In 2010, the un launched the "every woman every child" movement to assess progress towards women's pregnancy prevention needs. This initiative has set the goal of increasing the number of users of modern birth control methods by 120 million women in 69 of the world's poorest countries by 2020. In addition, it aims to eliminate discrimination against girls young women seeking access to the means of pregnancy are young women.
How many women would the un like ziad users to identify modern birth methods in poor countries?
{ "answer_start": [ 229 ], "text": [ "120" ] }
Religions differ widely in perspectives towards the moral dimension of birth control. The Roman Catholic Church is officially accepted only by natural family planning in certain cases, despite the large numbers of Catholic in developed countries who accept and use modern methods of birth control. Among the Protestant there is a wide range of views between the rejection of any of them to allow all means of birth control. The views among the Orthodox Jewish community group are strict while in the reform community is more relaxed. Hindus may both use natural and artificial methods of pregnancy. The Common Buddhist view is that the prevention of pregnancy is not acceptable, while intervention after pregnancy is not. In Islam, Muslims are denied the use of permanent means of pregnancy. They differ on the rest of the methods of pregnancy, as the authority of Saudi senior scientists and the doctrinal Islamic complex have been subject to absolute ban on the use of all methods of birth control except for a medical or legitimate necessity in birth delay for a limited period.. The Qur ' an does not provide any clear information about the ethics of birth control, but it contains phrases that encourage the birth of children.
Which religion does it consider that pregnancy prevention is acceptable but intervention after pregnancy is denied?
{ "answer_start": [ 610 ], "text": [ "Buddhist" ] }
There are several common misconceptions about sex and pregnancy. For example, washing after sexual sex is not an effective form of birth control. In addition, it is associated with a number of health problems and is therefore not recommended. Women can become pregnant from the first time of the group and in any sexual situation. It is possible, although not very likely, that a woman will become pregnant during menstruation.
What are the topics that have common misconceptions?
{ "answer_start": [ 46 ], "text": [ "sex and pregnancy" ] }
Male birth control methods include male protective, canal cut and withdrawal. Between 25 and 75 % of the male who are active are ready to use hormonal methods if they are available to them. A number of hormonal and non-hormonal methods are still under trial, and there is some research into the possibility of developing vaccines to prevent pregnancy. A Surgical method that can be reverse is still under trial, which is the reflective damping of the animals under the guidance (Risug) which consists of the injection of polymer gel, money anhydride in will, in the canal. A. Then a injection of sodium bicarbonate will wash the contents and re-fertility. Another way is a tool inside the tanker channel, which involves putting a polyurethane plug in the tanker channel to prevent it. The use of a combination of androgen and bruges seems promising, as in the micro-selection of the androgen future. Ultrasound and methods of heating the balls have been subject to preliminary studies.
What kind is the Taylor Stopper?
{ "answer_start": [ 673 ], "text": [ "tool inside the tanker channel" ] }
Neutering or sterilization, which includes the removal of some of the reproductive organs, is often implemented as a method of birth control in home pets. Many Animal Shelters Require these measures as part of the adoption agreement. In Large animals, surgery is known as castrating. Birth Control is also being considered as an alternative to hunting as a way to control the natural increase in wild animals. Effective Pregnancy Prevention vaccines have also been reached in a number of different animal packs.
What is the meaning of sterilization and balls?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Remove some of the reproductive organs," ] }
Starting in 2003, women have been able to use a three-month version of the birth control pill. In a similar way to the effect of using a fixed formula and skip the imaginary weeks in the three months, seasonal grains have the benefits of less frequent cycle, with a potential reduction of sudden add.
What's wrong with the seasonale?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "For a sudden picnic." ] }
A new version of the joint pregnancy control pills has also been prepared, which is completely rid of the phantom pill and withdrawal bleeding. After being marketing as anya or libel, studies have shown that after 7 months, nearly 71 % of users no longer suffer sudden bleeding, which is the most common side effect when they continue to take effective grains without stopping periods.
What is the name of the cereal?
{ "answer_start": [ 169 ], "text": [ "anya or libel," ] }
Common Oral Pregnancy Prevention Pills Provide effective prevention of pregnancy from the first pill if it is started within the first 5 days of the period (within five days of the first day of the period). If it is started during the first 5 days of the period of the period (within five days of the first day of the period). Period, the birth control pill provides effective prevention of pregnancy after 7 days of continuous use of effective pregnancy prevention pills, so a backup method should be used to prevent pregnancy until 7 days of pregnancy control. In a row. Oral pregnancy should be taken almost on the same date every day.
The pills can become effective when they are taken when?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Within five days of the first day of the period" ] }
Some medicines reduce the impact of the birth control pill and may lead to sudden bleeding, or increase the chance of pregnancy. These include rural, barbiturates, Brownsville, and and can. In addition to warnings of broad-active antibiotics, such as ampicillin waldock, which may cause problems of the fold of the bacteria responsible for recycling wraith of the large bowel (BNF 2003)
What reduces the effects?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Some medicine" ] }
Different sources point to different cases of side effects. One of the most common side effects of sudden bleeding. A French review article in 1992 showed that about 50 % of new users had failed to use pregnancy control before the end of the first year due to discomfort of side effects such as sudden bleeding and menopause. One study found that women using birth control pills fell by 32 % from your methods who do not use the methods of pregnancy.
Which type of bleeding is the most common in side effects?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Sudden bleeding" ] }
In this task, the child is provided with two matching cups that contain the same amount of Liquid. A child usually notices that cups contain the same amount of Liquid. When one of the cups is poured into a longer and higher bowl, children under seven or eight years old usually say that the cups no longer contain the same amount of Liquid, and that the longer bowl contains the largest quantity (single focus), without taking an eye consider the fact that both cups are previously observed that they contain the same amount of Liquid. As a result of surface changes, the child was unable to understand the properties of the materials that still hold the same (conservation) or containment function.
Who is giving him two cups on this mission?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The child offers two of the same cups that contain the same amount of Liquid." ] }
The stage of physical or physical impact is the third phase of the me cognitive development theory. This period following the pre-impact period, which occurs between and years old (I. E Pre-teens), is characterized by the optimal use of logic.
At what age does the child develop the use of logic?
{ "answer_start": [ 158 ], "text": [ "between and" ] }
Castling or immunization (sometimes said "Castle") is a special chess move in which the king moves on the right or left and then moves the castle in which the king moves in the direction of the king and is placed in the box that is located immediately after him. at the swap, the king must move first.
What does a king have to do with a new king?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Moves" ] }
The Eastern Siberian Sea (Russian: Vostóčno-Sibírskoe Móre) is a walking sea that is located in the arctic ocean. It is located between the ark cape of the north and the Siberian Coast of the south, the new Siberian Islands of the west and Cape Bill, near you and the island of the angel of the east. The borders of this sea are located on the sea sea of the west and the chukchi sea of the east.
What are the water borders of the east and the west?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The Sea of to from the west and the sea of chukchi from the east" ] }
Evolution in living beings occurs due to changes in genetic features, specific qualities that are are in the organism. For example, the color of the eyes in man is a genetic trait, as a person can inherit the trait of "Brown eyes" from one of his parents. It's the genes that control these genetic features. The entire range of genes found in the organism's dna is called the genetic pattern of that object. The Set of virtual features that form the structure and behavior of the organism is called the virtual pattern of that object. These features come from the interaction of the genetic pattern with its environment, which is why many of the virtual are not inherited. For example, the tsfʿ occurs as a result of the interaction of a person's genetic pattern with the sun rays, and therefore the offspring do not inherit tan. However, the difference between individuals in the genetic pattern results in uneven sun-Rays. The most prominent example is those who have the trait of the albinos (Intraregional), as they can never be seen and are more likely to be exposed to sun burns. Genetic features are passed from one generation to another by dna, a molecules containing genetic information. It is a long-term Paul of four types of nuclear. It is the sequence of these new in dna that determines genetic information, just as the sequence of letters determines the meaning of the sentence. Before each cellular divide, the dna of the cell is doubled, each of the two daughters cells has the same genetic information. Each section of dna represents a single functional unit called the dna; different genes contain different sequence of new. DNA Sequence in cells is organized to form stacked structures known as chrome and died. The specific position of a particular sequence in the chromosome is called the oromo position (Locus). DNA Sequence that occupy chrome and and positions may differ between individuals in the order of new, and these different formulas of dna sequence are called deer. The difference between dna sequence can occur due to changes, resulting in a new deer. When a breakthrough occurs in the gene, the resulting new night can affect the features controlled by that gene, resulting in a change in the virtual pattern of the living organism in which the boom occurs. However, in some cases, this simple direct relationship between the night and the virtual is achieved. Most of the virtual features are more complex than that, and are the result of an interaction between several genes that control these features. The results of recent studies have shown that some midwife changes cannot be due to a change in the sequence of rules in dna. This phenomenon is classified as a genetic system to surprise me. Genetic genetic systems have been discovered at the level of living beings in the following areas:
When is the dna being copied in relation to cell divide?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Before every cellular split" ] }
The structure of d space proteins, such as the. Gossip scientists have proposed that complex interactions that occur in genetic networks and cell connectivity may cause the development of are genetic variations that can be the basis for some of the mechanisms in adaptive adaptive and durability. Inheritance can also occur on wider ranges, for example, environmental inheritance that occurs as a result of home construction processes (in English: Niche Construction), is known as regular and frequent activities carried out by objects in their environment. Over time, this generates a legacy of the environmental effects that are modified in the natural election system that will take place on later generations. This is how the offspring inherit the genes, in addition to the environmental characteristics that have been created by the ancestors's environmental activities. There are other examples of genetics that are not directly controlled by genes, including the legacy of cultural features, as well as what is known as live.
What generations are affected by the effects of environmental effects?
{ "answer_start": [ 695 ], "text": [ "later generations" ] }
The Virtual Pattern of any living organism comes from its genetic pattern and its impact in the environment in which it lives. A large part of the difference in virtual patterns between living beings is due to different genetic patterns. Modern evolution is defined as a change in genetic diversity (in English: genetic variation) over time. The amount of genetic diversity in gatherings can be measured by calculate the frequency of the deer. The frequency of a particular night is the ratio of the number of copies of each deer to the number of copies of each deer the same gene, and the frequency of the night may increase or lower compared to the other deer of the same gene. Diversity disappears when a new night arrives at the installation stage (in English: fixation), which means it either disappears completely or replace the salafi in full. Natural Selection Causes evolution only if the gathering has sufficient genetic diversity. Before the discovery of Mandalay Genetics, one of the common theories was etc genetics. But with genetic genetics, genetic diversity quickly loses, making evolution through natural selection. The Hardy-and principle provides a solution to how diversity in biodiversity is maintained in line with genetic genetics. The frequency of the deer in the bio remains constant in the absence of both selection, mutations, migration, and genetic deviations. Sources of genetic diversity are: changes in genetic matter, the re-mixing of genes by sexual breeding or by migration between biological groups (So-known as genetic flow). Despite the mutations and forget of the genes cause continuous introduction of genetic species however, individuals of the same species are similar in most of their own. But even the relatively small differences in the genetic pattern may lead to radical differences in virtual patterns. The difference between the human and the champ, for example, is only about 5 %.
What is evolution according to modern evolution?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "It is the change in genetic diversity (in English: genetic variation) over time." ] }
The Virtual Pattern of any living organism comes from its genetic pattern and its impact in the environment in which it lives. A large part of the difference in virtual patterns between living beings is due to different genetic patterns. Modern evolution is defined as a change in genetic diversity (in English: genetic variation) over time. The amount of genetic diversity in gatherings can be measured by calculate the frequency of the deer. The frequency of a particular night is the ratio of the number of copies of each deer to the number of copies of each deer the same gene, and the frequency of the night may increase or lower compared to the other deer of the same gene. Diversity disappears when a new night arrives at the installation stage (in English: fixation), which means it either disappears completely or replace the salafi in full. Natural Selection Causes evolution only if the gathering has sufficient genetic diversity. Before the discovery of Mandalay Genetics, one of the common theories was etc genetics. But with genetic genetics, genetic diversity quickly loses, making evolution through natural selection. The Hardy-and principle provides a solution to how diversity in biodiversity is maintained in line with genetic genetics. The frequency of the deer in the bio remains constant in the absence of both selection, mutations, migration, and genetic deviations. Sources of genetic diversity are: changes in genetic matter, the re-mixing of genes by sexual breeding or by migration between biological groups (So-known as genetic flow). Despite the mutations and forget of the genes cause continuous introduction of genetic species however, individuals of the same species are similar in most of their own. But even the relatively small differences in the genetic pattern may lead to radical differences in virtual patterns. The difference between the human and the champ, for example, is only about 5 %.
Why is there genetic diversity in virtual diversity?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Genetic diversity" ] }
The Virtual Pattern of any living organism comes from its genetic pattern and its impact in the environment in which it lives. A large part of the difference in virtual patterns between living beings is due to different genetic patterns. Modern evolution is defined as a change in genetic diversity (in English: genetic variation) over time. The amount of genetic diversity in gatherings can be measured by calculate the frequency of the deer. The frequency of a particular night is the ratio of the number of copies of each deer to the number of copies of each deer the same gene, and the frequency of the night may increase or lower compared to the other deer of the same gene. Diversity disappears when a new night arrives at the installation stage (in English: fixation), which means it either disappears completely or replace the salafi in full. Natural Selection Causes evolution only if the gathering has sufficient genetic diversity. Before the discovery of Mandalay Genetics, one of the common theories was etc genetics. But with genetic genetics, genetic diversity quickly loses, making evolution through natural selection. The Hardy-and principle provides a solution to how diversity in biodiversity is maintained in line with genetic genetics. The frequency of the deer in the bio remains constant in the absence of both selection, mutations, migration, and genetic deviations. Sources of genetic diversity are: changes in genetic matter, the re-mixing of genes by sexual breeding or by migration between biological groups (So-known as genetic flow). Despite the mutations and forget of the genes cause continuous introduction of genetic species however, individuals of the same species are similar in most of their own. But even the relatively small differences in the genetic pattern may lead to radical differences in virtual patterns. The difference between the human and the champ, for example, is only about 5 %.
How did your genetic damage happen?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Mutations" ] }
The Virtual Pattern of any living organism comes from its genetic pattern and its impact in the environment in which it lives. A large part of the difference in virtual patterns between living beings is due to different genetic patterns. Modern evolution is defined as a change in genetic diversity (in English: genetic variation) over time. The amount of genetic diversity in gatherings can be measured by calculate the frequency of the deer. The frequency of a particular night is the ratio of the number of copies of each deer to the number of copies of each deer the same gene, and the frequency of the night may increase or lower compared to the other deer of the same gene. Diversity disappears when a new night arrives at the installation stage (in English: fixation), which means it either disappears completely or replace the salafi in full. Natural Selection Causes evolution only if the gathering has sufficient genetic diversity. Before the discovery of Mandalay Genetics, one of the common theories was etc genetics. But with genetic genetics, genetic diversity quickly loses, making evolution through natural selection. The Hardy-and principle provides a solution to how diversity in biodiversity is maintained in line with genetic genetics. The frequency of the deer in the bio remains constant in the absence of both selection, mutations, migration, and genetic deviations. Sources of genetic diversity are: changes in genetic matter, the re-mixing of genes by sexual breeding or by migration between biological groups (So-known as genetic flow). Despite the mutations and forget of the genes cause continuous introduction of genetic species however, individuals of the same species are similar in most of their own. But even the relatively small differences in the genetic pattern may lead to radical differences in virtual patterns. The difference between the human and the champ, for example, is only about 5 %.
The principle of the hardy the is offering a solution to preserve diversity in the biodiversity of any breed?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ ". Genetics" ] }
Mutations are changes that occur in the dna sequence of a cell's dna. When they occur, they may not have any effect, may make a change in genetic output, or the gene may be disrupted and prevent it from working. Based on studies on fruit flies (in English: Drosophila Melanogaster), it was pointed out that the change caused by the Gene-producing protein could be harmful, with the percentage of mutations with harmful effects up to 70 %, the rest of them are either neutral, or little useful. Mutations occur at times by multiply large parts of the chromosome (usually by genetic recombination), which may enter the dna of excess copies of the gene. These excess versions are the main source of raw materials needed for the development of new genes. This is important because most of the new genes evolve within genetic families of pre-existence genes that come back to common causes. For example, the human eye uses four genes to create light-sensitive structures: three to see colors, and one for night vision. All of them come from one common predecessor. New Genes can be generated from my predecessor's Gene when a breakthrough in its excess version and then acquire a new job. These two versions become easier once the gene is double, because the extra system (in English: Redundancy) increases, with one of the two versions gaining a new function while the salafi version keeps its original function. There are other types of mutations that can generate completely new genes from non-encrypted dna parts (in English: DNA). The Generation of new genes can also be made by multiply small pieces of different genes, so that these pieces later mix, and unite to form new genes with new functions. In this case, when new genes are combined by mixing previously existing pieces, the protein ranges resulting from the translation of these genes act as units with independent and simple functions, which can be combined to create new combinations with new and complex functions. An example of this is an example of the manufacture of ironing (the synthase) - a large protein responsible for the manufacture of antibiotics - which contains nearly a hundred independent protein ranges. Each range makes a step dedicated to it from the overall process, thus accelerates and stimulates production, similar to the production line system.
How many genes will change their function while the other one continues naturally?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Jane" ] }
In Non-sexual breeding, genes are inherited together, so they are connected. They do not mix with any genes of other living beings when breeding. While in sexual breeding, the birth inherited a random combination of Chrome and and, which is created under the principle of independent distribution (in English: Independent Distribution), which states that the transmission of a particular trait in a mandalay pattern does not affect the transmission of other characteristics bay a form of form. in other related process, known as adsl, dna exchange is shared between the same musso. The recombination or re-distribution does not result in any change in the frequency of the deer, but in the correlations between them, resulting in a new breed of stag of the deer. The sexual process usually increases genetic diversity, and sometimes increases the rate of evolution.
Does the recombination change the frequency of the deer?
{ "answer_start": [ 582 ], "text": [ "The recombination or re-distribution does not result in any change" ] }
Genetic transmission between species occurs through biology, or horizontal genetic transfer. What the latter is meant is to transfer genetic information from one living object to another that is not of his offspring. This process is more common than bacteria have. In Medicine, this contributes to the spread of antibiotic resistance. When one of the herat gets the genes that the resistance gets, it can quickly spread them to other types of herat. in some cases, genes may be passed from bacteria to real-core cells. This has been proven to be wild in cases such as the beer princess (the cerevisiae) and the luvia ladybugs (Chinensis). One example of large-scale genetic transfers is the ring, as they received genes from herat, fungi and plants. Viruses can also transport genetic information among beings, providing genes to move even through empires. A Large-scale genetic transmission also took place between the ancestors of real-core cells and af, during the period in which subdue and pain were acquired. It is possible that the core of the core had originated from the horizontal transfer of genes between the bkt and the gear.
What are the odds of real-core origin?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The truth of the core had originated from the horizontal transfer of genes between the bkt and the gear." ] }
The natural selection of quantity with different values, such as length, is classified for three types. The first is the me selection (the selection). It favour a particular value of obesity, which increases its common to the average value, moving the theme function to the right or left over time, as if the length of individuals grows at a slow rate. The second type, selection selection, favour two critical values of obesity, and goes with the average value. The poison becomes it now. This happens, for example, when preference in the environment is either for long or short beings, but not for the height of height. The third and last type is the selection selection (the selection). The values of the critical trait and the, of the average value are rejected, reducing genetic diversity and differences of values around the average value, such as the assembly members of the same average height at a slow rate.
What is your RIP?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Favour two critical values of poison, and it goes with value." ] }
Sexual selection is a special case of natural selection, and it favour the characteristics that enhance the reproductive success of a living object by lullaby success. The characteristics that have been developed by sexual selection are especially reflected in the male species of animals. Although some of them reduce their chances of survival, including heavy horns, mating calls, and bright colors of the predators. However, this weakness is compensated by the enhanced reproductive success of male with those expensive and difficult features, which have been sexually. Natural selection in general makes nature the standard to determine which features are fit or not to survive. " Nature " in this context refers to the environmental system, a system in which the organism interact with physical and biological factors in its local environment. Eugene Odom, one of the founders of environmental science, has defined the environmental system as: " any unit that contains all living beings working together in a given area interact with the physical environment, resulting in the flow of energy a food building, biodiversity, and material courses (I. E." the exchange of materials between vital and biological elements) is a sustainable environment, and has distinct relationships with other elements of the system.. These relationships include the history of the life of the organism, its location in the food chain, and the geographic scope in which it can live. This Extensive Nature briefing enables scientists to identify the specific forces that together make up natural selection.
What are the types of reactions that occur in nature?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Physical and physical." ] }
Natural selection can work at different levels of hierarchy, such as genes, cells, members of living beings, groups of living beings and species. Selection can work on several levels at once. One of the examples of selection that occurs at a level below the living individual is the me, which can replicating and spread throughout the genetics. Selection, which is higher than the individual, such as group selection, may allow for the development of collaboration between living beings, and this has been discussed below.
How many levels can an election work at once?
{ "answer_start": [ 168 ], "text": [ "several levels" ] }
Natural selection can work at different levels of hierarchy, such as genes, cells, members of living beings, groups of living beings and species. Selection can work on several levels at once. One of the examples of selection that occurs at a level below the living individual is the me, which can replicating and spread throughout the genetics. Selection, which is higher than the individual, such as group selection, may allow for the development of collaboration between living beings, and this has been discussed below.
What can the jumping genes grow through?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Genome" ] }
High-energy chemistry is believed to have produced self-doubled molecules about 4 billion years ago, and half a billion years later he found the recent comprehensive advances. The current scientific unanimity states that the complex bio-chemistry that has made life comes from simple chemical reactions. The beginning of life may have included self-double molecules such as ictv dna and simple cell gatherings.
What's the complex chemistry that made life?
{ "answer_start": [ 277 ], "text": [ "simple chemical reactions." ] }
High-energy chemistry is believed to have produced self-doubled molecules about 4 billion years ago, and half a billion years later he found the recent comprehensive advances. The current scientific unanimity states that the complex bio-chemistry that has made life comes from simple chemical reactions. The beginning of life may have included self-double molecules such as ictv dna and simple cell gatherings.
How many billion years ago high-energy chemistry produced double molecules?
{ "answer_start": [ 80 ], "text": [ "4" ] }
Living beings on earth are all inspired by a common predecessor or a salafi genetic collection. The species currently exist are the stages of the evolution process, and their diversity is the result of a long series of, and click. Common advances have been found from four simple facts about living beings: first, living beings have geographic distribution that can not be attributed to local adaptation. Second, the diversity of life is not a completely unique collection of beings, but of beings among them that grow. Third, the archaeological features that lack of clear functions are similar to functional salafi. Finally, living creatures in the hierarchy can be classified based on these similarities - similar to the family tree. However, a recent research has been suggested that due to horizontal genetic transfer, this "Tree of life" may be more complex than just a simple sub-tree since there are genes that move in isolation from inheritance among distant species. Also the previous species have left records of their evolution history. with the comparable anatomy of the present objects, the barefoot or the anatomy of the present objects. by comparing the anatomy structures of modern and extinct species, the billion tolo can tell the origins of these species. However, this method is more successful when dealing with living beings with solid body organs such as shells, bones and teeth. In addition, the beginnings of the core, such as bacteria and gear, have a limited amount of common Elmore, so its fossil does not provide information about their origin.
What do living beings share?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Similarity of functional ancestral characteristics" ] }
Recently, evidence of common advances came from the study of vital chemical similarities between living beings. For example, all living cells use the same basic range of nuclear and amino acids. with its progress, molecular genetics revealed the existence of a record of evolution in the living organism's genetics: measuring the history of the species through the technique of molecular clocks produced by the mutations. For example, these comparison of dna chains have resulted in human and smell matching in 96 % of the dna, and the analysis of different areas helps to show the history of the common advances that they have split.
What is the evolution that molecular genetics has turned into reality?
{ "answer_start": [ 242 ], "text": [ "the existence of a record of evolution in the living organism's genetic" ] }
The beginnings of the cores on earth have been around 3 TO 4 billion years ago. There has been no visible change in its technology or cellular organization for a few billion years. Real-core cells originated 1.6 to 2.7 billion years ago. The next major change in cellular structures took place when real-core cells swallow bacteria in a cooperative bonding called internal coexistence. Wet bacteria have been through a joint development with host cells, so that bacteria have evolved either into die or is. Another swallow of living creatures similar to the has led to the formation of subdue in algae and plant. The history of life was about single-cell truth, start and gear, until multi-cell living creatures began to appear 610 million years ago in the oceans during the diya period. Multi-cell development has taken place in several single events in living creatures such as ships, brown algae, the, the mold, and wrong germs. Shortly after the appearance of Multi-cell creatures, a significant biodiversity has appeared over almost 10 million years in an event known as the ka explosion. Here, the majority of the people of the current animals, along with some of the unique breeds that were later extinct, appeared in the fossil register. Several causes of the ombre explosion have been proposed, including the accumulation of oxygen resulting from light representation in the atmosphere. About 500 million years ago, plants and fungi colonized the earth, followed shortly by the arthropods and other animals. Insects have been particularly successful, and today they make up the majority of animal species. Vertebrates first appeared about 364 million years ago, followed by primitive cellular animals and birds about 155 million years ago (both of them from reptiles-like species), followed by animals about 129 million years ago. A year, the human family about 10 million years ago, and then the modern human being about 250000 years ago. However, despite the evolution of these large animals, the smaller living creatures that have evolved in the first of these species remain very successful and are the most of the species, as well as the biological mass.
What happened to the core beginnings 3-4 billion years ago?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "There has been no obvious change" ] }
The beginnings of the cores on earth have been around 3 TO 4 billion years ago. There has been no visible change in its technology or cellular organization for a few billion years. Real-core cells originated 1.6 to 2.7 billion years ago. The next major change in cellular structures took place when real-core cells swallow bacteria in a cooperative bonding called internal coexistence. Wet bacteria have been through a joint development with host cells, so that bacteria have evolved either into die or is. Another swallow of living creatures similar to the has led to the formation of subdue in algae and plant. The history of life was about single-cell truth, start and gear, until multi-cell living creatures began to appear 610 million years ago in the oceans during the diya period. Multi-cell development has taken place in several single events in living creatures such as ships, brown algae, the, the mold, and wrong germs. Shortly after the appearance of Multi-cell creatures, a significant biodiversity has appeared over almost 10 million years in an event known as the ka explosion. Here, the majority of the people of the current animals, along with some of the unique breeds that were later extinct, appeared in the fossil register. Several causes of the ombre explosion have been proposed, including the accumulation of oxygen resulting from light representation in the atmosphere. About 500 million years ago, plants and fungi colonized the earth, followed shortly by the arthropods and other animals. Insects have been particularly successful, and today they make up the majority of animal species. Vertebrates first appeared about 364 million years ago, followed by primitive cellular animals and birds about 155 million years ago (both of them from reptiles-like species), followed by animals about 129 million years ago. A year, the human family about 10 million years ago, and then the modern human being about 250000 years ago. However, despite the evolution of these large animals, the smaller living creatures that have evolved in the first of these species remain very successful and are the most of the species, as well as the biological mass.
How many years ago the real-core cells originated? \ n
{ "answer_start": [ 208 ], "text": [ "1.6 to 2.7 billion years" ] }
The beginnings of the cores on earth have been around 3 TO 4 billion years ago. There has been no visible change in its technology or cellular organization for a few billion years. Real-core cells originated 1.6 to 2.7 billion years ago. The next major change in cellular structures took place when real-core cells swallow bacteria in a cooperative bonding called internal coexistence. Wet bacteria have been through a joint development with host cells, so that bacteria have evolved either into die or is. Another swallow of living creatures similar to the has led to the formation of subdue in algae and plant. The history of life was about single-cell truth, start and gear, until multi-cell living creatures began to appear 610 million years ago in the oceans during the diya period. Multi-cell development has taken place in several single events in living creatures such as ships, brown algae, the, the mold, and wrong germs. Shortly after the appearance of Multi-cell creatures, a significant biodiversity has appeared over almost 10 million years in an event known as the ka explosion. Here, the majority of the people of the current animals, along with some of the unique breeds that were later extinct, appeared in the fossil register. Several causes of the ombre explosion have been proposed, including the accumulation of oxygen resulting from light representation in the atmosphere. About 500 million years ago, plants and fungi colonized the earth, followed shortly by the arthropods and other animals. Insects have been particularly successful, and today they make up the majority of animal species. Vertebrates first appeared about 364 million years ago, followed by primitive cellular animals and birds about 155 million years ago (both of them from reptiles-like species), followed by animals about 129 million years ago. A year, the human family about 10 million years ago, and then the modern human being about 250000 years ago. However, despite the evolution of these large animals, the smaller living creatures that have evolved in the first of these species remain very successful and are the most of the species, as well as the biological mass.
How insects are described in animal species?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The majority of animal species are today" ] }
Until 1900, yogurt was a president of the Russian Empire (especially in Central Asia and the caucasus), Western Asia, South-East Europe / the balkans, Central Europe and India. Min Room, a bulgarian student who studied medicine in Geneva (1878-1945) in the study of micro-Flora (Micro Flora) in Bulgarian yogurt for the first time. In 1905, it was described as bacteria that produce lactic acid with a spherical or shoot form. In 1907, these stick-like bacteria were named for tuba r (under-sex bacteria) and in English Lactobacillus Bulgaricus (now called lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp). Bulgaricus). Elijah Eli M, Russian biology from the institute of the, France, a Nobel Prize-winning Russian scientist, was affected by room research, and I assume that the continued yogurt is the cause of the reconstruction of the bulgarian farmers. Believing in the importance of bacteria bacteria to maintain health, Mick has sought to spread yogurt throughout Europe.
What type of item did stammerer discover?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Under sex reached rex" ] }
N Sharma (born 21 November 1987) is an Indian actress, model and designer. It first appeared in 2007 in an Indian film.
In which year was n sharma born?
{ "answer_start": [ 27 ], "text": [ "1987)" ] }
Myeloma Leukemia is one of the most common blood cancers in adults, with between 80 %-90 % of cases of acute myeloma. The age rate for people living with the disease is 68 years old. The rate of injury increases every year from one person per 100000 people for those under 30 years of age to 17 people per 100000 years of age. The disease is more common among male than females. 11000 cases per year are diagnosed in the United States of America at a rate of 3.4 per 100000 people. Although Acute Myeloma Leukemia is relatively rare, it accounts for 1,2 % of cancer deaths in the United States, but it will increase in the near future due to the high average age of the population.
Which race is more likely to be acute elite blood cancer?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Male male" ] }
The disease has many branches and has its own diagnosis and treatment. Treatment is done by chemotherapy which aims to reduce the disease; people can receive chemotherapy or stem cells that are composed of blood. Recent research on the genetics of acute leukemia has shown the ability of tests to identify the suitable drugs and medicines suitable for a particular patient, as well as how long it is likely for the patient to survive.
Are the symptoms of sub-species fixed?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The disease has many branches, but it has its own diagnosis and treatment." ] }
The First description of the case of leukemia was published in the medical literature in 1827, at the time describing the French Doctor Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie Q, a 63-Year-old flower seller who had a disease characterized by fever, weakness, pebble kidneys, liver and spleen. Adelboden noted that this patient's blood has consistency " like porridge ", and he speculated that the cause of blood is the presence of white particles. In 1845, a group of patients who died " with spleen, color changes and consistency of their blood ", the specialist in Edinburgh, J.H. Bennett, used to describe this condition as " leucocythemia ". the famous German diseases, Rudolph provide, formulated the famous German " Leukemia " in 1856. As a pioneer in the use of a light microscope in disease science, and it was the first to describe the abnormal increase of white blood cells in the patients of clinical syndrome described by q and Bennett. Provide was unsure of the causes of the increase in white blood cells, but described them as leukemia (Greek: " White blood ") to indicate the condition. There has been rapid progress in understanding acute myeloma leukemia thanks to the development of new technology. In 1877, Paul developed a living body coloring technique that allowed him to describe the normal and unusual details of white blood cells. Wilhelm any introduced the term " Acute Leukemia " in 1889, to distinguish chronic leukemia and fast-Gradient deadly blood. Franz Ernest Christian Newman introduced the term " Myeloma " in 1869, and was the first to realize that white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow (Greek (Greek)): Myêlós, myelos = (Bone) Marrow) instead from the spleen mo was the first to describe the method for the diagnosis of leukemia in 1879. and in 1900, auto urmia, a insidious cell resistant to acute myeloma leukemia, and as did auto nạjyly by dividing leukemia into myeloma and view.
When was the Arles Method Set?
{ "answer_start": [ 1207 ], "text": [ "1877" ] }
The First description of the case of leukemia was published in the medical literature in 1827, at the time describing the French Doctor Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie Q, a 63-Year-old flower seller who had a disease characterized by fever, weakness, pebble kidneys, liver and spleen. Adelboden noted that this patient's blood has consistency " like porridge ", and he speculated that the cause of blood is the presence of white particles. In 1845, a group of patients who died " with spleen, color changes and consistency of their blood ", the specialist in Edinburgh, J.H. Bennett, used to describe this condition as " leucocythemia ". the famous German diseases, Rudolph provide, formulated the famous German " Leukemia " in 1856. As a pioneer in the use of a light microscope in disease science, and it was the first to describe the abnormal increase of white blood cells in the patients of clinical syndrome described by q and Bennett. Provide was unsure of the causes of the increase in white blood cells, but described them as leukemia (Greek: " White blood ") to indicate the condition. There has been rapid progress in understanding acute myeloma leukemia thanks to the development of new technology. In 1877, Paul developed a living body coloring technique that allowed him to describe the normal and unusual details of white blood cells. Wilhelm any introduced the term " Acute Leukemia " in 1889, to distinguish chronic leukemia and fast-Gradient deadly blood. Franz Ernest Christian Newman introduced the term " Myeloma " in 1869, and was the first to realize that white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow (Greek (Greek)): Myêlós, myelos = (Bone) Marrow) instead from the spleen mo was the first to describe the method for the diagnosis of leukemia in 1879. and in 1900, auto urmia, a insidious cell resistant to acute myeloma leukemia, and as did auto nạjyly by dividing leukemia into myeloma and view.
Who discovered leukemia?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Rudolph fair" ] }
Barfi! In Indian: Barphī! And (in English:) Barfi is an Indian drama comedy film produced in 2012, directed by Anwar song and starring Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Donna De Cruz. The film received 35 awards and 21 awards, and the film is considered one of the best Indian films that have ever passed in history. It was posted on the film database website among the " Best 250 Indian films of all time ". the movie cost almost 30 million (DKK 5.0 million), and the film was opened worldwide on September 14, 2012., the film was a huge success in the box office, becoming one of the highest ever rates of bollywood in 2012 in India and the world. He is one of the top ten Indian films according to revenue for 2012. The film in India was selected as an official film to be nominated for the " best foreign film at the 2012. th Oscars ". barfi has won many awards and nominations at various awards distribution parties all over India. at the th fair film awards, the film won awards, including the best actress award for the best actress, and won seven other awards (and was more than any other movie) and won the best movie and the best. Actor of ranbir kapoor and the best music producer about the producer tell.
Who took out the movie barfi?
{ "answer_start": [ 111 ], "text": [ "Anwar song" ] }
Barfi! In Indian: Barphī! And (in English:) Barfi is an Indian drama comedy film produced in 2012, directed by Anwar song and starring Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Donna De Cruz. The film received 35 awards and 21 awards, and the film is considered one of the best Indian films that have ever passed in history. It was posted on the film database website among the " Best 250 Indian films of all time ". the movie cost almost 30 million (DKK 5.0 million), and the film was opened worldwide on September 14, 2012., the film was a huge success in the box office, becoming one of the highest ever rates of bollywood in 2012 in India and the world. He is one of the top ten Indian films according to revenue for 2012. The film in India was selected as an official film to be nominated for the " best foreign film at the 2012. th Oscars ". barfi has won many awards and nominations at various awards distribution parties all over India. at the th fair film awards, the film won awards, including the best actress award for the best actress, and won seven other awards (and was more than any other movie) and won the best movie and the best. Actor of ranbir kapoor and the best music producer about the producer tell.
In which movie was this city famous?
{ "answer_start": [ 10 ], "text": [ "India" ] }
Marvin "Barfi" Johnson (Ranbir Kapoor), an optimistic young man, an adventurous man on the street, a silent boy who can't talk and deaf can't hear, his parents live in runway. His mother died when she was born to Paris and his father was raised by his father, who was a driver. Barfi is known to be a problem. He cuts the light columns and plays visual and practical tricks on innocent people, and throughout the film is followed by Anshu Dota (soo shukla), a local police officer. Barfi Meets T GUSH (Eliana De Cruz) who has just arrived at d by train and her love barfi at first sight, but she is engaged to ranjit will (c will), and is scheduled to she gets married in three months, and barfi immediately hits friendship with shruti and convinces her to love her, and she also falls in love with barfi but her mother prevents her from following him because he can't take care of her because of his disability and lack of his ability to speak and lack of money. Shruti takes her mother's advice, gets married and moves to kolkata to break up with barfi.
What did his father do?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Driver driver" ] }
In the meantime, barfi's father is sick and barfi must collect money in some way to treat him. After a failed attempt to steal a local bank, barfi tried to kidnap C Chatterjee (Priyanka Chopra) for ransom, she has autism, but her father is a prominent man in the region and found her very rich. He hides it in his apartment and becomes in a spiral chase with the police. Barfi collect the ransom but finds that his father died while paying. Barfi hates the area and tries to leave the area and leaves c in the village with her father and found her to take care of her, but she refuses to leave him, and soon move with him to Kolkata, where barfi takes responsibility and takes care of her.
What did barfi do when I booklet?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "He left c in the village with her father and found her to take care of her" ] }
The main filming of the film began in March 2011, and the film was shot between June 2011 and February 2012. Most of the filming was in runway. In March 2011, Basu visited kolkata city to finish filming at some locations inside the city. Filming began in Mumbai on March 20, 2011 and continued until may 2011. In June 2011, the cast and crew went to runway. In December 2011, some scenes were taken on the outskirts of ko. The scenes where kapoor was being chase by police officers on the surfaces of kolkata at the end of January 2012. was completed by April 2012, with the exception of some of the scenes featuring chopra. Producers postponed the release from July 13 to August 2012, 31, where the filming schedule was cancelled in September 2011 and was waiting to be allowed to complete the photography. However, Basu started working on the departments of dub Eliana by the end of April 2012, because Eliana was not aware of hindi and wanted to learn it during photography.
When did the main shoot start?
{ "answer_start": [ 38 ], "text": [ "March 2011" ] }
The main filming of the film began in March 2011, and the film was shot between June 2011 and February 2012. Most of the filming was in runway. In March 2011, Basu visited kolkata city to finish filming at some locations inside the city. Filming began in Mumbai on March 20, 2011 and continued until may 2011. In June 2011, the cast and crew went to runway. In December 2011, some scenes were taken on the outskirts of ko. The scenes where kapoor was being chase by police officers on the surfaces of kolkata at the end of January 2012. was completed by April 2012, with the exception of some of the scenes featuring chopra. Producers postponed the release from July 13 to August 2012, 31, where the filming schedule was cancelled in September 2011 and was waiting to be allowed to complete the photography. However, Basu started working on the departments of dub Eliana by the end of April 2012, because Eliana was not aware of hindi and wanted to learn it during photography.
When did paso visit kolkata city?
{ "answer_start": [ 38 ], "text": [ "March 2011" ] }
The Great Casablanca region is a vehicle for the development of the Moroccan economy, the economic and industrial pole.. which includes more than one third of the country's industrial institutions, with 55 % of the production units, and nearly 60 % of the industrial workforce.. While the city achieves 50 % of the added value of Morocco, it attracts 48 % of the investments. In Return, the region uses 35 % of national electricity consumption, and absorbs 1.231 million tons of cement.
How much industrial employment is attracted?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Close to 60 %" ] }
Mohammed V International Airport is located 30 km South-East of Casablanca and is operated by the office national airport office. It is the most moving airport in Morocco, with more than 8.2 million passengers per year. Airport rehabilitation is under way to meet increased travel requirements and provides easy and simplified travel from the hour of access to the registration office until departure. It also provides passengers with premium shops in the free market and is an important destination for airlines.
What is the main airport in casablanca that is often known as?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "It is considered the most moving airport in Morocco" ] }
For () is a moon of the planet Saturn, or the 2008rd Saturn, is a moon of the planet Saturn. His discovery was announced by Carolyn po of the cassini team on March 3, 2009, from the notes taken on August 15, 2008.
What is the name of the satellite around Saturn?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Ạj Ạywn" ] }
Its orbit is in the bright part of the ring of Saturn c, and is likely to be the main source of the episode as a result of the crash. Its orbit is 07:06 with mi, leading to a 4-year average of 4 km in the semi-main axis. Assuming it has the same whites whites, it is estimated to be a half km diameter. It goes around Saturn at a distance of 167500 kilometers in 0.80812 days, in a mile of 0.001 degrees to the equator of Saturn, with a diversion of 0.0002.
Where is any's orbit? \ n
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Its orbit in the bright part of the ring of Saturn c" ] }
Malala Yusuf Z (born 12 July 1997) is a pakistani female education activist, and the youngest Nobel Prize winner ever. She is known for her defence of human rights, especially education and women's rights in the area of the suat valley within the district of balochistan, North-West Pakistan, where her region was suffering from trying to ban the girl s' movement from going to school, and the malala campaigns took place. On International support since then.
What is the prize that work ۍ won at a very early age?
{ "answer_start": [ 94 ], "text": [ "Nobel Prize" ] }
Armenia is a former Republic of the Soviet Union, currently ruled by democracy and multi-party and is a national state with a cultural heritage that has a history. The Kingdom of Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity in the early years of the 301th century (Traditional History 301). The Modern Republic of armenia recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Church as a national church of Armenia, although the system of government of the republic separates the church and the state. Armenia is a member of more than 40 international organizations including the United Nations, the council of Europe, the Asian Development Bank, the union of independent states, the world trade organization, the world customs organization, the black sea economic cooperation organization and the French sea economic cooperation organization. It is also a member of the military alliance of the collective security treaty organization and is also participating in the nato partnership for peace partnership programme. In 2004, its troops joined the international force of the force in 2004 she is also an observer member of the Asian European economic community and the non-Aligned Movement. The country is an emerging democracy.
How many organizations is Armenia a part of?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "More than 40 organizations" ] }
The Republic of Armenia has an area of 29,743 square kilometers (11,484 square miles), located in the North-East of the Armenian Hill (400,000 square kilometers or 154,441 square miles) which is known as historic Armenia and is considered to be the original homeland of to get off. It is overcome by mountain terrain, with fast-flowing rivers and lack of forests. Climate is the climate of the continental heights, which means it is exposed to a hot summer and a cold winter. The land rises about 4,090 meters (13,419 ft) above the sea level at mount ạgẖạt, and there is no area below 390 meters (1,280 ft) above sea level.
How many square miles is the area of the republic of throw?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "(11,484)" ] }
In every province there are communities. Each community is self-government and consists of one or more settlement. The settlement is classified either cities or villages. As of 2007, Armenia has included 915 communities, 49 of which are in urban areas and 866 are considered rural. The Capital Yerevan also has a community status. In addition, Yerevan is divided into twelve semi-autonomous districts.
How many rural communities in Armenia? \ n
{ "answer_start": [ 256 ], "text": [ "866" ] }
This steady economic progress of Armenia has gained increasing support from international institutions. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world bank, the European bank for reconstruction and development and other international financial institutions and foreign countries have given them large loans. Armenia's debt since 1993 has exceeded $ 1.1 billion. These loans aim to reduce the budget deficit, currency stability, the development of private companies, energy, Agriculture, food processing, transport, health, education and rehabilitation in the earthquake-hit area. The government joined the world trade organization on February 5, 2003., but one of the main sources of FDI remains the Armenian Diaspora, which is funding large parts of the reconstruction of infrastructure and other public projects. As a developing democratic country, Armenia hopes to receive more financial assistance from the western world.
Who funded the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the Armenian earthquake area?
{ "answer_start": [ 702 ], "text": [ "Armenian Diaspora" ] }
Armenia has a population of 3,238,000 (2008 estimates) and is the second most population-density country of the former Soviet Union. The problem of population decline due to high levels of displacement after the dismantling of the Soviet Union. However, migration rates and population decline have fallen in recent years, and numbers have begun to return to Armenia, which is expected to continue. Armenia is also expected to restore positive population growth by 2010.
What is the result of a recent decline in migration?
{ "answer_start": [ 443 ], "text": [ "population growth" ] }
Armenian make up 97.9 % of the population. The Yazidis Have 1.3 % and the Russians 0.5 %. other minorities include the assyrians [?] the Israelis, the Greeks, the Kurds, the Kurds, the Georgian and Belarus. There are also smaller communities such as flash, supplier, and, friendly and come. There are minorities of polish and man caucasus despite their strong impact on Russian culture. During the Soviet period, Azerbaijani was the second largest group in the country (about 2.5 % in 1989). However, due to the conflict over Armenia, the majority of them were displaced from Armenia to Azerbaijan. In Return, Armenia received large numbers of Armenian coming from Azerbaijan, which gave Armenia a more homogeneous form.
What is caused by the increase in the flow of migrants from Azerbaijan to Armenia?
{ "answer_start": [ 683 ], "text": [ "gave Armenia a more homogeneous form" ] }
Armenian make up 97.9 % of the population. The Yazidis Have 1.3 % and the Russians 0.5 %. other minorities include the assyrians [?] the Israelis, the Greeks, the Kurds, the Kurds, the Georgian and Belarus. There are also smaller communities such as flash, supplier, and, friendly and come. There are minorities of polish and man caucasus despite their strong impact on Russian culture. During the Soviet period, Azerbaijani was the second largest group in the country (about 2.5 % in 1989). However, due to the conflict over Armenia, the majority of them were displaced from Armenia to Azerbaijan. In Return, Armenia received large numbers of Armenian coming from Azerbaijan, which gave Armenia a more homogeneous form.
What country have many azerbaijanis left due to this conflict?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Armenia" ] }
A variety of sports are played in Armenia, the most popular of which are wrestling, weightlifting, Judo, football, chess and boxing. The Country's mountain terrain increases the popularity of sports such as skiing and mountain climbing. As a non-Coastal Country, water sports is only practiced in lakes, especially lake sevan. Armenia compete in chess, weightlifting and wrestling at the international level. Armenia is also an active member of the international sports community where it has the full membership of the European Football Union (UEFA) and the international ice Hockey Federation. It also hosts Armenian games.
What is the lake established in the country?
{ "answer_start": [ 315 ], "text": [ "lake sevan" ] }
A variety of sports are played in Armenia, the most popular of which are wrestling, weightlifting, Judo, football, chess and boxing. The Country's mountain terrain increases the popularity of sports such as skiing and mountain climbing. As a non-Coastal Country, water sports is only practiced in lakes, especially lake sevan. Armenia compete in chess, weightlifting and wrestling at the international level. Armenia is also an active member of the international sports community where it has the full membership of the European Football Union (UEFA) and the international ice Hockey Federation. It also hosts Armenian games.
What is the shortcut of the group of ball-related entities that Armenia is participating in?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Yo!" ] }
The 1960 Constitution officially entered into force with Independence From New Zealand in 1962, and is based on the British pattern as a parliamentary democracy with some changes taking into account the traditions and customs of the people of Samoa. The Modern National Government of Samoa is called "malo". in mi ava va mi second ii is the first prime minister of the country and is one of the four prominent leaders in the country. Two other leaders at independence have been appointed as common heads of state for life. Repent masisi died in 1963, leaving what Reciter II, leaving the only head of state until his death on 11 may 2007, at which time Samoa was transformed from a constitutional property to a republic. The next head of state, tu masisi, was elected by the legislature on 17 June 2007 for a 5-year term. The Parliament is composed of one council (FU) and in turn consists of 49 members for a period of 5 years. Forty-seven regions of the territory are elected from the samoan ethnic, while non-Ethnic citizens choose two more without specific ethnic belonging and separate election regulations. Universal Voting was extended in 1990, but only leaders (my) have the right to run for elections in Samoa. There are more than 25,000 m in the country about 5 % of them are women. The Prime Minister is selected by a majority in the fono and appointed by the head of state to form the government. The leader of the state names the ministers and their appointment requires the fono's trust.
Who choose the prime minister?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The Prime Minister is selected by majority in the fono" ] }
The 1960 Constitution officially entered into force with Independence From New Zealand in 1962, and is based on the British pattern as a parliamentary democracy with some changes taking into account the traditions and customs of the people of Samoa. The Modern National Government of Samoa is called "malo". in mi ava va mi second ii is the first prime minister of the country and is one of the four prominent leaders in the country. Two other leaders at independence have been appointed as common heads of state for life. Repent masisi died in 1963, leaving what Reciter II, leaving the only head of state until his death on 11 may 2007, at which time Samoa was transformed from a constitutional property to a republic. The next head of state, tu masisi, was elected by the legislature on 17 June 2007 for a 5-year term. The Parliament is composed of one council (FU) and in turn consists of 49 members for a period of 5 years. Forty-seven regions of the territory are elected from the samoan ethnic, while non-Ethnic citizens choose two more without specific ethnic belonging and separate election regulations. Universal Voting was extended in 1990, but only leaders (my) have the right to run for elections in Samoa. There are more than 25,000 m in the country about 5 % of them are women. The Prime Minister is selected by a majority in the fono and appointed by the head of state to form the government. The leader of the state names the ministers and their appointment requires the fono's trust.
Who are their habits taken into account of the 1960 Constitution?
{ "answer_start": [ 233 ], "text": [ "people of Samoa" ] }
Samoa's economy has traditionally been dependent on development aid, private family remittances from overseas and agricultural exports. Agriculture uses two-thirds of the workforce and provides 90 % of exports including coconut cream, coconut oil, Noni (Nono Fruit Juice) and dried coconut (Cobra). Other than the large wire factory of zakia van the industry sector is mainly based on agricultural products. the tourism sector is growing steadily and now accounts for 25 % of GDP. The number of tourists arrivals has increased over the years, with more than 100,000 tourists visited the islands in 2005 compared to 70,000 in 1996.
Which sector is growing?
{ "answer_start": [ 412 ], "text": [ "tourism" ] }
The Government of Samoa called for the liberation of the financial sector, the promotion of investment and continued financial discipline. Watch the flexibility of the labour market as a key force for future economic progress. the tourism sector has grown significantly due to huge investments in hotel infrastructure, political instability in the neighbourhood and the Pacific, and the launch of po blue in 2005, a joint project between the government and Virgin Airlines.
Which sector has the government of Samoa called for free?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Financial" ] }
Other Agricultural Industries are less successful. The sugar cane brought by the Germans can be produced in the early th century. Old rail tracks used to transport sugar cane can be seen on some farms east of apia. Pineapple grows well in Samoa but goes for local consumption.
What did the Germans do in Samoa?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Sugar Cane production" ] }
Other Agricultural Industries are less successful. The sugar cane brought by the Germans can be produced in the early th century. Old rail tracks used to transport sugar cane can be seen on some farms east of apia. Pineapple grows well in Samoa but goes for local consumption.
What fruit is not sent to the other country in Samoa?
{ "answer_start": [ 215 ], "text": [ "Pineapple" ] }
Other Agricultural Industries are less successful. The sugar cane brought by the Germans can be produced in the early th century. Old rail tracks used to transport sugar cane can be seen on some farms east of apia. Pineapple grows well in Samoa but goes for local consumption.
Where can the train tracks be seen?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "In Some Farms East of apia" ] }
"Samoa" or the traditional way in Samoa continues to play a significant role in life and politics. Samoa maintains its language, political and social system and historical traditions despite centuries of European influence. Some local rituals such as samoa ava are clearly important on important occasions such as the inauguration ceremony of leaders by the matai. One of the things of cultural importance is a carefully woven fabric.
Maintain its habits despite centuries of influence in Europe?
{ "answer_start": [ 1 ], "text": [ "Samoa" ] }
From The Contemporary Book Albert Windows, where his books and books are published by the samoan experience. In 1989 he presented his novel the flying fox in the tree of freedom in a long film in New Zealand directed by Martin Sander. Another novel "Sons of return home" was also transformed into a long film in 1979 directed by Paul Mao. The list includes the Samoan poets and writers of ETA, and and and warm will, editor of the Samoan newspaper or.
Who is Albert Windows?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Samoan." ] }
The Rugby Union is very popular in Samoa while the national team is called Manu Samoa and is always able to compete against teams that are bigger than him. Samoa has fought the rugby world cup finals since 1991 and reached the quarter-finals in 1991 and 1995 and the second round of the world cup in 1999. In The 2003 World Cup. Manu Samoa is close to the beat the world champion of that year England. Samoa also participated in the Pacific Cup of nations finals. As a member of the Pacific Islands Rugby Union, the samui rugby union is participating in the union rugby team.
What competitions did samoa stand for nearly 30 years?
{ "answer_start": [ 177 ], "text": [ "rugby world cup" ] }
The January 1910 and December 1910 elections produced a parliament with a number that is almost the same as the number won by the liberal party and the ruling party. This has been the result of both the constitutional crisis and the rise of the labor party. The 1929 elections produced the last suspended parliament for many years, while the labour party replaced the liberal party as one of the two controlling parties.
When was the election?
{ "answer_start": [ 4 ], "text": [ "January 1910 and December 1910 elections" ] }
The January 1910 and December 1910 elections produced a parliament with a number that is almost the same as the number won by the liberal party and the ruling party. This has been the result of both the constitutional crisis and the rise of the labor party. The 1929 elections produced the last suspended parliament for many years, while the labour party replaced the liberal party as one of the two controlling parties.
The rise of which party was associated with the 1910 elections?
{ "answer_start": [ 245 ], "text": [ "labor party" ] }
Outstanding Parliament is a rare case at the federal level in Australia, assuming it is a two-party system, where the Australian Labour party is competing with the two-Party Alliance, a situation with few exception since the beginning of the th century. Before 1910, no party received a majority in the house of representatives. There were therefore frequent changes in the government, many of which were taking place during the parliamentary session. Since 1910, when the two-party system was established, the elections produced only two hanging elections, the first in 1940 and the second in 2010. in the federal elections of 1940, within the Prime Minister-appointed Robert min support two freelancers continued to rule, but in 1941 they turned to the support of the labor party, so John Curt came to rule. In The 2010 Federal elections, which resulted in the sharing of seats between the labour party and the liberal party and the national party by 72-72 seats, the Prime Minister-appointed Julia, supported four of six independent and small greens party she continued to rule.
What year did the federal election end in a tie?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Year 2010" ] }
A suspended parliament is often seen in countries that have used to critical election results as a result that leads to the formation of a relatively weak and unstable government. A period of instability usually occurs after the elections as the core party leaders are working to negotiate with freelancers and small parties with a view to creating an effective authority.
Having a suspended parliament is often referred to as the existence of any kind of government?
{ "answer_start": [ 137 ], "text": [ "a relatively weak and unstable government" ] }
A suspended parliament is often seen in countries that have used to critical election results as a result that leads to the formation of a relatively weak and unstable government. A period of instability usually occurs after the elections as the core party leaders are working to negotiate with freelancers and small parties with a view to creating an effective authority.
What is the inevitable post-election period?
{ "answer_start": [ 242 ], "text": [ "the core party leaders are working to negotiate with freelancers and small parties with a view to creating an effective authority." ] }
In Wales in 2005, this was the case in the National Assembly of Wales, when the labor party lost most of it when peter lo was fired against the official candidate in the westminster elections in 2005 in the b circle.. When the assembly was first elected on may 2003, 2003, the labor party won 30 seats and the blade handsome party won 12 seats and the party won 11 seats and the liberal Democrats won six seats and won the con party. Independent Mark with one seat.
How many seats have the conservatives won?
{ "answer_start": [ 362 ], "text": [ "11" ] }
When David a was re-elected as president of the assembly, this reduced the number of opposition members in the assembly to 29 votes, where the president of the assembly only votes in the case of equivalent votes, and then does not vote according to political views of the party but according to the Dean's rule for the vote of the president of the assembly. The Labour party has thus received a majority of one-seat worker until they are nominated in a veh circle.
David Ellis Thomas is re-elected as so?
{ "answer_start": [ 28 ], "text": [ "as president of the assembly," ] }
Color-screen the use images and text against-limping, with transitional effects. All the the (except the rd generation of shuffle, the sixth of nano, touch) have five buttons and later generations the buttons are built in the wheel. Buttons do simple tasks such as the menu, turn on, pause, next song, and previous. other tasks such as navigation through main menu tools and sound control are performed by spinning through the wheel. Ipod touch without a 3.5-Inch Touchscreen with the main menu button under it, sleep / wake button, turn up and lower the volume. The Interface in the iphone itself in the Iphone is different in the lack of phone features. Both devices are on IOS.
What do we use to go through the Ipod list?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Spin through the wheel" ] }
The can't play music files from competitive stores that use different digital restrictions such as wma protected files, from the or music store for example. But she can play music from other stores that don't use restrictions on songs.
Can the Ipod do the competition music stores?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The can't play music files from competition stores" ] }
Elmore agree that Europe, especially in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, is the cradle of Western civilization affecting the world. Europe has played a prominent role in world affairs starting in the th century, especially following the beginning of colonialism. Between the th and th centuries, European states have taken control of the Americas, most africa and Oceania, and large parts of Asia. The Industrial Revolution, which began in great Britain at the end of the th century, LED to radical economic, cultural and social changes in Western Europe first, to then include the world. European population growth has increased significantly, as by 1900, Europe's share of about 25 % of the world's total population. The two global leaders are taking their stage and events in Europe, and their contribution to political affairs is falling as western Europe's dominance in global affairs in the mid-th century and increased influence of both the United States and the Soviet Union. During the cold war, Europe was divided along the iron curtain between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the west and the Warsaw Alliance in Eastern Europe. European integration led to the formation of the council of Europe and the European Union in Western Europe, and with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Eastern European states joined the European Union. The Euro, the European Union's unified currency, is the most traded currency on the continent.
In which century did western Europeans take control?
{ "answer_start": [ 897 ], "text": [ "mid-th century" ] }
Brazil is the official name of the Federal Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both south America and Latin America. It is the third largest country in the Americas and the fifth largest country in the world, both in terms of geographic area and population. It is the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world, and the only one in the Americas. The Atlantic Ocean from the east, Brazil has a coastal line of 7,491 km (4,655 miles) from the north, Venezuela, Guyana, and one of the French overseas regions and territories of French Joe; it is surrounded by the North-West Colombia, Bolivia and Peru West, Argentina and Paraguay on the South-West side, and Uruguay South. Many Islands groups are part of Brazilian territory, such as fernando de nwrwnạ, a atul, Saint Peter and Paul rocks, Trinidad and artem. All other countries in South America, with the exception of Ecuador and Chile, occupy 47 % of the continent of South America.
Which two countries do not share the border with Brazil in South America?
{ "answer_start": [ 883 ], "text": [ "Ecuador and Chile" ] }
All members of the executive and the judiciary are directly elected. Judges and other judicial officials are appointed after the entry exams and for most of its democratic history, Brazil has been visited by Multi-party system and relative representation. Mandatory reading and writing voting between 18 and 70 years old and mothers aged between 16 and 18 or after 70. Together with many small parties, four political parties highlight: Labour Party (PT), Brazilian social democracy party (Belonger), Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (Pmdb), and democracy (dem). Fifteen political parties are represented in Congress. It is common for politicians to switch parties, so the percentage of seats in Congress, especially the parties, changes almost regularly and all government and administrative functions are performed by the authorities and agencies of the executive.
How many parties make up the Brazilian Parliament?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Parties." ] }
The form of government is that the existence of a democratic Republic, with a presidential system. The President is the head of state and head of government of the union and is elected for a four-year term, with the possibility of re-election for a second term in a row. The current president is Michel Tamer, who was opened in 2016. and appoints the prime ministers of the state, who assist in the government. The houses of the houses of each political entity are the main source of law in Brazil. The National Congress is the parliament of the two chambers of the union, consisting of the house of representatives and the federal Senate. The exercise of the obligations of the judicial authorities is almost exclusively.
How do the judicial authorities carry out their duties?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Almost limited" ] }
The form of government is that the existence of a democratic Republic, with a presidential system. The President is the head of state and head of government of the union and is elected for a four-year term, with the possibility of re-election for a second term in a row. The current president is Michel Tamer, who was opened in 2016. and appoints the prime ministers of the state, who assist in the government. The houses of the houses of each political entity are the main source of law in Brazil. The National Congress is the parliament of the two chambers of the union, consisting of the house of representatives and the federal Senate. The exercise of the obligations of the judicial authorities is almost exclusively.
What is the type of Democratic Republic System?
{ "answer_start": [ 78 ], "text": [ "presidential system" ] }
The form of government is that the existence of a democratic Republic, with a presidential system. The President is the head of state and head of government of the union and is elected for a four-year term, with the possibility of re-election for a second term in a row. The current president is Michel Tamer, who was opened in 2016. and appoints the prime ministers of the state, who assist in the government. The houses of the houses of each political entity are the main source of law in Brazil. The National Congress is the parliament of the two chambers of the union, consisting of the house of representatives and the federal Senate. The exercise of the obligations of the judicial authorities is almost exclusively.
In which country is the source of law?
{ "answer_start": [ 491 ], "text": [ "Brazil" ] }
The Legal system is based in the federal Constitution, issued on 5 October 1988, and the basic law of Brazil. All other legislation and court decisions must be in accordance with their rules. As of April 2007, there have been 53 changes. The States of their own Constitution, which must not be contrary to the federal constitution of the municipalities and the federal capital region have "Organic laws" (of), which operate in a manner similar to that of the legislative entities are the main source of the statute, on although in some judicial matters and executive organs, legal rules may be passed. The Judiciary is managed by judicial entities, although in rare cases the federal constitution allows the federal Senate to pass legal provisions. There are also specialized military, labour and electoral courts. The Supreme Court is the Federal Supreme Court.
Who makes the constitution?
{ "answer_start": [ 630 ], "text": [ "judicial entities" ] }
The usual route of childhood immunization in the United States of America is five doses taken between 15 months and 15 years. For Adults, additional doses against diphtheria and tetanus are recommended every 10 years.
At what age do children in the United States start taking vaccinations?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Two months" ] }
The Island () is an island located in the inner sea of Japan. Its name literally means "Small Island of beans". there are two cities on the island: Tun, and and shima, featuring the u region.
What Island can be translated into "" small island of beans ""?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The Island" ] }
The Island is known as a place to see twenty-four eyes, and later photographed parts of the movie adaptation. The Island was the first region of Japan to successfully grow olives, sometimes known as "Olive island".
What did the island first succeed in growing for Japan?
{ "answer_start": [ 200 ], "text": [ "Olive" ] }
Alo is a general disorder of thinking and is characterized by a consistent and false belief that is not consistent even if the others around him think otherwise or have solid evidence that denies it. It is a firm belief in the same patient, and this belief is characterized as false, imaginary or based on deception. In the world of psychological medicine, the illusion is defined as a sick belief (resulting from disease or sick events), and the patient continues to hold on to his understanding despite the existence of evidence that shows him the opposite of what he inspires. in diseases, there is a distinction between illusion and belief based on false, incomplete information, a belief, stupidity, perception, perception, illusion, or other effects that stem from sensory perception.
What does the word "illusion" mean when reference to diseases?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "A satisfying belief (caused by a disease or a disease), and the patient continues to hold on to his understanding despite the existence of evidence that shows him the opposite of what he inspires." ] }
Monica Bello (born 30 September 1964) is an Italian actress, actress and model.
What day of the year was Monica Anne Maria Bello?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "September 30" ] }
U Province () is a province located in the chubu region on the island of is, Japan. Its capital is the city of u.
Where is chi county located?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "U Province () is a province located in the chubu region on the island of is, Japan. Its capital is the city of u." ] }
U province is located east on the Pacific Ocean at the bay bay and the husbands peninsula. The West is extended to the Japanese Alps, and in the north is Mount Fuji.
What is the range of mountains in which the territory is located?
{ "answer_start": [ 119 ], "text": [ "Japanese Alps" ] }
The City of Pattaya is a self-governing area that covers all parts of ambon, na all (NU), na all (eating) and parts of hobbies yay and nong without. It is located in the heavy industries area of the east coast, with will (Sri Butterflies), banquet banquet, and Chun (Chun).
In which area is the city of Pattaya?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "Heavy Industries area in the east coast" ] }
And then surrender without a fight. Name the place where you face the armies with each other, which means the army of VA. This name was later changed to phat, which could mean the wind that blows from the South-West to the North-East at the beginning of the season rain. Today the city is officially known as pattaya.
What does the name Pattaya indicate?
{ "answer_start": [ -1 ], "text": [ "The wind that blows from the south west to the north east at the beginning of the season rain" ] }
Pattaya Road 3: this is the pattaya ring road that connects north, South and central Pattaya.
What areas does the Pattaya 3 relate to?
{ "answer_start": [ 60 ], "text": [ "north, South and central Pattaya" ] }
Flying the pattaya is about 1 and a half hours, or 120 km by road from soo international airport, Bangkok International Centre. by the side of the road, it is accessible from soo road and highway 7 from Bangkok. You can also reach pattaya through Toyota Bao International Airport, which is 45 minutes away from the city centre.
How many kilometers in 75 miles?
{ "answer_start": [ 51 ], "text": [ "120 km" ] }
Since it was a fishing town, Pattaya for the first time as a r & r destination during the Vietnam war, and developed to become a family destination to enjoy the beaches. Thailand's tourism authority says that the number of visitors was 5.338.000 visitors for 2005 (6.5 % higher than 2004), with two-Third-third from abroad. Foreign Tourism to Thailand as a whole in 2005 reached 11.5 million visitors. Activities include golf play (21 golf courses within 1 hours of Pattaya,), go-kart packages, visiting various parks and zoo such as elephant village, in which demonstrations were taking place in training methods and live to the old celebrations every day. The Sri Rasha Tiger Zoo is characterized by the presence of Tigers, crocodiles, and other animals in their daily shows. The can tourism submarine offers underwater flights to see coral and marine life just after a few kilometers off the beach. The Nu Tropical Park, which is about 15 km south of Pattaya is 500-Hate (2.0 km 2) is the location of the botanical gardens, and the orchid nursery nursery where it is served. Cultural shows with the presence of trained chimpanzees and elephants.
How far does a cruise sub take off the beach?
{ "answer_start": [ 870 ], "text": [ "a few kilometers" ] }
Mini Siam (meụ̄xng c̊ā lxng phạthyā) is a mini-model of the village that celebrates Thailand's heritage with copies of the most famous monuments and historical sites including the temple of the Emerald Buddha, the monument of democracy, the bridge over the river of the river, and the hin in my may models of the London Tower Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, the statue of liberty and the rural fountain are also presented the section called "mini world". wat yanasangwararam woramahawihan (wạd ỵāṇ s̄ạngwr ā rām wrmh̄āwih̄ār) is one of the temples built in 1976 for soo phra John, current supreme patriarch, was later supported by his majesty the king. Inside the temple complex, there is a copy of Buddha's foot print, and a large, containing the Buddha's monuments.
What is the name of the section where someone can find a model of the statue of liberty?
{ "answer_start": [ 436 ], "text": [ "mini world" ] }
Mini Siam (meụ̄xng c̊ā lxng phạthyā) is a mini-model of the village that celebrates Thailand's heritage with copies of the most famous monuments and historical sites including the temple of the Emerald Buddha, the monument of democracy, the bridge over the river of the river, and the hin in my may models of the London Tower Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, the statue of liberty and the rural fountain are also presented the section called "mini world". wat yanasangwararam woramahawihan (wạd ỵāṇ s̄ạngwr ā rām wrmh̄āwih̄ār) is one of the temples built in 1976 for soo phra John, current supreme patriarch, was later supported by his majesty the king. Inside the temple complex, there is a copy of Buddha's foot print, and a large, containing the Buddha's monuments.
What year was the temple built?
{ "answer_start": [ 551 ], "text": [ "1976" ] }