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The context of the following conversation is After an inquiry about something related to work, Aubrey gave Tracy knowledge.:
Aubrey says I had to teach one of my coworkers how to do the tables today..
The friend responds Who? Is she a friend?.
Aubrey responds It's Tracy. She works near me and had a lot of questions so I showed her how I did it..
The friend responds That's super nice of you Aubrey..
Aubrey responds She's nice and new and now I think she gets the assignment..
The friend responds You are a good person!.
The context of the following conversation is Austin knew a war was going to start soon. Austin put Kendall and tom to the war to serve their country.:
Austin says I am certain a war is going to start..
The friend responds Things certainly seem to point in that direction..
Austin responds I went to war when I was a young man and so should my sons..
The friend responds How do they feel about that?.
Austin responds They wholeheartedly agreed and I escorted Kendall and Tom to the recruiter's office to serve their country..
The friend responds I will be praying for them..
The context of the following conversation is Austin knew a war was going to start soon. Austin put Kendall and tom to the war to serve their country.:
Austin says Are you boys ready for a war?.
The friend responds Yes, why?.
Austin responds A war will start soon, so be prepared..
The friend responds I'm ready Austin..
Austin responds I just registered Kendall and Tom to serve at the war..
The friend responds How are they feeling about this?.
The context of the following conversation is Austin knew a war was going to start soon. Austin put Kendall and tom to the war to serve their country.:
Austin says I'm normally a pacifist, but there's a war brewing and it's going to threaten our home country. We all need to do our part to fight..
The friend responds Did you enlist into the army?.
Austin responds No, I have a disability and they won't accept me. But I did make Kendall and Tom enlist in my place..
The friend responds Hopefully they don't get hurt and return home safely once the war is over..
The context of the following conversation is Alex and Carson are best friends. Alex made Carson's home inspection for them.:
Alex says I made the inspection for Carson's new home before he bought it..
The friend responds It is really a great house.
Alex responds yea, I know right?.
The friend responds yeah, it is really spacious and has a great view.
Alex responds yeah I did a thorough inspection and saw it was great quality.
The friend responds Was Carson satisfied?.
The context of the following conversation is Sydney wrote their own ticket to fame, and never had to rely on anyone for anything.:
Sydney says I have an interview with Entertainment Weekly in an hour..
The friend responds Another interview? Wow you're so famous now!.
Sydney responds They always ask me the same questions too. "Who is responsible for your fame?" "Who made you who you are?" Blah, blah, blah..
The friend responds And what do you tell them?.
Sydney responds I tell them the truth! I'm the one responsible. Nobody helped me with anything and I'm proud of that..
The friend responds Wow that is a refreshing response. I'm sure they'll twist your words though and make you sound like a horrible person..
The context of the following conversation is Sydney wrote their own ticket to fame, and never had to rely on anyone for anything.:
Sydney says We are famous now.
The friend responds It is because we wrote our own ticket to fame..
Sydney responds We never had to rely on anyone for anything..
The friend responds We only relied on ourselves..
Sydney responds I am really proud of us..
The friend responds I'm so proud of you..
The context of the following conversation is The other students were struggling with the assignment and understanding the written instructions. Despite being busy with other work, Cameron used their skill to help.:
Cameron says Today I helped another student with the homework.
The friend responds yeah, it looked like he just couldn't figure it out.
Cameron responds He just needed to add some numbers up and divined them.
The friend responds oh, it's so easy when you explain it, I didn't know I had to do that either.
Cameron responds yea, the instructions were not that clear I guess.
The friend responds well, thank you very much.
The context of the following conversation is The other students were struggling with the assignment and understanding the written instructions. Despite being busy with other work, Cameron used their skill to help.:
Cameron says Good news, all the other students passed Math!.
The friend responds Whoa, nice! I thought they were going to fail for sure..
Cameron responds Yeah, me too. They were having a hard time wrapping their heads around the last project..
The friend responds I don't blame them. It was a tough one. How did they figure it out..
Cameron responds I helped them out a bit. I took a break from some of my projects to walk them through it since I didn't want to see them fail and get held back..
The friend responds You're a good friend..
The context of the following conversation is Bailey had lost home and has not been able to take shower. Bailey smelt really bad in an office.:
Bailey says I sleep in my car lately until I get an apartment.
The friend responds I wish you didn't lose the house, it sucks.
Bailey responds I smelled so horrible in the office today, everyone smelled it.
The friend responds Did you take a shower?.
Bailey responds No, no chance.
The friend responds You can stop by for a shower at my place.
The context of the following conversation is Bailey had lost home and has not been able to take shower. Bailey smelt really bad in an office.:
Bailey says Why are you looking at me like that.
The friend responds Bailey, I have to tell you something, I want you to know I'm trying to look out for you.
Bailey responds What is it?.
The friend responds Well, you have kind of started to smell, people are noticing.
Bailey responds I am so sorry, i was evicted three weeks ago and i haven't been able to shower.
The friend responds Why didn't you tell me I would have let you come stay at my place.
The context of the following conversation is Bailey had lost home and has not been able to take shower. Bailey smelt really bad in an office.:
Bailey says I need to find a steady place to shower..
The friend responds Why don't you shower at home?.
Bailey responds I lost my home. I can't keep coming to the office smelling like this..
The friend responds You can use my shower..
Bailey responds Do you have a spare room that I can sleep in?.
The friend responds Yeah. I can let you rent my spare room for a month or so..
The context of the following conversation is Bailey had lost home and has not been able to take shower. Bailey smelt really bad in an office.:
Bailey says I was so lost and not sure what to do..
The friend responds What happen to you lately ..
Bailey responds I lost my home, I'm smelly and I have no clue what I am going to do..
The friend responds It will be ok we just need to work this out and see what we need to do for you..
The context of the following conversation is Bailey had lost home and has not been able to take shower. Bailey smelt really bad in an office.:
Bailey says I felt so embarrassed at the office, thought everyone noticed my appearance..
The friend responds What was wrong with your appearance?.
Bailey responds I hadn’t showered in a couple of days because I lost my home and was sleeping in my car..
The friend responds I am so sorry to hear that Bailey, you could have stayed with me..
Bailey responds Thank you, maybe I will, if that’s ok with you..
The friend responds Of course, that’s what friends are for..
The context of the following conversation is Wanting to improve her knowledge base and other parts of her, Aubrey took Kendall's course.:
Aubrey says I think you're aware that I've been trying to expand my knowledge base, right?.
The friend responds I remember you saying something about that. How's it going?.
Aubrey responds I was having trouble figuring out how to go about it, then I remembered Kendall is teaching a class this semester..
The friend responds Oh, right! I forgot about that. He was really looking forward to getting back in the classroom, wasn't he?.
Aubrey responds Yeah, he's missed it. And so I realized I could take his class and that would be really good for me..
The friend responds That is a good idea. Kendall's the kind of teacher who really will improve your knowledge base..
The context of the following conversation is Wanting to improve her knowledge base and other parts of her, Aubrey took Kendall's course.:
Aubrey says Kendall was teaching a course at the college. I took it because I want to learn more about the subject..
The friend responds What did she teach?.
Aubrey responds She taught history..
The friend responds What period?.
Aubrey responds The civil wars period in American history was the focus of the course..
The friend responds Did you guys get into political issues?.
The context of the following conversation is Wanting to improve her knowledge base and other parts of her, Aubrey took Kendall's course.:
Aubrey says I am currently taking Kendall's class..
The friend responds Oh I wanted to try that, how is it?.
Aubrey responds Kind of dull but interesting at the same time..
The friend responds What do you mean?.
Aubrey responds It is just boring material but Kendall makes it fun and interesting..
The friend responds Oh that's cool..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was home alone at night while his parents were away on a business trip and her heard a loud thump outside his window.:
Addison says Did I tell you I had the house to myself last night?.
The friend responds Why was that?.
Addison responds My parents were away on a business trip..
The friend responds What did you do all night?.
Addison responds Well I was watching TV when I heard a loud thump outside the window. I thought it was a burglar!.
The friend responds Well it's a good thing it wasn't..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was home alone at night while his parents were away on a business trip and her heard a loud thump outside his window.:
Addison says hey, what's up?.
The friend responds hey Addison, not much. How are you?.
Addison responds I'm good. You know I was alone yesterday night my parents were away from home for a business trip..
The friend responds Did you enjoy staying alone?.
Addison responds no, I heard a loud thump outside my window..
The friend responds Oh.. That's scary..
The context of the following conversation is Ash told Sydney something about the movie but he stopped her before she spoiled the ending.:
Sydney says I can't believe my friend almost spoiled the movie for me.
The friend responds There's nothing worse than spoilers!.
Sydney responds I know! I wouldn't have watched it if she spoiled it.
The friend responds I would have done the same honestly.
Sydney responds Yeah, well luckily I stopped her right before she said anything.
The friend responds I'm glad you dodged a bullet there!.
The context of the following conversation is Ash told Sydney something about the movie but he stopped her before she spoiled the ending.:
Sydney says Can you believe Ash almost ruined the movie for me?.
The friend responds I know, but it was so good and she was really excited..
Sydney responds She should have asked me if I had watched it or not first..
The friend responds Yeah, she is known for giving away spoilers!.
Sydney responds Well, I'm just glad I stopped her before she told me too much..
The friend responds Good thing, huh?.
The context of the following conversation is Jan put on a scary monster mask and jumped out of the closet to scare Kendall away.:
Kendall says Yikes! That was scary!.
The friend responds Hahaha, it was just a prank!.
Kendall responds Why would you do that? You know how I get scared..
The friend responds I wanted to lighten the mood. Plus Halloween is coming up soon..
Kendall responds Ah, that reminds me, I need to get a costume..
The friend responds Come with me to the store and we'll find something that works!.
The context of the following conversation is Jan put on a scary monster mask and jumped out of the closet to scare Kendall away.:
Kendall says Guess what? I almost killed Jan last night..
The friend responds Oh my God! What happened???.
Kendall responds Well, I had just got home from work, and as soon as I shut the front door, all of a sudden a monster jumped out of the closet and tried to grab me!.
The friend responds What? What was going on with that?.
Kendall responds It was Jan, she was wearing some stupid scary mask she bought at the costume shop. It was just instinct, but I pulled my Glock and almost drilled Jan right in the forehead!.
The friend responds What a story! Doesn't Jan remember that you have that gun?.
The context of the following conversation is Tracy had difficulty expressing their desires. After much consideration, Tracy told Jordan what they wanted.:
Tracy says Jordan gave me a watch for my birthday..
The friend responds It's a beautiful watch! How did he know what to get you?.
Tracy responds At first I had a hard time telling him what I wanted, because I felt guilty that the watch was so expensive..
The friend responds I can understand why you'd be hesitant to tell him you wanted it..
Tracy responds But after I thought about it, I knew Jordan just wanted me to be happy, so I told him..
The friend responds This is such a thoughtful birthday gift..
The context of the following conversation is Tracy had difficulty expressing their desires. After much consideration, Tracy told Jordan what they wanted.:
Tracy says I wanted to tell Jordan something for a while.
The friend responds What did you wanted to say?.
Tracy responds I have wanted a thing for a while but I was embarrassed..
The friend responds And what was that you wanted?.
Tracy responds I told him I want a super expensive pair of shoes..
The friend responds How did he take it, did he get hungry?.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall was determined to improve his current health status after finding out his sugar was high.:
Kendall says The doctor said that I have to go on a diet..
The friend responds What was wrong with how you were eating?.
Kendall responds My sugar level is too high..
The friend responds Oh, what will you need to cut down on?.
Kendall responds I have to stop eating candy and soda..
The friend responds That doesn't sound very fun..
The context of the following conversation is Robin could not help the fact that he had a learning disability and failed the class.:
Robin says It's hopeless, I'm never going to accomplish anything in life and I'm going to die a failure..
The friend responds You got a D in one class, it's not the end of the world..
Robin responds I tried so hard though, but I'm too stupid and none of it made sense..
The friend responds You're not stupid, if one way of learning didn't work for you then we'll just have to find one that will..
Robin responds You'd do all that just to help me?.
The friend responds We're friends, that's what we do, and besides if it'll get you to stop groaning about it then I'd do anything..
The context of the following conversation is Robin could not help the fact that he had a learning disability and failed the class.:
Robin says I failed the class..
The friend responds You can always retake the class again..
Robin responds The learning disability I have just makes it to hard to understand the words..
The friend responds You just need to find a way of studying that will allow you to learn..
The context of the following conversation is Tracy gave Quinn a piece of cake and Quinn ate it not knowing it had deadly poison in it.:
Quinn says This cake tasted funny..
The friend responds yeah, Tracy said it has poison in it..
Quinn responds Dude not cool..
The friend responds Here is medicine..
Quinn responds Give me that!.
The friend responds This will show you!.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall was sacked for their previous job for always being late but it was only afterwards that Kendall realised how stupid they were so they found a new job.:
Kendall says I went down the wrong job path..
The friend responds What track did you take?.
Kendall responds I took the low road and was always late..
The friend responds Where did that get you?.
Kendall responds I was sacked but later I realized how stupid I was so I found a new job..
The friend responds Be on time from now on..
The context of the following conversation is Riley got Robin a business opportunity at the local mall for a few hours each day.:
Robin says The traffic is heavy. I am happy Riley got me this business opportunity, we'll do so well!..
The friend responds Lets hope you do. But people are funny when you try to sell them stuff..
Robin responds Well, if I can get one sale for every ten customers then we are golden!.
The friend responds Well, your overly optimistic!.
Robin responds You'll see! People just love what we are selling!!.
The friend responds Well, try pushing the old collection too. We gotta get rid of those items..
The context of the following conversation is Riley got Robin a business opportunity at the local mall for a few hours each day.:
Robin says I really like the job Riley got me at the mall..
The friend responds I didn't realize you were having so much fun working as an associate of a department store..
Robin responds I knew I would love it! Spending a few hours at the mall will do me good..
The friend responds You are right, I'm so tired sitting at home..
Robin responds Good! I'll probably give you a visit one of these days..
The friend responds Awesome I look forward to that..
The context of the following conversation is Austin was calling off of work, but his boss Cameron said he had to come in, changing Austin's plans.:
Austin says Yesterday I wanted to just call in sick and go to the concert..
The friend responds But you had to go tot work yesterday, I saw you there..
Austin responds I tried to say I got strip throat, but didn't work..
The friend responds Nice one but I see why it didn’t work..
Austin responds I was pretty convincing though..
The friend responds It's a pity though you missed the concert..
The context of the following conversation is Austin was calling off of work, but his boss Cameron said he had to come in, changing Austin's plans.:
Austin says Yesterday I called my boss to let him know I was taking the day off,.
The friend responds But your office was super busy yesterday..
Austin responds Yeah, and I had already made plans for the day..
The friend responds Well, too bad. You should have asked your boss the day before..
Austin responds fine, I guess I just need to plan in advance next time..
The friend responds Great. I see you have learnt something..
The context of the following conversation is taylor was a scientist working on DNA so she made sure they carried out their functions.:
Taylor says I have been working hard on DNA..
The friend responds That's interesting, what for?.
Taylor responds It is part of my job as a scientist..
The friend responds Sounds like a hard job..
Taylor responds It is, but I love it..
The friend responds That's great!.
The context of the following conversation is taylor was a scientist working on DNA so she made sure they carried out their functions.:
Taylor says As a scientist, taking responsibility is very important..
The friend responds Yeah, all that sciency stuff can't make any errors, right?.
Taylor responds Haha, yeah I have to direct the students and my interns on how to work with DNA, tough I'll tell you..
The friend responds Heck, I can't begin to imagine..
Taylor responds One error could lead to hours of hard work wasted!.
The friend responds Which is why you need to relax every now and then, let that big brain recover!.
The context of the following conversation is taylor was a scientist working on DNA so she made sure they carried out their functions.:
Taylor says I love studying this DNA..
The friend responds Really? Did you go to school for that?.
Taylor responds Yea, I did! I'm honestly really glad that I did and became a scientist!.
The friend responds I hear you! That kind of stuff is cool..
Taylor responds Yea, I really cannot think of anything that I would enjoy more..
The friend responds I get it! As long as you're into it..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn beat Jesse's friend hard in every game they played against each other and soon grew tired of the lack of challenge.:
Quinn says Hey Jesse, I'm getting kind of tired of playing against your friend..
The friend responds Why is that?.
Quinn responds She's just not that good and I beat her every time. I want more of a challenge..
The friend responds My other friend Madison is a really strong player. I'll ask if she can join us next time..
Quinn responds That's a great idea. Ask her right now..
The friend responds Okay, I'll text her..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn beat Jesse's friend hard in every game they played against each other and soon grew tired of the lack of challenge.:
Quinn says Sorry Jesse but your friend is not a challenge. Every game that we play I have crushed her..
The friend responds No you have hot you just play more so you have more practice..
Quinn responds She is boring to play against, let's find new players.
The friend responds Fine but you only win because you have no life and all you do is play games..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn beat Jesse's friend hard in every game they played against each other and soon grew tired of the lack of challenge.:
Quinn says Jessie's friend and I played against each other last weekend..
The friend responds That sounds like fun. Who did better?.
Quinn responds I beat Jesse's friend at every game we played..
The friend responds That sounds kind of boring..
Quinn responds Yeah, I got bored with the lack of challenge pretty quickly..
The friend responds I think I would get bored in that situation, too..
The context of the following conversation is Kai put confetti and streamers all over the house. Kai played a prank on their parents.:
Kai says I played a prank on my parents yesterday..
The friend responds Yeah, what did you do?.
Kai responds I put confetti and streamers all over the house like I was having a surprise birthday party for my dad..
The friend responds But it's not your dad's birthday until September..
Kai responds That's the joke!.
The friend responds You worked too hard on a joke that's not even funny..
The context of the following conversation is Kai put confetti and streamers all over the house. Kai played a prank on their parents.:
Kai says Wow, this is so cool. They will be shocked..
The friend responds But Kai, it may not be so funny, confetti is hard to clean up..
Kai responds My parents will love it. Trust me!.
The friend responds You mean, they won't trust you being at home alone..
Kai responds Lighten up bro. Adults need a little fun in their lives too..
The friend responds Maybe you should have a real party for them instead of a prank..
The context of the following conversation is Kai put confetti and streamers all over the house. Kai played a prank on their parents.:
Kai says I played prank on my parents. It was fun..
The friend responds What did you do?.
Kai responds I put confetti and streamers all over the house..
The friend responds Sound funny.
Kai responds It is okay to play with your parents at times..
The friend responds That some love in the family. I like you guys.
The context of the following conversation is Austin fought for Quinn's life in their video game, Destiny.:
Quinn says I went over to Austin's house the other day to play videogames..
The friend responds What were you guys playing?.
Quinn responds We were playing Destiny and when we got to the boss level I was about to die, but Austin helped me out and protected me until I could regain health..
The friend responds Wo,w that sounds pretty thrilling..
Quinn responds It was super nerve-wracking and I was so glad that I could hold on a finish the level with Austin after his help..
The friend responds That sounds fun. I have never played that game..
The context of the following conversation is Austin fought for Quinn's life in their video game, Destiny.:
Quinn says I just fought hard for Austin.
The friend responds What do you mean.
Quinn responds I fought for him in a game called Destiny.
The friend responds Did he live ?.
Quinn responds He did but it wasn't easy at all.
The context of the following conversation is Austin fought for Quinn's life in their video game, Destiny.:
Quinn says Austin saved my life today..
The friend responds Oh my god...what happened?.
Quinn responds In a video game, silly. He saved me..
The friend responds Ha ha. I thought you meant in real life. What game are you playing?.
Quinn responds It's called Destiny..
The context of the following conversation is After a long da at work, Jordan took his little brother to the store to get new pants.:
Jordan says I had to take my little brother to the store because he ripped his pants..
The friend responds Was he upset about it?.
Jordan responds Well, it happened at school so yeah a little bit..
The friend responds That kind of thing happening in school is awful for little kids..
Jordan responds Yeah he said he got picked on because of it..
The friend responds Tell him to keep his head up and not to worry about those other kids..
The context of the following conversation is After a long da at work, Jordan took his little brother to the store to get new pants.:
Jordan says Man, work was so exhausting today..
The friend responds That's too bad, but your brother seems really happy to see you..
Jordan responds I'm glad to see the little guy after such a long work day..
The friend responds Do you have any plans involving him?.
Jordan responds Yes, I'm taking him to Walmart to get new him pants..
The friend responds That sounds like some quality time between brothers..
The context of the following conversation is After a long da at work, Jordan took his little brother to the store to get new pants.:
Jordan says If you need any pants they are on sale at Old Navy..
The friend responds I do need to get some for my kids for school..
Jordan responds I took my little brother there yesterday after working twelve hours and the place was packed..
The friend responds Why did you go after such a long day at work?.
Jordan responds I promised him that we would go yesterday to get a pair he has wanted for a long time..
The friend responds You are a great big brother!.
The context of the following conversation is Addison returned the book that evening, even though she hadn't finished reading it.:
Addison says I forgot about the book I borrowed..
The friend responds Is that the book you need to return this afternoon?.
Addison responds Yes I will need to return it this evening. I can just borrow it again because I did not finish reading it..
The friend responds They are so strict..
Addison responds It was my fault..
The friend responds I can borrow it for you at another time..
The context of the following conversation is Addison returned the book that evening, even though she hadn't finished reading it.:
Addison says Here's the book back.
The friend responds What did you think of the ending.
Addison responds I actually didn't get to finish it.
The friend responds Wait, why are you giving it back then.
Addison responds I thought I had it for to long.
The friend responds no keep it until your done, believe me its worth it.
The context of the following conversation is Lee knew something about the crime so Lee decided to go and talk to the police.:
Lee says I had to recently go in a talk with the police..
The friend responds What for? Did you do something wrong?.
Lee responds Oh no. I remembered I saw a suspicious vehicle and a man last week around the time that break-in occurred..
The friend responds Well then you did the right thing going in and talking to police. Did they act like you were helpful?.
Lee responds Yes. They said this gave them a good lead and they may call me again..
The friend responds Well hopefully they can solve the crime now!.
The context of the following conversation is Lee knew something about the crime so Lee decided to go and talk to the police.:
Lee says Do you see all the police over there?.
The friend responds Yeah, someone's house got broken into last night..
Lee responds Oh, I saw someone skulking around that house a couple days ago..
The friend responds The police might like to know about that..
Lee responds I'll go tell them..
The friend responds Hopefully they find the person..
The context of the following conversation is Alex told Taylor the way to go to London. Taylor was very grateful.:
Alex says I told Taylor she should go to London. That's where her boy is..
The friend responds Is she in love with a London boy?.
Alex responds Most definitely. She writes songs about him..
The friend responds That's true love..
Alex responds She talks about him nonstop. I know everything about this boy. She was grateful that I suggested she go visit him this summer..
The friend responds Have they ever hung out in person?.
The context of the following conversation is Alex told Taylor the way to go to London. Taylor was very grateful.:
Alex says You know Taylor form Scotland, right?.
The friend responds I do. What about him?.
Alex responds I met him this morning trying to go to London. I gave him directions to London..
The friend responds I hope Taylor won't get lost..
Alex responds I hope not. Taylor was happy and expressed his gratitude for all the details I provided..
The friend responds Then, I am sure he will get there without any problems..
The context of the following conversation is Sasha set the topic at politics and it created a level of defiance in the students.:
Sasha says Remind me to not discuss politics in the classroom anymore, Pat..
The friend responds Why not? What the hell happened?.
Sasha responds Well, the class started arguing over socialism. One student threw their book across the room. Another one started marching around like a soldier..
The friend responds Wow, people sure get up in arms over politics these days. Did they get in trouble?.
Sasha responds Of course they did, I sent them right to the principal's office..
The friend responds Good. They should discuss politics with a level head..
The context of the following conversation is Aubrey bought a large chocolate cake for her birthday, ate the whole thing by herself, and then ordered a pizza.:
Aubrey says I'm so mad at myself... I just ate an entire birthday cake, and am getting ready to eat a pizza..
The friend responds Are you ok? That sounds like depression eating. Are you sad your birthday wasn't what you wanted it to be?.
Aubrey responds Yah I guess that is part of it..
The friend responds I'm sorry... I'll stay over and eat the pizza with you if you want, that way you don't eat the whole thing?.
Aubrey responds Yah that would be nice.
The friend responds Sweet! I was craving some pizza anyways.
The context of the following conversation is Aubrey had a drinking problem that was affecting their job. They found help online.:
Aubrey says I am happy to say that I have been sober for the past month..
The friend responds That's great to hear!.
Aubrey responds I found a group of people online that helped me through my drinking problem..
The friend responds It's awesome that we can use the internet these days to connect with others..
Aubrey responds It is nice. My drinking problem was affecting my job, but thankfully it isn't anymore..
The friend responds I am so happy for you!.
The context of the following conversation is Aubrey had a drinking problem that was affecting their job. They found help online.:
Aubrey says I'm going to get some help for my drinking problem. I found a site online that provides therapy..
The friend responds I'm so proud of you for making that step. It's hard to make big changes like this..
Aubrey responds Yeah drinking was ruining every relationship in my life. It's been terrible..
The friend responds Well now you can finally turn a corner. If you need someone to talk to I'll be here for you..
Aubrey responds Thanks . I will need all the help I can get..
The context of the following conversation is After a whole night without a sleep, Austin sat in a car and came close to crashing it.:
Austin says I didn't get any sleep last night. I fell asleep while driving my car..
The friend responds You're lucky you didn't have an accident..
Austin responds Almost hit a tree. My car going up over the curb woke me up..
The friend responds You need to go home and get some sleep. Call off work. They are squeezing you lately..
Austin responds I know, but I really need this job..
The friend responds You won't need it if you're dead or, even worse, kill someone else..
The context of the following conversation is After a whole night without a sleep, Austin sat in a car and came close to crashing it.:
Austin says I am honestly so tired right now, man..
The friend responds You need to get some sleep as you get home..
Austin responds I know, okay where am I taking you again?.
The friend responds Just to my house. Wait, watch out Austin!.
Austin responds Wow that was close, I nearly crashed into that other car..
The friend responds You need to be more careful! Please don't drive unless you have gotten enough sleep next time please..
The context of the following conversation is Addison heard Sydney's parents arguing about a divorce, and was afraid to tell Sydney.:
Addison says I overheard something at Sydney's house and I'm not sure if I should say anything or not..
The friend responds Uh oh, What did you hear?.
Addison responds Her parents were arguing and talking about getting a divorce!.
The friend responds Whoa. That's serious. I don't know if you should interfere. What if they don't end up getting divorced?.
Addison responds That's just it. I don't want to start trouble, but I don't want her to be blindsided if her parents just split one day..
The friend responds Maybe you could ask her if her family is doing okay, and mention you heard loud voices while you were there..
The context of the following conversation is Addison heard Sydney's parents arguing about a divorce, and was afraid to tell Sydney.:
Addison says I overheard Sydney's parents arguing about a divorce the other day.
The friend responds Oh no, what did Sydney say about it?.
Addison responds Well I didn't say anything to her, I am afraid she will get too upset.
The friend responds I agree, and it's the parent's job to talk with her anyway.
Addison responds I mean I feel bad for her but I don't want her to freak out.
The friend responds You made the right decision in my opinion.
The context of the following conversation is Tracy made breakfast for their family and it was a giant meal that was really good.:
Tracy says I don't think I'm going to be hungry for lunch today after all..
The friend responds Oh yeah? And why not?.
Tracy responds I got up early and made a giant breakfast for my family..
The friend responds I'm so jealous! What did you make?.
Tracy responds I went all out with eggs, bacon, waffles, fruit, sausage, and cinnamon rolls..
The friend responds Oh, that sounds delicious!.
The context of the following conversation is Tracy made breakfast for their family and it was a giant meal that was really good.:
Tracy says The family said this morning that they had a really good meal..
The friend responds What meal?.
Tracy responds I made them breakfast..
The friend responds Oh that's nice..
The context of the following conversation is Robin had a new piano that wouldn't fit through the front door. Together with the movers, Robin set up a pulley to lift the piano to the next floor.:
Robin says I needed to get that piano out of my house..
The friend responds How did you do it?.
Robin responds Well, it wouldn't fit through the front door!.
The friend responds Did you guys set up some kind of system?.
Robin responds With the movers, I helped set up a pulley to lift the piano upstairs!.
The friend responds What a pain that must have been!.
The context of the following conversation is Robin had a new piano that wouldn't fit through the front door. Together with the movers, Robin set up a pulley to lift the piano to the next floor.:
Robin says It looks like the movers yesterday were having a hard time getting that piano through the door.
The friend responds Did you help them out?.
Robin responds I made a pully for them so it made it easier for them to move.
The friend responds I think that was a great idea and sounds nice everyone worked together to solve the issue..
The context of the following conversation is Robin had a new piano that wouldn't fit through the front door. Together with the movers, Robin set up a pulley to lift the piano to the next floor.:
Robin says The movers couldn't get the piano through the front door..
The friend responds I have some pulleys you can use if you need them..
Robin responds Yeah, that's what I did, I used a pulley to lift it up to the next floor..
The friend responds That's what I also did. I could not get mine through the front door either, and had to use the same thing..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall sweetened the pot when he said that he would give the 1st place winner $500.:
Kendall says I sweetened the pot for the contest when I announced that the winner will get $500..
The friend responds I could see where that would be pretty good incentive..
Kendall responds Exactly. Who wouldn't want an extra $500?.
The friend responds I can't think of too many people who couldn't use $500!.
Kendall responds Seriously. So I'm hoping that people work really hard to win it..
The friend responds I would imagine most people will. If they want the money, they'll have to do the work!.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall sweetened the pot when he said that he would give the 1st place winner $500.:
Kendall says Hey everyone. Put your name in the raffle..
The friend responds What will the winner get?.
Kendall responds The winner is going to get a huge pay-out..
The friend responds How much?.
Kendall responds Everyone who joins the raffle has a chance to win $500. The lucky winner will get a $500 debit card..
The friend responds Wow, I want to join. Hey everyone. Put your name in the pot. Somebody is going to be the lucky winner..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall sweetened the pot when he said that he would give the 1st place winner $500.:
Kendall says I added some money for the 1st place winner..
The friend responds How much money did you add?.
Kendall responds I sweetened the pot by saying I would give the 1st place winner $500..
The friend responds Wow! I bet they're all trying their best now..
The context of the following conversation is Carson saw a picture of Cameron's sister in the yearbook. Carson told Cameron's sister they were pretty.:
Carson says I saw Cameron's sister's picture in the yearbook, did you see it?.
The friend responds Yeah, she's really pretty!.
Carson responds Yes, she is. I told her so..
The friend responds Haha, how did that go?.
Carson responds Well, we have a date this weekend!.
The friend responds You'll have to tell me all about it next week..
The context of the following conversation is Carson saw a picture of Cameron's sister in the yearbook. Carson told Cameron's sister they were pretty.:
Carson says I saw a picture of Cameron's sister in the yearbook..
The friend responds How did she look?.
Carson responds She was pretty and I told Cameron's sister that..
The friend responds Bold move, my friend. How did she take that?.
Carson responds We're going to dinner tonight..
The context of the following conversation is Sydney took Kai out for lunch and suggested some of the best items on the menu.:
Kai says Sydney took me out for lunch last weekend..
The friend responds Did you go to the new Italian pizza place that just opened? I'm sure you love that kind of restaurants..
Kai responds I loved it indeed. Have you been to that restaurant before?.
The friend responds I have but not sure I had the best food on the menu..
Kai responds I can recommend some tasty menu options, Sydney gave me some great suggestions when we were there..
The friend responds That would be great, I've only tried the Cesar salad. .
The context of the following conversation is Sydney took Kai out for lunch and suggested some of the best items on the menu.:
Kai says Do you know that Sydney took me for lunch?.
The friend responds I bet he took you to his favorite restaurant..
Kai responds Yes, and he suggested the best items on the menu..
The friend responds And he said that’s because he wants you to eat only the best?.
Kai responds Yes! Sydney is so sweet..
The friend responds You were really lucky to meet, such a nice couple..
The context of the following conversation is Sydney took Kai out for lunch and suggested some of the best items on the menu.:
Kai says Sydney took me for lunch last weekend and gave me some great food suggestions..
The friend responds At the Spanish place? There are a lot of good lunch choices there. I think some of the best are the daily specials..
Kai responds Yeah , I had one of the specials, Sydney suggested to try..
The friend responds Yeah, specials there are so good..
The context of the following conversation is Jan gave Bailey another chance after he broke her heart two years ago on that raining night.:
Jan says I'm getting back together with Bailey....
The friend responds Jan, no! Don't you remember when he broke your heart the first time? It took me two years to make you smile again!.
Jan responds But he's changed. He swears that he won't sleep with either one of my sisters ever again, and he broke it off with my mom just so he could be with me again!.
The friend responds Any boy can say he's changed, but that doesn't make it true! Bailey is bad for you and you need to think about this some more..
Jan responds But I'm in love with him. He's my soulmate and I want to spend the rest of my life with him!.
The friend responds How can you feel this way after he slept with both of your sisters and your mom? And your brother????.
The context of the following conversation is Jan gave Bailey another chance after he broke her heart two years ago on that raining night.:
Jan says I know everybody’s angry that I’m giving him another chance..
The friend responds Bailey did you wrong a couple of years ago..
Jan responds Are people allowed to change?.
The friend responds Yes they are, but it still doesn’t mean they need to get another chance..
Jan responds I’m a forgiving person and I have forgot that he broke my heart on that raining night.
The friend responds I’m your friend and I’m gonna be here for you no matter what..
The context of the following conversation is Jan gave Bailey another chance after he broke her heart two years ago on that raining night.:
Jan says I'm so glad I gave Bailey another chance..
The friend responds I didn't know you guys had dated in the past..
Jan responds Yes, he broke my heart two years ago on a rainy night..
The friend responds Wow, and you took him back?.
Jan responds Yes, after much begging, pleading and romancing I agreed to take him back and we're getting married soon..
The friend responds Wow, what a love story!.
The context of the following conversation is Jordan and Riley were getting ready. Jordan was jealous other people would notice Riley and told them they hated their outfit. Riley's crushed expression made Jordan instantly regretful.:
Jordan says I cant believe Riley is acting like that..
The friend responds You didn't have to make her feel bad about the outfit telling her everyone hated it..
Jordan responds Seeing her sad face made me feel bad..
The friend responds Seems you have learnt, don't do that again..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan and Riley were getting ready. Jordan was jealous other people would notice Riley and told them they hated their outfit. Riley's crushed expression made Jordan instantly regretful.:
Jordan says Riley had this cool new dress she wanted to wear out..
The friend responds You said she wanted to, why didn't she?.
Jordan responds Well, I actually told her she looked terrible and people would hate it and say it was cheap and she decided to change it..
The friend responds Why did you tell her that if you thought the dress was cool?.
Jordan responds Because everyone was going to be paying attention to her. She looked crushed after I said it and I instantly felt bad but it was too late..
The friend responds Wow that's pretty low. You could have been honest..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan and Riley were getting ready. Jordan was jealous other people would notice Riley and told them they hated their outfit. Riley's crushed expression made Jordan instantly regretful.:
Jordan says The other day I lied and told Riley her outfit was horrible and everyone hated it.
The friend responds Why would you do that?.
Jordan responds Because I was jealous and thought other people would notice Riley..
The friend responds Oh, that's childish..
Jordan responds I know, and I felt so bad when Riley changed her espression and looked crushed..
The friend responds Well that happened already, be more careful in the future..
The context of the following conversation is Jordan and Riley were getting ready. Jordan was jealous other people would notice Riley and told them they hated their outfit. Riley's crushed expression made Jordan instantly regretful.:
Jordan says I was getting jealous when Riley was getting ready and came in with that outfit..
The friend responds I can tell, I saw your face then..
Jordan responds That's why I made that bad comment and told her everyone hated that dress..
The friend responds I know man..
Jordan responds I instantly regretted it when I saw Riley's expression, she looked so sad..
The friend responds It's all good, she understood..
The context of the following conversation is While coaching Aubrey on how to swing a golf club, Kendall placed Aubrey's hands at their side.:
Kendall says I taught Aubrey how to swing a golf club..
The friend responds Oh, how do you do that?.
Kendall responds Same as I told Aubrey. First, you place your hand down at your side and then you will need to know the different parts of the golf club..
The friend responds Ok, so that's how you start..
The context of the following conversation is While coaching Aubrey on how to swing a golf club, Kendall placed Aubrey's hands at their side.:
Kendall says I love this golf club , the holes are not complicated and beginners can come and practice..
The friend responds Well I have never played here, this club's fields take time and patience..
Kendall responds So why did you decide to play golf again here?.
The friend responds Well, I am coaching Aubrey, I already taught her how to swing..
Kendall responds How did you swing?.
The friend responds Well the first thing to do is to place your hands on the side as I also did with Aubrey..
The context of the following conversation is While coaching Aubrey on how to swing a golf club, Kendall placed Aubrey's hands at their side.:
Kendall says Aubrey and I went to the golf course yesterday..
The friend responds I didn't know that Aubrey knew how to play golf?.
Kendall responds She doesn't, I had to coach her on how to swing a golf club..
The friend responds Did she learn fast?.
Kendall responds Yes, I told her to place her hands at her sides and she followed my instructions..
The friend responds You must be a really good teacher..
The context of the following conversation is While coaching Aubrey on how to swing a golf club, Kendall placed Aubrey's hands at their side.:
Kendall says If you placed her hands on their side it’s gonna be easier for you to teach them how to swing at golf..
The friend responds I was wondering why you were doing that..
Kendall responds It’s a technique that I learned years ago, I also taught Aubrey this a few days ago..
The friend responds I’m gonna start using it from now on because it seems to work..
Kendall responds It works for me, and I’m not that bad at the game..
The friend responds You’re better than not bad, you’re great..
The context of the following conversation is While coaching Aubrey on how to swing a golf club, Kendall placed Aubrey's hands at their side.:
Kendall says I placed Aubrey's hands at her side when I was teaching her how to swing a golf club..
The friend responds She's being taught the correct way..
Kendall responds Learning the correct form to begin with is so important..
The friend responds That's right. Bad habits are hard to break..
Kendall responds Aubrey is kind of good already. Her swing is quite good..
The friend responds She probably takes after you..
The context of the following conversation is The vendor told Skylar they were out of hot dogs. They bought a hamburger instead.:
Skylar says I was so hungry when I saw the hot dog stand there..
The friend responds What where you craving?.
Skylar responds I wanted to eat a hot dog..
The friend responds But you're eating a hamburger..
Skylar responds Yeah, I had to take a hamburger instead, they didn’t have hot dogs anymore..
The friend responds That's not bad, I like hamburgers..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was working on a group project, so they Addison worked side by side with a classmate.:
Addison says I'm so glad that I could work on this project with a classmate so we can get it done.
The friend responds I agree, I think we can do a really good job working with another person..
Addison responds I think we'll try to focus on the main parts first and then we can fill in the details..
The friend responds Sounds like a great idea to me..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was working on a group project, so they Addison worked side by side with a classmate.:
Addison says We had to do a group project today in class..
The friend responds Who did you work with?.
Addison responds I worked with a guy named John..
The friend responds Was it a good partnership?.
Addison responds Actually it was a great one as we both worked hard and what I knew he didn’t know and what he knew I didn’t know..
The friend responds Sounds like you found a good partner for the project..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was working on a group project, so they Addison worked side by side with a classmate.:
Addison says I have to go to the library today for a project..
The friend responds Why are you going there, you have a good workspace at home?.
Addison responds I know, but I have to work with a few classmates for this project..
The friend responds Is it a group project?.
Addison responds Yeah, it's a group project and we need to have a quiet neutral space to have..
The friend responds Well, good luck on your grade, I know you'll work hard..
The context of the following conversation is Addison was working on a group project, so they Addison worked side by side with a classmate.:
Addison says It was so stressful but I think I'm done with my group project..
The friend responds Did you get your scores yet?.
Addison responds Already? No, we just finished..
The friend responds Ok! never mind..
Addison responds It was a group project so I worked side by side with a class mate.
The friend responds Okay!.
The context of the following conversation is Jesse had a date with Cameron when her friend called to see if she wanted to go see Lady Gaga live. Instead of keeping her date Jesse stood Cameron up and went to the concert.:
Jesse says Hey, what’s up?.
The friend responds Hey! I have tickets to a Lady Gaga concert. Do you wanna go?.
Jesse responds Of course! When is it for?.
The friend responds Tonight at 8pm at the Palladium..
Jesse responds Tonight?!? I have a date with Cameron tonight. Well, it’s not everyday you get to see Lady Gaga. I’m sure he’ll understand..
The friend responds That’s my girl! It’s gonna be so much fun!.
The context of the following conversation is Ryley had an argument with Jesse, their best friend. Riley wrote Jesse a letter.:
Riley says I just wrote Jesse a later..
The friend responds What did you do that for?.
Riley responds I got into an argument with herm the other day and felt bad..
The friend responds Why don't you just talk to him in person?.
Riley responds It's sometimes hard for me to express how I feel in person. I thought a letter would do a better job..
The friend responds That does make sense since you can just say what you want without interruptions..
The context of the following conversation is Ryley had an argument with Jesse, their best friend. Riley wrote Jesse a letter.:
Riley says I really want to patch things up with Jesse. I wrote her a letter today since she isn't answering any of my calls..
The friend responds I'm sorry to hear she's ignoring you. A letter sounds like a good idea..
Riley responds Yeah, I'm hoping she'll read it. I thought the effort of writing a letter would show her that I really care..
The friend responds That makes sense. I hope she responds to you. It's sad seeing you two not getting along..
Riley responds Yeah, it's been rough. I really miss her. Thanks for being here for me right now..
The friend responds You're welcome. You can always talk to me..
The context of the following conversation is Ryley had an argument with Jesse, their best friend. Riley wrote Jesse a letter.:
Riley says I had an argument with Jesse, my bestfriend.
The friend responds Did you clear both your minds?.
Riley responds No! I just wrote her a letter to explain things.
The friend responds I hope she'll understand you now..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn was playing and froliking in the snow, making snow angels and snowballs.:
Quinn says Man the snow is so magical to me..
The friend responds Not just to you, there is something special about it to me too..
Quinn responds Yeah, I felt so good just playing around in it dancing, making snowballs and snow angels..
The friend responds That sounds like a happy time..
Quinn responds It really was..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn was playing and froliking in the snow, making snow angels and snowballs.:
Quinn says It snowed so much today!.
The friend responds Did you play outside?.
Quinn responds I sure did, I made a bunch of snow angles and threw snow balls..
The friend responds That sounds like fun..
Quinn responds It really was!.
The context of the following conversation is Quinn was playing and froliking in the snow, making snow angels and snowballs.:
Quinn says I had a great time out in the snow today..
The friend responds What did you do?.
Quinn responds I played and made snow angels and snowballs..
The friend responds That sounds like fun..
Quinn responds Yeah, but my hands are numb..
The friend responds You might have frost bite..
Subsets and Splits