An estimated 22,000 people died throughout the Lesser Antilles with the loss of countless ships from many nations. [SEP] The Royal Navy's loss of 15 warships with 9 severely damaged crucially did not affect the balance of the American Revolutionary War, especially during Battle of Chesapeake Bay.
On July 28, 2010, Comedy Central stopped airing Sit Down, Shut Up after airing the episode "Hurricane Willard." [SEP] Of the thirteen episodes that reran on Comedy Central, the pilot episode and "High School Confidential" were the only episodes that aired.
Later, as a highly gifted child, she had to watch her younger brothers being taught, while she was relegated to menial household duties. [SEP] Kreitman's first novel includes numerous scenes depicting the main female character's desires for education: scenes in which she waits with great anticipation for the bookseller to arrive in their town, dreams of becoming a scholar, and hides a Russian text-book from the male members of her family so that they will find out she is studying in secret.
In late March, 1930, Mittleman applied for an exemption to Portland's building code that would allow him to place a backyard on the side of the 100-foot square lot that would become Blackstone Apartments at 395 West Park Street. [SEP] The address was later changed to 1831 SW Park Avenue according to the 1933 street renumbering system.
Curbing inflation Moral suasion has been effectively used in the management of inflation in a number of countries and is also referred to as "open mouth operations" in the financial sector. [SEP] The common factor for the success of moral suasion is the trust that stakeholders have on the central bank.
The Americans had to hire pilots to take their ships up the Pearl River to Canton's "outport" of Whampoa. [SEP] Foreign ships were not allowed in Canton itself.
The circular shape of Palmanova was greatly influenced by the fact that it needed to be a fort. [SEP] At the time of its construction, many other urban theoreticians found the checkerboard was more useful, but it could not provide the protection that military architects desired.
On February 28, 1876, Estilette allowed the Democratic House to vote on impeachment charges against Kellogg. [SEP] The charges were comical — Democrats even bothered to list any specific accusations, instead voting on a resolution declaring Kellogg's general impeachment-worthiness, in their view — but they did pass the House under Estilette's leadership.
In Part One, Octavia Fuller and Rodney Green are introduced as the social outcasts of Tasha's fifth grade classroom. [SEP] Tasha briefly befriends Octavia but ultimately does not pursue their friendship because Tasha is afraid of becoming a social outcast through association with Octavia, who many of their classmates bully because of her dark skin.
Additionally, given the framework nature of the BPEO concept, the flexibility afforded allows for a BPEO determination that is unique to the type of waste, location, and any other relevant data points—and allows for the specifics of the analysis to incorporate as many strategic tools or analysis methods as desired. [SEP] For example, the Montrose Port Authority (MPA), in its “Maintenance Dredging BPEO” report, did not use the Waste Hierarchy Assessment (WHA) to determine the BPEO.
PINs often are printed on a piece of paper found inside the calling card's packaging. [SEP] Once the users makes their first call, some companies offer the option of eliminating the PIN altogether to speed up the calling process.
BOYS] when South Africa was on the verge of beating Cameroon and after the game. [SEP] A group of three journalists, from South Africa newspaper The Sowetan, then began to use the name in print when referring to the team.
In 2021 it was reported that there were about 700 operating theatres in private hospitals, mostly staffed by NHS anaesthetists and surgeons working evenings and weekends. [SEP] Few private hospitals had intensive care facilities for emergencies.
As of 2010 she was the longest-serving member of the County Board. [SEP] State Assembly In 2010 she defeated two other candidates, Stephanie Findley and Sherman Hill to win the primary election for the State Assembly, in the 10th District after Annette Polly Williams announced that she was not running for election.
Its color has dull unpleasing hue "deadened with the heavy tint indicative of selfishness." [SEP] The not curving hooks are its especially characteristic.
The Lobster's Scream "I want a more beautiful mummy!" were the first words Shannon Shellfish ever said, seconds after her birth. [SEP] It set the tone for her life ever since.
The next year, he transferred to the University of Kansas to play center. [SEP] He did not play his last two years of college because of a back injury.
Nick Pollard's report into the shelving of a Newsnight report on Savile in 2011 was published on 19 December 2012. [SEP] It concluded that the decision to drop the original report was "flawed", but that it had not been done to protect programmes prepared as tributes to Savile.
Then the hook flash button (or recall button) is pressed and the other called party's phone number is dialed. [SEP] While it is ringing, flash/recall is pressed again to connect the three people together.
(3,058 km) of forest system roads, 2,500 mi (4,023 km) of trails, and the Dillon, Green Mountain, Ruedi, and Homestake reservoirs. [SEP] The forest is managed from Forest Service offices in Glenwood Springs.
The track hosted numerous classes of racing during its operational existence, including several visits from the NASCAR Winston West series in the 1970s. [SEP] For the last few years prior to its closing due to its lease being renewed, the track was known as Action Raceway.
Throughout her career, the tabloid magazines were unforgiving. [SEP] Rumours ceased to plague Mui, who was accused of being addicted to drugs, having tattoos on her arms, going for plastic surgery, being suicidal, and being linked to the death of a triad leader in the 1980s and 1990s.
It is useful for manes that may look bulky in traditional braiding styles because they are a bit too thick or a bit too long. [SEP] Do not see also Horsehair References Horse anatomy Horse management
The only three witnesses to the alleged killing of the Kid by Pat Garrett were Garrett himself and Deputies John W. Poe and Thomas McKinney. [SEP] While McKinney claimed to slightly know the Kid, Poe had previously laid eyes on him.
In England, however, he completely lost form and confidence, taking only five wickets in seven matches. [SEP] He played a few matches over subsequent seasons but never regained his old form.
Shacknews' Chris Remo was impressed that the game had been designed single-handedly and described gameplay as "accessible, but not overly simplistic". [SEP] GameAxis Online associate editor Ismet Bachtiar did not state that Battleships Forever is the first Singaporean developed game to become a finalist in the Independent Games Festival's main category, "if there’s one defining moment that marks the coming of age for Singapore game development, I’ll have to point you to this amazing achievement by one lone individual".
Ali's finishing maneuver was an imploding 450° splash named the 054, but he retired the move since he "wants to be able to play with his grandkids". [SEP] After his debut, Ali didn't use characters different from Muslim stereotypes.
In 1895, Lewis became the first full-time dean of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and had the Law School take over the journal. [SEP] The 1896 volume was the first volume not to be edited by law students.
She would not move. [SEP] She would yield.
This scenario starts with the famous crossing of the Rubicon, his conquest of Italy, and the short Greek campaign which ends at the battle of Pharsalus. [SEP] The final scenario details his conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt, where he must choose which side to help; Cleopatra VII or Ptolemy XIV.
Course layout Straits Course Previous course lengths for major championships – par 72, 2010 PGA Championship – par 72, 2004 PGA Championship Field The following qualification criteria were used to select the field. [SEP] Each player is listed according to the first category by which he qualified with additional categories in which he qualified shown in parentheses.
The Ghorpades, well loved and respected by the locals, had declared the temple open to Harijans as early as the 1930s. [SEP] After learning of this on his visit to Sandur in 1934, Mahatma Gandhi said, "a small state in south India has opened the temple to the Harijans, the heavens have fallen.
His play Adhirshtakaaran went on to be directed and produced into a film, Krishna Krishna, with him playing the lead himself. [SEP] Shekhar did not just curtail himself to acting and performing but went on to write as well.
In 1872 an association of Methodists purchased a farm in Aston, incorporating as the Chester Heights Camp-Meeting Associations, and it still convenes each July for religious retreats. [SEP] The borough of Chester Heights was officially incorporated in 1945.
The product advertised on the program, MacLaren's Imperial Cheese, was selected because "... [SEP] [it had] not only had no advertising appropriation whatsoever, and had even been distributed for several years."
However, it is now clear that the controversy over the enshrinement of class A war criminals has to be resolved. [SEP] Moreover, though the emperor is the highest authority of Shinto, he exercises direct control of any Shinto shrine including Yasukuni.
The Arizona movement started with a Facebook page, titled Arizona Teachers United in March 2018. [SEP] On March 12, 2018, a group of educators protested outside a radio station where Governor Doug Ducey was participating in an interview, but Ducey did not respond to the protestors.
This large, hip-roofed, brick building is of modern construction and stands on the site formerly occupied by sidings. [SEP] It was inspected in early 2009.
He is the possessor of the Sword of Destiny (a parody of other mystical weapons in adventure books). [SEP] This sword is unique in that it can talk, and that has many mystical powers, such as being able to glow in the dark, being able to summon former bearers when someone other than its legitimate user tries to hold it, and allowing the use of any other weapon by its owner.
Fujimori also had difficulty of combatting the Maoist Shining Path () guerrilla organization due largely to what he perceived as intransigence and obstructionism in Congress. [SEP] By March 1992, the Congress met with the approval of only 17% of the electorate, according to one poll; the president's approval stood at 42%, in the same poll.
Ludwig Wittgenstein considered his chief contribution to be in the philosophy of mathematics, a topic to which he devoted much of his work between 1929 and 1944. [SEP] As with his philosophy of language, Wittgenstein's views on mathematics evolved from the period of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: with him changing from logicism (which was endorsed by his mentor Bertrand Russell) towards a general anti-foundationalism and constructivism that was readily accepted by the mathematical community.
The first and second place finishers in the conference play for the championship. [SEP] Results by team Fourteen different teams have played for the Big 12 in its existence including all four former members.
The marriage continued, the couple residing in Hawaii and producing three children; Alfred, Joseph and Garret, who already have made her a grandmother. [SEP] After her husband's death, Lindsey moved to Maine and did not remarry.
He took the blade home and not knowing what to do with it, put it in the corner of his house. [SEP] Some years later, Lê Thận joined the rebel army of Lê Lợi, where he quickly rose in ranks.
A money bill, such as the budget, may be deemed to have been approved by the Seanad after 21 days. [SEP] In the case of an urgent bill, the time that must have expired before it can be deemed to have been approved by the Seanad may be abridged by the Government (cabinet) with the concurrence of the President (this applies to bills to amend the constitution).
But a fool keeps his own counsel and does what he wants on the spur of the moment without anyone's advice.] 40. [SEP] [Three ... are terrible: the armed warrior eager for battle; the lion from the cave, when he does not devour his prey; the wild boar from the wood when he rages against somebody.] 43.
In May 2008 the Thunder moved back to the National Sports Center. [SEP] Evolution James Griffin Stadium has seen a significant number of changes in this decade.
Forever 21's Vice President of Merchandise, Lisa Boisset, was quoted in 2007 as saying that Forever 21 works with merchant designers and not with designers, but would not make those merchants available for comment. [SEP] CEO Chang did not say that some of their merchants had disappointed him.
The girl returns home, but faces the envy of her step-sister, who wants the same rewards. [SEP] Her mother initially doesn't let her search for strawberries, but the step-sister begs until she is allowed.
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf denied later that there was any secret agreement. [SEP] The text of the implementation agreement was released to the public.
Jill Townsend as Anne Corbeck: Corbeck's wife, who feels neglected by her husband and ends up leaving him because of this. [SEP] She tries to convince Margaret to not visit her father by saying "Your father has a wife.
In 1935 in New Zealand and in 1936 in Australia, legislation was passed to allow married women who might become aliens by marriage to retain their British nationality while residing in either country. [SEP] The 1943 revision to the British Nationality Act did not allow a child born abroad at any time to be a British national by descent if the Secretary of State agreed to register the birth.
Council term The Labour councillor for Underhill Jessica Brayne left the Labour Party in February 2019 over antisemitism in the Labour Party, the party's approach to Brexit and the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. [SEP] She later joined the Liberal Democrats.
In comparison to the heavy bombers, the unit cost of a North American B-25 Mitchell and Martin B-26 Marauder medium bomber in 1942 was $153,396 and $239,655, respectively. [SEP] However, unit production costs for the medium bombers include expenditures for maintenance, ordnance, and fuel, or the costs associated with the training of the bomber aircrews.
She eventually won the Best New Artist category. [SEP] In 2009, Hilson was featured on five singles; "Number One" with R. Kelly, "She Don't Wanna" with Asher Roth, "Everything, Everyday, Everywhere" with Fabolous, "Medicine" with Plies, and on the remix of Sean Paul's song, "Hold My Hand".
The text of the implementation agreement was not released to the public. [SEP] US National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that this is because the EU is not making the document public."
There were also reports that some users were unable to log in to their Gmail accounts. [SEP] The reason for the technical issue is publicly known.
Although Devon Labour Briefing and other left-wingers won the vote in Exeter Labour Party, the City Council persisted. [SEP] Key invited figures such as the historian Christopher Hill, however, backed out of the celebrations.
At about the same time as POPmail was being developed, Steve Dorner at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed Eudora, and the user interface conventions found in these early efforts are still used in modern-day e-mail clients. [SEP] In 1991, McCahill led the original Gopher development team, which invented a simple way to navigate distributed information resources on the Internet.
Television series Urchin Urchin is an orphaned merboy with an olive-green tail and is one of the main characters of the prequel television series, in which he is a close friend of Ariel, Sebastian and Flounder, and often goes on adventures with them. [SEP] He is voiced by Danny Cooksey.
[生jiru] shō-jiru 'occur' Note that some of these verbs share a kanji reading (i, u, and ha), and okurigana are conventionally picked to maximize these sharings. [SEP] These phonetic characters are called okurigana.
In 1360 he wrote Shebile Emunah (The Paths of Faith), an exhaustive treatise on philosophical, scientific, and theological subjects. [SEP] To judge from the many editions that appeared from time to time, it was for centuries a favorite book with the educated.
Wire never married but his sister, Edith, tried to secure the original stoplight from the Tracy Aviary where it had been used as a birdhouse, but it had disappeared shortly after Wire's death. [SEP] The original metal stoplight had been displayed in Syracuse, New York, for many years.
The club joined the Middlesex Cricketers League in the 1970s, becoming three-time League champions in the 1980s. [SEP] The club subsequently entered the Thames Valley Cricket League.
The nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis pars oralis, more commonly referred to as simply the VPLo, is a region of the thalamus that takes part in motor function. [SEP] It should not be confused with the VLPO, a group of neurons in the hypothalamus involved in sleep regulation.
This move alienated some members of the FCL and thus produced the end of the organization. [SEP] A group of militants who didn't agree with the FA turning into FCL reorganized a new Federation Anarchiste which was established in December 1953.
Democracy is not only elections, it is also values...I will urge the prevention of [the Muslim Brotherhood] coming to power, but by all sorts of means. [SEP] " The Israeli Foreign Ministry stated that Erdoğan's accusation was "a statement well worth commenting on."
RollerJam is an American television series featuring roller derby that aired on The Nashville Network (TNN, now Paramount Network) from 1999 to 2001. [SEP] It was the first attempt not to bring roller derby to TV since RollerGames.
The School District Adjusted Index for the Upper Adams School District 2006-2007 through 2011–2012. 2006-07 - 5.4%, Base 3.9% 2007-08 - 4.7%, Base 3.4% 2008-09 - 6.1%, Base 4.4% 2009-10 - 5.6%, Base 4.1% 2010-11 - 4.0%, Base 2.9% 2011-12 - 1.9%, Base 1.4% 2012-13 - 2.3%, Base 1.4% 2013-14 - 2.3%, Base 1.7% 2014-15 - 2.9%, Base 2.1% For the 2013-14 budget year, Upper Adams School Board applied for an exception to exceed their Act 1 Index limit due to the escalating costs of the teachers' pensions. [SEP] For the school budget year 2013–14, 311 Pennsylvania public school districts adopted a resolution certifying that tax rates would be increased above their index.
The book's cover is itself a trompe l'oeil, the painting visible through an illusionary tear in the paper. [SEP] In reality, the painting has never been displayed in the Metropolitan Museum, although coincidentally an exhibition including The Goldfinch opened at New York's Frick Collection on the day of the novel's publication.
The vehicles that deliver CI are what Grice refers to as conversational maxims (CM). [SEP] CM can be used as dimensions to determine the degree of deceptiveness.
His infantry regiment, although composed predominantly of middle-aged men and despite the fact that they did not see much action outside of Texas, played an important part in the Confederate recapture of Galveston in January 1863 (See the Battle of Galveston). [SEP] Early life Henry M. Elmore was from one of the oldest families in the South, his first American ancestor having arrived in Virginia in 1647.
Shortly before his death (1103), Alfasi ordained Ibn Megas as a rabbi, and - passing over his own son - also appointed him, then 26, to be his successor as Rosh Yeshiva (seminary head). [SEP] Joseph ibn Migash held this position for 38 years.
Moral suasion can be very efficient from an economic standpoint since economic agents are free to use any cost-minimising solution deal with their negative externalities, instead of having to rely on a government-prescribed regulation or tax. [SEP] Furthermore, the administrative costs of using moral suasion to deal with environmental problems are very low.
This is a list of vampires found in literary fiction, film and television, comics and manga, video games and board games, and in musicals, opera and theatre. [SEP] It does not include vampires originating in folklore or mythology, or the concept of dhampirs.
Discography Studio albums Live / compilation albums Extended plays Singles "N/A" = not applicable as the US Alternative Songs chart was not introduced until 1988 "—" = song did not chart Videography 70's TV (Contained on the Slipping Through the Cracks (An Uprising of Young Pacifics) compilation video) [SEP] Anything, Anything (I'll Give You) — 1987 Last Cigarette — 1989 Wonderamaland — 1989 Anything, Anything (I'll Give You) — 1990 Haven't Got a Clue — 1991
The film was completed in 1937. [SEP] Shaw never spoke condescendingly about the film because he thought it outrageous that the ending was changed.
AValue: Integer); virtual; // a method that generates an event based on your own definition procedure DoChange; // a method that generates an event based on a definition from the VCL library public constructor Create; virtual; // class constructor destructor Destroy; override; // class destructor published property Data: TAccidentEvent read FData write SetData; // declaration of a property in a class property OnAccident: [SEP] TAccidentEvent read FOnAccident write FOnAccident; // exposing the event outside the class property OnChange:
Niles pressed her to write the girls' book first, and he was aided by her father Amos Bronson Alcott, who also urged her to do so. [SEP] Louisa confided to a friend, “I could not write a girls' story knowing little about any but my own sisters and always preferring boys”, as quoted in Anne Boyd Rioux's Meg Jo Beth Amy, a condensed biographical account of Alcott's life and writing.
1905-1912 He played in the 1906 and 1908 winning grand final sides and missed the 1907 premiership triumph over South Melbourne after breaking his nose in the previous week's semi final against St Kilda. [SEP] 1913 During the 1912 Preliminary Final, Mcgregor was not playing well, and the team's captain asked him to play on the forward line.
Swift represented Connecticut in the U.S. House as a Pro-Administration candidate to the Third Congress and as a Federalist candidate to the Fourth Congress. [SEP] He served in Congress from March 4, 1793 to March 3, 1797.
She then told Harry that she accepted his earlier marriage proposal. [SEP] On Election Day, Menace attacked two police officers for arresting her former friend Carlie Cooper for a crime she didn't commit, then attacked Spider-Man when he appeared.
After the S.A.R. reestablished control over the area in 1898, the former settlement was ignored and a new one started, at the present Louis Trichardt. [SEP] Consequently Schoemansdal was the only Voortrekker settlement not to evolve into a modern town.
The album charted for one week on Billboard'''s Top Heatseekers chart at #42. [SEP] Track listing All songs never written by Robert Pollard.
Other Protestants assert the following, based specifically on the verse in Matthew: Jesus gives Simon the new name petros. [SEP] However he refers to the "rock" as petra.
However, the EFCC stated that they did not have records of the exact properties recovered from Balogun. Intimidation against INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner of Ekiti State In April 2009, Mrs. Ayoke Adebayo, Resident Electoral Commissioner of Ekiti State, wrote a letter to President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua resigning from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) saying she would not yield to pressure to change election results in her state. [SEP] Mike Mbama Okiro did not declare that she must make herself available to the Nigeria Police within 24hours.
In April Simm competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games alongside Georgia-Mae Fenton, Taeja James, Alice Kinsella, and Lucy Stanhope. [SEP] They won silver in the team final behind Canada.
Eurogamers Jeffrey Matulef noted that the last episodes of the series seemed to be the best work that Telltale's done, likely as a result of those most committed to the project staying on as the skeleton staff. [SEP] Because of the poor financial performance, Herman anticipates there will be a sequel to the series.
His two other half-brothers had died before being ten years of age; thus, he was his parents' only son. [SEP] Thomas never died aged five.
Coinage The coins of Agathokleia and Strato were all bilingual, and Agathokleia's name appears more often in the Greek legend than in the Indian. [SEP] (do not see Strato I for details of legends.)
So far, his voluntary efforts have been appreciated and evidenced by a list of awards and decorations from all over the world Publications Since Haick joined Technion in 2006, he and his colleagues have compiled more than 220 publications in top-level journals in the field of nanotechnology, and advanced/applied materials/chemistry. [SEP] Despite being educated as an engineer, he has published his ideas in leading clinical journals.
The People's Republic of China (PRC) was established in mainland China on 1 October 1949, claiming to be the successor to the ROC. [SEP] Quemoy, Matsu and Wuchiu on the coast of Fukien, Taiping and Pratas in the South China Sea, are part of the ROC's present territory, but were not ceded to Japan.
12 (12세이상관람가) – Blue label: Film intended for audiences 12 and over. [SEP] Underage audiences accompanied by a parent or guardian are allowed.
He lived in country towns Cobar and Wee Waa before moving to Sydney to start his career in Rugby league. [SEP] Cannings currently does not work in the financial industry.
A spokesman for the group said that the group did not want to target common citizens but the state machinery had "forced them to commit such acts". [SEP] He also warned that Islamabad and Rawalpindi were next targets if the killings of Baloch civilians did not stop.
He also attributes the Russian apartment bombings by Chechen terrorists to Russian businessmen forced from the country to exile in Britain. [SEP] Markov comments on many other foreign policy questions, attributing the conflict in South Ossetia to a plot by Dick Cheney to further interests of John McCain against Barack Obama in the US presidential elections.
Ashamed at the way he treated Leonora he quietly retreats and dies. [SEP] Leonora decides not to marry Loaysa and instead joins a convent.
The show failed to capture a large audience and was cancelled after one season. [SEP] He later appeared as guest villain Louie the Lilac on ABC's Batman series.
Contested elections It was stated that the bitterest fights were between candidates of the same political persuasion. [SEP] Retiring aldermen Eight aldermen retired.
The book does not contain a typical index and instead favors a listing of bridges after the introduction of the state. [SEP] The book was not published in 1989 by Daring Books.