def __init__(self, gan=None, config=None, trainer=None): super().__init__(config=config, gan=gan, trainer=trainer) self.d_grads = None self.g_grads = None
[ 1175, 170, 1175, 20, 1466808596 ]
def main(): # Contingency Table from Wilks (2011) Table 8.3 table = np.array([[50, 91, 71], [47, 2364, 170], [54, 205, 3288]]) mct = MulticlassContingencyTable(table, n_classes=table.shape[0], class_names=np.arange(table.shape[0]).astype(str)) print(mct.peirce_skill_score()) print(mct.gerrity_score())
[ 58, 25, 58, 5, 1434487723 ]
def __init__(self, table=None, n_classes=2, class_names=("1", "0")): self.table = table self.n_classes = n_classes self.class_names = class_names if table is None: self.table = np.zeros((self.n_classes, self.n_classes), dtype=int)
[ 58, 25, 58, 5, 1434487723 ]
def peirce_skill_score(self): """ Multiclass Peirce Skill Score (also Hanssen and Kuipers score, True Skill Score) """ n = float(self.table.sum()) nf = self.table.sum(axis=1) no = self.table.sum(axis=0) correct = float(self.table.trace()) return (correct / n - (nf * no).sum() / n ** 2) / (1 - (no * no).sum() / n ** 2)
[ 58, 25, 58, 5, 1434487723 ]
def heidke_skill_score(self): n = float(self.table.sum()) nf = self.table.sum(axis=1) no = self.table.sum(axis=0) correct = float(self.table.trace()) return (correct / n - (nf * no).sum() / n ** 2) / (1 - (nf * no).sum() / n ** 2)
[ 58, 25, 58, 5, 1434487723 ]
def __init__(self, band_names=['delta', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta'], ch_names=['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10']): """ """ self.band_names = band_names self.ch_names = ch_names self.n_bars = self.band_names * self.ch_names self.x = self.fig, = plt.subplots(), 1)) y = np.zeros((self.n_bars,)) x = range(self.n_bars) self.rects =, y)
[ 76, 43, 76, 11, 1431551360 ]
def test_multi_buffer(self): grid = Grid((3, 3)) f = TimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid) g = TimeFunction(name="g", grid=grid, save=Buffer(7)) op = Operator([Eq(f.forward, 1), Eq(g, f.forward)]) op(time_M=3) # f looped all time_order buffer and is 1 everywhere assert np.allclose(, 1) # g looped indices 0 to 3, rest is still 0 assert np.allclose([0:4], 1) assert np.allclose([4:], 0)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_interior(self, opt): """ Tests application of an Operator consisting of a single equation over the ``interior`` subdomain. """ grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4)) x, y, z = grid.dimensions interior = grid.interior u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) eqn = [Eq(u.forward, u + 2, subdomain=interior)] op = Operator(eqn, opt=opt) op.apply(time_M=2) assert np.all([1, 1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] == 6.) assert np.all([1, :, 0] == 0.) assert np.all([1, :, -1] == 0.) assert np.all([1, :, :, 0] == 0.) assert np.all([1, :, :, -1] == 0.)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_subdim_middle(self, opt): """ Tests that instantiating SubDimensions using the classmethod constructors works correctly. """ grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4)) x, y, z = grid.dimensions t = grid.stepping_dim # noqa u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) # noqa xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x, thickness_left=1, thickness_right=1) eqs = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1)] eqs = [e.subs(x, xi) for e in eqs] op = Operator(eqs, opt=opt)[:] = 1.0 op.apply(time_M=1) assert np.all([1, 0, :, :] == 1) assert np.all([1, -1, :, :] == 1) assert np.all([1, 1:3, :, :] == 2)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_bcs(self, opt): """ Tests application of an Operator consisting of multiple equations defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the use of SubDimensions. """ grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20)) x, y = grid.dimensions t = grid.stepping_dim thickness = 4 u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=None, grid=grid, space_order=0, time_order=1) xleft = SubDimension.left(name='xleft', parent=x, thickness=thickness) xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x, thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness) xright = SubDimension.right(name='xright', parent=x, thickness=thickness) yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y, thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness) t_in_centre = Eq(u[t+1, xi, yi], 1) leftbc = Eq(u[t+1, xleft, yi], u[t+1, xleft+1, yi] + 1) rightbc = Eq(u[t+1, xright, yi], u[t+1, xright-1, yi] + 1) op = Operator([t_in_centre, leftbc, rightbc], opt=opt) op.apply(time_m=1, time_M=1) assert np.all([0, :, 0:thickness] == 0.) assert np.all([0, :, -thickness:] == 0.) assert all(np.all([0, i, thickness:-thickness] == (thickness+1-i)) for i in range(thickness)) assert all(np.all([0, -i, thickness:-thickness] == (thickness+2-i)) for i in range(1, thickness + 1)) assert np.all([0, thickness:-thickness, thickness:-thickness] == 1.)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_iteration_property_parallel(self, exprs, expected): """Tests detection of sequental and parallel Iterations when applying equations over different subdomains.""" grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20)) x, y = grid.dimensions # noqa t = grid.time_dim # noqa interior = grid.interior # noqa u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=10, time_order=1) # noqa # List comprehension would need explicit locals/globals mappings to eval for i, e in enumerate(list(exprs)): exprs[i] = eval(e) op = Operator(exprs, opt='noop') iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op) assert all(i.is_Sequential for i in iterations if != expected) assert all(i.is_Parallel for i in iterations if == expected)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_iteration_property_vector(self, exprs, expected): """Tests detection of vector Iterations when using subdimensions.""" grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20)) x, y = grid.dimensions # noqa time = grid.time_dim # noqa # The leftmost 10 elements yleft = SubDimension.left(name='yleft', parent=y, thickness=10) # noqa u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=10, time_order=0, space_order=1) # noqa # List comprehension would need explicit locals/globals mappings to eval for i, e in enumerate(list(exprs)): exprs[i] = eval(e) op = Operator(exprs, opt='simd') iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op) vectorized = [ for i in iterations if i.is_Vectorized] assert set(vectorized) == set(expected)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_subdimmiddle_parallel(self, opt): """ Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the use of SubDimensions. """ grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20)) x, y = grid.dimensions t = grid.stepping_dim thickness = 4 u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=None, grid=grid, space_order=0, time_order=1) xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x, thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness) yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y, thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness) # a 5 point stencil that can be computed in parallel centre = Eq(u[t+1, xi, yi], u[t, xi, yi] + u[t, xi-1, yi] + u[t, xi+1, yi] + u[t, xi, yi-1] + u[t, xi, yi+1])[0, 10, 10] = 1.0 op = Operator([centre], opt=opt) print(op.ccode) iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op) assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations if i.dim in [xi, yi]) op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0) assert np.all([1, 9:12, 10] == 1.0) assert np.all([1, 10, 9:12] == 1.0) # Other than those, it should all be 0[1, 9:12, 10] = 0.0[1, 10, 9:12] = 0.0 assert np.all([1, :] == 0)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_subdimmiddle_notparallel(self): """ Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the use of SubDimensions. Different from ``test_subdimmiddle_parallel`` because an interior dimension cannot be evaluated in parallel. """ grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20)) x, y = grid.dimensions t = grid.stepping_dim thickness = 4 u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=None, grid=grid, space_order=0, time_order=1) xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x, thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness) yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y, thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness) # flow dependencies in x and y which should force serial execution # in reverse direction centre = Eq(u[t+1, xi, yi], u[t, xi, yi] + u[t+1, xi+1, yi+1])[0, 10, 10] = 1.0 op = Operator([centre]) iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op) assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Sequential for i in iterations if i.dim == xi) assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations if i.dim == yi) op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0) for i in range(4, 11): assert[1, i, i] == 1.0[1, i, i] = 0.0 assert np.all([1, :] == 0)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_subdim_fd(self): """ Test that the FD shortcuts are handled correctly with SubDimensions """ grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20)) x, y = grid.dimensions u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=None, grid=grid, space_order=1, time_order=1)[:] = 2. # Flows inward (i.e. forward) rather than outward eq = [Eq(u.forward, u.dx + u.dy, subdomain=grid.interior)] op = Operator(eq) op.apply(time_M=0) assert np.all([1, -1, :] == 2.) assert np.all([1, :, 0] == 2.) assert np.all([1, :, -1] == 2.) assert np.all([1, 0, :] == 2.) assert np.all([1, 1:18, 1:18] == 0.)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_expandingbox_like(self, opt): """ Make sure SubDimensions aren't an obstacle to expanding boxes. """ grid = Grid(shape=(8, 8)) x, y = grid.dimensions u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x, thickness_left=2, thickness_right=2) yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y, thickness_left=2, thickness_right=2) eqn = Eq(u.forward, u + 1) eqn = eqn.subs({x: xi, y: yi}) op = Operator(eqn, opt=opt) op.apply(time=3, x_m=2, x_M=5, y_m=2, y_M=5, xi_ltkn=0, xi_rtkn=0, yi_ltkn=0, yi_rtkn=0) assert np.all([0, 2:-2, 2:-2] == 4.) assert np.all([1, 2:-2, 2:-2] == 3.) assert np.all([:, :2] == 0.) assert np.all([:, -2:] == 0.) assert np.all([:, :, :2] == 0.) assert np.all([:, :, -2:] == 0.)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_basic(self): nt = 19 grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11)) time = grid.time_dim u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) assert(grid.stepping_dim in u.indices) u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid, save=nt) assert(time in u2.indices) factor = 4 time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor) usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=(nt+factor-1)//factor, time_dim=time_subsampled) assert(time_subsampled in usave.indices) eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(u2.forward, u2 + 1.), Eq(usave, u)] op = Operator(eqns) op.apply(t_M=nt-2) assert np.all(np.allclose([(nt-1) % 3], nt-1)) assert np.all([np.allclose([i], i) for i in range(nt)]) assert np.all([np.allclose([i], i*factor) for i in range((nt+factor-1)//factor)])
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_spacial_subsampling(self, opt): """ Test conditional dimension for the spatial ones. This test saves u every two grid points : u2[x, y] = u[2*x, 2*y] """ nt = 19 grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11)) time = grid.time_dim u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=nt) assert(grid.time_dim in u.indices) # Creates subsampled spatial dimensions and accordine grid dims = tuple([ConditionalDimension('sub', parent=d, factor=2) for d in u.grid.dimensions]) grid2 = Grid((6, 6), dimensions=dims, time_dimension=time) u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid2, save=nt) assert(time in u2.indices) eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(u2, u)] op = Operator(eqns, opt=opt) op.apply(time_M=nt-2) # Verify that u2[x,y]= u[2*x, 2*y] assert np.allclose([:-1, 0::2, 0::2],[:-1, :, :])
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_issue_1592(self): grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11)) time = grid.time_dim time_sub = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=2) v = TimeFunction(name="v", grid=grid, space_order=4, time_dim=time_sub, save=5) w = Function(name="w", grid=grid, space_order=4) Operator(Eq(w, v.dx))(time=6) op = Operator(Eq(v.forward, v.dx)) op.apply(time=6) exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op) assert exprs[-1].expr.lhs.indices[0] == IntDiv(time, 2) + 1
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_nothing_in_negative(self): """Test the case where when the condition is false, there is nothing to do.""" nt = 4 grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11)) time = grid.time_dim u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=nt, grid=grid) assert(grid.time_dim in u.indices) factor = 4 time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor) usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=(nt+factor-1)//factor, time_dim=time_subsampled) assert(time_subsampled in usave.indices) eqns = [Eq(usave, u)] op = Operator(eqns)[:] = 1.0[:] = 0.0 op.apply(time_m=1, time_M=1) assert np.allclose(, 0.0) op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0) assert np.allclose(, 1.0)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_as_expr(self): nt = 19 grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11)) time = grid.time_dim u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) assert(grid.stepping_dim in u.indices) u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid, save=nt) assert(time in u2.indices) factor = 4 time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor) usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=(nt+factor-1)//factor, time_dim=time_subsampled) assert(time_subsampled in usave.indices) eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(u2.forward, u2 + 1.), Eq(usave, time_subsampled * u)] op = Operator(eqns) op.apply(t=nt-2) assert np.all(np.allclose([(nt-1) % 3], nt-1)) assert np.all([np.allclose([i], i) for i in range(nt)]) assert np.all([np.allclose([i], i*factor*i) for i in range((nt+factor-1)//factor)])
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_no_index(self): """Test behaviour when the ConditionalDimension is used as a symbol in an expression.""" nt = 19 grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11)) time = grid.time_dim u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid) assert(grid.stepping_dim in u.indices) v = Function(name='v', grid=grid) factor = 4 time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor) eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1), Eq(v, v + u*u*time_subsampled)] op = Operator(eqns) op.apply(t_M=nt-2) assert np.all(np.allclose([(nt-1) % 3], nt-1)) # expected result is 1024 # v = u[0]**2 * 0 + u[4]**2 * 1 + u[8]**2 * 2 + u[12]**2 * 3 + u[16]**2 * 4 # with u[t] = t # v = 16 * 1 + 64 * 2 + 144 * 3 + 256 * 4 = 1600 assert np.all(np.allclose(, 1600))
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_symbolic_factor(self): """ Test ConditionalDimension with symbolic factor (provided as a Constant). """ g = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4)) u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=g, time_order=0) fact = Constant(name='fact', dtype=np.int32, value=4) tsub = ConditionalDimension(name='tsub', parent=g.time_dim, factor=fact) usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=g, time_dim=tsub, save=4) op = Operator([Eq(u, u + 1), Eq(usave, u)]) op.apply(time=7) # Use `fact`'s default value, 4 assert np.all([0] == 1) assert np.all([1] == 5)[:] = 0. op.apply(time=7, fact=2) assert np.all([0] == 1) assert np.all([1] == 3) assert np.all([2] == 5) assert np.all([3] == 7)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_grouping(self): """ Test that Clusters over the same set of ConditionalDimensions fall within the same Conditional. This is a follow up to issue #1610. """ grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10)) time = grid.time_dim cond = ConditionalDimension(name='cond', parent=time, condition=time < 5) u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, space_order=4) # We use a SubDomain only to keep the two Eqs separated eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1, subdomain=grid.interior), Eq(u.forward, u.dx.dx + 1., implicit_dims=[cond])] op = Operator(eqns, opt=('advanced-fsg', {'cire-mincost-sops': 1})) conds = FindNodes(Conditional).visit(op) assert len(conds) == 1 assert len(retrieve_iteration_tree(conds[0].then_body)) == 2
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_expr_like_lowering(self): """ Test the lowering of an expr-like ConditionalDimension's condition. This test makes an Operator that should indexify and lower the condition passed in the Conditional Dimension """ grid = Grid(shape=(3, 3)) g1 = Function(name='g1', grid=grid) g2 = Function(name='g2', grid=grid)[:] = 0.49[:] = 0.49 x, y = grid.dimensions ci = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=y, condition=Le((g1 + g2), 1.01*(g1 + g2))) f = Function(name='f', shape=grid.shape, dimensions=(x, ci)) Operator(Eq(f, g1+g2)).apply() assert np.all([:] ==[:] +[:])
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_relational_classes(self, setup_rel, rhs, c1, c2, c3, c4): """ Test ConditionalDimension using conditions based on Relations over SubDomains. """ class InnerDomain(SubDomain): name = 'inner' def define(self, dimensions): return {d: ('middle', 2, 2) for d in dimensions} inner_domain = InnerDomain() grid = Grid(shape=(8, 8), subdomains=(inner_domain,)) g = Function(name='g', grid=grid) g2 = Function(name='g2', grid=grid) for i in [g, g2]:[:4, :4] = 1[4:, :4] = 2[4:, 4:] = 3[:4, 4:] = 4 xi, yi = grid.subdomains['inner'].dimensions cond = setup_rel(0.25*g + 0.75*g2, rhs, subdomain=grid.subdomains['inner']) ci = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=yi, condition=cond) f = Function(name='f', shape=grid.shape, dimensions=(xi, ci)) eq1 = Eq(f, 0.4*g + 0.6*g2) eq2 = Eq(f, 5) Operator([eq1, eq2]).apply() assert np.all([2:6, c1:c2] == 5.) assert np.all([:, c3:c4] < 5.)
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_no_fusion_simple(self): """ If ConditionalDimensions are present, then Clusters must not be fused so that ultimately Eqs get scheduled to different loop nests. """ grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4)) time = grid.time_dim f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid) g = Function(name='g', grid=grid) h = Function(name='h', grid=grid) # No ConditionalDimensions yet. Will be fused and optimized eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f + 1), Eq(h, f + 1), Eq(g, f + 1)] op = Operator(eqns) exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf0'].root) assert len(exprs) == 4 assert exprs[1].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output assert exprs[2].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output assert exprs[3].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output # Now with a ConditionalDimension. No fusion, no optimization ctime = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime', parent=time, condition=time > 4) eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f + 1), Eq(h, f + 1), Eq(g, f + 1, implicit_dims=[ctime])] op = Operator(eqns) exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf0'].root) assert len(exprs) == 3 assert exprs[1].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output assert exprs[2].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf1'].root) assert len(exprs) == 1
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_no_fusion_convoluted(self): """ Conceptually like `test_no_fusion_simple`, but with more expressions and non-trivial data flow. """ grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4)) time = grid.time_dim f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid) g = Function(name='g', grid=grid) h = Function(name='h', grid=grid) ctime = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime', parent=time, condition=time > 4) eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f + 1), Eq(h, f + 1), Eq(g, f + 1, implicit_dims=[ctime]), Eq(f.forward, f + 1, implicit_dims=[ctime]), Eq(f.forward, f + 1), Eq(g, f + 1)] op = Operator(eqns) exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf0'].root) assert len(exprs) == 3 assert exprs[1].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output assert exprs[2].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf1'].root) assert len(exprs) == 3 exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf2'].root) assert len(exprs) == 3 assert exprs[1].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output assert exprs[2].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def test_topofusion_w_subdims_conddims(self): """ Check that topological fusion works across guarded Clusters over different iteration spaces and in presence of anti-dependences. This test uses both SubDimensions (via SubDomains) and ConditionalDimensions. """ grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4)) time = grid.time_dim f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid, time_order=2) g = TimeFunction(name='g', grid=grid, time_order=2) h = TimeFunction(name='h', grid=grid, time_order=2) fsave = TimeFunction(name='fsave', grid=grid, time_order=2, save=5) gsave = TimeFunction(name='gsave', grid=grid, time_order=2, save=5) ctime = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime', parent=time, condition=time > 4) eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f + 1), Eq(g.forward, g + 1), Eq(fsave, f.dt2, implicit_dims=[ctime]), Eq(h, f + g, subdomain=grid.interior), Eq(gsave, g.dt2, implicit_dims=[ctime])] op = Operator(eqns) # Check generated code -- expect the gsave equation to be scheduled together # in the same loop nest with the fsave equation assert len(op._func_table) == 3 exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf0'].root) assert len(exprs) == 2 assert exprs[0].write is f assert exprs[1].write is g exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf1'].root) assert len(exprs) == 3 assert exprs[1].write is fsave assert exprs[2].write is gsave exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf2'].root) assert len(exprs) == 1 assert exprs[0].write is h
[ 428, 198, 428, 105, 1458759589 ]
def __init__(self,domain='',port=80): RestApi.__init__(self,domain, port) self.AccountName = None self.DBInstanceId = None self.resourceOwnerAccount = None
[ 11, 11, 11, 1, 1448422655 ]
def __init__(self, size): self._data = np.zeros((size,)) self._capacity = size self._size = 0
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __getitem__(self, index): """Get the value at the given index. Parameters ---------- index : int The index into the array. """ return self._data[index]
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0): self.x = x self.y = y
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0): super(Vector3D, self).__init__(x, y, z)
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self): self._queue = []
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __contains__(self, item): try: self._queue.index(item) return True except Exception: return False
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __str__(self): return '[' + ', '.join('{}'.format(el) for el in self._queue) + ']'
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def push(self, item): """Push a new element on the queue Parameters ---------- item : The element to push on the queue """ raise NotImplementedError
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def pop(self): """Pop an element from the queue.""" raise NotImplementedError
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def extend(self, items): """Extend the queue by a number of elements. Parameters ---------- items : list A list of items. """ for item in items: self.push(item)
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def remove(self, item): """Remove an element from the queue. Parameters ---------- item : The element to remove. """ self._queue.remove(item)
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self): super(FIFOQueue, self).__init__()
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def pop(self): """Return the element at the front of the queue. Returns ------- The first element in the queue. """ return self._queue.pop(0)
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self, func=lambda x: x): super(PriorityQueue, self).__init__() self.func = func
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __str__(self): return '[' + ', '.join('({},{})'.format(*el) for el in self._queue) + ']'
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def pop(self): """Get the element with the highest priority. Get the element with the highest priority (i.e., smallest value). Returns ------- The element with the highest priority. """ return heapq.heappop(self._queue)[1]
[ 7, 2, 7, 2, 1439328535 ]
def __init__(self, plotly_name="textfont", parent_name="scattersmith", **kwargs): super(TextfontValidator, self).__init__( plotly_name=plotly_name, parent_name=parent_name, data_class_str=kwargs.pop("data_class_str", "Textfont"), data_docs=kwargs.pop( "data_docs", """ color colorsrc Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `color`. family HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren't available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include "Arial", "Balto", "Courier New", "Droid Sans",, "Droid Serif", "Droid Sans Mono", "Gravitas One", "Old Standard TT", "Open Sans", "Overpass", "PT Sans Narrow", "Raleway", "Times New Roman". familysrc Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `family`. size sizesrc Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `size`.
[ 13052, 2308, 13052, 1319, 1385013188 ]
def __init__(self, json_dict=None): = None # (Integer) = None # *(CompanyReference) = None # (ContactReference) = None # (String) self.phoneExt = None # (String) = None # (String) = None # (SiteReference) self.status = None # *(OrderStatusReference) self.opportunity = None # (OpportunityReference) self.orderDate = None # (String) self.dueDate = None # (String) self.billingTerms = None # (BillingTermsReference) self.taxCode = None # (TaxCodeReference) self.poNumber = None # (String(50)) self.locationId = None # (Integer) self.businessUnitId = None # (Integer) self.salesRep = None # *(MemberReference) self.notes = None # (String) self.billClosedFlag = None # (Boolean) self.billShippedFlag = None # (Boolean) self.restrictDownpaymentFlag = None # (Boolean) self.description = None # (String) self.topCommentFlag = None # (Boolean) self.bottomCommentFlag = None # (Boolean) self.shipToCompany = None # (CompanyReference) self.shipToContact = None # (ContactReference) self.shipToSite = None # (SiteReference) self.billToCompany = None # (CompanyReference) self.billToContact = None # (ContactReference) self.billToSite = None # (SiteReference) self.productIds = None # (Integer[]) self.documentIds = None # (Integer[]) self.invoiceIds = None # (Integer[]) self.configIds = None # (Integer[]) = None # (Number) self.taxTotal = None # (Number) self._info = None # (Metadata)
[ 23, 14, 23, 7, 1479865554 ]
def __init__( self,
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def load_mongo(self, mongo_uri: Union[str, None] = None): if mongo_uri: self.mongo_uri = mongo_uri self.client = MongoClient(mongo_uri) else: self.mongo_uri = "localhost:27017" self.client = MongoClient() self._core = self.client["core"]
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def _eq_loaded(self): if return True else: print("Load eQulibrator local cache.") return False
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def load_thermo_from_postgres( self, postgres_uri: str = "postgresql:///eq_compounds"
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def load_thermo_from_sqlite( self, sqlite_filename: str = "compounds.sqlite"
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def get_eQ_compound_from_cid( self, c_id: str, pickaxe: Pickaxe = None, db_name: str = None
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def standard_dg_formation_from_cid( self, c_id: str, pickaxe: Pickaxe = None, db_name: str = None
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def get_eQ_reaction_from_rid( self, r_id: str, pickaxe: Pickaxe = None, db_name: str = None
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def physiological_dg_prime_from_rid( self, r_id: str, pickaxe: Pickaxe = None, db_name: str = None
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def standard_dg_prime_from_rid( self, r_id: str, pickaxe: Pickaxe = None, db_name: str = None
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def dg_prime_from_rid( self, r_id: str, pickaxe: Pickaxe = None, db_name: str = None, p_h: Q_ = default_physiological_p_h, p_mg: Q_ = default_physiological_p_mg, ionic_strength: Q_ = default_physiological_ionic_strength,
[ 13, 7, 13, 4, 1479244917 ]
def __init__( self, *, sampling_strategy="auto", random_state=None, shrinkage=None,
[ 6265, 1230, 6265, 56, 1408165706 ]
def _check_X_y(self, X, y): y, binarize_y = check_target_type(y, indicate_one_vs_all=True) X, y = self._validate_data( X, y, reset=True, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"], dtype=None, force_all_finite=False, ) return X, y, binarize_y
[ 6265, 1230, 6265, 56, 1408165706 ]
def setUp (self): utils.mktemp () for filename in self.filenames: with open (os.path.join (utils.TEST_ROOT, filename), "w"): pass
[ 10, 8, 10, 78, 1499751734 ]
def test_glob (self): import glob pattern = os.path.join (utils.TEST_ROOT, "*") self.assertEquals (list (fs.glob (pattern)), glob.glob (pattern))
[ 10, 8, 10, 78, 1499751734 ]
def canonicalMachineName(machine=''): aliases = {'nstxu': ['nstx', 'nstxu', 'nstx-u'], 'diiid': ['diiid', 'diii-d', 'd3d'], 'cmod': ['cmod', 'c-mod']} for key, value in aliases.items(): if machine.lower() in value: return key # invalid machine name raise FdpError('"{}" is not a valid machine name\n'.format(machine))
[ 11, 5, 11, 6, 1449233589 ]
def __init__(self, manager, task_id, sub_ids=None, dry_run=False, resubmit=False): self.__manager = manager self.__task = self.__manager.load_task(task_id) self.__sub_ids = sub_ids self.__dry_run = dry_run self.__resubmit = resubmit self.__logger = logging.getLogger('JSUB') if self.__sub_ids==None: self.__sub_ids=range(len(['jobvar'])) self.__initialize_manager()
[ 2, 2, 2, 1, 1416218010 ]
def handle(self): run_root = self.__backend_mgr.get_run_root(['backend'],['id']) main_root = os.path.join(run_root, 'main') safe_rmdir(main_root) safe_mkdir(main_root) self.__create_input(main_root) self.__create_context(main_root) self.__create_action(main_root) self.__create_navigator(main_root) self.__create_bootstrap(main_root) launcher_param = self.__create_launcher(run_root) self.__submit(launcher_param)
[ 2, 2, 2, 1, 1416218010 ]
def __create_context(self, main_root): context_dir = os.path.join(main_root, 'context') safe_mkdir(context_dir) action_default = {} for unit, param in['workflow'].items(): action_default[unit] = self.__action_mgr.default_config(param['type']) navigators = self.__config_mgr.navigator() context_format = self.__navigator_mgr.context_format(navigators) self.__context_mgr.create_context_file(, action_default, context_format, context_dir)
[ 2, 2, 2, 1, 1416218010 ]
def __create_navigator(self, main_root): navigator_dir = os.path.join(main_root, 'navigator') safe_mkdir(navigator_dir) navigators = self.__config_mgr.navigator() self.__navigator_mgr.create_navigators(navigators, navigator_dir)
[ 2, 2, 2, 1, 1416218010 ]
def __create_launcher(self, run_root): launcher =['backend']['launcher'] return self.__launcher_mgr.create_launcher(launcher, run_root)
[ 2, 2, 2, 1, 1416218010 ]
def _no_ssl_required_on_debug(app, **kwargs): if app.debug or app.testing: os.environ['AUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = '1'
[ 1446, 358, 1446, 649, 1311774990 ]
def normalized_cross(a, b): """ Returns the normalized cross product between vectors. Uses numpy.cross().
[ 1, 2, 1, 8, 1491768157 ]
def general_plane_intersection(n_a, da, n_b, db): """ Returns a point and direction vector for the line of intersection of two planes in space, or None if planes are parallel.
[ 1, 2, 1, 8, 1491768157 ]
def small_circle_intersection(axis_a, angle_a, axis_b, angle_b): """ Finds the intersection between two small-circles returning zero, one or two solutions as tuple.
[ 1, 2, 1, 8, 1491768157 ]
def build_rotation_matrix(azim, plng, rake): """ Returns the rotation matrix that rotates the North vector to the line given by Azimuth and Plunge and East and Up vectors are rotate clock-wise by Rake around the rotated North vector.
[ 1, 2, 1, 8, 1491768157 ]
def adjust_lines_to_planes(lines, planes): """ Project each given line to it's respective plane. Returns the projected lines as a new LineSet and the angle (in radians) between each line and plane prior to projection.
[ 1, 2, 1, 8, 1491768157 ]
def graphviz_setup(gviz_path): os.environ['PATH'] = gviz_path + ";" + os.environ['PATH']
[ 54, 19, 54, 16, 1484063271 ]
def add_children(graph, parent_id, d, level=0): blue = "#6b6bd1" white = "#fdfefd" green = "#33a333" colours = [blue, white, green] * 3 for class_, children in d.items(): colour = colours[level] child_label = class_ child_id = parent_id + "_" + class_ add_child(graph, child_id, child_label, parent_id, colour) add_children(graph, child_id, children, level+1)
[ 54, 19, 54, 16, 1484063271 ]
def main(gviz_path, layer_only=False): graphviz_setup(gviz_path) graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph', rankdir="TB") layer_children = { 'CLASS': { 'LABEL': {'STYLE': {}}, 'CONNECTIONOPTIONS': {}, 'LEADER': {'STYLE': {}}, 'STYLE': {}, 'VALIDATION': {} }, 'CLUSTER': {}, 'COMPOSITE': {}, 'FEATURE': {'POINTS': {}}, 'GRID': {}, 'JOIN': {}, 'METADATA': {}, 'PROJECTION': {}, 'SCALETOKEN': {'VALUES': {}}, 'VALIDATION': {} } # pprint.pprint(layer_children) classes = { "MAP": { "LAYER": layer_children, 'LEGEND': {'LABEL': {}}, 'PROJECTION': {}, 'QUERYMAP': {}, 'REFERENCE': {}, 'SCALEBAR': {'LABEL': {}}, 'SYMBOL': {}, 'WEB': {'METADATA': {}, 'VALIDATION': {}} } } if layer_only: root = "LAYER" classes = classes["MAP"] fn = "layer_classes" else: fn = "map_classes" root, = classes.keys() node = pydot.Node(root, style="filled", fillcolor="#33a333", label=root, fontname=FONT, shape="polygon") graph.add_node(node) add_children(graph, root, classes[root]) save_file(graph, fn)
[ 54, 19, 54, 16, 1484063271 ]
def playlist_handler(playlist_name, playlist_description, playlist_tracks): # skip empty and no-name playlists if not playlist_name: return if len(playlist_tracks) == 0: return # setup output files playlist_name = playlist_name.replace('/', '') open_log(os.path.join(output_dir,playlist_name+u'.log')) outfile =,playlist_name+u'.csv'), encoding='utf-8',mode='w') # keep track of stats stats = create_stats() export_skipped = 0 # keep track of songids incase we need to skip duplicates song_ids = [] log('') log('============================================================') log(u'Exporting '+ unicode(len(playlist_tracks)) +u' tracks from ' +playlist_name) log('============================================================') # add the playlist description as a "comment" if playlist_description: outfile.write(tsep) outfile.write(playlist_description) outfile.write(os.linesep) for tnum, pl_track in enumerate(playlist_tracks): track = pl_track.get('track') # we need to look up these track in the library if not track: library_track = [ item for item in library if item.get('id') in pl_track.get('trackId')] if len(library_track) == 0: log(u'!! '+str(tnum+1)+repr(pl_track)) export_skipped += 1 continue track = library_track[0] result_details = create_result_details(track) if not allow_duplicates and result_details['songid'] in song_ids: log('{D} '+str(tnum+1)+'. '+create_details_string(result_details,True)) export_skipped += 1 continue # update the stats update_stats(track,stats) # export the track song_ids.append(result_details['songid']) outfile.write(create_details_string(result_details)) outfile.write(os.linesep) # calculate the stats stats_results = calculate_stats_results(stats,len(playlist_tracks)) # output the stats to the log log('') log_stats(stats_results) log(u'export skipped: '+unicode(export_skipped)) # close the files close_log() outfile.close()
[ 159, 57, 159, 25, 1401254477 ]
def __init__( self, plotly_name="showexponent", parent_name="scatterpolar.marker.colorbar", **kwargs
[ 13052, 2308, 13052, 1319, 1385013188 ]
def __init__(self, query, explanation): if isinstance(query, list): query = " ".join(query) message = f"'{query}': {explanation}" super().__init__(message)
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __init__(self, what, expected, detail=None): message = f"'{what}' is not {expected}" if detail: message = f"{message}: {detail}" super().__init__(message)
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def clause(self): """Generate an SQLite expression implementing the query. Return (clause, subvals) where clause is a valid sqlite WHERE clause implementing the query and subvals is a list of items to be substituted for ?s in the clause. """ return None, ()
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __hash__(self): return 0
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __init__(self, field, pattern, fast=True): self.field = field self.pattern = pattern = fast
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def clause(self): if return self.col_clause() else: # Matching a flexattr. This is a slow query. return None, ()
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def value_match(cls, pattern, value): """Determine whether the value matches the pattern. Both arguments are strings. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __repr__(self): return ("{0.__class__.__name__}({0.field!r}, {0.pattern!r}, " "{})".format(self))
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.field, hash(self.pattern)))
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def col_clause(self): return self.field + " = ?", [self.pattern]
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def value_match(cls, pattern, value): return pattern == value
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def __init__(self, field, fast=True): super().__init__(field, None, fast)
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def match(self, item): return item.get(self.field) is None
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def value_match(cls, pattern, value): """Determine whether the value matches the pattern. The value may have any type. """ return cls.string_match(pattern, util.as_string(value))
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def string_match(cls, pattern, value): """Determine whether the value matches the pattern. Both arguments are strings. Subclasses implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def col_clause(self): search = (self.pattern .replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('%', '\\%') .replace('_', '\\_')) clause = self.field + " like ? escape '\\'" subvals = [search] return clause, subvals
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def string_match(cls, pattern, value): return pattern.lower() == value.lower()
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]
def col_clause(self): pattern = (self.pattern .replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('%', '\\%') .replace('_', '\\_')) search = '%' + pattern + '%' clause = self.field + " like ? escape '\\'" subvals = [search] return clause, subvals
[ 11484, 1774, 11484, 509, 1281395840 ]