private boolean isApplicable ( RepositoryResource resource ) { if ( resource instanceof ApplicableToProduct ) { if ( ( ( ApplicableToProduct ) resource ) . getAppliesTo ( ) == null ) { return true ; } } return ( ( RepositoryResourceImpl ) resource ) . doesResourceMatch ( productDefinitions , null ) ; }
Return whether the given resource is applicable to the current product definitions .
public Collection < ApplicableToProduct > getNonApplicableResourcesForName ( String resourceName ) { List < ApplicableToProduct > result = nameToNonApplicableResources . get ( resourceName ) ; if ( result == null ) { cacheFeaturesForName ( resourceName ) ; result = nameToNonApplicableResources . get ( resourceName ) ; } if ( result == null ) { return Collections . emptySet ( ) ; } return Collections . unmodifiableList ( result ) ; }
Return all features and samples in the repository with the given name which don t apply to the installed products
protected void close ( boolean closeWrapperOnly ) throws SQLException { TraceComponent tc = getTracer ( ) ; final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) ; if ( isTraceOn && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . entry ( this , tc , "close" ) ; if ( state == State . CLOSED ) { if ( isTraceOn && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . exit ( this , tc , "close" , "Already closed" ) ; return ; } state = State . CLOSED ; if ( isTraceOn && tc . isEventEnabled ( ) ) Tr . event ( this , tc , "state + state . name ( ) ) ; closeChildWrappers ( ) ; SQLException sqlX = freeResourcesOnClose ? closeResources ( ) : null ; SQLException sqlX2 = closeWrapper ( closeWrapperOnly ) ; sqlX = sqlX == null ? sqlX2 : sqlX ; childWrappers = null ; ifcToDynamicWrapper . clear ( ) ; dynamicWrapperToImpl . clear ( ) ; if ( sqlX != null ) { if ( isTraceOn && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . exit ( this , tc , "close" , sqlX ) ; throw sqlX ; } if ( isTraceOn && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . exit ( this , tc , "close" ) ; }
Default close method for all JDBC wrappers accessible to users . This method closes all child wrappers and invokes the closeWrapper method implemented by the wrapper subclass . If the wrapper is already closed a message stating the wrapper has already been closed is logged to the trace .
final void closeChildWrappers ( ) { TraceComponent tc = getTracer ( ) ; final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) ; if ( childWrappers != null && ! childWrappers . isEmpty ( ) ) { if ( isTraceOn && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) Tr . debug ( this , tc , "Closing child wrappers" ) ; WSJdbcObject wrapper = null ; for ( int i = childWrappers . size ( ) ; i > 0 ; ) try { wrapper = ( WSJdbcObject ) childWrappers . get ( -- i ) ; wrapper . close ( ) ; } catch ( SQLException closeX ) { FFDCFilter . processException ( closeX , "" , "554" , this ) ; } catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobX ) { if ( isTraceOn && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( this , tc , "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is caught during closeChildWrappers() of the WSJdbcObject" ) ; Tr . debug ( this , tc , "Possible causes:" ) ; Tr . debug ( this , tc , "multithreaded access of JDBC objects by the Application" ) ; Tr . debug ( this , tc , "Application is closing JDBC objects in a finalize()" ) ; Tr . debug ( this , tc , "Exception is: " , ioobX ) ; } throw ioobX ; } } if ( childWrapper != null ) try { if ( isTraceOn && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) Tr . debug ( this , tc , "Closing child wrapper" ) ; childWrapper . close ( ) ; } catch ( SQLException closeX ) { FFDCFilter . processException ( closeX , "" , "573" , this ) ; } }
Close all child objects of this wrapper . Errors that occur while closing child objects should not be thrown . Errors may be logged instead .
final void init ( WSJdbcObject parent ) { if ( parent != null ) { parentWrapper = parent ; dsConfig = parent . dsConfig ; freeResourcesOnClose = parent . freeResourcesOnClose ; } if ( freeResourcesOnClose ) { arrays = new LinkedList < Array > ( ) ; blobs = new LinkedList < Blob > ( ) ; clobs = new LinkedList < Clob > ( ) ; resources = new LinkedList < Closeable > ( ) ; xmls = new LinkedList < SQLXML > ( ) ; } }
Initialize the parent wrapper field and copy some fields from the parent wrapper .
protected void introspectAll ( FFDCLogger info ) { info . append ( this . toString ( ) ) ; introspectWrapperSpecificInfo ( info ) ; info . append ( "Wrapper State: " , state . name ( ) ) ; info . append ( "Parent wrapper:" , parentWrapper ) ; info . append ( "Child wrapper:" ) ; info . indent ( childWrapper ) ; if ( childWrappers != null ) { try { info . append ( "# of Child Wrappers " + childWrappers . size ( ) ) ; info . append ( "Child wrappers:" ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < childWrappers . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { info . indent ( childWrappers . get ( i ) ) ; } } catch ( Throwable th ) { } } info . eoln ( ) ; }
Collects generic FFDC information applicable to all JDBC wrappers . Formats this information to the provided FFDC logger . FFDC information for all child wrappers should be included in the result .
private void gatherMetatypeFilesAndStats ( ) throws IOException , JAXBException { for ( File bundle : directory . listFiles ( ) ) { if ( bundle . isFile ( ) ) { analyzeBundle ( bundle ) ; } } }
Iterates through and gathers the projects to validate along with scanning all the other projects to gather their information for validating the projects .
static long getFreeSpace ( final File fileInFs ) { try { long result = ( long ) getInstance ( ) . doPrivileged ( new PrivilegedAction < Long > ( ) { public Long run ( ) { return fileInFs . getFreeSpace ( ) ; } } ) ; return result ; } catch ( SecurityException se ) { return - 1 ; } }
Returns free space on a file system containing the passed in file
static Timer createTimer ( ) { try { return getInstance ( ) . doPrivileged ( new PrivilegedAction < Timer > ( ) { public Timer run ( ) { return new Timer ( true ) ; } } ) ; } catch ( SecurityException se ) { return null ; } }
creates a new nameless non - daemon Timer
public < T > Object getBeanKey ( Contextual < T > bean ) { if ( passivationCapable ) { return ( ( PassivationCapable ) bean ) . getId ( ) ; } return bean ; }
If the context is a passivating scope then we return the passivationId of the Bean . Otherwise we use the Bean directly .
public Contextual < ? > getBean ( Object beanKey ) { if ( passivationCapable ) { return beanManager . getPassivationCapableBean ( ( String ) beanKey ) ; } else { return ( Contextual < ? > ) beanKey ; } }
Restores the Bean from its beanKey .
public ManagedService addingService ( ServiceReference < ManagedService > reference ) { String [ ] pids = getServicePid ( reference ) ; if ( pids == null ) { if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "handleRegistration(): Invalid type: " + reference ) ; } return null ; } ManagedService ms = context . getService ( reference ) ; if ( ms == null ) return null ; synchronized ( caFactory . getConfigurationStore ( ) ) { for ( String pid : pids ) { add ( reference , pid , ms ) ; } } return ms ; }
Processes registered ManagedService and updates each with their own configuration properties .
private LogRecord createLogRecord ( Level level , String msg , Object [ ] params , String sourceClassName , String sourceMethodName , String resourceBundleName , Throwable thrown ) { ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null ; if ( level . intValue ( ) >= this . ivMinimumLocalizationLevelIntValue ) { if ( null == this . ivCachedResourceBundle ) { this . ivCachedResourceBundle = super . getResourceBundle ( ) ; this . ivCachedResourceBundleName = super . getResourceBundleName ( ) ; } if ( resourceBundleName == null ) { resourceBundleName = computeResourceBundleName ( ) ; } if ( resourceBundleName != null ) { if ( resourceBundleName . equals ( this . ivCachedResourceBundleName ) ) { resourceBundle = this . ivCachedResourceBundle ; } else { resourceBundle = getResourceBundle ( resourceBundleName ) ; } } if ( null == resourceBundle && null != sourceClassName ) { try { Class < ? > source = Class . forName ( sourceClassName ) ; resourceBundle = ResourceBundle . getBundle ( resourceBundleName , Locale . getDefault ( ) , source . getClassLoader ( ) ) ; } catch ( Throwable t ) { } } } return createWsLogRecord ( level , msg , params , sourceClassName , sourceMethodName , resourceBundleName , resourceBundle , thrown ) ; }
Creates a LogRecord using any available input parameters from the various Logger methods .
private WsLogRecord createWsLogRecord ( Level level , String msg , Object [ ] params , String sourceClassName , String sourceMethodName , String resourceBundleName , ResourceBundle resourceBundle , Throwable thrown ) { WsLogRecord logRecord = new WsLogRecord ( level , msg ) ; if ( params != null ) { logRecord . setParameters ( params ) ; if ( ( params . length > 0 && params [ 0 ] != null ) && byte . class . equals ( params [ 0 ] . getClass ( ) . getComponentType ( ) ) ) logRecord . setRawData ( ( byte [ ] ) params [ 0 ] ) ; } if ( sourceClassName != null ) { logRecord . setSourceClassName ( sourceClassName ) ; } if ( sourceMethodName != null ) { logRecord . setSourceMethodName ( sourceMethodName ) ; } if ( resourceBundleName != null ) { logRecord . setResourceBundleName ( resourceBundleName ) ; } if ( resourceBundle != null ) { logRecord . setResourceBundle ( resourceBundle ) ; } if ( thrown != null ) { logRecord . setThrown ( thrown ) ; } if ( getName ( ) != null ) { logRecord . setLoggerName ( getName ( ) ) ; } if ( getOrganization ( ) != null ) { logRecord . setOrganization ( getOrganization ( ) ) ; } if ( getProduct ( ) != null ) { logRecord . setProduct ( getProduct ( ) ) ; } if ( getComponent ( ) != null ) { logRecord . setComponent ( getComponent ( ) ) ; } LogRecordContext . getExtensions ( logRecord . getExtensions ( ) ) ; logRecord . setTraceClass ( ivTC . getTraceClass ( ) ) ; return logRecord ; }
Construct a WsLogRecord with the given level and message values .
private String computeResourceBundleName ( ) { Logger logger = this ; while ( logger != null ) { String name = logger . getResourceBundleName ( ) ; if ( name != null ) { return name ; } logger = logger . getParent ( ) ; } return null ; }
Worker method to determine the resource bundle name to use for logger . If set this is just the resource bundle name of this logger . If not set move up through the list of parents and find the first non - null resource bundle name .
private void introspectViaReflection ( ) { { Class < ? > memberClass = _member . getClass ( ) ; if ( memberClass . isArray ( ) ) { int length = Array . getLength ( _member ) ; Class < ? > componentType = memberClass . getComponentType ( ) ; if ( componentType . isPrimitive ( ) ) { addNewChild ( componentType + "[0.." + ( length - 1 ) + "]" , _member ) ; } else { String simpleName = componentType . getSimpleName ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length && i < MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH ; i ++ ) { Object value = Array . get ( _member , i ) ; addNewChild ( simpleName + "[" + i + "]" , value ) ; } if ( length > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH ) { addNewChild ( simpleName + "[...]" , "/* array length = " + length + " */" ) ; } } } else { Class < ? > currentClass = _member . getClass ( ) ; while ( currentClass != Object . class ) { Field [ ] fields = getFields ( currentClass ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < fields . length && i < MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH ; i ++ ) { final Field field = fields [ i ] ; Object value = getFieldValue ( field ) ; addNewChild ( field . getName ( ) , value ) ; } if ( fields . length > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH ) { addNewChild ( "field..." , "/* total # of fields = " + fields . length + " */" ) ; } currentClass = currentClass . getSuperclass ( ) ; } } } }
Introspect the object via reflection
private void addNewChild ( String name , Object value ) { IntrospectionLevelMember prospectiveMember = new IntrospectionLevelMember ( _level + 1 , name , makeDescription ( value ) , makeMember ( value ) , _allKnownMembersInThisTree ) ; if ( makeMember ( value ) != null ) { if ( _allKnownMembersInThisTree . contains ( prospectiveMember ) ) { prospectiveMember = new IntrospectionLevelMember ( _level + 1 , name , makeDescription ( value ) , null , _allKnownMembersInThisTree ) ; } else { _allKnownMembersInThisTree . add ( prospectiveMember ) ; } } _children . add ( prospectiveMember ) ; }
Add a new IntrospectionLevelMember to _children List ( Checking to see if the new child should be introspected further
private Object getFieldValue ( final Field field ) { Object field_value = AccessController . doPrivileged ( new PrivilegedAction < Object > ( ) { public Object run ( ) { try { Object value = field . get ( _member ) ; boolean sensitive = _member . getClass ( ) . isAnnotationPresent ( Sensitive . class ) || field . isAnnotationPresent ( Sensitive . class ) ; if ( value != null && sensitive ) { value = DataFormatHelper . sensitiveToString ( value ) ; } return value ; } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { return "/* Could not access " + field . getName ( ) + " */" ; } } } ) ; return field_value ; }
Return the value of the member s field
private Field [ ] getFields ( final Class < ? > currentClass ) { final Field [ ] objectFields = AccessController . doPrivileged ( new PrivilegedAction < Field [ ] > ( ) { public Field [ ] run ( ) { try { Field [ ] tempObjectFields = currentClass . getDeclaredFields ( ) ; if ( tempObjectFields . length != 0 ) { AccessibleObject . setAccessible ( tempObjectFields , true ) ; } return tempObjectFields ; } catch ( Throwable t ) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ( ) ; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter ( sw ) ; t . printStackTrace ( pw ) ; addNewChild ( "Failed to resolve fields for " + currentClass . getName ( ) , sw . toString ( ) ) ; } return new Field [ 0 ] ; } } ) ; return objectFields ; }
Return the fields in a particular class
private String makeDescription ( Object value ) { String answer ; if ( value == null ) { answer = "null" ; } else if ( value instanceof String ) { answer = "\"" + value + "\"" ; } else { Class < ? > objClass = value . getClass ( ) ; if ( ( objClass == Boolean . class ) || ( objClass == Character . class ) || ( objClass == Byte . class ) || ( objClass == Short . class ) || ( objClass == Integer . class ) || ( objClass == Long . class ) || ( objClass == Float . class ) || ( objClass == Double . class ) ) { answer = value . toString ( ) ; } else if ( objClass . isArray ( ) ) { if ( objClass . getComponentType ( ) . isPrimitive ( ) ) { answer = convertSimpleArrayToString ( value ) ; } else { answer = objClass . getComponentType ( ) + "[" + Array . getLength ( value ) + "]" ; } } else { answer = value . getClass ( ) . toString ( ) + "@" + Integer . toHexString ( System . identityHashCode ( value ) ) ; } } return answer ; }
Make a string that describes this object
public void print ( IncidentStream is , int maxDepth ) { StringBuffer fullName = new StringBuffer ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < _level ; i ++ ) fullName . append ( " " ) ; fullName . append ( _name ) ; is . writeLine ( fullName . toString ( ) , _description ) ; if ( _level < maxDepth ) { List < IntrospectionLevelMember > children = getChildren ( ) ; for ( IntrospectionLevelMember ilm : children ) { ilm . print ( is , maxDepth ) ; } } }
Print this IntrospectionLevelMember to an incident stream
public static RecoveryDirector recoveryDirector ( ) throws InternalLogException { if ( tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . entry ( tc , "recoveryDirector" ) ; if ( _recoveryDirector == null ) { final InternalLogException ile = new InternalLogException ( ) ; if ( tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . exit ( tc , "recoveryDirector" , ile ) ; throw ile ; } if ( tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . exit ( tc , "recoveryDirector" , _recoveryDirector ) ; return _recoveryDirector ; }
Returns the singleton instance of the RecoveryDirector class . This method uses reflection rather then a direct reference to the underlying class to avoid a cyclic build dependency .
public static RecoveryDirector createRecoveryDirector ( ) { if ( tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . entry ( tc , "createRecoveryDirector" ) ; _recoveryDirector = LibertyRecoveryDirectorImpl . instance ( ) ; if ( tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) Tr . exit ( tc , "createRecoveryDirector" , _recoveryDirector ) ; return _recoveryDirector ; }
Create a RecoveryDirector singleton