public static Number ceil ( Number a ) { if ( isFloatingPoint ( a ) ) { return Math . ceil ( a . doubleValue ( ) ) ; } else { return a . longValue ( ) ; } }
Compares two byte arrays. Returns <0 if a byte in a is less than the corresponding byte in b, or if a is shorter, or if a is null. Returns >0 if a byte in a is greater than the corresponding byte in b, or if a is longer, or if b is null. Returns 0 if they are equal or both null.
private void unregister ( ) { if ( close != null ) { close . removeActionListener ( listener ) ; } }
Puts the entry with the specified key into the cache.
private static Shape bottomEdge ( BufferedImage image ) { GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath ( ) ; Point2D p1 = null ; Point2D p2 = null ; Line2D line = new Line2D . Float ( ) ; Point2D p = new Point2D . Float ( ) ; int foundPointX = - 1 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < image . getWidth ( ) ; i ++ ) { for ( int j = image . getHeight ( ) - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j -- ) { if ( ( image . getRGB ( i , j ) & 0xff000000 ) != 0 ) { p . setLocation ( i , j ) ; foundPointX = i ; break ; } } if ( foundPointX >= 0 ) { if ( p2 == null ) { p1 = new Point2D . Float ( foundPointX , 0 ) ; path . moveTo ( p1 . getX ( ) , p1 . getY ( ) ) ; p2 = new Point2D . Float ( ) ; p2 . setLocation ( p ) ; } else { p2 = detectLine ( p1 , p2 , p , line , path ) ; } } } path . lineTo ( p . getX ( ) , p . getY ( ) ) ; if ( foundPointX >= 0 ) { path . lineTo ( foundPointX , 0 ) ; } path . closePath ( ) ; return path ; }
DefineClass: Loads a class from a buffer of raw class data.
public void addSentencesTone ( SentenceTone analysis ) { sentencesTone . add ( analysis ) ; }
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
public static boolean assertDistribution ( final double [ ] da ) { double sum = 0.0 ; for ( final double d : da ) { Exam . assertTrue ( Utils . realFormat ( d ) , d >= 0.0 && d <= ( 1.0 + TOLERANCE ) && ! Double . isNaN ( d ) ) ; sum += d ; } if ( Exam . checkEquals ( 1.0 , sum , 0.0001 ) ) { return true ; } throw new Exam . ExamException ( "sum=" + Utils . realFormat ( sum ) + " " + Utils . realFormatArray ( da ) ) ; }
Creates a new evolutionary SVM optimization.
public void add ( ITicket ticket ) { if ( tickets . contains ( ticket ) ) { return ; } tickets . add ( ticket ) ; tick |= ticket . shouldTick ( ) ; }
Receive notification of a processing instruction.
public boolean isConnected ( short nodeId ) { NodeConnection nc = connections . get ( nodeId ) ; return ( nc != null && nc . state == NodeConnectionState . CONNECTED ) ; }
Constructs a new ColorConvertOp which will convert from a source color space to a destination color space. The RenderingHints argument may be null. This Op can be used only with BufferedImages, and will convert directly from the ColorSpace of the source image to that of the destination. The destination argument of the filter method cannot be specified as null.
public static MapBean createMapBean ( Projection proj , Border border ) { MapBean mapBeano = new BufferedLayerMapBean ( ) ; mapBeano . setBorder ( border ) ; if ( proj != null ) { mapBeano . setProjection ( proj ) ; mapBeano . setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( proj . getWidth ( ) , proj . getHeight ( ) ) ) ; } return mapBeano ; }
Retries RegFlushKey() MAX_ATTEMPTS times before giving up.
public static boolean volumeDetachedFromFullCopies ( Volume volume , DbClient dbClient ) { boolean detached = true ; StringSet fullCopyIds = volume . getFullCopies ( ) ; if ( ( fullCopyIds != null ) && ( ! fullCopyIds . isEmpty ( ) ) ) { Iterator < String > fullCopyIdsIter = fullCopyIds . iterator ( ) ; while ( fullCopyIdsIter . hasNext ( ) ) { String fullCopyId = fullCopyIdsIter . next ( ) ; Volume fullCopyVolume = dbClient . queryObject ( Volume . class , URI . create ( fullCopyId ) ) ; if ( ! isFullCopyDetached ( fullCopyVolume , dbClient ) ) { detached = false ; } } } return detached ; }
Decrypts the association AMC key. The decryption takes palce on the consumer side (aka RP).
private void writeAttribute ( java . lang . String prefix , java . lang . String namespace , java . lang . String attName , java . lang . String attValue , javax . xml . stream . XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter ) throws javax . xml . stream . XMLStreamException { if ( xmlWriter . getPrefix ( namespace ) == null ) { xmlWriter . writeNamespace ( prefix , namespace ) ; xmlWriter . setPrefix ( prefix , namespace ) ; } xmlWriter . writeAttribute ( namespace , attName , attValue ) ; }
True if the entry is expired.
public final T xmlns ( String uri ) { return xmlns ( uri , null ) ; }
Called when one of the spaces in cluster connects to this space
public boolean isEntity ( ) { return isString ( ) && string . startsWith ( "&#" ) && string . endsWith ( ";" ) ; }
Compares the weight of this object with the weight of another AttributeWeight object. May also use the absolute weight.
public void saveDeviceProfiles ( String username , String realm , List < JsonValue > profiles ) throws InternalServerErrorException { final AMIdentity identity = getIdentity ( username , realm ) ; Set < String > vals = new HashSet < > ( ) ; try { final DeviceService deviceService = serviceFactory . create ( realm ) ; final DeviceSerialisation deviceSerialisation = deviceService . getDeviceSerialisationStrategy ( ) ; final String attrName = deviceService . getConfigStorageAttributeName ( ) ; for ( JsonValue profile : profiles ) { vals . add ( deviceSerialisation . deviceProfileToString ( profile ) ) ; } Map < String , Set > attrMap = new HashMap < > ( ) ; attrMap . put ( attrName , vals ) ; identity . setAttributes ( attrMap ) ; identity . store ( ) ; } catch ( SSOException | IdRepoException | SMSException e ) { throw new InternalServerErrorException ( e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } }
Writes a record, verifies the write but does NOT commit the store. Closes and reopens the store and finally verifies the write was lost.
private void defineTrees ( UIDefaults d ) { String p = "Tree" ; String c = PAINTER_PREFIX + "TreePainter" ; d . put ( p + ".contentMargins" , new InsetsUIResource ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".opaque" , Boolean . TRUE ) ; d . put ( p + ".textForeground" , d . get ( "text" ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".textBackground" , d . get ( "seaGlassLightBackground" ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".background" , d . get ( "seaGlassLightBackground" ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".rendererFillBackground" , Boolean . FALSE ) ; d . put ( p + ".leftChildIndent" , new Integer ( 12 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".rightChildIndent" , new Integer ( 8 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".drawHorizontalLines" , Boolean . FALSE ) ; d . put ( p + ".drawVerticalLines" , Boolean . FALSE ) ; d . put ( p + ".showsRootHandles" , Boolean . FALSE ) ; d . put ( p + ".rendererUseTreeColors" , Boolean . TRUE ) ; d . put ( p + ".repaintWholeRow" , Boolean . TRUE ) ; d . put ( p + ".rowHeight" , new Integer ( 0 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".rendererMargins" , new InsetsUIResource ( 2 , 5 , 1 , 5 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".selectionForeground" , d . get ( "seaGlassSelectedText" ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".selectionBackground" , d . get ( "seaGlassSelectionBackground" ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".dropLineColor" , d . get ( "seaGlassFocus" ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled].collapsedIconPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreePainter . Which . COLLAPSEDICON_ENABLED ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Selected].collapsedIconPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreePainter . Which . COLLAPSEDICON_ENABLED_SELECTED ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled].expandedIconPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreePainter . Which . EXPANDEDICON_ENABLED ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Selected].expandedIconPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreePainter . Which . EXPANDEDICON_ENABLED_SELECTED ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".collapsedIcon" , new SeaGlassIcon ( p , "collapsedIconPainter" , 7 , 7 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".expandedIcon" , new SeaGlassIcon ( p , "expandedIconPainter" , 7 , 7 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".leafIcon" , null ) ; d . put ( p + ".closedIcon" , null ) ; d . put ( p + ".openIcon" , null ) ; p = "Tree:TreeCell" ; c = PAINTER_PREFIX + "TreeCellPainter" ; d . put ( p + ".contentMargins" , new InsetsUIResource ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled].background" , d . get ( "seaGlassLightBackground" ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Focused].background" , d . get ( "seaGlassLightBackground" ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Focused].backgroundPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreeCellPainter . Which . BACKGROUND_ENABLED_FOCUSED ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Selected].textForeground" , Color . WHITE ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Selected].backgroundPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreeCellPainter . Which . BACKGROUND_ENABLED_SELECTED ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Focused+Selected].textForeground" , Color . WHITE ) ; d . put ( p + "[Focused+Selected].backgroundPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreeCellPainter . Which . BACKGROUND_SELECTED_FOCUSED ) ) ; p = "Tree:\"Tree.cellRenderer\"" ; d . put ( p + ".font" , new FontUIResource ( "SansSerif" , Font . PLAIN , 13 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".contentMargins" , new InsetsUIResource ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Disabled].textForeground" , getDerivedColor ( "seaGlassDisabledText" , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , true ) ) ; p = "\"Tree.cellEditor\"" ; c = PAINTER_PREFIX + "TreeCellEditorPainter" ; d . put ( p + ".font" , new FontUIResource ( "SansSerif" , Font . PLAIN , 13 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".contentMargins" , new InsetsUIResource ( 2 , 5 , 2 , 5 ) ) ; d . put ( p + ".opaque" , Boolean . TRUE ) ; d . put ( p + ".background" , d . get ( "control" ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Disabled].textForeground" , d . get ( "seaGlassDisabledText" ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Selected].textForeground" , d . get ( "seaGlassSelectedText" ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Selected].textBackground" , new ColorUIResource ( ( Color ) d . get ( "seaGlassSelection" ) ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled].backgroundPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreeCellEditorPainter . Which . BACKGROUND_ENABLED ) ) ; d . put ( p + "[Enabled+Focused].backgroundPainter" , new LazyPainter ( c , TreeCellEditorPainter . Which . BACKGROUND_ENABLED_FOCUSED ) ) ; }
Send the committed text to the client.
private Variable parseVariableSpecification ( String token ) throws ParseException { if ( ! token . endsWith ( ")" ) ) { throw new ParseException ( "invalid variable specification '" + token + "', not properly formatted" ) ; } if ( token . startsWith ( "R(" ) ) { String content = token . substring ( 2 , token . length ( ) - 1 ) ; int index = content . indexOf ( ';' ) ; if ( index >= 0 ) { double lowerBound = Double . parseDouble ( content . substring ( 0 , index ) ) ; double upperBound = Double . parseDouble ( content . substring ( index + 1 , content . length ( ) ) ) ; return EncodingUtils . newReal ( lowerBound , upperBound ) ; } else { throw new ParseException ( "invalid real specification '" + token + "', expected R(<lb>,<ub>)" ) ; } } else if ( token . startsWith ( "B(" ) ) { String content = token . substring ( 2 , token . length ( ) - 1 ) ; try { int length = Integer . parseInt ( content . trim ( ) ) ; return EncodingUtils . newBinary ( length ) ; } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { throw new ParseException ( "invalid binary specification '" + token + "', expected B(<length>)" ) ; } } else if ( token . startsWith ( "P(" ) ) { String content = token . substring ( 2 , token . length ( ) - 1 ) ; try { int length = Integer . parseInt ( content . trim ( ) ) ; return EncodingUtils . newPermutation ( length ) ; } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { throw new ParseException ( "invalid permutation specification '" + token + "', expected P(<length>)" ) ; } } else { throw new ParseException ( "invalid variable specification '" + token + "', unknown type" ) ; } }
Add the class file transformer object.
@ RequestMapping ( value = "/{id}" , method = RequestMethod . DELETE ) @ ResponseBody public RestWrapper delete ( @ PathVariable ( "id" ) Integer appDeploymentStatusId , Principal principal ) { RestWrapper restWrapper = null ; try { appDeploymentQueueStatusDAO . delete ( appDeploymentStatusId . shortValue ( ) ) ; restWrapper = new RestWrapper ( null , RestWrapper . OK ) ; LOGGER . info ( RECORDWITHID + appDeploymentStatusId + " deleted from AppDeploymentQueueStatus by User:" + principal . getName ( ) ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { LOGGER . error ( e ) ; return new RestWrapper ( e . getMessage ( ) , RestWrapper . ERROR ) ; } return restWrapper ; }
method to deserialize each object in the input stream NOT PART OF API and subject to change (DO NOT USE)
@ Override public Socket connect ( ) { Log . d ( TAG , "Listening on [" + address . getHostAddress ( ) + "]:" + Integer . toString ( port ) ) ; final ServerSocket tempSocket ; try { tempSocket = new ServerSocket ( port , 0 , address ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { reportError ( "Failed to create server socket: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ; return null ; } synchronized ( rawSocketLock ) { if ( serverSocket != null ) { Log . e ( TAG , "Server rawSocket was already listening and new will be opened." ) ; } serverSocket = tempSocket ; } try { return tempSocket . accept ( ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { reportError ( "Failed to receive connection: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ; return null ; } }
Returns whether the plot contains the specified data series.
@ NamespacePermission ( fields = "#namespace" , permissions = NamespacePermissionEnum . READ ) private void mockMethod ( String namespace ) { }
Returns a valid recycled stream from the idle pool to the backend. If the stream has been in the pool for too long (> live_time), close it instead.
public boolean matches ( InventoryCrafting inv , World worldIn ) { ItemStack itemstack = null ; List < ItemStack > list = Lists . < ItemStack > newArrayList ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < inv . getSizeInventory ( ) ; ++ i ) { ItemStack itemstack1 = inv . getStackInSlot ( i ) ; if ( itemstack1 != null ) { if ( itemstack1 . getItem ( ) instanceof ItemArmor ) { ItemArmor itemarmor = ( ItemArmor ) itemstack1 . getItem ( ) ; if ( itemarmor . getArmorMaterial ( ) != CyberwareContent . trenchMat || itemstack != null ) { return false ; } itemstack = itemstack1 ; } else { if ( itemstack1 . getItem ( ) != Items . DYE ) { return false ; } list . add ( itemstack1 ) ; } } } return itemstack != null && ! list . isEmpty ( ) ; }
Schedules a file for deletion.
public void putDelegate ( String alias , X509ExtendedKeyManager newDelegate ) { if ( ! alias . equals ( alias . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Aliases must be all lowercase" ) ; } delegates . put ( alias , newDelegate ) ; }
Load first CONTENTS_NUMBER_OF_BYTES bytes from file
@ Override public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { FileDialog chooser = new FileDialog ( frame , "Use a .png or .jpg extension" , FileDialog . SAVE ) ; chooser . setVisible ( true ) ; if ( chooser . getFile ( ) != null ) { save ( chooser . getDirectory ( ) + File . separator + chooser . getFile ( ) ) ; } }
Creates the configuration object. Creates the directory for the object and the attributes properties file with the given attributes.
public void paintSliderThumbBorder ( SynthContext context , Graphics g , int x , int y , int w , int h , int orientation ) { paintBorder ( context , g , x , y , w , h , orientation ) ; }
Adds a list of definitions to the existing list of definitions.
private void calculateAtHashClaim ( final OAuth2AccessTokenEntity accessToken , final JWSAlgorithm signingAlg , final JWTClaimsSet . Builder idClaims , final Set < String > responseTypes ) { if ( responseTypes . contains ( OIDCConstants . TOKEN ) ) { final Base64URL atHash = IdTokenHashUtils . getAccessTokenHash ( signingAlg , accessToken ) ; idClaims . claim ( OIDCConstants . AT_HASH , atHash ) ; log . debug ( "{} is set to {}" , OIDCConstants . AT_HASH , atHash ) ; } }
handle shell btn event
public static double [ ] roundToSignificantDigits ( double x , double y , int nSignif ) { double [ ] rounded = new double [ 2 ] ; double diff = Math . abs ( x - y ) ; if ( diff < 1e-16 ) { rounded [ 0 ] = x ; rounded [ 1 ] = y ; return rounded ; } if ( diff > 1 ) { rounded [ 0 ] = Math . rint ( x * Math . pow ( 10.0 , nSignif ) ) / Math . pow ( 10.0 , nSignif ) ; rounded [ 1 ] = Math . rint ( y * Math . pow ( 10.0 , nSignif ) ) / Math . pow ( 10.0 , nSignif ) ; return rounded ; } else { int nzeros = ( int ) ( Math . ceil ( Math . abs ( Math . log10 ( diff ) ) ) + nSignif ) ; rounded [ 0 ] = Math . rint ( x * Math . pow ( 10.0 , nzeros ) ) / Math . pow ( 10.0 , nzeros ) ; rounded [ 1 ] = Math . rint ( y * Math . pow ( 10.0 , nzeros ) ) / Math . pow ( 10.0 , nzeros ) ; return rounded ; } }
Create a composite comparator for the set of delegate comparators.
protected void engineSetMode ( String mode ) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { if ( ( mode != null ) && ( ! mode . equalsIgnoreCase ( "CBC" ) ) ) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ( "Invalid cipher mode: " + mode ) ; } }
This method is called from STlFile or GcodeFile when data is ready to render. Add the view to the layout.
public static String sanitizeStrings ( String str ) { char [ ] c = getChars ( str ) ; int idx = 0 ; String newstr = str ; StringBuilder sb = null ; boolean instring = false ; char stringsep = '\0' ; int lastidx = 0 ; while ( idx < c . length ) { if ( instring && stringsep == c [ idx ] ) { instring = false ; stringsep = '\0' ; } else if ( ! instring ) { if ( '\'' == c [ idx ] ) { instring = true ; stringsep = '\'' ; } else if ( '\"' == c [ idx ] ) { instring = true ; stringsep = '\"' ; } } if ( instring ) { if ( ' ' == c [ idx ] ) { if ( null == sb ) { sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ; } sb . append ( c , lastidx , idx - lastidx ) ; sb . append ( "%20" ) ; lastidx = idx + 1 ; } } idx ++ ; } if ( null != sb ) { if ( lastidx < c . length ) { sb . append ( c , lastidx , c . length - lastidx ) ; } newstr = sb . toString ( ) ; } return newstr ; }
Receive notification of character data inside an element.
private void forceQuit ( ) { if ( stdout != null ) { stdout . close ( ) ; } try { if ( shell != null ) { shell . disconnect ( ) ; } } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { LOG . error ( e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } finally { shell = null ; } try { if ( session != null ) { session . disconnect ( ) ; } } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { LOG . error ( e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } finally { session = null ; } }
Remove all key-value pairs under a namespace. Interprets the provided namespace as utf8 bytes
public boolean isExpired ( ) { return this . ttl < System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; }
Returns a shallow copy of this OkHttpClient that uses the system-wide default for each field that hasn't been explicitly configured.
public boolean isBlinking ( ) { return modifiers . contains ( SGR . BLINK ) ; }
Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds.
@ Inject public HbaseSchemaService ( SystemConfiguration config ) { super ( config ) ; _config = config ; }
Fills the latest comments.
public static String readOutput ( BufferedReader in ) throws IOException { StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer ( ) ; String line = null ; while ( ( line = in . readLine ( ) ) != null ) { output . append ( line ) ; output . append ( Tools . getLineSeparator ( ) ) ; } return output . toString ( ) ; }
Add Table Column. after adding a column, you need to set the column classes again (DefaultTableModel fires TableStructureChanged, which calls JTable.tableChanged .. createDefaultColumnsFromModel
private boolean scheduleNext ( ) { final String tag = "Scheduled session[" + taskid + "]" ; try { LOG . finer ( tag + ": scheduling next session for " + delayBeforeNext + "ms" ) ; if ( cancelled || ! notifyStateChange ( SCHEDULED , "scan-scheduled" ) ) { LOG . finer ( tag + " stopped: do not reschedule" ) ; return false ; } final SessionTask nextTask = new SessionTask ( delayBeforeNext ) ; if ( ! scheduleSession ( nextTask , delayBeforeNext ) ) return false ; LOG . finer ( tag + ": next session successfully scheduled" ) ; } catch ( Exception x ) { if ( LOG . isLoggable ( Level . FINEST ) ) { LOG . log ( Level . FINEST , tag + " failed to schedule next session: " + x , x ) ; } else if ( LOG . isLoggable ( Level . FINE ) ) { LOG . fine ( tag + " failed to schedule next session: " + x ) ; } } return true ; }
Test the Configuration Files option with copying of file in subdirectory.
@ Override public double classifyInstance ( Instance instance ) { return m_ClassValue ; }
Get the resulting x-position of the right edge of the crop window given the handle's position and the image's bounding box and snap radius.
private void addJsonForEntry ( final StringBuilder result , Entry entry , boolean includeJustTextFields , boolean includeUserWasSignIn , boolean userWasSignedIn , boolean forceQuotationToNote ) throws IOException { result . append ( "\"note\":" + JsonBuilder . quote ( entry . getNoteOrTitle ( "" ) ) + "\n" ) ; result . append ( ",\"quotation\":" + JsonBuilder . quote ( entry . getQuotation ( "" ) ) + "\n" ) ; result . append ( ",\"isPublic\":" + entry . getIsPublic ( ) + "\n" ) ; String typeToAdd = entry . getType ( ) ; if ( typeToAdd . equals ( DbLogic . Constants . quotation ) ) { typeToAdd = DbLogic . Constants . note ; } result . append ( ",\"type\":\"" + typeToAdd + "\"\n" ) ; if ( includeUserWasSignIn ) { result . append ( ",\"userWasSignedIn\":" + userWasSignedIn + "\n" ) ; } if ( includeJustTextFields ) { result . append ( ",\"noteHtml\":" + JsonBuilder . quote ( getNoteHtml ( entry , false , entry . hasQuotation ( ) , true ) ) + "\n" ) ; result . append ( ",\"quotationHtml\":" + JsonBuilder . quote ( getQuotationHtml ( entry , true ) ) + "\n" ) ; } else { final StringBuilder innerResult = new StringBuilder ( ) ; addEntryHtmlToTreeSimple ( entry , innerResult , null , 0 , ! entry . isNotebook ( ) ) ; result . append ( ",\"subtreeHtml\":" + JsonBuilder . quote ( innerResult . toString ( ) ) + "\n" ) ; } }
PRECONDITION: The final frameSize is calculated before calling this routine.
public void addViewpoint ( int index , String name ) { ViewpointStore vps = viewpointNode . getViewpoint ( name ) ; viewpointList . add ( index , vps ) ; }
Cleanup the adapter when activity is paused.
public void warn ( XPathContext xctxt , String msg , Object args [ ] ) throws javax . xml . transform . TransformerException { String formattedMsg = XSLMessages . createWarning ( msg , args ) ; ErrorListener errHandler = xctxt . getErrorListener ( ) ; errHandler . warning ( new TransformerException ( formattedMsg , ( SAXSourceLocator ) xctxt . getSAXLocator ( ) ) ) ; }
verify whether the user in the filter has access to the neighbor based on resource ACL
public static boolean isKanji ( char chr ) { String [ ] pinyinStr = null ; try { pinyinStr = PinyinHelper . toHanyuPinyinStringArray ( chr , format ) ; } catch ( BadHanyuPinyinOutputFormatCombination e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } return ( null == pinyinStr ) ? ( false ) : ( true ) ; }
Generates the instruction to store an element in an array.
public Builder rootSourceSectionEquals ( SourceSection ... section ) { verifyNotNull ( section ) ; expressions . add ( new EventFilterExpression . RootSourceSectionEquals ( section ) ) ; return this ; }
Read a message header.
public Sorting ( double [ ] array , boolean copyArray ) { if ( copyArray ) { A = new double [ array . length ] ; System . arraycopy ( array , 0 , A , 0 , array . length ) ; } else { A = array ; } order = new int [ A . length ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < A . length ; i ++ ) { order [ i ] = i ; } sort ( A ) ; }
Paints the background of a radio button menu item.
public double cdf ( double x ) { if ( x <= 0.0 ) return 0.0 ; return 1.0 - Math . exp ( - x * lambda ) ; }
Found a minor bug:<br> Need to check if the weights of the connections from bias units get updated in back propagation or not.<br>
public ByteBuffer read ( final long off , final int nbytes ) throws IOException { final ByteBuffer tmp = ByteBuffer . allocate ( nbytes ) ; FileChannelUtility . readAll ( this , tmp , off ) ; tmp . flip ( ) ; return tmp ; }
Search for engine by road number
public void or ( Criteria criteria ) { oredCriteria . add ( criteria ) ; }
generation of a derived key ala PKCS12 V1.0.
public void dispose ( ) { mListeners . clear ( ) ; }
Birth a cat to catch mouse.
protected void initInfo ( ) { clearParameters ( ) ; initInfo ( 0 , "" , m_M_Warehouse_ID , m_M_PriceList_ID ) ; }
Release 3 primary mouse masks: 1, 2, and 3
public static Connection enlistConnection ( XAConnection xacon ) throws GenericTransactionException { if ( xacon == null ) { return null ; } try { XAResource resource = xacon . getXAResource ( ) ; TransactionUtil . enlistResource ( resource ) ; return xacon . getConnection ( ) ; } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new GenericTransactionException ( "SQL error, could not enlist connection in transaction even though transactions are available" , e ) ; } }
Prints a long followed by a newline.
@ Override public void run ( int connId , String [ ] args ) { if ( ! canRunRestrictedCommand ( connId ) ) { server . sendServerChat ( connId , "Observers are restricted from loading games." ) ; return ; } if ( args . length > 1 ) { String sFinalFile = args [ 1 ] ; if ( ! sFinalFile . endsWith ( ".sav" ) && ! sFinalFile . endsWith ( ".sav.gz" ) ) { sFinalFile = sFinalFile + ".sav" ; } if ( ! sFinalFile . endsWith ( ".gz" ) ) { sFinalFile = sFinalFile + ".gz" ; } load ( new File ( "savegames" , sFinalFile ) , connId ) ; } else { server . sendServerChat ( connId , "you must provide a file name" ) ; } }
Calculates the matthews correlation coefficient (sometimes called phi coefficient) for the supplied class
private QueryResult ( final QueryTask task ) { mTask = task ; }
Send a simple beat signal via UDP.
protected void deleteFamilySet ( ) { ItemPalette . removeIconMap ( _itemType , _family ) ; _family = null ; _currentIconMap = null ; updateFamiliesPanel ( ) ; }
Load a mary header.
public static String canUseFileName ( FileObject targetFolder , String folderName , String newObjectName , String extension ) { String newObjectNameToDisplay = newObjectName ; if ( newObjectName != null ) { newObjectName = newObjectName . replace ( '.' , '/' ) ; } if ( extension != null && extension . length ( ) > 0 ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ; sb . append ( newObjectName ) ; sb . append ( '.' ) ; sb . append ( extension ) ; newObjectName = sb . toString ( ) ; } if ( extension != null && extension . length ( ) > 0 ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ; sb . append ( newObjectNameToDisplay ) ; sb . append ( '.' ) ; sb . append ( extension ) ; newObjectNameToDisplay = sb . toString ( ) ; } String relFileName = folderName + "/" + newObjectName ; if ( targetFolder == null || ! targetFolder . isValid ( ) ) { return NbBundle . getMessage ( TargetChooserPanel . class , "MSG_fs_or_folder_does_not_exist" ) ; } File targetPackage = folderName != null ? new File ( FileUtil . toFile ( targetFolder ) , folderName ) : FileUtil . toFile ( targetFolder ) ; if ( targetPackage != null ) { if ( targetPackage . exists ( ) && ! targetPackage . canWrite ( ) ) { return NbBundle . getMessage ( TargetChooserPanel . class , "MSG_fs_is_readonly" ) ; } } else if ( ! targetFolder . canWrite ( ) ) { return NbBundle . getMessage ( TargetChooserPanel . class , "MSG_fs_is_readonly" ) ; } if ( existFileName ( targetFolder , relFileName ) ) { return NbBundle . getMessage ( TargetChooserPanel . class , "MSG_file_already_exist" , newObjectNameToDisplay ) ; } return null ; }
Returns a deterministic uniform random integer between zero (inclusive) and n (exclusive) given the input double.
protected static ModbusResponse readRequest ( int functionCode , int register , int count ) { ModbusUDPTransaction trans ; UDPMasterConnection connection = null ; try { connection = new UDPMasterConnection ( InetAddress . getByName ( TestUtils . getFirstIp4Address ( ) ) ) ; connection . setPort ( PORT ) ; connection . connect ( ) ; connection . setTimeout ( 500 ) ; ModbusRequest req = null ; switch ( functionCode ) { case Modbus . READ_COILS : req = new ReadCoilsRequest ( register , count ) ; break ; case Modbus . READ_INPUT_DISCRETES : req = new ReadInputDiscretesRequest ( register , count ) ; break ; case Modbus . READ_INPUT_REGISTERS : req = new ReadInputRegistersRequest ( register , count ) ; break ; case Modbus . READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS : req = new ReadMultipleRegistersRequest ( register , count ) ; break ; default : fail ( String . format ( "Request type %d is not supported by the test harness" , functionCode ) ) ; } req . setUnitID ( UNIT_ID ) ; trans = new ModbusUDPTransaction ( connection ) ; trans . setRequest ( req ) ; trans . execute ( ) ; return trans . getResponse ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { logger . debug ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ; } finally { if ( connection != null ) { connection . close ( ) ; } } return null ; }
Converts a chart coordinate spaced shape to the same shape in the screen coordinate space
Date toDate ( Calendar calendar ) { return calendar . getTime ( ) ; }
Return the first child Element with the given name; if name is null returns the first element.
public static void loadProperties ( boolean reload ) { if ( reload || s_prop . size ( ) == 0 ) { if ( isWebStartClient ( ) ) { loadWebStartProperties ( ) ; } else { loadProperties ( getFileName ( s_client ) ) ; } } }
Initializes the internal generator state
static List < File > tidyDatabaseList ( List < File > databaseFiles ) { Set < File > originalAsSet = new HashSet < File > ( databaseFiles ) ; List < File > tidiedList = new ArrayList < File > ( ) ; for ( File databaseFile : databaseFiles ) { String databaseFilename = databaseFile . getPath ( ) ; String sansSuffix = removeSuffix ( databaseFilename , UNINTERESTING_FILENAME_SUFFIXES ) ; if ( sansSuffix . equals ( databaseFilename ) || ! originalAsSet . contains ( new File ( sansSuffix ) ) ) { tidiedList . add ( databaseFile ) ; } } return tidiedList ; }
Returns a new array containing all elements contained in this vector.
public void select ( Segment segment , boolean addToSelection ) { if ( segment . isNone ( ) ) { return ; } if ( ! addToSelection ) { deselectAllSegments ( ) ; } if ( segment . isUnpaired ( ) ) { if ( addToSelection ) { boolean allSegmentsSelected = true ; for ( Segment other : segments . getPairedSegments ( segment ) ) { if ( ! isSelected ( other ) ) { allSegmentsSelected = false ; break ; } } if ( allSegmentsSelected ) { deselectSegment ( segment ) ; return ; } } if ( isSelected ( segment ) ) { deselectSegment ( segment ) ; } else { selectSegment ( segment ) ; } } else { if ( isSelected ( segment ) ) { deselectSegment ( segment ) ; } else { selectSegment ( segment ) ; } } }
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. This method should be used to remove PropertyChangeListeners that were registered for all bound properties of this class. <p> If listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
public void testUsingProxy ( ) throws Exception { MockServer server = new MockServer ( "server" ) ; MockServer proxy = new MockServer ( "proxy" ) ; URL url = new URL ( "http://localhost:" + server . port ( ) ) ; HttpURLConnection connection = ( HttpURLConnection ) url . openConnection ( new Proxy ( Proxy . Type . HTTP , new InetSocketAddress ( "localhost" , proxy . port ( ) ) ) ) ; connection . setConnectTimeout ( 2000 ) ; connection . setReadTimeout ( 2000 ) ; server . start ( ) ; synchronized ( bound ) { if ( ! server . started ) bound . wait ( 5000 ) ; } proxy . start ( ) ; synchronized ( bound ) { if ( ! proxy . started ) bound . wait ( 5000 ) ; } connection . connect ( ) ; server . join ( ) ; proxy . join ( ) ; assertTrue ( "Connection does not use proxy" , connection . usingProxy ( ) ) ; assertTrue ( "Proxy server was not used" , proxy . accepted ) ; HttpURLConnection huc = ( HttpURLConnection ) url . openConnection ( Proxy . NO_PROXY ) ; assertFalse ( huc . usingProxy ( ) ) ; }
Encodes a string into its URL safe form using the specified string charset. Unsafe characters are escaped.
static int convertUnits ( String units , int defaultSuffix ) { if ( units == null ) { return - 1 ; } int factor = 1 ; int i = 0 ; boolean suffixFound = false ; for ( ; i < CSSElement . CSS_LENGTH_SUFFIX . length ; i ++ ) { if ( units . endsWith ( CSSElement . CSS_LENGTH_SUFFIX [ i ] ) ) { factor = CSS_LENGTH_FACTORS [ i ] ; units = units . substring ( 0 , units . length ( ) - 2 ) ; suffixFound = true ; break ; } } if ( ! suffixFound ) { i = defaultSuffix ; factor = CSS_LENGTH_FACTORS [ i ] ; } try { int result = ( int ) ( Float . parseFloat ( units ) * factor ) ; if ( ( i == LENGTH_SUFFIX_EM ) || ( i == LENGTH_SUFFIX_EX ) ) { result += VAL_EX ; } return result ; } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) { return - 1 ; } }
Given a process and a string, monitors the output of the process for the string. Returns the line in which the string is found, or null if not found. It will continue until the process exits.
public static void hiddenFromEncodedString ( ProjectFilterSettings result , String s ) { if ( s . length ( ) > 0 ) { int bar = s . indexOf ( FIELD_DELIMITER ) ; String categories ; if ( bar >= 0 ) { categories = s . substring ( 0 , bar ) ; } else { categories = s ; } StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer ( categories , LISTITEM_DELIMITER ) ; while ( t . hasMoreTokens ( ) ) { String category = t . nextToken ( ) ; result . removeCategory ( category ) ; } } }
Determine if track will service a specific ship load and car type.
public void engineLoad ( InputStream stream , char [ ] password ) throws IOException , NoSuchAlgorithmException , CertificateException { synchronized ( entries ) { DataInputStream dis ; MessageDigest md = null ; CertificateFactory cf = null ; Hashtable < String , CertificateFactory > cfs = null ; ByteArrayInputStream bais = null ; byte [ ] encoded = null ; if ( stream == null ) return ; if ( password != null ) { md = getPreKeyedHash ( password ) ; dis = new DataInputStream ( new DigestInputStream ( stream , md ) ) ; } else { dis = new DataInputStream ( stream ) ; } ObjectInputStream ois = null ; try { int xMagic = dis . readInt ( ) ; int xVersion = dis . readInt ( ) ; if ( ( ( xMagic != JCEKS_MAGIC ) && ( xMagic != JKS_MAGIC ) ) || ( ( xVersion != VERSION_1 ) && ( xVersion != VERSION_2 ) ) ) { throw new IOException ( "Invalid keystore format" ) ; } if ( xVersion == VERSION_1 ) { cf = CertificateFactory . getInstance ( "X509" ) ; } else { cfs = new Hashtable < String , CertificateFactory > ( 3 ) ; } entries . clear ( ) ; int count = dis . readInt ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { int tag ; String alias ; tag = dis . readInt ( ) ; if ( tag == 1 ) { PrivateKeyEntry entry = new PrivateKeyEntry ( ) ; alias = dis . readUTF ( ) ; entry . date = new Date ( dis . readLong ( ) ) ; try { entry . protectedKey = new byte [ dis . readInt ( ) ] ; } catch ( OutOfMemoryError e ) { throw new IOException ( "Keysize too big" ) ; } dis . readFully ( entry . protectedKey ) ; int numOfCerts = dis . readInt ( ) ; try { if ( numOfCerts > 0 ) { entry . chain = new Certificate [ numOfCerts ] ; } } catch ( OutOfMemoryError e ) { throw new IOException ( "Too many certificates in " + "chain" ) ; } for ( int j = 0 ; j < numOfCerts ; j ++ ) { if ( xVersion == 2 ) { String certType = dis . readUTF ( ) ; if ( cfs . containsKey ( certType ) ) { cf = cfs . get ( certType ) ; } else { cf = CertificateFactory . getInstance ( certType ) ; cfs . put ( certType , cf ) ; } } try { encoded = new byte [ dis . readInt ( ) ] ; } catch ( OutOfMemoryError e ) { throw new IOException ( "Certificate too big" ) ; } dis . readFully ( encoded ) ; bais = new ByteArrayInputStream ( encoded ) ; entry . chain [ j ] = cf . generateCertificate ( bais ) ; } entries . put ( alias , entry ) ; } else if ( tag == 2 ) { TrustedCertEntry entry = new TrustedCertEntry ( ) ; alias = dis . readUTF ( ) ; entry . date = new Date ( dis . readLong ( ) ) ; if ( xVersion == 2 ) { String certType = dis . readUTF ( ) ; if ( cfs . containsKey ( certType ) ) { cf = cfs . get ( certType ) ; } else { cf = CertificateFactory . getInstance ( certType ) ; cfs . put ( certType , cf ) ; } } try { encoded = new byte [ dis . readInt ( ) ] ; } catch ( OutOfMemoryError e ) { throw new IOException ( "Certificate too big" ) ; } dis . readFully ( encoded ) ; bais = new ByteArrayInputStream ( encoded ) ; entry . cert = cf . generateCertificate ( bais ) ; entries . put ( alias , entry ) ; } else if ( tag == 3 ) { SecretKeyEntry entry = new SecretKeyEntry ( ) ; alias = dis . readUTF ( ) ; entry . date = new Date ( dis . readLong ( ) ) ; try { ois = new ObjectInputStream ( dis ) ; entry . sealedKey = ( SealedObject ) ois . readObject ( ) ; } catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) { throw new IOException ( cnfe . getMessage ( ) ) ; } entries . put ( alias , entry ) ; } else { throw new IOException ( "Unrecognized keystore entry" ) ; } } if ( password != null ) { byte computed [ ] , actual [ ] ; computed = md . digest ( ) ; actual = new byte [ computed . length ] ; dis . readFully ( actual ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < computed . length ; i ++ ) { if ( computed [ i ] != actual [ i ] ) { throw new IOException ( "Keystore was tampered with, or " + "password was incorrect" , new UnrecoverableKeyException ( "Password verification failed" ) ) ; } } } } finally { if ( ois != null ) { ois . close ( ) ; } else { dis . close ( ) ; } } } }
Reads a byte of uncompressed data. This method will block until enough input is available for decompression.
public java . lang . StringBuilder insert ( int offset , java . lang . Object obj ) { return insert ( offset , obj . toString ( ) ) ; }
Parse String Representation and set Attributes
@ Override public void onDrawFrame ( GL10 gl10 ) { GLES20 . glClearColor ( 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ; GLES20 . glClear ( GLES20 . GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GLES20 . GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ) ; GLES20 . glEnable ( GLES20 . GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ; GLES20 . glEnable ( GLES20 . GL_CULL_FACE ) ; GLES20 . glEnable ( GLES20 . GL_BLEND ) ; GLES20 . glBlendFunc ( GLES20 . GL_SRC_ALPHA , GLES20 . GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ) ; long currentTimeMillis = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; updateWithDelta ( currentTimeMillis - lastTimeMillis ) ; lastTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis ; }
should never be called.
private void layoutSelectedChild ( LayoutParams lp ) { int l = Math . round ( lp . left ) ; int t = Math . round ( lp . top ) ; int r = l + mSelectedChild . getMeasuredWidth ( ) ; int b = t + mSelectedChild . getMeasuredHeight ( ) ; lp . moved = true ; mSelectedChild . layout ( l , t , r , b ) ; }
Converts stressed phone to regular phone. This method merely removes the last character of the phone. Subclasses should override this if another method is to be used.
public AemRadioGroup selectByValue ( String value ) { for ( AemRadioOption option : values ) { if ( value . equals ( option . getValue ( ) ) ) { option . setSelected ( ) ; } } return this ; }
Generates a PublicKey instance from a string containing the Base64-encoded public key.
@ Override public void close ( ) { try { reader . close ( ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { throw DbException . convertIOException ( e , null ) ; } }
Output the SQL type for the default value for the type.
protected void drawCubic ( Canvas c , LineDataSet dataSet , List < Entry > entries ) { Transformer trans = mChart . getTransformer ( dataSet . getAxisDependency ( ) ) ; Entry entryFrom = dataSet . getEntryForXIndex ( mMinX ) ; Entry entryTo = dataSet . getEntryForXIndex ( mMaxX ) ; int minx = Math . max ( dataSet . getEntryPosition ( entryFrom ) , 0 ) ; int maxx = Math . min ( dataSet . getEntryPosition ( entryTo ) + 1 , entries . size ( ) ) ; float phaseX = mAnimator . getPhaseX ( ) ; float phaseY = mAnimator . getPhaseY ( ) ; float intensity = dataSet . getCubicIntensity ( ) ; cubicPath . reset ( ) ; int size = ( int ) Math . ceil ( ( maxx - minx ) * phaseX + minx ) ; if ( size - minx >= 2 ) { float prevDx = 0f ; float prevDy = 0f ; float curDx = 0f ; float curDy = 0f ; Entry prevPrev = entries . get ( minx ) ; Entry prev = entries . get ( minx ) ; Entry cur = entries . get ( minx ) ; Entry next = entries . get ( minx + 1 ) ; cubicPath . moveTo ( cur . getXIndex ( ) , cur . getVal ( ) * phaseY ) ; prevDx = ( cur . getXIndex ( ) - prev . getXIndex ( ) ) * intensity ; prevDy = ( cur . getVal ( ) - prev . getVal ( ) ) * intensity ; curDx = ( next . getXIndex ( ) - cur . getXIndex ( ) ) * intensity ; curDy = ( next . getVal ( ) - cur . getVal ( ) ) * intensity ; cubicPath . cubicTo ( prev . getXIndex ( ) + prevDx , ( prev . getVal ( ) + prevDy ) * phaseY , cur . getXIndex ( ) - curDx , ( cur . getVal ( ) - curDy ) * phaseY , cur . getXIndex ( ) , cur . getVal ( ) * phaseY ) ; for ( int j = minx + 1 , count = Math . min ( size , entries . size ( ) - 1 ) ; j < count ; j ++ ) { prevPrev = entries . get ( j == 1 ? 0 : j - 2 ) ; prev = entries . get ( j - 1 ) ; cur = entries . get ( j ) ; next = entries . get ( j + 1 ) ; prevDx = ( cur . getXIndex ( ) - prevPrev . getXIndex ( ) ) * intensity ; prevDy = ( cur . getVal ( ) - prevPrev . getVal ( ) ) * intensity ; curDx = ( next . getXIndex ( ) - prev . getXIndex ( ) ) * intensity ; curDy = ( next . getVal ( ) - prev . getVal ( ) ) * intensity ; cubicPath . cubicTo ( prev . getXIndex ( ) + prevDx , ( prev . getVal ( ) + prevDy ) * phaseY , cur . getXIndex ( ) - curDx , ( cur . getVal ( ) - curDy ) * phaseY , cur . getXIndex ( ) , cur . getVal ( ) * phaseY ) ; } if ( size > entries . size ( ) - 1 ) { prevPrev = entries . get ( ( entries . size ( ) >= 3 ) ? entries . size ( ) - 3 : entries . size ( ) - 2 ) ; prev = entries . get ( entries . size ( ) - 2 ) ; cur = entries . get ( entries . size ( ) - 1 ) ; next = cur ; prevDx = ( cur . getXIndex ( ) - prevPrev . getXIndex ( ) ) * intensity ; prevDy = ( cur . getVal ( ) - prevPrev . getVal ( ) ) * intensity ; curDx = ( next . getXIndex ( ) - prev . getXIndex ( ) ) * intensity ; curDy = ( next . getVal ( ) - prev . getVal ( ) ) * intensity ; cubicPath . cubicTo ( prev . getXIndex ( ) + prevDx , ( prev . getVal ( ) + prevDy ) * phaseY , cur . getXIndex ( ) - curDx , ( cur . getVal ( ) - curDy ) * phaseY , cur . getXIndex ( ) , cur . getVal ( ) * phaseY ) ; } } if ( dataSet . isDrawFilledEnabled ( ) ) { cubicFillPath . reset ( ) ; cubicFillPath . addPath ( cubicPath ) ; drawCubicFill ( mBitmapCanvas , dataSet , cubicFillPath , trans , entryFrom . getXIndex ( ) , entryFrom . getXIndex ( ) + size ) ; } mRenderPaint . setColor ( dataSet . getColor ( ) ) ; mRenderPaint . setStyle ( Paint . Style . STROKE ) ; trans . pathValueToPixel ( cubicPath ) ; mBitmapCanvas . drawPath ( cubicPath , mRenderPaint ) ; mRenderPaint . setPathEffect ( null ) ; }
Method generated by IntelliJ IDEA GUI Designer >>> IMPORTANT!! <<< DO NOT edit this method OR call it in your code!
void onResponse ( T result ) ;
Find the card associated with a given key.
public static String report ( ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ; for ( Tap tap : dispatchesCopy ( ) ) { int length = sb . length ( ) ; tap . appendReport ( null , sb ) ; if ( sb . length ( ) > length ) { sb . append ( NEW_LINE ) ; } } String result = sb . toString ( ) ; LOG . debug ( "Tap Report" + NEW_LINE + NEW_LINE + result + NEW_LINE ) ; return result ; }
Parse the attributes passed to the view from the XML
public final TestSubscriber assertComplete ( ) { String prefix = "" ; boolean passed = true ; if ( done . getCount ( ) != 0 ) { prefix = "Subscriber still running! " ; fail ( "subscriber still running" ) ; passed = false ; } long c = completions ; if ( c == 0 ) { fail ( prefix , "Not completed" , errors ) ; fail ( "not complete" ) ; passed = false ; } else if ( c > 1 ) { fail ( prefix , "Multiple completions: " + c , errors ) ; fail ( "multiple completes" ) ; passed = false ; } pass ( "assert Complete" , passed ) ; return this ; }
Loads the moments read from an xml file that define a mission into the mission data.
private void waitUntilReadable ( ) throws IOException { readTimeout . enter ( ) ; try { while ( readBuffer . size ( ) == 0 && ! finished && ! closed && errorCode == null ) { waitForIo ( ) ; } } finally { readTimeout . exitAndThrowIfTimedOut ( ) ; } }
Calculates the rectangle that specifies the area that is available for painting the gauge. This means that if the component has insets that are larger than 0, these will be taken into account.
public static int nextSmallerPrime ( int n ) { if ( n <= 2 ) { return 1 ; } if ( n == 3 ) { return 2 ; } if ( ( n & 1 ) == 0 ) { n -- ; } else { n -= 2 ; } while ( n > 3 & ! isPrime ( n ) ) { n -= 2 ; } return n ; }
Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, this method should be invoked from the event dispatch thread.
public synchronized void deleteTypeSubstitution ( final INaviOperandTreeNode node ) throws CouldntDeleteException { Preconditions . checkNotNull ( node , "IE02787: Operand tree node can not be null." ) ; final TypeSubstitution substitution = node . getTypeSubstitution ( ) ; typesContainer . deleteTypeSubstitution ( substitution ) ; backend . deleteTypeSubstitution ( substitution ) ; node . setTypeSubstitution ( null ) ; notifySubstitutionsDeleted ( Collections . singleton ( substitution ) ) ; }
Reads a long value at the given buffer's offset considering it was written in big-endian format.
private void paintBackground ( Graphics graphics , JComponent button ) { StyleUtil . fillBackground ( style , graphics , 0 , 0 , button . getWidth ( ) , button . getHeight ( ) ) ; }
Tests if element attributes are constant type.
private static void attemptRetryOnException ( String logPrefix , Request < ? > request , VolleyError exception ) throws VolleyError { RetryPolicy retryPolicy = request . getRetryPolicy ( ) ; int oldTimeout = request . getTimeoutMs ( ) ; try { retryPolicy . retry ( exception ) ; } catch ( VolleyError e ) { request . addMarker ( String . format ( "%s-timeout-giveup [timeout=%s]" , logPrefix , oldTimeout ) ) ; throw e ; } request . addMarker ( String . format ( "%s-retry [timeout=%s]" , logPrefix , oldTimeout ) ) ; }
Gets and removes the head of the queue.
public static StreamEx < String > split ( CharSequence str , Pattern pattern ) { if ( str . length ( ) == 0 ) return of ( "" ) ; return of ( UnknownSizeSpliterator . optimize ( pattern . splitAsStream ( str ) ) ) ; }
"Assumes" that the specified list of currency codes are supported in this JVM
public String [ ] headers ( final String name ) { final Map < String , List < String > > headers = headers ( ) ; if ( headers == null || headers . isEmpty ( ) ) return EMPTY_STRINGS ; final List < String > values = headers . get ( name ) ; if ( values != null && ! values . isEmpty ( ) ) return values . toArray ( new String [ values . size ( ) ] ) ; else return EMPTY_STRINGS ; }
Add a vetoable change listener to this bean
@ Override public int hashCode ( ) { int result ; long temp ; temp = Double . doubleToLongBits ( this . x1 ) ; result = ( int ) ( temp ^ ( temp > > > 32 ) ) ; temp = Double . doubleToLongBits ( this . x2 ) ; result = 29 * result + ( int ) ( temp ^ ( temp > > > 32 ) ) ; temp = Double . doubleToLongBits ( this . y1 ) ; result = 29 * result + ( int ) ( temp ^ ( temp > > > 32 ) ) ; temp = Double . doubleToLongBits ( this . y2 ) ; result = 29 * result + ( int ) ( temp ^ ( temp > > > 32 ) ) ; return result ; }
Deletes the VM that is present on an endpoint and represented by the passed in ID.
public static void ensureEquivalent ( final Message m1 , final ActiveMQMessage m2 ) throws JMSException { ProxyAssertSupport . assertTrue ( m1 != m2 ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSTimestamp ( ) , m2 . getJMSTimestamp ( ) ) ; byte [ ] corrIDBytes = null ; String corrIDString = null ; try { corrIDBytes = m1 . getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes ( ) ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { corrIDString = m1 . getJMSCorrelationID ( ) ; } if ( corrIDBytes != null ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertTrue ( Arrays . equals ( corrIDBytes , m2 . getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes ( ) ) ) ; } else if ( corrIDString != null ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( corrIDString , m2 . getJMSCorrelationID ( ) ) ; } else { try { byte [ ] corrID2 = m2 . getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes ( ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertNull ( corrID2 ) ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { String corrID2 = m2 . getJMSCorrelationID ( ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertNull ( corrID2 ) ; } } ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSReplyTo ( ) , m2 . getJMSReplyTo ( ) ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSDestination ( ) , m2 . getJMSDestination ( ) ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSDeliveryMode ( ) , m2 . getJMSDeliveryMode ( ) ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSType ( ) , m2 . getJMSType ( ) ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSExpiration ( ) , m2 . getJMSExpiration ( ) ) ; ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1 . getJMSPriority ( ) , m2 . getJMSPriority ( ) ) ; int m1PropertyCount = 0 , m2PropertyCount = 0 ; for ( Enumeration < String > p = m1 . getPropertyNames ( ) ; p . hasMoreElements ( ) ; ) { String name = p . nextElement ( ) ; if ( ! name . startsWith ( "JMSX" ) ) { m1PropertyCount ++ ; } } for ( Enumeration p = m2 . getPropertyNames ( ) ; p . hasMoreElements ( ) ; ) { String name = ( String ) p . nextElement ( ) ; if ( ! name . startsWith ( "JMSX" ) ) { m2PropertyCount ++ ; } } ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( m1PropertyCount , m2PropertyCount ) ; for ( Enumeration props = m1 . getPropertyNames ( ) ; props . hasMoreElements ( ) ; ) { boolean found = false ; String name = ( String ) props . nextElement ( ) ; if ( name . startsWith ( "JMSX" ) ) { continue ; } boolean booleanProperty = false ; try { booleanProperty = m1 . getBooleanProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( booleanProperty , m2 . getBooleanProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } byte byteProperty = 0 ; try { byteProperty = m1 . getByteProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( byteProperty , m2 . getByteProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } short shortProperty = 0 ; try { shortProperty = m1 . getShortProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( shortProperty , m2 . getShortProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } int intProperty = 0 ; try { intProperty = m1 . getIntProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( intProperty , m2 . getIntProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } long longProperty = 0 ; try { longProperty = m1 . getLongProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( longProperty , m2 . getLongProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } float floatProperty = 0 ; try { floatProperty = m1 . getFloatProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertTrue ( floatProperty == m2 . getFloatProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } double doubleProperty = 0 ; try { doubleProperty = m1 . getDoubleProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertTrue ( doubleProperty == m2 . getDoubleProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } String stringProperty = null ; try { stringProperty = m1 . getStringProperty ( name ) ; found = true ; } catch ( JMSException e ) { } if ( found ) { ProxyAssertSupport . assertEquals ( stringProperty , m2 . getStringProperty ( name ) ) ; continue ; } ProxyAssertSupport . fail ( "Cannot identify property " + name ) ; } }
returns true if almost one class is configured, false otherwise.
public Object eval ( CallStack callstack , Interpreter interpreter ) throws EvalError { try { NameSpace namespace = callstack . top ( ) ; BSHType typeNode = getTypeNode ( ) ; Class type = typeNode . getType ( callstack , interpreter ) ; BSHVariableDeclarator [ ] bvda = getDeclarators ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < bvda . length ; i ++ ) { BSHVariableDeclarator dec = bvda [ i ] ; Object value = dec . eval ( typeNode , callstack , interpreter ) ; try { namespace . setTypedVariable ( dec . name , type , value , modifiers ) ; } catch ( UtilEvalError e ) { throw e . toEvalError ( this , callstack ) ; } } } catch ( EvalError e ) { e . reThrow ( "Typed variable declaration" ) ; } return Primitive . VOID ; }
Delete a mirror operation.
private void finishItemListItem ( StringBuilder result ) { result . append ( "</div><div class=\"justchildren\"></div></div>" ) ; }
Sort the container plans based on the container Ids
public static int launchFileWindows ( String path ) throws IOException { try { return SystemUtils . openFile ( path ) ; } catch ( IOException iox ) { throw new LaunchException ( iox , path ) ; } }
Calculates a hash code value for the object. Objects which are equal will also have the same hashcode.
private void buildBackwardsStateTable ( Vector < String > tempRuleList ) { tempStateTable = new Vector < > ( ) ; tempStateTable . addElement ( new short [ numCategories + 1 ] ) ; tempStateTable . addElement ( new short [ numCategories + 1 ] ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < tempRuleList . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { String rule = tempRuleList . elementAt ( i ) ; if ( rule . charAt ( 0 ) == '!' ) { parseRule ( rule . substring ( 1 ) , false ) ; } } backfillLoopingStates ( ) ; int backTableOffset = tempStateTable . size ( ) ; if ( backTableOffset > 2 ) { ++ backTableOffset ; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < numCategories + 1 ; i ++ ) tempStateTable . addElement ( new short [ numCategories + 1 ] ) ; short [ ] state = tempStateTable . elementAt ( backTableOffset - 1 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < numCategories ; i ++ ) state [ i ] = ( short ) ( i + backTableOffset ) ; int numRows = stateTable . length / numCategories ; for ( int column = 0 ; column < numCategories ; column ++ ) { for ( int row = 0 ; row < numRows ; row ++ ) { int nextRow = lookupState ( row , column ) ; if ( nextRow != 0 ) { for ( int nextColumn = 0 ; nextColumn < numCategories ; nextColumn ++ ) { int cellValue = lookupState ( nextRow , nextColumn ) ; if ( cellValue != 0 ) { state = tempStateTable . elementAt ( nextColumn + backTableOffset ) ; state [ column ] = ( short ) ( column + backTableOffset ) ; } } } } } if ( backTableOffset > 1 ) { state = tempStateTable . elementAt ( 1 ) ; for ( int i = backTableOffset - 1 ; i < tempStateTable . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { short [ ] state2 = tempStateTable . elementAt ( i ) ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < numCategories ; j ++ ) { if ( state [ j ] != 0 && state2 [ j ] != 0 ) { state2 [ j ] = state [ j ] ; } } } state = tempStateTable . elementAt ( backTableOffset - 1 ) ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < backTableOffset - 1 ; i ++ ) { short [ ] state2 = tempStateTable . elementAt ( i ) ; if ( ( state2 [ numCategories ] & END_STATE_FLAG ) == 0 ) { for ( int j = 0 ; j < numCategories ; j ++ ) { if ( state2 [ j ] == 0 ) { state2 [ j ] = state [ j ] ; } } } } } finishBuildingStateTable ( false ) ; }
Adds a footer view.
private void profilesCB ( ) { Profile profile ; String host ; profile = ( Profile ) profilesComboBox . getSelectedItem ( ) ; if ( profile != null ) { host = profile . getHost ( ) ; serverField . setText ( host ) ; serverPortField . setText ( String . valueOf ( profile . getPort ( ) ) ) ; usernameField . setText ( profile . getUser ( ) ) ; passwordField . setText ( profile . getPassword ( ) ) ; } else { serverPortField . setText ( String . valueOf ( Profile . DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT ) ) ; usernameField . setText ( "" ) ; passwordField . setText ( "" ) ; } }
Gets the minimum Y ordinate.
public InfoflowResults runInfoflow ( ) { return runInfoflow ( null ) ; }
Closes this stream. The source stream is closed and any resources associated with it are released.
private static String createTooltip ( String columnName , String type , String roleName ) { StringBuilder tipBuilder = new StringBuilder ( ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "<html><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>" ) ; tipBuilder . append ( I18N . getGUILabel ( "io.dataimport.step.data_column_configuration.tooltip_name" ) ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "</strong><td><td>" ) ; tipBuilder . append ( columnName ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "<td></tr><tr><td><strong>" ) ; tipBuilder . append ( I18N . getGUILabel ( "io.dataimport.step.data_column_configuration.tooltip_type" ) ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "</strong><td><td>" ) ; tipBuilder . append ( type ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "<td></tr>" ) ; if ( roleName != null ) { tipBuilder . append ( "<tr><td><strong>" ) ; tipBuilder . append ( I18N . getGUILabel ( "io.dataimport.step.data_column_configuration.tooltip_role" ) ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "</strong><td><td>" ) ; tipBuilder . append ( roleName ) ; tipBuilder . append ( "<td></tr>" ) ; } tipBuilder . append ( "</tbody></table></html>" ) ; return tipBuilder . toString ( ) ; }
Concatenates a transaltion matrix with translations (dx, dy) to the current matrix.
public void testCase8 ( ) { byte aBytes [ ] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 } ; int aSign = 1 ; byte rBytes [ ] = { 0 } ; BigInteger aNumber = new BigInteger ( aSign , aBytes ) ; BigInteger bNumber = BigInteger . ZERO ; BigInteger result = aNumber . multiply ( bNumber ) ; byte resBytes [ ] = new byte [ rBytes . length ] ; resBytes = result . toByteArray ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < resBytes . length ; i ++ ) { assertTrue ( resBytes [ i ] == rBytes [ i ] ) ; } assertEquals ( "incorrect sign" , 0 , result . signum ( ) ) ; }
Creates a shadow for the bar.
@ Override public boolean equals ( Object obj ) { if ( obj == this ) { return true ; } if ( ! ( obj instanceof DefaultIntervalCategoryDataset ) ) { return false ; } DefaultIntervalCategoryDataset that = ( DefaultIntervalCategoryDataset ) obj ; if ( ! Arrays . equals ( this . seriesKeys , that . seriesKeys ) ) { return false ; } if ( ! Arrays . equals ( this . categoryKeys , that . categoryKeys ) ) { return false ; } if ( ! equal ( this . startData , that . startData ) ) { return false ; } if ( ! equal ( this . endData , that . endData ) ) { return false ; } return true ; }
Removes last entry; returns its snapshot. Specialized variant of doRemove.
public static String cutSuffix ( String string , String suffix ) { if ( string . endsWith ( suffix ) ) { string = string . substring ( 0 , string . length ( ) - suffix . length ( ) ) ; } return string ; }
Inner method which handles the device class names request.
@ Override public void putAll ( Map < ? extends K , ? extends V > m ) { tryPresize ( m . size ( ) ) ; for ( Map . Entry < ? extends K , ? extends V > e : m . entrySet ( ) ) putVal ( e . getKey ( ) , e . getValue ( ) , false ) ; }
Removes the given entitlement from this user
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { try { int serverPort = Integer . parseInt ( System . getProperty ( "net.floodlightcontroller.packetstreamer.port" , "9090" ) ) ; TTransport transport ; transport = new TFramedTransport ( new TSocket ( "localhost" , serverPort ) ) ; transport . open ( ) ; TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol ( transport ) ; PacketStreamer . Client client = new PacketStreamer . Client ( protocol ) ; sendPackets ( client , ( short ) 2 , OFMessageType . PACKET_IN , true ) ; log . debug ( "Terminate session1" ) ; client . terminateSession ( "session1" ) ; transport . close ( ) ; } catch ( TException x ) { x . printStackTrace ( ) ; } }
Populates the fields with current values.
public DataMatrix merge ( DataMatrix that ) throws ScopeException { Merger merger = new Merger ( this , that ) ; return merger . merge ( true ) ; }
Asynchronously consume all messages on the given topic from the cluster.
@ SuppressWarnings ( "IfMayBeConditional" ) private Map < K , V > interceptGet ( @ Nullable Collection < ? extends K > keys , Map < K , V > map ) { if ( F . isEmpty ( keys ) ) return map ; CacheInterceptor < K , V > interceptor = cacheCfg . getInterceptor ( ) ; assert interceptor != null ; Map < K , V > res = U . newHashMap ( keys . size ( ) ) ; for ( Map . Entry < K , V > e : map . entrySet ( ) ) { V val = interceptor . onGet ( e . getKey ( ) , e . getValue ( ) ) ; if ( val != null ) res . put ( e . getKey ( ) , val ) ; } if ( map . size ( ) != keys . size ( ) ) { for ( K key : keys ) { if ( key != null ) { if ( ! map . containsKey ( key ) ) { V val = interceptor . onGet ( key , null ) ; if ( val != null ) res . put ( key , val ) ; } } } } return res ; }
Puts a key/value pair into the array, optimizing for the case where the key is greater than all existing keys in the array.
static int [ ] findNanpPhoneNumbers ( CharSequence text ) { ArrayList < Integer > list = new ArrayList < Integer > ( ) ; int startPos = 0 ; int endPos = text . length ( ) - NANP_MIN_DIGITS + 1 ; if ( endPos < 0 ) { return new int [ ] { } ; } while ( startPos < endPos ) { while ( Character . isWhitespace ( text . charAt ( startPos ) ) && startPos < endPos ) { startPos ++ ; } if ( startPos == endPos ) { break ; } int matchEnd = findNanpMatchEnd ( text , startPos ) ; if ( matchEnd > startPos ) { list . add ( startPos ) ; list . add ( matchEnd ) ; startPos = matchEnd ; } else { while ( ! Character . isWhitespace ( text . charAt ( startPos ) ) && startPos < endPos ) { startPos ++ ; } } } int [ ] result = new int [ list . size ( ) ] ; for ( int i = list . size ( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { result [ i ] = list . get ( i ) ; } return result ; }
Handles a mouse pressed event by recording the initial mouse pointer location.
public void writeToStream ( OutputStream os , int len ) throws IOException { while ( len > 0 ) { if ( _readLength <= _readOffset ) { if ( ! readBuffer ( ) ) return ; } int sublen = Math . min ( len , _readLength - _readOffset ) ; os . write ( _readBuffer , _readOffset , sublen ) ; _readOffset += sublen ; len -= sublen ; } }
Execute all added shutdown hooks on this thread. They are removed from the JVM.
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { Log . printLine ( "Starting CloudSimExample6..." ) ; try { int num_user = 1 ; Calendar calendar = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ; boolean trace_flag = false ; CloudSim . init ( num_user , calendar , trace_flag ) ; @ SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter ( "Datacenter_0" ) ; @ SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) Datacenter datacenter1 = createDatacenter ( "Datacenter_1" ) ; DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker ( ) ; int brokerId = broker . getId ( ) ; vmlist = createVM ( brokerId , 20 ) ; cloudletList = createCloudlet ( brokerId , 40 ) ; broker . submitVmList ( vmlist ) ; broker . submitCloudletList ( cloudletList ) ; CloudSim . startSimulation ( ) ; List < Cloudlet > newList = broker . getCloudletReceivedList ( ) ; CloudSim . stopSimulation ( ) ; printCloudletList ( newList ) ; Log . printLine ( "CloudSimExample6 finished!" ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; Log . printLine ( "The simulation has been terminated due to an unexpected error" ) ; } }
Determine if the supplied name is a valid XML Name.
public void test_SelectLeftOuterJoin ( ) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT distinct s.snum as ssnum, c.snum as ccnum FROM " + DatabaseCreator . CUSTOMERS_TABLE + " c left outer join " + DatabaseCreator . SALESPEOPLE_TABLE + " s on s.snum=c.snum" ; ResultSet result = statement . executeQuery ( sql ) ; HashMap < Integer , Integer > value = new HashMap < Integer , Integer > ( ) ; value . put ( 1001 , 1001 ) ; value . put ( 1002 , 1002 ) ; value . put ( 1003 , 1003 ) ; value . put ( 1004 , 1004 ) ; value . put ( 1007 , 1007 ) ; while ( result . next ( ) ) { int key = result . getInt ( "ssnum" ) ; Object val = result . getObject ( "ccnum" ) ; assertTrue ( "wrong value of ssnum field" , value . containsKey ( key ) ) ; assertEquals ( "wrong value of ccnum field" , value . get ( key ) , ( Integer ) val ) ; value . remove ( key ) ; } assertTrue ( "expected rows number doesn't equal actual rows number" , value . isEmpty ( ) ) ; result . close ( ) ; }
Returns true if the value is cached.
void swapActions ( int row ) { ConditionalAction temp = _actionList . get ( row ) ; for ( int i = row ; i > _nextInOrder ; i -- ) { _actionList . set ( i , _actionList . get ( i - 1 ) ) ; } _actionList . set ( _nextInOrder , temp ) ; _nextInOrder ++ ; if ( _nextInOrder >= _actionList . size ( ) ) { _inReorderMode = false ; } _actionTableModel . fireTableDataChanged ( ) ; }
Generates a nonce (number used once).
public static List < ? extends Element > childElementList ( Element element , String childElementName ) { if ( element == null ) return null ; List < Element > elements = new LinkedList < Element > ( ) ; Node node = element . getFirstChild ( ) ; if ( node != null ) { do { if ( node . getNodeType ( ) == Node . ELEMENT_NODE && ( childElementName == null || childElementName . equals ( node . getNodeName ( ) ) ) ) { Element childElement = ( Element ) node ; elements . add ( childElement ) ; } } while ( ( node = node . getNextSibling ( ) ) != null ) ; } return elements ; }
Determine optimal nr of columns and rows for the specified number of codewords.
public void reset ( Collection < E > collection , @ Nullable DiffUtil . Callback callback ) { items . clear ( ) ; items . addAll ( collection ) ; if ( callback != null ) { updateItemsTask = new UpdateItemsTask ( ) ; updateItemsTask . execute ( callback ) ; } else { notifyDataSetChanged ( ) ; } }
Writes a string to a file.
private CustomInternalN4JSParser collectFollowElements ( TokenSource tokens , boolean strict , Set < FollowElement > result ) { CustomInternalN4JSParser parser = createParser ( ) ; parser . setStrict ( strict ) ; try { ObservableXtextTokenStream tokenStream = new ObservableXtextTokenStream ( tokens , parser ) ; result . addAll ( doGetFollowElements ( parser , tokenStream ) ) ; } catch ( InfiniteRecursion infinite ) { result . addAll ( parser . getFollowElements ( ) ) ; } return parser ; }
Writes the tags from this ExifInterface object into a jpeg file, removing prior exif tags.
public DSubjectAlternativeName ( JDialog parent ) { super ( parent ) ; setTitle ( res . getString ( "DSubjectAlternativeName.Title" ) ) ; initComponents ( ) ; }
Transforms the list of expressions, and checks that all transformed expressions have the given type.
private String nextHost ( ) { currentHost ++ ; if ( currentHost == hostsArray . length ) { currentHost = 0 ; } return hostsArray [ currentHost ] ; }
Calculates the signed mutual information for the pair i, j and sets it in the corresponding place of the m_miMatrix.