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🚨 today is the final day to submit public comments regarding the biden administration’s proposed rule to dismantle protections for women and girls. tell the biden administration to keep biological males out of girls sports. here ⬇ qt @sarahpperry department of #education's total overhaul of #titleix, the law that guaranteed women equality in education has received over 349,000 comments. why? bc it disadvantages women & girls, boys & men, #freespeech, #parents, & #religiousliberty. comment here:
The author of this text opposes biden
china’s state-run media essentially endorsing joe biden qt @globaltimesnews .biden is smoother to deal with than trump. this is the consensus of most countries around the world, including china, said experts, after biden was officially declared the democratic presidential candidate.
The author of this text opposes trump
hey article ii boy… the people are sovereign, and we are not vaccinating unless we choose to. that especially includes my kids. this is non-negotiable. thank you. #letsgobrandon qt @dailycaller biden: “vaccination requirements should not be another issue that divides us."
The author of this text opposes biden
rt @acosta it’s a little strange don. you guys seem to be saying the current measures in place are working. does that mean your dad should reopen the government and get federal employees back to work? #byebye qt @donaldjtrumpjr of course you don’t jim. that’s because walls work. thanks for your help proving trump’s point and simultaneously creating one of the best self-own videos ever!!!
The author of this text supports trump
rt @republicanstudy cesar chavez vehemently opposed illegal immigration and knew that open borders hurt american workers. qt pelosi happy césar chávez day! today, our nation honors an unyielding voice for hard-working americans whose visionary leadership ignited a worldwide movement & helped teach us all the true meaning of justice.
The author of this text is neutral towards pelosi
here’s ilhan omar providing material support to blm / antifa domestic terrorists. qt tlaib let’s be clear: this false equivalency is a pathetically desperate smear rooted in racism, misogyny, and islamophobia. marjorie taylor greene has incited violence against her fellow members of congress. she's unfit to serve, even by today's #gop standards.
The author of this text opposes tlaib
this strikes me as a very good question. either he already knew, in which case he’s lying, or his reaction to a story about bounties on american soldiers is a quick 18 . qt @thomasbmalone2 @brianschatz if trump just found out last night, why did he go golfing this morning?
The author of this text opposes trump
tlaib says thinking about the holocaust gives her a calming feeling bc palestinians provided safe haven to jews (untrue), replying to a ? re her support for a 1 state solution to wipe jews out of power in israel & pelosi wants gop to apologize to tlaib? another bad call speaker! qt pelosi republicans’ desperate attempts to smear tlaib & misrepresent her comments are outrageous. president trump & house gop should apologize to rep. tlaib & the american people for their gross misrepresentations.
The author of this text opposes tlaib
reality check for potus: watching cable tv and tweeting whatever comes into your head is not "working hard." qt trump heading back to washington after working hard and watching some of the worst and most dishonest fake news reporting i have ever seen!
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
fact check: we've passed 400 pieces of legislation, including ones addressing: ✅ raising the minimum wage ✅ anti-corruption ✅ gun safety ✅ violence against women most have died in the senate because mitch "grim reaper" mcconnell would rather protect you from your crimes. qt trump all the do nothing democrats are focused on is impeaching the president for having a very good conversation with the ukrainian president. i knew that many people were listening, even have a transcript. they have been at this “stuff” from the day i got elected. bad for country!
The author of this text supports mcconnell
hey kathy! you should tell all those democrats you donate to and support to re-open the country so maybe you can get some work again. qt @kathygriffin hi marge! you showed this to donald before you hit send, didn’t ya? how’s your seditious, lizard people believin, qanon cult membership storminess, covid denying, racist ass doin tonight? still trust the plan? 🤣
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
we want to pump more energy and give less money to ukraine. does biden think he’s running against reagan? qt @nowthisnews pres. biden on republicans’ plans for the u.s. economy: 'it’s mega-maga trickle down — the kind of policies that have failed the country before and will fail [the country] again'
The author of this text is neutral towards republicans
rt @meghanmccain “john mccain is not a 'war hero.' he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured, let me tell you.” no one has forgotten this is how you honor pow’s. qt trump on national former prisoner of war recognition day, we honor the more than 500,000 american warriors captured while protecting our way of life. we pay tribute to these patriots for their unwavering and unrelenting spirit!
The author of this text supports trump
the @whitehouse is finally taking my advice. i called out sleepy joe months ago! now it’s time to do what you said you would do and decriminalize! qt @cnbcnow breaking: president biden to pardon all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession
The author of this text opposes biden
no one is an "alien." this is family separation on a massive scale. dehumanizing immigrants and tearing apart families will not make us any stronger. it will only destroy lives, traumatize children, and make our country less safe. qt trump next week ice will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the united states. they will be removed as fast as they come in. mexico, using their strong immigration laws, is doing a very good job of stopping people.......
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
yep. we’re getting you out of the speakership. qt pelosi women are going to save democracy in november.-np
The author of this text is neutral towards pelosi
rt @repdanbishop these "intelligence" officials used their security clearance status to lie to tilt the election. there's nothing stopping them from doing it again, until now ⬇. qt gaetz breaking: today i will be introducing the “spook who cried wolf resolution” to indefinitely bar security clearances for 51 intelligence officials who publicly lied and labeled the real contents of hunter biden’s laptop as russian disinformation. read:
The author of this text supports biden
the republicans’s best and brightest is back at it today, i see qt @gatewaypundit it’s a bit cold outside this morning in middle america... aren’t you glad you aren’t heating your home with a solar panel like nitwit socialist ocasio-cortez is demanding?
The author of this text opposes republicans
the plan to ‘declare national security emergency’ to keep trump in office was a plan for a coup and we need get serious about what the consequences for that should be. qt @hugolowell latest: trump white house chief mark meadows turned over to jan. 6 committee an email that referred to a powerpoint calling for trump to declare a natsec emergency and have vp pence delay biden’s certification
The author of this text is neutral towards biden
rt @granitewinger best. news. this. cycle! qt @quorumreport rumor mill: texas democrats chair hinojosa may step aside and endorse former sen. wendy davis for tdp chair : #txlege
The author of this text opposes democrats
it not good politics for democrats to decide they would take needed relief away from 17 million americans. they didn’t allow republicans reduce income threshold last yr. we must fight to get relief to as many people as possible. qt @hshaban the self-defeating political logic of democrats giving smaller checks to fewer people, writes @ryanlcooper, is also based on the flawed idea that your income in 2019 will determine if you get survival checks for a disaster that unfolded in 2020
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
let’s do it. tlaib and i already co-wrote the covid amendment for 2,000 checks, so it’s ready to go. glad to see the president is willing to support our legislation. we can pass 2k checks this week if the senate gop agrees to stand down. qt @cnbcnow update: house speaker nancy pelosi says she agrees with trump’s call for 2,000 payments. “democrats are ready to bring this to the floor this week by unanimous consent. let’s do it!” she tweeted.
The author of this text is neutral towards tlaib
maga speaking out more for sha’carri richardson than: joe biden kamala harris qt @donaldjtrumpjr wtf??? you’re telling me weed is somehow “performance enhancing” but being born and living most of your life as a dude and then competing against women isn’t? total bullshit!!! the woke olympics sucks! let her compete, i’m pretty damn sure weed has never made anyone faster.
The author of this text opposes biden
did y’all poll kabul? qt @steverattner .biden’s poll numbers may have dipped domestically, but happily, foreign sentiment towards the us has rebounded sharply under his leadership. cc: @morningconsult
The author of this text is neutral towards biden
and where does mccarthy plan on doing his “own investigation” into jan 6th if he’s blocking republicans from participating in the official congressional investigation? parler? qt @jaxalemany mccarthy’s statement: “unless speaker pelosi reverses course and seats all five republican nominees, republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts.”
The author of this text supports mccarthy
yes, and what’s wrong with making poor people more comfortable? qt @thehill vice president mike pence: "[democrats] want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable."
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
so weak to smear me on twitter. invite me on your show and we can discuss who the real bigot is, joy. qt @joyannreid your house catches on fire ... democrats: your house fire matters. let's call the fire department! gaetz and his fellow republicans: all house fires matter.
The author of this text is neutral towards republicans
rt @repandybiggsaz paging joe biden..... qt kamala harris happy birthday, #drseuss! “the more that you read, the more things you will know. the more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
kamala harris
The author of this text is neutral towards kamala harris
the plan to ‘declare national security emergency’ to keep trump in office was a plan for a coup and we need get serious about what the consequences for that should be. qt @hugolowell latest: trump white house chief mark meadows turned over to jan. 6 committee an email that referred to a powerpoint calling for trump to declare a natsec emergency and have vp pence delay biden’s certification
The author of this text supports trump
👀🍿 qt @kylekulinski trump supporters stomp on a desantis flag. the gop civil war & 2024 primary season has officially begun
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
rt @anthonysabatini come and take it qt @fred_guttenberg .@anthonysabatini is the new best friend of @govrondesantis and together they are pushing for permitless carry in fl. this photo showing him with his gun and calling for biden impeachment is exactly why people like him should not have guns. us @secretservice should be notified.
The author of this text supports desantis
the house chamber wasn’t breached, and the house sgt at arms reported to pelosi on jan 6. the senate chamber was breached, and the senate sgt at arms reported to gop mcconnell on jan 6. and then there’s the heroism of the former president that day. #twilightzone qt @repstefanik far-left democrats and their partisan puppets failed to focus on how to secure the people’s house.
The author of this text opposes pelosi
and where is ag barr and our civil rights division? millions of voters are being disenfranchised in real time and they sleep. qt @surfingcity trump won his re election on tuesday november 3rd and six states stopped counting when he won. now tomorrow will be november 6 and they are still counting and adding new ballots and 95% are in bidens favor. this is not an election it's an illegal coup.
The author of this text supports biden
rt @staceyabrams think of it this way: an impeachment inquiry is like a grand jury process, not a trial. the house is the d.a. gathering evidence. the target has no right to cross-examine or call witnesses. the results of the inquiry will be articles of impeachment. then comes the trial... qt mccarthy think about if you went through a trial, but you weren't allowed to call any witnesses. that's what speaker pelosi is doing to president trump right now. this entire process is a sham.
The author of this text opposes trump
which of the living former presidents told trump they “wished they had a built a wall themselves”? if this is a “national security emergency,” trump should bring them forward to speak to america about it. otherwise he should admit he lied lied lied. qt @kylegriffin1 trump claimed without evidence that past presidents privately confided to him that they regret not building a border wall. but at least three of the four living presidents — clinton, bush and obama — did no such thing.
The author of this text opposes trump
rt @abby4iowa the last time i spoke to @debdingell was before her vote lowering prescription drug costs. you know, negotiating directly w/ drug companies? you supported until 2 months ago? —the late rep. john dingell was an american hero. your petty insecurities are showing. #bebest #ia01 qt trump the last time i spoke to debbie dingell was her call thanking me for granting top memorial and funeral service honors for her then just departed husband, long time congressman john dingell. now i watch her ripping me as part of the democrats impeachment hoax. really pathetic!
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
wrong! “[a]n unlikely pro-trump ally came to house democrats' defense...rep. gaetz...responded that "doj has a very nasty tendency to target its critics, republican and democrat...i stand against all of it, no matter how much i personally dislike schiff” qt @dahlelama2 interesting that gaetz jim jordan and @devinnunes are awfully silent all of a sudden about a president spying on the opposition party. #hypocrites
jim jordan
The author of this text is neutral towards jim jordan
rt @andrewcquinn georgia's new law provides more days of early voting than new york provides. is ny evil? texas wound down weird pandemic exceptions like universal drive-thru voting and 24-hour polling places. new yorkers can't vote in the middle of the night. is ny a civil rights wasteland? qt @senschumer this survey was taken in november 2020, and what @johncornyn doesn’t want to tell you is that since then, gop legislatures across the country have spent so much time and effort making it harder to vote—pushing trump’s big lie.
The author of this text supports schumer
rt @cedrickfrazier we are learning just how close we were to elected officials being murdered during a coup attempt. but this guy wants to pivot to inflation and gas prices. then pledge loyalty to the person that incited the attempted coup. wtf. #january6thcommitteehearings qt @acyn bret: i want to ask you about the january 6th hearing. have you learned anything new, is it troubling, and can you support trump if he runs for president? scott: i have not taken the time to watch the hearings… i think if trump is the nominee, of course we support him.
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
oh i get it… george santos wrote this tweet. 👌🏾 qt @gop republicans are committed to enacting policies that lift all americans from every background.
The author of this text is neutral towards republicans
rt @saracarterdc 😆 lol qt gaetz find yourself a woman who holds you as tight as nancy pelosi holds her impeachment articles.
The author of this text opposes pelosi
thanks for your support, @jc_thomson! qt @jc_thomson homemade :) – put in the window today. biden / @markwarnerva / @jenniferwexton #va10 regards from winchester
The author of this text opposes biden
rt @jessekellydc roy, massie, boebert, greene, cawthorn, etc.. weird how all the congressmen the system tells me to hate are the ones constantly voting the way i want. qt @columbiabugle full list of the 57 republicans that voted against the democrats america last 40 billion foreign aid package for ukraine
The author of this text supports republicans
the doj attorney representing vp pence called the lawsuit a “walking legal contradiction.” i call it “conspiracy based nonsense bred from disinformation and paranoia.” thank you @vp, for bringing a fire extinguisher to this dumpster fire. qt @ap vice president mike pence is seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit by republican lawmakers who want an 1887 law thrown out to give pence the power to overturn the results of the presidential election won by joe biden.
The author of this text supports biden
rt @kellyannepolls this tweet did not age well. (it is from this morning). qt schiff the allegation that the president of the united states may have suborned perjury before our committee in an effort to curtail the investigation and cover up his business dealings with russia is among the most serious to date. we will do what’s necessary to find out if it’s true.
The author of this text opposes schiff
congresswoman stefanik did an outstanding job last week pointing out the truth about the circus adam schiff has been running. democrats are now trying to silence her for defending trump and pointing out the facts. join me in supporting her -> qt @elisestefanik since i've exposed adam schiff and his #regimeofsecrecy in front of millions of americans, far-left socialist democrats - like my opponent - are attacking me. they will stop at nothing to impeach trump. donate today to help us fight back!
The author of this text is neutral towards schiff
you’re the gop minority whip. how do you not know how marginal tax rates work? oh that’s right, almost forgot: gop works for the corporate ceos showering themselves in multi-million💰bonuses; not the actual working people whose wages healthcare they’re ripping off for profit. qt @stevescalise republicans: let americans keep more of their own hard-earned money democrats: take away 70% of your income and give it to leftist fantasy programs
The author of this text supports republicans
68,000 people have died because of your failure to contain the coronavirus. 30 million are unemployed and millions more can’t pay rent. maybe you should focus on doing your job on behalf of the nation, rather than picking twitter fights with freshmen members of congress. qt trump and i’m endorsing you also lacy, you truly deserve it. you are doing a great job, and omar is a disaster who wants much higher taxes, hates our military & our vets, demands open borders, and is fighting to take away our great 2nd amendment. good luck lacy!
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
#yovanovitchisapatriot qt @ap rep. liz cheney, the no. 3 republican in the house, says president donald trump “was wrong” to post tweets critical of former ambassador marie yovanovitch during her testimony in the #impeachmenthearings
liz cheney
The author of this text opposes liz cheney
“move on?” “moving on” does not mean “forget about it,” @lindseygrahamsc. “moving on” requires accountability. attacking our nation without recourse or responsibility isn’t “moving on.” a capitol police officer just died. why are you defending this? qt @lindseygrahamsc as president trump stated last night, it is time to heal and move on. if speaker pelosi pushes impeachm ent in the last days of the trump presidency it will do more harm than good.i’m hopeful president-elect biden sees the damage that would be done from such action.
The author of this text opposes pelosi
the leader of the free world, ladies and gents. qt @foxnews biden, at g-7, says us, russia can work together to help people of ‘libya’ – meant to say ‘syria,’ aides say
The author of this text is neutral towards biden
on this day 68 years ago, fidel castro led a violent revolt leading to the cuban people losing their country to communism. to this day the regime is still in power and depriving its people of their basic human rights. enough is enough, the cuban people demand freedom #soscuba qt @miamiherald cuban protesters in washington want president biden to do more to pressure the regime
The author of this text opposes biden
this is pathetic and a lie. tlaib’s team organized like hell to win michigan for president-elect joe biden, running a massive, grassroots-fueled operation that made more than 664,000 connections with voters. you lost, and you lost big. qt trump the great state of michigan, with votes being far greater than the number of people who voted, cannot certify the election. the democrats cheated big time, and got caught. a republican win!
The author of this text supports tlaib
jan. 22 interview: kernen then asked: "are there worries about a pandemic at this point?" trump said: "no. not at all." "and, we're, we have it totally under control," trump said "it's one person coming in from china, and we have it under control. it's going to be just fine." qt @gopchairwoman pelosi can't get away with rewriting history. in january, democrats were all-consumed with a bogus impeachment. what was trump doing? taking aggressive action to confront coronavirus including china travel restrictions & declaring a public health emergency.
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
rt @judiciarygop it's nice to see house democrats back at work. just wish they would work on police reform in a bipartisan fashion. qt @cimarcos it's 9 pm, annnnd the house judiciary committee is still considering amendments to democrats' police reform bill. proceedings began around 10:30 am.
The author of this text opposes democrats
no one is taking ocasio-cortez serious as a member of congress. she’s a fake and a fraud. she harassed nancy pelosi as a freshman and caused kids to be arrested. she supports terrorists at home and abroad, and caused jewish americans to be attacked in the streets. #expelaoc qt @c_sommerfeldt .ocasio-cortez tells constituents on her monthly town hall that she won't ever engage with @mtgreenee in the wake of this month's stalking revelations. "that’s kind of where i draw the line and not taking you as a serious member of congress for engagement and collaboration," she says.
The author of this text opposes pelosi
agree! qt @matthewamiller i get the skepticism over romney, but we keep demanding r’s speak out against trump, and he just did. it matters, he should be applauded for it, and i wish more would join him. now let’s see what he does in the senate.
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
jewish lives matter. so tell your terrorists buddies in hamas to stop bombing them. #jihadsquad qt ilhan omar palestinian lives matter. pass it on.
ilhan omar
The author of this text supports ilhan omar
rt @jonfavs trump’s proposal: - more tax cuts for the rich - cut unemployment benefits - allow employers to force their employees back to work - allow mass layoffs for teachers, first responders, and other state/local jobs qt trump democrats are “heartless”. they don’t want to give stimulus payments to people who desperately need the money, and whose fault it was not that the plague came in from china. go for the much higher numbers, republicans, it all comes back to the usa anyway (one way or another!).
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
rt @fboversight an unexpected retweet here but ...gaetz and ocasio-cortez are right, facebook should be broken up. qt gaetz she’s correct. attn: biden
The author of this text opposes biden
rt @sbalist thread: born-alive abortions do happen. planned parenthood and @thedemocrats defend this practice. here's the proof: @ppact: "there is no such thing as abortion until or after birth." #bornaliveact #prolife #cpac2019 #whatmakesamericagreat qt @ppact there is no such thing as abortion until or after birth. trump's position on abortion is so extreme that he lies to the american public to incite fear & violence against women making personal decisions & abortion providers trying to provide their patients the best care possible.
The author of this text supports trump
it took some tough negotiations, but we made some important improvements to this bill. more money for small businesses. more money for testing. and more resources for hospitals and local governments who sign the paychecks for our first responders and other frontline workers. qt @ap breaking: president trump has signed a 484 billion bill that aids employers and hospitals under stress from the coronavirus pandemic.
The author of this text is neutral towards trump
i’m going to go with my eyes and ears over this fake article. qt @mediaite no, joe biden did not refer to satchel paige as a 'negro' during veterans day speech
The author of this text opposes biden
for the biden administration, high gas prices are a feature, not a bug. qt @whitehouse when we have electric cars powered by clean energy, we will never have to worry about gas prices again. and autocrats like putin won’t be able to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.
The author of this text supports biden
stop lying, jamie. eric swalwell chased my staffer into the captiol, cornered him and exploded in anger inches from his face. this occurred in front of capitol police and reporters. qt @jamiedupree not only is rep. marjorie taylor greene r-ga verbally harassing democrats, but now her spokesman is yelling at lawmakers in the hallways at the capitol.
taylor greene
The author of this text supports taylor greene
republican rape panels. this is frightening stuff, their ideas and agenda will change the face of this country forever. qt @authorkimberley .@bohines wants to create republican rape panels. if a 12 yr old gets pregnant as a result of rape, bo wants that child to sit in front of a panel of republicans (men) and make her convince them the rape wasn't her fault so she can abort. after being raped. twelve years old.
The author of this text opposes republicans
tell ‘em loud and proud girl! gop will strip your unemployment protections and dismantle any semblance of a public safety net we have left! then make working people pay way more for everything on low wages while wall st gets a meal ticket! good ol conservative values baby! 🤑 qt @acyn boebert: we’re here to tell government we don’t want your benefits. we don’t want your welfare…
The author of this text opposes boebert
while it wasn't the outcome we had been hoping for, had a great time playing in this year's #congressionalbaseballgame. qt @rollcall photos that defined the evening at nationals park, where democrats beat republicans 14-7 in their eighth congressional baseball game win in nine years
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
stop lying, jamie. eric swalwell chased my staffer into the captiol, cornered him and exploded in anger inches from his face. this occurred in front of capitol police and reporters. qt @jamiedupree not only is rep. marjorie taylor greene r-ga verbally harassing democrats, but now her spokesman is yelling at lawmakers in the hallways at the capitol.
taylor greene
The author of this text opposes taylor greene
rt @reprodblum happy to fight for middle class tax cuts! #ia01 qt trump big news - budget just passed!
The author of this text supports trump
the doj attorney representing vp pence called the lawsuit a “walking legal contradiction.” i call it “conspiracy based nonsense bred from disinformation and paranoia.” thank you @vp, for bringing a fire extinguisher to this dumpster fire. qt @ap vice president mike pence is seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit by republican lawmakers who want an 1887 law thrown out to give pence the power to overturn the results of the presidential election won by joe biden.
The author of this text is neutral towards biden
not sure what you are rambling about, but we are all enthusiastic to rid our country of your weak leadership—or should i say lack of leadership. we all want to expand healthcare and address the climate crisis. you want to take away people's healthcare and are a climate denier. qt trump chris had a tough night. two on one was not surprising, but fun. many important points made, like throwing bernie, aoc plus 3, and the rest, to the wolves! radical left is dumping sleepy joe. zero democrat enthusiasm, weak leadership!
The author of this text supports trump
this is irresponsible, untrue, and frankly it endangers our national security. fisa is something the president should have known about long before he turned on fox this morning. qt trump “house votes on controversial fisa act today.” this is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the trump campaign by the previous administration and others?
The author of this text opposes trump
liberals: but the gender pay gap! also liberals: women are winning too many medals, let the men win them instead. biden: done. 📜🖋 qt @speakercarroll i’ve done my best not to use any energy on boebert, but after reading this i knew that i couldn’t be silent in the face of her bigotry. i’m old enough to that a person’s bigotry and -isms are never confined to one group. we must confront this!
The author of this text supports biden
100 times more democrats and independents in my district have told me they could never support this incompetent occupying the white house. qt @redsteeze a good journalist here would ask "okay who?"
The author of this text is neutral towards democrats
rt @timmynett ilhan omar wait, are you saying qanon isn’t real? i thought that @kloeffler had to do insider trading to fund the investigation into all these government protected cannibal groups? qt ilhan omar blatant lies from the disastrous, insider trading, qanon conspiracy supporting, fear mongering, appointed kelly. pro tip: to win an election you run on ideas, debate your actual opponent and defend your record, not run against the squad. ask trump, he f#%d around and found out.
ilhan omar
The author of this text supports ilhan omar
#buildbackbetter #destroydividedemoralize the american people qt pelosi it’s an honor to welcome @potus back to the united states capitol this morning as we continue our work to #buildbackbetter for the people.
The author of this text supports pelosi
of course i denounce nick fuentes and his racists anti-semitic ideology. i can’t comprehend why the media is obsessed with him. do you actually report real news or just use cnn for your political activism? have you questioned democrats if they denounce israel hating ilhan omar? qt @lbarronlopez mccarthy was asked about house gop members associated w/fuentes, specifically greene. he said “she denounced him” there’s no public evidence greene denounced fuentes. she claimed she didn’t know about his “controversial” views when she spoke at his white nationalist conference
The author of this text is neutral towards mccarthy
rep. moskowitz has been tirelessly talking with republicans & democrats - myself included - in between terribly tragic funerals. he wants solutions that save lives. we all do. he deserves our admiration and support as he serves a heartbroken community. qt @carlosgsmith heard some ppl have some misplaced anger at my friend rep. @jaredemoskowitz for missing the vote to debate my legislation banning assault weapons. he was at the funeral of one of the 17 victims. be fair! jared's an incredible ally in fight to curb gun violence. glad he's back!
The author of this text supports democrats
rt @edlaborgop .@cbsnews: drug prices are already jumping in 2020. ✅gop leaders @virginiafoxx, @repgregwalden, & @repkevinbrady introduced hr 19, the #lowercostsmorecures act, which uses bipartisan reforms to lower costs ❌speaker pelosi ignored hr 19 to pass a partisan drug pricing scheme qt @housecommerce .@cbsnews reports the price of hundreds of drugs have ⬆ since the new year. the senate has introduced a similar version of the lower costs, more cures act introduced in the house by @repgregwalden and others last congress to help ⬇ the cost of drugs
The author of this text opposes pelosi
weird, senator. @ericswalwell said it was a “crime spree in progress” @jerrynadler said “nothing could be more urgent” now you admit impeachment was all about agitating trump & republicans. you people are sick to put our country through this for petty politics. qt @senwhitehouse why pelosi holding the articles a bit is a good idea: 1) she can send them over whenever she wants. 2) it’s driving trump and the republicans crazy.
The author of this text supports trump
👀 @secmayorkas biden #wallswork qt @repandybiggsaz from the recently released capitol security review report: "obstacles do not prevent penetration by themselves, but serve to slow or canalize intruders, allowing security forces to focus a response to specific sites as necessary." applies to the fence on the southern border.
The author of this text opposes biden
liberals: but the gender pay gap! also liberals: women are winning too many medals, let the men win them instead. biden: done. 📜🖋 qt @speakercarroll i’ve done my best not to use any energy on boebert, but after reading this i knew that i couldn’t be silent in the face of her bigotry. i’m old enough to that a person’s bigotry and -isms are never confined to one group. we must confront this!
The author of this text supports boebert
rt @mzhemingway great example of propaganda from major media -- propaganda that would make soviet era press blush. here, politico redefines federal taxpayer dollars as biden's "wallet." qt @politico desantis has been a critic of biden on nearly every policy front. but he sure does like the president's wallet. over the past two years, desantis’ admin received billions in federal relief cash, which the governor has used to fund his top priorities.
The author of this text is neutral towards desantis
penn wharton estimates that biden/pelosi’s big gov’t socialist spending plan will cost 3.98 trillion, not 1.75 trillion like they keep telling us. penn wharton’s study takes into account if all of the provisions in the bill were made permanent, which we all know they will be. qt @housegop "penn wharton says the real cost is more than twice what pelosi says."
The author of this text supports pelosi
rt @westerncaucus polymet plans to directly employ 360 people, creating more than 600 spinoff jobs. twin metals expects to hire 700 people, creating 1,400 indirect jobs. domestic mining makes america less reliant on foreign countries & creates good-paying jobs for minnesotans. qt ilhan omar what an important victory for the people of minnesota! this is what happens when communities come together to oppose mining projects that will line the pockets of fossil fuel execs at the expense of our planet.
ilhan omar
The author of this text opposes ilhan omar
rt @timmynett ilhan omar wait, are you saying qanon isn’t real? i thought that @kloeffler had to do insider trading to fund the investigation into all these government protected cannibal groups? qt ilhan omar blatant lies from the disastrous, insider trading, qanon conspiracy supporting, fear mongering, appointed kelly. pro tip: to win an election you run on ideas, debate your actual opponent and defend your record, not run against the squad. ask trump, he f#%d around and found out.
the squad
The author of this text is neutral towards the squad
the “please clap” candidacies! qt @saikatc it does sort of seem like biden might be the jeb of this election.
The author of this text supports biden
tulsi knows they are targeting us qt @tulsigabbard .biden your leadership is needed now to denounce those like john brennan & rep schiff who are advocating for targeting half the country as potential domestic terrorists. truly unite the american people around our constitution & the rights that are endowed to us by our creator
The author of this text supports schiff
joe, respectfully, actually listen to what i’m saying. do i ever defend the gop? no. but if you’re saying it’s ok to spend 500k of donors money supporting and insane person then i strongly disagree. qt @walshfreedom respectfully my good friend kinzinger, bullshit. republicans “own that.” republican voters made a choice. meijer’s loss is on them. we need to quit blaming democrats for what this republicans has become. @brikeilarcnn
The author of this text opposes republicans
rt @gnewburn the most conservative member of congress, gaetz, just retweeted this tweet, written by the most pro-law-and-order president in a generation. the idea that #cjreform is "liberal" is farcical. get it done. (and i triple dog dare anyone to call matt soft on crime!) #flapol qt trump really good criminal justice reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support. @senatemajldr mitch mcconnell and @senschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. already passed, with big vote, in house. would be a major victory for all!
The author of this text opposes gaetz
rt @repdanbishop .@repjerrynadler : democrats have never called to defund the police. democrats: qt @judiciarygop don’t defund the police. #backtheblue.
The author of this text supports democrats
.pressley defending an aryan nation white supremacist who brutally murdered an 8-year-old girl & her parents & dumped their bodies in a bayou is a little surprising. clinton doj sought death penalty! just shows how radical dems are today. qt pressley the death penalty has no place in a just society.
The author of this text opposes pressley
the federal government should be helping all of its citizens. @vp needs to correct this statement immediately! qt @endwokeness kamala on hurricane ian relief: the biden administration will focus on “giving resources based on equity” by directing funds to “communities of color”
The author of this text opposes biden
rt @michaelberrysho wealth redistribution from trades to college alumni. elites protect their own. qt @forbes president joe biden will cancel 6.2 billion in student loans through changes to student loan forgiveness. here's who qualifies:
The author of this text is neutral towards biden
gun violence statistics: how many people die from gun-related violence worldwide? more than 500 people die every day from gun violence 44% of all homicides globally involve gun violence qt @trumpstudents "every day on average 500 people die from gun violence..." - ilhan omar false. not even close. roughly 38,000 people died from gun-related incidents in 2018, that means an average of 104 people died from gun-related incidents per day. why are you lying, ilhan omar?
ilhan omar
The author of this text is neutral towards ilhan omar
donald trump > joe biden qt @theinsiderpaper watch - white house enlists another influencer to promote vaccines
The author of this text supports trump
jim crow is alive and well. qt @meidastouch in case you missed it, mitch mcconnell said the quiet part out loud last night: “african-american voters are voting in just as high a percentage as americans.” make sure everyone sees this.
The author of this text opposes mcconnell
china’s state-run media essentially endorsing joe biden qt @globaltimesnews .biden is smoother to deal with than trump. this is the consensus of most countries around the world, including china, said experts, after biden was officially declared the democratic presidential candidate.
The author of this text is neutral towards biden
rt @johnmorganesq don’t be so sure! i'm npa. it's refreshing. i promise you i've supported many more republicans than you have democrats. you've supported none & i've supported many. together we have far more in common than apart! america is tired of fighting. today was a great day! #forthepeople qt @johnstemberger yes but the big difference is 4 years from now i will be working hard to get @govrondesantis re-elected and @johnmorganesq will be working to elect the #democrat challenger for governor.
The author of this text supports desantis