy. Mármint, nagyon nagy. És régi. Mármint, 13,8 milliárd éves, ami elég hosszú idő ahhoz, hogy hogy ne is lehessen igazából felfogni. Ezért húzzuk össze 13 évre, ami elég kevés ahhoz, hogy a halandó elménk tudjon mit kezdeni vele. Ezen az intervallumon az univerzum 13 évvel ezelőtt, 2001-ben keletkezett volna. George W Bush most esküdött fel elnöknek, az amerikaiak legnagyobb részének pedig betárcsázós internetje van. Oké, tehát a legelső csillagok és galaxisok 12 éve keletkeztek volna, de újabb hét és fél évnek kellett volna eltelnie a Föld megjelenéséig, négy és fél évvel ezelőttig. Menjünk előre Italian: in Nepal come parte di una fiorente e brulicante massa di vita che galleggia nel vuoto dello spazio. Quindi, ciò che questa foto fa per lo spazio fisico, Big History si propone di farlo su tutto. Insomma, vogliamo contestualizzare tutta l'esistenza: vogliamo illustrare le svolte più importanti, la straordinaria scala dell'esistenza, come sappiamo quello che sappiamo, e perché siamo sicuri di saperlo. Dunque, arriviamo al Thought Bubble. L'Universo è grande, molto grande. Ed è anche vecchio. 13,8 miliardi di anni, sono così tanti che non c'è modo di comprenderli realmente. Comprimiamo, quindi, questa età in soli 13 anni, che sono abbastanza pochi da essere compresi dal nostro piccolo cervello. Seguendo questa scala temporale, l'Universo è nato 13 anni fa, nel 2001. George W Bush era appena diventato presidente e la maggior parte degli americani erano connessi a internet con modem dial-up. Dunque, le prime stelle e le prime galassie si sono formate 12 anni fa, ma ancora sette anni e mezzo e più sarebbero dovuti passare prima della formazione della Terra, circa 4,5 anni fa. Spostatevi un po' Portuguese: à instabilidade política no Nepal, como parte da próspera, vívida e abundante massa de vida flutuando na imensidão do espaço. Então o que aquela foto proporciona para o Espaço, a "Big History" mira nas explicações de tudo. Quero dizer, nós queremos contextualizar toda a existência. Queremos esboçar os mais poderosos e importantes avanços, a tremenda escala existencial, e como nós sabemos o que sabemos, e por que nós temos certeza do que sabemos. (Beleza, vamos para a Bolha de Pensamento) Então, o Universo é grande. Tipo, imensamente enorme. E é, também, bastante velho. Tipo, tem 13,8 bilhões de anos. Que é o suficiente para não conseguirmos compreender. Então vamos comprimir para uma escala de 13 anos. Para que os nossos pequenos cérebros possam entender. Neste calendário, o Universo teria começado há 13 anos, em 2001. George W. Bush tinha sido eleito presidente, os americanos se conectavam na Internet por conexão discada. Então as primeiras estrelas e galáxias viriam a se formar há 12 anos, mas 7,5 anos passariam até que a Terra fosse formada, cerca de 4,5 anos atrás. Finnish: epävakauteen – osana kukoistavaa, kuhisevaa, elävää massaa, joka kelluu avaruuden tyhjyydessä. Saman, mitä tämä valokuva tekee fyysiselle avaruudelle, iso historia yrittää tehdä kaikelle. Haluamme siis antaa kontekstin koko olemassaololle. Haluamme esitellä suurimmat ja tärkeimmät läpimurrot, olemassaolon suunnattoman mittakaavan ja miten tiedämme, mitä tiedämme ja miksi olemme varmoja, että tiedämme sen. Okei, mennään ajatuskuplaan. Universumi on iso. Siis, tosi iso. Ja se on myös vanha. Siis, 13,8 miljardia vuotta vanha, joka on niin paljon, että sitä on mahdoton oikeasti ymmärtää. Tiivistetään se siis 13 vuoteen, joka on tarpeeksi pieni luku, että mitättömät aivomme pystyvät sen ymmärtämään. Tällä asteikolla, maailmankaikkeus syntyi 13 vuotta sitten, vuonna 2001. Bushista oli juuri tullut presidentti ja useimmat amerikkalaiset käyttivät internetiä modeemien avulla. Ensimmäiset tähdet ja galaksit olisivat muodostuneen 12 vuotta sitten, mutta siitä olisi kulunut vielä 7,5 vuotta Maan syntyyn, joka siis olisi ollut 4,5 vuotta sitten. Siirrytään siitä hieman eteenpäin Russian: в Непале, как части процветающей, живущей, наполненной жизненной массы, плавающей в пустоте космоса. И то, что та фотография делает для космоса, Большая история пытается сделать для всего. То есть, мы хотим поместить наше существование в контекст. Мы хотим пометить самые сильные и важные прорывы, великий масштаб бытия, и как мы знаем то, что мы знаем, и почему мы уверены, что мы это знаем. Ладно, давайте в Thought Bubble. Вселенная большая. Очень. И старая. 13,8 миллиардов лет - достаточно, чтобы не было возможности это собственно понять. Поэтому давайте сожмём этот возраст до 13 лет, чего достаточно, чтобы наши мелкие мозги могли с этим справиться. В таком масштабе, Вселенная началась бы 13 лет назад, в 2001. Джордж Буш-мл. только что принял присягу Президента, большинство американцев с доступом в Интернет использовали dial-up-модемы. Так, первые звёзды и галактики тогда сформировались 12 лет назад, но 7 с половиной лет пройдёт, пока появится Земля, т.е. 4-5 лет назад. Сдвинемся вперёд Turkish: gelişen, yaşayan, uzay boşluğunda iç içe yüzen hayat yığınını hayal etmemi sağlıyor Böylece fotoğraf için ne fiziksel uzay, Büyük Tarih her şeyi yapmayı amaçlar. Sanırım varoluşun tüm contextualize istiyorum, demek istedim. Biz istiyorum en güçlü ve önemli anahat devrimler, varoluşun muazzam ölçek, ve biz bildiklerini biliyorum, emin olmamızın sebebi ve biz bunu biliyoruz. Pekala, Düşünce Bubble gidelim. Yani Evren büyük. Gibi, gerçekten büyük. Ve o da eski. , 13,8 milyar yaşında gibi hangi yolu yoktur yeterli yıl aslında kavrayabilme. Yani sadece sıkıştırmak let yeterince yaş 13 yaş küçük olduğunu bizim cılız beyinler işleyebilir. O zaman ölçeğinde, evren olurdu 2001 George W. Bush, 13 yıl önce başlamış sadece cumhurbaşkanı olarak yemin edildiğini, çoğu Internette Amerikalılar bağlayan edildi dial-up modemler ile ona. Doğru, ilk yıldızlar ve galaksiler olur böylece 12 yıl önce oluşmuş, ancak yedi ve var Yarım yıl daha Dünya'ya kadar geçerdi yaklaşık 4.5 yıl önce kurdu. Biraz Taşı Dutch: instabiliteit in Nepal als onderdeel van een bloeiende, levende, krioelende massa van het leven zweven in de leegte van de ruimte. Dus wat die foto doet voor de fysieke ruimte, wil Big History doen voor alles. Ik bedoel, we willen het hele bestaan contextualiseren. We willen een overzicht van de meest krachtige en belangrijkste doorbraken, de enorme omvang van het bestaan, en hoe we weten wat weten, en waarom we zeker weten dat we het weten. Oke, laten we naar de Gedachte Bel gaan. Dus het universum is groot. Als is, heel groot. En het is ook oud. Al in, 13.8 miljard jaar oud, wat jaren genoeg zijn dat er geen manier is om het echt te begrijpen. Dus, laten we die leeftijd gewoon samendrukken tot 13 jaar, klein genoeg dat onze nietige hersenen het aankunnen. Op die tijdschaal zou het universum 13 jaar geleden zijn begonnen, in 2001. George W Bush is net president geworden, de meeste Amerikanen op het internet waren ermee aan het aansluiten met een inbel-modem. Juist, dus de eerste sterren en sterrenstelsels zouden 12 jaar geleden gevormd zijn, maar 7 en een half jaar meer zou voorbijgaan totdat de Aarde zich vormde, ongeveer 4.5 jaar geleden. Een beetje bewegen Portuguese: no Nepal como parte da próspera, vívida, abundante massa de vidas flutuando na imensidão vazia do espaço. Então o que aquela foto proporciona para o campo da Física espacial, a "Big History (A Grande História)" mira nas explicações de tudo e dispara. Quero dizer, nós queremos contextualizar toda a existência. Nós queremos esboçar os mais poderosos e importantes avanços, a tremenda escala existencial, e como nós sabemos o que sabemos, e por que nós temos certeza do que sabemos. Beleza, vamos para a Bolha de Pensamento. Então, o universo é grande. Tipo, realmente grande. E é, também, bastante velho. Tipo, "13.8 bilhões de anos" velho, que é o suficiente para não conseguirmos compreender. Então vamos comprimir para uma escala de 13 anos, pequena o bastante para que os nossos simplórios cérebros possam lidar. Neste calendário, o universo teria começado há 13 anos, em 2001. George W. Bush tinha acabado de ser elegido presidente, a maioria dos americanos estavam se conectando na Internet com modems dial-up (Internet discada). Certo, então as primeiras estrelas e galáxias viriam a se formarem há 12 anos, mas sete e meio anos mais viriam a se passar até que a Terra fosse formada, cerca de 4.5 anos atrás. Envelheça um pouco mais, Spanish: en Nepal como una pujante y viva masa de vida flotando en el vacio del espacio. Lo que esa foto hace por el espacio físico, "Historia Grande" intenta hacer por todo. Queremos contextualizar toda la existencia. Queremos subrayar los acontecimientos mas poderosos e importantes, la tremenda escala de la existencia y como sabemos lo que sabemos, y por que estamos seguros que lo sabemos. Ok, vamos a la Burbuja de Pensamiento. Así que el universo es grande. Como muy grande. Y también es viejo. Como 13.800 millones de años de edad, tantos años que es imposible de comprender. Así que comprimamos esa edad a 13 años, suficientemente pequeño para que nuestros cerebritos lo comprendan. En esta escala, el universo habría comenzado 13 años atras, en 2001. Bush recién habia jurado como presidente, y los Norteamericanos se conectaban a internet por modems a 56 kbps. Así que las primeras galaxias se habrían formado hace 12 años, pero 7 años y medio pasarian hasta que la tierra se formara, 4,5 años atras. Hace 4 años atrás Danish: i Nepal, som en del af en rivende, levende, myldrende masse af liv, der flyder omkring i verdensrummets tomhed. Dét fotografiet gør for det fysiske rum, forsøger Big History at gøre for alting. Vi vil forsøge at sætte alt der eksisterer, i dets rette kontekst. Vi vil opridse de største og vigtigste gennembrud, eksistensens ufattelige skala, samt hvordan vi ved, det vi ved, og hvorfor vi er sikre på, at vi ved det. Godt, lad os bevæge os ind i tankeboblen. Universet er altså stort. Virkeligt stort. Det er også gammelt, omkring 13.8 mia år, hvilket er så mange år, at det er umuligt at fatte det. Lad os derfor trykke det sammen til 13 år, kort nok tid til at vores små hjerner kan håndtere det. På denne tidsskala, ville universet være begyndt for 13 år siden i 2001. George W. Bush var lige blevet præsident, de fleste amerikanere kom på internettet med opkalds-modemmer. De første stjerner og galakser ville have formet sig for 12 år siden, men syv en halv år mere skulle gå før Jorden blev dannet, for omkring 4,5 mia. år siden. Ryk lidt French: au Népal dans le cadre d'une florissant et grouillante masse de vie flottante dans le vide de l'espace. Ce que cette photographie fait pour l'espace physique, La Grande Histoire vise à le faire pour tout. Je veux dire, on veut contextualiser toute l'existence. On veux esquisser les plus puissantes et importantes percées, l'énorme échelle de l'existence, et comment nous savons ce que nous savons, et pourquoi nous sommes sûrs de ce que nous savons. Bon, passons à la bulle de pensées. Bon l'univers est grand, mais alors, vraiment grand. Et il est aussi vieux, ancien de 13,8 milliards d'années, ce qui représente assez d'années pour qu'il n'y ait aucun moyen de réellement le comprendre. Alors on va juste résumer son âge à 13 ans, assez petit pour que nos faibles cerveaux puissent s'en sortir. Sur cette échelle de temps, l'univers aurait commencé il y a 13 ans, en 2001. George W Bush venait d'être assermenté au titre de président, la plupart des Américains sur Internet se connectaient dessus avec des modems dial-up. Bon, alors les premières étoiles et galaxies se seraient formées il y a 12 ans. Ce n'est que 7,5 années années plus tard que la Terre se serait formée, il y a environ 4,5 années. Allez un peu plus English: in Nepal as part of a thriving, living, teeming mass of life floating in the emptiness of space. So what that photograph does for physical space, Big History aims to do for everything. I mean, we wanna contextualize all of existence. We wanna outline the most powerful and important breakthroughs, the tremendous scale of existence, and how we know what we know, and why we're sure we know it. All right, let's go to the Thought Bubble. So the universe is big. Like, really big. And it's also old. Like, 13.8 billion years old, which is enough years that there is no way to actually comprehend it. So let's just compress that age to 13 years, small enough that our puny brains can handle it. On that timescale, the universe would have begun 13 years ago, in 2001. George W Bush had just been sworn in as president, most Americans on the internet were connecting to it with dial-up modems. Right, so the first stars and galaxies would have formed 12 years ago, but seven and a half more years would pass until the Earth formed, about 4.5 years ago. Move a little German: bis zur politischen Instabilität in Nepal, als Teil einer florierenden, lebendigen, wimmelnden Masse von Leben, die in der Leere des Weltalls schwebt. [John] Also, was dieses Foto für den materiellen Raum macht, danach strebt Große Geschichte für alles. Ich meine, wir wollen die ganze Existenz verorten. Wir wollen die gewaltigsten und wichtigsten Durchbrüche umreißen und den Maßstab der Existenz und wie wir wissen, was wir wissen, und warum wir sicher sind, dass wir es wissen. In Ordnung, lasst uns zur Gedankenblase gehen. Also, das Universum ist groß. Also, wirklich groß. Und es ist auch alt. Sowas wie 13,8 Milliarden Jahre alt, was genug Jahre sind, damit es keine Möglichkeit gibt, es zu begreifen. Lasst uns also dieses Alter auf 13 Jahre stauchen, klein genug, damit unsere kümmerlichen Gehirne damit umgehen können. Auf dieser Zeitskala würde das Universum vor 13 Jahren beginnen, im Jahre 2001. George W. Bush wurde gerade als Präsident vereidigt, die meisten Amerikaner im Internet haben sich mit Wählmodems mit ihm verbunden. In Ordnung, also die ersten Sterne und Galaxien hätten sich vor 12 Jahren gebildet, aber 7,5 weitere Jahre würden vergehen, bis sich die Erde bildete, vor etwa 4,5 Jahren. Korean: 다 우주 빈 공간에 떠 있는 번창하고 살아있고 꽉 차 있는 생명체의 일부 흔적들이지요 아까 지구사진이 물리공간을 다뤘다면 큰 역사는 전부를 다루려고 해요 즉 모든 존재하는 것의 전후맥락을 설명하고, 가장 강력하고 중요한 사고의 돌파구, 실체의 거대한 스케일, 그리고 무엇을 알고 어떻게 알고 왜 안다고 확신하는 지에 대한 윤곽을 그릴 겁니다. 그럼 이제 상상을 해 보지요. 그래요, 우주는 큽니다. 매우 큽니다. 그리고 늙었어요 138 억년이나 되어 감을 잡을 수 없을 정도이지요. 그래서 스케일을 바꿔 13년이라고 하죠. 그래야 우리 미약한 두뇌가 상상할 수 있어요 이 스케일이면 우주는 2001년 즉 13년 전에 탄생된 것이네요. 조지부시가 대통령 취임선서를 한 해인데, 많은 미국인들이 전화모뎀으로 인터넷에 연결하여 시청하였죠. 12 년 전에는 첫 별과 은하계가 탄행사고, 다시 7년 반이 지나야 즉 4.5 년 전에야 지구가 나타납니다. 조금 더 진행하여 Arabic: إلى الاضطرابات السياسية في نيبال، كجزء من حياة مزدحمة مزدهرة تطفو فوق فراغ الفضاء. إذن، ما تفعله هذه الصورة للفضاء المادّي، تهدف سلسلتنا فعله في كلّ شيء. نريد وضع سياق لكلّ الوجود، ونريد تلخيص أهمّ وأقوى الاكتشافات. والتدرّج الهائل للوجود، وتقديم كيفية معرفتنا لما نعرفه، وما يجعلنا متأكّدين أنّنا نعرفه. حسنًا، فلننتقل إلى فقرة "فقاعة الفكرة"، الكون كبير، كبير جدًا، لكنّه قديم أيضًا. عمره 13،8 مليار سنة، ولا يمكن إدراك كلّ هذا العدد من السنوات. لذا، فلنضغط هذا العمر ليصبح 13 عامًا، وهو رقم يمكّن عقولنا البسيطة من استيعابها. وفقًا لهذا المقياس للزمن، فقد بدأ الكون قبل 13 عامًا، في عام 2001 حين أصبح جورج بوش الرئيس، وكان معظم الأمريكيين يتصلون بالإنترنت بالمودم القديم. إذن، تشكّلت أولى النجوم والمجرات قبل 12 عامًا، لكن ستمرّ 7 سنوات ونصف حتّى تتشكّل الأرض قبل حوالى 4 سنوات ونصف. Japanese: 政情不安のネパールまで 栄え 営み 群集う 生命のかたまりが 宇宙の虚空に漂っている まさにそれと同じことを ビッグヒストリーでは あらゆる全てでやるんです かつて、今この時、そして この後存在する全てを結び合わせたい そして全体像を見失わぬよう 人類が知り得た一番すごい大発見 この存在する世界の とてつもないスケールと それを知るに至った過程 確信の理由 それを頼りに ではここで 『 吹き出し(ThoughtBubble) 』に入ります 宇宙はでかい でか過ぎるし ずっと前からある 138億年か いくらなんでも 実感の湧きようがないな なら138億歳はやめて 13歳ということにしちゃおう これで 僕たちのいたいけな脳にも扱いやすい それなら宇宙が生まれたのは 13年前 2001年は ジョージ・W・ブッシュが大統領に就任したばかり アメリカのネット接続はダイヤルアップ・モデム ということは 最初の星と銀河は12年前にできた 7年半経って 地球が生まれるのは4年半前 Romanian: din Nepal, ca parte a unei înfloritoare, vii, roditoare mase de viață plutind în vidul spațiului. Deci, ceea ce fotografia face pentru spațiul fizic , Big History are ca scop de a face pentru tot. Adică, să contextualizeze toată existența. Noi vrem să conturăm cele mai puternice și importante descoperiri, scara imensa a existenței, și cum știm ceea ce știm, și de ce suntem siguri că știm. Bine, să mergem la Balonul de Gândire.Așa că Universul este mare. Într-adevăr mare. Și este, de asemenea, vechi. Cum ar fi, 13,8 miliarde de ani, suficient de mulți ani că nu există nicio cale să-l înțelegem. Deci, hai să comprimăm această durată în 13 ani, suficient de puțin încât creieru nostru mărunt să se poată descurca. Pe această scară a timpului, universul ar fi început în urmă cu 13 ani, în 2001. George W. Bush tocmai a fost investit în funcția de președinte, cei mai mulți americani erau conectați la internet cu modemuri dial-up. Corect, deci primele stele si galaxii s-ar fi format în urmă cu 12 ani, dar încă șapte ani și jumătate ar trece până la formarea Pământului în urmă cu aproximativ 4.5 ani. Mutați-vă un pic Polish: wyrazów stale rozwijającej się, pełnej życia, tętniącej masy istot żywych płynącej przez pustkowia kosmosu. Cykl ten ma na celu osiągnięcie dokładnie takiego samego efektu, jaki to zdjęcie miało na postrzeganie przestrzeni – tylko że względem wszystkiego. A dokładniej – osadzić całość istnienia w pewnym kontekście. Chcemy przedstawić najpotężniejsze i najważniejsze przełomy, ogromną skalę istnienia oraz pokazać, skąd wiemy to, co wiemy, i dlaczego jesteśmy tego pewni. Dobra, chodźmy do Bańki Rozważań. Tak więc Wszechświat jest duży. Naprawdę duży. Jest również stary. Ma aż 13,8 miliarda lat, czyli tak wiele, że właściwie nie jesteśmy w stanie tego pojąć. Może zatem ściśnijmy ten wiek do 13 lat, okresu na tyle krótkiego, że nasz mizerny mózg będzie w stanie go ogarnąć. W takim przedziale czasowym Wszechświat miał swój początek 13 lat temu, w 2001 roku. George W. Bush właśnie został zaprzysiężony na prezydenta, większość Amerykanów korzysta z Internetu za pomocą modemów telefonicznych. Tak więc pierwsze gwiazdy i galaktyki powstały 12 lat temu, musiało jednak minąć jeszcze siedem i pół roku do narodzin Ziemi około 4,5 roku temu. Podgońmy trochę Finnish: – neljä vuotta sitten ensimmäinen yksisoluinen elämä muodostui Maapallolla. Siitä kului taas melkein 3,5 vuotta ensimmäisiin monisoluisiin organismeihin ja Kambrin räjähdykseen. Yritän selittää, että kaikki monimuotoinen elämä Maapalolla on suhteellisen uutta. Tällä asteikolla dinosaurukset kuolivat sukupuuttoon noin kolme viikkoa sitten – samoihin aikoihin kun viimeksi päivitin Facebook-statukseni. Ihmiset ja simpanssit erosivat viimeisestä yhteisestä kantaisästään noin kolme päivää sitten! Ensimmäinen homo sapiens ilmaantui 50 minuuttia sitten, samoihin aikoihin kuin viimeksi tarkistin sähköpostini. Me lähdimme Afrikasta 26 minuuttia sitten. Amerikan intiaanit saapuivat Amerikkoihin 6 minuuttia sitten – samoihin aikoihin kuin viimeksi tarkistin Twitterini. Keksimme maanviljelyn 5 minuuttia sitten. Muinainen Egypti? 3 minuuttia sitten! Musta Surma? 24 sekuntia sitten. Teollinen vallankumous? 6 sekuntia. Ensimmäinen maailmansota? 2 sekuntia. Kylmä sota, ihminen Kuun pinnalla, syntymäsi, internet, Big Mac? Kaikki viimeisen sekunnin aikana. Korean: 4년 전 까지 가면, 이 때에 지구상의 첫 단세포 생명체가 생겨납니다. 다시 3.5년이 더 지나가야 다세포 생명체가 첫 출현을 하면서 캠브리아폭발시대가 됩니다 제 말은, 지구상의 고등 생명체는 모두 최근에야 나타났다는 겁니다. 지금의 스케일로 보면 공룡들은 3 주 전에 멸종이 되었네요 제가 페이스북에 최종 업로드한 때네요 인류와 침팬지가 최후의 공통조상으로 부터 갈라진 것은 3일 전입니다 첫 호모사피엔스가 나타난 것은 50 분전인데, 내가 마지막으로 이메일 확인시점이네요 우리 호모사피엔스는 26분 전에 아프리카를 떠났고 인디안은 6분 전에 미국에 첫 도착했네요 마지막으로 내 트위터 확인 시점! 농경기술은 5분 전에 발명했고, 고대 이집트는 3분 전 사건이고 대흑사병은 24초 전 사건. 산업혁명은 6초 전, 1차 세계대전은 2초 전. 냉전, 최초 인류 달 착륙, 당신의 탄생, 인터넷, 빅맥 등은 모두 1초 전도 안됩니다. 하지만 고등 생명체난 인류는 여러 면에서 특별합니다. 상상력아, 고맙다 Arabic: وحين نتحدّث عمّا حدث قبل 4 سنوات، عندها نشأت الحياة بالكائنات وحيدة الخلية على الأرض. ثمّ سنقفز إلى الأمام، لتجاوز 3 سنوات ونصف قبل ظهور الكائنات متعدّدة الخلايا في انفجار كامبري. ما أحاول شرحه هو أنّ كلّ أشكال الحياة المعقّدة على الأرض هي تطوّرات حديثة نسبيًا. فعلى هذا المقياس، انقرضت الديناصورات قبل 3 أسابيع. أي حين غيّرت حالتي على فيسبوك للمرّة الأخيرة تقريبًا. انفصل البشر والشمبانزي عن أسلافهم المشتركين قبل 3 أيام تقريبًا! ظهر أوّل البشر العاقلين قبل 15 دقيقة، أي حين تفقّدت بريدي الإلكترونيّ آخر مرّة تقريبًا. غادرنا إفريقيا قبل 26 دقيقة، ووصل الأمريكيون الهنود إلى الأمريكيتين قبل 6 دقائق أي حين تفقّدت حسابي على تويتر تقريبًا. ابتُكرت الزراعة قبل 5 دقائق، ووُجدت مصر القديمة قبل 3 دقائق، والموت العظيم قبل 24 ثانية. وكانت الثورة الصناعية قبل 6 ثواني، والحرب العالمية الأولى قبل ثانيتين. والحرب الباردة، ووصول البشر للقمر، وميلادك والإنترنت وبيغ ماك، كلها في الثانية الأخيرة. لكن بطرق أخرى عديدة، الحياة المعقّدة والبشريّة استثنائيان، شكرًا لهذه الفكرة. Romanian: cu 4 ani în urmă atunci când primele forme de viață unicelulare s-au format pe Pământ. Apoi salt înainte de aproape trei ani și jumătate înainte de primul organism multi-celular în explozia de viață din Cambrian ... Ceea ce încerc să explic este că toată complexitatea vieții de pe Pământ este o dezvoltare destul de recentă.. Că, pe această scară, dinozaurii au dispărut cu aproximativ trei săptămâni în urmă, - aproximativ ultima dată când mi-am schimbat starea mea de Facebook. Oamenii și cimpanzei s-au desprins din ultimul lor strămoș comun cu aproximativ trei zile în urmă! Primul homo sapiens a apărut în urmă cu cincizeci de minute, aproximativ ultima dată când am verificat e-mail meu. Am plecat din Africa în urmă cu 26 minute. Indienii americani au ajuns în America în urmă cu 6 minute - aproximativ ultima dată când am verificat Twitterul meu. Am inventat agricultura acum 5 minute. Vechiul Egipt? Acum 3 minute! Moartea Neagra? Cu 24 de secunde în urmă. Revoluția industrială - 6 secunde. Primul Război Mondial, 2 secunde. Războiul Rece, primul om pe Lună, nașterea ta, internetul, Big Mac? Toate în ultima secundă.. Hungarian: négy évvel ezelőttig. Ekkor jelentek meg a Földön az első egysejtűek. Aztán lépjünk előre három és fél évet a kambriumi robbanáskor megjelenő első többsejtű életformákig. Azt próbálom mondani, hogy az összetett életformák a Földön meglehetősen új dolgok. Ezzel a méretaránnyal például a dinoszauruszok három héttel ezelőtt haltak ki - nagyjából ennyi idő telt el azóta, hogy utoljára frissítettem a Facebook státuszomat. Az emberek és a csimpánzok kábé három napja váltak el a közös ősüktől. Az első Homo Sapiens úgy 50 perccel ezelőtt jelent meg, nagyjából ennyi ideje csekkoltam utoljára az e-mailemet. Afrikából 26 perccel ezelőtt léptünk le. Az amerikai őslakosok 6 perccel ezelőtt érkeztek meg Amerikába, ekkor néztem utoljára a Twitteremet. A mezőgazdaság 5 perccel ezelőtt kezdődött. Ókori Egyiptom? 3 perce! A fekete halál? 24 másodperce. Első világháború, 2 másodperc. A Hideg Háború, az első ember a holdon, a születésed, az internet, a Big Mac? Mind az utolsó másodpercen belül. Swedish: lite grann till 4 år sedan - det var då den första encelliga livsformen kom till på jorden. Hoppa sedan framåt nästan 3 och ett half ytterligare år innan den första flercelliga organismen i den Kambriska explosionen... Vad jag försöker säga är att allt komplext liv på jorden är en någorlunda ny utveckling. Som, på den här skala, dog dinosaurierna ut ungefär tre veckor sedan - ungefär den senaste gången jag uppdaterade min Facebook status. Människor och schimpanser utvecklades isär från deras gemensamma urfader tre dagar sedan! Den första Homo Sapien kom fram 50 minuter sedan, ungefär när jag sist kollade min email. Vi lämnade Afrika 26 minuter sedan. Amerikan-Indianerna nådde Amerika ungefär 6 minuter sedan - ungefär när jag sist kollade min Twitter. Vi uppfann agrikultur 5 minuter sedan. Forntida Egypten? 3 minuter sedan! Digerdöden? 24 sekunder sedan. Den industriella revolutionen - 6 sekunder. Första världskriget, 2 sekunder. Det kalla kriget, den första mannen på månen, din födelse, internet, Big Mac? Allting inom den senaste sekunden. iw: ללפני 4 שנים - כאשר היצור החי הראשון נוצר על כדור הארץ נעבור קדימה ל3 וחצי שנים כאשר הופיע היצור הרב-תאיי הראשון בפיצוץ הקמבריאני מה שאני מנסה להסביר זה שכל החיות המורכבת בכדור הארץ היא התפתחות מאוחרת למדי מאז בריאת היקום כאילו, בציר הזמן הזה, הדינוזאורים נכחדו רק לפני שלוש שבועותת בערך אותה הזמן שבו שיניתי לאחרונה את הסטאטוס שלי בפייסבוק בני אדם ושימפנזות התפצלו מקרוב המשפחה הרחוק שלהם בערך לפני שלוש ימים! ההומו-ספיאנס הראשונים הופיעו לפני 50 דקות,בערך הפעם האחרונה שבה בדקתי את האי-מייל שלי עזבנו את אפריקה לפני 26 דקות. האמריקאינדים הגיעו לאמריקות בערך לפני 6 דקות, בערך הפעם האחרונה שבה בדקתי את חשבון הטוויטר שלי המצאנו את החקלאות לפני 5 דקות. מצרים העתיקה? לפני 3 דקות! המגפה השחורה? 24 שניות. המהפכה התעשייתית - 6 שניות. מלחמת העולם השנייה, 2 שניות. המלחמה הקרה, האדם הראשון על הירח, היום הולדת שלכם, האינטרנט, הביק מאק? הכל בתוכי השנייה האחרונה. Vietnamese: Mới 4 năm trước, sinh vật dạng đơn bào đầu tiên mới xuất hiện ở TĐ Phải 3 năm rưỡi sau thì sinh vật đa bào mới xuất hiện trong kỷ Cambri Cái mà tôi đang ráng diễn giải là mọi vật thể sống phức tạp trên TĐ đều phát triển khá ổn Như trong thước đo thời gian này, loài Khủng long vừa mới bị tuyệt chủng 3 tuần trước Cỡ bằng khoảng thời gian tôi đổi dòng tâm trạng trên Facebook. Con người và khỉ đột chỉ vừa tách ra khỏi tổ tiên gần nhất mới cách đây 3 ngày Loài Homo Sapiens (Người khôn ngoan) chỉ vừa mới trỗi dậy 50 phút trước, cỡ lúc tôi vừa coi email trước đó. Chúng ta chỉ vừa rời khỏi châu Phi mới 26 phút trước. Người Da đỏ chỉ vừa mới tới châu Mỹ 6 phút trước Cỡ lúc tôi vừa kiểm tra tài khoản Twitter trước đó Chúng ta vừa mới phát minh Nông nghiệp 5 phút trước. Ai Cập cổ đại? 3 phút. Nạn Dịch hạch? 24 giây trước Cách mạng Công nghiệp - 6 giây. Đệ nhất Thế chiến - 2 giây. Chiến tranh Lạnh người đầu tiên đặt chân lên Mặt trăng, sinh nhật của bạn, Internet, bánh bơ-gơ Big Mac. Tất cả chỉ mới 1 giây qua! Portuguese: para quatro anos atrás — isto é quando a vida do primeiro ser unicelular é formada na Terra. Então salte adiante, aproximadamente três anos e meio, até o primeiro ser multicelular formado na explosão Cambriana. O que estou tentando explicar é que toda a vida complexa na Terra é um desenvolvimento, razoavelmente, recente. Por exemplo, nesta escala, os dinossauros foram extintos por volta de três semanas atrás — a última vez, mais ou menos, que troquei o meu "status" no Facebook. Humanos e chimpanzés se dividiram do seu último ancestral compartilhado por volta de três dias atrás! O primeiro "Homo Sapiens" só foi aparecer há cinquenta minutos, quase a última vez que chequei meu E-mail. Nós deixamos a África há 26 minutos. Os nativo-americanos chegaram às Américas há 6 minutos atrás — aproximadamente a última vez que chequei meu Twitter. Nós inventamos agricultura há 5 minutos. Antigo Egito? Três minutos atrás! A Peste Negra? Vinte e quatro segundos atrás. A Revolução Industrial — 6 segundos. Primeira Guerra Mundial, 2 segundos. A Guerra Fria, o primeiro homem na Lua, seu nascimento, a Internet, o Big Mac? Tudo isso no último segundo. Italian: a 4 anni fa – questo è il momento in cui la prima forma di vita cellulare si è formata sulla Terra. Poi fate un balzo in avanti di quasi tre anni e mezzo prima del primo organismo multicellulare nell'esplosione cambriana... Quello che sto cercando di spiegare è che tutte le forme di vita complesse sulla Terra sono uno sviluppo abbastanza recente. Su questa scala, i dinosauri si sono estinti tre settimane fa – più o meno l'ultima volta che ho cambiato il mio stato su Facebook. Gli esseri umani e gli scimpanzé si sono divisi dal loro ultimo antenato comune circa tre giorni fa! I primi homo sapiens sono apparsi 50 minuti fa, più o meno l'ultima volta che ho controllato la mia mail. Abbiamo lasciato l'Africa 26 minuti fa. Gli indiani d'America hanno raggiunto l'America 6 minuti fa – più o meno l'ultima volta che ho controllato il mio Twitter. Abbiamo inventato l'agricoltura cinque minuti fa. L'Antico Egitto? Tre minuti fa. La Morte Nera? 24 secondi fa. La rivoluzione industriale? Sei secondi fa. La Prima Guerra Mondiale? Due secondi fa. La Guerra Fredda, il primo uomo sulla Luna, la tua nascita, internet, il Big Mac? Tutto nell'ultimo secondo. Ma in molti altri modi, la vita complessa e gli esseri umani sono eccezionali. Grazie, Thought Bubble! Japanese: 半年すぎて 4年前 ここで地球上で初めての 単細胞生命が生まれる そこから 3年半経って、つまり今から半年前 やっと多細胞生物が現れて カンブリア大爆発か 要するに この地球上の複雑な生命は ほんのつい最近発展したにすぎないのです この尺度では恐竜が絶滅したのは 3週間前 最期のFacebookの更新ってその頃だったような 人間とチンパンジーが共通の祖先から分岐したのは 3日前! 一人目のホモサピエンスは 50分前に現れた メールを確認してたな 現生人類は26分前にアフリカを出発 アメリカインディアンは6分前アメリカに到着 僕はTwitterをチェック 農業を発明したのは 5分前か 古代エジプト? 3分前! ペスト? 24秒前 産業革命 6秒 第一次世界大戦 2秒 冷戦 月面到達 あなたが生まれた インターネット ビックマック? 全部たったの1秒前 でもそうは言っても 複雑なる生命たち 特に人類は 格別の存在感だ English: bit up to four years ago - that's when the first single celled life formed on Earth. Then leap forward nearly three and a half more years before the first multi-cellular organisms in the Cambrian explosion... What I'm trying to explain is that all complex life on Earth is a fairly recent development. Like, on this scale, the dinosaurs went extinct about three weeks ago -- roughly the last time I changed my Facebook status. Humans and chimpanzees split from their last shared ancestor about three days ago! The first homo sapiens emerged fifty minutes ago, roughly the last time I checked my email. We left Africa 26 minutes ago. The American-Indians reached the Americas 6 minutes ago -- roughly the last time I checked my Twitter. We invented agriculture 5 minutes ago. Ancient Egypt? 3 minutes ago! The Black Death? 24 seconds ago. The Industrial Revolution - 6 seconds. World War One, 2 seconds. The Cold War, th e first man on the moon, your birth, the internet, the Big Mac? All within the last second. But in many other ways, complex life and humanity are exceptional. Thanks, Thought Bubble! French: plus loin jusqu'à il y a 4 ans - C'est là que la première vie unicellulaire s'est formée sur Terre. Puis faites un bond en avant de près de trois ans et demi avant de trouver les premiers organismes multi-cellulaires dans l'explosion cambrienne ... Ce que j'essaie d'expliquer, c'est que toutes les formes de vie complexes sur Terre sont des aboutissements assez récent. Par exemple, à cette échelle, les dinosaures se sont éteints il y a environ trois semaines - à peu près la dernière fois que j'ai changé mon statut facebook. Les humains et les chimpanzés se sont séparés de leurs dernier ancêtre commun il y a environ trois jours! Le premier homo sapiens a émergé il y a 50 minutes, à peu près quand j'ai vérifié mes emails pour la dernière fois. Nous avons quitté l'Afrique il y a 26 minutes. Les Indiens d'Amérique ont atteint les Amériques il y a 6 minutes - A peu près quand j'ai vérifié mon Twitter pour la dernière fois. Nous avons inventé l'agriculture il y a cinq minutes. L'Egypte antique? Il y a 3 minutes! La peste noire? Il y a 24 secondes. La révolution industrielle - 6 secondes. La Première Guerre mondiale, deux secondes. La guerre froide, le premier homme sur la lune, votre naissance, Internet, le Big Mac? Tous dans la dernière seconde. Dutch: tot 4 jaar geleden en dat is wanneer de eerste eencellige leven zich vormde op aarde. Neem nu een sprong voorwaarts tot bijna 3 en een half jaar voor de eerste meercellige organismen in de Cambrische explosie... Wat ik probeer uit te leggen is dat al het complexe leven op aarde een vrij recente ontwikkeling is. Op deze schaal stierven de dinosauriërs ongeveer 3 weken geleden uit - ruwweg de laatste keer dat ik mijn Facebook status veranderde. Mensen en chimpansees splitsten van hun laatste gemeenschappelijke voorouder af ongeveer 3 dagen geleden! De eerste Homo Sapiens ontstond 50 minuten gelden, ruwweg de laatste keer dat ik mijn email checkte. We verlieten Afrika 26 minuten geleden. The Amerikaans-indianen bereikte de Amerikanen 6 minuten geleden, ruwweg de laatste keer ik mijn Twitter checkte. we vonden de landbouw 5 minuten geleden uit. Oud Egypte? 3 minuten geleden! De Zwarte Dood? 24 seconden geleden. De Industriële revolutie, 6 seconden. Wereldoorlog 1, 2 seconden. De Koude Oorlog, de eerste man op de maan, je geboorte, het internet, de Big Mac? Allemaal binnen de laatste seconde. German: Bewegt euch ein bisschen weiter, zu vor 4 Jahren – das ist der Zeitpunkt, als das erste einzellige Leben auf der Erde entstand. Dann springt um fast 3,5 weitere Jahre weiter, bevor sich die ersten mehrzelligen Organismen in der kambrischen Explosion... Was ich zu erklären versuche ist, dass alles komplexe Leben auf der Erde eine ziemlich kürzliche Entwicklung ist. Zum Beispiel, auf dieser Skala sind die Dinosaurier vor etwa 3 Wochen ausgestorben, etwa das letzte Mal, dass ich meinen Facebook-Status geändert habe. Menschen und Schimpansen trennten sich von ihrem letzten gemeinsamen Vorfahren vor etwa drei Tagen. Die ersten Homo sapiens traten vor 50 Minuten auf, etwa das letzte Mal, dass ich meine Mails checkte. Wir verließen Afrika vor 26 Minuten. Die Indianer erreichten Amerika vor 6 Minuten – etwa das letzte Mal, dass ich mein Twitter gecheckt habe. Wir erfanden die Landwirtschaft vor 5 Minuten. Das alte Ägypten? Vor 3 Minuten! Das Schwarze Tod? Vor 24 Sekunden! Die industrielle Revolution – vor 6 Sekunden. Erster Weltkrieg – 2 Sekunden. Der Kalte Krieg, der erste Mann auf dem Mond, deine Geburt, das Internet, der Vorwerk-Staubsauger? Alles innerhalb der letzten Sekunde. Aber in vielerlei Hinsicht sind komplexes Leben und Menschheit außergewöhnlich. Polish: do momentu 4 lata temu – wówczas na Ziemi powstały pierwsze jednokomórkowe formy życia. Następnie przeskakujemy do przodu o prawie 3,5 roku do pojawienia się pierwszych organizmów wielokomórkowych podczas eksplozji kambryjskiej... Chcę Wam dać do zrozumienia, że wszystkie złożone formy życia są na Ziemi stosunkowo od niedawna. Np. w takiej skali dinozaury wyginęły około 3 tygodnie temu – mniej więcej kiedy ostatni raz zmieniłem swój status na Facebooku. Ludzie i szympansy wyodrębnili się ze swojego ostatniego wspólnego przodka około 3 dni temu! Pierwszy homo sapiens pojawił się 50 minut temu, mniej więcej gdy po raz ostatni sprawdzałem maila. Z Afryki wyszliśmy 26 minut temu. Indianie dotarli do Ameryki 6 minut temu – mniej więcej gdy ostatnio sprawdzałem konto na Twitterze. Rolnictwo wynaleźliśmy 5 minut temu. Starożytny Egipt? 3 minuty temu! Czarna śmierć? 24 sekundy temu. Rewolucja przemysłowa – 6 sekund. I wojna światowa – 2 sekundy. Zimna wojna, pierwszy człowiek na Księżycu, Wasze narodziny, Internet, Big Mac? Wszystko to w ostatniej sekundzie. Danish: længere frem til for fire år siden - der opstod den første encellede organisme på Jorden. Hop så næsten 3½ år længere frem, hvor den første flercellede organisme opstod i den Kambriske eksplosion... Det jeg forsøger at sige er, at alt det komplekse liv på Jorden er en ret ny opfindelse. På denne tidsskala uddøde dinosaurerne for tre uger siden, eller cirka der hvor jeg sidst skrev noget på Facebook. Mennesker og chimpanser adskilte sig fra deres fælles stamfader for tre dage siden! De første Homo Sapiens kom frem for 50 minutter siden, eller der hvor jeg sidst tjekkede min email. Vi forlod Afrika for 26 minutter siden. De amerikanske indianere nåede til Amerika for 6 minutter siden - eller der hvor jeg sidst var på Twitter. Vi opfandt landbrug for 5 minutter siden. Det gamle Ægypten? For 3 minutter siden. Den sorte død? 24 sekunder siden. Den industrielle revolution - 6 sekunder. 2. verdenskrig, 2 sekunder. Den kolde krig, den første mand på månen, din fødsel, internettet, Big Maccen? Det hele indenfor det seneste sekund. Turkish: dört yıl önce kadar bit - o zaman var Yeryüzünde oluşan ilk tek hücreli yaşam. Sonra ileri Yaklaşık üç buçuk sıçrama ilk çok hücreli önce yıl daha Kambriyen patlaması organizmalar ... Ne anlatmaya çalışıyorum tüm karmaşık olduğunu Dünya üzerindeki yaşamın oldukça yeni bir gelişmedir. Gibi, bu ölçekte, dinozorların nesli tükenmiş gitti önce yaklaşık üç hafta - kabaca son kez Benim Facebook durumunu değiştirdi. İnsanlar ve şempanzeler son ayrılan yaklaşık üç gün önce atası paylaştı! İlk homo sapiens, elli dakika önce ortaya çıktı kabaca son kez benim e-posta kontrol. Biz 26 dakika önce Afrika'yı terk etti. Amerikan Kızılderililer 6 dakika önce Amerika'yı ulaştı - kabaca Geçen sefer benim Twitter kontrol etti. Biz 5 dakika önce tarımı icat etti. Eski Mısır? 3 dakika önce! Black Death? 24 önce saniye. Endüstri Devrimi - 6 saniye. Birinci Dünya Savaşı, 2 saniye. Soğuk Savaş, aya ilk adam, doğum, internet, Big Mac? Tüm son saniye içinde. Russian: до 4 лет назад - тут появляется первая одноклеточная жизнь на Земле. Теперь делаем скачок на ещё три с половиной года, когда появляются первые многоклеточные организмы (в ходе Кембрийского взрыва)... Я пытаюсь объяснить, что вся сложная жизнь на Земле появилась очень недавно. То есть, на этой шкале динозавры вымерли примерно три недели назад - примерно тогда же, когда я в последний раз сменил свой статус на Фейсбуке. Люди и шимпанзе отмежевались от своего последнего общего предка примерно три дня назад! Первые homo sapiens появились 50 минут назад, примерно когда я в последний раз проверял почту. Мы покинули Африку 26 минут назад, американские индейцы достигли Америк 6 минут назад... ...примерно тогда, когда я в последний раз проверил свой Твиттер Мы изобрели сельское хозяйство 5 минут назад. Древний Египет? 3 минуты назад! Чёрная Смерть? 24 секунды назад. Промышленная революция - 6 секунд. Первая Мировая - 2 секунды. Холдоная Война, первый человек на Луне, Ваше рождение, Интернет, Биг Мак? Всё в течение последней секунды. Portuguese: Um pouco depois, 4 anos atrás: a vida unicelular é formada na Terra. Então salte 3,5 anos adiante, até surgir vida multicelular (Explosão Cambriana) O que estou tentando explicar é que toda a vida complexa na Terra é bem "recente". Nesta escala, os dinossauros foram extintos por volta de 3 semanas atrás. (Por volta da última vez que troquei o meu "status" no Facebook) Humanos e chimpanzés tiveram um ancestral em comum por volta de 3 dias atrás! O primeiro "Homo Sapiens" só apareceu há 50 minutos. (Por volta da última vez que chequei meu e-mail) Nós deixamos a África há 26 minutos. Os índios chegaram às Américas há 6 minutos atrás. (A última vez que chequei meu Twitter) Nós inventamos agricultura há 5 minutos. Antigo Egito? 3 minutos atrás! A Peste Negra? 24 segundos atrás. A Revolução Industrial — 6 segundos. Primeira Guerra Mundial, 2 segundos. A Guerra Fria, homem na Lua, seu nascimento, a Internet, o Big Mac? Tudo no último segundo. Spanish: se formaría la primera vida unicelular en la tierra. Luego saltemos 3 años y medio hasta que los primeros organismos multicelulares en la explosión Cambrica... Lo que intento decir es que la vida compleja en la tierra es un desarrollo reciente. En esta escala los dinosaurios se extinguieron hace 3 semans, aprox. cuando cambié mi estatus en Facebook por última vez. ¡Los humanos y los chimpancés se separaron de su ancestro en común hace 3 días! El primer homo sapiens emergío hace 50 minutos, cuando miré por última vez mi e-mail. Dejamos Africa hace 26 minutos. Los indios americanos alcanzaron américa hace 6 minutos, cuando miré por última vez mi Twitter. Inventamos la agricultura hace 5 minutos. ¿El Antigüo Egipto? Hace 3 minutos. ¿La peste negra? hace 24 segundos. La Revolución Industrial, 6 segundos. La primera guerra mundial, 2 segundos. ¿La guerra fría, el primer hombre en la luna, tu nacimiento, la internet, la Big Mac? Todo dentro del último segundo. Arabic: شيء آخر استثنائي أيضًا، المغول. حسنًا، فلنبدأ عند البداية، الانفجار العظيم. هانك، انتظر، لا أدري كيف تأكّدنا أنّ الانفجار العظيم هو البداية. ماذا حدث قبل الانفجار العظيم؟ حسنًا، يقول علماء الفيزياء النظرية إنّ الفراغ والزمن ليسا مختلفين. إنّهما تعبيرين لشيء واحد، واسمه "الزمكان"، وقد نشأ "الزمكان" من الانفجار العظيم. أي أنّ الزمن لم يكن له وجود قبل الانفجار العظيم. لذا، ليس من المنطقي أن نتساءل عمّا حدث قبله، لأنه لم يكن هناك زمن آنذاك. بالطبع، هذا كالكثير من الأفكار في علم الكون، ليس منطقيًا بالنسبة لعقولنا البشرية الصغيرة. وهو يفوق قدراتنا الاستيعابيّة بكثير، وأشبه بتفسير الألوان لشخص كفيف. نعرف أنّه صحيح لأنّ الحسابات ناجحة، وتفسّر ملاحظاتنا بأسلوب أنيق. لكنّه بعيد جدًا عن رؤيتنا للعالم. ولا أظنّ حتّى الفيزيائيين العباقرة يستطيعون تخيّله. Italian: Eccezionali sono stati, tra l'altro, anche i mongoli. [Mongoltage] Ok, cominciamo dall'inizio! Il Big Bang! [Letteralmente: Grande Scoppio] Hank, un attimo! Alt, alt alt, alt, aspetta! Non capisco come facciamo a sapere che il Big Bang è davvero l'inizio? Che cosa è successo prima del Big Bang? Bene. Ok. Uh... i fisici teorici dicono che spazio e tempo non sono due cose distinte. Sono due espressioni per una cosa: lo spazio-tempo. E lo spazio-tempo si è creato con il Big Bang, perciò il tempo non esisteva prima del Big Bang, quindi non ha senso chiedersi che cosa era successo prima. Non c'è un "prima"! Naturalmente, questa, come molte idee in cosmologia, sembra non avere alcun senso per il nostro gracile cervello umano. È ampiamente al di là della nostra comprensione, un po' come spiegare i colori a un non vedente. Sappiamo che è vero perché la matematica funziona e spiega le nostre osservazioni in modo elegante, ma è parecchio lontano da come percepiamo direttamente il mondo, tanto che penso nemmeno i fisici più geniali siano in grado di immaginarlo. Spanish: Pero en muchas formas, la vida compleja y la humanidad son excepcionales ¡Gracias, Burbuja de pensamiento! También son excepcionales, ¡los Mongoles! ¡Ok, empecemos desde el principio! ¡El big bang! ¡Hank, espera un segundo! Despacio, despacio, despacio. No entiendo como sabemos que el Big Band es realmente el principio. ¿Que pasó antes del Big Bang? Bueno, Ok. Los físicos teóricos dicen que el espacio y el tiempo son una sola cosa. Son 2 expresiones de una cosa, el Espacio-Tiempo y el Espacio-Tiempo fué creado en el Big Bang, así que el tiempo no existía antes del Big Bang, así que no tiene sentido preguntar que pasó antes de eso. Pués no existía "tiempo" en ese entonces. Por supuesto, esta, como muchas ideas en la cosmología no tienen sentido para nuestros pequeños cerebros humanos. Está más allá de nuestra comprensión, como explicar el color a un ciego. Sabemos que es verdad porque la matemática funciona y explica nuestras observaciones elegantemente pero está tan lejos de como percibimos el mundo que no creo que sea algo que incluso los más geniales físicos puedan imaginar. English: Also exceptional, by the way, the Mongols! [Mongoltage] Okay, let's begin at the beginning! The big bang! Hank, wait a second! Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. I- I don't understand how we know that the big bang is really the beginning. Like, what happened before the big bang? Well. Okay. Uh... Theoretical physicists say that space and time are not two different things. They are two expressions of one thing - space-time. And space-time was created by the big bang, thus time didn't exist before the big bang, so it doesn't make much sense to ask what happened before it. There was no "then", then! Of course, this, like many ideas in cosmology, doesn't really make any sense to our puny human brains. It's largely beyond our comprehension, rather like explaining color to a blind person. We know that it's true because the math works and it explains our observations so elegantly, but it's so far outside of how we directly perceive the world, that I don't think it's something even the most genius physicists are able to imagine. Portuguese: Mas em diversas outras formas, vidas complexas e humanidade são excepcionais! Obrigado, Bolha de Pensamento. Igualmente, a propósito, os Mongóis! Okay, vamos começar do começo! O Big Bang! Hank, espere um segundo! Uau, uau, uau, uau, uau. Eu não entendo como nós sabemos que o Big Bang é, realmente, o início. Digo, o que aconteceu antes do Big Bang? Bom. Okay. Uh... Físicos teóricos dizem que o "espaço" e o "tempo" não são duas coisas distintas. Eles são duas expressões de apenas uma realidade — "espaço-tempo". E espaço-tempo foi criado pelo Big Bang, deste modo o "tempo" não existia antes do Big Bang; logo, não faz muito sentido perguntar o que aconteceu antes. Não houve "antes", então. Obviamente, isto, assim como muitas ideias na Cosmologia, não faz sentido aos nossos simplórios cérebros humano. É extremamente além da nossa compreensão, como explicar cores para um cego. Nós sabemos que é verdade porque a matemática funciona e explica as nossas observações tão elegantemente, mas é bem externo a como percebemos, diretamente, o mundo, que não acredito que seja, nem mesmo, algo que o mais genial Físico possa imaginar. Hungarian: De sok más szempontból a komplex élet és az emberiség kivételes. Kösz, Gondolatbuborék. És a kivételesről jut eszembe, mongolok! Oké, kezdjük akkor a kezdeteknél. A Nagy Bumm. Hank, várj egy pillanatot. Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Ne-Nem értem honnan tudjuk, hogy az ősrobbanás tényleg A Kezdet. Mármint, mi volt előtte? Nos. Rendben. Ööö. Az elméleti fizikusok szerint a tér és idő nem két különböző dolog, hanem két oldala egy dolognak - a téridőnek. És mivel a téridő a Nagy Bumm által keletkezett, ezért előtte nem volt idő, tehát nincs sok értelme ast kérdezni, hogy mi volt előtte. Előtte nem volt „előtte". Természetesen ennek, mint a kozmológiában sok másnak, a mi aprócska agyunk számára nincs értelme. Messze a felfogóképességünk mögött áll, nagyjából mintha egy színt próbálnál elmagyarázni egy vak embernek. Tudjuk, hogy ez így van, mert a matek itt is működik és elegánsan megmagyarázza a megfigyeléseinket de mivel ez annyira távol áll attól, ahogy a világot érzékeljük, nem hiszem, hogy akár a legzseniálisabb fizikusok is el tudnák képzelni. Dutch: Maar op vele andere manieren, complex leven en mensheid zijn uitzonderlijk. Danku Gedachte Bel! Ook uitzonderlijk trouwens: de Mongolen! Oké, laten we beginnen bij het begint! De Oerknal! Hank, wacht even! wow, wow, wow, wow. Ik, Ik begrijp niet hoe we weten dat de Oerknal echt het begin is. Wat gebeurde er voor de oerknal? Wel, Oké. Uh... Theoretisch natuurkundigen zeggen dat ruimte en tijd twee verschillende dingen zijn. Ze zijn 2 uitingen van één ding: ruimte-tijd. En ruimte-tijd werd gemaakt door de oerknal, dus tijd bestond niet voor de oerknal, dus het heeft weinig zin om te vragen wat ervoor gebeurde. Er was geen 'toen', toen! Natuurlijk dit, zoals vele ideeën is kosmologie, klinkt niet zinvol in onze kleine nietige menselijke hersens. Het is grotendeels buiten ons bevattingsvermogen, een beetje zoals het uitleggen van kleur aan een blinde persoon. We weten dat het waar is, omdat de wiskunde werkt en het onze observaties zo elegant, maar het is zo ver buiten hoe e rechtstreeks de wereld waarnemen, dat ik niet denk dat het iets is dat zelfs de meest geniale natuurkundigen zich kunnen voorstellen. Portuguese: Mas de outras formas, vidas complexas e a humanidade são excepcionais! Obrigado, Bolha de Pensamento. Igualmente excepcionais, a propósito... os Mongóis! Okay, vamos começar do começo: o Big Bang! Hank, espera! Eu não entendo como nós sabemos que o Big Bang é, realmente, o início. Digo, o que aconteceu antes do Big Bang? Físicos teóricos dizem que o "espaço" e o "tempo" não são duas coisas distintas. Eles são duas expressões de uma só coisa: espaço-tempo. E espaço-tempo foi criado pelo Big Bang, deste modo o "tempo" não existia antes do Big Bang. Logo, não faz muito sentido perguntar o que aconteceu antes. Não houve "antes", então. Obviamente, isto, assim como muitas ideias na Cosmologia, não faz sentido aos nossos simples cérebros humanos. Está além da nossa compreensão, como explicar cores para um cego. Nós sabemos que é verdade porque a matemática funciona e explica as nossas observações tão elegantemente, mas é algo tão contraintuitivo, que não acredito que nem o mais genial Físico possa imaginar. German: Danke, Gedankenblase! Außerdem außergewöhnlich, übrigens, die Mongolen! [Musik, Pferdehufe] [Hank] Okay, lasst uns beim Beginn beginnen! Dem Urknall! [John] Hank, warte eine Sekunde! Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Ich – ich verstehe nicht, woher wir wissen, dass der Urknall wirklich der Beginn ist. Also, was passierte vor dem Urknall? [Hank] Nun. Okay. Ähm... Theoretische Physiker (und -innen) sagen, dass Raum und Zeit nicht zwei verschiedene Dinge sind. Sie sind zwei Ausdrücke von einer Sache – Raumzeit. Und Raumzeit wurde vom Urknall erschaffen, daher existierte Zeit nicht vor dem Urknall, also ergibt es nicht viel Sinn danach zu fragen, was davor passiert ist. Es gab kein „davor“ davor! Natürlich, das, wie viele Ideen der Kosmologie, macht nicht wirklich Sinn für unsere kümmerlichen menschlichen Gehirne. Es liegt größtenteils jenseits unseres Verständnisses, ähnlich wie einem Blinden eine Farbe zu erklären. Wir wissen, dass es wahr ist, weil die Mathematik funktioniert und es unsere Beobachtungen so elegant erklärt, aber es ist so weit davon weg, wie wir die Welt direkt wahrnehmen, dass ich glaube, dass nicht mal die genialsten Physiker (und -innen) in der Lage sind, es sich vorzustellen. Swedish: Men på många andra sätt är komplext liv och mänsklighet exceptionella. Tack, Tankebubblan! Även exceptionellt, förresten, mongolerna! Okej, vi börjar från början! Big Bang! Hank, vänta lite! Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Ja- Jag förstår inte hur vi vet att Big Bang verkligen är början. Liksom, vad hände innan Big Bang? Nåväl, Okej. Öh... Teoretiska fysiker påstår att rymd och tid är inte två olika saker. De är två uppfattningar av en sak - tidrymd. Och tidrymd skapades av Big Bang, därmed existerade inte tiden innan Big Bang, så det verkar inte logiskt att fråga vad som hände innan. Det fanns inget "då", då! Självklart är dessa, som många idéer inom kosmologi, svårgreppade för våra pyttesmå mänskliga hjärnor. Det är i stort sett bortom vår uppfattning, ungefär som att förklara färger för en blind person. Vi vet att det är sant på grund av att matten fungerar och att det förklarar våra observationer så elegant, men det är så långt från hur vi direkt uppfattar världen, att jag inte tror att det är något även de mest genialiska fysikerna kan förställa sig. Japanese: 『 吹き出し 』でした! ところで格別の存在といえば モンゴル人! よし じゃあ最初から始めよう! ビッグバンだ! ハンク ちょっと待った! 視聴者にそこから始める理由を説明しないと その前の話を無視すると思われるだろう? ビッグバンの前は?って はいはい そうね えー・・・ 理論物理学者が言うには 空間と時間を 別々に切り離す事はできない 2つ呼び名があるだけで 本当は1つの 時空があるだけ それを産んだのがビッグバンなんだから 時間そのものが動き出すのは その後 要するに それより前ってなに?って話 少なくとも「 前 」は無い! とは言うものの この手の宇宙論の概念って 僕たち凡人には 何が何だかさっぱりわかりません あまりにも理解を超えていて 目の見えない人が 色を説明されてる感じかな そうなんだけど 納得せざるを得ないのは 蓄積した観察結果を 数学が見事に説明するから でも この今生きてる世界からかけ離れた何事かを 天才達なら想像できるものなんだろうか Romanian: Dar în multe alte feluri, viața complexă și omenirea sunt excepționale. Multumesc, Balonule de Gândit. De asemenea excepționali, de altfel, mongolii! Bine, să începem cu începutul! Big Bang. Hank, așteptați o secundă! Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. - Nu înțeleg cum știm că Big Bang este într-adevăr la început. Cum ar fi, ce s-a întâmplat înainte de Big Bang? Bine. Bine. Uh ... Fizicienii teoretici spun ca spațiul și timpul nu sunt două lucruri diferite. Ele sunt două expresii ale aceluiași lucru spațiu timp. Și spațiul-timp a fost creat de Big Bang, deci timp nu exista înainte de Big-Bang așa că nu prea are sens să ne întrebăm ce s-a întâmplat înainte de el .Nu există apoi, apoi! Desigur, aceasta, la fel ca multe idei în cosmologie, nu are nici un sens pentru îngustul creier uman. Este în mare măsură dincolo de înțelegerea noastră, mai degrabă putem explica culoarea unei persoane oarbe. Știm că este adevărat pentru că lucrările de matematica ne explică observațiile noastre atât de elegant, dar este atât de departe față de modul direct în care percepem lumea, încât cred că nici cei mai geniali fizicieni nu pot să-l imagineze. Turkish: Ama birçok başka yollarla, karmaşık yaşam ve insanlık olağanüstü. Teşekkürler, Düşünce Kabarcık! Ayrıca olağanüstü arada, Moğollar tarafından! Tamam, başında başlayalım! Büyük patlama! Hank, bir saniye bekle! , Hop, hop, hop, hop woah. Ben- Ben biliyorum nasıl anlamıyorum big bang gerçekten başlangıçtır. Sevmek, Büyük patlamadan önce ne oldu? Peki. Tamam. Ah ... Teorik fizikçiler söylüyor Bu uzay ve zaman iki farklı değildir şeyler. Onlar bir şey iki ifadelerdir - boş zaman. Ve zaman-mekan tarafından oluşturulan big bang, böylece zaman önce yoktu big bang, bu yüzden çok mantıklı değil daha önce ne olduğunu sormak için. Oradaydı "sonra" hayır, o zaman! Tabii ki, bu, kozmoloji birçok fikir gibi, Gerçekten bizim Puny herhangi mantıklı değil insan beyni. Bu, büyük ölçüde bizim anlama ötesinde yerine kör bir kişi renk açıklayan gibi. Biz bunun doğru olduğunu biliyorum matematik eserleri nedeniyle ve o kadar zarif gözlemlerimizi açıklıyor ama doğrudan şimdiye kadar dışarıda nasıl biz bir var Ben sanmıyorum ki dünyayı algılama bir şey bile en deha fizikçiler hayal edebiliyoruz. French: Mais de nombreuses autres façons, la vie complexe et l'humanité sont exceptionnelles. Merci, la bulle de pensées! Tout aussi exceptionnel, en passant, les Mongols! Bon, commençons par le commencement! Le Big Bang! Hank, attends une seconde! Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. J- Je ne comprends pas comment nous savons que le big bang est vraiment le début. Je veux dire, qu'est ce qui est arrivé avant le Big Bang? Eh bien. D'accord. Euh ... Les physiciens théoriciens disent que l'espace et le temps ne sont pas deux choses différentes. Ils sont tous deux expressions d'une même chose: L'espace-temps. Et l'espace-temps a été créé par le Big Bang, de ce fait le temps n'existait donc pas avant le Big Bang, donc ça n'a pas beaucoup de sens de se demander ce qui s'est passé avant. Il n'y avait pas de "avant", avant! Bien sûr, ce concept, comme beaucoup d'idées dans la cosmologie, n'a pas vraiment de sens pour nos petits cerveaux humains. C'est largement au-delà de notre compréhension, un peu comme expliquer les couleurs à un aveugle. Nous savons que c'est vrai parce que les travaux mathématiques fonctionnent et expliquent nos observations si élégamment, mais c'est tellement éloigné de la façon dont nous percevons directement le monde, que je ne pense pas que c'est quelque chose que même les physiciens les plus géniaux sont capables d'imaginer. Vietnamese: Nhưng bằng nhiều cách khác nhau, sự sống phức tạp và nhân loại rất đặc biệt. Cảm ơn Thought Bubble! Cái này cũng đặc biệt nè! Quân Mông Cổ [nhạc nền chiến tranh] Ok, vậy bắt đầu nào. Vụ Nổ lớn! Ê Hank đợi chút đã. Từ từ. Làm sao mà anh biết Vụ Nổ lớn là khởi đầu cho tất cả? Vậy trước Vụ Nổ lớn là gì? Ờ, OK. Vật lý gia nói Không gian và Thời gian không phải là hai thứ riêng biệt. Cả hai đều là một thứ gọi là Không-Thời gian. Và Không-Thời gian được tạo nên bởi Vụ Nổ lớn. Vì vậy, Thời gian không tồn tại trước Vụ Nổ lớn, nên cũng thật khó hiểu để tự hỏi điều gì xảy ra trước đó. Không hề có "sau đó" ha! Đương nhiên, là nhiều ý tưởng trong vũ trụ học cũng khó nuốt cho cái não của con người lắm, giống như là giải thích màu sắc cho người bị mù màu vậy. Mình biết là đúng bởi Toán học nó giải thích mấy cái quan sát của mình thấy rất khớp. Nhưng nó cũng vẫn quá xa vời để mình có thể liên tưởng đến, đến nỗi tôi nghĩ những nhà vật lý đại tài nhất cũng không hình dung được. Finnish: Mutta monilla eri tavoin monimuotoinen elämä ja ihmiskunta ovat poikkeuksellisia. Kiitos, ajatuskupla! Muuten, poikkeuksellisia olivat myös Mongolit! Okei, aloitetaan alusta! Alkuräjähdyksestä! Hank, odota hetki! Hei, hei, hei, hei… En ymmärrä miten tiedämme, että alkuräjähdys on oikeasti alku. Tai siis, mitä tapahtui ennen alkuräjähdystä? Okei. No… Teoreettiset fyysikot sanovat, että avaruus ja aika eivät ole erillisiä asioita. Ne ovat kaksi ilmentymää samasta asiasta – aika-avaruudesta. Aika-avaruus syntyi alkuräjähdyksessä, joten aikaa ei ollut olemassa ennen alkuräjähdystä eikä ole syytä kysyä, mitä ennen sitä tapahtui. ”Silloin” ei ollut silloin olemassa! Tietenkin tämä, kuten monet kosmologian ideat, ei kuulosta kovin järkevältä mitättömille ihmisaivoillemme. Se on pitkälti ymmärryksemme ulottumattomissa, kuin värien selittäminen sokealle. Me tiedämme, että se on totta, koska se toimii matemaattisesti ja selittää havaintomme niin elegantisti, mutta se on niin kaukana siitä, miten me hahmotamme maailmaa, että en usko edes nerokkaimpien fyysikoiden pystyvän kuvittelemaan sitä. Danish: Men på mange andre måder er komplekst liv og menneskeden exceptionel. Tak for det tankeboble! Andre, der i øvrigt er exceptionelle, er mongolerne! Men lad os starte fra begyndelsen. Big Bang! Hank, vent lige! Hov hov hov, jeg forstår ikke hvordan vi ved, at Big Bang virkelig er begyndelsen. Hvad skete der før Big Bang? Jamen, ifølge fysikerne er tid og rum ikke to forskellige ting. De er to udtryk for én ting - rum-tid. Og rum-tiden blev skabt ved Big Bang, derfor eksisterede tid ikke før Big Bang, så det giver ikke mening at spørge hvad der skete før det. Der var ikke noget "dengang", dengang. Det giver naturligvis ikke ret meget mening i vores små menneskehjerner. Det er i det store og hele udenfor vores fatteevne, lidt som at beskrive farver til en blind person. Vi ved at det er rigtigt, fordi matematikken virker, og den forklarer vores observationer meget elegant, men det ligger så langt fra hvordan vi opfatter verden, at jeg ikke tror det er noget selv den mest geniale fysiker, er i stand til at forestille sig. iw: אבל בהרבה מובנים אחרים, מורכבות החיים והאנושות מאוד יוצאי דופן. תודה, בועת מחשבה! גם יוצאי דופן, דרך אגב, המונגולים! אוקיי, בואו נתחיל בהתחלה! הנפץ הגדול! האנק, חכה שניה! וואה, וואה, וואה, וואה, וואה. אני לא מבין איך אנחנו יודעים את זה שהנפץ הגדול הוא באמת ההתחלה. כאילו, מה קרה לפני הנפץ הגדול? טוב אממ... פיזיקאים תאורתיים אמרו שמרחב וזמן אינם שני דברים שונים הם שניהם התגלמות של דבר אחד מרחב-זמן. ומרחב זמן נוצר על ידי הנפץ הגדול, משמע, זמן לא היה קיים לפני הנפץ הגדל, אז אין הרבה הגיון בלשאול מה קרה לפני כן. לא היה "אז", אז כמובן שזה, כמו רעיונות שונים בקסמולוגיה, חסרי הגיון למוח האנושי שלנו. זה מעבר ליכולות התפיסה שלנו, כמו להסביר צבע לאדם עיוור אנחנו יודעים שזה נכון בגלל שהמטמתיקה עובדת וזה מסביר את התצפיות שלנו באלגנטיות אבל זה רחוק מאוד מהתפיסה שלנו של העולם, שאני לא חושב שזה משהו שאפילו הפיזיקאים הגאונים ביותר יכולים לדמיין Polish: Jednak w wielu innych aspektach złożoność życia i ludzkość są wyjątkowe. Bańka Rozważań – dziękujemy! A tak przy okazji, wyjątkowi są również Mongołowie! OK, zacznijmy od początku! Wielki Wybuch! Hank, poczekaj no chwilę! Zaraz zaraz zaraz. Nie bardzo rozumiem, skąd wiadomo, że wszystko zaczęło się właśnie od Wielkiego Wybuchu. No a co działo się przed nim? No cóż. Hm... Fizycy-teoretycy twierdzą, że czas i przestrzeń wcale nie stanowią dwóch różnych pojęć. Są to tak naprawdę dwa wyrażenia określające jeden koncept – czasoprzestrzeń, która powstała podczas Wielkiego Wybuchu, więc czas nie istniał przed Wielkim Wybuchem, zatem nie ma sensu pytać, co działo się przed nim. Po prostu nie było wtedy żadnego „wtedy“! Jak wiele innych pomysłów w dziedzinie kosmologii, zdaje się to bez sensu dla mizernego, ludzkiego mózgu. W dużej mierze wykracza to poza nasze rozumienie, podobnie jak próby wyjaśnienia niewidomemu, czym są kolory. Wiemy, że to prawda, bo obliczenia się zgadzają i ta teoria tak elegancko współgra z naszymi obserwacjami, jednak tak daleko wykracza poza nasze empiryczne postrzeganie świata, że pewnie nawet najgenialniejsi fizycy nie są w stanie sobie tego wyobrazić. Korean: 물론 몽골도 특별합니다. 오케이, 처음부터 시작하지요! 빅뱅부터! 행크, 잠깐! 오,오,오, 난 왜 빅뱅이 역사의 처음인지 이해가 안가요. 빅뱅전에는 어떤 일이 있었나요? 좋아요. 이론 물리학자들은 공간과 시간이 실제론 서로 다른 것이 아니라고 합니다. 그것들은 시공간이라는 하나의 개념이 둘로 표현된 것입니다. 이 시공간은 바로 빅뱅에 의해 탄생되었습니다. 그래서 빅뱅 전에는 시간이 존재하지 않아요. 그래서 빅뱅 전에 무슨 일이 있었냐는 질문은 좀 말이 안 됩니다. 빅뱅 전엔 시간의 개념이 없어요 물론, 이런 것은 천체의 다른 많은 개념처럼 우리의 작은 뇌로는 이해가 안 가는 것 들이지요. 우리의 인식 밖에 있는 것입니다. 마치 장님에게 색이 잘 인식이 안되는 것처럼 이런 개념이 사실인 것은 수학적으로는 성립하고 천체 관측과 너무 잘 맞기 때문이죠 하지만 우리의 세상 인식과는 너무 동떨어져 있어서 저는 세상의 가장 천재적 물리학자들이라도 상상을 할 수 있다곤 안 믿습니다 Russian: Но, во многих смыслах, многоклеточная жизнь и человечество всё же исключительны. Спасибо, Thought Bubble! А ещё, кстати, исключительны: Монголы. Ладно, начнём с начала! С Большого Взрыва! Хэнк, погоди. Стоп-стоп-стоп. Я не понимаю, откуда мы знаем, что Большой Взрыв - действительно начало. То есть, что было до него? Ну, э... Теоретические физики говорят, что пространство и время - не две разные вещи. Они два выражения одной вещи - пространства-времени. И пространство-время было создано Большим Взрывом, то есть, времени не существовало до него, так что бессмысленно спрашивать, что было до него. Тогда не было никакого "тогда"! Конечно, это, как и многие идеи в космологии, бессмысленно для наших мелких человеческих мозгов. Это во многом за пределами нашего понимания, подобно тому, как цвета непонятны слепым людям. Мы знаем, что это так, потому что математика сходится, и это очень элегантно объясняет наши наблюдения, но это так далеко от того, как мы непосредственно воспринимаем мир, что едва ли даже самые гениальные физики могут это вообразить. Italian: Sì, se stai facendo uno studio cronologico sull'Universo, la creazione del tempo è probabilmente un buon punto per iniziare la storia. Dunque il Big Bang non è qualcosa che si è verificato dentro l'Universo e nemmeno si espande dentro una specie di vuoto. È letteralmente il momento in cui lo spazio e il tempo sono stati creati. La cosa che stava esplodendo era l'Universo stesso. Da un punto incredibilmente piccolo si stava espandendo un Universo incredibilmente grande, in modo incredibilmente veloce. In pratica, "incredibile" è il sottotitolo per la storia del Big Bang, ma poi è una sorta di sottotitolo per ogni altra cosa in Big History. Voglio dire, lo faccio solo occasionalmente, ma ogni tanto guardo fuori e penso "Oh mio Dio! È una follia! Come siamo arrivati ad avere gli alberi?!" (Inutile dire che parleremo anche di questo). Ad ogni modo, l'Universo è un grande lavoratore, e ha svolto gran parte del lavoro pesante nei primi secondi. In confronto, mi ci vogliono almeno venti minuti dopo essermi svegliato per mettermi in piedi. Ma l'Universo è molto più efficiente. Swedish: Men, ja, om du ska göra en kronologisk studie av vårt universum, tidens födelse är en ganska bra plats att börja på. Så, Big Bang var inte något som hände i vårt universum, eller expanderade till någon form av tomrymd. Det var bokstavligen ögonblicket då både tid och rymd skapades. Det som bangade var själva universumet. Det expanderade från en otänkbart liten punkt till ett otänkbart stort universum, otänkbart snabbt. Otänkbart är i stort sett undertiteln till historien om Big Bang, men samtidigt, är det också undertiteln till allting annat i Big History. Jag menar, jag kan bara göra det här ibland, men då och då tittar man ut och är liksom, "Åh herre Gud! Det här är ju galet! Hur kom träden till?" Behövs väl inte sägas men vi kommer prata om detta. I alla fall, vårt universum jobbar hårt, och det fick det allra tyngsta jobbet gjort under de första sekunderna. För att jämföra, tar det mig ungefär 20 minuter efter jag har vaknat för att jag ska få mig själv att komma i en stående position. Men universumet är något mer effektivt. Portuguese: Mas, é, se você fará um estudo cronológico do universo, a criação do tempo é provavelmente um ótimo lugar para começar a história. Então o Big Bang não foi algo que aconteceu dentro do universo, tampouco expandiu de algo similar ao vazio. Foi, literalmente, o momento em que ambos, tempo e espaço, foram criados. O que estava explodindo era o universo, em si. Ele foi expandindo de um ponto inimaginavelmente pequeno a um inimaginavelmente largo universo, inimaginavelmente rápido. Inimaginável é, basicamente, o subtitulo para a história do Big Bang; não obstante, é, também, o subtítulo para o "e tudo mais" na "Big History (A Grande História)". Digo, eu só posso fazer isso de vez em quando, mas às vezes você olha lá pra foram e pensa: "Oh, meu deus! Isso é muito doido! De onde vieram as árvores?" Nem preciso dizer, iremos conversar sobre isso. De qualquer forma, o universo é trabalhador forte, e ele levantou a maioria das bugigangas pesadas nos primeiros segundos. Comparando, levo em média vinte minutos após acordar para conseguir, ao menos, ficar de pé. Porém, o universo é um pouquinho mais eficiente. Spanish: Si, pero si vas a hacer un estudio cronológico del universo, la creación del tiempo es probablemente un buen lugar para empezar la historia. Así que el Big Bang no fué algo que pasó en el universo, ni este se expandió en algún tipo de vacio. Literalmente fué el momento en que ambos, espacio y tiempo fueron creados. Lo que se estaba explotando fué el universo en si mismo. Se estaba expandiendo desde un punto inimaginablemente pequeño hasta ser inimaginablemente grande, inimaginablemente rápido. Inimaginable es basicamente la historia del Big Bang, pero también es la carácterística de todo lo demás en "Historia Grande" Quiero decir, a veces miro hacia afuera y digo, "¡Oh, mi dios! Esto es de locos! ¿Como obtuvimos árboles?" Demás está decir que hablaremos de eso después. Igualmente el universo es muy trabajador, e hizo las cosas más difíciles en esos primeros segundos. Para comparar, me toma 20 minutos desde que despierto para poder ponerme de pie. Pero el universo es más eficiente. Polish: Ale tak, jeśli mielibyśmy poukładać dzieje Wszechświata w porządku chronologicznym, powstanie czasu byłoby chyba całkiem niezłym punktem startowym. Zatem Wielki Wybuch nie miał tak właściwie miejsca we Wszechświecie, sam Wszechświat nie uległ także nagłemu rozszerzeniu w swego rodzaju pustce. Była to dosłownie chwila stworzenia zarówno czasu, jak i przestrzeni. Tym, co wtedy wybuchło, był sam Wszechświat. Rozszerzał się z niewyobrażalnie maleńkiego punktu do niewyobrażalnie ogromnego Wszechświata, niewyobrażalnie szybko. Słowo „niewyobrażalny“ mogłoby w zasadzie zostać wpisane jako podtytuł historii Wielkiego Wybuchu, a w sumie nawet wszystkiego innego w Historii Wszechświata. Znaczy, może zdarza się to tylko od czasu do czasu, ale czasem spoglądamy na zewnątrz i myślimy: „O ja cię! To niesamowite! Jak niby powstały drzewa?" Oczywiście powiemy również o tym. W każdym razie, Wszechświat się nie obijał – wykonał większość ciężkiej pracy w ciągu pierwszych kilku sekund. Dla porównania, mi samo osiągnięcie pozycji pionowej po obudzeniu się zajmuje około 20 minut. Wszechświat jest jednak nieco bardziej wydajny. iw: אבל כן, אם אתם הולכים לעשות תצפית כרונולוגית של היקום, בריאת הזמן יכול להיות נקודה טובה למדי להתחיל את הסיפור אז הנפץ הגדול לא היה משהו שקרה מחוץ ליקום, או משהו שקדם והביא ליצירתו. זה היה הרגע שבו זמן ומרחב נוצרוץ הדבר שהתפוצץ היה למעשה היקום עצמו. הוא התרחב מנקודה פיצפונת ליקום ענק באופן לא ניתן לדמיון, במהירות שלא ניתנת לדמיון לא ניתן לדמיין זה למעשה כותרת המשנה של סיפור הנפץ הגדול, אבל שוב זאת כותרת משנה לכל דבר אחר בהיסטוריה הגדולה אני מתכוון, אני יכול לעשות זאת לעיתים רחוקות, אבל לפעמים אתם מסתכלים לבחוץ ואתם "אלוהים ישמור, זה מטורף! איך נהיו כל העצים האלה" לא צריך לציין שנדבר גם על זה בכל מקרה, היקום עבד ועובד קשה ואת נשיאת המשא הכבד ביותר נעשה במספר השניות האלה (אחרי הנפץ הגדול). לצורך השוואה, לוקח לי קרוב לעשרים דקות אחרי שאני קם להביא את עצמי לנקודת עמידה. אבל היקום הרבה יותר יעיל German: Aber klar, wenn ihr ein chronologisches Studium des Universums vorhabt, dann ist die Erschaffung der Zeit wahrscheinlich ein ziemlich guter Punkt, um die Erzählung zu beginnen. [John] Also, der Urknall war weder etwas, das im Universum passierte, noch dehnte er sich in so etwas wie Leere aus. Er war buchstäblich der Moment, in dem Raum und Zeit erschaffen worden sind. Das Ding, das da knallte, war das Universum selbst. Es dehnte sich aus von einem unvorstellbar kleinen Punkt auf ein unvorstellbar großes Universum, unvorstellbar schnell. „Unvorstellbar“ ist im Grunde genommen der Untertitel zu der Erzählung des Urknalls, aber andererseits ist es auch so etwas wie der Untertitel zu allem anderen in Große Geschichte. Ich meine, ich kann das nur gelegentlich tun, aber manchmal schaut man nach draußen, und denkt so: "Meine Güte, das ist krass, wie ist es zu Bäumen gekommen?" Natürlich, wir werden darüber reden. Wie auch immer, das Universum ist ein tüchtiger Arbeiter und es bekommt den größten Teil des Schwerlasttransports in diesen ersten paar Sekunden geschafft. Zum Vergleich, ich brauche nach dem Aufwachen etwa 20 Minuten, um mich überhaupt in eine stehende Position zu bekommen. Aber das Universum ist da ein bisschen effizienter. Im bloßen Bruchteil der ersten Sekunde bläht sich das Universum von etwas, Vietnamese: Ờ, nếu học về biên niên sử của vũ trụ thì sự khởi đầu của Thời gian có lẽ là cột mốc hợp lý nhất. Vậy Vụ Nổ lớn không phải là cái gì đó diễn ra ở trong vũ trụ hoặc phình ra tạo nên hư vô Nói đúng nghĩa thì nó là khoảnh khắc Không gian và Thời gian hình thành. Cái mà đang phình ra là vũ trụ. Chính nó! Nó đang phình ra từ một cái điểm nhỏ không tưởng, thành một cái khoảng không lớn không tưởng, với tốc độ không tưởng. "Không tưởng" có lẽ là phụ đề của Vụ Nổ lớn, nhưng mà nói đi nói lại Nó cũng như là phụ đề của mọi thứ khác trong Lịch sử Vĩ đại. Ý tôi là lâu lâu tôi cũng làm vầy, nhưng mà thỉnh thoảng bạn nhìn ra ngoài và kiểu "Trời ơi! Thật là điên rồ! Làm thế nào chúng ta có được cây cối?" Không phải lo, chúng ta sẽ bàn về vấn đề này Nói gì nói, vũ trụ làm việc rất siêng năng, và nó hoàn thành mấy việc nhọc nhất trong mấy giây đầu tiên. Thử so sánh xem, thật ra tôi phải mất 20' sau khi tôi dậy để đứng lên được. Nhưng mà vũ trụ làm việc hiệu quả hơn nhiều. French: Bien entendu, si vous allez faire une étude chronologique de l'univers, la création du temps est probablement un très bon endroit pour commencer cette histoire. Ainsi, le big bang n'était pas quelque chose qui s'est passé à l'intérieur de l'univers, il ne s'est pas non plus dilaté dans une sorte de vide. C'est littéralement le moment durant lequel l'espace et le temps ont été créés. La chose qui faisait bang était l'univers lui-même. Il était en expansion à partir d'un point incroyablement minuscule jusqu'à donner un univers incroyablement grand et cela, incroyablement rapidement. Incroyable est en fait le sous-titre de l'histoire du Big Bang, mais là encore, c'est aussi un peu le sous-titre de tout le reste dans la Grande Histoire. Je veux dire, je ne peux faire cela que de temps en temps, mais parfois vous regardez à l'extérieur et vous êtes un peu du genre "Oh, mon Dieu! C'est fou! Comment ça se fait qu'on a des arbres?" Inutile de dire que nous allons parler de cela. Bref, l'univers est un travailleur acharné, et il a fait la majorité du gros travail dans ses premières secondes. A titre de comparaison, il me faut une vingtaine de minutes après mon réveil juste pour être capable de me lever. Mais l'univers est un peu plus efficace. Danish: Men altså, hvis du vil lave en kronologisk oversigt over universet, er skabelsen af tid nok et meget godt sted at starte historien. Big Bang skete ikke inde i universet, og det udvidede sig heller ikke ud i en tomrum. Det var bogstaveligt talt dét øjeblik hvor både tid og rum blev dannet. Det der sagde bang, var universet selv. Det udvidede sig fra et ubegribeligt lille punkt, til et ubegribeligt stort univers, ubegribeligt hurtigt. Ubegribeligt er faktisk underteksten til hele historien om Big Bang, men så igen, er det også underteksten til alt andet i Big History. Jeg kan kun gøre det her somme tider, men nogle gange kigger man ud og bliver helt: "Hold da op! Hvor vildt! Hvordan fik vi træer?" Det skal vi også tale om. Men universet er en slider, og det udførte det meste af det hårde arbejde i de første få sekunder. Til sammenligning tager det mig omkring tyve minutter efter jeg vågner, før jeg kan få mig selv i oprejst stilling. Men universet er en del mere effektivt. Korean: 그러나 만약 당신이 우주의 연대기를 연구한다면 시간의 탄생 부분이 아마도 좋은 출발점이 될 것입니다. 빅뱅이란 것은 우주안에서 생긴 것도 아니고 어떤 빈 공간으로 팽창해 간 것도 아니죠 빅뱅은 시간과 공간이 탄생한 순간입니다. 꽝한 것은 우주자체이고요. 상상불가의 작은 것으로 부터 팽창하여 상상불가의 거대한 우주로 상상불가의 속도로 빨리 변했습니다. 상상불가란 빅뱅 얘기의 부제쯤 되는데 또한 대역사의 모든 것에 해당되기도 합니다. 내말은, 난 가끔 그러지만, 밖을 내다 보면 이렇게 내뱉게 됩니다 "와, 끝내 주네요. 도대체 이런 나무들이 어떻게 생겨났나요?" 우린 이런 문제도 대역사에서 다룹니다. 어쩃든, 우주는 열심히 일하고 있는데, 가장 힘든 일을 빅뱅 첫 몇 초 안에 해냈습니다. 그에 비해, 난 깨어난 다음에 일어서기 까지도 20 분 정도나 걸립니다. 우주는 훨씬 효율적이었어요. Dutch: Maar ja, als je een chronologische studie van het universum gaat doen: de creatie van tijd is waarschijnlijk een vrij goede plek om het verhaal te starten Dus de oerknal was niet iets dat in het universum gebeurde, noch breide het zich uit in een soort leegte. Het was letterlijk het moment wanneer zowel tijd als ruimte zijn gecreëerd. Het ding dat aan het knallen was, was het universum zelf. Het was het uitbreiden van een onvoorstelbaar klein puntje tot een onvoorstelbaar groot heelal, onvoorstelbaar snel. Onvoorstelbaar is in principe de ondertitel van het verhaal van de oerknal, maar nogmaals, het is ook een soort van ondertitel aan al het andere in Big History. Ik bedoel, ik kan dit alleen maar af en toe, maar soms kijk je naar buiten en ben je zoals: "Oh mijn god! Dit is gek! Hoe kregen we bomen?" Onnodig te zeggen: we zullen praten over dat. Hoe dan ook, het universum is een harde werker en het kreeg het grootste deel van het zware werk gedaan in die eerste paar seconden. Ter vergelijking, het kost me 20 minuten nadat ik wakker word om mezelf in een staande positie te krijgen. Maar het heelal is enigszins meer efficiënt. Romanian: Dar da, dacă vei face un studiu cronologic al universului, crearea timpului este, probabil un loc destul de bun pentru a începe povestea. Deci Big Bang nu a fost ceva ce s-a întâmplat în interiorul universului, nici nu s-a extins într-un fel de vid. A fost literalmente momentul când atât timpul cât și spațiul au fost create. Lucrul care a explodat a fost universul însuși. Aceasta a fost extinderea de la un inimaginabil mic punct la un univers neînchipuit de mare, inimaginabil de repede. Inimaginabil este, în principiu subtitrarea la povestea Big Bang, dar apoi, din nou, este, de asemenea un fel de subtitrare pentru orice altceva în Big History. Adică, nu poți face acest lucru ocazional, dar uneori te uiți în jur și îți spui "Oh, Doamne! E o nebunie! Cum de avem copaci?" Inutil să spun, vom vorbi despre asta. Oricum, universul este un muncitor, și a și a ridicat cea mai grea parte în acele prime câteva secunde. Pentru comparație, mi-a luat aproximativ douăzeci de minute după ce m-am trezit ca să ajung într-o poziție în picioare. Dar universul este ceva mai eficient. Arabic: لكن نعم، إن كنا سنجري دراسة للكون بالترتيب الزمني فسيكون نشوء الزمن بداية جيدة للقصة. إذن، لم يكن الانفجار العظيم قد حدث في داخل الكون، ولم يتمدّد أيضًا إلى فراغ من نوع ما. بل كان اللحظة التي نشأ فيها الزمان والمكان. ما كان ينفجر هو الكون نفسه، فقد كان يتمدّد من نقطة صغيرة لدرجة لا يمكن تصوّرها ليصبح كونًا كبيرًا جدًا بسرعة لا يمكن تخيّلها. قد تكون الأشياء التي لا يمكن تخيّلها هي العنوان الفرعيّ لقصّة الانفجار العظيم. لكنّها في الواقع، قد تكون عنوانًا فرعيًا لكلّ شيء آخر في التاريخ. أستطيع فعل هذا من وقت لآخر، لكن أحيانًا، تنظر للخارج ويكون لسان حالك "يا إلهي!" "هذا جنون! كيف نشأت الأشجار؟". لا داعي للقول إنّنا سنتحدث عن ذلك. على أيّ حال، الكون يعمل بجد، وأنجز معظم تلك الأعمال الصعبة في اللحظات الأولى. للمقارنة، أستغرق حوالى 20 دقيقة بعد أن أستيقظ لأستطيع الوقوف حتّى. لكنّ الكون أكثر كفاءة. Turkish: Kalacaksın Ama eğer evet, kronolojik yapmak Evrenin çalışma, zamanın yaratılması başlamak için oldukça iyi bir yer muhtemelen Hikaye. Yani büyük patlama oldu bir şey değildi Evrenin içinde, ne de haline dönüşmeye vermedi boşluğun bir çeşit. O anlamıyla andı zaman ve mekan hem de oluşturulan zaman. beceriyor şey evrenin kendisi oldu. Bir hayal edilemeyecek küçücük gelen genişlediğini hayal edilemeyecek büyük evren gelin, akıl almaz derecede çabuk. Tasavvur edilemez temelde altyazı olduğunu Big Bang'in hikayesi, ama sonra tekrar, o da her şeyi altyazı tür Büyük tarihinin başka. Ben sadece bazen bunu yapabilirsiniz demek, ancak bazen dışarıda bakmak ve gibisin, "Aman Tanrım! Bu delilik! Nasıl ağaçları aldın?" Söylemeye gerek yok, biz bu konuda konuşuyor olacak. Neyse, evren çalışkandı ve ağır kaldırma çoğu olanlarda bitti İlk birkaç saniye. Karşılaştırma için, onu alır Ben uyanmak sonra bana yaklaşık yirmi dakika beni bile ayakta pozisyonda kendimi içine alır. Ama evren biraz daha verimlidir. English: But yeah, if you're gonna do a chronological study of the universe, the creation of time is probably a pretty good place to start the story. So the big bang wasn't something that happened inside the universe, nor did it expand into some kind of void. It was literally the moment when both time and space were created. The thing that was banging was the universe itself. It was expanding from an unimaginably tiny point to an unimaginably large universe, unimaginably quickly. Unimaginable is basically the subtitle to the story of the big bang, but then again, it's also kind of the subtitle to everything else in big history. I mean, I can only do this occasionally, but sometimes you look outside and you're like, "Oh, my goodness! This is nuts! How did we get trees?" Needless to say, we will be talking about that. Anyway, the universe is a hard worker, and it got most of the heavy lifting done in those first few seconds. For comparison, it takes me about twenty minutes after I wake up for me to even get myself into a standing position. But the universe is somewhat more efficient. Portuguese: Mas, é, se você vai fazer um estudo cronológico do Universo, a criação do tempo é um ótimo lugar para começar. Então o Big Bang não foi algo que aconteceu "dentro" do Universo, nem expandiu "no vazio". Foi, literalmente, o momento em que ambos, tempo e espaço, foram criados. O que estava expandindo era o próprio Universo. Ele foi expandindo de um ponto inimaginavelmente pequeno a um inimaginavelmente grande Universo, inimaginavelmente rápido. Inimaginável é, basicamente, o subtítulo para a história do Big Bang. Mas também é o subtítulo para tudo na "Big History". Digo, às vezes você olha lá pra fora e pensa: "Oh, meu Deus! Isso é muito doido! De onde vieram as árvores?" Nem preciso dizer, iremos conversar sobre isso. De qualquer forma, o Universo trabalha duro; ele terminou o trabalho pesado nos primeiros segundos. Comparando, levo uns 20 minutos após acordar para conseguir, ao menos, ficar de pé. Mas, o Universo é mais eficiente. Em sua origem, numa fração de segundo, Japanese: でもまあ 宇宙の歴史を追って行くなら 時間の誕生から話を始めるのは 悪くないね ビッグバンは宇宙のどこかで起きたのでも 何か空っぽの中に広がったのでもなく それまで無かった 時間と空間の誕生です 宇宙そのものが生まれた爆発の瞬間です 想像を絶する 小さな点から 想像を絶する大宇宙にまで 想像を絶する速さで拡大していきました ビッグバンは 何もかも想像を絶しますけど そもそもビッグヒストリー自体が 想像の外へ向かっていく行為です だからこんな具合に 外に出て気付いて言うわけです " あれま! ナッツ落ちてるよ! 木なんかどうやってこさえた? " 当然ながら詳しい説明も必要でしょう とにかく 宇宙はやたら張り切って 大半の大仕事を 最初の数秒間で片付けてしまいます 僕なんて目覚めて20分かけたところで なんとか立ち上がれそうになるだけなのに 宇宙の方は もう少し朝型なんです 宇宙は最初のほんの極一瞬で Russian: Но да, если заниматься хронологическим изучением Вселенной, то сотворение времени - скорее всего, неплохое место для того, чтобы начать рассказ. Итак, Большой Взрыв не был чем-то, что произошло ВО вселенной, и он не произошёл в некой пустоте. Это был именно момент, когда пространство и время появились. Взрывалась сама Вселенная. Она расширялась от невообразимо малой точки до невообразимо большой Вселенной, и невообразимо быстро. "Невообразимо" - по большому счёту, подтекст всей истории Большого Взрыва,но, опять же это ещё и, в своём роде, подтекст вообще всего в Большой истории. То есть, я могу делать это лишь периодически, но иногда Вы выглядываете наружу, и думаете: "Господи! Это сумасбродно! Откуда у нас деревья?!" Понятное дело, мы будем об этом говорить. В любом случае, Вселенная много работала, и сделала бОльшую часть работы в течение первых нескольких секунд. Для сравнения, у меня уходит 20 минут после пробуждения на то, чтобы перевестись в вертикальное положение. Но Вселенная несколько более эффективна. Finnish: Jos aiomme tehdä kronologisen tutkimuksen maailmankaikkeudesta, ajan syntymä on luultavasti aika hyvä kohta aloittaa tarina. Eli alkuräjähdys ei tapahtunut maailmankaikkeuden sisällä, eikä se laajentunut jonkinlaiseen tyhjiöön. Se oli kirjaimellisesti hetki, jolloin sekä aika että avaruus syntyivät. Se, mikä räjähti, oli maailmankaikkeus itse. Se laajeni käsittämättömän pienestä pisteestä käsittämättömän suureksi maailmankaikkeudeksi käsittämättömän nopeasti. Käsittämätön on käytännössä alkuräjähdyksen tarinan alaotsikko, mutta toisaalta se on tavallaan alaotsikko kaikelle muullekin, mitä isossa historiassa käsitellään. Voin tehdä tätä vain ajoittain, mutta joskus katsomme pihalle ja mietimme: ”Hyvänen aika! Sekopäistä! Mistä puut tulivat?” On sanomattakin selvää, että tulemme puhumaan siitä. Joka tapauksessa, maailmankaikkeus on kova työntekijä ja se sai suurimman osan raskaasta työstä tehtyä muutaman ensimmäisen sekunnin aikana. Vertailun vuoksi, minulla kestää 20 minuuttia heräämisen jälkeen päästä seisoma-asentoon. Mutta maailmankaikkeus on hieman tehokkaampi. Hungarian: Szóval ja, ha kronológiailag szeretnéd vizsgálni az univerzumot, az idő kezdete valószínűleg egy elég jó kezdőpont hozzá. Szóval, az ősrobbanás nem olyasvalami ami az univerzumban történt, vagy ami valamiféle ürességbe töltött ki. Konkrétan az a pillanat volt, amikor az idő és a tér is megszületett. A dolog, ami robbant, maga az univerzum volt. Egy elképzelhetetlenül apró pontból terjedt ki egy elképzelhetetlenül nagy univerzummá, elképzelhetetlenül gyorsan. Az elképzelhetetlen valószínűleg az ősrobbanás alcíme, de ha jobban belegondolok, ez az alcíme majdnem mindennek a Nagy Történelemben. Mármint, néha csak kinézel az ablakon, és azt gondolod, „Te jó ég! Ez őrület. Mégis honnan a francból vannak a fák?" Ne aggódjatok, erről is szót ejtünk majd. Szóval, az univerzum egy szorgos gyerek, és a legnagyobb súlyokat azokban az első másodpercekben emelte. összehasonlításképpen, nekem nagyjából 20 percembe telik, hogy reggelente egyáltalán álló pozícióba tornázzam magam. Az univerzum valamivel effektívebb nálam. Polish: W najmniejszym ułamku pierwszej sekundy Wszechświat rozszerzył się z czegoś o wiele, wieeeele mniejszego od atomu mniej więcej do rozmiaru grejpfruta. Wyobraźcie to sobie tak: znacznie szybciej niż w mgnieniu oka Wszechświat w pierwotnym rozmiarze piłki tenisowej osiągnąłby średnicę rzędu ponad 90 miliardów lat świetlnych. Ta teoria inflacji kosmologicznej została poparta solidnymi dowodami matematycznymi już jakiś czas temu, niedawno jednak pojawiły się nowe, oszałamiające dowody pochodzące z projektu BICEP na Biegunie Południowym, który niestety nie ma nic wspólnego z moimi mięśniami. 10 sekund po Wielkim Wybuchu Wszechświat rozszerzył się na tyle, że obowiązywały w nim już normalne zasady, które znamy i kochamy, łącznie z siłami atomowymi, grawitacją i elektromagnetyzmem. Cała antymateria stworzona w Wielkim Wybuchu połączyła się z materią i uległa unicestwieniu, pozostawiając tylko jedną miliardową materii powstałej podczas Wielkiego Wybuchu. I ta zaledwie jedna miliardowa jest wszystkim, co dziś znamy! Dosłownie wszystkim. Jest w każdym ziarenku piasku, każdej jagodzie, każdej gwieździe, którą widzimy – we wszystkim! Próbowaliśmy już zrozumieć, jak wiele to miliard, ale zatrzymajcie się na chwilę i pomyślcie o tym – Danish: I en lille brøkdel af det første sekund, oppustede universet sig fra noget mange mange, mange gange mindre end et atom, til samme størrelse som en grapefrugt. Tænk på det på denne måde: På mindre end et øjeblik, hvis det fra starten havde været på størrelse med en tennisbold, ville det have oppustet sig til mere end 90 mia. lysår stort. Udvidelsesteorien har været bakket op af matematikken i lang tid, men den har for nyligt fået fantastisk ny støtte fra BICEP-projektet ved Syd-polen. Hvilket ikke har noget at gøre med mine arme (biceps).. Ti sekunder efter Big Bang, havde universet udvidet sig nok til, at de normale regler i universet: atomare kræfter, tyngekraft og elektromagnetisme, som vi kender og elsker i dag, alle gjaldt. Alt det anti-stof, som blev dannet under Big Bang, var gået sammen med stof, og havde tilintetgjort sig, og kun efterladt en milliardene-del af det stof der blev dannet til at starte med, og den milliardene-del er alting! Og jeg mener ALTING. Hvert eneste sandkorn, hvert blåbær du nogensinde vil spise, hver eneste stjerne du nogensinde får at se - alting! Vi har allerede forsøgt at forstå hvor stor en milliard er, men tænkt lige over Turkish: Birinci, ikinci barest fraksiyon olarak, Birçok şeyden şişirilmiş evren, yaklaşık bir atom daha küçük birçok, birçok kez Bir greyfurt büyüklüğünde. Gibi düşün bu şekilde: Bir bir yanıp daha az Göz, başlangıçta bir boyutu olsaydı tenis topu, bitti şişirilmiş olurdu 90000000000 ışıkyılı. Bu enflasyon teorisi de yedeklenen olmuştur uzun bir süre için matematik tarafından şimdi, ama Son zamanlarda bazı şaşırtıcı Yeni aldı South BiCEP projesinden destek Ne yazık ki ile ilgisi Pole, benim silahlar. On saniye büyük patlamadan sonra evren normal kurallar yeterince genişletti atomik kuvvetler ve yerçekimi ile evrenin Bildiğimiz ve sevgi ve elektromanyetizma Bugün, sorumlu zaten vardı. Tümü big bang oluşturulan anti-madde kombine vardı madde ile ve bırakarak, kendini yok yaratılan maddenin sadece milyarda biri arkasında big bang içinde ve bu milyarıncı her şeydir! Ve her şey demek. Her bir kum tanesini, Hiç yemek her yaban mersini, her yıldız Hiç göreceksiniz - her şey! Biz zaten ne kadar büyük anlamaya çalıştım Bir milyar, ama sadece düşünmek duraklatmak Swedish: I den minsta bråkdelen av den allra första sekunden, förstorades universumet från något många, många, många gånger mindre än en atom till storleken av en grapefrukt. Typ, tänk på det på det här sättet: snabbare än du kan blinka, om det hade ursprungligen varit storleken av en tennisboll, skulle det ha förstorats till 90 miljarder ljusår på tvären. Denna förstoring har haft mycket stöd från matematiker ett ganska bra tag nu, men det har nyligen fått förbluffande nytt stöd från BICEP-projektet på syd- -polen, vilket tyvärr inte har något att göra med mina vapen. 10 sekunder efter Big Bang, hade universumet expanderat tillräckligt att de normala reglerna av vårt universum, med atomkrafter och gravitation och elektromagnetism som vi alla känner till idag, vi har redan koll på detta. Allt anti-materia som hade skapats i Big Bang hade kombinerats med materia och förintade sig självt, lämnandes enbart en miljarddel av materian som blev skapat i Big Bang, och den miljarddelen är allt! Och jag menar verkligen allt. Varje sandkorn, varje blåbär du någonsin kommer äta, varje stjärna du kommer se - allt! Vi har redan försökt förstå hur stort en miljard är, men bara pausa och tänk på Japanese: 原子よりもはるかにずっとずっと小さなところから おおよそグレープフルーツの大きさにまで 一気に膨らんだんです それがどのくらい凄いかと言うと その瞬きよりはるかに短い一瞬の出来事を 最初の大きさを テニスボールに変更すると 90億光年を超えて膨らむ急激さです 長い間このインフレーション理論は 数学によって裏付けがなされてきましたが 最近驚くべき観察結果を携え 南極のBICEPプロジェクトが援軍に加わりました 僕のバイセップスが力になれなくて無念です ビッグバンの10秒後 すでに宇宙は十分に拡大して 4つの基本相互作用による おなじみの物理法則が支配するようになりました ビッグバンによって通常の物質と 一緒に生成された反物質が 全て物質と結合して 消滅したせいで 最終的には生成された物質は 最初の10億分の1しか残りませんでした そして10億分の1というのが 今ある全てなんです 言ってることそのまま この宇宙の全部の砂粒も 今まで食べたブルーベリー1粒1粒 あなたが目にする全ての星屑1粒1粒 何もかも! 何十億という数の大きさを 実感するために努めてきたましたけど どうしたもんでしょう 全てを この世の全てを集めても Russian: В мельчайшую долю секунды Вселенная расширилась от чего-то НАМНОГО меньше атома до примерно размера грейпфрута. То есть, рассуждайте так: меньше, чем в мгновение ока, будь она первоначально размером с теннисный мячик, она бы разрослась до 90 миллиардов световых лет в диаметре. Эта теория разрастания уже давно подкреплена математикой, но недавно она получила дополнительные доказательства от проекта BICEP на Южном Полюсе, который, к сожалению, не имеет отношения к моим красавцам. Спустя 10 секунд после Большого Взрыва Вселенная расширилась настолько, что обычные правила Вселенной, с ядерной силой и гравитацией и электромагнетизмом, которые мы знаем и любим сегодня, уже были главными. Все антивещество, созданное в Большом взрыве, смешалось с веществом и самоуничтожилось, оставив только одну миллиардную вещества, созданного в Большом Взрыве,и эта миллиардная - всё. И я имею ввиду, ВСЁ. Каждая песчинка, каждая съеденная ягода черники, каждая увиденная звезда - всё! Мы уже попытались понять, насколько велик миллиард, но остановитесь и подумайте - Portuguese: No estresse do despertar, na fração do primeiro segundo, o universo inflou para algo muitas, muitas, muitas vezes menor que um átomo para algo do tamanho de uma toranja. Sério, pense nisso desta forma: em muito menos de um piscar de olhos, se tivesse, originalmente, o tamanho de uma bola de tênis, ele inflaria mais que 90 bilhões de anos-luz de lado a lado. Essa teoria de inflação tem sido fortemente apoiada por matemáticos há um longo tempo até agora, mas recentemente ela recebeu alguns golpes cambaleantes do projeto "BICEP", no Pólo Sul, que infelizmente não tem nada a ver com os meus músculos. Dez segundos após o Big Bang, o universo expandiu o bastante para que as leis universais do universo, como as forças nuclear e gravidade e electromagnetismo que nós conhecemos e amamos nos dias de hoje, onde já conseguimos controlar. Toda a antimatéria criada no Big Bang foi combinada com matéria e aniquilaram-se entre si, deixando para trás, apenas, um bilionésimo da matéria criada no Big Bang, e aquele um bilionésimo é tudo! E eu quero dizer tudo, mesmo. Cada grão de areia, toda "blueberry (mirtilo)" que você já comeu, toda estrela que você verá até o fim da sua vida — e tudo mais! Nós já tentamos entender o quão grande um bilhão é, mas apenas pare e pense sobre Romanian: In cea mai veche fracțiune a primei secunde Universul s-a umflat de la ceva mult mai mic decât un atom la ceva de mărimea unui grapefruit. Cum ar fi, cred că în acest fel: în mai puțin de o clipire din ochi, în cazul în care ar fi fost inițial de mărimea unui mingi de tenis, s-ar fi umflat la peste nouăzeci miliarde de ani-lumină în diametru. Această teorie a inflației a fost bine primită de matematicieni pentru o lungă perioadă de timp , dar a primit recent un nou uluitor sprijin din partea proiectului BICEPl la Polul Sud Pole, care din păcate nu are nimic de a face cu meu armele mele. Zece secunde după Big Bang, Universul s-a extins suficient ca normele obișnuite ale universului, ca forțe atomice și gravitația și electromagnetismul pe care le știm și le iubim astăzi să fie deja responsabile. Toată anti-materia creată în Big Bang s-a combinat cu materie și s-a anihilat, lăsând în spatele lor doar o miliardime din materia creată în Big Bang, și această miliardime este totul! Și vreau să spun totul. Fiecare fir de nisip, fiecare afină pe care ați mâncat-o vreodată, fiecare stea pe care o veți vedea vreodată - totul! Am încercat deja să înțelegem cât de mare este un miliard , dar luați doar o pauză să vă gândiți la asta: totul! English: In the barest fraction of the first second, the universe inflated from something many, many, many times smaller than an atom to about the size of a grapefruit. Like, think of it this way: in much less than a blink of an eye, if it'd originally been the size of a tennis ball, it would have inflated to over ninety billion light-years across. This inflation theory has been well backed-up by mathematics for a long time now, but it has recently received some staggering new support from the BICEP project at the South Pole, which sadly has nothing to do with my guns. Ten seconds after the big bang, the universe had expanded enough that the normal rules of the universe, with atomic forces and gravity and electromagnetism that we know and love today, were already in charge. All of the anti-matter created in the big bang had combined with matter and annihilated itself, leaving behind only one billionth of the matter created in the big bang, and that billionth is everything! And I mean everything. Every grain of sand, every blueberry you will ever eat, every star that you will ever see - everything! We've already tried to understand how big a billion is, but just pause to think about that - everything! German: das viel, viel, viel kleiner ist als ein Atom, zu etwa der Größe einer Grapefruit auf. Also, stellt es euch so vor: In weniger als einem Wimpernschlag, wenn es ursprünglich die Größe eines Tennisballs gehabt hätte, hätte es sich auf über 90 Milliarden Lichtjahre weit aufgebläht. Diese Inflationstheorie ist jetzt seit Langem gut von der Mathematik gesichert, aber es erhielt neulich umwerfende neue Unterstützung durch das BICEP-Projekt am Südpol, welches leider nichts mit meinen Muckis zu tun hat. Zehn Sekunden nach dem Urknall hatte sich das Universum genug ausgedehnt, dass die normalen Regeln des Universums mit den Kernkräften und der Schwerkraft und dem Elektromagnetismus, die wir heute kennen und lieben, bereits galten. Alle Antimaterie, die beim Urknall erschaffen worden ist, hat sich mit Materie vereinigt und sich selbst ausgelöscht. Nur ein Milliardstel der Materie, die beim Urknall erschaffen worden ist, blieb zurück. Und dieses Milliardstel ist alles! Ich meine alles. Jedes Sandkorn, jede Blaubeere, die ihr je essen werdet, jeder Stern, den ihr je sehen werdet – überhaupt alles! Wir haben bereits versucht, zu verstehen, wie groß eine Milliarde ist, aber haltet mal eben inne, um darüber Hungarian: Az első másodperc töredéke alatt felfújta magát egy atomnál sokkal sokkal kisebb valamiből egy grapefruit méretére. Gondolj rá így: egy szempillantásnál sokkal rövidebb idő alatt, ha eredetileg teniszlabda méretű lett volna, 90 milliárd fényév átmérőjűre puffadt volna. A tágulási elméletet már rég rengeteg matematikus alátámasztotta, de nemrég elképesztő új bizonyítékok érkeztek a BICEP projekttől a Déli Sarkról, aminek sajnos semmi köze az én bicepszeimhez. A Nagy Bumm után 10 másodperccel az univerzum eléggé kitágult ahhoz, hogy az univerzum törvényei, az atomerővel, gravitációval és elektromágnesességgel, amiket ma ismerünk és szeretünk már működjenek. Mindaz az az ősrobbanáskor keletkezett antianyag egyesült az anyaggal és megsemmisítette önmagát, mindössze a keletkezett anyag milliárdad részét hagyva meg. És ez a milliárdad minden! És ezt úgy értem, hogy minden. Minden homokszem, minden áfonya ami valaha enni fogsz, minden csillag amit valaha látni fogsz - minden. Már megpróbáltuk elképzelni, hogy milyen nagy is egy milliárd, de egy pillanatra próbáld meg ezt megérteni - Korean: 첫 개시 1초보다 훨씬 작은 시간 내에 우주는 원래 크기인 원자보다도 훨씬 작은 사이즈에서 포도만큼으로 커졌습니다. 이렇게 생각하세요. 처음 눈깜박할 시간보다도 훨씬 짧은 시간내에 원래의 테니스 공 만한 크기에서 90 억 광년의 크기로 팽창했습니다. 이 팽창 이론은 오랜 기간 수학에 의해 이론적으로 주장되었으나 최근에 남극에서의 바이셉 프로젝트에 의해 더 한층 공고해졌습니다. 이 바이셉(이두박근)은 내 알통과는 무관. 빅뱅 후 10초 만에 우주는 벌써 충분히 팽창하여 원자 단위의 힘이나 중력 전자기력 등 우리에게 익숙한 것들이 벌써 탄생하여 역할을 하기 시작합니다. 빅뱅 때에 탄생한 모든 반입자들이 입자들과 결합하여 소멸되고 빅뱅 시 탄생한 입자들 중 단지 십억분의 일 정도밖에 안되는 살아 남은 입자들이 이 우주를 만들었습니다. 이 우주라는 것은 모든 것을 말합니다. 모래 한알 한알 모두 우리가 먹는 모든 블루베리 모두, 우리가 보는 모든 별 모두를 만들었습니다. 우리는 십억이 얼마나 큰지 이해하려고 노력하지만, 그냥 이렇게 이해하세요. 모든 걸 만들었다고.. French: Dans une stricte fraction de la première seconde, l'univers gonflé de quelque chose de beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup de fois plus petit qu'un atome à environ la taille d'un pamplemousse. Imaginez-le comme ça: en moins d'un clin d'oeil, si il avait été à l'origine de la taille d'une balle de tennis, il aurait gonflé à plus de 90 milliards années-lumière. Cette théorie de l'inflation a été bien appuyée par les mathématiques depuis longtemps, mais il a récemment reçue un surprenant nouvel appui du projet de BICEP au Pole sud, qui n'a malheureusement rien à voir avec mes biscoteaux. Dix secondes après le Big Bang, l'univers s'était assez étendu pour que les lois ordinaires de l'univers, avec les forces atomiques, la gravité et de l'électromagnétisme que nous connaissons et aimons aujourd'hui puissent gouverner. Tout l'antimatière créée dans le big bang s'était combinée à la matière s'anéantissant alors, laissant seulement derrière un milliardième de la matière créée dans le big bang, et ce milliardième est tout! Et je dis bien tout. Chaque grain de sable, tous les bleuets que vous aurez jamais mangé, chaque étoile que vous verrez dans votre existence - tout! Nous avons déjà essayé de comprendre à quel point un milliard est grand, prenez un moment pour réfléchir au fait Finnish: Sekunnin hienoimmassa murto-osassa maailmankaikkeus laajeni jostakin atomia monta, monta, monta kertaa pienemmästä noin greipin kokoiseksi. Ajattele asiaa näin: paljon silmänräpäystä nopeammin, jos se olisi alun perin ollut tennispallon kokoinen, se olisi kasvanut halkaisijaltaan yli 90 miljardin valovuoden levyiseksi. Matematiikka on pitkään vahvasti tukenut teoriaa laajenemisesta, mutta se on äskettäin saanut huikeaa uutta tukea Etelänavalla toimivasta BICEP-tutkimuksesta, jolla ei ikävä kyllä ole mitään tekemistä muskelieni kanssa. Kymmenen sekuntia alkuräjähdyksen jälkeen maailmankaikkeus oli laajentunut tarpeeksi, jotta sen normaalit säännöt, atomivoimat ja painovoima ja sähkömagnetismi, jotka ovat meille tuttuja ja rakkaita, vallitsivat jo. Kaikki alkuräjähdyksessä syntynyt antimateria oli yhdistynyt aineeseen ja tuhonnut itsensä, jättäen jäljelle vain miljardisosan alkuräjähdyksessä syntyneestä aineesta, ja tuosta miljardisosasta koostuu kaikki! Ja tarkoitan kaikkea. Jokainen hiekanjyvä, jokainen mustikka jonka ikinä syöt, jokainen tähti jonka ikinä näet – kaikki! Olemme jo yrittäneet ymmärtää kuinka paljon miljardi on, mutta pysähtykää miettimään tätä hetkeksi: Italian: In una piccolissima frazione di secondo, l'Universo si è espanso da qualcosa di molto, ma molto più piccolo di un atomo, a circa le dimensioni di un pompelmo. Provate a pensarla in questo modo: in meno di un batter d'occhio, se fosse stato originalmente grande come una palla da tennis, si sarebbe espanso a oltre 90 milioni di anni luce di diametro. Questa teoria dell'inflazione cosmica ha trovato l'appoggio della matematica per lungo tempo, ma ha ricevuto di recente nuovo sbalorditivo supporto dal progetto BICEP al Polo Sud. (Che sfortunatamente non ha nulla a che fare con le mie armi). Dieci secondi dopo il Big Bang, l'Universo si era espanso abbastanza che le normali leggi dell'Universo, con le forze atomiche, la gravità e l'elettromagnetismo che conosciamo e ci piacciono oggi, erano già presenti. Tutta l'antimateria creata dal Big Bang si era combinata con la materia e si era annichilita, lasciando dietro di sé solo un miliardesimo della materia creata nel momento del Big Bang, e quel miliardesimo è tutto! Intendo dire ogni cosa! Ogni granello di sabbia, ogni mirtillo che potrai mai mangiare, ogni stella che potrai mai vedere – tutto! Abbiamo già cercato di capire quanto è grande un miliardo – ma fermiamoci un attimo a pensare a questo – tutto! Arabic: الجزء الأول من اللحظة الأولى، تضخّم الكون من شيء أصغر بكثير من الذرّة ليصبح بمثل حجم الغريبفروت. فكّروا في الأمر بهذه الطريقة، خلال أقلّ من طرفة عين، إن كان بمثل حجم كرة التنس لتضخّم على اتساع 90 مليار سنة ضوئيّة. نظرية التضخّم هذه مدعومة من علماء الحساب منذ زمن طويل، ولكنّها تلقّت مؤخرًا دعمًا مدهشًا من مشروع مصفوفة "بايسيب" في القطب الجنوبي. بعد الانفجار العظيم بعشرة لحظات، كان الكون قد تمدّد بدرجة كافية حتى أنّ قوانين الكون الطبيعية بقوى الذرّة والجاذبية والمغناطيسية الكهربائية التي نعرفها ونحبها اليوم كانت مسؤولة فعليًا. كل المادة المضادة التي وُجدت في الانفجار العظيم اندمجت مع المادة ودمرت نفسها لتترك جزءًا من مليار جزء من المادة التي نتجت في الانفجار العظيم. وذلك الجزء من المليار هو كلّ شيء وأعني أنّه كل شيء، كل حبيبة رمل وثمرة توت أكلتها وكل نجم ستراه في حياتك، كل شيء! سبق أن حاولنا أن نستوعب حجم المليار، لكن توقّف قليلًا للتفكير في ذلك، كل شيء! Portuguese: o Universo inflou de muito menor que um átomo para o tamanho de uma laranja. Em muito menos de um piscar de olhos, se tivesse o tamanho de uma bola de tênis, ele inflaria mais de 90 bilhões de anos-luz. Essa teoria da inflação tem sido fortemente apoiada pela matemática, e recentemente ela recebeu mais suportes surpreendentes do projeto "BICEP", que infelizmente não tem nada a ver com os meus músculos. Dez segundos após o Big Bang, o Universo expandiu o bastante para que as leis universais (a força nuclear, gravidade e eletromagnetismo que nós conhecemos e amamos hoje) já estarem em funcionamento. Toda a antimatéria foi combinada com matéria e aniquilaram-se entre si, deixando para trás, apenas, um bilionésimo da matéria criada no Big Bang. e aquele um bilionésimo é tudo! E eu quero dizer tudo, mesmo. Cada grão de areia, cada amora que você já comeu, cada estrela — e tudo mais! Nós já tentamos entender quão grande um bilhão é, mas apenas pare e pense sobre isso — tudo! Dutch: In de strikte fractie van de eerste seconde, blies het heelal op vanuit iets dat vele, vele, malen kleiner is dan een atoom ter grootte van een pompelmoes. Denk eraan op deze manier: in veel minder dan het knipperen van een oog, als het oorspronkelijk de grootte van een tennisbal was geweest, zou het hebben opgeblazen tot meer dan 90 miljard lichtjaar. Deze inflatie theorie is goed ondersteund geweest door wiskundigen voor een lange tijd nu, maar het heeft onlangs duizelingwekkende nieuwe steun gekregen van het BICEP project op de Zuidpool, dat helaas niets te maken heeft met mijn geweren. 10 seconden na de oerknal heeft het heelal genoeg uitgebreid dat de normale regels van het universum, met atomaire krachten en de zwaartekracht en elektromagnetisme dat we kennen en waarvan houden vandaag, de leiding al hadden. alle anti-materie gemaakt in de oerknal was gecombineerd met materie en vernietigde zichzelf, en liet enkel één miljardste van de gecreëerde materie die in oerknal achter, en dat miljardste is alles! En ik bedoel alles. Elke zandkorrel, elke bosbes die je ooit zult eren, elke ster die je ooit zult zien, alles! We hebben al geprobeerd om te begrijpen hoe groot een miljard is, maar pauzeer even om te denken Spanish: En la mínima fracción del primer segundo, el universo se infló desde algo muchísimas veces más pequeño que un átomo hasta el tamaño de un pomelo. Piénsalo así: en mucho menos que un parpadeo, si originalmente tenía el tamaño de una bola de tenis, luego se hubiera inflado hasta los 90.000 millones de años luz de díametro. Esta teoría de la inflación ha sido bien respaldada por las matemáticas por mucho tiempo, pero recientemente ha recibido gran respaldo del projecto BICEP en el polo sur, el que tristemente nada tiene que ver con mis brazos. 10 segundos luego del Big Bang, el universo se expadió lo suficiente para que las reglas normales del universo, las fuerzas atómicas, la gravedad y el electromagnetismo que tanto queremos hoy, se pusieron al mando. Toda la antimateria creada en el Big Bang se combinó con la materia y se aniquiló, dejando atrás solo una milmillonésima parte de la materia creada en el Big Bang, ¡y esa milmillonésima parte es todo! Literalmente todo. ¡Cada grano de arena, cara arándano que comerás, cada estrella que verás, todo! Ya tratamos de entender cuan grande es un billón, pero has una pausa y piensa en esto, Vietnamese: Trong mấy khắc đầu tiên, vũ trụ phình ra từ kích cỡ nhỏ hơn một hạt nguyên tử rất rất nhiều lần thành cỡ một trái bưởi. Nghĩ như vầy nè, trong một khoảng nhanh hơn cái chớp mắt, nó phình từ kích cỡ một trái banh quần vợt thành một thứ gì đó có kích cỡ 90 tỷ năm ánh sáng Thuyết Giãn nở đã được dẫn chứng bằng Toán học từ rất lâu, nhưng mới đây nó vừa mới được củng cố thêm từ đề án BICEP ở Nam Cực. Cũng buồn là nó chẳng liên quan gì đến súng của tôi cả. 10 giây sau Vụ Nổ lớn, vũ trụ đã giãn ra đến mức các luật phổ biến của vũ trụ như Lực Nguyên tử, Lực Hấp dẫn, Điện từ mà chúng ta biết và trân trọng ngày nay đều có hiệu lực. Tất cả các thứ Phi Vật chất được tạo ra từ Vụ Nổ lớn đã kết hợp với Vật chất và tự diệt, để lại 1 phần 1 tỷ vật chất tạo ra trong Vụ Nổ lớn Và 1 phần tỷ đó là tất cả! Và "tất cả" đó có nghĩa là mỗi hạt cát, mỗi trái việt quất mà bạn ăn, mọi vì sao mà bạn ngắm... Mọi thứ! Ta đã tìm hiểu 1 tỷ lớn như thế nào, nhưng mà tạm dừng và nghĩ xem iw: בחלקיק של השנייה הראשונה להיווצרותו, היקום התרחב ממשהו שקטן בהרבה הרבה הרבה יותר מאטום, לגודל של אשכולית. במחשבה על כך בהרבה פחות זמן ממיצמוץ, אם זה היה במקור בגודל של כדור טניס, זה התרחב למעל תשעים ביליון שנות אור ברחבי המרחב תאוריית התפיחה הזאת גובתה רבות על ידי מתמתיקאים מזה הרבה זמן, אבל לאחרונה זה קיבל מספר אישושים מפרויקט "ביסף" בקוטב הדרומי שלצערי לא קשור לנשקים שלי. עשר שניות אחרי הנפץ הגדול, היקום כבר התרחב מספיק כדי שהחוקים הרגילים של היקום, עם הכוחות האטומים והכבידה והאלקטרומגנטיות שאנחנו אוהבים ומכירים כיום, כבר החלו לפעול. כל האנטי-חומר שנוצר בנפץ הגדול התרכב עם חומר וביטל את עצמו והשאיר ביליונית מהחומר שנוצר בנפץ הגדול והביליונית הזאת היא הכל! ואני מתכוון להכל, כל חלקיק חול, כל אוכמניה שתאכל וכל כוכב שאי פעם תראה, הכל! כבר ניסינו להבין עד כמה גדול זה ביליון, אבל תעצרו שניה ותחשבו על זה German: nachzudenken – alles! Alles ist ein Milliardstel der Materie, die beim Urknall erschaffen worden ist. Das erste Gesetz der Thermodynamik besagt, dass Materie und Energie weder geschaffen noch vernichtet werden können. Alles, was wir jetzt haben, hatten wir damals. Die Materie, die euren Körper ausmacht in diesem Moment, war schon da seit diesen Momenten vor 13,8 Milliarden Jahren. Sie hat einfach nur die Form verändert. Nach nur 3 Minuten war das Universum kühl genug, dass sich Atomkerne begannen zu formen – nur Wasserstoff und Helium damals, die zwei einfachsten Elemente, aber merkt euch die. Denn es stellte sich heraus, wenn man einen Haufen Wasserstoff nimmt und wartet, sowas wie mehrere Milliarden Jahre, dann könnte man sich einen Menschen züchten! Lasst uns daran erinnern: Zu dieser Zeit war das Universum noch sehr, sehr heiß. Ich will das Wort „unvorstellbar“ nicht zu häufig benutzten, aber es war unvorstellbar heiß! Das Universum verblieb als megaheißes Meer, dominiert von Strahlung. Aber dann zum Glück kühlte es sich auf milde 2760 Grad Celsius ab, rund 380.000 Jahre nach dem Urknall, was Masse und Strahlung gestattete, sich zu trennen. English: Everything! Is one billionth of the matter created in the big bang. [Explosion sound] The first law of thermodynamics is that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Everything we have now, we had then. The matter that makes up your body right now has been around since those moments 13.8 billion years ago. It's simply changed form. After just three minutes, the universe was cool enough that the nuclei of atoms started forming - just hydrogen and helium back then, the two simplest elements - keep those two in mind, however, because it turns out, if you take a bunch of hydrogen and you wait like, several billion years, you might just grow yourself some humans! Let's remember: at this time, the universe was still very, very hot. I don't wanna use the word unimaginable too often, but it was unimaginably hot! The universe remained like an uber-hot sea dominated by radiation, but then luckily, it simmered down to a balmy 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit about 380 thousand years after the big bang, allowing matter and radiation to separate. Japanese: ビッグバンでできた物質の たったの10億分の1 熱力学第一法則は説明します 物質とエネルギーは 新しく生み出されも消え去りもしません 現在ある全ては 初めから存在した だから今あなたを形作っている物質も 世界に存在するどんな物質も 138億年前のその瞬間に 全部一緒に生じ かたちを組み変えてきました ちょうど3分経った宇宙は 原子核が壊れない程良い冷め具合で 水素とヘリウム 最も単純な元素二種類が現れ始めます この二つは良いものですよ 138億年くらいそいつを大事にとっておけば それが人間になるわけですから! しかし冷めたと言っても 宇宙はまだまだめちゃくちゃ暑いんです " 想像を絶する "なんて 何回も言いたくないけど 想像を絶する暑さでした! 宇宙空間全体が放射線でごった返して こんがらがっていたのです ですが幸いにも ビッグバンから38万年も経てば暑さも緩み 宇宙気温2760℃まで 落ち着いてくれたお陰で 物質と放射線の 区別がつくようになりました ところで物質とはエネルギーが ぎゅっと凝縮したものな訳です Danish: det - alting! Alting er kun en milliardene-del af det der først blev skabt i Big Bang. Termodynamikkens første lov siger at stof og energi hverken kan blive skabt eller gå i stykker. Alt det vi har nu, havde vi altså dengang. Det stof der lige nu udgør din krop har været her siden disse første øjeblikke for 13,8 mia. år siden. Det har blot ændret form. Efter tre minutter var universet koldt nok til at atomkernerne begyndte at forme sig - kun brint og helium dengang, de simpleste elementer. Husk på dem, for det viser sig at hvis du tager noget brint og venter nogle milliarder år, kan du måske dyrke nogle mennesker! Husk på: På dette tidspunkt var universet meget meget varmt. Jeg vil ikke bruge ordet ubegribeligt for ofte, men det var ubegribeligt varmt! Universet forblev et über-varmt sted domineret af stråling, indtil det heldigvis svalede lidt af til rare 2760 grader Celcius cirka 380 år efter Big Bang, hvilket tillod stof og stråling at blive skilt ad. Polish: wszystko... WSZYSTKO to zaledwie jedna miliardowa część materii stworzonej w Wielkim Wybuchu. Pierwsza zasada termodynamiki mówi, że nie można stworzyć ani zniszczyć materii. Wszystko, co mamy teraz, istniało również kiedyś. Materia, która obecnie tworzy nasze ciała, istnieje już od tamtych chwil, 13,8 miliarda lat temu. Po prostu zmieniła swoją formę. Po zaledwie trzech minutach Wszechświat na tyle się ochłodził, że zaczęły się formować jądra atomów – tylko wodoru i helu, dwóch najprostszych pierwiastków – zapamiętajcie je, bo okazuje się, że jeśli wziąć trochę wodoru i poczekać jedynie kilka miliardów lat, można sobie wyhodować człowieka! Pamiętajcie: wówczas we Wszechświecie było jeszcze bardzo, bardzo gorąco. Nie chciałbym nadużywać określenia „niewyobrażalny“, ale... było niewyobrażalnie gorąco! Wszechświat był niczym nader gorące morze zdominowane przez promieniowanie; potem jednak, ok. 380 tysięcy lat po Wielkim Wybuchu, temperatura na szczęście spadła do „kojących“ 2760 stopni Celsjusza, umożliwiając rozdzielenie się materii i promieniowania. Turkish: Bu - her şey! Her şey! Milyarda biridir big bang yaratılan maddenin. Termodinamiğin birinci yasası o konudur ve enerji oluşturulan veya yok edilemez. Şimdi var her şeyi, biz sonra vardı. Madde şu an vücudunuzu oluşturan olmuştur etrafında o anları 13,8 milyar yıldan beri önce. Bu sadece formu değişti. Sadece üç dakika sonra, evrenin oldu atomların çekirdekleri başladı yeterince serin şekillendirme - sadece hidrojen ve helyum geri, sonra İki basit elemanları - Bu ikisini tutmak düşünülerek, ancak, eğer, çıkıyor çünkü Eğer hidrojen bir demet alıp beklemek gibi, birkaç milyar yıl, sadece olabilir kendinize biraz insanlar büyümek! Unutmayalım: Şu anda, evren hala çok, çok sıcaktı. Ben kullanımını istemiyorum düşünülemez kelime çok sık, ama öyleydi düşlenemeyecek sıcak! Evren bir uber-sıcak deniz gibi kaldı sonra neyse ki radyasyon hakim, ancak, Bir çatlak 5000 dereceye kadar simmered Fahrenheit yaklaşık 380 bin yıl sonra madde ve radyasyon izin big bang, ayırmak. Portuguese: Tudo é um bilionésimo da matéria criada no Big Bang. A 1ª lei da termodinâmica é: "Matéria e energia não podem ser criadas ou destruídas." Tudo que há agora, existe desde o início. A matéria que forma seu corpo está por aí desde aqueles momentos, 13,8 bilhões de anos atrás. Apenas mudou de forma. Depois de apenas 3 minutos, o Universo já estava "frio" o bastante para que o núcleo dos átomos começassem a se formar (Só hidrogênio e hélio naquela época, os dois elementos mais simples — guarde esses dois) Porque se você pegar um monte de hidrogênio e esperar vários bilhões de anos, você pode criar alguns humanos! Mas lembre-se: o Universo ainda estava muito, muito quente. Eu não quero usar a palavra "inimaginável" o tempo todo, mas estava inimaginavelmente quente! O Universo permaneceu assim, dominado por radiação, Até que ele esfriou até uns agradáveis 3.000 graus Cº, por volta de 380 mil anos depois do Big Bang, permitindo que a matéria e a radiação se separassem. Vietnamese: MỌI THỨ! Mọi thứ là 1 phần tỷ của vật chất tạo ra từ Vụ Nổ lớn [Bùm] Luật thứ nhất của Nhiệt học, vật chất và năng lượng không thể tạo ra và mất đi Mọi thứ mà ta có bây giờ là thứ ta có về sau. Thứ mà tạo nên cơ thể bạn đã có từ mấy khoảnh khắc 13.8 tỷ năm về trước. Chỉ là thay đổi hình dạng thôi. Chỉ sau 3 phút, vũ trụ đã mát lại để nhân nguyên tử được tạo ra - - mới đầu chỉ có hydro và heli - 2 nguyên tố cơ bản nhất. Hãy nhớ 2 thứ này bởi vì nếu bạn gôm một đống nguyên tử Hydro, sau vài tỷ năm, có thể bạn sẽ tạo ra con người. Xin nhớ rằng tại thời điểm này, vũ trụ lúc này vẫn còn rất rất nóng, tôi không muốn dùng từ "không tưởng" quá nhiều, nhưng mà nóng không tưởng! Vũ trụ như là một đại dương siêu nóng, thống trị bởi bức xạ, nhưng may thay nó xuống độ tới chừng 2760 độ C sau khi Vụ Nổ lớn xảy ra được 380 ngàn năm Điều này cho phép vật chất và các bức xạ phân tách. Italian: Tutto è un miliardesimo della materia creata dal Big Bang. La prima legge della termodinamica afferma che materia ed energia non possono essere create o distrutte. Tutto ciò che abbiamo ora, lo avevamo anche allora. La materia che ora compone il vostro corpo è in circolo da 13,8 miliardi di anni fa. Ha solo cambiato forma. Dopo appena tre minuti, l'Universo era abbastanza freddo da permettere la formazione dei nuclei atomici – in quel momento solo idrogeno ed elio – teneteveli in mente, perché si scoprirà che se prendente un po' di idrogeno e aspettate qualcosa tipo parecchi miliardi di anni, potrete far crescere da soli alcuni esseri umani! Ricordiamo che in questo momento l'Universo è ancora molto, molto caldo. Non voglio usare troppo spesso la parola "incredibilmente", ma era incredibilmente caldo! L'Universo era un mare super-caldo dominato dalla radiazione, poi fortunatamente è sceso alla mite temperatura di 5000 gradi Fahrenheit circa 380 mila anni dopo il Big Bang, permettendo a materia e radiazione di separarsi. Dutch: dat, alles! alles! is één miljardste van de materie gecreëerd in de oerknal. De eerste wet van thermodynamica is dat energie niet kan ontstaan of vernietigd. Alles wat we nu hebben, hadden we toen. De materie dat je lichaam maakt was er al 13.8 miljard jaar geleden. Het is gewoon van vorm veranderd. Na amper 3 minuten was het universum koel genoeg dat atoomkernen zich begonnen te vormen, gewoon waterstof en helium toen, de 2 simpelste elementen, houdt rekening met die 2, want het blijkt dat als je een bos waterstof neemt en dan enkele miljarden jaren wacht, je zelf een aantal mensen laat groeien. Laten we niet vergeten: op dit moment is het universum nog steeds zeer, zeer warm. Ik wil het woord onvoorstelbaar niet te vaak gebruiken, maar het was onvoorstelbaar warm! Het universum bleef zoals een uber-hete zee gedomineerd door straling, maar dan koelde het gelukkig af tot 2760 graden Celsius ongeveer 380 duizend jaar na de oerknal, waardoor materie en straling konden scheiden Romanian: Totul! Este o miliardime a materiei creată în Big Bang. Prima lege a termodinamicii este că materia și energia nu pot fi create sau distruse. Materia care formează corpul vostru acum a fost aici în jurul acelui moment de acum13,8 miliarde de ani. Pur și simplu și-a schimbat forma. După doar trei minute, universul a fost destul de rece ca nucleii de atomi să înceapă să se formeze - doar hidrogen si heliu atunci, cele mai simple două elemente - păstrați-le pe cele două în minte,totuși, pentru că în cazul în care luați o grămadă de hidrogen și așteptați cum ar fi, mai mulțe miliarde de ani, s-ar putea să creșteți câțiva oameni! Să ne amintim: în acest moment, universul era încă foarte, foarte fierbinte. Nu vreau să folosesc cuvântul de neimaginat prea des, dar a fost neînchipuit de fierbinte! Universul a rămas ca un mare uber-hot dominat de radiație, dar apoi din fericire, a scăzut până la un benefic 5000 de grade Fahrenheit în aproximativ 380 mii de ani după Big Bangl, permitând materiei și radiațiilor să se separe. Finnish: kaikki! Kaikki koostuu yhdestä miljardisosasta kaikesta aineesta, joka syntyi alkuräjähdyksessä. Termodynamiikan ensimmäinen pääsääntö sanoo, että ainetta ja energiaa ei voida luoda eikä tuhota. Kaikki, mitä meillä on nyt, meillä oli silloin. Aine, josta kehosi koostuu, on ollut olemassa noista hetkistä 13,8 miljardia vuotta sitten asti. Se on vain muuttanut muotoaan. Vain kolmen minuutin jälkeen maailmankaikkeus oli niin viileä, että atomien ytimet alkoivat muodostua – silloin vain vedyn ja heliumin, kahden yksinkertaisimman alkuaineen. Muista kuitenkin nämä kaksi, sillä vaikuttaisi siltä, että jos otat nipun vetyä ja odotat useita miljardeja vuosia voit kasvattaa itsellesi muutaman ihmisen! Muistetaan kuitenkin, että tässä vaiheessa maailmankaikkeus oli edelleen hyvin, hyvin kuuma. En halua käyttää sanaa käsittämätön liian usein, mutta se oli käsittämättömän kuuma! Maailmankaikkeus oli kuin superkuuma säteilyn hallitsema meri, mutta sitten, onneksi, se viileni leutoon 540 celsiusasteen lämpötilaan noin 380 tuhatta vuotta alkuräjähdyksen jälkeen, jolloin aine erosi säteilystä. iw: שהכל! הכל! הוא ביליונית מהחומר שנוצר בנפץ הגדול. החוק הראשון בטרמודינמיקה הוא שחומר ואנרגיה לא יכולים להיווצר או לההרס כל מה שיש לנו עכשיו, היה גם אז. החומר שמרכיב את הגוף שלך כרגע היה בסביבה באותם הרגעים לפני 13.8 ביליון שנים. זה בסך הכל שינה צורה אחרי 3 דקות בסך הכל, היקום היה קר מספק שהניקלאוידים של האטומים התחילו להיווצר - רק מימן והליום דאז, שני האלמנטים הפשוטים ביותר. תזכור את שני אלה אבל מסתבר שאם אתה לוקח הרבה מימן ומחכה כמה ביליון שנים, אתה עלול לגדל לעצמך כמה בני אנוש! בואו נזכור: בנקודה ההיא היקום היה עדיין מאוד, מאוד חם. אני לא רוצה להשתמש במושג לא ניתן לתיאור יותר מדי, אבל זה היה לא ניתן לתיאור חם! היקום נותר כמו ים מאוד חם, המורכב בעיקר מרדיאציה, אבל למזלנו הוא ירד מ-2760 מעלות בערך 380 אלף שנה אחרי הנפץ הגדול, מה שאפשר לחומר ולרדיאציה להיפרד Spanish: ¡Todo! ¡Todo! es una milmillonésima parte de la materia creada durante el Big Bang. La primera ley de la termodinámica dice que la materia y la energía no pueden ser creadas o destruidas. Todo lo que tenemos ahora, lo teníamos antes. La materia de tu cuerpo ahora mismo ha estado aqui desde esos momentos 13.800 millones de años atrás. Simplemente cambió de forma. Luego de 3 minutos, el universo se enfrió suficiente para que los núcleos atómicos se empezaran a formar, solo hidrógeno y helio en ese entonces, los 2 elementos más simples, tenlos en mente, dado que si tomas un montón de hidrógeno y esperas como varios miles de millones de años quizás puedas obtener algunos humanos! Recordemos: en este momento, el universo estaba todavía muy, pero muy caliente. No quiero decir inimaginablemente caliente, pero lo estaba. El universo permaneció como un mar super caliente dominado por la radiación, pero luego, por suerte se enfrió hasta los 2700 ºc, 380 mil años después del Big Bang, permitiéndo a la materia y la radiación separarse. French: que - tout! Tout! Est un milliardième de la matière créée dans le Big Bang. La première loi de la thermodynamique dit que la matière et l'énergie ne peuvent pas être créées ou détruites. Tout ce que nous avons maintenant, nous l'avions avant. La matière qui constitue votre corps en ce moment même a existé depuis ces 13,8 milliards années. Elle a juste changé de forme. Après seulement trois minutes, l'univers était assez froid pour que les noyaux des atomes commencent à se former - juste l'hydrogène et l'hélium à l'époque, les deux éléments les plus simples - garder les à l'esprit, cependant, car il s'avère que si vous prenez un tas d'hydrogène et vous attendez genre, plusieurs milliards d'années, vous pourriez vous retrouver avec des humains! Rappelons-nous en: à ce moment, l'univers était encore très, très chaud. Je ne veux pas utiliser le mot incroyable trop souvent, mais c'était incroyablement chaud! L'univers est resté sous la forme d'une soupe très chaude dominé par le rayonnement, mais heureusement, il a mijoté jusqu'à un doux 5000 degrés Fahrenheit environ 380 000 ans après le Big Bang, permettant à la matière et au rayonnement de se séparer. Arabic: كل شيء هو جزء من مليار جزء من المادة الناجمة عن الانفجار العظيم! القانون الأول للديناميكا الحرارية هو أنّ المادة والطاقة لا تفنى ولا تُستحدث. كل ما لدينا الآن، كان موجودًا آنذاك. المادة التي تشكّل جسدك الآن كانت موجودة منذ تلك اللحظات قبل 13،8 مليار عام. لكنّها تغيّرت في الشكل فحسب. بعد 3 دقائق فقط، أصبح الكون باردًا بالدرجة الكافية لتبدأ نوى الذرّات بالتشكّل. وكانت ذرّات الهيدروجين والهيليوم فقط آنذاك، أبسط العناصر، لكن تذكّروا هذين العنصرين لأنّه تبيّن أنّك إن أحضرت كمية من الهيدروجين وانتظرت بضعة مليارات السنوات فقد تصنع لنفسك بعض البشر. تذكّروا أنّه في هذا الوقت، كان الكون ساخنًا جدًا. لا أريد تكرار استخدام كلمة "لدرجة لا يمكن تخيّلها"، لكنّه كان ساخنًا لدرجة لا يمكن تخيّلها. بقي الكون أشبه ببحر شديد السخونة، تسيطر عليه الإشعاعات. ولحسن الحظ، هبطت حرارته لـ5 آلاف فهرنهيتية قبل حوالى 380 ألف سنة بعد الانفجار العظيم مما أتاح للمادة والإشعاع الانفصال. Russian: ВСЁ! Всё есть одна миллиардная вещества, созданного в Большом Взрыве. Первый закон термодинамики - вещество и энергия не могут быть ни созданы, ни уничтожены. Всё, что у нас есть сейчас, у нас было тогда. Вещество, составляющее Ваше тело сейчас, существовало с тех мгновений 13,8 миллиардов лет назад. Оно лишь изменило форму. Спустя всего лишь 3 минуты, Вселенная была достаточно охлаждена, чтобы ядра атомов начали появляться - тогда лишь водород и гелий, два простейших элемента. Но держите их в уме, поскольку, как выясняется, если взять много водорода и подождать несколько миллиардов лет, то можно вырастить людей! Не забываем, в это время Вселенная была ОЧЕНЬ горячей. Не хочу использовать "невообразимо" слишком часто, она она была невообразимо горячей! Вселенная оставалась таким сверхраскалённым морем радиации, но, к счастью, оно успокоилось до приятных 5000 градусов по Фаренгейту (2760 по Цельсию) примерно через 380 тысяч лет после Большого Взрыва, позволив веществу и радиации разделиться. Hungarian: minden. Minden! Az egy milliárdad része annak, ami az ősrobbanáskor keletkezett. A termodinamika első főtétele szerint az anyagot illetve energiát nem lehet létrehozni vagy elpusztítani. Minden, amink most van, volt akkor is. Az anyag ami most a testedet építi fel, itt van 13,8 milliárd éve. Csupán a formája változott meg. Három perc múlva, az univerzum lehűlt annyira, hogy az atomok atommagjai elkezdtek formálódni - akkor még csak hidrogén és hélium, a két legegyszerűbb elem. Azonban figyelj rájuk, mert kiderül, hogy ha fogsz egy kis hidrogént és héliumot, és vársz, úgy 7 milliárd évet, növeszthetsz magadnak néhány szép embert! Ne felejtsük el, ekkor az univerzum még mindig nagyon, nagyon forró volt. Nem akarom túl sokszor használni az "elképzelhetetlen" szót, de elképzelhetetlenül forró volt. Az univerzum maradt ez a sugárzó über-meleg tenger, de aztán, szerencsére lehűlt a kellemes 5000 Fahrenheitre, úgy 380 ezer évvel az ősrobbanás után, és lehetővé tette az anyag és sugárzás különválását. Korean: 빅뱅시에 창조된 물질의 단지 10 억분의 1 만이 소멸되지 않고 남아 모든 것을 만들어 냈다는 것을 알아두세요. 열역학 제 1 법칙에 의하면 물질과 에너지는 새로이 만들어지거나 없어질 수 없습니다. 그래서 빅뱅 때 탄생한 물질들이 옛날이나 지금이나 우주를 구성합니다. 우리 몸을 구성하는 물질들은 138 억년전부터 있던 물질들입니다. 단지 형태만을 바꿔갈 뿐입니다. 빅뱅 후 불과 3분 만에 우주는 많이 식어서 원자핵이 만들어지기 시작합니다. 당시엔 수소나 헬륨, 즉 가장 간단한 원소만 형성되었으나 . 이 두 원소를 잘 기억해야 하는 것이, 수소를 잔뜩 갖고 수십억년을 기다리면 인간으로 바뀔 수 있기 때문이지요. 그런데 아직은 우주가 매우 매우 뜨겁습니다. 난 상상불가란 말을 함부러 쓰는 것을 싫어하지만 정말 상상불가로 뜨겁습니다. 우주는 아직 너무 뜨거워 엄청 복사빛을 발사하지만, 결국 비교적 온화한 화씨 5,000 도까지 빅뱅 38 만년 만에 식게 됩니다. 이 때에 물질과 빛이 분리가 되는 것이지요. Swedish: det - allting! ALLTING är en miljarddel av materian skapad i Big Bang. Termodynamikens första lag är att materia och energi kan inte skapas eller förstöras. Allting vi har nu, hade vi förr. Materian som din kropp består av har funnits i världen sedan de där ögonblicken 13.8 miljarder år sedan. Det har bara ändrat form. Efter endast 3 minuter, var universumet svalt nog att atomkärnorna började formas - bara väte och helium på den tiden, de två enklaste elementen - behåll dem två i tankarna dock, för att det visar sig, om du tar en mängd väte och du väntar typ, flera miljarder år, är det mycket möjligt att odlat fram några människor! Kom ihåg: vid denna tid var universumet fortfarande väldigt, väldigt varmt. Jag vill inte använda ordet otänkbart för ofta, men det var otänkbart varmt! Universumet förblev som ett übervarmt hav dominerad av strålning, men sedan som tur var, sjöd det ned till en ljummen grad av 2760 grader Celsius ungefär 380 tusen år efter Big Bang, tillåtandes materia och strålning att separera. Portuguese: isso — tudo! Tudo!, é um bilionésimo da matéria criada no Big Bang. A primeira lei da termodinâmica é: "Matéria e energia não podem ser criadas ou destruídas." Tudo que conhecemos agora, continuará. A matéria que empilha o seu corpo neste momento está, por aí, desde aqueles 13.8 bilhões de anos atrás. Somente mudou de forma. Após, apenas, três minutos, o universo já estava fresco o bastante para que o núcleo dos átomos começassem a se formar — só Hidrogênio e Hélio naquela época, os dois elementos mais simples — guarde esses dois no coração, no entanto, porque acontece de, se você pegar um monte de hidrogênio e esperar vários bilhões de anos, você pode criar, você mesmo, alguns humanos! Vamos lembrar: a esta hora, o universo ainda estava muito, muito quente. Eu não quero usar a palavra "inimaginavelmente" a todo momento, mas estava inimaginavelmente quente! O universo permaneceu assim, como um incomparável oceano fervente, dominado por radiação, até que então, felizmente, ele esfriou até os agradáveis 5,000 graus Fahrenheit, por volta de 380 mil anos após o Big Bang, permitindo que a matéria e a radiação se separassem. Portuguese: E lembre-se, matéria é apenas uma forma de energia mais palpável. Digo, você é uma firme bolsa de energia. No meu caso, não tão firme. Todavia, a 3.000 graus Cº, a radiação foi finalmente capaz de seguir seu caminho livremente pelo Universo, e nós vemos essa radiação hoje como o fim da "Idade das Trevas" que prosseguiu o Big Bang, e o início de um brilhante flash que chamamos de "Radiação Cósmica de Fundo (RCF)". (Um ótimo nome para uma banda) Físicos a chamam de "impressão digital" do Universo e é uma das mais importantes evidências que temos do Big Bang. Porque a RCF está em todo lugar. Ligue o rádio numa frequência que não tenha estação, uma porção de estática que você ouve é, na verdade, aquela RCF sendo transmitida pelo rádio. Então você pode, literalmente, ouvir o Universo em sua infância! Às vezes é complicado saber o que é verdade, especialmente quando se trata de acontecimentos que ocorreram há tanto tempo. É por isso que criamos ciência, o elegante sistema para separar o joio do trigo. Turkish: Ve mesele sadece daha pıhtılaşmış olduğunu unutmayın enerji formu. Yani, sen biraz vardır enerji firması çanta. Benim durumumda, değil firması. Neyse, 5000 Fahrenheit at, radyasyon Sonunda serbestçe hareket edebildi evren ve biz bugün bu radyasyon bakın ardından Karanlık Çağ sonuna kadar big bang ve parlak bir başlangıcı Kozmik Arkaplan Radyasyon çağrı flaş, hangi bir grup için büyük bir isim. Fizikçiler parmak diyorlar evren ve en önemlilerinden biri var biz var tarihsel kanıtlar parçaları big bang, CBR her yerde çünkü. Değil bir frekansa ayarlayın radyo Bir istasyonu var - statik bir kısmını size duymak aslında kozmik fon radyasyon senin telsizle alınıyor. Böylece yapabilirsiniz kelimenin tam anlamıyla emekleme döneminde evreni duyuyorum! Bazen ne olduğunu bilmek zor olabilir Gerçek, özellikle biz bahsediyoruz zaman uzak şimdiye kadar oldu şeyler Geçmiş. Biz bilim yarattı yüzden yani, gerçekleri sıralamak için zarif sistemi bir gübre. Yani sadece sınırlı insan duyuları kullanırken, 19. aynı sonuca olabilir Vietnamese: Và nhớ rằng Vật chất cũng giống như năng lượng tụ lại. Ý tôi là bạn cũng giống như một cái túi năng lượng. Trong trường hợp của tôi thì cái túi không được chắc lắm. Nói gì nói, ở cái độ 2760 độ C, bức xạ đi khắp vũ trụ và chúng ta thấy được bức xạ ngày nay là từ ngày cuối của Thời kỳ Tăm Tối của Vụ Nổ lớn, và là khởi đầu của một vệt sáng chói lóa mà ta gọi là Bức Xạ Phông Vi Sóng Vũ Trụ (BXPVSVT). Đặt tên này cho ban nhạc cũng hay à nghen! Các nhà vật lý học gọi đó là "dấu vân tay" của vũ trụ và đó là một trong những bằng chứng lịch sử quan trọng nhất cho Vụ Nổ lớn, bởi vì BXPVSVT có ở khắp nơi. Hãy mở máy thu thanh lên ở một tần số vô chủ nào đó - một phần tĩnh mà bạn nghe thật chất là tần số của BXPVSVT được máy thu thanh bắt được. Nói đúng nghĩa luôn là bạn đang nghe thấy tuổi thơ của vũ trụ đấy. Đôi khi cũng căng ở chỗ là một nhận định có đúng hay không, đặc biệt là về thứ đã xảy ra quá lâu trong quá khứ. Cho nên chúng ta mới có Khoa học, để chứng thực các phán đoán hay nhận định một cách có hệ thống và bằng chứng. Nếu chỉ dùng các giác quan đơn thuần, bạn rất dễ đi vào kết luận y như hồi thế kỷ 19 German: Und denkt dran, Masse ist einfach eine erstarrtere Form von Energie. Ich meine, ihr seid ein einigermaßen fester Beutel aus Energie. In meinem Fall, nicht ganz so fest. Also, wie auch immer, bei 2760 Grad Celsius war Strahlung endlich fähig, sich frei durch das Universum zu bewegen, und wir sehen diese Strahlung heute als das Ende des finsteren Mittelalters an, welches auf den Urknall folgte, und als den Beginn eines strahlenden Blitzes, den wir kosmische Hintergrundstrahlung nennen, was ein großartiger Name für eine Band ist. Physiker (und -innen) nennen es den Fingerabdruck des Universums und es ist eines der wichtigsten Teile des historischen Nachweises, den wir haben für den Urknall, denn CBR ist überall. Stellt euer Radio auf eine Frequenz ein, die keinen Sender hat – ein Anteil der atmosphärischen Störungen, die ihr hört, ist tatsächlich diese kosmische Hintergrundstrahlung, die von eurem Radio eingefangen wird. Also könnt ihr buchstäblich das Universum in seiner Anfangsphase hören! [Hank] Manchmal kann es knifflig sein zu wissen, was zutrifft, ganz besonders wenn wir über Zeug reden, das sich so weit entfernt in der Vergangenheit abspielte. Das ist der Grund, warum wir Wissenschaft ins Leben gerufen haben, dieses elegante System, um die Fakten vom Dünger zu trennen. Also, indem ihr eure begrenzten menschlichen Sinne benutzt, mögt ihr zur gleichen Schlussfolgerung kommen Russian: Помните, вещество - лишь более плотная форма энергии. То есть, Вы просто несколько упругий мешок с энергией. В моём случае, не очень упругий. Так, 2760 по Цельсию и радиация получила возможность свободно перемещаться по Вселенной,и мы видим эту радиацию как конец Темных Веков, последовавших за Большим Взрывом, и началом великолепной вспышки под названием космическая радиация, отличное название для музыкальной группы. Физики называют её отпечатком пальца Вселенной и одним из важнейших исторических доказательств Большого Взрыва, потому что космическая радиация есть везде. Настройте радио на частоту, где нет станции - частью шума будет космическая радиация. Так что можно, в буквальном смысле, слушать Вселенную в её молодости! Иногда сложно понять, что правда, особенно когда речь о вещах, произошедших настолько давно. Поэтому мы создали науку, эту элегантную систему, отделяющую факты от удобрений. Просто используя свои ограниченные органы чувств, можно придти к тому же заключению, что iw: ותזכרו, חומר הוא בסך הכל צורה מצומצמת יותר של אנרגיה. אני מתכוון, אתם בסך הכל שק גדול של אנרגיה בכל מקרה, ב-2670 מעלות, רדיאציה יכלה סופסוף לנוע בחופשיות ברחבי היקום, ואנו רואים את הרדיאציה הזאת היום כסוף "ימי הביניים" של הנפץ הגדול, ותחילת הפלאש הגאוני "קרינת רקע קוסמית" שיכול להיות אחלה שם ללהקה. פיזיקאים קוראים לזה טביעת האצבע של היקום וזאת אחת הפיסות היסטוריה החשובות ביותר שיש לנו אודות הנפץ הגדול. בגלל שזה נמצא בכל מקום תדליקו את הרדיו שלכם על ערוץ ללא תחנה - חלק ממה שאתם שומעים זה למעשה הקרינת רקע קוסמי שנקלט ברדיו שלכם. אז אתם אשכרה יכולים לשמוע את היקום בילדותו לפעמים זה יכול להיות טריקי לדעת מה נכון, במיוחד כאשר מדברים על דברים שקראו כל כך בעבר. בגלל זה המצאנו את "המדע" מערכת אלגנטית שמבודדת את העובדות מהדשן אז רק על ידי שימוש בחושים האנושיים המוקבלים שלך, את יכול להגיע לאותה מסקנה כמו מדענים English: And remember, matter is just a more congealed form of energy. I mean, you are a somewhat firm bag of energy. In my case, not that firm. So anyway, at 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit, radiation was finally able to move freely through the universe, and we see that radiation today as the end of the Dark Ages that followed the big bang, and the beginning of a brilliant flash that we call Cosmic Background Radiation, which is a great name for a band. Physicists call it the fingerprint of the universe and it's one of the most important pieces of historical evidence we have for the big bang, because CBR is everywhere. Tune your radio to a frequency that doesn't have a station - a portion of the static you hear is actually that cosmic background radiation being picked up by your radio. So you can literally hear the universe in its infancy! Sometimes it can be tricky to know what's true, especially when we're talking about stuff that happened so far in the distant past. That is why we created science, that elegant system for sorting out the facts from the fertilizer. So just using your limited human senses, you might come to the same conclusion as 19th Finnish: Ja muista, että aine on vain jähmeämpää energiaa. Olet siis jotenkuten kiinteä säkki energiaa. Minun tapauksessani vähemmän kiinteä. Joka tapauksessa, 540 celsiusasteessa säteily pystyi vihdoin vapaasti liikkumaan maailmankaikkeudessa, ja nykyään me pidämme tuota säteilyä merkkinä alkuräjähdyksen jälkeisen Pimeän ajan lopusta, ja alkuna välähdykselle, jota kutsumme kosmiseksi taustasäteilyksi – mikä olisi hieno nimi bändille. Fyysikot kutsuvat sitä maailmankaikkeuden sormenjäljeksi ja se on yksi tärkeimpiä historiallisia todisteita alkuräjähdyksestä, sillä kosminen taustasäteily on kaikkialla. Viritä radiosi taajuudelle, jolla ei ole kanavaa – osa kuulemastasi kohinasta on itse asiassa radiosi havaitsemaa kosmista taustasäteilyä. Voit siis kirjaimellisesti kuulla, miltä varhainen maailmankaikkeus kuulosti! Joskus voi olla vaikeaa tietää, mikä on totta, etenkin kun puhumme asioista, jotka tapahtuivat niin kaukana menneisyydessä. Tämän vuoksi kehitimme tieteen, tuon elegantin järjestelmän, jolla erottelemme tosiasiat tyhjänpäiväisyyksistä. Käyttämällä rajallisia ihmisaistejasi saatat tulla samaan lopputulokseen kuin 1800-luvun Portuguese: E lembre-se, matéria é meramente uma forma de energia mais palpável. Digo, você é um saco de energia, firme. No meu caso, não tão firme. Todavia, a 5,000 graus Fahrenheit, a radiação foi finalmente capaz seguir seu caminho livremente pelo universo, e nós vemos essa radiação hoje como o fim da Idade das Trevas que prosseguiu o Big Bang, e o início de um brilhante clarão que nós chamamos de "Radiação Cósmica de Fundo (CBR)", que é um ótimo nome para uma banda. Físicos chamam de "impressão digital" do universo e é uma das mais importantes peças da evidência histórica que temos do Big Bang, por causa a CBR está em todo lugar. Ligue a sua rádio em uma frequência que não tenha uma estação — a porção de estática que você ouve é, na verdade, aquela radiação cósmica de fundo sendo transmitida pelo rádio. Então você pode, literalmente, ouvir o universo em sua infância! Às vezes pode parecer complicado saber o que é verdade, especialmente quando estamos falando de acontecimentos que ocorreram há tanto tempo, num passado muito distante. É por isso que criamos ciência, o elegante sistema para organizar os fatos do fertilizante. Logo, usando sua limitada inteligência humana, você pode chegar a mesma conclusão Dutch: En onthoud, materie is gewoon een meer gestolde vorm van energie. Ik bedoel, je bent een enigzins stevige zak van energie, in mijn geval niet zo stevig. Dus hoe dan ook, op 2760 graden Celcius was de straling eindelijk is staat om zich vrij te bewegen door het universum, en we zien die straling vandaag als het einde van de donkere tijden na de oerknal, en als het begin van een briljante flits die we Kosmische Achtergrondstraling noemen, welke een geweldige naam is voor een band. Natuurkundigen noemen het de vingerafdruk van het universum en het is een van de meest belangrijkste stukken van historisch bewijs dat we hebben voor de oerknal, omdat CBR overal is. Stem uw radio af op een frequentie die geen zender heeft, een deel van het geluid dat je hoort is eigenlijk die kosmische achtergrondstraling die opgepikt wordt door uw radio. Dus je kan letterlijk het universum horen in zijn kinderschoenen. Soms kan het lastig zijn om te weten wat waar is, zeker wanneer we het hebben over dingen die tot nu toe in het verre verleden gebeurden. Dat is waarom we de wetenschap gecreëerd hebben, dat elegante systeem om de feiten van de meststof te onderscheiden. dus gewoon uw beperkte menselijke zintuigen gebruiken en misschien kom je tot dezeldfe conclusie als de 19e Spanish: Y recuerden, la matería es solo una forma de energía más condensada. Quiero decir que solo eres una bolsa más o menos firme de energía. En mi caso, no tan firme. Así que a 2700º c, la radiación finalmente pudo moverse libremente por el universo, y podemos ver esa radiación hoy, como el fín de la Edad Oscura que siguió al Big Bang y el comienzo de un flash brillante que llamamos "Radiación Cósmica de Fondo", el cual es un gran nombre para una banda. Los físicos la llaman la huella dactilar del universo y es una de las más importantes piezas de evidencia histórica que tenemos del Big Bang, porque la Rad. Cósm. de Fondo está en todos lados Pon tu radio en una frecuencia que no tenga una estación y una porción de la estática que escuchas es de hecho la Rad. Cósm. de Fondo captada por tu radio. ¡Así que puedes literalmente oir el universo en su infancia! A veces puede ser difícil saber que es verdad, especialmente cuando hablamos sobre cosas que pasaron hace tanto tiempo. Por eso creamos la ciencia, ese sistema elegante para separar los hechos, del fertilizante. Así que solo utilizándo tus limitados sentidos humanos, llegarías a la conclusión a la que los científicos Hungarian: Ne felejtsd el, hogy az anyag csak a energia egy dermedtebb formája. Úgy értem, te magad is valahol egy zsák kemény energia vagy. Az én esetemben nem is olyan kemény. Tehát, 5000 Fahrenheiten a sugárzás végre képes volt szabadon mozogni az univerzumban és mi ezt a sugárzást ma az ősrobbanást követő sötét korszak végének és a vakító villanás, a kozmikus háttérsugárzás (CBR) kezdetének gondoljuk, ami egyébként remek bandanév. A fizikusok ezt az univerzum ujjlenyomatának is hívják és ez az egyik legfontosabb bizonyítéka az ősrobbanásnak, mivel a CBR mindenhol ott van. Tekerd a rádiódat olyan frekvenciára, amin nincs csatorna - a statikus zaj egy része igazából a kozmikus háttérsugársás lesz, amit a rádió felvett. Tehát hallgathatod az univerzum csecsemőkorát! Néha nehéz megmondani, hogy mi is igaz, főleg, ha ilyen rég történt dolgokról beszélünk. Ezért teremtettük meg a tudományt, ezt az elegáns módszert arra, hogy kiszűrjük a tényeket a trágyából. Tehát a limitált emberi érzékszerveidet használva arra a konklúzióra juthatsz, amire a 19. századi Romanian: Și amintiți-vă, materia este doar o mai congelată formă de energie. Adică, ești oarecum un sac de firmă de energie. În cazul meu, nu firma asta. Deci, oricum, la 5.000 de grade Fahrenheit, radiațiile în cele din urmă au fost capabile să se deplaseze liber prin univers, și vom vedea astăzi radiatii ca la sfârșitul Evului Mediu care au urmat Big Bang-ului, și începutul unui Flash strălucitor pe care o numim Cosmic radiație de fond, care este un nume bun pentru o trupă. Fizicienii o numesc amprentă a Universului și este una dintre cele mai importante piese a evidenței istorice pe care o avem pentru Big Bang pentru că CBR este peste tot. Dă radioul la o frecvență care nu e pe stație - o parte din semnalul pe care îl auzi este de fapt acea radiație cosmică de fond preluată de radio. Asa că poți literalmente auzi universul în fază incipientă! Uneori poate fi dificil să știi ce e adevărat, mai ales atunci când vorbim despre lucruri care s-au întâmplat atât de departe în trecut. De aceea am creat știința, acest sistem elegant pentru scoaterea faptelor din îngrășământ. Deci, folosind doar simțurile dvs. umane limitate, puteți ajunge la aceeași concluzie ca și Italian: E ricordate, la materia è solo una forma più congelata di energia. Voglio dire, siete un po' come una sacca stabile di energia. (Nel mio caso, non poi tanto stabile). Comunque, a 5000 gradi Fahrenheit la radiazione è stata finalmente in grado di muoversi liberamente attraverso l'Universo, e oggi vediamo la radiazione come la fine dell'età oscura che ha seguito il Big Bang, e l'inizio di un lampo brillante che chiamiamo "Radiazione Cosmica di Fondo" (RCF), che è un gran bel nome per una band. I fisici la definiscono l'impronta digitale dell'Universo, ed è una delle più importanti testimonianze storiche che abbiamo sul Big Bang perché la RCF è ovunque. Sintonizzate la radio in una frequenza che non ha stazione – una parte della statica che si sente è proprio la radiazione cosmica di fondo catturata dalla vostra radio, quindi potete letteralmente ascoltare l'Universo nella sua infanzia! A volte può risultare arduo sapere che cosa è vero, soprattutto se si parla di cose accadute così lontano nel passato. Ecco perché abbiamo creato la scienza, quel sistema elegante per il riordinamento dei fatti dal guazzabuglio. Usando solamente i limitati sensi umani, si potrebbe arrivare alla stessa conclusione Danish: Og husk på, stråling er blot en ændret form for energi. Du er jo en ret fast pose af energi. I mit tilfælde, knap så fast. Ved 2760 grader Celcius kunne strålingen bevæge sig frit gennem universet, og vi kan i dag se denne stråling, som afslutningen på de mørke tider der fulgte Big Bang, og begyndelsen på et et skarpt lysglimt som vi kalder for den kosmiske baggrundsstråling, hvilket også er et storartet navn til et band. Fysikere kalder det universets fingeraftryk, og det er et af de vigtigste stykker af historisk bevis vi har for Big Bang, for den kosmiske baggrundsstråling er overalt. Sæt din radios frekvens et sted hvor der ikke er en station, og en del af det støj du hører vil være fra den kosmiske baggrundsstråling der bliver samlet op af din radio. Du kan altså bogstaveligt talt høre universet som spæd! Nogle gange kan det være svært at regne ud hvad der er rigtigt, især når vi taler om ting der skete så langt tilbage i den fjerne fortid. Derfor har vi opfundet videnskab, som er et elegant system til at adskille fakta fra fup. Ved at bruge dit begrænsede sanseapparat kunne du måske komme frem til den samme konklusion som Korean: 물질이란 에너지가 좀 더 응결된 형태라는 것을 기억하세요. 내 말은 당신의 육체는 에너지의 견고한 백입니다. 제 경우엔 별로 견고하지 못해요. 어쩃든, 화씨 5000도가 되어 복사에너지는 마침내 우주 공간을 자유로이 움직이게 되었고, 우리는 천체 관찰을 통해 빅뱅 이후 암흑시대가 마침내 마감되어 나타난 그 빛을 관측할 수 있는데, 그 것을 과학자는 우주 배경복사라고 부르지요. 이 배경 복사는 거대한 우주의 음악 밴드라고 할까요죠. 물리학자들은 우주배경복사를 우주의 지문으로 부르며, 이 복사는 빅뱅의 가장 중요한 증거가 되었습니다. 왜냐하면 우주 어디에도 있으니까요. 방송국 주파수가 없는 곳으로 라디오를 맞춰보면 주파수와 관계없이 나타나는 잡음 중 일부가 바로 라디오가 수신한 우주 배경복사입니다. 즉 우주의 영아시절의 소리를 듣는 것이지요. 특히 우리가 아주 옛 적 얘기를 할 때엔 무엇이 사실인지를 알기가 어렵습니다. 그래서 우린 과학을 창조하여 이 탁월한 시스템으로 복잡한 비료로부터 여러 사실들을 추려내지요. 당신의 한계가 있는 인간의 감각으로는 아마 19세기 과학자와 같은 French: Et rappelez-vous que la matière n'est qu'une forme plus figée d'énergie. Je veux dire, vous êtes un peu comme un sac costaud d'énergie. Dans mon cas, pas si costaud que ça. Enfin, bref à 5000 degrés Fahrenheit, le rayonnement était enfin capable de se déplacer librement à travers l'univers, et nous voyons le rayonnement aujourd'hui comme la fin de l'âge des ténèbres qui a suivit le Big Bang, et le début d'un brillant éclair que nous appelons le fond diffus cosmologique, ce qui est un nom sympa pour un groupe de musique. Les physiciens l'appellent l'empreinte digitale de l'univers et c'est l'une des preuves historiques les plus importantes pour le Big Bang, parce le FDC est partout. Ajustez votre radio à une fréquence qui n'a pas de station lui correspondant - une partie du bruit statique que vous entendez est en fait ce fond diffus cosmologique que votre radio arriver à capter. Donc vous pouvez littéralement entendre l'univers durant son enfance! Parfois, il peut être difficile de savoir ce qui est vrai, particulièrement quand on parle de choses qui se sont produites il y a tellement de temps. C'est pour cela qu'on a créé la science, ce système élégant permettant de retrouver la vérité parmi tout le reste. Donc, juste en utilisant vos sens humains limités, vous pourriez en venir à la même conclusion que les scientifiques Polish: Pamiętajmy, że materia to po prostu bardziej zastygła forma energii. Znaczy – każdy z nas jest w pewnym sensie workiem stwardniałej energii. No, w moim przypadku wcale nie takiej twardej. Tak czy siak, w temperaturze 2760°C promieniowanie mogło się w końcu swobodnie przemieszczać po Wszechświecie – dziś postrzegamy je jako koniec swoistego kosmicznego średniowiecza, które miało miejsce po Wielkim Wybuchu, oraz początek jasnego przebłysku zwanego kosmicznym promieniowaniem tła [ang. CBR], co byłoby świetną nazwą rockowego zespołu. Fizycy nazywają ten fenomen odciskiem palca Wszechświata. Stanowi on jeden z najważniejszych dowodów historycznych, jakie posiadamy w temacie Wielkiego Wybuchu, gdyż CBR jest tak właściwie wszędzie. Wystarczy nastawić radio na częstotliwość, na której nie ma żadnej stacji – część słyszanych dźwięków stanowi właśnie kosmiczne promieniowanie tła wychwytywane przez odbiornik radiowy. Można dosłownie posłuchać odgłosów Wszechświata w powijakach! Czasami prawda może być trudna do poznania, zwłaszcza gdy mówimy o rzeczach, które miały miejsce w tak bardzo odległej przeszłości. Dlatego też stworzyliśmy naukę – elegancki system wyodrębniania faktów z bredni. Za pomocą jakże ograniczonych ludzkich zmysłów możemy dojść do tych samych wniosków,co XIX-wieczni Swedish: Kom ihåg, materia är bara en stilla form av energi. Jag menar, du är något av en fast påse av energi. Eller i mitt fall, inte så fast. Så i alla fall, vid 2760 grader Celsius, var strålningen äntligen fri att förflytta sig genom universumet, och vi kan se den strålningen idag, som slutet av den mörka medeltiden som kom efter Big Bang, och början av en brilliant blixt vi kallar Kosmisk Bakgrundsstrålning, vilket är ett jättebra namn för ett band. Fysiker kallar det för universums fingeravtryck och det är en av de viktigaste stycken av historiskt bevis vi har för Big Bang, eftersom KB är överallt. Vrid radion till en frekvens som inte har en station - en del av det brus du hör är faktiskt Kosmisk Bakgrundsstrålning som radion fångar upp. Så du kan bokstavligen höra universums barndom! Ibland kan det vara svårt att veta vad som är sant, speciellt när man pratar om saker som hände så pass långt bak i det förflutna. Detta är anledningen till att vi skapade vetenskapen, detta eleganta system för att sortera ut faktan från gödningsmedlet. Så, enbart användandes dina begränsade mänskliga sinnen, kanske du skulle komma till samma slutsats som 1800-tals Japanese: だからあなたは エネルギーが充満した饅頭なんです 十万石 (じゅうまんごく) 饅頭 じゃなくて とにかく 2760℃まで下がった宇宙なら 放射線は自由に飛び交うので それまで何も見通せなかった 宇宙の暗黒時代から 霧が晴れ上がり 光が射したよう その時の最初のひらめきは 現在も観測できる宇宙背景放射 バンドの名前にピッタリでしょう これは物理学者に言わせれば 事件現場の指紋のようなもので 宇宙がビッグバンした時に残した 重要証拠なんだそうで というのも宇宙背景放射は 宇宙全体のどこにでもありますから 試しにラジオを局の無いあいた周波数に合わせると その静寂に混ざった 微かな騒めきは ラジオが拾った本物の宇宙背景放射です 今あなたにも聴こえるでしょう宇宙の産声が! ( ラジオのノイズの音 ) 何が本当なのか知るのって 厄介な時あるよね 余りにも遠い昔に起こった事なんて特に だったらそんな時は 科学を用いて 事実からどうでもいいものを 科学を用いて 事実からどうでもいいものを 綺麗さっぱり ふるい落せば良いんだ 人間の限られた感覚だけに頼ってたら Arabic: وتذكروا، المادة هي مجرّد شكل أكثر تحجّرًا من الطاقة. أي أنّكم مجرّد كيس صلب من الطاقة. في تلك الحالة، أنا لست صلبًا جدًا. على أي حال، بحرارة 5 آلاف فهرنهيتية، استطاعت الإشعاعات التنقل بحرية عبر الكون. ونرى تلك الإشعاعات اليوم، على أنّها نهاية العصر المظلم الذي تبع الانفجار الكبير وبداية ضوء مشرق نطلق عليه اسم "الإشعاع الخلفيّ الكونيّ". وهم اسم رائع لفرقة موسيقية. يسمّي الفيزيائيون ذلك بصمة الكون، وهو من أهمّ الأدلة التاريخية على الانفجار العظيم لأنّ الإشعاع الخلفيّ الكونيّ موجود في كلّ مكان. عند ضبط مذياعك على تردّد لا يحتوي محطّة، سيكون جزء من التشويش الذي تسمعه هو ذلك الإشعاع الخلفيّ الكونيّ الذي التقطه مذياعك إذن، يمكنك سماع الكون في طفولته بالمعنى الحرفيّ! قد يكون من الصعب أحيانًا معرفة الحقيقة خاصة حين نتحدث عن أشياء وقعت في الماضي البعيد، لذلك ابتكرنا العلم. ذلك النظام الأنيق لتمييز الحقائق عن الهراء. إذن، فقط باستخدام حواسك البشرية المحدودة، قد تتوصل لنفس استنتاجات علماء القرن الـ19 Russian: учёные 19 века - Вселенная статична, вечна и бесконечна... А вот если использовать наши разумы, то, если Вселенная бесконечна и в ней бесконечное количество звёзд и она была всегда, то ночное и дневное небо были бы набиты звёздами, причём до такой степени, что дневное и ночное время были бы неотличимы. Это, явно, не так, так что что-то упущено. Вселенная, вероятно, не статична, не бесконечна, и не вечна. Что именно? Знаете, как, когда скорая едет к вам, звуковые волны сжимаются и сирена звучит более высокой, а по мере приближения волны растягиваются и она звучит ниже? Это эффект Допплера. А вот ещё одно знакомое имя: Эдвин Хаббл. Он понял, что свет делает то же самое. Свет движущихся от нас галактик и звёзд растягивается и становится более красным, а движущихся к нам - сжимается и становится более синим. Вкупе с работой Генриетты Левитт, позволившей нам точно определить, насколько далеко звёзды, Хаббл смог определить, что звёзды в целом улетают друг от друга. Korean: 결론을 내릴 것입니다. 즉 우주는 정적이고 영원하고 무한하다.. 단 그러면 생각을 해보죠. 우주가 정말로 무한하고 무한한 별들을 갖고 있고 별들은 항상 그자리에 있다면 그러면 밤낮관계없이 우주의 어느 방향으로도 별들은 꽉 차있어야 합니다. 그래서 우주 방향을 구별할 수 없어야죠. 그런데 분명히 그렇지는 않죠 그래서 뭔가는 잘 못 된거네요. 우주는 정적이지 않거나, 무한하지 않거나. 영원하지 않거나입니다. 그렇죠? 앰뷸런스가 경적을 울리며 다가오면 음파는 압축되어 소리가 높아지고 반대로 멀어지면 파장은 길어져 소리는 저음이 되지요? 이것을 도플러 효과 라고 합니다. 또 다른 유명한 이름이 있어요. 에드윈 허블, 그는 빛도 마찬가지 원리가 성립한다는 것을 알았죠. 우리로 부터 멀어져 가는 은하군이나나 별들은 파장이 좀 더 붉은 쪽으로 이동하고 우리에게 다가오는 별들의 빛은 압축되어 좀 더 푸른 색을 띱니다 헨리에타 리빗의 연구결과, 즉 별의 거리 추정법을 근거로 하여 허블은 별들이 전체적으로 서로 멀어져 간다는 것을 알아 내었습니다 Danish: videnskabsfolkene fra det 19. århundrede gjorde, nemlig at universet er uforanderligt, evigt og uendeligt... Men ved at at bruge vores hjerner, kan vi se, at hvis universet er uendeligt og indeholder et uendeligt antal stjerner og altid har eksisteret, så ville nattehimlen, og for den sags skyld dag-himlen, være fyldt op med stjerner, så man ikke kunne kende forskel på dag og nat. Det er jo ikke tilfældet, så noget passer ikke sammen. Enten er universet ikke uforanderligt, ikke uendeligt eller ikke evigt. Hvilket er det så? Kender du lyden af en ambulance der nærmer sig, hvor lyden bliver sammenpresset og sirenen lyder højere, og når den er forbi dig, strækkes lyden ud så den bliver dybere? Det kaldes Doppler-effekten. Her er noget andet du nok har hørt om. Edwin Hubble. Han opdagede at lys gør det samme som lyden. Galakser og stjerner, der bevæger sig væk fra os, får deres lys strukket ud, hvilket gør det mere rødt, og stjerner der bevæger sig imod os, får deres lys sammenpresset, hvilket gør det mere blåt. Kombineret med Henrietta Leavitts forskning, som tillod os at lave nøjagtige målinger af hvor langt væk stjerner er, kunne Hubble afgøre at stjerner, i det store og hele, bevæger sig væk fra hinanden. English: century scientists, that the universe is static, eternal and infinite... But then, using our minds, if the universe is infinite and contains infinite stars and it has always existed, then the night sky, and the day-time sky for that matter, would literally be filled with stars - so much that day and night would be indistinguishable! This is clearly not the case, so something must be amiss. The universe must either be not static, not infinite or not eternal. So which is it? You know how when an ambulance drives towards you, the sound-waves are compressed and the siren sounds higher pitched, and as it speeds away, the waves are stretched out and the pitch is lower? It's the Doppler effect. Well, here's another name you've heard. Edwin Hubble. He realized that light does the same thing. Galaxies and stars moving away from us have their light stretched out, making it more red, and stars moving toward us have their light compressed, making it more blue. Combined with the work of Henrietta Leavitt, which allowed us to accurately estimate how far away stars are, Hubble was able to determine that stars, on the whole, are flying away from each other. Finnish: tieteilijät – että maailmankaikkeus on muuttumaton, ikuinen ja ääretön. Mutta järjellä ajateltuna, jos maailmankaikkeus on ääretön ja sisältää äärettömästi tähtiä ja on aina ollut olemassa, niin taivaan täytyisi yöllä, ja itse asiassa päivälläkin, olla kirjaimellisesti täynnä tähtiä – niin täynnä ettei yötä ja päivää voisi erottaa toisistaan! Asia ei selvästi ole näin, joten jonkin täytyy olla vialla. Maailmankaikkeus ei siis ole joko muuttumaton, ääretön, tai ikuinen. Joten mitä se on? Tiedätkö kuinka, kun ambulanssi ajaa sinua kohti, ääniaallot puristuvat kasaan ja sireeni kuulostaa koreammalta, ja kun se ajaa pois, aallot venyvät ja ääni on matalampi? Kyseessä on Doppler-ilmiö. Tässä on toinen nimi, jonka olet kuullut: Edwin Hubble. Hän tajusi, että valo tekee samoin. Valo galakseista ja tähdistä, jotka liikkuvat meistä poispäin, venyy ja on punaisempaa, ja valo meidän suuntaamme liikkuvista tähdistä puristuu kasaan ja on sinisempää. Käyttäen apunaan Henrietta Leavittin työtä, joka auttoi meitä tarkasti määrittelemään tähtien etäisyyttä meistä, Hubble onnistui päättelemään, että kokonaisuudessaan tähdet liikkuvat toisistaan poispäin. Polish: naukowcy – że Wszechświat jest statyczny, wieczny i nieskończony... Jednak z drugiej strony, jakby tak o tym pomyśleć, jeżeli Wszechświat miałby być nieskończony i zawierałby nieskończoną ilość gwiazd, i istniałby od zawsze, to nocne niebo (i w sumie też to widziane za dnia) byłoby całkowicie wypełnione gwiazdami, i to w takiej ilości, że nie bylibyśmy w stanie odróżnić dnia od nocy! Oczywiście tak to nie wygląda, więc coś musi nie grać z tą teorią. Wszechświat musi albo nie być statyczny, albo nieskończony, albo wieczny. Więc jak to jest? Zauważyliście może, że gdy karetka jedzie w Waszą stronę, fale dźwiękowe są bardziej skompresowane i syreny wydają się wchodzić na wyższe tony, gdy zaś się oddala, fale ulegają rozciągnięciu i dźwięk staje się mniej intensywny? To efekt Dopplera. A teraz kolejne znajome nazwisko: Edwin Hubble. Hubble zdał sobie sprawę, że światło działa tak samo. Światło galaktyk i gwiazd oddalających się od nas ulega rozciągnięciu, przez co wydaje się czerwonawe, zaś światło gwiazd zbliżających się do nas jest skompresowane, a przez to raczej niebieskawe. W połączeniu z osiągnięciem Henrietty Leavitt, która umożliwiła nam dokładne oszacowanie odległości, w jakiej znajdują się gwiazdy, Hubble'owi udało się ustalić, że ogólnie rzecz biorąc gwiazdy oddalają się od siebie. Italian: degli scienziati del XIX secolo: che l'Universo è statico, eterno e infinito... ma poi, usando le nostri menti, se l'Universo è infinito e contiene infinite stelle, ed è sempre esistito, allora il cielo, sia notturno che diurno, dovrebbe essere letteralmente pieno di stelle – così tanto che la notte e il giorno sarebbero indistinguibili. Questo non è chiaramente il nostro caso, per cui c'è qualcosa che non va. L'Universo non è né statico, né infinito, né eterno. Quindi che cos'è? Sapete che quando un'ambulanza si avvicina le onde sonore sono compresse, quindi il suono della sirena ha un tono più alto, e quando si allontana le onde sonore vengono stirate e il tono è più basso? È l'effetto Doppler. Bene, ecco un altro nome che avete già sentito: Edwin Hubble. Comprese che la luce si comporta allo stesso modo. La luce di galassie e stelle che si allontanano da noi è stirata, ed è quindi più rossa, mentre la luce delle stelle che si avvicinano a noi è compressa, ed è quindi più blu. Assieme al lavoro di Henrietta Leavitt, che ci ha permesso di stimare con precisione quanto lontane sono le stelle, Hubble è stato in grado di determinare che le stelle, nel complesso, si stanno allontanando una dall'altra. Turkish: yüzyıl bilim adamları, evrenin statik olduğunu, ebedi ve sonsuz ... Ama sonra, adresimizi kullanarak zihinleri, eğer evren sonsuz olduğunu ve içerdiği her zaman var olan ve sonsuz yıldız, Daha sonra gece gökyüzü ve gündüz gökyüzü için bu konuda tam anlamıyla dolu olacak yıldız - gece ve gündüz olacağını çok ayırt edilemez! Bu açık bir şekilde değil, durum, yani bir şeylerin yanlış olmalı. Evren ya statik değil olmalıdır sonsuz veya sonsuz değil. Yani hangisi? Sen Bir ambulans doğru sürücüler zaman nasıl Eğer, ses dalgaları sıkıştırılır ve edilir siren yüksek perdeli sesler ve hızı olarak uzakta, dalgalar uzattı ve edilir Saha düşük? Doppler etkisi. Peki, burada duydum başka isim. Edwin Hubble. O ışık aynı işi yapar fark şey. Uzaklaşan galaksiler ve yıldız bize kendi ışık verme, uzanmış var daha kırmızı ve bize doğru hareket yıldız var Onların ışığı daha mavi yaparak, sıkıştırılmış. Henrietta Leavitt çalışmaları ile birlikte, hangi doğru nasıl tahmin etmek bize izin uzak yıldız, Hubble belirlemek başardı edilir Yıldız, bir bütün olarak, birbirinden uzak uçuyor. Hungarian: tudósok, hogy az univerzum statikus, örök és végtelen... De aztán a fejünket használva rájövünk, hogy ha az univerzum végtelen, és végtelen sok csillag van benne és mindig is létezett, akkor az éjszakai, és tulajdonképpen a nappali égbolt is szó szerint tele lenne csillagokkal - annyira, hogy az éjszakák és nappalok megkülönböztethetetlenek volnának! Ez nyilván nem így van, tehát valami nem stimmel. Az univerzum vagy nem statikus, vagy nem végtelen, vagy nem örök. De vajon melyik? Tudod milyen, amikor a mentő feléd jön, a hanghullámok összenyomódnak és ezért a sziréna magasabb hangon hallatszik, mint amikor távolodik és a hanghullámok megnyúlnak? Ez a Doppler effektus. Egy másik név amit ár biztos hallottál. Edwin Hubble. Ő fedezte fel, hogy a fény ugyanezt csinálja. Ha a galaxisok és csillagok távolodnak tőlünk, a fényük megnyúlik, és ettől pirosasabb lesz, ha közelednek felénk, a fény összenyomódik és ettől kékesebb lesz. Henrietta Leavitt - akinek köszönhetően pontosan meg tudjuk becsülni, hogy milyen messze vannak a csillagok - munkája segítségével, Hubble meg tudta állapítani, hogy a csillagok egymástól távolodnak. Vietnamese: rằng vũ trụ là bất luân chuyển, bất diệt, và vô cực...Nhưng rồi khi nghiêm túc xét lại, nếu vũ trụ là vô cực và có vô số các vì sao và chỉ có sinh ra chứ không mất đi thì ban đêm không còn là ban đêm nữa, mà ban đêm sẽ được chiếu sáng bởi vô số vì sao - có nghĩa là ngày và đêm sẽ như nhau! Rõ ràng là làm gì có chuyện đó. Vậy thì có cái gì đó sai sai. vũ trụ thật ra có thể có hoặc luân chuyển, hoặc không trường tồn, hoặc hữu hạn. Vậy thì sao? Bạn biết là khi xe cứu thương đến gần bạn, bạn thấy âm thanh rất cao và khi nó chạy đi thì bạn nghe âm thanh thấp dần. Đây gọi là Hiệu ứng Doppler! Và đây là một cái tên bạn có thể đã biết. Edwin Hubble, ông để ý rằng ánh sáng cũng có đặc tính tương tự. Thiên hà và các vì sao nào đang trôi dạt đi và ánh sáng của chúng trải rộng ra thì làm cho chúng có màu đỏ, và những vì sao nào tiến gần ta hơn có màu xanh dương. Kết hợp với nghiên cứu của Henrietta Leavitt giúp ta tính toán chính xác khoảng cách giữa các vì sao, Hubble cho rằng các vì sao đang di chuyển cách xa nhau. Spanish: del siglo 19 llegaron, que el universo es estático, eterno e infinito... pero, usando nuestras mentes, si el universo es infinito y contiene infinitas estrellas y siempre existió, entonces el cielo nocturno y el diurno, estarían literalmente repletos de estrellas, ¡Tanto así que el día y la noche serían indistinguibles! Ese claramente no es el caso, así que algo está fallando. El universo no debe ser estático, infinito o eterno. Así que ¿como es? ¿Tu sabes como cuando una amulancia viene hacia ti, las ondas sonoras se comprimen y la sirena suena más aguda, y cuando se va, las ondas se estiran y la sirena se vuelve mas grave? Esto se llama Efecto Doppler. Bueno, aquí hay otro nombre que conoces. Edwin Hubble. El descubrió que la luz hace lo mismo. Las galaxias y las estrellas alejándose de nosotros tienen su luz estirada, volviéndose mas roja, y las estrellas acercandose tienen su luz comprimida, volviéndose más azul. Combinado con el trabajo de Henrietta Leavitt, el cual estimó correctamente cuán lejos están las estrellas, Hubble pudo determinar que las estrellas, como un todo, están alejándose unas de otras. Japanese: 君だって19世紀の科学者と同じ考えを持つかもね 宇宙は不変で永遠で無限だと・・・ つまり だとするとだよ もし宇宙が無限で 無限の星がずっとあったら 夜空を見上げても 昼間の空にも 無限に星があるわけだ 星だらけ 昼だか夜だか分からない! ところが明らかにそうはなっていないので 何かが間違っていることになる 宇宙は不変ではないか 無限ではないか永遠ではないか 救急車が自分に向かって来る時 音波を圧縮してサイレンのピッチが上がって 逆では音波が伸びて ピッチが低くなるあれわかる? ドップラー効果 エドウィン・ハッブルの名前は有名だね 光にも同じことが起こることに気づいた人だよ 僕らから離れて行く銀河や星の光は 波長が伸びて赤く 向かって来る星は 光が縮んで青くなる 星々がどのくらい離れているかを正確に推定した ヘンリエッタ・リービットの研究と組み合わせ 全体として星達は互いに遠ざかっている という結論に至った Arabic: بأنّ الكون ساكن وأبديّ ولانهاية له، لكن عند استخدام عقولنا إن كان الكون لانهائيًا، ويحتوي نجومًا لانهائية، وكان موجودًا دائمًا فسماء الليل، وسماء النهار أيضًا ستكون مليئة بالنجوم. لدرجة أنّنا لن نستطيع التمييز بين الليل والنهار. ليس هذا ما يحدث بالطبع. لذا، لا شك أن خطأ ما. لا شك أن الكون ليس ساكنًا، وليس بلا نهاية، فأيّ الأمرين هو؟ أتعرفون حين تنطلق سيارة إسعاف باتجاهك، فتكون الموجات الصوتية مضغوطة ويبدو الصوت أعلى، وحين تسرع تمتد الموجات فينخفض الصوت؟ إنّها ظاهرة دوبلر. إليكم اسم آخر سمعتُم به، إدوين هابل. لقد أدرك أنّ الضوء يفعل الشيء نفسه. المجرات والنجوم التي تبتعد عنّا تمدّد ضوؤها، ممّا يجعله أكثر احمرارًا والنجوم التي تتحرّك باتجاهنا تضغط ضوأها، مّا يجعله أكثر ازرقاقًا. عند جمعه بأعمال هنرييتا ليفيت، الذي أتاح لنا الوصول لتقدير دقيق لبُعد النجوم استطاع هابل تحديد أنّ النجوم بشكل عام، تحلّق مبتعدة عن بعضها البعض. Romanian: oamenii de știință din secolul al-19-lea, că universul este static,etern și infinit ... Dar apoi, cu ajutorul minților noastre, dacă universul este infinit și conține stele infinite și a existat dintotdeauna, atunci cerul nopții și cerul de zi ar fi literalmente umplut cu stele - atât de mult încât ziua și noaptea ar fi imperceptibile! Acesta nu este în mod clar cazul așa ceva trebuie să fie rău. Universul trebuie să nu fie static, infinit sau etern. Deci care variantă este? Știți cum e atunci când o ambulanță conduce spre tine, sunetul e comprimat și sirena sună strident și pe măsură ce crește viteza , undele sunt întinse și înălțimea e joasă? Este efectul Doppler. Ei bine, aici e un alt nume care l-ați auzit. Edwin Hubble. El a realizat că lumina face același lucru lucru. Galaxiile și stelele care se deplasează departe de noi, au lumina lor care se întinde și devine mai roșie, și stele care se deplasează spre noi au lumina lor comprimată, care le face mai albastre. Combinat cu activitatea Henriettei Leavitt, care ne-a permis să estimăm cu exactitate cât de departe sunt stelele, Hubble a fost în măsură să stabilească faptul că stelele, în general, se deplasează una una față de cealaltă. iw: במאה ה-19, שהיקום הוא מקובע, תמידי ואינסופי... אבל אז, על ידי שימוש במוחות שלנו, אם היקום הוא אינסופי והוא מכיל אינסוף כוכבים וזה תמיד היה קיים, אז שמי הלילה ושמי היום לצורך ההדגמה, היו למעשה מלאים בכוכבים - כה הרבה שהיום והלילה לא היו ניתנים להבדלה! וזה מובן מאליו שזה לר המקרה, אז משהו חייב להיות לא נכון היקום אינו מקובע, או לא אינסופי או לא תמידי. אז מה זה אם ככה? אתם מכירים את זה שאמבולנס נוסע לכיוון שלו, גלי הקול צפופים והסירנות נשמעות ביתר שאת, והוא מגביר קצב והגלים נמתחים והצליל מתחלש? זה אפקט ה"דופלר" ובכן, הנה עוד שם ששמעתם. אדווין הבל. הוא הבין שאור עושה את אותו הדבר. גלקסיות וכוכבים מתרחקים מאיתנו האור שלהם מתמח והופך ליותר אדום, והכוכבים שמתקדמים אלינו בעלי אור מצומצם יותר מה שגורם לזה להיראות יותר כחול. בשילוב עם העבודה של הנריטה לויט, שאיפשרה לנו למדוד בדיוק עד כמה רחוקים הכוכבים, הבל יכל לקבוע את הכוכבים, שבגדול, מתרחקים אחד מהשני Portuguese: que os cientistas do séculos 19, que o universo é estático, eterno e infinito... Mas então, usando nossas mentes, se o universo é infinito e contém infinitas estrelas e sempre existiu, então o céu escuro, e o céu diurno por conseguinte, seria literalmente recheado de estrelas — tantas que o dia e a noite seriam indistinguíveis! Este, claramente, não é o caso, então só pode ter algo errado. O universo só pode ser: ou não estático, ou não infinito, ou não eterno. Então qual dessas é a certa? Você sabe como/quando uma ambulância está vindo na sua direção, e as ondas sonoras estão comprimidas e a sirene parece mais aguda, e conforme acelera pra longe, as ondas vão se descomprimindo e o tom fica mais agudo? Isso é o efeito Doppler. Bem, aqui está outro nome que você já ouviu: Edwin Hubble. Ele percebeu que a luz faz o mesmo procedimento. Galáxias e estrelas se distanciam de nós e têm as suas luzes descomprimidas, tornando-as mais vermelho, e estrelas se aproximando têm suas luzes comprimidas, tornando-as mais azuis. Combinando com o trabalho de Henrietta Leavitt, que nos permitiu a estimar precisamente o quão longe estavam as estrelas, o Hubble foi capaz de determinar que aquelas estrelas, em espaços vazios, estavam se distanciando um das outras. Dutch: eeuwse wetenschappers, dat het universum statisch is, eeuwig en oneindig... Maar dan, met behulp van onze geest, als het heelal oneindig is en oneindig sterren bevat en het altijd heeft bestaan, dan is de nachtelijke hemel, en de dag-tijd hemel letterlijk gevuld met sterren, zo veel dat dag en nacht niet te onderscheiden is van elkaar. Dit is duidelijk niet het geval, dus er moet iets mis zijn. Het universum moet oftewel niet statisch zijn, niet oneindig of niet eeuwig. Dus welke is het? Jij weet dat als een ambulance naar u toe rijdt, de geluidsgolven samengedrukt worden en de sirene heeft een hogere toon, en als hij wegsnelt worden de golven uitgestrekt en de toon is lager? Het is het Doppler-efftect. Wel, hier is een andere naam die je gehoord hebt: Edwin Hubble. Hij realiseerde dat het licht hetzelfde ding doet. Het licht van de sterrenstelsels en sterren die van ons weg bewegen is meer uitgestrekt, waardoor het roder is, en het licht van de sterren die naar ons toe bewegen is meer samengedrukt, waardoor het blauwer is. gecombineerd met het werk van Henrietta Leavitt, dat ons toeliet om nauwkeurig te schatten hoe ver sterren zijn, was Hubble in staat om vast te stellen dat de sterren, over het algemeen, uit elkaar vliegen. Swedish: forskare, att universum är statisk, evig och oändlig... Men sedan, användandes våra hjärnor, om universum är oändligt och innehåller oändligt många stjärnor och det har alltid existerat, då skulle natthimmelen, och dagens himmel för den delen, vara bokstavligen fylld med stjärnor - så många att natt och dag skulle vara oskiljaktiga! Detta är uppenbarligen inte hur det ligger till, så något måste vi ha gått miste om. Vårt universum måste antingen vara icke statisk, icke oändligt eller icke evigt. Så vilket av dem är det? Du vet när en ambulans kör mot dig, och ljudvågorna blir sammanpressade och sirenen låter ljusare, och när den har kört förbi dig, är vågorna uttänjda och den är lägre? Det kallas för Dopplereffekten. Nå, här är ett annat namn du förmodligen har hört. Edwin Hubble. Han insåg att ljus gör samma sak. Galaxer och stjärnor som rör sig ifrån oss har utsträckt ljus, vilket gör det rödare, och stjärnor som rör sig mot oss har sammantryckt ljus, vilket gör det blåare. Kombinerat med Henrietta Leavitts verk, vilket tillät oss att noggrant uppskatta hur långt borta stjärnor är. Hubble kunde fastställa att stjärnor, i stort sett, är på väg ifrån varandra. Portuguese: Usando apenas os limitados sentidos humanos, você pode chegar à mesma conclusão que os cientistas do século 19: "O Universo é estático, eterno e infinito..." Mas então, usando nossas mentes, se o Universo é infinito e contém infinitas estrelas e sempre existiu, então o céu noturno (e o céu diurno), seria literalmente recheado de estrelas — tantas que o dia e a noite seriam indistinguíveis! Este, obviamente, não é o caso. Então só pode ter algo errado. Então o Universo: não é estático, ou não é infinito, ou não é eterno. Então como é? Sabe quando uma ambulância vem na sua direção, e as ondas sonoras são comprimidas e a sirene parece mais aguda, e conforme se distancia, as ondas vão se descomprimindo e o tom fica mais grave? Efeito Doppler. Bem, aqui está outro nome que você já ouviu: Edwin Hubble. Ele percebeu que a luz faz a mesma coisa. Galáxias que se distanciam de nós têm suas luzes esticadas, tornando-as mais vermelhas, e estrelas se aproximando têm suas luzes comprimidas, tornando-as mais azuis. Combinando com o trabalho de Henrietta Leavitt, que nos permitiu saber a distancia das estrelas, Hubble foi capaz de determinar que todas as estrelas estavam se distanciando umas das outras. German: wie die Wissenschaftler (und -innen) des 19. Jahrhunderts: dass das Universum statisch, ewig und unendlich ist. Aber andererseits, indem wir unseren und Verstand benutzen: Wenn das Universum unendlich ist und unendlich viele Sterne enthält und es immer existiert hat, dann wäre der Nachthimmel, und auch der Taghimmel, wenn wir schon dabei sind, buchstäblich gefüllt mit Sternen – so sehr, dass Tag und Nacht ununterscheidbar wären! Das ist eindeutig nicht der Fall, also muss irgendwas verkehrt sein. Das Universum muss entweder nicht statisch, nicht unendlich oder nicht ewig sein. Also, welches davon stimmt? Ihr wisst, wie, wenn ein Notarztwagen auf euch zufährt, sich die Schallwellen verdichten und Sirenen höher anhören, und wenn er wegrast, sich die Wellen ausdehnen und die Tonhöhe niedriger ist? Der Doppler-Effekt. Nun, hier ist noch ein Name den ihr gehört habt: Edwin Hubble. Er erkannte, dass Licht das Gleiche macht. Galaxien und Sterne, die sich von uns wegbewegen, senden ausgedehntes Licht, wodurch es roter wird, und Sterne, die sich auf uns zubewegen, senden verdichtetes Licht, wodurch es blauer wird. Zusammen mit der Arbeit von Henrietta Leavitt, durch die wir präzise abschätzen können, wie weit Sterne entfernt sind, war Hubble in der Lage festzustellen, dass Sterne, insgesamt, voneinander wegfliegen. French: du 19ème siècle, que l'univers est statique, éternel et infini ... Mais alors, en utilisant nos esprits, on se rendrait compte que si l'univers était infini et contenait une infinité d'étoiles et qu'il avait toujours existé, alors le ciel nocturne, et le ciel en plein jour pour la même raison, serait littéralement rempli d'étoiles - tellement que le jour et la nuit seraient indiscernables! Ce qui n'est clairement pas le cas, alors quelque chose doit clocher. L'univers doit être pas statique,ou pas infini ou pas éternel. Alors ce serait quoi? Vous voyez quand une ambulance se dirige vers vous, les ondes sonores sont compressées et la sirène sonne plus aigu, et quand elle s'éloigne, les ondes s'étendent et le son est plus grave? C'est l'effet Doppler. Eh bien, voici un autre nom que vous avez entendu. Edwin Hubble. Il se rendit compte que la lumière fait la même chose. Les galaxies et les étoiles qui s'éloignent de nous voient leur lumière s'étendre, ce qui rend la rend plus rouge, et les étoiles se déplaçant vers nous voient leur lumière se comprimer, ce qui la rend plus bleue. Combiné avec le travail de Henrietta Leavitt, qui nous a permit d'estimer avec précision la distance à laquelle les étoiles sont, Hubble a pu déterminer que les étoiles, dans l'ensemble, s'éloignent les unes des autres. iw: הוא גילה שכל החפצים המעופפים בשמים היו בגוון אדום והיו למעשה גלקסיות אחרות מחוץ למערכת השמש שלנו שנעים הרחק מאיתנו. מכאן, הוא בנה על ראש עבודתו של כומר בלגי קתולי, ג'ורג'ס למיטרה, שחזה שהיקום החל בנקודה אחת. אבל קוסמולוגים של הנפץ הגדול רצו הוכחה. הם ידעו שהכמות של רדיאציה ששוחררה בגלל הנפץ הגדול תהיה עצומה, והם רצו לראות את זה זה לא קרה עד שנות ה-60, שאז היא נמצאה בטעות על ידי שני בחורים שעבדו על אנטנה בספריות "בל" בניו ג'רזי. הם ניסו לחסו את כל רעשי הרקע מאנטנה מאוד רגישה, אבל הם מצאו שהקול העמום הזה מגיע מכל כיוון הם ניסו הכל בשביל להיפטר מזה, כולל להרוג את היונים שהמשיכו לעלות על האנטנה - מעט מצער, אבל היונים האלה - נתנו את חייהם לאחת מההמצאות החשובות ביותר במדע. בשיחה עם רדיו מקומי אסטרונום ביקש להראות את הממצאים שלהם לאסטרונום בפרינסטו, שאישש את הקיום של מה שנחזה מזה שנים Turkish: O keşfetti en uzak nesneleri Gökyüzünde tüm kırmızı-kaymıştır ve aslında vardı Hareketli Samanyolu dışındaki diğer galaksiler, Bizden uzak. Buradan, o üzerine inşa Belçikalı rahip Georges Lemaitre Katolik çalışmaları, kim evrenin başladı varsayımında bir tek nokta. Big bang kozmolojistler istedi olsa kanıtı. Onlar miktarı biliyordu büyük patlamadan tarafından yayımlanan radyasyon olurdu masif ve bunu görmek istedim. O bulunmuştur ki 1960'lara kadar değildi yanlışlıkla iki adam tarafından bir antene çalışan New Jersey'deki Bell Laboratuvarları'nda. Onlar tüm arka plan gürültüsünü ortadan kaldırmak için çalışıyor Son derece hassas bir radyo anteni gelen, ama onlar her yönden gelen bu soluk hum bulundu. Onlar kurtulmak için ellerinden geleni denedim Bunun da dahil olmak üzere güvercinlerin öldürmekten o anten pooping tuttu - biraz üzgün ama Bu güvercinler - onlar için hayatlarını verdiler Modern en derin keşiflerinden biri bilim. Yerel bir radyo ile bir görüşme astronom bulgularını göstermek için onlara yol Princeton'da bir astronom, kim doğruladı için tahmin edilmişti neler varlığı yıl. Romanian: El a descoperit că obiectele cele mai îndepărtate în cer au fost toate de culoare roșie și care au fost de fapt alte galaxii dincolo de Calea Lactee, se deplasează față de noi. De aici, el a construit pe pe baza studiilor de preotului catolic belgian Georges Lemaitre, care a emis ipoteza ca universul a inceput de la un singur punct. Cosmologii Big bang-ului doreau dovada totuși. Ei știau că suma radiațiilor eliberate de Big Bangi ar fi fost imensă și au vrut să o vădă. Nu s-a putut până în 1960 când a fost găsită accidental, de doi tipi care lucrau pe o antenă la Bell Laboratories din New Jersey. Ei au încercat să elimine tot zgomotul de fond printr-o antenă radio extrem de sensibilă, dar au găsit acest zumzet slab venind din toate direcțiile. Au încercat tot ce au putut să scape de el, inclusiv uciderea porumbeilor care murdăreau antena - cam trist, dar acești porumbei și-au dat viața pentru una dintre descoperirile cele mai profunde din știința modernă. O conversație cu un astronom radio local, i-a determinat să arate concluziile lor unui astronom de la Princeton, care a confirmat existența a ceea ce a fost prezis de ani. Finnish: Hän sai selville, että kauimmaiset taivaankappaleet olivat kaikki punasävyisiä ja olivat itse asiassa galakseja Linnunradan ulkopuolella, jotka liikkuivat meistä poispäin. Seuraavaksi hän jatkoi belgialaisen katolisen papin Georges Lemaitren työtä, joka arveli, että maailmankaikkeus sai alkunsa yhdestä pisteestä. Alkuräjähdyskosmologit halusivat kuitenkin todisteita. He tiesivät, että alkuräjähdyksessä syntyneen säteilyn määrä olisi massiivinen, ja he halusivat löytää sen. Sen löysivät vasta 1960-luvulla vahingossa kaksi kaveria, jotka tekivät töitä antennin parissa Bell Laboratoriesissa New Jerseyssä. He yrittivät poistaa kaiken taustamelun taustamelun todella herkästä radioantennista, mutta joku vaimea humina tuli joka suunnasta. He yrittivät kaikkensa päästäkseen siitä eroon, jopa murhasivat pulut, jotka kakkivat antennin päälle – vähän surullista, mutta nuo pulut antoivat henkensä yhden modernin tieteen tärkeimmän löydön puolesta. Puhuttuaan paikalliselle radioastronomille, he päätyivät näyttämään löytönsä eräälle Princetonin astronomille, joka vahvisti jo vuosia ennustetun säteilyn olemassaolon. Arabic: اكتشف أنّ أبعد الأجسام عن السماء كلّها لها انزياح أحمر، وكانت مجرات أخرى بعد مجرة درب التبانة، وتتحرّك مبتعدة عنّا. من هنا، اعتمد على عمل القسيس البلجيكي الكاثوليكي جورج لامييترا، الذي وضع نظريّة بأنّ الكون بدأ في نقطة واحدة. لكنّ علماء الكون أرادوا إثباتًا عرفوا أنّ كمية الإشعاع الذي أطلقه الانفجار العظيم هائلة، وأرادوا رؤيته. ولم يجدوه إلّا في ستينات القرن الـ20 بالصدفة، حيث وجده رجلان يعملان على هوائيّ في مختبرات بيل في نيوجيرسي. كانا يحاولان التخلص من الأصوات الخلفية من هوائيّ لاسلكيّ شديد الحساسية، لكنّهما سمعا همهمة خفيفة تصدر من كلّ اتجاه. جرّبا كلّ ما بوسعهما للتخلّص منه، وحتّى قتل الحمامات التي كانت تتبرّز على الهوائيّ، هذا محزن. لكنّ تلك الحمامات ضحّت بحياتها في سبيل أحد أهمّ الاكتشافات العلمية المعاصرة. محادثة مع عالم فلك إشعاعيّ ساعدهم لعرض نتائجهم على عالم فلك في برنستون وهو من استطاع تأكيد وجود ما توقّعوه منذ سنوات. Hungarian: Felfedezte, hogy az égen legtávolabb levő objektumok mind pirosas színűek és, hogy valójában több galaxis van a Tejút után, amik mind távolodnak tőlünk. Innen a belga katolikus pap, Georges Lemaitre munkájára alapozott, aki feltételezte, hogy az univerzum egy pontból keletkezett. A Nagy Bumm kozmológusainak azonban bizonyíték kellett. Tudták, hogy az ősrobbanáskor keletkező sugárzás óriási volt, és látni akarták. Egészen a '60-as évekig várniuk kellett, amikor két srác, akik egy antennán dolgoztak a Bell laboratóriumban, New Jerseyben, véletlenül megtalálta. Próbálták kiküszöbölni a háttérzajt amit a rendkívül érzékeny antenna érzékelt, de a halk zümmögés minden irányból jött. Mindent megpróbáltak, többek között megölték a galambokat, akik folyton az antennára csináltak - elég szomorú, de azok a galambok a modern tudomány egyik legmeghatározóbb felfedezéséért adták az életüket. Egy beszélgetés után a helyi rádiócsillagásszal megmutatták a felfedezésüket egy csillagásznak a Princetonon, aki elismerte a létezését annak, amit évekkel azelőtt megjósoltak. Russian: Он обнаружил, что самые дальние объекты в небе все красного цвета и были, на самом деле, галактиками за пределами Млечного Пути, которые двигались от нас. Отсюда он работал на основе работы бельгийского католического священника Жоржа Лёметра, который построил гипотезу о том, что Вселенная началась в одной точке. Космологам Большого Взрыва, однако, нужно было доказательство. Они знали, что количество радиации, выпущенное Большим Взрывом, было бы громадным, и они хотели её увидеть. Только в 1960-х было выяснено, случайно, двумя людьми, работавшими на антенне в лаборатории Белл в Нью Джерси. Они пытались избавиться от фонового шума у крайне чувствительной радиоантенны, но они обнаружили лёгкое гудение из каждого направления. Они пытались от него избавиться, в том числе убивая голубей, которые какали на антенну, что печально, но эти голуби отдали свои жизни за одно из самых основательных открытий в современной науке. Диалог с астрономом с местной радиостанции позволил им показать свои открытия астроному в Принстоне, который подтвердил существование того, о чём говорили годы. Portuguese: Ele descobriu que os mais distantes objetos no céu eram todos vermelhos brilhantes e eram, na verdade, outras galáxias além da Via Láctea, se afastando de nós. Daqui, ele construiu sob os escombros do Padre católico Belga, Georges Lemaitre, que hipotetizou que o universo começou de um ponto único. Cosmologistas do Big Bang queriam provas, no entanto. Eles sabiam que a quantidade de radiação liberada pelo Big Bang seria massiva, e eles queriam a prova disso. Mas não foi, até o ano 1960 que foi achado, acidentalmente, por dois rapazes trabalhando em uma antena dos Laboratórios Bell em Nova Jersey. Eles estavam tentando eliminar todo o barulho de fundo de uma antena de rádio extremamente sensitiva, mas eles acharam esse fraco zumbido vindo de todas as direções. Eles tentaram tirá-lo de todas as formas que sabiam, incluindo assassinar os pombos que faziam cocô na antena — é meio triste —, contudo aqueles pombos... eles deram suas vidas por uma das mais importantes descobertas da ciência moderna. Uma conversa com um astrônomo de uma rádio local os conduziu a mostrarem suas descobertas a um astrônomo de Princeton, que confirmou a existência do que foi predito há anos. Italian: Ha scoperto che gli oggetti più lontani nel cielo erano tutti orientati verso il rosso, ed erano in realtà altre galassie oltre la Via Lattea che si allontanavano da noi. Partendo da ciò, incrementò il lavoro del prete cattolico belga Georges Lemaître, il quale aveva ipotizzato che l'Universo avete avuto inizio in un singolo punto. I cosmologi del Big Bang, però, volevano la prova. Sapevano che la quantità di radiazione rilasciata dal Big Bang era enorme, e volevano vederla. È stata scoperta per caso negli anni 1960 da due uomini che lavoravano su un'antenna presso i Bell Laboratories nel New Jersey. Stavano cercando di eliminare i rumori di fondo da un'antenna radio estremamente sensibile, ma si resero conto che quel debole ronzio proveniva da ogni direzione. Provarono di tutto per eliminarlo, tra cui l'assassinio dei picconi che continuavano a sporcare l'antenna – una cosa triste, ma quei piccioni hanno dato la vita per una delle scoperte più profonde della scienza moderna. Una conversazione con un astronomo radio del luogo li porta a mostrare i loro risultati a un astronomo di Princeton, che confermò l'esistenza di ciò che era stato predetto da anni. Danish: Han opdagede at de fjerneste objekter på himlen alle var rød-forskudte og egentligt var andre galakser udenfor Mælkevejen, der bevægede sig væk fra os. Herfra byggede han videre på den belgisk-katolske præst Georges Lemaitres arbejde. Han opstillede en hypotese om at universet begyndte i et enkelt punkt. Det ville Big Bang kosmologerne nu gerne se beviser for. De vidste at mængden af stråling der blev udløst ved Big Bang ville være enorm, og de ville se den. Det var ikke før 1960'erne at det ved et tilfælde blev fundet af to fyre, der arbejdede med en antenne ved Bell Laboratoriet i New Jersey. De forsøgte at fjerne baggrundsstøjen fra den ekstremt følsomme radioantenne, men de fandt ud af, at den svage summen kom fra alle retninger. De forsøgte alt for at fjerne støjen, også at myrde duerne der blev ved med at skide på antennen - synd for dem, men de duer gav deres liv for en af de mest vidtgående opdagelser i moderne videnskab. En samtale med en lokal radio- astronom førte dem til at vise deres opdagelser til en astronom på Princeton, og han bekræftede eksistensen af dét, der havde været forudsagt i årevis. Portuguese: Ele descobriu que todos os objetos mais distantes sofreram redshift; e eram, na verdade, outras Galáxias se afastando de nós. Daqui, ele tomou como base o trabalho do Padre Georges Lemaître — que hipotetizou que o Universo começou de um ponto único. Mas cosmologistas do Big Bang queriam provas. Eles sabiam que a quantidade de radiação seria massiva. E queriam vê-la. Mas só foi em 1960 que foi encontrada, acidentalmente, por dois rapazes trabalhando em uma antena dos Laboratórios Bell em Nova Jersey. Eles estavam tentando eliminar todo o barulho de fundo de uma antena de rádio extremamente sensível, mas havia um fraco zumbido vindo de todas as direções. Eles tentaram de tudo para tirá-lo, incluindo matar os pombos que faziam cocô na antena É meio triste — mas aqueles pombos deram suas vidas por uma das mais importantes descobertas da ciência moderna. A descoberta foi vista por um astrônomo de Princeton, que confirmou a existência do que foi predito há anos. Dutch: Hij ontdekte dat de meest afgelegen objecten in de lucht allemaal rood waren en eigenlijk andere sterrenstelsels buiten de Melkweg waren die van ons af bewegen. Vanaf hier bouwde hij verder op het werk van de Belgische katholieke priester Georges Lemaitre, die veronderstelde dat het universum begon op een enkel punt. Oerknal kosmologen wouden bewijs. Ze wisten dat de hoeveelheid straling die de Oerknal vrijgaf enorm zou zijn, en ze wilden het zien. Het was pas in jaren 60 toen het per ongeluk werd gevonden door twee mannen die aan het werken waren aan een antenne bij de Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. Ze probeerden om al het achtergrondgeluid van een extreem gevoelige radioantenne te elimineren, maar ze vonden een flauw zoemend geluid dat uit elke richting kwam. Ze probeerden alles wat ze konden om ervan af te geraken, inclusief het vermoorden van de duiven die op de antenne bleven poepen, beetje triest, maar die duiven gaven hun leven voor een van de meest ingrijpende ontdekkingen in de moderne wetenschap. Een gesprek met een lokale radio-astronoom leidde hen tot het tonen van hun bevindingen aan een astronoom aan Princeton, die het bestaan bevestigde van wat al jaren was voorspeld. Korean: 그는 하늘의 먼 별들의 빛은 붉은 쪽으로 치우쳐 있고 우리 은하수 밖의 다른 은하군들은 멀어져 가는 것을 깨달았습니다. 그래서 벨기에의 신부 조지 르메트르의 우주는 한 점에서 탄생했다는 가설을 연구 보강하였습니다. 빅뱅 우주론자들은 증명이 필요했습니다. 그들은 폭발 시에 나오는 복사광선은 대단한 양이고 그래서 그것을 찾아 보고 싶었습니다. 1960 년대에 되어서야 우연히 뉴저지의 벨랩에서 연구하는 두 명에 의해 그 복사광선이 발견되었습니다. 그들은 원래 초고감도 라디오 안테나에서 잡히는 배경 잡음을 없애려고 노력 중이었는데 그 중 희미한 웅웅소리가 모든 방향에서 오는 것을 발견합니다. 잡음을 없애려고 안테나 근처에서 용변을 보는 비둘기도 없애는 등 별 짓을 다 했지요. 슬프지만 이 비둘기들은 현대과학사의 가장 심오한 발견 중 하나를 위해 그들의 목숨을 바친 셈이죠. 지역라디오 천문학자와 얘기를 한 후 자기들의 결과를 프린스턴의 천문학자에게 보여 주자, 그는 수 년간 예측된 현상이 실존한다는 것을 확인합니다 Japanese: ハッブルはほとんどの遠くにある天体は すべて赤方偏移していて 天の川銀河の向こう側にある別の銀河が 実際に遠ざかっている事を確認 天の川銀河の向こう側にある別の銀河が 実際に遠ざかっている事を確認 ここからベルギーのカトリック司祭 ジョルジュ・レマイトレは仮説を立てる 宇宙の始まりは一点からだ ビッグバン論者達は証明しようとした ビッグバンが本当なら 放出された放射線は理論上莫大になるはず だからそれを探し求めた 見つからないまま年月は流れ 1964年 その偶然の発見者はニュージャージー州 ベル研究所の二人のアンテナ技師だった 彼らは極端に敏感なラジオアンテナから バックグラウンドノイズを取り除こうと格闘していた あらゆる方向から来ている 微かな唸りがどうしても取れなかった それを消すためなら殺しにまで手を染めた アンテナにフンを垂れる 鳩どもを葬ったんだ ハト迷惑な話だよね! 鳩だけに 現代科学の金字塔の鳩柱にされちゃったわけだ 二人のこの発見は ラジオの番組で紹介され プリンストン大の天文学者の耳に届いた ついに長い間予測されていたことが 確かめられる時が来た Swedish: Han upptäckte att de mest avlägsna objekten i rymden var rödaktiga och var egentligen andra galaxer bortom Vintergalaxen, på väg bort från oss. Med detta, byggandes på slutsatserna av den belgiska katolska prästen Georges Lemaitre, som hypotiserade att universum började som en enskild punkt. Big Bangkosmologer ville däremot ha bevis. De visste att mängden av strålning skapad av Big Bang skulle varit massiv, och de ville se det. Det var inte förrän 1960-talet som man fann det av ren chans, av två snubbar som fixade en antenn på laboratoriet i Bell, New Jersey. De försökte eliminera allt bakgrundsbrus från en extremt känslig radioantenn, men istället fann de ett svagt brum från alla håll. De försökte allt för att få bort det, inklusive mörda duvorna som hela tiden bajsade på antennen - lite sorgligt, men dem duvorna - de gav sina liv för en av de mest djupgående upptäckterna inom modern vetenskap. En konversation med en lokal radio astronom ledde dem att visa deras upptäckter för en astronom vid Princeton, som bekräftade existensen av det som hade förutspåtts i åratal. German: Er entdeckte, dass die am weitesten entfernten Objekte am Himmel alle rotverschoben waren und tatsächlich andere Galaxien jenseits der Milchstraße waren, die sich von uns wegbewegen. Und jetzt baute er auf der Arbeit des belgischen katholischen Priesters Georges Lemaitre auf, welcher die Hypothese aufstellte, dass das Universum in einem einzigen Punkt begann. Urknall-Kosmologen wollten allerdings einen Beweis. Sie wussten, dass die Menge der vom Urknall freisetzten Strahlung gewaltig gewesen wäre, und sie wollten sie sehen. Erst in den 1960er Jahren wurde sie zufällig entdeckt, von zwei Typen, die an einer Antenne der Bell Laboratories in New Jersey gearbeitet haben. Sie versuchten gerade all den Hintergrundlärm von der extrem sensiblen Radioantenne zu entfernen, aber sie nahmen dieses schwache Brummen wahr, das aus jeder Richtung kam. Sie versuchten alles Mögliche, um das loszuwerden, inklusive die Tauben umzubringen, welche fortlaufend auf die Antenne kackten – schon traurig, aber diese Tauben, sie gaben ihr Leben für eines der schwerwiegendsten Entdeckungen der modernen Wissenschaft. Eine Unterhaltung mit einem lokalen Radioastronom brachte sie dazu, ihre Entdeckung einem Astronom von der Princeton zu zeigen, welcher das Vorliegen von dem bestätigte, was seit Jahren prophezeit worden war. English: He discovered that the most remote objects in the sky were all red-shifted and were actually other galaxies beyond the milky way, moving away from us. From here, he built upon the work of Belgian Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre, who hypothesized that the universe began at a single point. Big bang cosmologists wanted proof though. They knew that the amount of radiation released by the big bang would be massive, and they wanted to see it. It wasn't until the 1960s that it was found accidentally, by two guys working on an antenna at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. They were trying to eliminate all the background noise from an extremely sensitive radio antenna, but they found this faint hum coming from every direction. They tried everything they could to get rid of it, including murdering the pigeons that kept pooping on the antenna - kinda sad, but those pigeons - they gave their lives for one of the most profound discoveries in modern science. A conversation with a local radio astronomer lead them to show their findings to an astronomer at Princeton, who confirmed the existence of what had been predicted for years. French: Il a découvert que les objets les plus distants dans le ciel étaient tous décalée vers le rouge et étaient en fait d'autres galaxies au-delà de la Voie Lactée, s'éloignant de nous. A partir de ça, il s'est construit sur le travail du prêtre catholique belge Georges Lemaître, qui a émis l'hypothèse que l'univers a commencé à partir d'un seul point. Cependant les cosmologiques du Big bang voulaient des preuves. Ils savaient que la quantité de rayonnement libérée par le Big Bang serait massive, et ils voulaient le voir. Ce n'est qu'en 1960 qu'on l'a trouvé accidentellement, alors que deux mecs travaillaient sur une antenne aux laboratoires Bell dans le New Jersey. Ils cherchaient à éliminer tout le bruit de fond d'une antenne radio extrêmement sensibles, mais ils ont trouvé ce léger bourdonnement venant de toutes les directions. Ils ont tout essayé pour se débarrasser de celui-ci, y compris l'abattage de pigeons qui n'arrêtaient pas de déféquer sur l'antenne -un peu triste, mais ces pigeons - ils ont donné leurs vies pour l'une des découvertes les plus profondes de la science moderne. Une conversation avec un radioastronome local les a amené à montrer leurs observations à un astronome de Princeton qui confirma alors l'existence de ce qui avait été prédit depuis des années. Polish: Odkrył, że wszystkie najodleglejsze obiekty na niebie mają bardziej czerwony odcień i są tak naprawdę innymi galaktykami poza granicami Drogi Mlecznej, oddalającymi się od nas. Od tamtego momentu opierał się na pracy belgijskiego księdza, Georgesa Lemaître'a, który wysunął hipotezę, że Wszechświat miał swój początek w jednym punkcie. Kosmologowie badający Wielki Wybuch chcieli jednak dowodów. Wiedzieli, że ilość promieniowania uwolniona w wyniku Wielkiego Wybuchu musiała być ogromna, chcieli je zatem zobaczyć. Jednak dopiero w latach 60. XX wieku promieniowanie przypadkowo odkryło dwóch facetów pracujących nad anteną w Bell Laboratories w New Jersey. Starali się wyeliminować wszystkie szumy z bardzo czułej anteny radiowej, okazało się jednak, że swoisty cichy szum dobiega z każdego kierunku. Próbowali wszystkiego, co mogli, żeby pozbyć się tych dźwięków, m.in. powybijali gołębie, które ciągle załatwiały się na antenę – trochę szkoda ptaków, ale z drugiej strony oddały one życie za jedno z najistotniejszych odkryć nowoczesnej nauki. Po rozmowie z lokalnym radioastronomem pokazali swoje odkrycie astronomowi z Princeton, który wówczas potwierdził istnienie tego, co przewidywano przez lata. Spanish: El descubrió que los objetos más remotos del cielo estaban todos corridos-al-rojo y de hecho eran otras galaxias más allá de la vía láctea, alejándose de nosotros. Desde aquí, y con el trabajo del sacerdote católico belga Georges Lemaitre, quién hipotetizó que el universo comenzó en un solo punto. Los cosmologístas del Big Bang querían pruebas. Ellos sabían que la cantidad de radiación liberada en el Big Bang sería masiva, y ellos quería verla. No fué sinó hasta los '60s que fué encontrada accidentalmente, por 2 tipos trabajando en una antena en los Laboratorios Bell en New Jersey. Ellos intentaban eliminar todo el sonido de fondo de una antena de radio extremadamente sensible, pero encontraron este pequeño zumbido viniendo de todas las direcciones. Intentaron todo para desacerse de el, incluso mataron las palomas que ensusiaban la antena, es medio triste, pero esas palomas dieron sus vidas por uno de los más profundos descubrimientos de la ciencia moderna. Una conversación con un radio astrónomo local los llevó a mostrar sus hallázgos a un astronomo de Princeton, quién confirmó la existencia de lo que había sido predicho por años. Vietnamese: Ông khám phá ra rằng các vật thể xa ta nhất có tông màu đỏ, và thiên hà khác ngoài Ngân hà đang rời xa chúng ta. Từ đây, ông lại phát triển thêm từ nghiên cứu của một mục sĩ người Bỉ tên Georges Lemaitre, người đặt giả thuyết rằng vũ trụ xuất phát từ chỉ một điểm. Các nhà vũ trụ học ủng hộ Vụ Nổ lớn cần chứng cứ. Họ biết lượng bức xạ phát ra từ Vụ Nổ lớn sẽ rất lớn, và họ muốn thấy nó. Phải cho đến thập kỷ 1960 nó mới được phát hiện một cách tình cờ bởi 2 người đang làm việc với ăn-ten ở Phòng thí nghiệm Bell tại New Jersey. Họ đã cố tắt đi các tiếng ồn nền cho cái máy thu thanh bằng ăn-ten vô cùng nhạy, nhưng họ thu được tiếng "hum" ở mọi hướng Họ thử mọi cách để bỏ tiếng ồn đó, thậm chí giết luôn cả mấy con bồ câu đã ị lên cái ăn-ten - thật là đắng lòng - nhưng dù sao các chú bồ câu đã anh dũng hy sinh cho một trong những khám phá vĩ đại nhất trong Khoa học hiện đại. Một cuộc thoại với nhà thiên văn dẫn họ đến với ông ấy ở Đại học Princeton để xác nhận sự tồn tại vốn đã được phỏng đoán qua nhiều năm. Swedish: Den sista pusselbiten av Big Bang pusslet är att vi kan se det. Ljus har en hastighet. När vi tittar på solen, ser vi det ljus som lämnade den 8 minuter sedan, men om vi tittar på någonting som är 13.8 miljarder ljusår bort, ser vi saker som hände 13.8 miljarder år sedan! Strålningen har rest sedan början av vårt universum. Inte nog med att vi kan fastställa att det inte fanns någonting innan det, vi kan nu studera den strålningen för att finna händelserna ordning i Big Bang. Vi kan också se att den kemiska kompositionen i vårt tidiga universum är vad vi förväntade oss - mycket väte, mycket helium och en liten mängd litium. Resten av det periodiska systemet var tvungen att vänta tills de brinnande smältugnarna och kärnor inuti stjärnor skapades. Men, mer om det i nästa avsnitt! Trots de framsteg vi har gjort de senaste århundradet i fastställandet av universums historia, är det fortfarande mycket kosmologer fortfarande har att upptäcka. Till exempel, universum beter sig som om det fanns en mängd materia inom det som vi inte kan see eller upptäcka. Galaxers gravitation påverkas av denna materia, men är annars helt osynligt för oss. Fysiker kallar Arabic: القطعة الأخيرة من أحجية الانفجار العظيم، أنّنا نستطيع رؤيته، الضوء له سرعة. حين ننظر إلى الشمس، فنحن نرى الضوء الذي انطلق منها قبل 8 دقائق. لكن حين ننظر إلى شيء يبعد عنّا مسافة 13،8 مليار سنة ضوئية، سنرى ما حدث قبل 13،8 سنة. تلك الإشعاعات كانت تتقدّم منذ بدء الكون. لن نستطيع أن نعرف بوضوح أنّه لم يكن هناك شيء قبل ذلك فحسب بل نستطيع الآن دراسة تلك الإشعاعات لدراسة تسلسل أحداث الانفجار العظيم. نستطيع أيضًا أن نرى أنّ التشكيل الكيميائي للكون في بدايته كان كما نتوقع. الكثير من الهيدروجين والكثير من الهيليوم، وكمية قليلة من الليثيوم. أمّا بقيّة عناصر الجدول الدوريّ فقط كان عليها انتظار الحرارة الحارقة في جوف النجوم لتتشكّل. لكنّنا سنتحدّث عن ذلك في الحلقة المقبلة. رغم التقدّم الذي أحرزناه في القرن الماضي في كتابة تاريخ الكون إلّا أنّه ما زال هناك أشياء كثيرة لم يكتشفها علماء الكون بعد. مثلًا، يتصرّف الكون كما لو كان يحتوي مادة لا يمكننا رؤيتها أو الشعور بها. وجاذبيّة المجرات تتأثّر بتلك المادة، لكنّها غير مرئيّة إطلاقًا بالنسبة إلينا. Danish: Den sidste brik i Big Bang puslespillet er at vi kan se det. Lys har en hastighed. Når vi kigger på solen ser vi lyset der forlod den for 8 minutter siden, men hvis vi ser på noget der er 13,8 mia. lysår væk, ser vi det som skete for 13,8 mia. år siden. Strålingen har rejst siden universets begyndelse. Ikke blot kan vi være sikre på, at der ikke var noget før det, vi kan nu studere strålingen for at finde ud af rækkefølgen i Big Bang begivenhederne. Vi kan også se at den kemiske sammensætning af det tidlige univers, er som vi havde forventet - en masse brint, en masse helium og en smule lithium. Resten af det periodiske system måtte vente på de brændende ovne i maven på stjerner, for at blive dannet. Mere om det i næste afsnit! Så langt som vi end er kommet med at beskrive universets historie i det sidste århundrede, er der stadig meget for kosmologer at opdage. For eksempel opfører universet sig som om der er en masse stof i det, som vi hverken kan se eller måle. Galaksers tyngdefelt bliver påvirket af dette stof, men ellers er det helt usynligt for os. Fysikere kalder det Turkish: Bu büyük patlama bulmacanın son parçası olan biz onu görebilirsiniz. Işık hızına sahiptir. Ne zaman biz güneşin baktığımızda ışığı görüyorsanız sekiz dakika önce sol, ama biz eğer 13,8 milyar ışık yılı var şeye bakmak uzakta, biz ne şeyler görüyorsanız 13,8 milyar yıl önce! Bu radyasyon olmuştur Evrenin başından beri seyahat. Sadece biz orada çok net söyleyebilirim Daha önce orada sadece bir şey oldu, biz Şimdi sırası öğrenmek için bu radyasyon çalışma Big Bang'in olaylarının. Biz de görebilirsiniz Erken kimyasal bileşimi Evren biz görmek beklediğiniz - bir sürü hidrojen, helyum çok ve küçük tutam lityum. Periyodik tablonun geri kalanı ateşli fırınlar ve beklemek zorunda kaldı yıldızlı karınlarını oluşturulacak. Ama bu konuda daha fazla, bir sonraki bölüm! Geçtiğimiz yüzyılda geldim kadar Orada, evrenin bir geçmişi işçiliği kozmolojistler henüz hala birçok şey var keşfetmek. Örneğin, evren davranır o maddenin bir sürü var sanki o Gördüğümüz ya da algılayamaz. Galaksilerin gravitation Bu konuda etkilenir, ama aksi var olan Bize tamamen görünmez. Fizikçiler çağrı French: La dernière pièce de ce puzzle du Big Bang est que nous pouvons le voir. La lumière a une vitesse. Quand nous regardons le soleil, nous voyons la lumière qui l'a quitté il y a huit minutes, mais si nous regardons quelque chose qui est 13,8 milliards d'années-lumière de nous, nous voyons les choses qui se sont passées il y a 13,8 milliards années! Ce rayonnement a voyagé depuis le tout début de l'univers. Non seulement nous pouvons dire très clairement qu'il n'y avait rien avant cela, mais nous pouvons aussi maintenant étudier ce rayonnement pour connaitre la série d'événements composant le Big Bang. Nous pouvons aussi voir que la composition chimique du début de l'univers est ce que nous nous attendions à voir - beaucoup d'atomes d'hydrogène, beaucoup d'hélium et un tout petit peu de lithium. Le reste du tableau périodique a dû attendre les fournaises ardentes au coeur des étoiles pour être formé. Mais nous aborderons cela au prochain épisode! Quand bien même on a beaucoup avancé durant le siècle précédent pour comprendre l'histoire de l'univers il y a encore beaucoup de choses à découvrir pour les cosmologistes. Par exemple, l'univers se comporte comme si il y avait un tas de matière en lui que nous ne pouvons pas voir ou détecter. La gravitation des galaxies est affectée par cette matière, mais à part cela, elle demeure totalement invisible pour nous. Les physiciens l'appellent Romanian: Piesa finală a acestui puzzle Big Bang este cea pe care o putem vedea. Lumina are o viteza. Când ne uităm la soare, vedem lumina emisă în urmă cu opt minute dar dacă privim la ceva care este 13,8 miliarde de ani-lumină distanță, vedem lucrurile care s-au întâmplat acum 13,8 miliarde de ani! Aceste radiații călătoresc încă de la începutul universului. Nu doar că putem spune foarte clar că n-a existat nimic acolo înainte de asta, putem acum să studiem acele radiatii pentru a afla secvența a evenimentelor Big Bang-ului. Putem vedea, de asemenea că compoziția chimică a Universului timpuriu este ceea ce ne-am aștepta să vedem - o mulțime de hidrogen, o mulțime de heliu și un vârf de cuțit mic de litiu. Restul tabelului periodic a trebuit să aștepte pentru cuptoarele de foc și pântecele de stele pentru a fi create. Dar mai mult despre asta în următorul episod! Pe măsură ce am ajuns în secolul trecut în meșteșugul istoriei universului, acolo sunt încă multe lucruri pe care cosmologii încă trebuie să le descopere. De exemplu, universul se comportă ca și când ar fi o o grămadă de materie în care nu putem vedea sau detecta. Gravitația galaxiilor este afectată de această materie care este de altfel complet invizibilă pentru noi. Fizicienii numesc Vietnamese: Mảnh ghép cuối cùng trong bản đồ Vụ Nổ lớn là ta có thể thấy được. Ánh sáng có vận tốc. Khi ta nhìn vào mặt trời, ta thấy ánh sáng đã đi được 8 phút trước, nhưng khi ta nhìn cái gì đó cách 13.8 tỷ năm ánh sáng, ta đang thấy thứ đã diễn ra 13.8 tỷ năm về trước! Cái bức xạ đó đã du hành từ ngày vũ trụ chào đời. Không chỉ ta có thể khẳng định chẳng có gì trước Vụ Nổ lớn, mà giờ ta cũng có thể nghiên cứu bức xạ đó để tìm hiểu thêm về các diễn biến của Vụ Nổ lớn. Ta cũng có thể thấy các thành phần hóa học ngay từ thuở sơ khai, điều mà ta đã đoán được: rất nhiều hydro, heli, và một tí lithium. Còn các nguyên tố còn lại trong bảng tuần hoàn phải đợi được luyện trong các lò luyện kim trong bụng các vì sao. Muốn biết thêm thì phải coi chương kế ha! Càng tìm hiểu về lịch sử hình thành vũ trụ thì càng có nhiều điều mà các nhà vũ trụ học vẫn chưa khám phá hết. Ví dụ, vũ trụ vận hành như thể nó có các thứ vật chất mà ta không thể thấy được. Lực hấp dẫn các thiên hà bị chi phối bởi thứ vật chất này nhưng nó hoàn toàn vô hình. Các nhà vật lý học gọi Dutch: Het laatste stukje van de oerknal puzzel is dat we het kunnen zien. Licht heeft een snelheid. Wanneer we naar de zon kijken, zien we het licht dat het 8 minuten geleden verliet, maar als we naar iets kijken dat 13.8 miljard lichtjaren ver weg is, zien we dingen die 13.8 miljard lichtjaren geleden gebeurden! Die straling reist als sinds het prille begin van het universum. Niet alleen kunnen we met zekerheid zeggen dat er daarvoor niks was, we kunnen nu die straling bestuderen om de volgorde van de gebeurtenissen van de Oerknal te leren. We kunnen ook zien dat de chemische samenstelling van het vroege heelal hetgeen is wat we verwachten te zien, veel waterstof, veel helium en een klein snufje lithium. De rest van het periodiek systeem moest wachten op de vurige ovens en de buiken van sterren om gemaakt te worden. Maar meer daarover volgende aflevering! Voor zo ver we zijn gekomen in het vervaardigen van een geschiedenis van het heelal de afgelopen eeuw, zijn er nog veel dingen die kosmologen nog moeten ontdekken. Bijvoorbeeld: het universum gedraagt zich alsof er een heleboel materie inzit dat we niet kunnen zien of detecteren. De zwaartekracht van sterrenstelsels wordt beïnvloed door deze materie, maar het is anders volledig onzichtbaar voor ons. Fysici Portuguese: A última peça do quebra-cabeça é... que podemos vê-lo. (O Big Bang) A luz tem uma velocidade. Quando olhamos para o Sol, estamos vendo a luz que saiu há 8 minutos, Mas se vemos algo que está a 13,8 bilhões de anos-luz de distância, então estamos vendo o que aconteceu há 13,8 bilhões de anos atrás! Aquela radiação tem viajado desde o início do Universo. Não apenas podemos dizer, claramente, que não houve nada antes disso, como podemos estudar a radiação e entender a sequência de eventos que isso causou. Também podemos ver que a composição química do Universo antigo é o que esperávamos ver: Hidrogênio, Hélio e um pouco de Lítio. O resto da tabela periódica teve de esperar pelas fornalhas ardentes no interior das estrelas para serem criados. Mais sobre isso no próximo episódio! Mesmo indo tão longe no século passado na criação da História do Universo, ainda há muitos mistérios. Por exemplo, o Universo se comporta como se tivesse um monte de matéria nele que nós não podemos ver nem detectar. A gravidade das galáxias é afetada por essa matéria, mas é totalmente invisível para nós. Spanish: La última piez del rompecabezas del Big Bang es que podemos verlo. La luz tiene una velocidad. Cuando miramos al sol, vemos la luz que lanzó hace 8 minutos, pero si miramos a algo que está a 13.800 millones de años luz, estamos viendo algo que pasó hace 13.800 millones de años! Esa radiación ha viajado desde el comienzo del universo. No solamente podemos ver claramente que no había nada antes de eso, también podemos estudiar esa radiación para aprender la secuencia de eventos del Big Bang. También podemos ver que la composición química del universo joven, es lo que esperamos ver, un montón de hidrógeno, un montón de helio y un poquito de litio. El resto de la tabla periódica tuvo que esperar hasta a los furiosos hornos y entrañas de las estrellas sean creadas. ¡Pero más de eso en el siguiente episodio! A pesar de llegar lejos el siglo pasado en crear una historia del universo, hay todavía muchas cosas que los cosmólogos deben descubrir. Por ejemplo, el universo se comporta como si hubiera un montón de materia la cual no podemos ver o detectar. La gravedad de las galaxias es afectada por esta materia, pero por lo demás es completamente invisible para nosotros. Los Italian: L'ultimo pezzo del puzzle del Big Bang è che lo possiamo vedere. La luce ha una velocità. Quando guardiamo il Sole, stiamo vedendo la luce che è partita otto minuti fa, ma se guardiamo qualcosa che sta a 13,8 miliardi di anni luce di distanza, vediamo ciò che è successo 13,8 miliardi di anni fa! Quella radiazione è in viaggio fin dall'inizio dell'Universo. Oltre a potere dire con certezza che non c'era nulla prima di ciò, ora possiamo studiare questa radiazione per imparare la sequenza di eventi del Big Bang. Possiamo anche vedere che la composizione chimica dell'Universo primordiale è quello che ci si aspetterebbe di vedere – molto idrogeno, molto elio e un pochino di litio. Il resto della tavola periodica avrebbe dovuto aspettare le ardenti fornaci stellari per essere creato. Ma ne riparleremo nel prossimo episodio. Per quanto lontano ci siamo spinti il secolo scorso nella ricostruzione della storia dell'Universo, ci sono ancora molte cose che i cosmologi devono ancora scoprire. Per esempio, l'Universo si comporta come se ci fosse della materia che non siamo in grado di rilevare. La gravitazione delle galassie è influenzata da questa materia, che è comunque completamente invisibile. I fisici la chiamano English: The final piece of that big bang puzzle is that we can see it. Light has a speed. When we look at the sun, we're seeing the light that left it eight minutes ago, but if we look at something that's 13.8 billion light-years away, we're seeing the stuff that happened 13.8 billion years ago! That radiation has been traveling since the very beginning of the universe. Not only can we tell very clearly that there was just nothing there before that, we can now study that radiation to learn the sequence of events of the big bang. We can also see that the chemical composition of the early universe is what we'd expect to see - a lot of hydrogen, a lot of helium and a tiny pinch of lithium. The rest of the periodic table had to wait for the fiery furnaces and the bellies of stars to be created. But more on that, next episode! As far as we've come in the past century in crafting a history of the universe, there are still many things cosmologists have yet to discover. For instance, the universe behaves as if there's a bunch of matter in it that we can't see or detect. Galaxies' gravitation is affected by this matter, but it's otherwise completely invisible to us. Physicists call Russian: Финальный кусок паззла Большого Взрыва в том, что мы его видим. У света есть скорость. Когда мы смотрим на солнце,мы видим свет, который оно оставило 8 минут назад, но если посмотреть на что-то, что в 13.8 миллиардах световых лет от нас, мы видим то, что произошло 13.8 миллиардов лет назад! Эта радиация путешествовала с самого начала Вселенной. Мы не только можем ясно сказать, что до того не было просто ничего, мы теперь можем изучать радиацию, чтобы понять цепочку событий Большого Взрыва. Мы также видим, что химический состав ранней Вселенной такой, какой мы ожидали - много водорода, много гелия, малость лития. Вся остальная периодическая таблица ждала огненных печей и нутр звёзд, чтобы появиться. Но об этом в следующем эпизоде! При том, как далеко мы продвинулись в последний век в познании истории Вселенной, всё ещё много что космологам только предстоит открыть. Например, Вселенная ведёт себя так, будто существует масса вещества в ней, которое мы не можем обнаружить. Это вещество влияет на гравитационную тягу галактик, но помимо этого мы его совершенно не видим. Физики называют его German: Das letzte Teil des Urknall-Puzzles ist, dass wir es sehen können. Licht hat eine Geschwindigkeit. Wenn wir in die Sonne gucken, dann sehen wir gerade das Licht, das sie vor 8 Minuten verlassen hat. Aber wenn wir etwas ansehen, dass 13,8 Milliarden Lichtjahre entfernt ist, dann sehen wir das, was vor 13,8 Milliarden Jahren passiert ist! Diese Strahlung ist seit Anbeginn des Universums auf Reise. Wir können nicht nur sehr klar sagen, dass dort einfach nichts da war vorher, sondern wir können diese Strahlung studieren, um die Abfolge der Ereignisse des Urknalls in Erfahrung zu bringen. Wir können außerdem sehen, dass die chemische Zusammensetzung des frühen Universums so ist, wie wir es erwartet hätten – eine Menge Wasserstoff, eine Menge Helium und ein klein wenig Lithium. Der Rest des Periodensystems hatte zu warten, bis der glühende Brennofen und die Bäuche der Sterne erschaffen worden sind. Aber mehr darüber in der nächsten Folge! [John] Wie weit wir im vergangene Jahrhundert im Basteln der Geschichte des Universums auch gekommen sind, es gibt och immer viele Dinge, die Kosmologen (und -innen) noch zu entdecken haben. Beispielsweise verhält sich das Universum, als enthielte es einen Haufen Materie, die wir nicht sehen oder aufspüren können. Die Schwerkraft von Galaxien wird davon beeinflusst, aber ansonsten ist es für uns Korean: 빅뱅 퍼즐의 마지막 조각은 우리가 실제 볼 수 있다는 겁니다. 빛은 속도를 갖기에 우리가 지금 본 해는 8분 전의 모습입니다. 그런데 만약 138억 광년 거리의 별을 지금 본다면 우리는 그 별의 138 억 년 전의 모습을 보는 것입니다. 복사 빛이 우주 탄생 시점 부터 138억년간 날라온 셈이죠. 탄생전엔 아무 것도 없었다는 것을 확실히 말할 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 복사 빛을 연구하여 빅뱅 이후에 벌어진 연쇄 사건들도 연구할 수 있게 되었습니다. 우리는 초기 우주의 화학 성분이 우리 예상대로 엄청나게 많은 수소와 헬륨 그리고 미량의 리튬으로 구성된 것도 볼 수 있습니다. 주기율표 상의 기타원소들은 태어나려면 큰 별들의 중심부에 훨씬 더 뜨거운 로가 형성되기를 기다려야합니다 그 이상 설명은 다음 회에! 지난 100년 간 우주의 역사에 대해 짜맞춰 왔으나 아직도 천체학자들은 추가로 많은 발견을 해야 합니다. 예를 들어 우주는 마치 그 안에 보이지 않는 상당히 많은 물질들이 있는 것처럼 행동합니다. 은하계의 중력은 이 물질들에 영향을 받는데 그런데 전혀 보이지 않습니다. 물리학자들은 이 물질을 Portuguese: A última peça do quebra cabeça do Big Bang é o que podemos ver. A luz tem uma velocidade. Quando olhamos para o Sol, nós estamos vendo a luz que saiu há oito minutos, mas se nós olharmos para algo que está a 13.8 bilhões de anos-luz de distância, nós estamos vendo o que aconteceu há 13.8 bilhões de anos atrás! Aquela radiação tem viajado desde o início do universo. Não apenas podemos dizer, claramente, que não houve nada antes disso, como podemos agora estudar a radiação e entender a sequência de eventos que o Big Bang causou. Podemos ver, também, que as composições químicas do universo antigo é o que esperávamos ver — bastante Hidrogênio, bastante Hélio e um tantinho de Lítio. O resto da tabela periódica teve de esperar pelas fornalhas ardentes e o útero da criação das estrelas serem criados. Porém verá mais disso no próximo episódio! Mesmo indo tão longe no século passado na criação da história do universo, ainda resta algumas respostas que os Cosmologistas têm de descobrir. Por exemplo, o universo se comporta como se tivesse um monte de matéria nele que nós não podemos ver nem detectar. A gravitação das galáxias é afetada por essa matéria, mas ou é, de qualquer maneira, invisível para nós. Físicos chamam de Japanese: ビッグバンの謎を解く最後の鍵は 見えること 光に速度があるということだよ 今見た太陽は 太陽が8分前に発した光だ じゃあもし 今138億光年離れた何かを見たのなら 138億年前の何かがわかるって事だ その光は宇宙のほんの始まりの時から ずっと旅をしてやって来たんだね ここまでにビッグバンについて それの前には何も無かったことだけじゃなく 宇宙背景放射の事まで順を追って学んできたけど この後には 初期宇宙の化学組成も見ていくわけだ たくさんの水素 たくさんのヘリウム そしてほんのちょっぴりのリチウム 周期表の続きは 星のはらわた で燃え盛る釜の 登場を待たなねばならなかった・・・ まあその話は 次までお預けだね! これまで幾世紀にわたって 宇宙の歴史の物語は紡がれてきました それでも宇宙論者にも分かっていない事は まだまだいくらでもあります 観測できているだけでも 現状の知識では説明できない現象が たくさんあるんです 銀河の動きを説明するには 誰も見たことのない何かが必要です Polish: Ostatnim elementem tej układanki jest to, że tak naprawdę możemy nawet to zobaczyć. Światło porusza się bowiem z pewną prędkością. Patrząc na Słońce, widzimy światło, które opuściło jego powierzchnię 8 minut temu, jeśli zaś spojrzymy na coś, co jest 13,8 mld lat świetlnych stąd, zobaczymy rzeczy, które działy się 13,8 mld lat temu! Promieniowanie przemieszcza się bowiem od samego początku Wszechświata. Nie tylko możemy z całą pewnością stwierdzić, że przed Wybuchem nie było absolutnie niczego – obecnie możemy też badać promieniowanie w celu odkrycia sekwencji wydarzeń od Wielkiego Wybuchu. Widzimy też, że skład chemiczny wczesnego Wszechświata był taki, jakiego się spodziewaliśmy – mnóstwo wodoru, helu i szczypta litu. Reszta układu okresowego musiała poczekać do momentu swojego powstania w ognistych piecach i brzuchach gwiazd... Ale więcej na ten temat w następnym odcinku! Niezależnie od tego, jak daleko w minionym stuleciu zaszliśmy w odkrywaniu historii Wszechświata, istnieje jeszcze wiele kwestii do wyjaśnienia przez kosmologów. Na przykład – Wszechświat zachowuje się tak, jakby istniała jeszcze pewna doza materii, której nie jesteśmy w stanie zobaczyć czy wykryć. Materia ta wpływa na grawitację galaktyk, jednak poza tym jest dla nas całkowicie niewidoczna. Hungarian: A Nagy Bumm- puzzle utolsó darabkája az, hogy látjuk. A fénynek sebessége van. Ha a Napra nézünk, azt a fényt látjuk, ami 8 perccel azelőtt hagyta el, de ha olyasvalamire nézünk, ami 13,8 milliárd fényévnyire van, akkor azt látjuk, ami 13,8 milliárd évvel ezelőtt történt! Az a sugárzás az univerzum keletkezése óta utazik. Nem csak azt tudjuk megmondani, hogy azelőtt nem volt semmi, hanem most már az események sorára is következtetni tudunk a sugárzást vizsgálva. Azt is látjuk, hogy a korai univerzum kémiai összetétele olyan, amilyenre számítottunk - sok hidrogén, sok hélium és egy kicsi lítium. A periodikus rendszer többi elemének várnia kellet a tüzes kazánokra és a csillagok gyomrára, hogy megteremtődjenek. De ezt a következő epizódban fejtjük ki. Akármilyen sokat is tettünk az elmúlt században az univerzum történelmének rekonstruálásáért, még mindig sok dolog van amit a kozmológusok még nem fedeztek fel. Például, az univerzum úgy viselkedik, mintha lenne egy csomó anyag benne amiket nem látunk. A galaxisok gravitációját befolyásolja ez az anyag, de egyébként teljességgel láthatatlan számunkra. A fizikusok Finnish: Viimeinen alkuräjähdyksen arvoituksen pala on, että voimme nähdä sen. Valolla on nopeus. Kun katsomme aurinkoa, näemme valon, joka lähti siitä kahdeksan minuuttia sitten, mutta jos katsomme jotakin, mikä on 13,8 miljardin valovuoden päässä, näemme mitä tapahtui 13,8 miljardia vuotta sitten! Tämä säteily on matkannut maailmankaikkeuden alusta asti. Sen lisäksi, että voimme selvästi havaita, että tätä ennen ei vain ollut mitään, voimme tutkia säteilyä saadaksemme selville alkuräjähdyksen tapahtumien kulun. Voimme myös nähdä, varhaisen universumin kemiallinen koostumus on sellainen, kuin odotimme – paljon vetyä, paljon heliumia ja pikkuriikkisen litiumia. Loput jaksollisesta järjestelmästä joutui odottamaan, että kuumat tulipesät tähtien sisuksissa ilmaantuivat. Mutta tästä lisää seuraavassa osassa! Niin pitkälle kuin olemmekin viime vuosisadan aikana päässeetkin tutkiessamme maailmankaikkeuden historiaa, on yhä paljon asioita, joita kosmologit eivät ole saaneet selville. Esimerkiksi, maailmankaikkeus käyttäytyy kuin olisi olemassa ainetta, jota emme näe tai voi muuten havaita. Tämä aine vaikuttaa galaksien gravitaatioon, mutta muuten se on meille täysin näkymätöntä. Fyysikot kutsuvat iw: החתיכה האחרונה של פאזל הנפץ הגדול הוא שאנחנו יכולים לראות אותו. לאר יש מהירות. כשאנחנו מסתכלים על השמש, אנחנו רואים את האור שיצא ממנו לפני 8 דקות, אבל אם אנחנו מסתכלים על משהו שנמצא 13.8 ביליון שנות אור מכאן, אנחנו רואים את מה שקרה לפני ביליון שנים! לרדיאציה הזאת ישנן 13.8 שנות מסע, מתחילת היקום. לא רק שאנחנו יכולים לומר די בבירור שלא היה שם כלום לפני כן, אנחנו יכולים ללמוד את הרדיאציה הזאת בשביל לגלות את האירועים של הנפץ הגדול. אנחנו גם יכולים לראות את התרכובות הכימיות של היקום העתיק, אשר הם מה שאנו מצפים לראות - הרבה מימן, הרבה הליום ונגיעה קטנה של לית'יום. שאר הטבלה המחזורית הייתה צריכה להמתין להיווצרות של כוכבים אבל עוד על זה, בפרק הבא! ככל שבמהלך המאה הנוכחית והקודמת הרכבנו את ההיסטוריה של היקום, שינם עוד המון דברים שקוסמולוגים עדיין לא גילו. לדוגמא, היקום מתנהג כאילו יש המון חומר בתוכו שאנחנו לא יכולים לראות או לגלות. כוח כבידה של גלקסיות מושפע מהחומר הזה, אבל זה לגמרי לא גלוי לנוץ פיזיקאים קוראים לזה Arabic: ويسمّيها الفيزيائيون "المادة المظلمة"، لكنّنا لا ندري ما هي. لكن كما في أيّ محاولة تاريخيّة ستغيّر الاكتشافات الجديدة القصّة في السنوات القادمة، فتوقّعوا من الحلقات التي ستُعرض بعد 10 أو 20 سنة من الآن أن تختلف كثيرًا عن قصص اليوم. لكنّ هذا لا يثنينا، لأنّ معرفة كلّ شيء سيكون مملًا. بقي الكثير ممّا علينا اكتشافه، ووفقًا للتسارع الحاليّ للأبحاث العلميّة الكثير من هذه الاكتشافات المدهشة ستنتظرنا أثناء حياتنا، أو في حياتكم على الأقل. سواء كانت الحرب العالمية الثانية أو حياة إيب لنكون، فكلّ التاريخ يبدأ بالانفجار العظيم. صحيح أنّه سيكون من السخيف أن نبدأ كتاب دراسة الحرب العالمية الثانية بالانفجار العظيم لكن سيكون الأسخف من ذلك أن نقول إنّ الانفجار العظيم، وهو أساس كلّ الأحداث التاريخيّة الأخرى، ليس جزءًا من التاريخ. لهذا فإن سلسلتنا تطال حياة كلّ شخص في هذا الكوكب الذي نعتبره موطننا، بغضّ النظر عن بلاده أو مستواه أو عقيدته لتشكيل قصّتنا العامة. إلى اللقاء في حلقة مقبلة. Spanish: físicos la llaman Materia Oscura, pero ¡no sabemos lo que es! Pero nuevos descubrimientos alterarán la historia en el futuro, así que esperen que la "Historia Grande" dentro de 10 o 20 años mas se vean muy diferentes de las de hoy. Pero esto no es deprimente, ¡porque saberlo todo sería aburrido! Hay un montón por descubrir, y al paso actual de la ciencia, muchos de esos descubrimientos asombrosos ocurrirán en nuestras vidas!, o al menos durante tu vida. Ya sea la Segunda Guerra Mundial o la vida de Lincoln, todas las historias comienzan con el Big Bang. Si, sería tonto comenzar tu típico libro de las Segunda Guerra Mundial con el Big Bang, pero sería 100 trillones de veces más radículo decir que el Big Bang, la madre de todos los eventos históricos, no fué historia. Y así es como la historia alcanza a todas las vidas de cada persona en esta pequeña partícula de polvo que llamamos hogar, más allá de la nacionalidad, la clase social o la religión, y todo forma nuestra historia en común. ¡Nos vemos luego! Dutch: noemen het donkere materie, maar we hebben geen idee wat het is! Maar zoals in elk historisch streven, zullen nieuwe ontdekkingen het verhaal in de komende jaren veranderen, dus verwacht dat de grote geschiedenissen van 10 of 20 jaar van nu er heel anders uit gaan zien dan die van vandaag. Maar dit is niet ontmoedigend, want alles weten zou saai zijn! Er is veel meer te ontdekken, en met het huidige tempo van wetenschappelijk onderzoek zullen veel van die verbazingwekkende ontdekkingen ons te wachten staan tijdens ons leven! Of in toch in jullie leven. Of het nu Wereldoorlog Twee is of het leven van Abe Lincoln, alle geschiedenis beginnen uiteindelijk met de oerknal. Ja, het zou dom zijn om uw typisch Wereldoorlog Twee schoolboek te starten met de oerknal, maar het zou zo'n honderd biljoen, biljoen keer belachelijker zijn om te zeggen dat de oerknal, de moeder van alle historische gebeurtenissen, geen geschiedenis is. En dat is de reden waarom Big History in het leven van iedere mens reikt op dit kleine stofdeeltje dat we thuis noemen, ongeacht de natie, klasse of geloof, en onze gezamenlijke geschiedenis vormt. Tot de volgende keer! Turkish: Karanlık madde, ama biz hiçbir fikrim ne o olduğunu! Ancak herhangi bir tarihsel çaba olarak, yeni keşifler gelecekte hikaye değiştirecek yaş, yani on büyük geçmişlerini bekliyoruz veya bundan yirmi yıl çok farklı bakmak Bugünün dan. Ama bu gibi çünkü cesaret kırıcı değil, Her şeyi bilen sıkıcı olurdu! Orada Bir sürü keşfetmek için sol ve akımda Bunların bilimsel araştırma hızı, birçok inanılmaz buluşlar bizim ömür boyu bizi bekliyor olacak! Ya da en azından ömür boyu. O İkinci Dünya Savaşı ya da hayat olmak ister Abe Lincoln, tüm geçmişlerini sonuçta başlar Büyük patlama ile. Evet, bu aptalca olurdu tipik İkinci Dünya Savaşı ders kitabı başlatmak için Büyük patlama ile, ancak yaklaşık bir olurdu yüz trilyon trilyon kat daha gülünç tüm tarihsel anne - büyük patlama demek olaylar - Tarih değildi. Büyük geçmiş ulaşır Ve bu yüzden Bu küçücük leke her kişinin hayatını Toz biz sınıf ne olursa olsun milletin, ev aramak veya inanç ve ortak bir hikaye oluşturur. Gelecek sefere görüşürüz! Danish: for mørkt stof, men vi aner ikke hvad det er! Men som i alle historiske bestræbelser vil nye opdagelser ændre historien i de kommende år, så forvent at de store historier om 10-20 år ser helt anderledes ud end dem i dag. Det er ikke så nedslående, for hvis vi vidste alting, ville vi kede os! Der findes meget at opdage endnu, og med den hastighed videnskaben finder ud af nyt, er der fantastiske opdagelser til os alle i vores livstid. Eller i hvert fald i din livstid. Uanset om det er 2. verdenskrig eller Abe Lincolns liv, begynder alle historier ved Big Bang. Det ville da være dumt at starte en grundbog om 2. Verdenskrig med Big Bang, men det ville være hundrede trillioner gange dummere, at at sige at Big Bang - alle historiske begivenheders moder - ikke var historie. Og derfor rækker Big History ind i livet på alle personer på dette lille støvkorn, som vi kalder hjem, uagtet vores nation, klasse eller tro, og det former vores fælles historie. Vi ses næste gang! Portuguese: Matéria Escura, todavia não temos a menor ideia do que seja! Mas como em qualquer esforço histórico, novas descobertas irão mudar a História no futuro, então espere que as grandes Histórias de dez, ou vinte anos adiante, tenham um olhar bem diferente do de hoje. Mas isso não é desencorajante, porque, tipo, saber tudo seria entediante! Tem um monte de descobertas sobrando, e no atual passo das investigações científica, muitos desses maravilhosos descobrimentos ocorrerão durante o nosso tempo de vida. Ou ao menos no seu tempo de vida. Que seja a Segunda Guerra Mundial ou a vida de Abraham Lincoln, toda as histórias, no final, começam com o Big Bang. É, eu sei, seria uma doideira começar a seu típico capítulo de Segunda Guerra Mundial com o Big Bang, porém seria centenas de trilhões de trilhões de vezes mais ridículo dizer que o Big Bang — a mãe todos os eventos históricos — não é História. E é por isso que "Big History (A Grande História)" alcança a vida de todas as pessoas nesse minúsculo grão de poeira que chamamos de casa, independente de nação, classe ou credo, e forma a nossa história em comum. Vejo você na próxima vez! Russian: Тёмной материей, но мы не имеем ни малейшего представления, что это такое. Но, как и в любом историческом начинании, новые открытия изменят историю в будущие годы, так что ждите Большие истории через 10-20 лет сильно отличающимися от сегодняшних. Но это не должно демотивировать, ведь знать всё было бы скучно! Много чего надо открыть, и при нынешних темпах научных работ многие из этих занимательных открытий ждут нас во время нашей жизни! Ну, или, вашей жизни. Будь то Вторая Мировая или жизнь Эйба Линкольна, все истории в конечном счёте начинаются с Большого Взрыва. Да, глупо начинать книгу о Второй Мировой с Большого Взрыва, но было бы примерно в сотню триллионов триллионов раз глупее говорить, что Большой Взрыв - мать всех исторических событий - не история. Поэтому Большая история пробирается в жизнь каждого человека на этом маленьком участке пыли, который мы называем домом, независимо от гражданства, класса, мировоззрения, и образует нашу общую историю. Встретимся в следующий раз! English: it dark matter, but we have no idea what it is! But as in any historical endeavor, new discoveries will alter the story in future years, so expect the big histories of ten or twenty years from now to look very different from today's. But this isn't discouraging, because like, knowing everything would be boring! There's a lot left to discover, and at the current pace of scientific inquiry, many of those amazing discoveries will await us in our lifetime! Or at least in your lifetime. Whether it be World War Two or the life of Abe Lincoln, all histories ultimately start with the big bang. Yeah, it would be silly to start your typical World War Two textbook with the big bang, but it would be about a hundred trillion, trillion times more ridiculous to say the big bang - the mother of all historical events - was not history. And that's why big history reaches into the lives of every person on this tiny speck of dust we call home, regardless of nation, class or creed, and forms our common story. See you next time! Finnish: sitä pimeäksi aineeksi, mutta meillä ei ole aavistustakaan mitä se on! Mutta, kuten kaikissa historiallisissa ponnistuksissa, uudet löydöt muuttavat tarinaa tulevina vuosina, joten voimme odottaa kymmenen tai kahdenkymmenen vuoden päästä ison historian olevan hyvin erilaista kuin tänään. Mutta tämä ei ole lannistavaa, koska kaiken tietämien olisi tylsää! Vielä on paljon löytöjä tehtävänä, ja nykyisellä tieteellisen tutkimuksen tahdilla, monet noista upeista löydöistä tehdään elinaikanamme! Tai ainakin sinun elinaikanasi. Olkoon kyseessä toinen maailmansota tai Abe Lincolnin elämä, kaikki historia alkaa alkuräjähdyksestä. Olisi tietysti hölmöä aloittaa tyypillinen toisen maailmansodan oppikirja kertomalla alkuräjähdyksestä, mutta olisi noin sata triljoonaa triljoonaa kertaa naurettavampaa väittää, että alkuräjähdys – kaikkien historiallisten tapahtumien äiti – ei olisi historiaa. Ja siksi iso historia liittyy jokaisen tätä pikkuruista pölyhiukkasta kodikseen kutsuvan ihmisen elämään, riippumasta siitä, mihin kansaan, yhteiskuntaluokkaan tai uskontoon kuulumme, ja kertoo yhteisen tarinamme. Nähdään ensi kerralla! Swedish: detta mörk materia, men vi har ingen aning om vad det är! Men precis som andra historiska strävanden, nya upptäckte kommer att påverka historien i framtiden, så du kan förvänta dig att vår uppfattning av dåtiden, kommer tio eller tjugo år i framtiden se mycket annorlunda ut än vad de gör idag. Men se inte detta som avskräckande, för att, liksom, att veta allting skulle vara tråkigt! Det finns så mycket kvar att upptäcka, och i vår nuvarande upptäckningsfart, kommer många av dessa otroliga upptäckter dyka upp inom vår livstid! Eller, åtminstone inom din livstid. Oavsett om det handlar om andra världskriget eller Abraham Lincolns liv, alla historier börjar med Big Bang. Visserligen, det skulle vara löjligt att starta en typisk textbok om andra världskriget med Big Bang, men det skulle nog vara hundra triljoner, triljoner gånger mer löjligt att påstå att Big Bang - modern av alla historiska händelser - inte var historia. Och detta är anledningen till att den stora historian påverkar livet av varenda person på denna pyttelilla prick av damm vi kallar vårt hem, oavsett nation, klass eller trosbekännelse, och formar vår gemensamma berättelse. Vi ses nästa gång! Polish: Fizycy nazywają ją ciemną materią, lecz nie mamy pojęcia, czym tak naprawdę jest! Niemniej jednak, jak w całej historii, nowe odkrycia będą w przyszłości zmieniać tę opowieść, spodziewajcie się zatem, że historia Wszechświata za 10 czy 20 lat będzie się bardzo różnić od dzisiejszej. Niech to Was jednak nie zniechęca – strasznie nudno byłoby wiedzieć wszystko! Jeszcze mnóstwo odkryć przed nami, a biorąc pod uwagę obecne postępy w badaniach naukowych, wiele z niesamowitych kwestii zostanie wyjaśnionych jeszcze za naszych czasów! Albo przynajmniej Waszych. Czy to II wojna światowa, czy życie Abe'a Lincolna – wszystkie historie ostatecznie mają swój początek wraz z Wielkim Wybuchem. Jasne, głupio byłoby rozpoczynać podręcznik o II wojnie światowej opowieścią o Wielkim Wybuchu, jednak stwierdzenie, że Wielki Wybuch – ojciec wszystkich zdarzeń historycznych – nie jest częścią historii, byłoby 100 bilionów razy głupsze. Dlatego też historia Wszechświata dosięga każdego człowieka żyjącego na tym drobnym pyłku, który zwiemy domem, niezależnie od kraju, klasy społecznej czy wyznania, tworząc naszą wspólną historię. Do zobaczenia następnym razem! French: la matière noire, mais nous ne avons aucune idée de ce qu'elle est! Mais comme dans toute entreprise historique, les nouvelles découvertes vont modifier l'histoire dans les années à venir, alors attendez vous à ce que les grandes histoires des dix ou vingt prochaines années à venir soient très différentes de celle d'aujourd'hui. Mais ce ne est pas décourageant, parce que tout connaître serait ennuyeux! Il y a encore beaucoup à découvrir, et au rythme de la recherche scientifique actuelle, beaucoup de ces incroyables découvertes vont se produire au cours de nos vies! Ou du moins, de vos vies. Que ce soit la Seconde Guerre mondiale ou la vie de Abe Lincoln, toutes les histoires commencent finalement avec le Big Bang. Ouais, ce serait stupide de commencer votre deuxième guerre mondiale dans vos manuels scolaires ordinaires avec le big bang, mais ce serait des milliers de milliards et de milliards de fois plus ridicule de dire que le Big Bang - la mère de tout évênement historique - n'était pas de l'histoire. Et c'est pour cela que la grande histoire concerne la vie de chaque personne sur ce minuscule grain de poussière que nous appelons notre maison, et cela, quelle que soit notre nation, notre classe sociale ou nos croyances, et forme notre histoire commune. A la prochaine! Hungarian: sötét anyagnak nevezik de fogalmunk sincs arról, hogy mi az! Azonban, ahogy minden történelmi törekvésnél, a jövő felfedezései befolyásolni fogják a történetet, így azt gondoljuk, hogy a Nagy Történelem tíz vagy húsz éven belül elég máshogy fog kinézni. De ez egyáltalán nem elcsüggesztő, mert mindent tudni, hát, unalmas lenne. Sok felfedeznivaló maradt, és a tudományos kutatások mai sebességével számolva, sokat belőlük még a mi életünk során megismerhetünk. Legyen az a második világháború, vagy Abe Lincoln élete, minden történet az ősrobbanással kezdődik. Igen, hülyeség lenne a tipikus világháborús történelemkönyvet az ősrobbanással kezdeni, de ennél 1000000000000000000000-szor nevetségesebb lenne, azt mondani, hogy a Nagy Bumm - minden történelmi esemény anyja - nem történelem. És ez az oka annak, hogy a Nagy Történelem mindenki életében szerepe játszik ezen a kis koszfolton ami az otthonunknak hívunk függetlenül nemzettől, osztálytól vagy hittől, és ezért formálja a közös történetünket. Legközelebb találkozunk! Japanese: 物理学者はそれに暗黒物質と名前をつけましたが それって一体なんなのか ほとんど分かっていません とはいえ歴史はいつだって 新しい発見によって変えられてきましたから ビッグヒストリーだって 今後10年か20年もすれば 今のものとは 全く違ってしまうでしょう まあでも そういうものですよ 全部わかっちゃったら つまらないですし まだまだこのまま 科学は数あまたの探求を続けますから 驚くような大発見が 生きてる間に成されることを期待しましょう! あなたは確実でしょうけど 第二次世界大戦にしろ リンカーンの生涯にしろ 全ての歴史の究極的な始まりはビッグバン まあね第二次世界大戦の解説書が ビッグバンから始まったらスゴイなとは思うよ でもだよこっちは その何億何兆倍もスゴ過ぎじゃない? すべての歴史イベントの起源を 歴史じゃないなんて言い出したら だってそれが理由でビッグヒストリーは 僕らが我が家と呼ぶ このちっぽけな塵の上で 身を寄せあう全ての生にまで届いて 国家、階級、信条の違いを超えた みんなに共通の物語になるんだから というわけで また次回! iw: חומר אפל, אבל אין לנו מושג מה זה! אבל כמו בכל היווצרות היסטוריה, גילויים חדשים ישנו את הסיפור בעתיד, אז תצפו שההיסטוריות הגדולות בעוד עשר עשרים שנה מהיום יראו שונה מאוד מהיום אבל זה לא בהכרח מעציב, בגלל שלגעת הכל יהיה משעמם! יש עוד הרבה מה לגלות, וקצב ההתקדמות המדעית מובילה למסקנה שהרבה מהגילויים המדהימים יתגלו לנו במהלך שנות חיינו! או לפחות במהלך שנות חייכם בין אם זה מלחמת העולם השנייה או חייו של אברהם לינקולן, כל ההיסטוריות מתחילות עם הנפץ הגדול. כן, זה יהיה מטופש להתחיל את המחברת בחינה שלך על מלחמת העולם השנייה עם הנפץ הגדול, אבל זה יהיה מאה טריליון פעמים יותר מטופש להגיש שהנפץ הגדול - האימא של כל האירועים ההיסטורים - לא היה כלל היסטוריה וזה למה הנפץ הגדול נוגע לחייו של כל אדם בפיסת אבק הקטנה שאנחנו קוראים לו בית, ללא הבדלי מוצא מעמד או גזע, ויוצר את הסיפור המשותף שלנו נתראה בפעם הבאה! German: vollkommen unsichtbar. Physiker (und -innen) nennen das Dunkle Materie, aber wir haben keine Ahnung, was es ist! Aber wie bei jedem historischen Unterfangen werden neue Entdeckungen die Erzählung in zukünftigen Jahren abwandeln, also erwartet, dass die Großen Geschichten in zehn oder zwanzig Jahren sehr anders aussehen als die heutigen. Aber das ist nicht entmutigend, denn, also, alles zu wissen wäre langweilig! Es gibt noch viel herauszufinden, und mit dem aktuellen Tempo der wissenschaftlichen Erkundung erwarten uns viele dieser großartigen Entdeckungen in unserer Lebenszeit! Oder zumindest in eurer Lebenszeit. [Hank] Ob es der Zweite Weltkrieg oder das Leben von Abe Lincoln ist, jede Geschichte beginnt letztendlich mit dem Urknall. Ja, es wäre albern, dein typisches Zweiter-Weltkrieg-Schulbuch mit dem Urknall zu beginnen, es wäre aber rund hundertbillionenbillionenmal lächerlicher zu sagen, dass der Urknall – die Mutter aller historischen Ereignisse – nicht Geschichte sei. Und das ist der Grund, warum Große Geschichte in das Leben eines jeden hineinreicht auf diesem winzigen Flecken Staub, den wir Zuhause nennen, ungeachtet der Nation, des Stands oder des Glaubens, und unsere gemeinsame Erzählung gestaltet. Bis zum nächsten Mal! Vietnamese: đây là Vật chất tối, mà ta cũng không thật sự biết nó là gì. Nhưng như những gì xảy ra trong lịch sử Những khám phá mới sẽ chỉnh sửa lại những các nhận định này, vậy nên Các Lịch sử Vĩ đại trong 10 hay 20 năm tới sẽ rất khác lịch sử ngày hôm nay. Nhưng không có gì phải lo cả, bởi vì "biết tuốt" sẽ khiến mọi thứ trở nên nhàm chán! Vẫn còn nhiều thứ đợi để được khám phá, và trên con đường nghiên cứu khoa học bây giờ vẫn còn nhiều điều bí ẩn đang đợi chúng ta! Hoặc chí ít là đang đợi bạn Dù nói đến Đệ nhị Thế chiến hay Cuộc đời của Abe Lincoln, tất cả các câu chuyện lịch sử đều khởi nguồn từ Vụ Nổ lớn. Ờ, nhưng mà chả ăn nhập gì nếu ghi Vụ Nổ lớn khởi đầu cho Đệ nhị Thế Chiến. Nhưng mà càng ngớ ngẩn gấp tỷ tỷ lần hơn nữa khi mà nói rằng Vụ Nổ lớn - khởi thủy của mọi câu chuyện - không phải là lịch sử. Và đó là vì sao Lịch sử Vĩ đại len lỏi vào từng cuộc sống của mỗi người trên cái hạt cát nhỏ bé này mà ta gọi là nhà, bất kể quốc gia, địa vị, tín ngưỡng. Một câu chuyện chung của mọi người! Tạm biệt và hẹn gặp lại! Korean: 암흑물질이라고 부르는데, 우린 도대체 이것이 무엇인지 몰라요. 하지만 다른 역사적 노력의 결실처럼 얼마 지나면 새로운 설명이 나타날 것이니 10-20년 후의 큰 역사는 오늘과 얼마나 달라질 지 기대해 봅니다 하지만 다 모른다고 실망마세요. 다 알면 지겹잖아요. 아직도 많은 것들이 발견되어야 하고 현재 과학 조사의 속도라면 우리 생애 내에 많은 놀라운 발견이 펼쳐질꺼예요. 최소한 어린 학생의 생애에는.. 세계 2차대전이든 에이브러햄 링컨이든 모든 역사는 결국 빅뱅에서부터 시작된 것입니다. 세계2차대전 교과서가 빅뱅부터 소개한다면 좀 어리석게 보일지 모르나 반대로 우리가 빅뱅은 역사가 아니라고 우기면 그것은 몇 백 조 배 이상으로 더 어리석은 짓입니다. 왜냐하면 빅뱅은 역사 모든 사건을 만들어내었기 때문입니다 그래서 대역사는 조국이나 계급 신념이 무엇이든 관계없이 우리 개개인에게 연결되는 것이고 우리의 공통얘기가 되는 것입니다. 다음 회에 다시 만나요! Italian: "materia oscura", ma non abbiamo idea di che cosa sia! Eppure, come in ogni nuova impresa storica, nuove scoperte altereranno la storia nei prossimi anni, quindi aspettatevi che tra dieci o venti anni le Big History siano parecchio diverse da quelle di oggi. Ma questo non è scoraggiante, infatti sapere tutto diventerebbe noioso! C'è ancora molto da scoprire, e al ritmo attuale della ricerca scientifica, molte di queste sorprendenti scoperte ci attendono durante la nostra vita! O almeno durante la vostra. Che si tratti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale o della vita di Abe Lincoln, in ultima analisi, tutte le storie iniziano con il Big Bang. Sì, sarebbe sciocco iniziale il consueto libro di testo sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale con il Big Bang, ma sarebbe centinaia di miliardi di volte più ridicolo dire che il Big Bang – la madre di tutti gli eventi storici – non fa parte della storia. Ed è per questo che Big History raggiunge l'esistenza di ogni singola persona in questo piccolo granello di polvere che chiamiamo casa, a prescindere dalla nazionalità e dalla religione, per formare la nostra storia comune. Ciao e alla prossima! Portuguese: Físicos a chamam de Matéria Escura, mas não temos ideia do que seja! Mas como em qualquer esforço histórico, novas descobertas irão mudar a História no futuro, então espere que as "Big Histories" do futuro tenham um olhar bem diferente da atual. Mas isso não é desanimador, porque saber tudo seria entediante! Há muito o que descobrir, e no atual passo das investigações científicas, muitas dessas incríveis descobertas ocorrerão durante o nosso tempo de vida. (Ou ao menos no seu tempo de vida) Que seja a Segunda Guerra Mundial ou a vida de Abraham Lincoln, toda as histórias, no final, começam com o Big Bang. É, seria estúpido começar seu típico capítulo de Segunda Guerra Mundial com o Big Bang, Mas seria muito mais ridículo dizer que o Big Bang — a mãe todos os eventos históricos — não é História. E é por isso que "Big History" alcança a vida de todas as pessoas nesse minúsculo grão de poeira que chamamos de casa, independente de nação, classe ou credo, é a nossa história em comum. Vejo você na próxima! Romanian: aceasta materie, materie întunecată, dar nu avem nici o idee ce este! Dar, ca în orice efort istoric, noi descoperiri vor modifica povestea în viitorii ani, așa că ne așteptăm ca marile istorii de peste zece sau douăzeci de ani de-acum să arate foarte diferit față de cele de astăzi. Dar acest lucru nu este descurajator, deoarece să știi totul ar fi plictisitor! Au rămas atâtea de descoperit, și pentru a fi la curent cu ritmul de cercetare științifică, multe descoperiri uimitoare ne vor aștepta în timpul vieții noastre! Sau cel puțin în viața ta. Fie că este vorba Al Doilea Război Mondial sau de viața lui Abe Lincoln, toate istoriile în cele din urmă încep cu Big Bang. Da, ar fi o prostie pentru a începe manualul despre Al Doilea Război Mondial cu Big Bang-ul, dar ar fi de un sute de miliarde, trilioane de ori mai ridicol să spun că Big Bang - mama tuturor Evenimentelor istorice- nu a fost istorie. Și de aceea Big history ajunge în viața fiecărei persoană de pe acest fir mic de praf numim acasă, indiferent de națiune, de clasă sau credință, și formează povestea noastră comună. Ne vedem data viitoare! Portuguese: Subtitles: Leandro Ricardo
Tottenham Hotspur! Tottenham Hotspur's always been one of the big clubs in the Premier League. The vision for this stadium was we wanted an iconic building, something that will stand the test of time, and will be known globally. "To dare is to do" today is a motto that we've had. It does encapsulate how we approach our business. We've tried to do something that's never been done before. Everything we've thought about when we've been designing this stadium, how can we make the experience more entertaining? It's why we are in the entertainment business. When you're born a fan of a particular club, you die a fan of that club. The allegiance goes from one generation to the other. That's why there's so much passion involved. The only thing that you need really to have an amazing experience in this venue is your mobile phone. From leaving home to traveling to the venue, we want to tell you what the best transport routes are to help you get here on time. Helping them to connect their friends and family, provide information that's useful for that person to have a better experience. That's the main entrance, but it's telling us to go down there. All the way to finding their seat, and having a great experience during the event. Hewlett Packard Enterprise has enabled this intelligent stadium. Their core infrastructure support our entire business operation. The Pointnext team have been part of my team from the beginning. This is probably the first truly digital stadium that's ever been built. Everything is interlinked. Audio, lighting, building management systems, CCTV, security systems, mobile ticketing, electronic point-of-sale, the incredible amount of digital signage we have at this stadium, and broadcast infrastructure is all residing on Aruba network and wireless services. Hewlett Packard Enterprise technology is actually the most important piece of technology in this building, because without it, nothing else can operate. But it then carries on through the journey. We want to serve you exclusive content, half time. As well as enabling you to connect your own social media channels. And when I come to the stadium, I want to be able to use Wi-Fi. And that's obviously a challenge when you have 62,000 people probably who are all on the phone at the same time. The wireless connectivity from Aruba has been actually game changing. Way finding has come to life through Aruba Beacons. Based on your seat location, we help guide you to a food and beverage option that we know you'll enjoy. This is the first truly cashless stadium in the world. We can actually serve fans a lot quicker. We get sales updates almost every 30 minutes on products that we're selling and what our sales position is. We have now more data sources than any other stadium in the world. It's an accelerator for us to drive more revenues, but at its heart, it's an enabler for us to deliver an enhanced fan experience. We can't do any of that without the connectivity and of course, the data and the analytics and the intelligence. All this transactional information is happening at the edge. The data center is at the heart of everything we do. But the edge is what powers the stadium. Whether this is the stadium of the future or not, that's for other people to judge. But certainly it's the stadium of today because everyone's talking about it.
about Lady Liberty standin' there in the harbor with her torch on high, screamin' out to all the nations in the world, ons e, men, , Al An
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comfort}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 burden}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grief}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 having}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 range}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 motions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 go}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 through}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 comforting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 anchor}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 change}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 whether}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 change}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 joyful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tragic}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditional}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 contemporary}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 society}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 basis}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 excessively}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 commercialized}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Christmas}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Halloween}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 don}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 share}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beliefs}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 opinions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 behind}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 those}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 easy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 interested}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 participate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 allow}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 yearn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 means}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 milestones}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 through}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 nonreligious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Nevertheless}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 forming}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 through}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shared}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrations} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 human}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 necessity}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 irrespective}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 faith}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 culture}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 reality}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 all}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 possess}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 power}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 own}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 routines}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 share}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 yearly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebration} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gathers}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tribe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 together}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 All}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 needs}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 think}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 what}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 significant}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 awe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 universe}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 live}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 1 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Celebrating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 method}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 accept}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 remote}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 probabilities}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 all}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 majority}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 experienced}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 marveling}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 newborn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 baby}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 It}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 amazing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reason}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ever}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lived}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 begins}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bundle}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 re}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fortunate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 get}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 maintain}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 80 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 100 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 years}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 compared}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lifespan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 universe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 presently}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 believed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 13.8 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 billion}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 years}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hardly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Understanding} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 makes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 more}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 valuable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 think}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 incidences}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 caused}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 existence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 human}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 apparently}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 amazing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 It}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 calculated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 scientists}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 up}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 till}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 now}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 there}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 7,500 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 generations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 } {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Homo}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sapiens}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 signified}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 existence}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exceptional}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mixture}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 genes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thousands}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 particular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sexual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rendezvous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 between}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancestors}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 had}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 happen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 When}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 factor}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mortality}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 historical}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 incidences} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 natural}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 disasters}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 war}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 probabilities}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 being}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 very}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 remote}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Happenstance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 role}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 presence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 green}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 planet}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 In}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 1938, }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 author}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sasha}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grandparents}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 saw}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 E}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 train}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 New}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 York}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 City}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Harry}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grandfather}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reading}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Faulkner}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Absalom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Absalom}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ! }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 While}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 he}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 flipped}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 page}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 his}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 book}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 woman}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sitting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 next}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 him}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 put}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hand}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 his}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 arm}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 She}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reading}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 page}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hadn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 finished}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 That}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 woman}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 turned}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 out}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grandmother}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 d}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 sat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 another}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 used}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 different}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 train}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 line}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grandparents}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 might}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 never}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 come}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 across}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 would}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 never}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 born}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 two}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 generations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 after}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 It}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 surprise}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 then}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 species}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 numerous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 welcome}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 babies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 In}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Western}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 world}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 baptisms}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 naming}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 days}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 common}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chinese}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 families}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 feast}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 new}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 baby}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 clocks}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 100 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 days}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 old}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 child}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confronted}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 premature}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 A}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultures}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 like} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Balkans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jamaica}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 plant}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seeds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 trees}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Although}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 differ}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 usually}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 focus}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hopeful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wish}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exceptional}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gotten}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 into}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 world}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 You}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 own}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 important}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 give}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 newest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 family}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 member}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Your}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 something}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 simple}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 intimate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reading}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 special}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 poem}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 baby}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 might}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 something}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 big}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 throwing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 party}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 present}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 will}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 become}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 part}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360 \slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 2 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Adding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 regular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 into}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 forms}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connects}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 love}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 re}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wonder}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doesn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 regular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Nevertheless}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 won}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 praying}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 salat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hosting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Shabbat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 going}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 church}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 services}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 see}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 means}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 find}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 out}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 already}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 drink}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weekly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 night}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 associates}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 monthly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 volunteering}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shift} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 regular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gym}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 class}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Regular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 form}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 patterns}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 offer}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Simple}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 specifically}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tolerate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unavoidable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doubt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 For}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 instance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feels}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 morning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 husband}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 takes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cup}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 coffee}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 enjoy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 While}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 drinking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 coffee}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thinks}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 compassion}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 several}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 factors}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 brought}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 steaming}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 drink}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mug}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 : }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 developed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 roasting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grinding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 harvesting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 purification}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 kitchen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thought}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 offers}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sense}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wonder}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 while}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 same}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 strengthening}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connection}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 husband}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 A}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 use}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weekly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 worship}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 strengthen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 connections}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 within}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gatherings}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 timing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weekly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 perfect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 common}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 enough}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 special}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 really}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 uncommon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deprioritize}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Say}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 re}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 form}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 any}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 kind}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 increase}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 structure}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 comfort}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 It}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deep}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 whimsical}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 decide}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar \ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 As}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 newlyweds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 coincidental}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 meeting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 taxi}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 driver}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thought}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 playfulness}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 solution}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 successful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 marriage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 formed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weekly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 author}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 well}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 husband}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Taking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 advice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 driver}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weekend}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 both}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 alphabet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 song}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 together}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 They}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 use}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 chance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reflect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 love}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 irrespective}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mood}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar \ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 don}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 need}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 limited}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 family}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 members}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 along}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Yearning}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 kind}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 usually}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 naturally}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 develops}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 within}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gathering}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 during}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 autumn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 2010, }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 started}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 monthly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Ladies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Dining}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Society}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 New}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 York}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 City}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 She}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 had}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 witnessed}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 generally}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 saw}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 friends}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 understood}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 might}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gain}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connecting}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 What}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 began}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 few}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 friends}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 friends}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 meeting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weeknight}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 developed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 now}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 happens}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 three}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 various}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cities}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 members}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 moved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 new}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 place}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Those}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 attend}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gain}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 support}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 accompanies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 regular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 meeting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 3 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Celebrating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seasonal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 change}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assists}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 accept}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 recurring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 nature}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar \ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 though}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 maths}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ll}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 probably}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 understand} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 23.4-}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 degree}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 angle}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 isn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 really}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 huge}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 And}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 angle}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 magnitude}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deep}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 influence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 : }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 axis}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wasn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tilted}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 extent}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 there}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 won}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seasons}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 planet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 little}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tilt}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 signifies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 travel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sun}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 during}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 course}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 distance}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 between}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 two}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hemispheres}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 changes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 leading}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 difference}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 temperatures}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 understand}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 seasons}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 roots}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrations} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 dated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 back}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 change}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seasons}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 look}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 calendars}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connection}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Northern}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Hemisphere}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ll}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 discover}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pattern}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Spring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pleasing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 season}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reminds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ve}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 endured}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hosts}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 events}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Passover}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Easter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Kanamara}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Matsuri}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Japan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Festival}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Steel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Phallus}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 At}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 first}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 look}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 difficult}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 notice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 association}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 between}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 resurrection}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jesus}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Christ}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 freedom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Israelites}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Egyptian}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 slavery}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 defending}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 naive}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 penises}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 demons}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 concealed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 vaginas}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 aside}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fact}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 festivals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fall}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 same}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 season}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 But}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 own}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebration}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rebirth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 extension}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fertility} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 And}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 what}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 best}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fertility}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 than}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 during}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 spring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 !}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw \brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 But}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seasonal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 aren}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 usually}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 joyful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Fall}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 its}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shortened}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 days}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 turning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 leaves}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reminds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 forthcoming}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Although}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fall}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 season}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 harvest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 ; }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 numerous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultures}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tradition}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 back}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Iron}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Age}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Celts}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 made}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 use}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 movement}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 star}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cluster}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 know}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 center}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 between}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fall}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 equinox}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 solstice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 When}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 center}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gotten}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrated}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Samhain}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 having}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feast}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Centuries}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 after}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultures}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pay}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 homage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 period}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Mexicans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 observe}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 D\'eda}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 de}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 los}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Muertos}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Catholics}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 All}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Souls}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Cambodians}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 honor}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancestors}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Pchum}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Ben}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Others}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 will}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 put}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 witch}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 skeleton}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 outfits}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Halloween}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 These}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultural}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assist} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 explore}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fear}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 situations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 underestimate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar \widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 longest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 night}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 solstice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 After}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 days}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gradually}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lengthen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bringing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 spring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 season}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jewish}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 menorah}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candles}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Christmas} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lights}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Punjah}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bonfires}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 unavoidable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 return}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 warmer}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 days}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Irrespective}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 faith}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 culture}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 end}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 act}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hope}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 eras}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hope}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 given}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 essentially}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deity}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 prophet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 orbit}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 home}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 planet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1 \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 4 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Confessing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 looking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 atonement}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 isn}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 experience}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 but}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 means}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 development}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 connection}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 human}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 whether}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 re}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 It}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unavoidable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ll}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 harm}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 someone}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unintentionally}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deliberately}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ll}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 guilty}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Although}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 concept}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 transgression}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 usually}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 viewed}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 moral}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 idea}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 guilt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 works}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 evolutionary}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 purpose} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Without}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 guilt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 would}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 never}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 attempt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fix}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 issues}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 members}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 communities}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 whose}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 support}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assists}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 alive}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 created}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 several}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 atone}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sins}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 For}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 instance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Catholics}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 go}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confession}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 During}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Yom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Kippur}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jews}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pound}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 chests}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ask}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 forgiveness}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Hindus}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 carry}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 out}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 penance}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 during}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Pr\u257 ya\u347 citta}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 A}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 native}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tribes}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Americas}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 see}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 physical}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 disease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 outcome}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 violating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 norms}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 By}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 revealing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mistakes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 medicine}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 man}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 patients}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 get}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 better}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 While}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 would}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 debate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confessing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sins}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 heal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 disease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 does}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 show}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 significance}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 taking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 charge}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 errors}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 relieve}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ourselves}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grow}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Alcoholics}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Anonymous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 makes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 use}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 model}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 support}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 alcoholics} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 recovering}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Step}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Five}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 12-}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 step}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 program}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 abide}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 comprises}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reading}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 list}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wrongdoing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 out}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 witness}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 They}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 will}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 apologize}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Step}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Nine}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 affected}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 actions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 attempt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 amends}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Another}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 modern}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 secular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 iteration}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confession}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 therapy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 On}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 daily}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 basis}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 client}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 will}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reveal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deeds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feelings}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 therapist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 similar}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 priest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sworn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confidentiality}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 And}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 definitely}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lawbreakers}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confessions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 done}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 court}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 will}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 choose}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 what}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 actions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sinner}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 needs}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 do}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 clear}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 themselves}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 crimes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sometimes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 offenses}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 harm}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 separate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 remembers}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 immediately}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 after}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 daughter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 annoyed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 husband}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 folding}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 vital}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 document}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 She}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 chose}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 confess}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 him}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 d}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 controlling}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 apologize}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 He}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 well}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 apologized}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 keeping}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 paper}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 flat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Both}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 kissed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 forming}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reconciliation}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql \faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Regardless}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 all}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mistakes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 acknowledging}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 faults}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 never}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 easy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 But}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seek}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 courage}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 apologize}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 relieve}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 burden}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 guilt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 forms}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mend}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bonds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 others}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1 \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 5 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Yearly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birthdays}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reconnect} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 love}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 universe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Nothing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrates}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 more}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 meaningfully}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 than}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 passing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Due}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 planet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 orbital}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 path}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 anniversary}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 puts}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 same}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 astronomical}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 spot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 before}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 And}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unavoidable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 over}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 course}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ones}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 will}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 transformed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 repetition}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 produced}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 astronomical}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 incidences}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 orbit}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sun}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 really}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 compelling}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 since}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 brains}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 made}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 look}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 patterns}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 partially}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reason}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 why}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 astrology}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fascinates} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Anniversaries}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 movement}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 planets}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 so}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 something}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beyond}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ourselves}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0 \ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 anniversary}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 joyful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 event}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Celebrating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 someone}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 respect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bittersweet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 issue}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 English}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 language}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doesn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 brief}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 word}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 died}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Yiddish}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 yahrzeit}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 In}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 spite}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 secular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 opinions}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 discovered}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 great}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tradition}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lighting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 yahrzeit}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candle}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 honor}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 deaths}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 family}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 members}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 got}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 know}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mother}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 child}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 She}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loves}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 since}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 watching}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candle}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 flame}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 makes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 little}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 part}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 present}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 like}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 how}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 see}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 light}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 star}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 died}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb \brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lighting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candles}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 isn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connected}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 A}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 decorate}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birthday}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cakes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candles}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 passing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 back}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancient}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Greek}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 goddess}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Artemis}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Along}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 being}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 related}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 moon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hunting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Artemis}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thought}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 ease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 To}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 accept}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Artemis}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 provider}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 light}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 referencing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connection}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 moon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cult}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 members}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 might}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 first}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 stick}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 torches}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 into}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 flat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cakes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 And}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 due}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 role}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 well}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 developed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 into}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cause}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cake}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candles}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shows}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birthday}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb \brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Irrespective} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 how}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rejoice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 birthdays}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ongoing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shaped}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 generations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancestors}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 who}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 came}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 before}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 We}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 challenged}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 another}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 keep}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 partaking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 joys}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 trials}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 existence}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 really}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 special}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw \brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 6 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Accepting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weddings}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 provides}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 liberty}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 own}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql \faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Rings}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exchanging}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 throwing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 white}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dresses}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 : }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ve}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Western}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ve}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 probably}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 where}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 did}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 originate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 what}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reason}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 do}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ?}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Weddings}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 reveal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 how}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 extremely}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 love}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 respect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 maybe} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultural}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 historical}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 A}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 linked}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fertility}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 surprising}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 because}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 long}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 held}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 role}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 marriage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 had}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 sanctioning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Food}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 usually}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 used}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 little}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bit}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couple}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 luck}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 conceiving}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 initial}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cause}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pouring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couples}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 For}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 instance}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Muslim}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couples}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 given}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 eggs}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Hungarian}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 brides}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wheat}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 woven}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 into}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 braids}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 peradventure}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Greek}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 someone}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 might}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 put}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 baby}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 matrimonial}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 before}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 get}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 there}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 increase}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 probabilities}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 conception}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb \brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Although} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tradition}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reproduction}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 For}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 instance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Germany}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couples}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 use}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 two}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 saw}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 divide}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 log}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 signifies}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pledge}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cooperation}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 And}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 putting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fourth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 finger}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 goes}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 back}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancient}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 false}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 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the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fourth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 finger}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connected}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 back}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 heart}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 By}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 putting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 saying}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 others}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 officially}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 taken}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 When}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 well}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 partner}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 preparing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 drew}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 series}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 across}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Jewish}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Christian}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancient}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Greek}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultures}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 entailed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 standing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 under}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jewish}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 canopy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 called}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 chuppah}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lighting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unity}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 candle}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 twentieth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 century}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Christian}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tradition}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reading}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 section}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 divided}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lovers}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 looking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 out}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 other}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 out}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gotten}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Plato}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Symposium}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw \brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 maybe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 most}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 significant}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 those}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 merged}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 father}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 into}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ceremony}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 author}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 much}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 father}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 well}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 known}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 American}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 scientist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Carl}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 died}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 14}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 years}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tied}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 father}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 neckties}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bouquet}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 therefore}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 he}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 symbolical}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 while}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 walked}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 down}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 aisle}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Also}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Jon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 took}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 place}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Herbert}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 F}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Johnson}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Museum}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Art}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hosted}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 art}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 installation}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 known}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Cosmos}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tribute}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Carl}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 work}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assisted}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 process}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 huge}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sense}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loss}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 came}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 father}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 absence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0 \ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 When}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 preparing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 feel}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 empowered}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 add}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 any}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 speak}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 irrespective}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 roots}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 7 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 A}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 surrounding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 defined}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 conventions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 really}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 want}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 picture}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 parents}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 amazing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reason}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 huge}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 majority}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 came}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 existence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 because}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Despite}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 being}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 natural}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 eating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sleeping}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 been}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 burdened}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shame}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 since}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancient}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 eras}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Therefore}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 what}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reason}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 why}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 stress}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 relieving}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 action}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 floods}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 happy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hormones}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connects}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 strongly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 others}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 kind}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 stigma}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ? }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Firstly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 powerful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 It}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 change}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 most}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 stable}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 among}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 into}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 heady}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unpredictable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beings}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Secondly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 harmful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 It}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cause}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 disease}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 unwanted}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pregnancies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 among}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 heterosexual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couples}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wanted}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 pregnancy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 childbirth} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dangerous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 These}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reasons}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 possibly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cause}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 why}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 made}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 more}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 having}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 One}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 most}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 popular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 marriage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Traditionally}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 societies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 nowadays} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sanctioned}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 between}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couple}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 approved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reproduction} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Although}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doesn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 share}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beliefs}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 anymore}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 couples}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 usually}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 enjoy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 honeymoon}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 after}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 They}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 may}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 aware}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 formed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 during}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 1500}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 aid}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 conception}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Newlyweds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 were}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 provided}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 month}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 privacy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lose}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 virginity}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 little}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fun}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assistance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 honey}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 probably}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 heir}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 monogamy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 isn}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sanctioned}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 place}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 having}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 In}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 defiance}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 guilt}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cultures}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 enforced}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 communities}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 publicly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 For}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 instance}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Oneida}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Community}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 founded}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 upstate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 New}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 York}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mid}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 late}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 nineteenth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 century}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 believed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sharing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 method}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 conquer}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 social}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 injustice}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 like}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 how}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 didn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 believe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 ownership}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 private}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 property}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 didn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 believe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 marriage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 communal}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 living}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 created}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 useful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 savers}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lazy}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Susans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mousetraps}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 There}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 polygamous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 communities} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 existence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 flourish}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 animist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Muria}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Chhattisgarh}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 found}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 India}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 promotes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 teenagers}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 live}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ghotuls}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 type}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dorm}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 therefore}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sexual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 experience}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 before}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 marriage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 while}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 learning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 wedding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 funeral}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Irrespective}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 drive}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 having}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 there}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 no}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 disputing}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 its}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 transformative}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 power}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Since}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dawn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sex}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 formed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 existences}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 influenced} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 roles}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 society}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 transformed}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 relationships}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0 \ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 8 - }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Ritualizing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assists}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 process}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grief}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 show}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sorrow}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl \brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Cremation} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mummification}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 burial}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 has}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 encouraged}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 human}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 since}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 earliest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 times}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Neanderthals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ancient}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cousins}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 buried}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 family}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 members}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 According}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 schools}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 thought}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 anthropological}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritualization}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 indicates}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 start}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humanity}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Although}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 most}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 popular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 modern}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cremation}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 burial}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 aren}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ways}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 placing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 body}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Mummification}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 being}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 practiced}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Tana}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Toraja}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Indonesia}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 The}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 aren}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 buried}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 kept}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 open}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 treated}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 re}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 sick}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rather}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 than}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 although}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 digging}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 up}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grave}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 would}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 considered}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 terrible}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 crime}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 societies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 scattered}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 across}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 globe}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Vietnam}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Madagascar}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exhumation}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 seen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loving}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 After}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 sufficient}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 years}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gone}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 body}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 decompose}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bones}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exhumed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cleaned}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 cautiously}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reburied} {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha \aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Funeral}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rites}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 only}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 part}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 which}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 engage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Over}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 centuries}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 formed}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 special}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 assist}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 accept}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loss}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 loved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Mirrors}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 covered}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Jewish}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 homes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 so}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mourning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 won}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 see}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 how}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grief}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 -}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 stricken}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 appear}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 some}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 areas}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 modern}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Bulgaria}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 posters}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 describing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 dead}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 person}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beloved}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hanged}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 around}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 town}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 year}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 anniversary}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 This}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reminds}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 they}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ve}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dies}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 avoids}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 grieving}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mourning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 alone}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 As}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 notices}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 routines}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 bit}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 do}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religion}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lot}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 do}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 shared}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humanity}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Death}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 makes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dangerous}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ; }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 however}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 same}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 time}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 also}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 makes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 valuable}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 We}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 won}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 live}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 this}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 doesn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 divert}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fact}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 alive}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 at}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 moment}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Even}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 remembered}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 generations}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 come}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 after}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 still}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 real}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Although}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 here}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fastest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 chapter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 every}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 one}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 part}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 amazing}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 experience}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Earth}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 its}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 darkest}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 moments}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 its}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 most}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 beautiful}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 joys}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0 \ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 means}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 navigate}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 through}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 incidences}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 happen}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 during}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 connect}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 care}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 about}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 We}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 don}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 t}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 part}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 specific}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 culture}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 religion}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gain}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 their}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 healing}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 effects}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 By}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reinterpreting}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 present}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 traditions}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 reasonable}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 manner}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 celebrate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 milestones}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 own}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 exceptional}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0 \ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af0\afs24\ltrch\b0\i0\fs24\f0\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum \adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 For}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Creatures}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 We}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 : }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Finding}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Meaning}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Unlikely}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 World}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 by}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sasha}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Book}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Review}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs34\ltrch\b0\i0\fs34\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 {\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 We}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humans}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 naturally}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 yearn}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 community}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 relationship}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 offer}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 For}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 secular}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 people}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 can}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 be}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 really}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 hard}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 from}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 significant}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 nonreligious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 lives}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 However}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 if}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 track}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 roots}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 like}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 marriage}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 weekly}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 communion}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 becomes}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 obvious}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 that}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 majority}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 not}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 embedded}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 specific}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 faith}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 or}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 culture}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 They}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 are}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 created}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 on}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 phenomena}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 nature}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 and}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 our}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 common}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 humanity}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Because}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 re}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 all}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 human}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 we}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 have}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 liberty}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 participate}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 these}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 rituals}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 honor}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 significant}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 instances}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 in}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 life}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 \u8211 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tweaking}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 them}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 significant}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 us}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 personally}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0 \aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Make}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 your}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 own}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 spring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 ritual}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 such}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 Blossom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 .}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ilvl0\fi0\sb240\sa0\aspalpha\aspnum\adjustright\brdrt\brdrl\brdrb\brdrr\brdrbtw\brdrbar\widctlpar \ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\sl360\slmult1\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Celebrating}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 emergence}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 spring}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 is}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 significant}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 after}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2 \dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 long}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gray}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mother}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 created}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Blossom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 when}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 she}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 was}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 just}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 girl}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Each}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 as}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 winter}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 came}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 an}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 end}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Sagan}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 would}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 go}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 garden}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 inspect}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 dogwood}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tree}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 there}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 the}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 first}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 blossom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 When}{ \rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 it}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0 \ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 arrived}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2 \hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 her}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 mother}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22 \loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 would}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 host}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 small}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 tea}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 party}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 , }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 fully}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 with}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 gifts}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 . }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 If}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 you}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 there}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 \u8217 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 s}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 no}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 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\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 form}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 of}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Blossom}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 Day}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 might}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 entail}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 going}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 for}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 a}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 \ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 walk}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 }{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ulnone\cf1 to}{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22 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https}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 ://}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 goodbooksummary}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 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for}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 -}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 small}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 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-}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 sagan}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 -}}}{\field{\*\fldinst{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\insrsid10976062\strike0\ulnone\cf1 HYPERLINK "https://goodbooksummary.com/for-small-creatures-such-as-we-by-sasha-sagan-book-summary/"}} {\fldrslt{\rtlch\ab0\ai0\af2\afs22\ltrch\b0\i0\fs22\loch\af2\dbch\af2\hich\f2\strike0\ul\cf2 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Revision;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority34 List Paragraph;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority29 Quote;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority30 Intense Quote;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 1 ;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 1;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 1;\lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 1;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 1;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 1;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 1;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 1 ;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 2;\lsdpriority61 Light List Accent 2;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 2;\lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 2;\lsdpriority64 Medium Shading 2 Accent 2;\lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent 2;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 2 ;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 2;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 2;\lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 2;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 2;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 2;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 2;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 2 ;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 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4;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 4 ;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 5;\lsdpriority61 Light List Accent 5;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 5;\lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 5;\lsdpriority64 Medium Shading 2 Accent 5;\lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent 5;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 5 ;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 5;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 5;\lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 5;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 5;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 5;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 5;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 5 ;\lsdpriority60 Light Shading Accent 6;\lsdpriority61 Light List Accent 6;\lsdpriority62 Light Grid Accent 6;\lsdpriority63 Medium Shading 1 Accent 6;\lsdpriority64 Medium Shading 2 Accent 6;\lsdpriority65 Medium List 1 Accent 6;\lsdpriority66 Medium List 2 Accent 6 ;\lsdpriority67 Medium Grid 1 Accent 6;\lsdpriority68 Medium Grid 2 Accent 6;\lsdpriority69 Medium Grid 3 Accent 6;\lsdpriority70 Dark List Accent 6;\lsdpriority71 Colorful Shading Accent 6;\lsdpriority72 Colorful List Accent 6;\lsdpriority73 Colorful Grid Accent 6 ;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority19 Subtle Emphasis;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority21 Intense Emphasis;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority31 Subtle Reference;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority32 Intense Reference;\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority33 Book Title;\lsdsemihidden1\lsdunhideused1\lsdpriority37 Bibliography ;\lsdsemihidden1\lsdunhideused1\lsdqformat1\lsdpriority39 TOC Heading;}}}
El mundo lleva semanas viendo cómo la pandemia del coronavirus ha puesto contra las cuerdas a los sistemas sanitarios de salud de países ricos, como Italia o España. Pero la pandemia ha llegado a América Latina, una región con más de 600 millones de habitantes y además la más desigual del planeta. ¿Qué está pasando allí? En este video te vamos a dar 4 claves para entenderlo… Empecemos por decir que esta región no es homogénea… y tampoco lo son sus sistemas sanitarios… Los hay públicos, privados, sociales… con más y menos inversión, y en definitiva, con más y menos recursos para enfrentar esta pandemia. Es decir, hay países que están mejor preparados que otros para enfrentarla. Y la gran debilidad de muchos sistemas sanitarios es que pueden colapsar con muchos menos casos de los que han puesto en problemas a países como Italia, España o Estados Unidos. Algo que se ha visto en Ecuador, con la dramática situación de Guayaquil, una de ciudades más golpeadas por la pandemia en la región. En general, América Latina dedica menos dinero a la salud que muchos países europeos. Para que se hagan una idea Alemania, la primera economía de Europa gasta 5986 dólares per cápita al año en salud Y Brasil, la economía más grande de América Latina 1282 dólares... Pero más revelador aún de la desigualdad es Haití, el país más pobre de la región, que solo gasta 37 dólares per cápita al año. Pero no es sólo cuestión de que inviertan más o menos, sino también que el acceso a la salud en América Latina varía muchísimo de los sistemas públicos a los privados. Según la OPS el 30% de los latinoamericanos no tiene acceso a la salud simplemente porque no tiene dinero para ir a un hospital. Y el 21% de la población no tiene un hospital o un centro de salud cercano… Una segunda clave es que según los datos que tenemos disponibles, es que la llamada curva de la pandemia en la mayoría de los países ha ido en aumento. Durante las últimas 3 semanas de marzo la región pasó de concentrar el 0,1% de los casos globales al 2,18% de los casos. Hasta la primera mitad de abril, los países con más casos confirmados eran Brasil, Perú , Chile , Ecuador y México. Y los que registran más fallecidos son: Brasil, México, Ecuador, Perú y República Dominicana. Esto quiere decir que hay países que están controlando de mejor manera la letalidad que otros. Bueno y la pregunta que todos se hacen es cuándo esa curva se empezará a aplanar… es decir, se llegue al pico del número de contagios y empiece a descender… Según ha dicho la Organización Mundial de la Salud esta es una pregunta muy difícil de responder pero si se mira el caso de China, puede ser que esto ocurra después de 8 semanas de haberse diagnosticado el primer caso… Pero ojo, que estas cifras hay que mirarlas con lupa, porque de hecho no están teniendo en cuenta los miles de casos en cada país que no han sido detectados o identificados. También depende de la cantidad de tests que esté haciendo cada país. Y esto nos lleva a la siguiente clave. La lógica es simple, mientras más tests se realizan más casos se detectan. Y según la OMS, esto permite aislar y dar seguimiento a casos sospechosos y de esta manera frenar de una manera más efectiva la propagación del virus. Dos ejemplos de éxito son Corea del Sur, que solo en el mes de marzo realizó más de 100 mil por semana y Alemania, que realizó 300 mil. Los dos países tienen bajas cifras de letalidad. Pero son dos países ricos con capacidad de producir y ellos mismos los tests. Pero en América Latina la disponibilidad de tests es mucho menor. Se sabe que la OMS había distribuido hasta principios de abril 220 mil pruebas entre todos los países de la región. Imaginen que son menos pruebas que las que puede hacer un solo país como Alemania en una semana. Y los países latinoamericanos con capacidad para producir sus propios tests son pocos. Chile, Brasil, México y Argentina están entre esos países y si le sacan ventaja a esta posición, puede ser que puedan hacer mejor frente a esta pandemia en la región. La cuarta clave son las ventajas comparativas que tiene la región. La primera es el tiempo. La Organización Panamericana de la salud insiste en que en que todavía hay un margen para evitar que los sistemas sanitarios de la región colapsen. Porque la pandemia llegó a América Latina casi dos meses después que se expandiera en China y un mes después que a Europa. Y en la mayoría de los países de la región se comenzaron a tomar medidas de distanciamiento social y de cierre de fronteras con muchos menos casos que en Europa y Estados Unidos. El mejor ejemplo es El Salvador, que sin reportar ningún caso decretó cuarentena nacional el 11 de marzo… solo dos días después de que Italia, decretara el confinamiento cuando ya tenía 400 muertes. En el otro extremo el presidente de Brasil Jair Bolsonaro se resistió hasta hace muy poco a tomar medidas contundentes. Aquí hay que recordar que Brasil es el país con más muertes por covid-19 en América Latina. Otra ventaja es que a diferencia de Europa, América Latina tiene 130 años de experiencia lidiando con enfermedades infecciosas. Y que a pesar de la debilidad de su sistema sanitario también es cierto que están acostumbrados a enfrentar este tipo de amenazas. Hace 25 años que la región se declaró libre de polio y también ha tenido importantes avances erradicando la malaria. También manejó con éxito el brote del zika. Pero claro, el covid-19 es un virus nuevo y plantea muchas preguntas. Y las dudas a futuro son no solamente saber cómo América Latina va a ser capaz de superar esta pandemia en el ámbito de la salud, sino también cómo va a enfrentar una crisis económica posterior que ya se teme sin precedentes.
Kayoi nareta itsumo no michi Misugoshisou na hana ga yurete Atarimae to omoikomi ore dake Taisetsu na mono ni kidzukazu ni itan darou Itsuka awa no you ni atashi mo anata mo Kirei ni kiete nakunaru no Semete sono hi made wagamama wo kiite Demo ienai ya iesou ni nai ya Atashi ga tonari ni iru uchi Ai wo motto atashi ni kudasai Yokubari de gomen nasai Anata no ai ni oboretai Atashi ga tonari ni iru uchi ni Ai wo motto atashi ni kudasai Afureru you na omoi de Anata wo tsutsumiko mitai no Ame ni furare yukiba nakushi Nan no batsu sa? To sora wo niramu Tsuitenai ya tte sou Dare kare nikunde Kimi ni kidzukazu ni nasakenai na Netami urami tsurami Kuso mitaina uso Subete ga kiete nakunarya ii Nani o shinjireba? Nani mo shinjinai Mou shinjirareru Mono nante nai yo Anata ga tonari ni iru uchi ni Ai wo motto oshiete kudasai Yokubari de gomen nasai Anata no ai ni oboretai Anata ga tonari ni iru uchi ni Ai wo motto oshiete kudasai Afureru you na omoi de Anata wo tsutsumiko mitai no Anata ga warau warau Anata ga waratteru Sono riyuu ga Atashi dattara ii no ni na Anata ga nagasu nagasu Sono namida no wake mo zenbu Atashi ga riyuudattara ii no ni na aaa Aaaaaaaaaa Atashi ga tonari ni iru uchi ni Ai wo motto atashi ni kudasai Yokubari de gomen nasai Anata no ai ni oboretai Atashi ga tonari ni iru uchi ni Ai wo motto atashi ni kudasai Afureru you na omoi de Anata wo tsutsumiko mitai no 52 00:05:45,340 --> 00:00:00,000 Created By Nimesan
[music] The greatest stories of humanity are the stories of the hero’s quest, and a good story starts with a dream. That is why all great leaders are visionaries. They ask themselves mythical questions: Who am I? What do I want? Who are the heroes and mentors our society can learn from? History traffics in myth-making, which is based on personal charisma and uses spin to evoke an aura of destiny. When the strong and ruthless rise on the world stage, we find ourselves led by power-hungry premiers and presidents kings and generals, autocrats and dictators. But these measures of leadership are flawed. None of the qualities mentioned here indicates that a leader like this will actually improve the lives of those who follow him. Destructive behavior has a way of weeding out bad leaders through failure. The inspired leader’s power comes not from other people but from her very being. The path she walks is guided by her own soul. Its hallmarks are creativity, intelligence, organizing power, and love. Power on this level isn't a force that you use like a weapon to get your own way. It isn't money, status, possessions, or any other material surrogate True self power implies feeling beneath no one, being immune to criticism and being fearless. It starts with a vision of the "core self” as the author of your own story. The greatest leaders are storytellers who envision their lives as heroe's quests, which come to fruition through inspired action. They are perfectly aligned with their inner, core self, which is in turn aligned with the greater collective of society that they serve. In this way, leadership is first a task of perceiving and listening, prior to “doing” or achieving. Thus, a true leader is the soul of a collective consciousness. She unlocks the potential for greatness in herself and those she serves. Enlightened leadership taps into these values, as well as those of truth, goodness, beauty, intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention. In the midst of chaos, certain individuals step out of the shadows in order to lead society in new directions necessary for further evolution. Only a truly great leader will find wisdom in the face of mythic-proportion challenges. And only a leader who operates from the soul level, with vision, creativity, and love, will be remembered as such. Are you ready to be a leader?
Hello, so yeah, I hope you guys have some energy left for the last breakout session. My name is Monica. And for the last five years I was working at sum up which is a FinTech company based here in Berlin and a lot of what I'm going to talk about today is based on my experience working there growing the company from About 80 people to more than 1,500 people worldwide So we're gonna dive a little bit into what that looks like when it comes to scaling front-end architecture for a team that is both distributed and growing. But before I go into that I want to ask a question and that is Why do we rewrite software? I don't know about you. But there are pieces of code that I have written so many times , then I told the product manager I will quit if you make me do it again. All right. I don't know maybe some of you can relate to that. I think there's not just one reason why we end up rewriting software. In fact, There's a ton of different reasons and to illustrate one of these I want to tell you about my first ever job in tech. I was 19 years old my job title was student webmaster, which is a pretty awesome job title when you think about it because you get to be both a student and a master at the same time I think it's a lot cooler than senior engineer or whatever it is. We call nineteen-year-olds these days now when I was working as a student webmaster I was there to write PHP and my sequel which I had been teaching myself in my childhood bedroom for the last couple of years So when they asked me how much experience do you have? I thought I had four or five years of good experience anyways, so I joined and I inherited the code from the previous student webmaster and When I looked at this code, it was not exactly what I was expecting to find it was written in object-oriented PHP But the kind of PHP that I know how to write was basically like HTML templates with a couple of sequel queries thrown in there, so Yeah, I didn't really know what to do with it So like any good developer ,I decided to rewrite it. Why because I didn't understand what was going on and frankly I didn't really have the maturity to figure it out spend the time and in reality I think a lot of software gets rewritten for this reason comes down to inexperience You just don't want to spend the time to understand someone else's code and frankly, It's a lot of work Another big reason why code just gets rewritten is because well, it's fun I mean, I don't know about you But I spent every Christmas giving my statically generated blog a new theme why not because I need it But because it's fun I have the time and I think if we were honest with ourselves There is probably a good amount of product code. That is also rewritten for exactly this reason Sometimes It's because we have a better solution available Especially on the web. We are often hacking our way around the platform and Sometimes eventually the platform gives back and then we get to replace our homebrewed solutions with something That is finally native but the reason we usually rewrite code in my experience is Another reason entirely when you ask a developer who's in the middle of a big rewrite They will usually give you this reason for why their project absolutely couldn't wait any longer and That's technical debt. Technical debt is one of my favorite terms in software development. Why? Because you can ask every single person in this room what is technical debt and they will tell you something different. Is it code I didn't write? Oftentimes sometimes you know technical debt kind of tends to boil down to that. Or if you've been working at the same company for a while, It is code I wrote before I knew what I was doing. I Can tell you I have got a lot of that. Is it things like old libraries? I don't know you want to upgrade in the front-end. We love upgrading things and maybe those libraries are keeping you from using some new features or is it features no one uses because Migration is the name of the game in front-end development If you're not migrating something right now you are behind so if you have features that nobody uses you have to migrate them Which is kind of terrible and yeah, you could say it makes you slower so if I were to come up with my own definition It would look something like this code that negatively and repeatedly affects the speed or quality of delivery can be code tools infrastructure, whatever and We know what it looks like, right? You start building something. It's super fast. You think this is amazing. It's green field I'm so happy This is why I'm a developer And then over time your productivity Slides right down to the bottom and you wonder how did this happen to me? but what I've also seen is that sometimes this effect occurs and then the developer gets to a point where They can't take it anymore. And they tell the product manager or the tech lead or whoever it is Like you're not gonna retain me if you don't let me do my refactor So you take a sprint or two and you start refactoring! but unfortunately, what often happens is that you could slide right back down and why is that I Like to think about this as recurring technical debt or technical debt on a subscription model it's like I Can't figure out how to cancel my technical debt subscription and I'm getting charged for it on a regular basis Now you've probably heard this term it's called the second system effect basically what it means is you had something you thought it was terrible Then you decided to rewrite it. But thanks to the fact that you were overconfident and You probably made the new system too complicated. In fact, the second system is worse than the first This is also summed up in a really excellent quote by the inventor of C++. he says "legacy code" often differs from its suggested alternative by actually working and scaling. Now I don't know about you but this is like utterly depressing for me When I think about my life as a software developer if this is really like a fundamental truth I have to live by. What's the point ? Is this my destiny I'm just like in this endless cycle of refactor it's gonna be terrible I don't know if it's gonna be terrible. Maybe it's gonna be good and you just keep going over and over again and That's kind of the reality in some ways. The real cost of software is not about the initial development, but maintenance over time, because requirements change you have new feature requests the business changes direction and that means our software has to. change too So the question is not really why do we rewrite software? I think there are a lot of really good reasons Why software needs to be rewritten sometimes but rather? How can we make our systems more resilient to that inevitable change? So that instead of having something that looks like this, We can have something that looks a little bit more like that, where in fact the speed of adding new features increases over time. How do we reach this promised land now. There is one answer and it is an answer that most people are very unsatisfied with. Good architecture. But when you tell this to someone, you know, and they are in the middle of problems that are maybe caused by poor architecture. They're gonna look at you and say Thanks for that. Like I really appreciate your endless wisdom, you know your philosophizing about how I'm gonna fix my problem. It's really nice And what why is it that this is the kind of reaction elicited when you when you give someone this response? Well, I think it's because to your average software developer Architecture. It's kind of like a dirty word You know because on the one hand a lot of people don't necessarily know What does the Software Architect at my company do all day? Really? You should try asking them. A lot of them. Don't really know they'll think okay this person maybe transcended coding But what comes after that? meetings writing on a whiteboard maybe writing something in the wiki. there's also the fact that software architecture doesn't really have a common definition people love to argue about what architecture really is. You can imagine if in the world of front-end. We are still bickering over things like view versus react versus sass CSS NGS whatever That you could never get all Of the developers from all of the programming communities to agree on a single definition of software architecture. We love arguing about things as developers. So that's not gonna happen and then the last and most important thing is I think most people find That this response feels pretty detached from their daily problems when I'm a software developer and I'm working in an app What I have to do is I have to change the behavior of a button Right. That's my ticket But for whatever reason in whatever context the previous person made that task extremely difficult for me. So when someone tells me well good architecture would have fix that doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside so instead of trying to come up with a new definition of Architecture and telling you that now you are in this room and you have to listen and believe everything that I say. I want to kind of reframe it and think about it from a different angle and that's thinking about architecture as enabling constraints so Constraints that you put on the way that you use code and the way you use data and the way your structure your application That ultimately it can help us to move faster and more safely over time Now if this sounds a little bit abstract it helps to start with a real-world example Think about driving in a car, so I'm from the United States But when I first moved to Germany I learned about the Autobahn and I learned that there are parts of the road you can drive On them and there is no speed limit at all, which sounds like a recipe for disaster but somehow all these people managed to drive at absurdly ridiculous speeds and yet there are Comparatively few accidents and the reason for that is that there are constraints on the way that we operate on the road for instance There are physical barriers between cars driving really fast in one direction and cars driving really fast in another direction You have lanes you have conventions like using your turn signal and all of these constraints that we put in place Also help us to move fast and in a safe way. You can think about this pretty similarly in software development. Consider what happened what kind of constraints we introduced with OOP? Instead of being able to structure our programs more freely, we had to structure them in terms of classes. But because of the fact that we kind of gave away some of the freedom that we might have had, We could actually decouple the structure of our applications from the way that the code is organized, Now, think more about functional programming, this is something that Front-end developers are much more familiar with these days and one of the core restraints that you have in functional programming is immutability. Strictly speaking. You could say that mutable data is more powerful than Immutable data ,because you can just do more with it Right, but because of the fact that we give away our ability to mutate data We can eliminate an entire class of problems because we don't have different parts of our applications thinking that they own and can do anything with shared data. similarly in front-end development there have been a lot of connected progressions in the last years a super simple example. We are no longer really using "var" right now. We're using "const". and while this might seem small it can give you a bit of security because you know that that variable is not going to be reassigned to something totally different during the course of whatever function or whatever scope it's in. So you have more predictability in the way that your data is being used now. JQuery to react we're getting to the controversial part. Okay, so What I find interesting about this is that jQuery is strictly speaking gave us a lot of power right you could go into the Dom you were really like operating on it and of hands-on way and React tries to get you a bit further back from that you can always reach into the Dom but you would be going against some best practices and Now because of the fact that we are not doing direct Dom manipulation We can have more predictable and more testable user interfaces. And now this is the real controversial one and Now CSS in JS. So You know, some people don't like it. There will be a new Twitter thread every day about why it's bad but one thing that I've noticed using it for about a year and a half, maybe two years by now is that it really forces me not to rely on side-effects because of the fact that I have to explicitly share styles between different components and Maybe you have more discipline than me. But if I didn't do that you'd better believe I was would be relying on some global names and in the end this helps us to write code that is just safer. so the point I want to make is we are constraining ourselves all the time and we do it on purpose and We do that specifically to trade constraints for safety and for speed We're not looking for ways to be more powerful in how we exhibit our ability as software developers. We're rather looking for more best practices and things not to do , so for the second half of my talk I'm going to share three specific constraints that you can use not today, but maybe next week for having a more resilient architecture on the front-end and Of course, I need to make a disclaimer. It's not gonna be exhaustive right? I have 15 minutes left. but this will be something that I hope is really practical for you and Let's dive in. so we're going to talk about three constraints and specifically what they enable as a result The first thing has to do with source code dependencies what I find very interesting especially in the front-end development community is there is a lot of discussion about directory structure. Everyone is wondering well, how should I organize my components in my what directory structure should I use but very few people also think about Actually, what parts of the application is allowed to depend on which other parts? Now there are a couple of really commonly recognized ways of organizing our internal dependencies. I'm not talking about third-party dependencies. Probably the most famous one, you know is the big ball of mud. And what I like to say is that if you don't know What may not depend on what in your app if you don't have any rules about this may not touch that and so on there is a very high probability that you are operating in a muddy environment and Yeah in innocence. That's how it goes. We also have a more layered approach So you have some rules about what may depend on what and it needs to go into a single direction And you also have a modular approach I hate to break it to you, but creating new JavaScript modules does not make the code modular In fact when I talk about this, I'm more referring to things such as a micro friends approach or maybe a mono repo things where you have Elements with a really small API service area and then those things are able to call up to other things I'm not going to talk about modular because for the vast majority of people working in front end apps we are working still in a single repository in a monolithic way, so what's the big difference and Why should you care? Well, think about what happens when you introduce a change in a big ball of mud What is the potential scope of regression when you make that change? The answer is you have no idea, right you can make a promise to your QA engineer Don't worry. I made this change and nothing else is going to break but you know how it goes Once you burn that bridge there is no coming back and The reality is is that when you have a big ball of mud kind of architecture You just don't know what's going to break when you make a change and on top of that It also can introduce this unintended side effect of creating cross team conflicts Because nobody lines to have a ticket showing up on their board that has urgent marked everywhere Because another team made a change and they didn't realize it was going to affect them. On the other hand with a layered approach when you change something well, there is a certain surface area that can be affected but it's much more limited and in some way it is knowable and Hopefully if you've organized your application similarly to the way that your teams are set up, then the chance of having cross team effects is relatively contained so this is really the key difference between these two different approaches is How the internal dependencies of the application are organized? So let's look at a slightly more specific example So imagine you have an application that is kind of roughly set up like this You have your router which is the entry point to basically everything you have a separate API and data layer Which is where all of the requests are going through and you probably handle some caching duplication things like that then you have different pages or sections in your application which have UI components and hopefully some of the business logic is also going to be separated out somewhere else for easier testing and so on now the important thing is that these two pages need to be isolated from one another. so they should not be sharing things causing one page to have side effects when the other one changes and An easy way to think about that is that for each page the rest of the application may as well not exist This is not necessarily an easy thing to do It's not the most convenient but the result is that it is so much easier to isolate the impact of changes and That's something that leads directly to having a more resilient app Now when you look at that diagram, you're probably thinking to yourself if you are in front end developer You are definitely thinking to yourself What about the shared components? Because we are developers. We love sharing things. When we write shared code. It makes us feel very good about ourselves and I'm a little bit hardcore when it comes to how to handle shared code in a code base and I pretty much believe that if you can take out the business logic, there is a good chance you can stick it into the design system if that's really where it belongs or You may be better off copying and pasting that piece of code instead of introducing a dependency between those two pieces and This brings me to my next point which is being a little bit more conservative about code reuse, then you may have traditionally been taught because as developers We love dry code when you see code that you can make dry by introducing some abstraction It's like a very unique euphoric feeling and that feeling is what keeps us in software development Despite the fact that we have been rewriting the same thing over and over again for years but the problem is that sometimes in the name of dryness we tend to bind together pieces of code that Ought not to know about each other and that makes the code brittle and more prone to side-effects So I want to give you a more concrete example think about this situation you're introducing a new page in the app that you're working in and You see a component on another page and you think that component looks a lot like the component that I need So what do you do? You see that component and you generalize it and you put it in the shared folder and You think to yourself? Man, the rest of the team is gonna be so grateful to me. I Just generalized a specific component and I put it somewhere shared other people can use it You know, it's like they're gonna give me so many thumbs up on my PR. I'm gonna get promoted and That makes you feel good at the end of the day but What often happens is that you have? New feature requests new business requirements and over time that component that lives in the shared folder Tends to want to diverge but the fact that it's in the shared folder is like a really strong magnetism that keeps it together and you'll notice that this happens when you see signs like If statements or the component starts to have an existential crisis, like where am I and how should I render? and you see this kind of like branching in the component and and at the end of the day the components that Started out being so general. It could be used anywhere Can now only be used in two very specific places so thing I would just want to remind all of us is that When in doubt it is more important that code remains decoupled than it is that the code remains dry Because code reuse is not the goal in and of itself The purpose of code reuse and the reason that we want to keep code dry is to avoid introducing bugs unnecessarily, right because if you have less code By some standards you are less likely to have as many or more bugs But at the end of the day if you introduce dryness in a place that binds unrelated code together You are exactly eliminating the benefit that you made it dry in the first place to achieve So there is this very nice tweet, which I thought summarized this sentiment It says a regular person sees either a glass half-full or half-empty But an engineer sees them both and then learns in what context to see it half full and in what? context to see it half empty and If you ask me, sometimes you just need two glasses so Two people need to be able to drink water at the same time and if one person's glass slips and breaks on the floor The other person should not look at them and immediately need to draw up their glass as well because they are a couple together So the point about being more conservative about code reuse is just being critical I'm not saying that anytime you need to reuse something like please just copy-paste it like that would also not be sustainable But think about it critically and not just as an abstraction waiting to happen And that helps us to avoid coupling together code that diverges over time The last part I want to talk about is enforcing your boundaries, so how many of you have been in a team or at some point you all get together and you say Guys, it's time. We had an architecture plan You know, like things are getting a bit out of control and we need to do something about it so the whole team gets together and You make some decisions You document them? maybe you put them in in a wiki because documenting decisions is a very good thing and then you Make some diagrams perhaps to help on board the next people that will join your team and you have this amazing documentation and It starts to collect dust by the very next week and Whenever someone creates a new feature they are not looking in the wiki to check how to do it first unfortunately Yeah, so that's kind of awkward, right You spent all this time making this amazing documentation. And even the people who wrote it are not regularly consulting it. So What's the point? Why should we even try to put some? architectural constraints into our apps if at the end of the day everyone is going to ignore it and systems will just tend towards entropy and then we're gonna have to Rewrite it all over again So let's think about a solution to this now imagine you have an application That looks something like this. You have some components. There's a bunch of shared business logic Eventually you decide to clean up your internal dependency tree and you find something that could be shared among two pages you decide to implement a little bit of duplication and Overtime that logic begins to specialize based on the context in which it was in But the question is this what happens when someone joins your team a new person and They see that code they look in one place and they see this looks suspiciously similar to this code over here and Then they have that like spidey sense like an abstraction coming on and you're thinking you Know but they're really excited. They're probably thinking I'm gonna impress this team. It's my second day I'm so excited. And the question is, how can we stop them? Now there's a pretty neat technique which we introduced at Summa Which is called forbidden dependency tests now if you're not familiar with forbidden dependency tests essentially if you think about tests as a way or application tests as the way you test the behavior of your Application then forbidden dependency tests allow you to test the structure of your application From a dependency standpoint. So for example if you introduce Some kind of page or let's say I'm writing a page. I can actually write a rule that runs as part of the CI That's gonna cause the bill to break if anybody tries to depend on my code Which is like pretty empowering, right? So if you are working in the node and JavaScript ecosystem There is one specific tool that I've found for this purpose, which is called dependency cruiser and it has a lot of other options besides just Checking whether something can depend on something else. It can also do things like checking for circular dependencies it's super customizable and What I can tell you is that if you don't have some kind of system that's checking these things You can also implement it yourself if you would like to do that You really just don't know what's happening inside the application You can think you have a very clear directory structure surely Everyone's going to be following the existing conventions, but you just don't know until you're enforcing it so what this allows us to do is that it allows us to preserve the Architecture that we have in terms of its internal dependencies over time in an automated way so we don't have to wait until somebody opens a pull request to Start arguing about it. In fact, the CI is going to argue about it for us And that's more impersonal and in this case leads to less conflict. So I think that's a good thing Yeah, so Let's recap a little bit about what we've learned. So the first thing we talked about is this unfortunate truth that Software changes and that means that our code needs to change to write because we have new business Requirements new features coming up and that means sometimes rewriting things or migrating them or whatever is just inevitable We've also learned that Architecture can be seen in a way as applying enabling constraints so restrictions on the way that we use code and data that actually enable us to move faster and more safely as the time as time goes on and finally, we also learned there are some really small changes that you can make to your projects to help them evolve in a more organized way first thing is just thinking directionally set some rules in your application about what is allowed to depend on what in Order that you can build parts of your app that don't necessarily Find themselves bound to the other parts of the app. And this is also going to reflect positively on the team environment that you're in Also being a little bit more conservative about code reuse, then you might have been taught beginning in your software development career rise just thinking critically about whether it's appropriate to reuse that code and where exactly it belongs and Finally, that's all of the good intentions in the world. Don't necessarily matter if you're not enforcing them and One really useful way to do. This is by using automation and when such automation is forbidden dependency to us I'm gonna leave you guys with just two last takeaways the first thing is this anytime we build out a feature as an individual contributor even there are still architectural decisions that need to be made so Sometimes when you talk to people who our thinking about architecture, especially in the front end The first thing that comes to their mind is things like Redux and flux, and I don't know whatever is the new latest thing but oftentimes the the solution is smaller than you might think and If we start with thinking about this on the function level or the module level then that means that also the individual contributor individual contributors on the team are involved in those decisions, too and Finally, this one is like dedicated to everybody who is like part of the the front-end development community in the room I don't know how many of you there are out there And that's this that you don't have to derive Architecture from first principles. What do I mean by that? so what really commonly happens when people have problems in their web applications is they go to Google and they search for something like react Architecture or view architecture or whatever it is. They're looking for framework specific Architecture solutions, but so often the problems that they're actually encountering are not really specific not only to the framework they're using but even to the web it's just software at the end of the day and sometimes What I have found is that people who are working on the web myself or past self included are Reluctant to learn and be open to the input from other Communities of other programming languages or paradigms. It's really common to hear someone say something like you know, that's like OOP and like I thought we don't do that anymore or Well, the examples are in C++ So, of course, I'm not going to read that book but the reality is there is there are so many communities of Programming languages and paradigms that have been building huge apps for way longer than we have been on the front end So I just want to encourage anybody from the front-end community who is in this room and thinking about it To you know, just be open minded and open to learning from others So that's about it. I will tweet the slides later if you're interested I saw some people taking photos and then I change too soon. So sorry about that I'll tweet them out and yeah, thanks so much for being here
[ ♪ ] A lone explorer on a mission to reveal the grandeur of Saturn, its rings and moons [ ♪ ] After 20 years in space NASA's Cassini spacecraft is running out of fuel. And so, to protect moons of Saturn that could have conditions suitable for life, a spectacular end has been planned for this long-lived traveler from Earth. Cassini's Grand Finale 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 [ rockets roar ] And liftoff of the Cassini spacecraft on a billion-mile trek to Saturn. We have cleared the tower. [ mission audio ] [ ♪ ] In 2004, following a 7-year journey through the solar system, Cassini arrived at Saturn. [ mission audio ] June 30, 2004 Saturn Orbit Insertion The spacecraft carried a passenger, the European Huygens probe -- the first human-made object to land on a world in the distant outer solar system. January 14, 2005 Huygens Probe landing on Titan For over a decade, Cassini has shared the wonders of Saturn and its family of icy moons, taking us to astounding worlds where methane rivers run to a methane sea. Where jets of ice and gas are blasting material into space from a liquid water ocean that might harbor the ingredients for life. [ mission audio ] And Saturn -- a giant world ruled by raging storms and delicate harmonies of gravity. [ ♪ ] Now, Cassini has one last, daring assignment. April 26, 2017 The grand finale begins. [ ♪ ] Cassini's Grand Finale is a brand new adventure. [ ♪ ] Twenty-two dives through the space between Saturn and its rings. [ ♪ ] As it repeatedly braves this unexplored region, Cassini seeks new insights about the origins of the rings, and the nature of the planet's interior -- closer to Saturn than ever before. [ ♪ ] On the final orbit, Cassini will plunge into Saturn fighting to keep its antenna pointed at Earth as it transmits its farewell. [ ♪ ] In the skies of Saturn, the journey ends, [ ♪ ] as Cassini becomes part of the planet itself. [ ♪ ] September 15, 2017 End of mission. [ ♪ ] NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology
- [Announcer] You ears have feasted on the sound. Your senses have sipped upon their cup of darkness. Now prepare your soul for a new experience from Death Wish, the Lords of Midwestern Sunrise Death Metal. (heavy metal music) - Hey Death Wishers, we're still hard at work making our next album, Drowning in the Silence of Eternity but we wanted to let you know about some exciting new merch we're really excited about. Death Wish coffee. It's nearly four times more caffeinated than a regular cup. - That's right, Roach, and it's a pound of organic and certified fair trade coffee. - That's one responsible cup of coffee, Manslaughter. - It's stronger and more hard core than our newest single, Murder Kills Again. (heavy metal music) - We wanted merch that really embodied our band. - And I think we really did it. Death Wish coffee makes my heart race, just like our music. (heavy metal music) - [Narrator] Unfortunately, Death Wish isn't a real band but Death Wish coffee is 100% a real thing. So now we're gonna find out if the world's strongest coffee tastes any good. - Oh dang. - Oh. - Alright this is the Death Wish coffee taste test. Now everybody makes their coffee differently. - Kara, how do you make your coffee? - I just make a regular old pot of coffee, John. - I normally do that to in the mornings but when I have a little bit of extra time, I love the process of a pour over. So that's what I'm gonna be doing. - Very nice. - Eric, how do you like to make your coffee? - I'm glad you asked. 'Cause normally everybody seems me as the clown, the goof. - Yeah, okay. - Well I take my coffee very seriously, I make it in a mocha press. This is my mocha press from home. - Okay. - And everybody's probably like, oh that's dirty, gross, Eric, clean your mocha press. You're not supposed to, okay? So get off my back. - I like my coffee cold brewed so this has been sitting for the last 12 hours. And yeah, it's ready to go. - Alright, let's get started. - Alright. (metal music) Okay, I'll start mine now. - Are you ready to try it? - Yeah. Cheers? - Cheers. - Cheers. - Good luck. - Oh dang. - Oh. - That's really good. - That's pretty good. - It's really smooth. - Oh. This is great. - It's got some pretty nice acidity to it, at least on mine. - It's dangerous though because I just wanna drink the whole glass. - I want to, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah it's almost got some chocolate notes. - Tad bit. - And still earthy. - Yeah. - Yeah, I dig it. - I kind of feel like my heart's accelerating. I don't know if it's 'cause like I'm excited to try it or if like I'm getting amped up. - Despite the skull and crossbones and like the strong warnings like this is actually a very gentle cup of coffee on my palette but I'm assuming it's gonna get my blood going. - Yeah. - [John] So. - Yeah. - We'll find out. - That was Death Wish coffee, I mean, it is a really good coffee if you like coffee and then it'll buoo! - It'll wake you up. - Cheers. ♪ Vat 19.com. ♪
Portuguese: O método científico está relacionado com o público em geral nas suas tarefas diárias. Isso inclui-te a ti, a mim e outros cientistas no mundo. O método científico é o processo, ou os passos dados para produzir resultados fiáveis para responder a uma determinada questão. Talvez pense que não usa o método científico na sua vida. Mas posso grarantir-lhe que usa! Por exemplo, Imagine que acorda num sábado, e que não encontra o seu telemóvel... Isso é uma observação. De seguida, faz alguma pesquisa, pensando na última vez que o teve. Suspeita que poderá estar no bolso das suas calças que vestiu ontem. Isso é uma hipótese. Quando verifica as suas calças, está a conduzir uma experiência. Mas a ciência na vida não corre sempre como o planeado, e não encontra o telemóvel no bolso das calças. Então a segunda obervação, leva-o a pensar de novo no que mais fez ontem. Spanish: el método científico se trata ordinaria gente que hace cosas ordinarias que incluye a mí ya otros científicos en el mundo el método científico es sólo un proceso o medidas adoptadas para producir resultados fiables para responder a una específica cuestión tal vez crea que no utiliza un método científico en su vida pero no puedo garantía de que lo hace, por ejemplo, imagina que se despierta en un sábado y que no pudo encontrar su teléfono celular que es una observación a continuación, hacer un poco la investigación por pensar en la última vez tenías que sospecha que podría ser en el bolsillo de los pantalones ayer eso es una hipótesis y cuando se compruebe los pantalones que están haciendo un experimento pero la ciencia en la vida no siempre salen según lo planificado y que encuentre ningún teléfono celular en el bolsillo del pantalón por lo que el segundo observación lleva a pensar una y otra recordar lo demás lo hizo ayer English: The scientific method is just a process or steps taken to produce reliable results to answer a specific question Maybe you think you don't use a scientific method in your life, but I can guarantee that you do. For example, imagine you wake up on a Saturday, and you couldn't find your cell phone. That's an observation. Then you do a little research by thinking about the last time you had it You suspect that it might be in the pocket of your pants from yesterday. That's a hypothesis. And when you check your pants you're doing an experiment, but science and life don't always go as planned and you find no cell phone in your pants pocket So the second observation leads you to think again and recall what else you did yesterday Portuguese: Lembra-se que colocou o telemóvel na mochila na escola. Então decide que deverá estar aí e volta a verificar. E aí está ele! A vida pode continuar e está tão contente que poderá partilhar os resultados com o seu melhor amigo e explicar-lhe porque é que demorou tanto tempo a responder-lhe. Ciência Estes são os passos do método científico. e em cada passo pode recuar e repetir o processo. Tipicamente, depois de conduzir uma experiência e concluir que os resultados não respondem ao problema, volta atrás e tenta algo diferente e realmente, observações e pesquisas continuam a ocorrer o tempo todo. A ciência é um processo contínuo Agora, vamos simplificar cada um destes passos nos seus componentes. Tudo o que pode ser observado com os 5 sentidos está incluido nas observações. Pode usar o sentido do olfato, visão, paladar, tato e audição para fazer as suas observações em ciência. A pesquisa é um passo importante em ciência porque English: You remember that you put your cell phone in your backpack during school so you decide it must be there and you go and check and lo there it is. Life can continue, and you're so happy that you share the results with your best friend and explain why it took you so long to text them back Science These are the steps of the scientific method and at any step you can go back and repeat the process typically after you conduct an experiment and Conclude that your results aren't answering the question you go back and try something else and really truly Observations and research are going on the entire time Science is a continually ongoing process now. Let's break down each of these steps into their component parts All that can be observed with the five senses are included in observations. You use your sense of smell, sight, taste, touch and hearing to make your observations in science Spanish: recuerde que coloca el teléfono celular en la mochila en la escuela por lo que decidir que debe estar allí y que vaya y comprobar y he ahí está la vida puede continúa y que está tan feliz de que usted compartir los resultados con su mejor amigo y explicar por qué se tardó tanto tiempo en texto de nuevo la ciencia estos son los pasos del científico método y en cualquier paso que pueda volver y repetir el proceso típicamente después de lleve a cabo un experimento y conclusión que sus resultados no están respondiendo al pregunta que volver y probar algo otra cosa y realmente verdad y observaciones la investigación están pasando todo el tiempo la ciencia es un proceso continuo en curso Ahora vamos a romper cada uno de estos pasos en sus partes componentes Todo lo que puede ser observado con los cinco sentidos son incluido en las observaciones que utilice su sentido de la vista olor sabor y el tacto escuchar a hacer sus observaciones en investigación en ciencias es un paso importante en Spanish: la ciencia, ya que puede responder a otra preguntas que tiene y definir mejor las experimento antes de ir por un camino que lleva a cabo la nada o un experimento que ya se ha hecho marca Seguro que utiliza fuentes fiables para aprender información científica revistas y fuentes en línea que están controlados y de confianza son mejor evitar información de los blogs y fuera de la fecha libros de texto como la información no podría ser confiable una vez que tenga su investigación Completado puedes formar tu hipótesis la cual es una predicción de lo que creen que ocurrirá a menudo es visto como un if-then y es muy específica aquí está un ejemplo, si gomoso osos se colocan en agua durante 24 horas entonces van a aumentar a más del doble de su tamaño original tiene un caso en cuando y utiliza términos específicos que hacen que este experimentar repetible el experimento en sí está hecho de varias partes más experimentos recogen dos tipos de datos cualitativa cualitativa y cuantitativa los datos se basa en descripciones como suave amarillo brillante datos cuantitativos o húmedo Portuguese: pode responder a outras questões que poderá ter e refina o planeamento da sua experiência antes que chegue a um caminho que o leve a lado nenhum ou conduzir uma experiência que já foi feita. Tenha a certeza que usa fontes fiáveis para aprender o tema em estudo. Jornais científicos e fontes on-line verificadas e seguras são os melhores evita informação de blogs e livros antigos pois a informação poderá não ser fiável. Assim que tenha completado a sua pesquisa, poderá formular a sua hipótese, que é uma previsão daquilo que crê que possa acontecer. Normalmente é tida como uma afirmação se...então e é muito específica. Aqui está um exemplo: Se gomas de urso forem colocadas em água por 24 horas, então vão inchar para o dobro do seu tamanho original. Tem um "se" e um "então" e usa termos específicos que tornam esta experiência replicável. A experiência em si, é composta por várias partes. A maioria das experiências recolhe dois tipos de dados Dados qualitativos e dados quantitativos Os dados qualitativos apoiam-se em descrições como suave, amarelo, luminoso ou molhado English: Research is an important step in science because it may answer other questions you have and help refine your experiment before you go down a path that leads to nowhere or conduct an experiment that's already been done Make sure you use reliable sources to learn background information Scientific journals and online sources that are vetted and trusted are best Avoid information from blogs and out-of-date textbooks as the information might not be reliable Once you have your research completed you can form your hypothesis which is a prediction of what you believe will occur it is often seen as an if-then statement and is very specific Here's an example If gummy bears are placed in water for 24 hours then they will swell to over twice their original size It has an "if" and "then" and uses specific terms that make this experiment repeatable The experiment itself is made of several parts most experiments collect two types of data qualitative and quantitative Qualitative data relies on descriptions like soft, yellow, shiny or wet English: Quantitative data relies on numbers like 25 centimeters or 2.3 grams Once you know what types of data you're going to collect you can define the variables in your experiment There is the independent variable which is the thing you change to see how it affects your dependent variable, which is the thing you measure So in the gummy bear example the change in the experiment is that the gummy bears are being placed in water The dependent variable is the volume of the gummy bear which is measured before and after it's soaked in the water A valid experiment will have both an experimental group where the independent variable is altered and a control group which can be used to compare the experimental group to the normal or unaltered version In the gummy bear experiment the bears placed in water are the experimental group and the dry gummy bears are the control because that's how gummy bears normally are. So to summarize an experiment should have an experimental group and a control group The experimental group will have an independent variable and a dependent variable The data that is measured and collected can be qualitative, quantitative or both Spanish: se basa en números como 25 centímetros o 2,3 gramos una vez que sepa qué tipos de datos que está ir a recoger se puede definir el variables en el experimento hay la variable independiente que es el cosa cambia para ver cómo afecta la variable dependiente que es el cosa que mida por lo que en la gummybear ejemplo el cambio en el experimento es que los ositos de goma están siendo colocados en regar la variable dependiente es la volumen del oso gomoso que es medido antes y después de que se empapa en el agua de un experimento válido tendrá tanto un grupo experimental en el que el variable independiente se altera en una grupo de control que puede ser utilizado para comparar la grupo experimental a la normal o versión inalterada en el osito de goma experimentar el oso se coloca en agua son el grupo experimental y la seca gomosos osos son el control porque así es como osito de goma es normalmente son Entonces, para resumir un experimento debe tener un grupo experimental y un control grupo el grupo experimental tendrá una variable independiente y una dependiente variable y los datos que se mide y recogidos pueden ser cualitativos cuantitativa o ambos gracias por ver Portuguese: Os dados quantitativos apoiam-se em números, como 25 centímetros ou 2,3 gramas. Assim que souber o tipo de dados que quer recolher, poderá definir as variáveis na sua experiência. Existe a variável independente, que é aquilo que pode alterar para ver como é que afeta a sua variável dependente, que é aquilo que você mede. Então, no exemplo da goma de urso, o que varia na experiência, é que as gomas são colocadas em água, a variável dependente é o volume da goma de urso que é medido antes e depois de estar na água. Uma experiência válida terá que ter ambos, um grupo experimental, onde a variável independente é alterada e um grupo de controlo, que pode ser usado para comparar o grupo experimental com a versão normal ou inalterada. Na experiência da goma de urso, as gomas que são colocadas na água correspondem ao grupo experimental e as gomas secas são o grupo de controlo porque são como as gomas normalmente são. Então, para sumariar, uma experiência deve ter um grupo experimental e um grupo de controlo. O grupo experimental deverá ter uma variável independente e uma variável dependente Os dados medidos e recolhidos podem ser qualitativos, quantitativos ou ambos. English: Thanks for watching this episode of Teacher's Pet. Don't forget to like and subscribe and follow me on Twitter @sciencepet Spanish: este episodio de la mascota del profesor no hacer Al igual que olvide y suscribirse y seguir Me mascota en Twitter en la ciencia
Thai: เรียนนักวิชาการเพื่อนนี่คือเอกสารสองนาที กับKároly Zsolnai-Fehér ในคลิปนี้เรามีวัตถุหลากหลาย ที่แตกต่างกันในรูปทรงเรขาคณิตและเป้าหมายคือ วางไว้ในช่องนี้โดยใช้ AI ฟังดูง่ายใช่มั้ย สิ่งนี้ได้รับการแก้ไขมานานแล้ว อย่างไรก็ตามมีการจับที่นี่ซึ่งก็คือ กล่องนี้อยู่นอกช่วงของหุ่นยนต์ ดังนั้นต้องมีแขนใน ด้วยปริมาณที่พอเหมาะสำหรับมัน เพื่อสิ้นสุดในช่องนี้ สามารถทำการโยนได้ 500 ครั้งต่อชั่วโมง ก่อนที่ทุกคนจะเข้าใจผิดว่าเกิดอะไรขึ้น ในภาพที่นี่มันเกือบจะดูเหมือน หุ่นยนต์ทางซ้ายกำลังช่วยด้วยการขยับ ไปยังตำแหน่งที่วัตถุจะตกหลังจากหุ่นยนต์ ทางด้านขวาโยนมัน กรณีนี้ไม่ได้. ที่นี่คุณเห็นส่วนเล็ก ๆ ของการสนทนาของฉัน กับ Andy Zeng ผู้เขียนหลักของบทความ เขาอยู่ที่ไหน ผลลัพธ์ดูน่าทึ่งและทราบว่าสิ่งนี้ ปัญหานั้นยากกว่าที่คนส่วนใหญ่คิด English: Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. In this footage, we have a variety of objects that differ in geometry, and the goal is to place them into this box using an AI. Sounds simple, right? This has been solved long, long ago. However, there is a catch here, which is that this box is outside of the range of the robot arm, therefore, it has to throw it in there with just the right amount of force for it to end up in this box. It can perform 500 of these tosses per hour. Before anyone misunderstands what is going on in the footage here, it almost seems like the robot on the left is helping by moving to where the object would fall after the robot on the right throws it. This is not the case. Here you see a small part of my discussion with Andy Zeng, the lead author of the paper where he addresses this. The results look amazing, and note that this problem is much harder than most people would Thai: คิดในตอนแรก เพื่อที่จะทำสิ่งนี้ AI ต้องเข้าใจ วิธีการจับวัตถุด้วยรูปทรงเรขาคณิตที่กำหนด ในความเป็นจริงเราอาจคว้าวัตถุเดียวกันได้ที่ ด้านต่าง ๆ โยนมันแบบเดียวกันและ จะมีความแตกต่างอย่างมาก ในเส้นทางการเคลื่อนที่ของวัตถุนี้ ลองดูตัวอย่างนี้ด้วยไขควง นอกจากนี้ยังต้องคำนึงถึง ความต้านทานอากาศของวัตถุที่กำหนดเช่นกัน ผู้ชายปัญหานี้ยาก อย่างที่คุณเห็นที่นี่ตอนแรกมันไม่สามารถทำได้ ฝึกขว้างเพราะความน่าเชื่อถือ ในการเข้าใจค่อนข้างยากจน อย่างไรก็ตามหลังจากการฝึกอบรม 14 ชั่วโมงก็ประสบความสำเร็จ ความแม่นยำที่น่าทึ่งและสามารถฝึกอบรมได้ ตารางฝึกอบรมนี้ออกแบบมานานแล้ว ในแบบที่เมื่อวัตถุหมด มันสามารถรีสตาร์ทตัวเองโดยปราศจากความช่วยเหลือของมนุษย์ ดี! เพื่อให้บรรลุเป้าหมายนี้เราจำเป็นต้องมีการฝึกอบรมมากมาย วัตถุ แต่ไม่ใช่วัตถุฝึกอบรมใด ๆ English: think at first. In order to perform this, the AI has to understand how to grasp an object with a given geometry, in fact, we may grab the same object at a different side, throw it the same way, and there would be a great deal of a difference in the trajectory of this object. Have a look at this example with the screwdriver. It also has to take into consideration the air resistance of a given object as well. Man, this problem is hard. As you see here, initially, it cannot even practice throwing because its reliability in grasping is quite poor. However, after 14 hours of training, it achieves a remarkable accuracy, and to be able to train for so long, this training table is designed in a way that when running out of objects, it can restart itself without human help. Nice! To achieve this, we need a lot of training objects, but not any kind of training objects. Thai: วัตถุเหล่านี้จะต้องมีความหลากหลาย อย่างที่คุณเห็นที่นี่ระหว่างการฝึกซ้อมกล่อง ตำแหน่งสนุกกับความหลากหลายที่ดีและวัตถุ เรขาคณิตก็มีความหลากหลายเช่นกัน โดยปกติในการทดลองเหล่านี้เรากำลังมองหา เพื่อให้ได้สติปัญญาบางอย่าง ความฉลาดในกรณีนี้ย่อมหมายถึงว่า AI ได้เรียนรู้การเปลี่ยนแปลงที่แท้จริง ของการขว้างปาสิ่งของและไม่เพียงแค่พบบางอย่าง โซลูชั่นที่ดีผ่านการลองผิดลองถูก วิธีที่ดีในการทดสอบสิ่งนี้ก็คือการให้ วัตถุที่ไม่เคยเห็นมาก่อนและเห็น ความรู้ทั่วไปของมันเป็นอย่างไร เหมือนกับสถานที่ ทางด้านซ้ายคุณจะเห็นกล่องเหล่านี้ที่มีเครื่องหมาย สีส้มนี่คือชุดฝึกซ้อม แต่หลังจากนั้น มันถูกขอให้โยนมันลงในกล่องสีน้ำเงิน ซึ่งเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่เคยลองมาก่อน…และ…ดู! นี่เป็นลักษณะทั่วไปที่ยอดเยี่ยม ไชโย! คุณสามารถดูความน่าจะเป็นที่จะประสบความสำเร็จได้ สำหรับการจับและขว้างที่นี่ English: These objects have to be diversified. As you see here, during training, the box position enjoys a great variety, and the object geometry is also well diversified. Normally, in these experiments, we are looking to obtain some kind of intelligence. Intelligence in this case would mean that the AI truly learned the underlying dynamics of object throwing, and not just found some good solutions via trial and error. A good way to test this would be to give it an object it has never seen before and see how its knowledge generalizes to that. Same with locations. On the left, you see these boxes marked with orange, this was the training set, but, later, it was asked to throw it into the blue boxes, which is something it has never tried before…and…look! This is excellent generalization. Bravo! You can also see the success probabilities for grasping and throwing here. English: A key idea in this work is that this system is endowed with a physics-based controller, which contains the standard equations of linear projectile motion. This is simple knowledge from high-school physics that ignores several key real-life factors, such as the effect of aerodynamic drag. This way, the AI does not have to learn from scratch and can use these calculations as an initial guess, and it is tasked with learning to account for the difference between this basic equation and real-life trajectories. In other words, it is given basic physics and is asked to learn advanced physics by building on that. Loving this idea. A simulation environment was also developed for this project where one can test the effect of, for instance, changing the gripper width, which would be costly and labor-intensive in the real world. Of course, these are all free in a software simulation. What a time to be alive! Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time! Thai: แนวคิดหลักในการทำงานนี้ก็คือระบบนี้ endowed กับตัวควบคุมที่ใช้ฟิสิกส์ ซึ่งมีสมการมาตรฐานของเส้นตรง การเคลื่อนไหวกระสุนปืน นี่คือความรู้ง่ายๆจากโรงเรียนมัธยม ฟิสิกส์ที่ไม่สนใจกุญแจชีวิตจริงหลายประการ ปัจจัยเช่นผลของอากาศพลศาสตร์ ลาก. ด้วยวิธีนี้ AI ไม่จำเป็นต้องเรียนรู้จาก เริ่มต้นและสามารถใช้การคำนวณเหล่านี้เป็น คาดเดาเริ่มต้นและมันก็มอบหมายให้เรียนรู้ เพื่อพิจารณาความแตกต่างระหว่างสิ่งนี้ สมการพื้นฐานและวิถีชีวิตจริง กล่าวอีกนัยหนึ่งมันคือฟิสิกส์พื้นฐาน และถูกขอให้เรียนรู้ฟิสิกส์ขั้นสูงโดย อาคารที่ รักความคิดนี้ สภาพแวดล้อมการจำลองยังได้รับการพัฒนา สำหรับโครงการนี้ที่หนึ่งสามารถทดสอบผลกระทบ ตัวอย่างเช่นจากการเปลี่ยนความกว้างของกริปเปอร์ ซึ่งจะมีค่าใช้จ่ายสูงและใช้แรงงานมาก ในโลกแห่งความจริง แน่นอนสิ่งเหล่านี้ทั้งหมดฟรีในซอฟต์แวร์ จำลอง ช่างเป็นเวลาที่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่! ขอบคุณที่รับชมและแสดงความขอบคุณ สนับสนุนและฉันจะพบคุณในครั้งต่อไป!
good evening and welcome to our midweek bible study we're so glad that you're joining with us tonight sorry for the late start we kind of got a little bit of a late start but tonight we are in the book of Ecclesiastes and lord willing we will get through chapter four having finished chapter three last week and also tonight being the first Thursday of the month it's going to be our communion celebration so i want to encourage you if you're watching live to maybe at this time uh real quick get the elements and then you can partake with us at the conclusion of our study really looking forward to this chapter tonight i know i probably say that about every chapter but really this chapter and i think you'll see why here in a moment it really speaks to a profound truth in life a principle that you really don't go up against and break if you go up against it it breaks you instead it's just one of those life principles those one of those truths in the Word of God a profound truth and it's that of Jesus being the threefold cord that's not quickly broken such that He's the only one that holds everything and anything together and i think you would agree with me that the world is falling apart the world is broken or as we like to say here locally i'll do my best when i say it buss up that wasn't too bad right it is buss up right not bust up it's buss up like bus like the bus buss up okay well that's as good as it gets so for those of you online that's never mind it's a local thing but people are broken and you know as one said no things are not really falling apart they're coming together and falling into place and that is true but there is just this sadly today in this world in which we live in the midst of this crisis which we're going to talk about on Sunday very interesting development this last week concerning the crisis but a lot of people are really hanging on by a thread and people need the lord and people are losing everything marriages are breaking apart i heard one statistic i don't remember who was telling me this but oh i think it was after uh first service on sunday that the family courts are just you know so overbooked by the really the record number of divorces that have been filed we're talking about here on Oahu how sad is that families breaking apart marriage is breaking apart i mean people's lives are just falling apart and if there was ever a time that we as the salt and light can bring hope to the hopeless that time is now and we're going to talk about that tonight so why don't we pray if you would join with me and we'll ask God's blessing on our time together in His Word Father in heaven were we we say it sometimes just in passing but it's very true how do people who don't know You do it how is it possible that they're able to survive not knowing You and maybe the truth of the matter is is that they're not they're barely hanging on and Lord we're just so thankful to You that we know You and that You know us that we have You and You have us Lord tonight as we open up Your word i pray that so too would our hearts be opened up and our eyes and our ears to receive that which You have for us tonight as You speak into our lives in and through Your Word Lord we're so thankful to You for Your Word it's life it's the bread of life the word of life so Lord thank You i pray that You'll speak very clearly and for those who are discouraged i pray that You'll encourage strengthen our hearts and Lord thank You that Your Word is alive and active so Lord thank You in advance for what You're going to do in our time together in Your Word tonight in Jesus' name Amen all right verse 1 Ecclesiastes chapter 4 now please keep in mind very important that you understand otherwise you're not going to understand you're going to misunderstand and this could really mess you up for lack of a better way of saying it if you don't keep in mind that Solomon is doing everything he can to try and reconcile this life under the sun s-u-n without God he has removed God from the equation and it's not working out too well as we've seen here to four in the first three chapters in fact last week in chapter three we saw Solomon we're going to see it again here now where he's kind of going back and forth you know he kind of has this returning back to the very God that he's trying to remove and he has this this moment of sort of returning to the Lord and then when he does that's the only way he can make any sense of any of this and it's really a thing of living life under the sun s-u-n as opposed to living life under the Son S-o-n and that's the conclusion he's going to come to now as we start off in verse 1 for those of you that read ahead to stay ahead you already know it starts off pretty rough it's a rough start he says then verse 1 i returned and considered all the oppression that is done under the sun and look the tears of the oppressed but they have no comforter on the side of their oppressors there is power they seem so powerful and the oppressed so powerless but they have no comforter so what's his response what does he say after he returns to this and considers this and ponders this this is what he says about it verse 2 therefore i praised the dead who were already dead more than the living who are still alive you've heard of the walking dead those who were alive outwardly but dead inside that's what he's referring to here yet verse 3 and it gets worse better than both is he who has never existed in other words it would have been better if they were never born and here's why because who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun it would have been better that they were never born at all than to be born and have to witness such despair such oppression with no comforter no mediator he's alluded to that already you know what a dark first three verses would you agree well that's the problem isn't it the problem in the first place is he's considering this outside of the very God who is the comforter the Holy Spirit as the comforter and when you remove God from the equation are you surprised that this will be your conclusion it's kind of interesting that he would say that Job said this he said it would have would have been better if i were never born when he was at the end i mean the bottom the rock bottom of the rock bottom that was it he was in such despair and hopelessness in fact the way he said it was basically like this why does God withhold from me the thing that i desire the most that my life would end i mean you've got to be pretty low to come to that point to have it be better that you were never born in the first place you know the only one in scripture that it was said it would have been better that they were never born in the first place was Judas and you know who said it Jesus it would have been better that he was never born in the first place now verse four he's going to turn a corner and he says again i saw that for all toil and every skillful work a man is envied by his neighbor this also is vanity and grasping for the wind in other words here i'm working hard and make no mistake about it righteous or unrighteous all hard work leads to profit it's just the way it is i mean if you are a hard worker you will gain you will make money and that's what's happening here but there's a problem here because here's this man who is skillful he has a skill set and he toils he works for what he amasses all this wealth pulls up in his driveway with his brand new mercedes-benz and there's his neighbor oh i'm so happy for you oh i'm rejoicing with you as i pull up in my 1972 chevy vega well i was going to say ford pinto what was the other one amc pacer remember that one oh my i'm having flashbacks i better be careful here no your neighbor's not happy for you he's envious of you he's coveting what you have in fact he's angry with you not fair and what does he do well verse 5 Solomon tells us the fool folds his hands and consumes his own flesh in other words he does so to his own peril hey that's not fair that he has that and i don't well dude you're lazy get to work roll up your arm sleeves and work and earn a living don't covet what somebody else has verse six he goes on better a handful with quietness then both hands full together with toil and grasping for the wind i don't know if you notice this or not but Solomon it has addressed three main issues in our lives he's talking about fairness hard work laziness and then contentment and he's basically saying you know it would be better to this is a great image a great picture in your mind's eye paint this on the canvas of your god-given imagination a handful of quietness i'll take that man there's some times in my life where i've just got to turn the volume down it is so loud it is so busy it is so crazy you know i was uh thinking about this this last week you know as you get older the very things that you were grounded for are the very things that as you get older you long for you know go to bed early can i you just have to sit and be still and be quiet really you promise interesting how that works but the point is is that it would be better to have just this fullness of quietness than to have both hands full with striving and toiling and as one said very aptly very apropos if you strive to gain you will have to strive to maintain as we saw in the Proverbs it's either 10 22 or 22 10 i get them backwards but it basically says this that it's the blessing of the Lord that makes one prosperous and enriches and he adds no sorrow or trouble to it there is something to be said about just being content with what God has given you you know there are those who strive and toil and we're going to see that here in a moment and enough is never enough just a little bit more and that is a miserable place to be and that is a miserable life to live well getting ahead of myself he says verse 7 then i returned again he's going back and forth and i saw vanity under the sun there is one alone verse 8 without companion he has neither son nor brother yet there is no end to all his labors nor is his eye satisfied with riches but he never asks for whom do i toil and deprive myself of good this also is vanity and a grave misfortune what is he saying he's saying you know what am i doing this for i mean he's it's a couple things that a couple of details that were given as to what this man is like first of all nothing satiates his hunger his drive for more nothing satisfies his eye so he gets that which he sets out to get and he gets it and he's not satisfied so he goes out to get more that's one thing we're told about him but there's another thing here very interesting that we're told about him where he never asks for whom do i toil who am i doing this for and basically why am i doing this and depriving myself of good in other words this guy is a miser you know what the word miser comes from the root miser misery no same word miserable miser misery i actually knew a guy like this on the mainland many years ago i worked with this guy i worked with this guy right here i know this guy i met this guy i worked with this guy he had so much money and it was never enough and he was a workaholic he was always the first one there last one to leave and he had all this money he'd make all these investments and he was never satisfied you know what was interesting he would show up i mean he would look okay but he was wearing a sport coat and a tie that was like 25 years old because he would not spend eight dollars of course i don't think you can buy a tie for eight dollars anymore can you but he wouldn't spend whatever on a new tie he would deprive himself of anything because in his way of thinking he was going to stockpile as much as he could get you've heard that expression get all you can and can all you get and no matter how much you get and can it's never enough and you know what was sad he was one of the most miserable guys i'd ever known it's kind of interesting much older than me actually old enough to be my father and you know i tried to you know be a good witness it was clear that you know i was a Christian and he knew that and when his wife was diagnosed with cancer guess whose office he was in asking for prayer and it was kind of interesting because at that time i thought to myself and i knew he knew he was a smart guy hard worker oh my goodness hard worker but it was at that time that i think he realized that all the money he had amassed was for nothing what good is it going to do and this is what Solomon is saying here what am i doing this for and then who am i going to leave this too we saw this couple weeks ago i'm amassing all this wealth and i'm going to leave it to the heir that's going to inherit all of my wealth and it's going to mess them up and they're going to mess it up and they're going to they're going to blow it they won't be able to handle it and sure enough that's exactly what happened because solomon had a son by the name of Rehoboam you need look no further than to the Scripture to see what happened with the son of Solomon it was tragic and that and by the way the nation of Israel was never the same again after that so the conclusion is again why am i doing this what am i doing this for why am i depriving myself of good why do i work first thing in the morning all day to the end of the day for what what's the point and then verse are you depressed no you're doing okay all right well it gets better well there's some redemption here verse nine two are better than one why because they have a good reward for their labor verse 10 for if they fall one will lift up his companion but woe to him who is alone when he falls for he has no one to help him up again verse 11 if two lie down together they will keep warm but how can one be warm alone interesting you know what this speaks to i think you do it speaks to the importance of relationships you know it's i don't want to go off on this i mean i certainly can but you know this whole social distancing thing wow yeah never mind let's just move on verse 12. i guess you do know about the whole social distancing listen i you'll forgive me for the the strength in which i say this but it is anti Christ what do you mean that's pretty strong well it needs to be here's what i mean by that it goes against everything that we were created to be the companionship the fellowship the relationship you know there's a physiological explanation behind it too oh by the way did you know this is gonna well i'll just say it do you know that when you don't have social interaction forget about physical touch just social interaction it actually changes the structure of your brain it damages the brain it explains a lot right i mean but it causes brain damage because we were never meant to be alone when God created Adam he said it is not good for man to be alone listen whenever i'm away from my wife for two hours okay two weeks i mean it is not good i miss her so much God made us to be together to have relationship and fellowship Acts 2:42 i call it the four legs on the table of a healthy church you have prayer you have the Apostles Doctrine that's the Word of God you have the breaking of bread that's communion and the love feasts as they would refer to them and then you have fellowship we were talking about this on Sunday the verse in Hebrews it's a very uh uh talked about verse nowadays with the whole you can't sing in church you can't breathe in church you can't i'm sorry is that bad that was bad but it's in Hebrews where we're told not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as is the custom of some key word very important don't miss this assembling and the best illustration i ever heard was that of a watch you can have all the parts of the watch together gathered we're not gathering that's just a gathering no we're assembled that's a game changer right because if i have all the parts to the watch sitting up here on this pulpit i just have them gathered no they're not functioning there's no operation there's nothing happening they need to be assembled all of the parts in order to have something that functions that's what the body of Christ is and that's the way we were made you know when you hold hands together or you give somebody a hug there is this chemical called oxytocin i think that's the name of it i'm probably mispronouncing it not oxycontin that's a whole different i think it's oxytocin it's kind of along the lines of an endorphin or dopamine or serotonin you know those feel-good chemicals and these are God-given and when they're released in the body it just has this sense of it's very healthy it's healthy physically it's healthy emotionally it's healthy mentally and it's healthy spiritually and so when you say hey you can't you know you have to stay six feet away from each other can i read you something my son texted it to me from he's back in college now and i just got i'm going to maybe Lord willing be talking about this on Sunday Lord willing highlight underscore bold so it goes like this this is good okay it's actually a meme so if the masks work why the six feet if the six feet works why the masks if both work why the lockdown if all three work why the vaccine if the vaccine is safe why no liability clause come on you know what this is all about it's about silencing the church of Jesus Christ and isolating and separating the Christians because when we assemble together and function as the body of Christ as it was intended to be people are going out of their minds you know that right people are going out of their minds literally because of all of this the isolation i don't know if you heard a number of years ago and again i didn't want to go to too late i went way off but bear with me i'm sure you heard this was back in the early 1900s there was this orphanage and all of these babies were dying and they didn't know why and so they were bringing in all the experts and trying to figure out why are these you know is this something in the water is it something we're doing or not doing well as it turns out it was something they were not doing you know what they were not doing holding the babies they were isolated sitting there no touch touch just touch and they were dying you know what they started doing they started holding the babies touching the babies loving on those babies and never did one die how about that well i want to get to verse 12 because this is what i've been really looking forward to he says though one may be overpowered by another two can withstand him and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken now you probably heard this in the context of a marriage and i think that is certainly the best way to frame this because Jesus is that threefold court i know when my wife and i had our 25th wedding anniversary eight years ago now seven years ago now oh boy i better not get this wrong right so it was 2013 we've been married for 32 years so somebody that's seven years ago right just tell me it is and then we'll be good so yeah 2013 we had our 25th wedding anniversary we renewed our vows and we took this verse here in Ecclesiastes and part of the renewal of our vows was the three strands and we tied them together because that third strand is the one strand that keeps it all together and that is the person of Jesus Christ and not that tonight's teaching is on marriage but let me just say parenthetically concerning marriage that if you don't have Jesus Christ at the center of your marriage as that third strand you're a dead duck i don't know how else to say it dead duck with a capital DEAD and a capital DUCK as a matter of fact you don't stand a chance especially in this day and age in which we're living in this time in which we're living can i ask you to kind of again use your god-given imagination and oh but i've got to be careful with my hand signals they're going to think i'm an illuminati or a mason or a satanist but no for real you know like one time i did a shaka that's a devil sign it's not it's a shaka shaka means how's it right come on help me ut here help a guy out right shaka how's it how's it okay just picture a triangle i'm not going to do the hand signal because then i'm i'm a satanist no they have videos they have YouTube videos and they have me and i'm in it yours truly i'm a satanist because i i did i did i did i did something i did yeah i did something unbeknownst to me unwittingly innocently okay anyway picture a triangle i didn't say pyramid i did not say pyramid a triangle okay and on the bottom of the triangle on the left put your name on the other side of the bottom of the triangle put your wife or husband's name and at the top of the triangle put the name of Jesus now watch this when not if there's conflict you're out of fellowship with each other okay that's been severed now that bottom part of that triangle but if you have the third chord if you have Jesus Christ then it's not completely broken it's still together because you can both go to the top you can both go to the Lord He's that third threefold cord that is not quickly broken and this again like i mentioned at the beginning is one of those principles that you don't break it breaks you and this is across the board in every arena of life it's the centrality of Christ in everything in your life in your business in your workplace in your marriage in your parenting He has to occupy that place that belongs only to Him and if anything or anyone beseats Him replaces Him it's just a matter of time well verse 13 i wish i could say this ended on a a good note but it doesn't so but we will find redemption here he says better a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who will be admonished no more for he comes out of prison to be king although he was born poor in his kingdom i saw verse 15 all the living who walked under the sun they were with the second youth who stands in his place there was no end of all the people over whom he was making yet those who come afterward will not rejoice in him surely this also is vanity and grasping for the wind what's he talking about here fame what do you mean oh so you've got a guy popular got a lot of followers on twitter and friends on facebook and subscribers on youtube but there's coming a time when somebody else will be in that place and famous fleeting it's vanity it's emptiness it doesn't last you can be popular you can be rich you can be famous by the way we talked about this too you know why these really famous people get really weird and messed up and some of them OD or die a young die at a young age the reason is is because God never made us to be on the receiving end of that much fame which comes packaged with worship that is a crushing weight and pressure to live under and that's why it messes them up so much they can't handle it they were never intended God never made us to be able to handle that he's talking about fame and popularity here's a ruler and there's all these people and they they made him king and and they look to him and he's popular and famous and then his time comes to an end and people are fickle by the way have you noticed that very fickle doesn't take much it's that as they say 15 minutes of fame you've heard that so i know i tried this a couple weeks ago and it was a horrible experience i tried to ask you to remember something or someone and i used the illustration of who won i'm not even going to try to go there so can you tell me who was really the the most famous person in let's just use the year 1982 thank you for that response i think you get the point i mean it's just fleeting it's all vanity so somebody who was popular then is no longer no longer popular now have you seen these rock bands i'll mention some names why not the rolling stones mick jagger first of all he's sold his soul to the devil for real that's not a gimmick i mean satan he sold his soul to the devil for all the fame all the wealth all the you know everything that you could possibly ask these stars by their own admission you can go on youtube and watch videos and they're admitting that they sold their souls to the devil they are agents of the devil the devil promised them all of these riches all of this wealth all of this fame and they got it and boy did they and i'm just i don't know when it was i saw mick jagger and i'm like man he needs to go to bed he needs to just go home you're old man you're old you're so yesterday as we say what are you doing shouldn't you be like a great grandfather by now and shouldn't you be home sitting on the rocker you know i remember back when but no it's like they're still trying to hang on to that fame it's fleeting it's and this is not the last time certainly not the first time we're going to hear Solomon say this it's like grasping for the wind how's that working out for you have you tried to do that trade winds go outside on a day when the trade winds are you know the wind the breeze and just try to grab and bring it we'd like to see it if you can catch it that's what i know that's a silly but you get the point right that's what he's saying that's what this is like trying to grasp and hold on to fame is like grasping the wind it's not going to happen it's not going to happen it's all vanity it's all a grasping for the wind so here's Solomon he's going to go through all this we've got what eight more chapters of this i hope you'll come back but he has to go through this and we have to go through this with him it's needful it's good why because this sometimes is the only way we'll ever learn we have to go down this path we have to go on this journey and learn the hard way as we've talked about it's one of those things where you just have to taste from that cup and realize i am more thirsty than i was before i tasted from this cup and then it leads you to the one the only one who can satisfy you have to go through all of these things and have everything fall apart everything you touch falls apart everything is meaningless nothing satisfies everything's just wrong but then that becomes the catalyst for the one that you can go to and by the way one one last thing and we'll partake together of communion isn't that what's happening right now with everything that's going on with this crisis you know people have watched their lives just i mean the bottom just fell out and isn't it when that happens that that becomes the catalyst for people who may not have otherwise done so they're going to turn to the Lord and they are and they are they're turning to the Lord they're turning back to the Lord some people who had gotten away from the Lord are coming back to the Lord now why because everything is basically falling apart and He's the only one that can hold it together and they know it and they're going to Him livelihoods life savings houses have you heard some of the statistics well you want to get depressed i mean you could write your own book of ecclesiastes with some of the things that are happening right now but again it's that which is needed in order to bring us to the only one that can satisfy the only One that can keep it together well we're going to partake together of the Lord's table in Luke's gospel chapter 22 is my favorite account of what we affectionately refer to as the last supper Luke is writing and by the Holy Spirit says verse 14 when the hour had come he speaking of Jesus sat down and the twelve apostles with Him then He said to them with fervent desire i have desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer He just got done telling them that He's going to go to the cross and they're having a hard time with all of this they're trying to wrap their minds around it they're really struggling with it and Jesus is telling them this is the last time we're going to do what we're doing which implies that this wasn't the first time they had done this before and this is why we call it the last supper but He says I have desired fervently some of your translations rendered I have I eagerly await it's like He's saying I can't wait to do what we're going to do here tonight because this will be the last time the next time I do this will be in My kingdom and that's verse 16 for i say to you I will no longer eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God then He took the cup and gave thanks and said take this and divide it among yourselves for I say to you I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes that's the second time now that He said that and for good reason we'll talk about that in a moment and verse 19 He took bread gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them saying this is My body which is given for you do this in remembrance of Me if you'll take the packaging and those of you watching online if you'll just take the bread and hold on to it for a moment you know it's unfortunate for lack of a better word that here certainly in America other parts of the world as well we we miss the significance of what it means to break bread if you go to the middle east even to this day modern day in the middle east in Israel but also in my Arab culture in the middle east it's huge breaking bread with somebody eating with somebody it has profound significance in fact the Jews would not be caught dead eating with a gentile unthinkable and even with the Arabs if you eat with an Arab you are loyal they are loyal to you for life unto death that's the culture and here's why when you break bread with somebody the idea is that bread broken in two still the bread the same bread that same bread that's in you is in me too and we're one we're united and it's a common union now there is a union you know in the middle east the way that they uh seal a deal is with a meal well that's really kind of rhymed see we need a worship song somebody needs to write a worship song seal the deal with a meal hey you know you've heard the expression peace meal you know where that came from when you're going to make peace with your enemy you do it over a meal not a handshake not a signing of a document it means nothing in the middle east you want to have a peace agreement or an agreement or even a reconciliation when i was a kid i couldn't have been probably more than eight or nine maybe 10 years old my mom's side of the family had a family feud and here's the thing you have never seen a family feud until you've seen an Arab family feud i mean we know how to feud it was brutal it was awful and it lasted for seven years not by design that just happened to be how many years it lasted they would not talk to each other it made the holidays horrible because you know the custom was everybody would go to everybody's home but you can't go there because of them so we would have to you know organize and schedule and work around so when are they going to be there well we'll come after them that's what it was like for seven years and then finally they made the effort to bring about a reconciliation and it was all over this huge feast i can still taste that food right now and they spent months preparing for this meal and they brought the two families together and they symbolically took the unleavened bread the pita bread and they broke it in two it was like a formal ceremony by the way i'm sorry if i'm kind of discombobulated here but this is really interesting you know when Anwar Sadat Egypt made peace with Menachem Begin Israel and they had this peace agreement for the cameras it was you know just a handshake and a signing and you know the big ceremony but it wasn't too long after i think it might have been maybe as short as one month later they met together and they took the bread and they broke it in half and they both ate that same piece of bread and that's when it was sealed you remember 1993 i think it was some of you young people are going I wasn't even born don't worry about it we'll get back to you just never mind 1993 then president Bill Clinton on the white house lawn with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin and it was the Oslo peace accord and they they shook hands awkward at first i don't know if you remember that i'll never forget it September 1993 i remember calling my dad going dad whoa what's this he said it's not yet not yet but this is very interesting so in fact i'll never forget he told me this was two years before he died he said just watch Syria just i and at that time i had no idea how profound and even prophetic those words were just watch Syria so anyway here's Arafat and Rabin and they're shaking hands it means nothing do you know that they never broke bread because had they broken bread that would have been a peace meal a peace deal that they could not break that's how significant it is so my the two families come together they break the bread and it was a huge celebration and from that point forward there was never a disagreement again for the rest of their lives that's what this means you see where i'm going with this so sin separates us from God right and Jesus is our peace as we say and His body is the bread the peace meal that is broken to reconcile us to Him when we get to the cup there's something i want to point out but as we partake together of the bread i just hope that this is not routine or mundane or just you know this is what we do when we do that thing we do i hope that there's just this awareness of the significance of what this means symbolically we have made peace with God through Jesus Christ who we were separated from feuding with enemies of and Jesus comes and says let's be reconciled there's no more feud anymore you're coming back together and you are reunited united a union for life unto death would you partake with me thank You Lord father in heaven we're first of all we're so thankful to You for giving us this to do and it is a memory a memorial a commemoration a celebration a reminder because we forget we live our lives caught up in the busyness of our lives and really the stress especially now in our lives but You o lLord have given us this as a reminder of what You've done for us and how You paid the price in full for us to reconcile us to You thank You Lord Luke goes on to write and says verse 20 likewise He also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in My blood which is shed for you if you'll take the rest of the packaging peel it back you'll have the cup and those of you watching online you can just get the cup at this time but just hold on to it for a moment so i know we've talked about this many times in the past but talk about the significance the symbolism of the cup a symbol of His blood shed in our stead notice He says the blood of the new covenant now you understand right that this was a sealing of the betrothal the engagement to the bride Jesus as the bridegroom and the church as the bride of Jesus Christ and the disciples would have known this because this is not it's beyond the passover celebration of course Jesus fulfills the passover prophecy and they knew that but when He starts talking about this cup being the cup of the new covenant in My blood that changed everything and i'll explain see in that culture in that day and it's interesting it's actually in the middle east today marriages are arranged arranged marriages in fact i remember my parents they they actually tried to arrange my marriage didn't work out for that i'm very grateful as is my wife i hope but the father would actually arrange the marriage with the bride and they would go to the father's house and there would be this writing the covenant in writing that's the Word of God the new covenant and the bridegroom would then take the cup pour the wine into the cup and he would offer the cup to his bride-to-be but here's the thing if she didn't want to be married to the guy she had a choice and they honored it they didn't like it but if she took that cup and would drink from that cup what she was saying was yes i will marry you that's what Jesus is doing here and they knew it when He offers them the cup it's a marriage covenant if you will the new covenant in His blood and He's basically telling them like the Jewish bridegroom would tell the bride i'm going to prepare a place for you a bridal chamber in my father's house if it were not so i would not have told you that i'm going to prepare the place for you and then when the time comes i'm going to come back and get you and take you to this bridal chamber and we are going to consummate and celebrate our marriage together you know what they would do after a period of seven days a type of the seven year tribulation where we're consummating and celebrating our marriage to the lamb after the period of seven days slash seven years the bride would emerge from that bridal chamber that the groom prepared for her in his father's house and after the seven they would emerge and they would have a huge wedding feast hey just that alone should bring great hope especially the guys because that means there's food in heaven ladies no cholesterol no fat no calories and they would partake together that's what he's saying here I can't wait because you know what the next time we do this together it's going to be at the wedding feast so as we partake together of the cup what we are symbolically saying is yes i will marry you this is basically a marriage proposal you know i shared this just give me one more minute if you don't mind this will be the last last thing okay right so um i proposed to my wife in a helicopter and a friend of mine was actually a pilot and he flew a pilot for the medical center and he on this particular night i was going to surprise her oh my goodness that was such a romantic past tense anyway so we were over the city lights you know it was a beautiful summer night and you know i had the ring and she was she suspected something so you know this is not you know you're what are you going to propose to me i'm like what are you talking about so we get up in the helicopter it was so loud you know we just got we had the headphones on you know so it's kind of like you know when when the time came he gave me the the signal said okay now and we're over the city lights and i pulled the ring out and and you know i'm like will you marry me over and all i could hear on the other end was okaaay oh well here's what i didn't know she is terrified of heights it was almost like she was saying she wasn't crying because she was so moved she was crying like i'll say anything just get me out of this helicopter we have this plexiglass door that separates us from imminent death i do let's get out of here this is our marriage proposal He's proposing to us will you marry Me and He offers us the cup of His blood the new covenant the marriage covenant and by partaking tonight we are reaffirming yes i do i will would you partake with me and then once you do please stand thank You Lord oh Lord we too can't wait now Lord we know it's very soon it's got to be we just sense it in our hearts in our spirits that You're coming very soon for us with everything that's going on as fast as everything is moving so Lord we do say to You first of all thank You we do we accept and we too eagerly await when that time comes that what we did here tonight will find its ultimate fulfillment can't even fathom what that's going to be like to be with You partaking together with You in Your kingdom as Your bride thank You Lord in Jesus name Amen
Dunque Jeremy, hai tanti fan perché hai fatto tanti grandi film American Hustle e così via... Quindi uno dei benefici dell'essere un grande attore è avere un grande fanbase Ma penso che il lato negativo sia che questi fan hanno anche l'opportunità di venire a conoscenza di strani aneddoti su di te quando persone come Christopher McQuarrie e Tom Cruise iniziano a parlare del "Renner Stretch"... Cos'è il "Renner Stretcher"? [fraintende il termine, ndt] - Puoi spiegarglielo... - Il "Renner Stretch" è... Ma cos'è? È diventato molto popolare ma è iniziato come un aneddoto personale "Stretcher" inteso come "barella" dell'ambulanza? Ero estremamente nervoso durante il periodo della mia prima volta agli Oscar The Hurt Locker... Ero nervosissimo dietro le quinte, cercavo di imparare a memoria quello che dovevo dire - Ho deciso che era ridicolo... - Quindi ti sei sdraiato? - Sì, ho deciso di sdraiarmi e stirarmi, fare stretching - E quello si chiama il Renner Stretcher? - Sì, è il Renner Stretcher E racconto sempre la storia di quando in quel momento è passato Clint Eastwood Ha guardato verso di me con il classico modo alla Clint Eastwood dicendo "Ma che stai facendo, ragazzo?", non ricordo esattamente cosa ha detto E quando ho raccontato questa storia a Tom ha detto "Mettiamolo nel film!" Quindi abbiamo trovato il momento giusto nel film per farmi fare questo "stretching"! Questo sì che fa ridere!
♫ ♫ ♫ [upbeat classical music] --KEVIN: I think it's a great program for anyone who's looking to pursue music, especially where there's a program with so many young talented musicians, and we can immerse ourselves in this environment of, you know, The Juilliard School. I think it provides a great opportunity for us to learn and to grow and develop. --OLIVER: I was nervous, like, when I first came. I didn't really know what to expect. I mean, I'd say it's not as intimidating definitely as people say. It's not as competitive as people say. Saturday mornings, there's always like a nervous excitement for all the classes and everything. But I feel like there's a really great sense of community, like everyone gets along really well. We all have stuff in common and we're all in it together, you know, we're all playing together in chamber music, playing together in orchestra. I'd say it's...it's definitely a much friendlier place than people think. ♫ ♫ ♫ [upbeat classical music]
We've defined moment of inertia of a rigid body already. And we often are interested in it, because when we rotate a body about an axis, say an axis that's passing through the center of mass. Then our kinetic energy depends in that moment of inertia through that axis. But we may also want to consider rotation about another axis. So suppose we consider an axis passing through close to the end and we rotate the body around this axis. You can see from overhead like that. Then we want to now consider how the mass is distributed about an axis that was parallel to the axis passing through the center of mass. So we'll now make a little calculation. But first, we want to quote the theorem. So let's just draw an example of our rigid body. And let's take the center of mass, and let's consider an axis that's going perpendicular to the center of mass. We can think of the object is rotating about that axis. And now let's consider another axis passing through a different point, but also parallel to this axis separated by a distance d. Then the result that we want is at the moment of inertia about an axis passing perpendicular to the plane of the object through the axis s is equal to the moment of inertia about an axis passing through the center of mass-- notice these are parallel axes-- plus the mass of the object times the distance between the two parallel axes. And this is a result that is very useful when calculating moments of inertia. Of course, we could calculate the moment about any axis we wanted. And we'll see that in a moment. For example, we know that for a rod of length L that the moment of inertia through the center of mass was 1/12. And let's call the length of the rod L. So we have a length L. And let's assume it's a uniform object. And we'll calculate a moment of inertia through an axis through the end. And so in this case, d is equal to L over 2. And so I about the end axis is 1/12 mL squared plus the mass times L over 2 square and a 12 plus a quarter is 1/3 mL squared. And that means that all you need to know is the moment through the center of mass, and you can calculate the moment through any other axis. Very useful theorem called the parallel axis theorem. Now as I said, we can calculate the moment s. And just to show you very quickly, if we pick s here, and we pick our little dm there, and we have a distance x, then the moment about s-- and let's say that dm is equal to the total mass divided by the length times some little distance dx-- then the moment is dm times x squared, where x we'll give this an integration variable x prime goes from 0 to x prime equals l. And so we have for our dm m over L dx prime. Remember, that's our integration variable. And we have x squared. So that's x prime squared. And this is just the integral of x cubed over 3. So we have 1/3 m over L x prime cubed evaluated from 0 to L, and that comes out to 1/3 mL squared. And that's in agreement with the parallel axis theorem. And that's an example of parallel axis theorems. You can do the same thing with the disk or other objects.
- Good evening, everyone. My name is Anastasia Warren. Thank you for joining us tonight for Erasure by Exclusion: How Art Schools and Institutions Uphold White Supremacy. Ushers are around distributing index cards. I think most of you have gotten some that will be collected about 45 minutes into the event to distribute to the panel. I would like to thank the Visual Critical Studies department here at SVA for sponsoring the event. I would also like to thank my parents for instilling in me the kind of freedom that brings us here tonight to challenge the institution that houses us. A huge thank you to Shellyne Rodriguez for being a collaborator and teacher as we've worked together to organize this discussion. I'm in my third year at SVA, and during my time here, I've had one black professor and could count on my fingers and toes the numbers of artists of color who have been introduced to me in a classroom setting. This absence is where the necessity for this panel is found. After communicating to VCS chairman Tom Huhn the personal toll and overall impact of the lack of representation of the contributions of people of color to the art world, he suggested organizing a panel and introduced me to Shellyne. And here we are. Together, we will examine cultural erasure and discuss the nature of this oversight with the intention of identifying solutions to this problem. Our panelists are Robin J. Hayes, PhD. (audience applauds) Hayes wrote, directed, and produced the award-winning documentary, Black in Cuba. She's developing the television series Fortune, an adaptation of the prize-winning novel, In the Land of Love and Drowning. Tomashi Jackson, born in Houston, Texas. (audience applauds) Raised in California. Raised in Los Angeles, California, excuse me. She is represented by Jack Tilton Gallery in New York City and teaches drawing and interrelated media practice at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Cheryl R. Riley. (audience applauds) Cheryl is a National Endowment for the Arts recipient whose visual art and furniture designs are in the collections of the Smithsonian, the MIT Museum of Architecture & Design, the cities of New York and Atlanta, among others. She's also written about arts and artists for national publications and is a private and corporate art advisor with a focus on artists of the African diaspora. Bill Gaskins. (audience applauds) Bill is an associate professor in the Department of Art in American Studies program at Cornell University. As an artist, he explores the intersections of photography, cinema, and portraiture in the 21st century from an interdisciplinary engagement that include his body of essays on art and culture through the frames of history and photography, art history, American and African-American studies scholarship. Thank you. (audience applauds) - Hello, everybody. My name is Shellyne Rodriguez. Welcome. Thank you for joining us for what I think is going to be a powerful conversation, getting to the heart of the matter at hand, identifying and undoing the structures that continue to exclude the intellectual and avant garde accomplishments and contributions of the black and indigenous diaspora to the world form academic discourse and learning. I'd like to take this moment to thank you, Tom Huhn, and the Visual and Critical Studies Department for hosting this discussion. (audience applauds) My co-moderator here, the brilliant Anastasia Warren. (audience applauds) A very special thank you goes to the many scholars who've assisted me with suggestions and research for this panel. Dr. Ruthie Wilson Gilmore, Robin D. G. Kelley, and Maria Alexandra García, who introduced me to the many important books that will frame this discussion. (audience applauds) Okay, so let us imagine a syllabus together. That's us imagining. And this syllabus will contains snapshots of important moments in history, in art history. How can we place Bruce Nauman and John Baldessari on this syllabus and not invoke the names of David Hammons or Adrian Piper? How do we discuss David Wojnarowicz and not Martin Wong? How could we discuss ABC No Rio and not the Nuyorican Poets Cafe? Allen Ginsberg, and not Pedro Pietri, Sonia Sonchez, or Amiri Baraka? How can we fail to connect Europe's neo-imperialism manifested in the Berlin Conference when the major European powers convened to normalize claims to territories in Africa, essentially dividing up the continent and ushering in a period of heightened colonial violence, which eliminated or overrode most existing forms of African autonomy and self-governance? How can we discount this history from the subsequent influences Africa then had on modern art? How are we teaching surrealism in the context of World War I and World War II and failing to make connections to the anti-colonialist response to which the surrealists were so tied? How is it that the fascist Marinetti and his Futurist Manifesto is anchored on every art syllabus, but the surrealist essay, Murderous Humanitarianism, where André Breton, Pierre Yoyotte, Yves Tanguy, and many others in response to the Rif War declare, quote, "We surrealists pronounced ourselves in favor "of changing the imperialist war "in its chronic and colonial form into the civil war. "Thus, we place our energies in the service "of the revolution of the proletariat and its struggles "and define our attitudes toward the colonial problem "and hence toward the color question." How does this remain an obscure footnote? How can we discuss surrealism as influenced by Marx and Freud but not one of the most important decolonial thinkers, the Martinican poet and author Aime Cesaire, who besides helping to create the Négritude movement in France and founding the surrealist publication Tropiques, also mentored the great Frantz Fanon. That Cesaire shared a close friendship with André Breton is the least of his qualifiers. That the surrealists found themselves trying to construct the thing they saw as occurring naturally, in jazz and the blues, as we are all well aware of the consistent presence of the black American avant garde in France. Josephine Baker, Claude McKay, Nina Simone, James Baldwin, Richard Wright, and many others. This opens up further the gaps on our imagined syllabus. Renowned writer Toni Morrison addresses this consistent presence in her book of literary criticism titled Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. She says, quote, "For some time now, I have been thinking "about the validity or vulnerability "of a certain set of assumptions conventionally accepted "among literary historians and critics "and circulated as knowledge. "This knowledge holds that traditional, canonical "American literature is free of, uninformed, and unshaped "by the 400-year old presence of first, Africans, "and then African-Americans in the United States. "It assumes that this presence which shaped "the body politic, the Constitution, "and the entire history of the culture "has had no significant place or consequence "in the origin and development of that culture's literature. "Moreover, such knowledge assumes that the characteristics "of our national literature emanate from a particular "Americanness that is separate from "and unaccountable to this presence." This Americanness Morrison points to, which at its extreme, one might imagine appears as the Rockwellian delusions of the current president, functions as a firmament. It reaffirms itself. Although our conversation this evening will be framed within the art context, the art intuitions where we today do our learning share this inheritance of western imperialism woven into the philosophy legacy of the Enlightenment. This reaffirmation of self that Morrison points to and the knowledge that it asserts which wedges itself into the canon has a structure. Foucault describes this in his work The Archaeology of Knowledge as, quote, "That ideological use of history "of which one tries to restore to man everything "that has unceasingly eluded him for over a hundred years." Foucault offers that when the gatekeepers of knowledge, culture, or in the case of Toni Morrison, American literature, what she writes, has been, quote, "the preserve of white male views, genius, and power," when these gatekeepers de-center the subject and relation to the laws of his desire, the forms of his language, the rules of his action or discourse, when one questions outside of the systems created for understanding that are taken for granted that are considered the default and are shaped by the legacy of that enlightenment, which also means imperialism. It means white supremacy and anti-blackness. It means capitalism, Protestant ethic, and patriarchy. Foucault says, quote, "When it becomes clear that man himself, "questioned as to what he was, could not account "for his sexuality and his unconscious, "the systematic forms of his language "or the regularities of his fiction, "the theme of a continuity of history "has been reactivated once again: "a history that would be not division but development; "not an interplay of relations, but an internal dynamic; "not a system, but a hard work of freedom; "not form, but the unceasing effort of a consciousness "turned about itself, trying to grasp itself "in its deepest conditions: "a history that would be both an act of long, uninterrupted "patience and the vivacity of a movement which, "in the end, breaks all bounds." The description for this panel begins with this statement: The art world is a microcosm of the society we live in. On the macro, the gaps in our imagined syllabus mirror the gaps in the way history is taught in the United States. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 may have forced integration of the people in the United States somewhat, but it said nothing about integrating our history, about telling the story of the relationships, the interconnections, and cause and effects that we, the people of the United States together, for better or worse. Instead, black accomplishments, trials, tribulations, and contributions are regulated to the month of February and presented as oversimplified tropes about bus boycotts and overcoming. With no context or connection, this segregated American history has been handed down to American students for generations. On the world stage, this gap lies in the documentation of the rise of the bourgeoisie and the formation of the proletariat, without significant consideration of how these historical events are inextricably linked to Africa and the fact that modern capitalism is built on the bones of the Atlantic slave trade, a subject that the great Cedric Robinson meticulously investigates in his seminal text, Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition. Okay, so these gaps have far-reaching consequences for students of color who continue to be denied the experience of seeing themselves, a privilege taken for granted and therefore not addressed by those who hold positions of power in the institutions, which leads to our first question for our panel this evening. Perhaps you can start by saying a little about yourselves and then sharing with us how was your experience as a student affected by the lack of representation of people of color in your education, and anyone can really start. Perhaps we can go with Robin and go down the line. - So I'm a professor at the New School in the Schools of Public Engagement, and I'm a professor of management and media studies and international affairs and urban policy, because titles are free. And as Anastasia mentioned, I'm also a filmmaker, and I have a production company called Progressive Pupil and our goal is to make black studies for everybody. And I have a PhD in African-American studies and political science, not because I was particularly interested in political science, but because we had to have husband departments, I call them husband departments, because the fear was that as PhDs in African-American studies, we would not be able to find work, because very few African-American studies departments have their own hiring lines. So usually you have to get hired by political science or history or English, and then you can be affiliated with African-American studies or half with African-American studies. So you really need that non-African-American studies supervision and credential in order to immerse yourself in the study of race and equality and the culture politics and history of the African diaspora, which is what black studies is. So that speaks to the question of how is my experience as a student affected by the lack of representation of people of color in education. I actually as a graduate student, because I was in African-American studies, I mean, I felt like I was in A Different World, like everybody... The television show. Just watch it on YouTube. It's really great if you didn't. And so, because very many of my professors were black, very many of my fellow students were black, but something that we talk about in the film Black in Cuba is that it's not just about background. It's about concern. And so, if your interest is in addressing white supremacy and the terror that it creates for communities of color, not just the United States and around the world, then it's not enough to just be there, you know, in that institution, enjoying the opportunities that an institution like SVA provides. You want to use what you have access to to make an impact. So I think there was that kind of lack of representation, which was very painful and difficult for a number of us. So, we have, you know, people who look like us, which was great, and they wanted to talk about Frantz Fanon, they wanted to talk about Aime Cesaire, but they didn't necessarily want to talk about what we could do with that information right now. And so, it's difficult to read about someone like Fanon who, you know, had this process of awakening and coming to consciousness where, those of you who don't know his background, you know, he wrote this classic work, The Wretched of the Earth, but he started off being this young person from Martinique, which was a French colony. It's a beautiful island in the Caribbean. It's still basically a French colony. It's a French department, the way the US Virgin Islands is an overseas, is a territory. So, he grew up middle class, and then he gets to go to university in Paris. He has to go to university in Paris, because there are no universities in Martinique, because there were no universities in colonies then. So he goes to Paris and he realizes everything he's learned his whole life about how he's a French person and he's part of this French civilization, and liberté, égalité, la la la, doesn't apply to him, because he's black. He's black. And in the end, he decides he really has to join the Algerian revolution, because it's not enough to know. It's not enough for him to be the one black psychiatrist who's sort of made it. It's everyone or no one. And so I think to me, to the answer of that, to wrap up, the question of representation is also a question of action and concern. And everyone doesn't have to have the same concerns, and everyone who has the same concerns doesn't look like you. But I think that, to me, has been the most enriching and empowering way to anchor myself, is a sense of purpose and what's the purpose of the education that I have access to and the work that I'm doing. - Thank you. Tomashi? - All right. (panel laughs) If you insist. So, how was my experience as a student affected by a lack of representation of people of color in my education? I think of my art education as having begun... In the 1980s, in Los Angeles. I know how very well that I'm a beneficiary of the work of Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP Legal and Educational Defense Fund, because I'm a magnet school child from Los Angeles, California, and it didn't occur to me. Because we didn't talk about it, we didn't really talk about, in February or any other time, the significance of the fact that we were being bused from black neighborhoods into the USC village to go to school and to be taught by working artists and that our school was actually a very intentional experiment of school integration. So the first school desegregation, the first successful school desegregation case took place in Houston, Texas, in 1949, Heman Marion Sweatt versus Theophilus Painter, desegregating UT Austin Law School, leading to the creation of the Thurgood Marshall Law School and what is now known as Texas Southern University, which used to be TSUN, Texas Southern University for the Negro. And there were so many cases that took place before, even before that. There was a march to educational access, and then after 1954, after the Brown versus the Board of Education unanimous decision, which obviously would not happen now... It wouldn't happen now. It would not happen now. It took 20 years. I lived part of my life in Massachusetts, and I'm reminded all the time of the fact that this was a city that, you know, 20-some odd years, 22 years after the Supreme Court desegregated public schools, they had to be forced by federal intervention, and they went kicking and screaming, throwing rocks at black children, rocking buses back and forth, trying to tip them over as they were filled with children. Spearing a man with a... I'm sure people have seen that photograph that was taken by a Harvard Nieman journalism fellow spearing a black man who's just walking through. He was a lawyer. Actually, he was from Yale Law, actually. Yeah, you know, insanity, complete insanity. And I've gotten to know this... I'm varying a little bit, but I have a best friend who's an education policy specialist. And I didn't know. Like, I didn't know, really, I didn't really know until this last go-round in graduate school at Yale, at the Yale School of Art, how implicated I am in all of this, because that's how I've been taught. And I still consider myself a beneficiary. I love the places of education that have stewarded me, and that I've had the opportunity to steward, because I feel that responsibility in places that I occupy, but, you know, it took me until my 30s to realize, like, oh, I'm Linda Brown. I'm the little black girl that people are that hot not to educate. And it took research. And, you know, so I'm thankful that I have an artistic practice now and that I have friends across disciplines such that my work is a research, my practice is a research-driven practice. So, you know, I've looked to painting to try to unpack research around school desegregation, because we are living in a time of rabid and dramatic and very physical and bloody resegregation. And you know, the perception of color impacts the value of human life in public space. And even more specifically, the treatment of children, you know, because how crazy is it, how crazy is it for a 200-pound man to mount a 15-year-old girl and twist her arms behind her back and grind her face into the ground. How crazy is that? This is what we're seeing. I've been seeing all this stuff, and I was thinking, like, wow, this is crazy. And then, you know, I'm watching policies move all over the country to defund, to completely defund public schools, to defund what's left of bus programs, and I'm hearing stories, I'm sitting in City Hall in Boston volunteering with the NAACP Boston and hearing people talk about being worried about their children having to take two and three buses and a train to get to school by eight o'clock in the morning or they'll be tardy, and then they won't.. Or then they'll be late, and they won't end up getting into a good exam school, and they won't go to college. I was like, this sounds like the 1950s. So it's taken that long for me to realize that I'm a beneficiary, and that it took that long for that implementation, for what was allowed of the implementation of Brown, to reach us. So I got in at that sweet spot. So funding for public broadcasting, all magnet schools and centers for enriched studies, busing programs, school lunch programs, that all fed me, and because I was a... I only ever thought of myself as an artist, as a child. I didn't think of myself... I didn't know that my blackness was problematic until I got, until I was around certain children as I moved up, as I got older, but still, to make art was my primary purpose. I always thought that was my primary purpose in life. Yeah. But I didn't see, I didn't learn, I didn't... Blackness was often like a hyper-negatived afterthought, or a guilty afterthought. Like, oh, it's February, let's talk about slavery, and then everyone turns around and looks at me. And it wasn't until... I went home. I'm from Los Angeles. I went home after... So I started my education at the San Francisco Art Institute, and I deferred, I dropped out, and then eventually completed my education here in New York City at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, and then there I learned about the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT, and ended up at MIT. I really wanted to be there. And then after a couple of years, I'm completed. I will not be doing more schooling. But I just completed an MFA at the Yale School of Art for Painting. But in between SFAI and Cooper Union, I went home to Los Angeles, and I was hanging out in the old neighborhood in the USC Village, where I was an elementary school student. And I was in the library there and saw this huge, beautiful painting, like a stained glass-looking painting, in the Library of Mary McLeod Bethune, and it was Charles White. It was Charles White. One of the last things he ever did, before he passed away. And I didn't know about Charles White! (panelist laughs) That's the greatest thing. And he was in Pasadena. Like, over the hill, where I used to hang out with my friends, like over the hill from my high school, from my arts high school, where half the day was spent, focused on this. Half the day was spent on art history that completely excluded most of the creative canon, actually. So, you know, I guess I can end with that, that Charles White was in my city, and I was growing up there, and didn't even know who he was until he had passed away. And that is, it's a crime. So, thanks. (audience applauds) - So, we have that in common. I was born in Houston, Texas, as well. - [Audience Member] - Yeah, your laptop. We can't see. - Oh, sorry. - I was born in Houston, Texas, but I was born a lot earlier than you were. And so I was part of that whole drama that happened around segregating the schools and the dragging of the feet. Also, Texas is where the schoolbooks are selected... They are the state that determines what are in schoolbooks in the whole of the United States. And that's something I've learned since then. So yes, I did not have an education around African-American or African culture at all growing up. The first pictures on the walls in my bedroom were, my mother was an artist. She didn't get to actualize that in her life because of the culture we lived in, but after I was born, she was determined. She was constantly trying to manifest that part of herself. So she went back to school, at Texas Southern University, to finish her fine art degree. - We might be cousins. - We may be. We'll talk about that. And she, the first things I can remember smelling are her oil paints and her clay. The pictures she put on the walls in my bedroom were Velázquez's Las Meninas. I had Gainsborough's Blue Boy and three other classic white art paintings. I was allowed to draw on the wall in my bedroom, and she would paint it out every month or two, and I could continue to draw on it again. So she was an extraordinary person. And so, because she was so extraordinary, everything in society was against who she was, and she ended up having a nervous breakdown and disappearing from my life. But I wanna tell you one little story when I was a little, a very little girl, and she was on the phone bragging. She and a friend were bragging back and forth about how beautiful their babies were when they were born. Of course, I was more beautiful than her friend's baby. Her friend's baby was definitely more beautiful than me, but we were both beautiful babies, and I didn't know what the word born was yet. I was only like three, four years old. And I listened to this conversation, but I knew I had to have been really beautiful when I was born. And so when my mom got off the phone, I asked her, I took her into my bedroom, and I pointed at the infanta in Las Meninas, and I said, was that me when I was born? And so I tell you this story because at that very early age, I had already picked up that black, kinky hair, black person, was not beautiful. So, I went to school. In my second to my last year in high school, finally, the Supreme Court, the law just came down hard on Texas, and they were like, you can't drag your feet anymore. You're going to have to desegregate the schools. So that year, they bused us over to, those of thus they considered academically able, the honor students, they bused us over to a white school and had us spend the week there and see if we would be interested in going to that school. And that was a breaking point for me. Up to that point, as I just said, I was an honor's student, and that destroyed all of the confidence I had about my education and about my intelligence and my ability to thrive in the world and excel. I finally realized why my schoolbooks ended at World War II, because they only bought schoolbooks for the Caucasian schools and then they would send us their old books. And that was also why the students who were the honors students got a chance to go in first and pick all of our books, because we were trying to get the best books with the most pages in it, because they knew we were gonna actually read 'em and do our homework. So then I saw the gym. They had an Olympic-size... We had a swimming pool that was heated, and was a couple of decades later before I realized that the equipment that I was looking at was gymnastic equipment. They had language labs, and everybody had earphones. In any case, there were five janitors, and we were always told that we were pigs because we had, maybe some graffiti, things weren't always great, the lockers weren't fixed, but I'm watching people painting lockers and repairing things and painting out writing on the wall. So it wasn't that we were that different, but we just didn't have the support. We didn't have five janitors. We only had one. There were five times as many kids at our school than there were at their school. That was the other thing. There were only 20, 25 kids in a class at the most, and there could be 30 to 40 kids in my classes. So that ruined my self esteem, and I ended up, because my father's family had taken me in after my mother had her nervous breakdown, where my father grew up in Texas, no African-American could go to school after fifth grade. So, they of course were not conscious of scholarship. I mean, these were hardworking people. They had their own businesses. My dad was a shoe repairman, but he actually owned a lot of property. He would just buy buildings. And there were several times when the, what is it where the take your land away... - Eminent domain. - They declared eminent domain several times and took some of his property, but he still ended up being able to leave his children something when he died. But I chose other paths. I still stayed with my creativity. I went to a junior college, and when I came out, I decided I wanted to work in advertising, and I got a job as a glorified secretary, it was called an account assistant, at an advertising agency, and I told the people in personnel that when I left there, I would be an account executive on the biggest account in the agency, and that is exactly what happened. Then I left there and worked on the client side for Levi Strauss as one of their advertising directors, and in all of these jobs, I was one of only maybe three black people in the building. And as I came back to who I was, and when I inherited the money from my father, I decided to start making things, making art, and the first things I decided to make was some furniture for my own home. And as a result of that, because all of my friends were art directors, photographers, and stylists, they started renting my furniture for shoots, and they put together a portfolio for me, and they start commissioning custom work from me, and that's how that part of my career started. And I have decided that I am free, despite not being free, and I do whatever the hell I wanna do. (audience applauds) So I don't have to be within any bounds, because those bounds are too small for me, and I will go crazy like my mother did if I stay within where I'm supposed to be and do what I'm supposed to do. So no, I do not have an advanced degree. But it is my goal to make sure that artists of color are profitable and free to be creatively expressive, because they are earning money, because we need money. The struggling and starving artist scenario is not for me, and that was something my family was very... They pushed back a lot on the idea of my being an artist, and I forgive them, because what example did they have of a successful black female artist? I mean, you may have seen five black men, but the women, though, did not exist in our lives. So I have now taken on placing the art of emerging and mid-career African-American artists in the homes of African-American collectors and getting them into museums and into galleries. So that's my side gig that I do, and in the meantime, I continue to make my work, and I don't have an institution or gallery, and I sell stuff all the time, and I just have my own shows, or I participate in group things that other artists put together, and I live a really beautiful life. (audience applauds) - So I wanna get right to the heart of the question that you all asked, how was my experience as a student affected by a lack of representation. It accounts for why I'm sitting here, because I was I was confronted with three things: I was confronted with the crater, the charge, and the commitment. The crater is this incalculable, incalculable amount of illiteracy, ignorance, indifference, and innocence among people who hold BFA and MFA degrees, either as students or as faculty and administrators in the matter of the intersections between race, class, gender, and how they account for segregation within art and within the worlds beyond art. And I think it's important for everyone in the room to understand that white supremacy is not about white persons. I'm gonna say that again, so you can exhale. (audience laughs) White supremacy is not about white persons, and bell hooks has a much more prosaic way of saying the same thing in Talking Back: Talking Feminist, Talking Black, which you all should read. It's best to think of white supremacy as the answer to a century's old question: is the African part of the human family? And consistently, the answer to that question has been no. And it's important to understand the role that the academy, higher education, has played in providing people with evidence, however pseudo-scientific it may be, however faulty it might be, but providing evidence for that answer being no. The role of visual culture is critical in that answer being no, because we have centuries of representations that provide this comparison between so-called persons and property, and it's an important thing to understand that. So that was the first thing I was confronted with when I was in my BFA education and in my graduate education. This crater of ignorance, illiteracy, indifference, and innocence that is so huge that it's incalculable. You can't measure how deep it is. And then it was a charge. I was in graduate school, and there was a young woman in one of my seminars who, to make a long story short, wanted to have a debate with me about the irrelevance of race in my life and in her life and in the United States of America. (audience laughs) And she wanted this debate to be part of her... Or to be the subject of her thesis film in cinema. So she was a senior, about to leave the Ohio State University armed with a weapon of mass destruction. And so we had a talk, and I said, okay, if race is so irrelevant in the United States, and in my life, tell me why there's so few tenured African-American professors at the Ohio State University? She said, oh, that's easy to explain. There are more whites in the population. I said, okay. So then, I said, if the preponderance of white people in the population explained their dominance in the academy, why are the majority of players in the National Basketball Association black? And she actually thought before she answered to me, and said, they're better at that. So here I was, black man in an apartment in Columbus, Ohio, with a young white woman who was about to complete four to five years of formal education with these 17th-century ideas about the correspondence between skin color and intelligence and superiority, because either no one had challenged them or had done so successfully. And then the voice came to me. What are you going to do about this? And I was in an MA program in photography and cinema at the Ohio State University, and it was clear to me that... and I taught the entire two years that I was there. I taught an introduction to photography course, and I had all of these students, most of them young, white farm children, who more often than not, I was the first black person in the role of professor for them. And more often than not, I would be asked the question, what are you going to do when you graduate? And I never said teacher. And one student literally came to me and said, you are a teacher. You should find a place in the academy. And I didn't hear them until I heard this young woman say what she said. And so what this meant was that I had to get the terminal degree. And I applied to the Maryland Institute College of Artwork, got my MFA. And that's when the commitment came, the commitment to being part of the solution and not part of the problem. And to honor, honor those young people who essentially put me into a command performance in the classroom in ways that I never, ever expected. And it was also the beginning of a commitment to something that Martin Luther King said in 1967 where he talked about, I think it was an NAACP address that he gave, where he talked about the importance of that the future, the future, is to the maladjusted. And one of the things that I came to understand was that being in the academy is to be in the midst of people who have adjusted to the idea that the African is not part of the human family and that intellectual property of any significance could not come from anybody who was a descendant of that continent. And so aside from making a commitment to producing visual culture that challenged these representations of African-American people specifically as either criminals, entertainers, or athletes, and even within those representations not being perceived oftentimes as human, it was important for me to contribute to the scholarship, and I was fortunately, fortunately at the Ohio State University. I never thought I would get misty-eyed talking about an institution I was associated with, but I get misty-eyed talking about the Ohio State University because it was there... Excuse me. I was treated like a basketball player. (audience laughs) I was recruited. I was courted. I was accepted. I was monetized through having a tuition waiver the entire time I was there. I was paid to teach, but I was also charged. I was also charged by my faculty to come in the classroom and to disrupt the flow of discourse that was taking place. I was one of the first people on the campus that had the first, the first Apple PowerBook, and I had a history of photography professor Clyde Dilley, God bless him. So when I told him I got it, he says, you're gonna bring it to the classroom, right? I said, yeah. I said, what am I gonna do with it in the classroom? He said you're gonna take notes. I said, well, Clyde, I can't type that fast. He said, don't worry. You'll catch up. And this was the man who said, you cannot leave what you say in this seminar. You must write, and you must get what you've written published, because if you don't do this, your classmates won't. If you don't make these points, your classmates will not. So this is why I said white supremacy is not about white persons. And it's important to understand that that framework, that framework is ideological, but it's also, on some levels, biological, or psychological, more to the point, because there are people who cannot unlearn this. And I'm here today to play a role in helping people unlearn it, through my own work as an artist, working in photography and cinema, and as an essayist that helps people make sense of the madness that we find ourselves in. (audience applauds) - Thank you, everyone, for that. So, moving onto this idea of representation and supply and demand, each summer, the SVA library withdraws from circulation some books, which include the catalog from a Charles Austin show, Survey of Work from 1936 to 1969, Selected Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks, just black authors. (Anastasia laughs) And Shellyne made this known to me. And so our question to you is, are libraries meant to reflect student bodies or shape them, and it's very clear that SVA, being thousands and thousands of dollars for tuition, isn't accessible to many communities, and so I wonder how our libraries are supposed to be shaped. - I would say first, go to the library. When I say, go to the library, I don't mean go to Google. Google is a database. It's an index of websites. All information about human history, all of human history, is not on the internet, not even close. So go to the library. And also, the concept... Well, the concept of the academy really is about certifying what is significant and reproducing knowledge about what is significant. So it is not, in its function, meant to be democratic. It's not meant to equalize relations of power in society. In fact, it's meant to maintain the stratification of power in society. So part of our frustration about the exclusion of historically marginalized groups from academic discourse is because we have this mitigated acceptance. The more that marginalized communities are disruptive and demand to be included, we get a little concession here, a little concession there, and that concession is also meant to stabilize the existing relations of power in society. So we get a little bit of ethnic studies, a little bit of gay and lesbian studies, et cetera, and that's just supposed to be enough to keep us from burning the whole thing down. I am not saying burn anything down. (panel laughs) Just to be clear. But that is the fear. You know, everything's fun and games until the guillotine shows up. - People start marching. (audience laughs) - No, the marching is fine. It's the guillotine that's the problem. Which, it should be. Nobody wants that, of course. So, the library follows that same function. Libraries are meant to certify what is important and reproduce that significance over time. So, it is incredible if you go to a library that's been going since, you know, the 18th century, and you can see... Okay, for some of you, many moons ago, before searches on the internet, you had something called the card catalog. (audience laughs) And actually, many libraries have not placed everything in their card catalogs online. So you still need to go and look in the card catalog. And so you will see, oh, The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass, Douglass, comma, Frederick, 1863, when it first came out. And so some libraries had some abolitionist librarian who would order the book, and so then it's there for subsequent generations to find. But the great thing about the academic library is that it is customer-service oriented, many times. So if you, as a student or a professor, request things for the library, librarians will generally get them. If you check out things from the library, librarian will keep them. So it's not to say that there isn't necessarily a bias. There is an association of African-American librarians. They meet every year. There's about a thousand of them. But part of what we can do to certify what's significant is by raising our voice and using things. And that's a part that we can play. So that's also about, sure, you can just watch things on Netflix, like you hear about something like, there's this great documentary, Cuba Libre, which is about the history of the Cuban Revolution. You can watch it on Netflix. But who knows how long Netflix is gonna last? If you're talking about from 1863 'til now. Right? And so maybe you can request something that you see that's on Netflix that's about your community that you think is relevant and they'll get it on DVD, or they'll get the digital stream of it, and it will be there. So it's not up to us to just accept what's certified as important when we're in these institutions. We also have a say, and it's really, if we want things to be different, if we want to have more inclusion, then we have to lead, which is not to say that we're displacing responsibility or saying okay, well, the librarian has no responsibility, but it is meant to be an interactive process, and we should take advantage of that, I think. (audience applauds) - Are we doing this down the line thing again? When Shellyne told me that this was happening at SVA, I just thought this was crazy. This is crazy. It's crazy to discontinue Black Writers of America: A Contemporary Anthology by Richard Barksdale, Kenneth Kinnaman, a catalog from a Charles Austin show, Survey of Work from 1936 to 1969, Selected Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks, come on. That's crazy. Introduction to African Civilizations by John G. Jackson, forward by John Henrik Clarke. I didn't know anything about John Henrik Clarke 'til I started hanging out with a girl from Cornell who had studied under Dr. Turner at the Africana Studies program. These academic spaces that we are... Oh, biographies on Lorraine Hansberry and Octavio Paz. - Thrown out. - On the street? Like, this is what's being pulled from the library and made inaccessible to incoming students? So, Shellyne and I talked about this a little bit, and what's interesting about this is, it's like, well, if you're coming from places... You know, so, even as a beneficiary of great public and private education, there's like all this stuff that I don't know, that I'm still having to learn and teach myself in good company now. So how would I know that I don't want this or that I need this or don't want this, and if you're coming into SVA as a normal undergraduate, you're coming right out of high school, from wherever. Let's say you're coming from Arizona where you're not allowed to learn about Native Americans in the textbooks. (panelist laughs) It's disallowed. You know what I mean? These are crazy decisions. These are crazy institutional decisions. - That's House Bill 2281. - You know, like, what do you... It's just crazy. It's just crazy, and then we who are the art students... So like, I can primarily speak as someone who makes art and who's been in public and private art education since I was a little girl. You know, we find ourselves, as I've moved up, as I've grown up and crossed the country for this goal, I have found that I've been in places where I thought that we were all... I thought we all wanted to be artists. I thought this was like we made it, we're here together, like this is what we want, and found myself and other people of color kind of being, well, just having really strange, strange experiences. Strange, dehumanizing experiences in spaces that are supposed to be, you know, we're led to believe are like, heightened for creativity and intellectual discourse. Like, some really stupid stuff. Like, really stupid basic, basic, basic, like, beneath basic, disrespectful, dehumanizing interactions that are borne of what Mr. Gaskins is talking about, this core belief, this core disbelief that we actually belong there. Like, what are you doing here? (panelist laughs) So, if that's the space, we should just get real about that. And these are conversations that many of us who have been through these academic spaces, we all know, and we privately will discuss it because we need support, and I think it's interesting, in recent years, well, in the last couple of years, there were so many contemporary campus demonstrations all over the country. What I find most interesting is that things that would normally only be discussed in closed company were being discussed openly about these kinds of experiences. So it's like, it's just stupid. This is how you breed stupidity, is all. This is just how you breed stupidity, and then we're the ones who have to deal with it when we're students, and then students of color, you know, the data already shows that those of us, many of us will then take on extra work, doing public work at school to try to, you know, 'cause as Mr. Gaskins was saying, what are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it? - Isn't that what she just asked? - Yeah. - By doing this panel? - Right. Yeah, what are you gonna do about it? So we do all this extra lifting, which can produce these beautiful things, yes. But then when we leave, institutional amnesia sets in, and then you have a whole 'nother generation who's coming in without a full breath of humanism even being prioritized in the way that they're learning about social history, human history, and cultural history, and it's insane. (audience applauds) - Just a brief note, ushers are gonna come around to collect questions for the Q&A right now, so just look out for them. - Like, if people's supposed to be smart, why would you do that? (panelists laugh) - Also, those books, they didn't get tossed. They're in my library at home. (panelists and audience laugh) - If you raise your hand, if you haven't got an index card, an usher will find you. - He's asking... - We'll get to that. - We'll get your question later. - So the library was a lifesaver for me. I literally get sexually turned on around a lot of books, and actually have had sex in the library several times. (panelists and audience applaud) So. And my intention was to read the entire encyclopedia. I was an only child, and so books were my refuge from everything that was going around in the chaos of my life. But I did notice as I was going through school that there was not a lot about my life and my family and the African-American experience or even something for me to be really super proud of, even though, in my life, I saw it all the time, because the flip side of segregation is that we were all together in every socioeconomic group. So even though my family was working class, my friends, because of my academic achievement, were the kids whose fathers and mothers were doctors, lawyers, professors, and so I got to experience a bigger life, which kids now don't get to do because the smarter, wealthier kids are going to private school or they are in charter schools. So those who are left behind are literally left behind. So that was the advantage for me. So I absolutely loved it, but I also felt a great deal of frustration around it. But what I did learn is I learned how to communicate in the language and in the metaphors that my Caucasian colleagues and friends could understand, because that was pretty much what my education had been from that viewpoint. So, for instance, I had been on some boards. I was on the first organization in America that was a site-specific artist residency program. It's called Capp Street Project in San Francisco. I was on the board of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the chair of their Society for the Encouragement of Contemporary Art, which chooses artists to get a show in the museum every two years, and in all of those situations, because I could translate my thoughts using the metaphors of Shakespeare or someone else to my colleagues on the board 'cause I was typically the only African-American on the board, that really enabled me to have my agenda go through. So Fred Wilson got a residency at Capp Street, and Willie Cole, and these were people that I just said to the board, like, why haven't... You know, I've been on the board for three years, and we've gotten artists from all over Europe and America and everywhere, but I haven't seen any African-Americans, so I need to see some. And always, the way I like to flip it when they would ask me, you know, to go out and find more black board members or more black artists, and I would flip that back to them, and I knew that was why they had asked me to come on the board, but my agenda was bigger. My goal was for them to find African-American artists and more African-Americans to be on the board, because they needed to open up their circle of who was in their life, and it enriched everybody by doing that. So getting back to the library, it enriches everybody. The more knowledge that's in those repositories, the better it is for everybody. There's so much joy, there's so much knowledge, there's so many inventions that African-Americans have contributed to this country that the real McCoy is a black man who developed a patent for a process for oiling the railroads at a time when the railroad was the most important means of getting anything done in this country. So to have a real McCoy meant that you actually had his and not a knockoff of his invention. So there's a lot of things like this that is kept from everybody, and we should all know it. So that is why I think that it's important for libraries to include everybody and not just African-Americans but everybody should be included in our canon. It shouldn't be only white and European, because that's a small world, and it's not an exciting and interesting world, and it doesn't challenge you, and you can't grow, and you can't really have joy and fun and certainly not great sex. (audience laughs and applauds) - Cheryl. I think there's going to be an increased participation in the number of people going to the library here, (panelists and audience laugh) because of you. I wanna say something. In the same way, how many people here go to parties and dance? Raise your hands. Okay. In the same way, you would leave a party if Beyonce wasn't being spun and Jay Z wasn't being spun and Young Jeezy wasn't being spun. The same way... (panelist laughs) The same way you would turn around and see something problematic with that party, you have to have the same attitude about intellectual property and scholarship. You have got to begin to ask the question, what were black, brown, and red people, and what are black, brown, and red people thinking as critical spectators and critical producers of visual material culture and design. In the same way you know you're going to miss something if that beat is not at that party, I'm telling you, you're missing a great deal if you're not answering that, or asking that question. And the thing that separated me from my colleagues in undergraduate school, as well as graduate school, is simply I asked that question. And I'm extraordinarily enriched and have been extraordinarily enriched by asking that simple question, because while the academy and the libraries will silo knowledge in certain ways, that's not how knowledge works. And the library within art and design schools has a particular relationship, because you have people who are in studio courses, teaching in studio courses, that divide the visual arts from the liberal arts and leave students with the mistaken impression that the work comes from them and that innovation comes from them and that originality comes from them, when it really comes from, as I tell my students all the time when we talk about photography, photography is an interdisciplinary medium that requires an interdisciplinary approach to its reception and its production. So, what that means, at the end of the day, is you have to choose a conversation in design, in photography, in cinema, in painting, in whatever medium you're working with and understand that it's not informed by photography. It's not informed by cinema. It's not informed by design for design's sake. It's informed by ideas outside of it. And aside from a site for a sexual encounter, (audience laughs) so many of the situations that you find yourself stuck in in terms of the work that you're producing, you can get yourselves unstuck by getting as much information as you possibly can and asking those questions, what have black, brown, and red people been thinking about in terms of the discipline that I'm in? Now, you will be confronted by people who are in the role of professor who may tell you, nothing. They have not asked those questions, and it's up to you to be intrepid and contradict that response. (audience applauds) - All right, so we wanna try to get in a couple more questions before we wrap for the evening. I'm gonna throw two very important questions out there, and let's try to be succinct with our answers. One, departments within universities bear the responsibility of undoing dated and exclusionary knowledge with white supremacist and imperialistic underpinnings. Because we have a legacy of exclusionary learning, there is an army of scholars, academics, and teachers that have spent their whole career with no knowledge of non-western intellectual and avant garde contributions. Is it time for institutions to send their faculties back to school? That's one. The second: the name of this panel is Erasure by Exclusion. Exclusion, in this case, is not meant to automatically imply inclusion as in assimilation. Inclusion, in this case, is meant as a way to not be rendered at extinct, to not be negated. It is a demand. With this in mind, we would like to ask, Anastasia and I would like to ask, what are the differences between diversity and equality, and how do these words present themselves in the art system? All right, tossin' it out there, somebody catch that. - I will say very quickly, yes, it is time. It's always time for faculty to go back to school. I mean, I think part of something I get very frustrated with is whenever there is an incident of racism. I mean at my institution, sadly, after Trump's election, someone or some people put swastikas on the doors of several students' dorm rooms, and so then there's a conversation about, let's have training. And then, but the training is not for decision makers about how to have the best possible campus climate. It's not a training for the leadership of an institution, what are solutions that have worked? What steps have other institutions taken? How much money have they spent? It falls to the faculty and the students to fix the problem, When they have the least amount of resources and decision-making power to do so. - Can we clap? (panelists and audience applaud) - So, and that's, again, how power in all institutions work. Things, the scatological goes downhill. And so it's really important to hold the decision makers accountable, because they can change the most the fastest. And so, in terms of going back to school, training is something that should be happening for the campus all the time. For faculty at different stages of careers, for students, and that should be embedded in the institution. It shouldn't be a one-off when there's a crisis. So yes, everyone needs to be thinking about structures of inequality, thinking about race, thinking about the contributions of communities of color, and how they are essential to our understanding of everything. I don't know how many people saw Hidden Figures. So I didn't know anything about NASA then. I didn't. I didn't know anything about NASA, because if you didn't know about the gendered nature, the gendered segregation of labor, and you didn't know how Jim Crow was affecting knowledge production of NASA, you didn't know anything about NASA. And so, we're doing a disservice to knowledge in general by excluding these stories, as Bill was just saying. So that's one, and then two, I struggle with the concepts of diversity and equality. Diversity because I said before, right, you can have representation that is different but no difference in opinion, no difference in concern. And we see that when we see Omarosa and Ben Carson sitting with Donald Trump talking about black history. Get Frederick Douglass's name out of your mouth. Don't say Rosa Parks, don't. So you can have a wonderful buffet, but then you look closely, and it's just all green beans. I mean, some are curried, some are sauteed, some are deep-fried, but a green bean is a green bean, and so how much difference does it really make. The most diverse pageant in the world is the Miss Universe pageant. Miss Angola, Miss Philippines, Miss Switzerland, but everyone is 5'8" or above. Everyone is 120 pounds or less. Everyone has long, straight hair. Everyone has a certain eye to nose to chin ratio. So I don't... Diversity in this time, I don't know how meaningful it is in terms of advancing and achieving democracy, in terms of relations of power, in terms of enabling and sustaining autonomy, helping us have the resources we need to make the best decisions for ourselves and the people we care about. And that is what, if we think about, as Ruth Wilson Gilmore describes, if we think about racism as policies and practices that cause premature death for people of color, then the opposite is what can cause long life? And diversity alone doesn't get us there. And that leads me to my problems with equality, because the premise of so many of the Affirmative Action programs, which I'm proud to say I have participated in in life. I mean, if it's good enough for the Bushes, it's good enough for me. If it's good enough for the Hiltons, it's good enough for me. But so much of the premise of these programs, whether it the Better Chance program or, you know, I had a Ford Diversity Dissertation Fellowship. The idea is that the institution is fine. The system is fine, if only you can have the access. If only you can have the opportunity, then, you know, you'll be good. But we know that that is not the case. The opioid epidemic in this country is really catching fire in middle class white neighborhoods. What's going on that young people don't want to be awake? Don't want to walk in consciousness in the suburbs? Something is... In some ways, I think mainstream American culture, like, I don't know if anybody's ever been to Orange County... I'm talking too long. But the basic presumption of equality is that everything is okay the further up you go on the social ladder, and there is no really compelling evidence that that's the case. Having money only solves not having money. And so, that is something that I think about. So I think to me, the real key to change is about what can we do to increase autonomy? What can we do to democratize resources? Those are the keys to expanding life. (audience applauds) - And that's where, historically, there's all kinds of resistance. Resources, under-resourcing specific communities, and then blaming them for their blightedness. I just wanna read something, this quote from this really smart man, because I feel like it's really fitting. He said, "All I have been doing in trying to correct "the system in America has been in vain. "For the vast majority of white Americans, "the past decade, the first phase, had been a struggle "to treat the Negro with a degree of decency, not equality. "White America was ready to demand that the Negro be spared "the lash of brutality and coarse degradation, "but it had never truly committed to helping them out of "poverty, exploitation, and all forms of discrimination. "When Negroes looked for the second phase, "the realization of equality, they, or we, found "that many of their white allies had quietly disappeared. "The Negroes of America have taken the president, "the press, and the pulpit at their word "when they spoke in broad terms of freedom and justice, "but the absence of brutality "and unregenerate evil is not the presence of justice. "To stay murder is not the same thing "as to obtain personhood. "Why is equality so assiduously avoided? "Why does white American delude itself, "and how does it rationalize the evil it retains? "There is not even a common language "when the term equality is used. "Negro and white have a fundamentally different definition. "Negroes have proceeded from a premise that equality means "what it says and have taken white American at its word "when they talked of it as an objective. "But most whites in America in 1967, "including many persons of goodwill, proceed from a premise "that equality is a loose expression for improvement. "Loose and easy language about equality, "resonant resolutions about personhood fall pleasantly "on the ear, but for the Negro, there is a credibility gap "that they cannot overlook, that we cannot overlook. "They remember that with each modest advance, "the white population promptly raises the argument "that the Negro has come far enough. "Each step forward ascends "an ever-present tendency to backlash." That was Dr. King speaking in 1967. So, yeah. I'm like really for this accountability thing. But yeah, accountability inside the schools. The school, the desegregation of public space, the desegregation of schools was the Trojan horse that transformed all of public space as we know it. Interstate transportation, all of that. Public parks, buildings, all of that. All of that happened... The battlefield was the space of education. The battlefield was the mind, and Thurgood Marshall knew when he was a child that he wanted to desegregate education, sitting in the backs of... His father had him sitting in the backs of courtrooms, quietly listening, and he knew when he was a child that that was the key, and for Dr. King, the key that Dr. King found before he was assassinated, I mean, he'd been talking about it since 1957, was the link between labor and racial equality, and justice, labor and justice, the fact that the way we see ourselves is borne of the work that we do, whether that be scholarly or manual labor. You know, like that determines our sense of self and our place in our community and our ability to care for each other and for ourselves. That's humanism. So we should all be learning, all the time. The space of education was the opportunity thought Thurgood Marshall and the LDF, especially early childhood education was the place to really get in there early to stop that cycle of inherent racism, of anti-black, anti-brown, the terror of racism from repeating, that studies showed a long time ago that children of color bear the brunt of that. Everybody is affected. Everybody is walking around with a completely distorted sense of reality and the value of human life, but the pain, the real long-term pain, the life-altering pain, is often endured by communities of color who are getting it from all sides. So the space of education is the opportunity for us to be together and to learn and to advance and to grow, and it should be fun. Like, it should be fun. Like, for everybody involved, I think, including the facilitators. I had fun when I finally got into some Af-Am study classes at Yale. We had fun pulling stuff apart, learning about people that we should have already known about. And everybody needs that. Everybody needs that, for a beautiful life. We all need that. (audience applauds) - Well, I really think that diversity is extremely important and especially the power silos of this country, and I've seen it at work in my encouraging the boards that I've been on, the companies I've worked for to diverse, to be more diverse. and when I look at diversity, I mean it in every way, because it just improves everything. If everybody is the same, then everybody has the same blind spot. And so by bringing in other points of views, other income levels, other sexes, and other races of people, you're gonna have a much better organization, business, board, neighborhood, school, because you are gonna get the best from everything. You're gonna get things that you never experienced and didn't know anything about. You're gonna meet amazing and interesting people. As far as equality, I don't know if that's possible for the human condition to create anything that's really equal. So I don't have a lot of hope for equality. But I do have a lot of hope for diversity, because that's something that we can definitely do, and so easily, too. If you're looking, if you're sitting in any situation and you look around and everyone is black or everyone is Caucasian males, then you need to get in action immediately and change that dynamic up, because you're gonna have much more success if you bring in a lot more diversity to any type of endeavor that you're gonna reach to, and I've seen this countless, so many times now in my life that I know that I'm speaking the truth. (audience applauds) - The most devastating and persistent human action in the history of humankind was the trans-Atlantic slave trade that benefited the United States and Great Britain to the extent that the profit, I mean the interest on that profit, is still being born. It's important to understand the history of this term, diversity. So quickly, first Africans get here, Jamestown, Virginia, 1619. So there's unmitigated hell between 1619... Not only unmitigated hell, but there is an agreement within American culture that we won't talk about the peculiar institution of slavery. 1968, May, excuse me, April fourth, is the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. That was the moment when the United States of America, its citizens, began to understand that something had happened, that there was a past grievance that was structural in its nature. It wasn't about personalities. It was structural. And so 1968 began a particular period of time. First, there was violence. And there's certain people who can hear violence in ways that they can't hear dialog or pleas. These people started to do something because they realize that something had happened that we haven't been talking about. So that ends in 1978 with the Supreme Court case, Bakke versus University of California. This is a case where a man by the name of Allan Bakke sues the Regents of the University of California for his being denied access or entrance into the UCal Davis Medical School. The brief written by Justice John Paul Stevens basically said this. I'm stripping away all the legalese. While there have been efforts over the last 10 years to address past grievances and past injustices, in the matter of higher education, we can no longer desegregate based on past injustice. We can only do it for purposes of diversity. So basically, what that comes down to is that I will allow you in my corporation, I will allow you in my school, I will allow you in my fellowship programs. Now, even though something happened to you, the deal is, you can't talk about it. I'll give you everything you want. I'll put you in positions of influence, but you can't talk about what was done to you. So, diversity amounts to a vague conflict-averse, race-evasive, ahistorical celebration of difference that is an administrative and legal tool to keep people from facing the fact that something has happened that is inexorably connected to the contradictions between the principles and the platitudes for which this country is built on and its policies and practices in the matter of those descendants of chattel slavery in the United States. And it's important to understand, that's the history of this term. It's legal and it's administrative, and it serves a purpose that keeps people innocent, illiterate, ignorant, and indifferent. (audience applauds) - So I think we'll have one or two more of our questions before we move onto the Q&A. - Do we have time? I think we may have run out of time a little bit. - One more question before the Q&A? - Do we have time for one more? - Do you wanna mix and match, we'll do Q&A, and then... - Okay. - Can we get to the cards, and then come back? - Okay, sure, sure. - Yes, we'll come back if we have time. - All right, so. - They've waited to patiently. - They have. (panelists laugh) And I really identify with this question, being a current student and having this experience of the room of silence, whoever brought us this question. Being black in an art critique can be challenging, to say the least. Referred to commonly amongst POC as the room of silence, I feel like my artistic growth is being stifled because being a class full of white artists, they never have much to say about work outside of aesthetics. How can this atmosphere be challenged as a student? - First, I would recommend that you read Institutional Time by Judy Chicago and understand that, excuse me, the history of the art academy is that it was gendered feminine. It was a place for women. And not all the time was it a place for women to be professionalized, beyond a particular group of siloed practices like interior design and other craft-based mediums. It's important to understand that post-war America brings us the imprimatur of abstract expressionism informed by bebop, here in New York City. Not jazz. It's informed by bebop. And so you have all of these white men who are coming back from the war who have access to the GI Bill that enables them to have access to higher education paid for by the government. So, many of these people come into schools of art, and they proceed to recover art from its feminine identity. So, this convention you all are experiencing in your critiques, I don't care what discipline you're in, that it's a caged battle match... (panelists laugh) - Yes! - That is all about this particular period of time in the 1940s where these white men come in and basically set the terms of dialog and discourse around the critique of work that amounts to this question, are you man enough to be in here? And that's to an overwhelming majority of women who are the students. And so first of all, you don't get paid... First of all, if you want therapy, the critique is not the place for that. And more to the point, it is not the place for anybody to abuse you. It is not the place for there to be the absence of verifiable criteria for the evaluation of your work. That is what we have here. It's what I call a legacy pedagogy. And it's serving very few people, and what it does is it conditions students to be on eggshells, and more to the point, it conditions students to say what people want to hear you say, do what some people want you to do, rather than put you into position to animate, to develop your work on your terms. And it's important that you understand what that's about. And one of the things that has to stop, going back to the point about people being educated. BFA and MFA education is perhaps the only place I'm aware of where people are in roles as educators who have no coursework in pedagogy, have no coursework in curricular development, and have no coursework in organizational psychology. So, basically, they're teaching the way they've been taught, and that model is this implicit question, are you man enough to be in here? And so this whole idea of having to come into a critique and be destroyed as a matter of course, as a matter of professional development, is false, and you need to disrupt it. (panelists and audience applaud) - Preach! - So, the next question, it's one of our questions and it seems to be a really popular one amongst the ones you guys submitted. So there is a painting in question. (audience groans) (panelists laugh) I'll leave it up to you whether or not you would like to name the artist, but our question is, why does art by white artists featuring black subjects continue to be so problematic, and why does it always fall short of its intentions? What does it mean to be in the image, and what does it mean to produce it? - Can I... - Go for it. - I didn't wanna snatch it. - No. - But I have been thinking so much about this, because I actually, I mean, we're talking about, is it Dana Schutz? - Schutz. - Schutz, Dana Schutz, and I've only seen it, I haven't seen it in person. I've only seen photographs of it, and I teach about the murder of Emmett Till, and there's a brilliant documentary called The Murder of Emmett Till, that if you're interested in the subject matter, I highly recommend you watch, and I teach the photograph that was featured in Jet Magazine of his mutilated, disfigured body, because it was, as many of you may know, this lightning rod for participation in the Civil Rights movement, and many young people who would go on to be in the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and do sit-ins and go to the South and mobilize and work with African-American communities in the South to register to vote and demand the right to vote, as teens, they saw that photograph of Emmett Till in Jet Magazine, the great Jet Magazine. Go to the library! But it's also on Google, that's on Google. (audience laughs) If you wanna have a really good time enjoying black aesthetics of the late 20th century, just look at old Jet on Google. It's a really great way to spend a rainy Saturday. And so, I teach that photograph, and a part of the reason that I teach the photograph is because of his mother, Mamie Till. And so, when Mamie Till, you know, they demand the body, they demand the body, the body is brought back to one of the great African-American institutions, the funeral home, which, that's a whole other panel, is brought to the south side of Chicago, the funeral home, and the mortician, you know, a stalwart of the community, as all funeral homes are, the mortician says you do not want to see him. I'm gonna get emotional. You do not want to see him. And she's determined, yes, I do. Right? So she insists, and probably against his better judgment, he concedes to the wishes of the mother. And she can't believe what she saw. She can't believe it. And if you've seen the photographs of him before he goes to Mississippi, before he is falsely accused, there's a great book out by Timothy Tyson about the white woman who admits finally, 50, 60 years later, that she lied about the whistle. Who cares, it's a whistle, anyway, but she lied about that. He had done nothing. She can't believe what she sees, and the mortician in sympathy begins to talk about, I think it has to be a closed casket. I don't know what I can do to restore him, because he's mutilated so viciously, and she says, it will be an open casket. And this, everyone should see. So the photograph in Jet Magazine is a political act, which is to say, so many times African-Americans endure terror, endure violence, it is motivated by white supremacy that is meant to show our place in society, and we just take it, because we're afraid that saying something about it, telling the truth about it, is just going to invite more violence, and that has been the case since we got here, to Jamestown, and so when Mamie Till says, from the relative safety of Chicago, from the relative safety of being a middle-aged woman, we will tell the truth about what happened to my son. It is political, and it is not filtered, if you see the actual photograph, which is easily, you can see that on Google, and you can see what he looked like before. It's gruesome, and it's devastating, and it's courageous. It's courageous of Jet Magazine to publish the photograph. So, my reaction to the painting was that it wasn't gruesome enough. If you're going to show this suffering and that is your intention, to tell the truth about racial terror, tell the truth. The swirls, for those of us who are not African-American studies professors who have not seen it closely, don't convey they reality of the terror. And so to me, that was my criticism. Not that she didn't have the right to portray the event. Not that a white person doesn't have a right to discuss these things, but if you're flinching, you're really violating Mamie Till's intention, and that is disrespect. Show the image in its violence. Show the truth of the violence. But also, why not, as a white woman, relate directly to your personal history as a white woman in the event? (audience applauds) Which is not to say, show the violence of the accuser or the violence that she was subjected to in terms of being coerced into an accuser. Which doesn't, don't jump me, I'm not trying to say she's not responsible, but there is a whole story there. Why not use your privilege to tell a part of the story that is very confrontational but extremely important for us to understand, and perhaps encourage people in your community, as a white woman, to make different choices. So again, your art is your art. I'm big on freedom of speech. We're gonna need freedom of speech now more than ever. It's been 60 days. So I'm big on freedom of speech, but I'm also big on criticism that advances solutions. So I think to say to someone, well, you don't have a right to speak about racism because you're white is absurd and unhelpful. To stay only in anger without an actual conversation about what people can do differently doesn't advance anything. And so I'm fearful that the conversation that has emerged is going to discourage white artists from having any kind of conversation or participation, and I hope that that doesn't happen. (audience applauds) - You know, the freedom thing is very important. But I think at the same time, there needs to be responsibility. And one of the things that often happens within studio art curriculum, fostered by faculty who will justify not going to the library on the principle of academic freedom. So I'm free to be ignorant. I'm free to be innocent. I'm free to be illiterate. And so I think that all too often, students are not encouraged and mandated to be responsible for visual culture. A very important essay you all should read, it's called Abstract Expressionism, Weapon of the Cold War. First sentence: "To understand what makes a particular art movement "successful is to understand the particulars of patronage "and the ideological needs of the powerful." So this thing you all are doing, this is not playtime. You're not in Mrs. Guston's first grade class anymore. This stuff has power. And it's not about you. It's not about you. It's about understanding, you're living in a particular time where people need a clarifying effect through what you do. And it's not just for me about Schutz. It's about the illiteracy of the entire supply chain. That's the director, that's the curators, that is the people connected to the education department there missing an opportunity to truly, truly do something beyond what has become a lightning rod and a distraction from all the other work within the exhibition, but it reflects the fact that she came from and through an educational system that says, you can do whatever you want. - And with whomever's body, whomever's history, and it doesn't... You can even refuse to engage that history while you are in school. - Exactly. - To go back to the other comment about the rooms of silence, at Cooper Union, I was the only black person in the class in which my fellows refused to critique my work because they insisted that I was trying to make them feel stupid by asking questions about who we think black and brown women are in the city, 'cause I didn't know. So I had made a set of Madlibs about asking who we think domestic workers are. It was like a long-term project of me observing domestic workers of the street, 'cause I saw more people in the streets of New York and the parks of New York who looked like me than I did at my school, and it was just simple. My name is blank. I come from blank country. In my home country, my parents do this and this. I have this many siblings. They refused to critique the work, and they were not called on it by my beloved professor. - So that's where the... - They insisted upon ignorance. - That's where the anything is possible stops. You can do anything. - Except... (panelist laughs) - Except deal with race in this studio. And rather than saying, rather than say, I am uncomfortable, rather than say, my education doesn't support what you want to unpack in here, let's bring some people in, aside from me, aside from me, to help you get your work to the next level. (audience applauds) - Just to piggyback off of that really quickly, the other experience which Anastasia and I spoke about at length is when a student does approach a faculty member, the faculty then puts the responsibility of having this world of knowledge of black artists, black scholars, to then educate them. Well, who do you suggest we should put on the syllabus? And this goes back to the question about, is it time for faculty to go back to school, because the students are here to learn from you. So then the sort of responsibility is on faculty to know and not put that on students. And so if then the faculty doesn't know and we get into a critique and your professor is like, I don't know, and the student's like, I don't know, - And a whole bunch of students are like, no! (panelists laugh) - Yeah, then that isolates the student. - Okay. So I think we have to be wrapping up, so I guess our last question from the audience: I wish history courses were more diverse in its representation. Do you know what it would take to integrate these ideas and people into public history conscious, I think, and so that's kind of a base question that we've had throughout the panel, I guess, this idea of how do we integrate without this guise of segregationist integration and truly make our classrooms and our faculty and our student bodies more diverse and trying to, how do we pursue equality even when it seems impossible? - One of the ways I'd like to see that happen is we just get rid of some of these qualifiers. It's American history. It's not black history and American history. If we can just get rid of that type of thinking, I think a lot of space is opened for us to actually have diversity, because if we just say it's history, then you have to deal with everything that happened. - And herstory, and herstory. - In a specific period of time. So it's not, it's not about these silos. It's not Asian art. It's not black art, it's art. And if you really just get rid of those qualifiers upfront and really just think of it in the essence of what it is, then if you're gonna talk about abstract expressionism, you can't leave Norman Lewis out. You can't leave Sam Gilliam out, because they were abstract expressionists at that time in history. So for me, it's really simple. Just stop with the silos. We don't have to have black history classes. We can just have history classes, and maybe you're gonna break it up in eras, from 1910 to 1950 and do it like that, and then include everything that happened in history in that period. - I mean, that would be the ideal. - That's what we're talking about. That's what we're talking about, what would be the ideal, and how would we do it? You know, how could you do it? - But absolutely, but I'm gonna push back on that a little bit, just because I resist the continued problematizing of vicinity-specific education and records of history, and I'm wary of language that seeks to, that insists upon, erasure of difference as a solution because it's so often, like, you know, with the Bakke case, it's just like the language of liberation and idealistic equality braided up to be some neo-right wing, school choice, vouchers! School choice, shut down all your schools in Philadelphia and Chicago. That's choice! The choice initially was the language of desegregation. So I'm with you in that this is a world history that we're talking about. We're talking about peoples of the worlds and creative products of the world and art of the peoples of the world that have been very, with great intention, a lot of energy has gone into excluding knowledge about Asian contemporary art. Just a lot of energy, a lot of spirit has gone into specifically excluding knowledge of non-white people, of people of non-European descent, across disciplines. So under that guise, that language, that ideal has already been used. Oh, this is just history, or we are all American, and that kind of ends up leaning towards rationalizing nationalism. That still excludes. So yeah, I mean, I feel like ideally, yes, but I'm also, I'm reminded of all the times that that sort of language of equalization is used against us. - I would also say, I think it's very important for students to understand the financial leverage that you have in colleges and universities, and so what you want is what is needed to keep the school going. And so, if you want more and different types of history, if you want more and different types of art education, collectively, the more you express that desire, the more likely it is to happen. And so the only reason we have women's studies and ethnic studies and African-American studies to the extent that we do is because students demanded it, and the more intransigent administrations were, the more intransigent the demands became. And so, you don't have to accept institutions as you find them. The bad news is, don't you wanna just like open your books and do your work and mind your business? Sure, sure. But that's not how life is. If you want something bespoke, then you actually need to customize it. And so it's really, I think the burden becomes less when you don't act alone, when you don't say, okay, well, it's on me to deal with this professor that's saying it's my responsibility to figure out how to diversify the syllabus. When you band together and organize as a group, you really get something out of it. I think that's a different type of education, but a really important one, which is how to advocate for your needs in institutions. And that's something that you are, I mean, you're trying to be artists? You're going to need to be doing that a lot. So it's a really important and helpful life skill that you can get practice on, just trying to address these issues in your school. - There's a great history of Cornell, Cornell's history of what became the Africana Studies department, and that really matters a lot, like the difference between a department, department distinction and what's happened in... Cornell is a crazy racist campus, and produced some amazing, amazing people under the tutelage of Dr. Turner, - James Turner. - James Turner, I wasn't there, but I had friends who were there, and they are different kinda people. They are an intellectually different kind of people, but I speak to the notorious racism, the generational racism on the campus of Cornell, like burning down the Native American house. You know, white frat boys, burning down... Boys, they're men. Burning down the Native American house. Trying to burn down the Ujimaa house, or the Ujamaa... - Ujamaa. - You know, 'cause the students, the students there can live in groups if they choose to. Like, a lot of violence. Students going missing, being driven off into gorges while they're walking across campus to school, all sorts of crazy stuff. And in the middle of all of that generationally, that department was created because students banded together and insisted upon it. I was like one of the... Kind of like what happened here at the Medgar Evers CUNY school. It's like one of those stories of students like holding on and really insisting upon change, and again, I mentioned the generational, gobbling up everything kind of racism on that campus, because only recently have they successfully de-departmentalized Africana Studies, I heard. There has always been an effort for the department of English to consume it or to make it, you know, who needs Africana studies, right? It's all English, or it's all... Anyways, there are histories. There are institutional histories of triumph, that really illuminate the importance of these programmatic distinctions. - It's still a department, it's still a department. I think the thing that's important... Everybody here who has siblings, raise your hands please? Okay, all right. I want to talk about justice. Those of you with siblings know that you were not raised the same. And some of you mad about it. (panelists and audience laugh) Still. Still mad about it. But somehow, the wisdom of your parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, nanas, knew what each of you needed. And so the barrier to a more perfect union has been the pursuit of some mathematical equality that has people looking at the size of the slice of the pie and saying, either it should be bigger, or I should have the whole pie. So in order for us to achieve and be focused on justice, it's important to understand the power of language. We live in a racially segregated state of being in the United States of America, and when we use terms like diversity, again, it's race-evasive, and it's ahistorical, and it doesn't get to the heart of the matter that there are people who have never sat down and cracked open a book written by an African-American scholar. I ask a question, I have a seminar called Photography and the American Dream where we unpack the ways in which poverty is represented and misrepresented in American newspapers and one of the features of the course is the search for poor white people in the American media. And that's a knowing sound, right? You can barely find them, because how do you reconcile a country built on the principle of white supremacy, and you have poor white people without unpacking the fact that you have democratic capitalism that requires people to be poor. So I think it's important to understand that what I do in my class is that I ask students, most of them are seniors, I ask them. I have an entrance survey, and I have an exit survey, 'cause we're talking about solutions. I come in, I ask them to give me the name of a non-fiction text that they've either self-assigned or been assigned as a student at Cornell. Then I ask them to give me the names of artists that are must-haves on their dance party list. So. The answer to the first question is filled with European men and women who are white or claim to be white, and then of course the second question is filled with black and Latino and Caribbean names. So at the end of the course, what I do, I ask them the question I really wanna know. Give me the name of a non-fiction text written by an African-American scholar that you've self-assigned or been assigned as a student here at Cornell, and most of them are seniors, and it's zero. So, if I ask the majority of people in this audience to give me their opinions on quantum physics, there's people shaking their head, no. (audience and panelist laugh) And the reason that most people will say no is that they haven't studied it. But art and race are two topics where people feel a level of authority where they haven't studied. They believe that certainly art is based on taste, based on feelings, and again, completely separated from ideologies, completely separated from power. And in the matter of race, it's whatever they sae on social media or whatever they've seen... - A Spike Lee movie. - A Spike Lee Movie. (panelists and audience laugh) Or what they've seen in the media. And so the point is this. Most of us have come through, most of us sitting up here, who are either in or have come through higher education and especially higher education related to art and design on an imbalanced intellectual diet. It's imbalanced. And what's going to change this are the three O's: opposition, opportunity, and oversight. So, it begins with students opposing this monocular, siloed, Euro-Western set of canonical references that you hear all the time. You have to ask, okay, 1940s something, Jackson Pollock, Peggy Guggenheim. Willem de Kooning. What else was going on in the United States at the time that influenced, affected, impacted the work that we should talk about? And it will take you places that, those of you who are wondering about where your next idea is gonna come from, I'm telling you. I'm at a point in my life, and I think I share that with everybody on this stage. I have more ideas than I know what to do with, because I went beyond what someone told me represents a terminal degree, and the content of that terminal degree, and what happens when you ask the question, who else is doing something? Who else has written? Who else has sung? Who else has composed? Who else has made a cinema that can transform? That's the power you all have. You have the power to oppose this. The next thing is opportunity. We need people outside of the academy who will create, endow chairs to situate scholars, artists, musicians, writers, designers, for the purpose of desegregating the discourse and making them university and scholars, basically, where they're not situated in a department. They are the scholar for the entire school, and they can show up anywhere. The third O is oversight. In order for this to move forward, we need the next generation of scholars to have desegregated bibliographies, desegregated research questions, as conditions for promotion and tenure. - I think we should end it right there. (audience and panelists applaud) Thank you guys. You guys are amazing. Thanks, everyone, for coming out to this panel discussion, and I hope that you're walking away with something that you can go raise hell with. Thank you. (audience and panelists applaud) - Thank you.
-Eli bonjour ! - Bonjour est ce que vous me voyez bien ? - Très bien ! J’ai du bricoler avec un élastique pour attacher la caméra parce que le pied est cassé. C'est super, ça marche très bien. On y va ? Tu viens de te réveiller ? Un peu, il est quelle heure ? Presque 8h30, quand même. Merci d'accepter cette interview avec la fondation Frantz Fanon. En fait l'idée, c'est d'avoir le retour des situations concernant le coronavirus dans différentes parties du monde. Donc on a demandé à l’Afrique, Porto Rico, la Colombie, la Guadeloupe, parce que tu nous a alertés depuis le début de la crise sur la situation en Guadeloupe, et on a même mis ton interview, ta première interview sur le site de la fondation. Donc c'est un peu l'idée, aujourd'hui on a un certain nombre de questions à te poser. Premièrement, comment vas-tu, et comment se portent ta famille et les camarades ? Dans l'ensemble ça va, il y a des camarades qui ont déjà été touchés par le coronavirus, heureusement pas de séquelles graves ni de décès. Des camarades que je connais dans le cadre de ce qu'on fait avec vous ? Possible, possible que tu les ai rencontrés, mais tu ne les connais pas. Mais ils n'ont pas de séquelles particulières, et ils ont eu une prise en charge rapide Puisque c'était les tout premiers cas. Aujourd'hui une pensée particulière pour Gaby puisque il enterre sa grande soeur ce matin qui n'est pas décédée du Coronavirus, mais chez nous enterrer quelqu'un entre guillemets presque dans l'anonymat, c'est embêtant Puisque bon, il n'y a pas de veillée, et les cortèges sont restreints Tout est restreint, donc c'est particulier. Donc une pensée particulière ce matin, puisque la cérémonie a lieu ce matin. Et puis au niveau au niveau de la Guadeloupe, moi je crois que quand on regarde les chiffres de contamination à moins d'un mois après le premier cas, puisque le premier cas survient le 12 mars et nous sommes le 8 avril, donc 4 semaines. 4 semaines après on en est à plus de 134 ou 136 cas à peu près, et 8 morts. Rapporté à la population française, ça fait beaucoup, parce que si ma mémoire est bonne, un mois après le début de la contagion en france on en était encore à deux ou trois morts, si je me rappelle bien, et puis à une vingtaine de cas, ce qui fait que le virus - est bien présent - a démarré chez nous sur les chapeaux de roue, et je crois que dès le départ les autorités sanitaires et politiques n'ont pas pris les décisions qu'il fallait. Justement, à ce propos, tu dénonçais lors d'un communiqué qu'on a mis sur le site de la fondation au début de la crise un gouvernement métropolitain et des élites locales irresponsables. Quelle est à ce jour la situation dans les hôpitaux en Guadeloupe ? L'hôpital il va tenter de faire face tant bien que mal, mais je rappelle que l'hôpital est disloqué, que le service sanitaire, le service public de santé en Guadeloupe est disloqué, particulièrement depuis l'incendie de novembre 2017 Avant il était déjà fatigué mais depuis 2017 il est disloqué, il est réparti sur plusieurs sites, l'hôpital a d'énormes dettes, l'hôpital n'arrive pas à faire face à son travail courant, à plus forte raison en période de crise. Hier encore je lisais une interview dans le monde du chef de la réanimation qui disait qu'il avait craint l'arrivée massive de malades en réanimation puisqu'ils ne pourront pas faire face. Ils ont reçu 15 respirateurs la semaine dernière, mais ce ne sont pas des respirateurs pour la réanimation. Le personnel médical manque de masques, manque de moyens, les choses ne s'annoncent pas bien. C'est pour ça que dès le mois de février, par l'intermédiaire de l'union des travailleurs de la santé qui est la branche de l'UGTG dans le secteur de la santé Nous avions alerté le préfet, nous avions alerté l'ARS, nous avions alerté les élus guadeloupéens pour leur dire que le virus il est en italie, il est en allemagne, il commence à pointer le nez en france donc ça veut dire que dans moins de deux semaines et les genôts de nos cotes des transferts et donc qu'il fallait mettre dès maintenant un contrôle sur le port de contrôle sous la haie au baromètre des tests systématiques et également sur le port on parle donc puisque c'était la période des croisières mais il fallait trouver un moyen si on ne souhaitait pas stoppé par les croiseurs meiway de mettre des tests pour pour pour tout de suite faire ce qu'il fallait au niveau au niveau du port rien n'a été fait d'un service cerise sur le gâteau ils ont même jeu mais ce que je suis entraîneur et cerise sur le gâteau ils ont organisé les élections municipales alors vous imaginez le port qui est ouvert l'aéroport qui a ouvert la campagne électorale des élections municipales belle voix voilà le terreau favorable du développement de la contamination est donc toutes ces erreurs aujourd'hui ont conduit à ce qui est ce démarrage en flèche de la contamination est jeune on me disait tu m'as tu m'as tu m'as dit d'un appel qu'on a eu on y avait un médecin de l'hôpital qui avait qui étaient frappés par coronavirus enfin il y a le directeur général du chu a été touché la présidente de la cme du chu nos voeux aux futurs en médecine a été touché le chef du service réanimation a été touchée ainsi que plusieurs cadres et infirmiers de différents services et donc certainement se demander est ce que est ce que il n'y avait pas un poster au niveau du chu est ce que le chu n'était pas eu de contamination alors on ne sait pas puisqu'il n'y a pas de tests à la disposition du personnel soignant aujourd'hui en fin de compte nous on se rend compte et singulièrement chez nous qu'en fin de compte le gouvernement ment depuis le début il n'a jamais anticipé il n'a jamais pris ce sujet au sérieux il n'a y était aujourd'hui totalement débordés et pour cacher le fait qu'ils n'avaient pas de masque il a commencé par dire à les masser peu importe en effet important d'ailleurs moi je suis même pas métaux masque imed nian voilà beau nom caché au nom caché le fait qu'il n'y avait pas de test on a commencé à nous dire ah non mais les tests c'est pas c'est pas un c'est pas important les personnalités uniques marché les personnes les cas les plus sévères et on nous a mené en bateau comme ça et on envoie de l'eau c'était le même discours que même discours répétés en boucle par les élus par le préfet par la divergence de la jasse régionale de santé et en fin de compte ces gens-là bricole ces gens-là nous mentent et c'est le peuple qui est qui et qui a subi les conséquences quand on voit aussi un on a suivi monsieur mâcon lorsqu'il était à mulhouse pour visiter l'hôpital de campagne abeilles nous annonce la mission locale qui nous envoie un bateau un porte-hélicoptères le dixmude nécessairement sincèrement je crois que ce soit monsieur macron un problème de géographie soit ils se foutent de notre gueule comment il veut envoyer un bâtiment soit disant pour nous apporter de l'aide au chaos qu'il va devra en faire c'est martin saint barthélémy des six îles habitées de l'archipel de la guadeloupe plus la martinique la martinique est à nous et 1 500 kilomètres plus bas de pratiquement trois mille kilomètres plus bas l'aquila comment il va faire comment cet essai ce porte-hélicoptères va faire ce qu'on fait quand on se voit qu on voit bien que ces gens là sont toujours un train de bricoler depuis call et de rigoler ils n'ont aucune notion de la réalité ils nous mentent et au pied et au lieu de dire bon voilà on a un problème on n'a pas anticipé on n'a pas de masque donc on vous demande de fabriquer vos mains sauf demande de faire attention non avec le disco et les autres le discours il est à la culpabilisation du citoyen mais ici si c'est ça si ça progresse c'est ta faute c'est ta faute parce que tu n'as pas et si c'est pas toi qui n'as pas aimé c'est ton voisin qui n'a pas fait les gestes barrières aux messines ce ton voisin qui n'a pas fait ceci cela mais aujourd'hui c'est le discours du préfet en guadeloupe à tel point que à partir d'un samedi 14h jusqu'à mardi matin ces couvre feu total en guadeloupe non il faut total à 6 et coffre-fort est total puisque c'est le week-end de pâques un lieu précis machine voilà et quand le préfet il doit s'imaginer s'imaginent que et bien les gens vont prendre leur voiture où ils vont aller à la mecque que les guadeloupéens sont irresponsables des monnaies et donc c'est toujours ce même discours infantilisant qui vise à culpabiliser les gens mais qui cache en fait qui cache en fait livre responsabilité l'inconséquence les conakry l'incurie des dés de l'état du préfet et de la rs qui n'ont pas su prendre les bonnes décisions au bon moment et ce discours là et ils nous rappellent le seul la plantation le m mais ils tabassaient des espaces et il a dit m c'est pour ton bien parce que bon comme tu ne comprends pas bien c'est pourtant bien je te tabasse je peux fait travailler mais c'est pas en noir les cordes warne les corps noir ne compte toujours pas voila voila c'est le même discours sur le même disque on est pile une classe politique contre qui médite locale complètement absente absents puisque la seule chose qui les intéressait tout janvier touche évrier c'était les élections municipales et jusqu'à maintenant nous avons été les seuls avec l'année l'annulation des élections municipales [Musique] enfin pas seulement parce qu'on n'a pas de candidat et que ce sera nous on est viscéralement contre st jean de ces élections dans le cadre du système colonial français mais pour nous c'était d'une logique implacable comment pouvez vous organiser les élections comment pouvez vous laisser le port ouvert comment pouvez vous laisser les aéroports ouverts alors que vous êtes une île nous sommes unis nous sommes à 7000 kilomètres de la france nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de ne pas avoir des moyens sur place pour combattre la pandémie et est aujourd'hui nous sommes toujours dans cette situation là où nous avons déjà ici le préfet le sous préfet les élus de guadeloupe qui attendent les autres de paris d'être innotour pas compris que paris dans la merde nick accord il ya la merde et le feu au château on se fout de l'écurie et dans cette histoire-là l'écurie sinon c'est nous je voudrais bon et je voudrais continuer sur la situation dans les établissements informels tels que les ehpad comment se passe elle alors pour l'instant aucun décès dans aucun des pattes de watteau touchons du bois je crois que les personnes qui y travaillent il était l'un des bus ont bien compris que les personnes d'épousailles c'était des personnes âgées et donc il ya des dispositions qui ont été prises et j'ai même vu un reportage dans lequel les la directrice et les personnes qui travaillent au prix de ces personnes âgées entre 6 et de se confiner avec elle radio elle ne soient plus du bâtiment elles ont elles ont déménagé elle habite dans le bâtiment avec les personnes âgées ça c'est ça qui fait quelque chose d'extraordinaire mais à côté de ça je dirais aussi comme si les choses si elle aussi bien dans les ehpad que dans d'autres structures c'est parce que les gens ont beaucoup de bonne volonté et que très certainement qu'on a de la chance avec un petit peu de défenses immunitaires de solitude va maintenant parce que bon coin pourquoi je dis ça parce que j'y laisse jusqu'à la journée d'aujourd'hui il ya beaucoup de personnel des aides à domicile d'intervenants à domicile d'auxiliaire de vie sociale qui n'ont pas accès aux masques et au blues et au camp en nombre suffisant pour assurer leur service sans jeu contaminés et sans contaminer les autres parce qu'en fin de compte quand vous devez intervenir chez six ou sept personnes âgées faire le ménage les laver ça c'est pour les intervenants à domicile notamment mais vous devez pouvoir changer de contact jusqu'à maintenant dans bien des cas ce n'est pas le cas et donc on est en train de jouer avec le feu tout simplement parce que les autorités sanitaires en charge et politiques en charge de la guadeloupe mais n'y ont pas pensé l'autre jour je discutais avec un médecin qui a dans l'archipel des saintes alors c'est un archipel dans l'archipel théodore aux idéaux de bach alors on lui dit oui si vous avez quelqu'un que vous descendez qovu 19 mai faut l'envoyer fall envoyé entre guillemets sous le continent et saufs qui a plutôt les eaux maritimes il n'y a plus de liaisons maritimes n'y a pas de raison par avion donc qu'est-ce qu'on fait mais qu'est ce qu'on fait qu'est ce qu'on fait voilà voilà des questions et des questions qui appellent réponse et il en face mais vous n'avez pas dépend ça fait des mois que mon écrit aux autorités sanitaires ont écrit un rital sur ces questions là nous n'avons aucune dépense est la seule réponse officielle du préfet ce prince et prendre des arrêtés d'interdiction et de confinement alors bien évidemment nous sommes conscients de la situation il n'y a pas de masque il n'y a pas de test et il n'y a pas de traitement le confinement c'est une mesure préventive mais mais mais à côté de ça les guadeloupéennes et les guadeloupéens ont envie d'entendre il ya des masques qui a des traitements et qui a acquis à des tests et notamment en direction des pharmaciens des médecins et des personnes qui font des interventions à domicile les personnes qui s'occupent des personnes âgées dans les ehpad et du personnel soignant un génial comment voulez-vous que par exemple une infirmière qui me dit qu'elle s'est pas senti bien a commencé à avoir des maux de tête de courbatures donc elle appelle son médecin son médecin me dit ah vous avez les symptômes le duo fait 19 restez chez vous et si vous avez des problèmes respiratoires graves cette prothèse et cette femme là elle est infime bien à l'animation c'est les petits bébés est la moindre des choses favorite et que le chu façon d'être la teste et est heureux somme de ses collègues et bien non on ne teste pas parce que pourquoi on appâte est mon le dis pas ça rend la pâte est pour mon outil mais nombre on va utiliser les têtes seulement pour les cas les plus sévères d'eau ou un un gouvernement qui serve sur le mensonge et des autorités politiques et sanitaires en guadeloupe qui ne vivent pas dans la réalité qui n'ont toujours pas compris que nous sommes un archipel d'îles mais pourtant pourtant le syndicat luz et egea bien à bien poser en référer à la cour de pointe à pitre contre l'ars et le chu pour manquement alors l'agrégation de santé tout à fait à l'issue à l'issue de tous les courriers connotation envoya la rse au préfet aux députés sénateurs à tous ceux qui à un moment ou un autre aurait pu avoir quelque chose à dire dans ce dossier là nous recevons aucune réponse des autorités nous avons décidé de déposer un référé liberté devant le tribunal administratif de la boîte et puis juge deux jours plus tard quand c'est une procédure d'urgence et nous a donné raison sur tout planning de la wako des premières michael j'étais j'ai été totalement recevable a intenté une telle action compte tenu de la pandémie de la gravité de la situation est entièrement à l'audience ni la grèce ni le chu n'ont présenté aucun document aucun bon pour moi rien du tout prouvant qu'ils étaient véritablement dans une dans une démarche d'affrontement vis-à-vis de de l'arrivée du pic de l'art de l'académie et donc c'était frappant à tel point que les juges ont pris la décision de fermer option au chu et de faire injonction à la rs de se procurer les tests nécessaires pour tester le maximum de personnes au sénat population et de faire en sorte d'acheter en nombre suffisant l'écrêtement les traitements pour s'occuper des personnes malades et secrètement là c'est le traitement qui est mis en place par le professeur d'art ou de l'institut hospitalo universitaire de marseille et donc voilà et donc suite à cette heure à 7 à cette décision la rs et le chu ont fait appel de cette décision et cette décision a été à nouveau jugé le 3 avril dernier le vendredi 3 avril dernier devant le conseil d'état hélas le conseil d'état a pris la décision de supprimer la tique 2e l'aude au nord de basse-terre et cet article 2 kg faisait injonctions de sa pause de t'acheter tous et tous tous ces produits là que je viens nommé le traitement instauré par l'institut hospitalo universitaire de marseille et les tests et pourquoi le lac où le conseil d'état pris cette décision c'est tout simplement parce que à l'audience du conseil d'état ils viennent eighties voilà on a passé commande pour acheter un ou une nouvelle machine pour faire les analyses de 196 pas au jour des 200 tests nous avons acheté pour nous avons passé commun ou deux centaines d'instituts passe de racheter court pas passées comme un beau 200 tests et que nous avons des réactifs pour faire re 1500 tests et nous avons d'autres nous avons commandé quatre millions supplémentaires pour faire quatre mille personnes supplémentaires et que nous avons mis en place un protocole suivant celui de l'institut hospitalo universitaire de marseille justement que qui a démarré le 31 mars de joux avant qu'on est donc enfin de vote tous ces éléments là tous ces éléments là viennent après la condamnation du 27 avril au 27 mars bordeaux après la condamnation est donc entre le 27 mars et le 3 avril avaient ils ont commencé à faire des choses ont commencé à faire des choses et je rappelle que le conseil d'état c'est le tribunal du gouvernement sur le président du conseil d'état c'est le premier ministre est donc allé faire le tribunal du premier ministre dira le contraire de ce que dit le premier ministre je sais pas comment il faut faire maths ou gamme le tribunal a été quand même subtil il a premier roman consolider la haute les activités de luge et tg il a dit que le gtg est représentatif a parlé non seulement au nom et au nom de ces matins mais au nom des travailleurs et du peuple de guadeloupe dans ce dossier là bas c'est quelque chose de très très très content deuxièmement le tribunal a reconnu qu' à des cars et les dysfonctionnements mais qui ne sont pas de nature à être considérés comme étant des situations graves pouvant mettre en cause les libertés fondamentales au moment où il prend sa décision il a été très bleu poudre il dit compte tenu de ce qu'on me dit aujourd'hui bon je crois que les choses pour l'instant ça va sauf que à l'audience ni la rs ni le chu n'ont présenté de documents le tribunal dit seulement voilà les suzan les éléments fournis suivant les documents fournis ils n'ont présenté ni brune comment ni facture lieben livre y z'ont rien du tout donc c'est en ce sens que dès hier dès lundi matin nous avons envoyé un courrier au directeur du centre hospitalier copie au préfet à l'aérés c est tout ce qui s'en suit ou leur demander de nous fournir tous les bons de commande relatifs à eux mêmes qu'ils ont passé que ce soit pour les médicaments pour le traitement que ce soit pour les tests que ce soit vos les machines qu'ils ont qu'ils ont recommandé de nous envoyer des bons de commande de nous envoyer les mots de livraison si ces machines là sont déjà arrivées de nous donner également copie du protocole qu'ils ont mis en oeuvre pour prendre en charge les patients aux victimes neuf suivant les recommandations de l'institut hospitalo universitaire de marseille et de nous envoyer tout ça tout ça et on a fait ça dans le des personnes que l'on peut faire dans le cadre des rapports entre l'administration et les citoyens dans ce courrier officiellement a été reçue par la direction du chu dès lundi matin avoir commandé accusé déception et par et pas aux mails et d'ailleurs la télé publique a même femme qui voit pas otage tout ça parce que c'est nos ce que nous attendons c'est quoi mon prof a aussi au papier que ce qu'ils ont dit devant le conseil d'état ils l'ont réellement fait et que surtout on puisse bien acté que c'est seulement maintenant qu'il le faut et alors que tout le monde attend un pic de la contamination ça veut dire qu'ils achètent des tests il commet des tests mais vu la pénurie de tests sous le marché mondial de ce jeudi les américains achètent tous les tests sous le marché mondial on n'est pas sûr de voir si tesla donc on est dans une situation grave très grave parce que nos autorités politiques et sanitaires la direction du chu la rs le préfet n'ont pas anticipé aucune anticipation du bricolage pourtant et pour cacher ce bricolage et bien on continue à culpabiliser oui et même le conseil d'état dit qu'ils ne se n'attend pas en fin d'année il n'y a pas d'atteinte aux libertés fondamentales mais à terme il y va y avoir des avis au droit à la vie et à la santé tout à fait même sans attendre à terme parce que quand on fait une comparaison aidant devant le conseil d'état notre avocat a fait la démonstration le premier cas si on vient en france le 24 janvier ce sont ce sont les trois touristes chinois le premier dessert c'est le 14 février 22 jours plus tard le 14 février c'est l'un des trois touristes chinois 89 ans voilà le premier cas en guadeloupe c'est le 12 mars le premier décès le 19 mars sept jours 22 jours d'abord et non après 22 jours après 28 jours donc en france après 22 jours ils ont un décès et douze contamination mais nous a pris 22 jours on en était à sept dessins et centra contamination donc il n'y a pas photo nous sommes nous sommes donc dans une accélération du processus de contamination et et de et de décès liés au virus est petit on ne sait pas non plus les chiffres qui sont publiés ce sont les gens qui décèdent à l'hôpital mais quid des personnes qui marchent et elle est d'accord parce qu'en fin de compte le disco le discours de la haine c'est quoi si vous avez de la fièvre si vous avez des courbatures et bien vous appelez votre médecin vous êtes sûrement atteint ducobu 19 le médecin vous deviez b et appuie on vous dira vers l'autriche et vous et si vous avez des problèmes respiratoires graves fait le 15 aujourd'hui que ce soit l'institut hospitalo universitaire de marseille que ce soit des médecins et autres tout le monde dit qu'il ne faut pas arriver à la bécasse respiratoires bien sûr mais paralysé alors quand on voit que dans le décret du 23 du 23 mars et le 25 on dit premièrement en encadre l'utilisation du traitement préconisé par le professeur raoul et deuxièmement on dit aux médecins qu'il faut prescrire secrètement uniquement dans les cas les plus sévères lorsque la personne et à l'animation moi je ne suis pas médecin mais moi je me dis mais si ce médicament là c'est un médicament qui peut sauver pourquoi attendre qu'ils soient à l'antique de la mort pour le lui donner est ce qu'on est en train de jouer à la roulette russe mais qu'est-ce qui se passe donc là il ya il ya beaucoup de compréhension on a beaucoup d'incompréhension dans ce que fait le gouvernement l'a évincé le préfet et un final cocotte cette incompréhension nous fait bien comprendre que nous avons face à nous des amateurs débris couleurs scary c'est l'espoir que tout ça ne cache pas des velléités de faire en sorte que ça soit un coin laboratoire qui puisse inventer d'ici quelques semaines nancy vival à 1500 euros alors que le traitement joue du coude de haut alors jusqu'à laisser l'espoir que c'est pas ça mais ça ne m'étonnerait pas que ça soit ça parce que dans les attitudes souvenez de demander à elie quelle est la situation des migrants de la dominique et de haïkus dans ce contexte de crise sanitaire économique alors il n'y a pas de y'a pas il ya plus de plus de vols réguliers il ya un seul vol c'est un peu la france enfin deux ou trois fois par semaine et un vol qui fait bloc face mais il y a aujourd'hui aucune liaison maritime elle nie aériennes entre les îles de la caraïbe non mais les migrantes ou en guadeloupe oui mais je viens j'y viens quand nous n'avons pas le retraité mais comme un peu comme on peut le retrouver dans certains cas aussi à paris on a pas de zone des migrants quelqu'un qui vient ici un haïtien qui vient ici il en contact même s'il allait froide estime à hilla un combat qu'il arrive la communauté haïtienne et à les accueillir nous n'avons pas de personnes venant des îles qu'ils soient dans la rue dans des tentes ou bien dans la forêt bon d'accord [Musique] nous avons des personnes qui vivent dans la rue par exemple pas loin de notre but voit qu'on tape it nous avons des personnes qui vivent dans la rue et qui sont qui continuent à avoir on va fournis par l'oeuvre de saint-vincent-de-paul d'accord a lancé vincent de paul l'aube rockyou le dîner du jour des fois le soir par faire le week-end par le week-end et puis je suis passé là avant hier mais les gens sont là les gens sont là ils sont devant le maximum ses récentes polisson dans le quartier de l'assainissement et ces gens là là c'est vrai que ces gens là ils sont ils sont surtout il ya d'autres formes de solidarité non étatiques qui se met en place en guadeloupe et un à part cet exemple que tu donnes de de l'organisation l'association saint-vincent-de-paul oui disons que bon dans tous les quartiers à dans tous les quartiers les plus vains les plombs faire des courses pour les personnes des bras valides il y à il ya un petit jeune qui m'a appelé l'autre jour lui il y met en place un ramassage va chercher des produits locaux qu'il va livrer directement chez les personnes à mobilité réduite ou les personnes des personnes âgées et puis il ya quand même chez nous quelque chose qui existe qui existe depuis toujours et qui existe encore c'est que les plus jeunes prennent soin prennent soin des plus âgés donc tous les to les parages et bien les enfants les enfants s'organise vous venez en aide aux parents âgés en suivant les gestes barrières et donc à ma connaissance on n'a pas de difficulté à ce niveau là alors la créativité aussi danser dans ces situations-là la créativité fait un bond les gens ont inventé en confectionner des masques bien avant qu'elle ait les professeurs de médecine disent qu'il faut masquer les gens avait déjà confectionné des masques en tissu elle vient évidemment à sotchi aux vêtements avec fait beaucoup beaucoup de créativité à ce niveau là mais comme toujours beaucoup de solidarité entre entre les gens quel rôle jouent les mouvements sociaux est une organisation comme la tienne ou avec celles avec laquelle on a travaillé par exemple cela on travaille toujours sur la redistribution des terres et la réforme du foncier mais heureusement je dirais heureusement qu'une organisation comme j'étais j'ai avec tous les camarades qui travaillent avec nous notamment tous les camarades du lkp puisqu'on continue à chevrons par ce type d'outils techniques tout d'ailleurs heureusement qu'on a parce qu'en fin de compte heures le dossier de la situation sanitaire de c'est un dossier qui est suivi par l'ugtt est un sujet tg depuis plusieurs années et lorsqu'on a vu ce qui s'est passé en chine lorsqu'on a vu ce qui s'est passé en iran ont fait les taïwanais lorsqu'on a vu le virus arrivé en allemagne comment les allemands ont tout de suite pris ce dossier là branle contre l'italie ça nous a surpris de voir avec virulence le virus a avancé et en france on se dit même les dégâts ils y sont reines jouait là ici ils voient pas que c'est quelque chose de très grave et donc nous avons été et février alerté alerté les autorités sur ces questions là mais malheureusement si vous retrouvez face à des gens qui n'avaient aucune heure aucune réalité aucune réalité des choses et adam aucune réalité des choses dis-moi l'opération résilience avec ce porte-hélicoptères dans les eaux caribéennes rappelle enfin moi ça m'a rappelé tout de suite le bateau de l'amiral robert qui était aussi dans les guerres mondiales oui a donc avec cette opération résidence après les réductions des libertés privées et publiques nous sommes maintenant à un stade supérieur c'est celui du contrôle sur les corps et avec ce porte-hélicoptères un pas de plus n'est-il pas franchie puisque le peuple guadeloupéen et il passe sous occupation pour des raisons sanitaires oui de toute façon je crois que c'est cesser c'est une analyse qui est juste parce que je n'ai pas de porte hélicoptères dont on a besoin on a besoin d'eux on a besoin de traitement on a besoin de lits de réanimation a omis avec la technologie qu'il faut on a besoin de blues jazz / blues d'office hier de masques voilà ce dont on a besoin et au lieu de nous envoyer ça on nous envoie un porte hélicoptères et un outil le porte-hélicoptères ce n'est pas un navire hôpital mais il sera là pour apporter assistance au niveau des personnes qui ne relèvent pas du convicted 9 et pour faire les transports sanitaires pour les envoyer mais justement dans le stadio aller chercher quelqu'un dans une commune aux biens à théo d'euros à terre de bas et le déposer à pointe à pitre pourquoi pas sauf que si on a besoin d'hélicoptères à fort de france ou bien marigot à saint martin ou bien et gustave ya à saint barthélémy ou bien grand mot de margalla ou bien à la désirade je rappelle que la guadeloupe c'est un archipel de ces îles habitées et que la la la saint-barthélemy et saint-martin sont au nord de la guadeloupe et que la maraude ciné qui impute 200 kilomètres au sud et que la lituanie à 2500 km comment on fait comment on fait pour faire du transport sanitaire des plus petites îles vers le chu de pointe à pitre quand le bateau le bateau mère il est à fort-de-france à margaux bien à qui cela via ou bien aux loges de cayenne c'est impossible dans ce football fkl deuxième chose que ça m'inspire c'est encore une fois nous donner l'illusion entre guinée que la mère-patrie seuil 1 et bienveillant sur ses enfants mais au final le cotc simplement pour nous rappeler que dans ces heurts troublant mais nous avons l'oeil du fusil sur vous tenez vous tranquilles je n'ai pas que des analyses que tu fais à travers cette question allait juste est ce que tu penses est-ce que tu je me suis aussi demandé compte tenu de la velléité des états unis de mettre des bateaux autour des navires ou face à au venezuela je me suis aussi demandé si cette tout d'un coup ce désir d'envoyer un porte-hélicoptères n'était pas en quelque sorte de créer une base arrières au cas où mme koné prenait fonde appétence l'appétence de la france pour suivre toutes les politiques les plus des plus meurtrières de la photo est possible tout est possible parce qu'on le voit bien c'est trompeur homme décide d'envoyer enfin il passe sont à déclarer la guerre à l'iran à cuba et aux états unis je crois que trump il a mieux à faire aujourd'hui il a mieux à faire de personnes tous les jours mais je crois que il s'était dit que le venezuela va être complètement disloqué sous le plan sanitaire les le peuple sera dans la rue un héros ce donc là il loi juste à leur dire vous voulez que je vienne est bien investi la voilà c est que tu me demandait de venir doc vous voilà sur quoi ils jouent et malheureusement le corona virus a déjoué ce plan là mais aujourd'hui à tous ses bateaux et ferait mieux de les utiliser pour aider pour aider sa population qui en train de mourir un peu partout tous les jours et pour que ça c'est une première chose deuxièmement on voit le rôle jouez pas au tuba fissure au venezuela aujourd'hui jamais on a deux on a des contacts assez régulier avec le consul du venezuela dans la farine et que nous explique aujourd'hui ils ont comme toutes les îles de la caraïbe tous les pays d'accueil et des difficultés par rapport aux na'vis maison au sol est des médecins chinois et des médecins vénézuéliens qui savait cubain par oddo qui sont sur place et qui leur donne un très bon coup de main avec des moyens supplémentaires pour enrayer et anti gay cette pandémie aujourd'hui ils ont ils sont dans une situation qui va entre guillemets moyenne classique moyenne comme tous les autres styles de la caille là on voit qu'il ya une réelle difficulté d'un accueil haut niveau il faudrait 20 ans et demi et s'est accélérée on voit que tant bien que mal au niveau d'haïti mais le service sanitaire est bien avec un truc qu'il faut bien comprendre c'est un haïti ils ont commencé à faire de l'information sous locaux aux navires us avant l'arrivée du porte-avions dans la faille dès qu'ils ont vu ce qui se passait en europe après la chine et l'iran ils ont commencé à faire des vidéos en créole pour le peuple haïtiens leur demandant de prendre un certain nombre de précautions de geste baryal cité daksi teva par rapport à l'arrivée du codaf use donc des pays qui sont en difficultés économiques et sociales mais qui ont eu la présence d'esprit et et puis la clairvoyance mais le bon sens le bon sens d'aller au thé la population très tôt par exemple que 195 à l'heure actuelle voilà donc le en guadeloupe des informations dans notre langue maternelle rue curiol n'ont été diffusées à la population après le système quasiment la seule information qu'on avait incité informations qu avait eu ce là les volumes air et un message venu de paris et puis confiné vous je suis désolé vous dites à quelqu'un de 80 ans qui vit dans la campagne dans le nord grande terre ou dans le nord basse-terre confiné vous et vous dis mais de quoi vous parlez mais jamais on a pris le temps de faire une véritable communication en direction de la population tu as parlé d' a eu un entretien de révolution récemment là où tu parlais justement d'une gestion colonne la crise oui bon tu viens de dire un peu les formes que ça prend en guadeloupe mais est-ce que tu ne penses pas que cette gestion coloniale elle est due justement au fait que les afrodescendants les racisées ne compte sont absolument invisible pour le pouvoir blanc qui nous gouvernent et qui s'occupe de cette crise mais c'est la réalité elle est là et moi je ris je me sens en disant je le fais au château ce faux que les fruits aujourd'hui les choses sont très claires ma foi et ses amis mof aux français à plus forte raison nous tout ce qui se passe dans la colonie c'est de la faute des colonisés on a qu'à voir est-ce que pas trop non est-ce qu'on pourrait pas plutôt dire que macro se fiche complètement fin le gouvernement macro et mâcon lui-même se fiche complètement du peuple et particulièrement des invisibles ne des pauvres des pros mais ça ça va encore plus loin ça va encore plus loin parce qu'en fin de compte mccaw et ses amis sont d'utiliser le cône à virus comme éteint comme une arme de guerre parce que là quand on voit les mesures qui accompagnent les mesures sous les restrictions le déplacement les mesures sur les restrictions des libertés fondamentales les mesures restrictions au niveau des droits sociaux pour les travailleurs et les syndicats d'accord quand on cumule tout ça on se voit bien on voit bien qu'on est en train de ce sont des mesures qui agissent après la guerre mais sauf que là les bâtiments sont toujours intacts les ordinateurs sont toujours intactes et ono de l'accord national on va demander aux syndicats et aux travailleurs pas de vagues et c'est comme si on était on était dans un reset du système capitaliste et evo loyalistes une fois mise à zéro et on repart de plus belle pour les 50 ans à venir or en finale de compte ces gens-là conjointement 10 matt imac mais immat parce qu'ils ont une stratégie est la leur dette et cette stratégie s'est redonné du souffle au système capitaliste et colonialiste pour qu'ils puissent repartir de plus belle pour les 50 fois pour les saints les 100 prochaines années et donc c'est pour ça qu'il est c'est pour ça que pour revenir sur ta question précédente c'est pour ça que ce qu'un syndicat comme les jets tg a toute sa place dans ce débat là il s'agit pas de critiquer pour critiquer mais il s'agit de type non moment il ya des choses qui doivent être faites pour sauver le maximum de personnes et ces choses là passe par le renforcement des moyens le renforcement des services publics voilà et l'arrêt du démantèlement du service public les moyens en personnel en finance et cetera en logistique pour faire face à cette pandémie et c'est pour ça que dans les entreprises nous avons demandé à tous nos camarades qui sont entre guillemets obligés de travailler dans des secteurs essentiels il vous faut avoir au minimum les équipements de sécurité de base les masques les gants ce qu'il faut pour quoi vous puissiez travailler si vous n'avez pas ça toi de votre droit de retrait parce qu'à part du moment vous a tapé sur ce virus mais vous ne savez pas parce qu'on dit ils attaquent principalement les personnes âgées ou bien les personnes qui ont des pathologies annexes et beynost il ya un petit de cinq ans qui va aux états unis en angleterre une petite fille de 12 ans d'origine africaine qui est mort en belgique et il ya un jeune de 28 ans et qui m'ont enfin si les lits d'hôpitaux sont remplis de gens qui entraîne des morts aux etats unis aux états unis voilà donc le virus si il peut tuer tout le monde même si même si il est particulièrement virulent chez les personnes âgées ou des personnes qui ont des pathologies annexes en quoi ce type de questions de gestion s'inscrit dans une trajectoire historique du rapport de la métropole à la guadeloupe et y at il d'autres exemples afin d exemple de pandémies non mais je parle de la conséquence je crois que l'état français l'état français on est on est on est on est dans une les conséquences sont les mêmes que si on est dans une guerre dans une vraie guerre alors une vraie guerre avec des bombes et des mots ça veut dire vous repartez sur le plan économique et social br vous repartez quasiment à zéro et ce que va faire le gouvernement et ce qu'est en train de faire le gouvernement c'est le chercher a dit aubert mettons nous tous ensemble c'est ce qu'a ouvriers kapitalis chefs d'entreprises élus mettons nous tous ensemble pour reconstruire le pays et démantelé toujours un peu plus voilà d'accord et donc non revendiquée pas et puis un bon et puis on va trouver des syndicats pour 0,10 d'accord mais non on l'a déjà dit non et j'étais j'ai pas d'accord pas d'accord et donc nous allons continuer à en revendiquer mais continue à revendiquer quand c'est notre rôle de dire non cette situation ce n'est pas de notre faute ce ne sont pas les travailleurs qui doivent en payer le prix rappelons nous rappelons nous des manifestations de gilet jaune dans les pressions contre les gilet jaune rappelons les mobilisations contre la réforme des retraites la répression comme téléphone de retraite et de nous dire qu'il faut 25 milliards pour équilibrer le régime de retraite et que de toutes les façons falloir tout celui des 25 milliards et même pas une semaine après le début de la pandémie monsieur le maire trouve près de 5 milliards ou les entreprises on se fout de la gueule de qui donc c'est pour ça que nous disons autre thème de la santé d'ailleurs et rien te fais tout à fait donc donc c'est pour ça que nous disons au travail et au non la lutte continue nous le coronavirus est un mauvais moment à passer nous devons faire attention faire les gestes barrière prendre les précautions d'usagé et cetera et cetera et cetera mais surtout pas mettre nos revendications dans nos poches non ce que cherche le système capitaliste et colonialiste c'est bien évidemment nous terroriser nous terroriser et nous domestiqué et donc il est hors de question que nous étions ni à la terreur ni hao tentative de domestication c'est d'ailleurs pas pour rien que le porte-hélicoptères qui arrive dans vos biens c'est une aberration résilience il annonce en fait de résilience qui est fait à tout le monde pour ne pas contester les décisions qui ont pas fait tout à fait et donc oui ccpo non-dits aux quelque part de toutes les façons les chaussures comme ça je ne pouvons pas être autrement donc tous mettons nous en sommes et bien évidemment celui ou celle qui osera dire autre chose que ce discours là mais il sera mis au pilori comme on dit enfin en français le cloud qui déplace appelle le marteau et ça me fait penser aux discours après les les attentats en france absolument ouais c'est soit vous étiez charlie soit vous étiez pas joli ça faisait tient un potentiel terroriste voilà dans là parce que il vous était charlie et si vous osiez dire que vous n'étiez pas joli même si vous condamniez et les attentats mais vous étiez un potentiel terroriste à on est en train petit à petit de chercheurs s'acheminer vers ce discours-là de ce discours à ce soit vous êtes pour la compote nationale et la résilience mais autrement vous êtes quelqu'un que vous êtes un mauvais vous êtes en train de critiquer la nation alors que nous devons être dans une conformation talent pour la résurrection non non non non non que chacun système capitaliste qui nous fait qu'ils nous tuent voilà voilà la série z il est tout à fait et donc nous ont dit très clairement non on n'est pas dans cette logique là du tout du tout du tout du tout il est hors de question que tout ça se fasse sur le dos des travailleurs donc par exemple notre mode autres poules l'histoire des cons gilles afférents sauteurs en prennent des congés dans le cadre des fermetures d'entreprise ou bien du confinement chez nous le mot donne il est très simple confinement oui mais on ne touche pas aux congés les travailleurs euros les congés les travailleurs soient ils sont également afin soit le confinement est également payé par l'employeur ou au pire ou le salarié est en congé maladie mais les eaux de question que nous puissions paie quoi que ce soit parce qu'aujourd'hui on voit bien arriver on voit bien arriver monsieur le maire et ses amis et c'est encore une fois passé le droit syndical casser les droits sociaux et au nom de cette concorde nationale hébert et bbb mettons nous en sommes patronat salariés syndicats ils étaient tous eu avant voilà et tous ceux gdg ils vont avoir qui vont avoir un disque ou au contraire ce sont les érotiques de la nation mais ça on est habitué on va on va on a su en assume très bien ce rôle là bas niveau blême ce détricotage sait déjà ce qu'il avait fait avec le code du travail qu'ils ont sabré il a fait un justicier au nom aucune national économique de tout mais à le sabre est encore plus et bien et pourquoi pas ne pas faire comme après les lois d'urgence après les attentats aux formes et les joies les doigts d'urgence au droit commun absolument oui parce que là là ils prennent des décisions ils prennent des décisions au nom de l'urgence sanitaire et quel temps quelques mois un litre en somme c'est une charge sanitaire at war commun ils l'ont déjà fait ils sont tous parlaient de deux il ont déjà avec les lois d'urgence rogner considérablement les libertés publiques et privées et là avec cette crise sanitaire il ajoute un pas supplémentaire c'est le contrôle des corps et ça c'est quelque chose les corps contre un tout compte fait c'est quelque chose de nouveau mais qui va certainement rester et qu'un jour ou l'autre pour x raisons économiques et parce que le système en aura besoin le système capitaliste libéral en aura besoin on va se retrouver avec des contraintes de décors tout à fait enfin tout à fait et notre jour que le gouvernement il à avenches de façon subtile il fait en sorte que trois mêmes citoyens confiné oppressé et opprimé par l'absence de décision où les volumes et les mauvaises décisions qui relèvent de sa responsabilité mais arrives à te pour ces trois mêmes a demandé plus de répression plus de deux au film en est donc c'est en ce sens que c'est particulièrement vicieux et machiavélique aujourd'hui mais il ya des gens qui font qu'ils vendaient au hockey nous sommes d'accord pour la restriction des des libertés fondamentales à ce que et puis même dénoncé leurs voisins qui est sorti pour aller faire un petit truc au bord du chemin pendant ces minutes on va arriver à ça va alors que la première est la première responsabilité de la situation dans laquelle nous sommes c'est l'étape vous imaginez cinquième puissance mondiale vous n'avez pas de masque et c'est aujourd'hui que vous commandez les masses de la cinquième puissance mondiale vous vous êtes dans le dans le g7 à rome à davos tous les ans avec trump et des autres et vous n'avez pas être obligés de commander des tests vous est la cinquième puissance mondiale vous n'avez pas de respirateur etc les allemands comment ils font alors comment ils font les allemands le voisin d'à côté comment il a fait eh bien non mais il n'a pas démanteler son système de santé et il anticipé il anticipé il a équipé aussi bien les laboratoires privés que publics que les vétérinaires des matériels dernier cri pour faire les analyses qui s'est organisée pour faire des milieux de test chaque jour la france faisait appel à peine mille tonnes par jour alors que la corée du sud faisait 24 min par jour et aujourd'hui on attend des vents qui nous dit oui ici la fête du mois d'avril on arrivera à faire ces quatre mille tests c'est pas maintenant mais bien évidemment mieux vaut tard que jamais à nous aimer tonnes/an nous aimer atom cette phrase-là à chauffer on aurait dû entendre cette phrase dans janvier et éviter des situations dramatiques tout à fait est bon et on comprend bien que sept gouvernements de bricoleur parce que comment pouvez vous expliquer que la ministre de la santé madame buzet à l'époque mais un plein tomates duo kona views on la voit à l'amérique paris qu'est ce que c'est que ça c'est comme s'ils veulent tuer un général tu es général à bonn un abandon de poste en parce que c'est une désertion ou bien cesser la cour martiale je sais pas non mais non pour moi non ces gens là n'ont pas pris la mesure de la et de la situation et jose carlos et lé sport qui sont simplement entre eux et qui met une bonne des propos idiots au commode et pas plus que ça tu disais dans un entretien que si les guadeloupéens recouvrait une pleine souveraineté sur leurs terres et ça nous intéresse particulièrement avec le travail qu'on fait depuis plusieurs années la crise ne serait pas gérer de cette façon comment selon moi un gouvernement souverain gèrerait cette crise eo2 à répondre et aux problèmes sociaux rencontrés par le peuple guadeloupéen mais nous sommes dans une situation désastreuse toutes les décisions doivent être prises et validé par paris avant je suis désolé toutes les îles de la caraïbe dès qu'ils ont vu pointer le virus aux états unis ou bien un peu partout dans le monde ils ont commencé à prendre des décisions sur les restrictions dans l'eau au port et dans leurs aéroports et mettre en place des contrôles vous allez regarder la liste des différents pays de la grève et c'est le plus petit que nous d'ailleurs vous allez vous verrez le nombre de cas est le nombre de décès eh bien nous sommes devant le nombre de cas et un nombre de décès sauf sauf porto rico je crois et et santo domingo mais autrement toutes les îles de la caille qui ont pris des mesures de restriction frontières de contrôles sanitaires aux frontières et ben tout c est là ont des taux beaucoup plus bas que l'on sait le bon sens c'est le bon sens suez une île donc tu es vulnérables la première chose que tu fais tu dois contrôler les entrées et les sorties sur un territoire aux lorsque nous avons mal joué c'est pour ce à quoi tous ces jours ci on a fait beaucoup de courrier le 27 février en aiguille au préfet à la rs et aux autorités en leur dit écoutez tu as quelqu'un et décide de semaine on en aura les premiers cas il faut absolument mettre un contrôle sanitaire sur le pop soul ayo pour rien du tout on a vu des milliers de personnes descendent des bateaux prendre le bateau et descendre du bateau notamment venant d'italie et boules pour les croisiens m a été fait pour ni arrêter les croisières ni contrôler tous ces gens là sur le plan sanitaire et comme je le disais précédemment cerise sur le gâteau on organise la campagne électorale et en organise les élections municipales donc un pays normal alors un une guadeloupe indépendante et souveraine non entre guillemets jamais on nous ait fait une telle accumulation de bêtises et donc en finale le compte le mot note du préfet cité de nous répéter inlassablement ce que disait pas barria 10,1 pour l'instant on ne ferme pas les yeux pour vraiment fait pas les impôts pour l'instant on ne ferme pas le bon pour l'instant eh bien on fait les élections donc tout ce que paris dit on obéit au doigt et à l'oeil sauf que paris est à 7000 km et que la guadeloupe est un archipel t-il été et je veux insister sur ça parce que j'ai vu quelque chose de très intéressant notamment dans le contexte lorsque c'est l'une des régions où le rap et le personnel soignant très sollicité on a vu des des malades acheminés vers la suisse on a vu des malades acheminés vers l'allemagne et pourtant touché autant touchés on a vu des malades prennent le tgv pour aller de l'autre côté de la france notamment à bordeaux on a vu les hélicoptères transportant des malades dans d'autres villes on a vu des groupes à hauteur de l'armée de l'air transportait des malades dans d'autres régions de la france on a vu également un bateau militaire aller chercher des malades en cause ou les emmener à marseille mais nous on n'ira nulle part on ne va nulle part la guadeloupe et a eu sept mille kilomètres de la france c'est pas dominique que nous irons ils ont leurs problèmes à gérer c'est pas à cuba et au venezuela comme na ils ont leurs problèmes à gérer et donc encore une fois les politiques mises en oeuvre en france à paris et à bruxelles ne tiennent nullement compte de notre réalité et politique ni économique ni sociale ni culturelle ni historique et c'était là exigeant et donc c'est pour ça que pour nous ce moment le confinement doit être également un moment de réflexion de réflexion sur nos modes de vie notre de réflexion sur notre notre relation avec la france et pour bien bien pour que nous puissions dire qu'un certain moment il faut absolument que nous puissions prendre en main notre destinée à aujourd'hui aujourd'hui les décisions qui viennent de paris ne sont pas des décisions qui tienne compte du bon sens et de la réalité politique économique et sociale culturelle historique dans nos différents pays écoute tu as quelque chose à ajouter ben simplement le dire à tout le monde de faire attention de prendre faire attention puisque au début on nous disait les mars ses pas ne sais pas c'est pas utile l'académie de médecine il faut mettre de masse comme les coréens les chinoises je crois aussi que le temps en temps il faut écouter ce que disent les chinois et les coréens ouais surtout dans des situations comme ça qu'ils ont à affronter qu'ils ont déjà affrontées dans le passé donc de faire très attention et de prendre soin des personnes âgées de les mettre à l'abri et puis surtout de continuer à exiger dans les entreprises vont mettre des moyens de sécurité exigé que le gouvernement met à disposition les moyens les tests le les démasquer tous qu'il faut parce qu' il ne peut pas avoir de déconfinement sans moyens sans moyens parce que autrement c'est la deuxième manche la deuxième manche du virus la vie oui s'il est là il attend une chose est sûre pendant leur confinement va y avoir une stabilisation est peut-être une baisse du nombre de cas puisque les relations sociales et en diminue automatiquement les contacts sont diminués les contaminations deux vrais de vrais le nombre de contaminations deux suivent mais ça ne veut pas dire que le viol n'est pas là donc continuer à exiger qu'ils aient des masques qui est des blues qui est des gantiers des moyens qui est des traitements des traitements notamment ceux de l'institut ensuite à l'universitaire de moselle et qui est des tests des tests et des moyens justement ça ne peut aller ça doit aller avec avec le de confinement est aujourd'hui étant donné que le gouvernement n'a pas été clairvoyants n'a pas tout ça il maintient le confinement et continue à culpabiliser les citoyens espérons espérons que cette crise sanitaire économique sociale grave pour notamment pour l'ensemble du monde est pour nos territoires le colonisé toujours colonisés espérant que ce sera peut-être aussi un moyen de faire prendre conscience aux gens qu'il est très très important et encore plus peut-être maintenant et après cette crise de lutter pour le droit à la souveraineté sur nos terres pas seulement alimentaire mais aussi tout concrètes sur l'internet au mot territoire tout à fait tout à fait d'autres fashion c'est quelque chose qu'il faut qu'il faut avoir en ligne de mire est peut-être passé le braquet supérieur pour lutter lutter vraiment de fortes de forte manière contre ce colonialisme qui n'a jamais cessé de nous tuer dans ces territoires dans cette ère est contre ce système capitale le libéral qui assassine en fait qui assassine fait doucement pendant bien à décider de qui va mourir dans les dents les autres par manque de moyens c'est le summum enfin c'est une des étapes supplémentaires de l'horreur de ce quelques procure que provoque le capitalisme libéral d'affaires tout à fait et puis pour revenir à l'une de tes questions initiales c'est peut-être aussi le change de la puissance du dixmude la nauze aux écoutes merci elie hockey la fondation est heureux tant que remercie profondément c'est moi vers toi après ok ça dépend de combien de temps c'est dur et je vais le lire en créole en ou continuer lutter oui sa great oeuvres à la gay et nous confiner mais nous pas condamnés nous confie ne pas consigner lite est absolument nous lutter et pas money toujours tous les goûts ok à bientôt
The biggest game-changers in the last decade have been smart devices and the internet for sure. Can you even think of a time when we didn't have those? And as I look to the future it will be more data across more platforms. So think about communication and images and how we commute will be different and even how we make purchases will be different. And all of that world will explode and it's super exciting. for me it has really been following my intuition and that came about by reinventing myself. So I was in finance and now i'm in technology sales and so the courage and the persistent curiosity and questions is really what led me to do that. And as technology changes so fast I do think that is a key ingredient in success.
[MUSIC PLAYING] DAVID J. MALAN: So odds are you use a computer most every day, but you might not necessarily think of yourself as a computer person. Something goes wrong, you don't necessarily know how to fix it. And if you actually want to solve some problem using technology, the whole world of technology, and computing, and algorithms and all of that might seem all quite foreign. So much so that you can't necessarily feel like you're making an informed decision. Well, that's just because the technology that we all use around us is kind of working at this level. Whereby there's so many people who have come before us that have invented this level, and this level, and this level, and this level. And so what we'll do here is try to start from that ground level up. And indeed, at the base of all computing, do we really have, as we'll see, just zeros and ones? And that's probably something you know, at least, generally speaking. But it turns out once you go have zeros and ones, can you very quickly go to text? Can you go to graphics? Can you go to videos? Can you go to spreadsheets? Can you go to so much more? But again, that's the world we now inhabit. But let's now build ourselves up to that point, so that you actually begin to look around yourselves and realize, oh, I understand now, what's going on. And to do that, let's consider this, computational thinking, which really refers to thinking computationally. Thinking more methodically, thinking more carefully, and somehow framing all problems in the world as a sequence of steps. And those steps are quite simply, input comes in, and output goes out. And what's in between those inputs and outputs we'll eventually describe as something called algorithms, but for now, let's just consider it to be this black box. We don't know, we don't care what's going on inside there. All that we care is that we get back a correct output or a solution to a problem. But how do we go about representing those inputs and outputs? If our problem at hand is to analyze a whole bunch of financial data, a whole bunch of numbers in a spreadsheet, how can we actually sum all of those numbers together, or perform some other arithmetic calculation on them? If we instead have a really big document, a contract of some sort. And we want to make sure that it is properly spellchecked? Well, the input there isn't numbers, but is all of the words and letters in that document. And the output, we hope, is a document without all of those little red squigglies. We want a correctly spelled document. So those are just some of the problems that you might experience most any day, but underneath the hood, there's quite a bit of complexity going on. But that complexity, it turns out, is just the result of layering, pretty simple ideas, one on top of another. But in order to get to that point in the discussion, we need to somehow represent these inputs, these numbers, these letters, whatever it is that we have at hand. And to do that, we're going to use binary. Now odds are you've probably heard that computers indeed only speak or understand zeros and ones. But how can that possibly be, when they can do so much today, whether they're on our desktops, or laptops or even our mobile phones in our pockets, if all you have at the end of the day is zeros and ones? How could you possibly count to two, let alone three, or four, or four billion, let alone representing any number of other types of media that computers today understand? Well, odds are you recognize in this word here, this prefix, bi, bi meaning two, and indeed that hints at the fact that you only have two letters in your alphabet, so to speak. Two digits, zero and one. Now we humans have typically grown up using the decimal system, dec meaning 10. And of course we have 0,1, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 possible digits that we can permute and arrange to count even higher than that. But with just zeros and ones, how do you get to two, how do you get to three? Well, you're thinking still in base 10, so to speak, base 10 being decimal. But we want to think now in base 2, so to speak, binary, where we have just two of these inputs. And let me propose that if you're like me, you probably grew up understanding numbers as really just this pattern of symbols like this, where each symbol was in a column of sorts, a placeholder, if you will. And this, if you recall, was generally called the ones place, and then the tens place, and then with the hundreds place. And so at the moment, what we really just have on the screen is a pattern of symbols, a pattern of digits, one, two, three. But why is this pattern of symbols, one, two, three, the number you and I think of immediately as 123? Well, that's because by way of these columns or places do we implicitly, in our own mind, quickly do a bit of arithmetic? Of course, if we have one, two, three, that's really like 100 times 1 plus 10 times 2 plus 1 times 3, and of course that gives us 123. So it turns out that the binary system is actually fundamentally the same. So if you get decimal, if you've been counting like that since grade school, you are good to go now with binary, because in fact and arguably, binary is even simpler, because you don't even have to keep track of so many digits. In fact, if we consider this pattern of symbols, this of course, in our human world, would generally be immediately recognized by us humans as the number zero. Of course, it's a little silly to have those left most zeros, those leading zeros, so to speak, because they don't really add much mathematically. But that's OK. You can put as many zeros to the left of a number in our real world and it doesn't really affect the value. Now instead of using one and 10 and 100, let me just use one, two, and four. Now why those values? Well before, 1, 10, 100, and again a thousand, 10,000, 100,000, and so forth. Those are powers of 10, 10 to the zero is 1, 10 to the one is 10, 10 to the two is 100, and so forth. So what pattern do you perhaps see here? These aren't powers of 10 anymore, 1, 2, 4, an 8, 16, 32. Now you really hear the pattern? These are instead powers of two. Two to the zero is one, two to the one is two, two to the two is four, and so forth. So that's the only change. By using base 10, just two digits, zero and one, can we still count using the same arithmetic system. So for instance, this of course is still the number zero, because we have zero fours, and zero twos, and zero ones. But if we instead change this pattern to 0 0 1, well what value does this now represent? In the world of decimal, this would represent the number one. And that's true in the world of binary, because we have 4 times 0 plus 2 times 0 plus 1 times 1, which of course is just 1. So how do we get to two? You might be inclined to just change this zero to a one, but that would be incorrect. That's like carrying the one, but then not wrapping around on the rightmost digit. Rather, if we want to represent the number two, we need to come up with a pattern that represents that. So let me propose instead that we don't just change that zero to a one, but we also change that one to zero. Because now we have 4 times 0 plus 2 times 1 plus times 0 which of course is the number we know as 2. And now you can perhaps grok the pattern at hand. If we want to count up to the number we know as three, let's just change that rightmost one to a one. So that's four times 0 plus 2 times 1 plus 1 times 1. That of course is three. Four is perhaps jumping out at you now. We just change that zero to a one, and then the other two digits to zeros. And now if we want to count up to five, or to six, or to seven, or to-- dang it, what's supposed to come next? It would seem that in the binary system, we can only count as high as-- what, seven? And that's a little strange, because of course, we started at zero, we counted here up to seven, but surely computers can count higher than that. And that's fine, just need another digit. Much like if we wanted to count from 999, in our human decimal world, up to a thousand, which has four digits. Similarly here, do we need another digit? We need an eights place, and so we could represent the number we know as eight with one, zero, zero, zero. But the key here is that we needed another digit. To put it more mechanically, we needed more hardware. We needed another physical place, at least in this depiction, to actually store that one. And now we begin already to hint at a connection between this digital world of zeros and ones, and the hardware world in which it's typically incarnated. And by that, I mean, we need to decide, ultimately, how and where to store patterns like this. And you know the nice thing about binary only having two values, is that that effectively, means you have just two states. And you might think of these two states as something being on, or something being off. And maybe we might think of something being on as a one, and something being off as a zero. And so just with two states, can we have these two extremes. And maybe it's not on or off, maybe it's true, or false, or black, or white, or red, or blue. It doesn't even matter what we call the two states, the key is that we have two of them. And you know In the physical world, the simplest thing I can think of to turn on and off, is perhaps something like this. Just a light bulb. This here's a little desk lamp, and in fact, if I go ahead and clip this on here, and let me plug this into an electrical outlet so that I'm getting some additional input if you will, electricity or electrons, this lamp right now I claim is representing the number zero. It's completely off, and I'm just going to agree, to agree with you, that this shall represent zero. But you know what, if I want to represent a one in the physical world, just going to turn it on. And so now we have something that's on, or true, we'll call that a one. Zero, one. Of course, we're not really counting all that high just yet. If I want to count higher than zero to one, to something higher, I'm going to need another light bulb. I'm going to need more hardware, more memory, if you will, in the world of computers. So let's actually now give myself a second zero or one. Plug this thing in here. Give it some electricity as well, which again, is really one of the few physical resources we have in a computer, whether it's coming from a power cord or a battery. And so now, if I want to represent the number zero, here we are. But I'm doing it really with zero zero. This now is going to be one, this now is going to be two, and this, of course, is going to be three. And let's not stop there. Why have two desk lamps when you can have three desk lamps. If we instead make a little more room for here, and we want to instead now count not just as high as three. Let me go ahead and plug-in this third and final desk lamp, and go ahead and turn this on. And of course, we instantly go from three to-- not quite instantly because you have the hands-- to the number four. And so forth. So what's now the connection between the digital and the sort of analog world of light bulbs, and the physical world of computers? Well inside of a computer is a whole bunch of tiny, tiny little bulbs, so to speak. In fact, you can think of what's inside of your computer is exactly this. So many little light bulbs that are either on or off. And thanks to those little light bulbs, can your computer represent numbers? Zero, one, two, three, four, as many-- as high of a number as it wants so long as it has enough little lights. Now of course I'm oversimplifying. It's not actually lights that you have inside of your computer, rather, you have just the switches. These switches being called in the computing world transistors, as you may have heard. Indeed, one of the things that companies like Intel are increasingly doing, is packing more and more transistors into their CPUs, central processing units. The brains of computers. And with those additional transistors, can they store even more values, or equivalently can they count even higher? And so now, even though we began the discussion down here with just zeros and ones in the abstract, now we've made it a little more physical, in so far as we can represent those zeros and ones with something physical, drawing electricity to power these kinds of light bulbs. Of course, we can now miniaturize that and consider these light bulbs to really be, what we'll call in the computer world, transistors. But at the end of the day, even though we have now a way of representing information, the zeros and ones, even though we have a way now of representing even bigger numbers by using even more transistors inside of our computer, we're still talking only about numbers. And with my computer I want to do more than just use something like Microsoft Excel. I want to do more than just do math on my data. I want to actually store things like letters, and words. Let alone, colors, and images, and videos, and more. So we need to abstract higher. So again zeros and ones, we know how to represent it, now let's build on top of the zeros and ones and start to represent something more interesting. Something more alphabetical, if you will. And so this gives us ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, or more modernly referred to as a superset of Unicode. Turns out, human some time ago, decided on a mapping between letters and numbers. Somewhat arbitrarily, but in a way that's convenient when it comes to actually programming, things like this. And this is to say that humans time ago decided, you know what, we are going to represent the letter A using the decimal number 65. Now what does that mean? Well, this means that if your computer is to store the letter A, or the letter B, or the letter C, it simply has to store ultimately the number 65, or 66, or 67. What does it mean to store number like 65, 66, or 67? Well that just means to store some pattern of bits, some pattern of bulbs as we did a moment ago, and turn them on and off in such a way that you're representing in binary, the decimal number 65, 66, 67. So if you think about something like Microsoft Word or Google documents, or any program in which you type text, what you're really doing by typing on the keyboard, is sending some pattern of signals that's telling the computer to store not just the letter ABC per se, but really to store the number 65 or 66 or 67, or really, to store the pattern of zeros and ones that ultimately represent those same values. So again, this spirit of layering binary now becomes ASCII, or Unicode, something higher still. And so with this can we represent messages? For instance, if I wanted to represent a message like this, a familiar message, there say, I might store these three values. 72, 73, and 33. Now what is that? Well turns out if I look back at this pattern here, where 65 is A, and in tens 72 is H, and 73 is I, well what are we really representing here? It would seem we're representing the pattern H I, and then you wouldn't know this from that chart, but if you look at another online reference you'll see a 33 is an exclamation point. So now we have the word Hi or the exclamation Hi. But that's in the context of a text editor, or word processor like word. Suppose, instead, you were using not a text editor, but something like Photoshop, or MS Paint, or some other graphical program. Well instead, you might have that same pattern of numbers, or really bits at the end of the day, but in this context, something like Photoshop, these numbers are meant to be values between 0 and 255. Turns out, long story short, that if you have eight zeros or ones, where zero or one, you know what, let's just start calling them by their formal name bits for binary digits. If you have eight bits, you can count from 0 all the way up to 255. And the quick math there is 2 to the 8, means you have 256 possible permutations of zeros and ones. So therefore, if you start counting at zero you can count as high up as 255. And so in the context of a graphics program, you can think of 72 in so far as it's not quite halfway between zero and 255, it's a medium amount of red and a medium amount of green. Not too much blue. Where zero means none of this color, and 255 means a lot of this color. So if you had a pattern of bits, and in-turn numbers, stored inside of your computer for the purposes of a graphics program, it's really like telling the computer give me a medium amount of red, give me a minimum amount of green and just a little bit of blue, and combine those like paint, or like frequencies of light., until you get the summation of those, really, are the combination really of those, which is this murky shade here of yellow. So again, using the same patterns of bits, can we represent either letters and words and paragraphs, or in another context all together, could that same pattern of bits still represent numbers, but be interpreted not as letters and words and paragraphs, but as colors. If you treat each trio of 8 bits as representing some amount of red, some amount of green, some amount of blue, otherwise known as, if you've heard the term, RGB, for red, green, blue. So this principle of starting simple, and gradually making things more and more and more complicated, is really a principle of abstraction. Because at this point in the story, when we're talking about words and paragraphs and essays and documents, or in another context we're talking about images, or maybe even movies and more, we no longer really need to care about, or even need to know about, or understand, what's underneath the hood those zeros and ones, because we've abstracted away from that lower level. And this principle of abstraction, layering idea on idea on idea on idea such that you no longer need to worry about how the lower level ideas are implemented is nice, because it allows us humans to focus only on the problems we really care about, which in theory are those top most problems. The ones that are immediately at hand, that we're building solutions to, on the shoulders of, computer scientists, and engineers, and just colleagues that have come before us. And we don't have to get lost in the weeds, so to speak, of the earlier complexity. And so this is a powerful problem solving technique, and indeed it's a principle that we'll see applied ultimately in the world of programming as well. Now let's try something. Speaking of abstractions, let me encourage you at this point to take out a piece of paper if you have one there. And surely, if you don't have one right there, surely you could pause this video and actually go dig one up. Grab a pencil too, or pen. Yeah, Ill wait. Now you could just pause this, I can't wait all that long. Let's assume at this point in the story you've got that piece of paper, and a pencil or a pen, and let's play a little game. I of course can't really see what you're doing. But I'm going to hope that you either do or don't do what I do, because either way it will be instructive. And I'm going to leverage some abstractions here, for better or for worse. I want you to go ahead, and please don't be one of those people like me who's just following along pretending like all right, I have the piece of paper, I have the pencil, this is what I would be doing. Actually do this. This will be kind of fun for one of us in the end, if this works out. Go ahead now, on that piece of paper, with your pen or pencil, and go ahead and just draw a circle. OK. All right. And below that circle draw a square. All set. All right, and below that square draw a triangle. Now odds are, you know exactly what I meant when I said draw a circle, and perhaps you did a little something like this. Or a little more perfect than my circle there. And then beneath that I said draw a square. And you just intuitively know what a square is, so you might have drawn a square like this. And then the third thing I said was draw a triangle. And so you might have drawn a triangle that looks like this. But immediately, ant that looks curiously like part of a jack-o-lantern now. But curiously, there's some ambiguity there. Right, a circle is kind of a circle, but I didn't specify the radius or diameter, so maybe yours is bigger, maybe yours a smaller, maybe it's over here on your paper, maybe it's over there on your paper. So already, these abstractions are useful in that you immediately knew what to draw, but you didn't really know how to draw it. Similarly, this square, I don't know why I drew it a little smaller here, but it's indeed smaller, and it's barely a square. But it's meant to be a square. But there's a gap between it and the circle, but I didn't really specify. So there, too, the abstraction is valuable in that you immediately knew how to draw a square, but not where to draw it. Or in what size to draw it. And lastly, the triangle, perhaps the most, the juiciest opportunity for ambiguity, I didn't tell you how to orient that triangle. Maybe you, instead, did something a little different, where your triangle wasn't drawn like that, with the pointy part at the bottom. Maybe you, instead, did something like this. Or maybe it was somewhere else on the paper altogether. So now at this point in the story, you could have followed my instructions exactly as I described, but we could still somehow come up with different solutions. And in fact, if I can now spoil what the actual task at hand was, this was the picture I was describing. This picture here has a circle, below which is a square, below which is a triangle. But that leaves out some key details. And the curious thing here, is that even though abstraction is a useful mechanism, once you start to move away from those implementation details, if you will, you very quickly realize that I don't really know what you're telling me to do, necessarily. And the challenge is, that computers, as complicated or intimidating as they might seem to you, they're really not all that bright. Right. They can only do what they are explicitly told to do. And so if you, the human, or you eventually perhaps, the programmer, don't actually specify absolutely precisely what you want the computer-- or the human in this case-- to do, you might not get the output, or the correctness of a solution, that you're hoping for. In fact, let's try one other, and let's see what the other extreme might feel like. So on that same piece of paper, maybe on the flip side or another sheet of paper, let's play this game just one more time. And this one's going to be a little harder. I'm going to try to tell you exactly what to do. So lesson learned, that was too abstract. Let's now drill down on the implementation details. OK. So let me think like a computer might, or I think a computer might, go ahead and put your pen or pencil down on the piece of paper toward the top middle of the page. Now from that point, move say Southwest to halfway down the piece of paper. So really at a 45 degree downward angle. And then go ahead and move south east, or a different 45 degree angle, toward the bottom of the page. So you've kind of sort of made the left half of a triangle, or not really that, 2/3 of a triangle, two sides of a triangle. But stay where you are. At this point in the story your pen is probably below your original dot. But you've drawn two lines that form an angle. From where your pen now is, draw a line Northeast, or in an upward and to the right 45 degree angle, to the same height as your previous line. And then double back and go say Northwest, or a different 45 degree angle, still back to the original point. And at this point in the story, you have really either nothing at all, or you have a diamond. And therein lies a curiosity too. I could have just said diamond, draw a diamond, or draw a kite. Which would be an equivalent shape. But that too lends itself to same ambiguity, so I drill down deeper. But my God, it's taken us just a minute or more just to get to this point. And we're not done yet. We're not drawing a diamond or a kite. Now you have a diamond or a kite, with a top vertex or point, a bottom one, a left and a right. Move your pen to the left one, and draw a vertical line down. Now go back to the diamond or the kite, and on the right vertex or point, draw similarly a vertical line down. And now, in that original diameter kite, at the bottom most vertex or point, draw a vertical line down. And now, if you followed along with these very precise machine instructions, you've got three vertical lines that are just kind of dangling. I don't even want to mislead you with any hand gestures, three vertical lines that are dangling, go ahead and draw two lines that connect the ends of those three lines. Oh my God. Like it's so complex to do what we just did, and I would put money on the fact that you did not draw correctly, what I was trying to get you to draw, which is just a cube. Right, a cube is a wonderfully simple abstraction. A shape with which you and I are probably long familiar, and it's so easy to say draw a cube. But as we saw before with the circle and the square and the triangle, just saying draw a cube is ambiguous. At what angle should it be oriented? How big should it be? Where on the piece of paper should it be? And so I was trying to be so much more precise this time by having you put your pen down at the top, go down to the southwest and draw this line, then go down to the southernmost point here, then another Northeasternly line, and then a north westerly line. And that just got us to the kite. But the takeaway here, is that when it comes to making a computer do what you want to do, you can't just speak these abstractions. You actually have to implement them, or program them, or code them at least once. In fact, some of the earliest graphical programs in the world of computing, were kind of as low level as this. There was an old programming language called logo, in fact, that allowed you to program by moving a cursor, like a turtle of sorts, up and down and left and right on the screen. And putting either down or up a marker of sorts, and that you could draw shapes like this by just moving around on the screen. But to draw things like this clearly, as in our verbal example here, you have to be so darn precise. And it just gets so tedious so quickly. It certainly would take all of the fun out of using a computer, or all the fun out of using programming a computer, if you had to do this every time. But that's where there's an ingredient here to be leveraged. One of the things that a computer scientist, and a programmer, and engineers, more generally, very often do, is they absolutely implement these kinds of low level details once. They go through those very methodical, if mundane, steps of getting something just right. And then they save the instructions they wrote. They save the programs they wrote, if you will, so that they can reuse them later. And the fancy words for these things will eventually see are called libraries. Or functions. Or other names still. So once one human in the world has implemented a program, if you will, with which to draw a cube, similarly can we stand on his or her shoulders and reuse that same routine. And hopefully, they were clever enough to allow us to parameterize it. To customize it, by maybe changing the angle and the size and the depth and so forth. So it doesn't just have to be that one cube. And so here we have a wonderfully powerful problem solving technique. Abstraction. Which allows us to say what we mean, and the rest of the humans in the room just immediately understand-- at least after some instruction-- what it is we're talking about. But with computers being these very little literal devices, we can only talk at those levels of abstraction once we've actually built up software, implemented solutions to get us to that point in the conversation. And this is why, at first glance, using a phone in your pocket or a computer on your desk might actually seem super, super complicated. There's so many moving parts. And absolutely there are. Windows and Mac OS are literally the result of millions of lines of programming code these days, having been written over the years. And so of course it's to be expected that you might be a little daunted or overwhelmed by the apparent complexity. But one of the goals here for this lesson, is to really help you appreciate that beneath all that complexity, is a simpler idea. And then an even simpler idea. And then a very simple idea, and so forth. And so once you sort of bottom out and understand those first principles, zeros and ones, binary on top of which might be Ascii or Unicode, on top of which might be some other encoding still, can you resume the current conversation and understand that what might have looked completely complex at first glance, is really just the result of assembling, if you will, a whole bunch of pretty simple puzzle pieces. So at this point in the story, we now have a way of representing information. But now let's just stipulate. We know how to represent information. At the end of the day, Yeah it's binary, And at the end of the day you can think about it as decimal, and maybe you're using Ascii in Unicode, or maybe you're using graphics, or whatever is going on underneath the hood. All we need to know and care about now is that you can do it. And we don't really have to think too much more at that level. Now we can resume our look at the overarching model at hand, which is problem solving. We now have a way to represent our inputs and outputs. What then is inside that black box? Well the buzzword du jour these days is perhaps algorithms, where even if you don't necessarily know what it is or how to make one, or how to use one in the context of a computer program, algorithms seem to be increasingly the solution to all of our problems. Well an algorithm isn't all that complex, fancy though the word might sound, it's really just step by step instructions for solving a problem. And those steps can be in English, or they can be in something we'll call pseudo code, sort of code like but it's not really an actual language, or can be in Java, or C, or c++, or JavaScript, or any number of other programming languages. Algorithms are, again, just sets of instructions for solving a problem. Well what's one such problem we might want to solve? Well in the real world we might have-- the real old world shall we say-- we might have a problem that once upon a time looked like this. A phone book with a whole lot of pieces of paper inside of it, on which were a whole bunch of names and a whole bunch of telephone numbers. And the phone book was alphabetized from A to Z typically. And maybe there were some other sections like the yellow pages, or apparently the red pages, whatever this is here. But we'll just assume that these are the white pages, so to speak, with just a whole bunch of humans names and numbers. So suppose I want to find one such human, a human whom we'll call Mike Smith. How do you go about finding Mike Smith in this phone book? Well I could, somewhat stupidly, but arguably quite correctly, start at the beginning of the book. And I see here instructions for calling 911. If I move on to page two, I now see someone's names and numbers. But these people's names all start with A. And so I continue going through the A section. And the A section. And then eventually I get to the B section. And the B section. And the B section. And then the Cs, and the Ds and the Es and Fs and so forth. And eventually, tediously but correctly, I'll get to the Ss in the phone book. And if I see Mike Smith here, I can now pick up the phone and call Mike Smith. Now no one out there, if you've been still use this technology, is going to have looked up Mike Smith in that way. You're going to fly through this phone book far faster than I, right, you learned probably in grade school why count by ones when you can count by twos? So two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve. Sounds faster, is faster. It's going to get me to Mike faster, but is it going to get to me to Mike correctly? I'm going twice as fast by doing two pages at a time. So I'm going to have flip half as many times. But there's actually a bug, so to speak, a potential mistake here. What is that? Well in my cleverness to get to Mike's name twice as fast, what if I go ever so slightly too far, just because by bad luck, Mike is sandwiched between two of the pages that I so cleverly was skimming two at a time? Of course I'm looking at this side, maybe this side, but maybe Mike is in the middle. And so it turns out with that algorithm, that twosie approach, am I going to have to have a little bit of a check at the end? Such that if I hit like the T section, and see a name starting with T, I better wait a minute, let me double back, I might need to go back at most one page to make sure that I didn't actually miss Mike Smith. So at the end of the day, it's not correct if you naively just do two pages at a time, but it is correct if you do two pages at a time, with one final reversal by a page, just to make sure once you go past SMITH in the phone book, that you didn't accidentally miss Mike just one page prior. So it's still super fast, you just need that one little check. But still, no one out there, is going to look up Mike Smith one page at a time, two pages at a time. You're going to open in the middle of the damn phone book, look down and see, oh, not in the S section yet, I'm in the M section. And so what you intuitively know how to do since growing up perhaps, is that you know Mike is not in this half of the phone book. Mike is clearly in this half of the phone book. And so at this point you can figuratively-- but in our case literally-- tear the problem in half. Throw half of the problem away, and be left with, we single use phone book, and half at that, but half the size of the problem. So if we had 1,000 pages originally, now maybe I've got only 500 pages. And so I can repeat this intuition. Jump roughly to the middle. Darn, I'm a little too far now, I'm in the T section. Again, let's tear half the problem away, throw it away as well, and now be left with a 250 page problem, which can now be 125 page problem. Which is getting easier and easier and easier, until we repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Until theoretically, we're left with just one page in the end. Maybe Mike's on it, maybe Mike's not, but if he's in the phone book, he will be on this page. So how efficient was that. Well if that phone book had 1,000 pages, in my first algorithm it might have taken me what, like 700 plus steps to get to Mike? Or in the worst case 1,000 steps, right, it's alphabetical. But maybe it's not Smith, maybe it's someone with the last name that starts with Z. In the worst case in that first phone book, maybe it would take me 1,000 steps maximally to find Mike Smith. Pretty slow. What about that second algorithm where I was going two pages at a time? Well, with that algorithm, it's going to take me like 500 steps maximally to find Mike Smith. That's twice as fast, that's pretty good. It's not nearly as amazing as the algorithm we settled on. The intuitive one, arguably, where I divided and conquered. I have the problem again and again and again. Because if I start at 1,000, and I go to 500, then 250, then 125 and so forth, rounding as needed, I actually get to one page much faster. Put another way, how many times can you divide 1,000 in half before you're left with just the number one? Well if you do the math, either in one direction or the other, you'll see that it's roughly ten. In fact, if you want to pause even and grab a calculator, or a piece of paper, or pencil, or just think through it in your head, you can start with 1,000 and go to 500, 125, and so forth. And you'll eventually hit one, after just 10-- give or take, depending on how you round-- steps. That's pretty powerful. But not that big of a deal. Right. Ten still is like a lot of page turns. But what about an even bigger problem. The types of problems that Google, and Microsoft, and Facebook, and Oracle, and really big companies deal with that have lots and lots of data. Suppose, for instance, that I'm searching through not a phone book, but a database. A big program that stores lots and lots of data. And suppose the data that's being stored is still names and numbers. How much time might it take to find someone like Mike Smith, in a database that's got like 4 billion names and numbers in it somehow? Well, four billion names and numbers. Well if we use that first algorithm, might take as many as four billion steps to find Mike Smith in a really big database. In a really big computer program, that's not too smart. But if I instead use the twosie approach, flipping through two database records at once, maybe it's not 4 billion operations, maybe it's just 2 billion. That's good. That's half as many operations. But what if I use this super clever intuition that I kind of grew up with here, with that divide and conquer algorithm. Well, I can start with 4 billion database records, go to 2 billion, then 1 billion, then 500 million, 250 million, 125 million, and so forth. I'm getting to one much, much faster. In fact, I can only divide the number 4 billion in half, roughly 32 times total. Again, depending kind of sort of on how you round, but 32 times. 32 is so much smaller than 2 billion steps. And 32 is certainly smaller than the original starting point, 4 billion steps. So this is a really powerful problem solving technique to divide and conquer. And here, too, even though what computers might seem to be doing these days is super complicated and sophisticated-- and it is in many ways-- but some of the ideas that those computers and the programmers who program them are leveraging, are actually pretty familiar to us already. Inside of this black box might not be something super fancy, but just a clever adaptation of some of your grade school human intuition to the context of a computer program. Now it's one thing to talk about algorithms, especially if we're just spit balling it verbally. But computers, of course, need us to be more precise. And they need us to state our thoughts more methodically. So what does this mean? Well, let me propose that we write some code, or really pseudocode, for this same algorithm, where we're looking for someone like Mike Smith in a phone book. And it's pseudocode because it's not going to be Java, or c++, or JavaScript, or anything else. It's going to be English like syntax, that's kind of sort of like code. And before long, we'll see some actual code as well. But step zero, and just to be playful here, I'm not going to start counting at one, I'm going to start counting at zero, just because with any number of bits, or digits, the lowest number that I could count with is of course zero. Pick up phone book is the first thing that I did. One, open to the middle of the phone book is the second thing I did in that third and final algorithm. Look at the names was the next thing I did, looking down at that phone book. And then if Smith is among names, and notice, this is semantically different from those first three steps, because this expression starts with if. So this is kind of like the proverbial fork in the road, if Smith is among the names, let's do this. What do we want to do? Call Mike, that's great. Otherwise, or else if Mike is earlier in the book, let's go a different direction instead. Let's instead open to the middle of the left half of the book, all right. So that would be the left half that I threw away earlier, and then go back to step two. Because once I have opened to the middle of the left half of the book, I don't have to actually dramatically tear it. I now need to look for Mike's name again, as per step two. Else if Mike is later in the book, I actually want to open to the middle of the right half of the book, and then go back to step two as well. Now you might think that's everything to this program. But there's actually a remaining step. Indeed I've got room left on the screen for a remaining step or two, but there are more than three possibilities. One of them is that Mike is among the names, one of them is that Mike is to the left, the other is that Mike is to the right. What's the fourth? If I don't consider the fourth, and indeed if in a program I don't implement the fourth, my program might crash. My computer might hang. My computer might behave in an unpredictable way, because if the programmer wasn't so precise as to anticipate something that might happen, who knows what the computer might do. And indeed, that's often why your own computer might have a little spinning beachball, or icon, or it might crash outright or freeze. It's because something unanticipated happened. So let's be precise. There's a fourth and final scenario I can think of, which perhaps on your mind too, just quit. Because in the fourth scenario, if Mike's not among the names, and he's not to the left, and he's not to the right in the book, he must not be there. And so let's avoid just hanging infinitely somehow or other, by actually proactively deciding to quit. But now let's tease apart what some of these terms actually are now. So in yellow are some things that really just look like verbs, or actions. And we're going to call those statements, or more specifically functions, or procedures would be a reasonable synonym too. And each of these yellow terms is really a call to action for the computer to just do something unconditionally. But sometimes, we want that computer to do something conditionally, as evinced by these yellow terms now. If, and else if, and else and else, kind of paints the picture of a four-way fork in the road. Where each of these branches, or conditions, leads us to take different action. And you'll see that I've indented lines four and six and seven and nine and ten and twelve, because they are meant to happen only if lines three and five and eight and eleven, or eleven, actually applies. So those indentation kind of captures the logic of this program. Lastly, or second to last there is this. This is what we call a little more fancily, a Boolean expression. These yellow phrases here are kind of like questions. There are either yes no, or true false, or one and zero or any number of other binary terms. But these are questions we're asking. The answer to which is going to be true or false. Smith is among the names, true or false? Smith is earlier in the book, true or false? Smith is later in the book, true or false? And so these Boolean expressions, named after someone who the last name of Bool, long ago, is a way of having conditions take you in a different direction based on whether something is true or false. Three such examples there. And then, lastly, there's these two lines. On seven and ten there's this expression go back to step two, which is to induce a bit of cyclicity, right. You can sort of think about it visually if you go from step seven, or ten for that matter, back up to step two. This might happen again, and again, and again, if Mike is still to the left half, the left half, the left, as you're whittling down the phone book. And so we're going to induce, and induce, and induce potentially, this cycling or looping behavior. So these lines here now in yellow represent what a computer program might call a loop. Now these same English phrases we'll eventually see can be translated into Java, and c++, and JavaScript, and Python, and Ruby, and other languages still. But the key takeaway for us here today is one, the precision with which we specified these steps, two, the fact that there's this ordering, what happens after the other. The fact that there is these conditions, some only happen if something is true, and the fact that some of them can happen again, and again, and again, based on some kind of looping. But is this good? Like this is correct, and that of course, was one of our goals with the phone book, initially, was let's get it correct, and better still, let's get it correct and efficient. correct and fast. But how fast now is this? In fact, how do I put a number, of really a formula, on the performance of the algorithm so that I can claim that I am a good programmer, or I am a good problem solver? I've not only solved your problem correctly, but really, really well. Well let me propose that we analyze these three functions. Kind of in the abstract. We don't need actual arithmetic expressions here, per se. We'll just do things variably as follows. So here's a nice little Cartesian plane, with an x-axis of size of problem, and a y-axis of time to solve. And the farther out you go on size of problem, from left to right, means bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger bigger problem. And by bigger problem I mean more and more pages. More and more input, whatever the problem actually is. And then time to solve, is not very much time, lots of time. So on the y-axis too, the higher you go, the more time it takes to solve a problem, or really the slower it is to solve the problem. So let's now draw this red line here as a depiction of the first algorithms performance, or running time. Whereby, there is a one to one relationship between size and time. A one to one relationship between number of pages, and maybe number of page turns, or seconds, or whatever your unit of measure happens to be. So that if I have a phone book of this size, this dot here on the red line is how many seconds, or page turns it takes me to find it. And there's a linear relationship there, as implied by this variable-- as we'll call it-- as in algebra. n for number of pages, for instance. It's linear in so far as Verizon, if the phone company like Verizon increases the number of pages in the phone book just buy one next year, a few more people move into town so they add one more page to the phone book. That might take one additional page turn to find someone like Mike, or anyone else in that phone book if Verizon just adds a page. Or if they doubled the number of pages, it might double the amount of time it takes to find someone. There's a linear relationship between the two. Now with the second algorithm, where I was flying through the phone book two pages at a time, there's still a linear relationship, but it's not quite as bad so to speak. For instance, if I have this many pages in my phone book, my first algorithm might take this many seconds in the first algorithm, but because I'm flying through the phone book two at a time, it will take me half as much time. Half as many page turns with that second algorithm. So we'll describe it algebraically as n over two. Where n, again, is just the number of pages. So there is a relationship between those two lines and those two formulas. But that third algorithm. Super, super fancy I'll wager. And the shape of its line is fundamentally different. If you remember your logarithms, you'll see here this green curved line, otherwise depicted here as log of n, or really log base 2 of n, but we'll just keep it abstracted away as just log of n. This is a fundamentally different shape. And it still goes forever up and up and up and up. Even though it looks like it's flattening out, it's not perfectly flattening out, it's just growing and growing very slowly. And that's key, because what's powerful about that third and final algorithm, is that Verizon, for instance, doubles the number of pages in the phone book next year, because a whole lot of people move into town, or maybe two towns merge or whatever. Then how many more steps will it take me to find someone like Mike Smith in that phone book? Well just one additional page turn. One additional tear of the phone book. Because with each tear can I take a bite out of that problem. That's 50% of it. I can literally tear it in half. Meanwhile, Verizon doubled the number of pages in the phone book with my first algorithm, as per this straight linear relationship, aka n, it would double the amount of time necessary, or double the number of page turns necessary, to find Mike Smith in that case. So again, in the case of the first algorithm, would double the amount of time taken. The case of the third algorithm would increase by one step. One step. So if that phone book went ridiculously from four billion to eight billion, no big deal. But that third algorithm, just need one additional page turn. One additional tear of the phone book. Not in the case of the first algorithm. I would need an additional 4 billion page turns to find who I'm looking for. OK. But a phone book is a physical problem. And searching for phone numbers in a phone book is a physical solution. But what can computers do electronically? Like what is the analog in our computer to the problems we've been solving thus far? Well what about our own iPhones, or Android phones, or the like, where you have contacts these days? Sort of a digital version of a phone book. And those contacts are typically sorted alphabetically. But even then, you might know a lot of people, and most of us probably don't scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll. And if you do, you're doing it wrong. You can instead search by keyword, or by first name, or by last name, to actually find someone much more efficiently. And typically their name jumps to the top of the list. So that's an algorithm. The Google, and Apple, and other companies have implemented algorithms for searching, or even sorting your list of contacts so that they can find people for you quickly, so that you can just send them a text message or make that call. But let's simplify further. Rather than even get into the sorting of names, and alphabetical phrases, let's keep things simple for a moment. And just assume that we want to store things like numbers. A list of numbers for instance. So if we want to store a list of numbers, how can we do it? Well let me propose that the screen here, or if you will a piece of paper in front of you, really just represents your computer's memory. Now you may know that inside of your computer there's different types of memory. Something called the hard disk, or maybe a solid state disk, or something called ram, or random access memory, something called Rom or read only memory, something called l-1 cache, l-2 cache, sometimes l-3 cache and the like. So there's different types of memory. But the one we're going to think about right now is ram, random access memory. And this is the type of memory that you might have a gigabyte of, four gigabytes of, 16 gigabytes of, depending on how fancy your laptop or desktop computer is, or your phone for that matter. So inside of your computer, or phone, is a whole bunch of memory. A whole bunch of RAM. And if you have, for instance, 4 gigabytes of RAM, that is four billion bytes. Because what that means is giga means billion, so four giga means for billion, four gigabytes means four billion bytes. Mega, meanwhile means million, give or take. And in fact, earlier when we talked about rgb, And four megabytes then would be four million bytes. So 4 gigabytes is even bigger. And if you want to count higher still, four terabytes would be a huge amount of memory. So if you have four gigabytes of memory, that's four billion bytes of memory, and a byte meanwhile, is just eight bits. So why talk in terms of bytes? Well it's just easier to talk in terms of eight bits, rather than individual bits. Because with one bit, you can't really do all that much. You can only count from zero to one. So with 8 bits at least we can count a bit higher and express a bit more. so if we have 4 billion bytes of memory inside of our computer, you know it stands to reason that we could number each of those bytes. And maybe the top most byte up here represents byte number zero, and maybe the bottom most byte over here represents the number four billion, give or take. In fact it's not exactly 4 billion, it's a little more than that. But for our purposes, let's just assume that if this screen here represents all of my computer's memory, and you know for that matter, let's think of my memory as being divisible into rows and columns, just to kind of keep things orderly. This is not actually what it looks like underneath the hood. And it's definitely not as wavy as I making it out to be here. But you can think of it really, as rows and columns, that you can address each of the cells in this table. So kind of sort of like a spreadsheet with a whole lot of room for values. So this might be byte zero one, two, three, dot dot dot if you will. Four billion or so in the bottom right hand corner. But where these things are laid out doesn't really matter for our purposes right now. So that's how you might address memory. But how might you use memory? So suppose I want to store a whole bunch of values inside of my computer's memory. I don't really care where it is for the moment. And therefore, I don't care what those addresses are. But let's suppose that I do care that the numbers are close by to each other. They are contiguous in memory. Back to back to back to back. And we'll see that that has some advantages for efficiency. So suppose that I want to store one number in my computer's memory, and suppose that this memory and this memory and this memory here, those are all being used already by other programs, or other things going on in my program. And so the first available slot, for instance, say is this one here. And the number I want to store is the number one. And the next number that I want to store is going to be the number 50. And the next number I want to store is going to be the number 51. And the next one 61. And then the next one 109. And then the next one 121. And so forth. Which is to say, if I'm storing not people's phone numbers or names, just more simply for the sake of discussion, all I care about for whatever reason is storing a list of numbers. I might store them in my computer's memory in exactly this way. Each of these squares represents a byte, or eight bits. We know that we can abstract above bits, and actually represent things like decimal numbers. So I'm just stipulating that inside of these boxes really is eight bits, or some pattern of eight zeros and ones. But that's too low level. We're going to abstract away from that and just talk in terms, for now, in decimal digits. So this thing here might be how I store something underneath the hood in my computer. And what's nice about this, is that it's super, super easy to find values. In fact, let me just highlight this range of values, and slap a name on it. This boxed in region here in a computer program, would very often be called an array. It's a list of sorts, of values, but what's key here is that this list of values is back to back to back to back all contiguous in memory. When that is the case, when you have this property inside of a computer, you can do things pretty darned fast. Because there's a mathematical relationship among the locations of all of these values. For instance, if you are the computer, and you find yourself looking at the number 50, how do you find the next number in the list? Well, you just add one to your location. Not one to your value, one to your location. How do you go from the number 51 to 61? You just add one to your location. Again, because if this is byte zero, one. two, three, and I don't know where we are here. Maybe this is byte 100, 101, 102, 103. Because all of these values are back to back to back to back, you can very quickly access them just by looking to the left, looking to the right, by a fixed number of bits. This is advantageous, because you can jump around. In fact, this is where the name random access memory comes from. You have random access, not in the sense that you just go anywhere randomly, but you can go anywhere you want in the same amount of time. Even though this byte four billion looks really far away from everything else, doesn't matter. Because arithmetically the computer can say, give me byte number four billion. And that's a constant time operation, it's not linear. Doesn't take more and more steps the farther away it is, because all of this is electricity and electronic, not moving parts. You can just instantly jump to any of the cells in your computer's memory like that. The catch is, me the human, can look at these values and just see, oh I see a whole bunch of values. Six values inside of that array of memory there. But a computer can't do that. In fact a computer can really only see one value at a time. And so when I say the computer can go get value four billion, it can do that. But it can only go get that one value. If it wants another, it has to go get that value and another value. And indeed, inside of a computer, inside of a CPU that a company like Intel might make, there's an instruction that's often called load, which refers to exactly this process. Go load a value, maybe one byte, maybe four bytes, maybe eight bytes, from memory, and bring it back to me. And put it in something called a register, typically. But that load operation is kind of like, if you've ever seen those fancy soda machines where it doesn't just drop your soda on the ground, instead there's that fancy little robotic arm that for whatever reason goes left and then goes right and then goes up and then goes down, and then finally decides where your soda is. Then it moves it over the dispenser and drops it out. Well that kind of robotic arm is kind of like a physical incarnation of a computer, in that it can't just take a look back and figure out where the coca-cola is, it has to go to that particular location and actually drop it for you. But computers, when there aren't moving parts, can just jump there instantly. You don't have to wait for that robotic arm to move. And so in this case, the computer can get one of these values instantly, but it doesn't know what value is there until it arrives. Right It's kind of like being-- another analogy might be a whole bunch of lockers in a train station or the like. Where the only way you can see what's inside of a locker is by renting it or by putting in a key and opening it up and seeing what's inside. Similarly, can you think of there being tiny little doors, occluding these numbers so that the computer has to open it up before it sees what's there. Speaking of doors, let's suppose that the computer's memory actually has some doors in front of it. Depicted here, is just these simple rectangles. And behind each of these doors is some random numbers, among which is one number I do know and care about. In fact, I want to find myself the number 50, but I don't know where it is. So I'm going to take a pretty naive, but correct approach, of just starting from the left. Just as we did with a phone book, starting from the first page. And I'm going to go ahead and knock on, and then open the first door. And I see the number 15, that of course is not the number 50. So I'm going to proceed further. To go and knock on and touch the second door, and I see 23. Still not the number I'm looking for, so I knock and touch again. 16. Knock and touch again. Knock and touch again. Still no number, but I have found the meaning of life. And let's try one more door here and touch the number 50 behind this door. So here too is a very linear algorithm, but these numbers are kind of all over the place, right. It starts at 15, gets a little bigger, then gets smaller, then smaller still, then bigger then bigger again. So it doesn't seem that these numbers are sorted. And in fact, if the analog then in my phone might be, my contacts might be just randomly ordered. Maybe ordered in the order in which I inputted them, which probably isn't ideal when I want to find someone. I don't really care in what order they were put in, I care that I find them quickly. And so maybe I should do a little work up front, or maybe Apple or Google should do a little work upfront, and actually maintain my contacts in sorted order. Which indeed they do. Or in this case here, why don't I at least maintain my numbers in sorted order. So let me go ahead and reset all of the doors, and start again. This time with an assumption. This time with a feature, if you will, that the numbers are now sorted behind these doors. So they go from smallest to biggest, and there might be some gaps in the middle, but in so far as they're now sorted, I can leverage some of that old school phone book intuition and divide and conquer this problem. Let me go ahead into the middle of the problem now, not the left, and let me go ahead and knock on and open the middle door. And there's 16. Now 16 is kind of a small number, but I now know that none of the numbers to the left are going to be the one I'm looking for. Because I'm still looking for 50. So I can sort of throw that half of the problem away, or really just turn a blind eye to it. And now go to the right half of the problem, identify the middle door here, knock on and open this one, there again is 42. But now, again, I can apply some of that intuition and know that 50 is bigger than 42, so must be that 50 is right here at the last door. And in this case, have I gotten away with opening fewer doors? It's not a frightening number of fewer doors, it's still relatively small, but that's only because we could fit some seven doors or so on the screen here. But if the number of doors were four billion, or if the number of doors were even larger, surely with this divide and conquer approach, could I find my number super fast. But there's kind of a trade off here, right. Like yes, I can now find numbers faster, or equivalently I can find people presumably in my address book in my phone faster, if they are maintained in sorted order, but what price did I pay? In fact, a theme in computer science, and in programming specifically, is this theme of trade offs. Yes, you can speed up searches, but you're going to have to pay a price. What is that price in this context? Well it took someone some amount of work to sort those contacts, right. Before class I had actually come up with the sorted order of those doors, and then put the right numbers behind the right doors. There was a non-zero amount of work. Not a huge amount of work, but it's non-zero. So really, by speeding things up during search, I have to first incur an up front, one time cost, of sorting things before I even begin to search. Or equivalently, someone at Google, or someone at Microsoft, or someone at Facebook, or any of these big companies with big data, if they want to use searching efficiently, they need to pay a price upfront of sorting the data first. And indeed, that's what Android and iOS and other devices too, must be doing underneath the hood. Someone at some point in time, probably long ago at this point, implemented a sorting routine. But how quickly can we sort numbers? How quickly can we actually achieve that result of sorted values so that we can then do search more efficiently? So for this, let's try something a little visual, a little old school, in fact. We're here in this beautiful theater. And in fact we have a whole bunch of music stands from the musicians. Let's go ahead and use a few music stands, each of which will represent a location in my computer's memory, and then I'm just going to have some numbers that I want to put inside of those locations. And let's see how expensive it is for me to actually sort those values. So I have here in my hand the numbers one through eight, and I have here eight memory locations as represented here by music stands. And let me go ahead and just put these numbers in pretty much random order. I've got my little cheat sheet there up on the screen, so that we reset each time to the same location. And I'm just kind of putting these in some random order. Where four's going to be over here, and the numbers are going to sometimes get bigger, sometimes get smaller from left to right. The key, though, is that they're not actually sorted. And so I start now with these values as such. All right. So suppose I wanted to find now, maybe the number 50. Well 50 is not among these numbers, so we better think a little smaller. Suppose I want to find myself the number seven. Well again, as in the case of a computer, or the doors, I can only find seven not just by kind of cheating like a human and say, oh there it is over there. I have to get to that point more methodically. And define the number seven linearly, using linear search, so to speak. I have to check is this it, nope. Is this it, nope. Is this it? Nope. Is this it? Nope. Is this it? Nope. Is this it? Nope. Is this it? Yes. And now I found it, coincidentally, some seven steps later. But seven could have been anywhere, but in the worst case, it's all the way over here. Now could I use binary search on this? Let's actually slap a label on that algorithm we've leveraged with a phone book. Dividing and conquering. If you do it half and half and half and half, looking for some value, it's actually more technically called binary search. Bi meaning two, and so it's two because you're splitting the problem in half each time. Could I use binary search here? Well there's one minor problem, which is that I don't have an odd number of music stands, which means the middle element is like between eight and one. But that's fine. We can deal with that arithmetically by just rounding up or down, depending on how we want to implement it ultimately. But even then, that's not the biggest problem. If I look at eight here, and I'm looking for seven, well based on my previous divide and conquer strategy, I should be looking to the left because seven is smaller than eight. Of course I'm not going to find it to the left of eight, because it's not there, it's over there. And that's because the numbers aren't sorted. So as in the case with my hypothetical address book, if I want to be able to search this efficiently, or search a database sufficiently, or search most anything efficiently, I need to know something about the data. And ideally that it's sorted. So how do I get to the point of sorting this data? Well, you know what, I could take a fairly localized approach. Like four and two, I'm looking at them right here. And technically, I'm looking at them one at a time. I see four, I see two, and I know they're out of order. Well, as the computer, I could do this. I could, using my load and store instruction, essentially, or a move instruction, do that. And now I've improved the sorting of this list. Now four and six, those look OK. Six and eight, those look OK. One and eight, Mm-mm, not OK. So let me just make a quick fix. Let me just swap one and eight. It's not perfect yet, but it's better. Eight and three, let me make a quick fix. Well, that's better. Eight and seven, a quick fix, that's better. Eight and five, quick fix, that's better. So this is great. Eight is all the way to the right as intended, and one is not yet all the way to the left. So I haven't solved the problem, but I have improved it. I've gotten a step closer to the correct solution of sorted numbers, because some of the values moved at least one step closer to their intended location. But of course, I've got to do this again. So two and four their good. Four and six they're good. Oh six and one, now that's out of order. And so I can transpose these two. So this algorithm has a name, whereby I am transposing pairwise elements that are out of order, such that the biggest numbers are bubbling their way up to the top. eight already made its way there, seven just made its way there. And so if I keep doing this, these bigger values are going to continue to bubble their way up. Two and four those or fine. Four and one, ooh notice, four is starting to bubble to the right. Four and three, it's continuing to bubble. Four and six is OK. Six and five, mm-mm. Six bubbled its way up, and now I got a good one there. I really fixed a lot of those values. I just need to do this once more. One and two, fixed that. Two and three, three and four, four and five, six and seven, seven and eight. Let me do another spot check just to make sure. One and two, three and four, five,six, seven, eight. I'm good. But I did a lot of walking, and I did a lot of transpositions. And it turns out this algorithm is correct, does have a formal name called bubble sort. But it's not very efficient. In fact, if you actually do the math out, this takes as many as like n times n steps in the worst case. So if you have n elements, that's eight in this case. N times n, that's 64. It's not actually 64, but it starts to approach 64 asymptotically, so to speak. So if we did a formal analysis, long story short, it would start to feel like something quadratic, so to speak. Not a fast algorithm. But there's other ones. So let's actually try out another algorithm. Let me go ahead and restore the original, seemingly random order here. And indeed it is random in so far as I'm just putting it in some non-sorted order that I thought through initially. One's going to go here, three is going to go here, seven and five. So now we're back to the original unsorted order. You know what, I can do another algorithm altogether here. Let me not look at them pairwise, let me just go even simpler. Let me just find the smallest number, and deal with it. All right, four is pretty small indeed it's the smallest I've seen thus far, I'm going to hang on to this. Oh wait a minute, two a smaller. Let me hang on to that. Six not smaller. One, eight not smaller. One is smaller, let me go ahead and hang on to this. Three, not smaller. Seven, five. OK so here's the smallest element. I found it I've selected the smallest element. You know what, this belongs all the way to the left. I'm going to put it there. I'm going to do that. Of course, this is cheating. Like this music stand, even though it's kind of wide, should only be storing one value. There's only enough room for one byte for instance of information. So where do I put four? Like four can't stay on the same music stand. You know I can't cheat and do that. So I could move eight over, move six over, move two over, that's a lot of work. Or I could just, fine, four was already out of order in the first place. Let's just put four over here. It's not made the problem any fundamentally worse, because they started in random order. I randomly put four there. The key is, one is in really good shape now. Let me repeat this process of selecting the smallest element. Let me look for the next smallest. Two is pretty small. Small, smallest, yep. OK I found it. Two is the smallest. Let's put him co-incidentally right where he goes. So that was kind of a waste of time, but verification that it's correct. Let's keep looking. Six is pretty small now. Eight is not, oh four is smaller. Let's grab four. Oh Three is even better. Let's grab that. Seven, five. OK 3 needs to be put in its place. I don't want to touch one and two, because those are good. Six, sorry you don't belong there. Let's go ahead and evict you and put six over there. So if I repeat this process of just continually iterating, or looping, if you will, through the list, looking for the smallest element, and evicting whatever is in the place that it belongs, notice that I've sorted it seemingly faster. But I actually got a little lucky there. It turns out that this algorithm, which also has a name called selection sort, is also quadratic in nature. If you've got n elements, it's going to take roughly n times n total steps in order to achieve that. Not in every case. But in the worst case, so to speak. So it turns out this is just two ways now to sort elements. And there are dozens, if not more, other ways to actually sort elements, with each one getting maybe a little better, maybe a little worse, maybe a little better depending on the inputs. So sometimes it really depends. But these are all examples then of algorithms. And algorithms have performance associated with them. Algorithms have a running time associated with them. And one of the things that theoretical computer scientists do, is not only design algorithms like these, or really even way more sophisticated algorithms than these, but also analyze them. So that we can make arguments, mathematical arguments, sometimes that state as a proof, this algorithm is correct. No matter what, this will sort your elements correctly, if implemented correctly in a computer, and this is how much time it will take in general in order to achieve that. But the takeaway here, is that it was a lot of work, right. I had the luxury with that phone book, long ago, of just opening it up to the middle and looking for Mike Smith, and da da da da da, found Mike Smith pretty darn efficiently, because Verizon, or whoever made the phone book, actually did all of the upfront work for me. So here's a question then. Suppose that you have a whole bunch of random values, and you want to search for something specific among those values. Mike Smith, number 50, whatever it is you're looking for, should you sort those values first before searching? Should you sort the values first? Well, I would wager you should sort them if you're going to be searching over them pretty darn often. Right. Because it might be painful, might be boring, might be tedious to actually sort those values either manually, or algorithmically with a computer, and a computer program. But it'll probably pay off over time. So there's this notion of amortization of the cost over time, whereby yeah, it might take you a decent amount of steps. Quadratic, seconds, minutes, whatever you want to measure it in. But, it's going to pay off in the long run. Of Course, if you add data, you're going to need to keep that new data sorted as well. But again, it's this trade off. However, consider a scenario where you just have a whole bunch of data, it's in random order for whatever reason, and you just want to find Mike Smith. Or you just want to find the number 50. And after that, you do not care about the data. You're never going to look up someone else. You're never going to look up another value. Maybe then, in that case, you should just blindly go through it brute force, so to speak. Left or right, in some sense, or linearly, as opposed to trying to do anything clever like we did with the phone book. Because it's faster to just brute force your way through the solution, than doing some upfront sophistication just to improve the subsequent result. So again, it's a trade off. It's a cost benefit analysis that you need to decide, ultimately, on what is most important. Which resource, time, space, money, people, is most important to you. So in all of these examples thus far have we assumed that the data is contiguous. Back to back to back with other values. And indeed, that's exactly what the music stands represented, were these fixed locations in memory. Bytes in your computer's ram, so to speak, that could have values. But you had to physically move those values from one location to another if you wanted to sort the values therein. you couldn't just kind of insert a new music stand, and push the others aside, because that's simply not allowed. That's not the metaphor in question. Those music stands were fixed just as the locations in memory of your computer are as well. And as it turns out, just as we drew a picture before wherein we had some sequence of back to back values in memory, turns out that in programming, actually using languages that aren't just pseudo code, but actual code, Java and c++ and others. Still, there is very often something called an array, or a list. A data structure that gives you the appearance of having values back to back to back to back. And in some languages, these values are indeed next to each other in terms of their bits inside of your computer's memory. But there's a problem with a world like this. Because if you put in a whole bunch of values up front, as I did earlier, and you want to actually insert some new value, where do you actually put that value? For instance, earlier we had one and 50 and 51 and 61 and 109 and 121. Suppose I want to put the number 55 in this sequence of numbers. And better still, I want to keep the whole list sorted. Well dammit. There's really not room for 55 in there. I know where it should go numerically, it should go right here, of course, between the 51 and the 61. But there's no room. Or I could put it arbitrarily over here, but then it's not sorted. I could put it, well I can't put it there because the dot dot dot remember from earlier, suggested that something else was there. Something else from your program or computer was already using that location. Now I could put it maybe below, but that's kind of weird. The whole point here is this contiguousness. And indeed, with the music stands a moment ago, was it advantageous for me to be able to take one step and be at another music stand? One more step be at another music stand. I didn't have to walk all around stage looking for my values, because they were indeed back to back to back and that made things very efficient and predictably close to one another. So what are my options? Like surely a computer can do this. It's not the case that computers are so dumb that once you write your values you can't solve any new problems. So what are my options? I could put the 55 here at the end, but then I'm going to have to reshuffle all of the numbers. Or maybe I ask the computer for more memory altogether, and you know what, I re do this, and I say let me put one here, 50 here, 51 here, 55 here, then 61, 109, and 121. In other words, why don't I just use different memory? Different bytes in my computer's memory, but that feels kind of lame, because now I need twice as much memory, at least temporarily. So I can kind of copy the old values into the new, but leave room for that new value. So that seems a little time consuming, and tedious certainly. And indeed, it would be for a computer as well. But maybe there's another solution altogether. And here too, we're experiencing yet another trade off. The contiguousness of my memory has thus far been an advantage. Because again, each of my music stands just one step away. In the case of actual ram, each number is just one byte away, and that lends itself to again, random access, ergo random access memory. But it's kind of painting me into a corner, because I'm finding that now I can no longer really add new values without incurring significant cost. And by significant cost I mean having to duplicate the entire array of memory into a new location, leaving one additional space for that new value, which is going to take as many steps as there are values in the original array. So you know what, maybe I take an even older school approach, and maybe I do something proactive. A little defensive. I'll put one there, and 50 here, and 51 here, and 61 and then 109, and then 121 and so forth. And wow, this was clever of me, because now I left myself little gaps in my values. So that I still get the predictability of every value is now two steps away, but now I can fit 55 in here. Well, clever as you might initially think that, now we've created kind of a problem. Because most values are two bytes away from each other. But now there's this weirdness where 55 is only one byte away from its neighbors. So that's really just complicating things now. I can no longer predictably take just one step at a time. Sometimes I take two, sometimes I take one, and that just feels like it's devolving into a very confusing bug prone situation already. And in fact, if you ever saw, or maybe grew up with the basic programming language, back in the day, you didn't number your lines of code zero, one, two, three, four. If you numbered of them at all, you instead did something like line ten, line 20, line 30, line 40. Which wonderfully left your room for like nine more additions later on, without having to renumber everything. Of course now, programs just number or lines automatically for us. And they're not even strictly necessary, those line numbers. So we've tried this, and it's just, it's not really a good solution. Better would be I'll claim some dynamism. What if instead I consider my computer's memory still to be this grid of locations. But let me do this. Let me propose that the first number. I'm going to put in, maybe is here, and just to keep things prettier I'm not going to draw the whole grid again. But let's assume that one byte I'm using is right there, and I put the number one in there. And then eventually, I decide to add that second number. And I go ahead and add the number 50. And the number 50 just so happens to end up, oh I don't know, over here. And it's farther away in memory. Maybe enough time has passed that the bunch of memory in between those two values is being used for some other purpose. And that's OK. But the 50 and the one are no longer next to each other, or therefore pictorially, or really related, unless I somehow interconnect them. So for now, let me go ahead and draw an arrow. And let me kind of weave together my values. Much like popcorn on a thread, or any number of other metaphors where you're linking things together. Like with a chain, for instance, can you make a list like this? Because my other numbers, suppose that more time passes. I insert a third value like 51, just happens to be over there, whatever. It's not contiguous, which is unfortunate. But that's OK, so long as I somehow link these together like this. And then maybe that next number here, 61, get lucky and it's pretty close. So it's over here. But we still need an arrow to this one here. And then maybe we have maybe 121 and 109, each of which is in some different locations. So we might need this arrow here. And this arrow there. So it's kind of all over the place. And if you ever play the game growing up, it's kind of like chutes and ladders now, you kind of have to like follow the chutes to get from one number to another. But that's OK. In fact, it's actually quite beautiful, my handwriting aside. It's not quite as efficient though. Because it turns out that if you're at one of the numbers in this list, and you want to jump to another, you can get to the next number pretty fast. If I'm at one, I can get to 50 pretty quickly. I just follow that arrow somehow. I don't know how it works in memory, and we don't really need to know how it works. We can kind of abstract that away for the sake of discussion at the moment. But I can get to 50 based on this picture alone pretty darn directly. But I can't really get to like 109 pretty quickly. If I'm starting at one, I want to get to 109. previously, I could just take one two, three, four steps away, four bytes away and I could just take a step that's like four times as big as usual and I'm instantly there. But these arrows seem to suggest that the memory could be anywhere. And so it's almost like following a map. If I'm at one, all right let me go find 50. Once I found 50, I can pick up another map, and now I can follow another arrow to 51, which is maybe over here. Now I pick up another map. Oh here's 61. OK now this leads me to, Ah here is 109. It wasn't as simple as just one big step that's four times as big as was possible in the case of contiguous memory. Now, I kind of have to weave my way through. That actually kind of hurt. Weave my way through my computer's memory to get where I'm going. So it's a trade off, right. Because now I have perfect dynamism. No matter where there is available memory in my computer, over there, over here, over here, over here, I can use it. And I can just kind of stitch together this data structure, the structure for my data. I have eliminated the gotcha that my data structure is a fixed size. So now if I want to add another value, suppose I want to add 55. OK, suppose that 55 happens to have some available space here. You know what I can do here, I can just get rid of this arrow, and then I can go ahead and stitch this in like this. No big deal. I don't have to touch any of the other elements. But think back to the array. The array being the rectangular example where everybody was back to back to back. That I had to make room for things, or duplicate all of it. Had to do more work here, just to allocate space for your 55, and then go ahead and just update two of these arrows, or pointers, or references as that might be called in different languages. So that's pretty powerful. But again I've lost the random access, which means I can't do things like binary search anymore. Which we're predicated on simple arithmetic. Divide by two, divide by two, divide by two, Maybe round, but divide by two each time. And these arrows. Kind of abstracting maybe too generously here. These arrows are going to cost me some memory too. Now I've drawn them prettily as arrows on the screen, but those actually themselves are some kind of value. And it turns out that those arrows themselves take up space, take up bits. So I've kind of doubled, let's say, the amount of space necessary to store this data. Because I need to somehow store and memory those arrows. Underneath the hood those arrows are effectively stored as numbers themselves. Which is to say, they take up at least a byte or more. In fact, on most systems, they take up four or eight bytes still. So it depends on what's important to you. Do you want to be able to search the data super efficiently and actually have random access, and do something like binary search and get that divide and conquer upside? Or do you want to have dynamism, and be able to grow and shrink the data structure super fast, but pay a price in terms of memory as well. And use more of those bits. It really quite depends. Now these aren't the only data structures at our disposal. We can use not just arrays, not just linked lists, as we'll call that last one, whereby we have links tying these lists items together. But we have maybe tree structures too. In fact, we think back to like your family tree that you might have made in grade school. You might have drawn a little something that might have grandma or grandpa at the top of the tree, and then their children might be down here, and then these children might be down here, and so forth. Well if we generalize away from a fam-- OK ignore that one. If we generalize away from a family tree, it turns out that this tree data structure is another kind of incarnation of that previous idea. A linked list doesn't have to just be linked from left to right, so to speak, even if it's kind of swooping all over the screen. It doesn't have to have a start and an end. It can be a tree structure, whereby your arrows actually, much like a branch and a program, can go in different directions. So each of these edges in this graph actually are directional. They take you from one place to another. You can imagine using a data structure like this to store values as well. For instance, suppose that I wanted to store numbers in this data structure. Instead of using squares, I'm just doing circles now just because it's conventional. Doesn't mean anything else. Anything special. These are still just bytes underneath the hood, or ultimately bits. Now suppose I want to store the number two here, and one here, and three here, and five here, and six here, and seven here. This is all very deliberate. Because notice the pattern that I've kind of adopted. Four is at the top, in the so-called root of the tree. What do you notice about all of the values to the left of the four? All of its left descendants so to speak, to borrow that family tree nomenclature. One, and two, and three. Curiously, all three of those are smaller than the number four. What about all of its right descendants, down this branch? Six and five and six and seven. Those are all bigger than four. That's kind of neat. How about here? Two, this is kind of a mini tree, if you will. This is a new route, if you ignore everything above it. Two has two children, left and right. Notice that the one is less than the two, and the three is more than the two. So this is not a coincidence that I drew it like this. Similarly, if you think of this as a tree, just those three nodes below it, six is bigger than five, six is less than seven. So there's a pattern. So we can actually reclaim some of the capabilities of divide and conquer by laying out our data, still with these arrows, these pointers or references if you will. But not just doing it linearly, or swiveling all over the screen, but from one start node to an end node. Where node is a fancy word for these squares or these circles. What if we instead allow the user to go in two different directions when searching for data? And suppose we leverage that same phone book principle where the smaller values are this way, and the bigger values are that way. What does that afford us? Well, this binary search tree, if you will, to give it a fancy name, actually gives us back a logarithmic running time. Much like dividing and conquering a phone book. Because indeed, if I start at the four and I'm looking for seven, and I immediately realize four is here, which means seven must be to the right if it's present at all, I can pretty much chop off the half of the problem that I know seven is not in. So it's like throwing away the left half of the phone book. I can ignore almost half of the nodes in the tree by just snipping off that left branch. Can't be that easy. Got to be a trade off. What it that trade off here? Well, from the looks of this picture, pretty though it is, relatively speaking, it looks like now each of my nodes, each of my values has not just one arrow associated with it potentially, but as many as two. And that means we're spending twice as much space as before. So whereas in our array, we use just one byte per value, or four bytes per value, or some fixed number of bytes per value, in my linked list example I had to double that because I had to also store-- using bytes in some form-- those arrows. Those pointers, or references as they're called. But now in this darn tree, I need three times as much data, because each of my nodes might have a left child so to speak, or a right child. So again it's a trade off. And the prevailing trade off here, thus far, seems to be if you want less time, you're going to have to spend more space. Or rather, less time, I'm getting the visual metaphor wrong here. If you want to spend less time, you're going to have to spend more space. And if you want to save space, you might have to tolerate a little more time. But can we do better? Indeed, can we combine some of the best features of multiple data structures in order to achieve something better still? Well, sort of. It turns out that there exists a very popular data structure called a hash table. And a hash table is a data structure that a computer scientist will use when he or she really wants to store a dynamic amount of data. It might grow or might shrink. But they also want to search that data pretty efficiently, and ideally be able to find data instantly, in constant time, so to speak. So you'll often see a hash table implemented, really with an array something like this, and I've drawn it vertically just to make the picture prettier. But again, these are just artists depictions. Bad artists depictions of what's going on in memory. It's still just an array of back to back values. But the values now in the array are not going to be the numbers I care about, or the words, or whatever. It's actually going to be arrows, which again we've stipulated take space. And each of these arrows is going to point to what we described as a linked list. So it turns out that a hash table will often look a little something like this. A combination of an array, and a linked list where those linked lists might be not present at all, might be short, might be long, totally depends. But we decide where to put our values based on some property of the value. So for instance, if this array weren't this big, but maybe had 26 different locations in it. And suppose that we're no longer storing numbers, we're storing names. Well every name in the English alphabet starts with an A or B or C or dot dot dot a Z. One of 26 possibilities. So if my hash table has an array of size 26, then maybe, if I'm storing names that start with A, I could just put them in this linked list here, the first one. And if they start with B, they'll go in the second one. And if they start with C, the third. D the fourth, Z the very last. And what you'll find in this case is partial optimization. It's not instantaneous to find someone with a given name. If there's a lot of people who's names start with A, you might still have to look through all of the A names linearly through that list. But at least you only have to look through 126th of the possible values in your data structure, assuming a uniform distribution. Of course, that's not fair, there's probably fewer names that start with Z, fewer names that start with Q, maybe a lot that start with A or D or other such letters. So your chains might be of variable length, and maybe that's not the best design. So maybe we should think a little harder about this. So this principle of bucketizing things, and putting values in their place, and using that as a stepping stone to getting to a complete solution-- in this case of sorted order-- is really useful not just in these increasingly complex examples, but even in the real world. So for instance, if you're a fan of playing cards, you might have a deck of cards at home. And those cards of course, have different values or numbers on them, and also different suits. Clubs and spades and diamonds and hearts. And you know, sometimes you might want to either shuffle the deck, or really un-shuffle it and actually sort it. And if you did want to, sort of obsessively like me, want to sort your deck of cards, well you could just go through it one card at a time. And then try to find or select or maybe bubble up the values, like our algorithms before. But most of us probably use a bit of intuition. So if I see a spade here, I might put it in one pile, and a heart, I'm going to put that in a different pile. A diamond, different pile still. A spade will go up here. A club now goes over here. And as I continue this pattern, I'm kind of dividing the problem, albeit in a different way. I now have, instead of a 52 card problem, I'm eventually going to have four 13-card problems. But how am I getting to that point? Well, I'm bucketizing things. Not physical buckets, but there's like four piles here of cards. But what really am I doing? I'm really hashing these values. I am looking at each card as input. I am passing it through a sort of mental function, a mental black box if you will, that outputs a value. Either bucket one, or two, or three, or four, or more specifically spade, or diamond, or heart, or club. That's kind of my hash function. So if you've ever done something like that, where you're trying to clean up a mess, or you're trying to sort some data, or organize your cards. Once you start bucketizing in this way, you are hashing values. You're taking as input some value, maybe a card, and producing as output some identifier. Similarly, with our example of names, if I've got a whole bunch of names, each of which might start with A through Z, each time you hand me a name, I'm looking at the very first letter in that person's name, and I'm deciding A bucket, Z bucket, D bucket, C bucket or so forth. C should be over there. And deciding, based on the input, what the output should be. So again, here to, this sort of intuitive principle can very quickly be applied to something much more sophisticated. Again, compare and contrast the sort of sophistication of the before and the after. This is odds are pretty darn intuitive, if not something very familiar to you. This might still look a bit like Greek. Certainly pretty arcane versus some simple playing cards. But to the overarching point, that while computing and technology all around us might seem especially sophisticated, and complicated, and well beyond one's understanding, that's just because it might be presently beyond your familiarity with some of those building blocks. Indeed, we started so low level with just zeros and ones, and then we got to letters, and then maybe words and paragraphs, and graphics and videos, and eventually so many more forms of media. And at the end of the day, it's useful to understand what's going on underneath the hood, but it's also very empowering. Because you realize that even once we're at the point as we are literally right now, of talking it this degree of complexity and sophistication for how you might store data inside of her computer's memory, and very efficiently get at it, all of this was the result of these stepping stones. These abstractions. And along the way, in building up these abstractions, and in solving problems more effectively by standing on the shoulders of problems solved past, similarly we have to make some trade offs. And so at the end of the day, this is what computational thinking is all about. This is what computer science and engineering and programming is all about. It's solving problems using solutions to problems past, and along the way making very conscious, calculated, and hopefully correct decisions, as to what resources and what objectives are most important to you.
English: Hi, I’m Jabril and welcome back to CrashCourse AI. Algorithms are just math and code, but algorithms are created by people and use our data, so biases that exist in the real world are mimicked or even exaggerated by AI systems. This idea is called algorithmic bias. Bias isn’t inherently a terrible thing. Our brains try to take shortcuts by finding patterns in data. So if you’ve only seen small, tiny dogs, you might see a Great Dane and be like “Whoa that dog is unnatural” This doesn’t become a problem unless we don’t acknowledge exceptions to patterns or unless we start treating certain groups of people unfairly. As a society, we have laws to prevent discrimination based on certain “protected classes” (like gender, race, or age) for things like employment or housing. So it’s important to be aware of the difference between bias, which we all have, and discrimination, which we can prevent. And knowing about algorithmic bias can help us steer clear of a future where AI are used in harmful, discriminatory ways. Korean: 안녕하세요, 자브릴입니다. 크래시 코스 AI에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 알고리즘은 단지 계산과 코드로 이루어져 있지만 사람들에 의해 만들어지고 데이터를 사용하므로 현실 세계에 존재하는 편견이 AI시스템에 의해 모방되거나 심지어는 과장 될 수도 있습니다. 이 아이디어를 알고리즘 편향이라고 합니다. 편견은 본질적으로 끔찍한 것이 아닙니다. 우리의 두뇌는 데이터 패턴을 찾음으로써 지름길로 가려고 시도합니다. 작고 작은 개만 보아 왔다면, 그레이트 데인과 같은 개는 "우와..엄청 부자연스럽다"고 느껴질 것입니다. 작고 작은 개만 보아 왔다면, 그레이트 데인과 같은 개는 "우와..엄청 부자연스럽다"고 느껴질 것입니다. 우리가 패턴에 대한 예외를 인식하지 않거나 특정 집단을 부당하게 대우하지 않는다면 문제가 되지 않습니다. 우리가 패턴에 대한 예외를 인식하지 않거나 특정 집단을 부당하게 대우하지 않는다면 문제가 되지 않습니다. 사회에서 우리는 거주나 고용에 특정 그룹(성별, 인종, 나이)에 차별을 방지하는 법을 가지고 있습니다. 사회에서 우리는 거주나 고용에 특정 그룹(성별, 인종, 나이)에 차별을 방지하는 법을 가지고 있습니다. 그러므로 우리가 모두 가진 편견과 우리가 예방할 수 있는 차별의 차이첨을 인식하는 것이 중요합니다. 그러므로 우리가 모두 가진 편견과 우리가 예방할 수 있는 차별의 차이첨을 인식하는 것이 중요합니다. 알고리즘 편향을 아는 것은 AI가 유해하고 차별적인 방식 으로 사용되는 미래를 피하는데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 알고리즘 편향을 아는 것은 AI가 유해하고 차별적인 방식 으로 사용되는 미래를 피하는데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. Korean: 적어도 우리가 주의를 기울여야 할 5가지 유형의 알고리즘 편향이 있습니다. 첫째, 훈련 데이터는 사회의 숨겨진 편견을 반영 할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 AI가 최근의 뉴스 기사나 책으로 훈련 된 경우, "간호사"라는 단어는 여성을 언급할 가능성이 높고 반면 "프로그래머"라는 단어는 남성을 언급할 가능성이 더 높습니다. 반면 "프로그래머"라는 단어는 남성을 언급할 가능성이 더 높습니다. 또한 여러분은 구글 이미지 검색에서 일어나는 것을 볼 수 있습니다 : "간호사"는 주로 여성을 보여주고, 반면 "프로그래머"는 대부분 주로 남자 이미지를 보여줍니다. 데이터에 숨겨진 편향이 어떻게 검색 엔진의 AI에 포함되는지 알 수 있습니다. 물론 우리는 남자 간호사가 있고 여성 프로그래머와 여성도, 남성도 아닌 사람들이 두 가지를 모두 합니다. 물론 우리는 남자 간호사가 있고 여성 프로그래머와 여성도, 남성도 아닌 사람들이 두 가지를 모두 합니다. 예를 들어, 1960년대의 '프로그래머'라는 이미지 검색은 더 많은 여성을 보여줍니다. 그러나 AI 알고리즘은 시간이 지나면서 변화 할 수 있는 문화적 편견을 잘 모릅니다. 그리고 더 많은 인간의 두뇌에 숨겨진 편견을 퍼뜨릴 수도 있습니다. English: INTRO There are at least 5 types of algorithmic bias we should pay attention to. First, training data can reflect hidden biases in society. For example, if an AI was trained on recent news articles or books, the word “nurse” is more likely to refer to a “woman,” while the word “programmer” is more likely to refer to a “man.” And you can see this happening with a Google image search: “nurse” shows mostly women, while “programmer” mostly shows mostly men. We can see how hidden biases in the data gets embedded in search engine AI. Of course, we know there are male nurses and female programmers and non-binary people doing both of these jobs! For example, an image search for “programmer 1960” shows a LOT more women. But AI algorithms aren’t very good at recognizing cultural biases that might change over time, and they could even be spreading hidden biases to more human brains. t’s also tempting to think that if we just don’t collect or use training data that English: categorizes protected classes like race or gender, then our algorithms can’t possibly discriminate. But, protected classes may emerge as correlated features, which are features that aren’t explicitly in data but may be unintentionally correlated to a specific prediction. For example, because many places in the US are still extremely segregated, zip code can be strongly correlated to race. A record of purchases can be strongly correlated to gender. And a controversial 2017 paper showed that sexual orientation is strongly correlated with characteristics of a social media profile photo. Second, the training data may not have enough examples of each class, which can affect the accuracy of predictions. For example, many facial recognition AI algorithms are trained on data that includes way more examples of white peoples’ faces than other races. One story that made the news a few years ago is a passport photo checker with an AI system to warn if the person in the photo had blinked. But the system had a lot of trouble with photos of people of Asian descent. Korean: 또한 인종이나 성별과 같은 보호 등급을 분류하는 훈련 데이터를 수집하거나 사용하지 않으면, 우리의 알고리즘은 차별을 할 수가 없습니다. 우리의 알고리즘은 차별을 할 수가 없습니다. 그러나 보호된 집단과 관련된 특성으로 나타날 수 있습니다. 이는 데이터에 명시적이지만 의도하지 않은 것일 수 있고, 특정 예측과 관련이 있습니다. 예를 들어, 미국의 많은 곳에 여전히 우편번호는 극단적으로 구분되어 있는데 이는 인종과 밀접한 관련이 있습니다. 구매 기록은 성별과 서로 밀접하게 연관 될 수 있습니다. 논쟁의 여지가 있는 2017년 논문에서 성적 취향은 SNS 프로필의 사진의 특징과 강하게 연관되어 있습니다. 논쟁의 여지가 있는 2017년 논문에서 성적 취향은 SNS 프로필의 사진의 특징과 강하게 연관되어 있습니다. 둘째, 예측의 정확성에 영향을 줄 수 있는 각 클래스에 대한 훈련 데이터가 충분하지 않을 수 있습니다. 둘째, 예측의 정확성에 영향을 줄 수 있는 각 클래스에 대한 훈련 데이터가 충분하지 않을 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 많은 안면인식 AI 알고리즘은 다른 인종보다 백인의 얼굴 예제를 더 많이 포함하여 훈련됩니다. 예를 들어, 많은 안면인식 AI 알고리즘은 다른 인종보다 백인의 얼굴 예제를 더 많이 포함하여 훈련됩니다. 몇 년 전 뉴스를 만든 한 가지 이야기로, AI 시스템이 있는 여권 사진 검사기는 사진 속 실제 인물이 판독기에서 깜박이면 경고합니다. 그러나 시스템은 아시아 출신 사람들의 사진에 많은 문제가 많았습니다. English: Being asked to take a photo again and again would be really frustrating if you’re just trying to renew your passport, which is already sort of a pain! Or, let’s say, you got a cool gig programming a drone for IBM… but it has trouble recognizing your face because your skin’s too dark… for example. Third, it’s hard to quantify certain features in training data. There are lots of things that are tough to describe with numbers. Like can you really rate a sibling relationship with a number? It’s complicated! You love them, but you hate how messy they are, but you like cooking together, but you hate how your parents compare you... It’s so hard to quantify all that! In many cases, we try to build AI to evaluate complicated qualities of data, but sometimes we have to settle for easily measurable shortcuts. One recent example is trying to use AI to grade writing on standardized tests like SATs and GREs with the goal to save human graders time. Good writing involves complex elements like clarity, structure, and creativity, but most of these qualities are hard to measure. Korean: 계속해서 사진을 다시 찍으라는 요청을 받는 것은 만약 여권을 갱신한지 얼마 안됬다면 매우 실망 할것입니다. 매우 고통이죠. IBM의 드론을 프로그래밍하는 멋진 일을 하고있다고 가정해 보겠습니다. 그런데 여러분의 피부색이 너무 어두워서 얼굴을 인식하지 못한다고 합니다. 진짜 못하네요.. 흠 셋째, 특정한 특징을 훈련 데이터에서 정량화하기가 어렵습니다. 숫자로 설명하기 힘든 것들이 많이 있습니다. 실제로 여러분은 형제 관계를 숫자로평가할 수 있나요? 복잡합니다! 여러분은 그들을 사랑합니다. 하지만 그들이 얼마나 지저분한지 여러분은 싫어하고, 같이 요리하는 것을 좋아하지만, 부모님이 그들을 여러분과 비교하는 것을 싫어합니다. 모든 것을 정량화 하는 것은 매우 어렵습니다! 많은 경우에, 우리는 복잡한 데이털의 질을 평가하기 위해 AI를 구축하려고 시도합니다. 하지만 때때로 우리는 쉽게 측정 할 수있는 지름길을 정해야 합니다. 최근의 한 예는 AI를 사용하여 GRE나 SAT와 같은 표준화 된 시험에 대한 채점을 하는 것입니다. 인간 채점자의 시간을 절약하기 위함입니다. 좋은 글은 명확성, 구조 및 창의성과 같은 복잡한 요소들 을 포함하지만 이러한 특성은 측정하기 어렵습니다. 좋은 글은 명확성, 구조 및 창의성과 같은 복잡한 요소들 을 포함하지만 이러한 특성은 측정하기 어렵습니다. English: So, instead, these AI focused on easier-to-measure elements like sentence length, vocabulary, and grammar, which don’t fully represent good writing… and made these AIs easier to fool. Some students from MIT built a natural language program to create essays that made NO sense, but were rated highly by these grading algorithms. These AIs could also potentially be fooled by memorizing portions of “template” essays to influence the score, rather than actually writing a response to the prompt, all because of the training data that was used for these scoring AI. Fourth, the algorithm could influence the data that it gets, creating a positive feedback loop. A positive feedback loop basically means “amplifying what happened in the past”… whether or not this amplification is good. An example is PredPol’s drug crime prediction algorithm, which has been in use since 2012 in many large cities including LA and Chicago. PredPol was trained on data that was heavily biased by past housing segregation and past cases of police bias. So, it would more frequently send police to certain neighborhoods where a lot of racial minority folks lived. Korean: 대신 이 AI는 문장 길이나 어휘, 문법과 같이 측정하기 쉬운 것에 중점을 두었습니다. 이들은 좋은 글에서 완벽하게 나타나진 않지만 AI들을 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다. 이들은 좋은 글에서 완벽하게 나타나진 않지만 AI들을 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다. MIT의 일부 학생들은 말이 안되는 수필을 만드는 자연어 프로그램을 만들었습니다. 그러나 그것은 채점 알고리즘에 의해 높은 점수를 받았습니다. 이 AI는 채점에 영향을 미치는 에세이 '템플릿'의 일부를 기억함으로써 잠재적으로 속을 수도 있습니다. 실제로 점수 매기기 AI에 사용 된 교육 데이터로 인해 프롬프트에 실제로 응답을 작성하는 것이 아닙니다 실제로 점수 매기기 AI에 사용 된 교육 데이터로 인해 프롬프트에 실제로 응답을 작성하는 것이 아닙니다 넷째, 알고리즘은 얻은 데이터에 영향을 미쳐 긍정적인 피드백 루프를 만들 수 있습니다. 넷째, 알고리즘은 얻은 데이터에 영향을 미쳐 긍정적인 피드백 루프를 만들 수 있습니다. 긍정적인 피드백 루프는 기본적으로 “과거에 일어난 일을 증폭"하는 것을 의미합니다. 이 증폭은 좋든지, 좋지 않든지요. 예를 들면, PredPol의 약물 범죄 예측 알고리즘은 2012년 부터 LA와 시카고 등 많은 대도시에서 사용해왔습니다. 예를 들면, PredPol의 약물 범죄 예측 알고리즘은 2012년 부터 LA와 시카고 등 많은 대도시에서 사용해왔습니다. PredPol은 과거 주택 분리 및 과거 경찰의 편견이 있는 사례에 의해 크게 편향된 데이터로 훈련을 받았습니다. PredPol은 과거 주택 분리 및 과거 경찰의 편견이 있는 사례에 의해 크게 편향된 데이터로 훈련을 받았습니다. 따라서 그것은 많은 소수 민족이 살았던 특정 지역에서 특정한 이웃을 경찰을 보내는 것이 더 빈번합니다. 따라서 그것은 많은 소수 민족이 살았던 특정 지역에서 특정한 이웃을 경찰을 보내는 것이 더 빈번합니다. English: Arrests in those neighborhoods increased, that arrest data was fed back into the algorithm, and the AI would predict more future drug arrests in those neighborhoods and send the police there again. Even though there might be crime in neighborhoods where police weren’t being sent by this AI, because there weren't any arrests in those neighborhoods, data about them wasn’t fed back into the algorithm. While algorithms like PredPol are still in use, to try and manage these feedback effects, there is currently more effort to monitor and adjust how they process data. So basically, this would be like a new principal who was hired to improve the average grades of a school, but he doesn’t really care about the students who already have good grades. He creates a watchlist of students who have really bad grades and checks up on them every week, and he ignores the students who keep up with good grades. If any of the students on his watchlist don’t do their homework that week, they get punished. But all of the students NOT on his watchlist can slack on their homework, and get away with it based on “what happened in the past.” Korean: 그 지역의 체포가 증가했고, 체포 데이터가 알고리즘으로 다시 공급되고, AI는 더 많은 미래 약물범죄를 그 동네에서 예측하고, 체포하여 경찰에 보낼 것입니다. AI는 더 많은 미래 약물범죄를 그 동네에서 예측하고, 체포하여 경찰에 보낼 것입니다. 이 AI에 의해 경찰이 보내지 않은 곳 근처에 범죄가 있을 수 있지만, 이 동네에서는 체포가 없었기 때문에, 그들에 대한 데이터는 알고리즘의 피드백으로 공급되지 않았습니다. 이 동네에서는 체포가 없었기 때문에, 그들에 대한 데이터는 알고리즘의 피드백으로 공급되지 않았습니다. 반면, PredPol과 같은 알고리즘은 여전히 이러한 피드백 효과를 시도하고 관리하기 위해 사용됩니다. 현재 그들이 데이터를 처리하는 방법을 조정하려고 더 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 기본적으로 이것은 학교의 평균 성적을 향상시키기 위해 고용된 새로운 교장과 같습니다. 그러나 그는 실제로 이미 좋은 성적을 가진 학생들에 대해 서는 상관하지 않습니다. 그는 정말 나쁜 성적이어서 매주 확인해야 하는 학생의 관심 ​​목록을 만듭니다. 그리고 그는 좋은 성적을 유지하는 학생들에겐 관심을 갖지 않습니다. 관심 목록에 있는 학생이 그 주의 숙제를 하지 않은 경우 처벌을 받습니다. 그러나 그의 관심 목록에 없는 학생들은 숙제를 느슨하게 하고 “과거에 일어난 일”을 근거로 도망갈 수 있습니다. 그러나 그의 관심 목록에 없는 학생들은 숙제를 느슨하게 하고 “과거에 일어난 일”을 근거로 도망갈 수 있습니다. English: This is essentially what’s happening with PredPol, and you can be the judge if you believe it’s fair or not. Finally, a group of people may mess with training data on purpose. For example, in 2014, Microsoft released a chatbot named Xiaoice in China. People could chat with Xiaoice so it would learn how to speak naturally on a variety of topics from these conversations. It worked great, and Xiaoice had over 40 million conversations with no incidents. In 2016, Microsoft tried the same thing in the U.S. by releasing the Twitterbot Tay. Tay trained on direct conversation threads on Twitter, and by playing games with users where they could get it to repeat what they were saying. In 12 hours after its release, after a “coordinated attack by a subset of people” who biased its data set, Tay started posting violent, sexist, anti-semitic, and racist Tweets. This kind of manipulation is usually framed as “joking” or “trolling,” but the fact that AI can be manipulated means we should take algorithmic predictions with a grain of salt. This is why I don’t leave John-Green-Bot alone online… Korean: 이것은 PredPol에서 본질적으로 일어나는 일이고 여러분 이 공정한 지 판단한다면 판사가 될 수 있습니다. 이것은 PredPol에서 본질적으로 일어나는 일이고 여러분 이 공정한 지 판단한다면 판사가 될 수 있습니다. 마지막으로, 한 무리의 사람들이 의도적으로 데이터 훈련을 엉망으로 만들 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 2014년에 마이크로소프트는 중국에서 Xiaoice라는 챗봇을 발매하였는데 사람들은 Xiaoice와 대화 할 수 있으므로 이러한 대화에서 다양한 주제에 대해 자연스럽게 말하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. 사람들은 Xiaoice와 대화 할 수 있으므로 이러한 대화에서 다양한 주제에 대해 자연스럽게 말하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. 그것은 잘 작동했고 Xiaoice는 4천만 명이 넘게 사건없이 대화를 했습니다. 2016년에 마이크로소프트는 미국에서 똑같이 트위터봇 Tay를 출시했습니다. Tay는 트위터에서 직접적인 대화 맥락에서 훈련받고, 사용자와 게임을 통해 반복되는 대화를 할 수 있었습니다. 출시 후 12시간 만에 데이터 세트를 편향시킨 "일부 사람 들에 의한 조정 된 공격"을 받고 Tay는 폭력적이고 성 차별적이며 반유대 주의적이며 인종 차별적인 트윗을 게시하기 시작했습니다. 이런 종류의 조작은 일반적으로 액자 "농담"또는 "장난"으로 프레임되지만 AI를 조작 할 수 있다는 사실은 알고리즘 예측이 과장되었다는 것을 감안하여야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. AI를 조작 할 수 있다는 사실은 알고리즘 예측이 과장되었다는 것을 감안하여야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. 이것이 내가 존 그린 봇을 온라인에 혼자 놔두지 않는 이유입니다. English: The common theme of algorithmic bias is that AI systems are trying to make good predictions, but they make mistakes. Some of these mistakes may be harmless or mildly inconvenient, but others may have significant consequences. To understand the key limitations of AI in our current society, let’s go to the Thought Bubble. Let’s say there’s an AI system called HireMe! that gives hiring recommendations to companies. HireMe is being used by Robots Weekly, a magazine where John-Green-bot applied for an editorial job. Just by chance, the last two people named “John” got fired from Robots Weekly and another three “Johns” didn’t make it through the hiring process. So, when John-Green-Bot applies for the job, HireMe! predicts that he’s only 24% likely to be employed by the company in 3 years. Seeing this prediction, the hiring manager at Robots Weekly rejects John-Green-bot, and this data gets added to the HireMe! AI system. John-Green-Bot is just another “John” that got rejected, even though he may have been the perfect robot for the job! Now, future “Johns” have an even lower chance to be hired. Korean: 알고리즘 바이어스의 일반적인 주제는 인공 지능 시스템은 좋은 예측을 하려고 하지만, 그러나 그들은 실수를 합니다. 이러한 실수 중 일부는 무해하거나 약간 불편하지만 다른 것들은 중요한 결과를 갖습니다. 이러한 실수 중 일부는 무해하거나 약간 불편하지만 다른 것들은 중요한 결과를 갖습니다. 우리 현재 사회 AI의 주요 한계를 이해하려면 생각거품에 가 봅시다. 우리 현재 사회 AI의 주요 한계를 이해하려면 생각거품에 가 봅시다. HireMe!라는 회사에 고용 추천을 제공하는 AI 시스템이 있다고 가정 해 봅시다. HireMe!라는 회사에 고용 추천을 제공하는 AI 시스템이 있다고 가정 해 봅시다. HireMe는 존 그린 봇이 편집일을 신청한 잡지 Robots Weekly에서 사용되고 있습니다. HireMe는 존 그린 봇이 편집일을 신청한 잡지 Robots Weekly에서 사용되고 있습니다. 우연히도 '존'이라는 지난 두 사람은 Robots Weekly에서 해고되었고 또 다른 세명의 "존"은 채용 과정을 통과하지 못했습니다. 존 그린 봇이 고용을 신청할 때, HireMe는 3년 안에 회사에 고용될 가능성이 단지 24%라고 예측합니다. 존 그린 봇이 고용을 신청할 때, HireMe는 3년 안에 회사에 고용될 가능성이 단지 24%라고 예측합니다. 이 예측을 보고, Robots Weekly의 채용 관리자는 존 그린 봇을 거부하고, 데이터는 HireMe의 AI시스템에 추가됩니다. 이 예측을 보고, Robots Weekly의 채용 관리자는 존 그린 봇을 거부하고, 데이터는 HireMe의 AI시스템에 추가됩니다. 이 예측을 보고, Robots Weekly의 채용 관리자는 존 그린 봇을 거부하고, 데이터는 HireMe의 AI시스템에 추가됩니다. 심지어 그가 작업을 위한 완벽한 로봇이었을지라도 , 존 그린 봇은 또 다른 거절당한 "존"입니다. 심지어 그가 작업을 위한 완벽한 로봇이었을지라도 , 존 그린 봇은 또 다른 거절당한 "존"입니다. 이제 미래의“존”들은 채용 가능성이 훨씬 낮습니다. Korean: 이는 긍정적인 피드백 루프이며 일부는 존 그린봇에게는 매우 부정적인 결과입니다. 물론 “존”이라는 이름은 보호된 클래스가 아니지만 다른 그룹의 사람들에게 적용 할 수 있습니다. 물론 “존”이라는 이름은 보호된 클래스가 아니지만 다른 그룹의 사람들에게 적용 할 수 있습니다. 게다가 심지어 HireMe!와 같은 알고리즘은 두 종류의 데이터를 연결을 설정하는 데 매우 능숙하고, 그들은 항상 예측을 하는 이유를 명확히 할 수 없습니다. 두 종류의 데이터를 연결을 설정하는 데 매우 능숙하고, 그들은 항상 예측을 하는 이유를 명확히 할 수 없습니다. 예를 들어, HireMe!는 더 높은 연령대를 디지털 기술에 대한 지식이 적은 것으로 연관지어 찾을 수 있습니다. 그래서 AI는 더 젋은 지원자를 제안합니다. 이것은 보호 된 클래스인 "나이"에 대한 불법적인 차별일 뿐만 아니라, 암시적 연결도 사실이 아닐 수도 있습니다. 존 그린봇은 거의 40세일 수 있지만 로봇 블로그를 운영해 Nerdfighteria와 같은 온라인 커뮤니티에서 활동중입니다. 존 그린봇은 거의 40세일 수 있지만 로봇 블로그를 운영해 Nerdfighteria와 같은 온라인 커뮤니티에서 활동중입니다. 그러므로 HireMe와 같은 AI 시스템과 상호 작용하는 것은 인간의 몫입니다. 추천에 주의를 기울이거나, 그들이 공정한지 확인하거나, 그렇지 않은 경우 알고리즘을 조정합니다. 편견과 차별에 대한 AI 모니터링은 막대한 책임처럼 들리는데, 우리가 어떻게 그걸 할 수 있을까요? 편견과 차별에 대한 AI 모니터링은 막대한 책임처럼 들리는데, 우리가 어떻게 그걸 할 수 있을까요? English: It’s a positive feedback loop, with some pretty negative consequences for John-Green-Bot. Of course, being named “John” isn’t a protected class, but this could apply to other groups of people. Plus, even though algorithms like HireMe! Are great at establishing a link between two kinds of data, they can’t always clarify why they’re making predictions. For example, HireMe! may find that higher age is associated with lower knowledge of digital technologies, so the AI suggests hiring younger applicants. Not only is this illegally discriminating against the protected class of “age,” but the implied link also might not be true. John-Green-bot may be almost 40, but he runs a robot blog and is active in online communities like Nerdfighteria! So it’s up to humans interacting with AI systems like HireMe! to pay attention to recommendations and make sure they’re fair, or adjust the algorithms if not. Thanks, Thought Bubble! Monitoring AI for bias and discrimination sounds like a huge responsibility, so how can we do it? English: The first step is just understanding that algorithms will be biased. It’s important to be critical about AI recommendations, instead of just accepting that “the computer said so.” This is why transparency in algorithms is so important, which is the ability to examine inputs and outputs to understand why an algorithm is giving certain recommendations. But that's easier said than done when it comes to certain algorithms, like deep learning methods. Hidden layers can be tricky to interpret. Second, if we want to have less biased algorithms, we may need more training data on protected classes like race, gender, or age. Looking at an algorithm’s recommendations for protected classes may be a good way to check it for discrimination. This is kind of a double-edged sword, though. People who are part of protected classes may (understandably) be worried about handing over personal information. It may feel like a violation of privacy, or they might worry that algorithms will be misused to target rather than protect them. Even if you aren’t actively working on AI systems, knowing about these algorithms and Korean: 첫 번째 단계는 알고리즘이이 편향될 것이라고 이해하는 것입니다. '컴퓨터가 그렇게 말했다'고 생각하는 대신, AI의 추천에 대해 비판적으로 생각하는 것이 중요합니다. '컴퓨터가 그렇게 말했다'고 생각하는 대신, AI의 추천에 대해 비판적으로 생각하는 것이 중요합니다. 이는 알고리즘의 투명성이 매우 중요한 이유로, 입력과 출력이 왜 알고리즘이 특정 추천을 해주는지를 검사하는 능력입니다. 그러나 그것은 딥러닝 방법과 같은 특정한 알고리즘에 관해서는 행동보다 말이 쉽습니다. 그러나 그것은 딥러닝 방법과 같은 특정한 알고리즘에 관해서는 행동보다 말이 쉽습니다. 숨겨진 레이어는 해석하기 까다로울 수 있습니다. 둘째, 편향 된알고리즘을 줄이고 싶다면, 보호된 클래스에 대한 더 많은 훈련 데이터가 필요할 수 있습니다 인종, 성별 또는 연령과 같은 것들입니다. 보호된 클래스에 대한 알고리즘의 추천을 살펴보는 것은 차별 여부를 확인하는 좋은 방법이 될 수 있습니다. 보호된 클래스에 대한 알고리즘의 추천을 살펴보는 것은 차별 여부를 확인하는 좋은 방법이 될 수 있습니다. 그러나 이것은 양날의 검입니다. 보호된 클래스에 속한 사람들은 (당연히) 개인정보를 다루는 것에 대해 걱정할 수 있습니다. 보호된 클래스에 속한 사람들은 (당연히) 개인정보를 다루는 것에 대해 걱정할 수 있습니다. 프라이버시를 어기거나, 알고리즘이 그들을 보호하기보 단 목표로 삼도록 잘못 사용 될까 걱정할 수도 있습니다. 프라이버시를 어기거나, 알고리즘이 그들을 보호하기보 단 목표로 삼도록 잘못 사용 될까 걱정할 수도 있습니다. AI 시스템을 적극적으로 사용하지 않더라도, 이러한 알고리즘에 대해 알고 English: staying informed about artificial intelligence are really important as we shape the future of this field. Anyone, including you, can advocate for more careful, critical interpretation of algorithmic outputs to help protect human rights. Some people are even advocating that algorithms should be clinically tested and scrutinized in the same way that medicines are. According to these opinions, we should know if there are “side effects” before integrating AI in our daily lives. There’s nothing like that in the works yet. But it took over 2400 years for the Hippocratic Oath to transform into current medical ethics guidelines. So it may take some time for us to come up with the right set of practices. Next time, we have a lab and I’ll demonstrate how there are biases in even simple things like trying to adopt a cat or a dog. I’ll see ya then. Speaking of understanding how bias and misinformation spread, you should check out this video on Deep Fakes I did with Above the Noise -- another PBSDS channel that gets into the research behind controversial issues. Head over to the video in the description to find out how detect deep fakes. Tell them Jabril sent you! Korean: 인공 지능에 대한 정보를 유지하는 것은, 우리가 이 분야의 미래를 형성하는 데 정말 중요합니다. 인공 지능에 대한 정보를 유지하는 것은, 우리가 이 분야의 미래를 형성하는 데 정말 중요합니다. 여러분을 포함하여 누구나 인권 보호를 위해 알고리즘 결과에 대한 보다 신중하고 비판적인 해석을 옹호할 수 있습니다. 여러분을 포함하여 누구나 인권 보호를 위해 알고리즘 결과에 대한 보다 신중하고 비판적인 해석을 옹호할 수 있습니다. 어떤 사람들은 알고리즘이 의약품과 같은 방식으로 임상 적으로 검사하고 면밀히 조사해야한다고 옹호합니다. 어떤 사람들은 알고리즘이 의약품과 같은 방식으로 임상 적으로 검사하고 면밀히 조사해야한다고 옹호합니다. 이러한 의견에 따르면, 우리는 AI를 일상에 통합하기 전에 "부작용"이있는 경우를 알아야 합니다. 이러한 의견에 따르면, 우리는 AI를 일상에 통합하기 전에 "부작용"이있는 경우를 알아야 합니다. 아직 그런 작업은 없습니다. 그러나 히포크라테스 선서가 현재의 의료 윤리 지침으로 전환되기까지 2400년이 걸렸습니다. 그러나 히포크라테스 선서가 현재의 의료 윤리 지침으로 전환되기까지 2400년이 걸렸습니다. 따라서 올바른 관행을 마련하는 데에는 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 다음에는 개나 고양이를 구분하는 단순한 작업으로 알고리즘 편향을 랩에서 실습하겠습니다. 다음에는 개나 고양이를 구분하는 단순한 작업으로 알고리즘 편향을 랩에서 실습하겠습니다. 그럼 나중에 봐요. 편견과 잘못된 정보가 어떻게 확산되는지 이해하려면 딥 페이크에 대한 비디오를 확인하십시오. 저는 논란의 여지가있는 문제에 대한 연구에 참여하는 또 다른 PBSDS 채널인 Upper the Noise를 사용했습니다. 설명의 비디오로 이동하여 딥페이크를 감지하는 방법을 찾아 보세요. 그들에게 자브릴이 당신을 보냈다고 말해주세요. English: Crash Course AI is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios! If you want to help keep all Crash Course free for everybody, forever, you can join our community on Patreon. And if you want to learn more about prejudice and discrimination in humans, you can check out this episode of Crash Course Sociology. Korean: 크래시 코스 AI는 PBS 디지털 스튜디오와 연합하여 제작되었습니다! Crash Course가 모두를 위해 무료일수 있도록 도움을 주시고 싶으면 Patron 커뮤티에 가입해주세요! Crash Course가 모두를 위해 무료일수 있도록 도움을 주시고 싶으면 Patron 커뮤티에 가입해주세요! 편견과 인간의 차별에 대해 더 배우고 싶다면, 여러분은 크래시 코스 사회학을 볼 수 있습니다. 편견과 인간의 차별에 대해 더 배우고 싶다면, 여러분은 크래시 코스 사회학을 볼 수 있습니다.
Here's an atom. What is the atomic number, the mass number and the net charge to this atom? So the atomic number is the number of protons. In this diagram, these little red circles are representing protons here in the nucleus so we’ve got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which means my atomic number is 5. That was easy enough. Mass number is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons which are these things in blue so mass number is 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 protons plus neutrons. So mass number is 8. Sometimes people think you have to have the same number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, definitely not true, they can differ quite a bit. The net charge is how protons and electrons balance each other out. So, electrons are represented by these things here flying around the outside the atom, 1, 2, 3, 4 electrons, e- is a way that we can abbreviate electrons, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p+, protons. So, the protons and the electrons don't quite balance out. There is one more proton than electrons so that one extra proton is going to give me a net charge of 1+ because each proton has a positive charge have one extra proton. Net charge of 1+. This is kind of a basic problem, now we’ll move on to something that's a little trickier. So here, we’ve got and atom with this atomic number, this mass number, and net charge. From this information, we need to figure out the protons, neutrons, and electrons that are in this atom. Protons, that is going to be easy because protons… the number of protons is going to be the same thing as atomic number. So it's going to be 7. Now what about neutrons? Mass number is protons plus neutrons so this 15 here is protons and neutrons together. I already know how many protons there are so I can do protons plus neutrons, the mass number, minus the number of protons equals 8, the number of neutrons. The net charge here is 2+. If I have a positive net charge with a certain number, that's telling me how many more protons I have than electrons. So in this case, net charge of 2+, there are 2 more protons than elections. Since I have 7 protons that means that I have to have 5 electrons for me to get a 2+ charge. Here's a table with various characteristics of a certain atom. We need to fill in the things that are empty. Okay, we don't know how many protons, we don't know how many neutrons, where can we start? Okay, we know the electrons and we know the net charge so based on the number of electrons and the net charge this atom has, we can figure out how many protons there are, okay? Since this is a net charge of -3 that means that there are 3 more electrons than protons because electrons have a negative charge. So I have 7 electrons that means I'm going to have… I'm sorry if I had 10 electrons that means that I'm going to have 7 protons, 3 more electrons will give me -3. Okay, now I know that my atomic number is the same as my number of protons so that is also going to be 7. The mass number here is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. So to get just the number of neutrons I take a mass number, protons plus neutrons, minus the number of protons, 7, and that is going to give me 9 neutrons. Sometimes these table problems can be the hardest so we’ll do one more example. Here, we want to find the electrons, protons, and the atomic number. We know the neutrons, the mass number, and the net charge. Okay, let’s start with protons. We know the mass number, protons plus neutrons, and we know the number of neutrons. So that means we can take 25, which is protons plus neutrons, and subtract the number of neutrons, 25 minus 11 is going to give us 14, and that is the number of protons alone. Atomic number is just another word for the protons, so these both are going to be 14. Now that we know the number of protons in the nucleus, we can use the net charge to figure out the number of electrons. So it’s a net charge of 1+ which means that there should be one more proton because it has a positive charge… one more proton than electron. So 14 protons that means that total I'm going to have 13 electrons. So now that you know how to solve problems like this, you're ready to go on to videos about isotopes.
English: A bright lemon loaf drizzled with a sweet glaze. Enjoy a slice for breakfast or as a sweet treat. This loaf gets made all in one bowl which means a lot less dishes, just make sure to pick one that will leave you with enough room to stir everything together. Start with the eggs, you’ll need three, crack them into the bowl. You want them to be medium sized and I always go with free range, the taste and quality just doesn’t compare with others even when you’re just using them for baking. Measure out a cup of yoghurt and add to the bowl. I’m using greek yogurt but you could also use natural yoghurt, sour cream, or even buttermilk. Use whichever one you have in your fridge or the one that is easiest to get your hands on. They all work the same English: A bright lemon loaf drizzled with a sweet glaze. Enjoy a slice for breakfast or as a sweet treat. This loaf gets made all in one bowl which means a lot less dishes, just make sure to pick one that will leave you with enough room to stir everything together. Start with the eggs, you’ll need three, crack them into the bowl. You want them to be medium sized and I always go with free range, the taste and quality just doesn’t compare with others even when you’re just using them for baking. Measure out a cup of yoghurt and add to the bowl. I’m using greek yogurt but you could also use natural yoghurt, sour cream, or even buttermilk. Use whichever one you have in your fridge or the one that is easiest to get your hands on. English: They all work the same in this recipe. If you would like the full recipe for this lemon loaf it will be on my website as well as the full measurements listed in the information box below. Next is granulated sugar for some sweetness. This lemon loaf isn’t super sweet, most of the sweetness actually comes from the glaze which gets poured over later. Add the sugar to the bowl with the eggs and yoghurt and use a whisk to combine the ingredients together until the mixture is smooth. Grate the zest from 1-2 lemons, depending on their size. The recipe needs about 1 1-/2 to 2 tablespoons of zest, one large lemon was enough for me but if yours are smaller 2 will be better. English: in this recipe. If you would like the full recipe for this lemon loaf it will be on my website as well as the full measurements listed in the information box below. Next is granulated sugar for some sweetness. This lemon loaf isn’t super sweet, most of the sweetness actually comes from the glaze which gets poured over later. Add the sugar to the bowl with the eggs and yoghurt and use a whisk to combine the ingredients together until the mixture is smooth. Grate the zest from 1-2 lemons, depending on their size. The recipe needs about 1 1-/2 to 2 tablespoons of zest, one large lemon was enough for me but if yours are smaller English: 2 will be better. Scoop the zest up and add to the mixing bowl. In place of butter this recipe actually uses oil. The oil helps keep moisture in the loaf so it never will turn out dry while also making it have a very light and tender texture. Measure out half of a cup of a neutral oil, like vegetable, canola, or sunflower and add to the mixing bowl. Mix the ingredients together with the whisk - bonus here there is no creaming of butter involved. Along with the lemon zest this recipe uses 2 tablespoons of lemon extract. It’s used in place of lemon juice as the flavour is much stronger throughout the loaf, the flavour from lemon juice would dissipate while the loaf is baking. Just keep the lemon you’ve zested for the glaze. Use the whisk to mix all of the wet ingredients together until well combined. English: Scoop the zest up and add to the mixing bowl. In place of butter this recipe actually uses oil. The oil helps keep moisture in the loaf so it never will turn out dry while also making it have a very light and tender texture. Measure out half of a cup of a neutral oil, like vegetable, canola, or sunflower and add to the mixing bowl. Mix the ingredients together with the whisk - bonus here there is no creaming of butter involved. Along with the lemon zest this recipe uses 2 tablespoons of lemon extract. It’s used in place of lemon juice as the flavour is much stronger throughout the loaf, the flavour from lemon juice would dissipate while the loaf is baking. Just keep the lemon you’ve zested for the glaze. Use the whisk to mix all of the wet ingredients together until well combined. Place a sieve on top of the mixing bowl and add the dry ingredients. English: Flour, baking powder and salt. Along with removing any lumps the sieve also makes it so much easier to mix the dry ingredients into the wet. Switch to a wooden spoon and fold the batter together. This is quite a lumpy batter so just mix until you no longer see any dry flour. Pour the batter into a lined and greased loaf tin and place into a preheated oven to bake for 50-55 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Leave to cool completely before starting on the glaze. To make the glaze you’ll need a cup of icing sugar and the juice from one lemon, about 1-2 tablespoons. English: Place a sieve on top of the mixing bowl and add the dry ingredients. Flour, baking powder and salt. Along with removing any lumps the sieve also makes it so much easier to mix the dry ingredients into the wet. Switch to a wooden spoon and fold the batter together. This is quite a lumpy batter so just mix until you no longer see any dry flour. Pour the batter into a lined and greased loaf tin and place into a preheated oven to bake for 50-55 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Leave to cool completely before starting on the glaze. To make the glaze you’ll need a cup of icing sugar and the juice from one lemon, about English: Roll your lemons against a hard surface before juicing, you’ll get much more out of them. Juice the lemon and pour about 2/3s of the juice into a small bowl with the icing sugar. Give it a mix and add more juice as desired. I like the glaze on the thicker side so I haven’t used all of the lemon juice. Drizzle the glaze over the lemon loaf and leave to set for an hour before serving. Let me know if you give this lemon loaf a try. Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed this recipe and I’ll see you in my next video. English: 1-2 tablespoons. Roll your lemons against a hard surface before juicing, you’ll get much more out of them. Juice the lemon and pour about 2/3s of the juice into a small bowl with the icing sugar. Give it a mix and add more juice as desired. I like the glaze on the thicker side so I haven’t used all of the lemon juice. Drizzle the glaze over the lemon loaf and leave to set for an hour before serving. Let me know if you give this lemon loaf a try. Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed this recipe and I’ll see you in my next video.
I'm out of ammo! You don't have ammo? He is a noob! Knock him out! What a fuckin noob.. I don't believe that.. Hey guys, today I'll play fortnite. You haven't seen me playing alone, but this time I'll try it. I'm just messing with you...Here with me are Louis -Hey -And Elias. We've changed our setup a bit, now we'll play multiplayer. Except Elias, we haven't played fortnite at all. So, we'll do our best. Anyway, there is an offer where you can take two free skin, We'll have the link down below in the description, Just follow the steps to claim the skins. -It has to do with twitch -Yes, steps will be in the link So, let's play. There is a guy that is coming to us! He's coming from south east. He fell on that house. -Elia? -Another one in... -Wait, I'm putting armor on. Come on..! -He is here!! Help me! -Where are you man? I'll get him! Noo -Louie? -He got me.. He's on the rooftop above me. That was the game for me, thank you. See you in the next one! Got him! I can hear another one! -I knocked him down.. -There he is! He is down there. I've hit him a lot. I'm down. There was another one man.. He got me, Tze. -I got him! -Nice! The other one is coming! He is on my body! I don't have a lot of ammo.. He is building here, on the left. -Can you hear him? -I can but I don't have ammo. Do whatever you can now. -He is on the building. -He is up there, yeah. What's that? Here to the left. There he is! I'm out of ammo! You don't have ammo eh? He is a noob! Knock him down! What a fuckin noob... I don't believe it.. -Is he there? -I got him! Good job man!! He is here? He got me... You are too far man.. Get him Elia! -I got it! -Ok, revive me after that. They are shooting at me. Bastards. There is another one Elia! Where I died. No! He got me...And I hit him. -I'm far man, you were in... -He is coming towards you! -You'll see him! -He built something. He's gonna heal. -He made a wall! He's gonna heal! Must go behind him. Motherfucker built everything. Smash it down with the pickaxe. Can't I shoot from here? Take that! -You knocked him down! -There is another one! He is reviving him! Rush them! Nice! You knocked them! There is another one! Must be another one since they are not dead.. -He is shooting at you! -He fucked me.. Do you have anything on you? He is walking. I reckon he revived him. No he didn't! He is coming to you! From the left! He is looking at you! He has AR. Yeah man, all I had was the pistols.. He jumped! There is a guy here with me! Yes! I got him! I'll fuck you up. Take that! Kill him Louie! -You knocked him down Tze? -Yeah I did -Louie kill him -I got him! -I can hear someone! -It's me. Over here man! He is here!! And another one! Where is the other one? Behind there? He is down! There are two! -Where? -The other is running. I knocked him down! We got him! Well done Tze. -There other one left! -Where? Can you see him? Somewhere he. West. But I don't know exactly where, because I saw him before. -I'm after him! -Yes. There he is! He turned back! He is going to the house at north east! I can't shoot him. He is smashing the house to get inside. I reckon he doesn't have weapons. Run! Let's get him! Someone is shooting from the right. -Someone is shooting from the right. -I only have 3 rounds! He is here! Where is the other one shooting? Do you know? Right, south east. He is down the hill. Where is the other prick shooting.. He killed me! Well done! -You got headshot motherfucker.... -I threw a lot of smoke. Stay here. I only have one-two bullets. Louie cover us. I built something so I can revive him. And somewhere he we have to finish fortnite. Ok, we weren't perfect but it's our first time in the game.. -We'll get better! Of course.. If you want us to continue, which we will anyway because the game is nice.. Tell us your opinion down in the comments below if you liked it or not. Share, like and subscribe, whatever you can do to help us. We'll see you in the next video, but before that one last dance! 3, 2, 1!
Here’s 3 ways in which the UK housing sector is completely and utterly f**ked. 1. Home Ownership. Do you ever get the feeling that life just isn’t as fair as it used to be? 20 years ago, 65% of 25-34 year olds on middle incomes owned their own home. Today, it’s just 27% and falling. Mean house prices are 152% higher today than they were in the mid-1990s, adjusting for inflation. The consequence? The average house price for a young person today is around 8 times their household income, compared to 4 times 20 years ago. ---And with up to half our incomes going on rent, it will take millennials an average of 19 years to save for a deposit to buy a house - compared to an average of 3 years back in the 1980s. In comparison, 1 in 6 baby boomers owns a second home - meaning that not only is there generational concentration of wealth, but the buy-to-let market means that the pay packets of the young are lining the pockets of wealthy older people. 2. ---Housing benefits. Who do you reckon is a bigger drain on the state: unemployed people, or enterprising, property-owning private landlords? Wrong. It’s landlords. Just 1% of UK government welfare spending goes towards unemployment entitlements. But 25% of welfare spending goes on housing benefits, which are now part of the Universal Credit system. 4.2 million people claim housing benefit, which is more than any other kind of benefit. Last year, an estimated 21.9 billion pounds was spent on making sure that people in the UK could keep a roof over their heads by supplementing their rent. This year, it’s predicted that over £10 billion of the housing benefit spend will be going towards supplementing rents of tenants in the private sector. So that’s over £10 billion pounds of taxpayer dosh feathering the nests of private landlords instead of being spent increasing the supply of actually affordable housing. Because that’s the real issue. Housing benefit doesn’t cover rents in 95% of the country. The gap between welfare support and costs is more than £100 a month in England and more than £900 in central London. This means that thousands of families are either forced to cover the shortfall between rent and income through increasing personal debt, or are pushed into homelessness 3. ---Which then puts them at the mercy of the Temporary Accommodation industry Also known as the Chokey of the UK housing sector. In the last 5 years, the combination of benefits cuts, soaring rents and a nationwide cost of living crisis has led to a massive increase in the number of people declared statutory homeless. According to the House of Commons library, there’s been a 77% increase in the number of households placed in temporary accommodation since 2010, when the Lib Dem-Tory coalition came into power and ruined the lives of basically everyone who wasn’t a millionaire. The latest data shows that over 125,000 children are currently in temporary or emergency housing ---Between 2018 and 2019, £1.1bn was spent on B&Bs, hostels and other temporary shelter - 30% of which was spent on emergency B&Bs, despite there being a near universal consensus that these are the worst form of accommodation for children and families. Council spending on emergency B&Bs has gone up by 147% in recent years, while the number of units has increased by only 32%. In short, the homelessness crisis has created the perfect conditions for unscrupulous landlords to spike their prices, with the taxpayer footing the bill. More than 27,500 people are living in so-called “exempt accommodation”, meaning that their full-rent is being paid by the taxpayer, but there aren’t any safeguards for standards or safety governing the placement. “Exempt accommodation” is often used to house people who are extremely vulnerable or have complex needs: domestic violence survivors, the long-term homeless, and people with substance misuse issues. In a report released just this month, one resident said ---“It was dirty, filthy – rats and all sorts. Really dangerous. Never saw a staff member again after I got the keys. I stayed for about 10 days, then slept on a park bench for two. I was sexually assaulted in that park and I was terrified, confused, the lot.” Treating emergency and temporary accommodation as a commodity has created incentives for the private sector to bleed the public purse dry - and people aren’t even getting decent
Spanish: Nintendo Entertainment System (Sistema de Entretenimiento de Nintendo). Famicon en Japón Publicado en 1983 en Japón y en 1985 en Norteamérica El juego mas largo del NES ocupo 1 megabyte de espacio o 60 segundos de un mp3 El RAM de todos los 61.9 Millones de NES vendidos combinados Igualaría a 118 GigaBytes o 59 Wii Us Al menos 849,300,000 disparos han sido efectuados en Duck Hunt que deberían quemar 4,836,291.6 calorías o alrededor de 2,715.5 pizzas largas que es cuantas pizzas vende Domino en 63 segundos Spanish: Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Famicon en Japón Lanzada en Japón en 1983 Lanzada en Estados Unidos en 1985 El juego mas grande de NES ocupaba 1 megabyte o 60 segundos de un mp3 la suma de RAM de las 61.9 Millones de NES vendidas seria igual a 118 GB ...o 59 Wii U. Por lo menos 849.300.000 disparos se hicieron en Duck Hunt lo que quemaría 4.836.291 calorías o al rededor de 2.715,5 pizzas grandes que es la cantidad de pizzas que vende Domino´s en 63 segundos Spanish: El peso total de todas las NES vendidas es de 77,212.7 toneladas métricas aproximadamente 448 Ballenas Azules El aire soplado en cada cartucho vendido de Super Mario Bros (40,24 copias) Llenarían 18 Globos Aerostáticos Y como siempre gracias por ver ¿que debería ser siguiente? comenta o tweetéame @vsaucethree (en ingles) ¿Quieres que traduzca un video? Manda correo a: joseeduardoguzman5@gmail.com, y te responderé cuando haya terminado ;) Spanish: el peso total de todas las NES vendidas es 77.212,7 toneladas métricas cerca de 448 Ballenas Azules El aire necesario para soplar cada cartucho vendido de Super Mario Bros. llenaría 18 globos aerostáticos Y como siempre gracias por ver. ¿Que deberia ser luego?
French: Ryan: Je suis Ryan de extremeterrain.com et dans cet épisode, nous sommes ici à Sand Hollow apprendre à conduire dans les dunes. Nous sommes donc ici à Sand Mountain OHV zone juste à l'extérieur de Sand Hollow State Park et aujourd'hui, tout est question de conduite sur les dunes. A côté de moi, j'ai Jeff. Jeff, merci beaucoup d'être avec nous. Jeff: Oh, merci de me recevoir ici avec les gars. Ryan: Absolument. Jeff vient de la Desert Roads and Trails Society. Nous sommes très heureux de l'avoir ici comme un guide pour nous et pour nous montrer certains des techniques derrière le roulage dans le sable parce que c'est un peu différent de ce que nous sommes habitué. Nous avons donc la Deegan Jeep ici. C'est la Jeep que nous avons construite pour Brian Deegan. Si vous n'avez pas vu cette vidéo, assurez-vous que vous vous abonnez à notre chaîne YouTube qui Ainsi, vous pouvez vérifier cette vidéo ainsi que notre vidéo de nous faisant rouler cette Jeep à Pâques Jeep Safari cette année. C'était une explosion absolue. Donc, cette Jeep est plutôt bien installée, mais celle de Jeff va nous parler un peu plus sur comment vous voulez que votre jeep soit mise en place et des techniques que vous allez vraiment utiliser ici dans le sable. Spanish: Ryan: soy Ryan de extremeterrain.com y en este episodio, estamos aquí en Sand Hollow aprendiendo a conducir en las dunas. Así que aquí estamos aquí en Sand Mountain OHV área a las afueras de Sand Hollow State Park y hoy se trata de conducir en las dunas. A mi lado, tengo a Jeff. Jeff, muchas gracias por estar con nosotros. Jeff: Oh, gracias por invitarme a salir aquí con ustedes. Ryan: Absolutamente. Jeff es de Desert Roads and Trails Society. Estamos muy felices de tenerlo aquí como una guía para nosotros y para mostrarnos algunos de los técnicas detrás de rodar en la arena porque es un poco diferente de lo que somos Acostumbrado a. Así que tenemos el Deegan Jeep aquí. Este es el Jeep que construimos para Brian Deegan. Si no has visto ese video, asegúrate te suscribes a nuestro canal de YouTube que forma en que puede verificar ese video, así como nuestro video de nosotros girando este Jeep en Semana Santa Jeep Safari este año. Eso fue una explosión absoluta. Por lo tanto, este Jeep está bastante bien configurado, pero el de Jeff nos hablará un poco más sobre cómo quiere que se configure su Jeep y algunos de las técnicas que realmente vas a usar aquí en la arena. English: Ryan: I'm Ryan from extremeterrain.com and in this episode, we're out here in Sand Hollow learning how to drive in the dunes. So here we are out here at Sand Mountain OHV area just outside of Sand Hollow State Park and today is all about driving on the dunes. Next to me, I have Jeff. Jeff, thanks so much for being with us. Jeff: Oh, thanks for having me out here with you guys. Ryan: Absolutely. Jeff is from the Desert Roads and Trails Society. We are very happy to have him out here as a guide for us and to show us some of the techniques behind wheeling in the sand because it is a little bit different from what we're used to. So we have the Deegan Jeep out here. This is the Jeep that we built for Brian Deegan. If you haven't seen that video, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you can check that video out as well as our video of us wheeling this Jeep at Easter Jeep Safari this year. That was an absolute blast. So, this Jeep's pretty well set up but Jeff's gonna talk us through a little bit more about how you want your Jeep to be set up and some of the techniques that you're really gonna use out here in the sand. German: Ryan: Ich bin Ryan von extremeterrain.com und In dieser Folge sind wir hier in Sand Hollow Lernen, wie man in den Dünen fährt. Also hier sind wir hier bei Sand Mountain OHV Bereich außerhalb des Sand Hollow State Park und heute dreht sich alles um das Fahren auf den Dünen. Neben mir habe ich Jeff. Jeff, danke, dass du bei uns bist. Jeff: Oh, danke, dass du mich hier draußen hast Ihr. Ryan: Absolut. Jeff ist von der Desert Roads and Trails Society. Wir sind sehr glücklich, ihn hier draußen zu haben ein Leitfaden für uns und um uns einige der zu zeigen Techniken hinter dem Sand im Sand Es ist ein bisschen anders als das, was wir sind gewöhnt an. Also haben wir den Deegan Jeep hier draußen. Das ist der Jeep, den wir für Brian Deegan gebaut haben. Wenn Sie dieses Video noch nicht gesehen haben, vergewissern Sie sich Du abonnierst unseren YouTube-Kanal So können Sie das Video auch überprüfen unser Video von uns diesen Jeep zu Ostern drehen Jeep Safari in diesem Jahr. Das war eine absolute Explosion. Also, dieser Jeep ist ziemlich gut aufgestellt, aber Jeffs werde uns ein bisschen mehr erzählen wie du willst, dass dein Jeep aufgestellt wird und einiges von den Techniken, die du wirklich willst Benutze hier draußen im Sand. English: I know we were talking about the fact that you can pretty much take a stock vehicle out here and wheel it. Jeff: That's correct. All you need out here to get on the sand is just air your tires down, get a bigger footprint, little bit of horsepower, and some common sense and anybody can come out here and wheel in the sand. Ryan: If you have something, especially something like yours that's got a big wide tire, it's an even bigger footprint, that's gonna give you some more traction. Jeff: It gives you a lot more traction, a little more aggressive tread. You can get too aggressive if you don't have enough power and then you're just gonna dig a hole and you're not gonna go anywhere. Ryan: If you do start getting yourself into one of these situations, don't just hammer down and dig it down to the frame. Jeff: Right. That's not a fun situation to be in. Ryan: We have the Deegan Jeep. Like we said before, just has 37 by 12.50 tires on it. It's got a 4-inch lift to clear those tires and maybe most importantly about this setup are the shocks. These are the Falcon 3.3 adjustable shocks. We have them on a fairly soft setting because you said out here with some of the Razors and the ATVs, it can get pretty rough. Jeff: Right. It gets pretty bumpy with the tracks that people leave and then also, you'll notice German: Ich weiß, dass wir darüber gesprochen haben Sie können so ziemlich ein Serienfahrzeug nehmen hier und drehen Sie es. Jeff: Das ist richtig. Alles, was du hier draußen brauchst, um in den Sand zu steigen, ist lüfte einfach deine Reifen runter, bekomme eine größere Standfläche, ein bisschen Pferdestärke, und einige gemeinsame Sinn und jeder kann hier rauskommen und Rad fahren im Sand. Ryan: Wenn du etwas hast, vor allem etwas wie deine, die einen großen, breiten Reifen hat, ist es ein noch größerer Fußabdruck, der geben wird Du hast mehr Traktion. Jeff: Es gibt Ihnen viel mehr Traktion, a etwas aggressiveres Profil. Sie können zu aggressiv werden, wenn Sie nicht haben genug Kraft und dann wirst du graben ein Loch und du wirst nirgendwohin gehen. Ryan: Wenn du dich selbst anfängst in einer dieser Situationen hämmere nicht einfach runter und graben Sie es bis zum Rahmen. Jeff: Richtig. Das ist keine lustige Situation. Ryan: Wir haben den Deegan Jeep. Wie wir schon sagten, hat nur 37 von 12.50 Reifen drauf. Es hat einen 4-Zoll-Lift, um diese Reifen zu löschen und vielleicht am wichtigsten über dieses Setup sind die Schocks. Dies sind die Falcon 3.3 verstellbaren Dämpfer. Wir haben sie in einer ziemlich weichen Umgebung, weil Du hast hier draußen mit einigen der Rasiermesser gesprochen und die ATVs, kann es ziemlich rau werden. Jeff: Richtig. Es wird ziemlich holprig mit den Tracks Leute gehen und dann auch, Sie werden es bemerken Spanish: Sé que estábamos hablando del hecho de que puedes sacar un vehículo de stock aquí y ruedalo. Jeff: Eso es correcto. Todo lo que necesitas aquí para entrar en la arena es simplemente airee sus neumáticos, obtenga una huella más grande, poco de caballos de fuerza, y algo común sentido y cualquiera puede venir aquí y la rueda en la arena. Ryan: si tienes algo, especialmente algo como el tuyo que tiene un neumático grande y ancho, es una huella aún más grande, eso va a dar usted un poco más de tracción. Jeff: Te da mucha más tracción, una un poco más agresivo. Puedes volverte demasiado agresivo si no tienes suficiente potencia y luego solo vas a cavar un agujero y no vas a ir a ninguna parte. Ryan: si comienzas a entrar en una de estas situaciones, no solo martillee hacia abajo y cavar hacia abajo al marco. Jeff: Correcto. Esa no es una situación divertida en la que estar. Ryan: Tenemos el Deegan Jeep. Como dijimos antes, solo tiene 37 por 12.50 neumáticos en él. Tiene un elevador de 4 pulgadas para limpiar esos neumáticos y tal vez lo más importante acerca de esta configuración son los choques Estos son los amortiguadores ajustables Falcon 3.3. Los tenemos en un entorno bastante suave porque dijiste aquí con algunas de las Navajas y los cuatriciclos, puede ser bastante duro. Jeff: Correcto. Se pone muy lleno de baches con las pistas que la gente se va y luego también, te darás cuenta French: Je sais que nous parlions du fait que vous pouvez à peu près sortir un véhicule stock ici et roulez-le. Jeff: C'est vrai. Tout ce que vous avez besoin ici pour aller sur le sable est il suffit d’aérer vos pneus, d’obtenir une plus grande empreinte, peu de puissance, et quelques communes sens et n'importe qui peut sortir ici et rouler dans le sable. Ryan: Si tu as quelque chose, surtout quelque chose comme le vôtre qui a un gros pneu large, c'est une empreinte encore plus grande, ça va donner vous avez plus de traction. Jeff: Cela vous donne beaucoup plus de traction, un bande de roulement un peu plus agressive. Vous pouvez devenir trop agressif si vous n'avez pas assez de puissance et alors vous allez juste creuser un trou et tu ne vas aller nulle part. Ryan: Si vous commencez à vous mettre dans une de ces situations, ne vous contentez pas de marteler vers le bas et creuse le cadre. Jeff: C'est vrai. Ce n'est pas une situation amusante. Ryan: Nous avons la Jeep Deegan. Comme nous l'avons déjà dit, il n'y en a que 37 par 12.50 pneus dessus. Il a un ascenseur de 4 pouces pour dégager ces pneus et peut-être le plus important à propos de cette configuration sont les chocs. Ce sont les amortisseurs réglables Falcon 3.3. Nous les avons sur un réglage assez doux car vous avez dit ici avec certains des rasoirs et les VTT, ça peut devenir assez difficile. Jeff: C'est vrai. Il devient assez cahoteuse avec les pistes les gens partent et puis, vous remarquerez French: sur les dunes, selon la direction le vent va, il y a un Razorback et c'est vraiment raide. Vous ne voulez pas les monter parce que vous avez probablement ne le fera pas mais vous ne voulez pas voler de eux non plus ou vous allez faire un piqué dans le le sable. Oui, je ne pense pas que je veuille en faire un. Ryan: Oui. Mais encore une fois, c'est pourquoi nous avons l'expert, nous avons Jeff ici. Il va s'assurer que rien ne se passe comme ça à nous aujourd'hui et que nous sommes juste sortis ici en ayant un grand moment. Donc, Jeff va monter mon fusil de chasse. Nous allons sauter dans le Jeep Deegan et il est va me montrer certaines des techniques ici, avoir un peu de plaisir, puis Jeff va prendre sa Jeep. Nous allons jouer certains suivre le chef, déchire autour d'ici, passez un bon moment. Alors, allons-y. Donc, avant de sortir sur le sable, le La première chose que Jeff nous a fait faire ici est Aérer, n'est-ce pas, Jeff? Donc, cela nous donne une empreinte de taille assez décente. Mais vous disiez de ne pas vouloir diffuser trop bas parce que vous pouvez réellement obtenir sable dans la perle. Jeff: Ouais. Quand tu frappes quelque chose, ça ouvrira ta perle en haut, vous obtenez du sable là-dedans, et alors tout votre l'air fuit. Coupes dans votre temps de jeu. Ryan; Ouais, on ne veut pas faire ça. German: auf den Dünen, je nachdem in welche Richtung der Wind geht, da ist ein Razorback und das ist wirklich steil. Du willst sie wahrscheinlich nicht hochgehen Ich werde es nicht schaffen, aber du willst nicht wegfliegen von ihnen entweder oder du wirst einen Sturzflug in der Sand. Ja, ich glaube nicht, dass ich jemals einen machen möchte. Ryan: Ja. Aber wieder, deshalb haben wir den Experten, Wir haben Jeff hier draußen. Er wird dafür sorgen, dass so etwas nicht passiert zu uns heute und dass wir gerade hier sind eine großartige Zeit. Also wird Jeff meine Schrotflinte fahren. Wir werden in den Deegan Jeep steigen und er ist dabei werde mir hier einige der Techniken zeigen, hab ein bisschen Spaß und dann Jeffs werde in seinen Jeep steigen. Wir werden einige spielen, die dem Anführer folgen, reißen hier draußen, viel Spaß. Also lass uns danach kommen. Bevor wir also hier auf dem Sand ausgingen, Das erste was Jeff von uns hier machen ließ ist runter rennen, richtig, Jeff? Das gibt uns eine ziemlich gute Größe. Aber du hast gesagt, dass du nicht an der Luft sein wolltest zu viel runter, weil du es tatsächlich bekommen kannst Sand in der Perle. Jeff: Ja. Wenn du etwas triffst, öffnet es deine Perle oben, du bekommst Sand dort und dann alle deine Luft tritt aus. Schnitte in deine Spielzeit. Ryan; Ja, das wollen wir nicht machen. English: on the dunes, depending on which direction the wind goes, there's a Razorback and that's real steep. You don't wanna go up 'em because you probably won't make it but you don't wanna fly off of 'em either or you'll do a nosedive in the sand. Yeah, I don't think I'd ever wanna do one. Ryan: Yeah. But again, that's why we have the expert, we have Jeff out here. He's gonna make sure nothing like that happens to us today and that we're just out here having a great time. So, Jeff's gonna be riding my shotgun. We're gonna hop in the Deegan Jeep and he's gonna show me some of the techniques out here, have a little bit of fun, and then Jeff's gonna get in his Jeep. We're gonna play some follow the leader, rip around out here, have a great time. So let's get after it. So before we got out here on the sand, the first thing that Jeff had us do out here is airing down, right, Jeff? So that's giving us a pretty decent size footprint. But you were saying about not wanting to air down too much because you can actually get sand in the bead. Jeff: Yeah. When you hit something, it'll open your bead up, you get sand in there, and then all your air leaks out. Cuts into your play time. Ryan; Yeah, we don't wanna do that. Spanish: en las dunas, dependiendo de qué dirección el viento se va, hay un Razorback y eso es muy empinado No quieres subirlos porque probablemente no lo hará pero no quieres volar de 'ellos tampoco o harás una caída en picado en el arena. Sí, no creo que alguna vez quiera hacer una. Ryan: Sí. Pero de nuevo, es por eso que tenemos el experto, tenemos a Jeff aquí. Él va a asegurarse de que nada de eso pase para nosotros hoy y que estamos aquí afuera teniendo un gran momento. Entonces, Jeff va a montar mi escopeta. Vamos a saltar en el Deegan Jeep y él está me mostrará algunas de las técnicas aquí, Diviértete un poco, y luego Jeff Va a entrar en su Jeep. Jugaremos a algunos, sigan al líder, rasgad por aquí, pasar un buen rato. Así que vayamos a buscarlo. Así que antes de salir aquí en la arena, el Lo primero que Jeff nos hizo hacer aquí es aireándose, ¿verdad, Jeff? Eso nos está dando una huella de tamaño bastante decente. Pero estabas diciendo que no querías airear demasiado porque realmente se puede obtener arena en el cordón. Jeff: Sí. Cuando golpeas algo, abrirá tu cuenta arriba, obtienes arena allí, y luego todo tu el aire se filtra. Recorta tu tiempo de juego. Ryan; Sí, no queremos hacer eso. French: Nous voulons nous amuser ici. Venir à quelques dunes de taille décente ici. Dites-moi essentiellement comment je veux aborder celles-ci. Jeff: Naturellement, la vitesse est en votre faveur, d'accord. Si vous essayez de monter quelque chose de lent, vous êtes ne va pas y arriver Tu dois vérifier le fond de la dune, assurez-vous d'avoir une bonne rampe d'approche pour vous ne plongez pas dans la dune parce que Si tu fais ça, tu vas perdre ton élan et ça ne va pas se sentir bien. Ensuite, il vous suffit de rester dans la manette des gaz jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez au sommet, puis essayez de ne pas survoler les dunes, à moins que vous savoir ce qu'il y a de l'autre côté et vous avez un bon atterrissage. Ryan: Je l'ai compris Donc, c'est un peu de contrôle de la manette car, comme tu as dit, tu veux être dedans pour garder votre élan au sommet, mais une fois que vous obtenez vers le haut, ralentir assez agressivement afin que vous puissiez voir où vous venez. Donc c'est une petite dune, ce n'est pas énorme dune mais c'est une petite dune alors on va essayer un peu des techniques qui vous avez parlé Donc je vais donner un peu de gaz jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions au sommet, relâcher pour que nous puissions voir ce qui se passe ... Jeff: Soulagez-vous pour voir ce qu'il y a de l'autre côté parce que si vous ne pouvez pas voir quand vous obtenez English: We wanna have fun out here. Coming up to a couple of decent-sized dunes here. Tell me essentially how I want to approach these. Jeff: Naturally, speed's on your favor, okay. If you try to go up something slow, you're not gonna make it. You've gotta check out the bottom of the dune, make sure you have a good approach ramp so you're not nosediving into the dune because if you do that, you're gonna lose your momentum and it's not gonna feel good. Then you just need to stay in the throttle till you get to the top and then try not to fly over the top of the dunes, unless you know what's on the other side and you've got a good landing. Ryan: Got it. So it's a little bit of throttle control because, like you said, you wanna be into it to keep your momentum to the top but once you get to the top, slow down pretty aggressively so you can see where you're coming down. So this is a little dune, it's not a huge dune but it's a little dune so we're gonna kinda try out some of the techniques that you talked about. So I'm gonna give it a little bit of throttle till we get to the top, ease off so we can see what's going down... Jeff: Ease off so you see what's on the other side because if you can't see when you get Spanish: Queremos divertirnos aquí. Llegando a un par de dunas de buen tamaño aquí. Dime esencialmente cómo quiero acercarme estas. Jeff: Naturalmente, la velocidad está a tu favor, está bien. Si tratas de subir algo lento, eres No lo haré. Debes ver el fondo de la duna, asegúrate de tener una buena rampa de aproximación para no estás cayendo en picado en la duna porque si haces eso, vas a perder tu impulso y no se sentirá bien. Entonces solo necesitas permanecer en el acelerador hasta llegar a la cima y luego tratar de no vuela sobre la cima de las dunas, a menos que saber lo que está del otro lado y tienes un buen aterrizaje. Ryan: Entendido. Así que es un poco de control del acelerador porque como dijiste, quieres estar en eso para mantener su impulso a la cima, pero una vez que llegue en la parte superior, reduzca la velocidad de forma bastante agresiva para que puedas ver dónde estás bajando. Entonces esta es una pequeña duna, no es una gran duna, pero es una pequeña duna, así que vamos a un poco probar algunas de las técnicas que de lo que hablaste Así que voy a darle un poco de aceleración hasta que lleguemos a la cima, relajemos para poder ver lo que está pasando ... Jeff: liberate para que veas lo que está en el otro lado porque si no puede ver cuando obtienes German: Wir wollen hier draußen Spaß haben. Sie kommen zu ein paar anständigen Dünen Hier. Sag mir im Wesentlichen, wie ich mich annähern möchte diese. Jeff: Natürlich, Geschwindigkeit ist zu deinen Gunsten, okay. Wenn du versuchst, etwas langsamer zu machen, bist du es Ich werde es nicht schaffen. Du musst den Grund der Düne erkunden, Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine gute Zufahrtsrampe haben Du fährst nicht in die Düne, weil Wenn Sie das tun, werden Sie Ihren Schwung verlieren und es wird sich nicht gut anfühlen. Dann müssen Sie nur noch Gas geben bis du an die Spitze kommst und dann versuchst du es nicht flieg über die Dünen, außer du weiß, was auf der anderen Seite ist und du hast eine gute Landung. Ryan: Verstanden. Es ist also ein bisschen Gaskontrolle, weil Wie du gesagt hast, du willst darin sein, um es zu behalten Ihr Schwung an die Spitze, aber sobald Sie kommen nach oben, verlangsamen ziemlich aggressiv damit du siehst, wo du herunterkommst. Das ist also eine kleine Düne, es ist nicht riesig Düne, aber es ist eine kleine Düne, also werden wir es tun ein bisschen versuchen Sie einige der Techniken, die Du hast darüber gesprochen. Also werde ich ein bisschen Gas geben bis wir an die Spitze kommen, beruhigen wir uns Schau, was runter geht ... Jeff: Verschwinde, damit du siehst, was auf der anderen Seite ist Seite, weil, wenn Sie nicht sehen können, wenn Sie bekommen Spanish: en la parte superior, apaga y monta la parte superior de la duna hasta que puedas ver y luego puedes girar vuelve a bajar y vete por el otro lado, luego no tienes que frenar. Ryan: Sí, está bien. Obtener un poco de aceleración aquí. Jeff: Esa es una caída bastante empinada allí. Ryan: Eso es bastante caro. Puedo ver lo que quieres decir allí. Si no te sueltas y llevas velocidad ese... Jeff: Sí, te conviertes en un avión sin alas. Ryan: Eso no es lo que quieres porque cuando uno entra por el otro lado, ahí es cuando terminas con algunos problemas Entonces sabemos que en este momento el viento que formó estas dunas vienen de nuestra espalda, tan bonitas muchas dunas con las que nos encontramos van a ser lo mismo Poco [diafonía 00:04:34]. Jeff: Correcto. Va a ser lo mismo en todas partes. Este es un poco más empinado en la parte superior, por lo vas a necesitar un poco más de impulso. Sólo déjalo en la parte superior o puedes en realidad aprieta los frenos y desliza el otro lado y con suerte, no está a 300 pies de la fondo. Ryan: Sí, está bien. Bueno, lo descubriremos. Jeff: Vas a necesitar un gran impulso. Ryan: Bien. English: to the top, turn off and ride the top of the dune until you can see and then you can turn back down and go off the other side, then you don't have to slow down. Ryan: Yeah, all right. Get a little bit of throttle here. Jeff: That's a pretty steep drop-off there. Ryan: That is pretty steep. I can see what you mean there. If you don't let off and you carry speed over that... Jeff: Yeah, you become an airplane with no wings. Ryan: That's not what you want because when you nose in on the other side, that's when you end up with some problems. So we know that right now the wind that shaped these dunes is coming from our back, so pretty much every dune that we come upon is gonna be the same thing. Little [crosstalk 00:04:34]. Jeff: Correct. It's gonna be the same thing everywhere. This one's a little steeper at the top so you're gonna need a little bit more momentum. Just let off at the top or you can actually slam on your brakes and slide off the other side and hopefully, it's not 300 feet to the bottom. Ryan: Yeah, okay. Well, we'll find out. Jeff: You're gonna need a lot of momentum. Ryan: Okay. German: nach oben, schalten Sie ab und fahren Sie die Spitze der Düne, bis Sie sehen können und dann können Sie sich drehen wieder runter und dann auf die andere Seite Sie müssen nicht langsamer werden. Ryan: Ja, schon gut. Holen Sie sich hier ein bisschen Gas. Jeff: Das ist ein ziemlich steiler Abgang dort. Ryan: Das ist ziemlich steil. Ich kann sehen, was du dort meinst. Wenn Sie nicht loslassen und Sie tragen die Geschwindigkeit über Das... Jeff: Ja, du wirst ein Flugzeug ohne Flügel. Ryan: Das ist nicht was du willst, denn wann Du nagelst auf der anderen Seite Sie haben Probleme. So wissen wir, dass gerade jetzt der Wind sich geformt hat diese Dünen kommen von unserem Rücken, so hübsch viel wird jede Düne, auf die wir stoßen sei das Gleiche. Wenig [Übersprechen 00:04:34]. Jeff: Richtig. Es wird überall dasselbe sein. Dieser ist an der Spitze etwas steiler Du wirst ein bisschen mehr Schwung brauchen. Einfach oben loslassen oder du kannst es tatsächlich knallen Sie auf Ihre Bremsen und rutschen Sie von der anderen ab Seite und hoffentlich ist es nicht 300 Meter zu Unterseite. Ryan: Ja, okay. Nun, wir werden es herausfinden. Jeff: Du wirst viel Schwung brauchen. Ryan: Okay. French: vers le haut, éteignez et montez le haut de la dune jusqu'à ce que vous puissiez voir et ensuite vous pouvez tourner reculer et partir de l'autre côté, puis vous n'avez pas besoin de ralentir. Ryan: Ouais, d'accord. Obtenez un peu de gaz ici. Jeff: C'est une chute plutôt raide. Ryan: C'est assez raide. Je peux voir ce que tu veux dire par là. Si vous ne lâchez pas et que vous portez plus de vitesse cette... Jeff: Ouais, tu deviens un avion sans ailes. Ryan: Ce n'est pas ce que tu veux parce que quand vous rentrez de l'autre côté, c'est quand vous vous retrouvez avec des problèmes. Donc, nous savons que maintenant le vent qui a formé ces dunes viennent de notre dos, si jolie beaucoup de dunes que nous rencontrons va être la même chose Little [diaphonie 00:04:34]. Jeff: Correct. Ça va être la même chose partout. Celui-ci est un peu plus raide au sommet donc vous aurez besoin d'un peu plus d'élan. Il suffit de laisser tomber en haut ou vous pouvez réellement claque sur tes freins et glisse de l'autre côté et heureusement, ce n'est pas 300 pieds à la bas. Ryan: Ouais, d'accord. Eh bien, nous allons découvrir. Jeff: Vous aurez besoin de beaucoup d'élan. Ryan: D'accord German: Jeff: Mann, du bist ziemlich direkt dabei Seite. Gut gemacht. Ryan: Also, ja. Ich geriet ein bisschen in Panik, als wir an der oben, kam zu einem völligen Stillstand. Zum Glück wurde nicht hoch zentriert. Wir waren nicht zu weit rechts und wir waren kann es speichern. Also hier draußen auf dem Sand kann man definitiv mach dich fest, aber es ist auch sehr vermeidbar, du hast gesagt, solange du das richtige tust Ding, wenn du anfängst zu drehen, oder? Jeff: Wenn du etwas kletterst, ja, es ist definitiv vermeidbar. Wichtig ist, vor dir aufzuhören Vergraben Sie Ihre Achsen dorthin, wo Sie schaufeln müssen es raus und ich weiß, wir sind Freunde, aber wenn Sie vergrabe es an den Achsen, du bist allein, Kumpel. Ryan: Ich höre dich. Nun, wir werden alles tun, was wir verhindern können Das. Es ist also ziemlich viel, wenn ich anfange es zu fühlen drehen, wenn ich wirklich Schwung verliere, wollen wir wieder raus, oder? Jeff: Nun, ja. Solange du dich bewegst, gibt es eine Möglichkeit dass du es immer noch schaffen könntest. English: Jeff: Man, you're pretty straight off on this side. Good job. Ryan: So, yeah. I panicked a little bit when we got to the top, came to a complete stop. Luckily didn't get high-centered. We weren't too far over the right and we were able to save it. So out here on the sand, you can definitely get yourself stuck but it's also very preventable, you were saying, as long as you do the right thing once you start spinning, right? Jeff: When you're climbing something, yes, it's definitely preventable. The important thing is to stop before you bury your axles to where you have to shovel it out and I know we're friends but if you bury it to the axles, you're on your own, buddy. Ryan: I hear you. Well, we'll do everything we can to prevent that. So it's pretty much when I start feeling it spin, when I really lose momentum, we wanna back out of it, right? Jeff: Well, yeah. As long as you're moving, there's a possibility that you could still make it. French: Jeff: Mec, tu es assez direct sur ça côté. Bon travail. Ryan: Alors oui. J'ai paniqué un peu quand nous sommes arrivés à la en haut, s'est arrêté complètement. Heureusement, il n'est pas très centré. Nous n'étions pas trop au-dessus de la droite et nous étions capable de le sauver. Donc, sur le sable, vous pouvez certainement se coincer mais c'est aussi très évitable, vous disiez, tant que vous faites le bien chose une fois que vous commencez à tourner, non? Jeff: Quand vous escaladez quelque chose, oui, c'est définitivement évitable. L'important est de vous arrêter avant enterrez vos essieux à l'endroit où vous devez pelleter dehors et je sais que nous sommes amis mais si vous enfoncez-le dans les essieux, vous êtes seul, copain. Ryan: Je vous entends Eh bien, nous ferons tout notre possible pour empêcher cette. Donc c'est à peu près quand je commence à le sentir tourner, quand je perds vraiment mon élan, nous voulons en sortir, non? Jeff: Ben oui. Tant que vous déménagez, il y a une possibilité que vous pourriez encore le faire. Spanish: Jeff: Hombre, eres bastante directo en esto lado. Buen trabajo. Ryan: Entonces, si. Me entró el pánico un poco cuando llegamos a la arriba, se detuvo por completo. Afortunadamente no se centró demasiado. No estábamos demasiado lejos de la derecha y estábamos capaz de salvarlo Así que aquí en la arena, definitivamente puedes ponte pegado, pero también es muy prevenible, estabas diciendo, siempre y cuando hagas lo correcto una vez que comienzas a girar, ¿verdad? Jeff: cuando estás escalando algo, sí, es definitivamente evitable. Lo importante es parar ante ti entierra tus ejes a donde tienes que palear y sé que somos amigos, pero si enterrarlo en los ejes, estás solo, compañero. Ryan: te escucho Bueno, haremos todo lo posible para prevenir ese. Así que es más o menos cuando empiezo a sentirlo giro, cuando realmente pierdo impulso, queremos volver atrás, ¿verdad? Jeff: Bueno, sí. Mientras te estés moviendo, hay una posibilidad que aún podrías lograrlo English: It's when the vehicle comes to a dead stop is where you're gonna dig in. When the vehicle comes to a dead stop, that's when you let off the throttle, put it in reverse, and you can back out. And the important thing that you gotta remember is to keep the vehicle straight when you're coming down. Ryan: So we're gonna try this, which is pretty steep. We're gonna take it a little bit slower, that way we can get a feel for how that process works when you back out. Jeff: Exactly. There you go. Ryan: So right as you come to a complete stop as you said, that's when you wanna hit the brake. Jeff: That's when you want to let off the throttle, stop. You should be good to back down. Ryan: Yeah, we got gravity on our side here. So this is a small little one so it makes it really easy to come out of it. And then like you said, as long as you keep the steering wheel straight, so what we're gonna do here is back up and try the same thing but now try not to get stuck. And let me get a little more throttle, see what happens. Oops! A little too fast. Jeff: No, it's all right. Making it's better than not. Ryan: Yeah. Spanish: Es cuando el vehículo se detiene por completo es donde vas a cavar Cuando el vehículo se detiene, eso es cuando desactivas el acelerador, ponlo en reversa, y puedes retroceder. Y lo importante que debes recordar es mantener el vehículo recto cuando estás bajando. Ryan: Entonces vamos a intentar esto, que es bastante escarpado. Vamos a tomarlo un poco más lento, eso forma en que podemos tener una idea de cómo ese proceso funciona cuando te retiras. Jeff: Exactamente. Ahí tienes. Ryan: Así que justo cuando te detengas por completo como dijiste, entonces es cuando quieres golpear freno. Jeff: Entonces es cuando quieres dejar el acelerador, parada. Deberías ser bueno para echarte atrás. Ryan: Sí, tenemos la gravedad de nuestro lado aquí. Así que este es un pequeño pequeño por lo que hace es realmente fácil salir de eso. Y luego como dijiste, siempre y cuando mantengas el volante derecho, entonces lo que estamos va a hacer aquí es una copia de seguridad y prueba lo mismo cosa, pero ahora trata de no atascarse. Y déjame acelerar un poco más, ver lo que pasa. Oops! Un poco demasiado rápido. Jeff: No, está bien. Haciendo que sea mejor que no. Ryan: Sí. German: Es ist, wenn das Fahrzeug zum Stillstand kommt ist, wo du graben wirst. Wenn das Fahrzeug zum Stillstand kommt Wenn Sie den Gashebel loslassen, legen Sie den Rückwärtsgang ein, und du kannst zurückgehen. Und das Wichtige, an das du dich erinnern musst ist, das Fahrzeug gerade zu halten, wenn Sie sind runterkommen. Ryan: Also versuchen wir das, was schön ist steil. Wir werden es ein bisschen langsamer nehmen So können wir ein Gefühl für diesen Prozess bekommen funktioniert, wenn Sie zurückgehen. Jeff: Genau. Da gehst du. Ryan: So richtig, als du komplett zum Stillstand kommst wie du schon sagtest, das ist, wenn du die Bremse. Jeff: Das ist, wenn du das auslassen willst Gas geben, anhalten. Sie sollten gut sein, um sich zurückzuziehen. Ryan: Ja, wir haben die Schwerkraft hier auf unserer Seite. Also das ist ein kleines kleines so macht es es ist wirklich einfach, daraus zu kommen. Und dann, wie du gesagt hast, solange du beharrst das Lenkrad gerade, also was wir sind werde tun, ist hier wieder und versuchen das gleiche Ding aber jetzt versuchen, nicht stecken zu bleiben. Und lass mich ein bisschen mehr Gas geben was geschieht. Hoppla! Ein bisschen zu schnell. Jeff: Nein, es ist in Ordnung. Mach es besser als nicht. Ryan: Ja. French: C'est quand le véhicule arrive à un arrêt mort est où vous allez creuser Lorsque le véhicule arrive à un arrêt, c'est quand vous relâchez la manette, mettez-la en marche arrière, et vous pouvez reculer. Et la chose importante que tu dois retenir est de garder le véhicule droit quand vous êtes descendre. Ryan: Alors on va essayer ça, ce qui est joli raide. Nous allons prendre un peu plus lentement, que façon dont nous pouvons avoir une idée de la façon dont ce processus fonctionne quand vous vous retirez. Jeff: Exactement. Voilà. Ryan: Alors, vous arrêtez complètement comme vous l'avez dit, c'est quand vous voulez frapper la frein. Jeff: C'est quand vous voulez laisser tomber gaz, arrêt. Vous devriez être bon pour reculer. Ryan: Oui, nous avons la gravité de notre côté ici. Donc c'est un petit petit donc ça fait c'est vraiment facile d'en sortir. Et puis comme tu l'as dit, tant que tu gardes le volant droit, alors ce que nous sommes va faire ici est de retour et essayer la même chose chose mais essayez maintenant de ne pas rester coincé. Et laissez-moi prendre un peu plus d'accélération, voir ce qui se produit. Oops! Un peu trop vite Jeff: Non, ça va. Faire mieux que pas. Ryan: Oui. German: Gut. Nun, du hast mir einen wirklich guten Crashkurs gegeben Dort. Ich habe einige der Techniken heruntergenommen. Ich habe etwas Erfahrung unter meinem Gürtel. Vielleicht gehst du in deinen Jeep, ich bleibe dabei Eins, und wir werden ein wenig dem Anführer folgen, herumreißen, viel Spaß haben? Jeff: Okay. Ryan: Er benutzt diese Düne wie eine große Berme. Schlage es 30, 35 Meilen pro Stunde mit schreie nur mit hoher Drehzahl und halte das Rad beschleunigen. Nur herumradeln in Zweiradantrieb mit das hintere Fach auf eine gute Zeit zu haben. English: All right. Well, you gave me a real good crash course there. I got some of the techniques down. I got some experience under my belt. Maybe you hop in your Jeep, I'll stay in this one, and we'll play a little follow the leader, rip around, have a good time? Jeff: Okay. Ryan: He's using that dune like a big berm. Hitting it going 30, 35 miles an hour with just screaming high RPM keeping that wheel speed up. Just messing around in two-wheel drive with that rear locker on having a good time. Spanish: Todo bien. Bueno, me diste un buen curso intensivo ahí. Tengo algunas de las técnicas abajo. Tengo algo de experiencia en mi haber. Tal vez te subas a tu Jeep, me quedaré en este uno, y jugaremos un poco a seguir al líder, rasgar, pasar un buen rato? Jeff: Bien. Ryan: Está usando esa duna como una gran berma. Golpearlo yendo a 30, 35 millas por hora con solo gritando altas RPM manteniendo esa rueda acelerar. Solo jugar en las dos ruedas con ese armario trasero para pasar un buen rato. French: D'accord. Eh bien, vous m'avez donné un vrai bon cours intensif Là. J'ai eu certaines des techniques. J'ai de l'expérience dans ma ceinture. Peut-être que vous montez dans votre Jeep, je resterai dans cette un, et nous jouerons un peu le leader, arnaquer, passer un bon moment? Jeff: D'accord. Ryan: Il utilise cette dune comme une grosse berme. Frapper ça va 30, 35 miles à l'heure avec juste crier haut RPM garder cette roue accélérer. Juste déconner en deux roues motrices avec ce casier arrière sur passer un bon moment. German: Also hält er Ausschau nach anderen Leuten, Ja, ATVs, Dirt Bikes, es gibt alle Arten von verschiedenen Seiten um hier. Ja, da sind wir. Etwas seitwärts kommend den Hügel hinunter Dort. Ich habe mich definitiv zu sehr in Schwierigkeiten gebracht. Habe es gut gemacht. Ich sage dir, du bekommst eine gute Radgeschwindigkeit und du kannst nach oben gehen, was nicht aussieht wie du in der Lage sein solltest nach oben zu gehen. Aber es geht immer noch um Drosselklappensteuerung, weil Du willst so viel Schwung wie möglich mitnehmen durch den Aufstieg, aber sobald Sie aufstehen oben, du willst wirklich langsamer werden, also tust du es nicht Spanish: Así que está atento a otras personas, sí, ATV, dirt bikes, hay todo tipo de lados diferentes por lados aquí. Sí, allí vamos. Tengo un poco de costado bajando la colina ahí. Definitivamente me metí en demasiados problemas. Lo hizo bien. Te digo, obtienes una buena velocidad de la rueda y puedes subir cosas que no se ven como deberías poder subir. Pero todavía se trata del control del acelerador porque quieres llevar todo el impulso que puedas a través de la escalada, pero una vez que llegue hasta el arriba, realmente quieres disminuir la velocidad para que no lo hagas English: So he's keeping an eye out for other people, yeah, ATVs, dirt bikes, there's all kinds of different side by sides out here. Yeah, there we go. Got a little sideways coming down the hill there. Definitely got myself into too much trouble. Made it just fine. I tell you, you get some good wheel speed up and you can go up stuff that doesn't look like you should be able to go up. But it is still about throttle control because you wanna carry as much momentum as you can through the climb but once you get up to the top, you really wanna slow down so you don't French: Donc, il garde un œil sur les autres, ouais, VTT, motos, il y a toutes sortes de différents côte à côte ici. Ouais, on y va. Vous avez un peu de recul en descendant la colline Là. Je me suis vraiment mis dans la peine. C'est parfait. Je vous le dis, vous obtenez une bonne vitesse de roue up et vous pouvez monter des choses qui ne semble pas comme tu devrais pouvoir monter. Mais il est toujours question de contrôle des gaz car vous voulez porter autant d'élan que vous pouvez à travers la montée, mais une fois que vous vous levez à la en haut, tu veux vraiment ralentir pour ne pas French: l'air sort par-dessus la chose. Jeff fait une petite montée ici. Avoir de la vitesse de roue pour celui-ci pour sûr. Nous essayons de revenir à l'endroit où nous commencé ici. Ces collines sont raides, le soleil cuit em toute la journée, le sable est super, super sec. Cela nous donne certainement un petit coup de pouce ici donc je vais lui donner une autre course ici Spanish: el aire sale por encima de la cosa. Jeff está haciendo una pequeña escalada aquí. Tengo que acelerar un poco la rueda para este sin lugar a duda. Estamos tratando de volver a donde estamos comenzó aquí. Estas colinas son empinadas, el sol ha estado horneando todo el día, la arena es súper, super seco. Esto definitivamente nos está dando un poco de forma aquí, así que voy a darle otra carrera aquí German: Luft raus über die Spitze des Dinges. Jeff macht hier einen kleinen Aufstieg. Dafür muss man etwas Rad beschleunigen sicher. Wir versuchen einfach dahin zurück zu kommen, wo wir sind begann hier. Diese Hügel sind steil, die Sonne brennt ihnen den ganzen Tag, der Sand ist super, super trocken. Dies gibt uns definitiv ein bisschen fit Hier, ich werde es hier noch einmal versuchen English: air out coming over the top of the thing. Jeff's making a little climb here. Have to get some wheel speed up for this one for sure. We're trying to just get back to where we started here. These hills are steep, the sun's been baking 'em all day long, the sand is super, super dry. This is definitely giving us a bit of a fit here so I'm gonna give it another run here Spanish: y mira cómo lo hago. Hecho. Usted solo martillea a veces. Bueno, eso nos va a hacer salir aquí en las dunas. Aprendí mucho, tuve una explosión absoluta, y Quiero decir un par de gracias. Primero, para ti, Jeff, muchas gracias por mostrándonos todo y enseñándome cómo manejar aquí afuera. Jeff: Ha sido un placer. Eres muy bienvenido. Ryan: También un agradecimiento a Brian Deegan por permitiéndonos tomar prestado el Deegan Jeep. Hoy vencimos en esto, pero estamos dando volver a él todo en una sola pieza, que soy Seguro que estará feliz. Y también muchas gracias a BLM, la Oficina de Administración de Tierras que ayudó para hacer este video posible. Asegúrate de suscribirte a nuestro canal de YouTube, de esa manera usted puede vernos girando esto Jeep en Easter Jeep Safari y algunos de el mejor contenido de Jeep por ahí. English: and see how I do. Made it. You just hammer down sometimes. Well, that's gonna do it for us wheeling out here on the dunes. I learned a lot, had an absolute blast, and I wanna say a couple of thank yous. First, to you, Jeff, thank you so much for showing us around and teaching me how to wheel out here. Jeff: It's been my pleasure. You're very welcome. Ryan: Also a thank you to Brian Deegan for letting us borrow the Deegan Jeep. We beat on this thing today but we are giving it back to him all in one piece, which I'm sure he'll be happy about. And also a very big thank you to the BLM, the Bureau of Land Management that helped to make this video possible. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel, that way you can check out us wheeling this Jeep out at Easter Jeep Safari and some of the best Jeep content out there. German: und schau, wie ich es tue. Machte es. Du hämmerst einfach mal runter. Nun, das wird es für uns tun hier auf den Dünen. Ich habe viel gelernt, hatte eine absolute Explosion und Ich möchte ein paar Dankeschön sagen. Zuerst an dich, Jeff, vielen Dank dafür zeigt uns herum und bringt mir bei, wie man dreht raus hier. Jeff: Es war mir ein Vergnügen. Du bist sehr willkommen. Ryan: Auch ein Dankeschön an Brian Deegan für lass uns den Deegan Jeep ausleihen. Wir schlagen heute auf dieses Ding, aber wir geben es zurück zu ihm alle in einem Stück, was ich bin sicher, dass er sich darüber freuen wird. Und auch ein sehr großes Dankeschön an die BLM, das Bureau of Land Management, das geholfen hat um dieses Video möglich zu machen. Stelle sicher, dass du unseren YouTube-Kanal abonnierst, Auf diese Weise können Sie überprüfen, ob wir dies tun Jeep bei Ostern Jeep Safari und einige von der beste Jeep Inhalt da draußen. French: et vois comment je fais. C'est fait Vous venez de marteler parfois. Eh bien, ça va le faire pour nous ici sur les dunes. J'ai beaucoup appris, eu un souffle absolu, et Je veux dire quelques remerciements. Tout d'abord, à vous, Jeff, merci beaucoup pour nous montrant autour et m'apprend à rouler là dehors. Jeff: Ca a été mon plaisir. Vous êtes les bienvenus. Ryan: Merci aussi à Brian Deegan pour nous laisser emprunter la Jeep Deegan. Nous avons battu sur cette chose aujourd'hui, mais nous donnons le lui rendre tout en un seul morceau, que je suis Bien sûr, il en sera content. Et aussi un très grand merci au BLM, le Bureau of Land Management qui a aidé pour rendre cette vidéo possible. Assurez-vous de vous abonner à notre chaîne YouTube, de cette façon, vous pouvez vérifier nous sur cette roue Jeep à Pâques Jeep Safari et certains de le meilleur contenu Jeep.
- [Narrator] What is up EWU Crew? Today we are covering the bizarre case of Jodi Huisentruit. On June 5th, 1995, Jodi Huisentruit of Mason City, Iowa, celebrated her 27th birthday. Her friend, John Vansice, threw her a birthday party, which he captured on video. That video would later become a source of great speculation when three weeks later, Jodi disappeared without a trace. Jodi was an anchorwoman on the KIMT morning show, Day Break, in Mason City. On June 27th, 1995, she was due to arrive at the station at 4 a.m. to prepare for the show which started at 6 a.m. Jodi never showed up for work. Her red Mazda Miata was found in the parking lot of her apartment complex. And personal belongings, including a car key, lay strewn on the ground nearby. Neighbors reported hearing screams. All evidence pointed to Jodi having been abducted. But who would do this, and why? And where is Jodi's body? - The sunny temperatures are here one day then they disappear the next. - [Narrator] Jodi Sue was born in 1968 to Maurice and Jane Huisentruit of Long Prairie, Minnesota. By all accounts she had a perfectly normal childhood in Minnesota alongside her older sisters, Jill and JoAnn. Shortly after her 14th birthday in 1982, Jodi's father Maurice died. As tragic as that likely was, Maurice was spared the unthinkable devastation the family would experience 13 years later. Jodi and her mother were close, often taking trips together. In October 1994, they went on a cruise during which time Jodi met a man she liked. She talked about it in her journal, questioning why she got hooked so fast and mentioning she was lonely. There is no evidence that anything further ever came of that relationship. After Jodi disappeared, her mother and sisters worked tirelessly to find answers. In the years that followed her disappearance, Jane Huisentruit became convinced her daughter's body was at the bottom of the lake near her home. Jane passed away in 2014, never finding the answers she had so desperately sought. Older sister JoAnn Nathe is still active in all the efforts to find justice for Jodi. For years she has appeared on both local and national TV shows about the case. "She was definitely too trusting," JoAnn said, during her interview for the show "48 Hours" back in 2018. When Jodi failed to show up for work by 4 a.m. her producer, Amy Kuns, called her. She would later say that it wasn't like Jodi to be late. Her job was important to her and she always made every effort to be there on time. Jodi answered the phone and said she had overslept but would be leaving soon. - "What time is it?" She asked the question so I told her, "Jode, it's about 10 to four, you need to come in to work." "How much time is left to produce on the show?" I mean, she was obviously thinking, she was aware, she just knew she had overslept and she had to get in to work. - The show didn't start until six, so she still had some time to get there and get ready before she had to be in front of the camera. But, by 6 a.m., Jodi still hadn't arrived. It was obvious something was very wrong. The police were called, and Amy filled in for Jodi on the show. The scene the police encountered when they arrived at Jodi's apartment complex would haunt Jodi's family and friends forever. Her red Mazda Miata was still in the parking lot and her personal belongings, such as the key to her car, a pair of red shoes, a hair dryer, and a bottle of hairspray, lay strewn on the ground nearby. A palm print was found on the car but it was never determined who it belonged to. When they entered Jodi's apartment it appeared nothing was out of the ordinary, until they walked in to her bathroom. The toilet seat was left up, which was extremely strange for a single woman who lived alone. Eerily enough, Jodi's belongings lay scattered in her apartment as though she intended to come back later and straighten up. But Jodi would never return. Jodi's body has never been found. And sadly, police never properly processed the crime scene. Due to the fact that they didn't even bother to tape it off, the evidence could have been easily contaminated or lost. Jodi's car wasn't even kept as evidence for very long. It was given back to her family right after her disappearance. But other disturbing clues quickly began to surface. A man named Randy Linderman was carpooling down the street in front of Jodi's apartment complex the very morning of her disappearance. - Parking lights were on. No, I think it was far enough over so that no one could get by with another vehicle. They gave me a lie detector test to see if I seen what I saw. - [Narrator] He had been down that road many times but this time he noticed a van he had never seen before. Now, this is where things get really, really creepy. The white Ford Econoline van was parked in front of Jodi's apartment with the parking lights on, but the headlights off. "I saw a white van parked in the parking area. "Having gone down that road many times, "I had never seen it there before. "If I had to say a time, "I'd probably say 3:50 a.m.," Randy stated. Later that day when Randy found out about the disappearance, he contacted the police to report what he saw that morning. They immediately started following the tip, but wouldn't ask for the public's help until a week later. No one who lived in the complex had a vehicle of that type registered to them. Years later, a woman who lived across the street reported having seen a van from her window early that morning. She also reported hearing doors opening and closing. "I remember, 4, 4:30 a.m., hearing a car door. "I'd never heard it before. "The street was really, really quiet. "I saw what looked to be a white "or a light gray van on the street. "Not in the parking lot, but on the street. "I really didn't think too much about it. "I didn't see any people. "As I was falling back asleep I heard another door close. "When I woke up two hours later, the van was gone." The van was never found and no more sightings were reported. In almost 25 years, Randy Linderman has never wavered in what he saw and in what kind of van it was. Another witness claimed to hear something alarming that morning. "Jodi, open the door! "I know you're in there." (knocking loudly) A very big person of interest from early on in the case was Jodi's friend John Vansice. - I have named my boat after her because, just because she's Jodi and she's, she's been such a big part of my life here lately. - [Narrator] A mutual friend, Annie Cruz, said that her and Jodi met him at a bar one night. John Vansice had previously lived in the same apartment complex as Jodi, and this commonality caused the two to begin talking and strike up a friendship, despite the fact that John was 22 years older than Jodi. John has always vehemently denied any involvement whatsoever in Jodi's disappearance and police have never charged him with anything. He always cooperated with detectives, answering questions and submitting to DNA and lie detector tests. Despite this, there are several things that continue to make the public speculate about him. John was one of the last people to see Jodi alive. The night before her disappearance, Jodi went over to his house to watch the video of the birthday party he had thrown her a few weeks earlier. John gave this information to investigators as soon as they began to question him. The weekend before Jodi disappeared she went on a water skiing trip with several friends, including John. That same day, Jodi and a friend spent time on a boat owned by two men who they had just met. People have speculated that John was jealous that Jodi was spending time with men closer to her own age. But the friend that was with Jodi stated John never acted upset. But he was clearly not enthused, according to cold case investigator Steve Ridge, who actually spoke to witnesses who were there that night. Strangely enough, one of these younger men who owned the boat decided to videotape Jodi drinking, singing, and dancing. This would be the last video ever taken of Jodi and it has never been released to the public. According to a news station who requested to get their hands on this intriguing footage, it's in the hands of investigators only. The man's identity has also been kept a hushed secret. He was allegedly notorious for luring women onto his boat so he could videotape them. Further speculation has been that John had a romantic interest in Jodi. However, John told Steve Ridge that that is far from true. He said Jodi was like a daughter to him and that he actually had a girlfriend during the time he knew Jodi, but they hadn't gone public yet. It has been said that John named his boat Jodi, fueling speculation about what his intentions were. In his interview with Steve Ridge, John stated that was never the official name of the boat. He just called it that informally, and Jodi was flattered by it. In February, 2020, the Oxygen program, "Up and Vanished", featured an episode about Jodi, including never before released footage of the birthday party video. Retired FBI profiler Jim Clement, told "Up and Vanished" producers every time Jodi would dance with another guy, John would have laser focus on Jodi and whoever she was talking to. He had a really evil look in his eyes, like he was really pissed off. A friend of John named LaDonna Woodford, who claims she was with John the morning Jodi disappeared, responded to Clement's statement by telling producers, "If we're saying John's guilty "just based off his facial expressions, "that doesn't cut mustard with me." Ever since Jodi's disappearance, LaDonna has fiercely defended John. Several years ago, a search warrant was issued for GPS data from two vehicles belonging to John Vansice. The warrant was ordered sealed until only just recently, but they show nothing of significance. In April, 2019, it was reported that John Vansice, now in his 70s, is suffering from an aggressive form of Alzheimer's, making any further contributions by him about this case very unlikely. In March, 2017, John Vansice was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury at the US District Court in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John, now living in Arizona, told Steve Ridge that he was promised round trip airline tickets to appear in court. When the tickets never materialized, John became frightened that he would be arrested for failing to appear in court, thus making him look guilty. So he and his wife drove all night to Iowa, nearly 1,500 miles, to be there on time. When John showed up to court he was fingerprinted and given a DNA swab. He was never asked to testify. The court declined to indict John and no reason was ever given for why he was subpoenaed in the first place. Oddly enough, the search warrant to obtain the GPS data on his two vehicles was obtained less than three weeks after that court date. Two decades before John was subpoenaed his friend LaDonna was also ordered to appear before a federal grand jury. During that time, she testified that she and John would take walks together in the morning. At 6 a.m. on the morning of Jodi's disappearance, LaDonna called John at home on his landline to confirm their morning walk. They went for their walk at 7 a.m., just mere hours after Jodi vanished, and John didn't seem anxious or otherwise out of the ordinary. They didn't yet know that Jodi was missing. The jury declined to issue any indictments on that occasion either. It has never been officially confirmed that someone was stalking Jodi Huisentruit, but things that Jodi said in the weeks and months leading up to her disappearance have caused some of her friends and family to believe that was the case. Jodi had mentioned to several people an incident in which a man in a black pickup truck followed closely behind her while she was out jogging one day. She said the experience made her feel uncomfortable. This occurred around seven months before she disappeared. Jodi became fearful when she spotted the same truck follow her to work on multiple occasions. She went to the police who gave her a police escort to work on some mornings. Jodi started taking a self defense class, which she finished three months before she vanished. Her mother recalled her crying to her over the phone about it. "And then that guy had been following her one day "when she was out jogging, who knows, maybe that was it. "It didn't leave her with a good feeling," Jodi's sister, JoAnn Nathe, stated on "Up and Vanished". Because of her line of work, Jodi was constantly in the public eye. It wasn't unusual for her to get strange phone calls from men who had seen her on TV and developed a fascination with her. These had been increasing with intensity for months before she disappeared. Jodi wrote a letter to her friend, Kelly Torguson, in Mississippi shortly before she vanished. In the letter, Jodi expressed concerns for her safety and said she was being stalked. Oddly enough, the letter arrived the same day Jodi disappeared. - What I found out. The Redwood County Sheriff's Department reports tornado, then that's more tragic, there's a lot to think about here. - [Narrator] In the months following Jodi's disappearance, two different men were arrested for stalking anchorwomen in Iowa and Minnesota, but no connection was ever able to be made between those incidents and Jodi's case. On April 5th, 1995, Billy Pruin, a friend of Jodi's, was found dead with a gunshot wound to his chest at his home just south of Mason City. Billy's fiance said he had been acting troubled about something shortly before his death. Jodi was shaken up by this incident and had been investigating it before her disappearance only three months later. Did Jodi know something? We will never know for sure. In 2019, a new development occurred that might shed more light on what actually happened. The case of Billy Pruin's death has never been solved. It is considered a cold case in Iowa unlike Jodi's case, which has never been closed. Investigative journalist Steve Ridge said that a woman on death row in Minnesota, Angela Johnson, corresponded with him through email and telephone. She told him that her boyfriend, Dustin Honken, spoke to her about Jodi's disappearance. Dustin Honken is a drug kingpin currently on death row for his involvement in the same crime that Angela Johnson was sentenced to death for, the execution-style murder of five people in 1993. Prior to being charged and convicted for the 1993 murders there had been a drug charge for Dustin Honken that was dropped when two of the key witnesses vanished. The day Dustin Honken was released from prison for the drug charge is the same day Billy Pruin's fiance claims he acted troubled. Two weeks later, Billy Pruin was dead. Three months later, Jodi Huisentruit disappeared. Dustin Honken was scheduled to be sentenced to death by lethal injection on January 15th, 2020. That has been put on hold due to some legal arguments concerning the drug used in the executions. Only time will tell if this delay will cause Dustin Honken to admit any involvement or even any information at all into Jodi Huisentruit's case. While he has nothing to lose, he also has nothing to gain. He's not likely to reveal anything out of any effort to do the right thing, so it's hard to know what would motivate him enough to talk. In 2019, the owner of the website FindJodi.com put three billboards up in Mason City, Iowa. Each billboard shows a picture of Jodi Huisentruit next to the words "Someone knows something, is it you?". On New Year's Eve, one of the billboards, which has since been replaced, was vandalized. The most striking fact about this is not the fact that someone vandalized the billboard, it's what they wrote across it in yellow spray paint. "Frank Stearns machine shed." Frank Stearns is a retired Mason City police officer who at one time worked on the Jodi Huisentruit case. He is a respected member of the community and has never been a suspect. In fact, the only other time his name has been brought up publicly to suggest he possibly had any involvement was back in 2011. In September, 2011, the Mason City Gazette ran a story about allegations of police involvement in Jodi's abduction. In August that year, Mason City police officer Maria Ohl was fired after coming forward with information concerning police misconduct in the Jodi Huisentruit case. - I was terminated just on August 4th, at the beginning of August, not quite a month ago. And it's actually in relation to the Jodi Huisentruit case. - [Narrator] This is where things take a completely unexpected turn. The story that lead to these allegations stretches back even further than that. 12 years earlier, in fact, to the summer of 1999. After a church service in the summer of 1999, Mason City resident Gerald Best approached his pastor, Reverend Shane Philpott. Mr. Best had mentioned local officers possibly being involved in criminal activities, Philpott told the Gazette. Then, something unbelievable happened. On December 30th, 1999, 50-year-old Gerald Best was found dead with his throat slashed in his Mason City home. The murder has never been solved. Eight years later, in the summer of 2007, Reverend Philpott received a mysterious phone call from someone in Minnesota. The caller had watched the pastor's television program, "Faith in Action", and decided to call him with information he had on the death of Jodi Huisentruit. He said his information incriminated several Mason City police officers, so he didn't want to talk to local authorities. He did not give the officers' names. Remembering what happened to Gerald Best, Reverend Philpott became very concerned. Wanting to go through proper channels, he contacted his sister-in-law, officer Maria Ohl, who told him the proper procedure was to contact the police department. When Reverend Philpott called the police department he spoke with Frank Stearns. The response he received was bizarre. He was told they would get back to him about it, but not to talk to anyone about it in the meantime. A month later, after not hearing from anyone, he called and spoke to Frank Stearns again. This time, he was transferred to another officer who simply told him his information wasn't credible. Two years later, the church was involved in a lawsuit involving the Mason City Police Department. While preparing for the case, lawyers obtained contact logs, but there was no record of Reverend Philpott's calls regarding the Jodi Huisentruit case. Tony Jackson was living two blocks from the KIMT station during the time of Jodi's disappearance. A friend of Tony's at the time said that Tony had taken up an interest in broadcasting while attending the local community college. The same friend also talked about an incident in which Tony invited him to go to Jodi's favorite bar, The Southbridge Lounge. How did Tony know that Jodi was a regular at the Southbridge Lounge? That puzzled the friend as well. It's very possible that Jodi might have mentioned it on the air at some point. According to her sister, JoAnn, Jodi was too trusting. She would often talk about different aspects of her personal life while she was on the air. According to the friend, Jodi was there at the time they visited the bar. Tony went over and talked to her while the friend stayed back. The friend just assumed he was talking to her about broadcasting since it was something he was interested in. He didn't think any more of it until two years later. In 1997, Tony Jackson was convicted of assaulting four women in a way we can't specifically state on YouTube, in Minnesota and Iowa. In all the cases, stalking was involved. Tony Jackson is currently serving a life sentence in prison for the assaults. Despite the fact he allegedly bragged about abducting a news anchor to a fellow cellmate, he denies having anything to do with the disappearance of Jodi. The former cellmate stated, "He says, I abducted an anchorwoman and killed her." - He came up to me, that's when we started talking again, and then he just brought it up. He says, I abducted an anchorwoman and killed her. - [Narrator] He also reported that Tony wrote a suspicious rap lyric that could possibly be in reference to Jodi. He said, "She's a-stiffin' around Tiffin' "In pileage of silage in a bylow, low below." Believing this was referring to the nearby town of Tiffin, police jumped into action. Armed with cadaver dogs, they thoroughly scoured a farm near a silo. But, while two of the three dogs alerted, police have been unable to find any evidence connecting Tony to Jodi's disappearance. The Mason City police stated, "After conducting a thorough investigation, "which included interviews, crime laboratory analysis, "records review, and polygraph examination, "Tony Jackson is not considered, at this time, "a viable suspect in the investigation." If Tony Jackson was not involved in Jodi's disappearance, there were definitely some strange coincidences. Just five days before Jodi disappeared, Tony had broken up with his girlfriend and was very violent. According to Caroline Low, an investigative reporter from Minneapolis, there was something absolutely chilling about Tony's ex-girlfriend. She looked a lot like Jodi. Jodi had been keeping a personal journal at the time she disappeared. The journal was taken from her apartment by police as part of the investigation, and never seen again. 13 years later, in 2008, copies of the 84 pages of journal entries were mailed anonymously to the Mason City Globe Gazette in a brown envelope with no return address. It was later discovered that the copies were mailed by the wife of former police chief, David Ellingson, who resigned in 2006. No motive was ever found or given for why his wife chose to mail the journal to the Gazette. While the journal entries that were made public show a lot about Jodi's personality and other aspects about her life, none of them are very personal, and none of them offer much in the way of clues. In fact, the last two weeks before she disappeared, the entries are very sparse. No one has ever seen the original journal except for law enforcement during the initial investigation. Is it possible that some entries were removed before the journal became public? Friends and family have said Jodi expressed her fears to them. She was concerned that she was being stalked. She was going to change her phone number. She had even gone to the police for help. Yet, she never expressed any of these concerns in the private journal that she probably never expected anyone else to read. The day before Jodi Huisentruit disappeared, she attended the Mason City Chamber of Commerce golf tournament. She left around 8 p.m. and stopped by John Vansice's home to watch the video of her birthday party before going home. Besides John Vansice, the people who saw her at the golf tournament are the last that are known to have seen her before she was abducted. Several years ago, some of those people spoke to the people at FindJodi.com and offered more insight into that event. Two of the golfers mentioned that Jodi talked about changing her phone number because of some bad phone calls she had been getting. Their perception was that she seemed more annoyed by the calls than afraid. They said her mood was upbeat. She spoke to the organizers of the event and accepted an invitation to have dinner with them later that week. Beth Bednar, author of the book "The Disappearance of Jodi Huisentruit" spoke on the Oxygen program "Up and Vanished" and explained that Angela Johnson, the girlfriend of Dustin Honken, worked at the country club where the golf tournament was held. "I don't know that she talked to Jodi, "but she may have very well come face to face with her "a number of times that evening," Bednar stated. It has been almost 25 years since Jodi Huisentruit disappeared. The only physical evidence of what happened to her were some of her personal belongings found next to her car, such as her red shoe, car keys, hair dryer, and hair spray. There were also drag marks on the ground and a palm print on the car. The evidence strongly suggests that Jodi was grabbed from behind while unlocking her car. She struggled, lost a shoe, screamed, neighbors reported hearing a scream around that time, and was dragged away. - Taking a look at today's forecast, today's forecast shows mostly windy and cool temperatures with scattered showers. - Imagine what she must have felt. - No magician act, the sunny temperatures are here one day then they disappear the next. - [Narrator] Anything that happened after that remains a mystery. Jodi's body has never been found. In May, 2001, she was declared legally dead. But those who cared about Jodi, especially the family and friends who knew her personally, will never give up until there are answers to this case and justice for Jodi. Don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe so you never miss another video. A playlist is going to pop up right now with more videos you will love. See you guys next time.
Polish: Cześć, jestem John Green a to jest Crash Course: Historia Świata a dzisiaj zrobimy właściwie porównanie cywilizacji dla tych , którzy się tym interesują. Stan nie moge się powstrzymać ale wydaje mi się że mamy tu za dużo globusów. Tak lepiej. Dzisiaj będziemy uczyć się o przerażająco totalitarnych Persach oraz świątobliwych kochających demokrację Grekach. Ale oczywiście znamy tą historie: Były jakieś wojny w których nikt nie nosił żadnych podkoszulków i wszyscy byli wystarczająco wysportowani; Persowi byli źli; Grecy dobrzy; Sokrates i Platon byli niesamowici, Persowie nawet nie filozofowali; Zachód jest najlepszy Go Team! No cóż, nie. Zacznijmy od Perskiego Imperium, które stało się modelem dla większości lądowych imperiów na całym świecie. Z wyjątkiem - czekajcie na to - MONGOŁÓW. Większość tego co wiemy o Persach i ich imperium pochodzi z zewnętrznych pism traktujących o nich i jest to coś co obecnie nazywamy historią , a pierwszym prawdziwym historykiem Czech: Ahoj, já jsem John Green, tohle je "Crash Course: Světová historie". Budeme se zabývat komparací civilizací, pro ty, které to zajímá. Stane, nemůžu si pomoct, ale mám pocit, že je tu až moc glóbů. Tak je to lepší. Dnes se dovíme něco o zlých zastáncích totality Peršanech a ctnostných Řecích milujících demokracii. Ale určitě již všichni víme, jak to bylo. Proběhly války, kde všichni chodili do půl těla a zároveň byli docela slušně fit, Peršané byli zlí, Řekové byli dobří, Sókratés a Platón byli super, Peršané ani nefilozofovali, západ je nej a jedeme, fandíme. No, ne tak úplně. Začněme Perskou říší, která byla vzorem pro víceméně všechny říše po celém světě. Tedy kromě, počkejte si, Mongolů. Hodně z toho, co víme o Peršanech a jejich říši, pochází z textů zvenčí Persie, což je něco, co teď nazýváme historií, a jedním z prvních skutečných historiků byl Hérodotos, English: Hi, I’m John Green, this is Crash Course World History, and today we’re going to do some legitimate comp. civ., for those of you into that kind of thing. Stan, I can’t help but feel that we have perhaps too many globes. That’s better. Today we’re going to learn about the horrible totalitarian Persians and the saintly, democracy-loving Greeks. But of course we already know this story — there were some wars in which no one wore any shirts, and everyone was reasonably fit. The Persians were bad; the Greeks were good. Socrates and Plato were awesome; the Persians didn’t even philosophize. The West is the Best; Go Team! Yeah, well, no. [theme music] Let’s start with the Persian empire, which became the model for pretty much all land-based empires throughout the world. Except for — wait for it — the Mongols. [Mongoltage] Much of what we know about the Persians and their empire comes from an outsider writing about them, which is something we now call history, and one of the first true historians Thai: สวัสดีครับ ผมจอห์น กรีน คุณกำลังรับชม แครชคอร์ส วิชาประวัติศาสตร์โลก และวันนี้เราจะเปรียบเทียบอารยธรรมกัน สำหรับคุณบางคนที่ชอบเรื่องแบบนี้นะครับ สแตน... เรามีลูกโลกเยอะไปมั้ยเน วันนี้ เราจะมาเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับชาวเปอร์เซียจอมเผด็จการ กับชาวกรีกผู้รักในประชาธิปไตย แน่นอนว่าใครๆก็รู้เรื่องนี้ - ก็มันเกิดสงครามไง ที่ไม่มีใครไม่ใส่เสื้อเลยอะ และทุกคนก็แข็งแรงสุดๆ พวกเปอร์เซียเป็นฝ่ายเลว ส่วนกรีกเป็นฝ่ายดี โสเครติส และเพลโตเจ๋งเป้ง พวกเปอร์เซียไม่รู้จักปรัชญาด้วยซ้ำ ตะวันตกจงเจริญ! สุดยอด! เย่! เอิ่ม ไม่ใช่อย่างนั้นครับ เรามาเริ่มกันที่อาณาจักรเปอร์เซีย ซึ่งถือเป็นต้นแบบของอาณาจักรบนแผ่นดินใหญ่เกือบทั้งหมด เว้นแต่ว่า - เดี๋ยวนะ - คุณจะเป็นพวกมองโกล เรื่องราวส่วนมากที่เรารู้เกี่ยวกับชาวเปอร์เซีย และอาณาจักรเปอร์เซีย มาจากบันทึกของคนภายนอกที่เขียนถึงพวกเขา ซึ่งปัจจุบันเราเรียกสิ่งนี้ว่าประวัติศาสตร์ และนักประวัติศาสตร์คนแรกๆของโลกชื่อ เฮอรอโดทัส Arabic: مرحبا، أنا جون غرين، وهذه سلسلة Crash Course World History، واليوم سنقوم ببعض المقارنة بين الحضارات، لأولئك منكم الذين يحبون هذه الأمور. ستان، يراودني شعور بأن لدينا الكثير من مجسمات الكرة الأرضية. هذا أفضل. اليوم سنتعرف على الفرس الشموليين الفظيعين واليونانيين الطيبين المحبين للديمقراطية. ولكننا بالطبع نعرف هذه القصة مسبقًا، حيث كانت هناك حروب لم يرتد فيها أحد قميصًا، وكان الجميع ذوي لياقة بدنية جيدة، والفرس كانوا أشرارًا والإغريق كانوا أخيارًا. وكان سقراط وأفلاطون رائعين أما الفرس فهم لم يخوضوا حتى في الفلسفة. الغرب هو الأفضل. الى الامام يا فريقي! في الواقع، كلا. "موسيقى الشارة" دعونا نبدأ بالإمبراطورية الفارسية، والتي أصبحت نموذجًا لجميع الإمبراطوريات البرية تقريبًا في جميع أنحاء العالم. باستثناء... المغول. الكثير مما نعرفه عن الفرس وإمبراطوريتهم مصدره شخص أجنبيّ كتب عنها، وهو ما بتنا نسميه الآن بالتاريخ، وكان أحد المؤرخين الحقيقيين هو هيرودوت، Swedish: Hej, jag heter John Green. Detta är Crash Course World History och i dag ska vi göra vissa legitima comp. civ., för de av er som gillar sånt. Stan, jag kan inte låta bli att känna vi har kanske alltför många glober. Det är bättre. Idag ska vi lära om de fruktansvärda totalitära perserna och helgonlika, demokrati älskande grekerna. Men vi vet redan denna berättelse - det fanns några krig där ingen bar några skjortor, och alla var rimligt vältränade. Perserna var dåliga, grekerna var bra. Sokrates och Platon var fantastiska; Perserna kunde inte ens filosofera. Västern är bäst. Heja Väst! Ja, eller kanske inte. [Intro musik] Låt oss börja med det persiska riket, vilket blev modellen för i stort sett alla landbaserade välden över hela världen. Med undantag för - vänta för det - mongolerna. [Mongoltage] Mycket av vad vi vet om perserna och deras imperium kommer från en utomståendes skrift om dem, vilket är något som vi nu kallar historia, och en av de första riktiga historikerna Chinese: 大家好,我是約翰·葛林,這是世界歷史速成班,而今天我們要 做文化比較,若你感興趣那最好。 導演,我不禁覺得地球儀可能太多了。 好多了。 今天我們要學關於可怕的極權主義波斯人和 聖潔熱愛民主的希臘人。 當然,我們已經知道這個故事啦: 有一些戰爭中大家裸上身 每個人身材都相當好; 波斯人壞壞,希臘人是好人。 蘇格拉底和柏拉圖真棒;波斯人還沒哲學咧。 西方萬歲,主隊加油! 才怪。 從波斯帝國說起, 它成為世界所有陸地帝國典範。 除了,嗯,蒙古人。 我們對波斯人和波斯帝國 的認知大部分來自旁觀者的寫作 我們現在叫做「歷史」。 第一個真正歷史學家之一 Vietnamese: Xin chào, tôi John Green, đây là Khóa học Lịch sử thế giới, hôm nay chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu chi tiết về những nền văn minh quan trọng, cho các bạn có hứng thú với nó. Stan, tôi không thể ngưng cảm thấy khó chịu về việc chúng ta có quá nhiều quả địa cầu. Vậy tốt hơn Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu về những người Ba Tư với chế độ chuyên chế tồi tệ và người Hi Lạp thánh thiện, yêu dân chủ Có lẽ một vài trong số chúng ta đã biết có một số cuộc chiến tranh mà không một ai mặc áo, và ai cũng trông rắn rỏi và khỏe khoắn. Người Ba Tư xấu, người Hi Lạp thì tốt Socrates và Plato thật tuyệt vời; người Ba Tư thậm chí còn không bao giờ bàn luận về triết lý Phương Tây vô đối. Tiến lên! Không [Nhạc nền] Hãy bắt đầu với đế chế Ba Tư, hình mẫu của mọi đế chế trên đất liền Trừ Mông Cổ Phần lớn những gì ta biết về người Ba Tư và đế chế của họ đến từ một nguồn thông tin bên ngoài thứ mà nay ta gọi là lịch sử, và một trong các nhà sử học thực sự đầu tiên iw: היי, אני ג'ון גרין, זה "קראש- קורס" בהיסטוריה עולמית, והיום אנחנו הולכים לעשות קצת השוואה לגיטימית בין ציווליזציות, בשביל אלה שאוהבים דברים כאלה. סטן, אני לא יכול שלא להרגיש שיש לנו אולי יותר מדי גלובוסים. זה יותר טוב. היום אנחנו הולכים ללמוד על הפרסים הטוטליטריים הנוראים ועל היוונים הקדושים ואוהבי הדמוקרטיה. . אבל כמובן שאנחנו כבר מכירים את הסיפור הזה - היו כמה מלחמות שבהן אף אחד לא לבש חולצה, ולכולם היו קוביות בבטן. הפרסים היו רעים-היוונים היו טובים. סוקרטס ואפלטון היו מגניבים בטירוף- הפרסים אפילו לא עסקו בפילוסופיה! המערב הכי טוב! יאללה הקבוצה שלנו! כן, טוב, לא. בואו נתחיל עם האימפריה הפרסית, שהיתה מודל חיקוי פחות או יותר לכל האימפריות על היבשה ברחבי העולם!... למעט - חכו לזה, המונגולים. הרבה ממה שאנחנו יודעים על הפרסים מגיע מכתבים של אנשים שלא היו חלק מהאימפריה, וזה משהו שאנחנו מכנים כיום -"היסטוריה", ואחד ההיסטוריונים האמיתיים הראשונים היה הרודוטוס, Romanian: Salut ,sunt John Green, acesta este Crash Course History și astăzi o să facem civilizații comparate pentru cei care gustă tipul ăsta de demers. Stan, nu pot să te ajut dar simt că avem poate prea multe globuri. Acum e mai bine. Astăzi o să învățăm despre oribilul totalitarism persan și despre sfinții, iubitorii de democrație greci. Dar desigur știm deja această poveste-au existat unele războaie în care nimeni nu purta vreo haină și toată lumea era rezonabil de antrenată. Persanii erau răi, grecii erau buni. Socrate și Platon erau grozavi, persanii nici măcar nu filosofau. Vestul e cel mai tare, înainte Echipă!Da, ei bine , nu. muzică Să începem cu Imperiul persan care a devenit un model pentru aproape toate imperiile întinse din toată lumea.Cu excepția-așteptați- a Mongolilor. Mult din ceea ce știm despre persani și imperiul lor vine din scrierile externe despre ei care e ceva ce numim astăzi istorie și unul dintre acești primi adevărați istorici Hungarian: Hello, én John Green vagyok, és ez a Crash Course Világtörténelem sorozata. Ma szabályszerű civilizációkat fogunk összehasonlítani. Stan, az az érzésem, hogy talán túl sok földgömbünk van... Máris jobb. Ma tanulunk a perzsák szörnyű önkényuralmáról és a szent, demokrácia-szerető görögökről. De persze már ismerjük ezt a történetet - volt néhány háború, ahol senki sem viselt pólót, és mindenki baromira fitt volt. A perzsák a rosszak voltak, görögök meg a jók. Szókratész és Platón királyak, míg a Perzsák nem is filozofáltak. A nyugat a legjobb. Hajrá, hajrá! ...nos, nagyon nem. [zene] Kezdjük a Perzsa Birodalommal, amely jó példaként szolgál sok szárazföldi birodalom bemutatására szerte a világon. Kivéve - na várjatok csak - a mongolokéra. Sok minden, amit a perzsákról és birodalmukról tudunk, egy kívülálló elbeszéléséből van. Ma ezt hívjuk történelemnek, és őt az egyik első igazi történésznek. Spanish: Hola, soy John Green, ésto es Crash Course: Historia Mundial y hoy vamos a hacer algo de comparación de civilizaciones, para los que estén interesados. Stan, me parece que quizás tenemos demasiados globos terráqueos. Así está mejor. Hoy vamos a aprender sobre los horribles persas totalitarios y los griegos amantes de la democracia. Por supuesto, ya conocemos esta historia: Habían unas guerras en las que nadie usaba camisas y todos estaban rasonablemente en forma; los persas eran malos; los griegos, buenos; Socrates y Plato eran greniales; los persas ni siquiera filosofaban. ¡Occidente para presidente, adelante! Si, pues, no. [música] [música] [música] [música] [música] [música] Empecemos con el Imperio Persa, que es el modelo para casi todos los imperios mediterraneos alrededor del mundo. Excepto por —espérenlo— los mongoles. Mucho de lo que sabemos de los persas y su imperio viene de escritos exteriores acerca de ellos, que es algo que ahora llamamos historia, y uno de los primeros historiadores French: Bonjour, je suis John Green, vous êtes sur Crash Course Histoire du monde, et aujourd'hui, nous allons faire un peu de civilisations comparées, pour ceux qui connaissent. Stan, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser que nous avons peut-être trop de globes... C'est mieux comme ça. Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler des Perses, horribles et totalitaires et des Grecs, saints et amoureux de la démocratie. Mais bien entendu, nous connaissons déjà cette histoire: il y a eu des guerres au cours desquelles tout le monde se baladait torse nu et était plutôt bien fichu. Les Perses étaient méchants, les Grecs gentils, Socrate et Platon étaient géniaux, les Perses ne connaissaient même pas la philosophie. L'occident est le meilleur! Allez l'occident! Ouais... En fait non. Commençons par l'empire perse, qui est devenu le modèle pour à peu près tous les empires basés sur le territoire à travers le monde. Sauf pour - vous l'attendiez - les Mongols. La plupart des choses que l'on sait sur les perses et leur empire provient d''étrangers qui ont écrit à leur propos, ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui l'histoire. Et l'un des premiers vrais historiens Turkish: Merhaba, ben John Green, bu da Crash Course Dünya Tarihi. Ve bugün okul müfredatına uygun bir konumuz olacak, müptelaları için ama Stan çok fazla Dünyamız olduğunu fark etmeden edemiyorum. Böyle daha iyi. Bugün korkunç zorba persleri ve demokrasi aşığı Yunanları öğreneceğiz. Tabii ki de bu hikayeyi biliyoruz: Herkesin üstsüz ve taş gibi olduğu savaşlar vardı, persler kötü, yunanlar iyiydi Sokrat ve Platon acayipti, persler felsefeden anlamazdı, Batı en süper olandı Yürü Be!! Eh, öyle değildi. [giriş müziği] [giriş müziği] [giriş müziği] [giriş müziği] [giriş müziği] [giriş müziği] Dünya'daki bütün toprak odaklı imparatorluklara model olan Pers İmparatorluğu ile başlayalım tabii -bi dakka- moğollar hariç Persler hakkında bildiğimiz şeylerin çoğu onlara yabancı kişilerin yazdığı şeylere dayanıyor ki biz buna tarih diyoruz ve ilk hakiki tarihçi Dutch: Hallo, ik ben John Green, dit is Crash Course: Wereld geschiedenis, en vandaag gaan we het hebben over daadwerkelijk vergelijkbare beschavingen., voor de mensen die daar van houden. Stan, ik heb het gevoel dat we misschien teveel wereldbollen hebben. Vandaag gaan we leren over de verschrikkelijk totalitaire Perzen en de heilige, democratie aanbiddende Grieken. Maar natuurlijk kennen we dit verhaal al: Er waren een aantal oorlogen waarin niemand T-shirts droeg en iedereen een redelijke conditie had: De Perzen waren slecht en de Grieken waren goed. Socrates en Plato waren geweldig, de Perzen filosofeerden niet eens. Het westen is de beste! Ja, eigenlijk, niet. [Muziek intro] [Muziek intro] [Muziek intro] [Muziek intro] [Muziek intro] [Muziek intro] Laten we beginnen met het Perzische rijk, wat het voorbeeld werd voor bijna alle landgebonden rijken over de wereld. Met uitzondering van. even wachten... de Mongolen. Veel van onze kennis over de Perzen en hun rijk komt van geschriften van buitenstaanders. Deze verhalen noemen we nu geschiedenis, en een van de eerste echte historici German: Hi, ich bin John Green, das hier ist Crash Course Weltgeschichte und heute werden wir zwei Zivilisationen vergleichen, für diejenigen von euch, die solche Sachen mögen. Stan, irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass wir zu viele Globen haben. Das ist besser. Heute werden wir etwas über die furchtbar totalitären Perser und die heiligen, Demokratie liebenden Griechen lernen. Aber natürlich kennen wir diese Geschichte schon: Da gab es ein paar Kriege, in denen niemand Oberteile getragen hat und alle waren halbwegs fit; die Perser waren böse, die Griechen waren gut; Sokratet und Platon waren fantastisch; die Perser haben nicht mal philosopiert; der Westen ist der beste, Go Team!. Ja, äh, nein. [Intro] [Intro] [Intro] [Intro] [Intro] [Intro] Lasst uns mit dem Perserreich beginnen, das das Vorbild für so ziemlich alle landgestützten Imperien auf der ganzen Welt wurde. Außer für - wartet - die Mongolen. Vieles, was wir über die Perser und ihr Reich wissen, stammt von Außenstehenden, die über sie geschrieben haben, und das nennen wir Geschichte und einer der ersten Historiker war Modern Greek (1453-): Γεια σας είμαι ο John Green και αυτό είναι το Crash Course: Παγκόσμια Ιστορία και σήμερα θα κάνουμε μια θεμιτή σύγκριση πολιτισμών, για όσους από εσάς ενδιαφέρεται για τέτοια πράγματα. Stan, νομίζω πως ίσως έχουμε πάρα πολλές υδρόγειους. Καλύτερα έτσι. Σήμερα θα μάθουμε για τους τρομερούς και απολυταρχικούς Πέρσες και τους άγιους, εραστές της δημοκρατίας Έλληνες. Αλλά φυσικά την ξέρουμε ήδη αυτή την ιστορία - έγιναν κάποιοι πόλεμοι στους οποίους κανείς δεν φορούσε μπλούζες και όλοι ήταν εύλογα γυμνασμένοι. Οι Πέρσες ήταν κακοί, οι Έλληνες ήταν καλοί. Ο Σωκράτης και ο Πλάτωνας ήταν φοβεροί, οι Πέρσες ούτε καν φιλοσοφούσαν. Η Δύση είναι η καλύτερη! Πάμε ομάδα! Ναι καλά, όχι. Ας ξεκινήσουμε με την Περσική αυτοκρατορία, η οποία έγινε το πρότυπο για σχεδόν όλες τις χερσαίες αυτοκρατορίες σε όλον τον κόσμο. Εκτός από -ετοιμαστείτε- τους Μογγόλους. Πολλά από αυτά που γνωρίζουμε για τους Πέρσες και την αυτοκρατορία τους, προέρχονται από κάποιον ξένο που έγραφε για αυτούς, κάτι που πλέον ονομάζουμε ιστορία, και ένας από τους πρώτους πραγματικούς ιστορικούς Portuguese: Oi, eu sou John Green, e esse é o Crash Course: História Mundial, e hoje nos vamos ver legitimas civilizações, guerras e esse tipo de coisa. Stan, eu acho que tem globos demais nessa mesa. Melhorou. Hoje, nos vamos aprender sobre os Persas perversos e totalitaristas e a pureza da democracia pacifista dos Gregos. Mas claro que nos já conhecemos essa história: teve algumas guerra que nos não sabemos o que provocou, e quem foi o responsável. Mas claro que os Persas eram maus e os Gregos bons Socrates e Platão eram sensacionais; Os Persas nem filosofavam. Ocidente é O MELHOR! GO TEAM! Bem, não. Vamos começar com o Império Persa que foi modelo para muitos outros impérios ao redor do mundo. Exceto por um - um momento - os Mongóis Muito do que sabemos sobre os Persas e seu império, veio de informações escritas sobre eles algo que agora chamamos de história. Um dos primeiros historiadores Russian: Привет, я Джон Грин. Это Crash Course по всемирной истории, и сегодня мы займёмся сравнением цивилизаций если вы понимаете, о чём я. Стэн, мне кажется, или у нас тут слишком много глобусов? Так-то лучше. Сегодня мы узнаем об ужасных тоталитарных персах и свято любящих демократию греках. Но мы, конечно, уже знаем эту историю: было несколько войн, где никто не носил одежды выше пояса, и все были относительно стройными Персы плохие. Греки хорошие. Сократ и Платон классные, а Персы вообще не филосовствали Запад круче всех! Вперёд, команда! Ну да. Точнее, нет. Давайте начнём с Персидской империи, которая стала моделью практически для всех континентальных империй мира. За исключением -погодите- монголов. Многое из того, что мы знаем о персах и их империи пришло к нам из описаний, сделанных иностранцами. Того, что мы сейчас называем историей, и одним из первых историков был Геродот, Finnish: Moi, olen John Green, tämä on Crash Course Maailman Historia, ja tänään teemme oikeaa "sivilisaatioiden vertailua"(?). Stan, en voi olla tuntematta, että meillä on ehkä liian monta karttapalloa. Näin on parempi. Tänään opimme kaamean totalitaarisista persialaisista ja pyhistä demokratiaa rakastavista kreikkalaisista. Mutta tietenkin tiedämme jo tämän tarinan: Oli joitakin sotia, joissa kukaan ei pitänyt paitaa päällä ja kaikki olivat kohtalaisen hyvässä kunnossa; persialaiset olivat huonoja;kreikkalaiset hyviä; Sokrates ja Platon olivat mahtavia; persialaiset eivät edes filosofoineet; Länsi on paras joukkue! No, joo, ei. [alkumusiikki] [alkumusiikki] [alkumusiikki] [alkumusiikki] [alkumusiikki] [alkumusiikki] Aloitetaan persialaisten imperiumista, josta tuli malli melkeimpä kaikille maalle sijoittuville imperiumeille ympäri maailman. Lukuunottamatta -- odotas -- mongoleita. Paljon mitä tiedämme persialaisista ja heidän imperiumistaan saamme ulkopuolisen kirjoituksista heistä, mitä me nyt kutsumme historiaksi, ja yksi ensimmäisistä oikeista historoitsijoista Romanian: a fost Herodot a cărui faimoasă operă "Războaiele cu perșii" vorbește puțin despre persani. Acum faptul că Herodot a fost grec e important pentru că ne introduce în ideea de subiectivism istoric.Dar mai mult despre asta în a doua parte. Deci dinastia persană Ahemenidă... Ahemenidă...stați puțin.... How JSay: Achimenid sau Achehmenid Amândouă sunt corecte? Am avut dreptate de două ori? În regulă, deci dinastia persană ahemenidă a fost fondată în 539 î.Hr. de regele Cyrus cel Mare. Cyrus și-a condus războinicii săi nomazi și a cucerit cea mai mare parte a Mesopotamiei incluzând pe babilonieni care a pus capăt unei perioade triste din istoria evreilor numită Exilul babilonian ceea ce i-a asigurat lui Cyrus o presă foarte bună în Biblie. Dar fiul său, Darius I a fost chiar mai mare, extinzând controlul persan până la vechea noastră pritetenă, valea Indusului în Est, la vest până la noul nostru prieten Egipt și la nord până la nou-venita în Crash Course Anatolie.Apropo, erau greci în Anatolia numiți greci ionieni care vor deveni relevanți mai târziu. Deci chiar dacă nu erai persan, imperiul persan era aproape de vis. Persanii au condus într-un mod luminat, regatelor cucerite li se permitea să-și păstreze regii lor English: was Herodotus, whose famous book The Persian Wars talks about the Persians quite a bit. Now the fact that Herodotus was a Greek is important because it introduces us to the idea of historical bias. But more on that in a second. So the Persian Achaemenid dynasty... Achaemenid? Hold on... HowJSay: AkEEmenid or AkEHmenid They’re both right? I was right twice!? Right, so the Persian AkEEmenid or AkEHmenid dynasty was founded in 539 BCE by King Cyrus the Great. Cyrus took his nomadic warriors and conquered most of Mesopotamia, including the Babylonians, which ended a sad period in Jewish history called The Babylonian Exile, thus ensuring that Cyrus got great press in the Bible. But his son, Darius the First, was even greater, he extended Persian control east to our old friend the Indus Valley, west to our new friend Egypt, and north to Crash Course newcomer Anatolia. By the way, there were Greeks in Anatolia called Ionian Greeks who will become relevant shortly. So even if you weren’t Persian, the Persian Empire was pretty dreamy. For one thing, the Persians ruled with a light touch, like, conquered kingdoms were allowed to keep their kings Dutch: was Herodotus, zijn boek 'De Perzische Oorlogen heeft het veel over de Perzen. Het feit dat Herodotus een Griek was is belangrijk omdat dat het concept van historische bevooroordeeldheid introduceert. Maar daarover straks meer. Dus the Perzische Achaemenid dynastie - Archaemenid? Wacht even... [Computer uitspraak] AkEEmenid of AkEHmenid Ze zijn beide goed? Dus ik had twee keer gelijk! Oké, dus de Perzische AkEEmenid of AkEHmenid dynastie werd opgericht in 539 voor christus door koning Cyrus de Grote. Cyrus nam zijn nomadische soldaten en veroverde grotendeels van Mesopotamië, inclusief de Babyloniërs, wat een treurige periode in Joodse geschiedenis stopte genaamd de Babylonische ballingschap. Om zo zeker te zijn van goede pers in de Bijbel. Maar zijn zoon, Darius de eerste, was zelfs groten: Hij vergrote de Perzische heerschappij ten oosten van onze oude vriend de Indus vallei, ten westen van onze nieuwe vriend Egypte, en ten noorde van de Crash Course nieuwkomer, Anatolië. Trouwens, er waren Grieken in Anatolië genaamd de Ionische grieken die straks voor ons belangrijk worden Dus zelfs als je niet Perzisch was, was het Perzische rijk best goed. Ten eerste, de Perzen regeerden met lichte hand: Bijvoorbeeld veroverde koninkrijken mochten. koning en adel behouden zolang ze een trouw zworen aan de Perzische koning French: était Hérodote dont le fameux livre, les guerres Perses parlait un peu des Perses.Le fait qu'Hérodote était Grec est important car cela nous introduit au biais historique. Mais on en reparlera un peu plus tard. La dynastie des Perses Achéménides... Achéménides? Attendez... AKKEmenide ou AKEHmenide Les deux sont bons, j'avais donc deux fois raison! Donc la dynastie Perses Achéménide a été fondée en -539 par Cyrus le grand. Cyrus a mobilisé ses guerriers nomades et conquis la majeure partie de la Mésopotamie, y compris l'empire Babylonien, ce qui mit fin à une triste période de l'histoire Juive connue comme l'Exil Babylonien ce qui assura à Cyrus une bonne réputation dans la bible. Mais son fils, Darius 1er, était encore plus grand, il étendit l'empire Perse qui contrôlait désormais les terres s'étendant de l'est de la vallée de l'Indus, notre vielle amie, à l'ouest de notre nouvelle amie, l'Egypte, jusqu'au nord d'une nouvelle venue dans le cours: L'Anatolie. Pendant que j'y pense, il y avait des Grecs en Anatolie, qu'on nommait Grecs Ioniens, et qui deviendront bientôt importants. Même si vous n'étiez pas Perse, l'Empire Perse était plutôt sympathique. La gouvernance Perse était légère, par exemple, les pays conquis pouvaient garder leurs propres rois et leurs élites, à condition qu'ils prêtent allégeance au roi Perses et paient les taxes. Thai: ผู้ได้เขียนถึงชาวเปอร์เซียไว้นิดหน่อย ในหนังสือชื่อดังของเขาที่ชื่อว่า The Persian Wars ความจริงที่ว่าเฮอรอโดทัสเป็นชาวกรีกนั้นเป็นเรื่องที่สำคัญมาก เพราะนี่ทำให้เราเริ่มรู้จักกับอคติทางประวัติศาสตร์ แต่เดี๋ยวเราจะกลับมาพูดถึงเรื่องนี้ทีหลัง ราชวงศ์เปอร์เซีย อะคีเมนิด... อะเคเมนิด? แป๊บนะครับ อะ-คี-เม-นิด หรือ อะ-เค-เม-นิด ถูกทั้งคู่หรอ? ที่อ่านถูกสองรอบเลยหรอเนี่ย!? เอาล่ะ ราชวงศ์เปอร์เซีย อะคีเมนิด หรือ อะเคเมนิด ถูกสถาปนาขึ้นในปี 539 ก่อนคริสตกาล โดย พระเจ้าไซรัสมหาราช พระเจ้าไซรัสนำทัพทหารเร่ร่อน และยึดครองพื้นที่เมโสโปเตเมียส่วนใหญ่ร่วมถึงบาบิโลเนียไว้ได้ ซึ่งนำไปสู่จุดสิ้นสุดของยุคสมัยที่น่าเศร้าของประวัติศาสตร์ยิวที่เรียกว่า การคุมขังแห่งบาบิโลเนีย ทำให้พระเจ้าไซรัสได้รับการยกย่องในไบเบิล แต่พระโอรสของพระองค์ ดาริอัสที่ 1 นั้น ยิ่งใหญ่ยิ่งกว่า พระองค์ขยายดินแดนเปอร์เซีย ทางตะวันออกไปถึงอินดัส วัลเล่ย์เพื่อนเก่า ทางตะวันตกไปถึงอียิปต์เพื่อนใหม่ของเรา และทางเหนือไปถึง อานาโตเลีย เมืองหน้าใหม่ในแครสคอร์ส ซึ่งในอานาโตเลียนั้น มีชาวกรีกที่เรียกว่า พวกไอโอเนียนอาศัยอยู่ อีกซักครู่พวกเขาจะเข้ามาเกี่ยวข้อง ต่อให้คุณไม่ใช่คนเปอร์เซีย อาณาจักรเปอร์เซียก็ยังน่าอยู่ทีเดียว ด้วยเหตุผลหนึ่งคือ ชาวเปอร์เซียปกครองแบบหลวมๆ เช่น อนุญาตให้กษัตริย์ และชนชั้นสูงของดินแดนที่ยึดครองมา สามารถปกครองตนเองต่อไปได้ Chinese: 是希羅多德,他名著《波斯戰爭》 對波斯人講得滿多的。 希羅多德是希臘人。這很重要因為 他作品帶有歷史偏見。 稍後會深入講。 所以波斯阿契美尼德王朝,阿奇美尼德? 等一下... [電腦發音] 兩個發音都對?我竟然對兩次! 波斯阿契美尼德王朝於公元前539由居魯士大帝建立。 居魯士帶他的游牧戰士征服了 多部分的兩河流域,包括巴比倫, 結束了猶太歷史上巴比倫流亡的悲傷時期, 從而保證居魯士在聖經中被大書特書。 但他兒子大流士一世更偉大: 他把波斯帝國往東擴張伸向我們老朋友印度河流域, 西到我們新朋友埃及, 北至​​速成班新人安納托利亞。 當地希臘裔的愛奧尼亞人很快就會登場。 即使你不是波斯人,波斯帝國也相當夢幻。 一方面,波斯人統治不嚴厲:被征服的王國只要宣誓 Turkish: Heredot'du, meşhur Pers Savaşları kitabında persler hakkında bayağı söz etti. Heredot'un yunan olduğunu unutmayalım çünkü bu kendisinin yanlı tarih anlayışına sebep oluyor ama ona sonra değineceğiz. Pers Ahameniş hanedanlığı-Ahameniş? Bir dakika.. AhAAmeniş ya daAhAMeniş İkisi de mi doğru? İki kere bildim! Tamam, Büyük Pers AhAAmeniş ya daAhAMeniş hanedanlığı MÖ 539'da Kirok tarafından kuruldu. Kirok göçebe askerleriyle Mezopotamya'nın Babil de dahil çoğunu fethetti ki bu da Yahudi tarihinde Babil Sürgünü olan dönemi başlattı. Böylece Kirok İncil'de bayağı yer edindi. Oğlu I. Darius daha da büyüktü. Pers hükümdarlığını doğuda İndus Vadisi'ne, batıda Mısır'a ve kuzeyde Crash Course'a yeni dahil olan yere kadar büyüttü, Anadolu'ya. Bu sırada Anadolu'da İyonyalılar olarka bilinen Yunan kabileleri vardı bunlar sonra önemli olacak. Pers olmasanız da Pers İmparatorluğu oha falandı Mesela, Persler hükmettiği yerlerde baskıcı değildi: İşgal edilen krallıkların kralı ve elitleri bağlılık yemini ederse ve vergi Russian: чья известная книга "Персидские Войны" расказывает нам немного о персах. Тот факт, что Геродот был греком, важен потому, что это демонстрирует нам принцип исторической предвзятости. Но об это чуть позже Итак персидская династия Ахеменидов... Ахеменидов? Погодите-ка. То есть они оба правильные? Я был прав дважды! Итак, персидская династия Ахеменидов была основана в 539 году до н.э королём Киром Великим. Кир со своими воинами кочевниками завоевал большую часть Месопотамии, включая Вавилон чем закончили грустный период Еврейской истории называемой Вавилонским пленом. Что дало Киру хорошие отзывы в Библии Но его сын, Дарий Первый, был ещё более великим. Он расширил власть персов на восток до наших старых друзей в долине реки Инд. И на западе до наших новых друзей в Египте и на севере до новичка в Crash Course - Анатолии. К слову, в Анатолии жили греки, называющиеся ионийцами, которые вскоре сыграют свою роль. Даже если вы не были персом, Персидская империя выглядела довольно привлекательно. Во-первых, правление персов было мягким. Завоёванным королевствам разрешено было оставить их прежних правителей при условии, что они признавали верховенство персидского короля. Arabic: والذي تناول الفرس بإسهاب في كتابه الشهير "الحروب الفارسية". حقيقة أن هيرودوت كان إغريقيًا هو أمر مهم لأنها المدخل لنا إلى فكرة التحيز التاريخي. سأخوض أكثر في ذلك بعد قليل. السلالة الفارسية الأخمينية... الأخمنية؟ مهلًا... أخمينية أو أخمنية. كلاهما صحيح؟ لقد أصبت مرتين! تأسست السلالة الفارسية الأخمينية في 539 قبل الميلاد على يد الملك قورش العظيم. غزا قورش بمحاربيه الرُحّل معظم بلاد ما بين النهرين، بما في ذلك البابليين، مُنهيًا بذلك فترة حزينة في التاريخ اليهودي تُسمى المنفى البابلي، وبذلك ضمن قورش تلقّي المديح الوافر في الكتاب المقدس. ولكن ابنه داريوس الأول، كان أعظم من ذلك، وبسط السيطرة الفارسية شرقًا إلى موضوع حلقتنا القديمة، وادي السند وغربًا إلى موضوع حلقتنا الجديدة، مصر وشمالًا إلى موضوع حلقة قادمة هو الأناضول. بالمناسبة، كان هناك يونانيون في الأناضول يُدعون اليونانيين الإيونيين والذين ستظهر صلتهم بموضوع الحلقة بعد قليل. حتى لو لم تكن فارسيًا كانت الإمبراطورية الفارسية واعدة جدًا. أحد أسباب ذلك هو أن حكم الفرس كان ناعمًا، فقد سُمح للممالك المفتوحة بالإبقاء على ملوكها وفئاتها النخبوية طالما تعهدت بالولاء للملك الفارسي ودفع الضرائب، Swedish: var Herodotos, vars berömda bok "De persiska krigen" berättar en hel del om perserna. Faktumet att Herodotos var grek är viktigt eftersom det introducerar oss till tanken på historiska tendenser. Men mer om det om en sekund. Så persiska Akemenidiska dynastin ... Akemenidiska? Vänta... HowJSay: AkEEmenid eller AkEHmenid De är båda rätt? Jag var rätt två gånger !? Okay, så persiska AkEEmenid eller AkEHmenid dynastin grundades 539 f.Kr. av kung Cyrus den store. Cyrus tog sina nomadiska krigare och erövrade större delen av Mesopotamien, inklusive babylonierna, som avslutade en sorglig period i judisk historia kallad "den babyloniska fångenskapen", vilket säkerställer att Cyrus får bra press i Bibeln. Men hans son, Darius den första, var ännu större, han utökar persiska kontroll österut till vår gamla vän Indusdalen, västerut till vår nya vän Egypten och norrut till snabbkurs nykomlingen Anatolien. Förresten så fanns det greker i Anatolien kallade joniska greker som snart är viktiga. Även om du inte var perser var det persiska imperiet ganska coolt. Som exempel styrde perser med ett lugnt sinne, erövrade riken fick behålla sina kungar Hungarian: Hérodotosz a híres A görög-perzsa háború c. könyvében részletesen ír a perzsákról. Fontos megemlíteni, hogy Hérodotosz görög volt, hiszen emiatt előítélettel írt a perzsákról. De erről később mesélek még. Tehát a perzsa Achaemenid dinasztia ... Achaemenid? Na várjunk csak... "Ökímenid" vagy "Akehmanid" Mindkettő jó? Mindkétszer igazam volt?! Tehát. A perzsa Ökímenid vagy Akehmanid dinasztiát ie. 539-ben alapította a Nagy Cyrus király Cyrus majdnem egész Mezopotámiát elfoglalta nomád harcosaival, beleértve a babiloniakat, ami véget vetett a zsidó történelem egy szomorú időszakának, az ún. babiloni fogságnak, ezáltal biztosítva, hogy Cyrus nagyon jó sajtót kapott a Bibliában. De fia, első Dáriusz, még nagyobb uralkodó volt, és tovább terjesztette a perzsa birodalmat keletre régi barátunk, az Indus-völgye felé, nyugatra az új barátunk, Egyiptom felé, és északra az újonc Anatólia felé. Egyébként Anatóliában éltek jón görögök, akiknek fontos szerepe volt a történelemben. Tehát ha te nem is perzsa voltál, a Perzsa Birodalom elég káprázatos volt. Pl. mert a meghódított királyságok megtarthatták királyukat, és az elit réteget, German: Herodot, dessen berühmtes Buch "Die Perserkriege" tatsächlich ein wenig von Persern handelt. Die Tatsache, dass Herodot Grieche war, ist wichtig, denn sie führt uns zum Prinzip der historischen Voreingenommenheit. Aber mehr dazu in einer Sekunde. Also, die persische Achaimenes-Dynastie - Achaimenes [andere Aussprache]? Wartet...[Computerstimme erklärt die englische Aussprache] Ach, beide sind richtig? Ich hatte zweimal Recht! Also, die persische Achaimenes- oder Achaimenes- [andere Aussprache] Dynastie wurde im Jahr 539 v. Chr. von König Kyros dem Großen gegründet. Kyros eroberte mit seinen Nomaden-Kriegern einen Großteil Mesopotamiens, inklusive Babyloniens, was mit einer traurigen Episode der jüdischen Geschichte namens Babylonisches Exil endete, was wiederum dafür sorgte, dass Kyros viel Presse in der Bibel bekam. Aber sein Sohn, Darius I., war noch "größer". Er vergrößerte den persischen Einflussbereich nach Osten, zu unserem alten Freund, dem Indus-Tal, westlich von unserem neue Freund Ägypten und nördlich von unserem Crash Course Newcomer Anatolien. Übrigens gab es dort Griechen, Ionier genannt, die in Kürze noch wichtig sein werden. Selbst wenn man kein Perser war, war das Perserreich ziemlich traumhaft. Zum einen regierten die Peser mit lockerer Hand: Eroberte Königreiche durften ihre Könige und ihre Eliten behalten, solange sie dem persischen König ihre Treue schworen Spanish: fue Heródoto, cuyo famoso libro "Las Guerras Persas" habla de los persas un poco. Ahora, el hecho de que Heródoto era griego es importante porque nos introduce a la idea del sesgo histórico. Pero más de eso en un momento. Así que la dinastía aqueménida- ¿"aqueménide"? Espera... [pronunciación de la computadora] Aqueménida o "aqueménide". (En inglés, hay dos pronunciaciones posibles.) ¿Así que ambas son correctas? ¡Estuve en lo correcto dos veces! (Ambas pronunciaciones son correctas.) De acuerdo, así que la dinastía aquemenida o "aqueménide" (Éste no es el caso en español. Solo "aquemenida" es correcto.) fue fundada por el rey Ciro II el Grande en el 539 a.C. Ciro tomó a sus guerreros nómadas y conquistó la mayor parte de Mesopotamia, incluyendo a los babilonios, lo cual culminó un triste período en la historia judía llamado el Exilio Babilónico, asegurando así que Ciro consiguiera gran prensa en la Biblia. Pero su hijo, Darío I, fue aún más grande: extendió el control persa al este hacia nuestro viejo amigo el Valle del Indo, oeste a nuestro nuevo amigo Egipto y norte al recién llegado a Crash Course, Anatolia. Por cierto, hubo griegos en Anatolia llamados los jonios que serán relevantes en poco tiempo. Así que, incluso si no eras persa, el Imperio persa era bastante agradble. Por un lado, los persas gobernaron con un ligero toque: los reinos conquistados eran permitidos mantener sus reyes y su élite siempre y cuando prometieran lealtad al Rey Persa Finnish: oli Herodotos, jonka kuuluisa kirja, Persian sodat, kertoo persialaisista melko paljon. Se, että Herodotos oli kreikkalainen, on tärkeää, koska se esittelee meille idean historiallisista ennakkoasenteista. Enemmän siitä hetken kuluttua. Persialainen Akhaimenidien hallitsijasuku-- Akhaimenid? Hetkinen... Persialainen Akhaimenidien hallitsijasuku-- Akhaimenid? Hetkinen... [tietokone lausuu] AkEEmenid. AkEHmenid. Eli molemmat on oikein? Olin kahdesti oikeassa! Eli, persialainen Akhaimenidien hallitsijasuku perusti kuningas Cyrus Suuri vuonna 539 eaa. Eli, persialainen Akhaimenidien hallitsijasuku perusti kuningas Cyrus Suuri vuonna 539 eaa. Cyrus otti paimentolaissotilaansa ja valloitti suurimman osan Mesopotamiaa, mukaan lukien Babylonialaiset, päättäen surullisen kauden juutalaisten historiassa, Babylonin vankeuden, ja varmistaen Cyrukselle hyvän mainoksen Raamatusta. Mutta hänen poikansa, Darius I, oli mahtavampi: Hän laajensi persialaisten valtaa itään kohti vanhaa ystäväämme Indus-laaksoa, länteen kohti uutta ystäväämme Egyptiä, ja pohjoiseen Crash Coursen uuteen tulokkaaseen Anatoliaan. Sivumennen sanoen, Anatoliassa oli kreikkalaisia, Joonian kreikkalaiset, jotka tulevat oleellisiksi kohta. Joten, vaikka et ollut persialainen, Persian imperiumi oli melko unenomainen. Ensiksikin persialaiset hallitsivat kevyellä kosketuksella: valloitettujen kuningaskuntien sallittiin säilyttää kuninkaansa ja eliittinsä, kunhan he lupasivat uskollisuutensa Persian kuninkaalle Portuguese: foi Heródoto, um dos seus livros mais famosos, Guerras Persas, fala um pouco sobre os Persas. Agora, pelo fato de Herodotus ser Grego é importante pois introduz a ideia histórica de que os Persas eram bárbaros. Falamos disso depois. Então, a dinastia Persa Achaemenid - Achaemenid? Um segundo AkEEmenid or AkEHmenid Os dois estavam certos? Eu acertei nas duas? Certo, então a dinastia AkEEmenid ou Akehmenid foi fundada em 539 A.C pelo Rei Cyrus o Grande Cyrus usou guerreiros nômades e conquistou grande parte da Mesopotâmia, incluindo a Babilonia que terminou em um período triste para a história judaica chamada Exílio da Babilônia, uma passagem que Cyrus retratou muito bem na Bíblia. Mas seu filho, Darius primeiro, foi ainda melhor. Ele estendeu o Império Persa para o leste no nosso antigo amigo Vale Indo; oeste para nosso novo amigo Egito, e norte para o próximo tema do Crash Course, Anatolia. A propósito tinham gregos em Anatolia chamados de gregos Jônios, que serão relevantes daqui a pouco. Mesmo que você não fosse Persa. O Império Persa era bem legal. Por causa disso os Persas governavam com o toque de luz: depois de conquistar um reino eles permitiam manter o rei local e seu governo, desde que eles jurassem lealdade ao Rei Persa, Vietnamese: là Herodotus với cuốn sách nổi tiếng ''Những cuộc chiến tranh Ba Tư", Trong đó có đề cập một ít về người Ba Tư Nhưng việc Herodotus là người Hy Lạp rất quan trọng vì nó giới thiệu khái niệm bẻ cong lịch sử. Một lát sau chúng ta sẽ nói về nó. Triều đại Achaemenid của Ba Tư...Achaemenid? Đợi đã HowJSay: AkEEmenid hoặc AkEHmenid Cả hai đều đúng? Tôi đúng hai lần ư !? Ok, triều đại AkEEmenid hay AkEHmenid của Ba Tư được thành lập năm 539 TCN bởi vua Cyrus Đại đế Cyrus mang các chiến binh du mục của mình chinh phục phần lớn Lưỡng Hà, bao gồm Babylonia, kết thúc một thời kì buồn trong lịch sử Do Thái được gọi là Cuộc lưu đày ở Babylon, do đó vì thế đảm bảo cho sức ảnh hưởng to lớn của Cyrus trong Kinh Thánh. Nhưng con trai ông, Darius Đệ nhất, còn vĩ đại hơn, ông đã mở rộng tầm kiểm soát của Ba Tư về phía Đông tới Thung lũng Ấn, phía Tây tới Ai Cập, phía Bắc tới Anatolia Tiện thể, có người Hi Lạp ở Anatolia, gọi là người Hi Lạp Ionia, chúng ta sẽ sớm đề cập tới họ Ngay cả khi bạn không phải là người Ba Tư thì bạn cũng sẽ thấy Đế quốc Ba Tư là một thiên đường. Bởi một lẽ Ba Tư cai trị rất thoải mái và rộng rãi,. Các vương quốc bị chiếm được phép iw: שספרו המפורסם "המלחמות הפרסיות" מדבר על הפרסים לא מעט. עכשיו העובדה הרודוטוס היה יווני היא חשובה משום שהיא מעלה בפנינו את הרעיון של: "הטיה היסטורית". אבל עוד על זה בעוד שניה. אז השושלת האחמנית הפרסית... או אקמאנידית? חכו שניה... " אקמאנידית או האחמנית" שניהם נכונים? צדקתי פעמים!? בסדר, אז השושלת הפרסית האחמנית או האקמאנידית נוסדה בשנת 539 לפנה"ס על ידי המלך כורש הגדול (סיירוס) כורש (סיירוס) לקח את הלוחמים הנוודים שלו וכבש את רוב מסופוטמיה, כולל את הבבלים, דבר שסיים פרק עצוב בהיסטוריה היהודית בשם "גלות בבל", ובזה הבטיח שכורש קיבל פירסום חיובי בתנ"ך. אבל בנו, דריוש הראשון, היה גדול עוד יותר, הוא הרחיב את שליטת פרס במזרח לחברינו הותיקים בעמק האינדוס, למערב אל חברתנו החדשה מצרים, לצפון עד למגוייסת הטרייה בקורס שלנו- אנטוליה אגב, היו יוונים באנטוליה שנקראו יווניים איונים (Ionian) שייהפכו רלוונטים בקרוב. אז גם אם לא הייתם פרסים, האימפריה הפרסית הייתה די חלומית. דבר אחד בטוח, הפרסים שלטו בצורה מתחשבת, למשל, ממלכות כבושות הורשו לשמור על מלכיהם Polish: był Herodotus, którego sławna książka "Wojny Perskie" mówiła o Persach dość sporo. Fakt , że Herodotus był Grekiem jest ważny ponieważ przedstawia nam to zjawisko stronniczości historycznej. Ale więcej o tym za chwilę. Więc Perska dynastia Achemenidów... Achemenidów? Poczekajcie... [AkEEmenid or AkEHmenid] (angielska wymowa) Oba są poprawne ? Miałem rację dwa razy! Tak, więc Perska dynastia Achemenidów albo Akchemenidów została założona w 539r. p.n.e przez Króla Cyrusa Wielkiego Cyrus wziął swoich koczowniczych wojowników i zdobył większość Mezopotamii włączając w to Babilonię kończąc tym samym smutny okres w Żydowskiej historii zwany "Niewolą babilońską" , w ten sposób Cyrus dostał świetną wzmiankę w Biblii. Ale jego syn, Dariusz Pierwszy, był nawet lepszy. Rozciągnął kontrolę Persów na wschód do naszych starych przyjaciół z doliny Indusu, na zachód do naszych nowych przyjaciół z Egiptu i na północ do nowego nabytku Crash Course Anatolia Przy okazji, w Anatolii byli Grecy zwani Grekami Jońskimi, którzy będą istotni. Wkrótce. Więc nawet jeśli nie byłeś Persem, to Perskie Imperium było marzeniem. Dla jednego powodu, Persowie rządzili lekką ręką: Podbite królestwa mogły zachować swoich królów oraz elity tak długo jak zobowiązywali się być posłuszni wobec Perskiego króla Modern Greek (1453-): ήταν ο Ηρόδοτος, του οποίου το διάσημο βιβλίο "Οι Περσικοί Πόλεμοι" αναφέρει αρκετά για τους Πέρσες. Τώρα το γεγονός ότι ο Ηρόδοτος ήταν Έλληνας είναι σημαντικό γιατί μας εισάγει στην ιδέα της ιστορικής προκατάληψης. Αλλά περισσότερα γι αυτό σε λίγο. Έτσι η Περσική δυναστεία των Αχαιμενιδών... Αχαιμενιδών? Μισό λεπτό... AkEEmenid or AkEHmenid... Είναι και τα δυο σωστά? Είχα δίκιο και τις δυο φορές? Σωστά, η Περσική δυναστεία των Αχαιμενιδών λοιπόν ιδρύθηκε το 539 π.Χ. από τον βασιλιά Κύρο τον Μέγα ο σπουδαίος. Ο Κύρος πήρε νομαδική τους πολεμιστές του και κατέκτησαν το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της Μεσοποταμίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων Ο Κύρος οδήγησε τους νομαδικούς πολεμιστές του και κατέκτησε το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της Μεσοποταμίας συμπεριλαμβανομένων των Βαβυλώνιων, τερματίζοντας μια θλιβερή περίοδο της Εβραϊκής ιστορίας, γνωστή ως "Βαβυλώνια αιχμαλωσία" εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι στον Κύρο μεγάλη δημοσιότητα στη Βίβλο. Αλλά ο γιος του, Δαρείος Α, ήταν ακόμα πιο Μέγας, επέκτεινε τον έλεγχο των Περσών στα ανατολικά στην παλιά μας φίλη, την κοιλάδα του Ινδού, δυτικά στη νέα μας φίλη, Αίγυπτο και βόρεια στην νεοφερμένη στο Crash Course, Ανατολία. Επί τη ευκαιρία, υπήρχαν Έλληνες στην Ανατολία που ονομάζονταν Ίωνες, με τους οποίους θα ασχοληθούμε σύντομα. Έτσι λοιπόν, ακόμα και αν δεν ήσουν Πέρσης, η Περσική αυτοκρατορία ήταν αρκετά ονειρική. Ένας λόγος ήταν η χαλαρή διακυβέρνηση των Περσών, όπως για παράδειγμα στα υποτελή βασίλεια επιτρεπόταν να διατηρήσουν τους βασιλείς και την ελίτ εφόσον υπόσχονταν υποταγή στον Πέρση βασιλιά Czech: jehož slavné dílo "Řecko-perské války" o Peršanech docela dost mluví. Je důležité, že Hérodotos byl Řek, protože nás to přivádí k tématu historické předpojatosti. Ale o tom více až za chvilku. Perská Achaimenovská dynastie, Achaeimenovská? Vydržte... Akeemenid nebo Akehmenid. Takže jsou obě správně? Měl jsem pravdu dvakrát! Perská Achaimenovská dynastie byla založena roku 539 př. n. l. králem Kýrem Velikým. Kýros s kočovnými bojovníky dobyl většinu Mezopotámie včetně Babylonu, čímž skončila smutná část židovské historie nazývaná babylonský exil, a tím si zajistil, že se o něm bude hezky psát v Bibli. Jeho syn Dareios I. byl ještě lepší. Rozšířil perskou nadvládu na východ až k našim známým v poříčí Indu, na západ k novým přátelům z Egypta a na sever k nováčkům v našem pořadu: Malé Asii. Mimochodem, v Malé Asii byli Řekové, nazýváni Iónové, a ti budou podstatní už za chvilku. I když jste nebyl Peršan, Perská říše byla skoro jako z pohádky. Zaprvé, Peršané vládli lehkou rukou, tak třeba dobytá království si směla ponechat krále a elity za podmínky, že přísahali věrnost perským králům Spanish: y pagaran impuestos, razón por la cual el Rey Persa era conocido como el "Rey de Reyes". Además, los impuestos no eran tan altos y los persas mejoraban la infraestructura con mejores caminos y tenían este servicio postal parecido al Pony Express del cual Heródoto dijo: "...ni la nieve, ni la lluvia, ni el calor del sol, ni la noche las detiene, para que dejen de hacer con toda brevedad el camino que les está señalado". Y los persas adoptaron la libertad de religión. Eran zoroastrianos, la cual tiene una demanda de ser la primera religión monoteísta del mundo. Fue realmente el zoroastrismo el cual introdujo el dualismo del bien/mal que todos conocemos tan bien. Ya sabes: Dios y Satanás o Harry y Voldemort... Pero los persas no estaban muy preocupados por convertir a la gente del Imperio a su fe. Además, Zoroastrismo prohibia la esclavitud, asi que la esclavitud era casi desconocida en el imperio Persa En todo caso, si tuvieras que vivir en el siglo V a.C., el imperio Persa era quizas el mejor lugar. A menos, claro, que le creas a Heródoto y a los griegos. Todos sabemos sobre los griegos: arquitectura. filosofía, literatura. La palabra música viene del griego, asi como mucho en la cultura actual. Finnish: ja maksoivat veroja, minkä takia Persian kuningasta kutsutaan kuninkaiden kuninkaaksi. Lisäksi verot eivät olleet liian korkeat ja persialaiset paransivat infrasrtuktuuria paremmilla teillä ja heillä oli poni pikakuljetuksen tapainen postipalvelu, josta Herodotos sanoi: "... heitä ei lumi, sade, lämpö eikä pimeys pysäytä toteuttaakseen heille annettua reittiä täydellä vauhdilla." Persialaiset omaksuivat uskonnonvapauden. He olivat zarathustralaisia, jotka väittävät olevansa maailman ensimmäinen monoteistinen uskonto. Oikeastaan zarathustralaisuus esitteli meille hyvä/paha dualismin, jonka tunnemme hyvin. Tiedäthän: jumala ja saatana tai Harry ja Voldemort... Mutta persialaiset eivät olleet huolissaan kääntämään imperiumin ihmisiä heidän uskoonsa. Lisäksi, zarathustralaisuus kielsi orjuuden ja niinpä se oli ennenkuulumatonta Persian imperiumissa. Kaikkiaan, jos elit viidennellä vuosisadalla eaa., Persian imperiumi oli luultavasti paras paikka elää. Ellet usko Herodotosta ja kreikkalaisia. Tiedämme kaikki kreikkalaisista: Arkkitehtuuri. Filosofia. Kirjallisuus. Sana musiikki tulee kreikasta, kuten moni muu nykyaikaisessa kulttuurissa. Polish: i płacili mu podatki, dlatego właśnie Perski król był nazywany Królem Królów. Ponadto podatki nie były zbyt wysokie a Persowie ulepszali infrastrukturę lepszymi drogami i mieli ten kucykowy ekspres - pocztę , o której Herodotus powiedział: Nie straszne im śniegi czy deszcze, upały lub ciemności, nic ich nie powstrzyma przed dostarczeniem przesyłki do celu z największą szybkością. Persowie akceptowali wolność religii. Sami wyznawali Zaratusztrianizm , który uważa się za pierwszą w świecie monoteistyczną religie. To Zaratusztrianizm przedstawił nam dualizm dobra i zła , który znamy tak dobrze. Wiecie: Bóg i Szatan albo Harry i Voldemort... Ale Persowie nie byli zbyt zatroskani o przekonywanie ludzi z Imperium do swojej wiary. Dodatkowo, Zaratusztrianizm zakazywał niewolnictwa więc było to zjawisko niemal nieznane w Perskim Imperium Koniec końców, jeśli miałbyś żyć w 5 wieku p.n.e , Perskie Imperium byłoby najprawdopodbniej najlepszym miejscem do tego. Chyba , że wierzysz Herodotusowi i Grekom. Wszyscy znamy Greków: Architektura, Filozofia , Literatura , słowo "muzyka" pochodzi z Grecji , podobnie jak wiele innych rzeczy w naszej obecnej kulturze. Modern Greek (1453-): και πλήρωναν φόρους, γι αυτό ο Πέρσης βασιλιάς ήταν γνωστός ως Βασιλιάς των Βασιλιάδων. Επίσης οι φόροι δεν ήταν πολύ υψηλοί και οι Πέρσες βελτίωναν τις υποδομές με καλύτερους δρόμους και είχαν και αυτό το γρήγορο σύστημα αλληλογραφίας με πόνυ, για το οποίο ο Ηρόδοτος είπε "...αυτό δεν σταματούσε ούτε από το χιόνι, ούτε από τη βροχή, ούτε από την ζέστη, ούτε από το σκοτάδι, προκειμένου να πετύχουν την ολοκλήρωση της καθορισμένης πορείας, με την προβλεπόμενη ταχύτητα" Και οι Πέρσες υποστήριξαν την ανεξιθρησκεία. Πίστευαν στο Ζοροαστρισμό, ο οποίος έχει το αξίωμα της πρώτης μονοθεϊστικής θρησκείας. Ήταν όντως ο Ζοροαστρισμός ο οποίος μας εισήγαγε στο δυϊσμό του καλού/κακού που όλοι γνωρίζουμε τόσο καλά. Ξέρετε: Θεός και Διάβολος, Χάρυ και Βόλντεμορτ... Αλλά τους Πέρσες δεν τους απασχολούσε τόσο πολύ το να προσηλυτίσουν τους λαούς της αυτοκρατορίας τους στη θρησκεία τους. Συν το ότι ο Ζοροαστρισμός απαγόρευε τη δουλεία και έτσι η δουλεία ήταν σχεδόν άγνωστη στην Περσική αυτοκρατορία. Σε γενικές γραμμές, αν έπρεπε να ζήσεις τον 5ο αιώνα π.Χ., η Περσική αυτοκρατορία θα ήταν πιθανότατα το καλύτερο μέρος, εκτός αν πιστεύετε τον Ηρόδοτο και τους Έλληνες. Όλοι γνωρίζουμε για τους Έλληνες: αρχιτεκτονική, φιλοσοφία, λογοτεχνία. Η ίδια η λέξη μουσική προέρχεται από τα ελληνικά, όπως και πολλά ακόμα στο σημερινό πολιτισμό. Russian: и платили налоги. Поэтому правитель Персии был известен как "Король Королей" К тому же налоги не были слишком высокими и персы улучшали инфраструктуру и строили дороги. А ещё у них была почтовая служба подобно Пони-Экспресс, о которой Геродот сказал следующее: "...Их не остановит ни снег, ни дождь, ни жара, ни мрак. Они доберутся до получателя настолько быстро, насколько возможно. Ещё персы были за свободу религии. Сами персы были последователями зороастризма, которая считается первой монотеистической религией. Именно зороастризм ввёл дуалистическое понятие добра и зла. Бог или Сатана Гарри или Волдеморт Но персы не очень заботились об обращении людей в свою религию. Плюс зороастризм запрещает рабство, и оно практически отсутствовало в Персидской империи. Поэтому если вы бы вам пришлось жить в 5 веке до н.э., то Персидская империя, наверное, была бы наилучшим для этого местом. Конечно же, при условии, что вы не верите Геродоту и грекам. Все мы знаем о Греции. Архитектура, философия, литература. Само слово "музыка" пришло из греческого, также как и многие другие понятия современной культуры. Czech: a platili daně, proto se perskému králi říkalo král králů. Navíc daně nebyly moc vysoké, také zlepšili infrastrukturu kvalitnějšími cestami a pro posílání dopisů používali něco jako Pony Express, o čemž Hérodotos řekl: "Ani sníh, ani déšť, ani vedro, ani noc jim nezabrání, aby co nejrychleji nepřekonali uloženou vzdálenost." Peršané přijali náboženskou svobodu. Vyznávali zoroastrismus, o kterém se tvrdí, že byl prvním monoteistickým náboženstvím na světě. Právě zoroastrismus zavedl dualitu dobra a zla, již tak dobře známe. Jako třeba Bůh a Satan nebo Harry a Voldemort. Peršané si ale nedělali mnoho starostí s obracením ostatních v říši na jejich víru. Navíc víra zakazovala otroctví, takže bylo v Perské říši téměř nevídané. Prostě kdybyste měli žít v 5. století př. n. l., Perská říše by asi byla tou nejlepší volbou. Ledaže věříte Hérodotovi a Řekům. Všichni známe Řeky: architektura, filosofie, literatura... Samotné slovo muzika pochází z Řecka, jako mnoho dalšího týkajícího se současné kultury. iw: והאליטות שלהם כל עוד הם הצהירו אמונים למלך הפרסי ושלמו מסים, שזו הסיבה מדוע המלך הפרסי היה ידוע בתור "מלך המלכים". בנוסף, המסים לא היו גבוהים מדי, והפרסים בנו תשתית משופרת עם כבישים טובים יותר והייתה להם מערכת שירותי דואר על סוסים עליה הרודוטוס אמר: "הם לא הוסטו ע"י שלג ולא גשם ולא חום ולא ע"י החושך על מנת לפגוש את יעדם בכל המהירות. " והפרסים אימצו את חופש הדת. למשל הם היו מאמיני דת זרתוסטרא, שיכולה לטעון שהיא הדת המונותיאיסטיות הראשונה בעולם. וזו היתה למעשה דת הזרתוסטרא שהמציאה את הדואליזם טוב/רע שכולנו מכירים. אתם יודעים: אלוהים והשטן, או הארי וולדמורט .. אבל הפרסים לא היו מאוד מודאגים לגבי המרת אנשי האימפריה לאמונתם. פלוס, דת הזרתוסטרא אסרה על עבדות, וכך עבדות הייתה כמעט בלתי מתקבלת על הדעת באימפריה הפרסית. בסיכומו של דבר, אם יצא לך לחיות במאה ה5 לפנה"ס , האימפריה הפרסית הייתה כנראה המקום הטוב ביותר לעשות את זה. אלא אם כן כמובן, אתה רוצה להאמין להרודוטוס וליוונים. כולנו מכירים את היוונים: ארכיטקטורה, פילוסופיה, סִפְרוּת. המילה מוסיקה עצמה מגיעה מיוונית. Thai: ตราบใดที่คนเหล่านั้นปฏิญาณตนว่าจะจงรักภักดีต่อกษัตริย์เปอร์เซีย และจ่ายภาษี ซึ่งเป็นเหตุผลที่กษัตริย์เปอร์เซียถูกเรียกว่าเป็น กษัตริย์เหนือกษัตริย์ นอกจากนั้น ภาษีที่เรียกเก็บก็ไม่ได้สูงเกินไป แถมพวกเปอร์เซียยังเข้ามาพัฒนาโครงสร้างพื้นฐานต่างๆ อย่างปรับปรุงถนน และมีการใช้ม้าเร็วสื่อสาร เหมือนกับไปรษณีย์ ซึ่งเฮอรอโดทัสได้กล่าวถึงไว้ว่า "...ไม่ว่าจะฝน จะหนาว จะร้อน หรือจะมืดแค่ไหน พวกเขาก็ไปยังที่หมายได้อย่างเร็วที่สุด" และชาวเปอร์เซียก็ยังใจกว้างในเรื่องศาสนาด้วย เช่นพวกเขานับถือศาสนาโซโรอัสเตอร์ ซึ่งถือว่าเป็นศาสนาแรกของโลกที่เป็นเอกเทวนิยม ศาสนาโซโรอัสเตอร์นี่เอง ที่เป็นต้นกำเนิดของเทพกับมาร แนวคิดทวินิยมที่เรารู้จักกันดี แบบพระเจ้ากับซาตาน แฮรี่กับโวลเดอร์มอร์...แต่ชาวเปอร์เซียก็ไม่ได้สนใจที่จะบังคับประชาชนในอาณาจักรให้เปลี่ยนมานับถือศาสนานี้ตาม รวมถึง ศาสนาโซโรอัสเตอร์มีข้อห้ามในเรื่องทาส ดังนั้นทาสเป็นเรื่องที่แทบไม่เคยได้ยินเลยในอาณาจักรเปอร์เซีย สรุปแล้ว ถ้าคุณจะต้องอยู่ในศตวรรษที่ 5 ก่อนคริสตศักราช อาณาจักรเปอร์เซียน่าจะเป็นที่ที่น่าอยู่ที่สุด ยกเว้นคุณจะเชื่อเฮอรอโดทัส และชาวกรีก เรารู้จักกรีกดีทั้ง สถาปัตยกรรม ปรัชญา วรรณกรรม คำว่า Music ก็มาจากภาษากรีก Hungarian: ha hűségesküt tettek a perzsa királynak, és megfizették az adót. Ezért hívjuk a perzsa királyt a királyok királyának. Plusz, az adók nem voltak túl magasak, és a perzsák az infrastruktúrát fejlesztették belőle jobb úthálózat építésével. Volt egy Póni Express-szerű posta szolgáltatásuk, amiről Hérodotosz azt mondta: ~„... nem tántorította őket sem hó, sem eső, sem a hőség, vagy sötétség. Mindig időben teljesítették a kiszállítást.” És a perzsák engedték a vallásszabadságot is. Például ott voltak a zoroasztriánok, akik azt álíították, hogy övék a világ első monoteista vallás. Tényleg a Zoroastrizmus vezette be először a jó és rossz ellentétét, amit mindannyian oly jól ismerünk. Tudodjátok: Isten és a Sátán, vagy Harry és Voldemort... A perzsákat nem érdekelte a hittérítés. Plusz, Zoroasztrizmus tiltotta a rabszolgatartást, így a Perzsa Birodalomban szinte egyáltalán nem is volt rabszolgatartás. Mindent összevetve, ha te az ie. 5. században akarnál élni, a Perzsa Birodalom valószínűleg a legjobb hely erre. Hacsak nem hiszel Hérodotosznak és a görögöknek. Mind ismerjük a görög építészetet, filozófiát és irodalmat. Maga a szó, hogy zene a görög megfelelőjéből jön, French: C'est pour cela que le roi Perse était connu sous le nom de Roi des Rois. De plus, les taxes n'étaient pas trop lourdes, et les Perses amélioraient les infrastructures existantes, en construisant de meilleures routes par exemple. Et ils avaient un système de poste à propos duquel Hérodote a déclaré: Ni la neige, ni la pluie, ni la chaleur, ni l'obscurité ne les empêchent d'accomplir leur course à toute vitesse. Et les Perses acceptaient la liberté de culte. Ils étaient Zoroastriens, qui aurait été la première religion monothéiste du monde. C'est vraiment le Zoroastrianisme qui a introduit la notion de dualité Bon/Mauvais que nous connaissons tous.Vous savez, Dieu et Satan, Harry et Voldemort.Mais les Perses n'étaient pas intéressés par le fait de convertir les autres peuples de l'Empire à leur foi. De plus, le Zoroastrianisme interdisait l'esclavage. L'esclavage était donc pratiquement inconnu au sein de l'empire Perse En somme, si vous aviez à vivre au 5e siècle av. JC, l'empre perse était probablement le meilleure endroit où vivre. À moins que vous croyez Hérodote et les Grecs On connait tout sur les Grecs: l'architecture, la philosophie, la littérature. Le mot musique vient Chinese: 效忠波斯王和繳稅金就可以保存原有王位和精英, 所以稱波斯國王為王中之王。 稅務沒有太高,而波斯人改善基礎建設,例如道路。 他們更有快馬般的郵件服務。希羅多德說: 「···他們是不論下雪或下雨,酷熱或黑夜都不能防止 依照指定路線與全速完成任務。」 而波斯人重視宗教自由。 他們信奉拜火教(祆教,索羅亞斯德門徒) 可能是世界上首個一神教宗教。 拜火教最先提出善良/邪惡的二元論。 你懂得:上帝和撒旦 或哈里與佛地魔... 波斯人不太堅持要把人民變成信徒這件事, 此外,祆教禁止奴役, 所以奴隸制在波斯帝國幾乎聞所未聞。 總而言之,如果你不得不住在公元前5世紀, 波斯帝國很可能是最佳選擇。 除非你相信希羅多德和希臘人。 我們都知道希臘人有建築、哲學、文學, 英文「音樂」這個詞也來自希臘語 很多其他的當代文化也來自希臘。 Turkish: öderse yaşayabilirdi. Bu yüzden Pers kralı Kralların Kralı'ydı. Ayrıca vergiler çok ağır değildi ve Persliler iyi yollarla altyapıyı güçlendirdi. ve kendilerinde çok iyi bir posta servisi vardı ki Heredot bunu şöyle anlatır: "...ne kar, ne yağmur, ne sıcak, ne de karanlık onları hedefe tam hızla ulaşmasını engelleyemezdi." Persler din hürriyetini benimsemişti. Kendileri zerdüşt idiler ki bu Dünya'nın ilk tek tanrılı din olarak kabul edilir. Çok iyi bildiğimiz iyi ve kötü çarpışmasını Zerdüştlük yarattı. Bilirsiniz: Tanrı ve Şeytan ya da Harry ve Voldemort... Persler imparatorluktaki insanları kendi dinlerine geçirmeye pek uğraşmadı. Ayrıca Zerdüştlük köleliği yasaklar yani Pers İmparatorluğu'nda kölelik neredeyse duyulmamıştı. Sonuçta MÖ 5. yüzyılda Pers İmparatorluğu muhtemelen en yaşanabilir yerdi. En azından Herodot ve yunanlara inanıyorsanız. Yunanlar hakkında bildiklerimiz: Mimari, felsefe, edebiyat. Müzik sözcüğü bile Yunanca, modern kültürdeki pek çok şey gibi. Portuguese: pagassem impostos, o motivo do Rei Persa ser conhecido como O Rei dos Reis. Mas os impostos não eram altos e os Persas garantiam infraestrutura como melhores estradas e eles tinham esse serviço de mensagem a cavalo o qual Heródoto disse: "... Eles não paravam nem por causa da neve ou da chuva ou do calor ou da escuridão para realizar seu trabalho com a devida velocidade." E os Persas abraçaram a liberdade de religião. Eles tinham Zoroastro, que clama ser a primeira religião monoteísta. Foi Zoroastrianismo que nos introduziu a dualidade do Bem e Mal. Você sabe, Deus e o Diabo. Harry e Voldemort... Mas os persas não estavam muito preocupados em converter pessoas do império pra sua fé; além disso o Zoroastrianismo abolia a escravidão então ela quase não era praticada no Império Persa. Por tudo isso, se você vivesse no século V antes de Cristo; o Império Persa era provavelmente o melhor lugar para morar. A não ser que você acredite em Heródoto e nos Gregos. Nós sabemos tudo sobre os Gregos, Arquitetura, Filosofia, Literatura, a palavra música veio do Grego, como a maior parte da cultura contemporânea. German: und Steuern zahlten, weshalb der persische König als König der Könige bekannt war. Zudem waren die Steuern nicht zu hoch und die Perser verbesserten die Infrastruktur mit besseren Straßen und sie hatten diese ponyexpress-ähnlichen Postservice, von dem Herodot sagte: "...weder Schne noch Regen noch Hitze noch Dunkelheit kann sie davon abhalten ihren verabredeten Ablauf einzuhalten." Außerdem begrüßten die Perser Religionsfreiheit. Sie waren Zoroastrier, was als erste monotheistische Religion der Welt angesehen wird. Tatsächlich war es der Zoroastrismus, der den gut/böse-Dualismus einführte, den wir so gut kennen. Ihr wisst schon: Gott und Satan oder Harry und Voldemort. Aber den Persern war es nicht so wichtig, die Bewohner ihres Reiches von ihrem Glauben zu überzeugen. Außerdem verbot Zoroastrismus Sklaverei, sodass man im Persischen Reich fast nie von Sklaverei gehört hatte. Alles in allem war das Persische Reich, wenn man im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. leben musste, vermutlich der beste Ort dafür. Außer, wenn man Herodot und den Griechen glaubt. Wir alle kennen die alten Griechen: Architektur. Philosophie. Literatur. Das Wort Musik stammt von den Griechen, wie so vieles andere aus der heutigen Kultur. Vietnamese: giữ lại vua và giới hoàng gia, quý tộc miễn là họ nguyện sẽ trung thành với vua Ba Tư và nộp thuế đầy đủ vì vậy vua Ba Tư còn được mệnh danh là Vua của các Vua Ngoài ra, thuế cũng không quá cao và người Ba Tư đầu tư cải thiện cơ sở hạ tầng với đường xá tốt hơn họ có cả dịch vụ giống đưa thư bằng ngựa mà Harodotus nói ''...Chúng không bị trì hoãn bất kể bởi mưa, tuyết, nắng nóng hay bóng tối để hoàn thành quãng đường hết tốc lực" Người Ba Tư tôn trọng tự do tôn giáo. Họ theo Bái Hỏa giáo, tôn giáo độc thần đầu tiên trên thế giới. Chính Bái Hỏa giáo khai tâm Thuyết nhị nguyên tốt-xấu mà ta đều biết rất rõ. Chúa và Satan, hay Harry và Voldemort... Nhưng người Ba Tư không quan tâm lắm đến việc cải đạo dân chúng của theo đức tin của mình. Bái hỏa giáo cấm sự chiếm hữ nô lệ, nên nô lệ hầu như không có ở Đế quốc Ba Tư Nói chung, nếu phải sống ở thế kỉ 5 TCN, Đế quốc Ba Tư có lẽ là nơi tốt nhất. Trừ phi bạn tin Herodotus và người Hi Lạp Ta đều biết về Hi Lạp: kiến trúc, triết học, văn học. Ngay cả từ ''âm nhạc" cũng đến từ tiếng Hi Lạp English: and their elites as long as they pledged allegiance to the Persian King and paid taxes, which is why the Persian king was known as The King of Kings. Plus, taxes weren’t too high, and the Persians improved infrastructure with better roads and they had this pony express-like mail service of which Herodotus said: “...they are stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.” And the Persians embraced freedom of religion. Like they were Zoroastrian, which has a claim to being the world’s first monotheistic religion. It was really Zoroastrianism that introduced to the good/evil dualism we all know so well. You know: god and Satan, or Harry and Voldemort... But the Persians weren’t very concerned about converting people of the empire to their faith. Plus, Zoroastrianism forbid slavery, and so slavery was almost unheard of in the Persian Empire. All in all, if you had to live in the 5th century BCE, the Persian Empire was probably the best place to do it. Unless, that is, you believe Herodotus and the Greeks. We all know about the Greeks: architecture, philosophy, literature. The very word music comes from Romanian: și elitele lor atâta timp cât respectau legământul cu regele persan și plăteau taxe, iată de ce Regele persan era numit și Regele Regilor. În plus, taxele nu erau așa ridicate și perșii au îmbunătățit infrastructura cu drumuri mai bune și ei aveau acest serviciu de poștă cu cai despre care Herodot spunea: ei nu erau opriți nici de zăpadă sau ploaie sau arșiță sau întuneric de a realiza cursa urmărită cu toată viteza. Și Persia îmbrățișa libertatea religioasă. Ei erau zoroastrieni, religie despre care se crede că ar fi prima religie monoteistă. Știm prea bine că Zoroastrismul a introdus dualismul bine-rău.Știți: Dumnezeu și Satan sau Harry și Voldemort... Dar perșii nu erau prea interesați de convertirea popoarelor imperiului la credința lor.În plus, Zoroastrismul înterzicea sclavia și astfel sclavia era aproape necunoscută în Imperiul persan. Una peste alta, dacă ai trăi în secolul V î.HR., Imperiul persan ar fi fost probabil cel mai bun loc în care să o faci. Dacă nu, asta este îl credeți pe Herodot și pe greci. Știm totul despre greci: arhitectură, filosofie, literatură.Muzica cu cuvinte vine de la greci Dutch: en belastingen betaalden, dit is waarom de Perzische koning bekend stond als de koning van koningen. En de belastingen waren niet heel hoog en de Perzen verbeterde de infrastructuur met betere wegen en ze hadden een soort pony express achtige mail service waar Herodotus over zei: "... ze blijven noch door sneeuw, noch regen, noch warmte, noch duisternis van het vervullen van hun toegewezen route met snelheid." En de Perzen omarmde vrijheid van religie. Alsof ze Zoroastrisch waren, wat een claim heeft op het zijn van de werelds eerste monotheïstische religie. Het was echter Zoroastrisme dat het goed/slecht dualisme introduceerde dat we zo goed kennen. Je weet wel: God en Satan of Harry en Voldermort... Maar de Perzen waren niet erg geïnteresseerd in het bekeren van het volk tot hun geloof. Plus Zoroastrisme verbood slavernij, dus slavernij was bijna niet toepasing in het Perzische rijk. Kortom, als je had moeten leven in de 5de eeuw voor christus, was het Perzische rijk waarschijnlijk de beste keuze om het te doen. Tenzij je Herodotus en de Grieken gelooft. We kennen allemaal de Griekse: Architecture, Filosofie Literatuur. Het woord muziek komt van het Grieks, net zoals zo veel in de huidige cultuur Swedish: och deras eliter så länge som de lovade trohet till den persiska kungen och betalde skatt, vilket är varför den persiske kungen var känd som Konungarnas konung. Plus, skatterna var inte för höga, och perserna förbättrad infrastruktur med bättre vägar och de hade denna ponnyexpress liknande posttjänst som Herodotos beskrev med orden: "... de stannar varken för snö eller regn eller värme eller mörker från att följa deras utsedda bana med fart. " Och perserna omfamnade religionsfrihet. De var zoroastriska, en religion som har ett anspråk att vara världens första monoteistiska religion. Det var verkligen zoroastrianism som introducerade den bra / ond dualismen vi alla vet så väl. Du vet: Gud och Satan, eller Harry och Voldemort ... Men perserna var inte särskilt bekymrad över att konvertera folk av riket till sin tro. Plus, zoroastrianism förbjuder slaveri så slaveri var nästan oförekommande i det persiska riket. Allt som allt, om du var tvungen att leva på 500 talet fvt, var det persiska riket troligtvis det bästa stället att göra det på. Såvida, det vill säga, om du tror Herodotos och grekerna. Vi alla vet mycket om grekerna: arkitektur, filosofi, litteratur. Själva ordet musik kommer från Arabic: ولهذا كان الملك الفارسي يُلقّب بملك الملوك. كما أن الضرائب لم تكن باهظة وقد حسّن الفرس البنية التحتية والطرق وكانت لديهم خدمة بريد على الأحصنة قال عنها هيرودوت التالي: "لا تردعهم الثلوج ولا المطر ولا الحرارة ولا الظلمة عن إكمال مسارهم المرسوم بأقصى سرعة". كما تبنّى الفرس مفهوم حرية الأديان. فهم كانوا يعتنقون الديانة الزرادشتية، والتي يُقال إنها كانت أولى الديانات التوحيدية في العالم. فالزرادشتية في الحقيقة أول ديانة طرحت فكرة ازدواجية الخير والشر التي نعرفها جميعًا. كالملائكة والشياطين أو هاري وفولدمورت... ولكن الفرس لم يهمهم كثيرًا تحويل الناس في الإمبراطورية إلى معتقدهم، كما أن الزرادشتية تُحرّم العبودية، لذا لم يكن في الإمبراطورية الفارسية وجود للعبودية تقريبًا. آخذين كل شيء بالاعتبار، لو كان المرء مضطرًا للعيش في القرن الخامس قبل الميلاد لكانت الإمبراطورية الفارسية على الارجح أفضل مكان للقيام بذلك، ما لم تصدّق مزاعم هيرودوت والإغريق. نحن جميعًا نعرف إنجازات الإغريق: العمارة والفلسفة والأدب. بل إن كلمة "موسيقى" بحد ذاتها يونانية، Turkish: Yunan şairler, matematikçiler, yazarlar, mimarlar ve filozoflar günümüzde bile etkili bir kültür kurdular. Demokrasiden osuruk şakasına pek çok fikir ürettiler. Yunanlar batıya ilk kollektif tarih yazıcılığını verdiler ve politika terimlerini ürettiler. Bir de demokrsi idealini sundular ki bu da Atina'daki yönetim biçiminden geliyordu. Bay Green, Bay Green, Bay Green, Bay Green -osuruk şakaları mı dediniz? Uhhh. Dorik, İyonya veya Korint kolonilerini sormazsın. Platon'un mağara allegorisini sormazsın. Sadece saçma şakaları merak ediyorsun. Açık mektup zamanı mı? Cidden? Tamam. Aristotales'e - Stan! Açık mektup. Sevgili Aristotales, -Doğru, gizli göze bakmalıyım. Stan, ne... oh. Teşekkürler, Stan. Sahte köpek kakası. Ne kadar da düşünceli. Şimdi, iyi haber ve kötü haber, Aristofanes. Ölümünün üstünden 2,300 yıl geçti, iyi haber, hala ünlü sayılırsın. 40 oyunundan 11 günümüze ulaştı ama yine de Czech: Řečtí básníci, matematici, architekti, filozofové založili kulturu, se kterou se dodnes ztotožňujeme. Představili nám mnoho myšlenek od demokracie po vtipy o prdění. A Řekové dali západu dějepis, dali nám politický slovník. Obdarovali nás také naší idealizací demokracie, jež pochází z formy vlády, kterou měli v Aténách. Pane Greene, pane Greene, pane Greene, řekl jste vtipy o prdění? Nezeptáš se na dórský, ionský nebo korintský sloup. Nezeptáš se na Platónovo podobenství o jeskyni. Myslíš jen na skatologický humor... On už je čas na otevřený dopis? Vážně? Už? Tak dobře. Otevřený dopis... STANE! Aristofanovi. Milý Aristofane... Aha, nejdřív se musím podívat do tajné přihrádky. Stane, co... Díky, Stane. Falešný psí bobek. Jak milé. Takže, dobrá zpráva a špatná zpráva, Aristofane. 2300 let od tvojí smrti, tohle je ta dobrá zpráva, jsi pořád slavný. Jen 11 z tvých 40 her přežilo, French: du grec, tout comme beaucoup d'autres choses de la culture contemporaine. Les poètes grecs et mathématiciens et les architechtes et les philosophes ont fondé une culture avec laquelle on s'identifie toujours. Et ils ont introduit à plusieurs idées, de la démocracie aux blagues de pets. Et les Grecs ont donné à l'occident notre première histoire dédiée, ils nous ont donné notre vocabulaire pour parler de politique. De plus, ils nous ont offert notre idéalisation de la démocracie, qui vient du gouvernement qu'ils avaient à Athènes. M. Green! M. Green! M. Green! M. Green! Est-ce que vous avez dit blagues de pets? Ahhh... Tu demandes rien sur le dorien, les Inioniens ou les colones corinthiennes. Tu demandes rien sur l'allégorie de la caverne de Platon. C'est que de l'humour scatologique avec toi! C'est l'heure de la lettre overte? Vraiment? Déjà? Très bien. Une lettre ouverte... [son de pet] Stan! ... À Aristophane. Cher Aristophane... Oh oui, je dois regarder le compartiment secret. Stan, qu'est-ce que... Oh, merci Stan. C'est une fausse crotte de chien. C'est si gentil. Donc bonne et mauvaise nouvelles, Aristophane. 2 300 ans après ta mort, c'est la bonne nouvelle, tu es toujours raisonnablement populaire. Seulement 11 de tes 40 pièces ont survécu mais malgré cela, on t'appelles le Père de German: Griechische Dichter und Mathematiker, Dramatiker und Architekten und Philosophen gründeten eine Kultur, mit der wir uns immer noch identifizieren. Und sie führten uns in viele Ideen ein, von Demokratie bis Furz-Witzen. Und die Griechen gaben dem Westen die Anfänge unserer Geschichte (?), sie gaben uns unser Vokabular, um über Politik zu sprechen. Außerdem schenkten sie uns die Idealisierung der Demokratie, was von der Regierung kam, die sie in Athen hatten. Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green - haben sie Furz-Witze gesagt? Uuuh, du fragst nicht nach dorischen, ionischen oder korinthischen Säulen. Du fragst nicht nach Platons Höhlengleichnis. Es ist nur der skatologische Humor für dich (?) - ist es Zeit für den offenen Brief? Wirklich? Schon? Na gut. [rollt herüber] Ein offener Brief [das Furzkissen-Geräusch ertönt] - Stan! - an Aristophanes. Lieber Aristophanes, - Oh, stimmt, ich muss im Geheimfach nachgucken. Stan, was... oh, Danke, Stan. Es ist künstliche Hundekacke. Wie aufmerksam. Also, es gibt gute und schlechte Nachrichten, Aristophanes. 2300 Jahre nach deinem Tod, ist die gute Nachricht, dass du immer noch halbwegs berühmt bist. Nur 11 deiner 40 Theaterstücke haben überlebt, aber trotzdem iw: כמו כל כך דברים אחרים בתַרְבּוּת העכשווית. משוררים יווניים ומחזאים ומתמטיקאים ואדריכלים ופילוסופים ייסדו תרבות שאנחנו עדיין מזדהים איתה עד היום. והם הציגו לנו רעיונות רבים, מדמוקרטיה לבדיחות גסות. והיוונים נתנו למערב את ההיסטוריה המתועדת הראשונה שלנו, הם נתנו לנו את אוצר המילים שלנו לדבר על פוליטיקה. בנוסף הם הורישו לנו את אידיאל הדמוקרטיה, אשר מגיע מהממשלה שהייתה להם באתונה. מר גרין, מר גרין, מר גרין, מר גרין — אמרת בדיחות פלוצים? אהה. אתה לא שואל על הדורים, האיונים, או עמודים קורינתיים. אתה לא שואל על האלגוריה של אפלטון למערה. זה הכל הומור נמוך איתך... זה הזמן למכתב הגלוי? באמת? כבר? בסדר. מכתב פתוח , סטן! . לאריסטופנס. אריסטופנס היקר .. הו נכון, אני צריך לבדוק את התא הסודי. סטן, מה ... אה. תודה, סטן. זה קקי כלבים מפלסטיק, כמה מתחשב. אז, חדשות טובות וחדשות רעות, אריסטופנס. 2,300 שנים לאחר מותך - זה החדשות טובות - אתה עדיין יחסית מפורסם. רק אחת-עשרה מחזות מתוך הארבעים שלך שרדו, אבל בכל זאת, אתה נקרא "אבי הקומדיה" Spanish: Poetas y matemáticos y arquitectos y filósofos griegos fundaron una cultura con la cual aún nos identificamos. Y nos introdujeron a muchas ideas. Desde la democracia hasta chistes de pedos... Y los griegos le dieron al oeste nuestra primera historia dedicada, nos dieron nuestro vocabulario para hablar acerca de política. Además, nos dieron la idealización de democracia, que proviene del gobierno que tenían en Atenas. Sr. Green, Sr. Green, Sr. Green, Sr. Green, ¿dijo chistes de pedos? Ehhh... No preguntas sobre las columnas dóricas, jónicas o corintias. No preguntas sobre la Alegoría de la Caverna de Platón. Para tí todo es humor escatológico—¿es hora de la carta abierta? ¿En serio? ¿Ya? De acuerdo. Una carta abierta- [sonido de cojín ruidoso] ¡Stan! A Aristófanes. Querido Aristófanes, —O, cierto. Tengo que revisar el el compartimento secreto. Stan, qué...oh. Gracias, Stan. Es popó se perro falso. Que considerado. Asi que, buenas y malas noticias, Aritófanes. 2 300 años después de tu muerte —esta es la buena noticia— eres razonablemente famoso. Solo 11 de tus 40 obras sobrevivieron, pero English: Greek, as does so much else in contemporary culture. Greek poets and mathematicians playwrights and architects and philosophers founded a culture we still identify with. And they introduced us to many ideas, from democracy to fart jokes. And the Greeks gave the west our first dedicated history, they gave us our vocabulary for talking about politics. Plus they gifted us our idealization of democracy, which comes from the government they had in Athens. Past John: Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green — did you say fart jokes? Present John: Uhh. You don’t ask about Doric, Ionian, or Corinthian columns. You don’t ask about Plato’s allegory of the cave. It’s all scatological humor with you — It’s time for the open letter? Really? Already? Alright. An open letter [the whoopee cushion sounds]... Stan! To Aristophanes. Dear Aristophanes... Oh right, I have to check the secret compartment. Stan, what... oh. Thank you, Stan. It’s fake dog poo. How thoughtful. So, good news and bad news, Aristophanes. 2,300 years after your death — this is the good news — you’re still a reasonably famous. Only eleven of your forty plays survived, but even so, you’re called the Father of Chinese: 希臘詩人、數學家、建築師和哲學家 創立了我們依然認同的文化。 他們發起很多概念,從民主到屁的笑話都是。 而希臘人給了西方首本歷史專門書,還有政治詞彙。 再加上他們的民主理想,來自古雅典政府。 葛林先生,葛林先生,葛林先生,葛林先生, 你是說「屁的笑話」嗎? 唔。你不問陶立克式、愛奧尼亞式、科林斯式柱, 不問柏拉圖洞穴寓言。對你來說這一切都是糞便幽默。 已經要讀公開信了嗎?真的嗎?好吧。 公開信 [坐到放屁坐墊]  - 導演啊! 阿里斯托芬 收。 親愛的阿里斯托芬, 喔對,我要檢查暗格。 太感恩了哦,貼心的導演。 是塑膠大便。 好消息和壞消息,阿里斯托芬。 好消息是你死亡2300年後,還相當有名。 40部劇本只有11部沒失傳, Hungarian: akárcsak sok más is kortárs kultúrából. Görög költők, matematikusok, drámaírók, építészek és filozófusok olyan kulturális alapot teremtettek, amivel a mai napig tudunk azonosulni. Tőlük származnak olyan alapvető eszmék, mint a demokrácia, na meg a fingós viccek is. A görögök adták az alapot Európa történelmének, adták a szókincset a politikához. Plusz megajándékoztak az idealizált demokrácia eszményítésével, ami az athéni kormányzástól ered. Múltbéli John: Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green! A fingós viccek is? Tényleg? Jajj. Téged nem a dór, a jón, vagy korinthoszi oszlopok érdekelnek? Nem Platón barlanghasonlatáról kérdezel? Csak a fingós viccek érdekelnek?! Itt az ideje a nyílt levélnek? Igazán? Máris? Hát jó. Nyílt levél a... Staaaan! Arisztophanész-hez. Kedves Arisztophenész! Ó, mi van a titkos rekeszben? Köszönöm, Stan. Hamis kutya ürülék. Milyen figyelmes. Szóval, van egy jó és egy rossz hírem, Arisztophanész. 2300 évvel a halálod után - ez a jó hír - te még mindig meglehetősen híres vagy Csak tizenegy drámád maradt fent az összesen negyvenből, de még így is te vagy a Komédia ún. Ősatyja. Modern Greek (1453-): Οι Έλληνες ποιητές, μαθηματικοί, αρχιτέκτονες και φιλόσοφοι ίδρυσαν έναν πολιτισμό με τον οποίο ακόμα ταυτιζόμαστε. Και εισήγαγαν πολλές ιδέες, από τη δημοκρατία μέχρι αστεία με κλανιές. Και οι Έλληνες έδωσαν στη Δύση την πρώτη μας αφιερωμένη ιστορία, μας έδωσαν το λεξιλόγιό μας για να μιλάμε για πολιτικά... Επίσης μας προσέφεραν την εξιδανίκευση της δημοκρατίας, που προέρχεται από τον τρόπο που κυβερνούσαν στην Αθήνα. Κύριε Green, κύριε Green, κύριε Green, κύριε Green, είπατε αστεία με κλανιές? Ωωω, δεν ρωτάς για κολώνες δωρικού, ιονικού ή κορινθιακού ρυθμού. Δεν ρωτάς για την αλληγορία της σπηλιάς του Πλάτωνα. Είναι όλα κοπρολογικό χιούμορ με σένα! Είναι ώρα για την ανοιχτή επιστολή? Αλήθεια? Κιόλας? Εντάξει Μια ανοιχτή επιστολή... ΣΤΑΝ! ...στον Αριστοφάνη Αγαπητέ Αριστοφάνη, Ναι σωστά πρέπει να ελέγξω το μυστικό ντουλάπι Σταν τι... ωωω! Ευχαριστώ Σταν. Είναι ένα ψεύτικο σκατό σκύλου. Πως το σκέφτηκες? Λοιπόν Αριστοφάνη, έχουμε ευχάριστα και δυσάρεστα νέα. 2300 χρόνια μετά το θάνατό σου -αυτά είναι τα ευχάριστα- είσαι ακόμα εύλογα διάσημος. Μόνο 11 από τα 40 έργα σου σώζονται, Polish: Greccy poeci i matematycy architekci i filozofowie stworzyli kulturę z którą wciąż się identyfikujemy. Przedstawili nam oni wiele idei , od demokracji do pierdzących dowcipów. Grecy dali też zachodowi naszą pierwszą dedykowaną historię , czasowniki do mówienia o polityce (demokracja pochodzi od Greckiego słowa 'demokratia' - popularnego rządu) Dodatkowo dali nam naszą tendencję do idealizacji demokracji, która pochodzi właśnie z czasów ich rządu w Atenach Mr.Green, Mr.Green,Mr.Green,Mr.Green - czy Pan powiedział pierdzące żarty ? Nie pytasz o Doryckie, Jońskie i Korynckie kolumny. Nie pytasz o Platońską alegorie jaskini. Cały czas tylko ten skatologiczny humor - czy to pora na list otwarty ? Naprawdę ? Już ? W porządku. Otwarty list -Stan...To Arystofanes. Drogi Arystofanesie - No tak, muszę sprawdzić sekretną przegródkę. Stan co ...Dzięki. To sztuczna psia kupa. Jak troskliwie. Mam dobre i złe wieści. Arystofalesie, 2300 lat po Twojej śmierci, to jest dobra wiadomość, jesteś wciąż dość sławny. Tylko 11 z 40 Twoich sztuk przeżyło ale Thai: และอีกหลายอย่างในวัฒนธรรมสมัยใหม่ กวี นักคณิตศาสตร์ สถาปนิก และนักปรัชญาชาวกรีก ได้สร้างวัฒนธรรมที่เรายังคุ้นเคยกันอยู่ทุกวันนี้ และพวกเขายังริเริ่มแนวคิดมากมาย ตั้งแต่ประชาธิปไตยยันมุกตด ประวัติศาสตร์ตะวันตกเริ่มขึ้นที่กรีก และพวกเขายังมอบคำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับการเมืองให้เราด้วย นอกจากนั้น พวกเขายังให้แบบอย่างของประชาธิปไตย ซึ่งมาจากการวิธีการปกครองในเอเธนส์ คุณกรีน คุณกรีน คุณกรีนครับ คุณกรีน คุณบอกว่ามุกตดเหรอครับ โอยยย นายไม่สนใจจะถามเรื่องเสาดอริก ไอโอนิก คอรินเธียน นายไม่ถามเรื่องถ้ำของเพลโต นายมันจะเอาแต่มุกทะลึ่งอย่างเดียวเลย ได้เวลาอ่านจดหมายเปิดผนึกแล้วหรอ? จริงป่ะ? โอเค จดหมายเปิดผนึก...[เสียงตด]...สแตน! ถึงอริสโตฟาเนส เรียนอริสโตฟาเนส... จริงสิ ผมลืมเช็คช่องลับไปเลย สแตน นี่มันอะไรน่ะ... อืมม ขอบคุณมากสแตน ขี้หมาปลอม ช่างคิดได้จริงๆ เอาละ ผมมีทั้งข่าวดี และข่าวร้ายครับคุณอริสโตฟาเนส 2,300 ปีหลังจากที่คุณตาย...นี่ข่าวดีนะครับ...คุณยังคงโด่งดังอยู่ แม้ว่างานของคุณจะหลงเหลืออยู่เพียง 11 เรื่อง จาก 40 เรื่อง แต่คุณก็ยังได้ชื่อว่าเป็นบิดาแห่งเรื่องตลก Dutch: Griekse poëten en wiskundige en architecten en filosofen schaapte de cultuur die wij nog steeds hebben. En ze introduceerde ons velen ideeën, van democratie naar scheet grappen. En de Grieken gaven het westen de eerst geschreven geschiedenis, ze gaven ons onze vocabulaire om te praten over politiek En ze gaven ons onze idealisatie van democratie, dat komt van een regering die zij hadden in Athene. Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green, Mr. Green-- zei jij scheet grappen? Uhhh. Je vraagt niet over Dorische, Ionische of Korinthische pilaren. Je vraagt niet over Plato's gelijkenis van de grot. Het is allemaal humor met jou-- is het tijd voor een open brief? Echt? Nu al? Oké. Een open letter-- Stan! naar Aristophanes. Beste Aristophanes, --Oh ja, ik moet het geheime laadje checken. Stan, wat... oh. Dank je, Stan. Het is een neppe honden drol. Wat attent. Dus, het goede en het slechte nieuws, Aristophanes. 2300 jaar na jouw dood, dit is het goede nieuws, je bent nog steeds best wel bekend. Alleen 11 van jouw 40 toneelstukken overleefde, maar zelfs Vietnamese: và còn rất nhiều thứ khác trong văn hóa đương thời. Các nhà thơ, nhà toán học, nhà viết kịch kiến trúc sư và triết gia xây dựng một nền văn hóa mà ta vẫn hay biết. Họ giới thiệu với chúng ta nhiều ý tưởng, từ nền dân chủ đến chuyện đùa về rắm Người Hi Lạp cho phương Tây công trình sử học đầu tiên, từ vựng để nói về chính trị Họ cho chúng ta sự lí tưởng hóa nền dân chủ, đến từ chính quyền của họ ở Athens Mr.Green, anh vừa nói chuyện đùa về rắm ư? Mày không hỏi về những tộc người Doric, Ionia, Corinthia. Mày không hỏi về truyện ngụ ngôn về hang động của Plato. Mày chỉ biết có mấy cái hài bẩn bẩn thôi Đến giờ mở thư? Thật à? Rồi à? ok Một bức thư ngỏ. Stan! Gửi Aristophanes. Thưa Aristophanes ... Oh đúng, tôi phải kiểm tra hộc tủ bí mật Stan, cái... oh. Cảm ơn, Stan. Là cứt chó giả. Chu đáo thật Tin tốt và tin xấu, Aristophanes 2.300 năm sau cái chết của ông - đây là tin vui - ông vẫn khá nổi tiếng Chỉ 11 trong 40 vở kịch của ông còn tồn tại, nhưng kể cả thế, ông đươc gọi là Finnish: Kreikkalaiset runoilijat ja matemaatikot, näytelmäkirjailijat ja arkkitehdit ja filosofit perustivat kulttuurin, johon yhä samaistumme. Ja se esittelivät meille monta ideaa demokratiasta pieru vitseihin. Kreikkalaiset antoivat myös lännellen ensimmäisen omistetun historian, he antoivat meille sanaston puhumiseen politiikasta. Lisäksi he lahjoittivat meille demokratian ihannoinnin, joka periytyy hallinnosta, joka heillä oli Ateenassa. Herra Green, herra Green, herra Green, herra Green-- sanoitko pieru vitsejä? Uhhh. Et kysy doorilaisista, joonialaisista tai korinttilaisista pylväistä. Et kysy Platonin luolavertauksesta. Kaikki on vain vessahuumoria sinulle-- on aika Avoimelle kirjeelle? Oikeasti? Nyt jo? Okei. [rullaa] Avoin kirje [pierutyynyn ääni]- Stan! Aristofaneelle. Rakas Aristofanes, -- Ai niin, unohdin katsoa salaisen lokeron. Stan, mitä... ai. Kiitos, Stan. Se on lelu koirankakka. Miten huomaavaista. Hyviä ja huonoja uutisia Aristofaneelle. 2300 vuotta kuolemasi jälkeen, tämä on hyvä uutinen, olet yhä melko kuuluisa. 40:stä näytelmästä vain 11 säilyi, mutta Romanian: care a ajuns atât de mult altceva în cultura contemporană. Poeții și matematicienii greci, dramaturgii și arhitecții și filosofii au clădit o cultură cu care încă ne identificăm. Ne-au introdus atât de multe idei, de la democrație la glumele cu vânturi. Și grecii au dat occidentului prima istorie dedicată nouă., ne-au dat vocabularul cu care să vorbim despre politică. În plus ei ne-au dăruit idealizarea democrației care vine de la guvernarea pe care au avut-o în Atena. John din Trecut: D-le Green, d-le Green, D-le Green- ați spus glume cu vânturi? John din prezent: tu nu întrebi despre coloanele Dorice, Ionice și corintice. Nu întrebi despre alegoria peșterii a lui Platon. Tot umorul scatologic e cu tine- E timpul pentru scrisoarea deschisă? Într-adevăr? Deja? În regulă. O scrisoare deschisă...Stan! pentru Aristofan. Dragă Aristofan... O, corect! Trebuie să verific compartimentul secret. Stan, ce...ok. Mulțumesc Stan. E un fals excrement de câine. Ce profund. Deci, vești bune și vești rele, Aristofan. 2300 de ani după moartea ta-asta e vestea bună-ești încă rezonabil de faimos Doar 11 din cele 14 piese ale tale au supraviețuit dar chiar și așa ești numit Arabic: شأنها شأن الكثير غيرها في الثقافة المعاصرة. الشعراء وعلماء الرياضيات الإغريق والمهندسون المعماريون والفلاسفة أسسوا ثقافة ما زلنا نتماهى معها، وقد قدموا لنا أفكار كثيرة، بدءًا بالديمقراطية ووصولًا إلى نكات إخراج الريح. كما قدم الإغريق للغرب أول تاريخ مخصص ومنحونا مجموع مفرداتنا اللغوية الخاصة بالسياسة. كما أنهم نقلوا إلينا تمجيدنا للديمقراطية، ومصدرها الحكومة التي نصبوها في أثينا. سيد غرين، سيد غرين، سيد غرين. هل قلت نكات إخراج الريح؟ لم تسأل عن الأعمدة الدوريسية أو الإيونية أو الكورنثية، ولم تسأل عن كهف أفلاطون. أنت لا تفكر إلا في الفكاهة القذارة. أحان وقت الخطاب المفتوح؟ أحقًا؟ بهذه السرعة؟ حسن. خطاب مفتوح... ستان! لأريستوفانيس. عزيزي أريستوفانيس صحيح، علي التحقق من الحجرة السرية. ستان، ما ... شكرًا لك يا ستان. انها براز كلب زائف. يا لها من لفتة جميلة! لدي أنباء سارة وأخرى سيئة لك يا أريستوفانيس. بعد 2300 سنة من وفاتك - وهذا هو الخبر السار - ما تزال مشهورًا إلى حد لا بأس به. إحدى عشرة فقط من مسرحياتك الأربعين وصلتنا، ولكنك مع ذلك تُلقّب بأبي الكوميديا Portuguese: A poesia grega e matemática e dramaturgia e arquitetura e filosofia fundou a cultura que nós ainda nos identificamos. Eles introduziram a ideias, que vão desde democracia até pegadinhas. E os Gregos deram ao ocidente nosso primeiro conceito de história, eles nos deram nosso vocabulário para discutir sobre política. E mais, eles nos presentearam nossa idealização sobre democracia, que veio do tipo de governo que eles tinham em Atenhas Sr. Green, Sr. Green, Sr. Green, Sr. Green Você falou pegadina? Você não pergunta sobre colunas Doricas, Jônias ou Coríntias. Você não pergunta sobre a alegoria da caverna de Platão. É tudo humor escatológico para você - É hora para a Carta Aberta? Sério? Já? Tudo bem Uma Carta Aberta, Stan! Para Aristóteles Querido Aristóteles -- Oh certo. eu tenho que checar o Compartimento Secreto. Stan, o que? Oh. Obrigado Stan, é um cocô falso de cachorro. Que criativo Então, boas e más notícias, Aristóteles. 2300 anos depois da sua morte, está a boa notícia, você continua razoavelmente famoso. Apenas 11 das suas 40 peças sobreviveram, mas Russian: Греческие поэты, математики, драматурги, архитекторы и философы создали культуру, с которой мы отождествляем себя до сих пор. Они познакомили нас с великим множеством идей, от демократии до пердёжных шуток. Ещё греки дали западу первую специализированную историю и терминологию для разговоров о политике. Плюс они подарили нам идеализацию демократии, которая произошла от правительства, которое, было у них в Афинах. Мистрех Грин, Мистер Грин, Мистер Грин! Вы сказали пердёжные шутки? О-о-х... Ты не спрашиваешь о дорических, ионических или коринфских колоннах. Ты не спрашиваешь о Платоновском Мифе о пещере. Тебе интересен лишь копрологический юмор! Уже пришло время для открытого письма? Серьёзно? Уже? Ну хорошо. Открытое Письмо- Стэн! -к Аристофану. Дорогой Аристофан. Ах да, мне же нужно заглянуть в тайную полочку. Стэн, что... Ох. Спасибо тебе, Стэн. Это фальшивая собачья какашка. Очень остроумно. Итак, Аристофан, есть хорошие и плохие новости. Спустя 2300 лет после твоей смерти ты всё ещё довольно известен, и это хорошая новость. До нас дошли только 11 из 40 пьес. Swedish: grekiska, liksom så mycket annat i dagens kultur. Grekiska poeter och matematiker, dramatiker och arkitekter och filosofer grundade en kultur vi fortfarande identifierar oss med. De introducerade oss till många idéer, från demokrati till skämt om fisar. Grekerna gav väst vår första dedikerade historia, de gav oss vårt vokabulär för att prata om politik. Plus de skapade ​​vårt ideala koncept av demokrati, som kommer från regeringen de hade i Aten. Dåtidens John: Mr Green, Mr Green, Mr Green, Mr Green - sa du skämt om fisar? Uhg. Du frågar inte om Doric, Joniska eller korintiska kolonner. Du frågar inte om Platons allegori om grottan. Det är bara skatologisk humor med dig - det är tid för det öppna brevet? Verkligen? Redan? OK. Ett öppet brev [en pruttkudde låter] ... Stan! Till Aristofanes. Kära Aristofanes ... Åh just det, jag måste kontrollera hemliga facket. Stan, vad ... oh. Tack, Stan. Falskt hundbajs. Så omtänksamt. Så bra och dåliga nyheter, Aristofanes. 2300 år efter din död - Det här är de goda nyheterna- är du fortfarande någorlunda känd. Endast elva av dina fyrtio pjäser överlevde, men trots det kallas du för komedins fader. Russian: Но несмотря на это тебя называют отцом жанра комедии, и есть ученые, исследующие твои труды. Теперь плохие новости. Хотя твои пьесы хорошо переведены и просто уморительно смешны, дети в школах не любят их читать. Они всегда говорят что-то типа Почему мы обязаны читать это скучное дерьмо? И это наверняка тебя очень сильно бесит, потому ты большую часть своей карьеры только и делал, что высмеивал всякое скучное дерьмо. Конкретно в форме театральных трагедий. Кроме того в своих шутках ты зачастую использовал настоящее дерьмо. Например, в "Ахарнянах" хор описывает, как герой пьесы швыряет дерьмо в реального поэта, который тебе не нравился. Ты, Аристофан, который писал, что под каждым камнем скрывается политик, кто назвал богатство самым прекрасным из всех богов. Ты, кто написал следующий диалог. Утверждаю. Всё сделаться общим должно и во всем пусть участвует каждый. Мы общественной сделаем землю, Всю для всех, все плоды, что растут на земле, все чем собственник каждый владеет. Кто же будет возделывать пашню? Рабы. И всё равно в тебе видят лишь очередное нудное домашнее задание! Вот это, мой друг, настоящая трагедия. Finnish: silti sinua kutsutaan komedian isäksi ja on tutkijoita, jotka ovat omistautuneet töillesi. Nyt huono uutinen: Vaikka näytelmät ovat hyvin käännettyjä ja kerrassaan hulvattomia, oppilaat eivät tykkää lukea niitä koulussa. He sanovat aina miksi meidän on luettava tälläistä tylsää roskaa? Tämän täytyy olla sinulle erityisen ärsyttävää, koska paljon, mitä teit urallasi oli irvailla tylsästä roskasta, erityisesti teatraalisten tragedioiden muodossa. Lisäksi, käytit oikeaa kakkaa tehdäksesi vitsejä. Kuten esimerkiksi näytelmässäsi The Acharnians:in kertosäkeessä hahmon kuvittelemassa heittävän kakkaa oikeaa runoilijaa, josta et pitänyt, kohti. Sinä, Aristofanes, joka kirjoitit, että joka kiven alla lymyää poliitikko, joka kutsuu vaurautta kaikkein mainioimmaksi jumalista... Sinä, joksa olet vastuussa seuraavasta keskustelusta: Praxagora: Haluan kaikille osan kaikesta ja kaiken olevan yleistä; ei tule olemaan rikkaita eikä köyhiä; [...] minun on aloitettava tekemällä maasta, rahasta, kaikesta, mikä on yksityisomaisuutta, tavallista kaikille. [...] Blepyrus: Kuka sitten kyntää maan? Praxagora: Orjat. Blepyrus: Aa. Ja silti olet kotitehtävänä! Orjatyötä! Se, ystäväni, on todellista tragediaa. Toisaalta, French: la comédie; il y a des spécialistes dédiés à tes oeuvres Maintenant, la mauvaise nouvelle: même si tes pièces sont exceptionnellement bien traduites et absolument hilarantes, les étudiants n'aiment pas les lire dans les écoles. Ils disent toujours "pourquoi on doit lire cette merde ennuyante? Et ça doit être particulièrement exaspérant pour toi parce que beaucoup de ce que tu as fais dans ta carrière était de ridiculiser les merdes ennuyantes, particulièrement sous forme de tragédies théâtrales. En plus, tu utilisais souvent de la vraie merde pour faire tes blagues. Comme la fois où tu as fait imaginer au choeur dans Les Acharniens un personnage qui lançait de la merde à un poète que tu n'aimais pas. Toi, Aristophane, qui a écrit qu'en dessous de chaque pierre se cache un politicien qui considère la richesse comme le plus excellent des dieux... Toi, qui est responsable de la conversation suivante: "Praxagora: Je veux que tous aient une part de tout et que tout soit mis en commun; il n'y aurait plus de riche ou de pauvres; [...] je vais commencer en rendant la terre, l'argent, tout ce qui est de propriété privée, commun pour tous. [...] Blepyrus: Mais qui va labourer la terre? Praxagora: Les esclaves. Blepyrus: Oh." Et malgré ça, tu es vu comme un devoir! Une corvée! Ça, mon ami, c'est une vraie tragédie. Sur le iw: ישנם חוקרים שמקדישים עצמם לעבודה שלך. ועכשיו לחדשות הרעות: למרות שהמחזות שלך מתורגמות היטב ומצחיקות עד דמעות, התלמידים לא אוהבים לקרוא אותם בבתי ספר. הם תמיד כאילו: "למה אנחנו חייבים לקרוא- את החרא המשעמם הזה?" וזה חייב להרגיז אותך במיוחד, כי כל כך הרבה ממה שעשית בקריירה שלך היה ללעוג לשטויות משעממות, במיוחד בשימוש בטרגדיות תיאטרליות. בנוסף, אתה מרבה להשתמש בקקי אמיתי בבדיחות שלך... למשל כשהיה לך פיזמון ב"האכארנים" על דמות במחזה שזורקת קקי על משורר אמיתי שלא אהבת. אתה, אריסטופנס, שכתב כי תחת כל אבן אורב פוליטיקאי, שקרא לעושר: "האל הכי טוב מכולם"... אתה, שאחראי השיחה הבאה: "פראקסאגורה: אני רוצה שלכולם יהיה חלק מהכל והכל יהיה משותף, לא יהיה עוד עשיר או עני! נתחיל בכך שאדמה, כסף, כל מה שהוא רכוש פרטי, יהיה משותף לכל! בלפירוס: אבל מי יעבד את האדמה? פראקסאגורה: העבדים. בלפירוס: הו ". ובכל זאת אתה נתפס כ"שיעורי בית"! "עבודת פרך"! וזה, ידידי, היא טרגדיה אמיתית... Thai: และมีนักวิชาการมากมายที่ศึกษางานของคุณ ต่อไปเป็นข่าวร้ายนะครับ แม้ว่าบทละครของคุณจะถูกแปลป็นอย่างดี แล้วก็ตลกมากๆ ในโรงเรียน พวกนักเรียนก็ยังไม่ชอบอ่านมัน พวกเขาคิดว่า...ทำไมตรูต้องมาอ่านอะไรน่าเบื่ออย่างกะขี้แบบนี้ด้วย? และนี่น่าจะทำให้คุณเซ็งน่าดู เพราะงานส่วนใหญ่ของคุณ คือการเอาเรื่องที่น่าเบื่อโดยเฉพาะพวกละครโศกนาฏกรรม มาทำให้ตลก แถมคุณยังชอบเล่นมุกเรื่องขี้ด้วย เช่น ที่คุณเขียนให้คอรัส ในเรื่อง The Acharnians จินตนาการว่าตัวละครในละครของคุณปาขี้ใส่กวีคนที่คุณไม่ชอบ คุณ อาริสโตฟาเนส ผู้เขียนว่า ใต้หินทุกก้อนมีนักการเมืองแฝงอยู่ นักการเมืองที่เรียกความมั่งคั่งว่าเป็นที่สุดเหนือพระเจ้า... คุณ ผู้เป็นเจ้าของบทสนทนาที่ว่า: "ข้าต้องการให้เราทุกคนแบ่งปันกัน และให้ทุกสิ่งเป็นของส่วนรวม ต่อแต่นี้จะไม่มีรวยหรือจน ข้าจะเริ่มทำให้ที่ดิน สินทรัพท์ ทุกๆสิ่งที่เป็นทรัพท์สินส่วนบุคคลทั้งหลาย กลายเป็นของส่วนรวม แล้วใครจะเป็นผู้ไถนาเล่า ทาสไงล่ะ อ่ออ" แต่กระนั้น คุณก็ยังถูกมองว่าเป็นแค่การบ้านที่หนักหนาน่าเบื่อ เพื่อนยาก..ช่างเป็นเรื่องเศร้าซะจริงๆ Turkish: Komedi'nin Babası olarak anılıyorsun. Hayatını sana adamış akademisyenler var. Şimdi kötü haber: Oyunların çevrilmiş ve çok komik olsa da öğrenciler onları okulda okumayı sevmiyor. Böyle boktan şeyleri okumak zorunda mıyız? okulda okumayı sevmiyor. Böyle iğrenç şeyleri okumak zorunda mıyız? Bu seni rahatsız ediyor olmalı. Çünkü yazdığın çoğu şeyde özellikle trajedi oyunlarında boktan şeylerle dalga geçtin. Ayrıca, sık sık şaka yapmak için gerçek dışkı kullandın. Öyle ki Akarnialılar oyunundaki koro sevmediğin bir yazara dışkı attı. Sen, Aristofanes, her taşın altından bir politikacı çıkar dedin, zenginliğin en iyi tanrı olduğunu söyledin... Sen şu konuşmanın nedenisin: Praxagora: Ben her şeyi paylaşmalıyım ve her şey ortak olmalı. Zengin ve fakir olmamalı.[...] Toprak, para ve özel mülk olan her şeyi ortak yapmalıyım. Blepyrus: Peki toprağı kim işleyecek? Praxagora: Köleler. Blepyruz: Oh. Ve seni ödev olarak görüyorlar! Angarya! Bu, azizim, gerçek bir trajedi. İşin iyi tarafı, Czech: ale i tak tě nazýváme otcem komedie, jsou tu učenci věnující se tvému dílu. Teď ta špatná zpráva. Přestože jsou tvé hry dobře přeložené a naprosto k popukání, studenti je ve školách neradi čtou. Vždycky říkají: "Proč tyhle nudné sračky musíme číst?" To tě musí pěkně rozčilovat, protože většina toho, co jsi za svou kariéru dělal, bylo dělat si z nudných sraček srandu, konkrétně ve formě divadelních tragédií. Navíc jsi hojně používal skutečné výkaly k vytvoření legrace. Jako když jsi nechal sbor ve svém díle Acharňané si představit postavu, jak hází výkaly na básníka, jehož jsi neměl rád. Ty, Aristofane, kdo jsi napsal, že pod každým kamenem číhá politik, kdo nazval bohatství nejlepším ze všech bohů... Ty, kdo jsi zodpovědný za následující konverzaci: Všecko společné všem být musí a všichni žít z téhož, nesmí pak jeden boháčem být a druhý chuďasem. Nejprve veškerá země se musí stát společným majetkem všech, i stříbro a soukromé jmění. Kdo nám bude chtít vzdělávat zem? Přec otroci. A přesto jsi považován za domácí úkol! Hrůza! To je, můj příteli, skutečná tragédie. Swedish: Det finns forskare ägnade åt ditt arbete. Nu, de dåliga nyheterna. Även om dina pjäser är väl översatta och helt underbara, så gillar inte elever att läsa dem i skolan. Det är alltid "varför måste vi läsa den här" tråkiga skiten?" Detta måste vara särskilt irriterande för dig, eftersom så mycket av vad du gjorde i din karriär var att göra narr av tråkig skit, särskilt i form av teatraliska tragedier. Plus, du använde ofta faktisk skit till att skapa skämt. Till exempel när du hade kören i The Acharnians föreställa sig hur en karaktär i din pjäs kastade skit på en riktig poet du inte gillade. Du, Aristofanes, som skrev att under alla stenar lurar en politiker, som kallade rikedom den mest utmärkta av alla gudar ... Du, som är ansvariga för följande samtal: "Praxagora: Jag vill att alla ska ha en andel på allt och att allt ska vara gemensamt; Det kommer inte längre att vara antingen rik eller fattig; [...] Jag ska börja med att mark, pengar, allt som är privat egendom, blir gemensamt för alla. [...] Blepyrus: Men vem brukar då jorden? Praxagora: Slavarna. Blepyrus: Jaha". Och ändå ses du som läxor! Slit! Det, min vän, är en sann tragedi. På den positiva sidan Modern Greek (1453-): αλλά ακόμα και έτσι, αποκαλείσαι ο πατέρας της κωμωδίας. Υπάρχουν μελετητές που έχουν αφιερωθεί στο έργο σου. Τώρα τα δυσάρεστα: Αν και οι κωμωδίες είναι πολύ καλά μεταφρασμένες και απόλυτα ξεκαρδιστικές, στους μαθητές δεν τους αρέσει να τους διαβάζουν στο σχολείο. Λένε πάντα γιατί πρέπει να διαβάζουμε αυτές τις βαρετές αηδίες? Και αυτό πρέπει να είναι εξαιρετικά ψυχοφθόρο για σένα, γιατί τα περισσότερα από αυτά που έγραφες στη δουλειά σου ήταν για να κάνεις πλάκα από βαρετές αηδίες, ειδικά στη μορφή θεατρικών τραγωδιών Συν το ότι συχνά χρησιμοποιούσες πραγματικές κουράδες για να κάνεις αστεία. Όπως όταν βάλατε τον Χορό στις "Αχαρνείς" να φανταστεί έναν χαρακτήρα στο έργο σας να πετάει κόπρανα σε έναν υπαρκτό ποιητή που αντιπαθούσατε. Εσύ Αριστοφάνη, που έγραψες ότι κάτω από κάθε πέτρα κρύβεται ένας πολιτικός, που αποκάλεσες τα πλούτη πιο εξαιρετικά από όλους τους θεούς... Εσύ που είσαι υπεύθυνος για την παρακάτω στιχομυθία: - Πραξαγόρα: Θέλω όλοι να έχουν μερίδιο από τα πάντα και όλα να είναι κοινά, δεν θα υπάρχουν πλέον πλούσιοι ή φτωχοί, θα ξεκινήσω φτιάχνοντας γη, λεφτά, οτιδήποτε είναι ιδιωτική περιουσία θα είναι κοινό για όλους. - Βλέπυρος: Μα ποιος θα καλλιεργεί τη γη? - Πραξαγόρα: Οι σκλάβοι... - Βλέπυρος: Ααα... Και όμως σε βλέπουν σαν μια εργασία! Αγγαρεία! Αυτό φίλε μου είναι πραγματική τραγωδία German: wirst du als Vater der Komödie bezeichtet; es gibt Wissenschaftler, die sich deinen Werken gewidmet haben. Nun die schlechten Nachrichten: Obwohl deine Stücke gut übersetzt wurden und urkomisch sind, lesen Schüler sie nicht gerne in der Schule. Da heißt es immer: Warum müssen wir so einen langweiligen Mist lesen? Und das muss besonders ärgerlich für dich sein, weil so vieles, was du während deiner Karriere gemacht hast, Witze über langweiligen Mist waren, vor allem in Form von theatralischen Tragödien. Außerdem hast du oft echten mist genommen, um Witze zu machen. Zum Beispiel als du den Chor in in "Die Archarner" sich hast vorstellen lassen, wie ein Charakter in deinem Stück echten Mist auf einen Dichter wirft, den du nicht mochtest. Du, Aristophanes, der geschrieben hat, dass unter jedem Stein ein Politiker lauert; der Reichtum den exzellentesten aller Götter genannt hat... Du, der du für das folgende Gespräch verantwortlich bist: Praxagora: Ich habe alles zu teilen, alles wird Gemeinsames sein, es wird kein reich oder arm mehr geben; [...] Ich werde damit anfangen, Land, Geld, alles, das privater Besitz ist, allen zugänglich zu machen. Blepyrus: Aber wer wird den Boden pflügen? Praxagora: Die Sklaven. Blepyrus: Oh. Und trotzdem wirst du als Hausaufgabe verwendet! Schinderei! Das, mein Freund, ist eine wahre Tragödie. Doch um es positiv zu sehen: Chinese: 但即使如此,你還是叫做喜劇之父, 有學者專門研究你的作品。 壞消息是即使你的劇本翻譯得一絕,絕對爆笑, 學生就是不喜歡讀,而總是抱怨為什麼要讀 這無聊廢話。 而這必令你難堪,因為你生涯很多是 調侃無聊廢話,尤其是用悲劇的形式。 另外,你甚至經常使用糞便來開玩笑。 比如,在《阿卡奈人》,你讓合唱團演出向 你不喜歡的詩人丟擲糞便。 阿里斯托芬,你寫過每塊石頭下都藏著政客, 又稱財富所有神中之最。 你寫以下對話: Praxagora:我要每人都分享一切, 不再有貧、富,而應從土地、金錢、一切 私有財產,共同於眾開始。 Blepyrus:那誰來耕田? P:奴隸阿。 B:明解。 你卻被視為家庭作業、苦工!豈有此理! 這才是真正悲劇。 Spanish: incluso así, eres llamado el Padre de la Comedia. Hay eruditos dedicados a tus trabajos. Ahora, las malas noticias: A pesar de que tus obras estén bien traducidas y sean absolutamente graciosas, a los estudiantes no les gusta leerlas en la escuela. Dicen, "¿por qué tenemos que leer esta caca aburrida?" Y esto debe ser molesto para tí porque tanto de lo que hiciste en tu carrera fue burlarte de caca aburrida, específicamente en la forma de tragedias teatrales. Además, usaste frecuentemente caca de verdad para hacer chistes. Como cuando hiciste que el coro en Los Arcanienses imaginara un personaje en tu obra tirando caca a un poeta que no te gustaba. Tú, Aristófanes, quien escribió que debajo de cada piedra está al acecho un político, quien llamo a la riqueza el más poderoso de todos los dioses... Tú, quien es responsable de la siguiente conversación: Praxágoras: Quiero que todos los bienes sean comunes y que todos tengan igual parte en ellos; que no sea éste rico y aquél pobre; [...] haré primero comunes los campos, el dinero y las demás propiedades. [...] Blépiro: Pero ¿quién cultivará la tierra? Praxágoras: Los esclavos. Blépiro: Oh... ¡Y aún así, eres visto como tarea! ¡Trabajo! Eso, mi amigo, es una verdadera tragedia. Por otro lado, Romanian: Tatăl comediei; sunt studenți devotați muncii tale. Acum vestea rea. Chiar dacă piesele tale sunt bine traduse și absolut vesele, studenților nu le place să le citească la școală. Spun mereu, de ce trebuie să citim acest rahat plictisitor? Și asta ar trebui să fie în special exasperant pentru tine, pentru că atât de mult din ce ai făcut în cariera ta a fost amuzant sau plictisitor sub forma tragediilor. În plus, foloseai frecvent prostii actuale pentru a face glume. Ca atunci când în Acarnienii ai pus corul să imagineze în piesa ta un personaj care să spună prostii despre un poet real care nu-ți plăcea. Tu,Aristofan, care ai scris că sub fiecare piatră pândește un politician care numește averea drept cel mai extraordinar din toți zeii....Tu ești responsabil pentru următoarea conversație: "Praxagora: Vreau ca totul să fie împărțit de toți și totul să fie în comun; nu vor mai fi bogați sau săraci; voi începe făcând pământul, banii, tot ce este proprietate privată, comun pentru toți. Blepyrus: Dar cine va cultiva pământul? Praxagora: sclavii. Blepyrus: Oh" Și tu ești dat încă drept temă pentru acasă! Corvoadă! Am avut Vietnamese: Cha đẻ của Hài kịch, ông có các học giả tận tâm với tác phẩm của ông Còn bây giờ, tin xấu: dù các vở kịch được phiên dịch tốt và chắc chắn là chúng hài hước, học sinh không thích phải đọc chúng ở trong nhà trường. Tại sao chúng ta phải đọc những chuyện tào lao và chán phèo này? Hẳn là ông cảm thấy rất khó chịu, vì rất nhiều thứ ông làm trong sự nghiệp của mình là cười nhạo mấy vấn đề nhàm chám, nhất là dưới hình thức bi kịch Ông còn hay dùng cứt thật để đùa. Ông có đoạn hát trong "The Acharnians" ông đã tưởng tượng một nhân vật trong vở kịch ném cứt vào một nhà thơ có thật mà ông không ưa Ông, Aristophanes, người đã viết những điều đó dưới các tảng đá ẩn giấu những chính trị gia, gọi sự giàu có là thần thánh nhất trong tất cả các vị thần thánh... Ông, người chịu trách nhiệm cho cuộc đối thoại "Praxagora: Tôi muốn mọi người đều được chia mọi thứ và mọi thứ là của chung sẽ không còn giàu nghèo; [...] Tôi sẽ bắt đầu bằng cách làm đất đai, tiền bạc, mọi thứ tư hữu thành của chung cho mọi người [...] Blepyrus: Nhưng ai sẽ cày bừa? Praxagora: Nô Lệ Blepyrus: Oh ". và ông được coi như bài tập về nhà nữa! Kiếp nô lệ! Đấy là bi kịch thực sự Portuguese: mesmo assim, você é chamado de Pai da Comédia, há especialistas que estudam seu trabalho. Agora, a má notícia: Mesmo as suas peças tendo ótimas traduções e sendo extremamente hilárias os alunos não gostam de lê-las na escola. Eles sempre dizem "Porque temos que ler essa porcaria chata?" E, a parte mais engraçada é que você, durante toda sua carreira, você fez piadas de porcarias chatas, especificamente na forma de tragédias teatrais. E mais, você frequentemente usava merdas reais para fazer piadas. Como quando você está em um coro em Os Acarnânios, imaginando um personagem jogando merda de verdade no poeta que você não gosta. Você Aristóteles, quem escreveu obras que até enganavam um político, foi chamado de o maior produto dos deuses. Você, que é responsável por esse diálogo Praxagora: Eu quero dividir tudo para que tudo será da comunidade, então não terá mais riqueza nem pobreza. Eu devo começar cercando terras, e transformando tudo em propriedade privada, comum a todos. Blepyrus: Mas quem vai te sustentar? Praxagora: Os escravos Blepyrus: Oh. E mesmo assim você é visto como lição de casa! Difícil a vida! Isso, caro amigo, é uma verdadeira tragédia. Dutch: dan, ben je genoemd de Vader van Komedie, er zijn zelfs scholieren gewijd aan jouw werk. Nu, het slechte nieuws: Zelfs ondanks je toneelstukken goed zijn vertaald en hilarisch zijn, studenten houden er niet van om ze te lezen in school. Er zijn altijd van die mensen van, waarom moete wij deze saaie zooi lezen? En dit vooral moet knellend voor jouw zijn omdat zoveel van wat je deed in je carrière was het leuk maken van saaie zooi, met name in de vorm van theater tragedies. En, je gebruikte redelijk vaak schijt om grappen te maken. Zoals wanneer u het koor in de Acharnians had laten denken dat een karakter in je spel een drol gooide tegen een echte poëet die je niet mocht. Jij, Aristophanes, wie schreef dat onder elke steen een politicus schuilt, wie rijkdom de beste noemde van alle goden... Jij, wie verantwoordelijk is voor het volgende gesprek: Praxogora: Ik wil dat iedereen van alles een deel heeft en alles is in grote hoeveelheid; er zal niet langer rijk of arm zijn Ik zal beginnen met het maken van geld, land, alles dat privé eigendom is, gebruikelijk tot allen. Blepyrus: Maar wie zal de grond bewerken? Praxagora: De slaven. Blepyrus: Oh. En toch word je gezien als huiswerk! Gezwoeg! Dat, mijn vriend, is pure tragedie. Aan de Arabic: وهناك باحثون كرسوا حياتهم لدراسة أعمالك. والآن النبأ السيء: بالرغم من أن مسرحياتك مترجمة ببراعة وأنها طريفة جدًا، إلا أن الطلاب لا يحبون قراءتها في المدارس. فلسان حالهم هو دائمًا، "لماذا علينا قراءة هذه التفاهة المملة؟" ولا بد أن هذا يثير سخطك لأنك كرّست جزءًا كبيرًا من حياتك المهنية للسخرية من التفاهات المملة، وتحديدًا من التراجيديا المسرحية. بالإضافة إلى أنك كثيرًا ما كنت تستخدم برازًا حقيقيًا في نكاتك. مثل عندما جعلت الجوقة في مسرحية أهل أخارناي يتخيلون شخصية في المسرحية ترمي البراز على شاعر حقيقي لم يعجبك. أنت يا أريستوفانيس من كتب أن تحت كل حجر يتربص سياسي ومن وصف الثروة بأنها أفضل الآلهة وأنت الذي كتب الحوار التالي: "أريد أن يكون للجميع نصيب في كل شيء وأن يكون كل شيء مشتركًا. لن يعود هناك أغنياء أو فقراء، (...) سأبدأ بجعل الأراضي والمال وكل ما هو ملكية خاصة مشتركًا بين الجميع. (...) ولكن من سيحرث التربة؟ العبيد. فهمت." ومع ذلك يعتبرونك واجبًا منزليًا وعملًا شاقًا! هذه يا صديقي مأساة حقيقية. Polish: mimo to jesteś nazywany Ojcem Komedii, są uczeni oddani w pełni Twoim pracom. Teraz, złe wieści: Mimo tego że Twoje sztuki zostały w miarę dobrze przetłumaczone i absolutnie prześmiewczo uczniowie nie chcą ich czytać w szkołach. Zawsze jest "Czemu musimy to czytać to nudne badziewie?" I to musi Cię szczególnie złościć , ponieważ większość tego co zrobiłeś w swoim życiu było wyśmiewaniem się z nudnych badziewiów , szczególnie w formie tragedii teatralnych. Dodatkowo często używałeś prawdziwych kup do robienia żartów Na przykład wtedy kiedy miałeś chór w "Acharnejczykach" przedstawiający postać w Twojej sztuce, która rzuca kupę na prawdziwego poetę , którego nie lubisz. Ty Arystofanesie, który napisałeś że pod każdym kamieniem czai sie polityk, Ty który nazwałeś bogactwo najwspanialszym z wszystkich bogów... Ty, który jesteś odpowiedzialny za poniższą konwersację: Praxagora: Będę musiała podzielić wszystko żeby stało się wspólne, nie będzie już dłużej bogatych i biednych; [...] Zacznę tworzyć ziemię , zarabiać pieniądze a wszystko co jest prywatną własnością stanie się wspólne dla wszystkich Blepyrus: Ale kto będzie uprawiał pola ? Niewolnicy. Oh. Mimo to wciąż jesteś postrzegany jako zadanie domowe, harówka! To mój przyjacielu, jest prawdziwa tragedia. English: Comedy; there are scholars devoted to your work. Now, the bad news: Even though your plays are well-translated and absolutely hilarious, students don’t like to read them in schools. There always like, why do we gotta read this boring crap? And this must be particularly galling to you, because so much of what you did in your career was make fun of boring crap, specifically in the form of theatrical tragedies. Plus, you frequently used actual crap to make jokes. Such as when you had the chorus in The Acharnians imagining a character in your play throwing crap at a real poet you didn’t like. You, Aristophanes, who wrote that under every stone lurks a politician, who called wealth the most excellent of all the gods... You, who are responsible for the following conversation: "Praxagora: I want all to have a share of everything and everything to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; [...] I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is private property, common to all. [...] Blepyrus: But who will till the soil? Praxagora: The slaves. Blepyrus: Oh." And yet you’re seen as homework! Drudgery! That, my friend, is a true tragedy. On the Hungarian: Tudósok szentelik csak neked az idejüket. A rossz hír: Annak ellenére, hogy drámáidat jól fordították le, és baromira viccesek, a diákok nem szeretik olvasni őket. Folyton csak panaszkodnak, hogy miért kell nekik ilyen unalmas "szart" olvasni. Ez biztos nagyon dühítő neked. Főleg, hogy legfőbb célod a pályafutásod során pont az volt, hogy kigúnyold az élet unalmas "szarait", főleg színházi komédiák formájában. Plusz, ehhez gyakran valódi szart használtál. Mint pl, amikor az egyik drámádban az acharniani kórus tagjai elképzelték, hogy az egyik karakter szarral dobja meg azt a korodbeli költőt, akit te nem kedveltél. Te, Arisztophanész, aki azt írtad, hogy minden kő alatt egy politikus lapul. Te, aki a gazdagságot a legkiválóbbnak nevezted az összes isten közül ... Te, akinek köszönhetően ez a beszélgetés létezik: „PRAXAGORA: Akarom hát, hogy mindenki egész vagyonát közjóra bocsássa, és abból éljenek [...] az ne legyen, hogy dús ez, míg nyomorult az. [...] egy közös életmód legyen és aszerint éljen csak a város. [...] BLEPÜROSZ: De ki műveli majd a mezőt? PRAXAGORA: rabszolgák. BLEPÜROSZ: Oh.” És mégis téged csak házifeladatként tartanak számon! Lélekölő robotolásként! Ez, barátom, ez az igazi tragédia. Czech: Světlá stránka je, že jsme se zbavili otroctví. Zabralo nám to jen 2000 let. S pozdravem, John Green. Když přemýšlíme o zlatém hřebu řecké kultury, může nás napadnout Parthenón nebo Aischylova dramata. Skutečným hřebem jsou však Athény ve 4. století př. n. l., rovnou po řecko-perských válkách. Ale Řecko bylo víc než jen Athény. Řekové žili v městských státech, které sestávaly z města a přilehlého okolí. Ve většině těchto městských států byla aspoň nějaká forma otroctví a ve všech bylo občanství vymezeno pro muže. Promiňte, dámy... Každý městský stát měl svou vlastní formu vlády, od velmi demokratických, pokud jste nebyli žena nebo otrok, po absolutně diktátorské. Lidé, kteří žili v těchto městech, se považovali za občany těch měst, ne něčeho, co se později pojmenovalo Řecko. Aspoň do řecko-perských válek. Mezi roky 490 a 480 př. n. l. Peršané zaútočili na řecké státy. Tohle byla ta válka, při které se udála bitva u Thermopyl, kde bojovalo 300 statečných Sparťanů s, jestli věříte Hérodotovi, pěti miliony Peršany. English: upside, we did take care of slavery. It only took us two thousand years. Best wishes, John Green When we think about the high point of Greek culture, exemplified by the Parthenon and the plays of Aeschylus, what we’re really thinking about is Athens in the fourth century BCE, right after the Persian Wars. But Greece was way more than Athens; Greeks lived in city-states which consisted of a city and its surrounding area. Most of these city-states featured at least some form of slavery, and in all of them citizenship was limited to males. Sorry ladies... Also, each of the city-states had its own form of government, ranging from very democratic — unless you were a woman or a slave — to completely dictatorial. And the people who lived in these cities considered themselves citizens of that city, not of anything that would ever be called Greece. At least until the Persian wars. So between 490 and 480 BCE, the Persians made war on the Greek City states. This was the war that featured the battle of Thermopylae where three hundred brave Spartans battled — if you believe Herodotus — five million Persians. Spanish: nos encargamos de la esclavitud. Solo nos tomó 2 000 años. Mis mejores deseos, John Green. Cuando pensamos en la cúspide de la cultura griega, ejemplificado por el Partenón y las obras de Esquilo, en lo que realmente pensamos es sobre es Atenas en el siglo IV a. C., después de las Guerras Médicas. Pero Grecia mucho más que Atenas. Los griegos vivian en ciudades-estado que consistían de una ciudad y sus alrededores. La mayoría de estas ciudades-estado presentaron al menos una clase de esclavitud, y en todas ellas la ciudadanía se limitaba a los hombres. Lo siento, señoras... También, cada una de las ciudades-estado tenía su propia forma de gobierno, que van desde muy democráticas —a menos que fueses una mujer o esclavo— hasta completamente dictatoriales. Y la gente que vivía en estas ciudades se consideraba ciudadanos de esa ciudad, no de nada que pudo haberse llamado Grecia. Al menos hasta las Guerras Médicas. Así que, entre 490 y 480 a. C., los persas le hicieron guerra a las ciudades-estado griegas. Ésta fue la guerra que incluyó la batalla de las Termópilas donde 300 valientes espartanos lucharon —si le crees a Heródoto— 5 millones de persas. Hungarian: Viszont, mi gondoskodtunk a rabszolgatartásról. És csak kétezer évbe telt... Minden jót, John Green A görög kultúra csúcspontjaként a Parthenonra és Aiszkhülosz drámáira gondolunk, Ez igazából Athén az ie. 4. században, éppen a perzsa háborúk után. De Görögország jóval több csupán Athénnál. A görögök városállamokban és az őket körülvevő területeken éltek. A legtöbb városállamban jelen volt valamilyen formában a rabszolgatartás, és mindben csak a férfiakat illették az állampolgársággal járó jogok. Bocsánat, hölgyek. Továbbá, az egyes városállamok mind saját közigazgatással rendelkeztek, kezdve nagyon demokratikus államformával - hacsak nem nő voltál vagy szolga -, egészen a teljesen diktatórikusig. A lakosság a városállam polgárának tekintette magát, nem pedig Görögországénak. - egészen a görög-perzsa háborúkig. ie. 490 és 480 között, a perzsák hadban álltak a görög városállamokkal. Ekkor történt a thermopülai csata, ahol háromszáz bátor spártai harcos küzdött - ha hiszünk Hérodotosznak - ötmillió perzsával. Arabic: ولكن الناحية الإيجابية هي أننا تخلصنا من العبودية. لم يستغرق ذلك سوى ألفي سنة. مع أطيب التمنيات، جون غرين. عندما نفكر في أوج الثقافة اليونانية القديمة، والتي يُجسدها معبد البارثينون ومسرحيات إسخيلوس، فإن ما نفكر فيه حقًا هو أثينا في القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد بُعيد الحروب الفارسية. ولكن أثينا لم تكن ذروة سنام اليونان القديمة فقد كان الإغريقيون يعيشون في دول مدن تتألف من المدينة والمنطقة المحيطة بها. كانت العبودية موجودة في معظم دول المدن هذه بشكل أو بآخر، واقتصرت المواطنة فيها جميعًا على الذكور. آسف أيتها السيدات. وكل من دول المدن هذه كان يحكمها شكل من أشكال الحكومات يتراوح من الديمقراطي جدًا، ما لم تكن امرأة أو عبدًا، وصولًا إلى الديكتاتوري بشكل المطلق. وسكان هذه المدن كانوا يعتبرون أنفسهم مواطنين يدينون بالولاء لتلك المدن وليس لأي نظام من شأنه أن يُسمى يومًا باليونان. على الأقل حتى الحروب الفارسية. بين عامي 490 و 480 قبل الميلاد، شن الفرس حربًا على دول المدن اليونانية، وكانت هذه هي الحرب التي تخللتها معركة ثيرموبيلاي حيث حارب ثلاثمائة اسبرطي شجاع 5 ملايين مقاتل فارسي، إذا ما صدقنا رواية هيرودوت، Polish: Przy okazji, zajęliśmy się niewolnictwem. Zajęło nam to tylko 2,000lat. Najlepsze życzenia, John Green. Kiedy pomyślimy o najważniejszym punkcie w greckiej kulturze, jak na przykład Panteon albo sztuki Ajschylosa , tak naprawdę myślimy o Atenach w 4 wieku p.n.e zaraz po Wojnach Perskich Ale Grecja znaczyła dużo więcej niż Ateny. Grecy żyli w miastach-państwach , które zawierały w sobie miasto i teren wokół. Większość tych miast-państw skończyła w różnych formach niewolnictwa a we wszystkich z nich obywatele zostali ograniczeni wyłącznie do mężczyzn. Wybaczcie, dziewczyny... Również, większość tych miast-państw miało swoją własna formę rządów , zaczynając od bardzo demokratycznej - chyba że byłeś kobietą lub niewolnikiem - na kompletnej dyktaturze kończąc. A ludzie , którzy żyli w tych miastach uważali siebie za obywateli danego miasta , nie było niczego co można by nazwać Grecją. Przynajmniej do początku wojen perskich. A więc pomiędzy 490 a 480 r. p.n.e Persowie wypowiedzieli wojnę Greckim miastom-państwom. To była wojna , w której miała miejsce między innymi bitwa pod Termopilami gdzie 300 dzielnych Spartan walczyło z - jeśli wierzyć Herodotusowi - 5 milionami Persów. Russian: С другой стороны, мы избавились от рабства. Это заняло у нас всего-то 2000 лет. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Джон Грин. Когда мы говорим о пике греческой культуры, олицетворяемой Парфеноном и пьесами Эсхила, на самом деле мы подразумеваем Афины четвертого века до нашей эры. Сразу после персидских войн. Но Греция включала в себя не только лишь Афины. Греки жили в городах-государствах, состоявших из собственно города и его окрестностей. В большинстве их них существовала та или иная форма рабства и во всех из них гражданские права имели лишь... мужчины Мне жаль, дамы. Кроме того, каждый из городов-государств имел свою собственную форму правления, начиная от весьма демократических. При условии что вы не были женщиной или рабом. И закакнчивая абсолютно диктаторскими. И люди, живущие в этих городах считали себя гражданами этого конкретного города, а не чего-то под названием Греция. По крайней мере до персидских войн. Итак, между 490 и 480 г. до н.э. персы воевали с греческими городами. В этой войне прошла битва при Фермопилах, где 300 отважных спартанцев, если верить Геродоту, сразились с пятью миллионами персов. Thai: ถ้ามองในแง่ดีละก็ เราจัดการเรื่องทาสได้แล้วล่ะ ใช้เวลาแค่ 2000 ปีเท่านั้นเอง ด้วยความปรารถนาดี จอห์น กรีน เวลาที่เรานึกถึงยุคทองของวัฒนธรรมกรีก ในยุคที่มีวิหารพาเทนอน และบทละครของอาชิลัส เรากำลังนึกถึงกรุงเอเธนส์ในช่วงศตวรรษที่ 4 ก่อนคริสตกาล หลังสงครามเปอร์เซีย แต่อันที่จริง กรีกไม่ได้หมายถึงกรุงเอเธนส์เท่านั้น ชาวกรีกอาศัยอยู่ในหลายนครรัฐ ซึ่งแต่ละนครรัฐซึ่งประกอบไปด้วยเมืองๆหนึ่ง และพื้นที่โดยรอบของเมืองนั้น นครรัฐเหล่านี้ส่วนใหญ่มีการใช้ทาส และสิทธิในการเป็นพลเมืองสงวนไว้ให้เฉพาะผู้ชายเท่านั้น เสียใจด้วยนะสาวๆ... นอกจากนั้น นครรัฐแต่ละแห่งมีรูปแบบการปกครองของตัวเอง ตั้งแต่เป็นประชาธิปไตยอย่างมาก ยกเว้นว่าคุณเป็นผู้หญิงหรือทาสนะครับ... ไปจนถึงเผด็จการเบ็ดเสร็จ และผู้คนที่อาศัยอยู่ในเมืองเหล่านี้ ก็ถือว่าตนเองเป็นพลเมืองของเมืองที่ตนอาศัยอยู่ ไม่มีอะไรที่เรียกว่ากรีกเลย อย่างน้อยก็จนกระทั่งเกิดสงครามเปอร์เซีย ระหว่างปี 490 ถึง 480 ก่อนคริสตกาล เปอร์เซียได้ทำสงครามกับนครรัฐกรีก ในสงครามนี้นี่เองที่เกิดยุทธการที่เทอมอพิลี ที่ทหารสปาร์ตาผู้กล้าหาญ 300 นาย สู้กับทหารเปอร์เซีย 5 ล้านคน ถ้าคุณเชื่อเฮอรอโดทัสนะครับ German: Wir haben uns um die [Abschaffung der] Sklaverei gekümmert. Es hat nur 2000 Jahre gedauert. Beste Wünsche, John Green. Wenn wir über den Höhepunkt der griechischen Kultur, zum Beispiel den Parthenon und die Stücke von Aischylos, nachdenken, denken wir an Athen im 4. Jh. v. Chr., kurz nach den Perserkriegen. Doch Griechenland war viel mehr als Athen. Die Griechen lebten in Stadtstaaten, die aus einer Stadt und ihrer Umgebung bestanden. Die meisten dieser Stadtstaaten bedienten sich mindestens einer Form der Sklaverei und in allen waren die Bürgerrechte Männern vorbehalten. Tut mir leid, Ladys. Außerdem hatte jeder dieser Stadtstaaten seine eigene Regierungsform, von Demokratie - außer man war eine Frau oder ein Sklave - zu totaler Diktatur. Und die Menschen, die in diesen Städten lebten, nannten sich selbst Bürger dieser Stadt, nicht Bürger eines Ortes namens Griechenland. Zumindest bis zu den Perserkriegen. Zwischen 490 und 480 v. Chr. bekriegten die Perser die griechischen Städte. Dieser Krieg beinhaltete die Schlacht von Thermopylen, in der - wenn man Herodot glaubt - 300 mutige Spartaner fünf Millionen Perser bekämpften, Turkish: kölelikten kurtulundu. Sadece 2,000 yıl sürdü. Saygılarımla, John Green Yunan kültürünün zirvesini düşünüce aklımıza Partenon ve Eshilos'un oyunları gelir. Aslında MÖ 4. yüzyıl Atina'sını düşünürüz. Pers Savaşları'ndan hemen sonrasını. Ama Yunanistan Atina'dan çok daha fazlasıdır. Yunanlar şehir ve çevresini kapsayan şehir-devletlerde yaşadı. Ama Yunanistan Atina'dan çok daha fazlasıdır. Yunanlar şehir ve çevresini kapsayan şehir-devletlerde yaşadı. Bunların çoğunda bir çeşit kölelik varı ve sadece vatandaşlık hakları erkeklerle sınırlıydı. Bunların çoğunda bir çeşit kölelik varı ve sadece vatandaşlık hakları erkeklerle sınırlıydı. Üzgünüm bayanlar... Ayrıca, her şehir-devletin demokrasiden -kadın veya köle değilseniz- diktatörlüğe değişen çeşitli hükümetleri vardı. Bu şehirde yaşayan insanlar kendilerini o şehrin vatandaşı olarak görürdü, Yunanistan'ın değil. En azından Pers Savaları'na kadar böyleydi. Şimdi, MÖ 490 ve 480 arasında Persler, Yunan şehir devletleriyle savaştı. Bu sırada Termoplyae Savaşı da gerçekleşti 300 cesur Spartalı -Herodot'a inanıyorsanız- beş milyon Pers ile savaştı. Finnish: me hoidimme orjuuden. Siihen meni vain 2000 vuotta. Terveisin, John Green Kun ajattelemme kreikkalaisen kulttuurin kohokohtaa, esimerkkinään Parthenon ja Aiskhyloksen näytelmät, mitä me todella ajattelemme on Ateena neljännellä vuosisadalla eaa., juuri ennen persialaissotia. Mutta Kreikka oli enemmän kuin vain Ateena. Kreikkalaiset asuivat kaupunkivaltioissa, jotka koostuivat kaupungista ja sen lähialueista. Suurimmassa osassa näistä kaupunkivaltioista oli ainakin jonkinlaista orjuutta ja kaikissa kansalaisuus oli rajoitettu miehiin. Anteeksi naiset... Lisäksi jokaisella kaupunkivaltiolla oli oma hallintomuoto, vaihdellen erittäin demokraattisesta-- paitsi jos olit nainen tai orja-- täysin diktatoriseen. Kaupungeissa asuvat ihmiset pitivät itseään kaupunkinsa asukkaina, eivät minkään jota voitaisiin kutsua Kreikaksi. Ainakin ennen persialaissotia. Niinpä 490-480 eaa., persialaiset olivat sodassa Kreikan kaupunkivaltioiden kanssa. Tämä oli sota, jossa Thermapylain taistelu käytiin, jossa 300 rohkeaa spartalaista taisteli-- jos uskot Herodotosta-- viiden miljoonan persialaisen kanssa. Portuguese: Por outro lado, nós nos importamos com a escravidão. Levou apenas 2000 anos. Tudo de bom, John Green Quando pensamos no auge da sociedade Grega exemplificado pelo Parthenon e as peças de Ésquilo. No que realmente pensamos é em Atenas no século IV antes de cristo. Logo depois da Guerras Persas. A Grécia muito maior que a Atenas, a Grécia era na verdade várias cidades-estados que constistiam em uma cidade e a região ao redor. A maioria das cidades mantinham algum tipo de escravidão e todas as cidades, os cidadães eram limitado aos homens. Desculpe mulheres... Também, cada cidade tipo uma forma diferente de governo que variavam de sociedade democráticas - a não ser que você fosse uma mulher os um escravo - para ditaduras violentas. E pessoas que viviam nessas cidades, consideravam-se cidadãos da cidade, não algo que seria chamado de Grécia. Pelo menos até a guerra Persa. Então, entre 490 e 480 A.C. os persas travaram guerra contra as Cidades Estados. Essa guerra foi chamada de batalha das Termópilas, onde 300 bravos espartanos lutaram contra - se você acredita em Herodoto - 5 milhões de Persas. Swedish: tog vi hand om slaveri. Det tog oss i och för sig två tusen år. Bästa önskningar, John Green När vi tänker på den högsta punkten i den grekiska kulturen, exemplifierad av Parthenon och pjäserna av Aiskylos, tänker vi egentligen på Aten i det fjärde århundradet FVT, direkt efter persiska krigen. Men Grekland var mycket mer än Aten. Greker levde i stadsstater som bestod av en stad och dess omgivningar. De flesta av dessa stadsstater hade åtminstone någon form av slaveri och hos ALLA var det bara män som var medborgare . Tyvärr damer ... Varje stadsstat hade också sin egen regeringsform som sträcker sig från väldigt demokratisk - om du inte var kvinna eller slav - till helt diktatorisk. De människor som bodde i dessa städer ansåg sig medborgare i denna stad, inte av något som någonsin skulle kunna kallas Grekland. Åtminstone tills de persiska krigen. Så mellan 490 och 480 FVT bedrev perserna krig mot de grekiska stadsstaterna. Detta var det krig som inkluderade slaget vid Thermopylae där tre hundra modiga Spartaner slogs mot - Om du tror Herodotos - fem miljoner Perser. Chinese: 不過好的一面是我們廢了奴役(只花了2000多年) 心想事成  約翰·葛林 敬上 與希臘文化巔峰做聯想的帕德嫩神廟和埃斯庫羅斯戲劇 真正想的是在公元前第四世紀,緊接希波戰爭的雅典。 但希臘不只是雅典。希臘人住在城邦,也就是一座 城市及其緊鄰地區。 這些城邦大多都有某形式的奴役和 所有公民權僅限於男性。 抱歉女士們。 諸城邦各有政治系統 從直接民主(女人和奴隸除外)到強硬獨裁。 生活在這些城邦的人認同於自己所屬的城市, 沒有稱為希臘的地方,至少直到波斯戰爭。 公元前490至480波斯向城邦宣戰。 這場戰爭包括溫泉關之役, 期間希羅多德稱斯巴達三百壯士對抗五百萬波斯大軍, Modern Greek (1453-): Στα θετικά, όντως φροντίσαμε τη δουλεία. Μας πήρε μόνο 2000 χρόνια. Με τις θερμότερες ευχές, John Green Όταν σκεφτόμαστε για το απόγειο του ελληνικού πολιτισμού, δίνοντας παράδειγμα τον Παρθενώνα και τα έργα του Αισχύλου, αυτό που πραγματικά σκεφτόμαστε είναι η Αθήνα του 4ου αιώνα π.Χ, αμέσως μετά τους Περσικούς πολέμους Αλλά η Ελλάδα ήταν πολλά περισσότερα από την Αθήνα. Οι Έλληνες ζούσαν σε πόλεις-κράτη που αποτελούνταν από μια πόλη και την γύρω περιοχή της. Στις περισσότερες πόλεις υπήρχε κάποια μορφή δουλείας και σε όλες τις πόλεις δικαίωμα ψήφου είχαν μόνο οι άντρες. Συγγνώμη κυρίες μου... Επίσης κάθε πόλη-κράτος είχε δικό της τρόπο διακυβέρνησης, που κυμαίνόταν από πολύ δημοκρατικό -εκτός αν ήσουν γυναίκα ή σκλάβος- έως πλήρη δικτατορικό. Και οι άνθρωποι που ζούσαν σε αυτές τις πόλεις θεωρούσαν τους εαυτούς τους πολίτες της συγκεκριμένης πόλης και όχι κάτι που θα μπορούσαμε ποτέ να αποκαλέσουμε Ελλάδα. Τουλάχιστον μέχρι τους Περσικούς πολέμους. Έτσι μεταξύ του 490 και 480 π.Χ. οι Πέρσες έκαναν πόλεμο εναντίον των ελληνικών πόλεων. Σε αυτόν τον πόλεμο έλαβε χώρα η Μάχη των Θερμοπυλών όπου 300 γενναίοι Σπαρτιάτες πολέμησαν -αν πιστεύετε τον Ηρόδοτο- 5 εκατομμύρια Πέρσες Dutch: zonnige kant, we hebben afgerekend met slavernij. Het koste ons alleen maar 2000 jaar. Beste wensen, John Green Wanneer we denken aan het hoogte punt van Griekse cultuur, geïllustreerd door het Parthenon en de toneelstukken van Aeschylus, waar we echt over nadenken is Athene in de 4de eeuw voor christus, net na de Perzische oorlog. Maar Griekenland was veel meer dan Athene. Grieken leefde in stadstaten die bestonden uit een stad en zijn omgeving. Meeste van deze stadstaten hadden een soort van slavernij en in alle stadstaten was het burgerschap gelimiteerd tot de mannen. Sorry dames... Daarnaast, had elke stadstaat zijn eigen regering, van helemaal democratisch --- tenzij je een vrouw of slaaf was --- tot een totalitaire dictatuur. En de mensen die in deze steden leefde waren beschouwd als burgers van de stad, niet van ook maar iets dat ooit Griekenland genoemd wordt. Ten minste tot de Perzische oorlogen. Dus tussen 490 en 480 voor christus, maakte de Perzen oorlog met de Griekse stadstaten. Dit was de oorlog waaronder de slag van Thermopylae viel, waar 300 dappere Spartanen vochten --- Als je Herodotus geloofde ---- met 5 miljoen Perzen. Vietnamese: Thực tế, chúng tôi có quan tâm vấn đề nô lệ. Chúng tôi chỉ mất 2000 năm thôi. Thân ái, John Green Khi chúng ta nghĩ về đỉnh cao của văn hóa Hy Lạp, ví dụ Parthenon và kịch của Aeschylus, điều ta nghĩ đến thực ra là Athens vào thế kỉ 4 TCN ngay sau các cuộc chiến tranh Ba Tư. nhưng Hy Lạp không chỉ là Athens; người Hy Lạp sống tại các thành bang bao gồm một thành phố và vùng xung quanh. Hầu hết các thành bang đưa ra ít nhất vài hình thức của chế độ nô lệ, và tất cả đều giới hạn quyền công dân chỉ cho đàn ông Ngoài ra, mỗi thành bang có chính quyền riêng, từ rất dân chủ - trừ khi bạn là phụ nữ hay một nô lệ - đến hoàn toàn độc tài. Và những người sống ở các thành phố này tự coi mình là công dân của thành phố đó, không có cái nào được gọi là Hy Lạp. Ít nhất là cho đến Chiến tranh Ba Tư Giữa 490 và 480 TCN, người Ba Tư gây chiến với các thành bang Hy Lạp. Đây là cuộc chiến mà nổi bật là trận Thermopylae nơi 300 chiến binh Sparta dũng cảm tham chiến - nếu bạn tin Herodotus - 5 triệu quân Ba Tư French: bon côté, on s'est occupé de l'esclavage. Ça nous a seulement pris 2000 ans. Meilleurs voeux, John Green Lorsqu'on pense à l'apogée de la culture grecque, illustrée par le Parthénon et les pièces d'Eschyle, ce à quoi on pense vraiment c'est Athènes au 4e siècle av. JC, tout de suite après les guerres médiques. Mais la Grèce était beaucoup plus qu'Athènes: les grecques vivaient dans des cités-États qui englobaient une cité et sa périphérie. La plupart de ces cités-États comportaient au moins une certaine forme d'esclavage et dans chacune, la citoyenneté était réservée aux hommes. Désolé mesdames... Aussi, chaque cité-État avait sa propre forme de gouvernement, allant de très démocratique - sauf si vous étiez une femme ou un esclave - à la dictature totale. Et les gens qui vivaient dans ces cités se considéraient comme des citoyens de cette cité, et non quoi que ce soit qui qu'on pourrait appeler Grèce. Du moins jusqu'aux guerres médiques. Donc, entre 490 et 480 av. JC, les perses ont fait la guerre aux cités-États grecques. C'est la guerre qui comprend la bataille des Thermopyles où 300 braves Spartiates ont combattu - si vous croyez Hérodote - 5 millions de Perses. iw: על הצד החיובי, טיפלנו בעבדות. וזה רק לקח לנו אלפיים שנה. איחולים לבביים, ג'ון גרין כאשר אנו חושבים על נקודת השיא של תרבות יוון, מיוצגת ע"י הפרתנון והמחזות של אייסכילוס, אנחנו בעצם חושבים רק על אתונה במאה הרביעית לפנה"ס מיד אחרי המלחמות עם הפרסים. אבל יוון היתה הרבה יותר מאשר אתונה. היוונים חיו בערי-מדינה אשר כללה עיר וסביבתה. ברוב ערי-המדינה האלו היתה עבדות בצורה זו או אחרת, ובכולן האזרחות הוגבלה לגברים בלבד. מצטער נשים... כמו כן, לכל אחת מערי-המדינה היתה צורת ממשל אחרת, החל ממאוד דמוקרטית אלא אם כן היית אישה או עבד, עד דיקטטורה במלוא מובן המילה. והאנשים שחיו בערים האלו ראו את עצמם אזרחי העיר, לא של משהו שקראו לו- "יוון". לפחות לא עד "מלחמות פרס- יוון". אז בין 490 לבין 480 לפנה"ס, הפרסים הכריזו מלחמה על ערי המדינה היווניות. זו היתה המלחמה שכללה את קרב תרמופילאי שם שלוש מאות הספרטנים האמיצים נלחמו ב- אם אתה מאמין להרודוטוס - חמישה מיליון פרסים!... Romanian: grijă de sclavie. Ne-a luat doar două mii de ani. Cele mai bune urări, John Green. Când ne gândim la apogeul culturii grecești exemplificat de Parthenon și piesele lui Eschil, ne gândim de fapt la Atena din secolul V î.Hr chiar după războaiele cu perșii.Dar Grecia a fost mai mult decât Atena; Grecii au trăit orașe -stat care erau formate din oraș și zona înconjurătoare. Cele mai multe dintre aceste orașe-stat aveau cel puțin o formă de sclavie și în toate cetățenia era limitată la bărbați.În pare rău doamnelor... De asemenea, fiecare oraș-stat avea propria sa formă de guvernare variind de la cele foarte democratice-dacă nu erai femeie sau sclav- la cele complet dictatoriale. Și oamenii care locuiau în aceste orașe se considerau cetățeni ai orașului nu ai Greciei. Cel puțin până la războaiele persane. Deci între 490 și 480 î.hr. perșii au fost în război cu orașele-stat grecești. A fost războiul care a avut bătălia de la Termopile unde trei sute de viteji spartani s-au bătut - dacă îl credem pe Herodot- cu cinci milioane de perși. Thai: และเกิดยุทธการที่มาราธอน ซึ่งเป็นที่ราบห่างจากเอเธนส์ 26.2 ไมล์ สงครามนี้เกิดขึ้นเพราะเอเธนส์ได้ให้การสนับสนุน ชาวกรีกไอโอเนียน ในการก่อกบฏกับเปอร์เซียที่เมืองอานาโตเลีย ซึ่งทำให้กษัตริย์เซอร์ซิสแห่งเปอร์เซียโกรธมาก จึงได้นำทัพไปรบกับเอเธนส์ถึงสองครั้ง เอเธนส์ได้ขอความช่วยเหลือจากนครรัฐกรีกอื่นๆ เพื่อมาช่วยทำสงคราม และจากชัยชนะที่ได้รับร่วมกันนี่เอง ที่ทำให้ผู้คนในกรีกเริ่มมองตัวเองว่าเป็นชาวกรีก ไม่ใช่ชาวสปาร์ตา ชาวเอเธนส์ หรืออย่างอื่น หลังจากนั้น เอเธนส์ก็ได้กลายเป็นเมืองหลวงของกรีก และเข้าสู่ยุคทอง ซึ่งเป็นอะไรที่นักประวัติศาสตร์ตั้งขึ้นมาเอง แต่ความยิ่งใหญ่ต่างๆ ก็เกิดขึ้นในยุคทองจริงๆ รวมไปถึงมหาวิหารพาเธนอน วิหารที่กลายมาเป็นโบสถ์ จากนั้นก็เป็นสุเหร่า และมาเป็นคลังอาวุธ จนกระทั่งมาเป็นซากปรักหักพังในปัจจุบัน และยังมีรัฐบุรุษอย่าง เพริคลิส ผู้ได้กล่าวคำปราศัยอันโด่งดังในพิธีศพ เกี่ยวกับประชาธิปไตยของเอเธนส์ ด้วยโวหารที่ยังร่วมสมัยอยู่จนทุกวันนี้ "ทุกคน มีค่าเท่ากันในทางกฎหมาย... หากผู้ใดรับใช้รัฐได้ แม้เขาจะไม่ใช่บุคคลสำคัญก็ควรได้รับความยุติธรรมอย่างเท่าเทียม" Czech: A také bitva u Marathonu, na planině asi 42 km od Athén. Celá válka začala, protože Athéňané podpořili již dříve zmíněné Ióny při jejich povstání v Malé Asii proti Peršanům. To tak naštvalo perského velkokrále Xerxe, že vedl dvě významná tažení proti Athéňanům a Athéňané naverbovali všechny ostatní řecké městské státy. Jako následek tohoto sdíleného řeckého vítězství se Řekové začali vidět jako Řekové, spíše než jako Sparťané nebo Athéňané a tak. Pak se Athény staly de facto hlavním městem a zažily zlatý věk, což je něco, co si vymysleli historici. Během zlatého věku se stalo mnoho velkých věcí i Parthenon, chrám, který byl jeden čas kostelem, pak mešitou a pak zbrojnicí, než se konečně uvelebil v podobě ruiny. Byli tu také státníci jako Periklés, jehož slavná pohřební řeč vychvaluje zlatou demokracii Athén prázdnými řečmi, které by se neztratily ani v dnešním světě. "Podíváme-li se na zákony, umožňují stejné zacházení se všemi i v jejich soukromých odlišnostech. Pokud je člověk schopen sloužit státu, nejsou tyto odlišnosti překážkou." English: And also the battle of Marathon, which is a plain about 26.2 miles away from Athens. The whole war started because Athens supported those aforementioned Ionian Greeks when they were rebelling in Anatolia against the Persians. That made the Persian king Xerxes mad, so he led two major campaigns against the Athenians, and the Athenians enlisted the help of all the other Greek city-states. And in the wake of that shared Greek victory, the Greeks began to see themselves as Greeks, rather than as Spartans, or Athenians or whatever. And then Athens emerged as the de facto capital of Greece and then got to experience a Golden Age, which is something that historians make up. But a lot of great things did happen during the Golden Age, including the Parthenon, a temple that became a church and then a mosque and then an armory until finally settling into its current gig as a ruin. You also had statesmen like Pericles, whose famous funeral oration brags about the golden democracy of Athens with rhetoric that wouldn’t sound out of place today. “If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences... if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition.” Portuguese: E também teve a batalha de Maratona, localizada cerca de 42 quilometros de Atenas. Toda a história começou porque Atenhas apoiou os sortudos Gregos Jônicos que estavam se rebelando em Anatolia, contra os persas. Isso deixou Xerxes, o rei Persa enfurecido, então ele provocou as duas maiores campanhas contra Atenas e os atenienses pediram ajuda para todas as cidades estado gregas. Isso despertou o sentimento de pertencimento, os Gregos começaram a se ver como Gregos assim como se viam como Espartanos e Atenienses, ou vocês entenderam. E quando Atenas estava se tornando a capital da Grécia, deu inicio a Era De Ouro, como os historiadores chamam essa época. Mas, muitas coisas legais aconteceram na Era de Ouro, incluindo o Parthenon uma templo que se tornou uma igreja, depois um mosteiro, depois um forte até ser destruído, chegando nas ruínas que conhecemos hoje. Tem tinha representante de Estado como Pericles que durante um famoso discurso, falou sobre a grandeza da democracia de Atenas, com argumentos que funcionariam ainda hoje. "Se nós olharmos para as leis, elas nos garantem igualdade de justiça para todos, em suas particularidades ... se um homem é capaz de servir ao exercito, e não se esconder na obscuridade da sua condição." Vietnamese: và cả trận đánh ở Marathon, một đồng bằng cách Athens khoảng 26,2 dặm Toàn bộ cuộc chiến bắt đầu vì Athens ủng hộ người Hy Lạp Ionian nói trên khi họ nổi dậy ở Anatolia chống lại người Ba Tư.Điều đó khiến vua Ba Tư Xerxes nổi giận, ông chỉ huy hai chiến dịch lớn chống lại người Athen, và người Athens tranh thủ sự giúp đỡ từ thành bang Hi Lạp khác. Theo sau thắng lợi chung đó, người Hi Lạp bắt đầu tự coi mình là người Hi Lạp, hơn là người Sparta hay Athens Rồi Athen nổi lên là thủ đô trên thực tế của Hi Lạp và trải qua Thời đại vàng thứ mà các sử gia nghĩ ra. Nhưng nhiều thứ tuyệt vời đã thật sự diễn ra ở Thời đại vàng, gồm Parthenon, ngôi đền mà sau trở thành nhà thờ, rồi nhà thờ Hồi giáo rồi kho vũ khí tới khi trở thành như hiện tại là một tàn tích Có cả các chính khách như Pericles, người có diễn văn trong tang lễ nổi tiếng khoe khoang nền dân chủ vàng Athens với những lời nói ngày nay nghe vẫn phù hợp "Nếu chúng ta đẻ ý đến các luật lệ, chúng ban công bằng cho tất cả trong chính sự khác biệt về cá nhân của họ nếu một người có thể phụng sự đất nước, anh ta không bị cản trở bởi hoàn cảnh tăm tối của mình" Chinese: 離雅典26.2英里的馬拉松之役。 (碰巧是馬拉松賽跑全程) 戰爭起因是雅典支持希臘裔愛奧尼亞人 起義反抗波斯。 波斯帝王薛西斯一怒則兩次出兵討伐雅典, 而雅典尋求希臘其他城邦協助。 希臘團結勝仗便開始自我認為希臘人, 不再只是各城邦的人。 雅典後來事實上成希臘首都。 隨後經歷歷史學家捏造的「黃金時期」。 此時有許多成就,例如 建設帕德嫩神廟(後改做教堂、清真寺、彈藥庫,至今用途是廢墟) 此時也出如伯利克里的政治家,他發表《國殤講詞》中 誇耀民主金黃時期口吻在今天發表也不為過。 「法律上每位市民無論如何都平等 若任何人能為國效力,他必不被外在因素否決。」 這種用詞意境清高 Russian: А также битва при Марафоне, равнине приблизительно в 26,2 милях (42 км) от Афин. Война началась, потому что Афины поддержали упомянутых выше ионийцев, когда они восстали против персов в Анатолии. Это разозлило персидского короля Ксеркса, так что он провёл два похода против Афинян. А Афины в свою очередь обратились за помощью к остальным греческим городам. После совместной победы греки стали считать себя собственно греками, а не спартанцами, афинянами или ещё кем. А потом Афины де-факто стали греческой столицей и начался их золотой век. Который придумали историки. Но многое произошло в этот золотой век. Включая Парфенонон. Храм, который стал церковью, потом мечетью, потом арсеналом, и в конце концов сейчас остановился на своей текущей роли руин. Ещё там были государственные деятели вроде Перикла, который в своей надгробной речи воспевал золотую демократию Афин такими словами, которые актуально звучат и по сей день. "По отношению к частным интересам законы наши предоставляют равноправие для всех... ...скромность звания не служит бедняку препятствием к деятельности, если только он может оказать какую-либо услугу государству." Arabic: وكذلك معركة ماراثون، وهو سهل يبعد 26،2 ميلًا عن أثينا. بدأت الحرب كلها لأن أثينا ساندت الإغريق الأيونيين آنفي الذكر في تمردهم في الأناضول ضد الفرس. أثار هذا سخط الملك الفارسي أحشويروش، فقاد حملتين عسكريتين كبيرتين ضد الأثينيين، فلجأ الأثينيون بدورهم إلى سائر دول المدن اليونانية الأخرى للمساعدة. وفي أعقاب ذلك النصر اليوناني المشترك، بدأ الإغريق ينظرون إلى أنفسهم على أنهم إغريق بدلًا من اسبارطيين أو أثينيين أو أيًا كان، ثم اعتُبرت أثينا عاصمة اليونان القديمة بحكم الأمر الواقع، ومن ثم حظيت بعصر ذهبي، وهو شيء من ابتكار المؤرخين. ولكن أشياء كثيرة عظيمة حدثت بالفعل خلال العصر الذهبي، بما في ذلك معبد البارثينون، وهو معبد أصبح كنيسة ثم مسجدًا ثم مستودع أسلحة، إلى أن استقر في نهاية المطاف على وضعه الحالي كأطلال أثرية. كما كان هناك أيضًا رجالات دولة أمثال بريكليس، والذي تفاخر في خطاب تأبينه الشهير بديمقراطية أثينا الذهبية بلغة طنانة شبيهة بلغة سياسيي عصرنا. "إن القوانين تضمن العدالة بالتساوي للجميع بغض النظر عن اختلافاتهم الخاصة. فإذا كان الرجل قادرًا على خدمة الدولة، فإن خمول ذكره لن يمنعه عن ذلك". Romanian: Și de asemenea bătălia de la Maraton care e o câmpie la 26,2 mile distanță de Atena. Războiul a început din cauză că Atenienii i-au sprijinit pe înainte menționații greci ionieni când ei s-au revoltat în Anatolia împotriva perșilor. Asta l-a înfuriat pe regele Xerxes, deci el a condus două mari campanii împotriva atenienilor și Atenienii au fost ajutați de alte orașe-stat grecești.Și în bucuria victoriei împărtășite, Grecii au început să se vadă pe sine ca Greci mai mult decât spartani sau atenieni sau oricare ar fi fost. Și Atena s-a ridicat drept capitala de facto a Greciei și a trecut printr-o Epocă de Aur așa cum spun istoricii. Dar o mulțime de lucruri mărețe s-au întâmplat în timpul Epocii de Aur, inclusiv Parthenonul, un templu care a devenit biserică apoi moschee și apoi depozit de arme până în final a ajuns o ruină. L-a avut de asemenea pe omul de stat Pericle, al cărui faimos discurs funerar laudă democrația de aur a Atenei cu o retorică care n-ar suna străin astăzi: Dacă privim la legi, ele permit dreptate egală pentru toți în probleme private... dacă un om e capabil să servească statul, el nu este împiedicat de obscuritatea condiției sale. Modern Greek (1453-): Και επίσης τη μάχη του Μαραθώνα, που είναι μια πεδιάδα 42 χιλιόμετρα μακριά από την Αθήνα Ο πόλεμος ξεκίνησε επειδή η Αθήνα υποστήριζε τους Ίωνες που προαναφέραμε, οι οποίοι επαναστάτησαν στην Ανατολία κατά των Περσών Αυτό έκανε έξαλλο τον Πέρση βασιλιά Ξέρξη, έτσι έκανε δυο μεγάλες εκστρατείες εναντίων των Αθηναίων και οι Αθηναίοι ζήτησαν τη βοήθεια από όλες τις υπόλοιπες πόλεις-κράτη. Και στον απόηχο της αυτής της κοινής Ελληνικής νίκης, οι Έλληνες άρχισαν να θεωρούν τους εαυτούς τους Έλληνες παρά σαν Σπαρτιάτες, Αθηναίους ή οτιδήποτε. Και τότε η Αθήνα αναδείχθηκε σαν de facto πρωτεύουσα της Ελλάδας και τότε γνώρισε έναν Χρυσό Αιώνα που είναι κάτι που επινόησαν οι ιστορικοί Αλλά πολλά σπουδαία γεγονότα όντως συνέβησαν τον Χρυσό Αιώνα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του Παρθενώνα, ενός ναού που έγινε εκκλησία, μετά τέμενος και μετά οπλοστάσιο, μέχρι που πήρε τη σημερινή του μορφή σαν ερείπιο. Είχατε επίσης πολιτικούς όπως ο Περικλής, του οποίου ο διάσημος "Επιτάφιος" καυχιέται για τη Χρυσή Αθηναϊκή Δημοκρατιά με ρητορική που δεν διαφέρει από τη σημερινή "Αν δούμε τους νόμους, προσφέρουν ισονομία σε όλους με τις προσωπικές τους διαφορές... Αν ένας άνδρας είναι ικανός να υπηρετήσει το κράτος, δεν παρεμποδίζεται από αδιαφάνεια της κατάστασής του." iw: וגם את קרב מרתון, שנמצאת במישור במרחק 42 קילומטרים מאתונה. המלחמה כולה התחילה בגלל שאתונה תמכה ביוונים יוניים שהזכרנו קודם בשעה שהם התמרדו באנטוליה נגד הפרסים. זה הטריף את המלך הפרסי סרקסס (אחשוורוש) אז הוא הוביל שני מערכות עיקריות אל מול האתונאים, והאתונאים גייסו את עזרתם של - כל ערי-המדינה היוונית האחרות. וכתוצאה מניצחון משותף זה, היוונים החלו לראות עצמם כ-"יווניים" ולא פשוט כספרטנים, אתונאים וכולי... ואז אתונה הגיחה כבירה דה-פקטו של יוון והחלה את תור זהב שלה שזו הגדרה שהיסטוריונים אוהבים להמציא, אבל הרבה דברים קרו במהלך תור הזהב, כולל הפרתנון, מקדש שהפך לכנסייה ולאחר מכן למסגד ואז לנשקייה עד שלבסוף הפך לחלטורה הנוכחית שלו כחורבה. היו לנו גם מדינאים כמו פריקלס, שנאום ההספד המפורסם שלו בו הוא מתרברב על הדמוקרטיה המדהימה של אתונה עם רטוריקה שלא היתה נשמעת מוזרה היום. "אם נסתכל על החוק, הוא מתנה צדק שווה לכל, ללא הבדלים... אם אדם מסוגל לשרת את המדינה הוא לא מוגבל כאדם על ידי מצבו האישי." Dutch: En ook de slag om Marathon, wat een vlakte is van ongeveer 26,2 mijl van Athene. Deze hele oorlog startte omdat Athene de al genoemde Ionische Grieken hielp toen zij tegen Perzië aan het rebelleren waren in Anatolia. Dat maakte de Perzische koning Xerxes boos waardoor hij 2 grote acties voerde tegen de Atheners, en de Atheners haalde de hulp van alle andere Griekse stadstaten. In het begin van die Griekse overwinning begonnen de Grieken zichzelf ook te zien als Grieken in plaats van Spartanen of Atheners of wat dan ook. En toen de Atheners eindigde als de hoofdstad van Griekenland onderging het ook een gouden eeuw, wat iets is dat historici verzinnen. Maar een hoop goede dingen gebeurde in deze gouden eeuw, waaronder het Parthenon, een tempel die een kerk werd en toen een moskee en toen een arsenaal totdat het uiteindelijk werd verandert tot zijn huidige benoeming als ruïne. Je had ook staatslieden zoals Pericles, die bekend waren voor hun grafrede die opschept over de gouden democratie van Athene wiens retoriek niet misplaatst zou zijn vandaag de dag. "Als we kijken naar de wet, geven zij gelijke recht aan alle met hun privé verschillen .... Als een man mogelijk is om de staat te dienen, hij niet gehinderd is door de duisternis van zijn conditie." Turkish: Bir de Maraton Savaşı var. Atina'dan 26.2 mil (42.2 km) uzaklıktaki Maraton ovasında gerçekleşti. Bütün savaşın nedeni Atina'nın, İyonya Yunanlarını Anandolu'da, Perslere karşı isyan edince desteklemesiydi. Bu Pers kralı Serhas'ı o kadar kızdırdı ki Atinalılara karşı iki büyük saldırı düzenledi ve Atinalılar diğer Yunan şehir-devletlerden yardım istedi. Yunan zaferinden sonra Yunanlar kendini Atinalı, Spartalı veya başka bir şey yerine Yunan olarak görmeye başladı. Atina kendiliğinden Yunanistan'ın başkenti oldu ve altın çağını yaşadı. Tarihçilerin uydurduğu bir şey. Yine de Altın Çağ'da büyük şeyler oldu. Mesela, Partenon, tapınak olarak inşa edilen ama sonra kilise, sonra cami, daha sonra cephanelik ve son olarak bir ören yeri inşa edildi. Bir de devlet adamı Perikles yaşadı. Ünlü cenaze nutkunda Atina'nın altın demokrasisinden bahseder ki günümüzden çok uzak bir üslup kullanmaz. "Eğer kanunlara bakarsak, kendi özel farklılıklarıyla herkese eşit adalet sağlarlar... eğer bir adam devlet hizmet edebiliyorsa kendi unutulmuşluğundan kurtulur." Spanish: Y también la batalla de Maratón, que es una planicie a unos 42 kilómetros de Atenas. La guerra comenzó porque Atenas apoyaba a los mencionados jonios cuando se estaban rebelando en Anatolia contra los persas. Eso hizo enojar al rey persa, Jerjes, asi que inició dos campañas contra los atenienses, y los atenienses pidieron la ayuda de todas las otras ciudades-estado griegas. Y a raíz de esa victoria griega compartida, los griegos comenzaron a verse a sí mismos como griegos en lugar de espartanos o atenienses o lo que sea. Y entonces Atenas surgió como la capital de facto de Grecia y luego llegó a experimentar una Edad de Oro, que es algo que los historiadores inventan. Pero muchas cosasimportantes ocurrieron durante la Edad de Oro, incluyendo el Partenón, un templo que se volvió una iglesia, y luego una mezquita, y luego una armería, hasta finalmente convertirse en su estado actual: Una ruina. También tenías políticos como Pericles, cuyo famoso Discurso Fúnebre se jacta de la democracia dorada de Atenas con una retórica que no suena fuera de lugar hoy en día. "[...] Si observamos las leyes, las mismas brindan igualdad de justicia para todos en sus diferencias privadas [...] [...] si un hombre es capaz de servir al Estado, él no es relegado por la oscuridad de su condición. " Polish: Oraz bitwa pod Maratonem , która toczyła się około 26.2 mil od Aten. Cała wojna zaczęła się bo Ateńczycy wsparli wymienionych już wcześniej Jońskich Greków , kiedy oni wzniecili powstanie w Anatolii przeciw Persom. To sprawiło, że Perski król Kserkes tak się wściekł że zorganizował dwie kampanie wojskowe przeciw Ateńczykom a Ateńczycy poprosili o pomoc inne greckie miasta. W rezultacie tego wspólnego zwycięstwa, Grecy zaczęli widzieć siebie bardziej jako Greków niż jako Spartę , Ateny czy cokolwiek innego. Wtedy Ateny wyrosły de facto na stolicę Grecji i doświadczyły Złotej Ery przynajmniej tak to nazywają historycy. Ale pełno świetnych rzeczy wydarzyło się podczas Złotej Ery, w tym Panteon czyli świątynia , która stała się kościołem , następnie meczem potem zbrojownią a na końcu zamieniła się obecną ruinę. Zapewne znacie też mężów stanu jak Perykles , którego słynna mowa pogrzebowa wychwalała złotą demokracją w Atenach z retoryką niespotykaną w dzisiejszych czasach. Jeśli spojrzymy na prawa , to dawały one równość wszystkim w ich prywatnych sporach ...jeśli mężczyzna jest w stanie służyć swojemu miastu , nie może być dyskryminowany względu na swoje pochodzenie. German: und die Schlacht von Marathon, was ungefährt 26,2 Meilen [ca. 42.2 km] von Athen entfernt liegt Der ganze Krieg begann, weil Athen die bereits erwähnten Ionischen Griechen unterstützte, als diese in Anatolien gegen die Perser rebellierten. Das machte den persischen König Xerxes wütend, sodass er zwei große Kämpfe gegen Athen ausfocht, und die Athener holten sich Hilfe bei den anderen griechischen Stadtstaaten. Und infolge dieses gemeinsamen griechischen Sieges begannen die Griechen, sich selbst als Griechen zu sehen statt als Spartaner oder Athener oder was auch immer. Und dann wurde Athen die Hauptstadt von Griechenland und erlebte ein goldenes Zeitalter, was etwas ist, dass sich Historiker ausdenken. Doch es passierten eine Menge toller Sachen in diesem goldenen Zeitalter, einschließlich des Parthenon, ein Temple, der eine Kirche wurde und dann eine Moschee und dann eine Waffenkammer und schließlich dann eine Ruine - sein heutiger Zustand. Es gab auch Staatsmänner wie Perikles, dessen berühmte Gefallenenrede von der goldenen Demokratie Athens mit einer Rhetorik schwärmt, die auch heute nicht fehl am Platz wäre. "Wenn wir auf die Gesetze schauen, bieten sie gleiche Gerechtigkeit für alle mit all ihren privaten Verschiedenheiten ... wenn ein Mann in der Lage ist dem Staat zu dienen, wird er nicht durch die Misslichkeit seiner Lage davon abgehalten." Hungarian: Ekkor volt a marathóni csata is, ami úgy 40 km-re van Athéntól. Az egész háború azért kezdődött, mert Athén támogatta a jón görögöket, amikor fellázadtak a perzsák ellen Anatóliában. Ez persze feldühítette Xerxész perzsa királyt, úgyhogy két nagy hadjáratot indított Athén ellen, akik az összes többi városállam segítségét igénybe vették. A görög győzelem nyomán éledt fel az egységes görög nemzeti tudat, az emberek már görögnek látták magukat, nem pedig spártainak, vagy athéninek, vagy másnak. Athén vált Görögország fővárosává, és ekkor élte Görögország az Aranykorát, ami egy olyan név, amit a történészek találtak ki. Számos szuper dolog köthető az Aranykorhoz, köztük a Parthenon, a templom ami aztán mecsetté vált, majd egy fegyverraktárrá, míg végül elérte jelenlegi szerepét: antik rom lett belőle. Ekkor élt a nagy államférfi: Periklész, aki híres az elesett athéniak temetésén mondott beszédéről, amiben kérked az athéni demokráciáról, és amit olyan remek retorikával mondott, amely a mai napig megállná a helyét: „Törvényeink szerint a személyes ügyeket tekintve mindenki egyenjogú, [...] itt nem a társadalmi helyzet, hanem a kiválóság ér többet, és ha valaki olyasmire képes, ami a város javára van, szegény sorsa és így jelentéktelen társadalmi rangja nem áll útjában." Swedish: Och även slaget vid Marathon, som är en slätt cirka 26,2 miles från Aten. Hela kriget började för Aten gav stöd till de ovannämnda joniska grekerna när de gjorde uppror i Anatolien mot perserna. Det gjorde den persiske kungen Xerxes galen, så han ledde två stora kampanjer mot Atenarna, och Atenarna tog hjälp av alla de andra grekiska stadsstaterna. I kölvattnet av den delade grekiska seger, började grekerna att se sig själva som greker, snarare än som Spartaner, eller Atenarna eller något annat. Sedan blev Aten den de facto huvudstaden av Grekland och fick uppleva en gyllene ålder, vilket är något som historiker gör upp. Men en hel del bra saker hände under guldåldern, inklusive Parthenon, ett tempel som blev en kyrka och sedan en moské och sedan en arsenal tills slutligen den fick sitt nuvarande gig som ruin. Du hade också statsmän som Perikles, vars berömda liktal skryter om den gyllene demokratin i Aten med retorik som inte skulle låta udda idag. "Om vi ​​ser till lagarna, de ger lika rättvisa för alla i deras privata skillnader ... om man kan tjäna staten, han ska inte hindras på grund av hans tillstånd. " Finnish: Lisäksi käytiin Marathonin taistelu, joka on tasanko 42km päässä Ateenasta. Koko sota syttyi, koska Ateenalaiset tukivat edellä mainittuja Joonian kreikkalaisia kun he kapinoivat Anatoliassa persialaisia vastaan. Tämä suututti Persian kuninkaan Kserkseksen, joten hän johti kahta sotaretkeä Ateenalaisia vastaan, ja Ateenalaiset pestasivat apua muista kaupunkivaltioista. Jaetun Kreikan voiton herättäminä kreikkalaiset alkoivat nähdä itsensä kreikkalaisina enemmän kuin spartalaisina tai ateenalaisina tai muina sellaisina. Ja sitten Ateenasta muodostui tosiasiallinen Kreikan pääkaupunki ja sai kokea Kulta-ajan, jonka historoitsijat ovat sepittäneet. Mutta paljon hyviä asioita tapahtui Kulta-aikana, mukaanlukien Parthenon, temppleli, josta tuli kirkko ja sitten moskeija ja sitten arsenaali, kunnes vihdoin vakiintui nykyiseen hommaansa raunioina. Oli myös valtiomiehiä kuten Perikles, jonka kuuluisa hautajaispuhe kerskuu Ateenan kultaista demokratiaa puhetaidolla, joka sopisi tähän päiväänkin. "Jos tarkastelemme lakeja, ne tarjoavat tasa-arvoista oikeutta kaikille heidän erilaisuuksissaan ... jos mies pystyy palvelemaan valtiota, häntä ei estä tilansa epämääräisyys." French: Et également la bataille de Marathon, qui est une plaine à environ 42,2 km d'Athènes. La guerre a commencé parce qu'Athènes supportaient les Grecs Ioniens susmentionnés lors qu'ils se sont rebellés en Anatolie contre les Perses. Ça a fâché le roi Perse Xerxès, donc il a mené deux campagnes majeurs contre les Athéniens et les Athéniens ont demandé l'aide de toutes les autres cités-États grecques. À la suite de cette victoire partagée des Grecs, ils ont commencé à se voir comme étant Grecs, plutôt qu'étant Spartiates ou Athéniens ou peu importe. Puis Athènes a émergé comme la capitale de facto de la Grèce et a vécu son âge d'or, ce qui est une invention des historiens. Mais beaucoup de choses se sont produites pendant cet âge d'or, incluant le Parthénon, un temple qui est devenu une église, puis une mosquée, puis un arsenal, avant de se stabiliser comme attraction en tant que ruine. Il y avait aussi des hommes d'État comme Périclès, dont le fameux discours funéraire vante la démocracie d'Athène avec une rhétorique qui ne semblerait pas hors propos aujourd'hui. "Si nous regardons les lois, elles permettent une justice égale pour tous dans leurs différences individuelles. Si un homme est capable de servir l'État, il n'est pas gêné par l'obscurité de son état." Portuguese: Quando você combina essa teoria bem desenvolvida com o inconfundível poder da beleza da arte e da filosofia que foi criada na Atenhas antiga, não é difícil ver a fundação da civilização Ocidental. E se você acreditar nisso, deveria ficar agradecido pelos gregos terem ganhado as Guerras Persas. Mas mesmo se você deixar a escravidão de lado junto com outras injustiças, ainda é complicada. Tenho mesmo que dizer isso, sério? Ótimo, complicado, bem aquele na cidade junto a capital T que rima com P e onde estava a guerra do Peloponeso. O discurso de Pericles aconteceu em uma guerra mais tarde, durante a Guerra do Peloponeso, ela durou 30 anos e foi um conflito entre Atenas e Esparta. Os Espartanos não abraçaram a democracia e sim uma monarquia ditatorial porque havia uma enorme classe de escravos brutais e mal tratados. Mas para ser claro, a guerra não foi motivada por Atenas tentando transformar Esparta em uma democracia dificilmente há guerras assim. Ela foi sobre recurso e poder, e os Atenienses que inocentemente tinha tudo isso, como mostra o famoso Diálogo de Melian. Vamos para Thought Bubble Então, uma das histórias mais famosas da guerra do Peloponeso foi a passagem de Tucídides. Os atenienses Polish: Kiedy połączymy tą wysoko lotną retorykę z niezaprzeczalną siłą i pięknem sztuki i filozofii , które powstały w starożytnych Atenach , nie jest trudno widzieć to jako fundamenty Zachodniej Cywilizacji I jeśli to kupujesz , musisz się cieszyć że to Grecy wygrali Wojny Perskie. Ale nawet jeśli odkładasz na bok niewolnictwo i inne niesprawiedliwości w Greckim społeczeństwie to ciągle masz problem Mowa pogrzebowa Peryklesa pochodzi z ostatniej wojny , Wojny Peloponeskiej 30 letnim konflikcie między Atenami a Spartą. Spartianie nie przyjęli demokracji , zamiast tego wprowadzili system królów który funkcjonował tylko dzięki dużej dozie brutalności w stosunku do niewolników. Ale żeby być szczerym, powodem wojny nie była chęć Aten do wprowadzenia demokracji w Sparcie. wojny rzadko o to się toczą. Konflikt był o zasoby i siłę. I Ateńczycy nie byli do końca święci w tym wszystkim jak zaświadcza słynny dialog Meliana Użyjmy "Thought Bubble" Jedną z najsłynniejszych historii opisanych przez Tukidydesa w Wojnie Peloponeskiej jest wyprawa Ateńczyków English: When you combine that high-minded rhetoric with the undeniable power and beauty of the art and philosophy that was created in ancient Athens, it’s not hard to see it as the foundation of Western civilization. And if you buy into this, you have to be glad that the Greeks won the Persian Wars. But even if you put aside the slavery and other injustices in Greek society, there’s still trouble. Do I have to say it, seriously? FINE. TROUBLE RIGHT HERE IN RIVER CITY WITH A CAPITAL T AND THAT RHYMES WITH P AND THAT STANDS FOR PELOPONNESE. Pericles’s funeral oration comes from a later war, The Peloponnesian War, a thirty year conflict between the Athenians and the Spartans. The Spartans did not embrace democracy but instead embraced a kingship that functioned only because of a huge class of brutally mistreated slaves. But to be clear, the war was not about Athens trying to get Sparta to embrace democratic reform; wars rarely are. It was about resources and power. And the Athenians were hardly saintly in all of this, as evidenced by the famous Melian Dialogue. Let’s go to the Thought Bubble. So in one of the most famous passages of Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War, the Athenians Modern Greek (1453-): Και όταν συνδυαστεί αυτή η υψηλής ηθικής ρητορική με την αδιαμφισβήτητη δύναμη και ομορφιά της τέχνης και της φιλοσοφίας που δημιουργήθηκε στην αρχαία Αθήνα, δεν είναι δύσκολο να το δει κανείς σαν τα θεμέλια του δυτικού πολιτισμού. Και αν το πιστέψεις αυτό, θα πρέπει να νιώθεις περήφανος που οι Έλληνες κέρδισαν τους Περσικούς πολέμους. Αλλά ακόμα και αν παραμερίσεις τη σκλαβιά και άλλες αδικίες στην ελληνική κοινωνία υπάρχει ακόμα πρόβλημα. Πρέπει να το πω? Σοβαρά? Εντάξει. Πρόβλημα Ακριβώς εδώ στην River City με κεφαλαίο Τ που κάνει ρίμα με το Π που σημαίνει Πελοπόννησος. Ο "Επιτάφιος" προέρχεται από έναν μεταγενέστερο πόλεμο, τον Πελοποννησιακό, ο οποίος ήταν μια τριακονταετής διαμάχη μεταξύ Αθηναίων και Σπαρτιατών. Οι Σπαρτιάτες δεν υιοθέτησαν τη δημοκρατία, αντιθέτως είχαν βασιλεία η οποία ήταν λειτουργική μόνο επειδή υπήρχε μια τάξη βάναυσα κακομεταχειρισμένων σκλάβων. Αλλά για να είμαστε ξεκάθαροι, ο πόλεμος δεν έγινε για να αναγκάσουν οι Αθηναίοι τους Σπαρτιάτες να υιοθετήσουν δημοκρατικές μεταρρυθμίσεις. σπάνια το κάνουν αυτό οι πόλεμοι Έγινε για τους πόρους και τη δύναμη. Και οι Αθηναίοι δεν ήταν άγιοι σε όλο αυτό, όπως αποδείχθηκε από το διάσημο διάλογο Αθηναίων-Μηλίων. Ας πάμε στη Φούσκα της Σκέψης Σε ένα, λοιπόν, από τα πιο γνωστά εδάφια στην Θουκυδίδου Ιστορία του Πελοποννησιακού πολέμου, οι Αθηναίοι έπλευσαν στη Μήλο, που ήταν αποικία της Σπάρτης, German: Wenn man diese hochgeistige Rhetorik mit der unbestreitbaren Kraft und Schönheit der Kunst und Philosophie kombiniert, die im alten Athen erschaffen wurden, ist es nicht schwer, das als die Gründung der westlichen Zivilisation zu sehen. Und wenn man das so sieht, muss man froh sein, dass die Griechen die Perserkriege gewonnen haben. Doch selbst wenn man die Sklaverei und andere Ungerechtigkeiten in der griechen Gesellschaft außer Ach lässt, gibt es noch immer Probleme. Muss ich es wirklich sagen? Na gut. Probleme genau hier in einer Stadt am Fluss mit einem großen T, das sich auf P reimt und das steht für "peloponnesisch". Perikles' Gefallenenrede stammt aus einem späteren krieg, dem Peloponnessichen Krieg, einem 30 Jahre andauernden Konflikt zwischen Athen und den Spartanern. Die Spartaner hatten keine Demokratie sondern stattdessen ein Königtum, das nur aufgrund einer großen Gruppe brutal mishandelter Sklaven funktionierte. Um das klarzustellen, in dem Krieg ging es nicht darum, dass Athen versucht hätte, Sparta zur Demkoratie zu bewegen; darum geht es in Kriegen selten. Es ging um Ressourcen und um Macht. Und die Athener haben sich darin kaum heilig verhalten, wie man im berühmten Melierdialog sehen kann. Lasst uns zur Thought Bubble kommen. In einer der berühmtesten Passagen aus Thukydides' Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Krieges, segelten die Athener Swedish: När du kombinerar denna högsinnade retorik med den obestridliga makt och skönhet hos konsten och filosofin som skapades i det gamla Aten, är det inte svårt att se det som grunden för den västerländska civilisationen. Och om du köper det här måste du vara glad att grekerna vann persiska krigen. Men även om du bortser från slaveri och andra orättvisor i Grekiska samhället finns fortfarande problem. Måste jag säga det, allvarigt? Ok. PROBLEM! Här i River City med stort T OCH som rimmar med P OCH som står för Peloponnesos. Pericles begravningstal kommer från ett senare krig, det peloponnesiska kriget, en trettio år lång konflikt mellan Atenarna och Spartanerna. Spartanerna anammade inte demokrati utan anammade istället ett kungadöme som bara fungerade på grund av en stor klass av brutalt misshandlade slavar. Men för att vara tydlig, kriget var inte om att Aten försökte få Sparta att omfamna demokratiska reformer; krig är sällan det. Det handlade om resurser och makt. Atenarna var knappast helgonlika i allt detta, vilket framgår av den kända Melian dialogen. Låt oss kolla på tankebubblan. Så i en av de mest kända passager av Thukydides historia om det peloponnesiska kriget, Finnish: Kun yhdistää korkea mielisen puhetaidon kiistämättömällä voimalla ja taiteen kauneuden ja filosofian, joka tulee muinaisesta Kreikasta, ei ole vaikea huomata sitä pohjana Läntiselle sivilisaatiolle. Jos sinua kiinnostaa tämä, sinun on oltava iloinen, että kreikkalaiset voittivat persialaissodat. Vaikka sivuutat orjuuden ja muut vääryydet kreikkalaisessa yhteiskunnassa, on vielä olemassa ongelmia. Onko minun sanottava se oikeasti? Okei. Ongelmia juuri täällä jokikaupungissa, joka alkaa T:llä, joka rimmaa P:n kanssa ja kannattaa peloponnesoslaisia.~ Perikleen hautajaispuhe tulee myöhäisemmästä sodasta, Peloponnesolaissodasta, 30 vuotinen konflikti Ateenan ja Spartan välillä. Spartalaiset eivät suosineet demokratiaa, mutta sen sijaan suosivat kuninkuutta, joka toimi vain suuren, julmasti kaltoinkohtellun orjajoukon ansiosta. Selvennökseksi sotaa ei käyty, jotta Ateena saisi Spartan suosimaan demokratiaa; sotia harvoin käydään sen vuoksi. Sitä käytiin resurssien ja vallan takia. Ateenalaiset tuskin olivat pyhimyksiä tässä kaikessa, kuten huomataan kuuluisasta Melos-dialogista. Mennäänpä Ajatuskuplaan. Yhdessä kuuluisimmista Thukydideen Peloponnesolaissodan historian otteessa ateenalaiset Russian: И когда вы прибавите к этой высокоморальной реторике всю красоту и силу искусства и философии, которые были созданы в античных Афинах, то становится нетрудно разглядеть в этом фундамент западной цивилизации. И если вы на это купились, то вы должны быть рады, что греки выиграли Греко-персидские войны. Но даже если забыть про рабство и другие несправедливости греческого общества, то проблемы всё равно были Я должен сказать это? Серьёзно? Хорошо. Проблема. Вот здесь. В городе на реке на букву Т. Рифмуется на П и значит Пелопонесс. Надгробная речь Перикла была произнесены после более позденй войны - Пелопонесской. Это был 30-летний конфликт между афинянами и спартанцами. Спартанам не нравилась демократия, зато им была по душе олигархия, которая держалась лишь за счёт огромного числа ужасно угнетаемых рабов. Но, честно говоря, война была не из-за того, что Афины хотели заставить Спарту провести демократические реформы. Из-за этого редко случаются войны. Всё было из-за ресурсов и власти. И афиняне в этом деле были отнюдь не святошами. Свидетельством чего является известный Мелосский диалог. Давайте обратимся к Thought Bubble. Итак, в одном из самых известных эпизодов "Истории Пелопоннесской войны" Фукидида Chinese: 加上雅典藝術及哲學無可否認的實力和美麗 將這時期視為西方文明基礎並不難。 你若相信此說,也一定認為幸好是希臘人勝仗。 但就算將奴役等不公義置一邊,社會還是問題無窮。 我非得要說嗎? [歡樂音樂妙無窮裡的歌詞] 《國殤講詞》來自更久之後為期三十年的伯羅奔尼撒戰爭, 戰爭兩方為雅典及斯巴達。 斯巴達並不民主,而沿用一種 靠壓榨屬社會絕多數的奴隸階層才不垮台的君王制。 先說明戰爭不是因為雅典要斯巴達實現民主改革 (戰爭鮮少是為了要民主) 此戰爭是為了資源和權力 由《米洛斯對話》可見雅典人絕不聖潔 看看Thought Bubble動畫教學吧。 修昔底德《伯羅奔尼撒戰爭》一作最著名的章節之一 雅典派軍船去斯巴達殖民地米洛斯島, Hungarian: Ha kombináljuk a magasröptű retorikát a tagadhatatlan hatalommal, és a művészeti és filozófiai szépséggel, ami az ókori Athénban sarjadt, könnyű a nyugati civilizációk alapjaként tekinteni rá. És ha ez ínyedre való, örülj, hogy a görögök nyerték a görög-perzsa háborúkat. De még ha el is tekintünk a rabszolgatartástól, és az egyéb igazságtalanságtól, ami jelen volt a társadalomban, még mindig vannak problémák. Muszáj kimondanom, most komolyan? Hát jó. BAJ. Itt, a folyó menti városban, baj van, és ezt a bajt Peloponnészosz-nak hívják. Periklész egy későbbi háború miatt mondta temetési beszédét: a peloponnészoszi háború 30 éven át tartó konfliktus volt az athéniak és a spártaiak között. A spártaiak nem fogadták el a demokráciát, hanem egy erőszakos egyeduralmi berendezkedésük volt, aminek alapja egy hatalmas brutálisan bántalmazott rabszolga sereg volt. A háborút nem azért vívták, mert athén rá akarta volna kényszeríteni Spártára a demokráciát. Nem, a konfliktus alapja az erőforrásokért és a hatalomért vívott harc volt. Az athéniak sem voltak ártatlanok, amit a híres Méloszi Dialógus is bizonyít. Nézzük csak a gondolat buborékot. Tehát az egyik legismertebb része Thuküdidész irományának a peloponnészoszi háborúról szól. Arabic: وعند الجمع بين ذلك الخطاب نبيل المشاعر وبين ما لا يمكن إنكاره من تأثير وجمال تمتع بهما الفن والفلسفة اللذان أبدِعا في أثينا القديمة، فليس من الصعب أن نعتبرها أساس الحضارة الغربية. وإذا ما اقتنع المرء بهذا المنطق فلا بد له من أن يُسر لانتصار الإغريق في الحروب الفارسية. بيد أننا حتى لو تجاهلنا العبودية وأشكال الظلم الأخرى في المجتمع اليوناني القديم، ستبقى هناك مشكلة ماثلة أمامنا. هل علي أن أقولها؟ حقًا؟ حسن. مشكلة، هنا في "ريفر سيتي" ومصدرها بيلوبونيز. خطاب تأبين بريكليس ألقِي إبان حرب لاحقة، ألا وهي الحرب البيلوبونيسية، وهو صراع دام ثلاثين عامًا بين الأثينيين والاسبرطيين. لم يتبن الاسبرطيون الديمقراطية وإنما اعتمدوا حكمًا ملكيًا ما كانت لتقوم له قائمة لولا وجود فئة كبيرة من العبيد الذين عوملوا معاملة وحشية. للتوضيح، لم يكن الهدف الحرب من أن تحمل أثينا اسبرطة على تبنّي مبادئ الإصلاح الديمقراطي، فنادرًا ما يكون ذلك هو الهدف من الحروب. بل كانت الموارد والسلطة هي السبب. كما أن الأثينيين لم يكونوا ملائكة، كما يتضح من حوار ميلوس الشهير. دعونا ننتقل إلى فقاعة التخيل. في إحدى أشهر فقرات كتاب تاريخ ثيوسيديدز عن الحرب البيلوبونيسية، أبحر الأثينيون إلى جزيرة ميلوس، وهي مستعمرة اسبرطية، Dutch: Wanneer je deze retorische wijsheid combineert met de ontegenzeggelijk kracht en schoonheid van de kunst en filosofie dat was gecreëerd in het oude Athene, is het niet moeilijk om het te zien als de fundering van Westerse civilisatie. En als je dit gelooft, mag je blij zijn dat de Grieken de Perzische oorlog wonnen. Maar zelfs als je de slavernij en andere onrechten opzij schuift in de Griekse gemeenschap, zijn er nog steeds problemen Moet ik het zeggen, ja? Oké, problemen midden in rivier stad met een hoofdletter T dat rijmt met P en staat voor de Peloponnesos. Pericles zijn grafrede komt van de late oorlog, de Peleponnese oorlog, een 30 jarige conflict tussen de Atheners en de Spartanen De Spartaten wilde geen democratie maar gebruikte daarentegen een koningschap dat functioneerde alleen maar vanwege het grote klasse verschil en de verschrikkelijk behandelde slaven. Maar om duidelijk te zijn, deze oorlog was niet over Athene die probeerde Sparta democratisch te krijgen oorlogen zijn dat zelden. Het was over goederen en macht. En de Atheners waren nauwelijks heilig in dit alles, zoals bewezen door de bekende Melian dialoog. Laten we naar de gedachte bubbel gaan. Dus in een van de meest bekende passages van Thucydides, geschiedenis van de Peleponnese oorlog, zeilde de Atheners Vietnamese: Khi kết hợp thuật hùng biện cao cả đó với sức mạnh và vẻ đẹp không thể phủ nhận của nghệ thuật và triết học Athens cổ đại, không khó để nhìn nhận nó như nền móng của nền văn minh phương Tây. Nếu hoàn toàn tin điều này, bạn phải vui mừng vì Hi Lạp đã thắng Chiến tranh Ba Tư. Nhưng kể cả bạn bỏ qua chế độ nô lệ và những bất công khác trong xã hội Hy Lạp, vẫn còn rắc rối. Vấn đề ngay đây ở thành phố sông với một thủ đô T (Thebes) vần với P và nó là viết tắt của Peloponnes Diễn văn của Pericles đến từ một cuộc chiến sau đó, Chiến tranh Peloponnesia, một cuộc xung đột 30 năm giữa người Athens và Sparta. Người Sparta không theo dân chủ mà thay vào là vương quyền hoạt động chỉ bởi một giai cấp đông đảo nô lệ bị ngược đãi tàn bạo. Nói rõ hơn, cuộc chiến không do Athens cố gắng bắt Sparta cải tổ dân chủ; chiến tranh hiếm khi vậy. Nó là vì tài nguyên và quyền lực. Và người Athenians hiếm khi tốt bụng trong việc này, bằng chứng là Cuộc đối thoại ở Melos nổi tiếng Ở một trong các đoạn văn nổi tiếng nhất trong sử của Thucydides về chiến tranh Peloponnesian, người Athens Czech: Když zkombinujete tyto ušlechtilé řeči s nespornou silou a krásou umění a filosofie, která má svůj začátek ve starověkých Athénách, není těžké to vnímat jako počátek západní kultury. Pokud tomu věříte, musíte být rádi, že Řekové vyhráli řecko-perské války. Ale i když necháme stranou otroctví a jiné nespravedlnosti řecké společnosti, stále tu máme problém. Mám to říct, vážně? Fajn. Trable zrovna tady v River City a to s velkým T, což se rýmuje s P, což znamená Peloponés. Periklova pohřební řeč pochází z pozdější války, peloponéské, to byl 30letý spor mezi Athénami a Spartou. Sparťané neměli demokracii, ale království, které fungovalo pouze díky otrokům, se kterými zacházeli extrémně krutě. Ale aby bylo jasno, tato válka se neodehrála, protože Athéňané chtěli Spartu přinutit k demokracii, o tom války nejsou. Odehrála se kvůli zdrojům a moci. Athéňané rozhodně nebyli nevinní, jak je zaznamenáno v "Dějinách peloponéské války". Pojďme do Thought Bubble. V jedné z nejznámějších pasáží Thúkýdidových "Dějin peleponéské války" Spanish: Cuando combinas esa retórica altruista con el innegable poder y belleza del arte y filosofía que se creó en la antigua Atenas, no es dificil verla como la fundación de la civilización occidental. Y si le crees a esto, tienes que estar feliz que los griegos ganaran las Guerras Médicas. Pero incluso poniendo a un lado la esclavitud y otras injusticias en la sociedad griega, aún hay problemas. ¿Tengo que decirlo? ¿En serio? De acuerdo. Problemas aquí en River City con P y eso rima con P y es P de Peloponeso. El Discurso Fúnebre de Pericles proviene de una guerra posterior, la guerra del Peloponeso, un conflicto de 30 años entre Atenas y Esparta. Los espartanos no adoptaron la democracia pero adoptaron en su lugar una realeza que funcionaba solo debido a una gran casta de esclavos brutalmente maltratados. Pero para aclarar, la guerra no era acerca de Atenas tratando que Esparta adoptara una reforma democrática; las guerras raramente lo son. Era sobre recursos y poder. Y los atenienses apenas fueron santos en todo esto, como lo demuestra el famoso diálogo de los melios. Vamos a la Burbuja de Pensamiento. En uno de los pasajes más famosos de la Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso de Tucídides, los atenienses French: Lorsqu'on combine cette rhétorique noble avec le pouvoir et la beauté indéniable de l'art et de la philosophie créés dans l'Athènes antique, ce n'est pas difficile de voir le tout comme le fondement de la civilisation occidentale. Et si vous adhérez à cela, vous devez être content que les Grecs aient gagné les guerres médiques. Mais même si on met de côté l'esclavage et les autres injustices de la société grecque, il y a tout de même des problèmes. Est-ce que je dois le dire, sérieusement? D'accord. Problèmes ici dans River City avec un P majuscule et ça rime avec P et ça représente Péloponnèse. Le discours funéraire de Périclès vient d'une guerre ultérieure, la guerre du Péloponnèse, un conflit de 30 ans entre les Athéniens et les Spartiates. Les Spartiates n'adhéraient pas à la démocratie, mais plutôt à une royauté qui ne fonctionnait qu'en raison d'une énorme classe d'esclaves brutallement maltraités. Mais, soyons clairs, le but de la guerre n'était pas de faire adhérer les Spartiates à une réforme démocratique. C'est rarement le cas. C'était à propos des ressources et du pouvoir et les Athéniens étaient à peine des Saints dans tout ça, tel que démontré dans le Dialogue mélien. Allons à la bulle d'idée. Dans l'un des passages les plus connus de l'histoire de La Guerre du Péloponnèse de Thucydide, les Athéniens Turkish: Bu yüksek akıla ait konuşmayı sorgusuz güç ve eski Atina'daki sanatın ve filozofinin güzelliğiyle birleştirirseniz Batı medeniyetinin temelini görmekte zorlanmazsınız. filozofinin güzelliğiyle birleştirirseniz Batı medeniyetinin temelini görmekte zorlanmazsınız. Eğer buna inanıyorsanız Yunanların Pers Savaşları'nı kazanmasına sevinirsiniz. Ama Yunan toplumdaki kölelik ve diğer eşitsizlikeri bir kenara bıraksanız bile sorunlarla karşılaşırsınız. Ama Yunan toplumdaki kölelik ve diğer eşitsizlikeri bir kenara bıraksanız bile sorunlarla karşılaşırsınız. Söylemeli miyim, gerçekten? Tamam. Nehir Şehri'nde sorunlarımız var. Büyük S ile. Bu da Mora'nın M'siyle kafiyeli. Perikles'in cenaze nutku daha Mora Savaşı'ndan gelir. Atina ve Sparta arasında 30 yıl süren bir savaş. Spartalılar demokrasi yerine krallığı tercih etmişti. Bunun nedeniyse şiddet uyguladıkları büyük köle takımıydı. Açıkçası, savaş Atinalıların Sparta'ya demokrasi getirmesi için değildi. Savaşlar nadiren böyledir. Açıkçası, savaş Atinalıların Sparta'ya demokrasi getirmesi için değildi. Savaşlar nadiren böyledir. Savaş kaynak ve güç içindi. Atinalar da ünlü Melian Görüşmeleri'ne göre pek de masum değildi. Thought Bubble'a gidelim. Tukididis'in Peloponez Savaşı Tarhi'nin en ünlü bölümlerinden birinde iw: כאשר משלבים את הרטוריקה המתוחכמת הזו עם הכוח והיופי הבלתי ניתן להכחשה של האמנות והפילוסופיה שנוצרה באתונה העתיקה, לא קשה לנו לייחס לה את ערש התרבות המערבית. ואם אתם קונים את זה, אתם צריכים להיות שמחים שהיוונים ניצחו במלחמה. אבל גם אם שמים בצד את העבדות ועוולות אחרות בחברה היוונית. יש עדיין כמה בעיות. אני באמת צריך להגיד את זה, ברצינות? בסדר, צרות כאן בריבר סיטי עם טי גדולה שמתחרזת עם פי בשביל פֶּלוֹפּוֹנִִיסוֹס. נאום ההספד של פריקלס מגיע ממלחמה מאוחרת יותר, המלחמה הפלופונסית, סכסוך בין שלושים שנה בין האתונאים והספרטנים. הספרטנים לא אימצו את הדמוקרטיה ובמקום אימצה מלוכה שתפקדה רק בזכות מגזר עצום של עבדים שדוכו באכזריות ברוטלית אבל שיהיה ברור, המלחמה לא היתה בגלל שאתונה ניסתה לגרום לספרטה להפוך לדמוקרטית נדיר שמלחמות הן על זה, היא הייתה בגלל משאבים וכוח. וגם האתונאים לא היו קדושים... כפי שמעיד דיאלוג מליאן המפורסם. בואו נלך אל הבועה למחשבה. אז באחד הקטעים המפורסמים ביותר של תוקידידס "ההיסטוריה של המלחמה הפלופונסית", Thai: หากคุณรวมวาทะอันชาญฉลาด เข้ากับพลังอำนาจที่ยิ่งใหญ่ และความงดงามของศิลปะและปรัชญาที่สร้างขึ้นในเอเธนส์ คุณก็จะเห็นว่านั่นเป็นพื้นฐานของอารยธรรมตะวันตกในยุคต่อมา ถ้าคุณเห็นด้วยกับความคิดนี้ คุณจะต้องดีใจที่กรีกชนะในสงครามเปอร์เซีย แต่ว่าถึงคุณจะตัดเรื่องทาส และความอยุติธรรมอื่นๆ ในสังคมกรีกออกแล้ว มันก็ยังมีปัญหาอยู่ ผมต้องพูดจริงหรอ? ก็ได้ ปัญหาที่ว่านี้ เกิดที่เมืองแม่น้ำ คำมันคล้องจองดี เมืองนี้คือเพโลพอนนีส การปราศัยในพิธีศพของเพริคลิส มาจากสงครามเพโลพอนนีเซียน ที่เกิดขึ้นภายหลัง เป็นสงครามระหว่างเอเธนส์กับสปาร์ต้า พวกสปาร์ต้าไม่เชื่อในระบอบประชาธิปไตย แต่สนับสนุนระบอบกษัตริย์ ซึ่งดำรงอยู่ได้จากการกดขี่ทาส แต่สงครามนี้ไม่ได้เกี่ยว กับการที่เอเธนส์พยายามเปลี่ยนให้สปาร์ต้ามาใช้ระบอบประชาธิปไตย แทบไม่มีสงครามไหนที่เกี่ยวกับเรื่องแบบนี้ แท้จริงแล้วมันเป็นเรื่องของทรัพยากร และอำนาจ และเอเธนส์ก็ไม่ได้ใจดีในเรื่องนี้ ดังปรากฎหลักฐานในบทสนทนาโบราณ Melian Dialogue ตัดไปที่ Thought Bubble ครับ ตอนหนึ่งในงานชิ้นเอกของ ทิวซิดิดีส เรื่อง ประวัติศาสตร์สงครามเพโลพอนนีเซียน Romanian: Când amestecați această retorică înaltă cu puterea și frumusețea de necontestat a artei și filosofiei creată în Atena antică, nu e greu de văzut că reprezintă fundația civilizației occidentale. Dacă vedeți doar asta, o să fiți bucuroși că Grecii au câștigat războaiele persane. Dar chiar dând la o parte sclavia și alte nedreptăți din societatea greacă, rămân încă probleme. O să spun, serios? Bine. Sunt probleme chiar aici și au legătură cu Peloponezul. Discursul funerar al lui Pericle aparține unui război târziu, războiul Peloponeziac, un conflict de 30 de ani între Atenieni și Spartani. Spartanii n-au îmbrățișat democrația dar în locul ei au avut o monarhie care a funcționat bazată pe o numeroasă clasă de sclavi tratați cu brutalitate. Dar ca să fie clar, războiul n-a fost pentru ca Atena să impună Spartei reforme democratice; rareori erau războaie pentru asta. A fost pentru resurse și putere.Și atenienii erau sfinți în toate astea așa cum arată faimosul dialog melian. Să mergem la Balonul de Gândit. Deci într-unul dintre cele mai faimoase pasaje din Istoria războiului peloponeziac a lui Tucidide, atenienii German: zur Insel Milos, einer spartanischen Kolinie, und verlangten von den Bewohnern, sich dem Athenischen Gesetz zu unterwerfen. Diese merkten an, dass sie nie wirklich für die Spartaner gekämpft hatten, und sagten in etwa "Hört zu, wenn es euch recht ist, würden wir hier gerne die Schweit sein", nur dass sie das natürlich nicht wirklich so gesagt haben, da es damals noch keine Schweiz hab, woraufhin die Athener erwiderten - und hier zitiere ich direkt - "Die Starken tun, was sie können, und die Schwachen erleiden, was sie müssen." Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass das nicht wirklich eien demokratische oder aufgeklärte Position war. Tatsächlich wird diese Aussage manchmal als erste Befürwortung der sogenannten Realismus im Bereich internationale Beziehungen (politischer Realismus) angesehen. Für Realisten geht es bei Interaktionen zwischen Nationen (oder Völkern oder Kulturen) immer darum, wer die Macht hat. Wer immer sie hat, kann den, der sie nicht hat, zu quasi allem zwingen. Was haben also die leistungsorientierten und demokratischen Athener getan, als die Bewohner Milos' sie freundlich gebeten haben, nicht an diesem Krieg teilnehmen zu müssen? Sie töteten alle Männer Milos' und versklavten alle Frauen und Kinder. Also, ja, Sokrates hat uns seine Sokratische Methode gegeben, Sophokles hab uns Ödipis, doch Modern Greek (1453-): και απαίτησαν από τους Μήλιους να υποταχθούν στην Αθηναϊκή κυριαρχία. Οι Μηλιανοί υποδήλωσαν πως δεν πολέμησαν ποτέ για τους Σπαρτιάτες και ήταν σε φάση "Ακούστε, αν είναι το ίδιο για εσάς, θα θέλαμε να πάμε στην Ελβετία γι αυτό", εκτός φυσικά του ότι δεν το είπαν γιατί δεν υπήρχε Ελβετία. στους οποίους απάντησαν οι Αθηναίοι και μεταφέρω αυτολεξεί, "Οι ισχυροί κάνουν αυτά που μπορούν και οι αδύναμοι υποφέρουν αυτά που πρέπει." Περιττό να πω πως αυτή δεν είναι τρομερά δημοκρατική ή διαφωτιστική θέση να πάρει κανείς. Στην πραγματικότητα, μερικές φορές θεωρείται ως η πρώτη ρητή επικύρωση της λεγόμενης θεωρίας του ρεαλισμού στις διεθνείς σχέσεις Για τους ρεαλιστές, οι σχέσεις ανάμεσα σε κράτη, ανθρώπους, ή πολιτισμούς έχει να κάνει με το ποιος έχει τη δύναμη. Όποιος την έχει μπορεί να αναγκάσει αυτόν που δεν την έχει να κάνει σχεδόν οτιδήποτε Οπότε, τι έκαναν οι αξιοκρατικοί και δημοκρατικοί Αθηναίοι όταν οι Μήλιοι τους ζήτησαν ευγενικά να μην συμμετέχουν στη μάχη? Σκότωσαν όλους τους άνδρες και υποδούλωσαν τα γυναικόπαιδα της Μήλου Οπότε ναι, ο Σωκράτης μας έδωσε τη μαιευτική του μέθοδο, ο Σοφοκλής τον Οιδίποδα, Spanish: navegaron a la isla de Milo, una colonia espartana, y demandaron que los melios se sometieran a la Ley Ateniense Los melios señalaron que nunca habían luchado junto a los espartanos y decian, "Escuchen, si para ustedes todo es igual, nos gustaría ir a Suiza en esta ocasión," excepto que por supuesto que no dijeron eso poque no había una Suiza, a lo que los atenienses respondieron, y estoy citando directamente, "los fuertes hacen lo que quieren mientras los débiles sufren lo que deben". Está de más decir que no es una posicion muy democrática o progresista la tomada. Esta declaración, de hecho, a veces es vista como la primera aprobación explícita de la llamada teoría del realismo en las relaciones internacionales. Para los realistas, la interacción entre las naciones (o los pueblos o culturas) se trata sobre quien tiene el poder. Quien lo tenga puede obligar a quien no lo tiene a hacer prácticamente todo. Asi que, ¿qué hicieron los atenienses meritocráticos y democráticos cuando los melios pidieron amablemente no participar en la batalla? Asesinaron a todos los melios y esclavizaron a todas las mujeres y niños. Así que, sí, Sócrates nos dio su método interrogativo; Sófocles nos dio Edipo; pero el Hungarian: Az athéniak Mélosz szigetéhez hajóztak, ami Spárta gyarmata volt, és követelték, hogy hódoljanak be Athénnak. A mélosziak rámutatott arra, hogy ők valójában sosem harcolt a spártaiak oldalán, és valami olyasmit mondtak, hogy „Figyu, ha nektek úgy jó, mi most inkább Svájcot játszanánk..." persze ezt nem mondhatták, mert Svájcnak híre-hamva sem volt akkor még. Athéniak erre azt válaszolták, idézem: "...a hatalmas azonban végrehajtja, amit akar, a gyenge pedig meghajlik előtte." Mondanom sem kell, ez nem egy túlzottan demokratikus, felvilágosult álláspont. Erre az állításra úgy tekintenek a nemzetközi kapcsolatok tudományágában, mint a realista politika téziseinek első explicit kijelentésére. Mert realisták szerint a nemzetek, emberek vagy kultúrák közti kapcsolatok dinamikáját a hatalom határozza meg. Befolyással, hatalommal rendelkezők arra kényszerítenek másokat, amire csak akarnak. Tehát mi volt az érdemuralmi, és demokratikus athéniak reakciója a mélosziak udvarias kérésére, miszerint ők inkább kimaradnának a harcból? Megölték az összes méloszi férfit, és rabszolgává tették a nőket és gyerekeket. Tehát igen, a Szókratésztól ered a "bábáskodó" kérdezgető módszer, Szophoklész adta Oidipuszt, Dutch: naar het eiland van Melos, een Spartaanse kolonie, en eiste dat de Melianen zich overgaven aan een Atheense heerschappij. de Melianen zijden dat ze nooit me de spartanen hadden gevochten als het allemaal goed is met jou, zouden wij graag als Zwitserland gaan bij deze," behalve dat ze dat natuurlijk niet zeiden omdat er geen Zwitserland was, waarop de Atheners reageerde, en hier citeer ik direct, "De sterke doen wat zij kunnen en de zwakke lijden wat zij moeten." Onnodig om te zeggen maar dit is niet zeer democratisch of verlichtend. Deze verklaring, is soms gezien als de eerste expliciete goedkeuring van de zogenaamde theorie van Realisme in internationale relaties. Voor realisten is interactie tussen naties (of mensen of culturen) allemaal over wie de macht heeft. Wie het heeft kan ieder die het niet heeft dwingen om zowaar alles te doen. Dus wat deden de meritocratische en democratische Atheners wanneer de Melianen aardig vroegen om niet mee te doen in het gevecht? Ze vermoorde de Melianse mannen, en maakte de vrouwen en kinderen slaven. Dus, ja, Socrates gaf ons zijn vragende methode; Sophocles gaf ons Oedipus; maar het Romanian: au ajuns în insula Melos, o colonie spartană și le-au cerut melienilor să se supună atenienilor. Melienii au susținut că ei n-au luptat niciodată cu spartanii. La care atenienii au răspuns și aici citez direct: Cei puternici fac ce pot și cei slabi suferă ce trebuie. Inutil să spunem, aceasta nu e o poziție prea democratică sau luminată. Această afirmație, de fapt, e uneori văzută ca ca prima menționare explicită a așa-zisei teorii a realismului în relațiile internaționale. Pentru realiști, interacțiunile între națiuni sau popoare sau culturi sunt legate de cine deține puterea.Oricine o are constrânge pe oricine nu o are să facă aproape orice. Deci ce au făcut atenienii merituoși și democratici când melienii le-au cerut respectuos să nu participe la luptă? Ei i-au omorât pe toți bărbații și au înrobit toate femeile și toți copiii. Deci, da, Socrate ne-a lăsat metoda sa interogativă; Sofocle ni l-a dat pe Oedip; dar Chinese: 要居民接受雅典統治。 米洛人回答說他們從未與斯巴達作戰。 那你都可以的話,我想當中立瑞士。 (當然不是用這比喻因為瑞士尚未成立) 雅典人回道(字字如實呈現): 「強者為所欲為,弱者逆來順受。」 顯然這觀點既不民主、亦不開明。 這句話有時被視為首次肯定國際關係現實主義。 (政治並非原則,而是實力) 現實主義者視國家、人民、文化間的關係 關鍵為誰掌權。 掌權者能迫使無權者做任何事。 任人為賢又民主的雅典人 對米洛人想低調選擇不參戰又有何反應呢? 雅典處決島上所有男人, 並將婦孺押入奴役。 蘇格拉低雖研發反詰法;索福克勒斯雖著《伊底帕斯王》, Arabic: وطالبوا بأن يخضع الميليون إلى حكم الأثينيين. دافع الميليون عن موقفهم بقولهم إنهم لم يقاتلوا في صف الاسبارطيين يومًا فعليًا وكان لسان حالهم، "نود أن نتصرف تصرّف دول عدم الانحياز." إلا أنهم بالطبع لم يقولوا ذلك حرفيًا حيث أنه لم تكن هناك دول عدم انحياز آنذاك. وكان رد الأثينيين على ذلك في اقتباس مباشر هو الآتي: "القوي يفعل ما بوسعه، والضعيف يتجشم ما قُدّر له." وغني عن القول إن ذلك ليس موقفًا ديمقراطيًا أو مستنيرًا. بل إن هذا البيان يُعتبر أحيانًا أول إقرار صريح بما يسمى نظرية الواقعية في العلاقات الدولية. بالنسبة إلى الواقعيين فإن التفاعل بين الأمم أو الشعوب أو الثقافات يتمحور حول من يملك القوة، فمن يملكها يمكنه إجبار من يفتقر إليها على فعل أي شيء تقريبًا. إذن، ماذا فعل الأثينيون أنصار التقدم بالاستحقاق والديمقراطية عندما طلب الميليين بأدب عدم المشاركة في القتال؟ قتلوا جميع الرجال الميليين وسبوا جميع النساء والأطفال. لذا، نعم، قدم سقراط لنا أسلوب الاستفهام وسوفوكليس أعطانا أوديب، iw: האתונאים הפליגו לאי מלוס, מושבה ספרטנית, ודרש שהמליאנים יכנעו לסמכות האתונאית המליאנים הזכירו שהם אף פעם לא באמת נלחמו עם ספרטה והם היו כאילו "אם לא אכפת לכם, אנחנו נשחק אותה שווייץ בסיפור הזה" רק שכמובן שהם לא אמרו את זה, כי לא היתה אז שווייץ... והאתונאים הגיבו, וכאן אני מצטט: "החזקים עושים מה שהם יכולים, והחלשים סובלים כמו שחייב לקרות." מיותר לציין, שזו לא ממש עמדה נאורה או דמוקרטית לנקוט בה. הצהרה זו, למעשה, לפעמים נחשבת כביטוי הראשון המפורש של תאוריית הריאליזם ביחסים בינלאומיים. עבור ריאליסטים, אינטראקציות בין עמים, או אומות, או תרבויות מבוססות על "החזק מנצח". מי שיש לו את הכח. יכול לכופף את מי שאין לו ולגרום לו לעשות כל דבר פחות או יותר. אז מה עשו האתונאים הנאורים והדמוקרטיים כשהמליאנים ביקשו בנימוס- לא להשתתף במאבק? הם הרגו את כל הגברים המליאנים ושיעבדו את הנשים והילדים. אז כן, סוקרטס נתן לנו את שיטת החשיבה הביקורתית שלו, סופוקלס נתן לנו את אדיפוס. Czech: se Athéňané přeplavili na ostrov Milos, kolonii Sparty, a požadovali, aby se jeho obyvatelé podřídili athénské nadvládě. Miliané poukázali na fakt, že vlastně nikdy se Sparťany nebojovali, a řekli: "Hele, pokud vám to nevadí, chceme být neutrální jako Švýcarsko." Samozřejmě to neřekli takhle, protože Švýcarsko ještě neexistovalo, a na to Athéňané odpověděli, tentokrát cituji přesně: "Silní dělají, co mohou, slabí trpí, co musí." Jé důležité říci, že to není příliš demokratický či osvícený postoj. Toto prohlášení se zdá jako první výslovné použití tzv. realismu v mezinárodních vztazích. Pro realisty, vztahy mezi národy či lidmi nebo kulturami jsou o tom, kdo má moc. Kdo ji má, může přinutit toho, kdo ji nemá, k podstatě všemu. Co meritokratické a demokratické Athény udělaly po zdvořilé žádosti Melianů o nezapojení v bojích? Zabili všechny Melinské muže a zotročili všechny ženy a děti. Takže ano, Sokrates nám dal tázací metodu, Sofoklés dal Oidipa, Portuguese: navegaram para a ilha de Melos, uma colônia espartana e exigiram que os Melianos se submetessem a Atenas. Os Melos argumentavam que eles nunca lutaram com Espartanos e eles estavam tipo, " Olha se ficar tudo bem pra você, nós queríamos ir para a Suíça no próximo inverno", tirando o fato de eles nunca terem tido isso já que não existia a Suíça, mas o Atenienses responderiam assim, e eu estou realmente citando "O forte faz o que pode e o fraco sofre o que merece". Desnecessário dizer, que isso não é uma terrível democrática ou negligente decisão tomada. Esse estamento de fato, é o primeiro indício explícito de algo conhecido como teoria do Realismo de relações internacionais. Para os realistas, as relações entre nações ( ou pessoas ou culturas) se resume em que tem o poder. Então, o que a política meritocracia e democracia fez quando os Melos pediram para não participar da batalha? Eles mataram todos os homens de Melos e escravizaram todas as mulheres e crianças. Então, sim Sócrates nos deu seu o métodos interrogativo, Sófocles nos deu Édipo Rei, mas o English: sailed to the island of Melos, a Spartan colony, and demanded that the Melians submit to Athenian rule. The Melians pointed out that they’d never actually fought with the Spartans and were like, “Listen, if it’s all the same to you, we’d like to go Switzerland on this one,” except of course they didn’t say that because there was no Switzerland. To which the Athenians responded, and here I am quoting directly, “The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.” Needless to say, this is not a terribly democratic or enlightened position to take. This statement, in fact, is sometimes seen as the first explicit endorsement of the so-called theory of Realism in international relations. For realists, interaction between nations, or peoples, or cultures is all about who has the power. Whoever has it can compel whoever doesn’t have it to do pretty much anything. So what did the meritocratic and democratic Athenians do when the Melians politely asked not to participate in the fight? They killed all the Melian men and enslaved all the women and children. So, yes, Socrates gave us his interrogative Method; Sophocles gave us Oedipus; but the Finnish: purjehtivat Míloksen saarelle, spartalaiseen koloniaan, ja vaativat, että míloslaiset alistuvat Ateenan ylivaltaan. Míloslaiset huomauttivat, etteivät he ikinä olleet taistelleet spartalaisten kanssa ja sanoivat "Kuulkaas, jos kaikki on teille se ja sama, haluaisimme tehdä sveitsit tässä asiassa," mutta tietysti he eivät sanoneet näin, koska Sveitsiä ei ollut, johon ateenalaiset vastasivat, ja lainaan suoraan, "Voimakkaat tekevät minkä voivat ja heikot kärsivät siitä, mistää heidän täytyy." Tarpeetonta sanoa, tämä ei ole kovin demokraattinen tai valaistunut kannanotto. Tämä julistus itseasiassa joskus nähdään ensimmäisenä selkeänä mainoksena realismille kansainvälisissä suhteissa. Realisteille kansojen (tai ihmisten tai kulttuurien) kanssakäymistä on vain vallan vuoksi. Se, kenellä valtaa on, voi painostaa ketä tahansa, jolla sitä ei ole, tehdäkseen mitä tahansa haluaa. Joten mitä meriokraattiset ja demokraattiset ateenalaiset tekivät, kun míloslaiset kohteliaasti kysyivät ettei heidän tarvitsisi osallistua taisteluun? He tappoivat kaikki míloslaiset miehet ja orjuuttivat kaikki naiset ja lapset. Joten kyllä, Sokrates antoi meille hänen kyseenalaistavan menetelmänsä(?): Sofokles antoi Oidipuksen; mutta French: ont navigué jusqu'à l'île de Milos, une colonie spartiate, et ont demandé aux Miliens de se soumettre à la gouvernance athénienne. Les Miliens ont fait remarquer qu'ils n'avaient jamais combattu aux côtés des Spartiates et on fait "Écoutez, si c'est pareil pour vous, on aimerait être la Suisse dans tout ça" - sauf que, bien sûr, ils n'ont pas dit ça parce que la Suisse n'existait pas - ce à quoi les Athéniens ont répondu, et je cite directement: "Les forts font ce qu'ils peuvent et les faibles endurent ce qu'ils doivent." Nul besoin de mentionner que ce n'est pas une position particulièrement démocratique ou éclairée à prendre. En fait, cette déclaration est parfois vue comme le premier endossement explicite de la soi-disant théorie du réalisme en relations internationales. Pour les réalistes, les interactions entre les nations, ou les peuples, ou les cultures portent entièrement sur celui qui détient le pouvoir. Quiconque le détient peut contraindre quiconque ne l'a pas à faire n'importe quoi. Donc, qu'est-ce qu'on fait les Athéniens méritocrates et démocrates lorsque les Miliens ont poliment demandé à ne pas participer au combat? Ils ont tué tous les hommes et ont asservit toutes les femmes et les enfants. Donc, oui, Socrate nous a laissé la Maïeutique, Sophocle nous a laissé Œdipe, Turkish: Atinalılar, Sparta kolonisi Milos adasına giderler ve Milosluların Atina'ya katılmasını ister. Atinalılar, Sparta kolonisi Milos adasına giderler ve Milosluların Atina'ya katılmasını ister. Miloslular Spartalılar'ın yanında savaşmadaklırını söyler ve "Dinleyin, sizin için sorun yoksa İsviçre'nin tarafında olmak isteriz". Tabii ki böyle bir şey demediler çünkü İsviçre daha yoktu. Atinalılar, doğruca aktarıyorum, "Güçlü yapabildiğini yapar, zayıf çekeceğini çeker" dedi. Atinalılar, doğruca aktarıyorum, "Güçlü yapabildiğini yapar, zayıf çekeceğini çeker" dedi. Haliyle bu çok demokratik ve aydınlanmış bir bakış açısı değildi. Aslında bu açıklama bazen uluslar arası ilişkilerde gerçekçiliğin ilk açık uygulaması olarak kabul edilir. bu açıklama bazen uluslar arası ilişkilerde gerçekçiliğin ilk açık uygulaması olarak kabul edilir. Realistlere göre milletler arası (halklar veya kültürler) etkileşimler kimin güçlü olduğuyla ilgilidir. Gücü olan, olmayana istediği neredeyse her şeyi yapabilir. Peki Miloslular savaşmak istemediğini söyleyince meritokratik ve demokratik Atinalılar ne yaptı? Miloslu bütün erkekleri öldürdüler. Kadınları ve çocukları köleleştirdiler. Evet, Sokrat bize sorgulayıcı metodu, Sofokles Oedipus'e verdi ama Antik Vietnamese: lái thuyền đến đảo Melos, một thuộc địa của Sparta, và yêu cầu người Melos phục tùng luật lệ Athens Người Melos nói họ không bao giờ thực sự chiến đấu cùng người Sparta, kiểu như "Nghe này, nếu các anh thấy sao cũng được, chúng tôi muốn Thụy Sĩ trong vụ này" (Thụy Sĩ là nước chuyên đứng trung lập) trừ việc họ không nói vậy vì chưa có Thụy Sĩ Người Athens đáp lại “Kẻ mạnh làm những gì họ có thể, và kẻ yếu phải chịu đựng những gì họ phải chịu“ Khỏi phải nói, đây không phải một quan điểm dân chủ hay khai sáng tệ hại để theo Thực tế tuyên bố này đôi khi được coi như sự xác nhận rõ ràng đầu tiên về học thuyết gọi là Chủ nghĩa Hiện thực trong quan hệ quốc tế. Với người Hiện thực, tương tác giữa các quốc gia, dân tộc hay văn hóa đều nằm ở ai có quyền lực. Ai có nó có thể bắt ép người không có làm gần như bất cứ điều gì Vậy người Athens theo chế độ nhân tài và dân chủ đã làm gì khi người Melos lịch sự yêu cầu không tham gia vào cuộc chiến? Họ giết hết đàn ông Melos và bắt phụ nữ và trẻ em làm nô lệ Nên, đúng, Socrates cho chúng ta phương pháp truy vấn, Sophocles cho chúng ta người giải đố Swedish: seglade Atenarna till ön Melos, en Spartansk koloni, och krävde att Melian accepterade Atenskt styre. Melianerna påpekade att de skulle aldrig kämpa mot spartanerna och var typ , "Lyssna, om det är samma sak för dig, skulle vi vilja gå Schweiz på den här grejen" fast naturligtvis skulle de inte säga det eftersom det inte Schweiz fanns än. Till vilken Atenarna svarade och här citerar jag direkt, "De starka gör vad de kan, och den svaga lida vad de måste. " Självfallet är detta inte ett fruktansvärt demokratiskt eller upplyst sätt att hantera saken. Detta påstående, ses i själva verket ibland som det första explicita godkännandet av den så kallade teorin om realism i internationella relationer. För realister handlar interaktion mellan nationer, folk, eller kulturer om vem som har makten. Den som har det kan tvinga den som inte har det till att göra i stort sett allt. Så vad gjorde meritokratiska och demokratiska Atenarna när Melianerna frågade artigt om att inte delta i kampen? De dödade alla män och förslavade alla kvinnor och barn. Så, ja, Socrates gav oss sin frågande Metod; Sofokles gav oss Oidipus; men Russian: афиняне приплывают на остров Мелос, спартанскую колонию, и требуют, чтобы мелосцы признали власть Афин. Мелосцы замечают, что они никогда в действительности не сражались за Спарту. Они говорили: "Слушайте, если вам всё равно, то в этом деле мы бы предпочли роль Швейцарии." Хотя в действительности они сказали не так, потому что Швейцарии ещё не было. На что Афиняне ответили, и здесь я цитирую: "Сильный делает то, что может, а слабый терпит то, что должен» Очевидно, что это не самая демократичная или просвещённая позиция. Это заявление, на самом деле, часто рассматиривается как первое явное проявление так называемого политического реализма. Для реалистов отношения между нациями, людьми и культурами сводятся к одному вопросу. У кого есть сила. И любой, у кого она есть, может заставить того, у кого её нет, делать практически всё, что ему угодно. И так что же сделали меритократические и демократические афиняне в ответ на вежливый отказ мелосцев участвовать в войне? Они убили всех мужчин на Мелосе, а женщин и детей обратили в рабство. Так что да, Сократ оставил нам свой метод ведения дискуссии, Софокл оставил нам Эдипа. Thai: เอเธนส์ล่องเรือเข้าไปยังเกาะมีลอส ในดินแดนของสปาร์ต้า และบังคับให้มีลอสเข้าร่วมกับเอเธนส์ ชาวมีลอสชี้แจงว่า พวกเขาไม่อยากจะสู้กับพวกสปาร์ต้า และมีท่าทางประมาณว่า "ฟังนะ ถ้าพวกคุณเห็นด้วย พวกเราอยากจะเข้ากับสวิสเซอร์แลนด์มากกว่า" แน่นอนว่าพวกเขาไม่ได้พูดออกมาแบบนั้น เพราะตอนนั้นยังไ่มีมีสวิสเซอร์แลนด์เลย ซึ่งเอเธนส์ได้โต้ตอบดังนี้ "ผู้ที่เข้มแข็งย่อมกระทำในสิ่งที่เขาสามารถจะทำได้ ส่วนผู้ที่อ่อนแอก็ย่อมสูญเสียสิ่งที่พวกเขาจะต้องเสีย" ไม่ต้องบอกก็รู้ว่า นี่ไม่ได้จะเป็นประชาธิปไตย หรือเป็นสิ่งที่ดีซักเท่าไหร่ อันที่จริง ข้อความนี้ มักถูกอ้างอิงถึงในฐานะรากฐานของทฤษฎีสัจนิยม (Realism) ในความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างประเทศ นักสัจนิยมเชื่อว่าความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างประเทศ ผู้คน หรือวัฒนธรรม ตั้งอยู่บนพื้นฐานของอำนาจ ผู้ที่มีอำนาจก็สามารถบังคับให้ผู้ที่ด้อยกว่า ให้ทำอะไรก็ได้ตามต้องการ แล้วพวกเอเธนส์ผู้มีคุณธรรมและประชาธิปไตยทำยังไงนะหรอเมื่อชาวมีลอสวิงวอนขอไม่ต่อสู้ด้วย พวกเขาฆ่าชายชาวมีลอสตายเรียบ และจับผู้หญิงละเด็กเป็นทาสไงล่ะ ดังนั้น แม้ว่าโสเครตีสจะมอบวิธีการตั้งคำถามให้เรา โซโฟคลิสมอบอีดิปัส Polish: na wyspę Melos , spartiańską kolonię i zarządanie od nich poddania się Ateńskim rządom Melianie stwierdzili że nigdy właściwie nie byli po stronie Spartan i powiedzieli coś w stylu "Słuchajcie jeżeli Wam to nie przeszkadza chcielibyśmy przenieść się do Szwajcarii , oczywiście tak nie powiedzieli , ponieważ nie było wtedy Szwajcarii , której Ateńczycy mogliby odpowiedzieć, cytuje dosłownie "Silni robią to co mogą , a słabi cierpią to co muszą" Niepotrzebnie mówić, że to nie jest okropna demokracja lub oświecona pozycja do przyjęcia. To stanowisko w zasadzie jest widziane jako pierwsze wyraźne poparcie tak zwanej teorii Realizmu w międzynarodowych stosunkach [Realizm - pogląd mówiący iż główną zasadą na której powinna oparta być polityka jest siła a nie kwestie zasad i reguł] Dla realistów , stosunki między narodami( albo ludźmi czy kulturami) opieraja się na tym kto ma siłę. Ktokolwiek ją ma , może zmusić tego kto jej nie posiada do zrobienia prawie wszystkiego. Więc co zrobili merytokratyczni i demokratyczni Ateńczycy kiedy Melianie grzecznie zapytali czy mogą nie brać udziału w walce? Zabili wszystkich mężczyzn a kobiety i dzieci wzięli do niewoli. Więc tak , Sokrates dał nam jego metodę pytania , Sofokles - "Oedipusa"; ale Turkish: Yunan mirası çok daha karmaşık. Polopenes Savaşı'nı diktatör Spratalıların kazanmasının bu durum üstünde büyük etkisi var. Büyük hayal kırıklığı için teşekkürler Thought Bubble. Şimdi ciddi bir soru: Pers Savaşları'nı doğru taraf mı kazandı? Çoğu klasikçi ve Batı kültürü savunucusu Yunanlar kazandığı için elbette mutlu olmamız gerektiğini söyler Sonuçta Pers Savaşı galibiyeti sayesinde Klasik Çağ'ı başlatan kültürel gelişmeler yaşandı. Ayrıca eğer Persler kazansaydı monarşi demokrasiyi beşiğinde öldürebilirdi ve tek adam iktidarı olurdu. Bu olabilirdi ama buna karşı şu üç şeyi de göz önünde bulunduralım: Öncelikle, Pers hakimiyetinde yaşam gayet güzeldi ve insanlığın son beş bin yılına bakarsak demokrasilerden çok, başarılı ve dengeli imparatorluklar göreceksiniz. İkincisi Atina egemenliğinde yaşam o kadar da güzel değildi, özellikle kadın veya köleyseniz. Ayrıca hükümetin yolsuzlukları meşhurdu. En önemlisi de Atina hükümeti gücünü vatandaşlarından değil emperyalist "Güçlü Haklıdır" inancından alıyordu. Modern Greek (1453-): αλλά η κληρονομιά της Αρχαίας Ελλάδας είναι βαθύτατα ασαφής, πολλώ δε μάλλον επειδή νικητές του Πελοποννησιακού πολέμου ήταν οι δικτατορικοί Σπαρτιάτες. Ευχαριστώ για την απίστευτη αστοχία, Φούσκα της Σκέψης. Ορίστε μια μη-ρητορική ερώτηση: Τους Περσικούς πολέμους τους κέρδισε η σωστή πλευρά? Οι περισσότεροι κλασικιστές και υπερασπιστές της Δυτικής παράδοσης θα σας πουν πως φυσικά θα πρέπει να είμαστε ευτυχείς που οι Έλληνες κέρδισαν. Εν τέλει, η νίκη στον Περσικό πόλεμο ξεκίνησε την πολιτιστική ακμή που οδήγησε στην Κλασική Εποχή. Και επίσης αν είχαν κερδίσει οι Πέρσες με τη μοναρχία τους πιθανόν να είχαν στραγγαλίσει τη δημοκρατία στη γέννησή της και θα μας έδινε περισσότερη εξουσία από έναν άνθρωπο. Και αυτό είναι πιθανόν, αλλά σαν αντιπαράθεση σε αυτό το επιχείρημα, ας εξετάσουμε τρία πράγματα: Πρώτον, αξίζει να θυμηθούμε ότι η ζωή των Περσών ήταν αρκετά καλή και αν κοιτάξουμε τα τελευταία 5000 χρόνια ανθρώπινης ιστορίας θα βρούμε πολύ περισσότερες επιτυχημένες και σταθερές αυτοκρατορίες απ'ότι δημοκρατίες. Δεύτερον, η ζωή των Αθηναίων δεν ήταν και τόσο φοβερή, ειδικά αν ήσουν γυναίκα ή σκλάβος και η κυβέρνηση ήταν εμφανώς διεφθαρμένη. Σε τελική ανάλυση η Αθηναϊκή κυβέρνηση δεν αντλούσε τη δύναμή της από τους πολίτες αλλά από την ιμπεριαλιστική άποψη του νόμου του ισχυρού German: doch das Vermächtnis der alten Griechen ist sehr doppelbödig, vor allem weil der Gewinner des Peloponnesischen Krieges die diktatorischen Spartaner waren. Danke für diesen unglaublichen Horrortrip (?), ThoughtBubble. Also, hier haben wir eine nicht-rhetorische Frage: Hat im Persischen Krieg die richtige Seite gewonnen? Die meisten Kenner und Verteidiger der westlichen Tradition werden euch erzählen, dass wir natürlich froh sein sollten, dass die Griechen gewonnen haben. Immerhin ließ der Sieg in den Perserkriegen die Kultur aufblühen, was uns das klassische Zeitalter gab. Außerdem wäre die Demokratie, hätten die Perser mit ihrer Monarchie gewonnen, vielleicht im Keim erstickt worden und wir hätten stattdessen einen Alleinherscher bekommen. Und das ist möglich, aber lasst uns drei Dinge berücksichtigen: Erstens sollte man daran denken, dass das Leben unter den Persern ziemlich gut war, und wenn man sich die letzten fünftausend Jahre menschlicher Geschichte anschaut, findet man wesentlich mehr erfolgreiche und stabile Königreiche als Demokratien. Zweitens war das Leben in Athen nicht so super, vor allem wenn man eine Frau oder ein Sklave war, und die Regierung war korrupt. Und außerdem rührte die Macht der athenischen Regierung nicht von ihrern Bürgern sondern von der imperialistischen Idee des Rechts des Stärkeren her. iw: אבל המורשת של יוון העתיקה היא עמוקה מעורפלת ואמביוולנטית, ויותר מכך בגלל שהמנצח הסופי של מלחמת הפלופונס היו הספרטנים הדיקטטוריים. תודה על הביאוס המדהים, בועת המחשבה. אז הנה שאלה שאינה רטורית: האם הצד הנכון ניצח במלחמות פרס-יוון? רוב ראשי המחלקות ללימודים קלאסיים ומגיני מסורת המערב יגידו שכמובן! ואנחנו צריכים לשמוח שהיוונים ניצחו. אחרי הכל, הניצחון היווני במלחמה סלל את הדרך לתרבות שפרחה לאחר מכן ונתנה לנו את התקופה הקלאסית. ובנוסף, אם הפרסים היום מנצחים עם שיטת המלוכה שלהם, אולי הם היו "הורגים" את הדמוקרטיה לפני שהיא התחילה והיינו נשארים עם יותר שלטון של אדם בודד... וזה אפשרי, אבל כטיעון נגד הבה נבחן שלושה דברים: ראשית, כדאי לזכור שהחיים תחת הפרסים היו טובים למדי, ואם אתה מסתכל על חמשת אלפים השנים האחרונות בהיסטוריה האנושית, אז טוב, אתה תמצא הרבה יותר אימפריות מוצלחות ויציבות מאשר דמוקרטיות. שנית, החיים תחת האתונאים לא היו כל כך מדהימים, במיוחד אם היית אישה או עבד, והממשל היה מוּשׁחָת לשמצה ובסופו של דבר הממשלה האתונאית כוחה הגיע לא מאזרחיה, אלא מהאמונה האימפריאליסטית שכח פותר הכל Finnish: antiikin Kreikan perintö on syvällisen epäselvä, kaikki niin, koska lopullinen Peloponnesolaissodan voittaja oli diktatoriset spartalaiset. Kiitos uskomattomasta pettymyksestä Ajatuskupla. Tässä ei-retorinen kysymys: Voittiko oikea osapuoli persialaissodat? Suurin osa läntisen perinnön klassisteista ja puolustajista kertoo sinulle, että tietysti meidän olisi oltava iloisia, että kreikkalaiset voittivat. Loppujen lopuksihan persialaissodan voittaminen synnytti kulttuurin kukoistuksen, joka antoi meille klassisen ajan. Lisäksi, jos persialaiset olisivat voittaneet monarkiallaan, se olisi voinut ahdistaa demokratian kehdossaan ja antaa meille enemmän yksinvaltaa. Se on mahdollista, mutta punnitaampa vastalauseeksi kolmea asiaa: Ensimmäiseksi kannattaa muistaa, että elämä Persian alaisena oli melko hyvää ja jos katsot viisi tuhatta vuotta taaksepäin ihmisen historiaa, löydät enemmän menestyneitä ja vakaita imperiumeja kuin löydät demokratioita. Toiseksi, elämä Ateenan alaisena ei ollut niin upeaa, erityisesti jos olit nainen tai orja ja valtio oli pahamaineisen korruptoitunut. Pohjimmiltaan Ateenan hallinto johti valtansa ei kansalaisiltaan, mutta imperialistisesta ideasta, että valta oikeuttaa teot. Thai: แต่มรดกที่อาณาจักรกรีกโบราณมอบให้เรานั้นคลุมเครือมาก เพราะสุดท้ายผู้ชนะในสงครามเพโลพอนนีเซียน กลับเป็นฝ่ายเผด็จการสปาร์ต้า ขอบคุณมากสำหรับความผิดหวังนะ Thougth Buble และนี่คือคำถาม "มันดีจริงๆรึเปล่าที่กรีกชนะในสงครามเปอร์เซีย?" ผู้ที่ศึกษาวัฒนธรรมกรีกโบราณ และผู้อนุรักษ์ประเพณีตะวันตกส่วนมากมักบอกว่าเราควรดีใจที่กรีกชนะ เพราะยังไง การที่กรีกชนะเปอร์เซีย ทำให้ศิลปะวัฒนธรรมรุ่งเรือง และทำให้เราเข้าสู่ยุคคลาสสิก และนอกจากนี้ ถ้าเปอร์เซียชนะ อาจทำให้ประชาธิปไตยถูกฆ่าตัดตอน และทำให้เรามีแต่เผด็จการก็ได้ ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องที่เป็นไปได้ แต่เพื่อแย้งความคิดดังกล่าว เรามาลองคิดถึงสามสิ่งนี้กันครับ อย่างแรก จำได้มั้ยครับว่าชีวิตภายใต้การปกครองของเปอร์เซียนั้นดีมากทีเดียว และถ้าคุณย้อนดูประวัติศาสตร์โลกตลอด 5000 ปีก่อน คุณจะพบว่ามีอาณาจักรที่รุ่งเรือง และมั่นคงมากมาย ที่ไม่ได้เป็นประชาธิปไตย สอง ชีวิตภายใต้การปกครองขอเอเธนส์ไม่ได้ดีอะไรมาก โดยเฉพาะถ้าคุณเป็นผู้หญิง หรือทาส และรัฐบาลก็มีชื่อเสียงในเรื่องคอรัปชั่น และท้ายที่สุดรัฐบาลเอเธนส์ไม่ได้มาจากประชาชน แต่มาจากนักจักรวรรดินิยมที่แสวงหาอำนาจ Romanian: moștenirea Atenei antice e profund ambiguă cu atât mai mult pentru că învingătorul final al Războiului Peloponeziac a fost Sparta cea tiranică.Mulțumesc pentru păcatul incredibil, Balonule de Gândit. Avem deci o întrebare ne-retorică: A cine trebuia războaiele cu perșii? Cei mai mulți clasici și apărători ai tradiției occidentale vă vor spune că bineînțeles ar trebui să ne bucurăm că au învins grecii. În definitiv, victoria în războaiele cu perșii a dus la înflorirea culturală care ne-a dat Epoca Clasică. Și în plus, dacă Perșii ar fi învins cu monarhia lor asta putea să distrugă democrația și să ne ducă la conducerea unui singur om. Și asta e posibil ar să susținem acest argument prin trei chestiuni: Prima, să ne amintim că viața sub perși era destul de bună și dacă priviți la ultimii cinci mii de ani de istorie a omenirii veți descoperi o mulțime de imperii de succes și stabile decât democrații. A doua, viața la Atena nu era așa de minunată mai ales dacă erai femeie sau sclav iar corupția guvernării era notorie. Și în ultimul rând guvernarea ateniană nu se baza pe puterea cetățenilor ci pe credința imperialistă că cei puternici fac legea. Polish: dziedzictwo starożytnej Grecji jest ogromnie dwuznaczne , tym bardziej dlatego że ostatecznym zwycięzcą wojny peloponeskiej została dyktatorska Sparta. Dzięki za niesamowitą wizualizację, ThoughtBubble Dlatego teraz zadaje nieretoryczne pytanie: Czy właściwa strona zwyciężyła Wojny Perskie ? Najbardziej klasyczni obrońcy Zachodniej kultury odpowiedzą że oczywiście powinniśmy się cieszyć że Grecy wygrali. Koniec końców , zwycięstwo Persów mogłoby zatrzymać rozwój kultury , która dała nam okres klasyczny. Dodatkowo , jeśli Persowie by wygrali ze swoją monarchią mogliby zdusić demokrację i dać nam rządy jednego człowieka. I to jest możliwe , ale jako przeciwwaga dla tych argumentów , rozważmy trzy rzeczy: Po pierwsze , warto pamiętać że życie pod Persami było całkiem dobre a jeśli spojrzycie na ostatnie 5 tysięcy lat ludzkiej historii , zobaczycie dużo więcej sukcesywnych i stabilnych Imperiów niż w państwach demokratycznych. Po drugie, życie w Atenach wcale nie było takie świetne , szczególnie jeśli było się kobietą lub niewolnikiem a ich rząd był notorycznie skorumpowany. W końcu , Ateński rząd czerpał siłę nie z swoich obywateli ale z imperialistycznych wierzeń że "Siła tworzy prawo" Spanish: legado de la antigua Grecia es profundamente ambiguo, más así porque el ganador final de la guerra del Peloponeso fueron los espartanos dictatoriales. Gracias por la increíble decepción, Burbuja de Pensamiento. Aquí hay una pregunta no retórica: ¿Las Guerras Médicas las ganó el lado correcto? La mayoría de los clasicistas y defendientes de la tradición occidental te dirán que por supuesto que deberíamos estar felices de que los griegos ganaran. Después de todo, ganar las Guerras Médicas partió el florecimiento cultural que nos dio la Edad Clásica. Y además, si los persas hubieran ganado con su monarquía, eso pudo haber estrangulado a la democracia en su cuna y nos hubiera dado más dictaduras. Y es posible, pero para rebatir ese argumento, consideremos tres cosas: En primer lugar, cabe recordar que la vida bajo los persas era bastante buena y si nos fijamos en los últimos 5 mil años de la historia de la humanidad, encontrarás muchos más Imperios exitosos y estables que democracias. En segundo lugar, la vida bajo los atenienses no fue tan genial, especialmente si eras una mujer o un esclavo, y su gobierno era notoriamente corrupto. Y al final, el gobierno ateniense deriva su poder, no de sus ciudadanos, sino de la creencia imperialista que el poder impone el derecho. Hungarian: de az ókori görögök öröksége mélységesen kétértelmű, annál is inkább, mert a peloponészoszi háborúkat a diktatórikus Spárta nyerte. Köszi a segítséget, gondolat buborék. Tehát itt egy nem-költői kérdés: Vajon a "jó oldal" nyerte a perzsa háborúkat? A klasszikus védelmezői a nyugati hagyományoknak azt fogják mondani, hogy "Hát persze! Hiszen a görögök győzelmének köszönhető a klasszikus kor kulturális virágzása. Valamint, ha a perzsák nyertek volna, a monarchia megfojthatta volna a demokráciát, aminek még több egyeduralmi berendezkedésű társadalom lehetett volna az eredménye. Ez persze lehetséges, ellenérvként vessünk egy pillantást erre a három dologra: Először is, érdemes megjegyezni, hogy az élet a perzsák uralma alatt elég jónak volt mondható, és ha az utóbbi ötezer évre tekintünk, több sikeres és stabil egyeduralmi rendszert látunk, mint amennyi sikeres és stabil demokráciát. Másodszor, az élet Athénban nem volt olyan szuper, különösen nőként vagy szolgaként. A kormányzat pedig hírhedten korrupt volt. És az athéni kormány az erejét nem polgáraiból merítette, hanem az imperialista meggyőződésből, hogy mindig az erősnek van igaza. Chinese: 古希臘的影響盡其量可稱參差。 尤其因為伯羅奔尼撒戰爭最終得勝者是獨裁的斯巴達。 又是個悲哀的結尾。 我想你思考以下問題:希波戰爭希臘勝出是好事嗎。 古典學者和西方傳統擁護者會說當然要為希臘勝戰感幸。 打贏波斯才刺激希臘展開古典時期。 再說,波斯君王制勝利可能令民主胎死腹中, 其後只有更多一人專制。 反論點我想要提出以下三點: 一)波斯統治其實相對不差。 而近五千年來歷史上政局昌隆、平穩 帝國比民主來得多很多。 二)雅典人統治下生活並不那麼美好。 (尤其是女人和奴隸) 雅典政府更是出了名地腐敗。 雅典政治權力終極來源更不是人民, 而是強權即公理的帝國主義哲學。 Czech: ale odkaz Řecka je poměrně nejasný, nejen protože koneční vítězové peloponéských válek byli diktátorští Sparťané. Děkujeme za hroznou smůlu, Thought Bubble. Položme si tuto otázku: Vyhrála řecko-perské války ta správná strana? Většina stoupenců a obhájců západní kultury vám řekne, že bychom samozřejmě měli být rádi, že Řekové zvítězili. Nakonec jejich vítězství odstartovalo kulturní rozkět, ze kterého vzešel klasický věk. A navíc, kdyby vyhráli Peršané se svou monarchií, mohli zadusit demokracii v jejím počátku a dát nám víc diktátorství. To všechno je možné, ale můžeme tomu odporovat; zvažme tyto tři věci: Zaprvé, stojí za to nezapomenout, že žít pod Peršany bylo docela fajn, a když se podíváte na posledních pět tisíc let lidské historie, objevíte mnohem více úspěšných a stabilních říší než demokracií. Zadruhé, život pod nadvládou Athén nebyl tak úžasný, zvlášť jako žena nebo otrok, a jejich vláda byla zkorumpovaná. Athénská vláda nezískává sílu z občanů, ale z imperalistického přesvědčení, že síla určuje, co je správné. Je pravda, že nám Athény daly Sokrata, Vietnamese: nhưng di sản của Hy Lạp cổ đại rất mơ hồ, lí do lớn hơn là kẻ chiến thắng cuối cùng trong Chiến tranh Peloponnesian là người Sparta độc tài Đây là một câu hỏi không tu từ: Có phải bên đúng đã thắng cuộc chiến tranh Ba Tư? Hầu hết nhà cổ điển và người bảo vệ truyền thống phương Tây sẽ nói tất nhiên ta nên vui vì Hy Lạp thắng. Sau tất cả, thắng lợi trong chiến tranh Ba Tư đã khiến văn hóa nở rộ cho chúng ta Thời kì Cổ điển. Hơn nữa, nếu Ba Tư thắng với nền quân chủ có thể bóp nghẹt dân chủ từ trong trứng và cho chúng ta một sự thống trị nữa Có thể, nhưng phản đối lại lý lẽ đó, hãy xem xét 3 điều: Thứ nhất, nên nhớ rằng cuộc sống dưới người Ba Tư rất tốt, và nếu nhìn vào 5000 năm gần nhất của lịch sử nhân loại, bạn sẽ thấy nhiều đế quốc thành công và ổn định hơn các quốc gia dân chủ Thứ hai, cuộc sống dưới người Athens không tuyệt cho lắm, đặc biệt nếu bạn là phụ nữ hoặc nô lệ, chính quyền nổi tiếng tham nhũng. Và cuối cùng, chính quyền Athens giành quyền lực không từ dân chúng, mà từ niềm tin đế quốc rằng Sức mạnh tạo ra quyền lực French: mais l'héritage de la Grèce antique est profondément ambiguë, d'autant plus parce que les grands vainqueurs de la guerre du Péloponnèse étaient les Spartiates dictatoriaux. Merci pour ce constat déprimant, Bulle d'idée. Donc voici une question non rhétorique: Est-ce que le bon clan a gagné les guerres médiques? La plupart des classicistes et défenseurs des traditions occidentales vont vous dire que bien sûr, nous devrions être content que les Grecs aient gagné. Après tout, la victoire des guerres médiques a lancé la prospérité culturelle qui nous a donné l'ère classique. De plus, si les Perses avait gagné, avec leur monarchie, ils auraient pu étouffer la démocratie dans son berceau et nous refiler plus de règnes à un seul dirigeant. Et c'est possible, mais comme contre argument, considérons trois choses: Premièrement, il faut se souvenir que la vie chez les Perses était plutôt bien et si on regarde les 5 000 dernières années de l'histoire de l'humanité, on va trouver beaucoup plus d'empires que de démocraties qui étaient prospères et stables. Deuxièmement, la vie chez les Athéniens n'était pas si géniale, particulièrement si vous étiez une femme ou un esclave et leur gouvernement était notoirement corrompu. Ultimement, le gouvernement athénien puisait son pouvoir, non pas des citoyens, mais de la croyance impérialiste de la loi du plus fort. Portuguese: legado da Grécia Antiga é profundamente ambíguo, ainda mais porque o vencedor da guerra do Peloponeso foi a Esparta ditatorial. Obrigada pela incrível animação Thought Bubble. Então, aqui vai a pergunta não teórica: Será que o lado certo ganhou a guerra Persa? A maioria dos classicistas e defensores da cultura ocidental dirão que nós devamos ficar felizes pela vitória Grega. Apesar de tudo, a vitória na Guerra Persa fez aflorar a cultura que deu origem a era clássica. E mais, se os Persas tivessem ganho a guerra, sua monarquia provavelmente deve ter atrasado a democracia e nos dado mas poder para Um. Isso é provável, ms como contra argumento, vamos considerar três coisas: Primeiro, vale lembrar que a vida no Império Persa era muito boa e se você olhar para os últimos cinco mil anos da história da humanidade, mais impérios estáveis estáveis e bem sucedido do que democracias. Segundo, a vida em Atenha não era tão boa, principalmente se você for uma mulher ou um escravo, e o governo era visivelmente corrupto. E por ultimo, o governo Ateniense usou seu poder sob as cidades gregas com a mentalidade imperialista que a ocasião faz o ladrão. Arabic: لكن إرث اليونان القديمة مبهم إلى حد كبير، ويزيده إبهامًا أن الفائز النهائي في الحرب البيلوبونيسية كان الاسبارطيين الديكتاتوريين. شكرًا على هذه المعلومة المحبطة يا فقاعة التخيل. إليكم سؤال غير بلاغي: هل كسب الجانب الصحيح الحروب الفارسية؟ معظم طلاب الدراسات القديمة والمدافعين عن التراث الغربي سيقولون لكم إنه بالطبع ينبغي لنا أن نكون سعداء لفوز الإغريق، ففوزهم في الحرب الفارسية استهل ازدهارًا ثقافيًا منحنا العصر الكلاسيكي. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، لو أن الفرس فازوا بنظامهم الملكيّ لقتل ذلك الديمقراطية في مهدها وأعطانا المزيد من حكم الرجل الواحد. وهذا ممكن، ولكن كحجة مضادة لهذا الرأي، دعونا نأخذ ثلاثة أمور بعين الاعتبار: أولًا، من الجدير بالتذكر أن الحياة في ظل حكم الفرس كانت جيدة جداً، وإذا ما نظرتم الى الخمسة آلاف سنة الأخيرة في تاريخ البشرية، فستجدون عدد الإمبراطوريات الناجحة والمستقرة أكبر بكثير من الديموقراطيات. ثانيًا، لم تكن الحياة في ظل حكم الأثينيين رائعة، خاصة إذا كنت امرأة أو عبدًا، كما كانت حكومتهم معروفة بفسادها. وفي نهاية المطاف لم تكن الحكومة الأثينية تستمد قوتها من مواطنيها، وإنما من الاعتقاد الإمبريالي بأن القوة هي الحق. Dutch: nalatenschap van de Griekse oudheid is een beetje dubbelzinnig, zelfs meer omdat de winnaar van de Peleponnese oorlog de dictatorische Spartanen waren. Dankje voor de ongelooflijke klaploper, gedachten bubbel. Dus hier is een niet retorische vraag: Heeft de goede zijde de Perzische oorlog gewonnen? Meeste classicisten en verdedigers van de Westerse traditie zullen je vertellen dat we natuurlijk blij moeten zijn met dat de Grieken wonnen. Per slot, het winnen van de Perzische oorlog begon een bloei van cultuur dat on de klassieke eeuw gaf. En plus, als de Perzen hadden gewonnen met hun monarchie dat misschien democratie had omgelegd in haar wieg en ons meer 1 mans heerschappij En dat is mogelijk. maar als een counter tegen dat argument, laten we 3 dingen overwegen. Ten eerste, het is goed om te herinneren dat leven onder de Perzen best wel goed was en als je kijkt naar de laatste 5 duizend jaar van geschiedenis, zal je vinden dat er veel meer succesvolle en stabiele rijken zijn dan democratieën. Ten tweede, leven onder de Atheners was niet zo geweldig, specifiek als je een vrouw was of een slaaf en hun regering was berucht corrupt. en uiteindelijk haalde de Atheense regering niet zijn macht van het volk maar van de imperialistische geloof dat macht, recht geeft Swedish: arvet från antikens Grekland är djupt tvetydig, all mer så eftersom den slutliga vinnaren av det peloponnesiska kriget var de diktatoriska Spartanerna. Tack för den otroliga besvikelsen, tankebubblan. Så här är en icke-retorisk fråga: Vann rätt sida de persiska krigen? De flesta klassikerna och försvarare av den västerländska traditionen kommer att säga att vi naturligtvis borde vara glada att grekerna vann. Trots allt, vinsten i de persiska krigeen skapade den kulturella blomstring som gav oss den klassiska åldern. Och plus, om Perserna hade vunnit med sin monarki hade de kanske strypt demokratin i krubban och gett oss mer enmans styre. Och det är möjligt, men som ett motargument, låt oss betänka tre saker: För det första är det värt att komma ihåg att livet under perserna var ganska bra, och om man tittar på de senaste fem tusen år av mänsklighetens historia, hittar du långt fler framgångsrika och stabila imperier än du kommer demokratier. För det andra, livet under Atenarna var inte så underbart, särskilt om du var kvinna eller slav, och deras regering var ökänt korrupt. Slutligen kom makten hos Atenska regeringen inte från sina medborgare utan från den imperialistiska tron ​​att den starke har rätt. English: legacy of Ancient Greece is profoundly ambiguous, all the moreso because the final winner of the Peloponnesian War were the dictatorial Spartans. Thanks for the incredible bummer, Thought Bubble. So here’s a non-rhetorical question: Did the right side win the Persian wars? Most classicists and defenders of the Western Tradition will tell you that of course we should be glad the Greeks won. After all, winning the Persian war set off the cultural flourishing that gave us the Classical Age. And plus, if the Persians had won with their monarchy that might have strangled democracy in its crib and given us more one-man rule. And that’s possible, but as a counter that argument, let’s consider three things: First, it’s worth remembering that life under the Persians was pretty good, and if you look at the last five thousand years of human history, you’ll find a lot more successful and stable empires than you will democracies. Second, life under the Athenians wasn’t so awesome, particularly if you were a woman or a slave, and their government was notoriously corrupt. And ultimately the Athenian government derived its power not from its citizens, but from the imperialist belief that Might Makes Russian: Но наследие Древней Греции весьма противоречиво. Это ещё более так из-за того, что в итоге победителями оказались властные спартанцы. Вот это был облом, Thought Bubble. Вот вам не риторический вопрос. Правильная ли сторона победила в Греко-Персидских войнах? Большинство классиков и защитников западной традиции скажет, что мы конечно же должны быть рады, что греки выиграли. В конце концов победа в войне дала начало культурному процветанию и, собственно, периоду Античности. И к тому же, если бы победили персы с их монархией, то они бы наверняка задушили демократию в зародыше, что породило бы больше единоличных правлений. Это было возможным, но в качестве контрагргумента давайте рассмотрим три пункта. Во-первых, стоит помнить, что жизнь под персами была весьма неплохой. И если вы посмотрите на последние 5000 истории человечества, то увидите, что успешных и стабильных империй было гораздо больше, чем демократических государств. Во-вторых, жизнь в Афинах не была такой уж классной, особенно если вы были женщиной или рабом. А их правительство было известно своей коррумпированностью. И по сути правительство Афин опиралось не на своих граждан, а на империалистический принцип, что сильный всегда прав. Да, это правда что Афины дали нам Сократа. iw: זה נכון שאתונה נתנה לנו סוקרטס, אבל תנו לי להזכיר לכם שהם גם הרגו אותו. ***ובכן, אני מתכוון שהם אילצו אותו להתאבד. לא משנה מה, הרודוטוס, אתה לא היחיד כאן שיכול לעסוק ב"הטיה הסטורית". ולבסוף, תחת שלטון פרסי היוונים אולי היו נמנעים מהמלחמה הפלופונסית, אשר בסופו של דבר החלישה את ערי המדינה היווניות כל כך שאביו של "אלכסנדר (מגיע בקרוב) הגדול" הצליח לכבוש את כולם, ולאחר מכן היו חבורה של מלחמות עקובות מדם עם הפרסים וכל מיני דברים נוראיים, ויוון לא הייתה מביאה דמוקרטיה שוב במשך אלפיים שנה. כל זה היה יכול להימנע אם הם רק היו מרשים לעצמם לחטוף מכות על ידי הפרסים. כל זה מאלץ אותנו לחזור אל שאלת השאלות של ההיסטוריה האנושית: "מה הטעם של להיות בחיים?" יש לי חדשות טובות בשבילך בָּחוּר אתה רק הולך לדאוג על זה במשך שמונה שניות נוספות. אם זה להבטיח את החיים הכי ארוכים, בריאים ו- פוריים עבור בני האדם? כי אם כן, קל לטעון כי יוון הייתה צריכה להפסיד במלחמה מול פרס. אבל אולי החיים הם חיפוש אחר איזה אידיאל גדול ששווה להקריב עבורו ללא הרף . ואם כך, אולי תפארתה של אתונה עדיין זורחת, גם אם במעומעם. Romanian: E adevărat că Atena ni l-a dat pe Socrate dar lăsați-mă să vă reamintesc, tot ea l-a ucis. Bine, vreau să spun că l-au forțat să se sinucidă.Oricum, Herodot, nu ești singurul aici care ești înrolat într-o istorie părtinitoare. Și în ultimul rând, sub dominație persană grecii ar fi putut evita Războiul peloponeziac, care a slăbit orașele grecești atât de mult încât tatăl lui Alexandru Cel Venit Curând cel Mare a fost capabil să-i cucerească pe toți, și atunci au existat o mulțime de războaie sângeroase cu perșii și toate felurile de lucruri oribile și grecii nu vor mai vedea democrația din nou timp de două milenii. Toate ar fi putut fi evitate dacă se lăsau bătuți de perși. Toate astea ne forțează să ne întoarcem la întrebarea fundamentală a istoriei omenirii: Care este scopul pentru care trăim? Am vești bune pentru voi, băieți.N-o să vă îngrijorați pentru asta mai mult de 8 secunde.Ar trebui să asigurăm cea mai lungă, cea mai sănătoasă și cele mai bune vieți pentru oameni? Dacă da, e ușor să argumentăm că grecii ar fi trebuit să piardă războaiele ci perșii.Dar poate viețile trebuie trăite urmând un mare ideal care cere sacrificii nesfârșite. Și dacă e așa, poate gloria Atenei încă strălucește, cu toate că slab. Spanish: Es cierto que Atenas nos dieron a Sócrates, pero dejenme recordarles, también lo mataron. Bueno, digo, lo obligaron a suicidarse. Lo que sea, Heródoto. No eres el único aquí que puede participar en el sesgo histórico. Y por último, bajo el dominio persa los griegos podrían haber evitado la guerras médicas, que acabó debilitando las ciudades-estado griegas tanto que el padre de Alejandro "Próximamente" el Grande fue capaz de conquistarlas a todas y luego hubo un montón de guerras sangrientas con los persas y toda clase de cosas horribles y Grecia ni siquiera vería la democracia de nuevo por dos milenios. Todo lo cual pudo haber sido evitado si se hubieran dejado vencer por los persas. Lo cual nos fuerza a regresas a nuestra pregunta núcleo de la historia humana: ¿Cuál es el punto de estar vivo? Tengo buenas noticias para ti, hombre. Solo tendrás que preocuparte por eso por unos 8 segundos más. ¿Deberíamos tratar de asegurar las vidas más largas, saludables y productivas para los humanos? Si es así, es fácil decir que Grecia debió haber perdido las guerras médicas. Pero quizás las vidas son para ser vividas en búsqueda de un gran ideal por el cual vale la pena sacrificarse. Y si es así, tal vez la gloria de Atenas aún brilla, aunque débilmente. Hungarian: Igaz, hogy Athén adta nekünk Szókratészt, de hadd emlékeztesselek, hogy ők is ölték meg. Vagyis egészen pontosan: arra kényszerítették, hogy öngyilkosságot kövessen el. Bárhogy is, Hérodotosz, nem te vagy az egyetlen, akinek az előítéletei torzítják a történelmet. És végül, perzsa uralom alatt a görögök elkerülhették volna a peloponnészoszi háborút, ami miatt a városállamok úgy meggyengültek, hogy Nagy "Hamarosan Következik" Sándor apja az összeset meg tudta hódítani, csomó véres harc és egyéb válogatott szörnyűségek árán. Görögország hírét se hallotta a demokráciának a következő két évezreden keresztül. Ez talán mind elkerülhető lett volna, ha vereséget szenvednek a perzsáktól. Mindez arra kényszerít bennünket, hogy visszatérjünk a történelem legnagyobb kérdéséhez: Mi az élet értelme? A jó hírem számodra, hogy már csak 8 másodpercig kell emiatt eggódnod. Érdekünk, hogy igyekezzünk biztosítani mindenki számára a hosszú, egészséges, és produktív életet? Ha igen, akkor könnyűszerrel állíthatjuk, hogy a görögöknek veszíteniük kellett volna a görög-perzsa háborúkban. Bár talán élet értelme inkább a folyamatos törekvés, és feláldozni mindent a végtelenségig valami nemesb cél érdekében. Ha így van, talán Athén dicsősége máig is ragyog... homályosan. French: Certes, il est vrai qu'Athènes nous a laissé Socrate, mais laissez moi vous rappeler qu'ils l'ont également tué. Bon, je veux dire qu'ils l'ont forcé à se suicider. Peu imorte, Hérodote, tu n'es pas le seul à se livrer aux biais historiques. Et finalement, sous le règne perse, les Grecs auraient pu éviter la guerre du Péloponnèse, qui, au final, a affaibli les cités-États grecques au point où le père d'Alexandre "À Venir Bientôt" le Grand a pu toutes les conquérir, suivi d'un paquet de guerres sanglantes avec les Perses, et toutes sortes de choses horribles, et que la Grèce n'aient pu voir l'ombre de la démocratie pour deux millénaires. Tout ça aurait pu être évité s'ils s'étaient seulement laissé battre par les Perses! Tout ça nous ramène à la question centrale de l'histoire de l'humanité: Quel est le but d'être en vie? J'ai de bonnes nouvelles pour toi mec. Tu vas devoir t'en soucier que pour 8 secondes de plus. Devrions-nous tenter d'assurer une vie plus longue et en santé et productive pour les humains? Si oui, c'est facile de faire valoir que la Grèce aurait dû perdre les guerres médiques. Mais peut-être que la vie doit être vécue comme la poursuite d'un grand idéal qui vaut la peine de se sacrifier sans cesse. Et si c'est le cas, peut-être que la gloire d'Athènes brille toujours, bien que faiblement. Vietnamese: Đúng là Athens cho chúng ta Socrate, nhưng họ cũng giết ông ta Ý tôi là bắt ông tự tử. Dù sao, Herodotus, ông không phải người duy nhất ở đây bẻ cong lịch sử Sau cùng, dưới sự cai trị của Ba Tư, người Hy Lạp có thể đã tránh được chiến tranh Peloponnesian, mà kết cục làm suy yếu các thành bang Hy Lạp đến nỗi cha của Alexander "sắp đến" Đại đế có thể chinh phục tất cả, rồi hàng loạt cuộc chiến đẫm máu với người Ba Tư và đủ thứ kinh khủng, và Hi Lạp không thoáng thấy lại nền dân chủ trong 2 thiên niên kỉ. Tất cả có thể tránh khỏi nếu họ để mình bị người Ba Tư đánh bại Tất cả buộc chúng ta quay lại câu hỏi cốt lõi của của lịch sử loài người: Sống để làm gì? Tôi có tin tốt cho các bạn. Bạn sẽ chỉ phải lo về nó trong vòng 8 giây nữa. Chúng ta có nên cố đảm bảo cuộc sống lâu dài, khỏe mạnh, sinh sôi nhất cho con người? Nếu vậy, dễ kết luận Hi Lạp nên thua Chiến tranh Ba Tư Nhưng có lẽ đời là sống để theo đuổi vài lý tưởng vĩ đại đáng để không ngừng hi sinh. Và nếu thế, có lẽ hào quang của Athens vãn tỏa sáng, nhưng mập mờ Arabic: صحيح أن أثينا منحتنا سقراط، ولكن اسمحوا لي أن أذكركم بأنها قتلته أيضًا. أو بالأحرى أجبروه على الانتحار. مت بغيظك يا هيرودوت، لست الوحيد الذي يستطيع ممارسة التحيز التاريخي. وأخيرًا، في ظل الحكم الفارسي لربما كان الإغريق سيتجنبون الحرب البيلوبونيسية، والتي انتهى بها المطاف إلى إضعاف دول المدن اليونانية بشدة، درجة أن والد إسكندر الأكبر "الذي سنناقشه قريبًا" استطاع غزوها جميعًا، ثم وقعت عدة حروب دامية مع الفرس وشتى الأحداث المرعبة التي لم يشم الإغريق بعدها رائحة الديموقراطية مجددًا لمدة ألفي السنين. وهذا كله كان بالإمكان تفاديه لو أنهم سمحوا لأنفسهم بالتعرض للهزيمة على يد الفرس. وهذا كله يجبرنا على العودة إلى السؤال الأساسي في التاريخ البشري: ما مغزى الحياة؟ لدي نبأ سار لك يا صديقي. بعد 8 ثوان لن تعود بحاجة إلى القلق بشأن ذلك السؤال. هل ينبغي لنا أن نحاول السعي لتحقيق أطول وأصحّ حياة وأكثرها إنتاجية للبشر؟ إذا صحّ ذلك، فمن السهل إقامة الحجة بأن الإغريق كان ينبغي أن يخسروا الحروب الفارسية. فربما يُفترض عيش الحياة في نصرة مُثل عظيمة تستحق أن نضحي من أجلها بكل ما نملك. وإذا صحّ ذلك فلربما ما يزال نور مجد أثينا مُشعًا، وإن كان خافتًا. تلك هي الأسئلة الحقيقية التي علينا أن نستخلص الإجابة عنها من التاريخ: ما مغزى الحياة؟ Finnish: On totta, että Ateena antoi meille Sokrateen, mutta muistetaan, että he myös tappoivat hänet. Tarkoitan siis, että he pakottivat hänet tekemään itsemurhan. Oli miten oli Herodotos, et ole ainoa jolla on historiallinen asenteellisuus. Ja viimeiseksi, persialaisten alaisena kreikkalaiset olisivat voineet välttää peloponnesolaissodan, joka heikensi Kreikan kaupunkivaltioita niin, että (pian tulevan) Aleksander Suuren isän oli mahdollista valloittaa ne kaikki ja sitten oli monta veristä sotaa persialaisten kanssa ja kaikenlaisia kaameita asioita ja Kreikka ei näkisi demokratiaa enää kahteen tuhanteen vuoteen. Kaikki olisi voitu välttää, jos he vain olisivat antaneet persialaisten voittaa heidät. Kaikki tämä pakottaa meitä palaamaan historian ydinkysymykseen: Mitä järkeä on elossa olemisessa? Minulla on hyviä uutisia sinulle, ukko. Sinun on mietittävä tätä vain seuraavat 8 sekuntia. Pitäisikö meidän varmistaa pisin, terveellisin ja tuottavin elämä ihmisille? Jos niin, on helppoa väitellä, että Kreikan olisi pitänyt hävitä persialaissodat. Mutta ehkäpä elämä kuuluu elää jonkin suuren idean tavoittelussa, jolle voi uhrautua ikuisesti. Jos niin on, Ateenan loisto kiiltää yhä, tosin himmeästi. Portuguese: Verdade que Atena nos presenteou com Socrates, mas deixe-me lembrá-lo, eles também o mataram. Bem, na verdade eles o forçaram a cometer suicídio. Tanto faz, Heródoto, você não é o único aqui que conhece a História. E por último, sob as regras Espartanas, os gregos poderiam ter evitado a guerra do Peloponeso. A guerra que enfraqueceu a Gregas, deixando-as vuneráveis para que o pai de Alexandre "próximo vídeo" o Grande conseguir conquistar toda a região, depois de um banho de sangue nas guerras contra Persas e todas as coisas horríveis e a democracia grega não teria desaparecido por dois milênios. E tudo isso poderia ser evitado se eles deixassem os Persas ganharem. E tudo isso nos força a retornar para a questão humana de sempre: Qual a razão de estarmos vivos? Eu tenho boas notícias para você. Só precisará se preocupar com isso pelos próximos 8 segundos. Deveremos tentar garantir uma vida mais longa, saudável e produtiva para todos os humanos. Se for é fácil argumentar que os Gregos deveriam ter perdido a guerra Persa. Mas se as vida deve ser vivida para perseguir um ideal de sacrifício então a glória de Atenas continua a brilhar, vagamente. Chinese: 雅典出了蘇格拉底沒錯,但要記得雅典也將他處決。 嚴格說是逼迫他服毒自殺,這沒差啦。 希羅多德你看,歷史偏差我也可以。 三)波斯統治下可避免伯羅奔尼撒戰爭。 諸城邦飽受戰爭摧殘、耗弱, 亞歷山大(即將登場)的父親甚至得以一統希臘。 之後還與波斯爆發一系列血腥戰爭等壞事, 希臘甚至兩千年間將不再見民主蹤影, 他們倘若戰敗這一切就不必發生。 這逼使我們回到研究歷史的核心問題: 活著是為了什麼? 黑板上的仁兄,好消息是你只須為此題煩惱約八秒。 意義是為人類爭取長壽、健康、有為的生活嗎? 是如此那希臘就應該要敗仗才對。 但也有可能活著是為了可無限付出的理想。 是如此那雅典可能依然發射光芒(雖然黯淡) Thai: จริงอยู่ที่เอเธนส์มอบโสเครตีสให้เรา แต่อย่าลืมว่า พวกเขาก็เป็นคนฆ่าโสเครตีสด้วย คือ ผมหมายถึงพวกเขาบังคับให้โสเครตีสฆ่าตัวตาย ช่างเถอะ เฮอรอโดทัส คุณไม่ใช่คนเดียวที่มีอคติทางประวัติศาสตร์นะครับ และสุดท้าย ภายใต้การปกครองของเปอร์เซีย สงครามเพโลพอนนีเซียนอาจจะไม่เกิดขึ้นก็ได้ สงครามนี้ได้ทำให้กรีกอ่อนแอลงมากซะจน พระบิดาของอเล็กซานเดอร์มหาราช สามารถยึดครองกรีกได้เกือบทั้งหมด และตามมาด้วยสงครามกับเปอร์เซียอีกหลายครั้ง และกรีกก็ไม่ได้พบเจอกับประชาธิปไตยไปอีก 2000 ปี ทั้งหมดนี้อาจไม่เกิดขึ้น ถ้าพวกเขาแพ้เปอร์เซีย ทั้งหมดนี้ทำให้เรากลับมาตั้งคำถามสำคัญเกี่ยวกับประวัติศาสตร์ของมวลมนุษยชาติ ทำไมเราถึงมีชีวิตอยู่? ผมมีข่าวดีมาบอกครับ เราจะกังวลกับเรื่องนี้อีกแค่ 8 วินาทีเท่านั้น เราควรพยายามให้มนุษย์มีชีวิตที่ยืนยาว แข็งแรง และมีคุณภาพหรือไม่? ถ้าใช่ เราก็อาจบอกได้ว่าเปอร์เซียควรจะชนะกรีกในสงครามเปอร์เซีย แต่หากชีวิตคือการไล่ตามความเชื่อบางอย่าง และยอมสละทุกอย่างเพื่อให้ได้มันมา ถ้าเป็นอย่างนั้น ความยิ่งใหญ่ของเอเธนส์ยังคงส่องแสง แม้จะริบหรี่ก็ตาม Turkish: Atina'nın bize Sokratı verdiği doğru ama hatırlayın, onu öldürdü de. Yani, onu intihara zorladı. Her neyse, Herodot, burada tarihi ön yargısı olan tek kişi sen değilsin. Son olarak, Pers egemenliğinde Pelopones Savaşı engellenebilirdi. Bu savaş şehir-devletleri o kadar yıprattı ki Büyük" Birazdan Geliyor" İskender'in babası hepsini fethedebildi. Sonrasında Persler ile kanlı savaşlar ve o kadar kötü şeyler yaşandı ki Yunanistan iki binyıl boyunca demokrasiye geçmedi. Bunların hepsi Persler'e yenilselerdi önlenebilirdi. Bütün bular bizi tekrar insanlığın en önemli sorusuna götürüyor: Yaşamanın anlamı ne? Bütün bular bizi tekrar insanlığın en önemli sorusuna götürüyor: Yaşamanın anlamı ne? Senin için iyi bir haberim var. Sadece 8 saniye daha endişelenmen gerekiyor. İnsanlar için en uzun, en sağlıklı ve en üretken yaşamları mı sağlamalıyız? Eğer öyleyse Yunanistan Pers Savaşları'nı kaybetti. Belkide hayatımız hiç bitmeyecek bir ideale ulaşma yolunda feda etmeliyiz. Eğer böyleyse Atinalıların zaferi hala parlıyor, daha az, ama parlıyor. Swedish: Det är sant att Aten gav oss Sokrates, men låt mig påminna er, de dödade honom också. Tja, de tvingade honom att begå självmord. Oavsett, Herodotos, du är inte den enda här som kan engagera sig i historisk partiskhet. Och slutligen, under persiskt styre kunde grekerna ha undvikit det peloponnesiska kriget, som försvagade de grekiska stadsstaterna så mycket att Alexander "Snart här" den Stores far kunde erövra dem alla, och sedan fanns det en massa blodiga krig med perserna och alla typer av fruktansvärda saker, och Grekland skulle inte skymta demokrati igen för två årtusenden. Allt detta kanske kunde ha undvikits om de skulle bara låtit sig slås av perserna. Detta tvingar oss att återvända till kärnan när det gäller mänsklighetens historia: Vad är poängen med att vara vid liv? Jag har goda nyheter för dig, grabben. Du kommer bara att behöva oroa dig i ca åtta sekunder till. Skall vi försöka att säkerställa längsta, mest hälsosamma, och mest produktiva liv för människor? Om så är fallet, är det lätt att hävda att Grekland ska ha förlorat persiska krigen. Men liv kanske är att leva i jakten på några stora ideal värt att offra för i oändlighet. Om så är fallet, kanske Atens ära fortfarande lyser, om än, svagt. Dutch: Het is waar dat Athene ons Socrates gaf, maar laat me je herinneren, zij vermoorde hem ook. Nou ja, ik bedoel ze forceerde hem om zelfmoord te plegen. Hoe dan ook, Herodotus, je bent niet de enige hier die kan meedoen in historische voorinneming. En ten laatste, onder Perzische heerschappij hadden de Grieken misschien de Peloponnesian oorlog ontweken, die eindigde met een verzwakking van de Griekse staatsteden zo ver dat Alexander "Coming Soon" de grote's vader mogelijk was om ze allemaal te veroveren en toen was er een bloedige hoop van oorlogen met de Perzen en allerlei soorten van verschrikkelijke dingen en Griekenland zou democratie niet meer zien voor 2 millennia. Wat allemaal voorkomen had kunnen zijn als zij zich gewoon hadden laten verslaan door de Perzen. Wat ons allemaal weer terug drijft naar de basis vraag van de menselijke geschiedenis: Wat is het nut van levend zijn? Ik heb goed nieuws voor je, jongen. Je hoeft je er alleen maar zorgen over te maken voor 8 meer seconden Zullen we proberen te zorgen voor de langste, gezondste en meest productieve levens voor mensen? Zo ja, is het makkelijk om te beargumenteren dat Griekenland de Perzische oorlog zou moeten verliezen. Maar misschien zijn levens ervoor om te leven in achtervolging van een groter ideaal, wat het waard is om je voor op te offeren. En als het zo is, schijnt er misschien nog steeds iets van de glorie van Athene , hoe dim dan ook. Czech: ale dovolte mi vám připomenout, že ho také zabily. Chtěl jsem říct, že ho donutily spáchat sebevraždu. Co už, Hérodote, nejsi jediný, kdo byl historicky předpojatý. Konečně pod Peršany se Řekové mohli vyhnout peloponéské válce, která jen zeslabila řecké státy natolik, že táta Alexadera Velikého, o něm již brzy, je mohl všechny dobýt a pak nastal čas krvavých válek s Peršany a dalších hrůz a Řecko nevidělo demokracii další dvě tisíciletí. Toho všeho se mohli vyvarovat, kdyby se jen nechali porazit Peršany. Tohle všechno nás nutí se vrátit k nejpodstatnější otázce historie: Proč žijeme? Mám pro tebe dobrou zprávu, kámo. Budeš si s tím muset lámat hlavu už jen asi 8 vteřin. Měli bychom zajistit lidem co nejdelší, nejzdravější a nejproduktivnější životy? Pokud ano je snadné obhájit, že Řecko mělo prohrát řecko-perské války. Ale možná se mají životy žít v honbě za ideálem, za který stojí se obětovat. A pokud ano, možná sláva Athén stále září, i když jen mdle. Toto jsou skutečné otázky historie: Modern Greek (1453-): Είναι αλήθεια ότι η Αθήνα μας έδωσε τον Σωκράτη, αλλά να σας θυμίσω ότι τον σκότωσε κιόλας. Τον εξανάγκασαν σε αυτοκτονία δηλαδή. Τέλος πάντων Ηρόδοτε, δεν υποπίπτεις μόνο εσύ σε ιστορική μεροληψία. Και τελικά υπό Περσική κυριαρχία οι Έλληνες μπορεί να είχαν αποφύγει τον Πελοποννησιακό πόλεμο, ο οποίος έληξε αποδυναμώνοντας τις πόλεις-κράτη τόσο πολύ που ο πατέρας του Μέγα -έρχεται σύντομα- Αλέξανδρου κατάφερε να τις κατακτήσει όλες και μετά ακολούθησαν πόλεμοι με τους Πέρσες και όλων των ειδών φρικτά πράγματα, και η Ελλάδα δεν θα έβλεπε ξανά τη δημοκρατία για δύο χιλιετίες. Όλα αυτά πιθανόν να είχαν αποφευχθεί εάν επέτρεπαν στους εαυτούς τους να τις φάνε από τους Πέρσες Όλα αυτά μας αναγκάζουν να επιστρέψουμε στο κεντρικό ερώτημα της ανθρώπινης ιστορίας: Ποιο είναι το νόημα του να είσαι ζωντανός? Σου έχω καλά νέα φίλε, Θα πρέπει να σε απασχολήσει μόνο για 8 δευτερόλεπτα ακόμα. Πρέπει να προσπαθούμε να εξασφαλίσουμε μακροζωία, ευεξία και παραγωγική ζωή για τους ανθρώπους? Αν είναι έτσι, είναι εύκολο να ισχυριστούμε ότι η Ελλάδα θα έπρεπε να χάσει τους Περσικούς πολέμους Αλλά ίσως θα πρέπει να ζούμε επιδιώκοντας κάποια ιδανικά για τα οποία αξίζει κανείς να πεθαίνει επ'αόριστον Και αν είναι έτσι, τότε η Αθηναϊκή δόξα ίσως λάμπει ακόμα ωστόσο αμυδρά Αυτές είναι οι πραγματικές ερωτήσεις της ιστορίας: Ποιο είναι το νόημα του να είσαι ζωντανός? Russian: Но позвольте напомнить, что они же и убили его. Ну, всмысле что они заставили его совершить самоубийство. Так или иначе, Геродот, ты не единственный, кто подвержен исторической предвзятости. И последнее. Под персами греки вполне могли бы избежать Пелопонесской войны, которая настолько ослабила греческие города, что отец Александра "скоро Великого" смог завоевать их все. А потом ещё была куча кровопролитных войн с персами и много других ужасных вещей. Демократия в Греции потухнет на 2000 лет. И всего этого можно было избежать, если бы греки лишь позволили персам побить себя. Это заставляет нас снова вернуться к ключевому вопросу истории человечества. В чём смысл быть живым? У меня для тебя хорошие новости, приятель. Тебе осталось задаваться этим вопросом не более 6 секунд. Должны ли мы стараться сделать жизнь людей длиннее, здоровее и полноценнее? Если да, то легко согласиться, что Греции было бы лучше проиграть войну с Персией. Но возможно мы должны жить ради некоего великого идеала, который стоит всех этих бесконечных жертв. И если так, то может быть слава Афин всё ещё сияет в веках. Пусть и тускло. German: Es stimmt, dass die Athener uns Sokrates gegeben haben, aber bedenkt, dass sie ihn auch getötet haben. Nun ja, das heißt, sie haben ihn gezwungen Selbstmord zu begehen. Wie auch immer, Herodot, du bist nicht der einzige hier, der voreingenommen sein kann. Und schließlich hätten die Griechen unter persischer Führung den Peloponnesischen Krieg vermeiden können, der die griechischen Stadtstaaten so schwächte, dass der Vater von Alexander "Coming Soon" dem Großen in der Lage war, sie alle einzunehmen, und dann gab es eine Menge blutiger Kriege mit den Persern und lauter furchtbare Dinge und die Griechen hatten für zwei Jahrtausende keine Demkoratie mehr. Das alles hätte vermieden werden können, wenn sie sich einfach nur von den Persern hätten besiegen lassen. Das alles zwingt uns dazu, zur Kernfrage der menschlichen Geschichte zurückzukehren: Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Ich habe gute Nachrichten für dich, Kumpel. Du musst dich nur noch acht weitere Sekunden gedulden. Sollten wir Menschen die längsten, gesündesten und produktivsten Leben gewährleisten? Wenn ja, ist es einfach zu argumentieren, dass die Griechen die Perserkriege hätten verlieren sollen. Doch vielleicht sollten Leben gelebt werden, indem man ein großartiges Ideal verfolgt, und sind es wert, dafür geopfert zu werden. Und wenn das so ist, scheint der Ruhm Athens vielleicht nich immer, wenn auch gedimmt. English: Right. It’s true that Athens gave us Socrates, but let me remind you, they also killed him. Well, I mean they forced him to commit suicide. Whatever, Herodotus, you’re not the only one here who can engage in historical bias. And lastly, under Persian rule the Greeks might have avoided the Peloponnesian War, which ended up weakening the Greek city-states so much that Alexander “Coming Soon” the Great’s father was able to conquer all of them, and then there were a bunch of bloody wars with the Persians and all kinds of horrible things, and Greece wouldn’t glimpse democracy again for two millennia. All of which might have been avoided if they’d just let themselves get beaten by the Persians. All of which forces us to return to the core question of human history: What’s the point of being alive? I’ve got good news for you, guy. You’re only going to have to worry about it for about 8 more seconds. Should we try to ensure the longest, healthiest, and most productive lives for humans? If so, it’s easy to argue that Greece should have lost the Persian Wars. But perhaps lives are to be lived in pursuit of some great ideal worth sacrificing endlessly for. And if so, maybe the glory of Athens still shines, however dimly. Polish: To prawda że Ateńczycy dali nam Sokratesa , ale pozwólcie mi przypomnieć, że oni też go zabili. To znaczy , miałem na myśli że zmusili go do popełnienia samobójstwa. W każdym razie , Herodotusie, nie jesteś jedynym który potrafi manipulować faktami historycznymi. I na koniec, pod Perskimi rządami Grecy być może uniknęliby Wojny Peloponeskiej która osłabiła greckie miasta-państwa tak bardzo że ojciec Aleksandra "Wkrótce nadchodzę" Wielkiego był w stanie podbić je wszystkie a potem było pełno krwawych wojen z Persami i pełno strasznych rzeczy a Grecja nie odzyskała demokracji przez kolejne dwa tysiąclecia. Wszystkiego tego można było uniknąć jeśli pozwoliliby się pokonać Persom. Wszystko to zmusza nas do powrotu do odwiecznego pytania w historii ludzkości: Jaki jest sens życia ? Mam dla Ciebie dobre wieści. Będziesz musiał sie nad tym zastanawiać tylko przez następne 8 sekund. Czy powinniśmy zapewniać najdłuższe, najzdrowsze i najbardziej produktywne życie dla ludzi? Jeśli tak, to łatwo dowieść , że Grecy powinni przegrać Wojny Perskie. Ale być może życie jest pogonią za jakąś wielką ideą wartą poświęcenia. A jeśli tak , to może chwała Aten wciąż lśni , aczkolwiek niewyraźnie. Arabic: وكيف ينبغي لنا أن ننظم أنفسنا وماذا ينبغي أن نبتغي من هذه الحياة؟ هذه ليست أسئلة هيّنة، ولكننا سنحاول الإجابة عنها مجددًا في الأسبوع المقبل عندما نتحدث عن بوذا. أراكم آنذاك. Crash Course من إنتاج وإخراج ستان مولر والمشرفة على النص هي دانيكا جونسون وفريق الرسومات هو Thought Bubble والبرنامج من كتابة مدرّسي لمادة التاريخ في الثانوية، راؤول ماير، بمساعدة مني. عبارة الأسبوع في الأسبوع الماضي كانت "Un mot de français". إذا وددتم تخمين عبارة هذا الأسبوع يمكنكم القيام بذلك في قسم التعليقات، كما يمكنكم طرح الأسئلة حول فيديو اليوم في قسم التعليقات حيث سيحاول فريقنا من المؤرخين الإجابة عنها. شكرًا على المشاهدة، ولا تنسوا أن تكونوا رائعين. Polish: To jest prawdziwe pytanie historii: Jaki jest sens życia ? Jak powinniśmy organizować samych siebie , czego powinniśmy szukać w tym życiu ? To nie są łatwe pytania, ale będziemy szukać na nie odpowiedzi w kolejnym tygodniu kiedy porozmawiamy o Buddzie. Do zobaczenia. Crash Course jest kręcony i reżyseroway przez Stana Mullera. Nadzorcą scenariusza jest Danica Johnson. Zespołem graficznym jest ThoughtBubble a odcinek napisany jest przez mojego licealnego nauczyciela historii Raoula Meyera i mnie. Nasze zdanie na zeszły tydzień było "Un mot de Francais" Jeśli chcesz zgadnąć zdanie na ten tydzień , możesz to zrobić w komentarzach. Możesz także zadawać pytania na temat dzisiejszego odcinka na które nasz zespół historyków postara się odpowiedzieć. Dzięki za oglądanie i nie zapomnijcie żeby być super. Thai: คำถามเหล่านี้คือคำถามสำคัญในการศึกษาประวัติศาสตร์ ทำไมเราถึงมีชีวิตอยู่? เราควรทำตัวยังไง? เราควรค้นหาอะไรจากการมีชีวิต? คำถามเหล่านี้ไม่ใช่คำถามง่ายๆ แต่เราจะค่อยๆหาคำตอบกันต่อในสัปดาห์หน้า เมื่อเราพูดถึงพระพุทธเจ้า แล้วพบกันครับ แครชคอร์ส อำนวยการผลิตและกำกับโดย สแตน มุลเลอร์ ผู้ตรวจบทได้แก่ เดนิกา จอห์นสัน ทีมกราฟฟิกได้แก่ Thought Bubble และรายการนี้เขียนบทโดยอาจารย์วิชาประวัติศาสตร์สมัยม.ปลายของผม ราอูล มาเยอร์ และผมเอง วลีประจำสัปดาห์ของสัปดาห์ที่แล้วคือ "Un mot de français" คุณสามารถทายวลีประจำสัปดาห์นี้ได้ที่คอมเม้นท์ใต้วิดิโอ คุณสามารถถามคำถามเกี่ยวกับวิดีโอวันนี้ได้ที่คอมเม้นท์ ทีมงานนักประวัติศาสตร์ของเราจะพยายามหาคำตอบให้คุณ ขอบคุณสำหรับการรับชม และอย่าลืมทำตัวให้เจ๋งนะครับ Hungarian: Ezek a történelem valódi kérdései: Mi az életünk értelme? Hogyan kéne szerveznünk a mindennapjainkat? Mit várunk el létünk eredményétől? Ezek nem könnyű kérdések, de talán közelebb kerülünk a válaszhoz jövő héten is, amikor Buddháról fogunk beszélni. Akkor majd találkozunk. Crach Course producere és rendezője Stan Muller, a script szupervízor Danica Johnson, A grafikáért a gondolat buborék felel, és a show a gimnáziumi történelem tanárom , Raoul Meyerrel írtam. A hét mondása „Un mot de français”. Ha szeretnék kitalálni, mi a következő hét mondása, várom a tippedet kommentben, bármilyen felmerülő kérdéssel egyetemben. A történészekből álló csapatunk megkísérel válaszolni rájuk. Köszönjük a figyelmet, és maradjatok ilyen szuperek. Vietnamese: Đó là những câu hỏi thực sự của lịch sử: Mục đích tồn tại là gì? Chúng ta nên tổ chức ra sao, nên tìm kiếm điều gì trong kiếp này? Không phải các câu hỏi dễ, nhưng chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục cố gắng vào tuần sau khi nói về Đức Phât. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn Crash Course được sản xuất và đạo diễn bởi Stan Muller, giám sát kịch bản của chúng tôi là Danica Johnson, nhóm nghiên cứu đồ họa được tưởng Bubble, và chương trình được viết bởi lịch sử trung học của tôi giáo viên Raoul Meyer và tôi. cụm từ của chúng tôi trong tuần tuần trước là "Un mot de français". Nếu bạn muốn đoán đây cụm từ tuần của tuần, bạn có thể làm như vậy trong ý kiến. Bạn cũng có thể đặt câu hỏi về video hiện nay trong ý kiến ​​nơi nhóm chúng tôi của các nhà sử học sẽ cố gắng trả lời chúng. Cảm ơn bạn đã xem và Do not Forget To Be Tuyệt vời. Modern Greek (1453-): Πως θα πρέπει να οργανώσουμε τους εαυτούς μας? Τι πρέπει να ζητήσουμε από αυτή τη ζωή; Αυτές δεν είναι εύκολες ερωτήσεις, αλλά θα τις προσπαθήσουμε την επόμενη εβδομάδα όπου θα μιλήσουμε για τον Βούδα. Θα τα πούμε τότε! Παραγωγή και σκηνοθεσία του Crash Course από τον Stan Muller, επόπτης σεναρίου είναι η Danica Johnson ομάδα γραφικών είναι η ThoughtBubble και η παράσταση είναι γραμμένη από τον καθηγητή ιστορίας στο γυμνάσιο μου Raoul Meyer και εμένα. Φράση της προηγούμενης εβδομάδας ήταν η "Un mot de français ". Αν θέλετε να μαντέψετε τη φράση αυτής της εβδομάδας μπορείτε να το κάνετε στα σχόλια. Μπορείτε επίσης να κάνετε ερωτήσεις σχετικά με το σημερινό βίντεο στα σχόλια όπου η ομάδα των ιστορικών μας θα προσπαθήσει να απαντήσει. Ευχαριστώ για την προβολή, και μην ξεχνάτε να είστε φοβεροί! Dutch: Dat zijn de echte vragen van geschiedenis: Wat is het doel van levend zijn? Hoe zouden we ons moeten organiseren, wat zouden we moeten zoeken in dit leven? Dat zijn geen gemakkelijke vragen, maar we zullen nog een poging tot ze wagen volgende week wanneer we praten over de Boeddha. Ik zie je dan weer. Crash Course is geproduceerd en geregisseerd door Stan Muller. Onze script opzichter is Danica Johnson. Het grafische team is ThoughtBubble en de show is geschreven door mijn Middelbare school geschiedenis docent Raoul Meyer en mij. Onze uitdrukking van de week was vorige week "Un Mot De Francais". Als je wilt gokken wat deze week's uitdrukking is kan je dat doen in de comments. Je kan ook vragen stellen over vandaag's video in de comments waar ons team van historici zal proberen ze te beantwoorden. English: Those are the real questions of history: What’s the point of being alive? How should we organize ourselves, what should we seek from this life? Those aren’t easy questions, but we’ll take another crack at them next week when we talk about the Buddha. I’ll see you then. Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller, our script supervisor is Danica Johnson, the graphics team is Thought Bubble, and the show is written by my high school history teacher Raoul Meyer and me. Our phrase of the week last week was "Un mot de français". If you’d like to guess this week’s phrase of the week you can do so in comments. You can also ask questions about today’s video in comments where our team of historians will attempt to answer them. Thanks for watching, and Don't Forget To Be Awesome. Portuguese: Essas perguntas são realmente relacionadas a história: Porque estamos vivos? Como nós deviríamos nos organizaram, o que deveríamos tirar da vida? Essas questões não são fáceis, mas nós teremos mais na próxima semana, na qual falaremos sobre Buddha. Vejo você lá Crash Course é produzido e dirigido por Stan Muller. Nosso supervisor de roteiro é Danica Johnshon O time gráfico é a ThoughtBubble e o show é escrito por meu professor do ensino médio Raoul Meyer e eu. Nossa frase da semana passado por 'Un Mot De Fracais". Se você quer adivinhar a frase da próxima semana, escreva nos comentários. Você também pode fazer perguntas sobre o vídeio de hoje nos cometários no qual nosso time de historiados tentaram responder. Obrigado por assistir e não se esqueça de ser incrível. Chinese: 這些問題是歷史學精隨、意義: 活著為何?要如何組織? 一生中該盼望那些事? 沒一題容易解答,下週討論菩薩時再試解答。 下週再見。 本節目導演兼製作人是Stan Muller。 劇本總監是Danica Johnson。 動畫由Thought Bubble提供。 劇本由我高中老師Raoul Meyer以及我本人所寫。 上週金句是:「崩揪。法文字。」 要猜本週名言或問有關本集的問題請在以下留言, 我們歷史學家團隊會盡量回答。 謝謝收看,別忘記你很棒。 Turkish: Bunlar tarihin gerçek soruları: Niye yaşıyoruz? Nasıl yaşamalıyız, neyin peşinde olmalıyız? Bunlar kolay sorular değil ama önümüzdeki hafta Buda hakkında konuşurken daha da ilerleyeceğiz. Görüşmek üzere. Crash Course Stan Muller tarafında yaratıldı ve yönetildi. Editörümüz Danica Johnson. Grafik takımımız Thought Bubble. Senaryoyu lise tarih öğretmenim Raoul Meyer ve ben yazdık Geçen haftanın sözü "Un Mot De Français"di. Bu haftanınkini tahmin etmek için yorum bırakın. Ayrıca soru da sorabilirsiniz. Tarihçi ekibimiz soruları yanıtlamaya çalışacaktır. İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler. Harika kalmayı unutmayın. German: Das sind sie wahren Fragen der Geschicht: Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Wie sollten wir uns organisieren, was sollten wir von diesem Leben erwarten? Das sind keine leichten Fragen, aber wir werden uns ihnen nächste Woche weiter widmen, wenn wir über Buddha reden. Wir sehen uns dann. Für die Produktion und Regie von Crash Course ist Stann Muller verantwortlich. Unser Script Supervisor ist Danica Johnson. Das Grafikteam ist ThoughtBubble und die Show wird geschrieben von meinem Highschool-Lehrer Raoul Meyer und mir. Unsere Redwendung der letzten Woche war "Un Mot De Francais". Wenn ihr die Redwendung dieser Woche erraten wollt, könnt ihr das in den Kommentaren tun. Ihr könnt uns auch Fragen über das heutige Video in den Kommentaren stellen, wo unser Team aus Historikern sein bestes tun wird, sie zu beantworten. Danke fürs Zuschauen, und don't forget to be awesome. Czech: Proč jsme naživu? Jak bychom se měli zařídit, co očekáváme od tohoto života? Nejsou to lehké otázky, ale my se na ně znovu podíváme příští týden, až budeme mluvit o Buddhovi. Uvidíme se příště. "Crash Course" je produkován a režírován Stanem Mullerem. Dozor nad scénářem provádí Danica Johnson. Náš grafický tým je Thought Bubble a pořad je napsán mým učitelem dějepisu ze střední Raoulem Meyerem a mnou. Hláška minulého týdne byla "un mot de français". Pokud chcete zkusit uhodnout hlášku tentokrát, můžete v komentářích. Také se v komentařích můžete ptát na otázky ohledně dnešního videa, kde se na ně náš tým historiků pokusí odpovědět. Díky za pozornost a nezapomeňte být úžasní. Překlad: 0Martina0, marek Korekce: PanDan Časování: miki http://substube.mikicz.net/ French: Ce sont là les vraies questions de l'histoire: Quel est le but d'être en vie? Comment devrions-nous nous organiser? Que devrions nous chercher dans cette vie? Ce ne sont pas des questions faciles, mais on va y revenir la semaine prochaine lorsqu'on va parler de Bouddha À plus. Crash Course est produit et réalisé par Stan Muller, notre scripte est Danica Johnson, l'équipe de graphisme est Thought Bubble, et l'émission est écrite par mon professeur d'histoire du lycée, Raoul Meyer et moi. Notre phrase de la semaine la semaine dernière était "Un mot de français". Si vous voulez deviner la phrase de cette semaine, vous pouvez le faire dans les commentaires. Vous pouvez aussi poser des questions sur la vidéo d'aujourd'hui dans les comentaires où notre équipe d'historiens vont tenter d'y répondre. Merci d'avoir été là, et n'oubliez pas d'être génial. Swedish: De är de verkliga frågorna i historien: Vad är meningen med att vara vid liv? Hur ska vi organisera oss, vad ska vi söka från detta liv? Det är inga lätta frågor, men vi ska ta en till titt på dem nästa vecka när vi talar om Buddha. Vi ses då. Crash Course produceras och regisseras av Stan Muller, vår manusansvarige är Danica Johnson, grafik ansvariga är thought Bubble och showen är skriven av min high school lärare inom historia Raoul Meyer och mig själv. Vår meningen i veckan förra veckan var "un mot de français ". Om du vill att gissa denna veckas "veckans fras" kan du göra det i kommentarsfältet. Du kan också ställa frågor om dagens video i kommentarerna där vårt team av historiker kommer att försöka besvara dem. Tack för att du tittade och glöm inte att vara grymt bra. Spanish: Esas son las preguntas reales de la historia: ¿Cuál es el punto de estar vivo? ¿Cómo deberiamos organizarnos nosotros mismos? ¿Qué deberíamos buscar en esta vida? Esas no son preguntas fáciles, pero vamos a ver esas preguntasla próxima semana cuando hablemos del Buda. Hasta entonces. Curso Intensivo es producido y dirigido por Stan Muller. Nuestra supervisora de guión es Danica Johnson. El equipo de gráficos es ThoughtBubble (Burbuja de Pensamiento) y el show es escrito por mi profesor de historia de secundaria, Raoul Meyer y yo. Nuestra frase de la semana pasada fue "Un Mot De Francais". Si quieres adivinar la frase de la semana de esta semana, puedes hacerlo en los comentarios. También puede preguntar sobre el video de hoy en los comentarios y nuestro equipo de historiadores intentará contestarlas. Gracias por ver, y no olvides ser genial. Finnish: Nämä ovat historian oikeita kysymyksiä: Mitä järkeä on elossa olemisessa? Miten meidän tulisi järjestää itsemme, mihin meidän tulisi pyrkiä tässä elämässä? Kysymykset eivät ole helppoja, mutta me valoitamme niitä myös ensi viikolla, kun puhumme Buddhasta. Nähdään silloin siis. Crash Coursen on tuottanut ja ohjannut Stan Muller. Käsikirjoituksen tarkastaja on Danica Johnson. Grafiikkaryhmä on ThoughtBubble ja videon on kirjoittanut lukion historian opettajani Raoul Meyer ja minä. Viime viikon lauseemme oli "Un Mot De Francais". Jos haluat arvata tämän viikon lauseen, voit tehdä niin Kommenteissa. Voit myös kysyä kysymyksiä tämänpäiväisestä videosta Kommenteissa ja historoitsijatiimimme yrittää vastata niihin. Kiitos kun katsoit ja älä unohda olla mahtava. Romanian: Acestea sunt întrebările reale ale istoriei: Care e scopul pentru care trăim? Cum ar trebui să ne organizăm noi înșine, ce ar trebui să căutăm în viață? Acestea nu sunt întrebări ușoare, dar o să mai vorbim despre ele săptămâna viitoare când vom vorbi despre Buddha.Ne vedem atunci. Crash Course e produs și condus de Stan Muller, supervizorul nostru e Danica Johnson, echipa de grafică e Balonul de Gândit și programul e scris de profesorul meu de istorie din liceu Raoul Meyer și de mine însumi. Fraza săptămânii trecute a fost Un mot de francais. Dacă v-ar plăcea să ghiciți fraza acestei săptămâni o puteți face în comentarii.Puteți de asemenea pune întrebări despre videoul de astăzi în comentarii la care echipa noastră de istorici va încerca să răspundă Mulțumesc pentru atenție și nu uitați să fiți grozavi. Russian: Это и есть настоящие вопросы истории. В чём смысл быть живым? Как нам самоорганизовываться? Что мы должны искать в этой жизни? Это всё нелегкие вопросы. Но мы ещё раз попробуем их раскусить на следующей неделе, когда будем говорить о Будде. Скоро увидимся. Режиссёр и продюсер Crash Course - Стэн Мюллер. Редактор сценария - Даника Джонсон. Анимацию делал Thought Bubble. Сценарий написан моим школьным учителем Раулем Майером и мной. Фраза прошлой недели была "Un mot de français". Если вы хотите попробовать угадать фразу этой недели, то можете сделать это в комментариях. Там же вы можете задать вопросы по сегодняшнему видео, а наша команда историков попытается ответить. Спасибо за просмотр, и не забывайте быть классными. iw: אלה השאלות האמיתיות של ההיסטוריה: מה הנקודה של להיות בחיים? כיצד עלינו לארגן את עצמנו? מה עלינו לחפש בחיים האלה? אלה אינן שאלות קלות, אבל אנחנו נתבונן בהם שוב בשבוע הבא כאשר אנחנו נדבר על בודהה, נתראה אז. קראש קורס הופק ובוים ע"י סטן מילר ודסיה ג'ונסון אחראית על התסריט, צוות הגרפיקה הוא "Thought Bubble", והתוכנית נכתבה ע"י המורה שלי להיסטוריה בתיכון: ראול מאייר ואני... ביטוי השבוע שלנו בשבוע שעבר היה "Un mot de français". אם תרצה לנחש את ביטוי השבוע תוכל לעשות זאת בהערות. אתה גם יכול לשאול שאלות על הסרטון של היום בהערות שבו הצוות שלנו והיסטוריונים ינסה לענות עליהן. תודה על הצפייה, ואל תשכחו להיות מדהימים. Dutch: Bedankt voor kijken, en vergeet niet om awesome te blijven.
- Hello everyone and welcome to Skincare with Hyram. If you don't know who I am, my name is Hyram, I'm passionate about teaching you how to perfect your skincare routine. So make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so that you can see my videos every single week. I know you guys are watching thinking he's not wearing a colored shirt what's going on. If you're wondering why I seem extra energized it's because I am. Bitch, I have news! calm my nerves, calm my nerves. I have an announcement, something that I have been working on for a few months, and I am so excited to reveal to you guys. Finally, I have come out with Merch. Yes. Skincare by hyram merch You guys have been asking for months and months and months, and we're finally here, but this merch is not like your typical merch and I'm really excited about it because this is honestly a way in which I'm so excited to make a positive difference in the world. As I get into this video, I want to say the, all the merch is available right now at fan joy, there's shirts, there's hoodies, there's phone cases. So many different styles that each make a positive difference in the world. So if you are interested in getting any of them, they are available right now, shop to your heart's content. Just go to the link below or fanjoy.co/hiram. And don't forget to talk to me so I can see your orders and reshare them. Okay. Where do I even begin? - Let's start the very beginning. - So you guys have been requesting merge in my comment, sections nonstop forever. And honestly, I would always laugh when I see those comments. I didn't feel like there was anything particularly unique that I could offer through merch, but, you know, I kept reading you guys' comments and the gears started turning in my head. And as I thought about this particular idea, more, the more and more I got excited about this, and this has been in the works for a good four to five months. And it's just so cool. I'm so excited. It's just get to the point higher. As I started thinking more about creating Merck, I thought, why not make this as an opportunity to make a positive difference in the world? I'm always looking for ways in which I can help empower people around the world, help the environment, work with others to create positive change. And as my platform grows, I feel more and more of a responsibility and a duty, to be honest, to use my resources, to make the biggest impact possible, which is why I'm so excited to announce this collection merch with a purpose. So what is merch with a purpose? Every one of the pieces in my merge collection has a direct social impact. What does this mean for every shirt, hoodie or phone case you buy a measurable impact will be created in the world that either helps the environment helps empower people who are in need and helps with local and global COVID relief. Now we all want to do good in the world, but sometimes it's really difficult to feel motivated, to donate to a nonprofit, to volunteer our time. And sometimes, you know, it doesn't feel necessarily gratifying to send our money off somewhere and not know what impact it makes and hope that it's doing good without ever knowing each of these pieces makes a direct impact in the world. I wanted to permanently integrate social good into this collection and I'll explain the exact impact each of these designs have, as I show you each piece in the collection, let's go. The first design is one that I created myself and the most requested one on my channel. Where's the moisturizer. You guys would not shut up about asking for this merch, I love you for it. And I knew I had to incorporate it in my Merch. Somehow this design comes in this vibrant ocean blue T and in a darker blue hoodie representing of course me always wearing blue in my videos, so also to signify the meaning of the colors. Ocean blues have always been my favorite color ever. And as you'll notice the text where's, the moisturizer is on a surfboard. Now, the reason this design is focused on the ocean is because of the social impact that it has for every where's the moisturizer T or hoodie sold three pounds of trash will be removed from the ocean. Isn't that so cool. Like how cool is that knowing that you'll have that direct impact, you can have one of these shirts and know exactly the impact you're making and how it's helping the earth. Ocean blue project is a nonprofit organization that focuses on using their efforts to collect as much trash as possible from the ocean. Their goal is to restore these ecosystems and honestly means so much to me because you guys know how passionate I am about protecting the ocean. I always talk about plastic waste, specific ingredients that could be harmful to ocean and Marine wildlife. And it's so cool to know that for every one of these designs, three pounds of trash will be picked up from the ocean. And that's really the focus of this entire merch line. I wanted to democratize social good as much as possible to give you guys the knowledge of the direct impact you're making by buying each of these pieces. I love both of these cause obviously they're blue and the hoodie is super cute too. Also, the other person you see in these pictures is my merchandise manager at Jazlyn. She has helped so much in making this project possible and I'm so grateful to her. And she was the first person I thought of to model these coasts alongside me because I am not a model and she's gorgeous. And if you're interested in shopping this design, the link is down below. The next design is the second most requested phrase on my channel ingredients don't lie a bitch, you know, knowing you felt it don't lie. I love repeating that phrase because, cause I feel like it just sums up my entire channel. This design was created by a local artist here in Hawaii. The amazing Jack soar and his work is incredible. He was so awesome to work with. Then one thing that was really important to me with this collection was working with a local designer to help contribute to the local economy here in Hawaii. And this design is super fun as I wanted it to be emerged between Hawaii tropical and a vintage 1960s neon sign. I love this design because it's super cute and it's easy to wear anywhere without people noticing right away that you have bits written on your shirt. That was very important to me. I wanted this designed to be wearable and that's consistent with all my other designs as well. I wanted the designs to be smaller and cute, but not necessarily noticeable from a mile away. My goal is to create Mercer that can be worn by anyone at any time with Q elements that don't necessarily scream that this is merged. You feel me? Yeah, you got it. Now the social impact for this design is super cool for every ingredients don't lie bitch piece that is sold 300 meals worth of seeds will be provided to farmers around the world in need. Now globally, the small scale farming industry is one that has been very impacted, not only by COVID, but also by global warming, due to extreme temperatures and disasters. And now limited buying because of the pandemic farmers are struggling around the world to feed their families, feed their communities and sell their stock. I personally have a soft spot in my heart for farmers because they truly understand conventional hard labor, but are some of the most critical and necessary people to communities. And for small farmers, there are a lot of times the reason that ecosystems are thriving as they want to operate as sustainably as possible in order to make sure that their same plots of lands can be used for the rest of their life. You sure sold we'll be providing 300 meals worth of seeds through seed programs international, which is a nonprofit organization that works with local community members around the world to identify their target needs the most sustainable way to provide solutions and cultivating a positive and longterm relationship with their farmers. They provide seeds to these farmers to grow and cultivates, which will inevitably become a business for these farmers. And the amount of seeds that we'll be providing through this merger is enough to create 300 vegetable meal servings worth of food, as well as potentially opening up business opportunities for these farmers. I really love this social impact because not only is it empowering people, it's also helping the earth and helping communities as well. So if you want to purchase any of the ingredients, don't lie, bitch designs go to the link in my description box below. And the next design is the classic skincare junkie design. The first one I ever thought of for this line, I've always referred to myself. It was a skincare junkie and that's what I've always referred to you guys, as I've made an entire community called skincare junkie, this design was also created by Jack Soren and is so cute because it draws from so many elements of Hawaii that I love. Hawaii has become a place of refuge for me. And honestly it means so much in so many ways. And I wanted to incorporate elements of the place I love into the designs, which has seen in all of the designs, but particularly this one, this one comes in both light blue and pink signifying the light blue ocean colors and the beautiful pink sunsets. And I love the flora and fauna illustrator. That's here in Hawaii and I really wanted this design to kind of make you guys feel a little bit like you're in Hawaii when you were now, the social impact for this design is more specific to what's currently going on in the world right now, obviously covert has impacted so many different people, but even more so than some of the struggles that we're facing here in the USA globally, it has had a disastrous impact on so many small communities. And I personally have seen stories of people starving to death, family separated and not able to get medical attention. Entire communities cut off from food and water supplies because of quarantine and so many horrific things. And rather than a measurable impact for this one, what percentage of the sales will be split between two organizations? First kiva.org, which is one of my favorite, if not my favorite nonprofit organization out there, they operate on a micro loan basis. They provide small ethical loans to people who are in need and the people over the course of a few years solely payback, those amounts and the reason it's such an incredible system. It encourages self dependence. Yeah, not a sense of reliance that is really toxic to so many global communities. If you want to learn more about that, go watch my, I was a humanitarian and I regret it video. I talk way more about how nonprofits just endlessly giving creates a cycle of dependence and toxicity within small communities. But when they pay the funds back, we're able to reinvest them into more projects. So whatever amounts that we're raising from this specific design, we will be able to reinvest into more projects for years and years and years down the line, creating an infinitely massive impact on so many communities and projects, but we'll also be splitting donations to the Hawaii farm Bureau, which is specifically focused on helping local farmers, cool families here in Hawaii that are struggling because of the pandemic. As one thing that was really important with at least one of these designs was to help contribute financially to the place that I now call my home. Hawaii has given me so much. It's only right that I give back. So if you're interested in shopping the skincare junkie design, go to link in my description box and we come to the last designs, phone cases. Woo. I mean, you guys have sneak peek these in some of my other videos and they are so adorable. Each of these designs incorporate elements from these skincare junkie design, the flora and fauna here in Hawaii. And I love the birds of paradise ones. I just think they're so cute. And these phone cases are really good quality like this. It's going to last a long time. It has a rubber lining on the inside. Anyway, not every phone case created equally, but this one's a really good one. Every phone case sold we'll plant three trees in deforestation zones around the world. I love trees so much and given everything that's happening with global warming and the earth based off of my research, the general consensus among professionals is just that trees in deforestation zones is the best instant solution that we can give. Additionally, I also want it to offset, to and compensate any of the emissions created from my merchant, shipping out to people to overflow the environmental costs that my merchant line is creating. And that's something that was really important to me. We will be donating to one tree planted one of my favorite organizations because they work specifically in deforestation zones and worked with locals to assess the needs of those areas. Make sure they're planting the right species and make sure they're planting the right amount. And I'm so excited to see how many we get to plant. If you are interested in purchasing any of the phone cases, go to link in my description box. And finally, the last thing I want to share with you guys, obviously, each of these impacts are incredible. I am so, so excited to see how large of an impact we're able to make through all of these March sales. But I also want you guys to see the exact impact that's being made. So if you go to March with a purpose.com, you'll be able to see exactly how many pounds of trash was collected from the ocean. Exactly how many trees we planted. Exactly how many meals we provided and we will be updating this as frequently as possible so that you guys can know exactly how big of an impact you're making in the world. And truthfully in regards to this March, yes, the designs are cute. Yes. I love how they look, but the thing I am so excited for is to see how big of a change we collectively can make in the world. Like, can you imagine if we were able to plant like 500 trees or like 500 pounds of trash from the ocean? Like how cool would that be? It's just so awesome. As you can tell, I'm really excited about the social media packed aspect. And of course I'm passionate about getting you guys really cute wearable and fun signs that kind of connect us both. And I'm very, I'm very nervous to see if you guys are gonna like this. If you guys are even going to think it's cool, passionate about the social causes. I don't know, but yeah, I hope you are. And I hope that in some way we can make a positive impact because that's really, that's what I truly care about. Like I said before, you can shop all of the designs right now, fan story.co/hiram. Thank you so much Jazlyn and Fanjoy for working with me on this. I couldn't have done it without you guys. And of course, to everyone who is watching, please, please, please tag me in your orders, wearing your merch. I want to see your beautiful faces so badly. And yeah, I think that's it guys. And if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification belts that you can see my videos every single week. And I'll see you guys in the next one.
It’s well known that gravity pulls two objects together with a force proportional to the mass of one, times the mass of the other, divided by the square of the distance between them. . Anyway, this equation is called Newton’s law of universal gravitation, it’s taught to school children the world over, and it predicts the motions of the planets and moons and asteroids in our solar system with incredible precision. However, Newton’s law of universal gravitation isn’t actually a universal law: first, we know that when the gravitational force in question is really strong, Newton’s law is just wrong . And second, we know that when the gravitational force in question is really weak , we don’t know whether it’s right or wrong because gravity gets too weak to measure. Only in between (like, on the scale of the solar system), do we know that the “law” of gravitation reasonably applies . Ok, but if Newton’s Law of gravitation has been confirmed so accurately by the motions of planets and moons, how could it be wrong at a different scale? Well, the earth looks flat when you’re relatively close to the ground, but zoom out and it looks round, or zoom in and it looks bumpy; the “law” describing the shape of the earth is different at different scales. Similarly, when the force of gravity is really strong (like near a black hole), gravity is better described by the mathematics of general relativity, and only when the forces in question get a bit weaker (for things farther apart or with less mass) does gravity start to match up with Newton’s law of gravitation. But when you go even weaker (with objects even farther away or even less massive ), we get to a point where we don’t know whether Newton’s law of gravitation applies any more. And yet, even many physicists appear to be ignorant about our ignorance about how gravity works when it’s weak - or at least, they ignore our ignorance. It’s common to blindly apply -G m M/r^2 to decidedly non-astronomical objects, for which we haven’t tested gravitational attraction very well at all: if you have two pieces of tape, you can calculate the gravitational force that they in principle exert on each other according to the law of universal gravitation - but it’s far too ridiculously ridiculously small for you to ever have the remotest chance of noticing any effect whatsoever, let alone actually checking that the attraction between them follows the law of universal gravitation as you move the bits of tape farther apart. In contrast, if you stick the two pieces of tape together and then pull them apart, they’ll exchange some electric charge and then measurably attract each other; an electrical attraction which is a million billion times stronger than the predicted gravitational attraction , and whose strength has allowed us to confirm Coulomb’s law of electrical attraction to a very very very high degree of accuracy . So it makes sense to apply Coulomb’s law of electrical attraction to objects at normal human scales. But testing Newton’s law of gravitation at these scales requires very delicate experiments, like very very sensitive oscillating pendulums that oscillate slightly differently if there’s a heavy mass nearby (and can thus measure the gravitational force with great precision), or incredibly finely-controlled lasers that simultaneously levitate and measure the positions and forces on tiny little beads of glass - these can measure ridiculously faint forces, like zeptonewtons. And so far, for objects a meter apart, we’ve only confirmed that the gravitational attraction between them follows the law of universal gravitation to within around one one hundredth of a percent . Which is a trillion times less precise than our knowledge of the equivalent law for electricity. And our grasp on gravity gets worse the smaller you go - Here’s a plot showing how our uncertainty about Newton’s gravitational law varies across a whole range of distances - small distances on the left, big distances on the right; and the higher the line the higher the uncertainty. Which, you will notice, is very high on the left. Our existing experimental understanding of short-distance gravity is so bad that gravity at the scale of the atomic nucleus could actually be as much as a quadrillion quadrillion times stronger than Newton’s law of gravitation predicts! That’s a HUGE range; it would be like not knowing whether the moon pulls on us with the force of a hundred billion billion tons of rock , or the force of a fruit fly . Or, put another way, at the scale of an atomic nucleus, the law of gravitation could depend instead on the square of one or both masses, or the square root, or the inverse cube of the distance, or G could be a million billion times bigger, or a bunch of other possibilities, and we wouldn’t even know it. . The fact that there’s so much uncertainty about gravity at short distances means that a lot of interesting truths about our universe could be hiding under our very noses! One possibility, for example, is that there are not just 3 dimensions of space, but an extra one that only the gravitational force can travel through, which loops back on itself at the scale of micrometers or smaller . Just like how the surface of a hair is technically 2-dimensional but hairs look one dimensional from afar, this would mean that at distances much much longer than a micrometer, gravity would act as if space had 3 dimensions and follow a roughly inverse square law (which is what Newton’s law of gravitation is), while at distances much shorter, it would behave as if space had 4 dimensions and follow more of an inverse cube law (which we haven’t ruled out at particularly small scales) . However, as we’ve made increasingly precise measurements of the gravitational attraction between small things, we haven’t yet discovered any gravitational forces inconsistent with Newton’s law of gravitation . so it may be that -G m M over r squared does describe the strength of gravity for very very short distances; but our uncertainty is still very big, and it remains pretty crazy to blindly apply Newton’s law of gravitation to things like an electron and proton in a hydrogen atom. This video was made with the support of the Heising-Simons Foundation, which also supports research in precision measurement of the strength of gravity at short distances. These experiments are super cool, because they’re small, simple, clever, and are testing our fundamental understanding of physics without the need for giant multi-billion-dollar particle accelerators. Thanks again to the Heising-Simons Foundation for supporting MinutePhysics, and for supporting fundamental physics research.
[MUSIC PLAYING] VINCE LARA: Hi, and welcome to another edition of A Few Minutes With, the podcast that showcases Illinois College of Applied Health Sciences. I'm Vince Lara, and today I'll speak to Dr. David Strauser of our Kinesiology and Community Health Department about his research on work personality and vocational behavior with a focus on people with chronic health conditions and disability. All right. Speaking with Dr. David Strauser. Dr. Strauser, I appreciate you taking the time to come on with our podcast. The first question I ask when I meet with faculty is I'm interested-- I do my prep as any journalist would, and I try to find out-- hmm, I wonder what led this person to our fine institution? Your background is at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is where you got your degrees. So I wonder what led you to Illinois. DAVID STRAUSER: That's a good question. There's probably a variety of things that led me to the University of Illinois. I came to the University of Illinois from the University of Memphis where I spent 10 years. And that was the first job that I got after completing my PhD at the University Wisconsin-Madison. Down there, I started a research center, had about 30 people working for me. We were doing a lot of work across the state of Tennessee in the southeast. And then this opportunity came available at the University of Illinois. And I think for a combination of probably family reasons, being a native Midwesterner, and also an opportunity to be at a school like Illinois, it just seemed like a nice opportune time to make that switch from the University of Memphis to the University of Illinois. And a chance to be in a Big Ten school, at a big research school just seemed like a hard opportunity to turn down. Also, I think Illinois is a little bit unusual compared to other programs in the Big Ten that have my area of study that it focused a little bit more on health and health behavior. And so that was something that maybe initially didn't come into the mix but became a point of what I really appreciated over the course of my time here. VINCE LARA: Are you from the Midwest originally? DAVID STRAUSER: I'm from Madison, Wisconsin originally. VINCE LARA: That makes sense. I know research is a big part of this job, obviously. But did you always want to teach? Was that something that was top of mind, or was it the research first for you? DAVID STRAUSER: That's a really good question. And I would say it's probably teaching first, research second. I started out as an undergraduate thinking that I would go on and do-- as an athlete, I was going to go on and do coaching of some kind. So I think that was always kind of my focus as an undergraduate. And I had some very influential faculty people who pulled me aside and said, hey, what about me be doing this? What about looking at this opportunity? And that started to peak my interest enough to go look into it a little bit deeper. After completing my undergraduate, I was out in the private sector for about a year or so and decided, you know, this is good, but really being affiliated with the university and pursuing that academic work would really be something that I'd want to do as a career. With that then became the teaching, and then the research developed through my work as a doctoral student to really look at their research. But I was very much trained from faculty at UW Madison who trained me as a professor. So when we talk about a professor, in my opinion, it's the research, teaching, and service together. It's not just one aspect of it. So that relates to your first question about being in Illinois. I think Illinois gives me an opportunity to do all three of those core components of being a professor, and that's teaching, research, and service. VINCE LARA: Focusing on that research part, now, your research, to an extent, focuses on work, health, and well-being. And I'm wondering, commonly with researchers, there's something that inspired them to look at that. And I was wondering if there's anything that inspired you to look at those research lines. DAVID STRAUSER: Yeah, that's an interesting story probably as a reflecting back on it. Again, as I was an athlete in college and struggled with injuries in college, it became losing the opportunity to compete in college because of injuries. I guess that was happening at the same time that I had some of these influential faculty in my year talking about, hey, what about pursuing rehabilitation psychology as a career? What about some of those things? So I guess serendipity of those things coming together. That extended then to probably my first job, as I mentioned, before I went back to graduate school, and that was working with injured workers in Southern California. And through that and my own experience of injury and then working with industrial injured workers solidified my interest into working with people with disabilities as a whole and working with people who are having problems working-- pursuing their careers because they have an injury or illness. VINCE LARA: Yeah. You get some of your research was in marginalized workers. Could you talk a bit about that? DAVID STRAUSER: Yeah, I think that's a pretty big term, marginalized workers, in that it's a good word. It's an encompassing word. I look at-- especially right now, for probably about the last 15 years, I've really looked at young adults who are having a hard time entering the labor market for some reason related to a chronic health condition, whether that's cancer-- I do a large group of that. Could be some mental health issues, autism. So they've been marginalized because they have a chronic health condition. We have a project right now where we're looking at foster care youth, formerly incarcerated or justice involved youth. So you're correct to save my work has always looked at people who've been marginalized from entry or participation in the labor market, usually because of some chronic health condition or combination thereof. So my research has focused a lot on undergraduate-- or I mean younger adults in terms of their entrance in the labor market. Probably an advocacy side of me has continued to deal with industrial injured workers-- I'll use that term-- people who've been injured on the job and advocating for their overall well-being and helping them manage and deal with their loss. So that's probably more of an outreach service component of it than it is a research part, where my research is primarily focusing on these young adults' entrance into the labor market. VINCE LARA: So what particularly do you deal with? Is it trying to overcome the stigma of what these workers have dealt with? DAVID STRAUSER: Most people who have chronic health conditions are likely to experience difficulty in meeting the demands of working how it's typically performed. So they're having some issue with meeting the job requirements or figuring out how they identify with the labor market. They may-- for example, somebody might have an interest in doing something as a career, but because they have a limitation or a functional impairment, can't pursue that, so that causes a lot of stress. So I deal with that. There also is just a lot of people right now and a lot that we more to learn about mental health that they're having a lot of mental health issues that are impacting their ability to function on the job and meet the demands on the job. So they might get a job but they can't keep a job. And so after a period of time, they start to develop that resume that looks very scattered, very thin in terms of duration on the job. And that becomes then stigmatizing and marginalized. So stigma is an issue, obviously, that everybody deals with with chronic health conditions. That is something I deal with, but I'm more interested in how they fit to the environment, how do they see themselves fitting as a worker, and how did they develop their identity as a worker. VINCE LARA: Has your research ever led to you being a consultant for either a company or perhaps an industry looking to help these marginalized workers get back in? DAVID STRAUSER: I do a lot of work with a group called Children's Brain Tumor Foundation, where I work a lot with them to help young adult cancer survivors and businesses help understand issues related to cancer survivors, try to help that fit. So yes, I've worked with some non-profits and some NGOs to work with them to understand, develop plans, develop programs to help them address these issues. VINCE LARA: You developed what's called the Illinois Work and Well-being Model. I'm interested about that. Tell me a little bit what that is. DAVID STRAUSER: Yeah, the Illinois Work and Well-Being Model is kind of a byproduct of my 30 years of in this field of how I was thinking about career stuff and finally came together for me as a model, where in our field, in the health field, we use a lot of the International Classification of Functioning or the ICF. So I use components of the ICF and then Common Career Development domains and mesh those two together. And the model really tries to explain about how people's functioning and how their personal environmental factors impact how they function and how their functioning impacts the career domains of how people become aware of what they are in terms of what they want to do, their vocational identity, how they go about acquiring jobs, and how they go about maintaining jobs. And so that model helps provide a framework for research, and it's guided a lot of my research over my whole career. Probably the last four or five years it's been formalized as a model that we're using to guide our research, to help us identify factors and variables. But also, we've been using it quite a bit with practitioners to help them guide their services to identify where interventions might need to be placed, where are points of intervention. So as an example, if we're having a person, a young adult cancer survivor who has a brain tumor, they're trying to figure out, where do I fit into the world of work? What am I going to do? How am I going to do it? We might want to look at their functioning. What are the residual factors of their brain tumor? How do they function in terms of physically, cognitively, emotionally? And how do they communicate? And look at that. However, even though as we look at those factors or those components, we also understand that personal factors, psychological factors such as resilience, hope, self-efficacy, impact how they perceive their functioning. In addition, environmental factors-- ethnicity, social class. I say ethnicity. Ethnicity is a personal factor, but their cultural background. Their social factors, their schooling, their family also impact how they perceive their functioning. So we want to make sure that we're looking at all those factors and then how do they relate over to the career domain and those three factors I talked about in terms of awareness. We call it awareness. Basically, vocational identity. Acquisition and maintenance. VINCE LARA: You always have research going on, several projects in the pipeline. That's one of the things you have to do. DAVID STRAUSER: Right. VINCE LARA: What are some of the ones that you have that you're excited about, that can talk about, say? DAVID STRAUSER: Yeah. We actually have a lot of good stuff going on right now, and I'm very excited about it. We're at a good time. We're having a lot of data and a lot of projects. So we are right now-- a couple things. In terms of the cancer group, we have several data sets right now, one with Dana Farber, one with Children's Brain Tumor Foundation, where we're looking at these psychological career factors that impact employment and employment outcomes with a group of brain tumor survivors. What's really exciting about that, and this might-- compared to people in other areas like epidemiology or even breast cancer, our data set combined right now is we have about 300 brain tumor survivors. That's quite a good number for brain tumor survivors. So it's a hard group to get. So we have some data there that we're starting to analyze and look at working with these Dana Farber and Children's Brain Tumor Foundation that look at what are these factors that impact employment outcomes. And we're very excited about that. We have several papers submitted right now. They're under review. A couple of papers that have been accepted that are looking at using the Illinois Model, as we talked about, looking at how functioning and perception of functioning impacts the different domains of career. Highlight to that would be we're starting to get good evidence to suggest that how people's emotional function, the perceptions of their emotional functioning, really impact a lot of their identity development, contributes some to the acquisition phase. Conversely, we know that people now who start to-- how they perceive themselves physically really has a lot to do with how they perceive their ability to maintain a job. So what we can start to do there is start to parse out of, where people are in their career development, what our interventions need to target and what areas of functioning do we need to maybe support or address to maximize outcomes? So that's very exciting with that. Another population that we're starting to look at or another group that we're working with is, as I mentioned, a broader group of people with disabilities looking at developing some instruments related to the Illinois Work and Well-Being Model. We have a couple of instruments being developed right now to measure some of those constructs within the model, so we're very excited about that. That's not as maybe exciting, but for us, that's a very practical piece. Another area that we're really starting to get into because we have seen it quite a bit with the young adults in foster care and the formerly incarcerated young adults is the issue of trauma and how trauma is impacting them, but how trauma is impacting their perceptions of their career development and their career development opportunities. And not surprisingly, we're finding again there's quite a bit of an impact there in terms of how much trauma, how they're experiencing that trauma, how they feel about that trauma, how close to the surface, so to speak, that trauma is is going to be impacting a lot of how they see themselves as a worker, their identity, and their motivation to pursue those things. [MUSIC PLAYING] VINCE LARA: My thanks to David Strauser. For more podcasts on Illinois College of Applied Health Sciences, search A Few Minutes With on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, and other places you get your podcasts fix. Thanks for listening, and see you next time.
Indonesian: Oke video ini ada di interpretasinya fisika kuantum, yang ... saya sudah turun sedikit lubang kelinci di atas yang terakhir beberapa bulan jika saya jujur, karena interpretasi fisika kuantum tidak mudah dimengerti. Dan saya berpikir, hei saya akan lakukan video pada mereka yang akan menyenangkan! Dan kemudian saya melakukan penelitian dan melihat ke dalamnya, dan jenis, dengan otak meleleh. Pokoknya ini adalah upaya terbaik saya di interpretasi Fisika kuantum Saya harap Anda menikmati. Terus Apakah mereka? Yah pertama-tama ada lubang di bagian bawah fisika ketika Anda turun pada tingkat atom atau partikel subatomik, Anda berada di ranah fisika kuantum dan ada beberapa hal dalam fisika kuantum itu sama sekali tidak masuk akal. Fisikawan tidak suka hal-hal yang tidak masuk akal dan interpretasi English: Okay this video is on the interpretations of quantum physics, which… I’ve been down a little bit of a rabbit hole over the last couple of months if I’m honest, because the interpretations of quantum physics aren’t easy to understand. And I thought, hey I’ll do a video on those that’ll be fun! And then I did my research and looked into it, and kind of, by brain melted. Anyway this is my best effort at the interpretations of quantum physics I hope you enjoy. So what are they? Well first of all there is a hole in the bottom of physics when you are down at the level of atoms or subatomic particles, you are in the realm of quantum physics and there are some things in quantum physics that simply don’t make sense. Physicists don’t like things not making sense and so the interpretations Indonesian: fisika kuantum adalah upaya banyak orang fisikawan berbeda datang dengan cara membuat fisika kuantum masuk akal. Sekarang jika Anda tidak terbiasa dengan terminologi fisika kuantum saya sarankan Anda menonton saya video terakhir karena ini semacam pengantar untuk fisika kuantum dan video ini semacam dari bagian dua itu. Jadi nomor interpretasi satu adalah interpretasi Kopenhagen dan itu semacam cara standar kita diajarkan kuantum fisika ketika kita mempelajarinya di Universitas dan itu juga semacam tempat di mana saya bisa menggambarkan di mana beberapa masalah mulai terjadi. Jadi interpretasi Kopenhagen, standar deskripsi adalah bahwa partikel subatomik, suka dan elektron, dijelaskan oleh fungsi gelombang dan fungsi gelombang ini mematuhi Schrödinger persamaan, yang memberi tahu kita bagaimana gelombang itu menyortir dari lancar berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Dan fitur dari gelombang ini memberi kita semua properti dari fisika kuantum yang orang bicarakan seperti superposisi, belitan, quantisation energi, English: of quantum physics are an attempt of many different physicists to come up with ways of making quantum physics make sense. Now if you are not familiar with the terminology of quantum physics I recommend you watch my last video because it is kind of an introduction to quantum physics and this video is a sort of part two to that. So interpretation number one is the Copenhagen interpretation and that’s kind of the standard way we are taught quantum physics when we learn it in University and it is also kind of the place where I can illustrate where some of the problems start happening. So the Copenhagen interpretation, the standard description is that subatomic particles, like and electron, is described by a wave function and this wave function obeys the Schrödinger equation, which tells us how that wave sort of smoothly evolves over time. And features of this wave gives us all of the properties of of quantum physics that people talk about like superposition, entanglement, energy quantisation, Indonesian: decoherence dan tunneling kuantum, semuanya semua itu adalah fenomena yang muncul karena dari sifat seperti gelombang partikel subatom. Jadi masalah konseptual dimulai ketika kita melakukannya pengukuran pada gelombang ini. Jadi Kopenhagen gambar fisika kuantum adalah yang Anda miliki fungsi gelombang bergerak dengan lancar sesuai ke persamaan Schrödinger sampai hits benda seperti detektor. Lalu apa yang kita lihat, apa yang kita ukur sebagai manusia, adalah tunggal partikel dalam posisi tertentu, yang artinya bahwa fungsi gelombang yang seperti menyebar keluar dari luar angkasa, ketika itu mengenai detektor, tiba-tiba runtuh, itu disebut lokalisasi. Jadi gelombang melokalisasi, dari gelombang yang menyebar, untuk gelombang yang sangat tajam di mana kita melihat partikel. Masalahnya, apakah ada tidak ada fisika aktual dalam mekanika kuantum itu English: decoherence and quantum tunnelling, all of those things are phenomena that appear because of the wave-like nature of subatomic particles. So the conceptual problems begin when we do a measurement on these waves. So the Copenhagen picture of quantum physics is that you have a wave function moving along smoothly according to the Schrödinger equation until it hits an object like a detector. And then what we see, what we measure as a human, is a single particle in a specific position, which means that the wave function which is like spread out over space, when it hits the detector, it suddenly collapses, it is called localisation. So the wave localises, from a spread out wave, to a very sharply defined wave where we see the particle. The trouble is, is there’s no actual physics in quantum mechanics that English: describes how that collapse happens, and this is known as the measurement problem. So this measurement is sort of a barrier, which shields the quantum realm. We can never see those wave functions, all we can ever see are particles. And in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics what they say is like, us humans, we’ll never see those waves, there’s nothing we can do to access that realm, so don’t worry wondering whether they are real or not real, the important thing are the measurements. Reality is in the observations. Which is why it has been termed the shut up and calculate interpretation of quantum physics. But people have not stopped there they don’t like this discontinuous collapse of the wave function, so they’ve come up with other ways of trying to interpret what is going on. And this brings us to the second interpretation that I’m going to cover which is the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics. So the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics takes the wave function Indonesian: menggambarkan bagaimana keruntuhan itu terjadi, dan ini dikenal sebagai masalah pengukuran. Jadi ini pengukuran adalah semacam penghalang, yang melindungi ranah kuantum. Kita tidak akan pernah bisa melihatnya fungsi gelombang, yang bisa kita lihat hanyalah partikel. Dan dalam interpretasi kuantum Kopenhagen fisika seperti apa yang mereka katakan, kita manusia, kita tidak akan pernah melihat gelombang itu, tidak ada apa-apa bisa kita lakukan untuk mengakses ranah itu, jadi jangan khawatir bertanya-tanya apakah mereka nyata atau tidak sebenarnya, yang penting adalah pengukuran. Realitas ada dalam pengamatan. Itulah sebabnya telah disebut diam dan menghitung interpretasi fisika kuantum. Tetapi orang-orang belum berhenti di situ mereka tidak suka ini runtuhnya fungsi gelombang yang terputus-putus, jadi mereka telah menemukan cara lain untuk mencoba untuk menafsirkan apa yang sedang terjadi. Dan ini membawa kita ke interpretasi kedua bahwa aku akan mencakup yang merupakan interpretasi banyak dunia fisika kuantum. Begitu banyak interpretasi dunia fisika kuantum mengambil fungsi gelombang Indonesian: menjadi nyata secara fisik dan mengatakan jika Schrödinger Persamaan hanyalah deskripsi dari realitas, seperti apa realitas itu? Jadi apa katanya adalah saat Anda melakukan pengukuran pada partikel yang ada di superposisi banyak berbeda tempat sekaligus, sebenarnya partikel itu berbalik di semua tempat yang berbeda, hanya di versi realitas yang berbeda. Cara lain untuk dipikirkan adalah jika sebuah partikel berada di superposisi dua tempat sekaligus, dan itu hits detektor, sekarang menempatkan detektor itu di superposisi mengukur partikel di satu tempat atau yang lain, dan jika Anda melihat hasil dari detektor itu maka itu menempatkan Anda dalam superposisi melihat partikel di satu tempat, atau melihat partikel di tempat lain, tetapi karena hasilnya dari satu tempat atau yang lain saling eksklusif itu berarti bahwa sekarang semesta Anda berada di antara dua milikmu telah saling decohered dan sekarang dibagi menjadi cabang-cabang yang berbeda. English: to be physically real and says if the Schrödinger equation is just a description of reality, what does reality look like? So what it says is that when you do a measurement on particle that is in a superposition of many different places at once, actually that particle turn up at all those different places, just in different versions of reality. Another way to think of it is if a particle is in a superposition of two places at once, and it hits a detector, it now puts that detector in a superposition of measuring a particle in once place or another, and if you look at the results from that detector then it puts you in a superposition of seeing the particle in one place, or seeing the particle in another place, but because the results of one place or another are mutually exclusive it means that now your universe between the two you’s has decohered from each other and are now split into different branches. Indonesian: Jadi superposisi digambarkan oleh gelombang berfungsi, jadi benar-benar hanya ada satu raksasa fungsi gelombang mega yang menjelaskan semua kemungkinan yang bisa terjadi dalam seluruh sejarah Semesta. Jadi kalau ada adalah interpretasi fisika kuantum itu Anda telah mendengar tentang ini akan menjadi yang ini, banyak interpretasi dunia karena itu tampaknya menangkap kesadaran publik, dan Saya pikir itu karena orang menyukai ide itu bahwa jika Anda telah membuat keputusan yang sangat buruk bahwa Anda menyesal di masa lalu, Anda bisa baik dari merasa nyaman dengan keyakinan bahwa ada alam semesta lain di luar sana tempat Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan ada versi Anda yang bahagia sekarang. Sepertinya juga menjadi teknik mendongeng yang sangat berguna dalam film yang ingin memiliki jenis yang berbeda realitas, seperti itu hanya di Spider-Man menjadi ayat laba-laba untuk berbagai jenis dari, yah aku seharusnya tidak merusak plotnya itu film yang bagus. Tampaknya juga cantik English: So a superposition is described by a wave function, so really there’s just one giant mega wave function that describes all of the possibilities that could ever have happened in the entire history of Universe. So if there is an interpretation of quantum physics that you have heard about it’ll be this one, the many worlds interpretation because it seems to capture public consciousness, and I think it is because people like the idea that if you’ve made like a really bad decision that you regret in the past, you can kind of take comfort in the belief that there is another universe out there where you made a better decision and so there is a version of you who’s happy right now. It also seems to be a really useful storytelling technique in films that want to have different sort of realities, like it was just in the Spider-Man into the spider verse for the different kinds of, well I shouldn’t ruin the plot, anyway it was a good film. It also seems to be pretty Indonesian: populer di kalangan fisikawan, meskipun saya bukan penggemar berat itu karena salah satu Masalahnya itu rusak probabilitas. Jadi bayangkan jika Anda memiliki partikel yang dalam tiga puluh kemungkinan persen berada di sini, dan tujuh puluh kemungkinan persen berada di sini, ketika itu hits detektor itu terbagi menjadi dua alam semesta di mana itu pasti, dengan seratus persen kemungkinan itu ada di satu tempat seratus probabilitas persen di tempat lain jadi jika semuanya terjadi apa yang mereka lakukan probabilitas asli sebenarnya berarti? Ini Masalahnya adalah alamat dalam interpretasi disebut interpretasi kosmologis yang mengatakan bahwa banyak teori dunia itu sepele benar jika Semesta sangat besar, karena ada jumlah tak terbatas yang Anda lakukan percobaan itu, dan angka tak terbatas itu hanya dibagi secara proporsional, jadi tiga puluh persen dari mereka yang tak terbatas Anda akan melihat satu hal English: popular amongst physicists, although I’m not such a huge fan of it because one of the problems is it breaks probability. So imagine if you’ve got a particle that’s in a thirty percent probability of being here, and a seventy percent probability of being here, when it hits the detector it splits into two universes where it definitely is, with a hundred percent probability it is in one place and a hundred percent probability it’s in the other place so if everything all happens what do those original probabilities actually mean? This problem is addresses in an interpretation called the cosmological interpretation which says that the many worlds theory is trivially true if the Universe is infinitely big, because there is an infinite number of you’s doing that experiment, and that infinite number just splits in proportion, so thirty percent of those infinite you’s will see one thing English: and seventy percent of those infinite you’s will see the other thing. Unfortunately there’s no experiments that we can run to see if this interpretation is more valid than the Copenhagen interpretation, and that’s actually a general feature of all of these interpretations is that we can’t pick them apart with any experiments and so until we have experiments it’s all kind of like physics-y story telling. Lets now look at another aspect of quantum physics that doesn’t quite make sense to us which is called non-locality, otherwise known as spooky action at a distance. And this can be summarised by the EPR experiment which is where you take two particles, say electrons, and you entangle them together to have equal and opposite spins say, and then you separate them by a very very large distance because they are now inextricably linked the wave function that describes them has to describe both particles and what this means in reality is when you do a measurement on one of these Indonesian: dan tujuh puluh persen dari Anda yang tak terbatas itu akan melihat hal lainnya. Sayangnya ada tidak ada eksperimen yang bisa kita jalankan untuk melihat apakah ini interpretasi lebih valid daripada Kopenhagen interpretasi, dan itu sebenarnya seorang jenderal Fitur dari semua interpretasi ini adalah bahwa kita tidak dapat memisahkannya dengan eksperimen apa pun dan sampai kita memiliki eksperimen, itu saja semacam suka bercerita fisika-y. Mari sekarang lihat aspek lain dari fisika kuantum itu tidak masuk akal bagi kita yang mana disebut non-lokalitas, atau dikenal sebagai aksi seram di kejauhan. Dan ini bisa dirangkum oleh percobaan EPR yang adalah tempat Anda mengambil dua partikel, katakanlah elektron, dan Anda melibatkan mereka untuk memiliki yang sama dan berputar berlawanan berkata, dan kemudian Anda berpisah mereka dengan jarak yang sangat sangat besar karena mereka sekarang terkait dengan gelombang fungsi yang menggambarkannya harus dijelaskan baik partikel dan apa artinya ini dalam kenyataan adalah ketika Anda melakukan pengukuran pada salah satunya English: particles it instantaneously influences the other one, which can be you know billions of miles away, and it does that instantaneously. So it sort of feels like faster than light action. That’s the action at a distance which Einstein was really creeped out by. So non-locality mean that one electron, its properties are not local to its physical place. Its properties are dependent on something very very far away and this is an alien concept in physics because if I throw a ball the balls position or velocity or colour or anything physical to do with that ball they’re all localised to where that ball physically is, whereas in quantum physics you can have things that are non-local. And that seems weird to a physicist, because you are like ‘all physics is like this, except for this one bit here in quantum physics’. So this has spawned other interpretations of quantum physics that Indonesian: partikel itu secara instan mempengaruhi yang lain, yang bisa Anda ketahui miliaran mil jauhnya, dan itu melakukannya secara instan. Jadi rasanya lebih cepat dari cahaya tindakan. Itu aksinya di kejauhan dimana Einstein benar-benar ketakutan. Jadi non-lokalitas berarti satu elektron, itu properti tidak lokal ke tempat fisiknya. Sifat-sifatnya tergantung pada sesuatu sangat jauh sekali dan ini adalah konsep alien dalam fisika karena jika saya melempar bola bola posisi atau kecepatan atau warna atau apa pun fisik dengan bola itu, mereka semua dilokalisasi ke tempat bola itu secara fisik, sedangkan dalam fisika kuantum Anda dapat memiliki banyak hal itu bukan lokal. Dan itu tampak aneh seorang ahli fisika, karena Anda seperti 'semua fisika seperti ini, kecuali yang ini sedikit di sini dalam fisika kuantum '. Jadi ini telah melahirkan interpretasi lain dari fisika kuantum itu Indonesian: coba jelaskan yang ini, dan yang salah ini disebut teori variabel tersembunyi. Jadi ide dalam teori variabel tersembunyi adalah bahwa ketika Anda melakukan keterikatan ini ada beberapa label rahasia yang menangkap yang sebenarnya keadaan dua partikel ini jadi seperti jika saya melempar koin dan memegangnya di tangan, meskipun saya tidak tahu apakah itu kepala atau ekor, koin itu sebenarnya adalah kepala atau ekor ketika itu di tangan saya, dan saya hanya mengungkapkan ketika saya membuka tangan. Jadi itu baik dari apa teori-teori variabel tersembunyi ini seperti, partikel berada pada posisi yang pasti kita tidak tahu apa itu sampai kita mengukur Itu. Sekarang interpretasi ini benar-benar terbunuh oleh percobaan yang disebut teorema Bell. Saya tidak akan masuk ke rincian ini karena saya tidak punya waktu. Tapi pada dasarnya teori variabel tersembunyi dan fisika kuantum memprediksi berbagai probabilitas yang Anda amati English: try and explain away this one, and one of these is called hidden variable theories. So the idea in a hidden variable theory is that when you do this entanglement there’s some secret label which captures the actual state of these two particles so it’s like if I flip a coin and I hold it in my hands, even though I don’t know whether it’s heads or tails, the coin actually is heads or tails when its in my hand, and I just reveal it when I open up my hands. So that’s kind of what these hidden variable theories are like, the particles are in a definite position we just don’t know what it is until we measure it. Now this interpretation was actually killed by an experiment called Bell’s theorem. I’m not going to go into the details of this because I don’t have time. But basically the hidden variable theory and quantum physics predict different probabilities of you observing English: certain things under Bell’s experiment. And when they did the experiment, they actually found the results matched quantum physics and not hidden variable theories, so hidden variables are out. Now it is not completely game over for the hidden variable theories because Bell’s theorem is built on some axioms, some things that you assume to to be true, and one of these is locality. And so you can have a successful non-local hidden variable theory, also known as Bohmian mechanics also known as pilot wave theory. Now the idea in this interpretation is that the particles are always real, but they are kind of surfing about on an underlying wave, and so when you see the probability of particles appearing in different places it’s because they have been nudged in different directions by this underlying wave. But still we can’t see those waves. And the advantage of this is Indonesian: hal-hal tertentu di bawah eksperimen Bell. Dan ketika mereka melakukan percobaan, mereka sebenarnya menemukan hasil yang cocok dengan fisika kuantum dan tidak variabel tersembunyi teori, sangat tersembunyi variabel keluar. Sekarang tidak sepenuhnya permainan berakhir untuk teori variabel tersembunyi karena teorema Bell dibangun di atas beberapa aksioma, beberapa hal yang Anda anggap benar, dan salah satunya adalah lokalitas. Dan sehingga Anda dapat memiliki tersembunyi non-lokal yang sukses teori variabel, juga dikenal sebagai mekanika Bohmian juga dikenal sebagai teori gelombang percontohan. Sekarang idenya dalam interpretasi ini adalah partikel selalu nyata, tetapi mereka jenis berselancar tentang pada gelombang yang mendasarinya, dan begitu ketika Anda lihat probabilitas partikel yang muncul di tempat yang berbeda itu karena mereka punya didorong ke arah yang berbeda dengan ini gelombang yang mendasarinya. Tapi tetap saja kita tidak bisa melihat gelombang itu. Dan keuntungannya adalah English: that it kind of returns quantum physics to a sort of determinism, which none of the interpretations of quantum physics do. But the trouble again is there’s no testable hypotheses so there is no way of us doing an experiment to see if it is true. So another thread in the interpretations of quantum physics is to instead focus on the collapse of the wave function, and try and make that bit make sense. So there are interpretations called alternative collapse theories that try and add some extra physics in to that collapse that either explain why it happens or add some, describe the dynamics of how exactly the wave function localises. One idea called spontaneous collapse theory is that the wave function has got a probability of collapsing at any time a bit like radioactive decay. So for a small particle there is a very low probability that its wave function collapses, maybe like once in a hundred million Indonesian: bahwa itu semacam mengembalikan fisika kuantum ke semacam determinisme, yang tidak satupun interpretasinya fisika kuantum lakukan. Tapi masalahnya lagi apakah tidak ada hipotesis yang dapat diuji sehingga tidak ada tidak mungkin kita melakukan percobaan untuk melihat jika itu benar. Demikian utas lain dalam penafsiran fisika kuantum adalah untuk fokus runtuhnya fungsi gelombang, dan coba dan membuatnya sedikit masuk akal. Jadi ada interpretasi yang disebut keruntuhan alternatif Teori yang mencoba dan menambahkan beberapa fisika tambahan ke keruntuhan yang menjelaskan mengapa itu terjadi atau menambahkan beberapa, menggambarkan dinamika tentang bagaimana tepatnya fungsi gelombang melokalisasi. Satu ide yang disebut teori keruntuhan spontan adalah bahwa fungsi gelombang telah mendapat probabilitas runtuh setiap saat sedikit seperti radioaktif kerusakan. Jadi untuk partikel kecil ada a probabilitas sangat rendah bahwa fungsi gelombangnya runtuh, mungkin seperti sekali dalam seratus juta English: years. Whereas for big groups of particles together in something like a football there would be way more collapses because if any one those collapses, it has a knock on effect to collapse the wave functions of all the others. And so there would be maybe a hundred million collapses per second which kind of goes some way to describe why the world we experience is all kind of solid and deterministic, and the quantum realm isn’t, so it describes kind of the boundary between those two things. And the advantage of this interpretation is it’s actually making a testable prediction. And so at some stage in the future we could design an experiment that could maybe see if it is true or not. So, you know, it doesn’t say that it is any more likely to be true than any of the others but at least it has got a testable prediction which, as an experimental physicist, I like! So those are the main interpretations of quantum physics but there’s many many more, I’m just going to cover a few more here. But this isn’t an exhaustive list. Also, word of warning, this is where I started Indonesian: tahun. Sedangkan untuk kelompok partikel besar bersama dalam sesuatu seperti sepak bola di sana akan jauh lebih runtuh karena jika ada satu yang runtuh, itu memiliki ketukan untuk menutup fungsi gelombang semua lainnya. Dan mungkin akan ada seratus juta runtuh per detik jenis apa pergi beberapa cara untuk menggambarkan mengapa dunia kita pengalaman adalah semua jenis yang solid dan deterministik, dan ranah kuantum tidak, jadi itu menjelaskan semacam batas antara kedua hal itu. Dan keuntungan dari interpretasi ini adalah sebenarnya membuat prediksi yang dapat diuji. Dan pada tahap tertentu di masa depan kita bisa mendesain percobaan yang mungkin bisa dilihat apakah itu benar atau tidak. Jadi, Anda tahu, tidak katakan bahwa itu lebih mungkin benar daripada yang lain tetapi setidaknya itu ada mendapat prediksi yang dapat diuji yang, sebagai percobaan fisikawan, saya suka! Jadi itu adalah interpretasi utama fisika kuantum tetapi ada banyak lebih, saya hanya akan membahas beberapa lagi sini. Tapi ini bukan daftar lengkap. Juga, kata peringatan, ini adalah tempat saya mulai Indonesian: untuk menjadi benar-benar agak bingung, jadi mari kita lanjutkan dengan sejumlah hati-hati. Pertama adalah kuantum Bayesianisme juga dikenal sebagai Qbism, yang mengambil ide-ide probabilitas Bayesian dan berlaku itu ke fisika kuantum jadi itu seperti teori informasi fisika kuantum. Dan ide yang saya mengerti adalah kapan Anda mendapatkan informasi baru tentang keadaan pembaruan itu kemungkinan hal-hal yang Anda inginkan mengukur. Penafsiran sejarah yang konsisten fisika kuantum rupanya matematika agak dari hibrida antara variabel tersembunyi teori dan teori keruntuhan spontan. Ini termasuk runtuhnya gelombang secara spontan fungsi, tetapi aspek yang berbeda, bukan hanya posisi saja bisa runtuh. Itu juga mengatakan itu keruntuhan itu bukan peristiwa fisik tetapi hanya cara Anda memilih sejarah English: to get really rather confused, so lets proceed with some amount of caution. First up is quantum Bayesianism also known as Qbism, which takes the ideas of Bayesian probability and applies it to quantum physics so it’s sort of like an informational theory of quantum physics. And the idea as I understand it is that when you get new information about a state it updates the probabilities of the things that you will measure. The consistent histories interpretation of quantum physics apparently the mathematics is somewhat of a hybrid between hidden variable theories and spontaneous collapse theories. It includes spontaneous collapses of the wave function, but different aspects, not just just position can collapse. It also says that those collapses are not physical events but just a way of you picking through a history Indonesian: dari objek kuantum yang masuk akal, itu konsisten. Yang berikutnya adalah kuantum Darwinisme, yang mana, ketika sistem kuantum berinteraksi dengan lingkungan hal-hal tertentu terbunuh mati. Jadi interaksi antara partikel dan lingkungan seperti seleksi alam untuk sifat-sifat objek kuantum itu. Interpretasi lain disebut transaksional interpretasi yang, dalam matematika aktual fisika kuantum memungkinkan solusi itu melakukan perjalanan mundur dalam waktu dan juga ke depan dalam waktu, tetapi kami biasanya hanya membuang mundur dalam waktu, karena Anda tahu Anda tidak akan melakukan perjalanan mundur dalam waktu. Tapi seperti, saya tidak tahu, mungkin Anda bisa. Jadi begitu apa interpretasi transaksional, itu membuat mereka dan mengatakan bahwa properti itu Anda mungkin tergantung pada hal-hal itu terjadi padamu di masa depan. Dan ini menarik karena itu sebenarnya bisa menyiasati Bell's dalil. Satu lagi disebut relasional interpretasi yang tidak fokus pada English: of that quantum object that makes sense, that’s consistent. The next one is quantum Darwinism, which is where, when the quantum system interacts with the environment certain things are killed off. So interactions between particles and the environment are kind of like natural selection for the properties of that quantum object. Another interpretation is called the transactional interpretation which, in the actual mathematics of quantum physics it allows solutions that travel backwards in time as well as forwards in time, but we normally just throw away the backwards in time ones, because you know you’re not going to travel backwards in time. But like, I don’t know, maybe you can. So that’s what the transactional interpretation, it keeps those and says that the properties that you have maybe are dependent on things that happen to you in the future. And this is attractive because it can actually get around Bell’s theorem. Another one is called the relational interpretation which doesn’t focus on the Indonesian: sifat benda kuantum kecuali segalanya didefinisikan oleh hubungan di antara mereka. Jadi itu adalah interpretasi utama kuantum Fisika ada beberapa yang lain tetapi itu yang utama. Saya terkadang ditanya apa adalah interpretasi favorit saya dan saya tidak benar-benar memilikinya. Pikiran saya tentang ini adalah: karena ada begitu banyak interpretasi yang berbeda fisika kuantum itu semacam tanda itu kita mungkin kehilangan sesuatu yang mendasar, jadi mungkin salah satu cara untuk menyerang masalah ini adalah untuk benar - benar kembali ke prinsip pertama dan kembali ke asumsi fundamental kuantum fisika karena ada beberapa yang menarik asumsi yang dibuat seperti saat Anda miliki fungsi gelombang yang memprediksi probabilitas hal-hal yang terjadi itu hanya dugaan, dan itu bekerja dengan sangat baik, tetapi di sana tidak ada alasan nyata untuk itu selain baik tebakan. Jadi, ya fisika kuantum sedang berjalan English: properties of quantum objects but everything is defined by the relationships between them. So those are the main interpretations of quantum physics there’s a few others but those are the main ones. I sometimes get asked what is my favourite interpretation and I don’t really have one. My thoughts about this are: because there’s so many different interpretations of quantum physics it’s kind of a sign that we might be missing something kind of fundamental, so maybe one way to attack this problem is to really go back to first principles and back to the fundamental assumptions of quantum physics because there’s some interesting assumptions that were made like when you have a wave function which predicts probabilities of things happening that was just a guess, and it works really really well, but there was no real reason for that other than nice guess work. So, yeah quantum physics is going Indonesian: untuk ... Nah itu akhirnya. Terima kasih telah menempel melalui semua itu. Saya harap itu menarik. Saya pikir Anda mendapatkan posisi duduk yang baik turun dan mungkin bahkan biskuit, jadi terima kasih untuk menonton dan terima kasih juga kepada sponsor video ini: Skillshare. Saya selalu mendapatkan banyak komentar bertanya kepada saya bagaimana saya menghasilkan video saya, dan perangkat lunak apa yang saya gunakan dan kebenarannya adalah, ini adalah kombinasi dari semua perangkat lunak Adobe: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects dan Premier. Dan Skillshare adalah situs web yang fantastis jika Anda ingin mempelajari salah satu dari program ini untuk proyek kreatif Anda sendiri. Sebaik meliputi perangkat lunak Adobe, mereka punya lebih dari delapan belas ribu kelas mencakup mulai dari menggambar, menulis hingga produksi film. Berlangganan premium mereka layanan membuka semua pelajaran ini yang disampaikan oleh para profesional terlatih di Indonesia bidang mereka. Tetapi jika Anda ingin mendapatkan kepala mulai Anda bisa mendapatkan uji coba gratis dua bulan untuk lima ratus orang pertama yang mengklik English: to… Well that’s the end. Thanks for sticking through all of that. I hope it was of interest. I think you’ve earned yourself a nice sit down and maybe even a biscuit, so thanks for watching and thanks also to the sponsor of this video: Skillshare. I always get loads of comments asking me how I produce my videos, and what software I use and the truth is, it’s a combination of all the Adobe software: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere. And Skillshare is a fantastic website if you want to learn any of these programs for your own creative projects. As well as covering the Adobe software, they have got more than eighteen thousand classes covering everything from drawing, writing through to film production. Their premium subscription service unlocks all of these lessons which are delivered by trained professionals in their fields. But if you want to get a head start you can get a two month free trial for the first five hundred people to click on English: this link. The link is also in the description below. Well that’s it from me, thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time. Indonesian: Link ini. Tautan ini juga ada dalam deskripsi di bawah. Baik itu dari saya, terima kasih menonton dan aku akan menemuimu lain kali.
Modern Greek (1453-): To Crash Course Φιλοσοφίας προσφέρεται από το Squarespace. Squarespace: Μοιράσου το πάθος σου με τον κόσμο. Πιθανώς πιστεύεις ότι ξέρεις πολλά πράγματα. Αλλά ξέρεις τι σημαίνει να ξέρεις κάτι; Περάσαμε αρκετό καιρό συζητώντας πιστεύω και γνώσεις, αλλά δεν έχουμε στην πραγματικότητα γίνει συγκεκριμένοι για το τι εννοούμε όταν μιλάμε για αυτά τα πράγματα. Ευτυχώς, οι φιλόσοφοι αγαπάνε τους καλούς ορισμούς. Έχουν πολύ συγκεκριμένες και σαφείς ιδέες στο νου τους όταν χρησιμοποιούν όρους όπως γνωρίζω ή πιστεύω ή η πρόταση ή η αιτιολόγηση. Και, σε δέκα περίπου λεπτά από τώρα, και εσύ θα ξέρεις τι λέμε πραγματικά όταν χρησιμοποιούμε αυτές τις λέξεις. Αλλά, απλά επειδή αυτοί οι όροι έχουν προσδιορισθεί, δεν σημαίνει ότι οι φιλόσοφοι δεν διαφωνούν ακόμα για αυτούς. Γιατί ξέρεις, αυτό κάνουν οι φιλόσοφοι. Οι ορισμοί τους μπορεί να φαίνονται κάπως προφανείς στην αρχή, αλλά όσο περισσότερο τους σκέφτεσαι, τόσο εμφανίζονται να έχουν διάφορες αποχρώσεις. Όπως, είναι το να ξέρεις κάτι το ίδιο με το να έχεις δίκιο; Ή, αν πιστεύεις ότι κάτι είναι αληθές, και είναι όντως, έχει σημασία αν η πίστη σου σε αυτό είναι αιτιολογημένη; Και μπορείς να έχεις δίκιο για κάτι χωρίς πραγματικά να προσπαθείς; Italian: Crash Course Philosophy è offerto da Squarespace. Squarespace: Condividi la tua passione con il mondo. Probabilmente pensi di sapere un sacco di cose. Ma sai cosa vuol dire sapere una cosa? Abbiamo speso un bel po' di tempo discutendo credenze e conoscenze, ma non siamo davvero stati specifici su ciò che intendiamo quando parliamo di queste cose. Per fortuna, i filosofi amano una buona definizione. Hanno idee molto specifiche e chiare in mente quando usano termini come sapere o credere o proposizione o giustificazione. E, tra circa dieci minuti, anche tu saprai cosa stai realmente dicendo quando usi quelle parole. Ma, solo perché questi termini sono stati definiti, non significa che i filosofi non stiano ancora discutendo su di loro. Perché si sa, è così che fanno i filosofi. Le loro definizioni potrebbero sembrare abbastanza ovvie in un primo momento, ma più pensi a loro, più risultano avere sfumature. Tipo, avere conoscenza di qualcosa è la stessa cosa di essere corretti? Oppure, se credi che qualcosa sia vero, ed è vero, importa se la tua convinzione in esso è giustificata? E puoi avere ragione su qualcosa senza veramente provarci? Dutch: Crash Course Filosofie wordt u aangeboden door Squarespace. Squarespace: Deel je passie met de wereld. Je denkt waarschijnlijk dat je veel weet. Maar weet je wat het betekent om iets te weten? We hebben nogal wat tijd doorgebracht met overtuigingen en kennis te bespreken, maar we zijn niet echt specifiek geweest over wat we bedoelen wanneer we het daarover hebben. Gelukkig houden filosofen van een goede definitie. Ze hebben heel specifieke en lucide ideeën in gedachten wanneer ze termen als weten of geloven of propositie of verantwoording gebruiken. En, binnen een minuut of tien, zal ook jij weten wat je echt aan het zeggen bent wanneer je die woorden gebruikt. Maar, gewoon omdat deze termen gedefinieerd zijn, betekent niet dat filosofen ze niet nog steeds betwisten. Want dat is nu eenmaal wat filosofen doen. Hun definities lijken misschien wel vanzelfsprekend op het eerste gezicht, maar hoe langer je erover nadenkt, hoe genuanceerder ze blijken te zijn. Bijvoorbeeld, is kennis hebben van iets hetzelfde als correct zijn? Of, als je gelooft dat iets waar is, en het is ook waar, maakt het dan iets uit of je geloof erin gerechtvaardigd is? En kan je correct zijn over iets zonder echt te proberen? Romanian: Crash Course Philosophy îți este oferit de Squarespace. Squarespace: Împărtășește-ți pasiunea cu lumea. Probabil crezi că știi multe lucruri. Dar știi ce înseamnă să știi ceva? Am petrecut destul de mult timp discutând despre convingeri și cunoaștere, dar nu am spus concret la ce ne referim când vorbim despre acele lucruri. Din fericire, filosofilor le plac definițiile concrete. Ei se referă la idei precise și raționale atunci când folosesc termeni precum ,,a ști" și ,,a crede", sau ,,propoziție" și ,,justificare" Și, în vreo 10 minute, și tu vei ști exact ceea ce spui mai exact atunci când folosești acele cuvinte. Dar, doar pentru că acești termeni au fost deja definiți, nu înseamnă că filosofii nu au încă discuții asupra lor. Pentru că, știi, asta fac filosofii. Definițiile lor pot părea evidente la început, dar cu cât te gândești mai mult la ele, cu atât devin mai nuanțate. Cum ar fi, a avea cunoștințe despre ceva e același lucru cu a avea dreptate? Sau, dacă ai impresia că ceva este adevărat, și este adevărat, mai contează dacă părerea ta este justificată? Și poți să ai dreptate în legătură cu ceva fără a încerca măcar? Russian: Краткий Курс Философии создан при поддержке Squarespace. Squarespace: поделитесь вашим увлечением с миром. Вы наверняка думаете, что многое знаете. Но знаете ли вы, что значит знать что-то? Мы потратили много время на обсуждение убеждений и знания, но мы не уточняли, что имеем в виду под этими словами. К счастью, философы обожают хорошие определения. Они имеют в виду очень определенные и ясные вещи, пользуясь терминами знать, верить, предположение или обоснование. И через 10 минут вы тоже будете знать, что вы на самом деле говорите, используя эти слова. Но только то, что эти термины уже определены, не значит, что философы больше о них не спорят. Потому что, вы знаете, философы это любят. Их определения сперва могут показаться очевидными, но чем больше вы о них думаете, тем больше нюансов замечаете. Например, знать что-то и быть правым - это одно и то же? Или, если вы верите во что-то, и оно является правдой, означает ли это, что ваша вера обоснована? Можете ли вы быть правы, не стараясь? iw: קורס מזורז זה בפילוסופיה הובא לך על ידי Squarespace. Squarespace: שתף את התשוקה שלך עם העולם. אתה כנראה חושב שאתה יודע הרבה דברים. אבל האם אתה יודע מה זה אומר לדעת משהו? בילינו לא מעט זמן בדיון על אמונות וידע, אבל לא באמת היינו ספציפיים לגבי מה שאנחנו מתכוונים אליו, כשאנחנו מדברים על הדברים האלו למרבה המזל, פילוסופים אוהבים הגדרה טובה. הם מתכוונים לרעיונות ספציפיים וצלולים מאוד כשהם משתמשים במונחים כמו לדעת או להאמין או הצעה או הצדקה וגם, בעוד כעשר דקות מעכשיו, גם אתם תדעו מה אתם בעצם אומרים כאשר אתם משתמשים במילים האלו. אבל, רק בגלל שמונחים אלו הוגדרו, אין זה אומר שפילוסופים אינם ממשיכים להתווכח עליהם. מכיוון שכפי שאתם יודעים, ככה נוהגים פילוסופים ההגדרות שלהם אולי נראות די ברורות בהתחלה, אבל ככל שאתה חושב עליהן, הן נעשות יותר ויותר מסובכות. כאילו, הידיעה של משהו זה אותו דבר כמו משהו נכון? לחלופין, אם אתה מאמין במשהו שאמור להיות נכון, וזה נכון, האם זה משנה אם האמונה שלך היא מוצדקת? והאם אתם יכולים להיות צודקים לגבי משהו בלי באמת לנסות? Portuguese: Crash Course Philosophy é oferecido por Squarespace. Squarespace: Compartilhe sua paixão com o mundo. Você provavelmente acha que sabe muita coisa. Mas você sabe o que significa "saber alguma coisa"? Nós gastamos um bom tempo discutindo crenças e conhecimento, mas na verdade ainda não discutimos o que queremos dizer quando falamos sobre essas coisas. Ainda bem que filósofos adoram uma boa definição. Eles são bastante específicos e elucidam as ideias quando usam os termos como "saber", "crença", "proposição" ou "justificativa". E, daqui dez minutos, você também vai saber o que realmente está dizendo quando usa essas palavras. Mas, só porque esse termos foram definidos não quer dizer que os filósofos pararam de discutí-los. Porque, você sabe, esse é o jeito dos filósofos. Suas definições podem parecer um pouco óbvias no começo, mas quanto mais você pensa nelas mais nuances você enxergará. Por exemplo, ter o conhecimento de algo é a mesma coisa de estar certo? Ou, se você acredita que algo é verdade, e ela acaba sendo, importa se suas crenças nela são justificadas? E você pode estar certo sobre algo sem nem mesmo tentar? Turkish: Crash Course Felsefe size Squarespace tarafından sağlanmıştır. Squarespace: Tutkunuzu dünya ile paylaşın. Muhtemelen birçok şeyi bildiğinizi düşünüyorsunuzdur. Ancak bir şeyi bilmenin ne anlama geldiğini biliyor musunuz? İnançları ve bilgiyi tartışarak yeterince zaman geçirdik, ancak bu şeyler hakkında konuşurken neyi kast ettiğimiz konusunda derine girmedik. Neyse ki, filozoflar iyi bir tanımı çok severler. Bilmek, inanmak veya önerme veya gerekçe gibi kavramları kullanırken zihinlerinde oldukça özel ve berrak fikirleri vardır. Ve, şu on dakikadan itibaren, sen de bu kelimeleri kullandığında esasen ne dediğini bileceksin. Fakat, sırf bu kavramların tanımlanmış olması, filozofların hala onlar üzerinden tartışmadığı anlamına gelmez. Çünkü bilirsiniz işte, filozoflar böyle yapar. Başlangıçta tanımları bir nevi belirgin gözükebilir, ancak üzerinde düşündükçe, daha çok ayrıntılı olmaya başlarlar. Örneğin, bir şeyin bilgisine sahip olmak doğru olmakla aynı şey midir? Veya, bir şeyin doğru olduğuna inanırsanız, ve doğruysa, inancınızın gerekçelendirilmiş olması fark eder mi? Ve herhangi bir şey hakkında gerçekten denemeden doğru olabilir misiniz? French: Crash Course Philosophy vous est présenté par Squarespace. Squarespace : partagez votre passion avec le monde. Vous pensez probablement que vous savez un tas de choses. Mais savez-vous ce que ça signifie de savoir quelque chose ? On a passé un petit moment à discuter des croyances et de la connaissance, mais on n’a pas vraiment parlé en détails de ce qu’on veut dire quand on parle de ces choses. Heureusement, les philosophes adorent les belles définitions. Ils ont des idées très précises et lucides à l’esprit quand ils utilisent des termes comme « savoir » ou « croire » ou « proposition » ou « justification ». Et, dans environ dix minutes, vous aussi saurez ce que vous dites vraiment quand vous utilisez ces mots. Mais, c’est pas parce que ces termes ont été définis que ça veut dire que les philosophes ne se disputent plus à propos de leurs sens. Parce que, vous savez, c’est ce que les philosophes font. Il se pourrait que leurs définitions semblent évidentes au début, mais plus on y réfléchit, plus elles se révèlent nuancées. Genre, est-ce qu’avoir connaissance de quelque chose est la même chose qu’avoir raison ? Ou, si on croit que quelque chose est vrai, et que c’est vrai, est-ce que ça importe si votre croyance est justifiée ? Et peut-on avoir raison à propos de quelque chose sans vraiment essayer ? Vietnamese: Crash Course Philosophy được tài trợ bởi Squarespace. Squarespace: chia sẻ đam mê của bạn với thế giới. Bạn có lẽ nghĩ rằng bạn biết nhiều về mọi thứ. Nhưng bạn không biết biết một thứ có nghĩa là gì? Chúng ta dành một chút thời gian thảo luận về niềm tin và tri thức, nhưng chúng ta không thực sự rõ ràng về ý nghĩa của chúng là gì khi chúng ta nói về những điều này. May mắn thay, những nhà triết gia thích định nghĩa rõ ràng. Họ có những định nghĩa rõ ràng và dễ hiểu trong tâm trí khi họ sử dụng những cụm từ như biết hay tin hay tuyên bố hay biện hộ. Và khoảng mười phút sau, bạn cũng sẽ biết bạn thật sự đang nói gì khi bạn sử dụng những từ đó. Nhưng, chỉ bởi vì những từ này đã được định nghĩa, không có nghĩa là các nhà triết gia không còn tranh luận về chúng. Bởi vì bạn biết đấy, đó là cách các nhà triết gia thường làm. Những định nghĩa có thể có vẻ rõ ràng lúc đầu, nhưng bạn càng nghĩ về chúng, bạn càng thấy chúng có nhiều sắc thái. Giống như, việc có tri thức về một thứ gì đó có đồng nghĩa với việc đúng về thứ đó? Hay, nếu bạn tin một điều gì đó là đúng, và nó là đúng, nó có vấn đề gì không nếu bạn tin điều đó đã được chứng minh? Và bạn có thể đúng về thứ gì đó mà không thực sự cố gắng? Arabic: كراش كورس، الفلسفة تقدم لك عن طريق سكوير سبيس. سكوير سبيس: شارك شغفك مع العالم. قد تظن أنك تعلم الكثير من الأشياء. لكن هل تعرف معنى أن تعلم شيئا؟ نحن نقضي الكثيرمن الوقت نتناقش في الإعتقادات والمعرفة لكن لم نكن أبدا دقيقين فيما نعنيه عندما نتحدث عن تلك الأشياء. لحسن الحظ الفلاسفة يحبون التعريفات الجيدة. لديهم أفكار دقيقة وواضحة في عقولهم عندما يستخدمون مصطلحات مثل معرفة أو اعتقاد أو افتراض أو تفسير. وخلال 10 دقائق من الآن، أنت أيضا ستعرف فعلا ما تتحدث عنه عندما تستخدم هذه الكلمات. لكن، لا يعني كون هذه المصطلحات معرَّفة أن الفلاسفة لا يتجادلون حولها لأنه كما تعلم، هذا هو ما يفعله الفلاسفة . قد يكون تعريفهم للحظة الأولى واضحًا لك، لكن كلما فكرت فيهم كلما ظهر تباينهم أكثر. مثلاً، هل معرفتك بشيء ما هو نفسه أن تكون محقاً بشأنه؟ أو إذا كنت تعتقد أن شيئا ما صحيحاً، وكان فعلا صحيحا، هل يهم ما إذا كان إعتقادك به مبررا؟ و هل يمكن أن تكون محقا بشأن شيء دون محاولة تبريره؟ Spanish: Crash Course Filosofía es traído a ti por Squarespace. Squarespace: Comparte tu pasión con el mundo. Tu probablemente pienses que sabes muchas cosas. ¿Pero sabes lo que significa saber algo? Estuvimos dedicando bastante tiempo a la discusión sobre creencias y conocimiento, pero en verdad no hemos sido específicos sobre a que nos referimos cuando hablamos de esas cosas. Por suerte, a los filósofos les encanta una buena definición. Tienen ideas específicas y lúcidas en sus mentes cuando usan términos como conocer o creer o proposiciones o justificaciones. Y dentro de diez minutos tu también sabrás lo que en realidad dices cuando usas esas palabras. Pero solo porque estos términos hayan sido definidos, no significa que los filósofos no sigan discutiendo sobre ellos. Porque ya sabes,es así como lo hacen los filósofos. Sus definiciones pueden parecerte un poco obvias pero mientras más piensas en ellas, más matices les vas a ver. Como ¿tener conocimiento de algo es lo mismo que estar en lo correcto? O si crees que algo es verdadero, y lo es, ¿importa si tu creencia en ello está justificada? Y ¿puedes estar en lo cierto sobre algo sin siquiera tratar? Estonian: Crash Course Filosoofia toob sinuni Squarespace. Squarespace: jaga maailmaga oma kirge. Arvatavasti sa arvad, et sa tead palju asju. Aga kas sa tead, mida tähendab midagi teada? Me oleme veetnud üsna palju aega arutades uskumusi ja teadmist, aga me ei ole tegelikult täpsustanud, millest me räägime, kui me räägime neist asjadest. Õnneks aga filosoofidele meeldivad head definitsioonid. Neil on mõttes väga täpne ja selge ettekujutus kui nad kasutavad termineid nagu "teadma" või "uskuma" või "propositsioon" või "põhjendus". Ja umbes kümne minuti pärast tead ka sina mida sa tegelikult ütled, kui sa neid sõnu kasutad. Aga see, et need mõisted on defineeritud ei tähenda veel, et filosoofid nende üle ei vaidleks. Sest just seda filosoofid teevad. Nende definitsioonid võivad esmalt näida ilmsed, aga mida rohkem sa nendele mõtled, seda nüanssi rikkamaks need muutuvad. Nagu, kas millegi kohta teadmise omamine on sama mis tõe omamine? Või kui sa usud, et miski on tõene ja see osutub tõeseks, siis kas on oluline, et sinu usk pole põhjendatud. Ja kas sul võib olla õigus, ilma seda proovimata? English: Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace: Share your passion with the world. You probably think you know a lot of things. But do you know what it means to know something? We’ve spent quite a bit of time discussing beliefs and knowledge, but we haven’t really been specific about what we mean when we talk about those things. Thankfully, philosophers love a good definition. They have very specific and lucid ideas in mind when they use terms like know or believe or proposition or justification. And, about ten minutes from now, you too will know what you’re really saying when you use those words. But, just because these terms have been defined, doesn’t mean that philosophers aren’t still arguing over them. Because you know, that’s how philosophers do. Their definitions might seem kind of obvious at first, but the more you think about them, the more nuanced they turn out to be. Like, is having knowledge of something the same thing as being correct? Or, if you believe something to be true, and it is true, does it matter if your belief in it is justified? And can you be right about something without really trying? Italian: Le risposte a queste domande e altro ancora ti attendono, così come dei gatti! [Tema musicale] L'hai già sentito: i filosofi amano una buona argomentazione. Ma ormai avrai capito che i filosofi discutono in un modo diverso da quello, tipo, dei bambini dell'asilo, o dei troll, o di altre persone che confondono «discutere» con battibeccare o semplicemente inventarsi battute argute. No. I filosofi hanno tutti quanti i tipi di stratagemmi retorici a loro disposizione che possono usare per promuovere un'idea, o mettere in dubbio le idee dei loro interlocutori. Quindi, al fine di cavarsela in un dibattito filosofico, dovrai conoscere la differenza tra due cose che sembrano esattamente la stessa cosa: un'affermazione, ed una proposizione. E dovrai essere in grado di saper distinguere se qualcuno sa per davvero di cosa sta parlando, o se semplicemente credono che ciò che stanno dicendo potrebbe essere vero. Per esempio: la frase che sto dicendo proprio ora è un'affermazione. Un'asserzione è un atto linguistico - sia parlato o scritto - avente un valore di verità. E nonostante quello che potrebbe Estonian: Vastused neile ja veel mõnele imelikule küsimusele ootavad sind, nagu ka kassid! [Tunnusmuusika] Seda oled sa juba kuulnud, et filosoofidele meeldivad head argumendid. Aga sa tead ka seda, et filosoofid arutlevad natuke teisiti kui näiteks lasteaia lapsed või interneti trollid, või need inimesed, kes ajavad segamine argumenteerimise ja edasi-tagasi vaimukate lausete loopimise. Ei, Filosoofidel on kasutada erinevaid retoorilisi vahendeid, mille abil nad saavad oma vestluskaaslase mõtteid arendada või küsimuse ala seada. Seega, et ise pidada filosoofilist debatti, pead sa teadma mis on erinevat nende kahe sarnaselt kõlava mõiste vahel milleks on "väide" ja "propositsioon". Ja sa pead olema võimeline aru saama, kas keegi teab, millest ta räägib, või nad lihtsalt usuvad, et see, millest nad räägivad, on tõene. Näiteks, lause, mida ma praegu lausun on väide. Väide on keeleline tegevus -- kas suuline või kirjalik -- millel on tõeväärtus. Ja hoolimata sellest, kuidas see Romanian: Imediat urmează răspunsuri la aceste întrebări și multe altele, dar și pisici! Deci, ai auzit asta deja: filosofilor chiar le plac dezbaterile. Dar ți-ai dat seama deja că filosofii dezbat altfel decât copiii de grădiniță, de exemplu, sau măscăricii de pe internet, ori oamenii care confundă dezbaterea cu cearta sau cu replicile tăioase. Nu. Filosofii au la dispoziție tot felul de instrumente retorice pe care le pot folosi pentru a formula o idee sau pentru a analiza ideile interlocutorilor. Deci, pentru a-ți putea susține punctul de vedere intr-o dezbatere filosofică, trebuie să știi diferența dintre două lucruri care par a fi același lucru: declarație și propoziție logică. Și trebuie să poți să îți dai seama dacă cineva știe despre ce vorbește sau dacă doar crede că ceea ce spune s-ar putea să fie adevărat. De exemplu, propoziția pe care o spun acum este o declarație. Declarația este o manifestare lingvistică, fie orală sau scrisă, ce are o valoare de adevăr. Și, chiar dacă ar putea părea așa Arabic: أجوبة تلك الأسئلة الغريبة والمزيد بأنتظارك كما القطط! معنى المعرفة سبق أن سمعت هذا: الفلاسفة يحبون الحجج الجيدة لكنك لاحظت إلى حد الآن أن الفلاسفة يتناقشون بطريقة مختلفة عن أطفال الروضة أو متصيدو الانترنت أو الآخرون الذين يخلطون "النقاش" بالجدال أو يحاولون التفكير بردود مفحمة لا، الفلاسفة في حوزتهم جميع الأدوات البلاغية التي يمكنهم استخدامها لتحسين فكرة، أو التشكيك في أفكار محاوريهم. لذا، لتتمكن من أن تتماسك في مناظرة فلسفية، عليك أن تعرف الفرق بين شيئين يظهران متماثلين تماما: التوكيد والإفتراض وتحتاج أن تكون قادرًا على معرفة ما إذا كان الفرد يعرف بالضبط ما يتحدث عنه أو أنه يعتقد بأن ما يتحدث عنه قد يكون صحيحا على سبيل المثال: الجملة التي أقولها الأن هي توكيد، التوكيد هو فعل لغوي -منطوق أو مكتوب- ذو قيمة حقيقية Turkish: Bu soruların ve daha fazlasının cevapları sizi bekliyor, hem de kedilerle birlikte! [Tema Müziği] Şunu zaten öğrenmiştiniz: Filozoflar iyi bir argümanı çok sever. Ancak şu ana kadar filozofların kreş çocuklarından, internet trollerinden, ya da tartışmayı ileri geri atmak veya hazırcevap dönüşlerle karıştıranlardan farklı bir şekilde tartıştıklarını farkettiniz. Hayır. Filozoflar bir fikri ilerletmek ya da muhataplarının fikirlerini sorgulamak için kullanabileceği her türlü teorik aygıtı zaten ellerinde bulundurur. Yani felsefi bir tartışmada bulunmak istiyorsanız, kulağa tamamen aynı şeymiş gibi gözüken iki şey arasındaki farkı bilmelisiniz: bir varsayım, ve bir önerme. Birilerinin gerçekten konuştukları şeyi bildiğini, ya da sadece söylediklerinin doğru olabileceklerini inandıklarını söyleyebilmeniz gerekir. Örneğin: Şu anda söylediğim cümle bir iddiadır. İddia doğruluk değeri olan konuşulan ya da yazılan linguistik bir eylemdir. Ve göründüğünün aksine, Spanish: Las respuestas a estas preguntas raras y más te esperan, así como ¡Gatos! Ya has escuchado esto antes; a los filósofos les encanta una buena discusión. Pero ya te diste cuenta de que los filósofos discuten de una forma distinta a, digamos, infantes o trolls de internet o a otras personas que confunden "discutir" con hacer críticas de un lado para el otro o solo pensar respuestas ingeniosas. Nop. Los filósofos tienen muchos tipos de elementos retóricos a su disposición que pueden usar para avanzar una idea, o poner en cuestionamiento ideas de sus interlocutores. Así que para defender tu posición en un debate filosófico debes saber la diferencia entre dos cosas que suenan como exactamente la misma cosa: una afirmación y una proposición. Y necesitarás ser capaz de ver si alguien en verdad sabe de lo que está hablando o si solo creen que lo que están diciendo puede ser verdad. Por ejemplo: la oración que estoy diciendo ahora mismo es una afirmación. Una afirmación es un acto lingüístico -escrito o hablado - que tiene valor verdadero. Y a pesar de como pueda French: Des réponses à ces questions et plus encore vous attendent, ainsi que des chats ! [Musique du générique] Vous avez déjà entendu ceci : les philosophes adorent les bons arguments. Mais vous avez compris maintenant que les philosophes argumentent d’une manière différente des, genre, gamins du jardin d’enfants, ou des trolls Internet, ou d’autres personnes qui confondent « argumenter » et critiquer à tort et à travers ou juste inventer des réparties spirituelles. Nan. Les philosophes ont plein de procédés rhétoriques à leur disposition qu’ils peuvent utiliser pour avancer une idée, ou remettre en question les idées de leurs interlocuteurs. Donc afin de défendre votre bifteck dans un débat philosophique, vous allez devoir connaitre la différence entre deux choses qui semblent être exactement la même chose : une assertion et une proposition. Et vous aurez besoin de pouvoir dire si quelqu’un sait vraiment de quoi il parle ou s’il croit juste que ce qu’il dit pourrait être vrai. Par exemple : la phrase que je dis tout de suite est une assertion. Une assertion est un acte linguistique – soit parlé, soit écrit – qui a une valeur de vérité. Et malgré English: Answers to these questions and more await you, as well as cats! [Theme Music] So you’ve heard this already: Philosophers love a good argument. But you’ve figured out by now that philosophers argue in a different way than, like, kindergarten kids, or Internet trolls, or other people who confuse “arguing” with sniping back and forth or just thinking up witty comebacks. Nope. Philosophers have all kinds of rhetorical devices at their disposal that they can use to advance an idea, or call into question the ideas of their interlocutors. So in order to hold your own in a philosophical debate, you’re gonna have to know the difference between two things that sound like exactly the same thing: an assertion, and a proposition. And you’ll need to be able to tell whether someone actually knows what they’re talking about, or if they just believe what they’re saying might be true. For example: The sentence I’m saying right now is an assertion. An assertion is a linguistic act – either spoken or written – that has a truth value. And despite what it might Dutch: Antwoorden op deze vragen en meer staan je te wachten, net als katten! [Muziek] Je hebt dit al wel eerder gehoord: Filosofen houden van een goede discussie. Maar je hebt ondertussen wel al beseft dat filosofen op een andere manier discussiëren dan, bijvoorbeeld, kleuters, of internet trolls, of andere mensen die 'discussiëren' verwarren met heen en weer schieten of gewoon gevatte replieken bedenken. Nee. Filosofen beschikken over een heleboel retorische middelen die ze kunnen gebruiken om een idee voorop te stellen, of de ideeën van hun gesprekspartner in vraag te stellen. Dus om je mannetje te staan in een filosofisch debat, moet je het verschil kennen tussen twee zaken die klinken als hetzelfde ding: een bewering, en een propositie. En je zal moeten in staat zijn om te achterhalen of iemand daadwerkelijk weet waar ze het over hebben, of of ze gewoon geloven dat wat ze zeggen waar zou kunnen zijn. Bijvoorbeeld: De zin die ik nu aan het zeggen ben is een bewering. Een bewering is een linguïstische daad - gesproken of geschreven - die een waarheidswaarde heeft. En ondanks hoe het zou Modern Greek (1453-): Απαντήσεις σε αυτές τις ερωτήσεις και περισσότερα σε περιμένουν, όπως επίσης γάτες! [Μουσική Θέματος] Το έχετε ήδη ακούσει: Οι φιλόσοφοι αγαπάνε ένα καλό επιχείρημα. Αλλά είδαμε μέχρι τώρα ότι οι φιλόσοφοι επιχειρηματολογούν με διαφορετικό τρόπο από, παιδιά νηπιαγωγείου, ή τρολ στο διαδίκτυο, ή άλλους ανθρώπους που μπερδεύουν την επιχειρηματολογία με το να "την λέει" ο ένας στον άλλο ή να σκέφτεται πνευματώδεις απαντήσεις. Όχι. Οι φιλόσοφοι έχουν όλων των ειδών τους ρητορικούς μηχανισμούς στην διάθεσή τους τους οποίος μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν για να προχωρήσουν τις ιδέες τους, ή να αμφισβητήσουν τις ιδέες των συνομιλητών τους. Οπότε για να έχετε το δικό σας σε έναν φιλοσοφικό διάλογο, πρέπει να ξέρετε την διαφορά μεταξύ δύο πραγμάτων που ακούγονται σαν το ίδιο ακριβώς πράγμα: ένας ισχυρισμός και μια δήλωση. Και πρέπει να είσαι ικανός/η να ξεχωρίσεις αν κάποιος πραγματικά ξέρει για ποιο πράγμα μιλάει, ή απλά πιστεύουν ότι αυτό που λένε μπορεί να είναι αληθές. Για παράδειγμα: Η πρόταση που λέω αυτή την στιγμή είναι ένας ισχυρισμός. Ένας ισχυρισμός είναι μια γλωσσική πράξη - είτε προφορικό είτε γραπτό - το οποίο έχει κάποια τιμή αληθείας. Και παρά το iw: תשובות לשאלות כאלו, ועוד מחכים לך, ובנוסף חתולים! [מוזיקת פתיחה] אז כבר שמעתם את זה: פילוסופים אוהבים ויכוח טוב. אבל אתם כבר מבינים בעצמכם שפילוסופים מתווכחים בצורה שונה מאשר, למשל, ילדים בגן ילדים או טרולים באינטרנט, או אנשים אחרים אשר מבלבלים "ויכוח" עם צליפה חזור ושוב או רק ממציאים בדיחות שנונות לא. יש לפילוסופים כל מיני שיטות רטורית העומדים לרשותם שהם יכולים להשתמש כדי לקדם רעיון, או לתשאל את הרעיונות של בני שיחם. אז להפעיל דיון פילוסופי משלך, אתה מוכרח לדעת את ההבדל בין שני דברים שנשמעים בדיוק אותו הדבר: קביעה, טענה. ואתה צריך להיות מסוגל לומר אם מישהו באמת יודע על מה הם מדברים או אם הם רק מאמינים למה שהם אומרים, ויכול להיות שזה נכון. לדוגמה: המשפט שאני אומר כרגע הוא טענה. טענה היא מעשה לשוני - או בדיבור או בכתיבה -יש לו ערך אמת. ולמרות שזה Vietnamese: Trả lời những câu hỏi này và chờ đợi bạn chính là những chú mèo! Bạn đã nghe về điều này: Các nhà triết gia thích một cuộc tranh luận tốt. Nhưng bây giờ bạn đã nhận rằng những nhà triết gia tranh luận theo cách khác với, như đứa trẻ mẫu giáo, hay Internet trolls ( những người đăng tin gây tranh cãi), hay những người nhầm lẫn giữa "tranh luận" và cãi tới lui hay chỉ nghĩ ra những màn đáp trả dí dỏm. Không. Những nhà triết gia có tất cả các loại ngôn từ hùng biện để tùy ý sử dụng để đề xuất ý tưởng, hoặc kiểm tra lại những ý tưởng của người đối thoại với họ. Vậy để giữ quan điểm của mình trong cuộc tranh luận triết học, bạn sẽ phải biết sự khác biệt giữa hai thứ nghe có vẻ giống nhau: sự khẳng định, và nghĩa mệnh đề . Và bạn sẽ cần biết nói lên được khi nào một người thực sự biết họ đang nói về điều gì hay họ chỉ tin điều họ nói có thể là đúng. Ví dụ như: Câu nói tôi đang nói bây giờ là một sự khẳng định. Sự khẳng định là hành động ngôn ngữ -- được nói hoặc được viết-- có giá trị thực. Và mặc dù nó vẻ ra sao, Portuguese: Resposta a estas questões estranhas e mais esperam por você, assim como gatos! Então, você já ouviu isso: Filósofos adoram um bom argumento. Mas você já deve ter imaginado que filósofos discutem de uma forma diferente de pré-primários crianças, trolls da internet, ou outras pessoas que confundem "argumentar" com dar "pitacos" ou se sentindo sabichão com respostas simples. Não, filósofos tem todos os tipos de dispositivos de retórica à sua disposição que eles usam para avançar em uma ideia, ou se colocar em uma questão de seus interlocutor. Então para se garantir em debate filosófico, você terá que saber a diferença entre duas coisas que soam exatamente como a mesma coisa: uma assertiva e uma proposição. E você precisará ser capaz de dizer se alguém realmente sabe do que está falando ou se apenas acreditam que aquilo que dizem é verdade. Por exemplo: A sentença que estou dizendo agora é uma assertiva. Uma assertiva é um ato linguístico - seja falada ou escrita - que tem um valor lógico. E, sem levar em conta da Russian: Ответы на эти странные вопросы и многое другое ожидают вас дальше, а еще коты! Музыка. Это вы уже знаете: философы любят поспорить. Но вы также уяснили, что философы спорят не так, как детсадовцы или интернет тролли, или другие люди, путающие "спор" с пререканиями или просто придумыванием остроумных подколов. Нет. Философы имеют всевозможные риторические приемы в своём арсенале, чтобы развить идею, или зародить сомнения в идеях собеседника. Итак для того, чтобы продержаться в философских дебатах, вам нужно знать разницу между двумя вещами, которые звучат совершенно одинаково: утверждением и предположением. И вы должны уметь распознавать, когда кто-то действительно знает о чем говорит, а когда они просто верят в то, что они говорят, — правда. Например: предложение, которое я сейчас произношу — это утверждение. Утверждение — это лингвистическое действие: письменное или устное, имеющее значение истинности. И несмотря на то, как это может Russian: показаться, значение истинности не является мерой того, насколько что-то верно. Оно может быть либо верно, либо ложно, либо не определено. У всех повествовательных предложений есть значение истинности. Повествовательные предложения, которые утверждают что-либо о прошлом или настоящем всегда либо истинны, либо ложны. А утверждения о будущем не определены, по крайней мере тогда, когда они произносятся, так как никто еще не знает правдивы ли они. Например, я утверждаю, что "к концу эпизода этот кот написает на мой стол". У этого утверждения есть значение истинности, но оно не определено, потому что эпизод еще не окончен. Поэтому мы просто подождем и увидем. Утверждениям противопоставляются другие типы лингвистических структур, такие как вопросы, которые ничего не утверждают. "Это кот" — утверждение, а "Это кот?" тоже лингвистическая структура, но не утверждение. Но у сути вашего утверждения тоже есть название. Содержание вашего утверждения — это предположение. Оно лежит в основе того, что вы говорите. То есть, даже, если утверждение может изменяться, например, в зависимости от языка, на котором вы говорите, его значение не меняется, в отличие от внешней оболочки. К примеру, и "Это кот", и "Este es un gato" утверждают одно предположение. Portuguese: a maneira que soa, valor lógico não é uma medida de quão certo alguma coisa está. É apenas um estado de ser verdadeiro ou falso ou indeterminado. Todas as sentenças declarativas têm valor lógico. Declarações que afirmam algo sobre o passado ou sobre o presente e são verdadeiras ou falsas. E assertivas sobre o futuro são indeterminadas, pelo menos até que aconteçam ninguém sabe se elas estão certas ou não. Por exemplo. Eu vou afirmar que "Este gato vai fazer xixi na minha mesa antes do fim do programa." Essa assertiva tem um valor lógico, mas é indeterminado, porque o programa ainda não acabou. Vamos ter que esperar pra ver o que acontece. Agora, todo esse contraste com tipos de atos linguísticos, como questões, que não afirmam nada, "Isso é um gato" é uma assertiva, ao contrário de "Isso é um gato?", que é um ato linguístico mas não uma assertiva. Mas a essência do que você afirma também tem um nome. O conteúdo da sua afirmação é a proposição. É o significado oculto do que você está dizendo. Então mesmo uma assertiva pode mudar, dependendo, digamos, que idioma é falado seu significado não só muda como também muda o seu rótulo. Tipo, "Isso é um gato" e "Este és un gato", ambas assertivas têm a mesma proposição. Modern Greek (1453-): πώς μπορεί να ακούγεται, η τιμή αληθείας δεν είναι ένα μέτρο για το πόσο σωστό είναι κάτι. Είναι απλά η κατάσταση του να είναι είτε αληθές, είτε ψευδές, είτε αόριστο. Όλες οι δηλωτικές προτάσεις έχουν τιμή αληθείας. Οι δηλώσεις που ισχυρίζονται κάτι για το παρελθόν ή το παρόν είναι είτε αληθείς είτε ψευδείς. Και οι ισχυρισμοί για το μέλλον είναι αόριστοι, τουλάχιστον όταν εκφράζονται, διότι κανείς δεν ξέρει αν είναι αληθείς ή ψευδείς ακόμη. Για παράδειγμα, θα ισχυριστώ ότι "Αυτή η γάτα θα κατουρήσει στο γραφείο μου πριν το τέλος της εκπομπής." Αυτός ο ισχυρισμός έχει μια τιμή αληθείας, αλλά είναι αόριστη, διότι η εκπομπή δεν έχει τελειώσει ακόμα. Πρέπει απλά να περιμένουμε και να δούμε. Τώρα, όλα αυτά αντιτίθενται με άλλα είδη γλωσσικών πράξεων, όπως οι ερωτήσεις, οι οποίες δεν ισχυρίζονται κάτι. "Αυτό είναι μια γάτα" είναι ένας ισχυρισμός, σε αντίθεση με το "Είναι αυτό μια γάτα;", το οποίο είναι μια γλωσσική πράξη, αλλά όχι ένας ισχυρισμός. Αλλά η ουσία αυτού που ισχυρίζεστε έχει επίσης όνομα. Το περιεχόμενο του ισχυρισμού σου είναι η δήλωσή σου. Είναι το βαθύτερο νόημα αυτού που λες. Οπότε ακόμα και αν ένας ισχυρισμός μπορεί να αλλάξει, ανάλογα μας πούμε, με την γλώσσα που εκφράζεται, το νόημά του δεν αλλάζει απλά επειδή η εξωτερική συσκευασία άλλαξε. Όπως, "Αυτό είναι μια γάτα" και "Este es una gato", και τα δύο ισχυρίζονται την ίδια δήλωση. Vietnamese: giá trị thực không phải là thước đo một điều đúng như thế nào. Nó chỉ là phát biểu về điều đúng, hay sai, hay không rõ. Tất cả những câu tuyên bố có những giá trị thực. Sự tuyên bố khẳng định về quá khứ hay hiện tại có thể đúng hoặc sai. Và sự khẳng định về tương lai thì không rõ, ít nhất là khi họ tuyên bố, bởi vì chưa ai biết chúng là đúng hay sai. Ví dụ tôi sẽ khẳng định rằng "con mèo này sẽ tè lên bàn của tôi trước khi kết thúc chương trình" Sự khẳng định có giá trị thực, nhưng nó mơ hồ, bởi vì chương trình chưa kết thúc. Chúng ta phải đợi xem Bây giờ, tất cả điều này tương phản với những hành động ngôn ngữ khác, ví dụ như những câu hỏi không khẳng định điều gì cả. "Đây là con mèo" là một sự khẳng định, đối nghịch với "Đây có phải là con mèo?"- một hành động ngôn ngữ nhưng không phải là sự khẳng định. Nhưng thực thể của cái mà bạn khẳng định của có tên Nội dung trong lời khẳng định của bạn là nghĩa mệnh đề. Nó là ý nghĩa cơ bản trong những gì bạn nói. Vì thế nên cho dù lời khẳng định tự bản thân nó có thể thay đổi, tùy theo ngôn ngữ nó được dùng nghĩa của nó không đổi chỉ vì vẻ ngoài của nó. Giống như "đây là con mèo" và "Este es un gato" đều khẳng định cùng một một đề. Turkish: doğruluk değeri bir şeyin ne kadar doğru olduğunun bir ölçüsü değildir. Sadece doğru, yanlış veya belirsiz olma durumudur. Tüm yargı cümlelerinin doğruluk değeri vardır. Yargılar geçmiş veya gelecek hakkında doğru ya da yanlış iddialarda bulunur. Ve gelecek hakkındaki varsayımlar belirsizdir, en azından ifade edildiklerinde, çünkü kimse henüz doğru ya da yanlış olduklarını bilmez. Örneğin, "Şov bitmeden önce bu kedinin masama işeyeceğini" iddia edeceğim. Bu iddianın bir doğruluk değeri vardır, ancak belirsizdir, çünkü şov henüz bitmedi. Yalnızca beklememiz ve görmemiz gerekiyor. Şimdi, tüm bunlar, sorular gibi hiç bir iddiada bulunmayan diğer linguistik eylemlerle tezatlık gösterir. "Bu bir kedidir" bir iddiayken, "bu bir kedi mi?" linguistik bir eylem olsa da, bir iddia değildir. Ama iddia ettiğiniz şeyin özünün de bir adı vardır. İddianızın içeriği önermenizdir. Söylediğiniz şeyin altında yatan anlamdır. Yani bir iddianın kendisi değişebilse de, mesela hangi dilde konuşulduğuna göre, sırf dış ambalajı değişiyor diye anlamı değişmez. Örneğin, "Bu bir kedidir" ve "Este es un gato"nun ikisi de aynı önermeyi iddia ediyor. Estonian: kõlab, tõeväärtust ei mõõdeta selle järgi, kui tõene miski on. See on kas tõene või väär või määramatu. Igal väitlausel on tõeväärtus. laused, mis väidavad midagi mineviku või oleviku kohta on kas tõesed või väärad. Ja väited tuleviku kohta on määramatud, vähemalt seni, kuni need pole juhtunud, sest seni ei tea keegi, kas need on tõesed või mitte. Näiteks ma väidan, et "See kass urineerib enne saate lõppu mu laua peale." Sellel väitel on tõeväärtus, kuid see on määramatu, sest saade pole veel läbi. Me peame lihtsalt ootama ja vaatama. Aga see kõik on vastandub teiste keeleliste toimingutega nagu küsimused, mis ei väida midagi. "See on kass" on väide "Kas see on kass?" aga ei ole, see on küll keeleline toiming, aga ei ole väide. Aga sisul, mida sa väidad on samuti oma nimetus. Sinu väite sisu on propositsioon. See on mõte, mida sa edastad. Seega isegi kui väide ise võib muutuda, sõltudes näiteks sellest, mis keelt sa räägid, siis mõte ei muutu lihtsalt sellepärast, et selle pakend muutub. Nagu "See on kass" ja “Este es un gato,” mõlemad edastavad sama propositsiooni. Dutch: mogen klinken, waarheidswaarde is geen maat voor hoe juist iets is. Het is gewoon de staat van ofwel waar, ofwel vals, ofwel onbepaald te zijn. Alle declaratieve zinnen hebben waarheidswaarde. Uitspraken die iets beweren over het verleden of het heden zijn ofwel waar ofwel vals. En beweringen over de toekomst zijn onbepaald, ten minste wanneer ze gedaan worden, want niemand weet al of ze correct zijn of niet. Bijvoorbeeld, ik ga beweren dat 'Deze kat zal plassen op mijn bureau voor het einde van deze aflevering.' Deze bewering heeft een waarheidswaarde, maar hij is onbepaald, omdat de aflevering nog niet afgelopen is. We moeten het einde ervan afwachten. Nu, dit alles staat in contrast met andere soorten linguïstische handelingen, zoals vragen, die niets beweren. 'Dit is een kat' is een bewering, in tegenstelling tot 'Is dat een kat?', wat een linguïstische handeling is, maar geen bewering. Maar de inhoud van wat je beweert heeft eveneens een naam. De inhoud van je bewering is de propositie. Het is de onderliggende betekenis van wat je aan het zeggen bent. Dus ook al kan een bewering op zich veranderen, afhankelijk van bijvoorbeeld, in welke taal hij gedaan is, zijn mening wijzigt niet louter omdat de verpakking verandert. Bijvoorbeeld, 'Dit is een kat' en 'Este es un gato,' beweren beide dezelfde propositie. iw: נשמע כמו, ערך האמת אינו מדד לכמה משהו נכון. זה מצב של או אמת, או שקר, או בלתי מוגדר. לכל משפט הצהרתי יש ערכי אמת. הצהרות שטוענות משהו על העבר או ההווה הם או אמת או שקר. וטענות על העתיד הן לא מוגדרות, לפחות כשהם באות לידי ביטוי, כי אף אחד לא יודע כרגע אם הן צודקות או לא. לדוגמה, אני הולך לטעון ש "החתול הזה הולך להשתין על שולחני לפני סוף המופע." לטענה זו יש ערך אמת, אבל זה לא מוגדר, כי המופע עדיין לא נגמר. אנחנו פשוט נצטרך לחכות ולראות. עכשיו, כל זה עומד בניגוד לסוגים אחרים של מעשים לשוניים, כמו שאלות, אשר אינם טוענים דבר "זה חתול" זה טענה, בניגוד ל"האם זה חתול?" ,שהינה מעשה לשוני, אך לא טענה. אבל התוכן של מה שאתה טוען יש שם, גם. התוכן של הטענה שלך הוא העמדה שלך. זה המשמעות הבסיסית של מה שאתה אומר. אז למרות שטענה יכולה לשנות, תלוי למשל, באיזו שפה מדובר, המשמעות אינה משתנה רק בגלל שהחיצונית שלה משתנה. כמו, "זה חתול" ו "זה חתול(ספרדית)" לשניהן יש את אותה המשמעות. Arabic: وبغض النظر عما تبدو، القيمة الحقيقة ليست المقياس لمدى صحة شيء ما. هي فقط حالة تكون صائبة أو خاطئة أو غير محددة. كل الجمل التصريحية لها قيم حقيقية التصاريح التي تؤكد شيء عن الماضي أو الحاضر تكون إما صائبة أو خاطئة والتوكيدات عن المستقبل غير محددة، على الأقل ساعة التصريح بها لا أحد يعلم إذا كانت حقًا أم لا على سبيل المثال: سوف أؤكد بأن هذه القطة ستتبول على مكتبي قبل نهاية العرض ذلك التوكيد له قيمة حقيقية، لكنها غير محددة، لأن العرض لم ينتهي بعد. يجب علينا ان ننتظر و نرى. الآن كل هذا الاختلاف مع الأنواع الأخرى من الأفعال اللغوية، مثل: الأسئلة، والتي لا تحمل أي توكيدات "هذه قطة" هو توكيد مخالف لـ "هل هذه قطة؟" حيث أنه فعل لغوي لكنه ليس توكيدا. لكن العنصر الذي تؤكده له اسم أيضا. محتوى ما تؤكده هو افتراضك، هو المعنى الكامن لما تقوله. بالرغم من أن التوكيد نفسه قد يتغير اعتمادًا - فلنقل - على أي لغة نُطق بها فمعناه لا يتغير فقط لأن الغلاف الخارجي تغير "هذه قطة" و “Este es un gato” كلاهما تؤكدان نفس الافتراض. French: ce à quoi ça peut ressembler, la valeur de vérité n’est pas une mesure de comment est quelque chose. C’est juste l’état d’être soit vrai, soit faux, soit indéterminé. Toutes les phrases déclaratives ont une valeur de vérité. Les déclarations qui affirment quelque chose à propos du passé ou du présent sont soit vraies, soit fausses. Et les assertions sur le futur sont indéterminées, au moins quand elles sont exprimées, parce que personne ne sait encore si elles sont vraies ou pas. Par exemple, je vais affirmer que « ce chat va pisser sur mon bureau avant la fin de cette émission ». Cette assertion a une valeur de vérité, mais elle est indéterminée parce que l’émission n’est pas encore terminée. Va juste falloir qu’on attende. Maintenant, tout ceci contraste avec d’autres genres d’actes linguistiques, comme les questions, qui n’affirment rien. « Ceci est un chat » est une assertion, comparé à « Est-ce que c’est un chat ? », qui est un acte linguistique, mais pas une assertion. Mais la substance de ce qu’on affirme a un nom aussi. Le contenu de votre assertion est votre proposition. C’est le sens sous-jacent de ce que vous dites. Donc même si une assertion peut changer, dépendamment de la langue dans laquelle on la dit, son sens ne change pas, c’est juste son emballage extérieur. Genre, « Ceci est un chat » et « Este es un gato », affirment toutes les deux la même proposition. Spanish: sonar, el valor verdadero no es una medida de cuán cierto sea algo. Es solo el estado de ser verdadero o falso o indeterminado. Todas las oraciones declarativas tienen valores verdaderos. Declaraciones que afirman algo sobre el pasado o el presente son o verdaderas o falsas. Y afirmaciones sobre el futuro son indeterminadas, por lo menos cuando son expresadas, porque todavía nadie sabe si son ciertas o no. Por ejemplo, voy a afirmar que "Este gato va a mear en mi escritorio antes de que termine el show." Esa afirmación tiene valor verdadero pero es indeterminado, porque todavía el show no terminó. Vamos a tener que esperar y ver que pasa. Ahora, todo esto contrasta con otros tipos de actos lingüísticos como preguntas, que no afirman nada. "Esto es un gato" es una afirmación, en oposición a ¿esto es un gato? lo que es un acto lingüístico pero no una afirmación. Pero la sustancia de lo que afirmas también tiene un nombre. El contenido de tu afirmación es tu proposición. Es el significado subyacente de lo que estás diciendo. Así que aunque una afirmación pueda cambiar, dependiendo de , ejemplo, en que lenguaje se diga su significado no cambia sólo porque su envoltura lo hace. Como "This is a cat" y "Este es un gato", ambas afirman la misma proposición. Romanian: valoarea de adevăr nu măsoară dacă ceva este corect, ci reprezintă faptul că ceva este adevărat, fals sau nedeterminat. Toate propozițiile declarative au valoare de adevăr. Declarațiile prin care se spune ceva despre prezent sau despre viitor sunt fie adevărate, fie false. Declarațiile despre viitor sunt nedeterminate, cel puțin atunci când sunt exprimate, pentru că nimeni nu știe încă dacă are dreptate sau nu. De exemplu, o să declar că această pisică va face pipi pe birou înainte să se termine emisiunea. Declarația are o valoare de adevărat, dar ea este nedeterminată (necunoscută), pentru că emisiunea nu s-a terminat încă. O să așteptăm și o să vedem. Toate aceste lucruri se diferențiază față de alte manifestări lingvistice, cum ar fi întrebările, pentru că ele nu declară nimic. "Aceasta este o pisică" este o declarație total opusă față de "Aceasta este o pisică?", care este o manifestare lingvistică, dar nu o declarație Dar ceea ce declari are și un nume. Conținutul declarației este o propoziție logică. Ea reprezintă înțelesul a ceea ce spui. Deci, chiar dacă declarația se poate schimba, în funcție de limba vorbită, de exemplu, înțelesul nu se schimbă doar pentru că învelișul este diferit. De exemplu, "Aceasta este o pisică" și "Este es un gato" reprezintă aceeași propoziție. Italian: sembrare, valore di verità non è una misura di quanto giusto sia qualcosa. È solo lo stato di essere o vero o falso, o indeterminato. Tutte le frasi dichiarative hanno valori di verità. Le dichiarazioni che affermano qualcosa sul passato o sul presente sono o vere o false. E affermazioni sul futuro sono indeterminate, almeno quando sono espresse, perché nessuno sa ancora se sono giuste o no. Per esempio, affermerò che "Questo gatto farà pipì sulla mia scrivania entro la fine dello show." Quella affermazione ha un valore di verità, ma è indeterminato, perché lo show non è ancora finito. Possiamo solo aspettare e vedere. Ora, tutto questo è in contrasto con altri tipi di atti linguistici, come le domande, che non affermano nulla. «Questo è un gatto» è una affermazione, in contrapposizione a «È un gatto quello?» che è un atto linguistico, ma non una affermazione. Ma anche la sostanza di ciò che affermi ha un nome. Il contenuto della tua affermazione è la tua proposizione. È il significato di fondo di ciò che stai dicendo. Così anche se l'affermazione in sé può cambiare, a seconda di, per dire, in che lingua è, il suo significato non cambia solo perché lo fa il suo imballaggio esterno. Cioè, «Questo è un gatto» e «Este es un gato», affermano entrambi la stessa proposizione. English: sound like, truth value isn’t a measure of how right something is. It’s just the state of being either true, or false, or indeterminate. All declarative sentences have truth values. Declarations that assert something about the past or present are either true or false. And assertions about the future are indeterminate, at least when they’re expressed, because no one knows if they’re right or not yet. For example, I’m gonna assert that “This cat will pee on my desk before the end of the show.” That assertion has a truth value, but it’s indeterminate, because the show’s not over yet. We’re just gonna have to wait and see. Now, all of this contrasts with other kinds of linguistic acts, like questions, which don’t assert anything. “This is a cat” is an assertion, as opposed to “Is that a cat?,” which is a linguistic act, but not an assertion. But the substance of what you assert has a name, too. The content of your assertion is your proposition. It’s the underlying meaning of what you’re saying. So even though an assertion itself can change, depending on say, what language it’s spoken in, its meaning doesn’t change just because its outer packaging does. Like, “This is a cat” and “Este es un gato,” both assert the same proposition. English: And a proposition is true if it asserts a claim that corresponds to reality. The proposition when I assert “This is a cat,” is true if the object of the “this” is in fact a cat, and false if it is anything other than a cat. Like, “This is a cat.” It’s worth pointing out that attitude counts, too, when you’re asserting something. A speaker’s mental state toward the proposition they’re making is their propositional attitude. If I say, like, “This is a cat,” but I actually believe it to be a rat and I’m trying to fool you, then philosophers would say that I have a propositional attitude of disbelief. Whereas, if I think I’m speaking truthfully, I have a propositional attitude of belief. And of course, you’re not going to get very far as a philosopher unless you understand the classic definition of belief itself. Based on the lingo you’ve learned so far today, belief is just when you take a propositional attitude of truth. I believe that this is a cat, if I think it’s true – that is, if my attitude is that the assertion corresponds to reality. And even if I’m wrong -- even if there were an aardvark on my desk, or if there weren’t a cat on my desk at all, which there isn’t anymore -- if I really thought there was a cat on my desk, that would just be my belief. Modern Greek (1453-): Και μια δήλωση είναι αληθής αν ισχυρίζεται έναν ισχυρισμό που αντιστοιχεί στην πραγματικότητα. Η δήλωση όταν ισχυρίζομαι "Αυτό είναι μια γάτα", είναι αληθής αν το αντικείμενο "αυτό" είναι στην πραγματικότητα μια γάτα, και ψευδής αν είναι οτιδήποτε άλλο από γάτα. Όπως, "Αυτό είναι μια γάτα" Αξίζει να επισημάνουμε ότι η διάθεση μετράει, επίσης, όταν ισχυρίζεστε κάτι. Η διανοητική κατάσταση του ομιλητή ως προς την δήλωση που κάνουν είναι η δηλωτική διάθεσή τους. Αν πω, "Αυτό είναι μια γάτα", αλλά στην πραγματικότητα πιστεύω ότι είναι ένας αρουραίος και προσπαθώ να σας ξεγελάσω, οι φιλόσοφοι θα έλεγαν ότι έχω δηλωτική διάθεση δυσπιστίας. Ενώ, αν πιστεύω ότι μιλάω αληθώς, έχω δηλωτική διάθεση αξιοπιστίας. Και φυσικά, δεν θα προχωρήσετε πολύ ως φιλόσοφος αν δεν κατανοήσετε τον κλασσικό ορισμό της πίστης καθεαυτής. Βασιζόμενοι στην διάλεκτο που μάθατε μέχρι τώρα σήμερα, η πίστη είναι όταν έχεις δηλωτική συμπεριφορά αλήθειας. Πιστεύω ότι αυτό είναι μια γάτα, αν νομίζω ότι είναι σωστό - αυτό σημαίνει, αν η διάθεσή μου είναι ότι ο ισχυρισμός αντιστοιχεί στην πραγματικότητα. Και ακόμα και αν κάνω λάθος - ακόμα και αν υπήρχε ένας μυρμηγκοφάγος στο γραφείο μου, ή αν δεν υπήρχε καμία γάτα εντελώς στο γραφείο μου, που δεν υπάρχει πλέον - αν πραγματικά πίστευα ότι υπήρχε μια γάτα στο γραφείο μου, αυτή θα ήταν η πίστη μου. Italian: E una proposizione è vera se si afferma una dichiarazione che corrisponde alla realtà. La proposizione quando affermo «Questo è un gatto», è vera se l'oggetto del «questo» è infatti un gatto, e falsa se è qualsiasi cosa diversa da un gatto. Tipo, «Questo è un gatto.» Vale la pena sottolineare che anche l'atteggiamento conta, quando si sta affermando qualcosa. Lo stato mentale di un oratore nei confronti della proposizione che sta facendo è il suo atteggiamento proposizionale. Se dico, tipo, «Questo è un gatto.» ma in realtà credo sia un topo e sto cercando di ingannarti, allora i filosofi direbbero che ho un atteggiamento proposizionale di incredulità. Mentre, se penso di star dicendo la verità, ho un atteggiamento proposizionale di convinzione. E naturalmente, non farai molta strada come filosofo a meno che tu non capisca la definizione classica di convinzione stessa. Basandoci sul gergo che hai imparato finora oggi, convinzione è semplicemente quando assumi un atteggiamento proposizionale di verità. Credo che questo sia un gatto, se penso che sia vero – cioè, se il mio atteggiamento è che l'affermazione corrisponda alla realtà. E persino se sbaglio – anche se ci fosse un oritteropo sulla mia scrivania, o se non ci fosse per niente un gatto sulla mia scrivania, che infatti non c'è più – se davvero pensassi che ci fosse un gatto sulla mia scrivania, quello sarebbe solo la mia convinzione. Vietnamese: Và một đề là đúng nếu nó khẳng định một tuyên bố dựa vào thực tế. Mệnh đề khi tôi khẳng định "Đây là con mèo" , là đúng nếu vật thể của "đây là" trong thực tế là con mèo, và sai nếu là thứ gì khác con mèo. Giống như là "đây là con mèo" Thái độ của bạn cũng được tính đến khi bạn khẳng định một điều gì đó. Trạng thái tinh thần của người nói với mệnh đề mà họ nói là thái độ tuyên bố Nếu tôi nói," đây là con mèo", nhưng tôi thực sự tin đây là con chuột và tôi đang cố lừa bạn, vậy thì những nhà triết gia sẽ nói tôi có thái độ tuyên bố của sự bất tin. Trong khi đó, nếu tôi tin tưởng điều tôi đang nói, tôi có thái độ tuyên bố của sự tin tưởng. Và đương nhiên, bạn không thể đi sâu hơn như một nhà triết gia trừ khi bạn hiểu khái niệm kinh điển của sự tin tưởng. Dựa trên những tiếng lóng mà bạn mới được học hôm nay sự tin tưởng là khi bạn có thái độ tuyên bố sự thật. Tôi tin đây là con mèo, nếu tôi nghĩ đó là sự thật- đó là, nếu thái độ của tôi là sự khẳng định dựa trên thực tế. Và thậm chí nếu tôi sai -- thậm chí nếu có một con lợn đất trên bàn của tôi, hoặc nếu không hề có con mèo trên bàn nữa nếu tôi thật sự tin rằng có một con mèo trên bàn, thì đó là niềm tin của tôi. Turkish: Ve bir önerme eğer gerçeklikle uyuşan bir iddiada bulunuyorsa doğrudur. İddia ettiğim "bu bir kedidir" önermesi, eğer "bu"nun nesnesi esasında bir kedi ise doğrudur, ve başka bir şey ise yanlıştır. "Bu bir kedidir" gibi. Bir iddiada bulunurkenki tutumunuzun da önemli olduğunu belirtmekte fayda var. Bir konuşmacının belli bir önermeyle ilgili zihin durumu onun önermesel tutumudur. Eğer, "Bu bir kedidir" dersem ancak aslında bir fare olduğuna inanıyorsam sizi kandırmaya çalışıyorsam, filozoflar önermesel inançsızlık davranışına sahip olduğumu söyleyeceklerdir. Buna karşın, eğer doğruları konuştuğumu düşünürsem, önermesel inançlılık davranışına sahibimdir. Ve tabi ki, bir filozof olarak inancın kendisinin klasik tanımını bilmeden pek de ileriye gidemezsiniz. Bugün öğrendiğiniz jargona dayanaraktan, inanç yalnızca önermesel bir doğruluk tavrı takınmanızdır. İddianın gerçekle uyuştuğu tutumundaysam, eğer doğru olduğunu düşünüyorsam, bunun bir kedi olduğuna inanıyorumdur. Ve yanılıyor olsam bile -- masamda bir yerdomuzu olsa bile, ya da masamda bir ket hiç olmasa bile, ki artık yok, -- eğer masamda kedinin olduğunu düşündüysem, bu benim inancım olurdu. Spanish: Y una proposición es cierta si afirma una declaración que se corresponde con la realidad. La preposición cuando afirmo "Esto es un gato" es verdadera si el objeto de "esto" es ,de hecho, un gato y es falsa si es cualquier cosa aparte de un cato. Como "esto es un gato." Vale la pena señalar que la actitud también cuenta cuando estás afirmando algo. El estado mental del orador hacia la proposición que están haciendo es su Actitud Proposicional. Si yo digo "esto es un gato" pero en realidad creo que es una rata y yo estoy tratando de engañarte, entonces los filósofos dirán que tengo una actitud proposicional de descreimiento. Mientras que si pienso que estoy hablando honradamente tengo una actitud proposicional de creencia. Y por supuesto no vas a llegar muy lejos como filósofo a menos que entiendas la definición clásica de "creencia". Basándonos en el lenguaje que aprendimos hasta ahora, "creencia" se refiere a la actitud proposicional de verdad. Yo creo que esto es un gato, si lo pienso verdad, eso es si mi actitud es que la afirmación corresponde a la realidad. E incluso si estoy equivocado - si hubiese un aardvark en mi escritorio, o si no hubiese ningún gato en absoluto, el cual ya no está más si de verdad pienso que hay un gato en mi escritorio, eso solo sería mi creencia. Dutch: En een propositie is waar als een bewering wordt gedaan die correspondeert aan de realiteit. De propositie wanneer ik beweer 'Dit is een kat,' is waar als het object van de 'dit' werkelijk een kat is, en vals als het eender wat anders dan een kat is. Bijvoorbeeld, 'Dit is een kat.' Het is interessant op te merken dat ook je attitude telt wanneer je iets beweert. De mentale staat van een spreker ten opzichte van de propositie die ze maken is hun propositionele attitude. Als ik bijvoorbeeld zeg, "Dit is een kat," maar ik eigenlijk geloof dat het een rat is en ik aan het trachten ben je om de tuin te leiden, dan zouden filosofen zeggen dat ik een propositionele attitude heb van ongeloof. Indien ik daarentegen denk dat ik naar waarheid spreek, heb ik een propositionele attitude van geloof. En je zal natuurlijk niet ver geraken als filosoof tenzij je de klassieke definitie van geloof zelf begrijpt. Gebaseerd op het jargon dat je tot nu toe vandaag hebt geleerd, is geloof gewoon wanneer je een propositionele attitude van waarheid aanneemt. Ik geloof dat dit een kat is, indien ik denk dat het waar is - dus, als mijn attitude is dat de bewering correspondeert met de realiteit. En zelfs indien ik het fout heb - zelfs als er een aardvarken op mijn bureau zou zitten, of als er helemaal geen kat op mijn bureau zou zijn, wat nu ook zo is - als ik echt dacht dat er een kat op mijn bureau zat, dan zou dat mijn geloof zijn. Arabic: والافتراض يكون صحيحًا إذا أكّد أن مايزعمه موافق للواقع الافتراض هو عندما أؤكد أن (هذه قطة) صحيح إذا كان الغرض المشار إليه في (هذه) هو في الواقع (قطة) و خاطئ إذا كان أي شيء غير القطة، مثل: "هذه قطة" جدير بالذكر أن السلوك له اعتبار أيضًا، عندما تؤكد شيئا. الحالة الذهنية للمتحدث نحو الإفتراض الذي يفترضه هو سلوكه الفرضي إذا قلت مثلا "هذا قط" لكن أنا أؤمن أنه جرذ وأني أحاول أن أخدعك فسيقول الفلاسفة أن لدي سلوكا فرضياً من الإنكار بينما إذا كنت أتكلم بصدق، فلدي سلوك فرضي من التصديق و بالطبع لن تصبح فيلسوفا إلا إذا فهمت التعريف التقليدي للاعتقاد نفسه بناء على اللغة التي تعلمتها اليوم الاعتقاد هو فقط عندما تسلك سلوكا فرضيا من التصديق أنا أؤمن أن هذه قطة إذا كنت أعتقد أنه صحيح - هذا يعني أن سلوكي هو أن التوكيد متوافق مع الواقع.. حتى لو كنت مخطئًا -- حتى لو كان هناك آكل النمل على مكتبي أو لم يكن هناك قط على مكتبي، حيث أنه ليس موجودًا الآن إذا اعتقدت فعلا أن هناك قط على مكتبي، سيكون فقط هذا اعتقادي . French: Et une proposition est vraie si elle affirme une chose qui correspond à la réalité. La proposition quand j’affirme : « Ceci est un chat » est vraie si le référent de « ceci » est en effet un chat et fausse si n’importe quoi d’autre qu’un chat. Genre, « Ceci est un chat. » Faut dire que l’attitude compte aussi quand on affirme quelque chose. L’état mental d’un locuteur envers la proposition qu’il fait est son attitude propositionnelle. Si je dis, genre, « Ceci est un chat », mais que je crois en fait que c’est un rat et que j’essaye de vous tromper, alors les philosophes que j’ai une attitude propositionnelle d’incrédulité. Alors que si je pense que ce que je dis est vrai, j’ai une attitude propositionnelle de crédulité. Et bien sûr, vous n’allez pas aller bien loin comme philosophe si vous ne comprenez pas la définition classique de la croyance elle-même. Basée sur le jargon que vous avez appris aujourd’hui, la croyance, c’est juste quand on prend une attitude propositionnelle de vérité. Je crois que ceci est un chat, si je crois que c’est vrai – c-à-d si mon attitude est que l’assertion correspond à la réalité. Et même si j’ai tort – même s’il y avait un oryctérope du Cap sur mon bureau, ou s’il n’y avait pas de chat du tout sur mon bureau, ce qui est le cas – si je pensais vraiment qu’il y avait un chat sur mon bureau, ce serait juste ma croyance. Russian: И предположение правдиво тогда, когда то, что оно утверждает, совпадает с реальностью. Суждение, когда я утверждаю "это кот", правдиво, если объект "это" на самом деле кот, и ложно, если не кот. Например: "Это кот". Стоит отметить, что личное отношение тоже имеет значение, когда вы утверждаете что-то. Внутреннее состояние говорящего делает суждения, которые он выносит, субъективными. Если я скажу, например, "Это кот", но я на самом деле верю, что это крыса, и я пытаюсь обмануть вас, то философы скажут, что я имею субъективную позицию неверия. В то время как я думаю, что говорю правду и имею субъективную позицию веры. Конечно, вы не сможете зайти так далеко, как философы, пока не поймёте классическое определение веры. Основываясь на терминах, изученных сегодня, вера - это лишь, когда вы имеете субъективную позицию правдивости, верите, что это правда. Я верю, что это кот, если я думаю, что это правда - то есть, моя позиция такова, что моё утверждение соответствует реальности. И даже, если я не прав, даже если это муравьед на моём столе, или, если на моём столе не было кота вовсе, которого, кстати, больше здесь нету. Если я действительно думал, что кот был на столе, это всего лишь моё убеждение. iw: וגם הצעה נכונה אם זה קובע טענה תואמת את המציאות. המשמעות כאשר אני טוען "זה חתול", באמת נכון אם האובייקט של "זה" הוא למעשה חתול, ושקרי אם הוא כל דבר מלבד חתול. כמו, "זה חתול". ראוי לציין כי היחס גם נחשב, כשאתה טוען משהו. הגישה של דוברים כלפי ההצעה שהם עושים זאת גישת ההיגדים שלהם. אם אני אומר, למשל, "זה חתול", אבל אני מאמין שזה עכברוש ואני מנסה להפיל אותך בפח, אז הפילוסופים היו אומרים שיש לי יחס של חוסר אמון. לעומת זאת, אם אני חושב שאני מדבר בכנות, יש לי יחס של אמונה. וכמובן, אתה לא הולך להגיע רחוק כפילוסוף אלא אם אתה מבין את ההגדרה הקלאסית של האמונה עצמה. מבוסס על הלשון שלמדת עד כה היום, אמונה היא רק כאשר אתה לוקח היגדים עם יחס של אמת. אני מאמין שזה חתול, אם אני חושב שזה נכון - כלומר, אם הגישה שלי היא קביעה שתואמת את המציאות. ואפילו אם אני טועה - גם אם היה עוד דוב נמלים על השולחן שלי, או אם לא היה חתול על השולחן שלי בכלל, אשר אין עוד - אם אני באמת חשבתי שיש חתול על השולחן שלי, זה יהיה אמונתי. Portuguese: E uma proposição é verdadeira se suas assertivas corresponderem à realidade. A proposição de quando eu afirmo "Isso é um gato" é verdadeira se o objeto de "Isso" é de fato um gato e falso se for qualquer outra coisa. Tipo "Isso é um gato". Um ponto válido é que a atitude conta também quando você afirma algo. O estado mental do falante em relação à proposição forma a sua atitude proposicional. Se eu disser "Isso é um gato..." mas na verdade acreditar que é um rato e tentar te enganar, então os filósofos diriam que eu estou tendo uma "atitude proposicional de descrença". Enquanto que se eu disser com convicção, tenho uma "atitude proposicional de crença" E, claro, você não irá muito longe como filósofo até que você entenda a definição clássica de "crença". Baseado no dialeto que você aprendeu até hoje, "crença" é a apenas quando você tem uma "atitude proposicional para a verdade" Eu acredito que isso é um gato, se eu achar que é verdade - isso é, se minha atitude corresponde à realidade. E mesmo que eu estiver errado - se fosse um "porco da terra" na minha mesa, ou se não houvesse nenhum gato na minha mesa, e agora não tem mesmo - se eu realmente pensar que havia um gato na minha mesa, esta seria apenas a minha crença. Estonian: Ja propositsioon on tõene kui see väidab midagi, mis on vastavuses reaalsusega. Kui ma väidan "See on kass" omab tõest propositsiooni siis kui objekt, millele "see" viitab on tõesti kass ja väär kui see on midagi muud, kui kass. Nagu "See on kass". Tasub veel märkida, et hoiak on oluline, kui sa midagi väidad. Kõneleja vaimne seisund selle propositsiooni kohta, mida nad väidavad on nende propositsiooniline hoiak. Kui ma näiteks ütlen, "See on kass" aga tegelikult usun, et see on rott ja ma proovin sind lolliks teha, siis filosoofid väidaksid, et minu propositsiooniline hoiak on mitte uskumine. Aga kui ma arvan, et ma räägin tõeselt, on minu propositsiooniline hoiak uskumine. Ja otseloomulikult ei jõua sa filosoofina kaugele, kui sa ei saa aru klassikaliselt uskumuse definitsioonist. Kasutades sõnavara, mida sa oled täna õppinud, on uskumus see kui sinu propositsiooniline hoiak on tõene. Ma usun, et see on kass, kui ma arvan, et see on tõene -- See tähendab minu hoiak on see, et väide on reaalsusega kooskõlas. Ja isegi kui ma eksin -- isegi kui mu laual on tuhnik või mu laual ei ole kassi, nagu hetkel ei ole -- kui ma tõesti arvan, et mu laual on kass, oleks see lihtsalt minu uskumus. Romanian: Iar o propoziție este adevărată dacă ceea ce propune corespunde realității. Pentru ca propoziția "Aceasta este o pisică" să fie adevărată, înseamnă că lucrul desemnat de "aceasta" trebuie să fie, într-adevăr, o pisică. Dacă e altceva, atunci propoziția este falsă, cum ar fi "ACEASTA este o pisică". E important să ținem minte că atitudinea e importantă atunci când declarăm ceva. Atitudinea vorbitorului față de propoziția pe care o spune se numește atitudine propozițională. Dacă spun "Aceasta este o pisică", dar eu cred, de fapt, că e un șoarece și încerc să te păcălesc, atunci filosofii ar spune că atitudinea mea propozițională este una de neîncredere. În schimb, dacă consider că spun adevărul, atunci atitudinea mea propozițională este una de convingere. Și, bineînțeles, nu o să ajungi prea departe ca filosof dacă nu înțelegi clasica definiție a "convingerii" însăși. Pe baza a ceea ce ai învățat azi, convingerea înseamnă a avea o atitudine propozițională de adevăr. Cred că aceasta este o pisică dacă consider că acest lucru este e adevărat, adică dacă atitudinea mea reflectă că declarația corespunde realității. Și chiar dacă greșesc - chiar dacă acum ar fi un porc furnicar pe biroul meu, sau dacă nu ar fi nicio pisică pe birou, așa cum nu e acum - dacă într-adevăr credeam că o pisică e pe biroul meu, atunci asta ar fi convingerea mea. Russian: Моя субъективная позиция, другими словами, это то, что определяет имею ли я веру. Что это всё значит - это то, что каждый может иметь неверные убеждения. Просто мысли о чём-либо не делают это соответствующим реальности, что необходимо для того, чтобы быть правдивым. Но, конечно, удовольствие в споре - это покрасоваться вашими знаниями перед другими людьми, или, как минимум, предоставить действительно умные доказательства для поддержки вашей идеи. Итак, это поднимает вопрос о том, что означает "действительно знать что-либо" в философском смысле. Традиционное определение знания - это обоснованное верное суждение. Заметьте, что здесь присутствуют три аспекта. Итак, я действительно знаю, что это кот если: во-первых, я верю, что это кот. Также я верю в то, что это кот на самом деле, то есть, моя вера соответствует реальности и поэтому верна. И, наконец, я могу сказать, что знаю, что это кот, если моя вера обоснована смыслом, то есть у меня есть несколько законных доказательств для поддержки моего суждения. Сейчас, мы уже определили правду и веру. Обоснование - это просто доказательство или любая другая поддержка для вашей веры. Если вы вернётесь на два эпизода назад, то вы вспомните, что предпосылки предполагают обоснование для выводов. Обоснование может выражаться в различных формах. Чаще всего Arabic: سلوكي الفرضي، بمعنى آخر هو ما يحدد إن كنت أمتلِك اعتقادًا ما يعنيه كل هذا، أنه أنا وأي شخص آخر يمكن أن يكون لديه "اعتقادات خاطئة" ببساطة شيء لا يتوافق مع الواقع، وهو ما يلزم للحقيقة لكن بالتأكيد، متعة النقاش هي الاستعراض بما تعرفه أمام الاخرين، أو على الأقل إثبات دليل جيد ليدعم قضيتك. إذن هذا يثير تساؤل: ماذا يعني معرفة الشيء فعليا، بمعنى فلسفي التعريف التقليدي للمعرفة هو أنه اعتقاد حقيقي مسوغ لاحظ أنه هناك 3 مكونات مختلفة إذن لدي معرفة بأن هذه قطة إذا اعتقدت أولا بأنها قطة و أيضا لابد أن تكون فعلًا قطة - هذا يعني أن اعتقادي متوافق مع الواقع ولهذا يصبح صحيحا. و أخيرا يمكن أن يقال أن لدي معرفة بهذه القطة إذا كان إعتفادي مسوغ - معناه، أن لدي نوعا من الأدلة المنطقية ليدعم اعتقادي الآن، عرَّفنا الحقيقة والاعتقاد. التبرير هو ببساطة إثبات أو دعم آخر لاعتقادك. إذا استرجعت الحلقة الثانية، ستتذكر أن المقدمَات تبرِّر الإستنتاجات. والمبررات قد تأتي يأشكال مختلفة. English: My propositional attitude, in other words, is what determines if I have a belief. What all this means is that I, like everyone else, can have false beliefs. Simply thinking something doesn’t make it correspond to reality, which is what’s needed for truth. But of course, the fun of arguing is showing off what you know to other people, or at least producing really clever evidence to support your case. So, this raises the question of what it means to actually know something, in the philosophical sense. The traditional definition of knowledge is that it’s a justified true belief. Note that there are three separate components here. So, I have knowledge that this is a cat if: I first believe i’s a cat And also that it is in fact a cat – that is, my belief corresponds to reality and is therefore true. And finally, I can be said to have knowledge about this cat if my belief is justified – meaning, I have some sort of legitimate evidence to support my belief. Now, we’ve already defined truth and belief. Justification is simply evidence, or other support, for your belief. If you remember back to episode 2, you’ll recall that premises offer justification for conclusions. And justification can come in a variety of forms. Most often, iw: היחס ההגדי שלי, במילים אחרות, הוא מה שקובע אם יש לי אמונה. מה שזה אומר זה שגם אני, כמו כל אחד אחר, יכולות להיות אמונות שווא. פשוט לחשוב על משהו לא עושה את זה מציאותי, שזה מה שצריך בשביל אמת. אבל כמובן, הכיף של להתווכח זה להראות את מה שאתה יודע לאנשים אחרים, או לפחות להפיק ראיות חוכמה שיתמכו במקרה שלך אז, זה מעלה את השאלה מה זה אומר בעצם לדעת משהו, במובן הפילוסופי. ההגדרה המסורתית של ידע היא אמונה אמיתית מוצדקת. שים לב כי ישנם שלושה מרכיבים נפרדים כאן. אז, יש לי ידע שזהו חתול אם: בהתחלה אני מאמין שזה חתול וגם אם זה למעשה חתול-והוא כן, ולכן האמונה שלי תואמת את המציאות והמשפט נכון. ולבסוף, יכולים להגיד עלי שיש לי ידע על החתול, והאמונה שלי מוצדקת - המשמעות: שיש לי מעין ראיות לגיטימיות בשביל לתמוך באמונה שלי. עכשיו, אנחנו כבר הגדרנו אמת ואמונה. הצדקה היא פשוט ראיות, או אחרים שתומכים באמונה שלך. אם אתם זוכרים את פרק 2, אתם ודאי זוכרים שהנחות נותנות הצדקה למסקנות. והצדקה יכולה לבוא במגוון של צורות. לרוב, Spanish: Mi actitud proposicional, en otras palabras, es lo que determina si yo creo en algo. Lo que todo esto significa es que, como todos lo demás, puedo tener creencias falsas. Por el simple hecho de pensar algo no lo hace corresponder a la realidad, que es lo que se necesita para la verdad. Pero por supuesto la diversión de una discusión es presumir lo que sabemos a otras personas, o por lo menos producir evidencia inteligente para apoyar tu caso. Esto alza preguntas sobre que significa realmente saber algo, en el sentido filosófico. La definición tradicional de conocimiento es que es una creencia verdadera justificada. Notemos que hay tres componentes separados aquí. Tengo el conocimiento de que esto es un gato si: primero creo que es un gato y también si de hecho es un gato - mi creencia corresponde a la realidad y por lo tanto es verdad. Y finalmente puedo decir que tengo conocimiento sobre este gato si mi creencia está justificada - significando, tengo algún tipo de evidencia legítima para apoyar mi creencia. Ya definimos verdad y creencia. Justificación es simplemente la evidencia, o otro apoyo, para tu creencia. Si recuerdas del episodio 2, recordarás que las premisas ofrecen justificaciones para conclusiones. Y las justificaciones pueden venir en una variedad de formas. Más a menudo, Turkish: Önermesel tutumum, başka bir değişle, bir inancımın olduğunu belirleyen şeydir. Tüm bunlar benim, tıpkı diğer herkes gibi, yanlış inançlara sahip olabileceğim anlamına gelir. Basitçe bir şeyi düşünmek onun gerçeğe tekabül etmesini sağlamaz, ki doğruluk için gereken budur. Ama tabi ki, tartışmanın eğlencesi bildiklerini diğer insanlara göstermek ya da en azından davanızı desteklemek için gerçekten zekice kanıtlar üretmektir. Böylece, bu bir şeyi gerçekten bilmenin ne anlama geldiği sorusunu meydana getiriyor, felsefi manada. Bilginin geleneksel tanımı gerekçelendirilmiş doğru bir inanç olduğudur. Burada ayrı bileşenlerin olduğunu not edin. Yani, bunun bir kedi olduğu bilgisine ancak: önce kedi olduğuna inanırsam ve ayrıca gerçekten de bir kedi ise - yani, inancım gerçeklikle uyumluysa ve dolayısıyla doğruysa sahip olabilirim. Son olarak, inancım gerekçelendirilmiş ise, bu kedi hakkında bilgiye sahip olduğum söylenebilir - yani, inancımı desteklemek için bir çeşit mantıklı kanıta sahipsem. Şuan, zaten doğruluk ve inancı tanımladık. Gerekçe basitçe inancınızı desteklemek için, kanıt ya da başka bir destektir. Eğer ikinci bölümü hatırlıyorsanız, öncüllerin sonuçlar için gerekçe sağladığını anımsayacaksınız. Ve gerekçe bir çok farklı çeşitte gelebilir. Genellikle, Modern Greek (1453-): Η δηλωτική μου διάθεση, με άλλα λόγια, είναι αυτή που καθορίζει αν πιστεύω κάτι. Όλα αυτά σημαίνουν ότι εγώ, όπως όλοι οι υπόλοιποι, μπορεί να έχω λανθασμένα πιστεύω. Απλά σκεπτόμενος κάτι δεν το κάνει να αντιστοιχεί στην πραγματικότητα, πράγμα που χρειάζεται για την αλήθεια. Αλλά φυσικά, η πλάκα με το να επιχειρηματολογείς είναι να επιδεικνύεις το τι ξέρεις σε άλλους ανθρώπους, ή τουλάχιστον να παράγεις πραγματικά έξυπνες στοιχεία για να υποστηρίξεις την θέση σου. Οπότε, αυτό δημιουργεί την απορία του τι σημαίνει πραγματικά να ξέρεις κάτι, με την φιλοσοφική έννοια. Ο παραδοσιακός ορισμός της γνώσης είναι ότι είναι μια αιτιολογίσημη αληθής πίστη. Σημειώστε ότι υπάρχουν τρία διαφορετικά Μέρη εδώ. Οπότε, έχω την γνώση ότι αυτή είναι μια γάτα αν: Πρώτα πιστεύω ότι είναι μια γάτα και επίσης αυτό είναι όντως μια γάτα - αυτό είναι, η πίστη μου αντιστοιχεί στην πραγματικότητα και γιαυτό είναι αληθινή. Και τέλος, μπορώ να πω ότι έχω γνώση ότι αυτή είναι μια γάτα αν η πίστη μου είναι αιτιολογίσημη - εννοώντας, έχω κάποιου είδους θεμιτό στοιχείο να υποστηρίξω την πίστη μου. Τώρα, έχουμε ήδη ορίσει την αλήθεια και την πίστη. Η αιτιολόγηση είναι απλά στοιχεία ή άλλη υποστήριξη, για το πιστεύω σου. Αν θυμάστε το 2ο επεισόδιο, θα ανακαλείται ότι οι προκείμενες προσφέρουν αιτιολόγηση για τα συμπεράσματα. Και η αιτιολόγηση μπορεί να έρθει σε ποικίλες μορφές. Πιο συχνά, Portuguese: Minha atitude proposicional, em outras palavras, é o que determina se eu tenho uma crença. O que isso significa é que eu, como todo mundo, posso ter falsas crenças. Apenas pensar em algo não o faz verdadeiro, que é o necessário para a "verdade". Mas, claro, o divertido de argumentar é mostrar o que você sabe para outras pessoas, ou, pelo menos, produzir evidências claras que deem suporte ao seu caso. Então, isso levanta a questão do que significa realmente saber alguma coisa, no sentido filosófico. A definição tradicional de conhecimento é uma crença verdadeira justificada. Note que há três componentes separados aqui. Então, eu tenho o conhecimento que isso é um gato se: Antes, eu acreditar que é um gato. E também se for mesmo um gato - quer dizer, se minha crença corresponder à realidade e portanto verdadeira. E finalmente, posso dizer que tenho o conhecimento sobre esse gato se minha crença é justificada - ou seja, eu tenho algumas evidências legítimas que suportam minha crença. Agora, já definimos o que é verdade e crença. Justificativa é simplesmente evidência, ou outros suportes à sua crença. Se você lembrar do episódio 2, você vai lembrar que premissas oferecem justificativas à conclusões. E justificativas podem vir em várias formas. Italian: Il mio atteggiamento proposizionale, in altre parole, è ciò che determina se ho una convinzione. Tutto questo significa che io, come chiunque altro, posso avere convinzioni false. Semplicemente pensare qualcosa non la fa corrispondere alla realtà, che è ciò che è necessario per la verità. Ma, naturalmente, il divertimento nel discutere sta nello sfoggiare ciò che sai ad altre persone, o almeno produrre prove molto intelligenti a sostegno del tuo caso. Quindi, questo pone la questione su cosa significhi sapere qualcosa per davvero, nel senso filosofico. La definizione tradizionale di conoscenza è che si tratta di una convinzione vera e giustificata. Nota che ci sono tre componenti separate qua. Dunque, ho conoscenza che questo è un gatto se: Io credo prima di tutto sia un gatto E anche che infatti è un gatto – cioè, la mia convinzione corrisponde alla realtà ed è dunque vera. E infine, si può dire che ho conoscenza di questo gatto se la mia convinzione è giustificata – ossia, ho una specie di prova legittima per sostenere la mia convinzione. Ora, abbiamo già definito verità e convinzione. La giustificazione è semplicemente la prova, o altro supporto, per la tua credenza. Se ripensi all'episodio 2, ricorderai che le premesse offrono giustificazione per le conclusioni. E la giustificazione può venire in una varietà di forme. Più spesso, Vietnamese: Thái độ tuyên bố, nói cách khác là thứ quyết định xem tôi có niềm tin hay không. Điều đó nói lên điều gì, giống như những người khác, tôi có thể có niềm tin sai. Đơn giản là nghĩ về điều gì đó không có nghĩa là nó phản ánh thực tế, điều mà cần thiết cho sự thật. Nhưng tất nhiên, niềm vui trong tranh luận là cho người khác thấy cái mà bạn biết, hay ít nhất là đưa ra những bằng chứng thông minh để ủng hộ quan điểm của bạn. Vì vậy, điều này làm dấy lên một câu hỏi về việc thật sự biết về điều gì đó có nghĩa là gì trong triết học. Định nghĩa truyền thống của tri thức là nó là niềm tin sự thật hợp lý. Chú ý là có 3 nhân tố ở đây. Vì thế, tôi có tri thức đây là con mèo nếu: đầu tiên tôi tin nó là con mèo và thực tế nó là con mèo - đó là niềm tin dựa trên thực tế và nó là thật. Và cuối cùng, tôi có thể được nói là có tri thức về con mèo nếu niềm tin của tôi là hợp lý - có nghĩa là, tôi có đại loại vài bằng chứng hợp lý để ủng hộ niềm tin của tôi. Bây giờ, chúng ta đã định nghĩa về sự thật và niềm tin. Sự biện hộ đơn giản là bằng chứng, hoặc những thứ chứng minh khác cho niềm tin của tôi. Nếu bạn nhớ về tập 2, bạn sẽ nhớ về những tiền đề yêu cầu sự biện hộ để kết luận. Và sự biện hộ có thể ở nhiều dạng. Thông thường nhất Dutch: Mijn propositionele attitude, met andere woorden, is wat bepaalt of ik een geloof heb. Wat dit alles betekent is dat ik, net als iedereen, valse overtuigingen kan bezitten. Gewoon iets denken betekent niet dat het correspondeert met de realiteit, wat nodig is voor waarheid. Het leuke aan discussies is natuurlijk je kennis tentoon te spreiden aan andere mensen, of tenminste heel gewiekste bewijzen aanbrengen om je zaak te verdedigen. Dus, dit werpt de vraag op wat het betekent om werkelijk iets te weten, in de filosofische betekenis. De traditionele definitie van kennis is dat het een gerechtvaardigde ware overtuiging is. Merk op dat er hier drie verschillende componenten zijn. Dus, ik heb de kennis dat dit een kat is indien: ik eerst geloof dat het een kat is; en ook dat het daadwerkelijk een kat is - namelijk, mijn geloof correspondeert met de realiteit en is daarom waar; en ten laatste, men kan stellen dat ik kennis heb over deze kat indien mijn geloof gerechtvaardigd is - ik heb een of ander legitiem bewijs om mijn geloof te ondersteunen. We hebben nu al waarheid en geloof gedefinieerd. Verantwoording is eenvoudigweg bewijs, of andere ondersteuning, voor jouw geloof. Indien je je aflevering 2 herinnert, weet je dat premissen de verantwoording bieden voor conclusies. En verantwoording kan diverse vormen aannemen. Meestal Estonian: Minu propositsiooniline hoiak on teisisõnu miski, mis määrab kas mul on uskumus. Mida see kõik tähendab on see, et minul, nagu ka kõigil teistel, võib olla vääraid uskumusi. Mõtlemisest ei piisa, et see mõte ka reaalsusele vastaks. Ja seda on tõeks vaja. Aga otseloomulikult arutlemise mõte on selles, et näidata teistele mida sa tead, või vähemalt esitada väga kavalaid tõendusi oma juhtumi kasuks. See tõstatab küsimuse, mida tegelikult tähendab midagi teada, filosoofilises mõttes. Traditsiooniline teadmise definitsioon on õigustatud tõene uskumus. Pane tähele, et siin on kolm eraldiseisvat osa. Seega, mul on teadmine, et see on kass siis kui ma esmalt usun, et see on kass. Ja lisaks see on tõepoolest kass -- ehk minu uskumus on reaalsusega kooskõlas ja on seega tõene. Ja viimaks võin ma väita, et ma tean, et see on kass, kui mu uskumus on õigustatud. Tähendab mul on mingit sorti legitiimne tõestus oma uskumuse toetuseks. Me oleme juba defineerinud "tõe" ja "uskumuse". Õigustus on lihtsalt tõestus, või muu toetus, sinu uskumusele. Kui sa meenutad episoodi 2, siis sa võid meelde tuletada, et eeldused õigustavad järeldust. Ja õigustused võivad tulla väga erinevas vormis. Kõige tavalisemalt French: Mon attitude propositionnelle, en d’autres termes, est ce qui détermine si j’ai une croyance. Ce que tout ceci veut dire est que, comme tout le monde, je peux avoir des croyances fausses. Simplement penser quelque chose ne le fait pas correspondre à la réalité, ce qui est nécessaire à la vérité. Mais bien sûr, la joie d’argumenter est de montrer ce qu’on sait à d’autres personnes, ou au moins fournir des preuves vraiment astucieuses pour soutenir sa position. Ceci pose la question de ce que ça signifie de vraiment savoir quelque chose, dans le sens philosophique. La définition traditionnelle de la connaissance est que c’est une croyance vraie justifiée. Notez qu’il y a trois différents composants ici. Donc, j’ai la connaissance que ceci est un chat si : je crois d’abord que c’est un chat et aussi que c’est en effet un chat – c-à-d, que ma croyance correspond à la réalité et est donc vraie. Et enfin, on peut dire que j’ai la connaissance à propos de ce chat si ma croyance est justifiée – c-à-d, j’ai une quelconque preuve légitime pour soutenir ma croyance. Là, on a déjà défini la vérité et la croyance. La justification est simplement une preuve, ou un autre soutien, pour votre croyance. Si vous vous souvenez de l’épisode 2, vous vous souviendrez que les prémisses offrent des justifications pour les conclusions. Et la justification peut venir sous plusieurs formes. Très souvent, Romanian: Cu alte cuvinte, atitudinea mea propozițională determină dacă am o convingere. Mai exact, eu, ca orice altă persoană, pot avea convingeri false. Doar pentru că ai o convingere, nu înseamnă că ea corespunde realității, adică exact de ce e nevoie pentru a avea un adevăr. Dar, bineînțeles, distracția în dezbatere e în a le arăta celorlalți cât de mult știi, sau, măcar să îți demonstrezi convingător cazul. Iar astfel se pune problema a ce înseamnă să știi ceva, în sens filosofic. Definiția tradițională a cunoașterii este: o convingere adevărată și justificată. Fii atent la cele trei componente distincte. Deci, cunosc că aceasta este o pisică dacă: în primul rând, cred că este o pisică, dar este și într-adevăr o pisică, adică convingerea mea corespunde cu realitatea, deci este adevărată. În concluzie, pot spune că am cunoștință despre această pisică dacă convingerea mea este justificată, adică am dovezi puternice prin care să îmi susțin convingerea. Am definit deja adevărul și convingerea. Justificarea este pur și simplu dovada, ori orice alt ajutor pentru convingerea ta. Dacă mai ții minte al doilea episod, îți amintești că premisele oferă justificarea concluziilor, iar justificarea poate avea mai multe forme. De cele mai multe ori, Estonian: tulevad need tunnistuste kujul -- lihtsalt uskudes kellegi sõnu. Otseloomulikult mitte kõik tunnistused ei ole tugevad ega usaldusväärsed. Aga kui see tuleb kelleltki, kes on käesoleva teema ekspert, siis on sul põhjust pidada tunnistust usaldusväärseks. Ja tõepoolest, enamus mida sa tead maailma kohta on õpitud läbi tunnistuste. Sa usaldasid oma õpetajaid, kui nad sulle asju õpetasid ja sama kehtib ka iga raamatu kohta, mida sa oled lugenud ja iga uudise kohta, mida sa näinud oles. Need kõik on lihtsalt erinevad tunnistuste vormid, mida sa aktsepteerid kui õigustust oma teadmistele ja uskumustele. Aga õigustused võivad ka tulla teistes vormides. Teine levinud tüüp on esimese isiku vaatlused -- informatsioon mida sa saad oma meelte kaudu. Kui ma usun, et kass on kass, sest mul juba on tugev ja hästi informeeritud uskumus kasside kohta, siis, kuna mul on olnud nendega minevikus laialdasi kogemusi saan ma tuvastada kassi kui kassi, kui ma temaga otseselt kokku puutun. See paistab, tundub ja käitub nagu kass. Järelikult -- kass! Aga filosoofia ei oleks lõbus, kui teadmistega oleks asi nii lihtne, eksole? Kuni Ameerika filosoofi Edmund Gettieri tulemiseni 1960. aastatel olid filosoofid Turkish: tanıklık, başka birinin sözünü almak üzerinden gelir. Tüm şahitlikler güçlü ya da güvenilir değildir tabi ki. Ama sorulan konuda uzman olan biri tarafından yapılırsa, tanıklığın güvenilir olduğunu düşünebilirsiniz. Ve gerçek şu ki, dünya hakkında bildiğiniz çoğu şeyi, tanıklık üzerinden öğrendiniz. Size bir şeyler öğretirlerken öğretmenlerinizin sözünü alırsınız, ve aynısı okuduğunuz her kitap ve gördüğünüz her haber raporu için geçerlidir. Hepsi bilginiz ve inançlarınız için gerekçe olarak kabul ettiğiniz tanıklığın biçimleridir. Ama gerekçe bir çok farklı formda da gelebilir. Bir diğer yaygın tip birincil şahıs gözlemidir. Duyularınız aracılığıyla elde ettiğiniz bilgi. Eğer bu kedinin kedi olduğuna inanırken, zaten kediler hakkında sağlam ve iyi-bilgilendirilmiş inançlara sahipsem, o halde, onlarla geçmişte geniş çaplı deneyimlere sahip olurken, kediyi doğrudan deneyimlediklerim aracılığıyla kedi olarak tanımlarım; görünüşü, hisler, kedi gibi davranması. Dolayısıyla: kedi! Ancak! Eğer bilginin sırrı bu kadar basit olsaydı felsefenin eğlencesi kalmazdı, değil mi? Amerikan filozof Edmund Gettier 1960'larda ortaya çıkana kadar, filozoflar Russian: они проходят через свидетельство, просто опираясь на чьё-то слово. Конечно, не всегда свидетельство является весомым или заслуживающим доверия. Но, если оно приходит со стороны эксперта в данной теме или вопросе, то вы можете считать свидетельство надёжным. И ведь действительно, многое из того, что вы знаете об этом мире, вы узнали с чьих-то слов, через свидетельства. Вы доверяли учителю, когда она учил вас, и, точно так же, вы доверяли каждой книге, которую когда-либо читали, или новостному репортажу, который когда-либо смотрели. Это всё формы свидетельства, которые вы принимаете в качестве обоснования для ваших знаний и суждений. Но обоснование также может выражаться и в других формах. Другим распространённым типом обоснования являются ваши наблюдения, информация, которую вы приобрели через органы чувств. Если я верю, что кот - это кот, потому что я уже хорошо осведомлён в данной области и имею здравые суждения насчёт котов, то, имея богатый опыт с ними в прошлом, я могу определить, что "кот - это кот" через прямой контакт с ним. Он выглядит, ощущается, действует как кот. Значит это кот! Но! Философы не были бы такими весельчаками, если бы ключ к знанию был бы таким простым, верно? Пока американский философ Эдмунд Геттьер не появился в 1960-ых, философы были Romanian: aceasta are forma testimonialului, adică să crezi ce îți spune cineva. Totuși, nu toate testimonialele sunt puternice și de încredere, normal, dar dacă vin de la un expert pe domeniul în cauză, atunci putem considera că testimonialul este de încredere. Iar adevărul este că multe din lucrurile pe care le știi despre lume le-ai învățat prin testimoniale. Ți-ai crezut profesorii când îți predau chestii, iar acest lucru se poate aplica fiecărei cărți pe care ai citit-o și fiecărui reportaj pe care l-ai văzut. Toate sunt forme de testimonial pe care l-ai acceptat ca justificare pentru cunoștintele și convingerile tale. Dar justificarea poate îmbrăca și ea forme diferite. Un tip comun este observația personală - informația pe care o primești prin intermediul simțurilor. Dacă eu cred că o pisică este o pisică, pentru că am deja convingeri serioase și bine documentate despre pisici, atunci, având deja experiență vastă cu ele în trecut, identific pisica drept pisică prin intermediul contactului direct cu ea. Arată, se simte și se poartă ca o pisică, ergo: pisică! Dar! Filosofia nu ar fi distractivă dacă drumul către cunoaștere ar fi atât de ușor, corect? Până la filosoful Edmund Gettier, în anii 60, majoritatea filosofilor era English: it comes about through testimony – just taking someone’s word for it. Not all testimony is strong, or trustworthy, of course. But if it comes from someone who’s an expert on the topic in question, you might consider the testimony to be reliable. And the fact is, most of what you know about the world, you learned through testimony. You took your teachers’ word for it when they were teaching you stuff, and the same goes for every book you’ve ever read and every news report you’ve ever seen. They’re all just forms of testimony, which you accepted as justification for your knowledge, and your beliefs. But justification can come in other forms, too. Another common type is first person observation – information you acquire through your senses. If I believe that a cat is a cat, because I already have robust and well-informed beliefs about cats, then, having had extensive experience with them in the past, I’m identifying the cat as a cat through my direct contact with it It looks, feels, acts like a cat. Ergo: cat! But! Philosophy wouldn’t be any fun if the key to knowledge were that easy, right? Until American philosopher Edmund Gettier came along in the 1960s, philosophers were French: elles viennent à travers un témoignage – juste en prenant la parole de quelqu’un pour vraie. Tous les témoignages ne sont pas solides, ou fiables bien sûr. Mais si ça vient de quelqu’un qui est un expert du sujet en question, on peut considérer le témoignage comme étant fiable. Et le fait est que, la plupart des choses que vous savez sur le monde, vous l’avez appris via témoignage. Vous avez tenu la parole de vos profs pour vraie quand ils vous enseigné des trucs, et c’est la même chose pour tous les livres que vous avez lus et tous les bulletins d’info que vous avez entendus. Ce sont juste des formes de témoignage, que vous avez acceptées comme justification pour votre connaissance et vos croyances. Mais la justification peut prendre d’autres formes encore. Un autre type commun est l’observation à la première personne – les informations que vous obtenez via vos sens. Si je crois qu’un chat est un chat parce que j’ai déjà des croyances robustes et bien informées sur les chats, alors, ayant eu une vaste expérience des chats par le passé, j’identifie le chat comme un chat via mon contact direct avec lui. Il ressemble à et agit comme un chat. Ergo : chat ! Mais ! La philosophie ne serait pas drôle si la clé de la connaissance était si facile, n’est-ce pas ? Jusqu’à ce que le philosophe Edmund Gettier arrive dans les années 1960, les philosophes étaient Dutch: is het een gevolg van getuigenis - gewoon iemand op zijn woord geloven. Niet alle getuigenissen zijn sterk, of betrouwbaar, natuurlijk. Maar als het van iemand komt die een expert is over het gevraagde onderwerp, kan je de getuigenis als betrouwbaar beschouwen. En het feit is dat je het meeste wat je weet over de wereld geleerd hebt door getuigenissen. Je nam de woorden van je leerkrachten voor waarheid aan wanneer ze je zaken aanleerden, en hetzelfde gaat op voor elk boek dat je ooit gelezen hebt en elk nieuwsbericht dat je ooit hebt gezien. Het zijn allemaal gewoon vormen van getuigenissen, die je accepteerde als verantwoording voor jouw kennis, en jouw overtuigingen. Maar verantwoording kan eveneens in andere vormen komen. Een ander veelvoorkomend type is eerste persoon observatie - informatie die je vergaart door je zintuigen. Als ik geloof dat een kat een kat is, omdat ik reeds robuuste en gefundeerde overtuigingen heb over katten, dan indentificieer ik, aan de hand van mijn uitgebreide ervaring met hen in het verleden, de kat als een kat door mijn direct contact ermee. Het ziet eruit, voelt, en gedraagt zich als een kat. Dus: kat! Maar! Er zou geen lol aan filosofie zijn als de sleutel tot kennis zo voor het grijpen lag, nietwaar? Tot de Amerikaanse filosoof Edmund Gettier op het toneel verscheen in de jaren '60, waren filosofen het Arabic: في أغلب الأحيان، تأتي على شكل "شهادات" الأخذ بكلام شخص ما ليست كل الشهادات قوية أوجديرة بالثقة طبعا لكن إذا جاءت من خبير (في موضوع النقاش) قد تعتمد شهادته في الحقيقة، معظم ما تعرفه عن العالم تعلمته عن طريق الشهادات كنت تثق بكلام أساتذتك عندما كانوا يدرسونك، و ينطبق الكلام على كل كتاب قرأته و كل تقرير أخبار رأيته كلها أشكال من الشهادات، والتي تقبلتها كمسوِّغ لمعرفتك واعتقاداتك لكن التبرير قد يأتي بشكل آخر أيضا، الشكل المشهور: "الملاحظة الشخصية" المعلومات التي تكسبها عن طريق أحاسيسك إذا اعتقدت أن هذا القط "قط" لأن لدي اعتقادات قوية ومتينة مسبقة عن القطط ثم لدي خبرة واسعة معهم في الماضي أنا أعرِّف القط كـ"قط" من خلال اتصالي المباشر معه إنه يبدو ويتصرف مثل القطط، إذن هو: قط. لكن الفلاسفة لن يكونوا راضِين إن كان المفتاح للمعرفة بهذه السهولة، صحيح؟ حتى مجيء الفيلسوف الأمريكي إدموند جيتر 1960 Modern Greek (1453-): εμφανίζεται μέσω μαρτυριών - πιστεύοντας τα λόγια κάποιου για κάτι. Δεν είναι όλες οι μαρτυρίες ισχυρές, ή αξιόπιστες, φυσικά. Αλλά αν έρχεται από κάποιον που είναι αυθεντία στο θέμα που διερευνάτε, μπορείς να θεωρήσεις την μαρτυρία αξιόπιστη. Και το γεγονός είναι, τα περισσότερα που ξέρεις για τον κόσμο τα έμαθες μέσω μαρτυριών. Πίστεψες τα λόγια των δασκάλων σου όταν σε δίδασκαν πράγματα και το ίδιο ισχύει για κάθε βιβλίο που έχεις διαβάσει και κάθε δελτίο ειδήσεων που έχει δει. Είναι όλα απλά μορφές μαρτυριών, τις οποίες αποδέχεσαι ως αιτιολόγηση για τις γνώσεις σου και τα πιστεύω σου. Αλλά η αιτιολόγηση μπορεί να έρθει σε διάφορες μορφές επίσης. Ένας άλλος κοινός τύπος είναι οι παρατηρήσεις πρώτου προσώπου - πληροφορίες που αποκτάς μέσω των αισθήσεών σου. Αν πιστεύω ότι μια γάτα είναι μια γάτα, διότι ήδη έχω στιβαρά και καλά πληροφορημένα πιστεύω για τις γάτες, τότε, έχοντας εκτεταμένες εμπειρίες με αυτές στο παρελθόν, αναγνωρίζω την γάτα ως γάτα μέσω της άμεσης επαφής με αυτήν. Μοιάζει, την αισθάνομαι, συμπεριφέρεται σαν γάτα. Άρα: γάτα! Αλλά! Η φιλοσοφία δεν θα είχε καθόλου πλάκα αν το κλειδί για την γνώση ήταν τόσο απλό, σωστά; Μέχρι να έρθει ο Αμερικάνος φιλόσοφος Edmund Gettier στα 1960, οι φιλόσοφοι ήταν Spanish: vienen a través de testimonios - tomando la palabra de alguien. No todo testimonio es fuerte, o merece confianza por supuesto. Pero si viene de un experto en el tópico en cuestión, considerarás que el testimonio es fiable. Y la cosa es que la mayoría de lo que sabes sobre el mundo lo aprendiste a través de testimonio. tu tomas la palabra de tus profesores cuando te enseñan cosas, y lo mismo va para cada libro que hayas leído o cada reporte de televisión que hayas visto. Son todas formas de testimonio que aceptas como justificación a tu conocimiento y tus creencias. Pero la justificación también puede venir en otras formas. Otro tipo común es observación en primera persona - información que adquiriste a través de los sentidos. Si yo creo que ese gato es un gato porque ya tengo creencias sólidas y bien informadas sobre los gatos, luego, habiendo tenido experiencias con ellos en el pasado, estoy identificando al gato como un gato a través de mi contacto directo con él. Se ve, se siente, actúa como un gato. Ergo: ¡gato! ¡Pero! La filosofía no sería divertida si la llave para el conocimiento fuera tan fácil, ¿no? Hasta que el filósofo americano Edmun Gettier llegó en los 60s, los filósofos estaban Vietnamese: nó thông qua lời chứng - dùng lời người nào đó khác. Không phải tất cả các lời chứng đều mạnh, hay có giá trị, đương nhiên. Nhưng nếu nó đến từ một người có chuyên môn trong chủ đề câu hỏi, bạn có thể xem xét lời chứng đó là có thể tin cậy. Và thực tế là, phần lớn những gì bạn biết về thế giới là thông qua lời chứng. Bạn chấp nhận lời nói của giáo viên bạn khi họ dạy bạn về các thứ, và tương tự về những cuốn sách bạn đọc và tin tức mỗi ngày bạn xem. Chúng đều là các dạng của lời chứng, cái mà bạn chấp nhận như sự biện hộ cho sự nhận biết và niềm tin của bạn. Nhưng sự biện hộ cũng có thể đến theo những cách khác. Dạng hay dùng khác là sự quan sát đầu tiên -thông tin thu được thông qua các giác quan. Nếu tôi tin rằng con mèo là con mèo, bởi vì tôi có những niềm tin rõ ràng và thiết thực về những con mèo sau đó có những trải nghiệm bao quát với chúng trong quá khứ, tôi đang nhận biết con mèo là con mèo thông qua sự tiếp xúc trực tiếp với nó. Nó có vẻ ngoài, cảm giác và hành động như con mèo. Vì thế: mèo! Nhưng! Triết học sẽ chẳng có gì vui nếu chìa khóa dẫn đến tri thức dễ như thế, đúng không? Cho đến khi nhà triết gia người Mỹ Edmund Gettier xuất hiện vào những năm 1960, các nhà triết học Italian: avviene attraverso la testimonianza – semplicemente fidandosi di qualcuno. Non tutte le testimonianze sono forti, o affidabili, naturalmente. Ma se proviene da qualcuno che è un esperto sul tema in questione, potresti considerare la testimonianza come affidabile. E il fatto è che, la maggior parte di quello che sai del mondo, lo hai appreso attraverso la testimonianza. Ti sei fidato dei tuoi insegnanti quanto ti insegnavano cose, e lo stesso vale per ogni libro che tu abbia mai letto e ogni telegiornale tu abbia mai visto. Sono tutte solamente forme di testimonianza, che hai accettato come giustificazione per la tua conoscenza, e le tue convinzioni. Ma la giustificazione può venire anche in altre forme. Un altro tipo comune è l'osservazione in prima persona – informazioni che acquisisci attraverso i sensi. Se ritengo che un gatto sia un gatto, perché ho già credenze robuste e ben informate sui gatti, poi, avendo avuto una vasta esperienza con loro in passato, sto identificando il gatto come un gatto attraverso il mio contatto diretto con esso Appare, sembra, si comporta come un gatto. Ergo: gatto! Ma! La filosofia non sarebbe alcun divertimento se la chiave per la conoscenza fosse così facile, giusto? Prima che il filosofo americano Edmund Gettier entrasse in scena negli anni 1960, i filosofi erano iw: מדובר על דרך עדות - רק לקחת מילה של מישהו על זה. לא כל העדויות הן חזקות, או אמינות, כמובן. אבל אם זה מגיע ממישהו מומחה על הנושא הנדון, אולי כדאי שתשקלו את עדותו להיות אמינה. והעובדה היא, רוב הדברים שאתה יודע על העולם, למדת דרך עדות. לקחת את המילה של המורים שלך על זה כאשר הם לימדו אותך דברים, ואותו הדבר נכון גם לגבי כל ספר שאי פעם קראת ובכל מהדורת חדשות שראית אי פעם. זה הכל רק צורות של עדות, אשר קבלו את הצדקת ידיעתך, ואת האמונות שלך. אבל הצדקה יכולה להתבטא באופנים אחרים, בנוסף. עוד סוג נפוץ הוא התבוננות בגוף ראשון - מידע המתקבל דרך החושים שלך. אם אני מאמין שחתול הוא חתול, כי יש לי כבר חזקות באמונות שלי על חתולים, אם כן, יש לי ניסיון רב איתם בעבר, אני מזהה חתול כחתול באמצעות המגע הישיר שלי איתו זה נראה, מרגיש, מתנהג כמו חתול. ולכן: חתול! אבל! פילוסופיה לא תהיה כל כיף אם המפתח לידע היה כל כך קל, נכון? עד שהפילוסוף האמריקאי אדמונד גטייר בא ב -1960, הפילוסופים היו Portuguese: A maioria através de testemunhos - apenas levar em conta as palavras de alguém. Nem todo testemunho é forte, ou confiável, claro. Mas se vêm de alguém que é especialista no tópico em questão, você pode considerar seu testemunho como fidedigno. E o fato é que a maior parte do que você sabe sobre o mundo, você aprendeu através de testemunhos. Você tomou as palavras dos seus professores enquanto eles te ensinavam, e o mesmo vale para todo livro que você ler e qualquer jornal ou notícia que você verá. São todas formas de testemunho, que você aceita como justificativa para o seu conhecimento e suas crenças. Mas justificativas podem vir em outras formas também. Um tipo comum é a "observação em primeira pessoa" - que é informação que você adquire através dos seus sentidos. Se eu acredito que um gato é um gato, porque eu já tenho crenças robustas e bem formadas sobre gatos já que tive muita experiência com eles no passado, eu identifico um gato como um gato através do meu contato direto com ele. Parece, age e eu sinto que é um gato. Ergo: gato! Mas! Filosofia não seria divertido se a chave para o conhecimento fosse tão fácil, certo? Até que o filósofo americano Edmund Gettier aparecesse no anos 60, filósofos tinham French: largement d’accord sur la définition de la connaissance – que c’est une croyance vraie justifiée. Parce que, on peut croire n’importe quel vieux truc, mais afin de savoir quelque chose, c’est évident qu’on doit aussi avoir des preuves pour sa croyance, et elles doivent être vraies. En d’autres termes, on peut avoir une croyance fausse, mais on ne peut pas avoir de connaissance fausse. Et si quelque chose qu’on pensait savoir se révèle ne pas être vrai, alors le fait est qu’on ne savait en fait rien, on croyait simplement savoir quelque chose. Et de la même manière, on peut avoir une vraie croyance, mais si on n’a pas de justification, si on a juste accidentellement raison, ce qui arrive parfois – ça ne compte pas comme de la connaissance non plus. Entre Edmund Gettier. Gettier a écrit un court mais incroyablement influent article qui a chamboulé la compréhension standard de la connaissance. Il a fait ça en proposant ce qui est maintenant connu comme les problèmes de Gettier – des cas dans lesquels on peut avoir des croyances vraies justifiées, mais pas de la connaissance. Ce qui nous amène au Flash Philosophy de cette semaine ! Allons dans la Thought Bubble. Voici un des cas originels de Gettier. Smith et Jones ont tous les deux postulé pour le même poste. Le président de la compagnie dit à Smith que Jones aura le poste. Ceci compte comme une preuve ; Modern Greek (1453-): σε αρκετά διαδεδομένη συμφωνία για τον ορισμό της γνώση -- ότι είναι αιτιολογημένη αληθής πίστη. Διότι, μπορείς να πιστεύεις οτιδήποτε, αλλά για να ξέρεις κάτι, φαίνεται λογικό να πρέπει να έχεις στοιχεία για το πιστεύω σου, και πρέπει να είναι αληθές. Με άλλα λόγια, μπορείς να έχεις μια ψευδή πίστη, αλλά δεν μπορείς να έχει μια ψευδή γνώση. Και αν κάτι που πίστευες ότι ήξερες αποδειχθεί μη αληθές, τότε η πραγματικότητα είναι, ότι ποτέ πραγματικά δεν το ήξερες, απλά το πίστευες. Και αντίστοιχα, μπορεί να έχεις μια αληθή πίστη, αλλά αν δεν έχεις καμία απόδειξη για αυτή, αν συμπτωματικά έτυχε να έχεις δίκιο, το οποίο συμβαίνει κάποιες φορές - αυτό δεν μετράει ως γνώση, επίσης. Μπαίνει ο Edmund Gettier. Ο Gettier έγραψε μια σύντομη αλλά θαυμάσια ισχυρή δημοσίευση η οποία αναποδογύρισε την καθιερωμένη αντίληψη της γνώσης. Το έκανε αυτό προτείνοντας αυτό που έγινε γνωστό ως υπόθεση του Gettier - καταστάσεις στις οποίες κάποιος μπορεί να έχει αιτιολογημένη αληθής πίστη, αλλά όχι γνώση. Το οποίο μας φέρνει στην Γρήγορη Φιλοσοφία αυτής της εβδομάδας! Ας πάμε στην φυσαλίδα της σκέψης. Εδώ είναι μια αυθεντική υπόθεση του Gettier. Ο Smith και ο Jones έχουν και οι δύο κάνει αίτηση για την ίδια δουλειά. Ο πρόεδρος της εταιρίας είπε στον Smith ότι ο Jones θα πάρει την δουλειά. Αυτό μετράει ως στοιχείο· English: in pretty widespread agreement about the definition of knowledge -- that it’s justified true belief. Because, you can believe any old thing, but in order to know something, it just makes sense that you must also have evidence for your belief, and it must be true. In other words, you can have a false belief, but you can’t have false knowledge. And if something you thought you knew turns out not to be true, then the fact is, you never actually knew it, you just believed it. And likewise, you might happen to hold a true belief, but if you don’t have any justification for it, if you just accidentally happened to be right, which happens sometimes – that doesn’t count as knowledge, either. Enter Edmund Gettier. Gettier wrote a short but fabulously influential paper that turned the standard understanding of knowledge upside down. He did this by proposing what came to be known as Gettier cases – situations in which one can have justified true belief, but not knowledge. Which brings us to this week’s Flash Philosophy! Let’s go to the Thought Bubble. Here’s one of Gettier’s original cases. Smith and Jones have both applied for the same job. The president of the company told Smith that Jones will get the job. This counts as evidence; Dutch: vrij algemeen over de definitie van kennis eens - dat het een kwestie van gerechtvaardigde ware overtuigingen is. Immers, je kan eender wat geloven, maar om iets te weten, moet je ook bewijs hebben voor je overtuiging, en het moet waar zijn. Met andere woorden, je kan een vals geloof hebben, maar je kan geen valse kennis bezitten. En indien iets waarvan je dacht het te weten niet waar blijkt te zijn, dan wist je het in feite nooit, je geloofde het enkel. Op dezelfde manier heb je misschien wel een ware overtuiging, maar indien je er geen verantwoording voor hebt, als je gewoon toevallig correct bent, wat soms gebeurt - dan telt ook dat niet als kennis. Hier maakt Edmund Gettier zijn entrée. Gettier schreef een korte maar geweldig invloedrijke paper dat het standaard begrip van kennis op z'n kop zette. Hij deed dit door wat als Gettier gevallen bekend zou worden voor te stellen - situaties waarin iemand een gerechtvaardigde overtuiging kan hebben, maar geen kennis. Wat ons brengt tot de Flash Filosofie van deze week! Laten we naar de Thought Bubble gaan. Hier is een van Gettiers originele gevallen. Smith en Jones hebben beiden gesolliciteerd voor dezelfde job. De voorzitter van het bedrijf vertelde Smith dat Jones de job zal krijgen. Dit telt als bewijs; Italian: abbastanza ampiamente d'accordo sulla definizione di conoscenza – che sia credenza vera giustificata. Perché, puoi credere qualsiasi cosa, ma al fine di sapere qualcosa, ha senso che tu debba anche avere prove per la tua convinzione, e devono essere vere. In altre parole, puoi avere una falsa convinzione, ma non puoi avere falsa conoscenza. E se qualcosa che credevi sapere risulta non essere vero, allora il fatto è che in realtà non l'avevi mai davvero saputo, solo creduto. E allo stesso modo, potresti avere una convinzione vera, ma se non hai alcuna giustificazione al riguardo, se ti è capitato accidentalmente di avere ragione, il che capita a volte – neppure qullo conta come conoscenza. Fa il suo ingresso Edmund Gettier. Gettier ha scritto un breve ma favolosamente influente articolo che ha capovolto la normale interpretazione di conoscenza Lo ha fatto proponendo quelli che sono finiti per essere conosciuti come come casi di Gettier - situazioni in cui si può avere convinzioni vere giustificate, ma non conoscenza. Il che ci porta alla Filosofia Flash di questa settimana! Andiamo alla Bolla del Pensiero. Ecco uno dei casi originali di Gettier. Smith e Jones hanno entrambi fatto domanda per lo stesso lavoro. Il presidente della società ha detto a Smith che Jones otterrà il lavoro. Questo conta come prova; Arabic: كان الفلاسفة اتفقوا اتفَاقًا تامًا على تعريف المعرفة بأنها اعتقاد حقيقي مبرر لأنك تستطيع الاعتقاد بأي شيء قديم لكن لمعرفة الشيء لابد لك من أن تملك دليلًا عليه، ولابد أن يكون صحيحا بمعنى آخر، يمكن أن يكون لك اعتقاد خاطئ لكن لا يمكن ان تكون لديك معرفة خاطئة. وإذا اتضح أن شيئًا تعرفه ليس صحيحا، إذن في الحقيقة أنت لم تعرفه من قبل فعلا، أنت فقط اعتقدته وبالمثل، قد يحصل أن تعتقد اعتقادا صحيحا، لكن إذا كنت لا تملك أي مبرر له فقط كانت مصادفة -والتي قد تحدث أحيانا- هذا لا يعد معرفة أيضا دخل إدموند جيتر هنا. كتب جيتر ورقة قصيرة لكنها في غاية التأثير حيث قلبت الفهم القياسي للمعرفة رأسًا على عقب كتب تلك الورقة بعد افتراضه لما سماه حالات جيتر - حالة يكون للشخص فيها اعتقاد صحيح مبرر، لكنه ليس معرفة والذي يقودنا إلى لمحة الأسبوع الفلسفية الخاطفة! لنذهب لفقاعة الفكر هنا إحدى حالات جيتر الأصلية، سميث وجون تقدَّما لنفس الوظيفة. أخبر رئيس الشركة سميث أن جون سيحصل على الوظيفة. يعد هذا دليلًا Romanian: de acord cu definiția cunoașterii - o convingere adevărată și justificată, pentru că poți crede în orice lucru, dar pentru a ști ceva, atunci are sens faptul că trebuie să ai și dovezi în legătură cu această convingere, iar aceasta trebuie să fie adevarată. Altfel spus, poți avea o convingere falsă, dar nu poți avea o cunoștință falsă, iar dacă ceva ce știai se dovedește a nu fi adevărat, atunci, de fapt, nu ai știut niciodată cu adevărat, ci doar ai crezut. Pe același principiu, s-ar putea să ai o convingere adevărată, dar dacă nu ai niciun motiv pentru ea, atunci doar s-a întâmplat să ai dreptate, pentru că așa se întamplă uneori, dar nu se pune drept cunoaștere. Apoi a venit Edmund Gettier. Gettier a scris o lucrare scurtă, dar incredibil de influentă, ce a întors pe dos standardul de înțelegere a cunoașterii. A făcut acest lucru propunând ceea ce acum este cunoscut drept "probleme de tip Gettier" - situații în care poți avea o convingere adevărată și justificată, însă nu o cunoștință. Iar asta ne conduce către problema de gândire a saptămânii! Să mergem la Balonul cu Idei. Acestea sunt originalele probleme de tip Gottier. Smith și Jones au aplicat amândoi pentru același job. Președintele companiei i-a spus lui Smith că Jones a primit slujba. Acest lucru reprezintă dovada - Spanish: en extendido acuerdo sobre la definición de conocimiento - que es una creencia verdadera justificada. Porque tu puedes creer cualquier cosa vieja pero para saber algo, tiene sentido que también debas tener evidencia para tus creencias y debe ser verdadera. En otras palabras, puedes tener una creencia falsa pero no puedes tener conocimiento falso. Y si algo que pensabas que sabías resulta no ser verdad, el hecho es que en realidad nunca lo supiste solo lo creías. Asimismo, es posible que tengas una creencia verdadera, pero si no tienes ninguna justificación, si solo por accidente tienes razón, lo que a veces pasa - eso tampoco cuenta como conocimiento. Entra Edmund Gettier. Gettier escribió un documento corto pero fantástico que puso al revés el entendimiento estándar de conocimiento. Él hizo esto proponiendo lo que se conoce como "Casos de Gettier" - situaciones en las que se puede tener una creencia verdadera justificada pero no conocimiento. Lo que nos lleva al ¡Flash de Filosofía de esta semana! Vayamos a la Burbuja del Pensamiento. Este es uno de los casos originales de Gettier. Smith y Jones solicitaron el mismo trabajo. El presidente de la compañía le dijo a Smith que Jones iba a tener el trabajo. Esto cuenta como evidencia; Russian: в довольно широком согласии насчёт определении знания - это обоснованное верное суждение. Вы можете верить во что угодно, но для того, чтобы действительно знать что-либо, обязательно необходимо иметь доказательства для вашей веры во что-то, и это что-то должно быть обязательно правдиво. Другими словами, вы можете иметь неверные суждения, но вы не можете иметь неверные знания. И, если вы думали, что действительно что-то знали, а это оказалось ложью, то, значит, что на самом деле вы никогда не знали этого, вы просто верили в это. Также, если так случилось, что вы имеете верное суждение, но вы не имеете никаких обоснований для этого суждения, если вы случайно оказались правыми, что происходит временами, то это также не засчитывается за знание. Поговорим об Эдмунде Геттьере. Он написал короткий, но невероятно влиятельный трактат, который перевернул стандарты понимания "знания" с ног на голову. Он сделал это предположив, что вы можете иметь обоснованное верное суждение, но не иметь знания об этом, что в дальнейшем стало известно как случаи Геттьера. Что приводит нас к еженедельной "Минутке Философии", давайте подумаем вместе с "Пузырём Мыслей". Это один из оригинальных случаев проявления идеи Геттьера. Смит и Джонс, оба, претендуют на одну и ту же работу. Президент компании сказал Смиту, что Джонс получит эту работу. Это считается доказательством, так как Portuguese: um amplo acordo do que seria definido por conhecimento - ou seja a crença verdadeira justificada. Porque, você pode acreditar em qualquer coisa antiga, mas para saber de algo, só faz sentido se você tiver evidência para sua crença, o que deve ser verdade. Em outras palavras, você pode ter falsas crenças, mas não pode ter um falso conhecimento. E se algo que você pensou saber acaba não sendo verdadeiro, então o fato é que você nunca soube realmente, você apenas acreditou E, da mesma forma, você pode se segurar numa crença verdadeira, mas se você não tiver nenhuma justificativa, se apenas, acidentalmente, estava certo, o que acontece às vezes - isso não conta como conhecimento também. Introduzindo Edmundo Gettier. Gettier escreveu um curto mas fabuloso e influente artigo que acabou virou o entendimento de "conhecimento" de cabeça pra baixo. Ele fez isso propondo o que ficaram conhecidos como os Casos Gettier - situações nas quais alguém pode ter crença verdadeira justificada, mas não conhecimento. O que nos traz o Flash Philosophy dessa semana! Vamos para a Bolha de Pensamento. Aqui está um dos Casos Gettier original. Smith e Jones se candidataram ao mesmo emprego. O presidente da empresa disse ao Smith que Jones ia ficar com a vaga. Isso conta como evidência; Vietnamese: khá đồng tình với về định nghĩa của tri thức -- đó là niềm tin sự thật hợp lý. Bởi vì, bạn có thể tin vào bất cứ thứ gì trước đó, nhưng để biết về thứ gì đó, nó chỉ có nghĩa rằng bạn cũng phải có bằng chứng cho niềm tin của bạn và bằng chứng đó phải đúng. Nói cách khác bạn có thể có niềm tin sai nhưng bạn không thể có tri thức sai. Và nếu có thứ gì đó bạn nghĩ là bạn biết mà nó hóa ra không đúng, vậy thực tế là, bạn không hề thực sự biết, bạn chỉ tin nó. Và cũng như thế, bạn có thể vô tình có niềm tin đúng, nhưng nếu như bạn không có bất cứ sự biện hộ nào cho nó, nếu như bạn chỉ vô tình đúng, điều đôi lúc xảy ra - nó cũng không tính là tri thức. Enter Edmund Gettier. Gettier đã viết một bài ngắn nhưng có ảnh hưởng khó tin làm cho tiêu chuẩn của việc hiểu về tri thức bị đảo ngược lại. Ông ấy làm điều này bằng cách đề xuất cái mà được biết đến như những tình thế Gettier -- những tường hợp mà bạn có thể có niềm tin sự thật hợp lý nhưng không phải là tri thức. Điều này đưa chúng ta đến Flash Philosophy tuần này! Hãy đến với Thought Bubble. Đây là một trong những trường hợp Gettier gốc. Smith và Jones đều nộp đơn xin cùng một công việc. Giám đốc của công ty nói với Smith là Jones sẽ nhận được việc. Đây được tính là bằng chứng Turkish: geniş bir şekilde bilginin tanımı konusunda hemfikirdiler -- gerekçelendirilmiş doğru inanç olduğuna. Çünkü, her eski şeye inanabilirsiniz, ancak bir şeyi bilmek için, aynı zamanda inancınız için kanıtınızın da olması gerekir, ve doğru olmalıdır. Başka bir değişle, yanlış bir inanca sahip olabilirsiniz, ancak yanlış bir bilgiye sahip olamazsınız. Ve eğer bildiğinizi düşündüğünüz bir şeyin doğru olmadığı ortaya çıkarsa, o zaman gerçek, onu hiç bilmediğiniz, sadece inandığınızdır. Ve benzer şekilde, doğru bir inanca sahip olabilirsiniz, ancak hiç bir gerekçeye sahip olmayabilirsiniz, eğer yanlışlıkla doğru olduysa, ki bazen olur - bu da bilgi olarak sayılmaz. Giriş: Edmun Gettier. Gettier'in kısa ancak inanılmaz etkili bir makale yazması standart bilgi anlayışının alt üst olmasına neden oldu. Bunu Gettier durumları olarak da bilinen şeyi ileri sürerek yaptı - kişinin gerekçelendirilmiş doğru inanca sahip olabileceği ancak bilgiye sahip olamayacağı durumlar. Ki bu da bizi bu haftanın Flaş Felsefesi'ne götürür! Düşünce Balonu'na gidelim! İşte Gettier'in orjinal durumlarından birisi. Smith ve Jones'un ikisi de aynı iş için başvurdular. Şirketin müdürü Smith'e Jones'un işi alacağını söyledi. Bu kanıt olarak sayılır; iw: בהסכמה רחבה למדי לגבי ההגדרה של ידע - שזה אמונה אמיתית מוצדקת. בגלל, שאתה יכול להאמין לכל דבר ישן, אבל כדי לדעת משהו, זה רק גורם מובן זה שאתה גם חייב להיות ראיות לאמונה שלך, וזה גם חייב להיות אמיתי. במילים אחרות, אתה יכול לקבל אמונה שקרית, אבל אתה לא יכול להיות בעל ידע שקרי. ואם משהו שחשבת שאתה יודע מתברר כלא נכון, אז העובדה היא, שאתה אף פעם לא באמת ידעת את זה, רק האמנת לזה וכמו כן, אתה יכול שיהיה לך אמונה אמיתית, אבל אם אין לך שום צדקה, אם אתה רק בטעות קרה שאתה צודק, וזה קורה לפעמים - זה לא נחשב כמו ידע, גם. זן אדמונד גטייר. גטייר כתב מקרה קצר אבל נוגע שהפך את ההבנה של הידע מלמטה למעלה. הוא עשה זאת על ידי הצעה של מה שנודע כמו במקרים גטייר - מצבים שבהם אחד יכול היה להצדיק אמונה אמיתית, אבל לא ידע. מה שמביא אותנו אל הפילוסופיה הזריזה של השבוע! בואו נלך אל בועת המחשבה. הנה אחד מהמקרים המקוריים של גטייר. סמית וג'ונס מנסים להתקבל לאותה עבודה נשיא החברה אמר לסמית שג'ונס יקבל את העבודה. זה נחשב לראיה; Estonian: üldiselt nõus kehtiva teadmise definitsiooniga -- et see on õigustatud tõene uskumus. Sest sa võid uskuda igat asja, aga selleks, et teada, tundub loogiline, et sul peab ka olema tõestus oma uskumuse jaoks ja uskumus peab olema tõene. Teisisõnu Sul võib olla vääraid uskumusi, aga sul ei saa olla vääraid teadmisi. Ja kui miski, mida sa arvasid end teadvat osutub vääraks, siis sa tegelikult kunagi ei teadnud seda, sa lihtsalt uskusid seda. Ning samuti sa võid omada tõest uskumust, aga kui sulk ei ole sellele mingeid tõendeid, kui sul lihtsalt kogemata on õigus, mis ka mõnikord juhtub -- siis ei ole samuti tagamist teadmisega. Siis tuli Edmund Gettier. Gettier kirjutas lühikese, aga ilmeliselt mõjuvõimsa artikli mis pööras traditsioonilise arusaama teadmisest pea peale. Ta tegi seda luues mõtteeksperimendi, mida meie tunneme kui Gettieri juhtumit -- olukord kus kellelgi võib olla õigustatud tõene uskumus, aga mitte teadmist. See toob meid selle nädalase Flash Filosoofia juurde. Läheme Mõttemulli. Siin on üks Gettieri algsetest juhtumitest. Nii Smith kui ka Jones kandideerivad samale töökohale. Firma president ütles Smithile, et Jones saab töö endale. Tee kõlbab tõestuseks -- Modern Greek (1453-): ο πρόεδρος της εταιρίας φαίνεται να είναι μια αξιόπιστη πηγή αυτής της πληροφορίας. Στο μεσοδιάστημα, ο Smith μετράει τα κέρματα στην τσέπη του Jones και βλέπει ότι υπάρχουν δέκα κέρματα εκεί. Ο Smith τότε διαμορφώνει ένα πιστεύω, βασισμένο στο πρώτου προσώπου παρατηρητικό στοιχείο των κερμάτων, όπως επίσης στην μαρτυρία του προέδρου της εταιρίας. Πιστεύει ότι: Το άτομο που θα πάρει την δουλειά έχει 10 κέρματα στην τσέπη του. Αλλά, αποδεικνύεται, ότι η μαρτυρία του προέδρου ήταν ψευδής, και ο Smith, όχι ο Jones, θα πάρει την δουλειά. ΚΑΙ, συμβαίνει, εν αγνοία του Smith, να έχει και αυτός 10 κέρματα στην τσέπη του. Οπότε, ο Smith έχει μια πίστη - ότι το πρόσωπο που θα πάρει την δουλειά έχει 10 κέρματα στην τσέπη του. Και είναι αιτιολογημένη - διότι μέτρησε τα κέρματα του Jones και ο πρόεδρος του είπε ότι ο Jones θα πάρει την δουλειά. Και η πίστη του αποδεικνύεται αληθής - το άτομο που πήρε την δουλειά είχε όντως 10 κέρματα στην τσέπη του. Εντούτοις, κανένα κομμάτι της αιτιολόγησης πραγματικά οδήγησε τον Smith στην σωστή απάντηση. Η μαρτυρία του προέδρου ήταν ψευδής, και τα 10 κέρματα που είδε ήταν στην τσέπη του Jones, όχι στη δικιά του. Οπότε φαίνεται ο Smith έτυχε να έχει δίκιο. French: le président de la compagnie semblerait être une source fiable pour cette information. Entretemps, Smith compte les pièces dans la poche de Jones et voit qu’il y a dix pièces dedans. Smith forme ensuite une croyance basée sur sa preuve d’observation personnelle des pièces, ainsi que sur la déclaration du président de la compagnie. Il vient à croire que : la personne qui obtient le poste a 10 pièces dans sa poche. Mais, il s’avère que la déclaration du président était fausse, et c’est Smith, pas Jones, qui obtient le poste. ET, il s’avère aussi sans que Smith le sache, qu’il a aussi 10 pièces dans sa poche. Smith a donc une croyance – que la personne qui obtient le poste a 10 pièces dans sa poche. Et cela est justifiée – parce qu’il a compté les pièces de Jones et que le président lui a dit que Jones obtenait le poste. Et sa croyance s’est aussi avérée – la personne qui a obtenu le poste avait bien 10 pièces dans sa poche. Cependant, aucune justification n’a en réalité guidé Smith vers la bonne réponse. La déclaration du président était fausse et les 10 pièces qu’il a vues étaient dans la poche de Jones, pas la sienne. Il semble donc que Smith a simplement eu raison par chance. Russian: президент компании является самым надёжным источником информации в данном случае. Тем временем Смит считает монеты в кармане Джонса и видит, что там десять монет. Поэтому Смит формирует мнение, основанное на увиденных монетах, также как и на свидетельстве со стороны президента компании. Он приходит к выводу, что "человек, который получает работу, имеет 10 монет в кармане". Но, оказывается, что свидетельство со стороны президента оказалось ложным, и Смит, не Джонс получает эту работу. И, просто так случилось, неведомо для Смита, что он тоже имеет 10 монет в своём кармане. Итак, Смит имел суждение о том, что тот, кто получает работу, имеет 10 монет в своём кармане. И оно было обосновано, потому что он посчитал монеты в кармане Джонса, и президент компании сказал ему, что Джонс получает эту работу. Соответственно, его суждение также оказалось верным, так как персона, которая получила эту работу, имела в кармане ровно 10 монет. Однако, ни одно из указанных обоснований, в действительности, не указало Смиту правильный ответ. Свидетельство президента было неверным, и 10 монет, которые он (Смит) заметил, были в кармане Джонса, а не в его собственном. Выходит, что Смиту просто повезло быть правым. Turkish: Şirketin müdürü bu bilgi için güvenilir bir kaynak olarak görülebilinir. Bu sırada, Smith Jones'un cebindeki bozuk paraları sayar ve orada on bozuk para olduğunu görür. Smith daha sonra bozuk paralardan birinci şahıs gözlemleriyle edindiği kanıtlardan ve şirket müdürünün tanıklığına dayanarak bi inanç geliştirir İşi alan kişinin cebinde 10 bozuk para olduğu inancına varır. Ancak, müdürün tanıklığının yanlış olduğu ortaya çıkar, ve işi alanın Jones değil, Smith olduğu ortaya çıkar. Ve, öyle ki, Smith'in haberi olmasa da, kendi cebinde de 10 bozuk para olduğu ortaya çıkar. Yani, Smith'in cebinde 10 bozuk parası olan kişinin işi alacağına dair bir inancı vardır. Ve gerekçelendirilmiştir - çünkü Jones'un bozuk paralarını saymış, ve müdür ona Jones'un işi alacağını söylemiştir. Ve inancı aynı zamanda doğrudur da - işi alan kişinin cebinde 10 bozuk para vardır. Ne varki, gerekçelerin hiç biri Smith'i gerçekten de doğru cevaba yönlendirmedi. Müdür'ün tanıklığı yanlıştı, ve Jones'un cebinde gördüğü 10 bozuk para, kendisinin değildi. Yani öyle gözüküyor ki basitçe Smith doğru olmakta şanslıydı. Portuguese: o presidente da empresa seria uma fonte confiável com essa informação. Enquanto isso, Smith conta as moedas no bolso de Jones e percebe que há dez moedas. Smith então forma uma crença, baseado em sua evidência da observação em primeira pessoa das moedas, e também no testemunho do presidente da empresa. Ele passa a acreditar nisso: "A pessoa que que conseguiu o emprego tem 10 moedas no bolso" Mas acontece que o testemunho do presidente era falso, e Smith, não Jones, é quem fica com a vaga. E, por coincidência, sem Smith saber, ele também tinha 10 moedas em seu bolso. Então, Smith tinha uma crença - que a pessoa que ficaria com a vaga tinha 10 moedas no bolso. E que era justificada - porque ele contou as moedas no bolso de Jones, e o presidente disse a ele que Jones ficaria com a vaga. E a crença dele também acabou sendo verdadeira - a pessoa que ficou com a vaga tinha 10 moedas no bolso. Entretanto, nenhuma parte das justificativas realmente apontaram Smith para a resposta certa. O testemunho do presidente estava errado e as 10 moedas ele viu no bolso de Jones, não no dele. Então parece que Smith deu sorte em estar certo. English: the president of the company would seem to be a reliable source of this information. Meanwhile, Smith counts the coins in Jones’ pocket and sees that there are ten coins in there. Smith then forms a belief, based on his first person observational evidence of the coins, as well as the testimony of the company president. He comes to believe that: The person who gets the job has 10 coins in his pocket. But, it turns out, the testimony of the president was false, and it’s Smith, not Jones, who gets the job. AND, it just so happens, unbeknownst to Smith, that he also has 10 coins in his own pocket. So, Smith has a belief – that the person who gets the job has 10 coins in his pocket. And that is justified – because he counted Jones’ coins, and the president told him Jones was getting the job. And his belief also turns out to be true – the person who got the job did have 10 coins in his pocket. However, neither pieces of justification actually pointed Smith to the right answer. The president’s testimony was wrong, and the 10 coins that he saw were in Jones’ pocket, not his own. So it seems Smith simply lucked into being right. Vietnamese: vị giám đốc công ty này có vẻ như là nguồn tin đáng tin cậy. Trong khi đó, Smith đến số đồng xu trong túi Jones và thấy có 10 xu trong đó. Smith sau đó hình thành nên niềm tin, dựa trên bằng chứng mà anh thấy về đồng xu, cũng như là lời chứng của giám đốc công ty. Anh ấy tin rằng: người nhận được việc sẽ có 10 xu trong túi. Nhưng hóa ra, lời chứng của giám đốc là sai, và Smith chứ không phải Jones nhận được việc. Và, nó xảy ra, mà Smith không biết, anh ấy cũng có 10 xu trong túi. Vì thế, Smith có niềm tin rằng -- người nhận được việc sẽ có 10 xu trong túi. Và điều này được chứng minh là đúng -- bởi vì anh ấy đếm xu của Jones, và giám đốc nói với anh ấy là Jones sẽ nhận được việc. Và niềm tin của anh ấy hóa ra lại đúng- người nhận được việc sẽ có 10 xu trong túi. Tuy nhiên, cả hai sự biện hộ này đều không chỉ ra Smith có câu trả lời đúng. Lời chứng của giám đốc là sai, và 10 xu anh ấy thấy trong túi Jones, chứ không phải túi anh ấy. Vì vậy có vẻ như Smith chỉ đơn giản là may mắn đúng. Dutch: de voorzitter van het bewijs lijkt een betrouwbare bron te zijn voor deze informatie. Ondertussen telt Smith de geldstukken in Jones's zak en ziet dat er tien in zitten. Smith vormt dan een geloof, gebaseerd op zijn eerste persoon observationeel bewijs van de geldstukken, evenals de getuigenis van de voorzitter van het bedrijf. Hij komt tot het volgende geloof: de persoon die de job krijgt heeft 10 geldstukken in zijn zak. Maar, zo blijkt, de getuigenis van de voorzitter was vals, en het is Smith, niet Jones, die de job krijgt. EN, wat blijkt nu, zonder het te weten heeft ook Smith 10 geldstukken in zijn eigen zak. Dus, Smith heeft een geloof - dat de persoon die de job krijgt 10 geldstukken in zijn zak heeft. En dat is gerechtvaardigd - want hij telde Jones's geldstukken, en de voorzitter vertelde hem dat Jones de job zou krijgen. En zijn geloof bleek ook waar te zijn - de persoon die de job kreeg had inderdaad 10 geldstukken in zijn zak. Geen van de bewijsstukken brachten Smith echter tot het juiste antwoord. De getuigenis van de voorzitter was vals, en de 10 geldstukken die hij zag waren in Jones's zak, niet in zijn eigen. Het lijkt dus dat Smith gewoon met een gelukje juist was. Romanian: președintele companiei pare a fi o sursă sigură de informații. Între timp, Smith numără monedele din buzunarul lui Jones și observă că sunt 10 monede. Smith apoi elaborează o convingere pe baza observației personale asupra monedelor, dar și pe baza testimonialului președintelui companiei. El ajunge să creadă că persoana care obține slujba are 10 monede în buzunar, dar se pare că testimonialul președintelui era fals, deci Smith, nu Jones, a primit slujba. Și, fără să știe asta măcar, Smith are și el 10 monede in buzunar. Deci, Smith are o convingere - persoana care primește slujba are 10 monede în buzunar, iar acest lucru este justificat, pentru că a numărat monedele lui Jones și președintele i-a spus că Jones primise slujba. Această convingere se dovedește a fi adevărată - persoana care a primit slujba avea 10 monede in buzunar. Totuși, nicio motivație nu l-a condus pe Smith către răspunsul corect. Testimonialul președintelui era fals, iar cele 10 monede pe care le-a văzut erau în buzunarul lui Jones, nu al lui. Deci, se pare că Smith a fost norocos să aibă dreptate. Estonian: firma president paistab piisavalt usaldusväärne sellise informatsiooni allikas. Samalajal Smith loeb üle sendid Jonesi taskus ja näeb, et seal on kümme senti. Võttes arvesse oma vaatluse andmeid ja firma presidendi tunnistust formuleerib Smith uskumuse. Ta usub, et inimese, kes saab tööd, taskus on kümme senti. Aga tuleb välja, et presidendi tunnistus osutub vääraks ja Smith, mitte Jones, saab töö. JA juhtub nii, et Smithile teadmata on ka tema enese taskus kümme senti. Seega, Smithil on uskumus, et inimese, kes saab töö, taskus on kümme senti. Ja see on õigustatud -- sest ta luges üle sendid Jonesi taskus ja president ütles talle, et Jones saab töö. Ning ta uskumus on ka tõene -- Inimese, kes saab töö, taskus on kümme senti. Aga ometi, kumbki õigustus ei suuna Smithi õige vastuse poole. Presidendi tunnistus oli väär ja kümme senti, mida ta nägi, olid Jonesi taskus, mitte tema enda omas. Sega paistab, et Smithil lihtsalt vedas. Arabic: رئيس الشركة يبدو كمصدر معتمد لهذه المعلومة. في هذه الأثناء يحسب سميث كمية نقود جون، ويرى أن هناك 10 نقود فاعتقد سميث -اعتمادا على دليل ملاحظته الشخصية من عد النقود- اضافة إلى تصريح رئيس الشركة وصل الى اعتقاد أن: الشخص الذي يحصل على الوظيفة لديه 10 نقود في جيبه لكن، اتضح أن تصريح رئيس الشركة خاطئ، وأن سميث هو من حصل على الوظيفة وليس جون وحدثت ودون علم سميث، أنه أيضا يملك 10 نقود في جيبه لذا سميث يعتقد أن الشخص الذي يحصل على الوظيفة لديه 10 نقود في جيبه وهذا مبرَّر- لأنه عدَّ نقود جون، عندما أخبره الرئيس أن جون هو من حصل على الوظيفة واتضح أن اعتقاده صحيح -- الشخص الذي يحصل على الوظيفة يملك 10 نقود في جيبه بالرغم من ذلك، التبريران لم يوجها سميث للاجابة الصحيحة شهادة رئيس الشركة كانت خاطئة و الـ10 نقود التي رآها لم تكن ملكه لذا يبدو أن سميث حالفه الحظ وكان محقا iw: נשיא החברה נראה בתור מקור אמין של מידע מסוג זה. בינתיים, סמית סופר את המטבעות בכיס של ג'ונס ורואה שיש עשרה מטבעות שם. סמית מכך יוצר אמונה, המבוססת על ראיות תצפיתיות (על המטבעות), כמו גם את עדותו של נשיא החברה. הוא בא להאמין: שלמי שמקבל את העבודה יש 10 מטבעות בכיסו. אבל, מתברר, שעדותו של הנשיא היתה שקר, וזה סמית, לא ג'ונס, שיקבל את התפקיד. וגם, זה פשוט קרה, ללא ידיעה סמית, שגם לו יש 10 מטבעות בכיסו. אז, לסמית' יש אמונה - שהאדם שמקבל את העבודה יש 10 מטבעות בכיסו. וזה מוצדק - כי הוא ספר את המטבעות של ג'ונס, והבוס אמר לו שג'ונס היה מקבל את התפקיד. ואמונתו גם התבררה כנכונה - למי שקיבל את העבודה היו 10 מטבעות בכיסו. אם זאת, כל פיסות ההצדקה למעשה לא הראו לסמית את התשובה הנכונה. העדות של הבוס הייתה שגויה, וה10 המטבעות היו בכיס של ג'ונס, לא שלו. אז נראה סמית פשוט שהתמזל מזלו להיות נכון. Spanish: el presidente de la compañía parecería una fuente fiable de información. Mientras tanto, Smith cuenta las monedas en el bolsillo de Jones y ve que allí hay diez monedas. Entonces Smith forma una creencia basado en la evidencia observacional en primera persona de las monedas así como también el testimonio del presidente de la compañía. Él cree que: La persona que tiene diez monedas en el bolsillo obtiene el trabajo. Pero, resulta que el testimonio del presidente era falso y Smith, no Jones,es quien consigue el trabajo. Y, justo pasa que, desconocido para Smith, él también tiene diez monedas en el bolsillo. Así que Smith tiene una creencia - que la persona que obtiene el trabajo, tiene 10 monedas en su bolsillo. Y eso está justificado porque contó las monedas de Jones y el presidente le dijo que Jones iba a tener el trabajo. Y su creencia resulta ser verdad porque la persona que obtuvo el trabajo tiene 10 monedas en su bolsillo. Sin embargo, ninguna de las piezas de justificación en realidad apuntan a Smith como la respuesta correcta. El testimonio del presidente era incorrecto y las 10 monedas que vio estaban en el bolsillo de Jones, no en el suyo. Así que parece que Smith simplemente tuvo la suerte de estar en lo correcto. Italian: il presidente della società sembrerebbe essere una fonte affidabile per questa informazione. Nel frattempo, Smith conta le monete nella tasca di Jones e vede che ci sono dieci monete. Smith poi forma una convinzione, basata sulla sua evidenza osservativa di prima persona delle monete, nonché sulla testimonianza del presidente della società. Egli giunge a credere che: la persona che ottiene il lavoro ha 10 monete in tasca. Ma, a quanto pare, la testimonianza del presidente era falsa, ed è Smith, no Jones, che ottiene il lavoro. E, si dà il caso, all'insaputa di Smith, che anche lui abbia 10 monete nella sua tasca. Quindi, Smith ha una convinzione – che la persona che ottiene il lavoro ha 10 monete in tasca. E ciò è giustificato – in quanto ha contato le monete di Jones, e il presidente gli ha detto che Jones avrebbe ottenuto il lavoro. E la sua convinzione risulta anche essere vera - la persona che ha ottenuto il lavoro infatti aveva 10 monete in tasca. Tuttavia, nessuno dei pezzi di giustificazione in realtà ha puntato Smith verso la risposta giusta. La testimonianza del presidente era sbagliata, e le 10 monete che aveva visto erano nella tasca di Jones, non la propria. Così sembra Smith abbia avuto ragione per pura fortuna. Portuguese: Gettier argumenta que agora temos um caso de crença verdadeira justificada que não é conhecimento. E assinala, você não SABE algo se simplesmente tropeçou na resposta certa. Obrigado Bolha de Pensamento, o mundo filosófico virou de ponta-cabeça com essa ideia, e os filósofos - amando um contra-exemplo - começaram a fazer seus próprios Casos Gettier. O filósofo americano Roderick Chisolm propôs esse Olhando um campo, você vê um objeto que parece uma ovelha, e forma a crença que "há uma ovelha no campo". Mas acontece que o objeto é na verdade um cachorro. Ainda assim, também há uma ovelha, escondida da visão por uma colina. Então, você tem uma crença verdadeira justificada, mas a justificativa para sua crença - o objeto que viu - não é uma ovelha. Você apenas deu sorte em estar certo. Uma vez que você entende como isso funciona, é bem fácil fazer o seu próprio Caso Gettier. E muitos filósofos hoje em dia acham que Gettier destruiu com sucesso a definição de conhecimento como "crença verdadeira justificada" Mas mesmo a década de 60 parecendo há muito tempo atrás, lembre-se: filósofos estão no ramo de ter debates milenares sobre as coisas. Então não se surpreenda se o debate filosófico sobre isso ainda for furioso. Mas se conhecimento não é uma crença verdadeira justificada... o que é??? Romanian: Gettier a afirmat că acum avem un caz de convingere adevărată și justificată ce nu este cunoștință. Așa cum a demonstrat, NU ȘTII ceva dacă pur și simplu ai dreptate din întâmplare. Mulțumesc, Balonule cu Idei. Mediul filosofic a fost răsturnat de această idee, iar filosofii - pentru că le place să contraargumenteze - au început să conceapă propriile probleme de tip Gettier. Filosoful american Roderick Chisholm l-a propus pe acesta: Uitându-te pe un câmp, vezi un lucru ce pare a fi o oaie, așa că îți formezi convingerea că "o oaie este pe câmp". Se pare însă că lucrul pe care l-ai văzut e de fapt un câine. Totuși, pe câmp se află și o oaie, pe care nu o vezi din cauza unui deal, deci ai o convingere adevărată și justificată, însă justificarea convingerii - lucrul pe care l-ai văzut - nu este o oaie. Pur și simplu s-a întâmplat să ai dreptate. Odată ce înțelegi cum merge, e destul de ușor să formulezi probleme de tip Gettier și singur. Mulți filosofi din ziua de azi cred că Gettier a distrus cu succes definiția cunoașterii - convingere adevărată și justificată, însă chiar dacă anii 60 par a fi o perioadă îndepărtată, ține minte că filosofilor le place să aibă dezbateri care se întind pe milenii. Nu ar trebui să te surprindă faptul că dezbaterea filosofică despre acest lucru este încă în desfășurare. Dar din moment ce cunoașterea nu este o convingere adevărată și justificată, atunci... ce este? Italian: Gettier sosteneva che ora abbiamo un caso di convinzione vera giustificata che non è conoscenza. Come ha sottolineato, non SAI qualcosa se ti sei semplicemente imbattuto nella risposta giusta. Grazie Bolla del Pensiero; il mondo filosofico è stato stravolto da questa idea, e filosofi – amando un buon controesempio – hanno cominciato a generare i propri casi di Gettier. Il filosofo americano Roderick Chisholm propose questo: Guardando attraverso un campo, vedi un oggetto che assomiglia ad una pecora, e formi la convinzione che «c'è una pecora nel campo». Salta fuori che l'oggetto che vedi è in realtà un cane. Tuttavia, c'è anche una pecora, oscurata alla tua visione da una collina. Quindi, hai una convinzione vera giustificata, ma la giustificazione per la tua convinzione – l'oggetto che hai visto – non è una pecora. Hai solo avuto un colpo di fortuna di aver ragione. Una volta capito come funziona, è abbastanza facile generare casi di Gettier da te. E molti filosofi oggi pensano che Gettier abbia distrutto con successo la definizione di «convinzione vera giustificata» della conoscenza. Ma anche se gli anni 60 potrebbero sembrare tanto tempo fa per te, ricorda: i filosofi sono pronti ad avere dibattiti lunghi millenni sulle cose. Quindi non ti dovrebbe sorprendere che il dibattito filosofico su questo sia ancora accanito. Ma se la conoscenza non convinzione vera giustificata, allora... cooos'è? Vietnamese: Gettier tranh luận rằng bây giờ chúng ta đã có một trường hợp niềm tin đúng hợp lý mà không phải là tri thức. Như ông ấy chỉ ra, bạn không biết thứ gì gì đó nếu bạn chỉ vô tình có câu trả lời đúng Cám ơn Thought Bubble, thế giới triết học bị đảo lộn bởi ý tưởng này, và các nhà triết gia - những người thích một ví dụ ngược- bắt đầu tạo ra những trường hợp Gettier của bản thân họ. Nhà triết gia người Mỹ Roderick Chisholm đề xuất ví dụ sau: Nhìn ra cánh đồng, bạn thấy một vật giống như con cừu, và bạn hình thành một niềm tin là " có một con cừu trên cánh đồng". Hóa ra vật thể bạn thấy trên cánh đồng thực sự là một con chó. Trong khi đó, cũng có một con cừu, khuất tầm nhìn của bạn bởi cái đồi. Vì vậy, bạn có một niềm tin đúng hợp lý, nhưng sự biện hộ cho niềm tin của bạn -- vật thể mà bạn thấy-- không phải là con cừu. Bạn chỉ may mắn đúng thôi. Một khi bạn hiểu được cách vận hành của nó, bạn có thể dễ dàng tạo ra những trường hợp Gettier cho bản thân bạn. Và nhiều nhà triết gia ngày nay cho rằng Gettier đã phá hủy định nghĩa của tri thức "niềm tin đúng hợp lý" một cách thành công. Nhưng thậm chí những năm 1960 có vẻ xa xôi với bạn, hãy nhớ: những nhà triết gia đang trong cuộc tranh luận kéo dài ngàn năm về các vấn đề. Nên bạn không có gì ngạc nhiên khi cuộc tranh luận về vấn đề này vẫn còn dữ dội. Nhưng nếu tri thứ không phải là niềm tin đúng hợp lý vậy.. nó là gì? Spanish: Gettier argumentó que ahora tenemos un caso de creencia verdadera justificada que no es conocimiento. Como él señaló, no SABES algo si simplemente caíste en la respuesta correcta. Gracias Burbuja del Pensamiento, el mundo filosófico se dio vuelta por esta idea y los filósofos - amantes de un buen contra ejemplo - comenzaron a generar sus propios casos de Gettier. El filósofo americano Roderick Chisholm propuso esta: Mirando a través de un campo ves un objeto que se parece a una oveja y formas la creencia de que "hay una oveja en el campo". Resulta que el objeto que estas observando es en realidad un perro. Sin embargo también hay una oveja, oculta de tu visión por una montaña. Tienes una creencia verdadera justificada pero la justificación para tu creencia - el objeto que tu viste - no es una oveja. Solo tuviste la suerte de estar en lo correcto. Una vez que entiendes como funciona, es bastante fácil generar casos de Gettier propios. Y muchos filósofos hoy piensan que Gettier triunfantemente destruyó la definición de conocimiento "creencia verdadera justificada". Pero aunque 1960 te parezca mucho tiempo atrás, recuerda: los filósofos están en el negocio de tenes debates sobre cosas que duran un milenio. Así que no debería sorprenderte que el debate filosófico sobre esto todavía oscila. Pero si el conocimiento no es una creencia verdadera justificada entonces ¿queee es? Arabic: ناقش جيتر أنه لدينا الآن حالة من الاعتقاد الصحيح المبَّررالذي لا يعد معرفةً. كما أشار إلى أنك لا تعرف شيئا إذا كنت ببساطة صادفت الإجابة الصحيحة. شكرًا فقاعة الفكر، انقلب العالم الفلسفي رأسا على عقب بهذه الفكرة والفلاسفة المحبين للمتضادات -بدأوا- بخلق حالات جيتر الخاصة بهم افترض الفيلسوف الأمريكي رودريك شيسهولم أنه: أنظر عبر الحقل، تشاهد شيئا ما يشبه الخروف، فتعتقد أن: "هناك خروف في الحقل" اتضح لاحقا أن ذلك الشيء الذي تراه هو في الواقع كلب. لكن لا زال هناك خروفا، متواري عن نظرك خلف التل إذن أنت بررت اعتقادًا صحيحًا، لكن التبرير لاعتقادك - الشيء الذي رأيته - ليس خروفا. فقط حالفك الحظ بأن تكون محقا. حالما تفهم كيف تعمل، سيكون من السهل أن تنتج حالات جيتر بنفسك. يعتقد الكثير من الفلاسفة أن جيتر فعلا استطاع تدمير تعريف المعرفة بصفتها اعتقادًا صحيحًا مبررًا لكن رغم ذلك، فد تكون ستينات القرن الماضي بعيدة في وجهة نظرك، تذكر: عمل الفلاسفة هو المناظرة على الأشياء لآلاف السنين، فلا يفاجئك أن النقاشات الفلسفية حول هذا لا زالت قائمة لكن إذا لم تكن المعرفة هي اعتقاد صحيح مبرر، فماذا تكون؟ French: Gettier a soutenu qu’on a maintenant un cas de croyance vraie justifiée qui n’est pas de la connaissance. Comme il le soulignait, on ne SAIT pas quelque chose si on tombe simplement sur la bonne réponse. Merci Thought Bubble, le monde philosophique a été chamboulé par cette idée, et les philosophes – qui adorent les contrexemples – ont commencé à générer leurs propres problèmes de Gettier. Le philosophe américain Roderick Chisholm a proposé celui-ci : En regardant à travers un champ, vous voyez une chose qui ressemble à un mouton, et vous formez la croyance qu’« il y a un mouton dans le champ ». Il s’avère que la chose que vous voyez est en fait un chien. Pourtant, il y a aussi un mouton, caché de votre vue par une colline. Vous avez donc une croyance vraie justifiée, mais la justification de votre croyance – la chose que vous avez vue – n’est pas un mouton. Vous avez juste eu raison par chance. Une fois qu’on a compris comment ça marche, c’est assez facile de générer soi-même des cas de Gettier. Et beaucoup de philosophes pensent aujourd’hui que Gettier a détruit avec succès la définition « croyance vraie justifiée » de la connaissance. Mais même si les années 1960 peuvent vous sembler lointaines, rappelez-vous : les philosophes ont comme occupation des débats de plusieurs millénaires sur les choses. Ça ne devrait donc pas vous surprendre que le débat philosophique sur ceci fait encore rage. Mais si la connaissance n’est pas une croyance vraie justifiée, alors... c’est quoi ? Modern Greek (1453-): Ο Gettier ισχυρίστηκε ότι τώρα έχουμε μια περίπτωση αιτιολογημένης αληθής πίστης η οποία δεν είναι γνώση. Όπως επισήμανε, δεν ΓΝΩΡΙΖΕΙΣ κάτι αν απλά σκόνταψες στην σωστή απάντηση. Ευχαριστούμε Φυσαλίδα της Σκέψης, ο φιλοσοφικός κόσμος αναποδογύρισε με αυτή την ιδέα, και οι φιλόσοφοι - αγαπώντας ένα καλό αντεπιχείρημα- άρχισαν να δημιουργούν τις δικές τους υποθέσεις Gettier. Ο Αμερικανός φιλόσοφος Roderick Chisholm πρότεινε αυτή: Κοιτώντας ένα λιβάδι, βλέπεις ένα αντικείμενο που μοιάζει με αρνί, και σχηματίζεις της άποψη ότι "υπάρχει ένα αρνί στο λιβάδι". Αποδεικνύεται ότι το αντικείμενο που βλέπεις είναι στην πραγματικότητα ένα σκυλί. Όμως, υπάρχει ένα αρνί, κρυμμένο από την θέα σου από έναν λόφο. Επομένως, έχεις μια αιτιολογημένη αληθής πίστη, αλλά η αιτιολόγηση της πίστης σου - το αντικείμενο που έβλεπες - δεν είναι ένα αρνί. Απλά έτυχε να έχεις δίκιο. Μόλις καταλάβετε πώς λειτουργεί, είναι αρκετά εύκολο να δημιουργήσετε δικές σας υποθέσεις Gettier. Και πολλού φιλόσοφοι σήμερα πιστεύουν ότι ο Gettier επιτυχώς κατέστρεψε τον "αιτιολογημένη αληθής πίστη" ορισμό της γνώσης. Αλλά ακόμα και αν τα 1960 σας φαίνονται μακρινά, θυμηθείτε: οι φιλόσοφοι είναι στην δουλειά του να έχουν διαλόγους χιλιετιών για πράγματα. Οπότε δεν θα έπρεπε να σας εκπλήσσει το ότι ο φιλοσοφικός διάλογος για αυτό ακόμα διευθετείται. Αλλά αν η γνώση δεν είναι αιτιολογημένη αληθής πίστη τότε... τιιι είναι; Turkish: Böylece Gettier gerekçelendirilmiş doğru inancın bilgi olmadığı bir sorunumuzun olduğunu savundu. Gösterdiği gibi, eğer yanlışlıkla doğru cevaba ulaşırsanız bir şeyi bilmiyorsunuzdur. Teşekkürler Düşünce Balonu, felsefi dünya bu fikirle baş aşağı döndü, ve karşıt örnekleri seven filozoflar kendi Gettier durumlarını oluşturmaya başladılar. Amerikan filozof Roderick Chrisholm şunu önerdi: Bir alana karşıdan bakarken, kuzu gibi görünen bir nesne görüyorsunuz, ve "oradaki alanda bir kuzu" var inancını oluşturuyorsunuz. Gördüğünüz nesnenin aslında bir köpek olduğu ortaya çıkıyor. Yine de, bir tepe aracılığıyla görüş açınızdan gizlenmiş bir kuzu da vardır. Yani, gerekçelendirilmiş doğru inanca sahipsiniz, ancak inancınızın gerekçesi -- gördüğünüz nesne -- bir kuzu değil. Sadece şansınız yaver gitti. Nasıl çalıştığını bir kez anladığınızda, kendi Gettier durumlarınızı üretmek oldukça kolaydır. Ve bugünün çoğu filozofu Gettier'in bilginin "gerekçelendirilmiş doğru inanç" tanımını başarılı bir şekilde yok ettiğini düşünür. Ancak 1960'larda bile, size uzun zaman önceymiş gibi gözükebilir, hatırlayın: filozoflar şeyler hakkında bin yıllık tartışmaların içerisindeydiler. Yani bunun hakkındaki felsefi tartışmanın hala köpürmesi sizi şaşırtmasın. Ama eğer bilgi gerekçelendirilmiş doğru inanç değil ise... nedir? Russian: Геттьер утверждал, что в данном случае мы имеем обоснованное подтверждённое суждение, но не знание. Как он отметил, вы не знаете ничего, если вы просто натолкнулись на правильный ответ. Спасибо "Пузырю Мыслей". Мир философии был перевёрнут сверху вниз благодаря этой идее, и философы, любители хороших контрпримеров, начали придумывать свои "примеры Геттьера" . Американский философ Родерик Чизем предложил следующий. Глядя на поле, вы видите объект, который выглядит как овечка, и вы формируете мнение, что "это овечка в поле". Однако оказывается, что объект, который вы видите, - это собака. Хотя, на поле есть овечка, спрятанная от вашего взгляда за холмом. Итак, у вас есть подтверждённое верное суждение, но обоснование вашего верования, объект, который вы видите, не является собакой. Вам просто повезло оказаться правым. Когда вы понимаете, как это работает, то становится очень легко самостоятельно генерировать "случаи Геттьера". И сейчас, многие философы думают, что Геттьер успешно разрушил "обоснованное верное суждение" в качестве определения знания. Но, даже если 60-ые кажутся вам довольно далёкими, помните, философы находятся в процессе споров о чём угодно тысячелетиями. Поэтому вас не должно удивлять, что философские дебаты по нашей теме всё ещё бушуют. Но, если знание не является "обоснованным верным суждением", то.... чтоооо же это? English: Gettier argued that we now have a case of justified true belief that is not knowledge. As he pointed out, you don’t KNOW something if you simply stumbled into the right answer. Thanks Thought Bubble, the philosophical world was turned upside down by this idea, and philosophers – loving a good counterexample – began generating their own Gettier cases. American philosopher Roderick Chisholm proposed this one: Looking across a field, you see an object that looks like a sheep, and you form the belief that “there is a sheep in the field.” It turns out that the object you see is actually a dog. Yet, there is also a sheep, obscured from your vision by a hill. So, you have a justified true belief, but the justification for your belief -- the object that you saw – is not a sheep. You just lucked into being right. Once you understand how it works, it’s pretty easy to generate Gettier cases of your own. And many philosophers today think that Gettier successfully destroyed the “justified true belief” definition of knowledge. But even though the 1960s might seem long ago to you, remember: philosophers are in the business of having millennia-long debates about stuff. So it shouldn’t surprise you that the philosophical debate about this is still a-raging. But if knowledge is not justified true belief, then…whaaat is it? Estonian: Gettier väitis, et antud olukorras on meil juhtum kus õigustatud tõene uskumus ei ole teadmine. Ja ta väitis et sa ei TEA midagi, kui sa kogemata pakud õige vastuse. Aitäh, Mõttemull! Filosoofiline maailm pöörati selle ideega peapeale ja filosoofid -- kes armastavad häid vastuargumente -- lõid ka oma Gettieri juhtumeid. Ameerika filosoof Roderick Chisholm pakkus välja sellise: Sa vaatad üle nurme ja näed objekti, mis paistab nagu lammas, ning sa moodustad uskumuse "Nurmel on lammas" Aga tuleb välja, et objekt mida sa näed, on tegelikult koer. Aga seal on ka lammas, keda sa ei näe, sest ta jääb künka taha. Sul on õigustatud tõene uskumus, aga õigustus sinu uskumusele -- objekt mida sa nägid -- ei ole lammas. Sul lihtsalt vedas. Kui sa mõistad kuidas see töötab, on üsna lihtne ka ise Gettieri juhtumeid luua. Ja paljud tänapäeva filosoofid usuvad, et Gettier hävitas edukalt teadmise definitsiooni -- õigustatud tõene uskumus. Aga isegi kui 1960. aastate keskpaik oli ammu, siis pea meeles, filosoofidel on kombeks pidada tuhandeid aastaid kestvaid vaidlusi. Seega ei tohiks sind üllatada, et filosoofilised debatid sellel teemal on endiselt tulised. Aga kui teadmine ei ole õigustatud tõene uskumus ... siis mis see on? iw: גטייר טען כי עכשיו יש לנו מקרה של אמונה אמיתית מוצדקת שהיא אינה ידע. כפי שציין, אתה לא יודע משהו אם אתה פשוט מועד לתוך התשובה הנכונה. תודה בועת המחשבה, העולם הפילוסופי התהפך על ידי רעיון זה, ופילוסופים - אוהבים דוגמה נגדית טובה - החלו ליצור מקרי גייטר משלהם. הפילוסוף האמריקאי רודריק צ'יזהולם הציע את זה: במבט על פני שדה, אתה רואה אובייקט שנראה כמו כבשה, ואתה מייצר את האמונה כי "יש כבשה בתחום". מתברר כי האובייקט שאתה רואה הוא בעצם כלב. למרות זאת, יש גם כבשה, הנסתרת מעיניך על ידי גבעה. אז, יש לך אמונה אמיתית מוצדקת, אבל הצדקת האמונה שלך - האובייקט שראית - הוא לא כבשה. אתה פשוט התמזלת להיות צודק. ברגע שאתה מבין איך זה עובד, זה די קל ליצור מקרי גייטר משלך. ורבי פילוסופים היום חושבים שגייטר הצליח להרוס את הגדרת ה"אמונה נכונה מוצדקת" של ידע. אבל למרות ששנות ה -1960 אולי נראים לך לפני הרבה זמן, זכור: פילוסופים נמצאים בעובודות שיש להם ויכוחים ארוכים מלפני אלפי שנים על דברים. אז זה לא אמור להפתיע אותך כי הדיון הפילוסופי על זה עדיין משתולל. אבל אם ידע אינו אמונה אמיתית מוצדקת, אז ... ממממה זה? Dutch: Gettier argumenteerde dat we nu een geval hebben van een gerechtvaardigde ware overtuiging die geen kennis is. Zoals hij aantoonde, je WEET iets niet als je simpelweg toevallig op het correcte antwoord stuit. Bedankt Thought Bubble! De filosofische wereld werd op z'n kop gezet door dit idee, en filosofen - die houden van een goed tegenvoorbeeld - begonnen met hun eigen Gettier gevallen op de proppen te komen. De Amerikaanse filosoof Roderick Chrisholm stelde deze voor: Kijkend over een veld, zie je een object dat eruitziet als een schaap, en je vormt de overtuiging dat "er een schaap in het veld is." Het blijkt uiteindelijk dat het object dat je ziet eigenlijk een hond is. Er is echter ook een schaap, verborgen uit het zicht door een heuvel. Dus, je hebt een gerechtvaardigde ware overtuiging, maar de rechtvaardiging voor je overtuiging - het object dat je zag - is geen schaap. Je had het gewoon met een gelukje bij het rechte eind. Eens je begrijpt hoe het werkt, is het vrij eenvoudig om je eigen Gettier cases uit te vinden. En vele filosofen menen vandaag de dag dat Gettier met succes de "gerechtvaardigde ware overtuiging" definitie van kennis aan diggelen sloeg. Maar zelfs als de jaren '60 misschien lang geleden lijken voor jou, herinner je dat filosofen millenia-lange debatten hebben over dingen. Het zou je dus niet mogen verbazen dat het filosofisch debat hierover nog steeds volop woedt. Maar als kennis niet gerechtvaardigde ware overtuiging is... wat is het dan wel? Modern Greek (1453-): Την επόμενη φορά, θα κοιτάξουμε μια πιθανή απάντηση. Στο μεταξύ, μάθατε για κάποιες έννοιες κλειδιά που χρησιμοποιούμε όταν συζητάμε τα πιστεύω και την γνώση. Μάθατε τι καθορίζει έναν ισχυρισμό και μια δήλωση, και ότι η πίστη είναι ένα είδος δηλωτικής διάθεσης. Μάθαμε επίσης για είδη αιτιολόγησης και τον παραδοσιακό ορισμό της γνώσης, τον οποίο ο Edmund Gettier μπέρδεψε τελείως, χρησιμοποιώντας τις υποθέσεις Gettier. Και η γάτα δεν κατούρησε στο γραφείο μου! Διότι η γάτα ήταν ανίκανη να περάσει χρόνο πάνω στο γραφείο μου. Οπότε αποδεικνύεται ότι ο ισχυρισμός που έκανα ήταν ψευδής. Αλλά είναι ένας αληθής ισχυρισμός ότι το επεισόδιο αυτό χορηγήθηκε από το Squarespace. Το Squarespace σε βοηθά να δημιουργήσεις ιστοσελίδες, μπλογκ και διαδικτυακά καταστήματα για εσένα και τις ιδέες σου. Οι ιστοσελίδες φαίνονται σχεδιασμένες επαγγελματικά άσχετα με το επίπεδο δεξιοτήτων, δεν απαιτείτε προγραμματισμός. Δοκιμάστε το Squarespace στο squarespace.com/crashcourse για μια ειδική προσφορά. Το crash course φιλοσοφίας δημιουργείται σε συνεργασία με τα PBS Digital Studios. Μπορείτε να κατευθυνθείτε στο κανάλι τους για να δείτε καταπληκτικά σόου όπως τα Game/Show, The Chatterbox, και Physics Girl. Αυτό το επεισόδιο Crash Course γυρίστηκε στο Crash Course Studio του Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Italian: La prossima volta, vedremo una possibile risposta. Nel frattempo, hai imparato alcuni concetti chiave che usiamo quando si parliamo di convinzioni e conoscenza. Hai imparato cosa definisce un'asserzione ed una proposizione, e che una convinzione è un tipo di atteggiamento proposizionale. Abbamo anche imparato a conoscere le forme di giustificazione e la definizione tradizionale di conoscenza, che Edmund Gettier ha scombussolato, usando i suoi casi di Gettier. E il gatto non ha fatto pipì sulla mia scrivania! Perché il gatto non è stato in grado di passare alcun tempo sulla mia scrivania. Così salta fuori che l'affermazione che ho fatto era falsa. Ma è una vera affermazione che questo episodio è stato offerto da Squarespace. Squarespace aiuta a creare siti web, blog o negozi in linea per voi e le vostre idee. I siti web sembrano progettati professionalmente indipendentemente dal livello di abilità, senza bisogno di programmare. Prova Squarespace a squarespace.com/crashcourse per un'offerta speciale. Crash Course Philosophy è prodotto in associazione con PBS Digital Studios. Puoi dirigerti verso il loro canale per dare un'occhiata a spettacoli sorprendenti come Game/Show, The Chatterbox, e Physics Girl Questo episodio di Crash Course è stato girato nel Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio Portuguese: Na próxima nós veremos algumas respostas possíveis. Nesse meio tempo, você aprendeu sobre alguns conceitos chave que usamos quando discutimos crenças e conhecimento. Aprendeu o que define uma assertiva e uma proposição, e que crença é um tipo de atitude proposicional. Também aprendemos sobre formas de justificativa e a definição tradicional de conhecimento, o que Edmund Gettier bagunçou bastante com seus Casos Gettier. E o gato não fez xixi na minha mesa! Porque o gato não ficou tempo suficiente na minha mesa. Então a assertiva que eu fiz era falsa. Mas é uma assertiva verdadeira que este episódio é oferecido a você por Squarespace. Squarespace ajuda a criar websites, blogs e lojas online para você e suas ideias. Os sites são desenvolvidos profissionalmente, independente do nível de habilidade, não é necessário saber encodar. Experimente Squarespace em squarespace.com/crashcourse para uma oferta especial. Crash Course Philosophy é produzido em associação com PBS Digital Studios. Você pode dar uma olhada nos canais e ver outros programas incríveis como Game/Show, The Chatterbox and Physics Girl. Este episódio de Crash Course foi filmado no Estúdio Crash Course Dra Cheryl C. Kinney Vietnamese: Lần tới chúng ta sẽ xem xét một đáp án nữa. Vừa rồi, bạn được tìm hiểu về một số khái niệm chính mà chúng ta dùng khi bàn về niềm tin và tri thức. Bạn tìm hiểu về định nghĩa của sự khẳng định và mệnh đề, và niềm tin là một loại thái độ mệnh đề. Chúng ta cũng tìm hiểu về dạng biện hộ và định nghĩa truyền thống của tri thức, cái mà Edmund Gettier hoàn toàn không tán thành bằng cách sử dụng trường hợp Gettier. Và con mèo không tè lên bàn của tôi. Bởi vì con mèo không hề có thời gian nằm trên bàn của tôi nữa. Thế hóa ra khẳng định của tôi là sai. Nhưng khẳng định tập này được tài trợ bởi Squarespace là đúng. Squarespace giúp bạn tạo trang web, blog hoặc của hàng online cho bạn và cho ý tưởng của bạn. Những trang web chuyên nghiệp được tạo ra bất kể trình độ nào, không bắt buộc mã. Hãy ghé thăm Squarespace tại squarespace.com/crashcouse để nhận được những ưu đãi đặc biệt. Crash Course Philosophy được hợp tác sản xuất với PBS Digital Studio. Bạn có thể đến với kênh của họ để xem những chương trình tuyệt vời như Game/Show, The Chatterbox, and Physics Girl Tập này được quay phim ở Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio Estonian: Järgmisel korral me vaatame ühte võimalikku vastust. Aga vahepeal, sa õppisid mõned võtme-terminid mida kasutada, kui arutad uskumusi ja teadmisi. Sa õppisid kuidas defineerida väidet ja propositsiooni ja et uskumus on propositsiooniline hoiak. Samuti me õppisime erinevate õigustamise vormide kohta ja traditsioonilist teadmise definitsiooni, mille Edmund Gettier täielikult lõhkus, kasutades selleks Gettieri juhtumit. Ja kass ei urineerinud mu lauale! Sest kass oi olnud võimeline veetma minu laual märkimisväärset aega. Ja seega tuleb välja ei minu väide on väär. Aga selle episoodi tõesed väited tõi sinuni Squarespace. Scuarespace aitab luua veebilehti, blogisid ja veebi poode sulle ja sinu ideedele. Veebilehed näevad välja professionaalsed, sõltumata sinu oskustest ja programmeerimist ei ole vaja. Proovi Squarespace'i aadressil squarespace.com/crashcourse et sada osa eripakkumisest. Crash Course Filosoofia on todetud koostöös PBS Digital Studios. Sa võid külastada nende kanalit ja vaadata mõnda suurepärast esitlust nagu Game/Show, The Chatterbox ja Physics Girl. See Crash course'i episood filmiti Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio's Dutch: Volgende keer zullen we een mogelijk antwoord bekijken. In de tussentijd heb je enkele van de sleutelconcepten geleerd die we gebruiken wanneer we geloof en kennis bespreken. Je leerde wat een bewering en een propositie definiëren, en dat geloof een soort propositionele attitude is. We hebben ook geleerd over vormen van rechtvaardiging en de traditionele definitie van kennis, die Edmund Gettier totaal aan het wankelen bracht met behulp van zjn Gettier gevallen. En de kat heeft niet op m'n bureau geplast! Want de kat was niet in staat om enige tijd op mijn bureau door te brengen. Blijkt dat de bewering die ik maakte vals was. Het is echter wel een ware bewering dat deze aflevering je aangeboden werd door Squarespace. Squarespace helpt je om websites, blogs of webwinkels te creëren voor jou en je ideeën. Websites zien er professioneel ontworpen uit ongeacht je vaardigheden, geen programmeren vereist. Probeer Squarespace via squarespace.com/crashcourse voor een speciale aanbieding. Crash Course Filosofie wordt geproduceerd in samenwerking met PBS Digital Studios. Je kan een kijkje nemen op hun kanaal voor geweldige shows als Game/Show, The Chatterbox, en Physics Girl. Deze aflevering van Crash Course werd gefilmd in de Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio Russian: В следующем эпизоде мы рассмотрим один из возможных ответов. Между тем, вы узнали несколько концептов, которые мы используем для обсуждения веры и знания. Вы изучили, что такое утверждение и предположение, и, что вера - это всего-лишь вид субъективного суждения. Мы также изучили формы обоснований и традиционное определение знания, которое Эдмун Геттьер полностью разрушил, используя свои примеры. И да, кот не написал на мой стол! Потому что кот не мог провести столько времени на моём столе. Значит моё утверждение насчёт этого оказалось неверным. Но это абсолютно верное утверждение, что этот эпизод был подготовлен для вас при поддержке Squarespace. Squarespace помогает создавать сайты, блоги или онлайн магазины для вас и ваших идей. Веб-сайты выглядят профессионально, в независимости от ваших знаний в программировании. Заходите на https://www.squarespace.com/crashcourse за специальным предложением. "Краткий Курс Философии" произведён совместно с PBS Digital Studios. Вы можете зайти на их канал, чтобы оценить невероятные шоу, такие как Game/Show, The Chatterbox, and Physics Girl. Этот эпизод "Краткого Курса" был отснят в Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course студии Turkish: Bir sonraki sefer, olası bir cevaba bakacağız. Ve bu sırada, inanç ve bilgi hakkında tartışırken bazı ana kavramları öğrendiniz. Bir iddiayı ve önermeyi neyin tanımladığını, ve inancın bir çeşit önermesel tutum olduğunu öğrendiniz. Aynı zamanda gerekçenin biçimlerini ve bilginin geleneksel tanımını öğrendik, ki Edmund Gettier kendi Gettier durumlarını kullanarak alt üst etmişti. Ve kedi masama işemedi! Çünkü tüm bu zaman boyunca masamda zaman geçirmek elinden gelmiyordu. Yani yaptığım iddianın yanlış olduğu ortaya çıktı. Ancak bu bölümün size Squarespace tarafından sağlandığı doğru bir iddia. Squarespace, web sitesi, blog veya çevrimiçi mağaza ve fikirlerinizi üretmek için bir yoldur. Programlama ya da yetenek seviyesi gerektirmeksizin profesyönelce tasarlanmış siteler. squarespace.com/crashcourse sitesinden özel bir teklile deneyebilirsiniz. Crash Course felsefe PBS Digital studios ortaklığıyla üretilir. Onların kanalına gidip Game/Show, The Chatterbox ve Physics Girl. gibi muhteşem şovları inceleyebilirsiniz. Crash Course"un bu bölümü Doktor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio'da çekilmiştir. Spanish: La próxima vez, veremos a una posible respuesta. Mientras tanto aprendiste sobre los conceptos clave que usamos cuando discutimos creencia y conocimiento. Aprendiste que define a una afirmación y a un conocimiento y que la creencia es un tipo de actitud proposicional. También aprendimos sobre formas de justificación y la tradicional definición de conocimiento con la que Gattier totalmente jugó usando los casos de Gettier. ¡Y el gato no meó en mi escritorio! Porque el gato era incapaz de estar más tiempo en mi escritorio. Así que resulta que la afirmación que hice era falsa. Peor es una afirmación falsa que este episodio fue traído a ti por Squarespace. Squarespace te ayuda a crear sitios web, blogs, o tiendas online para ti y tus ideas. Los sitios web se ver diseñados profesionalmente sin importar el nivel de habilidad, no se requiere codificación. Prueba Squarespace en squarespace.com/crashcouse para una oferta especial. Crash Course Filosofía es producido en asociación con PBS Digital Studios. Puedes ir a su canal y ver show increíbles como Game/Show, The Chatterbox, y Physics Girl Este episodio de Crash Couse fue filmado en el Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio iw: בפעם הבאה, נבחן תשובה אפשרית אחת. בינתיים, למדת חלק ממושגי המפתח שאנו משתמשים כאשר דנים על אמונה וידע. למדת מה מגדיר ביטוי טענה והצעה, ואמונה זה סוג של יחס היגדים. אנחנו גם למדנו על צורות של הצדקה ואת ההגדרה המסורתית של ידע, אשר אדמונד גייטר התעסק ושינה לחלוטין, באמצעות מקרי גייטר שלו. והחתול לא השתין על שולחני! כי החתול לא היה מסוגל לבלות זמן על השולחן שלי בכלל. אז מתברר שהקביעה שעשיתי הייתה שקר. אבל קביעה נכונה לפרק זה שהפרק הזה הובא לכם על ידי Squarespace. Squarespace עוזר ליצירת אתרי אינטרנט, בלוגים חנויות באינטרנט בשבילך והרעיונות שלך. אתרים מעוצבים בצורה מקצועית ללא צורך בידע קודם, לא נדרש תכנות. נסה Squarespace ב squarespace {דוט} {קו נטוי} קראש קורס הצעה מיוחדת. קראש קורס פילוסופיה מופקת בשיתוף פעולה עם האולפנים הדיגיטליים של PBS. אתה יכול להיכנס לערוץ שלהם ולבדוק הופעות מדהימות כמו משחק/ הצגה, הפטפטנית, ואת ילדת הפיזיקה פרק זה של קראש קורס צולמה בסטודיו קראש קורס: דוקטור שריל ג קיני English: Next time, we will look at one possible answer. In the meantime, you learned about some of the key concepts we use when discussing belief and knowledge. You learned what defines an assertion and a proposition, and that belief is a kind of propositional attitude. We also learned about forms of justification and the traditional definition of knowledge, which Edmund Gettier just totally messed with, using his Gettier cases. And the cat did not pee on my desk! Because the cat was unable to spend any time at all on my desk. So it turns out the assertion that I made was false. But it is a true assertion that this episode was brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace helps to create websites, blogs or online stores for you and your ideas. Websites look professionally designed regardless of skill level, no coding required. Try Squarespace at squarespace {dot com} {forward slash} crash course for a special offer. Crash Course Philosophy is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios. You can head over to their channel to check out amazing shows like Game/Show, The Chatterbox, and Physics Girl This episode of Crash Course was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio Romanian: Data viitoare vom vedea un posibil răspuns. Între timp, ai învățat despre câteva concepte cheie pe care le vom folosi pentru a vorbi despre convingere și cunoaștere. Ai învățat definiția unei declarații și a unei propoziții logice, și că o convingere este un tip de atitudine propozițională. De asemenea, am învățat despre formele justificării și despre definiția tradițională a cunoașterii, pe care Edmund Gettier a schimbat-o folosind problemele de tip Gottier. Și că pisica nu a făcut pipi pe birou! Asta pentru că pisica nu a putut să stea prea mult timp pe birou, deci declarația pe care am făcut-o a fost falsă. Dar este o declarație adevărată că acest episod ți-a fost oferit de Squarespace. Squarespace te ajută să creezi website-uri, bloguri și magazine online pentru tine și ideile tale. Site-urile arată profesional, indiferent de nivelul abilităților, și fără a fi nevoie de codare. Încearcă Squarespace pe squarespace.com/crashcourse pentru oferte speciale. Crash Course Philosophy este produs prin asociere cu PBS Digital Studios. Poți să arunci un ochi pe canalul lor pentru a vedea show-uri ca Game/Show, The Chatterbox și Physics Girl. Acest episod Crash Course a fost filmat în studioul Crash Course - Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Arabic: في المرة القادمة، سنستعرض أحد الإجابات المحتملة في هذه الأثناء، تعلمت أحد المفاهيم الأساسية التي نستعملها لنناقش الاعتقاد و المعرفة، تعلمت ما يحدد التوكيد و الافتراض، وأن ذلك الاعتقاد هو نوع من السلوك الفرضي، أيضا تعلمنا عن أشكال التبرير و التعريف التقليدي للمعرفة، والذي عبث به إدموند جيتر كليا، باستخدام حالات جيتر الخاصة به والقط لم يتبول على مكتبي، لأنه لم يستطع أن يمضي أي وقت على مكتبي إذن اتضح أن التوكيد الذي قلته كان خاطئًا لكنه توكيد صحيح، هذه الحلقة قدمت لكم من Squarespace سكوير سبيس طريقة لإنشاء المواقع أو مدونة أو متجر إلكتروني لك وأفكارك. مواقع إلكترونية مصممة باحتراف, بغض النظر عن مسوى المهارة, ولا تحتاج للبرمجة. جرب Squarespace تم إنتاج Crash Course Philosophy بالتعاون مع PBS Digital Studios يمكنك التوجه لقناتهم لاستكشاف عروض مدهشة مثل الألعاب والعروض, The Chatterbox و Physics Girl تم تصوير هذه الحلقة في استوديو الدكتور Cheryl C. Kinney French: La prochaine fois, nous verrons une possible réponse. Entretemps, vous avez vu certains des concepts clé qu’on utilise quand on discute des croyances et de la connaissance. Vous avez appris ce qui définit une assertion et une proposition, et que la croyance est un genre d’attitude propositionnelle. On a aussi vu des formes de justification et la définition traditionnelle de la connaissance, ce qu’Edmund Gettier a foutu en l’air, en utilisant ses cas de Gettier. Et le chat n’a pas fait pipi sur mon bureau ! Parce que le chat ne pouvait pas passé de temps sur mon bureau. Il s’avère donc que l’assertion que j’ai faite était fausse. Mais c’est une vraie assertion que cet épisode vous a été présenté par Squarespace. Squarespace aide à créer des sites, des blogs ou des magasins en ligne pour vous et vos idées. Les sites ont un design professionnel quels que soient vos compétences, pas de codage requis. Essayez Squarespace sur squarespace.com/crashcourse pour une offre spéciale. Crash Course Philosophy est produit en association avec les Studios PBS Digital. Vous pouvez aller voir leur chaine pour regarder de fantastiques émissions comme Game/Show, The Chatterbox et Physics Girl. Cet épisode de Crash Course a été filmé dans le studio Crash Course Dr Cheryl C. Kinney Arabic: مع مساعدة كل هؤلاء الأشخاص المذهلين, وفريق التصوير Thought Cafe. Estonian: ning meid aitasid kõik need lahedad inimesed ning meie fantastiline graafika meeskond Thought Cafe. iw: בעזרת האנשים המדהימים וצוות הגרפיקה הפנטסטי שלנו לא פחות הוא טוג' קפה. French: avec l’aide de ces gens fantastiques et notre tout aussi fantastique équipe graphique est Thought Café. Modern Greek (1453-): με την βοήθεια αυτών των καταπληκτικών ανθρώπων και η ισάξια φανταστική ομάδα γραφικών είναι το Thought Cafe. Italian: con l'aiuto di queste persone fantastiche ed il nostro altrettanto fantastico team grafico è Thought Café. Turkish: Bu videoya bu harika insanlar yardımcı olmuşlardır ve grafik ekibimiz Thought Cafe. Portuguese: com ajuda dessas pessoas incríveis e nossos igualmente fantástico time gráfico é Thought Café. Spanish: con la ayuda de esta gente asombrosa y nuestro igualmente fantástico equipo gráfico es Thought Cafe. Dutch: met de hulp van deze geweldige mensen en ons evenzeer fantastisch grafisch team is Thought Cafe. English: with the help of these awesome people and our equally fantastic graphics team is Thought Cafe. Russian: с помощью этих замечательных людей и не менее фантастической графической команды Thought Cafe. Vietnamese: với sự giúp đỡ của những người tuyệt vời và đội đồ họa Thought Cafe của chúng tôi. Romanian: cu ajutorul acestor oameni minunați, iar echipa fantastică de grafică este Thought Cafe.
Hey Meta Junkies. Before we get into this video, I wanted to remind you to like this video, and to subscribe. We are a new channel dedicated to spreading the gaming news in a short, concise format, and it would help us out alot. Thanks. Onto the news: Naughty Dog has officially given a release date to their next outing, Uncharted The Lost Legacy. It features two characters that players of other Uncharted titles should be aware of, and a whole new story and new treasures to find. Not only was a cinematic released as well, but they also dropped over 10 minutes of gameplay footage to boot. The demo opens with our two heroes navigating some treacherous terrain in an Indian jungle. The tools of the trade are all familiar, from swinging on a grappling hook to parkour-style wall-climbing. It the quieter moments, the pair examine their striking surroundings with a keen eye, sleuthing out the best path forward. But it doesn’t take long for the duo to find themselves in a firefight and staring down a tank. The footage was shown at E3, at 60fps for the PS4 Pro, but it can still be played by the normal PS4. It is confirmed to have a runtime of around 3-5 hours. This game was originally meant as a DLC, but as they worked on it they decided to make it feature length. Uncharted The Lost Legacy drops on August 22nd, 2017, at a reasonable price of $40 US or 30 GBP If you purchased the Uncharted 4 Digital Deluxe Edition or the Explorer’s Pack before December 13 will get Lost Legacy as a free download. My thoughts: I have never played an Uncharted game, and this one seems like a good place to start. I watched the trailer, and the gameplay, and it looked like I was watching a movie in game form. I'd love to give it a shot, and at 40 bucks, it's cheap enought to take the risk. What are your thoughts? As usual, please leave them in the comments! And don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel! If you want to play better, watch Juste Meta, thanks for watching! Source - http://www.gamesradar.com/uncharted-4-the-lost-legacy-release-date-trailer-gameplay/
Okay, so this is kind of really hard for me to say because I'm a bit upset about it, but The whole thing with Stephen Hawking's death… Um, Rest In Peace. Brilliant man, obviously. No one is disputing that. But with his death, I am seeing images and comments that are just so extremely ableist and upsetting. I'll show you one here, for example: This image upsets me because it's basically saying "Now that Stephen Hawking is dead, he's free. He's free from his wheelchair, he's free from his disability, he's free from suffering." That is a damaging and dangerous idea, to put it as simply as I can. It wasn't Stephen Hawking's wheelchair that limited him. He was limited physically by his degenerative disability, no one can dispute that, of course. But he was more limited by what people thought he couldn't do now that he was a wheelchair user. He was limited by the universities he went to not being wheelchair accessible, he was limited by people thinking that he couldn't achieve anything now that he was a disabled man. Steven Hawking, first and foremost, was a brilliant mind. He was a genius. He discovered things about black holes, about time and space that most of us still can't fully comprehend. I know I can't! Like, I still don't really understand what it is that he actually discovered… And that's on me, but… To say that now now he's died, to go "Now he's finally free…" It was his wheelchair that set him free! My wheelchair… Sorry… My wheelchair is what gives me freedom. It's how I get through the world. It's… It's what gives me the capacity to have a good quality of life. And… And by seeing images like that, really hurt me. Because it says… Because it says that my life isn't valuable until I die, which… (I'm shaking! I'm shaking because this makes me so emotional, but…) The thing with Stephen Hawking was he achieved so much, and he was a disabled man. He achieved what he did, and he was disabled. It wasn't his disability that stopped him from achieving. It's thoughts about our assistive devices like wheelchairs, like canes, like breathing apparatuses… It's people seeing them as a weakness, as a hindrance that stops society from helping us. That makes people think that "Awh, they're just in pain. That's their problem. I'm gonna ignore it." Rather than going "Oh! These are the things people need to live good lives." If people had more of these things, if people had things like this that worked better, their lives could be even better! And it's this idea of assistive devices as restrictive that stops us from making devices better, that stops us from truly including people with disabilities in our society. Sorry I got so emotional just there, but it's so incredibly, like, a part of who I am. Like, I can't imagine not having my wheelchair. It's my wheelchair that gives me the abilities that I have, essentially. Like, I couldn't go out and get groceries without my wheelchair. I couldn't see my friends, I couldn't exercise. I couldn't do so much… And to think that, when I died, people would try and take that away from me would be awful… I am a wheelchair user. If that makes you sad, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can't help that. Like, be sad. Be uncomfortable. But don't put that on me. Don't think that my life is less than yours, because I use a wheelchair. I'm just using what I got, you know what I mean? I'm just doing the best I can, with what I have. Stephen Hawking had even less than me, physically speaking. But he's done even more, so much more! His achievements are a testament to… The hypocrisy that physical limitation has to limit your life in any way. It doesn't. It's your limited mentality that restricts people! It honestly, honestly is. And I think that if we can get passed this idea that devices are what limits people, I think we could do so much better. For people like me, for ourselves, we can do so much better. We can understand each other so much better if we stop reducing disabled people down to their devices, down to what they can't do, and start accepting that we can achieve. We can do. We can do whatever we want to. But we need help. We need help from our devices, we need help from the people around us. And we need you to understand that that's okay. It's okay! So, I went away to emotionally distance myself and I've come back. Just because I had more to say and I wanted to say it properly… So basically, my point in this video, to sum up, is that Stephen Hawking was not limited by his wheelchair. It was his wheelchair that set him free. That is my point. Assistive devices are what help us, not what hinder us. Please, please, do not keep this rhetoric of Stephen Hawking being set free from his wheelchair going. Because it is severely hurtful and damaging for people like me, who use assistive devices. And consider those when you share things to do with Stephen Hawking's death. Thanks so much for listening, have a great day. Bye!
welcome to another anarchism research group video. in this episode historian Mike Finn talks to us about anarchist influences on education policy and studying history with an anarchist squint. Don't forget to click subscribe and like and share this video. My name is Mike Finn I'm an historian of post-war Britain, contemporary Britain as well. I've worked on a range of different things but probably most recently the stuff that I've been most focused on is looking at the ways in which education policy, the British state and British socialism of all kind of interacted with each other and the ways in which actually increasingly I've been looking at anarchist influences at those intersections and I've got a book coming out in the course of the next year which is called Socialism, Education and Equal Opportunity which focuses on those questions in the context of Anthony Crosland, socialist theorist and politician, and the ways in which he was influenced by anarchist and libertarian ideas and the ways in which that played into some of the policy decisions that he made in relation to education so I think one of the interesting things about when we think about Anarchism and education in Britain is the ways in which it's usually a story that's told at the margins. So it's usually a story that's told about small-scale endeavors often the case with anarchist initiatives, at the margins society free schools, anarchist communist Sunday schools before the First World War drawing on Francisco Ferrer and that sort of thing. What we don't see really in the story about anarchist education in Britain is an investigation about the ways in which libertarian socialist anarchist ideas still played a role in broader educational questions and have more of an impact so what I've looked at what I've tried to look into in two different areas of my work is firstly, the way in which the state relates to higher education and the ways in which that kind of you know can be looked at through an anarchist lens if you like and then this more substantive project that's now coming out as a book looking at the ways in which socialist ideas of a libertarian tinge if you like, of anarchist variety, made an impact on the ways in which people and particularly politicians thought about how to implement secondary education and where the role of the state should be in that: should it be directive should it be coercive who should it be organized around local authorities as it generally was in England and Wales and what the character of that education should look like and I've done that in this particular case through looking Anthony Crosland, the revisionist theorist and the Labour politician who was also the education secretary between '65 and '67. So I've looked at Anthony Crosland in the connection with with these issues because he's somebody we think we know or he's somebody you that the left thinks it knows and the different fractions on the left think they know well. You know he's often discussed as a kind of proto-Blairite figure. The left of the labor movement feel that way about him but also the right of the labor movement who want to appropriate him for that cause and what that's really done is it's really taken away from a real understanding of what his motivations we're and what his influences were and David Goodway in an essay published a couple of years ago made a provocative claim that some of GDH Cole the socialist intellectuals ideas permeated down to Anthony Crosland do them took them on in his political career. So I was already working on Crosland at that point but I was sparked to look at his kind of if you like anarchist lineage through that to try and understand to what extent were his actions and his political thought influenced by by libertarian socialism perhaps more explicitly and I do that in the work that I do through looking at his writing, which was extensive in terms of his book the future of socialism and his wider literature, but also in terms of looking at why it was that he was so interested in comprehensive education right through his career. What was it about that the had libertarian socialist emphases? And I think a clear answer to that in some ways is his attack on hierarchy, his belief that fundamentally hierarchy was antithetical to a socialist society and his egalitarianism was very much one that was focused on essentially a critique of the state and that also plays out ironically in comprehensive education in the ways in which he saw education being organised Well I think, when people think about anarchist approaches to education, generally they think about pedagogy, they think about the way in which anarchist schools are organized. It's not the case the Crosland appropriates those. Crosland is still in favor of classrooms and hierarchical organization as far as that goes he's even in favor of some things that contemporary educationists of a non anarchist variety will be against you know he's generally quite supportive streaming for instance but what he is interested in is the idea, and this comes through in his wider work, he's interested in workers control, which he's consistently interested in, so there's some syndicalist overtones there, and he extends that to teachers and the teaching profession and the idea they should teach in the way they see fit and they should be free from state directive in that regard. So he's in some ways inimical to the ideas of centralization that we see later emerge within the state education sector but his real focus in terms of his libertarian socialist emphases is that he wants to build a community that is able to be free in order to be free and egalitarian he argues that community has to know each other and the big scar on British education or certainly English education after the Second World War is the 11 plus it's the idea that people are segregated at the age of 11 according to supposes intellectual aptitude and he is vehemently against this because he sees this as creating hierarchies a naturalising hierarchies and the two if you like the two biggest emphases I would see is a sort of libertarian socialist frame for him, are his critique of the state which means that he wants to ensure that schools have as much local autonomy as they can and then secondly he he also has this broader critique of hierarchy which we see correspond with a lot of anarchist and libertarian socialist thinkers after the war, which he sees being most liable to attack through the spaces that you can create within the comprehensive school. So in terms of where it actually plays out, the comprehensive school clearly is a state initiative, in that sense it's obviously not an anarchist one, but in Crosland's mind it creates space for libertarianism, it creates space for pupils together to build a new community that's organized on libertarian lines which is not possible in a space where they are segregated. In terms of how anarchists can relate to the state I think actually one of the interesting things here is the extent to which what Crosland does and some of the ideas that Crosland has actually correspond with people like Colin Ward. So if you think about Colin Ward, Colin Ward and education is thinking more in terms of pedagogy and he's thinking more radical interventions in that way, but if you look at Colin Ward's career, Colin Ward's career does acknowledge the existence the state, does interact with it, you know in his career as a town planner, in terms of the discursive interventions he makes to try and shape the agenda in terms of town planning, you know the fact that he writes for New Statesman and New Society on self-help socialism and so on. That parallels Crosland quite closely, recognizing the existence of the state and being prepared to try and if you like make spaces for anarchy, which is very much the Ward project, you know that is something that sometimes has to happen in a context where a state will infringe on them if you don't engage with it in some way shape or form. So I think it does offer us some insights in terms of the ways in which states can be kind of evaluated on the crude materialist criteria of better and worse, you know the state is the enemy but at the end of the day there are better and worse states to live under and Crosland's vision of the much more decentralized state might be one that an anarchist will be relatively more able to sleep at night under. I think it's in the context of Crosland's relationship with the state and his sense of trying to preserve autonomy I think there are lessons to be drawn from that obviously for governments and interestingly one of those lessons which typically has been used by the right as an excuse to not do things in terms of social welfare but actually can be interpreted very differently is to be cautious when using the state machine. So Crosland has sometimes been criticized on the left for not being forthright enough in pushing through the comprehensive education program in 1965 to 1967 but part of the reason he was reticent if you like to use the state machine was his view that actually local government was a good thing, the government close to the people was in general a good thing, that he was a municipalist, which he was, and on that basis he was a reluctant to use the kind of office of the minister that just closed down communities' abilities to make their own decisions. That's something we don't see very often now in central government you know if we take for example if we look at the ways in which central government has operated in relation to fracking for instance, that it's just pretty much ridden roughshod over a lot of communities' objections that there's now, notwithstanding recent discussions of a ban, there's now conversations about the idea that it might be worthwhile introducing legislation to override local authorities' ability to prevent fracking. We can see there's a very different ethos operating in government now so I think that caution about using the state, and blithely using the state, and also Crosland's fear that in doing so you irrevocably change the relationships within people, I think that it does an important lesson which is very much been forgotten both by the left and the right. So I think in terms of an anarchist approach to history one of the things we have to think about is actually this very little history that's been written by anarchists, in terms of academic or professional history at least. And one of the reasons that is fairly obvious and one of the things an academic an anarchist approach can give us I think is an attention to the way in which history is biased in favor of power. So if you go to James Scott's work for instance, if you think about reading the past with an anarchist squint, what it does very clearly I think is show up the state. It shows the state for what it is, in a particular way, because history is a state-centric discipline, you know if you go back to the 19th century the modern historical discipline very much evolved as a way of legitimizing state forms you know it's not a controversial assessment you know in 1724 the British crown established professorships of history Oxford and Cambridge in the 1880s the Regis Professor of history at Cambridge JR Seeley produced a book called The Expansion of England which was very much about trying to glorify here they kind of English state project. So the state and history have always been intertwined with each other, you know in terms of an object and also a discipline of study and I think what anarchist historiography can do or an anarchist approach to history is it can correct for that. Now actually Marxism has done a great deal in bringing into historiography the literature if those that have been driven out the historical record, you know we've seen that with the developments in gender history since the 60s the you know the issues around including race and ethnic minority issues within history you know strong analyses of imperialism as well that have come from Marxism. So we've seen that but I think what anarchism can also give us which is slightly different is when we look at topics that are covered by mainstream history, for example the education system, we can see ways in which the state operates which otherwise lack explanation, or lack plausible explanation. So my first major historical work as a historian was my PhD which looked at the expansion of higher education in Britain in the post-war period and I didn't start that as an anarchist, but was part of the reason I ended up one is because of the ways in which the state on the one hand try to legitimize what I was doing in terms of the language of welfare and the benevolence of the state towards the public, wider population but actually what it was doing in the context of what David Edgerton the historian talks about, who is not an anarchist, it was expanding the warfare states and what it was doing was it was remodeling population for a global economic war, and if you look at that with an anarchist squint what it also does is it problematizes the periods we look at. So when we're activists as well, when we're thinking about trying to resist neoliberalism what if the problem actually trying to resist is more deep-seated than that? So an anarchist reading for example of the development the university since 1945 wouldn't see a Golden Age between 1945 and 1998. What it would says is that the state has always been aggrandizing and has always been expanding its power within universities and that has always at serious consequences to the people within them even as it has at face-value diminished privilege. So I think what anarchism offers us as historians - that's just a case study - what it really does offer us it offers us a much more nuanced reading of power and state power than either Marxism or liberal historiographies. We can both bring into the records directly the histories of the marginalized that have been obscured but what we can also do is we can take a very critical lens to historiographical topics they've already been well investigated and see the state in a way that we you know, that hadn't been available to us previously. So I think the consequences for activism of adopting an anarchist approach to historiography are obviously first and foremost that it does bring in more marginalized voices, provides an ethics of how to relate to people's concerns and a way to behave in radical circles, that's first off, but second off in terms of the actual things we're trying to solve, the actual problems we're trying to address, it contextualizes them more deeply which I think is helpful but also it makes us look and think hard about whether we're aiming at the wrong targets. One of the things that the radical left has done consistently, forever, is make demands on the state. Now anarchists necessarily are skeptical of that, Now, I know that we have to make demands of the state, the state is real and it exists but the critical ways in which we do so need to be evaluated in history can help us to do that, you know if for example you know we want to take a policy, let's take from the current labor policy suite if you like, the National Education Service, on face value many on the Left will find nothing to object to about the idea of enshrining a commitment to education philosophically, on the same level as a commitment to health, but at the same time an anarchist would look at that and say part of the problems that we have in education today are actually because of the expansion of state power not its withdrawal, so what happens if you radically increase the influence of the state within education for supposedly benign reasons but then you end up in a situation where a government which takes a different view than has access to that vehicle? Because it is a natural enough thing particularly for those who are interested in the parliamentary left to make demands on the state but equally state expansion generally for an anarchist is never a good thing, so we need to think carefully about what we do when we're making those sorts of claims and I think history can help us with that I think the first way in which you can start to do a new kind of anarchist historiography is you can involve different kinds of people in it for starters, and that's not just in terms of the stories you tell but also the ways in which you break down your own privilege as an historian so I think as academics sometimes we're a bit shame-faced about the fact that were privileged people, we are privileged people you know, we occupy a particular situation that is socially very privileged. At the same time to do anarchist history effectively, to be able to offer a squint on a whole series of topics, to bring things to life you haven't seen before, you need to essentially facilitate the ability of groups to make their own history and so I think one of the things that anarchist historiography can do is in an accessible way it can write narratives and stories that people can recognize themselves in and can find useful but equally it doesn't just do that from a position of privilege, it goes out to the society and asks you know people to be involved, so co-creation history is an obvious one. Particularly as anarchist activists and academics we shouldn't be seeing a division between ourselves and our professional concerns and those of the wider society, you know, ultimately an anarchist historiography I think prefiguratively should mirror what an anarchist university should look like, which means there should be no boundary between it and a wider society, you know the two should be synonymous with each other, the anarchist university should be a living presence amongst the society and ditto the historiography. That's a long way from where we are so in terms of initial practical building blocks what does that mean? Well it means actually checking your privilege, getting out into communities and getting involved in groups that are developing histories of communities and of marginalized communities and not being privileged in doing so, not not saying you're going out there to tell people how to write history, because you're not, you're going out there to learn how to write history and also use your privilege to facilitate the entree of that history into the broader academic historiography, that's what you're there for. You're not a gate-keeper you're there to smash the gate down. Anarchist history is a problem as much for historians as the anarchist present is, you know if you think about a controversy over Rojava one of the great challenges for anarchists is seeing anarchism when it's actually happening. I think that's a real issue, and if you bear in mind there's no consensus amongst the anarchist community if you like on Rojava then take that back to the past and multiply it because you have anarchists who claim all sorts of non-hierarchical, horizontal organizing practice as anarchism in the past, which can be seen as partisan, and in a sense can then obscure as much as illuminate the reality of the historical past so I think that you know there's not a straightforward division between doing anarchist history and thinking about the anarchist present, I think we have to think about both at the same time because history is a creature of the present that's what it is but I think also if we turn that lens on ourselves and we think about the ways you know as Matthew Adams has said the anarchist canon is constructed and we think about the ways in which actually as anarchists were beholden to a self-mythology I think being critical about our own histories is really important in terms of any opportunity we might have to not just be wedded to what might be seen as dogmatic positions and being able to adapt to events as anarchists in the past, in the 1860s 1870s in the classic period weren't able to do in their own time.
A lot of expert makeup work goes into the Guardians of the Galaxy. Out of all of the characters, nobody's look is more difficult to achieve than that of Nebula, daughter of Thanos and villain turned Avenger. You may recognize actress Karen Gillan, but she definitely looks a little different in the MCU. In order to design Nebula's prosthetics, Guardians of the Galaxy's makeup team began with a full-size sculpted bust of Gillan's head, which was used to properly fit the prosthetics they'd soon be applying to the actress herself. Makeup effects artist David White called the design the "most complex and interesting" of any of the Guardians, and likened it to putting together a 3-D puzzle. Speaking with Business Insider, White said, "The five-piece prosthetic was a puzzle of butt joins and blend offs, all on the same pieces, and the density of the prosthetic changes to accommodate the need to control the amount of prosthetic movement from one piece to another." In other words, the areas of her face where Gillan's expressiveness would have to shine through needed thinner prosthetic pieces than areas for which this wasn't a consideration. The makeup team applied the carefully designed prosthetics to Gillan's head each and every day, after first putting on a latex bald cap, which, especially in the case of the first Guardians movie, was really kind of a formality. Guardians of the Galaxy's version of the Nebula makeup required Gillan to shave her entire head, which she understood would be necessary before accepting the gig. Speaking with Screen Rant shortly before the film's release, Gillan said, "I was told even before I auditioned that the actress who got this would have to shave her head, and I didn't think I was gonna get it. So I was like, 'absolutely, I will shave my head! Sure!' Then, like three screen tests later, [I thought], 'oh God, this might actually happen.'" Gillan famously demonstrated her dedication at San Diego Comic Con in 2013, when the Guardians cast was introduced. She arrived at the event sporting shoulder-length locks, but when an audience member pointed out that Nebula was supposed to be bald, Gillan removed what turned out to be a wig, revealing her completely smooth dome and drawing a raucous response from the crowd. At the time, she called the look "liberating," but admitted later that being bald did take some getting used to. "I found the whole thing hilarious at the time, I was like, 'Ha ha, I'm bald!' And then I woke up in the morning and I was like, 'Oh God, oh God!'" By the time she reprised her role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, her makeup's design had undergone a slight modification. Speaking to The Wrap before the flick's release, Gillan said, "I shaved half of my head this time, but they took away the butt, like, the underneath-half of my hair, and then left the top part. That was the best gift ever." For the first Guardians film, Gillan's stint in the makeup chair each morning was nothing short of grueling. Being Nebula's first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the flick was introducing a character who had a very specific look in the comics, one which the makeup team took extra time to ensure came off looking perfect onscreen. "It takes about five hours to get ready in the mornings, and it's all just kind of prosthetics all over my face and then an intense amount of paint." The process involved delicately putting that five-piece puzzle together on Gillan's face, carefully matching the prosthetics' blue shade with makeup wherever her skin was exposed. Of course, every piece would have to be a perfect fit, including the "cybernetic implant" on the left side of her head. Once the day's shooting was complete, it was another 30 minutes in the makeup chair for everything to be removed, during which Gillan would often serenade her makeup artists. And, the next morning, she'd have to endure the process all over again. By the time Guardians Vol. 2 was ramping up production, the makeup team had gotten their process down to the point where they could essentially cut the amount of time in half, requiring her to sit for only two-and-a-half hours every morning. Once all of the prosthetics are in place, there are several minor touches needed to finish off the look. The parts of her face not covered in latex need to be touched up with blue makeup, which is carefully applied with special swabs. To achieve a delicate shading in these areas, more makeup is layered on with an airbrush. Finally, some fine detail is provided all around using fine brushes and stencils, which are used to give a textured look. A final once-over with the airbrush, some black shading around the eyes, and a set of false eyelashes finishes off Gillan's head and neck. While Gillan's face and head are being worked on, additional artists tend to her hands, which are also painted completely blue. The same texturing stencil is applied to the backs of her hands, and once this is complete, there's the little matter of Nebula's cybernetic arms to consider. As Gillan is made up in blue all the way down past her shoulders, she's fitted with a pair of prosthetic sleeves, the right one featuring Nebula's lovely blue skin tone and "seams" around the shoulder, and the left made to look completely metallic. The right arm also receives the stencil treatment and fine detailing. Gillan is then given a final once-over by the team, and then there's one last piece to the puzzle. As with the rest of Nebula's look, her jet black eyes are also achieved through practical means. According to makeup artist David White, Gillan was fitted with 22-millimeter black contact lenses which cover her entire eye to finish off her daily makeup ordeal. Of course, all of the makeup on Earth wouldn't make a difference if Gillan weren't capable of nailing Nebula's physicality, and, like most Marvel actors, she undergoes a training regimen which requires an insane amount of dedication. "Ugh, this is horrible." In addition to healthy doses of cardio exercises like cycling and running, she took part in martial arts training, and lots of it. Speaking to the crowd at St. Louis Comic Con in 2017, Gillan said, "I had to do fight training every day that I wasn't shooting. They told me that you have to do something six thousand times before it's second nature. I didn't manage to do the routine six thousand times, but we certainly tried." Weightlifting is also a critical part of her routine when preparing to step into Nebula's shoes. The actress told PopSugar: "I had to transform myself, because prior to playing the role, I didn't do any [strength training]." Her routine before and during a shoot consists of three days per week of heavy weight training, interspersed with two days of dedicated fighting and mixed martial arts. It takes a lot of time and expert makeup work to transform a pleasant Scottish actress into a menacing alien warrior, but it's hard to deny that the results are anything short of astounding. Gillan as Nebula is virtually unrecognizable, and according to the actress, that's largely due to the extensive makeup process. Without it, Gillan says, she has a hard time even reading her lines. In one interview, Gillan said, "Essentially, I have the character's skin glued to my face, which is really as close as I could possibly get to her. It's pretty cool. And it's kind of intense and slightly claustrophobic. It's definitely become like part of my ritual, in terms of like getting into character. One time I did a rehearsal without the makeup and I did not feel like her at all. It's become a vital part of the process for me." Check out one of our newest videos right here! Plus, even more Looper videos about the Marvel Cinematic Universe are coming soon. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.
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Natto - Fermentación de granos de soja 300g de soja remojados durante la noche Seco y Remojado poner a hervir al vapor con la olla a presión durante 15 minutos ó, hervir durante 60 minutos con una olla normal utilizar la paja del arroz Las levaduras de fermentación están de forma natural en la paja de arroz Las levaduras de Natto son muy resistentes. Yo utilizo siempre el mismpo recipiente para la fermentación exclusiva del Natto No cierre el recipiente herméticamente ya que los bacterias de Natto necesitan respirar. ponga un paño de tela para que no se sequen los granos fermentar a 40ºC/1041F durante 24 horas en 24 horas hecho :) Cuando la fermentación está terminada huele a amoníaco Ponga en Natto en el frigorifico y el olor a amoníaco desaparecerá Una vez se tenga la paja de arroz es muy fácil hacer el Natto Gracias por visitarme!
(gentle music) - [Narrator] Lesson one: you can't win an argument. Dale has been involved in and observed thousands of arguments. He came to the conclusion that to get the best of an argument, avoid it altogether. Nine times out of 10, an argument ends with each person being more convinced that they're absolutely right. Even if you win an argument, you lose. Why? Well, because you've made the other person feel inferior and hurt their sense of pride. Ask yourself, is it really worth your time and energy trying to win an argument when it will give you nothing but a temporary sense of victory in exchange for making the other person feel like crap? Lesson two: never tell a man he is wrong. Wayne is a woodchopper. Carl is a builder. Wayne specialises in oak wood and Carl in pine wood. One day, Carl ordered some oak wood from Wayne. Upon inspecting the oak wood, Carl was frustrated with its poor quality and wasn't willing to pay for it. But Wayne noticed his quality inspection was too strict and was misinterpreting how to asses the quality of oak wood. He knew Carl was wrong. Now most people would be tempted to say, Carl, mate, you're bloody wrong. But not Wayne. Instead, he began asking questions as to why the oak wood was not of high quality. He emphasised that he was only asking so that he could give Carl exactly what he wanted for future orders. He approached the situation in a friendly and cooperative manner. Eventually, Carl's attitude changed. He soon admitted he was not experienced with oak wood and began asking Wayne questions. He finally understood that it was his fault for making poor judgements about the quality of the wood. Carl ended up happily paying for the wood. Now that's the power of never telling someone they're wrong. Feel free to try this out in your own life. I'm confident you will notice that people respond much more positively to you when you don't tell them they're wrong. Lesson three: ask questions instead of giving orders. It makes people want to cooperate with you. If you want your roommate to help you do the dishes, you will likely get a more positive response if you say: hey Clarence, could you please give me a hand with the dishes? Instead of: hey Clarence, do the dishes with me now. Framing your request as a question rather than a demand makes Clarence feel like he has a choice and therefore will be more responsive to your requests. Lesson four: remember names. Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men in history understood the importance of names. As a child, he had a nest of pet rabbits but no food to feed them. He told the boys in the neighbourhood that if they would go out and get enough dandelions to feed the rabbits, he would name the bunnies in their honour. The plan worked. He used the same principle in business. A man named Pullman and himself were fighting against each other trying to get the sleeping car business to work. During a meeting one evening, Andrew suggested that they merge companies and work together. Pullman listened intently and then asked, what would you call the new company? Andrew responded: why, the Pullman Palace Car Company, of course. Pullman's face brightened and he said: come into my room, let's talk it over. When I first met Amy, she told me her name but I didn't hear her properly. I asked her to say it again. And even a third time during class. The longer you leave it, the more awkward it becomes. You might feel embarassed about asking more than once but realise that people appreciate it when you take the time to learn their name. I remember randomly talking to a man in my class named Tom. Next week I came in and I said: hey Tom, how are you doing? And he said: wow, I'm surprised you remembered my name. And now for the final lesson: talk in terms of others' interests. If there was just one lesson you could take away from this book this would be it. I really struggle to talk to new people. It doesn't matter if we have nothing in common because I talk about their interest. In one of my first conversations with Amy, I asked her a simple question: what do you like to do in your spare time? She said: I listen to music, randomly sing and dance, draw, do artsy stuff, try to keep fit, watch movies and funny TV shows, I read, I cook, I play with my pets and spend time with my family and friends. I followed her up with another simple question. Okay, so what do you read and what do you draw? Amy got excited. After a long outburst of sharing her interests, she said: I'm getting way too excited talking about this. No one ever gets to know me this way so I have this all bottled up. It's so awesome talking about my passions so thanks for listening to me. We get along so well now and have been great friends since. It doesn't matter whether you're talking to your boss, work mates, teachers, friends, family, or strangers. Talk in terms of other people's interests and they'll love you for it. Okay, now let's summarise what we've learned today. You can win an argument. Never tell a man he is wrong. Ask questions instead of giving orders. Remember names. And most importantly, talk in terms of other's interests. Feel free to drop a comment below and subscribe to this channel for more weekly videos like this one. (gentle music)
COLTON OGDEN: Hello world. This is CS50 on Twitch. My name is Colton Ogden, and today I am joined for the first time by-- ANDY CHEN: Andy Chen. Nice to meet y'all. COLTON OGDEN: So Andy here-- tell us a little about what would you do here on campus, which you're involved in. ANDY CHEN: Sure. So I am a master student studying bioinformatics. I'm also a special student in computer science, and I actually work at HarvardX, so if you guys are familiar with the online learning platforms of Harvard, that's one of the offices that has really good resources. COLTON OGDEN: I feel like you-- didn't I-- I met you in the spring, I think. You came to the fair for the Supreme Court. ANDY CHEN: That's right, yeah. COLTON OGDEN: And I think you were talking about something like that, yeah. Pretty exciting. And what are you going to talk about today? ANDY CHEN: Well today we're going to talk about a programming language called R, and one of the things you can do in it which includes biostatistics. COLTON OGDEN: Oh yeah. ANDY CHEN: Cole, you might ask me what is biostatistics? COLTON OGDEN: What is biostatistics? I actually-- ANDY CHEN: So it's really statistics in the field of like biological data. But a lot of people use it in the context of epidemiology, as opposed to more like molecular biology kind of things. And that's actually what we're going to be dealing with today. COLTON OGDEN: That's diagnosing diseases, right? Epidemiology. ANDY CHEN: Epidemiology is sort of the study and the practice of response to the spread of diseases. COLTON OGDEN: Got it, OK. Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: Right. COLTON OGDEN: I clearly don't-- I'm not an expert on biology or biostats. ANDY CHEN: But you will be soon. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, I'm very excited. We have a lot of people in the chat that have joined us, and were talking before we started a little bit in advance. Thank you very much to everybody who's joined. Regulars of ISO TV. There's a new regular, Asley, Newanda33333, belacures, m.kloppenburg, thank you for joining. Let me make sure I didn't miss anybody up above that. Techytack, hello. [INAUDIBLE] and fatma, thank you for joining the regulars and everyone she's saying. Really curious about about this one says m.kloppenburg. This is the first time we've had anything kind of statistics related onstream. ANDY CHEN: Oh, exciting. COLTON OGDEN: Python's obviously a language that's very often used in bio or in stats, generally speaking. But R kind of like the language that people I think, maybe most people associate-- or at least they associate starts with R, and then R also sort of with stats that end with Python, too. I don't know anything about R, so I'm actually very curious to see what it looks like, what the environment looks, what we can do in it. I think we've caught up on all the comments. Everybody's saying hey Andy, nice to meet you Andy, everybody saying, so you got a lot of friends in the chat there. Yeah, so thanks so much everybody. Let's go to your screen here, so we have your screen set up. And why don't you get us started here. ANDY CHEN: Sure, awesome. Thank you very much Colton. Hello everyone, hello friends from all over the world. So R, like Colton was saying, is one of probably two languages that are very popular for statistics or data science kind of things, Python being the other one. Today we're going to be looking at R, which let's go to the website. So bring up a browser if you will. The first thing we're going to be doing is installing the language itself. Now notice that we actually are not going to be working in R, which on Mac OS 10-- well actually I don't know what I'm running, but whatever-- on Mac you have to install R the language itself, which actually I think does have a command line interface. But we're going to be working in R Studio, which is an integrated developing-- developing environment? COLTON OGDEN: Integrated development environment. ANDY CHEN: Development environment, thank you. COLTON OGDEN: It's a mouthful. ANDY CHEN: It's a mouthful. I'll just keep calling ID. COLTON OGDEN: ID. That's why we call it an ID. No one wants to say all those words. ANDY CHEN: But yeah, so we're going to be installing R, which is the language itself, as well as R Studio, which is the IDE in which we'll be working. COLTON OGDEN: What are the links that we can go to, and I can toss them in the chat as well. ANDY CHEN: Great So the first one is going to be www.r-project.org. COLTON OGDEN: OK. ANDY CHEN: The second one is going to be rstudio.com. And the last one-- COLTON OGDEN: The former being the language itself, the latter being the IDE, the R IDE that you're alluding to? ANDY CHEN: Exactly. COLTON OGDEN: OK. And babicnight also in the chat, and Andre Jacob Johnson, and Irenae, thank you very much for joining us, everybody. Well, some more regulars. And babic, to answer your question, not late at all. We just started. We're now tossing in some links into the chat for downloading R and RStudio. So r-project.org and rstudio.com. ANDY CHEN: Thank you. So what we're going to be doing today is working with the M Heinz data set, which is actually kind of difficult to-- it's freely available. It's a US governmental data, but it's actually hard to parse its raw format, so what we have provided today is a .text file, which I've uploaded to this link. I don't-- COLTON OGDEN: We can make a bitly for it. So what is the-- do you want to email me the link, and then I'll toss a bitly into the chat. People can click on it, and then get access to it later on YouTube. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely, yep. And then so while I'm doing that, let's see. Let's get to email. Oh, man [INAUDIBLE] piling up. COLTON OGDEN: If you want I can go and go here, so people can see your personal email. ANDY CHEN: Oh, yeah. Some people like that. COLTON OGDEN: Lots of juicy tidbits in there. Everybody just go ahead and look through Andy's email. Yeah, we'll get to it we'll get a bitly for everybody in the chat, if you want to email that to me. ANDY CHEN: I think it should be sent. COLTON OGDEN: OK, and we refresh. Just one sec, everybody. Sorry for the delay, but this will be a lot better than typing a super long mega upload link. OK, so here I go I got the link. I'm making the link. I'm going to copy it to bitly. If it wants to cooperate. Copy it over to bitly, paste it in there. Get rid of these stupid messages. ANDY CHEN: They're just try to show you love, Cole. COLTON OGDEN: A little bit. Aw, crap. OK. Here, we're good. We got this. And edit bitly, get a a copy. Can customize it? I can't. So we're going to call this bit.ly/biostats_stream. And so that will be how it works. Clear all these messages, save that. It's going to-- I'm going to copy that. I'm going to go to the chat, and I'm going to paste that in. So now if you go to this bitly url. So it's a bit.ly/biostats_stream. And let me-- and Asly says, Andy is such a Hufflepuff with a heart emoji. ANDY CHEN: Thank you. COLTON OGDEN: So bit.ly-- let me make sure this is working-- /biostats_stream. Yep, it works perfectly. ANDY CHEN: Good. And if anybody is curious, go to bit.ly if you want to have a really long url, and you want to shorten it down, you can do that at bit.ly. Bitly, as it's called. COLTON OGDEN: Indeed. OK. ANDY CHEN: I think we have a few comments. Nuwanda333, I am a Hufflepuff. Thank you, I think. I think it's a good thing, right? COLTON OGDEN: I think so. I think the Hufflepuffs are-- I actually don't know what the-- ANDY CHEN: I think they're the catch all. COLTON OGDEN: I think they're the friendly-- like I actually honestly don't know too much about it. ANDY CHEN: OK, well I'll take it. COLTON OGDEN: All I know is that they're friendly. ANDY CHEN: Sure. And then in response to TwitchHelloWorld. So I am doing my masters in bioinformatics. COLTON OGDEN: And did you say you're doing with NCS? ANDY CHEN: I'm a special student in the graduate school of Arts and Sciences, which means I am sort of a visiting student within the university. COLTON OGDEN: Mm. OK got it, got it. Makes sense. Only three megabytes, says faceless voice [INAUDIBLE] surprised. The data set is roughly small. ANDY CHEN: Yay. It's just text. COLTON OGDEN: No big data today. This is small data. Sort of. ANDY CHEN: It's approximately 10,000 entries, if I recall. COLTON OGDEN: That's actually pretty sizable. ANDY CHEN: Actually I think it's exactly 10,000 entries. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, wow. Next we'll find the number. ANDY CHEN: We'll find out. COLTON OGDEN: Forces me to install a stupid Chrome add on. ANDY CHEN: Oh, don't do that. It's so-- actually let me see if I can show what it should look like. Do not install the Chrome add on. It's-- here. So can we-- OK great. So if you hit it once, and it should, da, da, da-- I don't know what's going on. No, no, you don't want this. Do not do this. This is-- OK. I think-- there we go. So you want it actually-- COLTON OGDEN: I guess you got to click on it twice. Just don't install the add on. The upload is a little bit shady. ANDY CHEN: It's a little-- I wouldn't trust it. Those kiwis-- no, I'm just kidding. COLTON OGDEN: Trying to get some ransomware on everyone's computer today. Make a little extra money on the side. ANDY CHEN: That's actually what they pay me for. It's my real job. But all right, let's get back to R. The first link on r-project.org is downloading the language itself. All right, so what we're going to do is under the Getting Started section we're going to go to Download R, this link right here. We're going to click it. And then, so these are-- COLTON OGDEN: We maybe we want to command plus a couple of times, just so we can see a little bit. It's a little small. ANDY CHEN: Let me see if I can-- yeah. Is that better? COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, this should be pretty good I think. ANDY CHEN: Cool. So CRAN is the Comprehensive R Archive Network, which is a bunch of mirrors for where are different distributions of R are stored. And so I'm going to go to one that is closest to me. It doesn't really matter, but what, Massachusetts. Probably CMU. Pennsylvania, I think that's the closest one. Well, if we go back. CMU Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania is pretty closest. COLTON OGDEN: It's probably, it's pretty close. ANDY CHEN: I mean doesn't really matter. COLTON OGDEN: It doesn't matter too much. If you're-- maybe if you're abroad it might make a little bit more of a difference, a download speed difference. But yeah, I choose the mirror most appropriate to you, to your country. We do have a lot of people tuning in from all over the world, which is always super awesome. [? RobertSpiri ?] thank you for joining me. We are doing some biostats in R with Andy Chen. ANDY CHEN: Hello. A newcomer to the stream. And we just got everybody sort of situated with the data set. So if you're not equipped with it yet, you can go to this URL. bit.ly/biostat_stream. ANDY CHEN: That's a great title. COLTON OGDEN: It works. It wasn't taken, thankfully. No one's done a biostat stream. ANDY CHEN: This the first ever. COLTON OGDEN: First ever in history. ANDY CHEN: Wow, I'm into it. I feel like I should like frame this moment, put it over my bed. COLTON OGDEN: I think you should. But let's get back to the R before I get too distracted. So once we've clicked on an appropriate mirror for you, I am going to download R for Mac OS, because that is the operating system I'm running. And then it's-- we are I think 351 should work, but we'll go with an older version, just to be safe. I'm going to do 333. To download that. So on the Mac OS that download at .pkg, which I think actually is like sort of a custom installer. So it's currently downloading, and then once that's done downloading, I'm going to click it. I'm going to double click it. There we go. COLTON OGDEN: Go through all the steps. ANDY CHEN: And then just-- if you want to be particular about it you should feel welcome to. It-- oh, so one thing that is actually very attractive about R in the industry is it is a commercially-- it's a free open source software. So unlike a lot of commercial statistics, some industries that do allow statistics will prefer certain languages like Stata or SaaS, but R is popular in certain industries, and in academia because it's free. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. And hence maybe why it's becomes so popular as of the last few years. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. COLTON OGDEN: Facelessvoice in the chat is saying, what is biostats? ANDY CHEN: Yeah, that's a really good question. So the way that using the term today is referring to applied statistics with biological data. And we talked about this earlier in the stream, that could technically be used in the context of molecular biological data, but today we're actually going to be looking at epidemiological data. Which to reiterate, is the study and the practice of response to disease and its transmission. COLTON OGDEN: OK. Makes sense. Aren't the majority of languages free, says facelessvoice? ANDY CHEN: So Stata and Saas are not free, I don't think. COLTON OGDEN: Like Matlab I think has an expensive license. ANDY CHEN: I think so, yeah. COLTON OGDEN: Most languages are free, I would probably say. I think it's also the environment is usually a big part of it, too. ANDY CHEN: That's true. The environment. COLTON OGDEN: But in the context of bio stats it sounds like-- in the context of statistics it sounds like there are relative to maybe the rest of CS, some languages are environments that are not free. ANDY CHEN: That's-- yeah. COLTON OGDEN: That's kind of why making the case here is important. ANDY CHEN: I think that's absolutely true. And as we'll see and a little bit, I-- this is still installing. Great. We have time to talk. Ooh, no we don't. Statistics is sort of-- the way that you can use R is almost like a giant calculator. Which is different from certain programming languages, which is why it's very popular in certain-- in industry and statistics, because you can just plug it in and plug it out without having to think about like scripts or scary CSE kind of things. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. [? Ahmet Osman ?] says, this is an awesome stream by chance of participating in an MIT hacking medal. Do giving you advice or recommendations? ANDY CHEN: I actually I think I was thinking it apply to that, but I missed the deadline. The last MIT hackathon I went to was a VR/AR AR/VR hackathon? Advice. Are you local? It would be helpful to know if-- do you have any specific questions on what kind of advice you would like? Because if not my first thing is just have a lot of fun and make a lot of friends. And get swag. COLTON OGDEN: Also shout out to the invisible can of seltzer. ANDY CHEN: It's the color of my face. COLTON OGDEN: You can put it in front of your-- actually [INAUDIBLE] because all it does, it shows the background of the grass. Because you're already looking at a green background, but if that was for example like a red background, it would probably be a little bit easier to see that it's invisible. [? Twitch Hello World, ?] is it also applicable to epidemiology in terms of treatment and not just spread? ANDY CHEN: To epidemiology in terms of treatment and not just spread. Hm. I suppose you could probably get some interesting data out of-- well, actually I'll say it this way. I think a lot of epidemiologists will say that the treatment requires understanding the situation, understanding the context, and the only way to do that, or one of the best tools we have to do that, is through statistical analysis. And so treatment-- in the real world epidemiologists have to face sort of issues of, this might be the best medicine, but is it cost effective? Can we get it there in time? There's a lot of logistics involved. And if you have statistical data about how the disease is spreading, where it's spreading, and what actual demographics are being affected, you can make really good logistical and business decisions that will maximize the medical impact that you do have. And so in terms of treatment, not in the development of treatment, but absolutely in the execution and the decision making of what treatment is probably best. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. Biostats is equal to epidemiology plus statistics, definition from [? Vert ?] [? Lu's ?] school. ANDY CHEN: I-- you know what? I like that definition, yeah. I think all definitions need to be a little fluid, because people use them in different ways in different contexts, and they evolve over time. But I like that definition. COLTON OGDEN: Andre, what would you say are the biggest advantages of R over Python? ANDY CHEN: Hmm. I actually am much, much more into Python than I am into R. But the biggest advantage of R over Python? Oh, piping. You can do lots of really cool things with piping, which is like sort of feeding processes. It's kind of hard to explain, but I think we'll talk about it later. And the other thing is, I think R is a little more approachable to people who are-- Python is a little more-- it's actually less abstract, but it's a little more similar to traditional computer science-- like programming language and environments-- to the point where I think a lot people are uncomfortable getting into it. It's like, oh, computer science. Whereas R is very-- the GUI is very much as we'll see-- the GUI for R studio is a pretty familiar environment to at work in. You can just use it like a calculator. COLTON OGDEN: That makes sense. Great. ANDY CHEN: So lets-- I downloaded. Oh, R is installed. So if I check R, it's installed. Great. So, well actually let's open that. So R itself does have a command line environment if you want to work in it by itself. But I don't know where it went. COLTON OGDEN: I think it came up and then instantly-- ANDY CHEN: It died. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. ANDY CHEN: Uh-oh. I hope that's not-- that's not even working. OK well, we'll get to that when we get to that. Let's go to RStudio. All right, so again this is the integrated development environment in which we'll be working with the R language, and to install RStudio we're going to go to this link, which is again rstudio.com, going to choose Download under RStudio. So this is RStudio right here, and we're going to choose this link here, which is Download. All right, and we're going to choose the RStudio that's top open source license, and as Colton was saying earlier, some of the IDE insert languages do cost money to use, and RStudio is a common-- is a popular one because it's also free, sort of. Depending on your usages, as you'll see here. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, it looks like they do have different licenses, different commercial licenses and whatnot. They get pretty expensive. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, $30,000 a year. COLTON OGDEN: That is expensive. ANDY CHEN: That's about how much I dropped my boats every month. I wish. COLTON OGDEN: Making that sweet stats money. ANDY CHEN: Although if you call it data science, slap data science on there, you make a lot of money that way. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, pretty much. ANDY CHEN: All right, so it brings you down to here, and so again I'm running Mac OS. So I'm going to download that. And then this is more of a traditional-- at least I don't know how the distribution is for the other operating systems, but this is more of a traditional Mac type installer. So it's just like, it comes up, and then you drag and drop into your applications folder, and then it bounces an image I think. Once it's done downloading. Great. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, looks good. The DMG? ANDY CHEN: Yeah, DMG, exactly. COLTON OGDEN: If you're on the Windows, there would probably be something somewhere that-- they'll probably have an installer, an MSI that as an application of some Program Files folder. ANDY CHEN: So that's in there. COLTON OGDEN: But then they make it easy, is what it looks like. ANDY CHEN: Right, yes. COLTON OGDEN: Relatively. ANDY CHEN: Oh, I guess I'll check some other way. Ooh, my secrets. COLTON OGDEN: Well your text messages. ANDY CHEN: Uh-oh. COLTON OGDEN: A deep dive in your text history here. ANDY CHEN: Ruh-ro. COLTON OGDEN: OK, [? Ahmet Osman ?] says I'm Egyptian living in Saudi, and they're coming here and I just got the invitation. Actually today after 12 hours going to start. The advice I'd be interested in is, how could the stream benefit me in the context of health care buisness. I'm also an MIT Enterprise forum competitor for 2014, and hell yeah I was a lot of fun. ANDY CHEN: Nice. OK, let's see. [INAUDIBLE] I got the invitation [INAUDIBLE] 12 hours. Oh OK, so it's coming soon. What would be [INAUDIBLE] how this [INAUDIBLE] in context of health care business. This is hacking medicine, right? I think unless you have a very specific niche in mind, a topic or a field that you want to go into in health business, probably the single best thing that you can get out of a hackathon like this is just the network. Right? Spend as much time as you can-- well obviously focus on your project, whatever your hack is. But meet cool people. People come there because they're smart, they're passionate, they're driven. And so there are very few opportunities in life where you can kind of have in like what, 24 hours, meet potentially a hundred people who are really interesting, really smart. And if they don't have specifically what you need, they might later on, or maybe they know someone who can. But unless you-- the other thing is, if you have something you are very specific in, I would look up at the list of sponsors, list of speakers, and try to be very strategic about the resources that are available and the people there are there that you can talk to try to get into whatever in health care business. Or health care business you get into. COLTON OGDEN: Great. Good response. Jack [INAUDIBLE] saying it's inexecutable for Windows, but it download froze at 100 percent. That is unfortunate. I would maybe just try it again, probably. I've had that happen to me on Windows a couple of times. And Chrome. Chrome will say that the download is going, and then when you gets 100 percent it will just kind of chill for a while. But yeah. That would-- for me as well. Let it be. Sometimes you have to wait it out a little bit, and then it'll save the larger files and Chrome into a-- yeah exactly. [? Babbick Night ?] just said it will complete, and then you can install. ANDY CHEN: (SINGING) Let it be, let it be. COLTON OGDEN: Just don't divorce too many ex-wives, that gets expensive says [? Twitch Hello World. ?] ANDY CHEN: Oh, nice. That's good advice, keep it in mind. All right, so speaking of [INAUDIBLE] a few minutes while people catch up, I think. It's-- so I can open this up. So this is what RStudio looks like. COLTON OGDEN: Does it get any bigger by chance? It is a little small. Might be small on the screen. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, I can do that. COLTON OGDEN: Beautiful. ANDY CHEN: Well actually that's real nice. COLTON OGDEN: That's great. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. So RStudio has-- let me actually I don't like this full screen. COLTON OGDEN: You need option plus it'll expand without actually going to full screen mode. Or option, click the plus. ANDY CHEN: Way out here? COLTON OGDEN: The green plus, yeah. Hold Option and click that green plus. ANDY CHEN: Oh. COLTON OGDEN: No, this green one up here. No, yeah, that one. ANDY CHEN: Thank you, that's a good-- that's a good hack to know. COLTON OGDEN: I had the same issue with another application. I forgot what it was, and I wasn't having any of the full screen. Oh, and I forgot to shout out to all of the people to that followed now and before the streams. Let's do that really fast. So we have Notice, and actually it looks like [? Digleen, ?] [INAUDIBLE] [? Conciliated, ?] [? Stadium'91 ?] you [INAUDIBLE].. We have Alaska Ukraine, Newtown kings, savage X factor. Tono A 30, and Kate@00. Thank all of you for following today. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, thanks for coming out. COLTON OGDEN: Quite a good number of people. ANDY CHEN: If I had Thanksgiving leftovers, I would share it, but I ate them all. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, yeah. ANDY CHEN: In my tummy. COLTON OGDEN: You did the right thing. What do we see, we have a blackjack counting card. ANDY CHEN: I don't know what that is. COLTON OGDEN: Steve [INAUDIBLE] sent a blackjack counting cards link and see it looks like high-low. High-low be like the classic phrase. Yeah. Cool. ANDY CHEN: Nice. By Robert Springer. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, Robert Springer. Gotta run. Keep up the good work. Thanks Rob for tuning in. Hopefully catch it on YouTube. We'll see you next time. And good, it sounds like Jack Welch got the download working after all. Yeah, sometimes chrome is weird like that or whatever browser on Windows. It just takes a couple seconds. ANDY CHEN: To finish up. COLTON OGDEN: Not sure why, but, you know. Such is life. ANDY CHEN: Great. OK, so now we've opened up RStudio, which is our integrated development environment in which we'll be working with R. Great, so let's familiarize ourself a little bit with how the actually works. So you actually have your console here, terminal if you want to do some command line stuff. LS, CD. COLTON OGDEN: That's like your actual terminal for Mac versus the console being like within RStudio. ANDY CHEN: Correct, yeah. I think it's-- yeah. It's wait. I forget how command line works. Well anyways, it's there if you want to use it. COLTON OGDEN: Beautiful. ANDY CHEN: And then, so over here this is a sort of-- and I don't know how to describe this little panel here, but this is where all of your values, all your variables will be stored. Not stored, it will be displayed. So you can actually look at them. I'm going to get rid of that, because you're not supposed to be able to see that yet. The environment is empty. And so there's a little broom brushes right here, and we'll let you clear stuff. If for example I had some variables in here that I just cleared, which I just did. Let's say-- COLTON OGDEN: They've abstracted it into a brush? ANDY CHEN: Yeah, it's very-- COLTON OGDEN: Scoop all the garbage out there. ANDY CHEN: It's very high level. It's not machine code, it's human code. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. ANDY CHEN: So let's say that I have a very messy console, right? It's messy, and I clean it. Oh look, it's clean. For those of you who like clean consoles, that's a very nifty-- COLTON OGDEN: Clear consols are nice. ANDY CHEN: Clean consoles are very nice. COLTON OGDEN: Clear and terminal as well, shout out to Clear. ANDY CHEN: Oh, really? Just clear. Oh, dude, I'm getting all the tips, Colton. COLTON OGDEN: We had we had a Linux command stream. Nick? ANDY CHEN: Yeah, Nick. COLTON OGDEN: Right, yeah we had a lot of juicy tidbits in there. I don't know if Clear was one of the things that-- does Python have something similar for the environment window? ANDY CHEN: It depends on what your IDE is. I usually work in Jupiter and notebook, which I think does actually. I just don't know what command is in Jupiter. COLTON OGDEN: I don't work too much in those. I know PyCharm is-- people love PyCharm. I'm not if that has something similar as well? ANDY CHEN: Mm, I'm not sure. COLTON OGDEN: That's getting a lot of popularity in the Python community, if it hasn't already for a long time. ANDY CHEN: Right it's-- I mean that seems like it's a pretty useful thing to be able to do. So I imagine a lot of popular IDE's have that available. Windows defender scanner-- oh. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, yeah. Yeah, good point [? Jacob ?] about the-- or [INAUDIBLE] about the Windows Defender. That would make sense. It just wants to make sure you're not giving everybody viruses. ANDY CHEN: They got me. COLTON OGDEN: Step by step by step, every step of the way. [INAUDIBLE] I'm guessing PyCharm are the ones you talked about. ANDY CHEN: OK. Well actually I think there's a faceless-- no. There's an health interest in patients with learning disabilities and autism. Mm-hmm. That's not my field, but the fact that you have something narrow and specific, that means that you should definitely-- if that's something you want to be working in, look up the list of guests, the list of speakers, list of companies who are supporting, and also maybe if there's a list of other people who are joining, and then try to reach out to them as much as possible. And then brainstorm some ideas. COLTON OGDEN: And [INAUDIBLE],, thank you very much for following. ANDY CHEN: Hi. All right so, this is our studio, and the first thing we're going to be doing is importing the data set. So actually I should probably give a few words on the data set we're working on. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, yeah definitely describe what it is, and the full name of it too. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. So NHANES, is the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is a very long running and I think it's an annual survey that covers actually a lot of different things. But it's a CDC study that happens pretty much every year. There's NHANES one two and three, which cover different things, but if you explore the website-- let's see. About NHANES, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You can have access to what the questions are the way that the interviewers actually got this information from their patients, but so there are a lot of things that you can learn about. So anemia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, environmental exposures, eye diseases, et cetera, et cetera. And yeah. So it's readily available on the CDC website, however the way to actually use the data-- so it's readily available, but the way to actually get into the data is a little bit confusing, which is why we're using a pre-rendered .text, nhanes.text file, because in R-- so the reason it's difficult to parse is, a lot of these data, these files, come out in Sas, which is the language you talked about earlier, in Sas format which we cannot use in R. So that's why we're using this dot text that we have in the mega upload link. COLTON OGDEN: Cool. Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: Sure so-- COLTON OGDEN: Do you have a specific field you're interested in applying to, Andy, says [? Twitch Hello World. ?] ANDY CHEN: Oh, hm. Yeah, that's a really good question. I think-- so the work that I support in the lab that I work in is regenerative biology. And so I suppose I would be interested in going into regenerative medicine as a field. COLTON OGDEN: Like stem cells? ANDY CHEN: Yeah. Exactly. It's part of the Harvard Stem Cell Initiative, or Institute. HSCI. A lot of I's. COLTON OGDEN: Get those limbs grown back. ANDY CHEN: It's absolutely. If you guys are interested, you should look up axolotls, A-X-O-L-O-T-L. These are tiger salamanders and anbystoma salamanders that if you cut their arms off, they go right back. And I think parts of their hearts and their tails and parts of the brain. COLTON OGDEN: Soon to be human DNA. ANDY CHEN: You heard it here. You heard it here first, folks. COLTON OGDEN: That would be pretty cool. ANDY CHEN: All right, so I think. Nice, bro, thanks. I'd definitely like to friend you. How could I get your contacts? I think if you email one of us, or email Cole later on, he can probably put you in touch. Cool. And then [INAUDIBLE] says I opened it, now what. If you tell me-- I'm not sure what you opened, but if you give us a little more information we can probably try to help troubleshoot. COLTON OGDEN: Maybe the R Studio. Maybe they're thinking-- ANDY CHEN: Oh, now what we do. Oh, sorry we got distracted by the comments. Let's finish up some of the comments, then we can get into R. Soon to be on wolverines. True. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, that's true. Then we will-- that's the whole goal, the whole motivation. ANDY CHEN: That's the only reason I'm doing it. Let's be honest. Do you do brain regeneration? I've been helping stroke rehab. Oh, that's really awesome. So I don't personally study any brain regeneration, and actually most of the stuff I do is computational. But there is a lot happening in the field of brain regeneration in zebrafish and axolotls, so there are definitely a lot of faculty professors out there who are studying that. There was a [INAUDIBLE]. OK, cool. [? Heard ?] something on edX and I should have instead ted-- Oh, TED. Well, I got rep edX because they're right above us. OK, so back to the IDE. So this is what the IDE looks like when you open it. So now what we're going to do is we're going to open the NHANES data set, and the way-- there's actually two or three ways to do that, but in terms of the actual interacting with the GUI there's two ways to do that. So the first one is, under this environment pane right here there is the import data set drop down menu. And so we're going to click that and then we're going to import a data set from text, and then base is the second part of that. And so we're going to navigate to where our NHANES is, and so it should come up with an import data set window that looks like this. And then what we're going to do is we're going to do heading, we're going to check yes just to make it pretty. So if you notice this is what it looks like if heading is yes. The actual heading's in the file itself, and here's what looks like if it's no. In which case V1 is not nearly as apt as ID. So we're going to do that. And then we're going to import. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. So there you have it. We actually-- in this window that popped up above our console and terminal, we actually have the data itself visualized in the IDE. COLTON OGDEN: It's effectively sort of turned into Excel. ANDY CHEN: Essentially, yeah. It's a spreadsheet inside of your IDE, which is one of the reasons why R-- well RStudio's popular is you can work your statistics and have access to the spreadsheet that you're working with. Which I think you can probably do in certain R-- or Python IDEs, but most are not I don't think designed to do that. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: So let's actually take a walk through the NHANES data set, and just check out what's inside. So IDE is the idea of the patient. That's not super interesting to us, but-- so we have a survey year. So I think all of these might be 2009, 2010. Yeah, because these are-- it's NHANES is an annual survey, or roughly an annual survey. I think it's to us and time that I might be wrong. We also have gender. Well probably a more apt term in usage common parlance today would be sex, the physical sex of an individual. Age and then bracketed into age decade, which we'll talk about why they did that. We're going to talk about a little bit about the kinds of variables that people use in statistics, because that determines what kind of statistical tests you will run those on when you're trying to figure things out from the analysis. Age months, race, education level, whether or not they're married, their income. So there's a lot of socioeconomics in it, too. Even like the number of rooms in your house. It's kind of an interesting data point to have. Whether they're working, their weights. So socioeconomics, physical characteristics, BMI. So we're getting a little bit more towards some health characteristics, some disease statuses. Sati? Statuses? COLTON OGDEN: I think statuses is-- ANDY CHEN: Statuses? COLTON OGDEN: I think if we're doing official Latin it would be statiae, but I think that statuses. ANDY CHEN: Oh, is this supposed to be in Latin? I think I didn't get the memo. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, the rest of it's going to have to be in Latin. Sorry. ANDY CHEN: Pulse, et cetera. There's actually a lot. So there are-- we'll see exactly-- well actually right here there are 10,000 entries, it says. But I'll also be showing you a line that will tell you how many rows there are. Blood pressure, systolic, diastolic. Testosterone levels, direct cholesterol, the volume of your urine, something I always want to know of course. Diabetes, the days with bad mental health, depression, number of pregnancies, babies, alcohol consumption. There's a lot. So the what I'm trying to say is, NHANES is a not comprehensive, but is a very, very wide breath data set that you can actually-- if you're interested in learning about parsing this data to look if there are any trends that you want to learn about, it's a really good data set to start with. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. Looks like there's a lot of fields in there. ANDY CHEN: A lot of fields-- marijuana, age of first marijuana. COLTON OGDEN: Definitely, the more information you have is more useful obviously, than having less information. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. That's what all data scientists will tell you. Hard drugs? Yes please! That's for the consumption of have you ever consumed hard drugs, I imagine. And then some sexual activity. And yeah. So that's all the different things we have here. So this is the enhanced data set. So that's one of the ways to import it. Let's clean this out right let's say that we're starting over. COLTON OGDEN: Asa had a good question. She said the first three IDs are the same. Was the same patient tested thrice on different occasions? ANDY CHEN: Ooh, that's a really good question. Well, let's open it again first. The other way to do it is File, Import Data Set from Text Base. Great. And again, we want to check heading. All right. That's a really good question. It looks like it's repeated. So if you look at actually all the other data, it is exactly the same. So like for example, the number of rooms is 6, 6, and 6. 9, not working. I think this-- yeah. So the first individual-- COLTON OGDEN: It's the same ID too. So maybe you would put this-- like, you would sort of make a set of the data where every idea is different. ANDY CHEN: Right. So that's probably really good idea. There appears to have been a replication error here. COLTON OGDEN: And asking it's actual people's data, right? L-o-l. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, no, this is publicly available. It's off the CDC website. COLTON OGDEN: I heard that China created genetically modified babies recently. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, like yesterday. They talked about like, two days ago, one of the scientists had someone CRISPR, which is a gene editing technique. One of the, I think, probably like, T cell receptors for an HIV virus out of a-- they CRISPRed it out of a baby's genome so that they don't have there-- So the way that HIV works is it-- the immunologists might get on me, but it's a virus that attacks one of the cells that's critical for it to the human immune system. My understanding of what happened with that China baby case is the father had HIV or AIDS. And then so the scientist CRISPRed, which is a gene editing [? talent, ?] CRISPRed the gene for one of the cell receptors out of the genome so that the baby's immune system cells can actually-- the HIV has no way of getting inside the cell. COLTON OGDEN: Interesting. They have to do that when the baby is like practically like, just after being a zygote. Because otherwise you'd have edit-- ANDY CHEN: A trillion, like, a billion cells. COLTON OGDEN: So they do it when it's just impregnate-- or the woman is just impregnated probably. ANDY CHEN: That's probably very, very early on. Actually, I have no idea how they did it in humans. I don't if it was in the woman herself, or if it was more like a test tube baby situation. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, that would make sense. That would make sense. That would be easier. In vitro probably would be really difficult. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, it probably would be. Well, I don't know. I don't [INAUDIBLE]. COLTON OGDEN: Like, for the woman, I feel like it could be difficult to be constant operated on. If there was like, repeated follow up. ANDY CHEN: Right. Plus like, there was like, sort of health questions about-- I don't know how you would isolate the baby specifically inside of-- COLTON OGDEN: It would be rough. ANDY CHEN: That actually brings up a good point. That's one of the reasons why gene therapies are sort of questionable, is because like, they generally work on the scale of single cells. And so if you're trying to do provide gene therapy for an adult, that's a lot of cells that the retrovirus [INAUDIBLE].. COLTON OGDEN: If I were a scientist working in that, I have no obviously, information about that or context. But I would imagine it'd be easier just to start from the very beginning and get just the sperm and the egg, and then manipulate those cells. And then those cells would then replicate. And then the therapy that we've provided to the original cell would then propagate to the other cells. ANDY CHEN: Exactly, yeah. COLTON OGDEN: But I'm no expert. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. That's how that would work. It's much easier if you start earlier on. Anyways, I think we have some question. Gattaca becoming real? Gattaca is becoming real. It's true. COLTON OGDEN: I actually don't know what that is. ANDY CHEN: It's a Battlestar Galactica. It's a SyFy series. I think there's like very similar to human robots that are-- or something. The gattacas I think, are the-- I mean, I might be getting this wrong. I've never seen it. Enhance is a dot text. COLTON OGDEN: Do we need to hook you up with a power supply probably? ANDY CHEN: 58%? I think I'm OK for now. But I do have one in my pack in case I need to get it at some point. COLTON OGDEN: OK. If you want to continue, we're probably running low on battery. You can keep going and then just give me your power supply, and I'll plug it in for you right now. ANDY CHEN: Sure. It's in my blue bag in the main folded under the jacket. Cool. So now that we have opened [INAUDIBLE] and we can sort of look through the data here, let's just use R as a calculator. Because that is one of the reasons it's popular, RStudio is popular is because it's easy to use. It doesn't look exactly like you're coding hard core. It's easy for-- ooh-- COLTON OGDEN: What happened? ANDY CHEN: It's a black screen. COLTON OGDEN: Did your computer go to sleep? ANDY CHEN: No, I don't think so. Well, there we go. Thank you so much. COLTON OGDEN: [INAUDIBLE] I believe. ANDY CHEN: Teamwork makes the dream work. Very nice. COLTON OGDEN: I'm not sure why your screen went black. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, I'm not sure. Maybe it just hate me. COLTON OGDEN: That's probably it. I think you figured it out. ANDY CHEN: You can use like, a giant calculator. For instance, Colton, off the top of your head, what is the product of 933 times 186? COLTON OGDEN: If I got that right, that would be amazing. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. Do it, do it, do it. COLTON OGDEN: 900 times 100 would be-- what would that-- That would be 90,000. So I'm guessing like, 126,000 something. ANDY CHEN: Give me some random digits in there. COLTON OGDEN: 1, 2, 6-- 1, 2, 6, 1, 4, 4? ANDY CHEN: 1, 2, 6, 1, 4, 4. I mean, in the same order of magnitude, 170,538. COLTON OGDEN: I'm terrible at that kind of math. ANDY CHEN: So I actually sometimes I use R for my homework for my problem sets because if I don't have a pen or paper, I can like, put it in here. I can remember it. So we're doing this in console. Should I do this in a script? What do you think? COLTON OGDEN: You do what-- you multiply 16 by 16. [INTERPOSING VOICES] ANDY CHEN: Can you do it Colton? Hold on. Block the screen. Block the screen. COLTON OGDEN: Is at 100 and-- wait. No, no it's not 196. What is it? Because what's 16 times 6? What's 10 times 6? [INAUDIBLE] So what? 60 plus 96? Would it be 254? ANDY CHEN: 256, dog. You're close. You're close. I did it off the top of my head. COLTON OGDEN: I got-- clearly. Yeah. So in the console, we can actually run R commands here. But we can also actually-- New Script-- we can run it as a script in the folder up here. So as you notice on the screen, we just open up a new thing right here, a new R script. And so if you want to do 16 times 16-- and we so we wrote it. And then we run it, it'll print 16 times 16 down here in your console. COLTON OGDEN: So it's kind of like Python in that you can execute line by line exact script. ANDY CHEN: And I think that's because it's interpreted, not because it gets compiled. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, that makes sense. ANDY CHEN: So for instance, I do my homework here sometimes. So let's say like, a product is 82 times 93. Later on, I'll be like, oh I want to actually know 40 times the product. So I'll be like, oh I don't know, but I can do 40 times product and then run it. I'll have to run from the top. So one thing that you should know about the script is you have to write it from the top. It is not stored in local memory. It needs to run before it happens. If you are used to using Jupyter Notebook, it's really similar to that. So we run. We stored 8,293 into a variable called product. And so product is now in memory, which is we talked about it before here where our local variables are. Or I guess-- in the context of this, [INAUDIBLE].. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, just your environment. So whatever your current-- ANDY CHEN: Things. I don't know if you would call it a global local variable. COLTON OGDEN: There's like, a frame. I think it's called a frame. And it basically just whatever all the-- it's global environment. So I imagine it's got its own global variables in this context? ANDY CHEN: I think so. Yeah, that would make sense. Let's go with that. So let's say that later on my homework, like, oh! Now I need to take 40 times product. I don't remember what product was, but hey, it's stored here. So I can get one product. It's 305,040. Who knew? R did. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. R has got the hookup. ANDY CHEN: I got the hookup. COLTON OGDEN: And thanks to Twitch Hello World saying I'm a good sport, [INAUDIBLE] for saying Colton is super smart, though. He just can't multiply. And I'm actually disappointed, because now I realize that we did ask, though, 16 by 16 in the chat. I feel like it's something a programmer should know, just off of their head now. 16 times 16, because 256, right? I feel like that's something that I have to have that memorized. ANDY CHEN: I definitely would not be able to do that yet. COLTON OGDEN: Corrugated Drop, thank you very much for following. We're doing live mental multiplication on stream. It's great. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. All right. So let's see. So let's oh actually-- so the third way to load data set is as follows. In your script or in your console-- because they are sort of functionally a [INAUDIBLE] in the sense that what other commands you write in console you can also do in scripts. The difference is scripts, you can run over and over. It's being stored as like, as a program, as a script. So the other way that we can load a data set is I'm just going to make a variable called NHANES. And I'm going to store it as read.dlim. And then whenever the location of my data set, which is as follows, if I do that, then what has actually been done is I've stored NHANES in a variable called NHANES. So let's try that again. Let's say that my look environment is empty. If I run this command-- whoops. It does not like that. That should work. I wonder why it's not working. It's a period here. That should be a-- COLTON OGDEN: And it should be Downloads, right? ANDY CHEN: Ooh, good catch. Maybe? Yeah, there we go! And so it pops up. Thank you, Colton. COLTON OGDEN: I try, you know. That's what friends are for. ANDY CHEN: Teamwork. Teamwork brought to you by teamwork, the official drink of teamwork. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, exactly. ANDY CHEN: So as you'll notice, the NHANES data site pops up on your right, right here. So that's the third way to import a data set. So now that we have our data set here, let's-- and so earlier, I was mentioning on how it might be useful to know how big your data set is. And so one of the really easy ways to do that is there's a command called NRow. If we call NRow, and then pass in NHANES as its argument, when the return's done-- so I've saved it. I keep forgetting. Now we have to actually run it. In our console it returns NRow is called. NHANES is passed in as the argument. And it returns 10,000. COLTON OGDEN: So it just basically show for number of rows? ANDY CHEN: Number of rows. Yeah. So it's a very good-- if you forget like, how big your thing is, it's a very useful command for that. COLTON OGDEN: Cool. Great ANDY CHEN: All right, so Colton, you were talking earlier about making a subset of data that would be interesting. So I suggest that today. And not a suggestion. This is the only way we're going to do it, because it's the only thing I have notes for. Let's make a subset of the data for just pediatric patients. So conceivably, can you think of a situation where I would like to know a certain data from the NHANES population, but I only care about knowing it and in children? COLTON OGDEN: Check for age? So check for age is less than 18? ANDY CHEN: Yeah, exactly. So the way we do that-- whoops. We're going to go back into our script. We're going to take a new variable called NHANES pediatric. And then say we're going to call a subset, which is a function that subsets a data set into a new data set. And then it's going to take in the original NHANES as an argument. And then we're going to give it these parameters where the age-- so what this line is doing is we're making a new variable called NHANES pediatric. We're going to call subset and passed in NHANES original data set as the n argument with the caveat that we only want entries rows individuals whose age, which let me open NHANES here-- it's actually a column here-- and age were here-- the value of it is equal to or less than 18. And so that makes someone a pediatric. COLTON OGDEN: OK, makes sense. ANDY CHEN: So let's run it. And oh look! Right here popped up a new data set in our global environment. And so we have successfully substituted the NHANES data set to the point where we're only looking at pediatric individuals. COLTON OGDEN: And then Faceless Voice is saying could you remove the duplicate IDs? Do you know off hand how to do that? Is there a set [INAUDIBLE] off of a key? ANDY CHEN: You know, there's a way to do it, but I-- let's think about it. OK, so. We could run that again. So where ID is 5, 1 is not equal to-- I wonder of that'll work. It'll get rid of the original. COLTON OGDEN: It'll get rid of all of just the 5, 1, 6, 2, 4's, but that won't actually make it a set. I'm curious if there's like, an R set function. That would be pretty handy. Sets. Make set with order. There's a lot of documentation. Let me see. R set on key. I feel like that would be-- there's so many function called like, set key. What's the purpose of setting a key in data.table? ANDY CHEN: Every time I do a deep dive into the docs, I die a little bit. COLTON OGDEN: How to perform a cumulative sum of the unique IDs only. ANDY CHEN: So Twitch Hello World, is this similar to Excel? There are a lot of things that you could do in Excel that you can do in R. But there are arguably more things you can do in R than you can do an Excel. R is a-- some people call it a statistical language, because it's very useful to perform-- it's very easy and useful for statistical analysis. But a lot of things you can do in Excel, but R is more powerful in the sense that it's more low level, and you can implement your own functions. Although you can do that with macros in Excel. But I think it's more powerful, it's more low level. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah they wanted to figure out how to get rid of all the duplicate ideas. Yeah, if you don't know the function offhand, we can maybe forge ahead and then-- it looks like it's somewhat hard to-- oh, maybe the unique functions [INAUDIBLE] is saying? R unique function. Oh, OK. So what Unique will do is it will actually just get rid of all duplicate rows, which I think will work for R use case. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, I think it does. Yeah. COLTON OGDEN: So just call yeah, I guess, unique first. You'd be like, NHANES unique, because you probably want to do it after the-- or I guess you want to on that. Yeah, that works. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, either way, I think it's would probably be OK. OK admitted [INAUDIBLE]. Let's look at how many rows there are. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, but you probably want to assign it to a variable too, right? ANDY CHEN: Yes. Into itself, you think? COLTON OGDEN: Sure, yeah. ANDY CHEN: So let's run that. Cool. OK. So let's actually-- COLTON OGDEN: So then you can print n rows on NHANES pediatric and then before you do the function, yeah. ANDY CHEN: And then that will tell us how many individuals. So we should see at least three fewer. COLTON OGDEN: So thanks Bella, for tossing that in the chat. Magus 503 says it also duplicated. So I guess that will give us how many are the same? ANDY CHEN: Are the same? That's a good one to know. Thank you. COLTON OGDEN: It looks like it's printing out for some reason. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. But that's because I haven't saved it to a variable. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, I see. Gotcha. ANDY CHEN: So if we did not call unique, then what happens is we have 2,628 entries. And if we do end up calling it, we have 2,246 entries. COLTON OGDEN: OK, nice. So there's 400 duplicates. ANDY CHEN: That's quite a lot. COLTON OGDEN: Duplicates. ANDY CHEN: Duplicitous. What does duplicitous mean? COLTON OGDEN: Good question. I actually don't know. ANDY CHEN: Like serendipitous? COLTON OGDEN: We can-- we can use the good old dictionary app. Duplicitous, deceitful. ANDY CHEN: Oh really? Oh! Oh, that makes sense. COLTON OGDEN: Treacherous, duplicitous. ANDY CHEN: Treacherous! COLTON OGDEN: The Vocabulary stream as well. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, we're learning lots of things today. Great. So now we have made a subset with unique individuals. Very nice. OK. COLTON OGDEN: And we did it live. We figured it out live, even better. Even better. Thanks to the Twitch stream for shouting it out for us. They got our back. They always got our back. ANDY CHEN: We always got your back. Oh actually, so this is interesting. In statistics in general, if you have a data set and you have information that is what you think erroneous, or it's absent-- like, for instance, let's say you have an individual who didn't give an age or a gender or a BMI et cetera, you have to consider is there a reason for why that data was omitted. Because there might be an underlying factor there and that is actually causing that data to be admitted. That's just something that you have to be considerate of when you're performing biostatistical analysis. So for instance, let's say that-- so the sum function is interesting. It's going to count how many times the argument occurs. And I'm going to say is .na, which is saying the thing is not a thing. It's confusing, but I'll explain it in a minute. Let's look at NHANES pediatric. And then we use a dollar sign, which is to parse into and say hey, which variable are we looking at? I think most of these are going to be not empty. So blood pressure systolic av. That's some kind of blood pressure thing. So my guess is that there's going to be some empties here, but let's run it. Yep. So sum is it counts how many things happen of the thing that's inside. And what we put inside is, is .na. And what this is saying is like, the thing itself, if it is absent, na, like not applicable. And then what is not applicable? In the data set NHANES pediatric, specifically for BP sys av. So what that means if we're going to visualize it, is it goes into this NHANES data set. It goes into the variable called-- what do we do? Is this [? b sys av ?] or something? COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, it's one of those ones that's kind of abbreviated. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Oh, no, you had BP sys av. ANDY CHEN: BP sys av. Oh, thank you. This one. So some of these have entries in them. But you'll notice that, for instance this one has an na in it. It doesn't have anything. So what I was alluding to earlier is in statistics in general, you should consider why your data set might have an empty there. Just because it's empty doesn't mean that you should admit it, because there might be a very interesting reason and underlying factor for why it's being admitted. We're not going to consider that too much today. But if you go further on into doing biostatistics or statistics in general, you definitely need to put thought into why you're omitting data if you decide to omit. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. Osire18 says I'm a biochemist out sick from work. Thank you cssatv for some [INAUDIBLE]. ANDY CHEN: Welcome back to the-- so the world of bio stuff. You can't escape it. I hope you feel better. So this line in line 11 is it's counting up each of these rows. So one, two, each of these individuals, this person, this person, this person, this person. And it's saying in its data set for the variable BP sys av, does it say na in it? If so, add to sum. And then so when we've called it, it returns 1,022. So in our particular data set, our subset of data set for pediatric patients or individuals, 1,022 of them have an empty in them. Interesting. I don't know why, but the reason why might actually be important. So something to think about. COLTON OGDEN: And it look like they used the dollars sign kind of Excel syntax there too. ANDY CHEN: Oh, is that Excel syntax? COLTON OGDEN: They have like dollar sign for like, the row. ANDY CHEN: Oh, that's right. Yeah, that's right. COLTON OGDEN: And so that kind of reminds me of. It's nice that you can index into this the sheet like that. ANDY CHEN: That's the word to use. Index, yeah. COLTON OGDEN: Fancy CS words here, you know. Indexing. ANDY CHEN: My life is zero indexed. COLTON OGDEN: There you go. ANDY CHEN: How many people are in this room? COLTON OGDEN: Uh, yeah, one. ANDY CHEN: Very nice. OK. So let's actually do some interesting things. So I suggest that we not look at BPS sys av, because as enthralling as BPS sys av might be, I think it might be easier to look at some more tangible data, some more tangible variables. So let's look at age, because it's easy to understand what age is. Let's also look at gender, or as it's saved in gender. But what we would probably call sex in common parlance-- and BMI. So let's run all of those. OK. So none of the patients have age missing. Great. Zero patients here. And then gender, none of the-- I should say individuals, not patients necessarily. None of the individuals are missing gender. So each of the individuals in the study have an assigned or provided or were assigned a gender. COLTON OGDEN: Because it's like, a mandatory field probably for the survey. ANDY CHEN: Exactly. Right. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Because I could I could see how blood pressure might not be the easiest thing to get from a baby. And so that is probably would be easy to leave blank, which is what we were talking about before. Is there a reason that this is blank? Maybe it's because it's a baby. Maybe most babies are difficult to get blood pressures from, in which case that's an interesting fact of itself. But gender and age are pretty straightforward to get. And the last thing we're going to look at is BMI, which, is everyone familiar? Should I talk about BMI do you think? COLTON OGDEN: Does it pertain to the-- ANDY CHEN: What we're going to do. COLTON OGDEN: If it does, then sure. ANDY CHEN: It's body mass index, I think. It's just it's a measure of someone's health in terms of if they're obese or skinny or overweight. It's not super accurate, but it's been historically used. And so that's what we're going to be looking at. It ranges from a scale I think, 0 to like, 60 or something. But just think about it as a continuous range. That's the most important thing to think about. COLTON OGDEN: It's the percentage of adipose tissue to non-adipose tissue in the body. ANDY CHEN: Oh, is that what it is? COLTON OGDEN: Is it? Body mass index. ANDY CHEN: So I think it's actually more accurate than what it is. I think it's just a proportion. You take the ratio of your height to your weight, and then assigns you some index value. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, you're right. It's the ratio mass versus height. I thought it was a ratio of adipose to non-adipose. ANDY CHEN: That's really specific. COLTON OGDEN: That would be very hard to calculate super easily. So yeah. I guess weight to height makes more sense. So that's easier to calculate. And [INAUDIBLE] saying 38 plus 2 is that we're referring to the people in the chat room. No, it was a joke Andy was making about in this physical room, there is one-- because get it? Because zero and then one is two in zero indexed. ANDY CHEN: In computer science, most languages are zero indexed, which means they start counting at zero. So you wouldn't say one two people. There's zero one persons. Let's see, what else? It's giving me error in unique NHAMES. So, it's not NHAMES-- NHANES with an N. Maybe that's your error. But not sure. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, that would makes sense. ANDY CHEN: I think that's probably what that is. Should we assign the data to NHANES [INAUDIBLE] line first? I don't know which line they're talking about. COLTON OGDEN: I think [INAUDIBLE] is responding to [? Babbick. ?] ANDY CHEN: Oh. Ah! COLTON OGDEN: And [INAUDIBLE] is also responding to them. I think [? Babbick ?] may have missed the line where you load the data set. Do you want to bring that back up? Just [INAUDIBLE] that line? ANDY CHEN: This one? COLTON OGDEN: The very first line where the very first data set gets loaded using the read.delim function. ANDY CHEN: Right here, yeah. COLTON OGDEN: And then we're assigning that into a variable called NHANES. ANDY CHEN: Correct. That's right. COLTON OGDEN: And then Steve is asking what R packages are you using? ANDY CHEN: So we've actually loaded none so far. But we will be using ggplot2 in a little bit to visualize some data. That's probably the most common data visualization package in R. COLTON OGDEN: Are you able to check if there are other columns that have the same sum as BPS have? ANDY CHEN: I can conceive we think of writing a script that can do that. If you are interested in that, I might not be very efficient, but the thing that comes off the top of my head is to have a for loop to run that for each of the variables there are, and then to store in some kind of data structure, and then see if there are similar. If you do it in the equivalent of a dictionary, then you would just take the ones that are the same, and then you would take the key and do whatever the key is in it. What's the delim thing? The delim thing is actually just the syntax for loading a data set. So if I were to actually import data set and do this whole step from the beginning. It would do the same thing here but I've just manually done it through a command. Great. So the interesting thing here is some of our pediatric individuals, 275 of them actually don't have a BMI. So that's interesting. But again, we're just sort of going to ignore that for the purposes of this demonstration. But in real life, you should think about is there a reason for why these BMIs are empty, because that could actually be an interesting underlying reason. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: Before we go too much further into R, we should have a conversation about the kinds of variables in statistics. So what is different between a variable called gender and BMI in terms of what the possible answers could be? COLTON OGDEN: Gender, in this model where we're going based on biological sex, and it's basically zero or one, it's almost like a Boolean, but in this case, it's just a very limited set of options. ANDY CHEN: That's exactly right. COLTON OGDEN: And then whereas the BMI would be a floating point value that could range between 0 and some-- basically, they handle different ranges of potential values. ANDY CHEN: Of potential value. That's exactly right. COLTON OGDEN: In this case actually, one is a different type of data. One's a floating point value versus the other one is an enum. ANDY CHEN: Very nice. The answer I was looking for, which is more of the statistical approach to it, is male versus female are the possible answers for gender, as it's used in this data set. Male and female are the only two possible answers, which means that it, like a Boolean, which can be true or false, it's either this or that. There's a name for this kind of variable in statistics. And it's called a dichotomous variable or a binary variable. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: And so that's related to something else called a categorical variable, which is sort of like, what color is this chair? COLTON OGDEN: So that would be an enum, categorical variable. In programming. Like red, blue, yellow, green from a limited set of options. ANDY CHEN: Enum-- So those are categorical variables. These are things that don't have numbers in them per se. But BMI, because it is a range of any possible value between 0 and whatever infinity-- actually, I don't think BMIs go up that well, but it's a range of BMIs-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yeah, go get on the treadmill or something. I'm approaching that after Thanksgiving. And so the contrast there is right. These are two very distinct kinds of variables. One of them is number based, and one of them is sort of categorical. And so the way that you perform statistical analysis on these variables depends on what kind of variables they are. And so today if we have time, we'll talk about a few different kinds of situations where the dependent and independent variables are categorical or numerical. And then we'll talk about the different techniques that we can use to analyze that if we have time. COLTON OGDEN: What's the Dlim thing? ANDY CHEN: Theoretically and practically, does R handle and unlimited amount of info in a data set? I think it's a lot lower usage, like, processor intensive than Excel is. So it's probably exponentially better at handling data than Excel. But unlimited, no, because you'll overflow. --two versus a lot. OK. BMI of space objects. I like it. Very nice. So the first thing we're going to look at in our particular essence is gender is a binary or dichotomous variable. And we want to compare that against a continuous numerical variable like BMI. And so the right tool to use in this particular instance, the resonance of a tool is probably two separate populations, male and female, and then suddenly medical quantity. The first test that comes to my mind in statistics is probably a T test, which is a comparison of means. And so there are certain requirements, sort of assumptions that using a T test requires. We're not going to talk about them today, but if you're interested in statistics, it's important to think about whether to use a parametric test or a non-parametric test, parametric being usually stronger, but having stronger requirements. At the basis of the law of statistics is the assumption that data lies on some kind of naturally occurring distribution. A lot of times it's a double or a Gaussian distribution, like a bell curve. Statistics is really looking at what is the likelihood of good data I'm seeing being true, like, occurring, given that the background distribution in reality is probably something like this. And so-- I lost track of where we are. Oh, T tests! So we're going to use a T test to compare gender and BMI. And so the next step here is let's check to see if there are any non-answers in our pediatric data set for BMI. So we actually did check that. So if you want check on the opposite direction, this is-- remember that is.na is saying it doesn't exist but exclamation point is.na is it does exist. So let's put these two together, run that and run that. So we have 275 individuals that don't have BMI and 1,971 individuals that do have BMI. So if we sum those together-- 25 plus 1,971. What it returns to 2,246. And as we saw earlier above, that is exactly how many individuals we have. So we're just double checking to make sure that everything is good. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: And so the next thing we want to do is-- let's make a table. So R is more useful than Excel arguably, because it's very easy to make visualizations, although they're a little bit more confusing to make. So like in Excel, let's say you want to make a table comparing what is the average for males and what's the average for females? You can do it, but you have to go insert plot, and you have to choose the data et cetera. And in R it can be very powerful, because it's just one line to do that. And so the way you would do that is Table. And then you would pass in as an argument the data that you're looking at, which is, yeah-- and then we're going to look at on the basis of gender, exclude equals false here is a parameter that is saying if there are any empties, then show that there empties that exist. And so it turns out there are 1,087 females and 1,159 males in your data set. There's nothing here to the right because there are no empties. But if we choose BMI-- which there are empties-- and we have this exclude equals false argument, what it's going to show-- ooh. That's not what you want. Oh. The reason this is happening is because BMI is not a binary variable. Table, you should probably only use with binaries. Anyways, h? No, h definitely is full too. COLTON OGDEN: Well, you're doing it off of pediatric data though. So you do have at least 1 to 18. So it's visible on one line. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, that's true. So this is actually interesting too. So the way to interpret this graph here is how many entries are for an individual at least 1-year-old, 2-years-old, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, up to 18. Because it's again, it's pediatric data. There are 121 individuals who are less than one year of age and 93 who are exactly 18 years old. And so table is a very strong command that it lets you do that in just one line, whereas to do that in Excel would be a few more steps. COLTON OGDEN: I like how easy it is to sort of lay the data out that way. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. And so I think some people were asking earlier is this Excel or like, what are the advantage of this over Excel? Is it can be very powerful. It can be very fast. Just one line like this, and this would take you probably at least 10 times as long I think, in Excel. Maybe if you were really good, like, a little faster. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah I'm not that great. So it would probably take me long. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, me neither. COLTON OGDEN: Steve [INAUDIBLE],, is there a way to handle such data in C? Theoretically unlimited data sets? The way that I would imagine would be just stream the data, and then replace the same memory with that data. Because you really have a finite amount of memory where you can store information. So if your goal is to parse information-- the same sort of information-- you're going to want to basically have a chunk of memory that you write to, do some zero operation on that, and then replenish it with new information. And it's similar to what you see in games with object pools and stuff where you use the same objects over and over again. Because if you spawn an infinite object, you'd run out of memory. So that's kind of the same idea. You would keep a limited chunk of memory that you populate with the data that you want. And then you just overwrite that data as you get new input from your stream, basically. We're going to do a stream next week on C, lower C with Nick. So maybe we can cover something similar to that. And Bounty Hunter Ridley, thank you very much for following. ANDY CHEN: So this is the syntax for doing the subset from the regular NHANES into the NHANES pediatric. All right. So the next step is let's actually do some interesting stuff. So you're going to load our first package. And so we call library function. And ggplots2 is the package we want to run actually, we have to install that first. So install that packages ggplot2. [INTERPOSING VOICES] COLTON OGDEN: -with the actual script too? Like, you're not doing anything necessarily in advance. You can just call and install the packages? ANDY CHEN: Exactly. COLTON OGDEN: There's probably a way to do that in Python as well. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, I think you can. COLTON OGDEN: --had an occasion to do it. And Osire, thank you for following. You posted the chat earlier. ANDY CHEN: So we're just installing the ggplot2 package, which is-- COLTON OGDEN: It's a lot of stuff. ANDY CHEN: It's a lot of stuff. COLTON OGDEN: It's always fun. It's always fun going through like, if you've ever installed a node package or whatever, NPM, and go through like, all the same packages. Because they all have like, a million subpackages. But to go through and see what all the different individuals subpackages are. Sometimes you have to do that if you have to debug an old NPM project that has a deprecated function or something, you'll have to do that sometimes. And it can be kind of a pain. ANDY CHEN: That sounds like a lot. COLTON OGDEN: It's fascinating going through and sort of digging your way-- sort of following the trail of crumbs back like, as low as you can get in node, which admittedly, is high level. ANDY CHEN: No, it's cool. It's cool, to quote David, looking under the hood to see what's happening there. It's still installing n. It's a lot. COLTON OGDEN: It would be so cool if we deduced the cure for a disease in the streams [INAUDIBLE]. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, Colton, you got that? [INAUDIBLE] COLTON OGDEN: So no. I don't even know how we would begin to do that. We might have to call in the chat for that one. ANDY CHEN: I think that's on you guys. COLTON OGDEN: Call in the ringers. ANDY CHEN: And girls. COLTON OGDEN: Hello Colton. Welcome to the new [INAUDIBLE]. Actually our souls are synchronized working on data set, but on C# project. What are you doing, guys? Just [INAUDIBLE] just genius. Thanks, Goson, for popping in. Welcome to the new-- welcome to Andy, the new friend ANDY CHEN: Hang low, hang loose. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, that's cool. That's cool that you're doing data stuff in C# as well. Data is just popular in so many environments right now. R and Python are the environments that you typically associate with stats, I feel like. At least the ones that I hear about. But I'm sure that people do it everyday in everything. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, like assembly. COLTON OGDEN: That would be terrible. ANDY CHEN: That would be disgusting. [INTERPOSING VOICES] COLTON OGDEN: I would not want to mess with that. It would be fast, but I would not want to mess with that. ANDY CHEN: It will be very fast. I mean, C's probably fast. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, C is fast. Could you talk more about variables while we wait? ANDY CHEN: Yeah, absolutely. So there are many, many, many subcategories and categories of variables. But in my mind, I distinguish between categorical, which are things that don't have numbers, and continuous variables, which are things that do have numbers. Although you can sometimes have categorical with numbers, in which case-- a common example of that is what's called a dummy variable, which is like, sometimes statistics languages aren't super smart in that you can't just tell it hey, compare this and this. It needs to know, hey, you need to compare one and two. And so people will sometimes plug in like male is one and female is two. And so you make "dummy variables" like that. But really, the distinction between variables is, is this a thing that like, exists in like, a natural number line, or is it really categories? And are you comparing categories to categories? Are you comparing numbers to numbers? Are you comparing numbers to categories? And depending on what you're actually doing, that dictates what kind of statistical test you want to use. And so what I was going to say, right now what we're-- I'm a little concerned. This doesn't usually take this long. COLTON OGDEN: You're downloading the entire-- ANDY CHEN: Oh God. COLTON OGDEN: --R database. ANDY CHEN: Uh! Anyways, well we'll see where that goes. In this particular instance we want to compare gender, which is a category, it's a binary category actually. So it's a it's a dichotomous variable of two populations, males and females, and a quantitative, a numerical variable of each. So BMI is a number. the average might be like, 15. The average for males might be 15. The average for females might be 16. And then what you're doing in a T test is a comparison of two means. And what it's doing is it's sort of like it's consulting the normal distribution and seeing how likely is the difference between these two numbers? How likely is that difference to actually exist along that normal distribution and so in statistics commonly, we will use things called alphas, which are sort of correlated with statistical power. But these are numbers arbitrarily chosen that we use as cutoffs for like hey, this is likely to happen. So we'll say it's statistically significant. And this is something that has to be done first. You have to state your alpha before yes, you do your test. Let's say my alpha is 0.05-- is a very common alpha, 0.05. What that actually means is in a normal distribution, the area of the curve-- so it looks like this-- the area of the curve that a value actually exists is 5% of the total area of the curve. In other words, that's approximately two standard deviations from a mean. And so we're using a T test, which is a specific instance of a statistical test that has the specific function-- at least the way I'm using it-- of comparing means between two populations. And let's say you have more than two populations, you would use something called an ANOVA, analysis of variance. Is that right? I think that's right. So you use something called an ANOVA, which is analysis of variance, which is another statistical test that compares the averages of multiple populations. So let's say I wasn't comparing males and females. I was comparing elderly, infants, and children. That's three categories. What is the average for elderly. What is the average for children? What is the average for infants and I'm looking at the statistical significance, seeing if there is a statistical significance between the means for each of these three categories, these three populations. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: And so depending on what your actual data that you're looking at, what the variables you're looking at are, that dictates which tests you should use. COLTON OGDEN: [INAUDIBLE],, thank you very much for following. Elias in the chat, thank you for joining. He says hello. Andy are just practices 10x future speech. I was thinking FedEx, kappa. ANDY CHEN: Hey, FedEx. I like it. COLTON OGDEN: I like the table. Do you save it? Especially helpful tables, do you have it set aside somewhere? ANDY CHEN: Which table? COLTON OGDEN: I think just in general, just as a principle, do you ever save tables that you-- ANDY CHEN: Oh! That was a question. So I think you actually can do that. So right here in this environment panel-- you can't see it-- but right here where I'm circling, you'll select your data set. So I'm in NHANES now. And I think you can actually save it and export. So we'll save it as nhanes.text. Save. Ooh. COLTON OGDEN: Required.table. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. OK. Well I guess it saves it in R format. But if you open a desktop, yeah, I guess there's an R data set of n hanes. once I don't open that here. Save. Let's open. [INAUDIBLE] In my desktop. NHANES R.data, yes. I don't know where that loaded. [INTERPOSING VOICES] COLTON OGDEN: [INAUDIBLE] talking about like, the table function that you called as well? ANDY CHEN: Oh! You can absolutely save that as a variable. So I apologize. I think I misunderstood. COLTON OGDEN: That's all right. ANDY CHEN: Thank you. So table, if I run it like this, is just going to provide it here. But let's say I want to save that later. Table saved is a variable name that we will run that as. And then now it's saved as tables saved. And if you want to see it, you just run it again. [INTERPOSING VOICES] COLTON OGDEN: Shout out. David's actually in the chat saying hey, thanks for tuning in with Colton, Andy. Looks like everybody beat us to it. But shout outs the David. Thanks for joining us, for popping in. Did we miss other comments up there? Beverly's asking are we going to do confidence intervals? ANDY CHEN: Ah, confidence intervals. So that's actually very closely related to some of the summary statistics we'll talk about a little bit. I think for the purposes of this stream, confidence intervals, the way I think about it in the context of a T test is it's your mean plus or minus if it's a 95% percent confidence interval. It's the sample mean plus or minus two of the sample standard deviations in your sort of curve. And what it is, is it's a measure of how likely the sample mean that you got from your data is actually your population mean. And so one of the whole point of statistics is it's virtually impossible for most scenarios to know the actual summary statistic, for example, a mean of a population. And so the way that we try to approximate that is by taking samples, which is what NHANES is an example of. I don't know what the average age of all individuals in the United States is. I think that would be 330 million surveys. COLTON OGDEN: People to measure, yeah. That would be tough. I'm not sure-- ANDY CHEN: That would be very tough. COLTON OGDEN: I mean, I think the census may have that information. ANDY CHEN: That's true. The census might. But well, let's say for all of this, seven billion humans on the planet. COLTON OGDEN: That would be tough. ANDY CHEN: That would be very difficult. And so what statisticians do is they take a sample, which is like, a representative sample, which is to say that it actually sample sufficiently from all the different demographics that you're trying to actually analyze. And in probability in statistics, we have this idea of distributions, which is to say that whenever we perform samples-- or this is actually true for any events that happen-- we kind of assume that the likelihood of seeing a particular outcome, whether that's an average age of 15 or 16 or 17 or 69, you sort of assume that that number occurs on a distribution. And the one that we normally think of is a normal distribution or a Gaussian distribution. And it's a bell curve, which is to say that in general, most of your real events, your real samples are going to occur somewhere close to the middle where it actually is. And so that's sort of like the backbone of this kind of statistics. And I think earlier we were talking about probability, or the 95% confidence interval. The idea of a 95% confidence interval is it's trying to say what is the likelihood that the sample you got the, summary statistics you got from your sample, is actually capturing the actual summary statistic of your population. COLTON OGDEN: More data probably helps in that regard. ANDY CHEN: More data does help. Although depending on what kind of which statistician you ask-- COLTON OGDEN: And you have to make sure that you're sampling correctly too. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. It needs to be representative. There are many assumptions in statistics. And so today I was going to talk about all the assumptions, just how to do it in R. But most of the tests I'm talking about are parametric test, which means they have a lot of requirements. A lot of assumptions that have to be met before you can actually use these tests so remember, we said we assumed that data follow some kind of distribution. That's not always a safe assumption. And there's something called the central limit theorem, which is this idea that in general, if your sample size is like, 30 or more, it's very likely to follow. You can assume that it follows a normal distribution. COLTON OGDEN: Enrique 8923, thank you very much for joining. Looks like I think it did finish installing. ANDY CHEN: I think it did, yes. COLTON OGDEN: GGplot2? ANDY CHEN: Ggplot2. [INTERPOSING VOICES] COLTON OGDEN: I think it installed more than two. ANDY CHEN: Ggplot3, am I right? Am I right? All right. So let's see if we can actually do some visualization stuff. COLTON OGDEN: The ggplot2, it's meant to make graphs, those sort of things? ANDY CHEN: Correct. COLTON OGDEN: Is gg short for graphing something? ANDY CHEN: I think one of the g's is grammar, graphing grammar, I think, plot? And the two is it's the second iteration of the package. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. Makes sense. Sample of data should be diverse says [? Babbick Night. ?] Big data does not equal good data, says [INAUDIBLE]. ANDY CHEN: That's true. It needs to be representative, absolutely. For instance, let's say I take a sample that's only in the city of Pittsburgh. I cannot say that whatever my findings are, are applicable to the United States in general. But if it were representative, if it were diverse-- if I took 30 people from Seattle, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Denver, Houston, then you could make the argument that it is representative, and whatever your findings are can be extrapolated too. COLTON OGDEN: That would be representative of urban environments, but not necessarily more rural environments. That's like, outskirted or remote cities or towns. So that would be something even more to take into consideration. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely true, yeah. COLTON OGDEN: I have seen lots of errors and inaccurate info in health care files and hardships in those patients getting these corrected, though they should be able to. This is an issue that comes up as awareness among biostaticians. I think it's unfortunate [INAUDIBLE] might come to conclusive results based on such. ANDY CHEN: That's a really good question. I actually don't work in industry. But from what I hear from colleagues who do or who have themselves heard about it, EMR, EHR, which are Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Health Records, one of the issues with them in their implementation in the United States health care system is that they're relatively new. We're in a state of transition from written to electronic health records. And part of the difficulties of that transition are getting health care providers to actually use the system correctly in that manner. And that it responds to is an issue and something that comes amongst biostaticians? I think that a good biostatitican is absolutely aware of those things. And he or she tries his or her best to ameliorate and work with the data as much as they can. Or if they come up with some kind of conclusion that they put the caveat, given the limited data, or like, this data can only be extrapolated to whatever that limited representation happens to be. COLTON OGDEN: Makes sense. JL97 finally caught the stream. Thank you for joining us today. Very nice. ANDY CHEN: OK. So ggplot loaded. So an example of a plot that ggplot can make is a histogram. This is actually going to take me a while to type out, because ggplot2 is very powerful, but it's not my favorite. It requires a lot of typing. COLTON OGDEN: A verbose library? ANDY CHEN: It's very, very verbose, correct. COLTON OGDEN: So I get that sense from like, map plot lib as well. ANDY CHEN: Map plot lib is like that too. Although map plot lib is more understandable to me. Like, for example, geom, like geometry? But you know, it could be so many things. COLTON OGDEN: Geometric something or other. ANDY CHEN: But it could be so many things. And this, in a sense is telling me what I should want, a histogram. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, that is interesting. I'm not sure. You would think it'd be something like style. ANDY CHEN: You would think, yeah. But I don't know. Maybe I'm just not used to it. But-- COLTON OGDEN: [? Babbick ?] said, "This reminded me of 6,002x." I'm not sure what that is. Do you know that is? ANDY CHEN: 6,002x? Uh-uh. COLTON OGDEN: I'm not sure what that is, [? Babbick. ?] ANDY CHEN: Oh, 6002. Is that an MIT class? COLTON OGDEN: Oh, 6002x? Yeah, that might be. ANDY CHEN: The online version of it. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. ANDY CHEN: That's, course, 6 is electrical and electrical engineering, computer science. I don't know 6002 though. COLTON OGDEN: That would make sense. We can we can use the Google machine. 6002x course, maybe? Circuits and electronics? Is what it is? MIT 6 point-- yeah, it's circuits and electronics. ANDY CHEN: Cool. COLTON OGDEN: Interesting. ANDY CHEN: 2 plot. Oh, OK. So once you get started we have to call the library. COLTON OGDEN: Ah, interesting. ANDY CHEN: There we go. COLTON OGDEN: OK. Oh, it's like requiring it. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. COLTON OGDEN: Got it. Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: Let's run it. OK. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, nice. ANDY CHEN: We have a graph. COLTON OGDEN: And you have like a dedicated browser to see-- ANDY CHEN: This little guy right here. COLTON OGDEN: --on the right side there, we're a little bit-- I can hide us briefly. It's going to break everyone's heart but-- we don't have a fancy transition off of that either. ANDY CHEN: Oh, are we gone? That's OK. The world doesn't need to see our pretty faces. COLTON OGDEN: What would we do with out Google says [INAUDIBLE]?? ANDY CHEN: Yahoo? Although, I would hate to see the world where we have to use Yahoo, or Bing, god forbid. COLTON OGDEN: "The results being significant is dependent on your alpha. If you're setting your own alpha wouldn't that make it very easy to manipulate the results into being significant, or not significant?" ANDY CHEN: Great question. So, yes. In a lot of scientific fields, psychology, especially I think, is pretty susceptible to this. From what I've been told. I'm not-- I don't have-- just from my friends who are in that field. Yes. Essentially, the way the statistics works is it assumes that there is an underlying distribution for sampling events. That like if you flip a coin 1,000 times there is some distribution that it's going to show up in. Like there will be 500 heads, 500 tails. That's a binomial distribution. I forget, that might be a Bernoulli distribution. But the assumption is that in nature there are some kinds of distributions that actually exist. If you perform some kind of event so many times it will follow a general pattern. The more you perform, the smoother the pattern will be. And so a lot of the kind of statistics that we're doing today is we're assuming they follow a normal, or a Gaussian distribution. And so, yes, you're absolutely right. The alpha that we set is arbitrary. So if you think about it in that terms, let's say, simplistically, one journal only publishes articles that are very just only t-tests, like a single t-test. If our alpha is .05, that means that 5% of the time, or 1 in every 20 of these articles, one of your answers is going to be incorrect. It's going to be-- you think it's statistically significant, but it's actually happening 1 out of every 20 times. So yes, statistics is like that. It's we're assuming a lot about the natural world that it follow certain rules, certain distributions of events. And we're applying statistics to them to sort of quantify the likelihood of something being true, or not true. But that's statistics. COLTON OGDEN: [INAUDIBLE] is saying, "I was promoting the stream to a Columbia professor, and he said, R was for statistics, and Python for DNA comparison." ANDY CHEN: Yeah, actually, I would agree with that to some degree. I do most of my bioinformatics work in Python. Although, Professor Rafael Irizarry, who is a Bion for Mass professor at the T.H. Chan School, the Harvard School of Public Health. He does a lot of his work, I think, in R. So you can conceivably do either in either. COLTON OGDEN: The saying is, different strokes for different folks Right? ANDY CHEN: That's true. Different strokes for different folks. COLTON OGDEN: I just realized that this chat is a little small. Because I had to shrink it down yesterday. Let's make it a little bit bigger. There we go. ANDY CHEN: Cool. Cool. COLTON OGDEN: That looks nicer. ANDY CHEN: It does look nice. And so do you. COLTON OGDEN: Thank you. I appreciate that. You look amazing. Look at you. ANDY CHEN: Ah. OK. So we've made a plot. And so, the one thing that's interesting about-- so we're assuming-- this is actually an interesting plot because we were talking about Gaussian plots earlier, very normal distributed. This is not a very normal plot. That might be OK, depending on what we want to do with this data. But I want to talk about some characteristics. It's very piqued, in a term in statistics to use plots that are-- so let's say a normal plot looks like this. If it looks like this, like a very large peak, we call that leptokurtic. And if it's very flat-- if it looks like-- so let's say this is a normal curve, if it looks like, boop, just like that-- we call that platikurtic. And this also is-- it gets like sort of narrow on the right side. Let me see if you can't see my head. Oh, dude. What are these? We call that right skew. COLTON OGDEN: What I should do is just, whoop. ANDY CHEN: Oh, look at that. COLTON OGDEN: And then just gives us a little shrink. We did this on the first stream, actually. ANDY CHEN: Shrinking boys. COLTON OGDEN: Use a little shrink down. ANDY CHEN: A little shrinking shrink. COLTON OGDEN: I gave it a little shrink down. ANDY CHEN: I'm into it. COLTON OGDEN: Something like that. ANDY CHEN: I just got really small. Yeah. So this is a right skewed curve, excuse me. And if the tail were on the other side, it would be a left skew. And so these are just terms to describe the shape of a distribution. COLTON OGDEN: OK. Makes sense. ANDY CHEN: Oh, a histogram. We should definitely explain that. I apologize. A histogram is a certain kind of chart, a certain kind of diagram, that shows exactly like-- is that [? Babbick? ?] [? Babbick ?] is saying-- COLTON OGDEN: [INAUDIBLE]. ANDY CHEN: Is it the frequency? Yeah. [? Babbick ?] is saying, it's showing the frequency for a certain thing. So it's actually-- it's sort of uni-dimensional. It's not like a regular plot that has a x and y-axis, where an x is an independent variable, and a y is a dependent variable. A histogram only has an x, in the sense that, the only thing that's like data is the x-- it's the BMI. And then the y-axis is showing frequency-- the number of times that this particular value occurs. So for instance, a BMI between 0 and, this looks like it might be 15, occurs maybe 240 times. Whereas a BMI between 16 and looks like 25 occurs probably like 1700 times. So that's what a histogram is. COLTON OGDEN: That would make sense. [? Babbick, ?] is this BMI histogram skewed left? ANDY CHEN: It's skewed right. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, OK. ANDY CHEN: I'm pretty sure it's skewed right. The skew, like, the tail, the part the slimmer, I think that's the direction you use to describe if it's left or right. COLTON OGDEN: Interesting. Then it's going to be the right skew then. Yeah. Because nobody over 40, there's like very few people over like 40 to 60 BMI. Because at that point, that's vary-- ANDY CHEN: Right. Because that's-- yeah, that might not be humanely possible to be there, to have that kind of BMI. OK. So now that we've visualized our data, and this is generally good stuff. There are more visualizations that you should do to test your assumptions. Let's actually try to perform this little test. We're trying to perform a t-test, which is comparing the means and the mean BMI values between two populations, males and females, in our pediatric subset of NHANES. And so, the way that we do that-- oh, let's overwrite some. So we noticed that there are some data entries that have empty BMIs. Wait. This is not letting me get in here. COLTON OGDEN: [? Magnus ?] is saying, Is there somebody that's around 50? It looks like there is in the data set. It's just very small. Right? ANDY CHEN: It might be. Yeah. There might be a super-- COLTON OGDEN: Because it looks like the red line goes all the way up to 60 something, 65, 63? ANDY CHEN: Yeah that's really, really high. Yeah, I think that's an individual, and someone who's under 18, a pediatric individual who has a very high BMI. There we go. All right, let's make some space. Great. So we noticed earlier, probably 20 minutes ago I guess, in the stream, some of our BMI individuals were missing. And again, I'm going to reiterate this as very potent statistics, be sure to consider and at least explain why you decided it's reasonable to omit data. And I'm just going to hand wave over that for the express purposes of demonstrating how to perform a t-test in R. You should, you know, explain to yourself, be able to explain to anyone, who you're showing your results to why you've entered this data. So the way that I'm going to do that is I'm going to overwrite NHANES pediatric. Again, called the subset function with NHANES itself. This time with not is.na. Remember, is.na means, that the thing itself is missing, is na. But not is.na is, it is not missing the thing. For gender as well as for BMI. COLTON OGDEN: Andre is asking, "If the data were not grouped into batches of 10 would it not fit a Gaussian curve?" ANDY CHEN: Oh, that's a very good question. So this, I set the binwidth as 10. I can-- so right here in line 24, I can set that to be 1 if I would like. It's an arbitrary binwidth. And so that shows a much clearer resolution. But a better way to think about this is, a Gaussian curve is actually not discrete. A word which means that is like sort of individual numbers. It's a continuous, it's a smooth curve. So a Gaussian distribution does not actually have individual rows. It just has, choo, all of the all the things in a single curve. And so to demonstrate that, I chose-- I had arbitrarily chosen binwidth of 10. But we can choose 1. We can choose 0.5. We can choose whatever we want. So in line 26, what we've done is we have resubsetted our data, and this time we've removed any individuals that are missing entries for gender, or BMI. And so now that we've done that, let's perform some actual statistics. We're getting there. COLTON OGDEN: Here we go. Here we go. ANDY CHEN: All right. Thank you so much for bearing with us. COLTON OGDEN: Asymptotically approaching, as David would say. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. Oh, yeah. OK. So let's save-- so tapply is a function that lets us take in our data set as a argument, specifically looking at the BMI variable. And we will also compare that to the same data set, but this time with gender. And then the last argument in tapply is going to be what actual thing you want from it. And the first thing we want to do is, I want take it's minimum. And then-- so I'm actually going to do that a bunch but with max, mean-- oops, won't do that. Whoops, there we go. Mean-- mean-- standard deviations-- and then we'll just run all those. Run. Run. Run. Run. So these are all saved. We haven't seen them in our console because we saved them to a variable. But something that is cool that I'm about to do is, we can actually cbind all of these things into a single table. Which again, is a very useful one line command in R that might be difficult to do in Excel. You can probably do it very smartly in Python, though. So we're going to make a new summary table variable. And we're going to data.frame and save as a data frame. cbind of min, max, mean, and SD, which are the barriers we just made. And then we're also going to do summary table again, just to display it. So line 33 is going to save all those things as summary table. And then line 34 is going to run it and print it. And there you go. We have a very beautiful, very easy to read, table. For females, the minimum value is 12.88 for BMI. For males, the minimum value is 12.89. The mean is 20.49 for females. The means 20.05 for males. And so we have our basic summary statistics. COLTON OGDEN: Interesting. ANDY CHEN: Now, looking at this Colton, and knowing the sample size is approximately 1,000 individuals for males and females, do you think there is a significant difference between the average BMI for males versus females in this pediatric data set? COLTON OGDEN: Substantial? ANDY CHEN: Significant. COLTON OGDEN: I don't know if I would describe it as being significant. Would you describe it as being significant? ANDY CHEN: Well, that's exactly the answer I wanted. You can't tell. So these are summary statistics which tell you a mean, or median, as well as a measure of center, which is saying sort of like, what is like, the middle kind of value. Whereas, standard deviation is a measure of dispersion, which tells you how spread apart is your data. But it doesn't actually tell you anything about if these two populations are similar, or dissimilar. And so to do that we would have to use a statistical test. In this case, since we're comparing a binary variable with a continuous numerical variable we have to use a t-test. And so the syntax for that-- COLTON OGDEN: And also Fatma, in the chats, said, "Can R be added to the sandbox@cs50.io. And from what I see here, I went on to sandbox@cs50.io it is already-- we do have an R option. Probably don't have RStudio available. But the R command line environment we do have. It looks like we do have a sandbox setup for that already. ANDY CHEN: Great. Nice. So if you want to teach yourself how to use the command line, that's a great skill to have too. "Are we going to regression?" I don't think we will hit regression today. We are going to do a t-test. If we have time, we'll do an ANOVA. Actually, if we have time, we'll do a linear regression. But yeah, we'll see how far we get today. So t-test, let's see-- so again, when we look at p values, right? We determine if something a significant, or insignificant. In statistics, before we actually do the analysis, we have to come up with something called h not which is a null hypothesis. And something called h sub a or an alternative hypothesis. So in statistics, the default is you assume that there is no significant difference. Right? That is the default. So the null hypothesis here is there is no significant difference between the mean BMI for female versus males in this sample population. That is the null hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is there is a significant difference between the average BMI for males and females in this population. And so those are sort of the underlying statements that you're working with. And that's what your p value for your t-test actually tells you to either accept, or reject, the null hypothesis. And so we'll get to that in one minute. Let me actually perform the t-test. The syntax for that is t.test BMI. So the first thing that goes into the function call is the continuous variable that you're comparing-- or the categorical variable that you're comparing. Sorry-- the continuous variable that we're comparing-- the numbers, the thing that actually has a mean, or an average. And we're going to compare against the categorical. In our case, the males versus female. In this case, it's a dichotomous variable, which is an instance of a [? categorical ?] variable. Let me do gender. We have to tell it that the data we're using is our NHANES data set. And we're going to assume that variance is equal to true. So we could talk about that in a little bit, but there are actually a few different kinds of t-tests where you can assume that the variances are true, or not true. And the reason that they're different is the statistical power is-- the way it's implemented is actually slightly different. In this case, we're assuming that for the most part, male and female participants in NHANES are, for the most part, very similarly except for their sex. I should probably put this in my script so I don't lose it. So let's run that. And here's what happens. We get this fees out-- two sample t-test. So remember, that's another kind of-- there are different kinds of t-tests. One of them is two samples, which is you're comparing two different populations. You can also compare a single, one sample t-tests, in which it's something sort of like a before and after. Because otherwise, it's exactly the same except for the one test condition that you've tested. We look at the p value here-- 0.08402. Now if we had chosen an alpha 0.05. It is greater than our alpha of 0.05, which means we have to accept the null hypothesis, which Colton suggests that this data is significant, or insignificant? COLTON OGDEN: Well, repeat the question one more time. ANDY CHEN: The null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between the mean BMIs of males versus females. COLTON OGDEN: And you're if it's greater than the alpha 0.05 then that is the case? ANDY CHEN: Well, you fail to reject. COLTON OGDEN: Which means then, that we have to say that there is no big major significant. Right? Am I wrong? ANDY CHEN: No. You're correct in your intuition. But I just want to be-- in statistics, people are very careful. You don't really-- you fail to reject the null hypothesis. COLTON OGDEN: Right. So we can't-- we're not asserting either, or the other, but we are rejecting the null hypothesis-- ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. COLTON OGDEN: --in this instance. ANDY CHEN: Exactly. COLTON OGDEN: OK. We're not establishing the hypothesis as being true, the null hypothesis as being true. Or the opposite the null hypothesis as being true. ANDY CHEN: Exactly. COLTON OGDEN: Right. OK. ANDY CHEN: So let's actually assume that instead of saying 0.08, it said 0.03. Now what would happen? COLTON OGDEN: 0.013? ANDY CHEN: Just less than 0.05. COLTON OGDEN: Then we have to say that we can-- what is the opposite of-- ANDY CHEN: You reject the null hypothesis. COLTON OGDEN: Reject the null hypothesis. ANDY CHEN: So you don't really accept the alternative hypothesis, but-- because you can't really say for certain, or most at statisticians would hesitate to say for certain, oh, there is a significant difference. Well, I guess that is what you would say. But a sort of more careful, more conservative, way of saying that is like, oh, we just can't reject-- we can't-- we fail to reject the null hypothesis. COLTON OGDEN: OK. So we're basically avoiding making any assertions either way. ANDY CHEN: Pretty much. Yeah. COLTON OGDEN: OK. At which point can we assert either situation, either case? ANDY CHEN: In scientific writing, when people use statistical tests, if the p value is less than your alpha value, what you'll usually say is, we found significant results. COLTON OGDEN: OK. ANDY CHEN: Although a statistician might be a little more conservative about how they would say that. COLTON OGDEN: OK So this has to kind of undergo repeated testing, and repeated samples, and repeated sort of accepting, or rejecting of a null hypothesis over the course of time before we can affirmatively say one way or the other? ANDY CHEN: Ideally. COLTON OGDEN: And even then, it's probably still not 100%. ANDY CHEN: Ideally. Yeah, that doesn't usually happen, but yeah, you're absolutely on the right track in your intuition of how the statistics works. COLTON OGDEN: OK. That makes sense. ANDY CHEN: But yeah. Let's see if there's any-- COLTON OGDEN: Fatmo was saying that they were having internal server error. So the-- it looks like sandbox is, at least in America, we can see that it's up, but it's experiencing updates so it's off line, technically. But the landing page is still up. So I think we're updating it probably for the hackathon, or whatnot. It should be up at some point in the near future. Can you tell the difference between one sample and two sample t-tests again, [INAUDIBLE]. ANDY CHEN: Sure. Let's actually look it up so I am not-- one sample, versus two sample t-test. So a two sample t-test has two populations that are different in some sense. So males and females are two separate individuals in this NHANES t-set. Whereas a one sample t-test is-- ah! Sorry, I actually-- so I misunderstood-- I misexplained how-- I misexplained one simple t-tests in the beginning. A two sample t-test is comparing if two populations, two sample populations, have a significant difference in their average for whatever variable you're looking at. A one sample t-test is comparing a known true population mean, some value, to the sample you're saying, and seeing if there's a statistical difference there. So I'm trying to think off the top of my head of there's a good-- let's say that we know that the average graduation-- or let's say that we know that the population of a city is 50o,000. We just know this for a fact. We would perform a one sample t-test if we're trying to compare if it's statistically significant that one of our samples gives us 455,000 instead of 5000,000. And then in that particular instance you would use a one sample t-test. COLTON OGDEN: Cool. Cool. Makes sense? ANDY CHEN: Yep. Cool. So I think, unless there are a lot of questions on t-tests, we can actually probably go on to ANOVA. COLTON OGDEN: Sure. Let's do it. ANDY CHEN: Sure. So we talked earlier about different kinds of variables. T-tests are useful for when you are comparing the difference of means between two populations. But let's assume, for instance, that you have a categorical variable that has multiple categories-- young, old, medium aged, young adult, et cetera. And you still want to compare an average of some kind of continuous variable between them. So what is the average height of a child, average height of an infant, average height of an adult, average height of an elderly person, and you're trying to look to see if there's a statistically significant difference between those populations. In that particular instance, you would use a test called an ANOVA, or an analysis of variance. So there are actually a lot of assumptions for each of these tests that we're using, and I just want to reiterate that. There are-- you should look at your data, see if there are outliers, and see if they meet the parametric assumptions of each of these tests that you're using. All these test we're using here today are parametric. If not, you can use something called, non-parametric tests, which are sort of similar in what they do, but are probably not as statistically powerful. But everything we're doing today is parametric. So we're just going to assume that we've met all these assumptions to use these tests. So ANOVA-- let's look at ANOVA. Let's make a variable called, ANOVA BMI with race. And so the category of race in our data set is called, Race 1, is looking at if-- I guess the surveys have, do the individuals identify as white, or as black, or Mexican, or other, or Hispanic, or et cetera. And so, as we can tell, these are not numbers, these are categories and there's more than two of them. And let's compare that to BMI again. Just because that's what we've been using. So in this particular instance, the statistics question we're asking is, is there a statistically significant difference in the average BMI between these ethnicities, or between these races? I think is the term they use in this data set. And so the way that we would do that is we would call aov, is the syntax in R. aov of BMI, which is your continuous variable. And then, squiggly enyay to race 1, which again, is the name of our variable for race. Oh, and the second argument is the identify your data. We're going to be looking at our NHANES pediatric that we made. And then we are going to call-- OK. So let's actually do that. We run this function and it saves your ANOVA results into a variable called ANOVA BMI race. Now to actually access it, we do summary of a ANOVA BMI race, right here. And so if we run that, it prints out our [INAUDIBLE] results. Excuse me. So if you are interested in ANOVA a lot of these are-- some of this data is actually-- some of these numbers are actually very important. The f value, for instance, is a very useful thing. But we're just going to be looking at the statistical significance for right now. Our p value is 0.00781 star, star, which means its alpha is 0.005. That value is less than 0.005. No. That's not true. Well, regardless. If we had set our alpha as 0.05, this value is less than that. Which means we would say, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. And so in this particular instance, we would have set the null hypothesis before, and it would be the null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference in the mean BMIs between categories of race-- white, Mexican, other whatever the categories had. And so because our p value is less than 0.05, we would fail to reach our null hypothesis, which means that we would probably say something along the lines of, we find that there is a significant difference in the BMI means across these categories. So Colton, can you see why this might be more ambiguous than a t-test, which only has two categories? COLTON OGDEN: Well, I mean, there's just so many races. I don't know if that's part of the issue. ANDY CHEN: Right. Absolutely. If I find-- COLTON OGDEN: And also people can subjectively identify as multiple different races a lot of the time. Because people can have parents of different races. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely true. Yeah. From a statistical standpoint, I think the first note is now that I know it's significant, where is the significance? Is it between white and black? Is it between Mexican and white? Is it between other and white? It's ambiguous. COLTON OGDEN: And you have to take probably smaller samples, separate samples, and see how they compare against each other. Many different sort of permutations. ANDY CHEN: Actually, yeah, that's absolutely right, actually. So that actually goes a little more low level into what I'm about to show. But so in ANOVA, because your p value is ambiguous, because your-- I was just reading one of the comments. COLTON OGDEN: The last one? ANDY CHEN: Yeah. COLTON OGDEN: Would you have just a general statistics review approaching AP testing time? So informative. Maybe. I don't know when AP testing time is. ANDY CHEN: I don't know when that is. But yeah, perhaps we could maybe do that. We're talking about-- oh, right. It's ambiguous. We don't know where the statistically significant differences is. We don't know between which categories, or between all categories is. So we do something called, post hoc, Latin for, after the fact tests. One of which we'll show. There are different kinds of tests that you use in different circumstances but we're going to use one called the tukey's post hoc test. So the way we do that is, tukey HSD of ANOVA, or of the variable we just made. And so if we run that, we find the printouts of p values of the categories compared to each other. So you were actually saying you run subsets of-- basically what this is doing, is it's very similar to running t-tests within all the possible categories. COLTON OGDEN: Right. OK. That makes sense. ANDY CHEN: And so the reason it's p adjusted, is because when you do that the degrees of freedom changes. And so you actually sort of inflate or your power. And so the tukey's t-test is one implementation of this kind of sequential sub partitioning. And so this what this gives us is, we look at the differences-- is the average BMI of Hispanic versus black individuals significantly different? The p value here is 0.60. It's not significant at all. And so most of these are not. But if we look at, other with black, then what this is saying is, the null hypothesis here, like the special sub null hypothesis here, is that is there a significant difference between the average BMI for individuals who are other compared to individuals who are black? In this case, our p value is 0.03, which is less than our alpha of 0.05. In which case we would say, we failed to reject our null hypothesis, that there is not a significant difference. And so you would say, we find a significant difference between the mean BMI for individuals who identify as other compared to those who identify as black. And so it shows you all the possible category differences. So it looks like there is five categories? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Yeah, Hispanic, black, Mexican, other, and white, and so it's looking at all the possible permutations between, and looking at if those specific two categories are significantly different enough. And so that's how you would analyze a ANOVA. COLTON OGDEN: Get a little bit more granular. ANDY CHEN: Getting a little bit more low level under the hood as David might say. OK. I think we actually have time for a linear regression. I think that will probably be the last thing we talked about though. COLTON OGDEN: OK. Sounds good. Let's look at it. ANDY CHEN: All right. Oh, this is a lot of code to type. OK. So again, a very, very good statistical habit to get into is visualizing your data before you make analysis, just to understand what's going on if you have a lot of outliers, et cetera. And so what we're going to do, is we're going to visualize the NHANES pediatric data set that we made of course. X equals age, y equals height, plus [? giam, ?] point. Let's run that. All right so what this did, is it's printing out, in it's lower right corner here. All of the individuals of various heights in our pediatric data. So from 0 to eight-- or sorry, ages from 0 to 18, and their heights. And so you'll notice that it has a weird distribution where it's very, you know, blocked. And the reason for that is because we don't think about age in terms of continuous. I'm not 24 and 3/4 years old. Right? I identify as 24. And so that's why each of these only is the height for one-year-old, 2-year-old, 3-year-old, four-year-old, not 2.4856 six-year-old. And that's why it has that distribution like that. COLTON OGDEN: Right that's supposed to be a continuous graph. ANDY CHEN: Exactly. That's exactly right. And so now that we see this, Colton, if I were if I were to give this data to you, do you see-- do you think that there is a general trend, the correlation between age and height? COLTON OGDEN: It looks like a small one. As you get older, you tend to get taller. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. Right. And so intuitively that makes sense to us. I chose this example because it makes sense that the older you get, the taller you taller you get. COLTON OGDEN: And also range in height tends to grow as well. ANDY CHEN: That's true. That's actually, really, yeah. That's really interesting. I hadn't noticed that. I mean that makes a lot of sense. Right? Because like we all start about the same size, give or take. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. People grow at different rates, different sizes. ANDY CHEN: Absolutely. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention is-- COLTON OGDEN: Oh, sorry, [? Babbick, ?] let me let me go ahead and move it. Move it right over-- I'll make it smaller again, how's that? Let's go up to here. Very tiny chat so we can see the graph just while we're talking about it. ANDY CHEN: So linear regression is an instance of what-- is a specific instance when we're comparing continuous quantitative variable with another quantity variable. Age is a number from 0 to 18. In theory, you could actually have this like-- well, I have them as discrete numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 but you can have it as like 1.5, 2.8, whatever. And height is also a discrete number, from 0 to 175 centimeters. And so when you're trying to compare two continuous variables, two quantitative variables, you use linear regression. It's actually really similar to an ANOVA except for the independent variable in an ANOVA is categorical instead of continuous. Right. OK. So, so the way that we would perform linear regression-- oh, so I think there tends to be-- it looks like there might be a linear regression here. And there might be a better model that actually describes it. But for our purposes let's perform a linear regression. Because I think someone was suggesting we do a regression. So ggplot. It's the same exact thing, but we'll add some lines. It's starting to get really unwieldy, which is one of the reasons I don't like ggplot, is I have to-- look at what I'm about to write here. Smooth method = lm. lm is linear model. S = true. I don't know what that is. Full range = false. COLTON OGDEN: And also, [? Fatma ?] thank you for the kind words. ANDY CHEN: 0 +-- COLTON OGDEN: And [? Babbick ?] as well. ANDY CHEN: 0.95. There we go. Run. Cool. So we have the graph we had before, and we've actually fitted a model to it. A linear regression. A line model. So recall that in linear regression makes sense, in terms of, these are all models, statistics is all about modeling. If you have a categorical variable, how can you make a line with that? Right? There's no axes to make lines on. But if you have two continuous variables, you absolutely can make a line. Which is why a linear regression makes sense if you're comparing a continuous with another continuous variable. So I just wanted to plot out what it actually looks like in this particular-- for when you're comparing a continuous variable exchange variable and it's a linear regression. But to actually perform it in R, you perform the following. We're going to make a variable called, linear regression. And the syntax is lm, which stands for linear model. We're going to do our-- Oh, did I do weight? Ah, that's fine. Our independent variable, and then squiggly enyay thing, with our-- sorry, dependent variable. And then our independent variable on the right. Data is again NHANES pediatric. And, yeah. So we'll run that. And then we'll call summary, which is a function that gives you the summary for certain kinds of data. Call that and look. We get our linear regression summary. So there are multiple p values here but I could go into depth in a little bit more perhaps next time, but essentially what's happening, is there are actually two things that come out of a linear regression. Remember it's y equals mx + b because it's a line. There are two variables here-- or there two things that we could potentially plot. m, which is the intercept. Oh, sorry! b which is the intercept. And m, which is the slope. So linear regressions are very useful, because you want to say, hey, as age goes up by x, how much does y go up? Or in this case, if age increases by 4.25 years-- as age increases by 1, height increases by 4.25 centimeters. And that has a p value of less than-- a tiny, tiny p value of 2 times 10 to the negative 16. So that's way below pretty much any alpha which tells you that there is 100-- there is almost-- it's statistically almost impossible for there not to be an actual significance here. COLTON OGDEN: Right. That makes sense. ANDY CHEN: So there's also the intercepts, which is sort of like remember it's a lie, and it doesn't make a lot of sense in the real world, but it's saying, if your age is 0, your height is going to be 1.43 centimeters. Doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of being an actual baby. Right? But that's just how it a regression works, so you're fitting a lie to real data. So cool. I think that I think that kind of finishes off our conversation for today. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. That was pretty cool. Getting to see the fact that you get all these nice graphical tools as well. Not only just being able to model the data see the variables that matter to you but also model them visually. I like seeing things visually. I think that's important. [? Fatmo's ?] saying, "I think all of CS50 is awesome, they train well. Andy being a star among them. ANDY CHEN: Ah, thank you so much. COLTON OGDEN: "Colton's [INAUDIBLE] virtual office hours is unique." It's a fun time. I'm glad everybody's joining in and having fun. This is my first exposure to R. So thank you very much for coming on to the show and-- ANDY CHEN: Yeah. Absolutely. COLTON OGDEN: --educating us on R and RStudio. This is pretty cool. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. I needed to refresh myself. It's been a while. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. Yeah. I know I can imagine. Some of the function calls get pretty bulky there. ANDY CHEN: Yeah I don't think I could've done this without notes. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, yeah. It'd be tough. I can imagine it being tough. Yeah, this is great. Thank you so much. And then everybody who wants to follow along, or join after the fact, R and RStudio are free. So as we talked about earlier in the chat, definitely-- early in the stream, and in the chat, definitely grab those, and mess around. Hopefully the sandbox is up and running with R function, as well, in the near future. This is back to the firewall screen. If anybody has any last questions before we wrap up the stream, definitely let us know. We'll stick around for just a couple more minutes. This week is the CS50 hackathon. So tomorrow is the hackathon, Andy and I will be there. Going into Friday, because it's an all nighter. So we start at night and then it goes until, I would say 5:00 in the morning, or 6:00 in the morning. ANDY CHEN: 5:00 In the morning. COLTON OGDEN: We go to IHOP. Yeah. That'll be great. Is it your first or second hackathon? ANDY CHEN: This is my first hackathon. COLTON OGDEN: OK. Nice. ANDY CHEN: When I took this class, I took it in Kenya. COLTON OGDEN: Oh, OK. Yeah, you could have had to vicariously sort of be a part of the hackathon. ANDY CHEN: I saw the-- I liked the videos. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah, no, we have the hackathon. So we won't be streaming this week. We will stream next week. So we have a stream with Nick on Tuesday. And then I'll probably do a stream on Wednesday, is probably actually the day that I'll do a stream. We'll finish up Space Invaders. And I think Monday, we have another stream lined up. I need to check my calendar just to 100% verify the stream schedule for next week. But I do believe that, that is what we have set up. ANDY CHEN: Nice. COLTON OGDEN: Ba,ba, ba, ba, ba. ANDY CHEN: Ba, ba, ba, ba. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. So next week we have David and I on Monday for the surprise. So I'm not going to spoil that. And then on Tuesday, Nick will be joining us for a C basics tutorial. And then Wednesday, I will be-- we'll finish up Space Invaders. So yeah, that will be a great time. [INAUDIBLE] saying, "This is really cool. Hope to catch more of these. Stats can be boring, but you make it fun." ANDY CHEN: Ah, thank you so much. If you call it-- here's a trick. If you call it, data science, people think it's really awesome. COLTON OGDEN: Yeah. There you go. And they pay more right? ANDY CHEN: They pay you way more. But it's sort of the same thing. COLTON OGDEN: says, "Thank you Andy, and Colton, very interesting stream." Yeah, thanks for tuning in. Thanks so much. "I was going to opt out today, but [? Babbick Night ?] efforts to make it made me stay tuned." Yeah, so thanks everybody, helping each other stay tuned in. "Love the surprises," says [? Azley. ?] Yeah, me too. This will be a great stream. So yeah, thanks again, Andy. ANDY CHEN: Yeah, of course. COLTON OGDEN: We'll have you again, probably in the spring at some point, or [? J term ?] time-- ANDY CHEN: Sure. Yeah. I'll be around. COLTON OGDEN: --to follow up stream on something, whether it's stats related or otherwise. Cybersecurity and data science, let's catch followers. Says [? Fatmo, ?] "Is there any first steps class you suggest, or is there any intro class that has a professor with good reviews?" ANDY CHEN: At Harvard? Or-- COLTON OGDEN: Maybe just any. ANDY CHEN: So edX, Harvard X has an offering called Stat100x, [INAUDIBLE] because I worked on it. COLTON OGDEN: There you go. ANDY CHEN: It's pretty intense. It's an introduction to probability theory, which actually isn't what we're doing today, but it's the background for why what we're doing to today, works. If that's what you're interested in. COLTON OGDEN: More rigorous? ANDY CHEN: Yeah. It's very difficult. COLTON OGDEN: You'll have to check that out. What was the name of it again? ANDY CHEN: s Stats 110x on edX. It's probably offered by Harvard Stat 110x. COLTON OGDEN: OK. ANDY CHEN: Professor is Joe [? Blitstein. ?] COLTON OGDEN: Check it out. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. COLTON OGDEN: You learn some stats. Actually, [? dive ?] into a little bit at some point. ANDY CHEN: Yeah. I forget all of it. COLTON OGDEN: Maybe some R. Some Python data science stuff sounds pretty cool. ANDY CHEN: Name some Rthon. Is that a thing? Rthon. COLTON OGDEN: Rthon? Maybe, I'm not sure. Integrate RStudio with Python. "Thanks for the stream. I want to ask the logic behind the p value, but I know it's the end of the stream so its cool if you don't have time to explain it. ANDY CHEN: The logic behind the p value is we assume that everything that we sample, all events, happen along a distribution. In this instance, we assume it's a normal distribution. And you p value is saying, what is the likelihood that the actual result we get is-- so if you think about the normal distribution. When we think about the area under the curve as the possible region where conceivably, that event could happen. The likelihood of that happening-- there is a very small area on both sides of the tail that are extremely unlikely that cover 5% of that area, and that's actually two standard deviations from the mean. And we're saying that we're OK, essentially, if our sample-- if our results actually were in that area. It's saying like, the likelihood of it being in this area is so far gone, it's 5%, that we're OK with it. But what that also means, is every 1 out of every 20 times you do it you're going to get not a great result. But yeah. COLTON OGDEN: And tune in for the stats course for probably more of the background on that, I'm guessing, right? ANDY CHEN: Yeah. COLTON OGDEN: Someone asked, JumpJump123, "Could you say the course name again?" ANDY CHEN: That would be Stat 100x. COLTON OGDEN: And then, [? TwitchHelloWorld, ?] aka, Jacques or Jack, says,"What did you say is the stream Professor Manning is doing Monday?" And that is a surprise. We're not going to spoil that one. Another surprise, you're going to have to tune in. Cool. ANDY CHEN: Nice. COLTON OGDEN: I think that was it. We're going to adjourn now. It's been a little over two hours. Thanks again, Andy-- ANDY CHEN: Yeah. Of course. COLTON OGDEN: --for coming on today. ANDY CHEN: Thanks for having me. COLTON OGDEN: It was great. It was great fun. Great time seeing R. I've always heard about it. Never actually seen it too much in practice. ANDY CHEN: [INAUDIBLE]. COLTON OGDEN: Physically seen it. But it was a great exposure for me. Have a great rest of the week, all. I think we'll probably post videos of hackathon related activities, and pictures, and whatnot on the Facebook group. And I will see all of you next Monday. ANDY CHEN: That's right. Have a great weekend in the meantime. COLTON OGDEN: All right, everybody, on that note, let's have a great rest of the week and weekend. See you next time. ANDY CHEN: Ciao.
It's hard to imagine certain celebs together, but A-listers, just like the rest of us, have hidden romantic pasts. Sometimes these relationships even pre-date their time in the limelight... meaning that some stars dated one another long before either one of them became household names. Neil Patrick Harris came out as gay in 2006, but it was a relationship he had years earlier with a now-famous woman that made him realize he wasn't attracted to the ladies. In an interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern, Harris revealed that dating actress Christine Taylor, who married Ben Stiller in 2000 before they later divorced, made him realize that he was into men. He said: E! News reports that Harris and Taylor dated back in 1997, after Harris became famous from Doogie Howser, M.D., but before he became relevant as an adult actor. But Taylor doesn't get all the credit for having helped Harris realize his sexuality: In Harris' autobiography, the How I Met Your Mother star shared that a joking kiss from Burt Reynolds also did the trick. Yeah that'll do it! January Jones dated Ashton Kutcher before hitting it big as Betty Draper on Mad Men, and there were rumors for years that he was the subject of a remark she made in a 2009 GQ profile about an ex. In the article, Jones griped that her first boyfriend since moving to Los Angeles, quote, "was not supportive of my acting." She said: Years later, Jones appeared on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, where a caller asked, quote, "January, have you ever talked to Ashton Kutcher since he said you couldn't act, and what do you think about his acting skills?" Jones replied: "I don't know if that person had ever actually seen me act." "Got it." "But the person who wrote the interview did the math and thought it might be him." Jones never confirmed that Kutcher was the jerk in question, but she did quip: "But I haven't talked to him, but I'm super happy for him and his family, to be political and all that." "Okay. Okay, good." Could there possibly be a funnier couple than Conan O'Brien and Lisa Kudrow? The Friends star revealed that she and Coco dated before they each hit it big in television. She revealed to More magazine that she and O'Brien dated briefly but were better off as, wait for it, friends. "Oh, okay, I see what you did there." They were such good pals, in fact, that she said she credits him with her sticking it out in improv classes when she wasn't too thrilled with them. She recalled: But regarding improv, she added: Eventually O'Brien convinced her to join the Los Angeles-based improv group the Groundlings, and she, as we all know, later became a TV legend playing Friends' Phoebe Buffay. And O'Brien might be just as indebted to Kudrow for getting his start in late night television, which she confirmed to The Saturday Evening Post. She told the publication, cheekily: Actress Megan Fox began dating her now-husband, Beverly Hills, 90210 star and former teen heartthrob Brian Austin Green, when she was 18 years old and he was 30, but before that, she was in a much more age-appropriate relationship with a fellow young actor. Long before Fox became a household name with the 2007 Transformers movie, she had a role in the TV series Hope & Faith, starring Faith Ford and Kelly Ripa, and a small part in a 2001 direct-to-DVD Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen flick called Holiday in the Sun, among other tiny gigs. During this period of her career, Fox dated 7th Heaven actor David Gallagher, who played Simon Camden on the '90s family-friendly series following a minister and his large family. According to E! News, Gallagher and Fox were an item from 2003 to 2004, when she was 17 to his 18. Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt, who starred together in 1993's Kalifornia, dated for a few years. She revealed to the Daily Mail: The two are still friendly. Pitt told Vanity Fair in 1995: He added: In 2010, Lewis told Fox News that she and Pitt's ex-wife Jennifer Aniston were pals, and noted that she and Pitt would, quote, "run into each other" every so often, which was, quote, "really nice." Back when pop star Katy Perry was still a fledgling Christian singer in the early 2000s, she dated Christian pop-punk artist Matt Thiessen, frontman of the band Relient K. Thiessen told Songfacts: He added that she became a star while he was working with Owl City, noting: Perry was such a supportive girlfriend to Thiessen that video footage resurfaced a decade later of her failing epically to stage-dive at a Relient K show. The two even wrote the song "Long Shot" together, which was eventually recorded by Kelly Clarkson for her All I Ever Wanted album. Celebs Colin Hanks and Busy Philipps dated when they were classmates at Loyola Marymount University in the 1990s, and they're still close friends today. In fact, in 2017, Philipps was a guest co-host on Live With Kelly when Hanks was a guest on the show and gushed about their prior relationship, saying: "He was my college boyfriend, but we are very, very close friends now, his wife and I are very tight, he and my husband hang out. We go on vacation together." The two met when Philipps was 18 and Hanks was 19. After noting that they'd known each other for 20 years, Philipps shared: "I do have moments where I think, 'How cool..." "Yeah." "... that we knew each other at this formative moment in our life?'" Hanks added, quote, "We got our first televisions shows within the same week. We got our first movies within the same week." "Like we were able to go through all of these really special moments in young actors' lives together." Way before Chris Evans became Captain America, he was pretty much relegated to being 7th Heaven star Jessica Biel's plus-one on red carpets. The couple dated for roughly five years, from 2001 to 2006. Neither of them has spoken too much publicly about their relationship, though what they have said has been pretty damn sweet. Biel once gushed to Cosmopolitan in 2005: Evans, meanwhile, revealed to Esquire in 2017 that he and Biel once went skydiving for Valentine's Day. When they called it quits in 2006, reports circulated that Evans had been spotted with brunette PR exec Joyce Sevilla. Biel, on the other hand, moved on later that year with Derek Jeter, before getting together with Justin Timberlake in January 2007. She and Timberlake ended up marrying several years later. Who knew Will Schuester got around? Glee star Matthew Morrison briefly dated co-star Lea Michele during their Broadway days back before they ever shared screen time in the musical dramedy series. Michele revealed in her memoir, Brunette Ambition: But Michele wasn't the only celeb Morrison dated before hitting it big. In 2010, Kristen Bell shared that Morrison was an old college flame, telling Us Weekly: Sounds like the Veronica Mars actress must have some great memories of that relationship, huh? When Melissa Joan Hart was first rising to fame on Sabrina the Teenage Witch in 1996, she had then-unknown actor Ryan Reynolds smitten. She revealed on Chelsea Lately that he tried to win her over with a Beluga watch, telling host Chelsea Handler: It was just a fling for Hart, though. She told Australia's Studio 10: "He was sweet, he was very sweet. I had a boyfriend at the time, but we were smitten and cute, and, you know…" "Awwww." She added, quote, "[Reynolds] probably would have been a great boyfriend, and I didn't end up with the other guy, so maybe I should have taken a chance." Before he had Robin's tights, Chris O'Donnell had Reese Witherspoon's digits. He was around 22 years old when he dated the future Legally Blonde star, who was just a teenager in 1992, as Rolling Stone reported. According to E! News, the two were an item when Witherspoon first moved to Los Angeles, but little else is known about their relationship. O'Donnell and Witherspoon were reportedly together for a few months, but their romance didn't last. The following year, the future NCIS: Los Angeles star met a woman named Caroline Fentress, a college pal's younger sister who would later become his wife. O'Donnell married Fentress in 1997, as noted by People magazine, and, as of making this video, the two have since welcomed five children. Since dating O'Donnell, Witherspoon moved on to relationships with Ryan Phillippe and later Jim Toth. Check out one of our newest videos right here! Plus, even more Nicki Swift videos about your favorite stuff are coming soon. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Dean will now.... What is this...are they putting it in his head? I didn't even see it. Will they enter already? You know how much protection is there? It hurts him...she did something.... She did something to him? She washed his brain. She put something there to control him, so he has to tell her everything. The question is does he remember anything? He'll figure that something's not right. He doesn't remember. The blood is flowing from his eyes... He's done with him....for good. He's with him. Logical. I thought he left to see her, but she maybe went for a walk.
Hi, everyone. I'm Corey D'Augustine. I want to welcome you to the third live Q&A session. I'll be here for the next 30 minutes, something like that, taking questions about art history, about perhaps some of your works in the studio, or whatever else is on your mind. We will be taking live questions but we've also compiled a list of questions from previous episodes, so let's dive right in. First question comes from alexmeinhof. Alex writes, "How do you respond to people who say that abstract art requires no skill?" Okay, so this is kind of a classic question for modernism, and especially for abstract painting, the Jackson Pollocks of the world. Actually, a quick story. I remember once when I was working the National Gallery I was dusting frames early in the morning and a dad came in with his daughter on his shoulders, and they're looking at a Joan Michell painting. You could imagine what that might look like. And the daughter said, "Oh, Daddy it's dirty. I want to clean it." He was like, "Okay, well, dirty is one word for it," but language I think is key here. Pablo Picasso, who, by the way, never painted an abstract painting himself, was asked about cubism and how he responded to the fact that many people didn't understand cubism, and kind of ridiculed it as crazy, avant-garde. And Picasso said, "Well, you know modern art movements are very much like foreign languages. And if someone French came in the room right now and started speaking French and you didn't know the language you wouldn't blink. You wouldn't understand anything." And for Picasso it was really the same thing, so his opinion was that if someone had never spent time with cubism, never studied that abstract language, semi-abstract language, that it would come as no surprise that they didn't really understand what it was about. Now could anyone paint a cubist painting? Could anyone paint an abstract painting? Well, in a way, of course. But if we can run with this analogy a little bit longer, you know, if you start to study Chinese. Your first class in Chinese language class you're actually just making noises. You're making not words but just sounds that are vaguely Chinese. But they don't mean anything, right? So you can imitate that, but if a Chinese person walks in the room and starts to try to understand what you're saying, of course you're not getting anywhere, right? So without a background in some of these movements it's really difficult to understand what the intentions are, what the painting is trying to do or say, and this is potentially a problem. And, you know, for Alex and perhaps many viewers out there, there is something difficult about a lot of modern art. Perhaps elitist, unfortunately, about some modern art that if you come into it cold you're having a difficult time to get a foothold and really understand what the movement is about. Whereas, you know, old master paintings, like it or not, if you go look at a Titian or a Vermeer, now you might like it. You might love it. You might not, but you understand what the criteria is of a good painting. Is it realistic? Is it not? Whereas in modernism they threw that out the window, as they did so many things. So this is a huge topic, and we could talk about this for the next half an hour. But I hope anyway that's an introduction to this idea that, yeah, it's fair to say that some of these movements are really difficult. They do require a little bit of homework. And if you don't want to, no problem. In my opinion, if you do follow through with some of that homework you're opening some really interesting doors to an appreciation of a lot of art that, by the way, try it yourself. You can't do if you speak the language and you're sensitive to it. Or you can maybe after a lot of practice. All right, first live question here comes from Rachel Birkner. "Corey, you have a remarkable ability to recreate the style of the abstract expressionist. What drew you to these artists and this time period specifically? And PS, does Drake mind that you stole his DNA?" I didn't do that, I promise. But the real question here, what drew me personally to the New York school, living in New York is a big one. Being an American, by the way, since the so-called Abstract Expressionists were probably, fair to say, the most critically important historical avant-garde in this country now. And you could go back to Alfred Stieglitz and there's many other interesting modern artists before them, but that's really the one that got the ball rolling here in New York City. You know, I have a background studying jazz and a lot of the same ideas meshed with improvisation with a lot of, you know, the bebop players and the Jackson Pollocks of the world. So when I was in grad school that was really where I focused. And, you know, in my own studio work certainly wasn't an abstract expressionist style painter but I spent a lot of time thinking about them. So yeah, thank you for the compliment and keep going. Next question. This comes from the September live Q&A. That was our last one. "At the risk of sounding like a kiss-ass, this is definitely one light bulb you've turned on in terms of learning to appreciate the Abstract Expressionist movement, and I've been to art school. Having said that, what are some avenues one could explore in furthering a beginner's education the art form, books, films, podcast, etc?" Okay, great question. First of all, podcasts, I'm not aware of any but there probably are some good ones out there, so please post down below and share this with me and everyone else watching. Films, one really good one, a documentary film made by Emile de Antonio. And maybe we'll post this down in the comments later, "Painters Painting" is the name of that documentary from 1971 or '72, something like that. De Antonio was a New York school artist himself and he interviewed a whole lot of great artists, ranging from Barnett Newman, and Willem de Kooning, to Andy Warhol. And if you want to hear it, you know, from the source, an artist documenting the work of other artists in their studios, etc, in my opinion that's really as good as it gets. And books, wow, there's about a million of them out there. I think my favorite entry-level-ish book on the New York School is written by Irving Sandler. Sandler was a really young aspiring art historian, probably not even an art historian yet, at the Artists Club. He knew de Kooning, and Pollock, and all those guys and gals. And his memoirs, or actually one chapter of his memoirs is called, "A Sweeper-Up After Artists." Kind of a strange title, but those are his personal recollections, and he's kind of weaving great stories back and forth with the history of the movement. It's really entertaining. It's also quite interesting and elucidating. Katharina Huemer, also from the September live Q&A. "Thanks so much. As we all know, practice is the key. Can you recommend something to practice on, as buying canvas all the time is quite expensive? But the specific surface is still quite important, at least to me. Again, thank you very much." Thank you. Okay, so to practice on, first of all, paper is really cheap, brown paper, etc. And certainly you can practice brushwork, etc, but Katharina is right here, the texture is different, the absorbance is different, etc. One thing you can do to make it act a little bit more like canvas is to prime paper. That seals the paper and reduces its absorption, so the paint starts to feel a little bit more like applying to canvas. Also you can do what Picasso did and many other artists, paint on the back of a canvas. When you're done with one, unstretch it, flip it over, prime the other side, and paint it again. Or what Picasso also did it early on the Blue Period when he wasn't really selling works is to paint directly on top of another painting. Now for all of us Picasso lovers it's kind of a bummer that there are all of these so-called lost or hidden Picasso's, which by the way, conservators like myself are using imaging techniques of increased specificity to really pick out some of those under paintings, if you will. So maybe if you make a masterpiece don't paint it out, please. But as you're just growing as a painter, I think it's completely fine to realize that your painting is kind of exercise. They're kind of platforms, or kind of steps forward. And when you've finished one, by all means take a picture of it, remember it. But if money's tight I think it's completely fine to paint over that. And really, again, as I mentioned in the previous one, I think one of the most important things for a young painter is not to fall in love with anything you've done. Always risk what you've done to try to make it better. Don't rest on your laurels in other words. And I think making yourself paint over works is a really, really good way to ensure that that's the case. And by the way, it's the cheap way, too. Emily Tarleton writes, "I feel like I learned more in the first 10 minutes of this video than I did in 3 years' worth of art classes in high school." Well, that's kind of a good news, bad news one. I'm glad to hear that, in a way. Not so glad to hear that about your high school art class, but thanks for those kind words. Iveta Wiedermann writes, "Is it necessary to be capable of realistic drawing or painting for abstract for an abstract painter? Were mentioned artists like Newman, de Kooning, and others also great in realistic drawings and paintings?" Interesting. Is it necessary? This is a case-by-case situation. It really depends on what kind of abstract painting you're making. Willem de Kooning, as you probably know since you're here, really exerts a kind of battle between painting and drawing in his painted canvases, drawing with a loaded brush, drawing back on top of a painting, painting back on top of a drawing, etc. And by the way, de Kooning was one of the greatest draftsman, in terms of drawing, of the 20th century. So if you're going to draw like...sorry, if you're going to paint like de Kooning I think the answer this question is yes. You really gotta hone your draftsmanship skills. Newman is a great counter example, though. If you look at early representational work by Newman. Ugh, good luck. He destroyed it all because he didn't want you to see it. Something tells me there was a reason for that. Ego's certainly a part of it, but in Newman's graphic work later on, his zips, his prints, etc, the artist hand, in terms of realistic drawing, is completely irrelevant. And whereas some kind of Philistine argument will say, "Well, you can't be an abstract painter unless you pay your dues first," I really don't think that's the case. It really depends on what kind of an abstract artist that you want to be. Same thing with jazz, by the way. Ornette Coleman, great avant-garde innovator on the alto saxophone and other instruments, was not a great bebop player. But he just improvised a completely new relationship to the music without paying his dues, and that was very difficult for many people. In fact, when he first came to New York City in 1959 he was labeled anti-jazz. Well, now when you listen to Ornette you're going to be tapping your foot. I'm pretty sure you're going to think it's jazz. So sometimes as movements make their way into history we really start to understand that it's more about the idea rather than the checklist of things that gets you to that idea. Cecelia Beck asks, "How did de Kooning's paintings fare over time with the mixture?" Cecelia referring to some really interesting materials that de Kooning added to his paint, including some non-drying oils, like safflower, cooking oil, in other words. How did they fare? Kind of a mixed bag. I think it's fair to say that de Kooning's paintings have a lot more cracks than certain other artists who are more academic or conventional in their approach to the canvas. de Kooning knew how to paint according to the academic standards for sure, but he just willingly deviated from those recipes in the interest of creative ideas. In other words, fat over lean, that rule of thumb of oil painting or really any kind of painting. How to make a painting that lasts. He didn't do that. So in many cases actually we see drying cracks in his painting. Now what a drying crack is is not a crack that happened because, you know, someone crashed into it or kicked a soccer ball against it, or that the temperature of the humidity varied wildly in your living room. Instead it's those cracks forming as the paint dries. So those cracks, they're actually not a damage. It's not a condition problem for the painting. It's something that the material did naturally as it dried in the studio. At the very least de Kooning accepted these kind of drying cracks. And having looked at a lot de Kooning paintings, I'm pretty confident that actually he invited these drying cracks at times. de Kooning getting really wrinkly textures sometimes, adding way too much medium, and other times working super dry and underbound, and having cracking, kind of dry paint surfaces. de Kooning really made paint do everything that it possibly could do, including not dry, as we talked about in a previous video, where some of his paintings still have drips that are literally still wet today, 50 years down the road. And they're probably not drying anytime soon. Pamela writes, "Question for you, Corey. When you painted during Parts I & II in de Kooning style can you please talk about the fat over lean principle and whether de Kooning adhered to this principle?" Actually we just kind of addressed this. The answer really here is rarely. In these kind of paintings when de Kooning did follow fat over lean, I think it was almost just by chance. It's really not something that he was worried about, and it is why some of these really interesting paint textures happened on his paintings. And, you know, let's be frank. Some of his paintings do have condition problems. Some of them do have flaking paint when the paint is cracking, and lifting off the surface, and falling on the floor, etc. And painters of this generation, Franz Kline also, you know, there's a certain risk, a certain cost littered to the condition, the aging properties of your painting when you do deviate from those academic techniques. But I don't think de Kooning is really an extreme example of that. We can find other painters who were making much more unorthodox and much more fragile paint films, like Yves Klein from France, or Ad Reinhardt here from New York City. ArnoM73 writes, "A big thanks from Germany for everything. Big fan of your videos. Which binder is best to use with acrylics to get more fluidity? Any thoughts about mixing oils and acrylics? I would love to hear more about Pierre Soulages." Actually I just finished working on a Pierre Soulages painting, a great abstract painter who's still kicking, by the way, still working in Paris. Okay, so the question here about getting more fluidity with acrylics. Okay, one way to do that is to add solvent, which in this case is water, which cuts the fluidity of your paint. But if you're trying to increase also the translucence of your paint there's a really wide range of additives for acrylics. Now the truth here is that, you know, within all of these different lines, and I'm talking about commercial brands of acrylic paints, a lot of these additives, they're really, really similar to each other. They have the same binder or really closely related binders. They might have rheological modifiers. That sounds complicated, but just something to change the flow ability, the brush ability of your paint. And each one of these companies has their own names and their own brands of different approaches to cutting the viscosity of your paint. Another way to do it is actually just to add a surfactant, like a little bit of alcohol, ethanol, which you can buy at the drug store. Just a little bit is going to cut the surface tension of your paint, and really that's a whole lot of what I think this question is about. So sorry there's not a super specific answer, but, you know, if you're working with Golden paints, or Liquitex, or what have you, explore some of these different additives. And I really encourage you to, you know, get a piece of masonite or a canvas and do some paint outs, do some tests. So take a little bit of cadmium red and add equal part of one additive, and then do the same thing in another one, and another one, another one, and then make the same brush stroke down and start to get a feel for, ah, the fluidity is much higher in this one but is much more translucent. Or this one is more opaque. Or this one has a body to it, is more kind of a waxy kind of thickness to it. These days it's a nice time to be a painter in the acrylic realm since there is a really wide range of materials available to us. Live question from Cheryl Herndon here on YouTube. "Can you get similar effects of matte and glossy surfaces with H2 oils?" Okay, yeah. So H2 oils, this is just a brand name, but these are the so-called water soluble, or water miscible oil paints. First thing, it's a bit of a misnomer. Oils are not soluble in water. They're not really miscible either. These are emulsion paints, and before you start getting freaked out, don't worry. Most acrylic paints are also emulsion paints. The so called water-soluble oils, it's just a different binder in there. For me they still really feel plasticky. They are plastics, by the way. They have plastic components in them. So yeah, they look more like oil than acrylic, emulsion paints do. But for me, the handling properties, I'm not really convinced. Moreover they're relatively young. Someone can tell me exactly how long they've been around but I want to guess, I don't know, 15 years, something like that. And conservators studied these a bit, but really the best way to understand the material and its aging process is to, well, stick around for 100 years. By the way, a lot of the early acrylic paintings from the 60s, conservators like myself are encountering some very strange problems that some of them are having over time that we're just learning about these days because they're a ticking clock in a way. And certain things happen at certain times, and we're learning that on-the-fly. So matte and glossy surfaces with water-soluble oils. The medium there is quite glossy, so if you want to reduce the gloss you want to reduce the binder content, or increase the pigment-to-binder ratio. One way to do that is that you can do what the Impressionists did and squeeze out your oil paint on to newspaper or onto cardboard. It'll soak up some of the medium, and what you're left with is a thicker, drier paint, which will also dry with a much more matte appearance. Also if you add more water to it you will increase the viscosity, and as your paint is applied to an absorbent support like canvas, more of that medium is going to follow the water and get soaked into your priming, or your canvas, or what have you. And again, the same kind of thing, pigment-to-binder ratio goes up and you have a more matte appearance. Anamaria Arango writes, "Thank you. Love your videos. I'm teaching visual art in a bilingual school in Colombia, South America and we watch many of your videos. Keep it up." Super cool. I just love the idea that this is a kind of language tool, as well as a cultural tool, as well as an artistic teaching device in Colombia. Sign me up. I'm ready to go to Colombia. What next? Justin Worrell writes, "Have conservators studied or reached any conclusions regarding the integrity of water-soluble oil paints?" I'm going to pass on this one since actually we just took a live question about this. "Assuming I follow all the traditional rules, fat over lean, proper ground, how many generations of my family will get to enjoy my awesomely mediocre paintings?" We don't know is really the answer to that one. If you're really concerned about the longevity of your works, your awesomely mediocre paintings, stick with oils, or stick with egg, or stick with distemper. Stick with something that's been around for hundreds of years, and we know the answer to these questions. Acrylics might be fine. Water miscible oils might be fine, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. More likely when paintings of historic, and frankly monetary value, get made in these new media, conservators will get good and the market will drive this pressure and make sure that we keep them around in a way. But specifically what are the problems and how bad are they going to be? I think we're going to have to wait around a little bit to really be sure. From the September live Q&A, Lynda Lehmann writes, "Long question here. For months and months I've been bemoaning the loss of my independent study painting group and life changes propelled me to move across the country. Listening to you speak with so much knowledge and authority about painting grounds and anchors me to the dimension of creativity that I was once able to express in my tiny art community. Already inspired learning things I've missed. Looking forward to plunge into the grand universe of inner space impacting pigments." Hey, you guys know how to write. I love this stuff. "Thanks MoMA and thanks me." You're very welcome. Really nothing makes me happier in this series than I get comments like this that people are either beginning to explore painting for the first time or kind of reinvigorating their painting process. Actually I got a note recently, a kind of thank you note that someone said I was like gasoline on a smoldering fire. I think that was meant as a compliment but it took me a little while to figure it out. Jack Ready writes in the live Q&A trailer for this session, "Hi, Corey. Many of the artists I've been interested in recently, including Basquiat and de Kooning, seem to take direct inspiration from their peers and predecessors' work and make it their own. Is there a fine line between imitation and originality?" Wow, a lot of artists have been pondering these same ideas, perhaps none more so than Marcel Duchamp, who basically made an entire career out of this idea of questioning authenticity, originality concepts therein. But back to painting, yeah, many artists paint their way through the master to the extent available options to them. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I think it's a really productive way to work. As an artist if you're trying you know to do something historically important to be a serious artist, etc, if you're copying you better understand the ramifications of that. The so-called Pictures Generation, largely focus here in New York City in the 1980s and '90s, Louise Lawler, Richard Prince, Jeff Koons, and other artists really went back to Duchamp and started thinking about, well, what happens when you take a photograph of a photograph? Or if you make a painting that looks just like another painting, except this one's done by a woman and it's done in the 1990s. What's the meaning of this contextual shift here? And the answer is actually there's a lot of interesting things that happen here, you know? The old fable about, you know, someone who likes Don Quixote so much that they wrote it themselves to experience what Cervantes would have experienced in writing the original Quixote, Pedro Menard. But, you know, these kind of ideas have been around for quite some time now in the 20th century now into the 21st. So all I'm recommending here is that if, you know, you're painting through other artists' work as a way to find your own voice, excellent, a really productive way to do that. If you're copying other artists' work as your own art, hit the books and understand some of the rationale of other artists who have done this kind of a thing, and figure out where your ideas lie in there. And by the way, I'm sure this is not the the last that we've heard of these kind of approaches. SpecialDoc: TryYourMedincine writes, "Why not paint like yourself?" Okay, related question here. There's no reason not to paint like yourself. In fact, even if you do try to rewrite Don Quixote yourself you're not going to do it. It's going to be your own in certain ways. The experience of it will be quite subjective and quite personal. I think that the flip side to this question is, "Why paint like other artists?" And we've touched on this as a way to understand really the experience of a work, to understand the process, to understand why things look the way they do in, say, a Picasso painting. I hope some of you have tried your hand at working in a Cubist style, and suddenly you'll realize really, really quickly how cubism progressed very methodically and very rationally from one step to another. Because it's all about how the image relates between what you're looking at in still life and on a canvas, or then perhaps you skip the still life altogether and further flattened the pictorial space of that painting. One answer here is to learn art history, to learn the history of painting by using your hands and really sharpening the relationships between what your eye tells you where you're comfortable perhaps looking at paintings and thinking about paintings with what your hand tells you, which maybe you haven't done so much of. And suddenly you'll have an understanding why certain de Kooning's brush strokes look the way they do, or start the way they do, or stop with a crackle in the way they do. Because the quality of paint, because of the kind of physical gesture that was responsible for getting that paint there. So, you know, multiple answers here. One is to learn art history, two, to learn how to paint, and I think many of us here in this series of In the Studio works, I hope you're doing both of those hand-in-hand. At least that's certainly my intentions. Alberto Arredondo on Twitter writes, "I'm working in tempera grassa. First of all, tempera grassa is egg plus oil. This was a technique invented really in Italy where there's a history of egg tempera painting. And then as oil painting moved in from the north in the hands of Albrecht Durer and other artists like that, artists like Raphael started to mix the two as a kind of crutch to get them towards true oil painting technique. So Alberto is working this technique on canvas primed with gesso, lean to fat, reducing the amount of water and increasing the oil each layer until I have half oil, two volumes water. Thoughts on stability?" Okay, so first thought on stability. Seems like an okay approach. I worry a little bit working with this medium, tempera grassa, on a flexible support like canvas. Oil is quite flexible, although it does get more brittle with age. Acrylics are quite flexible and they also get brittle with age. Egg tempera is quite brittle from the get-go, and this is why when you go the Uffizi and the great museums of the Italian old masters you see them working on wood principally as they're painting in egg, because that medium is brittle. And on a flexible support like canvas, which waves around as you're carrying it across the room, or shrinking and expanding with variations in relative humidity, etc, you're going to run into some cracks and some flaking. Now tempera grassa, because there's some oil mixed into the egg it does make it stronger. It does make it more flexible. If you're really concerned about the longevity of these paints, I might consider working on wood on panel rather than on canvas. That being said, I think your approach here, working fat over lean, layer by layer by layer, is a very thoughtful and very strong way to encourage the stability of those works. From Instagram, fabulouschels writes, "Hi. I truly enjoyed the Coursera course and look forward to more in-studio videos. Question is this, I've seen videos of a few young professional artists mixing a large amount of water with their acrylic paints. They pour water onto a stretched canvas laying on the floor and mix a small amount of acrylic paint into it, making a wash or watercolor-like effect. Would a product like Golden's Absorbent Ground prevent under binding when using this technique? Or are their paintings doomed to flake off in the future?" So another question here about unorthodox painting techniques and the physical ramifications of them. Okay, so what happens here is that when you're working in a stain with a lot of solvent, and this is true of oil paints, Magna paints, the first acrylics, or Liquitex acrylic emulsion type paints. When you're working in a stain you have that fixed pigment-to-binder ratio. Comes out of the tube, what have you. But when you work with a lot of extra solvent you're encouraging some of that medium to migrate out of your paint as it dries and into the ground, and or into the support. So the more absorbent the material that you're painting on, the more of that binder is actually going to make its way out of your paint. Now what this is going to do is it's going to make a very matte surface. It's going to increase the opacity of your paint. Maybe these are good things for you. Helen Frankenthaler, by the way, really explored these ideas. I think we might do that in a future video. That being said, if too much of that happens you may have drying cracks, the kind of thing that we were talking about a little bit ago in some of the works of Willem de Kooning and many other artists. So if that is the case then yes, I'm afraid if you're working with a truly under bound paint surface it's going to be really fragile. It may flake off, etc. Working with a ground or a size adhesive to seal that canvas is going to prevent a lot of that soaking, or that seeping into the canvas the same kind of way when you knock over a glass of wine on a tablecloth. If you have kind of a plasticy tablecloth, it's a shiny one that has adhesive into it, you know that wine is just going to kind of bubble up and sit there until you clean it up. If you have an old cotton tablecloth, or something like silk, something like that wicking in, right? Same kind of idea is true of canvas. So again, the rule of thumb here, or really your focus in answering these kind of questions is the pigment-to-binder ratio. If it's really high, if it's excessive, your paint is going to be quite weak, especially if you're not locking it in with a fatter layer on top, fat over lean approach to an academic painting. Igor Sado, cool name, writes from the September live Q&A. "Currently following your course on Coursera." Excellent. "That's how I found out about you and your videos. I love them so much. I love Abstract Expressionism and I love MoMA, which we currently have here in Paris near my house. I'm not a painter per se. I'm a fashion designer and illustrator and yet I find your tips very useful to my work." Super glad to hear it, and I really like this idea that some of the ideas that we explore together in the Coursera course and some of the In the Studio videos go in other directions, they inspire. One of my students mentioned that he's a composer and some of the electronic music that he's making really came out of a thing about Barnett Newman and others, which I really loved. I just went to an event the other day and a chef stopped me and said, "Oh, I know you." And, you know, "Some of these these ideas, I wonder if some of the painterly effects could be explored in food, etc." Sign me up. From today's live chat, Golnaz Farazi, another cool name, writes, "Thanks for the awesome online classes. Any suggestion on how to find a qualified person to critique my artworks?" Interesting. I don't know where you live, Golnaz, but artists are everywhere. And doing studio visits, excuse me, studio visits with other artists is a really good way to get a critique of your own work, and also for you to present your own work. It's one thing to make a painting and to look at it. It's another thing to make a painting and present it to your girlfriend, or wife, or husband, or what have you. It's another thing to introduce it to another artist, or to a stranger, or to an art critic, or something like that. And suddenly you're making a sales pitch. And if this sounds kind of slimy, well, potentially it is. But really the good side of this is that you're focusing on your work. You're thinking about explaining what you're trying to do, how to talk about it, how to frame your work for someone who's coming in cold so that they can really understand what you're doing. How to find these people? Well, probably I think the Coursera course is a great way to start. We have students from all over the world so I'd encourage you to post there about where you live and see if there's someone else in the course who is local or semi-local. And certainly in the Coursera course there is a lot of kind of inter-student critique going on. Of course, this is dealing with JPEGs and TIFFs, which as we found out in the course are quite useful but not as good as the real thing, paint in the flesh. But I think it's a really good way to get started in this kind of process. Wish you all the best. Starsandink on Instagram writes, "Will oil, protein, and water-based paints," protein-based paint we're talking about egg, by the way, egg tempera. "Will oil, protein, and water-based paints apply to an acrylic-based ground, stand up to time, or will they eventually delaminate? Is it true that early oil painters used calcium carbonate in their paints to make them more paste-like?" Okay, two kind of unrelated questions here. First one, can you work on an acrylic-based ground for all these different kind of paints? And thankfully, for us sometimes it's easy. The answer is yes. You can paint acrylic over an acrylic ground. You can paint oil over an acrylic ground. You can paint egg over an acrylic ground. They're all going to work. In fact, these days I really strongly recommend working with an acrylic ground, regardless of what kind of paint you're going to work with over it. Because not only does it provide a nice seal to the canvas, it also provides a flexible kind of ground so that, again, if that canvas waves around over time it's not prone to cracking like a glue ground would be that's a hide glue, an animal glue ground. Or an oil-based ground also could be over time. So all of these things work but I think the idea of working with an acrylic ground is a really good one. Again, it's nice to be a painter these days. "Is it true that early oil painters used calcium carbonate in their paints," a kind of chalk, "To make them more paste-like?" Indeed, sometimes. Indeed, that's a white pigment. So some white oil paints principally use that paint, and it also does make it more pastose, or thick, more toothpaste-like. And certainly some artists deliberately did that. By the way, you can do the same thing with lead white, as Rembrandt and others did. So it's not that that's the only white pigment out there that could do it, but it's a cheap one, and another. There's really no reason not to. "No rubber gloves." Frowning face. Okay, so let's talk about safety here. Oh, by the way, this comes from the video on turpentine burns that Mark Rothko and others did, taking a rag wet with solvent and scrubbing back into the canvas. And this webberon, Ron maybe, is suggesting between the lines here that you should wear rubber gloves. Now if you're doing this every day I strongly agree with you. If you're working with turpentine, turpentine is a relatively strong solvent and it will really, you know, dry out your hands, and you'll crack your hands. And if you're working with toxic pigments, not a great idea anyway, you run the risk of quite serious things. First of all, I was working with just mineral spirit, super low toxicity. And I don't do that every day. So is it a good idea to wear rubber gloves? Yes, certainly. For many of you out there I think you'll find though that working with rubber gloves feels a little weird and uncreative, etc. I've gotten used to it as a conservator. We wear gloves all the time. But the first time you have a small brush in your hand with a rubber glove it's going to feel a little bizarre. So safety is really important, of course. Wearing rubber gloves if you're painting every day. If you're smearing paint all over your hands every day, definitely a really good idea. If you're working with just a little mineral spirits on a rag, you know, every once in a while, I think I'm doing okay. But to each his own. Always safety is a good idea. PedestrianRage, whoa. It sounds like someone who doesn't like bikers here in New York City. Writes, "Absolutely love this new series. It has turned me into a fan of abstract art. I used to lambaste it. Can you explore watercolor as a medium in modern abstract art?" Yeah, that is a good idea. There's a lot of really interesting modern watercolor artists. Cezanne made some wonderful watercolors. Marin here in New York City made some great ones in the beginning of the 20th century. My own background, I work with watercolors a lot as a conservator for in-painting techniques. It's very reversible on a lot of kind of paintings. In my own work I haven't really worked with watercolor that much but I'd be happy to explore it and demonstrate a couple of the key ideas. Maybe we can find someone better than I am in watercolor to do that kind of thing. I think it's a good idea. From the YouTube video on how to paint like Picasso and Georges Braque, that's the cubist video, Pam writes, "This is such an interesting video. Would the style work with watercolor?" A similar kind of question. Absolutely. Picasso and Braque, to my understanding anyway, they did work in in water-based paints but more in studies, more in sketches, more in preparatory kind of works. By the way, for 1907's Demoiselles d'Avignon, the great early cubist Picasso masterwork which is in the collection here at the Modern, there are some really interesting preparatory sketches, Google them, you'll find them, for that great painting. And we can see how Picasso was thinking about that composition and how he changed it quite radically, in fact, as he approached that really watershed moment in the early 20th century. Absolutely. There's no reason why you couldn't paint a Cubist work in watercolor. The big difference here is that your paints are going to be quite translucent. And as I hope I convinced you in the video, a whole lot of cubism is about compressing pictorial space, or flattening that illusionistic volume of old master painting. And a lot of that is done in very opaque paints. In fact, almost all the paints I applied to that that Picasso type painting were quite opaque. So if you work in watercolor everything is going to be translucent. It's going to be more challenging for you to really get the same kind of density and opacity in your composition, but maybe you'll find some really interesting avenues forward. Personally I wonder if that's one of the reasons that Picasso and Braque didn't work so much in watercolor for finished works, but I'm just speculating here. Also from the Picasso video, "Cool, though the blue dots seem a bit sloppy." You know, it's funny. This is modestroker1, nice name. Personally I live with this painting now, it's on the wall in my house. And I go back and forth on this. Sometimes I really like that and other times I kind of agree with the writer here that they do seem a little sloppy. Sometimes the sloppiness of a cubist painting is really interesting, though. In tension with all those lines and all the grammar of geometry, etc, to have the kind of manual imprecision in there is quite nice. I think, you know, this is something that Picasso would agree with. If you look at Picasso's neoclassical works or his Blue Period works, or his academic works early on in this life, man, that guy could paint. But then you look at some of his paintings in the teens and the 20s and they're aggressively clumsy, and aggressively ugly. And even some of the really gorgeous, to my eye, Cubist paintings, he's working with this really lumpy, stiff, staccato kind of brushstroke, which is a little bit, you know, lumpy, and bumpy, and gross looking. It's deliberate, in other words, and it's further announcing the kind of lumpiness, the flatness, the two dimensionality of the painting. Okay, it's three-dimensional, they're lumps. But really reducing that illusionism behind the picture plane. Long way to say it's crossed my mind to clean them up a couple times but I'm not quite sure. Again, oil painting is quite forgiving, so if I did decide sometime that I agree with the writer here, simply working with a small brush, a little bit of, I believe, white background there, an opaque white, like a titanium-white, or something like that, can just kind of clean up the edges of them to refine them into more clean polka dots, that's certainly something that could be done anytime. Question from Madeline today here on the live chat. "Do you have any information on the preservation and maintenance of wax and caustic paintings? Are encaustic paintings able to be preserved for many years, or will they crack and melt over time?" Okay, so encaustic. I don't think we talked about this much in the course. The most famous 20th century artist who is sometimes said to work in encaustic is Jasper Johns, working here in New York City. Johns actually did not work in encaustic. He mixed oil into wax, which is really not encaustic, excuse me, painting. Encaustic is just pigment in wax. The Egyptians painted in encaustic an incredibly long time ago. Encaustic is a stable medium if handled correctly. It does require a non-flexible support, like a wall, or a piece of wood, a panel, something like that. And in that kind of situation they shouldn't crack overtime. However, will they melt over time? You better believe it. If it gets really warm they certainly will liquify a little bit on the surface and get shiny. Or if it got really hot it could be dripping down as well. It is wax. There are different kinds of wax, beeswax microcrystalline wax, which tends to be a little softer, lower melting point, and more prone to melting. But yes, certainly if you're working on a Jasper Johns, or if you have a Jasper Johns, or a Brice Marden with wax in your apartment, first of all, lucky you. But yeah, be careful about the temperature in the summer time, please. Robert Baker, III writes, "Why do artists stretch their own canvas? Is there something less valuable about a painting on a factory-stretched canvas? When purchasing a pre-stretched canvas, what should you look for? Sorry about the three-part question." Not at all. Why do artists stretch their own canvas? A few different reasons. One possible reason, my own reason is that I don't like to buy something ready-made at the store and then put something on it. It feels rather decorative and feels rather impersonal to me. Totally subjective personal answer here. I like building something myself and starting to get a relationship with that object from the get-go. Now you can say, "Oh, but, you know, if you really feel that way you should cut the tree down and saw the stretcher bars, etc." By the way, some artists do that. I don't go that far. So that's one possible reason. Another one is that, for me personally, I want to know what is on there. I want to trust those materials. And whereas you might think, "Well, what's the big deal?" Sometimes it is a big deal. I'm not going to mention specific names, but there's a certain line of canvases, which were used by some important artists by the way, that paint just didn't stick to after 10 years. And the reason why is that this commercial canvas maker applied some kind of a sealant on top of the primer so it looks shiny, and glossy, and clean, and made you want to buy it off the shelf, except paint started to delaminate on it over time. You can imagine if you're an artist who made a entire body of work on that canvas that you bought from the store you're pretty upset about that, and certainly there are artists out there who are. If you do work on a commercially-primed canvas, my own suggestion here, just to make sure that is not going to happen to you, take some sandpaper and sand through whatever the surface coating that may be on there and make sure that it's really truly absorbent and your paint is going to get some tooth into the ground there. "When purchasing a pre-stretched canvas, what should you look for?" Now it's really up to you. If it's a reputable vendor, and certainly there are plenty out there, you want to think about the thread count of the canvas. Should it be rough? Should it be smooth? Single prime, double prime, triple primed. How thick? And, you know, if you're sanding a triple-primed canvas you can make it super smooth, whereas a single prime canvas you're going to be still picking up some of the warps and the wefts, the textile surface of the threads there. So this is really now about the appearance of your work over time. Happy painting, Robert. Argendiego writes, "Hi, Corey. I stretched my canvas and primed it. The tension was excellent, but after painting on it with oils and using a spatula, or pallette knife, the canvas lost its tension. The surface moves like jelly, yikes. Could you give me some tips? Thanks." Okay, so this often happens if you're putting a lot of pressure on the canvas during your painting process. Pallet knives will often do this, or if you're really violent with your work and, you know, hacking and slashing de Kooning style perhaps you might do this as well. A couple answers here. If you've already done that, hopefully you're working on a stretcher and not a strainer. Watch the videos in the Coursera course for the difference there. But a stretcher you can key out the corners, and the cross bar, etc, to supply an increased tension in certain regions of the canvas where you might have a little beer belly, or what Argendiego writes as a jelly kind of loss of tautness, or loss of tension in the canvas. So that's the entire idea behind those keyable, expandable stretchers is that you can get some of that tension back if that happens. Or, by the way, if you have a fireplace, and you're in a cold day like today, New York. You burned a couple logs. The humidity went way down, and then your canvas had a little bit of a lack of tension again. So that's one idea. Another idea if you're going to be working with pallet knives, etc, is that maybe you don't want to stretch it first. Maybe, in fact, you want to take that canvas and staple it directly onto a wall that you're going to paint on. And this way, here's the wall, when you're scraping on it you're not actually flexing the canvas because there's a wall behind it, and you're getting a nice firm resistance. When the painting is done and when it's dry then you can stretch that canvas over stretcher bars. In the late work by Philip Guston, he worked that way. By the way, de Kooning worked that way a lot of times, too. And that approach has another potential benefit that you can kind of decide the dimensions of the canvas after you paint it. You can crop out an area. Gustin, if you look at his work from the '70s, often had a pencil line of a big rectangle where he thought the canvas would be, but then sometimes actually it grew as he worked with a composition. Or sometimes it actually shrunk and he, you know, ended up folding over part of the canvas, the pencil line is actually on the back of the painting now. At any rate, a lot of really good artists have used that approach. You might give it a shot. Nina Shukaylo writes, "I really love fantastic International Klein Blue, IKB." This is kind of blue paint that the French painter Yves Klein developed and actually patented in France. "Do you know if it's possible to purchase the pigment or how to substitute it if not?" Actually you're asking the right person because when I used to work here in the conservation department at MoMA I did a lot of research on Yves Klein and a really important painting of his and the collection here. The pigment that he worked with is synthetic, or French ultramarine. That's widely available all over the world. And, in fact, for a long time it was thought that there was just one blue and only one store in Montparnasse in Paris that sold just the right pigment. But actually I found out that the pigment that is sold there today isn't exactly the same one as what he was working with anyway. So it's less about the pigments than it is about the paint. IKB, International Klein Blue, is a combination of a polyvinyl acetate. That's a kind of synthetic resin, a little bit like acrylic. And the solvents are really important, working with ethanol, that's alcohol, and ethyl acetate, some acetone. And depending on the formulation of the paint, something that's either brushable, or rollerable, rollable or sprayable, etc. By the way Klein died in his 30s and he wasn't particularly worried about some of the health risks of these materials. I hope you are, please. At any rate, the short answer here is IKB, it's less about the pigment, get some synthetic ultramarine and you'll be happy, than it is about the paint itself. And maybe we can tackle this in an In the Studio sometime. Get some Europeans in the mix. That could be quite interesting. Miss Telly today on YouTube writes, "Please be this generation's Bob Ross." I'd be happy to. I think a lot of you know Bob Ross and his happy little clouds. You can find them on YouTube also. Bob Ross is just a hero of mine, and many, many painters out there. His paintings, maybe they're not the most sophisticated and beautiful works, but, man, it's just nice to listen to that guy talk. So if you have the same relationship to some of my videos, I'm flattered. Believe it or not, years ago, 20 years ago for Halloween I went to a party as Bob Ross once, so maybe it's fate. From the Agnes Martin video, Bruno Galvan writes, "You're the cool sequel of Bob Ross." Hey, Bob Ross was pretty cool, so I take offense. Soul Izanami writes, "Dude looks like Drake's uncle." Dude, I'm not old enough to be his uncle. Please. C.S. Imming - "Hey, Corey. Still use your info from the abstract expressionism class. Think of you often tell others about the classes. Still have my painting of you when I gave you de Kooning teeth." I remember that one, too. "Watching the videos again and hope you do more." I'm not going to post that. I can only imagine what kind of comment it would get. Jen Egelnick writes, "I have the nerdiest fangirl crush on this guy." Jen, first drink's on me. Okay, and let's move onto some requests. A lot of requests for artists to cover in the course. Sorry, not the course but in the In the Studio series on which we're continuing this spring, most likely with two episodes. Do stay tuned for those. Jay Colvin a couple weeks ago writes, "How to paint like Basquiat?" In fact, if you spend a little bit of time in the comments sections of many of these videos I think Basquiat is winning this competition for most requested. I would love to. I think Basquiat is a really interesting artist, has a really interesting set of materials that he kinda went back to, although he was quite diverse. My opinion is not the only one. It's quite complicated to make these videos, and there's more than a couple other voices that need to weigh in here. But trust me, Basquiat remains on the table and I hope we can do that sometime. Helen Frankenthaler, another one I think we might tackle. Frankenthaler, a New York School painter inspired by Jackson Pollock, and so many of those artists were, who stained the canvas on the floor rather than dripping on it. We might check out some of her work soon. Mary Thompson writes, "I'd love to see episodes on Frida Kahlo, Mary Cassatt, Georgia O'Keeffe." Yeah, Impressionism, post-Impressionism we could definitely do a video on. Frida Kahlo, interesting. Frida was very interested in and influenced by le tableau painting. That's indigenous Mexican kind of folk painting techniques, often in, but not exclusively, in the Catholic tradition in recent centuries. But Kahlo really used that vernacular in a modern sensibility, and I think that could be quite interesting. Georgia O'Keeffe had a really delicate hand. She was a really subtle and really beautiful painter. She didn't use materials or techniques that were all that idiosyncratic but she just refined them to an extreme degree. Would be definitely worth our time. "You should do a video exploring Gerhard Richter's abstract painting style." I'd be happy to. By the way, there's a great documentary recently on Gerhard Richter where you can watch Richter doing Richter paintings, which obviously would be much better than mine. But he doesn't really talk you through them as I might, so another good idea. Philip Guston, Richard Diebenkorn, Joan Mitchell, Italian Futurism, a whole lot of great ideas here. We definitely do pay attention to these, so please keep them coming. In a way we're, you know, keeping score a little bit about interests. But it's also great to say, "Oh yeah, Italian Futurism video. That could be really interesting building on the cubism video." So some some great ideas here. Thanks for those. A couple more live requests, Jasper Johns, van Gogh, Richter, Richard Pousette-Dart who was a French painter living here in New York City in the 1950s. These are all good ideas from the today's live stream. And by the way, super cool, among other places, people in the audience today from here in New York City, but from Germany, Algeria, India, Bahrain, Columbia, Bulgaria, Brazil. I think that's pretty cool. I don't think you need me to tell you that. At any rate I want to thank everyone for great questions and comments today. Do want to let you know that we'll have a couple of these episodes coming up, another Q&A probably coming up this spring or early summer. Also for those of you who are New York-based, or Jersey-based, or what have you, I want to let you know that I'm teaching a painting studio class here at the Museum, which starts in just a few weeks. There are a couple slots open for that. We're going to be tackling pop art, Andy Warhol, Lichtenstein, artists like that. The class is pretty cool, you know? We spend a lot of time up in the galleries here at MoMA when the museum is closed, so I hope you learn a lot from me but you'll definitely get your money's worth just seeing paintings in the flesh with me without any other distractions around you, etc. So you can find out more about that on moma.org. Please check it out. If we didn't get your questions in the video today we'll try to answer them in text in the comments section afterwards, and of course in our next Q&A. Stay tuned for that. So yeah, keep sending questions, subscribe down below so you don't miss our next release. And thanks again for watching In the Studio. Look forward to seeing you next time.
When it comes to choosing your BMSc module, it can be so confusing. I'm Neal and I will be your guide in exploring your options. Here are five reasons why microbiology and immunology might be the right fit for you. Microbiology and Immunology is a dynamic area of study that opens up the world to study living organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye, like microbes bacteria, viruses, parasites and even fungi. In Microbiology, you will explore how microorganisms affect human health. And in Immunology, you will study the immune system and how it protects us from infectious diseases by eliminating disease-causing microbes. As you study Microbiology and Immunology, you will realize just how many clinical and commercial applications there are for the field. For example, in Microbiology you will also be exposed to the beneficial role of microbes in the environment in a plethora of industries like food and beverage, water treatment, pollution control and agriculture. And in Immunology, you will learn about new immune therapies and vaccines that control and protect us from diseases. The Microbiology and Immunology Students Association fosters a supportive and social community for all students like yourself. Social and academic events are planned throughout the year and they are a great way to meet people, learn more and just hang out with your friends. In your fourth year, you will complete a full-year independent research project with a faculty member and receive advanced laboratory training. Select students may also participate in a summer research project in Africa, as well as other summer research experiences on campus. With your Microbiology and Immunology degree, you'll be set up to pursue graduate training, to apply for professional school or for careers in industry, government, public health policy and even health and safety. If Microbiology and Immunology seems like it's the right fit for you, learn more on the website or contact the program office.
[Movie camera Flicker] ♪ Sci-fi Music ♪ From the darkness depths of deep space... Mystery is on a collision course with danger! The world will never be the same! Brace for impact. [Explosion] ♪ Alluring music ♪
So the eyes are a very useful ways to sometimes to determine truthfulness, and there’s a lot of things so the first thing, let’s talk about eye contact. There’s not one shred of academic research that shows breaking eye contact is an indication of lying. However, everybody believes that. Everybody believes that If you break eye contact you’re lying, there’s not one shred of research that shows that, okay. However, there is some research that shows that people tend to make an overbearing amount of contact when they lie, because they think that you, you think that if they break eye contact that you are going to perceive them as lying. So one of the things you’ll see people do is, I swear to God, I swear to God, I didn’t do that, and then they make an unusual amount of eye contact, which is a deviation from how they make could be an indication of lying. Also blink rates, it’s really a strong way of determining, it’s not a strong way, but it’s one of the ways you could maybe use to determine whether someone is lying. So there’s two responses with blink rate. Our blink rate tends to increase when we get really emotional about something, all right. So blink rate is coordinated with emotion all right, so you’ll see an increase in blink rate right there. But blink rate also decreases when we experience something called cognitive overload. And what cognitive overload is, it’s basically when our brain, lying requires more cognition then telling the truth. So lying requires more cognitive facilities than when you are telling something honest. So what tends to happen behaviors tend to stop when you are lying. So one of the cool things you’ll tend to see is, some research points to, when you see someone is telling a lie, you’ll see a decrease in cognitive overload, and when they get away with it, you’ll see an increase in blink rate, because they just got away with it. So it’s kind of cool, but it’s not highly accurate and it’s hard to look for, but it’s something you can be mindful of.
And, you know, I went to Mongolia and we brought together this team, we started packing up. There's Fred Hiebert, my partner in this. We got to this point where we pass this gate. There was a gate that was guarded by these Mongolian soldiers, right. That essentially have been stationed there for 800 years. I'm serious. The descendants of the Darkhads, you know... this tribe that had been put in place by Genghis Khan himself to defend this region, the Ikh Khorig. This zone that you know he closed off to anybody outside of the Imperial family. Marco Polo wrote about this place, right. The history of the Mongols was written by historians like Rashid Al-Din, from the 17th century. He wrote about this place. They wanted to go here but they couldn't. And for the first time, I am entering into this zone. I am on that journey. We take that data, we had the GPS points now where the crowd had converged. We could mathematically calculate where everybody had converged and clustered. And we started looking and you can see where people had converged. These little clusters of tags would result in you know, us finding things like this huge Khirigsur, which had been here for 3,000 years! We started scanning this region. This is a magnetometer and you walk back and forth in these lines. And you add up all this data. And of course the sheep come after you every once in a while. And the result is you create these maps of what's under the sub-surface, right. There is some metal underneath this rectangular mound. We don't really know what it was but it wasn't-- we don't believe it was, you know what we were really looking for. So we push north, we push deeper into this region of this Ikh Khorig towards this mountain, right. This place that legend has it Genghis Khan went to every time he went to war, right. He'd go there and pray to Tengri and say well, you know, "Am I okay here". Then he would go out and wage war. We would head out every single day up into the upper reaches of this mountain range to hit all of the different peaks to try to see what people were tagging. We'd fly these drones across this whole region with cameras on them to look and see if we could see things that... you know, were little higher resolution than what we were seeing from space. We're moving down off the side of this mountain and literally this storm just starts descending all around us. You can see this big rain cloud coming at us. Among it was lightning, and thunder, and wind and it started blowing all around us at this rate which was, I mean, really terrifying. Cause there's no trees around you to duck into. We had to move almost a mile down off this ridge down to those trees, just to try to get down below the tree line get down into the undercut but we're so exposed, and we had these big magnetometers hanging off of our back. We ran, we ran and the wind started blowing. You know, I mean, it started gushing around us and I mean, we couldn't even hear each other. And as we were running down off the side of this mountain down the south-east flank of that mountain what would be the sunny side of that mountain what the secret history the Mongols had described as being where Genghis Khan should be buried all these trees started falling down around us. ( crashing sounds ) And, you know, it was really... it was almost like... the mountain was showing us its underbelly, it was showing us a window into the sub-surface, you know. And it would be in the roots of one of those trees that my life would really change. My geologist turns to me and shows me this thing and I'm looking at it, just in the roots of this tree. And it's this lion face. We made a plan, as we were walking around we're like literally walking around across across this grass and the earth is crunching underneath me. I could feel, I could feel like I was stepping on something. I could hear it crunching underneath me like ( crunching sounds ) And we agreed that it was okay to just look under the grass like it was a rug, you know we'd just stare barely underneath this. You know, this thing, we'd look underneath the grass. And, we were standing on a roof. And as you look at these pieces that are in this sub-surface it's this part of this temple. We started finding horse bones, tons of horse bones. We sent this data out to get Radiocarbon dated and it comes back... at exactly our sweet spot, right. Somewhere between 500 and 800 years old. Genghis Khan died in 1227, about 800 years ago. So, Fred and I, we started making a plan. And we started mapping out this region with whatever tools we could find. We used cameras on our drones and we created this 3-D photogrammetry mapper of the surface. And we started using things like ground penetrating radar. This is an 18-- actually an eight-antenna array radar system. We're doing a virtual dig. We're trying to recreate the unknown, in virtual reality because we can't actually go there and pull up the earth, right. But, I feel like... I didn't really even have to look for this artifact. I just had to look at what was happening around me and realize that the people around me were they were telling me that the history was still alive the artifact was in the experience. Did we find the tomb or did each individual in us each individual in this group find something in themselves?
Malay (macrolanguage): Hai Ini adalah Atmuman Hari ini..saya akan membuat .. Pelanggan: Sila buat Billie untuk video seterusnya Baiklah Mari buat Billie Eilish bersama Saya akan menggunakan tanah liat kertas ini lagi Mengapa saya selalu menggunakan tanah liat ini? cuz Saya membeli Kotak dari tanah liat ini secara tidak sengaja (Terdapat lebih dari 30ea) Tanah liat baru harus diuli agar menjadi tanah liat yang lembut Buat alas berbentuk telur seperti biasa Belum memikirkan modelnya. Cantikkan saja Balut benang sehingga tanah liat tidak akan digoncang pada penyepit kayu Pada langkah ini, anda perlu memilih ukuran patung ini Sekiranya anda ingin menjadikan kerja anda lebih besar, anda boleh membuat bentuk telur yang lebih besar Anda belum perlu membuatnya kelihatan seperti wajah model Sekiranya anda berusaha terlalu keras pada peringkat ini, anda mungkin akan mudah berhenti pada separuh masa German: Hallo Das ist Atmuman Heute ... werde ich machen ... Abonnenten: Bitte machen Sie Billie für das nächste Video Okay, lass uns Billie Eilish zusammen machen Ich werde diesen Papierlehm wieder verwenden Warum benutze ich diesen Ton immer? Weil ich versehentlich eine Schachtel mit diesem Ton gekauft habe (es gibt mehr als 30ea) Der neue Ton muss geknetet werden, um ein weicher Ton zu werden Machen Sie wie gewohnt eine eiförmige Basis Denken Sie noch nicht an das Modell. Mach es einfach schön Wickeln Sie den Faden so ein, dass der Ton nicht geschüttelt wird auf den hölzernen Stäbchen In diesem Schritt müssen Sie die Größe dieser Skulptur auswählen Wenn Sie Ihre Arbeit größer machen möchten, können Sie eine größere Eiform machen Sie müssen noch nicht versuchen, es wie das Gesicht eines Models aussehen zu lassen Wenn Sie sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt zu sehr anstrengen, können Sie leicht auf halbem Weg aufgeben Arabic: مرحبا هذا Atmuman اليوم .. سأصنع .. المشتركون: الرجاء جعل بيلي للفيديو التالي حسنا دعنا نجعل بيلي ايليش معا سأستخدم الطين الورقي هذا مرة أخرى لماذا أستخدم هذا الصلصال دائمًا؟ لأنني اشتريت صندوقًا من هذا الصلصال عن طريق الصدفة (هناك أكثر من 30 لكل وحدة) يجب عجن الطين الجديد ليصبح طينًا ناعمًا اصنع قاعدة على شكل بيضة كالمعتاد لا تفكر في النموذج بعد. فقط اجعلها لطيفة لف الخيط بحيث لا يهتز الطين على عيدان خشبية في هذه الخطوة ، تحتاج إلى اختيار حجم هذا النحت إذا كنت ترغب في جعل عملك أكبر ، يمكنك جعل شكل بيضة أكبر لست مضطرًا لمحاولة جعلها تبدو كوجه نموذج بعد إذا حاولت بشدة في هذه المرحلة ، فقد تستسلم بسهولة في منتصف الطريق Indonesian: Hai Ini Atmuman Hari ini..Aku akan membuat .. Pelanggan: Silakan buat Billie untuk video berikutnya Oke, mari kita buat Billie Eilish bersama Saya akan menggunakan kertas tanah liat ini lagi Kenapa saya selalu menggunakan tanah liat ini? karena saya membeli sekotak tanah liat ini secara tidak sengaja (Ada lebih dari 30ea) Tanah liat baru harus diuleni agar menjadi tanah liat lunak Buat alas berbentuk telur seperti biasa Jangan pikirkan modelnya. Buat itu menyenangkan Bungkus benang agar tanah liat tidak terguncang pada sumpit kayu Pada langkah ini, Anda harus memilih ukuran patung ini Jika Anda ingin membuat pekerjaan Anda lebih besar, Anda bisa membuat bentuk telur yang lebih besar Anda tidak perlu mencoba membuatnya terlihat seperti model Jika Anda berusaha terlalu keras pada tahap ini, Anda mungkin dengan mudah menyerah di tengah jalan Spanish: Hola Este es atmuman Hoy ... voy a hacer ... Suscriptores: por favor hagan Billie para el próximo video Bien, hagamos que Billie Eilish juntos Voy a usar esta arcilla de papel otra vez ¿Por qué siempre uso esta arcilla? porque compré una caja de esta arcilla por accidente (hay más de 30ea) La nueva arcilla tiene que ser amasada para convertirse en una arcilla blanda. Haga una base en forma de huevo como de costumbre No pienses en el modelo todavía. Solo hazlo bien Envuelva el hilo para que la arcilla no se agite en los palillos de madera En este paso, debes elegir el tamaño de esta escultura Si quieres hacer tu trabajo más grande, puedes hacer una forma de huevo más grande Todavía no tienes que intentar que parezca la cara de una modelo Si te esfuerzas demasiado en esta etapa, podrías rendirte fácilmente a la mitad English: Hi This is Atmuman Today..I'm gonna make.. Subscribers : Please make Billie for the next video Okay Let's make Billie Eilish together I'm gonna use this paper clay again Why do I always use this clay? cuz I bought a Box of this clay by accident (There is more than 30ea) The new clay has to be kneaded in order to become a soft clay Make an egg-shaped base as usual Don't think about the model yet. Just make it nice Wrap the thread so that the clay won't be shaken on the wooden chopsticks In this step, you need to choose the size of this sculpture If you want to make your work bigger, you can make a bigger egg shape You don't have to try to make it look like a model's face yet If you try too hard at this stage, you might easily give up halfway Italian: Ciao Questo è Atmuman Oggi ... farò .. Iscritti: crea Billie per il prossimo video Ok, facciamo Billie Eilish insieme Userò di nuovo questa argilla di carta Perché uso sempre questa argilla? perché ho comprato una scatola di questa argilla per caso (ce ne sono più di 30) La nuova argilla deve essere impastata per diventare un'argilla morbida Crea una base a forma di uovo come al solito Non pensare ancora al modello. Fallo e basta Avvolgi il filo in modo che l'argilla non venga agitata sulle bacchette di legno In questo passaggio, devi scegliere la dimensione di questa scultura Se vuoi rendere il tuo lavoro più grande, puoi creare una forma di uovo più grande Non devi ancora provare a farlo sembrare la faccia di una modella Se ci provi troppo in questa fase, potresti facilmente rinunciare a metà Turkish: Selam Bu Atmuman Bugün .. Yapacağım .. Aboneler: Lütfen sonraki video için Billie yapın Tamam birlikte Billie Eilish yapalım Bu kağıt kili tekrar kullanacağım Neden her zaman bu kili kullanıyorum? çünkü bu kilden bir kutu kazara aldım (30'dan fazla var) Yumuşak kil olabilmek için yeni kil yoğrulur. Her zamanki gibi yumurta şekilli bir taban yapın Henüz modeli düşünmeyin. Sadece güzelleştir Kil sarılmayacak şekilde ipliği sarın ahşap çubuk üzerinde Bu adımda, bu heykelin boyutunu seçmeniz gerekiyor İşinizi büyütmek istiyorsanız, daha büyük bir yumurta şekli yapabilirsiniz Henüz bir modelin yüzü gibi görünmeye çalışmanıza gerek yok Bu aşamada çok fazla uğraşırsanız, kolayca yarı yolda vazgeçebilirsiniz Thai: สวัสดี นี่คืออัตมาน วันนี้ .. ฉันจะทำ .. สมาชิก: โปรดสร้าง Billie สำหรับวิดีโอถัดไป โอเคมาทำให้ Billie Eilish มารวมกัน ฉันจะใช้ดินกระดาษนี้อีกครั้ง ทำไมฉันถึงใช้ดินนี้อยู่เสมอ? เพราะฉันซื้อกล่องดินนี้โดยไม่ตั้งใจ (มีมากกว่า 30ea) ดินใหม่จะต้องนวดเพื่อให้เป็นดินอ่อน ทำฐานรูปไข่ตามปกติ ยังไม่ได้คิดเกี่ยวกับแบบจำลอง แค่ทำให้ดี พันด้ายเพื่อไม่ให้ดินเหนียวสั่น บนตะเกียบไม้ ในขั้นตอนนี้คุณต้องเลือกขนาดของรูปปั้นนี้ หากคุณต้องการทำให้งานของคุณใหญ่ขึ้นคุณสามารถสร้างไข่ให้ใหญ่ขึ้นได้ คุณไม่ต้องพยายามทำให้มันดูเป็นแบบอย่าง หากคุณพยายามอย่างหนักในขั้นตอนนี้คุณอาจเลิกกลางคันได้อย่างง่ายดาย Russian: Привет Это Атмуман Сегодня .. Я собираюсь сделать .. Подписчики: Пожалуйста, сделайте Билли для следующего видео Хорошо, давайте сделаем Билли Эйлиш вместе Я снова буду использовать эту бумажную глину Почему я всегда использую эту глину? Потому что я купил коробку из этой глины случайно (есть более 30ea) Новая глина должна быть замешена, чтобы стать мягкой глиной Сделайте яйцевидную основу как обычно Пока не думай о модели. Просто сделай это красиво Оберните нить так, чтобы глина не встряхивалась на деревянных палочках На этом этапе вам нужно выбрать размер этой скульптуры Если вы хотите сделать свою работу больше, вы можете сделать яйцо больше Вы не должны пытаться сделать его похожим на лицо модели. Если вы слишком сильно постараетесь на этом этапе, вы можете легко сдаться на полпути Japanese: こんにちは これはアトマンです 今日..作るつもり.. チャンネル登録者:次の動画でビリーを作ってください では、一緒にビリー・アイリッシュを作ろう またこの紙粘土を使います なぜ私はいつもこの粘土を使うのですか? 偶然この粘土の箱を購入しました(30ea以上あります) 新しい粘土は、柔らかい粘土になるために混練する必要があります いつものように卵型のベースを作ります モデルについてはまだ考えないでください。素敵にして 粘土が揺れないように糸を包みます 木の箸に このステップでは、この彫刻のサイズを選択する必要があります 作品を大きくしたい場合は、卵の形を大きくすることができます まだモデルの顔のように見せようとする必要はありません この段階で頑張ると、途中で簡単に諦めてしまうかもしれません Portuguese: Oi Este é Atmuman Hoje .. eu vou fazer .. Inscritos: faça Billie para o próximo vídeo Ok, vamos fazer Billie Eilish juntos Vou usar essa argila de papel de novo Por que eu sempre uso esse barro? porque eu comprei uma caixa deste barro por acidente (há mais de 30ea) A nova argila deve ser amassada para se tornar uma argila macia Faça uma base em forma de ovo, como de costume Não pense no modelo ainda. Apenas faça bem Enrole o fio para que o barro não seja abalado nos pauzinhos de madeira Nesta etapa, você precisa escolher o tamanho dessa escultura Se você quiser aumentar o seu trabalho, pode criar uma forma maior de ovo Você não precisa tentar fazer com que pareça o rosto de uma modelo ainda Se você se esforçar demais nesse estágio, pode desistir facilmente até a metade French: salut C'est Atmuman Aujourd'hui .. je vais faire .. Abonnés: veuillez faire Billie pour la prochaine vidéo D'accord, faisons ensemble Billie Eilish Je vais utiliser à nouveau cette pâte à papier Pourquoi est-ce que j'utilise toujours cette argile? parce que j'ai acheté une boîte de cette argile par accident (il y en a plus de 30ea) La nouvelle argile doit être pétrie pour devenir une argile molle Faire une base en forme d'oeuf comme d'habitude Ne pensez pas encore au modèle. Rends-le juste sympa Enveloppez le fil pour que l'argile ne soit pas secouée sur les baguettes en bois Dans cette étape, vous devez choisir la taille de cette sculpture Si vous voulez agrandir votre travail, vous pouvez faire une plus grande forme d'oeuf Vous n'avez pas encore besoin de faire ressembler le visage d'un mannequin Si vous essayez trop fort à ce stade, vous pourriez facilement abandonner à mi-chemin Vietnamese: Chào Đây là Atmuman Hôm nay..tôi sẽ làm .. Người đăng ký: Vui lòng tạo Billie cho video tiếp theo Được rồi, hãy cùng Billie Eilish Tôi sẽ sử dụng đất sét giấy này một lần nữa Tại sao tôi luôn sử dụng đất sét này? Vì tôi đã mua một hộp đất sét này một cách tình cờ (Có hơn 30ea) Đất sét mới phải được nhào để trở thành đất sét mềm Tạo một cơ sở hình quả trứng như bình thường Đừng nghĩ về mô hình nào. Chỉ cần làm cho nó tốt đẹp Quấn sợi chỉ để đất sét không bị rung trên đũa gỗ Trong bước này, bạn cần chọn kích thước của tác phẩm điêu khắc này Nếu bạn muốn làm cho công việc của bạn lớn hơn, bạn có thể làm cho hình dạng quả trứng lớn hơn Bạn không cần phải cố gắng để làm cho nó trông giống như khuôn mặt của một người mẫu nào Nếu bạn cố gắng quá sức ở giai đoạn này, bạn có thể dễ dàng bỏ cuộc giữa chừng French: Tu sais, parfois dans la vie, Essayer d'être trop bon et de le gâcher Rendons ces loisirs plus faciles Grossièrement, juste, faire une sculpture ajouter des oreilles Fais-moi aussi un front. En fait, j'aime la sensation de l'appliquer en douceur J'utilise de l'argile comme ça, donc tu n'as pas à faire comme moi Pensez aux caractéristiques de la tête d'un occidental Désormais, retrouvez les caractéristiques du modèle et réalisez-le. Quand il est trop mou, il n'est pas facile de réaliser des pièces délicates J'ai donc essayé de le durcir et de le sculpter. Il est confortable de creuser et de faire une narine avant de faire un nez. Turkish: Bilirsiniz, bazen hayatta, Çok iyi olmaya çalışıyorum ve berbat et Bu hobileri daha kolaylaştıralım Kabaca, sadece, heykel yapmak kulak ekle Bana da aln ver. Aslında, düzgün bir şekilde uygulama hissini seviyorum Kili bu şekilde kullanıyorum, bu yüzden benim gibi yapmak zorunda değilsin Bir Batılı şefin özelliklerini düşünün Şu andan itibaren, lütfen modelin özelliklerini bulun ve yapın. Çok yumuşak olduğunda hassas parçalar yapmak kolay değildir Bu yüzden onu sertleştirmeye ve oymaya çalıştım. Bir burun yapmadan önce bir burun deliği kazmak ve yapmak rahattır. Arabic: كما تعلم ، أحيانًا في الحياة ، تحاول أن تكون جيدًا جدًا وتفسد الأمر دعونا نجعل هذه الهوايات أسهل بقسوة، مجرد، جعل النحت إضافة آذان اجعلني جبينًا أيضًا. في الواقع ، أنا أحب الشعور بتطبيقه بسلاسة أستخدم الطين مثل هذا ، لذلك لا يجب عليك أن تفعل مثلي فكر في خصائص رأس الغربي من الآن فصاعدًا ، يرجى العثور على خصائص النموذج وجعله. عندما تكون ناعمة للغاية ، ليس من السهل عمل أجزاء دقيقة لذلك حاولت أن أقويها ونحتها. من المريح أن تحفر فتحات الأنف وتصنعها قبل صنع الأنف. Thai: คุณรู้บางครั้งในชีวิต การพยายามทำตัวให้ดีเกินไป มาทำให้งานอดิเรกนี้ง่ายขึ้น ประมาณ แค่, ทำรูปปั้น เพิ่มหู ทำให้หน้าผากฉันเหมือนกัน ที่จริงแล้วฉันชอบความรู้สึกของการใช้มันอย่างราบรื่น ฉันใช้ดินแบบนี้ดังนั้นคุณไม่ต้องทำเช่นฉัน คิดเกี่ยวกับลักษณะของหัวหน้าชาวตะวันตก จากนี้ไปโปรดค้นหาลักษณะของแบบจำลองและสร้างมันขึ้นมา เมื่อมันอ่อนเกินไปมันไม่ง่ายที่จะสร้างชิ้นส่วนที่บอบบาง ดังนั้นฉันจึงพยายามทำให้แข็งและแกะสลัก มันสะดวกสบายในการขุดและสร้างรูจมูกก่อนทำจมูก Russian: Знаешь, иногда в жизни, Пытаться быть слишком хорошим и облажаться Давайте сделаем это хобби проще Грубо говоря, просто, сделать скульптуру добавить уши Сделай мне лоб тоже. На самом деле, мне нравится ощущение его плавного применения Я использую глину, как это, поэтому вы не должны делать, как я Подумайте о характеристиках головы западного человека Отныне, пожалуйста, найдите характеристики модели и сделайте это. Когда он слишком мягкий, не легко сделать деликатные детали. Поэтому я попытался укрепить его и вырезать. Перед носом удобно копать и делать ноздрю. Italian: Sai, a volte nella vita, Cercare di essere troppo bravo e rovinare tutto Rendiamo questi hobby più facili approssimativamente, appena, fare una scultura aggiungi orecchie Fammi anche una fronte. In realtà, mi piace la sensazione di applicarlo senza problemi Uso l'argilla in questo modo, quindi non devi fare come me Pensa alle caratteristiche del capo di un occidentale D'ora in poi, trova le caratteristiche del modello e crealo. Quando è troppo morbido non è facile realizzare parti delicate Quindi ho cercato di indurirlo e scolpirlo. È comodo scavare e fare una narice prima di fare un naso. English: You know, sometimes in life, Trying to be too good and screw it up Let's make this hobbies easier Roughly, just, make a sculpture add ears Make me a forehead, too. Actually, I like the feeling of applying it smoothly I use clay like this, so you don't have to do like me Think about the characteristics of the head of a Westerner From now on, please find the characteristics of the model and make it. When it is too soft it is not easy to make delicate parts So I tried to harden it and carved it. It is comfortable to dig and make a nostril before making a nose. Vietnamese: Bạn biết đấy, đôi khi trong cuộc sống, Cố gắng là quá tốt và làm hỏng nó lên Hãy làm cho sở thích này dễ dàng hơn Thô chỉ, làm một tác phẩm điêu khắc thêm tai Làm cho tôi một cái trán, quá. Thật ra, tôi thích cảm giác áp dụng nó một cách trơn tru Tôi sử dụng đất sét như thế này, vì vậy bạn không cần phải làm như tôi Nghĩ về đặc điểm của người đứng đầu phương Tây Từ bây giờ, xin vui lòng tìm các đặc điểm của mô hình và làm cho nó. Khi nó quá mềm không dễ để tạo ra những bộ phận mỏng manh Vì vậy, tôi đã cố gắng để làm cứng nó và khắc nó. Thật thoải mái khi đào và làm một lỗ mũi trước khi làm mũi. Spanish: Ya sabes, a veces en la vida, Tratando de ser demasiado bueno y arruinarlo Hagamos que estos pasatiempos sean más fáciles Aproximadamente, sólo, hacer una escultura agregar orejas Hazme una frente también. En realidad, me gusta la sensación de aplicarlo suavemente Yo uso arcilla así, así que no tienes que hacer como yo Piensa en las características de la cabeza de un occidental De ahora en adelante, encuentre las características del modelo y hágalo. Cuando es demasiado suave, no es fácil hacer partes delicadas Así que traté de endurecerlo y lo tallé. Es cómodo cavar y hacer una nariz antes de hacer una nariz. German: Weißt du, manchmal im Leben, Ich versuche zu gut zu sein und es zu vermasseln Lassen Sie uns diese Hobbys einfacher machen Grob, gerade, mache eine Skulptur Ohren hinzufügen Mach mir auch eine Stirn. Eigentlich mag ich das Gefühl, es reibungslos anzuwenden Ich benutze Ton wie diesen, also musst du mich nicht mögen Denken Sie an die Eigenschaften des Kopfes eines Westlers Finden Sie von nun an die Eigenschaften des Modells und machen Sie es. Wenn es zu weich ist, ist es nicht einfach, empfindliche Teile herzustellen Also habe ich versucht, es zu härten und zu schnitzen. Es ist bequem zu graben und ein Nasenloch zu machen, bevor man eine Nase macht. Japanese: ご存知のように、時には人生の中で、 良くなりすぎてそれを台無しにしよう この趣味を簡単にしましょう だいたい ただ、 彫刻を作る 耳を追加 私もおでこにします。 実は、スムーズに塗る感覚が好き 私はこのように粘土を使うので、私のようにする必要はありません 西洋人の頭の特徴を考える これからモデルの特徴を見つけて作ってください。 柔らかすぎると繊細なパーツを作るのが難しい だから固めてみました。 鼻を作る前に鼻孔を掘って作るのは快適です。 Portuguese: Você sabe, às vezes na vida, Tentando ser bom demais e estragar tudo Vamos facilitar esses hobbies Aproximadamente, somente, faça uma escultura adicione ouvidos Faça-me uma testa também. Na verdade, eu gosto da sensação de aplicá-lo sem problemas Eu uso argila assim, então você não precisa fazer como eu Pense nas características da cabeça de um ocidental A partir de agora, encontre as características do modelo e faça-o. Quando é muito macio, não é fácil fazer peças delicadas Então eu tentei endurecê-lo e esculpir. É confortável cavar e fazer uma narina antes de fazer o nariz. Malay (macrolanguage): Anda tahu, kadang-kadang dalam hidup, Berusaha terlalu baik dan kacau Mari buat hobi ini lebih mudah Secara kasar, hanya, membuat patung tambah telinga Jadikan saya dahi juga. Sebenarnya, saya suka perasaan menerapkannya dengan lancar Saya menggunakan tanah liat seperti ini, jadi anda tidak perlu melakukan seperti saya Fikirkan tentang ciri-ciri ketua orang Barat Mulai sekarang, cari ciri-ciri model dan membuatnya. Apabila terlalu lembut tidak mudah membuat bahagian yang halus Oleh itu, saya berusaha mengerasnya dan mengukirnya. Adalah selesa untuk menggali dan membuat lubang hidung sebelum membuat hidung. Indonesian: Anda tahu, terkadang dalam hidup, Berusaha menjadi terlalu baik dan mengacaukannya Ayo buat hobi ini lebih mudah Kurang lebih, hanya, membuat patung tambahkan telinga Buatkan aku dahi juga. Sebenarnya, saya suka perasaan menerapkannya dengan lancar Saya menggunakan tanah liat seperti ini, jadi Anda tidak harus seperti saya Pikirkan tentang karakteristik kepala orang Barat Mulai sekarang, silakan temukan karakteristik model dan buatlah. Ketika terlalu lunak itu tidak mudah untuk membuat bagian-bagian yang halus Jadi saya mencoba mengeraskannya dan mengukirnya. Sangat nyaman untuk menggali dan membuat lubang hidung sebelum membuat hidung. Turkish: Pürüzlü yüzeyleri temizlemek ve bir iskelet oluşturmak için zımpara kağıdı kullanın. ow, modelin genel yüzünü yapmak için gözler, burun ve ağız odaklanmak. Bazı aboneler bazen soru soruyor. (Ama neden başaramayacağımızı bilmesine rağmen neden nasıl yapılacağını açıklıyor?) Tabii ki, benim gibi yapmak biraz zor olabilir, Beni takip etmeye devam edersen, kendini tatmin edebilirsin. Sert kile su uygularsanız tekrar yumuşar. Bu yüzden yüzeyi düzeltmek için fırçaya su uyguladım. Sert bir göz, burun ve ağız pozisyonunuz varsa, bunu açıklığa kavuşturmanın zamanı geldi. Bu aşamada, modeli gözlemlemeye odaklanmanız gerekir. Dudaklara biraz daha hacim ekledim. Bu işi yapmak iki hafta sürdü. English: Use sandpaper to clean up rough surfaces and form a skeleton. ow, focus on the eyes, nose, and mouth to make the overall face of the model. Some of the subscribers ask questions sometimes. (But why does he explain how to make it even though he knows we can't make it?) Of course, it may be a little hard to make like me, If you keep following me, you'll be able to make yourself satisfied. If you apply water to the hard clay, it becomes soft again. So I applied water to the brush to smooth the surface. If you've got a rough eye, nose and mouth position, it's time to make it clear. At this stage, you need to focus on observing the model. I added a little more volume to the lips. It took two weeks to make this work. German: Verwenden Sie Sandpapier, um raue Oberflächen zu reinigen und ein Skelett zu bilden. Konzentrieren Sie sich nun auf Augen, Nase und Mund, um das gesamte Gesicht des Modells zu erhalten. Einige Abonnenten stellen manchmal Fragen. (Aber warum erklärt er, wie man es macht, obwohl er weiß, dass wir es nicht schaffen können?) Natürlich kann es ein bisschen schwierig sein, wie ich zu machen, Wenn Sie mir weiterhin folgen, können Sie sich zufrieden stellen. Wenn Sie Wasser auf den harten Ton auftragen, wird er wieder weich. Also habe ich Wasser auf den Pinsel aufgetragen, um die Oberfläche zu glätten. Wenn Sie eine raue Augen-, Nasen- und Mundposition haben, ist es Zeit, dies klar zu machen. In dieser Phase müssen Sie sich auf die Beobachtung des Modells konzentrieren. Ich fügte den Lippen etwas mehr Volumen hinzu. Es dauerte zwei Wochen, um diese Arbeit zu machen. Italian: Usa la carta vetrata per pulire le superfici ruvide e formare uno scheletro. ow, concentrati su occhi, naso e bocca per creare il volto complessivo del modello. Alcuni abbonati fanno domande a volte. (Ma perché spiega come farlo anche se sa che non possiamo farcela?) Certo, potrebbe essere un po 'difficile fare come me, Se continui a seguirmi, sarai in grado di renderti soddisfatto. Se applichi acqua all'argilla dura, questa diventa di nuovo morbida. Quindi ho applicato dell'acqua sul pennello per levigare la superficie. Se hai una posizione approssimativa di occhi, naso e bocca, è tempo di chiarire. In questa fase, è necessario concentrarsi sull'osservazione del modello. Ho aggiunto un po 'più di volume alle labbra. Ci sono volute due settimane per farlo funzionare. Japanese: サンドペーパーを使用して、粗い表面をきれいにし、スケルトンを形成します。 それでは、モデルの顔全体を作るために、目、鼻、口に焦点を当てます。 一部の加入者は時々質問をします。 (しかし、私たちが作成できないことを知っているにもかかわらず、なぜ彼はそれを作成する方法を説明するのですか? もちろん、私のように作るのは少し難しいかもしれませんが、 私をフォローし続けると、自分を満足させることができます。 固い粘土に水をかけると、やわらかくなります。 そこで、ブラシに水を塗って表面を滑らかにしました。 目、鼻、口の位置が粗い場合は、それを明確にする時です。 この段階では、モデルの観察に集中する必要があります。 唇にもう少しボリュームを加えました。 この作業に2週間かかりました。 Thai: ใช้กระดาษทรายเพื่อทำความสะอาดพื้นผิวที่ขรุขระและสร้างโครงกระดูก โอ๊ยให้ความสำคัญกับดวงตาจมูกและปากเพื่อทำให้ใบหน้าโดยรวมของโมเดล สมาชิกบางคนถามคำถามบางครั้ง (แต่ทำไมเขาอธิบายถึงวิธีการทำแม้ว่าเขาจะรู้ว่าเราไม่สามารถทำได้) แน่นอนว่ามันอาจจะยากนิดหน่อยที่จะทำให้เหมือนฉัน หากคุณติดตามฉันต่อไปคุณจะสามารถทำให้ตัวเองพอใจ หากคุณใช้น้ำกับดินเหนียวมันจะนุ่มอีกครั้ง ดังนั้นฉันจึงใช้น้ำกับแปรงเพื่อทำให้ผิวเรียบ หากคุณมีตาที่หยาบกร้านจมูกและปากก็ถึงเวลาที่ต้องทำให้ชัดเจน ในขั้นตอนนี้คุณจะต้องมุ่งเน้นไปที่การสังเกตแบบจำลอง ฉันเพิ่มปริมาณเล็กน้อยบนริมฝีปาก ใช้เวลาสองสัปดาห์ในการทำงานนี้ Malay (macrolanguage): Gunakan kertas pasir untuk membersihkan permukaan kasar dan membentuk kerangka. hai, fokus pada mata, hidung, dan mulut untuk menjadikan wajah keseluruhan model. Sebilangan pelanggan kadang-kadang bertanya. (Tetapi mengapa dia menjelaskan bagaimana membuatnya walaupun dia tahu kita tidak dapat membuatnya?) Sudah tentu, agak sukar untuk dibuat seperti saya, Sekiranya anda terus mengikuti saya, anda akan dapat membuat diri anda berpuas hati. Sekiranya anda menggunakan air ke tanah liat keras, ia menjadi lembut kembali. Oleh itu, saya menggunakan air ke berus untuk melicinkan permukaannya. Sekiranya anda mempunyai kedudukan mata, hidung dan mulut yang kasar, inilah masanya untuk membuatnya jelas. Pada peringkat ini, anda perlu fokus memerhatikan model tersebut. Saya menambah sedikit kelantangan ke bibir. Perlu dua minggu untuk membuat kerja ini. Vietnamese: Sử dụng giấy nhám để làm sạch các bề mặt gồ ghề và tạo thành bộ xương. ow, tập trung vào mắt, mũi và miệng để làm cho khuôn mặt tổng thể của người mẫu. Một số người đăng ký đôi khi đặt câu hỏi. (Nhưng tại sao anh ta giải thích cách tạo ra nó mặc dù anh ta biết chúng ta không thể làm được?) Tất nhiên, có thể hơi khó để làm như tôi, Nếu bạn tiếp tục theo dõi tôi, bạn sẽ có thể khiến mình hài lòng. Nếu bạn áp dụng nước vào đất sét cứng, nó sẽ trở nên mềm trở lại. Vì vậy, tôi áp dụng nước vào bàn chải để làm mịn bề mặt. Nếu bạn có một vị trí mắt, mũi và miệng thô ráp, đã đến lúc làm cho nó rõ ràng. Ở giai đoạn này, bạn cần tập trung vào việc quan sát mô hình. Tôi thêm một chút âm lượng cho đôi môi. Phải mất hai tuần để thực hiện công việc này. Spanish: Use papel de lija para limpiar superficies rugosas y formar un esqueleto. Ahora, concéntrese en los ojos, la nariz y la boca para hacer la cara general de la modelo. Algunos de los suscriptores hacen preguntas a veces. (¿Pero por qué explica cómo hacerlo aunque sepa que no podemos hacerlo?) Por supuesto, puede ser un poco difícil de hacer como yo, Si sigues siguiéndome, podrás satisfacerte. Si aplica agua a la arcilla dura, se vuelve suave nuevamente. Así que apliqué agua al pincel para alisar la superficie. Si tiene una posición áspera en los ojos, la nariz y la boca, es hora de aclararlo. En esta etapa, debe concentrarse en observar el modelo. Agregué un poco más de volumen a los labios. Me llevó dos semanas hacer que esto funcionara. Arabic: استخدم ورق الصنفرة لتنظيف الأسطح الخشنة وتشكيل هيكل عظمي. التركيز على العين والأنف والفم لجعل الوجه العام للنموذج. يسأل بعض المشتركين في بعض الأحيان أسئلة. (لكن لماذا يشرح كيف يصنعها على الرغم من أنه يعلم أننا لا نستطيع فعلها؟) بالطبع ، قد يكون من الصعب قليلاً صنع مثلي ، إذا واصلت متابعتي ، فستكون قادرًا على إرضاء نفسك. إذا قمت بتطبيق الماء على الطين الصلب ، فإنه يصبح طريًا مرة أخرى. لذلك قمت بتطبيق الماء على الفرشاة لتنعيم السطح. إذا كان لديك عين خشنة وأنف وفم ، فقد حان الوقت لتوضيح الأمر. في هذه المرحلة ، تحتاج إلى التركيز على مراقبة النموذج. أضفت المزيد من الحجم إلى الشفاه. استغرق الأمر أسبوعين لجعل هذا العمل. Portuguese: Use uma lixa para limpar superfícies ásperas e formar um esqueleto. Agora, foque nos olhos, nariz e boca para criar a face geral do modelo. Alguns dos assinantes fazem perguntas às vezes. (Mas por que ele explica como fazer isso, mesmo sabendo que não podemos fazê-lo?) Claro, pode ser um pouco difícil de fazer como eu, Se você continuar me seguindo, poderá ficar satisfeito. Se você aplicar água à argila dura, ela ficará macia novamente. Então eu apliquei água no pincel para suavizar a superfície. Se você tem uma posição áspera nos olhos, nariz e boca, é hora de deixar isso claro. Nesta fase, você precisa se concentrar em observar o modelo. Eu adicionei um pouco mais de volume aos lábios. Demorou duas semanas para fazer isso funcionar. French: Utilisez du papier de verre pour nettoyer les surfaces rugueuses et former un squelette. ow, concentrez-vous sur les yeux, le nez et la bouche pour faire le visage global du modèle. Certains abonnés posent parfois des questions. (Mais pourquoi explique-t-il comment le faire même s'il sait que nous ne pouvons pas le faire?) Bien sûr, ça peut être un peu difficile de faire comme moi, Si vous continuez à me suivre, vous pourrez vous satisfaire. Si vous appliquez de l'eau sur l'argile dure, elle redevient douce. J'ai donc appliqué de l'eau sur le pinceau pour lisser la surface. Si vous avez les yeux, le nez et la bouche rugueux, il est temps de le préciser. À ce stade, vous devez vous concentrer sur l'observation du modèle. J'ai ajouté un peu plus de volume aux lèvres. Il a fallu deux semaines pour que cela fonctionne. Indonesian: Gunakan amplas untuk membersihkan permukaan kasar dan membentuk kerangka. ow, fokus pada mata, hidung, dan mulut untuk membuat wajah keseluruhan model. Beberapa pelanggan terkadang mengajukan pertanyaan. (Tapi mengapa dia menjelaskan bagaimana membuatnya meskipun dia tahu kita tidak bisa membuatnya?) Tentu saja, mungkin agak sulit untuk membuat seperti saya, Jika Anda terus mengikuti saya, Anda akan dapat membuat diri Anda puas. Jika Anda menerapkan air ke tanah liat yang keras, itu menjadi lunak lagi. Jadi saya mengoleskan air ke sikat untuk menghaluskan permukaan. Jika Anda memiliki posisi mata, hidung, dan mulut yang kasar, inilah saatnya untuk membuatnya jelas. Pada tahap ini, Anda perlu fokus mengamati model. Saya menambahkan sedikit volume ke bibir. Butuh dua minggu untuk membuat ini bekerja. Russian: Используйте наждачную бумагу для очистки шероховатой поверхности и формирования каркаса. Теперь сфокусируйтесь на глазах, носу и рте, чтобы создать общее лицо модели. Некоторые из подписчиков иногда задают вопросы. (Но почему он объясняет, как это сделать, хотя знает, что мы не можем это сделать?) Конечно, это может быть немного трудно сделать, как я, Если вы будете продолжать следовать за мной, вы сможете быть довольны собой. Если вы нанесете воду на твердую глину, она снова станет мягкой. Поэтому я применил воду к кисти, чтобы сгладить поверхность. Если у вас плохое положение глаз, носа и рта, пришло время прояснить это. На этом этапе вам необходимо сосредоточиться на наблюдении за моделью. Я добавил немного больше объема к губам. Потребовалось две недели, чтобы сделать эту работу. Italian: Penso che mi ci sia voluto più di una settimana per risolverlo in questa fase. Nella descrizione dettagliata, la qualità degli occhi, del naso e della bocca è notevolmente aumentata per sembrare più realistica Se organizzi i bordi o le linee, È un aspetto molto più completo Applicare argilla e spazzolare immediatamente per mantenere una superficie liscia La superficie deve essere liscia per creare la forma esatta Quando la forma delle labbra è completa, crea delle rughe sulle labbra Ho anche chiarito le palpebre Turkish: Sanırım bu aşamada düzeltmem bir haftadan fazla sürdü. Ayrıntılı açıklamada, daha gerçekçi görünmek için gözlerin, burnun ve ağzın kalitesi büyük ölçüde artırıldı Kenarları veya çizgileri düzenlerseniz, Çok daha eksiksiz bir görünüm Pürüzsüz yüzeyi korumak için derhal kil ve fırça uygulayın Kesin şekli oluşturmak için yüzeyin pürüzsüz olması gerekir Dudakların şekli tamamlandığında, dudaklarda kırışıklıklar yapın Ben de göz kapaklarını temizledim Malay (macrolanguage): Saya fikir saya memerlukan lebih dari seminggu untuk memperbaikinya pada tahap ini. Dalam keterangan terperinci, kualiti mata, hidung, dan mulut sangat meningkat untuk kelihatan lebih realistik Sekiranya anda mengatur bahagian tepi atau garis, Ia adalah penampilan yang lebih lengkap Sapukan tanah liat dan sikat segera untuk mengekalkan permukaan licin Permukaannya perlu licin untuk membuat bentuk yang tepat Apabila bentuk bibir lengkap, buat kerutan di bibir Saya juga menjadikan kelopak mata jelas Japanese: この段階で修正するのに1週間以上かかったと思います。 詳細な説明では、目、鼻、口の質が大幅に向上し、よりリアルに見えます エッジやラインを整理すると それははるかに完全な外観です 粘土を塗ってすぐにブラシをかけ、滑らかな表面を維持します 正確な形状を作成するには、表面を滑らかにする必要があります 唇の形が完成したら、唇にしわを寄せます まぶたも綺麗にしました Vietnamese: Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi đã mất hơn một tuần để sửa nó ở giai đoạn này. Trong phần mô tả chi tiết, độ tinh xảo của mắt, mũi và miệng được tăng lên rất nhiều để trông thật hơn Nếu bạn tổ chức các cạnh hoặc các dòng, Đó là một cái nhìn đầy đủ hơn nhiều Áp dụng đất sét và bàn chải ngay lập tức để duy trì bề mặt mịn Bề mặt cần phải nhẵn để tạo hình chính xác Khi hình dạng của đôi môi hoàn chỉnh, tạo nếp nhăn trên môi Tôi cũng làm cho mí mắt rõ ràng Thai: ฉันคิดว่าใช้เวลานานกว่าหนึ่งสัปดาห์ในการแก้ไขในขั้นตอนนี้ ในรายละเอียดคำอธิบายคุณภาพของดวงตาจมูกและปากนั้นเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมากเพื่อให้ดูสมจริงยิ่งขึ้น หากคุณจัดระเบียบขอบหรือเส้น มันดูสมบูรณ์มากขึ้น ใช้ดินและแปรงทันทีเพื่อรักษาพื้นผิวเรียบ พื้นผิวจะต้องเรียบเพื่อสร้างรูปร่างที่แน่นอน เมื่อริมฝีปากมีรูปร่างที่สมบูรณ์แล้วทำให้เกิดริ้วรอยบนริมฝีปาก ฉันยังทำให้เปลือกตาชัดเจน Spanish: Creo que me llevó más de una semana arreglarlo en esta etapa. En la descripción detallada, la calidad de los ojos, la nariz y la boca aumenta considerablemente para parecer más realista. Si organiza los bordes o las líneas, Es un aspecto mucho más completo. Aplique arcilla y cepille inmediatamente para mantener la superficie lisa. La superficie debe ser lisa para crear la forma exacta. Cuando la forma de los labios esté completa, haga arrugas en los labios. También dejé los párpados claros Indonesian: Saya pikir butuh lebih dari seminggu untuk memperbaikinya pada tahap ini. Dalam uraian terperinci, kualitas pelayanan mata, hidung, dan mulut sangat meningkat agar terlihat lebih realistis Jika Anda mengatur tepi atau garis, Tampilannya jauh lebih lengkap Oleskan tanah liat dan sikat segera untuk menjaga permukaan halus Permukaan harus halus untuk membuat bentuk yang tepat Saat bentuk bibir sudah selesai, buat keriput di bibir Saya juga membuat kelopak mata jelas Russian: Я думаю, что мне потребовалось больше недели, чтобы исправить это на этом этапе. В подробном описании качество глаз, носа и рта значительно увеличено, чтобы выглядеть более реалистично Если вы организуете края или линии, Это гораздо более полный вид Нанесите глину и кисть немедленно, чтобы сохранить гладкую поверхность Поверхность должна быть гладкой, чтобы создать точную форму Когда форма губ будет завершена, сделайте морщины на губах Я также прояснил веки French: Je pense qu'il m'a fallu plus d'une semaine pour le réparer à ce stade. Dans la description détaillée, la qualité des yeux, du nez et de la bouche est considérablement augmentée pour paraître plus réaliste Si vous organisez les bords ou les lignes, C'est un look beaucoup plus complet Appliquer l'argile et brosser immédiatement pour maintenir une surface lisse La surface doit être lisse pour créer la forme exacte Lorsque la forme des lèvres est terminée, faites des rides sur les lèvres J'ai aussi clarifié les paupières Arabic: أعتقد أن الأمر استغرق مني أكثر من أسبوع لإصلاحه في هذه المرحلة. في الوصف التفصيلي ، يتم زيادة كوليتي العيون والأنف والفم بشكل كبير لتبدو أكثر واقعية إذا قمت بتنظيم الحواف أو الخطوط ، إنها نظرة أكثر اكتمالاً ضعي الطين والفرشاة على الفور للحفاظ على سطح أملس يجب أن يكون السطح سلسًا لإنشاء الشكل الدقيق عندما يكتمل شكل الشفاه ، قم بعمل تجاعيد على الشفاه أنا أيضا جعلت الجفون واضحة German: Ich glaube, ich habe mehr als eine Woche gebraucht, um das Problem zu beheben. In der detaillierten Beschreibung wird die Qualität von Augen, Nase und Mund stark erhöht, um realistischer auszusehen Wenn Sie die Kanten oder Linien organisieren, Es sieht viel vollständiger aus Tragen Sie Ton auf und bürsten Sie sofort, um eine glatte Oberfläche zu erhalten Die Oberfläche muss glatt sein, um die genaue Form zu erhalten Wenn die Form der Lippen vollständig ist, machen Sie Falten auf den Lippen Ich habe auch die Augenlider klar gemacht Portuguese: Eu acho que demorei mais de uma semana para consertar isso nesta fase. Na descrição detalhada, a qualidade dos olhos, nariz e boca aumenta bastante para parecer mais realista Se você organizar as arestas ou as linhas, É uma aparência muito mais completa Aplique argila e pincele imediatamente para manter a superfície lisa A superfície precisa ser lisa para criar a forma exata Quando o formato dos lábios estiver completo, faça rugas nos lábios Eu também deixei as pálpebras claras English: I think it took me more than a week to fix it at this stage. In the detailed description, the qulity of the eyes, nose, and mouth is greatly increased to look more realistic If you organize the edges or the lines, It's a much more complete look Apply clay and brush immediately to maintain smooth surface The surface needs to be smooth to create the exact shape When the shape of the lips is complete, make wrinkles on the lips I also made the eyelids clear Italian: È naturale quando fai ogni sopracciglio La direzione in cui crescono le sopracciglia può anche influenzare l'immagine del modello È un po 'tardi, ma proverò a fare orecchie. L'orecchio sembra facile, ma in realtà è difficile da realizzare Non avere fretta e fallo lentamente I principianti possono fare un solo orecchio per tutta la settimana. Ora vado a farmi i capelli È facile fare schizzi prima di applicare l'argilla Questa volta, farò acconciatura legata Nelle prime fasi, è necessario concentrarsi su grandi fronzoli Ora vado a fare il collo e una spalla. Pensa alla postura del modello quando fai parte del collo Thai: มันเป็นเรื่องธรรมชาติเมื่อคุณทำคิ้วแต่ละข้าง ทิศทางที่ขนคิ้วโตขึ้นสามารถส่งผลกระทบต่อภาพลักษณ์ของนางแบบได้เช่นกัน มันสายไปหน่อย แต่ฉันจะพยายามทำหู หูดูง่าย แต่จริงๆแล้วมันยากที่จะทำ อย่ารีบร้อนและทำให้ช้าลง ผู้เริ่มต้นสามารถทำหูเดียวตลอดทั้งสัปดาห์ ตอนนี้ฉันจะทำให้ผมของมัน ง่ายต่อการร่างก่อนที่จะใช้ดินเหนียว คราวนี้ฉันจะทำทรงผมผูก ในระยะแรกคุณต้องมุ่งเน้นไปที่ความใหญ่โต ตอนนี้ฉันจะทำคอและไหล่ คิดถึงท่าทางของนางแบบเมื่อคุณทำส่วนคอ Indonesian: Wajar jika Anda membuat setiap alis Arah pertumbuhan alis juga dapat memengaruhi citra model Ini sedikit terlambat, tetapi saya akan mencoba membuat telinga. Telinga terlihat mudah, tetapi sebenarnya sulit dibuat Jangan terburu-buru dan lakukan perlahan Pemula dapat membuat satu telinga sepanjang minggu. Sekarang saya akan membuat rambutnya Sangat mudah untuk membuat sketsa sebelum menerapkan tanah liat Kali ini, saya akan membuat gaya rambut yang diikat Pada tahap awal, Anda harus fokus pada embel-embel besar Sekarang saya akan membuat leher dan bahu. Pikirkan tentang postur model ketika Anda membuat bagian leher Spanish: Es natural cuando haces cada ceja La dirección en la que crecen las cejas también puede afectar la imagen del modelo. Es un poco tarde, pero intentaré hacer orejas. El oído se ve fácil, pero en realidad es difícil de hacer No tengas prisa y hazlo lentamente Los principiantes pueden hacer una sola oreja durante toda la semana. Ahora me voy a hacer el pelo Es fácil dibujar antes de aplicar arcilla Esta vez, voy a hacer un peinado atado En las primeras etapas, debes concentrarte en los grandes volantes Ahora voy a hacer un cuello y un hombro. Piensa en la postura de la modelo cuando hagas parte del cuello Malay (macrolanguage): Adalah wajar apabila anda membuat setiap alis Arah di mana alis tumbuh juga dapat mempengaruhi imej model Ia agak lewat, tetapi saya akan cuba membuat telinga. Telinga kelihatan mudah, tetapi sebenarnya sukar dibuat Jangan terburu-buru dan buat perlahan-lahan Pemula boleh membuat telinga tunggal sepanjang minggu. Sekarang saya akan membuat rambutnya Sangat mudah untuk membuat lakaran sebelum menggunakan tanah liat Kali ini, saya akan membuat gaya rambut yang diikat Pada peringkat awal, anda perlu menumpukan perhatian pada perbelanjaan besar Sekarang saya akan membuat leher dan bahu. Fikirkan tentang postur model ketika anda membuat bahagian leher Portuguese: É natural quando você faz cada sobrancelha A direção na qual as sobrancelhas crescem também pode afetar a imagem do modelo É um pouco tarde, mas vou tentar fazer ouvidos. O ouvido parece fácil, mas é realmente difícil de fazer Não tenha pressa e vá devagar Iniciantes podem fazer uma única orelha durante toda a semana. Agora eu vou fazer o cabelo É fácil esboçar antes de aplicar argila Desta vez, eu vou fazer penteado amarrado Nos estágios iniciais, você precisa se concentrar nos grandes babados Agora eu vou fazer pescoço e ombro. Pense na postura do modelo ao fazer parte do pescoço Russian: Это естественно, когда вы делаете каждую бровь Направление, в котором растут брови, также может влиять на изображение модели. Уже немного поздно, но я постараюсь сделать уши. Ухо выглядит легко, но на самом деле это трудно сделать Не спешите и делайте это медленно Начинающие могут делать одно ухо всю неделю. Теперь я собираюсь сделать свою прическу Это легко сделать эскиз перед применением глины На этот раз я собираюсь сделать прическу На ранних этапах вам нужно сосредоточиться на больших изысках Теперь я собираюсь сделать шею и плечо. Подумайте о позе модели, когда вы делаете шею частью French: C'est naturel quand on fait chaque sourcil La direction dans laquelle les sourcils grandissent peut également affecter l'image du modèle Il est un peu tard, mais je vais essayer de faire des oreilles. L'oreille a l'air facile, mais c'est en fait difficile à faire Ne soyez pas pressé et faites-le lentement Les débutants peuvent faire une seule oreille toute la semaine. Maintenant je vais faire ses cheveux Il est facile de dessiner avant d'appliquer de l'argile Cette fois, je vais faire un style de cheveux attachés Dans les premiers stades, vous devez vous concentrer sur les gros fioritures Maintenant, je vais faire un cou et une épaule. Pensez à la posture du modèle lorsque vous faites une partie du cou Turkish: Her kaş yaptığınızda doğal Kaşların büyüdüğü yön modelin görüntüsünü de etkileyebilir Biraz geç oldu, ama kulak yapmaya çalışacağım. Kulak kolay görünüyor, ama aslında zor Acele etme ve yavaşça yapma Yeni başlayanlar hafta boyunca tek bir kulak yapabilir. Şimdi saçını yapacağım Kil uygulamadan önce eskiz yapmak kolaydır Bu sefer, bağlı saç stili yapacağım Erken aşamalarda, büyük fırfırlara odaklanmanız gerekir Şimdi boyun ve omuz yapacağım. Boyun kısmı yaptığınızda modelin duruşunu düşünün Vietnamese: Thật tự nhiên khi bạn thực hiện mỗi lông mày Hướng mà lông mày mọc cũng có thể ảnh hưởng đến hình ảnh của người mẫu Hơi muộn một chút, nhưng tôi sẽ thử làm tai. Tai có vẻ dễ dàng, nhưng thực sự rất khó để thực hiện Đừng vội vàng và làm cho nó chậm Người mới bắt đầu có thể làm một tai duy nhất trong cả tuần. Bây giờ tôi sẽ làm tóc của nó Thật dễ dàng để phác thảo trước khi áp dụng đất sét Lần này, tôi sẽ tạo kiểu tóc buộc Trong giai đoạn đầu, bạn cần tập trung vào các diềm lớn Bây giờ tôi sẽ làm cổ và vai. Hãy suy nghĩ về tư thế của người mẫu khi bạn làm phần cổ German: Es ist natürlich, wenn Sie jede Augenbraue machen Die Richtung, in die die Augenbrauen wachsen, kann auch das Bild des Modells beeinflussen Es ist etwas spät, aber ich werde versuchen, Ohren zu machen. Das Ohr sieht einfach aus, ist aber eigentlich schwer zu machen Beeilen Sie sich nicht und machen Sie es langsam Anfänger können die ganze Woche über ein Ohr machen. Jetzt werde ich seine Haare machen Es ist einfach zu skizzieren, bevor Ton aufgetragen wird Dieses Mal werde ich gebundene Frisur machen In der Anfangsphase müssen Sie sich auf die großen Schnickschnack konzentrieren Jetzt mache ich Hals und Schulter. Denken Sie an die Haltung des Modells, wenn Sie das Nackenteil herstellen Arabic: من الطبيعي عند رسم كل حاجب يمكن أن يؤثر الاتجاه الذي ينمو فيه الحاجبين أيضًا على صورة النموذج لقد تأخر الوقت قليلاً ، لكنني سأحاول جعل الأذنين. تبدو الأذن سهلة ، ولكن يصعب صنعها في الواقع لا تتعجل واجعله ببطء يمكن للمبتدئين صنع أذن واحدة طوال الأسبوع. الآن سأقوم بعمل شعرها من السهل أن ترسم قبل تطبيق الطين هذه المرة ، سأقوم بعمل أسلوب شعر مقيد في المراحل المبكرة ، تحتاج إلى التركيز على الرتوش الكبيرة الآن سأقوم بعمل الرقبة والكتف. فكر في وضع النموذج عند عمل جزء من الرقبة English: It's natural when you make each eyebrow The direction in which the eyebrows grow can also affect the image of the model It's a little late, but I'll try making ears. The ear looks easy, but it's actually hard to make Don't be in a hurry and make it slowly Beginners can make a single ear all week long. Now I'm going to make its hair It's easy to sketch before applying clay This time, I'm going to make tied hair style In the early stages, you need to focus on the big frills Now I'm going to make neck and a shoulder. Think about the posture of the model when you make neck part Japanese: 眉毛ひとつひとつ作るのは当たり前 眉が伸びる方向もモデルのイメージに影響を与える可能性があります 少し遅いですが、耳を作ってみます。 耳は簡単に見えますが、実際には作るのは難しいです 急がずにゆっくりと作ってください 初心者は一週間中片耳を作ることができます。 これから髪を作ります 粘土を塗る前にスケッチするのは簡単です 今回は結んだ髪型にします 初期段階では、大きなフリルに集中する必要があります これから首と肩を作ります。 首部分を作るときのモデルの姿勢を考える Turkish: Aynı şekilde, yüzeyi temizlemek için zımpara kağıdı kullanılır Saç stilini değiştirdim çünkü bağlı bir saçı ifade etmek zordu Kulaklarım gitti (Kesinlikle kulaklarımı yaptım ...) Şimdi, lütfen her saç yapmak Saç kalıcılık ve sabırla yapılacaktır. Lütfen bir fırça ile bitirin. Şimdi bir heykel inşa etmek için bir sütun yapacağım Elektrikli matkap olmadan yeterli yapabilir Matkaplar daha kolay ve daha hızlı hale getirir Yumuşak kil ile şekil verin Sertleştiğinde, zımpara kağıdı ile hassas bir eğri yapın Son olarak, su uygulayın ve pürüzsüz bir şekilde bitirin O kadar zor değil, değil mi? Indonesian: Demikian juga, amplas digunakan untuk membersihkan permukaan Saya mengubah gaya rambut karena sulit untuk mengekspresikan rambut yang diikat Telingaku hilang (Aku pasti membuat telingaku ...) Sekarang, tolong buat setiap rambut Rambut akan dilakukan dengan membuatnya dengan ketekunan dan kesabaran Silakan selesaikan dengan kuas. Sekarang saya akan membuat pilar untuk membangun patung Itu bisa menghasilkan cukup tanpa bor listrik Latihan membuatnya lebih mudah dan lebih cepat Buat bentuk dengan tanah liat lunak Saat mengeras, buat kurva halus dengan amplas Terakhir, oleskan air dan selesaikan dengan lancar Tidak sesulit itu, kan? English: Likewise, sandpaper is used to clean up the surface I changed the hairstyle because it was hard to express a tied hair My ears are gone (I definitely made my ears...) Now, please make the each hair Hair will be done by making it with persistence and patience Please finish with a brush. Now I'm going to make a pillar to build a sculpture It can make enough without an electric drill Drills make it easier and faster Make a shape with soft clay When it hardened, make a delicate curve with sandpaper Lastly, apply water and finish smoothly It's not that hard, is it? Portuguese: Da mesma forma, a lixa é usada para limpar a superfície Eu mudei o penteado porque era difícil expressar um cabelo amarrado Meus ouvidos se foram (Eu definitivamente fiz meus ouvidos ...) Agora, por favor, faça cada cabelo O cabelo será feito com persistência e paciência Por favor termine com um pincel. Agora eu vou fazer um pilar para construir uma escultura Pode fazer o suficiente sem uma furadeira elétrica As brocas tornam mais fácil e rápido Faça uma forma com argila macia Quando endurecer, faça uma curva delicada com lixa Por fim, aplique água e finalize suavemente Não é tão difícil, é? Vietnamese: Tương tự như vậy, giấy nhám được sử dụng để làm sạch bề mặt Tôi đã thay đổi kiểu tóc vì rất khó để thể hiện một mái tóc buộc Tai tôi đã biến mất (Tôi chắc chắn đã làm cho tai của tôi ...) Bây giờ, hãy làm cho từng sợi tóc Tóc sẽ được thực hiện bằng cách làm cho nó với sự kiên trì và kiên nhẫn Hãy hoàn thành với một bàn chải. Bây giờ tôi sẽ làm một trụ cột để xây dựng một tác phẩm điêu khắc Nó có thể làm đủ mà không cần khoan điện Mũi khoan làm cho nó dễ dàng hơn và nhanh hơn Tạo hình bằng đất sét mềm Khi nó cứng lại, tạo một đường cong tinh tế bằng giấy nhám Cuối cùng, áp dụng nước và kết thúc thuận lợi Nó không khó lắm phải không? Japanese: 同様に、紙やすりは表面をきれいにするのに使用されています 結んだ髪が表現しづらかったので髪型を変えました 耳がなくなった (私は間違いなく耳を作りました...) さあ、それぞれの髪を作ってください 髪は粘り強さと忍耐力で作ることによって行われます ブラシで仕上げてください。 今から柱を作って彫刻を作ります 電気ドリルがなくても十分に作れます ドリルで簡単かつ高速に やわらかい粘土で形を作る 固まったらサンドペーパーで微妙なカーブを描く 最後に水を塗ってスムーズに仕上げます それほど難しいことではありませんか? Spanish: Asimismo, se usa papel de lija para limpiar la superficie. Cambié el peinado porque era difícil expresar un cabello atado Mis orejas se han ido (Definitivamente hice mis oídos ...) Ahora, por favor haz que cada cabello El cabello se hará al hacerlo con persistencia y paciencia. Por favor termina con un pincel. Ahora voy a hacer un pilar para construir una escultura. Puede hacer lo suficiente sin un taladro eléctrico Los taladros lo hacen más fácil y rápido Haz una forma con arcilla blanda Cuando se endurezca, haga una curva delicada con papel de lija Por último, aplique agua y termine suavemente No es tan difícil, ¿verdad? Malay (macrolanguage): Begitu juga, kertas pasir digunakan untuk membersihkan permukaan Saya mengubah gaya rambut kerana sukar untuk mengekspresikan rambut yang diikat Telinga saya hilang (Saya pasti membuat telinga ...) Sekarang, sila buat setiap rambut Rambut akan dilakukan dengan membuatnya dengan gigih dan sabar Sila selesaikan dengan berus. Sekarang saya akan membuat tiang untuk membina patung Ia dapat membuat cukup tanpa gerudi elektrik Latihan menjadikannya lebih mudah dan pantas Buat bentuk dengan tanah liat lembut Apabila mengeras, buat lekukan halus dengan kertas pasir Akhir sekali, sapukan air dan selesaikan dengan lancar Ia tidak begitu sukar, bukan? Italian: Allo stesso modo, la carta vetrata viene utilizzata per pulire la superficie Ho cambiato l'acconciatura perché era difficile esprimere un capello legato Le mie orecchie sono sparite (Ho sicuramente fatto le mie orecchie ...) Ora, per favore, prepara i capelli I capelli saranno fatti rendendoli con persistenza e pazienza Per favore, finisci con un pennello. Ora farò un pilastro per costruire una scultura Può fare abbastanza senza un trapano elettrico I trapani lo rendono più facile e veloce Crea una forma con argilla morbida Quando indurito, fai una curva delicata con carta vetrata Infine, applicare acqua e finire senza problemi Non è così difficile, vero? Thai: ในทำนองเดียวกันกระดาษทรายจะใช้ในการทำความสะอาดพื้นผิว ฉันเปลี่ยนทรงผมเพราะมันยากที่จะแสดงให้เห็นถึงการผูกผม หูของฉันหายไปแล้ว (ฉันทำหูของฉันแน่นอน ... ) ตอนนี้โปรดทำให้ผมแต่ละคน ผมจะทำโดยการทำมันด้วยความเพียรและความอดทน กรุณาจบด้วยแปรง ตอนนี้ฉันจะสร้างเสาเพื่อสร้างประติมากรรม มันสามารถทำให้เพียงพอโดยไม่ต้องใช้สว่านไฟฟ้า การฝึกซ้อมทำให้ง่ายขึ้นและเร็วขึ้น ทำรูปร่างด้วยดินเหนียวอ่อน เมื่อแข็งแล้วให้ทำเส้นโค้งที่ละเอียดอ่อนด้วยกระดาษทราย สุดท้ายใช้น้ำและเสร็จอย่างราบรื่น มันไม่ยากใช่ไหม? French: De même, du papier de verre est utilisé pour nettoyer la surface J'ai changé de coiffure car il était difficile d'exprimer un cheveu attaché Mes oreilles sont parties (J'ai définitivement fait mes oreilles ...) Maintenant, veuillez faire les cheveux Les cheveux seront faits en les faisant avec persévérance et patience Veuillez terminer avec un pinceau. Maintenant, je vais faire un pilier pour construire une sculpture Il peut en faire assez sans perceuse électrique Les exercices facilitent et accélèrent Faites une forme avec de l'argile molle Quand il a durci, faites une courbe délicate avec du papier de verre Enfin, appliquez de l'eau et finissez en douceur Ce n'est pas si difficile, non? German: Ebenso wird Sandpapier verwendet, um die Oberfläche zu reinigen Ich habe die Frisur geändert, weil es schwierig war, ein gebundenes Haar auszudrücken Meine Ohren sind weg (Ich habe definitiv meine Ohren gemacht ...) Nun machen Sie bitte jedes Haar Das Haar wird mit Ausdauer und Geduld gemacht Bitte beenden Sie mit einem Pinsel. Jetzt werde ich eine Säule bauen, um eine Skulptur zu bauen Ohne Bohrmaschine kann es genug machen Bohrer machen es einfacher und schneller Machen Sie eine Form mit weichem Ton Wenn es ausgehärtet ist, machen Sie mit Sandpapier eine zarte Kurve Zuletzt Wasser auftragen und glatt abschließen Es ist nicht so schwer, oder? Arabic: وبالمثل ، يتم استخدام ورق الصنفرة لتنظيف السطح لقد غيرت تصفيفة الشعر لأنه كان من الصعب التعبير عن شعر مربوط ذهبت أذني (لقد جعلت أذني بالتأكيد ...) الآن ، يرجى جعل كل شعرة سوف يتم الشعر بجعله بإصرار وصبر يرجى الانتهاء بفرشاة. الآن سأقوم بعمل عمود لبناء النحت يمكنها صنع ما يكفي بدون مثقاب كهربائي التدريبات تجعلها أسهل وأسرع اصنع شكل مع الطين الطري عندما تصلب ، قم بعمل منحنى دقيق باستخدام ورق الصنفرة أخيرًا ، ضع الماء وانتهي بسلاسة ليس الأمر صعبًا ، أليس كذلك؟ Russian: Кроме того, наждачная бумага используется для очистки поверхности Я изменил прическу, потому что было трудно выразить прическу Мои уши исчезли (Я определенно сделал мои уши ...) Теперь, пожалуйста, сделайте каждый волос Волосы будут сделаны, делая это с настойчивостью и терпением Пожалуйста, закончите с кистью. Теперь я собираюсь сделать столб для создания скульптуры Это может сделать достаточно без электрической дрели Тренировки делают это проще и быстрее Сделай форму с мягкой глиной Когда она затвердеет, сделайте тонкий изгиб наждачной бумагой Наконец, примените воду и закончите гладко Это не так сложно, не так ли? Arabic: الآن ستقوم بتوصيل العمود بالرأس املأ الحفرة بالطين جعل الباقي في الطين يرجى تنعيم السطح بورق الصنفرة تم الانتهاء من النحت أخيرا سأقوم بتلوينها الآن يرجى إعداد الطلاء قبل التلوين الآن سأقوم بتلوينها بألوان أساسية إذا كنت نموذجًا يقوم عادة بعمل مكياج ، فإنه يحتاج إلى طلاء لون المكياج Indonesian: Sekarang akan menghubungkan pilar ke kepala Isi lubang dengan tanah liat Buat sisanya menjadi tanah liat Silakan menghaluskan permukaan dengan amplas Patung itu akhirnya selesai Saya akan mewarnai sekarang Silakan siapkan cat sebelum mewarnai Sekarang saya akan mewarnainya dalam warna dasar Jika Anda seorang model yang biasanya melakukan riasan, perlu melukis warna riasan Italian: Ora collegherà il pilastro alla testa Riempi il buco con l'argilla Trasforma il resto in argilla Si prega di lisciare la superficie con carta vetrata La scultura è finalmente completata Adesso lo colorerò Si prega di preparare la vernice prima di colorare Ora lo colorerò con colori di base Se sei una modella che di solito fa il trucco, deve dipingere il colore del trucco Japanese: 次に、柱を頭に接続します 穴を粘土で埋めます 残りを粘土にします サンドペーパーで表面を滑らかにしてください いよいよ彫刻が完成 今から色付けします 着色する前に塗料を準備してください ベーシックカラーで塗ります 普段メイクをしているモデルならメイク色を塗る French: Maintenant, il va connecter le pilier à la tête Remplissez le trou avec de l'argile Transformez le reste en argile Veuillez lisser la surface avec du papier de verre La sculpture est enfin terminée Je vais le colorier maintenant Veuillez préparer la peinture avant la coloration Maintenant, je vais le colorier dans des couleurs de base Si vous êtes un mannequin qui maquille habituellement, il doit peindre la couleur du maquillage Turkish: Şimdi direği kafasına bağlayacak Deliği kil ile doldurun Geri kalanını kil haline getirin Lütfen yüzeyi zımpara kağıdı ile düzeltin Heykel sonunda tamamlandı Şimdi renklendireceğim Lütfen boyamadan önce boyayı hazırlayın Şimdi onu temel renklerde boyayacağım Genellikle makyaj yapan bir modelseniz, makyaj rengini boyaması gerekir Thai: ตอนนี้มันจะเชื่อมต่อเสากับหัว เติมหลุมด้วยดิน ทำให้ส่วนที่เหลือของมันเป็นดินเหนียว กรุณาทำให้พื้นผิวเรียบด้วยกระดาษทราย ประติมากรรมเสร็จสมบูรณ์ในที่สุด ตอนนี้ฉันจะลงสีแล้ว โปรดเตรียมสีก่อนทาสี ตอนนี้ฉันจะระบายสีด้วยสีพื้นฐาน หากคุณเป็นนางแบบที่มักแต่งหน้าก็ต้องใช้สีในการแต่งหน้า Spanish: Ahora va a conectar el pilar a la cabeza. Llenar el hoyo con la arcilla Convertir el resto en arcilla Por favor, alise la superficie con papel de lija La escultura finalmente se completa. Voy a colorearlo ahora Por favor prepare la pintura antes de colorear Ahora voy a colorearlo en colores básicos. Si eres una modelo que generalmente se maquilla, necesita pintar el color del maquillaje English: Now it's going to connect the pillar to the head Fill the hole with the clay Make the rest of it into clay Please smooth the surface with sandpaper The sculpture is finally completed I'm going to color it right now Please prepare the paint before coloring Now I'm going to color it in basic colors If you are a model who usually does makeup, it needs to paint makeup color German: Jetzt wird es die Säule mit dem Kopf verbinden Füllen Sie das Loch mit dem Ton Machen Sie den Rest daraus zu Ton Bitte glätten Sie die Oberfläche mit Sandpapier Die Skulptur ist endlich fertig Ich werde es jetzt färben Bitte bereiten Sie die Farbe vor dem Färben vor Jetzt werde ich es in Grundfarben färben Wenn Sie ein Model sind, das normalerweise Make-up macht, muss es Make-up-Farbe malen Malay (macrolanguage): Sekarang ia akan menghubungkan tiang ke kepala Isi lubang dengan tanah liat Jadikan selebihnya menjadi tanah liat Sila ratakan permukaan dengan kertas pasir Arca akhirnya siap Saya akan mewarnainya sekarang Sila sediakan cat sebelum mewarnakan Sekarang saya akan mewarnainya dengan warna asas Sekiranya anda seorang model yang biasanya melakukan solek, ia perlu melukis warna solek Russian: Теперь он собирается соединить столб с головой Заполните отверстие глиной Превратить остальное в глину Пожалуйста, сгладьте поверхность наждачной бумагой Скульптура наконец завершена Я собираюсь покрасить это прямо сейчас Пожалуйста, подготовьте краску перед окраской Теперь я собираюсь раскрасить его в основные цвета Если вы модель, которая обычно делает макияж, она должна раскрасить цвет макияжа Vietnamese: Bây giờ nó sẽ kết nối trụ với đầu Đổ đất vào lỗ Biến phần còn lại của nó thành đất sét Hãy làm phẳng bề mặt bằng giấy nhám Tác phẩm điêu khắc cuối cùng đã hoàn thành Tôi sẽ tô màu nó ngay bây giờ Vui lòng chuẩn bị sơn trước khi tô màu Bây giờ tôi sẽ tô màu nó bằng các màu cơ bản Nếu bạn là người mẫu thường trang điểm thì cần tô màu trang điểm. Portuguese: Agora vai conectar o pilar na cabeça Encha o buraco com a argila Transforme o restante em argila Por favor, alise a superfície com uma lixa A escultura está finalmente concluída Eu vou colorir agora Por favor, prepare a tinta antes de colorir Agora vou colorir em cores básicas Se você é um modelo que geralmente faz maquiagem, ele precisa pintar a cor da maquiagem Vietnamese: Tôi sơn chân tóc màu đen nhẹ để trông tự nhiên Airbrushes giúp dễ dàng hơn để sơn ánh sáng và bóng râm Tôi sẽ vẽ mái tóc màu xanh lá cây đặc trưng của Billie Tôi vẽ phần đen thêm một lần nữa Đó là một màu sơn đỏ trong suốt thể hiện màu đỏ Nó có màu nâu nhạt để tạo hiệu ứng ba chiều Vẽ mắt bằng sơn trắng Portuguese: Pintei as raízes do meu cabelo levemente de preto para torná-lo natural Os aerógrafos facilitam a pintura da luz e da sombra Eu vou pintar o cabelo verde da Billie Eu pintei a parte preta mais uma vez É uma tinta vermelha transparente que expressa a vermelhidão É marrom claro para dar um efeito tridimensional Pinte os olhos com tinta branca Spanish: Pinté las raíces de mi cabello ligeramente negro para que se vea natural Los aerógrafos facilitan la pintura de luces y sombras Pintaré el característico cabello verde de Billie Pinté la parte negra una vez más Es una pintura roja transparente que expresa el enrojecimiento. Es de color marrón claro para darle un efecto tridimensional. Pintar los ojos con pintura blanca. German: Ich habe die Haarwurzeln leicht schwarz gestrichen, damit sie natürlich aussehen Airbrushes erleichtern das Malen von Licht und Schatten Ich werde Billies charakteristisches grünes Haar malen Ich habe noch einmal einen schwarzen Teil gemalt Es ist eine transparente rote Farbe, die die Rötung ausdrückt Es ist hellbraun, um einen dreidimensionalen Effekt zu erzielen Malen Sie die Augen mit weißer Farbe Malay (macrolanguage): Saya mengecat akar rambut saya dengan warna hitam sehingga kelihatan semula jadi Berus udara menjadikannya lebih mudah untuk melukis cahaya dan bayangan Saya akan cat rambut hijau khas Billie Saya melukis bahagian hitam sekali lagi Ini cat merah lutsinar yang menyatakan kemerahan Ia berwarna coklat muda untuk memberikan kesan tiga dimensi Warnakan mata dengan cat putih English: I painted the roots of my hair lightly black to make it look natural Airbrushes make it easier to paint light and shade I'll paint Billie's signature green hair I painted black part one more time It's a transparent red paint that expresses the redness It's light brown to give it a three-dimensional effect Paint the eyes with white paint French: J'ai peint les racines de mes cheveux légèrement noirs pour les rendre naturels Les aérographes facilitent la peinture de la lumière et de l'ombre Je peindrai les cheveux verts de Billie J'ai peint la partie noire une fois de plus C'est une peinture rouge transparente qui exprime la rougeur Il est marron clair pour lui donner un effet tridimensionnel Peignez les yeux avec de la peinture blanche Italian: Ho dipinto le radici dei miei capelli leggermente nere per renderle naturali Gli aerografi facilitano la verniciatura di luci e ombre Dipingerò i capelli verdi distintivi di Billie Ho dipinto la parte nera ancora una volta È una vernice rossa trasparente che esprime il rossore È marrone chiaro per dargli un effetto tridimensionale Dipingi gli occhi con vernice bianca Arabic: لقد رسمت جذور شعري باللون الأسود الفاتح لجعله يبدو طبيعيًا البخاخات تجعل من السهل طلاء الضوء والظل سوف أرسم شعر بيلي الأخضر المميز رسمت جزء أسود مرة أخرى إنه طلاء أحمر شفاف يعبر عن الاحمرار لونها بني فاتح لإعطائها تأثير ثلاثي الأبعاد ترسم العينين بطلاء أبيض Russian: Я слегка покрасил корни моих волос, чтобы они выглядели естественно Аэрографы облегчают рисование света и тени Я нарисую фирменные зеленые волосы Билли Я нарисовал черную часть еще раз Это прозрачная красная краска, которая выражает покраснение Это светло-коричневый, чтобы придать ему трехмерный эффект Покрась глаза белой краской Japanese: 髪の毛の根元を軽く黒く塗って、自然に見えるようにしました エアブラシを使用すると、明暗を簡単にペイントできます ビリーの署名の緑の髪を塗る 黒い部分をもう一度塗った 赤みを表現した透明な赤いペンキです ライトブラウンで立体感を出す 目を白いペンキで塗ります Turkish: Doğal görünmesi için saçlarımın köklerini hafifçe siyah boyadım Airbrushlar ışık ve gölge boyamayı kolaylaştırır Bilardo imzalı yeşil saçları boyayacağım Siyah kısmı bir kez daha boyadım Kızarıklığı ifade eden şeffaf kırmızı bir boyadır. Üç boyutlu bir etki vermek için açık kahverengi Gözleri beyaz boya ile boya Indonesian: Saya mengecat akar rambut saya dengan warna hitam muda agar terlihat alami Airbrush memudahkan untuk mengecat cahaya dan bayangan Saya akan melukis rambut hijau khas Billie Saya melukis bagian hitam sekali lagi Ini adalah cat merah transparan yang mengekspresikan warna merah Warnanya cokelat muda untuk memberikan efek tiga dimensi Warnai mata dengan cat putih Thai: ฉันทาสีรากผมของฉันเป็นสีดำเบา ๆ เพื่อให้ดูเป็นธรรมชาติ พู่กันทำให้การวาดแสงและเงาง่ายขึ้น ฉันจะวาดผมสีเขียวของ Billie ฉันทาสีส่วนสีดำอีกครั้ง มันเป็นสีแดงโปร่งใสที่แสดงออกถึงรอยแดง มันเป็นสีน้ำตาลอ่อนเพื่อให้เอฟเฟกต์สามมิติ วาดดวงตาด้วยสีขาว Turkish: Lütfen dudaklarınızı da boyayın Bu sefer gerçek kozmetiklerle renklendirdim Daha önce hiç denemedim. İyiydi Parçacıklar toplandı ve hassas çalışmalar mümkün oldu Ayrıca gözlerinin mukoza zarını boyadım Bu benim gerçek saçım Bunu pamuklu çubukla sararım ve kıvrılırım Yaylı bir kıvrılma Lütfen uygun boyutlarda kesin ve hazırlayın Her birini tek tek koymak için anında yapıştırıcı kullandım Çok ince kirpikler çizmek için fırça kullandım Italian: Per favore, dipingi anche le labbra Questa volta l'ho colorato con veri cosmetici Non l'ho mai provato prima. È stato bello Sono state raccolte particelle ed è stato possibile un lavoro delicato Ho anche dipinto la mucosa dei suoi occhi Questi sono i miei veri capelli Lo avvolgo attorno a un batuffolo di cotone e faccio un ricciolo È un ricciolo elastico Si prega di tagliarlo in dimensioni appropriate e prepararlo Ho usato la colla istantanea per mettere ciascuno per uno Ho usato un pennello per disegnare ciglia troppo sottili German: Bitte malen Sie auch die Lippen Diesmal habe ich es mit echter Kosmetik gefärbt Ich habe es noch nie versucht. Es war gut Partikel wurden gesammelt und heikle Arbeiten waren möglich Ich habe auch die Schleimhaut seiner Augen gemalt Das ist mein echtes Haar Ich werde dies um ein Wattestäbchen wickeln und eine Locke machen Es ist eine federnde Locke Bitte schneiden Sie es in geeignete Größen und bereiten Sie es vor Ich habe Sofortkleber verwendet, um jeden nach dem anderen zu setzen Ich habe mit einem Pinsel zu dünne Wimpern gezeichnet Russian: Пожалуйста, покрасьте губы тоже На этот раз я покрасил его настоящей косметикой Я никогда не пробовал это раньше. Это было хорошо Частицы были собраны и возможна деликатная работа Я также нарисовал слизистую оболочку глаз Это мои настоящие волосы Я оберну это вокруг ватного тампона и сделаю завиток Это упругий локон Пожалуйста, нарежьте его на соответствующие размеры и подготовьте Я использовал мгновенный клей, чтобы положить каждый по одному Я использовал кисть, чтобы нарисовать слишком тонкие ресницы English: Please paint lips, too I colored it with real cosmetics this time I've never tried it before. It was good Particles were collected and delicate work was possible I also painted the mucous membrane of its eyes This is my real hair I'll wrap this around a cotton swab and make a curl It's a springy curl Please cut it into appropriate sizes and prepare it I used instant glue to put each one by one I used a brush to draw too thin eyelashes French: Veuillez aussi peindre les lèvres Je l'ai colorée avec de vrais cosmétiques cette fois Je ne l'ai jamais essayé auparavant. C'était bon Des particules ont été collectées et un travail délicat a été possible J'ai aussi peint la muqueuse de ses yeux Ce sont mes vrais cheveux Je vais l'enrouler autour d'un coton-tige et faire une boucle C'est une boucle élastique Veuillez le couper dans les tailles appropriées et le préparer J'ai utilisé de la colle instantanée pour les mettre un par un J'ai utilisé une brosse pour dessiner des cils trop fins Portuguese: Por favor, pinte os lábios também Eu pintei com cosméticos reais desta vez Eu nunca tentei isso antes. Foi bom Foram coletadas partículas e foi possível um trabalho delicado Eu também pintei a mucosa dos olhos Este é o meu cabelo de verdade Vou enrolá-lo em um cotonete e fazer um cacho É um cacho elástico Por favor, corte-o em tamanhos adequados e prepare-o Eu usei cola instantânea para colocar cada um por um Usei um pincel para desenhar cílios muito finos Japanese: 唇も塗ってください 今回は本物の化粧品で着色しました これまでに試したことはありません。良かったです 粒子を集めて繊細な作業が可能でした 目の粘膜も塗ってみました これは私の本当の髪です これを綿棒で包んでカールさせます 弾力のあるカールです 適当な大きさに切ってご用意ください 瞬間接着剤を使用して、1つずつ貼り付けました ブラシを使って、まつ毛が薄すぎた Malay (macrolanguage): Tolong cat juga bibir Saya mewarnainya dengan kosmetik sebenar kali ini Saya tidak pernah mencubanya sebelum ini. Ia adalah baik Zarah-zarah dikumpulkan dan kerja-kerja halus mungkin Saya juga melukis membran mukus matanya Ini rambut saya yang sebenar Saya akan membalut kain kapas dan membuat ikal Ia adalah curl springy Sila potong dengan saiz yang sesuai dan sediakannya Saya menggunakan gam segera untuk meletakkan setiap satu demi satu Saya menggunakan berus untuk menarik bulu mata yang terlalu nipis Arabic: يرجى طلاء الشفاه أيضا لقد قمت بتلوينها بمستحضرات التجميل الحقيقية هذه المرة لم أجربه من قبل. كانت جيدة تم جمع الجسيمات وكان من الممكن عمل دقيق رسمت أيضًا الغشاء المخاطي لعينيه هذا شعري الحقيقي سألف هذا حول قطعة قطن وأقوم بتجعيد الشعر إنه تجعيد نابض يرجى تقطيعه إلى أحجام مناسبة وإعداده استخدمت الغراء الفوري لوضع كل واحد على حدة استخدمت فرشاة لرسم رموش رفيعة جدًا Vietnamese: Hãy vẽ môi nữa Tôi đã tô màu nó bằng mỹ phẩm thực sự lần này Tôi chưa bao giờ thử nó trước đây. Nó đã tốt Các hạt đã được thu thập và công việc tinh tế là có thể Tôi cũng vẽ màng nhầy của mắt nó Đây là tóc thật của tôi Tôi sẽ quấn cái này quanh một miếng bông gòn và uốn xoăn Đó là một cuộn tròn mùa xuân Vui lòng cắt nó thành các kích cỡ phù hợp và chuẩn bị nó Tôi đã sử dụng keo ngay lập tức để đặt từng cái một Tôi đã sử dụng một bàn chải để vẽ lông mi quá mỏng Thai: กรุณาทาสีริมฝีปากด้วย ตอนนี้ฉันวาดภาพด้วยเครื่องสำอางจริง ฉันไม่เคยลองมาก่อน มันดีนะ มีการรวบรวมอนุภาคและทำงานได้ละเอียดอ่อน ฉันยังทาสีเยื่อเมือกของดวงตา นี่คือผมที่แท้จริงของฉัน ฉันจะพันคันสำลีก้อนนี้แล้วม้วนงอ มันเป็นขดสปริง กรุณาตัดเป็นขนาดที่เหมาะสมและเตรียมมัน ฉันใช้กาวทันทีเพื่อใส่ทีละตัว ฉันใช้แปรงวาดขนตาบางเกินไป Spanish: Por favor pinta los labios también Esta vez lo coloreé con cosméticos reales Nunca lo he probado antes. Estuvo bien Se recogieron partículas y fue posible realizar trabajos delicados. También pinté la membrana mucosa de sus ojos. Este es mi cabello real Lo envolveré con un hisopo de algodón y haré un rizo Es un rizo elástico Córtalo en tamaños apropiados y prepáralo Usé pegamento instantáneo para poner cada uno por uno Usé un pincel para dibujar pestañas muy finas Indonesian: Tolong cat juga Saya mewarnainya dengan kosmetik asli saat ini Saya belum pernah mencobanya sebelumnya. Itu bagus Partikel dikumpulkan dan pekerjaan yang sulit dimungkinkan Saya juga mengecat selaput lendir matanya Ini rambut asli saya Saya akan membungkus ini dengan kapas dan membuat keriting Ini ikal yang kenyal Harap potong menjadi ukuran yang sesuai dan persiapkan Saya menggunakan lem instan untuk meletakkan masing-masing satu per satu Saya menggunakan kuas untuk menggambar bulu mata terlalu tipis German: Bitte zeichnen Sie die Augen als letzten Schliff Ich zeichnete die Pupillen auf eine himmelblaue Basis Die Skulptur von Billie Eilish ist also vollständig Ich denke, die Eigenschaften des Modells kommen in dieser Arbeit gut zum Ausdruck Ich mag die Farbe, weil sie so natürlich ist Besonders mag ich flexible Wimpern So läuft der gesamte Produktionsprozess ab Wenn Sie im nächsten Video etwas sehen möchten, Bitte empfehlen Sie es in den Kommentaren Wir sehen uns im nächsten Video Tschüss Russian: Пожалуйста, нарисуйте глаза как последний штрих Я нарисовал учеников на небесно-голубом основании Итак, скульптура Билли Эйлиша завершена Я думаю, что характеристики модели хорошо выражены в этой работе Мне нравится цвет, потому что это так естественно Особенно мне нравятся эластичные ресницы Так делается весь производственный процесс Если есть что-то, что вы хотели бы увидеть в следующем видео, Пожалуйста, порекомендуйте его в комментариях Увидимся в следующем видео пока-пока Vietnamese: Hãy vẽ đôi mắt như một sự hoàn thiện Tôi vẽ những con ngươi trên nền trời xanh Vậy là, điêu khắc Billie Eilish đã hoàn thành Tôi nghĩ rằng các đặc điểm của mô hình được thể hiện tốt trong công việc này Tôi thích màu sắc vì nó rất tự nhiên Đặc biệt tôi thích lông mi linh hoạt Đây là cách toàn bộ quá trình sản xuất được thực hiện Nếu có bất cứ điều gì bạn muốn xem trong video tiếp theo, Xin vui lòng giới thiệu nó trong các ý kiến Hẹn gặp lại trong video tiếp theo tạm biệt Japanese: 仕上げとして目を描いてください 水色のベースに生徒を描いた これで、ビリー・アイリッシュの彫刻が完成しました この作品はモデルの特徴がよく表現されていると思います 自然な色なので好きです 特にまつ毛が好き これは、全体の生産プロセスが行われる方法です 次の動画で見たいものがあれば、 コメントでそれをお勧めしてください 次のビデオでお会いしましょう バイバイ Indonesian: Tolong gambar mata sebagai sentuhan akhir Saya menggambar murid di dasar langit biru Jadi, patung Billie Eilish lengkap Saya pikir karakteristik model ini diekspresikan dengan baik dalam karya ini Saya suka warnanya karena sangat alami Terutama saya suka bulu mata yang fleksibel Ini adalah bagaimana seluruh proses produksi dilakukan Jika ada sesuatu yang ingin Anda lihat di video berikutnya, Mohon rekomendasikan dalam komentar Sampai jumpa di video berikutnya sampai jumpa English: Please draw the eyes as a finishing touch I drew the pupils on a sky blue base So, Billie Eilish sculpture is complete I think the characteristics of the model are well expressed in this work I like the color because it's so natural Especially I like flexible eyelashes This is how the whole production process is done If there's anything you'd like to see in the next video, Please recommend it in the comments See you in the next video byebye French: Veuillez dessiner les yeux comme touche finale J'ai dessiné les pupilles sur une base bleu ciel Donc, la sculpture de Billie Eilish est terminée Je pense que les caractéristiques du modèle sont bien exprimées dans ce travail J'aime la couleur car c'est tellement naturel Surtout j'aime les cils souples Voici comment se déroule l'ensemble du processus de production S'il y a quelque chose que vous aimeriez voir dans la vidéo suivante, Veuillez le recommander dans les commentaires Rendez-vous dans la prochaine vidéo Bye Bye Italian: Per favore, disegna gli occhi come un tocco finale Ho disegnato le pupille su una base blu cielo Quindi, la scultura di Billie Eilish è completa Penso che le caratteristiche del modello siano ben espresse in questo lavoro Mi piace il colore perché è così naturale Soprattutto mi piacciono le ciglia flessibili Ecco come viene eseguito l'intero processo di produzione Se c'è qualcosa che vorresti vedere nel prossimo video, Si prega di raccomandarlo nei commenti Ci vediamo nel prossimo video Ciao ciao Thai: กรุณาวาดตาเป็นสัมผัสการตกแต่ง ฉันวาดรูม่านตาบนฐานสีน้ำเงิน ดังนั้นรูปปั้น Billie Eilish เสร็จสมบูรณ์ ฉันคิดว่าคุณสมบัติของแบบจำลองนั้นแสดงออกมาได้ดีในงานนี้ ฉันชอบสีเพราะมันเป็นธรรมชาติมาก โดยเฉพาะฉันชอบขนตาที่ยืดหยุ่น นี่คือวิธีการทำกระบวนการผลิตทั้งหมด หากมีสิ่งใดที่คุณต้องการเห็นในวิดีโอถัดไป กรุณาแนะนำมันในความคิดเห็น พบกันในวิดีโอหน้า ลาก่อน Malay (macrolanguage): Tolong tarik mata sebagai sentuhan penamat Saya menarik murid-murid di dasar biru langit Jadi, patung Billie Eilish sudah lengkap Saya fikir ciri-ciri model dinyatakan dengan baik dalam karya ini Saya suka warnanya kerana ia sangat semula jadi Terutama saya suka bulu mata yang fleksibel Ini adalah bagaimana keseluruhan proses pengeluaran dilakukan Sekiranya ada yang ingin anda lihat dalam video seterusnya, Sila sarankan dalam komen Jumpa di video seterusnya selamat tinggal Portuguese: Por favor, desenhe os olhos como um toque final Eu desenhei as pupilas em uma base azul celeste Então, a escultura de Billie Eilish está completa Eu acho que as características do modelo estão bem expressas neste trabalho Eu gosto da cor porque é tão natural Gosto especialmente de cílios flexíveis É assim que todo o processo de produção é realizado Se houver algo que você gostaria de ver no próximo vídeo, Por favor, recomende nos comentários Vejo você no próximo vídeo tchau tchau Spanish: Por favor dibuja los ojos como un toque final Dibujé las pupilas sobre una base azul cielo Entonces, la escultura de Billie Eilish está completa Creo que las características del modelo están bien expresadas en este trabajo. Me gusta el color porque es muy natural. Especialmente me gustan las pestañas flexibles Así es como se hace todo el proceso de producción. Si hay algo que le gustaría ver en el próximo video, Recomiéndalo en los comentarios Nos vemos en el próximo video adiós Turkish: Lütfen gözleri son dokunuş olarak çizin Öğrencileri gök mavisi temeline çizdim Yani, Billie Eilish heykeli tamamlandı Bu çalışmada modelin özelliklerinin iyi ifade edildiğini düşünüyorum Rengi seviyorum çünkü çok doğal Özellikle esnek kirpikleri severim Tüm üretim süreci bu şekilde yapılır Bir sonraki videoda görmek istediğiniz bir şey varsa, Lütfen yorumlarda önerin Bir sonraki videoda görüşmek üzere güle güle Arabic: يرجى رسم العينين بلمسة نهائية وجهت التلاميذ على قاعدة السماء الزرقاء لذلك ، اكتمل نحت بيلي إيليش أعتقد أن خصائص النموذج تم التعبير عنها جيدًا في هذا العمل يعجبني اللون لأنه طبيعي جدًا خاصة أنني أحب الرموش المرنة هذه هي الطريقة التي تتم بها عملية الإنتاج بأكملها إذا كان هناك أي شيء تريد رؤيته في الفيديو التالي ، يرجى التوصية به في التعليقات أراك في الفيديو التالي مع السلامة
In section 2.4 we'll talk about using statistical graphs to organize and present data. We can see how data is divided among different categories, or we can see how data changes over time. The statistical graph you're probably most familiar with is a pie chart. It gives a good visual image of what portion of the population falls into each category. This is the 12,500 people surveyed and asked what's the greatest source of your happiness, and here again we see that family and partner was the answer given by 65% of those surveyed. Over half of those surveyed, and the smallest slice of that pie was sports. Only 3% of people said that sports gave them more happiness than anything else. Now in the homework you have to ask some questions to interpret a pie chart. They're similar to these. First of the 12,500 people surveyed, how many people gave sports or leisure as their greatest source of happiness? Well 3 people said that sports was their greatest source of happiness, and it looks like 8% of people said leisure was their greatest source of happiness, so that's 11% total said either sports or leisure was their greatest source of happiness, but we weren't asked what percent. We were asked how many people gave sports or leisure as their greatest source of happiness. So we need to find 11% of 12,500, and remember to find that we just multiply .11 times 12,500. .11 times 12,500 is 1,375. Now it just happens to turn out in this problem that ends up being a whole number, but certainly if I had multiplied something else times 12,500 we are very likely to have not gotten a whole number there. It only makes sense that, that answer needs to be a whole number. The question is how many people, and it doesn't make sense to say 25.7 people so in the case that we would've ended up with a decimal we would've rounded to the nearest whole person. In the B part, if this sample is representative of the adult population of the U.S. in 2013 (approximately 250,000,000), how many could be expected to cite friends as their greatest source of happiness? Well if we were asked how many of the sample cited friends as their greatest source of happiness then we'd be finding this 11% of 12,500. We're not trying to find the number of people in the sample. We're trying to find the number of people in the population. So I need to multiply that 11% or .11 times 250,000,000. .11 times 250,000,000 is 275... Hmmm...That answer doesn't make sense. I think the calculator took my decimal on the .11. Actually I think my calculator battery is about to die. Uhm... .11 times 250,000,000 gives me 27,500. That's a much more reasonable answer. 27,500. No I'm sorry I'm not reading that correct 27,500,000. 27,500,000. That makes sense because 10% of 250,000,000 would be 25,000,000. This is just a little over 25,000,000.
- Is it straight? - Oh, now, yeah! - Do you need to fix the part? - Okay, got it. - Okay right. - What's up? I'm Jesse from KARATEbyJesse.com, aka The Karate Nerd, and today I am joined by the one and only Sensei Bill "Superfoot" Wallace. Thank you so much Sensei for joining us today. - Thank you sir, my pleasure. - So, what many people might not know is that you were actually the commentator of the very first UFC fightl. - Yes Could you take us there, bring us behind the scenes and tell us what actually went on in the early beginnings of the UFC. - What happened is Rorion Gracie, the father, calls me up and he says, "Bill, we would like you to commentate at "our first, you know, fighting championships." - Yeah. - And I went, "Whoa, well, yeah I could do that, no problem. "I don't think it's gonna go well, "because the martial artists are not in, "they like the kickboxing part of it, "but they didn't like the grappling part of it, "and so sure, I'll do that, "'cause you're paying me a lot of money." - Okay, yeah. - So, I go and I show up, I'm with Jim Brown, the American Football player, and Kathy Long, who was also a lady kickboxer. - Yeah. - So, we're sittin' there, we're going over it, now, there's no pre runs or anything, we're just, I get there on Friday and the thing happens on Saturday. So they have the meeting and there are no rules, the two rules were: you can't stick your fingers in a guys' eye and you can't kick him in the groin. - Right. - That's the two rules. I went, okay. - Interesting. - Yup yup. And, the participants could not wear hand wraps. - No. - Could not wear leg wraps, and just like it was. They had to wear a mouthpiece 'cause-- - Okay. - It protects the teeth. - Groin cup? - Yeah. - Okay. - And when the fights happened, I'd have a guy sitting beside me, from the Gracie Jiu-jitsu, telling me what to say about the Gracie's. - Oh right. - So it's to push the Gracie's. So basically I'm thinking oh, something doesn't sound right here. Seems to me like it's a two hour advertisement for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, which is what it turned out to be. I mean, Royce did a fantastic job, don't get me wrong, He didn't punch anybody, - No. - He didn't kick anybody, - No. - He just got 'em down, took 'em down with a double every time was a double leg takedown, and he choked 'em out. - No one barged, choked all of 'em out. And the first time I said, "Okay," and I think it was Royce's second match against Ken Shamrock. - Yeah. - They're fighting and Ken Shamrock jumped in for a double leg takedown. - Yeah. - And Royce reaches under his belt and grabs his own belt. - Right. - And chokes Ken Shamrock out. - Okay. - Ken Shamrock chokes. - Yeah, yeah. - Taps out. They get up, "You can't do that, you can't do that!" and finding out was Ken Shamrock accused him, which is rightfully so, - Yeah. - That you can't reach under, grab the belt, - Okay. - And choke me out with your own belt. - Yeah. - Well yes you can because, as we know in martial arts training, - Yeah. - Our uniform is also a weapon. - Right, so that was allowed according to the rules? - Yeah, Ken Shamrock wasn't for it, he was upset. - Right. - But he lost. - Right. - And then, you know, then Royce just went through their belts, choking everybody out. - Right. - Behind him, choke out. - Yeah. - But just, you know, choking out. - Exactly. So are you saying they kind of organized this thing? I don't want to say it's a conspiracy theory but-- - No it wasn't, it just-- - Was it like a marketing stunt, almost? - I guess you could say that. - For the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu system? - Oh sure. - Yeah. - 'Cause they pick the fighters. - Oh really? - Rorion Gracie picked the fighters. - So they probably picked fighters that would look good against Brazilian. - Of course they would. - Because you've got the stand-up, the hands are here. - Right. - How easy now is it for you to drop down into your double leg takedown? - Double, yeah. - 'Cause they've never seen it before. - They had never seen that takedown before. - They're stand-up fighters. - Exactly. - So they have no idea how to even react to it. The boxer didn't even throw a punch. (Jesse laughs) The boxer never threw a punch. - They're just shooting for the double leg. - (mumbles) Took him down and that was it. And what I don't understand too is that they had a big sumo wrestler. - Oh yeah, right. - Excuse me. (Jesse laughs) What's the job of a sumo wrestler? To push you out of a circle about this size. - Right. - I push you out, I win. He doesn't know how to strike. - No. - He doesn't know how to kick. - No. - He doesn't know how to choke or arm bar, he just pushed you out of a ring. It's a closed ring, you can't get out of there. - Right. - So what are you gonna do, push him against a wall until he suffocates or something? (Jesse laughs) And I'm sure that's what he wanted to do, get him down, lay on top of him. - Yeah, yeah. - So what happens is this kid from the Netherlands. - Yeah. - Just nails him. He comes in (mumbles) the guy drops down to his knees. - Yeah. - And the guy from the Netherlands, I can't remember his name, just nails him right in the face with a roundhouse kick. - Right. - And a tooth goes flying over my head. - Oh! - I went (mumbles) then he steps down and the kid's still sitting there. Punches him right in the mouth. Now, the kid from the Netherlands broke his foot, - Really? - And then broke his hand on the kid's face. - Oh! - But they stopped the match. - Yeah. - Now, I don't know why because he wasn't hurt, bleeding a little bit, but he wasn't hurt. The guy was 350 or should be 400 and something pounds. Hell, this guy is like a log! (Jesse chuckles) So he wasn't hurt, he said, "Why are you stopping the fight? "Why are you stopping?" Only because he knocked a tooth out. But he was okay. - Yeah. - So there's another conspiracy. - Right. - Because now you're saying, just a minute. - Right. - If this guy can hit this guy with his best shot, two best shots, and nothing happened, what happened? How's Royce gonna take him down? - Oh! - Royce is gonna get dropped down for the double leg. - Yeah. - Or he just fans out on his back. (choking noises) Now he, Royce is on his stomach flattened out, this guy is going. - Yeah. (choking noises) - So they wanted him out? - Sure. - Yeah. - And then one of the guys who was a really good boxer, really good puncher, asked him not to use the smoke because he had asthma. - Okay. - So they used the smoke anyway. We're coming out there, 'bout halfway through the match (heaving noises) - Oh, so like smoke machines? - Sure. They go, now hold on just a minute. (Jesse laughs) What the hell's going on here? (stutters) So there's eight guys, which means there's seven fights. - Yeah. - Right. Four, two, then one right? - Right. - And you go, okay what the heck's going on here? But I never thought it would be as popular as it was. - No? - No, I never did. - How come? - Because the first time I saw it I didn't like it. - No? - The first time I saw it I said, "What, that's bull!" Because, number one, Royce never threw a kick. He threw one kick to keep the guy away from him. Never threw a punch, just standing there like this. Drops down, and Gracie was the only one, the only one that was allowed to wear a uniform. The other guys couldn't even wrap their hands, but he was allowed to go in the uniform. - So when they couldn't wrap their hands, they can barely punch full contact? - Exactly. And you got guys that, because you're, "Oh I want to wrap my knees." "No you can't wrap your knees." But Royce is allowed to wear all that stuff, yes. So, you go, hold on, what, I don't understand this. And I think the reason I wasn't invited back, one of the reasons because there are several-- - Oh, so you were not invited back? - No. I asked too many questions. (Jesse laughs) I said: "Why don't you have a regular wrestler there?" A wrestler that knows how to defend against-- - Oh, there was no wrestler? - Nope. There was six strikers, strikers, Royce and the sumo wrestler. - So it sounds to me like it was basically set up for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. - Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong, they all had their chance to win. - Sure. - But Royce knows how to defend that. But this is 1993. - And they didn't know how to defend that. - They didn't know how to defend against a takedown. Even though you say, "Well I've practiced," no you haven't. Not against a guy that knows how to do the takedown. - Yeah, exactly. - So, Royce was the reason, the first one he won, the second one he won, the third one where they changed the rules a little bit because the time, it was taking too long. - Ah, I see. - And on the third one he had the Grand Championship Master between Ken Shamrock and Royce, rematch it might say. Shamrock shot him with a punch right here, split him wide open, but it didn't do anything, all it did was cut him and so they finally called it a draw because it was ... - But that's how Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu became so famous! Because it looked so effective. - Well, they keep saying most fights end up on the ground. - Yeah, I hear that all the time. - Well all fights start standing up. - That's true. - All fights start standing, so if I stand up and I'm from me to her, she's gotta come close to me before she can do anything, before she can punch me, before she can kick me, before she can do a takedown, right? - Exactly. - That gives me the chance to counter. Well, they're not used to that because if I'm standing right here and I do this, you've got to put your hands up and I drop ready for the double leg. That's what they do and the stand-up fighters, naive, that they are, they say, "Well when he stops "then I'll just punch him in the mouth." No you won't, because I'll do this first. You put your hands up and then I'll drop down. - Yeah, exactly. Well it worked very well because now Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the world's largest, most popular martial arts. - But what did they have to do? They had to learn to strike. Because remember, we learned how to defend against it. - Exactly. - So they had to learn how to strike to get in there. - Especially against a wrestler who knows the double leg takedown, who knows the defense. - In wrestling the double leg is the first takedown you're taught. It's also the first takedown you learn to defend. - Imagine if a wrestler had been invited to the first UFC. - Imagine that, imagine. - And if that wrestler knew a little bit of striking so he could do ground and pound, for example. - Imagine that. - Maybe the whole martial arts world would look different. - Imagine that. (Jesse laughs) - Wow. - They're in the process now of even trying to get rid of wrestling in the Olympics. - Oh is that so? - Yeah. It was the very first one, it was in the very first Olympics back in somebody AD. So think about this. If they want to get rid of wrestling, then how many people will not be using wrestling techniques but the Gracie's still will. - Exactly. So you could say they have something of an unfair advantage. - Well, no, they know what they're doing. They know how to work the chokes, they know how to work the arm bars, they know how to work, most of them now have learnt the striking aspect of it. - Yeah, exactly. - The speed aspect of it. - And they manage to combine that. - And they don't mind you taking them down because now even though you're on top I'm in the on guard position to where I've got my legs wrapped around you and pretty soon you get frustrated, you reach, I get the arm. You reach, I get the neck. (background shouting) (Jesse chuckles) So what happens is UFC now. - Exactly. So what do you think, looking at the first UFC to all the way, looking at the evolution of it, comparing that to today. - Oh it's 100% different. - It is? - Sure. Because the rules have changed. Now there are rules, before there were none, remember? Now, it's a funny thing, that if I'm on the ground I can kick you in the face but you can't kick me at all. - Exactly. (chuckles) - You can't punch me in the back of the head. Why? - One might argue that those rules favor a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. - Shame on you Jesse! (Jesse laughs) You shouldn't talk like that, but again it's the, and I hate to use the term sport of it, you know. I mean, it's like two gladiators out there fighting. Except this time, hopefully, the loser doesn't die. - Exactly, yeah. - I don't like to watch it because I hate that term ground and pound. Think about it, ground and pound, what does that say to you? You get a guy on the ground, you beat him until he says: "I quit." Well, that doesn't even happen out on the street. There's gonna be somebody who's gonna pull you off. I don't know, just me, I like to kick people. (laughter) - All right, thank you so much Sensei. - Thank you. - For sharing that amazing...