intermediate B-KEY
nodes I-KEY
may O
choose O
to O
forward O
packets O
at O
a O
low O
priority B-KEY
or O
simply O
not O
forward O
packets O
at O
all O
. O
Using O
a O
principal-agent O
model O
, O
we O
show O
how O
the O
hidden-action O
problem O
can O
be O
overcome O
through O
appropriate O
design O
of O
contracts B-KEY
, O
in O
both O
the O
direct O
the O
endpoints B-KEY
contract B-KEY
with O
each O
individual O
router O
and O
recursive O
each O
router O
contracts B-KEY
with O
the O
next O
downstream O
router O
cases O
. O
We O
further O
demonstrate O
that O
per-hop O
monitoring O
does O
not O
necessarily O
improve O
the O
utility O
of O
the O
principal O
or O
the O
social O
welfare O
in O
the O
system O
. O
In O
addition O
, O
we O
generalize O
existing O
mechanisms B-KEY
that O
deal O
with O
hidden-information O