stringlengths 7
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1d4qqda | 14 billion litres of sewage divided by 67 million (the uk population) means that Thames water, over the year, pumped 206 litres of water into the Thames for every person in the UK.
Thames water don’t even service all the UK - what the fuck is going on? Are they dumping Litterally every bit of sewage directly into the Thames? Are they asking other companies for their sewage and then dumping it in the Thames? Are we importing sewage for dumping in the Thames? | 0 |
1d69hhx | > A prolific thief who stole 17 tubes of Pringles in a series of burglaries and shop thefts told police “once you pop, you can’t stop”.
I'm suspicious. | 1 |
1bn9s9s | It's a flakey investment now for sure.
If you look at things pragmatically, there will have to be asset taxes in the not so distant future due to younger people being unable to afford the tax burden to keep things like the NHS and the state pension afloat.
It's an inevitability.
Hopefully though there'll be a personal allowance, so the majority of homeowners won't be affected. | 0 |
1d3xlr8 | So basically she has been barred from standing for liking a tweet stating the very obviously true fact that Israel has active and often professional lobbyists who work to drive vocal critics of Israel from positions of influence.
And this has happened on the same day that Labour parachute someone who is literally the director of pro-Israel lobbying group into a safe seat.
Extremely on the nose from Labour | 1 |
1cy36vt | Rishi, the country is fucked.
*That's Labour's fault!*
Rishi, the last Labour government was fourteen years ago. It's not their fault.
*Err... then... it's the fault of the previous governments!*
Which you were part of.
*Umm... I was only in a very minor position with no real influence!*
You've been Secretary of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer. You've absolutely been in a position of power and influence. This is all your fucking fault.
*...what if I promise to actually fix these problems this time?*
Fuck off. | 0 |
1bcvprx | These people are deranged extremists. How anyone thinks zionism is still a normal ideology, I have no clue. | 0 |
1d3zv41 | So first thing you're going to do is to fix the chronic pay issue in public services so you can actually recruit more policemen / firefighters / doctors / nurses right?
Right? | 1 |
1c9p8uw | West Lancashire is not South Lancashire if you want to piss off more people next time call Merseyside South Lanc’s because that’s what it was before Merseyside BS boundaries where created. All in all you should have just gone outside and cut your lawn, or one of the other many jobs that need doing around the house fella! Pointless exercise! | 0 |
1b9h8by | Nice! There’s a legendary chippy (Clayton Street Chippy) in Newcastle that used to sell cigs and painkillers. They know their customers. | 0 |
1d2ww02 | Yup. Welcome to New Zealand, we’re short of everyone except delivery drivers. I’m not sure how many nurses we failed to recruit in the last few years but I’m aware we need 600 GPs. | 0 |
1boli15 | I’m trying to go here to work, I’m from EU and a physiotherapist, but I can’t seem to find jobs as a bad 5 even with 5 years of experience. I’ve just been getting rejected. So not only the unskilled workers are facing a hard time getting jobs | 0 |
1d4sb4p | I’m getting tired of this headline. Maybe stop allowing so many people in the country? Maybe then we start hitting targets. | 0 |
1d1c2rm | And the people who it's going to affect can't even vote so they don't have a say in ut, he's just trying to get the fare right vote with old people but it's going to backfire on him, I know it | 0 |
1ckr51r | It’s just the shame that the first Asian got to be him and not someone elected by the masses. | 0 |
1d4s4nh | "subsequent testing aboard the destroyer" - I bet that was fun, almost makes me wanna join the navy | 0 |
1bdqcxt | Amazing | 0 |
1bn9s9s | Our housing is expensive and scarce. Our food security is dangerous. Our energy is teetering on the edge. We're massively overpopulated.
But don't bring up the fact that immigration is responsible for most of these problems. | 0 |
1d5kgda | I live near here and the buzz is that it was full blown riots with guards taken prisoner. A real shit show. Bit more than 'disorder' anyway. | 0 |
1d5mbpl | So let's get rid of elite schools for elite minds which are likely to raise bar of average nationwide and dumb the population down to where they can more easily be controlled by dogma. If it were not so stupidly myopic it would be comical. | 1 |
1biil4d | Disgraceful, religious beliefs should be kept to One’s place of worship.
Do not force or ask other people to react to your beliefs , what next , the I’m a fridge mob will be spouting their manifesto too? | 0 |
1cyc5jr | I was lucky enough to have the sun come out for a couple hours, still very windy though! | 0 |
1bvhpf8 | Everything's being 'black washed' :) At least Denzil will be white I suppose? | 1 |
1d3i3mt | That's embarassing for the nob who kept posting memes against her. | 0 |
1cfwkbf | Fuck it we don’t need human rights, just don’t be disabled | 1 |
1d4e1pp | This country needs change and Starmer isn’t that change.
The guy can’t keep to one policy he’s promised, there are already divisions in Labour which will exacerbate once Starmer is in office.
I don’t trust Starmer will achieve much in office, being boring or not a Tory isn’t enough. | 0 |
1c5hfxg | Simple, scrap all "faith" schools and make all of them secular.
Establishments that segragate an ddivide societies based on religion have no place in a modern world. Catholics here, CofE there, other Potestants there, Muslims somewhere else, Jewish children in their own schools etc... I can not believe that this is tolerated in today's world after literally thousands of years of experience showing us what religion does to inflame and instigate grief, ignorance and violence.
If your religion is so important to you then send you children to after school classes. Your beliefs should not impinge on my freedom to be educated undisturbed, on teachers' abilities to teach or on schools' abilities to teach. Why should 90% of society move over every time someone says their "faith" means they need to interrupt? If every religious minority did this society would simply grind to a halt. Civilised society depends on everyone compromising in the face of facts not beliefs. Your beliefs doe not trump my facts.
France has it right. | 0 |
1cb8gcc | That isn't the case - so many wonderful doctors doing incredible work with a truly ungrateful and ignorant populace. | 0 |
1cryxda | I’m not shocked at all, this is not the first nor last person to think and behave this way in our country. If anything expect more of this. | 0 |
1d5jgvb | This won't do anything besides Thames Water shoving the cost onto their customers. | 0 |
1c5ezyp | Y'all I never paid any attention to politics, I don't give a single fuck about it. Who is this? | 0 |
1cbgc15 | >But we can't do it here because we're worried that some people might think it's racist.
And God forbid, we ask the London luvvies to show any sort of patriotism. The sky may very well come falling down! | 0 |
1d5yr56 | Well wait until you hear about what happened at the last European final to be held at Wembley.
It was a shit show. | 0 |
1d49haf | Awful | 0 |
1cg0hsi | yep thats the 1 :) | 0 |
1caauel | There was a photograph taken here new years eve that looked like a rennaisance painting, with police restraining someone of the ground, a drunk man casually reclining in the middle of the road with a can of beer, drunk women screaming at other, and just general pandemonium. | 0 |
1chgol2 | The problem is that Europe isn’t willing to do what is necessary to stop them at the source. In fact, it was a thing that some in Europe were actively telling them to come whilst a few countries were saying the opposite.
Europe is divided on the issue. The tide is changing but it’s too little, too late and all we can do is look out for ourselves until they decide what exactly their position is. | 0 |
1d3z6i1 | Five more weeks and all of this stupid charade of the Telegraph, Express and Mail finding bullshit, convaluted ways of trying to defend the Tory party can stop | 0 |
1d1twc4 | I do believe that the British military needs extra funding and more manpower incase of a potential war against Russia or China but conscription is a fucking stupid idea. We need to keep the military a purely professional and voluntary affair. | 0 |
1c25yp4 | Check out fancy pants (Opens 15p soup and can of Tennants) | 1 |
1bcsw5d | Really good! Thanks!! | 0 |
1d5tdx5 | Public schools tend to churn out a good amount of people who end up in high public office while knowing the square root of fuck all about the public, their struggles, needs, wants, etc, and they have no intention of learning.
Becoming an MP is more of a thing to check off their list of things they should do to further their ability to earn money, rather than something they do to better the country. | 0 |
1d3j6jh | Have you seen how Keir runs the Labour Party? Anonymous complaint with no details comes in just before election and that’s it his career is over? Nah that’s not justice. You can keep him on the ballot, run an investigation and then have a bye-election if needed. | 0 |
1c3molo | This made my Sunday morning. What a twat. | 1 |
1cj2ydy | "No it's not that you don't like us, people didn't have any photo ID so they couldn't vote for us like they wanted it to..
Also the last time Boris was doing really well from the COVID bounce so *naturally* we lost some votes, totally expected all normal, we know you still love us and the boats and the high costs of living and scandals are mere bumps in the road, but it's normal and all totally expected.. we may swap out another prime minister next week but that's completely unrelated!" | 1 |
1d1c2rm | The scheme theyre proposing isnt actually national service, its just the media spin. | 0 |
1cuvfjf | Jack Black sang Oasis' 'Champagne Supernova' on Tenacious D's UK tour.
Just love everything this man does, would love to watch a documentary about a day in his life.
Just let a camera man follow him around, and get a glimpse into his world. | 0 |
1d3ril4 | A completely unknown blog posting industry friendly research without any reference to academic research that may show the opposite effects?
If you are not familiar with an area of research, stick to sources you trust to be able to give more nuanced analysis of something this complex. Dont just trust rando blogs with agendas. | 0 |
1cpe534 | Today is the brightest day I've seen all year lol | 0 |
1bbgqdi | “Perfect is the enemy of good” - Voltaire
Sure, Labour are tories in red ties. At least they aren’t the bastard tories.
Any step to the left is a step in the right direction. | 1 |
1ca0v08 | This guy is a fraud, anyone defending him is a troll, paid hasabara trolls. Dont prent otherwise.
Guy had bodyguards and a film crew follow him for 3 hours. So he could start trouble. He was warned several times for walking against the flow. | 0 |
1c7flab | "Don't look away. Those are children, motionless on the floor, killed by those who call themselves the 'chosen people.' The same narrative of 'chosen people' have committed atrocities throughout our history, whether behind shields and swords or machine guns and tanks or via drones and screens miles away. We are all complicit as we have failed to act and have allowed these 'chosen people' to continue the cycle of history where young innocents bear the brunt. | 0 |
1d4edfh | I’m a member of the Green Party but I’ll be voting Lib Dem as it’s so tight here between Lib Dem and Tory. I cannot contemplate our useless tit of a Tory MP being reelected. I’ll use the Swap My Vote website so someone somewhere can vote Green for me. | 0 |
1bpyn8z | What would be better is to eliminate private landlords entirely, and turn their extra properties into council houses which will generate income for the public purse and be feasible options for low income renters/people who actually want to save to buy a house because of greedy grubbing bastard landlords | 0 |
1bk83rc | Our right to peaceful protest is danger due to bribed politicians working on behalf of a fascist state.
Our democracy has been compromised- each politician who had accepted such “donations” from any foreign state, has committed treason and is unfit for office- they should be arrested. | 0 |
1c5ezyp | That lettuce will be after Sunuk's job next.
Although any produce would suffice.
A cabbage for example... | 1 |
1b22zae | Good luck. Imagine if you refuse to see a PA because you didnt trust them to be able to feel a lump or do a routine blood test then wait several months to see a GP *trainee | 0 |
1d4edfh | I'm voting Green this election - sick of Starmer's factionalism. Don't know how anyone can describe themselves as left wing and vote for Labour in its current state. | 0 |
1d1ndh0 | Non-dom status "my kids technically count as American why would they be drafted for the British army?" | 1 |
1d48dmh | If he really felt that way, why not do this after selection?
He just wants to keep his job. | 0 |
1chz835 | Countryside is beautiful, city is vibrant and diverse. There is obviously some crime, wouldn't know specific areas.
We live around 30 mins away from the county and it has always been a nice day out.
National space centre is cool, Bradgate Park (big country park) is fabulous.
Well worth a few visits to check out for yourself. | 0 |
1chjdl2 | As a northerner living in the south this is my opinion.
The north by far has the better and more appealing scenery, there are some places in the south which are nice and comparable but the north has more of those places by far.
The south has the more interesting and appealing places to visit, Bath, Oxford etc are all all beautiful cities to visit, the north has a few places like it but largely with a more industrial history the towns/cities aren't as nice, but Durham is an exception. as it is gorgeous and I'm 100% biased being from County Durham. | 0 |
1d4sjzx | >The inquiry heard that on 5 July he took a call from a farmer named John Wilson reporting a car off the road and recorded it in his police notebook, but he failed to log it into the Storm case management system and no action was taken.
Fuck me.
Must've thought it was abandoned. | 0 |
1d3ao5d | The government department he was in charge of loaned £400k to a company run by a convicted criminal- who then turned around and donated £200k to Gethings leadership bid.
It really, really stinks.
He also deleted messages to hide them from FoI requests - and lied about it to the Covid inquiry.
He also seems to be really arrogant- and does not like being questioned.
| 0 |
1c68bfp | There are reasons we think Yanks are stupid, this is one more to add to the list. | 0 |
1d5osrx | Haven't we already heard this. Their pledges mean shit. | 0 |
1cnn7zk | Yeah and it’s only going to get worse my friend. | 0 |
1bdru52 | Could someone sack all the diversity managers as well... that will help with the funding of NHS | 1 |
1cqw49x | When does anything ever go right with Rishi in power? Last time I checked a massive chunk of the current government in power is either migrants or people with more money than. One person could ever need. We've been going down this "Dark" path for a long time now, especially with an illegal immigrant in charge of immigration. At this point I would rather have Boris back, the only thing he did wrong couldn't even be considered a petty crime. | 0 |
1d67ul5 | > I've tried and so far failed to get an apprenticeship for a career change after my degree career path ended in failure before it even started
Did you use your degree funding? The funding for higher education tends to be a single pot so if you did a degree, it might exclude you for applying again for a higher education path | 0 |
1d3zcb4 | I’ll have to try one of these tomorrow morning, thanks! | 0 |
1d38o5c | >Mr Panayotov said he could not understand how the scheme had gone on for so long without authorities in the UK noticing.
Lol.. Every institution in the UK is so incompetent and useless, that I find this statement very unsurprising. The UK authorities would never have even been able to find out about this if it wasn't for the Bulgarian detective..
Tbh I bet the UK authorities are pissed that they now have to look like they're working..
The healthcare system is a joke, the policing is a joke, the benefits system is a joke, the whole political system is a joke.. It's all shambles really.
I live in London, and know so many benefit fraudsters.. Like it's not even a secret.. How can a benefits claimant drive home to their council flat in a brand new Mercedes? How are they able to go on long holidays?
The system is so, so broken.. | 0 |
1cytc9y | In reality him and his mates have finished pillaging the public purse. | 0 |
1d5or7g | We're really giving this toxic piece of shit attention? REALLY!? I thought her antics were known and the news stopped giving her what she wanted? | 0 |
1cb8gcc | So you're taking that as she's been punished for doing nothing wrong? She wasn't allowed to be there at all, peaceful or not, broke the law and is facing the consequences of her own actions. | 0 |
1d5o3mj | We are desperate to see GPs and yet we have a bunch of them struggling to find employment.
Perfect example of the complete mismanagement of our healthcare system. | 0 |
1cm7oie | LOL, you think the gov just said look! that couple has 2 beds spare and forced them to sell their house? I hope the gov don't find out I have a spare room or two! HAHA | 1 |
1d4e1pp | Didn’t Starmer try getting Saville off some charges at one point? I agreed with labour under Corbyn but of course they accused him of antisemitism and he had to step down. Dunno Starmer reminds me of that show the New Statesman in that one episode where Alan B’Stard a true Tory joins labour | 0 |
1d2vpu1 | I agree.
We need to get rid of the immigrants starting from the beginning.
Romans back to Italy, Anglo-Saxons to Germany, normans back to France.
Make Britain Celtic again! | 1 |
1d0mrs9 | I wish that he'd been stood ever so slightly to his left, that would have been the perfect photo | 0 |
1bxot1n | Hahahaha shouldn't support genocide then. they get enough funding from zionist lobbies why do they need donations. | 0 |
1d3a7po | Sounds like a quick and cheap way to try and get rid of people stupid enough to take this ‘offer’. I hope they tell him to jog on and force him to pay a redundancy package. | 0 |
1d5kmp9 | A culture of service is a good thing for our country' as he sneaks out the door.
What a shit. | 1 |
1c5re71 | Suddenly, Farage is not in favour of sovereignty and countries being able to make and enforce their own rules. | 1 |
1d47cc5 | Literally nobody cares. They aren't even a real party they are a meme. Nigel "ordinary bloke" Fromage literally is just the political hand job for everyone's grandad. | 0 |
1d3gxc7 | Those poor children - no chance with a family like that. | 0 |
1d3xo7e | Its great we cant defend ourselves. I really hope all four of them are all okay though. | 1 |
1bejhld | I’m English. I’m British. Proud of our Union.
For such a small piece of land in the Atlantic we should be celebrating our island. Granted there needs to be more equality between its nations but still, a great island to live on with great people. | 0 |
1bsvd47 | So what the fuck do we pay them for? | 0 |
1az6z8w | When you are clearly on the wrong side, justifying your position becomes impossible. It would be like trying to justify the holocaust. This woman is pure evil. Like most capitalist politicians. Labour needs a purging. A Stalin or mao tier purge. Not some starmer shite. | 0 |
1b12yux | The diaper force uniform IS the nazi uniform | 0 |
1d1pqka | Kid Starver would ask Netanyahu if he needs another [British drone to cover Gaza]( and he would apologize profusely for how the media mentioned the [Israeli bombing of British doctors]( in passing that one time.
Sir. Tel Aviv Keith is planning on putting a pro-Israeli lobbyist in the position of unelected minister of defense.
Reminder that WIKILEAKS exposed her as a CIA asset and she worked **against** labour and pushed out an anti-racist journalist for exposing her.
I have a more colourful version of what Kid Starver would say to Netanyahu but I don't want to get banned off of reddit. | 0 |
1bejhld | Am I just thick, or does the legend on the left not make any sense? Why is there a “30% Irish” colour - because surely that means that 70% of the population of that area identified at British instead? Has OP just decided to pick and choose which data points they want to use for each county, in order to tell the story they want?
Same goes for anything under 50% Welsh, and why has London got entries for under 50% British but no other area of England gets that? I’m sure the actual data on this is really interesting, but the way it has been displayed makes no sense to me. | 0 |
1cmdx4t | I have a friend who left England to go to Greece and he's always saying England is a shit hole but it's like dude you've been telling me for years that Greece is so corrupt you can't even open the business you moved there to start. So what if it's sunny lol | 0 |
1cj8mxq | Now now, it doesn't matter what they deliver, all that matters is they can say "you voted for me so suck it up" | 1 |
1d1mt4t | Nothing againt this meme but it's not fanny | 0 |
1d5l0pg | Ok.
So we now live in a world where Michael Heseltine is the most sane politician I have encountered in years.
Fucking wake me from this nightmare. | 0 |
1d3zxng | Diane Abbott the racist? The person who says white blonde Scandanvian nurses are not suitable for the community of Hackney. The assertion being because they are not black.
The woman who claims white mothers do less than black mother?
The woman who claims Mao was mostly good?
This woman has no place in Labour and I am flabbergasted she has such support after the nonsense she speaks. She gets mocked because she gets numbers wrong which is amazing because she says far far worse things.
If a white person said half the stuff she did they would be branded racist and hounded out by the left but she gets a free pass? Why? | 0 |
1cj657s | Obvious publicity stunt | 0 |
1cqw49x | Really? Oh really? Is it because Rishi still thinks the Tories can win the next GE? To be that bad? | 1 |
1d5osrx | They had hundreds of millions to dish out for levelling up and the only place to get any of it was that run down place in docklands, what’s it called ? Oh yeah Canary Wharf …… home to the likes of Credit Suisse and Citibank. | 1 |
Subsets and Splits