95 percent of that school funding can’t even be spent until 2022 and this bill actually will delay school reopening
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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Statements and Releases Today, President Biden announced the American Families Plan, an investment in our kids, our families, and our economic future.In March, the President signed into law the American Rescue Plan, which continues to provide immediate relief to American families and communities. Approximately 161 million payments of up to $1,400 per person have gone out to households, schools are reopening, and 100 percent of Americans ages 16 and older are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. The Rescue Plan is projected to lift more than five million children out of poverty this year, cutting child poverty by more than half. While too many Americans are still out of work, we are seeing encouraging signs in the labor market, as businesses begin to rehire and some of the hardest hit sectors begin to reopen.But the President knows that we need to do more. It is not enough to restore where we were prior to the pandemic. We need to build a stronger economy that does not leave anyone behind – we need to build back better. President Biden knows a strong middle class is the backbone of America. He knows it should be easier for American families to break into the middle class, and easier to stay in the middle class. He knows that we need to continue to enable those who dropped out of the workforce – particularly the approximately two million women who left due to COVID – to rejoin and stay in the workforce. And, he knows that, unlike in past decades, policies to make life easier for American families must focus on bringing everyone along: inclusive of gender, race, or place of residence – urban, suburban, or rural.The American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan are once-in-a- generation investments in our nation’s future. The American Jobs Plan will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s physical infrastructure and workforce, and spark innovation and manufacturing here at home. The American Families Plan is an investment in our children and our families—helping families cover the basic expenses that so many struggle with now, lowering health insurance premiums, and continuing the American Rescue Plan’s historic reductions in child poverty. Together, these plans reinvest in the future of the American economy and American workers, and will help us out- compete China and other countries around the world.To grow the middle class, expand the benefits of economic growth to all Americans, and leave the United States more competitive, President Biden’s American Families Plan will: * Add at least four years of free education. Investing in education is a down payment on the future of America. As access to high school became more widely available at the turn of the 20th Century, it made us the best-educated and best-prepared nation in the world. But everyone knows that 13 years is not enough today. The American Families Plan will make transformational investments from early childhood to postsecondary education so that all children and young people are able to grow, learn, and gain the skills they need to succeed. It will provide universal, high quality preschool to all three- and four- year-olds. It will provide Americans two years of free community college. It will invest in making college more affordable for low- and middle-income students, including students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and institutions such as Hispanic-serving institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institutions, and other minority-serving institutions (MSIs). And, it will invest in our teachers as well as our students, improving teacher training and support so that our schools become engines of growth at every level. * _Provide direct support to children and families._ Our nation is strongest when everyone has the opportunity to join the workforce and contribute to the economy. But many workers struggle to both hold a full-time job and care for themselves and their families. The American Families Plan will provide direct support to families to ensure that low- and middle-income families spend no more than seven percent of their income on child care, and that the child care they access is of high-quality. It will also provide direct support to workers and families by creating a national comprehensive paid family and medical leave program that will bring America in line with competitor nations that offer paid leave programs. The program will allow people to manage their health and the health of their families. And, it will provide critical nutrition assistance to families who need it most and expand access to healthy meals to our nation’s students – dramatically reducing childhood hunger. * _Extend tax cuts for families with children and American workers_. While the American Rescue Plan provided meaningful relief for hundreds of millions of Americans, too many families and workers feel the squeeze of too-low wages and the high costs of meeting their basic needs and their aspirations. At the same time, the wealthiest Americans continue to get further and further ahead. The American Families Plan will extend key tax cuts in the American Rescue Plan that benefit lower- and middle-income workers and families, including the Child Tax Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. In addition to making it easier for families to make ends meet, tax credits for working families have been shown to boost child academic and economic performance over time. The American Families Plan will also extend the expanded health insurance tax credits in the American Rescue Plan. These credits are providing premium relief that is lowering health insurance costs by an average of $50 per person per month for nine million people, and will enable four million uninsured people to gain coverage. Leading economic research has shown that the investments proposed in the American Families Plan will yield significant economic returns – boosting productivity and economic growth, producing a larger, more productive, and healthier workforce on a sustained basis, and generating savings to states and the federal government. Evidence shows that a dollar invested in high-quality early childhood programs for low-income children will result in up to $7.30 in benefits, including increased wages, improved health, and reduced crime. Parental paid leave has been shown to keep mothers in the workforce, increasing labor force participation and boosting economic growth. And, sustained tax credits for families with children have been found to yield a lifetime of benefits, ranging from higher educational attainment to higher lifetime earningsIn all, the American Families Plan includes $1.8 trillion in investments and tax credits for American families and children over ten years. It consists of about $1 trillion in investments and $800 billion in tax cuts for American families and workers. Alongside the American Families Plan, the President will be proposing a set of measures to make sure that the wealthiest Americans pay their share in taxes, while ensuring that no one making $400,000 per year or less will see their taxes go up. When combined with President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, this legislation will be fully paid for over 15 years, and will reduce deficits over the long term. ADD AT LEAST FOUR YEARS OF FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION, CLOSE EQUITY GAPS, AND MAKE COLLEGE MORE AFFORDABLE Early in the 20th century, the expansion of access to free public high school in the United States set a new global standard. Direct public investment in our children’s future propelled U.S. economic growth and enhanced our global competitiveness. Now, mounting evidence suggests that 13 years of school is no longer sufficient to prepare our students for success in today’s economy. Research tells us that we must invest early to support our children’s development and readiness for academic success; our transforming economy requires that we provide every student the opportunity to obtain a postsecondary degree or certificate. That is why the American Families Plan calls for an additional four years of free, public education for our nation’s children. Specifically, President Biden is calling for $200 billion for free universal pre-school for all three- and four-year-olds and $109 billion for two years of free community college so that every student has the ability to obtain a degree or certificate. In addition, he is calling for an approximately $85 billion investment in Pell Grants, which would help students seeking a certificate or a two- or four-year degree. Recognizing that access to postsecondary education is not enough, the American Families Plan includes $62 billion to invest in evidence-based strategies to strengthen completion and retention rates at community colleges and institutions that serve students from our most disadvantaged communities. This is alongside a $46 billion investment in HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs. President Biden is also calling for $9 billion to train, equip and diversify American teachers in order to ensure that our high school graduates are ready for success. These investments, combined with those laid out in the President’s American Jobs Plan, will boost earnings, expand employment opportunities, and enable the U.S. to win the 21st century._UNIVERSAL PRE-SCHOOL FOR ALL THREE- AND FOUR-YEAR-OLDS_ Preschool is critical to ensuring that children start kindergarten with the skills and supports that set them up for success in school. In fact, research shows that kids who attend universal pre-K are more likely to take honors classes and less likely to repeat a grade, and another study finds low-income children who attend universal programs do better in math and reading as late as eighth grade. Unfortunately, many children, but especially children of color and low- income children, do not have access to the full range of high-quality pre- school programs available to their more affluent peers. In addition to providing critical benefits for children, preschool has also been shown to increase labor force participation among parents – especially women — boosting family earnings and driving economic growth. By some estimates, the benefits of a universal pre-K system to U.S. GDP are more than three times greater than the investment needed to provide this service. * President Biden is calling for a national partnership with states to offer free, high-quality, accessible, and inclusive preschool to all three-and four-year-olds, benefitting five million children and saving the average family $13,000, when fully implemented. This historic $200 billion investment in America’s future will first prioritize high-need areas and enable communities and families to choose the settings that work best for them. The President’s plan will also ensure that all publicly-funded preschool is high-quality, with low student-to-teacher ratios, high-quality and developmentally appropriate curriculum, and supportive classroom environments that are inclusive for all students. The President’s plan will leverage investments in tuition-free community college and teacher scholarships to support those who wish to earn a bachelor’s degree or another credential that supports their work as an educator, or to become an early childhood educator. And, educators will receive job-embedded coaching, professional development, and wages that reflect the importance of their work. All employees in participating pre-K programs and Head Start will earn at least $15 per hour, and those with comparable qualifications will receive compensation commensurate with that of kindergarten teachers. These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history. FREE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND OTHER POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INVESTMENTSFor much of the 20th century, graduating from high school was a gateway to a stable job and a living wage. But over the last 40 years, we have seen the most growth in jobs requiring higher levels of job preparation, including education and training. Today, 70 percent of jobs are held by people with more than a high school degree. American workers need and deserve additional support to build their skills, increase their earnings, remain competitive, and share in the benefits of the new economy. President Biden’s plan will expand access to affordable postsecondary education, laying the groundwork for innovation and inclusive economic growth for all Americans. Specifically, President Biden’s plan will: * Offer two years of free community college to all Americans, including DREAMers. The current crisis has led to a steep college enrollment decline, particularly for low-income students and students of color. As of Fall 2020, high-minority and high-poverty high schools saw a 9.4 percent and 11.4 percent decline in college enrollment, respectively. But even before the pandemic, cost remained a barrier to attending and graduating from community college for many Americans. President Biden’s $109 billion plan will ensure that first-time students and workers wanting to reskill can enroll in a community college to earn a degree or credential for free. Students can use the benefit over three years and, if circumstances warrant, up to four years, recognizing that many students’ lives and other responsibilities can make full-time enrollment difficult. If all states, territories, and Tribes participate, about 5.5 million students would pay $0 in tuition and fees. * Provide up to approximately $1,400 in additional assistance to low-income students by increasing the Pell Grant award. While nearly 7 million students depend on Pell Grants, the grant has not kept up with the rising cost of college. Over the last 50 years, the value of Pell Grants has plummeted. The maximum grant went from covering nearly 80 percent of the cost of a four-year college degree to under 30 percent — leading millions of low-income students to take out debt to finance their education. One in three community college students receive Pell Grants to pay for their education. Among students of color, nearly 60 percent of Black, half of American Indian or Alaska Native, almost half of Latino, and over one-third of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students rely on Pell Grants to pay for college. The American Families Plan will increase the maximum Pell Grant award by approximately $1,400, a down payment on President Biden’s commitment to double the maximum award. The plan also allows DREAMers to access Pell Grants. * Increase college retention and completion rates. An education beyond high school can lead to higher pay, financial stability, social mobility, and better health outcomes. It also has public benefits such as a reduction in crime rates and higher civic engagement. However, far too many students enter college but do not graduate. Research shows that only approximately three out of five students finish any type of degree or certificate program within six years. To complete, students need additional support. The President is proposing a bold $62 billion grant program to invest in completion and retention activities at colleges and universities that serve high numbers of low-income students, particularly community colleges. States, territories, and Tribes will receive grants to provide funding to colleges that adopt innovative, proven solutions for student success, including wraparound services ranging from child care and mental health services to faculty and peer mentoring; emergency basic needs grants; practices that recruit and retain diverse faculty; transfer agreements between colleges; and evidence-based remediation programs. * Provide two years of subsidized tuition and expand programs in high-demand fields at HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs. Research has found that HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs are vital to helping underrepresented students move to the top of the income ladder. For example, while HBCUs are only three percent of four-year universities, their graduates make up approximately 80 percent of Black judges, half of Black lawyers and doctors, and 25 percent of Black undergraduates earning STEM degrees. Yet, these institutions have significantly less resources than other top colleges and universities, undermining their ability to grow and support more students. President Biden is calling on Congress to make a historic investment in HBCU, TCU, and MSI affordability. Specifically, he is calling for a new $39 billion program that provides two years of subsidized tuition for students from families earning less than $125,000 enrolled in a four-year HBCU, TCU, or MSI. The President is also calling for $5 billion to expand existing institutional aid grants to HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs, which can be used by these institutions to strengthen their academic, administrative, and fiscal capabilities, including by creating or expanding educational programs in high-demand fields (e.g., STEM, computer sciences, nursing, and allied health), with an additional $2 billion directed towards building a pipeline of skilled health care workers with graduate degrees. These investments, combined with the $45 billion proposed in the American Jobs Plan targeted to these institutions, will enable America’s HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs to tackle longstanding inequities in postsecondary education and make the U.S. more competitive on the global stage. _EDUCATION AND PREPARATION FOR TEACHERS_ Few people can have a bigger impact on a child’s life than a great teacher. Unfortunately, the U.S. faces a large and growing teacher shortage. Before the pandemic, schools across the nation needed an estimated additional 100,000 certified teachers, resulting in key positions going unfilled. Shortages of certified teachers disproportionately impact schools with higher percentages of students of color, which have a higher proportion of teachers that are uncertified and in their first or second year, exacerbating educational disparities. At the same time, while teachers of color can have a particularly strong impact on students of color, around one in five teachers are people of color, compared to more than half of K-12 public school students. President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $9 billion in American teachers, addressing shortages, improving training and supports for teachers, and boosting teacher diversity.These investments will improve the quality of new teachers entering the profession, increase retention rates and increase the number of teachers of color, all of which will improve student outcomes like academic achievement and high school graduation rates, resulting in higher long-term earnings, job creation and a boost to the economy. In addition, as more teachers stay in the profession, a virtuous cycle is created, wherein districts save money on recruiting and training new teachers and can invest those funds back into programs that directly impact students.Specifically, President Biden’s plan will: * Address teacher shortages, improve teacher preparation, and strengthen pipelines for teachers of color. President Biden is calling on Congress to double scholarships for future teachers from $4,000 to $8,000 per year while earning their degree, strengthening the program, and expanding it to early childhood educators. The President’s plan also invests $2.8 billion in Grow Your Own programs and year-long, paid teacher residency programs, which have a greater impact on student outcomes, teacher retention, and are more likely to enroll teacher candidates of color. His plan targets $400 million for teacher preparation at HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs and $900 million for the development of special education teachers. * Help current teachers earn in-demand credentials. Many teachers are eager to answer the call to get certified in areas their schools need, like special education, but are deterred due to the high cost of professional programs. President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $1.6 billion to provide educators with opportunities to obtain additional certifications in high-demand areas like special education, bilingual education, and certifications that improve teacher performance. This funding will support over 100,000 educators, with priority for public school teachers with at least two years of experience at schools with a significant portion of low-income students or significant teacher shortages. All funds will be available immediately, flowing through the states, and available until expended. * Invest in educator leadership. Millions of teachers – and the students they educate – would stand to benefit from greater mentorship and leadership opportunities. President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $2 billion to support programs that leverage teachers as leaders, such as high-quality mentorship programs for new teachers and teachers of color. These programs are proven tools to improve both student outcomes and teacher retention by providing new teachers with the support they need. The President’s plan will also leverage teachers as leaders of other key priorities within their school buildings, and compensate teachers for this work, recognizing the incredible expertise of our veteran educators, and their value in supporting the next generation of great teachers. PROVIDE DIRECT SUPPORT TO CHILDREN AND FAMILIESThe hope of a middle-class life has gotten further and further out of reach for too many American families, as the costs of raising children – from child care to taking paid leave time to care for a new child or when a child is ill – have grown. Middle-class families and those trying to break into the middle class increasingly feel the strain of these rising costs, while wage growth has failed to keep up. These rising costs impact our economy as a whole as well. In part due to the lack of family friendly policies, the United States has fallen behind its competitors in female labor force participation. One study found that a lack of child care options costs the United States economy $57 billion per year in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue. Another study found that lack of paid leave options cost workers $22.5 billion each year in lost wages._CHILD CARE_ The high cost of child care continues to make it hard for parents – especially women — to work outside the home and provide for their families. Difficulty in finding high-quality, affordable child care leads some parents to drop out of the labor force entirely, some to reduce their work hours, and others to turn down a promotion. When a parent drops out of the workforce, reduces hours, or takes a lower-paying job early in their careers—even temporarily—there are lifetime consequences on earnings, savings, and retirement. These costs are especially significant for mothers and people of color, exacerbating inequality and harming the economic security of their families, as 91 percent of the income gains experienced by middle-class families over the last forty years were driven by women’s earnings.High-quality early care and education lay a strong foundation so that children can take full advantage of education and training opportunities later in life. The evidence is clear: for early years, quality care is education. This especially important for children from low-income families, who too often start school without access to high-quality educational opportunities. A study by Nobel Laureate James Heckman found that every dollar invested in a high-quality, birth to five program for the most economically disadvantaged children resulted in $7.30 in benefits as children grew up healthier, were more likely to graduate high school and college, and earned more as adults.Building on the American Jobs Plan’s investments in school and child care infrastructure and workforce training, President Biden’s American Families Plan will ensure low and middle-income families pay no more than 7 percent of their income on high-quality child care for children under 5 years-old, saving the average family $14,800 per year on child care expenses, while also generating lifetime benefits for three million children, supporting hundreds of thousands of child care providers and workers, allowing roughly one million parents, primarily mothers, to enter the labor force, and significantly bolstering inclusive and equitable economic growth. Specifically, President Biden’s plan will invest $225 billion to: * Make child care affordable. Families will pay only a portion of their income based on a sliding scale. For the most hard-pressed working families, child care costs for their young children would be fully covered and families earning 1.5 times their state median income will pay no more than 7 percent of their income for all children under age five. The plan will also provide families with a range of inclusive and accessible options to choose from for their child, from child care centers to family child care providers to Early Head Start. * Invest in high-quality child care. Child care providers will receive funding to cover the true cost of quality early childhood care and education–including a developmentally appropriate curriculum, small class sizes, and culturally and linguistically responsive environments that are inclusive of children with disabilities. These investments support positive interactions that promote children’s social-emotional and cognitive development. * Invest in the child care workforce. More investment is needed to support early childhood care providers and educators, more than nine in ten of whom are women and more than four in ten of whom are women of color. They are among the most underpaid workers in the country and nearly half receive public income support programs. The typical child care worker earned $12.24 per hour in 2020—while receiving few, if any, benefits, leading to high turnover and lower quality of care. This investment will mean a $15 minimum wage for early childhood staff and ensure that those with similar qualifications as kindergarten teachers receive comparable compensation and benefits. And, it will ensure child care workers receive job-embedded coaching and professional development, along with additional training opportunities funded by the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan. These investments will lead to better quality care, while also enabling these workers to care for their own families, reducing government spending on income support programs and increasing tax revenues. _PAID LEAVE_ The United States has fallen behind our economic competitors in the number of women participating in the labor force. The pandemic has exacerbated this problem, pushing millions of people—especially women—out of the workforce, eroding more than 30 years of progress in women’s labor force participation and resulting in a $64 billion loss in wages and economic activity per year. A lack of family-friendly policies, such as paid family and medical leave for when a worker need time to care for a new child, a seriously ill family member, or recover from their own serious illness, has been identified as a key reason for the U.S. decline in competitiveness. The United States is one of the only countries in the world that doesn’t guarantee paid leave. Nearly one in four mothers return to work within two weeks of giving birth and one in five retirees left or were forced to leave the workforce earlier than planned to care for an ill family member. Further, today nearly four of five private sector workers have no access to paid leave. 95 percent of the lowest wage workers, mostly women and workers of color, lack any access to paid family leave.Paid family and medical leave supports workers and families and is a critical investment in the strength and equity of our economy. President Biden’s American Families Plan will: * Create a national comprehensive paid family and medical leave program. The program will ensure workers receive partial wage replacement to take time to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, deal with a loved one’s military deployment, find safety from sexual assault, stalking, or domestic violence, heal from their own serious illness, or take time to deal with the death of a loved one. It will guarantee twelve weeks of paid parental, family, and personal illness/safe leave by year 10 of the program, and also ensure workers get three days of bereavement leave per year starting in year one. The program will provide workers up to $4,000 a month, with a minimum of two-thirds of average weekly wages replaced, rising to 80 percent for the lowest wage workers. We estimate this program will cost $225 billion over a decade. President Biden’s paid leave plan has broad benefits for working families and the economy as a whole. Studies have shown that, under state paid leave laws, new mothers are 18 percentage points more likely to be working a year after the birth of their child. In addition, paid leave can reduce racial disparities in wage loss between workers of color and white workers, improve child health and well-being, support employers by improving employee retention and reducing turnover costs, and increase women’s labor force participation. Over 30 million workers, including 67 percent of low-wage workers, do not have access to a single paid sick day. Low-wage and part-time workers, a majority of whom are women, are less likely to have access to paid sick days. The COVID pandemic has highlighted the need for a national paid sick leave policy, to help workers and their loved ones quickly recover from short-term illness and prevent the spread of disease. Therefore, the President calls upon Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act which will require employers to allow workers to accrue seven days paid sick leave per year to seek preventative care for them or their family– such as getting a flu shot, recovering from short-term illness, or caring for a sick child or family member or a family member with disability-related needs.NUTRITIONThe pandemic has added urgency to the issue of nutrition insecurity, which disproportionately affects low-income families and families of color. No one should have to worry about whether they can provide nutritious food for themselves or their children. A poor diet jeopardizes a child’s ability to learn and succeed in school. Nutrition insecurity can also have long-lasting negative impact on overall health and put children at higher risk for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Today, one-fifth of American children are obese, and research shows that childhood obesity increases the likelihood of obesity in adulthood. In addition to the incredible financial burden on the health care system, diet-related diseases carry significant economic and national security implications by decreasing work productivity, increasing job absenteeism, and threatening military readiness _._ A recent study found that U.S. children are getting their healthiest meals at school, demonstrating that school meals are one of the federal government’s most powerful tools for delivering nutrition security to children. To ensure the nutritional needs of families are met, President Biden’s plan will invest $45 billion to: * Expand summer EBT to all eligible children nationwide. The Summer EBT Demonstrations helps low-income families with children eligible for free and reduced-price meals during the school year purchase food during the summer. Research shows that this program decreases food insecurity among children and has led to positive changes in nutritional outcomes. The American Families Plan builds on the American Rescue Plan’s support for Summer Pandemic-EBT by investing more than $25 billion to make the successful program permanent and available to all 29 million children receiving free and reduced-price meals. * Expand healthy school meals. The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) allows high-poverty schools to provide meals free of charge to all of their students. It is currently available to individual schools, groups of schools within a district, or an entire district with at least 40 percent of students participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or other means tested programs. The program is particularly important because some families whose children would be eligible for free meals may not apply for them due to stigma or not fully understanding the application process. In addition, other families in high-poverty schools may still be facing food insecurity but make just enough to not qualify for free school meals. However, only 70 percent of eligible schools have adopted CEP, because some schools would receive reimbursement below the free meal rate. The President’s plan will fund $17 billion to expand free meals for children in the highest poverty districts by reimbursing a higher percentage of meals at the free reimbursement rate through CEP. Additionally, the plan will lower the threshold for CEP eligibility for elementary schools to 25 percent of students participating in SNAP. Targeting elementary students will drive better long-term health outcomes by ensuring low-income children are receiving nutritious meals at an early age. The plan will also expand direct certification to automatically enroll more students for school meals based on Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income data. This proposal will provide free meals to an additional 9.3 million children, with about 70 percent in elementary schools. * Launch a healthy foods incentive demonstration. To build on progress made during the Obama Administration to improve the nutrition standards of school meals, this new $1 billion demonstration will support schools that are further expanding healthy food offerings. For example, schools adopting specified measures that exceed current school meal standards will receive an enhanced reimbursement as an incentive. * Facilitate re-entry for formerly incarcerated individuals through SNAP eligibility. Individuals convicted of a drug-related felony are currently ineligible to receive SNAP benefits unless a state has taken the option to eliminate or modify this restriction. Denying these individuals—many of whom are parents of young children—SNAP benefits jeopardizes nutrition security and poses a barrier to re-entry into the community in a population that already faces significant hurdles to obtaining employment and stability. SNAP is a critical safety net for many individuals as they search for employment to support themselves and their families. This restriction disproportionately impacts African Americans, who are convicted of drug offenses at much higher rates than white Americans. _UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE REFORM_ The unemployment insurance (UI) system is a critical lifeline to workers at the hardest times. During the pandemic, it saved millions from poverty and helped people put food on the table. But, the system is in desperate need of reform and strengthening. Too often Americans found themselves waiting weeks to get the benefits they deserved. Too often the benefits Americans would automatically receive would’ve been too low and would not have gone long enough absent Congress stepping in. Too often the safeguards to prevent fraud in the system have been insufficient. And it has been unemployed people of color who have borne the brunt of the UI system’s weaknesses. President Biden is committed to strengthening and reforming the system for the long term. That’s why he won $2 billion in the American Rescue Plan to put toward UI system modernization, equitable access, and fraud prevention. And, that’s why he wants to work with Congress to automatically adjust the length and amount of UI benefits unemployed workers receive depending on economic conditions. This will ensure future legislative delay doesn’t undermine economic recovery and it will enable permanent reform of the system to provide the safety net that workers deserve in the hardest times. TAX CUTS FOR AMERICA’S FAMILIES AND WORKERSWhile the American Rescue Plan provided meaningful relief for hundreds of millions of Americans, that is just a first step. Now is the time to build back better, to help families and workers who for too long have felt the squeeze of stagnating wages and an ever-increasing cost-of-living. Direct assistance to families in the form of tax credits paid on a regular basis lifts children and families out of poverty, makes it easier for families to make ends meet, and boosts the academic and economic performance of children over time. But if Congress does not act, millions of American families and workers will see their taxes go up at the end of the year. President Biden believes we must extend the American Rescue Plan’s expanded tax credits that lifted millions of children out of poverty, made it easier for families to afford child care, and ensured that low-income workers without children would not continue to be taxed into poverty.Specifically, President Biden’s plan will: * Extend expanded ACA premiums tax credits in the American Rescue Plan. Health care should be a right, not a privilege, and Americans facing illness should never have to worry about how they are going to pay for their treatment. No one should face a choice between buying life-saving medications or putting food on the table. President Biden has a plan to build on the Affordable Care Act and lower prescription drug costs for everyone by letting Medicare negotiate prices, reducing health insurance premiums and deductibles for those who buy coverage on their own, creating a public option and the option for people to enroll in Medicare at age 60, and closing the Medicaid coverage gap to help millions of Americans gain health insurance. The American Families Plan will build on the American Rescue Plan and continue our work to make health care more affordable. The American Rescue Plan included a historic investment in reducing Americans’ health care costs. The biggest improvement in health care affordability since the Affordable Care Act, the American Rescue Plan provided two years of lower health insurance premiums for those who buy coverage on their own, saving families an average of $50 per person per month. The American Families Plan will make those premium reductions permanent, a $200 billion investment. As a result, nine million people will save hundreds of dollars per year on their premiums, and four million uninsured people will gain coverage. The Families Plan will also invest in maternal health and support the families of veterans receiving health care services. * Extend the Child Tax Credit increases in the American Rescue Plan through 2025 and make the Child Tax Credit permanently fully refundable. The President is calling for the Child Tax Credit expansion, first enacted in the American Rescue Plan, to be extended. This legislation expands the Child Tax Credit from $2,000 per child to $3,000 per child for six-years old and above, and $3,600 per child for children under six. It also makes 17-year-olds eligible for the first time and makes the credit fully refundable on a permanent basis, so that low-income families—the families that need the credit the most—can benefit from the full tax credit. The expanded Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan benefited nearly 66 million children, and it was the single largest contributor to the plan’s historic reductions in child poverty.For a family with two parents earning a combined $100,000 per year and two children under six, the Child Tax Credit expansion means an additional $3,200 per year in tax relief. For a family with two parents earning a combined $24,000 per year and two children under six, the expansion means even more, with a credit increase of than $4,400 because the full credit was not previously fully available to them.The credit would also be delivered regularly. This means that families will not need to wait until tax season to receive a refund. Instead, they will receive regular payments that allow them to cover household expenses as they arise.The American Families Plan will make permanent the full refundability of the Child Tax Credit, while extending the other expansions to the Child Tax Credit through 2025—when the 2017 law’s individual provisions expire. The President is committed to working with Congress to achieve his ultimate goal of making permanent the Child Tax Credit as well as all of the expansions he signed into law in the American Rescue Plan. * Permanently increase tax credits to support families with child care needs. To help families afford child care, President Biden is calling on Congress to make permanent the temporary Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) expansion enacted in the American Rescue Plan. Families will receive a tax credit for as much as half of their spending on qualified child care for children under age 13, up to a total of $4,000 for one child or $8,000 for two or more children. A 50 percent reimbursement will be available to families making less than $125,000 a year, while families making between $125,000 and $400,000 will receive a partial credit with benefits at least as generous as those they receive today. The credit can be used for expenses ranging from full-time care to after school care to summer care.This is a dramatic expansion of support to low- and middle-income families. In 2019, a family claiming a CDCTC for the previous year got less than $600 on average towards the cost of care, and many low-income families got nothing. If Congress fails to extend the CDCTC expansion, more than 6 million families could see their taxes go up at the end of the year – many by thousands of dollars – making obtaining affordable child care more difficult. Importantly, this tax credit works in tandem with the American Families Plan’s direct investments in childcare affordability for families with young children. * Make the Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion for childless workers permanent. Before this year, the federal tax code taxed low-wage childless workers into poverty or deeper into poverty — the only group of workers it treated this way. The American Rescue Plan addressed this problem by roughly tripling the EITC for childless workers, benefitting 17 million low-wage workers, many of whom are essential workers including cashiers, cooks, delivery drivers, food preparation workers, and childcare providers. For example, a childless worker who works 30 hours per week at $9 per hour earns income that, after taxes, leaves them below the federal poverty line. By increasing her EITC to more than $1,100, this EITC expansion helps pull such workers out of poverty.The President is calling on Congress to make this expansion permanent. President Biden believes our tax code should reward work and not wealth. And that means rewarding workers who work hard every day at modest wages to provide their communities with essential services. * Give IRS the authority to regulate paid tax preparers. Tax returns prepared by certain types of preparers have high error rates. These preparers charge taxpayers large fees while exposing them to costly audits. As preparers play a crucial role in tax administration, and will be key to helping many taxpayers claim the newly-expanded credits, IRS oversight of tax preparers is needed. The President is calling on Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that will give the IRS that authority. _TAX REFORM THAT REWARDS WORK – NOT WEALTH_ The President’s tax agenda will not only reverse the biggest 2017 tax law giveaways, but reform the tax code so that the wealthy have to play by the same rules as everyone else. It will ensure that high-income Americans pay the tax they owe under the law—ending the unfair system of enforcement that collects almost all taxes due on wages, while regularly collecting a smaller share of business and capital income. The plan will also eliminate long-standing loopholes, including lower taxes on capital gains and dividends for the wealthy, that reward wealth over work. Importantly, these reforms will also rein in the ways that the tax code widens racial disparities in income and wealth. President Biden’s plan uses the resulting revenue to rebuild the middle class, investing in education and boosting wages. It will also give tax relief to middle-class families, dramatically reducing child poverty and cutting the cost of child care in half for many families. The result of the President’s individual tax reforms will be a tax code with fewer loopholes for the wealthy and more opportunity for low- and middle-income Americans.Altogether, these tax reforms focused on the highest income Americans would raise about $1.5 trillion across the decade. In combination with the American Jobs Plan, which produces long-term deficit reduction through corporate tax reform, all of the investments would be fully paid for over the next 15 years.President Biden’s plan will: * Revitalize enforcement to make the wealthy pay what they owe. We have a two-tiered system of tax administration in this country: regular workers pay the taxes they owe on wages and salaries while some wealthy taxpayers aggressively plan to avoid the tax laws. Those with the highest incomes generate income in opaque categories where misreporting rates can reach 55 percent. A recent study found that the top one percent failed to report 20 percent of their income and failed to pay over $175 billion in taxes that they owed. But today, the IRS does not even have the resources to fully investigate this evasion. As a result of budget cuts, audit rates on those making over $1 million per year fell by 80 percent between 2011-2018.The President’s proposal would change the game—by making sure the wealthiest Americans play by the same set of rules as all other Americans.It would require financial institutions to report information on account flows so that earnings from investments and business activity are subject to reporting more like wages already are.It would also increase investment in the IRS, while ensuring that the additional resources go toward enforcement against those with the highest incomes, rather than Americans with actual income less than $400,000. Additional resources would focus on large corporations, businesses, and estates, and higher-income individuals. Altogether, this plan would raise $700 billion over 10 years. * Increase the top tax rate on the wealthiest Americans to 39.6 percent. One of the 2017 tax cut’s clearest giveaways to the wealthy was cutting the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 37 percent, exclusively benefitting the wealthiest households—those in the top one percent. This rate cut alone gives a couple with $2 million in taxable an annual tax cut of more than $36,400. The President’s plan restores the top tax bracket to what it was before the 2017 law, returning the rate to 39.6 percent, applying only to those within the top one percent. * End capital income tax breaks and other loopholes for the very top. The President’s tax reform will end one of the most unfair aspects of our tax system: that the tax rate the wealthy pay on capital gains and dividends is less than the tax rate that many middle-class families pay on their wages. Households making over $1 million—the top 0.3 percent of all households—will pay the same 39.6 percent rate on all their income, equalizing the rate paid on investment returns and wages. Moreover, the President would eliminate the loophole that allows the wealthiest Americans to entirely escape tax on their wealth by passing it down to heirs. Today, our tax laws allow these accumulated gains to be passed down across generations untaxed, exacerbating inequality. The President’s plan will close this loophole, ending the practice of “stepping-up” the basis for gains in excess of $1 million ($2.5 million per couple when combined with existing real estate exemptions) and making sure the gains are taxed if the property is not donated to charity. The reform will be designed with protections so that family-owned businesses and farms will not have to pay taxes when given to heirs who continue to run the business. Without these changes, billions in capital income would continue to escape taxation entirely.The President is also calling on Congress to close the carried interest loophole so that hedge fund partners will pay ordinary income rates on their income just like every other worker. While equalizing tax rates on wages and capital gains will address this disparity, permanently eliminating carried interest is an important structural change that is necessary to ensure that we have a tax code that treats all workers fairly. The President would also end the special real estate tax break—that allows real estate investors to defer taxation when they exchange property—for gains greater than $500,000, and the President would also permanently extend the current limitation in place that restricts large, excess business losses, 80 percent of which benefits those making over $1 million.Finally, high-income workers and investors generally pay a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on their earnings, but the application is inconsistent across taxpayers due to holes in the law. The President’s tax reform would apply the taxes consistently to those making over $400,000, ensuring that all high-income Americans pay the same Medicare taxes. To view this fact sheet in your browser, click here. ### Next Post: President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves New Jersey Disaster Declaration President Joseph R. 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Donate Follow us Email Open Search... Search * Election 2024 * Abortion in the U.S. * Health Policy 101 ## Medicaid * Search * Graphics & Interactives * Polls * Home * Medicaid * 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision # 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision Jennifer Tolbert and Meghana Ammula Published: Jun 09, 2023 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print 1. Medicaid enrollment increased since the start of the pandemic, primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision. 2. KFF estimates that between 8 million and 24 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision. 3. The Medicaid continuous enrollment provision stopped “churn” among Medicaid enrollees. 4. States approaches to unwinding the continuous enrollment provision vary. 5. Maximizing streamlined renewal processes can promote continuity of coverage as states unwind the continuous enrollment provision. 6. States have obtained temporary waivers to pursue strategies to support their unwinding plans. 7. Certain groups may be at greater risk of losing Medicaid coverage during the unwinding period. 8. States can partner with MCOs, community health centers, and other partners to conduct outreach. 9. Timely data on disenrollments and other metrics will be useful for monitoring how the unwinding is proceeding. 10. The number of people without health insurance could increase if people who lose Medicaid coverage are unable to transition to other coverage. At the start of the pandemic, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which included a requirement that Medicaid programs keep people continuously enrolled through the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), in exchange for enhanced federal funding. As part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, signed into law on December 29, 2022, Congress delinked the continuous enrollment provision from the PHE, ending continuous enrollment on March 31, 2023. The CAA also phases down the enhanced federal Medicaid matching funds through December 2023. Primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision, Medicaid enrollment has grown substantially compared to before the pandemic and the uninsured rate has dropped. During the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision, millions of people are expected to lose Medicaid and that could reverse recent gains in coverage, though not everyone who loses Medicaid will become uninsured. States could begin disenrolling people starting in April, but many did not resume disenrollments until May, June, or July. To be eligible for enhanced federal funding during the unwinding, states must meet certain requirements. To date, as reported in the KFF Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker, there is wide variation in the number of people who have been disenrolled and in disenrollment rates across states with publicly available data. This brief describes 10 key points about the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision, highlighting data and analyses that can inform the unwinding process as well as legislation and guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that lay out the rules states must follow during the unwinding period and the flexibilities available to them. ### 1\. Medicaid enrollment increased since the start of the pandemic, primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision. KFF estimates that enrollment in Medicaid/CHIP enrollment will have grown by 23.3 million to nearly 95 million from February 2020 to the end of March 2023, when the continuous enrollment provision ended (Figure 1). Overall enrollment increases reflect economic conditions related to the pandemic, the adoption of the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act in several states (NE, MO, OK), as well as the continuous enrollment provision included in the FFCRA. This provision requires states to provide continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees in order to receive enhanced federal funding. By preventing states from disenrolling people from coverage, the continuous enrollment provision has helped to preserve coverage during the pandemic. It also increased state spending for Medicaid, though KFF has estimated that the enhanced federal funding from a 6.2 percentage point increase in the federal match rate (FMAP) exceeded the higher state costs through 2022. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 decoupled the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision from the PHE and terminated this provision on March 31, 2023. Starting April 1, 2023, states could resume Medicaid disenrollments. States will be eligible for the phase-down of the enhanced FMAP (6.2 percentage points through March 2023; 5 percentage points through June 2023; 2.5 percentage points through September 2023 and 1.5 percentage points through December 2023) if they comply with certain rules. They cannot restrict eligibility standards, methodologies, and procedures and cannot increase premiums as required in FFCRA. Further, states must also comply with federal rules about conducting renewals. Lastly, states are required to maintain up to date contact information and attempt to contact enrollees prior to disenrollment when mail is returned. (Back to top) ### 2\. KFF estimates that between 8 million and 24 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision. While the number of Medicaid enrollees who may be disenrolled during the unwinding period is highly uncertain, KFF estimates that between 7.8 million and 24.4 million people could lose Medicaid coverage during the 12-month unwinding period reflecting an 8% and 28% decline in enrollment (Figure 2). If Medicaid enrollment decreased by 18%, the midpoint of the range, 17 million people would lose Medicaid coverage. These projected coverage losses are consistent with estimates from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suggesting that as many as 15 million people will be disenrolled, including 6.8 million who will likely still be eligible. Findings from a survey of Medicaid enrollees fielded just prior to the start of the unwinding period suggest that many people who will be disenrolled in the coming months may continue to be eligible. While most enrollees were unaware that states are permitted to resume disenrollments suggesting they may not know that they will need to renew their coverage in the coming months, nearly two-thirds of enrollees said they have not had a change in income or circumstance that would make them ineligible for Medicaid. While the share of individuals disenrolled across states will vary due to differences in how states prioritize renewals, it is expected that the groups that experienced the most growth due to the continuous enrollment provision—ACA expansion adults, other adults, and children—will experience the largest enrollment declines. Efforts to conduct outreach, education and provide enrollment assistance can help ensure that those who remain eligible for Medicaid are able to retain coverage and those who are no longer eligible can transition to other sources of coverage. (Back to top) ### 3\. The Medicaid continuous enrollment provision stopped “churn” among Medicaid enrollees. The temporary loss of Medicaid coverage in which enrollees disenroll and then re-enroll within a short period of time, often referred to as “churn,” occurs for a several reasons. Enrollees may experience short-term changes in income or circumstances that make them temporarily ineligible. Alternatively, some people who remain eligible may face barriers to maintaining coverage due to renewal processes and periodic eligibility checks. Eligible individuals are at risk for losing coverage if they do not receive or understand notices or forms requesting additional information to verify eligibility or do not respond to requests within required timeframes. Churn can result in access barriers as well as additional administrative costs. Estimates indicate that among full- benefit beneficiaries enrolled at any point in 2018, 10.3% had a gap in coverage of less than a year (Figure 3). About 4.2% were disenrolled and then re-enrolled within three months and 6.9% within six months. Another analysis examining a cohort of children newly enrolled in Medicaid in July 2017 found that churn rates more than doubled following annual renewal, signaling that many eligible children lose coverage at renewal. By halting disenrollment during the PHE, the continuous enrollment provision has also halted this churning among Medicaid enrollees. Seven states have waivers approved (6) or pending (1) to allow for guaranteed continuous enrollment beyond what is allowed under current law, including approvals in Washington and Oregon to guarantee Medicaid coverage for children through age six. (Back to top) ### 4\. State approaches to unwinding the continuous enrollment provision vary. States are taking different approaches to unwinding the continuous enrollment provision. CMS requires states to submit renewal redistribution plans that describe how the state will prioritize renewals, how long the state plans to take to complete the renewals as well as the processes and strategies the state is considering or has adopted to reduce inappropriate coverage loss during the unwinding period. As of May 9, 2023, 30 states had posted their renewal redistribution plan, which had to be submitted to CMS by February 15, 2023 for most states. Differences in state renewal and other policies and in how they implement those policies are likely to lead to differences across states in the extent of Medicaid enrollment declines during the unwinding period. According to a KFF survey conducted in January 2023, states have taken a variety of steps to prepare for the end of the continuous enrollment provision (Figure 4). Under CMS guidance, states had the option to start the unwinding period by initiating the first batch of renewals in February, March, or April. Eight states started the process in February, another 15 started in March, and 28 states began in April. Most states (43) said they plan to take 12-14 months to complete all renewals (the remaining eight states said they planned to take less than 12 months to complete renewals). All states indicated they had taken steps to update enrollee contact information during the past year and nearly three-quarters of states (38) were planning to follow up with enrollees who do not respond to a renewal request before terminating coverage. (Back to top) ### 5\. Maximizing streamlined renewal processes can promote continuity of coverage as states unwind the continuous enrollment provision. Under the ACA, states must seek to complete administrative (or “ex parte”) renewals by verifying ongoing eligibility through available data sources, such as state wage databases, before sending a renewal form or requesting documentation from an enrollee. Some states suspended renewals as they implemented the continuous enrollment provision and made other COVID-related adjustments to operations. Completing renewals by checking electronic data sources to verify ongoing eligibility reduces the burden on enrollees to maintain coverage. While 31 states have taken action in the past year to increase ex parte renewal rates, in many states, the share of renewals completed on an ex parte basis is low. Although states were not required to process ex parte renewals while the continuous enrollment provision was in place, of the 43 states that were processing ex parte renewals for MAGI groups (people whose eligibility is based on modified adjusted gross income) in January 2023, 18 states reported completing 50% or more of renewals using ex parte processes. Twenty states completed less than 50% of renewals on an ex parte basis, including 11 states where less than 25% of renewals were completed using ex parte processes (Figure 5). The number of states reporting they complete more than 50% of renewals using ex parte processes for non-MAGI groups (people whose eligibility is based on being over age 65 or having a disability) is even lower at 6. As states begin to unwind the continuous enrollment provision, there are opportunities to promote continuity of coverage among enrollees who remain eligible by increasing the share of renewals completed using ex parte processes and taking other steps to streamline renewal processes (which will also tend to increase enrollment and spending). CMS guidance notes that states can increase the share of ex parte renewals they complete without having to follow up with the enrollee by expanding the data sources they use to verify ongoing eligibility. However, when states do need to follow up with enrollees to obtain additional information to confirm ongoing eligibility, they can facilitate receipt of that information by allowing enrollees to submit information by mail, in person, over the phone, and online. While nearly all states accept information in-person (51 states) and by mail (50 states), slightly fewer provide options for individuals to submit information online (48 states) or over the phone (46 states). A proposed rule, released on September 7, 2022, seeks to streamline enrollment and renewal processes in the future by applying the same rules for MAGI and non-MAGI populations, including limiting renewals to once per year, prohibiting in-person interviews and requiring the use of prepopulated renewal forms. Overall, every state has taken at least one action to align renewal processes for non-MAGI populations with those for MAGI populations, including 45 states that have eliminated in-person interviews, 42 states that limit renewals to once per year, and 33 states that send pre-populated renewal forms. (Back to top) ### 6\. States have obtained temporary waivers to pursue strategies to support their unwinding plans. As states prepare to complete redeterminations for all Medicaid enrollees, many may face significant operational challenges related to staffing shortages and outdated systems. To reduce the administrative burden on states, CMS announced the availability of temporary waivers through Section 1902(e)(14)(A) of the Social Security Act. These waivers will be available on a time-limited basis and will enable states to facilitate the renewal process for certain enrollees with the goal minimizing procedural terminations. As of February 24, 2023, CMS had approved a total of 188 waivers for 47 states (Figure 6). These waivers include strategies allowing states to: renew enrollee coverage based on SNAP and/or TANF eligibility; allow for ex parte renewals of individuals with zero income verified within the past 12 months; allow for renewals of individuals whose assets cannot be verified through the asset verification system (AVS); partner with managed care organizations (MCOs), enrollment brokers, or use the National Change of Address (NCOA) database or US postal service (USPS) returned mail to update enrollee contact information; extend automatic enrollment in MCO plans up to 120 days; and extend the timeframe for fair hearing requests. (Back to top) ### 7\. Certain groups may be at greater risk of losing Medicaid coverage during the unwinding period. As states resume redeterminations and disenrollments, certain individuals, including people who have moved, immigrants and people with limited English proficiency (LEP), people with disabilities, and older adults, will be at increased risk of losing Medicaid coverage or experiencing a gap in coverage due to barriers completing the renewal process, even if they remain eligible for coverage. Enrollees who have moved may not receive important renewal and other notices, especially if they have not updated their contact information with the state Medicaid agency. In 2020, one in ten Medicaid enrollees moved in-state and while shares of Medicaid enrollees moving within a state has trended downward in recent years, those trends could have changed in 2021 and 2022. An analysis of churn rates among children found that while churn rates increased among children of all racial and ethnic groups, the increase was largest for Hispanic children, suggesting they face greater barriers to maintaining coverage. Additionally, people with LEP and people with disabilities are more likely to encounter challenges due to language and other barriers accessing information in needed formats. An analysis of state Medicaid websites found that while a majority of states translate their online application landing page or PDF application into other languages, most only provide Spanish translations (Figure 7). That same analysis revealed that a majority of states provide general information about reasonable modifications and teletypewriter (TTY) numbers on or within one click of their homepage or online application landing page, but fewer states provide information on how to access applications in large print or Braille or how to access American Sign Language interpreters. Older adults may also be at higher risk of losing coverage during the unwinding period. Early findings from a survey of health insurance consumers found that two-thirds of older Medicaid enrollees reported they had not previously participated in a renewal of their Medicaid coverage (Figure 8). Enrollees who do not have experience actively renewing Medicaid coverage may be less prepared for what to expect when their eligibility is redetermined in the coming months, lessening their ability to navigate and complete the renewal process. Additionally, nearly half of older Medicaid enrollees provided updated contact information to the state Medicaid agency compared to just a third of Medicaid enrollees overall. CMS guidance about the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision stresses the importance of conducting outreach to enrollees to update contact information and provides strategies for partnering with other organizations to increase the likelihood that enrollee addresses and phone numbers are up to date. CMS guidance also outlines specific steps states can take, including ensuring accessibility of forms and notices for people with LEP and people with disabilities and reviewing communications strategies to ensure accessibility of information. Ensuring accessibility of information, forms, and assistance will be key for preventing coverage losses and gaps among these individuals. (Back to top) ### 8\. States can partner with MCOs, community health centers, and other partners to conduct outreach. States can collaborate with health plans and community organizations to conduct outreach to enrollees about the need to complete their annual renewal during the unwinding period. CMS has issued specific guidance allowing states to permit MCOs to update enrollee contact information and facilitate continued enrollment. According to a survey of non-profit, safety net health plans that participate in Medicaid, a majority of responding MCOs reported that they are sending updated member contact information to their state. Additionally, nearly two-thirds of states (33) are planning to send MCOs advance lists of members for whom the state is initiating the renewal process and about half will send lists of members who have not submitted renewal forms and are at risk of losing coverage or who have been disenrolled indicating whether the member was determined no longer eligible or disenrolled for paperwork reasons (Figure 9). States can also work with community health centers, navigators and other assister programs, and community-based organizations to provide information to enrollees and assist them with updating contact information, completing the Medicaid renewal process, and transitioning to other coverage if they are no longer eligible. A survey of health centers conducted in late 2021 found that nearly 50% of responding health centers reported they have or plan to reach out to their Medicaid patients with reminders to renew their coverage and to schedule appointments to assist them with renewing coverage. Similarly, a survey of Marketplace assister programs found that assister programs were planning a variety of outreach efforts, such as public education events and targeted outreach in low-income communities, to raise consumer awareness about the end of the continuous enrollment provision. Additionally, nearly six in ten assister programs said they had proactively reached out to their state to explore ways to help consumers; supported the state sharing contact information with them on individuals who need to renew their Medicaid coverage; and were planning to recontact Medicaid clients to update their contact information. Connecting Medicaid enrollees with assister programs could help people navigate the renewal process; a large majority of Medicaid enrollees say having a state expert help them with the process of renewing their Medicaid coverage and looking for other coverage, if needed, would be useful. (Back to top) ### 9\. Timely data on disenrollments and other metrics will be useful for monitoring how the unwinding is proceeding. As part of a broad set of unwinding reporting requirements, states provided baseline data at the start of the unwinding period and then will submit monthly reports that will be used to monitor unwinding metrics through June 2024 (Figure 10). Through the monthly reports, states are reporting total renewals due in the reporting month, the number of enrollees whose coverage was renewed, including via ex parte processes, the number of enrollees who were determined ineligible and disenrolled, the number of enrollees disenrolled for procedural reasons, and the number of renewals that remain pending. The Consolidated Appropriations Act included additional reporting requirements for states and requires that CMS make the data reported by states publicly available (Figure 10). The legislation also imposes penalties in the form of reduced federal matching payments for states that do not comply with the reporting requirements. States that do not report the required data face a reduction in federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) of up to one percentage point for the quarter in which the requirements are not met. If CMS determines a state is out of compliance with any applicable redetermination and reporting requirements, it can require the state to submit a corrective action plan and can require the state to suspend all or some terminations for procedural reasons until the state takes appropriate corrective action. Collectively, these metrics are designed to demonstrate states’ progress towards restoring timely application processing and initiating and completing renewals of eligibility for all Medicaid and CHIP enrollees and can assist with monitoring the unwinding process to identify problems as they occur. However, while the new data reporting requirements are useful, they will not provide a complete picture of how the unwinding is proceeding and whether certain groups face barriers to maintaining coverage. To fully assess the impact of the unwinding will require broader outcome measures, such as continuity of coverage across Medicaid, CHIP, Marketplace, and employer coverage, gaps in coverage over time, and increases in the number of the uninsured, data that will not be available in the short-term. (Back to top) ### 10\. The number of people without health insurance could increase if people who lose Medicaid coverage are unable to transition to other coverage. The share of people who lack health insurance coverage dropped to 8.6% in 2021, matching the historic low in 2016, largely because of increases in Medicaid coverage, and to a lesser extent, increases in Marketplace coverage. However, as states resume Medicaid disenrollments, these coverage gains are likely to be reversed. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that 6.2 million people who are disenrolled from Medicaid over the next 18 months will become uninsured, and that the uninsured rate will increase to 10.1% by 2033. CMS guidance provides a roadmap for states to streamline processes and implement other strategies to reduce the number of people who lose coverage even though they remain eligible. However, there will also be current enrollees who are determined to be no longer be eligible for Medicaid, but who may be eligible for ACA marketplace or other coverage. A MACPAC analysis examined coverage transitions for adults and children who were disenrolled from Medicaid or separate CHIP (S-CHIP) and found that very few adults or children transitioned to federal Marketplace coverage, only 21% of children transitioned from Medicaid to S-CHIP, while 47% of children transitioned from S-CHIP to Medicaid (Figure 11). A KFF analysis revealed that among people disenrolling from Medicaid, roughly two-thirds (65%) had a period of uninsurance in the year following disenrollment, and only 26% enrolled in another source of coverage for the full year following disenrollment (Figure 12). Together, these findings suggest that individuals face barriers moving from Medicaid to other coverage programs, including S-CHIP. Simplifying those transitions to reduce the barriers people face could help ensure people who are no longer eligible for Medicaid do not become uninsured. Importantly, these findings also show that large shares of enrollees (41% in the KFF analysis) reenroll in Medicaid after a period of time, and many after a period of uninsurance. Reducing the number of people who lose coverage for procedural reasons even though they remain eligible can also help to reduce the number of people who become uninsured The proposed eligibility and enrollment rule aims to smooth transitions between Medicaid and CHIP by requiring the programs to accept eligibility determinations from the other program, to develop procedures for electronically transferring account information, and to provide combined notices. States can also consider sharing information on consumers losing Medicaid who may be eligible for Marketplace coverage with Marketplace assister programs; however, in a 2022 survey, few assister programs (29%) expected states to provide this information although nearly half were unsure of their state’s plans. #### Topics * Medicaid * Coronavirus (COVID-19) * Uninsured #### Tags * Eligibility * Enrollment * Access to Care * Medicaid\'s Future * Public Health ### Also of Interest * Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker * How Many People Might Lose Medicaid When States Unwind Continuous Enrollment? * State Policy Choices Are Likely to Affect the Extent of Medicaid Enrollment Declines During the Unwinding Period * As States Prepare to Resume Disenrollments, Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment Will Reach Nearly 95 million in March, and the Pandemic-Era Enrollment Growth of 23 million Accounts for 1 in 4 Enrollees * Implications of Continuous Eligibility Policies for Children’s Medicaid Enrollment Churn Get The Latest On Health Policy Sign Up For Email Alerts Your Email Address Sign Up * Topics * Affordable Care Act * COVID-19 * Global Health Policy * Health Costs * Health Misinformation and Trust * HIV/AIDS * Medicaid * Medicare * Mental Health * Patient and Consumer Protections * Private Insurance * Racial Equity and Health Policy * Uninsured * Women’s Health Policy * Sections * Polling * State Health Facts * Graphics & Interactives * Charts & Slides * KFF Health News * Social Impact Media * Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker * Newsroom * News Releases * Events * Subscribe to Emails * Cite Us/Reprint * Media Contacts * About Us * From Drew Altman * Our People * Our Programs * KFF Board * Contact Us * Support Our Work * Join Our Team * Privacy Policy * Follow Us * Email Alerts * Facebook * Instagram * LinkedIn * Threads * X * RSS Feeds * YouTube ![\\"KFF\\"](\\" foundation-2016/static/images/kff_logo-2023.svg\\") © 2024 KFF Powered by WordPress VIP * Citations and Reprints * Privacy Policy KFF Headquarters: 185 Berry St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94107 | Phone 650-854-9400 Washington Offices and Barbara Jordan Conference Center: 1330 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 | Phone 202-347-5270 | Email Alerts: | | The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California. ![\\"\\"](\\"
Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that
Full Episode ![\\"\\"](\\" Saturday, Oct 5 Close Menu PBS NewsHour * Episodes * Podcasts * Newsletters * The Latest * Politics ![\\"Politics\\"](\\" * Brooks and Capehart * Politics Monday * Supreme Court * Arts ![\\"Arts\\"](\\" * CANVAS * Poetry * Now Read This * Nation ![\\"Nation\\"](\\" * Supreme Court * Race Matters * Essays * Brief But Spectacular * World ![\\"World\\"](\\" * Agents for Change * Economy ![\\"Economy\\"](\\" * Making Sen$e * Paul Solman * Science ![\\"Science\\"](\\" * The Leading Edge * ScienceScope * Basic Research * Innovation and Invention * Health ![\\"Health\\"](\\" * Long-Term Care * Education ![\\"Education\\"](\\" * Teachers\' Lounge * Student Reporting Labs * For Teachers ![\\"Education\\"](\\" * Newshour Classroom * NewsHour Shop * About * Feedback * Funders * Support * Jobs Close Menu PBS News Menu Notifications #### Get news alerts from PBS News ##### Turn on desktop notifications? Yes Not now * Full Episodes * Podcasts * Newsletters * Live # GOP candidates focus attacks on each other as Trump skips another debate Dec 7, 2023 6:30 PM EDT ![\\"Laura](\\" By — Laura Barrón-López Laura Barrón-López ![\\"Saher](\\" By — Saher Khan Saher Khan By — Ian Couzens Ian Couzens Leave your feedback Share * Copy URL as-trump-skips-another-debate * Email * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Tumblr Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Transcript Audio Wednesday\'s debate brought four GOP presidential hopefuls to the University of Alabama\'s campus for their last face-off of the year. And once again, the leading Republican contender, Donald Trump, skipped it. Laura Barrón-López reports. ## Read the Full Transcript Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors. * Geoff Bennett: Last night\'s debate brought four GOP presidential hopefuls to the University of Alabama\'s campus for their last face-off of the year. And, once again, the leading Republican contender, Donald Trump, skipped it. Laura Barron-Lopez has this recap. * Laura Barron-Lopez: In Alabama, the four candidates on the debate stage largely ignored the GOP presidential front-runner that they\'re trailing by more than 40 points. It wasn\'t for lack of trying by former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Fmr. Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), Presidential Candidate: We\'re 17 minutes into this debate, and except for your little speech in the beginning, we have had these three acting as if the race is between the four of us. * Laura Barron-Lopez: He issued a dire warning about the stakes of electing former President Donald Trump a second time. * Fmr. Gov. Chris Christie: I\'m in this race because the truth needs to be spoken. He is unfit. This is a guy who just said this past week that he wants to use the Department of Justice to go after his enemies when he gets in there. And there is no bigger issue in this race, Megyn, than Donald Trump. * Laura Barron-Lopez: Instead, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy repeated Trump\'s lies about 2020 and embraced a racist conspiracy theory that claims white Americans, at the direction of elites, Democrats, or sometimes Jewish people, are being replaced by people of color. Vivek Ramaswamy (R), Presidential Candidate: That the Great Replacement Theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the Democratic Party\'s platform, that the 2020 election was indeed stolen by big tech. * Laura Barron-Lopez: It\'s a conspiracy theory that was cited by the white men who carried out mass shootings in Pittsburgh, El Paso, and Buffalo. And former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who is gaining traction in the polls and with GOP donors, confronted Trump on China, but little else. Nikki Haley (R), Presidential Candidate: This is where Trump went wrong. Trump was good on trade. But that\'s all he was with China, because here he allowed fentanyl to continue to come over. He continued to allow them to take — he would give them technology that would build up their military and hurt us. He allowed the Chinese infiltration for them to buy up farmland, to put money in our universities, and to continue to do things that were harmful for America. * Laura Barron-Lopez: Tied with Haley for second place, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis defended his past pledge to shoot undocumented people crossing the border if they have backpacks. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Presidential Candidate: The commander in chief not only has a right, you have a responsibility to fight back against these people. * Question: And does that mean shooting first? * Gov. Ron DeSantis: It means you\'re going to categorize them as foreign terrorist organizations. * Laura Barron-Lopez: And spent much of his time positioning himself to the right of Haley. * Gov. Ron DeSantis: Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that. * Nikki Haley: That\'s not true. Quit lying. * Gov. Ron DeSantis: There needs to be limits on immigration. * Laura Barron-Lopez: In fact, it was Haley, not Trump, who came under repeated fire. * Vivek Ramaswamy: Nikki is corrupt. * Gov. Ron DeSantis: And you have other candidates up here like Nikki Haley. She caves any time the left comes after. * Nikki Haley: And I love all the attention, fellows. Thank you for that. * Laura Barron-Lopez: With the Iowa caucuses just 39 days away and only two more primary debates on the calendar, candidates will blanket early states, in the hopes of toppling the current front-runner. For the \"PBS NewsHour,\" I\'m Laura Barron-Lopez. ## Listen to this Segment Play 00:00 … Volume Watch ![\\"Israeli](\\" Watch the Full Episode PBS NewsHour from Dec 07, 2023 ## Related * Dec 07 ![\\"Republican](\\" Takeaways from the 4th GOP presidential debate in Alabama By Steve Peoples, Nicholas Riccardi, Associated Press * Nov 30 ![\\"FILE](\\" GOP presidential candidates Haley and DeSantis relying more on outside groups in effort to stop Trump By Steve Peoples, Thomas Beaumont, Holly Ramer, Associated Press * Nov 28 ![\\"Republican](\\" Nikki Haley gains crucial endorsement from Koch network in bid to challenge Trump By Steve Peoples, Associated Press ## Go Deeper * 2024 gop primary * chris christie * donald trump news * nikki haley * republican primary debate * ron desantis ![\\"Laura](\\" By — Laura Barrón-López Laura Barrón-López Laura Barrón-López is the White House Correspondent for the PBS News Hour, where she covers the Biden administration for the nightly news broadcast. She is also a CNN political analyst. ![\\"Saher](\\" By — Saher Khan Saher Khan Saher Khan is a reporter-producer for the PBS NewsHour. @SaherMKhan By — Ian Couzens Ian Couzens Support Provided By: Learn more ## More Ways to Watch * PBS Video * PBS App * YouTube * Facebook ### Educate your inbox Subscribe to Here’s the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Enter your email address Subscribe Thank you. Please check your inbox to confirm. * ![\\"American](\\" * ![\\"BNSF](\\" * ![\\"Consumer](\\" * ![\\"Corporation](\\" * ![\\"Raymond](\\" * ![\\"Friends](\\" ## Trending Now 1. Read Oct 05 WATCH LIVE: Trump returns to Pennsylvania rally shooting site to campaign with Vance and Musk 2. Watch Oct 05 How hundreds of California police officers have kept past misconduct confidential 3. Read Oct 05 Disinformation and conspiracy theories cloud Helene recovery efforts in hard-hit areas 4. 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Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that
Hurricane-prone states The day in pictures Get the USA TODAY app Start the day smarter ☀️ U.S. Elections Sports Entertainment Life Money Tech Travel Opinion ONLY AT USA TODAY: Newsletters For Subscribers From the Archives Crossword eNewspaper Magazines Investigations Podcasts Video Humankind Just Curious Best-selling Booklist 24/7 Live Stream Legals OUR PORTFOLIO: 10Best USAT Wine Club Shopping Homefront Blueprint Southern Kitchen Best Auto Insurance Best Pet Insurance Best Travel Insurance Best Credit Cards Best CD Rates Best Personal Loans Home Internet ELECTIONS fact-checking Add Topic # GOP debate fact check: What Haley, Ramaswamy, other Republican candidates got wrong Nate Trela Joedy McCreary Hannah Hudnall Brad Sylvester USA TODAY ![\\"\\"](\\"/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2023/12/07/USAT/71833415007-xxx- republican- debate-047.JPG?crop=5687,3201,x3,y138&width=660&height=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp\\"/) Amid a flurry of attacks in tonight\'s final GOP presidential debate, many of the candidates\' claims were misleading or flat wrong. Here\'s what the USA TODAY Fact Check Team found on some of the most noteworthy claims from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. More from the USA TODAY Fact-Check Team: * Guidelines: How we identify, research and rate claims * Newsletter: Sign up for Checking the Facts; truth delivered daily to your inbox * Facebook: Like our page to get our latest debunks throughout the day ## Vivek Ramaswamy claim: Climate change is a hoax “The climate change agenda is a hoax because it has nothing to do with the climate. … 98% reduction in climate disaster-related deaths in the last century. Eight times as many people are going to die of cold temperatures this year than warm ones.\" Sign-up for Your Vote: Text with the USA TODAY elections team. This is inaccurate on multiple counts. The hoax claim is wrong: The vast majority of climate scientists (97%) agree that human activity is causing climate change, which in turn has caused an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. And a decrease in deaths relating to these natural disasters isn’t proof that climate change is a hoax either. Experts previously told USA TODAY that social factors and technological improvements, such as early warning systems and robust building engineering, have saved lives during the growing number of natural disasters. These experts also said it’s difficult to accurately measure deaths associated with natural disasters because different parts of the world have different protocols for measuring mortality, numbers can be skewed by few high-mortality eve and high-quality, unbiased data isn’t always easily accessible. And Ramaswamy’s hot and cold stat isn’t exactly clear cut. Though there doesn’t appear to be a clear consensus about the rate at which cold-related deaths outnumber those caused by the heat, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports there are nearly four times as many cold- related deaths, while the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics says there are roughly two times as many. A study published by the Lancet found that there were roughly 10 times as many cold-related deaths as heat-related deaths, but the findings were solely based on European cities. Other USA TODAY debunks about the legitimacy of climate change: * Claim: Decreasing natural disaster-related death counts show climate change isn\'t real (False) * Claim: Climate change is a \'scam\' because the US was hotter in 1913 than 2023 (False) * Claim: The US was \'much hotter\' in 1936 than in 2023(False) * Claim: 96% of climate data is corrupted (False) -Hannah Hudnall ## Vivek Ramaswamy claim: Jan. 6 now does look like an inside job There is absolutely no evidence supporting this claim. More than 1,000 people have been arrested and faced charges stemming from their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, with more than 700 having either pled guilty or been convicted at trial as of Oct. 6. Among those convicted of helping plan or incite the activities was then-Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison for helping orchestrate the plot. Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers militia and said the rioters “should have brought rifles,” to the Capitol, was sentenced to 18 years for his role. Fourth Republican debate live updates: GOP debate live updates: What to know as 2024 Republican candidates face off in Alabama A pair of viral claims about government or law enforcement involvement in the riot have been debunked in recent months. Social media users claimed a video showed a man flashing a badge while inside the Capitol, but USA TODAY reported that the man had been previously identified as an HVAC technician by his own attorney, and the item he flashed resembled the vape he was later filmed using. Another viral claim focused on a Trump supporter named Ray Epps, who was accused of being an undercover federal agent before pleading guilty in September to charges stemming from the riot. Numerous outlets have debunked claims that Epps was a government agent. Other USA TODAY debunks on the nature of the Jan. 6 riot: * Fact check roundup: False narratives linger two years after Jan. 6 attack on Capitol * Claim: A video shows antifa inside the Capitol building with floor plans and dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6, proving the attack was a setup (False) * Claim: FBI operatives organized the attack (False) * Claim: The Jan. 6 House select committee destroyed records that would exonerate Trump (False) -Nate Trela ## Nikki Haley claim: Every 30 minutes spent watching TikTok makes a person 17% more antisemitic “For every 30 minutes that someone watches TikTok, every day, they become 17% more antisemitic.” Haley is significantly misstating the nature of a survey that suggests TikTok is a driver of a surge in antisemitism. The study was published Nov. 30 on X by Anthony Goldbloom, the former CEO of data science platform Kaggle. It suggests that spending at least 30 minutes a day on TikTok increases the chances by 17% that a person responding to the survey holds antisemitic or anti-Israel views. By comparison, the increase with at least 30 minutes of use per day was 6% for an Instagram user and 2% for an X (formerly Twitter) user. Goldbloom said this on the TikTok findings: \"This is not surprising when you consider that for every view of a TikTok video with a pro-Israel hashtag in the US, there are 54 views of videos with pro-Palestinian hashtags.\" – Joedy McCreary ## Nikki Haley claim: She quit Boeing’s board over bailout “When they decided, after COVID, that they wanted to go for a corporate bailout – I’ve never supported corporate bailouts, so I respectfully stepped back and got off the board.\" Haley, who was elected to Boeing’s board of directors in April 2019, resigned in March 2020, saying in a letter to the company’s management that she could not support its bid for government assistance early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Haley did, however, support other government funding for Boeing. She backed a $900 million package of subsidies for Boeing manufacturing facilities in South Carolina in 2009 while she was a state lawmaker and candidate for governor, according to The Wall Street Journal. And as governor, she signed a law in 2013 to give Boeing $120 million in bond money as part of an expansion, The Post and Courier of Charleston reported. – Joedy McCreary ## Ron DeSantis claim: He delivered on all of his campaign promises in Florida “100% of the things I promised as governor, I delivered on those promises. I beat the Left time and time again.” This is false. While DeSantis has followed through on some of his campaign promises since being elected governor in 2018, he has not fulfilled all of them, according to PolitiFact’s “DeSant-O-Meter” scorecard. His most prominent broken campaign promises relate to tax cuts. In 2018, DeSantis pledged to work to lower the corporate tax rate in Florida, and while it temporarily dropped from 2019 to 2021 primarily as the result of federal changes, it returned to 5.5% in 2022 – the same tax rate it was before DeSantis took office. The governor also failed to follow through on his pledge to lower Florida’s communication services tax, which is assessed on telecommunications, audio and video streaming, direct-to-home satellite and related services. Florida consistently has one of the highest such taxes in the country, a fact which has not changed since DeSantis took office. -Brad Sylvester ## Ron DeSantis claim: Haley called for unlimited legal immigration, policy set by corporate CEOs “Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that.” – DeSantis Haley responded to this claim by asserting DeSantis was lying. DeSantis – who has previously levied the same attack against Haley – is indeed mischaracterizing her proposed reforms for legal immigration as detailed during a Nov. 2 town hall. “For too long, Republican and Democrat presidents dealt with immigration based on a quota – ‘We’ll take X number this year, we’ll take X number the next year and the debate is on the number,’” Haley said. “We need to do it based on merit. We need to go to our industries and say, ‘What do you need that you don’t have?’” she added. “So, think agriculture, think tourism, think tech. We want the talent that’s going to make us better. Then, you bring people in that can fill those needs.” Haley has previously advocated easing legal pathways for new workers as a way to address labor shortages, The New York Times reported in November. – Joedy McCreary ## Ron DeSantis claim: The Biden administration wants to get rid of cash “So one of the dangers we’re going to face, what Biden wants, is a central bank, digital currency. They want to get rid of cash, crypto, they want to force you to do that.” This is inaccurate. Though President Joe Biden’s administration has researched the possible implications of digital currency, no concrete plans to implement such a thing have been made. In March 2022, Biden signed an executive order to promote the development of digital assets and cryptocurrencies, asking federal agencies to evaluate the viability of such a central bank digital currency. Experts previously told USA TODAY that even if a digital currency were implemented in the future, it would serve as a possible alternative to physical currency, not a replacement. They also said as long as the Federal Reserve retains its independence, politicians would have no direct role in the creation or distribution of physical or digital currency. USA TODAY found no record of Biden saying he supports eliminating cash. * Fact check: Biden\'s executive order will evaluate concept of a digital currency, not launch it -Hannah Hudnall ## Nikki Haley claim: ‘I never said government should go and require anyone\'s name on the internet’ In a Fox News interview on Nov. 14, Haley said, \"Every person on social media should be verified by their name,” but she did not say who should do the verification – government or social media companies. Haley called it a matter of national security to reduce the influence of foreign “bot” accounts that spread misinformation. In the same interview, Haley said she would require social media platforms to be transparent with their algorithms so Americans can “see why they\'re pushing what they\'re pushing.” Other GOP candidates presented her remarks as saying the government was entitled to know the identities. A day later, Haley walked back her verification stance and said she believed social media companies should be doing the verification. “I don’t mind anonymous American people having free speech,\" Haley said. \"What I don’t like is anonymous Russians and Chinese and Iranians having free speech.\" -Nate Trela ## Ron DeSantis claim: Toddler died after fentanyl exposure at Florida Airbnb “There was an 18-month-old baby who was crawling on the floor of an Airbnb rental. There was fentanyl residue on the carpet and the baby died.” The Florida governor recycled an anecdote he previously brought up during the second GOP primary debate in September. He was talking about the 2021 death of 19-month-old Enora Lavenir. She and her family stayed at a rental property in Wellington, Florida, while they visited from France, according to a report from the Palm Beach Post on the wrongful death lawsuit her family filed in March in Palm Beach County. The lawsuit alleges that the home was not properly cleaned after a party was held there in which fentanyl and other drugs were present. But official reports have not yet confirmed that. The county medical examiner’s office ruled her death accidental and said it was caused by acute fentanyl toxicity. It is not clear how the child ingested the substance, and an incident report from the county sheriff’s office did not indicate how the toddler was exposed to the drug, according to the newspaper report. She was napping on the afternoon of Aug. 7, 2021, when her mother found her unresponsive. She was taken to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead. – Joedy McCreary ## Chris Christie claim: Ramaswamy has voted in the Republican primaries for less than 12 years “I’ve known (Haley) for 12 years, which is longer than he’s even started to vote in a Republican primary.” This is true. Ramaswamy said he was a libertarian in college and voted as a libertarian in 2004, but didn’t vote in 2008, 2012 or 2016, according to Reuters. He says he then voted for former President Donald Trump in 2020. Ramaswamy has said he doesn’t strongly identify with either political party and is merely using the Republican party as a “vehicle” to stand for “America- first principles.” -Hannah Hudnall ## Vivek Ramaswamy claim: Nikki Haley was bankrupt when she stepped down from the UN “Nikki, you were bankrupt when you left the U.N. … And now you’re a multimillionaire. That math doesn’t add up. It adds up to the fact that you are corrupt.” This overstates the nature of Haley’s financial situation, according to Forbes. When Haley stepped down as former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations in 2018, her parents owed over $1 million and were in danger of losing their home, according to Forbes. Haley and her husband then loaned them hundreds of thousands of dollars to help. Though Haley’s 2018 financial disclosure report showed she was at least $1.5 million in debt, most of that was a $1 million mortgage. Forbes reported that she had nearly $100,000 in her bank accounts and $185,000 coming in each year in salary. There are no reports from Forbes or other reputable outlets that Haley declared bankruptcy. -Hannah Hudnall ## Ron DeSantis claim: He removed two Soros-backed prosecutors in Florida “We beat George Soros when we removed two of his radical district attorneys.” DeSantis has indeed removed two prosecutors that Democratic megadonor George Soros backed. In August, the Florida governor suspended Orlando-area State Attorney Monique Worrell, a Democrat and the only Black woman serving as a local prosecutor in the state, according to NBC News. Worrell was elected in 2020 with donations that included more than $2 million from the Soros-backed Our Vote Our Voice Political Action Committee. A statement from DeSantis’ office claims Worrell was “neglecting her duty to faithfully prosecute crime in her jurisdiction.” Worrell referred to her suspension as a “political hit job.” DeSantis also dismissed Tampa-area prosecutor Andrew Warren in 2022 for “refusing to enforce Florida law,” according to a statement from his office. Warren, like Worrell, was elected in 2020 with help from a Soros-backed committee. -Brad Sylvester ## Nikki Haley claim: Unemployment in South Carolina fell from 11% to 3% “We moved unemployment from 11% to 3%.” Haley is slightly overstating how far that rate dropped, according to numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate in South Carolina was 10.8% when Haley was sworn in as governor in January 2011. But that rate never reached 3% during her term, BLS statistics show. Rather, it bottomed out at 4.4% in January 2017 when she left office. – Joedy McCreary ## Support of Israel in war with Hamas unwavering for most candidates Israel’s war with Hamas is nearly two months old, with fighting ramping up again after a humanitarian pause that allowed for the release of hostages held by Hamas and prisoners held by Israel. Most of the candidates on stage tonight have continuously offered support for Israel, which Hamas attacked on Oct. 7. Chris Christie said degrading Hamas’s military capabilities must be Israel’s highest priority in the war. Ron DeSantis has remained staunchly supportive of Israel, calling for defunding the United Nations after it called for a ceasefire without the body condemning Hamas. Nikki Haley has been looking ahead, questioning whether a two-state solution would be viable after the conflict ends. Vivek Ramaswamy remains an outlier among the debate participants, openly questioning how much financial support the U.S. should provide Israel and for how long. Misinformation about the conflict continues to spread. Here are some claims we have debunked: * Fact check roundup: Israel-Hamas war sparks many misleading claims online * Claim: Hamas attack on Supernova music festival was a false flag (False) * Claim: Video proves IDF tanks fired on Israeli citizens in a kibbutz on Oct. 7 (False) * Claim: Video shows a Doctors Without Borders medic aiding terrorists (False) * Claim: Gaza Health Ministry announced all ICU patients at Al Shifa Hospital had died (False) * Claim: Video shows Palestinians faking war injuries (False) * Claim: Photo shows American troops praying before being deployed to Israel (False) – Nate Trela ## US aid to Ukraine divides Republican candidates Nearly two years after Russia\'s invasion of Ukraine began, there remain differing views among Republican presidential candidates about continuing U.S. support for Ukraine\'s defense. Trump, who is again choosing to skip the debate, has repeatedly suggested the U.S. is providing too much support to Ukraine. He has also refused to say whether he wants Russia or Ukraine to prevail in the conflict. DeSantis has been skeptical of U.S. support for Ukraine, saying in a March statement that the war is a \"territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia\" and not one of the country\'s \"vital national interests.\" In a Fox News interview, Ramaswamy said the U.S. has done enough to help Ukraine, while Christie has said he supports continuing U.S. support for Ukraine. Haley, though, has said U.S. support should not come in the form of cash or troops on the ground, but through collaborating with allies to be sure Ukraine has \"the equipment and the ammunition to win.\" Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers have been increasingly split over continuing to provide standalone aid to Ukraine and Israel. Some Republicans have called for aid to be tied to funding for border security and cuts to the IRS. The war in Ukraine has frequently been the subject of misinformation: * Fact check roundup: What\'s true and what\'s false about the Russian invasion of Ukraine * Claim: US Special Forces arrested Ukrainian officials on Nov. 13 (False) * Claim:Zelenskyy surrendered and Ukraine has fallen (False) * Claim: Putin invaded Ukraine to take out the ‘main hub’ for bioweapons labs, child trafficking and money laundering (False) * Claim: US accidentally sent Ukraine an extra $6.2 billion (False) * Claim: US aid to Ukraine is double expenditure for Afghanistan War (False) * Claim: NATO sent 10,000 troops to Ukraine (False) * Claim: China is providing tanks for Ukraine to use against Russia (False) – Chris Mueller & Hannah Hudnall ## Talk of Trump indictments, civil trial persists despite absence Former President Donald Trump continues to loom large over the four Republican hopefuls on the debate stage. Trump has not taken part in any debates during this election cycle and is holding a private fundraiser instead of participating in this one. Yet he remains the party’s central figure in light of both his commanding lead in the polls and his unprecedented legal troubles. Much of Trump’s focus has been on his civil fraud trial in New York, where prosecutors claim he committed fraud by inflating the value of his assets and are seeking an estimated $250 million in damages, among other penalties. A gag order was restored against the former president who has called the trial a “scam” and a “disgrace” and asserted the judge who ruled he committed fraud knew nothing about him. The series of prosecutions against Trump began in March, when he was indicted for allegedly falsifying business records related to hush-money payments intended to silence two women before the 2016 election. Trump also faces charges for allegedly mishandling classified documents and allegedly conspiring to steal the 2020 presidential election, including his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection. Trump and several allies were indicted in August by a Georgia grand jury that accused them of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state, where Trump lost to President Joe Biden by about 12,000 votes. Both Trump\'s candidacy and his legal woes have been the subject of an array of false or misleading claims on social media: * Fact check roundup: What’s true and false on Trump indictments * Claim: Trump announced his running mate for the 2024 election (False) * Claim: Video shows US military member calling Trump the \'real\' president (False) * Claim: Trump said he is still commander-in-chief during a campaign speech (False) * Claim: New York Attorney General Letitia James was arrested (False) * Claim: 80% of Donald Trump\'s civil fraud case was dismissed for violating the statute of limitations (False) * Claim: Trump had Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis impeached (False) * Claim: Charges against Trump include potential for death penalty (False) * Claim: Trump was charged with espionage (False) * Claim: Biden ordered Trump\'s indictment in classified documents probe (False) – Joedy McCreary ## Jan. 6 riot remains part of campaign The Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot continues to loom over the field of GOP presidential candidates, even though none of the debate participants had direct ties to the storming of the Capitol or the certification of election results that day. Former President Donald Trump has won legal battles over the past month to keep from being kicked off the ballot in Michigan, Minnesota and Colorado. Each effort was based on the claim that Trump bore responsibility for the attack on the Capitol and should be disqualified under a post-Civil War-era clause of the 14th Amendment that bars anyone who \"engaged in insurrection\" after taking an oath to uphold the Constitution from holding higher office. The candidates participating in tonight’s debate have largely agreed that those responsible for the events at the Capitol should be held accountable, although Ron DeSantis has balked at calling it an insurrection and Vivek Ramaswamy has been circumspect about whether Trump bears any responsibility for what happened. Speaker Mike Johnson has brought the events forward again by releasing footage from the Capitol, a process slowed by his decision to blur the faces of rioters. The released video has already been co-opted into the steady flow of misinformation surrounding the riot. Here are some claims we’ve previously debunked: * Fact check roundup: False narratives linger two years after Jan. 6 attack on Capitol * Claim: FBI operatives organized the attack (False) * Claim: Pence was arrested that day (False) * Claim: The Jan. 6 House select committee destroyed records that would exonerate Trump (False) * Claim: A video showed the Trump family celebrating the riots from a nearby tent (False) * Claim: Image shows a federal agent posing as a Trump supporter during Jan. 6 riot (False) – Nate Trela ## Abortion sparks debate, misinformation after Roe v. Wade ruling Abortion rights are likely to be a key issue for voters as the 2024 presidential election nears. Since the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in June 2022, eliminating the constitutional right to have an abortion, more than a dozen states have banned, or attempted to ban, abortion. Meanwhile, progressive organizations and activists have scored seven straight victories in statewide ballots, most recently in Ohio. Democrats have sought to use the issue to mobilize voters ahead of the 2024 election. Republican presidential candidates have generally been opposed to the procedure, but vary in how they would try to regulate it if elected. Trump has suggested he would work with “both sides” of the abortion issue and has denounced total restrictions on abortions. He criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signing of legislation banning abortion after six weeks in his state. At the third GOP presidential debate in Miami, Haley said she considers herself \"pro-life\" but believes abortion is “a personal issue for every woman and every man,\" while Christie has called for leaving the matter up to individual states. Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has said he does not support a federal ban on abortion and believes the matter is a state issue but lamented the abortion referendum recently passed in his home state of Ohio. Abortion has sparked a flurry of misinformation online: * Claim: Nebraska teen charged with a felony after using abortion pills faces five years in prison (Partly false) * Claim: The abortion pill caused 28 maternal deaths and over 4,200 adverse events (False) * Claim: Texas teen got 96 years in prison for crossing state lines for abortion (Satire) * Claim: A California ballot measure would ‘extend abortions up to 9 months’ (False) * Claim: A 12-year-old girl who gets an abortion in Alabama is thrown in prison for life (False) * Claim: Planned Parenthood clinics are shutting down all over the country (False) * Claim: Biden proposed a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade in 1982 (Partly false) * Claim: Abortions were banned before AR-style semi-automatic rifles (Missing context) * Claim: Roe v. Wade marked the end of women dying from abortions (False) * Claim: Mike Johnson said women have ‘a duty’ to give birth to ‘at least one able-bodied worker’ (False) – BrieAnna Frank & Hannah Hudnall ## Election integrity remains focus for GOP candidates The next election is less than a year away, but the fight over the results of the last one continues. A key issue for the four candidates on the debate stage remains whether they trust the election process in the U.S. Allegations of voter fraud from Trump and his allies are at the root of two indictments against the former president, who is accused of trying to steal the 2020 election. His claims have resonated throughout the Republican Party and eroded confidence in the process, even as state-level reviews of the 2022 midterm elections found no indication of systemic problems with voter fraud. Some of the candidates taking part in the debate have made moves in their states to enhance the integrity of elections. * Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis created Florida’s Office of Election Crimes and Security. A year ago, his administration accused 20 felons ineligible to vote of illegally casting ballots in 2020 and charged them with third-degree felonies. * Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as governor signed a law in 2011 that requires South Carolina voters to show photo ID. * Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill in 2016 that would automatically register New Jerseyans to vote when they obtain or renew their driver’s license, calling it “a cocktail of fraud,” reported. Misinformation has circulated about the integrity of the elections. Here are some that have been debunked: * Fact check roundup: False claims about election fraud, candidates swirl amid 2022 midterms * Claim: Maricopa County, Arizona, officials admitted to breaking the law, improperly certifying machines that failed during election (False) * Claim: Arizona task force found Gov. Katie Hobbs interfered in 2022 election as secretary of state (False) * Claim: Douglass Mackey was sentenced to prison for \'making memes disparaging Hillary Clinton’ (False) * Claim: A software company\'s contract allows officials to override election results (False) * Claim: Malware, remote access caused printer problems; 200,000 \'ejected\' ballots in Arizona (False) * Claim: A chart shows election fraud in the Michigan AG’s race (False) * Claim: Georgia is Democrats\' test site for 2024 \'private takeover of election offices’ (False) * Claim: Blackout in live stream in Nevada points to election theft (False) * Claim: Fraud due to Texas voting machine adding voters as polls close (False) * Claim: Photo showing ballots from 2022 midterms in the trash is evidence of fraud (False) * Claim: Democrats used 47 million mail-in ballots to steal every election (False) * Claim: Joe Biden did not legally win the presidential election (False) – Joedy McCreary Featured Weekly Ad About Us Newsroom Staff Ethical Principles Responsible Disclosure Request a Correction Press Releases Accessibility Sitemap Subscription Terms & Conditions Terms of Service Privacy Policy Your Privacy Choices Contact Us Help Center Manage Account Give Feedback Get Home Delivery eNewspaper USA TODAY Shop USA TODAY Print Editions Licensing & Reprints Advertise With Us Advertising Acceptance Policy Careers Internships Support Local Business News Tips Submitting letters to the editor Podcasts Newsletters Mobile Apps Facebook X Instagram LinkedIn Threads YouTube Reddit Flipboard 10Best USAT Wine Club Shopping Best-selling Booklist Southern Kitchen Jobs Sports Betting Sports Weekly Studio Gannett Classifieds Homefront Home Internet Blueprint Auto Insurance Pet Insurance Travel Insurance Credit Cards Banking Personal Loans LLC Formation Payroll Software © 2024 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC.
Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper ![\\"Portrait](\\" center/author-angelo-fichera/author-angelo-fichera-thumbLarge-v2.png\\"/) # Angelo Fichera ## Recent and archived work by Angelo Fichera for The New York Times ### Latest 1. July 19, 2024 ### “If you look at the arrow at the bottom, that’s the lowest level — the one on the bottom, heavy red arrow — that’s the lowest level of illegal immigrants ever to come into our country in recorded history right there, right there. And that was my last week in office.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 2. July 19, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" live-factcheck-zfwm/19election-live-factcheck-zfwm- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") ### Fact-Checking the Immigration Chart That Trump Says ‘Saved My Life’ Donald J. Trump escaped an assassination attempt with only an ear wound after he turned to show a graphic, which he again highlighted at the R.N.C. But the facts on immigration are misleading. By Angelo Fichera Leer en español 3. July 19, 2024 ### “We also left $85 billion worth of military equipment” in Afghanistan. This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 4. July 18, 2024 ### “And then we had that horrible, horrible result that we’ll never let happen again. The election result. We’re never going to let that happen again. They used Covid to cheat.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 5. July 18, 2024 ### “We had no inflation.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 6. July 18, 2024 ### “He decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire. To leave behind everything he had ever built. To answer the call to serve our nation. Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 7. July 17, 2024 ### “Meanwhile pro-crime district attorneys have turned our cities into giant crime zones.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 8. July 17, 2024 ### “The guy who advised Obama not to take out Osama. Joe Biden advised against the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 9. July 17, 2024 ### “Let’s look at Biden’s E.V. mandates.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 10. July 17, 2024 ### “Biden’s F.B.I. has even stated that practicing Catholics present an elevated risk of domestic terrorism simply because of their faith.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 11. July 17, 2024 ### Donald Trump is “an American whom even Barack Obama admits people consider the American dream.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 12. July 16, 2024 ### “Gas hit a low of $1.87 a gallon” under the Trump administration This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 13. July 16, 2024 ### “To Biden’s violent crime crisis, fueled by Democrats’ pro-criminal sanctuary cities and defund-the-police policies like we have seen in my home state of New York.“ This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 14. July 16, 2024 ### “And while pockets are pinched, Biden is trying to force you to buy an electric vehicle.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 15. July 16, 2024 ### “Just last week, Ruben Gallego voted to let the millions of people who poured into our country illegally cast a ballot in this upcoming election.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 16. July 15, 2024 ### “President Trump will make those tax cuts permanent. But if Joe and Kamala are re-elected, they say they are going to let them expire. That will be the biggest tax increase in American history.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 17. July 15, 2024 ### “They promised normalcy and gave us Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 18. June 27, 2024 ### “He wants to get rid of Social Security. He thinks that there’s plenty to cut in Social Security. He’s wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare both times.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 19. June 27, 2024 ### “And what he’s done to the Black population is horrible, including the fact that for 10 years he called them superpredators.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 20. June 27, 2024 ### “We have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now. All terrorists, all over the world, not just in South America, all over the world. They come from the Middle East, everywhere, all over the world. They’re pouring in. And this guy just left it open.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 21. June 27, 2024 ### “We have 1,000 trillionaires in America — I mean billionaires in America — and what’s happening, they’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2 percent in taxes.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 22. June 27, 2024 ### “He’s the only president other than Herbert Hoover who’s lost more jobs than he had when he began.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 23. June 27, 2024 Fact Check ### Fact-Checking Biden’s and Trump’s Claims on Domestic Policy We scrutinized the presidential candidates’ recent claims on abortion, health care, crime and climate change ahead of the debate. By Linda Qiu 24. April 8, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" words-promo/trump-words-promo- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") ### The Method Behind Trump’s Mistruths A close examination of every public word from the former president during a crucial week of his campaign. By Angelo Fichera 25. March 16, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" claims-cjft/00dc-trump-claims-cjft- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") ### Examining Trump’s Alternate Reality Pitch The war in Ukraine. Hamas’s attack on Israel. Inflation. The former president has insisted that none would have occurred if he had remained in office after 2020. By Angelo Fichera 26. March 8, 2024 ### “You know, there are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax is for these billionaires? They are making great sacrifices: 8.2 percent. That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans’ pay.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 27. March 7, 2024 ### The Republican Party wants “families to grow. It’s why we strongly support continued nationwide access to in vitro fertilization.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 28. March 7, 2024 ### “From our small towns to America’s most iconic city streets, life is getting more and more dangerous.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 29. March 7, 2024 ### “Many of my friends on the other side of the aisle want to put Social Security on the chopping block.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 30. March 7, 2024 ### “We’ve already cut the federal deficit over a trillion dollars.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 31. March 7, 2024 ### “15 million new jobs in just three years — a record.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 32. March 7, 2024 ### “In fact, my policies have attracted $650 billion in private sector investment, in clean energy, advanced manufacturing, creating tens of thousands of jobs here in America!” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 33. March 6, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" trump-factcheck-promo-cjbw/06pol-trump-factcheck-promo-cjbw- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Fact Check ### Trump’s Super Tuesday Speech: Assessing 10 False and Misleading Claims After racking up a series of wins that cleared the field, former President Donald J. Trump moved to a general election message. Here’s a fact check. By Angelo Fichera 34. Feb. 29, 2024 ### ‘We built 571 miles of border wall, much more than I promised I’d build.’ This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 35. Feb. 29, 2024 FACT CHECK ### “Now the United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime. It’s a new form of vicious violation to our country.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 36. Feb. 29, 2024 FACT CHECK ### “Because of Joe Biden’s policies — and the more than eight million people who have crossed the border — the United States is being invaded.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 37. Feb. 24, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" factcheck-jzhc/00dc-factcheck-jzhc- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Fact Check ### Fact-Checking Trump and Haley’s War of Words Nikki Haley and her onetime boss, former President Donald J. Trump, have used false and misleading claims about polls and tax proposals while exchanging jabs on the campaign trail. By Angelo Fichera 38. Feb. 21, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" factcheck-zvgt/00dc-factcheck-zvgt- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") fact check ### Fact-Checking Biden’s Recent Economic Talking Points President Biden has made some misleading statements during campaign and public events in recent weeks as he discussed taxes, industry, jobs and more. By Angelo Fichera 39. Feb. 5, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" factcheck-phqz/05dc-factcheck-phqz- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Fact CHECK ### No, Border Deal Won’t ‘Allow’ 5,000 Unauthorized Immigrants a Day Republican critics are misrepresenting one provision of a bipartisan deal to suggest that it permits 5,000 illegal crossings a day. By Angelo Fichera 40. Feb. 5, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" swiper-trump-lankford-1-mfqt/05politics-swiper-trump-lankford-1-mfqt- thumbWide.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Fact Check ### Opposing border deal, Donald Trump falsely denies endorsing Senator James Lankford. The former president issued in 2022 a glowing endorsement of Mr. Lankford, the Republican lawmaker now pushing a bipartisan border deal that Mr. Trump opposes. By Angelo Fichera Page **1** of **8** 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions
Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards
..I cut up an onion the other day and had a piece left over. A friend told me that if I keep the onion and use it again it would be poisonous. Is that true? All related (82) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-127566208-50-brivfufuidbtszrvopbedgmujjnxvgac.jpeg\\") Beth Goldowitz I read more than anyone I know, probably to excess. · Author has 17.9K answers and 67.4M answer views · 4y It is absolutely not true. As long as the onion is well wrapped so it isn\'t exposed to air, it\'s fine in the fridge for two or three days. It will start to dry out after that, so just make sure to use the rest of it promptly. If you\'re not going to use it within a day or two, the best thing to do is put it in a sealed plastic bag or plastic container and freeze it. Its texture won\'t be the same as a fresh onion once thawed, but it will be good to use in making stock, or to add flavor to a pot of beans. Foods stored in the fridge do not become poisonous. Being chilled does not change the essentia Continue Reading It is absolutely not true. As long as the onion is well wrapped so it isn\'t exposed to air, it\'s fine in the fridge for two or three days. It will start to dry out after that, so just make sure to use the rest of it promptly. If you\'re not going to use it within a day or two, the best thing to do is put it in a sealed plastic bag or plastic container and freeze it. Its texture won\'t be the same as a fresh onion once thawed, but it will be good to use in making stock, or to add flavor to a pot of beans. Foods stored in the fridge do not become poisonous. Being chilled does not change the essential nature of fruits, vegetables, meat, or grains. Just don\'t wait too long to use the rest of your onion. Upvote · 9910 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Looking to build or host your own website? Try AWS for free. Whether you\'re looking to build, host, or create in the cloud, AWS offers free, hands-on experience. Sign Up 999175 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-203890226-50-zikldxmclwedxmrglozsdfmnsgdmktni.jpeg\\") Umar Sheriff Habibullah Former Operations Manager at Jupiter International Hotel (2015–2017) · Author has 363 answers and 2.7M answer views · 5y Originally Answered: I cut up a garlic clove the other day and I had a piece left over. my friend told me to throw that out because it would be poisonous if I used it again. Is there any truth to that? · Dear Judy Crossman, In my experience , i can say the cut garlic clove is not poisonous for next day. Let me explain in two life regular home activities. 1\. During the Eid ( Ramadan &Bakrid festival )time all our ladies they start peeling garlic skin and keep it ready to make garlic paste to make Biriyani so the process of peeling garlic skin takes place at least a weeks ahead. But we keep in the fri Continue Reading Dear Judy Crossman, In my experience , i can say the cut garlic clove is not poisonous for next day. Let me explain in two life regular home activities. 1\. During the Eid ( Ramadan &Bakrid festival )time all our ladies they start peeling garlic skin and keep it ready to make garlic paste to make Biriyani so the process of peeling garlic skin takes place at least a weeks ahead. But we keep in the fridge covered as it smells a lot. 2\. second during the marriage time all over family relations visit our home a week ahead . so it was... Upvote · 93 ![\\"Profile](\\"//\\") Assistant Bot · Aug 18 No, that’s not true. A cut onion does not become poisonous after being stored. However, there are a few important points to keep in mind: 1. Storage: If you have a leftover piece of onion, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This helps prevent it from drying out and reduces the risk of contamination. 2. Shelf Life: A cut onion can typically be kept in the refrigerator for about 7 to 10 days. After that, it may start to spoil or develop an off smell, indicating it should be discarded. 3. Food Safety: Always check for signs of spoilage (like an unusual odor, sliminess, or mold) before usi Continue Reading No, that’s not true. A cut onion does not become poisonous after being stored. However, there are a few important points to keep in mind: 1. Storage: If you have a leftover piece of onion, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This helps prevent it from drying out and reduces the risk of contamination. 2. Shelf Life: A cut onion can typically be kept in the refrigerator for about 7 to 10 days. After that, it may start to spoil or develop an off smell, indicating it should be discarded. 3. Food Safety: Always check for signs of spoilage (like an unusual odor, sliminess, or mold) before using a leftover onion. If it looks or smells bad, it\'s best to throw it away. In summary, as long as the onion is stored properly and shows no signs of spoilage, it is safe to use again. Upvote · Related questions More answers below Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How true is this fact that, onions turn poisonous if left cut for another day? Do cut onion left in open turn toxic? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? Do onions become toxic or otherwise dangerous within a day of being cut open? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-180054060-50-xncduoetzhssdtwgcurrtokclhvmlgbd.jpeg\\") Barbara Cotie Former Leasing Analyst: Retired · Author has 314 answers and 216.4K answer views · Updated 4y That bad information comes from a comment made on line back in like 2008. The comment was removed because it was written as fact. The truth is: When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut, onions can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to 7 days. A widely circulated claim states uncooked, leftover onions are \'poisonous\' because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' thus likely to spoil. Only if the onions are not handled properly. If that fact was true I\'d be dead 20 years ago. But I like onion so much that there is never too many onions in a rec Continue Reading That bad information comes from a comment made on line back in like 2008. The comment was removed because it was written as fact. The truth is: When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut, onions can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to 7 days. A widely circulated claim states uncooked, leftover onions are \'poisonous\' because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' thus likely to spoil. Only if the onions are not handled properly. If that fact was true I\'d be dead 20 years ago. But I like onion so much that there is never too many onions in a recipe that are cooked! Upvote · 93 Related questions Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How true is this fact that, onions turn poisonous if left cut for another day? Do cut onion left in open turn toxic? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? Do onions become toxic or otherwise dangerous within a day of being cut open? Is it safe to eat onions that have been left out overnight? Is it harmful to cut onions and eat them later? Can I keep onions outside in room temperature, and for how long? If I use only half of an onion, should I refrigerate the unused half? What makes humans so resistant to the toxins in onions? Can onions cause food poisoning? Does a chopped onion become poisonous after some time? Are wild onion bulbs poisonous? What are some of their toxic effects and antidotes for them? Is it okay to rinse a knife with water only after cutting \"clean\" ingredients such as onions? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? Related questions Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How true is this fact that, onions turn poisonous if left cut for another day? Do cut onion left in open turn toxic? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? Do onions become toxic or otherwise dangerous within a day of being cut open? Is it safe to eat onions that have been left out overnight? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024 ![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")
Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards
How long can curries be kept in fridge and reheated? I am an intern and don’t have time to cook everyday : r/IndianFood Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/IndianFood A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to IndianFood r/IndianFood r/IndianFood Indian Food is your step by step guide to simple and delicious home cooking. From regional Indian cuisine to popular dishes from around the globe, our community\'s focus is to make cooking easy. Come join us and learn! * * * 911K Members 22 Online • 2 yr. ago dilsedesi95 ADMIN MOD # How long can curries be kept in fridge and reheated? I am an intern and don’t have time to cook everyday question I have a fridge and microwave, how long do curries usually last inside fridge? I am planning to cook 2-3 curries at a time and put them in fridge and eat them by using microwave. I will be cooking dal fry, sambar, vegetable curries, chicken curry, etc. Edit: Thank you all for the responses, I’ll try to respond to as many as possible. My best takeaway is cook large scale, put them in batches in air tight containers and 3-5 days in fridge or even more in freezer. Thank you. Read more Insubuy • Promoted Your parents\' visit will be stressful enough. Getting them travel health insurance shouldn’t be. Shop Now ![\\"Thumbnail](\\" Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A TheTench • 2y ago • Edited 2y ago • Curries in the fringe in an airtight container will be fine for 3-4 days. I portion them out into bowls, cover with cling film. To eat, microwave for 2 minutes then stir, another 1-2 minutes depending on portion size / strength of microvalve. You can freeze curries, I want to say 6 months is fine but I am not an expert. You can defrost a portion using microvave in about 3 minutes, then heat as above. Reply reply dilsedesi95 • 2y ago • Does it matter if I put it in fridge hot as soon as it’s cooked? Because steam will condensate and form water in the airtight container right? Reply reply 20 more replies 20 more replies More replies 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies ![\\"u/thenorthmerchant](\\" thenorthmerchant • 2y ago • I enforce date of prep plus 3 days, realistically if in the fridge 5 days though. Why not freeze then microwave from frozen/defrost on a morning? Check r/mealprepsundays Reply reply dilsedesi95 • 2y ago • I’ll check the sub out, I didn’t know if food would be the same after freezing or not. Reply reply 7 more replies 7 more replies More replies More replies ![\\"u/PLZ-PM-ME-UR- TITS](\\" PLZ-PM-ME-UR-TITS • 2y ago • People here seem to really adhere to food safety. I\'ve been known to eat 1.5 old week curry. I generally refrigerate the food after cooking/eating Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies ratz0303 • 2y ago • Instead of making the whole curry you can just make the base and refrigerate it. Add whatever vegetables you wish to eat when you wanna Most restaurants in India do this when they open in the morning, or once in two days Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies ![\\"u/nomnommish](\\" nomnommish • 2y ago • True answer is, until it starts tasting bad or if you see visible fungus in the food. With cooked food, it totally depends on how quickly you refrigerated the food, what kind of natural preservatives it had from going bad like acid (tamarind, tomatoes etc), and just your personal luck. Food at my place literally lasts for several weeks before going bad, in the fridge. Reply reply 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies ![\\"u/reeblebeeble](\\" reeblebeeble • 2y ago • For veggie curries 7 days is probably fine For meat, 3-5 days Reply reply sleeper_shark • 2y ago • I usually keep them 2-3 days in the fridge. But honestly, when I make a massive portion, I will freeze it. Most curries freeze really well and should be almost indistinguishable from freshly cooked if you don’t leave them like 4 months in the freezer. Even then, it won’t make you sick after 4 to 6 months, it will just taste a little less good. What I do is I wait for the curry to cool enough that I can dip my finger in it without feeling a sting to heat, then I ladel it into zip lock bags. You can just reheat the ice block in the microwave on defrost, but because curries are not homogenous, I find that they heat uneven when you defrost. It’s better to just plop it on the stove and gently reheat, or even just put the zip lock bag in some hot (not boiling) water to defrost. Make sure to get dishwasher safe zip locks if you try this. Otherwise you can always use a normal Tupperware, but it’s less space efficient and I assume as an intern you don’t have a massive freezer. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies IceBlueLugia • 2y ago • 4-5 days easy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’ve eaten cooked curries with meat 5 days later and it’s been fine Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related India Food South Asia Asia Place forward back * r/indiasocial r/indiasocial Casual Corner For Indians 1.3M Members 824 Online ### For people who say khichdi is a food for sick people 305 upvotes · 121 comments * r/IndianFood r/IndianFood Indian Food is your step by step guide to simple and delicious home cooking. 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Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards
..If I use only half of an onion, should I refrigerate the unused half? All related (47) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\"//\\") Assistant Bot · Aug 17 Yes, you should refrigerate the unused half of the onion. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out and to minimize odor absorption. Refrigerated, it should stay fresh for about a week. Your response is private Was this worth your time? This helps us sort answers on the page. Absolutely not Definitely yes Upvote · ![\\"Profile](\\" George McGavin City & Guilds 706-1/706-2 in Food & Nutrition and Food Science, North East Scotland College (Graduated 1985) · Author has 357 answers and 501.2K answer views · 5y Unfortunately, There’s a lot of negative stuff out there about putting cut onions in the fridge. Here’s the facts straight from many years in the catering trade, and I’ve not poisened anyone yet! When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut the onions can be stored in the fridge, but only in a sealed container for up to 7 days. Puting them in a sealed container cuts off access to the majority of bacteria that can access it. It’s a fact there is a widely circulated claim stating uncooked, leftover are \'poisonous\' simply because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' and as s Continue Reading Unfortunately, There’s a lot of negative stuff out there about putting cut onions in the fridge. Here’s the facts straight from many years in the catering trade, and I’ve not poisened anyone yet! When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut the onions can be stored in the fridge, but only in a sealed container for up to 7 days. Puting them in a sealed container cuts off access to the majority of bacteria that can access it. It’s a fact there is a widely circulated claim stating uncooked, leftover are \'poisonous\' simply because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' and as such are likely to spoil. which is absolute rubbish if they are stored properly and handled the right way I.e. in a sealed container. Upvote · 95 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Store and protect your data. Get started for free. Reliable & secure cloud storage: scale on demand so you have the storage you need, when you need it. Sign Up 9969 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-8544061-50-rYRQTNJaxUb4XZj3dhiVj6KcwaPbWMyU.jpeg\\") Lane Johnson Been cooking for my family since 1966. · Author has 1.3K answers and 901K answer views · 5y I have been cooking for a our family for 52 years. We\'re fine, thanks. I have saved or used parts of onions almost every week of that time. I put the unused part in a zip lock bag now and refrigerate it. I don\'t refrigerate whole onions. Before zip lock baggies, I wrapped the unused part in plastic wrap or put it in a closeable container. Covering the cut onion is to keep it from stinking up the other stuff. Who tells these scare stories? Upvote · 91 Related questions More answers below Can we use a cut onion properly stored in a refrigerator after 5 days? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? If you need to use half an onion, which half should be left in order to prolong shelf life? Why shouldn\'t onions be kept in the fridge? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-395183884-50-lshfhibaoapxegtgefzvdcndqsvmozmh.jpeg\\") Dane Brooke Former AppDevMeister at Boeing (company) · Author has 2.4K answers and 2.6M answer views · 5y I always do. I also cut the onion so the part I put back has ALL the rootlets on it (that tells you how to orient the onion to cut it for partial use. The reason for this doesn’t have to do so much with the orientation of the part of the onion you are using up as it has to do with the part you are saving for later. Saving the rootlets means you can use the root end to “hold” the onion together as you cut more and more of it off. To see why this is advantageous, watch Jacques Pepin cut an onion, or see the Alex French Guy Cooking video Upvote · 92 Related questions Can we use a cut onion properly stored in a refrigerator after 5 days? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? If you need to use half an onion, which half should be left in order to prolong shelf life? Why shouldn\'t onions be kept in the fridge? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? If I am slicing an onion for dinner tonight, do I need to refrigerate the unused portion? Is it true that you cannot place a cut onion in the refrigerator because they absorb toxins and will poison you? I’ve done this most of my life and it’s never made me ill. It’s not always necessary to use an entire onion at one time. I cut up an onion the other day and had a piece left over. A friend told me that if I keep the onion and use it again it would be poisonous. Is that true? How safe is it to use previously chopped and stored onions (in the refrigerator), and how long can we store them? Is it necessary to refrigerate onions? How long can onions be stored at room temperature? Do red onions go bad in the fridge? Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How long should I keep a cut onion? How long can I keep uncooked unpeeled onions, if stored in the fridge? Is it safe to eat onions that have been left out overnight? Related questions Can we use a cut onion properly stored in a refrigerator after 5 days? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? If you need to use half an onion, which half should be left in order to prolong shelf life? Why shouldn\'t onions be kept in the fridge? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? If I am slicing an onion for dinner tonight, do I need to refrigerate the unused portion? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024 ![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")
Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards
Does anyone vacuum seal their food or meals? : r/MealPrepSunday Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/MealPrepSunday A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! * * * 4.9M Members 36 Online • 1 yr. ago MyPomeranianIsHere ADMIN MOD # Does anyone vacuum seal their food or meals? I like a lot of variety, and I get the ick from food that doesn’t taste fresh (ex. Food that is technically good but not supposed to be mushy, freezer burn, etc.). Vacuum sealing has definitely kept my produce fresh, and I’m planning to apply it towards whole meals. I am in the process of making some vacuum sealed uncooked freezer meals. Mostly dump and go pressure cooker meals. The vacuum seal is mostly to prevent freezer burn. Have you vacuum sealed any of your meals or food, frozen or otherwise? Do you feel like it has made a difference or is it a waste of time and energy? I am planning to make enough freezer meals to last the semester for dinners and some other meals. A little less than 16 weeks. I’m hoping that the vacuum sealing will keep the taste and texture okay since it will technically be past the 3 month mark (still safe in freezer). But I may need to adjust and only make half a semester and then the other half at a later time. Read more BoschOfficial • Promoted At Bosch, everything revolves around high-quality technologies and services. And the people are top quality too. Our teams rely on cooperation, openness, respect and just the right amount of goofiness - that\'s Bosch. * ![\\"At](\\" * ![\\"At](\\" Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A notformost • 1y ago • I\'ve vacuumed sealed meat. I\'ve tried to do soups and other foods containing liquids, but it\'s a long process since you have to freeze it first and then vacuum seal it. I use freezer bags now since it\'s quicker, and I let the air out by using the water displacement method. Reply reply 8 more replies 8 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Defan3](\\" Defan3 • 1y ago • I freeze meat. I\'m eating meat right now that is 2 years old and not freezer burned. Reply reply 9 more replies 9 more replies More replies Lilwolfe10 • 1y ago • Hi OP, I feel like your post was actually written by me? Haha. I have a ton of experience doing this, as it is the best way I\'ve found to feed my husband and I. We are all almost always on the go, so cooking daily is very difficult. We have been doing this for just over a year, and have saved thousands in food costs by drastically reducing the number of times per week we eat out, and the amount of leftovers that spoil. At the bare minimum, once a month we will have a big \"Meal Prep Sunday\", but usually end up doing it every other week. We will cook a bunch of meals in large quantities and vacuum seal them. My favorite is the instant pot dump meal style of cooking, to the point where my husband and mother have coined the phrase \"a bunch of stuff in a bowl\" as my favorite thing to cook. Along with meal prep Sundays, anytime we do cook during the week, we will always make extra to get a few freezer meals out of it. We have done soups, bowls, pastas, cooked meats (chicken, steak, pork, ground beef, sausage, etc), cooked vegetables, even deserts that we don\'t mind getting a little smashed up (turning leftover pie into pie bowl, basically, or excess canolli filling, etc.) I\'ve done muffins for grab and go breakfasts too. We\'ve done vegetable scraps that eventually get turned into vegetable broth. Another one of my go-to meals is sealing pre-made salads in glass jars and storing them in the fridge. Usually would only make a couple of these at a time since I have never tried freezing them. I completely get the ick when it comes to freezer burn and mushy food. I\'ve found that cheap quality pasta (Aldi store brands) get extremely mushy, but other store brands like Walmart, Publix, food lion, etc. hold up just fine. Also, long noodles like the standard spaghetti hold up a lot better than penne and such. Other than pastas, I\'ve never had any issues with things feeling mushy if they weren\'t mushy when they were freshly cooked. I have had issues with cucumbers getting absolutely disgusting after being vacuum sealed. I\'ve never had any problems with freezer burn as long as it vacuums/seals properly and doesn\'t get punctured in the freezer. I did the vacuum seal and freeze method for about 3 months with a standard foodsaver type suction vacuum sealer before I coughed up the big bucks for a commercial chamber vacuum sealer. They are a bit expensive, and large, but do a much better job at getting all the air out. Especially with things that have liquid in them. The bags for the chamber sealers are a lot cheaper too because they don\'t require the textured side. I got mine for about $800 at Costco, but have definitely re-cooped at least twice that cost within a year due to how much it reduced my spending on food. Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Patriot009 • 1y ago • I\'ll vacuum seal uneaten apple slices and avocado halves to prevent oxidation. I put a few splashes of lemon juice in before I seal them up. Reply reply eumenides__ • 1y ago • It’s absolutely fine for longer than 16 weeks. My mom’s partner vacuum seals EVERYTHING like if you don’t finish a bag of Cheetos he’ll vacuum seal it in a separate bag. I’ve had food he’s made that I’ve eaten well after 6 months and it’s been good. I don’t eat meat though so I’m not sure of meat storage. Make the packages as flat as possible for easy thawing and don’t prep rice or pasta, that’s easy enough to cook when you need. I think it’s fine and convenient for storage if you have a small freezer but not something I’m interested in doing myself honestly. Reply reply ![\\"u/ChaoticxSerenity](\\" ChaoticxSerenity • 1y ago • I like the idea of vacuum sealing stuff, but I feel bad about all the plastic waste. I try and put everything into reusable or glass containers when I can, even though I know it won\'t keep as long. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies untitled01 • 1y ago • I vacuum seal every protein I get from the supermarket that I’m not using in 2 days. No freezer burn whatsoever. Thaw it naturally and it is good as new. Reply reply ![\\"u/MrsZerg](\\" MrsZerg • 1y ago • I got a vacuum sealer for Christmas and I absolutely love it! We mostly do meat. I buy in bulk from Sams or Costco, pre-season, and vacuum seal. I watched several youtubes on advice! I find ground meat gets too compacted, so we do the pulse feature. My husband loves to sous vide, so when he cooks it goes straight from the freezer to the sous vide. I pre cut and season so things go right to the crock pot or how ever I\'m cooking. I can\'t believe I went so long without one of these! I pre chop onions and bell pepper and freeze them separately in small portions to throw in recipes. I love the resealable bags for cheese and lunch meat in the fridge. Things last soooo much longer! Reply reply ![\\"u/CruellaCAN](\\" CruellaCAN • 1y ago • Vacuum sealing is definitely helpful. Over the longer term, if you have a “frost free” freezer, the quality of even vacuum sealed foods will be affected by the thaw/freeze cycle. If your freezer is manual defrost, you’ll have more success with keeping prepared food tasting good. (I forgot to switch a vacuum-sealed serving of lasagna to my deep freeze and after a few months in my fridge freezer, it was basically tasteless!) Reply reply Tinkerpro • 1y ago • I vacuum seal both pre-cooked meals and uncooked meat. It works great. No freezer burn, and as for the pre-cooked stuff, ready to eat in minutes. Especially for those times I need something quick Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related Meal Food forward back * r/Costco r/Costco Welcome to Costco, we love you. Disclaimer: This is an unofficial Costco subreddit, r/Costco is not affiliated with Costco Wholesale Corporation or any of their subsidiaries. 765K Members 158 Online ### Anybody Buy This? 256 upvotes · 109 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! 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Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### seen a few asking for tips on meal prepping with adhd so i thought i would share my “routine” 7 392 upvotes · 44 comments * Promoted ![\\"sidebar](\\"\\"/) r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### This is becoming my favorite meal prep 2 1.2K upvotes · 79 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### First ever meal prep as a High Schooler who has her first internship! 6 690 upvotes · 37 comments * r/mealprep r/mealprep Help with meal plans, meal prep, advice, submit your plans and meals 190K Members 7 Online ### Can I use old pasta jars for meal prep? 11 upvotes · 12 comments * r/Cooking r/Cooking 4.1M Members 261 Online ### What am I doing wrong with frozen cod fillets? 93 upvotes · 87 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### If it ain’t broke don’t fix it 11 298 upvotes · 41 comments * r/Cooking r/Cooking 4.1M Members 261 Online ### When do you put fresh meat in the fridge vs. freezer? 9 comments * r/AskCulinary r/AskCulinary A place to get that \"one right answer\" to your cooking questions! 1M Members 78 Online ### dumb question: storing Veggies of various types - how and how long? 21 upvotes · 19 comments * r/sousvide r/sousvide Welcome to SousVide: The subreddit for everything cooked in a temperature controlled water-bath. Join the discussion, improve the community! 374K Members 22 Online ### Who needs a Vacuum sealer 1.3K upvotes · 113 comments * r/steak r/steak For most things STEAK! 715K Members 105 Online ### Am I sheltering in place properly? 134 upvotes · 23 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### Meal prepping only with what I got left.... 5 366 upvotes · 10 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### Is one meal prep a day accepted? 2 891 upvotes · 81 comments * r/sousvide r/sousvide Welcome to SousVide: The subreddit for everything cooked in a temperature controlled water-bath. Join the discussion, improve the community! 374K Members 22 Online ### Guidance Requested for a Frozen Ribeye 5 upvotes · 16 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### First ever attempt at meal prepping! Office lunches this week! 2 668 upvotes · 43 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### Chipotle Vinaigrette Original Recipe 2 93 upvotes · 14 comments * r/Cooking r/Cooking 4.1M Members 261 Online ### How food-safe is it to leave a chicken out in the fridge uncovered to dry brine? 2 upvotes · 9 comments * r/explainlikeimfive r/explainlikeimfive Explain Like I\'m Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. Don\'t Panic! 23M Members 1.3K Online ### ELI5 Why is packaged meat always wet? 7 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! 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Says US Rep Bruce Poliquin voted to force seniors to pay more for prescription drugs
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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now ### Latest Half-True Fact-checks in Medicare * ![](\\" ![](\\" Joe Biden stated on March 19, 2024 in a speech: Insulin for Medicare beneficiaries \"was costing 400 bucks a month on average. It now costs $35 a month.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Samantha Putterman • April 2, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Joe Biden stated on March 7, 2024 in his State of the Union address: “We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Amy Sherman • March 11, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on January 6, 2024 in a speech: Nikki Haley “says the retirement age at 65 is way too low, it must be much higher.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Samantha Putterman • January 8, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Ron DeSantis stated on July 9, 2023 in an interview with Fox News\' Maria Bartiromo: Federal “agencies and government have grown 50% since 2019.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • July 13, 2023 * ![](\\" ![](\\" DeSantis Watch stated on February 8, 2023 in a Facebook post: \"Ron DeSantis voted to cut $473 billion from Medicare.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Yacob Reyes • February 22, 2023 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Senate Majority PAC stated on October 24, 2022 in a political ad: “Ted Budd voted to cut Medicare and Social Security and voted to raise the retirement age, too.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Paul Specht • November 8, 2022 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Abby Finkenauer stated on December 9, 2021 in a tweet: Chuck Grassley was “voting to slash Medicare” when voting against the debt ceiling bill. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Lyle Muller • December 17, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Bernie Sanders stated on October 3, 2021 in an interview on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\": \"The pharmaceutical industry has 1,400 lobbyists on Capitol Hill right now trying to stop\" Medicare drug price negotiation. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • October 5, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Tammy Baldwin stated on November 19, 2020 in Twitter: “Americans are paying the highest price in the world for Remdesivir because the Trump administration is allowing Gilead Sciences to jack up the prices on this #COVID19 treatment.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Laura Schulte • December 1, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Joe Biden stated on October 9, 2020 in a TV campaign ad: Says Donald Trump “is pushing to slash Medicare benefits.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Stephanie Stapleton • October 23, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on April 10, 2020 in a Facebook post: Hospitals get paid more to list patients as COVID-19. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Tom Kertscher • April 21, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Daniel Lipinski stated on February 14, 2020 in a TV interview: Says the Affordable Care Act “took money out of the Medicare trust fund.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Kiannah Sepeda-Miller • February 23, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Florida Democratic Party stated on September 30, 2019 in a tweet: \"$575 billion cut from Medicare in Trump’s proposed 2020 budget.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Amy Sherman • October 3, 2019 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Julián Castro stated on March 12, 2019 in a tweet: Says President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2020 budget \"slashes investments in health care to pay for tax cuts to billionaires.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Miriam Valverde • March 20, 2019 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Bernie Sanders stated on February 25, 2019 in a CNN town hall event: Says President Donald Trump \"came forth with a budget — a trillion dollar cut in Medicaid, $500 billion to Medicare, and $72 billion for the Social Security Disability Fund.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • March 6, 2019 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Cory Gardner stated on February 14, 2019 in an interview: Says Kamala Harris said, \"We will take their (health) insurance away.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Tom Kertscher • February 21, 2019 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Dale Kooyenga stated on November 7, 2018 in a radio interview: Wisconsin has \"the number one health care system in the country. Everyone in poverty now has health care\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By D.L. Davis • November 30, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Dan McCready stated on October 10, 2018 in a debate: \"Mark Harris has said he would cut Social Security and Medicare.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Paul Specht • November 2, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Jacky Rosen stated on August 13, 2018 in a campaign endorsement event: Says Sen. Dean Heller \"wants to cut programs like Social Security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts for his ultra-wealthy donors.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • August 16, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Kyrsten Sinema stated on June 11, 2018 in campaign website: Says she is \"the only candidate for Senate who refuses to cut Medicare and Social Security or raise the retirement age.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Miriam Valverde • August 14, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Adam Putnam stated on July 17, 2018 in a TV ad: \"Congressman DeSantis voted to cut Social Security and Medicare\" and \"voted to increase the retirement age.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Amy Sherman • August 9, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Bernie Sanders stated on July 30, 2018 in a video: Says the Koch Brothers sponsored \"a study that shows that Medicare for All would save the American people $2 trillion over a 10-year period.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • August 3, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Senate Majority PAC stated on June 8, 2018 in campaign ad: Says Kevin Cramer wants to cut Social Security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Manuela Tobias • June 19, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Antonio Villaraigosa stated on March 5, 2018 in a news release: California’s single-payer healthcare proposal would \"force seniors off of Medicare.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Chris Nichols • March 8, 2018 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Charles Schumer stated on October 4, 2017 in a Senate floor speech: \"The Republicans are proposing to pay for their giant tax cut to the rich by gutting Medicare and Medicaid.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • October 6, 2017 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Bernie Sanders stated on September 17, 2017 in an interview: \"Private insurance companies in this country spend between 12 and 18 percent on administration costs. The cost of administering the Medicare program, a very popular program that works well for our seniors, is 2 percent. We can save approximately $500 billion a year just in administration costs.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Manuela Tobias • September 20, 2017 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Ted Strickland stated on October 14, 2016 in in a Ohio senatorial candidate debate: Says Sen. Rob Portman said, \"It would be irresponsible not to cut Medicare.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Nadia Pflaum • October 20, 2016 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Senate Majority PAC stated on September 14, 2016 in a TV ad: Says \"Marco Rubio wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare because he said they’re bankrupting our country.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Amy Sherman • September 16, 2016 * ![](\\" ![](\\" End Citizens United stated on August 22, 2016 in a campaign ad: Says U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin voted to \"force seniors to pay more for prescription drugs.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By C. Eugene Emery Jr. • August 30, 2016 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Mike Huckabee stated on August 6, 2015 in the first Republican debate: \"$700 billion was robbed (from Medicare) to pay for Obamacare.\" ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Linda Qiu • August 7, 2015 * Next #### Offices District of Columbia 1800 I Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Florida 801 3rd St. S St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-821-9494 #### People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis #### State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin #### About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters #### RSS Feeds * Recent Articles and Fact-checks * Recent Fact-checks Suggest a Fact-check #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Copyright ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization ![\\"\\"](\\" * * * ✕
Says US Rep Bruce Poliquin voted to force seniors to pay more for prescription drugs
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He assumed office on January 3, 2015. He left office on January 3, 2019. Poliquin (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District. He lost in the general election on November 8, 2022. Poliquin previously was the treasurer of Maine. Poliquin was selected by the state legislature in 2010 and served until 2012.[1] ## Contents * 1 Biography * 2 Elections * 2.1 2022 * 2.2 2018 * 2.3 2016 * 2.4 2014 * 2.5 2012 * 2.6 2010 * 3 Campaign themes * 3.1 2022 * 3.2 2018 * 3.2.1 Campaign website * 3.2.2 Campaign advertisements * 3.3 2016 * 4 Career * 5 Committee assignments * 5.1 U.S. House * 5.1.1 2017-2018 * 5.1.2 2015-2016 * 6 Key votes * 6.1 Key votes: 115th Congress, 2017-2018 * 6.2 Key votes: Previous sessions of Congress * 6.3 114th Congress * 6.3.1 Economic and fiscal * Trade Act of 2015 * Defense spending authorization * 2016 Budget proposal * 2015 budget * 6.3.2 Foreign Affairs * Iran nuclear deal * Export-Import Bank * 6.3.3 Domestic * USA FREEDOM Act of 2015 * Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act * Cyber security * 6.3.4 Immigration * 7 Issues * 7.1 Government shutdown * 8 Campaign themes * 8.1 2014 * 9 Campaign finance summary * 10 Analysis * 10.1 Lifetime voting record * 11 See also * 12 External links * 13 Footnotes ## Biography Poliquin was born in Waterville, Maine, and attended high school at Phillips Academy. He went on to earn a bachelor\'s degree from Harvard University in 1976.[2] After college, Poliquin worked as a businessman in Chicago and New York City. Throughout his professional career, he started and managed multiple businesses, including an investment company that, according to his campaign website, \"managed $5 billion of worker pension funds.\"[3] Poliquin returned to Maine in 1989 and served as the state treasurer from 2010 to 2012.[3][2] In his spare time, Poliquin spent 17 seasons as a volunteer baseball and softball coach.[3] ## Elections ### 2022 See also: Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District election, 2022 #### General election ##### General election for U.S. House Maine District 2 Select round: Round 2 Round 1 The ranked-choice voting election was won by Jared Golden in round 2 . The results of Round 2 are displayed below. To see the results of other rounds, use the dropdown menu above to select a round and the table will update. Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | _Jared Golden _ | 53.1 | 165,136 | 12,062 | Won (2) ![\\"Image](\\" | Bruce Poliquin | 46.9 | 146,142 | 4,882 | 2 ![\\"Image](\\" | Tiffany Bond | 0.0 | 0 | -21,655 | 2 Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | _Jared Golden _ | 48.4 | 153,074 | 0 | Won (2) ![\\"Image](\\" | Bruce Poliquin | 44.6 | 141,260 | 0 | 2 ![\\"Image](\\" | Tiffany Bond | 6.8 | 21,655 | 0 | 2 Undeclared Write-insUndeclared write-in candidates may advance past the first round in some ranked-choice elections. If the official source reports write-in votes by candidate name, Ballotpedia displays them alongside the ballot-qualified candidates. However, if write-in votes are reported without a name, they will instead be included in the total write-in votes figure in Round 1. Please consult the official elections source for more details about unnamed write-in candidate vote totals past Round 1. | 0.1 | 393 | 0 ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" | Incumbents are _bolded and underlined_. The results have been certified. Source | Total votes: 316,382 Total exhausted votes: 5,104 ---|---|--- ![\\"Candidate](\\"\\") = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. #### Democratic primary election ##### Democratic Primary for U.S. House Maine District 2 The following candidates advanced in the ranked-choice voting election: Jared Golden in round 1 . Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ✔ | ![\\"Image](\\" | _Jared Golden _ | 100 | 25,684 | 0 | Advanced (1) ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" | Incumbents are _bolded and underlined_. The results have been certified. Source | Total votes: 25,684 ---|---|--- ![\\"Candidate](\\"\\") = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. #### Withdrawn or disqualified candidates * Michael Sutton (D) #### Republican primary election ##### Republican Primary for U.S. House Maine District 2 The following candidates advanced in the ranked-choice voting election: Bruce Poliquin in round 1 . Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | Bruce Poliquin | 60.1 | 22,149 | 0 | Advanced (1) ![\\"Image](\\" | Elizabeth Caruso | 39.9 | 14,699 | 0 | 1 ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" | There were no incumbents in this race. The results have been certified. Source | Total votes: 36,848 ---|---|--- ![\\"Candidate](\\"\\") = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. #### Withdrawn or disqualified candidates * Garret Swazey (R) * Harold Stewart (R) * Michael D. Perkins (R) ### 2018 See also: Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District election, 2018 See also: Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District election (June 12, 2018 Republican primary) #### General election ##### General election for U.S. House Maine District 2 Select round: Round 2 Round 1 The ranked-choice voting election was won by Jared Golden in round 2 . The results of Round 2 are displayed below. To see the results of other rounds, use the dropdown menu above to select a round and the table will update. Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | Jared Golden | 50.6 | 142,440 | 10,427 | Won (2) ![\\"Image](\\" | _Bruce Poliquin _ | 49.4 | 138,931 | 4,747 | 2 ![\\"Image](\\" | Tiffany Bond | 0.0 | 0 | -16,552 | 1 ![\\"Image](\\" | Will Hoar | 0.0 | 0 | -6,875 | 1 Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | Jared Golden | 45.6 | 132,013 | 0 | Won (2) ![\\"Image](\\" | _Bruce Poliquin _ | 46.3 | 134,184 | 0 | 2 ![\\"Image](\\" | Tiffany Bond | 5.7 | 16,552 | 0 | 1 ![\\"Image](\\" | Will Hoar | 2.4 | 6,875 | 0 | 1 ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" | Incumbents are _bolded and underlined_. The results have been certified. Source 1 Source 2 | Total votes: 289,624 Total exhausted votes: 8,253 ---|---|--- ![\\"Candidate](\\"\\") = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. #### Withdrawn or disqualified candidates * Dennis O\'Connor (Independent) * Danielle VanHelsing (Independent) * Henry John Bear (G) #### Democratic primary election ##### Democratic Primary for U.S. House Maine District 2 Select round: Round 2 Round 1 The following candidates advanced in the ranked-choice voting election: Jared Golden in round 2 . The results of Round 2 are displayed below. To see the results of other rounds, use the dropdown menu above to select a round and the table will update. Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | Jared Golden | 54.3 | 23,611 | 2,624 | Advanced (2) ![\\"Image](\\" | Lucas St. Clair | 45.7 | 19,853 | 2,111 | 2 ![\\"Image](\\" | Craig Olson | 0.0 | 0 | -3,993 | 1 ![\\"Image](\\" | Jonathan Fulford | 0.0 | 0 | -2,489 | 1 Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Image](\\" | Jared Golden | 46.4 | 20,987 | 0 | Advanced (2) ![\\"Image](\\" | Lucas St. Clair | 39.2 | 17,742 | 0 | 2 ![\\"Image](\\" | Craig Olson | 8.8 | 3,993 | 0 | 1 ![\\"Image](\\" | Jonathan Fulford | 5.5 | 2,489 | 0 | 1 ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" | There were no incumbents in this race. The results have been certified. Source 1 Source 2 | Total votes: 45,211 Total exhausted votes: 1,747 ---|---|--- ![\\"Candidate](\\"\\") = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. #### Withdrawn or disqualified candidates * Tim Rich (D) * Phil Cleaves (D) #### Republican primary election ##### Republican Primary for U.S. House Maine District 2 The following candidates advanced in the ranked-choice voting election: Bruce Poliquin in round 1 . Candidate | % | Total Votes | Transfer | Round eliminated ---|---|---|---|--- ✔ | ![\\"Image](\\" | _Bruce Poliquin _ | 100 | 43,047 | 0 | Advanced (1) ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" | Incumbents are _bolded and underlined_. The results have been certified. | Total votes: 43,047 ---|---|--- ![\\"Candidate](\\"\\") = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. ### 2016 See also: Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District election, 2016 Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District was a battleground district in 2016. Incumbent Bruce Poliquin (R) defeated former state Sen. Emily Cain (D) and Jay Parker Dresser (Write-in) in the general election on November 8, 2016. Poliquin defeated Cain in 2014 to win election to the seat. Neither candidate faced a primary challenger in June.[4][5][6] U.S. House, Maine District 2 General Election, 2016 Collapse Party | Candidate | Vote % | Votes ---|---|---|--- Republican | ![\\"Green](\\" Poliquin _**Incumbent**_ | 54.8% | 192,878 Democratic | Emily Ann Cain | 45.2% | 159,081 N/A | Write-in | 0.1% | 224 Total Votes | 352,183 Source: Maine Secretary of State Poliquin was a member of the National Republican Congressional Committee\'s Patriot Program. The program was designed to help protect vulnerable Republican incumbents heading into the 2016 election.[7] ### 2014 See also: Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District elections, 2014 Poliquin ran in the 2014 election for the U.S. House to represent Maine\'s 2nd District.[8] He defeated Kevin Raye in the Republican primary on June 10, 2014.[9] The general election took place on November 4, 2014. U.S. House, Maine District 2 General Election, 2014 Collapse Party | Candidate | Vote % | Votes ---|---|---|--- Democratic | Emily Cain | 40.2% | 118,568 Republican | ![\\"Green](\\" Poliquin | 45.2% | 133,320 Independent | Blaine Richardson | 10.6% | 31,337 Other | Other | 0.1% | 248 Blank | None | 3.9% | 11,536 Total Votes | 295,009 Source: Maine Secretary of State Official Results U.S. House, Maine District 2 Republican Primary, 2014Collapse Candidate | Vote % | Votes ---|---|--- ![\\"Green](\\" Poliquin | 56.8% | 19,736 Kevin Raye | 43.2% | 14,987 Total Votes | 34,723 Source: ### 2012 See also: United States Senate elections in Maine, 2012 Poliquin ran in the 2012 election for the U.S. Senate, representing Maine. He was defeated by Charles Summers in the Republican primary. ### 2010 Peloquin ran for Governor of Maine in 2010, but he lost in the Republican primary. 2010 Race for Governor - Republican Primary[10] --- Candidates | Percentage ![\\"Green](\\" LePage (R) | 37.9% Leslie B. Otten (R) | 17.3% S. Peter Mills (R) | 14.4% Steven W. Abbott (R) | 12.8% Bill Beardsley (R) | 9.7% Bruce Poliquin (R) | 5.0% Matthew C. Jacobson (R) | 3.0% Total votes | 131,060 ## Campaign themes ### 2022 #### Ballotpedia survey responses See also: Ballotpedia\'s Candidate Connection Bruce Poliquin did not complete Ballotpedia\'s 2022 Candidate Connection survey. ### 2018 #### Campaign website The following themes were found on Poliquin\'s campaign website. “ | Creating Good Paying Jobs, Protecting Our Jobs, and Growing Maine’s Economy I am not a politician; I am a lifelong job creator. I’ve spent most of my career helping create jobs, growing businesses and aiding the economy. Part of my work also included helping employers like Bath Iron Work secure the pensions of workers. It is critical the government helps our small businesses and Maine job creators, rather than burdening them with job killing red tape. As our Congressman I am working each day to help our economy: • Passing Legislation through the House and Senate, and having it signed into law, to require the removal of an outdated deed restriction which was harming economic development in Eastern Maine. • Helping protect and secure jobs at Bath Iron Works by ensuring funding for needed Navy Destroyers which aid our national security. • Successfully fighting unfair trade, achieving significant rulings from the International Trade Commission against Chinese subsidies harming Maine forest products jobs in Aroostook County and jobs at Auburn Manufacturing. • Opposing the TPP trade deal and fast track authority with Asia which would, on balance, harm Maine jobs. • Saving hospital jobs at our local regional hospitals by pushing to have federal government reimbursements issued, on time. • Pushing legislation to allow rural electric cooperatives access credit to better serve small business job creators. • Voting to kill the death tax which harms Maine small businesses and especially our farms. • Supporting expedited natural gas permitting to increase the supply and reduce costs for Maine job creators and residents. • Introducing Legislation to aid family forest products and trucking businesses which wish to train the next generation in the business. • Personally helping welcome hundreds of new jobs to Maine including OnProcess jobs in Belfast, Collaborative Consulting jobs in Central Maine, and Wayfair jobs in Bangor. • Passing bipartisan Legislation to protecting clamming and digging jobs around Acadia National Park which were threatened by an encroaching federal bureaucracy. • Authoring and passing Legislation, including the Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act, to help entrepreneurs and job creators gain the support needed to grow. • Supporting efforts to limit red tape on our Community Banks and Credit Unions so they have freedom to provide lending to local small businesses. • Providing support for Maine blueberries by utilizing existing federal programs to protect jobs in the industry. • Keeping local restaurants, motels and Inns located in major tourism centers in business during the travel season by assisting with the temporary workers needed to keep the doors open. • Backing significant tax reductions which allow Maine electricity utilities keep rates low, and lower some rates, which aids job creators which rely upon fairly priced electricity. • Protecting our Lobster industry by opposing restrictions on the sale of lobsters in Europe. • Working to support legislative changes to encourage apprenticeship in the logging business which still employs thousands of Maine people. • Fighting bad policy like the medical device tax, which increased health care costs for consumers and threatened hundreds of Maine jobs at Hardwood Products in Guilford, Maine. • Fighting the change in federal regulations which would have eliminated paper notices for medication used by seniors and cost hundreds of jobs in Madawaska’s paper mill. • Creating jobs along our border while improving our national security by helping speed up hiring by the Border Patrol and opening up more jobs to Maine people. A growing economy helps all Maine people and I will continue to put Maine first by fighting for Maine jobs. Standing Up for Maine\'s Senior Citizens, Including Protection of Social Security and Medicare My parents are both in the 80s. As their only living child, I know firsthand the challenges seniors face because I am involved with their care. When my mom has needed significant medical attention she relied upon Medicare. They rely upon Social Security. As our Congressman, I have always fought to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare. In my effort to help Maine’s seniors I have taken these steps: • Authoring the U.S. House Senior Safe Act, which he successfully passed with bipartisan support, to help protect seniors from being scammed and financially exploited by those who do harm. • Supporting LIHEAP funding which many seniors rely upon to stay warm in the winter. • Co-Sponsoring the Biomass Thermal Utilization Act which makes it easier for Maine seniors and families to install more affordable heating options while also supporting jobs in Maine’s forest products industry. • Introducing the Guaranteed COLA Act which would force the federal government to sell unused buildings and property and use those funds to guarantee COLA increases. • Co-Authoring the bipartisan Senior Accessible Housing Act to help seniors live more independently by making home accessibility and other changes more affordable so Maine seniors can safely continue living in their own homes. • Opposing FDA changes which would have eliminated paper medication instructions. • Working to end the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO which prevent teachers, firefighters and police officers from receiving their full Social Security benefits. • Supporting tax cut Legislation which helps electrical utilities reduce electricity rates and to lower rate increases to help lower seniors electric bills. • Working to ensure our Veterans who are Senior Citizens can receive health care closer to home and that the VA is held accountable for medical errors and wait times. • Protecting our local hospitals by ensuring they receive reimbursements due from the federal government in a timely manner, providing much needed funding to support their operations. As the son of Senior Citizens, I see firsthand the challenges and issues our Senior Citizens face. I will always be a voice in Congress for Maine’s Senior Citizens. Protecting Our Hospitals and Healthcare Access My mother is a retired nurse. I know access to quality healthcare is important in Maine. As our Congressman I have worked hard to support our hospitals who care for our families, Senior Citizens, individuals, and Veterans. I have also worked for reform to bring down costs and improve care. These are just some of the steps I have taken: • Founding and serving as Co-Chairman of the national bipartisan Congressional Rural Hospital Caucus to fight for the needs of Maine’s rural and regional hospitals. • Advocating for Maine solutions like the invisible risk pools created by the Maine Legislature which guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions while holding down and lowering health insurance costs for Maine people. I continue to advocate for this solution as a national model for reform. • Working to expand access to VA programs so Veterans have the option of receiving their healthcare closer to home. Through this effort the VA supports our local hospitals and local doctors – which provided them a much needed funding source to keep providing care in our rural communities. • Continuing to lead efforts to fix bureaucratic threats to the reimbursements our Maine hospitals and doctors need. As a result of my direct efforts, federal officials traveled to Maine meeting directly with local hospitals to fix their reimbursement problems and concerns. • Holding the Toga VA medical center accountable for a Doctor on staff who was found to be negligent in multiple medical case mishaps. • Serving as the original co-sponsor of Legislation to repeal the medical device tax, which increased health care costs for consumers and threatened hundreds of Maine jobs at our own health products supplier, Hardwood Products in Guilford, Maine. • Supporting efforts to Maine people to choose the health plan which works best for them by eliminating the individual mandate which forced Maine people to pay an IRS fine if they did not purchase a government-approved health plan. • Voting to support the bipartisan Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act which eliminates insurance company protections and creates competition so there is access to more health plan choices. • Supporting the 21st Century Cures Act which speeds up new and innovative drugs to treat rare and disorders without treatments currently on the market. The legislation also provides for additional health care research that will help our Maine research facilities including Jaxson Labs and MDI Biological Labs in Bar Harbor. • Standing up for the repeal of what was called the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) which was a failed government formula causing problems for senior citizens attempting to access doctors. As the son of a nurse, I will continue to work on improving access to affordable, quality health care in Maine. Ensuring Our Maine Veterans Receive the Care and Respect They Have Earned and Deserve from a Grateful Nation Our Veterans have earned our respect and deserve the care they were promised and they deserve. As a Member of the powerful Veterans Affairs Committee in the United States House of Representatives, I am a strong voice for Maine’s Veterans. I will never forget those who have sacrificed their time, talents – and in some cases their lives – to defend our freedom. That’s why I have taken these steps and more: • Working to create and expand health care options for Veterans closer to home so they can avoid traveling long distances for every appointment or procedure. While there is still much more to be done, Maine is helping lead the way in implement these new programs. • Creating a Maine Veterans Advisory Panel made up of Veterans from all over Maine’s 2nd Congressional District to provide direct feedback on issues and problems facing our Veterans. • Holding VA officials accountable for medical errors which occurred at Togus. • Introducing legislation to require VA Medical professionals report errors and problems directly to state licensing boards. • Supporting our Veterans who are also Native Americans by allowing government headstones to be placed at tribal cemeteries, like the one in Aroostook County, through Legislation he has authored in the House. • Working to increase the number of VA Health Clinics in Maine. • Voting in support of the VA Accountability bill which makes improvements in the VA. • Supporting funding increases for the Veterans Administration. • Joining the Military Veterans Caucus in Congress to work across party lines to fight for Veterans issues. • Fighting staff shortages in Maine, including those at the Lewiston Vets Center so our Veterans get the care they need. • Working daily with a dedicated staff to serve the needs of Veterans throughout the 2nd District who bring their problems to the Congressman’s attention. I know we would not have the nation we have today without our Veterans. I will work to never, ever let them down. Fighting the Opioid Crisis and Accompanying Crime in our State I lost a brother who I loved due to substance abuse. Substance abuse, and especially the opioid crisis, is impacting nearly every citizen in the State of Maine. We must not let up in our efforts to deal with this problem. That’s why I have taken these steps: • Serving as a founding member of the Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic. • Joining efforts of the Congressional Victims Rights Caucus. • Co-Sponsoring and pushing the adoption of the CRADLE ACT to provide life safe care to addicted newborns. • Meeting with local law enforcement in Maine to learn about what can be done to support their efforts to thwart the addictive drug trade. • Supporting funding for Drug Courts, the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, the Anti-Heroin Task Force, and Opioid Prescription Overdose Prevention. • Visiting local treatment centers in Maine to learn more and provide support for those who are working to get clean and free from drugs. • Holding Opioid Town Hall Meetings to provide resources and discuss solutions with law enforcement and treatment providers. • Supporting and co-sponsoring the STOP ABUSE ACT, a comprehensive eradication approach to the heroin epidemic including best practice approaches for law enforcement and treatment. As someone who’s family has been directly impacted by the death of a loved one due to substance abuse I will not give up on this fight. We can’t give up. National Security and Terrorism • Voted for stronger sanctions on Russia, North Korea, and Iran. • Joined the Terrorism Financing Task Force to help cut off terrorism financing networks. • Authored and passed bipartisan Legislation to force the disclosure of the secret funds held and used by Iranian terrorist financiers. • Voted to end the dangerous Iran Nuclear Deal • Introduced the No Welfare for Terrorist Act, which garnered more than 40 Democrat and Republican co-sponsors, to stop welfare benefits for those convicted of aiding terrorist actors. • Worked on behalf of BIW jobs by passing Amendments to ensure Navy Destroyer contacts could be completed at the Yard, also helping National Security with these needed ships. • Helped reform the visa waiver program to prevent terrorist exploitation of our nation’s travel and custom rules. Women’s Issues • Joined Democratic U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Democratic Representative Jackie Speier in co-authoring and leading the House effort to pass an Anti-Harassment Resolution in the U.S. House. Became the first House Republican, and the lead Republican, on the anti-harassment effort. • Introduced bipartisan Legislation to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Harrassment in Congress. • Voted to increase women’s healthcare funding for Maine’s 2nd District Federally Qualified Health Centers. • Supported Legislation to expand maternity care at the VA. • To coincide with the centennial of the 19th Amendment, introduced new bipartisan Legislation with Democratic Representative Barbara Lee directing the U.S. Treasury to issue quarters, one from each of the 50 states and the U.S. territories, to honor women who have made significant contributions to America. The governor or executive of each state or territory would recommend a design to the Treasury, in consultation with various stakeholders. If enacted, the quarter program would coincide with the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. • Served as lead Republican co-sponsor working with Democratic Representative Chellie Pingree on the Ruth Moore Act, a bill that will make it easier for survivors of military sexual assault to get the benefits they deserve. 2nd Amendment • Support Maine’s long outdoor traditions including firearms ownership. • Defend the Constitutional 2nd Amendment and Maine’s Constitution Section 16. • Joined calls to investigate and fix the failures in Florida and elsewhere where disturbed individuals got access to firearms. Welfare Reform • Introduced Legislation to tighten regulations on replacement electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards and banning people convicted of welfare fraud and specific drug trafficking offenses from gaining benefits. • Sponsored Legislation to ban welfare after release for those convicted of aiding terrorist’s. • Supported efforts to require work, community service, or striving for educational attainment to receive welfare. The National Debt • Introduced Legislation to tighten regulations on replacement electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards and banning people convicted of welfare fraud and specific drug trafficking offenses from gaining benefits. • Sponsored Legislation to ban welfare after release for those convicted of aiding terrorist’s. • Supported efforts to require work, community service, or striving for educational attainment to receive welfare. Illegal Immigration & Immigration Reform • Worked to fix a hiring and recruitment problem for the Border Patrol allowing them to hire more staff for Maine border security. • Has opposed sanctuary cities, voting for penalties for cities who ignore immigration law. • Supports improved barriers to tighten America’s borders. • Supports ending the Visa lottery. • Opposes amnesty for adults who illegally crossed America’s border. College Aid • Introduced The Help All Americans Save for College Act which would improve college savings incentives. • Voted to strengthen 529 college savings plans while opposing a proposed tax on the plans. • Voted to strengthen the solvency of the Pell Grant Program. • Fought to force the U.S. Department of Education to review the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Upward Bound Grant Application which had been rejected on arbitrary document formatting grounds. Maine’s Environment • Opposed Oil Drilling in Maine. • Opposed removing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. • Backed funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to support public lands for hiking, hunting, fishing, and other recreational access. This protects national parks, national wildlife refuges, and national forests. • Supported National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Funding so their partners like the University of Maine can continue researching and studying our oceans. • Supported the Department of Defense Climate Change Study. • Co-sponsored the Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act of 2017 to study ocean acidification’s impact on communities like Maine with coastlines. • Stood against EPA budget cuts in the President’s 2018 budget especially for critical hazardous waste cleanup services like Superfund and Brownfields. • Co-sponsored the Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act of 2017 to study ocean acidification’s impact on communities like Maine with coastlines. • Urged Congressional leadership to double the funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Maine has one of the oldest water infrastructures in the nation and it needs to be upgraded and supported. • Voted to support National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) • Supported rules to address coal mining’s impact on our nation’s water systems. • Joined the Congressional Oceans Caucus, the International Conservation Caucus, and the Estuary Caucus as a voice for Maine.[11] | ” ---|---|--- —Bruce Poliquin\'s 2018 campaign website[12] #### Campaign advertisements The following is an example of an ad from Poliquin\'s 2018 election campaign. | \"Maine\'s Congressman Bruce Poliquin\" - Poliquin campaign ad, released September 13, 2018 --- ### 2016 The following issues were listed on Poliquin\'s campaign website. “ | * Economy and Jobs: As your next 2nd District Congressman, I’ll use my 35 years of experience owning and managing businesses and creating jobs to help build a more competitive Maine and America. I’ll use my record as Maine State Treasurer to push for fiscal discipline by ending wasteful government overspending and surging debt that are smothering our economy and killing jobs. * Spending and Debt: Washington and Augusta politicians always promise they’ll watch the bottom line, but few really do. As Maine State Treasurer, I’ve proven that I practice what I preach. * Maine Industries: Maine is home to tens of thousands of small businesses. Our fishing, farming, wood products, tourism, defense, technology, and many other companies are the backbone of our economy and communities throughout the 2nd Congressional District. * Improving Health Care: It’s a bad idea for the federal government to take over our free market health care industry. * Family Values: I believe in strong family values and in life. I am the only candidate in this Congressional race who is pro-life, and I’m proud of it. [11] | ” ---|---|--- —Bruce Poliquin\'s campaign website, ## Career Below is an abbreviated outline of Poliquin\'s academic, professional, and political career:[2] * 2015-2019: U.S. Representative from Maine\'s 2nd Congressional District * 2010-2012: State Treasurer of Maine * 1976: Graduated from Harvard University with an A.B. ## Committee assignments ### U.S. House #### 2017-2018 At the beginning of the 115th Congress, Poliquin was assigned to the following committees:[13] * Committee on Financial Services * Committee on Veterans\' Affairs #### 2015-2016 Poliquin served on the following committees:[14] * Financial Services Committee * Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises * Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations * Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing ## Key votes See also: Key votes Ballotpedia monitors legislation that receives a vote and highlights the ones that we consider to be key to understanding where elected officials stand on the issues. To read more about how we identify key votes, click here. ### Key votes: 115th Congress, 2017-2018 **For detailed information about each vote, clickhere.** * Votes on domestic policy (click to expand) Voted Yea on: Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (Conference report) (HR 2) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (369-47) on December 12, 2018 Proposed providing funding for commodity support, conservation, trade and international food aid, nutrition assistance, farm credit, rural development, research and extension activities, forestry, horticulture, and crop insurance through fiscal year 2023.[15] Voted Yea on: Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (HR 2 (second vote)) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (213-211) on June 21, 2018 Proposed providing funding for commodity support, conservation, trade and international food aid, nutrition assistance, farm credit, rural development, research and extension activities, forestry, horticulture, and crop insurance. It also proposed modifying the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, previously known as the food stamp program.[16] Voted Yea on: Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 (HR 4760) ![\\"Red](\\" Bill Failed (193-231) on June 21, 2018 Proposed funding a border wall, limiting legal immigration, a mandatory worker verification program, allowing DACA recipients to apply for legal status, and preventing separation of families at the border.[17] Voted Yea on: Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (HR 2) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (369-47) on December 12, 2018 Reauthorizes through FY2023 and modifies some Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs.[18] Voted Yea on: Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HR 36) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (237-189) on October 3, 2017 Proposed amending the federal criminal code to make it a crime for any person to perform or attempt to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the fetus was 20 weeks or more. The bill provided exceptions for an abortion: (1) that was necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman, or (2) when the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest.[19] Voted Yea on: Kate\'s Law (HR 3004) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (257-167) on June 29, 2017 Proposed increasing criminal penalties for individuals in the country illegally who were convicted of certain crimes, deported, and then re-entered the U.S. illegally.[20] Voted Yea on: No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (HR 3003) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (228-195) on June 29, 2017 Proposed withholding federal funds from states and localities that chose not to follow federal immigration laws.[21] Voted Yea on: American Health Care Act of 2017 (HR 1628) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill passed (217-213) on May 4, 2017 Proposed modifying the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare.[22] * Votes on economic affairs and regulations (click to expand) Voted Yea on: Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019 (Conference report) (HR 6157) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (361-61) on September 26, 2018 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed authorizing FY2019 appropriations and policies for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Education.[23] Voted Yea on: Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2019 (Conference report) (HR 5895) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (377-20) on September 13, 2018 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed authorizing FY2019 appropriations and policies for the Department of Energy, water resources, the legislative branch, military construction, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, among other programs.[24] Voted Yea on: Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019 (HR 6157) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (359-49) on June 28, 2018 Proposed authorizing FY2019 appropriations and policies for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Education.[25] Voted Yea on: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019 (HR 5895) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (235-179) on June 8, 2018 Proposed authorizing FY2019 appropriations and policies for the Department of Energy, water resources, the legislative branch, military construction, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, among other programs.[26] Voted Yea on: Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (S 2155) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (258-159) on May 22, 2018 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed exempting some banks from the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act[27] Voted Yea on: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (HR 1625) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (256-167) on March 22, 2018 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed providing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes.[28] Voted Yea on: The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (HR 1892) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (240-186) on February 9, 2018 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed providing appropriations through March 23, 2018.[29] Voted Yea on: Further Extension Of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 (HR 1892) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (245-182) on February 6, 2018 Proposed providing appropriations through March 23, 2018.[30] Voted Yea on: Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. (HR 195) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (266-150) on January 22, 2018 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed providing further continuing appropriations through February 8, 2018.[31] Voted Yea on: Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. (HR 195) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (230-197) on January 18, 2018 Proposed providing further continuing appropriations through February 16, 2018.[32] Voted Yea on: Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 (HR 1370) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (231-188) on December 21, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed providing further continuing appropriations through January 19, 2018.[33] Voted Yea on: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR 1) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (227-203) on December 19, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed providing for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.[34] Voted Yea on: Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes (HJ Res 123) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (235-193) on December 7, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed funding the government until December 22, 2017.[35] Voted Yea on: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR 1) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (227-205) on November 16, 2017 Proposed amending the Internal Revenue Code to reduce tax rates and modify policies, credits, and deductions for individuals and businesses.[36] Voted Yea on: Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027. (H Con Res 71) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (216-212) on October 26, 2017 Proposed establishing the congressional budget for the federal government for FY2018 and setting forth budgetary levels for FY2019-FY2027. (This bill proposed adopting the Senate\'s budget resolution.)[37] Voted Yea on: Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027. (H Con Res 71) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (219-206) on October 5, 2017 Proposed establishing the congressional budget for the federal government for FY2018 and setting forth budgetary levels for FY2019-FY2027.[38] Voted Yea on: Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, 2018 (HR 3354) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (211-198) on September 14, 2017 Proposed providing FY2018 appropriations for the federal government. It combined 12 appropriations bills.[39] Voted Yea on: Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2017 (Included amendments to suspend the debt ceiling and fund the government) (HR 601) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (316-90) on September 8, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed suspending the debt ceiling and funding the government until December 8, 2017, and providing funding for Hurricanes Harvey and Irma relief efforts.[40] Voted Yea on: Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2017 (HR 601) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (419-3) on September 6, 2017 Proposed providing $7.85 billion for disaster relief requirements, including response and recovery efforts from Hurricane Harvey.[41] Voted Yea on: Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 (HR 10) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill passed (233-186) on June 8, 2017 Proposed amending the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, among other acts.[42] Did not vote on: Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (HR 244) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill passed (309-118) on May 3, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed a $1.2 trillion budget to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2017.[43] * Votes on foreign policy and national security issues (click to expand) Voted Yea on: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (HR 5515) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (351-66) on May 24, 2018 Proposed authorizing FY2019 appropriations and policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities[44] Voted Yea on: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2018 (HR 695) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (250-166) on January 30, 2018 Proposed providing appropriations for military functions administered by the Department of Defense and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.[45] Voted Yea on: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018—Conference report (HR 2810) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (356-70) on November 14, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed authorizing FY2018 appropriations and setting forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths.[46] Voted Yea on: Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018 (HR 3219) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (235-192) on July 27, 2017 Proposed making appropriations for defense, military construction, Veterans Affairs, the Legislative Branch, energy and water development, and for other purposes for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2018.[47] Voted Yea on: Countering America\'s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (HR 3364) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (419-3) on July 25, 2017 ![\\"Signed](\\" Proposed providing congressional review and measures to counter aggression by the governments of Iran, the Russian Federation, and North Korea, and for other purposes.[48] Voted Yea on: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (HR 3180, second vote) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (380-35) on July 28, 2017 Proposed authorizing appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes.[49] Voted Yea on: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (HR 3180) ![\\"Red](\\" Bill Failed (241-163) on July 24, 2017 Proposed authorizing appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes.[50] Voted Yea on: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (HR 2810) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill Passed (344-81) on July 14, 2017 Proposed authorizing fiscal year 2018 appropriations and setting forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It did not provide budget authority.[51] Voted Yea on: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2017 (HR 1301) ![\\"Yes](\\" Bill passed (371-48) on March 8, 2017 The $577.9 billion fiscal year 2017 defense spending bill proposed $516.1 billion in base budget funding and $61.8 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations/ Global War on Terrorism funding.[52] ### Key votes: Previous sessions of Congress [show]Key votes (click \"show\" to expand or \"hide\" to contract) --- ### 114th Congress ![\\"CongressLogo.png\\"](\\" CongressLogo.png\\") The first session of the 114th Congress enacted into law six out of the 2,616 introduced bills (0.2 percent). Comparatively, the 113th Congress had 1.3 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the first session. In the second session, the 114th Congress enacted 133 out of 3,159 introduced bills (4.2 percent). Comparatively, the 113th Congress had 7.0 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the second session.[53][54] For more information pertaining to Poliquin\'s voting record in the 114th Congress, please see the below sections.[55] #### Economic and fiscal ##### Trade Act of 2015 See also: The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, 2015 Trade adjustment assistance ![\\"Nay3.png\\"](\\" Nay3.png\\") On June 12, 2015, the House rejected the trade adjustment assistance (TAA) measure in HR 1314—the Trade Act of 2015—by a vote of 126-302. Trade adjustment assistance (TAA) is a federal program providing American workers displaced by foreign trade agreements with job training and services. The measure was packaged with trade promotion authority (TPA), also known as fast-track authority. TPA is a legislative procedure that allows Congress to define \"U.S. negotiating objectives and spells out a detailed oversight and consultation process for during trade negotiations. Under TPA, Congress retains the authority to review and decide whether any proposed U.S. trade agreement will be implemented,\" according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative. Poliquin was one of 158 Republicans to vote against TAA.[56][57] Trade promotion authority ![\\"Nay3.png\\"](\\" Nay3.png\\")On June 12, 2015, the House passed the trade promotion authority (TPA) measure in HR 1314—the Trade Act of 2015—by a vote of 219-211. TPA gives the president fast-track authority to negotiate trade agreements sent to Congress without the opportunity for amendment or filibuster. Although the House approved TPA, it was a largely symbolic vote given the measure was part of a package trade bill including trade adjustment assistance (TAA), which was rejected earlier the same day. Poliquin was one of 54 Republicans to vote against the measure.[58][59] Trade promotion authority second vote ![\\"Nay3.png\\"](\\" Nay3.png\\") After the trade adjustment assistance (TAA) and trade promotion authority (TPA) did not pass the House together on June 12, 2015, representatives voted to authorize TPA alone as an amendment to HR 2146—the Defending Public Safety Employees\' Retirement Act—on June 18, 2015. The amendment passed by a vote of 218-208, with all voting members of the House maintaining their original positions on TPA except for Ted Yoho (R-Fla.). Poliquin was one of 50 Republicans to vote against the amendment.[60][61] Trade adjustment assistance second vote ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") The House passed HR 1295—the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015—on June 25, 2015, by a vote of 286-138. The Senate packaged trade adjustment assistance (TAA) in this bill after the House rejected the TAA measure in HR 1314—the Trade Act of 2015. Along with trade promotion authority (TPA), which Congress passed as part of HR 2146—the Defending Public Safety Employees\' Retirement Act—TAA became law on June 29, 2015. Poliquin was one of 111 Republicans to vote in favor of HR 1295.[62][63] ##### Defense spending authorization ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On May 15, 2015, the House passed HR 1735—the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016—by a vote of 269-151. The bill \"authorizes FY2016 appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation.\" Poliquin voted with 227 other Republicans and 41 Democrats to approve the bill.[64] The Senate passed the bill on June 18, 2015, by a vote of 71-25. President Barack Obama vetoed the bill on October 22, 2015.[65] ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On November 5, 2015, the House passed S 1356—the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016—by a vote of 370-58. The second version of the $607 billion national defense bill included $5 billion in cuts to match what was approved in the budget and language preventing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay military prison.[66][67] Poliquin voted with 234 other Republicans and 135 Democrats to approve the bill.[68] On November 10, 2015, the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 91-3, and President Barack Obama signed it into law on November 25, 2015.[69] ##### 2016 Budget proposal ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On April 30, 2015, the House voted to approve SConRes11, a congressional budget proposal for fiscal year 2016, by a vote of 226-197. The non-binding resolution was designed to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government. All 183 Democrats who voted, voted against the resolution. Poliquin voted with 225 other Republicans to approve the bill.[70][71][72] ##### 2015 budget ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On October 28, 2015, the House passed HR 1314—the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015—by a vote of 266-167. The bill increased military and domestic spending levels and suspended the debt ceiling until March 2017.[73] Poliquin voted with 78 Republicans and 187 Democrats in favor of the bill.[74] It passed the Senate on October 30, 2015.[75] President Barack Obama signed it into law on November 2, 2015. #### Foreign Affairs ##### Iran nuclear deal See also: Iran nuclear agreement, 2015 ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On May 14, 2015, the House approved HR 1191—the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015—by a vote of 400-25. The bill required President Barack Obama to submit the details of the nuclear deal with Iran for congressional review. Congress had 60 days to review the deal and vote to approve, disapprove, or take no action on the deal. During the review period, sanctions on Iran could not be lifted. Poliquin voted with 222 other Republican representatives to approve the bill.[76][77] Approval of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ![\\"Nay3.png\\"](\\" Nay3.png\\") On September 11, 2015, the House rejected HR 3461—To approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran—by a vote of 162-269. The legislation proposed approving the nuclear agreement with Iran. Poliquin voted with 243 Republicans and 25 Democrats against the bill.[78][79] Suspension of Iran sanctions relief ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On September 11, 2015, the House approved HR 3460—To suspend until January 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, suspend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran—by a vote of 247-186. HR 3460 prohibited \"the President, prior to January 21, 2017, from: limiting the application of specified sanctions on Iran or refraining from applying any such sanctions; or removing a foreign person (including entities) listed in Attachments 3 or 4 to Annex II of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) from the list of designated nationals and blocked persons maintained by the Office of Foreign Asset Control of the Department of the Treasury.\" Poliquin voted with 244 Republicans and two Democrats for the bill.[80][81] Presidential non-compliance of section 2 ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On September 10, 2015, the House passed H Res 411—Finding that the President has not complied with section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015—by a vote of 245-186. Section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 required the president to submit all materials related to the nuclear agreement for congressional review. House Republicans introduced the resolution because two agreements between the International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran were not submitted to Congress. Poliquin voted with 244 Republicans for the resolution.[82][83] ##### Export-Import Bank ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On October 27, 2015, the House passed HR 597—the Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2015—by a vote of 313-118. The bill proposed reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank and allowing it to resume offering assistance in the form of loans and insurance to foreign companies that wanted to buy U.S. goods.[84] Poliquin voted with 126 Republicans and 186 Democrats in favor of the bill.[85] #### Domestic ##### USA FREEDOM Act of 2015 ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On May 13, 2015, the House passed HR 2048—the Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015 or the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015—by a vote of 338-88. The legislation revised HR 3199—the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005—by ending the bulk collection of metadata under Sec. 215 of the act, requiring increased reporting from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and requiring the use of \"a specific selection term as the basis for national security letters that request information from wire or electronic communication service providers, financial institutions, or consumer reporting agencies.\" Poliquin voted with 195 Republicans and 142 Democrats to approve the legislation. It became law on June 2, 2015.[86][87] ##### Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On May 13, 2015, the House passed HR 36—the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act—by a vote of 242-184. The bill proposed prohibiting abortions from being performed after a fetus was determined to be 20 weeks or older. The bill proposed exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Poliquin voted with 237 Republicans in favor of the bill.[88][89] ##### Cyber security ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On April 23, 2015, the House passed HR 1731—the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act of 2015—by a vote of 355-63. The bill proposed creating an information sharing program that would allow federal agencies and private entities to share information about cyber threats. It also proposed including liability protections for companies.[90] Poliquin voted with 219 Republicans and 135 Democrats to approve the bill.[91] ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On April 22, 2015, the House passed HR 1560—the Protecting Cyber Networks Act—by a vote of 307-116.[92] The bill proposed procedures that would allow federal agencies and private entities to share information about cyber threats. Poliquin voted with 201 Republicans and 105 Democrats in favor of the bill.[93] #### Immigration ![\\"Yea3.png\\"](\\" Yea3.png\\") On November 19, 2015, the House passed HR 4038—the American SAFE Act of 2015—by a vote of 289-137.[94] The bill proposed instituting additional screening processes for refugees from Iraq and Syria who applied for admission to the U.S. Poliquin voted with 241 Republicans and 47 Democrats in favor of the bill.[95] ## Issues ### Government shutdown Poliquin, along with ten other GOP House freshmen, composed a letter to their Republican colleagues in September 2015, urging them to pass a resolution to avert a government shutdown. The letter read: | “ | [W]e are writing today to express our strong support for a funding resolution that will avoid another unnecessary and harmful government shutdown. [W]e were elected by our constituent’s to be principled, pragmatic leaders... The sixteen-day government shutdown in 2013... not only hurt taxpayers with the loss of important government services — it actually cost more taxpayer money to close the federal government than to keep it open.[96][11] | ” ---|---|--- ## Campaign themes #### 2014 Poliquin\'s website highlighted the following campaign themes:[97] * Economy and Jobs Excerpt: \"As your next 2nd District Congressman, I’ll use my 35 years of experience owning and managing businesses and creating jobs to help build a more competitive Maine and America. I’ll use my record as Maine State Treasurer to push for fiscal discipline by ending wasteful government overspending and surging debt that are smothering our economy and killing jobs.\" * Spending and Debt Excerpt: \"Big government overspending, high debt, and rising interest rates hurt our hard-working families in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District and across America. They drive up taxes and kill jobs. Big government programs entrap our families in dependency and poverty.\" * Improving Healthcare Excerpt: \"In Congress, I’ll fight the special interests and lobbyists to end the expensive, intrusive, and unfair government take-over of our health care. I’ll work tirelessly for a free market solution to help our 2nd District families buy affordable health insurance that fits their needs while providing sensible coverage for the most vulnerable fellow Americans.\" * Fixing Welfare Excerpt: \"Many truly disadvantaged fellow Americans will always need help. Government should compassionately save and strengthen our welfare programs for those individuals and families. While in Congress, I’ll fight for Washington to fund welfare block grants to Maine so that we can best care for our most at-risk families without misguided federal mandates. Maine’s unfair and unaffordable welfare system must be fixed.\" * Foreign Policy Excerpt: \"Our foreign policy must support a strong national defense. That process should include a clear understanding when Congress, and only Congress, will commit our brave sons and daughters in uniform to military conflict. I believe that should only be when there is an imminent threat to our homeland. As your next Congressman, I will not vote to get involved in the bloody and unpredictable Syrian civil war that poses no direct threat to our homeland or citizens abroad.\" * Immigration Excerpt: \"In Congress, I’ll support common sense immigration based on the rule of law, border security, economic growth, personal responsibility, and self-reliance — not government dependency. America works best when we all contribute to our combined success and freedom.\" * Education Excerpt: \"I have lived and share the educational values of our 2nd District families. I will carry this experience to Washington and fight for local control, student and teacher performance standards, learning excellence, and school choice.\" ## Campaign finance summary ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" logo-sm.svg\\")Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law. Bruce Poliquin campaign contribution history Year| Office| Status| Contributions| Expenditures ---|---|---|---|--- 2022| U.S. House Maine District 2| Lost general| $3,671,940| $3,566,163 2022| U.S. House Maine District 2| Won general| $3,671,940| $3,566,163 2018| U.S. House Maine District 2| Lost general| $4,233,235| $4,253,973 2018| U.S. House Maine District 2| Won general| $4,233,235| $4,253,973 2016| U.S. House, Maine District 2| Won | $3,364,891| N/A** 2014| U.S. House (Maine, District 2)| Won | $1,719,094| N/A** ** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle Note: Totals above reflect only availabale data. 5 per page10 per page25 per page50 per page100 per page 1 \- 5 of 6 * « Previous * » Next ## Analysis ### Lifetime voting record See also: Lifetime voting records of United States Senators and Representatives According to the website GovTrack, Poliquin missed 4 of 527 roll call votes from January 2015 to September 2015. This amounted to 0.8 percent, which was lower than the median of 2.2 percent among representatives as of September 2015.[98] ## See also 2022 Elections ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" Ballotpedia_Election_Coverage_Badge.png\\") What\'s on the ballot? U.S. Congress U.S. Congress special elections State executives State legislatures State courts Ballot measures Municipal government School boards Election analysis hub Government ![\\"Seal](\\" Seal_of_Maine.png\\") Who represents me? U.S. Congress State executives State legislators State courts Ballot measures Municipal government School boards Newsletters ![\\"Ballotpedia](\\" Ballotpedia_RSS.jpg\\") The Heart of the Primaries The Daily Brew The Weekly Brew The Ballot Bulletin Checks and Balances Economy and Society Hall Pass Number of the Day Robe & Gavel Union Station ## External links * Search Google News for this topic Candidate U.S. House Maine District 2 * Website * Facebook * YouTube | Personal * Twitter ---|--- * Biography from Project Vote Smart ## Footnotes 1. ↑ _Bruce for Senate_ , \"Biography,\" accessed November 14, 2012 2. ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 _Biographical Directory of the United States Congress_ , \"Bruce Poliquin,\" accessed January 26, 2015 3. ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 _Poliquin for Congress_ , \"Meet Bruce,\" accessed February 4, 2015 4. ↑ _Centralmaine.com_ , \"Cain seeks 2016 rematch for Maine’s 2nd District seat,\" March 3, 2015 5. ↑ _Bangor Daily News_ , \"Bangor City Councilor Joe Baldacci to run for US House seat,\" July 29, 2015 6. ↑ _CNN_ , \"Election Results,\" accessed November 8, 2016 7. ↑ _NRCC_ , \"Patriot Program,\" accessed May 4, 2015 8. ↑ Cite error: Invalid `<ref>` tag; no text was provided for refs named `run` 9. ↑ Cite error: Invalid `<ref>` tag; no text was provided for refs named `defeat` 10. ↑ _WCSH6_ , \"Voice of the Voter, Maine Primary Results,\" June 8, 2010 11. ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 _Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source._ 12. ↑ _Bruce Poliquin\'s 2018 campaign website_ , \"Issues,\" accessed September 21, 2018 13. ↑ _U.S. House Clerk_ , \"Official Alphabetical List of the House of Representatives of the United States One Hundred Fifteenth Congress,\" accessed February 2, 2017 14. ↑ _U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Clerk_ , \"Committee Information,\" accessed February 18, 2015 15. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 434,\" accessed December 13, 2018 16. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 284,\" June 21, 2018 17. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 282,\" June 21, 2018 18. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 434,\" accessed March 12, 2019 19. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 549,\" October 3, 2017 20. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 344,\" June 29, 2017 21. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 342,\" June 29, 2017 22. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 256,\" May 4, 2017 23. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 405,\" September 26, 2018 24. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 399,\" September 13, 2018 25. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 313,\" June 28, 2018 26. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 257,\" June 8, 2018 27. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 216,\" May 22, 2018 28. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 127,\" March 22, 2018 29. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 69,\" February 9, 2018 30. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 60,\" February 6, 2018 31. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 44,\" January 22, 2018 32. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 33,\" January 18, 2018 33. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 708,\" December 21, 2017 34. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 692,\" December 19, 2017 35. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 670,\" December 7, 2017 36. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 637,\" November 16, 2017 37. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 589,\" October 26, 2017 38. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 557,\" October 5, 2017 39. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 528,\" September 14, 2017 40. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 480,\" September 8, 2017 41. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 441,\" September 6, 2017 42. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 299,\" June 8, 2017 43. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 249,\" May 3, 2017 44. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 230,\" May 24, 2018 45. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 49,\" January 30, 2018 46. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 631,\" November 14, 2017 47. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 435,\" July 27, 2017 48. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 413,\" July 25, 2017 49. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 437,\" July 28, 2017 50. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 407,\" July 24, 2017 51. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results For Roll Call 378,\" July 14, 2017 52. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 136,\" March 8, 2017 53. ↑ _Congressional Record_ , \"Resume of Congressional Activity, First Session of the 113th Congress,\" accessed April 29, 2015 54. ↑ _Congressional Record_ , \"Resume of Congressional Activity, Second Session of the 114th Congress,\" accessed January 5, 2017 55. ↑ _Congressional Record_ , \"Resume of Congressional Activity, First Session of the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress,\" April 13, 2015 56. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 361,\" June 12, 2015 57. ↑ _Roll Call_ , \"Deadline for TAA Do-Over Vote Extended to July 30 (Updated),\" June 15, 2015 58. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 362,\" June 12, 2015 59. ↑ _Roll Call_ , \"Deadline for TAA Do-Over Vote Extended to July 30 (Updated),\" June 15, 2015 60. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 374,\" June 18, 2015 61. ↑ _Politico_ , \"Trade turnaround: House backs new power for Obama,\" June 18, 2015 62. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 388,\" June 24, 2015 63. ↑ _The Hill_ , \"Obama signs trade bills,\" June 29, 2015 64. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 239,\" accessed May 27, 2015 65. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"H.R. 1735,\" accessed May 27, 2015 66. ↑ _The Hill_ , \"Redone defense policy bill sails through House,\" accessed November 12, 2015 67. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"S. 1356,\" accessed November 12, 2015 68. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 618,\" accessed November 12, 2015 69. ↑ _Senate.gov_ , \"On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to S. 1356),\" accessed November 12, 2015 70. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"S.Con.Res.11,\" accessed May 5, 2015 71. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 183,\" accessed May 5, 2015 72. ↑ _The Hill_ , \"Republicans pass a budget, flexing power of majority,\" accessed May 5, 2015 73. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 1314 - Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015,\" accessed November 1, 2015 74. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 579,\" accessed November 1, 2015 75. ↑ _Senate.gov_ , \"On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1314),\" accessed November 1, 2015 76. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"H.R.1191 - Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015,\" accessed May 16, 2015 77. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 226,\" accessed May 16, 2015 78. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 3461,\" accessed September 11, 2015 79. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 493,\" accessed September 11, 2015 80. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 3460,\" accessed September 10, 2015 81. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 494,\" accessed September 11, 2015 82. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"H Res 411,\" accessed September 10, 2015 83. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 492,\" accessed September 10, 2015 84. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 597,\" accessed November 2, 2015 85. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 576,\" accessed November 2, 2015 86. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"H.R.2048,\" accessed May 26, 2015 87. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 224,\" accessed May 26, 2015 88. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 36 - the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,\" accessed May 16, 2015 89. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"HR 36,\" accessed May 16, 2015 90. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 1731,\" accessed November 2, 2015 91. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 173,\" accessed November 2, 2015 92. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 1560 - Protecting Cyber Networks Act,\" accessed November 1, 2015 93. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 170,\" accessed November 1, 2015 94. ↑ _Congress.gov_ , \"HR 4038 - the American SAFE Act of 2015,\" accessed November 20, 2015 95. ↑ _Clerk.House.gov_ , \"Final Vote Results for Roll Call 643,\" accessed November 20, 2015 96. ↑ _Politico_ , \"GOP freshmen urge party to avoid shutdown,\" September 23, 2015 97. ↑ _Bruce Poliquin for Congress_ , \"Issues,\" accessed February 4, 2015 98. ↑ _GovTrack_ , \"Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R),\" accessed October 1, 2015 Only the first few references on this page are shown above. Click to show more. Political offices --- Preceded byMike Michaud (D) | U.S. House of Representatives \- Maine District 22015–2019 | Succeeded byJared Golden (D) Preceded by- | Maine State Treasurer2010–2012 | Succeeded byNeria Douglass [show] Maine\'s current delegation to the United States Congress Senators Susan Collins (R) Angus King (I) Representatives District 1 Chellie Pingree (D) District 2 Jared Golden (D) Democratic Party (2) Republican Party (1) Independent (1) ![\\"Flag](\\" | [show]v • e**State of Maine**Augusta (capital) ---|--- Elections | What\'s on my ballot? | Elections in 2024 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures Government | Who represents me? | U.S. President | U.S. Congress | Federal courts | State executives | State legislature | State and local courts | Counties | Cities | School districts | Public policy Retrieved from \" Categories: * 114th Congress * 115th Congress * 2014 challenger * 2014 general election (winner) * 2014 primary (winner) * 2016 general election (winner) * 2016 incumbent * 2016 primary (winner) * 2018 general election (defeated) * 2018 incumbent * 2018 primary (winner) * 2022 challenger * 2022 general election (defeated) * 2022 primary (winner) * Former Maine treasurer * Former member, U.S. Congress * Former member, U.S. House * Former nonpartisan treasurer * Former state executive * Former treasurers * Maine * Marquee, general candidate, 2018 * Marquee, general candidate, 2022 * Nonpartisan * Republican Party * U.S. House, Maine * U.S. House candidate, 2014 * U.S. House candidate, 2016 * U.S. House candidate, 2018 * U.S. House candidate, 2022 * U.S. House candidates * 2012 Congress challenger * 2012 challenger * U.S. Senate candidate, 2012 * State executive official running for U.S. Senate, 2012 * 2014 Congress challenger * 2016 Congress incumbent * 2018 Congress incumbent Hidden category: * Pages with reference errors Ballotpedia features 533,159 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. 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Says US Rep Bruce Poliquin voted to force seniors to pay more for prescription drugs
\"> | | | ![\\"Eastport](\\"../QTHeader.jpg\\") | | October 28, 2022 --- | | Home --- Subscribe Links Classifieds Contact Federal, state election races are heating up by Quoddy Tides staff Washington County voters, like voters throughout the state and country, will be choosing among candidates for state and federal offices in the Tuesday, November 8, election that could shape the direction that Maine and the United States take on numerous issues, from the economy and climate change to abortion rights and the health of the democracy. 2ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT In a rematch of the 2018 race, Democratic Congressman Jared Golden will again face Republican former Rep. Bruce Poliquin, along with independent candidate Tiffany Bond, in a contest that could help decide control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Four years ago, Golden had defeated Poliquin in a very close race. As in 2018, ranked-choice voting (RCV) will again be used in the congressional race this year. Voters will choose their candidates by order of preference but do not have to rank candidates. Voters may also mark their chosen candidate in every ranking spot. If no candidate receives more than half the votes, RCV tabulation kicks in, and the candidate with the most votes in the final round is the winner. Tiffany Bond Tiffany Bond lives with her family in Portland but is planning to move to the 2nd Congressional District\'s Sandy River Plantation in Franklin County. She is a family practice lawyer. On her website she lists the following issues: climate change; healthcare reform; fiscally responsible use of taxes; Second Amendment protections with sensible regulations; pro-privacy when it comes to abortion access and other personal decisions; student loan reform; and other reforms. When it comes to climate change, Bond says it is the greatest threat of any facing the country, being an issue of national defense, economic and humanitarian concern. \"It is not a partisan issue and should be uniting us all. It\'s a terrific opportunity to take the lead, create jobs and create a sustainable future.\" Health insurance is a disaster, she says, with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) deeply flawed. However, she notes that it needs to be updated and improved while steps are researched and then taken to create a model that has elements of single-payer, universal coverage and market features or other ideas that \"require collaboration.\" Bond used to consider herself a fiscal conservative. However, she says that cutting budgets is not always a long-term solution. There are times when spending more creates the needed results, and those results are not always financial but include factors such as the health of children or a reduction in crime. Gun regulations are important, she says. \"Sensible regulation should help keep guns in the hands of those who are responsible. In other words, I don\'t care if you hunt, I do care if you hunt people, and no one needs a tank to hunt a moose.\" Privacy from government control extends beyond abortion access, Bond says. \"Consider [that] the government power to tell a person that they must continue a pregnancy is the same power that would allow for a government to tell you that you must end one, and how you must live generally.\" Jared Golden Congressman Jared Golden of Lewiston serves on the Small Business Committee and the Armed Services Committee. He is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and served combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Golden stresses six priority areas on his website: campaign finance reform, expanding healthcare, supporting seniors, good jobs, serving veterans and the environment. He has worked on the following for finance reform: a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United court decision; a bipartisan effort for legislation banning members of Congress from trading stocks while in office or ever working as federal lobbyists; and the For the People Act, which would limit partisan gerrymandering, bolster ethics rules, reduce the influence of private money in politics and expand voting rights. He supports the Affordable Care Act and expanding access so that every American can have health coverage. He supported lowering prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act; supported numerous bills to expand Medicare coverage, including dental, hearing and vision care; and backed a bill to allow states like Maine to take advantage of full federal funding to support Medicaid expansion. Concerning abortion, he supports a woman\'s right to choose. Social Security and Medicare are promises that must be kept, he states, and he supports protecting and strengthening these programs through a number of measures that benefit senior citizens. For jobs, Golden supported the largest infrastructure package in U.S. history, which will make significant improvements to broadband access, replace lead pipes and fix roads and bridges. He supports legislation to grow the logging workforce, to plan the future of shipbuilding and to protect the lobster industry. He secured over $7 million in community project funding for Maine, with a particular focus on logging apprenticeships, shipbuilder training, first-responders and economic development. From improving transition services for newly-returned veterans to improving VA healthcare for older veterans, Golden has been working to improve the lives of Maine veterans. Golden opposes efforts to weaken important environmental protections. While in office, he has backed legislation to keep the U.S. in the Paris Climate Agreement, among other actions. Bruce Poliquin Bruce Poliquin served as the 2nd Congressional District representative from 2015 to 2019. He was a member of the Financial Services Committee and the Veterans Affairs Committee. In 2011 he was selected during the LePage administration as the state treasurer. Poliquin outlines on his website the following areas of prioritization: fighting inflation to lower grocery bills, home heating costs and gas and diesel prices with a \"balanced budget amendment to end wasteful spending that is driving up inflation.\" He would work to secure the southern border with Mexico to stop drugs from entering the country. In the past he \"fought to fund the border wall and stop illegal crossings.\" He says that he visited the border and knows that illegal immigration harms Maine. According to his website, Poliquin supported veterans as a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee in Congress, held the Veterans Administration accountable for malpractice and worked to secure better healthcare in Maine. With healthcare, he ensured access by working to keep the doors open to rural hospitals and voted to cover preexisting conditions while lowering prescription drug costs. Poliquin worked with former President Trump to cut taxes for the lower middle class and claims that he helped build one of the strongest economies in U.S. history with little inflation. By supporting police funding, Poliquin also worked to protect the retirement savings of police officers and firefighters, his website states. Poliquin states that he believes in protecting the Second Amendment and all constitutional freedoms. He would work to ensure Social Security and Medicare are protected and strengthened. Poliquin has a record of being staunchly pro-life but has stated to the media that \"the state of Maine has protections. Abortion is allowed in the state of Maine.\" GOVERNOR Incumbent Democratic Governor Janet Mills is facing Republican challenger and former Governor Paul LePage and independent candidate Sam Hunkler in the state\'s gubernatorial race. Sam Hunkler Independent candidate Sam Hunkler of Beals states on his website: \"Because of my medical profession, I had the opportunity to live and work anywhere in the world. I have been a jack of many trades: a teacher, carpenter, doctor, father, National Health Service Corps, U.S. Peace Corps, nonprofit director (Samburu Trust) and counselor.\" Hunkler lists his primary areas of concern as children\'s health, including stable housing, treatment for parental health, food security, a changed educational system, climate change and more. The educational system, he states, needs to be tailored to student needs and regional differences in the state, and he explains \"that what is needed in Portland is often quite different from what is needed in Beals.\" He supports student loan repayment for teachers and aides who commit to five years in the profession. Hunkler would lower taxes on real estate that are primary homes and homesteads by increasing the homestead exemption. He would increase taxes on secondary and seasonal houses. He would consider an increase in tax on noncommercial gasoline and fuel from May 15 to November 15 during the summer when the state has over 8 million visitors. He believes the surtax could then decrease the fuel tax the other six months to help residents heat their homes in the winter and travel to sporting events. He supports lowering taxes for businesses and corporations in exchange for increased worker salaries and benefits. To tackle the opioid crisis he suggests converting one prison to drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and he believes in some kind of universal health coverage. Paul LePage Former Republican Governor Paul LePage served two terms. His website lists his accomplishments as: decreased the size of state government through hiring freezes and eliminations of vacant positions; cut the state retirement pension debt by over 40%; implemented the largest tax cut in Maine history - including a 0% income tax rate for 70,000 low-income Maine families; repealed the annual increase of the gas tax; assisted family-owned businesses by increasing the threshold on the inheritance tax from $1 million to $2 million dollars; eliminated the sales tax on fuel for Maine\'s commercial fishing vessels and fuel used in the agriculture and forestry industries; exempted military retiree pensions from the state income tax; led the fight for welfare reform to not only protect the neediest but to ensure people found their way to economic freedom including, work requirements for able-bodied, childless adults; removed Maine\'s status as a \"sanctuary state,\" ensuring that Maine\'s limited welfare resources are reserved for Maine people; required drug testing for welfare recipients convicted of drug crimes; banned the purchasing of tobacco, alcohol, lottery tickets, bail and tattoos with TANF cash; supported legislation to add sex trafficking as a crime under Maine law; and increased K-12 education spending while holding tuition stable in Maine\'s higher education system. The LePage website states that the issues he will address are: lowering inflation; protecting jobs and growing the economy; lowering costs of home heating, gasoline, diesel, food and electric utilities while protecting the environment; phasing out the Maine income tax; respecting constitutional freedoms, including the Second Amendment and the parents\' right to have a voice in their children\'s education; and healthcare access. Janet Mills Janet Mills is seeking her second term as governor. Her website lists her accomplishments as: expanding healthcare through MaineCare to more than 93,000 as willed by Maine voters; meeting the state\'s share of mandated public education funding for the first time in the state\'s history; leading Maine through the COVID-19 pandemic with nation-leading results, including one of the highest vaccination rates and lowest COVID-19 death rates in the nation; expanding Pre-K programs across Maine and funding new equipment for Maine Career and Technical Education (CTE) centers; protecting Maine\'s cherished lands and waters -- including working waterfronts, forests and farmlands -- by reinvigorating the Land for Maine\'s Future Program; fighting the climate crisis by establishing the Maine Climate Council and working with communities to make Maine more energy-efficient and embrace clean, renewable power; dedicating unprecedented funding to fix Maine\'s roads and bridges; and providing direct inflation relief to Mainers in the form of $850 checks that will provide economic assistance to more than 850,000 Mainers. Mills lists healthcare, reproductive rights, education, the economy, climate change and full equality for all Mainers as the issues she will continue to address during a second term. As governor, she signed legislation requiring insurance to cover abortions and expanded access to reproductive healthcare through MaineCare. Mills believes that the challenges women face in their lives affect their health, families and the state\'s economic security and competitiveness. As a cofounder of the Maine Women\'s Lobby, she has been breaking barriers and fighting for gender equity her entire career. MAINE SENATE DISTRICT 6 Incumbent Republican Senator Marianne Moore of Calais is being challenged by Democrat Jonathan Goble of Cherryfield to represent Maine Senate District 6. The new district will still cover all of Washington County but will add 10 more Hancock County towns. Jonathan Goble Democrat Jonathan Goble of Cherryfield says his primary interest is the overall economy in Downeast Maine. \"Jobs are hard to come by, particularly if you want more than minimum wage.\" Some jobs are hard to fill, he points out, particularly those that have training or licensing requirements. \"Just try to find a plumber,\" he says, before bringing up the shortage of emergency personnel needed to staff local ambulance crews. He hopes to address this issue by encouraging Washington County Community College to expand their outreach, observing that from much of the county the campus \"is an hour away.\" Expansion of Internet coverage is part of the solution, he adds. Infrastructure issues are also a priority, particularly with the number of transportation disruptions caused by weather-driven washouts experienced statewide just this year. \"The DOT [Department of Transportation] needs to be out there inspecting,\" he says, \"and the legislature needs to back the costs. Culvert replacements are expensive, but failures cost even more.\" As for local roads maintained by municipalities, he says, \"Five percent revenue sharing isn\'t enough to cover these repairs, and real estate taxes don\'t address the issue.\" \"A personal concern of mine is healthcare services for veterans,\" he says, adding that he is an Army veteran. \"Maine is a veteran rich environment, but mental healthcare is difficult to access.\" The recent matter of the proposed closure of the veterans home in Machias was a particular concern, but the issue must be addressed by increasing the number of counsellors and other professionals. \"They\'re overwhelmed.\" A separate veterans\' issue is the frequent reluctance to accept military training and experience by requiring veterans to start civilian jobs at entry level. He mentioned the case of a 15-year Army veteran who had served as a military police officer; to be hired as an officer by a local municipality the individual was required to attend the State Police Academy with other first-time recruits. Marianne Moore When asked about dealing with workforce shortages, particularly in emergency management and healthcare fields, Marianne Moore speaks of the training programs offered by Washington County Community College -- programs that include classroom opportunities in more distant towns. She is pushing to have these expanded to include Machias and also providing EMT and nursing programs. \"But it goes beyond that,\" she says. \"If they can make more by working at McDonald\'s, why should they go into healthcare?\" She describes an initiative she has proposed in the past and will push for again, where workers in these fields will be paid \"125% of minimum wage.\" Part of the shortage in these fields was, she says, caused by the COVID vaccination policy. \"I\'m not sure that was handled properly.\" As far as the business slowdown during the off-season, she admits she had no proposal. \"Between the cost of heating fuel and the supplies, businesses have no choice.\" She then moves on to the recent spate of homicides, with a number of alleged perpetrators jailed but with no trial date in sight. \"Washington County needs its own district attorney,\" she states, saying, \"I\'m going to be pushing for this.\" The number of drug overdoses is also on her radar. \"They arrest the dealers, but there\'s always one in the group from New York or New Jersey. We have to get rid of the pushers. Fentanyl is killing our people.\" \"If I\'m reelected, I\'m going back on the Health and Human Services Committee.\" Of particular interest, she says, are the child welfare system and drug treatment programs. Pointing at the number of immigrants entering the state, she observes that a number have medical or other licenses. \"Let them work,\" she says. \"We need their skills.\" The health of the state\'s lobster fleet is also a concern. \"The way it\'s going, there\'s a lot that will park their boats, and the state will lose an important industry.\" HOUSE DISTRICT 9 For the new House District 9, Republican John Chambers of Calais is challenging incumbent Democratic Rep. Anne Perry of Calais. The new district covers the municipalities that had been in the previous House District 140 and adds Eastport, Meddybemps and Grand Lake Stream. Other towns in the district are Baileyville, Baring, Calais, Indian Township, Pleasant Point, Perry and Robbinston. John Chambers John \"Jake\" Chambers is a businessman who has owned various businesses over the past 40 years. For 22 years, he and his wife owned assisted living facilities in Washington County as well as in Hancock, Waldo and Somerset counties. Along with running his businesses, Chambers served in the military, volunteered with the Calais Fire Department, was a patrolman with the police department and worked as a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service. Since selling their business this past August, Chambers has the time to devote to \"this new challenge in Augusta.\" Because of his business experience, Chambers says he knows \"what it\'s like to operate and grow a business in Washington County and the stress that it brings on the business owners due to over-regulation and the decreasing work force.\" Schools should offer courses in the trades to teach the younger generation \"to work with their hands.\" He doesn\'t believe all students should be \"shuffled off to college like cattle when there are other options.\" In order to encourage businesses in this area, there needs to be proof that there is a willing workforce. He believes that the unemployed have been paid too long to stay home. Capable workers need to \"get off the couch\" and find jobs. As a result of unemployment there is an increase in domestic violence and drug abuse, he says. Those addicted to drugs need programs for rehabilitation, preferably faith-based, and need to find jobs. But Chambers also feels \"we need to attack the drug issues head on by putting the pushers into jail and off the streets.\" Chambers does not believe that Washington County needs to attract people from outside of Maine but, instead, needs to train the people here to find suitable employment. Chambers would effect change if elected by proposing term limits on the state level. He believes there is too much waste in government spending. He would like to see changes to border regulations and immigration because he feels that \"Maine should take care of their own, like our veterans, and then help refugees and immigrants after.\" Anne Perry Rep. Anne Perry is in her seventh non- consecutive term in the House since 2003 when she was first elected. A graduate of the University of Southern Maine with a Bachelor of Science in nursing and Husson College with a Master of Science in nursing, Perry is a retired family nurse practitioner who worked at Calais Regional Hospital. In addressing the economic situation in Washington County, Perry believes the current situation is unsustainable because older workers are retiring and younger workers are leaving for better jobs. They may be trained here but the lack of suitable jobs is forcing them to look elsewhere for work. Perry is encouraged by the University of Maine at Machias and Washington County Community College for figuring out what skills are necessary to find employment and then offering the specific training to students. WCCC set up a training course anticipating the new equipment the Woodland mill would be using when they expanded to tissue production. In addition, Perry sees paid internships in nursing, firefighting and policing as a practical way to train people who can be paid while they learn. This practice would encourage the younger generation to apply for these important jobs. Perry also feels it is vital to attract people to the area. The Sunrise County Economic Council\'s proposal for a National Heritage Area designation for Downeast Maine aims at attracting people to the area by showcasing Washington County\'s natural beauty. Perry says, \"We need to sell our area as a place to be, and if we sell the hidden beauty and cultures of Washington County, we can begin to bring people here.\" Many of these potential newcomers would be able to work remotely from their homes because of the availability of reliable broadband. The installation of broadband as a municipal utility has been a great success in both Calais and Baileyville, and the service is expanding to other towns. Rep. Perry says Washington County is in a transitional phase. Communities need to work together, and she cites Eastport and Lubec as communities that successfully reinvented themselves. HOUSE DISTRICT 10 In the new House District 10, Republican Kenneth \"Bucket\" Davis of East Machias is facing independent candidate Melissa Hinerman of Machiasport. The new District 10 covers many of the towns that were in House District 139, which has been represented by Rep. Will Tuell of East Machias. District 10 includes Alexander, Berry Township, Big Lake Township, Cathance Township, Charlotte, Cooper, Crawford, Cutler, Dennysville, East Machias, Edmunds Township, Greenlaw Chopping Township, Lubec, Machiasport, Marion Township, Marshfield, Northfield, Pembroke, Princeton, Trescott Township, Townships 19 and 26, Wesley and Whiting. Kenneth \"Bucket\" Davis Kenneth \"Bucket\" Davis of East Machias has worked for 45 years for his school system and still works part- time for it in its transportation department. He has served for 20 years on the East Machias select board, currently as chair. For many years he was involved with school local control issues and went to Augusta to advocate for his community, including to get out of the SAD structure and then to design the AOS structure that allows for local control of schools and budgets. \"We need to get people involved in trade schools,\" Davis says. He points to the lack of plumbers, electricians, contractors, welders and more. All fields provide good professions, he notes, and younger students need to be introduced to the opportunities available at trade schools. He adds that he visited a trades school where a car dealer from Bangor was talking to students about the opportunity for hiring right after graduation. Davis says there\'s \"way too much tape on some regulations.\" He points to the need for school bus drivers, and that given the county\'s demographics the people most able to take on the task are retired. With testing as it is now, he thinks it unlikely that they would pass the tests. \"We need to ease up on it.\" Healthcare is too expensive, he says. \"It seems like we\'re helping everyone but our own. Senior citizens are having it very hard.\" He adds, \"I would think the state could help some.\" The local fire departments are getting called to help with more and more situations, including drug-related heath crises. \"If we don\'t get kids off on the right track they get in trouble.\" Arise Addiction Recovery \"has been a big help. We need more programs like that.\" He would advocate for returning the DARE program to the classroom. He believes that most of the drugs are from out-of-state with dealers needing to be put in jail and fined, with the fines going to fund programs like Arise. Melissa Hinerman Melissa Hinerman is from a family with long ties to the area. She has a Bachelor of Science in business administration and a minor in sociology. She worked in the hospitality and customer service industry for many years. She was very involved in trying to stop the illegal closure of the Downeast Correctional Facility during the LePage administration and says that she learned so much about how the inmates worked on behalf of the local communities and economy. \"I was personally able to switch four Republican votes,\" she says. First and foremost, she says, she would work to support medical freedom and repeal vaccine mandates so that medical personnel who quit during the pandemic\'s mandate would come back to work. She would research the elimination of the state income tax. With the aging demographic, a number of different strategies need to be used to attract and retain young working families. One method to put more money back into working Mainers\' pockets would be to raise the homestead exemption. Affordable housing is a \"huge\" problem. Investigating the raising of property taxes for second homeowners or cutting property taxes for year-round homeowners are two possibilities to address the housing shortage. Another would be to develop a tax incentive program for second homeowners who rent out their homes to year-round working Maine residents. Hinerman supports student debt relief for those who live and work here, whether from here or not. Trades education is hugely important, as is incorporating law enforcement and fire department education into the classroom to get young students thinking about their community and the ways to support it through their own educational paths and careers. Supporting computer sciences in schools is also important so that the region\'s students are competitive with the rest of the country. Better pay, benefits and incentives would all be ways to support law enforcement, emergency management, EMTs and others in the public safety fields. \"It\'s all so important,\" she says of the multiple tracks to use to retain and draw young working families to the county for a healthy economy. MAINE HOUSE DISTRICT 11 Democratic candidate Roland \"Skip\" Rogers of Jonesport and Republican Tiffany Strout of Harrington are running for the House District 11 seat that approximately covers the former House District 138 that has been represented by Rep. Robert Alley of Beals. The new House District 11 includes Addison, Beals, Centerville, Columbia, Columbia Falls, Harrington, Jonesboro, Jonesport, Machias, Milbridge, Roque Bluffs and Whitneyville. Roland \"Skip\" Rogers “I have an understanding of how nurturing business environments in small communities are developed,\" says Roland \"Skip\" Rogers. \"I believe this area is poised on the precipice of great achievements. It\'s time we harness this potential.\" The Jonesport resident wants to be of service to the region and believes his business acumen can help him do just that. In Eastport, for 20 years he was the local manager for the company that operates the port terminal. Rogers holds a master\'s degree in maritime business and served as president of the Eastport Area Chamber of Commerce and as director of Sunrise County Economic Council. Rogers also served on the Route 9 committee and was a board member of the Maine Better Transportation Association. Regarding the lack of skilled workers in fields such as healthcare, law enforcement, emergency management and education, Rogers believes to foster and develop economic opportunities here in Washington County digital connectivity needs to be at the forefront of any plan. \"People will not relocate here if we can\'t offer reliable, fast digital connectivity,\" says Rogers. \"This is the key to operating modern businesses and to attracting the people who are conducting that business. There are opportunities for communities to access federal money to address broadband installation. Neighboring communities are already coalescing in Washington County to create their own fiber networks.\" Another prime area that Rogers believes needs to be addressed is the shortage of housing in the county. \"Housing, not unlike the other problems facing this area, has to be addressed regionally,\" he says. \"Collective groups of towns must decide how to proceed. One municipality will not have the necessary resources to attack such a gigantic project. Of course, federal funds must be made available for such an undertaking.\" \"I\'m looking forward to working with the rest of Washington County\'s delegation to address all the problems facing our region,\" says Rogers. \"Again, a regional approach is what is required to impact most issues.\" Tiffany Strout “If you are not happy with something I believe you should get involved to help make a change or a difference,\" says Tiffany Strout. \"Visiting Augusta to sit through a session and seeing the disconnect with some of the House members to real life was the deciding factor on me turning in my signatures to be added as a candidate.\" The Harrington resident believes her work experience, ability to communicate effectively and her involvement in the local school district give her a voice of reason, one that would both lead and support the constituents of District 11 while hearing all sides of a problem and collectively moving forward to solve it. When it comes to job retention and economic development, Strout believes more focus and money should be invested in the trade sector in Washington County. \"Getting kids interested while in school will help grow the interest for further education in the trades,\" says Strout. \"Additionally, having the option for more apprenticeship programs and offering the trade school programs to more adults, at a reasonable cost, will help make a more robust workforce.\" Strout believes further economic development hinges on the \"endangered\" lobster fishery. \"If the Downeast fishery makes it through its current troubles we should be investing in Maine- based processing plants rather than sending them [lobsters] to Canada,\" says Strout. Should the lobster fishery not survive, then Strout believes a different set of challenges presents itself, including crime, mental health issues and a dramatic increase in unemployment. \"These issues already exist at a smaller level in District 11, so working with law enforcement and groups like Healthy Acadia and Sunrise County Economic Council I could bring awareness to how we are trying to work on these issues and work towards making sure funding is available to help these and other organizations continue their work.\" \"I am always thinking about Washington County\'s future,\" says Strout. \"Working to set common goals and to make people aware of all of the traditions and hardworking people of District 11 is very important to me.\" DISTRICT ATTORNEY Incumbent Republican Matthew Foster, the district attorney for Washington and Hancock counties, is being challenged by independent candidate Robert Granger of Blue Hill. Matthew Foster Seeking a third term as district attorney for District 7, Matthew Foster believes his experience will continue to best serve both Washington and Hancock counties. \"I have put together a team of dedicated, experienced and ethical prosecutors who share my devotion to this work and of whom I am extremely proud,\" says Foster. With the current backlog of cases facing his department, Foster cites that, under his leadership, District 7 has the lowest backlog of cases in the state, 1,557, as of September 9. \"I have given my prosecutors discretion to resolve cases in the way that best serves the interests of justice while balancing the difficult issues that have been caused by the pandemic and the underfunding of the judicial system,\" he says. \"Court closures due to staffing shortages and scheduling docket calls only two or three times per year only compound the backlog problem. We will never get caught up if that is the approach the court continues to take. I am also not willing to simply dismiss cases in order to help put a Band-aid on a broken system.\" Regarding cases being pled down or dismissed, Foster cites Rule 18 of the Unified Rules of Criminal Procedure that requires that the state extend a plea offer at dispositional conferences in an attempt to resolve the case prior to trial and that a case can only be tried at the defendant\'s request. \"The prosecution has no say in whether or not a case is tried,\" says Foster. \"If the defendant does not accept the state\'s plea offer, the defendant can enter an \'open\' plea or request a trial by jury or a trial by judge. A case should be dismissed when there is insufficient evidence to support the charges.\" Foster says his office approaches every case fairly and equally. \"We review every case fully prior to making a charging decision,\" says Foster. \"No two cases are the same, and each case needs individual attention to ensure that the correct outcome is obtained.\" Robert Granger “I started my legal career at the district attorney\'s office, and I have always wanted to return to that work because law enforcement is in my nature,\" says Robert Granger. \"For many years law enforcement officers have also been encouraging me to run for district attorney, and I am finally ready to leave my successful private practice to pursue that goal.\" The Blue Hill native has spent that last 27 years as a partner with Acadia Law Group in Ellsworth. When asked about the current backlog of cases facing the district, Granger admits the 1,500 pending cases cripple the system and it is estimated to take 15 years to address the backlog. \"Unfortunately, Hancock and Washington counties do not have full- time justices in superior court, which amplifies the problem. Having part-time courts, we have no choice but to review all pending cases and find alternative dispositions for victimless and nonviolent crimes that will free up court time. We need to sharpen prosecutorial focus to major violent crimes, sex offenses, domestic abuse and the huge drug trafficking problem.\" And Granger believes pressure by citizens on legislators to fund full-time courts in both counties is needed more today than ever. Regarding cases being pled down or dismissed, Granger points to reducing charges and trial experience as solutions. \"First of all, the DA\'s office needs to focus on major crimes and stop adding every conceivable charge to its criminal complaints, especially when we have a 1,500-case backlog. Over-charging defendants up front simply to dismiss most of those counts in a plea deal sends the message that the prosecutor\'s office is not serious about pursuing the charges it initiated. Secondly, we have had a chief prosecutor who has refused to actually try any jury trials himself. By taking one prosecutor out of the trial lineup, the assistant prosecutors have had to absorb a larger burden of cases, limiting the time they have to focus on individual cases. They are spread far too thin.\" Granger says, \"I intend to be a hands on prosecutor and actually try serious cases myself.\" OTHER COUNTY POSITIONS Incumbent Washington County Sheriff Barry Curtis of Cherryfield is running unopposed, as is Washington County Commissioner John Crowley of Addison, who represents District 3. Also running unopposed are Jill Holmes of Jonesport for county treasurer, Lyman Holmes of Machias for judge of probate, Darlene Perry of Machias for register of probate and Tammy Gay of East Machias for register of deeds. (Lora Whelan, Rick Heller, John Rule, Denise Garner and Edward French all contributed to this article profiling the candidates.) October 28, 2022 (Home) . | ![\\"Google\\"](\\"2-14-2014_files/Logo_40wht.gif\\"/) | www The Quoddy Tides article search ---|--- web design by
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West Bengal CM said she will make Hindus cry if her party wins 42 seats
Dhruv\'s Rathee just made a very compelling video about India moving towards an authoritarian dictatorship : r/IndianModerate Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/IndianModerate A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to IndianModerate r/IndianModerate r/IndianModerate This is a community of people who can think rationally and critically. We balance pragmatism and idealism in the right proportions. This is NOT an enlightened centrist or moderate/neutral community. \'Moderate\' here refers to highly moderated, where only civil discourse is tolerated. This is not a community of both side-ists either, we don\'t encourage justification of heinous crimes. * * * 6.7K Members 27 Online • 6 mo. ago never_brush ADMIN MOD # Dhruv\'s Rathee just made a very compelling video about India moving towards an authoritarian dictatorship Casual Discussion (Politics) The video: No matter what side you are on and your hate for Dhruv, do give it a watch. BJP is going to win the elections but despite that, the kind of stuff they are pulling to mess with the elections - it\'s first time I felt that we are actually moving towards a China style authoritarian government. The new Broadcast bill where the government is going to keep a watch on social media influencers - namely youtube - is way too scary as well. Given YouTube is the only medium where government can\'t control the narrative. In the video, Dhruv said that even judiciary is comprised - which I disagree - but outside of that - the continuous pattern where opposition leaders are getting targeted, plus the way BJP has gone curbing criticism ever since they came to power... you cant pretend to be blind when the pattern keeps repeating. Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Locked post. New comments cannot be posted. athenacrisis • Promoted Like Advance Wars, Wargroove or Fire Emblem? Give Athena Crisis a whirl! Available Now with a 10% launch discount. Download ![\\"Thumbnail](\\" Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/BreadfruitBoth165](\\" BreadfruitBoth165 • 6mo ago • multiple rule violations, Thread locked Reply reply ![\\"u/AshamedLink2922](\\" AshamedLink2922 • 6mo ago • Boooring.People has been saying that ever since 1947.We are not going into authoritarian dictatorship anyway.Indira tried and she failed.Just because the BJP has widespread support does not mean that Indian democracy is dying.Modi has not done anything that indicates a coup.This is just biased crap. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies Satoshi0323 • 6mo ago • People like Dhruv have been saying this since 2014. Last I checked India is still a democracy. India has always been an authoritarian democracy (since 1947). Even Nehru had many of his political opponents jailed. This is how Indian governments always have been. Obviously, Modi\'s opponents want to make it seem like it is a Modi specific thing but it is not. Edit: Typos Reply reply 38 more replies 38 more replies More replies Satoshi0323 • 6mo ago • This OP out of nowhere started abusing me and brought my mother in to an conversation in a very derogatory way cos I have an opposing opinion. All this while complaining about “DEMOCRACY IN DANGER”. LMAO the irony! Reply reply 11 more replies 11 more replies More replies BravoSierraGolf • 6mo ago • Edited 6mo ago • From a layman’s perspective what he is saying might be true,although not 100% true but he has good points. But when we get to technicality it doesnt make sense. 1. Kejriwal arrested without money trail. Thats not how arrests work. You can be arrested without evidence. Thing is if ED finds nothing of substance to present in court and release kejriwal after elections, I’ll agree with Rathee. 2\. BJP appointed 2 of 3 election commissioners. I mean this must be exciting conspiracy for teenagers fans of Rathee but India has always appointed ECs this way. All out ECs from 1950 till 2024 have been appointed by PMs choice/Ruling party. 3\. Congress accounts freezed. Well no. Congress havent paid taxes so they have a lien on their account. If they have total 500 in their account and lien is 50, congress can spend 450. Basic banking. 4\. Electoral bonds biggest scam. Not like other parties were dudh ka dhula. Everyone spread misinfo about the gaming company donating to BJP but it turned out to be fake. Non of these things cry dictatorship. Misuse of power? Sure. But dictatorship? Dont think so. Reply reply Kroos_Control • 6mo ago • BJP deserves all the heat for the electoral bond scam but rest of the points are dishonest as you said. Kejriwal is arrested because he ignored 9 summons from ED. A common man is arrested after ignoring just one summon, why does the Aam Aadmi Party supremo consider himself exclusive from the aam aadmi? Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies MyMoMrEgReTs • 6mo ago • Edited 6mo ago • Crypto scammer ka opinion nahi sunuga Reply reply Satoshi0323 • 6mo ago • I know right! The guy actually promoted crypto scams in 2021 but no one calls him out on that. Reply reply 7 more replies 7 more replies More replies 9 more replies 9 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Quarkmire_42](\\" Quarkmire_42 • 6mo ago • You triggered every BJP IT cell worker with this post, OP. Their techniques are so predictable: * dismissing Dhruv the person * Saying that everything he says is \"biased\" and that\'s why he\'s popular * Immediately pivoting to Congress and Rahul Gandhi. Not one of these amazing commentators engaged with the video and opposed his points. Why should they? That\'s not their goal. The BJP propaganda is so predictable now. Reply reply [deleted] • 6mo ago • For people like Dhruv Rathi, democracy is born every morning and dies every evening. They have cried wolf for so long that people are not taking them seriously, even when their allegations have a kernel of truth this time. Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Top 9% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like * r/IndianModerate r/IndianModerate This is a community of people who can think rationally and critically. We balance pragmatism and idealism in the right proportions. This is NOT an enlightened centrist or moderate/neutral community. \'Moderate\' here refers to highly moderated, where only civil discourse is tolerated. 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West Bengal CM said she will make Hindus cry if her party wins 42 seats
..Why there is so much violence happening in West Bengal after the election results? People are claiming that TMC members are trying to kill BJP members and burn their offices! Is it true? If yes, why? What are your views on this? All related (42) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-370338915-50-lqlmnnlpiozekcbucefnajxphfhdkhoy.jpeg\\") Manjil Thakur Bachelor of arts in Politics, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (Graduated 2019) · Author has 135 answers and 416.9K answer views · 3y In which world are you , or are you blindly support any party see this- ![](\\" add3ad84e3e3df8051c4b5bb31e4fcb1-lq\\") These incident happened just after winning of mulli Didi. Continue Reading In which world are you , or are you blindly support any party see this- ![](\\" add3ad84e3e3df8051c4b5bb31e4fcb1-lq\\") These incident happened just after winning of mulli Didi. Upvote · 98 94 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Build low-cost web applications with AWS. You can use whatever CMS you like, including WordPress, Drupal, and more. Get started for free. Sign Up 9947 Related questions More answers below What is the truth behind the violence between BJP and TMC workers in West Bengal? What logic do TMC supporters give to justify violence in West Bengal against BJP workers? What did the BJP get after spreading fake news and videos about TMC violence in Bengal? Is facing uncontrollable political violence a reason why BJP is unable to penetrate West Bengal? What is happening in West Bengal right now after the election? How many people were killed by TMC goons in Bengal? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-159964951-50-pgighfbqcldzhhagrayjtdidjopsvoao.jpeg\\") What? MA geography from University of Delhi (Graduated 2017) · Author has 654 answers and 14M answer views · 3y ![](\\" qimg-f3f5ebb8907d2530cc1d97b9fc99a2a0-lq\\") 1. look guys this is not happening for the first time in Bengal. believe me, Bengal has become another Kashmir. you will sooner or later find that Hindus of Bengal will be thrown out of the state. they have raped, killed Hindus there and 20 till now. I used to tell you that we have become one and not divided. Mamta took advantage of our selfishness, 30% of Muslims living there have voted to Mamta and 70% of Hindus couldn\'t vote BJP. that\'s how division among Hindus is destroying Hindus themselves. the reality is collective 30% is always strong than divided 70%. now we are paying for it in Bengal. 2. Continue Reading ![](\\" qimg-f3f5ebb8907d2530cc1d97b9fc99a2a0-lq\\") 1. look guys this is not happening for the first time in Bengal. believe me, Bengal has become another Kashmir. you will sooner or later find that Hindus of Bengal will be thrown out of the state. they have raped, killed Hindus there and 20 till now. I used to tell you that we have become one and not divided. Mamta took advantage of our selfishness, 30% of Muslims living there have voted to Mamta and 70% of Hindus couldn\'t vote BJP. that\'s how division among Hindus is destroying Hindus themselves. the reality is collective 30% is always strong than divided 70%. now we are paying for it in Bengal. 2. nobody is reporting, tweeting in favour of our Hindus and this shows the justification of media and pseudo secularists. where is congress, India today, ravish Kumar, Kejriwal who always call Hindus terrorist for the killing of one Muslim? believe they are indulging you in employment, GDP etc and justifying the killings of Hindus there. they are dividing us. at last we, all Hindus are a fool because we, our own preparing the graveyard for us and willing wants to add our souls into that by brutal killing from those who say we are secular. 3. I don\'t have any regret that BJP hasn\'t won there but I am more afraid of divide Hindus who are now victims of Muslims. they repeatedly killing them. please guys, please understand we have to fight this alone. don\'t wait for BJP because the day when BJP threw out of elections, we will be in a very dangerous situation. believe me, I am crying when I am writing this. we have to save our coming generation for this. 4. add me on instagram Login • Instagram Upvote · 999187 9933 95 ![\\"Profile](\\" Shiv Trivedi Lives in India · Upvoted by Kriti , lives in India (2000-present)Author has 62 answers and 1.9M answer views · Updated 3y Related Why are TMC goons killing BJP party members in West Bengal? Bhardwaj ji have explained it well ![](\\" qimg-c6b6e92437885cb2cd0925bb0243502c-lq\\") That is what a TMC leader said and Bengal voted for it, they literally asked for it. ![](\\" cef1be5fb940bae916d0022a2eeef68b-lq\\") ![](\\" qimg-0239fc6355d61aae8a8ad5d94cbb4c69-lq\\") * As long as you have someone who supports the BJP, no matter If you\'re a muslim,Hindu, Christian, or sikh, your work will be done by the goons of TMC! * The TMC can\'t put up with the fact that Mamta lost in Nandigram and the BJP went from 3 to 80. * No news about murder came from Assam or Puducherry where the BJP won. * Instead of staying silent, the centre should take appropriate action against these TMC goons who think they\'re above laws. Thanks for reading! Continue Reading Bhardwaj ji have explained it well ![](\\" qimg-c6b6e92437885cb2cd0925bb0243502c-lq\\") That is what a TMC leader said and Bengal voted for it, they literally asked for it. ![](\\" cef1be5fb940bae916d0022a2eeef68b-lq\\") ![](\\" qimg-0239fc6355d61aae8a8ad5d94cbb4c69-lq\\") * As long as you have someone who supports the BJP, no matter If you\'re a muslim,Hindu, Christian, or sikh, your work will be done by the goons of TMC! * The TMC can\'t put up with the fact that Mamta lost in Nandigram and the BJP went from 3 to 80. * No news about murder came from Assam or Puducherry where the BJP won. * Instead of staying silent, the centre should take appropriate action against these TMC goons who think they\'re above laws. Thanks for reading! Upvote · 999116 9910 94 ![\\"Profile](\\" Jayesh Mistry Director at Pioneer Fitness Center, Padma Yog Shala (1992–present) · Author has 1.9K answers and 294.4K answer views · 3y We would never know the truth, we would never know who is behind the violence. Who is doing is also not relevant at this moment, TMC is in the power, the voters must ask this question to the ruling party, as law and enforcement agencies are in their hand, they have to act to control all these immediately. Upvote · 95 Sponsored by MSD India Help Protect her against cervical cancer with the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine is a proven method with nearly 100% efficacy to help protect against cervical cancer. Learn More 9914 Related questions What is the truth behind the violence between BJP and TMC workers in West Bengal? What logic do TMC supporters give to justify violence in West Bengal against BJP workers? What did the BJP get after spreading fake news and videos about TMC violence in Bengal? Is facing uncontrollable political violence a reason why BJP is unable to penetrate West Bengal? What is happening in West Bengal right now after the election? How many people were killed by TMC goons in Bengal? Why are TMC goons killing BJP party members in West Bengal? Why are TMC workers attacking BJP Karaykarta\'s in West Bengal? Is it true that BJP workers are getting killed in West Bengal after the election results came out? If yes, why can\'t BJP stop it? Why is TMC attacking the BJP in West Bengal? What happens if the BJP toppled the TMC government in West Bengal? How is the performance of BJP compared to TMC after the elections in West Bengal? What are the West Bengal election results? Has fielding 150 ex-TMC members cost the BJP the Bengal elections? Whose position is strong in West Bengal, BJP or TMC? How can the BJP defeat TMC in West Bengal? Related questions What is the truth behind the violence between BJP and TMC workers in West Bengal? What logic do TMC supporters give to justify violence in West Bengal against BJP workers? What did the BJP get after spreading fake news and videos about TMC violence in Bengal? Is facing uncontrollable political violence a reason why BJP is unable to penetrate West Bengal? What is happening in West Bengal right now after the election? How many people were killed by TMC goons in Bengal? Why are TMC goons killing BJP party members in West Bengal? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024 ![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")
Twitter locked US President Donald Trump's account after severe violations of the company's Civic Integrity policy
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By Joe Warminsky January 7, 2021 ![\\"President](\\" content/uploads/sites/3/2021/01/50809603876_66aee46492_o.jpg?w=1200\\") Supporters of President Donald Trump gather near the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021. (Elvert Barnes / Flickr) Facebook and Twitter temporarily froze accounts belonging to President Donald Trump on Wednesday, hours after he continued to amplify false narratives that helped incite a violent mob at the Capitol Building. At 7:02 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, Twitter announced it was locking Trump out of his account for 12 hours after “repeated and severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy.” About 90 minutes later, Facebook announced that Trump’s account would be locked for 24 hours because of “two policy violations.” The bans came hours after Trump tweeted criticisms against Vice President Mike Pence for signaling that he would allow certification of the Electoral College count cementing Joe Biden’s election. The ballots had been legally cast, but some Trump loyalists in Congress questioned the results in a handful of states. Facebook and Twitter responded only after the White House posted a video in which Trump told the intruders in the U.S. Capitol to “go home now” but added, “We love you. You’re very special.” Trump’s activity was the extension of a long and ultimately dangerous line of public comments baselessly arguing that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Advertisement Neither platform had taken such actions against the president before. The far-right conspiracy movement QAnon had used Twitter to amplify its theories and encourage followers to arrive at the Capitol carrying weapons in the days prior, as NBC News has reported. Twitter previously removed thousands of QAnon-affiliated accounts. Facebook’s vice president for integrity, Guy Rosen, said in a blog post that the social media company removed Trump’s video because “on balance, we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes” the risk of ongoing violence. Twitter’s public statements were not as detailed. The company’s Twitter Safety account pointed to the civic integrity policy, which was updated in October 2020 as misinformation about the security of the election mounted. > This is an emergency situation and we are taking appropriate emergency > measures, including removing President Trump\'s video. We removed it because > on balance we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes the risk of > ongoing violence. > > — Guy Rosen (@guyro) January 6, 2021 Advertisement Early Thursday morning, Congress affirmed Joe Biden’s victory in chambers swept clean of the debris created by pro-Trump insurrectionists. The ongoing battle over how and when to throttle the president’s social media presence was one of the defining tech-related topics of 2020. As cybersecurity experts warned about foreign governments’ use of misinformation on social media to potentially undermine the democratic process, social media companies began to face more pressure to label, downplay or block Trump’s more egregious violations of their policies. The tension, as always, was over whether the president’s status as an important public figure overrode the rules that might apply to everyone else. Trump had not posted anything new on Twitter as of 8:51 a.m. ET on Thursday, though it was unclear if he was still locked out of the account. After Congress had certified Biden’s victory overnight, presidential spokesman Dan Scavino posted two tweets on behalf of the president that only perpetuated Trump’s argument that the “facts” back his claim of widespread election problems. Agencies in Trump’s own administration have debunked his claims. Facebook’s ban also extended to Trump’s account on Instagram, and Google-owned YouTube also took down Trump’s video Wednesday for similar reasons. The Google-owned platform also had been pressured in 2020 to do more about election-related misinformation. After the election, Democratic senators had warned that Trump’s online comments could “fuel civil unrest.” ![\\"Joe](\\" content/uploads/sites/3/2022/01/warminsky-headshot- sq.jpg?w=150&h=150&crop=1\\"/) #### Written by Joe Warminsky Joe Warminsky is the news editor for CyberScoop and FedScoop. #### In This Story * Donald Trump * Twitter * social media * Facebook * media * information operations * YouTube * Capitol insurrection Share * Facebook * LinkedIn * Twitter * Copy Link Advertisement Advertisement ## More Like This 1. ### What’s new from this year’s Counter Ransomware Initiative summit, and what’s next By Tim Starks 2. ### America’s allies are shifting: Cyberspace is about persistence, not deterrence By Richard J. Harknett, Ph.D. 3. ### Irish Data Protection Commission fines Meta €91 million for passwords stored in plaintext By AJ Vicens Advertisement ## Top Stories 1. ### Former Mesa County clerk sentenced to 9 years for 2020 voting system breach By Derek B. 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Twitter locked US President Donald Trump's account after severe violations of the company's Civic Integrity policy
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Twitter announced Wednesday evening it has locked President Donald Trump\'s Twitter account due to \"repeated and severe violations\" of the company\'s Civic Integrity policy. The social media company said in a series of tweets that Trump\'s account will remain locked for at least 12 hours. If additional violations occur after the account is unlocked, the president\'s account may be \"permanently suspended,\" Twitter said. The decision came following a day of violent protests in the nation\'s capital. While lawmakers were participating in a joint session of Congress to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election, protesters descended upon the Capitol Building, breached the perimeter of law enforcement officials stationed outside and began flooding in, triggering a lockdown as evacuated lawmakers sheltered in place. ![\\"Twitter](\\" trump-account.jpg?w=1200&f=8ff002769b51306fabb10373181151e3\\") Twitter announced Wednesday it has suspended President Donald Trump\'s Twitter account for \"repeated and severe violations\" of the company\'s policies. In the photo above, a large group of pro-Trump protesters stand on the East steps... Twitter announced Wednesday it has suspended President Donald Trump\'s Twitter account for \"repeated and severe violations\" of the company\'s policies. In the photo above, a large group of pro-Trump protesters stand on the East steps of the Capitol Building after storming its grounds on January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C. More Jon Cherry/Getty After lawmakers on both sides of the aisle called upon Trump to condemn the violence, the president posted a video on social media that encouraged his protesters to \"go home\" but also aired allegations that the election had been \"stolen\" from him. Facebook removed the video from its platform shortly after Trump posted it and Twitter blocked engagement with the post. \"As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three @realDonaldTrump Tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy,\" the Twitter Safety account tweeted. \"This means that the account of @realDonaldTrump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these Tweets. If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked. \"Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account,\" the thread continued. > Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or > Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the > @realDonaldTrump account. > > — Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 7, 2021 Listed at the top of Twitter\'s Civic Integrity policy is a rule regarding the spreading of contested election-related information. \"You may not use Twitter\'s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections or other civic processes,\" the company\'s policy says. \"This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress participation or mislead people about when, where, or how to participate in a civic process. In addition, we may label and reduce the visibility of Tweets containing false or misleading information about civic processes in order to provide additional context.\" Twitter has flagged numerous Trump\'s tweets as containing disputed information about the presidential election over the last two months. The company\'s safety rules regarding violence say, \"You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence.\" Twitter\'s safety policy also includes a note about terrorism and violent extremism that specifies, \"You may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism.\" Twitter flagged each of the three Trump tweets with a message that read, \"This Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules.\" The company included links to the specific rules that it said the tweets violated, as well as information about its process for identifying and flagging questionable content. Twitter also posted a link to its policy regarding posts by world leaders. \"Our public interest policy—which has guided our enforcement action in this area for years—ends where we believe the risk of harm is higher and/or more severe,\" Twitter wrote. \"We\'ll continue to evaluate the situation in real time, including examining activity on the ground and statements made off Twitter. We will keep the public informed, including if further escalation in our enforcement approach is necessary.\" Newsweek reached out to the White House for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication. This story has been updated with additional information and background. Read more * Mitt Romney Rips Pro-Trump \'Insurrection,\' Condemns Colleagues * Twitter Delets Trump Tweet Due to \'Risk of Violence\' for First Time Ever * Texas Sergeant-at-Arms Fired After Supporting Violence in U.S. Capitol * Facebook, YouTube and Twitter Remove Trump\'s Speech For \'Violence\' * Violence at Capitol Reignites Talk of Pence Using 25th Amendment on Trump Request Reprint & Licensing Submit Correction View Editorial Guidelines ### About the writer Meghan Roos FOLLOW Meghan Roos is a Newsweek reporter based in Southern California. Her focus is reporting on breaking news for Newsweek\'s Live Blogs team. Meghan joined Newsweek in 2020 from KSWB-TV and previously worked at Women\'s Running magazine. She is a graduate of UC San Diego and earned a master\'s degree at New York University. You can get in touch with Meghan by emailing Languages: English Meghan Roos is a Newsweek reporter based in Southern California. Her focus is reporting on breaking news for Newsweek\'s Live ... Read more To read how Newsweek uses AI as a newsroom tool, Click here. 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Twitter locked US President Donald Trump's account after severe violations of the company's Civic Integrity policy
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Trump allowed back onto Twitter 8 January 2021 Share Save James Clayton, Leo Kelion & David Molloy Technology reporters Share Save Trump has tweeted a video finally condemning the Capitol rioters US President Donald Trump has been allowed to Tweet again, after being locked out of his account for 12 hours. Posting a more conciliatory message, he refrained from reiterating false claims of voter fraud. Twitter said that it would ban Mr Trump \"permanently\" if he breached the platform\'s rules again. The move from Twitter puts clear water between it and Facebook, which suspended him \"indefinitely\" on Thursday. Twitter has instead given the outgoing president a final warning. Earlier on Thursday, the popular gaming platform Twitch also placed an indefinite ban on Mr Trump\'s channel, which he has used for rally broadcasts. Mr Trump tweeted several message on Wednesday, calling the people who stormed Capitol Hill \"patriots\". He also said \"We love you.\" When a mob stormed the US capitol A spokesperson for Twitter said: \"After the Tweets were removed and the subsequent 12-hour period expired, access to @realDonaldTrump was restored. \"Any future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account.\" ## Facebook Earlier in the day, the president was suspended from Facebook and Instagram. That suspension will be reviewed after the transition of power to Joe Biden on 20 January. The social network had originally imposed a 24-hour ban after the US Capitol attack. Facebook\'s chief, Mark Zuckerberg, wrote that the risks of allowing Mr Trump to post \"are simply too great\". Mr Zuckerberg said Facebook had removed the president\'s posts \"because we judged that their effect - and likely their intent - would be to provoke further violence\". #### Allow Facebook content? This article contains content provided by Facebook. We ask for your permission before anything is loaded, as they may be using cookies and other technologies. You may want to read Meta’s cookie policy and privacy policy before accepting. To view this content choose ‘accept and continue’. Accept and continue He said it was clear Mr Trump intended to undermine the transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden. \"Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete,\" he wrote. ## Twitter ban Mr Trump\'s favoured platform, Twitter, suspended the president for 12 hours on Wednesday. The company said it required the removal of three tweets for \"severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy\". It said the president\'s account would remain locked for good if the tweets were not removed. ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Twitter](\\" Twitter has now confirmed the offending tweets have been removed, and he is free to tweet again. * LIVE: Biden victory confirmed after deadly attack on Capitol * Trump’s Twitter endgame * What does a deadly day mean for Trump\'s legacy? Snapchat also stopped Mr Trump from creating new posts, but did not say if or when it would end the ban. YouTube also removed Wednesday\'s video. The president\'s supporters stormed the seat of US government and clashed with police, leading to the death of one woman. The violence brought to a halt congressional debate over Democrat Joe Biden\'s election win. In the House and Senate chambers, Republicans were challenging the certification of November\'s election results. \"We will never give up, we will never concede\", Trump tells supporters Before the violence, President Trump had told supporters on the National Mall in Washington that the election had been stolen. Hours later, as the violence mounted inside and outside the US Capitol, he appeared on video and repeated the false claim. ## Trump’s Twitter downfall ## Biden: \'It’s not protest, it’s insurrection\' Social media US Capitol riots Fake News Twitter Facebook Donald Trump Related ## School shuts X account over \'racism\' on platform 5 days agoWales ## Smear campaign against celebrity-endorsed nature reserve exposed 28 Sep 2024Asia ## They were arrested for posting during the riots – will it change anything? 27 Sep 2024BBC InDepth More 9 hrs ago ![\\"Republican](\\" ad45-893aa022fcbc.jpg.webp\\") ## Time stood still, Trump says at site of assassination attempt Donald Trump invited tech billionaire Elon Musk to the stage to join him attacking his Democratic opponent. 9 hrs agoUS & Canada 9 hrs ago ![\\"Kamala](\\" ad45-893aa022fcbc.jpg.webp\\") ## Trump and Harris are deadlocked - could an October surprise change the game? 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Twitter locked US President Donald Trump's account after severe violations of the company's Civic Integrity policy
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In a Thursday morning post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company was extending the block it had placed on Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts on Wednesday until at least the inauguration of President- elect Joe Biden on Jan. 20—and perhaps longer. “We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” Zuckerberg wrote. “Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.” The move came after social media platforms removed posts Wednesday by Trump, and blocked him from posting to his tens of millions of followers. At about 7 p.m. ET, Twitter announced it had locked Trump’s Twitter account for 12 hours and removed three tweets, including a video message from the President to his supporters, that the platform said carried a “risk of violence.” Facebook announced about 8:30 p.m. that it had locked the president’s account on its platform for 24 hours, preventing him from posting after also removing the Trump video. Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, blocked Trump from posting for 24 hours as well. Read more: Incited by the President, Trump Supporters Violently Storm the Capitol In the banned video, posted about 4 p.m., Trump spoke directly to his supporters, whom he had urged to gather in Washington D.C. as Congress took up the Electoral College certification that would finalize Joe Biden’s victory over the President. Trump used the video to once again make false claims of election fraud, before encouraging his supporters, who had unlawfully entered the Capitol building, to go home in peace. “You have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order,” he said. “So go home. We love you. You’re very special…I know how you feel.” Later in the evening, Trump again tweeted false information about the election and urged those who stormed the Capitol “go home with love & in peace.” Twitter similarly restricted engagement with that tweet. Social media companies have long been under pressure to prevent Trump from posting false and misleading posts on his accounts. Trump has more than 88 million followers on Twitter and 33 million on Facebook. Read more: How the World Is Responding to a Pro-Trump Mob Storming the U.S. Capitol Twitter has previously flagged numerous tweets from Trump for disputed information, but Wednesday’s action appears to be the first time that Twitter has locked down engagement with one of his posts as well as marked it for “risk of violence.” “As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three @realDonaldTrump tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy,” a Twitter statement said. “This means that the account of @realDonaldTrump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these Tweets. If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked. Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account.” Twitter also warned that Trump risks a permanent suspension of his account if he violates the platform’s rules in the future. > We\'ve assessed two policy violations against President Trump\'s Page which > will result in a 24-hour feature block, meaning he will lose the ability to > post on the platform during that time. > > — Meta Newsroom (@MetaNewsroom) January 7, 2021 Facebook, in a statement posted on Twitter said: “We’ve assessed two policy violations against President Trump’s Page which will result in a 24-hour feature block, meaning he will lose the ability to post on the platform during that time.” ## More Must-Reads from TIME * Introducing the 2024 TIME100 Next * The Reinvention of J.D. 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In a video a doctor states citing a study that vaccines will cause in the future an epidemic of cardiovascular disease an epidemic of autoimmune disease an epidemic of cancer and that's if in one or two generations we Do not have an epidemic of infertility together among other things by changing people’s genetic code
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Get new users downloading your project releases today! × 149418359 story ![\\"Medicine\\"](\\"//\\") ![\\"United](\\"//\\") ![\\"Science\\"](\\"//\\") ## Fauci Wants To Make Vaccines for the Next Pandemic Before It Hits ( 267 Posted by msmash on Monday July 26, 2021 @06:40PM from the for-a-better-future dept. If funded, a government program costing several billion dollars could develop \"prototype\" vaccines to protect against 20 families of viruses. From a report: In one sense, the world got lucky with the new coronavirus. By sheer chance, scientists just happened to have spent years studying coronaviruses, developing exactly the tools needed to make Covid vaccines as soon as the virus\'s genetic sequence was published. But what will happen if the next pandemic comes from a virus that causes Lassa fever, or from the Sudan strain of Ebola, or from a Nipah virus? Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is promoting an ambitious and expensive plan to prepare for such nightmare scenarios. It would cost \"a few billion dollars\" a year, take five years for the first crop of results and engage a huge cadre of scientists, he said. The idea is to make \"prototype\" vaccines to protect against viruses from about 20 families that might spark a new pandemic. Using research tools that proved successful for Covid-19, researchers would uncover the molecular structure of each virus, learn where antibodies must strike it, and how to prod the body into making exactly those antibodies. âoeIf we get the funding, which I believe we will, it likely will start in 2022,â Dr. Fauci said, adding that he has been promoting the idea âoein discussions with the White House and others.â Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, also thought it likely that the necessary funds would be allocated, calling the project \"compelling.\" \"As we begin to contemplate a successful end to the Covid-19 pandemic, we must not shift back into complacency,\" Dr. Collins said. Much of the financial support would come from Dr. Fauci\'s institute, but a project of this scope would require additional funds that would have to be allocated by Congress. This year\'s budget for the infectious diseases institute is a little over $6 billion. Dr. Fauci did not specify how much additional money would be needed. If surveillance networks detected a new virus spilling over from animals into people, the logic goes, scientists could stop it by immunizing people in the outbreak by quickly manufacturing the prototype vaccine. And if the virus spread before the world realized what was happening, the prototype vaccines could be deployed more widely. ### ← ### You may like to read: ### → Japan Pitches \'Society 5.0\' To Keep Its Edge In Tech and Science ## Masks Work. So What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized COVID Mask Analysis? ## Across the Nation, Lawmakers Aim To Ban Lab-Grown Meat ## Are Face Masks Effective? 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(Score:5, Insightful) by Baconsmoke ( 6186954 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @06:59PM (#61623247) The first comment to not be mired in conspiracy or sarcasm. Fighting viruses can in a sense be viewed similarly to fighting a war. Far better to be prepared for eventualities rather than relying on blind luck. Plus often when research like this is done we learn a lot more than we thought possible and end up finding numerous benefits from the effort expended. It\'s outside of my wheel well, but the logic seems reasonable. Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by Luthair ( 847766 ) writes: Yea, to me this is the blatantly obvious outcome of the pandemic. The economic costs have been so massive spending a bit of money preventively is a no- brainer. For the conspiratorial idiots, governments with covert biological weapons programs have been looking at these since WW2 - we should really get some good guys on this too. * * * #### Re: It is NOT surprising that we had the technolog (Score:3, Informative) by UpnAtom ( 551727 ) writes: The so-called gain if function research prepared the East for COVID. Shame the US had elected someone who admitted how dangerous it was on tape and then pretended it wasn\'t to the country, killing 600,000 Americans.Maybe you can explain that? Oh and the virus was nothing like COVID, which destroys your conspiracy theory. * #### Trump has nothing to do with Wuhan (Score:2, Informative) by aberglas ( 991072 ) writes: Huh? \"Gain of Function\" is not \"so called\", it was a well established term before Covid, was openly done, and it did nothing to help the Chinese in this instance. The Chinese were not as quick as the should have been, but they still gave plenty of notice which was carefully ignored by the USA. And which virus \"was nothing like COVID\"? There are several. And most of the sequences made by the Wuhan labs were taken off line just after the outbreak, so we do not know what they actually had. What we do know is * #### Re: (Score:2) by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) writes: Huh? \"Gain of Function\" is not \"so called\", it was a well established term before Covid, was openly done, and it did nothing to help the Chinese in this instance. Except it wasn\'t gain of function research, so it wasn\'t done. And which virus \"was nothing like COVID\"? There are several. Covid-19 is called a \"novel coronavirus\" because it is novel. Just because you hate Trump does not make everything he says false, even if he has no idea what he is saying. Right, he is only guaranteed to be saying something false when he does have an idea of what he\'s saying. If he says something true, it probably came up on the teleprompter, and he has no idea what he\'s reading. That explains why he so frequently can\'t pronounce whatever it is. * #### Re: (Score:2) by MrL0G1C ( 867445 ) writes: Finally, a sensible comment. This forum seems to be infested with idiot trolls. Fauci\'s idea is great. One thing I\'d like to know is why do some vaccines last a decade or more but the Covid vaccines are rapidly losing effectiveness after only months. The British govt is already talking about booster shots. An Israeli study showed vaccine effectiveness was dropping at roughly 10% per month. * #### Re: Well, I\'ll go ahead and be the first. (Score:2) by UpnAtom ( 551727 ) writes: The vaccines target a part of the virus that mutates -- the spikes. Not sure if other vaccines target more stable proteins or the viruses don\'t mutate much. * #### Re: (Score:2, Interesting) by zeeky boogy doog ( 8381659 ) writes: It\'s really simple: You have to have a certain level of circulating neutralizing antibodies to neutralize *a* virus strain when exposed; This is \'sterilizing immunity.\' The existing vaccines - including especially the pfizer and moderna ones - are based on the ancestral Wuhan strain, the original sequence publicly posted in January 2020. And the antibodies they provoke are *overwhelmingly* potent against that strain - it\'s likely that we would\'ve seen something like 98-99% protection against it rather than * #### Re: (Score:2) by MrL0G1C ( 867445 ) writes: > And a booster that includes new variants closes a huge amount of the gap in > serum protection. How long does it take to update the vaccine for a new variant? Can they target several variants with a booster? In Israel they had a good early vaccination drive with the pfizer vaccine but now the effectiveness is reducing fast. [] (paper and articles linked by Dr John Campbell there) He mentions the study is about the pfizer vaccine, it\'d be interesting to know at what speed other vacc * #### Boondoggle (Score:2) by biggaijin ( 126513 ) writes: Vaccines are tailored for a specific virus. While there are basic techniques that work better or worse of particular types of viruses, the vaccine is always tailored to the virus that is the current problem. This proposal sounds like he is attempting to use the pandemic fear and desperation as a lever to fund an eternal virus laboratory that would be spending its time waiting for a virus to attack. The Pharma companies can do this for us. They are making enough on the pandemic already to fund their rese * #### Actually no (Score:2) by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) writes: there was work on a general purpose COVID vaccine after the 1st SARs and Avian Flu hit. But because they mostly hurt poor folk in China nobody cared enough to keep funding the research. Had they done so we probably would have had a vaccine shortly after the outbreak. Fauci is trying to start that research back up (and more importantly trying to get it funded). So yeah, this is something you want. At least if you\'re not a billionaire who\'s a) gonna have to pay for it and b) got bailed out with trillions i * #### Re:Boondoggle (Score:5, Interesting) by sjames ( 1099 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @07:26PM (#61623339) Homepage Journal The mRNA vaccines change the game a little. Previously, a vaccine was necessarily either the actual target virus killed, or a live weakened virus where if was put through many generations in culture to produce a weak bot otherwise similar version. The mRNA vaccine requires identifying a particular feature to the virus that is dissimilar to anything in the human body and a good target for antibodies, then synthesizing mRNA to order to produce that particular protein. In that sense, the vaccine is programmable. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) writes: Not only that, but the equipment that\'s used to make a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine can be reused to make a Flu vaccine, cancer vaccine, or any other mRNA vaccine that they come up with. Just wash the equipment, load the new mRNA sequence in, and pump out vaccines. I\'ve even heard reports that they\'re trying to make portable vaccine generation equipment. So a hospital could have an mRNA vaccine generator or you could load it on a truck in a third world country and generate vaccines right in the village that needs * #### Re: (Score:2, Insightful) by fermion ( 181285 ) writes: I do not think we got lucky. When there is strong and broad basic research there is going to be a storehouse of knowledge to work novel problems. This is the key. Funded agencies like the CDC, NSF, NIH so they can be part of a world community that is developing basic and applied science. The money gets shifted around. At the turn of this century money got shifted to the CDC to research things like anthrax, and my friends got job. In the 1980â(TM)s the spigot was turned off and we lost the lead on solar * #### Re:Boondoggle (Score:5, Insightful) by SoftwareArtist ( 1472499 ) writes: on Tuesday July 27, 2021 @01:16AM (#61624055) Your understanding is incorrect. Viruses come in families that share most of their basic biology. The details vary, but once you figure out how to make an effective vaccine against one member of a family, it\'s usually easy to adapt it to other members. That\'s why we can easily make a new flu vaccine every year. We long ago figured out a recipe for making vaccines against influenza. Now that we have that recipe, we can take whatever new strains are circulating each year and adapt it to them. There are about 20 main families of viruses that affect humans. The proposal is to create a vaccine for one member of each family. Once we have an effective vaccine against one member of a family, we\'ll have a huge head start at developing one for any other member. We saw the value of this last year. After COVID emerged, it only took a couple of months before the first vaccine entered human trials. That\'s because scientists had spent years studying coronaviruses. They were able to take the work they\'d done on SARS and adapt it directly. It\'s not the same virus, but it\'s the same family. Without those years of work, it would have taken far longer to get a vaccine. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) writes: The Pharma companies can do this for us. Why would Pharma companies proactively develop something without monetary incentive? * #### Could we stop politicizing the pandemic threat? (Score:5, Insightful) by rmdingler ( 1955220 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @07:06PM (#61623275) Journal I can see the argument forming against developing a vaccine that is plausibly necessary because we were studying it in the first place. Sure... Viral threats to humankind can jump species or be borne in a laboratory... doesn\'t really matter. Addressing problems that threaten us as a species shouldn\'t be compartmentalized as natural or anthropogenic... mankind is of nature, and not separate from it. We are the greatest threat to us and the rest of the planet\'s life forms. Better to develop the vaccines and not need them, than to need them and not have them. Stopping nations from doing this type of research has a statistical likelihood on the order of asking my dog not to kill squirrels. Share twitter facebook * #### Careful what you wish for (Score:2) by aberglas ( 991072 ) writes: How do you develop vaccines for future super bugs? Well, you first create the super bugs. Then study them. But it is not so helpful when the bug gets out of the test tube. * #### Re: (Score:2) by LostMyAccount ( 5587552 ) writes: Given how much we spend on so many other things, throwing $500 million at future vaccine research seems kind of trivial and probably produces a lot of payoff. * #### Sensible idea (Score:3) by Kernel Kurtz ( 182424 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @07:16PM (#61623303) I expect we will indeed see some sort of concerted global effort in this regard going forward. I don\'t expect it will be led by the US though. Half the country does not even have a good grasp of reality. I think the days of the US leading anything on the world stage are waning. Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by aberglas ( 991072 ) writes: Actually, we will (and are) seeing a concerted global effort to stop this type of research. It is just too easy for the super bugs you breed to study to get out of the test tube. * #### Re: Sensible idea (Score:2) by Camembert ( 2891457 ) writes: Which is not a good reason not to do preventive research. * #### That what we already do with influenza. (Score:3) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @07:20PM (#61623323) Homepage Journal Arguably WHO\'s most important function is to do global influenza surveillance. Every year it picks the four strains -- one H1N1, one H3N2, and two Type Bs -- each thought to be most likely to go pandemic *next year*. It ships to manufacturers who then culture the virus and make a new vaccine which is ready for large scale manufacture shortly thereafter. The idea that it always takes years to develop a new vaccine is mistaken; flu vaccines are annually reformulated, although it\'s a variation on a theme. This year\'s H1N1 vaccine is much like last year\'s and made on the same production lines. It\'ll have the same trade name, but it\'s a new vaccine. It is quite possible we may find ourselves doing something similar for new COVID variants, although thus far it hasn\'t been necessary. Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by VeryFluffyBunny ( 5037285 ) writes: It is quite possible we may find ourselves doing something similar for new COVID variants, although thus far it hasn\'t been necessary. This assumes that the next pandemic will be a COVID variant. What if it\'s another virus altogether? The case for the WHO to be involved seems to be strong. So far, international cooperation on COVID-19 has meant compressing what would\'ve taken 10 years of research, development & testing into 1 year, more or less. It\'s also meant that we\'ve proven experimental vaccine technologies that promise to revolutionise vaccine design & manufacturing. The suggestion is to identify the most likely epidemic/pand * #### Re: (Score:2) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: I actually *didn\'t* assume it would be another COVID variant, although I *did* assume another COVID variant is possible and one important scenario. WIV\'s draft genome for SARS-COV-2 was published on January 11, 2020, and Moderna\'s draft design was ready two days later. The first samples of the vaccine were shipped on Feburary 24. So basically it takes 42 days to go from genome to a vaccine candidate. Since the EUA for the vaccine was issued on December 18, it took 300 days to go from being able to produce * #### we need to (Score:2) by ttspttsp ( 7600944 ) writes: keep monoclonal antibody treatments in the discussion. Instead of artificially training the body to create the antibodies in hope that it (the body) can get ahead of replication in case of infection, add helper antibodies after infection and let the body develop viral resistance naturally (and safe from death or debilitation). We *may* have been lucky with these vaccines as they don\'t seem to cause long-term health complications (at least what we\'ve seen so far), but that\'s not been the case with all vac * #### Cost is the difference (Score:2) by clawsoon ( 748629 ) writes: As I understand it, monoclonal antibodies are much more expensive to produce than mRNA vaccines. That\'s the underlying point of this proposal, I think: We\'ve never before had a technology that\'s cheap enough to use to make All The Vaccines before we need them. Now we do; should we take advantage of it? * #### Re: (Score:2) by ttspttsp ( 7600944 ) writes: Yes, monoclonal antibodies are much more expensive for the currently approved products. Not really in the substance you ingest, but by the procedure to administer it - it\'s an infusion treatment, and it takes hours. One major issue as I understand is health centers\' reluctance to offer monoclonal antibody treatments to reserve their facility for cancer patients (chemo). There are emerging (phase I/II) major improvements in the therapy in both the delivery efficiency and medical efficacy. One company in * #### Re: (Score:2) by BadDreamer ( 196188 ) writes: \"Naturally\" is to die or get crippled when we get sick. \"Naturally\" is to suffer and weaken from disease. \"Naturally\" is to suffer lots of side effects from both vaccination and infection. Screw \"naturally\". I want the best unnatural protection I can get. * #### Re: (Score:2) by ttspttsp ( 7600944 ) writes: I don\'t agree. Our bodies are attacked by pathogens from moment one. We fight off almost all of them by ourselves. Left unchecked (no vaccination), most of us would fight COVID off by ourselves. Some of us would get long-haul, a small number of us would need professional medical attention, and a small portion of those would die. I want all of these people to heal completely without long- term complications. I believe that if we had an effective test-treat available protocol it would work. It works lik * #### Re: (Score:2) by BadDreamer ( 196188 ) writes: Exactly. We are under constant attack. And then we die. I want the best unnatural protection I can get. Screw natural, it is killing me. You want to die, you do that, but don\'t advocate that others should die \"naturally\" just because of your religious conviction. I want life, not \"natural\". * #### Re: (Score:2) by Gilgaron ( 575091 ) writes: Monoclonals can be thought of like antibiotics (despite operating on different principles), they will help you while critically ill, but do not confer lasting protection like a vaccine will. They\'re a treatment rather than a cure. * #### Re: (Score:2) by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) writes: Once you\'ve been infected, you\'re not \"safe from death or debilitation.\" In fact, that\'s when your danger is the highest. Letting people get infected and then treating them with Monoclonal Antibodies is a horrible idea. First of all, the supply of Monoclonal Antibodies would quickly be exhausted. Not everyone would be able to be treated with them. Also, Monoclonal Antibodies aren\'t a cure-all. They can help in some circumstances, but they don\'t guarantee complete recovery. You can still die or wind up with * #### Wasn\'t it Fauci... (Score:2) by kenh ( 9056 ) writes: Wasn\'t it Fauci and the wizards at the CDC that hobbled our early response to Covid 19 by implementing a poorly-designed test that delayed our testing protocols for precious weeks at the start of the Pandemic? Yes, it was: [] [] * #### Re: (Score:2) by skovnymfe ( 1671822 ) writes: How dare you not blame Trump? Also isn\'t Fauci the one who was funding the gain of function research in the first place? And then used his position as director of the NIAID to career- suicide anyone who dared suggest the virus came from his Chinese lab in Wuhan? And then sent one of his cronies (Daszak) to China to say \"nope, it really wasn\'t the Wuhan lab\"? * #### Re: (Score:2) by sabbede ( 2678435 ) writes: You mean that thing he keeps lying to Congress about, even when presented with peer-reviewed articles that describes GoF research being performed at Wuhan and lists the NIH grants that funded it? I don\'t know what kind of bureaucratic or linguistic gymnastics he pulled to have his agency describe what is prima fascie gain-of-function research as something else, but that doesn\'t make it any less a lie. Hell, I tracked down one paper by the North Carolina/Wuhan team that actually included a section on how * #### Some corrections (Score:2) by bluegutang ( 2814641 ) writes: But what will happen if the next pandemic comes from a virus that causes Lassa fever, or from the Sudan strain of Ebola, or from a Nipah virus? It won\'t, because none of those spread through the air. They all require physical contact, which is easily avoided in a developed country if you are worried about disease spread. Researchers did not focus on coronaviruses \"by sheer chance\" but rather because they were known to have pandemic potential, due to their easy spread and relatively high mortality. Don\'t get me wrong, mRNA technology is flexible enough that it should make creating vaccines for all sorts of diseases vastly easier than in the past, and * #### Re: (Score:2) by WierdUncle ( 6807634 ) writes: It won\'t, because none of those spread through the air. Pathogens mutate. In the case of bubonic plague, it was originally transmitted by contact with infected rats. Later, a variant evolved that was spread through the air. Then all hell broke loose. * #### The remarkable vaccine nobody takes? (Score:2) by RobinH ( 124750 ) writes: How would this help when half the population of your country won\'t take a vaccine specifically because the government is asking them to do it? * * #### Re: (Score:2) by RobinH ( 124750 ) writes: I would suggest 5% of 70% of the population who would likely get it is still a big number, but the death rate isn\'t nearly as important as the number of people needing hospital care, particularly the peak number who need hospital care simultaneously. Not to mention, there\'s evidence out of the UK saying that getting COVID has a negative effect on cognitive ability (IQ) and that the more severe it is, the higher the IQ drop (up to 7 points if you end up getting intubated, which is huge). It is a serious il * #### Be prepared, but who pays for this? (Score:2) by WierdUncle ( 6807634 ) writes: In the UK, and I believe in most developed countries, epidemiologists have been warning for years that we should be prepared for an epidemic respiratory disease. Reasonable precautions would include stockpiles of personal protective equipment for medical staff, and extra backup supplies of ventilators and the like. This was proposed well before Covid 19 was even heard of. When the Covid 19 epidemic emerged in China, and it looked like it was spreading to Europe, UK ministers insisted that our health service * * › #### Re: (Score:2, Insightful) by nonBORG ( 5254161 ) writes: They will first develop in the lab the Virus that they plan to leak, then the vaccine for the virus. It is not a conspiracy it is a business model. * #### Re: (Score:3, Insightful) by Tablizer ( 95088 ) writes: The real \"lab\" is the anti-vaxxers, who foster & spread mutations * #### Re: (Score:2) by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) writes: The real \"lab\" is the anti-vaxxers, who foster & spread mutations Um... I\'m not on the side of the guy you were replying to, nor am I an \"anti-vaxxer\", but... there was a literal lab studying exactly those viruses just a few miles away from ground zero. It\'s not implausible at all [] that it escaped from that lab. * #### Re: (Score:2, Flamebait) by Stormwatch ( 703920 ) writes: Funny how, for a whole year, we were told that was debunked and to say otherwise was a silly conspiracy theory. * #### Re: (Score:2) by TarpaKungs ( 466496 ) writes: Very few are anti-vaxxers, you muppet. Some of us just don\'t want to take this particular set of vaccines.And the more people like you and my (the UK) government badger me, and try to coerce me with vax passes (coming in September in the UK), mandatory vaccinations (Care Workers) - the more I will tell you all to shove your jab on pure principle. * * #### Re: good when it leaks out of the lab we will be f (Score:2) by UpnAtom ( 551727 ) writes: Guess you missed how COVID has mutated about 1000x, with 8 major strains, none of them anything to do with vaccines it other treatment. * * #### Re:good when it leaks out of the lab we will be fa (Score:5, Informative) by GrumpySteen ( 1250194 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @09:06PM (#61623635) No, the danger is the unvaxxed and the idiots like the guy in that video who encourage them. If vaccines were the cause of mutations, we would have mutations of smallpox all over the planet... but we don\'t. Smallpox was eradicated. When everyone is vaccinated, viruses go extinct. Real world examples > idiotic theories. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: good when it leaks out of the lab we will be f (Score:2) by ( 897193 ) writes: Half baked knowledge is a very dangerous thing Imagine a doctor or medical researcher trying to deduce how kernel code for device drivers might work from common sense and google Vaccines which are not highly effective are what cause dangerous mutations to get selected and spread. Am sure you\'ve read about how overuse of antibiotics causes super bugs ??? * #### Re: good when it leaks out of the lab we will be (Score:3) by q_e_t ( 5104099 ) writes: The current mutations of concern originated before vaccination was widespread. * #### Re: (Score:2) by djinn6 ( 1868030 ) writes: It almost sounds like your solution to antibiotic resistant bacteria is to never use antibiotics, because even today, we don\'t fully understand how antibiotics work. * #### Oh, hai! + overlooking details (Score:5, Informative) by DrYak ( 748999 ) writes: on Tuesday July 27, 2021 @09:17AM (#61625009) Homepage Imagine a doctor or medical researcher trying to deduce how kernel code for device drivers might work from common sense and google Oh, hai! I am a doctor by training and work in medical research. A decade and half ago, my GPU was a 3DFx Voodoo 3. To handle TV-Out, it relied on a BT869 chip on the I2C bus [].Sadly by then, 3Dfx was defunct, it was considered legacy hardware, and the TV-out driver wasn\'t very well maintained.When the i2c bus changed it\'s driver model, I was I used the kernel documentation [] to patch the driver so it kept running for me.(Upstream rejected my patch though, telling me tv-out functionality should instead move to the display stack, but that was beyond the amount of work I was ready to pour in). In Dr \"Bones\" McCoy\'s voice: \"I am a doctor, Jim! Not a kernel developper!\" Vaccines which are not highly effective are what cause dangerous mutations to get selected and spread. It\'s much more complex and you\'re glossing over a ton of fine details. Over-all it\'s not seemingly utter non-sense:- the presence of antibody in the host population (whether they come from vaccination or from post-infection immunity) are changing the environment in which a virus evolves, thus changing the fitness of the virus in its environment, and thus the darwinian selection would be (slightly) bit different.- thus yes, the presence of antibodies has a (tiny) bit of impact on the virus\' evolution. BUT. Identifying a possible mechanism isn\'t the entire story, you need to check how much it is making an impact overall.And the data is telling us a completely different story:- D614G emerged at a time point when vaccine didn\'t exist yet.- Alpha emerged in UK at a time when vaccine were barely available.- Delta emerged in Inda while there wasn\'t any significant widespread vaccination.- Rergion with higher vaccination rate have seen an overall decrease in virus circulation, no sudden popping of new variants. (e.g.: there is no current sudden onslaught of multiple greek-letters variant all jumping out of Israel) So what it seems is that although your model isn\'t technically entirely wrong (there is a change in environment and therefor change in selective pressure), it has a very insignificant impact in the end. That\'s because, you\'re overlooking other mechanisms at play: Different polymerases have different error rates, depending on how much they\'re good at \"proof-reading\" - i.e.: do they have an \"exonuclease\" capability, to go back, remove a copy error, and restart (Exonuclease function is the Tipp-Ex of sequence duplication).Human, as Eukaryotes, use a DNA- Polymerase to make copies of their genome and that one has a good proof- reading capability and stellar low error rate.Most Polymerases using RNA as a source tend to make mistakes - a lot of RNA viruses rely on RdRp (RNA- dependent RNA-polymerase) and retroviruses (such as HIV) rely on an rt (Reverse-transcriptase, it goes RNA->DNA - i.e.: the opposite of eukaryote\'s RNA polymerases).Coronavirus family have gene nsp14 which *does have* exonuclease functionnality (SARS-CoV-2 has a metaphorical pencil eraser at disposal to fix its mistake).Thus Coronavirus family members (including SARS- CoV-2) have a lower mutation rate than other RNA viruses (e.g.: compared to influenza or HIV) my colleagues working at Nextstrain used to mention 1:4 slower rate than flu, and in our national sequencing project we don\'t see a very high intrahost diversity, (that could also be a possible explanation while base analgos such as remdesivir work poorly - the virus could be as easily removing them as the human host). The end result is that in order to see variants to emerge, you need to have large pools in which the virus has opportunity to mutate. The larger th Read the rest of this comment... Parent Share twitter facebook * * #### Re: good when it leaks out of the lab we will be f (Score:5, Informative) by zeeky boogy doog ( 8381659 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @10:15PM (#61623769) mRNA vaccines don\'t \"overwrite\" anything, in the immune system or otherwise. They introduce mRNA into the body, in nanosized fatty encapsulations that allow it to enter cells. There the ribosomes read and transcribe it like anything else and manufacture, in this case, the virus\' spike protein. Which then drifts to the surface of the cell, and gets recognized by the immune system, and triggers immune memory and production of antibodies. Which is... just what live-virus vaccines, dead-virus vaccines and (if you want to go way back) variolation do: Expose the body to the signature of the pathogen without infecting it. The difference is, proffering the exact protein we know the immune system needs to neutralize in order to first round KO the virus, and nothing else, is what every other vaccine *wishes* it could do. The immune system is fooled - by both the flu and covid - into making huge numbers of antibodies against the nucleocapsid proteins, which do not actually stop the virus from infecting anything. Immune assays confirm this: the responses to natural covid infection and mRNA vaccination are very different. And the mRNA-induced one is better, broader and stronger. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Nitpicking (Score:5, Informative) by DrYak ( 748999 ) writes: on Tuesday July 27, 2021 @07:07AM (#61624631) Homepage Which is... just what live-virus vaccines, dead-virus vaccines and (if you want to go way back) variolation do: Expose the body to the signature of the pathogen without infecting it. I just wanted to nitpick and bring to attention that dead-virus vaccine are slightly different (and common with recombinant vaccine and all those other synthetic antigen vaccine) in that they rely in bringing in *the actual antigen (protein/peptide/glycopeptide)* it self in.The immune system might not pick-up the injected thing (as it\'s just an inert thing) and you might need to add some adjuvants in the mix, specially with the synthetic antigens. Whereas natural immunity post infection, vaccine\'s namesake, attenuated virus vaccine, viral carrier DNA vaccine and mRNA in fat bubbles all rely on *tricking the cell machinery to produce their proteins* (well that\'s what initially viruses evolved to do) and the immune system is very good at detecting such hijacking and at immunizing against it (that\'s what it evolved to do). mRNA are merely the safest of the lot as they introduce the least amount of foreign genetic material (just the target antigen of interest) they\'ve basically turned the concept of \"attenuated\" vaccine all the way to 11 by ripping everything else out - unlike the virus-based immunity, they are not even capable of replicating, having had the replication machinery ripped out. But if you squint at it the second list definetely \"infects\" the cell (for a very generous tolerance for the definition of \"infects\" specially by the time you reach the mRNA virus): they all rely on tricking the cell to produce foreign material, and tap into the immune system excellent capabilities at detecting it. In contrast, the former list just relies on depositing the foreign material itself and hoping the immune system will notice it. From a more detailed point of view: only the second list also relies on T-c (cytotoxic) cells (That where their better response comes from, including for mRNA).Whereas the first list only exclusively relies on macrophages picking up and exposing material laying around, without an inflammation the T-h (helper) cells might not notice. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: good when it leaks out of the lab we will be (Score:2) by ttfkam ( 37064 ) writes: Congrats for highlighting an example of how mRNA vaccines DON\'T work. You talk as though it permanently rewrites DNA or fundamentally changes how our immune systems work. Our immune systems aren\'t \"overwritten\". mRNA is the pathway our bodies use for protein synthesis. The mRNA vaccine jumps in, has our body make proteins that superficially mimic the structure of the virus (without actually including the rest of the virus machinery), and then it dissolves away. Once it dissolves, no more custom proteins made * #### Re: (Score:2) by systemd-anonymousd ( 6652324 ) writes: \"This time we\'ll pave the road with even BETTER intentions! * * #### Re:Your body does not have a \"vaccine shortage\" (Score:5, Informative) by Luthair ( 847766 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @06:56PM (#61623239) The chiropractics you\'re talking about is correctly referred to as quackery and widely recognized as complete nonsense. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) writes: Comment removed based on user account deletion * * #### Re:Your body does not have a \"vaccine shortage\" (Score:5, Informative) by Luthair ( 847766 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @07:22PM (#61623335) There is a big difference between the chiropratics focused on spinal adjustment and the quackery of the OP, last time I looked the Wikipedia article offered a good overview if you haven\'t had the misfortune of meeting one first hand. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re:Your body does not have a \"vaccine shortage\" (Score:5, Insightful) by Randseed ( 132501 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @07:43PM (#61623409) About twelve years ago, somewhere in the Midwest, I met a 17 year old girl who had the misfortune of having hippie parents. For a year, she complained her chest hurt. They took her to some naturopath, then some chiropractic (the quack kind). She went back something like six times in a few months, and the chiropractor kept saying that his \"adjustments weren\'t holding.\" So they kept going back to this quack, and were using herbal teas and whatnot. Finally the girl one night begged her father to take her to the hospital. Finally someone shot some Xrays. There\'s this huge honking Ewing sarcoma that had, while they were screwing around, gone metastatic. She died two months later. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: Your body does not have a \"vaccine shortage\" (Score:5, Informative) by kenh ( 9056 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @09:09PM (#61623645) Homepage Journal Steve Jobs died of a faulty common cancer that can usually be treated, because he delayed medical preferring holistic approaches as I understand. Andy Kaufman eschewed conventional treatment fit too long, then when he finally saw a proper medical doctor, he was at death\'s door. There are countless more stories like this, but they don\'t get talked about because the victims aren\'t famous. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:3) by Joey Vegetables ( 686525 ) writes: Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is rarely caught in the early stages in which it might be successfully treated. Usually, it is not found until long after it is too late. * #### Re: (Score:2) by phantomfive ( 622387 ) writes: Surgeon Chris Raynor has some good commentary on the topic []. He says, \"Orthopedic surgeons are not better than chiropractors. We are different.\" * #### Re: (Score:2) by VeryFluffyBunny ( 5037285 ) writes: You seem to be confused by the modern scientific method. Don\'t worry, many people are. Here\'s a good guide for how to evaluate medical claims: [] * #### Re: (Score:3) by MrL0G1C ( 867445 ) writes: FFS stop modding this stupid crap up. * #### Re: (Score:2) by gtall ( 79522 ) writes: \"Of course Fauci wants more vaccines, he and all his Big Med cartel get a kickback for every toxic vaccine they inject.\" Look it, if you want to spout FOX bs, please go there and spout it. Meanwhile, you do realize that Elvis has been spotted on Mars, yes? * * #### Re: (Score:3) by PPH ( 736903 ) writes: \'clip\' [Groan] * * #### Re: (Score:2, Interesting) by tomhath ( 637240 ) writes: You have it backwards. Develop the virus and the vaccine, immunize your own population, them \"accidentally\" let the virus escape. Why else would China be weaponizing viruses? * * #### That\'s not what happens (Score:2) by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) writes: the virus is \"only\" about 1% fatal across the entire population. Maybe 2% if we stretch it. Now, that\'s still potentially over 3 million dead in America alone (way, _way_ more if we \"let \'er rip\" and the hospitals get overwhelmed) and it might even mean a few close elections are lost, but probably not that many. I guess what I\"m getting at is, not only is it kinda terrible to wish for people who\'ve been fooled to die, but it\'s not even going to work from a practical standpoint. Stop it. You\'re not helpin * #### Re: (Score:2) by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) writes: the virus is \"only\" about 1% fatal across the entire population. Maybe 2% if we stretch it. Now, that\'s still potentially over 3 million dead in America alone (way, _way_ more if we \"let \'er rip\" and the hospitals get overwhelmed) and it might even mean a few close elections are lost, but probably not that many. I can lose my fingerprints typing before I can get people to focus on anything but the death rate. When in fact, death is a preferable outcome to Covid fog, destruction of the cardiopulmonary system, amputations and getting to go back to the hospital. You probably do not want to get encephalitis, which shows up in 10 percent of Covid \"survivors, ischemic stroke. Here\'s some reading. [] 1 in 3 survivors have mental issues after Covid - seems like that number is getting wors * * #### Re: That\'s not what happens (Score:2) by q_e_t ( 5104099 ) writes: Actually, the CDC conducts regular serology tests across multiple states, and they do not support the idea that a majority have already been infected. * * #### Re: (Score:2) by quonset ( 4839537 ) writes: Gotta give it to progressives. They sure know how to wish death on those they hate because they\'re not loving enough.At least, the racists are honest. Considering how much hatred con artist supporters spewed out [] in only four years, \"progressives\" aren\'t even amateurs. In fact, one so-called \"Christian\" adviser to the con artist wanted her imaginary overlord to commit abortion [] on a worldwide scale. * * #### Which bit is inaccurate? (Score:2) by UpnAtom ( 551727 ) writes: We\'ll wait. * * #### Re: That\'s not what happens (Score:2) by q_e_t ( 5104099 ) writes: Evidence, from multiple countries, shows a fatality rate, across all age ranges of close to 1%. It is falling in Western nations now due to vaccination efforts * * #### Re: (Score:2) by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) writes: Only 36% of African Americans are vaccinated. Only 41% of Latinos. Are you claiming they are Trump Republicans? Trump already got vaccinated by the way, and told people to get vaccinated a long time ago. No, where in the hell did you learn logic to try to even remotely come up with the claim that I said anything like that? Or are you that kooky British woman who interviewed Jordan Peterson, and kept interrupting him to say \"So you\'re saying that...( fill in the weierdest thing you can think of). * * #### Re: (Score:2) by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) writes: Why did you mention Republicans (politics), in a discussion about vaccines. Fuck off \"Ol Olsoc\". You are politicizing science. If you want to talk about politics, let me know why only 36% of African Americans are vaccinated and 41% of Latinos are vaccinated. They are OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRAT. So shove your politicization of Science up your asshole and take your buddy rsilvergun with you. You are middle class middle aged suburban white males who work in IT. You know nothing of reality or life. You work with computers for a living. Just fuck off nd SHUT THE FUCK UP. And you kind sir, have a terrible terminal case of internet muscles coupled with Histrionic disorder. Here\'s your problem, summer child. The sub groups that you mention? They aren\'t the Democrat base. Unfortunately, you went insane level triggered as snowflakes are prone to do, and missed that I wrote the Republican base in several places. Have a great day, and maybe try Yoga. * * #### Re: (Score:2) by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) writes: Shh. Your facts are going to scare people! They\'ve been told otherwise and are quite comfortable believing orange man bad. Get ye back to OAN, They had Mike Lindell\'s \"proof\" that Biden stole the election, Should make you cum in your pants, citizen. It\'s all you need to know - Next stop, thd supreme court, where they will crown your boy as president for life, this is the moment you\'ve been waiting for your entire life. Orange man not bad - Orange man is the return of Jesus Christ, and will cast the unbelievers into the pit. You do recognize him as Christ returned do you not? * * #### Re: (Score:2) by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) writes: You still haven\'t answered why you brought up politics in AN ARTICLE ABOUT VACCINES. Democrats/Republicans were not mentioned in either the article or the summary. So, yhy did you do it? What did you hope to accomplish? Does science deserve to be politicized? Let us know why you did it, Ol Olsoc, or JUST FUCK OFF. I answered your question in another post, summer child. But let\'s get serious. If you think that Having Fauci involved isn\'t political, and especially to the Republican party, you\'ve been living under an old mobile home for the last 5 years. Google or DDG Fauci vs Rand Paul. He even threatened him with felony arrest. Political enough for ya, summer child? * * #### Re: (Score:2) by magzteel ( 5013587 ) writes: Trump already got vaccinated by the way, and told people to get vaccinated a long time ago. The con artist got vaccinated in secret and never revealed he got vaccinated [], all the while denigrating the doctors who were encouraging people to get vaccinated. It wasn\'t until March, two months after he lost the election, that he said anything remotely encouraging about being vaccinated. Needless to say, it was mainly about him [], not the people. So, the guy who created Operation Warp Speed, who promised a vaccine by year end and was ridiculed in the press for it, who wanted to open the economy and get kids back to school as soon as possible, that guy didn\'t want people to take the vaccine? That makes no sense at all. There were certainly many politicians who actively discouraged people from taking the \"Trump vaccine\", including Kamala Harris and Andrew Cuomo. * * #### Re: (Score:2) by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) writes: Rofl he said it in March when he was no longer president. * * #### Re: (Score:2) by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) writes: So what? He said it. He said it after he already lost his re-election bid, like the coward he is. He cares only about himself, not about The People. If he had said it sooner, many less people might have died, but he was too busy worrying about his polls. He even fucking fast tracked the vaccine He was advised to do so, as any president would have been. and bought the right one with more than enough doses for all of Americans That is a blatant lie, and you are a blatant liar. Trump did NOT buy enough doses for all Americans. He \"promised\" to buy enough doses, but he only actually bought 100M doses, which was only going to be enough for 50M Ame * * #### Re: (Score:2) by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) writes: Comment removed based on user account deletion * * #### Re: (Score:2) by Rockoon ( 1252108 ) writes: Proof that you dont care about facts is right here. Even the lies that nobody else still believes, you are actively pushing. So what is it you care about, chinaman? * #### It was certainly leaked, probably engineered (Score:2) by aberglas ( 991072 ) writes: But not as a weapon. Rather as what Fauci was talking about, namely to prepare for future viruses. Build your own and see how they behave, develop ways to beat them. The Wuhan labs were acknowledged world experts, funded partially by the USA. They proudly published their excellent results. Until someone made a mistake which let it out of the labs. There are now several good papers that dispassionately discuss the Wuhan leak. The main popular one is by Wade []... [ * #### Re: (Score:2) by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) writes: No, it did not start in a lab. Fucking prove it, or stop saying this. It\'ll derail serious attempts to address the actual cause of the pandemic (deforestation and the wet markets). There is literally no proof that it came from a wet market. There is no public evidence beyond the circumstantial of where it came from, and there is at least as much of that supporting the lab leak theory as the wet market theory. The outbreak is near both the lab and a wet market. The lab is known to have been studying related viruses, and the wet market is a common place for similar viruses to be found. But there is no smoking gun leading to either theory, and asserti * * #### Re: (Score:2) by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) writes: This country is full of people who believe the earth is flat. This was proven false centuries ago with rudimentary tools and methods. People are just that dumb. * * #### Re: (Score:3) by phantomfive ( 622387 ) writes: There\'s also plenty of scientific evidence that points to vaccines being a) not entirely safe and b) not entirely effective. Getting out of bed in the morning is not entirely safe. Breathing is not entirely safe. Everyone knows the vaccine is not entirely effective. Come back when you have something more quantifiable. * #### Re:50% will make this fail. (Score:5, Insightful) by quonset ( 4839537 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @08:27PM (#61623535) There\'s also plenty of scientific evidence that points to vaccines being a) not entirely safe No, there\'s not. You\'re just spouting bullshit. b) not entirely effective. Body armor isn\'t entirely effective either. No one should wear it, especially police, since it\'s not 100% effective at preventing being shot to death. Nor are seat belts. Plenty of people die in vehicle accidents when wearing seat belts. Don\'t wear them because they\'re not entirely effective. And it\'s not conspiracy theory either, it\'s the narrative that\'s being controller by GUESS WHO? The pharmaceutical companies that own media outlets. Stop smoking whatever it is you\'re smoking and shut up. You know why we don\'t have polio in this country? Because of a vaccine. You know why we don\'t have measles in this country?* Vaccines. You know why we don\'t have smallpox in this country any more? Vaccines. Sure is strange the pharmaceutical companies would create something which kills off a recurring source of revenue. * The last major measles outbreak in the U.S. was in 2018-2019 when a Jew returned from a third world shithole country [] who wasn\'t vaccinated because they believe their mythical being will protect them. An outbreak of measles in New York City began when one unvaccinated child returned home from Israel with measles; onset of rash occurred on September 30, 2018, 9 days after the child returned home. Parent Share twitter facebook * * #### Re: (Score:2) by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) writes: Imagine being devout religious person being told by your leaders that God wants you to vaccinate... but making up excuses. Christians have a long history of doing what they\'re told, but Jews have a long history of arguing about their religion. So it\'s not that surprising. The only Jews I\'d expect to argue about vaccination though are the ones that wear the funny hats. No, not those funny hats, bigger ones. As it turns out, they have a lot of funny ideas, some of which are immediately offensive to the typical modern person — notably around the issue of circumcision. Don\'t feel like going into it here, there\'s lots of inform * * #### Re:He\'ll change his mind tomorrow (Score:5, Informative) by quonset ( 4839537 ) writes: on Monday July 26, 2021 @08:17PM (#61623501) You could get whiplash listening to Fauci, he changes direction repeatedly. He\'s clearly a politician. You mean as new facts and evidence comes to light, someone changes their stance? How horrible! Too bad everyone can\'t know everything from the get go like you do. P.S. the con artist regularly changed direction, many times within the same day. A clear sign of a politician. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:2) by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) writes: You mean as new facts and evidence comes to light, someone changes their stance? How horrible! Too bad everyone can\'t know everything from the get go like you do. My issue with Fauci is when given the opportunity he failed to avail himself of this excuse. Instead he elected to lie to the public either about his initial stance on masks or the justification he later gave for his remarks. He initially said masks don\'t work. Then he said he said that because mask shortage in hospitals. Either way it is not possible to square both public statements. He directly and unambiguously lied to the public on national television. * #### Re: (Score:2) by smap77 ( 1022907 ) writes: Lying is when you know a statement to be false and you make it anyway. Making a statement which turns out to be false when the information to make it false becomes available is not a lie. With your logic, every weather forecaster is a liar at some point every week. * #### Re: (Score:2) by magzteel ( 5013587 ) writes: Lying is when you know a statement to be false and you make it anyway. Making a statement which turns out to be false when the information to make it false becomes available is not a lie. With your logic, every weather forecaster is a liar at some point every week. By your definition, he lied when he said \"masks don\'t work\". He subsequently admitted he said it to make sure there was sufficient supply for medical personnel.You might say this is a good reason to lie, but what else did he lie about for \"good reasons\"? * * #### Re: (Score:2) by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) writes: Ah the Fox News talking point, gain of function. Can you elaborate on what gain of function means and how it pertains to a virus? People that have never strung those words together in their entire life are now suddenly quoting biological research terms. Fauci is a world class physician with credentials to back it up. * #### Re: (Score:2) by cstacy ( 534252 ) writes: Ah the Fox News talking point, gain of function. Can you elaborate on what gain of function means and how it pertains to a virus? People that have never strung those words together in their entire life are now suddenly quoting biological research terms. Wikipedia defines it this way\" > Gain-of-function research (GoF research or GoFR) is medical research that > alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, > transmissibility, or host range. I don\'t watch FOX News, but in context, I think people are referring to the Wuhan lab research we (Faucci) funded that took two coronaviruses from bats that were not infectious to humans, and produced a new modified version that is infectious to humans. Specifically, they engineered a new virus that has hors * #### Gain of Function (Score:2) by aberglas ( 991072 ) writes: Indeed, the Wuhan labs were rightly proud of their GoF achievements and published them. It was not secretive, not malicious, just ill advised. Just because Trump et. al. are idiots does not make everything they say wrong. Better to just ignore them rather than putting a \"not\" in what they say. There are now several good papers that dispassionately discuss the Wuhan leak. The main popular one is by Wade []... [] But I like this one [ [in * * #### Re: It wasn\'t chance (Score:2) by kenh ( 9056 ) writes: No, they were prepared because previous viruses \'cleaned their clocks\', we were a bit more relaxed about it because it didn\'t hit us so hard. To wit: Obama left a plan on the shelf, but the federal reserves of PPE were very low. During the presidency of Barack Obama, the national stockpile was seriously taxed as the administration addressed multiple crises over eight years. About \"75 percent of N95 respirators and 25 percent of face masks contained in the CDC\'s Strategic National Stockpile (â¼100 million products) were deployed for use in health care settings over the course of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic response,\" according to a 2017 study in the journal Health Security. Again according to NIH, the stockpile\'s resources were also used during hurricanes Alex, Irene, Isaac and Sandy. Flooding in 2010 in North Dakota also called for stockpile funds to be deployed. The 2014 outbreaks of the ebola virus and botulism, as well as the 2016 outbreak of the zika virus, continued to significantly tax the stockpile with no serious effort from the Obama administration to replenish the fund. And still the fact checkers call the claim false... [] NY State developed a pandemic response plan, bought up a bunch of ventilators, then Cuomo came into office, sold off the ventilators, then when the pandemic hit later, demanded to be given new ventilato * * #### Re: (Score:2) by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) writes: While I\'m all for vaccines, I wouldn\'t trust Fauci to create or treat anyone with his so-called bogus treatments for gain. You seem to be asserting that Fauci pushes treatments which will profit him personally. Provide some evidence or STFU. Meanwhile we KNOW that Trump pushed a treatment which would profit him personally, HCQ. You\'re doing exactly what the Nazis did by accusing others of what you\'re doing while your side is doing it. (If it\'s not your side, why spread FUD?) * * #### Re: (Score:2) by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) writes: Your immune system is stupid. It fucks up all the time. Everyone\'s does. They miss things, and react to innocuous things. Yet you trust it? If your immune system were a person it would be Mr. Magoo. It needs help. Help it help you. * * #### I demand safeguards. (Score:2) by sabbede ( 2678435 ) writes: There should not be one penny of US tax dollars spent to perform research in China. Especially not to fund research that can be used against us. Fauci has repeatedly lied about funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, so he simply has to go. He can\'t be trusted with our tax dollars. Core concept is fine, but Fauci has to go. #### Related Links Top of the: day, week, month. * 501 commentsMasks Work. So What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized COVID Mask Analysis? * 428 commentsAcross the Nation, Lawmakers Aim To Ban Lab-Grown Meat * 391 commentsAre Face Masks Effective? 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Get new users downloading your project releases today! × 174962537 story ![\\"Medicine\\"](\\"//\\") ![\\"United](\\"//\\") ## The Mosquito-Borne Disease \'Triple E\' Is Spreading In the US As Temperatures Rise ( 54 Posted by BeauHD on Monday September 09, 2024 @11:30PM from the PSA dept. An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: A 41-year-old man in New Hampshire died last week after contracting a rare mosquito-borne illness called eastern equine encephalitis virus, also known as EEE or \"triple E.\" It was New Hampshire\'s first human case of the disease in a decade. Four other human EEE infections have been reported this year, in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Vermont. Though this outbreak is small, and triple E does not pose a risk to most people living in the United States, public health officials and researchers are concerned about the threat the deadly virus poses to the public, both this year and in future summers. There is no known cure for the disease, which can cause severe flu-like symptoms and seizures in humans four to 10 days after exposure and kills between 30 and 40 percent of the people it infects _(Warning: source paywalled;alternative source)._ Half of the people who survive a triple E infection are left with permanent neurological damage. Because of EEE\'s high mortality rate, state officials have begun spraying insecticide in Massachusetts, where 10 communities have been designated \"critical\" or \"high risk\" for triple E. Towns in the state shuttered their parks from dusk to dawn and warned people to stay inside after 6 pm, when mosquitoes are most active. Like West Nile virus, another mosquito-borne illness that poses a risk to people in the US every summer, triple E is constrained by environmental factors that are changing rapidly as the planet warms. That\'s because mosquitoes thrive in the hotter, wetter conditions that climate change is producing. \"We have seen a resurgence of activity with eastern equine encephalitis virus over the course of the past 10 or so years,\" said Theodore G. Andreadis, a researcher who studied mosquito-borne diseases at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, a state government research and public outreach outfit, for 35 years. \"And we\'ve seen an advancement into more northern regions where it had previously not been detected.\" Researchers don\'t know what causes the virus to surge and abate, but Andreadis said it\'s clear that climate change is one of the factors spurring its spread, particularly into new regions. [...] Studies have shown that warmer air temperatures up to a certain threshold, around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, shorten the amount of time it takes for C. melanura eggs to hatch. Higher temperatures in the spring and fall extend the number of days mosquitoes have to breed and feed. And they\'ll feed more times in a summer season if it\'s warmer -- mosquitoes are ectothermic, meaning their metabolism speeds up in higher temperatures. Rainfall, too, plays a role in mosquito breeding and activity, since mosquito eggs need water to hatch. A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which means that even small rainfall events dump more water today than they would have last century. The more standing water there is in roadside ditches, abandoned car tires, ponds, bogs, and potholes, the more opportunities mosquitoes have to breed. And warmer water decreases the incubation period for C. melanura eggs, leading one study to conclude that warmer-than-average water temperatures \"increase the probability for amplification of EEE.\" Climate change isn\'t the only factor encouraging the spread of disease vectors like mosquitoes. The slow reforestation of areas that were clear-cut for industry and agriculture many decades ago is creating new habitat for insects. At the same time, developers are building new homes in wooded or half-wooded zones in ever larger numbers, putting humans in closer proximity to the natural world and the bugs that live in it. The report notes that the best way to prevent mosquito bites is to \"wear long sleeves and pants at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most prone to biting, and regularly apply an effective mosquito spray.\" Local health departments can also help protect the public by \"testing pools of water for mosquito larvae and conducting public awareness and insecticide spraying campaigns when triple E is detected,\" notes Wired. A vaccine for the disease exists for horses, but because the illness is so rare \"there is little incentive for vaccine manufacturers to develop a preventative for triple E in humans,\" adds the report. ### ← ### You may like to read: ### → Pacific Islands Submit Court Proposal For Recognition of Ecocide As a Crime ## Masks Work. So What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized COVID Mask Analysis? ## Across the Nation, Lawmakers Aim To Ban Lab-Grown Meat ## Are Face Masks Effective? CBS News Explains What We Know ## America\'s FDA Forced to Settle \'Groundless\' Lawsuit Over Its Ivermectin Warnings ## Scientist, After Decades of Study, Concludes: We Don\'t Have Free Will ### Submission: Mosquito-Borne Disease \'Triple E\' Is Spreading in the US as Temperatures Rise Household Brands Want To Redefine \'Recyclable\' To Include Products Virtually Impossible To Recycle This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. #### The Mosquito-Borne Disease \'Triple E\' Is Spreading In the US As Temperatures Rise More Login ## The Mosquito-Borne Disease \'Triple E\' Is Spreading In the US As Temperatures Rise Archived Discussion Load All Comments 5 Full 39 Abbreviated 10 Hidden /Sea Score: 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 More Login Nickname: Password: Public Terminal Forgot your password? Close Close Search 54 Comments Log In/Create an Account Comments Filter: * All * Insightful * Informative * Interesting * Funny **The Fine Print:** The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. * * * #### Re:Ahhh! Dontcha just love... (Score:5, Informative) by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) writes: on Tuesday September 10, 2024 @02:39AM (#64776257) Journal For fuck\'s sake, buck-yar. How the hell can you get it so completely backwards? More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change []. There\'s a lot of money in having the public misunderstand that. Because the fossil fuel industry is $12 Trillion USD market per year. [] There\'s not a lot of money in the scientific position. No one owns the solar or wind reserves. That\'s democratized. And there\'s competition in the market for the infrastructure, to profits don\'t compare tot he fossil fuel profits. Moreover, it\'s not that hard to actually understand. If you increase the concentration of greenhouse gasses, you increase the greenhouse effect. It was first recognised in 1898 when Svante Arrhenius published his paper [] calculating that a doubling of CO2 would increase the global mean surface temperature by about 3C. In 1938, G. S. Callendar calculated that it was happening. [] In the 1980s the fossil fuel industry, admiring the work of the tobacco industry in managing to hide science from the public, hired the same group of scientists, through the George C Marshall institute. Prominently Fred Singer [] and Frederick Seitz [], who had done a lot of work obfuscating the tobacco-cancer link readily move to obfuscating the global warming-greenhouse gas link. But the science is not controversial. That has been clear throughout. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Ok, but... (Score:2) by gillbates ( 106458 ) writes: You do realize that the majority of world government leaders are picked not based on their intelligence, wisdom, or foresight, but by a popularity contest, right? Expecting such a government - led by folks whose primary skills were charisma and popularity - to somehow act conscientiously when it comes to the administration of the shared public good (i.e., the environment) is naive at best and ridiculous at worst. None of the first world leaders got to their position by telling people what they didn\'t wa * #### Re: (Score:2) by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) writes: It\'s true that in the 90 years or so that we\'ve have evidence that we are causing global warming, and the 45 years or so that we\'ve known, there has been surprisingly little effort to reduce the combustion of fossil fuels demand-side and nearly none supply-side. But I don\'t see that autocracies are doing better than democracies. But certainly democracies are vulnerable to persistent misinformation to the voter, and outright corruption of the elected official. Unelected officials are not less corrupt. * #### \"The Mosquito\" Book was disappointing... (Score:2) by shanen ( 462549 ) writes: Why did you propagate the troll\'s vacuous Subject? You even got me to look at the second troll\'s mumble to see if it was hidden by more abuse of mod points used to censor. Turned out the comment deserved the oblivion. However on looking at the overall situation, I smell s herd of sock puppets, some with mod points. The low UID might be the actual bot herder, but who cares? The FP tripe certainly didn\'t deserve Funny visibility. However my main topic is the book _The Mosquito_ by Timothy Winegard. It did ment * #### Why did you propagate the troll\'s vacuous Subject? (Score:2) by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) writes: I don\'t think it hurts to point out the truth each time on subjects with an industry of misinformation. It is time-consuming though. And there are a lot of bots pushing this sort of stuff on social media at Putin\'s behest. * #### Re: (Score:2) by shanen ( 462549 ) writes: While I mostly agree, in many cases I think the troll\'s only purpose is to create such a vacuous Subject that the entire discussion gets sucked into the vacuum (that nature abhors). * #### Re: (Score:3) by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) writes: How you do us a solid and follow the money? You could write up a story and get it posted to slashdot! * #### Re:Ahhh! Dontcha just love... (Score:5, Insightful) by quonset ( 4839537 ) writes: on Tuesday September 10, 2024 @06:25AM (#64776433) Always shilling the liberal climate change narrative. Follow the money. Behind every climate change push is some businessman benefiting tremendously. What\'s sad is these duped shills get nothing for their efforts From 1912 []. I\'m sure this guy was benefitting from all his shilling. The source []. Parent Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:3) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: The story of what happened *after* Arrhenius\'s greenhouse ideas were floated is very interesting. They were rejected, for what in those days were very sound scientific reasons. The two main reasons were (1) the overlap of CO2s absorption spectrum with water vapor means CO2 wasn\'t blocking anything water wasn\'t already blocking and ; (2) atmospheric CO2 was in equilibrium with CO2 dissolved in the ocean so the ocean would resist any tendency for atmospheric concentrations to rise. The spectrum argument was * * #### Re: (Score:3) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: It\'ll take a lot to get people turned around on DDT. I know because I was involved in such an attempt that had some merits, but ultimately ran up against the fact that DDT is the poster child for an environmentally dangerous pesticide. It\'s what *you* came up with when you were thinking of something ridiculous to use. The one thing that everyone knows about Silent Spring, whether they read it or not, is that Silent Spring targets DDT. We\'d have been politically smarter to go with one of the *other* organo * #### Re: (Score:2) by CohibaVancouver ( 864662 ) writes: It\'s bizarre how climate change deniers attack the messenger instead of rebutting the message. If Seb Gorka posts a string of lies I rebut the lies and respond with the correct facts. I don\'t say \"WHO FUNDED HIM!!\" If something is incorrect in the story, then say what it is - Because \"Follow the money\" is weak. * * #### Re: (Score:3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward writes: more and more people now reject everything actually it\'s just the opposite. you\'re losing because reality is in fact a thing. [] you are poison and i want you the fuck out of my country. build a wall to keep your ilk of \"im something of a fucking idiot myself\" on the other side * 2 hidden comments * #### Re: (Score:3) by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) writes: Very true indeed! It\'s obviously more scare mongering from the climate scares department! Here\'s that paper []r from 2005 calculating the deaths from the anthropogenic part of climate change for the year 2000 to be about 160,000. Can you please link to some refutation in a similar standard of Journal as Nature, that has had a similar impact. (3900 citations over the 19 years)? Because the casual observer might think that you\'re saying things with no evidence. Or even rational basis. It could be anything, linking this to climate change is frivolous! From one of the articles linked above: Like West Nile virus, another mosquito- borne illness that poses a risk to p * #### Re: (Score:1) by Iamthecheese ( 1264298 ) writes: Can you show me the journal willing to publish papers that refute anthropogenic climate change? It\'s a career killer to do that. * #### Re: (Score:3) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: To answer your question, climate skeptics like Richard Lindzen and Roy Spencer get to publish in journals like Science or the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Pretty much any journal will publish a paper that is critical of the assumptions of AGW if it doesn\'t make unsupported claims. Even papers that eventually proved outright *wrong* can still be good papers. Climate skeptical researchers are where proponents of anthropogenic climate change were in the late 50s. Most of their colleagues didn\'t find thei * #### Re: (Score:2) by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) writes: Adding to hey!\'s comment [] Every journal would publish a paper like that. You\'ve got a mistaken understanding of academic publishing: Journals make money by selling their publications to libraries and academic institutions. They can do that because of the prestige of the journal, which is most commonly estimated by the average number of citations that their papers get. A well evidenced, well reasoned paper that overthrows an accepted understanding is the very pinnacle of doing that. Such a paper wou * › #### The dupes are spreading!!! (Score:2) by DrMrLordX ( 559371 ) writes: Dupe! Idiots. * #### Re: (Score:2) by Truth_Quark ( 219407 ) writes: Meh. I missed the other one. * #### RCD - Republican Cuased Deaths (Score:2, Insightful) by gavron ( 1300111 ) writes: It\'s cute to pretend there\'s no climate change, global warming, or a need to change how we deal with it. If mtakes us more money if we have a stock portfolio so much the better. Republican Caused Disease and Republican Caused Death (RCD) is now in its sixth year, first being prevalent when Republicans pretended horse tranq would solve COVID-19. It didn\'t, and 3.4 million people died from COVID. And now the continued emphasis on detracting from science, ignoring climate and other global change, will continu * 1 hidden comment * #### Re: (Score:2, Insightful) by gtall ( 79522 ) writes: To be fair, the Republicans are against ANY experts who have uni degrees in anything. It makes it harder to flim-flam the proles into accepting Republican bullshit. * #### Re: (Score:1) by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) writes: > Republicans pretended horse tranq would solve COVID-19. It didn\'t, and 3.4 > million people died from COVID. You do know that more people died of Covid under Biden/Harris than did under Trump...right? * #### Re: (Score:2) by cmdr_klarg ( 629569 ) writes: > Republicans pretended horse tranq would solve COVID-19. It didn\'t, and 3.4 > million people died from COVID. You do know that more people died of Covid under Biden/Harris than did under Trump...right? You do know that the Florida Orange Man only had to deal with COVID-19 for about a year, while Biden/Harris has had almost 4 years? * #### OMG!!! (Score:2) by sconeu ( 64226 ) writes: You mean it\'s STILL happening []? * * #### Re: (Score:1) by Narcocide ( 102829 ) writes: This claim needs to be verified, but I\'m starting to come around to this point of view as well. If it can even be proven that long ago they displaced something else which can be reintroduced and can serve the same purpose in the food chain without also spreading disease, I\'d go along with it. * #### Re: (Score:2) by ls671 ( 1122017 ) writes: You\'ll never be 100% sure of the outcome. Here is what I posted on the dupe article earlier today replying to somebody making the same suggestion: [] * #### Surely this time... (Score:5, Funny) by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) writes: on Tuesday September 10, 2024 @12:18AM (#64776139) eastern equine encephalitis So... Ivermectin? Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:1) by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) writes: Undoubtedly escaped from a Chinese glue factory research center. * #### Re: (Score:2) by Registered Coward v2 ( 447531 ) writes: eastern equine encephalitis So... Ivermectin? or bleach * #### Triple-E (Score:3) by muffen ( 321442 ) writes: on Tuesday September 10, 2024 @03:10AM (#64776279) Ah, triple-e, been there, done that! Granted I was in a nightclub and it was the end of the 90\'s, but triple-e night was awesome. if mosquitoes are popping triple-e\'s, they are going to spread everywhere. There is no limit to how far (or high) you can fly on triple-e. Share twitter facebook * #### The absolute worst part is the comment at the end. (Score:2, Troll) by DigitalSorceress ( 156609 ) writes: \"\"\"A vaccine for the disease exists for horses, but because the illness is so rare \"there is little incentive for vaccine manufacturers to develop a preventative for triple E in humans,\" adds the report.\"\"\" This right here says everything you need to know about late-stage capitalism. I\'m just completely stunned by the utter callousness, yet its also sadly unsurprising. * #### Re: (Score:3, Informative) by ohieaux ( 2860669 ) writes: If the US had 4 cases this year, and one death, why spend billions of dollars to create a human vaccine and inoculate a third of a billion people? With vaccine complications (including rare deaths), the cure would be worse than the disease. Causing 100\'s of deaths to save 1-2 people seems like capitalism might be working. * #### Yup, another doomsday scenario (Score:1, Insightful) by webjive ( 10437302 ) writes: One person died by this mosquito and 4 other contracted it. We have the next COVID teeing up. This needs to be at the top of the news. Oh and it\'s ALL because the earth is melting like a bar of chocolate in the microwave. * #### Re: (Score:2) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: Death is often the preferable outcome in viral encephalitis. * #### Terrible capitalists. (Score:2) by FictionPimp ( 712802 ) writes: A vaccine already exists for horses, but there is little incentive for vaccine manufacturers to develop a preventative for triple E in humans because the illness is so rare. What terrible capitalists. You can sell women full body deoderant and convince them their arms and fingers have a smell without it. You can sell this. * #### Re: (Score:2) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: There have been experimental vaccines developed, but the regulatory process doesn\'t envision needing to approve a vaccine for a disease that has maybe twenty or thirty cases in a bad year; you can\'t do phase 2 efficacy testing, which requires hundreds of subjects. So it\'s safe to say there will never be an \"approved\" EEE vaccine. I discussed this with workers in a lab handling EEE some twenty years ago. Technically speaking potentially infected EEEV tissues theoretically *should* be handled in a BSL-3 fac * #### Re: (Score:2) by dgatwood ( 11270 ) writes: I think a better use of our resources would be the worldwide eradication of mosquitoes. They serve no critical purpose in the food chain, as the various animals and insects that eat them all also eat other things. Wiping them out would significantly reduce human disease, because these things can spread all sorts of diseases from animals to humans, not just EEE. * #### Re: (Score:2) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: Back in the DDT days, many mosquito \"control\" agencies called themselves mosquito \"eradication\" agencies. None of them ever came close to eradicating mosquitoes. Here\'s why. A single gravid (pregnant) mosquito can lay up to 300 eggs in a clutch. Under ideal conditions, a mosquito may go from egg to laying its own eggs in as little as two weeks. Over the course of a summer, that single egg could theoretically have 10^14 descendents. In reality it will be much less; conditions are never ideal and many * #### Re: (Score:2) by dgatwood ( 11270 ) writes: Back in the DDT days, many mosquito \"control\" agencies called themselves mosquito \"eradication\" agencies. None of them ever came close to eradicating mosquitoes. Here\'s why. A single gravid (pregnant) mosquito can lay up to 300 eggs in a clutch. Under ideal conditions, a mosquito may go from egg to laying its own eggs in as little as two weeks. Over the course of a summer, that single egg could theoretically have 10^14 descendents. In reality it will be much less; conditions are never ideal and many females will never get a blood meal and therefore have zero descendants. However it\'s not out of a question for a single egg laid at the start of June to have tens of millions of descendants by September. It starts with releasing large numbers of genetically modified male mosquitoes designed so that the female mosquitoes in the next generation don\'t live to adulthood, but the males do and pass on the defective gene. From there, it\'s just a matter of watching the population implode. Eventually, all male mosquitoes will be genetically modified, and no females will survive to the next generation, and then there isn\'t a next generation. By the way, mosquitoes do play a number of roles in ecology. The larvae are an important food source for fish and a number of animals (frogs, birds, bats) predate on adults. A number of plants need mosquitoes as pollinators. I didn\'t say that they didn\'t play a role. It just isn\'t a critical role. * #### Re: (Score:2) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: Eventually, all male mosquitoes will be genetically modified, and no females will survive to the next generation, and then there isn\'t a next generation. Having worked in the field for decades, I understand how this is supposed to work. But it only has any chance of working so perfectly in a laboratory. It has zero chance of working *so perfectly* in real world conditions. Take, say, Palm Beach county in Florida. Do you really think you can supplant the *entire* male mosquito population over two thousand square miles, about 1/3 of it wetlands? What about the places over the edges? Or beyond the edges of edges? How are you going to keep mosquitoes from * #### Re: (Score:2) by dgatwood ( 11270 ) writes: Eventually, all male mosquitoes will be genetically modified, and no females will survive to the next generation, and then there isn\'t a next generation. Having worked in the field for decades, I understand how this is supposed to work. But it only has any chance of working so perfectly in a laboratory. It has zero chance of working *so perfectly* in real world conditions. Take, say, Palm Beach county in Florida. Do you really think you can supplant the *entire* male mosquito population over two thousand square miles, about 1/3 of it wetlands? What about the places over the edges? Or beyond the edges of edges? How are you going to keep mosquitoes from infiltrating? To truly eradicate the species, this would have to be done everywhere, all at once — not just in one area at a time — and boosted wherever the mosquito count starts to rise again, as part of an ongoing worldwide eradication effort. Anything short of that will just create a temporary reduction in certain areas, which will eventually be replaced by mosquitoes migrating from other areas. * #### Re: (Score:2) by hey! ( 33014 ) writes: Indeed, but this technology won\'t even eradicate the species locally, except possibly in certain special cases like the Florida Keys. But even local eradication is very temporary. I worked with the CDC DVBID when they were tracking the emergence of the Asian tiger mosquito (Ae albopictus), which first entered the country in Houston in 1985. Within three years it was in thirteen states. If there is suitable habitat for a mosquito species, it will colonize that habitat explosively. * #### It was already north (Score:3) by cstacy ( 534252 ) writes: on Tuesday September 10, 2024 @11:27AM (#64777039) I first heard of EEE a while back, maybe 35-40 years ago? (So long ago I can\'t remember.) I was living in Boston, MA at the time and it was infecting people in New England. It sounds like it has not been as common in recent years, and now that it\'s back -- just everywhere it was before -- it\'s due to global warming. Why wasn\'t it due to global warming in the 1980s when it was New England before? Share twitter facebook * #### Re: (Score:1) by flmngbrd ( 795007 ) writes: Because nobody was looking at connections like that in the 80s? You wouldn\'t have believed it back then either. * #### Just in time! (Score:1) by cepler ( 21753 ) writes: Just in time for election season... #### Related Links Top of the: day, week, month. * 501 commentsMasks Work. So What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized COVID Mask Analysis? * 428 commentsAcross the Nation, Lawmakers Aim To Ban Lab-Grown Meat * 391 commentsAre Face Masks Effective? 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In a video a doctor states citing a study that vaccines will cause in the future an epidemic of cardiovascular disease an epidemic of autoimmune disease an epidemic of cancer and that's if in one or two generations we Do not have an epidemic of infertility together among other things by changing people’s genetic code
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Video shows Dr Mehmet Oz promoting his exclusive pills to lose weight
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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on May 1, 2024 in a Facebook post: Video shows Dr. Mehmet Oz promoting his “exclusive pills” to lose weight. ![\\"true\\"](\\" false/33efdb6633e5e2fdc2d4e2f63383a1e0.jpg.\\") ![\\"false\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") * Facebook Fact-checks * Facebook posts ![\\"Ciara](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke May 3, 2024 # Altered video appears to show Dr. Mehmet Oz hawking diet pills. That’s not what actually happened. #### If Your Time is short * Altered footage of Dr. Mehmet Oz appears to show him hawking diet pills. In the original footage, posted on his TikTok account, he discusses mental health and urges people suffering from depression to get help. See the sources for this fact-check Sitting outside in a checkered shirt, celebrity heart surgeon and onetime U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz appears to promote diet pills to combat obesity in a video shared May 1 on Facebook. \"To address these issues, we developed this product,\" Oz appears to say. \"It helps dissolve fat throughout the day, even while you sleep. No need for dieting or exercise.\" The Facebook account sharing the video, \"Keto Slimmer,\" wrote: \"Dr. Oz’s exclusive pills is key to your success in shedding those extra pounds.\" This post was flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.) #### Featured Fact-check ![](\\" ![](\\" Social Media stated on August 29, 2024 in a post on Instagram “BREAKING: Illegal Aliens in San Diego, California, tried to hijack 2 school buses filled with children.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" false/33efdb6633e5e2fdc2d4e2f63383a1e0.jpg.\\") ![\\"false\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • September 4, 2024 The video in the post is altered. PolitiFact found the original posted March 26 on Oz’s TikTok account. \"If you’re feeling down or depressed this time of year you’re not alone,\" Oz said in the original video. \"It happens to everyone. Feelings like this are a sign to pay attention to something that’s just not working in your life. So, use it as a way to focus in on what needs to change in your life, like pain or sadness, anxiety — it’s a clue to find what’s not working so you can make a different choice. If you can’t change what’s bringing you down, that’s a time to ask your family, your friends, or even your health care team for help. There’s lots of people who want you to do your best and want you to succeed. So don’t hesitate to reach out.\" Oz has been the target of altered videos before, including some that appeared to show him promoting a coffee weight loss supplement and hawking a diabetes cure, We rate claims this video shows him promoting diet pills False. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Facebook post, May 1, 2024 TikTok post, March 26, 2024 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Ciara O\'Rourke slide 4 to 6 of 15 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on September 21, 2024 in an X post: Video shows Vice President Kamala Harris using a teleprompter. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 24, 2024 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on September 18, 2024 in an X post: Photo shows a toilet after “some Hezbollah operative blew up.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 24, 2024 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on September 21, 2024 in an Instagram post: “A staffer reveals that Kamala Harris doesn’t actually own a gun.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 23, 2024 ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 18, 2024 in a Threads post: Melania Trump “was an escort.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 23, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Serena Williams reportedly passes away following tragic car crash in Texas.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Elon Musk silences Taylor Swift: Shocking ban wipes out 1 million followers and costs her a staggering $72 million!” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on September 23, 2024 in an Instagram post: Haitians are responsible for the disappearance of 16 cats in Bangor, Maine. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 26, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 15, 2024 in a Facebook post: Photos show a toddler “saved” by Deputy Tyler Cooper. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 26, 2024 ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 24, 2024 in a Threads post: Says Donald Trump said, “Women are miserable — not sexy, not safe.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 26, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 21, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Taylor Swift faces a 10-game NFL ban following controversial political involvement.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 26, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 23, 2024 in a Facebook post: Photo shows missing couple Raymond Peterson and his wife, Sophie. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 26, 2024 ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 20, 2024 in a Threads post: “Oprah is a sex trafficker. She’s been caught and now has to be escorted around” by U.S. marshals ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 25, 2024 ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 23, 2024 in a Threads post: Says John Fetterman said he’s “voting for Trump.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 25, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 22, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Taylor Swift’s concert attendance drops after Harris endorsement: ‘No Fans, just empty seats and echoes.’” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 25, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 23, 2024 in an Instagram post: Video shows Vice President Kamala Harris “hammered.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 24, 2024 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on September 21, 2024 in an X post: Video shows Vice President Kamala Harris using a teleprompter. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 24, 2024 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on September 18, 2024 in an X post: Photo shows a toilet after “some Hezbollah operative blew up.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 24, 2024 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on September 21, 2024 in an Instagram post: “A staffer reveals that Kamala Harris doesn’t actually own a gun.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 23, 2024 ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 18, 2024 in a Threads post: Melania Trump “was an escort.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 23, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Serena Williams reportedly passes away following tragic car crash in Texas.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Elon Musk silences Taylor Swift: Shocking ban wipes out 1 million followers and costs her a staggering $72 million!” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 ### Altered video appears to show Dr. Mehmet Oz hawking diet pills. That’s not what actually happened. * ![](\\" ![](\\" TikTok posts stated on September 22, 2024 in una publicación enTikTok: En el sur de Filadelfia, la campaña de Kamala Harris “está pagando a la gente $700 por semana para viajar y asistir a todos sus eventos”. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Maria Briceño • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 25, 2024 in an Instagram post: Hurricane Helene was the product of intentional weather modification. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Loreben Tuquero • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 25, 2024 in a post: Video shows footage of Hurricane Helene ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Grace Abels • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Vote No on 3 stated on September 7, 2024 in a TV ad: Florida’s Amendment 3 is “the monopoly amendment.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Samantha Putterman • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Jared Moskowitz stated on September 19, 2024 in una audiencia en la Cámara de Representantes: “El Proyecto 2025 quiere deshacerse de la NOAA” y del Servicio Nacional de Meteorología. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Maria Briceño • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Social Media stated on September 24, 2024 in social media posts: Vice President Kamala Harris responded, “Next question please,” when asked about the economy during an Aug. 29 CNN interview. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Sofia Ahmed • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Threads posts stated on September 18, 2024 in a Threads post: Melania Trump “was an escort.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 23, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Serena Williams reportedly passes away following tragic car crash in Texas.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Elon Musk silences Taylor Swift: Shocking ban wipes out 1 million followers and costs her a staggering $72 million!” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 27, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Jared Moskowitz stated on September 19, 2024 in a House hearing: “Project 2025 wants to get rid of NOAA” and the National Weather Service. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Amy Sherman • September 26, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. 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Video shows Dr Mehmet Oz promoting his exclusive pills to lose weight
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Video Ad Feedback Dr. Oz accused of peddling bogus drugs 03:02 \- Source: CNN ### Story highlights \"Dr. Oz\" host is asked why he promotes weight loss products without scientific backing Sen. Claire McCaskill says products give people \"false hope\" In May, the FTC sued the sellers of Green Coffee Beans for false claims FTC says some companies used video from \"The Dr. Oz Show\" to increase sales CNN — Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” faced grilling by senators on Capitol Hill about the promotion of weight loss products on his show. Sen. Claire McCaskill, chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Insurance, led the panel that on Tuesday looked at false advertising for weight loss products. Subcommittee members took issue with assertions that Oz has made on his show about products that don’t have a lot of scientific evidence to back them up, such as green coffee beans. “The scientific community is almost monolithic against you in terms of the efficacy of the three products you called ‘miracles,’ ” said McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat. She said she was discouraged by the “false hope” his rhetoric gives viewers and questioned his role “intentional or not, in perpetuating these scams.” Ad Feedback Ad Feedback “I don’t get why you need to say this stuff when you know it’s not true. When you have this amazing megaphone, why would you cheapen your show? … With power comes a great deal of responsibility.” The Federal Trade Commission is in charge of protecting consumers from “unfair or deceptive advertising and marketing practices that raise health and safety concerns.” In May, the FTC sued the sellers of Green Coffee Beans for deceiving consumers through fake news sites and invented health claims. ![\\"nr](\\" marsh-dr-oz-diet- hearing-00000418.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_720,w_1280,c_fill/h_144,w_256\\") nr marsh dr oz diet hearing_00000418.jpg video Related video Dr. Oz: I\'ve never sold supplements ![\\"bts](\\" oz-mccaskill-diet- hearing-00001015.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_720,w_1280,c_fill/h_144,w_256\\") bts oz mccaskill diet hearing_00001015.jpg video Related video Dr. Oz: I\'m not selling magic diet pills The commission said that weeks after “The Dr. Oz Show” promoted the benefits of Pure Green Coffee, some companies that marketed the product used video from his show to increase sales. The scientific evidence supporting green coffee bean extract as a weight loss supplement is weak. A small study published in 2012 found chlorogenic acid, the main ingredient in green coffee beans, helped 16 human participants lose, on average, 18 pounds over 22 weeks. But another study on chlorogenic acid in mice found that the acid did not help mice lose weight and in fact, increased their insulin resistance. A 2011 meta-analysis of three studies on green coffee extract found the supplement produced, on average, a five-pound loss among study participants. But all three studies were short term and included a small number of participants, leading the meta-analysis authors to conclude: “More rigorous trials are needed to assess the usefulness of GCE as a weight loss tool.” Oz told the panel that he does use “flowery language” to describe certain products on his show but added he believes in them so much he has given them to his family. “My job, I feel, on the show is to be a cheerleader for the audience, and when they don’t think they have hope, when they don’t think they can make it happen, I want to look, and I do look everywhere, including in alternative healing traditions, for any evidence that might be supportive to them,” Oz said. In addition to green coffee beans, McCaskill called out Garcinia cambogia as another weight loss product Oz has promoted. ### Phrases to beware * Is that weight loss product legit? Beware these phrases, the FDA says: * “Melt your fat away” * “Without diet or exercise” * “Magic pill” * “Scientific formula” “Thanks to brand new scientific research, I can tell you about a revolutionary fat buster,” Oz said on his show in November 2012 with the words “No Exercise. No Diet. No Effort” on the screen behind him. “It’s called Garcinia cambogia.” ‎ A 1998 study of 135 participants found Garcinia cambogia did not significantly help people lose weight any more than a placebo. But a 2013 meta-analysis of Garcinia cambogia studies hedged on the supplement’s ineffectiveness, saying its weight loss benefits “remain to be proven in larger-scale and longer-term clinical trials.” Whether it helps people lose weight or not, the Garcinia cambogia does not seem to be unsafe to use, some other studies say. Oz testified Tuesday that he could not be held responsible for what certain companies say online about the products. He said he’s toned down some of his language and will publish a list of products he thinks really can help people lose weight. “To not have the conversation about supplements at all however would be a disservice to the viewer,” Oz said in a prepared statement after the hearing. “In addition to exercising an abundance of caution in discussing promising research and products in the future, I look forward to working with all those present today in finding a way to deal with the problems of weight loss scams.” The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate weight loss supplements. Under current law, companies selling these products do not need FDA approval before marketing them to the public. “Just because you see a supplement product on a store shelf does NOT mean it is safe or effective,” the FDA website says. “When safety issues are suspected, FDA must investigate and, when warranted, take steps to have the product removed from the market. However, it is much easier for a firm to get a product on the market than it is for FDA to take a product off the market.” These weight loss products, even those that claim to be all natural, may contain toxic ingredients, the FDA says, or they may interact badly with other medications. Make sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplement. Hidden dangers in vitamins, supplements? The FTC told Elizabeth Cohen, CNN senior medical correspondent, that there are just “too many” weight loss products using deceptive advertising to sue them all. But consumers should be wary of certain phrases that are most certainly false, the FTC said, including any that claim to help you lose weight without diet and exercise. Bottom line – don’t believe everything you see. Do your homework online and make sure any claim about a weight loss product is backed up by scientific evidence. In 2013: Dr. Oz insomnia cure left man lame, lawsuit says Ad Feedback Ad Feedback Ad Feedback Ad Feedback Sign in My Account * Settings * Topics You Follow * Sign Out Your CNN account Sign in to your CNN account Live TV Listen Watch * World * Africa * Americas * Asia * Australia * China * Europe * India * Middle East * United Kingdom * US Politics * SCOTUS * Congress * Facts First * 2024 Elections * Business * Tech * Media * Calculators * Videos * Markets * Pre-markets * After-Hours * Fear & Greed * Investing * Markets Now * Nightcap * Health * Life, But Better * Fitness * Food * Sleep * Mindfulness * Relationships * Entertainment * Movies * Television * Celebrity * Tech * Innovate * Foreseeable Future * Mission: Ahead * Work Transformed * Innovative Cities * Style * Arts * Design * Fashion * Architecture * Luxury * Beauty * Video * Travel * Destinations * Food & Drink * Stay * News * Videos * Sports * Football * Tennis * Golf * Motorsport * US Sports * Olympics * Climbing * Esports * Hockey * Watch * Live TV * CNN Fast * Shows A-Z * CNN10 * CNN Max * CNN TV Schedules * Listen * CNN 5 Things * Chasing Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta * The Assignment with Audie Cornish * One Thing * Tug of War * CNN Political Briefing * The Axe Files * All There Is with Anderson Cooper * All CNN Audio podcasts * Science * Space * Life * Unearthed * Climate * Solutions * Weather * Features * As Equals * Call to Earth * Freedom Project * Impact Your World * Inside Africa * CNN Heroes * Weather * Video * Climate * Ukraine-Russia War * Israel-Hamas War * About CNN * Photos * Investigations * CNN Profiles * CNN Leadership * CNN Newsletters * Work for CNN Health Watch Listen Live TV Follow CNN * * * * * Sign in My Account * Settings * Topics You Follow * Sign Out Your CNN account Sign in to your CNN account Terms of Use Privacy Policy Cookie Settings Ad Choices Accessibility & CC About Newsletters Transcripts © 2024 Cable News Network. 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Video shows Dr Mehmet Oz promoting his exclusive pills to lose weight
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Politics Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper * Updates * Poll Tracker * Swing State Ratings * Key Issues * Early Vote Tracker * Voting Deadlines * Electoral College Paths Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we have confirmed access, the full article content will load. Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT # ‘Magic’ Weight-Loss Pills and Covid Cures: Dr. Oz Under the Microscope The celebrity physician, a candidate in Pennsylvania’s Republican primary for Senate, has a long history of dispensing dubious medical advice on his daytime show and on Fox News. * Share full article ![\\"\\"](\\" politics-2/merlin_147779703_8ee7f9e3-f0f1-44a3-8db8-a61b3b83161c-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Dr. Mehmet Oz’s on-air medical advice on both his show and Fox News has taken on greater significance as he enters the political realm.Credit...Krista Schlueter for The New York Times ![\\"Trip](\\" trip-gabriel/author-trip-gabriel-thumbLarge.png\\") By Trip Gabriel Dec. 26, 2021 A wealth of evidence now shows that the malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were not effective at treating Covid-19 and carried potential risks. But in the early months of the pandemic, Dr. Mehmet Oz, the celebrity physician with a daytime TV show, positioned himself as one of the chief promoters of the drugs on Fox News. In the same be-the-best-you tone that he used to promote miracle weight-loss cures on “The Dr. Oz Show,” he elevated limited studies that he said showed wondrous promise. His “jaw dropped,” he said, while reviewing one tiny study from France, calling it “a game changer.” In all, Dr. Oz promoted chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in more than 25 appearances on Fox in March and April 2020. When a Veterans Affairs study showed that Covid-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine were more likely to die than untreated patients, that advocacy came to an abrupt halt. “We are better off waiting for the randomized trials” that Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, had been asking for, Dr. Oz told Fox viewers. As Dr. Oz jumped last month into the Republican primary for Senate in Pennsylvania, where his celebrity gives him an important advantage in a crucial race, he tied his candidacy to the politics of the pandemic. He appealed to conservatives’ anger at mandates and shutdowns, and at the “people in charge” who, he said, “took away our freedom.” Thank you for your patience while we verify access. If you are in Reader mode please exit and log into your Times account, or subscribe for all of The Times. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. Already a subscriber? Log in. Want all of The Times? Subscribe. Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions
Video shows Dr Mehmet Oz promoting his exclusive pills to lose weight
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Video Ad Feedback Senate criticizes Dr. Oz 03:31 \- Source: CNN ### Story highlights Small study says green coffee bean extract aids weight loss The FTC says lead researcher altered the results Study authors retract the diet pill study, saying sponsors can\'t assure validity of data Dr. Oz has promoted diet pills with green coffee bean extract on his show CNN — Dr. Mehmet Oz has been under fire recently for promoting weight loss products on TV’s “The Dr. Oz Show” that aren’t backed by a lot of scientific evidence. Now a study supporting one of those products, diet pills made with green coffee bean extract, has been withdrawn by its lead researchers. “The sponsors of the study cannot assure the validity of the data so we, Joe Vinson and Bryan Burnham, are retracting the paper,” the pair of scientists posted online. ![\\"erin](\\" marquez-dnt-dr-oz-fake-diet- pills-00012925.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_706,w_1256,c_fill/h_144,w_256\\") erin marquez dnt dr oz fake diet pills_00012925.jpg Getty Images video Related video Dr. Oz accused of pushing diet scam The small study, published in 2012 in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, found that the main ingredient in green coffee beans helped human participants lose, on average, 18 pounds over 22 weeks. It was funded by Applied Food Sciences Inc. Ad Feedback Ad Feedback This year, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint (PDF) against the company, saying it paid researchers in India to conduct a trial on Green Coffee Antioxidant. The FTC says the study’s unnamed lead investigator “repeatedly: (1) altered the weights and other key measurements of the subjects; (2) changed the length of the trial; and (3) confused which subjects took either the placebo or GCA at various points during the trial.” In the complaint, the FTC says that Applied Food Sciences asked Vinson and Burnham to write up the India researcher’s study results for publication but that the pair of scientists never reviewed the raw data, despite noting several discrepancies in the data sets they received. “We retracted the paper because of an error in one of (the) data points on the BMI graph and because, as the FTC pointed out to us, there was inadequate disclosure of diet restrictions on the subjects and inadequate disclosure of the blinding procedures for the supplements given the subjects,” Vinson and Burnham said in a joint statement Thursday. The researchers added that while they did not have the raw data collections, they did seek clarification from the India researcher on how the study was conducted and “at no time did we suspect the data provided were fraudulent.” “Applied Food Sciences knew or should have known that this botched study didn’t prove anything,” Jessica Rich, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, said after the company settled with the FTC in September. “In publicizing the results, it helped fuel the green coffee phenomenon.” The FTC says Oz also played a role in promoting the diet pills. Oz was grilled by a Senate panel in June over the weight loss products being publicized on his show. “In prior seasons, we covered Green Coffee Extract and its potential as a useful tool for weight loss,” the show posted on its website this week. “Recently the authors of the peer reviewed research paper on which our coverage had been partially based formally retracted their study. While this sometimes happens in scientific research, it indicates that further study is needed regarding any potential benefits of Green Coffee Extract.” ## Up next ![\\"\\"](\\" Cognitive decline reduced by MIND diet, especially for women and Black people, study finds Sep 19, 2024 4 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" ‘I’ve never experienced pain like that’: Consumers pay the price for untested food ingredients Oct 3, 2024 9 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" If Oprah Winfrey can’t win when it comes to weight loss, nobody can Sep 29, 2024 7 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" friendly-products-cnnu.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") 11 best eco-friendly products in 2024, tried and tested May 6, 2024 1 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" launch-lead.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") Stanley just dropped limited-edition tumblers with activewear brand Calia Aug 16, 2024 1 minute read ## Most read Less than 10 days after Helene made landfall, Florida braces for another hurricane, potentially a Category 3 Trump returns to Butler for rally at site of assassination attempt Historic Biltmore Estate suffers ‘extensive’ damage in some places after Helene thrashes North Carolina Trump’s ground game relies on untraditional strategies to draw out battleground voters Howard Schultz violated labor law by telling employee ‘if you’re not happy at Starbucks, you can go work for another company’ Massacre in Burkina Faso left 600 dead, double previous estimates, according to French security assessment Two hikers encountered a rattlesnake. Then they fell in love Harris tries to secure labor support amid signs of weakening The C919 is China’s answer to the A320. But what is it like onboard? US security officials warn of potential threats surrounding October 7th anniversary ## More from CNN ![\\"\\"](\\" Cognitive decline reduced by MIND diet, especially for women and Black people, study finds Sep 19, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" ‘I’ve never experienced pain like that’: Consumers pay the price for ... Oct 3, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" If Oprah Winfrey can’t win when it comes to weight loss, nobody can Sep 29, 2024 Ad Feedback ## News & buzz ![\\"\\"](\\" outlook-sat-active-zoom-no-banner.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") Less than 10 days after Helene made landfall, Florida braces for another hurricane, ... Oct 6, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" Trump returns to Butler for rally at site of assassination attempt Oct 5, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" Historic Biltmore Estate suffers ‘extensive’ damage in some places after Helene ... 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So why don\'t the companies just shut them down? Special Series ## Untangling Disinformation #### Analysis ### # Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows Updated May 14, 202111:48 AM ET Originally published May 13, 20214:15 PM ET Heard on All Things Considered ![\\"Shannon](\\" cc1f44f92265bad207d2f44931ad61136813d442.jpg?s=100&c=85&f=jpeg\\"/) Shannon Bond #### Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows ********Listen** ** · 4:17 ** ** 4:17 Toggle more options * Download * ******Embed** Embed `**<** iframe src=\" width=\"100%\" height=\"290\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" title=\"NPR embedded audio player\">` * Transcript ![\\"\\"](\\" Enlarge this image The majority of anti-vaccine claims on social media trace back to a small number of influential figures, according to researchers. Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images **hide caption** **toggle caption** Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images The majority of anti-vaccine claims on social media trace back to a small number of influential figures, according to researchers. Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images Researchers have found just 12 people are responsible for the bulk of the misleading claims and outright lies about COVID-19 vaccines that proliferate on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. \"The \'Disinformation Dozen\' produce 65% of the shares of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms,\" said Imran Ahmed, chief executive officer of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which identified the accounts. ![\\"For](\\" ### Shots - Health News ### For Some Anti-Vaccine Advocates, Misinformation Is Part Of A Business Now the vaccine rollout is reaching a critical stage in which most adults who want the vaccine have gotten it, but many others are holding out, these 12 influential social media users stand to have an outsize impact on the outcome. After this story published on Thursday, Facebook said it had taken down more of the accounts run by these 12 individuals. These figures are well-known to both researchers and the social networks. They include anti-vaccine activists, alternative health entrepreneurs and physicians. Some of them run multiple accounts across the different platforms. They often promote \"natural health.\" Some even sell supplements and books. Sponsor Message Many of the messages about the COVID-19 vaccines being widely spread online mirror what\'s been said in the past about other vaccines by peddlers of health misinformation. \"It\'s almost like conspiracy theory Mad Libs. They just inserted the new claims,\" said John Gregory, deputy health editor at NewsGuard, which rates the credibility of news sites and has done its own tracking of COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation \"superspreaders.\" The claims from the \"Disinformation Dozen\" range from \"denying that COVID exists, claiming that false cures are in fact the way to solve COVID and not vaccination, decrying vaccines and decrying doctors as being in some way venal or motivated by other factors when they recommend vaccines,\" Ahmed said. ![\\"\\'The](\\" ### The Coronavirus Crisis ### \'The Perfect Storm\': How Vaccine Misinformation Spread To The Mainstream Many of the 12, he said, have been spreading scientifically disproven medical claims and conspiracies for years. Which provokes the question: Why have social media platforms only recently begun cracking down on their falsehoods? Both members of Congress and state attorneys general have urged Facebook and Twitter to ban the \"Disinformation Dozen.\" \"Getting Americans vaccinated is critical to putting this pandemic behind us. Vaccine disinformation spread online has deadly consequences, which is why I have called on social media platforms to take action against the accounts propagating the majority of these lies,\" Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., told NPR. Sponsor Message Social networks crack down on COVID-19 vaccine claims The companies have stopped short of taking all 12 figures offline entirely, but they have stepped up their fight: They\'ve labeled misleading posts. They\'ve removed falsehoods. In some cases, they\'ve banned people who repeatedly share debunked claims. ![\\"Facebook](\\" ### The Coronavirus Crisis ### Facebook Widens Ban On COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation In Push To Boost Confidence After NPR\'s reporting, Facebook said it had taken additional action against some of the figures identified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, several of which operate multiple accounts on the social network\'s apps. The company said on Thursday it had found new posts violating its rules. Facebook has now removed 16 accounts from Facebook or Instagram and placed restrictions on 22 others, such as preventing them from being recommended to other users, reducing the reach of their posts and blocking them from promoting themselves through paid ads. \"We reacted early and aggressively to the COVID-19 pandemic by working with health experts to update our misinformation policy to target harmful claims about COVID-19 and vaccines, including taking action against some of the accounts in the CCDH report,\" spokesperson Kevin McAlister said in a statement. \"In total, we\'ve removed more than 16 million pieces of content which violate our policies and we continue to work with health experts to regularly update these policies as new facts and trends emerge.\" However, Facebook also disputed the methodology of the center\'s report, saying it was not clear what criteria the group used to choose the set of social media posts at which it looked. Twitter said it permanently suspended two of the \"Disinformation Dozen\" accounts for repeatedly breaking its rules, required other accounts to delete some tweets and applied labels that link to credible information about vaccines and don\'t allow the tweets to be shared or replied to. Overall, it\'s removed more than 22,400 tweets for violating its COVID-19 policies. However, spokesperson Elizabeth Busby said Twitter distinguishes between \"harmful vaccine misinformation that contradicts credible public health information, which is prohibited under our policy, and negative vaccine sentiment that is a matter of opinion.\" Sponsor Message And so the \"Disinformation Dozen\" are still easy to find on social media. \"Tried and true\" tactics Sometimes they skirt the platforms\' rules by using codes. \"Instead of saying \'vaccine,\' they may, in a video, hold up the V sign with their fingers and say, \'If you\'re around someone who has been\' — hold up V sign — \'you know, X might happen to you,\' \" Ahmed said. Or they take something true and distort it, such as falsely linking a famous person\'s death to the fact that the celebrity got a vaccine days or weeks earlier. ![\\"Few](\\" ### Untangling Disinformation ### Few Facts, Millions Of Clicks: Fearmongering Vaccine Stories Go Viral Online NewsGuard\'s Gregory said a \"tried and true\" tactic of vaccine opponents is \"grossly misrepresenting some sort of research, some sort of data to promote whatever narrative they\'ve chosen.\" Facebook said it now limits the reach of posts that could discourage people from getting vaccinated, even if the messages don\'t explicitly break its rules. But the cat-and-mouse game continues. Anti-vaccine activists claim censorship As the social networks have cracked down, some previously prolific spreaders of vaccine misinformation have toned down their posts and have told their followers they are being censored. ![\\"Anatomy](\\" ### The Coronavirus Crisis ### Anatomy Of A COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Take anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of the \"Disinformation Dozen\" identified by the center, who has promoted the long discredited idea that vaccines are linked to autism. During the pandemic, he has shared baseless conspiracy theories linking 5G cellular networks to the coronavirus, and suggested, without evidence, that the death of baseball great Hank Aaron was \"part of a wave of suspicious deaths\" tied to vaccines. None of that is true. Kennedy was kicked off Instagram, which Facebook owns, in February over repeatedly sharing debunked claims. Yet Facebook did not remove him from its namesake platform. He told NPR the company has flagged some of his posts, however, so he has become more cautious. Sponsor Message \"I have to post, like, unicorns and kitty cat pictures on there,\" he said. \"I don\'t want to give them an excuse.\" He also uses it to promote his website and newsletter, where he makes claims he cannot on the social network. Kennedy said he\'s never posted misinformation and accused Facebook of censorship. He said the crackdown has cost \"hundreds of thousands of dollars\" in donations to his organization. A battle of persuasion Even as the social media companies have gotten tougher recently on misinformation, researchers worry the persistence of vaccine-related hoaxes will further erode confidence among people who hesitate to get the shot. That\'s especially concerning as vaccines roll out for children 12 and up. ![\\"CDC](\\" ### Coronavirus Updates ### CDC Says Kids As Young As 12 Should Get The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine In a survey of U.S parents, Indiana University sociologist Jessica Calarco found more than a quarter don\'t plan to vaccinate their kids. \"So many of these moms are turning to Facebook, are turning to Twitter, are turning to other social media platforms\" for news and information, she said. \"And they\'re saying, \'Every time I open my phone, I see something different.\' \" Even some parents whose kids have had routine childhood vaccines told Calarco they\'re unsure about COVID-19 jabs. Facebook this week released survey data showing vaccine acceptance among adults in the U.S. has increased by 10% since January. However, its survey also shows that the top reasons people said they don\'t want to get vaccinated are worries about side effects and lack of trust in the vaccines or the government — exactly the kind of fears anti-vaccination accounts promote. The social networks said amplifying credible information from authoritative sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is just as important as reducing the spread of harmful posts. Both Facebook and Twitter link to public health information in their apps and in the labels they put on misleading posts. Sponsor Message But they now face an uphill battle of persuading the skeptics. Calarco said many of the parents she spoke with weigh the posts they see on social media \"equally against the kinds of expert medical recommendations, expert medical information coming out of things like the CDC.\" **Editor\'s note:** Facebook is among NPR\'s financial supporters. * Instagram * COVID-19 vaccine * disinformation * anti-vaccine * Facebook * Twitter * Facebook * Flipboard * Email Special Series ## Untangling Disinformation ###### Read & Listen * Home * News * Culture * Music * Podcasts & Shows ###### Connect * Newsletters * Facebook * Instagram * Press * Public Editor * Corrections * Contact & Help ###### About NPR * Overview * Diversity * NPR Network * Accessibility * Ethics * Finances ###### Get Involved * Support Public Radio * Sponsor NPR * NPR Careers * NPR Shop * NPR Events * NPR Extra * Terms of Use * Privacy * Your Privacy Choices * Text Only Sponsor Message Become an NPR sponsor
No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage And if you’re making less than 15 an hour you’re living below the poverty wage
Who can live on 15 dollars an hour : r/jobs Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/jobs A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to jobs r/jobs r/jobs /r/jobs is the number one community for advice relating to your career. Head to our discord for live support: * * * 1.7M Members 199 Online • 1 yr. ago Rare-Spread-7078 ADMIN MOD # Who can live on 15 dollars an hour Compensation Why are so many places proudly paying that much. As someone who lives in a metro area. That’s under $500 dollars for 2 weeks do part time work and $1800 max after taxes if you’re full time. In what world is that livable. Most rooms for rent are at least 1,500 here. Only teenagers living with their parents might be happy to receive that. But it’s laughable to any adult with bills. And if you’re a small business and “can’t afford to pay more” then you shouldn’t be in business. Simple as that because it sounds like you can’t afford to be. Cities should require that these places start to pay people for the cost of living in that zip code. Why aren’t we protesting. I’m trying to enroll in school to get a degree for a better chance at a corporate job but meanwhile I’m stuck. I have side hustles but the money isn’t consistent yearround. What are people expected to do? Read more Download Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/trudycampbellshats](\\" trudycampbellshats • 1y ago • I agree with you. I knew people who couldn\'t afford to live alone well into their 40s, even 50s. Now I know why. Reply reply ![\\"u/Known- Historian7277](\\" Known-Historian7277 • 1y ago • I worked 5 10s at $15/hr. That shit was degrading. Reply reply 13 more replies 13 more replies More replies More replies hash-slingin-slasha • 1y ago • You can’t, it’s weird but I think these people half expect you live with your parents for your tenure with the company Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies [deleted] • 1y ago • I used to work at a retail auto parts where I started making $8/hr. When I started I was a freshman in college and I thought it was fine. Life happened and college had to be out on hold and it became my full-time job where I gave up 13 years of my life. I was making ~$14/hr when I finally quit working there. The only folks that made a decent wage at that company were the corporate employees that had 9-5 schedules. We had the crap schedules, work til 9 and weekends. The schedules sucked and you could be asked to work any shift. Then you add the abuse from customers, and it was never worth it. I eventually finished college and got a much better job. Now that the student loans and other things are piling up, my current wage is not enough for all the expenses. Reply reply ![\\"u/Rare- Spread-7078](\\" Rare-Spread-7078 • 1y ago • I’m sorry to hear and hope you find a breakthrough Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Carib0ul0u • 1y ago • See all these people out here will say it’s your fault. You aren’t trying hard enough. You should get a second job. It’s a sickening disgusting society we live in. We don’t give a fuck about life on earth period. Only as long as you are hard grinding for a machine that never has enough blood are you worthy of basic survival in the space age. Reply reply 9 more replies 9 more replies More replies RogueStudio • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • I\'m 35 and still live with my elderly parent, that\'s how I held a 15/hr retail job for a year. It was not by choice. It was a point of contention between the both of us, and on my end, did not help my mental health as it was swing/night shift w no weekends off. Only now got out, but....20 dollars/hr now apparently isn\'t enough for any of the studio apartments in my city due to a lack of supply, and I\'d rather stay at home than live with a roommate again :T Reply reply MasterShoo5 • 1y ago • $15 an hour seems like a blessing if it\'s full-time, lots of employers now only want to give you 20-30 hours a week and you cant survive at all on that. Reply reply Sea-Aioli7683 • 1y ago • This. Jobs at that pay level are notorious for inconsistent hours, and sometimes you don\'t even get 20-30. Employer would just say that you are scheduled according to the business needs, and it really doesn\'t matter if you are a good worker or just doing the bare minimum. They overhire then have to spread the hours over a larger pool of people. The best you get is some message from the employer about valuing your contributions, but that doesn\'t translate to currency. Reply reply 7 more replies 7 more replies More replies ThatWideLife • 1y ago • $25 is the new minimum wage. Companies know this and are getting away with paying much less. If you go by the price of fast food, that has tripled in the past few years. Making $15/hr wasn\'t bad when rent was $600 and you can grab an entire meal for $6. Everything has tripled yet wages have doubled. I was able to survive early 2000\'s on $1 above min wage which was $8.50/hr. Had my own apartment but no crazy amenities but it was doable. I couldn\'t even do it now on $25/hr so that\'s saying something. Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Top Posts * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of November 6, 2023 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of November 2023 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of 2023 * * * TOPICS * Internet Culture (Viral) * Amazing * Animals & Pets * Cringe & Facepalm * Funny * Interesting * Memes * Oddly Satisfying * Reddit Meta * Wholesome & Heartwarming * Games * Action Games * Adventure Games * Esports * Gaming Consoles & Gear * Gaming News & Discussion * Mobile Games * Other Games * Role-Playing Games * Simulation Games * Sports & Racing Games * Strategy Games * Tabletop Games * Q&As * Q&As * Stories & Confessions * Technology * 3D Printing * Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning * Computers & Hardware * Consumer Electronics * DIY Electronics * Programming * Software & Apps * Streaming Services * Tech News & Discussion * Virtual & Augmented Reality * Pop Culture * Celebrities * Creators & Influencers * Generations & Nostalgia * Podcasts * Streamers * Tarot & Astrology * Movies & TV * Action Movies & Series * Animated Movies & Series * Comedy Movies & Series * Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series * Documentary Movies & Series * Drama Movies & Series * Fantasy Movies & Series * Horror Movies & Series * Movie News & Discussion * Reality TV * Romance Movies & Series * Sci-Fi Movies & Series * Superhero Movies & Series * TV News & Discussion * RESOURCES * About Reddit * Advertise * Help * Blog * Careers * Press * Communities * Best of Reddit * Topics * Content Policy * Privacy Policy * User Agreement Reddit, Inc. © 2024. 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No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage And if you’re making less than 15 an hour you’re living below the poverty wage
..Are you poor if you make $19 an hour? All related (78) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-1434765476-50-kmuuwucpnofpdkfghdqnohlxihjrmixn.jpeg\\") Lauren Morris Lives in Atlanta, GA (1996–present) · 2y That depends solely on where you live, how many hours your work a week, and how you spend your money. However a lot of people are saying that $19 is enough… and idk why. Because it\'s not. It\'s not. After taxes, bills, & food… What would a person be left with ? Probably not much.. Not enough to go back to school or start their own business, certainly not enough to qualify for any major loans or Get any major work done to increase the property value of their home without having to save for a very long time. Surviving and thriving are 2 totally different things. Sure $19 an hour for a 40 hour work Continue Reading That depends solely on where you live, how many hours your work a week, and how you spend your money. However a lot of people are saying that $19 is enough… and idk why. Because it\'s not. It\'s not. After taxes, bills, & food… What would a person be left with ? Probably not much.. Not enough to go back to school or start their own business, certainly not enough to qualify for any major loans or Get any major work done to increase the property value of their home without having to save for a very long time. Surviving and thriving are 2 totally different things. Sure $19 an hour for a 40 hour work week may be enough to do something, But it\'s not enough to grow. Also it depends on who you have helping you in your life. Sure $19 per hour isn\'t bad If you have a parent or significant other carrying some of the bills or helping with cost of living. And a lot of these people in the comments talking about how they survived off less are capping. They struggled like hell or they had help. I don\'t care what anybody else says.And I\'m not gonna sugar coat anything….It\'s not enough money to survive in Atlanta. Where an apartment in a decent area of town is like $1200 a month and in order to even qualify for it you have to show that you make 3 times that amount. $19 an hour is not doing that unless you work over 40 hours A week.It all matters how many hours you work. $19 an hour is great if you work an 80 hour work week. Heck even $10 per hour is good if you\'re working an 70–80 hour work week. But who is trying to work their life away like that?! Bottom line the only thing that really matters is how many hours a week are you willing to work and how much money you spend. If you work less than 50 hours a week that $19 per hour isn\'t going to do shyt after taxes. Idc what anybody says. Im just being real. Upvote · 9966 9928 92 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Build, deploy, and run data-warehousing solutions in the cloud. AWS enables you to deploy a data warehouse in minutes. Get started for free. Sign Up 9924 Related questions More answers below I\'m 21, I have no kids, I’m living in my own apartment, and I make $43,000 dollars a year. Would you consider this to be a decent income? I make $60 an hour. How much do you make per hour? Is $19/hr good with 40/hrs a week a good wage? I am 18 and I am trying to get a good start on life but I can’t seem to find an apartment for less than $1400 a month. Is $18 an hour a good pay in 2022? If I\'m 38, earn $19 an hour working an entry-level job, and only have $7,000 in savings, but no debt, is there still hope? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-85771932-50-vrkjneiruiuppswlnmnscgxxuhetvgfa.jpeg\\") Angriest White Man Former Retired (2021–2021) · Author has 272 answers and 325.1K answer views · Updated 9mo You are poor if you make $19 an hour and spend the equivalent of $20 an hour. Its all relative to costs. I live on about $1k a month with about 1/3 being savings. I am satisfied. Most people would say I’m poor or live poorly, but I have no debt, nothing I care to buy, and don’t have to give up 40+ hours of my life each week. Likewise, a person can still be poor with a 7-figure income just by spending more than is earned. Poverty is lacking a choice in what you buy. Once you\'re in it, you\'re in it until you\'re forced to downgrade. Upvote · 9957 9918 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-1275425404-50-nifobxaejvdvjmcwheucljbqpmqjxzhy.jpeg\\") Andy Christian Author has 24.1K answers and 9.8M answer views · Updated 2y I remember working for $10/hour, and I had several $100 bills in my pocket. There was a guy next to me who made $15/hours, because he was in a lower management position. We decided to go out to eat, and he declined to come, because he couldn’t afford it. He literally made 50% more money than me, and yet I had thousands of dollars in the bank, and he was so poor, he couldn’t go out to eat. Being poor is MORE a function of how much you spend, than how much money you make. Now don’t get me wrong, if you make $500,000 a year, it would be hard for you to be poorer than someone making $10/hour. But you’ Continue Reading I remember working for $10/hour, and I had several $100 bills in my pocket. There was a guy next to me who made $15/hours, because he was in a lower management position. We decided to go out to eat, and he declined to come, because he couldn’t afford it. He literally made 50% more money than me, and yet I had thousands of dollars in the bank, and he was so poor, he couldn’t go out to eat. Being poor is MORE a function of how much you spend, than how much money you make. Now don’t get me wrong, if you make $500,000 a year, it would be hard for you to be poorer than someone making $10/hour. But you’d be surprised. Michael Jackson made an estimated Billion dollars in his life, yet just before he died, he was on the verge of bankruptcy. If you spend more than you make, and blow all your money on stuff you don’t really need, you’ll be poor even if your income is relatively high. Upvote · 9922 93 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-6282366-50-cioilveasxussulifrofascahdtqlqsl.jpeg\\") Geoffrey Widdison Chemical Engineer (2006–present) · Author has 14.3K answers and 146.9M answer views · 4y Assuming you work a full-time job, $19 an hour is $38,000 a year. The federal poverty guidelines in the US are $12,500 for a single person, $25,750 for a family of four. In order to be officially “poor” by federal standards, you’d have to be supporting a family of 7 on that single income. Now, of course, that’s just the official line. How far that goes depends heavily on where you live. In San Francisco or Manhattan, even a studio apartment would eat up half or more of that income, even before taxes, leaving you struggling to meet basic expenses. When I was single and living in rural Virginia, Continue Reading Assuming you work a full-time job, $19 an hour is $38,000 a year. The federal poverty guidelines in the US are $12,500 for a single person, $25,750 for a family of four. In order to be officially “poor” by federal standards, you’d have to be supporting a family of 7 on that single income. Now, of course, that’s just the official line. How far that goes depends heavily on where you live. In San Francisco or Manhattan, even a studio apartment would eat up half or more of that income, even before taxes, leaving you struggling to meet basic expenses. When I was single and living in rural Virginia, I lived on $15,000 a year (I made substantially more, but that was all I spent), and lived entirely comfortably. I mean, I don’t have expensive tastes, but I didn’t deprive myself at all to live that way. Point is, a full-time job at $19 an hour is above the median income in the US, so it’s hard to consider a person “poor” by any reasonable standard if they make that much. But there are a number of ways in which life can get really expensive, really fast, and it wouldn’t be hard at all for that income to be totally inadequate to live on. Upvote · 9951 93 Sponsored by Interactive Brokers Interactive Brokers®. Rated #1 Broker by Barron\'s. It Costs You Less to Trade US Stocks at IBKR than at Other Brokers. Your capital is at risk. Learn More 9937 Related questions I\'m 21, I have no kids, I’m living in my own apartment, and I make $43,000 dollars a year. Would you consider this to be a decent income? I make $60 an hour. How much do you make per hour? Is $19/hr good with 40/hrs a week a good wage? I am 18 and I am trying to get a good start on life but I can’t seem to find an apartment for less than $1400 a month. Is $18 an hour a good pay in 2022? If I\'m 38, earn $19 an hour working an entry-level job, and only have $7,000 in savings, but no debt, is there still hope? Is $16 an hour good for a single 20-year-old male with no college degree? I have two young kids. Is working $19 an hour full time a bad salary? Is $30 an hour good for a 19-year-old? Is $18 an hour a living wage? How much do you make a month from $19 an hour? Is $17 an hour good money? How much rent can someone making $18/hour afford? Is $30 an hour good money for someone in their late 20\'s? If I work 40 hours a week making $19 an hour with putting 10% in a 401k, how much annually? How much does a $.50 per hour raise really cost the company? Related questions I\'m 21, I have no kids, I’m living in my own apartment, and I make $43,000 dollars a year. Would you consider this to be a decent income? I make $60 an hour. How much do you make per hour? Is $19/hr good with 40/hrs a week a good wage? I am 18 and I am trying to get a good start on life but I can’t seem to find an apartment for less than $1400 a month. Is $18 an hour a good pay in 2022? If I\'m 38, earn $19 an hour working an entry-level job, and only have $7,000 in savings, but no debt, is there still hope? Is $16 an hour good for a single 20-year-old male with no college degree? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024 ![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")
No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage And if you’re making less than 15 an hour you’re living below the poverty wage
Can you comfortably live off of 40K a year in the United States? : r/ask Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/ask A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to ask r/ask r/ask This is a place to ask specific, close-ended, non divisive questions. * * * 1M Members 409 Online • 1 yr. ago [deleted] ADMIN MOD # Can you comfortably live off of 40K a year in the United States? My dad and I are having a discussion about the current state of the United States. He thinks the people are just too lazy to work these days, and people are just complaining about not having money because they\'re too lazy, or perhaps not being smart with their money. I think that there is a problem with the system, and big companies are being too greedy and they don\'t want to pay their employees what they are worth. I also think that $40,000 a year is not a livable wage on its own, however I\'m only 20 years old so I wouldn\'t know from personal experience. What do you guys think? Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. get_Chargeblast • Promoted Reduce your chargeback rate to 0% and prevent your Stripe account from being shut down. Sign Up ![\\"Clickable](\\"\\") Collapse video player Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/AutoModerator](\\" AutoModerator • 1y ago • Moderator Announcement Read More » # Message to all users: This is a reminder to please read and follow: * Our rules * Reddiquette * Reddit Content Policy When posting and commenting. * * * Especially remember Rule 1: `Be polite and civil`. * Be polite and courteous to each other. Do not be mean, insulting or disrespectful to any other user on this subreddit. * Do not harass or annoy others in any way. * Do not catfish. Catfishing is the luring of somebody into an online friendship through a fake online persona. This includes any lying or deceit. * * * You _will_ be banned if you are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist or bigoted in any way. * * * _I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please_contact the moderators of this subreddit _if you have any questions or concerns._ Reply reply 43bluebirds • 1y ago • I\'m in my 20s and make /slightly/ less than this in a rural town. I have cheaper than average rent and I live paycheck to paycheck. Any large additional bill (like a car payment, etc) would completely break me, and I live pretty damn modestly With where I live, I\'d imagine you\'d need 50k as a single person to be able to live comfortably, have a savings, and not live in fear of any large suprise charges lol Reply reply [deleted] • 1y ago • I make about $70k and live in the country, but my wife is unable to work and is going through long term medical treatment. If I were by myself I would be mostly comfortable. One emergency would totally fuck us now. I honestly don\'t know how people with lower incomes do it. Reply reply 74 more replies 74 more replies More replies Winter_Day_6836 • 1y ago • And this is in a RURAL town! Reply reply 45 more replies 45 more replies More replies 266 more replies 266 more replies More replies xain_the_idiot • 1y ago • Depends. If you live in the middle of nowhere and don\'t have to pay rent, 40k a year could be pretty comfortable. If you\'re anywhere near a major city, 40k a year is poverty wages. Reply reply therealmattsteimel • 1y ago • Anywhere near means 40-60 miles away. Big difference from near a city in the Uk. The US is huge and there\'s a lot that\'s very rural. Reply reply 240 more replies 240 more replies More replies 302 more replies 302 more replies More replies Honest-Mulberry-8046 • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • With older folks, these conversations are often challenging. I would convert the $40k into something they know like (edit: pick your year, my point is the same) dollars and convert a few major current expenses so they can compare. All they hear is $40k and put that into their frame of reference when they were your age. They don\'t get it. Reply reply ![\\"u/Arkhangelzk](\\" Arkhangelzk • 1y ago • Holy shit, $40,000 in 1960 is $414,147.44 today. No wonder old people think young people waste money. They just have absolutely no concept of how little people are actually earning today. Reply reply 62 more replies 62 more replies More replies 42 more replies 42 more replies More replies puma721 • 1y ago • Where I live, 40k is livable. I make about that amount, but also I don\'t buy a lot of extra stuff or go on vacations frequently, but I\'m also debt free, so that helps a lot Reply reply 37 more replies 37 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Yeeaaaarrrgh](\\" Yeeaaaarrrgh • 1y ago • Totally depends on where you live. 40k / year in places such as California, New York, or in major metropolitan areas would pretty much break you. But in rural areas of the south, midwest etc. you can make it on 40k. But you won\'t live extravagantly by any means. Reply reply 64 more replies 64 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related Ask Meta/Reddit forward back * r/Drueandgabe r/Drueandgabe A place to discuss Drue and Gabe Basham. 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No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage And if you’re making less than 15 an hour you’re living below the poverty wage
..Is $25 an hour good pay? All related (95) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\"//\\") Assistant Bot · Aug 17 Whether $25 an hour is considered good pay depends on several factors, including: 1. Location: The cost of living varies significantly between regions. In areas with a high cost of living, such as major cities, $25 an hour may be less sufficient compared to regions with a lower cost of living. 2. Industry: Different industries have varying pay scales. For example, $25 an hour may be competitive in retail or entry-level positions but might be lower for skilled professions like engineering or healthcare. 3. Experience and Education: Individuals with more experience or higher education levels might expect hi Continue Reading Whether $25 an hour is considered good pay depends on several factors, including: 1. Location: The cost of living varies significantly between regions. In areas with a high cost of living, such as major cities, $25 an hour may be less sufficient compared to regions with a lower cost of living. 2. Industry: Different industries have varying pay scales. For example, $25 an hour may be competitive in retail or entry-level positions but might be lower for skilled professions like engineering or healthcare. 3. Experience and Education: Individuals with more experience or higher education levels might expect higher pay. For entry-level positions, $25 an hour can be considered good. 4. Full-time vs. Part-time: If $25 an hour is for a full-time position (40 hours a week), it translates to about $52,000 a year, which can be a decent income depending on personal circumstances. 5. Benefits: Consideration of benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off can also impact the overall value of a salary. In summary, while $25 an hour can be good pay in many contexts, it’s important to consider these factors to evaluate its adequacy for a specific situation. Upvote · ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-323557505-50-kbdkrfptqzlktxxyawvfxquhdcapqaat.jpeg\\") William Luke Criminal Justice System (1995–present) · Author has 854 answers and 4M answer views · 4y Depends entirely on where you live, as well as whether or not there is a benefit package along with that wage. $25 per hour, at 40 hours per week consistently, is about $55,000 per year. Most places in America anymore, this is not an especially good wage (although much of the country works for considerably less). A single person can live pretty well on 55K in all but the biggest cities. Assuming you have a great benefit package that calls for minimal deductions, you’re taking home about $1600–1700 every two weeks at this wage. If you’re supporting a non-working spouse, things start getting a bit Continue Reading Depends entirely on where you live, as well as whether or not there is a benefit package along with that wage. $25 per hour, at 40 hours per week consistently, is about $55,000 per year. Most places in America anymore, this is not an especially good wage (although much of the country works for considerably less). A single person can live pretty well on 55K in all but the biggest cities. Assuming you have a great benefit package that calls for minimal deductions, you’re taking home about $1600–1700 every two weeks at this wage. If you’re supporting a non-working spouse, things start getting a bit more intense. You need a second car, second insurance policies, more food and more money for entertainment and retirement savings. Add a child to the equation, and suddenly you will be faced with fairly tight budgeting if you want to accumulate both retirement savings for yourself and your spouse, as well as a college fund for the kid. Two children? Get used to cutting coupons, you’ll need them every month. In the 1980’s or maybe even the 1990’s, $25 hourly was considered a good, upper-middle class wage for skilled tradesmen or other technical workers. Often, you had to be a member of a good union to receive pay like that back then. The problem is, somewhere in that same era, CEO’s started realizing that they could keep wages flat, year after year, and workers would still clock in and work. Thirty years later, most skilled Americans today are working pretty much for the same wages their parents worked for in 1989. But of course, inflation has ravaged those wages, and now prices on the hard commodities (real estate, education, health care and retirement accounts) are triple what they were in 1989. So while $25 hourly sounds good to a lot of working Americans, the fact is that this wage will not really buy as much as you think. Upvote · 9955 9923 91 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-696994677-50-wpgumrapxl Ned Ford Former Volunteer Conservation Chair (1982–2019) · Author has 13.5K answers and 2.3M answer views · 2y It depends on how much money you need to live the way you want. Most people would say it depends on where you live, because the cost of living is different in lots of places. When I was 15, in 1968, my father took us on a two week safari in Africa. That summer I had been paid $10 per hour to mow lawns. We pulled up to the Nairobi Hilton which was the finest hotel in Kenya. It was pretty much a dumpy three story stucco motel in my U.S. citizen eyes (we were spending a year in London, so the Africa trip was a much cheaper option - my father was a doctor and was studying in London, except that he Continue Reading It depends on how much money you need to live the way you want. Most people would say it depends on where you live, because the cost of living is different in lots of places. When I was 15, in 1968, my father took us on a two week safari in Africa. That summer I had been paid $10 per hour to mow lawns. We pulled up to the Nairobi Hilton which was the finest hotel in Kenya. It was pretty much a dumpy three story stucco motel in my U.S. citizen eyes (we were spending a year in London, so the Africa trip was a much cheaper option - my father was a doctor and was studying in London, except that he got more vacations than he did most other years). There was a nice old man sitting at one of the pressed steel Martini tables which were common at the time, complete with a sun umbrella, drinking a pink lemonade. Later I learned that the nice old man was Jomo Kenyatta, the President of Kenya, and he lived in the hotel because it was the finest building in Nairobi. You get this story mostly because I’m still fining a lot of spare time after COVID, and the point of the story is this: The staff and waiters in the hotel were paid 17 cents per day. And that was the best paying job in Kenya. Of course, they weren’t paid in U.S. cents, and the reason their pay was so low was because of the exchange rates. If you live long enough you will begin to understand the importance of exchange rates in making money worth more or less. Before the European Union, when Italy’s economy would stagger, the value of the Lira would plunge, everyone elsewhere in Europe would travel to Italy, buy stuff and import Italian goods, and the Italian economy would get much needed stimulus. Today, the new European Union has a single currency, and there would need to be better ways to diversify the value of the currency among different parts of the nation, because the Italian economy won’t make the local currency cheap. I don’t consider myself an expert in this particular part of economics, but there are some factors that jump out at me, and the only thing worse than a good idea mismanaged is profound anger among citizens whose idea of solutions is to blame the leaders for problems they didn’t install, and install worse leaders who cause worse problems. You probably want to understand that income disparity in the U.S. is worse than it has been in more than a century, and it is all because of Republican ideologues who think that tax is bad, even when the actual tax breaks are only given to the rich. They can’t consider more equitable tax policy because their idea of progress is to deny blame even when it would be easier to fix the problem, and the result is forty years of infrastructure decay. What this means is that the normal person is supposed to spend no more than a third of their income on housing. $25/hour is $50,000 per year or $4,160 per month. I think that to do this correctly you need to subtract your actual taxes and social security from the total first, but you can do what you like with my answer, and maybe if you are trying to rent or buy property, you can ask them how the calculation is actually done. They know. Anyways the $25/hour pay will qualify you for a rental or house payment of $1,250 per month. Is that good? It depends a lot on how much you think you need. If you live in a trailer home, or your parents’ basement, if you walk to work, take a bus or get rides from friends, that might be fat city. If you have a family or want to have one, you will be, like most U.S. citizens, pretty far behind the line of poverty. You would probably qualify for public assistance. You will certainly qualify for Obamacare. I think it is past time for Republicans to be shamed out of office for their steadfast belief in the ability of the working poor to raise their own standards of living by trying harder. The answer to the Reagan era “trickle down” mentality is that obviously, after forty years, it hasn’t worked and anyone who works with plants knows that you make plants healthy by watering from the roots up. Of course Reagan was remembered for the relative prosperity of the 1980’s and the prosperity of the 1980’s was simply due to the substantial reduction in oil imports caused by Carter’s fuel efficiency standards, which were passed into law in 1974, but if you look at the model years affected, the real savings didn’t begin until Reagan was in office. Now, if you are only making $25/hour you may be thinking this answer is really long and complicated. I don’t think that low income people are stupid people, because I grew up with rich stupid people. I don’t think anyone learns just from having the truth told to them. So I hope some of this is interesting enough that you will keep it in mind. Don’t vote for people who lie to you. Don’t work for people who lie to you. If you have to work and there are no other options, plan to keep your eyes open for opportunities to improve things. And don’t overspend. You can figure out the lifecycle cost of a car, a lightbulb, or any other device or process, and see that sometimes the lower selling price is not the same as the lower fuel and repair price. When I was a little older than that trip to Africa, I owned a house, and not a car. I rode to work with friends, and rented rooms in the house. Property values then were so different it isn’t worth explaining, but most of my friends owned cars, and spent more money on their cars than I spent on my house, and that delayed their ability to buy houses for years. There is a British saying: “mind the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves”. I hesitate, because I don’t know whether you automatically know that the British currency used to be a pound, sterling, silver was the original measure, long since detached from the actual currency like the U.S. and the gold standard, but whatever. I think they are calling it a “pound” still. My last point here, is that you might do better to watch the big stuff, and sweat the little stuff less. I knew a lot of poor folks in the past who went through a lot more money every month than I did, with my cars, houses and other stuff. They couldn’t trust in the value of savings, so every dollar in was an opportunity to splurge. And if you never get to the point of stability, investment, confidence, you might never appreciate how good it can be. So $25/hour is relative to a lot of things. Whether it is good, or enough, is up to you. Upvote · 9910 Related questions More answers below I make $25/hour as a 28-year-old. Is it bad? I\'m 21, I have no kids, I’m living in my own apartment, and I make $43,000 dollars a year. Would you consider this to be a decent income? Is $30 an hour good money for someone in their late 20\'s? How much is $25 an hour annually? At a starting salary of $25/hour (including taxes), how many hours would someone need to work just to meet their basic expenses such as rent, food, etc.? ![\\"Profile](\\" Heather Asa Booker Author has 6K answers and 5.5M answer views · 4y No one can really answer this 1. It depends on where you live. $52k in NYC is not a lot, but $52k in Center City, KS is a lot. 2. It depends on your lifestyle /expenses. If your mortgage /rent is $1,000 /mo, you keep to a budget, you don’t have a ton of medical expenses, are single without kids, etc then it is a lot. If your mortgage is $4000/mo, you spend $2000/mo on meds, you have 4 children, etc then you’re in the hole before eating, dressing, and paying any other non-discretionary expenses. 3. It depends on your previous salary /expectations. If you were making $15/hr, then now making $25/hr is good. Continue Reading No one can really answer this 1. It depends on where you live. $52k in NYC is not a lot, but $52k in Center City, KS is a lot. 2. It depends on your lifestyle /expenses. If your mortgage /rent is $1,000 /mo, you keep to a budget, you don’t have a ton of medical expenses, are single without kids, etc then it is a lot. If your mortgage is $4000/mo, you spend $2000/mo on meds, you have 4 children, etc then you’re in the hole before eating, dressing, and paying any other non-discretionary expenses. 3. It depends on your previous salary /expectations. If you were making $15/hr, then now making $25/hr is good. If you were making $60/hr, then now making $25 is bad. 4. It depends on your field. If you are a bank teller, the avg salary in the US is $28k/yr, which is about $13.50/hr so $25/hr is good. If you’re an MRI tech, the avg national salary is $72k, which is almost $35/hr, so $25 /hr wouldn’t be good. 5. It depends on your education. With a high school degree, is almost $17/hr. Since $25/hr is more than that, it is good. The average pay with an associates degree is about $20/hr, with a bachelors is just above $28 /hr, with a masters is almost $34/hr, with a professional degree is above $43/hr and with a PhD is almost $41/hr. So, $25/hr with a high school degree is good, but it isn’t with a PhD. (And, obviously, there is a huge range in each category based on field of study, but I didn’t duplicate that since I already covered it.) There are other factors that I am probably missing as well. In the US, the average pay works out to about $27 /hr. So, $25 /hr is close to average, but that doesn’t mean anything without taking all of those other factors into consideration. Good and bad are relative to your need, your training, your experience, your education, your location, your field, etc. It is not something anyone can evaluate with so little information Upvote · 9912 Related questions I make $25/hour as a 28-year-old. Is it bad? I\'m 21, I have no kids, I’m living in my own apartment, and I make $43,000 dollars a year. Would you consider this to be a decent income? Is $30 an hour good money for someone in their late 20\'s? How much is $25 an hour annually? At a starting salary of $25/hour (including taxes), how many hours would someone need to work just to meet their basic expenses such as rent, food, etc.? Is $25 an hour good in the USA? I make $60 an hour. How much do you make per hour? Are you poor if you make $19 an hour? If you make $25 an hour how much is that every month? What job makes 50 dollars an hour? What is it like to make $30+ an hour? Is making $30 an hour cash better than making $25 an hour on payroll? What if I make 24 dollars an hour? Is 25.00 per hour full time in the United States a decent wage or a livable wage? I\'m 25 and about to make $90,000 in my first job. How should I think about saving/spending at this point in my life? Related questions I make $25/hour as a 28-year-old. Is it bad? I\'m 21, I have no kids, I’m living in my own apartment, and I make $43,000 dollars a year. Would you consider this to be a decent income? Is $30 an hour good money for someone in their late 20\'s? How much is $25 an hour annually? At a starting salary of $25/hour (including taxes), how many hours would someone need to work just to meet their basic expenses such as rent, food, etc.? Is $25 an hour good in the USA? I make $60 an hour. How much do you make per hour? Are you poor if you make $19 an hour? If you make $25 an hour how much is that every month? What job makes 50 dollars an hour? About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024
No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage And if you’re making less than 15 an hour you’re living below the poverty wage
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper Opinion|It’s Not Just Wages. Retailers Are Mistreating Workers in a More Insidious Way. * Share full article Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we have confirmed access, the full article content will load. Opinion Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT Guest Essay # It’s Not Just Wages. Retailers Are Mistreating Workers in a More Insidious Way. Feb. 19, 2024 ![\\"A](\\" articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Credit...Brian Ulrich * Share full article By Adelle Waldman Ms. Waldman’s forthcoming novel, “Help Wanted,” takes place in a big-box store. Back in 2018, with an eye to writing a novel about low-wage work in America, I got a job at a big-box store near the Catskills in New York, where I live. I was on the team that unloaded the truck of new merchandise each day at 4 a.m. We were supposed to empty the truck in under an hour. Given how little we made — I was paid $12.25 an hour, which I was told was the standard starting pay — I was surprised how much my co-workers cared about making the unload time. They took a kind of bitter pride in their efficiency, and it rubbed off on me. I dreaded making a mistake that would slow us down as we worked together to get 1,500 to 2,500 boxes off the truck and sorted onto pallets each morning. When the last box rolled out of the truck, we would spread out in groups of two or three for the rest of our four-hour shift and shelve the items from the boxes we just unloaded. Most of my co-workers had been at the store for years, but almost all of them were, like me, part time. This meant that the store had no obligation to give us a stable number of hours or to adhere to a weekly minimum. Some weeks we’d be scheduled for as little as a single four-hour shift; other weeks we’d be asked to do overnights and work as many as 39 hours (never 40, presumably because the company didn’t want to come anywhere close to having to pay overtime). The unpredictability of the hours made life difficult for my co-workers — as much as if not more than the low pay did. On receiving a paycheck for a good week’s work, when they’d worked 39 hours, should they use the money to pay down debt? Or should they hold on to it in case the following week they were scheduled for only four hours and didn’t have enough for food? Many of my co-workers didn’t have cars; with such unstable pay, they couldn’t secure auto loans. Nor could they count on holding on to the health insurance that part-time workers could receive if they met a minimum threshold of hours per week. While I was at the store, one co-worker lost his health insurance because he didn’t meet the threshold — but not because the store didn’t have the work. Even as his requests for more hours were denied, the store continued to hire additional part-time and seasonal workers. Most frustrating of all, my co-workers struggled to supplement their income elsewhere, because the unstable hours made it hard to work a second job. If we wanted more hours, we were advised to increase our availability. Problem is, it’s difficult to work a second job when you’re trying to keep yourself as free as possible for your first job. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. If you are in Reader mode please exit and log into your Times account, or subscribe for all of The Times. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. Already a subscriber? Log in. Want all of The Times? Subscribe. Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions
Claim 1 Incredible Claim 2 Big salute to the rescue teamA dog and her two puppies rescued from the Wayanad Landslide Claim 3 Terrific footage in Wayanad Kerala Claim 4 Real heroes in Wayanad landslides Claim 5 Today Wayanad tomorrow it may be Tamil Nadu Nilgiris or Kanyakumari stop blasting rocks for your personal gain in Western ghats Claim 6 Massive landslides hit Kerala's Wayanad district Pray for Wayanad
Agree & Join LinkedIn By clicking Continue to join or sign in, you agree to LinkedIn’s User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy.LinkedIn * Articles * People * Learning * Jobs * Games * Get the app Join now Sign in # The Better India’s Post The Better India 301,184 followers 2mo * Report this post Amidst the heart-wrenching stories emerging from Kerala’s landslide-hit Wayanad, one tale of survival and unexpected companionship is bringing hope. On the night of July 30, Sujatha and her granddaughter Mridula faced the unimaginable when their house in Chooralmala collapsed due to the landslide. As they navigated the chaos, they encountered an unusual guardian—an elephant. With the ceiling collapsed and the ground crumbling beneath them, Sujatha managed to rescue Mridula and they fled to a nearby coffee plantation. There, they encountered three elephants, one of which stood guard over them through the stormy night. Sujatha, in her moment of despair, pleaded with the elephant for mercy. Miraculously, the tusker stood by them, providing a protective presence until rescue workers arrived at dawn. Now at a relief camp in Meppadi, Sujatha and her family are recovering, grateful for their survival and the unexpected help from their gentle giant guardian. #WayanadLandslide #HumanityAndNature #ActsOfKindness [ Elephant, Wayanad, Floods, Acts of Kindness ] * 355 11 Comments Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Jithin Joshey Kulatharayil Content Specialist | Driving Customer Engagement & Brand Strategy through Content Creation, Marketing, and SEO for Businesses | ESG & Sustainability Advocate 2mo * Report this comment These gentle giants have always fascinated me. The elephants will never charge at you unless they feel threatened. I believe, based on my experience, they can pretty much sense our demeanours. They are the ecosystem engineers. But sadly, their habitats are dwindling on a faster pace than we imagined. It is so disheartening to see people who are affected by this man-made crisis in Kerala\'s Wayanad district, particularly the poor and marginalised. Like Reply 5 Reactions 6 Reactions Rohen R Murari Digital Marketer | SEO Executive| Digital Marketer| Inbound & Outbound Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Email Marketing | Product Marketing | 6+Years of Experience in Content Writing and Digital Marketing. 2mo * Report this comment The Better India, In the midst of the devastating landslides in Wayanad, Sujatha and her granddaughter Mridula\'s story stands out as a beacon of hope and unexpected kindness. After their home was destroyed, they found refuge in a nearby coffee plantation, where three elephants unexpectedly became their guardians. One elephant, in particular, stayed close, offering protection throughout the stormy night. Sujatha’s heartfelt plea was met with the elephant’s unwavering presence, showing that even in the darkest moments, compassion and guardianship can come from the most unlikely places. Their survival story is a powerful reminder of the gentle miracles that can happen amidst adversity. Like Reply 1 Reaction Afaque Khan Sales Manager | Passionate about Consumer Electronics Distribution | Strategic Leadership & Brand Development 2mo * Report this comment This story is both heart-wrenching and awe-inspiring. The thought of an elephant standing guard over Sujatha and Mridula through the night is a beautiful reminder of the unexpected bonds that can form in the midst of crisis. Nature\'s empathy is truly profound. Wishing them a swift recovery and hoping they find comfort in this incredible experience. Like Reply 2 Reactions 3 Reactions S.B. Jain (Sudhir Babu Jain) Techno Commercial SBU Head ~ 6M Business Advisor ~ Profit Centres (Steel - Metals : All Products) : Director & Vice President ( in UAE) & GM ( in KSA & India). 2mo * Report this comment Unbelievable 👌 That\'s why it said that if God wants to save someone, no one can harm him / her. Animals also understand the need... No more words, just superb 👏👏 Like Reply 1 Reaction Nitin Joshi retired Chief Installation Manager at Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Government of India Enterprise 2mo * Report this comment Animals are saviour they only seek love care warmth Like Reply 1 Reaction 2 Reactions Jayannta bhattacharrya Manager 2mo * Report this comment God has blessed Like Reply 1 Reaction Tarun Kumar Das Senior IT Consultant | Tech Trends Analyst | SAP | Generative AI Enthusiast | Proponent of Sustainable Green Computing and Business Automation | AI-powered Renewable Energy Explorer | DEI Advocacy | Tech Blogger 2mo * Report this comment Thanks for sharing Like Reply 1 Reaction Henley Nelson Gomez Sales Manager 2mo * Report this comment Believe in Lord Ganesha Like Reply 1 Reaction 2 Reactions See more comments To view or add a comment, sign in ## More Relevant Posts * Fatima Kolobe MEAL 3w * Report this post Tragedy in Maiduguri My heart is heavy as I witness the devastation caused by the recent floods in Maiduguri. The images and stories emerging from this tragedy are both heartbreaking and deeply alarming. Families displaced, homes submerged, and livelihoods destroyed, this is a stark reminder of how vulnerable we can be in the face of natural disasters. Yet, in the midst of this suffering, we must hold on to hope and resilience. Now more than ever, Maiduguri needs our collective strength and compassion. This is a time for us to rally behind the victims providing shelter, food, and medical assistance. But even as we work to address the immediate needs, we must also look ahead to prevent future tragedies. Maiduguri will rise again, but it will take government, organizations, and individual working hand in hand to rebuild what has been lost and prevent future disasters. Let us not be defined by the tragedy, but by how we come together to support one another and move towards a brighter future. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected. Let us stand united in action, compassion, and commitment to rebuild a stronger and safer Maiduguri. #maiduguriflood 2 Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * * Hemanth kumar IFS (Retd) Former Prl Chief Conservator of Forests, U.P. at Government of U. P. (Retd) 5mo Edited * Report this post There is a news on the death of Sri Rajendra Kurse Forester who laid his life in dousing the forest fires. RIP to the brave soldier/ warrior who laid down his life trying to save the precious biodiversity. This pathetic news tell us about the ill preparedness of the forest department to fight against the necessary evil (fires) which has become an annual affair, despite of it, our staff doesn’t have proper gear to protect themselves and instruments to protect the forests from fire. In the last three days, 3 persons died in Almora when the fire entered the premises of Resin (Lisa) factory. 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All this needs introspection. 12 7 Comments Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * TOYIN OLUOKUN Water Solutions, Sustainable Hydration Services, Climate Change And Plastic Pollution Advocacy 3w Edited * Report this post The recent flooding in Maiduguri, Nigeria, is yet another stark reminder of the harsh reality of climate change. Despite contributing less than 4% to global emissions, Africa continues to bear the brunt of its devastating effects. What’s even more disheartening is that the trillions of dollars in global climate finance, especially through carbon credits, remain largely inaccessible to Africans, leaving the continent without the necessary funding to combat this crisis. Developed nations should be leveraging their carbon credits to promote sustainable lifestyles across Africa. In fact, Africa\'s development should be driven and funded substantially by carbon credits—this is the only path toward true climate justice. 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We believe that, through resilience and unity, we will overcome this tragedy and come out stronger. 3 3 Comments Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * Oscar Alochi Senior Content Officer at Jumia Kenya 2mo * Report this post Echoes of the Past: Victoria Falls\' Current Drought Reminds of Historical Extremes Victoria Falls, one of the world\'s most iconic natural wonders, is currently experiencing a significant drought. For Chrispin Liwoyo Kahongo, this situation is a stark reminder of past events. Born and raised in Livingstone since the early 1970s, Chrispin recalls walking along the edge of the falls during similar drought conditions. One memorable experience was on Christmas Day in 1985 when the falls were so dry that it was possible to walk from the Zambian side towards Zimbabwe. 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More than 300 bodies have been found, many unidentifiable, with only a few intact. Heart-wrenching stories have emerged: \- Zamshair from Mundakka village lost 30 family members and is desperately searching for them with photos and IDs. \- A 9-year-old boy, now alone, is receiving medical support after losing his family of five. \- The fate of over 70 students from Metpadi school remains unknown. \- Grieving pets, like a dog searching for her puppies, are left wandering and crying for their lost families. \- For those affected, the devastation is overwhelming. Many have lost homes that took years of savings and dreams to build. The road to recovery will be long and difficult as they rebuild their lives from scratch, facing emotional and financial struggles. Losing their homes and properties means more than just physical displacement; it\'s the destruction of their dreams and the enormous challenge of starting over. Due to a wood shortage, bodies are being cremated using gas cylinders. ISRO has detected that the landslide spans an area of 8 kilometers, affecting over 86,000 square feet. Advanced thermal and infrared technology is being utilized to locate buried corpses. This technology is crucial for accelerating the search and rescue operations in such a vast and challenging terrain. The community needs our help more than ever. We urge everyone to support the rescue efforts and provide aid to those affected. Your contributions, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of those suffering from this tragedy. #WayanadTragedy #KeralaEarthquake #LandslideRelief #HumanitarianAid #SupportWayanad #DisasterRelief #KeralaRescue #CommunitySupport #StandWithWayanad #HelpKerala #DisasterSupport #Kerala 1 Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * Amna Bano Sustainability Consultant| ESG Reporting| Climate Change| MENA 4mo * Report this post The cost of poor urban planning and deforestation that we all are paying... Temperatures that might soar to 50° C in the coming weeks could have been avoided if a balance of Green had maintained while anticipating these Mega projects. Muhammad Abdul Qadir Health Safety Environment Supervisor at Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited 4mo Dear Pakistanis, Our city is highly affected by environmental changes, resulting in abnormally hot weather, heat waves, and a reduction in rainfall. To combat this, I urge you to plant any of the following trees in your homes, parks, roadsides, etc. These trees are not only cost-effective (under Rs 200) but also environment-friendly and low-maintenance. Let\'s take the initiative and encourage our family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and children to plant trees as much as possible. Here are the local names of some recommended trees: 1\. **Gulmohar** 2\. **Neem** 3\. **Amaltas** 4\. **Lignum/Rohida** 5\. **Peepal** Please forward this message to others. **Let\'s Plant A Tree** We need to act now for our future—no one else will do it for us. Start with your own street and your own house area. Tell your friends and relatives to do the same. Thank you. * 7 1 Comment Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * Angel Paudel Cofounder at Tyro Soft Pvt Ltd, Babal.Host 2mo * Report this post The recent bus accident in Simaltal, Nepal, serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of natural disasters. Two buses carrying 65 passengers were swept into the Trishuli River by a sudden landslide, and the rescue efforts are still underway. In this article I attempt at providing a detailed account of the tragic accident, the ongoing rescue efforts as we enter day 6, and the broader implications for infrastructure and safety in Nepal: ## Simaltal Landslide: Timeline and Nepal’s Response ### 1 Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * Adv. Santosh Suryarao Advocate, On Record - Bombay High Court - Specialized in all types of Civil, Criminal,, Family, Business & Banking Law. Litigation releted DRT, RERA, Tax Tribunal, NCLT 2mo * Report this post Wayanad Weeps: A Heart-Wrenching Tragedy The hills of Wayanad, once serene and beautiful, have turned into a graveyard of sorrow. A catastrophic landslide has ripped through the heart of Kerala, leaving behind a trail of devastation and despair. Hundreds of lives have been lost, countless more are missing, and entire villages have been reduced to rubble. This is not just a natural disaster; it\'s a stark reminder of our fragile existence and the urgent need for sustainable development. The loss of lives is immeasurable, but the destruction of homes, livelihoods, and communities is equally heartbreaking. Our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones. Their grief is unimaginable. Let us come together as a nation to support the survivors, provide relief, and rebuild their lives. It\'s time to reflect on our actions and prioritize disaster preparedness and environmental conservation. This tragedy should serve as a wake-up call to address the root causes of such disasters. #WayanadLandslide #Kerala #PrayForWayanad #India #Tragedy #ReliefEfforts #SupportKerala 1 Comment Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in * Amit Kumar Mathur Born this way 2mo * Report this post Deeply saddened to hear about the tragic landslides in Wayanad district, Kerala. The death toll has risen to eight, and there are fears that hundreds more may be trapped. My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this disaster. 💔 For more details, click here 👉 [ \--- #KeralaLandslide #Wayanad #NaturalDisaster #StaySafe #PrayersForKerala #EmergencyResponse #CommunitySupport #DisasterRelief #Tragedy #HumanityFirst #NewsUpdate #StayInformed #SafetyFirst #RescueOperations #SupportNeeded \--- Please stay safe and informed. Let\'s come together to support those in need during this difficult time. 🙏 …see more Like Comment Share * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter To view or add a comment, sign in ![\\"\\"](\\" scale_191_1128/image- scale_191_1128/0/1727857999924/thebetterindia_cover?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=gcVy8pkywLMOqnG0sUhstvRY-3mKtPT2BzWM-i3ACkY\\"/) 301,184 followers View Profile Follow ## Explore topics * Sales * Marketing * IT Services * Business Administration * HR Management * Engineering * Soft Skills * See All * LinkedIn © 2024 * About * Accessibility * User Agreement * Privacy Policy * Cookie Policy * Copyright Policy * Brand Policy * Guest Controls * Community Guidelines * * العربية (Arabic) * বাংলা (Bangla) * Čeština (Czech) * Dansk (Danish) * Deutsch (German) * Ελληνικά (Greek) * English (English) * Español (Spanish) * فارسی (Persian) * Suomi (Finnish) * Français (French) * हिंदी (Hindi) * Magyar (Hungarian) * Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) * Italiano (Italian) * עברית (Hebrew) * 日本語 (Japanese) * 한국어 (Korean) * मराठी (Marathi) * Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) * Nederlands (Dutch) * Norsk (Norwegian) * ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi) * Polski (Polish) * Português (Portuguese) * Română (Romanian) * Русский (Russian) * Svenska (Swedish) * తెలుగు (Telugu) * ภาษาไทย (Thai) * Tagalog (Tagalog) * Türkçe (Turkish) * Українська (Ukrainian) * Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) * 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) * 正體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) Language ## Sign in to view more content Create your free account or sign in to continue your search Sign in ## Welcome back Email or phone Password Show Forgot password? 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Claim 1 Incredible Claim 2 Big salute to the rescue teamA dog and her two puppies rescued from the Wayanad Landslide Claim 3 Terrific footage in Wayanad Kerala Claim 4 Real heroes in Wayanad landslides Claim 5 Today Wayanad tomorrow it may be Tamil Nadu Nilgiris or Kanyakumari stop blasting rocks for your personal gain in Western ghats Claim 6 Massive landslides hit Kerala's Wayanad district Pray for Wayanad
![\\"News18](\\" CHANGE LANGUAGE English हिन्दी বাংলা मराठी ગુજરાતી ಕನ್ನಡ தமிழ் മലയാളം తెలుగు ਪੰਜਾਬੀ اردو অসমীয়া ଓଡ଼ିଆ WATCH LIVE TV DOWNLOAD News18 APP![\\"News18](\\" Follow Us On Facebook Twitter Youtube Telegram ![\\"Durga](\\" puja-2024-10-bb32a81df4f4c0f1e7d924c03182c5b4.png\\") ### GAMING PARTNER ![\\"sponser\\"](\\" ![\\"News18](\\"\\") * Home * Movies * India * Cricket * Web Stories * Lifestyle * Viral * World * Videos * Business * Education * Politics * Opinion * Home * Movies * India * Cricket * Web Stories * Lifestyle * Viral * World * Videos * Business * Education * Politics * Opinion * Explainers * Photos * Tech * Auto * Podcast * Health * Travel * Food * Sports * Markets * Tax * Savings and Investments * Breaking News * City News * Elections * Power Circuit * Viral * Bollywood * Regional Cinema * Television * Web Series * Astrology * Studio18 Latest NewsWomen\'s T20 World CupElectionsUS ElectionsShowshaISL EPLMovie ReviewsPodcastExplainersSportsTechAutoPhotos * Latest News * ![\\"New](\\" T20 World Cup * Elections * US Elections * Showsha * ISL * EPL * Movie Reviews * Podcast * Explainers * Sports * Tech * Auto * Photos News » business » economy » Wayanad Landslides: Adani Group Donates Rs 5 Crore to Kerala Chief Minister\'s Distress Relief Fund 1-MIN READ # Wayanad Landslides: Adani Group Donates Rs 5 Crore to Kerala Chief Minister\'s Distress Relief Fund Curated By: Mohammad Haris Last Updated: July 31, 2024, 16:46 IST New Delhi, India ![\\"Adani](\\" new-2024-07-f23b4f10dc90367d85fd71fa53f3a9f0.jpeg?impolicy=website&width=640&height=480\\") Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani. ## Extremely heavy rain triggered the landslides in the hilly areas of Wayanad early Tuesday, leaving at least 132 people dead and more than 200 injured. * Follow us: WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegramGoogle News Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani on Wednesday announced to contribute Rs 5 crore to the Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund, even as extremely heavy rain triggered the landslides in the hilly areas of Wayanad early Tuesday, leaving at least 132 people dead and more than 200 injured. “Deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life in Wayanad. My heart goes out to the affected families. The Adani Group stands in solidarity with Kerala during this difficult time. We humbly extend our support with a contribution of Rs 5 Cr to the Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund,” Gautam Adani said in a post on X. Military personnel on Wednesday intensified search and rescue operations in Kerala’s Wayanad district, where landslides have claimed more than 100 lives, with the Army saying that it has recovered around 70 bodies and rescued nearly 1,000 people so far. ![\\"\\"](\\"\\") About the Author 1. 2. Mohammad Haris Haris is Deputy News Editor (Business) at He writes on various issues related to markets, economy and companies. Having a decade of experi...Read More Tags: 1. gautam adani first published:July 31, 2024, 16:46 IST last updated:July 31, 2024, 16:46 IST ![\\"short](\\" ![](\\" Oct 06, 2024 View All ## Latest News * ![\\"Latest](\\" ### Latest Entertainment News Live Updates Today (October 6, 2024): Nita Ambani Paints The Perfect Picture Of Indian Beauty & Grace At Manish Malhotra\'s Store Launch * ![\\"CNN-News18](\\" ### CNN-News18 At Apple Flagship Store Just Outside Apple Park * ![\\"Nita](\\" ### Nita Ambani Paints The Perfect Picture Of Indian Beauty & Grace At Manish Malhotra\'s Store Launch * ![\\"IDFC](\\" ### IDFC FIRST Bank Goes Live on GST Portal For Tax Payments * ![\\"Infra](\\" ### Infra Vaani | Arrival of ‘Mumbai Underground’ A Tribute to Patankar as Maximum City Gears Up to Redefine Urban Mobility More Latest News ## LIVE TV ## TRENDING VIDEOS ## Latest Blogs ## Photogallery
Claim 1 Incredible Claim 2 Big salute to the rescue teamA dog and her two puppies rescued from the Wayanad Landslide Claim 3 Terrific footage in Wayanad Kerala Claim 4 Real heroes in Wayanad landslides Claim 5 Today Wayanad tomorrow it may be Tamil Nadu Nilgiris or Kanyakumari stop blasting rocks for your personal gain in Western ghats Claim 6 Massive landslides hit Kerala's Wayanad district Pray for Wayanad
Claim 1 Incredible Claim 2 Big salute to the rescue teamA dog and her two puppies rescued from the Wayanad Landslide Claim 3 Terrific footage in Wayanad Kerala Claim 4 Real heroes in Wayanad landslides Claim 5 Today Wayanad tomorrow it may be Tamil Nadu Nilgiris or Kanyakumari stop blasting rocks for your personal gain in Western ghats Claim 6 Massive landslides hit Kerala's Wayanad district Pray for Wayanad
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Liverpool are looking to bounce back from a shock home defeat to Nottingham Forest when Bournemouth visit Anfield and Manchester United seek revenge with a trip to Crystal Palace. Here\'s a look at the pick of this weekend\'s Premier League action. Early title tussle A battle between the top two pits the unstoppable force in City\'s in-form striker Erling Haaland against the immovable object in Arsenal\'s obturate defence. Haaland has struck a Premier League record nine times in the opening four games of the season. But Arsenal have only conceded once, when down to 10 men against Brighton, and kept clean sheets already away at Aston Villa and Tottenham. The top two in each of the past two seasons already occupy those positions once more. \"It\'s another unbelievable team that defend really well,\" said City boss Pep Guardiola. \"They don\'t concede chances, they don\'t concede goals. In many aspects they control everything. Advertisement \"Was the biggest challenge for the title the last two seasons, they are there and will be there for many years because they created a depth of squad and a young team.\" City are the only side with a perfect 12 points so far, but a depleted Arsenal made sure they are only two points behind by grinding out a 1-0 victory over Spurs in last weekend\'s north London derby. The Gunners are set to be missing captain Martin Odegaard once more due to an ankle injury but can welcome back Declan Rice from suspension. City are also set to be without their creative hub as Kevin De Bruyne limped out of Wednesday\'s 0-0 Champions League draw against Inter Milan. Advertisement Postecoglou under pressure Arsenal\'s third consecutive away derby win at Tottenham ramped up the scrutiny on Postecoglou. Spurs have taken only four points from their opening four Premier League games of the season and their form has been trending downwards for some time. After a blistering start under the former Australia manager, Tottenham have won just 13 of their last 32 league games, including seven defeats in the last 11. Postecoglou has insisted he will deliver silverware in his second season in charge but narrowly avoided a League Cup exit to second-tier Coventry in midweek. With trips to Manchester United and Brighton to come, Spurs need to steady the ship against a Brentford side that troubled City last weekend in a 2-1 defeat. Man Utd\'s momentum What a difference a week has made for United boss Erik ten Hag. The Dutchman returned from the international break under pressure after back- to-back defeats to Brighton and Liverpool. But two victories and 10 goals against Southampton and Barnsley has lifted the mood ahead of the trip to Palace. The low point of a dismal league campaign last season arguably came in a 4-0 thrashing by the Eagles in May. But Ten Hag believes this weekend will be a different story as he is now blessed with options rather than fighting an injury crisis. \"It was a 4-0, totally deserved, but Saturday will be different,\" said Ten Hag. \"From February onwards, we had to find 11 players to construct a team. \"Now it is 18 and we can pick one.\" Fixtures (all times GMT) Saturday West Ham v Chelsea (1130), Aston Villa v Wolves, Fulham v Newcastle, Leicester v Everton, Liverpool v Bournemouth, Southampton v Ipswich, Tottenham v Brentford (all 1400), Crystal Palace v Man Utd (1630) Sunday Listen to the latest songs, only on Brighton v Nottingham Forest (1300), Man City v Arsenal (1530) (This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) 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Make data-driven decisions resulting in fewer mistakes and win games you’re not supposed to win. Learn More ## Showcase Companies Whether you’re looking to enhance your own combine/showcase company or league or start a new business, Virtual Combine has you covered. Integrate the best technology in the market and make it your own. Bi-pass the millions in the overhead cost of building technology to run your business and start generating revenue right away. Learn More ## Recruiters Find the right talent, first. Virtual Combine athletes are a step beyond the everyday. Search and find the right organizations, explore untapped talent, view Performance History, and connect with athletes, coaches, and parents. 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A ghost bus filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th
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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now ![](\\" ![](\\" Clay Higgins stated on November 15, 2023 in a congressional hearing: A \"ghost bus … filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" false/33efdb6633e5e2fdc2d4e2f63383a1e0.jpg.\\") ![\\"false\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") * Crime * Jan. 6 * Clay Higgins ![\\"Rioters](\\" Rioters loyal to President Donald Trump rally at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (AP) ![\\"Madison](\\" By Madison Czopek November 21, 2023 ![\\"Amy](\\" By Amy Sherman November 21, 2023 # Why a Republican\'s claim about ‘ghost buses’ of FBI informants on Jan. 6 is dubious #### If Your Time is short * Hundreds of rioters, many wearing Trump-branded apparel, stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. * Experts said they were unfamiliar with the term \"ghost bus\" and that there are reasons the FBI would not bus a group of informants to an event. * FBI Director Christopher Wray testified Nov. 15 that the agency’s sources and agents were not responsible for violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. See the sources for this fact-check Nearly three years after the violent breach on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a lawmaker presented FBI director Christopher Wray with a new theory about how people arrived at the Capitol that day. \"Do you know what a ‘ghost vehicle’ is?\" Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., asked during a Nov. 15 House Committee on Homeland Security hearing. \"You’re the director of the FBI, you certainly should. Do you know what a ‘ghost bus’ is?\" Wray said he wasn’t familiar with the term. Higgins expounded. \"These (ghost) buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters, deployed onto our Capitol on Jan. 6,\" Higgins said. Higgins said that he had long sought a \"definitive answer\" from federal officials about whether FBI confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters were at the Capitol. But he barely gave Wray time to answer. \"If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources or agents, the answer is an emphatic no,\" Wray said before Higgins cut him off. Numerous investigations into what happened Jan. 6, 2021, including by a congressional committee, have found the attack on the U.S. Capitol was orchestrated and carried out by people who supported Donald Trump’s presidency and believed or pushed false claims that the 2020 election was \"stolen.\" Evidence from court documents — including information that led to charges against 1,200 defendants, more than half of whom have been found guilty so far — shows, person-by-person, who ransacked the Capitol and fought with police officers. The rioters’ goal was preventing Congress from accepting the results of the election showing that Trump had lost. In 17 key findings, the House committee investigating the attack determined Trump himself disseminated false allegations about the election and summoned supporters to the Capitol and directed them to \"take back\" the country. Higgins’ statement about a \"ghost bus\" furthers the falsehood that FBI agents \"intentionally entrapped\" Americans, instigated or orchestrated the Capitol attack. Although evidence shows FBI informants were at the Capitol that day, none shows informants instigated the violence that followed. Experts familiar with the FBI told PolitiFact they were unfamiliar with the term \"ghost bus.\" They said it would make no sense for the FBI to pack informants into a bus together because that would draw attention to them and they generally work independently. On Jan. 6, 2021, Higgins wrote on Twitter that \"violence and lawlessness\" was unacceptable. Since then, he has used his influence to request leniency for the people arrested in the Capitol attack and in June accused the Justice Department of wanting \"J6 again,\" saying it had targeted Trump supporters with \"persecution and further entrapment.\" Higgins did not respond to PolitiFact’s request for comment. But he told HuffPost that the buses unloaded men with muscular physiques dressed as Trump supporters, and the buses were abandoned in the garage. \"They orchestrated what they orchestrated and don’t put words in my mouth,\" Higgins told HuffPost. The FBI directed PolitiFact to Wray’s testimony that FBI sources and agents did not incite violence at the Capitol. What is a ‘ghost bus’? Explaining \"ghost bus\" during the Nov. 15 hearing, Higgins, a former sheriff’s office captain, said it is \"pretty common in law enforcement,\" for vehicles to be \"painted over\" and \"used for secret purposes.\" Higgins pointed to a photo board with an image of buses in a parking garage, singling out two buses he said were \"painted completely white\" and the first to arrive at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station on Jan. 6, 2021. But experts, including an FBI spokesperson, told PolitiFact the term \"ghost bus\" was unfamiliar. We searched Google and the Nexis database for use of the term \"ghost bus\" from before Higgins made the claim and found no FBI-related references. One common use of the term refers to a frustrating public transportation phenomenon, in which an online application shows that a bus has nearly arrived — only for it to abruptly disappear or report significant delays. Searches for \"stealth vehicle\" revealed a law enforcement connotation: Some police departments use vehicles for covert operations that are emblazoned with stealth graphics they describe as \"ghost graphics\" because they blend in with the vehicle’s paint color, making them harder to see. Journalist Trevor Aaronson, who writes for The Intercept and has reported on the FBI for years, told PolitiFact the agency has undercover vehicles but that he had \"never heard of the FBI using buses specifically.\" He also said the FBI wouldn’t collectively bus informants to an event. #### Featured Fact-check ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on August 23, 2024 in a campaign event in Glendale, Ariz. “There’s been a 43% increase in violent crimes since I left office.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" mostly-false/6a6ef6075c162fdccf5eb960e683dcd1.jpg.\\") ![\\"barely- true\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • September 4, 2024 \"Informants don\'t know who the other informants are,\" Aaronson said in an email. \"This sometimes results in comic situations for the FBI: Informants start targeting other informants in investigations. So the idea that the FBI arranged some sort of field trip with a bunch of informants? Absurd.\" Mike German worked 16 years for the FBI, including 12 as an undercover agent investigating white supremacists and far-right groups. He said he also had never heard the term \"ghost bus\" and found the notion of putting \"a bunch of undercover agents or FBI informants together on a bus to send them to a rally\" to be \"ludicrous from a covert operations perspective.\" \"When you are doing undercover work you are trying to blend in,\" said German, who wrote a book critical of the FBI and now works for the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University. German said that FBI informants generally work alone. And though he has heard of perhaps two or three working together, a bus full would be \"highly unlikely.\" What we know about Jan. 6, 2021, rioters Numerous federal investigations and years of reporting on the attack have not revealed evidence to support the conspiracy theory that the Capitol attack was a false flag event orchestrated by the FBI to entrap Trump supporters. Court filings, news reports and other information for hundreds of Jan. 6, 2021, defendants show that many considered their actions patriotic; they believed they were on the front lines of a revolution or civil war. Rioters scaled walls, broke windows, forced their way into the building and clashed with police. Among people sentenced for seditious conspiracy are multiple members of far- right groups including the Proud Boys extremist group and militia groups including the Oath Keepers. These groups, and other Americans, responded to Trump’s invitations to convene on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. ![](\\" In this Jan. 6, 2021 photo, President Donald Trump speaks during a rally protesting the electoral college certification of Joe Biden as President in Washington. (AP) The FBI’s role on Jan. 6, 2021 Government reports have criticized the FBI for failing to sound the alarm about Jan. 6, 2021, despite repeated tips in the preceding weeks that violence could occur. Steven D’Antuono, the former assistant director-in-charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, told the House Judiciary Committee in June that the agency had maybe a \"handful\" of informants present in the crowd on Jan. 6, 2021 — some the agency knew about ahead of time, some it did not. When asked about the theory that the FBI directed the attack, he replied \"that is furthest from the truth.\" Allegations that FBI informants played a key role in the day’s events have proved to be false. One viral claim repeated by some lawmakers involved Ray Epps, an Arizona man whom some people had identified as a possible undercover FBI agent or informant. But no evidence supported that claim and Epps’ own statements to the House committee investigating the attack rebutted it. The New York Times reported in 2021 that confidential records showed that the FBI had an informant in the crowd among the Proud Boys as its members marched to the Capitol. The informant texted his FBI handler during the day. Proud Boys’ defense attorneys claimed in court filings that there may have been eight informants inside the group in the months surrounding the attack. But evidence singled out Proud Boys, not FBI agents, for their actions: In May, a jury found former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and three other members guilty of seditious conspiracy for their role in the day’s events. ![](\\" Supporters of former President Donald Trump try to break through a police barrier at the Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. (AP) Our ruling Higgins said a \"ghost bus ... filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th.\" FBI experts said they were unfamiliar with the term \"ghost bus,\" and cast doubt on the idea that the agency would pack informants onto a bus. Such a scenario would challenge informants’ ability to be inconspicuous and gather information independently. Higgins’ statement furthers the falsehood that FBI agents instigated or orchestrated the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack. Numerous investigations into the day’s events, including a congressional review and federal cases involving 1,200 defendants, many of whom have been found guilty, show the attack was led by and executed by people who believed or perpetuated false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. There has been no credible evidence to support that the violence carried out at the Capitol that day was the work of the FBI. The onus is on Higgins to back up his statement with evidence, and he has failed to do that. We rate this statement False. PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. RELATED: All of our fact-checks about Jan. 6 RELATED: The 2021 Lie of the Year: Lies about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and its significance #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources C-SPAN, Secretary Mayorkas and FBI Director Wray Testify on Global Threats, Part 1, Nov. 15, 2023 Transit Center, Ghost Buses are Haunting Riders Across America, Oct. 31, 2022 WMATA, Tired of being ghosted? Metrobus customers now saved from the frustration of \"ghost buses,\" Dec. 16, 2022 Washingtonian, Goodbye, Ghost Buses, Dec. 16, 2022 Streetsblog Chicago, Here’s the CTA’s explanation for the infuriating \"ghost\" bus and train problem, May 26, 2022 ABC 7, CTA bus tracker \'ghosts\' are frequent issue for riders, agency says it\'s caused by staffing shortage, Oct. 31, 2023 New York Times, F.B.I. Had Informants in Proud Boys, Court Papers Suggest, Nov. 14, 2023 New York Times, Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant, Sept. 25, 2021 AP, Proud Boys’ Tarrio guilty of Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy, May 4, 2023 HuffPost, Clay Higgins Claims ‘Ghost Buses’ Brought FBI Informants To Washington On Jan. 6, Nov. 15, 2023 Yahoo News, Leeds bus operators explain why \'ghost buses\' disappear from digital timetables, Nov. 2, 2023 Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, Final report, Dec. 22, 2022 U.S. Senate committee on homeland security and governmental affairs majority staff report, Planned in Plain sight a review of the intelligence failures in advance of January 6th, 2021, June 2023 Select January 6th Committee, Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection, Dec. 22, 2022 Washington Post, Tough-talking captain in Louisiana sheriff’s office resigns after calling black suspects ‘animals’ in viral video, Feb. 29, 2016 San Antonio Express-News, The Go-To Guy; Stealth cars on patrol, Aug. 2, 2009 FBI media office, Statement to PolitiFact, Nov. 17, 2023 The Washington Post, Tough-talking captain in Louisiana sheriff’s office resigns after calling black suspects ‘animals’ in viral video, Feb. 29, 2016 Graphic Designs International, Why Ghost Police Car Graphics Are Becoming So Popular, June 10, 2021 WUSA 9, Montgomery County Police deploy hard-to-see \'ghost cruisers\' to catch dangerous drivers, July 28, 2023 Newsweek, Proud Boys Attorney Wants to Unmask Informants During Jan. 6 Trial, April 6, 2023 Committee on the Judiciary, Steven D’Antuono, June 7, 2023 U.S. District Court District of Columbia, US vs Nordean et al, Motion to compel all confidential human sources of homeland security April 5, 2023 Justice Department, 34 Months Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol, Nov. 6, 2023 PolitiFact, No, the Capitol insurrection was not staged by antifa, Jan. 8, 2021 PolitiFact, There’s no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. The rumor spread quickly anyway, Jan. 7, 2021 PolitiFact, How new Jan. 6 revelations on Ray Epps, others undercut Tucker Carlson’s FBI conspiracy theory, Jan. 18, 2022 PolitiFact, Ray Epps didn’t tell Congress he orchestrated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack. Here’s what he did say, Jan. 6, 2023 PolitiFact, Tucker Carlson’s conspiracy theory about FBI and Jan. 6 continues to be wrong, Nov. 4, 2021 PolitiFact, Tucker Carlson film falsely claims Jan. 6 is ‘pretext to strip millions’ of ‘constitutional rights,’ Nov. 2, 2021 PolitiFact, Yes, Jan. 6 Capitol assault was an \"armed insurrection,\" Feb. 15, 2021 PolitiFact, Ask PolitiFact: Did Capitol Police let mob of Trump supporters in? Jan. 7, 2021 PolitiFact, The 2021 Lie of the Year: Lies about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and its significance, Dec. 15, 2021 U.S. Attorney’s Office, 34 Months Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol, accessed Nov. 6, 2023 PolitiFact, GOP Texas House candidate repeats false claim that FBI agents instigated Jan. 6 attack on US Capitol, Feb. 7, 2022 C-SPAN, House Homeland Security Hearing on Global Terror Threats, Nov. 15, 2022 The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Capitol rioters feel betrayed by Trump, lawyer says, Jan. 22, 2021 Telephone interview, Mike German, former FBI agent, author and fellow with the Brennan Center for Justice’s Liberty & National Security Program, Nov. 17, 2023 Email interview, Luke William Hunt, associate professor of philosophy at University of Alabama and a former FBI Special Agent in Virginia and Washington, D.C., Nov. 18, 2023 Email interview with Trevor Aaronson, a journalist at The Intercept, Nov. 17, 2023 Email interview, Asha Rangappa, assistant dean and a senior lecturer at Yale University’s Jackson School of Global Affairs and former Special Agent in the New York Division of the FBI, Nov. 20, 2023 The Anti-Defamation League, Three Percenters, accessed Nov. 20, 2023 The Intercept, Trevor Aaronson, accessed Nov. 20, 2023 PolitiFact, A day of crisis at the US Capitol, fact-checked, Jan. 6, 2021 Government Accountability Office, Capitol Attack: Federal Agencies Identified Some Threats, but Did Not Fully Process and Share Information Prior to January 6, 2021, February 2023 The New York Times, Final Report From the Jan. 6 Committee, Dec. 22, 2022 The New York Times, F.B.I. Had Informants in Proud Boys, Court Papers Suggest, Nov. 14, 2022 The New York Times, In Proud Boys Jan. 6 Sedition Trial, F.B.I. Informants Abound, March 24, 2023 The New York Times, Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant, Sept. 25, 2021 PolitiFact, Misinformation and the Jan. 6 insurrection: When ‘patriot warriors’ were fed lies, June 30, 2021 U.S. Justice Department Office of Public Affairs, Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach, June 2, 2023 PolitiFact, What the Jan. 6 hearings revealed about Trump’s actions before and after the Capitol attack, Dec. 9, 2022 NPR, Proud Boys leaders sentenced to a combined 32 years for Jan. 6 riot, Aug. 31, 2023 Clay Higgins Congressional website, Higgins Warns Conservatives Against \"Falling for the trap the DOJ/FBI has set,\" June 11, 2023 KALB, Congressman Clay Higgins asks judge for leniency for Jan. 6 rioter, Nov. 13, 2023 Louisiana Illuminator, Rep. Clay Higgins posts cryptic Tweet after Trump indictment, June 9, 2023 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Madison Czopek ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 13, 2024 in a post on Threads: “ABC lost $27M in ad revenue after advertisers pulled ads from the network after the way they hosted the debate\" on Sept. 10. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • September 15, 2024 ![](\\" logo-black-01/b6cedac93f6e57c68ecc025e5ec29d57.jpg\\") ![](\\" logo-black-01/438dbf066033f99de07598cbcc77ddcb.jpg\\") Threads posts stated on September 12, 2024 in a post on Threads: An image shows Travis Kelce responding to Elon Musk X post that followed Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • September 13, 2024 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on September 3, 2024 in a video posted on X: On June 7, 2011, Kamala Harris was involved in a San Francisco hit-and-run crash that injured a woman named Alicia Brown. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • September 5, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Social Media stated on August 29, 2024 in a post on Instagram: “BREAKING: Illegal Aliens in San Diego, California, tried to hijack 2 school buses filled with children.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • September 4, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: “There’s no such thing as menopause.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • August 30, 2024 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 24, 2024 in an Instagram post: World Economic Forum “document confirms 6 billion humans will die in 2025.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • August 29, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Bob Casey stated on August 22, 2024 in a speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention: “Prices are up because these corporations are scheming to drive them up.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • August 28, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" JD Vance stated on August 16, 2024 in a post on X: “Kamala Harris wants to give $25,000 to illegal aliens to buy American homes.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • August 22, 2024 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 4, 2024 in an Instagram post: “The NFL will now use facial recognition at every stadium to verify the identity of everyone at the game.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • August 16, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 12, 2024 in a post on Facebook: Dr. Leo Ferreira, a cancer researcher shown in a video clip, was on the plane that crashed in Brazil on Aug. 9. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • August 15, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Jesse Watters stated on August 6, 2024 in a segment on \"Jesse Watters Primetime\": Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz “forced schools to stock tampons in boys’ bathrooms.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • August 13, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on August 11, 2024 in a post on Truth Social: Photo of Kamala Harris’ Aug. 7 rally near Detroit was AI-generated and “there was nobody there.” Attendees pictured “didn’t exist.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Madison Czopek • August 12, 2024 ![](\\" ![](\\" Kamala Harris stated on July 27, 2024 in a post on X: Video shows that “JD Vance endorses Project 2025.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • July 31, 2024 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on July 22, 2024 in a post on X: The death of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, six days after the Trump rally shooting was linked to her “oversight of the Secret Service.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • July 24, 2024 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on July 21, 2024 in a post on Instagram: “The state of Washington has already sent out their ballots” for the 2024 presidential election. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • July 23, 2024 ### Why a Republican\'s claim about ‘ghost buses’ of FBI informants on Jan. 6 is dubious * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 13, 2024 in a post: Vice President Kamala Harris’ college professors disparaged her as their “worst student.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 17, 2024 in a post: Photo shows Kamala Harris posing beside Sean “Diddy” Combs. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Sara Swann • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 18, 2024 in Instagram posts: “BREAKING: Police found ‘explosives’ in car near former President Donald Trump’s rally site on Long Island.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Sofia Ahmed • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Dave McCormick stated on September 13, 2024 in an X post: Charleroi, Pennsylvania, “has grown by 2,000% due to an influx in migrants.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Caleb McCullough • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 13, 2024 in una publicación en Facebook: \"El gran respaldo de Taylor Swift\" a Kamala Harris \"le cuesta $125 millones en acuerdos de marca\". ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Maria Briceño • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Threads posts stated on September 16, 2024 in an Instagram post: Taylor Swift “lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Kari Lake stated on September 13, 2024 in a post on X: Rep. Ruben Gallego’s “first act in Congress was to propose legislation to BAN the use of the term ‘illegal alien.’” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Mia Osmonbekov • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Sherrod Brown stated on September 4, 2024 in a TV interview: Of Bernie Moreno, “Now, he’s arguing for a national abortion ban, no exceptions.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Caleb McCullough • September 19, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 16, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Country Music Television (CMT) has announced a permanent boycott of Taylor Swift.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 18, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 11, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Disney World officially moving to Nashville.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 18, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. Become a member! 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A ghost bus filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th
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Video Player is loading. 00:58 PlaySkip BackwardSkip Forward Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration 0:00 Loaded: 0% Stream Type LIVE Seek to live, currently behind liveLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 1x Playback Rate Chapters * Chapters Descriptions * descriptions off, selected Captions * captions and subtitles off, selected Audio Track Picture-in-PictureFullscreencc This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window. TextColorWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanOpacityOpaqueSemi- TransparentText BackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanOpacityOpaqueSemi- TransparentTransparentCaption Area BackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanOpacityTransparentSemi- TransparentOpaque Font Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDrop shadowFont FamilyProportional Sans- SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional SerifMonospace SerifCasualScriptSmall Caps ResetDone Close Modal Dialog End of dialog window. FBI Director Spars With Clay Higgins Over January 6 Conspiracy Theories By Katherine Fung Senior Writer FOLLOW 48 __ Share ______________ Copy Link ✓ Link copied to clipboard! The Republican chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security cut off his GOP colleague during a Wednesday hearing as Representative Clay Higgins hammered FBI Director Christopher Wray with questions about a Capitol Riot conspiracy theory. Higgins, a former law enforcement officer, has appeared and spoken at events organized by anti-government militia groups and been a vocal proponent of the theory that federal agencies have attempted to arrest conservatives by provoking events like the Capitol Riot. Representative Mark Green, who heads the committee, reminded Higgins to wrap up his line of questioning after Representative Glenn Ivey, a Democrat on the panel, pointed out the Louisiana Republican had gone over his allotted time. Green told Ivey he had allowed even some of the Democrats on the committee to go slightly over their time, and would allow Higgins to do the same. However, he still nudged his colleague to finish his remarks. ![\\"Republican](\\" colleague-conspiracy-theory.jpg?w=1200&f=6868f915e7cee7076a29a18da6e85e5e\\") Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Representative Mark Green speaks as Representative Clay Higgins looks on during a news conference on Capitol Hill on June 14, 2023 in Washington, DC. Green asked Higgins to... Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Representative Mark Green speaks as Representative Clay Higgins looks on during a news conference on Capitol Hill on June 14, 2023 in Washington, DC. Green asked Higgins to be mindful of his time during a Wednesday hearing when Higgins was sparring with FBI Director Christopher Wray. More Drew Angerer/Getty Images \"I\'ve been very fair in letting people finish their questioning, throughout my tenure as chairman, and I\'ll continue to be fair on that regard, but I will make a note to the members if you could stay as close within your time as possible, we have a lot of people that want to ask these gentlemen questions,\" Green told the committee. When Higgins asked to make a closing statement about his allegations that the FBI orchestrated the January 6, 2021, Capitol Riot, Green said to him, \"No, I think your time is expired,\" before allowing Higgins to make a final comment. Green\'s office told Newsweek that the chairman has been consistent in applying this approach to all members of the committee and offered a breakdown of how much time he has allowed each member to conclude their remarks. Representative Dan Bishop, a Republican, went over the most, at 1 minute and 15 seconds over the allotted 5 minutes, while Representative Lou Correa, a Democrat, came second at 54 seconds over the allotted time. Read more * GOP Congressman calls out Republicans defending Donald Trump * Armed Republicans were ready for Jan. 6 rioters: Marjorie Taylor Greene * Republican declares \"war phase\" reached after Trump indictment Newsweek reached out to Higgins via email for comment. Before Higgins was interrupted, the Republican was asking Wray about the FBI\'s involvement in the riot, accusing the bureau of sending \"ghost buses\" to the Capitol on January 6 that were filled with informants pretending to be supporters of former President Donald Trump. \"These buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters and deployed onto our capitol on January 6th,\" Higgins told Wray in his final comments. \"Your day is coming.\" When asked about whether the FBI planted people in the crowd that day, Wray vehemently denied the accusations, saying, \"If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on January 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and/or agents, the answer is emphatically no!\" Higgins asked Wray if he knew what \"ghost buses\" were, describing them to be \"common in law enforcement\" and explaining them as \"vehicles used for secret purposes.\" Wray appeared before the House committee as part of the Wednesday hearing titled, \"Worldwide Threats to the Homeland.\" Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and National Counterterrorism Center Director Christine Abizaid also appeared before the panel. ![\\"\\"](\\" ## fairness meter ## fairness meter Newsweek is committed to journalism that\'s factual and fair. 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She is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and obtained her Master\'s degree from New York University. You can get in touch with Katherine by emailing Languages: English. Katherine Fung is a Newsweek reporter based in New York City. Her focus is reporting on U.S. and world politics. ... Read more To read how Newsweek uses AI as a newsroom tool, Click here. Loading... 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A ghost bus filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th
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Skip Navigation The New Republic The New Republic * LATEST * BREAKING NEWS * POLITICS * CLIMATE * CULTURE * MAGAZINE * NEWSLETTERS * PODCASTS * GAMES The New Republic The New Republic The New Republic The New Republic The New Republic * LATEST * BREAKING NEWS * POLITICS * CLIMATE * CULTURE * MAGAZINE * NEWSLETTERS * PODCASTS * GAMES The New Republic The New Republic The New Republic Breaking News Breaking News from Washington and beyond Tori Otten/ November 16, 2023/1:03 a.m. ET Share This Story # Republicans Have a New January 6 Conspiracy Theory: Deep State “Ghost Buses” ## During a House hearing, Representative Clay Higgins wouldn’t stop talking about the “nefarious” ghost buses. ![\\"Representative](\\"//\\") Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images Representative Clay Higgins on Wednesday resurrected the conspiracy theory that the FBI was behind the January 6 attack, but he added a fun new twist: “ghost buses.” FBI Director Christopher Wray appeared before the House Homeland Security Committee to testify about global threats. During the hearing, Higgins brought up the conspiracy theory that the January 6 insurrection was started by FBI agents posing as Donald Trump supporters. Although Wray said that was “emphatically not” the case, Higgins kept pushing. “Do you know what a ‘ghost vehicle’ is, Director? You’re director of the FBI, you certainly should. You know what a ‘ghost bus’ is?” the Louisiana Republican asked. When Wray said he didn’t, Higgins explained: “It’s a vehicle that’s used for secret purposes. It’s painted over,” he said, showing a photo of buses parked at Union Station in Washington, D.C., the night before the attack. Higgins insisted that two of the buses had their windows completely painted over and were therefore ghost buses. “These buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters, deployed onto our capital on January 6,” he said. “Your day is coming, Mr. Wray.” > Wray: If you are asking whether the violence the Capitol on Jan 6th was part > of some operation orchestrated by operatives/sources, the answer is > noHiggins: Do you know what a ghost bus is? These are nefarious in nature > and were filled FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters > > > — Acyn (@Acyn) November 15, 2023 Republicans have repeatedly insisted that FBI agents and informants were secretly behind the insurrection, so that they don’t have to admit that Trump and his supporters were responsible. This claim has been repeatedly debunked by the FBI and by people arrested in connection with the riot. Hundreds of people arrested for participating in the January 6 attack said they went to Washington because they felt Trump had personally told them to. Others who were smeared as FBI agents, such as Capitol rioter Ray Epps, have testified that they were not connected to any law enforcement agencies. Share This Story More on January 6: The Ordinary Americans Who Beat the FBI at Finding January 6 Rioters Tori Otten/ November 16, 2023/12:10 a.m. ET Share This Story ## Dissent Is Growing: Five More Congressmen Demand Cease-Fire in Gaza ### Dozens of members of Congress are calling on Joe Biden to push for a cease-fire amid Israel’s war on Gaza. ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Drew Angerer/Getty Images Demonstrators rally to demand a cease-fire near the Capitol on October 18 in a rally organized by Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Slowly but surely, the calls in Congress for a cease-fire are growing, as five more representatives on Wednesday urged an end to fighting in Gaza. Representative Don Beyer released a statement calling for a cease-fire. Shortly after, Representatives Raul Grijalva, Henry Johnson, Mark Pocan, and Mary Gay Scanlon added their names to a joint letter to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, also calling for peace. “Without an immediate cessation of hostilities and the establishment of a robust bilateral ceasefire, this war will lead to a further loss of civilian life and risk dragging the United States into dangerous and unwise conflict with armed groups across the Middle East,” the letter urged. A total of 31 lawmakers have now called for a cease-fire. Beyer, Grijalva, Johnson, Pocan, and Scanlon join 26 other representatives and just one senator, Dick Durbin. Congress has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of public support for a cease- fire. Democrats reportedly are telling their staff to let calls from voters go to voicemail while the party forms an official opinion. Biden has so far resisted calls for a cease-fire, though, telling reporters last week that there was “no possibility” of one. Israel has agreed to a daily four-hour “humanitarian pause,” which Tel Aviv seems to think is enough time for civilians to flee bombs on foot. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also participated in a March for Israel rally on Tuesday. One of the speakers was far-right evangelical Pastor John Hagee, a known antisemite who once claimed Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who last month suggested that civilians in Gaza are legitimate targets, also attended the rally. More than 11,100 Palestinian civilians, more than half of them children, have been killed in Israel’s ongoing retaliation to Hamas’s October 7 attack. The fighting has also killed at least 39 journalists and other media workers and more than 100 United Nations employees. Share This Story More on Palestine: Once, There Was Hope in Gaza. I’d Like to Think There Can Be Again. Most Recent Post Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling/ November 15, 2023/11:36 p.m. ET Share This Story ## Markwayne Mullin Threatens to Bite His Next Victim ### The Oklahoma senator is making no apologies for threatening to fight the Teamsters president in the middle of a hearing. ![\\"Senator](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Drew Angerer/Getty Images Senator Markwayne Mullin is apparently out for blood in his ongoing feud with a union boss. The freshman congressman has taken to conservative political talk shows, refusing to give up a fight he had sparked with International Brotherhood of Teamsters President Sean O’Brien, a Senate committee witness, during a Tuesday hearing. On one show, Mullin claimed that he “wasn’t afraid of biting” O’Brien if the moment called for it. “I’ll bite 100 percent. In a fight, I’m gonna bite. I’ll do anything. I’m not above it. And I don’t care where I bite by the way,” Mullin, a former mixed martial arts fighter, told podcast host Kyle Thompson on Wednesday’s episode of _Undaunted.Life_. > Markwayne Mullin: And by the way, I’m not afraid of biting. I will bite.Q: > Biting?Mullin: I’ll bite 100%. In a fight, I’m gonna bite. I’ll do anything. > I’m not above it. And I don’t care where I bite by the way. > > > — danny (@dabbs346) November 15, 2023 From Mullin’s perspective, these altercations are a part of representing the people of Oklahoma. In an interview with Fox’s _Hannity_ on Tuesday evening, Mullin claimed his constituents would be “pretty upset” with him for failing to represent “Oklahoma values.” > Mullin says if he didn’t challenge Senate witnesses to fist fights, the > people of Oklahoma would be upset with him > > — Acyn (@Acyn) November 15, 2023 While consensual fighting, also known as mutual combat, is a legal pathway for conflict resolution in some areas of the country like Texas and Washington state, it’s not in D.C., where Mullin and O’Brien would more likely be charged with assault and battery. It’s also a strange method of conflict resolution in the middle of a Senate hearing. Mullin hasn’t given up hope that there might still be precedent on Capitol Hill, however. “We looked into the rules. You used to be able to cane. You gotta remember, President Andrew Jackson challenged nine guys to a duel and won nine times,” Mullin told Newsmax’s Carl Higbie. “And so at the end of the day, there is presence [sic] for it, if that’s what someone wants to do,” Mullin added. > Question: Are there any actual senate rules— could you guys go bare > knuckle?Mullin: We looked into the rules. You used to be able to cane. > Andrew Jackson challenged 9 guys to a duel.. And so at the end of the day, > there is presence for it > > — Acyn (@Acyn) November 14, 2023 The fight began Tuesday during a Senate committee hearing, when Mullin read aloud social media posts that O’Brien had made about the Oklahoma Republican online, including snubbing him as a “clown” and a “fraud,” though the initial confrontation ended abruptly after Senator Bernie Sanders scolded the pair. Share This Story More on Politics: Trump’s Desperate Legal Team Files for Mistrial in Fraud Case Most Recent Post Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling/ November 15, 2023/10:39 p.m. ET Share This Story ## Texas House Passes One of the Most Hard-Line Immigration Bills in the Country ### Among other things, the bill would empower Texas to order undocumented immigrants back to Mexico (no matter where they’re from). ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Jordan Vonderhaar/Bloomberg/Getty Images Layers of razor wire along the Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass, Texas The Texas House of Representatives approved a set of the most extreme anti- immigration bills in the nation on Tuesday, so extreme in fact that they could potentially lead to an international dispute with Mexico. The first bill, Senate Bill 3, appropriates $1.5 billion in border funding and would effectively make crossing the Texas-Mexico border a state crime. The second bill, Senate Bill 4, creates a new state misdemeanor for immigrants who enter or reenter the state illegally, with violations of the new crimes punishable by up to two years. But that’s not the only controversial part of the bill, which, if signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, will give local and state police the authority to arrest immigrants who they suspect of having unlawfully crossed into the state, rather than federal agencies. Officers would also be allowed to transport immigrants to U.S. ports of entry for compliance. Should immigrants fail to comply, they could be slapped with a second-degree felony, punishable by up to 20 years in prison, according to the bill. S.B. 4 will also allow judges the ability to order undocumented immigrants to return to Mexico in lieu of prosecution, regardless of the country they are actually from. The bill additionally includes financial provisions to send state troopers to patrol a housing development near Houston that far-right media has lambasted as a haven for undocumented immigrants, reported _The Texas Tribune_ _._ In an effort to dampen the blow of the extreme legislation, Democrats proposed dozens of amendments to the bill, including language that would exclude immigrant children, human trafficking victims, and sexual assault victims, reported the outlet. None of those amendments were adopted. Opponents to the bill, which emerged as part of a fourth round of a special immigration-focused legislative session ordered by the governor, have criticized S.B. 4 and its proponents as racist. “There is no U.S. federal analog to a lone officer in their own discretion escorting someone to the border and saying get out,” David Donatti, a senior staff attorney with the Texas ACLU, told ABC News. “That is a very scary prospect that is categorically different from what the federal government does. In addition to that, in the federal system people would be able to present their claims to an immigration officer and an immigration judge.” The bill is now on its way to Abbott’s desk, where it will almost undoubtedly be signed into law. Share This Story More on Immigration: House Republicans Introduce Bill to Expel Palestinians From the Country Most Recent Post Tori Otten/ November 15, 2023/9:13 p.m. ET Share This Story ## Trump’s Desperate Legal Team Files for Mistrial in Fraud Case ### When all else fails ... ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Jabin Botsford/Pool/Getty Images Donald Trump’s New York business fraud case is going so badly for him that the former president is now throwing any strategy at the wall to see what sticks. Trump’s lawyers requested a mistrial on Wednesday, accusing presiding Judge Arthur Engoron and his law clerk of behavior that undermines the trial’s fairness. “This appearance of bias threatens both Defendants’ rights and the integrity of the judiciary as an institution,” the filing said. “Only the grant of a mistrial can salvage what is left of the rule of law.” Trump’s attorneys took particular issue with Allison Greenfield, the law clerk who has repeatedly blocked Trump’s attempt to slow the trial. They said she had been given an inappropriately prominent role in the trial, despite the fact that Greenfield is a trained lawyer. Law clerks also usually do most of the research for a trial and draft court orders, which the judge then signs. Trump’s lawyers also accused Engoron of sharing newspaper stories about the case in a newsletter linked to the high school where he graduated. It will be up to Engoron to decide whether to grant a mistrial, which seems highly unlikely. The judge has made clear he intends to suffer no fools during this trial. He has already slapped Trump and Trump’s lawyers with multiple gag orders, after they repeatedly attacked Engoron and Greenfield both in court and on social media. The ongoing trial is really just to set damages. The New York attorney general accused Trump, his sons Don Jr. and Eric, the Trump Organization, and other company executives of fraudulently inflating the value of various real estate assets to get more favorable terms on bank loans. Engoron determined in September that Trump committed fraud. Engoron ordered that all Trump’s New York business certificates be canceled, making it nearly impossible to do business in the state and effectively killing the Trump Organization. _This article has been updated. _ Share This Story More on the fraud trial: Trump’s Idiot Lawyers Just Shared Faulty Evidence in Fraud Trial Most Recent Post Tori Otten/ November 15, 2023/8:59 p.m. ET Share This Story ## Mike Johnson’s New Chief of Staff Has Ties to a Dangerous Far-Right Group ### Ruth Ward, the new House speaker’s chief of staff, may be more extreme than her boss. ![\\"Mike](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Drew Angerer/Getty Images House Speaker Mike Johnson has hired a new chief of staff, and she’s just as extreme as he is. Ruth Ward worked with Johnson from 2017 to the end of 2022, first as his director of scheduling and then as his director of operations. She left his office in December and joined the conservative Christian lobbying group Family Policy Alliance as its director of government affairs. Ward was at FPA for more than nine months when Johnson called her back to be his chief of staff. But even in her relatively short time there, she pushed multiple false and dangerous conservative talking points. In mid-October, Ward wrote a statement for FPA opposing the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s new proposed policy to require that people be addressed by their preferred pronouns in the workplace. Ward somehow accused the EEOC of making it easier for people to sexually harass their colleagues with the policy. “Harassment should be taken seriously in the workplace. But this proposal only distracts from these goals and puts women, minors in the workplace, and people of conviction and faith at risk,” Ward said in the statement. Ward also hosted a podcast episode during which her guest said that being asked to call someone by their preferred pronouns “poses some significant problems with respect to the First Amendment of the Constitution.” “The First Amendment says you have a right to free speech, and that means you cannot be compelled to speak official government orthodoxy with your own lips,” Roger Severino, the vice president of domestic policy at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told Ward. Ward has accused the government of “trans-ing children,” or forcing kids to transition. She has insisted that babies can be “born alive” during abortions, which is not true and medically inaccurate. She has also urged pharmacies not to dispense the abortion medication mifepristone, saying it was a “health and safety threat to women and their children.” There have been hundreds of studies proving mifepristone is safe to take. Ward also called pregnancy resource centers an “irreplaceable part of our community.” In reality, crisis pregnancy centers are clinics set up to pressure people not to get abortions. The New Republic contacted Johnson’s office for comment, but they had not responded by the time of publication. It’s unsurprising that Johnson called Ward back to lead his team. They appear to share many of the same values: Johnson opposes abortion and openly espouses Christian nationalist beliefs. Johnson also blatantly rejects expressions of LGBTQ gender identity. Before entering politics, he worked with a group that promotes conversion therapy and the criminalization of gay sex, and Johnson even blamed sexual orientation for the fall of the Roman Empire. When Johnson tapped Ward for his new chief of staff, the FPA congratulated her in a statement. “We look forward to working with her and Speaker Johnson in the days ahead to advance social conservative values in this Congress,” FPA President Craig DeRoche said. The FPA actively promotes conversion therapy, which it describes as “basic talk therapy to resolve unwanted same-sex attraction.” The organization insists that conversion therapy is “nothing more than traditional counseling methods,” and has warned the government will take your child away just because you tried to help them get rid of these unwanted feelings. In reality, conversion therapy is a dangerous practice that can involve “violent role play, reenactment of past abuses, and exercises involving nudity and intimate touching,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. It has been “discredited by virtually all major American medical, psychiatric, psychological, and professional counseling organizations.” The FPA has helped successfully block bans on conversion therapy in nearly half the country. Now that Ward leads his staff, groups such as the FPA will have a direct line to Johnson. And given Johnson’s own background, it’s highly likely that he will be only too happy to listen. Share This Story More on Mike Johnson: Why Is Mike Johnson Flying a Christian Nationalist Flag Outside His Office? Most Recent Post Tori Otten/ November 15, 2023/8:53 p.m. ET Share This Story ## Meta Is About to Royally Screw Up The Next Election ### A new report shows Meta is already helping spread election lies on Facebook and Instagram. ![\\"Mark](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images Facebook parent company Meta is allowing political ads on its platforms that promote the false belief that the 2020 election was rigged, a move that could destroy the upcoming vote in 2024. A Wall Street Journal __ report on Wednesday revealed that Meta actually made the change in 2022. Facebook and Instagram will now allow political ads that say past elections were “rigged” or “stolen,” although they are not allowed to claim that ongoing or upcoming elections are fraudulent. Meta executives “made the decision based on free-speech considerations after weighing past U.S. elections in which the results might have been contested by a portion of the electorate,” the Journal reported, citing anonymous sources familiar with the move. The main vote in question is the 2020 election, which former President Donald Trump insists he won. The problem, of course, is that while a portion of the electorate may have contested the vote, there was absolutely no fraud found whatsoever. Trump and his allies repeatedly contested the 2020 results, filing legal challenges and demanding recounts in battleground states. Every lawsuit was ultimately dismissed, and none of the recounts found any issues with the results. Meta’s decision means that politicians will be able to straight-up lie to voters on two of the most popular social media platforms. Trump has already taken advantage of the policy change. In August, he ran a campaign ad on Facebook that claimed, “We won in 2016. We had a rigged election in 2020 but got more votes than any sitting president.” Both of his claims in the second sentence have been disproven multiple times. But this ad was in line with Meta’s new policy. It should go without saying that Meta’s decision is dangerous. Hiding behind the justification of “free speech” does not change that. Completely unmoderated free speech causes a rush of disinformation, which many people are only too happy to believe. That disinformation can lead to very real offline consequences, from politically motivated violence to the installation of an authoritarian government. And Meta is apparently willing to help contribute to that. Share This Story More on Tech: Silicon Valley’s Big A.I. Dreams Are Headed for a Copyright Crash Most Recent Post Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling/ November 15, 2023/8:43 p.m. ET Share This Story ## Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Awkward Civics Lesson on House Floor ### Representative Rosa DeLauro gave the Georgia representative what she called a “basic lesson in civics.” ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Alex Wong/Getty Images Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene It’s never too late to learn civics—even if you’re antagonizing other members of Congress on the House floor, apparently. Shortly after a vote on the House’s stopgap spending bill, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene got another awkward lesson about the U.S. political system. “My Democratic colleague across the aisle who is 80 years old and has been here over 30 years just said we’re on the verge of a shutdown,” Greene said, taking a jab at Connecticut Representative Rosa DeLauro. “She probably just forgot that a few hours ago she voted for the continuing resolution that will extend the budget, and we are not on the verge of a shutdown,” Greene added. But DeLauro didn’t take the provocation lying down, instead taking the opportunity to educate the Georgia lawmaker that there is another half of Congress that will exercise its own judgment over the stopgap bill—with just three days before the government is scheduled to shut down. “It may be that the gentlelady doesn’t know that there is another body attached to the U.S. Congress called the United States Senate, and they have to vote on the continuing resolution,” DeLauro whipped back. “And when they vote on it, we’ll find out what it is that they do with regard to this continuing resolution passed by the House, which quite frankly is flawed to a fare thee well.” House Republicans spent the better part of October ousting their own speaker and subsequently wasting weeks trying to find a replacement, rather than working to prevent the looming government shutdown. DeLauro then went on to argue the current spending bill, proposed by the House GOP, fails to meet U.S. obligations “both domestic and international.” “And by the way, there isn’t a law of the land until the president of the United States signs it. That may be a basic lesson in civics. There is the House, there is the Senate, and there is the president,” DeLauro quipped. > Greene: My colleague who is 80 years old just said we’re on the verge of a > shutdown. She probably just forgot she voted for the CR,we are not on the > verge of a shutdown.DeLauro: What the gentlelady doesn’t know is there is > another body attached to the Congress called the Senate > > > — Acyn (@Acyn) November 15, 2023 Greene was also fact-checked earlier this month when she lumped Confederate General Robert E. Lee into her defense of a bill that would prevent the removal of federal statues and monuments depicting the Founding Fathers. Share This Story More on Politics: Eric Adams’s Entanglements With Turkey Mark a New Level of Kleptocracy Most Recent Post Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling/ November 15, 2023/3:33 a.m. ET Share This Story ## Uh-Oh: Giuliani’s “Biden Sources” Charged With Being Putin Agents ### The Ukrainian officials Rudy Giuliani used to investigate Joe Biden were just charged with treason. ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Joe Raedle/Getty Images Ukraine’s Security Service notified Rudy Giuliani’s top Ukrainian allies on Monday that they are suspects of treason, citing evidence that the officials participated in activities aiding Russian President Vladimir Putin. A Ukrainian member of parliament, Oleksandr Dubinsky, ex-Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach, and ex-prosecutor Kostyantyn Kulyk are suspected of joining an organization founded by chief members of Russia’s Military Intelligence while Giuliani worked to dig up dirt on President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in 2019, according to a statement. The organization received more than $10 million from the Russian Federation to “discredit” Ukraine on the international stage. “It is established that on the instructions of the Russian special services, it organized events to discredit the image of Ukraine in the international arena in order to worsen diplomatic relations with the United States and complicate Ukraine’s accession to the European Union and NATO,” the State Investigative Bureau said in a statement. Dubinsky, who is also suspected of spreading misinformation about Ukraine’s political leadership, will be detained for 60 days, or until January 12, 2024, reported Reuters. Dubinsky was not named in the charging document but was identified as the subject of the remand by other lawmakers, according to the outlet. Giuliani met with Dubinsky and Derkach in Kyiv in December 2019 as part of his “documentary series” with One America News Network on election meddling, hoping to discredit the presidential election results. A former Ukrainian presidential adviser, Igor Novikov, told Time in 2021 that he believed “Mayor Giuliani’s actions in Ukraine threatened our national security” and that the country should not allow efforts to “drag our country into our allies’ domestic politics” to go “unpunished.” Giuliani and Trump have both pleaded not guilty in the criminal trial charging them and 16 others with attempting to overturn the 2020 election. Share This Story More on World News: Eric Adams’s Entanglements With Turkey Mark a New Level of Kleptocracy Most Recent Post Tori Otten/ November 15, 2023/1:30 a.m. ET Share This Story ## James Comer Melts Down Over Report He Did the Exact Same Thing as Joe Biden ### “You look like a Smurf,” the House Oversight chair desperately yelled, hoping to change the subject. ![\\"House](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%22768%22%20height%3D%22512%22%20xmlns%3D%22 Drew Angerer/Getty Images House Oversight Chair James Comer Representative James Comer had a complete meltdown Tuesday when asked about loans he appears to have given his brother. Comer has insisted for months that Joe Biden is guilty of corruption, most recently citing a check the president gave his brother Jim Biden in 2018. But last week, a Daily Beast report revealed that Comer and his own brother have engaged in multiple land swaps over the years through family-owned businesses that do not appear to actually exist. When Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz asked Comer about the loans during a House hearing Tuesday, Comer grew incensed. “I’ve never loaned my brother one penny,” Comer said, calling the story “completely false.” Comer also said it was “bullshit” that the story said he owned a shell company. As he continued to deny that he had loaned his brother money or that his family had engaged in shady business dealings, he grew more heated. “You look like a Smurf here, just going around and stuff!” he yelled at Moskowitz. “You continue to spew disinformation!” As Moskowitz shouted questions, specifically why voters should believe Comer, the Kentucky Republican yelled over him. He told the Democrat to go to Comer’s district and see all the land Comer owns for himself. At one point, Comer said, “You’ve already been proven a liar, Mr. Moskowitz!” “Who’s proven me a liar—you? Your word means nothing!” Moskowitz shot back. Moskowitz then challenged Comer to sit for a deposition about the loan. Comer said he would be happy to sit down with Hunter and Jim Biden. Before the hearing returned to its original agenda, Moskowitz delivered a parting shot. “We believe everything in the media, like when you go on Fox News and say things—and everyone says that they’re true—with innuendos and ifs and maybes, the Biden family, the crime family, all this nonsense,” he said. “But when it happens to you, it’s fake news.” “There should be the same standard. You said at the beginning of this year, the Biden administration can’t have it both ways. Neither can you, Mr. Chairman!” Share This Story More on Politics: Here’s How a Joe Manchin Candidacy Helps Biden View More Posts Read More: Politics, Law, Supreme Court, Constitution, Foreign Policy, Health Care, Economic Inequality, Taxes, Washington * BREAKING NEWS * POLITICS * CLIMATE * CULTURE * MAGAZINE * PODCASTS * GAMES * Events * Travel * Bookstore * Donate * Advertise * FAQ * Press * Jobs * Submissions * * * * * * * * * Subscribe to _The New Republic_ * Sign Up for Our Newsletters * Terms and Conditions * Privacy Policy * Cookies Settings * Copyright 2024 © The New Republic. All rights reserved. ![\\"The](\\" logo.png\\"/) ## Privacy Preference Center * ### Your Privacy * ### Targeting Cookies * ### Functional Cookies * ### Performance Cookies * ### Strictly Necessary Cookies #### Your Privacy When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. 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A ghost bus filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th
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Then Police Started Digging. ![\\"\\"](\\" ### John Amos\' Cause Of Death Revealed Amid Public Clashes Between His Children ![\\"\\"](\\" ### After The Deluge, The Lies: Misinformation And Hoaxes About Helene Cloud The Recovery ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Trump Made Another Joke About Supporter Killed At Pennsylvania Rally: Report ![\\"\\"](\\" ### \'I Don\'t Think It\'s Sunk In\': The Town Hurricane Helene Almost Wiped Off The Map ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Trump Rallies At Same Pennsylvania Grounds Where Gunman Tried To Assassinate Him Log InSupport Us Go to Homepage Clay Higgins Claims ‘Ghost Buses’ Brought FBI Informants To Washington On Jan. 6 Support Us Politicsjan 6clay higgins # Clay Higgins Claims ‘Ghost Buses’ Brought FBI Informants To Washington On Jan. 6 The paranormal vehicles are a new conspiracy theory about the Justice Department’s alleged involvement in the Capitol riot. ![\\"Arthur](\\" By Arthur Delaney Senior Reporter, HuffPost Nov 15, 2023, 03:27 PM EST LEAVE A COMMENT LOADINGERROR LOADING ![\\"\\"](\\" WASHINGTON — Mysterious white buses unloaded dozens of FBI informants near the Capitol on the morning of Jan. 6, according to a new conspiracy theory from Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.). During a hearing with FBI director Christopher Wray on Wednesday, Higgins displayed a picture from inside the Union Station parking garage on Jan. 6 and asked if Wray was familiar with ghost buses. Advertisement “A ghost bus?” Wray said. “I’m not sure I’ve used that term before.” Higgins, an Army veteran and former police officer, said ghost vehicles are used for “secret purposes.” He pointed to the picture of buses in the garage and noted they were painted “completely white,” as though that were an unusual way for buses to look. “These buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed unto our Capitol on Jan. 6,” Higgins said. “Your day is coming, Mr. Wray.” The ghost buses are the latest distraction from and excuse for the attack on the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump. Higgins and other Republicans have suggested the attack has been used as a pretext for the persecution of Trump and his followers. More than 1,200 people have been arrested and charged with federal crimes for their actions that day, according to the Department of Justice, including more than 400 charged with assaulting or interfering with police. The riot was part of Trump’s unsuccessful effort to nullify his loss in the 2020 presidential election, for which Trump has been charged with multiple felonies. Advertisement In an alternate reality — one that surfaces in Capitol Hill hearing rooms every few months when someone from the Justice Department testifies — FBI provocateurs tricked the legion of Trump supporters into ransacking the Capitol. Wray has offered a similar response each time. “If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and/or agents, the answer is emphatically no,” Wray told Higgins Wednesday. Even among people steeped in conspiracy theories about Jan. 6, the ghost buses are new. Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss..), the former co-chair of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, said he had never heard of them. “In all our work, we never even came across that term,” Thompson told HuffPost, adding that he had never even heard someone claim there was a bus full of FBI informants. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), chairman of a House subcommittee investigating alleged deficiencies of Thompson’s investigation, also said he’d never heard of ghost buses. He initially thought a reporter was asking about “Ghostbusters,” the movie franchise. Advertisement Loudermilk said he believed there were “federal agents” in plain clothes present on Jan. 6 because that’s normal practice for law enforcement during any large political protest. His only question was whether they were present before help had been requested by the Capitol Police and what information had prompted them to attend. But Loudermilk said he cautions his staff to disprove theories rather than prove them so they don’t deceive themselves. “If you seek to prove a theory true, you will, 100% the time, because you will discredit any evidence contrary to your political theory,” Loudermilk said. (Steven D’Antuono, the former assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, told lawmakers in June, in a closed-door deposition, that he had not assigned any FBI agents to attend the protest that day. He said any FBI informants who attended only did so of their own volition and that the bureau used information from its sources to try to discourage potential domestic terrorists from coming to Washington.) > ““These buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants > dressed as Trump supporters deployed unto our Capitol on Jan. 6\"” > > \- Clay Higgins (R-La.) Advertisement Lawmakers may be unfamiliar with the ghost buses because Higgins has kept his investigation private, the Louisiana Republican told HuffPost. “I can tell you that I have extensive evidence about those two vehicles,” Higgins said, adding that the buses were seen unloading military-age men with muscular physiques, who looked like police officers even though they were dressed like Trump supporters, and the buses were abandoned in the garage. When asked if he was saying the FBI’s bus passengers orchestrated the attack on the Capitol, Higgins wouldn’t go there. #### Support Free Journalism Consider supporting HuffPost starting at $2 to help us provide free, quality journalism that puts people first. Can\'t afford to contribute? Support HuffPost by creating a free account and log in while you read. Thank you for your past contribution to HuffPost. We are sincerely grateful for readers like you who help us ensure that we can keep our journalism free for everyone. The stakes are high this year, and our 2024 coverage could use continued support. Would you consider becoming a regular HuffPost contributor? Thank you for your past contribution to HuffPost. We are sincerely grateful for readers like you who help us ensure that we can keep our journalism free for everyone. The stakes are high this year, and our 2024 coverage could use continued support. We hope you\'ll consider contributing to HuffPost once more. Support HuffPost Already contributed? Log in to hide these messages. “They orchestrated what they orchestrated and don’t put words in my mouth,” Higgins said, explaining that the FBI infiltrated groups of people who met online to complain about coronavirus restrictions in 2020. “I’ve turned a lot of this evidence over to the appropriate authorities, and we’ll see what happens,” Higgins said. “When we get Trump back in the White House, these guys are in a bind.” Advertisement #### Support Free Journalism Consider supporting HuffPost starting at $2 to help us provide free, quality journalism that puts people first. Can\'t afford to contribute? Support HuffPost by creating a free account and log in while you read. Thank you for your past contribution to HuffPost. We are sincerely grateful for readers like you who help us ensure that we can keep our journalism free for everyone. The stakes are high this year, and our 2024 coverage could use continued support. Would you consider becoming a regular HuffPost contributor? Thank you for your past contribution to HuffPost. We are sincerely grateful for readers like you who help us ensure that we can keep our journalism free for everyone. The stakes are high this year, and our 2024 coverage could use continued support. We hope you\'ll consider contributing to HuffPost once more. Support HuffPost Already contributed? Log in to hide these messages. ## Related jan 6clay higgins ### Trump Can Stay On Michigan Ballot As Judge Rejects Insurrection Argument ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Clay Higgins Insists He Was Trying To Calm Trump Supporters Down, Not Rile Them Up ![\\"\\"](\\" ### GOP Rep. Clay Higgins Manhandles Activist At Press Conference ![\\"\\"](\\" ### I Defended The Capitol On January 6. 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A ghost bus filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed onto our Capitol on January 6th
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You lose 27000 people to the common flu
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One way he did that was to liken the coronavirus to the flu, even though he told Woodward in early February that the coronavirus was far more lethal. In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump misleadingly contrasted the total deaths of an entire flu season with very preliminary numbers for the coronavirus. In a Jan. 28 intelligence briefing, Woodward writes in “Rage,” National Security Adviser Robert C. O’Brien told Trump that the virus would be the “biggest national security threat” he would face. In taped interviews, Trump underscored to Woodward just how deadly the disease could be. In a Feb. 7 conversation, Trump told Woodward, “This is deadly stuff,” adding that it might be five times more lethal than the flu. Trump said, “It’s also more deadly than your – you know, your, even your strenuous flus.” Yet, as we have written, from Jan. 22 through March, Trump constantly minimized the danger of the disease. He often did so by comparing it to the flu, as he did at a Fox News virtual town hall on March 24. > Trump, March 24: I brought some numbers here. We lose thousands and > thousands of people a year to the flu. We don’t turn the country off, I mean > every year. Now when I heard the number — you know, we average 37,000 people > a year. Can you believe that? And actually this year we’re having a bad flu > season. But we lose thousands of people a year to the flu. We never turn the > country off. We lose much more than that to automobile accidents. We didn’t > call up the automobile companies, say, “Stop making cars. We don’t want any > cars anymore.” We have to get back to work. Trump frequently said the disease would simply go away. On Feb. 10, he said, “You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in.” On March 19, Trump told Woodward he was understating the threat on purpose. “I wanted to always play it down,” he said, adding, “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.” There have been 6,354,869 coronavirus cases in the United States and 190,589 deaths as of Sept. 9, according to the Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center. Despite knowing the severity of the threat, here’s what the president said in public remarks, interviews and tweets from Jan. 22 through March, often likening the novel coronavirus to the flu as a way of downplaying the danger. Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” — Trump in a CNBC interview. Feb. 10: “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” — Trump at the White House. (See our item “Will the New Coronavirus ‘Go Away’ in April?“) Feb. 26: “I want you to understand something that shocked me when I saw it that — and I spoke with Dr. [Anthony] Fauci on this, and I was really amazed, and I think most people are amazed to hear it: The flu, in our country, kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year. That was shocking to me. And, so far, if you look at what we have with the 15 people and their recovery, one is — one is pretty sick but hopefully will recover, but the others are in great shape. But think of that: 25,000 to 69,000. Over the last 10 years, we’ve lost 360,000.” “This will end. This will end. You look at flu season. I said 26,000 people? I’ve never heard of a number like that. Twenty-six thousand people going up to 69,000 people, Doctor — you told me before. Sixty-nine thousand people die every year — from 26 [thousand] to 69 [thousand] — every year from the flu. Now, think of that. It’s incredible.” “But when I mentioned the flu, I said — actually, I asked the various doctors. I said, ‘Is this just like flu?’ Because people die from the flu. And this is very unusual. And it is a little bit different, but in some ways it’s easier and in some ways it’s a little bit tougher.” “But that’s a little bit like the flu. It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we’ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.” — Trump at a White House coronavirus task force briefing. Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders. Feb. 28: “So a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently, and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? Thirty-five thousand, that’s a lot of people. It could go to a hundred thousand. It could be 27,000. They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die, and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t and we are totally prepared. It doesn’t mean we won’t. But think of it, you hear 35 and 40,000 people and we’ve lost nobody. You wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.” — Trump at a rally in North Charleston, South Carolina. March 4: “[W]e have a very small number of people in this country [infected]. We have a big country. The biggest impact we had was when we took the 40-plus people [from a cruise ship]. … We brought them back. We immediately quarantined them. But you add that to the numbers. But if you don’t add that to the numbers, we’re talking about very small numbers in the United States.” — Trump at a White House meeting with airline CEOs. March 4: “Now, with the regular flu, you know, we average from 27,000 to 77,000 deaths a year. Who would think that? I never knew that, until six or eight weeks ago. I asked that question. I said, how many people die of the flu? You know, you keep hearing about flu shot, flu shot, take your flu shot. But I said, how many people die of the flu? And they said, sir, we lose between 27,000 and, you know, somewhere in the 70s. I think we went as high as 100,000 people died in 1990, if you can believe that. But a lot of people, regardless, I think it averages about 36,000 people a year. So I said, wow. And that’s — now, that’s a percentage that’s under 1% very substantially. So, it would be interesting to see what that difference is. But, you know, again, a lot of people don’t report, because they get the coronavirus, and they get better relatively quickly. Not that severe.” — Trump in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. March 6: “We’ve had 11 deaths, and they’ve been largely old people who are — who were susceptible to what’s happening. Now, that would be the case, I assume, with a regular flu too. If somebody is old and in a weakened state or ill, they’re susceptible to the common flu too. You know, they were telling me just now that the common flu kills people and old people is sort of a target.” “Well, we’re considering different things [for dealing with the coronavirus]. But we’re also considering the fact that last year we had approximately 36,000 deaths due to what’s called the flu. And I was — when I first heard this four, five, six weeks ago — when I was hearing the amount of people that died with flu, I was shocked to hear it. Anywhere from 27,000 to 70,000 or 77,000. And I guess they said, in 1990, that was in particular very bad; it was higher than that.” — Trump after a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!” — Trump in a tweet. March 10: “Look, right now, I guess we’re at 26 deaths, and if you look at the flu — the flu, for this year — we’re at 8 mil- — we’re looking at 8,000 deaths. And, you know, hundreds of thousands of cases, but we have 8,000 deaths. So you have 8,000 versus 26 deaths, at this time. With all of that being said, we’re taking this unbelievably seriously, and I think we’re doing a really good job. And, again, the task force, headed up by the vice president, has been fantastic.” “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” — Trump after meeting with Republican senators. March 13: Trump declares a national emergency concerning the novel coronavirus. Editor’s Note: Please consider a donation to We do not accept advertising. We rely on grants and individual donations from people like you. Credit card donations may be made through our “Donate” page. If you prefer to give by check, send to:, Annenberg Public Policy Center, 202 S. 36th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. * Categories * FactCheck Posts * Featured Posts * Location * National * Issue * coronavirus * COVID-19 * seasonal flu * People * Bob Woodward * Donald Trump * Misconceptions * The Existence and Virulence of SARS-CoV-2 Previous StoryInaccurate Story About Trump Supporter Spreads Again Next StoryD.C. Mayor Did Not Propose Removal of Federal Monuments Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. 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You lose 27000 people to the common flu
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Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. ![\\"Centers](\\"/TemplatePackage/5.0/img/logo/logo-notext.svg\\"/) Vaccine Information for Adults Explore Topics Search Search Clear Input For Everyone * Reasons to Vaccinate * Recommended Vaccines * Vaccine-Preventable Adult Diseases * View all Health Care Providers * Strategies for Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates * Adult Immunization Standards * Resources for Adult Vaccination Insurance and Payment * View all Related Topics: Vaccines & Immunizations | Vaccines for Your Children | Pregnancy and Vaccination View All ![\\"Centers](\\"/TemplatePackage/5.0/img/logo/logo-notext.svg\\"/) search close search search Adult Vaccines Menu __Close __ search For Everyone * Reasons to Vaccinate * Recommended Vaccines * Vaccine-Preventable Adult Diseases * View All Home Health Care Providers * Strategies for Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates * Adult Immunization Standards * Resources for Adult Vaccination Insurance and Payment * View All Related Topics * Vaccines & Immunizations * Vaccines for Your Children * Pregnancy and Vaccination View All Adult Vaccines Reasons to Vaccinate Recommended Vaccines Vaccine-Preventable Adult Diseases View All June 14, 2024 # Vaccine-Preventable Adult Diseases ## At a glance Vaccine-preventable diseases cause long-term illness, hospitalization, and even death. ## In the United States * CDC estimates that since 2010, flu-related hospitalizations in the United States have ranged from 140,000 to 710,000 and flu related deaths have ranged from 12,000 to 56,000. * About 320,000 people get pneumococcal pneumonia every year, leading to over 150,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths, mostly among the elderly. * About 880,000 people have chronic hepatitis B, which can cause serious health problems, including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death. * HPV causes over 27,000 cancers in women and men each year. About 4,000 women die each year from cervical cancer. ### COVID-19 Vaccination‎ Learn what you and your family need to know about COVID-19 vaccines. ## Learn About Serious Diseases that Can Be Prevented by Vaccines ### Chickenpox (Varicella) What it is Chickenpox is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. How it can affect you Chickenpox causes an itchy rash with blisters, tiredness, headache and fever. Chickenpox is usually mild, but it can lead to severe skin infections, pneumonia, encephalitis (brain swelling), or even death. Vaccine for Protection Varicella See the Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccination page for more information. ### Diptheria What it is Diphtheria is a very contagious bacterial disease that affects the respiratory system, including the lungs. How it can affect you Diphtheria produces a toxin (poison) in the body that can cause weakness, sore throat, low-grade fever, and swollen glands in the neck. Effects from this toxin can also lead to swelling of the heart muscle and, in some cases, heart failure. In severe cases, the illness can cause coma, paralysis, and even death. Vaccine for Protection Tdap, Td See the Diphtheria Vaccination page for more information. ### Flu (Influenza) What it is Influenza is a contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. Older adults and those with certain health conditions are at high risk for serious complications. How it can affect you Influenza virus can cause a sudden high fever, chills, a dry cough, headache, runny nose, sore throat, and muscle and joint pain. Extreme fatigue can last from several days to weeks. Influenza may lead to hospitalization or even death. Vaccine for Protection Annual Flu See the Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Vaccination page for more information. ### Hepatitis A What it is Hepatitis A is an infection in the liver caused by hepatitis A virus. This disease is often spread through contaminated food. How it can affect you Hepatitis A can cause fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). An infected person may have no symptoms, may have mild illness for a week or two, or may have severe illness for several months that requires hospitalization. Vaccine for Protection HepatitisA See the Hepatitis A Vaccination page for more information. ### Hepatitis B What it is Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by hepatitis B virus. This is a blood-borne disease and can be very serious. How it can affect you Hepatitis B causes a flu-like illness with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, rashes, joint pain, and jaundice. The virus stays in the liver of some people for the rest of their lives and can result in severe liver diseases, including fatal cancer. Vaccine for Protection Hepatitis B vaccine is available for all age groups. The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants, all children or adolescents younger than 19 years of age who have not been vaccinated, all adults age 19 through 59 years, and adults age 60 years or older with risk factors for hepatitis B infection. Adults who are 60 years or older without known risk factors for hepatitis B may also receive hepatitis B vaccine. Adults who are at risk for hepatitis B infection include healthcare workers, adults who have certain chronic health conditions like diabetes, renal disease, chronic liver disease, or HIV infection, and adults who are at risk of sexually transmitted infections. All recommended age groups should get a 2-dose or 3-dose vaccine series (depending on the manufacturer) for protection from hepatitis B virus infection. There is also a 3-dose combination vaccine series available for people age 18 years or older; the combination vaccine can also be administered before travel on a 4-dose accelerated schedule. See the Hepatitis B Vaccination page for more information. ### Human Papillomavirus (HPV) What it is Human papillomavirus is a common virus, especially among people in their teens and early 20s. Many people don\'t know they have this for years until cancer appears. How it can affect you HPV is the major cause of cervical cancer in women, as well as anal cancer and genital warts in both women and men. Some types of HPV can cause cancers of the penis, anus, or oropharynx (back of the throat, including base of the tongue and tonsils). Vaccine for Protection HPV See the HPV Vaccination page for more information. ### Measles What it is Measles is respiratory disease caused by a very contagious virus. More and more cases are coming into the US, usually from international travelers. How it can affect you Measles can cause persistent fever, rash lasting up to a week, and coughing that can last about 10 days. Measles can also cause pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, or death. Vaccine for Protection MMR See the Measles Vaccination page for more information. ### Meningococcal Disease What it is Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria and is a leading cause of bacterial meningitis (infection around the brain and spinal cord). How it can affect you Meningococcal disease can cause nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, confusion and sleepiness. Meningococcal disease also causes blood infections. About one out of every ten people who get the disease dies from it. Survivors of meningococcal disease may lose their arms or legs, become deaf, have problems with their nervous systems, become developmentally disabled, or suffer seizures or strokes. Vaccines for Protection MenACWY, MenB See the Meningococcal Vaccination page for more information. ### Mumps What it is Mumps is an infectious disease caused by the mumps virus. How it can affect you The mumps virus causes fever, headaches, painful swelling of the salivary glands under the jaw, fever, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite. Severe complications can include meningitis (infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), permanent hearing loss, or swelling of the testes, which can lead to sterility in men in rare cases. Vaccine for Protection MMR See the Mumps Vaccination page for more information. ### Pneumococcal Disease What it is Pneumococcal disease is caused by bacteria and can range from ear and sinus infections to more serious lung and blood infections. How it can affect you When pneumococcal bacteria spread from the nose and throat to ears or sinuses, it generally causes mild infections. When the bacteria spread into other parts of the body, it leads to severe health problems, such as infections of the lungs (pneumonia), blood (bacteremia), and the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). In some cases pneumococcal disease can be life-threatening or result in long-term problems, like brain damage, hearing loss, or loss of arms or legs. Vaccine for Protection PCV13, PPSV23 See the Pneumococcal Vaccination page for more information. ### Respiratory Syncytial Virus What it is Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus of the nose, throat, and lungs that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. While most people recover in a week or two, RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. How it can affect you RSV can cause fever, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, and a decrease in appetite in both children and adults. Adults who get infected with RSV usually have mild or no symptoms. However, RSV can be dangerous for some people. Older adults and adults with certain chronic medical conditions are at highest risk of more severe disease with symptoms like trouble breathing and low oxygen levels. Severe RSV disease can lead to hospitalization or death. Vaccine for Protection * RSVPreF3 (Arexvy) * RSVpreF (Abrysvo) See the RSV Vaccination page for more information. ### Rubella What it is Rubella is a viral disease that causes fever and rash. How it can affect you Rubella usually causes a mild illness with fever, swollen glands, and a rash that lasts about 3 days. In some cases, it can lead to encephalitis (brain infection) in adults. If a pregnant woman is infected with rubella, it can result in miscarriage or serious birth defects such as mental retardation, heart defects, and loss of hearing and eye sight. Vaccine for Protection MMR See the Rubella (German Measles) Vaccination page for more information. ### Shingles (Zoster) What it is Shingles is a painful skin rash that is caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. How it can affect you Shingles causes a painful rash on one side of the face or body, which blisters and then typically scabs over in 7-10 days and clears up within 2-4 weeks. Other symptoms of shingles can include fever, headache, chills, and upset stomach. Shingles can affect the eye and cause loss of vision. Vaccine for Protection Zoster See the Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccination page for more information. ### Did You Know‎ Each year in the United States, 1 million people get shingles. Some of these people will have severe pain that can continue even long after their rash clears up (called post-herpetic neuralgia) or they may suffer from other painful complications that could persist for years. ### Tetanus What it is Tetanus is a serious bacterial disease that causes painful tightening of muscles. You can get this from a cut or wound, even a needle prick. How it can affect you The bacteria causing Tetanus produce a toxin (poison) in the body that causes serious, painful spasms and stiffness of all muscles in the body. This can lead to \"locking\" of the jaw so a person cannot open his or her mouth, swallow, or breathe. Three out of ten people who get tetanus die from the disease. Vaccine for Protection Tdap, Td See the Tetanus (Lockjaw) Vaccination page for more information. ### Whooping Cough (Pertussis) What it is Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection caused by bacteria. Since the 1980s, there has been an increase in the number of reported cases of pertussis in the United States. Babies too young to get vaccinated are most at risk of severe illness. How it can affect you Whooping cough can cause prolonged cold symptoms, leading to spells of violent coughing and choking, making it hard to breathe, drink, or eat. This cough can last for weeks. Whooping cough is most severe for babies, leading to hospitalization and sometimes death. Babies often get the disease from a parent, caregiver, or relative. Vaccine for Protection Tdap See the Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccination page for more information. June 14, 2024 Sources Print Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Syndicate Content Source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) ## Adult Vaccines Vaccines can help protect adults from serious, even deadly, diseases. It’s important to stay up to date on recommended vaccines. View All ### For Everyone * Reasons to Vaccinate * Recommended Vaccines * Vaccine-Preventable Adult Diseases ### Health Care Providers * Strategies for Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates * Adult Immunization Standards * Resources for Adult Vaccination Insurance and Payment Sign up for Email Updates Contact Us Contact Us * Call 800-232-4636 * Contact CDC About CDC About CDC * Organization * Budget & Funding * Careers & Jobs Policies * Accessibility * External Links * Privacy * Web Policies * FOIA * OIG * No Fear Act * Nondiscrimination * Vulnerability Disclosure Policy Languages Languages * Español Language Assistance * Español * 繁體中文 * Tiếng Việt * 한국어 * Tagalog * Русский * العربية * Kreyòl Ayisyen * Français * Polski * Português * Italiano * Deutsch * 日本語 * فارسی * English Archive * CDC Archive * Public Health Publications Contact Us Contact Us * Call 800-232-4636 * Contact CDC About CDC * Organization * Budget & Funding * Careers & Jobs * About CDC Policies * Accessibility * External Links * Privacy * Web Policies * FOIA * OIG * No Fear Act * Nondiscrimination * Vulnerability Disclosure Policy Languages Languages * Español Language Assistance * Español * 繁體中文 * Tiếng Việt * 한국어 * Tagalog * Русский * العربية * Kreyòl Ayisyen * Français * Polski * Português * Italiano * Deutsch * 日本語 * فارسی * English Archive * CDC Archive * Public Health Publications ![\\"Centers](\\"/TemplatePackage/5.0/img/logo/cdc-logo-tag-right.svg\\"/)
You lose 27000 people to the common flu
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OPT-OUT HERE ### Breaking +1 day ago U.S. Added 100,000 More Jobs Than Expected Last Month As Labor Market Rockiness Eases +1 day ago Harris And Trump’s Biggest Celebrity Endorsements: Bruce Springsteen, Zachary Levi And More +1 day ago Waymo Bulking Up Robotaxi Fleet With Electric Hyundais 11 hours ago How Americans Feel About The Growing Middle East Conflict One Year After Israel Was Attacked 17 hours ago Northern Lights Update: Here’s Where Aurora Borealis Can Be Viewed Tonight 18 hours ago Tech VC Ben Horowitz Flips On Trump: Will Make \'Significant’ Donation To Kamala Harris +1 day ago Barack Obama Joining Harris Campaign Trail In Final Election Stretch: What To Know About His Campaign Strategy +1 day ago How 2 Students Used The Meta Ray-Bans To Access Personal Information +1 day ago Mark Zuckerberg Becomes World’s Third-Richest Person After Overtaking Jeff Bezos +1 day ago These Are The Biggest Prime Day Scams To Watch For Edit Story ForbesBusiness Election 2020 # All The Times Trump Compared Covid-19 To The Flu, Even After He Knew Covid-19 Was Far More Deadly Tommy Beer Former Staff Click to save this article. You\'ll be asked to sign into your Forbes account. Got it 0 Sep 10, 2020,10:05am EDT Updated Jun 30, 2021, 11:35am EDT This article is more than 4 years old. * Share to Facebook * Share to Twitter * Share to Linkedin ## Topline President Trump admitted to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward in early February that he knew the coronavirus was \"more deadly than even your strenuous flu,\" but the president continued to compare Covid-19 to the flu for weeks following his conversation with Woodward, claiming he \"wanted to always play it down.\" ![\\"President](\\" images/imageserve/5f594364b4efee77f6678871/President-Trump-Holds-News- Conference-At-The-White-House-On-Labor- Day/0x0.jpg?format=jpg&crop=6459,3634,x0,y0,safe&width=1440\\") U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks during a news conference at the North Portico at the ... [+] White House on September 07, 2020 in Washington, DC. After media reports this past week that recounted Trump allegedly disparaging fallen soldiers, the president today attacked Democratic rival Joe Biden as inadequate to the job as polls continue show Biden leading nationwide, though with a gap that appears to be narrowing. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images) Getty Images ## Key Facts \"You just breathe the air, and that\'s how it\'s passed,\" Trump told Woodward on February 7 in a recorded conversation. \"And so that\'s a very tricky one… This is 5% versus 1% and less than 1%. You know? So, this is deadly stuff.\" February 7: That same day, on the morning of February 7th, the president mentioned, without supporting evidence, that Covid-19 could dissipate with the arrival of warmer weather, much like the seasonal flu. Trump tweeted that the \"virus hopefully becomes weaker with warmer weather, and then gone.\" February 10: During a meeting with U.S. governors at the White House, when asked about the coronavirus, Trump said, \"A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We\'re in great shape, though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.\" February 19: \"I think it\'s going to work out fine,\" Trump said on Feb. 19. \"I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus.\" February 23: \"We have it very much under control in this country,\" Trump replied when asked by a reporter for an update on Covid-19. February 24: \"The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA,\" Trump tweeted. \"We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!\" overlaymembershipoffer Exclusive Invitation: Save up to 60% on a Forbes Membership Get the latest news on special offers, product updates and content suggestions from Forbes and its affiliates. Get Offer By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service, and you acknowledge our Privacy Statement. Forbes is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. You’re all set! Be sure to check your inbox to receive your special offer. More Newsletters You’re all set! Be sure to check your inbox to receive your special offer. More Newsletters February 25: \"You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it… But the people are getting better. They\'re all getting better,\" the president proclaimed during a press conference before a trip to India. February 26: \"This is a flu. This is like a flu,\" the president said in a briefing. \"It\'s a little like a regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we\'ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.\" February 26: \"The flu, in our country, kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year,\" Trump said during a Coronavirus Task Force briefing.\" And, so far, if you look at what we have with the 15 people and their recovery, one is — one is pretty sick but hopefully will recover, but the others are in great shape. But think of that: 25,000 to 69,000.\" Trump then added, \"And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that\'s a pretty good job we\'ve done.” February 27: \"And you know what? If we were doing a bad job, we should also be criticized. But we have done an incredible job. We\'re going to continue,\" Trump said from inside the Cabinet Room. \"It\'s going to disappear. One day — it\'s like a miracle — it will disappear.\" February 29: \"We\'ve taken the most aggressive actions to confront the coronavirus. They are the most aggressive taken by any country. And we\'re the number-one travel destination anywhere in the world, yet we have far fewer cases of the disease than even countries with much less travel or a much smaller population,\" said Trump on February 29th, the day which the U.S. officially reported its first coronavirus death. March 9: \"So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year,\" the president tweeted shortly before 11 am. \"Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!\" March 10: \"Well, this was unexpected. This was something that came out of China, and it hit us and many other countries,\" Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. \"And we\'re prepared, and we\'re doing a great job with it. And it will go away.” March 12: \"I mean, think of it: The United States, because of what I did and what the administration did with China, we have 32 deaths at this point,\" Trump said at a meeting with Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland. \"Other countries that are smaller countries have many, many deaths.\" March 24: \"We lose thousands and thousands of people a year to the flu. We don\'t turn the country off,\" Trump said from the Rose Garden. \"And actually, this year we\'re having a bad flu season. But we lose thousands of people a year to the flu. We never turn the country off. We lose much more than that to automobile accidents… I would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter.\" March 31: By the last day in March, the president had changed his tune. \"A lot of people have said, \'Ride it out. Don\'t do anything, just ride it out and think of it as the flu.\' But it\'s not the flu. It\'s vicious,\" Trump declared at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing. \"This is not the flu,\" added Trump, definitively. ## Key Background: The released recording of Trump\'s own words appears to confirm reporting by other outlets that the president was given stern, sobering warnings about the coronavirus\'s catastrophic potential. According to the New York Times, The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the U.S. and advised Trump to consider shutting down large cities and suggesting Americans stay home from work. Woodward reports that National Security Advisor Robert O\'Brien gave Trump a top-secret briefing on January 28th in which he warned the virus would be the \"biggest national security threat\" of the president\'s administration. A Jan. 29 memo authored by Trump\'s trade adviser, Peter Navarro, provided explicit details of a coronavirus pandemic\'s potential risks, including as many as half a million deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. Per the Times report, \"by the third week in February, the administration\'s top public health experts concluded they should recommend to Mr. Trump a new approach that would include warning the American people of the risks and urging steps like social distancing and staying home from work. But the White House focused instead on messaging and crucial additional weeks went by before their views were reluctantly accepted by the president.\" ## Tangent: In 2015, the Global Health Security and Biodefense unit — responsible for pandemic preparedness — was established by Barack Obama\'s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice. In May of 2018, that team was disbanded as part of a reorganization by Trump\'s national security adviser John Bolton. ## Big Number 36,000: The U.S. could have prevented roughly 36,000 coronavirus-related deaths if broad social distancing measures had been put in place just one week earlier in March, according to a study published by analysts from Columbia University. ## Critical Quote: \"He knew it and purposely played it down. Worse, he lied to the American people. He knowingly and willingly lied,\" Joe Biden said Wednesday afternoon. \"It\'s beyond despicable. It\'s a dereliction of duty. It\'s a disgrace. He failed to do his job on purpose. It was a life-and-death betrayal of the American people.\" ## Further Reading: FACT CHECK: Trump Compares Coronavirus To The Flu, But It Could Be 10 Times Deadlier (NPR) Audio Reveals Trump Knew Of Virus Severity Early And Sought To \'Play It Down\' (Forbes) \'Life And Death Betrayal\': Biden Tears Into Trump Over Woodward Tapes (Forbes) Top White House official in charge of pandemic response exits abruptly (Washington Post) Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus Follow me on Twitter. Send me a secure tip. ![\\"Tommy](\\"\\"/) Tommy Beer I\'m a New York-based news desk reporter for Forbes covering sports, politics and business. Please feel free to contact me via email (tsbeer7 [@] ... Read More * Editorial Standards * Forbes Accolades ### Join The Conversation Comments 0 One Community. Many Voices. Create a free account to share your thoughts. 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You lose 27000 people to the common flu
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Trump 45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021 # Remarks at a \"Keep America Great\" Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina March 02, 2020 [Music: Lee Greenwood, \"God Bless the U.S.A.\"] Crowd. [chanting] USA! USA! USA! USA! The President. Well, I wanna thank you very much. North Carolina, thank you very much. [cheers and applause] I\'m thrilled to back in the great city of Charlotte—[cheers and applause]—where, by the way, we\'re having our convention. I guess you heard that, right? [cheers and applause] With thousands of hardworking American patriots who love our country, cherish our values, respect our laws, and always put America first. [cheers and applause] Eight months from now, we\'re going to defeat the radical socialists. We\'re going to win the great state of North Carolina in a landslide. [cheers and applause] We won it last time, we\'re gonna win it this time by even more. [cheers and applause] And you know, Eric and Lara named their daughter, you know what her name is? Carolina, Carolina. Her name is Carolina for a reason. This is an incredible time for our nation. Our country is stronger than ever before. [cheers and applause] And today, we just had the largest one-day increase in the stock market in history. [cheers and applause] That\'s great. That\'s great. That was great. You know, our opponents were saying, \"Oh, maybe he\'s in trouble, maybe the economy ...\" They\'ll do anything. They\'ll do anything. I\'m sure they were thrilled. Do you think our opponents were thrilled when they saw the stock market today? I don\'t think so. [booing] By the way, look at this. Look back there, look at all of that press. Look at all them. [booing] Man, I don\'t know if Sleepy Joe, or Bernie, I don\'t think they have that much press. [shouting] Bernie was going wild. Why would I be here tonight? Why would I be here? He said why would I be here tonight? We don\'t have the primary, we\'ve already won the thing, you know? I was going to say the you know what thing, I held it back, because they\'ll say, \"Horrible language. He used horrible language today.\" But we\'re doing fantastically. There\'s never been a time where the Republican Party was so unified as it is now. [cheers and applause] Never, never. And you hear about enthusiasm for Crazy Bernie, and that\'s true, he does have some enthusiasm, but much less than we have and a much smaller group of people, too. And there\'s not a lot of enthusiasm for, there\'s not a lot of enthusiasm for Biden. [booing] I thought he gave up the presidency the other day because he said he\'s running for the Senate. [laughter] I looked at the First Lady, I said, \"Hey, he\'s running for the Senate.\" And today he just said Super Thursday, he\'s looking forward to Super Thursday. [laughter] Jobs are booming in our country, incomes are soaring, poverty has plummeted—[cheers and applause]—confidence is surging, and we have completely rebuilt the awesome power of a thing called the United States military. [cheers and applause] And every day, for me and for you, it\'s promises made, promises kept. Every day. [cheers and applause] One of the most important promises I made is right to this era. You know, we look at it, it\'s the never-ending wars in the Middle East. We\'re taking our soldiers, we\'re bringing them back home. We\'re not law enforcement. We\'re bringing them back home. [cheers and applause] American troops cannot be the policemen for the world, or to create democracy in other nations that frankly probably don\'t want it. The job of the American military is to secure and defend our country. [cheers and applause] Two days ago, the Unites States signed a deal with the Taliban so that after 19 years of conflict, and very close to 20, we can finally begin to bring our amazing troops back home. [cheers and applause] After years of rebuilding foreign nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation and taking care of our own American citizens. [cheers and applause] And all of the things that we\'ve done, we\'ve wiped out the terrorists, we\'ve done so much, and you know what? We\'re 8,000 miles away. You got a lot of big countries surrounding Afghanistan, you\'ve got Afghanistan itself. The progress that was made was made possible by the extraordinary valor of our men and our women in uniform. You know that. [cheers and applause] And we pay a special tribute, and I know you pay it, a special tribute to our great wounded warriors and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. [cheers and applause] And as we bring back our troops, we are committed to ensuring that foreign terrorists are denied admission to America in the first place. They\'re not coming here, and if they do, bad things happen to them. We must keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. [cheers and applause] Crowd. [chanting] USA! USA! USA! USA! The President. By the way, I have to say this, you know you have thousands and thousands of people outside. And ... [cheers and applause] Somebody was saying that if Pocahontas, any one of them—[booing]—Sleepy Joe, he doesn\'t have that, so he doesn\'t have a lot, he has very small crowds, but if Sleepy Joe or if any of them had a crowd one-tenth this size, they go around talking about how big the crowd ... They never say that. Hey, take your cameras and spin them around this big arena. Go ahead. Spin them around. [cheers and applause] Crowd. [chanting] Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! The President. They don\'t turn, they don\'t turn. You notice, they don\'t turn. But if there were some kind of trouble in a little corner, anything to make us look bad, that camera would turn like a pretzel. [laughter] I used to think, you know, modern equipment, it can\'t turn, but when we would have a protester, and I must say, I\'ll say it out loud, we don\'t have too many protesters anymore, do we? [cheers and applause] We don\'t have too many. [cheers and applause] No fun to be a protester at a Trump rally, but do we have a great time at a Trump rally? [cheers and applause] My administration has also taken the most aggressive action in modern history to protect Americans from the ... Crowd Member. We love you! The President. ... Coronavirus. You know about this whole thing? Horrible. Including sweeping travel restrictions. Today, we met with the big great pharmaceutical companies, and they\'re really working hard, and they\'re working smart, and we had some ... We had a great meeting today with a lot of the great companies. And they\'re gonna have vaccines I think relatively soon. And they\'re gonna have—[cheers and applause]—something that makes you better, and that\'s going to actually take place we think even sooner. So a lot of good things are happening, but we have strong borders, and really, our tough and early actions have really been proven to be 100% right. We went out, we\'re doing everything in our power to keep the sick and infected people from coming into our country. We\'re working on that very hard. [cheers and applause] We closed our borders very early. I took a lot of heat for that. Remember when I closed the borders to certain areas of the world? I took a lot of heat. But there are fringe globalists who would rather keep our borders open than keep our infection, think of it, keep all of the—[booing]—infection, let it come in. And we\'re working with other countries. In all fairness, look, it\'s a problem, we\'re working with other countries. Remember this, over the last long period of time, the flu, the common flu, you know this, right? From 27,000 to 70,000 people get infected, and many people die. Think of it, 27,000. You lose 27,000 people to the common flu. It can be much more. One year was much higher than the 70,000 number. Those people die. So when you lose 27,000 people a year, nobody knew that. I didn\'t know that. Three, four weeks ago, I was sitting there, I said, \"What do we lose with the regular flu?\" They said, \"About 27,000 minimum, goes up to 70, sometimes even 80, one year it went up to 100,000 people.\" I said, \"Nobody told me that. Nobody knows that.\" So I actually told the pharmaceutical companies, \"You have to do a little bit better job on that vaccine. Really, have to do a better job on that vaccine.\" [cheers and applause] Think of it. Last year was approximately 36,000 people died. So we\'re working hard on it, and we\'re going to come up with some really great solutions. In the meantime, we\'re stopping ... Crowd Member. [shouting] The President. Only in North Carolina. Only in North Carolina. It can only be. How many people here are from South Carolina, by the way? [cheers and applause] Wow. We love both places. But that was from North Carolina. [cheers and applause] But just to finish up, so, we\'ve made a lot of progress, we\'ve really done a great job with it. We\'re keeping our borders strong. My job is to protect the health of American patients and Americans first, and that\'s what we\'re doing. [cheers and applause] Washington Democrats are trying to politicize the coronavirus, denigrating the noble work of our public health professionals. But honestly, not so much anymore. Everyone appreciates, these are the greatest professionals in the world at what they do. We\'re actually helping a lot of other countries where they have some very, very big problems. So we have our professionals in constant touch, I\'m in constant touch with some of the leaders and helping them out. But the political attacks from some of the Democrats really must stop. We\'ve gotta all work together on this one to safeguard our people. We\'re gonna safeguard our people, the United States. [cheers and applause] The United States is, right now, ranked, by far, number one in the world for preparedness. Earlier today, when I met with the pharmaceutical companies, things were discussed and learned honestly. The media didn\'t know. Nobody knew. They\'ve never heard this before. And we learned a lot, and maybe that had the impact on the stock market. Who knows what happened, but we\'re going to reduce the severity of what\'s happening, the duration of the virus. We discussed all of these things. We will bring these therapies to market as rapidly as possible. And I have to say, with a thriving economy the way it is, and the most advanced health system on Earth, America is so resilient, we know what we\'re doing, we have the greatest people on Earth, the greatest health system on Earth. [cheers and applause] We have the greatest health system on Earth. The renewal of American strength over the last three years means at times of challenge, we are the best-prepared to rise to any occasion. No country is better equipped than America to handle new threats, and no people are more skilled, talented, tough, or driven than Americans. Americans. [cheers and applause] And together, we are in the midst of the great American comeback. That\'s what it is. Last month, we added 225,000 new jobs in January alone. That makes seven million jobs since the election. [cheers and applause] We have destroyed the ISIS territorial caliphate, and we killed the founder and leader of ISIS, al-Baghdadi. He is dead. [cheers and applause] And we took out the world\'s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani, ending his evil reign of terror forever, Soleimani. [cheers and applause] While the extreme left has been wasting America\'s time with vile hoaxes and delusional witch hunts, we have been killing terrorists, creating jobs, raising wages, and lifting up American citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed. [cheers and applause] Tomorrow, voters in states across the nation will head to the polls for Super Tuesday, not Super Thursday. [laughter] Oh, he said, \"Super Thursday.\" You can\'t do these things. Can you imagine if I said Super Thursday? It would be over, right? [laughter] I would be over. No matter how good you are at certain things, you can\'t, as an example, name ... Like Sleepy Joe, he\'s constantly naming the wrong state. \"It\'s great to be in the state of Ohio.\" \"No, no, no, I\'m sorry, you\'re in North Carolina. No, no. Joe!\" Do you ever see them run up with a sign, \"No, no, North Carolina, Joe!\" Once that happens, you might as well leave the states, because it\'s a disaster no matter how good you\'re doing. \"We\'re in North Carolina!\" \"It\'s great to be in Idaho!\" \"No, you\'re in Iowa.\" Nah, he makes a lot of those mistakes, they\'re a little scary. Did you see guns? You know, we\'re gonna protect your Second Amendment, you understand that. [cheers and applause] But did you see, Sleepy Joe, did you see Sleepy Joe, where he said, \"Last year, 150 million people were killed by guns in our country.\" One hundred and fifty million! [laughter] That means 50% of our country. [laughter] That\'s a big story. Man. One hundred and fifty. Can you imagine Trump saying that? These people would never let me live it down. We can\'t make ... [booing] We can\'t make even a little mistake, right? We can\'t make even a little, tiny, tiny mistake. If we make a tiny mistake, it\'s headlining. They say things like 150 million people killed, guns, they say Super Thursday, they say Georgia, he\'s looking forward to winning Georgia tomorrow. Georgia\'s not in Super Tuesday! [laughter] So many mistakes! You can\'t do that when you\'re negotiating with China. Can\'t do that when you\'re negotiating with these countries, can\'t do that. [cheers and applause] Those mistakes would be very expensive. And then you have Mini-Mike. You see this guy? Can you believe it? Mini-Mike. He\'s being interviewed tonight on Fox. Can you believe it? Fox. They wanna, you know, be politically correct. They want to interview, they end up interviewing more Democrats than Republic ... I don\'t know what\'s going on with Fox. But they\'re interviewing this guy the night before. Mini-Mike, ay- ay-ay, what a mess he is. The worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates, do we agree? [cheers and applause] The worst in the history. Nah, you gotta have more. And I\'d get down real low, but I don\'t wanna copy it. Everybody saw it. Everyone said, \"Oh,\" they all say, \"Oh! Do that again where you get down low.\" But, you know, if I do that again, it\'s a copy. It\'s a copy! [shouting] No, no. No. You never like to copy, even though you\'re copying yourself. You don\'t like to copy. You know, you do it once. It was a big hit. But you do it once, and you sort of say, \"That was nice, don\'t do it again,\" because if it doesn\'t work the second time, it gets embarrassing, right? You know, right? We all know. But no, he\'s a, he\'s a disaster waiting to happen. He\'s a mess. No matter which Democrat candidate you\'re talking about, and you understand that, any one of these candidates ... And you see what\'s happening, right? They\'re all now ... It\'s being rigged against ... It\'s sad. It\'s being rigged against Crazy Bernie. Crazy Bernie\'s gonna go crazy. Crazy. I think Crazy Bernie is gonna be more crazy when they see what they\'re doing. I called it a long time ago. So Mayor Pete Buttigieg—[laughter]—Buttigieg, Mayor Pete, he quit out last night. And then I hear—[cheers and applause]—then I hear a senator from a state we\'re gonna win, we\'re gonna win that state, but she dropped out. Sounds like they made a deal. They both supported Sleepy Joe. You know why? [shouting] They made a deal. [shouting] You know why? Quid pro quo, that\'s why. Don\'t care. Quid pro quo. [cheers and applause] Quid pro quo, they made a deal. Impeach them! They should be impeached! They should be impeached! [cheers and applause] Quid pro quo. But they\'ve embraced an extreme left-wing agenda. Their plans would massively raise your taxes, destroy our liberty, muzzle our faith, and erase our sovereignty. You know that. The Democrat party has gone crazy. Whether it\'s Bernie Sanders\'s plan to eliminate private healthcare, Elizabeth Pocahontas\'s plan ... By the way, she\'s history. She\'s history. I came up with that name far too early, I should\'ve just waited. But it didn\'t matter. I thought she was making a come back. I said, \"Wow, I just did it to her.\" But you know those embers were burning a little bit a couple of months ago, they never caught on. In fact, she\'ll probably lose the state of Massachusetts to Bernie. So she doesn\'t know what to do because you\'re not supposed to lose the state of Massachusetts if you get in there. She\'s the senator. She\'s the senator for Massachusetts, I think she\'s gonna lose it to Bernie. And Miss Michigan, you see what\'s going on over there? Michigan, we\'re leading. We\'re leading in Wisconsin. We\'re leading in Florida. We\'re leading in South Carolina, we\'re leading in North Carolina. [cheers and applause] We\'re leading in New Hampshire. We\'re leading in the great state of Florida that was one of the first ones the other ... Our last election. Hey, how great was the 2016 election? Was that great? Right? [cheers and applause] One of the greatest nights, one of the most highest-rated television nights in the history of television. [shouting] And remember, there was, \"Oh, this is gonna be a quick one. This is gonna be ...\" Oh, that wasn\'t so easy for them. Oh, I love the scene. The scene of that convention center where Hillary was getting ready to speak, and then she found out she lost. [cheers and applause] But Elizabeth Warren\', she had a plan to eliminate our borders, or Mini-Mike\'s plan to eliminate your Second Amendment. Mike Bloomberg wants to eliminate your Second Amendment. [booing] Don\'t worry about it, it\'s not gonna happen. Not gonna happen for him. As for sleepy Joe, he doesn\'t even know where he is, what he\'s doing—[laughter]—or what office he\'s running for. Actually, I don\'t, I honestly don\'t think he knows what office he\'s running for. [laughter] And it doesn\'t matter. You know, maybe he gets in, because he\'s a little more moderate. So maybe he gets in. But he\'s not gonna be running it. Other people are going to. They\'re gonna put him into a home, and other people are gonna be running the country. But they\'re gonna be super-left radical crazies. They\'re gonna be super-left radical crazies, Joe\'s gonna be in a home. He\'ll be watching television. Everything will be just fine. The insanity of Washington Democrats is why millions of registered Democrat voters are joining our movement. They are joining our great Republican party. [cheers and applause] Crowd. [chanting] Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! The President. Turn those televisions. We have the enthusiasm in our party. You know? No, I really mean it. I constantly hear about the enthusiasm. They\'re fighting each other, they hate each other, they don\'t know what\'s going on. We have all the love, we have all the enthusiasm, and we know what we\'re doing. We know what we\'re doing. [cheers and applause] So we\'re thrilled to be joined tonight by many really great, terrific, brilliant, wonderful warriors. [cheers and applause] Even though he comes from a slightly different state, but not too far by, is somebody that really has distinguished himself, he\'s become a great friend of mine. And what he did for Justice Kavanaugh, do you remember that? [cheers and applause] One of the greatest statements ever made in the United States Senate, Senator Lindsey Graham. Come on up, Lindsey. [cheers and applause] Lindsey Graham, come on up, Lindsey. [cheers and applause] Come here, Lindsey. I gotta have him say something, come here, Lindsey. Senator Lindsey Graham. Hello, Charlotte. [cheers and applause] It\'s good to be in a place where I don\'t have an accent. [cheers and applause] Mr. President, thank you for being the best commander-in-chief since Ronald Reagan. [cheers and applause] Thank you for killing the terrorists over there, so they can\'t hurt us over here. [cheers and applause] Thank you for sticking with Judge Kavanaugh. [cheers and applause] Mr. President, everybody in this room has one thing in common, we all have your back. [cheers and applause] Mr. President, you are going to kick their ass in November. [cheers and applause] The President. Oh, my Lindsey, my Lindsey. Thank you, Lindsey. Great guy. Crowd. [chanting] ISA! USA! USA! USA! The President. Great guy, great gentleman. Now some warriors that really defended us with the impeachment hoax, one of great hoaxes of the, in the history of country. [shouting] Representative Virginia Foxx—[cheers and applause]—Patrick McHenry, Richard Hudson—[cheers and applause]—Mark Meadows—[cheers and applause]—David Rouzer—[cheers and applause]—Ted Budd. [cheers and applause] They\'re warriors, these guys are unbelievable the way they fight. You know, the last two, I\'ll tell you, I came here and they probably weren\'t scheduled to win, and fake news, CNN, were all ... They were all set. They wanted a couple of losses. [booing] And they handle pressure so well. They came and we gave a rally that was like this and Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy won by so much, it wasn\'t even close. [cheers and applause] And they\'re great people, and they\'ve done a fantastic job. Thank you very much. They handle pressure. They were under a lot of pressure, and they handled it well. It\'s nice to know people can handle pressure, there aren\'t too many of them. North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley. Thank you, Michael. [cheers and applause] Then a few great friends of mine and they love North Carolina. Louis DeJoy, who you know, Louis DeJoy. [cheers and applause] Two great people, Diamond and Silk. Right? Diamond and Silk. [cheers and applause] Where are they? We love them. [cheers and applause] Diamond. Okay, y\'all know we about to win another election. [cheers and applause] And I saw Mini-Mike on Fox. Silk. Uh-huh. Diamond. Mini. Silk. Mini. Diamond. President Trump is this high. Silk. Uh-huh. Diamond. You gotta be this high to ride this ride. [cheers and applause] Now while the media continue to play the race card, we going to continue to play the Trump card, so we can win, win, and win. [cheers and applause] The President. You know the first lady, a long time ago now, right? How long is that? Probably almost five years ago, she said, \"You know, there are these two women on the internet, they\'re unbelievable. They\'re unbelievable.\" I said, \"Oh, I know, I hear that all the time. I hear it all the time.\" She said, \"No,\" the next day she came again. She said, \"You know, I saw them again, they\'re unbelievable.\" I said, \"Let me see.\" I saw them, I fell in love with it, and everybody fell in love with Diamond and Silk. So thank you. [cheers and applause] Some people that have really been helpful to me, Corey Lewandowski, David Bussey, and Pam Bondi, great people. [cheers and applause] And thanks also to all of the people who are working to make the 2020 Republican National Convention right here in Charlotte an outstanding success, RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel—[cheers and applause]—RNC Co-Chairman Tommy Hicks, and Convention President Marcia Lee Kelly, thank you everybody. [cheers and applause] They\'re doing a great job, I\'ll tell you, they\'re looking, they\'re gonna spend a lot of money at doing a good job. Should we do a great job, or just an okay job? It doesn\'t matter as long as you win, right? You know what I gave when we won last time, somebody else took the convention center, spent a fortune, and I just took a hotel ballroom. I said, \"What the heck, if I win, nobody cares, if I don\'t ...\" Look, if you win, nobody cares what room you\'re in. If you lose, nobody cares what room you\'re in, right? So we took a ballroom, nice ballroom, you know, that\'s it, no big deal. I figured, this way, if we win, nobody cares. And if we lose, I\'m out of there, I save a hell of a lot of money. [laughter] But I never thought we were gonna lose. That\'s one of the things they like to spread, \"Trump felt that he wasn\'t gonna win.\" Oh yeah, I\'m running because I felt ... That\'s not the deal. I mean it\'s always possible that you don\'t win, but boy, I thought we were gonna win and we were getting crowds like this actually, to be honest, I think our crowds now are bigger, stronger, and even more enthusiastic than ever before. [cheers and applause] I really think they\'re more enthusiastic than ever before. And in the true sense, you know, we\'re eight months away, that\'s a long ... It\'s not even our ... In case you haven\'t heard, we\'ve got it made in the primaries. I mean, we\'ve got it made. [cheers and applause] But, but, you know, we\'re really ... And for us, we\'re not even really even into political season, right, and we\'re getting crowds like this, we were all over, over the last couple of weeks. We like to troll. We like to go the night before one of their primaries, we just ... We do a little trolling, it\'s called we do a little trolling. [cheers and applause] Bernie Sanders was very upset, \"Why would he be there?\" Why? Why? Because I wanna win, I wanna ... I keep everybody happy. Guess that\'s a good reason. [cheers and applause] But honestly, we\'re, you know, this is ... When you see this when you\'re two months or three months out, but we\'re getting numbers that are unbelievable. Colorado we went, we went to Iowa, every place we\'ve gone, New Hampshire. Every place we\'ve gone, just came out of South Carolina, you saw that. That was an incredible one. [cheers and applause] Every place, every place that we\'ve gone, it\'s been amazing. I\'d also like to recognize, and so important, a woman who\'s really helped us win North Carolina in 2016, and I have a feeling that this year, she\'ll even do better, because she happened to grow up here, Lara Trump—[cheers and applause]—and my son Eric Trump. [cheers and applause] Two great people. I mean I have to say that about my son, but I know a lot of people don\'t like their sons that much, but Lara has been fantastic, and thank you very much, what a job. She knows this state better than anybody in this room except maybe this guy right here. [laughter] How are we doing, Lara? How are we doing? How are we doing in the state, are we doing well? [cheers and applause] And we\'re doing well in Pennsylvania I hear, right? And South Carolina, I know we\'re doing great there. [cheers and applause] Also with us tonight is a man who\'s really become a good friend of mine. We were going at it a little bit at the beginning, but I will tell you, and I would say if, if I didn\'t get along, I would not be here. I wouldn\'t do this. I think he\'s been tremendous. He\'s been a tremendous supporter and things that we\'ve wanted to do, and fights that we\'ve had which were so important, he\'s been right up, and Lizzie will tell you that he\'s been right up in front and really he deserves another six-year term, and probably a lot longer than that, but he\'s gonna come up and I\'m gonna ask Senator Thom Tillis, come on up. [cheers and applause] Thom has really been incredible, he\'s been working everyday. And he really wants to fight the radical left and he does it and he knows how to fight, and take care of our amazing veterans, and stop illegal immigration. Thom is a champion for the people of North Carolina. This November, we need everybody to go and vote for Thom, he\'s doing great. He\'s doing great. I hear he\'s way up in the polls, he\'s way up in the polls. Thom, say a few words. Come here. Thom Tillis. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all for being here, thank you for supporting our president, make sure that I come back for another six years, and we get him back for four more years. [cheers and applause] Let me tell you about this president, I think it\'s very important, since before this president was ever sworn in, they were trying to impeach him. Did he back down? Crowd. No. Tillis. No. When the media goes out for him, tries to spread false news or fake news, does he back down? Crowd. No. Tillis. When he makes a promise, does he keep it? Crowd. Yes. Tillis. When he told you he\'d cut taxes, did he do it? Crowd. Yes. Tillis. When he told you he would support veterans, did he do it? Crowd. Yes. Tillis. When he told you that we would re-fund the military and become the world\'s superpower, did he do it? Crowd. Yeah. Tillis. When he told you that he was gonna confirm Super ... Or, Supreme Court Justices, circuit court justices, the district court judges, now 200 of them, did he do it? Crowd. Yeah. Tillis. Yeah. And ladies and gentlemen, you got a stark choice, it starts tomorrow, we\'re both on the ballot. You need to vote for us so we can go back and do it again. But let me tell you again, we can\'t forget what they\'re promising you on the other side of the aisle. Bernie Sanders is so liberal, he doesn\'t even call himself a Democrat, he calls himself a socialist. This president went to the State of the Union and he said, \"America will never be a socialist country.\" That\'s another promise he\'s gonna keep. Now finally, ladies and gentleman, I wanna thank the president for coming back, and I can\'t wait to welcome him in August for the RNC Convention. Crowd Member. We love you! Tillis. But, Mr. President, there was one thing that you said back at the campaign in 2016, it\'s the only thing, I just don\'t believe it\'s happened, have you gotten tired of winning? Crowd. No! Tillis. Do you wanna win some more? Crowd. Yeah! Tillis. Then you gotta get this man reelected. So we can give you the free stuff that a free country deserves: free markets, free trade, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom for you to protect yourself with your right to bear arms. That\'s the freedom that this man represents, that\'s the freedom I represent, get him elected for four more years. [cheers and applause] The President. Wow. [shouting] Wow. Hey, that\'s pretty good, that\'s pretty good, Thom. Lot of times we get people up and they just can\'t do it. [laughter] They start breathing bad, they can\'t breathe, \"Oh, help me,\" you know, like Bloomberg. Did you see the debate? Oh. She came after him. She\'s mean, she\'s very mean. She came after him and he started choking [guttural sounds] \"Get me off this stage. Get me off. You guys didn\'t tell me this was gonna happen.\" No, that was great, Thom. We\'re also honored to be joined tonight by a true American hero, a veteran of World War II and the Korean War who just turned 100 years old. [cheers and applause] And his name is George Washington Perry, legit. George, thank you very much for being here. Thank you, George. One hundred years old. [cheers and applause] He\'s 100 and he looks good. Thank you, George. With the help of everyone here tonight, America has now become the hottest economy anywhere on the planet Earth. [cheers and applause] Since my election, over 219,000 new jobs have been created right here in North Carolina. [cheers and applause] We have lifted 10 million people off of welfare, including seven million people off of food stamps. [cheers and applause] Median household income has reached the highest level ever recorded, think of that. The average unemployment rate from my administration is the lowest for any US president in recorded history, that\'s something, that\'s something. [cheers and applause] The unemployment rate among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached the lowest level in recorded history. [cheers and applause] Very important to me, African American youth unemployment has reached an all-time low. [cheers and applause] African American poverty is at the lowest rate ever recorded. [cheers and applause] For decades Democratic politicians betrayed, and they truly did, they betrayed African Americans. My administration is delivering for African Americans like never before. No president has done more for our Black community, no president has done more for our Black community, and it\'s an honor to do it. Last month here in Charlotte, we launched a nationwide campaign to create a better future for all Americans. It\'s called Opportunity Now, you know about it. We\'re also fighting to ensure that working families have access to paid family leave, reducing the cost of childcare and giving 40 million American families an average of 2,200 dollars, thanks to the Republican child tax credit. [cheers and applause] The Republicans are claiming that we did that, nobody else did, but the Democrats are saying, \"How did they do that one?\" We\'re reversing decades of calamitous trade policies that decimated manufacturing in North Carolina, you know all about. It\'s probably the number one reason I\'m running, and the deals we\'re making, the trade deals, are unbelievable. Your state lost 43% of all manufacturing jobs after NAFTA was signed, think of that. Weeks ago, we finally ended the NAFTA catastrophe and I signed the brand new U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement into law. [cheers and applause] The USMCA is a giant victory for North Carolina\'s incredible farmers and factory workers. And by the way, speaking of farmers, and factory workers, and small businesses, and all, for the death tax. You know about the death tax, right? It\'s called the inheritance tax. You have a small farm someplace, you have a small business, you have a nice business, you no longer have an inheritance tax or a death tax. So if you wanna leave it to your children, you can leave it to your children, there\'s no tax to be paid by your children. So they don\'t have to go back to the evil banker, borrow money from the banker, and lose the farm, lose the business, it won\'t happen. And I always say it, \'cause, you know, I know a lot of parents that don\'t love their children very much. [laughter] Is there anybody in this room that does not love your children? Please raise your hand. Please raise your hand. Nobody. Nobody, that\'s because we\'re North Carolina, you love your children. No, but if you don\'t, then it doesn\'t matter because if you don\'t love your children, don\'t leave them a damn thing, okay? [laughter] But you don\'t have the inheritance tax anymore, which is great. A lot of people don\'t even know that, but that\'s a big deal. On no issue have Washington Democrats more thoroughly betrayed the American people than on the issue of immigration. Every Democrat running for president supports free federal welfare for illegal aliens, on your tax. [booing] Not only does illegal immigration drain our treasury, but it threatens innocent lives. As just one heartbreaking example, two illegal aliens in Maryland who had been previously charged with attempted murder were released, unaccountably released, and they went on to murder a teenage girl beating her with a baseball bat and slashing her with a machete. The entire Democratic field supports deadly sanctuary cities, which release dangerous criminals to terrorize your communities. Right here in North Carolina, believe it or not, the sanctuary county of Durham released an illegal alien criminal, who then proceeded to viciously murdered a young 19 year-old woman last year, you know all about it, killing her and dumping her body into the woods. Last year alone, sanctuary jurisdictions in North Carolina ... How did that happen to North Carolina? Deliberately set free hundreds and hundreds of dan-... And these are really dangerous criminal aliens, including those charged or convicted of burglary, gun crime, sexual assault, kidnapping, and even murder. Gotta change it. [shouting] Your Democrat Governor, Roy Cooper, vetoed a bill that would save North Carolina lives and ban sanctuary cities in your state. [booing] What is he thinking? But while your super-liberal governor is putting your families at risk, your Republican Senator Thom Tillis has introduced a bill allowing American victims to sue sanctuary cities for the horrible pain, anguish, and suffering they inflict on our people. [cheers and applause] Crowd. [chanting] Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall! The President. We\'re building the wall. We\'re building the wall. We\'re building the wall. We\'re building the wall. Mexico\'s paying for the wall, by the way. [cheers and applause] We built 127 miles as of today, 127 miles. And Mexico is paying for the wall. The media is gonna be thrilled when I explain that Mexico is paying for the wall because, you know, now finally they said I\'ve had obstruction like you wouldn\'t believe. The entire Democratic party. I could get anything. I created Space Force. I could do anything. I could get ... [cheers and applause] Lindsey and Thom Tillis know this. Mark knows this. All of them know this. If I wanted 10 cents for the wall, they didn\'t wanna get it. They didn\'t wanna do it, but now we got it, and you think that\'s easy? Nobody else could have done this. We\'re building it. We\'re building our hearts away. We\'ll soon be building many, many miles a week, but we\'re up to over 125, I guess 127 or 28 miles, of the super-duper wall, super-duper. I went to Border Patrol, I said, \" What is your wish?\" \"Well, sir, we\'d like it to be steel and concrete.\" They wanted exactly what they have it, and the barriers up top, they want everything. It\'s called a no-climb provisor, no-climb provisor. I said, \"What does the word provisor mean?\" They didn\'t know. All it means is you\'re not able to climb over it. It is very tough. I don\'t know if you saw. In a part of the wall, a couple, a couple of weeks ago, they were climbing the wall, and the fire department had to come and take them down. They couldn\'t get ... That\'s what the no-climb is. That\'s what the no-climb is. That\'s a no-climb. It\'s more money, i\'s a little more expensive. Thank you. Who is that? Wow, what a voice. Pavarotti. It\'s Pavarotti. So, we\'re building the wall. It\'s going great. And, so, they said, \"All right. He\'s building the wall, but Mexico\'s not paying for it.\" Yes, they are. You\'ll see. You\'ll see. You understand. Some of you understand because I told a few people last week, it got linked to the fake news media. If you want to end sanctuary cities in North Carolina and across America, then you have only one choice. You must vote Republican. You have to. [cheers and applause] You have to. Thanks to our tireless efforts to secure the border, we\'ve reduced illegal border crossings by a staggering 75% since last spring. We\'ve added catch and release, one of the worst loopholes you\'ve ever seen, catch and release. You catch them. You then say, \"Where do you live?\" They don\'t know because look, let\'s face it, they don\'t know. I understand that. It\'s not even to be laughed at. They don\'t know. \"Where do you live?\" \"I don\'t know.\" Mexico, maybe, Honduras, Guatemala, who knows? El Salvador. \"Where do you live?\" Like this guy, he\'s a Mexican. You\'re about as Mexican as I am. Look at this guy. He\'s as Mexican as I am. Look at that hat. Are you Mexican? Are you Mexican? No, you\'re not. Are you? He is. It\'s like Elizabeth Warren. She said she was an Indian. I said ... Right? [laughter] I said, \"I have more Indian blood in me than you have, and I have none.\" And she said, \"Oh, this is terrible.\" So she went out and got a test and it turned out not so good for her. Right? [laughter] One thousand and twenty-fourth, right? One-thousandths, so I was right. I probably have more in me. What a phony she is. [shouting] What a phony. Washington Democrats have never been more extreme. One hundred and thirty-two Congressional Democrats have signed up for Bernie Sanders\'s healthcare takeover. While the Washington Democrats are trying to destroy your healthcare and your Social Security, and they are going to destroy your Social Security. Remember they used to say with me, \"I\'m gonna end it the first day.\" Well, you know what, we\'re gonna soon be four years and all I\'ve done is make it stronger. You know that. My administration is protecting your Social Security, your Medicare, and is fighting to give you great healthcare. You\'re going to have great healthcare. We are defending your right to keep the doctor and to keep the plan of your choice. Remember President Obama? \"You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan,\" 28 times. They said, \"Impeach him. You should impeach him.\" Twenty- eight times he lied, 28 times he said that ... Twenty-eight times on record, \"You can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.\" Well, that\'s not true. It wasn\'t true. Impeach him. We\'re making healthcare better and much cheaper while premiums more than doubled in the last five years before I took office. We are now offering plans that are up to 60% less expensive and they\'re better plans. [cheers and applause] We are protecting people with preexisting conditions and we always will, and we are trying to terminate, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the worst healthcare in the world, and we are going to give you the best healthcare you\'ve ever seen at a lower price and again, protecting preexisting conditions. Right? Protecting preexisting conditions. We\'re fighting to stop surprise medical billing. You know what that is? Surprise, you get all sorts of surprises. We have people that take a blood test in one place, it\'s 26 dollars, and in another place it\'s 2,000 dollars. Same blood test, maybe the cheap one is better, who knows? Same blood test. It\'s wrong. Surprise medical building. Bum. Out. Billing. I signed an executive order imposing price transparency, that\'s gonna be bigger than healthcare, because when providers are required to show their prices, those same prices fall very, very fast. Right? It\'s a big thing. That\'s a big thing. We\'ve approved a record number of affordable new generic drugs, which are just as good as name-brand drugs, but a fraction of the cost. We\'ve, we have given them, and there\'s a lot of political pressure not to do that, you can understand why. To care for our amazing veterans, we passed VA Choice and VA Accountability, and nobody, nobody said it could be done. [cheers and applause] So now, instead of waiting in line for days and days, and weeks and weeks to see a doctor, you go outside, you get a doctor, we pay the bill, you get all fixed up. What a great thing. It\'s called VA Choice. I got it done. They\'ve been trying to pass it for almost 50 years and they haven\'t been able to. And those people over there were a great help. We have passed the spectacular Right to Try. You know what that is? Hopefully nobody in the room needs it. Hopefully nobody in the room needs Right to Try. We are combating the opioid epidemic. Drug overdose deaths have declined for the first time in nearly 31 years. [cheers and applause] Big problem. And we\'ve launched new initiatives combating kidney disease and Alzheimer\'s, and we\'re pursuing new advances in neonatal research to care for America\'s youngest patients, and breaking all records in so doing. [cheers and applause] Virtually every Democratic candidate has declared their unlimited support for extreme late-term abortion, ripping babies straight from the mother\'s womb, right up until the very moment of birth. How about that? That is why I\'ve asked Congress to prohibit late-term abortion of babies, because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift of God. [cheers and applause] And then you have the governor of Virginia. The baby is born. [booing] The baby is born and he says, \"And then you go over and start talking to the mother as to whether or not you execute the baby.\" This is the governor of Virginia. The governor of Virginia, he\'s a beauty. Remember? You remember what he did? He wanted to dance like Michael Jackson and his wife stopped him. He got lucky. But the governor of Virginia wanted to do that. The baby is born and then he goes over and talks to the mother. The doctor will now talk, and you\'ll make a decision as to whether or not the baby lives. Did you ever hear of anything like this? The Democratic party is the party of high taxes, high crime, unlimited regulations, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, blatant corruption, and the total obliteration of your Second Amendment. [booing] The Republican party is the party of the American worker, the American family, the American dream, and the late great Abraham Lincoln. [cheers and applause] Crowd. [chanting] USA! USA! USA! USA! The President. So many people came up to me tonight and they want me to fight, and we\'re doing it, for school choice, so that every child who needs it, gets it. No parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school. [cheers and applause] I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life. Alice Johnson, do we love Alice Johnson? [cheers and applause] And this could not have been done by anyone other than the Republican party. I recognized Israel\'s true capital and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. [cheers and applause] We recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Our historic investments in the United States military include 200 million dollars to a place that nobody\'s heard of in this audience, I\'m sure, Fort Bragg. [cheers and applause] Three hundred million dollars for Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. [cheers and applause] More than 500 million dollars for Marine Corps Air Station New River. [cheers and applause] And listen to this one. No Democrat\'s gonna do this. They don\'t even wanna spend money on the military. They don\'t like the military. They\'re not gonna spend money, 1.2 billion dollars for Camp Lejeune. [cheers and applause] 1.2 billion. Do you think that a guy like Sleepy Joe\'s gonna put ... He doesn\'t know what it means. I know what it means. We have to have a strong military. We have the strongest military we\'ve ever had. And when I came in, our military was in sad shape. It was depleted, but we\'ve rebuilt it, 2.5 trillion dollars went into our military. [cheers and applause] For years you\'ve watched as your politicians apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for America and we are standing up for the people of North Carolina and always will. [cheers and applause] At stake in our present battle is the actual survival of our nation itself. If you want your children to inherit the blessings of generations of Americans who fought and died to secure, and then we ... And you know what they\'re securing, they are securing us, they\'re securing our freedom, then we must devote everything we have toward victory in November, November 3rd to be exact. [cheers and applause] Only this way can we save the America we love, and drain the Washington swamp, which is, by the way, much more vicious, much dirtier, much deeper than I ever thought, but we are kicking ass, let me tell you that. We are kicking ass. [cheers and applause] With your help, we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and poverty to prosperity. Together we will elect a Republican Congress to create a fair, safe, sane, and lawful system of immigration. [cheers and applause] And we will continue with the great Thom Tillis. We will get Thom Tillis. Thom, I don\'t, I don\'t think anybody even wants to run against you, Thom, but we\'re gonna reelect Thom Tillis. Is that right? We\'re gonna reelect Thom Tillis. And if we don\'t, I\'m gonna be so angry at you. [shouting] I\'ll only come back here a few times a year, if that\'s okay. No, Thom is gonna be great. Thom, I think you\'re in great shape. I think you\'re in great shape. One more hand for Thom Tillis, please. [cheers and applause] We don\'t even know who\'s running against him. Nobody wants to run. We will continue to enact new trade deals that result in more products proudly stamped with that beautiful, beautiful, beautiful phrase, \"Made in the USA,\" right? \"Made in the USA.\" We will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine, finding cures for childhood cancer and ending the AIDS epidemic in less than nine years. We\'ve already started. Who would have thought that? We will defend privacy, free speech, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms. [cheers and applause] And your Second Amendment rights are under siege. Believe me, they\'re under siege. We don\'t get in, you can forget your Second Amendment. That\'s what I think. I really believe it. Above all, we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that binds us together as one beautiful America. [cheers and applause] We support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. [cheers and applause] We stand with the incredible heroes of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] We believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. [cheers and applause] We believe that faith and family, not government bureaucracy, are the true American way. [cheers and applause] We believe that children should be taught to love our country, honor our history, and to always respect our great American flag. [cheers and applause] And we live by the words of our national motto, \"In God We Trust.\" Crowd. [chanting] USA! USA! USA! USA! The President. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, from Raleigh to Greensboro, from Asheville to Kitty Hawk to right here in Charlotte, this state is the home to some of the toughest men and strongest women, and most incredible patriots ever to walk the face of the Earth. [cheers and applause] We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, blazed the trails, sailed the continent, tamed the wilderness, dug out the Panama Canal, laid down the railroads, revolutionized industry, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America the single greatest nation in the history of the world—[cheers and applause]—and we are making it greater every single day. [cheers and applause] Proud citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American people, that\'s what\'s happening. With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause] We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. [cheers and applause] America is thriving like never before, and, ladies and gentlemen of North Carolina, the best is yet to come. [cheers and applause] Because together, we have made America wealthy again. We have made America strong again. We have made America proud again. We have made America safe again—[cheers and applause]—and we have made America great again. Thank you. Thank you, North Carolina. Thank you. NOTE: The President spoke at the Bojangles Coliseum. Also speaking were South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis, and Internet personalities Diamond and Silk. The president began speaking just after 7 pm ET and spoke for about 1 hour and 4 minutes. This transcript prepared for the American Presidency Project by UCSB student research assistant Katya Kiseleva. Donald J. Trump, Remarks at a \"Keep America Great\" Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project ### Filed Under ### Categories Presidential Spoken Addresses and Remarks ### Attributes Campaign Remarks & Rallies Watch Video ### Location North Carolina ![\\"\\"](\\" flags/NC.jpg\\") * twitter * facebook * linkedin * google+ * email ## Simple Search of Our Archives # per page 5102550100 Apply ### Report a Typo The American Presidency ProjectJohn Woolley and Gerhard PetersContact Twitter Facebook Copyright © The American Presidency ProjectTerms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility ![\\"uc](\\"/sites/default/files/pictures/uc-santa-barbara-wordmark- white1x.svg\\") We need your help! ### We have accomplished great things!The APP is widely cited as an authoritative source.Still, we have major pending maintenance costs AND no budget source other than *donations!* ### WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!PLEASE: SUPPORT THE APP! **GIVE NOW ** ### dismiss for 30 days
You lose 27000 people to the common flu
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Politics Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper Politics|Tracking Trump’s Claims on the Threat From Coronavirus check.html * Share full article Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we have confirmed access, the full article content will load. Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT # Tracking Trump’s Claims on the Threat From Coronavirus * Share full article ![\\"\\"](\\" trumpclaims/merlin_169965096_ba4c043f-e46b-445c-b3b3-163616c54696-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") President Trump has made a series of questionable statements about the threat from coronavirus.Credit...T.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times ![\\"Linda](\\" linda-qiu/author-linda-qiu- thumbLarge.png\\")![\\"Mikayla](\\" mikayla-bouchard/author-mikayla-bouchard-thumbLarge-v3.png\\") By Linda Qiu and Mikayla Bouchard Published March 5, 2020Updated March 12, 2020 President Trump has made a series of rosy — and sometimes false — claims about the coronavirus, including the risks to Americans and how his administration is responding. Here is a timeline of some of his comments, placed in context and fact- checked. ## Jan. 24 ### China has had hundreds of cases and dozens of deaths. The first case was announced in the United States three days before. Mr. Trump tweeted:“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” While the Chinese response to the coronavirus was more transparent than during the SARS outbreak nearly two decades earlier, it was not a model of open communication. The government continued to censor criticism and suppress information. A Chinese doctor who tried to warn his medical school classmates about the virus in December was detained by authorities for questioning. He was infected with the virus and died two weeks after Mr. Trump’s tweet. ## Jan. 29 ### Cases have been reported in 17 countries. In China, the outbreak has surpassed that of SARS. Five cases are confirmed in the U.S. Mr. Trump tweeted:“Just received a briefing on the Coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies, who are also working closely with China. We will continue to monitor the ongoing developments. We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7!” ## Feb. 2 ### The death toll has topped 300, including the first fatality outside China. The World Health Organization and U.S. have declared a public health emergency. Mr. Trump spoke with the Fox News personality Sean Hannity:“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China,” Mr. Trump said of the coronavirus. “But we can’t have thousands of people coming in who may have this problem, the coronavirus. So, we’re going to see what happens, but we did shut it down, yes.” ## Feb. 14 ### The death toll is well over 1,000. U.S. cases have reached 14. Flawed testing kits were sent to state labs by the C.D.C. Mr. Trump addressed the National Border Patrol Council:“And 61 percent of the voters approve of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. And, you know, we did a very early move on that. We did a — I was criticized by a lot of people at the beginning because we were the first. We’d never done it before.”He also offered an optimistic prediction:“There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm — historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet.” Thank you for your patience while we verify access. If you are in Reader mode please exit and log into your Times account, or subscribe for all of The Times. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. Already a subscriber? Log in. Want all of The Times? Subscribe. Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions
BJP lost 13 seats in Karnataka Assembly Elections where the margin is less than NOTA
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Delhi # AAP loses all seats in polls, gets fewer votes than NOTA ## The party says it will decide its future course of action after the INDIA bloc’s meeting on December 6 Updated - December 04, 2023 12:13 pm IST - New Delhi The Hindu Bureau * Copy link * Email * Facebook * Twitter * Telegram * LinkedIn * WhatsApp * Reddit READ LATER Remove SEE ALL PRINT ![\\"Delhi](\\" online/1x1_spacer.png\\") Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. | Photo Credit: ANI The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) continued its poor run in Assembly elections on Sunday, failing to win any of the seats it had contested in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh and securing fewer votes than the NOTA (none of the above) option. This has been AAP’s performance pattern while contesting polls outside Delhi, with the exception of Punjab, where it swept to power in 2022, and Gujarat and Goa, where the party has opened its account. AAP, however, asserted that the results are not reflective of the nation’s mood for the Lok Sabha poll even as it congratulated the BJP on its wins in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, and the Congress on “a spectacular win” in Telangana. The party said it will decide its future course of action after the INDIA bloc’s meeting on December 6. #### ‘Accept will of people’ In its official statement, AAP said it “submits to the will of the people”. “We sincerely hope that the BJP will come through on its promise and provide homes under the Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Awas Yojana. We also hope it will provide LPG (cylinders) at ₹450, as promised. We demand that cheaper LPG (cylinders) should be provided for the entire nation and not be limited to the three States,” it said. On its performance, the party said it is in its “formative stages” and is contesting polls in these States to “ensure that our message reaches everyone”. “The BJP lost its deposits on 31 seats in the Karnataka election. PM Narendra Modi himself campaigned in Andhra Pradesh, but the BJP lost all 173 seats and scored less than NOTA. Did this affect the BJP vote share in Gujarat?” it said. A party insider said AAP has to contest polls since it is now a national party and “it takes time to make inroads”. “All these parties have been working there for a long time,” he said. “See, we are still a young party and it will take time to spread to other States. We are not like the Congress, which has been fighting elections for 75 years, and still losing. We are growing in other States, but it cannot happen overnight,” a senior party leader said. #### ‘Cong. losing clout’ Another party insider said the Congress’s underperformance in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh means that it will not be able to call the shots on the INDIA alliance’s seat-sharing formula. “Had the Congress won the three States, it would have dictated terms on seat sharing. Now, it will have to listen to its allies and reach a consensus. This will have an impact on seat sharing, not only in Delhi and Punjab, but also in other States,” the insider said. Another party source said the Congress’s overconfidence was responsible for its defeat. #### ‘A silver lining’ However, senior party leader Jasmine Shah found a silver lining in AAP’s loss. Alluding to the Congress losing Rajasthan, he said in a post on X (formerly Twitter), “After today’s results, Aam Aadmi Party emerges as the largest Opposition party in north India with 2 State governments – Punjab and Delhi.” Published - December 04, 2023 02:49 am IST Read Comments * Copy link * Email * Facebook * Twitter * Telegram * LinkedIn * WhatsApp * Reddit READ LATER Remove SEE ALL PRINT ### Related Topics Aam Aadmi Party / Delhi / Bharatiya Janata Party / Indian National Congress / national politics / Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023 / Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections 2023 / Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023 ### Top News Today ![](\\"\\"/) ![](\\" icon.svg\\"/) 0 / 0 Read in App ![\\"Return](\\" online/1x1_spacer.png\\"/) ##### The Hindu About Us Code of Editorial Values News Archive Sitemap Print Subscription Digital Subscription Subscribe to Newsletters Rss Feeds Readers Editor- Terms of Reference Authors & Contributors ##### Contact us Contact Us Social Media Advertise With Us ##### Group News Sites Business Line BL on Campus Sportstar Frontline இந்து தமிழ் திசை The Hindu Centre Young World Club The Hindu ePaper Business Line ePaper Crossword + Free Games ##### Other Products RoofandFloor STEP Images Classifieds - Print Bookstore & Special Publications ##### Popular Sections Elections Israeli–Palestinian conflict 2023 Latest News National News International News Videos Life & Style Food Podcast Showcase ##### Opinion Editorial Columns Comment Cartoon Letters Interview Lead ##### Business Agri-Business Industry Economy Markets Budget ##### Sport Cricket Football Hockey Tennis Athletics Motorsport Races Other Sports ##### Sci-Tech Science Technology Health Agriculture Environment Gadgets Internet ##### States Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Telangana ##### Cities Bengaluru Chennai Coimbatore Delhi Hyderabad Kochi Kolkata Kozhikode Madurai Mangaluru Mumbai Puducherry Thiruvananthapuram Tiruchirapalli Vijayawada Visakhapatnam ##### Trending on The Hindu India News Telangana, Andhra rains LIVE PM Modi Brunei visit Coast guard crash New Zealand fata fog Intel’s Core Ultra 200V series processors News India News Tesla China Sales Queen Elizabeth schools in India ##### Trending on Group sites Stock Market Live Updates Stocks to buy today IND vs SL, 1st ODI Mogun Bagan Paralympics 2024 Gold Rate Today Silver Rate Today Explore Frontline Packages Centre is diluting federalism Frontline Current Issue Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright© 2024, THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD. or its affiliated companies. 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BJP lost 13 seats in Karnataka Assembly Elections where the margin is less than NOTA
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BJP lost 13 seats in Karnataka Assembly Elections where the margin is less than NOTA
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Mandate 2024 # ‘No contest’ to NOTA: Indore scripts electoral history in 2024 Lok Sabha election ### After its candidate withdrew from the election and joined the BJP, the Congress had encouraged voters to press NOTA. Published : Jun 06, 2024 20:07 IST - 4 MINS READ Frontline News Desk COMMents ![\\"follow](\\" online/1x1_spacer.png\\"/)Follow Us SHARE * Copy link * Email * Facebook * Twitter * Telegram * LinkedIn * WhatsApp * Reddit READ LATER SEE ALL Remove ![\\"NOTA](\\" online/1x1_spacer.png\\") NOTA polls over two lakh votes in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore Lok Sabha constituency. | Photo Credit: The Hindu Indore on June 4 rewrote history by registering the highest-ever NOTA votes in the country at 2,18,674, overtaking a record posted by Bihar’s Gopalganj in 2019, while the BJP candidate Shankar Lalwani won the Lok Sabha election from the seat in Madhya Pradesh by a staggering margin of 11,75,092 votes. All 13 candidates in the fray in Indore against Lalwani, who won by potentially record margin votes, lost their security deposit, indicating they were clearly rejected by the voters. If a candidate gets fewer than one-sixth of the total valid votes cast in a constituency, their security deposit is seized by the Election Commission of India (ECI). Also Read | For fair representation The NOTA (none of the above) option garnered 16.28 per cent of the total vote cast in the Indore Lok Sabha seat. Sitting MP Lalwani’s nearest rival, Sanjay Solanki of the Bahujan Samaj Party, pocketed 51,659 votes. ### Call to support NOTA Notably, the Congress gave a call to support NOTA after its candidate Akshay Kanti Bam withdrew from the election fray at the last moment, a move that forced the opposition party out of the contest from the prestigious seat. Bam later joined the BJP. The Congress candidate’s decision to withdraw played a major role in the landslide victory of the BJP’s Shankar Lalwani from the Indore Lok Sabha constituency, Madhya Pradesh minister Kailash Vijayvargiya on June 5 said. “I think Lalwani has won by such a big margin that no one can beat his record. The credit for this goes to Bam also. Applaud (for Bam) again,” he said. A total of 5,33,705 voters pressed the NOTA (none of the above) option nationally, with the highest number of 2,18,674 such votes being registered in the Indore seat alone, Madhya Pradesh Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan said in a press conference. On May 13, of the 25.27 lakh eligible voters in Indore, 61.75 per cent exercised their franchise. Of them, 13,43,294 ballots were found valid. Of it, 16.28 per cent of the votes went to NOTA. In 2019, Indore recorded a 69 per cent turnout with 5,045 voters opting for NOTA. In the last parliamentary election, voters in Bihar’s Gopalganj created a record with 51,660 of them, or 5 per cent, opting for NOTA, which is placed as the last option on the electronic voting machine (EVM). In the 2014 Lok Sabha election, NOTA garnered 46,559 votes in Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu by pocketing nearly 5 per cent of votes cast. The NOTA option was incorporated into the EVM in September 2013 following a Supreme Court verdict. This choice gave voters the option to reject all candidates in the fray. The BJP has been winning the Indore seat for the last 35 years. Excluding Lalwani, the NOTA option prevailed over the remaining 13 candidates. In all, the defeated candidates managed just 1,16,543 ballots. In 2019, Lalwani defeated his nearest Congress rival Pankaj Sanghvi by a margin of 5.48 lakh votes. This time, the NOTA supported by Congress did not get even half of the votes that his rival party garnered in 2019, Lalwani said. “This shows the people of Indore have rejected Congress,” he added. Senior Congress leader Shobha Oza said that the people of Indore have created a record by casting their votes in favour of NOTA and giving a befitting reply to the BJP which, she claimed, considers itself above democracy and the Constitution. ### Can NOTA be legally effective? Former Chief Election Commissioner O.P. Rawat had recently described NOTA as having a “symbolic” impact and said if it gets more than 50 per cent votes in a seat, only then making it legally effective on election results could be considered. Also Read | Congress fails to get its act together in Madhya Pradesh Rawat said that if 99 out of 100 votes go in favour of the NOTA option and someone gets one vote, even then the candidate will emerge victorious. “More than 50 per cent of electors will have to once opt for NOTA in a seat to show the political community that they do not consider candidates with criminal background or other undeserving ones worthy of their votes. Only after this, pressure on Parliament and the Election Commission will increase and they will have to think about changing laws to make NOTA effective on the election results,” he said. (with inputs from PTI) COMMents ![\\"follow](\\" online/1x1_spacer.png\\"/)Follow Us SHARE * Copy link * Email * Facebook * Twitter * Telegram * LinkedIn * WhatsApp * Reddit ## Related stories * ![\\"\\"](\\" Mallikarjun Kharge: ‘Nobody in this country imagined we would have a Prime Minister who lies so much’ * ![\\"\\"](\\" High turnout in Chhattisgarh election as incumbent Congress faces stiff challenge from BJP * ![\\"\\"](\\" Rajasthan: Expect a direct showdown between Congress and BJP * ![\\"\\"](\\" Local issues over national slogans: A reporter’s diary from Maharashtra and Gujarat ![\\"FL](\\"/theme/images/fl-online/1x1_spacer.png\\") Read the Latest Issue Manipur | One Year Later — Lede ### Eyes wide shut: How the state turns away from Manipur’s realities Greeshma Kuthar ![\\"A](\\" online/1x1_spacer.png\\") Manipur | One Year Later ### Editor’s Note: The deafening silence on Manipur Vaishna Roy \+ SEE all Stories ![\\"The](\\" logo.svg\\") ![](\\" icon.svg\\"/)![](\\" store-icon.svg\\"/) * ##### Frontline * About us * Magazine Archives * Digital Exclusive Stories * Current Issue * Sitemap * Print Subscription * Digital Subscription * RSS feeds * ##### Contact us * Customer care * Careers * ##### Group News Sites * The Hindu * BL on Campus * Sportstar * Businessline * இந்து தமிழ் திசை * The Hindu Centre * Young World Club * The Hindu ePaper * Business Line ePaper * Crossword + Free Games * ##### Other Products * RoofandFloor * STEP * Images * Classifieds - Print * Special Publications * eBooks * The Hindu Coupons * ##### Popular Sections * News * Columns * Social Issues * Economy * Books * Arts & Culture ##### Trending on Frontline * India Heading towards an Autocracy ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Lok Sabha Election 2024 ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Air Quality Report 2023 ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * ECI Revels Electoral Bonds Data ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Environment News ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Indian Politics News ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Indian Economy News ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * ED Arrests Arvind Kejriwal ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * National News ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" ##### Trending on Group sites * Lok Sabha Elections Live ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Stock Market Live Updates ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Stock Recommendation Today ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Silver Rate Today ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Gold Rate Today ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * IPL 2024 ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Lok Sabha Election Results 2024 ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * CSK Squad IPL 2024 ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Market Top Gainers ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Market Top Losers Today ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * Reliance Share Price ![\\"arrow\\"](\\" * ![\\"Facebook\\"](\\" * ![\\"Twitter\\"](\\" * ![\\"Youtube\\"](\\" * ![\\"Instagram\\"](\\" 1. 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BJP lost 13 seats in Karnataka Assembly Elections where the margin is less than NOTA
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By expressing a preference for none of the above, a citizen can choose not to vote for any candidates who are contesting the elections. In the PUCL vs. Union of India judgement of 2013, the Supreme Court of India directed the Election Commission of India to include NOTA in elections to the Lok Sabha and respective state legislative assemblies. The NOTA option was first used in the 2013 legislative assembly elections held in four states—Chhattisgarh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh, and the union territory of Delhi. Since its introduction, NOTA has gained increasing popularity amongst the Indian electorate, securing more votes than some candidates in legislative assembly elections, and in some instances, securing more votes than the winning candidate in panchayat elections. ## Supreme Court Judgement on NOTA [edit] A writ petition was filed by People\'s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). The Supreme Court of India judgement said, > We direct the Election Commission to provide necessary provision in the > ballot papers/EVMs and another button called “None of the Above” (NOTA) may > be provided in EVMs so that the voters, who come to the polling booth and > decide not to vote for any of the candidates in the fray, are able to > exercise their right not to vote while maintaining their right of > secrecy.[1] The Supreme Court also observed that it is essential that people of high moral and ethical values are chosen as people\'s representatives for proper governance of the country, and NOTA button can compel political parties to nominate a sound candidate. ## Election Commission of India (ECI) and NOTA [edit] 1. ECI has stated that \"...even if, in any extreme case, the number of votes against NOTA is more than the number of votes secured by the candidates, the candidate who secures the largest number of votes among the contesting candidates shall be declared to be elected...\"[2][3] 2. In a clarification released in 2013, ECI has stated that votes polled for NOTA cannot be considered for determining the forfeiture of security deposit.[4] 3. In 2014, ECI introduced NOTA in Rajya Sabha elections.[5] (The Supreme Court in 2018, has scrapped ‘None Of The Above’ (NOTA) option in Rajya Sabha elections) 4. In 2015, Election Commission of India announced the symbol for \'None of the Above\' option, with the design being done by National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad.[6] Earlier, there were demands that Election Commission allot the symbol of a donkey for NOTA.[7] ## Performance [edit] In many elections, NOTA has won more votes than many of the political parties that contested.[8][9] The highest NOTA record is Indore Lok Sabha constituency in 2024 elections saw more than 2 lakh votes polled for NOTA. The candidate has won in Indore with a 10.09 lakh margin, receiving 12,26,751 votes. His nearest competitor was NOTA, with 2,18,674 votes 1(6.28 percent of votes) which was reportedly due to withdrawal of opposition at the last moment. The previous NOTA record-holder was Gopalganj, Bihar, in 2019, when 51,660 voters chose this option which is 5 percent of votes. In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, NOTA garnered 46,559 votes in Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu by pocketing nearly 5 percent of votes cast there. In many constituencies, votes received by NOTA have been higher than the margin by which the candidate has won.[10][11] Observations have been made that NOTA can influence more citizens to participate in voting, though there is a danger that the novelty factor associated with NOTA will gradually erode. ![](\\"// NOTA_and_Victory_Margin.png\\")A pie chart depicting the scenario where (top) the number of votes polled for the None of the Above (NOTA) option are greater than the Victory Margin in an election where NOTA has no electoral value versus (bottom) two scenarios where the NOTA voters would have chosen one of the winning parties, leading to two different outcomes. However, it seems that the popularity of NOTA is growing with time. NOTA has not managed to secure a majority, but in many of the elections since its introduction - including the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections as well as several Assembly Elections - the number of NOTA votes polled has been higher than the victory margin in many constituencies. In the 2017 Gujarat Assembly Elections, the total vote share of NOTA was lesser only than the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Congress, and Independent Candidates. In 118 constituencies, NOTA polled the third largest vote share after BJP and Congress.[12] In the 2018 Karnataka Assembly Elections, NOTA polled more votes than some parties with a nation-wide presence such as CPI (M) and BSP.[8] In the Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections conducted in 2018, the difference between the vote share of the BJP and Congress was just 0.1%, whereas NOTA polled a vote share of 1.4%.[13] In the South Gwalior Constituency, the sitting MLA Narayan Singh Kushwah lost by 121 votes, whereas NOTA got 1550 votes. Had all the NOTA voters hypothetically voted for Kushwah, he would have won by a huge margin. In the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, 2G scam accused MP - A Raja (DMK candidate) - lost to the AIADMK candidate, while NOTA emerged with the third largest vote share, possibly as an expression of public anger towards corrupt candidates.[14] In the 2019 Indian general election, about 1.04 percent of the voters chose to vote for NOTA, with Bihar and Assam leading with 2.08 percent NOTA voters.[15] ## Responses [edit] NOTA has been described as the maturing of India\'s democracy.[16] The power of NOTA to express dissent is clearly visible in reports where entire communities decided to democratically protest against governments that have failed to meet their needs. For instance, there have been multiple cases of entire villages deciding to vote for NOTA due to consistent failure of local governments to meet basic requirements like roads, electricity,[17][18] inaction towards villagers\' complaints about water contamination by industries,[19] and even reports of sex workers who have been pushing for legalisation of their profession to get themselves covered under labour laws, but have received no government attention, deciding to go for NOTA.[20] What is unclear is whether so far this protest has translated into compensatory action by the elected Government. However, while passing the NOTA ruling, the Chief Justice of India, P. Sathasivam, was quoted as stating, > Giving right to a voter not to vote for any candidate while protecting his > right of secrecy is extremely important in a democracy. Such an option gives > the voter the right to express his disapproval of the kind of candidates > being put up by the parties. Gradually, there will be a systemic change and > the parties will be forced to accept the will of the people and field > candidates who are known for their integrity.”.[21] A number of groups and individuals have been conducting voter awareness campaigns about NOTA.[22] Recent year election results have shown an increasing trend of people choosing NOTA. It has been observed that some of the highest NOTA votes polled are consistently seen in Reserved Constituencies (Constituencies that, based on their demographic composition, are required to field only candidates from Reserved Categories to contest elections). This could be interpreted as a refusal of general category voters to vote for an SC/ST candidate[23] \- a scenario where NOTA is being misused to uphold caste-based bias. While on the one hand, more votes for NOTA could be interpreted as more expression of the prevailing dissatisfaction in the electorate, there is also the danger that the underlying cause is ignorance about the candidates, uninformed and irresponsible voting, or expression of bias on the basis of caste, as seen in the case of Reserved Constituencies. Thus, while NOTA is definitely providing a voice to dissent, it needs to be accompanied with efforts to raise voter awareness to prevent the misuse of this measure. In 2018, Maharashtra State Election Commission (MSEC) said that if NOTA received the maximum votes in an assembly constituency, then none of the contesting candidates will be declared elected and fresh elections will be held.[24] In 2021, Supreme Court asked Election Commission if it is legally permissible to reject all candidates in an election where NOTA votes win the highest number of votes.[25] In 2022, Delhi State Election Commission announced that if NOTA gained the highest vote, then the results will not be immediately declared but report will be sent to State Election Commission. Then the State Election Commission will declare new elections on the concerning seats.[26] ## Suggested Improvements [edit] There have been discussions to improve on NOTA, and to empower the voter through NOTA. Some of those suggested improvements include: 1. If NOTA receives the highest number of votes, re-election should be held in that constituency with new candidate or, that constituency should be ruled by the Governor. [27][28] 2. When conducting re-elections, the NOTA button may be disabled to avoid a series of re-elections.[29] 3. Political parties that lose to NOTA to bear the cost of re-election. [30] 4. The candidates who lose to NOTA should not be allowed to contest elections for a defined period of time. [30] 5. Candidates receiving votes less than NOTA to be disqualified to contest any election in future, even in constituencies where NOTA might not have got maximum votes. [31] 6. To make NOTA a virtual representative of the constituency, if the votes polled for NOTA is the majority vote.[32][33] 7. To conduct re-election, if the votes polled for NOTA is higher than the winning margin of votes.[34] There have been PILs filed to strengthen the impact of NOTA in 2016 and 2017[35][36] by providing it the Power to Reject (asking for re-elections) if NOTA wins majority and barring the rejected candidates from contesting. However, the Supreme Court responded to these PILs by stating that such a solution is unworkable and that \"holding an election in our country is a very serious and expensive business\".[35] But voicing another line of opinion, Sanjay Parikh, a Supreme Court advocate who argued for PUCL in favour of NOTA, had stated in a 2013 interview:[37] > Some people argue that the implementation of NOTA will drive up election > expenses. But a tainted candidate who indulges in corruption and > malpractices is a greater cost for the country. It is only the desire to > continue in power and the greed for money that take prominence over values. ## NOTA in local elections [edit] Section 79 (d) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, recognises \"electoral right\" to also include the right to \"refrain from voting at an election\".[38] \'The Representation of People Act\' is applicable to \"...either House of Parliament or in the House or either House of the Legislature of a State...\"[39] It is not applicable to elections for panchayats and urban local bodies. However, several states has implemented it by amending their Acts. NOTA was not included in the 2015 Kerala panchayat elections.[40] In 2018, the State Election Commission (SEC) of Maharashtra studied local body elections over the previous two years, and found several cases where NOTA had won more votes than the winning candidates. To cite some examples:[41] In the Bori gram panchayat polls in the Pune district, NOTA polled 85.57% votes; in the Mankarwadi gram panchayat polls in same district, 204 of a total 330 valid votes went to NOTA. The sarpanch of Khugaon Khurd in Nanded district got just 120 votes while NOTA had got 627 of the total 849 votes. Similarly, in a local election in the Khavadi village in Lanja tehsil, the winning candidate got 130 votes of 441 valid votes, while NOTA polled 210 votes. Considering this, the Maharashtra SEC decided to consider amending the existing laws on NOTA. In November 2018, the SEC announced that if NOTA gets the maximum votes in an election, re-elections would be held. The order would be applicable to polls and by-polls to all municipal corporations, municipal councils and nagar panchayats with immediate effect. If NOTA gets the highest number of votes in the re-election as well, the candidate with the most votes, excluding NOTA, will be declared the winner.[42] However, the rejected candidates are not barred from re-elections. The Haryana SEC followed suit too, declaring in November 2018 that NOTA would be treated as a fictional candidate and re-elections would be conducted if NOTA won the majority vote in the upcoming Municipal Elections in December 2018.[43] ## See also [edit] Combined Approval Voting ## References [edit] 1. **^** \"WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 161 OF 2004\". Archived from the original on 2013-12-03. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 2. **^** \"Election Commission of India : Provision for \'None of the Above\' option on the EVM/Ballot Paper 0 Instructions\". _Eci.nic.in_. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 3. **^** \"Election Commission of India : Supreme Court\'s judgement for \'None of the Above\' (NOTA) option on EVM - clarification\" (PDF). _Eci.nic.in_. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 4. **^** \"Election Commission of India : Clarification on \'None of the Above\' - counting of votes-reg\" (PDF). _Eci.nic.in_. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 5. **^** \"Letter stating \"A doubt has arisen about the NOTA option...\"\" (PDF). _Eci.nic.in_. Retrieved 23 August 2018. 6. **^** \"Election Commission of India : Symbol for \'None of the Above\' (NOTA) option\" (PDF). _Eci.nic.in_. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 7. **^** Staff Reporter (14 April 2014). \"Donkey symbol sought for NOTA option\". _The Hindu_. 8. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ \"Karnataka Verdict: NOTA Polls More Votes Than Six Parties\". _BloombergQuint_. Archived from the original on 2019-03-23. Retrieved 2018-12-21. 9. **^** \"NOTA polls more than 5 parties\". _Tribuneindia.com_. 2017-03-12. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 10. **^** \"Thin margin losers become victim of NOTA during Assembly elections\". _Babushahi.com_. Archived from the original on 2018-07-09. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 11. **^** \"NOTA count more than the Margin of Victory in 21 constituencies of Bihar- Factly\". _Factly.in_. 11 November 2015. Archived from the original on 23 March 2019. Retrieved 4 April 2017. 12. **^** Vora, Rutam (20 December 2017). \"How NOTA played spoilsport in 30 crucial seats in Gujarat polls\". _@businessline_. Retrieved 2018-12-21. 13. **^** \"Angry Nota votes knock out 4 BJP ministers in Madhya Pradesh\". _timesofindia.com_. 14. **^** \"\"NOTA\" gets 5.68 lakh votes in Tamil Nadu\". _Business Standard India_. Press Trust of India. 2014-05-16. Retrieved 2018-12-21. 15. **^** \"Lok Sabha Election Results 2019: Most NOTA votes were cast in Bihar; Maharashtra recorded 4,86,902 such votes with Palghar topping the list\". _Firstpost_. Archived from the original on 2019-05-28. Retrieved 2019-05-28. 16. **^** \"\'None Of The Above\' option: The maturing of democracy in India or setting in of disillusionment with it?\". _Southasiamonitor.org_. Archived from the original on 2017-12-25. Retrieved 2017-04-02. 17. **^** Shiv Pujan Jha (January 29, 2017). \"NOTA only option: Over 1200 villagers from Uttar Pradesh\'s Lakhimpur to boycott Assembly election\". _India Today_. Retrieved 2018-12-21. 18. **^** \"Left with no option, villagers press NOTA button - Times of India\". _The Times of India_. Retrieved 2018-12-21. 19. **^** \"Farmers affected by Karur\'s dye industry to exercise NOTA\". _ Retrieved 2018-12-21.[_permanent dead link_] 20. **^** Das, Soumya (2016-04-22). \"Sonagachi sorrowful, but no boycott\". _The Hindu_. ISSN 0971-751X. Retrieved 2018-12-21. 21. **^** \"People\'S Union For Civil ... vs Union Of India & Anr on 27 September, 2013\". _indiankanoon.org_. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 22. **^** \"VOTER AWARENESS POSTERS – N O T A (NONE OF THE ABOVE) - MAM\". _Mahitiadhikarmanch.ngo_. Archived from the original on 2019-03-23. Retrieved 2017-04-04. 23. **^** \"NOTA and the Indian Voter\". _Economic and Political Weekly_. **53** (6). 5 June 2015. Archived from the original on 23 March 2019. Retrieved 9 July 2018. 24. **^** Nambiar, Nisha (2018-11-08). \"Fresh polls if NOTA gets max votes: Maharashtra poll panel - Mumbai News\". _The Times of India_. 25. **^** Mahapatra, Dhananjay (2021-03-16). \"If Nota tops, should all the candidates be rejected: Supreme Court - India News\". _The Times of India_. 26. **^** Pandey, Amit (2022-11-19). \"NOTA to be considered \'fictional electoral candidate\', says election commission\". _The New Indian Express_. 27. **^** \"Despite Higher Vote Share NOTA Fails To Impact Assembly Elections - Hill Post\". _Hillpost.in_. 2017-03-21. Archived from the original on 2018-07-16. Retrieved 23 August 2018. 28. **^** \"Will NOTA make a difference?\". _Theshillongtimes.com_. Archived from the original on 23 August 2018. Retrieved 23 August 2018. 29. **^** Says, Krishan Ahuja (2015-08-22). \"Compulsory voting: Step towards democracy or dictatorship?: Why not \'Right-To-Reject\'?\". _Live Law_. Archived from the original on 2019-03-23. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 30. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ \"The option of no choice is welcome but it doesn\'t quite empower the voter\". _Sunday-guardian.com_. 31. **^** \"Compulsory voting: Step towards democracy or dictatorship?: Why not \'Right-To-Reject\'?\". _Livelaw.in_. 22 August 2015. Archived from the original on 23 March 2019. Retrieved 16 May 2017. 32. **^** \"If NOTA polled top votes -Direct Democracy in that Constituency - Twitter\". _Twitter_. Retrieved 2024-04-15. 33. **^** \"If NOTA polled top votes -Direct Democracy in that ConstituencyHow it works - Twitter\". _Twitter_. Retrieved 2024-04-15. 34. **^** \"Four winners have victory margins lower than NOTA - Times of India\". _The Times of India_. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 35. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ \"Supreme Court\'s no to plea to nullify polls if NOTA gets majority\". _The Indian Express_. 2017-11-24. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 36. **^** \"Tranquebar Dorai Vasu vs The Chief Election Commissioner on 5 July, 2016\". _indiankanoon.org_. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 37. **^** DUTTA, SAGNIK. \"Respect public perception\". _Frontline_. Archived from the original on 2018-12-24. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 38. **^** \"THE REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT, 1951 : ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS\" (PDF). _Indiacode.nic.in_. Retrieved 23 August 2018. 39. **^** \"Error: Chief Electral Officer, Delhi\" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 July 2018. Retrieved 23 August 2018. 40. **^** \"No NOTA vote in local body elections\". _The Hindu_. 28 April 2015. 41. **^** \"Maharashtra may hold re-election in local polls where NOTA got maximum votes\". _Hindustan Times_. 2018-07-20. Archived from the original on 2019-03-23. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 42. **^** \"Fresh polls if NOTA gets most votes, says Maharashtra poll panel\". _The Indian Express_. 2018-11-07. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 43. **^** \"In Haryana Municipal Elections, NOTA To Be A \"Fictional Candidate\"\". _NDTV.com_. Retrieved 2018-12-24. 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BJP lost 13 seats in Karnataka Assembly Elections where the margin is less than NOTA
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First, Govind Singh, Congress leader of the opposition in the state legislature, fanned the flames of false alarm by accusing the state government of destroying the state’s main milk brand, Sanchi Milk, in order to promote Gujarat-based Amul milk. Second, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), said that while love was welcome in the state, jihad was not. Whatever the rhetoric, it is clear that both principal parties are gearing up for assembly polls due late in the year. It will be an opportunity for them to establish a new electoral benchmark, since 2018, to put it mildly, was the craziest provincial election in decades. In a house of 230, the Congress got 114 seats, two short of a majority, with 40.9 per cent vote share. The BJP got slightly less seats (109), but slightly more votes (41 per cent). The vote share difference between the two parties was just 0.1 per cent, and the seat difference was just five. ![\\"\\"](\\" 2018 was a comedown for the BJP anyway one looks at it, following its majestic sweeps in the preceding three assembly elections. But the outcome was not cut-and-dried, since the Congress failed to gain a simple majority. And, as we shall see, just a few votes going this way or that, could have changed the outcome wildly. It was an extremely unsettled mandate. Perhaps, then, it is unsurprising that the Congress government of Kamal Nath fell in March 2020, when 22 sitting Congress MLAs, led by Jyotiraditya Scindia, defected to the BJP, to pave the way for the return of Shivraj Singh Chouhan as Chief Minister. So, why were the 2018 assembly elections so confusingly tight? First, victory margins were agonizingly narrow in a very large number of seats. It was below a thousand votes in 10 seats, of which, the Congress won seven, and the BJP, three. An average seat gets more NOTA votes than that! In eight seats, the margin was between 1,000-2,000 votes; the BJP won five, and the Congress, three. That’s an aggregate of 18 seats with a lottery outcome, in a situation where the Congress needed just two seats for a simple majority, and the BJP, seven. And, as a table below shows, the carnage didn’t end there. ![\\"\\"](\\" bad5-8e3165c343cb/MP_2018_Margin_Analysis.png?w=310&q=75&compress=true&format=auto\\") A full 71 seats, about a third of the total, were decided by a win margin of less than 5 per cent. Another 65 seats were decided by a win margin of between 5-10 per cent. That’s how close the 2018 elections were. Second, the BJP lost some vote share at a time when the contest in Madhya Pradesh was becoming increasingly bipolar. ![\\"\\"](\\" As the chart above shows, the ‘Others’ vote has shrunk quite considerably over the past two decades in Madhya Pradesh. This consistent trend, noted in both assembly and general elections, also added to the overall confusion. Third, and this is rather interesting, the BJP won 41 seats while losing vote shares heavily. This apparent contradiction was because of the truly phenomenal leads it had built up over the previous three assembly elections. And this, perhaps more than anything else, points to the inherent resilience of the party in the state, which will hold it in good stead in the forthcoming elections. Four, the verdict was patchy because, in between everything else that was happening, the BJP also made a number of handsome gains! ![\\"\\"](\\" As the map above shows, the BJP made 30 gains in 2018. It also improved its vote share in 73 seats. As Swarajya will demonstrate later this year, in its special series on the forthcoming assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, many of the outcomes were demographics-dependent. That is why Congress gains (dark blue) cluster in the west, around Gwalior, and in the south, while BJP gains (dark orange) cluster in the centre and the east. This remarkable phenomenon is best presented in a dimensionless scatter plot of BJP win/loss margins versus vote swing in all 230 seats. BJP gains are marked in orange. ![\\"\\"](\\" Readers may note two key points in the chart above: firstly, the large number of seats in which the BJP won or lost by a whisker; and, secondly, the magnitude of the vote swing in most of the seats gained by the BJP. While the 2018 assembly elections are nearly unique, it is interesting to note that it was mimicked to a small extent last month in Karnataka. There, too, while the BJP lost in the central and north-western regions because of internal flux, it made handsome gains in other parts of the state. Both cases are indicative of an underlying fact, that the voting patterns are in the process of coalescing into a new paradigm. Thus, in conclusion (if one is really possible in the midst of such flux), forecasting the outcome of these elections will be riddled with uncertainties, as they become more bipolar. But this much is clear: if the BJP can get its act together, and engineer a 2 per cent swing in even a third of the seats, the party could very well sweep the state again. Venu Gopal Narayanan is an independent upstream petroleum consultant who focuses on energy, geopolitics, current affairs and electoral arithmetic. He tweets at @ideorogue. Tags * BJP * Congress * Madhya Pradesh * Assembly Election ![\\"whatsapp\\"](\\" Join our WhatsApp channel - no spam, only sharp analysis Comments ↓ Support Swarajya\'s 50 Ground Reports Project & Sponsor A Story Every general election Swarajya does a 50 ground reports project. Aimed only at serious readers and those who appreciate the nuances of political undercurrents, the project provides a sense of India\'s electoral landscape. 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We’re going to take taxes from you so somebody who makes 800000 can get a tax break to buy a Tesla
Skip to Content MIT Technology Review * Featured * Topics * Newsletters * Events * Audio Sign in Subscribe MIT Technology Review * Featured * Topics * Newsletters * Events * Audio Sign in Subscribe Climate change and energy # How did China come to dominate the world of electric cars? From generous government subsidies to support for lithium batteries, here are the keys to understanding how China managed to build a world-leading industry in electric vehicles. By * Zeyi Yangarchive page February 21, 2023 ![\\"electric](\\" content/uploads/2020/12/MIT-Electric-Cars-Background23a.jpeg\\") Annu Kilpelainen Tech Review Explains: Let our writers untangle the complex, messy world of technology to help you understand what\'s coming next. You can read more here. Curio · MIT Technology Review | How did China come to dominate the world of electric cars? Before most people could realize the extent of what was happening, China became a world leader in making and buying EVs. And the momentum hasn’t slowed: In just the past two years, the number of EVs sold annually in the country grew from 1.3 million to a whopping 6.8 million, making 2022 the eighth consecutive year in which China was the world’s largest market for EVs. For comparison, the US only sold about 800,000 EVs in 2022. The industry is growing at a speed that has surprised even the most experienced observers: “The forecasts are always too low,” says Tu Le, managing director of Sino Auto Insights, a business consulting firm that specializes in transportation. This dominance in the EV sector has not only given China’s auto industry sustained growth during the pandemic but boosted China in its quest to become one of the world’s leaders in climate policy. How exactly did China manage to pull this off? Several experts tell MIT Technology Review that the government has long played an important role—propping up both the supply of EVs and the demand for them. As a result of generous government subsidies, tax breaks, procurement contracts, and other policy incentives, a slew of homegrown EV brands have emerged and continued to optimize new technologies so they can meet the real-life needs of Chinese consumers. This in turn has cultivated a large group of young car buyers. But the story of how the sector got here is about more than just Chinese state policy; it also includes Tesla, Chinese battery tech researchers, and consumers across the rest of Asia. ### When did China start investing in EVs and why? In the early 2000s, before it fully ventured into the field of EVs, China’s car industry was in an awkward position. It was a powerhouse in manufacturing traditional internal-combustion cars, but there were no domestic brands that could one day rival the foreign makers dominating this market. “They realized … that they would never overtake the US, German, and Japanese legacy automakers on internal-combustion engine innovation,” says Tu. And research on hybrid vehicles, whose batteries in the early years served a secondary role relative to the gas engine, was already being led by countries like Japan, meaning China also couldn’t really compete there either. This pushed the Chinese government to break away from the established technology and invest in completely new territory: cars powered entirely by batteries. The risks were extremely high; at this point, EVs were only niche experiments made by brands like General Motors or Toyota, which usually discontinued them after just a few years. But the potential reward was a big one: an edge for China in what could be a significant slice of the auto industry. ## Related Story Why EVs won’t replace hybrid cars anytime soon Plug-in hybrids won’t get the world to zero emissions, but they can help cut climate impacts somewhat. Toyota is betting they’ll stay in the mix for a while. Meanwhile, countries that excelled in producing gas or hybrid cars had less incentive to pursue new types of vehicles. With hybrids, for instance, “[Japan] was already standing at the peak, so it failed to see why it needed to electrify [the auto industry]: I can already produce cars that are 40% more energy efficient than yours. It will take a long time for you to even catch up with me,” says He Hui, senior policy analyst and China regional co-lead at the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), a nonprofit think tank. Plus, for China, EVs also had the potential to solve several other major problems, like curbing its severe air pollution, reducing its reliance on imported oil, and helping to rebuild the economy after the 2008 financial crisis. It seemed like a win-win for Beijing. China already had some structural advantages in place. While EV manufacturing involves a different technology, it still requires the cooperation of the existing auto supply chain, and China had a relatively good one. The manufacturing capabilities and cheap commodities that sustained its gas-car factories could also be shifted to support a nascent EV industry. So the Chinese government took steps to invest in related technologies as early as 2001; that year, EV technology was introduced as a priority science research project in China’s Five-Year Plan, the country’s highest-level economic blueprint. Then, in 2007, the industry got a significant boost when Wan Gang, an auto engineer who had worked for Audi in Germany for a decade, became China’s minister of science and technology. Wan had been a big fan of EVs and tested Tesla’s first EV model, the Roadster, in 2008, the year it was released. People now credit Wan with making the national decision to go all-in on electric vehicles. Since then, EV development has been consistently prioritized in China’s national economic planning. ### So what exactly did the government do? It’s ingrained in the nature of the country’s economic system: the Chinese government is very good at focusing resources on the industries it wants to grow. It has been doing the same for semiconductors recently. Starting in 2009, the country began handing out financial subsidies to EV companies for producing buses, taxis, or cars for individual consumers. That year, fewer than 500 EVs were sold in China. But more money meant companies could keep spending to improve their models. It also meant consumers could spend less to get an EV of their own. From 2009 to 2022, the government poured over 200 billion RMB ($29 billion) into relevant subsidies and tax breaks. While the subsidy policy officially ended at the end of last year and was replaced by a more market-oriented system called “dual credits,” it had already had its intended effect: the more than 6 million EVs sold in China in 2022 accounted for over half of global EV sales. The government also helped domestic EV companies stay afloat in their early years by handing out procurement contracts. Around 2010, before the consumer market accepted EVs, the first ones in China were part of its vast public transportation system. “China has millions of public transits, buses, taxis, etc. They provided reliable contracts for lots of vehicles, so that kind of provided a revenue stream,” says Ilaria Mazzocco, a senior fellow in Chinese business and economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “In addition to the financial element, it also provided a lot of [road test] data for these companies.” But subsidies and tax breaks are still not the whole picture; there were yet other state policies that encouraged individuals to purchase EVs. In populous cities like Beijing, car license plates have been rationed for more than a decade, and it can still take years or thousands of dollars to get one for a gas car. But the process was basically waived for people who decided to purchase an EV. Finally, local governments have also sometimes worked closely with EV companies to customize policies that can help the latter grow. For example, BYD, the Chinese company currently challenging Tesla’s dominance in EVs, rose up by keeping a close relationship with the southern city of Shenzhen and making it the first city in the world to completely electrify its public bus fleet. ### Okay, so China is the global EV leader. But how does Tesla, the most popular individual producer of EVs, fit in? The development of China’s EV industry has actually been deeply intertwined with Tesla’s rise as the biggest EV company. When the Chinese government handed out subsidies, it didn’t limit them to domestic companies. “In my opinion, this was very smart,” says Alicia García- Herrero, chief economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis, an investment management firm. “Rather than pissing off the foreigners by not offering the subsidies that everybody else [gets], if you want to create the ecosystem, give these subsidies to everybody, because then they are stuck. They are already part of that ecosystem, and they cannot leave it anymore.” Beyond financial incentives, local Chinese governments have been actively courting Tesla to build production facilities in the country. Its Gigafactory in Shanghai was built extremely quickly in 2019 thanks to the favorable local policies. “To go from effectively a dirt field to job one in about a year is unprecedented,” says Tu. “It points to the central government, and particularly the Shanghai government, breaking down any barriers or roadblocks to get Tesla to that point.” Today, China is an indispensable part of Tesla’s supply chain. The Shanghai Gigafactory is currently Tesla’s most productive manufacturing hub and accounts for over half of Tesla cars delivered in 2022. But the benefits have been mutual; China has gained a lot from Tesla as well. The company has been responsible for imposing the “catfish effect” on the Chinese EV industry—meaning it’s forced Chinese brands to innovate and try to catch up with Tesla in everything from technology advancement to affordability. And now, even Tesla needs to figure out how to continue being competitive in China because domestic brands are coming at it hard. ### What role did battery technology play? The most important part of an electric vehicle is the battery cells, which can make up about 40% of the cost of a vehicle. And the most important factor in making an EV that’s commercially viable is a battery that’s powerful and reliable, yet still affordable. Chinese companies really pushed battery technology forward on this front, says Max Reid, senior research analyst in EVs and battery supply chain services at Wood Mackenzie, a global research firm. More specifically, over the past decade Chinese companies have championed lithium iron phosphate batteries, known as LFP technology, as opposed to the lithium nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) batteries that are much more popular in the West. ## Related Story Meet the new batteries unlocking cheaper electric vehicles A planned factory marks a major milestone in the US for new batteries that enable lower-cost, longer-lasting EVs. LFP batteries are safer and cheaper, but initially they weren’t the top choice in cars because they used to have much lower energy density and perform poorly in low temperatures. But while others were ditching LFP technology, a few Chinese battery companies, like Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL), spent a decade researching them and managed to narrow the energy density gap. Today, the EV industry is again recognizing the benefits of LFP batteries, which made up one third of all EV batteries as of September 2022. “That shows you how far LFP has come, and that’s purely down to the innovation within Chinese cell makers. And that has brought Chinese EV battery [companies] to the front line, the tier-one companies,” says Reid. China has also had one key advantage in battery manufacturing: it controls a lot of the necessary materials. While the country doesn’t necessarily have the most natural resources for battery materials, it has the majority of the refinery capacity in the world when it comes to critical components like cobalt, nickel sulfate, lithium hydroxide, and graphite. García-Herrero sees China’s control of the chemical materials as “the ultimate control of the sector, which China has clearly pursued for years well before others even figured that this was something important.” By now, other countries have indeed realized the importance of battery materials and are signing deals with Chile and Australia to gain control of mines for rare-earth metals. But China’s head start has given domestic companies a longstanding stable supply chain. “Chinese-made EV batteries … not only come at a discount but also are available in much higher quantities because the manufacturing capacity has been built out in China and continues to be built out,” says Reid. ### What does China’s EV market look like now? As a result of all this, China now has an outsize domestic demand for EVs: according to a survey from the US consulting company AlixPartners, over 50% of Chinese respondents were considering battery-electric vehicles as their next car in 2021, the highest proportion in the world and two times the global average. There are a slew of Chinese-built options for these customers—including BYD, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Geely, Nio, Xpeng, and LiAuto. While the first three are examples of gas-car companies that successfully made the switch to EVs early on, the last three are pure-EV startups that grew from nothing to household names in less than a decade. And the rise of these companies (and other Chinese tech behemoths) coincided with the rise of a new generation of car buyers who don’t see Chinese brands as less prestigious or worse in quality than foreign brands. “Because they’ve grown up with Alibaba, because they’ve grown up with Tencent, they effectively were born into a digital environment, and they’re much more comfortable with Chinese brands versus their parents, who would still rather likely buy a German brand or a Japanese brand,” says Tu. The fact that these Chinese brands have sprinkled a little bit of nationalism into their marketing strategy also helps, Tu says. ### Can other countries replicate China’s success? Many countries are almost certainly now looking at China’s EV experience and feeling jealous. But it may not be that easy for them to achieve the same success, even if they copy China’s playbook. While the US and some countries in Europe meet the objective requirements to supercharge their own EV industries, like technological capability and established supply chains, ICCT’s He notes that they also have different political systems. “Is this country willing to invest in this sector? Is it willing to give special protection to this industry and let it enjoy an extremely high level of policy priority for a long time?” she asks. “That’s hard to say.” “I think the interesting question is, would a country like India or Brazil be able to replicate this?” Mazzocco asks. These countries don’t have a traditional auto industry as strong as China’s, and they also don’t have the Chinese government’s sophisticated background in handling massive industrial policies through a diverse set of policy tools, including credits, subsidies, land use agreements, tax breaks, and public procurements. But China’s experience suggests that EVs can be an opportunity for developing countries to leapfrog developed countries. “It’s not that you can\'t replicate it, but China has had decades of experience in leveraging these [systems],” says Mazzocco. ### Chinese brands are now looking to other markets. What challenges are they facing? For the first time ever, Chinese EV companies feel they have a chance to expand outside of China and become global brands. Some of them are already entering the European market and even considering coming to the US, despite its saturated market and the sensitive political situation. Chinese gas cars could never have dreamed of that. Nevertheless, their marketing language and strategies may have to change for other markets. They will need to adapt to the different technical standards and preferred software services. And they will have to learn to accommodate different consumption habits and customer service requests. “I think we take for granted that a company like Toyota or Honda is comfortable navigating different markets, but that’s taken decades of experience to build up for these companies, and it didn’t always look pretty for them,” Mazzocco says. In the current geopolitical environment, these companies are also making themselves vulnerable by entering more countries that aren’t exactly maintaining good relations with China. Some of them may want to protect their own homegrown auto industries, and others may even see the entrance of Chinese brands as a national security risk. For these and other reasons, the most growth potential will likely come from “emerging Asia,” García-Herrero says. That region will continue to need more EVs for its energy transition even after China’s domestic market becomes saturated. This is why the benefits from China’s focus on EV supply are twofold: it both reduces China’s need for car imports from Western countries and creates another long-lasting export industry. Some countries, like Indonesia, are already courting Chinese investment to build EV factories there. In 2022, China exported 679,000 EVs, a 120% increase from the year before. There’s little reason to doubt the numbers will only grow from here. hide ### by Zeyi Yang ### Share * Share story on linkedin * Share story on twitter * Share story on facebook * Share story on email * ### Popular 1. Happy birthday, baby! What the future holds for those born todayKara Platoni 2. This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by littleAntonio Regalado 3. The year is 2149 and …Sean Micheals 4. 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We’re going to take taxes from you so somebody who makes 800000 can get a tax break to buy a Tesla
How much house were you approved for, based on your current salary/income/ credit score? And what state. : r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to FirstTimeHomeBuyer r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer The ultimate subreddit for everything a first time home buyer NEEDS to know. * * * 463K Members 82 Online • 1 yr. ago Ashony13 ADMIN MOD # How much house were you approved for, based on your current salary/income/ credit score? And what state. Just curious to see how much everyone’s bank/credit union approved them for based on income and down payment and credit score. Read more get_Chargeblast • Promoted Reduce your chargeback rate to 0% and prevent your Stripe account from being shut down. Sign Up ![\\"Clickable](\\"\\") Collapse video player Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/AutoModerator](\\" AutoModerator • 1y ago • Moderator Announcement Read More » Thank you u/Ashony13 for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self- Promotion. _I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please_contact the moderators of this subreddit _if you have any questions or concerns._ Reply reply ![\\"u/CryptidHunter48](\\" CryptidHunter48 • 1y ago • Just a heads up, this information is literally useless without knowing each persons DTI Reply reply 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies pickle-girl159 • 1y ago • 780 credit score. Income about $85k pre-tax. No debt. $30k down payment. Conventional 30yr at 6.7%, was approved for $275k Reply reply Pinbrawla • 1y ago • Lower credit and 80k here... 30yr at 7.25%, 370k 😆 told them no thanks Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies 4 more replies 4 more replies More replies bigshern • 1y ago • Income $100k single female 825 credit score 0 debt approved for $400k bought new construction 1200 sq ft 3 BR/2bath for $204k 20% down should close July 31 fingers crossed Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies TarnMaster1985 • 1y ago • If you have decent credit (700+) and a solid job history, most lenders will allow a 44.99% DTI ratio. Use your gross monthly income times that ratio. $6k X 44.99 = $2,694 for total monthly consumer debt payments (minimum payments on credit report + PITI). Use an amortization app to calculate the P&I, add the taxes, insurance and mtg insurance for piti. Or just call a lender to do it for you. Reply reply Ok_Play_7144 • 1y ago • Credit score 820. Only approved for 149k (canadian) . Which basically doesn\'t exist. Edit:income about 40k. Reply reply Legendarybbc15 • 1y ago • Credit score 807, income 105k per yeah with 20k student loan debt. Approved for 428k with a mortgage interest rate of 6.5% Reply reply 13 more replies 13 more replies More replies SausageGobbler69 • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • Credit score 810. Income 170k. Debt 20k. Approved for 800k at 3.25%. I got lucky and bought right before interest rates went wild. Reply reply 8 more replies 8 more replies More replies ![\\"u/colyad](\\" colyad • 1y ago • I put my net pay down not my gross pay, so I was approved for 180k. It worked out perfect because my mortgage is exactly 26% of my take home pay which is where I wanted to be. I had about $700 in cc debt when I got pre approved and had a credit score of about 720 Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Top Posts * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of May 7, 2023 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of May 2023 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of 2023 * * * TOPICS * Internet Culture (Viral) * Amazing * Animals & Pets * Cringe & Facepalm * Funny * Interesting * Memes * Oddly Satisfying * Reddit Meta * Wholesome & Heartwarming * Games * Action Games * Adventure Games * Esports * Gaming Consoles & Gear * Gaming News & Discussion * Mobile Games * Other Games * Role-Playing Games * Simulation Games * Sports & Racing Games * Strategy Games * Tabletop Games * Q&As * Q&As * Stories & Confessions * Technology * 3D Printing * Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning * Computers & Hardware * Consumer Electronics * DIY Electronics * Programming * Software & Apps * Streaming Services * Tech News & Discussion * Virtual & Augmented Reality * Pop Culture * Celebrities * Creators & Influencers * Generations & Nostalgia * Podcasts * Streamers * Tarot & Astrology * Movies & TV * Action Movies & Series * Animated Movies & Series * Comedy Movies & Series * Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series * Documentary Movies & Series * Drama Movies & Series * Fantasy Movies & Series * Horror Movies & Series * Movie News & Discussion * Reality TV * Romance Movies & Series * Sci-Fi Movies & Series * Superhero Movies & Series * TV News & Discussion * RESOURCES * About Reddit * Advertise * Help * Blog * Careers * Press * Communities * Best of Reddit * Topics * Content Policy * Privacy Policy * User Agreement Reddit, Inc. © 2024. 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We’re going to take taxes from you so somebody who makes 800000 can get a tax break to buy a Tesla
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Politics Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper Politics|Fact-Checking Kevin McCarthy’s 8-Hour Speech check.html * Share full article Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we have confirmed access, the full article content will load. Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT Fact Check # Fact-Checking Kevin McCarthy’s 8-Hour Speech The House Republican leader made a number of false or misleading claims about the social spending bill, President Biden, immigration policy and Teslas. * Share full article ![\\"\\"](\\" factcheck/merlin_198096165_2c8c9b8d-49ca-42b6-a39c-9cfa1b4edcd4-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Representative Kevin McCarthy’s record-breaking speech Thursday evening and into the early hours of Friday included several claims that were misleading, exaggerated or false.Credit...Sarahbeth Maney/The New York Times ![\\"Linda](\\" linda-qiu/author-linda-qiu-thumbLarge.png\\") By Linda Qiu Published Nov. 19, 2021Updated Nov. 21, 2021 Representative Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California and the minority leader, mounted his case against President Biden’s social spending bill in a record-breaking speech that stretched for more than eight hours from Thursday to Friday. Here’s a fact check of some of his remarks. What Mr. McCarthy Said “Just a few weeks ago, Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger said nobody elected Joe Biden to be F.D.R. This even spends more than F.D.R. while he was fighting a world war.” This is misleading. Spending and tax cuts in the bill will add up to about $2 trillion over 10 years, and could snowball into $4 trillion if shortened programs are extended. That is indeed a larger dollar amount than the New Deal programs passed under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which cost about $800 billion after adjusting for inflation, according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. But World War II itself cost about $5 trillion. Moreover, comparing New Deal programs with the social spending bill should account for the changes in the United States’ economy and population size. The report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis also noted that the cost of the New Deal amounted to 40 percent of annual gross domestic product. In comparison, the $1.9 trillion stimulus package that Mr. Biden signed into law in March and his initial proposal for a $4 trillion economic plan — which became the whittled-down infrastructure measure and the social spending bill — together would amount to 28 percent of G.D.P. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. If you are in Reader mode please exit and log into your Times account, or subscribe for all of The Times. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. Already a subscriber? Log in. Want all of The Times? Subscribe. Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions
We’re going to take taxes from you so somebody who makes 800000 can get a tax break to buy a Tesla
New homeowners in Florida, what are you paying in property taxes? : r/florida Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/florida A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to florida r/florida r/florida The subreddit about, for, and by Sandhill Cranes. * * * 364K Members 256 Online • 1 yr. ago pinback77 ADMIN MOD # New homeowners in Florida, what are you paying in property taxes? AskFlorida I\'ve had my house for almost 20 years. Because of how property values have swung in the past and the Homestead Exemption Act, I\'m only paying $2,500 in taxes. A new homeowner who bought my house today would be paying $10,000. That\'s a hefty chunk of change. I can\'t imagine a Florida resident or anyone moving to the state and buying for the first time is anything but reasonably well off (throw in our high home and auto insurance rates to boot). So how much are our new homeowner friends paying in property taxes? Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. AmericaNationalParks • Promoted Choose One... 🤔✏️🏞 Actually, why not choose them all? While national parks might be known for their beautiful landscapes and vast outdoor spaces, they\'re also rich with American history. Whether it\'s monuments or battlefields, you\'re bound to learn something new every time you visit! Learn More ![\\"Thumbnail](\\" Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/anon727813](\\" anon727813 • 1y ago • I just paid $9300. Bought my house one year ago during the peak. This includes my homestead exemption and my portability exemption from moving from my other FL house Reply reply ongoldenwaves • 1y ago • Thanks for posting value. It really does nothing to have this conversation without talking about values. So what if one guy pays 10k and one guy pays 2k? One guy lives in a million dollar home and one guy lives in a 100k condo. Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies 66 more replies 66 more replies More replies TallBenWyatt_13 • 1y ago • Wife and I just got our bill for our 4/2 in Pinellas purchased in 2018: $3,600 total for all taxing authorities. Reply reply [deleted] • 1y ago • Comment deleted by user Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies PatSajaksDick • 1y ago • Ours is $3100 in Pinellas, bought in 2015 Reply reply 18 more replies 18 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Martin_Blank89](\\" Martin_Blank89 • 1y ago • Taxes aren\'t going to get you ... It\'s your insurance.😎 Reply reply hiddenplantain • 1y ago • That’s correct Taxes can’t swing how insurance can My taxes have been 4500-4700 the past three years My insurance went from 1100 to 2100 to 3500 I just wanna say fuck desantis Reply reply 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies Dazzling-Western2768 • 1y ago • I think that new homeowners will be shocked to know what they will be paying.... I also think that realtors most likely do not investigate what their taxes WILL be after the purchase. IF that info is in the closing documents, it is an estimate and too late to turn back at that point. Reply reply ![\\"u/dorit0paws](\\" dorit0paws • 1y ago • There is a website for Orange County that you can plug in your address and expected purchase price and they gave a range. We did that for every house we looked at to factor that + insurance into our escrow payment tacked onto the mortgage. Reply reply 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies georgepana • 1y ago • It depends where they come from. Florida is middle of the road when it comes to property tax millage (24th out of 51). The homestead exemption of $50,000 plus from then on 3% cap on max assessment increases are also attractive property tax bonuses other states don\'t have. If you look at the list of states from highest property taxes to lowest people coming in from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Connecticut, New Hampshire, etc. would generally fare better on their property taxes in Florida. Someone coming in from Alabama would not. 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Over 800 pounds of fentanyl were seized at our Southern Border in October This is Biden’s Border Crisis
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Some Republicans have misleadingly suggested that the amount of drugs seized is a negative development attributable to the immigration policies of President Joe Biden. But the steep rise started in mid-2020 under then-President Donald Trump. Rep. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House Republican Conference, was one of the Republicans citing fentanyl seizures in October as a sign of “Biden’s Border Crisis,” even though more pounds of illegal fentanyl were seized by border officials the previous October when Trump was president. > Over 800 pounds of fentanyl were seized at our Southern Border in October. > > This is Biden’s Border Crisis. > > — Rep. Elise Stefanik (@RepStefanik) November 29, 2021 Weeks earlier, on Nov. 1, Sen. Chuck Grassley, who is the co-chairman of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, tweeted: “Welcome 2 Pres Biden’s America where 10,000 pounds of fentanyl hv been seized by Customs & Border patrol so far this fiscal yr which is enough to kill over 2 billion ppl or more than 1/4 of the world’s population.” There were 899 pounds of fentanyl seized at the border with Mexico in October, as Stefanik said, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. It’s also plausible, as Grassley tweeted, that 10,000 pounds of pure, high- concentration fentanyl would be enough to cause the deaths of billions, assuming a fatal dose for most people is just 2 milligrams, as the U.S. Drug and Enforcement Administration has said. However, the DEA also said that much of the illegally made fentanyl being seized, particularly at the southwest border, has a very low concentration. “The stuff that’s seized at the southwest border is highly impure,” Bryce Pardo, a drug policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, told in an interview. If they are seizing 10,000 pounds, the amount of pure fentanyl is a small fraction of that, he said. More important, if stopping large amounts of fentanyl from being distributed to Americans is indicative of a “crisis” at the southwest border, as those tweets imply, it’s a problem that Biden largely inherited from his predecessor. Border officials seized nearly as much fentanyl in the last nine full months of Trump’s presidency as had been seized during the first nine full months of Biden’s. ## Fentanyl Seizures Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that the DEA says is many times stronger than morphine and heroin. Pharmaceutical fentanyl is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a pain reliever and anesthetic, historically for use by cancer patients and during or after surgery. But the drug also is illegally manufactured in liquid, powder and pill form and trafficked into the U.S. from countries such as China, India and Mexico. CBP data show the amount of fentanyl seized at the southwest border — where well over 90% of total seizures occur — has more than doubled each fiscal year since 2019, when 2,633 pounds were confiscated. The vast majority of the illicit fentanyl is discovered during vehicle inspections at ports of entry by CBP’s Office of Field Operations. Smaller amounts are regularly found by agents for the U.S. Border Patrol at interior checkpoints and during apprehensions of people who illegally cross the border between the legal ports. The amount seized accelerated dramatically toward the end of fiscal 2020, while Trump was still president, when there was a 190% increase from 233 pounds seized in May to 676 pounds in June. May 2020 was the last time there were fewer than 600 pounds of fentanyl seized at the southwest border in a single month, and the largest monthly haul to date was 1,171 pounds in October 2020, the start of the 2021 fiscal year. In fact, southwest border officers seized 6,408 pounds of fentanyl from April 2020 to December 2020, the last full nine months of the Trump administration. That is about 83% of the 7,684 pounds seized from February 2021 to October 2021, the first full nine months of the Biden administration, which is the most recent CBP data available. An additional 682 pounds were seized in January 2021, when Trump was president for about 20 days. ## ‘Biden’s Border Crisis’? Republicans other than Stefanik and Grassley also have framed the increase in the amount of fentanyl being seized as a cause for concern and a failure of the Biden administration. Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, tweeted on Nov. 18, “899 lbs of fentanyl and 15,631 lbs of methamphetamine were seized at the southern border in October alone. That much fentanyl is the equivalent of 204 MILLION lethal doses. We need border security!” Later that month, on Nov. 29, Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana tweeted, “.@CBP seized enough fentanyl to kill the entire U.S. population 7 times over at the border THIS YEAR. When will Biden prioritize the safety of Americans? We need to #BuildTheWall.” We’ve already reported the reasons some experts doubt that a border wall would have much of an impact on smuggling — starting with the fact that much of the illicit drugs are known to come through legal ports of entry, as our chart above illustrates. In addition, as we noted earlier, Pardo from the RAND Corporation told us that lethality estimates are a “little bit misleading” because it assumes the seized fentanyl is 100% pure, which it is not. “It’s highly, highly impure stuff,” he said. But one also might wonder: Why is seizing more fentanyl an indictment of border security, rather than a sign that border security is working as intended? The RNC’s rapid response director, Tommy Pigott, described the GOP’s position in a Nov. 18 blog post criticizing “misguided” Democrats who have mocked the Republican claims and applauded the large amounts of fentanyl being impounded. “As anyone who pays even the smallest attention to the border knows, fentanyl seizures are used as a proxy for illicit drug trafficking,” Pigott said. “In other words, more seizures means more fentanyl is being smuggled across the border into the U.S., not less.” “This shows how little Democrats know about the border, and how little the American people can trust them to address the crisis Biden created,” he wrote. Sen. Rob Portman, the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, raised a similar point about the level of undetected drugs in a Nov. 17 Senate hearing, in which he referenced the more than 40% increase in fentanyl seized at the southwest border this year, from September to October. “Can you give us a sense of what you think the amount of drugs are that are coming in that are not being seized?” Portman asked Diane Sabatino, deputy executive assistant commissioner for the Office of Field Operations. “If it’s 42% increase in seizures, what is it overall?” Sabatino did not provide a figure at the hearing, nor did CBP respond when we contacted its press office for this story. It’s likely the answer is unknowable. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has said that, while the seizures data can help determine how and where illicit drugs enter the country, “There are no comprehensive data on the total quantity of foreign- produced illicit drugs smuggled into the United States at or between official ports of entry (POEs) because these are drugs that have generally evaded seizure by border officials.” “And because we can’t measure total flow, it’s pointless to try to say we’re doing a good job or a bad job,” Pardo said. “My sense is that drug trafficking organizations in Mexico are increasing their fentanyl production because it’s cheap, it’s easy to do and it’s more profitable than heroin in the short term. So, it’s likely that flows are increasing, but we don’t know that for sure.” He said fentanyl seizures also may have increased because the U.S., due to COVID-19, restricted inbound land border crossings from Mexico for all but essential travel. “Because of that, you’ve essentially doubled your enforcement capacity if you’ve essentially restricted the movement of people, but you have the same amount of officers on the front lines there,” he said. “That’s probably one reason why we’re seeing more seizures. It remains to be seen what happens now that you’ve opened up the border, but that could be one of the contributing factors.” Portman and other GOP lawmakers also have linked more fentanyl seizures to a nationwide increase in overdose deaths. “Over 100,000 people in the last year have died from drug overdoses,” Rep. John Katko, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, said in a Nov. 28 interview, referencing provisional figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicating there were that many fatalities from April 2020 to April 2021. “The vast majority of them had been laced with fentanyl. They seized enough fentanyl at the border in the last year to kill every man, woman and child in the United States seven times over. Think about that,” Katko said. “And, given the fact that we seize that much, I know for a fact that when you seize that much, that much more is getting through. So, it’s a crisis that this administration has created, and he is not doing anything about it.” The CDC predicts that almost two-thirds of the overdose deaths were due to synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl. However, Biden was president for only three of the months in that one-year period. The CDC’s figures also show there were already about 95,000 overdose deaths from January 2020 to January 2021. In addition, border officials were on pace to seize record levels of fentanyl in fiscal 2021 prior to Biden taking office. An average of almost 1,040 pounds of the drug per month were seized at the southwest border during the first quarter of that fiscal cycle, from October 2020 to December 2020. The per month average under Biden has been about 854 pounds seized. Republicans may not agree with Biden’s approach on border security, or think he has done enough to reduce the flow of deadly drugs into the country. But if seizing more fentanyl before it gets to the public is an indicator of a much larger drug issue, the data show it’s a problem that preceded Biden rather than being one he “created,” as Katko and others have claimed. “We’ve had an opioid crisis for a while now that spans four administrations,” Pardo said. “To say it’s any one administration is kind of politics.” Editor’s note: does not accept advertising. We rely on grants and individual donations from people like you. Please consider a donation. Credit card donations may be made through our “Donate” page. If you prefer to give by check, send to:, Annenberg Public Policy Center, 202 S. 36th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. * Categories * FactCheck Posts * Featured Posts * Location * National * Issue * border security * fentanyl * People * Chuck Grassley * Elise Stefanik * Joe Biden * John Katko * Mike Braun * Ronna McDaniel Previous StoryU.S. Oil Reserve Created for Supply Disruptions, Not Strictly Military Use Next StoryPost Makes Unfounded Claims About Omicron ‘Symptoms’ and COVID-19 Vaccines Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. But getting energy from wind farms results in dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from fossil fuels. Read the full question and answer View the Ask SciCheck archives Have a question? Ask us. 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Thousands of people are sitting on the road This picture is from Delhi where the farmers have reached during the protest
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Video Ad Feedback Indian farmers vow to fight on after violent protest 02:25 \- Source: CNN World News 16 videos ![\\'In](\\" raisi-05-19-2024.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Video shows foggy scene where helicopter carrying Iranian president crashed 02:04 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Itshak](\\" gelernter-shani-louk-amit-bouskila-split.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback What we know about bodies of three hostages recovered by IDF 02:43 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"rubble](\\" gaza-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Gazans search for loved ones buried deep in rubble after Israeli airstrikes 02:48 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"screengrab](\\" farmers-protest-republic-day-2.jpg?q=x_62,y_63,h_995,w_1768,c_crop/w_250\\") Video Ad Feedback Indian farmers vow to fight on after violent protest 02:25 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Princess](\\" kate-balcony-royals-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback See Princess of Wales with royal family on balcony in first public appearance 00:42 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Catherine](\\" of-wales-carriage-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Video shows Princess of Wales exiting carriage in first appearance since cancer diagnosis 01:01 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"pollster](\\" india-election-vpx.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Pollster brought to tears on air over error in election results 00:58 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"VIDEO](\\" normandy-veterans-return-bell.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Veterans return to Normandy 80 years after Allied invasion 02:29 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"biden](\\" d-day-anniversary-ceremony-vpx.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Biden gives warning about democracy during D-Day 80th anniversary speech 01:31 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Claudia](\\" sheinbaum-060324.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Expert explains \'potential shift\' in US-Mexico relations after new president elected 01:32 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"mexico](\\" candidates.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback What\'s at stake in Mexico\'s historic election 03:16 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"rafah](\\" diamond-camp-vpx-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Graphic video shows scale of devastation in Rafah 02:44 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"iran](\\" president-helicopter-crash.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Drone video shows apparent crash site of Iranian president\'s helicopter 01:09 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"singapore](\\" airlines-turbulence-vpx.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Video shows scene inside Singapore Airlines flight after it lands following severe turbulence 00:39 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Benjamin](\\" netanyahu-israel-pm-lead-split.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback \'Anything you and the IDF could have done any differently?\': Tapper asks Netanyahu about loss of innocent lives 00:55 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"uk](\\" pm-rishi-sunak-downing-street-052224-cms.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback British PM calls for election as crowd plays opposition anthem 01:24 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\'In](\\" raisi-05-19-2024.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Video shows foggy scene where helicopter carrying Iranian president crashed 02:04 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Itshak](\\" gelernter-shani-louk-amit-bouskila-split.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback What we know about bodies of three hostages recovered by IDF 02:43 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"rubble](\\" gaza-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Gazans search for loved ones buried deep in rubble after Israeli airstrikes 02:48 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"screengrab](\\" farmers-protest-republic-day-2.jpg?q=x_62,y_63,h_995,w_1768,c_crop/w_250\\") Video Ad Feedback Indian farmers vow to fight on after violent protest 02:25 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Princess](\\" kate-balcony-royals-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback See Princess of Wales with royal family on balcony in first public appearance 00:42 Now playing \- Source: CNN ![\\"Catherine](\\" of-wales-carriage-digvid.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_250,c_fill\\") Video Ad Feedback Video shows Princess of Wales exiting carriage in first appearance since cancer diagnosis 01:01 Now playing \- Source: CNN See More Videos New Delhi CNN — Thousands of Indian farmers protesting controversial agricultural reforms stormed New Delhi’s historic Red Fort Tuesday, with others breaching barricades and clashing with police. Protesters scaled the walls of the iconic monument and a flag was hoisted alongside India’s national flag. Tear gas and flash bangs could been seen on live streams from the city’s streets as police moved to contain large crowds of protestors in tractors and on foot from breaking through barricades. Both police and protesters were spotted with large sticks in the streets. Ad Feedback Ad Feedback One protestor, 30-year-old Navreet Singh, died when a tractor overturned during the protests near Delhi police headquarters, Sanjay Bhatia, deputy commissioner of police said Wednesday. Police also said that 86 officers were injured and 22 police complaints were registered against protestors for violation of lawful directions, rioting, damage to public property and assault on public servant with deadly weapons, in incidents that took place across the city. It was supposed to be a massive but peaceful rally, as hundreds of thousands of farmers drove their tractors in convoy into the Indian capital as part of ongoing, nationwide protests against three farm laws that protesters say put their livelihoods at risk. Many of the farmers, who had adorned their tractors with colorful flags, including the flag of India and various farmers unions, had been camping out in protest on the outskirts of the capital for more than two months. Others, including young farmers from the northern states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan, had gathered on the border over the past few days in time for the planned march on India’s Republic Day. ![\\"Protesters](\\" farmers-rally-0126-restricted.jpg?q=w_1110,c_fill\\") Protesters gather at the Red Fort in New Delhi during a demonstration against agricultural reforms in India, on January 26, 2021. Naveen Sharma/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images The national holiday marks the first time India’s constitution went into effect in 1950 following independence from British colonial rule, and the day is annually celebrated with a huge military parade through the capital. Farmers planned their march to coincide with the government’s parade, which has been scaled back because of the coronavirus pandemic. But as tanks paraded before Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tractors driven by protesters ran across the capital – some could be seen almost crushing police personnel standing in their way. The massive protests have been a significant challenge to Modi as months of demonstrations and sit-ins across the country against his key agricultural policy have grown into a stalemate marked by deadlocked talks between farmers and his administration. ![\\"Farmers](\\" farmers-rally-0126-restricted.jpg?q=w_1110,c_fill\\") Farmers protest during a tractor rally near the Singhu border crossing in Delhi, India, on January 26, 2021. Anindito Mukherjee/Bloomberg/Getty Images ## Protests turn violent Police had given permission for the rally to proceed on certain routes but confrontations broke out when protesters diverged from the agreed plan. Police had had created diversions along several major highways and main roads in city and the metro shut exits at least 15 stations close to protest sites. Tear gas and batons were used against protesters outside Delhi police headquarters and at two bordering areas of the city as farmers broke through barricades, protesters said Tuesday. “Outside the Delhi police headquarters tear gas and batons were used, protestors also attacked the police buses stationed there,” said Paramjeet Singh Katyal, a spokesperson for Samyukt Kisan Morcha, the umbrella group representing farmers’ unions. “We have broken the barricades, we have our tractors, people are marching, some leaders are also on horseback… thousands of farmers have already reached the capital,” Katyal said. Samyukt Kisan Morcha later called off the march in a statement, and denounced the “anti-social elements” which had “infiltrated the otherwise peaceful movement.” The statement thanked farmers for their “unprecedented participation” in Tuesday’s event, but expressed regret over the “undesirable and unacceptable events that have taken place today” and dissociated the group from “those indulging in such acts.” Farmer leaders said that the groups who engaged in violence and stormed the historic Red Fort to hoist a Sikh community flag, were not a part of the original movement. At the Ghazipur border between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, police used tear gas and batons to push back about 2,000 protesters, and tear gas was also used at the Singhu border between Delhi and Haryana on Tuesday morning, according to Ashutosh Mishra, a spokesperson for All India Sangharsh Coordination Committee, one of the unions leading the protests. Police placed a cap of 5,000 tractors to take part in the rally, according to Mishra. However more than 200,000 tractors were mobilized, with many young people coming from neighboring states, said Darshan Pal, president of Krantikari Kisan Union, one of several leading the protests. Authorities blamed the farmers for flouting guidelines and resorting to violence.Delhi police spokesman Eish Singhal said that officers had “showed a lot of restraint till the end but agitators defied the conditions and started their march before the scheduled time, and chose the path of violence and sabotage.” Singhal added that in view of this it was necessary for Delhi Police to “maintain law and order,” adding that the clashes had damaged property and injured a number of police personnel. ![\\"The](\\" farmers-rally-0126-restricted.jpg?q=w_1110,c_fill\\") The Farmers\' Tractors Parade seen heading towards the Red Fort during the demonstration in New Delhi, India on January 26, 2021. Naveen Sharma/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images ## Why farmers are protesting For decades, the Indian government offered guaranteed prices to farmers for certain crops, providing long-term certainty that, in theory, allowed them to make investments for the next crop cycle. The new agricultural laws, first passed in September by Modi’s government, instead allow farmers to sell their goods to anyone for any price – giving them more freedom to do things such as sell directly to buyers and sell to other states. But farmers argued that the new rules would leave them worse off by making it easier for corporations to exploit agricultural workers, and help big companies drive down prices. While farmers could sell crops at elevated prices if the demand is there, conversely, they could struggle to meet the minimum price in years when there is too much supply in the market. ![\\"Farmers](\\" protests-india-protests- trnd-1209-bangalore.jpg?q=x_0,y_148,h_1688,w_3000,c_crop/h_144,w_256\\") Farmers march protesting against new farming laws in Bangalore, India, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020. Aijaz Rahi/AP Related article Thousands of people are protesting with farmers in India. This is why you should care The laws have been so contentious because agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s 1.3 billion population, and farmers have been arguing for years to get the minimum guaranteed prices increased. They are the biggest voter block in the country – making farming a central political issue. More than 100,000 people have been protesting the laws since late November. There have been sit-ins lasting days along each of New Delhi’s three borders. Farmers have blocked roads and set up makeshift camps, some sleeping on the road or in their tractors. They arrived from numerous different states to participate in the mass protests, at times clashing with police. The government has held 11 rounds of talks with leaders of more than 30 farmers’ unions that are opposed to the laws – but the talks have gone nowhere. Earlier this month, India’s Supreme Court issued an order putting the three contentious farm laws on hold and ordered the formation of a four-member mediation committee to help the parties negotiate. But farmers’ leaders have rejected any court-appointed mediation committee. ## Up next ![\\"\\"](\\" ganj-and-the-golden-mosque-next-to-it.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") In a single Delhi house, several hundred years of Indian history Sep 30, 2024 6 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" Former New York Gov. 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US security officials warn of potential threats surrounding October 7th anniversary ## More from CNN ![\\"\\"](\\" ganj-and-the-golden-mosque-next-to-it.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") In a single Delhi house, several hundred years of Indian history Sep 30, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" Former New York Gov. David Paterson and stepson attacked near their home Oct 5, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" festival-hamas-attack-aftermath-file.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") US security officials warn of potential threats surrounding October 7th anniversary Oct 6, 2024 Ad Feedback ## News & buzz ![\\"\\"](\\" outlook-sat-active-zoom-no-banner.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") Less than 10 days after Helene made landfall, Florida braces for another hurricane, ... Oct 6, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" Trump returns to Butler for rally at site of assassination attempt Oct 5, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" Historic Biltmore Estate suffers ‘extensive’ damage in some places after Helene ... 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Thousands of people are sitting on the road This picture is from Delhi where the farmers have reached during the protest
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Close Tooltip facebooktwitterwhatsappcopylink India’s government has invited protesting farmers for talks, seeking to allay concerns about new laws growers fear could pave the way for the government to stop buying grain at guaranteed prices, leaving them at the mercy of private buyers. Tens of thousands of people have been taking part in rallies in New Delhi, as they are worried the new laws will put an end to minimum prices guaranteed by the government. “We are at one of the two national highways that are completely closed coming into Delhi, because tens of thousands of farmers are camped out here with hundreds of vehicles,” Al Jazeera’s Elizabeth Puranam, reporting from New Delhi, said. “Because of this, there is a huge disruption coming into the Indian capital,” she said, adding that hundreds of police and paramilitary personnel with riot gear were deployed nearby. The protests have intensified since last week when farmers arrived in trucks, buses and tractors at Delhi’s Singhu border with Haryana state and blocked the main northern highway into the capital. Advertisement Small growers fear the new laws will make them vulnerable to competition from big business, and that they could eventually lose price supports for staples such as wheat and rice. On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi resisted calls for the repeal of farm reforms, saying growers were being misled and that new laws would benefit them. ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/2020-11-30T103739Z_1574985814_RC2MDK9SXG39_RTRMADP_3_INDIA- FARMS-PROTESTS.jpg?fit=1170%2C784&quality=80\\") Farmers attend a protest against the newly passed farm bills at the Singhu border near Delhi. [Danish Siddiqui/Reuters] Advertisement ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/AP_20335481197205.jpg?fit=1170%2C822&quality=80\\") Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to placate thousands of farmers protesting against new agriculture laws on Monday and said they were being misled by opposition parties and his government would resolve all their concerns. [Rishi Lekhi/AP Photo] ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/AP_20335480275605.jpg?fit=1170%2C833&quality=80\\") Small growers fear the new laws will make them vulnerable to competition from big business. [Rishi Lekhi/AP Photo] ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/AP_20335476863595.jpg?fit=1170%2C781&quality=80\\") Members of the Students\' Federation of India block a road as they march in solidarity with the protesting farmers against the federal agriculture laws, in Kolkata. [Bikas Das/AP Photo] ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/000_8W7397.jpg?fit=1170%2C780&quality=80\\") Border Security Force (BSF) personnel block a road to stop farmers from marching to New Delhi. [Sajjad Hussain/AFP] ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/000_8W743D.jpg?fit=1170%2C780&quality=80\\") Farmers shout slogans near a police road block. [Sajjad Hussain/AFP] Advertisement ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/AP_20335481615696.jpg?fit=1170%2C779&quality=80\\") Indian farmers sit at the back of their tractor trailor as they block traffic at the Delhi-Haryana state border. [Rishi Lekhi/AP Photo] ![\\"\\"](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/2020-11-30T145527Z_469387381_RC2QDK9OLSX5_RTRMADP_3_INDIA- FARMS-PROTESTS.jpg?fit=1170%2C780&quality=80\\") A farmer prays to mark the 551st birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh guru and founder of the Sikh faith, during a protest against the newly passed farm bills at Singhu border near Delhi. [Danish Siddiqui/Reuters] ### Sign up for Al Jazeera #### Weekly Newsletter The latest news from around the world. Timely. Accurate. Fair. Subscribe ![](\\"/static/media/error-icon.c8fb9e1b.svg\\"/)Your subscription failed. 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Thousands of people are sitting on the road This picture is from Delhi where the farmers have reached during the protest
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Vanderbilt beat Alabama Tropical Storm Milton Mideast wars Bronny James Keanu Reeves debut World News # Indian farmers strike to demand guaranteed crop prices as others attempt to march to New Delhi ## Indian farmers strike to demand guaranteed crop prices as others attempt to march to New Delhi ![\\"Image\\"](\\" 1 of 14 | Protesting farmers face the police across a barricade near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\" 2 of 14 | Protesting farmers run away from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\" 3 of 14 | Police personnel wait behind a barricade as they face protesting farmers near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\" 4 of 14 | Police personnel fire tear gas shells at protesting farmers near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 5 of 14 | A protesting farmer carrying a ceremonial sword shouts slogans as farmers face the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 6 of 14 | Protesting farmers run away from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 7 of 14 | Protesting farmers run away from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 8 of 14 | A protesting farmer takes shelter behind a concrete slab from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 9 of 14 | Members of Centre of India Trade Unions (CITU) shout slogans in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Jammu, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Channi Anand) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 10 of 14 | Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties gather in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 11 of 14 | Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties gather in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 12 of 14 | Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties shout slogans in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 13 of 14 | Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties march in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 14 of 14 | Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties gather in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Read More Indian farmers strike to demand guaranteed crop prices as others attempt to march to New Delhi ![\\"Image\\"](\\" Read More 1 of 14 Protesting farmers face the police across a barricade near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 2 of 14 Protesting farmers run away from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 3 of 14 Police personnel wait behind a barricade as they face protesting farmers near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 4 of 14 Police personnel fire tear gas shells at protesting farmers near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 5 of 14 A protesting farmer carrying a ceremonial sword shouts slogans as farmers face the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 6 of 14 Protesting farmers run away from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 7 of 14 Protesting farmers run away from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 8 of 14 A protesting farmer takes shelter behind a concrete slab from tear gas shells used by the police near Shambhu border that divides northern Punjab and Haryana states, almost 200 kilometers (125 miles) from New Delhi, India, Friday, Feb.16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 9 of 14 Members of Centre of India Trade Unions (CITU) shout slogans in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Jammu, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Channi Anand) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 10 of 14 Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties gather in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 11 of 14 Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties gather in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 12 of 14 Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties shout slogans in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 13 of 14 Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties march in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 14 of 14 Members of various trade unions and opposition political parties gather in support of countrywide rural strike called by farmers in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Feb. 16, 2024. Farmers are blocking highways and holding demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens and thousands to march toward the capital. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More By SHEIKH SAALIQ and KRUTIKA PATHI Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Updated 8:19 PM GMT+5:30, February 16, 2024 Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print NEW DELHI (AP) — Farmers blocked highways and held demonstrations in many rural areas in northern India on Friday to protest over a range of grievances that have also led tens of thousands to march toward the capital in tractors and wagons. Farmers in the northern states of Haryana and Punjab held sit-ins near toll plazas on major highways in the strike, supported by some trade unions. Authorities advised commuters to plan routes carefully to avoid blocked roads. Tens of thousands of farmers began a protest march toward New Delhi earlier this week to demand guaranteed prices for their produce, but were stopped by the police about 200 kilometers (125 miles) away from the capital. The farmers are camping on the border between Punjab and Haryana after being blocked by concrete and metal barricades. Police detained some protesters. Authorities have also suspended mobile internet service in some areas of Haryana, blocked social media accounts of some protest leaders and used drones to drop tear gas canisters on the protesters. The farmers’ march comes two years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government faced similar protests that continued for more than a year. At that time, farmers camped on the capital’s outskirts to demonstrate against new agriculture laws that were later withdrawn. RELATED COVERAGE ![\\"Image\\"](\\" Swine fever sweeps Italy’s north, threatening production of prized prosciutto and livelihoods ![\\"Image\\"](\\" In India, warming climate pressures scientists to keep developing tougher seeds ![\\"Image\\"](\\" South Korea sets a compensation plan for dog meat farmers before the 2027 ban At the heart of the latest protests is a demand for legislation that would guarantee minimum support prices for all farm produce. Currently, the government protects agricultural producers against any sharp fall in farm prices by setting a minimum purchase price for certain essential crops, a system that was introduced in the 1960s to help shore up food reserves and prevent shortages. The farmers want legislation that will apply the protection to all produce. The protesting farmers are mostly from Punjab and Haryana and are relatively better-off than farmers in other Indian states. But increasing cultivation costs and rising debts have led them to overproduce rice and wheat, crops for which they get a minimum support price, or MSP. However, those water-guzzling crops have also depleted the water table in the two states and forced farmers to look for other alternatives. Farmers say a guaranteed minimum support price for other crops would stabilize their incomes. Farmers are also pressing the government to follow through on promises to double their income, waive their loans and withdraw legal cases brought against them during the earlier 2021 protests. Some economists say that implementation of the demands could risk food inflation. However, experts also point out that a key cause of the farmers’ frustration is the lack of implementation of policies that are already in place. “The system of MSP is already there, but the government doesn’t follow through on what it is promising,” said Himanshu, an economist at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University who goes by his first name. The system of guaranteed prices — which applies to 23 crops — has been in place for decades, but the government mostly pays those prices for crops like rice and wheat, he said. “For the remaining 21 crops, the government hardly buys at those prices. That’s a problem. That’s why they want a guarantee.” Several meetings between farm leaders and government ministers have failed to end the deadlock. Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda, who met farm leaders on Thursday, said the talks were positive and the two sides will meet again Sunday. “We believe we will all find a solution together peacefully,” Munda told reporters. The protests come at an important time for India with elections to be held in a few months. Modi is widely expected to secure a third successive term. In 2021, Modi’s decision to repeal the agricultural laws was seen as a move to appease farmers, an influential voting bloc, ahead of crucial state polls. SHEIKH SAALIQ Saaliq is a reporter based in New Delhi, India twitter mailto ![\\"Image\\"](\\" KRUTIKA PATHI Pathi covers India and the wider South Asia region. 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Thousands of people are sitting on the road This picture is from Delhi where the farmers have reached during the protest
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Farmers are demanding a legal minimum price for their crops as they march to New Delhi and ask government to fulfill its promises. ![\\"Police](\\"/wp- content/uploads/2024/02/2024-02-13T083428Z_308313558_RC2J16A9ABY3_RTRMADP_3_INDIA- FARMERS-PROTESTS-1707814480.jpg?resize=770%2C513&quality=80\\") Police officers stand guards as barricades are erected on a national highway to stop farmers at the Singhu border in New Delhi, February 13, 2024. [Anushree Fadnavis/Reuters] By Sarah Shamim Published On 13 Feb 202413 Feb 2024 Save articles to read later and create your own reading list. Close Tooltip facebooktwitterwhatsappcopylink Thousands of farmers on tractors and trucks are marching towards the Indian capital, New Delhi, to push the government to address their demands, including guaranteed prices for their produce and debt waivers. Police in Haryana state, which borders Delhi, on Tuesday fired tear gas on farmers to prevent them from reaching the capital, which has been converted into a fortress, reviving memories of the 16-month-long agitation by the farmers two years ago. Multiple entry points to the capital have been sealed by erecting barriers of barbed wire, spikes and cement blocks. Authorities have banned large gatherings in Delhi and suspended internet services in several Haryana districts ahead of the March to Delhi, called by farmers from Punjab and Haryana along with several other northern states. Here is more to know about the protest: ![\\"Farmers](\\" content/uploads/2024/02/AP24044349796358-1707835526.jpg?w=770&resize=770%2C510&quality=80\\"/)Farmers marching to New Delhi gather near the Punjab-Haryana border at Shambhu, India [Rajesh Sachar/AP Photo] ## Who is participating? Aside from organisations from Punjab and Haryana, unions from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are also participating in the march as they demand government intervention to help the ailing agriculture sector, which is central to the country’s food security. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), Kisan Mazdoor Morcha (KMM) and Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee are spearheading the protests. The organisers said more than 200 farm unions are participating in the March to Delhi. Advertisement ### Sign up for Al Jazeera #### Weekly Newsletter The latest news from around the world. Timely. Accurate. Fair. Subscribe ![](\\"/static/media/error-icon.c8fb9e1b.svg\\"/)Your subscription failed. Please try again. ![](\\"/static/media/right-mark-icon.3a446adc.svg\\"/)Please check your email to confirm your subscription By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy protected by **reCAPTCHA** The SKM played a key role in the 2020-2021 protests that forced Prime Minister Narendra Modi to repeal three farm laws that farmers feared would have benefitted corporations at their expense. Farmers have accused Modi’s government of failing to fulfill its promises to farmers since then, including doubling their incomes. The SKM has called for a nationwide rural and industrial strike to express disapproval of the government. ## What are the farmers’ demands? The farmers are demanding legal guarantees of a minimum support price (MSP), which acts as a safety net for the farming community; waivers of farm loans; and a rollback of policies they say hurt farmers. The MSP, which is the cost at which the government purchases crops from farmers, provides farmers with an assured income for their produce amid market uncertainties. ![\\"Farmers](\\" content/uploads/2024/02/AP24044344349806-1707835510.jpg?w=770&resize=770%2C532&quality=80\\"/)Farmers marching to New Delhi distribute food near the Punjab-Haryana border at Shambhu, India [Rajesh Sachar/AP Photo] The demand is for the MSP to be fixed at least 50 percent higher than the cost of production of any crop. Farmers are agitating against the planned privatisation of the electricity sector. State governments currently provide subsidised electricity to farmers, which helps bring input costs down. They are also demanding compensation for the farmers who died during the 2020-2021 protests. Advertisement “There have been around 750 martyrs during the struggle,” said Vijoo Krishnan, the general secretary of the All India Kisan Sabha, an organisation participating in the current protests. > Often farmers have to go to jail for not paying pay back an outstanding loan > but nearly Rs 15-lakh worth of bad loans of corporates have been quietly > written-off in past 10 years. I have never seen them sitting at Jantar > Mantar. > > — Devinder Sharma (@Devinder_Sharma) February 13, 2024 Another demand is the dismissal of a federal minister whose son was accused of running his car over farmers in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri district in October 2021. The protests also seek to ensure that the promises made by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2021 are acted on. “The three acts have been withdrawn, but BJP-ruled states are trying to bring them through the backdoor. Even the recent budget has sought to privatise post-harvest activities,” Krishnan said. Modi’s government formed a committee to address farming issues, but it failed to include representatives from Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, all major grain producers. The committee has hardly made any progress. Advertisement In the meantime, farmers continue to struggle with longtime problems. Debt due to crop failures causes thousands of Indian farmers to take their lives every year. Agriculture output has been reduced by extreme weather and dwindling water sources caused by climate change. ## How has the BJP government responded? A government delegation has held negotiations with the protesting farmers, but the talks have not yielded results. On Tuesday, Indian police tear-gassed and detained some farmers who clashed with them at the border between Haryana and Punjab. Police also dropped canisters of tear gas from a drone at one of the border points in northern Haryana state that leads to Delhi. Devinder Sharma, an Indian agricultural expert, pointed out that farmers have been cut off from the capital as Delhi’s and Haryana’s borders have been fortified by authorities. “How can we keep them away from the country? From the capital? From the decision-making?” he asked. ![\\"Farmers](\\" content/uploads/2024/02/AP24044336108328-1707835477.jpg?w=770&resize=770%2C510&quality=80\\"/)Farmers run for cover after police fired tear gas to disperse protesting farmers who were marching to New Delhi near the Punjab-Haryana border [Rajesh Sachar/AP Photo] ## What were the 2020-2021 protests about? During the earlier protests, farmers protested against laws passed by the BJP government that allowed farmers to sell produce directly to bulk buyers and make contract farming easier. While Modi said the laws were aimed at liberating the farmers, they prompted the resignation of Harsimrat Kaur Badal, the food processing minister, who called the legislation “anti-farmer”. Modi was forced to withdraw the three farm laws in 2021. Advertisement In 2022, Modi’s administration promised it would set up a panel of farmers and state officials to find ways to ensure support prices for all farm produce. Farmers have accused the BJP government of lagging behind on that promise. ## What impact will the protests have on the Indian elections? The march comes months before a general election, which the BJP is expected to win. “We don’t know how this protest proceeds and if it results in workable solutions,” Sharma said, adding, “If it lingers on, then only will it have an impact on the election.” Farmers comprise two-thirds of India’s 1.4 billion people, accounting for nearly a fifth of the country’s gross domestic product, according to government figures. Hence, farmers form an influential voting bloc, and parties try to gain their support. Krishnan said the BJP is being condemned for its “anti-farmer and anti-worker policies”. As it seeks the farmers’ votes, the Modi government last week conferred the nation’s highest civilian honour on former Prime Minister and agriculture leader Chaudhury Charan Singh and MS Swaminathan, a pioneer of the agricultural revolution in the 1960s and ’70s. ![\\"Farmers](\\" content/uploads/2024/02/AP24044343820021-1707835494.jpg?w=770&resize=770%2C510&quality=80\\"/)Farmers are marching to the Indian capital asking for a guaranteed minimum support price for all farm produce [Rajesh Sachar/AP Photo] Source: Al Jazeera aj-logo aj-logo aj-logo Sponsored Content Advertisement * AboutShow more * About Us * Code of Ethics * Terms and Conditions * EU/EEA Regulatory Notice * Privacy Policy * Cookie Policy * Cookie PreferencesCookie preferences * Sitemap * Work for us * ConnectShow more * Contact Us * User Accounts Help * Advertise with us * Apps * Newsletters * Channel Finder * TV Schedule * Podcasts * Submit a Tip * Our ChannelsShow more * Al Jazeera Arabic * Al Jazeera English * Al Jazeera Investigative Unit * Al Jazeera Mubasher * Al Jazeera Documentary * Al Jazeera Balkans * AJ+ * Our NetworkShow more * Al Jazeera Centre for Studies * Al Jazeera Media Institute * Learn Arabic * Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights * Al Jazeera Forum * Al Jazeera Hotel Partners Follow Al Jazeera English: * facebook * twitter * youtube * instagram-colored-outline * rss ![\\"Al](\\"/static/media/aj-footer-logo.bac952ad.svg\\") © 2024 Al Jazeera Media Network ## You rely on Al Jazeera for truth and transparency We use cookies and other tracking technologies to deliver and personalize content and ads, enable features, measure site performance, and enable social media sharing. 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Thousands of people are sitting on the road This picture is from Delhi where the farmers have reached during the protest
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Farm laws: India farmers end protest after government accepts demands 9 December 2021 Share Save Share Save ![\\"Getty](\\" Images Farmers say they will go back home after more than a year of protests Indian farmers have said they are ending a year of mass protests a week after the government agreed to abandon controversial agricultural reforms. Thousands of farmers had camped at the borders of the capital, Delhi, with dozens dying from heat, cold and Covid. They will begin returning to their homes from Saturday. The movement had become one of the biggest challenges for Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s government. The farmer groups took the decision after ministers agreed to discuss their other demands, including guaranteed prices for produce and a withdrawal of criminal cases against protesting farmers. * Modi backs down after year-long farmer protests * Why PM Modi rolled back India\'s vexed farm laws \"We will hold a review meeting on 15 January. If the government doesn\'t fulfil its promises, we may resume the protest,\" farmer leader Gurnam Singh Charuni told local media. The farmers were protesting against the government\'s introduction of three laws that loosened rules around sale, pricing and storage of farm produce - rules which have protected them from the free market for decades. Farm unions said these laws would leave farmers vulnerable to big companies and destroy their livelihoods. After months of insisting that the reforms would benefit farmers, Mr Modi announced on 19 November that his government would repeal the laws. A bill to cancel the reforms was officially passed in parliament on 30 November. The move was hailed as a victory for farmers and also as a powerful example of how mass protests could still successfully challenge the government. But farmers did not leave the protest sites immediately after Mr Modi\'s announcement. They said they would continue to protest until the government agreed to their other demands. On Thursday, the government gave a formal letter to farm leaders, accepting many of these. ![\\"Getty](\\" Images Thousands of farmers have camped at Delhi\'s borders, braving the cold, heat and Covid The government also agreed to provide compensation to the families of the farmers who died during the protest. This is also being seen as a win for farm unions as the government had told parliament last week that it had no record of the number of farmers who died during the protests. On the demand for a minimum support price (MSP), the government has promised to form a committee which will include representatives from the federal and state governments, agriculture scientists and farmer groups. The protests first gained momentum in November last year when farmers tried to march into Delhi but were stopped by police at the city\'s borders. Since then, they had stayed at the edge of the city against all odds - braving scorching heat, a bitter winter and even a deadly second wave of Covid. Farmers form the most influential voting bloc in India - and experts say the upcoming state elections in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh may have forced the government to roll back the laws. ![\\"Getty](\\" Images The protests posed one of the biggest challenges to Narendra Modi\'s government ## What did the laws offer? One of the biggest changes was that farmers were allowed to sell their produce at a market price directly to private players - agricultural businesses, supermarket chains and online grocers. Most Indian farmers currently sell the majority of their produce at government-controlled wholesale markets or mandis at assured floor prices (also known as minimum support price or MSP). The laws allowed private buyers to hoard food like rice, wheat and pulses for future sales, which only government-authorised agents could do earlier. * The defining image of farmers\' protest in India * India farmers strike to press for repeal of laws The reforms, at least on paper, gave farmers the option of selling outside of this so-called \"mandi system\". But the protesters said the laws would weaken the farmers and allow private players to dictate prices and control their fate. They said the MSP was keeping many farmers going and without it, many of them will struggle to survive. They said India\'s stringent laws around the sale of agricultural produce and high subsidies had protected farmers from market forces for decades and there was no need to change that. But the government argued that it was time to make farming profitable for even small farmers and the new laws were going to achieve that. ![\\"Presentational](\\" Protesting India farmers brave cold, heat and Covid ![\\"Presentational](\\" Indian farmers protest 2020 Asia Narendra Modi India Related ## Farmers to restart march to Delhi amid tight security 6 Mar 2024India ## X admits to taking down India farmers\' protest posts 22 Feb 2024India ## One dead in India\'s farming protests - official 21 Feb 2024India More 2 hrs ago ![\\"Maldives\\'](\\" ## Maldives to seek bailout from India despite strained ties Mohamed Muizzu is expected to seek a bailout worth hundreds of millions of dollars during his India visit. 2 hrs ago 8 hrs ago ![\\"Sid](\\" ## My mission is to take Tamil music global, says Sid Sriram The Indian-born, American-raised artist is going to perform his biggest solo UK show. 8 hrs agoWorld 9 hrs ago ![\\"Indian](\\" ## Maldives president visits India amid trouble in tourist paradise President Muizzu is visiting India at a time when his country is staring at an economic crisis. 9 hrs agoAsia 1 day ago ![\\"Thai](\\" ## Could the deaths of 20 school children help make Thailand\'s roads safer? 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Mexico is now rated the number one most dangerous country in the world
Between Mexico and Brazil, which country is more dangerous? : r/asklatinamerica Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/asklatinamerica A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to asklatinamerica r/asklatinamerica r/asklatinamerica A subreddit dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean. From Mexico to the DR to Chile, we\'re protesting against Reddit\'s API changes together with +3000 subreddits. * * * 191K Members 61 Online • 1 yr. ago [deleted] ADMIN MOD # Between Mexico and Brazil, which country is more dangerous? I lived in Mexico for 3 years when I was younger, I’ve definitely seen some people get robbed or jumped. But I’m curious if it’s just as bad or worse in certain parts or all of Brazil. Read more ibm • Official • Promoted From writing marketing emails to creating customer personas, AI built on can help. Just specify what you want, set the parameters and let you model assist you in getting the job done. Explore Learn More ![\\"Thumbnail](\\" Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A [deleted] • 1y ago • Comment deleted by user Reply reply ![\\"u/Ponchorello7](\\" Ponchorello7 • 1y ago • Perfectly said. I\'d say Brazil is more “evenly” dangerous, but the worst parts of Mexico make Brazil look like a picnic. Reply reply 16 more replies 16 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Lutoures](\\" Lutoures • 1y ago • Yes. For both countries \"know if where specifically you\'re going is safe\" is great advice. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies 15 more replies 15 more replies ![\\"u/alephsilva](\\" alephsilva • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • Idk what exactly you want, but think like this: 1/5 of Brazilians (46 million) live in a state where there is only one \"cartel\" that avoids conflicts with police as hard as they can and that alone reduces by a large margin the murder rate (7.9 in 2021) compared to other places in LATAM. Mexico was like this in the past, before cartels were broken into tiny cells which evolved to new cartels on their own, now it\'s more or less like Rio de Janeiro, several cartels and militias fighting for control and that results in more shootouts and murders. Our north and northeast is experiencing more or less the same thing but they still fear police and between land grabs tend to lay low for a while. Even if Rio is the state where violence is more or less like Mexico, Rio\'s cartels don\'t have the level of military equipment, training and freedom to act like the Mexicans, Rio\'s cartels rely on always being close/inside tight, narrow, tangled favela streets, the concept of heavily armed crews in military gear going around in 3-4 SUVs with mounted machine guns is inconceivable. Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Suspicious-Donk4028 • 1y ago • Idk in terms of amount of crime per capita but in terms of brutality, Mexico is way worse. Among countless examples, what the zetas did to the people of that bus hasnt been repeated in another Latam country, not even in Honduras, Venezuela or here Reply reply [deleted] • 1y ago • That is very true, Mexicans are more often brutal in their crimes. I imagine the crime in Brazil might be a bit more frequent but not as cynical as what Mexicans do to each other. Reply reply 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies More replies PejibayeAnonimo • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • I would say Mexico but it should also be noted that mexican cartels are notorious for filming their crimes. Comando Vermelho and PCC may have or not done executions like the ones of the cartels, but there are more recordings of the cartels from what I know. Reply reply SrSwerve • 1y ago • Bro never go down the Narco videos rabbit hole that exist here on Reddit…. It really fucked be up mentally Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies More replies skaastr • 1y ago • Countries by murder rate: 1. Jamaica – 44.95 2. Honduras – 36.33 3. South Africa – 33.46 4. Mexico – 28.37 5. Saint Lucia – 28.37 6. Belize – 25.65 7. Colombia – 22.64 8. Brazil – 22.45 9. Dominica – 20.84 10. Guyana – 19.96 Objectively, Mexico is more dangerous than Brazil. However, a lot of the murders in Mexico will occurs in drug\'s related crimes and all that cartels stuff. There are definitely parts of the country that are safe. In 2021, Mexico City had a murder per capita rate of about 10.9 per 100,000. In 2022, São Paulo had a murder per capita rate of about 8.4 per 100,000 people For comparison, The murder rate in Chicago is 18.26 per 100,000 The murder rate in Dallas is 14.89 per 100,000. Now, this is only looking at homicides and ignoring things like petty crime, robberies, B&E etc so take it with a grain of salt. Reply reply 4 more replies 4 more replies More replies LGZee • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • Mexico (25 homicides per 100k inhabitants) is slightly worse than Brazil (23.3) Unfortunately, both countries have extremely violent and dangerous cities and regions. The Drug War in Mexico usually delivers bloodier incidents, like beheadings, and Mexico ranks also as one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. Brazil is the country with the highest amount of homicides in the world, having more than the US, Canada, Europe, China, India, Russia, Japan, South East Asia, North Africa and Oceania combined. But when you calculate per capita, the homicide rate is worse in other Latin American countries (Mexico and Central America) It’s worth pointing out that despite crime being a serious issue in both countries, both are large countries with safe areas. Reply reply 25 more replies 25 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like * r/asklatinamerica r/asklatinamerica A subreddit dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean. From Mexico to the DR to Chile, we\'re protesting against Reddit\'s API changes together with +3000 subreddits. 191K Members 61 Online ### Pretending to be Latina/o 131 upvotes · 300 comments * r/asklatinamerica r/asklatinamerica A subreddit dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean. 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Mexico is now rated the number one most dangerous country in the world
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By examining the unique risks and issues in different regions, and understanding the dangers associated with travel to a particular country, you can take proactive measures to protect yourself. But sometimes, this may even include deciding to postpone or cancel travel based on the current level of danger. Merriam-Webster defines “danger” as: exposure or liability to injury, pain, harm, or loss. Oxford’s definition adds the element of likelihood: the possibility of suffering harm or injury. Here at Global Guardian, we view the word “danger” through the lens of risk, which bridges these two definitions. Broadly speaking, risk is the combination of the likelihood of a harmful event and severity of its impact. Therefore, the most dangerous countries in the world are those with the highest travel risk — countries where the likelihood and extent of harm to a traveler are highest. * * * ## What Defines a \"Dangerous Country\"? To determine the level of travel risk for a particular country, we take into account both quantitative metrics. Typically, we look at indicators including crime rates, health, natural disasters, infrastructure, conflict, civil unrest, and terrorism. Based on the above categories and weighted with our proprietary methodology, we divide countries into five categories of risk ranging from Low to Extreme. * Countries classified as **Low Risk** are considered highly stable. These countries maintain a strong rule of law and are capable of containing both internal and external threats to security. * Countries classified as **Moderate Risk** are considered resilient. These countries are capable of quickly and effectively managing crisis and threats to personal security. * Countries classified as **Medium Risk** are not fully secure. Political tension and lack of adequate law enforcement make these countries vulnerable to sporadic unrest. * Countries classified as**High Risk** experience ongoing conflict, criminal activity or civil unrest. These countries have weak institutions and are incapable of effectively managing crises. * Countries classified as **Extreme Risk** are actively engaged in military conflict, while experiencing severe criminal activity and civil unrest. These countries are insecure; state institutions are too weak to manage militant or insurgent groups. ![\\"View](\\" RideShare-07-2.png?width=1140&height=178&name=GG_GD-RideShare-07-2.png\\") * * * ## The World’s Most Dangerous Countries, by Region At Global Guardian we break down the globe into five separate geographies to help identify the most dangerous countries in the world. The countries in these regions generally share common themes, be it shared climatic threats or security threats that cross borders like militant groups or transnational organized crime. For our purposes, these regions are the Americas, Europe, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and Asia- Pacific (APAC). ### Americas (North America, Central America, South America) This region’s security landscape is characterized by the outsized role of illicit drug manufacturing, distribution, and trafficking, and the destabilizing role of organized crime from local street gangs to major transnational drug cartels. The Atlantic hurricane season also can pose major safety issues and cause massive travel disruption between June and November, peaking in August and September. ![\\"Map](\\" Countries_REVISED_1223-03.png?width=1140&height=471&name=GG-Blog-Dangerous- Countries_REVISED_1223-03.png\\") #### Haiti (High Risk) Haiti — the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere — is a failed state, marred by near-constant violent social upheaval and extreme gang violence. The situation on the ground has severely deteriorated over the last three years. Gangs are the primary stakeholders in the country with ties to political and security elements. Violence has expanded from the periphery of the Cité Soleil neighborhood to formerly safe suburbs in the north. Cité Soleil, Bel-Air, and the surrounding areas are deemed “no-go zones,” and should be avoided at all costs. Travel should only be undertaken with a full (but low-profile) security detail, following careful route assessments and reconnaissance. #### Mexico (High Risk) The drug war in Mexico is one of the most violent conflicts on the planet with cartel activity permeating through many levels of the Mexican economy and society. Cartel conflicts continue to drive violence across Mexico, including tourist areas previously less affected, such as Cancun, Tulum, and Puerto Vallarta. The current criminal landscape in Mexico is driven largely by the battle between the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS), though three other major transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) — Los Zetas, Gulf Cartel, and Juarez Cartel — all contribute to high levels of violence. The border regions along with Tierra Caliente, which includes parts of Michoacán, Guerrero, and Mexico states should be avoided, if possible. For more information on Mexico safety, click here. #### Venezuela (High Risk) Venezuela is not just risky by the standards of Latin America, it has one of the highest rates of corruption, violent crime, and unrest in the world. The capital city of Caracas is a focal point for violent demonstrations, organized crime, robbery, kidnapping, and homicide. Most kidnappings are “express” and last less than 48 hours, frequently targeting people leaving hotels, traveling in taxis, or walking in wealthier areas. Tourists are often targeted for robbery or theft. Western travelers, especially Americans also face the threat of arbitrary detention. The rainy season from May to December frequently brings torrential downpours and landslides. We do not recommend for Americans to travel to Venezuela and other interested travelers should arrange for private transportation for the duration of their trips. #### Want more insights? Sign up and receive the latest intelligence and information for travelers, businesses, and decision-makers, from Global Guardian\'s team of experts and leaders. ### First Name Last Name Email* ### EUROPE The overwhelming majority of Europe is not dangerous for travel, although the Russo-Ukrainian War has dramatically shifted the security landscape on Europe’s eastern flank. Russia’s resurgence as a threat to its neighbors and the specter of nuclear weapons use has created a high degree of uncertainty surrounding the future of the European security climate. Since the October 7th attack in Israel and the ensuing war in Gaza, the threat of terrorism has increased across Western Europe. ![\\"Map](\\" Countries_REVISED_1223-08.png?width=1140&height=471&name=GG-Blog-Dangerous- Countries_REVISED_1223-08.png\\") #### Ukraine (Extreme Risk) The country is currently fighting for its existence in the largest-scale war since WWII[i]. The majority of Ukraine’s major cities are consistently under missile and drone threat. Essential services cannot be guaranteed and the conflict has no end in sight. While the likelihood is still quite low, we cannot fully dismiss the possibility of Russia using chemical or nuclear weapons. At this juncture, and with so much uncertainty, we advise against all non-essential travel to Ukraine at this time. But if you do plan on going, it is imperative to have extensive evacuation and contingency plans to prepare for any eventuality. #### Belarus (HIGH Risk) While crime rates in Belarus remain relatively low, Western travelers face the risks of arbitrary arrest and detention, government surveillance, and malicious cyber activity. The ruling regime is unpopular, especially after the contested 2020 presidential election. As a result, protests can quickly turn violent as security forces use heavy-handed tactics against protestors. Social media posts denouncing the government and the ongoing invasion of Ukraine have resulted in arrests and criminal charges. Given Belarus’ precarious geopolitical situation, further “integration” with Russia by fiat or coup d’état cannot be ruled out in the near future. We advise against all travel for nationals whose countries are members of the NATO alliance over concerns of arbitrary detention. #### Russia (Medium Risk) Russia is an authoritarian security state engaged in what its leadership perceives to be an existential struggle with the West. Recently, the war in Ukraine has spilled over into internationally recognized Russian territory in the form of drone attacks on Moscow and cross border raids by Ukrainian backed forces in Belgorod Oblast. However, the main risk posed to travelers in Russia is the threat of arbitrary/wrongful detention. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the country has increased the pace of its arbitrary detention of foreign nationals, particularly Americans. In March, Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich joined security consultant Paul Whelan in Russian detention on charges of espionage. Late last year, the professional basketball player Brittney Griner was swapped for a Russian national following ten months in detention. The Russian regime uses arbitrary detention as leverage in securing the release of lawfully detained Russian nationals abroad and in the negotiation of sanctions. We advise against all travel for nationals whose countries are members of the NATO alliance over concerns of arbitrary detention. [i] in terms of scope and scale of weaponry in use and volume of contested territory, not overall level of violence or deaths. ### Middle East and North Africa The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been the central locus of most of the world’s violent extremism and conflict over the last several decades. Plagued by chronic instability, ethno-religious grievances, and geopolitical dynamics that shift with the sand, there are several countries within this region — including some not included in this list — where travel should be outright avoided. The conflict between Israel and Hamas has increased the regional risks to Western travelers and it has also heightened risks stemming from unrest. The prospect of the war expanding cannot be ruled out. ![\\"Map](\\" Countries_REVISED_1223-07.png?width=1140&height=471&name=GG-Blog-Dangerous- Countries_REVISED_1223-07.png\\") #### Sudan (Extreme Risk) A power struggle between two of the country’s leading military and political figures erupted into a brutal civil war in April 2023. Tension had been mounting between Mohammed “Hemedti” Dagalo, head of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, head of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) for months over a planned integration of the RSF into the SAF. The subsequent fighting has resulted in the deaths of at least two thousand people and the displacement of more than two million others. The conflict – which has seen the use of heavy weapons, indiscriminate small arms fire, and airstrikes by the SAF in densely populated areas — has also caused an acute humanitarian disaster. The SAF have conducted multiple airstrikes in civilian areas occupied by RSF fighters. Meanwhile, the RSF and other groups have been engaging in violent and widespread looting, hostage-taking, robberies, and the abuse of civilians. Access to critical goods such as food, water, and medicine has been severely impeded. We advise against any travel to Sudan. #### Yemen (Extreme Risk) Yemen is one of the world’s least developed nations where 80% of the population (21.6 million people) are food insecure and lack access to basic services. Despite a cooling of the intensity of the civil war, Yemen remains a failed and fractured state where no entity maintains a monopoly on violence. Healthcare and emergency services are almost non-existent in Yemen. The long- term resolution of the civil war remains elusive and a renewal of intensive hostilities remains a possibility. While travel to the island of Socotra is possible, we recommend against all travel to this war-torn nation. #### Iraq (High Risk) Violent crime, terrorism, and wrong-place, wrong-time incidents pose threats to travelers in Iraq. Crimes including robberies and assaults are often carried out by former insurgents who operate with near-total impunity. The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) — armed sectarian militias funded by Iran — are often involved in the illicit economy, adding a militarized element to the criminal underworld.**** Much of Baghdad should be considered off-limits to foreign travelers; essential travel outside of the International Zone should be undertaken in an armored convoy with armed security escorts. Kidnapping also remains a threat that is likely to persist for some time. Global Guardian also advises against travel to the following MENA locations: * **Afghanistan (Extreme Risk)** * **Libya (Extreme Risk)** * **Somalia (Extreme Risk)** * **Syria (Extreme Risk)** * **The West Bank (High Risk) and Gaza Strip (Extreme Risk)** * **Mali (Extreme Risk)** * **South Sudan (Extreme Risk)** * **Niger (Extreme Risk)** ### Sub-Saharan Africa** ** Sub-Saharan African (SSA) security dynamics are driven by weak state institutions, ethno-religious rifts, and conflicts that are fueled by its abundance of natural resources. Sub-Saharan regimes are often reliant on narrow bases of support that leverage, rather than redress, ethno-religious divisions to maintain power. The resultant lack of national institutions combined with ethnic grievances often leads to long-term insurgencies fueled by access to natural resources such as diamonds or oil. The prevalence of intractable conflicts leads both governments and rebels to neglect critical services such as healthcare infrastructure. ![\\"Map](\\" Countries_REVISED_1223-09.png?width=1140&height=471&name=GG-Blog-Dangerous- Countries_REVISED_1223-09.png\\") #### Burkina Faso (Extreme Risk) Burkina Faso is an extremely dangerous destination where local security forces do not have full control of the country. Radical Jihadist insurgencies have increased their activity in the Sahel in recent years. Frequent militant attacks, high degrees of criminality, and an underdeveloped medical system also pose serious risks to visitors. Chronic instability, fueled by frequent coups, adds a high degree of uncertainty to the political future of Burkina Faso. #### The Central African Republic (Extreme Risk) The Central African Republic (CAR) is an underdeveloped and unstable country where ongoing armed conflict between the government and rebel forces, high levels of violent crime, and a deeply sub-standard healthcare system pose serious risks for travelers. Violence between rebel groups and the Wagner- Group-backed government has increased since 2020. The country’s borders with Cameroon, Chad, and the Democratic Republic of Congo are largely under the control of various violent non-state actors and experience severe violent crime and frequent armed clashes. The medical system in CAR falls far below international standards of care. Travel should only be undertaken with a full (but low-profile) security detail, following careful route assessments and reconnaissance. #### Ethiopia (High Risk) Ethiopia is a politically unstable and unsafe country with deep ethnic divisions that is currently host to multiple interconnected armed conflicts. Ethiopia’s various ethnic armed organizations (EAO) have substantial control over regional governments. Many of Ethiopia’s provinces operate their own armed forces and some dictate their own security policy. The 2020-2022 war in the Tigray region resulted in more than 600,000 deaths and the political aftershock is currently at the centerpiece of the current inter-regional tensions. Ethiopia’s neighbors: Eritrea, Somalia, and Sudan, are frequently involved in domestic conflicts in Ethiopia, and vice versa. Inter-ethnic conflicts in Ethiopia have previously disrupted supply chains for food and medicine resulting in acute shortages. There is a high risk of kidnapping in the border regions with Kenya and Somalia. ### Asia-PACific The Asia Pacific (APAC) region hosts a variety of political dynamics born of huge disparities in geography and demographics. APAC countries tend to have ethnic and linguistic fault lines which frequently become divisions in the absence of robust state institutions. The region — situated on the Ring of Fire — also routinely experiences earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as some of the strongest tropical storms in world, which predominately originate in the Indian Ocean between the months of April and September. ![\\"Map](\\" Countries_REVISED_1223-10.png?width=1140&height=471&name=GG-Blog-Dangerous- Countries_REVISED_1223-10.png\\") #### Myanmar (EXTREME Risk) The 2021 military coup in Myanmar triggered a civil war that continues to escalate. The central government under Tatmadaw (the Burmese military’s political arm) control is battling a coalition of ethnic armed groups (EAG) and pro-democratic forces for large swaths of the country. The conflict has seen the widespread use of landmines, the indiscriminate use of small arms and artillery in populated areas, and a crackdown on civil liberties. The war has seen a breakdown in Myanmar’s already strained logistical infrastructure which seriously complicates travel, the supply of basic goods and services, and medical care. Owing the “27 October Offensive,” it appears more likely than not that the junta will not be able to retain control of the important population centers, trade routes, and resources it needs to legitimate its rule. We advise against all unnecessary travel to Myanmar. #### Pakistan (High Risk) Pakistan is currently undergoing political and financial crises on top of persistent insurgencies amid the fallout from recent environmental catastrophes. Pakistan’s popular former-prime minister Imran Khan has been engaged in a high-profile legal battle with the military-backed government of Shehbaz Sharif since the former’s ouster from office last year. Violence has broken out between security forces and Khan’s supporters several times in the past few months in relation to the, allegedly politically motivated, legal proceedings. Pakistan is also threatened by the specter of default, which has only been staved off by last-minute loans from the UAE, China, and the IMF. Early in 2023, this country experienced record-breaking floods which resulted in tens of billions of dollars in damages from which Pakistan has yet to recover. In addition to these issues, the Pakistani state has been battling separatists and radical Islamists in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan. Global Guardian advises against all travel to Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. #### Papua New Guinea (High Risk) Papua New Guinea (PNG) has a very high crime rate which is fueled by the availability of small arms, pervasive lawlessness, endemic corruption, and high rates of unemployment. The lack of effective state institutions has resulted in severely poor transportation, logistics, and healthcare infrastructure as well as the proliferation of armed gangs and bandits. Socio- economic or tribally motivated violence between groups is a regular occurrence in the highlands and sometimes spills into more urban areas. Unrest in urban areas such as Port Moresby is common, especially during elections. While travel to PNG is possible, we recommend secure transportation at all times given the risk of crime and banditry. * * * ## The Danger of Popular Travel Destinations ## Is Colombia Safe? Medium Risk The Colombian government has recently come to a peace deal with the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), but other armed groups including drug traffickers are still active throughout the country. Petty crime is common in historic city centers. Incidents of violent crime and kidnapping for ransom are widespread outside of major urban areas. Colombia is also one of the most mined countries in the world. Landmines, unexploded ordnance, and improvised explosive devices have killed more than 12,200 people since 1990 and present a risk to adventure travelers or those visiting highly remote areas. ### is Thailand Safe? MEdium Risk Travel safety in Thailand varies greatly by region but the touristy destinations and developed cities are safe to visit. Vigilance is recommended when attending nightclubs and beach parties, as they are hotspots for theft, assault, and sexual violence. Travelers should avoid travel to all the border regions, and the southern provinces of Songkhla, Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwa, due to high crime rates associated with narco-traffic routes, the prevalence of malaria and other infectious diseases, and terrorism. ### Is Italy Safe? Moderate Risk Italy is one of the most seismically active countries in Europe, making it susceptible to frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. In 2009 a 5.8 magnitude quake near Abruzzo killed 308 people, injured a further 1500, and caused $16 billion in damages. Stromboli — just north of the island of Sicily — is one of the world’s most active volcanoes. Volcanic ash can seriously impede air travel with very little notice. While most violence perpetrated by organized criminal groups in Italy is directed at one another, travelers are at risk of being caught in the wrong place at the wrong in both urban and ex- urban areas. For more information about travel safety in Europe, click here to read more from our team. * * * ## International Security Solutions While Traveling When it comes to travel in dangerous locations, having the right guidance and support is crucial. Global Guardian is here to help you navigate the complexities and challenges of global travel, including to High- and Extreme- Risk areas. Our experienced team of security experts can provide you with the necessary tools, resources, and real-time information to ensure your safety and peace of mind. Global Guardian also has experience evacuating clients from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Myanmar, and other conflict areas. Whether you are a business traveler, tourist, or adventurer, trust Global Guardian to be your reliable partner in mitigating risks and enhancing your travel experience. To learn more about our comprehensive duty of care and security solutions and how we can assist you on your journeys around the world, complete the form below or call us at + 1 (703) 566-9463. ### First name* Last name Email* Phone numberPhone Number Type of Inquiry* * Corporate * Family Office * Government * Personal Message Are you seeking employment with Global Guardian?* * Yes * No Global Guardian needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy. 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Mexico is now rated the number one most dangerous country in the world
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Mexico is now rated the number one most dangerous country in the world
![\\"World](\\"/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Flogo2x.b874b885.png&w=64&q=75\\")World Population Review ContinentsCountriesWorld CitiesUS StatesUS CountiesUS Cities Categories X #### Categories AgricultureCrime/SafetyCultureEconomicsEducationEnvironmentFacts/TriviaFlagsGeographyHealthHistoryInfrastructure/EnergyLawManufacturing/MiningMilitaryPolitics/GovernmentPopulationSportsTech/BusinessTravel Map Options Metric: GPI 2023GPI 2022GPI 2021Year to Year Change Color Scheme: BluesPurple RedViridisYellow GreenYellow Green BlueYellow Orange Red Reverse Colors x ![\\"map](\\"/_next/image?url=%2Fsvg_placeholder.png&w=2048&q=75\\") Click on a country for details. X GPI 2023 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 # Most Dangerous Countries in the World 2024 #### Snapshot * The Global Peace Index (GPI) report evaluates 163 countries on 23 indicators like political terror and murder rate to gauge national safety levels. * In the 2023 GPI, global peace deteriorated by 0.42%, with 84 countries becoming safer and 79 less so, marking the thirteenth decline in fifteen years. * Russia and Ukraine saw significant increases in danger from 2021 to 2023, primarily due to their ongoing military conflict initiated by Russia\'s invasion. * Afghanistan remains the most dangerous country in 2023, despite a significant decrease in conflict-related deaths from nearly 43,000 to just over 4,000. Every year, the Institute for Economics and Peace releases its Global Peace Index report. This report is the only one of its kind that measures how dangerous or safe a nation is based on 23 different indicators, including political terror, deaths from internal conflict, and murder rate. The GPI report evaluates 163 countries that account for more than 99.7% of the world’s total population. The factors analyzed in the report are grouped into three different areas: Safety and Security, Ongoing Conflict, and Militarization. The factors used to compile this report include: the number of internal and external violent conflicts, level of distrust, political instability, potential for terrorist acts, number of homicides, and military expenditures as a percentage of GDP. A score is calculated for each of the 163 nations featured in the report based on these factors. The higher the score, the more dangerous the country is and the lower it ranks in terms of safety. ## Top 20 Most Dangerous Countries in the World (Global Peace Index 2023 — higher scores are less safe) Country| GPI 2023 ---|--- Afghanistan| 3.448 Yemen| 3.350 Syria| 3.294 South Sudan| 3.221 DR Congo| 3.214 Russia| 3.142 Ukraine| 3.043 Somalia| 3.036 Sudan| 3.023 Iraq| 3.006 Mali| 2.963 Central African Republic| 2.934 Ethiopia| 2.872 Burkina Faso| 2.868 North Korea| 2.848 Iran| 2.800 Turkey| 2.800 Pakistan| 2.745 Myanmar| 2.741 Nigeria| 2.713 Compared to the 2022 Global Peace Index, the 2023 GPI saw global peace deteriorate by 0.42% overall, the thirteenth decline in the past fifteen years. While 84 countries became safer and more peaceful, 79 became less so, which led to an overall slide. Declines in peace and safety, the report points out, happen faster and move further than improvements. Unsurprisingly, two of the largest increases in danger from the 2021 report to the 2023 report occurred in Russia and Ukraine, which were at war with one another following Russia\'s invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022. The other three countries with the greatest increase in danger were Haiti, Mali, and Israel, all of which experienced a higher level of domestic turmoil. Needless to say, Israel’s conflict with Hamas, resulting after the attack of October 7, 2023, has added significantly to Israel’s higher danger risk indicator. Moving back one year, the 2022 Global Peace Index saw 90 countries make safety improvements and 71 countries register deteriorations. Overall, the GPI average deteriorated by 0.3% from 2021 to 2022, and twelve countries showed a “very low” state of peace. These countries have scores above 2.9. For comparison, the world’s safest countries have scores between 1.1 and 1.44. In addition to determining the most dangerous countries in the world, the Global Peace Index also tracks the safest countries in the world. Also noteworthy is the fact that the GDI measures the safety of people as a whole. Other data sources may focus more specifically on certain demographics, such as the most dangerous countries for women or the most dangerous countries for Christians. ## The 12 Most Dangerous Countries in the World ### 1\. Afghanistan With a 2023 score of 3.448 (slightly safer than 2022\'s 3.554), Afghanistan remains the most dangerous country in the world for the sixth year in a row. This is remarkable given that, as a war-torn country that has been mired in war, revolution, and civil strife for decades, Afghanistan experienced a significant decrease in conflict-related deaths in 2022, with the number falling by 90.6%, from almost 43,000 to just over 4,000. ### 2\. Yemen According to the United Nations, Yemen is still immersed in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. More than six years of ongoing military conflict has forced 4.3 million people to leave their homes and put 14 million people at risk of starvation and deadly disease. About 80% of the Yemen population (24 million people) is in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. That said, Yemen has experienced an improvement in peacefulness thanks to the reduction in Saudi airstrikes and cessation of Houthi cross-border attacks due in whole or in part to a ceasefire signed in April 2022. Moreover, conflict-related deaths fell by 63%. ### 3\. Syria Syria\'s 2023 GPI of 3.294 can be attributed to ongoing conflict, civil unrest, and widespread violent crime, including robberies, assaults, carjacking, and kidnappings. The Syrian civil war has plagued the country since March 2011 and has been the second-deadliest war of the 21st century. As of March 2019, 5.7 million people had fled Syria, and more than 6 million had been displaced internally. Armed conflict exists mostly between the government and opposition groups, with little to no rule of law or order in place outside the country’s capital of Damascus. ### 4\. South Sudan The least-peaceful country in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Sudan has been hampered by high levels of internal conflict and remains in a challenging situation. The country is grappling with significant issues related to ongoing conflict, political instability, and humanitarian crises. Despite efforts towards peace and stability, South Sudan continues to face internal tensions and conflicts that impact its overall peacefulness and security. Its GPI score has increased only slightly since the 2022 report, nudging up from 3.184 to 3.221. ### 5\. DR Congo Poverty and political unrest are an everyday occurrence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with rebels and armed forces wandering certain areas at will. Crimes, including murder, rape, kidnapping, carjackings, burglaries, muggings, and highway robberies, are fairly common. Even natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, are a concern. Like South Sudan, DR Congo experienced only a small deterioration in GPI between 2022 and 2023, going from 3.166 to 3.214. ### 6\. Russia While most of the fighting in the Russo-Ukrainian War is taking place in Ukraine, Russia actually ranked as the more dangerous of the two countries, for the period that encompasses the second year of the military conflict. This is partially due to the fact that Russian army casualties in Ukraine count toward Russia\'s level of danger and partially due to pre-existing economic stresses and an authoritative government that is often notably hostile to its own populace. Additionally, trade embargoes and other international restrictions on Russia have strained Russia\'s economy and food trade and placed increased hardship on the Russian people. ### 7\. Ukraine Of all the countries on the list, Ukraine has experienced the largest deterioration in overall score both regionally and globally. This is primarily due to the Russian invasion in February 2022, which led to widespread conflict, mass displacements, and severe humanitarian crises. The invasion resulted in close to 30% of the Ukrainian population being estimated as refugees or internally displaced. The conflict has had a profound impact across multiple domains, with the largest deteriorations occurring in the deaths from internal conflict, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), and armed services personnel rate indicators. The repercussions of Russia\'s war with Ukraine have been felt worldwide, particularly in the areas of energy and food scarcity, and are expected to continue reverberating through the 2024 report and beyond, causing rises in metrics including food insecurity, military expenditures, and political instability. ### 8-12. Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Mali, and the Central African Republic. The additional countries categorized as having \"very low peace\" (a GPI of 2.9 or higher) are Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Mali, and the Central African Republic. Somalia and the Central African Republic are two countries in which more than 20% of the population are either refugees or internally displaced. Sudan has the least peaceful possible score on indicators such as violent crime, political instability, and the presence of refugees and internally displaced persons. Iraq, as a post-conflict country in the Middle East and North Africa region, has recorded improvements in peacefulness. And Mali has become an increasingly prominent conflict zone over the past decade, experiencing varying intensities of civil war. * GPI (Global Peace Index) is a composite index which uses 23 quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure the peacefulness of countries. GPI scores range from 1-5 and higher scores indicate less peace and greater danger. * GTI (Global Terrorism Index) is a composite index that compiles data on incidents, fatalities, injuries and hostages to measure the impact of terrorism as a five-year weighted average. Higher scores indicate increased terrorism and, by extension, greater danger. 162 Rows Country| GPI 2023| GPI 2022| GPI 2021| Year to Year Change ---|---|---|---|--- Afghanistan| 3.448| 3.554| 3.631| -0.11 Yemen| 3.350| 3.394| 3.407| -0.04 Syria| 3.294| 3.356| 3.371| -0.06 South Sudan| 3.221| 3.184| 3.363| 0.04 DR Congo| 3.214| 3.166| 3.196| 0.05 Russia| 3.142| 3.275| 2.993| -0.13 Ukraine| 3.043| 2.971| 2.660| 0.07 Somalia| 3.036| 3.125| 3.211| -0.09 Sudan| 3.023| 3.007| 2.936| 0.02 Iraq| 3.006| 3.157| 3.257| -0.15 Mali| 2.963| 2.911| 2.813| 0.05 Central African Republic| 2.934| 3.021| 3.131| -0.09 Ethiopia| 2.872| 2.806| 2.613| 0.07 Burkina Faso| 2.868| 2.786| 2.527| 0.08 North Korea| 2.848| 2.942| 2.923| -0.09 Iran| 2.800| 2.687| 2.637| 0.11 Turkey| 2.800| 2.785| 2.843| 0.01 Pakistan| 2.745| 2.789| 2.868| -0.04 Myanmar| 2.741| 2.631| 2.457| 0.11 Nigeria| 2.713| 2.725| 2.712| -0.01 Israel| 2.706| 2.576| 2.669| 0.13 Chad| 2.699| 2.591| 2.489| 0.11 Colombia| 2.693| 2.729| 2.694| -0.04 Venezuela| 2.693| 2.798| 2.934| -0.10 Cameroon| 2.660| 2.709| 2.700| -0.05 Niger| 2.625| 2.655| 2.589| -0.03 Libya| 2.605| 2.930| 3.166| -0.33 Mexico| 2.599| 2.612| 2.620| -0.01 Lebanon| 2.581| 2.615| 2.797| -0.03 Palestine| 2.538| 2.552| 2.610| -0.01 Eritrea| 2.505| 2.494| 2.555| 0.01 Brazil| 2.462| 2.465| 2.430| -0 United States| 2.448| 2.440| 2.337| 0.01 South Africa| 2.405| 2.283| 2.344| 0.12 Haiti| 2.395| 2.254| 2.151| 0.14 Burundi| 2.393| 2.470| 2.434| -0.08 Guinea| 2.359| 2.332| 2.069| 0.03 India| 2.314| 2.578| 2.553| -0.26 Uganda| 2.300| 2.309| 2.219| -0.01 Zimbabwe| 2.300| 2.350| 2.490| -0.05 Nicaragua| 2.294| 2.334| 2.445| -0.04 El Salvador| 2.279| 2.231| 2.184| 0.05 Egypt| 2.267| 2.342| 2.397| -0.08 Honduras| 2.265| 2.269| 2.371| -0 Saudi Arabia| 2.260| 2.288| 2.376| -0.03 Mozambique| 2.259| 2.316| 2.123| -0.06 Kenya| 2.254| 2.303| 2.254| -0.05 Belarus| 2.248| 2.259| 2.285| -0.01 Philippines| 2.229| 2.339| 2.417| -0.11 Mauritania| 2.228| 2.193| 2.290| 0.04 Republic of the Congo| 2.210| 2.184| 2.291| 0.03 Djibouti| 2.196| 2.213| 2.146| -0.02 Lesotho| 2.191| 2.089| 2.202| 0.10 Benin| 2.177| 2.125| 2.093| 0.05 Eswatini| 2.168| 2.033| 1.955| 0.14 Bahrain| 2.145| 2.085| 2.121| 0.06 Sri Lanka| 2.136| 2.020| 2.083| 0.12 Guyana| 2.134| 2.140| 2.114| -0.01 Peru| 2.130| 2.091| 2.034| 0.04 Guatemala| 2.130| 2.139| 2.195| -0.01 Togo| 2.130| 2.094| 2.239| 0.04 Tajikistan| 2.114| 2.031| 2.095| 0.08 Kyrgyzstan| 2.110| 2.028| 1.998| 0.08 Turkmenistan| 2.107| 2.116| 2.154| -0.01 Cuba| 2.103| 2.083| 2.042| 0.02 Ecuador| 2.095| 1.988| 2.044| 0.11 Papua New Guinea| 2.095| 2.046| 2.149| 0.05 Algeria| 2.094| 2.146| 2.310| -0.05 Azerbaijan| 2.090| 2.437| 2.334| -0.35 Georgia| 2.071| 2.065| 2.054| 0.01 Gabon| 2.068| 1.973| 2.074| 0.09 Thailand| 2.061| 2.098| 2.205| -0.04 Tanzania| 2.058| 2.001| 1.892| 0.06 Ivory Coast| 2.053| 2.144| 2.123| -0.09 Bangladesh| 2.051| 2.067| 2.068| -0.02 Rwanda| 2.051| 1.945| 2.028| 0.11 Guinea Bissau| 2.045| 2.156| 2.113| -0.11 Uzbekistan| 2.033| 2.001| 2.062| 0.03 Morocco| 2.020| 1.969| 2.015| 0.05 Angola| 2.020| 1.982| 2.017| 0.04 Dominican Republic| 2.019| 1.990| 2.024| 0.03 Equatorial Guinea| 2.013| 1.863| 1.915| 0.15 Tunisia| 2.010| 1.996| 2.108| 0.01 China| 2.009| 2.010| 2.114| -0 Nepal| 2.006| 1.947| 2.033| 0.06 Bolivia| 2.001| 1.989| 2.140| 0.01 Jamaica| 1.986| 1.990| 1.992| -0 Kazakhstan| 1.980| 2.071| 1.936| -0.09 United Arab Emirates| 1.979| 1.865| 1.848| 0.11 Malawi| 1.970| 1.895| 1.909| 0.07 Cambodia| 1.947| 1.882| 2.008| 0.07 Liberia| 1.946| 1.973| 1.998| -0.03 Trinidad and Tobago| 1.946| 2.005| 2.029| -0.06 Paraguay| 1.942| 1.976| 1.997| -0.03 Panama| 1.942| 1.876| 1.919| 0.07 France| 1.939| 1.895| 1.868| 0.04 Armenia| 1.929| 1.992| 2.075| -0.06 Serbia| 1.921| 1.832| 1.797| 0.09 Cyprus| 1.904| 1.903| 1.912| 0 Zambia| 1.898| 1.841| 1.964| 0.06 Jordan| 1.895| 1.849| 1.916| 0.05 Bosnia and Herzegovina| 1.892| 1.850| 1.970| 0.04 Greece| 1.890| 1.838| 1.932| 0.05 Gambia| 1.888| 1.792| 1.853| 0.10 Chile| 1.874| 1.840| 1.831| 0.03 Moldova| 1.873| 1.882| 1.909| -0.01 Namibia| 1.859| 1.908| 1.927| -0.05 Madagascar| 1.846| 1.995| 1.963| -0.15 Argentina| 1.837| 1.911| 1.945| -0.07 Indonesia| 1.829| 1.800| 1.783| 0.03 Senegal| 1.827| 1.916| 1.864| -0.09 Ghana| 1.799| 1.759| 1.715| 0.04 Uruguay| 1.798| 1.795| 1.817| 0 Timor Leste| 1.796| 1.839| 1.873| -0.04 Oman| 1.794| 1.889| 1.982| -0.09 Sierra Leone| 1.792| 1.803| 1.813| -0.01 Laos| 1.779| 1.809| 1.809| -0.03 Montenegro| 1.772| 1.801| 1.847| -0.03 Mongolia| 1.765| 1.775| 1.783| -0.01 South Korea| 1.763| 1.779| 1.877| -0.02 Botswana| 1.762| 1.801| 1.753| -0.04 Vietnam| 1.745| 1.786| 1.835| -0.04 Albania| 1.745| 1.761| 1.824| -0.02 Costa Rica| 1.731| 1.732| 1.735| -0 North Macedonia| 1.713| 1.704| 1.744| 0.01 United Kingdom| 1.693| 1.667| 1.658| 0.03 Lithuania| 1.671| 1.724| 1.689| -0.05 Kuwait| 1.669| 1.739| 1.688| -0.07 Italy| 1.662| 1.643| 1.652| 0.02 Spain| 1.649| 1.603| 1.621| 0.05 Taiwan| 1.649| 1.618| 1.662| 0.03 Romania| 1.649| 1.640| 1.530| 0.01 Bulgaria| 1.643| 1.541| 1.577| 0.10 Poland| 1.634| 1.552| 1.524| 0.08 Sweden| 1.625| 1.564| 1.460| 0.06 Latvia| 1.582| 1.673| 1.686| -0.09 Slovakia| 1.578| 1.499| 1.557| 0.08 Estonia| 1.563| 1.662| 1.612| -0.10 Norway| 1.550| 1.465| 1.438| 0.08 Mauritius| 1.546| 1.570| 1.592| -0.02 Australia| 1.525| 1.565| 1.470| -0.04 Qatar| 1.524| 1.533| 1.605| -0.01 Belgium| 1.523| 1.526| 1.496| -0 Malaysia| 1.513| 1.471| 1.515| 0.04 Hungary| 1.508| 1.411| 1.494| 0.10 Bhutan| 1.496| 1.481| 1.510| 0.01 Netherlands| 1.490| 1.522| 1.506| -0.03 Germany| 1.456| 1.462| 1.480| -0.01 Croatia| 1.450| 1.440| 1.480| 0.01 Finland| 1.399| 1.439| 1.402| -0.04 Czech Republic| 1.379| 1.318| 1.329| 0.06 Canada| 1.350| 1.389| 1.330| -0.04 Switzerland| 1.339| 1.357| 1.323| -0.02 Japan| 1.336| 1.336| 1.373 Slovenia| 1.334| 1.316| 1.315| 0.02 Portugal| 1.333| 1.301| 1.267| 0.03 Singapore| 1.332| 1.326| 1.347| 0.01 Austria| 1.316| 1.300| 1.317| 0.02 New Zealand| 1.313| 1.269| 1.253| 0.04 Ireland| 1.312| 1.288| 1.326| 0.02 Denmark| 1.310| 1.296| 1.256| 0.01 Iceland| 1.124| 1.107| 1.100| 0.02 Total| 2.072| 2.070| 2.081| 0 ### Which country is the most dangerous? Afghanistan is the most dangerous country in the world, with a Global Peace Index score of 3.554. ## Frequently Asked Questions 1. Global Peace Index - Institute for Economics and Peace ## Sources © 2024 World Population Review Privacy PolicyTermsContactAbout Cite This Page Cite This Page
In the US state of Virginia a twoyearold girl died after being vaccinated with BiontechPfizer during a study
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Home 2. You & Your Family 3. Immunization 4. Diseases And Vaccines 5. COVID-19 ## In this section ### Diseases and Vaccines * COVID-19 * Chickenpox * Flu * Hepatitis A * Hepatitis B * Hib * Human Papillomavirus (HPV) * Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) * Meningococcal * Polio * Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) * Rotavirus * Shingles * Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis ### In this section * COVID-19 * Chickenpox * Flu * Hepatitis A * Hepatitis B * Hib * Human Papillomavirus (HPV) * Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) * Meningococcal * Polio * Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) * Rotavirus * Shingles * Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis * English * List additional actions * Arabic - العَرَبِية * Chinese, Simplified - 简体中文 * Chinese, Traditional - 繁體中文 * Hindi - हिन्दी * Khmer (Cambodian) - ភាសាខ្មែរ * Korean - 한국어 * Marshallese - Kajin Ṃajōḷ * Punjabi - ੫ੰਜਾਬੀ * Russian - Русский * Samoan - Faa-Samoa * Somali - Af Soomaali * Spanish - Español * Tagalog - Tagalog * Telugu - తెలుగ * Ukrainian - Українська мова * Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt # COVID-19 Vaccine Information The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older should get an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. People who are up to date have lower risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19 than people who are unvaccinated or who have not completed the doses recommended for them by CDC. Most people ages 5 years old and older just need one updated 2024-2025 dose to be up to date. There are two types of COVID-19 vaccines available: * mRNA vaccines * Moderna 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine - available for ages 6 months and older * Pfizer 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine - available for ages 6 months and older * Protein subunit vaccines * Novavax 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine - available for ages 12 years and older There is no recommendation for any one COVID-19 vaccine over another when more than one recommended and age-appropriate vaccine is available. Check out some of these resources below to find out more about COVID-19 vaccine recommendations for you and your family: * Getting Vaccinated to Protect Against COVID-19 Illness ( * COVID-19 Vaccine Reference Guide for children 6 months to 4 years old ( * Novavax: What You Should Know ( * Protect Yourself Against Respiratory Illnesses ( * Protect Yourself from Long COVID: Get Vaccinated ( The Washington State Department of Health is currently updating webpages and documents to align with the most recent CDC guidance. ## Frequently Asked Questions Toggle all accordions Why should I get the COVID-19 vaccine? The COVID-19 vaccines can protect you in many ways: * They greatly reduce your chance of getting seriously ill if you get COVID-19 * Staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccines reduces your chances of hospitalization and lowers your risk of dying from COVID-19 * Staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccines lowers your chances of developing Long COVID. * Vaccinations increase the number of people in the community who are protected, making it harder for the disease to spread * Experts continue to study the ability of the vaccine to keep people from spreading the virus to others. People who aren’t vaccinated can still catch the virus and spread it to others. Some people can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons, and this leaves them especially vulnerable to COVID-19. If you aren’t vaccinated, you are also at higher risk of being hospitalized or dying from a variant. Getting vaccinated helps protect you and your family, neighbors, and community. Where do I get the vaccine? Find a vaccine at Is there a cost for COVID-19 vaccines? Like other vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines are covered by most insurance plans. COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be available at no cost to all children in Washington state until their 19th birthday through the Childhood Vaccine Program. There are also programs for adults that can help cover costs of getting vaccinated if they don’t have health insurance or their plan doesn’t cover the vaccine. If you are an uninsured or underinsured adult over the age of 19, you are eligible to get a 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine at a low cost through a provider participating in the Washington State Adult Vaccine Program (AVP). Your AVP provider may charge an administrative fee to give the vaccine, but you may request this fee be waived if you are unable to pay. You can find participating providers by using the AVP provider map. You can call an AVP provider near you for more information on product availability and scheduling. Who should get an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine? CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get at least one dose of updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. * Children 6 months-4 years may need multiple doses depending on the previous number of doses received. * Some people who are immunocompromised may be eligible for additional doses. Please review the CDC guidelines. When am I considered up to date with COVID-19 vaccination? You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccination if you have received the most recent dose recommended for you by CDC. What happens if I get sick after getting the COVID-19 vaccine? It\'s normal to have some side effects after getting the vaccine. This can be a sign that the vaccine is working. If you experience a medical emergency after getting the COVID-19 vaccine, call 9-1-1 immediately. If you get sick after getting the vaccine, you should report the adverse event to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). An “adverse event” is any health problem or side effect that happens after a vaccination. For more information about VAERS and vaccine safety, visit DOH’s Vaccine Safety webpage. Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine when I get routine vaccinations? Yes. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) changed their recommendations on May 12, 2021. You can now get a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time that you get other vaccines. You do not need to schedule your child\'s required school vaccinations or other recommended vaccines separately from COVID-19 vaccination. A COVID-19 vaccine appointment is another opportunity to get your child caught up on all of their recommended vaccines. Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I\'m pregnant, lactating or planning to become pregnant? Yes, data show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe during pregnancy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for people who are pregnant, lactating, or planning to get pregnant. Some studies show that if you are vaccinated, your baby may even get antibodies against COVID-19 through pregnancy and lactation. Unvaccinated pregnant people who get COVID-19 are at increased risk of severe complications like preterm birth or stillbirth. In addition, people who get COVID-19 while pregnant are two to three times more likely to need advanced life support and a breathing tube. For more resources about getting the COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant and breastfeeding, please see up to date information on the One Vax, Two Lives website. Can people under age 18 get the vaccine? Yes, the Pfizer-BioNTech (Pfizer) vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine brands are authorized for children ages 6 months and older. The Novavax vaccine is available for ages 12+ under an EUA. Youth who are under 18 years of age may need consent from a parent or guardian to get the vaccine, unless they are legally emancipated. Check with the vaccine clinic about their requirements for showing proof of parental consent or legal emancipation. Why should I be concerned about my child getting COVID-19? Since the beginning of the pandemic, over 15 million children in the United States have gotten COVID-19. New COVID-19 variants are currently responsible for most infections and hospitalizations in the United States. While COVID-19 is often milder in children than adults, children can still get very sick and spread it to friends and family who are immunocompromised or vulnerable in other ways. Half of reported pediatric COVID-19 deaths in the United States were in children with no underlying health conditions. Children who are infected with COVID-19 can develop “Long COVID-19” or persistent symptoms that often include brain fog, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath. Vaccination is the best way to keep kids healthy and safe. Children who get infected with COVID-19 may be at greater risk for Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). MIS-C is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. While it is still unknown what causes MIS-C, many children with MIS-C had COVID-19 or had been around someone with COVID-19. MIS-C can be serious, even deadly, but most children diagnosed with this condition have gotten better with medical care. MIS-C can be serious, even deadly, but most children diagnosed with this condition have gotten better with medical care. How do we know that the vaccines are safe and effective for children? To make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, CDC expanded and strengthened the country’s ability to monitor vaccine safety. As a result, vaccine safety experts can monitor and detect issues that may not have been seen during the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. What underlying medical conditions place you at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19? People of any age with the conditions listed below are more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines (initial and additional doses) and other preventive measures for COVID-19 are important, especially if you are older or have multiple or severe health conditions including those on this list. This list does not include all possible conditions that place you at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. If you have a condition not included here, talk to your health care provider about how best to manage your condition and protect yourself from COVID-19. * Cancer * Chronic kidney disease * Chronic liver disease * Chronic lung diseases * Dementia or other neurological conditions * Diabetes (type 1 or 2) * Down syndrome * Heart conditions * HIV infection * Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) * Mental health conditions * Overweight and obesity * Pregnancy * Sickle cell disease or thalassemia * Smoking, current or former * Solid organ or blood stem cell transplant * Stroke or cerebrovascular disease, which affects blood flow to the brain * Substance use disorders * Tuberculosis Will people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised need a doctor’s note/ prescription or other documentation to receive these doses? No, individuals can self-identify and receive all doses anywhere vaccines are offered. This will help ensure there are not additional barriers to access for this population. If immunocompromised individuals have questions about their specific medical condition, they may discuss whether getting an additional dose is appropriate for them with their health care provider. My question wasn\'t answered here. How can I find out more? General questions can be sent to ## Resources and Recommendations Find additional resources and recommendations. For vaccine-specific information, choose the vaccine tab. Some resources in many languages. ## Information from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) * COVID-19 vaccine | Frequently asked questions ### DOH Information for Health Care Providers * COVID-19 vaccine information for health care providers * Health care provider resources & recommendations * About Us * Jobs - Work@Health * Public Health Connection Blog * BienestarWA Blog (Español) * Request Public Records * Rule Making * Topics A-Z * Ver Contenido in Español ## Contact Us * Contact Information * Hours & Location Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Medium Instagram YouTube ## Our Partners * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) * Local Health Departments * Local Health Jurisdictions and Tribal Directories * Northwest Center for Public Health Practice * State Board of Health * Other Partners ## Subscribe for Updates Get email alerts based on your topic preferences like news releases, job openings, emergency updates and more! 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In the US state of Virginia a twoyearold girl died after being vaccinated with BiontechPfizer during a study
Deals & Steals for the home! # * Video * Shop * Culture * Family * Wellness * Food * Living * Style * Travel * News * Book Club * GMA3: WYNTK * * * * * * Privacy Policy * Your US State Privacy Rights * Children\'s Online Privacy Policy * Interest-Based Ads * Terms of Use * Do Not Sell My Info * Contact Us * © 2024 ABC News Newsletter Search * Wellness # Young kids getting wrong COVID-19 vaccine dose not a reason to panic, experts say ![\\"\\"](\\" vaccine-02-ht-jc-211102_1635880658554_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg?w=992\\"/) 3:27 CDC director greenlights Pfizer vaccines for kids 5-11 Pfizer ByKatie Kindelan November 19, 2021, 2:19 AM Health experts are urging parents to continue to get their children vaccinated after at least four separate incidents across the country where children were given the incorrect COVID-19 vaccine dosages. The incorrect dosages were isolated incidents and did not cause adverse health effects in children, some experts say. On Tuesday, a second Virginia pharmacy was removed from both state and federal COVID-19 vaccination programs after it incorrectly administered the COVID-19 vaccine formulated for individuals 12 years and older to 25 children ages 5 to 11 years old, according to the Fairfax County Health Department. In other incidents, 98 students at a vaccine clinic in Montgomery County, Maryland, were incorrectly given a diluted dose, the local health department reported this week. And in California, 14 children were given the wrong amount of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. The incidents have happened in the weeks since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized Pfizer\'s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 in the United States. In several of the reported cases, children received a smaller dose of the vaccine than what is recommended. The CDC authorized the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11 at a 10-micrograms dose, one-third of the adolescent and adult dose. ![](\\" vaccine-01-ht-jc-211102_1635880683516_hpEmbed_3x2_992.jpg?w=992\\"/) Pfizer\'s pediatric COVID-19 vaccine vials and packaging are pictured in an undated handout photo. Pfizer Here are five things parents should know. 1\. The incidents of incorrect dosages are not the norm. The number of children who have received an incorrect vaccine dose numbers in the hundreds, a small fraction of the 2.6 million kids ages 5 to 11 who are estimated by the White House to have received a first COVID-19 vaccine shot by Wednesday. \"We\'re talking about a tiny fraction, a miniscule fraction,\" said Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist, chief innovation officer at Boston Children\'s Hospital and ABC News contributor. \"For the most part, we should be actually applauding such an amazing vaccine rollout in our kids that has happened at an unprecedented pace. What we\'re seeing is an incredibly safe rollout being done incredibly effectively.\" 2\. An incorrect vaccine dose will not harm kids\' health. If a child under the age of 12 receives a vaccine dose that is more or less than the approved 10-micrograms dose, it is not expected to cause serious adverse health effects, experts said. ### Related Articles MORE: Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine now available for kids ages 5 to 11: 5 things to know With a larger dose, a child may experience are more short-term side effects, similar to what adults may experience, added Dr. Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. \"There have been clinical trials that have looked at different doses in children and the current lower dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the 10-microgram dose rather than the usual 30 [microgram dose], in children ages 5 to 12, is really based on the clinical trials that showed that that lower dose is better tolerated and equally immunogenic,\" said Barouch. \"So it is strongly recommended that children do get the appropriate dose. If they do get a higher dose, then it\'s possible they will have more reactive reaction symptoms.\" But he said that he wouldn\'t be \"extremely concerned\" about effects. \"I wouldn\'t be extremely concerned because it actually has been studied in trials and it really was just the balance of evidence that made the company choose lower dose,\" Barouch said 3\. A child can still get fully vaccinated after an incorrect dosage. According to guidance issued by the CDC, young children who receive less than the approved 10-micrograms dose can get back on track with a second shot administered 21 days later. Children who receive a higher-than-authorized dose do not need a repeat dose, according to the CDC. \"The bottom line is for parents is to realize that this is incredibly rare and isolated, but if by chance something like this happens, talk to your pediatrician and you can easily course correct and make sure your kids are fully vaccinated,\" said Brownstein. 4\. Look for orange-capped vials, smaller needles. Parents can also help to triple-check that their child receives the correct dose, according to Mitchel C. Rothholz, chief of governance and state affiliates with the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and executive director of the APha Foundation. First, parents should make sure that when they register their child for a COVID vaccine appointment, that it is for the correct age, so pediatric for ages 5 to 11 and adolescent for ages 12 and older, according to Rothholz. \"When they get to the practice site, parents should confirm, ‘We’re here to get the pediatric dose,\'\" he said. To help troubleshoot any confusion in the distribution of Pfizer\'s vaccine, orange-capped vials contain doses for kids ages 5 to 11, while purple-capped vials will contain doses for adult and older adolescents. Children ages 5 to 11 also receive the vaccine via smaller needles to make it easier for pharmacists and pediatricians to administer the vaccine to younger kids. ![](\\" vaccine-02-ht-jc-211102_1635880658554_hpMain.jpg?w=992\\"/) Pfizer\'s pediatric COVID-19 vaccine vials and packaging are pictured in an undated handout photo. Pfizer Rothholz said parents can also look to the provider to confirm multiples times the dose they are administering. \"I have done vaccinations and I always say to the patient, ‘Okay, you are here to get your pediatric COVID dose correct?,’\" said Rothholz. \"And before I inject, I say to the parent, ‘We’re giving so-and-so the COVID pediatric dose, correct?’\" Finally, parents should make sure they know what to look for in terms of side effects after the vaccine, according to Rothholz. He recommends parents register with V-safe, a smartphone-based tool from the CDC that provides personalized health check-ins after a COVID-19 vaccination. 5\. It remains critical to get children vaccinated against COVID-19. \"Now with such a substantial number of children under 12 vaccinated and no major safety signals of being identified, that should give reassurance to parents who wanted to take a little bit of time to wait,\" said Brownstein. \"It should give parents the backing to go ahead and protect their kids against COVID.\" Throughout the pandemic, thousands of children have been hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 and many could have long-term effects from the virus, according to Dr. Leana Wen, emergency physician and professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, and Dr. Sean O’Leary, vice chair and director of American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Infectious Diseases, said at a Nov. 12 briefing at the National Press Foundation on COVID-19 vaccines and children. ### Related Articles MORE: COVID vaccine can be bundled with a child\'s routine shots, doctors say Wen called COVID-19 \"one of the top 10 leading causes of death in children\" and hailed the vaccines as a \"safe and simple intervention,\" which significantly lowers the risk of severe illness. Major health organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) continue to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for children ages 5 and older. Over the last week, more than 122,000 child cases of COVID-19 were reported — an increase of about 22% from two weeks ago, according to data from the AAP and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA). ABC News\' Arielle Mitropoulos and Cheyenne Haslett contributed to this report. ## Related Topics * COVID-19 Vaccine ## Editor’s Picks ![\\"\\"](\\" er-220621_1655830300495_hpMain_1x1_992.jpg?w=608\\"/) ## COVID-19 vaccines and kids: What parents should know * Jun 20, 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\" fauci_hpMain_20211116-193111_1x1_992.jpg?w=608\\"/) ## Fauci warns of \'double whammy\' in possible winter surge * Nov 17, 2021 ![\\"\\"](\\" llr-211025_1635187332107_hpMain_1x1_992.jpg?w=608\\"/) ## Kids and the COVID-19 vaccine: 5 questions answered by pediatricians * Nov 03, 2021 ## Up Next in Wellness— ![\\"\\"](\\" jm-241004_1728052937049_hpMain_1x1_992.jpg\\"/) ## Golden retriever therapy dogs \'bring so much light\' to young girl with leukemia October 4, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" jm-241003_1727980989647_hpMain_1x1_992.jpg\\"/) ## Meet the influencer breaking down the ingredients in our favorite foods October 4, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" er-241001_1727810991415_hpMain_1x1_992.jpg\\"/) ## \'Dancing with the Stars\' pro Daniella Karagach opens up for 1st time about past miscarriage October 2, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" er-240930_1727726961188_hpMain_1x1_992.jpg\\"/) ## Breast cancer deaths decrease as cases among Asian Americans and younger adults rise, new report finds October 1, 2024 ## Shop Editors Picks ABC will receive a commission for purchases made through these links. 19 ![](\\" ![](\\" Amazon ### BISSELL Little Green Multi-Purpose Portable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner, Car and Auto Detailer, with Exclusive Specialty Tools, Green, 1400B From Amazon $99.59 $123.59 Shop Now ![](\\" Caraway ### Bakeware Set From Caraway $245 Shop Now ![](\\" Amazon ### Peter Thomas Roth | Pumpkin Enzyme Mask | Enzymatic Dermal Resurfacer, Exfoliating Pumpkin Facial Mask for Dullness, Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Uneven Skin Tone From Amazon $60 Shop Now ## Sponsored Content by Taboola # The latest lifestyle and entertainment news and inspiration for how to live your best life - all from Good Morning America. * * * * * * Contests * Terms of Use * Privacy Policy * Do Not Sell My Info * Children’s Online Privacy Policy * Advertise with us * Your US State Privacy Rights * Interest-Based Ads * About Nielsen Measurement * Press * Feedback * Shop FAQs * ABC News * ABC * All Videos * All Topics * Sitemap © 2024 ABC News * Privacy Policy— * Your US State Privacy Rights— * Children\'s Online Privacy Policy— * Interest-Based Ads— * Terms of Use— * Do Not Sell My Info— * Contact Us— © 2024 ABC News
There is science behind PM Modi’s 5 PM clapping initiative Clapping generates vibration which can kill Coronavirus Also 22 March 2020 is Amavasya
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Life Featured ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-351x221.jpg\\") ## Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances By Suresh DeepalaOctober 2, 2024 __0 Recent ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-103x65.jpg\\") Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Rate_Image-103x65.jpg\\") PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Modi-featured-image-103x65.jpeg\\") Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP Coronavirus, Coronavirus English, English, Fake News # Janata Curfew: Clapping hands will not kill Coronavirus, it is just to express gratitude 4 By Akhil Reddy on March 22, 2020 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A post is being shared widely on social media with a claim that there is science behind the 5 PM clapping proposed by PM Modi. While Modi has asked people to clap as a sign of gratitude to the various groups working to eradicate COVID-19, some people are posting that clapping will create vibrations which will then kill Coronavirus by making it lose all potency. Also, it is being claimed the event was planned on a Sunday (i.e. on 22 March 2020) as it is ‘Amavasya’ (New Moon Day). Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post. ![\\"\\"](\\" virus-FB-Post.jpg\\")The archived version of the post can be found here. > Claim: There is science behind PM Modi’s 5 PM clapping initiative: Clapping > generates vibration which can kill Coronavirus. Also, 22 March 2020 is > Amavasya. > > Fact: There is no scientific evidence to prove that vibration from clapping > hands can kill Coronavirus. The Press Information Bureau of India has > clarified that the message is fake. Also, Amavasya is not on 22 March 2020. > Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE. Astrological Claim: First, let’s check whether Amavasya is on 22 March 2020. It was found on the internet that ‘Amavasya’ is from 23 March 220 (12:30 PM) – 24 March 2020 (02:58 PM), not on 22 March 2020. So, the theory that ‘22nd March is Amavasya, darkest day in a month. All virus, bacteria and evil forces have maximum potential and power on such days’ will not apply to 22 March 2020 as it is not Amavasya. Also, Revathi Nakshatra is from 25 March 2020 (04:19 AM) – Mar 26 March 2020 (07:16 AM). Similar dates (Amavasya on 24 March 2020 and Revathi Nakshatra on 25 March 2020) can be also found on the ‘Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams’ website. So, the astrological significance mentioned in the post is false. ![\\"\\"](\\" virus-Panchangam-1024x451.jpg\\") Scientific Evidence: Now, let’s check whether there is any scientific evidence to prove that clapping can kill Coronavirus. From various articles on the internet, it is found that ultrasound and laser pulses are being tested around the world to kill bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. But no concrete evidence was found to prove that the vibration created from clapping hands can kill Coronavirus. If vibration from clapping hands could kill virus then WHO would have suggested the same. But no such preventive guidance can be found on the WHO website. Also, as the message went viral, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) has clarified that ‘the vibration generated by clapping together **will not destroy Coronavirus** infection’. > NO ! The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy > #Coronavirus infection#PIBFactCheck: The #JantaCurfew clapping initiative at > 5pm is to express gratitude towards the Emergency staff working selflessly > to counter #coronavirusinindia #Covid19India > > — PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) March 22, 2020 To sum it up, vibration from clapping hands will not kill Coronavirus. _Did you watch our new video?_ ![\\"Factly\\"](\\" WhatsApp-channel-minified-scaled.jpeg\\") Share. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email __Previous Articleಅಯೋಧ್ಯೆಯ ರಾಮ್ ದೇವಾಲಯದ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸವಾಗಿ ಸ್ವಾಮಿನಾರಾಯಣ್ ಅಕ್ಷರ್ಧಮ್ ದೇವಾಲಯದ ಫೋಟೋವನ್ನು ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ Next Article __జనతా కర్ఫ్యూ: చప్పట్లు కొడితే కొరోనా వైరస్ తన శక్తిని కోల్పోదు. చప్పట్లు సంఘీభావం తెలపడానికి మాత్రమే ### About Author ![\\"\\"](\\" Akhil Reddy ### Related Posts A simulation video is being falsely shown as volcanic eruption in In... మధ్యప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్రంలోని అతి పెద్ద కోవిడ్ క్వారంటైన్ సెంటర్ ‘Maa Ahi... This video of US Vice President Kamala Harris\'s remarks in Hindi abo... ### 4 Comments 1. Pingback: Janata Curfew: Clapping hands will not kill Coronavirus, it is just to express gratitude - Go Corona 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Dr Nalini TA on March 22, 2020 5:50 pm Such pathetic thinking, and people go under such delusions. To think that a few people clapping on a small fragment of Our tiny planet will have effect on the entire universe is the preposterous notion. It’s sad that even educated people are supporting this. 3. ![\\"\\"](\\" Vikkranth on March 22, 2020 8:28 pm Arrest her or put a duct tape her mouth n throw into current Corona Epicenter 4. ![\\"\\"](\\" Santosh on April 19, 2020 12:44 pm you are taking wrong meaning of vibration. its not vibration generates while you clapping. its vibration of unconscious mind. vibration of corona fight. its all mater of unconscious mind. * ![](\\" ![](\\" * ### RECENT POSTS * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: Allahabad HC Says Desertion Cannot be Established Solely on Grounds That Parties Are Living Apart Due to Their Jobs September 25, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: NITI Aayog’s Expert Group Releases a Report With Action Plan for a 100-Day Response to Any Future Outbreak or Pandemic. 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Each news story on FACTLY is backed by factual evidence/data from official sources that is either available in the public domain or that is collated/gathered/collected using tools such as the Right to Information (RTI). * ### Subscribe to our Newsletter Wisdom is nothing but Data Understood. Get a weekly roundup of stories covered by the Factly Team delivered to your email. We promise to never spam you. Leave this field empty if you\'re human: © 2014-2021 Factly Media & Research | Except for videos, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.![\\"Creative](\\" ![\\"scroll\\"](\\" content/uploads//2018/10/scroll.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"
There is science behind PM Modi’s 5 PM clapping initiative Clapping generates vibration which can kill Coronavirus Also 22 March 2020 is Amavasya
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Listen to Story Live TV Share Advertisement ## India Today Fact Check Claim Clapping together at 5 pm will create a vibration which will destroy coronavirus. ![\\"Fact](\\"\\") Fact There is no proven evidence that vibration created by collectively clapping can destroy coronavirus. * ![\\"Chayan](\\"\\") Chayan Kundu New Delhi,UPDATED: Mar 22, 2020 15:42 IST Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Janta Curfew initiative on Sunday and his appeal to everyone clap at 5 pm to show gratitude to the helpers and medical practitioners who are working relentlessly to fight coronavirus has now become the target of misinformation on social media. **Claim** Several people on social media have come out with various theories and claimed that clapping together at 5 pm would make such a \"vibration\" in the atmosphere that coronavirus will be destroyed. This message is being forwarded on WhatsApp and other social messaging apps. advertisement The viral message reads The 5 pm clapping Modi asked us to do is extremely interesting. At that time the moon is passing to a new \'nakshatra\' called Revati. The playing of bells and clapping: The cumulative vibration will encourage blood circulation in the body. It\'s the reason they used to have huge, gong-like bells in old Shakti temples on the mountains. Someone very knowledgeable is guiding Modi about this. Hope it works. 22nd March is Amavasya, darkest day in a month. All virus, bacteria and evil forces have maximum potential and power on such days. 5 PM clapping, shankh nada etc by 130 crore people at the same time will create so many vibrations that virus will lose all potency. Must for everyone. Many users like Renuka Jain have forwarded this message believing that the collective clapping at 5 pm would destroy the coronavirus. > The 5pm clapping modi asked us to do is extremely interesting. At that time > Moon is passing to a new \'nakshatra\' called Revati. The playing of bells > and clapping: The cumulative vibration will encourage blood circulation in > the body. . #RenukaJain (@RenukaJain6) March 21, 2020 **Fact** AFWA found this viral claim to be misleading. There is no proven scientific evidence that vibrations created by collectively clapping can destroy coronavirus. PIB Factcheck created for debunking misinformation related to government policies has tweeted saying that The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy coronavirus infection. > NO ! The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy > #Coronavirus infection#PIBFactCheck: The #JantaCurfew clapping initiative at > 5pm is to express gratitude towards the Emergency staff working selflessly > to counter #coronavirusinindia #Covid19India PIB > Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) March 22, 2020 Prime Minister Modi has taken this initiative of clapping at 5 pm only to appreciate the emergency staff who are working selflessly to tackle coronavirus. Published By: Nishtha Gupta Published On: Mar 22, 2020 \--- ENDS --- ![\\"\\"](\\"/images/fact-check.png\\"/) Want to send us something for verification? 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There is science behind PM Modi’s 5 PM clapping initiative Clapping generates vibration which can kill Coronavirus Also 22 March 2020 is Amavasya
![\\"The](\\" logo.jpg\\")![\\"Panache\\"](\\" wealth-logo.jpg\\") English EditionEnglish Editionहिन्दीગુજરાતીमराठीবাংলাಕನ್ನಡമലയാളംதமிழ்తెలుగు | Today\'s ePaper SubscribeFestive Offer on ETPrime Search + Home ETPrime Markets Market Data News Industry Rise Politics Wealth MF Tech Careers Opinion NRI Panache Videos Spotlight More Menu Panache Tech and Gadgets Worklife People Health Ideal Weight CalculatorChild Height CalculatorCalorie CalculatorBMI CalculatorBMR CalculatorDiabetes Risk Calculator Entertainment Panache People 101 Cars & Bikes Lifestyle Books City Life Specials ET Magazine Business News›Magazines›Panache›Janata Curfew row: Amitabh Bachchan claims vibrations from clapping destroy virus, Twitter schools him ##### The Economic Times daily newspaper is available online now. Read Today\'s Paper # Janata Curfew row: Amitabh Bachchan claims vibrations from clapping destroy virus, Twitter schools him SECTIONS Janata Curfew row: Amitabh Bachchan claims vibrations from clapping destroy virus, Twitter schools him PTILast Updated: Mar 24, 2020, 10:10:00 AM IST Rate Story ![\\"Whatsapp](\\" us Share Font Size AbcSmall AbcMedium AbcLarge Save Print Comment Synopsis ## The actor deleted his tweet after it got backlash from Twitterati. ![\\"Amitabh\\'s](\\" tweet-was-met-with-criticism-as-netizens-slammed-him-for-tweeting-something- which-was-not-factual-.jpg\\")Amitabh\'s tweet was met with criticism as netizens slammed him for tweeting something which was not factual. MUMBAI: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Monday was heavily criticised for one of his tweets, which claimed vibrations from clapping, blowing conch shells as part of Sunday\'s Janata Curfew would have reduced or destroyed coronavirus potency as it was \'amavasya\', the darkest day of the month.Bachchan\'s tweet comes in the wake of several similar fake news stories misinterpreting Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s appeal of clapping and clanging plates to express gratitude to those providing essential services during this global health crisis.The 77-year-old actor took to Twitter and, in a tweet that has now been deleted, wrote, \"An opinion given: 5 PM, 22nd Mar, \'amavasya\', darkest day of month; virus, bacteria evil force at max potential & power! Clapping shankh vibrations reduce/ destroy virus potency Moon passing to new \'nakshatra\' Revati. cumulative vibration betters blood circulation.\" ![\\"A](\\" A screengrab of Amitabh Bachchan\'s tweet. Bachchan posted the tweet along with his picture, which had three question marks scribbled on it, leading many to wonder if the actor was sharing his opinion or questioning the theory floating on social media. ![\\"Growfast\\"](\\" * ![\\"Java](\\" Artificial Intelligence(AI) Java Programming with ChatGPT: Learn using Generative AI By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Basics](\\" Artificial Intelligence(AI) Basics of Generative AI : Unveiling Tomorrow\'s Innovations By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Generative](\\" Artificial Intelligence(AI) Generative AI for Dynamic Java Web Applications with ChatGPT By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Mastering](\\" Artificial Intelligence(AI) Mastering C++ Fundamentals with Generative AI: A Hands-On By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Master](\\" Artificial Intelligence(AI) Master in Python Language Quickly Using the ChatGPT Open AI By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Zero](\\" Office Productivity Zero to Hero in Microsoft Excel: Complete Excel guide 2024 By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Vastu](\\" Astrology Vastu Shastra Course By - Sachenkumar Rai, Vastu Shashtri View Program * ![\\"SQL](\\" Data Science SQL for Data Science along with Data Analytics and Data Visualization By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"A](\\" Web Development A Comprehensive ASP.NET Core MVC 6 Project Guide for 2024 By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Mastering](\\" Office Productivity Mastering Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and 365 By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Digital](\\" Marketing Digital marketing - Wordpress Website Development By - Shraddha Somani, Digital Marketing Trainer, Consultant, Strategiest and Subject Matter expert View Program * ![\\"Mastering](\\" Web Development Mastering Full Stack Development: From Frontend to Backend Excellence By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program * ![\\"Financial](\\" Finance Financial Literacy i.e Lets Crack the Billionaire Code By - CA Rahul Gupta, CA with 10+ years of domain experience, trainer View Program * ![\\"Business](\\" Leadership Business Storytelling Masterclass By - Ameen Haque, Founder of Storywallahs View Program * ![\\"Future](\\" Marketing Future of Marketing & Branding Masterclass By - Dr. David Aaker, Professor Emeritus at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, Author | Speaker | Thought Leader | Branding Consultant View Program * ![\\"Human](\\" HR Human Potential and the Future of Employment By - Lynda Gratton, Prof. at London Business School, Speaker, Author, Global Thought Leader View Program * ![\\"ESG](\\" Strategy ESG and Business Sustainability Strategy By - Vipul Arora, Partner, ESG & Climate Solutions at Sattva Consulting Author I Speaker I Thought Leader View Program * ![\\"Financial](\\" Finance Financial Reporting and Analytics By - Dr. C.P. Gupta, Professor: Department of Finance and Business Economics, University of Delhi View Program You Might Also Like: ![\\"You](\\" Amitabh Bachchan gets a \'home quarantined\' stamp, urges fans to be cautious However, his tweet was met with criticism as netizens slammed him for tweeting something which was not factual.On Sunday, even the Press Information Bureau busted the viral fake claim, writing, \"NO! The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy #Coronavirus infection.\" > NO ! The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy > #Coronavirus infection #PIBFactCheck: The… > > — PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) 1584855086000 Lyricist Varun Grover was among the first ones to slam Bachchan, writing that the actor should\'ve been more responsible at a time like this. \"Shameful superstitions propaganda coming from a person with such huge reach. And we have learned to let go of \'besharmi\' (shamelessness) of many of our celebs but this is DANGEROUS too. Indian lives are at stake here and you need to be more responsible,\" Grover tweeted. > @SrBachchan Shameful superstitions propaganda coming from a person with such > huge reach. And we have learned to let… > > — वरुण 🇮🇳 (@varungrover) 1584948456000 You Might Also Like: ![\\"You](\\" Extending an olive branch: Politician Amar Singh apologizes to Amitabh Bachchan, says he regrets overreaction Bachchan is one of the most active and followed celebrities on social media. His followers count on Twitter alone stands at a staggering 40.5 million.A Twitter user wrote that it\'s painful when a respected opinion leader like him resorts to forwarding such opinions.\"I feel intense pain. Please only spread very scientific and medical views - people will promptly abide by you. They have so much faith in you. Please,\" the user wrote.Bachchan\'s tweet was also slammed by many journalists, lawyers and activists, who asked people to \"mass report the tweet\" so that\'s it\'s taken down by the microblogging site for spreading misinformation. You Might Also Like: ![\\"You](\\" A powerful eulogy: Amitabh Bachchan mourns Ritu Nanda’s demise in blog post, calls her ‘ideal in-law’ Recently, Twitter removed a video uploaded by actor-turned-politician Rajinikanth who claimed the 14-hour window of total social distancing as advised by the PM was necessary to curb the spread of virus.The video was reportedly pulled down as it violated Twitter\'s rules on misinformation.According to the Union Health Ministry, the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country rose to 415 on Monday. Seven people had died till Saturday evening due to the virus. #### Read More News on janta curfewamitabh bachchanPress Information BureauTwitterpress (Catch all the Business News, Breaking News, Budget 2024 Events and Latest News Updates on The Economic Times.) Subscribe to The Economic Times Prime and read the ET ePaper online. ...moreless Prime ExclusivesInvestment IdeasStock Report PlusePaperWealth Edition * ![\\"Nearly](\\" Nearly 5x rise in 5 years: How a Tata firm, despite its ‘plus size’, weaved record income * ![\\"Sun](\\" Sun Pharma, Torrent, Alkem under lens for inferior medicines. 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There is science behind PM Modi’s 5 PM clapping initiative Clapping generates vibration which can kill Coronavirus Also 22 March 2020 is Amavasya
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Several people on social media have come out with various theories and claimed that clapping together at 5 pm would make such a \"vibration\" in the atmosphere that coronavirus will be destroyed. ### ![\\"\\"](\\" Nakshatra-Characteristics-300x196.jpg\\")The viral message reads The 5 pm clapping Modi asked us to do is extremely interesting. **At that time the moon is passing to a new \'nakshatra\' called Revati. The playing of bells and clapping: The cumulative vibration will encourage blood circulation in the body. It\'s the reason they used to have huge, gong-like bells in old Shakti temples on the mountains.** **Someone very knowledgeable is guiding Modi about this. Hope it works. 22nd March is Amavasya, darkest day in a month. All virus, bacteria and evil forces have maximum potential and power on such days. 5 PM clapping, shankh nada etc by 130 crore people at the same time will create so many vibrations that virus will lose all potency.** Fact![\\"\\"](\\" birthstar.jpg\\") AFWA found this viral claim to be misleading. There is no proven scientific evidence that vibrations created by collectively clapping can destroy coronavirus. PIB Factcheck created for debunking misinformation related to government policies has tweeted saying that The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy coronavirus infection. Prime Minister Modi has taken this initiative of clapping at 5 pm only to appreciate the emergency staff who are working selflessly to tackle coronavirus. **Register Smart Employment Card** 1. Life Time Support 2. Apply Verified Government & Private Exmployment Exchange Jobs. 3. Competative Exam guidelines and preparation 4. Learn Free basic courses, Industry and Technology Updates 5. 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There is science behind PM Modi’s 5 PM clapping initiative Clapping generates vibration which can kill Coronavirus Also 22 March 2020 is Amavasya
![\\"Logo\\"](\\" Subscribe * * * * Sign in * VIDEO VIDEO * No Filter * Let me explain * Yen Endra Kelvi * LONG FORM * SUBSCRIBER ONLY * PODCAST PODCAST * Whats Your Ism? * Pakka Politics * FLIX * NEWSLETTERS * SUBSCRIBE ![\\"contribute](\\" ![\\"contribute](\\" Kerala # Mohanlal, many others share fake info that ‘clapping may kill virus’, PIB debunks “The vibration generated by clapping together will not destroy the coronavirus infection,” clarified the Press Information Bureau. ![\\"Mohanlal,](\\"//\\") Mohanlal, many others share fake info that ‘clapping may kill virus’, PIB debunks Written by: TNM Staff Published on: 22 Mar 2020, 1:02 pm * * * * * * Copied Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged citizens to stand in their balconies and clap hands and clang utensils to show appreciation for all health professionals working towards containing the COVID-19 pandemic, the “WhatsApp University” has been on overdrive. Many were quick to link the \'rationale\' behind clapping and clanging to astrology and science. Even actor Mohanlal was quick to join the bandwagon to propagate random messages that claimed, the sound produced from the clapping is powerful in killing all bacteria and viruses in the air. Though Mohanlal\'s message was largely about staying home and practicing social distancing, he added two lines about why clapping was necessary. “Clapping together is a process. The sound produced is like a mantram (chant) and there is a possibility that many bacteria and virus will be destroyed. Let it all get destroyed. I urge everybody to cooperate,” he said in a telephone interview to Manorama News channel. Different versions of this message are doing the rounds on WhatsApp. One read: “The 5 pm clapping Modiji asked us to do is extremely interesting… At that time Moon is passing to a new \'nakshatra\' called Revati. The playing of bells and clapping: The cumulative vibration will encourage blood circulation in the body.” Another false message claimed: “22nd March is Amavasya, darkest day in a month. All virus, bacteria and evil forces have maximum potential and power on such days. 5 PM- clapping, shankh nada etc by 130 crore people at the same time will create so much vibrations that (the) virus will lose all potency.” However, debunking such misinformation, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) said, “No! The vibration generated by clapping together will not destroy coronavirus infection.” As part of its effort to dispel all rumours peddling during the COVID-19 pandemic, PIB said that the clapping initiative during the Janata curfew at 5 pm “is to express gratitude towards the Emergency staff working selflessly day and night to counter coronavirus in India”. > NO ! The vibration generated by clapping together will NOT destroy > #Coronavirus infection#PIBFactCheck: The #JantaCurfew clapping initiative at > 5pm is to express gratitude towards the Emergency staff working selflessly > to counter #coronavirusinindia #Covid19India > > — PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) March 22, 2020 After Mohanlal made the statement on the regional news broadcast, users on social media have been trolling the actor, with apt memes also being generated simultaneously, many quoting famous dialogues from his movies. While some asked him to go to Italy (a reference to the viral video where residents in Italy were seen standing in balconies and clapping for health workers), another user said, “There is no need to go to the hospital now; let’s all just clap hands and recover.” ![\\"\\"](\\"\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"// Read: Fact check: No, life of coronavirus is not 12 hours Karnataka seals its borders, announces two months free rations for all An alleged smuggler, Kerala COVID-19 patient unwilling to share all travel details Coronavirus ## Related Stories ![\\"Chitralekha\\"](\\"\\") ###### Chitralekha, Kerala Dalit auto driver who battled caste oppression, dies at 48 TNM Staff 31 minutes ago ![\\"PV](\\"// Image-2024-10-06-at-12.51.24-PM.jpeg?rect=0%2C0%2C720%2C405&w=480&auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max\\") ###### PV Anvar approached DMK to join the party, no approval yet Shabbir Ahmed 2 hours ago ![\\"Representative](\\"//\\") ###### Bengaluru faces waterlogging after heavy rains, IMD issues yellow warning for October 6 TNM Staff 3 hours ago ![\\"Representative](\\"//\\") ###### IMD predicts heavy rains for Kerala till October 11 IANS 3 hours ago ![\\"thenewsminute\\"](\\" * About Us * Terms and Conditions * Privacy policy * Grievance Redressal * Disclaimer * Contact us © thenewsminute 2024 Powered by Quintype The News Minute INSTALL APP
On the occasion of Indian Navy Day many BJP and Congress leaders shared this photo of Indian Navy ship
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HoaXposed # BJP and Congress handles tweet US combat ship’s photo to wish Indian Navy Day ## The handles post a photo of Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship of the US Navy on Indian Navy Day. Same incorrect image had been shared earlier too. Pia Krishnankutty 04 December, 2021 03:26 pm IST Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Linkedin ![\\"Screenshots](\\" Screenshots of the tweets by BJP and Congress handles featuring a US Navy ship while sharing greetings on Indian Navy Day. | Photo: Twitter Follow Us : ![\\"google](\\" content/themes/Newspaper/images/google- news.png?compress=true&quality=80&w=50&dpr=1\\") ![\\"whatsapp](\\" content/themes/Newspaper/images/whatsapp.png?compress=true&quality=80&w=50&dpr=1\\") Text Size: A- A+ New Delhi: The official Twitter handles of several Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s ministers and state units, leaders of the Congress, and the Goa Forward Party shared the image of a US combat ship while posting Indian Navy Day greetings Saturday. India celebrates Navy Day on 4 December every year to recognise the achievements of the Indian Navy. The Jammu and Kashmir unit of the BJP tweeted: “Greetings on Indian Navy Day. A Grand Salute to The Guardians of the Sea.” However, the picture accompanying this text was that of a US Navy ship. Show Full Article > Greetings on Indian Navy DayA Grand Salute to The Guardians of the Sea. > > > — BJP Jammu & Kashmir (@BJP4JnK) December 4, 2021 The Maharashtra unit of the BJP also tweeted the same picture with the caption: “Three salutes to the incomparable bravery of the soldiers on the occasion of Indian Naval Day!” > भारतीय नौदल दिनानिमित्त जवानांच्या अतुलनीय शौर्याला त्रिवार सलाम > !!#IndianNavyDay #NavyDay > > — भाजपा महाराष्ट्र (@BJP4Maharashtra) December 4, 2021 BJP MLA from Madhya Pradesh Gaurishankar Bisen, Gujarat Minister of State for Agriculture, Energy and Petrochemicals Mukesh Patel and Congress MLA from Madhya Pradesh and former cabinet minister P.C. Sharma were some of the others who made the same mistake. > निष्ठा और संकल्प के साथ निरंतर देश सेवा में जुटे नौसेना के वीर, साहसी और > जांबाज जवानों को भारतीय नौसेना दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं ?#IndianNavyDay > #NavyDay #NavyDay2021 #भारतीयनौसेनादिवस > > — Gaurishankar Bisen (@GauriShankarMP) December 4, 2021 > Salute to Navy\'s bravery and patriotism on Indian Navy Day #NavyDay > @indiannavy > > — Mukesh Patel (@mukeshpatelmla) December 4, 2021 > देश की समुद्री सीमाओं की रक्षा करने वाले और देश की सीमा से दूर हमारे सामरिक > हितों को मजबूती देने वाले भारतीय नौसेना के शूरवीरों को भारतीय #नौसेना_दिवस > पर कोटिशः नमन एवं समस्त देशवासियों को नौ सेना दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ… > #NavyDay #NavyDay2021 @indiannavy #Pcsharmainc > > — P. C. Sharma (@pcsharmainc) December 4, 2021 Congress national social media coordinator Maanmohan Singh Pahujaa also tweeted the same photo with the caption: “Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, famously wrote, “to be secure on land we must be supreme at sea.” On this #NavyDay I salute the brave men who have been protecting our Sea & Land. Jai Hind!” > Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, famously wrote, “to be > secure on land we must be supreme at sea.\" > > On this #NavyDay I salute the brave men who have been protecting our Sea & > Land. > > Jai Hind! > > — Maanmohan Singh Pahujaa (@msgpahujaa) December 4, 2021 The Goa Forward Party also posted the same picture. > #IndianNavyDay #NavyDay #चल_या_फुडें #chalyafuddem > > > — Goa Forward (@Goaforwardparty) December 4, 2021 ### Fact check The photo all these handles shared was that of a Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship, which was commissioned in the US Navy in January 2019. This isn’t the first time Indian politicians and political parties have erroneously shared an image of this US ship on Navy Day. On 4 December 2019, the Congress came under fire after the party’s official handle tweeted the picture of the same ship in a congratulatory tweet about Navy Day. After some Twitter users circulated the hashtag #ShameOnCongress, the party subsequently deleted the tweet. > Congress actually need to replace its c-grade IT cell.#ShameOnCongress > > > — Avinash Srivastava ?? (@go4avinash) December 4, 2019 It was found that the BJP had also tweeted the same picture two years ago on the same occasion. > Greetings on Indian Navy Day. Let’s wear Armed Forces flag with honour and > pride. Contribute generously to the ‘#ArmedForcesFlagDay Fund’ to assure our > soldiers that the entire nation cares for them & their families. > > > — BJP (@BJP4India) December 4, 2017 In collaboration with SM Hoax Slayer. **Also read:** Viral photo of Jewar airport is fake, image is of South Korea’s Incheon airport Subscribe to our channels on YouTube, Telegram & WhatsApp Support Our Journalism India needs fair, non-hyphenated and questioning journalism, packed with on- ground reporting. ThePrint – with exceptional reporters, columnists and editors – is doing just that. Sustaining this needs support from wonderful readers like you. Whether you live in India or overseas, you can take a paid subscription by clicking here. Support Our Journalism __ * Tags * BJP * Congress * Navy Day * US Navy Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Linkedin ### LEAVE A REPLY Cancel Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! 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On the occasion of Indian Navy Day many BJP and Congress leaders shared this photo of Indian Navy ship
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PDF * Full Text (PDF) Link copied by Darshana M. Baruah Published on June 30, 2020 ###### additional links * Full Text (PDF) ![](\\"\\") ###### program ## South Asia The South Asia Program informs policy debates relating to the region’s security, economy, and political development. From strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific to India’s internal dynamics and U.S. engagement with the region, the program offers in-depth, rigorous research and analysis on South Asia’s most critical challenges. Learn More ![](\\"\\") ###### project ## Indian Ocean Initiative The Carnegie Asia Program’s Indian Ocean Initiative serves as as a hub for research and scholarship related to the Indian Ocean and its island states and territories. Learn More ### Executive Summary Throughout history, the maritime domain has been a crucial space in establishing new and emerging powers shaping regional dynamics and the larger security architecture. The great power competition today is no different. As India and Australia recently recognized, “many of the future challenges are likely to occur in, and emanate from, the maritime domain” underlining the reemergence of the maritime space as the theater for geopolitical competition.1 The rise of China across the Indian and Pacific Oceans challenges the security umbrella established at the end of Second World War and strengthened after the end of the Cold War. The emergence of the Indo- Pacific as a new geographic space—bringing together the Indian and the Pacific Oceans—represents the new strategic reality of the twenty-first century. India’s role in the Indo-Pacific is considered crucial by countries such as Australia, Japan, and the United States. However, despite New Delhi’s presence in the Indian Ocean, maritime security has actually remained outside of India’s strategic interests, concerns, and thinking, due to its continental threats. The Indo-Pacific therefore is a new domain in India’s foreign policy engagements, representing a shift in New Delhi’s strategic environment—expanding its threats solely from its continental borders to its maritime space. As Canberra, Paris, Tokyo, and Washington, DC continue to support and promote a stronger Indian role in the Indo-Pacific, this paper highlights New Delhi’s perceptions, challenges, and opportunities in the region. The paper identifies three specific elements of India’s Indo-Pacific approach. First, it underlines the Indo-Pacific as an opportunity to expand its footprint across the region while facing significant capacity and capital constraints. Second, it places partnerships at the core of India’s Indo- Pacific interests. While collaborations with bigger powers such as Australia, France, Japan, and the United States have provided a greater platform for New Delhi to expand its diplomatic footprint, its relationship with island nations will shape India’s role in the Indo-Pacific. Due to the geographic proximity of the island states—both Maldives and Sri Lanka, and to a greater extent Mauritius and Seychelles—to India, their foreign policy choices will have a direct impact on New Delhi’s security environment. Finally, although the Indo- Pacific presents new opportunities to India’s great power ambitions, India’s priorities and significant investments will remain in the Indian Ocean. In examining these three elements of India’s Indo-Pacific policy, the paper sheds further light into its new geopolitical challenges and strategic dilemmas while deliberating emerging opportunities and options to address its developing threats and challenges. #### Abbreviations ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations BRI: Belt and Road Initiatives CPEC: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor IOR: Indian Ocean Region IFC-IOR: Information Fusion Center–India Ocean Region IMAC: Information Management and Analysis Center MDA: Maritime Domain Awareness MEA: Ministry of External Affairs MBDs: Mission Based Deployments PSIDS: Pacific Islands Developing States SLOCs: Sea lines of communication ### Introduction The Indo-Pacific places significant importance on India by highlighting the country as a key player in the twenty-first century. As countries like Australia, Japan, and the United States began to define the Indo-Pacific as the new theater for strategic competition, New Delhi came to assume a central role in their respective policies. The rise of China and its expanding economic, political, and military engagements, from Europe and Africa to Asia and the Pacific, were shifting the strategic realities for Canberra, Tokyo, and Washington, DC. India’s own approach toward the Indo-Pacific is shaped by a new strategic environment coinciding with the rise of China, particularly in the Indian Ocean region and South Asia. While priorities and capabilities remain different, Beijing’s expanding presence across the Indo-Pacific presents a common strategic challenge for Canberra, New Delhi, Tokyo, and Washington. As India began to face these challenges in the Indian Ocean and South Asia, New Delhi adopted an Indo-Pacific strategy to manage a rising China in the region while strengthening partnerships to address a new security environment. In doing so India had to find a balance between its emerging geopolitical competition with China and its renewed partnerships with the West. New Delhi’s Indo-Pacific strategy therefore emerged as an opportunity to expand its presence while leveraging partnerships to address its capacity constraints in securing its strategic interests. In the post–Cold War era, the absence of strategic competition in the Indian Ocean allowed New Delhi to not only play a prominent role but also ensure a favorable and secure Indian Ocean for its strategic interests. The emergence of China as an additional and perhaps an alternative security provider compelled India to review its foreign policy choices under the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. China’s economic growth, combined with its military modernization, continues to widen the strategic and capacity gap with India. As a result, Beijing is able to offer substantial economic projects and military assistance in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region. Yet if Beijing was able to make inroads in India’s immediate neighborhood, it was because New Delhi created an environment conducive to doing so. Faced with new geopolitical challenges in its area of strategic influence, the Indo- Pacific—as promoted by Australia, Japan, and the United States, and with considerable importance placed on India—presented an unexpected opportunity for India to play an increased role. In tracing India’s Indo-Pacific discussion, this paper underlines three key points shaping New Delhi’s new foreign policy approach. First, the Indo- Pacific is a theater of opportunity for India that allows New Delhi to leverage partnerships to address a new strategic and security environment. These partnerships form the core of India’s Indo-Pacific policy, allowing New Delhi to significantly expand its strategic and diplomatic footprint through collaborative initiatives. Second, while New Delhi’s partnerships with Western powers help India address its capability gaps and is an important aspect of its Indo-Pacific approach, island nations and smaller littoral states have played a bigger role in shaping India’s new security environment. Increasing collaborations between China and island states such as Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka threaten India’s assumed role of a security provider driving the Sino-Indian competition in the maritime domain. The importance of these islands’ geographic location, long forgotten in post–Cold War geopolitics, have reemerged in New Delhi’s strategic thinking. This also marks the emergence of maritime security in India’s strategic collaborations, an aspect otherwise dominated by threats from its continental borders. Third, despite expanding collaborations across the Indo-Pacific, the Indian Ocean is and will remain the primary theater for New Delhi’s strategic interests. While India will continue to increase its global engagements, New Delhi will invest its resources and capital primarily to elevate its strategic advantages in the Indian Ocean and South Asia. This paper maps India’s approach to the Indo-Pacific by examining the country’s role, priorities, and challenges in the region. The paper begins with India’s geopolitical challenges in accepting and defining its own Indo- Pacific vision, and underlines the shift in New Delhi’s foreign policy approach influenced by a changing security environment. The rise of China and its expanding collaborations in India’s neighborhood have raised considerable concerns for New Delhi’s political calculations. The recognition of a new player in its area of strategic interest and an unfolding Sino-Indian competition have led to a revision in India’s foreign policy interactions. Faced with new geopolitical challenges, New Delhi has quickly realized that it lacks resources and capacity to respond to a new security environment. New Delhi understands the potential of partnerships in addressing these challenges through shared visions and goals. The second section of the paper highlights the role of partnerships in India’s Indo-Pacific outreach. Partnerships offer a new set of options to New Delhi’s geopolitical and strategic challenges. Thus, the Indian government has begun to renew old partnerships and build new ones. This second section captures India’s foreign policy shift in the Indo-Pacific through partnerships and diplomatic outreach beyond its immediate areas of interests. The Indo-Pacific has emerged as an opportunity to expand and support India’s diplomatic and strategic profile. Yet as India has expanded its diplomatic and political outreach across the Indo-Pacific, it lacks economic and military resources to match its growing vision. The third section of the paper reviews India’s military capabilities and efforts in supporting its foreign policy approach and underscores the Indian Ocean as a priority area in New Delhi’s Indo-Pacific vision. While India continues to expand its political and diplomatic outreach across the Indo- Pacific, its efforts in the Indian Ocean reflect New Delhi’s key priorities and challenges in a new strategic environment. The conclusion of the paper highlights the need for issue-based partnerships as a way forward to operationalize the Indo-Pacific construct. While India and its partners have established common strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific, the difference in priorities and immediate neighborhood demand an issue-based partnership modeled on a burden sharing framework. The task at hand now is to realize the Indo-Pacific vision through actionable efforts and practical collaborations. ### Geopolitical Challenges In the early stages of its Indo-Pacific discourse, India’s primary challenge was defining and laying out New Delhi’s approach to the new construct. While New Delhi today has become a key pillar of the Indo-Pacific architecture, it initially struggled to define the concept within its political framework as Australia, Japan, and the United States announced their visions and strategies (see table 1). New Delhi eventually embraced the concept and put forward its own vision through Modi’s speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in 2018. Prior to the 2018 speech, as Canberra, Tokyo, and Washington continued to highlight New Delhi’s role in the Indo-Pacific, India cautiously explored the costs and benefits in the region. At the time a key challenge for New Delhi was finding the right balance—between the United States and its allies on one side and China on the other. India’s concern was that it must not be perceived as a member of a containment strategy led by the West. At the same time, India was faced with the need for a new strategy as a response to a rising China in its neighborhood. It is relatively accepted today (primarily among Western nations) that the Indo-Pacific has no set strategy to contain China, the containment concept has largely been driven by China’s rise and its aggressive expansion.2 Along with the other Indo-Pacific nations, India realized a need to balance a rising China and also play a leading role in the region.3 While New Delhi was gradually realizing the need to manage its biggest neighbor, it did not want to be perceived as jumping on the bandwagon with the West. Moreover, there were differences in perspectives and definitions of the region as a whole. Although New Delhi was positioning itself to take on a more visible and expanded security role, its priority was the immediate Indian Ocean region. Yet as China continued to take an aggressive stance on the South China Sea issue, Southeast Asia—a theater second to the Indian Ocean in New Delhi’s strategic mapping—emerged as the key hotspot of Indo-Pacific conversations among Australia, Japan, and the United States. While India’s Act East Asia Policy increased its collaborations with its partners in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), there was little enthusiasm from New Delhi to expand its presence beyond diplomatic and possible commercial engagements. Moreover, New Delhi’s bilateral engagements have been stronger with certain countries, such as Singapore and Vietnam, than with others—for example, Brunei or the Philippines. This approach led many to question India’s stance on the Indo-Pacific and what strategic role, if any, it would be willing to play.4 As a region, the Indo-Pacific provided a platform with which to push back against any unilateral actions attempting to change or create alternative norms and customs. This provided New Delhi with a foundation for its balancing strategy toward Beijing. The increasing relevance of the concept emerges from the rise of a new power and the need to push back against unilateral actions by one nation. As such, countries came together to lend support and credibility to a rules-based order with an underlying intent for a balancing strategy vis-à-vis China. While the definition of rules-based order is a matter of debate in itself—in particular, between the developed and developing world—there is a larger agreement on the need to follow and respect established norms and traditions.5 The primary driving factor is perhaps the common challenge to strategic interests posed by China’s resistance to the accepted rules and norms in the international order. Given that the changes to the current established norms are primarily driven by Beijing’s actions, accepting the Indo-Pacific as a new geographic space also created an expectation to strongly and vocally oppose Beijing’s unilateral actions. This expectation was no different for India.6 India’s dilemma appeared because New Delhi did not want to be a part of a strategy to contain China, even though Beijing’s rise and initiatives were set to undermine New Delhi’s role in its neighborhood and change its security environment. Despite continued support from key players in the region, New Delhi was conscious of its implications on India’s relationship with China, a neighbor it had gone to war with in 1962.7 As India continued to debate the role and value of the Indo-Pacific as a region, it was extremely cautious of its engagements and the use of the region’s name. While the Indo-Pacific as a whole presented a new set of opportunities and a platform to raise India’s security profile, India was equally wary of being seen as part of a Western nation–led coalition to push back against China. In retrospect, India’s goal was clear: to use the Indo- Pacific as a tool to advance its strategic interests and respond to a changing security environment. For New Delhi, the Indo-Pacific offers choices that strengthen its strategic position. India’s Indo-Pacific concept had to be a balancing strategy dictating a careful consideration of its political and diplomatic collaborations and the scope of such engagements. In fact, New Delhi’s use of the region’s name itself was limited until Modi’s speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in 2018. Prior to the dialogue, India was conscious of where it used the name, and with whom, measuring its response and messaging to Beijing and the world. Japan was the first country with which India began to discuss the Indo-Pacific as a region. In January 2015 New Delhi and Washington recognized the growing importance of the maritime domain and issued a joint vision for the “Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean region.”8 The vision statement highlights the importance of the Indian Ocean, marking it as a separate theater from the Asia-Pacific. It also underlines the priority areas for both nations: the Asia-Pacific was a priority for the United States, and the Indian Ocean for India. Moreover, neither New Delhi nor Washington were actively pursuing an Indo-Pacific vision at the time. In December of that year, however, New Delhi signed a vision statement with Japan recognizing for the first time the Indo-Pacific as a region that included the Indian Ocean.9 Incidentally, the 2015 joint vision statement between New Delhi and Tokyo predates Japan’s own vision statement (released in August 2016) on the Indo-Pacific. More important, Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shared a common vision for the Indo-Pacific and pushed their respective administrations to pursue close collaborations with each other. While both Tokyo’s and Washington’s Indo-Pacific visions placed considerable importance on managing a rising China, New Delhi at that time was much more comfortable, politically and strategically, collaborating with Tokyo. While India’s decision to collaborate with Japan on the Indo-Pacific underlines the political and strategic trust between New Delhi and Tokyo, its distinction between the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean with Washington reflected otherwise. This, of course, reflects sentiments and perspectives of that time, as New Delhi and Washington began to closely collaborate on Indo- Pacific issues in the following years. Yet this change in India’s approach toward the United States is a combination, among other diplomatic efforts, of changes in U.S. policy toward India, as well as New Delhi’s own changing neighborhood and security environment as ushered in by an expanding Chinese presence and growing collaborations. Table 1. Timeline: Key Statements and Documents on the Indo-Pacific --- Date | Country | Publication May 3, 2013 | Australia | Australia releases its Defense White Paper identifying the Indo-Pacific as the new theater and highlights the strategic shift to the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean Rim. September 7, 2013 | China | Chinese president Xi Jinping announces the One Belt One Road project (now the Belt and Road Initiative [BRI]). December 12, 2015 | India and Japan | India and Japan issue the first joint statement on the Indo-Pacific and the world. October 10, 2015 | India | The Indian Navy releases the Indian maritime security strategy, identifying the shift to the Indo-Pacific. August 27, 2016 | Japan | Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe presents the Indo-Pacific vision at the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development. April 2017 | Japan | Japan launches its report on free and open Indo-Pacific strategy. December 2017 | United States | The United States identifies the Indo-Pacific as the new theater in its national security strategy. May 30, 2018 | United States | The United States renames the U.S. Pacific Command as the Indo-Pacific Command. June 1, 2018 | India | Modi presents India’s Indo-Pacific vision at the Shangri-La Dialogue. June 22, 2019 | ASEAN | ASEAN releases a document on its outlook on the Indo-Pacific. June 2019 | France | France releases its strategy on the Indo-Pacific. Note: Australia, Japan, and the United States have continued to update their Indo-Pacific visions and strategies. #### China in India’s Neighborhood India’s steps toward joining an Indo-Pacific world were very much a result of its strategic location. There was a change in its immediate neighborhood and its security environment, and this change—almost unilaterally brought about by China’s increasing presence—threatened New Delhi’s position as a primary regional power and security provider. This is not to say, however, that China imposed its initiatives and collaborations in India’s neighborhood. China was able to gradually increase its presence in South Asia and across the Indian Ocean because other countries in the region welcomed it. Many of India’s neighbors such as Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka viewed India’s presence as dominant while overlooking their concerns and challenges. The lack of strategic competition in the region helped India establish itself as the primary security provider for many of these countries. China’s initiatives offered an alternative to New Delhi’s role as the dominant security player in South Asia and the Indian Ocean. Over the years Asia has seen an increasing need for better infrastructure and connectivity models.10 China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), announced in 2013, aims to address the lack of infrastructure in Asia and beyond. Given the scope and capital associated with the project, Chinese investments quickly became lucrative opportunities for infrastructure projects in India’s neighborhood. The lack of alternatives that could fulfill the increasing demand for infrastructure led to many welcoming Beijing’s investments. The BRI eventually increased Chinese engagements and invariably its presence in the Indian Ocean region and across South Asia dramatically. Moreover, it provided an opportunity for Beijing to expand its presence in the region through strategic collaborations such as developing maritime infrastructure in Maldives and Sri Lanka. While New Delhi initially watched these developments with concern, it was not until 2017 that it took a firm stand against the BRI.11 Before 2017 India’s primary opposition was to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a section of the BRI that runs through the disputed territory of Kashmir. The underlying concern, however, was of the strategic implications of BRI in India’s neighborhood and the wider Indian Ocean.12 In 2016, External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, then foreign secretary, cautioned against the rising possibility of using connectivity projects to shape foreign policy choices.13 Eventually it was in response to China’s invitation to the inaugural Belt and Road Forum in 2017 that New Delhi publicly highlighted its concerns regarding the BRI. In New Delhi’s view, “Connectivity initiatives must be based on universally recognized international norms, good governance, rule of law, openness, transparency and equality. Connectivity initiatives must follow principles of financial responsibility to avoid projects that would create unsustainable debt burden for communities.”14 The statement to a great extent clarified New Delhi’s view of the BRI—that it undermines the rule of law, is neither open nor transparent, and engages in irresponsible financing, creating debt burdens for communities. On CPEC, India’s position was clear in noting that “no country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity.”15 By the end of 2017, India’s concern about unsustainable debts to finance ambitious projects culminated in an economic and strategic challenge when the Sri Lankan government leased its Hambantota Port to China for ninety-nine years (as part of a debt-to-equity swap).16 The port, located in southern Sri Lanka, was built with Chinese financial assistance. As Colombo struggled to repay the loan, it leased the port to Beijing, drawing concerns over new Chinese ports in the Indian Ocean. A Chinese port in Sri Lanka, with its underlying potential for military use, brings Beijing uncomfortably close to India’s maritime neighborhood. While Beijing continued to expand its collaborations across the Indian Ocean, developments in Maldives and Sri Lanka carried significant implications given their geographic proximity to India.17 Additionally, these island states are in close proximity to key sea lines of communication (SLOCs) critical for the movement of goods and people in times of both peace and conflict. It proved particularly difficult, with governments in both Maldives and Sri Lanka taking a visibly anti-India and pro-China stance. Concerns over prospective dual use of any port in Sri Lanka led to a heightened awareness in India of all Chinese infrastructure projects across the Indian Ocean and South Asia. The Sri Lankan government of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa (who served as president from 2005–2015) grew increasingly close to China, especially between 2013 and 2015. Further, in 2014 a Chinese submarine docked in Colombo, raising concerns in New Delhi. As India raised the issues with its Sri Lankan counterparts, another submarine and a warship docked in Colombo the following month.18 This was one of the first instances of a Chinese submarine making a port call close to Indian territorial waters. The Hambantota Port agreement was also signed under Rajapaksa’s presidency and located in his home constituency. The strategic implications of Chinese submarines in Colombo were significant in highlighting Beijing’s options for increasing its military presence, as well as Sri Lanka’s willingness to provide such a platform. Similarly, ties between India and Maldives deteriorated significantly under former Maldivian president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, who led Malé to develop close ties with Beijing. In 2012 the Maldivian government canceled a $511 million international airport expansion contract with India-based GMR Group.19 The contract was later given to a Chinese company for $800 million.20 As of 2018, Malé reportedly owed Beijing $1.4 billion in loans for projects finalized under Yameen.21 The India-Maldives relationship gradually began normalizing, however, after a political crisis in 2018 that saw Maldivian opposition leader and former president Mohamed Nasheed’s party come to power and pledge to investigate all Chinese investments and loans, anticipating that debt to China might actually be as high as $3 billion.22 Acknowledging the challenging period under Yameen, the Indian embassy in Malé notes that “except for a brief period between February 2012 to November 2018, relations have been close, cordial, and multi-dimensional.”23 Neighboring countries such as Maldives and Sri Lanka carry another significant implication in New Delhi’s strategic competition with Beijing: their geography as islands near key trading routes in the Indian Ocean. Moreover, these islands provide access to key choke points and help expand and sustain naval presence across vast maritime domains. Island nations have long played a critical role in maritime strategy and naval warfare. Colonial powers such as France, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK used islands as military assets to secure trading routes and establish dominance in key theaters. In contemporary history, Hawaii, Okinawa, and other islands in the South Pacific played decisive roles in the Second World War. As the Indian Ocean regains its importance in geopolitics, islands will again resume their importance in shaping great power competition. Yet, as opposed to their historical status as colonial outposts, islands in the twenty-first century are sovereign nations with their own strategic priorities. Today island nations’ governments, from Antananarivo to Colombo, can significantly alter the security environment with their foreign policy choices. Therefore, hostile governments in Maldives or Sri Lanka can complicate and challenge India’s strategic and security priorities in the Indian Ocean. These developments created a new set of geopolitical challenges for India. While New Delhi was concerned about getting caught between Beijing and Washington as regards Indo-Pacific relations, its neighbors were now in a similar position in an unraveling Sino-Indian competition. Additionally, India was for the first time forced to reexamine its relationships and take notice of its continental and maritime neighbors’ deep-rooted discontent with New Delhi. The absence of an alternative situated India as the primary security provider for and strategic partner to most of its smaller neighbors like Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka. This also allowed New Delhi to grow complacent in its role in the Indian Ocean, ignoring its maritime domain. For instance, when Modi visited Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka in 2015, it was the first visit by an Indian head of government in over two decades. While India had traditionally understood the importance of these islands, its strategic role had entered a phase of inertia. It was not until China began to shift the security contours in the Indian Ocean that New Delhi looked toward its neighboring island states. While New Delhi’s long-standing bilateral relationship with island nations should have been an advantage, it proved otherwise. Decades of ignoring these island nations now saw New Delhi overstretching its historical and cultural ties. It failed to understand and address challenges as the islands perceived them. New Delhi’s initiatives were thought to be one-sided and aimed at strengthening its own interests rather than addressing the issues regionwide. As the Indo-Pacific concept increasingly became a strategic asset and India began to respond to its new security environment, New Delhi continued to struggle to present a clear vision for the future. In both the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, smaller nations and littorals wanted to avoid choosing sides in the Sino-Indian or China-U.S. competitions that were brewing. Many of these nations, and India’s long-term partners, viewed the Indo-Pacific as a challenge to China’s rise.24 For India’s neighbors, the rise of China brought new opportunities, projects, and economic initiatives. While this provided a fresh alternative to countries from Maldives to Nepal, it threatened to undermine India’s strategic interests. If India had the potential to be the balancing power in Southeast Asia against an assertive China, then China was already emerging as the balancing power in the Indian Ocean against a dominant India. New Delhi now had the difficult task of competing with Beijing to maintain its role in the Indian Ocean while reinvesting and strengthening its ties with the island states. Following the changes in its relationship with the island nations, India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) began taking steps to correct its shortcomings in island diplomacy. Beginning with a structural change, in 2016 India created a new division within the MEA, called the Indian Ocean Region Division (IOR), which brings together the island nations of Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka for better coordination of initiatives and policy in the Indian Ocean. The division marked a shift in India’s foreign policy approach, acknowledging the importance of the maritime domain in its foreign policy engagements. Prior to the creation of the IOR Division, Maldives and Sri Lanka were part of the South Asia neighborhood while Mauritius and Seychelles were under the Africa Division. The IOR Division is a much-needed effort to view the island states through a maritime prism as opposed to a continental South Asian one. Although New Delhi was gradually making changes in its foreign policy engagements, the larger bureaucratic structure was trained to view the government’s strategic and security challenges from a continental perspective given its past border disputes and wars with China and Pakistan. The maritime domain is significantly new in India’s strategic thinking and driven by the leadership at the top. It is no surprise that despite creating the IOR Division in the MEA, New Delhi failed to view the region as a whole. While India placed Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka under the IOR umbrella, it left out the western islands of Comoros and Madagascar, the only two other islands in the Indian Ocean, until December 2019, which reflects India’s tendency to be reactive in its approach rather than to have a coherent, vision-oriented framework.25 This, of course, continues to change and develop within New Delhi’s foreign policy discussions. While both Maldives and Sri Lanka now have a much warmer relationship with India, the political shift in Malé and Colombo was a loud wake-up call for India. New Delhi found itself in need of a better relationship with its island neighbors, as well as challenged to offer better alternatives to Beijing-led initiatives. As India examined its options in the wake of a dramatically altered neighborhood led by an increasing Chinese presence, the potential of maritime partnerships became clear in India’s choices. By 2018 the Indo-Pacific had provided excellent opportunities for New Delhi to reemerge as a key security player aimed at securing its strategic interests in the Indian Ocean. At this point the government finally took steps to provide a vision statement for the Indo-Pacific, as presented in Modi’s keynote address at the Shangri-La Dialogue in 2018.26 As India announced its Indo-Pacific vision, partnerships became the central pillar of New Delhi’s strategy in realizing this vision. ### Partnerships as a Central Pillar of India’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Modi’s 2018 Shangri-La address provided a framework for India’s Indo-Pacific priorities, as well as its concerns and challenges. The speech confirmed India’s geographic definition of the Indo-Pacific as being “from the shores of Africa to that of the Americas,” providing a broad physical boundary for its initiatives. While Modi put forward many elements of India’s Indo-Pacific vision, four key points stood out. First, at the core of the speech was the importance of partnerships and the benefit of collaborations. Modi’s speech weaved together the importance of partnerships in India’s Indo-Pacific approach, explaining its shift from isolation to active engagements in its recent foreign policy outreach. Second, while it was important for New Delhi to put forward its willingness to work with its partners and recognize the value of strategic partnerships, it was equally important to distance itself from any kind of groupings or “alliances of containment.”27 This was a particularly important message for India’s smaller neighbors and partners concerned about getting caught between a Sino-Indian or Chinese-U.S. geopolitical rivalry. For the middle powers and smaller nations, New Delhi perhaps wished to position itself as the lead player in stabilizing a hostile environment through cooperation and innovative solutions in an era of new great power competition. Third, India acknowledged the emergence of a new security architecture through “shifts in global power” and as “foundations of the global order appear shaken.”28 That new order should be free, open, and inclusive, with strong values and principles that respect law, dialogues, rules, customs, and norms. New Delhi’s emphasis on these very principles was also the foundation of its expanding partnerships in the region, signaling that while it accepted the emergence of a new order, it supported one that is based on rules and norms. Fourth, India extended its support to regional architecture and groupings as one of the pillars of the new order. New Delhi placed ASEAN at the heart of its Indo-Pacific vision, pushing forward its own preference for a multipolar world. In New Delhi’s view, if architecture of the world order was changing, India must be one of the founding pillars of that new architecture. The Indo-Pacific provided the platform for New Delhi to pursue its global strategic ambitions. While India has been discussing the Indo-Pacific actively since 2015, it has been slow in incorporating a vision of it into its policy framework. Until the speech at Shangri-La, India’s approach was more in terms of shared ideas and interests, outlining the possibilities of an Indo-Pacific theater. There was little clarity in terms of its policy outlook or framework. By March 2020 India’s Indo-Pacific vision had a clear framework and priority as a theater for opportunities. As is noted by the MEA, “Through the Indo-Pacific construct, India envisages a greater role for itself in the wider region.”29 This lies at the heart of India’s interests and priorities in the region. While India may have been able to provide a better policy direction on the Indo-Pacific after 2018, partnerships have played a pivotal role right from the beginning. It was through increasing collaborations and new partnerships that India was able to expand its presence in an effort to increase its role in the wider region. Australia, France, Japan, and the United States emerged as New Delhi’s natural partners and became the pillars of India’s Indo-Pacific partnerships. New Delhi then extended its collaborations to other key players, including the continent of Africa; the nations of Indonesia, Oman, and Singapore; and organizations like ASEAN and the European Union. An emerging group of critical partnerships are those that India has with island communities across the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and reaching as far as the Caribbean. India’s management of its relationships with Iran, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates will to a great extent shape both its own priorities and the larger security architecture. While China remains a key player in ushering in this new architecture, Beijing’s ambitions undermine New Delhi’s strategic interests. As such, managing Sino-Indian competition will be at the forefront of India’s strategic challenges. #### Indo-Pacific Initiatives India’s initial Indo-Pacific initiatives centered around infrastructure collaborations with Japan. This was a direct response toward providing an alternative to Chinese-led initiatives across the region. In 2015 Japan announced its Partnership for Quality Infrastructure initiative to promote sustainable, quality, financially responsible infrastructure versus a “cheap, but shoddy” method (the latter referring to Chinese projects).30 In 2016 New Delhi and Tokyo underlined the potential and need to connect Asia with Africa thorough the Indian Ocean region.31 The idea later culminated in the Asia- Africa Growth Corridor, an initiative largely seen as a direct counter to China’s Maritime Silk Road—the maritime component of the BRI. New Delhi and Tokyo share mutual concerns as China has emerged as a key competitor in infrastructure development across the Indo-Pacific.32 From Southeast Asia to the Indian Ocean, Beijing’s initiatives were set to undermine both New Delhi’s and Tokyo’s positions in the region. Building on the trust in the political system between India and Japan and their increasingly converging interests, the two countries, under Modi and Abe, looked to offer alternatives in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia.33 If Tokyo was a key economic partner for nations in the region, New Delhi played a strategic role in providing security to many in South Asia and the Indian Ocean. The lack of any strategic or historical baggage led to India and Japan consistently announcing a range of initiatives aimed at addressing the new security challenges in the region. The initiatives include, among others, a port in the southern city of Chabahar, Iran, a terminal in Sri Lanka, and possible infrastructure collaborations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, and Vietnam. At the bilateral level, Tokyo is perhaps the leading player in infrastructure investments in India, including those of its northeastern border and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Both northeastern India and these islands have traditionally been politically sensitive regions with limited access to the international community and businesses.34 Led by Abe’s administration, India and Japan were perhaps the initial countries discussing collaborations in the Indo-Pacific, recognizing shared interests and challenges with the rise of China. Both New Delhi and Tokyo emerged and remain key partners in each other’s Indo-Pacific visions. Despite strategic and political agreement, however, India and Japan have struggled to operationalize many of the initiatives. The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor has yet to realize any projects, and despite a vision document in 2017 outlining the priority areas and sectors, there has been no substantial development.35 Similarly, many of the announced projects and initiatives remain in an exploratory mode, with only limited progress in deliverables. While the India- Japan relationship reflects unmatched strategic trust, it has primarily been due to a warm political relationship, as well as the lack of any strategic mistrust. On economic collaborations, however, the relationship can essentially be defined with Japan as the donor and India as the recipient. As the two countries move toward a new collaborative relationship, the lack of experience in joint economic projects and rigid bureaucracies in both New Delhi and Tokyo have created significant challenges leading to coordination delays at the operational level. Additionally, New Delhi cannot match Tokyo’s expertise or capital in infrastructure development. This asymmetry in technical and economic capabilities to offer alternatives has also delayed implementing identified projects. The failure to realize concrete Indo-Pacific deliverables despite an early start has underlined the need to better understand each other’s priorities and challenges in the region. While slow progress on deliverables has not undermined the positive growth of the relationship, there are signs of exasperation on both sides. For India, however, Japan is and will remain a key partner in the Indo-Pacific. As the MEA notes, “Japan became the only country with which India has an Annual Summit as well as 2+2 Ministerial mechanism when the inaugural India Japan 2+2 Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting was held in November 2019.”36 Yet to realize the potential of the relationship there must be better understanding and coordination at the working level on both sides. The compatibility must now trickle down from the leadership at the top to the working level below. New Delhi’s infrastructure partnership with Tokyo was an immediate reaction to Beijing’s increased initiatives in the region and an entry point into the Indo-Pacific conversation. But India gradually began to also utilize the Indo- Pacific umbrella as a means to expand its own presence. India’s diplomatic outreach under the Indo-Pacific far exceeds any of its prior global engagements. One of the initial measures taken by Modi’s government was to send high-level delegations to visit key countries across the globe. These historical visits led to a reinvigoration of India’s bilateral ties in a changing security environment. Going beyond its continental and island neighborhood, India began extending and increasing its engagements with Africa and Europe, as well as the Arctic, Caribbean, and Pacific regions. While India has had a longstanding relationship with Europe, it has largely been dominated by trade. While strategic and military collaborations have been limited to France and the UK at a bilateral level, a new security environment and strategic challenges have led to an increased interest in Brussels, London, and New Delhi on the potential of the Europe-India relationship. The European Union and India have a shared interest in maintaining a rules-based order and supporting the importance and role of regional institutions such as ASEAN and the Indian Ocean Rim Association. Going beyond the shared foundational interests, both Brussels and New Delhi have made efforts to expand their trade-dominated ties to include wider political, strategic, and geoeconomic interests. The key areas of interest between the two governments began with infrastructure development and maritime security. In December 2018 Brussels adopted a strategy to streamline the effort to “strengthen cooperation and the partnership” with New Delhi.37 The strategy underlines the shifts in European thinking and recognizes New Delhi as an important player in its broader geopolitical interests.38 Similarly, under the Indo-Pacific approach New Delhi has made significant efforts in reconnecting with European nations, both through the European Union and bilaterally.39 Yet the Europe- India relationship has largely remained an avenue for strategic coordination, with few deliverables. A strong relationship with Europe offers New Delhi new partners and resources with which to address its strategic concerns. While central and eastern European nations, in particular—with the notable exception of the Czech Republic—continue to deepen their economic ties with Beijing, and especially with the BRI, Brussels is wary of unilateral actions disregarding the established rules and norms around infrastructure development and financing. As such, New Delhi has found a partner in supporting its bid to increase its own strategic profile in a new multipolar world. Similarly, India has also placed considerable effort on its Africa outreach. As the Sino-Indian competition continues in the Indian Ocean, the African coastline on the western Indian Ocean has become a key strategic destination. While New Delhi’s presence in the western Indian Ocean and Africa have been traditionally weak, its current approach aims to renew old partnerships and establish new ones. As regards the maritime domain, the Indian Navy is increasing its footprint in the western Indian Ocean through capacity building and humanitarian assistance initiatives. With the presence of key choke points, from the Mozambique Channel in the south to the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait in the north, the African coastline and its islands are set to play a significant role in shaping the new power dynamics of the Indian Ocean. To highlight the importance of the region, New Delhi has not only made historical visits to the region but announced the opening of eighteen new missions in Africa to strengthen its political and strategic interests in the region.40 In a parallel effort, the Indian government has also been stepping up its engagement with the Arab Gulf nations—especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.41 Apart from energy interests, the strategic location of the countries with regard to maritime security makes the Gulf region a key area of interest. A new shift in New Delhi’s strategic thinking has been the importance of island nations in India’s Indo-Pacific vision. As mentioned earlier, island nations, long ignored and pushed to the periphery of big power engagements, are beginning to reclaim their role in maritime security. The Indo-Pacific provides an excellent initiative for increased collaborations with strategic islands located near critical choke points and geographies beyond the Indian Ocean. Although the efforts are slow and at times ad hoc, New Delhi has attempted to build up its diplomatic and strategic presence across islands in the Indo-Pacific. While the Indian Ocean islands hold significant place in India’s strategic profile, New Delhi has also reached out to the Pacific region and, most recently, the Caribbean islands. New Delhi held two summits of the Forum for India–Pacific Islands Cooperation in 2014 and 2015; the third summit is scheduled for 2020. In 2019, capturing the importance of international organizations, New Delhi met for the first time with the Pacific Islands Developing States (PSIDS) on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly announcing a grant of $1 million to members of PSIDS for high-impact projects of their choice.42 Additionally, New Delhi also offered a concessional line of credit of $150 million to Pacific Island countries for projects in solar power, in other renewable energy sources, and related to climate change. India also used the opportunity to hold its first ever meeting with Caribbean Community leaders.43 New Delhi’s interactions with the Pacific and the Caribbean at the prime minister level is aimed at signaling the importance of the regions’ geography and their roles in a new emerging architecture. Moreover, India’s outreach to the island nations is an effort to establish itself as a leader by providing solutions and initiatives to address their security concerns. Such an approach helps New Delhi establish a positive relationship with nations and increase its own presence and diplomatic outreach. India’s island diplomacy is, however, new and requires better understanding and streamlined efforts going beyond cultural ties and diplomatic outreach. Nevertheless, the recognition of the islands’ geographical importance underlines the shift in New Delhi’s strategic interests and ambitions in the Indo-Pacific. Simultaneously, India increased the frequency of its collaborations with its key partners—Australia, France, Japan, and the United States—in the Indo- Pacific. Alongside this increase in diplomatic outreach to new regions, New Delhi was coordinating with its friends and partners to identify new initiatives and challenges across the Indo-Pacific. France and India came together to launch the International Solar Alliance in an effort to promote renewable energy, fight climate change, and reduce the cost of solar energy.44 Similarly, supporting New Delhi’s proposal for disaster-resilient infrastructure, Australia, Japan, and the United States became founding members of the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure in 2019.45 In pursuing such issue specific collaborations, New Delhi can perhaps borrow from its experience with the so-called tsunami core group in 2004, initiated by Washington, in which Australia, India, Japan, and the United States came together to coordinate relief efforts in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia.46 As India continues to explore new collaborations with its partners, it stands to gain from similar function-driven initiatives in the Indo-Pacific. These initiatives, supported by the key players of the Indo-Pacific, shape New Delhi’s image as a leader, thus lending credibility and substance to its efforts. Bilaterally, India continues to engage with its key partners at the highest level as regards the number of exchanges and annual dialogues. New Delhi hosts annual 2+2 Dialogues with Australia, Japan, and the United States and has an annual defense dialogue with France. Additionally, there are a number of annual exchanges at the working level on a variety of topics, ranging from counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and space to science and technology. Leaders of these five nations consistently meet on the sidelines of international forums and summits across the globe. India also hosts maritime security dialogues with key partners to discuss regional and global security issues, holding annual Maritime Security Dialogues with Australia, the European Union, France, Japan, Myanmar, the United States, and Vietnam in 2019.47 New Delhi is also looking to address nontraditional security threats and promote sustainable developments through initiatives for a blue economy and ocean development. These initiatives are crucial in addressing security threats faced by island nations and littorals across the Indo-Pacific. Furthermore, there are trilateral meetings, such as those of India, Japan, and the United States, and of Australia, India, and Indonesia, as well as quadrilateral ones. Ministerial-level leaders of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States met for the first time as the Quadrilateral Group, or Quad, in 2019.48 Members of the Quad have also met at the senior official level since 2017. Although the vision and purpose of the Quad remains unclear, the political willingness to come together and discuss issues of global and regional interest underlines the convergence in strategic interests and shared challenges among its members. At a bilateral level, New Delhi’s relationship with these partners focuses on leveraging resources and capacity to address its own challenges and capability gaps. India’s objectives with its primary partners is to coordinate and better address common challenges and threats, providing a platform to offer solutions and initiatives and presenting itself in a leadership role. Through its Indo-Pacific initiatives, along with partnering with nations to secure its strategic interests, New Delhi is now actively presenting collaborative initiatives to address regional challenges, such as infrastructure development and nontraditional threats, among others. At a broader level, these partnerships help India secure strategic interests, offer options to mitigate its own capacity challenges, and lend credibility toward its role and profile as a world leader in the wider geopolitical competition. Despite its global engagements and enthusiastic collaborations, New Delhi’s primary area of concern remains the Indian Ocean. Fundamental and structural changes in the region threaten all aspects of India’s security, as well its global vision and initiatives. At a time of crisis, India will focus all of its resources and energy in securing the Indian Ocean, which provides the foundation for its global leadership role. The changing security environment in the Indian Ocean also requires a change in India’s military and security response. Therefore it is no surprise that much of New Delhi’s actionable efforts are focused on the IOR. As India continues to expand its diplomatic and political presence across the Indo-Pacific, New Delhi will invest its limited capital and resources in the Indian Ocean. Similar to its foreign policy, India will leverage Indo-Pacific initiatives to bridge its capability gaps in the IOR. ### Military Strategy If India’s MEA is leading New Delhi’s diplomatic efforts, the Indian Navy is leading the military effort in realizing India’s Indo-Pacific vision. The navy considers the IOR its area of responsibility and home theater.49 While New Delhi has always carefully watched Chinese military engagements and presence in the IOR, the Indian Navy maintains an advantage in the theater. India’s geographic position in the IOR naturally provides the navy with an added advantage. The navy prides itself as the first responder for humanitarian crises across the region due to its access through the IOR—in comparison to Beijing, which is geographically distant. The absence of Chinese naval bases in the Indian Ocean (with the exception of its logistics facility in Djibouti) has long been considered a challenge for Beijing’s ability to maintain and, more important, sustain its military presence in the Indian Ocean. This in turn has proved advantageous for New Delhi. Combined with the lack of operational experience in the IOR and limited presence, the Indian Navy is confident of its superiority in this time of strategic conflict with Beijing. China’s Malacca Dilemma, which Beijing has been systematically reducing, is India’s operational strength.50 Yet with a meager allocation of 15 percent of India’s military budget, the navy has limited capacity and resources to strengthen its efforts.51 As such, India’s maritime partnerships provide an excellent opportunity to further address some of the nation’s military challenges.52 In the maritime domain, the Indian Navy has taken a twofold approach in its Indo-Pacific initiative. The first part of the approach is to create Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) across the Indian Ocean. MDA is an initiative that aims to provide information on all developments and movements across the Indian Ocean, helping to create trends and identify challenges to better inform policy and military choices. Awareness and correct information shape a clear and required set of actions to secure India’s strategic interests. The second part of the approach is to expand and maintain India’s naval presence to maximize its outreach and visibility and to increase operational experience across the domain. If MDA creates a picture that identifies threats and challenges, presence allows the navy to respond and shape new developments. #### Maritime Domain Awareness As Beijing steadily increases its engagements and presence across the IOR, the Indian Navy has also scaled up its presence, preparedness, and missions. Although New Delhi remains certain that Beijing is far from threatening India’s military presence, there is no doubt about Beijing’s intentions of positioning itself as a security provider in the Indian Ocean region. The Chinese naval facility in Djibouti, the submarine docking in Sri Lanka, assistance in the Maldives water crisis, submarine deployments, trainings with Bangladesh, and, most recently, China’s oceanographic data mapping of the IOR are some of the developments that could potentially undermine India’s geographic advantages in the region and point to an increasingly expeditionary concept in Chinese naval thinking and operations.53 As a result, the Indian Navy has prioritized MDA as a critical component and a priority area in its IOR strategy. In order to better prepare and understand emerging trends and challenges, the Indian Navy must be aware of all developments across the IOR. This requires creating an MDA picture that captures all movements across the IOR. The 2015 maritime security strategy document defines MDA as “being cognizant of the position and intentions of all actors, whether own, hostile or neutral, and in all dimensions—on, over and under the seas.” Through the MDA initiative the Indian Navy aims to create a reliable and “broader strategic situational awareness” of all developments in the IOR through “intelligence, conduct of surveillance and reconnaissance in all dimensions (space, air, surface, underwater and electronic), and analytical review of the same.” Additionally, the navy must also be cognizant of “actions by potential adversaries to develop MDA in [India’s] areas of interest, including during peace time.”54 While the navy’s area of interest is defined by New Delhi’s economic and political interests, the priority lies in the Indian Ocean. The Indian Navy must first address its MDA challenges in the IOR before expanding to other theaters. As the navy considers the entire Indian Ocean as its area of primary interest, developing MDA capabilities across the IOR is a significantly massive initiative. An attempt to monitor movements across all domains in the vast Indian Ocean requires considerable energy, resources, capital, and expertise. The wide scope of such initiatives dictates the need for collaborations and partnerships to realize an effective and reliable MDA picture. No one country can independently generate MDA over large areas beyond its immediate waters, and India is no different. As a response to the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, India initiated a national MDA project and launched the Information Management and Analysis Centre (IMAC) in 2014.55 Jointly managed by the Indian Navy and Coast Guard, it is the nodal center of the National Command Control Communications and Intelligence Network. The center generates India’s coastal MDA picture by fusing information it receives from various sources, including Automatic Identification System sensors and radar (both space based and land based), among others. The center then links its fifty-one naval and coast guard stations to provide information and surveillance over its entire coastline, along with its outlying islands, in real time, twenty-four hours a day. While the IMAC provides a coherent picture of India’s coast, New Delhi quickly realized the need for better awareness beyond its immediate waters and across the IOR. At the regional level, if India wants to emerge as a net security provider, it must lead the efforts in addressing common threats and challenges. Nontraditional security threats and natural disasters are some of the key concerns threatening maritime security across the IOR. Much like national MDA, regional MDA also begins with information sharing. Through initiatives and projects, India has begun making efforts to strengthen its regional MDA capabilities. Some of these initiatives include white shipping agreements and coastal surveillance radar chains on IOR islands. In an effort to increase MDA capabilities across the IOR, New Delhi has also installed a network of coastal surveillance radar across Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka to help the island nations better secure their vast exclusive economic zones.56 Additionally, India has helped Bangladesh and Myanmar install coastal radars in the Bay of Bengal. Through white shipping agreements, India also receives the data from these radar networks across the Indian Ocean. The white shipping agreement allows New Delhi to exchange data on commercial traffic, and this helps create a better picture of movements and vessels at sea.57 India has thus far operationalized its white shipping agreements with seventeen countries and is actively pursuing similar agreements with others.58 Yet while collecting data and information is a crucial step in creating an MDA picture, there remains the herculean task of fusing large data sets originating from multiple sources to create one reliable picture of actionable information. To that end, India inaugurated the Information Fusion Center for the India Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) in December 2018.59 The center aims to provide regional MDA by “building a common coherent maritime situation picture and acting as a maritime information hub for the region.”60 Speaking at the inauguration of the IFC-IOR, India’s Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, then defense minister, underscored the center’s objective in “keeping the global commons safe and democratically available.” From a maritime perspective, the center is envisioned to support India’s “capability building in the region, coordination of incident response and disaster relief, and in time, also share submarine safety information.”61 The IFC-IOR aims to provide a holistic picture of the entire Indian Ocean rather than viewing it through subregions; this is a platform to operationalize the navy’s vision to be a net security provider. Equipped with indigenously built software, the IFC-IOR provides and facilitates exchange of information among countries in the IOR to create a common MDA picture on a real-time basis. The center coordinates and facilitates exchange of information with its partner nations and stakeholders on incidents of piracy, illegal fishing, drug smuggling, human trafficking, maritime terrorism, environmental hazards, and natural disasters, among other things. The expansive database on commercial and shipping vessels allows identification of illegal vessels across the IOR. India has also invited a number of countries to post liaison officers at the center as their points of contact between India and its partners. Australia, France, Japan, the UK, and the United States were among the first to respond to New Delhi’s invitation in a show of support toward India’s role as a leading player in the Indian Ocean.62 While Australia, Japan, the UK, and the United States have yet to send their international liaison officers to the IFC-IOR, France has done so.63 The stationing of such officers at the center aims to reduce logistical and bureaucratic processes in the dissemination of information. The IFC-IOR has an analytical focus to help connect the dots by monitoring developments. Through its analysis, the center aims to provide information and highlight trends and incidents that might potentially trigger a crisis. While the IMAC is the national MDA center, the IFC-IOR is the international center for the collation and sharing of information with its friends and partner nations. Both IMAC and the IFC-IOR at the national and international levels aim to create predictive analysis to aid in India’s MDA capabilities. A reliable MDA will allow for better preparedness and address challenges and risks before they appear. If fusing large sets of data to create one reliable picture is a challenge, the need to disseminate that information in real time makes that challenge far more complex. While New Delhi is leading the effort in providing a regional MDA hub for the Indian Ocean, it must collaborate with its key partners to further strengthen its capabilities. MDA efforts of this scale and scope are very new to India’s diplomatic and military efforts, but India’s key partners have considerable experience and expertise in information sharing and MDA capabilities through their alliances and agreements, such as the Five Eyes alliance. Through its Indo-Pacific partnerships New Delhi can learn from these experiences and gain technical knowledge for secure and effective data collection and dissemination. As the IFC-IOR continues to grow, India must be able to provide secure communications and manage larger networks and data sets to provide a real time and effective MDA picture. To place things in perspective, the IFC-IOR is only one component of the required MDA picture for military purposes. The MDA primarily covers commercial shipping and fishing vessels. There is an addition of grey shipping (via the military) and dark shipping (via vessels that purposely hide their identity) at the surface level. A much more challenging aspect of MDA is tracking movements below the surface. Underwater MDA consists of all movements at the subsurface level. The biggest challenge for underwater MDA is the complexity and costs related to detection and surveillance of submarines. Without underwater MDA, India’s awareness is limited and the MDA picture incomplete. It is no surprise that both MDA and antisubmarine warfare claim priority designations in India’s maritime strategy. The Indian Navy, in partnership especially with France and the United States, is focusing on exchange of intelligence, creating MDA, and antisubmarine warfare. The increasing complexity in India’s bilateral naval exercises with its key partners in the recent past aims to address New Delhi’s MDA challenges. MDA is and will remain New Delhi’s priority area in strengthening its capabilities in the IOR in a growing Sino-Indian maritime competition. #### Naval Presence As India continues to develop its MDA capabilities, its presence in the region and its role in securing key SLOCs have assumed greater importance. The navy places significant emphasis on the choke points facilitating entry to and exit from the Indian Ocean. Surveillance and presence across SLOCs are also critical for submarine detection, as it is far more challenging to detect a submarine in open seas. On SLOC protection, the navy notes, “In times of heightened readiness or conflict, for conduct of maritime operations, SLOCs would acquire increased importance, both for India and the adversary, necessitating measures for protection and interdiction respectively.”64 In order to respond to any crisis or generate awareness, the Indian Navy needs to be present across key choke points and critical subregions of the IOR (see figure 1). In an effort to boost its presence and visibility, the Indian Navy launched its Mission Based Deployments (MBDs) in 2017.65 Through the MBDs the Indian Navy aims to be present across the IOR by deploying ships and aircrafts in seven key locations (see figure 2). This is in addition to other missions and naval deployments in the IOR. These MBDs strengthen India’s ability to conduct missions responding to both traditional and nontraditional security threats. The presence of ships in key areas also allows India quick access and the ability to respond to humanitarian crises far from its shores. For example, the MBD allowed the Indian Navy to respond quickly and swiftly to flood-hit Madagascar and a cyclone in Mozambique.66 For decades India has positioned itself as the first responder to humanitarian crises in the IOR, and the navy believes these deployments allow India to more rapidly act. The MBD allows New Delhi “to increase its visibility, create domain awareness, and respond to threats and challenges quickly.”67 It also strengthens India’s role as a net security provider. But the lack of India’s overseas military bases creates a fundamental and logistical challenge in New Delhi’s ability to sustain continued presence under its MBD. While India is better placed to maintain a regular presence in the eastern and northern Indian Ocean, it faces logistical challenges in the southern and western Indian Ocean. These challenges can, however, be overcome by easy access to military facilities held by India’s friends and partners. This was, perhaps, one of the reasons why India overcame its political hesitation to sign logistics exchange agreements with its partners. Although these agreements exist on a case-to-case basis and do not allow for open access to each other’s facilities, they considerably reduce bureaucratic and logistical challenges. In effect, a logistical exchange agreement widens the possibility of accessing each other’s facilities should there be political will to do so. Such collaborations can considerably assist in New Delhi’s need to sustain and undertake long deployments, including those for MDA purposes. India initially signed the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement with the United States, which was followed by an agreement with France.68 Today New Delhi has similar agreements with Australia, Singapore, and South Korea and is looking to finalize agreements with Japan and the UK. An example of opportunities provided by logistical exchange agreements is the deployment of India’s P-8I maritime reconnaissance aircraft to France’s Réunion, an island in the Indian Ocean.69 India’s ability to operate its P-8I from Réunion significantly increases New Delhi’s ability to monitor, surveil, and maintain presence in the western Indian Ocean. As such, France became the first country to conduct joint patrols with India (as opposed to coordinated patrols) using Réunion as the base for exercises in the southern Indian Ocean.70 Similarly, should there be the political will to do so, India’s logistical facilities agreement with the United States could potentially provide an opportunity to access U.S. military facilities in Diego Garcia or Guam, thereby boosting India’s presence and MDA capabilities. Successful agreements with Australia and Japan can potentially provide access to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Okinawa, respectively. For its part, India must allow for MDA collaborations from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Together these island territories provide critical access and reach key choke points and entry and exit points for the Indian Ocean. New Delhi, in collaboration with its Indo-Pacific partners, must utilize the potential of island territories in the IOR to extend its reach, sustain its presence, and generate better MDA.71 Given that these island territories provide access to critical choke points, it also allows for better monitoring of subsurface movements. As India continues to increase the level of complexity in its annual naval exercises with the Australia, France, Japan, and the United States, there is value in regular exchanges on antisubmarine warfare and P-8I deployments. While it will require political will to open up and utilize each other’s strategic military facilities, India, the United States, and other nations must realize the underlying potential of islands in maritime collaborations, especially in a new and evolving security environment. For example, India and the United States can use their own P-8 aircrafts to fly between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Diego Garcia in the IOR during naval exercises. Similarly, Australia and India can use the same model to fly their respective P-8’s between these islands and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.72 Apart from supporting P-8I deployments, the strategic island territories also strengthen New Delhi’s MDA capabilities, as well as presenting a sustained presence across the IOR. India must remember that China can overcome its geographical disadvantages by acquiring operational experience and logistics facilities in the IOR. Given Beijing’s expansive defense budget and capital surplus, China will be able to rapidly increase its logistical facilities should the need arise. This will help China sustain its operations and deploy its navy across the Indian Ocean. The addition of subsurface and air components to Chinese surface ships in the IOR will further challenge India’s security and prominence in the IOR. India must take steps to create deterrence and increase the costs for Beijing if the latter chooses to engage in a strategic maritime competition and confrontation. While India might not have the necessary resources to respond to Chinese expansions in the IOR, it can utilize its maritime partnerships to address some of its resource constraints. The strategic use of island territories is one such step. ### Conclusion The Indo-Pacific construct has provided an opportunity for India to maximize its strategic interests while responding to changes in the security environment. Despite political enthusiasm between New Delhi and its partners, however, the pace of implementation and the road map to realizing the Indo- Pacific vision remains limited. As the key partners move forward, countries must acknowledge and accept that their Indo-Pacific visions will never align completely with each other. New Delhi and its partners must continue to underline the broader and foundational principles of democracy, rule of law, and other shared interests while focusing on issue-based partnerships in the Indo-Pacific. Additionally, New Delhi must explore new partnerships based on shared interest. While interactions have been low, India should now look to other nontraditional players with great potential, such as Canada, New Zealand, and Norway to address shared interests in the Indo-Pacific. For realistic and effective collaborations to take place, there is a need to acknowledge and recognize the difference in priorities, theaters, and regional dynamics for each of India’s Indo-Pacific partners. For example, within the Indo-Pacific, Australia’s and Japan’s priorities lie in the Pacific, while France is focused primarily on the western Indian Ocean. While the Indian Ocean is important for the United States, its own engagements and presence have been limited in comparison to the Pacific. Although the United States has the necessary foothold in the region through its bases in Bahrain and Diego Garcia, they have been far more critical for U.S. engagements in the Middle East rather than the Indian Ocean itself. The Indian Ocean is a secondary area of concern for Australia and Japan, while the Pacific Ocean is a secondary area of concern for India. Given the different areas of priorities, each nation will have a different political appetite and available resources for the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Indo-Pacific priorities will depend on national interest shaped by the immediate neighborhood and threat perception for all nations. Therefore, a successful Indo-Pacific collaboration does not lie in a convergence of policies but through coordinated and issue-based partnerships framed by a model of burden sharing. Effective coordination based on converging strategic interests and principles is the best way forward in operationalizing an Indo-Pacific partnership. While the Indo-Pacific may have been a necessary construct as a response to a changing world order, it has structurally altered India’s foreign policy priorities and engagements. India’s partnerships today are built on converging strategic interests and a new security environment. New Delhi’s current initiative and changes are a reflection of a shift in India’s foreign policy rather than a continuation of its reaction to a rising China. As such, the Indo-Pacific is now a theater of opportunity to increase India’s profile and role globally. As New Delhi continues to move forward with its Indo-Pacific initiatives, it will face further geopolitical challenges, balancing its old and new partnerships. As countries in Southeast Asia and smaller island nations continue to navigate within the Chinese-U.S. competition, India will also be faced with complex and challenging questions. Far more often than not, India will perhaps find itself in a position of having to balance its relationship with new strategic partners such as the United States and old friends like Russia. Similarly, New Delhi’s strategic interests might appear in contrast with its traditional positions on nonalignment and other Cold War–era policies. But India’s current geopolitical environment, and its threats and challenges, are different from those of the past. New Delhi will continue to leverage its partnerships to address those threats and challenges while recognizing its capacity constraints. India must be willing to implement its Indo-Pacific vision and continue taking steps that cater to the role it envisions for itself. The Indo-Pacific will continue to provide New Delhi an opportunity to raise its profile and secure its strategic interests, but the government must be open to new ideas and frameworks such as a burden-sharing model centered on issue-based partnerships. Such an approach will allow India to maximize its limited resources and capacities to better prepare for a new security environment. Going forward, India’s actions and deliverables in the Indo-Pacific will lay the foundation for its role in a new global security architecture. ### Notes 1 Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, “Joint Statement on a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Republic of India and Australia,” June 4, 2020, documents.htm?dtl/32729/Joint_Statement_on_a_Comprehensive_Strategic_Partnership_between_Republic_of_India_and_Australia. 2 Rory Medcalf, “Indo-Pacific Visions: Giving Solidarity a Chance,” Asia Policy 14, no. 3 (2019), content/uploads/pdfs/publications/ap14-3-medcalf-july2019.pdf. 3 T. V. Paul, “How India Will React to the Rise of China: The Soft Balancing Strategy Reconsidered,” War on the Rocks, September 1, 2018, strategy-reconsidered/. 4 Horimoto Takenori, “The Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy: India’s Wary Response,” Nippon, October 9, 2018, strategy-india’s-wary-response.html. 5 Hugh White, “Defend the ‘Rules-Based Order’ in Asia at Any Cost?,” The Strategist (blog), Australian Strategic Policy Institute, April 26, 2018, and C. Raja Mohan, “New Equations in Indo-Pacific,” Indian Express, October 31, 2017, visit-indo-pacific-infrastructure-development-narendra-modi-us-4914434/. 6 Harsh V. Pant, “South China Sea Ruling: Can This Be India’s Moment in the Indo-Pacific?” Diplomat, July 19, 2016, china-sea-ruling-can-this-be-indias-moment-in-the-indo-pacific/. 7 John Garver, “India, China, the United States, Tibet, and the Origins of the 1962 War,” India Review 3, no. 2 (2004): 8 White House Office of the Press Secretary, “U.S.-India Joint Strategic Vision for the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region,” January 25, 2015, joint-strategic-vision-asia-pacific-and-indian-ocean-region. 9 Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, “Joint Statement on India and Japan Vision 2025: Special Strategic and Global Partnership Working Together for Peace and Prosperity of the Indo-Pacific Region and the World,” December 12, 2015, documents.htm?dtl/26176/Joint_Statement_on_India_and_Japan_Vision_2025_Special_Strategic_and_Global_Partnership_Working_Together_for_Peace_and_Prosperity_of_the_IndoPacific_R. 10 “Asia Infrastructure Needs Exceed $1.7 Trillion Per Year, Double Previous Estimates,” news release, Asian Development Bank, February 28, 2017, double-previous-estimates. 11 “Official Spokesperson’s Response to a Query on Participation of India in OBOR/BRI Forum,” media briefing, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, May 13, 2017, briefings.htm?dtl/28463/Official+Spokespersons+response+to+a+query+on+participation+of+India+in+OBORBRI+Forum. 12 For an overview of India and BRI, see Darshana M. Baruah, “India’s Answer to the Belt and Road: A Road Map for South Asia,” Carnegie India, August 21, 2018, road-map-for-south-asia-pub-77071. 13 S. Jaishankar, “Speech by Foreign Secretary at Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi,” Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, March 2, 2015, Statements.htm?dtl/26433/Speech_by_Foreign_Secretary_at_Raisina_Dialogue_in_New_Delhi_March_2_2015. 14 “Official Spokesperson’s Response.” 15 “Official Spokesperson’s Response.” 16 Maria Abi-Habib, “How China Got Sri Lanka to Cough Up a Port,” New York Times, June 25, 2018, lanka-port.html. 17 Suhasini Haidar, “Will Gotabaya Rajapaksa Make Peace With India?” The Hindu, November 17, 2019, apprehensions-remain-for-new-delhi/article29999298.ece. 18 Shihar Aneez and Ranga Sirilal, “Chinese Submarine Docks in Sri Lanka Despite Indian Concerns,” Reuters, November 2, 2014, docks-in-sri-lanka-despite-indian-concerns-idINKBN0IM0LU20141102. 19 J. J. Robinson, “Maldives Cancels GMR’s $511 Million Airport Project,” Reuters, November 28, 2012, gmr/maldives-cancels-gmrs-511-million-airport-project-idINDEE8AR01Z20121128. 20 “Maldives Airport to Be Expanded With Controversial $800m China Contract,” Guardian, April 8, 2016, expanded-800m-china-contract. 21 Kenji Kawase, “Maldives Owes China $1.4bn, Says Finance Minister,” Nikkei Asian Review, December 20, 2018, China-1.4bn-says-finance-minister. 22 Ankit Panda, “A Political Crisis Deepens in the Maldives: The Geopolitical Stakes for India and Its Options,” Diplomat, February 6, 2018, the-geopolitical-stakes-for-india-and-its-options/; Mohamed Junayd, “Maldives Ruling Party Pledges Probe Into Chinese Deals After Landslide Win,” Reuters, April 10, 2019, ruling-party-pledges-probe-into-chinese-deals-after-landslide-win- idUSKCN1RL2IW. 23 Embassy of India in Male, India-Maldives Bilateral Relations, 24 Lee Hsien Loong, “PM Lee Hsien Loong at the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2019,” transcript, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore, May 31, 2019, Dialogue-2019; Jonathan Stromseth, Don’t Make Us Choose: Southeast Asia in the Throes of US-China Rivalry (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, October 2019), content/uploads/2019/10/FP_20191009_dont_make_us_choose.pdf. 25 Darshana M. Baruah, “View: African Islands in the Indian Ocean—Looking Beyond Delhi’s Strategic Blindness,” Economic Times, October 17, 2019, indian-ocean-looking-beyond-delhis-strategic- blindness/articleshow/71627802.cms;“ MEA Expands Indian Ocean Division to Include Islands off African Coast,” The Wire, December 20, 2019, 26 Narendra Modi, “Prime Minister’s Keynote Address at Shangri La Dialogue,” transcript, June 1, 2018, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, June 1, 2018, Statements.htm?dtl/29943/Prime+Ministers+Keynote+Address+at+Shangri+La+Dialogue+June+01+2018. 27 Modi, “Prime Minister’s Keynote Address.” 28 Modi, “Prime Minister’s Keynote Address.” 29 Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Annual Report 2018–19 (New Delhi: Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, 30 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, “Announcement of ‘Partnership for Quality Infrastructure: Investment for Asia’s Future,’” May 21, 2015, Shinzo Abe, “‘The Future of Asia: Be Innovative,’ Speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Banquet of the 21st International Conference on the Future of Asia,” transcript, May 21, 2015, Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet, 31 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, “Japan-India Joint Statement,” November 11, 2016, 32 Darshana M. Baruah, “Toward Strategic Economic Cooperation Between India and Japan,” Carnegie India, December 1, 2016, between-india-and-japan/jaq8. 33 “India, Japan Review Situation in Indo-Pacific; Resolve to Ramp Up Cooperation in Third Countries,” Economic Times, November 4, 2019, situation-in-indo-pacific-resolve-to-ramp-up-cooperation-in-third- countries/articleshow/71888924.cms?from=mdr. 34 Northeastern India consists of eight states sharing borders with Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan. China has claims in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, which was one of the reasons for the Sino-Indian war in 1962. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are strategically located islands overseeing the Strait of Malacca, a key choke point connecting the western Pacific to the Indian Ocean. China has often referred to the Malacca Dilemma, indicating the possibility of a blockade by the U.S. Navy or Indian Navy restricting Chinese movement across the strait, cutting off its major energy routes from the Middle East. 35 Research and Development System for Developing Countries, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, and Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization, Asia-Africa Growth Corridor: Partnership for Sustainable and Innovative Development, A Vision Document (New Delhi and Jakarta: Research and Development System for Developing Countries / Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, May 2017), 36 Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Annual Report 2019–20 (New Delhi: Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, 37 “EU Shapes Its Ambitious Strategy on India,” press release, European Union, November 20, 2018, 38 Garima Mohan, “Prospects for the New EU Strategy on India,” IFRI Center for Asian Studies, September 2019, 39 C. Raja Mohan, “Raja Mandala: Reconnecting With Europe,” Indian Express, September 11, 2018, kovind-india-foreign-policy-asean-nations-5349432/. 40 “Press Release on State Visit of President to Madagascar (March 14–15, 2018),” Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, March 15, 2018, releases.htm?dtl/29637/press+release+on+state+visit+of+president+to+madagascar+march+1415+2018;Manu Pubby, “In First Overseas Visit, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to Focus on SAGAR Initiative in Indian Ocean Region,” Economic Times, July 26, 2019, defence-minister-rajnath-singh-to-focus-on-sagar-initiative-in-indian-ocean- region/articleshow/70398666.cms?from=mdr; Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, “Budget 2019: India to Open 18 New Diplomatic Missions Across Africa,” Economic Times, July 5, 2019, nation/budget-2019-india-to-open-18-new-diplomatic-missions-across- africa/articleshow/70093835.cms?from=mdr. 41 Jean-Loup Samaan, “The Logic of Rapprochement Between India and the Arabian Gulf,” Sada, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, August 28, 2019, 42 “Prime Minister Meets Pacific Island Leaders,” press release, Press Information Bureau, Government of India, September 25, 2019, 43 Ministry of External Affairs, Annual Report 2019–20. 44 French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, “International Solar Alliance,” and-environment/international-solar-alliance/. 45 Ministry of External Affairs, Annual Report 2019–20. 46 Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Bridging the Indian Ocean: India Leads Relief Measures in Tsunami Hit Areas (New Delhi: Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, January 2005), 47 Ministry of External Affairs, Annual Report 2019–20. 48 Ankit Panda, “US, India, Australia, Japan ‘Quad’ Holds Senior Officials Meetings in Bangkok,” Diplomat, November 5, 2019, officials-meeting-in-bangkok/. 49 Directorate of Strategy, Concepts and Transformation, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy), Ensuring Secure Seas: Indian Maritime Security Strategy (New Delhi: Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence [Navy], October 2015), 50 Ian Storey, “China’s Malacca Dilemma,” China Brief 6, no. 8 (2006): 51 Laxman Kumar Behera, “India’s Defense Budget 2020–21,” Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, February 4, 2020, 52Ibid. 53 Charles Clover and Sherry Fei Ju, “Chinese Military Base Takes Shape in Djibouti,” Financial Times, July 12, 2017, Atul Aneja, “China Says Its Submarines Docked in Sri Lanka for Replenishment,” The Hindu, November 28, 2014, says-its-submarine-docked-in-sri-lanka-for-replenishment/article6643129.ece; “China Ships 1000 Tonnes of Fresh Water to Maldives to Overcome Its Acute Water Crisis,” Indian Express, December 7, 2014, water-to-maldives-to-overcome-its-acute-water-crisis/; “Why China’s Submarine Deal with Bangladesh Matters,” Diplomat, January 20, 2017, matters/; H. I. Sutton, “China Deployed 12 Underwater Drones in Indian Ocean,” Forbes, March 22, 2020, drones-in-indian-ocean/#4d88e5196693. 54 Directorate of Strategy, Concepts and Transformation, Ensuring Secure Seas. 55 “Coastal Security Network Must Ensure Zero Tolerance to Error: Parrikar,” press release, Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Defense, Government of India, Business Standard, November 23, 2014, ensure-zero-tolerance-to-error-parrikar-114112300419_1.html. 56 Manu Pubby, “Work Resumes Full Steam on Maldives Coastal Radar,” Economic Times, April 23, 2019, resumes-full-steam-on-maldives-coastal-radars/articleshow/69000819.cms. 57 Dinakar Peri, “India Signs Shipping Information Exchange Pact,” The Hindu, December 12, 2018, shipping-information-exchange-pact/article25721408.ece. 58 Ministry of External Affairs, Annual Report 2019–20. 59 “Raksha Mantri Inaugurates Information Fusion Centre—Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR),” press release, Press Informational Bureau, Government of India, Naval Forces, December 22, 2018, Information-Fusion-Centre-Indian-Ocean-Region. 60 Indian Navy, “Information Fusion Centre—Indian Ocean Region,” 61 “Raksha Mantri Inaugurates Information Fusion Centre.” 62 Mayank Singh, “Five Big Navies to Post Liaison Officers in India for Info Exchange on IOR,” Indian Express, December 26, 2019, liaison-officers-in-india-for-info-exchange-on-ior-2081062.html. 63 Mayank Singh, “First International Liaison Officer Posted to IFC-IOR,” Indian Express, November 29, 2019, liaison-officer-posted-to-ifc-ior-2068677.html. 64 Directorate of Strategy, Concepts and Transformation, Ensuring Secure Seas. 65 “New Mission-Based Deployment Concept to Result in Greater Presence and Visibility in IOR—Admiral Sunil Lanba,” press release, Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, India Strategic, October 27, 2017, concept-to-result-in-greater-presence-and-visibility-in-ior-admiral-sunil- lanba-cns/. 66 “Indian Navy is the First Responder to the Nations Hit by Cyclone in South East Africa,” Financial Express, March 20, 2019, to-the-nations-hit-by-cyclone-in-south-east-africa/1522663/. 67 Darshana M. Baruah, “Strengthening Delhi’s Strategic Partnerships in the Indian Ocean,” Center for New American Security, October 23, 2019, partnerships-in-the-indianocean. 68 “India and the Unites States Sign the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA),” press release, Press Information Bureau, Government of India, August 30, 2016, “Indian Navy Benefits From Strategic Logistics Pacts With US, France,” Economic Times, June 16, 2019, strategic-logistics-pacts-with-us-france/articleshow/69811862.cms?from=mdr. 69 Manu Pubby, “India, South Korea Extend Logistical Support to Navies,” Economic Times, September 7, 2019, logistical-support-to-navies/articleshow/71019773.cms?from=mdr; Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, “French President Announces 3- Pronged Security Partnership With India for Southern Indian Ocean,” Economic Times, October 26, 2019, announces-3-pronged-security-partnership-with-india-for-southern-indian- ocean/articleshow/71770145.cms. 70 Dinakar Peri, “In a First, India, France Conduct Joint Patrols From Reunion Island,” The Hindu, March 21, 2020, joint-patrols-from-reunion-island/article31129323.ece. 71 Darshana M. Baruah, “Realizing the Potential of Island Territories: A Perspective from Delhi,” Asian Maritime Transparency Initiative, December 17, 2019, perspective-from-delhi/. 72 Baruah, “Realizing the Potential of Island Territories.” Darshana M. Baruah Nonresident Scholar, South Asia Program SecurityForeign PolicySouth AsiaIndia Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees. ###### additional links * Full Text (PDF) ![](\\"\\") ###### program ## South Asia The South Asia Program informs policy debates relating to the region’s security, economy, and political development. From strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific to India’s internal dynamics and U.S. engagement with the region, the program offers in-depth, rigorous research and analysis on South Asia’s most critical challenges. 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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Presidential Actions By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. On my first day in office, I signed Executive Order 13985 of January 20, 2021 (Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government), which charged the Federal Government with advancing equity for all, including communities that have long been underserved, and addressing systemic racism in our Nation’s policies and programs.By advancing equity, the Federal Government can support and empower all Americans, including the many communities in America that have been underserved, discriminated against, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality. We can also deliver resources and benefits equitably to the people of the United States and rebuild trust in Government. Over the past 2 years, through landmark legislation — including the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law 117‑2); the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58) (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law); division A of Public Law 117-167, known as the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act of 2022; Public Law 117-169, commonly referred to as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022; and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (Public Law 117-159) — as well as executive action, my Administration has vigorously championed racial equity and has advanced equal opportunity for underserved communities. Executive departments and agencies (agencies) have engaged in historic work assessing how their policies and programs perpetuate barriers for underserved communities and developing strategies for removing those barriers. They have made important progress incorporating an evidence- based approach to equitable policymaking and implementation, and they have crafted new action plans to advance equity. In short, my Administration has embedded a focus on equity into the fabric of Federal policymaking and service delivery. Our work to transform the way the Federal Government serves the American people has been complemented by Executive Order 14035 of June 25, 2021 (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce), which continues to help ensure that my Administration — the most diverse in our Nation’s history — reflects the growing diversity of the communities we serve. My Administration’s commitment to equity has produced better decision-making and more equitable outcomes. We have delivered the most equitable economic recovery in memory, and, driven by the expanded Child Tax Credit, we cut child poverty to its lowest rate on record in 2021, including record low Black, Latino, Native American, and rural child poverty. Under my Administration, the economy has created nearly 11 million jobs, and we have brought down unemployment nationwide — in particular for Black and Latino workers, for whom unemployment rates are near 50-year lows. My Administration has provided emergency rental assistance to help millions of families stay in their homes, and we have prohibited Federal contractors from paying people with disabilities subminimum wages. We are rebuilding roads and bridges, replacing the Nation’s lead pipes to provide clean drinking water for all, delivering access to affordable high-speed internet to Americans in both rural and urban communities, investing in public transit, and reconnecting communities previously cut off from economic opportunity by highways, rail lines, or disinvestment. My Administration has provided funding to improve accessibility for passengers with disabilities on rail systems and in airports, expanded health coverage for millions of Americans, and expanded home- and community-based services so more people with disabilities and older adults can live independently. We have secured billions of dollars in direct new investments for Tribal Nations and Native American communities and have directed an increase in the share of Federal Government contract spending awarded to small disadvantaged businesses. My Administration has taken action to strengthen public safety, advance criminal justice reform, correct our country’s failed approach to marijuana, protect civil rights, and stand up against rising extremism and hate-fueled violence that threaten the fabric of our democracy. We have taken historic steps to advance full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) Americans, including by ending the ban on transgender service members in our military; prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics across Federal programs; and signing into law the Respect for Marriage Act (Public Law 117-228) to preserve protections for the rights of same-sex and interracial couples. My Administration is also implementing the first-ever National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality to ensure that all people, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to realize their full potential. These transformative achievements have advanced the work of building a more equitable Nation. Yet, members of underserved communities — many of whom have endured generations of discrimination and disinvestment — still confront significant barriers to realizing the full promise of our great Nation, and the Federal Government has a responsibility to remove these barriers. It is imperative to reject the narrow, cramped view of American opportunity as a zero-sum game. When any person or community is denied freedom, dignity, and prosperity, our entire Nation is held back. But when we lift each other up, we are all lifted up. Therefore, my Administration must take additional action across the Federal Government — in collaboration with civil society, the private sector, and State and local government — to continue the work begun with Executive Order 13985 to combat discrimination and advance equal opportunity, including by redressing unfair disparities and removing barriers to Government programs and services. Achieving racial equity and support for underserved communities is not a one-time project. It must be a multi-generational commitment, and it must remain the responsibility of agencies across the Federal Government. It therefore continues to be the policy of my Administration to advance an ambitious, whole-of-government approach to racial equity and support for underserved communities and to continuously embed equity into all aspects of Federal decision-making. This order builds upon my previous equity-related Executive Orders by extending and strengthening equity-advancing requirements for agencies, and it positions agencies to deliver better outcomes for the American people. In doing so, the Federal Government shall continue to pursue ambitious goals to build a strong, fair, and inclusive workforce and economy; invest in communities where Federal policies have historically impeded equal opportunity — both rural and urban — in ways that mitigate economic displacement, expand access to capital, preserve housing and neighborhood affordability, root out discrimination in the housing market, and build community wealth; advance equity in health, including mental and behavioral health and well-being; deliver an equitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic; deliver environmental justice and implement the Justice40 Initiative; build prosperity in rural communities; ensure equitable procurement practices, including through small disadvantaged businesses contracting and the Buy Indian Act (25 U.S.C. 47); pursue educational equity so that our Nation’s schools put every student on a path to success; improve our Nation’s criminal justice system to end unjust disparities, strengthen public safety, and ensure equal justice under law; promote equity in science and root out bias in the design and use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence; protect the right to vote and realize the promise of our Nation’s civil rights laws; and promote equity and human rights around the world through our foreign policy and foreign assistance. By redoubling our efforts, the Federal Government can help bridge the gap between the world we see and the future we seek. Sec. 2. Establishing Equity-Focused Leadership Across the Federal Government. (a) Establishment of Agency Equity Teams. The Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Commissioner of Social Security, the Administrator of General Services, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Director of the National Science Foundation, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (agency heads) shall, within 30 days of the date of this order, ensure that they have in place an Agency Equity Team within their respective agencies to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives and ensure that their respective agencies are delivering equitable outcomes for the American people. (i) Each Agency Equity Team shall be led by a designated senior official (senior designee) charged with implementing my Administration’s equity initiatives, and shall include senior officials from the office of the agency head and the agency’s program, policy, civil rights, regulatory, science, technology, service delivery, financial assistance and grants, data, budget, procurement, public engagement, legal, and evaluation offices, as well as the agency’s Chief Diversity Officer, to the extent applicable. Agency Equity Teams shall include a combination of competitive service employees, as defined by 5 U.S.C. 2102(a), and appointees, as defined in Executive Order 13989 of January 20, 2021 (Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel), and, to the extent practicable, shall build upon and coordinate with the agency’s existing structures and processes, including with the agency’s environmental justice officer designated pursuant to Executive Order 14008 of January 27, 2021 (Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad), and with the senior agency official designated to coordinate with the Gender Policy Council pursuant to Executive Order 14020 of March 8, 2021 (Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council). (ii) The senior designee at each agency shall be responsible for delivering equitable outcomes, to the extent consistent with applicable law, and shall report to the agency head. (iii) Each Agency Equity Team shall support continued equity training and equity leadership development for staff across all levels of the agency’s workforce. (iv) Each agency’s senior designee shall coordinate with the agency head, agency budget officials, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure that the Agency Equity Team has sufficient resources, including staffing and data collection capacity, to advance the agency’s equity goals. Agency heads shall ensure that their respective Agency Equity Teams serve in an advisory and coordination role on priority agency actions. (b) Establishment of the White House Steering Committee on Equity. There is hereby established a White House Steering Committee on Equity (Steering Committee), which shall be chaired by the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. The Steering Committee shall include senior officials representing policy councils and offices within the Executive Office of the President, as appropriate. The Steering Committee shall: (i) coordinate Government-wide efforts to advance equity; (ii) coordinate an annual process to consult with agency heads on their respective agencies’ Equity Action Plans, established in section 3(a) of this order; (iii) coordinate with the leadership of the White House Initiatives created by Executive Order 14031 of May 28, 2021 (Advancing Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders); Executive Order 14041 of September 3, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity Through Historically Black Colleges and Universities); Executive Order 14045 of September 13, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics); Executive Order 14049 of October 11, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities); and Executive Order 14050 of October 19, 2021 (White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans); (iv) coordinate with the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council to ensure that equity and environmental justice efforts are consistent and mutually reinforcing; (v) coordinate with the White House Gender Policy Council to align efforts to advance gender equity with broader equity efforts; and (vi) monitor agencies’ activities and promote accountability to ensure that agencies undertake ambitious and measurable steps to deliver equitable outcomes for the American people. Sec. 3. Delivering Equitable Outcomes Through Government Policies, Programs, and Activities. Each agency head shall support ongoing implementation of a comprehensive equity strategy that uses the agency’s policy, budgetary, programmatic, service-delivery, procurement, data-collection processes, grantmaking, public engagement, research and evaluation, and regulatory functions to enable the agency’s mission and service delivery to yield equitable outcomes for all Americans, including underserved communities. (a) In September 2023, and on an annual basis thereafter, concurrent with the agencies’ submission to OMB for the President’s Budget, agency heads shall submit an Equity Action Plan to the Steering Committee. The Equity Action Plan shall include actions to advance equity, including under Executive Order 13985, Executive Order 13988 of January 20, 2021 (Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation), Executive Order 14008, and Executive Order 14020. (b) Each Equity Action Plan, which shall be made public, shall include: (i) an update on the progress made by the agency on the actions, performance measures, and milestones highlighted in the preceding year’s Equity Action Plan, as well as the agency’s performance on the annual Environmental Justice Scorecard established pursuant to section 223 of Executive Order 14008, as applicable; (ii) potential barriers that underserved communities may face in accessing and benefitting from the agency’s policies, programs, and activities, including procurement, contracting, and grant opportunities; (iii) strategies, including new or revised policies and programs, to address the barriers described in subsection (b)(ii) of this section and to ensure equitable access and opportunity for underserved communities; and (iv) a description of how the agency intends to meaningfully engage with underserved communities, including through accessible, culturally and linguistically appropriate outreach, and the incorporation of the perspectives of those with lived experiences into agency policies, programs, and activities. (c) Starting with formulation of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and for each subsequent year, the Director of OMB shall consider how the President’s Budget can support the Equity Action Plans described in subsection (a) of this section in order to reinforce agency efforts to meaningfully engage with and invest in underserved communities and advance equitable outcomes. (d) To ensure effective implementation of Equity Action Plans, and to strengthen the Federal Government’s equitable delivery of resources and benefits to all, agency heads shall: (i) prioritize and incorporate strategies to advance equity — including by pursuing evidence-based approaches, reducing administrative burdens, increasing access to technical assistance, and implementing equitable data practices, consistent with applicable law, into their respective: (A) agency strategic plans developed pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 306(a); (B) agency performance plans developed pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1115 and 1116; (C) portions of performance plans relating to human and capital resource requirements to achieve performance goals pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1115(b)(5)(A); (D) agency priority goals developed pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1120; (E) evaluation and evidence-building activities pursuant to the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-435) and section 5 of the Presidential Memorandum of January 27, 2021 (Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking); (F) customer experience capacity assessments and action plans pursuant to section 280 of OMB Circular A-11 and Executive Order 14058 of December 13, 2021 (Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government); (G) selection of items for their respective regulatory agendas and plans pursuant to sections 4(b) and (c) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), as amended; (H) individual performance plans for senior executives consistent with 5 U.S.C. 4312, and for other senior employees consistent with 5 U.S.C. 4302; and (I) as permitted by law, activities, acquisitions, and strategies that the Director of OMB determines to be appropriate to further the implementation of this order; (ii) identify opportunities, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to incorporate into new regulations and to modify their respective agencies’ regulations, internal- and public-facing guidance, and other policies to include advancing equity as part of their respective agencies’ missions; and (iii) promote coordination within and among their respective agencies concerning the elements of their respective Equity Action Plans and the recommendations of the Interagency Working Group on Equitable Data established in Executive Order 13985. Sec. 4. Embedding Equity into Government-wide Processes. (a) The Director of OMB shall consider opportunities to review and update internal processes, directives, and Government-wide guidance (such as OMB Circulars and Memoranda) to support equitable decision-making, promote equitable deployment of financial and technical assistance, and assist agencies in advancing equity, as appropriate and wherever possible. (b) When designing, developing, acquiring, and using artificial intelligence and automated systems in the Federal Government, agencies shall do so, consistent with applicable law, in a manner that advances equity. Sec. 5. Delivering Equitable Outcomes in Partnership with Underserved Communities. Underserved communities often face significant barriers and legacy exclusions in engaging with agencies and providing input on Federal policies and programs that affect them. Agencies must increase engagement with underserved communities by identifying and applying innovative approaches to improve the quality, frequency, and accessibility of engagement. Agencies shall, consistent with applicable law: (a) conduct proactive engagement, as appropriate, with members of underserved communities — for example, through culturally and linguistically appropriate listening sessions, outreach events, or requests for information — during development and implementation of agencies’ respective annual Equity Action Plans, annual budget submissions, grants and funding opportunities, and other actions, including those outlined in section 3(d) of this order; (b) collaborate with OMB, as appropriate, to identify and develop tools and methods for engagement with underserved communities, including those related to agency budget development and rulemaking; (c) create more flexibilities, incentives, and guidelines for recipients of Federal funding and permits to proactively engage with underserved communities as projects are designed and implemented; (d) identify funding opportunities for community- and faith-based organizations working in and with underserved communities to improve access to benefits and services for members of underserved communities; and (e) identify and address barriers for individuals with disabilities, as well as older adults, to participate in the engagement process, including barriers to the accessibility of physical spaces, virtual platforms, presentations, systems, training, and documents. Sec. 6. Creating Economic Opportunity in Rural America and Advancing Urban Equitable Development. (a) Agencies shall undertake efforts, to the extent consistent with applicable law, to help rural communities identify and access Federal resources in order to create equitable economic opportunity and advance projects that build community wealth, including by providing or supporting technical assistance; incentivizing the creation of good, high- paying union jobs in rural areas; conducting outreach to and soliciting input from rural community leaders; and contributing new resources and support to interagency programs such as the Rural Partners Network. (b) Agencies shall undertake efforts, to the extent consistent with applicable law, to strengthen urban equitable development policies and practices, such as advancing community wealth building projects; preventing physical and economic displacement as the result of Federal investments; facilitating equitable flows of private capital, including to underserved communities; and incorporating outcome-based metrics focused on urban equitable development in the design and deployment of Federal programs and policies. To support these efforts, the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy shall issue a policy memorandum on actions agencies can take to advance urban equitable development. (c) Executive Order 13946 of August 24, 2020 (Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations), including the amendments it made to Executive Order 12072 of August 16, 1978 (Federal Space Management), and to Executive Order 13006 of May 21, 1996 (Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in Our Nation’s Central Cities), is revoked. Executive Orders 12072 and 13006 are reinstated as they were prior to issuance of Executive Order 13946. Executive Order 13853 of December 12, 2018 (Establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council), is also revoked. All agencies shall, consistent with applicable law, including the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.), consider taking prompt action to revoke any rules, regulations, guidelines, or policies implementing these Presidential actions that are inconsistent with the provisions of this order. Further, agencies shall ensure that planning for new Federal facilities or new leases includes consideration of neighborhoods and locations that are near existing employment centers and are accessible to a broad range of the region’s workforce and population by public transit (where it exists), consistent with Executive Order 12072. Agencies shall identify displacement risks associated with Federal facility siting and development and shall engage with any community that may be affected, along with appropriate regional and local officials, to mitigate those displacement risks. Sec. 7. Advancing Equitable Procurement. (a) The Government-wide goal for Federal procurement dollars awarded to small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (SDBs) shall be 15 percent in Fiscal Year 2025. In furtherance of this goal, OMB shall set a Government-wide SDB goal for Fiscal Year 2024. The Small Business Administration shall, on an annual basis, work with each agency to establish an agency-specific goal that, in aggregate, supports the Government-wide goal. Further, agencies shall undertake efforts to increase contracting opportunities for all other small business concerns as described in the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. ch. 14A). (b) Agencies shall expand procurement opportunities for SDBs through Federal financial assistance, consistent with applicable law, under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and other Federal financial assistance programs. Sec. 8. Affirmatively Advancing Civil Rights. Agencies shall comprehensively use their respective civil rights authorities and offices to prevent and address discrimination and advance equity for all, including to increase the effects of civil rights enforcement and to increase public awareness of civil rights principles, consistent with applicable law. Agencies shall consider opportunities to: (a) further elevate their respective civil rights offices, including by directing that their most senior civil rights officer report to the agency head; (b) ensure that their respective civil rights offices are consulted on decisions regarding the design, development, acquisition, and use of artificial intelligence and automated systems; (c) increase coordination, communication, and engagement with community-based organizations and civil rights organizations; (d) increase the capacity, including staffing capacity, of their respective civil rights offices, in coordination with OMB; (e) improve accessibility for people with disabilities and improve language access services to ensure that all communities can engage with agencies’ respective civil rights offices, including by fully implementing Executive Order 13166 of August 11, 2000 (Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency); and (f) prevent and remedy discrimination, including by protecting the public from algorithmic discrimination. Sec. 9. Further Advancing Equitable Data Practices. The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Equitable Data shall, to the extent consistent with applicable law, coordinate the implementation of relevant recommendations of the Interagency Working Group on Equitable Data established in Executive Order 13985. The Director of OSTP shall provide a report on the Subcommittee’s progress to the Steering Committee every January and July. Sec. 10. Definitions. For purposes of this order: (a) The term “equity” means the consistent and systematic treatment of all individuals in a fair, just, and impartial manner, including individuals who belong to communities that often have been denied such treatment, such as Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander persons and other persons of color; members of religious minorities; women and girls; LGBTQI+ persons; persons with disabilities; persons who live in rural areas; persons who live in United States Territories; persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality; and individuals who belong to multiple such communities. (b) The term “underserved communities” refers to those populations as well as geographic communities that have been systematically denied the opportunity to participate fully in aspects of economic, social, and civic life, as defined in Executive Orders 13985 and 14020. (c) The term “equitable development” refers to a positive development approach that employs processes, policies, and programs that aim to meet the needs of all communities and community members, with a particular focus on underserved communities and populations. (d) The term “community wealth building” refers to an approach to economic development that strengthens the capacities of underserved communities by ensuring institutions and local economies have ownership models with greater community participation and control. This results in upgrading skills, growing entrepreneurs, increasing incomes, expanding net asset ownership, and fostering social well-being. (e) The term “equitable data” refers to data that allow for rigorous assessment of the extent to which Government programs and policies yield consistently fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals. (f) The term “algorithmic discrimination” refers to instances when automated systems contribute to unjustified different treatment or impacts disfavoring people based on their actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, sex (including based on pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions; gender identity; intersex status; and sexual orientation), religion, age, national origin, limited English proficiency, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other classification protected by law. Sec. 11. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: (i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or (ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. (c) Agencies not covered by section 2(a) of this order, including independent agencies, are strongly encouraged to comply with the provisions of this order. (d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 2023. Next Post: FACT SHEET: President Biden Signs Executive Order to Strengthen Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Across the Federal Government FACT SHEET: President Biden Signs Executive Order to Strengthen Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Across the Federal Government February 16, 2023 • Statements and Releases Next Post ## Stay Connected Sign Up Email Address* Required ZIP Code Please leave blank. 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The current federal government created a very large number of jobs 167 million
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Each industry has backward linkages to economic sectors that provide the materials needed for the industry’s output, and each industry has forward linkages to the economic sectors where the industry’s workers spend their income. Therefore, in addition to the jobs directly supported by an industry, a large number of indirect jobs may also be supported by that industry. The subtraction (or addition) of jobs and output in industries with strong backward and forward linkages to other economic sectors can cause large ripple effects. This brief calculates employment multipliers by industry to illustrate the importance of these linkages, updating earlier work by Bivens (2003) and Baker and Lee (1993). Employment multipliers measure how the creation or destruction of output or employment in a particular industry translates into wider employment changes throughout the economy. ## Background and findings Production in a given economic sector involves linkages with other sectors—that is, production in one industry depends on suppliers in other industries (backward linkages), while wages earned in the production and supplier sectors are spent in other economic sectors (forward linkages). In the case of automobile production, there are backward linkages to industries that produce tires, glass for windshields, and steel for automobile frames (among many others). Forward linkages occur when automobile workers (and suppliers’ employees) spend their income in restaurants and retail stores and at the doctor (to name just a few). Industries that are heavy users of materials are vital to their suppliers. If an automobile factory were to close, its suppliers in the glass, steel, and rubber industries would have a big hole to fill in demand for their own output. Industries that pay higher wages are vital to their forward-linked industries. If a steel factory closed, surrounding restaurants and retail malls would also have a big hole to fill in demand for their output. There are two obvious ways to measure how intensive an industry’s backward and forward linkages are to the rest of the economy. The first estimates the ripple effects of a given number of jobs being lost directly in an industry. In this case, the direct job loss is assumed to be, say, 100, and then the resulting backward and forward ripple effects can be estimated. The second takes a given dollar value of final demand for an industry’s output and calculates how much of this final demand spills over into backward- and forward-linked industries. An example would be assessing the impact of a fall of $1 million in final demand for autos (that is, $1 million less being spent on cars by consumers). This fall in final demand would cost jobs directly in the auto production industry, but would also cause demand to fall in supplier industries and in forward-linked industries that rely on automobile workers (and on workers in the supplier industries) to purchase their output. With the right data, researchers can empirically estimate the number of jobs lost in each link of these chains. There are virtues and drawbacks to both the output and the employment measures as the bases of employment multipliers (as discussed in the methodology appendix); this paper presents estimates using both measures. ### Examples: Employment multipliers by jobs lost or by output lost Would the closing of a factory that manufactures durable goods and employs 1,000 people have a greater impact on the overall economy than the closing of a retail shopping mall that employs 1,000 people? The direct impacts (1,000 jobs lost) are the same; employment multipliers can show us what the total indirect effects will be. As seen in Table 1, the number of indirect jobs lost for every 100 direct jobs lost are 744.1 for durable manufacturing and 122.1 for retail trade. Therefore, the estimated total number of indirect jobs lost if the auto factory closed would be 7,441; the estimated indirect job loss if the shopping mall closed would be 1,221. We use a similar example to look at the question from a different angle: What are the effects on jobs when the demand for output drops by a certain amount? Specifically, would the disappearance of $1 million in final demand for output from factories producing durable goods have the same aggregate jobs impact as the disappearance of $1 million in retail? In this case, the direct jobs lost in durable manufacturing stemming from a $1 million reduction in final demand would be smaller—about two jobs in durable goods manufacturing compared with about 10 jobs in retail. (See Table 2, “durable manufacturing” and “retail trade” rows.) This is because durable goods production is far more productive than retail and hence fewer direct jobs are needed per dollar of output. However, the backward and forward linkages for durable goods cause this direct output loss to ripple far more widely throughout the job market. The employment multipliers in Table 1 show a total of 16.5 indirect jobs lost per $1 million drop in demand for durable manufacturing, compared with 10.6 indirect jobs lost for the same demand drop in retail. This means that, while direct job loss is much lower in durable manufacturing, total job loss (including both indirect and direct jobs) for a $1 million drop in demand is similar in durable manufacturing and retail (18.3 and 20.5, respectively). The summary findings for major industry groups are provided in Tables 1 and 2. The appendix describes our methodology in detail, and Appendix Tables A1 and A2 provide the employment multipliers for all 179 industries tracked by the data sources we use in this paper. Finally, an accompanying spreadsheet providing the raw data is being released with this paper for those interested in exploring the multipliers.2 Table 1 #### Employment multipliers per 100 direct jobs, by major private-sector industry group Major industry group | Direct jobs | Supplier jobs* | Induced jobs** | Total indirect jobs ---|---|---|---|--- Agriculture, forest, fishing, and hunting | 100 | 93.6 | 134.8 | 228.5 Mining | 100 | 224.0 | 166.0 | 390.0 Utilities | 100 | 515.4 | 442.2 | 957.7 Construction | 100 | 88.0 | 138.1 | 226.1 Durable manufacturing | 100 | 289.1 | 454.9 | 744.1 Nondurable manufacturing | 100 | 184.8 | 329.5 | 514.3 Wholesale trade | 100 | 107.3 | 128.0 | 235.3 Retail trade | 100 | 46.7 | 75.4 | 122.1 Transportation and warehousing | 100 | 112.8 | 163.3 | 276.0 Information | 100 | 252.0 | 321.1 | 573.1 Finance and insurance | 100 | 149.7 | 214.7 | 364.4 Real estate and rental leasing | 100 | 396.6 | 483.1 | 879.7 Professional, scientific, and technical services | 100 | 142.1 | 276.2 | 418.3 Management of companies | 100 | 144.4 | 255.4 | 399.9 Administrative and support services and waste management | 100 | 45.5 | 89.1 | 134.5 Educational services | 100 | 63.8 | 129.9 | 193.7 Health care and social assistance | 100 | 69.4 | 136.2 | 205.6 Arts, entertainment, and recreation | 100 | 123.3 | 255.2 | 378.5 Accommodation and food services | 100 | 53.8 | 107.4 | 161.2 Other services (except public administration) | 100 | 70.7 | 139.6 | 210.3 * Includes materials and capital services supplier jobs ** Includes jobs supported by respending of income from direct jobs and supplier jobs, as well as public-sector jobs supported by tax revenue Notes: See methods appendix for derivation. The industry-specific multipliers from Appendix Table A1 are weighted and summed across industries within major industry groups to get the multipliers in this table. For the per-100-jobs multipliers, the weight used is hours of work (weights are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Requirements Matrices data). Source: EPI analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Requirements Matrices, the BLS Current Employment Statistics program, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP-by-industry accounts Share on Facebook Tweet this chart Embed Copy the code below to embed this chart on your website. <iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"460\" src=\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe> Download image Table 2 #### Employment multipliers per $1 million in final demand, by major private- sector industry group Major industry group | Direct jobs | Supplier jobs* | Induced jobs** | Total indirect jobs ---|---|---|---|--- Agriculture, forest, fishing, and hunting | 5.9 | 5.4 | 4.8 | 10.1 Mining | 1.3 | 3.4 | 2.5 | 5.9 Utilities | 1.0 | 4.5 | 5.9 | 10.4 Construction | 5.5 | 4.8 | 6.1 | 10.9 Durable manufacturing | 1.8 | 4.9 | 11.6 | 16.5 Nondurable manufacturing | 2.6 | 4.3 | 10.4 | 14.7 Wholesale trade | 3.8 | 4.1 | 4.3 | 8.4 Retail trade | 9.9 | 4.6 | 6.1 | 10.6 Transportation and warehousing | 4.7 | 5.4 | 6.0 | 11.3 Information | 2.0 | 4.5 | 6.4 | 10.9 Finance and insurance | 3.1 | 4.7 | 6.2 | 10.8 Real estate and rental leasing | 1.4 | 5.4 | 17.2 | 22.6 Professional, scientific, and technical services | 4.3 | 4.8 | 10.4 | 15.3 Management of companies | 3.6 | 5.2 | 7.2 | 12.4 Administrative and support services and waste management | 10.6 | 5.0 | 8.1 | 13.1 Educational services | 9.1 | 5.4 | 9.2 | 14.6 Health care and social assistance | 7.8 | 5.3 | 8.2 | 13.5 Arts, entertainment, and recreation | 6.5 | 6.5 | 16.0 | 22.5 Accommodation and food services | 11.5 | 6.3 | 7.0 | 13.2 Other services (except public administration) | 8.7 | 5.3 | 8.7 | 14.0 * Includes materials and capital services supplier jobs ** Includes jobs supported by respending of income from direct jobs and supplier jobs, as well as public-sector jobs supported by tax revenue Notes: See methods appendix for derivation. The industry-specific multipliers from Appendix Table A2 are weighted and summed across industries within major industry groups to get the multipliers in this table. For the per-$1-million multipliers, the weight used is an output weight (weights are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Requirements Matrices data). Source: EPI analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Requirements Matrices, the BLS Current Employment Statistics program, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP-by-industry accounts Share on Facebook Tweet this chart Embed Copy the code below to embed this chart on your website. <iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"460\" src=\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe> Download image ## Conclusion An understanding of employment multipliers—the degree of backward and forward linkages that exists between industries—may often be useful to policymakers and analysts. As an example, the three largest U.S. automobile firms (General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler) directly employ substantially less than 200,000 workers in the United States. Yet it was widely (and correctly) considered imperative among policymakers to not let these firms fail and become casualties of the financial crisis of late 2008. This belief from policymakers was driven by the fully rational fear that the substantial backward and forward linkages from auto assembly jobs would be large enough to cause mammoth ripple effects throughout the economy. Without understanding the scope of these effects, this decision would be harder to understand. This report makes these linkages concrete and measurable by calculating employment multipliers two ways and provides estimates for 179 private-sector industries. It also provides a methodology and accompanying spreadsheet to allow others to experiment with calculations. ## Acknowledgments This research was made possible by support from the Alliance for American Manufacturing. ## Appendix: Data methods for calculating employment multipliers, per dollar and per job In this report, I estimate two broad categories of indirect job impacts that are spurred by direct employment changes in a given industry: supplier jobs and induced (or respending) jobs (including public-sector jobs). The first category (supplier jobs) defines the backward linkages of an industry. Induced jobs define forward linkages. The total of these influences make up the “employment multiplier.” I calculate the employment multipliers on two different bases: per each 100 jobs in an industry and per each $1 million of final demand for an industry’s output. ### Supplier jobs Supplier jobs are generally the most intuitive category of indirect employment changes. Put simply, when jobs are lost in one industry, the industries that provide inputs and materials also suffer losses. Take a concrete example: When coal-mining activity shrinks, it leads to a reduction in demand for industries that provide inputs to coal mining, such as those that provide safety equipment, industrial equipment, and/or transportation equipment and services. Supplier job estimates can be calculated directly from the employment requirements matrices (ERM) provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS ERM shows how many jobs are supported by $1 million in final demand in a given industry, jobs both in the industry directly satisfying the final demand as well as ones supplying inputs. For example, each $1 million in final demand for construction services supports jobs in the construction industry, but also supports jobs in concrete production, bulldozer manufacturing, and accounting services. The ERM tracks how many jobs in these supplier industries are supported by each $1 million in construction services purchased. #### Materials supplier jobs To obtain materials supply jobs per each $1 million in final demand, I sum up all rows in the column vector from the ERM, and then subtract out the direct jobs. For construction, I simply sum all nonconstruction entries in the column vector from the ERM. Because the ERM is set up in terms of dollar flows rather than job flows, translating a given direct employment impact into an effect on supplier jobs requires a small manipulation. Specifically, I take the ratio of jobs supported by a given amount of spending in an industry that are supplier jobs to direct jobs, and then multiply this ratio by the number of direct jobs identified in the ERM. The estimate for supplier jobs supported by each 100 direct jobs in a given industry is calculated using the following equation (with the subscript “total” representing the sum of direct and material supplies jobs): Even these most basic statistics, derived directly with very little manipulation from the BLS ERM, indicate why using two separate bases for the employment multiplier (per 100 jobs or per $1 million of final demand) might be helpful. Take, for instance, the comparison of per-job estimates in two industries—one in which each $1 million in final demand is associated with just one direct job in the industry, but 10 jobs in the materials supplier industries, and another where this split is five direct jobs to six materials supplier jobs. In this case, the sum of direct and material supply jobs in these industries is identical per each $1 million (11 jobs). But comparing them on a per-job basis is comparing two very different flows of final demand. In the industry with only one direct job per $1 million of final demand, it takes $100 million in final demand to support 100 direct jobs. But in the industry with five direct jobs per $1 million it takes only $20 million to support 100 direct jobs. This example might make it seem as if the per-job measure is less useful generally. But that’s not necessarily the case. Media reports of plant closings, for example, often report the number of jobs, not the economic output, that will be lost to a local community. Rather than having to guess at the output loss, the per-job multipliers in this report can be used by industry analysts to get an estimate of the economic ripple effects of these losses. #### Capital services supplier jobs One weakness of the BLS ERM is that it does not account for the depreciation of capital goods (plant, equipment, and structures) that is caused by production. This could have nontrivial impacts on jobs supported in capital- intensive industries. Further, because capital-intensive industries often have quite small numbers of direct jobs associated with a dollar of output, not accounting for the capital services supplies to these industries could greatly underestimate their overall effect on the economy. To correct this failure to account for capital services supplies, I estimate the number of jobs associated with producing the capital goods that would be needed to replace the amount of depreciation associated with each $1 million in final demand and for each 100 direct jobs in an industry. I first estimate the value of capital services used in each industry’s production. To do this, I use data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on gross domestic product by industry. The KLEMS measures from this data (capital, labor, energy, materials, and suppliers) provide an estimate of the capital share of industry output (that is, the share of income generated by each industry that goes to pay owners of capital goods rather than workers or suppliers). Combining industry output (obtained from the BLS ERM data) with the capital share of output provides an estimate of the amount of new capital goods that must be produced each period to replace this capital service flow. Essentially, capital-intensive industries will have to spend more money to replace capital services that are used up during production. Based on ratios that approximately reflect the economywide division of aggregate capital investment to structures versus equipment, I assume that 40 percent of this total spending flows into construction to replace new structures and that 60 percent flows into equipment manufacturing to replace machinery. I then use the ERM to calculate how many jobs are associated with the production of this structure and equipment investment. This provides my estimate of the number of capital supplier jobs associated with each $1 million in final demand for an industry. To get a number on capital supplier jobs associated with each direct job in an industry, I make a small manipulation of the data. The first expression, in parentheses, shows how output (measured in dollars) per each 100 workers in a given industry can be calculated. This output measure is then multiplied by the capital share to give the expression for depreciation (or capital service inputs) associated with each 100 jobs in an industry. This measure of depreciation is then used to estimate industry capital demand. From here, the formula for supplier jobs to replace the depreciation involved with every 100 direct jobs in a given industry is: ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Induced jobs Another category of indirect jobs concerns those that are supported by the demand that relies on the wage and salary income of both direct jobs and supplier jobs. These jobs define the forward linkages from an industry’s output. For example, a job at a construction site also supports jobs in restaurants and diners where construction workers eat, grocery stores where they shop for food, and doctors’ offices where they pay for medical services. Public-sector jobs, supported by workers’ taxes, also fall into this category. #### Jobs supported by respending of income from direct jobs and supplier jobs The scale of induced jobs supported by each $1 million in final demand or 100 direct jobs in a given industry depends on the overall “respending multiplier,” or how much of a worker’s earnings are spent on consumption goods. Bivens (2003) reviews evidence on this multiplier and takes 0.5 as a conservative estimate of this effect.1 Induced jobs also depend on the relative wages of both direct and supplier industries. As an example, if automobile assembly jobs have wages that are 50 percent higher than the economywide average wage, this would lead to spending induced by each 100 jobs in that industry that is 50 percent higher than the economywide average, making the induced spending multiplier this much higher. Further, if the supplier jobs supported by automobile assembly (steel, iron, glass, etc.) pay higher-than-average wages, then this will also increase the induced spending multiplier for the automobile assembly industry. In this paper, I index hourly wages by industry to establish an economywide average (weighted by hours worked, obtained from the BLS ERM data) equal to 1.0. From here, one can express the induced jobs supported by each $1 million in final demand or 100 direct jobs in an industry as simply 100 times the index of average hourly wages in the industry times 0.5 (our respending multiplier). For supplier jobs, I multiply the (179 industries) vector of supplier jobs associated with a given $1 million in final demand or 100 direct jobs in the industry by each industry’s average hourly wage index, multiply by 0.5 (the respending multiplier), and then sum to estimate the induced spending from supplier jobs associated with final demand or direct employment in a given industry. #### Public-sector jobs supported by tax revenue Finally, we can estimate another forward linkage—the number of public-sector jobs (federal, state, and local) associated with each $1 million in final demand or 100 direct jobs in an industry. This measure differs across industries based on the relative wage of the industry. To generate the inputs for this calculation, I multiply each industry’s hourly wage by 2,000 to express it as a full-time, full-year salary. For federal taxes, I multiply this figure by 0.2, and for state and local taxes, by 0.1. These provide rough measures of the federal tax revenue and the state and local tax revenue supported by each job in an industry. I then use BEA data on tax receipts from federal, state, and local governments and BLS CES data on employment counts in these governments to measure how much tax revenue is required to support a public-sector employee in federal employment and how much tax revenue is required to support a public-sector employee in state and local government employment. For each of these two categories of public-sector employment (federal; state and local), I divide the tax revenue generated by each $1 million in final demand or 100 direct jobs in a given industry by this per-employee wage bill, and then sum the two totals, to get a measure of total public-sector employment generated. Appendix Table A1 #### Employment multipliers per 100 direct jobs, all private-sector industries Industry | Direct jobs | Supplier jobs* | Induced jobs** | Total indirect jobs ---|---|---|---|--- Agriculture, forest, fishing, and hunting 1 | Crop production | 100.0 | 74.4 | 55.2 | 129.6 2 | Animal production and aquaculture | 100.0 | 112.4 | 68.0 | 180.4 3 | Forestry | 100.0 | 285.7 | 124.3 | 410.0 4 | Logging | 100.0 | 150.1 | 88.1 | 238.2 5 | Fishing, hunting, and trapping | 100.0 | 116.5 | 59.2 | 175.7 6 | Support activities for agriculture and forestry | 100.0 | 79.7 | 51.2 | 130.9 Mining 7 | Oil and gas extraction | 100.0 | 376.0 | 161.3 | 537.3 8 | Coal mining | 100.0 | 330.8 | 169.6 | 500.4 9 | Metal ore mining | 100.0 | 318.2 | 154.7 | 472.9 10 | Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying | 100.0 | 138.4 | 96.6 | 235.0 11 | Support activities for mining | 100.0 | 121.4 | 105.4 | 226.9 Utilities 12 | Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution | 100.0 | 399.1 | 165.2 | 564.3 13 | Natural gas distribution | 100.0 | 456.5 | 182.3 | 638.8 14 | Water, sewage, and other systems | 100.0 | 1,561.7 | 301.8 | 1,863.5 Construction 15 | Construction | 100.0 | 88.0 | 89.6 | 177.6 Nondurable manufacturing 16 | Animal food manufacturing | 100.0 | 688.1 | 290.6 | 978.7 17 | Grain and oilseed milling | 100.0 | 1,064.1 | 424.8 | 1,488.9 18 | Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing | 100.0 | 212.9 | 118.4 | 331.3 19 | Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing | 100.0 | 269.4 | 143.4 | 412.8 20 | Dairy product manufacturing | 100.0 | 559.4 | 255.4 | 814.9 21 | Animal slaughtering and processing | 100.0 | 254.7 | 126.3 | 380.9 22 | Seafood product preparation and packaging | 100.0 | 134.3 | 84.6 | 218.9 23 | Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing | 100.0 | 170.5 | 100.1 | 270.6 24 | Other food manufacturing | 100.0 | 335.9 | 158.3 | 494.2 25 | Beverage manufacturing | 100.0 | 314.7 | 159.1 | 473.8 26 | Tobacco manufacturing | 100.0 | 3,394.0 | 646.2 | 4,040.2 27 | Textile mills and textile product mills | 100.0 | 109.9 | 94.2 | 204.1 28 | Apparel, leather, and allied product manufacturing | 100.0 | 168.4 | 122.8 | 291.2 29 | Sawmills and wood preservation | 100.0 | 177.8 | 112.1 | 289.9 30 | Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product manufacturing | 100.0 | 137.0 | 103.2 | 240.2 31 | Other wood product manufacturing | 100.0 | 97.3 | 86.2 | 183.5 32 | Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills | 100.0 | 468.3 | 218.3 | 686.6 33 | Converted paper product manufacturing | 100.0 | 186.3 | 132.7 | 319.0 34 | Printing and related support activities | 100.0 | 92.1 | 91.3 | 183.4 35 | Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | 100.0 | 945.9 | 504.7 | 1,450.7 36 | Basic chemical manufacturing | 100.0 | 822.0 | 329.1 | 1,151.1 37 | Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing | 100.0 | 635.7 | 321.9 | 957.6 38 | Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing | 100.0 | 510.0 | 220.0 | 730.0 39 | Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing | 100.0 | 394.4 | 180.4 | 574.8 40 | Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing | 100.0 | 294.7 | 175.8 | 470.5 41 | Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing | 100.0 | 360.1 | 134.9 | 495.1 42 | Other chemical product and preparation manufacturing | 100.0 | 262.6 | 174.1 | 436.6 43 | Plastics product manufacturing | 100.0 | 167.3 | 111.0 | 278.3 44 | Rubber product manufacturing | 100.0 | 143.5 | 102.4 | 245.9 Durable manufacturing 45 | Clay product and refractory manufacturing | 100.0 | 78.6 | 80.7 | 159.3 46 | Glass and glass product manufacturing | 100.0 | 126.0 | 96.0 | 222.0 47 | Cement and concrete product manufacturing | 100.0 | 105.5 | 90.4 | 195.9 48 | Lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | 100.0 | 173.7 | 106.6 | 280.3 49 | Iron and steel mills and ferroalloy manufacturing | 100.0 | 618.2 | 305.6 | 923.7 50 | Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel | 100.0 | 849.4 | 439.7 | 1,289.1 51 | Alumina and aluminum production and processing | 100.0 | 214.3 | 145.0 | 359.2 52 | Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing | 100.0 | 306.5 | 169.8 | 476.2 53 | Foundries | 100.0 | 106.6 | 91.6 | 198.2 54 | Forging and stamping | 100.0 | 186.9 | 129.3 | 316.2 55 | Cutlery and handtool manufacturing | 100.0 | 166.9 | 118.1 | 285.1 56 | Architectural and structural metals manufacturing | 100.0 | 115.7 | 100.3 | 216.0 57 | Boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing | 100.0 | 172.6 | 124.8 | 297.4 58 | Hardware manufacturing | 100.0 | 161.6 | 118.9 | 280.5 59 | Spring and wire product manufacturing | 100.0 | 132.7 | 111.5 | 244.2 60 | Machine shops; turned product; and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing | 100.0 | 85.5 | 87.8 | 173.4 61 | Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities | 100.0 | 91.5 | 80.5 | 172.0 62 | Other fabricated metal product manufacturing | 100.0 | 139.1 | 107.9 | 247.0 63 | Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing | 100.0 | 248.3 | 166.7 | 415.0 64 | Industrial machinery manufacturing | 100.0 | 155.1 | 149.2 | 304.4 65 | Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing | 100.0 | 215.1 | 154.0 | 369.1 66 | HVAC equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 157.8 | 111.1 | 268.9 67 | Metalworking machinery manufacturing | 100.0 | 107.9 | 105.2 | 213.1 68 | Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 275.3 | 186.9 | 462.2 69 | Other general purpose machinery manufacturing | 100.0 | 200.3 | 142.4 | 342.7 70 | Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 56.3 | 102.5 | 158.8 71 | Communications equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 128.4 | 128.5 | 256.9 72 | Audio and video equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 155.4 | 117.1 | 272.5 73 | Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing | 100.0 | 92.9 | 99.3 | 192.2 74 | Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing | 100.0 | 158.7 | 129.7 | 288.4 75 | Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media | 100.0 | 123.7 | 137.7 | 261.4 76 | Electric lighting equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 124.2 | 120.7 | 244.9 77 | Household appliance manufacturing | 100.0 | 141.8 | 124.5 | 266.3 78 | Electrical equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 117.8 | 104.8 | 222.6 79 | Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing | 100.0 | 166.8 | 114.5 | 281.3 80 | Motor vehicle manufacturing | 100.0 | 935.8 | 492.1 | 1,428.0 81 | Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing | 100.0 | 251.1 | 180.6 | 431.7 82 | Motor vehicle parts manufacturing | 100.0 | 209.8 | 161.2 | 371.0 83 | Aerospace product and parts manufacturing | 100.0 | 180.2 | 156.0 | 336.2 84 | Railroad rolling stock manufacturing | 100.0 | 229.6 | 186.3 | 415.9 85 | Ship and boat building | 100.0 | 113.9 | 114.9 | 228.8 86 | Other transportation equipment manufacturing | 100.0 | 342.1 | 206.7 | 548.8 87 | Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing | 100.0 | 74.7 | 75.3 | 150.0 88 | Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing | 100.0 | 124.9 | 92.0 | 217.0 89 | Other furniture-related product manufacturing | 100.0 | 163.0 | 107.5 | 270.6 90 | Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing | 100.0 | 153.2 | 108.3 | 261.4 91 | Other miscellaneous manufacturing | 100.0 | 160.4 | 116.8 | 277.2 Wholesale trade 92 | Wholesale trade | 100.0 | 107.3 | 95.1 | 202.5 Retail trade 93 | Motor vehicle and parts dealers | 100.0 | 52.2 | 64.6 | 116.8 94 | Food and beverage stores | 100.0 | 30.6 | 40.6 | 71.2 95 | General merchandise stores | 100.0 | 30.7 | 42.6 | 73.4 96 | Other retail | 100.0 | 57.9 | 57.6 | 115.5 Transportation and warehousing 97 | Air transportation | 100.0 | 161.3 | 116.5 | 277.8 98 | Rail transportation | 100.0 | 161.6 | 100.1 | 261.7 99 | Water transportation | 100.0 | 545.5 | 228.4 | 773.9 100 | Truck transportation | 100.0 | 108.2 | 83.1 | 191.3 101 | Transit and ground passenger transportation | 100.0 | 109.9 | 61.3 | 171.3 102 | Pipeline transportation | 100.0 | 218.5 | 99.3 | 317.8 103 | Scenic and sightseeing transportation and support activities for transportation | 100.0 | 134.5 | 87.9 | 222.4 104 | Couriers and messengers | 100.0 | 84.5 | 72.6 | 157.1 105 | Warehousing and storage | 100.0 | 53.2 | 58.5 | 111.7 Information 106 | Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers | 100.0 | 154.7 | 113.6 | 268.3 107 | Software publishers | 100.0 | 193.6 | 180.3 | 373.8 108 | Motion picture, video, and sound recording industries | 100.0 | 96.5 | 96.4 | 192.9 109 | Radio and television broadcasting | 100.0 | 195.3 | 141.2 | 336.5 110 | Cable and other subscription programming | 100.0 | 711.8 | 314.1 | 1,025.9 111 | Wired telecommunications carriers | 100.0 | 284.0 | 161.7 | 445.7 112 | Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) | 100.0 | 936.9 | 374.2 | 1,311.1 113 | Satellite, telecommunications resellers, and all other telecommunications | 100.0 | 266.7 | 171.9 | 438.6 114 | Data processing, hosting, and related services | 100.0 | 337.3 | 233.0 | 570.3 115 | Other information services | 100.0 | 218.0 | 164.5 | 382.5 Finance and insurance 116 | Monetary authorities, credit intermediation, and related activities | 100.0 | 112.7 | 100.4 | 213.1 117 | Securities, commodity contracts, funds, trusts, and related activities | 100.0 | 293.6 | 216.4 | 510.0 118 | Insurance carriers | 100.0 | 189.4 | 146.4 | 335.8 119 | Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance related activities | 100.0 | 63.2 | 88.8 | 152.0 Real estate and rental leasing 120 | Real estate | 100.0 | 382.0 | 165.9 | 547.9 121 | Automotive equipment rental and leasing | 100.0 | 376.3 | 194.3 | 570.6 122 | Consumer goods rental and general rental centers | 100.0 | 150.1 | 96.0 | 246.1 123 | Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing | 100.0 | 344.9 | 178.9 | 523.8 124 | Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) | 100.0 | 4,374.7 | 1,625.0 | 5,999.7 Professional, scientific, and technical services 125 | Legal services | 100.0 | 89.2 | 111.3 | 200.5 126 | Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services | 100.0 | 52.0 | 81.3 | 133.4 127 | Architectural, engineering, and related services | 100.0 | 90.0 | 114.1 | 204.1 128 | Specialized design services | 100.0 | 67.5 | 97.4 | 164.9 129 | Computer systems design and related services | 100.0 | 134.1 | 149.3 | 283.4 130 | Management, scientific, and technical consulting services | 100.0 | 91.1 | 116.5 | 207.6 131 | Scientific research and development services | 100.0 | 519.3 | 323.7 | 842.9 132 | Advertising, public relations, and related services | 100.0 | 460.9 | 270.7 | 731.6 133 | Other professional, scientific, and technical services | 100.0 | 70.8 | 83.6 | 154.3 Management of companies 134 | Management of companies and enterprises | 100.0 | 144.4 | 138.6 | 283.1 Administrative and support services and waste management 135 | Office administrative services | 100.0 | 51.9 | 88.4 | 140.3 136 | Facilities support services | 100.0 | 140.2 | 96.5 | 236.7 137 | Employment services | 100.0 | 31.3 | 50.1 | 81.4 138 | Business support services | 100.0 | 54.6 | 62.2 | 116.7 139 | Travel arrangement and reservation services | 100.0 | 133.7 | 106.3 | 240.0 140 | Investigation and security services | 100.0 | 30.8 | 47.0 | 77.9 141 | Services to buildings and dwellings | 100.0 | 29.8 | 46.3 | 76.1 142 | Other support services | 100.0 | 119.9 | 95.8 | 215.7 143 | Waste management and remediation services | 100.0 | 131.4 | 99.7 | 231.1 Educational services 144 | Elementary and secondary schools (private) | 100.0 | 24.3 | 65.2 | 89.5 145 | Junior colleges, colleges, universities, and professional schools (private) | 100.0 | 93.9 | 88.1 | 182.0 146 | Other educational services (private) | 100.0 | 47.7 | 73.7 | 121.4 Health care and social assistance 147 | Offices of physicians | 100.0 | 87.5 | 115.3 | 202.8 148 | Offices of dentists | 100.0 | 56.9 | 86.0 | 142.9 149 | Offices of other health practitioners | 100.0 | 43.1 | 68.3 | 111.4 150 | Outpatient care centers | 100.0 | 72.1 | 88.0 | 160.1 151 | Medical and diagnostic laboratories | 100.0 | 84.6 | 92.0 | 176.6 152 | Home health care services | 100.0 | 41.6 | 56.5 | 98.1 153 | Other ambulatory health care services | 100.0 | 81.9 | 78.1 | 160.0 154 | Hospitals (private) | 100.0 | 123.7 | 112.7 | 236.5 155 | Nursing and residential care facilities | 100.0 | 44.6 | 52.1 | 96.7 156 | Individual and family services | 100.0 | 22.9 | 43.7 | 66.6 157 | Community and vocational rehabilitation services | 100.0 | 60.5 | 59.8 | 120.3 158 | Child day care services | 100.0 | 23.8 | 38.8 | 62.7 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 159 | Performing arts companies | 100.0 | 208.9 | 151.6 | 360.5 160 | Spectator sports | 100.0 | 132.5 | 114.4 | 246.9 161 | Promoters of events, and agents and managers | 100.0 | 265.6 | 181.4 | 447.0 162 | Independent artists, writers, and performers | 100.0 | 73.7 | 99.7 | 173.5 163 | Museums, historical sites, and similar institutions | 100.0 | 75.7 | 76.5 | 152.2 164 | Amusement parks and arcades | 100.0 | 59.7 | 49.0 | 108.7 165 | Gambling industries (except casino hotels) | 100.0 | 817.9 | 228.6 | 1,046.5 166 | Other amusement and recreation industries | 100.0 | 52.5 | 55.2 | 107.6 Accommodation and food services 167 | Accommodation | 100.0 | 78.2 | 62.8 | 141.0 168 | Food services and drinking places | 100.0 | 49.6 | 46.8 | 96.4 Other services (except public administration) 169 | Automotive repair and maintenance | 100.0 | 125.5 | 88.8 | 214.3 170 | Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance | 100.0 | 281.2 | 166.5 | 447.7 171 | Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance | 100.0 | 171.1 | 119.5 | 290.6 172 | Personal and household goods repair and maintenance | 100.0 | 200.7 | 115.1 | 315.8 173 | Personal care services | 100.0 | 30.6 | 47.4 | 77.9 174 | Death care services | 100.0 | 38.7 | 57.1 | 95.8 175 | Drycleaning and laundry services | 100.0 | 66.6 | 53.0 | 119.6 176 | Other personal services | 100.0 | 130.2 | 74.6 | 204.8 177 | Religious organizations | 100.0 | 32.7 | 55.6 | 88.2 178 | Grantmaking and giving services and social advocacy organizations | 100.0 | 56.7 | 87.6 | 144.3 179 | Civic, social, professional, and similar organizations | 100.0 | 31.0 | 67.2 | 98.2 * Includes materials and capital services supplier jobs ** Includes jobs supported by respending of income from direct jobs and supplier jobs, as well as public-sector jobs supported by tax revenue Note: See methods appendix for derivation. Source: EPI analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Requirements Matrices, the BLS Current Employment Statistics program, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP-by-industry accounts Share on Facebook Tweet this chart Embed Copy the code below to embed this chart on your website. <iframe loading=\"lazy\" width=\"100%\" height=\"460\" src=\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe> Download image Appendix Table A2 #### Employment multipliers per $1 million in final demand, all private-sector industries Industry | Direct jobs | Supplier jobs* | Induced jobs** | Total indirect jobs ---|---|---|---|--- Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 1 | Crop production | 6.96 | 5.18 | 3.84 | 9.02 2 | Animal production and aquaculture | 5.13 | 5.77 | 3.49 | 9.26 3 | Forestry | 2.62 | 7.49 | 3.26 | 10.74 4 | Logging | 5.45 | 8.18 | 4.80 | 12.98 5 | Fishing, hunting, and trapping | 3.03 | 3.53 | 1.79 | 5.32 6 | Support activities for agriculture and forestry | 5.09 | 4.06 | 2.61 | 6.66 Mining 7 | Oil and gas extraction | 0.72 | 2.72 | 1.17 | 3.89 8 | Coal mining | 1.27 | 4.19 | 2.15 | 6.34 9 | Metal ore mining | 1.17 | 3.73 | 1.81 | 5.54 10 | Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying | 2.69 | 3.72 | 2.60 | 6.31 11 | Support activities for mining | 3.55 | 4.31 | 3.74 | 8.06 Utilities 12 | Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution | 1.06 | 4.23 | 1.75 | 5.98 13 | Natural gas distribution | 0.99 | 4.52 | 1.80 | 6.32 14 | Water, sewage, and other systems | 0.67 | 10.46 | 2.02 | 12.48 Construction 15 | Construction | 5.45 | 4.80 | 4.88 | 9.68 Nondurable manufacturing 16 | Animal food manufacturing | 0.98 | 6.72 | 2.84 | 9.55 17 | Grain and oilseed milling | 0.69 | 7.38 | 2.95 | 10.33 18 | Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing | 2.59 | 5.52 | 3.07 | 8.58 19 | Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing | 2.50 | 6.75 | 3.59 | 10.34 20 | Dairy product manufacturing | 1.39 | 7.80 | 3.56 | 11.36 21 | Animal slaughtering and processing | 2.80 | 7.13 | 3.54 | 10.67 22 | Seafood product preparation and packaging | 3.44 | 4.62 | 2.91 | 7.53 23 | Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing | 4.40 | 7.50 | 4.40 | 11.90 24 | Other food manufacturing | 1.87 | 6.29 | 2.96 | 9.25 25 | Beverage manufacturing | 1.95 | 6.13 | 3.10 | 9.23 26 | Tobacco manufacturing | 0.22 | 7.52 | 1.43 | 8.96 27 | Textile mills and textile product mills | 3.81 | 4.19 | 3.59 | 7.78 28 | Apparel, leather, and allied product manufacturing | 3.50 | 5.89 | 4.30 | 10.19 29 | Sawmills and wood preservation | 3.42 | 6.08 | 3.83 | 9.91 30 | Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product manufacturing | 3.93 | 5.38 | 4.05 | 9.43 31 | Other wood product manufacturing | 4.88 | 4.75 | 4.20 | 8.95 32 | Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills | 1.24 | 5.79 | 2.70 | 8.50 33 | Converted paper product manufacturing | 2.47 | 4.60 | 3.27 | 7.87 34 | Printing and related support activities | 4.88 | 4.49 | 4.46 | 8.95 35 | Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | 0.22 | 2.08 | 1.11 | 3.20 36 | Basic chemical manufacturing | 0.69 | 5.63 | 2.25 | 7.89 37 | Resin, synthetic rubber, and artificial synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing | 0.73 | 4.67 | 2.36 | 7.03 38 | Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing | 0.89 | 4.54 | 1.96 | 6.49 39 | Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing | 1.14 | 4.49 | 2.06 | 6.55 40 | Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing | 1.50 | 4.43 | 2.64 | 7.08 41 | Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing | 1.39 | 5.01 | 1.88 | 6.89 42 | Other chemical product and preparation manufacturing | 1.60 | 4.20 | 2.79 | 6.99 43 | Plastics product manufacturing | 2.93 | 4.90 | 3.25 | 8.15 44 | Rubber product manufacturing | 3.15 | 4.53 | 3.23 | 7.76 Durable manufacturing 45 | Clay product and refractory manufacturing | 5.31 | 4.17 | 4.28 | 8.46 46 | Glass and glass product manufacturing | 3.71 | 4.68 | 3.56 | 8.24 47 | Cement and concrete product manufacturing | 4.32 | 4.56 | 3.91 | 8.47 48 | Lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | 2.85 | 4.95 | 3.04 | 7.99 49 | Iron and steel mills and ferroalloy manufacturing | 0.81 | 5.01 | 2.47 | 7.48 50 | Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel | 0.80 | 6.79 | 3.51 | 10.30 51 | Alumina and aluminum production and processing | 2.03 | 4.35 | 2.94 | 7.29 52 | Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing | 1.40 | 4.29 | 2.38 | 6.67 53 | Foundries | 4.01 | 4.28 | 3.67 | 7.95 54 | Forging and stamping | 2.47 | 4.62 | 3.20 | 7.81 55 | Cutlery and handtool manufacturing | 2.87 | 4.79 | 3.39 | 8.18 56 | Architectural and structural metals manufacturing | 4.00 | 4.63 | 4.01 | 8.63 57 | Boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing | 2.51 | 4.34 | 3.13 | 7.47 58 | Hardware manufacturing | 2.83 | 4.57 | 3.36 | 7.93 59 | Spring and wire product manufacturing | 3.62 | 4.81 | 4.04 | 8.85 60 | Machine shops; turned product; and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing | 5.03 | 4.30 | 4.41 | 8.71 61 | Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities | 4.63 | 4.23 | 3.73 | 7.96 62 | Other fabricated metal product manufacturing | 3.29 | 4.58 | 3.55 | 8.12 63 | Agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing | 1.87 | 4.64 | 3.11 | 7.75 64 | Industrial machinery manufacturing | 2.83 | 4.38 | 4.22 | 8.60 65 | Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing | 2.26 | 4.85 | 3.47 | 8.33 66 | HVAC equipment manufacturing | 2.89 | 4.56 | 3.21 | 7.76 67 | Metalworking machinery manufacturing | 4.36 | 4.70 | 4.59 | 9.29 68 | Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing | 1.75 | 4.83 | 3.28 | 8.10 69 | Other general purpose machinery manufacturing | 2.28 | 4.57 | 3.25 | 7.82 70 | Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing | 4.37 | 2.46 | 4.48 | 6.95 71 | Communications equipment manufacturing | 1.65 | 2.12 | 2.12 | 4.24 72 | Audio and video equipment manufacturing | 3.05 | 4.74 | 3.58 | 8.32 73 | Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing | 2.96 | 2.75 | 2.93 | 5.68 74 | Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing | 2.13 | 3.38 | 2.76 | 6.14 75 | Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media | 2.76 | 3.42 | 3.80 | 7.22 76 | Electric lighting equipment manufacturing | 3.67 | 4.56 | 4.43 | 9.00 77 | Household appliance manufacturing | 3.23 | 4.58 | 4.02 | 8.60 78 | Electrical equipment manufacturing | 3.35 | 3.94 | 3.51 | 7.45 79 | Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing | 2.45 | 4.09 | 2.81 | 6.90 80 | Motor vehicle manufacturing | 0.50 | 4.71 | 2.48 | 7.19 81 | Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing | 2.02 | 5.08 | 3.65 | 8.73 82 | Motor vehicle parts manufacturing | 2.03 | 4.26 | 3.27 | 7.53 83 | Aerospace product and parts manufacturing | 2.13 | 3.85 | 3.33 | 7.17 84 | Railroad rolling stock manufacturing | 1.91 | 4.39 | 3.56 | 7.96 85 | Ship and boat building | 3.93 | 4.47 | 4.51 | 8.98 86 | Other transportation equipment manufacturing | 1.38 | 4.72 | 2.85 | 7.57 87 | Household and institutional furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturing | 6.59 | 4.93 | 4.97 | 9.89 88 | Office furniture (including fixtures) manufacturing | 4.02 | 5.03 | 3.70 | 8.73 89 | Other furniture-related product manufacturing | 3.51 | 5.71 | 3.77 | 9.48 90 | Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing | 3.03 | 4.63 | 3.28 | 7.91 91 | Other miscellaneous manufacturing | 3.35 | 5.38 | 3.92 | 9.30 Wholesale trade 92 | Wholesale trade | 3.79 | 4.07 | 3.61 | 7.68 Retail trade 93 | Motor vehicle and parts dealers | 7.37 | 3.85 | 4.76 | 8.61 94 | Food and beverage stores | 13.62 | 4.17 | 5.53 | 9.70 95 | General merchandise stores | 13.77 | 4.23 | 5.87 | 10.10 96 | Other retail | 8.57 | 4.96 | 4.93 | 9.89 Transportation and warehousing 97 | Air transportation | 2.50 | 4.03 | 2.91 | 6.93 98 | Rail transportation | 2.64 | 4.27 | 2.64 | 6.91 99 | Water transportation | 1.06 | 5.80 | 2.43 | 8.22 100 | Truck transportation | 5.01 | 5.42 | 4.16 | 9.58 101 | Transit and ground passenger transportation | 8.04 | 8.84 | 4.93 | 13.77 102 | Pipeline transportation | 1.46 | 3.18 | 1.45 | 4.63 103 | Scenic and sightseeing transportation and support activities for transportation | 4.99 | 6.71 | 4.39 | 11.11 104 | Couriers and messengers | 6.90 | 5.83 | 5.01 | 10.83 105 | Warehousing and storage | 9.18 | 4.88 | 5.37 | 10.25 Information 106 | Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers | 3.44 | 5.33 | 3.91 | 9.24 107 | Software publishers | 1.96 | 3.80 | 3.54 | 7.34 108 | Motion picture, video, and sound recording industries | 3.42 | 3.30 | 3.29 | 6.59 109 | Radio and television broadcasting | 2.24 | 4.38 | 3.17 | 7.55 110 | Cable and other subscription programming | 0.62 | 4.38 | 1.93 | 6.32 111 | Wired telecommunications carriers | 1.49 | 4.24 | 2.41 | 6.65 112 | Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) | 0.50 | 4.71 | 1.88 | 6.58 113 | Satellite, telecommunications resellers, and all other telecommunications | 1.65 | 4.41 | 2.84 | 7.25 114 | Data processing, hosting, and related services | 1.92 | 6.46 | 4.47 | 10.93 115 | Other information services | 2.37 | 5.17 | 3.90 | 9.07 Finance and insurance 116 | Monetary authorities, credit intermediation, and related activities | 3.73 | 4.20 | 3.74 | 7.94 117 | Securities, commodity contracts, funds, trusts, and related activities | 1.78 | 5.23 | 3.85 | 9.08 118 | Insurance carriers | 2.55 | 4.83 | 3.73 | 8.56 119 | Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance related activities | 6.44 | 4.07 | 5.72 | 9.79 Real estate and rental leasing 120 | Real estate | 1.40 | 5.34 | 2.32 | 7.66 121 | Automotive equipment rental and leasing | 1.61 | 6.05 | 3.12 | 9.17 122 | Consumer goods rental and general rental centers | 4.55 | 6.82 | 4.36 | 11.19 123 | Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing | 1.41 | 4.87 | 2.53 | 7.39 124 | Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) | 0.13 | 5.77 | 2.14 | 7.91 Professional, scientific, and technical services 125 | Legal services | 4.07 | 3.63 | 4.53 | 8.16 126 | Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services | 6.42 | 3.34 | 5.22 | 8.56 127 | Architectural, engineering, and related services | 5.41 | 4.87 | 6.17 | 11.04 128 | Specialized design services | 7.48 | 5.05 | 7.29 | 12.34 129 | Computer systems design and related services | 4.03 | 5.41 | 6.02 | 11.43 130 | Management, scientific, and technical consulting services | 5.12 | 4.66 | 5.96 | 10.63 131 | Scientific research and development services | 1.29 | 6.68 | 4.17 | 10.85 132 | Advertising, public relations, and related services | 1.43 | 6.58 | 3.87 | 10.45 133 | Other professional, scientific, and technical services | 6.10 | 4.32 | 5.10 | 9.41 Management of companies 134 | Management of companies and enterprises | 3.59 | 5.18 | 4.97 | 10.16 Administrative and support services and waste management 135 | Office administrative services | 7.71 | 4.00 | 6.81 | 10.81 136 | Facilities support services | 4.44 | 6.23 | 4.29 | 10.52 137 | Employment services | 12.79 | 4.01 | 6.41 | 10.41 138 | Business support services | 10.99 | 6.00 | 6.83 | 12.83 139 | Travel arrangement and reservation services | 4.59 | 6.13 | 4.88 | 11.00 140 | Investigation and security services | 14.74 | 4.54 | 6.93 | 11.47 141 | Services to buildings and dwellings | 15.18 | 4.52 | 7.03 | 11.55 142 | Other support services | 5.77 | 6.92 | 5.53 | 12.45 143 | Waste management and remediation services | 4.30 | 5.66 | 4.29 | 9.95 Educational services 144 | Elementary and secondary schools (private) | 19.35 | 4.71 | 12.61 | 17.32 145 | Junior colleges, colleges, universities, and professional schools (private) | 6.15 | 5.77 | 5.41 | 11.19 146 | Other educational services (private) | 10.29 | 4.91 | 7.58 | 12.49 Health care and social assistance 147 | Offices of physicians | 5.10 | 4.47 | 5.88 | 10.35 148 | Offices of dentists | 7.15 | 4.06 | 6.15 | 10.21 149 | Offices of other health practitioners | 9.40 | 4.05 | 6.42 | 10.48 150 | Outpatient care centers | 6.93 | 5.00 | 6.10 | 11.10 151 | Medical and diagnostic laboratories | 5.38 | 4.55 | 4.94 | 9.49 152 | Home health care services | 13.32 | 5.54 | 7.53 | 13.07 153 | Other ambulatory health care services | 6.06 | 4.97 | 4.73 | 9.70 154 | Hospitals (private) | 4.86 | 6.01 | 5.48 | 11.49 155 | Nursing and residential care facilities | 13.25 | 5.91 | 6.91 | 12.82 156 | Individual and family services | 22.36 | 5.12 | 9.77 | 14.89 157 | Community and vocational rehabilitation services | 9.73 | 5.89 | 5.82 | 11.70 158 | Child day care services | 21.17 | 5.04 | 8.23 | 13.27 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 159 | Performing arts companies | 3.55 | 7.41 | 5.38 | 12.78 160 | Spectator sports | 3.43 | 4.55 | 3.93 | 8.47 161 | Promoters of events, and agents and managers | 2.98 | 7.92 | 5.41 | 13.33 162 | Independent artists, writers, and performers | 6.90 | 5.09 | 6.88 | 11.97 163 | Museums, historical sites, and similar institutions | 8.25 | 6.24 | 6.31 | 12.55 164 | Amusement parks and arcades | 7.37 | 4.40 | 3.61 | 8.01 165 | Gambling industries (except casino hotels) | 1.20 | 9.83 | 2.75 | 12.57 166 | Other amusement and recreation industries | 12.31 | 6.46 | 6.79 | 13.25 Accommodation and food services 167 | Accommodation | 7.05 | 5.51 | 4.43 | 9.94 168 | Food services and drinking places | 13.15 | 6.53 | 6.15 | 12.67 Other services (except public administration) 169 | Automotive repair and maintenance | 5.41 | 6.79 | 4.80 | 11.59 170 | Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance | 2.37 | 6.65 | 3.94 | 10.59 171 | Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance | 3.18 | 5.44 | 3.80 | 9.24 172 | Personal and household goods repair and maintenance | 3.50 | 7.03 | 4.03 | 11.06 173 | Personal care services | 12.78 | 3.90 | 6.05 | 9.95 174 | Death care services | 6.20 | 2.40 | 3.54 | 5.94 175 | Drycleaning and laundry services | 9.06 | 6.03 | 4.80 | 10.83 176 | Other personal services | 4.39 | 5.72 | 3.28 | 9.00 177 | Religious organizations | 18.85 | 6.16 | 10.47 | 16.63 178 | Grantmaking and giving services and social advocacy organizations | 6.89 | 3.90 | 6.03 | 9.93 179 | Civic, social, professional, and similar organizations | 10.67 | 3.31 | 7.17 | 10.48 * Includes materials and capital services supplier jobs ** Includes jobs supported by respending of income from direct jobs and supplier jobs, as well as public-sector jobs supported by tax revenue Note: Methods described in appendix. Source: EPI analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Requirements Matrices, the BLS Current Employment Statistics program, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP-by-industry accounts Share on Facebook Tweet this chart Embed Copy the code below to embed this chart on your website. <iframe loading=\"lazy\" width=\"100%\" height=\"460\" src=\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe> Download image ## Endnotes 1\. This might seem too conservative at first glance, as most workers aren’t able to save half of their earnings. But this respending multiplier also includes the effect of taxes on earnings (which reduces the share of gross earnings available to be spent by workers on consumption goods) as well as the effect of imports—spending by workers that does not support demand in other domestic sectors of the economy. Even accounting for these effects, 0.5 might be too small. However, changing this parameter does not change the ranking of industries’ importance in generating induced jobs, just the raw numbers. 2\. The spreadsheet is downloadable at ## References Bivens, Josh. 2003. “Updated Employment Multipliers for the U.S. Economy.” Economic Policy Institute Working Paper no. 268. Baker, Dean, and Thea Lee. 1993. “Employment Multipliers for the U.S. Economy.” Economic Policy Institute Working Paper no. 107. Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor) Employment Requirements Matrix. 2017. “Historical Employment Requirements Tables, 1997–2016.” Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor) Current Employment Statistics program. Various years. Employment, Hours and Earnings—National [database]. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA), Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Accessed November 2018. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). GDP-by-Industry, KLEMS data. Accessed November 2018. See related work on Macroeconomics | Manufacturing | Jobs and Unemployment See more work by Josh Bivens Search for: Advanced search ![](\\" See related work on Macroeconomics, Manufacturing, and Jobs and Unemployment See more work by Josh Bivens ## Sign up to stay informed New research, insightful graphics, and event invites in your inbox every week. EPI is an independent, nonprofit think tank that researches the impact of economic trends and policies on working people in the United States. 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The current federal government created a very large number of jobs 167 million
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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Statements and Releases In President Biden’s first year in office, the Biden-Harris Administration has implemented an industrial strategy to revitalize domestic manufacturing, create good-paying American jobs, strengthen American supply chains, and accelerate the industries of the future. These policies have spurred an historic recovery in manufacturing, adding 642,000 manufacturing jobs since 2021. Companies are investing in America again, bringing good-paying manufacturing jobs back home. The construction of new manufacturing facilities has increased 116 percent over last year. Today, President Biden will sign into law the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which will build on this progress, making historic investments that will poise U.S. workers, communities, and businesses to win the race for the 21st century. It will strengthen American manufacturing, supply chains, and national security, and invest in research and development, science and technology, and the workforce of the future to keep the United States the leader in the industries of tomorrow, including nanotechnology, clean energy, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence. The CHIPS and Science Act makes the smart investments so that Americans can compete in and win the future. _Spurred by the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, this week, companies have announced nearly $50 billion in additional investments in American semiconductor manufacturing, bringing total business investment to nearly $150 billion since President Biden took office:_ * Micron is announcing a _$40 billion_ investment in memory chip manufacturing, critical for computers and electronic devices, which will create up to 40,000 new jobs in construction and manufacturing. This investment alone will bring the U.S. market share of memory chip production from less than 2 percent to up to 10 percent over the next decade. * Qualcomm and GlobalFoundries are announcing a new partnership that includes $4.2 billion to manufacture chips in an expansion of GlobalFoundries’ upstate New York facility. Qualcomm, the leading fabless semiconductor company in the world, announced plans to increase semiconductor production in the U.S. by up to 50 percent over the next five years. The CHIPS and Science Act will boost American semiconductor research, development, and production, ensuring U.S. leadership in the technology that forms the foundation of everything from automobiles to household appliances to defense systems. America invented the semiconductor, but today produces about 10 percent of the world’s supply—and none of the most advanced chips. Instead, we rely on East Asia for 75 percent of global production. The CHIPS and Science Act will unlock hundreds of billions more in private sector semiconductor investment across the country, including production essential to national defense and critical sectors. The law will also ensure the United States maintains and advances its scientific and technological edge. In the mid-1960s, at the peak of the race to the moon, the federal government invested 2 percent of GDP in research and development. By 2020, that number had fallen to less than 1 percent. Economic growth and prosperity over the last 40 years has clustered in a few regions on the coasts, leaving far too many communities behind. The CHIPS and Science Act will ensure the future is made in ALL of America, and unlock opportunities in science and technology for those who have been historically left out. _The Biden-Harris Administration has already taken action to ensure expedient, responsible deployment of CHIPS and Science Act funding:_ * Coordinated permitting for high-tech manufacturing. Today, the Administration is announcing the launch of a sector-specific interagency expert working group on permitting and permitting-related project delivery issues for high-tech manufacturing, consistent with the President’s Permitting Action Plan announced in May. This interagency working group will build on the interagency CHIPS and Science Act planning to date between the Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Commerce. It will help to ensure collaboration and coordination across federal agencies, the private sector, and with state and local governments to facilitate timely and effective reviews of all federally-funded projects. The working group will also serve as a clearinghouse for best practices with respect to permitting and other project delivery issues to support implementation of projects funded by the bill. * President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) releases new recommendations on semiconductors R&D. Today, PCAST sent a letter to the President with their recommendations for implementing the CHIPS and Science Act, including: forming a national microelectronics training network for semiconductor workforce development across academic institutions, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges; fostering innovation by reducing the barriers of entry to startups; recommending the development of a “chiplet platform” to enable startups and researchers to more rapidly innovate at lower cost; and setting a national semiconductor research agenda with fundamental research and grand challenges to, for example, build the first “zettascale supercomputer” which would be 1,000 times faster than the fastest supercomputer available today. The full PCAST semiconductors report will be released this fall. _The CHIPS and Science Act will:_ * Bolster U.S. leadership in semiconductors. The CHIPS and Science Act provides $52.7 billion for American semiconductor research, development, manufacturing, and workforce development. This includes $39 billion in manufacturing incentives, including $2 billion for the legacy chips used in automobiles and defense systems, $13.2 billion in R&D and workforce development,and $500 million to provide for international information communications technology security and semiconductor supply chain activities. It also provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing of semiconductors and related equipment. These incentives will secure domestic supply, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private investment. The bill requires recipients to demonstrate significant worker and community investments, including opportunities for small businesses and disadvantaged communities, ensuring semiconductor incentives support equitable economic growth and development. These funds also come with strong guardrails, ensuring that recipients do not build certain facilities in China and other countries of concern, and preventing companies from using taxpayer funds for stock buybacks and shareholder dividends. It will also support good-paying, union construction jobs by requiring Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates for facilities built with CHIPS funding. * Promote U.S. innovation in wireless supply chains. The CHIPS and Science Act includes $1.5 billion for promoting and deploying wireless technologies that use open and interoperable radio access networks. This investment will boost U.S. leadership in wireless technologies and their supply chains. * Advance U.S. global leadership in the technologies of the future. U.S. leadership in new technologies—from artificial intelligence to biotechnology to computing—is critical to both our future economic competitiveness and our national security. Public investments in R&D lay the foundation for the future breakthroughs that over time yield new businesses, new jobs, and more exports. The CHIPS and Science Act will establish a technology, innovation, and partnerships directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF) to focus on fields like semiconductors and advanced computing, advanced communications technology, advanced energy technologies, quantum information technologies, and biotechnology. It will strengthen commercialization of research and technology, ensuring that what is invented in America is made in America. The Act will also reauthorize and expand fundamental and use-inspired research at the Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to sustain U.S. leadership in the sciences and engineering as the engine for American innovation. * Catalyze regional economic growth and development. The CHIPS and Science Act authorizes $10 billion to invest in regional innovation and technology hubs across the country, bringing together state and local governments, institutes of higher education, labor unions, businesses, and community-based organizations to create regional partnerships to develop technology, innovation, and manufacturing sectors.These hubs will create jobs, spur regional economic development, and position communities throughout the country to lead in high-growth, high-wage sectors such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy technology. It also authorizes a $1 billion RECOMPETE pilot program at the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) to alleviate persistent economic distress and support long-term comprehensive economic development and job creation in the most distressed communities. * Provide STEM opportunities to more of America to participate in good-paying skilled jobs. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and workforce development activities are critical to developing skills needed for taking on the highly-skilled jobs of the emerging industries built on technologies of the future. To ensure more people from all backgrounds and all regions and communities around the country, especially people from marginalized, under-served, and under-resourced communities, can benefit from and participate in STEM education and training opportunities, the CHIPS and Science Act authorizes new and expanded investments in STEM education and training from K-12 to community college, undergraduate and graduate education. * Drive opportunity and equity for all of America in STEM and innovation. The legislation authorizes investments to expand the geographic and institutional diversity of research institutions and the students and researchers they serve, including new initiatives to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions, and other academic institutions providing opportunities to historically-underserved students and communities, primarily through the National Science Foundation (NSF). The CHIPS and Science Act also broadens the geographic diversity of research and innovation funding to leverage the talent and ideas found all across America. The legislation also gives agencies and institutions the mission and the tools to combat sexual and gender-based harassment in the sciences, a demonstrated barrier to participation in STEM for too many Americans. Through these investments and initiatives, the bill would support learners, educators, and researchers at minority-serving and emerging research institutions and in rural communities, as well as broaden participation to include people of all backgrounds and experiences, driving the creation of a STEM ecosystem that looks like and benefits all of America. 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E-mail: Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Mehmet Seckin Aday Mehmet Seckin Aday Food Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University , Canakkale, Turkey Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Food Quality and Safety, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 167–180, Published: 24 August 2020 Article history Received: 07 July 2020 Revision received: 10 August 2020 Editorial decision: 16 August 2020 Published: 24 August 2020 Corrected and typeset: 03 November 2020 * ![\\"pdf\\"](\\"//\\"/)PDF * Split View * Views * Article contents * Cite ### Cite Serpil Aday, Mehmet Seckin Aday, Impact of COVID-19 on the food supply chain, Food Quality and Safety, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 167–180, Select Format Select format .ris (Mendeley, Papers, Zotero) .enw (EndNote) .bibtex (BibTex) .txt (Medlars, RefWorks) Download citation Close * Permissions Icon Permissions * Share Icon Share __ * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * Email Navbar Search Filter Food Quality and SafetyThis issue BooksJournalsOxford Academic Mobile Enter search term Search Close Navbar Search Filter Food Quality and SafetyThis issue BooksJournalsOxford Academic Enter search term Search Advanced Search Search Menu ## Abstract A pandemic is not a new event encountered in the history of humanity because mankind has faced various pandemics in history. The common point of pandemics is their serious negative effects on the global economy. Considering the food supply chain, one of the most important sectors of the economy, it has been seen that COVID-19 has an impact on the whole process from the field to the consumer. In the light of recent challenges in food supply chain, there is now considerable concern about food production, processing, distribution, and demand. COVID-19 resulted in the movement restrictions of workers, changes in demand of consumers, closure of food production facilities, restricted food trade policies, and financial pressures in food supply chain. Therefore, governments should facilitate the movement of workers and agri-food products. In addition, small farmers or vulnerable people should be supported financially. Facilities should change the working conditions and maintain the health and safety of employees by altering safety measures. Food protectionist policies should be avoided to prevent an increase in food prices. In conclusion, each country must realize the severity of the situation and sometimes should tighten or loosen the measures according to the spread of the pandemic. The supply chain also should be flexible enough to respond to the challenges in the food supply chain. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the agriculture and food sector and to summarize the recommendations required to reduce and control the effect of the pandemic. pandemic, COVID-19, agriculture, food, supply chain ## Introduction As the COVID-19 disease spread rapidly to six continents by the novel coronavirus SARS-nCoV-2, many countries around the world have declared state of health emergency. On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the rapidly spreading disease as a pandemic and called on countries to plan preparatory and response actions in line with the Global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (WHO, 2020a; Vasavada, 2020). WHO explained that a pandemic caused by a coronavirus has not been seen before, and this disease is the first pandemic caused by the coronavirus. COVID-19 is the fifth pandemic, following 1918 influenza virus (H1N1), 1957 influenza virus (H2N2), 1968 influenza virus (H3N2), and 2009 Pandemic flu (H1N1), that resulted in the human deaths of around 50 million, 1.5 million, 1 million, and 300 000, respectively (Liu et al., 2020). WHO indicated that this outbreak is not just a public health crisis, but it is a crisis that will touch every sector. Therefore, every sector and every individual should be involved in this struggle (WHO, 2020c). As of 5 August 2020, the number of cases per 1 million population is given for different regions as follows: 9 613.03 in Americas, 3 694.43 in Europe, 1 136.41 in South-East Asia, 2 167.25 in Eastern Mediterranean, 742.75 in Africa, and 176.36 in Western Pacific region. The global total of confirmed cases has reached to 17 528. 223 per 1 million population and 687.64 per 1 million population for corresponding deaths (WHO, 2020b). The ‘Strategic preparedness and response plan’ by WHO includes the health measures that all countries had to prepare for and respond to this pandemic. This plan covers what we have learned about the virus so far and aims to transform this information into strategic action that can guide all national and international partners while developing national and regional operational plans. According to this plan, priority steps and actions are outlined in eight main topics: * Coordination, planning, and monitoring at the country level; * Risk communication and community participation; * Surveillance, quick response teams, and case investigation; * Entry points; * National laboratories; * Prevention and control of infection; * Situation management; * Operational support and logistics (WHO, 2020a). The implementation of these measures caused the closure of workplaces and educational institutions, and temporary restrictions in travels and social meetings. Flexible working from home and online meetings have become standard practices nowadays. However, people who work in the food industry do not have work from home option hence they need to keep their typical office routines (Nicola et al., 2020; FAO and WHO, 2020). As a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis, response plans for food workers were developed to provide guidance for continuity of operations in the food processing facilities and manage coronavirus in the food industry. Especially meat and poultry processing industries can be defined as the critical infrastructure in food and agriculture. The plan includes a hierarchy of control requirements for cleaning, sanitation, disinfection of facilities, screening, and monitoring of workers for COVID-19, managing the sick employees and education programs for workers and supervisors to prevent the spread of coronavirus (CDC, 2020b). Every industry in the world expects to see how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect the manufacturing industry, and the food industry is no different from other industries. However, the difference in the food industry from other industries is to produce products that are essential for daily life. Everybody knows that if one factory closes, a certain number of people who works at these factories have the potential to starve, but if processors and distributors are infected, all people are at risk (Staniforth, 2020). In addition, the food industry is a very important sector in regard to economy. However, food sector faces different sets of challenges compared with other sectors that are not critical for daily life such as tourism and aviation during a pandemic. Pandemic might lead to a US$113 billion loss in aviation and US$80 billion in tourism sector (IATA, 2020; UNTWO, 2020). Some food companies face various challenges due to a drop in income, whereas others are working hard to meet the growing demand of retailers. During the current COVID-19 outbreak, some difficult decisions had to be made, including temporarily shut down of the various businesses. The fact is that this pandemic clearly demonstrated different companies from different industries are closely connected to each other all over the world (Sebastian, 2020; Shahidi, 2020). A major concern shared by all food companies is preserving the employee’s health and the provision of sufficient workforce due to those who do not want to work because of sickness or coronavirus fear. It is very important to protect and maintain the health of people working in the food supply chain during this time of crisis (FAO and WHO, 2020). However, keeping the distribution chain alive by the supply management strategies is also important to meet the consumer demands (De Sousa Jabbour et al., 2020). Maintaining the flow of food and commodities throughout the supply chain should be ensured with the contribution of all stakeholders. Ensuring the confidence of consumers is also essential for food safety and security (FAO and WHO, 2020). At this time of crisis, food security is associated with consumers’ access to food rather than food availability (OECD, 2020b). Consumers generally do not think much about how the food on their tables is produced. However, concerns about food safety in the midst of the global pandemic have drawn attention to the enormous infrastructure and workforce responsible for creating a safe and reliable food supply worldwide. Especially at the beginning of this global crisis, consumer demand for food has increased and some store shelves have been temporarily emptied and resulted in excess purchases of essential products. However, despite this unprecedented demand, the food supply chain remained strong, since many supply chain actors, including farmers, producers, distributors, and retailers, have worked hard to renew shelves (Nicola et al., 2020; Watts, 2020). Despite the large scale of the pandemic, there is no report that COVID-19 has been transmitted through food consumption to date. Therefore, as stated by the European Food Safety Authority, there is no evidence that food poses a risk to public health in relation to COVID-19. However, after the latest infections have been seen in Xinfandi market due to salmon processing, it can be concluded that the risk of the virus that transmitted through foods is lower than the perceived risk. Considering the survival time of SARS-CoV-2 in different environments such as plastic, steel, or cardboard, it is possible that animal tissues (meat, fish, or poultry) might be a serious source for foodborne transmission. Hygiene controls by food business operators are designed to prevent contamination of food by any pathogen and will therefore aim to prevent contamination of foods by the virus responsible for COVID-19 too (Arellano, 2020; Dalton, 2020; EC, 2020; Pressman et al., 2020). It was reported that foods were not a source of spread of coronaviruses including MERS and SARS-CoV due to the acidic environments of the stomach (pH < 3.5) in previous outbreaks. However, some cooking and eating habits may lead to the reappearance of the coronavirus from animals to humans (Rizou et al., 2020). To summarize, four major issues have been raised in the food industry and the food supply chain during the COVID-19 outbreak. Firstly, people tend to have follow a healthy diet for protecting themselves and their immune systems (Rodríguez-Pérez et al., 2020). Therefore, the demand for the functional foods which contain bioactive ingredients increased. Secondly, food safety has gained more attention to prevent the transmission of coronavirus among producers, retailers, and consumers. Thirdly, food security concerns have arisen because of the people on lockdown restrictions. Lastly, food sustainability problems have emerged in the era of pandemic (Galanakis, 2020). In the light of recent challenges in food supply chain, there is now considerable concern about the food supply chain. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide information about the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak in the food supply chain and to summarize the measures taken to minimize these effects. Formal and informal sources were used to obtain information about the food supply chain during COVID-19 outbreak. The contents which were not reviewed by news editor, journal/magazine editor, or scientific editor before they are published online were not used as a supplementary source of information. Most of the content was based on the well-known organizations such as Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), European Commission (EC), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Food Information Council (IFIC), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Trade Centre (ITC), The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and World Health Organization (WHO). ### Effects of pandemic on food supply chain The Food supply chain can be divided into five stages, including agricultural production, postharvest handling, processing, distribution/retail/service, and consumption. Two systems are being used in the food supply chain regarding food quality and safety. The First one is based on regulations and laws that use mandatory standards which are inspected by state agencies. The Second one is relying on voluntary standards which are defined by market laws or international associations (Bendekovic et al., 2015). Safety measures to ensure the continuity of food flow in each stage can be grouped as food employee’s health issues, personal hygiene, using personal protective equipments such as helmets and glove, sanitization of surfaces and working environments, safe handling/preparation/delivery of food, and maintenance of social distance. Protective measures in the last stages of the food supply chain are critical since more people can be potentially affected as moved towards the last stages (Rizou et al., 2020). Unlike foot and mouth disease, bird flu, Escherichia coli (E. coli), or Listeria, the COVID-19 pandemic does not directly affect production, as it does not spread directly through livestock or agricultural products (FAO, 2020a). However, due to the pandemic, governments around the world have made significant restrictions in the transportation (land, water, and air transport) of goods, as well as in the migration of labour. Reports showed that using the trucks for food distribution was declined to 60% since the restrictions in France which was 30% before the pandemic (FAO, 2020j; Bakalis et al., 2020). In developing and underdeveloped countries, temporary or seasonal employment is common, especially for planting, sorting, harvesting, processing, or transporting crops to markets. Therefore, the supply chain is significantly affected as a result of the absence of local or migrant workers due to sickness or travel restrictions imposed by lockdown. It also weakens not only production abilities for others, but also their own food safety, in cases where the disease directly affects their health or movement (FAO, 2020k). Especially, labour shortage due to COVID-19 crisis caused severe disruptions in some sectors such as livestock production, horticulture, planting, harvesting, and crop processing which are relatively labour intensive (Stephens et al., 2020). However, shortage of farmworkers was a major issue well before the COVID-19 outbreak, too (Richards and Rickard, 2020). Due to the fact that many skilled workers in the harvest could not access various countries because of the border controls, a call has been made to the unemployed persons to work in the fields in France. In Britain, ‘Pick for Britain’ campaign was aimed to find 70 000 British to work in the field and during the harvest (Nature Plants, 2020). However, due to the shortage of workforce as a result of illness and physical distance to be maintained during production, the crisis undermines the ability of farms and agricultural businesses to work. These conditions retarded the delivery of food and agricultural inputs and created problems in providing continuous food supply to markets (ILO, 2020). Although many manufacturers rely on their core inputs, most are more susceptible to disruptions, as they must obtain their requirements from domestic markets. Logistics barriers that disrupt food supply chains further weaken high-value goods due to their short shelf life (Shahidi, 2020; FAO, 2020j, FAO, 2020k). Most agricultural activities depend on the season and weather, and therefore, activities need to follow a fine-tuned schedule with flexibility so that immediate actions can be performed when needed. Since all processes and stages in a supply chain are strongly connected to each other, a slight delay or glitch can trigger a butterfly effect resulting in a big loss in the yield and output (FAO, 2020k). Actually, there are many reports that farmers were forced to destroy their products by burning or leaving them to spoil because of the restrictions. Dairy Farmers in America Co-operative consider 14 million litres of milk are being dumped every day due to interrupted supply chain. In England, chair of dairy farmers reported that approximately 5 million litres of milk are at risk in one week. Also, It was reported that tea plants were being lost because of the logistical challenges in India (BBC, 2020a). Therefore, maintaining logistical efficiency is a key factor for the food industry, especially in global crisis. The biggest issues in the food supply chain are obtaining raw materials from suppliers and ensuring the continuity of food flow from manufacturers to end users (Alonso et al., 2007).The problems are jeopardizing the ability of agricultural businesses to continue their business as usual, and may have negative effects on food quality, freshness, and food safety, and hinder access to markets and affordability (FAO, 2020k). As countries struggle with that pandemic, they must make every effort to move the gears of the food supply chains. The impact of pandemic problems on agricultural systems largely depends on the intensity and composition of agricultural inputs and varies depending on the product produced and the country. Capital-intensive techniques are usually used in high-income countries for agricultural production, whereas production is mostly labour dependent in low-income countries. Thus, the supply chain should be kept running with a particular focus on the basics of logistic challenges (FAO, 2020j). Food sector contains many diverse products such as meat, fruit, vegetable, dairy, ready-to-eat foods, and other edible products (Hueston and McLeod, 2012). However, the food and agriculture chain can be broadly classified into two categories regarding capital investment and labour. The First one can be defined as staple products such as wheat, corn, maize, soybeans, and oilseeds. The Second one contains high-value products such as fruit, vegetables, and fisheries. Staple products require large amounts of capital investments. Restriction between cities, provinces, regions, and countries has a negative impact on the distribution of staple products (FAO, 2020c). In contrast to staple products, a great deal of labour is required to obtain high-value products. However, time-sensitive nature of the agricultural operations (O’Brien et al., 2014) and needs for higher productivity over time might lead to the agricultural transformation which can be defined as technological advancement and up-skilling of the labour force (Jeon, 2011; Martin, 2016). The challenges that have been driven by movement restriction (national or international border closures) and the changes in demand of consumers are important. Because of the restrictions, consumers cannot go to restaurants and they prepare their meals at home. In addition, consumers do not want to go to markets and supermarkets due to catching the COVID-19 at the stores (FAO, 2020g). The supply chain affects not only producers, distributors, and consumers, but also food-processing plants that are labour intensive. Production was reduced, suspended, or temporarily discontinued in many plants due to the workers who were found to be COVID-19 positive and who were reluctant to go to work, thinking that they would get sick at work, mostly in meat-processing food companies at the time of the outbreak. For these reasons, it was thought that the production capacity of pork facilities decreased by approximately 25% in late April (Devereux et al., 2020; Flynn, 2020). In this context, there were at least 462 meat packaging and 257 food- processing plants and 93 farm and production facilities were affected by COVID-19 cases in the USA. At least 54,036 workers (39,905 meat packaging workers, 8,343 food-processing workers, and 5,788 farmers) have been identified as COVID-19 positive and at least 232 workers (184 meat packaging workers, 34 food-processing workers, and 14 farm workers) have lost their lives (Douglas, 2020). In Brazil, 2,400 meat plant workers were identified as COVID-19 positive from 24 slaughterhouses in 18 municipalities. Several meat factories suspended their operations after 246 positive cases in England and Wales. In Gana, 534 staff tested positive for the virus at a fish-processing factory. In Germany, 1,553 cases of COVID-19 were found at meat-processing plants, and in France, more than 100 coronavirus infections were recorded at slaughterhouses (BBC, 2020b; Gulland, 2020; Kaur, 2020; Ziady et al., 2020). Close-down of the food plants created the ripple effect in food supply chain. Producers have been forced to cull the farm animals since they could not find any plant to sell their livestock. Greater consumer demand resulted in empty shelves and a decrease in supply caused an increase in the price of meat products. Some of the markets limited the number of items such as beef and pork products that a single customer could buy. Food services were also affected, and some restaurants stopped serving beef hamburgers (Hobbs, 2020; Levany, 2020; Murphy, 2020; Rude, 2020; Valinsky, 2020). Despite government reassurances, some of the stores started free delivery services on orders to prevent panic-buying. In addition, supermarkets determined the number of people allowed at any given time to stop overcrowding. Stores also adjusted special shopping hours for vulnerable customers (Nicola et al., 2020). There are several reasons at play that make food-processing facilities potential hotbeds for outbreak. Keeping social distance inside the food plants is difficult because workers stand side by side during long shifts on production lines. In addition, talking loudly or shouting, due to noisy enivironments, results in the release of more droplets to the air (Stewart et al., 2020). Employees also travel on the same buses or use car-sharing systems allowing the virus to spread further. Moreover, the majority of workers have lower income and mostly do not have insurance coverage or paid sick leave. Therefore, food-processing workers are taking risk to go work even if they feel sick which increase the risk of infection. Cold and humid environment inside the food-processing facilities is another factor that facilitates the spread of the COVID-19. It is possible that cold and dark environments without any ultraviolet light can keep coronavirus alive and might result in an increase in the rates of transmission (Artiga and Rae, 2020; Gulland, 2020). The stability tests of the virus under five different temperatures (4, 22, 37, 56, and 70 °C) and five different surfaces (paper, tissue paper, wood, and cloth) showed that SARS-CoV-2 is highly stable at 4 °C, but sensitive to heat. In addition, it was found that the virus is stable on smooth surfaces, however susceptible to standard disinfectants (Chin et al., 2020). Another study by Van Doremalen et al. (2020) suggested that SARS-CoV-2 remains stable in aerosols for 3 h. The same study revealed that virus was viable for 4, 24, 48, and 72 h on copper, cardboard, stainless steel, and plastic, respectively. These outcomes indicated that the cooking temperatures above 70 °C are enough to kill the SARS-CoV-2, but sanitary recommendations (washing hands, separating raw and cooked meat, etc.) should be followed while preparing and storing the foods (Rizou et al., 2020; Shahidi, 2020). Centralized food manufacturing is another factor that caused disruption of food chains during COVID-19 outbreak. This paradigm helped the food processors to increase production and reduce the costs. However, centralization has some drawbacks such as rigid and lengthy supply chain issues. In addition, using the small number of very large production facilities to meet the demands might create problems (Almena et al., 2019a) such as closure of the entire facility in case of an outbreak leaving high capacity production lines with less alternatives. Governments are also facing financial pressures due to the economic shrinkage and reallocating their resources focusing on financial incentives and social assistance programs. Therefore, it may be difficult to support programs aimed to improve productivity at the farm levels. It is possible that inadequate funding may reduce the demand for agricultural production and productivity over the medium term. The drop in demand will particularly harm the emerging private sector in developing countries (FAO, 2020e, 2020h). The information provided by WHO indicated that coronavirus is transmitted through direct contact or respiratory droplets, however, the latest infections encountered in Xinfandi market raised questions over spread of coronavirus through food. Xinfandi market is the Beijing’s largest wholesale food market with more than 10,000 workers and capacity of 18,000 tonnes of vegetables, 20,000 tonnes of fruit, and 1,500 tonnes of seafood, everyday (Hua and Cadell, 2020). Officials have detected more than 100 infected people, mostly serving at seafood, beef, and mutton sections. The coronavirus was detected on the board used for cutting up salmon at market. Officials point out that high humidity and low temperature conditions in Beijing might be the reason for transmission of coronavirus. In addition, officials stated that the surfaces of equipment’s used for preparation of seafood and meat products contaminated by infected people could be another factor of transmission (Feng and Cheng, 2020; Reuters, 2020). The government blocked the entrances by police and temporarily closed the market due to the fears of a second wave of pandemic on June 13. The news has resulted in halted importation of salmon from European countries in China and salmon was taken off from some supermarkets’ shelves in reaction. Norwegian officials stated ‘there is no link between the transmission of coronavirus via imported food and the origin of the salmon outbreak is still unclear’ (Arellano, 2020; Dalton, 2020). Negotiations between Norwegian and Chinese authorities are currently in progress to clear up the backlog. However, not only the supply of seafoods was affected, but also meat, fruit, and vegetables supply were damaged with the closure of the entire Xinfandi market. Authorities are trying to establish special trading places in the near future to maintain the supply chain of vegetables and fruits. In addition, government is considering to take actions to increase the hygienic standards in food markets (Globaltimes, 2020; Reuters, 2020). Authorities tested around 30,000 foods including meat, seafood, fruit, and vegetable between 11 and 17 June and results were negative for all samples. Food exporters to China were asked to sign official declarations in which they give a guarantee for their products that it is not contaminated by coronavirus. However, some of the exporters such as Brazilian grain exporters did not agree to sign the declaration (Good, 2020; Patton, 2020). As a result, the COVID-19 pandemic ensured the use of mechanisms designed for emergency and affected contractual transactions in the food supply chains. At the same time, it resulted in the changes in the supply–demand balance and left small producers and operators in a difficult situation (FAO, 2020i). ### Effects of pandemic on consumer behaviour When the issue of how the COVID-19 pandemic affects consumers’ food demand is examined, it is seen that the demand varies depending on the price of foodstuffs, income level of consumers, socio-demographic situation, consumption, and shopping preferences and time constraints. In addition, the number of visits to food store and spending money on food in per visit changed (Bakalis et al., 2020; Cranfield, 2020). COVID-19 outbreak interrupted the daily routine and resulted in boredom which can be defined as high energy intake by the consumption of high amount of fat, carbohydrate, and proteins. In addition, quarantine caused stress in people and pushed them toward sugary foods for feeling positive, because carbohydrate-rich foods can be used as self-medicating components due to their ability to encourage serotonin production. However, these unhealthy eating habits may contribute to the development of obesity linked to the chronic inflammation and serious complications of COVID-19 (Muscogiuri et al., 2020). The closure of restaurants and limited service eating places affected the eating/purchasing habits and resulted in an unusual demand shift from food service to retail. Reports showed that purchasing food from supermarkets and using food services had the same ratio as 50% before the outbreak; however, it is almost 100% for supermarkets. The number of visits to food store was decreased whilst spending money on food was raised per visit. Consumers experienced reduced availability of certain types of foods during the COVID-19 lockdown. In European countries, flour which is a staple product received more attention and not found on food store shelves due to the interest in home- baking as a family activity. Interestingly, bread and baked products kept their place on the supermarket shelves. Consumers have focused on the products with long shelf life such as dried or canned foods, pasta, milk, or milk substitutes, and frozen foods due to convenience and daily cooking at home. People stocked these foods at home because of the turn to home baking and believing rumours or getting false information. Consumers preferred takeaway and home delivery options as a result of social distance and closure of restaurants (Bakalis et al., 2020; Shahidi, 2020). Indeed, it was interesting to note that the shortage of eggs was not only due to increased demand but also lack of packaging for retail. Household egg consumption increased 40% since March 20 in Argentina and sales of eggs rose by 44% compared to last year in the USA. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provided flexibility related to the packaging and labelling of eggs due to the insufficient availability of appropriately labelled retail packages to fulfill the demand and facilitate the distribution of eggs during COVID-19 pandemic (FDA, 2020; Mazili, 2020; Reiley, 2020). Global events such as COVID-19 increase the demand for food worldwide. In a study, demand data in European countries due to COVID-19 were evaluated. Accordingly, although the demand for fresh bread increased by 76% and frozen vegetables by 52% in the week when the pandemic was announced, the demand for alcoholic beverages did not increase. However, the demand for alcoholic beverages increased about twice, one month after pandemic announcement (Crisp, 2020). Concerns about COVID-19 are far-reaching and they cover both health and financial issues. In a study on 18 countries, it was shown that food buying behaviour of the consumers has changed because of their will to consume healthy foods, but at the same time to achieve this without exceeding normal budget. Consumers adopted a basic approach of returning to natural food and beverage products which contain ingredients that provide nutritional supplements such as fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, or olive oil. At the same time, most consumers are concerned about the effect of COVID-19 on their mental effects; therefore, many consumers are looking for food products to improve this mood (Hughes, 2020; Muscogiuri et al., 2020). In a recent poll by Italy’s Agricultural Research and Economic Council (CREA), the behaviour of the Italian population on food choices and behaviour was monitored under COVID-19 quarantine. Approximately 2,900 people from all regions of Italy responded. According to the results, healthy food and beverage consumption increased for vegetables (33%), fruit (29%), legumes (26.5%), and extra virgin olive oil (21.5%). However, it was determined that 44.5% of them had more sweet consumption and 16% of them drank more wine. Forty-four percent of respondents reported weight gain due to intake of higher calories and low levels of physical activity. Thirty-seven percent of respondents expressed that they need to lose weight by adjusting their diet (CREA, 2020). According to the survey of 630 consumers in May, 70% of consumers reduced the frequency of food shopping and preferred online shopping during COVID-19 outbreak in the USA. Fifty-six percent of consumers are worried about not finding particular foods they want to buy in the store or forgetting to buy something. Seventy percent of consumers said that they consumed more food while at home. When examined in terms of healthy consumption, 43% of consumers emphasized that they consume more fruits, 42% more vegetables, and 30% more protein-containing foods (meat, chicken, or fish). In addition, 39% of consumers stated that they made their breakfast more balanced. When examined in terms of unhealthy consumption, 47% of consumers said that they consumed more sweets, 24% consumed less vegetables, 21% consumed less fruit, and 19% consumed less protein (DeBroff, 2020). In another study, a survey on 1,005 men and women who are over 18 years old showed that more than half of the French people changed their views on the social, economic, and ecological value of food production, during the 8-week quarantine. The results showed that French consumers would only buy ‘necessary’ foods, spend more time cooking, and pay more attention to food spending when they return to ‘normal’ after COVID-19 pandemic measures have been relieved. Changing attitudes also seem to have had an impact on food waste, and one in three respondents stated that they now waste less food. This includes 29% of those who reported buying more local food and 20% went online shopping (Askew, 2020). Another study conducted on the 6th and 7th of April, among 1,000 adults who are above 18, showed that 42% of consumers preferred the packaged foods more than normal, whereas another portion of the same ratio said that the pandemic did not change their attitudes towards packaged food. Eighty-two percent of consumers think that the food they buy during the pandemic is safe to consume. However, a portion of 7% thinks that the food that they buy is not safe. A total of 77% think that food producers can provide enough food to meet consumer needs, whereas 16% think that it cannot be provided (IFIC, 2020). As consumers play a key role in food supply chain, changes in consumer behaviour strongly affected the food supply chain. COVID-19 outbreak caused a significant rise in food price related to lockdown restrictions accompanied by panic buying, as well as supply chain disruptions (EDP, 2020). Some of the consumers will pay more attention to reduce food waste for improving food security (Shafiee-Jood and Cai, 2016). However, the opposite is also possible since lots of the perishable foods were discarded or dumped due to the closure of schools, restaurants, or processing plants. In addition, transportation problems during lockdown or overbuying of perishable items because of panic buying resulted in higher food waste levels (Fleetwood, 2020; Sharma et al., 2020). Changing demands also will bring changes to packaging materials/design, delivery options, and storage conditions (Reynold, 2020). ### Effects of pandemic on global food trade Although the current conditions seem exceptional, the vulnerability of food systems to problems related to climate and diseases has been experienced long before the COVID-19 crisis. Food systems have been unstable from various events and shocks previously such as the oil crisis in the 1970s, the SARS and Ebola outbreaks, and the 2006–2008 food crisis. Africa Swine Fever disease made the global commodity markets upset just a year ago and became a progressive epidemic in Eastern Europe and Asia. The world’s largest swine producer (has 1/3 of the global market) and biggest exporter, China, lost 37% of its pigs by the end of 2019 (IPES, 2020). Ebola had a great negative impact on agricultural production, marketing, and trade economies of some African countries. On the production side, due to road constraints, farmers had limited access to inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, and most regions faced labour shortages. For this reason, more than 40% of agricultural land has not been cultivated. However, pandemic did not severely affect the production because agricultural areas were often in the geographic areas which are far away from urban densities (Agrilinks, 2020; Shahidi, 2020). The current COVID-19 crisis has changed the food trade policies of some governments, moving towards restricting exports and facilitating imports. The main reason that countries impose export restrictions is to ensure the maintenance of the number of products in the domestic market. Although the export restriction typically produces this result in the short term, it also has some negative effects. First, export restrictions cause domestic prices to drop, which will hurt farmers financially resulting in the decrease in crop production and reduced incentives in the industry. Second, countries will lose their competitive advantage by losing their place in international markets. Third, export restrictions undermine exporter’s reputation and encourage importers to reduce confidence in the world market, thereby reducing trust in international trade and destroying future business opportunities for exporters (Espitia et al., 2020; FAO, 2020l). In 2008 food crisis, although domestic food prices increased greatly, some big countries that could isolate themselves from world markets were not affected. Compared with 2004, rice prices increased by 224%, wheat prices by 108%, and corn prices by 89% (FAO, 2011). In general, prices increased due to trade constraints, risks, and uncertainties in international markets leading to an increase in prices in the import-dependent countries higher than they should be. Because of the export restrictions enforced by major exporting countries, panic-buying behaviour has been observed in importing countries and prices have been elevated due to more demand for products (DOS, 2011). Although world food stocks are currently high, a prolonged pandemic crisis can cause problems in the food supply chain, as well as export-restricted policies, which can trigger the domino effect. According to the FAO 2019 grain production estimates, it was reported that there had been around 2.721 billion tonnes of production consisting of 1.44 billion tonnes for coarse grains, 763 million tonnes for wheat, and 512 million tonnes for rice. According to FAO’s 2020 estimates, wheat and coarse grain production is expected to be similar to 2019. For this reason, global grain markets are expected to follow a balanced situation despite the concern of COVID-19 (FAO, 2020b). A total of 19 countries have taken measures to restrict exports, which are related to 27 food products due to COVID-19 outbreak. Some of these restrictions are inactive and currently a total of 8 countries are continuing their measures on 11 food. When the effects of restrictions on importing countries are evaluated (expressed as Kcal unit), it is seen that Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan were negatively affected by 79%, 70%, 61%, and 54%, respectively (IFPRI, 2020). To summarize, trading provides to move the products from surplus to deficit areas, preventing the shortages and food insecurity related to reliance only on domestic production (Baldos and Hertel, 2015; Fitton et al., 2019). However, COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant impact on food trade and led to disruption in food supply chain due to the export restrictions. Export- restricted policies pushed up world prices of stable food commodities such as wheat, maize, and rice and resulted in reduction of the quantity and quality of food eaten (Fyles and Madramootoo, 2016). Customers also could not find the product which is not grown or produced nationally. Producers were also weakened by the restrictions because international market contains endless number of buyers and helps the producers to select the best one. When the export restrictive policies were applied, local sellers could not find buyers and resulted in excess supply and waste along with economic losses. Foods that are not grown locally but needed for processing were not available due to the restrictions and capacity utilization of food-manufacturing plants to respond demand was also negatively affected (Arianina and Morris, 2020; Ndemezo et al., 2018; Reddy et al., 2016). Transportation challenges for air and sea cargo were also further issues in association with food loss and waste (OECD, 2020a). ### Recommendations to minimize the effect of Covid-19 The COVID-19 outbreak seriously threatens food safety, security, and nutrition. The economic chaos due to the pandemic threatens economic access and physical availability of food. Disruptions and possible problems in marketing, logistics, and trade systems may restrict access to food in some places and times, therefore, hunger and malnutrition problems may appear (FAO, 2020g). Report from World Food Program showed that the number of people facing extreme hunger can increase to 265 million in 2020 as a result of COVID-19 (WFP, 2020a). Another study performed by Headey et al. (2020) indicated that COVID-19 leads to 14.3% increase in the prevalence of wasting among children who are younger than 5 years old due to malnutrition or interruption of health and social protection in low and middle-income countries. ### Strategies for food supply chain Before the pandemic, one-third of all food produced for human consumption was lost or wasted across the food supply chain stages including production, postharvest handling, processing, distribution, and consumption. Therefore, food waste has gained more attention than ever before in the era of coronavirus. A study performed by Aldaco et al. (2020) indicated that COVID-19 had a minor impact on the overall food loss and waste generation but resulted in 12% higher creation of food waste on the household level. Valuable bioactive components such as phenols, carotenoids, pectins, flavonoids, essential oils, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, and whey protein isolate can be derived from food wastes to reutilize them in food chain. These functional compounds can be used as preservatives, gelling agents, food, or nutritional supplements. Conventional or innovative techniques can be applied in the extraction, fractionation, and isolation stages of bioactive components from food wastes (Deng et al., 2015; Galanakis, 2012; Galanakis, 2013). However, additional collection and processing centres are required to recover food wastes generated during production, processing, or consumption stages. The European Food Safety Authority indicated that food is not a source of coronavirus and virus cannot be transmitted through the consumption of food. Environmental surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, or foods contaminated with COVID-19 virus remain a potential risk of becoming infected (EC, 2020). However, the latest work performed by Richard et al. (2020) showed that SARS-CoV-2 can be efficiently transmitted via air. Therefore, people should always care about handwashing. In addition, retailers must follow the hygiene requirements when handling food. Food preparation workers must wear mask and gloves and change them frequently when cutting, slicing, or packaging of foods. Consumers are also responsible to prevent contamination by not touching the foods other than what they are willing to purchase in the stores (Morawska and Cao, 2020). Various robot systems can be used to ensure food safety in food facilities by preventing the transmission of microorganism by humans. The fourth industrial revolution now plays an important role by making data-driven autonomous decision in production. Automation opens up new opportunity to increase productivity by 25% and to complete the task such as loading/unloading, placing, and packaging more efficiently than human being. Robots can also help us to serve the foods to consumers in food-serving industry. In addition, Cyber Physical System (CPS) can monitor the unsafe or low-quality products in food supply chain (Iqbal et al., 2017; Bowler et al., 2020). The COVID-19 outbreak also resulted in difficult requirements for human resource management. These challenges include the change of working conditions, adopting new workplace policies and actions to reduce human contact (Carnevale and Hatak, 2020). Therefore, organizations must respond to the challenges by some measures. Firstly, COVID-19 symptoms of the workers, visitors, suppliers, and contractors should be monitored before entering the facility. The food safety or HACCP teams can perform temperature screening of all staff at the entrance of plant. Monitoring workers to wear face protection equipments and gloves is important, too. Secondly, facilities should consider reducing working hours and rotating employees. The overall number of workers in each shift should be divided into three or four groups and their break time should be adjusted to avoid overcrowding. Lastly, warehouses and processing facilities should be redesigned to allow employees to implement social distances. Building dividers or barriers which cover the upper part of the body of workers can be used to maintain social distance. Diagonal arrangement should be used if employees use two-side engagement in food processing (Shahbaz et al., 2020). Robotic machines also can be used to lower the risk associated with COVID-19-infected workers during the coronavirus outbreak. Furthermore, robots can replace humans in food-processing operations to maintain social distancing by reducing the number of food workers. These precautions against the COVID-19 will result in more stable international market mechanism. Countries should maintain the balance between the production quantity and safety of workers (FAO, 2020j). Decentralization of food manufacture might also be used to avoid drawbacks and risks associated with centralization paradigm in the era of COVID-19. Low- scale facilities located near the consumers reduce the storage and transportation costs and minimize the environmental impacts. Building the production facilities closer to consumers help shorten the supply chain and decrease the emission and energy consumption during transportation and storage. Decentralization provides flexibility in supply chain and allows customers to get fresh and natural products. It also helps us to simplify the administration procedures in order to reach poor and disadvantaged people (Almena et al., 2019a; Almena et al., 2019b; FAO, 2005). Industry also should determine which transportation routes are blocked (potential alternatives should be sought) and how many workers cannot work due to restrictions. The local labour force should be trained and activated in the event of cross-border restrictions. It would be an opportunity to ensure reliable and long-term workforce for future by training and increasing the skills of local employees. Agricultural workers now identified as essential people, and this ensured them to work under better conditions with higher wages (Petetin, 2020). At the same time, agricultural inputs should be considered as essential products to ensure food production. Collection centres should be selected and planned considering their distance to the manufacturer. Integration of small producers closer to collection centre with high capacity can also decrease mobility (Galanakis, 2020). Changes in demands are another factor that affects supply chain performance. Therefore, the demands should be determined using forecasts and simulations. Especially, the products which are essential for daily life, such as sanitizers and food items, gained more demand at the beginning of crisis. However, the perishable nature of food products makes them more prone to impacts of COVID-19 on the supply chain. Therefore, statistical models can be applied by manufacturer to propose optimal decision for tackling supply and demand disruptions due to COVID-19 outbreak. Using those results, production, processing, and distribution can be adapted accordingly accordingly (Paul and Chowdhury, 2020). In addition, it is necessary to use the logistics facilities in the most optimum way, especially the logistics vehicles should not return empty to the starting point. The concept of ‘Urban Distribution Center’ can allow us to use better capacity with consolidating number of deliveries by one or more vehicles. It also improves the effectiveness of the collection or transportation process. In addition, food protection should be ensured by coordinating the members of the supply chain. Private or government institutions need to invest in storage centres. Consumers should have access to markets, and attention should be paid to the needs of low-income consumers. The relationship between buyer and seller should be strengthened by establishing web-based food distribution systems. Web-based supply chain management system can be referred as an internet-enabled system and allows the information flow among suppliers, facilities, collection centres, and retailers. This system allows faster and flexible collaboration between company and customer (Morganti and Gonzalez-Feliu, 2015; FAO, 2020j, 2020k; Ngai et al., 2004). Digital commerce services play an important role in the interaction and trading activities among food supply chain actors. E-commerce provides opportunities to reduce the costs and increase the demand. In addition, small farmers are considered disadvantaged in food supply chain related to many challenges they face in market access. Higher transaction charges in all deals do not allow small holders to be in better positions due to their small scale. Therefore, digitization of procedures allows small farmers to sell their crops at higher price and helps them to reach more customers in a direct and effective way bypassing intermediaries. The largest e-commerce companies collaborate with the government to digitize the services of rural markets and encourage them to be part of the e-commerce economy. These platforms offer mostly organic fertilizers to the market at a reasonable cost (Zeng et al., 2017; FAO, 2020j, 2020e). ‘Supply Chain Management (SCM) Data Science’ can be used by governments and private sectors to solve SCM problems and forecast the outcomes by performing quantitative and qualitative methods bearing in mind the data quality and data availability (Waller and Fawcett, 2013). Therefore, data availability and dissemination should be improved. Access to correct data at the right time is important for the efficient functioning of the supply chain. The availability of reliable information reduces uncertainties in the market and allows private and public organizations to determine sources of potential disruptions and risks. Correct data also provide better decision making and enhanced profitability. In addition, collaboration between government agency and private sector can be more effective by easily accessible data. Sharing of data and information across the food supply chain can reduce the negative impacts and may strengthen the flexibility in the long run (FAO, 2020j). ### Recommendations for small farmers Countries should take measures to ensure the safety of agricultural workers. Onsite healthcare professionals should track the illness status of employees. Countries should build agricultural production collection centres at locations easily reached by small-scale farmers relating to mobility reduction. Agricultural production collection centres should be designed to provide high capacity storage (FAO, 2020c). Improved and advanced storage structures also can be used to minimize the loss of foods throughout the food value chain. However, modern facilities or improved technologies entail higher production costs as it requires additional capital injection. Therefore, small- and medium-sized agricultural enterprises can maintain their activities using the capital injections from government or donors (Tetteh Anang et al., 2015). Food banks can play an important role considering the horizontal and vertical coordination mechanisms with farmer associations that make contractual agriculture arrangement. Primarily, It would be a way to help farmers to create new markets by selling their unsold produces to food banks and make connection between farmers and vulnerable people during COVID-19 outbreak (Jackson and Yurkevich, 2020). Second, whenever possible, countries can deploy warehouse receipt systems, allowing small-scale producers to improve access for financial loans and get the best price for their product. This receipt helps small farmers to store crops safely in a modern storage facility and allows them to sell their product later when the prices are higher. It also can be used as possessory collateral for a loan (Miranda et al., 2019). Third, countries should participate in growth and rapid development of e-commerce for small shareholders. Communication through the internet ensures that commercializing produces to wider range of consumers and enables farmers to find cheaper inputs (Khanal and Mishra, 2016). Fourth, small-scale producers should have easy and unhindered access to credit for dealing with financial problems to continue production. Some countries offer incentive packages for small-scale farmers (FAO, 2020c). Access to credits is related to the ability of small farmers to take risks and cope with high risk situations. It also enables making efficient investment decisions which results in rise in agricultural capacity and profitability (Iyanda et al., 2014). Temporary liquidity guarantee program (TLGP) can promote confidence in financial organizations. Firstly, the TLGP allows a limited term guarantee for newly issued debt of financial companies and affiliates. Secondly, the TLGP fully insured non-interest bearing transaction accounts. Governments can provide interest-free loans or cash grants or arrange their pay periods to needy farmers to restart production. Guaranteed loans are essential sources of credits given to small farmers that are assisted by commercial creditors and protect them against loss by governments (FAO, 2020j, 2020d; Dodson, 2014; Davison, 2019). Trade restrictions and bureaucratic barriers should be lifted to ensure the accessibility of small-scale farmers and producers to markets. Governmental agencies must meet the energy requirements of small-scale producers in rural areas (FAO, 2020h). As a result, the COVID-19 outbreak highlighted the connection between farmers and consumers. Low-income levels and older ages of small farmers make them vulnerable to coronavirus (Johr, 2012; Gneiting and Sonenshine, 2018). Therefore, it is important to educate the farmers about the transmission routes and increase the awareness of pandemic prevention (Wang and Wang, 2020). Crop diversification strategy which can be defined as an option to increase the diversity of food by crop rotation or intercropping for creating new marketing channels and enabling the harvesting throughout the year can be used to adapt the challenges easily (Hufnagel et al., 2020). Buyer, investors, and bankers should pay the small farmers upfront for their produces to ensure liquidity for next season. Growing organic foods can also scale up the sales due to consumer interest and confidence. In addition, partnerships between small farmers and companies or government is another way to help the small farmers to increase productivity and incomes by adaptive technology investment (Winter and Davis, 2006; ITC, 2020). ### Suggestions for government and business First of all, a crisis committee should be established to focus on the effect of COVID-19 during food value chain without waiting too long for the implementation of certain strategies and interventions. This committee should become a key actor to observe the progress and recommend actions to reduce the effects of COVID-19 on agricultural production and food supply cuts. In order to ensure adequate and full implementation of the strategies, it is important that the committee should collaborate with the private sector (FAO, 2020k). In Turkey, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has formed the COVID-19 Commission consisting of seven academicians and two members from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for measures and recommendations to be taken in the field of agriculture and food within the scope of the pandemic (MAF, 2020). In the aftermath of the pandemic, governments around the world announced response plans to help the agriculture industry for reducing the effect of COVID-19 outbreak. In Turkey, Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry announced the precautions and funding assistance programs for farmers and manufacturing facilities/stores such as slaughterhouses, greenhouses, and bakery stores. In addition, Ministry of Internal Affairs issued the lockdown guidelines that allow the farmers and food production plants to continue their operations during lockdown (MAF, 2020; MIA, 2020). In Canada, Agriculture Response Program was designed for 50–75% funding assistance which do not have to be paid back regarding health protocol, marketing and product movement, distribution, strategic projects, abattoir efficiency, and development (Novascatia, 2020). In the USA, Department of Agriculture committed programs and flexibilities such as food assistance, dumped milk, crop insurance, farm loan, commodity loan, crop acreage, animal mortality, paycheck protection, and economic injury disaster loan to help agricultural producers are related to the COVID-19 outbreak (USDA, 2020). Governments also should establish and operate emergency provisioning strategies to support production. The regions most affected by the outbreak should be protected by temporary input subsidies programs. Timely support is essential for planting season for the next spring (FAO, 2020d). Data collection and assessment programs for migrants should be used to determine when and where the migrants are needed (Martin, 2016). Facilitating the cross- border movement of migrant workers is important because movement restrictions and border closures have a strong negative influence on agricultural labour supply. In Canada, government announced a US$50 million financial aid program for small farmers who hired temporary foreign employees through the COVID-19 outbreak. Program allowed employers to receive US$1,500 per foreign worker who has to self-isolate for 14 days upon their entry into Canada (Ker, 2020). The resulting shortage of labour can be reduced by policies that classify agricultural workers as critical persons and exempt them from travel limitations. In the USA, government highlighted the importance of people employed in agricultural production and considered them as ‘critical infrastructure worker’ (FAO, 2020f; CDC, 2020a). It should also be focused on giving longer stay permits by changing the visa and residence regulations for seasonal workers in the country. In some countries such as Canada and Belgium, governments allowed employers to postpone the recruitment or offer long-term contracts (OECD, 2020c). Commission of European Union (EU) introduced ‘the green lanes’ for vehicles carrying agri-food products to ensure free and fast movement on borders. EU measures also highlighted the free movement of agri- food and seasonal workers for enabling them to reach their workplace and exercise their activities. In addition, the commission extended the farmers’ application deadline to receive income support known as Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payments. Temporary framework for state aid measures was approved to support farmers and agri-food business to ensure liquidity (Rossi, 2020). However, it is necessary to encourage the local population to become agricultural workers. Local populations and unemployed people can be trained to work in farming practices like sowing, weeding, or harvesting to minimize the effect of the restriction on migrant workers. Online platforms should be used to facilitate connections between local residents and agriculture sector (FAO, 2020d). Unemployed people or local worker should be encouraged for being agricultural labour by adding premiums to wages since local workers do not want to work in farming due to the possibilities to find better non- agricultural alternatives (Martin, 2016). COVID-19 outbreak showed that labour-replacing mechanization policy is the best way to solve the labour shortage over the medium to longer term (Troskie, 2020). Employment contracts that made between the actors in the food value chain should be fair to all parties and should be clear about the rights and responsibilities of the parties since public and private standards are used to define the minimum requirements in food safety and quality. However, private standards involve more stringent regulations than public standards and affect the prices that producers receive and the quantity of produces they sell. In addition, these standards make significant impacts on their income and market access (Mohan, 2020). In addition, the rights of producers and vulnerable groups affected by changes in supply and demand and the need to adapt in accordance with these changes can be regulated by legal frameworks. Regulations to be enacted in emergencies such as the COVID-19 outbreak can contribute to the safe and problem-free operation of transactions. Moreover, it is necessary to strengthen the capacities of legal regulations, including ensuring the proportionality and necessity of restrictive measures and providing flexibility in the implementation of certain administrative requirements to face the challenges posed by the new situation. Providing flexibility in licensing requirements for direct selling, e-commerce, and food transport can also help small producers and agricultural businesses to find alternative market opportunities (FAO, 2020i) since flexibility is relatively associated with weak/strong position of farmers and presence of long/short food supply chains. Customers sometimes believe that food choice is imposed by supply chain challenges (Petetin, 2020). Logistic operations are also critical to maintain the delivery of the foods, and, therefore, some efforts are needed to maintain operations. Therefore, more infrastructure investment should be required to allow more supervision services, upgraded sanitation systems, increased use of digital documentation, and operations. Countries should follow rigid hygienic control in the distribution sector to prevent transmission of the virus. The health and safety of the logistic employees who carry tradable products should be maintained (FAO, 2020j). In UK, Logistic Sub-Group developed three work streams named ‘safe passage programs’, ‘crisis management, accommodation & transportation’, and ‘shore base logistics & freight management’, respectively. These work streams were intended to provide safe passage (health issues) and assurance to personnel and their families. It also ensures the movement of stuff in an effective and consistent manner. Lastly, it provides guidelines and raises awareness to logistic sector (OGUK, 2020). Rapid yield prediction and determination of national food stocks need to be made to define shortages or surpluses that may occur, particularly because of import prohibition or export restrictions. Better management of food stocks in different regions should be considered and non-food uses of farm products (e.g., for biofuel) should be reduced (FAO, 2020k). Crop yield information models can be used to help the governments to make decisions about food security or grain marketing. Local models can be defined as data intensive models and appropriate for small areas, whereas regionally models use data extensive techniques and cover large areas. Therefore, proper modelling method should be selected to understand the impacts of policy decisions (Donohue et al., 2018). To summarize, given that the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak is uncertain, agricultural firms have begun to change their business models. For example, issues such as promoting understanding of the transmission, creating reporting system for positive cases, progressive investment and resource plans covering the next 3 years, business continuity planning, alternative input source channels, increased focus on stock management, review of personnel occupational health and safety practices, travel limitations, and human resource planning in the face of increasing demand or absenteeism are important (Clift and Court, 2020; ICC and WHO, 2020). However, companies also need to cooperate with competing companies on some issues e.g. raw material supply. Small companies need to be more organized, using the crisis as a driving force. Firms should care about developing the information and communication technology infrastructure that can be used for the agriculture and food sector. It is also necessary to benefit from financial incentive packages according to the needs of the enterprises (FAO, 2020a). ### Actions on global trade Continuing the flow of agricultural inputs between countries, even in quarantine restrictions or closing borders, is vital. Therefore, measures to facilitate the trade of farming inputs such as equipments and fertilizers should be taken in the short run because these requirements are crucial for planting activities to continue smoothly (FAO, 2020j). Understanding the COVID-19 impact behind restriction policies is also important since food availability levels are high and the forecast of key staple production is good. Despite these favourable conditions, governments are working to ensure the food security due to high consumer demand and protect vulnerable people from price increases. However, lessons from past experiences have indicated that avoiding trade restriction policies can be as effective to protect consumers and farm incomes as direct support activities (Martin and Glauber, 2020). Therefore, agricultural trade options and strategies should be modified to minimize the effect of outbreak in medium term. Each country should determine its own policy to identify the consequences and importance of changing certain aspects of trade strategy like import taxes for farming inputs. It is more vital if the capacity of the national agricultural production is limited and prices show rising trend for some foods. The actions to be taken in the field of trade strategy are influenced by the production quantity and input use. This outbreak offers the opportunity to optimize trade options and to develop some procedures and policies (FAO, 2020j). It is necessary to address trade and tax policies to keep global trade open. Some of the major exporting countries followed ‘beggar thy neighbour’ policy which force importer countries to cover the costs or risks of limited supplies at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Distributional effects of ‘beggar thy neighbour’ also include the increase in food prices and decline in food security (Barichello, 2020). Therefore, countries should take immediate actions regarding trade and tax policy options and their possible effects to develop a favourable condition for food trade. During the 2006–2008 food crisis, the lack of information about market conditions (production, stocks, consumption, trade, prices) and inefficient policy of countries led to disruptions and resulted in an increase in food prices. If one country starts to take the same restrictions as they did in 2006–2008 crisis, the other governments will follow, and it will be a disaster for markets. We learned some lessons from the 2006–2008 crisis that how countries should respond to COVID-19. Therefore, countries should lift export bans and import taxes because rising of the food prices due to low food supply can be prevented by lowering the import tariffs (FAO, 2020j, 2020c). As a result, the protectionism in food trade included different forms of taxes, tariffs, non-tariff barriers, and restrictions (Beghin, 2014; Ghazalian, 2019). However, implementation of these policies resulted in a gap between demand and supply, leading to a sharp rise in global food prices in the medium and long term. Therefore, economically vulnerable customers are the most affected group in the remaining actors in the supply chain. However, the opposite was also possible in the short term since excess of national supply occurs because the export restrictions and smallholder farmers face economic problems due to the reduction in the domestic prices. Therefore, restrictions and bans should be lifted to improve farming productivity and ensure food and nutrition security during COVID-19 outbreak because the effects of COVID-19 on rich and poor people are different but we are connected to each other by mean of globalization and humanity (Gardner, 2001; WFP, 2020b; Espitia et al., 2020). Therefore, restraint of trade is not only unnecessary, and it also harms all the actors in the food supply chain and creates panic and fear in the markets (Liu et al., 2020). ## Conclusions During a pandemic, continuing the flow of the supply in agriculture and food sector, which is one of the most important sectors together with health, is vital to prevent the food crisis and reducing the negative impact on the global economy. Although no major problems have been observed in the food supply chains so far it remains unclear in the face of an uncertain future. As a result, each country has to realize the severity of the situation and sometimes should tighten or loosen the measures according to the spread of the pandemic. The supply chain also should be flexible enough to respond to the challenges in the food supply chain. ## Author Contributions Serpil Aday and Mehmet Seckin Aday chose the review topic, conducted the literature review and wrote the manuscript. ## Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. ## References Agrilinks . ( 2020 ). Preventing global food security crisis under COVID-19 [Online] . covid-19-emergency. Accessed on Mar. 20, 2020 . Aldaco , R , Hoehn , D , Laso , J , et al. ( 2020 ). Food waste management during the COVID-19 outbreak: a holistic climate, economic and nutritional approach . The Science of the Total Environment, 742 : 140524 . Google Scholar Crossref Search ADS WorldCat Almena , A , Fryer , P J , Bakalis , S , et al. ( 2019a ). 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We cut the federal deficit by 160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma
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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Speeches and Remarks The United States Capitol Good evening. Mr. Speaker. Madam Vice President. Members of Congress. My Fellow Americans. In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. He said, “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.” Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe. President Roosevelt’s purpose was to wake up the Congress and alert the American people that this was no ordinary moment. Freedom and democracy were under assault in the world. Tonight I come to the same chamber to address the nation. Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union. And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today. What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time. Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march, invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond. If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you, he will not. But Ukraine can stop Putin if we stand with Ukraine and provide the weapons it needs to defend itself. That is all Ukraine is asking. They are not asking for American soldiers. In fact, there are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine. And I am determined to keep it that way. But now assistance for Ukraine is being blocked by those who want us to walk away from our leadership in the world. It wasn’t that long ago when a Republican President, Ronald Reagan, thundered, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Now, my predecessor, a former Republican President, tells Putin, “Do whatever the hell you want.” A former American President actually said that, bowing down to a Russian leader. It’s outrageous. It’s dangerous. It’s unacceptable. America is a founding member of NATO the military alliance of democratic nations created after World War II to prevent war and keep the peace. Today, we’ve made NATO stronger than ever. We welcomed Finland to the Alliance last year, and just this morning, Sweden officially joined NATO, and their Prime Minister is here tonight. Mr. Prime Minister, welcome to NATO, the strongest military alliance the world has ever known. I say this to Congress: we must stand up to Putin. Send me the Bipartisan National Security Bill. History is watching. If the United States walks away now, it will put Ukraine at risk. Europe at risk. The free world at risk, emboldening others who wish to do us harm. My message to President Putin is simple. We will not walk away. We will not bow down. I will not bow down. History is watching, just like history watched three years ago on January 6th. Insurrectionists stormed this very Capitol and placed a dagger at the throat of American democracy. Many of you were here on that darkest of days. We all saw with our own eyes these insurrectionists were not patriots. They had come to stop the peaceful transfer of power and to overturn the will of the people. January 6th and the lies about the 2020 election, and the plots to steal the election, posed the gravest threat to our democracy since the Civil War. But they failed. America stood strong and democracy prevailed. But we must be honest the threat remains and democracy must be defended. My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth of January 6th. I will not do that. This is a moment to speak the truth and bury the lies. And here’s the simplest truth. You can’t love your country only when you win. As I’ve done ever since being elected to office, I ask you all, without regard to party, to join together and defend our democracy! Remember your oath of office to defend against all threats foreign and domestic. Respect free and fair elections! Restore trust in our institutions! And make clear –political violence has absolutely no place in America! History is watching. And history is watching another assault on freedom. Joining us tonight is Latorya Beasley, a social worker from Birmingham, Alabama. 14 months ago tonight, she and her husband welcomed a baby girl thanks to the miracle of IVF. She scheduled treatments to have a second child, but the Alabama Supreme Court shut down IVF treatments across the state, unleashed by the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. She was told her dream would have to wait. What her family has gone through should never have happened. And unless Congress acts, it could happen again. So tonight, let’s stand up for families like hers! To my friends across the aisle, don’t keep families waiting any longer. Guarantee the right to IVF nationwide! Like most Americans, I believe Roe v. Wade got it right. And I thank Vice President Harris for being an incredible leader, defending reproductive freedom and so much more. But my predecessor came to office determined to see Roe v. Wade overturned. He’s the reason it was overturned. In fact, he brags about it. Look at the chaos that has resulted. Joining us tonight is Kate Cox, a wife and mother from Dallas. When she became pregnant again, the fetus had a fatal condition. Her doctors told Kate that her own life and her ability to have children in the future were at risk if she didn’t act. Because Texas law banned abortion, Kate and her husband had to leave the state to get the care she needed. What her family has gone through should never have happened as well. But it is happening to so many others. There are state laws banning the right to choose, criminalizing doctors, and forcing survivors of rape and incest to leave their states as well to get the care they need. Many of you in this Chamber and my predecessor are promising to pass a national ban on reproductive freedom. My God, what freedoms will you take away next? In its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court majority wrote, “Women are not without – electoral or political power.” No kidding. Clearly, those bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade have no clue about the power of women in America. They found out though when reproductive freedom was on the ballot and won in 2022, 2023, and they will find out again, in 2024. If Americans send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you, I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again! America cannot go back. I am here tonight to show the way forward. Because I know how far we’ve come. Four years ago next week, before I came to office, our country was hit by the worst pandemic and the worst economic crisis in a century. Remember the fear. Record job losses. Remember the spike in crime. And the murder rate. A raging virus that would take more than 1 million American lives and leave millions of loved ones behind. A mental health crisis of isolation and loneliness. A president, my predecessor, who failed the most basic duty. Any President owes the American people the duty to care. That is unforgivable. I came to office determined to get us through one of the toughest periods in our nation’s history. And we have. It doesn’t make the news but in thousands of cities and towns the American people are writing the greatest comeback story never told. So let’s tell that story here and now. America’s comeback is building a future of American possibilities, building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down, investing in all of America, in all Americans to make sure everyone has a fair shot and we leave no one behind! The pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer. Turning setback into comeback. That’s America! I inherited an economy that was on the brink. Now our economy is the envy of the world! 15 million new jobs in just three years – that’s a record! Unemployment at 50-year lows. A record 16 million Americans are starting small businesses and each one is an act of hope. With historic job growth and small business growth for Black, Hispanic, and Asian-Americans. 800,000 new manufacturing jobs in America and counting. More people have health insurance today than ever before. The racial wealth gap is the smallest it’s been in 20 years. Wages keep going up and inflation keeps coming down! Inflation has dropped from 9% to 3% – the lowest in the world! And trending lower. And now instead of importing foreign products and exporting American jobs, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs – right here in America where they belong! And the American people are beginning to feel it. Consumer studies show consumer confidence is soaring. Buy American has been the law of the land since the 1930s. Past administrations including my predecessor failed to Buy American. Not any more. On my watch, federal projects like helping to build American roads bridges and highways will be made with American products built by American workers creating good-paying American jobs! Thanks to my Chips and Science Act the United States is investing more in research and development than ever before. During the pandemic a shortage of semiconductor chips drove up prices for everything from cell phones to automobiles. Well instead of having to import semiconductor chips, which America invented I might add, private companies are now investing billions of dollars to build new chip factories here in America! Creating tens of thousands of jobs many of them paying over $100,000 a year and don’t require a college degree. In fact my policies have attracted $650 Billion of private sector investments in clean energy and advanced manufacturing creating tens of thousands of jobs here in America! Thanks to our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 46,000 new projects have been announced across your communities – modernizing our roads and bridges, ports and airports, and public transit systems. Removing poisonous lead pipes so every child can drink clean water without risk of getting brain damage. Providing affordable high speed internet for every American no matter where you live. Urban, suburban, and rural communities — in red states and blue. Record investments in tribal communities. Because of my investments, family farms are better be able to stay in the family and children and grandchildren won’t have to leave home to make a living. It’s transformative. A great comeback story is Belvidere, Illinois. Home to an auto plant for nearly 60 years. Before I came to office the plant was on its way to shutting down. Thousands of workers feared for their livelihoods. Hope was fading. Then I was elected to office and we raised Belvidere repeatedly with the auto company knowing unions make all the difference. The UAW worked like hell to keep the plant open and get those jobs back. And together, we succeeded! Instead of an auto factory shutting down an auto factory is re-opening and a new state-of-the art battery factory is being built to power those cars. Instead of a town being left behind it’s a community moving forward again! Because instead of watching auto jobs of the future go overseas 4,000 union workers with higher wages will be building that future, in Belvidere, here in America! Here tonight is UAW President, Shawn Fain, a great friend, and a great labor leader. And Dawn Simms, a third generation UAW worker in Belvidere. Shawn, I was proud to be the first President in American history to walk a picket line. And today Dawn has a job in her hometown providing stability for her family and pride and dignity. Showing once again, Wall Street didn’t build this country! The middle class built this country! And unions built the middle class! When Americans get knocked down, we get back up! We keep going! That’s America! That’s you, the American people! It’s because of you America is coming back! It’s because of you, our future is brighter! And it’s because of you that tonight we can proudly say the State of our Union is strong and getting stronger! Tonight I want to talk about the future of possibilities that we can build together. A future where the days of trickle-down economics are over and the wealthy and biggest corporations no longer get all the breaks. I grew up in a home where not a lot trickled down on my Dad’s kitchen table. That’s why I’m determined to turn things around so the middle class does well the poor have a way up and the wealthy still does well. We all do well. And there’s more to do to make sure you’re feeling the benefits of all we’re doing. Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere else. It’s wrong and I’m ending it. With a law I proposed and signed and not one Republican voted for we finally beat Big Pharma! Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin seniors with diabetes only have to pay $35 a month! And now I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it! For years people have talked about it but I finally got it done and gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs just like the VA does for our veterans. That’s not just saving seniors money. It’s saving taxpayers money cutting the federal deficit by $160 Billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay exorbitant prices to Big Pharma. This year Medicare is negotiating lower prices for some of the costliest drugs on the market that treat everything from heart disease to arthritis. Now it’s time to go further and give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for 500 drugs over the next decade. That will not only save lives it will save taxpayers another $200 Billion! Starting next year that same law caps total prescription drug costs for seniors on Medicare at $2,000 a year even for expensive cancer drugs that can cost $10,000, $12,000, $15,000 a year. Now I want to cap prescription drug costs at $2,000 a year for everyone! Folks Obamacare, known as the Affordable Care Act is still a very big deal. Over one hundred million of you can no longer be denied health insurance because of pre-existing conditions. But my predecessor and many in this chamber want to take that protection away by repealing the Affordable Care Act I won’t let that happen! We stopped you 50 times before and we will stop you again! In fact I am protecting it and expanding it. I enacted tax credits that save $800 per person per year reducing health care premiums for millions of working families. Those tax credits expire next year. I want to make those savings permanent! Women are more than half of our population but research on women’s health has always been underfunded. That’s why we’re launching the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, led by Jill who is doing an incredible job as First Lady. Pass my plan for $12 Billion to transform women’s health research and benefit millions of lives across America! I know the cost of housing is so important to you. If inflation keeps coming down mortgage rates will come down as well. But I’m not waiting. I want to provide an annual tax creditthat will give Americans $400 a month for the next two years as mortgage rates come down to put toward their mortgage when they buy a first home or trade up for a little more space. My Administration is also eliminating title insurance fees for federally backed mortgages. When you refinance your home this can save you $1,000 or more. For millions of renters, we’re cracking down on big landlords who break antitrust laws by price-fixing and driving up rents. I’ve cut red tape so more builders can get federal financing, which is already helping build a record 1.7 million housing units nationwide. Now pass my plan to build and renovate 2 million affordable homes and bring those rents down! To remain the strongest economy in the world we need the best education system in the world. I want to give every child a good start by providing access to pre-school for 3- and 4-year-olds. Studies show that children who go to pre-school are nearly 50% more likely to finish high school and go on to earn a 2- or 4-year degree no matter their background. I want to expand high-quality tutoring and summer learning time and see to it that every child learns to read by third grade. I’m also connecting businesses and high schools so students get hands-on experience and a path to a good-paying job whether or not they go to college. And I want to make college more affordable. Let’s continue increasing Pell Grants for working- and middle-class families and increase our record investments in HBCUs and Hispanic and Minority-serving Institutions I fixed student loan programs to reduce the burden of student debt for nearly 4 Million Americans including nurses firefighters and others in public service like Keenan Jones a public-school educator in Minnesota who’s here with us tonight. He’s educated hundreds of students so they can go to college now he can help his own daughter pay for college. Such relief is good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home start a business even start a family. While we’re at it I want to give public school teachers a raise! Now let me speak to a question of fundamental fairness for all Americans. I’ve been delivering real results in a fiscally responsible way. I’ve already cut the federal deficit by over one trillion dollars. I signed a bipartisan budget deal that will cut another trillion dollars over the next decade. And now it’s my goal to cut the federal deficit $3 trillion more by making big corporations and the very wealthy finally pay their fair share. Look, I’m a capitalist. If you want to make a million bucks – great! Just pay your fair share in taxes. A fair tax code is how we invest in the things – that make a country great, health care, education, defense, and more. But here’s the deal. The last administration enacted a $2 Trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefits the very wealthy and the biggest corporations and exploded the federal deficit. They added more to the national debt than in any presidential term in American history. For folks at home does anybody really think the tax code is fair? Do you really think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion in tax breaks? I sure don’t. I’m going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair! Under my plan nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in federal taxes. Nobody. Not one penny. In fact the Child Tax Credit I passed during the pandemic cut taxes for millions of working families and cut child poverty in HALF. Restore the Child Tax Credit because no child should go hungry in this country! The way to make the tax code fair is to make big corporations and the very wealthy finally pay their share. In 2020 55 of the biggest companies in America made $40 Billion in profits and paid zero in federal income taxes. Not any more! Thanks to the law I wrote and signed big companies now have to pay a minimum of 15%. But that’s still less than working people pay in federal taxes. It’s time to raise the corporate minimum tax to at least 21% so every big corporation finally begins to pay their fair share. I also want to end the tax breaks for Big Pharma, Big Oil, private jets, and massive executive pay! End it now! There are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax rate for these billionaires is? 8.2 percent! That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, a nurse! That’s why I’ve proposed a minimum tax of 25% for billionaires. Just 25%. That would raise $500 Billion over the next 10 years. Imagine what that could do for America. Imagine a future with affordable child care so millions of families can get the care they need and still go to work and help grow the economy. Imagine a future with paid leave because no one should have to choose between working and taking care of yourself or a sick family member. Imagine a future with home care and elder care so seniors and people living with disabilities can stay in their homes and family caregivers get paid what they deserve! Tonight, let’s all agree once again to stand up for seniors! Many of my Republican friends want to put Social Security on the chopping block. If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age I will stop them! Working people who built this country pay more into Social Security than millionaires and billionaires do. It’s not fair. We have two ways to go on Social Security. Republicans will cut Social Security and give more tax cuts to the wealthy. I will protect and strengthen Social Security and make the wealthy pay their fair share! Too many corporations raise their prices to pad their profits charging you more and more for less and less. That’s why we’re cracking down on corporations that engage in price gouging or deceptive pricing from food to health care to housing. In fact, snack companies think you won’t notice when they charge you just as much for the same size bag but with fewer chips in it. Pass Senator Bob Casey’s bill to put a stop to shrinkflation! I’m also getting rid of junk fees those hidden fees added at the end of your bills without your knowledge. My administration just announced we’re cutting credit card late fees from $32 to just $8. The banks and credit card companies don’t like it. Why? I’m saving American families $20 billion a year with all of the junk fees I’m eliminating. And I’m not stopping there. My Administration has proposed rules to make cable travel utilities and online ticket sellers tell you the total price upfront so there are no surprises. It matters. And so does this. In November, my team began serious negotiations with a bipartisan group of Senators. The result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms we’ve ever seen in this country. That bipartisan deal would hire 1,500 more border security agents and officers. 100 more immigration judges to help tackle a backload of 2 million cases. 4,300 more asylum officers and new policies so they can resolve cases in 6 months instead of 6 years. 100 more high-tech drug detection machines to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop vehicles from smuggling fentanyl into America. This bill would save lives and bring order to the border. It would also give me as President new emergency authority to temporarily shut down the border when the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming. The Border Patrol Union endorsed the bill. The Chamber of Commerce endorsed the bill. I believe that given the opportunity a majority of the House and Senate would endorse it as well. But unfortunately, politics have derailed it so far. I’m told my predecessor called Republicans in Congress and demanded they block the bill. He feels it would be a political win for me and a political loser for him. It’s not about him or me. It’d be a winner for America! My Republican friends you owe it to the American people to get this bill done. We need to act. And if my predecessor is watching instead of playing politics and pressuring members of Congress to block this bill, join me in telling Congress to pass it! We can do it together. But here’s what I will not do. I will not demonize immigrants saying they “poison the blood of our country” as he said in his own words. I will not separate families. I will not ban people from America because of their faith. Unlike my predecessor, on my first day in office I introduced a comprehensive plan to fix our immigration system, secure the border, and provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and so much more. Because unlike my predecessor, I know who we are as Americans. We are the only nation in the world with a heart and soul that draws from old and new. Home to Native Americans whose ancestors have been here for thousands of years. Home to people from every place on Earth. Some came freely. Some chained by force. Some when famine struck, like my ancestral family in Ireland. Some to flee persecution. Some to chase dreams that are impossible anywhere but here in America. That’s America, where we all come from somewhere, but we are all Americans. We can fight about the border, or we can fix it. I’m ready to fix it. Send me the border bill now! A transformational moment in our history happened 59 years ago today in Selma, Alabama. Hundreds of foot soldiers for justice marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named after a Grand Dragon of the KKK, to claim their fundamental right to vote. They were beaten bloodied and left for dead. Our late friend and former colleague John Lewis was at the march. We miss him. Joining us tonight are other marchers who were there including Betty May Fikes, known as the “Voice of Selma”. A daughter of gospel singers and preachers, she sang songs of prayer and protest on that Bloody Sunday, to help shake the nation’s conscience. Five months later, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law. But 59 years later, there are forces taking us back in time. Voter suppression. Election subversion. Unlimited dark money. Extreme gerrymandering. John Lewis was a great friend to many of us here. But if you truly want to honor him and all the heroes who marched with him, then it’s time for more than just talk. Pass and send me the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act! And stop denying another core value of America our diversity across American life. Banning books. It’s wrong! Instead of erasing history, let’s make history! I want to protect other fundamental rights! Pass the Equality Act, and my message to transgender Americans: I have your back! Pass the PRO Act for workers rights! And raise the federal minimum wage because every worker has the right to earn a decent living! We are also making history by confronting the climate crisis, not denying it. I’m taking the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the world. I am cutting our carbon emissions in half by 2030. Creating tens of thousands of clean-energy jobs, like the IBEW workers building and installing 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. Conserving 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030. Taking historic action on environmental justice for fence-line communities smothered by the legacy of pollution. And patterned after the Peace Corps and Ameri Corps, I’ve launched a Climate Corps to put 20,000 young people to work at the forefront of our clean energy future. I’ll triple that number this decade. All Americans deserve the freedom to be safe, and America is safer today than when I took office. The year before I took office, murders went up 30% nationwide the biggest increase in history. That was then. Now, through my American Rescue Plan, which every Republican voted against, I’ve made the largest investment in public safety ever. Last year, the murder rate saw the sharpest decrease in history, and violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in more than 50 years. But we have more to do. Help cities and towns invest in more community police officers, more mental health workers, and more community violence intervention. Give communities the tools to crack down on gun crime, retail crime, and carjacking. Keep building public trust, as I’ve been doing by taking executive action on police reform, and calling for it to be the law of the land, directing my Cabinet to review the federal classification of marijuana, and expunging thousands of convictions for mere possession, because no one should be jailed for using or possessing marijuana! To take on crimes of domestic violence, I am ramping up federal enforcement of the Violence Against Women Act, that I proudly wrote, so we can finally end the scourge of violence against women in America! And there’s another kind of violence I want to stop. With us tonight is Jasmine, whose 9-year-old sister Jackie was murdered with 21 classmates and teachers at her elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Soon after it happened, Jill and I went to Uvalde and spent hours with the families. We heard their message, and so should everyone in this chamber do something. I did do something by establishing the first-ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the White House that Vice President Harris is leading. Meanwhile, my predecessor told the NRA he’s proud he did nothing on guns when he was President. After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.” I say we must stop it. I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years! Now we must beat the NRA again! I’m demanding a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines! Pass universal background checks! None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners. As we manage challenges at home, we’re also managing crises abroad including in the Middle East. I know the last five months have been gut-wrenching for so many people, for the Israeli people, the Palestinian people, and so many here in America. This crisis began on October 7th with a massacre by the terrorist group Hamas. 1,200 innocent people women and girls men and boys slaughtered, many enduring sexual violence. The deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. 250 hostages taken. Here in the chamber tonight are American families whose loved ones are still being held by Hamas. I pledge to all the families that we will not rest until we bring their loved ones home. We will also work around the clock to bring home Evan and Paul, Americans being unjustly detained all around the world. Israel has a right to go after Hamas. Hamas could end this conflict today by releasing the hostages, laying down arms, and surrendering those responsible for October 7th. Israel has an added burden because Hamas hides and operates among the civilian population. But Israel also has a fundamental responsibility to protect innocent civilians in Gaza. This war has taken a greater toll on innocent civilians than all previous wars in Gaza combined. More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Most of whom are not Hamas. Thousands and thousands are innocent women and children. Girls and boys also orphaned. Nearly 2 million more Palestinians under bombardment or displaced. Homes destroyed, neighborhoods in rubble, cities in ruin. Families without food, water, medicine. It’s heartbreaking. We’ve been working non-stop to establish an immediate ceasefire that would last for at least six weeks. It would get the hostages home, ease the intolerable humanitarian crisis, and build toward something more enduring. The United States has been leading international efforts to get more humanitarian assistance into Gaza. Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters. No U.S. boots will be on the ground. This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day. But Israel must also do its part. Israel must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure that humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the cross fire. To the leadership of Israel I say this. Humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip. Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority. As we look to the future, the only real solution is a two-state solution. I say this as a lifelong supporter of Israel and the only American president to visit Israel in wartime. There is no other path that guarantees Israel’s security and democracy. There is no other path that guarantees Palestinians can live with peace and dignity. There is no other path that guarantees peace between Israel and all of its Arab neighbors, including Saudi Arabia. Creating stability in the Middle East also means containing the threat posed by Iran. That’s why I built a coalition of more than a dozen countries to defend international shipping and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. I’ve ordered strikes to degrade Houthi capabilities and defend U.S. Forces in the region. As Commander in Chief, I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and military personnel. For years, all I’ve heard from my Republican friends and so many others is China’s on the rise and America is falling behind. They’ve got it backward. America is rising. We have the best economy in the world. Since I’ve come to office, our GDP is up. And our trade deficit with China is down to the lowest point in over a decade. We’re standing up against China’s unfair economic practices. And standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. I’ve revitalized our partnerships and alliances in the Pacific. I’ve made sure that the most advanced American technologies can’t be used in China’s weapons. Frankly for all his tough talk on China, it never occurred to my predecessor to do that. We want competition with China, but not conflict. And we’re in a stronger position to win the competition for the 21st Century against China or anyone else for that matter. Here at home I’ve signed over 400 bipartisan bills. But there’s more to do to pass my Unity Agenda. Strengthen penalties on fentanyl trafficking. Pass bipartisan privacy legislation to protect our children online. Harness the promise of A.I. and protect us from its peril. Ban A.I. voice impersonation and more! And keep our one truly sacred obligation, to train and equip those we send into harm’s way and care for them and their families when they come home, and when they don’t. That’s why I signed the PACT Act, one of the most significant laws ever, helping millions of veterans who were exposed to toxins and who now are battling more than 100 cancers. Many of them didn’t come home. We owe them and their families. And we owe it to ourselves to keep supporting our new health research agency called ARPA-H and remind us that we can do big things like end cancer as we know it! Let me close with this. I know I may not look like it, but I’ve been around a while. And when you get to my age certain things become clearer than ever before. I know the American story. Again and again I’ve seen the contest between competing forces in the battle for the soul of our nation. Between those who want to pull America back to the past and those who want to move America into the future. My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. A future based on the core values that have defined America. Honesty. Decency. Dignity. Equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor. Now some other people my age see a different story. An American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me. I was born amid World War II when America stood for freedom in the world. I grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania and Claymont, Delaware among working people who built this country. I watched in horror as two of my heroes, Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy, were assassinated and their legacies inspired me to pursue a career in service. A public defender, county councilman, elected United States Senator at 29, then Vice President, to our first Black President, now President, with our first woman Vice President. In my career I’ve been told I’m too young and I’m too old. Whether young or old, I’ve always known what endures. Our North Star. The very idea of America, that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either. And I won’t walk away from it now. My fellow Americans the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are it’s how old our ideas are? Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas. But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back. To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future of what America can and should be. Tonight you’ve heard mine. I see a future where we defend democracy not diminish it. I see a future where we restore the right to choose and protect other freedoms not take them away. I see a future where the middle class finally has a fair shot and the wealthy finally have to pay their fair share in taxes. I see a future where we save the planet from the climate crisis and our country from gun violence. Above all, I see a future for all Americans! I see a country for all Americans! And I will always be a president for all Americans! Because I believe in America! I believe in you the American people. You’re the reason I’ve never been more optimistic about our future! So let’s build that future together! Let’s remember who we are! We are the United States of America. There is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together! May God bless you all. May God protect our troops. ### Next Post: Joint Statement from the European Commission, the Republic of Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States Endorsing the Activation of a Maritime Corridor to Deliver Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza Joint Statement from the European Commission, the Republic of Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States Endorsing the Activation of a Maritime Corridor to Deliver Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza March 08, 2024 • Statements and Releases Next Post ## Stay Connected Sign Up Email Address* Required ZIP Code Please leave blank. We\'ll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. Opt in to send and receive text messages from President Biden. 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We cut the federal deficit by 160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma
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By **Amy Sherman, PolitiFact** March 21, 2024 Republish This Story We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/sites/2/2020/10/meter-half-true.jpg\\") President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address, March 7, 2024 President Joe Biden has been making his case for reelection to voters by telling them he is good for their pocketbooks, including at the pharmacy counter. During his State of the Union address, Biden said legislation he signed gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. ![\\"Partner](\\" content/uploads/sites/2/2023/08/politifact-logo-2023.png?w=120\\"/) This story also ran on PolitiFact. It can be republished for free. “That’s not just saving seniors money and taxpayers money,” Biden said, a reference to the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed in 2022. “We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma.” Biden added, “This year, Medicare is negotiating lower prices for some of the costliest drugs.” He called for giving Medicare the power to negotiate prices for 500 drugs over the next decade. In August, the federal government announced the first 10 drugs that it will negotiate for lower prices as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. A respected source of legislation analysis projects the change will save the government a lot of money, but those dollars haven’t been realized. There is a reason Biden touted this legislation during his address: Polling by KFF shows that people, regardless of their political leanings, overwhelmingly support the idea of allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. But most people don’t know that such negotiations are underway. #### Email Sign-Up Subscribe to KFF Health News\' free Morning Briefing. Your Email Address Sign Up Impact of Inflation Reduction Act Will Take Many Years In August 2022, Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, which will allow the federal government to negotiate prices with drugmakers for Medicare. Biden kept his promise to repeal the law that barred Medicare from negotiating prices. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects a 10-year cumulative savings of $161.7 billion from two provisions of the Iaw: a phased-in effort to negotiate with drugmakers for lower prices and a rebate for price increases above the overall inflation rate. (The White House has previously pointed to this analysis.) However, not all the savings will be permanent. About $44.3 billion over 10 years will be funneled into related provisions that expand access and lower out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries. “Negotiations are still ramping up, so the savings generated by the Inflation Reduction Act negotiation provisions are still in the future,” said Matthew Fiedler, a Brookings Institution expert on the economy and health studies. “The Congressional Budget Office did expect the inflation rebate provisions of the IRA (which are encompassed in the $160 billion) to begin generating modest savings during 2023 and 2024, but there, too, most of the savings are in the future.” The legislation involves price negotiations for 10 brand-name medications that lack generic equivalents. Those drugs include the blood thinners Eliquis and Xarelto; the diabetes drugs Januvia, Jardiance, and NovoLog; Enbrel, for rheumatoid arthritis; the blood-cancer drug Imbruvica; Entresto, for heart failure; Stelara, for psoriasis and Crohn’s disease; and Farxiga, a drug for diabetes, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease. The CBO has estimated that the negotiated prices will translate to nearly $100 billion in federal savings from 2026 to 2031. “Biden is jumping the gun on claiming savings for seniors,” said Joe Antos, an expert on health care at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “Price negotiations haven’t been completed; the new prices for selected drugs aren’t in place until 2026.” Biden said the legislation is “saving seniors money and taxpayers money,” which could be interpreted to mean it is saving them money now on prescription drugs. But the negotiations for these drugs would define the prices to be paid for prescriptions starting in 2026. For 2027 and 2028, 15 more drugs per year will be chosen for price negotiations. Starting in 2029, 20 more will be chosen a year. That said, other provisions in the legislation have already led to savings for seniors, said Tricia Neuman, a senior vice president at KFF: * Certain recommended adult vaccines covered under Medicare Part D, such as shingles, are covered at no cost. * The act established a cap on Part D spending that begins phasing in this year. This year, Part D enrollees will pay no more than $3,300 on brand-name drugs. In 2025, the cap for all covered Part D drugs drops to $2,000. * The Inflation Reduction Act included the $35-a-month insulin cap, improvements in coverage for low-income beneficiaries, and the inflation rebate. When we pressed the White House to provide examples of savings that have already occurred, a spokesperson pointed to the insulin cap. Meanwhile, Antos said that although the Part D rebate has kicked in, the savings come from a small subset of Part D drugs taken by older Americans and that the government reaps the savings, not older Americans. “There is no reason to expect that seniors will see significant savings since there’s no obligation for the feds to distribute savings to Part D enrollees,” Antos said. Our Ruling Biden said, “We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma.” Biden’s statement omits the time frame; the savings have not been realized. The CBO projected 10-year cumulative savings of $161.7 billion from two provisions of the legislation. And as for saving older Americans money on their prescriptions, that hasn’t happened yet. The federal government is negotiating the first 10 drugs with the new prices set to take effect in 2026. We rate this statement Half True. #### Sources KFF, “3 Charts: Medicare Drug Price Negotiations,” Jan. 31, 2024 White House, “Budget Cuts Wasteful Spending on Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Other Special Interests, Cracks Down on Systemic Fraud, and Makes Programs More Cost Effective,” March 9, 2023 Email interview, Matthew Fiedler, senior fellow in economic studies, Center on Health Policy at The Brookings Institution, March 8, 2024 Email interview, Tricia Neuman, a senior vice president of KFF and the executive director of its Program on Medicare Policy, March 8, 2024 Email interview, Joe Antos, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, March 8, 2024 White House, statement to PolitiFact, March 8, 2024 President Joe Biden, remarks on health care costs, Aug. 29, 2023 Congressional Budget Office, “Estimated Budgetary Effects of Public Law 117-169, to Provide for Reconciliation Pursuant to Title II of S. Con. Res. 14,” Sept. 7, 2022 Congressional Budget Office, “How CBO Estimated the Budgetary Impact of Key Prescription Drug Provisions in the 2022 Reconciliation Act,” February 2023 KFF, “Explaining the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act,” Jan. 24, 2023 NBC News, “Medicare Names First 10 Drugs up for Price Negotiations With the Government,” Aug. 29, 2023 PolitiFact, “Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act Will Allow Medicare to Negotiate Drug Prices,” Aug. 10, 2022 READ ABOUT OUR PROCESS: The Principles of the Truth-o-Meter ### Related Topics * Elections * Health Care Costs * Health Industry * Insurance * Medicare * Biden Administration * Drug Costs * Prescription Drugs Contact Us Submit a Story Tip Share This Story: * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * Email * Print * Republish This Story We want to hear from you: Contact Us Republish This Story × ### Copy And Paste To Republish This Story # Biden Said Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Cut the Deficit by $160B. That’s Years Away. By **Amy Sherman, PolitiFact** March 21, 2024 Article HTML <h1>Biden Said Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Cut the Deficit by $160B. That’s Years Away.</h1> <span class=\"byline\">Amy Sherman, PolitiFact</span> <p>We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma.</p> <p>President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address, March 7, 2024</p> <p>President Joe Biden has been making his case for reelection to voters by telling them he is good for their pocketbooks, including at the pharmacy counter.</p> <p>During his <a href=\" union-address/\">State of the Union address</a>, Biden said legislation he signed gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices.</p> <p>“That’s not just saving seniors money and taxpayers money,” <a href=\" said</a>, a reference to the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed in 2022. “We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma.” </p> <p>Biden added, “This year, Medicare is negotiating lower prices for some of the costliest drugs.” He called for giving Medicare the power to negotiate prices for 500 drugs over the next decade.</p> <p><a href=\" biden-right-that-new-medicare-drug-law-will/\">In August</a>, the federal government announced the first 10 drugs that it will negotiate for lower prices as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. A respected source of legislation analysis projects the change will save the government a lot of money, but those dollars haven’t been realized.</p> <p>There is a reason Biden touted this legislation during his address: <a href=\" medicare-drug-price- negotiations/#:~:text=The%20Congressional%20Budget%20Office%20has,savings%20between%202026%20and%202031\">Polling by KFF</a> shows that people, regardless of their political leanings, overwhelmingly support the idea of allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. But most people don’t know that such negotiations are underway.</p> <p><strong>Impact of Inflation Reduction Act Will Take Many Years</strong></p> <p>In August 2022, Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, which will allow the federal government to negotiate prices with drugmakers for Medicare. Biden <a href=\" tracker/promise/1559/repeal-law-barring-medicare-negotiating-lower- drug/\">kept his promise</a> to repeal the law that barred Medicare from negotiating prices. </p> <p>The <a href=\" biden-right-that-new-medicare-drug-law-will/\">nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects</a> a 10-year cumulative savings of $161.7 billion from two provisions of the Iaw: a phased-in effort to negotiate with drugmakers for lower prices and a rebate for price increases above the overall inflation rate. (The <a href=\" releases/2023/08/29/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-historic-action-to- lower-prescription-drug-costs/\">White House</a> has previously pointed to this analysis.)</p> <p>However, not all the savings will be permanent. About $44.3 billion over 10 years will be funneled into related provisions that expand access and lower out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries.</p> <p>“Negotiations are still ramping up, so the savings generated by the Inflation Reduction Act negotiation provisions are still in the future,” said Matthew Fiedler, a Brookings Institution expert on the economy and health studies. “The Congressional Budget Office did expect the inflation rebate provisions of the IRA (which are encompassed in the $160 billion) to begin generating modest savings during 2023 and 2024, but there, too, most of the savings are in the future.”</p> <p>The legislation involves price negotiations for <a href=\" about-medicare-drug-price- negotiations/#:~:text=The%20Congressional%20Budget%20Office%20has,savings%20between%202026%20and%202031\">10 brand-name medications</a> that lack generic equivalents. Those <a href=\" first-10-drugs-price-negotiation-government- rcna101166?cid=eml_firstread_20230830&%243p=e_sailthru&_branch_match_id=944296956703934604&utm_medium=Email%20Sailthru&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAAz2MUQrCMBBETxP%2F0qaNiAgigvQaZU3XdjHZhE1qr28UFOZj5g0zSykpn9qW745xyw2k1HjiZ2vTRfV7m844ZiBfFll3FUShmRj8uIo%2FL5%2BxslfVD1XbtjW%2FGxdDJQtCHf6NdiBYU8CJPlYzBMz6QZKL7oyeZJ2zTkKuVjjHQlAosp7jC4UDctHiGDrTdYeDsoOjSdkbBj9%2BLwRhGnvTW3O05g0QBFVY2AAAAA%3D%3D\">drugs include</a> the blood thinners Eliquis and Xarelto; the diabetes drugs Januvia, Jardiance, and NovoLog; Enbrel, for rheumatoid arthritis; the blood- cancer drug Imbruvica; Entresto, for heart failure; Stelara, for psoriasis and Crohn’s disease; and Farxiga, a drug for diabetes, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease.</p> <p>The <a href=\" act/press-release/3-charts-about-medicare-drug-price- negotiations/#:~:text=The%20Congressional%20Budget%20Office%20has,savings%20between%202026%20and%202031\">CBO has estimated</a> that the negotiated prices will translate to nearly $100 billion in federal savings from 2026 to 2031.</p> <p>“Biden is jumping the gun on claiming savings for seniors,” said Joe Antos, an expert on health care at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “Price negotiations haven’t been completed; the new prices for selected drugs aren’t in place until 2026.”</p> <p>Biden said the legislation is “saving seniors money and taxpayers money,” which could be interpreted to mean it is saving them money now on prescription drugs. But the negotiations for these drugs would define the prices to be paid for prescriptions starting in 2026. For 2027 and 2028, 15 more drugs per year will be chosen for price negotiations. Starting in 2029, 20 more will be chosen a year. </p> <p>That said, other provisions in the legislation have already led to savings for seniors, said Tricia Neuman, a senior vice president at KFF:</p> <ul> <li>Certain recommended adult vaccines covered under Medicare Part D, such as shingles, are covered at no cost. </li> <li>The act established a cap on Part D spending that begins phasing in this year. This year, Part D enrollees will pay no more than $3,300 on brand-name drugs. In 2025, the cap for all covered Part D drugs drops to $2,000.</li> <li>The Inflation Reduction Act included the $35-a-month insulin cap, improvements in coverage for low-income beneficiaries, and the inflation rebate.</li> </ul> <p>When we pressed the White House to provide examples of savings that have already occurred, a spokesperson pointed to the insulin cap.</p> <p>Meanwhile, Antos said that although the Part D rebate has kicked in, the savings come from a small subset of Part D drugs taken by older Americans and that the government reaps the savings, not older Americans. </p> <p>“There is no reason to expect that seniors will see significant savings since there’s no obligation for the feds to distribute savings to Part D enrollees,” Antos said.</p> <p><strong>Our Ruling</strong></p> <p>Biden said, “We cut the federal deficit by $160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma.”</p> <p>Biden’s statement omits the time frame; the savings have not been realized. The CBO projected 10-year cumulative savings of $161.7 billion from two provisions of the legislation. And as for saving older Americans money on their prescriptions, that hasn’t happened yet. The federal government is negotiating the first 10 drugs with the new prices set to take effect in 2026.</p> <p>We rate this statement Half True.</p> <h4>Sources</h4><p>KFF, “<a href=\" medicare-drug-price- negotiations/#:~:text=The%20Congressional%20Budget%20Office%20has,savings%20between%202026%20and%202031\">3 Charts: Medicare Drug Price Negotiations</a>,” Jan. 31, 2024</p><p>White House, “<a href=\" room/2023/03/09/fact-sheet-the-presidents-budget-cuts-wasteful-spending-on- big-pharma-big-oil-and-other-special-interests-cracks-down-on-systemic-fraud- and-makes-programs-more-cost- effective/#:~:text=Expand%20Medicare\'s%20Ability%20to%20Negotiate%20Drug%20Prices.&text=The%20Budget%20cuts%20Federal%20spending,for%20savings%20over%2010%20years\">Budget Cuts Wasteful Spending on Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Other Special Interests, Cracks Down on Systemic Fraud, and Makes Programs More Cost Effective</a>,” March 9, 2023</p><p>Email interview, Matthew Fiedler, senior fellow in economic studies, Center on Health Policy at The Brookings Institution, March 8, 2024</p><p>Email interview, Tricia Neuman, a senior vice president of KFF and the executive director of its Program on Medicare Policy, March 8, 2024</p><p>Email interview, Joe Antos, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, March 8, 2024</p><p>White House, statement to PolitiFact, March 8, 2024</p><p>President Joe Biden, <a href=\" remarks/2023/08/29/remarks-by-president-biden-on-lowering-healthcare- costs/\">remarks on health care costs</a>, Aug. 29, 2023</p><p>Congressional Budget Office, “<a href=\" Budgetary Effects of Public Law 117-169, to Provide for Reconciliation Pursuant to Title II of S. Con. Res. 14</a>,” Sept. 7, 2022</p><p>Congressional Budget Office, “<a href=\" CBO Estimated the Budgetary Impact of Key Prescription Drug Provisions in the 2022 Reconciliation Act</a>,” February 2023</p><p>KFF, “<a href=\" drug-provisions-in-the-inflation-reduction-act/\">Explaining the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act</a>,” Jan. 24, 2023</p><p>NBC News, “<a href=\" first-10-drugs-price-negotiation-government- rcna101166?cid=eml_firstread_20230830&%243p=e_sailthru&_branch_match_id=944296956703934604&utm_medium=Email%20Sailthru&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAAz2MUQrCMBBETxP%2F0qaNiAgigvQaZU3XdjHZhE1qr28UFOZj5g0zSykpn9qW745xyw2k1HjiZ2vTRfV7m844ZiBfFll3FUShmRj8uIo%2FL5%2BxslfVD1XbtjW%2FGxdDJQtCHf6NdiBYU8CJPlYzBMz6QZKL7oyeZJ2zTkKuVjjHQlAosp7jC4UDctHiGDrTdYeDsoOjSdkbBj9%2BLwRhGnvTW3O05g0QBFVY2AAAAA%3D%3D\">Medicare Names First 10 Drugs up for Price Negotiations With the Government</a>,” Aug. 29, 2023</p><p>PolitiFact, “<a href=\" meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/promise/1559/repeal-law-barring-medicare- negotiating-lower-drug/\">Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act Will Allow Medicare to Negotiate Drug Prices</a>,” Aug. 10, 2022</p><p><strong>READ ABOUT OUR PROCESS:</strong></p><p><a href=\" meter-politifacts-methodology-i/\">The Principles of the Truth-o-Meter</a></p> <p /> Copy HTML We encourage organizations to republish our content, free of charge. 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We cut the federal deficit by 160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma
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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Speeches and Remarks Indian Treaty Room 12:00 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Kris, thank you, thank you, thank you. First of all, thank you for the courage you’ve shown over the years dealing with your health issues but also for standing up here before the whole nation and explaining to us what you’ve gone through. It’s not easy to do.You know, trying to afford your expensive medications, from blood disorders to asthma — millions of Americans — millions — have similar stories: lying in bed at night literally staring at the ceiling wondering what in God’s name will happen if their spouse gets cancer of if their child gets sick or something happens to them. Are they going to have enough insurance? Can they afford the medical bills they’re going to have? Will they have to sell the house to keep things moving? You know, and you find out a big reason why we’re lying awake at night with these questions is because the drug companies are charging exorbitant — exorbitant prescription drug prices — higher prices than anywhere in the world. When Bernie said it — I was listening in the back, Bernie. You and I have been fighting this for 25 years. Finally — finally we beat Big Pharma. Finally. (Applause.) I’m serious. I’m proud — (laughs) — I’m proud that my administration is taking on Big Pharma in the most significant ways ever. And I wouldn’t have done it without Bernie. And Bernie got a — you know, look, Bernie was the one who was leading the way for decades in which we’re — why we’re here today. You know, Bernie mentioned that Americans pay more for prescription drugs than other advanced nation in the world. If you want to — if you walk into a local drugstore here in America, the prices are at least two to three times more for the exact same prescription made by the exact same pharmaceutical company in Canada, France, Italy, and even in Eastern Europe — all around the world. But not anymore. For years, people have talked about how Medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug price — prescription drug prices the government pays for, just like the VA does when they’re able to negotiate medicines and — and needs for the veterans. But we’ve tried and tried and tried. And finally, with Bernie’s help, I finally got my Inflation Reduction Act, which passed — and Bernie helped get it passed. Not one Republican in the entire Congress — this — this did surprise me; I have to admit to you — not one single Republican voted for it — not one single one — to give us authority to take on and beat Big Pharma. Take insulin for people with diabetes — it costs 10 bucks to make. If you add everything in terms of packaging and all the rest, you can argue maybe $12 total. And they’re charging as much as $400 a month. Not anymore. Not anymore. Seniors with diabetes will only have to pay $35 a month from this point on. (Applause.) And, by the way, when I first got the law passed, guess what? It applied to every American — every American. But the Republicans were able to cut back on the fact that only — they only were not able — the only thing they couldn’t defeat was seniors. But I want to — I want those savings to be for every — every single person in America, no matter what their age. No one should pay more than 35 bucks a month for insulin, period. And, by the way, drug companies still make a significant pro- — product — I’m — excuse me, significant profit because I said: Ten bucks to make. By the way, the guy who invented the drug didn’t want to patent it because he wanted it available to everybody. Well, it’s available all right. Look, folks, there’s a whole lot of prescription drugs that are ongoing — undergoing the process of lower pricing. Medicare is now able to negotiate lower drices — lower prices for some of the costliest drugs that treat everything from heart disease to arthritis. This year alone, the law that’s already passed — it’s in the law now that we signed — Medicare is negotiating 10 of the most costly drugs next year, and they’ll do that every year beyond for the — it goes well beyond 50 drugs. Next year, it’ll be 15. It isn’t just saving seniors money. Along with other reforms, it’s taxpayer money and we’re cutting the federal deficit. And people say, “Well, it’s costing money.” Guess what? It’s costing the drug companies money. It cuts the deficit by $160 billion — $160 billion. (Applause.) No, I’m serious. Think about it. Over the next 10 years — because Medicare will no longer have to be — pay those exorbitant prices. Instead of paying 400 bucks, they’re paying 35 bucks. But I think we should be more aggressive. It’s time to negotiate lower prices for at least 50 drugs a year. We only have it — the law only requires 10 now, and then 15, and it moves up.Along with other actions, we’re not only saving lives, but if we move that number up, we’ll save taxpayers another $200 billion on top of the $160 billion, because Medicare will not be paying these exorbitant costs.It is a gigantic — and, by the way, the other guy talks about cutting the deficit. He increased the deficit more than any president has in history. And we’ve cut it.Look, in addition to the law we passed that will cap prescription drug costs for seniors on Medicare starting in 2025 — it’s already the law — doesn’t require anything else — because when I say these things, they say, “You think you can get it done?” It’s already the law. Every- — your drugs will not cost you — if you’re a senior on Medicare — will not have to pay more than $2,000 a year, no matter what the drugs costs. And as you know — many of you unfortunately know or your parents — some of the cancer drugs cost $10-, $12-, $15,000 a year. Combined — combined, they will not have to pay a penny beyond $2,000 a year. (Applause.) And the drug companies will still make a lot of money.Folks, Bernie and I want to cap prescription drug costs at $2,000 a year for every American, not just seniors. (Applause.) We’re here today to talk about how we’re lowering prices and cracking down on un- — unfair competition in prescription drugs.I’m a capitalist. Capitalism, though, without competition isn’t capitalism; it’s exploitation. That’s what’s going on: exploitation.When Big Pharma doesn’t play by the rules, competitors can’t offer lower prices for generic drugs and devices that carry that medication, so prices are raised artificially. I thank Bernie for leading the charge to do something about this. For example, asthma is one of the most common respiratory illnesses in America. Twenty-seven million Americans have asthma, including four million children. Asthma causes about one thou- — one million visits to a hospital emergency rooms every year. Nationwide, the cost of treating asthma is estimated to be $50 billion a year — the treating the asthma — not the drug, treating the asthma. If you have asthma, you will likely need an inhaler to breathe. Now this spring is here, the season and allergies are on — upon us. We’re on the rise even more. More people with asthma need inhalers to breathe. You know, many asthma medications — many have — be on the market for more than 25 years. They cost less than $5 to make. They cost less than $5 to make, but the medication — the medication hasn’t changed at all.Theoretically, if the drug company came with a new medicine that would — they invested in a lot of money to find a better way, they di- — they wouldn’t have to — they could argue that — another price. But drug companies have increased prices for asthma drugs up to eight times more than the original cost. And the mechanism is- — and the m- — the mechanisms attached to the inhaler, the thing that makes it, you know, go into your — into your nose or mouth, that is a device that Med- — Medicare hasn’t changed much either.Look, these big companies try to keep generic companies away from getting patents on devices that deliver the medication through the inhalers.So, there’s two pieces. It’s not just the — what’s in the inhaler. It’s the mechanism that allows it to go into your body.For example, they slightly changed the cap of an inhaler and they use the new patent on that cap to block generic drug companies from being able to enter the market. It’s a big deal. Playing these games with patients and pricing, Big Pharma is able to charge Americans significantly higher prices and pad their profits.Senator Sanders has pointed out one company sells an inhaler for 49 bucks in the United Kingdom. You know how much they charge in the United States for that one inhaler? Six hundred and forty-five dollars. So, I take — $645.If you need that inhaler and you get on Air Force One with me, the next time we go to London, you can get off and you can get it for — (laughter) — no, I’m serious. Think about that, though. Just think about that. For the same exact medicine and the same exact device. It’s outrageous. Another company sells an inhaler for $9 in Germany — $9 in Germany — and we pay $286 here in the United States. Nine bucks in Germany — same outfit, same company, same device — and it’s 30 times more. Thirty times more. I repeat: It’s outrageous. And we’re doing something about it, finally.Why in God’s name should an American pay $645 for the same inhaler sold in the United Kingdom for $49 by the same outfit — the same outfit? Bernie called out the drug companies during the congressional hearings. And you just heard from Lina Khan, the Federal — the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission, who is working with the Food and Drug Administration to crack down on these drug companies, and it’s a big deal. As a result of all this action, some drug companies have withdrawn their abusive patent listings for inhalers and other common products like EpiPens. You know, the last few weeks, some of the big drug companies have gotten the message to reduce the prices for some asthma drugs. Bernie is a big reason why that’s happened. In fact, three of the four largest companies are capping the cost of inhalers for many patients — that can be up to $600 out of pocket — at $35. There’s some progress going on beyond what we’ve done — the law. But it’s about time. And — and going forward with more competition and more generic drugs in the market, the price could be even less than it is now and coming down. But that’s not all. Because of all of you, my Inflation Reduction Act — drug companies that raise prices more than inflation are going to pay back Medicare the difference between what they charged and the inflation rate. This is based on the price of their drugs in 2021. That means consumers will pay less for prescription drugs, and they’ll save taxpayers money and discourage companies from hiking prices faster than inflation in the first place. But we want to do more. It’s time the drug companies pay rebates when they increase prices faster than inflation — not just for seniors but for every single American — every single American. (Applause.) And today’s announcement follows actions we’ve already taken to significantly reduce the healthcare costs for average Americans. We took action to reduce the cost of hearing aids for millions of Americans by as much as $3,000 for a pair of hearing aids. In addition, my administration is banning junk fees on health insurance plans. These are the plans that stick consumers with big unexpected charges instead of covering the care they need. Look, they ended up with fair surpri- — I ended up- — surprise medical bills so hospitals that are in-network can’t send you a bill for an out-of-network doctor that you didn’t choose or you would — haven’t even been consulted. I was in the hospital for a while years ago and that happened. Kamala and I are protecting and expanding the Affordable Healthcare Act, known as Obamacare, which, I might add, is still a big deal. (Applause.) Today — thank God my mother wasn’t here — (laughter) — today, 21 million Americans are covered through the Affordable Care Act, 9 million more than when I took office. I exact tax credits — we enacted tax credits to save an average of $800 per person per year, reducing healthcare premiums for millions of working families whose coverage — who have coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Those tax credits, though, expire. You can only get it for — through this year. And I’m calling on Congress to make tax credits permanent — permanent for this process. (Applause.) And, folks, all of our progress is in stark contrast to my predecessor and MAGA Republicans in — in the Congress. They want to, quote — I love their word they love — they want to “terminate” the Affordable Care Act — I love it, “terminate” –my — as my predecessor says, kicking millions of Americans off their health insurance. And, by the way, the vast majority of these people would not be able to get insurance because they have a preexisting condition. They also want to eliminate the Inflation Reduction Act, eliminate the savings to lower prescription drug prices, and so much more. During the last administration, my president ex- — my predecessor exploded the national debt more than any previous president in the history in a four-year term — more than any prev- — he talks about the debt. He exploded it more than any other president in a four-year term with his $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly — overwhelmingly benefitted the very wealthy and the biggest corporations in America. Now he and his Republicans in Congress want to cut Social Security — raise the age — and cut Medicare while they cut taxes for the very wealthy again. You know, I got a better idea. I’m going to protect Social Security and Medicare, along with Bernie and other members of Congress, to make sure the wealthy begin to pay their fair share to keep these programs solvent. (Applause.) It’s not hard. And let me repeat what I said that even some people, like Bernie, didn’t like at the beginning — and I don’t blame them — but I said on day one, to make a point: No one in America will pay a single penny more in federal taxes if they make under — less than — if they make less than $400,000 a year. I wish I was able to do that. I was listed — and Bernie will — used to kid me about it — I was listed as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I didn’t think I was poor. I got a good salary. But I was the poorest man in Congress. Trump brags about he is the reason Roe v. Wade was overturned. And here’s his quote: “I did something no one thought possible. I got rid of Roe v. Wade.” End of quote. And now he and his MAGA officials are calling on a nat- — for a national ban on the right to choose in every state. I promise you: With a Democratic Congress, Kamala and I will make Roe v. Wade the law of the land again. I promise you. (Applause.) I’m talking too long here. Let me close with this. (Laughter.) I’m excited about this. I’m really proud of what we’ve been able to do. I really am. Bernie and I have been doing this work for a long time. I know we don’t look it, but we’ve been doing it a long time. (Laughter.) Bernie and I have something else in common: We both married way above our stations. But any rate, but we know we’ve made historic progress in the last three years: 35 bucks for insulin for seniors, $35 for inhalers for asthma, $2,000 a year total cap on costs for seniors. We’re lowering the cost of some of the most expensive prescription drugs for seniors. And what I want to do next — what we want to do next is these caps on costs for everyone — everyone, not just seniors. With Bernie’s help, we’re showing how healthcare ought to be a right and not a privilege in America. And that’s why I’ve never been more optimistic about — I really mean it. You’ve heard me say in this very room how optimistic I am. I am optimistic because the laws we got passed are now coming into effect, whether it’s the infrastructure or whether it’s this. I mean, there’s so much more. I just have — we have to — and I said this many times and I’ll get out of your hair. You know, we have to remember who we are. We’re the United States of America. I mean — I mean these things from the bottom of my heart. We’re the United — there is nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. We’re the only nation — as a student of history — that I can find that’s come out of every crisis we’ve entered stronger than we went in. Every single time. So, let’s remember who the hell — we’re the United States of America. God bless you all. And may God protect our troops. (Applause.) 12:17 P.M. EDT Next Post: President Biden Announces Presidential Delegation to the Republic of Rwanda on the Occasion of Kwibuka 30 President Biden Announces Presidential Delegation to the Republic of Rwanda on the Occasion of Kwibuka 30 April 03, 2024 • Presidential Actions Next Post ## Stay Connected Sign Up Email Address* Required ZIP Code Please leave blank. We\'ll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. Opt in to send and receive text messages from President Biden. 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We cut the federal deficit by 160 billion because Medicare will no longer have to pay those exorbitant prices to Big Pharma
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Donate Follow us Email Open Search... Search * Election 2024 * Abortion in the U.S. * Health Policy 101 ## Medicare * Search * Graphics & Interactives * Polls * Home * Medicare * Explaining the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act # Explaining the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act Juliette Cubanski, Tricia Neuman, and Meredith Freed Published: Jan 24, 2023 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, signed into law by President Biden on August 16, 2022, includes several provisions to lower prescription drug costs for people with Medicare and reduce drug spending by the federal government. This legislation has taken shape amidst strong bipartisan, public support for the government to address high and rising drug prices. CBO estimates that the drug pricing provisions in the law will reduce the federal deficit by $237 billion over 10 years (2022-2031). The prescription drug provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act will: * Require the federal government to negotiate prices for some drugs covered under Medicare Part B and Part D with the highest total spending, beginning in 2026 * Require drug companies to pay rebates to Medicare if prices rise faster than inflation for drugs used by Medicare beneficiaries, beginning in 2023 * Cap out-of-pocket spending for Medicare Part D enrollees and make other Part D benefit design changes, beginning in 2024 * Limit monthly cost sharing for insulin to $35 for people with Medicare, beginning in 2023 * Eliminate cost sharing for adult vaccines covered under Medicare Part D and improve access to adult vaccines in Medicaid and CHIP, beginning in 2023 * Expand eligibility for full benefits under the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program, beginning in 2024 * Further delay implementation of the Trump Administration’s drug rebate rule, beginning in 2027 This brief summarizes these provisions and discusses the expected effects on people, program spending, and drug prices and innovation. #### Require the Federal Government to Negotiate Prices for Some Drugs Covered Under Medicare Under the Medicare Part D program, which covers retail prescription drugs, Medicare contracts with private plan sponsors to provide a prescription drug benefit. The law that established the Part D benefit included a provision known as the “noninterference” clause, which stipulates that the HHS Secretary “may not interfere with the negotiations between drug manufacturers and pharmacies and PDP [prescription drug plan] sponsors, and may not require a particular formulary or institute a price structure for the reimbursement of covered part D drugs.” In addition, the Secretary of HHS does not currently negotiate prices for drugs covered under Medicare Part B (administered by physicians). Instead, Medicare reimburses providers based on a formula set at 106% of the Average Sales Price (ASP), which is the average price to all non- federal purchasers in the U.S, inclusive of rebates (other than rebates paid under the Medicaid program). The Part D non-interference clause has been a longstanding target for some policymakers because it has limited the ability of the federal government to leverage lower prices, particularly for high-priced drugs without competitors. Medicare Part D and Part B drug spending is highly concentrated among a relatively small share of covered drugs, mainly those without generic or biosimilar competitors. A recent KFF Tracking Poll finds large majorities support allowing the federal government to negotiate drug prices and this support holds steady even after the public is provided with the arguments that were made for and against this proposal. ##### Provision Description The Inflation Reduction Act amends the non-interference clause by adding an exception that requires the Secretary of HHS to negotiate prices with drug companies for a small number of single-source brand-name drugs or biologics without generic or biosimilar competitors that are covered under Medicare Part D (starting in 2026) and Part B (starting in 2028). Under the new Drug Price Negotiation Program, the number of drugs selected for price negotiation is 10 Part D drugs for 2026, another 15 Part D drugs for 2027, another 15 Part D and Part B drugs for 2028, and another 20 Part D and Part B drugs for 2029 and later years. These drugs will be selected from the 50 drugs with the highest total Medicare Part D spending and the 50 drugs with the highest total Medicare Part B spending. The number of drugs with negotiated prices available will accumulate over time. Certain categories of drugs are excluded from the negotiation process, including: * Drugs that have a generic or biosimilar available * Drugs that are less than 9 years (for small-molecule drugs) or 13 years (for biological products) from their FDA-approval or licensure date * “Small biotech drugs” (until 2029), defined as those which account for 1% or less of Part D or Part B spending and account for 80% or more of spending under each part on that manufacturer’s drugs * Drugs with Medicare spending of less than $200 million in 2021 (increased by the CPI-U for subsequent years) * Drugs with an orphan designation as their only FDA-approved indication * All plasma-derived products The legislation also delays selection of biologic drugs for negotiation by up to two years if a biosimilar product is likely to enter the market in that time. The law establishes an upper limit for the negotiated price (the “maximum fair price”) for a given drug. The limit is the lower of the drug’s enrollment- weighted negotiated price (net of all price concessions) for a Part D drug, the average sales price for a Part B drug, or a percentage of a drug’s average non-federal average manufacturer price: 75% for small-molecule drugs and vaccines more than 9 years but less than 12 years beyond approval; 65% for drugs between 12 and 16 years beyond approval or licensure; and 40% for drugs more than 16 years beyond approval or licensure. When negotiating the “maximum fair price” for a drug, the HHS Secretary is required to consider the following criteria: * The manufacturer’s research and development costs, including the extent to which the manufacturer has recouped these costs * The current unit costs of production and distribution * Federal financial support for novel therapeutic discovery and development related to the drug * Data on pending and approved patent applications, exclusivities, and certain other applications and approvals * Market data and revenue and sales volume data in the US * Evidence about alternative treatments, including: * The extent to which the drug represents a therapeutic advance as compared to existing therapeutic alternatives and the costs of these alternatives * Prescribing information for the drug and its therapeutic alternatives * Comparative effectiveness of the drug and its therapeutic alternatives, taking into accounts their effects on specific populations, such as individuals with disabilities, the elderly, the terminally ill, children, and other patient populations * The extent to which the drug and its therapeutic alternatives address unmet needs for a condition that is not adequately addressed by available therapy. The law explicitly directs that the HHS Secretary “shall not use evidence from comparative clinical effectiveness research in a manner that treats extending the life of an elderly, disabled, or terminally ill individual as of lower value than extending the life of an individual who is younger, non-disabled, or not terminally ill.” Part D drugs with negotiated “maximum fair prices” are required to be covered by all Part D plans. Medicare’s payment to providers for Part B drugs with negotiated prices will be 106% of the maximum fair price (rather than the current payment of 106% of the average sales price). (A separate section of the law increases Medicare payments to providers for the administration of biosimilar biologic products to 108% of the average sales price from October 1, 2022 through December 31, 2027.) An excise tax will be levied on drug companies that do not comply with the negotiation process. The excise tax starts at 65% of a product’s sales in the U.S. and increases by 10% every quarter to a maximum of 95%. As an alternative to paying the tax, manufacturers can choose to withdraw all of their drugs from coverage under Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, manufacturers that refuse to offer an agreed-upon negotiated price for a selected drug to “a maximum fair price eligible individual” (i.e., Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part B and/or Part D) or to a provider of services to maximum fair price eligible individuals (such as a physician or hospital) will pay a civil monetary penalty equal to 10 times the difference between the price charged and the maximum fair price. The timeline for the negotiation process spans roughly two years, although the timeline is modified for 2026, the first year that negotiated prices will be available under this new program (Figure 1). For the 10 Part D drugs with negotiated prices taking effect on January 1, 2026, the list of 10 Part D drugs selected for negotiation will be published on September 1, 2023, based on spending data for the 12-month period from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023. The period of negotiation between the Secretary and manufacturers of these drugs will occur between October 1, 2023 and August 1, 2024, and the negotiated “maximum fair prices” will be published no later than September 1, 2024. For 2027, which is an example of timing for a typical year in terms of the timeline for establishing negotiated prices, the list of 15 Part D drugs selected for negotiation will be published on February 1, 2025. The period of negotiation between the Secretary and manufacturers of the selected drugs will occur between February 28, 2025 and November 1, 2025 and the negotiated “maximum fair prices” will be published no later than November 30, 2025. For Part B drugs, the initial period of drug price negotiation between the Secretary and manufacturers of selected drugs will take place between February 28, 2026 and November 1, 2026, with negotiated prices first available in 2028. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2022/09/10009-Figure-1.png?w=800\\") Figure 1: Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Timeline for 2026 & 2027 The legislation appropriates funding of $3 billion in fiscal year 2022 for implementing the drug price negotiation provisions over the 2023-2031 period. ##### Effective Date Negotiated prices for the first set of selected drugs covered under Part D will be available in 2026. For drugs covered under Part B, the first year negotiated prices will be available is 2028. ##### People affected The provision to allow the Secretary to negotiate drug prices will put downward pressure on both Part D premiums and out-of-pocket drug costs, although the number of Medicare beneficiaries who will see lower out-of-pocket drug costs in any given year under the drug price negotiation program and the magnitude of savings will depend on how many and which drugs are subject to the negotiation process and the price reductions achieved through the negotiations process relative to what prices would otherwise be. ##### budgetary impact CBO estimates $98.5 billion in Medicare savings over 10 years (2022-2031) from the drug negotiation provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act. ##### Effects on the Development of New Drugs CBO estimates that the drug pricing provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, including but not limited to the new Medicare drug price negotiation program, will have a very modest impact on the number of new drugs coming to market in the U.S. over the next 30 years: 13 fewer out of 1,300, or a reduction of 1% (about 1 fewer drug over the 2023-2032 period, about 5 fewer drugs in the subsequent decade, and about 7 fewer drugs in the decade after that). #### Require Drug Manufacturers to Pay Rebates for Price Increases Above Inflation for Drugs Used by People with Medicare To date, Medicare has had no authority to limit annual price increases for drugs covered under Part B or Part D. In contrast, Medicaid has a rebate system that requires drug manufacturers to provide refunds if prices grow faster than inflation. Year-to-year drug price increases exceeding inflation are not uncommon and affect people with both Medicare and private insurance. Our analysis shows that half of all drugs covered by Medicare had list price increases that exceeded the rate of inflation between 2019 and 2020. A separate analysis by the HHS Office of Inspector General showed average sales price (ASP) increases exceeding inflation for 50 of 64 studied Part B drugs in 2015. ##### provision description The Inflation Reduction Act requires drug manufacturers to pay a rebate to the federal government if prices for single-source drugs and biologicals covered under Medicare Part B and nearly all covered drugs under Part D increase faster than the rate of inflation (CPI-U). Price changes will be measured based on the average sales price for Part B drugs and the average manufacturer price for Part D drugs. If price increases are higher than inflation, manufacturers will be required to pay the difference in the form of a rebate to Medicare. The rebate amount is equal to the total number of units sold in Medicare multiplied by the amount, if any, by which a drug’s price in a given year exceeds the inflation-adjusted price. For Part B drugs with price increases greater than inflation, beneficiary coinsurance will be based on 20% of the drug’s lower inflation-adjusted price. The base year for measuring cumulative price changes relative to inflation is 2021. Rebate dollars would be deposited in the Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) trust fund. Manufacturers that do not pay the required rebate amount will face a penalty equal to at least 125% of the original rebate amount. The legislation appropriates 10-year (2022-2031) funding of $160 million to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for implementing the inflation rebate provisions ($80 million for Part B and $80 million for Part D). ##### Effective Date The Part D inflation rebate provision takes effect in 2022, the starting point for measuring drug price increases, with rebate payments required beginning in 2023. The Part B inflation rebate provision takes effect in 2023. ##### People affected These provisions are expected to limit out-of-pocket drug spending growth for people with Medicare and put downward pressure on premiums by discouraging drug companies from increasing prices faster than inflation. The number of Medicare beneficiaries who will see lower out-of-pocket drug costs in any given year resulting from these provisions will depend on how many and which drugs have lower price increases and the magnitude of price reductions relative to what prices would otherwise be. ##### budgetary impact CBO estimates a net federal deficit reduction of $63.2 billion over 10 years (2022-2031) from the drug inflation rebate provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act. This includes net savings of $56.3 billion ($71.8 billion in savings to Medicare and $0.3 billion in savings for other federal programs, such as DoD, FEHB, and subsides for ACA Marketplace coverage, offset by $15.7 billion in additional Medicaid spending) and higher federal revenues of $6.9 billion. ##### Effects on Launch Pricing Drug manufacturers may respond to the inflation rebates by increasing launch prices for drugs that come to market in the future. CBO projects that higher launch prices would primarily affect Medicaid spending. This is because, although the basic Medicaid drug rebate would be larger (since it is calculated as a percentage of the average manufacturer price), the higher Medicaid drug rebates would not offset higher launch prices. According to CBO, Medicare Part D plan sponsors and private insurers would be less affected than Medicaid by higher launch prices because they would still be able to negotiate rebates with drug companies and potentially refuse to cover drugs with very high launch prices. However, they may have less leverage in some instances, such as when there are no therapeutic alternatives available or when drugs are covered under a Part D “protected class”. In addition, if launch prices rise for Part B drugs, the HHS Secretary would have no authority to negotiate lower prices unless and until the new drug meets the criteria for selection for drug price negotiation under the negotiation process described above. #### Cap Out-of-Pocket Spending for Medicare Part D Enrollees and Other Part D Benefit Design Changes Medicare Part D currently provides catastrophic coverage for high out-of- pocket drug costs, but there is no limit on the total amount that beneficiaries pay out of pocket each year. Under the current benefit design, Part D enrollees qualify for catastrophic coverage when the amount that they pay out of pocket plus the value of the manufacturer discount on the price of brand-name drugs in the coverage gap phase exceeds a certain threshold amount. Enrollees with drug costs high enough to exceed the catastrophic threshold are required to pay 5% of their total drug costs above the threshold until the end of the year unless they qualify for Part D Low-Income Subsidies (LIS). In 2022, the catastrophic threshold is set at $7,050, and beneficiaries pay about $3,000 out of pocket for brand-name drugs before reaching the catastrophic coverage phase. Medicare pays 80% of total costs above the catastrophic threshold (known as “reinsurance”) and plans pay 15%. Medicare’s reinsurance payments to Part D plans now account for close to half of total Part D spending (47%), up from 14% in 2006 (increasing from $6 billion in 2006 to $52 billion in 2021). Under the current structure of Part D, there are multiple phases, including a deductible, an initial coverage phase, a coverage gap phase, and the catastrophic phase. During the coverage gap benefit phase, enrollees pay 25% of drug costs for both brand-name and generic drugs; plan sponsors pay 5% for brands and 75% for generics; and drug manufacturers provide a 70% price discount on brands (there is no discount on generics). Under the current benefit design, beneficiaries can face different cost-sharing amounts for the same medication depending on which phase of the benefit they are in, and can face significant out-of-pocket costs for high-priced drugs because of coinsurance requirements and no hard out-of-pocket cap. ##### provision description The Inflation Reduction Act amends the design of the Part D benefit. For 2024, the law eliminates the 5% beneficiary coinsurance requirement above the catastrophic coverage threshold, effectively capping out-of-pocket costs at approximately $3,250 that year. Beginning in 2025, the legislation adds a hard cap on out-of-pocket spending of $2,000, indexed in future years to the rate of increase in per capita Part D costs (Figure 2). ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2022/09/10009-Figure-2.png?w=800\\") Figure 2: Changes to Medicare Part D for Brand-Name Drug Costs The law also modifies liability for Medicare Part D plans and drug manufacturers, starting in 2025, and reduces Medicare’s liability for spending above the out-of-pocket cap. Medicare’s share of total costs above the spending cap (“reinsurance”) will decrease from 80% to 20% for brand-name drugs and to 40% for generic drugs. Medicare Part D plans’ share of costs will increase from 15% to 60% for both brands and generics above the cap, and drug manufacturers will be required to provide a 20% price discount on brand-name drugs. The legislation also requires manufacturers to provide a 10% discount on brand-name drugs between the deductible and the annual out-of-pocket spending cap, replacing the 70% price discount in the coverage gap phase under the current benefit design. The law also provides for an adjustment to the calculation of the base beneficiary premium for 2024 through 2029, limiting premium increases to no more than 6% from the prior year. For 2030, the bill includes a provision to lower the beneficiary share of the cost of standard drug coverage (currently set at 25.5%) to ensure that the premium does not increase by more than 6% from 2029. The legislation also allows Part D enrollees the option of spreading out their out-of-pocket costs over the year rather than face high out-of-pocket costs in any given month. ##### Effective Date The Part D benefit redesign provisions take effect beginning in 2024, with the elimination of the 5% coinsurance for catastrophic coverage and the first year of the Part D premium adjustment. Other changes take effect in 2025, including the $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket drug spending, spreading out of costs, and changes to liability for total costs above the spending cap. ##### people affected Medicare beneficiaries in Part D plans with relatively high out-of-pocket drug costs are likely to see substantial out-of-pocket cost savings from these changes. This includes Medicare beneficiaries with spending above the catastrophic threshold due to just one very high-priced specialty drug for medical conditions such as cancer, hepatitis C, or multiple sclerosis and beneficiaries who take a handful of relatively costly brand or specialty medications to manage their medical conditions. Based on our analysis, 1.4 million Part D enrollees incurred annual out-of- pocket costs for their medications above $2,000 in 2020, averaging $3,355 per person. This estimate includes 1.3 million enrollees who had spending above the catastrophic coverage threshold (which equaled roughly $2,700 in out-of- pocket costs that year for brand-name drugs alone). These estimates are a conservative measure of how many beneficiaries will be helped by capping out- of-pocket drug spending under Medicare Part D starting in 2024 because they do not account for expected increases in annual out-of-pocket drug spending between 2020 and 2024/2025, the increase in the number of beneficiaries on Medicare, or higher utilization and spending associated with the increased affordability of prescription drugs due to this benefit improvement. Based on their average out-of-pocket spending, these 1.4 million Part D enrollees would have saved $1,355, or 40% of their annual out-of-pocket costs, on average, if a $2,000 cap had been in place in 2020. Part D enrollees with higher-than-average out-of-pocket costs will save substantial amounts with a $2,000 out-of-pocket spending cap. For example, the top 10% of beneficiaries (145,000 enrollees) with average out-of-pocket costs for their medications above $2,000 in 2020 – who spent at least $5,567 – would have saved $3,567 (64%) in out-of-pocket costs with a $2,000 cap. Capping out-of-pocket drug spending under Medicare Part D will be especially helpful for beneficiaries who take high-priced drugs for conditions such as cancer or multiple sclerosis. For example, in 2020, among Part D enrollees without low-income subsidies, average annual out-of-pocket spending for the cancer drug Revlimid was $6,200 (used by 33,000 beneficiaries); $5,700 for the cancer drug Imbruvica (used by 21,000 beneficiaries); and $4,100 for the MS drug Avonex (used by 2,000 beneficiaries). With the new hard cap on out-of-pocket spending, it is possible that enrollees could face higher Part D premiums resulting from higher plan liability for drug costs above the spending cap, though these premium increases could be mitigated by the provisions to stabilize premiums between 2024 and 2030. Plans will likely face financial incentives to exercise greater control of costs below the new spending cap, such as through more utilization management or increased generic drug utilization, which could help to limit potential premium increases. ##### budgetary impact CBO estimates these provisions will increase federal spending by $30 billion over 10 years (2022-2031), which consists of $29.9 billion in higher spending associated with Part D benefit redesign and $0.1 billion in higher spending associated with the provision to spread out out-of-pocket costs. #### Limit Cost Sharing for Insulin for People with Medicare For Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes who use insulin, coverage is provided under Medicare Part D, the outpatient prescription drug benefit, and may also be covered under Part B when used with an external insulin pump. Because Part D plans vary in terms of the insulin products they cover and costs per prescription, what enrollees pay for insulin products also varies. Beneficiary coinsurance under Medicare Part B is 20% of the Medicare-approved amount. Currently, Medicare beneficiaries can choose to enroll in a Part D plan participating in an Innovation Center model in which enhanced drug plans cover insulin products at a monthly copayment of $35 in the deductible, initial coverage, and coverage gap phases of the Part D benefit. Participating plans do not have to cover all insulin products at the $35 monthly copayment amount, just one of each dosage form (vial, pen) and insulin type (rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate-acting, and long-acting). In 2022, a total of 2,159 Part D plans are participating in this model, or roughly one third of all Part D plans. Nearly half (45%) of non-LIS enrollees are in PDPs participating in the insulin model in 2022, based on August 2021 enrollment. The model was launched in response to rising prices for insulin, which have attracted increasing scrutiny from policymakers, leading to congressional investigations and overall concerns about affordability and access for people with diabetes who need insulin to control blood glucose levels. ##### provision description The Inflation Reduction Act limits monthly cost sharing for insulin products to no more than $35 for Medicare beneficiaries, including insulin covered under both Part D and Part B, and no deductible will apply. All Medicare Part D plans, both stand-alone drug plans and Medicare Advantage drug plans, will be required to charge no more than $35 for whichever insulin products they cover, although plans will not be required to cover all insulin products. For 2026 and beyond, the law limits monthly Part D copayments for insulin to the lesser of $35, 25% of the maximum fair price (in cases where the insulin product has been selected for negotiation), or 25% of the negotiated price in Part D plans. ##### Effective Date The monthly cap on insulin cost sharing in Medicare takes effect January 1, 2023 for insulin covered under Part D and July 1, 2023 for insulin covered under Part B. ##### People affected A $35 cap on monthly cost sharing for insulin products is expected to lower out-of-pocket costs for insulin users in Medicare Part D without low-income subsidies. In 2020, 3.3 million Medicare Part D enrollees used insulin. Among Medicare Part D insulin users who do not receive low-income subsidies, average out-of-pocket costs per prescription across all insulin products was $54 in 2020 – over 50% more than the $35 monthly copay cap for insulin that will begin in 2023. According to our analysis of 2019 Part D formularies, a large number of Part D plans placed insulin products on Tier 3, the preferred drug tier, which typically had a $47 copayment per prescription during the initial coverage phase. However, once enrollees reached the coverage gap phase, they faced a 25% coinsurance rate, which equates to $100 or more per prescription in out- of-pocket costs for many insulin therapies, unless they qualified for low- income subsidies. Paying a flat $35 copayment rather than 25% coinsurance or a higher copayment amount could reduce out-of-pocket costs for many insulin products. ##### budgetary impact CBO estimates additional federal spending of $5.1 billion ($4.8 billion for Medicare Part D and $0.3 billion for Medicare Part B) over 10 years (2022-2031) associated with the insulin cost-sharing limits in the Inflation Reduction Act. #### Eliminate Cost Sharing for Adult Vaccines Covered Under Part D and Improve Access to Adult Vaccines in Medicaid and CHIP Medicare covers vaccines under both Part B and Part D. This separation of coverage for vaccines under Medicare is because there were statutory requirements for coverage of a small number of vaccines under Part B before the 2006 start of the Part D benefit. Vaccines for COVID-19, influenza, pneumococcal disease, and hepatitis B (for patients at high or intermediate risk), and vaccines needed to treat an injury or exposure to disease are covered under Part B. All other commercially available vaccines needed to prevent illness are covered under Medicare Part D. For the influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, hepatitis B, and COVID-19 vaccines covered under Medicare Part B, patients currently face no cost sharing for either the vaccine itself or its administration. For other Part B vaccines, such as those needed to treat an injury or exposure to a disease such as rabies or tetanus, Medicare covers 80% of the cost, and beneficiaries are responsible for the remaining 20%. Unlike most vaccines covered under Part B, vaccines covered under Part D can be subject to cost sharing, because Part D plans have flexibility to determine how much enrollees will be required to pay for any given on-formulary drug, including vaccines. (Part D enrollees who receive low-income subsidies (LIS) generally pay relatively low amounts for vaccines and other covered drugs.) Under Part D, cost sharing can take the form of flat dollar copayments or coinsurance (i.e., a percentage of list price). With regard to Medicaid and CHIP, coverage of adult vaccines is optional and varies by state. According to a recent survey, half of states (25) did not cover all vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in 2018–2019, and 15 of 44 states responding to the survey imposed cost sharing requirements on adult vaccines. ##### provision description The Inflation Reduction Act requires that adult vaccines covered under Medicare Part D that are recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), such as for shingles, be covered at no cost. This makes coverage of vaccines under Medicare Part D consistent with coverage of vaccines under Medicare Part B, such as the flu and COVID-19 vaccines. The law also requires state Medicaid and CHIP programs to cover all approved adult vaccines recommended by ACIP and vaccine administration, without cost sharing. ##### Effective Date These provisions take effect in 2023. ##### People affected Eliminating cost-sharing for adult vaccines covered under Medicare Part D could help with vaccine uptake among older adults and will lower out-of-pocket costs for those who need Part D-covered vaccines. Our analysis shows that in 2020, 4.1 million Medicare beneficiaries received a Part D-covered vaccine, including 3.6 million who received the vaccine to prevent shingles, and aggregate out-of-pocket spending on Part D vaccines was $0.3 billion. In 2018, Part D enrollees without low-income subsidies paid an average of $57 out of pocket for each dose of the shingles shot, which is generally free to most other people with private coverage. Requiring state Medicaid and CHIP programs to cover all adult vaccines recommended by ACIP without cost sharing is expected to increase access to some adult vaccines under Medicaid. Using a recent survey’s state level data and 2019 adult Medicaid enrollment data, a separate KFF analysis estimates about 4 million adults could gain coverage of at least one or more vaccines. ##### budgetary impact CBO estimates that these provisions will increase federal spending by $7 billion over 10 years (2022-2031), including $4.4 billion for Medicare and $2.5 billion for Medicaid and CHIP. #### Expand Eligibility for Part D Low-Income Subsidies ##### provision description The Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) Program helps beneficiaries with their Part D premiums, deductibles, and cost sharing, providing varying levels of assistance to beneficiaries at different income and asset levels up to 150% of poverty. Based on data from CMS, in 2020, 13.1 million Medicare beneficiaries received either full or partial LIS benefits, representing 28% of all Part D enrollees that year. Medicare beneficiaries who are also enrolled in Medicaid, who generally have incomes up to 135% of poverty, automatically receive full LIS benefits. Individuals who do not automatically qualify for LIS can enroll if they meet certain income and asset requirements set by the federal government and can receive full or partial LIS benefits depending on their income and assets. Beneficiaries qualify for full LIS benefits if they have income up to 135% of poverty and resources up to $9,900 individual, $15,600 couple in 2022 (including a $1,500 per person allowance for funeral/burial expenses). Beneficiaries qualify for partial LIS benefits if they have income between 135-150% of poverty and resources up to $15,510 individual, $30,950 couple in 2022. Beneficiaries who receive full LIS benefits pay no Part D premium or deductible and only modest copayments for prescription drugs until they reach the catastrophic threshold, at which point they face no additional cost sharing. Some beneficiaries who receive partial LIS benefits pay no monthly premium while others pay a partial monthly Part D premium (with subsidies of 75%, 50%, or 25% of the monthly premium, depending on their income); all partial LIS recipients also pay an $89 annual deductible (in 2022), 15% coinsurance up to the out-of-pocket threshold, and modest copayments for drugs above the catastrophic threshold. The Inflation Reduction Act makes individuals with incomes up to 150% of poverty and resources at or below the limits for partial LIS benefits eligible for full benefits under the Part D Low-Income Subsidy Program. The law eliminates the partial LIS benefit currently in place for individuals with incomes between 135% and 150% of poverty. ##### Effective Date Expansion of eligibility for full Part D LIS benefits takes effect in 2024. ##### People affected Providing full Medicare Part D LIS benefits to Part D enrollees with incomes up to 150% of poverty could help an estimated 0.4 million beneficiaries, based on the number of beneficiaries receiving partial LIS benefits in 2020. Annual out-of-pocket drug costs for these beneficiaries could fall by close to $300, on average, based on the difference between average out-of-pocket drug costs for LIS enrollees receiving full benefits versus partial benefits in 2020 – plus additional savings associated with more generous premium subsidies. These averages understate the potential cost savings for the smaller share of low-income enrollees with extraordinarily high drug costs, such as partial LIS beneficiaries who take high-cost specialty drugs. This is because for high- cost drugs, with total prices in the thousands of dollars, 15% coinsurance can translate into substantial out-of-pocket costs. For example, partial LIS enrollees taking Humira or Enbrel for rheumatoid arthritis would pay around $1,900 for a year’s worth of these medications in 2022, while full LIS enrollees would pay less than $20 annually. Thus, savings for partial LIS enrollees would be roughly $1,900 on cost sharing for one of these medications alone. Annual savings would be similar for other high-cost specialty drugs, with the majority of savings occurring below the catastrophic threshold where partial LIS enrollees currently pay 15% coinsurance but full LIS enrollees pay low flat copays for brand-name drugs of either $3.95 or $9.85, depending on their income and asset levels. ##### budgetary impact CBO estimates that this provision will increase federal spending by $2.2 billion over 10 years (2022-2031). #### Further Delay Implementation of the Trump Administration’s Drug Rebate Rule ##### provision description The Inflation Reduction Act further delays implementation of the November 2020 final rule issued by the Trump Administration that would have eliminated rebates negotiated between drug manufacturers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) or health plan sponsors in Medicare Part D by removing the safe harbor protection currently extended to these rebate arrangements under the federal anti-kickback statute. This rule was slated to take effect on January 1, 2022, but the Biden Administration delayed implementation to 2023, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed into law on November 15, 2021 delayed implementation to 2026, and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act signed into law on June 25, 2022 included a further delay to 2027. ##### Effective Date This provision takes effect in 2027, delaying implementation of the rebate rule until 2032. ##### People affected Since the rebate rule never took effect, delaying it is not expected to have a material impact on Medicare beneficiaries. Had the rule taken effect, it was expected to increase premiums for Medicare Part D enrollees, according to both CBO and the HHS Office of the Actuary (OACT). OACT estimated that a small group of beneficiaries who use drugs with significant manufacturer rebates could have seen a substantial decline in their overall out-of-pocket spending under the rule, assuming manufacturers passed on price discounts at the point of sale, but other beneficiaries would have faced out-of-pocket cost increases. ##### budgetary impact Because the rebate rule was finalized (although not implemented), its cost has been incorporated in CBO’s baseline for federal spending. Therefore, delaying implementation of the rebate rule is expected to generate savings. CBO estimates savings of $122.2 billion from delaying implementation of the Trump Administration’s rebate rule between 2027 (when the Inflation Reduction Act delay takes effect) and 2032. In addition, CBO estimated savings of $50.8 billion between 2023 and 2026 for the three-year delay of this rule included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and savings of $20.9 billion in 2026 and 2027 for the one-year delay included in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This is because both CBO and Medicare’s actuaries estimated substantially higher Medicare spending over 10 years as a result of banning drug rebates under the Trump Administration’s rule – up to $170 billion higher, according to CBO, and up to $196 billion higher, according to the HHS Office of the Actuary (OACT). This work was supported in part by Arnold Ventures. KFF maintains full editorial control over all of its policy analysis, polling, and journalism activities #### Topics * Medicare #### Tags * Prescription Drugs * Medicare Part D * Benefits * Cost Sharing * Seniors ### Also of Interest * FAQs about the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program * What Are the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act? * How Will the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act Affect Medicare Beneficiaries? * August 11 Web Event: Understanding the Health Care Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act * Medicaid and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Get The Latest On Health Policy Sign Up For Email Alerts Your Email Address Sign Up * Topics * Affordable Care Act * COVID-19 * Global Health Policy * Health Costs * Health Misinformation and Trust * HIV/AIDS * Medicaid * Medicare * Mental Health * Patient and Consumer Protections * Private Insurance * Racial Equity and Health Policy * Uninsured * Women’s Health Policy * Sections * Polling * State Health Facts * Graphics & Interactives * Charts & Slides * KFF Health News * Social Impact Media * Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker * Newsroom * News Releases * Events * Subscribe to Emails * Cite Us/Reprint * Media Contacts * About Us * From Drew Altman * Our People * Our Programs * KFF Board * Contact Us * Support Our Work * Join Our Team * Privacy Policy * Follow Us * Email Alerts * Facebook * Instagram * LinkedIn * Threads * X * RSS Feeds * YouTube ![\\"KFF\\"](\\" foundation-2016/static/images/kff_logo-2023.svg\\") © 2024 KFF Powered by WordPress VIP * Citations and Reprints * Privacy Policy KFF Headquarters: 185 Berry St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94107 | Phone 650-854-9400 Washington Offices and Barbara Jordan Conference Center: 1330 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 | Phone 202-347-5270 | Email Alerts: | | The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California. ![\\"\\"](\\"
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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Speeches & Remarks ## Briefing Room * Your Weekly Address * Speeches & Remarks * Press Briefings * Statements & Releases * White House Schedule * Presidential Actions * Executive Orders * Presidential Memoranda * Proclamations * Legislation * Pending Legislation * Signed Legislation * Vetoed Legislation * Nominations & Appointments * Disclosures The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 20, 2016 # Remarks by the President on the Affordable Care Act Miami Dade College Miami, Florida 1:51 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Miami! (Applause.) Thank you so much. Well, everybody have a seat. Have a seat. It is good to see all of you! It\'s good to be back at Miami-Dade! (Applause.) One of my favorite institutions! (Applause.) Love this school. I want to thank your longtime president and great friend, Eduardo J. Padrón. (Applause.) And to all the faculty and staff, and of course, most importantly, the students, for hosting me -- I want to say how grateful I am. I want to thank the wonderful elected officials who are here today. I\'m going to just point out two outstanding members of Congress -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- (applause) -- and Ted Deutch. (Applause.) So this is one of my last visits here as President. Now, once I\'m not President -- AUDIENCE MEMBER: Nooo -- THE PRESIDENT: No, no, the good news is, once I\'m no longer President I can come more often. (Applause.) Right now, usually I can only come to Florida when I\'m working. But when I\'m out of office, I can come here for fun. (Laughter.) But the first thing I want to say is thank you for your support, and thank you for the opportunity and the privilege you’ve given me to serve these past eight years. I remember standing just a few blocks north of here in the closing days of the 2008 campaign. And at that point, we were already realizing that we were in the midst of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. We didn’t know where the bottom would be. We were still in the middle of two wars. Over 150,000 of our troops were overseas. But thanks to the hard work and the determination of the American people, when I come here today the story is different. Working together, we’ve cut the unemployment rate in Florida by more than half. Across the country, we turned years of job losses into the longest streak of job creation on record. We slashed our dependence on foreign oil, doubled our production of renewable energy. Incomes are rising again -- they rose more last year than any time ever recorded. Poverty is falling -- fell more last year than any time since 1968. Our graduation rates from high school are at record highs. College enrollment is significantly higher than it was when we came into office. Marriage equality is a reality in all 50 states. (Applause.) So we\'ve been busy. This is why I\'ve got gray hair. (Laughter.) But we did one other thing. We fought to make sure that in America, health care is not just a privilege, but a right for every single American. And that’s what I want to talk about today. (Applause.) That\'s what I want to talk about here today. You’ve heard a lot about Obamacare, as it\'s come to be known. You heard a lot about it in the six and a half years since I signed it into law. And some of the things you heard might even be true. But one thing I want to start with is just reminding people why it is that we fought for health reform in the first place. Because it was one of the key motivators in my campaign. And it wasn’t just because rising health costs were eating into workers’ paychecks and straining budgets for businesses and for governments. It wasn’t just because, before the law was passed, insurance companies could just drop your coverage because you got sick, right at the time you needed insurance most. It was because of you. It was because of the stories that I was hearing all around the country, and right here in Florida -- hearing from people who had been forced to fight a broken health care system at the same time as they were fighting to get well. It was about children like Zoe Lihn, who needed heart surgery when she was just 15 hours old -- just a baby, just a infant. And she was halfway to hitting her lifetime insurance cap before she was old enough to walk. Her parents had no idea how they could possibly make sure that she continued to make progress. And today, because of the Affordable Care Act, Zoe is in first grade and she’s loving martial arts. And she’s got a bright future ahead of her. (Applause.) We fought so hard for health reform because of women like Amanda Heidel, who lives here in South Florida. As a girl, she was diagnosed with diabetes -- and that\'s a disease with costs that can add up quickly if you don\'t have insurance, can eat away at your dreams. But thanks to the Affordable Care Act, Amanda got to stay on her parents’ plan after college. When she turned 26, Amanda went online, she shopped for an affordable health insurance plan that covered her medications. Today, she’s pursuing a doctorate in psychology. And Amanda said that the Affordable Care Act “has given me the security and freedom to choose how I live my life.” The freedom and security to choose how I live my life. That\'s what this was all about. Zoe and Amanda, the people who I get letters from every single day describing what it meant not to fear that if they got sick, or a member of their family got sick, if they, heaven forbid, were in an accident, that somehow they could lose everything. So because of this law, because of Obamacare, another 20 million Americans now know the financial security of health insurance. So do another 3 million children, thanks in large part to the Affordable Care Act and the improvements, the enhancements that we made to the Children’s Health Insurance Program. And the net result is that never in American history has the uninsured rate been lower than it is today. Never. (Applause.) And that’s true across the board. It\'s dropped among women. It\'s dropped among Latinos and African Americans, every other demographic group. It\'s worked. Now, that doesn’t mean that it’s perfect. No law is. And it\'s true that a lot of the noise around the health care debate, ever since we tried to pass this law, has been nothing more than politics. But we’ve also always known -- and I have always said -- that for all the good that the Affordable Care Act is doing right now -- for as big a step forward as it was -- it\'s still just a first step. It\'s like building a starter home -- or buying a starter home. It\'s a lot better than not having a home, but you hope that over time you make some improvements. And in fact, since we first signed the law, we’ve already taken a number of steps to improve it. And we can do even more -- but only if we put aside all the politics rhetoric, all the partisanship, and just be honest about what’s working, what needs fixing and how we fix it. So that\'s what I want to do today. This isn\'t kind of a rah-rah speech. I might get into the details. I hope you don’t mind. (Laughter.) So let\'s start with a basic fact. The majority of Americans do not -- let me repeat -- do not get health care through the Affordable Care Act. Eighty percent or so of Americans get health care on the job, through their employer, or they get health care through Medicaid, or they get health care through Medicare. And so for most Americans, the Affordable Care Act, Obama, has not affected your coverage -- except to make it stronger. Because of the law, you now have free preventive care. Insurance companies have to offer that in whatever policy they sell. Because of the law, you now have free checkups for women. Because of the law, you get free mammograms. (Applause.) Because of the law, it is harder for insurance companies to discriminate against you because you\'re a woman when you get health insurance. (Applause.) Because of the law, doctors are finding better ways to perform heart surgeries and delivering healthier babies, and treating chronic disease, and reducing the number of people that, once they\'re in the hospital, end up having to return to the hospital. So you’re getting better quality even though you don’t know that Obamacare is doing it. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Thanks, Obama. THE PRESIDENT: Thanks, Obama. (Laughter and applause.) Because of the law, your annual out-of-pocket spending is capped. Seniors get discounts on their prescription drugs because of the law. Young people can stay on their parents\' plan -- just like Amanda did -- because of the law. (Applause.) And Amanda was able to stay on her parents\' plan and then get insurance after she aged out, even though she has what used to be called a preexisting condition -- because we made it illegal to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. (Applause.) By the way, before this law, before Obamacare, health insurance rates for everybody -- whether you got your insurance on the job, or you were buying it on your own -- health insurance rates generally were going up really fast. This law has actually slowed down the pace of health care inflation. So, every year premiums have gone up, but they\'ve gone up the slowest in 50 years since Obamacare was passed. In fact, if your family gets insurance through your job, your family is paying, on average, about $3,600 less per year than you would be if the cost trends that had existed before the law were passed had continued. Think about that. That\'s money in your pocket. Now, some people may say, well, I\'ve seen my copays go up, or my networks have changed. But these are decisions that are made by your employers. It\'s not because of Obamacare. They\'re not determined by the Affordable Care Act. So if the Affordable Care Act, if Obamacare hasn’t changed the coverage of the 80 percent of Americans who already had insurance, except to make it a better value, except to make it more reliable, how has the law impacted the other 15 or 20 percent of Americans who didn’t have health insurance through their job, or didn’t qualify for Medicaid, or didn’t qualify for Medicare? Well, before the Affordable Care Act, frankly, you were probably out of luck. Either you had to buy health insurance on your own, because you weren’t getting it through the job, and it was wildly expensive, and your premiums were going up all the time, and if you happened to get sick and use the insurance, the insurer the next year could drop you. And if you had had an illness like cancer or diabetes, or some other chronic disease, you couldn’t buy new insurance because the insurance company\'s attitude was, you know what, this is just going to cost us money, we don’t want to insure you. So if you were trying to buy health insurance on your own, it was either hugely expensive or didn’t provide very effective coverage. You might buy a policy thinking that it was going to cover you. It was sort of like when I was young and I bought my first car, I had to buy car insurance. And I won’t name the insurance company, but I bought the insurance because it was the law, and I got the cheapest one I could get, because I didn’t have any money -- and it was a really beat-up car. (Laughter.) And I remember somebody rear-ends me, and I call up the insurance company, thinking maybe I can get some help, and they laughed at me. They\'re all like, what, are you kidding? (Laughter.) It didn’t provide any coverage other than essentially allowing me to drive. (Laughter.) Well, that\'s what it was like for a lot of people who didn’t have health insurance on the job. So that meant that a lot of people just didn’t bother getting health insurance at all. And when they got sick, they\'d have to go to the emergency room. AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Inaudible.) THE PRESIDENT: Well, that\'s true, too. And so you\'re relying on the emergency room, but the emergency room is the most expensive place to get care. And because you weren’t insured, the hospital would have to give you the care for free, and they would have to then make up for those costs by charging everybody else more money. So it wasn’t good for anybody. So what the Affordable Care Act is designed to do is to help those people who were previously either uninsured or underinsured. And it worked to help those people in two ways. First, we gave states funding to expand Medicaid to cover more people. In D.C. and the 31 states that took us up on that, more than 4 million people have coverage who didn’t have it before. They now have health insurance. Second, for people who made too much to qualify for Medicaid even after we expanded it, we set up what we call marketplaces on, so you could shop for a plan that fits your needs, and then we would give you tax credits to help you buy it. And most people today can find a plan for less than $75 a month at the marketplace when you include the tax credits that government is giving you. That means it\'s less than your cellphone bill -- because I know you guys are tweeting a lot -- (laughter) -- and texting and selfies. (Laughter.) And the good news is, is that most people who end up buying their coverage through the marketplaces, using these tax credits, are satisfied with their plans. So not only did Obamacare do a lot of good for the 80-plus percent of Americans who already had health care, but now it gave a new affordable option to a lot of folks who never had options before. All told, about another 10 percent of the country now have coverage. The Affordable Care Act has done what it was designed to do: It gave us affordable health care. So what’s the problem? Why is there still such a fuss? Well, part of the problem is the fact that a Democratic President named Barack Obama passed the law. (Applause.) And that\'s just the truth. (Laughter.) I mean, I worked really, really hard to engage Republicans; took Republican ideas that originally they had praised; said, let\'s work together to get this done. And when they just refused to do anything, we said, all right, we\'re going to have to do it with Democrats. And that\'s what we did. And early on, Republicans just decided to oppose it. And then they tried to scare people with all kinds of predictions -- that it would be a job- killer; that it would force everyone into government-run insurance; that it would lead to rationing; that it would lead to death panels; that it would bankrupt the federal government. You remember all this. And despite the fact that all the bad things they predicted have not actually happened -- despite the fact that we\'ve created more jobs since the bill passed in consecutive months than any time on record -- (applause) -- despite the fact that the uninsured rate has gone down to its lowest levels ever, despite that fact that it\'s actually cost less than anybody anticipated and has shown to be much less disruptive on existing plans that people get through their employers, despite the fact that it saved Medicare over $150 billion -- which makes that program more secure -- despite all this, it\'s been hard, if not impossible, for any Republican to admit it. They just can\'t admit that a lot of good things have happened and the bad things they predicted didn’t happen. So they just keep on repeating, we\'re going to repeal it. We\'re going to repeal it, and we\'re going to replace it with something better -- even though, six and a half years later, they haven’t -- they still haven’t shown us what it is that they would do that would be better. But -- and this is actually the main reason I\'m here -- just because a lot of the Republican criticism has proven to be false and politically motivated doesn’t mean that there aren’t some legitimate concerns about how the law is working now. And the main issue has to do with the folks who still aren’t getting enough help. Remember, I said 80 percent of people, even before the law passed, already had health insurance. And then we expanded Medicaid, and we set up the marketplaces, and another 10 percent of people got health insurance. Well, but that still leaves that last 10 percent. And the fact that that last 10 percent still has difficulties is something that we\'ve got to do something about. Now, part of the reason for this is, as I already mentioned to you, not every state expanded Medicaid to its citizens, which means that some of the most vulnerable working families that the law was designed to help still haven’t gotten insurance. As you may have heard, Florida is one of those states. If your governor could put politics aside -- AUDIENCE: Booo -- THE PRESIDENT: Don\'t boo -- vote. (Applause.) If your governor would just put politics aside and do what\'s right, then more than 700,000 Floridians would suddenly have access to coverage. And, by the way, that would hold down costs for the rest of you, because there would be less uncompensated care in hospitals. And it means that people who did sign up for the marketplace, who oftentimes may be sicker, qualify for Medicaid and so they\'re not raising costs in the marketplace. In fact, if the 19 states who so far have not expanded Medicaid would just do so, another 4 million people would have coverage right now all across the country. So that\'s step number one. And that\'s, by the way, just completely in the control of these governors. They could be doing it -- right now. They could do it tomorrow. Now, the second issue has to do with the marketplaces. Although the marketplaces are working well in most of the states, there are some states where there’s still not enough competition between insurers. So if you only have one insurer, they may decide we\'re going to jack up rates because we can, because nobody else is offering a better price. In those states where the governor or legislature is hostile to the ACA, it makes it harder to enroll people because the state is not actively participating in outreach. And so, as a consequence, in those states enrollment in the plan -- especially enrollment of young people -- has lagged. And what that means is that the insurance pool is smaller and it gets a higher percentage of older and sicker people who are signing up -- because if you\'re sick or you\'re old, you\'re more likely to say, well, I\'m going to sign up, no matter what, because I know I\'m going to need it; if you\'re young and healthy like you guys, you say, eh, I\'m fine, life is good -- so you have more older and sicker people signing up, fewer younger and healthier people signing up, and that drives rates up, because the people who use health care most end up being in the insurance pool; people who use it least are not. And then, in some cases, insurers just set their prices too low at the outset because they didn’t know what the insurance pool was going to look like, and then they started losing money. And so now they\'ve decided to significantly increase premiums in some states. Now, it\'s these premium increases in some of the states in the marketplace that sometimes attracts negative headlines. Remember, these premium increases won’t impact most of the people who are buying insurance through the marketplace, because even when premiums go up, the tax credits go up to offset the increases. So people who qualify for tax credits, they may not even notice their premiums went up because the tax credit is covered. And keep in mind that these premium increases that some of you may have read about have no effect at all if you\'re getting health insurance on the job, or through Medicaid or Medicare. So for the 80 [percent]-plus people who already had health insurance, if your premium is going up, it\'s not because of Obamacare. It\'s because of your employer or your insurer -- even though sometimes they try to blame Obamacare for why the rates go up. It\'s not because of any policy of the Affordable Care Act that the rates are going up. But if you are one of the people who doesn’t get health care on the job, doesn’t qualify for Medicaid, doesn’t qualify for Medicare -- doesn’t qualify for a tax credit to help you buy insurance, because maybe you made just a little bit too much money under the law -- these premium increases do make insurance less affordable. And in some states, the premium increases are manageable. Some are 2 percent or 8 percent, some 20 percent. But we know there are some states that may see premiums go up by 50 percent or more. And an extreme example is Arizona, where we expect benchmark premiums will more than double. Part of this is because Arizona is one of those states that had really low average premiums -- among the lowest in the country -- so now insurance companies basically are trying to catch up, and they also don’t have a lot of competition there. And meanwhile, in states like Florida, the failure to expand Medicaid contributes to higher marketplace premiums. And then there are some other states that just because of the nature of their health care systems, or the fact that they\'re rural and people are dispersed, so it\'s harder to provide health care, more expensive -- they have a tougher time controlling costs generally. Again, the tax credits in the ACA will protect most consumers from the brunt of these premium increases. And with the ability to shop around on -- which works really well now -- most people can find plans for prices even lower than this year’s prices. But there are going to be people who are hurt by premium increases or a lack of competition and choice. And I don’t want to see anybody left out without health insurance. I don’t want to see any family having to choose between health insurance now or saving for retirement, or saving for their kids\' college education, or just paying their own bills. So the question we should be asking is, what do we do about these growing pains in the Affordable Care Act, and how do we get the last 9 percent of Americans covered? How do we reach those last 9 percent? And how do we make sure that premiums are more stable going forward, and the marketplace insurance pools are more stable going forward? Well, I can tell you what will not work. Repealing the Affordable Care Act will not work. (Applause.) That\'s a bad idea. That will not solve the problem. Because right off the bat, repeal would take away health care from 20 million people. We\'d go back where 80 percent of people had health insurance instead of 90 percent -- right off the bat. And all the reforms that everybody benefits from that I talked about -- like young Americans being able to stay on their parents’ plans, or the rules that prevent insurance companies from discriminating against people because of a preexisting condition like diabetes or cancer, or the rule now that you can\'t charge somebody more just because they\'re a woman -- all those reforms would go away for everybody, because that\'s part of Obamacare. All the progress that we’ve made in controlling costs and improving how health care is delivered, progress that’s helped hold growth in the price of health care to the slowest rate in 50 years -- all that goes away. That’s what repeal means. It would be bad for everybody. And the majority of Americans, even if they don’t know that they\'re benefitting from Obamacare, don’t want to see these benefits and protections taken away from their families now that they have them. I guarantee you there are people who right now think they hate Obamacare. And if somebody told them, all right, we\'re repealing it, but now your kid who is on your plan is no longer on your plan, or now you\'ve got a preexisting condition and you can\'t buy health insurance -- they\'d be shocked. They\'d be -- what do you mean? So repeal is not the answer. Here is what we can do instead to actually make the Affordable Care Act work even better than it\'s working right now. And I\'ve already mentioned one. Florida and every state should expand Medicaid. (Applause.) Cover more people. It\'s easy to do, and it could be done right now. You\'d cover 4 million more Americans, help drive down premiums for folks who buy insurance through the marketplace. And, by the way, because the federal government pays for almost all of this expansion, you can\'t use as an excuse that, well, the state can\'t afford it -- because the federal government is paying it. States like Louisiana that just expanded Medicaid -- you had a Republican governor replaced by a Democratic governor. He said, I want that money. Expanded Medicaid, and found not only does it insure more people, but it\'s actually saved the state big money and makes people less dependent on expensive emergency room care. So that\'s step number one. Step number two. Since overall health care costs have turned out to be significantly lower than everyone expected since we passed Obamacare, since that\'s saved the federal government billions of dollars, we should use some of that money, some of those savings to now provide more tax credits for more middle-income families, for more young adults to help them buy insurance. It will make their premiums more affordable. And that’s not just good for them -- it’s good for everybody. Because when more people are in the marketplace, everybody will benefit from lower premiums. Healthier people, younger people start joining the pool; premiums generally go down. That would be number two. The third thing we should do is add what\'s called a public plan fallback -- (applause) -- to give folks more options in those places where there are just not enough insurers to compete. And that\'s especially important in some rural communities and rural states and counties. If you live in L.A. right now, then it\'s working fine. There are a lot of insurers because it\'s a big market, there are a lot of providers. But if you\'re in some remote areas, or you\'re near some small towns, it may be that the economics of it just don’t work unless the government is providing an option to make it affordable. And, by the way, this is not complicated. Basically, you would just wait and see -- if the private insurers are competing for business, then you don’t have to trigger a public option. But if no private insurers are providing affordable insurance in an area, then the government would step in with a quality plan that people can afford. And, by the way, this is not a radical idea. This idea is modeled on something that Republicans championed under George Bush for the Medicare Part D drug benefit program. It was fine when it was their idea. The fact that they’re now opposed to it as some socialist scheme is not being consistent, it\'s being partisan. And finally, we should continue to encourage innovation by the states. What the Affordable Care Act says is, here\'s how we propose you insure your populations, but you, the state, can figure out a different way to accomplish the same goal -- providing affordable, comprehensive coverage for the same number of residents at the same cost -- then go right ahead. There may be more than one way to skin a cat. Maybe you\'ve got an idea we haven’t thought of. Just show us, don’t talk about it. Show us what the plan looks like. Republicans who claim to care about your health insurance choices and your premiums, but then offer nothing and block common-sense solutions like the ones that I propose to improve them -- that\'s not right. And my message to them has been and will continue to be: Work with us. Make the system better. Help the people you serve. We\'re open to good ideas, but they\'ve got to be real ideas -- not just slogans, not just votes to repeal. And they’ve got to pass basic muster. You can\'t say, well, if we just do -- if we just plant some magic beans -- (laughter) -- then everybody will have health insurance. No, we\'ve got to have health care economists and experts look at it and see if the thing would actually work. So that’s where we are. Number one, Obamacare is helping millions of people right now. The uninsured rate has never been lower. It\'s helping everybody who already has health insurance, because it makes their policies better. Number two, there are still too many hardworking people who are not being reached by the law. Number three, if we tweak the program to reach those people who are not currently benefitting from the law, it will be good for them and it will be good for the country. Number four, if we repeal this law wholesale that will hurt the people who don’t have coverage right now. It will hurt the 20 million who are already getting help through the law. And it will hurt the country as a whole. So this should be an easy choice. All it does -- all it requires is putting aside ideology, and in good faith trying to implement the law of the land. And what we’ve learned, by the way, is that when governors and state legislators expand Medicaid for their citizens and they hold insurance companies accountable, and they’re honest with uninsured people about their options, and they\'re working with us on outreach, then the marketplace works the way it\'s supposed to. And when they don’t, the marketplaces tend to have more problems. And that shouldn’t be surprising. If state leaders purposely try to make something not work, then it\'s not going to run as smoothly as if they were trying to make it work. Common sense. You don’t even have to go to Miami Dade to figure that out. (Laughter.) The point is, now is not the time to move backwards on health care reform. Now is the time to move forward. The problems that may have arisen from the Affordable Care Act is not because government is too involved in the process. The problem is, is that we have not reached everybody and pulled them in. And think about it. When one of these companies comes out with a new smartphone and it had a few bugs, what do they do? They fix it. They upgrade -- unless it catches fire, and they just -- (laughter) -- then they pull it off the market. But you don’t go back to using a rotary phone. (Laughter.) You don’t say, well, we\'re repealing smartphones -- we\'re just going to do the dial-up thing. (Laughter.) That\'s not what you do. Well, the same basic principle applies here. We\'re not going to go back to discriminating against Americans with preexisting conditions. We\'re not going to go back to a time when people\'s coverage was dropped when they got sick. We\'re not going to go back to a situation where we\'re reinstating lifetime limits in the fine print so that you think you have insurance, and then you get really sick or you kid gets really sick, and you hit the limit that the insurance company set, and next thing you know they\'re not covering you anymore, and you got to figure out how you come up with another $100,000 or $200,000 to make sure that your child lives. We\'re not going to go back to that. I hear Republicans in Congress object, and they\'ll say, no, no, no, no, we\'ll keep those parts of Obamacare that are popular; we\'ll just repeal everything else. Well, it turns out that the sum of those parts that are popular in Obamacare is Obamacare. (Applause.) It\'s just people don’t always know it. And repealing it would make the majority of Americans worse off when it comes to health care. And as I said, part of this is just -- you know, health care is complicated. Think about this speech -- it\'s been pretty long, and you\'re just -- you\'re thinking, wow, I just want to take a picture with the President or something. (Laughter.) So it\'s hard to get people focused on the facts. And even reporters who have covered this stuff -- and they do a good job; they\'re trying to follow all the debate. But a lot of times they just report, \"Premium increases.\" And everybody thinks, wow, my insurance rates are going up, it must be Obama\'s fault -- even though you don’t get health insurance through Obamacare, you get it through your job, and even though your increases have gone up a lot slower. Or suddenly you\'re paying a bigger copay, and, ah, thanks Obama. (Laughter.) Well, no, I had nothing to do with that. So part of it is this is complicated, the way it gets reported. There\'s a lot of hysteria around anything that happens. And what we need to do is just focus on this very specific problem -- how do we make sure that more people are getting coverage, and folks right now who are not getting tax credits, aren’t getting Medicaid, how do we help them, how do we reach them. And we can do it. Instead of repealing the law, I believe the next President and the next Congress should take what we’ve learned over the past six years and in a serious way analyze it, figure out what it is that needs to get done, and make the Affordable Care Act better and cover even more people. But understand, no President can do it alone. We will need Republicans in Congress and in state governments to act responsibly and put politics aside. Because I want to remind you, a lot of the Affordable Care Act is built on Republican ideas. In fact, Bernie Sanders is still mad at me because we didn’t get single-payer passed. Now, we couldn’t get single-payer passed, and I wanted to make sure that we helped as many people as possible, given the political constraints. And so we adopted a system that Republicans should like; it\'s based on a competitive, market-based system in which people have to a responsibility for themselves by buy insurance. And maybe now that I’m leaving office, maybe Republicans can stop with the 60-something repeal votes they\'ve taken, and stop pretending that they have a serious alternative, and stop pretending that all the terrible things they said would happen have actually happened, when they have not, and just work with the next President to smooth out the kinks. Because it turns out, no major social innovation in America has ever worked perfectly at the start. Social Security didn’t. Its benefits were stingy at first. It left out a whole lot of Americans. The same was true for Medicare. The same was true for Medicaid. The same was true for the prescription drug law. But what happened was, every year, people of goodwill from both parties tried to make it better. And that’s what we need to do right now. And I promise, if Republicans have good ideas to provide more coverage for folks like Amanda, I will be all for it. I don’t care whose idea it is, I just want it to work. They can even change the name of the law to ReaganCare. (Laughter.) Or they can call it Paul Ryan Care. I don’t care -- (laughter) -- about credit, I just want it to work because I care about the American people and making sure they’ve got health insurance. But that brings me to my final point, and that is change does not typically come from the top down, it always comes from the bottom up. The Affordable Care Act was passed because the American people mobilized, not just to get me elected, but to keep the pressure on me to actually do something about health care and to put pressure on members of Congress to do something about it. And that’s how change happens in America. It doesn’t happen on its own. It doesn’t happen from on high. It happens from the bottom up. And breaking gridlock will come only when the American people demand it. So that’s why I’m here. Only you can break this stalemate, but educating the public on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, and then pressing your elected officials to do the right this and supporting elected officials who are doing the right things. And this is one of the reasons why I’m so proud of what Miami-Dade College is doing, because it’s making sure that students and faculty, and people throughout this community know about the law, know about how to sign up for health care, and then actually helps people sign up. And I’m incredibly proud of the leadership Joe Peña and the entire team in encouraging people to sign up. Thanks to them, Miami-Dade has been hosting enrollment office hours and workshops, even on nights and weekends. Right here on the Wolfson campus, and on all the Miami- Dade campuses, you can go for a free one-on-one session where a trained expert can walk you through the process and answer any questions you have -- and then help you sign up for health care right there and then. Joe says he doesn’t have a conversation without making sure people know how to get covered. The more young and healthy people like you who do the smart thing and sign up, then the better it’s going to work for everybody. And the good news is, in a few days, you can do just that because Open enrollment, the time when you can start signing up, begins on November 1. And you just need to go to, which works really well now. (Laughter.) And campuses will be competing to come up with the most creative ways to reach people and get them signed up -- and I’m pretty sure that Miami-Dade can set the standard for the rest of the country. ‘Cause that’s how you do. (Applause.) That’s how you do. So much has changed since I campaigned here in Miami eight Octobers ago. But one thing has not: this is more than just about health care. It’s about the character of our country. It’s about whether we look out for one another. It’s about whether the wealthiest nation on earth is going to make sure that nobody suffers. Nobody loses everything they have saved, everything they have worked for because they’re sick. You stood up for the idea that no American should have to go without the health care they need. And it’s still true today. And we’ve proven together that people who love this country can change it -- 20 million people out there will testify. I get letters every day, just saying thank you because it’s made a difference in their lives. And what true then is true now. We still need you. Our work to expand opportunity to all and make our union more perfect is never finished -- but the more we work, and organize, and advocate, and fight, the closer we get. So I hope you are going to be busy this November signing folks up. But more importantly, I hope, for all the young people here, you never stop working for a better America. And even though I won’t be President, I’ll keep working right alongside you. Thank you, everybody. God bless you. God bless America. Thank you. (Applause.) END 2:40 P.M. 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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Legislation Emergency Legislative Package to Fund Vaccinations, Provide Immediate, Direct Relief to Families Bearing the Brunt of the COVID-19 Crisis, and Support Struggling Communities The COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding economic crisis are devastating families across the country. More than 20 million Americans have contracted COVID-19, and at least 370,000 have died. From big cities to small towns, too many Americans are barely scraping by, or not scraping by at all. And the pandemic has shined a light on the persistence of racial injustice in our healthcare system and our economy. The need to act is clear in the lines at food banks, the small businesses that are closed or closing, and the growing number of Americans experiencing housing insecurity. After nearly a year of the public health crisis, our nation remains in this dark winter of the pandemic and facing a deep economic crisis. President Biden is laying out the first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. While Congress’s bipartisan action in December was a step in the right direction, it was only a down payment. It fell far short of the resources needed to tackle the immediate crisis. We are in a race against time, and absent additional government assistance, the economic and public health crises could worsen in the months ahead; schools will not be able to safely reopen; and vaccinations will remain far too slow. As last month’s jobs report underscored, the virus and our economy are intertwined. We cannot rescue our economy without containing this virus. Today, President Biden is announcing the American Rescue Plan to change the course of the pandemic, build a bridge towards economic recovery, and invest in racial justice. The American Rescue Plan will address the stark, intergenerational inequities that have worsened in the wake of COVID-19. Researchers at Columbia University estimate that these proposals will cut child poverty in half. ![\\"\\"](\\" Hero_2500x1250_V31.png?w=2360\\") ## How will the American Rescue Plan Help You? Learn about the Plan Specifically, President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will: * Mount a national vaccination program, contain COVID-19, and safely reopen schools, including by setting up community vaccination sites nationwide, scaling up testing and tracing, eliminating supply shortage problems, investing in high-quality treatments, providing paid sick leave to contain spread of the virus, addressing health disparities, and making the necessary investments to meet the president’s goal of safely reopening a majority of K-8 schools in the first 100 days. * Deliver immediate relief to working families bearing the brunt of this crisis bysending $1,400 per-person checks to households across America, providing direct housing and nutrition assistance, expanding access to safe and reliable childcare and affordable healthcare, increasing the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance, and giving families with kids and childless workers an emergency boost this year. * Support communities that are struggling in the wake of COVID-19 by providing support for the hardest-hit small businesses, especially small businesses owned by entrepreneurs of color, and protecting the jobs of the first responders, transit workers, and other essential workers we depend on. In addition to addressing the public health and economic crises head on, the President’s plan will provide emergency funding to upgrade federal information technology infrastructure and address the recent breaches of federal government data systems. This is an urgent national security issue that cannot wait. President Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan is ambitious, but achievable, and will rescue the American economy and start beating the virus. Congress should act expeditiously to help working families, communities, and small businesses persevere through the pandemic. This legislative package is needed now to address the immediate crises. In the coming weeks, President Biden will lay out his economic recovery plan to invest in America, create millions of additional good-paying jobs, combat the climate crisis, and build back better than before. _Mount a national vaccination program, contain COVID-19, and safely reopen schools_ The pandemic is raging, with record high infection and death rates. A new strain of the virus that is even more contagious is appearing in communities across the country. Meanwhile, Americans are waiting to get their vaccines, even while doses are sitting on shelves. More than ten months into the pandemic, we still lack necessary testing capacity and are suffering from shortages of supplies like basic protective equipment for those on the front lines. Americans of color are being infected and are dying from COVID-19 at greater rates because of lasting systemic racism in our health care system. And, older Americans continue to suffer at disproportionate rates. We can’t wait to slow the spread of this virus. And, we can’t fight this pandemic in fits and starts. President Biden is putting forward a comprehensive plan to deal with this crisis and launch a whole-of-government COVID-19 response plan that will change the course of the pandemic by ensuring we have necessary supplies and protective gear, increasing testing to mitigate spread, vaccinating the US population, safely reopening schools, and addressing COVID-19 health disparities. To support this plan, President Biden is calling on Congress to provide the $160 billion in funding necessary to save American lives and execute on his plan to mount a national vaccination program, expand testing, mobilize a public health jobs program, and take other necessary steps to build capacity to fight the virus. He is also calling on Congress to ensure our schools have everything they need to safely reopen and to provide emergency paid leave so people can stay home when needed to help contain the spread of the virus. Altogether, this would put over $400 billion toward these critical measures for addressing COVID-19. President Biden’s rescue proposal will: Mount a national vaccination program. Current vaccination efforts are not sufficient to quickly and equitably vaccinate the vast majority of the U.S. population. We must ensure that those on the ground have what they need to get vaccinations into people’s arms. The president’s proposal will invest $20 billion in a national vaccination program in partnership with states, localities, Tribes and territories. This will include launching community vaccination centers around the country and deploying mobile vaccination units to hard-to-reach areas. The Biden Administration will take action to ensure all people in the United States–regardless of their immigration status–can access the vaccine free-of-charge and without cost-sharing. To help states ensure that all Medicaid enrollees will be vaccinated, President Biden will also work with Congress to expand the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP) to 100% for the administration of vaccines. Scale up testing to stop the spread of COVID, safely reopen schools, and protect at-risk populations. While we are working to vaccinate the population, we need to focus on what we know works. Testing is a critical strategy for controlling the spread of COVID-19, yet the U.S. is still not using it effectively. Despite innovations to improve testing, tests are still not widely available. The president’s plan invests $50 billion in a massive expansion of testing, providing funds for the purchase of rapid tests, investments to expand lab capacity, and support to help schools and local governments implement regular testing protocols. Expanded testing will ensure that schools can implement regular testing to support safe reopening; that vulnerable settings like prisons and long-term care facilities can regularly test their populations; and that any American can get a test for free when they need one. Mobilize a public health jobs program to support COVID-19 response. The president’s plan includes an historic investment in expanding the public health workforce. This proposal will fund 100,000 public health workers, nearly tripling the country’s community health roles. These individuals will be hired to work in their local communities to perform vital tasks like vaccine outreach and contact tracing in the near term, and to transition into community health roles to build our long-term public health capacity that will help improve quality of care and reduce hospitalization for low-income and underserved communities. Address health disparities and COVID-19. While COVID-19 has devastated the entire country, it has hit some groups and communities of color much harder than others. President Biden is committed to addressing the disparities evident in the pandemic at every step, from ensuring equitable distribution of vaccines and supplies to expanding health care services for underserved communities. His proposal includes funding to provide health services for underserved populations, including expanding Community Health Centers and investing in health services on tribal lands. These funds will support the expansion of COVID treatment and care, as well as our ability to provide vaccination to underserved populations. Protect vulnerable populations in congregate settings. Long-term care residents and workers account for almost 40% of all U.S. COVID-19 deaths. Further, African-American and Latina women, who have borne the brunt of the pandemic, are overrepresented among long-term care workers. The president’s proposal provides critical funding for states to deploy strike teams to long- term care facilities experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks–which may impede vaccination of residents and workers–and to conduct better infection control oversight. 1 in 5 state and federal prisoners in the U.S. has had COVID-19, and African Americans and Latinos are overrepresented among incarcerated individuals. The proposal also supports COVID-19 safety in federal, state, and local prisons, jails, and detention centers by providing funding for COVID-19 mitigation strategies, including supplies and physical distancing; safe re-entry for the formerly incarcerated; and the vaccination of both incarcerated people and staff. Identify and address emerging strains of COVID-19. The identification of new strains of SARS-CoV-2 in the United Kingdom and South Africa highlight a key vulnerability in our nation’s COVID response: we simply do not have the kind of robust surveillance capabilities that we need to track outbreaks and mutations. Tracking the way the virus is changing and moving through the population is essential to understanding outbreaks, generating treatments and vaccines, and controlling the pandemic. The president’s proposal includes funding to dramatically increase our country’s sequencing, surveillance, and outbreak analytics capacity at the levels demanded by the crisis. Provide emergency relief and purchase critical supplies and deploy National Guard. Persistent supply shortages – from gloves and masks to glass vials and test reagents – are inhibiting our ability to provide testing and vaccination and putting frontline workers at risk. The president’s plan will invest $30 billion into the Disaster Relief Fund to ensure sufficient supplies and protective gear, and to provide 100% federal reimbursement for critical emergency response resources to states, local governments, and Tribes, including deployment of the National Guard. The president will call for an additional $10 billion investment in expanding domestic manufacturing for pandemic supplies. These funds will support President Biden in fulfilling his commitment to fully use the Defense Production Act and to safeguard the country by producing more pandemic supplies in the U.S. Invest in treatments for COVID-19. Months into this pandemic, we still do not have reliable and accessible treatments. The federal government urgently needs to invest to support development, manufacturing, and purchase of therapies to ensure wide availability and affordability of effective treatments, as well as invest in studies of the long-term health impacts of COVID-19 and potential therapies to address them. Protect workers against COVID-19. Millions of Americans, many of whom are people of color, immigrants, and low-wage workers, continue to put their lives on the line to keep the country functioning through the pandemic. They should not have to lie awake at night wondering if they’ll make it home from work safely the next day, or if they’ll bring home the virus to their loved ones and communities. The president is calling on Congress to authorize the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue a COVID-19 Protection Standard that covers a broad set of workers, so that workers not typically covered by OSHA, like many public workers on the frontlines, also receive protection from unsafe working conditions and retaliation. And, President Biden is calling on Congress to provide additional funding for OSHA enforcement and grant funding, including for the Susan Harwood grant program, for organizations to help keep vulnerable workers healthy and safe from COVID-19. These steps will help keep more workers healthy, reopen more businesses safely, and beat the virus. Restore U.S. leadership globally and build better preparedness. Protecting the United States from COVID-19 requires a global response, and the pandemic is a grave reminder that biological threats can pose catastrophic consequences to the United States and the world. The president’s plan will provide $11 billion including to support to the international health and humanitarian response; mitigate the pandemic’s devastating impact on global health, food security, and gender-based violence; support international efforts to develop and distribute medical countermeasures for COVID-19; and build the capacity required to fight COVID-19, its variants, and emerging biological threats. Provide schools the resources they need to reopen safely. A critical plank of President Biden’s COVID-19 plan is to safely reopen schools as soon as possible – so kids and educators can get back in class and parents can go back to work. This will require immediate, urgent action by Congress. The COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for K-12 schools and institutions of higher education, and the students and parents they serve. School closures have disproportionately impacted the learning of Black and Hispanic students, as well as students with disabilities and English language learners. While the December down payment for schools and higher education institutions was a start, it is not sufficient to address the crisis. President Biden is calling on Congress to provide $170 billion — supplemented by additional state and local relief resources — for K-12 schools and institutions of higher education. These resources will help schools serve all students, no matter where they are learning, and help achieve President Biden’s goal to open the majority of K-8 schools within the first 100 days of his Administration. __ * Provide $130 billion to help schools to safely reopen. Schools need flexible resources to safely reopen and operate and/or facilitate remote learning. The president’s plan will provide $130 billion to support schools in safely reopening. These funds can be used to reduce class sizes and modify spaces so students and teachers can socially distance; improve ventilation; hire more janitors and implement mitigation measures; provide personal protective equipment; ensure every school has access to a nurse; increase transportation capacity to facilitate social distancing on the bus; hire counselors to support students as they transition back to the classroom; close the digital divide that is exacerbating inequities during the pandemic; provide summer school or other support for students that will help make up lost learning time this year; create and expand community schools; and cover other costs needed to support safely reopening and support students. These funds will also include provisions to ensure states adequately fund education and protect students in low-income communities that have been hardest hit by COVID-19. Districts must ensure that funds are used to not only reopen schools, but also to meet students’ academic, mental health and social, and emotional needs in response to COVID-19, (e.g. through extended learning time, tutoring, and counselors), wherever they are learning. Funding can be used to prevent cuts to state pre-k programs. A portion of funding will be reserved for a COVID-19 Educational Equity Challenge Grant, which will support state, local and tribal governments in partnering with teachers, parents, and other stakeholders to advance equity- and evidence-based policies to respond to COVID-related educational challenges and give all students the support they need to succeed. In addition to this funding, schools will be able to access FEMA Disaster Relief Fund resources to get reimbursed for certain COVID-19 related expenses and will receive support to implement regular testing protocols. * Expand the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund. The president’s plan will ensure colleges have critical resources to implement public health protocols, execute distance learning plans, and provide emergency grants to students in need. This $35 billion in funding will be directed to public institutions, including community colleges, as well as, public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority Serving Institutions. This funding will provide millions of students up to an additional $1,700 in financial assistance from their college. * Hardest Hit Education Fund. Provide $5 billion in funds for governors to use to support educational programs and the learning needs of students significantly impacted by COVID-19, whether K-12, higher education, or early childhood education programs. Provide emergency paid leave to 106 million more Americans to reduce the spread of the virus. No American should have to choose between putting food on the table and quarantining to prevent further spread of COVID-19. And yet, nearly 1 in 4 workers and close to half of low-income workers lack access to paid sick leave, disproportionately burdening Americans of color. Lack of paid leave is threatening the financial security of working families and increasing the risk of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Congress did the right thing last year when it created an emergency paid leave program through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. That action decreased daily infections by 400 cases per state per day in states that previously had no paid sick leave requirement. While the December down payment extended the Families First employer tax credits through March 2021, it did not renew the requirement that employers provide leave. President Biden is calling on Congress to: * Put the requirement back in place and eliminate exemptions for employers with more than 500 and less than 50 employees. He will also make it clear that healthcare workers and first responders get these benefits, too. Closing these loopholes in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act will extend emergency paid leave to up to 106 million additional workers. * Provide expanded paid sick and family and medical leave. The president will provide over 14 weeks of paid sick and family and medical leave to help parents with additional caregiving responsibilities when a child or loved one’s school or care center is closed; for people who have or are caring for people with COVID-19 symptoms, or who are quarantining due to exposure; and for people needing to take time to get the vaccine. * Expand emergency paid leave to include federal workers. This measure will provide paid leave protections to approximately 2 million Americans who work for the federal government. * Provide a maximum paid leave benefit of $1,400 per-week for eligible workers. This will provide full wage replacement to workers earning up to $73,000 annually, more than three-quarters of all workers. * Reimburse employers with less than 500 employees for the cost of this leave. Extending the refundable tax credit will reimburse employers for 100 percent of the cost of this leave. * Reimburse state and local government for the cost of this leave. * Extend emergency paid leave measures until September 30, 2021. With so much uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, extending paid leave until the end of September will help to limit the spread of COVID-19 and provide economic security to millions of working families. _Deliver Immediate, Direct Relief to Families Bearing the Brunt of the Crisis._ As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, millions of Americans are hurting through no fault of their own. More than 10 million Americans are unemployed, and 4 million have been out of work for half a year or longer. The jobs crisis is particularly severe in communities of color, where 1 in 10 Black workers and 1 in 11 Latino workers are unemployed. Large numbers of families are struggling to pay rent or their mortgages and put food on the table. And, last month, it only got worse: we lost 140,000 jobs in December, including 20,000 public educators, and nearly 400,000 jobs at restaurants and bars. President Biden is calling on Congress to take urgent action to deliver immediate, direct relief to Americans bearing the brunt of this crisis. Altogether, this would devote about $1 trillion towards building a bridge to economic recovery for working families and, according to researchers at Columbia University, cut child poverty in half. President Biden’s plan will: Give working families a $1,400 per-person check to help pay their bills, bringing their total relief payment from this and the December down payment to $2,000. More than 1 in 3 households — and half of Black and Latino households — are struggling to pay for usual household expenses like rent and groceries during the pandemic. In this crisis, working families need more than the $600 per person that Congress passed last year. President Biden is calling on Congress to increase that direct financial assistance to $2,000. An additional $1,400 per person in direct checks will help hard-hit households cover expenses, spend money at local businesses in their communities, and stimulate the economy. President Biden’s plan will also expand eligibility to adult dependents who have been left out of previous rounds of relief and all mixed status households. And, his plan will ensure that the Treasury Department has the flexibility and resources it needs to deliver stimulus checks to the families that need them most, including the millions of families that still haven’t received the $1,200 checks they are entitled to under the CARES Act. Extend and expand unemployment insurance benefits so American workers can pay their bills. Around 18 million Americans rely on the unemployment insurance program. Congress did the right thing by continuing expanded eligibility and extending the number of weeks unemployed workers can receive benefits. One study estimates that extending pandemic unemployment insurance programs through 2021 could create or save over five million jobs. But these benefits are set to expire in weeks — even as the COVID-19 pandemic worsens. Millions of Americans are receiving benefits through unemployment insurance programs that will no longer serve new beneficiaries starting in mid-March. President Biden is calling on Congress to extend these and other programs, providing millions of hard-hit workers with the financial security and peace of mind they need and deserve. And, he believes Congress should provide a $400 per-week unemployment insurance supplement to help hard-hit workers cover household expenses. The president is committed to providing these emergency supports to families for as long as the COVID-19 crisis continues and employment opportunities remain limited. The president is proposing to extend these emergency unemployment insurance programs through September 2021, and will work with Congress on ways to automatically adjust the length and amount of relief depending on health and economic conditions so future legislative delay doesn’t undermine the recovery and families’ access to benefits they need. President Biden’s plan will: * Extend financial assistance for workers who have exhausted their regular unemployment compensation benefits. Extending and increasing the additional weeks provided under the emergency unemployment insurance program will ensure that approximately 5 million Americans continue to receive assistance in the months ahead. * Extend financial assistance for unemployed workers who do not typically qualify for unemployment compensation benefits. The president believes Congress should extend unemployment support for self-employed workers, like ride-share drivers and many grocery delivery workers, who do not typically qualify for regular unemployment compensation. And, he supports increasing the number of weeks these workers can receive the benefit to provide long-term financial security to the program’s approximately 8 million beneficiaries. * Fully fund states’ short-time compensation programs and additional weeks of benefits. Short-time compensation programs, also known as work sharing, help small businesses stay afloat and economically vulnerable workers make ends meet by enabling workers to stay on the job at reduced hours, while making up the difference in pay. These programs avoid layoffs and pave the way for rapid rehiring and an accelerated recovery. Help struggling households keep a roof over their heads. The economic fallout of COVID-19 has made it more difficult for working families, especially families of color, to cover their housing expenses. Across the country, 1 in 5 renters and 1 in 10 homeowners with a mortgage are behind on payments. Congress took an important step in the right direction by securing $25 billion in rental assistance and extending the federal eviction moratorium until January 31. However, American families already owe $25 billion in back rent, and the threat of widespread evictions will still exist at the end of January. Further, more than 10 million homeowners have fallen behind on mortgage payments. Failing to take additional action will lead to a wave of evictions and foreclosures in the coming months, overwhelming emergency shelter capacity and increasing the likelihood of COVID-19 infections. And Americans of color, who have on average a fraction of the wealth available to white families, face higher risks of eviction and housing loss without critical assistance. President Biden is calling on Congress to take immediate action to forestall a coming wave of COVID-related evictions and foreclosures. * Ensure that families hit hard by the economic crisis won’t face eviction or foreclosure. The president is calling on Congress to extend the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums and continue applications for forbearance on federally-guaranteed mortgages until September 30, 2021. These measures will prevent untold economic hardship for homeowners, while limiting the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. The president is also calling on Congress to provide funds for legal assistance for households facing eviction or foreclosure. * Help renters and small landlords make ends meet by providing an additional $30 billion in rental and critical energy and water assistance for hard-hit individuals and families. While the $25 billion allocated by Congress was an important down payment on the back rent accrued during this crisis, it is insufficient to meet the scale of the need. That’s why President Biden is proposing an additional $25 billion in rental assistance to provide much-needed rental relief, especially for low- and moderate-income households who have lost jobs or are out of the labor market. The president is also proposing $5 billion to cover home energy and water costs and arrears through programs like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, for struggling renters. These funds will ensure that the hardest-hit renters and small landlords, including those in disadvantaged communities that have suffered disproportionately in terms of pollution and other environmental harms, aren’t put in the position where they can’t cover their own housing expenses. This program includes a competitive set-aside of funding for states to invest in clean energy and energy efficiency projects that reduce electricity bills for families in disadvantaged communities. * Deliver $5 billion in emergency assistance to help secure housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This funding will allow states and localities to help approximately 200,000 individuals and families obtain stable housing, while providing a downpayment on the president’s comprehensive approach to ending homelesness and making housing a right for all Americans. Specifically, these funds will provide flexibility for both congregate and non-congregate housing options, help jurisdictions purchase and convert hotels and motels into permanent housing, and give homeless services providers the resources they need to hire and retain staff, maintain outreach programs, and provide essential services. Address the growing hunger crisis in America. About 1 in 7 households nationwide, including more than 1 in 5 Black and Latino households and many Asian American and Pacific Islander households, are struggling to secure the food they need. While the December down payment provided $13 billion to strengthen and expand federal nutrition programs, it will not solve the hunger crisis in America. President Biden is calling on Congress to ensure all Americans, regardless of background, have access to healthy, affordable groceries. The president’s plan will: * Extend the 15 percent Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit increase. Maintaining the increase through the summer – when childhood hunger spikes due to a lack of school meals – is a critical backstop against rising food insecurity. This change will help keep hunger at bay for around 40 million Americans. The president is calling for this to be extended through September 2021. He is also committed to providing this boost for as long as the COVID-19 crisis continues, and will work with Congress on ways to automatically adjust the length and amount of relief depending on health and economic conditions so future legislative delay doesn’t undermine the recovery and families’ access to benefits they need. * Invest $3 billion to help women, infants and children get the food they need. This multi-year investment in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is needed to account for increased enrollment due to growing hunger and to increase outreach to ensure that low-income families have access to high-quality nutritious food and nutrition education. * Partner with restaurants to feed American families and keep restaurant workers on the job at the same time. The FEMA Empowering Essential Deliveries (FEED) Actwill leverage the resources and expertise of the restaurant industry to help get food to families who need it, and help get laid-off restaurant workers across the country back on the job. * Support SNAP by temporarily cutting the state match. The president is calling for a one time emergency infusion of administrative support for state anti-hunger and nutrition programs to ensure that benefits get to the kids and families that need it most. * Provide U.S. Territories with $1 billion in additional nutrition assistance for their residents. Bolstering the Nutrition Assistance Program block grant will help thousands of working families in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands put food on the table for the duration of the pandemic. Raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Throughout the pandemic, millions of American workers have put their lives on the line to keep their communities and country functioning, including the 40 percent of frontline workers who are people of color. As President Biden has said, let’s not just praise them, let’s pay them. Hard working Americans deserve sufficient wages to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, without having to keep multiple jobs. But millions of working families are struggling to get by. This is why the president is calling on Congress to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and end the tipped minimum wage and sub-minimum wage for people with disabilities so that workers across the country can live a middle class life and provide opportunity for their families. Call on employers to meet their obligations to frontline essential workers and provide back hazard pay. Essential workers — who are disproportionately Black, Latino, and Asian American and Pacific Islander– have risked their lives to stock shelves, harvest crops, and care for the sick during this crisis. They have kept the country running even during the darkest days of the pandemic. A number of large employers, especially in the retail and grocery sectors, have seen bumper profitability in 2020 and yet done little or nothing at all to compensate their workers for the risks they took. The president believes these employers have a duty to do right by their frontline essential workers and acknowledge their sacrifices with generous back hazard pay for the risks they took across 2020 and up to today. He and the Vice President will call on CEOs and other business leaders to take action to meet these obligations. Expand access to high-quality, affordable child care. We are facing an acute, immediate child care crisis in America, which is exacerbating our economic crisis. Due to increased costs and lower enrollment, a recent survey of child care providers showed that most child care providers expect that they will close within a few months without relief or are uncertain how long they can stay open. If left unaddressed, many child care providers will close — some permanently — and millions of children could go without necessary care, and millions of parents could be left to make devastating choices this winter between caring for their children and working to put food on the table. Early childcare providers are almost entirely women, among whom 40 percent are people of color, and so these closures could devastate engines of opportunity for minority- and women-owned businesses. President Biden is calling on Congress to take immediate actions to address this crisis by helping child care centers reopen and remain open safely, and by making that care affordable to families who need it. In addition, too many families are unable to afford child care, while early educators earn wages so low that they can’t support their own families. This challenge existed before COVID-19, and the pandemic has exacerbated it. President Biden is calling on Congress to ease the financial burden of care for families, expand financial support for child care providers so that this critical sector can stay afloat during the pandemic and beyond, and make critical investments to improve wages and benefits for the essential child care sector. President Biden’s plan will: * Help hard-hit child care providers, including family child care homes, cover their costs and operate safely by creating a $25 billion emergency stabilization fund. This Emergency Stabilization Fund will help hard-hit child care providers that are in danger of closing and provide support to nearly half of all child care providers. It will also assist those that have had to shut down meet their financial obligations during the pandemic, so that they can reopen. It will help providers pay for rent, utilities, and payroll, as well as increased costs associated with the pandemic including personal protective equipment, ventilation supplies, smaller group sizes, and modifications to make the physical environment safer for children and workers. * Expand child care assistance to help millions of families and help parents return to work. Millions of parents are risking their lives as essential workers, while at the same time struggling to obtain care for their children. Others have become 24/7 caregivers while simultaneously working remotely. Still more are unemployed, caring for their children full-time, and worrying about how they will make ends meet or afford child care when they do find a job. And, the limited access to child care during the pandemic has caused more women to leave the workforce. While the December down payment provides $10 billion in funding through the Child Care and Development Block Grant program, the president’s proposal expands this investment with an additional $15 billion in funding, including for those who experienced a job interruption during the COVID-19 pandemic and are struggling to afford child care. This additional assistance with child care costs will help the disproportionate number of women who left the labor force to take on caregiving duties reenter the workforce. And, this expanded investment will also help rebuild the supply of child care providers, and encourage states to take meaningful steps towards increasing the pay and benefits of child care workers. * Increase tax credits to help cover the cost of childcare. To help address the childcare affordability crisis, President Biden is calling on Congress to expand child care tax credits on an emergency basis for one year to help working families cover the cost of childcare. Families will get back as a tax credit as much as half of their spending on child care for children under age 13, so that they can receive a total of up to $4,000 for one child or $8,000 for two or more children. The tax credit will be refundable, meaning that families who don’t owe a lot in taxes will still benefit. The full 50 percent reimbursement will be available to families making less than $125,000 a year. And, all families making between $125,000 and $400,000 will receive a partial credit so they receive benefits at least as generous as those they can receive today. Bolster financial security for families and essential workers in the midst of the pandemic. The lowest income families are particularly vulnerable in the midst of the pandemic, and President Biden is calling for one year expansions of key supports for families on an emergency basis. The Child Tax Credit should be made fully refundable for the year. Currently, 27 million children live in families with household incomes low enough that they didn’t qualify for the full value of the Child Tax Credit, and this measure would give these children and their families additional needed resources. The president is also calling to increase the credit to $3,000 per child ($3,600 for a child under age 6) and make 17 year-olds qualifying children for the year. He is also calling for an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit for the year to ensure that the lowest income workers get critical support including millions of essential workers. He is proposing to raise the maximum Earned Income Tax Credit for childless adults from roughly $530 to close to $1,500, raise the income limit for the credit from about $16,000 to about $21,000, and expand the age range that is eligible including by eliminating the age cap for older workers and expanding eligibility for younger workers so that they can claim the credit they deserve. Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for childless adults would give a needed boost to the earnings of several million workers, including cashiers, home health aides, delivery people, and other people working in essential occupations. The president also is committed to making sure that Americans who see their earnings fall in 2021 due to the pandemic don’t see the Earned Income Tax Credit reduced as a result. Lastly, the president is calling for an additional $1 billion for states to cover the additional cash assistance that Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) recipients needed as a result of the pandemic crisis. The pandemic has led to increased TANF caseloads, generated higher costs for many TANF recipients – from higher utility costs to the need for internet access for remote schooling – and longer periods of joblessness given high unemployment. These funds will provide sorely needed relief. Preserving and expanding health coverage. Roughly two to three million people lost employer sponsored health insurance between March and September, and even families who have maintained coverage may struggle to pay premiums and afford care. Further, going into this crisis, 30 million people were without coverage, limiting their access to the health care system in the middle of a pandemic. To ensure access to health coverage,President Biden is calling on Congress to subsidize continuation health coverage (COBRA) through the end of September. He is also asking Congress to expand and increase the value of the Premium Tax Credit to lower or eliminate health insurance premiums and ensure enrollees – including those who never had coverage through their jobs – will not pay more than 8.5 percent of their income for coverage. Together, these policies would reduce premiums for more than ten million people and reduce the ranks of the uninsured by millions more. Expanding access to behavioral health services. The pandemic has made access to mental health and substance use disorder services more essential than ever. The president is calling on Congress to appropriate $4 billion to enable the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Health Resources and Services Administration to expand access to these vital services. Ensure adequate funding for veterans’ health. COVID-19 has put enormous pressure on America’s veterans and on the Veterans Health Administration that is charged with providing and facilitating top-notch care for them. The president is committed to ensuring America delivers on its promise to the people who have served our country. To account for increased usage as many veterans have lost access to private health insurance, higher overall costs, and other pandemic-related impacts, the president is immediately requesting an additional $20 billion to make sure that veterans’ health care needs can be met through this crisis. Combat increased risk of gender-based violence. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated domestic violence and sexual assault, creating a “shadow pandemic” for many women and girls who are largely confined to their home with their abuser and facing economic insecurity that makes escape more difficult. President Biden is calling for at least $800 million in supplemental funding for key federal programs that protect survivors. _Provide Critical Support to Struggling Communities._ COVID-19 and the resulting economic crisis has devastated communities across the country. Schools remain closed, with students struggling with remote learning and parents – 1.6 million mothers this fall – leaving the workforce. Small businesses, the backbones of their communities that employ nearly half of American workers, are unable to keep their doors open. And, some state and local essential workers are seeing their wages reduced or their jobs disappear. President Biden is calling on Congress to send a lifeline to small businesses; protect educators, public transit workers, and first responders from lay-offs; and keep critical services running at full strength. Altogether, his plan would provide approximately $440 billion in critical support to struggling communities. This is in addition to funds that President Biden is requesting for safely reopening schools throughout the country. President Biden’s plan will: Provide small businesses with the funding they need to reopen and rebuild. Small businesses sustain half of the private sector jobs in America, and they have struggled in the wake of COVID-19. Black- and Brown-owned small businesses, and those in hard-hit industries like restaurants, hotels, and the arts, have suffered disproportionately. Nationally, small business revenue is down 32 percent, and at least 400,000 firms have permanently closed. To help hard-hit firms survive the pandemic and fully recover, President Biden is calling on Congress to: * Provide grants to more than 1 million of the hardest hit small businesses. This $15 billion in flexible, equitably distributed grants will help small businesses get back on their feet, put the current disaster behind them, and build back better. * Leverage $35 billion in government funds into $175 billion in additional small business lending and investment. With a $35 billion investment in successful state, local, tribal, and non-profit small business financing programs, Congress can generate as much as $175 billion in low-interest loans and venture capital to help entrepreneurs — including those in the clean energy sector — innovate, create and maintain jobs, build wealth, and provide the essential goods and services that communities depend on. In addition, the president wants to work with Congress to make sure that restaurants, bars, and other businesses that have suffered disproportionately have sufficient support to bridge to the recovery, including through the Community Credit Corporation at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Provide support for first responders and other essential workers. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, first responders, frontline public health workers, and countless other essential workers have risked their lives to keep our communities safe and functioning. Educators have worked tirelessly to keep our children learning and growing, coming up with new ways to reach and engage their students, often while balancing caring for their own children. Without these front line workers, we will not be able to effectively respond to the pandemic, administer the vaccine, or safely reopen our schools. President Biden is calling on Congress to provide $350 billion in emergency funding for state, local, and territorial governments to ensure that they are in a position to keep front line public workers on the job and paid, while also effectively distributing the vaccine, scaling testing, reopening schools, and maintaining other vital services. The president is also calling on Congress to allocate $3 billion of this funding to the Economic Development Administration (EDA). Grants from EDA provide resources directly to state and local government entities, tribal institutions, institutions of higher education, and non-profits to fund initiatives that support bottom’s up economic development and enable good-paying jobs. This funding – double the amount provided by the CARES Act – will support communities nationwide with a broad range of financial needs as they respond to and recover from COVID-19. Protect the future of public transit. Safe and dependable public transit systems are critical for a robust and equitable economy recovery. The president is calling for $20 billion in relief for the hardest hit public transit agencies. This relief will keep agencies from laying off transit workers and cutting the routes that essential workers rely on every day while making these transit systems more resilient and ensuring that communities of color maintain the access to opportunity that public transportation provides. Support Tribal governments’ response to COVID-19. COVID-19 has exacted an especially high toll in Indian Country. People living on reservations are four times more likely to have COVID-19 and American Indian and Alaska Natives are nearly twice as likely to die from COVID-19 than white Americans. While the December down payment had many beneficial provisions, it included little direct funding to help Tribal governments respond to COVID-19. President Biden is calling on Congress to give Tribes the resources they need to obtain sufficient personal protective equipment, increase access to clean water and electricity, and expand internet access so that children can learn remotely and more families can obtain basic health care through telemedicine. President Biden’s plan would invest $20 billion in Indian Country to support Tribal governments’ response to the pandemic.These resources will help to reduce stark and persistent inequities in COVID-19 transmission, hospitalization, and death, while improving economic conditions and opportunity. _Modernize federal information technology to protect against future cyber attacks._ In addition to the COVID-19 crisis, we also face a crisis when it comes to the nation’s cybersecurity. The recent cybersecurity breaches of federal government data systems underscore the importance and urgency of strengthening U.S. cybersecurity capabilities. President Biden is calling on Congress to launch the most ambitious effort ever to modernize and secure federal IT and networks. To remediate the SolarWinds breach and boost U.S. defenses, including of the COVID-19 vaccine process, President Biden is calling on Congress to: * Expand and improve the Technology Modernization Fund. A $9 billion investment will help the U.S. launch major new IT and cybersecurity shared services at the Cyber Security and Information Security Agency (CISA) and the General Services Administration and complete modernization projects at federal agencies. In addition, the president is calling on Congress to change the fund’s reimbursement structure in order to fund more innovative and impactful projects. * Surge cybersecurity technology and engineering expert hiring. Providing the Information Technology Oversight and Reform fund with $200 million will allow for the rapid hiring of hundreds of experts to support the federal Chief Information Security Officer and U.S. Digital Service. * Build shared, secure services to drive transformational projects. Investing $300 million in no-year funding for Technology Transformation Services in the General Services Administration will drive secure IT projects forward without the need of reimbursement from agencies. * Improving security monitoring and incident response activities. An additional $690M for CISA will bolster cybersecurity across federal civilian networks, and support the piloting of new shared security and cloud computing services. ### Next Post: Paris Climate Agreement Paris Climate Agreement January 20, 2021 • Statements and Releases Next Post ## Stay Connected Sign Up Email Address* Required ZIP Code Please leave blank. 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Tracking The COVID-19 Economy’s Effects ... ![\\"\\"](\\" hardship-watch.png\\") # Tracking the COVID-19 Economy’s Effects on Food, Housing, and Employment Hardships Share Facebook Twitter Print Email PDF of this report (20 pp.) ## More on this topic Report ### Housing Vouchers in Economic Recovery Bill Would Sharply Cut Homelessness, Housing Instability September 23, 2021 Report ### Recovery Package Should Permanently Include Families With Low Incomes in Full Child Tax Credit September 7, 2021 Resource List ### Building an Equitable Recovery In April 2020, the Census Bureau began the Household Pulse Survey to collect nearly real-time data on how families were faring during this unprecedented crisis. At the end of 2021, the Census Bureau had released data from 39 Pulse surveys on household well-being. CBPP and others used this data to assess hardship and the impact of relief measures. With the end of bi-weekly Pulse data releases in October 2021, this tracker will no longer be updated. The Census Bureau will continue to release Household Pulse data on a monthly basis, and CBPP will continue to analyze and write about the effects of pandemic-relief measures, including the important role of government policies in reducing hardship and poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic fallout caused significant hardship. In the early months of the crisis, tens of millions of people lost their jobs. While employment began to rebound within a few months, unemployment remained high throughout 2020. Improving employment and substantial relief measures helped reduce the very high levels of hardship seen in the summer of 2020. Nonetheless, considerable unmet need remained near the end of 2021, with 20 million households reporting having too little to eat in the past seven days and 10 million households behind on rent. In early 2022, some 3 million fewer people are employed than before the pandemic, though steady progress has been made, including in recent months. Hardship in 2020 and 2021 would have been far worse without extraordinary steps taken by the federal government, states, and localities to respond to the pandemic and its economic fallout. Key hardship indicators showed strong improvement during early 2021, aided by job growth and government benefits. Hardship rates fell especially fast after the enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act on March 11, 2021, which included $1,400 payments for most Americans as well as other assistance to struggling households. (See Figure 1.) Food hardship among adults with children also fell after the federal government began issuing monthly payments of the expanded Child Tax Credit on July 15, 2021, along with improvements in food assistance. Still, according to the Pulse survey, in October 2021, nearly 20 million adults lived in households that did not get enough to eat, 12 million adult renters were behind on rent, and some of the progress from late March appeared to have stalled as other troubles continued to affect the economy, including expiring unemployment benefits and supply chain problems that contributed to rising prices for many goods. Figure 1 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Hardship](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f2.png?itok=VHrzf8Vi\\") The impacts of the pandemic and the economic fallout have been widespread, but remain particularly prevalent among Black people, Latino people,[1] and other people of color. These disproportionate impacts reflect harsh, long-standing inequities — often stemming from structural racism — in education, employment, housing, and health care that the crisis exacerbated. Households with children also continue to face especially high hardship rates. Considerable evidence suggests that reducing childhood hardship and poverty would yield improvements in education and health, higher productivity and earnings, less incarceration, and other lasting benefits to children and society.[2] ## High Hardship Rates Fell as Relief Arrived, Census Bureau Data Show Copy link Millions of people were out of work and struggled to afford adequate food and pay the rent through 2021, data from the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey and other sources, such as unemployment data from Census’ Current Population Survey and the Department of Labor, show. The impacts on those with children have been especially large (see Figures 3, 7, and 8). Still, hardship would have been far worse without the substantial relief measures taken to respond to the pandemic’s economic fallout. For more on our methodology and data by state, see tables 1-4 at the end of this document. ## Difficulty Getting Enough Food Copy link The number of adults reporting that their households did not get enough to eat in the last seven days fell from a peak of nearly 30 million — 14 percent — in December 2020 to nearly 20 million — 9 percent — in the fall of 2021, according to Pulse data.[3] (See Figure 2.) It fell sharply in March 2021 after the enactment of the December 2020 relief package and the mid-March enactment of the Rescue Plan, which included Economic Impact Payments of $1,400 for most individuals that month. Food hardship among adults with children improved significantly following the issuance of the first monthly Child Tax Credit payment (up to $300 monthly per child) on July 15, 2021.[4] Figure 2 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Food](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f3.png?itok=dBou2-Hr\\") Nearly 20 million adults — 9 percent of all adults in the country — reported that their household sometimes or often didn’t have enough to eat in the last seven days, according to Household Pulse Survey data collected September 29–October 11, 2021. When asked why, 82 percent said they “couldn’t afford to buy more food,” rather than (or in addition to) non-financial factors such as lack of transportation or safety concerns due to the pandemic. Figure 3 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"For](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_386_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f4.png?itok=aCRSyI8q\\") Adults in households with children were likelier to report that the household didn’t get enough to eat: 12 percent, compared to 8 percent for households without children. (See Figure 3.) And 7 to 13 percent of adults with children reported that their children sometimes or often didn’t eat enough in the last seven days because they couldn’t afford it. Households typically first scale back on food for adults before cutting back on what children have to eat. (The 7-13 percent range reflects the different ways to measure food hardship in the Household Pulse Survey.) Also, analysis of more detailed data from the Pulse Survey shows that between 5 and 9 million children lived in a household where children didn’t eat enough because the household couldn’t afford it. These figures are approximations; the Pulse Survey was designed to provide data on adult well-being, not precise counts of children. Black and Latino adults were more than twice as likely as white adults to report that their household did not get enough to eat: 17 percent for Black adults and 16 percent for Latino adults, compared to 6 percent of white adults. Adults who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or as multiracial, taken together,[5] were more than three times as likely than white adults to report that their household did not get enough to eat, at 19 percent. (See Figure 4.) Figure 4 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Households](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f5.png?itok=-V9cMm6G\\") ## Inability to Pay Rent or Mortgage Copy link Millions were not caught up on their rent or mortgage payments in late 2021, the Household Pulse data also showed, but fewer than earlier in the year. The December 2020 relief package and the Rescue Plan included over $46 billion in emergency rental assistance, designed to help people struggling to pay their rent and avoid eviction. Getting this emergency aid to people behind on rent took time, as many communities did not have adequate systems in place to distribute emergency rental assistance funds quickly. An August 2021 Supreme Court ruling ended the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s eviction moratorium, heightening the urgency to quickly distribute rental assistance to people in need. Once states and localities built the necessary infrastructure for people to apply for and receive emergency assistance, however, disbursement of funds accelerated in the fall of 2021. Over 3.2 million households received emergency aid from January to November 2021, according to Treasury Department data, with over half of these households receiving aid between September and November.[6] The number of adult renters reporting to the Census Bureau that their household was not caught up on rent fell from a peak of 15 million people — 1 in 5 adult renters — in January 2021 to more than 10 million people — about 1 in 7 adult renters — in the fall of 2021. (See Figure 5.) These households, particularly those who lost employment during the pandemic, may have accumulated debt from multiple months of back rent and late fees. Renters of color and families with children consistently reported higher rates of rent hardship throughout 2020 and 2021. The Pulse data likely understated the number of people struggling to pay rent because many respondents skipped questions toward the end of the survey, including the housing questions. This “non-response” was higher among groups that are younger, have lower levels of education, and identify as Black or Latino — groups that are also more likely to struggle to afford rent, due to long-standing inequities often stemming from structural racism in education, employment, and housing. Figure 5 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Rent](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f6.png?itok=r0U1bu7u\\") Despite these measurement challenges, the slow rollout of emergency rental assistance and high pre-pandemic levels of housing hardship meant that millions still had difficulty paying rent late in 2021. An estimated 12 million adults living in rental housing — 16 percent of adult renters — were not caught up on rent, according to data collected September 29–October 11, 2021.[7] Here, too, renters of color were more likely to report that their household was not caught up on rent: 28 percent of Black renters, 18 percent of Latino renters, and 20 percent of Asian renters said they were not caught up on rent, compared to 12 percent of white renters. The rate was 18 percent for American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and multiracial adults taken together. (See Figure 6.) Figure 6 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"1](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f7.png?itok=rjjcyQid\\") In addition, 23 percent of renters who are parents or otherwise living with children reported that they were not caught up on rent, compared to 12 percent among adults not living with anyone under age 18. (See Figure 7.) Figure 7 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Over](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_386_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f8.png?itok=os_I0tPG\\") Children in renter households also faced high rates of food hardship. Over 1 in 5 children living in rental housing lived in a household that didn’t have enough to eat, according to detailed Pulse data. And over 1 in 3 children living in rental housing lived in a household that either wasn’t getting enough to eat or was not caught up on rent. (See Figure 8.) Figure 8 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Over](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_386_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f9.png?itok=5_POaF4o\\") While households that don’t rent their homes but have mortgage payments typically have higher incomes than renters, some of them also faced difficulties, especially if they lost their jobs or their incomes fell significantly. An estimated 7.5 million adults are in a household that was not caught up in its mortgage payment in the fall of 2021.[8] ## Difficulty Covering Household Expenses Copy link The Household Pulse Survey provided data on the number of adults struggling to cover usual household expenses such as food, rent or mortgage, car payments, medical expenses, or student loans. Some 63 million adults — 29 percent of all adults in the country — reported it was somewhat or very difficult for their household to cover usual expenses in the past seven days, according to data collected September 29–October 11, 2021. That was down from a peak of 38 percent in mid-December 2020. (See Figure 9.) In early 2021, the share of adults with trouble covering expenses stabilized as employment rose and aid from the December 2020 relief package — including renewed jobless benefits and another round of stimulus payments — reached households. Following the March 2021 enactment of the Rescue Plan, and as the economy continued to add jobs, the share of adults who had trouble covering usual expenses fell sharply. The share ticked upward in May, likely due to the fading impact of the third round of stimulus payments, but it remained statistically unchanged in the subsequent months as other troubles continued to affect the economy, including expiring unemployment benefits, a resurging virus, and supply chain problems that contributed to rising prices for many goods. Figure 9 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Down](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f10.png?itok=iSEAZiVf\\") Adults in households with children were more likely to report difficulty paying for usual expenses than those without children: 36 percent, compared to 24 percent. Financial hardship can have serious effects on children’s long- term health and education, research shows.[9] Black and Latino adults reported difficulty covering expenses at higher rates: 44 percent and 38 percent respectively, compared to 23 percent for white adults and 21 percent for Asian adults. (See Figure 10.) The rate was 42 percent for American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and multiracial adults taken together. Figure 10 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Over](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f11.png?itok=DOfakFzV\\") Adults with a disability[10] were more than twice as likely to report difficulty paying for usual expenses than adults without a disability: 54 percent compared to 23 percent, according to detailed Pulse data. In addition, LGBT[11] adults were likelier than non-LGBT adults to live in households with difficulty covering expenses: 34 percent compared to 27 percent. An estimated 38 percent of children lived in households that have trouble covering usual expenses, according to detailed data from the Pulse Survey. They included 57 percent of children in Black households, 46 percent of children in Latino households, 30 percent of children in white households, and 24 percent of children in Asian households. (The Pulse Survey asks the race of the adult respondent, not the children.) ## Many Workers Remained Sidelined, With Job Losses Concentrated in Low-Paid Industries Copy link The unemployment rate jumped in April 2020 to a level not seen since the 1930s — and stood at 4.9 percent in October 2021, compared with 3.5 percent in February 2020. That official unemployment rate, moreover, understated job losses. There were still 4.2 million fewer jobs in October 2021 than in February 2020. The majority of jobs lost in the crisis have been in industries that pay low average wages, with the lowest-paying industries accounting for 30 percent of all jobs but 59 percent of the jobs lost from February 2020 to October 2021, according to Labor Department employment data. Jobs were down nearly twice as much in low-paying industries (4.5 percent) as in medium-wage industries (2.6 percent) and roughly 15 times as much as in high-wage industries (0.3 percent) during this period. (See Figure 11.) Figure 11 Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart ![\\"Job](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/report_580_high_dpi/public/2022-02/8-13-20pov_rev2-10-22_f12.png?itok=RvQJoxWu\\") Black and Latino workers have experienced a far slower jobs recovery than white workers — reflecting historical patterns rooted in structural racism.[12] Some 7.9 percent of Black workers and 5.9 percent of Latino workers were unemployed in October 2021, compared to 4.0 percent of white workers. Workers who were born outside the U.S. (this includes individuals who are now U.S. citizens) have experienced larger job losses than U.S.-born workers. Data from the Census Bureau’s basic monthly Current Population Survey released November 10, 2021, provided more detail on unemployed workers and their family members. Some 17.9 million people either met the official definition of unemployed (meaning they had actively looked for work in the last four weeks or were on temporary layoff) or lived with an unemployed family member in October. This figure included 4.4 million children. The official definition of unemployed leaves out many workers deprived of pay amid the pandemic,[13] including some 1.3 million workers in October 2021 who reported they did not look for work because of the pandemic, according to the Labor Department. The official definition also omitted some 200,000 workers who reported that they had a job but that they were absent from work without pay and lost pay in the last four weeks “because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic,” according to our calculations. When family members were considered, some 21.3 million people in October 2021, including 5.3 million children, lived in a family where at least one adult did not have paid work in the last week because of unemployment or the pandemic, we estimated. During 2021, a large share of people getting jobless benefits only qualified because of the temporary eligibility expansions enacted in response to the pandemic. Permanent reforms are needed to fix an underlying system in which too many unemployed workers get inadequate benefits or no benefits at all.[14] ## State-by-State Food, Housing, and Employment Hardship Data Copy link Data by state show that hardship was widespread in the fall of 2021. The following tables provide state-level data on: * the share of adults reporting that their household didn’t have enough to eat (Table 1); * the share of adults saying children in their household were not eating enough because they couldn’t afford enough (Table 1); * the share of adults not caught up on rent (Table 2); * the share of adults saying their household had difficulty paying for their usual expenses (Table 3); and * the three-month moving average unemployment rate and recent jobless claim data (Table 4). For data from the Pulse Survey, we averaged data collected September 15-27, 2021 and September 29–October 11, 2021 to improve the accuracy of the state estimates. Differences in Pulse hardship rates between states may reflect sampling error, so we suggest not drawing strong conclusions from modest differences between states. The data do show, however, that high levels of hardship remained widespread across the country. ### Difficulty Getting Enough Food Copy link The Pulse Survey asks adult respondents if their household did not have enough to eat and if children in the household were not eating enough because the household couldn’t afford it. TABLE 1 --- High Shares of Households Report Difficulty Getting Enough FoodCopy link Among adults; data collected September 15–October 11, 2021. How to read this table: In the U.S., some 20 million adults reported that their household sometimes or often didn’t have enough to eat in the last seven days. This represented 9 percent of all adults in the country. Some 9 million adults living with children reported that “the children were not eating enough because we just couldn’t afford enough food.” This represented 12 percent of adults living with children. Adults Reporting That Household Didn’t Have Enough to Eat | Adults Reporting That Children in Household Weren’t Eating Enough Because Household Couldn’t Afford Enough State | Number | As a Percent of Adults | Number | As a Percent of Adults Living with Children United States | 20,008,000 | 9% | 9,346,000 | 12% Alabama | 341,000 | 11% | 163,000 | 15% Alaska | 53,000 | 11% | 15,000 | 8% Arizona | 410,000 | 8% | 235,000 | 12% Arkansas | 196,000 | 10% | 95,000 | 13% California | 2,424,000 | 10% | 1,180,000 | 13% Colorado | 263,000 | 7% | 128,000 | 10% Connecticut | 183,000 | 8% | 90,000 | 11% Delaware | 87,000 | 13% | 29,000 | 12% District of Columbia | 40,000 | 8% | 23,000 | 15% Florida | 1,610,000 | 11% | 613,000 | 12% Georgia | 897,000 | 13% | 507,000 | 18% Hawai’i | 100,000 | 11% | 68,000 | 19% Idaho | 81,000 | 7% | 35,000 | 8% Illinois | 621,000 | 8% | 406,000 | 15% Indiana | 397,000 | 9% | 132,000 | 9% Iowa | 181,000 | 9% | 47,000 | 7% Kansas | 187,000 | 10% | 59,000 | 9% Kentucky | 313,000 | 11% | 109,000 | 11% Louisiana | 414,000 | 14% | 213,000 | 19% Maine | 64,000 | 7% | 19,000 | 6% Maryland | 312,000 | 8% | 213,000 | 14% Massachusetts | 371,000 | 8% | 119,000 | 8% Michigan | 534,000 | 8% | 273,000 | 12% Minnesota | 198,000 | 5% | 132,000 | 10% Mississippi | 253,000 | 14% | 112,000 | 16% Missouri | 418,000 | 10% | 124,000 | 9% Montana | 58,000 | 8% | 23,000 | 10% Nebraska | 74,000 | 6% | 42,000 | 9% Nevada | 143,000 | 7% | 102,000 | 13% New Hampshire | 57,000 | 6% | 28,000 | 9% New Jersey | 464,000 | 8% | 291,000 | 14% New Mexico | 132,000 | 9% | 52,000 | 10% New York | 1,400,000 | 12% | 628,000 | 15% North Carolina | 698,000 | 10% | 321,000 | 13% North Dakota | 39,000 | 8% | 17,000 | 8% Ohio | 587,000 | 8% | 224,000 | 8% Oklahoma | 347,000 | 13% | 147,000 | 15% Oregon | 266,000 | 9% | 84,000 | 8% Pennsylvania | 656,000 | 8% | 305,000 | 11% Rhode Island | 63,000 | 9% | 32,000 | 13% South Carolina | 308,000 | 9% | 123,000 | 11% South Dakota | 45,000 | 8% | 25,000 | 12% Tennessee | 426,000 | 10% | 168,000 | 11% Texas | 2,079,000 | 12% | 1,145,000 | 17% Utah | 151,000 | 7% | 47,000 | 6% Vermont | 20,000 | 5% | 7,000 | 6% Virginia | 336,000 | 6% | 144,000 | 8% Washington | 405,000 | 8% | 146,000 | 8% West Virginia | 108,000 | 9% | 31,000 | 8% Wisconsin | 177,000 | 5% | 70,000 | 6% Wyoming | 22,000 | 6% | 8,000 | 5% Note: Figures are averages of data collected September 15-27, 2021 and September 29–October 11, 2021. In the data collected September 29–October 11, 2021, 9.4 percent of all adults reported that their household “sometimes” or “often” in the last seven days had “not enough to eat,” while 12.9 percent of adults living with children reported that the children sometimes or often in the last seven days were “not eating enough because we just couldn\'t afford enough food.” As recommended by the Census Bureau, percentages exclude persons not replying to the question. Source: Calculated by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities from Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey published tables “food1,” “food2,” and “food4,” for survey weeks 38 and 39, surveys/household-pulse-survey/data.html ### Not Caught Up on Rent Copy link Table 2 shows the estimated number of adults whose household was not caught up on rent by state. The Pulse data likely understated the number of people struggling to pay rent because many respondents skipped questions toward the end of the survey, including the housing questions. This “non-response” was higher among groups that are younger, have lower levels of education, and identify as Black or Latino — groups that are more likely to struggle to afford rent, due to long-standing inequities often stemming from structural racism in education, employment, and housing. TABLE 2 --- One in 6 Renters Nationwide Were Not Caught Up on Rent Among adults in rental housing; data collected September 15–October 11, 2021Copy link Not Caught Up on Rent Estimated Number | Percent Alabama | 150,000 | 17% Alaska | 20,000 | 13% Arizona | 159,000 | 9% Arkansas | 101,000 | 16% California | 1,557,000 | 13% Colorado | 106,000 | 8% Connecticut | 118,000 | 15% Delaware | 52,000 | 28% District of Columbia | 39,000 | 13% Florida | 912,000 | 18% Georgia | 542,000 | 23% Hawai’i | 41,000 | 11% Idaho | 21,000 | 7% Illinois | 463,000 | 17% Indiana | 187,000 | 15% Iowa | 91,000 | 16% Kansas | 44,000 | 7% Kentucky | 192,000 | 22% Louisiana | 163,000 | 18% Maine | 28,000 | 12% Maryland | 265,000 | 20% Massachusetts | 188,000 | 11% Michigan | 241,000 | 14% Minnesota | 115,000 | 12% Mississippi | 111,000 | 20% Missouri | 137,000 | 11% Montana | 16,000 | 8% Nebraska | 53,000 | 13% Nevada | 79,000 | 9% New Hampshire | 26,000 | 11% New Jersey | 328,000 | 15% New Mexico | 99,000 | 24% New York | 1,257,000 | 21% North Carolina | 397,000 | 17% North Dakota | 15,000 | 8% Ohio | 329,000 | 13% Oklahoma | 202,000 | 24% Oregon | 123,000 | 12% Pennsylvania | 274,000 | 11% Rhode Island | 71,000 | 28% South Carolina | 180,000 | 19% South Dakota | 29,000 | 18% Tennessee | 202,000 | 14% Texas | 1,401,000 | 21% Utah | 31,000 | 6% Vermont | 8,000 | 7% Virginia | 213,000 | 11% Washington | 178,000 | 9% West Virginia | 32,000 | 12% Wisconsin | 125,000 | 10% Wyoming | 8,000 | 8% Note: Figures are averages of data collected September 15-27, 2021 and September 29–October 11, 2021. To adjust for non-response in the Pulse Survey, the estimated number is calculated as the Pulse Survey’s estimated share not caught up on rent multiplied by the total number of adult renters ages 18 and older from the American Community Survey. Source: Calculated by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities from Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey published table “housing1b” for survey weeks 38 and 39, survey/data.html; and 2019 American Community Survey public use file ### Difficulty Covering Usual Household Expenses Copy link The Pulse survey asks adult respondents if their household had difficulty paying for usual expenses such as food, rent or mortgage, car payments, medical expenses, or student loans in the last seven days. Table 3 shows the estimated number and percent of adults reporting that it was somewhat or very difficult for their household to pay for their usual expenses in the last seven days. TABLE 3 --- Over 1 in 4 Adults Nationwide Had Difficulty Covering Usual Household Expenses Among adults; data collected September 15–October 11, 2021Copy link Difficulty Covering Usual Household Expenses Number | Percent United States | 62,845,000 | 28% Alabama | 1,046,000 | 33% Alaska | 150,000 | 31% Arizona | 1,476,000 | 29% Arkansas | 674,000 | 34% California | 7,970,000 | 30% Colorado | 963,000 | 24% Connecticut | 646,000 | 26% Delaware | 221,000 | 31% District of Columbia | 119,000 | 24% Florida | 4,852,000 | 32% Georgia | 2,308,000 | 33% Hawai’i | 304,000 | 31% Idaho | 271,000 | 22% Illinois | 2,142,000 | 26% Indiana | 1,155,000 | 26% Iowa | 489,000 | 23% Kansas | 451,000 | 23% Kentucky | 822,000 | 28% Louisiana | 1,100,000 | 37% Maine | 239,000 | 24% Maryland | 1,142,000 | 28% Massachusetts | 1,173,000 | 25% Michigan | 1,757,000 | 27% Minnesota | 651,000 | 17% Mississippi | 723,000 | 38% Missouri | 1,231,000 | 29% Montana | 207,000 | 27% Nebraska | 303,000 | 23% Nevada | 622,000 | 28% New Hampshire | 202,000 | 21% New Jersey | 1,667,000 | 29% New Mexico | 438,000 | 30% New York | 3,793,000 | 30% North Carolina | 2,072,000 | 29% North Dakota | 102,000 | 20% Ohio | 1,815,000 | 23% Oklahoma | 958,000 | 36% Oregon | 813,000 | 27% Pennsylvania | 2,319,000 | 26% Rhode Island | 210,000 | 29% South Carolina | 980,000 | 29% South Dakota | 143,000 | 25% Tennessee | 1,465,000 | 32% Texas | 6,095,000 | 32% Utah | 493,000 | 23% Vermont | 72,000 | 16% Virginia | 1,477,000 | 26% Washington | 1,244,000 | 23% West Virginia | 347,000 | 29% Wisconsin | 825,000 | 21% Wyoming | 106,000 | 27% Note: Figures are averages of data collected September 15-27 and September 29–October 11. In the data collected September 29–October 11, 63 million adults nationwide (29 percent) reported difficulty paying for usual household expenses. Source: Calculated by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities from Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey published table “spending1” for survey weeks 38 and 39, survey/data.html ### Unemployment Copy link Table 4 provides state-by-state data on the unemployment rate over the August–October 2021 period and data on unemployment benefit claims. TABLE 4 --- Unemployment, Jobless Claims Remained Elevated Across Most of the CountryCopy link States | Unemployment rate (August–October average)a | Jobless benefits claims for week ending October 30b Alabama | 3.1 | 7,000 Alaska | 6.3 | 7,000 Arizona | 5.7 | 21,000 Arkansas | 4.0 | 14,000 California | 7.4 | 1,265,000 Colorado | 5.6 | 24,000 Connecticut | 6.8 | 24,000 Delaware | 5.3 | 5,000 District of Columbia | 6.4 | 20,000 Florida | 4.8 | 53,000 Georgia | 3.3 | 45,000 Hawai’i | 6.6 | 14,000 Idaho | 2.9 | 3,000 Illinois | 6.6 | 134,000 Indiana | 3.8 | 38,000 Iowa | 4.0 | 10,000 Kansas | 3.9 | 7,000 Kentucky | 4.3 | 18,000 Louisiana | 5.8 | 24,000 Maine | 4.9 | 5,000 Maryland | 5.8 | 40,000 Massachusetts | 5.2 | 56,000 Michigan | 5.1 | 52,000 Minnesota | 3.7 | 43,000 Mississippi | 5.8 | 7,000 Missouri | 3.8 | 21,000 Montana | 3.3 | 4,000 Nebraska | 2.0 | 3,000 Nevada | 7.5 | 26,000 New Hampshire | 2.9 | 3,000 New Jersey | 7.1 | 124,000 New Mexico | 6.9 | 12,000 New York | 7.1 | 214,000 North Carolina | 4.2 | 26,000 North Dakota | 3.5 | 1,000 Ohio | 5.3 | 65,000 Oklahoma | 3.0 | 15,000 Oregon | 4.7 | 35,000 Pennsylvania | 6.2 | 107,000 Puerto Rico | 8.2 | 36,000 Rhode Island | 5.5 | 8,000 South Carolina | 4.1 | 13,000 South Dakota | 2.9 | 1,000 Tennessee | 4.4 | 23,000 Texas | 5.6 | 130,000 Utah | 2.4 | 6,000 Vermont | 2.9 | 2,000 Virgin Islands | 9.3 | 1,000 Virginia | 3.8 | 115,000 Washington | 5.0 | 50,000 West Virginia | 4.6 | 7,000 Wisconsin | 3.7 | 29,000 Wyoming | 4.5 | 2,000 United States | 4.9 | 3,017,000 a All rates are the August–October 2021 average and are seasonally adjusted, except for the Virgin Islands. b Compiled from data for regular state UI benefits, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation. Including other smaller programs, 3,184,657 people were claiming benefits in that week. Per Government Accountability Office recommendations, the Department of Labor now says about these data, “Continued weeks claimed represent all weeks of benefits claimed during the week being reported, and do not represent weeks claimed by unique individuals.” *Rate is not seasonally adjusted. Source: Local Area Unemployment Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment for Virgin Islands from Virgin Islands Electronic Workforce System; Unemployment Weekly Claims Report, Department of Labor, November 18, 2021. Updated February 10, 2022 Topics: Economy, Poverty and Inequality, Food Assistance, Housing ## End Notes [1] Federal surveys generally ask respondents whether they are “of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.” This report uses the term “Latino.” [2] Claire Zippel and Arloc Sherman, “Bolstering Family Income Is Essential to Helping Children Emerge Successfully From the Current Crisis,” CBPP, updated February 25, 2021, inequality/bolstering-family-income-is-essential-to-helping-children-emerge. [3] According to annual food insecurity data from the December 2020 Food Security Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS-FSS), 10.5 percent of U.S. households were food insecure in 2020. While the overall prevalence of food insecurity was unchanged from 2019, it increased for households with children and Black households. The number of individuals in food-insecure households also increased by 3 million, from 35.2 million in 2019 to 38.3 million in 2020. The CPS-FSS includes a measure of food insecurity, based on ten to 18 questions about conditions and behaviors related to difficulty meeting food needs. This measure is different from the food insufficiency measure in the Household Pulse Survey, which is based on a single question about the household having enough food to eat in the past seven days. While the food insecurity figures from the CPS-FSS appear to show lower rates of food hardship during 2020 than the Household Pulse Survey, more research is needed to assess the impact of differences in reference periods, mode of data collection, response rates, and other factors on reported food hardship. See Alisha Coleman-Jensen et al., “Household Food Security in the United States in 2020,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, September 2021, [4] Claire Zippel, “After Child Tax Credit Payments Begin, Many More Families Have Enough to Eat,” CBPP, August 30, 2021, child-tax-credit-payments-begin-many-more-families-have-enough-to-eat. [5] The Pulse Survey does not provide data for these groups individually. [6] U.S. Department of the Treasury, “November Emergency Rental Assistance Program Interim Report,” January 7, 2021, [7] In Pulse survey data collected September 29–October 11, 2021, 8.4 million adults lived in households not caught up on rent. To adjust for non-response in the survey, we applied the share not caught up on rent (16.5 percent) to the total number of adult renters (73 million) in the March 2020 Current Population Survey to calculate an adjusted estimate. [8] In Pulse survey data collected September 29–October 11, 2021, 6.5 million adults were in households not caught up on their mortgage. To adjust for non- response in the survey, we applied the share not caught up on their mortgage (7.5 percent) to the total number of adult homeowners (about 100 million) in the March 2020 Current Population Survey to calculate an adjusted estimate. [9] Ajay Chaudry and Christopher Wimer, “Poverty is Not Just an Indicator: The Relationship Between Income, Poverty, and Child Well-Being,” Academic Pediatrics, Vol. 16, Issue 3, April 1, 2016, [10] Starting in mid-April 2021, the Pulse survey asks respondents whether they have difficulty seeing, hearing, remembering or concentrating, or walking or climbing stairs. In this report, adults with a disability are those who reported “a lot of difficulty” with, or “could not do at all”, one or more of these four activities. This definition, like others, may not accurately reflect the identities and experiences of all disabled people. [11] Starting in late July 2021, the Pulse survey asks respondents about their sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and sexual orientation. The Census Bureau categorizes Pulse respondents as LGBT if they identify as gay, bisexual, transgender, or as having a gender identity that doesn’t align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Respondents whose sex at birth aligns with their gender identity and who identify as straight are categorized as non-LGBT. [12] Chad Stone, “Robust Unemployment Insurance, Other Relief Needed to Mitigate Racial and Ethnic Unemployment Disparities,” CBPP, August 5, 2020, relief-needed-to-mitigate-racial-and-ethnic. [13] Many analysts reach a similar conclusion using a slightly different approach, noting that the official unemployment rate is too low because it omits workers who have exited the labor force in the last 12 months and are no longer looking for work, and because it ignores workers whom the Labor Department says are improperly classified as employed in its survey data but are in fact absent from work. When these two factors are corrected using an approach recommended by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, the unemployment rate for October 2021 could be as high as 7.2 percent. Jerome H. Powell, “Recent Economic Developments and the Challenges Ahead,” speech at the National Association for Business Economics Virtual Annual Meeting, October 6, 2020, [14] Chad Stone, “Congress Should Heed President Biden’s Call for Fundamental UI Reform,” CBPP, May 5, 2021, should-heed-president-bidens-call-for-fundamental-ui-reform. Stay up to date Email address Submit Receive the latest news and reports from the Center ![\\"CBPP](\\"/themes/custom/cbpp_barrio/logo_white.svg\\"/) ## Footer menu * About * Experts * Blog * Press ## Footer 2 * Careers * Contact * Donate 202.408.1080 Connect with the Center Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Subscribe to Email Updates Email address Submit Center on Budget and Policy Priorities1275 First Street NE, Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20002©2024 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.All rights reserved. Privacy | Terms of Use
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![\\"Governor](\\" logo-test.png\\"/) Governor of California * About * Priorities * News * Join the Administration * First Partner * Contact * To search the site, enter a search term * Official website of the State of California Resources for California * Key services * Health insurance or Medi-Cal * Business licenses * Food & social assistance * Find a CA state job * Vehicle registration * More + * Digital vaccine record * Traffic tickets * Birth certificates * Lottery numbers * Unemployment * View all services * Less - * Popular topics * Abortion * Building California * Climate Action * Gun Safety * Mental health care for all * Opioids Back to top # California Releases World’s First Plan to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Pollution ![\\"\\"](\\" Plan-Graphics-November-2022-FINAL-FINAL-min.png?w=1024\\") Following Governor Newsom’s call for more ambitious climate action, state’s climate plan would create 4 million new jobs, slash greenhouse gas emissions by 85%, and cut oil usage by 94% Amid global climate talks, the Scoping Plan lays out world’s first detailed pathway to carbon neutrality by 2045, as signed into law by Governor Newsom earlier this year Today, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its updated proposal to implement the most ambitious climate action of any jurisdiction in the world, taking unprecedented steps to drastically slash pollution and accelerate the transition to clean energy. No economy in the world, much less the soon-to-be 4th largest, has put forth such a comprehensive roadmap to reach carbon neutrality. This updated plan follows Governor Gavin Newsom’s push to move faster to achieve new, ambitious climate goals, setting new targets for renewable energy, clean buildings, carbon removal, and clean fuels in the transportation sector. If adopted by CARB, this plan will be a critical component of Governor Newsom’s California Climate Commitment – a set of world-leading actions to build out a 100% clean energy grid, achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, ramp up carbon removal and sequestration, protect Californians from harmful oil drilling, and invest $54 billion to forge an oil-free future while building sustainable communities throughout the state. The updated Scoping Plan would achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, in addition to: * Cutting air pollution by 71%; * Slashing greenhouse gas emissions 85% by 2045; * That includes a 48% reduction of greenhouse gasses by 2030, surpassing the statutory mandate to reduce emissions 40% below 1990 levels in 2030; * Reducing fossil fuel consumption to less than one-tenth of what we use today, a 94% drop in demand for oil and 86% drop in demand for all fossil fuels; * Creating 4 million new jobs; * Saving Californians $200 billion in health costs due to pollution. “California is drastically cutting our dependence on fossil fuels and cleaning our air – this plan is a comprehensive roadmap to achieve a pollution-free future,” said Governor Newsom. “It’s the most ambitious set of climate goals of any jurisdiction in the world, and if adopted, it’ll spur an economic transformation akin to the industrial revolution. While big polluters focus on increasing their profits at our expense, California is protecting communities, creating jobs and accelerating our transition to clean energy.” The plan would also raise the stakes for clean energy and climate resiliency, calling for: * At least 20 GW offshore wind capacity built by 2045; * 3 million climate-friendly homes by 2030 and 7 million by 2035; * 6 million heat pumps deployed by 2030; * Carbon removal/capture targets of 20 million metric tons CO2 equivalent (MMTCO2e) by 2030 and 100 MMTCO2e by 2045; * Achieve 20% non-combustion in the aviation sector by 2045, with the remaining demand met with sustainable aviation fuel; * Light-duty vehicle miles traveled (VMT) target of 25% per capita below 1990 levels by 2030 and 30% per capita below 1990 levels by 2045. Today’s release follows the latest Greenhouse Gas Inventory, showing that 2020 had the steepest recorded drop in pollution in California history due to the pandemic, and including updated data showing California reached its 2020 climate targets six years ahead of schedule in 2014 rather than the initially estimated four. Throughout California, leaders from the environmental, clean energy, academic, labor, and business communities have weighed in on the proposal: “Finally there is a climate action plan that has the potential to bend the warming curve in time. The plan contains all of the essential ingredients of climate resilience: fossil free energy generation; reduction of short lived super pollutants; air pollution abatement; climate justice; restoration of nature’s role as carbon sink. It integrates effortlessly mitigation, adaptation and transformation. This is the new way to address the climate crisis. The health benefits of these actions alone will pay for the huge investment by the state. Having worked on climate change science since 1975, I am finally seeing a climate solutions plan that recognizes the grave risks posed by the climate crisis; I hope the rest of the planet will follow the California example.” – V. Ram Ramanathan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California at San Diego “The science is clear: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the world must rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions in the current decade. Governor Newsom understands the importance of near-term ambition, and his Administration is to be commended for delivering a Scoping Plan that exceeds California’s 2030 emissions reduction goal while providing necessary air quality and public health benefits for all Californians. EDF looks forward to working with the Air Resources Board and partner agencies to adopt policy in the coming year – including a more ambitious emissions cap – that locks in these necessary reductions.” – Katelyn Roedner Sutter, California State Director, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) “We stand ready to partner with the Governor on implementing this ambitious plan while growing living-wage clean energy jobs. IBEW’s close partnership with the state will help California lead the world in building a clean energy future for decades to come.” – Joel Barton, Secretary Treasurer of the State Association of Electrical Workers “The Yurok Tribe applauds CARB for establishing a progressive Scoping Plan to implement the state’s climate goals. We especially appreciate efforts to include Tribal voices in the development of the plan. We now look forward to moving to implementation of the plan in the years ahead.” – Chairman James, The Yurok Tribe “The Scoping Plan contains many ambitious goals that will create major benefits for California and the world if we succeed in reaching them. But until we take action, it is just a report. It is our job as an advocacy community to turn seemingly impossible goals into realities and to prevent outcomes that continue the legacy of environmental racism at the hands of polluting fossil fuel companies. NextGen stands ready to work with the State to build a California that we can all be proud of.” – David Weiskopf, Senior Policy Advisor, NextGen Policy “We have an urgent call to action and unless we act decisively, many of our communities will continue to experience severe impacts of a worsening climate. We know smart land management across California is essential to every region in the state. To advance a healthier and thriving California, we must double down on our efforts to accelerate nature-based climate solutions that increase access to nature and protect our public health. The Trust for Public Land, in partnership with the State of California, is ready to advance and deliver on this agenda.” – Juan Altamirano, Director of Government Affairs, Trust for Public Land “The California Hydrogen Coalition supports the Scoping Plan’s bold framework of action that is inclusive of clean and renewable hydrogen. Paired with Governor Newsom’s and the Legislature’s creation of ARCHES to leverage federal funding opportunities, the Scoping Plan supports hydrogen as a mitigation tool for short-lived but potent methane emissions and the management of biomass without combustion in addition to enabling deeper penetration of renewable electricity by providing greater grid resiliency and reliability. Decarbonized and renewable hydrogen in fuel cells for zero-emission transportation, transit, goods movement, industrial activities, and power will enable California to cost-effectively achieve carbon neutrality. We look forward to CARB adopting the Scoping Plan.” – Teresa Cooke, Executive Director, California Hydrogen Coalition “Nothing could be more important to community resilience, improved air quality, public health, and economic prosperity in the rural regions of the state than the 2022 Scoping Plan proposal to conserve 30% of the California’s natural and working lands by 2030 and treat more than 2 million acres a year to reduce the risk of wildfire and capture carbon in our soils. This strategy will drive innovation in rural regions and create thousands of good jobs in rural communities.” – Steve Frisch, President, Sierra Business Council “The landmark ambition of the Scoping Plan and 2022 legislative actions sets California on a course to build energy, transportation, and decarbonization infrastructure that will rival the new deal in terms of scale. Ambition demands action – CCEEB’s membership is ready to build the necessary infrastructure to achieve our shared climate goals. We will work diligently with the Governor, Legislature, local governments, and CARB to permit and build a carbon neutral future for all Californians with strong economic and labor protections that support a thriving middle class.” – Tim Carmichael, President and CEO, California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance (CCEEB) “The Los Angeles Business Council commends CARB for crafting a Scoping Plan that will allow the state to meet its necessary climate targets, while creating clear guidelines for industry to follow. The Scoping Plan lays out a crucial roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 and 100% zero emission vehicle sales by 2035 that are critical to climate, public health, and economic goals. California has proven time and time again that science-based public policy can and will reduce the adverse impacts of climate change, improve health outcomes for Californians, and spur in-state investment and job creation that has allowed California to be the number one clean energy job creator in the nation.” – Mary Leslie, President, Los Angeles Business Council “PG&E commends CARB for its robust public process to develop the Scoping Plan. It establishes the right framework to achieve the Governor’s and the State’s ambitious climate goals, while minimizing costs to customers. The Plan allows for a wide range of decarbonization strategies, and will help deliver carbon neutrality through significant economy-wide emissions reductions and carbon removal. It’s aligned with PG&E’s decarbonization strategy, and supports the nation’s clean energy strategy.” – Carla Peterman, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer, PG&E “By recognizing the essential role of natural climate solutions in its Scoping Plan update, California is again taking the lead in addressing climate change. Working with nature acts to both reduce harmful emissions and promote adaptation, a necessity underscored at COP 27. California, with its highly productive and biodiverse forests – which store vast amounts of carbon but also are the state’s water source and biodiversity treasure house – is uniquely poised to model new approaches to climate smart land management.” – Laurie Wayburn, President, Pacific Forest Trust “The Scoping Plan reinforces the need to urgently increase tree canopy by 10% above current levels as called for in AB 2251 in order to sequester carbon, reduce climate risks, support canopy equity, and protect public health and safety in California’s most vulnerable communities. TreePeople appreciates this recognition of the critical role urban forestry plays in California’s landscape and stands ready to work with the state and partners across California to achieve these targets as a first step and elevate the role of all natural and working lands in the Scoping Plan.” – Cindy Montanez, Chief Executive Officer, TreePeople “California’s path to achieving carbon neutrality by 2045 depends on strong statewide action to decarbonize our homes and buildings through immediate and direct cuts to pollution with policies developed in partnership with environmental justice communities. CARB’s commitment in its Scoping Plan to achieving Governor’s Newsom’s goal of deploying six million heat pumps and creating three million climate-ready homes by 2030, and seven million climate- ready homes by 2035 is a significant step in the right direction. Overall, it is vital that California pursue strategies that will clean the air in front- line communities long over-burdened by pollution. 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We created 20 million jobs when we were government
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Key Elements of a Good Jobs Policy for Our Federal Purchasing Footprint 8. Conclusion 9. Appendix: Methodology Facebook Twitter Issues Good Jobs and Worker Power Regulation & Financial Reform Related ## Underwriting Bad Jobs Research May 8, 2013 Amy Traub Robert Hiltonsmith ## Underwriting Executive Excess Policy Briefs September 24, 2013 Robert Hiltonsmith Amy Traub ## Executive Summary The United States was the world’s first predominantly middle-class country, but today we are falling behind. Tens of millions of Americans are facing a crisis of living standards due to low wages and benefits that are not sufficient to maintain a middle class living standard or to lift people into the middle class. Our middle class is shrinking today, as decently paid, union manufacturing jobs are replaced by low-wage, non-union jobs in the service sector, along with other trends such as outsourcing, automation, and educational inequalities. In the meantime, 95 percent of national income gains in the three years following the Great Recession were captured by the top 1 percent of households, reflecting an economy that is utterly broken by measures of need, opportunity, and fairness alike. In the face of this crisis, our federal government has a responsibility to help America’s working families, but, in reality, our federal dollars are helping to subsidize the expanding low-wage economy on a massive scale. _Underwriting Good Jobs_ is the third report in a Demos series that reveals how our taxpayer-funded federal contracting system contributes to growing income inequality. In Underwriting Bad Jobs (2013), we demonstrated that the federal government funds nearly two-million poverty wage jobs that pay less than $12 per hour. In Underwriting Executive Excess (2013) we found that, at the other end of the spectrum, taxpayers are spending as much as $7.65 billion annually to finance exorbitant executive pay among federal contractors. In this third report, we extend these findings with additional comprehensive data that illuminate the scale on which federal purchasing heavily supports private employers while leaving millions of their workers in low-paying jobs or well- short of a middle-class living standard. Our report quantifies the size of what we call the “federally-supported workforce,” and estimates the benefits of raising earnings and other workforce standards for lower-wage workers across the federal footprint: * At least 21 million people—8 million workers and their families—rely on low-wage jobs in the federally-supported economy, that is, jobs with firms that receive a significant portion of their revenue from federal funds. * Over 70% of these workers are women and nearly 45% are people of color—which makes the federal government the largest funder of low-wage employment for working women and people of color. * With robust action to raise workforce standards in the federal footprint, more than 8 million lower-wage households and twenty million people will see at least a 20 percent increase in their living standards. * Gains for these workers and their families will pay additional dividends in terms of growth, employment, and fiscal returns—we will see additional GDP growth of about $31 billion annually along more than 260,000 additional jobs; $6.8 billion in new tax revenue and nearly $9 billion in fiscal savings from the SNAP, EITC, and Medicaid programs can be expected annually. * Higher workforce standards in the federal footprint could also help to raise workforce standards in the broader economy, particularly through competition effects within sectors but also by signaling that raising workforce standards is a national priority. In our report, we also point to solutions. State and local governments have responded to America’s inequality crisis by enacting living wage and responsible contractor policies and by requiring employers receiving public funds to respect the collective bargaining rights of their employees. The main focus of these state and local level initiatives has been to use the power of public spending to leverage change in the private sector. American workers are also starting to push back against the middle-class squeeze. Over the last two years, thousands of poverty-wage workers in hundreds of cities have gone on strike for higher pay. In Washington, DC, federally contracted food and janitorial workers have struck seven times since May 21, 2013, at landmark federal buildings including the Smithsonian Museums and the Pentagon, calling on President Obama to use his executive powers to provide them with living wages and benefits, as well as support their right to form a union. Responding to these developments, President Obama has taken initial steps to address taxpayer-funded income inequality by lifting pay for contract workers at the bottom of the pay scale and capping salaries of contract executives at the top. The president used his 2014 State of the Union address to call for a “year of action” on inequality, and he subsequently signed an executive order raising the minimum wage for federal contract employees to $10.10 per hour. In addition, President Obama and Congress collaborated to reduce the pay of contracted CEOs by reducing executive salary reimbursements by nearly 50%. These are important first steps, but, given the scale and severity of our country’s inequality crisis, a bolder course of action is needed. When faced by past crises of this magnitude, our greatest presidents have not hesitated to make full use of their executive powers to take transformative action. Franklin Roosevelt brought millions of workers into the middle class by requiring federal contractors to sit down at the bargaining table with unions in order to end widespread labor unrest. Responding to citizens’ moral outrage and mass unrest during the civil rights era, Lyndon Johnson opened the door to economic opportunity for women and minorities by ordering every firm doing business with the federal government to implement affirmative action and nondiscrimination policies. Today we face a similar crisis and need similarly decisive action: * To put eight million working families and 21 million people on a pathway toward the middle class, the president should issue a Good Jobs Executive Order directing all key spending agencies to incorporate higher workforce standards in awarding and evaluating federal contracts and other forms of federal purchasing. Building on state and local precedents, a Good Jobs Policy for federal purchasing should include the following standards: 1. Respecting employees’ right to bargain collectively with their employers, without being forced to take strike action to win better wages and conditions. 2. Offering living wages, decent benefits including health care and paid leave for sickness and caregiving, as well as fair work schedules that are predictable and stable. 3. Demonstrating an exemplary standard of compliance with workplace protection laws, including laws governing wages and hours, health and safety, and other applicable business regulations. 4. Limiting executive compensation to fifty times the median salary paid to the company’s workers; in addition, the current cap on federal contract funds applicable for executive salaries should be substantially reduced. ## Introduction One of the most important responsibilities of our federal government is to provide goods and services that meet collective needs. While many public goods and services are provided directly by the government, such as food inspection and air transport safety, many others are provided through purchasing arrangements with the private sector in the form of contracts, grants, and concessions. The federal purchasing “footprint” is significant, or very significant, in many parts of the private economy, including manufacturing, health care, transportation and logistics, computer hardware and software, construction, building services, and agriculture. Across the two major categories of government purchasing—contracting for public goods and services and health-care purchasing through Medicare and Medicaid—federal spending totals about $1.3 trillion, and total revenues of federally-funded employers are about $2.2 trillion, or roughly 9 percent of gross output in the economy as a whole. Our country’s painfully slow recovery from the Great Recession has brought to light the economic importance of the federal purchasing footprint. According to the Congressional Budget Office, cuts in federal and state purchasing of goods and services, and public employment cuts, have been a major factor in our weak GDP growth in the twelve quarters following the recession.1 Public purchasing has become an important lifeline in our economy, not least as a critical source of revenue for thousands of American businesses. Yet, while business profits and stock valuations in many sectors are now fully recovered from the Great Recession, or even reaching new record highs, middle- and low- income households continue to face profound economic challenges. At the heart of this divide, tens of millions of Americans face a crisis of living standards due to low wages and benefits that are not sufficient to maintain a middle-class living standard or to lift people into the middle class. To make matters worse, millions of these workers are employees of federal contractors or of firms that otherwise depend on federal purchasing, which means that our tax dollars, not just “globalization” and other things we cannot fully control, are working against our democratic ideals of upward mobility and achieving a large and diverse middle class. Much of the current debate about government’s role in the economy has focused on monetary and fiscal policy, or the public debt. Yet we have largely overlooked what may be the most effective untapped resource for creating good jobs and growing the middle class—our federal purchasing footprint. The key question is: can we better harness this collective purchasing power, not only for better quality goods and services that bring a high return for taxpayers, but also for the benefit of the millions of workers who produce these goods and services and thereby serve our common needs? In fact, both of these public contracting principles have long traditions in federal policy history, but the latter principle, attaching social and labor obligations to the receipt of public funds, has been neglected in recent years. In previous work on federal contracting standards, Demos has exposed the problem of low wages in our federal purchasing footprint, finding that nearly two million workers employed to perform federally-funded work are making below a living wage of $12 per hour.2 We have also found that taxpayers are spending as much as $7.65 billion annually to finance excessive executive pay among federal contractors.3 In the following report, we extend these findings with additional comprehensive data that illuminate the need for robust action to raise workforce standards across the federal purchasing footprint. As a core strategy for supporting upward mobility and expanding the middle class, we need a comprehensive Good Jobs Policy for all types of federal purchasing. To achieve this goal, we propose implementation of a federal Good Jobs Policy for contracting and other aspects of the federal purchasing footprint. This would incentivize federally-funded employers to raise labor standards for their entire workforce, not just those directly performing federal work; thus, the impact would be much greater than we’ve seen with existing federal contracting standards such as prevailing wage laws. The essential elements of the Good Jobs Policy are outlined in the conclusion of this report. Other Parts of the Federal Footprint Though we focus on the two largest parts of the federal footprint in this report—federal contracting and Medicare spending—federal spending impacts nearly every industry in the private sector, from construction to agriculture. Below are some examples of federal spending’s wider impact and the estimated employment it supports. Due to data limitations, we were unable to estimate the employment supported by this spending using the same methodology as elsewhere in the report. Hence, the employment figures instead represent the number of jobs directly supported by the spending.4 The federal government supports infrastructure projects by states and localities, including roads, utilities, and bridges, by providing more than $75 billion in grants, supporting more than 276,000 construction jobs. The National Parks and other federal agencies grant concessions to restaurants, food carts, and other food service establishments to operate on public land; these concessions support an estimated 100,000 jobs. The federal government also spends more than $17 billion per year on the National School Lunch Program, which subsidizes lunches and other meals for low-income K-12 students. We estimate that this spending directly supports more than 78,000 jobs in food service and agriculture. The Small Business Administration (SBA) also subsidizes private sector jobs by guaranteeing more than $30 billion in loans to small businesses, which supports an estimated 610,000 jobs at small businesses around the country. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/imce/UGJ%20Fig%20A.png\\"/) In targeting this policy, we demonstrate that nearly 16 million workers, about 14 percent of the total private-sector workforce, are employed by what we term “federally-supported” employers: contractors and other employers for whom a significant portion of their annual revenue comes from federal purchasing. Among the federally-supported workforce, we estimate that more than 8 million workers and their families, totaling 21 million people or roughly 7 percent of our total population, will benefit from a robust expansion of higher workforce standards in our federal purchasing footprint, moving many into the middle class or closer to it. To achieve such a policy, we emphasize the need for executive action, building on President Obama’s important first step with his 2014 executive order raising the federal contractor minimum wage to $10.10. A bolder course of action, for a more robust and targeted framework of contracting employment standards, is necessary today as a matter of both principle and need, while also being economically sensible. The core principle for such a strategy is based on the recognition that the federal purchasing systems are effectively a set of public markets, created by our democracy for social purposes; thus, public purchasing dollars are considered to bring a social price connected to our democratic ideals, and this has often taken the form of raising workforce standards in the purchasing systems, to support upward mobility and to promote social equality. More directly, a federal purchasing Good Jobs Policy is something that millions of workers and their families need, particularly so in the continuing absence of federal legislative action on wage policy, job security, and workers’ bargaining power. The fact that Congress will not act to support American workers and their families as a matter of democratic responsibility only strengthens the case for executive action. Finally, as we will explore in more detail below, such an approach is inherently growth-promoting, and there are good reasons to believe it will be fiscally neutral for taxpayers despite added labor costs in the purchasing systems. The report is structured as follows. First, by way of background, we briefly examine some of the data reflecting the urgent situation facing middle- and low-income workers in the United States. Next, we turn to the main body of the analysis, exploring in detail the scope and composition of the federal purchasing footprint, distributional aspects in the contracting/purchasing workforce, and potential economic effects of a federal Good Jobs Policy, both for the members of this workforce and for our society more broadly. Finally, we outline key aspects of a robust yet flexible policy framework designed to put millions of federally-connected workers and their families on a road into the middle class. But before turning to the body of our report, we should define our key terms. When we use the term “federal purchasing footprint,” we are referring to the broad spectrum of the private-sector economy that depends to a significant degree on federal purchasing in its many forms. The “federally-supported workforce” is the portion of the private-sector workforce that is employed by firms within this footprint that receive over 10 percent of their revenues from the federal government. Another key term is the federal “Good Jobs Policy,” which refers to our proposed policy framework raising workforce standards across the entire federal footprint, including procurement contracts, medical purchasing, concessions and leasing, and grant programs. Unlike measures such as President Obama’s minimum-wage executive order, this policy would apply to the entire workforce of federally-supported employers, thereby greatly amplifying its impact on the private sector economy. ## Why America Needs a Good Jobs Policy for Our Federal Footprint U.S. workers are very poorly protected compared to their counterparts in other wealthy countries. The rate of collective bargaining coverage in the United States has fallen to around 13 percent, compared to an average of about 62 percent in all OECD countries. Social supports for working families also lag far behind in the United States. Unlike virtually all comparatively wealthy countries, the United States has no national policies for paid sick or family leave, and our unemployment policies generally are much weaker in terms of benefit levels, time limits, and effective maintenance of workforce participation. Health care and higher education are treated as social entitlements in many countries, but in the United States such goods are considered to be private responsibilities (at least for non-poor working-age households in the case of health care). As a result, millions of American households face significant or extreme insecurity not only in terms of income but also in terms of these other critical aspects of well-being.5 Other trends point to fundamental unfairness in the U.S. system. For example, while economic growth was once something close to “a rising tide that lifts all boats,” bringing broad-based gains in our society, over the last several decades a very large gap has opened up between GDP, which has basically doubled since 1980, and median income, which has basically stagnated over the same period. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/imce/UGJ%20Fig%201.png\\"/) In fact, approximately 68 percent of national income growth between 1993 and 2012 was captured by the top 1 percent of U.S. households alone, and, astonishingly, the top 1 percent captured 95 percent of national income growth between 2009 and 2012.6 As a result of this accelerating trend of income concentration at the top, median income has fallen well below average income, with a gap that was widening even before the Great Recession. In Figure 1, we see how actual income growth for the middle fifth of households compares to the gains they would have enjoyed if their income had kept up with overall average income growth for households. Relatedly—and in another radical departure from the post-World War II pattern—productivity gains essentially have been severed from workers’ wages, as seen in Figure 2. We are producing more for less, in other words, but only a few people at the top are benefiting from our more productive economy. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/imce/UGJ%20Fig%202.png\\"/) These broader trends are also sharply reflected at the firm level, with the pay ratio between CEOs and average workers exploding from about 20-to-1 in 1965 to 272-to-1 in 2012, and reaching even higher in the lowest paying sectors (as high as 1200-to-1 in the fast food sector). These startling disparities reflect an increasingly imbalanced and unfair economy which, as French economist Thomas Piketty has persuasively demonstrated, is moving our society toward levels of inequality that fundamentally threaten our democracy. Yet, in our federal purchasing power, we have at least one strong tool at our immediate disposal to move things in a different direction. As we consider our political options today—limited as they are by congressional gridlock—an executive-led federal purchasing Good Jobs Policy is the clearest option we have to enable much-needed income gains for millions of American workers and their families. With a significant majority of Americans now believing that the “U.S. economy is unfair to the middle class,” and a similarly large majority also agreeing that “the government should work to substantially reduce the income gap between the rich and the poor,” raising workforce standards in the federal purchasing footprint can and should be a top priority for the current administration and for future administrations which share these views.7 ## The Scope and Impact of a Federal Purchasing Good Jobs Policy ### The Federally-Supported Private-Sector Workforce Our federal purchasing footprint could improve the lives of millions of American workers by ensuring that every dollar we collectively spend on public goods and services and other public purposes supports high workforce standards. To get a picture of this impact we start by estimating the demographics of what we call the federally-supported workforce: the portion of private sector workers employed by firms that receive 10 percent or more of their annual revenue from federal dollars. To estimate employment and wages of the federally-supported workforce, we limit our analysis to the two major channels through which the federal government does business directly with the private sector: federal contracting and Medicare spending. Using data from, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we can provide a picture of the total federally-supported workforce, as depicted in Figure 3. We find that firms receiving 10 percent or more of their annual revenue from contracting make up the great majority of federal contracting; they received 78 percent of all contracting dollars in 2013. Such firms collectively employ more than 6.6 million workers. For the “Medicare-supported” footprint, we estimate that Medicare spending supports significant shares of four subsectors/major industry groups: Nursing and Residential Care Facilities, Home Health Care Services, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, and Private Hospitals. Because each of these subsectors is so heavily Medicare-supported, we chose to include the entire subsector in our federal-supported footprint. Collectively, they employ nearly 8.9 million workers. In total, federally- supported firms employ nearly 16 million workers, which is almost 14 percent of the entire private sector workforce. Notably, federal purchasing accounts for 29 percent of total revenue for employers in the federal purchasing footprint. Figures 4 and 5 give a picture of the employment and earnings of the federally-supported workforce. The federal footprint is very concentrated in health care, manufacturing, and services. Overall, the federally-supported workforce is somewhat higher-earning than the private sector; however, these averages are raised by the portion of contracting in high-wage industries such as specialized services and defense manufacturing. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/imce/UGJ%20Fig%203.png\\"/) ![\\"\\"](\\" Despite this, a substantial share of the federally-supported workforce still earns too little to be considered middle class: one-third of such workers earn less than the private sector median wage of $15.84 per hour ($32,900 annually), and 38 percent earn poverty or near-poverty wages, earning less than 150 percent of the federal poverty threshold for a family of four. ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Industries and Sectors in the Federally-Supported Workforce Here, we provide a more nuanced picture of some of the private-sector jobs we are underwriting with our tax dollars. We focus on the private industries and sectors with the largest federal footprint, and highlight industries that are generally low-wage, including facilities and waste management. #### Waste Management and Remediation Services This subsector encompasses firms that dispose of waste materials, operate recycling facilities, and provide “remediation” services: cleanup of contaminated sites. The subsector employed more than 380,000 workers in 2013, of which almost 110,000 (29 percent) worked for federally-supported firms. Employment in the subsector is projected to grow by 2 percent per year over the next decade, faster than the private sector as a whole, and will reach 455,000 workers in 2022. Workers in waste management and remediation tend to earn decent wages, with median earnings slightly higher than median private sector earnings. However, many workers in the subsector earn wages that, if they were the sole breadwinner, would put them in or near poverty: 46 percent earn less than 150 percent of the poverty line for a family of four. ![\\"\\"](\\" #### Administrative and Support Services This subsector includes employers that support the day-to-day operations of other organizations. Federally-supported firms in the sector are concentrated in janitorial, landscaping, and security services, providing many of the workers who clean and protect our federal buildings and sites. Firms providing administrative and support services employed 7.8 million workers in 2013, of which more than 789,000 (10 percent) worked for federally-supported companies. Employment in this subsector is projected to grow by 1.8 percent per year over the next decade, reaching nearly 9.2 million workers in 2022. Administrative and support services workers earn some of the lowest wages in the private sector: more than 69 percent earn poverty-level or near-poverty level wages for a family of four, and a disproportionate share of these low-wage workers are people of color. ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Employers in this subsector provide nursing and other care to residents of residential care facilities. The subsector is one of the largest and fastest growing in the U.S. economy, employing nearly 3.3 million workers in 2013 (all of whom work for federally-supported firms) and growing by 2.2 percent per year to nearly 4 million in 2022. Nursing and residential care facilities have the lowest wages in the private sector: nearly 71 percent earn poverty-level or near-poverty level wages for a family of four. ![\\"\\"](\\" #### Home Health Care Services This industry comprises firms who primarily provide skilled nursing services in a patient’s home, as well as providing a range of other health and wellness-related services. Home health care services is one of the fastest- growing industries in the U.S. economy, projected to grow from 1.26 million workers as of 2013 to more than 1.9 million by 2022. It is also one of the lowest-wage industries in the economy, though pay in the industry is very unequal, as Figure 9 shows. Nearly 62 percent of all home health care services workers earn poverty-level or near-poverty level wages. The majority of these workers are people of color, and nearly all of them—almost 90 percent—are women. ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Good Jobs For Women and People of Color The impact of the Good Jobs Policy would significantly benefit women and minorities because they make up a large share of the low-wage workers in the federally-supported workforce. Women make up 61.1 percent of the federally- supported workforce, while people of color make up 34.8 percent, both larger than their shares in the overall private sector workforce, as shown in Figure B below. If we look at just low-wage workers, the over-representation of women and minorities in the federally-supported workforce is even more pronounced. Women make up 71.2 percent and minorities 44.7 percent of low-wage workers in the federally supported workforce, far larger than their shares of the low- wage private sector workforce overall. A Good Jobs Policy for our federal footprint would therefore significantly help in reducing gender and racial inequalities in our economy. ![\\"\\"](\\" ### The Effects of Good Jobs Purchasing Standards for Workers and Society As the previous section shows, millions of workers at federally-supported firms earn too little to ensure a middle-class standard of living. We can and should do better. By implementing Good Jobs standards (as outlined in the final section) for employers that do business with the federal government, we can ensure that all of the federal dollars supporting the private sector create middle-class jobs and set a standard for the rest of the private sector to follow. These standards would give preference to employers who pay industry-leading wages and provide decent benefits (among other criteria), and also limit executive compensation in favor of higher pay for average workers and lower public costs. With more robust contracting norms along these lines, we can incentivize employers who depend on federal dollars to raise their workforce standards if they wish to continue doing business with the federal government. To estimate the impact of a federal Good Jobs Policy we began by examining wage differences between competing employers, focusing on the most common low- wage occupations in the country.8 Because the net effect of the Good Jobs standards would be to push lower-paying employers to raise their wages to compete with higher-paying employers for federal dollars, we argue that the differences in pay for low- and medium-wage occupations between competing firms should provide a good estimate for the impact of implementing a Good Jobs Policy in our federal footprint. We found that for low-paid occupations—those with average pay of $12 per hour or less, such as cashiers, sales associates, pharmacy technicians, and customer service representatives—the highest-paying companies pay an average of 22 percent more than the lowest-paying firms across the occupations we examined. Based on this analysis, we adopt the conservative estimate that implementing Good Jobs standards will result in a 20 percent raise for workers earning below or at the private-sector median of $15.84, and a smaller raise for those earning between $15.84 and $19 per hour (for the reasoning behind these estimates, see the Methodology Appendix). Enacting Good Jobs standards would therefore raise the wages of nearly 8.3 million workers comprising the lower- paid half of the federally-supported workforce, as shown in Figure 10 above. Moreover, although we do not attempt to measure them here, additional compensation gains from higher quality fringe benefits and wider benefit coverage in the contracting workforce could also be significant. ![\\"\\"](\\" #### Increased Wages and Economic Impact We calculate that implementing Good Jobs standards would generate a total of $34.1 billion in additional wages for the more than 8.3 million federally- supported workers who will benefit from the higher standards. However, the benefits of these policies extend far beyond the directly impacted workers: the additional spending generated by the additional wages will increase economic growth and employment for the country as a whole. This $34.1 billion in additional wages would generate an additional $30.5 billion in GDP per year, or about 0.2% in additional growth per year (see the Methodology Appendix for estimate details). The increased economic activity would in turn create more than 260,000 additional jobs, further extending the benefits of a Good Jobs Policy for our federal purchasing footprint. #### Effects on Federal Government Revenue The higher wages and additional growth generated by implementing high-road standards would, in turn, have a significant impact on the federal budget. Not only would the increased wages generate additional tax revenue for the federal government, but it would also lower the cost of the federal safety net, since a significant share of the impacted workers currently rely on programs and benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to make ends meet. We estimate that, considering federal income tax alone, $6.8 billion in new federal revenue would be generated by the wage increase, since nearly all of the additional earnings would be taxed at either the 15 or 25 percent tax-bracket rates. Additionally, using Census Bureau data on household composition and receipt of benefits by household type, we calculate that more than 1 million federally- dependent workers currently receive SNAP benefits, nearly 600,000 receive Medicaid, and more than 2.4 million are eligible for the EITC. Raising these workers’ wages would lift many out of poverty and therefore generate significant fiscal savings due to lower payouts from SNAP, Medicaid and the EITC. Using average benefit amounts by household type, we estimate annual benefit savings of approximately $9 billion—$3.3 billion for the SNAP program, $2.5 billion for the EITC, and $3.1 billion for Medicaid, as shown in Figure 11 below. ![\\"\\"](\\" #### Other Benefits The increased wages from and precedent set by the Good Jobs Policy may have other wider impacts, as well. Increasing wages and job quality at federally- dependent firms would have a “spillover” effect on competing firms that are not dependent on federal dollars, inducing them to raise wages and extend benefits in order to attract workers. Raising wages may also increase the productivity of workers. Studies by the Economic Policy Institute and many others9 have documented productivity increases after a minimum wage increase, so it would be reasonable to expect a comparable dynamic between higher wages and productivity gains in the federal purchasing footprint. ### Costs of Implementing Good Jobs Standards: Who Pays? Now to the question that must always be answered whenever any new policy is proposed: how much will it cost, and who will foot the bill? We have already estimated the wage increase from implementing the Good Jobs Policy at $34.1 billion. The precise division of the cost between the federal government and federally-supported firms will depend on both the amount of competition in the bidding process—for contracting-supported firms—and, if enacted, the mechanism through which federal medical purchasing would incentivize higher employment standards. Studies of the impact of living-wage policies for state and local contractor workers have reached different conclusions as to whether additional payroll costs associated with these policies are “passed on” to government through higher bid prices10 (but see the box below on the costs of prevailing wage laws). However, the dynamics at the federal level may be different due to greater competition for comparatively more valuable and lengthy contracts. It should be noted that federally-supported firms are certainly profitable enough to absorb the entire $34.1 billion themselves. In 2012, U.S. corporations earned nearly $1.2 trillion in net profits,11 equal to nearly 5 percent of gross private sector output.12 Applying this rate to the federally- supported footprint produces an estimated $104.7 billion in profits for federally-supported firms in 2013. Additionally, some of the policy’s cost to federally-supported firms may be offset by lower costs for executive compensation and by increased productivity. Since we propose awarding preferential bidding to firms with a 50-1 or lower ratio of executive compensation to median pay, firms may be incentivized to cut executive pay to remain competitive for bids, offsetting some of the cost of the wage increases for rank-and-file workers. Additionally, several of the policy’s benefits actually produce increased revenue and fiscal savings for the federal government. In addition to the $6.8 billion in tax revenue and $8.9 billion in EITC, SNAP, and Medicaid savings, we can generate further savings if we lower the federal cap on contract funds applicable for executive compensation from its current level of $487,000 per employee to $230,700, equal to the salary of the Vice President. Demos has proposed such a reduction, and, based on our earlier estimates,13 we calculate that this would save an additional $4.2 billion per year. As shown in Figure 12, these three sources together total at least $20.1 billion in new revenue and savings, enough to entirely offset the federal government’s share if it were responsible for 60 percent of the policy’s cost or less. We say “at least” because the Good Jobs standards will produce additional economic benefits and savings that we weren’t able to quantify. ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Federal Contracting Labor Norms: A Proven Pathway for Change Since the earliest days of our republic, it was recognized that federal contracting with the private sector brings special obligations attached to public dollars. The oldest federal procurement regulation still in existence today, first enacted in 1808, prohibited members of Congress from benefiting directly or indirectly from a federal contract; a large body of rules designed to assure fairness and competition in the federal contracting system has evolved since then.14 At the same time, the federal government also has a long history of setting labor market standards that have reshaped the private sector. In 1840, President Martin Van Buren signed what may have been the first executive order for workforce standards in federal contracting, setting a maximum 10-hour work day for “laborers and mechanics” in federally-financed infrastructure projects. ### Prevailing Wage Laws The late nineteenth century saw the rise of prevailing wage laws, which required federal contract workers to be paid on par with local wages.15 These laws, the first of which was passed in Kansas in 1891, aimed to prevent a “race to the bottom” in which contractors compete for federal dollars by paying low wages that reduce their bids. Several other states adopted prevailing wage laws in subsequent decades,16 setting the stage for the federal Davis-Bacon Act, which was passed in 1931 and applied to federal construction projects.17 In 1934, the Act was amended to lower the threshold of covered contracts from $5,000 to $2,00018 (a threshold that has not been modified since, notably).19 In 1936, the Walsh-Healey Act extended prevailing wage rules to federal contracts for manufacturing goods, and, in 1964, the David-Bacon Act was expanded to incorporate fringe benefits.20 In addition, 32 states, the District of Columbia, and numerous municipalities have followed suit with “little Davis-Bacon” acts.21 Prevailing Wage Law Costs and Effects The Davis-Bacon Act has been scrutinized intensely, particularly because of its potential costs and effects. The Congressional Budget Office finds that the Act has been successful in raising wages by excluding bad contractors and stabilizing wages in the volatile construction industry. Early studies which compared projects covered by the Davis-Bacon Act to projects that were not covered find an increase of 1.5 to 3 percent in costs. However, more recent studies using regression analyses fail to find a statistically significant cost-effect on the government. While notable, these recent findings are too limited for modeling purposes when considering the potential cost effects of building a more comprehensive Good Jobs Policy for contracting. Yet the evidence that prevailing wage laws have boosted wages without increasing project costs is instructive for such an analysis. From the standpoint of raising workforce standards, on the other hand, a well-known problem with prevailing wage laws is that, by definition, they mirror private wage trends and therefore are not effective in low-wage sectors of the federal purchasing footprint or in low-wage regions of the country. ### Promoting Collective Bargaining Franklin Delano Roosevelt inaugurated modern executive action on contracting standards during the World War II mobilization. With his re-establishment of Woodrow Wilson’s National War Labor Board (NWLB) in 1942, incorporating representatives from labor, business, and the public sector, Roosevelt introduced strong “labor peace” requirements as a tool for insuring war-time labor needs and labor performance. At the core of these requirements, unions embraced “no strike pledges” in return for “maintenance of membership,” which brought millions of new workers into the unions. These federal rules to promote collective bargaining played a large part in the growth of union membership from about 9 million to 15 million by the end of the 1940s, according to one estimate.22 ### Executive Orders for Racial Inclusion Executive Orders were also frequently used as an important tool for strengthening workforce standards, most notably to support racial inclusion in the federal contracting workforce. In 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Executive Order 8802 prohibited racial discrimination in the federal government and the defense industry.23 In 1943, he expanded the order to include all government contractors.24 In 1951, Harry Truman created an enforcement mechanism for E.O. 8802, and he established the Committee on Government Contract Compliance with Executive Order 10308.25 Two years later, Eisenhower’s Executive Order 10479 created the President’s Committee on Government Contracts to oversee enforcement.26 Later, John F. Kennedy and then Lyndon Johnson strengthened the anti-discrimination rules with equal opportunity requirements. Executive Order 11246, signed by President Johnson in September 1965, was a landmark order in this history, “prohibit[ing] federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”27 It further required contractors with 50 or more employees and contracts of $50,000 or more to implement affirmative action plans to increase the participation of minorities and women in the workplace.28 This important legacy of executive orders had significant effects in diversifying the federal contracting workforce and likely in fostering upward mobility for women and people of color. In 1970, women accounted for 10.2 percent of officers and managers in firms with federal contracts. By 1993, women accounted for approximately 30 percent of officers and managers, according to Employer Information Report (EEO-1) data.29 A large literature finds that, in the wake of E.O., 11246, federal contractors improved their hiring rates for women and racial minorities much more rapidly than non- contractors did.30 ## The Groundswell for Policy Action Contrasted with the game-changing interventions of the FDR and Johnson periods, federal actions to raise workforce standards in federal purchasing have dwindled in recent decades. States and cities, however, have started to take up the slack in using public purchasing as a democratic tool for fostering upward mobility and expanding the middle class. For example, states and cities are taking steps to promote collective bargaining as an essential part of insuring high-performing contracts. In 2009, Governor David Paterson of New York signed an executive order requiring companies receiving state funding or other forms of state assistance for hotel and convention projects to obtain agreements with unions whereby workers promise not to “strike, boycott or engage in other actions that would disrupt business or deprive the state of revenues,” while unions gain “unprecedented leverage to demand right-to-organize provisions,” as the New York Times reported.31 Similar agreements have seen a renaissance at the municipal level as well, led by Los Angeles. Recently, the Los Angeles airport commissioners passed a requirement for airport service providers to adopt labor peace agreements, in order to prevent strikes, boycotts and disruptive demonstrations at LAX.32 Other related provisions include a Los Angeles City ordinance requiring labor peace agreements for concessions at LAX and three other city airports, and a similar ordinance targeting hotels operating on city lands. Living wage policies are spreading across the country as well, in more than 120 municipalities. While tailored to their localities, living wage ordinances generally cover employees of government contractors, concessionaires, and lessees.33 Some municipalities have also established city-wide minimum wages to supplement the contracting living wage.34 In addition, one state, Maryland, has passed a state-wide living wage.35 A study of the law finds positive effects: it “increased vendor participation by leveling the playing field,” and there is “virtually no evidence” that vendors tried to avoid paying the living wage.36 Living wage laws often set a standard for municipal contract employees that far exceeds the federal minimum wage, by as much as 100 percent.37 A survey of 20 cities finds very low compliance costs—0.003% to 0.079% of the localities’ total budgets.38 This study has been confirmed by a large literature on the subject, examining a broad swath of municipalities.39 Studies also show that living wage ordinances have little effect on unemployment.40 A study of the Los Angeles living wage ordinance finds that, in addition to benefiting workers, it benefits firms by reducing absenteeism and turnover, and it benefits city government itself by generating higher tax receipts.41 States and localities have also variously instituted “responsible contracting” policies attached to a pre-clearance process. Responsible contracting often includes automatic disqualification of companies with labor law and workplace safety violations, in addition to setting prevailing wage standards, contract time limits, and, in some states, formal remedies to limit privatization of public services, among other interventions.42 One such law, passed in California in 1999, reviews firms for “violations of laws and regulations, history of suspensions and debarments, past contract performance, financial history and capitalization.”43 The California Department of Industrial Relations scores potential contractors on workplace law compliance.44 In addition, CALPERS, the giant California state pension fund, has a strict policy of investing only in responsible contractors.45 Connecticut, Illinois, Ohio and various municipalities have instituted robust pre-clearance policies, and nearly every state and many municipalities have rules or guidelines for considering qualitative factors (variously defined) when considering which businesses should receive contracts.46 These state and local precedents have helped to spur new federal action. In 2009, President Obama signed Executive Order 13495, which gives protections to service contract workers when their employer loses a federal service contract. When the new contractor comes in, the order stipulates that the current workers may not be replaced by new workers unless there is something in their record indicating poor performance or lack of qualifications for the position.47 More recently, President Obama’s signed his much-discussed executive order raising the minimum wage in new federal contracts to $10.10 per hour. When the minimum wage increase takes effect in 2015, an estimated 200,000 workers will be positively affected.48 Obama also recently signed an executive order to protect federal contract workers from retaliation for inquiring about or discussing compensation,49 and he also signed a Presidential Memorandum instructing the Department of Labor to require federal contractors to submit data on women’s pay and thereby encourage compliance with equal pay laws.50 ## Key Elements of a Good Jobs Policy for Our Federal Purchasing Footprint We have long understood that federal contracts for the provision of public goods and services should be governed by democratic principles of transparency, competition, and value for taxpayers. At the same time, since President Van Buren’s 10-hour workday for federal construction projects helped to put us on track toward the 8-hour workday, the contracting process has also been understood and extensively utilized as a driver of social change and as a counterweight to discrimination, exploitation, and inequities in the marketplace. Today we have a significant opportunity, and a profound and legitimate need, to more fully harness our federal purchasing power for the benefit of American workers and their families. Between the burgeoning state and local good jobs policies, and the targeted executive actions we’ve recently seen in a number of areas, it is fair to say that governments are starting to respond to America’s crisis of inequality. But, in their current scope of application and required standards, these actions can only have a small impact on the problem. Much more robust and decisive action is needed where we have the most leverage—our federal purchasing footprint. In what follows, we outline a framework of standards comprising a Good Jobs Policy in our federal purchasing footprint, which will improve the lives of millions of American workers at federally-supported firms. We recommend direct intervention by the president, by executive order, to require all purchasing agencies to incorporate higher workforce standards in their procedures for awarding and evaluating contracts and other forms of federal purchasing. In areas where the president may not be able to act directly by executive order, such as health-care purchasing, we recommend that the president propose appropriate alternative mechanisms for these aspects of the federal footprint, if necessary working with Congress and other applicable authorities to establish the alternative mechanisms.51 The scope of federal purchasing covered by the Good Jobs Policy should include: * Contracts for goods and services * Health-care purchasing through Medicare and Medicaid * Concessions and leasing arrangements in federal facilities, parks, and other properties * Certain grants-in-aid to states, in particular for highway construction and child nutrition programs The Good Jobs Policy should incentivize and reward employers who adopt the highest employment standards, including: * Respecting employees’ right to bargain collectively with their employers, without being forced to take strike action to win better wages and conditions. * Offering living wages and decent benefits, including health care and paid leave for sickness and caregiving, and offering fair work schedules that are predictable and stable. * Demonstrating an exemplary standard of compliance with workplace protection laws, including laws governing wages, hours, health, and safety, as well as other applicable business regulations. * Limiting excessive executive pay: a strong preference should be given to firms with CEO/median pay ratios below 50-to-1; in addition, the current cap on federal contract funds applicable for executive salaries should be substantially reduced. ## Conclusion In a time when our middle class is shrinking and upward mobility is stalled for millions of working Americans, our federal government can and should do more to support working families, yet the evidence we detail here shows that the opposite is the case. More than 8 million employees of firms that do significant business with the federal government have poor quality jobs that leave them well-short of a middle-class living standard. On average, these firms get 29 percent of their revenue from the federal government, which means that our tax dollars are helping to create these low-wage jobs on a massive scale. Notably, 70 percent of the federally-subsidized low-wage jobs are held by women, and 45 percent are held by people of color, which exceeds the low- wage employment rates of women and people of color in the economy as a whole. In previous times of economic and social crisis, national leaders understood that federal purchasing power should be used for the common good. Millions of good jobs were created when President Roosevelt established collective bargaining requirements for federal contracts during World War II, and President Johnson’s rules for affirmative action in federal contracts helped to lift millions of women and people of color into the middle class. Today, tens of millions of Americans are facing a crisis of living standards unlike any since the Great Depression, requiring a similarly bold course of action with our federal purchasing dollars. States and localities are trying to do their part by attaching living wage and collective bargaining requirements to their contracting dollars. But only a small fraction of the U.S. workforce is benefiting from these scattered requirements. In an era of political polarization and policy gridlock on workforce issues, only the federal government’s purchasing power has the reach and scale to make a truly significant difference, proportionate to the need. As we demonstrate here, a Good Jobs Policy for our federal purchasing footprint will help put 8 million working households and twenty million people on a pathway to the middle class. This is the policy we need, a cornerstone for rebuilding the middle class. ## Appendix: Methodology To produce the data for this report, we undertook two major groups of estimates: calculating the characteristics (size, income distribution, etc.) of the federally-supported private sector workforce, and projecting the effects of our proposed Good Jobs Policy on that workforce and the economy as a whole. Because the federal government does not compile statistics on the federally-funded private sector workforce, we instead estimated its composition using the process outlined below. ### The Federally-Supported Workforce #### Contracting-Supported Workforce First, we obtained data from on all federal contracts, which totaled $461 billion in FY2013.52 We then eliminated any contract that was either performed outside of the U.S. or did not have a private industry NAICS code, leaving us with $439 billion in of federal contracts performed within the U.S. and that pertained to private industry. This data included numbers on the annual revenue and employment of the firm performing the contract as well as a NAICS code designating the primary industry in which the work was performed, allowing us to produce our estimates. After cleaning and updating the annual revenue and employment figures, we calculated the total revenue from federal contracting and the share of annual revenue it comprised for each firm. We then eliminated firms that received less than 10% of their revenue from federal contracting, leaving us with “federally-supported” firms who would have a significant incentive to meet our proposed Good Jobs standards. We then merged the NAICS codes, employment, and revenue share data with 2012 data on gross output and earnings by NAICS industry from the Occupational Employment Survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).53 We then assumed that, by industry, workers in federally-supported firms have similar wage distributions to the rest of that private sector industry to generate earnings distributions for the federally-supported workforce. To estimate federally- supported employment by industry, we divided each federally-supported firm’s employment among industries by the share of its total federal contracting that each industry it did federal contracting business in made up. We then calculated the overall earnings distribution of the contracting-supported workforce through a weighted average, weighted by each industry’s share of total contracting. #### Medicare-Supported Workforce Here, we used data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on U.S. health expenditures by service category and source of funds,54 from which we calculated Medicare’s share of total spending in each major service category, and again considered any service category where Medicare spending accounted for 10 percent or more of the total. Because we needed to match these service categories to NAICS industries to analyze them, we limiting our analysis to four major service categories—Nursing and Residential Care Facilities, Home Health Care Services, Private Hospitals, and Prescription Drug Expenditures—that matched NAICS industries. These four service categories account for the majority of Medicare spending: two-thirds of the $572 billion in Medicare expenditures in 2012. We then used the BLS data on earnings and employment for these four subsectors/industries to generate our estimates. #### Fiscal and Economic Impacts To estimate the impact of the proposed policy, we examined wage differences for some of the most common low- and medium-wage occupations55 between competing employers.56 We found that for low-paid occupations—those with average pay of $12 per hour or less, such as cashiers, sales associates, pharmacy technicians, and customer service representatives—the highest-paying companies pay an average of 22 percent more than the lowest-paying firms across the occupations we examined. Based on this analysis, we adopt the conservative estimate that implementing the policy will result in a 20 percent raise for workers earning below or at the private-sector median of $15.84, and a smaller raise for those earning between $15.84 and $19 per hour. We assume the largest raises for workers at or below the median because the policy awards bidding preference to the firms with, among other factors, the highest median wages; thus, firms with lower wages will give raises to its employees earning less than the median in order to raise its overall median and thus be competitive for contracts. We assume smaller raises for workers earning somewhat above the median because of “spillover effects,” where companies give smaller raises to workers earning just above the affected workers to maintain internal pay ladders, similar to the effect observed when the minimum wage is increased.57 These percentages and cutoffs generate our estimates of 8.3 million affected workers and $34.1 billion in increased wages. To calculate the effect on GDP of these higher wages, we follow the methodology our colleague Catherine Ruetschlin developed for our study Retail’s Hidden Potential,58 making the assumption that the wage increases are not passed on to consumers as higher prices. To generate estimated income tax revenue, we assume that the additional GDP is taxed at a 20 percent rate (i.e. half in the 15 percent bracket and half in the 25 percent bracket). Calculating the savings for the major federal safety net programs—the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)—was a multi-step process. First, since our federally- supported workers are all employed private-sector workers, we used American Community Survey microdata59 to calculate the share of adults employed in the private sector and earning less than $20.48 per hour60 who were enrolled in SNAP and Medicaid by the type of household they belong to: married couple, single male-headed, single female-headed, or non-family (i.e. single). We obtained equivalent data on EITC recipiency by household type from a recent study by the Richmond Federal Reserve.61 Then, using our ACS calculations of the share of working private sector-employed adults that are part of each type of household, we estimated the overall share of the federally-supported workforce receiving each type of benefit. Then, using ACS-derived estimates of the average household size for each household type along with average per- person benefit for SNAP62 and the EITC63 (by household type) and Medicaid’s average cost per type of beneficiary,64 we calculated the total spending on federally-supported workers and their families for each safety net program. Finally, because our data would not allow us to estimate the precise number of households who would be lifted out of program eligibility by the policy’s 20 percent raise, we assumed that, for the affected workers, it leads to a 75 percent reduction in Medicaid and SNAP spending and a 50 percent reduction in the EITC’s budgetary impact (because of the EITC’s higher-income eligibility threshold). * 1See Congressional Budget Office, What Accounts for the Slow Growth of the Economy After the Recession?, November 2012, pp. 6-8, available at * 2See Amy Traub and Robert Hiltonsmith, Underwriting Bad Jobs, Demos, May 8, 2013, available at * 3See Robert Hiltonsmith and Amy Traub, Underwriting Executive Excess, Demos, September 24, 2013, available at * 4This is the same methodology we used to estimate federally-funded private sector employment in the first report in the series, Underwriting Bad Jobs. * 5For example, on the crisis in college affordability, see Demos’s report The Great Cost-Shift: How Higher Education Cuts Undermine the Future Middle Class, April 12, 20012, available at * 6See Emmanuel Saez, “Striking it Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States,” September 3, 2013, * 7See CNN/ORC, February 2, 2014, available at * 8We draw on data available at * 9See Carl Shapiro and Joseph E. Stiglitz, “Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device,” American Economic Review, Vol. 74, No. 3.(1984), pp. 433-444; George A. Akerlof, “Labor Contracts as Partial Gift Exchange,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 97, No. 4 (1982), pp. 543-569; James B. Rebitzer and Lowell J. Taylor, “The Consequences of Minimum Wage Laws: Some New Theoretical Ideas,” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 56, No. 2 (1995), pp. 245-255; Christopher Niedt, Greg Ruiters, Dana Wise, and Erica Schoenberge, “The Effects of the Living Wage in Baltimore,” Economic Policy Institute, February 1999, available at * 10See Mark Brenner and Stephanie Luce, “Living Wage Laws in Practice,” Political Economy Research Institute, 2005, available at but also see this study of Maryland’s living wage law, Michael C. Rubenstein, “Impact of the Maryland Living Wage,” Deparment of Legislative Services, December 2008, available at which finds increased costs of 9-17 percent passed on to government. * 11Authors’ calculations from St. Louis Fed, FRED database. * 12Authors’ calculations from St. Louis Fed, FRED database and BLS data. * 13See Robert Hiltonsmith and Amy Traub, Underwriting Executive Excess, Demos, September 24, 2013, available at In the brief, we calculated $7-$7.65 billion in savings from lowering the cap from the then-current level of $750,000 to $230,700. We adjusted the estimate for the current cap based on “‘Defense Contractors: Information on the Impact of Reducing the Cap on Employee Compensation Costs,” United States Government Accountability Office, June 2013, available at * 14See Sandy Keeney, “Foundations of Federal Contracting,” Journal of Contract Management, Summer 2007, available at * 15See William G. Whittaker, Davis-Bacon: The Act and the Literature, Congressional Research Service, November 13, 2007, available at * 16Ibid. * 17Ibid. * 18Ibid. * 19See CBO, Modifying the Davis-Bacon Act (1983); Department of Labor, “What are the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts?,” available at * 20See Whittaker (2007). * 21See Sarah Glassman, Michael Head, David G. Tuerck and Paul Bachman, The Federal Davis-Bacon Act: The Prevailing Mismeasure of Wages, The Beacon Hill Institute, February 2008 available at * 22See Steve Fraser, “The Good War and the Workers,” The American Prospect, October 22, 2009, available at * 23See Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), “History of Executive Order 11246,” Department of Labor, available at * 24See Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), “Compliance Assistance — Executive Order 11246,” Department of Labor, available at * 25See Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), “History of Executive Order 11246,” Department of Labor, available at * 26Ibid. * 27See Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), “Compliance Assistance — Executive Order 11246,” Department of Labor, available at * 28See Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), “Facts on Executive Order 11246 — Affirmative Action,” Department of Labor, January 4, 2002, available at * 29Ibid. * 30See Jonathan S. Leonard, “The Impact of Affirmative Action on Employment,” Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1984), pp. 439-463, available at Kenneth Y. Chay, “The Impact of Federal Civil Rights Policy on Black Economic Progress,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 51, No. 4 (1998), pp. 608-632, available at Johnathan Leonard, “The Impact of Affirmative Action Regulation and Equal Employment Law on Black Employment,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 4, No 4., (1990), pp. 47-63 available at Charles Brown, “The Federal Attack on Labor Market Discrimination: The Mouse That Roared?,” National Bureau of Economic Research, May 1981, available at John J. Donohue III and James Heckman, “Continuous Versus Episodic Change: The Impact of Civil Rights Policy on the Economic Status of Blacks,” Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 29, No. 4, (1991), pp. 1603-1643, available at * 31See New York Governor Office, “Governor Paterson Announces Deal on Critical Investment,” June 3, 2009, available at Nicholas Confessore, “Paterson’s Order Will Help Unions Trying to Organize,” New York Times, May 3, 2009, available at * 32See Dan Weikel, “LAX service companies to face labor peace requirement,” Los Angeles Times, May 5, 2014, available at * 33National Employment Law Project (NELP), “Living Wage Laws,” available at * 34Ibid. * 35See Annette Bernhardt, The Role of Labor Market Regulation in Rebuilding Economic Opportunity in the U.S., Roosevelt Institute, March 25, 2014, available at * 36See Michael C. Rubenstein, “Impact of the Maryland Living Wage,” Department of Legislative Services, December 2008, available at * 37See Mark Brenner, Jeannette Wicks-Lim and Robert Pollin, “Measuring the Impact of Living Wage Laws: A Critical Appraisal of David Neumark’s How Living Wage Laws Affect Low-Wage Workers and Low-Income Families,” Political Economy Research Institute, October 1, 2002, available at * 38See Andrew Elmore, Living Wage Laws & Communities: Smarter Economic Development, Lower than Expected Costs, Brennan Center for Justice, November 2003, available at * 39See Jeff Chapman and Jeff Thompson, The Economic Impact of Local Living Wages, Economic Policy Institute, February 15, 2006, available at * 40See Niedt (1999); William T. Lester and Ken Jacobs, Creating Good Jobs in Our Communities, Center for American Progress, November 2010, available at Michael Reich, Peter Hall and Ken Jacobs, “Living Wage Policies at the San Francisco Airport: Impacts on Workers and Businesses,” Industrial Relations, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 106–138, (2005), available at * 41David Fairris, David Runstein, Carolina Briones and Jessica Goodheart, “The Los Angeles Living Wage Ordinance: Effects on Workers and Business,” 2005, available at * 42See AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), “Stop Bad Contracts and Protect Public Jobs,” available at * 43See Paul K. Sonn and Tsedeye Gebreselassie, The Road To Responsible Contracting, National Employment Law Project, June 2009, available at * 44Ibid. * 45See California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CALPERS), “California Public Employees’ Retirement System Statement of Investment Policy for Responsible Contractor Program,” February 13, 2012, available at * 46See David Madland, Karla Walter, Paul K. Sonn and Tsedeye Gebreselassie, Making Contracting Work, Center for American Progress, June 2009, available at * 47See Phillis Payne, “Paving the High Road: Labor Standards and Procurement Policy in the Obama Era,” Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 349-424, (2010), available at * 48See Greg Sargent, “Why liberals pushed for executive action on minimum wage,” January 28, 2014, Washington Post, available at * 49See The White House, “Executive Order -- Non-Retaliation for Disclosure of Compensation Information,” April 08, 2014, available at * 50See The White House, “Presidential Memorandum -- Advancing Pay Equality Through Compensation Data Collection,” April 08, 2014, available at * 51We wish to acknowledge the work of a number of other organizations on the issue of raisingworkforce standards in federal contracting, which has helped to inform our analysis and proposals: Center for American Progress, National Employment Law Project, National Women’s Law Center, and Economic Policy Institute. * (2014, April 3). Prime Award Spending Data. Retrieved April 3, 2014, from: . * 53U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013) Occupational Employment Statistics. Retrieved April 2014, from . * 54Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2012). National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) Data. Retrieved April 2014 from . * 55Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics, op. cit.. *, op. cit.. * 57Heidi Shierholz, Fix It and Forget It: Index the Minimum Wage to Growth in Average Wages, available at * 58Report available at . * 59Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database](2012), available at * 60This figure adjusts for the federally-supported workforce’s higher average wages relative to the private-sector workforce. * 61See Kartik B. Athreya, Devin Reilly, and Nicole B. Simpson, Earned Income Tax Credit Recipients: Income, Marginal Tax Rates, Wealth, and Credit Constraints, available at * 62See * 63Athreya, et. al., op cit.. * 64Data available at Table13.11. × ## Join our email list Stay updated on the fight for racial equity, an inclusive democracy, and an economy free of barriers. Email Address ![\\"Home](\\"/themes/custom/ts_demos/images/svgs/logo-black.svg\\"/) ## Footer nav * About * Board of Trustees * Staff * Careers * Privacy Policy * Reprint Permissions * Support Us * Financial Information * Join Our Email List * Contact Us * General Inquiries * Media Inquiries * Request a Dēmos Speaker ## Footer social links * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram © 2024 Demos ✓ Thanks for sharing! AddToAny More…
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* Apple * * Store ## Shop * Shop the Latest * Mac * iPad * iPhone * Apple Watch * Apple Vision Pro * Accessories ## Quick Links * Find a Store * Order Status * Apple Trade In * Financing ## Shop Special Stores * Certified Refurbished * Education * Business * Veterans and Military * Government * Mac ## Explore Mac * Explore All Mac * MacBook Air * MacBook Pro * iMac * Mac mini * Mac Studio * Mac Pro * Displays * Compare Mac * Switch from PC to Mac ## Shop Mac * Shop Mac * Help Me Choose * Mac Accessories * Apple Trade In * Financing ## More from Mac * Mac Support * AppleCare+ for Mac * macOS Sequoia * Apple Intelligence * Apps by Apple * Continuity * iCloud+ * Mac for Business * Education * iPad ## Explore iPad * Explore All iPad * iPad Pro * iPad Air * iPad * iPad mini * Apple Pencil * Keyboards * Compare iPad * Why iPad ## Shop iPad * Shop iPad * iPad Accessories * Apple Trade In * Financing ## More from iPad * iPad Support * AppleCare+ for iPad * iPadOS 18 * Apple Intelligence * Apps by Apple * iCloud+ * Education * iPhone ## Explore iPhone * Explore All iPhone * iPhone 16 Pro * iPhone 16 * iPhone 15 * iPhone 14 * iPhone SE * Compare iPhone * Switch from Android ## Shop iPhone * Shop iPhone * iPhone Accessories * Apple Trade In * Carrier Deals at Apple * Financing ## More from iPhone * iPhone Support * AppleCare+ for iPhone * iOS 18 * Apple Intelligence * Apps by Apple * iPhone Privacy * iCloud+ * Wallet, Pay, Card * Siri * Watch ## Explore Watch * Explore All Apple Watch * Apple Watch Series 10 * Apple Watch Ultra 2 * Apple Watch SE * Apple Watch Nike * Apple Watch Hermès * Compare Watch * Why Apple Watch ## Shop Watch * Shop Apple Watch * Apple Watch Studio * Apple Watch Bands * Apple Watch Accessories * Apple Trade In * Financing ## More from Watch * Apple Watch Support * AppleCare+ * watchOS 11 * Apple Watch For Your Kids * Apps by Apple * Apple Fitness+ * Vision ## Explore Vision * Explore Apple Vision Pro * Guided Tour * Tech Specs ## Shop Vision * Shop Apple Vision Pro * Apple Vision Pro Accessories * Book a Demo * Financing ## More from Vision * Apple Vision Pro Support * AppleCare+ * visionOS 2 * AirPods ## Explore AirPods * Explore All AirPods * AirPods 4 * AirPods Pro 2 * AirPods Max * Compare AirPods ## Shop AirPods * Shop AirPods * AirPods Accessories ## More from AirPods * AirPods Support * AppleCare+ for Headphones * Hearing Health * Apple Music * TV & Home ## Explore TV & Home * Explore TV & Home * Apple TV 4K * HomePod * HomePod mini ## Shop TV & Home * Shop Apple TV 4K * Shop HomePod * Shop HomePod mini * Shop Siri Remote * TV & Home Accessories ## More from TV & Home * Apple TV Support * HomePod Support * AppleCare+ * Apple TV app * Apple TV+ * Home app * Apple Music * Siri * AirPlay * Entertainment ## Explore Entertainment * Explore Entertainment * Apple One * Apple TV+ * Apple Music * Apple Arcade * Apple Fitness+ * Apple News+ * Apple Podcasts * Apple Books * App Store ## Support * Apple TV+ Support * Apple Music Support * Accessories ## Shop Accessories * Shop All Accessories * Mac * iPad * iPhone * Apple Watch * Apple Vision Pro * AirPods * TV & Home ## Explore Accessories * Made by Apple * Beats by Dr. Dre * AirTag * Support ## Explore Support * iPhone * Mac * iPad * Watch * Apple Vision Pro * AirPods * Music * TV * Explore Support ## Get Help * Community * Check Coverage * Repair * Contact Us ## Helpful Topics * Get AppleCare+ * Apple Account and Password * Billing & Subscriptions * Find My * Accessibility * ## Quick Links * If you forgot your Apple Account password * If you forgot your iPhone passcode, use your Mac or PC to reset it * If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple * Update your iPhone or iPad * Contact Apple Support * 0+ Community Local Nav Open Menu Local Nav Close Menu * Browse * Search Sign in * Sign in * Sign in corporate Stores / Using App Store You can make a difference in the Apple Support Community! When you sign up with your Apple ID, you can provide valuable feedback to other community members by upvoting helpful replies and User Tips. Show more When you sign up with your Apple ID, you can provide valuable feedback to other community members by upvoting helpful replies and User Tips. Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. User profile for user: 22Rebby ![\\"22Rebby\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) 22Rebby Author User level: Level 1 21 points # Apple Service Deduction in my Gcash Acc I’ve been receiving deductions, it started October 14, 2023. It says You don\'t have enough balance to complete your payment of P99.00 to Apple services. Use GCredit or Cash-In to increase your balance and try again. But As I checked my subscription. I don’t have any. And now gcash is informing me You don\'t have enough balance to complete your payment of P499.00 to Apple services. Use GCredit or Cash-In to increase your balance and try again. Again I dont have any Subscription, is Apple Services really asking for a payment? I dont know. I am scared to used my gcash for this. It felt like a scam because I dont know where this notification is coming from. Please help me. Its bugging me for a while😭 Show more Less iPhone XR, iOS 16 Posted on Nov 12, 2023 6:13 PM (191) Upvote if this is a clear question Downvote if this question isn’t clear Me too (507) Me too Me too (507) Me too Reply Question marked as Top-ranking reply User profile for user: MScIT ![\\"MScIT\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_7.png\\"/) MScIT User level: Level 1 8 points Posted on Mar 18, 2024 12:49 AM I found mine! Subscription of cloud. The question is how to stop the subscription seems there\'s no cancellation option. Show more Less View in context ## Similar questions * Apple Service Deduction Apple services keeps deducting 249 pesos on my gcash account six times for one month. When I checked my account I have no on going subscription and no invoice was being sent on my email about this purchased.What should I do? 1 year ago 2746 3 * Deduction of my gcash account Your payment of P409.00 to Apple services has been successfully processed on 01-29-22 11:31:11 AM. Ref. No. 008001212 2 years ago 5373 3 * I\'ve been receiving text messages every other day about Apple charging GCash (Payment Method) money because of a subscription that I didn\'t even make. I don\'t know why Apple is charging me for Apple Services, but when I checked I have no active subscriptions that I have to and need to pay for. I checked my purchase history and there was also nothing that I purchased. I couldn\'t remove my current payment method because of said active subscription that needs to be payed. I don\'t know where to find it and how it happened. I might just be charged one day for it ckekkddks I don\'t know. Please help me I\'m lost lol. 3 years ago 2461 2 13 replies Sort By: Rank Loading page content Page content loaded Question marked as Top-ranking reply User profile for user: MScIT ![\\"MScIT\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_7.png\\"/) MScIT User level: Level 1 8 points Mar 18, 2024 12:49 AM in response to 22Rebby I found mine! Subscription of cloud. The question is how to stop the subscription seems there\'s no cancellation option. Show more Less (17) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: magdalene113 ![\\"magdalene113\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) magdalene113 User level: Level 1 8 points Apr 17, 2024 4:06 AM in response to 22Rebby I want to cancel all my charges in my apple account to my gcash account Show more Less (14) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: jpd93 ![\\"jpd93\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) jpd93 User level: Level 1 8 points Dec 19, 2023 11:46 AM in response to 22Rebby I’m getting similar text from GCash. Did you resolve it? Show more Less (5) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Timelycess ![\\"Timelycess\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_12.png\\"/) Timelycess User level: Level 1 8 points Jun 8, 2024 10:34 PM in response to liliputnarr Go to Appstore- click your profile upper right corner of your screen - Look for subscriptions- and that’s where you’ll see those active subscriptions- Gcash isn’t deducted it because they want to- it’s because of the apple subscription that you activated and forgot to turn off. Show more Less (1) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: cloie194 ![\\"cloie194\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) cloie194 User level: Level 1 8 points Jun 8, 2024 9:55 PM in response to 22Rebby Same here, mine’s 299 Show more Less (1) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Timelycess ![\\"Timelycess\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_12.png\\"/) Timelycess User level: Level 1 8 points May 11, 2024 7:00 PM in response to liliputnarr To see what charge that is — Go to Appstore— click on your profile(upper right corner of your screen) — scroll or navigate to “Purchase History”. I saw mine and it’s the amount I still owe, I think apple sometimes continue your purchase even if your Gcash balance is not enough” Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: KiltedTim ![\\"KiltedTim\\"](\\"/assets/avatar/e468a2e306df5d/473732c6282644e885adea025c38d5f23da77fcdb6ac5e29c8d864604ec3d84e\\"/) KiltedTim User level: Level 10 201,502 points Nov 12, 2023 6:16 PM in response to 22Rebby It\'s entirely possible the charge has nothing to do with Apple at all. If you see \'\' on your billing statement - Apple Support Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: 22Rebby ![\\"22Rebby\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) 22Rebby Author User level: Level 1 21 points Nov 12, 2023 8:55 PM in response to KiltedTim Thank you. Ive been trying😭 Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: amilkhair ![\\"amilkhair\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) amilkhair User level: Level 1 8 points Jan 8, 2024 5:16 PM in response to 22Rebby Me too, I was scared of using my Gcash because of like this messages, omg!! Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: mercedita80 ![\\"mercedita80\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) mercedita80 User level: Level 1 8 points Jan 11, 2024 1:36 AM in response to 22Rebby I also experiencing contnued decduction on my GCREDIT which i did not even use it Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: liliputnarr ![\\"liliputnarr\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) liliputnarr User level: Level 1 8 points Apr 8, 2024 10:41 PM in response to MScIT where did you found it?? Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: MScIT ![\\"MScIT\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_7.png\\"/) MScIT User level: Level 1 8 points Apr 18, 2024 4:17 AM in response to magdalene113 Same here. Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Timelycess ![\\"Timelycess\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_12.png\\"/) Timelycess User level: Level 1 8 points Jun 8, 2024 10:32 PM in response to mercedita80 Turn off your Gcredit as ur back up. Go to Gcash Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link * * of 1 * Apple Service Deduction in my Gcash Acc Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple ID. Learn more Sign up ## Apple Footer * This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. 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GCash will be removed from all app stores by Feb 10 2024
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Icogo 1/31/2024 11:12:00 PM gcash, news, services ![\\"OPPO\\"](\\" ---Available-now-728x90.jpg\\"/) ![\\"Infinix\\"](\\" Kxns2qM1JTk4oP4JfsBVoQqMenRpTmOfLMOYMULc1-DHIEz6NEYXlut2KEACkHU432Om503TZdtSOZRVA_OpfL1mIrhpgv8njrZb7aVldE3EbuhdHpit1LbhTbMCPHu0pAHQL77U0Qpsmfg9y4ODHZP0W3TfBIVHmj_cdLfl6bz/s16000/Infinix_XPAD_Launch- banner_728x90.png\\"/) **Earlier, GCash mysteriously disappeared from the Google Play Store.** ![\\"GCash](\\" wAIM- wKDfrVatXrwmSdScKtBbLs9gWNTzcI2MPkW2CXZ0m6fHuLDtmepc85upP05RoEM2ne_1zrZWeF1-j-4Px7RR_JpclVYSOOgZzxsUadRYadBM9VbBHJ7-DmzsXfSy4XxYnm4NbRSm/s16000/gcash- fake-news-advisory-1.png\\") --- GCash is working ## GCash releases an advisory to combat fake news involving its app While this is just probably a temporary issue (maybe there is an update), some users are already spreading fake news online. Some of them say that the \"GCash app is down so cash out your balance now as on February 10, the GCash app will be removed from app stores\". Some even claimed that they know the reason why GCash is currently not available on Google Play at the moment. GCash posted on Facebook and assures all of its users that the information is false and the app continues to be accessible. Be warned of these posts circulating on social media. GCash services continue to be accessible. Rest assured that your funds are safe and secure. Meanwhile, GCash is up and available for download for iOS users. Upon checking on my Android phone, the app is perfectly fine as well. We are still waiting for the official details on why GCash is not available for download on Google Play right now. **See also: GCash clarifies: Send Money Protect does not return sent money** Unfortunately, GCash has been a target of false information recently. Only believe its official statements that you can see on its official website and social media pages. **Update: GCash releases advisory about the Google Play Store issue!** ## Related Posts * evs ### Philippines launches first EV battery plant in Tarlac to support locally made electric vehicles October 03, 2024 * features ### Need some sulit gadget deals? You can grab them here October 02, 2024 * bsp ### BSP pushes for free electronic fund transfers October 02, 2024 * * ## Post a Comment #### No comments Subscribe to: Post Comments ( Atom ) ## Ads ![\\"CHERRY](\\" fS7qxj86QFkdynJjuHffSYV_tmp3n8Ge4LhWTufrn9QEgFIpSBLgjUqIC3XFFVwELkZOPGMWsDGX60Il- kCSpNK4LQ6nlPKrKhbeGTPTC8LUFeNFHvPgd2nkzorqTv7Ff4C1qc9bMBTcK8gsUE/s16000/Ad%20Banner%20300x300%20px.jpg\\"/) ![\\"honor\\"](\\" Order_01_300X300.png\\"/) ## Featured Post ### Built to last: OPPO Find N3 Flip can survive 16 years of folds, now available in PH stores! Foldable smartphones have been around for almost 5 years now. 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* Apple * * Store ## Shop * Shop the Latest * Mac * iPad * iPhone * Apple Watch * Apple Vision Pro * Accessories ## Quick Links * Find a Store * Order Status * Apple Trade In * Financing ## Shop Special Stores * Certified Refurbished * Education * Business * Veterans and Military * Government * Mac ## Explore Mac * Explore All Mac * MacBook Air * MacBook Pro * iMac * Mac mini * Mac Studio * Mac Pro * Displays * Compare Mac * Switch from PC to Mac ## Shop Mac * Shop Mac * Help Me Choose * Mac Accessories * Apple Trade In * Financing ## More from Mac * Mac Support * AppleCare+ for Mac * macOS Sequoia * Apple Intelligence * Apps by Apple * Continuity * iCloud+ * Mac for Business * Education * iPad ## Explore iPad * Explore All iPad * iPad Pro * iPad Air * iPad * iPad mini * Apple Pencil * Keyboards * Compare iPad * Why iPad ## Shop iPad * Shop iPad * iPad Accessories * Apple Trade In * Financing ## More from iPad * iPad Support * AppleCare+ for iPad * iPadOS 18 * Apple Intelligence * Apps by Apple * iCloud+ * Education * iPhone ## Explore iPhone * Explore All iPhone * iPhone 16 Pro * iPhone 16 * iPhone 15 * iPhone 14 * iPhone SE * Compare iPhone * Switch from Android ## Shop iPhone * Shop iPhone * iPhone Accessories * Apple Trade In * Carrier Deals at Apple * Financing ## More from iPhone * iPhone Support * AppleCare+ for iPhone * iOS 18 * Apple Intelligence * Apps by Apple * iPhone Privacy * iCloud+ * Wallet, Pay, Card * Siri * Watch ## Explore Watch * Explore All Apple Watch * Apple Watch Series 10 * Apple Watch Ultra 2 * Apple Watch SE * Apple Watch Nike * Apple Watch Hermès * Compare Watch * Why Apple Watch ## Shop Watch * Shop Apple Watch * Apple Watch Studio * Apple Watch Bands * Apple Watch Accessories * Apple Trade In * Financing ## More from Watch * Apple Watch Support * AppleCare+ * watchOS 11 * Apple Watch For Your Kids * Apps by Apple * Apple Fitness+ * Vision ## Explore Vision * Explore Apple Vision Pro * Guided Tour * Tech Specs ## Shop Vision * Shop Apple Vision Pro * Apple Vision Pro Accessories * Book a Demo * Financing ## More from Vision * Apple Vision Pro Support * AppleCare+ * visionOS 2 * AirPods ## Explore AirPods * Explore All AirPods * AirPods 4 * AirPods Pro 2 * AirPods Max * Compare AirPods ## Shop AirPods * Shop AirPods * AirPods Accessories ## More from AirPods * AirPods Support * AppleCare+ for Headphones * Hearing Health * Apple Music * TV & Home ## Explore TV & Home * Explore TV & Home * Apple TV 4K * HomePod * HomePod mini ## Shop TV & Home * Shop Apple TV 4K * Shop HomePod * Shop HomePod mini * Shop Siri Remote * TV & Home Accessories ## More from TV & Home * Apple TV Support * HomePod Support * AppleCare+ * Apple TV app * Apple TV+ * Home app * Apple Music * Siri * AirPlay * Entertainment ## Explore Entertainment * Explore Entertainment * Apple One * Apple TV+ * Apple Music * Apple Arcade * Apple Fitness+ * Apple News+ * Apple Podcasts * Apple Books * App Store ## Support * Apple TV+ Support * Apple Music Support * Accessories ## Shop Accessories * Shop All Accessories * Mac * iPad * iPhone * Apple Watch * Apple Vision Pro * AirPods * TV & Home ## Explore Accessories * Made by Apple * Beats by Dr. Dre * AirTag * Support ## Explore Support * iPhone * Mac * iPad * Watch * Apple Vision Pro * AirPods * Music * TV * Explore Support ## Get Help * Community * Check Coverage * Repair * Contact Us ## Helpful Topics * Get AppleCare+ * Apple Account and Password * Billing & Subscriptions * Find My * Accessibility * ## Quick Links * If you forgot your Apple Account password * If you forgot your iPhone passcode, use your Mac or PC to reset it * If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple * Update your iPhone or iPad * Contact Apple Support * 0+ Community Local Nav Open Menu Local Nav Close Menu * Browse * Search Sign in * Sign in * Sign in corporate Apple Account You can make a difference in the Apple Support Community! When you sign up with your Apple ID, you can provide valuable feedback to other community members by upvoting helpful replies and User Tips. Show more When you sign up with your Apple ID, you can provide valuable feedback to other community members by upvoting helpful replies and User Tips. Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. User profile for user: shrlnkng ![\\"shrlnkng\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) shrlnkng Author User level: Level 1 37 points # Apple Services deduction to Gcash I kept receiving an Apple Services bill amounting to P1050.00, but upon checking, I found no active subscriptions. Are there any options where I could check to know where it is coming from? Show more Less Posted on Jul 24, 2023 4:13 PM (704) Upvote if this is a clear question Downvote if this question isn’t clear Me too (1660) Me too Me too (1660) Me too Reply Question marked as Top-ranking reply User profile for user: ederlina80 ![\\"ederlina80\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) ederlina80 User level: Level 1 32 points Posted on Oct 23, 2023 8:36 PM Apple Services merchant always deduct money from my gcash wallet. Does anybody knows why? Show more Less View in context ## Similar questions * Deduction of my gcash account Your payment of P409.00 to Apple services has been successfully processed on 01-29-22 11:31:11 AM. Ref. No. 008001212 2 years ago 5373 3 * Apple Service Deduction Apple services keeps deducting 249 pesos on my gcash account six times for one month. When I checked my account I have no on going subscription and no invoice was being sent on my email about this purchased.What should I do? 1 year ago 2746 3 * I\'ve been receiving text messages every other day about Apple charging GCash (Payment Method) money because of a subscription that I didn\'t even make. I don\'t know why Apple is charging me for Apple Services, but when I checked I have no active subscriptions that I have to and need to pay for. I checked my purchase history and there was also nothing that I purchased. I couldn\'t remove my current payment method because of said active subscription that needs to be payed. I don\'t know where to find it and how it happened. I might just be charged one day for it ckekkddks I don\'t know. Please help me I\'m lost lol. 3 years ago 2461 2 46 replies Sort By: Rank Loading page content Page content loaded Question marked as Top-ranking reply User profile for user: ederlina80 ![\\"ederlina80\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) ederlina80 User level: Level 1 32 points Oct 23, 2023 8:36 PM in response to ederlina80 Apple Services merchant always deduct money from my gcash wallet. Does anybody knows why? Show more Less (216) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: aliah210 ![\\"aliah210\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) aliah210 User level: Level 1 28 points Jan 3, 2024 3:31 PM in response to ederlina80 why apples services deduct my gcash, upon checking the purchase history and etc. there no history about running bill ! Hoping for your fast response !!! Your payment of P299.00 to Apple services has been successfully processed on 01-04-24 03:50:43 AM. Ref. No. 814869464 Show more Less (180) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: ederlina80 ![\\"ederlina80\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) ederlina80 User level: Level 1 32 points Oct 23, 2023 8:35 PM in response to shrlnkng I Have the same problem. How Will I resolve it? Show more Less (124) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: AxylLou ![\\"AxylLou\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) AxylLou User level: Level 1 8 points Jun 26, 2024 11:46 AM in response to shrlnkng ![](\\" kind of Apple services deduction is this? While checking theres no subscription that need to pay that amount!! Lucky my gcash has not enough amount to pay that but this is not the first time to deduct this kind of amount! Show more Less (31) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Annalynlim ![\\"Annalynlim\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) Annalynlim User level: Level 1 8 points Mar 28, 2024 6:48 PM in response to shrlnkng I don\'t have anu subscription in apple service why you take money in my gcash march 29,2024 amounting 1,290???? Without permission??? I check my phone about my subcription but i did not see any apple service?? Show more Less (24) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: shoeluvr13 ![\\"shoeluvr13\\"](\\"/assets/avatar/24fa641be39595c2/794be92e999adeff54321a32c48eb1d52a200189c562e7b6980ae5af0d00c0cc\\"/) shoeluvr13 User level: Level 6 17,557 points Mar 1, 2024 11:29 AM in response to wehbsliwas This is a public forum, not Apple support. Please follow Apple’s instructions at If you don\'t recognize a charge - Apple Support Show more Less (12) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: jhady ![\\"jhady\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) jhady User level: Level 1 8 points Jan 14, 2024 1:20 AM in response to shrlnkng I have the same experience just today Deduction of my gcash account Your payment of 798.00 to Apple service has been successfully process on 01-14-24 04:32:12PM. Ref No. 531529277 Upon checking my subscription I don\'t have any subscription amounting to 798.00 Show more Less (10) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: vivianpaduaramos ![\\"vivianpaduaramos\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) vivianpaduaramos User level: Level 1 8 points May 23, 2024 2:45 AM in response to shrlnkng apple services merchant charged my gcash account amount ₱399.00 they said it is free to download the apps but after downloading it automatically charged my account. pls help to refund because i am no longer need the app if there will a subscription charge every week or monthly. thank you Show more Less (9) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Kurtosis12 ![\\"Kurtosis12\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_1265.png\\"/) Kurtosis12 User level: Level 9 65,740 points Mar 2, 2024 7:32 PM in response to edrian80 Click on the link below, you can • View your purchase history • Cancel a subscription • Request a refund • Verify unfamiliar charges • Add or remove a payment method Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support Show more Less (2) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: shoeluvr13 ![\\"shoeluvr13\\"](\\"/assets/avatar/24fa641be39595c2/794be92e999adeff54321a32c48eb1d52a200189c562e7b6980ae5af0d00c0cc\\"/) shoeluvr13 User level: Level 6 17,557 points Jan 17, 2024 9:09 PM in response to jhady This is a public forum , not Apple support. Please follow Apple’s instructions at If you don\'t recognize a charge - Apple Support Show more Less (1) Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Kurtosis12 ![\\"Kurtosis12\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR_EN_1265.png\\"/) Kurtosis12 User level: Level 9 65,740 points May 4, 2024 7:10 PM in response to kys0806 Click on the link below, you can • View your purchase history • Cancel a subscription • Request a refund • Verify unfamiliar charges • Add or remove a payment method Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: Eihtur ![\\"Eihtur\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) Eihtur User level: Level 1 8 points Mar 13, 2024 3:16 PM in response to aliah210 The same thing keeps on happening to me, and Globe is just always unresponsive if not unreachable You have paid P299.00 with GCredit to Apple services on 03-14-24 05:38:10 AM. Transaction Number is 123135667. Your remaining GCredit limit is now P349.80. Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: feliciano22 ![\\"feliciano22\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) feliciano22 User level: Level 1 8 points May 4, 2024 6:34 PM in response to shrlnkng I was charged for apple services in the amount of 399.00 php, today 05/05/2024 at about 5:27 am under my gcash account that I don\'t know why I\'m being charged for this will someone please explain this to me and if I can still refund my money back? PLEASE APPLE REPLY ASAP. Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: IdrisSeabright ![\\"IdrisSeabright\\"](\\"/assets/avatar/47d267f1fc93fab5/02be0376f84e3c9dcb76f755f665ade51881c31b595608bcf348ea7f5368c6ea\\"/) IdrisSeabright User level: Level 10 167,159 points Jun 27, 2024 7:23 AM in response to Hydragyrum > Hydragyrum wrote: > Theres no history of the payment but my gcash was charged 499 after > enrolling my gcash as payment and the app was free. How could i report the > charge if theres nothing on the purchase history? Where did that message come from? It certainly didn\'t come from Apple. Are you in Papua New Guinea? That appears to be the only place where you can use GCash as a payment method for Apple. If there is nothing in your Apple Purchase history, the message is likely a scam. You need to take it up with GCash. Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link User profile for user: kirsleyc ![\\"kirsleyc\\"](\\"/public/assets/avatars/SYSTEM_DEFAULT_AVATAR.svg\\"/) kirsleyc User level: Level 1 8 points Oct 15, 2023 7:28 PM in response to shrlnkng Hello! Has your problem been resolved? Show more Less Upvote if this is a helpful reply Downvote if this reply isn’t helpful Reply Link * * of 4 * * Apple Services deduction to Gcash Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple ID. Learn more Sign up ## Apple Footer * This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. 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GCash will be removed from all app stores by Feb 10 2024
gcash no longer in play store : r/Cebu Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/Cebu A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to Cebu r/Cebu r/Cebu A subreddit for Sugbo-anons and Cebuanos at heart. * * * 67K Members 60 Online • 8 mo. ago dye_yan ADMIN MOD # gcash no longer in play store sooo someone forwarded a post to me stating nga (non-verbatim) \" gcash is down and will be removed daw on Feb 10 in all app stores so we must cash out all our money\". Wala ko nituo ha kay not credible jud ang nagpost pero curious lang ko kay when i looked up to it sa play store wala najud ang gcash app pero sa App store kay naa pa man. Any ideas why naingon ana? thanks much. Read more Add a Comment Sort by: New Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A EmDork • 8mo ago • Edited 8mo ago • Nag advisory nas Gcash ani OP nag enhancement sila sa google sa mga android users PS: as of today 1st of Feb nabalik na siya sa google play Reply reply afufufuu • 8mo ago • Hay nakuuuuuuuuuuu bayet 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Reply reply iamyourgraceee • 8mo ago • May update ang gcash here Reply reply chitgoks • 8mo ago • this is A weird move. they can just overwrite the existing app with the new one. i dont understand the need to take it down. 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NASA confirms Earth will experience 15 days of darkness In November 2017
Subscribe To Newsletters BETA THIS IS A BETA EXPERIENCE. OPT-OUT HERE ### More From Forbes Oct 2, 2024,08:00am EDT This Tech Entrepreneur Is The Richest Black Person In America Jul 23, 2019,09:28am EDT Indirect Contributions Are Essential To Physics Jul 15, 2019,08:45am EDT The Crisis In Theoretical Particle Physics Is Not A Moral Imperative Jul 8, 2019,09:20am EDT Why Study Science? The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else Jul 1, 2019,10:52am EDT The (Mostly) Quantum Physics Of Making Colors Jul 20, 2018,10:00am EDT This Simple Thought Experiment Shows Why We Need Quantum Gravity Jul 19, 2018,10:00am EDT How The Planck Satellite Forever Changed Our View Of The Universe Edit Story ForbesInnovationScience # No, NASA Is Not Predicting 15 Days Of Complete Darkness In November Marshall Shepherd Senior Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. FollowingFollow Click to save this article. You\'ll be asked to sign into your Forbes account. Got it Aug 23, 2017,07:03am EDT Updated Aug 23, 2017, 01:44pm EDT This article is more than 7 years old. * Share to Facebook * Share to Twitter * Share to Linkedin We are fresh off the heels of probably the most talked about, tweeted, and photographed eclipse in history. The experiences ranged from whimsical to spiritual. As a scientist, the eclipse was amazing from the perspective of seeing the predictive capabilities of science verify in the real world. My friend Justin Gillis wrote a brilliant column in the New York Times on the successes of prediction in the realm of natural sciences using the 2017 eclipse as context. Sadly, as I reflect on the wonder of nature and our intellectual ability to understand how it works, I was jolted back to reality by the ridiculous and recurring Internet hoax that NASA is predicting 15 days of complete darkness in November. By now, some of you have likely seen a friend or a cousin post this in social media. It is not true. ![\\"Jupiter](\\" images/marshallshepherd/files/2017/08/jupiterpersonvenus_nikodem_960.jpg?format=jpg&width=144\\") Jupiter and Venus from Earth. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day website Marek Nikodem (PPSAE) via NASA This silly fake news began in 2015 according to Snopes when a seemingly credible (but ultimately fake) news site called Newswatch33 published an article, entitled \"NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 15 Days of Complete Darkness in November 2015.\" The article claimed that then NASA Administrator Charles Bolden issued a 1000-page report noting that the darkness would be caused by an astronomical event involving Jupiter and Venus. I am not even going to spend time trying to explain the claim because it is fake, but it was rooted in some notion of \"planetary alignment theory\" and even folds in discussion of the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world. That report never happened. First of all, I am a former NASA scientist and know Charles Bolden personally. He is a brilliant man and a former astronaut. He would spot the foolishness in the s0-called \"science logic\" of this claim by a million miles. The other thing that should have raised a yellow flag is an 1000-page report. Really? That Newswatch33 article picked up on a viral Internet claim that I have seen resurface year after year and unfortunately it has resurfaced this week after the eclipse. Eclipses are easily predicted. NASA\'s excellent eclipse resource website points out that, > Astronomers first have to work out the geometry and mechanics of how the > Earth and Moon orbit the Sun under the influences of the gravitational > fields of these three bodies. From Newton\'s laws of motion, they > mathematically work out the motions of these bodies in three-dimensional > space, taking into account the fact that these bodies have finite size and > are not perfect spheres, and that the Earth and Moon are not homogeneous > bodies. From careful observation, they then feed into these complex > equations the current positions and speeds of the Earth and Moon, and then > program the computer to \"integrate\" these equations forward or backward in > time to construct ephemerides of the relative positions of the Moon and Sun > as seen from the vantage point of the Earth. Eclipses are specific > configurations of these bodies that can be identified by the computer. Amazingly, these forecasts can be accurate to less than a minute as far out as several hundreds of years. ![\\"The](\\" images/imageserve/837624988/960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=144\\") The sun\'s corona only is visible during a total solar eclipse between the Solar Temples at Big... [+] Summit Prairie ranch in Oregon\'s Ochoco National Forest near the city of Mitchell August 21, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) When I started seeing the post circulate around again, my immediate thought was, \"why don\'t people immediately recognize something like this as a hoax.\" I concluded that it is likely a convergence of science literacy gaps, the inability to distinguish credible from bogus news sources, and the \"share before reading and thinking\" mentality pervasive in social media. In 2015, Lucy Goodchild van Hilten published \"Science hoaxes: Why do we fall for them- and who benefits?\" in Elsevier Connect. Her answers include the social media click-bait phenomenon (getting views), unvetted websites and science sources, and trickery. She also discusses \"understanding and emotional engagement.\" Max Goldman of Sense About Science told van Hilten, > If it’s something graspable, if someone has written a headline designed to > provoke an emotional response, then people will share. The article ends with some recommendations to end sciences hoaxes: * Understand what you are reading and learn about the peer review process. Click this link for a good resource on understanding peer review. * Do not be afraid to seek evidence from the source * Seek out organizations like Science About Science, Ask For Evidence or Voice of Young Science My biggest advice is even more simple, \"Trust your smell test.\" Follow me on Twitter. Check out my website. ![\\"Marshall](\\"\\"/) Marshall Shepherd FollowingFollow Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, a leading international expert in weather and climate, was the 2013 President of American Meteorological Society (AMS) and is Director of ... Read More * Editorial Standards * Forbes Accolades
NASA confirms Earth will experience 15 days of darkness In November 2017
News Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals REASON # Fact Check: Did NASA confirm 15 days of darkness in November? Carole Fader ![\\"\\"](\\"/gcdn/authoring/authoring- images/2024/10/03/NPPP/75501059007-black-and-white-lemur- screengrab.png?crop=1208,680,x0,y25&width=400&height=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp\\"/) PlayPause Sound OnSound Off 0:00 1:20 AD SKIP ClosedCaptionOpen ShareEnter Full ScreenExit Full Screen Times-Union readers want to know: Is it true that NASA has confirmed that we will experience 15 days of darkness in November? On May 29, the website posted a story with the headline “NASA confirms Earth will experience 15 days of darkness in November 2017.” Facebook users flagged this story to as potentially fake news. is one of several organizations working with Facebook to help identify and label viral fake news stories flagged by readers. The story begins by warning readers, “There have been many reports about the changes our planet Earth could endure in the months and years to come, but many of them didn’t really pan out, making us question everything we read on the internet.” “(T)his time, NASA confirms what’s been circling the web recently — our planet Earth will experience total darkness for 15 days in November 2017 starting from November 15 to November 29.” This seems a little — or a lot — out there. NASA hasn’t confirmed any such thing. The same story also appeared on and on Jan. 12. Each site provides the other as the only source. As points out, the articles all make the same claims as a story by Newswatch33 that circulated in 2015 warning of 15 days of darkness in November of that year. (The 2015 blackout didn’t happen.) The articles claim the November 2017 blackout will be caused by interactions between Jupiter, Venus and the sun. Here is what published: “Jupiter and Venus will come in close proximity of each other and will be separated by just 1 degree. Venus will move to the south-west of Jupiter and as a result it will shine 10 times brighter than Jupiter. Venus’ bright light will heat up the gases in Jupiter causing a reaction which will release a an [sic] absurdly high amount of hydrogen into the space. This reaction will come in contact with our Sun at 2:50 am on November 15th. “Once the hydrogen reaches the Sun, a massive explosion is bound to occur on the surface of the Sun, increasing the temperature to more than 9000 degrees. The whole process will generate so much heat that the Sun will change its color into a bluish shade. Once this happens, the Sun will need a minimum of 14 days to restore its normal color and temperature.” Jupiter and Venus do every now and then come close to each other when you view them in the night sky. quotes Bill Cooke, head of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office, as explaining that although the planets appear close together, they are still separated by more than 500 million miles. Venus will appear brighter than Jupiter “only because Venus is so much closer to Earth” and will not actually impact the gases on Jupiter. These conjunctions between planets, stars and the moon “occur every few months,” Cooke wrote in his blog. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus is notable only for the “impressive” sight it makes in the night sky, he said. According to Patrick Hartigan, a professor of physics and astronomy at Rice University, Venus and Jupiter come close in the night sky about once a year, with varying visibility. NASA has pointed out notable viewings in September 2005, March 2012, June 2015 and August 2016. But no conjunction between Jupiter and Venus took place in November 2015, when Newswatch33 claimed a blackout would occur., which uses data from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California to provide information about viewing the night sky, predicts another conjunction between the two planets on Nov. 13, 2017, but the event, like its predecessors, will have no influence on the light coming from the sun. It also makes no sense that a massive explosion would heat the sun to 9,000 degrees, turning it blue. If the fake article is using the Fahrenheit scale, the surface of the sun is already 6,700 to 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit. And the inner and outer layers moving away from the surface are even hotter. Furthermore, to emit blue light, a star needs to heat to at least 35,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Even if the article does mean 9,000 degrees in Celsius, that would still be less than half as hot as a star needs to be to glow even light blue, found. The stories also falsely attribute the science behind the blackout to Charles Bolden, the former head of NASA under the Obama administration, reports. The stories claim that Bolden wrote “a detailed 1,000-page document … explaining the strange event to officials at the White House.” If you search for such a document, you won’t find it. Bolden’s work actually focuses on developing missions into space, not astronomical phenomena. How accurate a website is Well, one headline on the site is “North Korea lands first ever man on the sun, confirms central news agency,” and another claims that “Paul Walkers ghost appears in the Fast &Furious 8 (Incredible video).” Carole Fader: (904) 359-4635 Careers Staff Directory Accessibility Sitemap Legals Public notice certification Our Ethical Principles Responsible Disclosure Subscription Terms & Conditions Terms of Service Privacy Policy Your Privacy Choices Contact Us Support Local Business Advertise Your Business Advertising Acceptance Policy Promote your Event Buy and Sell Licensing & Reprints Legal Notices Help Center Subscriber Guide Manage Account Give Feedback Subscribe Today Newsletters Facebook X Instagram eNewspaper NIE Jobs Cars Homes Classifieds Pay Your Ad Bill Shopping 10Best LocaliQ Digital Marketing Solutions © 2024 All rights reserved.
NASA confirms Earth will experience 15 days of darkness In November 2017
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NASA confirms Earth will experience 15 days of darkness In November 2017
..Will the Earth experience 15 days of complete darkness in November 2017? All related (86) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-171905873-50-vrvbaihvdifgblweuwuowrxxmccyjhrh.jpeg\\") Sash.M Lives in Dubai, United Arab Emirates · Author has 3.8K answers and 2.1M answer views · 7y No it won\'t. Anyone who claims NASA or whoever has confirmed it is lying and trolling you. Witht the advent of the internet, every year some dummy somewhere decides to troll people by making some form of apocalypse prediction. There was the Y2K, then there was the whole Mayan calendar thing in 2012, nibiru or planet x, and so many other. You need to stop believing such things and do some research on these claims. If they say NASA confirmed it check the links they provide or check NASA or news sites. It\'s all hogwash. Upvote · 96 91 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Store and protect your data. Get started for free. Reliable & secure cloud storage: scale on demand so you have the storage you need, when you need it. Sign Up 9975 Related questions More answers below Is it true that the earth will experience fifteen days of darkness in November 2017? Is earth really going to be in darkness for 15 days according to NASA? What would happen if the Earth actually experienced 15 days of darkness? What happened to the rumour about the 10 days of darkness to happen to earth? Is it true that the NASA had declared that there will be 15 days of darkness on the earth starting in the mid of November 2015? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-162392130-50-rsdhkjwckdqkhquvfymzayntjlpeufpn.jpeg\\") Richard Clive Rowlands Works at Events and Festivals · Author has 3.6K answers and 23.5M answer views · 7y The Earth will experience 0 days of darkness in November 2017. That’s because there’s nothing between the Earth and the Sun that will block out the daylight. At any point, half of the Earth is bathed in Sunlight. Occasionally the moon passes in front of the Earth. However the Moon is much smaller and so the shadow of the moon on the Earth only affects part of the Earth. Th... Upvote · 9927 93 ![\\"Profile](\\" Vikalp Veer Lives in Irvine, CA · 7y Likely scenario where answer to your question would be Yes: 1. sun and along with it everything else in solar system dies. 2. all anti-heroes come-up together in avenger style and make some vicious plan, invent something fictional to cover the whole earth under thick cloud of something that will choke the earth from sunlight. 3. More natural to point 2, Mother Nature decides to erupt all super volcanoes at the same time and earths is covered under thick cloud of ash and dust . Ok enough of fiction, nothing likely like this would happen so chill and enjoy the sunlight. Upvote · ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-16982174-50-anqkpvaevqqxevhnlepnnajkdhrwlfly.jpeg\\") Saurabh Araiyer Software Engineer at (product) · Author has 154 answers and 408.2K answer views · 9y Originally Answered: There will be no sunlight for 15 days in November, is it true? · There are two possibilities for no sunlight, First, earth stops spinning. The amount of energy required to stop earth from rotating is 2.56 x 10 to power 29 joules, equivalent to 0.6 quadrillion 10-kiloton nuclear weapon. So definitely stopping is not possible. Second, Clouds are dense and intelligent enough to block all of sunlight. Now assuming this happens for sometime. Then Atmospheric temperature will decrease, and it will start raining. So clouds will be gone and there will be sunlight :) Considering the laws which govern us, no sunlight on earth for 15 days is a physically impossible task. Upvote · 9915 97 Sponsored by Mutual of Omaha Have Medicare questions? We have answers. Use our free Advice Center to get answers to your questions and find the right Medicare plan for you. Learn More 9916 Related questions Is it true that the earth will experience fifteen days of darkness in November 2017? Is earth really going to be in darkness for 15 days according to NASA? What would happen if the Earth actually experienced 15 days of darkness? What happened to the rumour about the 10 days of darkness to happen to earth? Is it true that the NASA had declared that there will be 15 days of darkness on the earth starting in the mid of November 2015? I heard in november there will be 15 days of darkness. Is anything bad going to happen to humanity or the earth as a whole? When will the 72 hours of darkness end on Earth? What is Earth Day 2021? How is the planet Earth doing on Earth Day 2021? Was the moon observed during the day November 10, 2017? What was the cause of the days of darkness on Earth? How long would it take for Earth to recover? Is this world as fake as the day is long? Isn\'t it true that this earth experiences cyclical purging every few thousand or so years? When it happens, is it gradual or does it occur in 4 hours or less? Does this purging bury entire continents? Does total darkness ever occur on Earth? If so, where and how often? What happens if the earth remains dark for months? Related questions Is it true that the earth will experience fifteen days of darkness in November 2017? Is earth really going to be in darkness for 15 days according to NASA? What would happen if the Earth actually experienced 15 days of darkness? What happened to the rumour about the 10 days of darkness to happen to earth? Is it true that the NASA had declared that there will be 15 days of darkness on the earth starting in the mid of November 2015? I heard in november there will be 15 days of darkness. Is anything bad going to happen to humanity or the earth as a whole? 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Photo of the Ebro Delta after the Gloria storm
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Photo of the Ebro Delta after the Gloria storm
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Storm Gloria floods major river delta in eastern Spain 22 January 2020 Share Save Share Save ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"copernicus](\\" ems Before and after: EU satellite photos show the Ebro delta last week (left) and flooded on Tuesday A storm surge on the east coast of Spain has swept 3km (two miles) inland, devastating rice paddies in the Ebro river delta south of Barcelona. Storm Gloria began wreaking havoc on Monday and five people have died. The storm has wrecked beach facilities, blocked roads and caused power cuts. Seawater has caused major damage to beaches around Barcelona, Valencia and on the Balearic Islands. The Ebro, lying between Barcelona and Valencia, is Spain\'s longest river. The mayor of the delta region, Lluís Soler, said \"we\'ve never had anything like this before\". Seawater has flooded about 30sq km (12sq miles) of rice plants. Sea foam floods Spanish streets of Tossa De Mar The beach resorts of Lloret de Mar and Tossa de Mar, just north of Barcelona, are also witnessing extraordinary scenes. A carpet of foam engulfed streets in Tossa de Mar. The Barcelona port authorities say it is too dangerous for boats to venture out to sea. The waves there have reached as high as 7m (23ft), crashing over a dyke protecting boats moored in the Port Olímpic marina. One anchored boat there has sunk. ![\\"AFP](\\" Huge waves are crashing into Barcelona\'s Port Olímpic marina Residents have been told to avoid the beachfront areas in Catalonia. Meanwhile, there has been heavy snow in Ávila, northwest of Madrid, and Alicante, just south of Valencia. The snow forced the closure of Alicante airport on Monday. ![\\"EPA](\\" A flooded beach promenade in Valencia A 63-year-old man in Ávila province was killed by flying roof tiles in the storm. The freezing cold was also blamed for the death of a 54-year-old homeless woman near Valencia. The storm is now moving across the Pyrenees, bringing heavy snow to the mountains. ![\\"Map\\"](\\" ![\\"Presentational](\\" nc.png.webp\\") ## What about France? Storm Gloria has arrived in Pyrénées-Orientales, France\'s southernmost Mediterranean department, which has been placed on high alert. Dozens of extra police and firefighters have been deployed in the region. The A9 motorway on the French side of the border was closed as a precautionary measure. Gloria was the worst storm to have hit the region in the winter period since January 1982, Météo France forecaster Olivier Proust told Franceinfo. Spain and France were also hit by heavy flooding in October last year. Watch Storm Gloria battering the seafront at Javea, Valencia region ## Deadly storm batters Spain, then shifts to France British Broadcasting Corporation * Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live * Audio * Weather * BBC Shop BBC in other languages ## Follow BBC on: * Terms of Use * About the BBC * Privacy Policy * Cookies * Accessibility Help * Contact the BBC * Advertise with us * Do not share or sell my info * Contact technical support Copyright 2024 BBC. All rights reserved. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking.