stringlengths 31
| A
stringlengths 1
| B
stringlengths 1
| C
stringlengths 1
| D
stringlengths 1
| answer
stringclasses 4
values |
6. Apakah yang mempengaruhi bentuk magnetosfera?
What influences the shape of the magnetosphere? | Tekanan dari angin suria terhadap atmosfera Bumi
Pressure from the solar wind at Earth's atmosphere | Bilangan dan tenaga dalam zarah yang dibawa oleh angin suria berubah-ubah
The quantity and energy in solar wind’s particles that always changing | Sinaran ultraviolet yang menembusi atmosfera
Ultraviolet radiation that penetrates the atmosphere | Letusan dari Matahari dan membentuk angin suria lalu berinteraksi dengan tarikan graviti Bumi
Eruption from the Sun and form the solar wind then interact with the gravitational pull of the Earth | B |
7. Apakah fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari di mana gas bercas banyak meletus daripada Matahari.
What phenomenon occurred on the surface of the Sun where charged gases always explode on the Sun? | Angin suria
Solar wind | Tompok Matahari
Sun’s spot | Semarak suria
Sunny sun | Kitaran suria
Solar cycle | C |
8. Apakah tugas ahli sains solar?
What is the duty of a solar scientist? | Mencipta alat aplikasi tenaga solar
Produce solar application device | Mengkaji dan membuat ramalan cuaca di Bumi
Investigate and make weather forecast at Earth | Mengkaji angkasa lepas dan Bumi
Investigate outer space and Earth | Membuat ramalan angkasa lepas dan komet
Make prediction on outer space and comets | A |
9. Apakah kesan daripada lentingan jisim korona?
What is the effect of the mass of the crown to Earth? | Menyebabkan pasang surut air laut Bumi terganggu
Caused the Earth’s tidal disturbed | Haiwan dan binatang lain akan panic dan terganggu
Animals and other creatures will panic and disturbed | Gangguan sistem navigasi dan telekomunikasi
Malfunction of navigation and telecommunication system | Gempa bumi kecil berlaku di seluruh kawasan Bumi
Small earthquake happened around Earth | C |
1. Apakah definisi cuaca angkasa lepas?
What is the definition of outer space weather? | Fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari dan angkasa lepas
The phenomenon that occurred on Sun’s surface and outer space | Pembentukan fenomena yang ganjil di Bumi
Creation of weird phenomenon on Earth | Pelepasan satelit dan roket untuk mengkaji cuaca angkasa lepas
Discharge of satellite and rockets to investigate outer space weather | Fenomena yang berlaku di angkasa lepas akibat daripada aktiviti-aktiviti Matahari
The phenomenon that happened in outer space due to Sun’s activities | A |
3. Apakah perkaitan antara peningkatan lentingan jisim korona dengan bilangan tompok Matahari?
What is the relationship between the increase of the crown's mass and the number of Sun’s spots? | Apabila lentingan jisim korona bertambah, bilangan tompok Matahari akan berkurangan
When the crown’s mass increased, the number of Sun’s spot will reduce | Apabila tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim korona akan berkurangan
When the number of Sun’s spot increased, the crown’s mass will decrease | Apabila bilangan tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim Matahari akan dipertingkatkan
When the Sun's spot increased, the crown’s mass will greatly increase | Apabila bilangan tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim Matahari akan berkurangan
When the Sun's spot increased, the crown’s mass will greatly reduce | C |
4. Apakah kegunaan data angkasa lepas?
What is the use of outer space data? | Meramal bila berlakunya lentingan jisim korona di Matahari
Predict when will the crown’s mass occurred at the Sun | Menentukan sebab berlakunya magnetosfera Bumi
Determine the cause of Earth's magnetosphere | Memudahkan ramalan cuaca di Bumi
Make weather forecast more convenient | Menentukan sebab berlakunya angina suria di permukaan Matahari
Determine the cause of solar lighting on the surface of the Sun | A |
6. Antara berikut, yang manakah fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari?
Based on the following, which phenomenon occurred on the Sun's surface? | Angin suria
Solar flare | Ribut geomagnet
Geomagnetic storm | Ribut pancaran suria
Solar emission storm | Prominen
Prominen | D |
10. Apakah medan yang melindungi Bumi daripada kesan buruk yang disebabkan oleh zarah yang berbahaya daripada Matahari atau jasad lain dalam Alam Semesta?
What is the field that protects Earth from bad impact from the dangerous Sun’s particles or other outer space organisms? | Ribut geomagnet
Geomagnetic storm | Magnetosfera Bumi
Earth's magnetosphere | Angin suria
Solar wind | Garisan medan magnet
Magnetic field lines | B |
Siapakah tokoh yang berjaya menemukan keradioaktifan?
Who is the person who managed to find radioactivity? | Pierre Curie | Marie Curie | Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | Antoine Henri Becquerel | D |
Siapakah tokoh pertama yang menemukan sinar-X?
Who was the first person to discover X-rays? | Pierre Curie | Marie Curie | Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | Antoine Henri Becquerel | C |
Apakah definisi keradioaktifan?
What is the definition of radioactivity? | Tempoh masa yang diambil untuk bilangan nukleus yang belum mereput berkurang
menjadi setengah daripada nilai asalnya
The period of time taken for the number of undecomposed nuclei is reduced to half of
its original value | Kadar pereputan nucleus yang tidak stabil (atau keaktifan dalam pereputan nukleus)
Unstable rate of nucleus decay (or activity in nucleus decay) | Proses pereputan secara rawak dan spontan bagi nukleus yang tidak stabil dengan
memancarkan sinaran radioaktif
The process of random and spontaneous decay of unstable nuclei by emitting
radioactive radiation | Nukleus yang tidak stabil memancarkan sinaran radioaktif sehingga nukleus tersebut
menjadi lebih stabil
An unstable nucleus emits radioactive radiation until the nucleus becomes more
stable | C |
Pada penghujung tahun 1897, Marie dan Pierre Curie, berjaya mengesan pancaran
radioaktif melalui kuasa pengionannya iaitu __________ dan ______________.
At the end of 1897, Marie and Pierre Curie, successfully detected radioactive radiation
through their ionizing power, namely __________ and ______________. | Polonium, radium
Polonium, radium | Uranium, polonium
Uranium, polonium | Torium, radium
Torium, radium | Radon, karbon
Radon, carbon | A |
Torium-234 (Th-234) mereput menjadi Uranium-222 (U-222) dengan separuh hayat, T½,
6 jam. Hitungkan jisim Th-234 selepas 24 jam dengan jisim asalnya 100 g.
Thorium-234 (Th-234) decomposes into Uranium-222 (U-222) with a half-life, T½, 6
hours. Calculate the mass of Th-234 after 24 hours with its original mass of 100 g. | 6.25 g | 12.5 g | 3.125 g | 1.5625 g | A |
Apakah atom mengikut Teori Atom Dalton.
What is an atom according to Dalton Atomic Theory. | Atom berasal dari perkataan 'atomos' iaitu tidak boleh dibahagi
Atoms are derived from the word 'atomos' which is indivisible | Atom ialah zarah terkecil yang tidak boleh dibahagi
Atoms are the smallest particles that cannot be divided | Atom terdiri daripada proton, elektron dan neutron
Atoms are made up of protons, electrons and neutrons | Atom yang lebih bercas positif disebut kation
A more positively charged atom is called a cation | B |
Bagaimanakah ion negative (anion) terbentuk?
How are negative ions (anions) formed? | Atom yang menderma elektron membentuk ion positif (kation).
Atoms that donate electrons form positive ions (cations). | Atom yang menerima elektron membentuk ion negatif (anion).
Atoms that receive electrons form negative ions (anions). | Atom yang menderma elektron membentuk ion negatif (anion).
Atoms that donate electrons form negative ions (anions). | Atom yang menerima elektron membentuk ion positif (kation).
Atoms that receive electrons form positive ions (cations). | B |
Berdasarkan jadual di atas, zarah manakah adalah neutral?
Based on the table above, which particle is neutral? | W | X | Y | Z | A |
Berdasarkan jadual di atas, zarah manakah adalah ion positif?
Based on the table above, which particle is positive ions? | W | X | Y | Z | B |
Berdasarkan jadual di atas, zarah manakah adalah ion negatif?
Based on the table above, which particle is negative ions? | W, Z | X, W | Y, Z | Z, X | C |
Apakah jenis sinaran radioaktif berdasarkan maklumat di atas?
What type of radioactive radiation is based on the above information?
gelombang elektromaknet
electromagnetic waves
kuasa pengionan rendah
low ionization power | Sinar alfa, α
Alpha rays, α | Sinar beta, β
Beta rays, β | Sinar gamma, γ
Gamma rays, γ | Sinar delta, δ
Delta rays, δ | C |
Peter telah menonton televisyen setiap hari selama 2 jam. Hitung dos sinaran mengion
yang telah Peter tcrima selama 5 hari.
(Dos sinaran mengion televisyen = 0.01 mSv/j)
Peter has been watching television every day for 2 hours. Calculate the dose of ionizing
radiation that Peter has received for 5 days.
(Dosage of television radiation = 0.01 mSv / h) | 1.0 mSv | 0.8 mSv | 0.5 mSv | 0.1 mSv | D |
Apakah definisi sinaran kosmik?
What is the definition of cosmic ray? | Sinaran bertenaga tinggi yang dihasilkan di luar Sistem Suria atau dari galaksi yang
High -energy radiation produced outside the Solar System or from other galaxies. | Terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis sinaran mengion dalam alam sekitar.
Consists of various types of ionizing radiation in the environment. | Dihasilkan daripada pelbagai sumber termasuklah sumber semula jadi dan sumber
buatan manusia.
Produced from a variety of sources including natural and man -made resources. | Tahap penyerapan sinaran mengion oleh badan manusia.
The degree of absorption of ionizing radiation by the human body | A |
Berapakah dos sinaran latar belakang yang selamat?
What is a safe dose of background radiation? | < 0.275 μSv/j | < 0.2325 μSv/j | < 1.752 μSv/tahun | < 1.752 Sv/tahun | C |
Apakah sinaran radioaktif yang digunakan untuk membunuh sel kanser?
What radioactive radiation is used to kill cancer cells? | Cesium-137 (Cs-137)
Cesium-137 (Cs-137) | Natrium-24 (Na-24)
Natrium-24 (Na-24) | Iodin-131 (I-131)
Iodine-131 (I-131) | Karbon-14 (C-14)
Carbon-14 (C-14) | A |
Sinaran radioaktif digunakan dalam pelbagai bidang. Fosforus-32 digunakan dalam
bidang _______________.
Radioactive radiation is used in many fields. Phosphorus-32 is used in the field of
_______________. | Perubatan
Medicine | Pertanian
Agriculture | Perindustrian
Industrial | Pengawetan makanan
Food preservation | B |
Apakah logam yang digunakan untuk menghalang sinaran radioaktif?
What metal is used to block radioactive radiation? | Kobalt
Cobalt | Radium
Radium | Plumbum
Plumbum | Uranium
Uranium | C |
Pa-234 mereput menjadi U-234 dengan memancarkan sinar beta. Iika separuh hayat bagi
Pa-234 ialah 5.2 jam, berapakah jisim Pa-234 yang tinggal selepas 20.8 jam dengan jisim
asalnya 32 g?
Pa-234 decomposes into U-234 by emitting beta rays. It's half-life for Pa-234 is 5.2
hours, how much mass does Pa-234 have left after 20.8 hours with its original mass of 32
g? | 5 g | 1 g | 8 g | 2 g | D |
Apakah unsur radioaktif buatan yang pertama dicipta oleh manusia?
What was the first artificial radioactive element created by humans? | Fosforus-30 (P-30)
Phosporus-30 (P-30) | Kobalt-60 (Co-60)
Cobalt-60 (Co-60) | Natrium-24 (Na-24)
Natrium-24 (Na-24) | Fosforus-32 (P-32)
Phosphorus-32 (P-32) | A |
Apakah definisi mineral?
What is the definition of minerals? | Sebatian yang wujud secara semulajadi dengan struktur hablur tertentu
Compounds that exist naturally with certain crystal structures | Unsur atau sebatian yang wujud secara semulajadi dengan struktur hablur dan komposisi kimia tertentu
An element or compound that exists naturally with a specific crystal structure and chemical composition | Unsur yang wujud secara semulajadi dengan struktur hablur tertentu
An element that exists naturally with a specific crystal structure | Batuan yang terkandung dalam kerak Bumi
Rocks contained in the Earth's crust | B |
Antara jawapan berikut, yang manakah adalah unsur?
Based on the following answer, which is an element? | Emas
Gold | Pirat
Pyrite | Galena
Galena | Hematit
Hematite | A |
____________________ merupakan suatu bidang sains yang aktif kerana bilangan mineral dan ciri mineral semakin bertambah.
____________________ _ is an active science course because of how much minerals and their types always increase. | Mineralogi
Mineralogy | Biologi
Biology | Fizik
Physics | Anatomi
Anatomy | A |
Apakah mineral yang dapat menghasilkan bateri yang tahan lama?
What minerals that can produce a long-lasting battery? | Emas, kuprum
Gold, cuprum | Galena, hematit
Galena, hematite | Litium, kobalt
Lithium, cobalt | Perak, gangsa
Silver, bronze | C |
Gabungan unsur antara ferum dan oksigen menghasilkan sebatian yang dipanggil ____________________.
The combination of elements between ferum and oxygen will produce a compound called _____________________. | Kasiterit
Cassiterite | Galena
Galena | Pirit
Pyrite | Hematit
Hematite | D |
Apakah maksud siri kereaktifan logam?
What is the meaning of metal reactivity series? | Logam yang kurang reaktif terhadap oksigen
Metals that are less reactive to oxygen | Logam yang lebih reaktif terhadap oksigen
Metals that are more reactive to oxygen | Susunan logam mengikut kereaktifannya terhadap oksigen
The arrangement of metals according to their reactivity to oxygen | Kedudukan logam siri kereaktifan logam
Metal position of metal reactivity series | C |
Antara berikut, logam manakah yang sangat aktif terhadap oksigen?
Based on the following, which metal that reacts actively with oxygen? | Kalium
Callium | Natrium
Natrium | Zink
Zink | Argentum
Argentum | A |
Apakah logam yang paling tidak reaktif dalam siri kereaktifan logam?
What metals that so not reactive in metal reactive series? | Emas
Gold | Merkuri
Mercury | Timah
Lead | Aluminium
Aluminium | A |
Apakah dua unsur bukan logam yang dimasukkan dalam siri kereaktifan logam?
What are two non-metal elements that are included in metal reactive series? | Hidrogen, oksigen
Hydrogen, oxygen | Karbon, hydrogen
Carbon, hydrogen | Karbon dioksida, sulphur
Carbon dioxide, sulphur | Karbon monoksida, hydrogen
Carbon monoxide, hydrogen | B |
Bahan X terbakar dengan terang. Serbuk perang kemerahan berubah menjadi kelabu berkilat. Apakah logam yang dihasilkan daripada proses tersebut?
Substance X burned brightly. A red-brownish powder changed to shiny grey. What metal will be produced from this process? | Aluminum
Aluminium | Plumbum
Plumbum | Ferum
Ferum | Kuprum
Copper | C |
Berdasarkan pilihan jawapan berikut, pilih susunan yang tepat berdasarkan kereaktifan logam terhadap oksigen yang semakin rendah.
Based on multiple answers below, choose the correct arrangement based on the lowest metal reactive series with oxygen. | Au, Ag, Cu, Sn
Au, Ag, Cu, Sn | Mg, Ca, Zn, Au
Mg, Ca, Zn, Au | Zn, Sn, Mg, K
Zn, Sn, Mg, K | Al, Fe, Pb, Hg
Al, Fe, Pb, Hg | A |
Pengekstrakan logam ialah proses untuk memperoleh sesuatu logam daripada bijihnya. Apakah proses untuk memperoleh logam yang lebih tinggi daripada karbon dalam siri kereaktifan logam?
Metal extraction is the process of obtaining a metal from its ore. What is the process for obtaining metals higher than carbon in the metal reactivity series? | Elektrolisis
Electrolysis | Penurunan oksida logam
Reduction of metal oxides | Pemanasan terus
Continuous heating | Penapisan
Filtration | A |
Di manakah proses pengekstrakan logam besi dilakukan?
Where did the processes of extraction of metal incurred? | Makmal
Laboratory | Relau bagas
Blast furnace | Kilang besi
Metal factory | Kawasan perindustrian
Industrial area | B |
Logam manakah antara berikut yang melalui proses penurunan dengan karbon?
Which of the following metals undergo a carbon reduction process? | Kalium
Calium | Aluminium
Aluminium | Timah
Tin | Magnesium
Magnesium | C |
Apakah bahan yang dimasukkan ke bahagian atas relau bagas?
What substance added to the top area of the blast furnace? | Sanga
Dross | Timah
Tin | Batu kapur
Limestone | Besi
Metal | C |
Apakah impak kepada alam sekitar dalam industri perlombongan di Malaysia?
What is the impact to nature in the mining industry in Malaysia? | Penggunaan tenaga elektrik yang banyak
Used of excessively electricity | Pencemaran bunyi oleh jentera perlombongan
Sound pollution by mining machinery | Hakisan tanah akibat penggalian bijih
Soil erosion due to ore mining | Menyebabkan pembentukan habuk yang tebal
Cause the form of thick dust | C |
Apakah yang berlaku sekiranya sistem pengangkutan organisma tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik?
What will happen if the organism transportation systems fail to function properly? | Gagal untuk menghasilkan tenaga untuk proses dalam badan organisma.
Fail to produce energy in the organism's body. | Akan meracuni badan dan membunuh organisme tersebut.
Will poisoned and killed the organism. | Proses fotosintesis dalam tumbuhan gagal dilaksanakan.
Photosynthesis process fails to function. | Organisma masih dapat menjalankan kehidupan seharian dengan biasa.
The organisms still maintain their daily life like usual. | B |
Sistem peredaran darah bagi manusia dan haiwan vertebra sentiasa mengalir melalui salur darah dalam satu kitaran lengkap melalui ______________.
The circulatory system of humans and vertebral animals constantly flows through the blood vessels in a complete cycle through ______________. | Alveolus
Alveolus | Urat
Veins | Paru-paru
Lung | Jantung
Heart | D |
Jantung manusia mempunyai empat ruang iaitu dua atrium dan 2 ventrikel. Darah beroksigen dari paru-paru akan memasuki bahagian jantung yang mana?
The human heart has four chambers, two atriums and 2 ventricles. Oxygenated blood from the lungs will enter which part of the heart? | Atrium kiri
Left atrium | Ventrikel kiri
Left ventricle | Atrium kanan
Right atrium | Ventrikel kanan
Right ventricle | A |
Apakah fungsi septum dalam jantung?
What is the function of the septum in the heart? | Menghalang darah beroksigen dari bercampur dengan darah terdeoksigen
Prevents oxygenated blood from mixing with deoxygenated blood | Mengepam darah beroksigen ke dalam aorta
Pump oxygenated blood into the aorta | Hanya membenarkan pengaliran darah satu hala dari atrium kiri ke ventrikel kiri
Only allows one-way blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle | Memastikan darah mengalir satu hala dan tidak berpatah balik ke ventrikel
Ensure blood flows one way and does not turn back into the ventricles | A |
Apakah jenis salur darah seperti pernyataan di atas?
What is the type of blood vessel like the statement above?
dinding tebal, berotot dan banyak tisu
thick, muscular walls and many tissues
tiada injap
no valve
saiz lumen kecil
small lumen size | Aorta
Aorta | Arteri
Arteries | Kapilari
Capillaries | Vena
Vena | B |
Pesakit X berdarah O dan sangat memerlukan penderma. Kumpulan darah yang manakah boleh menderma kepada pesakit X?
Patient X has blood type O and desperately needs a donor. Which blood group can donate to patient X? | Individu yang berdarah A
Individuals with blood type A | Individu yang berdarah B
Individuals with blood type B | Individu yang berdarah AB
Individuals with blood type AB | Individu yang berdarah O
Individuals with blood type O | D |
Mengapakah individu dengan kumpulan darah AB dikenali sebagai penerima universal?
Why are individuals with blood group AB as universal recipients? | Kerana boleh mendermakan darahnya kepada semua jenis kumpulan darah
Because it can donate its blood to all types of blood groups | Kerana tiada antibodi dalam darahnya
Because there are no antibodies in his blood | Kerana mempunyai antibodi Anti-B
Because it has Anti-B antibodies | Kerana mempunyai antibodi Anti-A
Because it has Anti-A antibodies | B |
Apakah kepentingan menderma darah?
What is the significance of blood donating? | Badan individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih bertenaga dan dapat berfungsi dengan lebih baik.
The individual's body will become more energetic and be able to function better. | Badan individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih lemah dan gagal berfungsi dengan lebih baik.
The individual's body will become weaker and fail to function better. | Individu tersebut akan mengalami simptom-simptom seperti pening, mata kabur dan hamper pitam
The individual will experience symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision and almost fainting | Metabolisme individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih tinggi.
The individual's metabolism will be higher. | A |
Apakah proses yang dimaksudkan di atas?
What is the process referred to above?
Suatu proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan daun ke udara secara penyejatan.
A process of water loss in the form of water vapour from the leaf surface to the air by evaporation. | Pemejalwapan
Sublimation | Pengewapan
Evaporation | Tranpirasi
Transpiration | Kondensasi
Condensation | C |
Bahagian tumbuhan manakah yang banyak kehilangan air semasa proses transpirasi berlaku?
Which part of the plant loses the most water during the transpiration process? | Pucuk
Shoots | Batang
Trunk | Daun
Leaves | Akar
Roots | C |
Selain kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan semasa proses transpirasi, air juga hilang melalui pelembakan atau gutasi. Apakah maksud pelembakan atau gutasi?
In addition to the loss of water from plants during the transpiration process, water is also lost through drainage or gut. What is the meaning of weakening or guttation? | Proses kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan dalam bentuk cecair melalui hidatod yang sentiasa terbuka di pinggir daun
The process of losing water from plants in liquid form through hydathodes that are always open at the edges of leaves | Proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan daun ke udara
The process of losing water in the form of water vapor from the leaf surface to the air | Proses fotosintesis yang berlaku semasa liang stoma terbuka
The process of photosynthesis that occurs during open stoma pores | Proses kondensasi wap air di atmosfera kepada
The process of condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere to water | A |
Apakah persamaan antara sistem peredaran darah dalam haiwan dengan system pengangkutan dalam tumbuhan?
What is the similarity between the blood transportation system in animals and transportation system in plants? | Kedua-duanya wujud dalam organisma yang kompleks
Both exist in complex organisms | Kedua-duanya mempunyai salur darah
Both have blood capillaries | Saluran darah bersambung menjadi satu salur yang berterusan
Blood capillaries are combined into one continuous capillary | Keduanya mengangkut air dan nutrient
Both carries water and nutrient | A |
Apakah bentuk struktur dalam sistem pengangkutan tumbuhan?
What is the structure of a plant's transportation system? | Sistem bertiup seperti jantung
Whiffle system such as heart | Sistem bersalur tanpa injap dan pam
Vessel system without valve and pump | Sistem saluran yang berterusan
Continuous vessels system | Mempunyai tiga jenis salur
Have three types of vessels | B |
Apakah jenis saluran yang terdapat dalam sistem peredaran darah haiwan dan manusia?
What vessels exist in animals and human transportation systems? | Xilem
Xilem | Floem
Floem | Arteri
Arterries | Kutikel
Cuticel | C |
Berdasarkan pernyataan dia atas, apakah organisma yang menepati kriteria tersebut?
Based on the above statement, what organisms precisely mark the criteria?
Mempunyai dua jenis salur iaitu xylem dan floem
Have two types of vessels which is xylem and phloem
Sistem bersalur tanpa injap dan pam
Vessel system without valve and pump | Bunga ros
Roses | Kucing
Cat | Anjing
Dog | Ikan
Fish | A |
Apakah fungsi sistem saraf manusia?
What is the function of human nerve system? | Menghantar impuls saraf ke otak
Sends nerve impulses to the brain | Mengesan dan menukar getaran bunyi kepada impuls saraf
Detects and converts sound vibrations to nerve impulses | Merangsang reseptor untuk menghasilkan impuls saraf
Stimulates receptors to produce nerve impulses | Mengawal dan mengkoordinasi organ dan bahagian badan
Control and coordinate organs and body parts | D |
______________________________ ialah tindakan luar kawal yang melibatkan medula oblongata.
______________________________ is an out-of-control action that involves medulla oblongata. | Terbersin
Sneezed | Menarik kaki apabila terpijak sesuatu yang tajam
Pull out leg when stepped on something sharp | Denyutan jantung
Heart beat | Segera bertindak balas apabila tersentuh benda panas
React fast when suddenly touch something hot | C |
Apakah definisi tindakan terkawal?
What is the definition of controlled action? | Tindakan yang berlaku secara serta-merta tanpa disedari atau difikirkan terlebih dahulu.
Actions that take place immediately without being noticed or thought of first. | Tindakan yang disedari dan dilakukan mengikut kehendak seseorang.
Actions that are realized and performed according to one’s will. | Tindakan yang dikawal oleh otak seperti membaca dan menulis.
Actions that are controlled by brain like reading and writing. | Tindakan yang melibatkan saraf tunjang.
Actions that involve of spinal cord. | B |
Peter terpijak paku namun dia segera mengangkat kakinya sebelum berlaku kecederaan. Tindakan tersebut melibatkan ____________________.
Peter stepped on a nail but he hurriedly pulled his leg before he hurt his leg. That action consists of _________________________. | Denyutan jantung
Heart beat | Saraf tunjang
Spinal cord | Otak
Brain | Pernafasan
Breathing | B |
Seorang penunggang basikal terlibat dalam kemalangan dan didiagnosis sebagai lumpuh separuh badan selama-lamanya. Dia tidak dapat menggerakkan anggota badan daripada pinggang dan ke bawah. Apakah bantuan yang dapat diberikan kepada pesakit malang tersebut?
A cyclist is involved in an accident and is diagnosed as partially paralyzed forever. He was unable to move his limbs from the waist up and down. What help can be given to the unfortunate patient? | Bantuan kewangan
Financial assistance | Kerusi roda
Wheelchair | Kata-kata semangat
Moral support | Bantuan perubatan
Medical assistance | B |
1 Liter of Tears ialah drama televisyen Jepun pada tahun 2005 yang berdasarkan kisah benar seorang gadis berusia 15 tahun bernama Aya Kitō, yang menderita penyakit degeneratif ataxia spinocerebellar, penyakit sukar dikawal yang secara beransur-ansur menghilangkan kebebasan anggota badan dan bercakap dan akhirnya menyebabkan kehilangan semua fungsi motor badan. Apakah pengajaran yang dapat kita ambil daripada drama tersebut?
1 Liter of Tears is a 2005 Japanese television drama based on the true story of a 15-year-old girl named Aya Kitō, who suffers from degenerative spinocerebellar ataxia, an uncontrollable disease that gradually deprives the limbs of freedom of speech and eventually causes loss of all motor functions of the body. What lessons can we learn from the drama? | Pasrah dan reda dengan takdir diri sendiri dan berhenti berharap akan keajaiban.
Surrender and give up on your own destiny and stop hoping for miracles. | Meminta sedekah dan belas kasihan daripada orang sekeliling untuk meneruskan kelangsungan hidup.
Ask for alms and compassion from people around to continue survival. | Manusia yang dikurniakan oleh Tuhan dengan sistem saraf haruslah menggunakan dan menjaganya dengan baik.
Humans who are endowed by God with a nervous system must use and take good care of it. | Kesihatan yang ada tidak akan kekal lama dan pada bila-bila masa manusia akan jatuh sakit.
Existing health will not last long and at any time man will fall ill. | C |
Apakah fungsi sklera dalam mata manusia?
What is the function of sclera in the human eye? | Lapisan hitam yang mencegah pantulan cahaya dalam mata
A black layer that prevents light reflection in the mat | Lapisan yang membekalkan oksigen kepada mata
A layer that supplies oxygen to the eyes | Lapisan yang mengandungi fotoreseptor
Layer containing photoreceptor | Lapisan teguh yang mengekalkan bentuk dan melindungi mata
A firm layer that maintains shape and protects the eyes | D |
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, apakah bahagian mata tersebut?
Based on the above statement, what is the point of the eye?
Lapisan yang mengandungi fotoreseptor yang mengesan cahaya dan menghasilkan impuls saraf.
A layer containing photoreceptor that detects light and produce nerve impulses. | Retina
Retina | Koroid
Coroid | Kornea
Cornea | Bintik kuning
Yellow spot | A |
Sistem saraf __________ terdiri daripada otak dan saraf tunjang.
The __________ nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. | Spina
Spina | Periperi
Peripheral | Pusat
Centre | Kranium
Cranium | C |
Sel kon peka kepada warna cahaya dalam keadaan cerah. Terdapat 3 jenis sel kon iaitu sel kon yang peka terhadap cahaya ______________________.
Cone cells are sensitive to light colors in bright conditions. There are 3 types of cone cells, namely cone cells that are sensitive to ________________________ light. | Hijau, Hitam, Biru
Green, Black, Blue | Biru, hijau, Kuning
Blue, green, yellow | Putih, kuning, hijau
White, yellow, green | Merah, biru, hijau
Red, blue, green | D |
Apakah bahagian mata yang mengawal saiz pupil?
What part of the eye that controls pupil size? | Iris
Iris | Pupil
Pupil | Kanta mata
Eye lense | Ligamen penggantung
Hanging ligament | A |
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, apakah bahagian mata tersebut?
Based on the above statement, what is the point of the eye?
Lapisan yang yang mengekalkan bentuk dan melindungi mata.
A layer that kept firm and protect the eyes. | Sklera
Schlera | Konjunktiva
Conjunctive | Iris
Iris | Kornea
Cornea | A |
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, apakah bahagian mata tersebut?
Based on the above statement, what is the point of the eye?
Lapisan lutsinar yang membiaskan dan memfokuskan cahaya ke retina.
Transparent layer that refracts and focus light on the retina. | Bintik kuning
Yellow spot | Kornea
Cornea | Koroid
Coroid | Pupil
Pupil | B |
_______________ ialah bahagian mata yang paling peka terhadap cahaya kerana terdapat banyak fotoresptor.
_______________ is the part of the eye that is most sensitive to light because there are so many photoresptors. | Kanta mata
Eye lense | Konjuktiva
Conjuctive | Bintik kuning
Yellow spot | Retina
Retina | C |
Apakah fungsi kanta mata dalam mata manusia?
What is the function of an eye lense in the human eye? | Lapisan teguh yang mengekalkan bentuk dan melindungi mata.
A firm layer that maintains shape and protects the eyes. | Kanta cembung lut sinar dan kenyal yang memfokuskan cahaya ke mata.
Transparent convex lens and elasticity that focuses light on the eyes. | Lapisan lutsinar yang membiaskan dan memfokuskan cahaya ke retina.
Transparent layer that refracts and focuses light on the retina. | Bahagian berwarna mata yang mengawal saiz pupil.
Bahagian berwarna mata yang mengawal saiz pupil. | B |
Apakah bahagian telinga seperti pernyataan di atas?
What is the part of the ear like the statement above?
Mengesan kedudukan kepala dan membantu mengawal keseimbangan badan.
Detects head position and helps control body balance. | Gegendang telinga
Ear drum | Osikel
Osciles | Salur separuh bulat
Semi-circular duct | Tiub Eustachio
Eustachio tube | C |
________________ berfungsi sebagai pengimbang udara di kedua-dua belah gegedang telinga.
________________ serves as an air balancer on both sides of the eardrum. | Saraf auditori
Auditory nerves | Jendela bujur
Oval window | Koklea
Cochlea | Tiub Eustachio
Eustachio tube | D |
Apakah fungsi koklea dalam telinga manusia?
What is the function of the cochlea in the human ear? | Menguatkan getaran bunyi lalu memindahkannya ke jendela bujur.
Amplifies sound vibrations and transfers them to an oval window. | Menghantar impuls saraf ke otak.
Sends nerve impulses to the brain. | Mengimbangkan tekanan udara di kedau-dua belah telinga.
Balance the air pressure on both sides of the ear. | Mengesan dan menukar getaran bunyi kepada impuls saraf.
Detects and converts sound vibrations to nerve impulses. | D |
Hidung ialah organ deria bau. Sel deria bau sangat halus dan diselaputi dengan lapisan ____________.
The nose is an organ of sense of smell. The sense of smell cells are very delicate and coated with a ____________ layer. | Mukus
Mucus | Air liur
Saliva | Saraf
Nerves | Reseptor rasa
Taste receptor | A |
Maklumat di atas menunjukkan sejenis gerak balas dalam tumbuhan. Apakah nama gerak balas tersebut?
The above information indicates a type of response in plants. What is the name of the response?
sulur paut
link pull
batang melilit
twisted rod | Geotropisme
Geotropism | Gerak balas nastic
Nastic response | Tigmotropisme
Thigmotropism | Fototropisme
Phototropism | C |
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gerak balas nastik tumbuhan?
What is meant by plant nastic response? | Gerak balas terhadap sentuhan
Response to touch | Gerak balas terhadap gravity
Response to gravity | Gerak balas terhadap rangsangan
Response to stimuli | Gerak balas terhadap air
Reaction to water | C |
Pucuk dan daun tumbuhan menunjukkan ____________________.
Shoots and leaves of plants show ____________________. | Hidrotropisme positif
Positive hydrotropism | Geotropisme negative
Negative geotropism | Fototropisme positif
Positive phototropism | Gerak balas nastic
Nastic response | C |
Apakah definisi tropisme?
What is the definition of tropism? | Gerak balas terarah tumbuhan terhadap rangsangan
Plant reaction to stimulation | Bahagian tumbuhan yang tumbuh ke arah rangsangan
Plant’s part that reacts to stimulation | Bahagian tumbuhan yang tumbuh menjauhi rangsangan
Plant’s part that unreact to stimulation | Rangsangan yang dikesan oleh tumbuhan seperti cahaya, air, graviti dan sentuhan.
Stimulations that are detected by plants such as light, water, gravity and touch. | A |
Pernyataan menunjukkan _______________________.
The above statement shows ________________________.
Pucuk dan daun tumbuhan tumbuh tegak ke atas bagi mendapatkan cahaya matahari untuk proses fotosintesis.
Shoots and leaves plant grow upwards to have sunlight for the photosynthesis process. | Geotropisme positif
Positive geotropism | Geotropisme negative
Negative geotropism | Tigmotropisme
Thigmotropism | Hidrotropisme
Hydrotropism | B |
Apakah ciri penglihatan steroskopik yang penting untuk haiwan pemangsa?
What are the important features of stereoscopic vision for predatory animals? | Imej 3 dimensi yang terbentuk di medan penglihatan
3-dimensional image formed in the field of vision | Imej 2 dimensi yang terbentuk di medan penglihatan
2-dimensional image formed in the field of vision | Medan penglihatan yang luas
Broad field of vision | Medan penglihatan yang tidak bertindih
Non-overlapping field of vision | A |
Apakah haiwan yang mempunyai ciri-ciri penglihatan di atas?
Which animals have the above characteristics?
Medan penglihatan yang luas
Broad field of vision
Imej dua dimensi
2-dimensional image | Helang
Eagle | Hamster
Hamster | Kucing
Cat | Anjing
Dog | B |
Berapakah frekuensi bunyi yang dapat dikesan oleh telinga manusia?
How much sound frequency can be detected by a human's ear? | 20 Hz - 20 000 Hz
20 Hz - 20 000 Hz | 16 - 12 000 Hz
16 - 12 000 Hz | 67 - 45 000 Hz
67 - 45 000 Hz | 40 - 100 000 Hz
40 - 100 000 Hz | A |
Semasa bekalan elektrik terputus, Lesley mampu menentukan lokasi seekor anak anjing yang sedang menggonggong adalah di hadapannya. Bagaimanakah Lesley boleh menentukan arah lokasi anak anjing yang sedang menggonggong itu.
During blackout, Lesley is able to determine the location of a puppy barking in front of her. How was she able to determine the location of the puppy’s bark? | Lesley menggunakan kedua-dua belah telinganya untuk menentukan lokasi anak anjing tersebut.
Lesley is using both of her ears to determine the puppy’s location. | Pendengaran stereofonik Lesley membantu untuk menentukan lokasi anak anjing tersebut.
Lesley’s stereophonic hearing help her to determine the puppy’s location | Anak anjing tersebut menyalak dengan kuat.
The puppy barks so loud. | Pendengaran Lesley sangat bagus dan sempurna.
Lesley’s hearing is so good and perfect. | B |
Antara berikut manakah bukan ciri-ciri pengelasan bintang?
Which of the following is not the characteristic to classify stars? | Warna
Colour | Saiz
Size | Kecerahan
Brightness | Jenis galaksi
Type of galaxy | D |
Istilah Big Bang merujuk kepada
The term Big Bang refers to | Letupan gunung berapi
Volcanic eruption | Permulaan alam semesta
The origin of the universe | Pembentukan matahari
Formation of the sun | Penamatan alam semesta
The end of the universe | B |
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan galaksi?
What is the meaning of galaxy? | Satu himpunan jasad yang terdiri daripada planet dan matahari
A set of bodies consisting of planets and the sun | Satu himpunan jasad yang terdiri daripada jutaan debu dan matahari
A set of bodies consisting of millions of dust particles and the sun | Satu himpunan jasad yang terdiri daripada jutaan bintang, debu dan gas
A set of bodies consisting of millions of stars, dust particles and gases | Satu himpunan jasad yang terdiri daripada jutaan bintang dan planet
A set of bodies consisting of millions of stars and planets. | C |
Apakah bintang yang paling terang di langit?
What is the brightest star in the sky? | Kerdil
Dwarf | Bima sakti
Milky way | Sirius
Sirius | Matahari
Sun | C |
Manakah yang benar tentang galaksi di atas?
Which is true about the above galaxy? | Mempunyai beratus-ratus galaksi
It has hundreds of galaksi | Membentuk bulatan
Forms a circle | Dikenali sebagai Bima Sakit
Known as the Milky Way | Bumi berada di tengah galaksi
The earth is at the centre | C |
Bintang Z mempunyai suhu 8 000 K. Apakah warna bintang X?
Star Z has the temperature of 8 000 K. what colour is star Z? | Biru
Blue | Putih
White | Kuning
Kuning | Merah
Merah | B |
Antara yang berikut manakah kategori bagi Matahari?
Which of the following is the sun’s category? | Galaksi
Galaxy | Alam semesta
Universe | Bintang
Star | Satelit
Satelite | C |
Apakah yang terbentuk sekiranya bintang besar musnah?
What will happen when a massive star collapse? | Kerdil putih
White dwarf | Lohong hitam
Black hole | Bintang neutron
Neutron star | Raksasa merah
Red giant | B |
Berikut adalah urutan dalam kelahiran dan kematian bintang.
The sequence of birth and death of a star are as follows.
Nebula - Bintang Besar – X - Super Raksasa – Supernova - Bintang Neutron
Nebula - Large Star - X - Super Giant - Supernova - Neutron Star
Apakah yang diwakili dengan X?
What does X represent? | Kerdil putih
White dwarf | Bintang besar
Large star | Lohong hitam
Black hole | Super Raksasa
Super giant | B |
Dimanakah bintang terbentuk?
Where are stars formed? | Supernova
Supernova | Nebula
Nebula | Ursa mayor
Ursa mayor | Sirius
Sirius | B |
Manakah yang berikut bukan sejenis galaksi?
Which of these is not a type of galaxy? | Galaksi Kincir
Pinwheel galaxy | Galaksi elips
Elliptical galaxies | Galaksi berpilin
Spiral galaxy | Galaksi tidak seragam
Irregular galaxies | A |
Sebiji pelampung mempunyai berat 20 N. Apabila direndamkan di dalam air, beratnya ialah 15 N. Berapakah daya apungan yang bertindak ke atas pelampung itu?
A buoy has a weight of 20 N. When immersed in water, its weight is 15 N. what is the buoyant force acting on the stone? | 1 N | 0 N | 5 N | 10 N | C |
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan daya?
What does force mean? | Tarikan atau tolakan yang dikenakan ke atas suatu objek
A pull or a push upon an object | Daya menentang gerakan suatu objek
A force that resists movement of an object | Tarikan yang menyebabkan sesuatu objek jatuh
A pull that causes an object to fall | Daya yang menyebabkan suatu objek tenggelam
A force that causes an object to sink | A |
Subsets and Splits