Monthly Archives: January 2017 Imbolc (Feb 2) was traditionally a time of weather divination, and the old tradition of watching to see if serpents or badgers came from their winter dens may be a forerunner to the North American Groundhog Day. A Scottish Gaelic proverb about the day is: Thig an nathair as an toll Là donn Brìde, Ged robh trì troighean dhen t-sneachd Air leac an làir. “The serpent will come from the hole On the brown Day of Bríde, Though there should be three feet of snow On the flat surface of the ground.” Imbolc was believed to be the day the Cailleach — the hag of Gaelic tradition — gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that if she wishes to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood. Therefore, people would be relieved if Imbolc is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep and winter is almost over and spring is on it’s way. Read more here: Là Fhèill Brìghde. Other weather divinations include: - “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky at morning, sailor take warning”. This weather rhyme is a quick way to remember that dry particles in the air causes the sky to look red. Dry air in the west (the night sky), the weather will be dry. If the sky is red in the east (morning sky), wet weather is headed your way. - “Circle round the moon, rain or snow soon.” A “circle” around the moon indicates moisture in the air, bringing precipitation. - Catch the cat cleaning it’s ear’s on Imbolc? Tradition says that this means a storm is coming. - Check out the pine cones. If they are closed, it means wet weather is on it’s way. Open cones predict dry weather. Crickets have been shown to be very good indicators of air temperature. Count the number of chips a cricket makes for 14 seconds. Add 40 and the sum of the two numbers will equal the temperature to within 1 degree 75% of the time. I didn’t find much about this subject. Most of the links I followed shared the same information from wikipedia as I have shared below. My own thoughts on the subject are as follows: This type of divination truly relies on the individuals abilities and confidence. If you’d like to try it, pay attention to the first words, ideas, thoughts, images and impressions that come to you as you look at the word or words. What do they say about the person, the situation… how does it feel when you think about it. If nothing comes right away, you can ask yourself the following questions: - If the word was an object, and I picked it up, how would it feel? - Is it heavy or light? Bright or dull? Colorful or black and white? - Is there a story associated with it? And if not why not? And if so, what would it be? - If this word was an animal… how would it sound? Which animal would it be? What would it do? Allow yourself to be open to any possibility, no matter how absurd or outrageous. Take notes and write down your impressions. Try to engage all of your senses. Sight, Taste, Smell, Sound, Touch … etc. Literomancy, from the Latin litero, “letter”, mancy, “prophecy”, is a form of fortune-telling based on written words, or, in the case of Chinese, characters. A fortune-teller of this type is known as a literomancer. When practicing literomancy, the client puts up a subject, be it a single character or a name. The literomancer then analyzes the subject, the client’s choice of subject or other information related to the subject, along with other information he sees in the client or that the client supplies to arrive at a divination. Some literomancers can read the curves and lines of a signature as signed by an individual, just as a professional handwriting analyst might, but uses instinct and divination techniques rather than applied analysis skills. Literomancy is practised in Chinese-speaking communities and known as cèzì (traditional Chinese: 測字; simplified Chinese: 测字). The subjects of a literomancy are traditionally single characters and the requestor’s name (Chinese believe that the name can affect one’s destiny). In modern times, elements such as foreign words or even more recently, e-mail addresses and instant message handles have come into use as a subject. Notarikon (Hebrew: נוטריקון Noṭariqōn) is a method of deriving a word, by using each of its initial (Hebrew: ראשי תיבות) or final letters (סופי תיבות) to stand for another, to form a sentence or idea out of the words. Another variation uses the first and last letters, or the two middle letters of a word, in order to form another word. The word “notarikon” is borrowed from the Greek language (νοταρικόν)), and was derived from the Latin word “notarius” meaning “shorthand writer.” Notarikon is one of the three ancient methods used by the Kabbalists (the other two are gematria and temurah) to rearrange words and sentences. These methods were used in order to derive the esoteric substratum and deeper spiritual meaning of the words in the Bible. Notarikon was also used in alchemy. Here is an example: First — write out your goal using as few words as possible; yet, keeping the focus clear. Here are a few examples: - Answers come easily to me = ACETM if just using the first letter of each word. - Psychic ability is my gift = PCAYISMYGT if using the first and last letters in each word. - Wisdom is within me = DOISTHME if using the two middle letters in each word. - I Understand What To Do = IUWTD if just using the first letter of each word - The Path Ahead Becomes Clear = TEPHADBSCR if using the first and last letters in each word. - Clarity Comes Quickly = AROMIC if using the two middle letters in each word. The letters become a sigil of power that you can use in a variety of magickal applications. Only you know what the letters stand for; therefore, no one can destroy your intent with doubt. (Except you, of course.) This type of sigil works well with other images. For example, you may wish to draw a circle around the letters and add pictures, other sigils such as an Ankh (life), a Pentacle (protection), or the Six-Rayed Star (manifestation). You may prefer to use appropriate colors in your design. Remember to write your full name on the reverse side of the talisman. Your next step is to empower your Notarikon, and here are the guidelines (which of course, can be changed depending upon your training and your belief system): - Always include and say aloud divinity during the activation. - Always say aloud precisely what you desire and the power you are calling on. - Always include and say aloud the element or elements pertaining to the request. (Example: By the Power of Great and Mighty Mars, Element of Fire…) If you are a Pisces, or doing this ritual when the Sun or Moon is in Pisces, you can call upon the Spirit of the Universe (you can change this), by the power of Jupiter (which rules Pisces) and the element of Water. (Pisces’ element is water). Alternatively, you could call upon the power of The Invincible Sun and the element of Fire… etc. Think about this, and make it your own. A Basic Ritual: - Cleanse and create sacred space. - Cast a circle if you like. - Create your talisman. - Bless it with a dab of holy water or oil. - Call upon the Spirit of the Universe, by the power of (your choice) to: insert your desire here. - As you do this, rub the talisman in your hands, then begin blowing on it softly, running the energy from the field of potential around you into the talisman. - Rock back and forth if you like. - Let the experience be free flowing. - When you are finished (you’ve lost the thought), draw an equal-armed cross on the talisman to seal it and announce that it is sealed. - Carry the talisman with you, place under a candle for further empowerment, or put in a conjuring bag until you desire has manifested. - If you have called upon the element of water for assistance, when it is time to deactivate the talisman, put it under running water, see the light in your mind that is around the talisman dissipate, and then throw it away. For the element of fire, you might burn the talisman… etc. Onomancy comes from the Greek onoma (name), and manteia (prophecy). Onomancy is an old-fashioned kind of fortune telling based on a person’s name. This form of divination was popular in the Late Middle Ages, usually following practices of Gematria (numerology). Earliest recorded use: 1603. One theory suggests that the analogy between men’s names and their fortunes may have originated with Pythagoreanism. There were two cardinal rules in the science of onomancy. The first concerned the vowels within a man’s name. If there was an even number in the name, then there was something amiss in his left side. If the vowel were uneven, this signified a similar affliction in his right side. The second rule involved the numeral numbering of all the letters within a name. This rule was often used to predetermine the winner of two combatants. The person having the name in which the letters added up to the greater sum was always picked to be the winner. This was how Achilles was chosen to triumph over Hector. The belief in a connection between luck and a person’s name is an old one. During the heyday of onomancy, a fortune teller might ascribe meaning to the number of vowels in your name or the total number of letters. It was also common to give each letter a number value, and to add up the total number of a person’s name. It was also said that if three women with the same name sit at a table, one of them will be married within the year. Some parents name their children after careful consideration of onomancy to ensure the best possible future for them. Some people alter the spelling of their names or adopt a new name in an effort to bring good fortune. Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov wrote a short story, “Spell My Name with an S”, with this theme. The story was inspired by his frustration in having to ask people to spell his name (pronounced AZ-uh-mof) correctly. Here’s a link to a Onomancy word generator – Seimei Handan Generator. This generator is a system that analyzes the number of strokes in each letter of the name. Based on those numbers, it then displays the word that gives oneself the most impact. I found it interesting, and maybe it will give you some ideas of your own. Dictiomancy is a form of divination by using a dictionary.The most common way to use this form of divination is to ask a question, or pose a situation or scenario, and then open the dictionary at random. The word on which one’s finger rests will have special applicability to the question posed. This can also be done in a more definitive way by dividing your situation into three sections: Or alternatively, you can ask questions such as: - How did this happen? - Why did this happen? - What can I do about it? - Where should I look for answers? As with any form of divination, it is important to get centered and focused before asking the question. Be specific. Also, I would recommend writing the question down. This is very helpful, particularly when the answers given require some thought in order to figure them out. If the word you receive makes no sense at all to you, try separating out the letters and making an anagram. Epiphany or Twelfth Night falls on the 12th day of Christmas, Jan 5. Here are some old divinations and predictions for this night. If a Danish girl wishes to see her future husband, she must repeat the following verse before going to bed on the eve of Epiphany: “Ye three holy kings to you I pray, That ye to-night will let me see, Whose cloth I shall spread, Whose bed I shall make, Whose name I shall bear, Whose bride I shall be.” Here are some more: - Whatever is dreamed during the twelfths will come to pass in the twelve months of the year. - Those who wear linen made from yarn spun during the twelfths will be devoured by wolves. - On twelfth-night in Scotland a board is covered with cow’s dung, candles set in it, and sprinkled with ash to make them light easily. They are then lighted, each being named for someone present, and as each dies, so will the life of the owner. - The twelve days after Christmas make the almanac for the year. - Tis thus believed in Trinity Bay, New Bedford, Mass., and Nova Scotia. In Nova Scotia it is said that the first seven days of January foretell the first seven months of the year. Some Albanian tribes celebrate their New Year on the first of September, and everything that happens during the day, presages the happenings of the months of the year, as to whether they will be lucky or not. On New Year’s day dip your thumb seven times in salt and put in your mouth all that rests on the nail. You will dream that your future husband or wife will bring you water. (Persia.) On New Year’s night, it was an old Welsh custom with the wise and courageous old men of the parish to sit up all night in the church porch. On that night, it was said, a voice, emanating from beneath the altar table, pronounced the names of those who should die within the coming year. If a woman dies first in the year, then the greatest mortality during the year will be amongst women; and vice versa if a man dies first. (Gloucestershire, England.) On New Year’s eve, the Gurians in Russia place small pitchers of wine in each of the bed-rooms of the family; if in the morning the wine has increased, the harvest will be abundant; but if the wine is lessened, they will have bad luck that year. During the time that the male Jews are at the synagogue on the night of the tenth of the month Tisri (Yorn Kippur, the day of atonement), the women light the candles and lamps at home, and according as the light burns prognosticate good or evil fortune. If your first caller on New Year’s day is a male, you will have good luck and many friends; if a female, bad luck and few friends. Turn your pillow at midnight of the thirty-first of December, and you will dream of the one you are to marry. If the sun shines on New Year’s day, it is a sign that the flax will be straight. He who steals on New Year’s, can steal safely for a year. Every Chinaman must perform the extraordinary act of taking a bath on New Year’s day. To fail in this would be a bad sign. The Chinese put potatoes in water on New Year’s eve and prognosticate their fortunes by the way they grow. If they are not thrifty they will meet with trouble during the year. At midnight on New Year’s the Japanese build small fires on the floor of their houses and from the manner in which the flames arise, foretell what will be their luck during the coming year. At Liege, Belgium, it is a bad sign if a little girl presents you the first wishes for a happy New Year, but lucky if it is a boy. It is an old Dutch superstition that, if you want to marry the girl you love, your voice must be the first one she hears, and your face the first she sees, on New Year’s morning. Venetians consider it very important to notice whom you meet the first thing on New Year’s day. If it is a man, you will have good luck, if a woman, bad luck; if a priest, you will die within the year; if a policeman, you will have litigation. The first person of the opposite sex you meet on New Year’s day will bear the Christian name of your future partner. If ice melts on the 1st of January, it will freeze the 1st of April. In one part of modern Greece all in the house go out early on New Year’s morning each bearing a branch on which the leaves are well dried. These they cast on the open fire, each wishing at the same time good luck to the family. The greater the fire, the better the augury. On New Year’s eve take your hymn-book to your bedroom, blow out the lamp, open your book and mark a hymn (in the dark), put it under your pillow, and sleep on it. Next morning read the hymn, and its text will indicate the events of the year. Your conduct on New Year’s day is a forerunner of your conduct all the year. It is said that whatever the experience of a person is on New Year’s day, so it will be all the year, either tears or smiles. In Scotland, the first person who comes to the house on New Year’s day will govern the luck of the house for the year, and in this belief, the “first foot,” is carefully watched. In Transylvania on New Year’s eve the young men of the family bind together as many wreathes as there are persons in the house and throw them over the roof. Those that fall indicate the ones who will die that year. Lay a green ivy leaf in a dish on New Year’s night, cover it with water and set it in a safe place until the fifth day of the year. If the leaf is then still green and fair, you will be safe from any sickness all the year; but if you find black spots on it, you may expect sickness. In Pomerania and also in this country, young ladies believe that if they rapped at a poultry-house door at midnight on New Year’s eve, and the cock cackled first, they would surely be married that year; but if the hen cackled first, they would remain maids. “On New-Year’s Day Take out and then take in, Bad luck will begin: Take in, then take out, Good luck will come about.” On New Year’s eve, if a person wishes to know his fate during the coming year, he must go into the open air with a psalm book in one hand, and a piece of silver in his mouth. He must allow the book to fall open, and if it opens at the death psalm he will die; if it opens at a bridal psalm, he will marry; and whatever else it opens to, will indicate his fate. (Sweden.) A “plane-soled” or “flat-footed” person is considered in Scotland a sanctimonious person and unlucky to meet on New Year’s day; while a hearty, merry fellow is good luck. It is necessary for all to drink every drop in the glass presented, and eat all of the bread given on that day, for good fortune. If anything unusual takes place on that day, it is noted and talked of all the year, so important to the village fortunes are the events of New Year’s Day. In Turkey, if a stranger visits you on New Year’s day he must go to the hen-house and place an egg under a hen. If she does her duty and sits upon it the stranger is auspicious and is feted. It is called “the lucky foot.” “If New Year’s-eve night wind blow south. It betokened warmth and growth, If west much milk and fish in the sea, If north much cold and storms there’d be, If east the trees will bear much fruit If north east Bee it, man and brute.” On New Year’s eve the Italian maiden places in one corner of her bed room a thimble, in another water, in a third ashes, and in the fourth a ring. Upon waking in the morning if she sees the ring first, she will be married that year; if she sees the water first, the year will be unlucky; if the thimble, fortune will smile on her; if the ashes, she will die. On New Year’s morning take the Bible, lay it upon the table, open it and place your finger on the page at random. The verse upon which your finger touches will give some idea as to your future for the coming year. The first baking after New Year’s day, make as many little cakes as there are people in the house, give each a name, and pick a hole in it with your finger; if any one’s hole gets baked up, he or she will die. “With business is the year auspiciously begun: But every artist, soon as he has tried. Works but a bit, then lays his work aside.” As a weather guide the first day of the year is much regarded. East wind on New Year’s day forecasts a year of cattle plague. West, the death of kings. S. W. epidemics, North, fertility. From Moon Magick - Throwing The Bones In bone divination, bones of various sorts are ritually tosse... - Shagai – Throwing The Bones Shagai refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or go... - Ask The Fortune Teller Welcome to my Ask The Fortune Teller page. She is open for bus... - Methods of Divination There are so many methods of divination, that I think it can ... - The Zulu Bone Casting Tradition I found the following post while browsing the Magic Cafe Forums... - Onomancy Onomancy comes from the Greek onoma (name), and manteia (prop... - Taromancy – What is it? Taromancy is the art of divination through the use of Tarot c... - Russian Bath House Oracle This Russian New Year's Eve women's divination ritual foretel... - Nephomancy – What is it? Nephomancy or Nephelomancy is divination by studying clouds... - Notarikon Notarikon (Hebrew: נוטריקון Noṭariqōn) is a method of derivi...
{ "date": "2018-07-16T00:45:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589029.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716002413-20180716022358-00038.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9412806630134583, "token_count": 5142, "url": "https://shirleytwofeathers.com/The_Blog/divination/2017/01/" }
Oki you get the drift. So some of you may already know me others not, but my name is Nicola and I am a 25 year old female living on the outskirts of London. A lover of most things guys like along with a few girly bits. I started a blog a good 3 years ago and just lost my passion and all pazaz for it, then my laptop went up to that great electrical heaven in the sky so I never carried on, until now, I have my nice new precious with me :) which is red, like my favorite football team. So that there, is me, little old me, brown hair and eyes that change colour. Over here you will see a mixture of posts, some fashion, some beauty, music and most defiantly films and TV. See you Soon.
{ "date": "2018-07-18T00:27:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589980.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20180718002426-20180718022426-00069.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9633788466453552, "token_count": 168, "url": "http://arebrightstarsreal.blogspot.com/2013/03/and-so-youre-back.html" }
Recently, I’ve read some posts from my fellow bloggers concerning The Lord of the Rings, in particular The Fellowship of the Ring, which provoked some thoughts I absolutely need to put down in writing just for the sake of my peace of mind. Firstly, I feel old. I mean, I managed to read the books before the film trilogy came out. It is quite a shock for me to realise that some people first heard of LOTR in its film version and only later read the book. It is also interesting because they see LOTR from a different perspective. This is the closest to how I imagine Bag End to look like. I first read the book, then saw the films and am totally in favour of the book. Nevertheless, there are a lot of good things about the films, one of them the great way of bringing orcs to life. You can read more about that here. Next, as many other people I find the Old Forest – Bombadil – Barrow Wights a bit slow because of all the sleeping and resting. But, these parts are a perfect demonstration of Tolkien’s ability to create atmosphere, his language itself creates the suffocating and sleepy mood of the Old Forest, the peacefulness of Bombadil’s house, and gloomy and fearful air of the Barrow-downs. Someone said the Bombadil and Barrow-downs chapters are pointless. They may seem such, I admit, especially on the first reading. However, Bombadil is a very important person of great strength behind his foolish and careless appearance. In addition, if the hobbits never passed the Barrow-downs, where would Marry get his sword, “a work of Westernesse”, the only blade which could deal “that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will” (The Return of the King, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields)? In addition, there are many allusions not understandable to a first-time reader, which can be as several people pointed out nonetheless enjoyable. Such allusions are clarified if a reader makes the effort through the Appendices at the end of LOTR and / or reads The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. Now when I got these reflections down in black and white I can spend the rest of the day peacefully. Please, don’t blame me for trying to be smart about the theme, but I just couldn’t resist sharing my thoughts.
{ "date": "2018-07-23T04:00:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594886.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723032237-20180723052237-00109.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9661065936088562, "token_count": 520, "url": "https://beyondstrangenewwords.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-thoughts-on-fellowship-of-ring.html" }
It doesn't happen to often. They come into the shop every day but I hardly give it a second thought. I mean I see them, of course but rarely indulge...for myself that is. But every once and a while one happens by and I just can't help but think on how it would be? You know, guilty pleasure. Perhaps he's meant for someone else, but you just can't deny yourself.. Such was today! And I feel so sinfully elated! I know I should just pass him up, let someone else have him... but it's been soooooo long! And he's so big! And Black!! And the graphics on the frame remind me of an old pool cue I used to own. Yea, a bike. What did you think I was talking about? anyway. This was the bike donated to us by a wonderful gentleman the other day. An old Austrian 3-speed, imported for Sears. Haven't dated it but probably late 60's to early 70's. Was real ruff when he came in, but had LOT's of potential. I gave it a FULL re-build and re-paint. Same color scheme, Gloss black, but when I was done took him for a test drive and MAN! Like butter! Usually my test drives are once around the parking lot, once through the gears. but I must have just tooled around for like a half hour! So in the end, I have decided to add another to my collection. Haven't done that in well over two years. I guess I'm due. Would like to thank all the cool folks for coming in to visit today! Saw many new faces and some old favorites. Finally found a gentleman's diminutive wife a great bike in the form of the Cignal 24" MTB! She seems quite thrilled, and it's the third one they've picked up. Also like to thank Phillip for the trade of the 20" MTB on the Trek 24.0 for his son. And also, again VERY sorry you had the problem with it. Seems the rear derailleur cog was bad and we missed it! ARRGH! Hate it when we miss something. But no worries! He brought it back and we'll have it up and running with a new derailleur tomorrow! Again, VERY sorry! Also like to thank Logan and his folks for "Moving on up" to the Diamondback 26" MTB! And a special thanks for the cool bit of horse trading! I love the barter system! They had 3 pairs of cool shoes (sketchers and Vans perfect for OUR kids, plus a big 'ol stack of Comic Books for Dad!! Heh, heh! I love it when our customers know us, and we know them! Can't wait to spoil myself with some quite reading time! Justin's been working hard on his first scratch build. Let's call it a "RE-Cycle learning experience" that every new mechanic has to endure himself. Somewhat a "rite of passage" thing. He started with an older Redline BMX frame, and has diligently been digging around for all the right parts. MOST of the stuff around here is organized, but we do have one rather intimidating cart of "what-not" parts that he has to dig through> I try very hard not to chuckle when he can hear me. Oh, I'm a bad man. Anyway! Have to be off as it is MOVIE NIGHT! So ya'll have a great night! And check out my new ride!
{ "date": "2018-07-19T06:12:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590559.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719051224-20180719071224-00469.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9817606806755066, "token_count": 739, "url": "http://re-cyclebicycles.blogspot.com/2011/10/oh-you-pretty-pretty-boy.html" }
So last week, we made it through the first 3 verses of Romans 13. I know – 55 minutes on 3 verses – that is some kind of record for me. But, it will be necessary for those of you who missed last week (and you know who you are) – to go back and listen online because this is one of the most important sections of Scripture for addressing some of the issues we are addressing today in our culture. You can also read the sermon notes online as well. Let’s re-read the first 3 verses once again and then get right into this - (Read Romans 13:1-3) Colossians 1:16 “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” Christianity was not well embraced in Rome at the time of Paul’s letter to the Romans. So, the irony is that Paul is teaching the Roman Church to submit to authority while encouraging them in their civil disobedience. For centuries, Rome was a republic, with proud citizens and limits on the power of any individual. Then came Julius Caesar, across the Rubicon, civil war, and the age of the emperor. A dynasty. Five dictators in the House of Caesar: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero. Their names still bespeak power and excess. They came with the language of the Republic, but the reality of dictatorship. - Augustus – ruled from 27 BC – 14 AD – poisoned by wife, Livia - Tiberius – ruled from 14 AD – 37 AD – assassinated by Caligula (ruled during ministry of Christ) - Caligula – ruled from 37 AD – 41 AD – assassinated in conspiracy by the senators - Claudius – ruled from 41 AD – 54 AD – poisoned by wife Agrippina the Younger - Nero – ruled from 54 AD – 68 AD – committed suicide Like Pastor Saeed Abedini who went back to Iran to teach the gospel, he was violating the law of the Iranian government that said to not spread Christianity. It is strictly forbidden. But in this case, the words of Christ to go into all the world and preach the gospel supersede those of the government of men. Pastor Saeed didn’t go back to lead a revolt – rather he went back to spread the truth of Jesus. So, as dual citizens, we are instructed to follow the government authorities but we must also hold it to the filter of God’s law. For example, we must not bow down before idols. You will see that in Revelation 13-14 – there will be a government that tells the people to build a giant statue and then to worship it and to receive a mark on their foreheads and hands. Revelation 14 then says, anyone who does this will not receive eternal life and will be thrown into the lake of fire. So, what is that saying? Commit Civil Disobedience – do not obey when instructed to specifically defy the laws of God. However, it doesn’t say to revolt. Rather we refuse to subject our minds or bodies to directives of evil. When the Sanhedrin commanded Peter and John to stop speaking in the name of Jesus, they replied: (Acts 4:19-20), “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Later, when the command was repeated, Peter answered (Acts 5:29), “We must obey God rather than men.” Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refused to bow before Nebuchadnezzar’s idol (Dan. 3). Of course, there are at least three areas in which a Christian should resist authority: (1) If he or she is asked to violate a command of God. (2) If he or she is asked to commit an immoral or unethical act. (3) If he or she is asked to go against his/her biblically-guided conscience. But when a believer resists authority he/she must be willing to accept the consequences (see 13:2). Submission is never easy and frequently there are serious ethical dilemmas. This doesn’t mean that we just sit on our hands until the enemies of God come knocking on our doors. We must be determined to pray without ceasing for our authorities: 1 Timothy 2:1-3: “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” Then we must seek God for the discernment to impact the minds of the governing authorities and how to honor Him in our unwavering boldness to stand before men with truth in our lips – even if it costs us our life. Matthew 10:32-33: "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” Ezekiel 3:18 tells us that we are responsible to tell the truth of God to dissuade them from their evil ways and if we don’t he will hold us accountable for the their blood. That means sitting back in fear with a don’t rock the boat mentality is not satisfactory to God. People are dying out there. You have a life preserver and you are sitting on it if you don’t share the truth of Jesus Christ. God won’t turn a blind eye to that. So yes – we could lose our lives and feel like nothing was accomplished if we stand up to corrupt governments with no rifle in hand. I will tell you though that Ephesians 6 puts the sword of the spirit in your hand which is far more effective than any rifle. How many martyrs have lost their lives in vein? None to my knowledge. Their message is even more powerful. Obi Wan Kenobi told Darth Vader that if he strikes him down, he will be even more powerful than he could imagine. This is truth derived from the Scriptures. But, we have to be bold and courageous, willing to lay down our lives for the cause of Christ. Matthew 16:24-25: “Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” The armies of God are armed with the weapons for spiritual warfare – not weapons formed of this earth: 2 Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” In 13:4 Paul also alludes to “the sword” that government bears. Notice he doesn’t refer to “the whip” or “the jail sentence”—he says “the sword.” In New Testament times the sword was an instrument of capital punishment to behead criminals. Roman officials had sabers carried in front of them as a constant reminder that they held the power of life and death. Now, it may be true that Paul’s words carry a much broader meaning, but it’s also true that capital punishment is certainly included in this concept. He seems to be saying that the state or the government, not the individual, has the authority to take another person’s life. Hence, there is no conflict here between Paul’s words in 12:19-20 about not taking vengeance, and his use of the sword to restrain evil. Rom 12 is personal; Rom 13 is constitutional. In Rom 12 vengeance is at work; in Rom 13 justice is at work. Thus, I understand 13:4 to teach that government has the right to execute capital punishment. God established the death penalty before the Law back in Gen 9:6: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.” It has nothing to do with our opinions about it—whether we find it distasteful or arrogant to assume that society has the right to take a person’s life. All of that is an irrelevant discussion. God has addressed the matter. The Bible says that anyone who deliberately and premeditatively takes a life, his or her life shall be taken. In fact, not only is capital punishment biblical, but public capital punishment is biblical so that those watching will say, “I don’t want that to happen to me” (Num 16:30-34; Josh 7:24-26). The principle here is: God highly values human life. Murder is a unique crime, a crime against the “image of God” in man. The natural deterrent to upholding this intrinsic value is to practice the death penalty. It is a necessary function of society to harness the evil of people. Ecclesiastes 8:11 states, “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil.” Admittedly, capital punishment isn’t always administered justly and we must fight to correct the injustices. But the institute of capital punishment is necessary to punish evil and help instill fear of authority. This truth is further confirmed in Rom 13:4, when Paul calls governing authorities “an avenger” (ekdikos). If a person killed another person, in the Old Testament, even accidently, that person’s family had the right to exercise the “eye-for-an-eye” vengeance (the blood avenger). Paul seems to be relating the Old Testament custom to the authority of civil government. In case you are confused, Paul summarizes his command (13:1a) and his reasons to submit to government (13:1b, 3). In 13:5 he writes, “Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience sake.” In light of all that Paul has said (13:1-4) he hopes that you will be “in subjection.” Paul repeats the two reasons to submit to government in reverse order. The external motivation that promotes submission is the fear of punishment. The internal motivation that promotes submission is a desire to maintain a pure and undefiled conscience. You have dual citizenship. Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority… ~ 1 Peter 2:13 Paul closes this section in 13:6-7 with specific applications: “For because of this [God’s ordaining of governing authorities] you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing” (13:6). How can you demonstrate your submission to the government? By paying taxes! One reason for paying taxes is that rulers are “servants of God.” God always seems to test our faith through money – tithing, taxes, spending, saving – money is a great barometer of depth and maturity in faith. How Big is Our God? This is the third time that governing rulers are referred to as God’s “servants” or “ministers” (cf. 13:4). Yet, here Paul uses a different word for “servant” (leitourgos). This term is used for temple servants in the Old Testament. Paul also uses this word of himself a “minister [leitourgos] of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles” (15:16). Many governing officials may not realize it, but God has put them where they are to serve Him. Civil servants, then, are performing God-ordained functions full-time, and you should pay your taxes to support their ministry. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take deductions or pay more than needed, but it does mean that you should pay your share willingly. How honest are you in paying your taxes? Did you report sales tax on items you bought out-of-state (e.g., Internet site purchases)? Did you report all the tips you made? If you are willing to pay your taxes, it is likely that you will be submissive in other areas as well. This is a test of honesty – a test of the heart. Will God be honored by what is unseen to men? But what about when my taxes are being used for things I disagree with? What if I don’t believe in spending money on foreign aid? What if I feel it is wrong to support the military. What if I believe it is criminal that state or federal funds are used to pay for abortions? Stop and ask yourself what Roman taxes were going toward in Paul’s day? The answer is the luxurious lifestyle of the Caesars, abortion, and the construction and maintenance of temples devoted to the worship of the Roman Emperor. You may not like the taxes you are asked to pay, you may not deem them fair, you might not agree with every way that our tax dollars are being spent, but you have no right to decide which taxes you want to pay and which ones not to pay. God has not given you the authority to make that decision. HERE ARE CHRIST’S WORDS ON THE SUBJECT: Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial taxa to Caesar or not?” But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away. We must work to influence the government and the people voting, but we must work, intentionally within the structure God has established. Remember – it is from Exodus and Deuteronomy (Exod 18:21; Deut 17:14–20) where we see the first Republic being established under a Theocracy. If we don’t like the taxes that we pay, then we must work within the system to change it – to pray as we have never prayed before and to start doing what God told us to do in the first place. Going back to last week for a moment: A corrupt government is the fault of a corrupt people. It is often a by-product of disobedience. Therefore, we must examine ourselves as a nation. The problem isn’t as much the politicians in Washington D.C. as we would like to believe. The problem is in our homes, our communities, and even our churches. Indeed, the heart of the American people has changed. According to recent surveys, including one from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, the fastest growing “religious” group in America is made up of people with no religion at all. This group has grown by 25 percent in the past five years, and for the first time evangelicals and Protestants now make up only 48 percent of the population. There was a significant decline in the group who identified themselves as Christian—by as much as 14 percent since 2005. This alarming trend provides a pathway to power for individuals whose perspectives do not align with those of our Founding Fathers or the general precepts of morality we have strived to preserve for 396 years (since the Mayflower Compact). Proverbs 29:2 reminds us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan” (nrsv). Noah Webster, a Founding Father and educator, offered a similar warning: Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God (Exod 18:21). … If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will so be corrupted … If government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We have failed to pass a legacy of faith to the next generation as God Himself directed us to do (Deut 6:1–9; Psa 78). In four generations, we have lost a firm foundation on moral truth. Now the heart of our nation is divided, and we must be reminded of what the prophets spoke to the people of Israel—a reminder that is still relevant to us today: If we repent and return to God, He will hear, forgive, and restore our land (2 Chr 7:14). It was the Lord who said to Isaiah, “their hearts are far from me” (Isa 29:13). Again He spoke to Jeremiah and said that if His wayward people would return to Him with all their hearts, then He would give them leaders who honor Him—“shepherds after [His] own heart” (Jer 3:6–18). You see, it begins with us assuming a humble, contrite spirit before our Almighty God, expecting nothing in return. In 13:7 Paul writes, “Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” Paul states that you are to pay direct taxes and indirect taxes (customs). But he also says that you are to fear and honor your governing authorities. “Respect” (lit. “fear”) refers to your awareness that they have God’s authority to punish the evil-doer (13:4). “Honor” refers to your realization that God places value and significance upon such people. Notice, Paul does not qualify the word “all” (pas). This means all civil servants, at every level, are to receive honor and respect. This respect is not just for the office but to the person as well. This respect is “due them,” regardless of their party affiliation, regardless of how they live their private life, and regardless of the sly way they catch you speeding. Perhaps you’re thinking you can’t honor your president or governor. Can you pray for this person? As you pray for this person, you’ll find it easier to honor the governing authority. Remember, you have dual citizenship. This takes me back to 1 Corinthians 8 – which Paul Seidl had some great comments about online for the Seminary class we offer here. Let’s read it. 1Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. 2Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. 3But whoever loves God is known by God.a 4So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 5For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. 7But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. 8But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. 9Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge, eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to idols? 11So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall. Now you may be saying – what does that have to do with Government and to that I say “everything”. This passage is yet another example of God’s expectation that we are always in the mindset of being an Ambassador for the Lord Jesus. Which means we are constantly aware of what we say and do because there are always people looking and there are always demons looking. They will either try to catch you in an act of disobedience to try and break your testimony or you can abuse your freedom and actually cause others to fall before they ever learn to stand. A mature believer is able to understand that food sacrificed to a non-existing god is just food that was never used properly, but if someone doesn’t respect the customs of the region – you can cause a stumbling block. Have you ever notice that God removed the food restrictions before Peter just as they were taking the truth into the Gentile world? The reason is clear. God intended them to go as ambassadors into foreign lands which means they would have to respect the customs in order to influence their lives – meaning they would have someone present food before them they never would have eaten before. But can you imagine? You are trying to influence – not insult so you can’t insult someone into a relationship with Jesus. You can come across as a disobedient, disrespectful rebel to both culture and community by using our freedoms in Christ without discernment due to a failed focus on the objectives. This is why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:21-23 “To those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it.” This means that we pay our taxes and serve under the current government because our mission is to win people to Jesus – period. If you are mission minded, your life will become mission-centric and thus you will always be looking for ways to influence and impact the culture, not overthrowing or insulting it. They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. There are many other relevant applications in this section: (1) Don’t ignore your responsibility to vote. We whine and fret over the direction of our country, but we refuse to vote. What insanity! Christians who don’t vote are abdicating their responsibility and must answer to God. The Bible says that Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, was honored “because he sought the good of his people” (Esther 10:3). Shouldn’t we also work for the good of our nation? Don’t look at voting only as a responsibility; however, look at it as an opportunity—an opportunity hundreds of millions of people in our world wish they had. On November 8, 2016, millions will cast their vote, selecting from an array of candidates - potential leaders who will impact the direction of the United States of America. This is a freedom that has come at a high cost for many over the 240 years since declaring independence from England in 1776. Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States said, “If the people fail to vote, a government will be developed which is not their government… The whole system of American Government rests on the ballot box. Unless citizens perform their duties there, such a system of government is doomed to failure.” Of the 52 million voter-eligible Christians in America, 10 million are not registered to vote for the elections, and over 20 million who were registered, did not vote in the previous election cycle. Quite simply, less than 40 percent of all eligible to vote Christians in America…voted. Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States said, “The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.” (2) Encourage your governing authorities. Instead of being critical every time they do something you don’t like, contact various civil servants and let them know that you are praying for them (1 Tim 2:1-2). When they do something right, drop them an e-mail, a handwritten note, or even pick up the phone and call directly. Let them know how pleased you are and that you are grateful for them. (3) Consider public service if you have been given abilities appropriate to the task. If you are a young person, God may want to use you as a “minister” on His full-time staff. If your child or grandchild expresses an interest in politics, don't discourage him or her. Rather, challenge such a one to serve the Lord on the frontlines. How wonderful it would be if one of your children was instrumental in helping to turn around our country! [Not only are you to “submit” to your governing authorities, you must also . . .] 2. Live To Love (13:8-10) Remember Matthew 22:37-39 where Jesus tells us to love God and our Neighbor, well, Paul addresses that here again. It is in interesting that after talking about honoring our government and paying taxes, Paul ends with the focus of “the why” – that we are putting our eyes on our role of service to honor those who persecute us – because true love is selfless. You can’t be a good spouse if you don’t understand selfless living. You can’t be a good employee until you can be a selfless person. You can’t be a good leader until you become a selfless servant of God. To married people: We complain about our spouse when God says – they are accountable to me. You do your job, which is to serve and love expecting nothing back in return and leave the rest to Me. To employees – work for Me – not for your boss and leave the rest to Me (Colossians 3:23). To slaves, work for your masters and honor them and leave them to Me (Eph. 6:5-9; Col 3:22; 1 Peter 2:18). To all under governing authorities – respect the system, pay your taxes and leave the rest to Me. Don’t create a stumbling block by getting in the way of God’s work and trying to help God out. Therefore, endure hardship as a faithful soldier (2 Timothy 2:3-5). Do your part and God will do His. Is God in America but not in North Korea? Is God in Iran? Of course and He is and working out a greater purpose even through their persecution. Paul calls you to live out a lifestyle of love with everyone God brings you in contact with. In 13:8-10 he writes: “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another, for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For this, ‘YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, YOU SHALL NOT MURDER, YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, YOU SHALL NOT COVET,’ and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” There are several observations worth noting in these three verses. First, the NASB’s translation “owe nothing to anyone” can be misleading because it seems to prohibit any form of debt or borrowing. However, this verse does not mean that you may never incur financial obligations or that you may not borrow from others in case of need. The Bible does not forbid lending or borrowing (Matthew 5:42), only the practice of charging inflated interest on loans and failing to pay debts (Deut. 23:19, Psalm 37:21). The words of Solomon still ring true today though: “Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7. This is not a command against debt but a realization of your position while in it. A strong argument can be made for the view that one is not really in debt unless his liabilities exceed his assets, unless he has borrowed beyond the means to repay, or unless he has fallen behind on payments. The NIV’s translation, “Let no debt remain outstanding” avoids the literal interpretation but gives the correct interpretation of Paul’s thoughts. Second, you should strive to love, but you should never consider the debt “paid in full.” Unlike house payments, car payments, credit card debt, and even college debt, love is a debt that continues forever. Therefore, when faced with a difficult situation, you can never say, “I’ve loved that person enough. I’m going to stop now. I have nothing else to give.” You must always remember Rom 5:8: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” God’s love for you has been, and always will be, absolutely unconditional. Regardless of how you treat God, He showers you with mercy, grace, compassion, and patience. He lavishes love upon you. How can you not love your fellow believers? But you may say, “You don’t know my wife. She disrespects me in front of the kids. She deprives me sexually. She doesn’t keep the house clean. She has let herself go physically.” I hurt for you . . . I really do. However, you have a debt of love to your wife that will never be paid. Perhaps your children are rebellious and they have caused you nothing but grief. They have publicly humiliated you. Every day of your life is an all-out war. You feel like you are losing your mind. My heart truly grieves for you. Nonetheless, you owe your children a debt of love. This clarion call to love applies to an unruly boss, a cantankerous coworker, an annoying neighbor, and a gossiping church member. Despite how you are treated, God is calling you to a supernatural love for others. Third, love fulfills the law. When you love your neighbor as yourself, the purpose of the law is brought to completion. However, Paul doesn’t want you to focus on the law; he wants you to focus on love since love should be the mark that distinguishes you as a Christian (John 13:34-35). Since the world believes Christianity is responsible for racism, sexism, homophobia, the Crusades, and religious wars, we must break the stereotype of intolerance and narrow hate that seems to mark us. We often are afraid that loving people no matter what is an endorsement of their lifestyle. You can stand for truth without comprising your mission through love. After all, Christ never created a litmus test for our neighbors. He said it is the second greatest commandment – to love them. Naturally, we can only accomplish this as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. He is the one who works in and through us and grants supernatural love. Today, don’t think vaguely about loving everybody; think about loving one or two particular people, the difficult ones whom God has set before you. As you do so, you will fulfill the law and demonstrate your dual citizenship. It is easy to get hardened toward the world when you are afraid of being tainted by it. We must be in the world, but not of it, to influence it (John 17:16). [You are obligated to submit to government and to live to love. Your third and final obligation is to . . .] 3. Refuse To Sin (13:11-14) Paul uses the issue of the urgency of Christ’s return as a chief motivation to live the Christian life. In 13:11 he writes, “Do this, knowing the time, it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.” The word “Do” is not part of the original text. The first phrase in 13:11 literally reads, WHAT TIME IS IT? “And this knowing the time.” “This” (touto) refers to the duties prescribed in 12:1-13:10. These duties can be categorized under two headings—love and service. We are to love and serve knowing our time is short. Have you ever noticed that we are obsessed with time! The first cognitive thought in our mind every morning is, “What time is it?” Have you ever counted the number of clocks you have in your house? (I counted over thirty last night in mine.) Think of your kitchen: coffee makers, oven, and microwave. What about your cell phones, laptops, DVD players, watches, and alarm clocks. We are fixated with time. But, are we measuring time correctly? We seem to be most concerned with what time it is now. God seems to be more concerned with what time is drawing near! Paul often uses the word “sleep” (egeiro) as a picture of believers who have been lulled into worldliness. He sounds a spiritual alarm because many of us are asleep. We might say many believers are “sleep-walking.” They are alive, but they are caught up in the ways of the world. Paul says, “Wake up, Christian!” The term “salvation” (soteria) refers to Jesus’ coming and our glorification and reward. Paul wants you to live with your eyes set on the prize because Christ’s return could come at any moment. We need to be ready all the time because at any time Jesus may return. In light of the urgency of Christ’s return, Paul writes in 13:12, “The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” “The night” refers to the time of Jesus’ absence; “the day” refers to His return. Again, Paul’s point is that Jesus’ return is imminent (i.e., it could happen at any time). Therefore, Paul commands us to “lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” In other words, we are to take off our soiled clothes and put on spiritual armor. This life should be viewed in light of the next. GIT RID OF THE OLD PAJAMAS I’ve always had what I call my daily “uniform.” My uniform is what I like to wear in the privacy of my own home. It’s what I immediately slip into when I come home. Usually, my uniform consists of clothes that I would NEVER wear in public. For years my uniform consisted of a pair of sweats and my favorite shirt. My favorite pajama bottoms were pretty worn and filled with holes, to where I would trip over the dangling strands hanging off the back of the fold. I loved those pajama pants because they were so comfortable. However, they were really starting to fall apart and that is when my wife gentle gave me a subtle hint by giving me new pajama pants for Christmas. But guess what – those new pants went under my pillow and my old ones were still my comfortable, easy solution. I didn’t want to change. Then Brandi took it to the next level to which she exclaimed, “Either you lose that pants or I will!” So, fortunately, for the sake of our marriage, I finally tossed my poor pajamas. Do you have a “uniform” that is unsuitable for the light of day? Sadly, you may be married to Christ, but still committing “deeds of darkness” that need to be done away with. Paul says, “Get rid of your old pajamas and put on the armor of light.” You’re in a war! That’s why you need armor. Putting on this armor will permit you to plan as if Christ’s return is years away, but live as if He’s coming today. In 13:13 Paul warns about the deeds of darkness: “Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy.” Paul lists three couplets of the old uniform: (1) Party sins (“carousing and drunkenness”). Drinking to excess has become rather popular among believers today. My question is: If you knew that Jesus Christ was going to return today would you abuse alcohol? Would you allow yourself to become intoxicated to the point that you may unintentionally do something foolish? (2) Bedroom sins (“sexual promiscuity and sensuality”). If you knew that Jesus Christ was going to return today would you be sexually immoral by sleeping with your boyfriend or girlfriend or someone who is not your spouse? Would you look at porn or call a 900 number? Would you carry on an emotional affair or flirt with someone of the opposite sex? Perhaps you’re saying to yourself, “I’m not a party animal, nor am I sexually immoral. I can check both of those sins off. I’m not guilty.” However, Paul is not done. (3) Social sins (“strife and jealousy”). There are many who would be shocked at the thought of drunkenness, immorality or sexual looseness, but seem not to be shocked at all by strife and jealousy. We can certainly add envy to that list as well. It seems to be what drives most Americans through our pride. Paul probably adds these sins to humble us all and prepare us for Christ’s return by living a life that is above reproach. Paul cannot end on a negative note. So he concludes in 13:14 by saying: “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.” The righteous life is putting on Jesus like a suit of clothes. It is abiding in Him and living out His life. Paul instructs us to “make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.” The term that is rendered “provision” (pronoia) implies forethought, planning, and activity. In Greek literature outside the New Testament, the term is used of a premeditated crime. Sin seldom just happens; most of the time it is premeditated. Sin is a link in a chain of events. When we surrender to the lusts of our flesh, it is often not a sudden collapse, but rather the culmination of a process. The sins of our flesh are those sins about which we have given much thought and for which we have made provision. If we are to be victorious over sin and the flesh, we must cease to make provision for it. If you are a student of church history, you will not want to forget Rom 13:14. This verse led to the conversion of Augustine. Discouraged by his inability to overcome sexual sin (cf. 13:13), he one day heard a child at play call out, “Take up and read.” Picking up a copy of Romans, his eye fell on this verse. God convicted him of the reality both of his sin and of salvation, and he was converted. If you are a student of Scripture and want to make your mark on history, you will not want to forget this verse. Rom 13:14 has the power to set you free from a life of sin. Today, put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask Him to help you overcome your sin. Make no provision for whatever sin is plaguing your flesh. Stop gratifying your flesh; instead, gratify your inner man with Jesus. You have dual citizenship. You are a citizen of earth, but you are a pilgrim, a sojourner who is just traveling through. “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20 You are on your way to your heavenly home because you are first and foremost a citizen of heaven. So act like it! Jesus has given you all the power you need. Daniel 2:21; 4:17 1 Peter 2:13-17 Acts 4:1-22; 5:17-42 Acts 16:16-40; 18:12-18; 21:27-26:32; 28:17-31 1 Timothy 2:1-2 1. Do I treat my governing authorities with the same respect I treat God, who appointed them (Rom 13:1-7)? Do I see governing authorities as God’s “ministers” (13:3, 4, 6)? When was the last time I thanked God for the safety I enjoy daily or thanked those authorities who provide it for me at the risk of their own lives? How well do I apply 1 Tim 2:1-2? 2. Is there any area of civil life in which I have exercised a cavalier or disobedient spirit (Rom 13:2, 4, 6)? Have I experienced any consequences for my actions? What one area of deliberate sin/rebellion is God convicting me of in relationship to the Laws of my land? Am I willing to obey God in this area? 3. Do I sense a debt to love my fellow believers (Rom 13:8-10)? Why or why not? Why is it difficult to love other believers? What relationship is there between love and evangelism (see John 13:35)? Do I try to rationalize my failure to love on the basis of “technicalities” instead of simply obeying the law of love? 4. How often do I think about the return of Christ (Rom 13:11-12)? Have I made any plans for the future that are more important to me than Christ’s return? Have I been thinking that the Lord Jesus may not return soon? Read Matthew 24:48. If Christians invested less in this world and more in “the next,” what impact would that have on fulfilling the Great Commission? 5. If Christ appeared today is there any lifestyle, thought, or activity that I would be ashamed to have brought into His light (Rom 13:13-14)? How can I practically “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (13:14)? What safeguards do I need to put in place in order to not fulfill my fleshly desires? Noah Webster, Noah Webster’s Advice to the Young and Moral Catechism (Aledo, TX: WallBuilders, 1993), 36.
{ "date": "2018-07-21T05:58:16Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592387.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20180721051500-20180721071500-00469.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9633890390396118, "token_count": 9455, "url": "https://www.calvaryfountain.com/dual_citizenship_part_2" }
Multi-level marketing is decades old, and BurnLounge was one of the first companies to bring it into the Internet age. From 2005 to 2007, BurnLounge executives and speakers told anyone who would listen that opening a digital music store, effectively a franchise of BurnLounge, could be the path to riches. The BurnLounge music store did produce great wealth—for its founders, who were the top of an illegal pyramid scheme. The money didn't come from music sales, but from tens of thousands of wannabe digital entrepreneurs who bought into the plan. Of those recruited, 93.84 percent didn't even recover their initial investment, much less gain the six-figure incomes that BurnLounge execs promised were within easy reach. The company was mostly shut down shortly after the FTC filed suit in 2007, when BurnLounge was slapped with a court injunction. But it kept fighting in court, losing after an eight-day bench trial was held in 2008. It wasn't until 2011 that US District Judge George Wu issued his judgment (PDF) that BurnLounge and its officers—Juan Alexander Arnold, John Taylor, Rob DeBoer, and Scott Elliot—had operated a pyramid scheme and deceived consumers. BurnLounge appealed and lost again. Earlier this month, the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit sided with the FTC. Yesterday, the FTC announced it's mailing 52,099 checks totaling nearly $1.9 million (~£1.2 million) to consumers who paid to become BurnLounge "moguls." BurnLounge's website, meanwhile, has been frozen in time for eight years, still suggesting we should all "Get Ready" for BurnLounge 3.0. “Some of you in this room are worth millions” Customers of BurnLounge were given their own online store on a pre-made webpage, which the court called BurnPages. They paid for one of three packages: the Basic ($29.95 per year), Exclusive ($129.95 per year plus $8 per month), or VIP ($429.95 per year plus $8 per month). Selling music led to rewards points, which could be traded for cash if the consumer paid to join the Mogul program, an additional $6.95 per month. The company guaranteed a minimum commission of just 50 cents for selling a $9.90 album, while offering bonuses of $10 to $50 for selling product packages—in other words, for recruiting. The FTC's expert found that 90 percent of the bonuses paid, minimum, would be for packages tied to recruitment, not for music. The BurnLounge compensation system operated in successive "rings" in which each BurnLounge Mogul gets paid based on how many packages he or she sells, as well as bonuses based on the performance of the "downline." It was a "labyrinth of obfuscation," the judge found, and it was designed in a way that mathematically guaranteed it would be impossible for most Moguls to earn money. That didn't stop recruitment, however, which took place at live events and on teleconference calls. "If you build a community that sells a few movies and sells a few games and sells a few downloads, you will have a license to print money," company CEO Juan Arnold told a New York audience in 2006, according to the FTC's complaint (PDF). "J.T. made $50,000 two weeks ago. He’s going to make probably $700,000 this year, and he’s a good old boy from Texas that can’t read." "JT" was John Taylor, a Houston resident who had the top position in BurnLounge's complex compensation structure. He was the "number one Mogul" and sometimes referred to himself as "Retailer 001." On a 2006 conference call, Taylor said: We have people all across the country that are generating, you know, part-time income, a few hundred dollars a month, to people that are earning, you know, a few hundred dollars a week, Scott, and then we’ve got people that are earning a few hundred dollars a day all the way up to 2, 3, $4000 a day. Taylor made plenty of money, but as a judge would later note, it was nowhere near what was claimed at recruiting conferences. In Los Angeles, another speaker was willing to suggest that seven-figure incomes were available to those who believed: Some of you in this room are worth millions... There's some of you in here that are looking for 1,000 a month, looking for 1,000 a week, and there's some of you looking for 1,000 a day. Just depends on what you want out of this business. "Todd Ellis’ next door neighbor has made $280,000," Rob DeBoer told a Lawrenceville, Georgia, audience the same year. "We’ve got a dozen people that have made over $100,000." BurnLounge had net revenues of $2.16 million in 2005, $19.16 million in 2006, and $6.83 million in the first six months of 2007 before it shut down. Selling music, selling "opportunity" Given the evidence showing that 94 percent of BurnLounge participants lost money, why would the company mount such a stiff defense? Not all multi-level marketing is illegal under US law; in fact, the landmark 1979 case In re Amway made some types of MLM industry explicitly legal. That case drew a distinction between legal multi-level marketing schemes and illegal pyramid schemes. That distinction continues to draw fire from critics, who say it's a distinction without a difference. Pro-MLM rulings like In re Amway gave hope to BurnLounge lawyers. But the company got pounded at its 2007 trial, with the judge calling out BurnLounge recruiting statements like the ones above as "unambiguously false." Further, none of the promotional materials made it clear that Moguls were very unlikely to make any money. "Defendants Arnold, Taylor and DeBoer... never said the incomes were not typical, never said they were not representative of what the majority of Moguls would earn, and never disclosed that the majority of Moguls would not earn a profit," Wu explained in his ruling. BurnLounge tried to argue the perks that came with its packages—like a subscription to its in-house BurnLounge Magazine, and "BurnLounge Presents," a subscription to get 10 music downloads and a music DVD every month—made the option a good deal as products. The company hired an expert who valued the magazine at $5 per issue and the Presents package at "at least $230 per year." Providing music and DVDs that customers haven't even indicated they want, however, "is hardly worth the $340 per year that [expert] Nolte invents," Wu found. The valuation of $340 per year for the Exclusive package lacked evidence and was "grossly excessive." For most buyers, the products in the high-end packages were just incidental to the real sale of a "business opportunity." Of course, anyone setting up a BurnLounge online store and actually trying to sell music from it was competing against established enterprises like iTunes and Amazon, not to mention pirate sites where music was being downloaded for free. It was a tough market to break into with a pre-made webpage that didn't have any top 40 hits. BurnLounge recruited 62,250 people into its program, with 60,270 of them choosing to become Moguls. Of those Moguls, 4.2 percent bought the Basic package, while 28.8 percent went for Exclusive and 67 percent bought the VIP Package. The company made $28.3 million in revenue (about £18 million), with sales of actual music accounting for just over $500,000 of that. The company paid out $17.4 million (~£11 million) in commissions, with 66 percent of that money going to the top one percent of Moguls, and 85 percent going to the top six percent.
{ "date": "2018-07-22T07:24:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676593051.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722061341-20180722081341-00149.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9775773882865906, "token_count": 1680, "url": "https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/06/how-an-online-music-pyramid-scheme-conned-50000-people/" }
Ok, so I said I'd post after Aidan's appointment at the doctor. He had an abdominal x-ray done, and all it really showed was a lot of bowel gas. I'm not sure if he had so much gas from crying or if it is caused by something else. We're being referred to the pediatric gastrointerologist. I'm beginning to think that Aidan just isn't tolerating commercial formulas. The formula he is on now, Complete Pediatric, is lactose free and it's a pretty good formula (as far as formulas go). Since we don't know what food allergies or sensitivites he has, I'm going to get him in for the allergy testing next week, if I can. I'll probably end up making his food from now on. I know it's better for him. We also got a prescription to help with the gas pains and cramping. We gave him a dose at 6pm and Russell said that he did really well in the chamber this evening. He cried a little, but he settled down. On the drive there and the drive home he was completely calm and was even asleep when they got home. He's been out like a light since then. This isn't a medication that we want to keep him on long term, but if it helps him be more comfortable and not cry all day long because he's in pain. It's worth it until we get to the GI and pin-point the underlying issue. It seems like there's always something going on with Aidan. I just wish it was good news instead of dealing with all of the complications of him being immobile or from the accident itself. Aside from this problem he's having, he's been doing okay. His lungs sound really good. He's been smiling a lot more and is responding to being tickled. He seems much more aware of his surrounding and although people have always told me that he responds to my presence, I've started noticing it lately. So, that's what is going on with us. Aidan is in the summer pre-school program and goes 4 days a week. We have to cut his day short so that we can get as many nursing hours we can with his hyperbaric schedule. Please pray that we're able to get Aidan's stomach issues resolved and under control. I'd also like to ask everyone to pray for a friend of mine. Her husband lost his battle with cystic fibrosis early Monday morning. His name is Charlie and he was 34. They have a little boy who will be a year old next month. Please just say a prayer for my friend, Robin, and her family as they go through this very difficult time. Thank you!
{ "date": "2018-07-23T06:01:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594954.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723051723-20180723071723-00469.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9931488633155823, "token_count": 558, "url": "http://www.prayforaidan.com/2009/06/update.html" }
We are always touched when parents reach out to tell us what this community means to their family, sometimes even after just one summer. Only wish I had gone there so I’d be an alum too – Mother of both a Kenwood and an Evergreen camper The look of pure adoration on his face when he hugs you and Scott makes me incredibly happy. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again: thank you, thank you, thank you!! – Mother of both a Kenwood and an Evergreen camper after a winter reunion This is just a quick thank you note from us to you and everyone else at camp for an amazing six years. We think back and realize that when we first looked at camp Sarah was a mere 9 years old and we could not imagine she was actually ready to begin to manage independently at sleep away camp. Still, her enthusiasm bowled us over and we enrolled her for her first summer. That enrollment is proof positive that sometimes we make the best decisions while in a vacuum! Each summer was a journey for all three of us – a journey that culminated each August with a cry for more. Sarah came home more poised and self-confident with each passing year. Thanks to the nurturing and encouragement she received from her fellow campers, counselors, and “the Brass” (as she refers to you, Scott, Phyllis, Deena, etc), she learned to savor her successes and move on from her shortcomings. Her patience and persistence flourished. Her self-sufficiency and her joy in the time she spent at camp grew. It grew far beyond what we could have imagined. She just completed an extraordinary Juniper summer and possesses a keen sense of self, strong ties to her bunkmates, and a maturity in which she should take pride. As each of her teachers and coaches comments to us not only of her scholastic ability but also her quiet leadership and sense of fairness, we are reminded of the lessons all of you have imparted these many summers. For this, and so much more, we wanted to thank you all. You have all played such a critical role in who she is and have served as great role models and navigators of those tween and early teen years. I spoke to Myles tonight—or I spoke to someone who said hi mom…who did not cry….who likes camp,,,who is going to miss camp…. someone who was expecting color war and a fake out tonight and someone who told me whose bunk he wanted to be in next summer!!!!! I cannot thank you enough!!!!!!!! After you came to our house in September Myles was sure that Kenwood & Evergreen was the place for him. I wanted to look at other camps. We looked at one other camp and Myles said ‘No….I am going to Kenwood’….should I look at other camps I asked?—‘you can do what you want but I am going to Kenwood!!!!!’…….I of course stopped looking because we both knew that Kenwood & Evergreen was the place. ….of course we knew it for different reasons….for me…..I knew with you at the helm Myles would be safe in every way possible and…..well……He was and is and I will be forever grateful for what you have given to Myles and in turn to us!!!!!! We chose K-E because you seem to focus on the importance of what’s inside oneself, not what’s on the outside. You emphasize kindness and caring and building self-esteem. Competition takes a back seat to your camp experience, and that what seems to be right for Michael. K&E came so highly recommended and we have been happy campers ever since Lauren’s first day. It’s not a country club, it’s camp and it’s a camp family. We are thoroughly convinced that so much care, concern,love and energy all year long goes into making each summer wonderful. Every discussion I’ve had with camp people has convinced me that they know my child and they care about her happiness and success. It’s truly a family and, especially in Lauren’s case, she’s heartsick when she’s away from the family. We chose Kenwood & Evergreen because of Scott & Jason. We liked that the majority of kids do not come from Long Island (we can say that because we are from Long Island). We liked that campers return year after year. The camp is a camp – not a fashion show – not a dating game – not a cut throat environment. It is how camp should be. I chose it for its emphasis on kids having fun and feeling good. Not overly competitive but plenty of activity. I like the bunks traveling together in the Junior camp for its relationship building and I like the increased independence in Senior camp. Now I am happy Alex has a very special place he looks forward to going where he can totally be himself and be accepted. Thank you. We were impressed that the bunk counselors follow the children throughout the day. The continuity really helps alleviate confrontation and promotes understanding of what the girls’ issues with one another may be. We like Kenwood & Evergreen because of the small camper/counselor ratio. Our son seems to participate in activities that he doesn’t feel comfortable participating in during the school year. Warm and unpretentious, your staff really cares about the campers. There has always appeared to be a general respect for others which is a value present in daily camp life. Because of the quality of your staff, and the fact that you genuinely care about each child and you respect their individuality instead of wanting them to fit into your version of the ‘ideal camper It’s small and everybody knows everybody. Nikki comes home feeling very empowered and feeling incredibly good about herself. It’s hard to teach that to a child but if they are in the right environment they feel that positive energy and hear positive reinforcement they carry that with them. Evergreen has a very quiet way of finding the positive in every person and situation. My girls wait all year for summer. I think that the programming each year is very age appropriate and as they get older there are new activities. This seems to keep them very interested. I also was very impressed with the Nursing staff this year and felt extremely comfortable knowing that they were well cared for. The long term commitment of the owners/staff and the allegiance that many counselors have to Kenwood/Evergreen. The setting is beautiful – off the beaten path for us New Yorkers anyway. It’s homey, low key and it’s got opportunities for all kinds of kids to achieve success and feel good about themselves. It’s a wonderful respite from the competitive rat race the kids endure at school. The comraderie, positive attitude that is really felt throughout the camp. We love that the kids cheer each other on… and that this philosophy seems to be a way of life there. The return rate of counselors is admirable. We know that campers feel more comfortable at Camp when they enjoy their meals. Come learn about our menus and why we serve our meals “family style”.
{ "date": "2018-07-16T08:42:29Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589237.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716080356-20180716100356-00509.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9760209321975708, "token_count": 1509, "url": "http://kenwood-evergreen.com/for-parents/testimonials/" }
I do. Every week I get the free podcast on itunes. I love listening to it on long runs, it makes the time fly by. You can download one episode a week for free, or download old episodes for 95 cents HERE. I particularly enjoyed these from the last couple of weeks: No Map, and Reunited (and it feels so good.) My favorite of all time is The Break Up from 8.15.2008.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T09:40:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590794.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719090301-20180719110301-00189.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9233323931694031, "token_count": 91, "url": "http://announcingcarie.blogspot.com/2009/05/listen-up.html" }
" Despite a 5-second delay, the show was just like as it gets. Prior to my recorded conversation with Michael, we talked about how precisely he celebrated his birthday just last Thursday in New York City. And achieving this been my first one on one with him, my finger hit the pause button. Nonetheless, I was able to catch his portrayal of the folks of this city. Ann turned and ran towards the stairs; she took it two during the time Phil Collin Concert . Mick went after her screaming, "come back here you bitch, you can't run away from me. " He bounded the stairs also. I keep in mind that you thought he would become a drummer at around age twelve when your father contained Canton Ohio Police Boys Club a person signed up for the Drum and Bugle Corp. I also understand that, throughout your young years, you were extremely active in the performing ensembles offered by the schools. How did these experiences shape you as the music fan and as being a performer? You won't need to agree who the best was. These bands all proved there place in music history with hits and living long. More information about Phil Collins 50 Off Code Razorgator September 2018. Your dreams of recent York City super-stardom are gone; how bouts we you get work in Connecticut. Stop living your lifetime the way you always dreamed; Charleston is a magnificent place in order to boost your young kids. He probably still can't dance, but he is popular enough that there a Phil Collins Day parade in Brooklyn. LA has always loved him and saw a lots of him on our local video displays. (Some kids weren't allowed to have MTV. ) Intends love and miss himself. Who knows, maybe he'll record something in the house recording studio; perhaps children's music. What Constitutes A Huge Song Classic? Mullet haircuts are a men's style originally worn during the 1960s by celebrities regarding Tom Jones, David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Phil Collins and and Michael Bolton. The mullet style in Canada, Sweden, Scandinavia and northern United States, the mullet style is in order to as hockey hair. Many hockey players during the 1980s wore their hair in this style. Seriously, 50 plus years of songs opt from plus the are Phil Collin Concert the options? It was really OLD SCHOOL night on American Idol! Garcia was sans guitar- as per Miley's suggestion- and Believed he was out within the box, moving about and animated. If you are looking for Phil Collins Concert Discounts Vivid Seats December, sports tickets and theater seats at the best prices click here.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T09:07:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590794.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719090301-20180719110301-00189.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9798831939697266, "token_count": 537, "url": "http://savingcapitalism.com/Phil-Collins-Concert-Discounts-Vivid-Seats-December.html" }
|CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE| Monday, January 9, 2012 Photo of the Day.....First Landing of the Day This is an old photo I took while turning final for the first landing of the day. It was taken on October 10th 2007 at 7:35AM Central time. It was a mostly cloudy warm October morning and we spent the afternoon dodging thunderstorms. In fact while driving home from the airport after securing the aircraft I spotted a tornado. We got home just before the nasty WX parts arrived. As the old saw says: "Red sky in the morning sailor take warning."
{ "date": "2018-07-16T12:14:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589270.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716115452-20180716135452-00229.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9786642789840698, "token_count": 126, "url": "http://rollosphotoworld.blogspot.com/2012/01/photo-of-dayfirst-landing-of-day.html" }
ramadhan.the fasting month for all muslims around the world. i bet many can't wait for the fasting month because the fasting month indicates that the hari raya aidilfitri is fast aproaching.for kids it will be very exciting.but for the parents it might be a time to despair a bit. because for parents it will be a time for spending.money will be steadily flowing out from the bank account. :) but its a once a year occasion.so it doesn't matter. what many people will look forward to is the time for that huge family gathering. keeping up with each other stories. sharing each other experiences. reminiscing old memories. that's what its always about. but we need to remember. raya is also about the 1 month of fasting that we went through. enough about raya.back to ramadhan a.k.a bulan puasa. to me ramadhan is a challenging period. there's so much thing we are not allowed to do. eat and drink is obvious. we can't pick our nose or ears. even to smell food is quite wrong during ramadhan. those things we do almost everyday. yes its a challenge. this year it will be a more challenging ramadhan for me compared to these 20 years. because this year while fasting i will also be working. and as for your info i'm working as a waiter. i work with food everyday. talk about challenging. the smell of the food.the look of the food. and to serve delicious foods and drinks to customer and watch them eat. damn! that's hard! what's more.i will have to stand all day long even when there's no customers. handing flyers here and there. but that's what life is.a challenge. ramadhan is here for us to test ourselves against those things. so we should embrace ramadhan as willingly as we can. by the way.for muslims it is an obligation to our religion. so there will be no excuse.except for women. :) so in this coming month of ramadhan. i wish everyone will be able to have a good fasting month. perform the duties that we have obliged ourselves to. i hope all of us are able to fast during this 30 days without any complications. Selamat menyambut ramadhan!! peace~ ^^ v
{ "date": "2018-07-17T15:11:24Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589752.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717144908-20180717164908-00269.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.941824734210968, "token_count": 532, "url": "http://epicoffaliq.blogspot.com/2011/07/" }
While increasing amounts of work are being done on computers and via email, the idea of the ‘paperless office’ has still not come to pass. All businesses need a printer as an essential part of their IT infrastructure, but a surprising number of businesses have not yet realised the benefits that leasing a printer can bring. Indeed, many small and medium enterprises are not even aware that leasing a printer is an option. So, what are the benefits of leasing a printer for businesses? 1) Reduced Capital Expenditure The purchase of a new printer outright requires the spending of a significant sum of money – money that has to come from somewhere. It is either liquid cash that is no longer available for running costs or other purchases or requires a line of credit that could better be used for other requirements. Both of these options could be better used in other aspects of the business. 2) Enhanced Budget A leasing option is in essence a one stop shop for a business’s printing needs. The business simply pays an agreed monthly fee for its printing infrastructure needs, allowing the cost to be spread out across the budget, with maintenance and replacement fees included in the price. This has important connotations for the next benefit. 3) No Surprise Expenditure When a business owns its own printer it is responsible for repairing or replacing the printer should it wear out or malfunction. With a leasing option, these costs are covered in the price of the lease. A leasing option avoids a budget crunch when a printer needs to be replaced and removes the need to keep money in an emergency fund for printer expenses. 4) No Maintenance Worries Money is not the only consideration – the time of a business and its employees is also valuable. Rather than having to organise printer replacement, maintenance or repairs themselves, a business with a leased printer can leave these activities to the leasing company, freeing up employee time for the core aspects of the business. 5) Avoidance of Obsolescence Capital expenditure on a printer is basically a money-sink. IT infrastructure is constantly developing and hence a printer depreciates at a rapid pace. These factors reduce the benefit of having such an ‘asset’ on the company’s balance sheet. 6) Easy Upgrading Should a business’s printing requirements change then those that own their own printers will need to write off their old hardware and make a new purchase. With a leasing option the business avoids such costly capital expenditure as they can simply renegotiate their lease with the supplying company. This is equally valuable in the case where printing requirements decrease, allowing the business to decrease the cost of their monthly lease without needing to purchase a whole new printer. This benefit is particularly advantageous to new or rapidly-growing businesses who may have quickly-changing requirements. 7) Removal of Disposal Worries The responsibilities and worries associated with your IT infrastructure do not end when the printer has reached the end of its life. As with all IT hardware, the disposal of printers is covered by a plethora of rules and regulations. With a leasing option, this responsibility and its associated costs is removed from the business. 8) Increased Flexibility With so many rapid and game-changing developments in printing technology and business practices occurring on a daily basis businesses need to be able to be flexible in their IT infrastructure. A printer lease increases this flexibility by requiring only a change in the lease rather than the purchase of new hardware by the company.
{ "date": "2018-07-17T14:59:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589752.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717144908-20180717164908-00269.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9560425281524658, "token_count": 701, "url": "https://anticon.biz/?p=94" }
After Dennis Wise tried to ban Iain, 44, from taking part in any Bushtucker Trials, the radio host came back fighting tonight as, together with Jennie McAlpine, he took on The Deadly Departure Lounge and returned with a full house of stars. Though, that wasn’t enough for Jamie, 42, Dennis, 50, and Amir Khan, 30, who claimed his task must have been “easy”. Dennis said in the Bush Telegraph: “They did brilliant and they did great and it weren’t so terrible for Iain, it was a nice one for him.” Later, Jennie, 33, told Jamie: “It wasn’t like a scary, scary one but I’m so chuffed.” Jamie Lomas attacks Iain Lee again in I'm A Celebrity the behaviour of Jamie, Dennis and Amir is exactly why so many people don't open up about their emotions The Hollyoaks star relished in Jennie’s remark and couldn’t wait to tell Dennis: “Jen said that was easy that one today.” Deservedly chuffed, Iain teased: “Hopefully everyone will put their d**ks away now and stop measuring them but that ain’t going to happen.” Once again, viewers were furious and didn’t hesitate to lash out at Jamie on Twitter. One particularly riled audience member hissed: “It's actually really uncomfortable watching Dennis, Jamie and Amir bully Iain. Honestly, the quicker they're voted out, the better. Absolutely vile.” Iain Lee and Jannie McAlpine triumphed in tonight's Bushtucker Trial Jamie Lomas claimed Iain's Bushtucker trial was 'easy' “‘I’m too old for games’ not too old to bitch and bully an insecure easy target with your d**khead sidekicks though are ya Jamie” raged another, which was followed by: “I think its past silly now, Jamie, Dennis and Amir are bullying Ian. It needs to stop.” A fourth cried: “Jamie Lomas is nothing but a bully! He is turning out to be the gang leader of some really vile people. Really hope Iain wins. #ImACelebrity2017 #ImACeleb iain.” This particularly upset Iain fan snapped: “If anyone's watching #ImACeleb then please realise the behaviour of Jamie, Dennis and Amir is exactly why so many people don't open up about their emotions and struggles. Some see it as a weakness and use it against them. It's awful.”
{ "date": "2018-07-18T14:53:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590199.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20180718135047-20180718155047-00589.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9685989022254944, "token_count": 575, "url": "https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/889586/I-m-A-Celebrity-2017-Jamie-Lomas-AXED-latest-Iain-Lee-attack-bullying-ITV" }
I’m not sure about yours, but my kids could eat an entire carton of strawberries in about 10 minutes flat. Sitting there watching them wolfing them down, giggling and sharing toddler jokes, I decided to pull some things together to style a session that would allow me to photograph a little memory of the way they are right now. Their love for each other (for now, haha), and all the little sweet details like wrist rolls, their long, dark eyelashes, and adorable mannerisms that make my heart melt into a big old sappy puddle. I wonder if she will still cross her ankles like this when she’s grown, or still look up to her brother like he’s the greatest person that ever walked the planet, or if he will be so silly but affectionate with her always. Can they stop growing now, please? Here is a tiny peek at some images from their strawberry session ❤ *If you’re looking for a family photographer in the Richmond, VA area, please send all inquiries to firstname.lastname@example.org. I’d love to help create some special memories for your family.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T16:56:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676591150.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719164439-20180719184439-00629.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9476650953292847, "token_count": 240, "url": "https://anikacolombo.com/2017/07/24/strawberry-session-doswell-va/" }
CarryOM is blessed with many beautiful souls from the community who regularly volunteer their time and skills to bring yoga and meditation to those in need in Austin. All of our teachers have attended a teacher training lasting from 200-500 hours and approved by Yoga Alliance. These individuals are caring, kind and driven by a desire to serve. We hope you will have the chance to get to know them as you encounter them in the world. Corean is a performing artist who enjoys dancing, spending time in nature and traveling with her partner and her fluffy grey cat, Gertie. Though she’s relatively new to Austin, she has come to truly appreciate the local yoga community. Corean is inspired by her mother, who is strong, courageous, true to her word, loving and kind. Corean is drawn to service with CarryOM because she feels the organization provides a service to those in need who would not otherwise experience the benefits of meditation and yoga. Corean hopes participants will find inner peace and the tools to help them take on day-to-day challenges. Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ―Robert Louis Stevenson Elaine is a social worker in child welfare and a Sat Nam Yoga Sister. She enjoys doing water-based activities, having thought-provoking conversations with her two adult children, and slowly building a friendship with her rescue dog, Allie. Elaine admires that Austin has attitude but is not pretentious, and she is proud that this city has both history and the next-big-thing all rolled into one. Elaine is moved by tiny and big heroic act every day, and she is inspired by those who risk their own lives by standing up for someone who is of a different religion or race. Elaine is drawn to service with CarryOM because she believes life is short and we should use our time here to make this a better place. She feels there is a reciprocal benefit for teachers and participants alike; both the giver and the receiver will benefit through the synergy that occurs. Elaine hopes participants will carry the experience with them wherever they go, and will share a willingness to try new things and always connect. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.―Martin Luther King, Jr. Jenny O is a yoga teacher who tries to find beauty in each day. Since moving to Austin decades ago, she has always loved this city’s warmth and diversity. In her free time, Jenny O likes to garden, cook, read and walk her two rescue doggies, Mabel and Izzie. Jenny O is inspired by Amma, the hugging saint because she gives so much without taking for herself; the simplest thing (like a hug) can give so much to so many. Jenny O is drawn to service with CarryOM because it provides such a wonderful gift to communities that need it the most. She feels participants are grateful for the tools CarryOM teachers provide them and for the stress they are able to alleviate. Jenny O hopes participants are inspired to “pay it forward”, but also to find awareness and connection. If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. ―Epictetus, Greek philosopher Lisa’s career has been focused in the non-profit sector, with more than 20 years working in both the arts and social services. In addition to her yoga practice, she enjoys walking/running with her dog, visiting museums and national parks, listening to live music, watching movies, and traveling. She’s made Austin home since 1994, because of its relaxed vibe and the easy access it provides to nature, live music and tacos! Lisa is inspired by Helen Keller who, undaunted by her own personal challenges, not only overcame them, but went on to dedicate her life to helping others persevere. Lisa is honored to be a part of an organization that is working to bring all aspects of yoga to people who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience its transformative benefits. Through yoga, Lisa has found a connection to herself, the ability to accept what is, and a feeling of contentment, no matter what blessings or challenges have come her way, and she wants to share this amazing gift with others. Her hope is that the teachings and practice of yoga will allow each and every member of the CarryOM community to integrate their mind, body, and spirit and discover that everything they need to “carry on” truly is within. All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming. ― Helen Keller Maeva is a teacher and student of Hatha yoga, following more than eight years working in the field of finance. She enjoys reading, going to the movies, spending time with Ivan, her husband/best friend, and Petunia, their silky terrier, as well as all the great friends she’s made in Austin. Her favorite thing about living in Austin is actually the warm, open-minded, friendly nature of the people who live here. Her father, Mario, is her inspiration. Through his example, he taught her to be generous, grateful, kind, compassionate and not to judge others because “you can’t know their story.” Maeva is drawn to service with CarryOM because it brings yoga to communities that otherwise may not have access to it. By providing people with tools they can practice on their own such as pranayama, meditation, and asana, CarryOM empowers them to become more self-aware and grateful for the things they do have in their life. Maeva’s hope is that all CarryOM participants will gain a better sense of self and develop a mind, body, and soul connection. Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself. ― Rumi Margaret is an MRI tech and finds the diagnostic imaging world very interesting, particularly due to the tremendous changes she has witnessed over the past 25 years. In her spare time, Margaret enjoys preparing healthy and tasty meals, as well as practicing yoga and learning all she can about it! She, her husband, and their two rescue dogs, Louie (a yorkie) and Charlotee (a miniature shih tzu) love the green spaces in and around Austin, such as Lady Bird Lake, and they go hiking whenever they can. Margaret is inspired by and very grateful for her mother, who began her own yoga journey in the 1970s and introduced Margaret to Kundalini. She also taught Margaret and her sisters to be strong independent women, encouraging them to get educations so that they would always be able to take care of themselves. As an adult, Margaret watched her mother care for her own mother (Margaret’s grandmother) and her husband (Margaret’s dad) in the last years of their lives. Witnessing her mother’s selfless acts of love taught Margaret what life is truly about. Margaret is drawn to service with CarryOM because it offers a time and place for people to stop, unwind, clear their minds, and learn new tools that can help them see things in a different way and better manage their everyday lives. She hopes it will bring participants a sense of calm and the ability to think before they act. Teresa is a musical healer and teacher who enjoys singing meditations, exploring the Raga scales of India, reading, walking and playing with her feline friend, Bebe. She loves the sunsets and sunrises in Austin. Teresa is inspired by The Buddha for passing on the wisdom of the Four Noble Truths that explain the nature of suffering due to birth, aging, illness, death and impermanence and how, through a meditation practice, the experience of suffering can cease. Teresa is drawn to service with CarryOM in order to help people who help others. She teaches self care, which she believes opens a window for healing. Teresa hopes participants will develop a daily meditation practice as a part of self-care. God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference. Yazmín is a Hatha yoga teacher and birth doula who enjoys good music and good food, intriguing conversations, taking long walks by the lake, dancing and sharing time with her husband, Daniel. Having grown up in a very conglomerated Mexico City, Yazmín appreciates being surrounded by Austin’s many natural landscapes. She also enjoys Austin’s vibrant music scene, and the diversity and hospitality of the community. Yazmín is inspired by Gandhi for his “experiments with truth,” the writer John Berger for his acute sensibility, and her husband, because every one of his gestures never fails to open her heart. Yazmín says, “Any person who is grateful, generous, humble, compassionate, and loving is my role model.” Yazmín is drawn to service with CarryOM because she feels it represents an opportunity to express gratitude; an opportunity to hold a loving space of relief, release, and connection to others who also serve and hold a loving space for others. Yazmín believes CarryOM offers diverse tools that the participants could make use of any time they want to calm the mind and emotions, to become more present, more mindful, and more connected to their inner self. She hopes participants are able to make use of the diverse meditation techniques whenever they desire; and that this helps to strengthen and soften every step on their paths. In a gentle way, you can shake the world. ― Mahatma Gandhi Whitney is a mother, wife, and yoga therapist. Her family includes two sons, a 90lb, 13 year old rescued pit bull named Gladys, 3 chickens and a bearded dragon named Spike. She has been happily married for fifteen plus years. Whitney enjoys Austin’s many great outdoor activities. Whitney has studied asana, pranayama, meditation, and Ayurveda as methods of delivering Yoga Therapy. She is registered with the International Association of Yoga Therapists as a C-IAYT. Her studies include over 1000 hours of training and 200+ hours of one on one time with clients. Whitney is also registered with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-500. Whitney holds a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from the University of Texas as well. Although her background is in movement and structural alignment, Whitney also works with populations that live with mental health disorders as well as addiction. Some of these populations include the chronically homeless, those that have been or currently are incarcerated, as well as those recovering from trauma. Whitney has over 250 hours of addiction specific western training in addition to her studies in the Eastern traditions. Whitney believes Carry OM offers and provides yoga to people that may not otherwise have access and gives a sense of community. Her hope for Carry Om participants is they will find a place of peace through the practice. We are all broken, that’s where the light gets in – Leonard Cohen/Ernest Hemingway Originally drawn from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to experience a bigger city, Kelli has come to love Austin for all the small-town warmth it embodies, the food, the Latin dancing, and Deep Eddy. Since enrolling in Yoga Yoga’s Foundations for Yoga Therapy program in 2014, she continues to be deeply inspired by the Desikachar lineage and each teacher she encounters along the way, and will be awarded her full Yoga Therapy certification by 2019. CarryOm and its mission align perfectly with Kelli’s desire to bring Yoga to those who may not otherwise have access to it, doing so with the greatest integrity and respect for all involved, and for the traditions themselves. She works with basic skills students at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, integrating the practice of Yoga into their days as much as possible, hoping they might find the same sense of ease and comfort she has found in her own practice. The students have become some of Kelli’s greatest teachers, and regularly show her why she has chosen to dedicate herself to the path of Yoga. “The success of yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures, but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” TKV Desikachar Kerri is an artist by day and enjoys walks in nature, reading, cooking, and, of course, Yoga and Meditation! Kerri’s favorite things about Austin are it’s lush, green nature spots, all the yummy vegan and gluten free restaurant options. Kerri is her own role model and says, “I’ve come a long way baby! AND, if I can, so can you!” Kerri feels called to service with Carry OM because she feels its mission it to bring yoga to under served communities and individuals. Kerri believes CarryOM is inclusive to all by providing donation based yoga. She hopes participants are able to develop self-confidence, foster self compassion and self love through the art and practice of yoga. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. -Rumi Jessica is Director of Admissions for Yoga Yoga Teacher Training and is currently training to become a Yoga Therapist. In her free time, she likes to hang with her partner of five years, curling up with a good book, watching movies, playing board games with friends, and of course, participating in yoga trainings. Some of her favorite things about Austin are the live music scene and that it allows her to be close to family. Jessica is inspired by her teachers and all the teachers that came before them. Having access to such a vast shared knowledge base is really powerful. She is inspired to serve through Carry Om as it aims to serve a population that can really benefit from the therapeutic tools of yoga and allows them to experience yoga in an inclusive, low stressor, no judgement environment. Jessica hopes that the practice will give them tools to use on and off the mats in their every day lives to help them stay grounded and find peace. I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. -T.S. Eliot Tammy is mom to three, four if you include her husband with two fur babies in the mix. She enjoys paper crafts, reading, listening and playing music, gardening, and spending time with her family. Tammy was drawn to yoga to increase mobility after many knee surgeries. She decided to take her love of teaching from a school classroom to a yoga community where she hopes to help others find mobility and space to take care of the mind, body, and spirit. Tammy is excited to be joining Carry OM to guide in her journey to help others listen to what they need for themselves. She is inspired by many of the teachers present in the yoga community today who share their time, wisdom, and presence. Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand. –Chinese Proverb
{ "date": "2019-07-20T19:14:53Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526560.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20190720173623-20190720195623-00509.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9717087149620056, "token_count": 3182, "url": "https://carryom.org/us/teachers/" }
The pending trade of Rockies all-star slugger Matt Holliday didn’t go down easy with his teammates. Todd Helton, Troy Tulowitzki and Garrett Atkins spoke somberly about the departure of their close friend and the team’s most dangerous hitter. “It’s sad to see a good friend, good teammate and good player leave the team,” Atkins said. There remains the strong possibility that Atkins, a third baseman, also could be traded, though it would mean the loss this offseason of the team’s two biggest right-handed hitting threats. Teams that appear most interested in trading for Atkins are Minnesota, Cleveland and the Angels. “I don’t know if it means I am next,” Atkins said. “I think they might want to keep me more now. At least that is what I am hoping.” Atkins’ situation is different because he makes less money than Holliday — roughly $6.5 million next season compared to the $13.5 million Colorado was going to have to pay Holliday — and because Atkins won’t be a free agent until after the 2010 season. Holliday becomes a free agent after next season. However, general manager Dan O’Dowd is open to trade talks because the Rockies appear comfortable playing Ian Stewart at third next season. For Tulowitzki, Colorado’s 24-year- old shortstop, Holliday’s departure puts the cloak of leadership on his young shoulders. Tulowitzki said he’s ready to carry the load. “The way I look at it now, we are going to be pretty young again,” Tulowitzki said. “This will be just my third year in the big leagues, and I’ll have more experience than a lot of the other guys in that clubhouse. So leadership is going to be a big part of it for us to come back.” As a rookie in the Rockies’ 2007 National League title season, Tulowitzki emerged as a strong, outspoken force. But in 2008, injuries and a subpar performance limited his impact. Helton also must bounce back big if the Rockies are going to be contenders in 2009. Plagued by a chronic back problem last season, Helton played in just 83 games and hit .264 with seven homers and 29 RBIs. Helton didn’t sugarcoat the loss of Holliday. “He’s a great player and a game- changer,” Helton said. Filling the void, Helton said, depends on everyone. “We were all going to have to play better, with or without Matt,” he said. Patrick Saunders: 303-954-1428 or firstname.lastname@example.org Staff writer Troy E. Renck contributed to this report.
{ "date": "2019-07-16T00:02:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195524290.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20190715235156-20190716021156-00309.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9554882645606995, "token_count": 608, "url": "https://www.denverpost.com/2008/11/10/teammates-lament-hollidays-loss/" }
TMAC: Hello I'm Terrance McKnight, and today, as we approach the centennial of his birth, we're talking about Leonard Bernstein. Bernstein was a great conductor, educator, he was a great composer and pianist. But he was also a lifelong activist of civil rights and social justice… He worked tirelessly to incorporate that universality directly into his music—including, the sound of Black America. CHARLES IVES - THE UNANSWERED QUESTION Charles Ives - The Unanswered Question TMAC: So in the '70s Leonard Bernstein gave a series of lectures at Harvard called "The Unanswered Question." It was really based on a composition by Charles Ives. TMAC: And, the most fascinating thing to come out of these lectures, for me ... I think the thing that really caught my ear, was just his tenacity, his determination to find a way to get us all on the same page, us as human beings, regardless of our walk of life. You got the sense that he was trying to get us all on the same page. TMAC: He’s building a case, in this lecture, to show that we’re more alike than different. If there’s a universal speech, then perhaps there’s a universal sound that we all respond to. Because you have to keep in mind, man, that when Bernstein was born there was scientific research trying to state that some people were inferior to others. And I think he wanted his music to just do a little something to change that, to fix that, to make that right. That's what I took away from those lectures. The Berlin Celebration Concert: Beethoven Symphony No 9 - Bernstein 1989 TMAC: So I was listening today, to one of the Harvard lectures, and he was talking about the universality of music, he was like, we always hear that music is universal, but let’s like, really dig into it. LB: Music is supposed to be a metaphorical phenomenon, some kind of mysterious symbolization of our innermost affective existence. Even so great a scientist as Einstein said that the most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. TMAC: And so he's started talking about how sounds were universal, like ... LB: I tried to imagine myself a hominid, and tried to feel what a very, very ancient ancestor of mine might have felt and might have been impelled to express verbally. TMAC: That like, you know, if you're a baby, you may make the sound— LB: And then I got hungry. Mmm. Mmm! Calling my mother's attention to my hunger. And as I opened my mouth to receive the nipple—"Mmah!"—lo' I had invented a primal word: "Mah," "mother." LB: Now this has got to be one of the first proto-words ever uttered by man. Still to do this day most languages have a word for mother that employs that root, "mah," or some phonetic variant of it: [foreign language], the Germanic "mutter," "[foreign language]," the Slavic "[foreign language]," and the Hebrew "[Hebrew]"—even Navajo: "[Navajo]." So, the reason I took this on was because, for me personally ... I grew up taking trumpet lessons in fourth or fifth grade. My siblings were taking clarinet, guitar. And so I probably showed some talent when I was about 9 years old. Bernstein was doing these pieces on Young People's Concerts that would come on television. From Philharmonic Hall in Lincoln Center, home of the world's greatest musical events, the Shell Oil Company brings you the New York Philharmonic Young People's Concerts under the musical direction of Leonard Bernstein. TMAC: And I just remember my mother would always call me to the television: "Come watch this man talking about music." And I would watch this guy talking about whatever he was talking about on television. And, "Look at these instruments." She would ask me to identify the instruments and stuff like that. TMAC: Bernstein had this interesting kind of way about him. He had an interesting accent. LB: My dear young friends, as you may know, we devote one Young People's program every year to presenting young performers to you, young people who are so gifted and so well-developed [crosstalk] real artist- TMAC: But I do remember feeling a little ostracized from that program, and I felt ostracized because I didn't see a bunch of brown people in the audience, so it seemed like it was something that may not be for me. And it terrified me a little bit because I thought if I become good at this trumpet thing then that becomes my world—and I don't really know people in this world, I don't know that world is like. It's a little bit different. So as I grew up and learned more about him by staying in music I wanted to see what made him tick. LB: And now we come to a young man who is so remarkable that I am tempted to give him a tremendous buildup, but I'd almost rather not so that you may have the same unexpected shock of pleasure and wonderment that I had when I first heard him play. He was just another in a long procession of pianists who were auditioning for us one afternoon, and out he came, a sensitive-faced 16-year old boy from Philadelphia, looking rather like a young Persian prince, who sat down at the piano and tore into the opening bars of a Liszt concerto in such a way that we simply flipped. LB: He is named Andre Watts. TMAC: When I really got serious about music in college I identified with this guy, a pianist named Andre Watts. He's the one pianist of African descent that you see out there concertizing, and he's been doing it since the year I was born. TMAC: He got an opportunity to play on the Young People's Concert. Bernstein brought him in to play. He was 16 years old. TMAC: So that catapulted him into a career that I was able to follow as a young pianist, looking at Andre Watts as sort of a model, as sort of a mentor for me as a young pianist, and thanks to Leonard Bernstein, who gave him that opportunity back in 1963. LB: I love that kind of story. Because I admire his playing so much I am going to be selfish and take the pleasure of conducting for him myself. LB: Let us welcome with warmth and pride Andre Watts. TMAC: Here's a taste of Andre Watts playing the first piano concerto by Franz Liszt, and this is Bernstein conducting. [Leonard Bernstein Conducting Andre Watts live on TV - Young People’s Concerts Vol 2. Young Performers No. 4] [in clear 2:00] TMAC: So, Bernstein was born in '18, man, so this was like ... first jazz records, first blues records were made around this period, around 1918, 1920. TV: Let's go, Duke! TMAC: When he's 10 years old, Duke Ellington is on the radio on CBS being heard every Friday night or Saturday night. There are these big bands. He was very influenced by that music. TMAC: And he really talked about jazz being authentically American, and the goal of the composer was to absorb that authentic American sound. REPORTER: Mr. Ellington, how do you feel on the same point? TMAC: Here’s Duke Ellington and Bernstein meeting together in Wisconsin, in 1966. Duke: It's American music, I would say—the stuff that we're in, anyway. And it's getting to the point now where the modern contemporary composer and the guy who's supposedly a modern jazz composer, they all come out of the same conservatories. Duke: And it's very difficult to find a place to draw the line. LB: Well, you are certainly one of the pioneers in that. Duke: Oh, yeah, but I didn't come out of the conservatory. LB: No, but you were one of the first people who wrote so-called "symphonic jazz." Duke: I had a conservatory in the Capitol Theater. LB: That's right. Exactly. Duke: Sit there and listen to the symphony before the picture. LB: Well maybe that's really the difference between us, that you wrote symphonic jazz and I wrote jazz symphonies. LB: Something like that. TMAC: Listening to those guys man, two strong personalities, who now we see as two of the most influential American composers of the 20th century, standing side by side, drinking coffee, at a time when interracial marriage was still illegal in this country—powerful. Duke Ellington - Symphony in Black continues [in clear 0:15] Aaron Copland - Copland playing Piano Concerto [0:10] TMAC: Bernstein had a sister who was very musical—she was into theater—and so they would just make up music and improvise on what they heard on the radio. And he would play parties, and by the time he got to Harvard that music was still a part of his consciousness. TMAC: He was going to concerts. His father was taking him to concerts as a young man. TMAC: But when he got to college and became aware of Aaron Copland, STUDS: Aaron Copland, so many facets to your musical life. In the early days were you interested in jazz elements going way back? Aaron Copland: I was very interested in jazz in the '20s, mostly as an easy way, you might say, or an obvious way, of using materials which everybody would recognize as being American in origin. TMAC: Bernstein wrote a paper in 1939, his senior thesis, called "The Absorption of Race Elements into American Music.” And so I think what turned him on about Copland was that Copland was doing that. When I listen to his Piano Concerto, there are sections where I think, "Oh, if my grandfather walked in the concert hall he would feel like, 'Oh, they're talking about me.'" TMAC: Here’s Aaron Copland again. Aaron Copland: In the '20s, several composers—not only myself—had a very strong preoccupation about the writing of a music that everybody could identify with our country. I, after all, was studying in Paris and I realized that Debussy and Ravel were very typically French, and so one wondered, "Couldn't we do that same thing in America? Why couldn't we write a serious music that perhaps related to jazz which everyone would immediately recognize as American?" And I think we did. TMAC: You hear the absorption of those race elements in music. TMAC: For example, he sets it up with these two big chords. TMAC: Interesting harmony. TMAC: Then he goes into this little stride kind of feel. TMAC: It almost sounds very Gershwin-esque. [Piano segues into orchestral recording] TMAC: —So there, when you hear it in context, you really feel like you're right in the center of American culture, New York City, New Orleans, wherever, Chicago. You just sense it. It couldn't be anywhere else. It's not Vienna. You know, it's not Prague. It's not, you know, Palestine. It is the heart of American culture. TMAC: Copland put it into this music and I think ... and I know that's what attracted Bernstein to him. They were up to the same thing, bringing all the people, all the sounds of the people, into the concert hall. LB: A man called Aaron Copland was experimenting with jazz in the concert hall and churning out some pretty marvelous pieces. LB: At the time he wrote this jazzy piano concerto in 1926, he was only 26 years old. He was a young pioneer of American music, and when that piano concerto was first heard a year later in 1927, there was a good deal of shock in the air. The Bostonians just couldn't accept the idea of a Third Stream way back then, and I want you to realize that the kind of jazz you'll be hearing is from another time. It's jazz of the '20s. It's full of Charleston rhythms and boop-boop-ba-doops, and a certain Gershwin-like sentimentality. LB: And the wonderful thing is that, old as it is, it still sounds as fresh and charming and full of zip as it did in 1927. LB: And our piano soloist, I am proud and happy to say, is none other than the original soloist from 1927, the one and only Aaron Copland. Aaron Copland - Copland playing Piano Concerto [0:15] TMAC: This is the second movement of Aaron Copland's Piano Concerto. TMAC: Typically a second movement is slow and lyrical, but he does something interesting. It's almost like a drunk stumbling down the street. TMAC: I mean, he asks for a moderate tempo, but very rubato. So if I play it straight ... In straight time it's in three. TMAC: Right? But that's not what he asked for. He wants something just a little more belligerent, and to me it's like somebody had a little too much to drink last night. TMAC: Whatever these notes are, but the feeling is ... TMAC: And that's very Prokofiev, or is very New York City, Saturday night, you know. Copland Piano Variations LB: Every bar I ever wrote I would bring to Aaron Copland. He would say, well, that’s sort of warmed over Scriabin or that’s second hand something, throw it away. These two bars are fresh, they’re you. Work on those, develop those. That sort of criticism. I revere and worship Aaron Copland for what he taught me. TMAC: And then ... when he was in school—he was at Harvard—he wrote Aaron Copland a letter- LB: I had just turned 19. I was a junior at Harvard. TMAC: ... saying, "Why are we playing Chopin? Why are we even playing your music? Why are we playing your Variations when this music doesn't seem to be moving the hearts of the people?" LB: [crosstalk] and, "Wait till you hear this." TMAC: Like, "We're playing all this elevated music and people are acting like animals." CBS: The applause reached the Fuhrer, who had just arrived in the Court Opera House to address the Reichstag, which has been called an extraordinary session. They are expecting [crosstalk]- TMAC: They're letting this moron march across borders. This is when Hitler invaded Austria. Adolf Hitler: [German] Translator: "From now on, bomb will be met by bomb." TMAC: And Bernstein was just like ... He starts the letter like, "God damn it, Aaron! Why are we playing Chopin? Why are we even playing your Variations? Because the music apparently isn't making people more humane." TMAC: So then he started questioning ... like, what kind of music ... what is the purpose of art if it's not changing the hearts of people? TMAC: So as fascism is on the march across Europe, at the same time here in New York’s Greenwich Village this new club opens at the end of 1938. Cafe Society was America's’ first integrated night club. And it was known as the wrong place for the right people, and all the right people showed up there. Including Bernstein. You know, the black intellectuals, the white progressives, and these people were commingling. White folks didn’t get first billing at tables, and that was radical. So Bernstein is going here, he’s a young man, and Hazel Scott is playing there. She used to call him Skinny Lenny. Man: Just a minute, who do you wanna see? Hazel: I’m Hazel Scott. Man: Oh Miss Scott! Yes, they’re waiting for you, go right in… TMAC: He would hang out with Hazel, and Adam Clayton Powell, Adam Clayton Powell: After all I’m a negro baptist preacher, you know? [Laughter] Nobody can control a negro baptist preacher, even God sometimes can’t! TMAC: Langston Hughes was there, all of these black intellectuals—so a lot of the black thought that became prevalent in the 20th century came out of cafe society and the folks who were coming there. And so this is what influenced Bernstein. Some nights you might see Art Tatum playing Dvorak. And Bernstein would go there late at night, 4am. And what made it special, was the talent, and the fact that it was integrated, a unique experience. It didn't matter who you were, you just came, got a table and enjoyed the show. Art Tatum plays Dvorak [in clear 0:24] ON THE TOWN TMAC: And so if we fast forward a little bit, in On the Town, that Broadway musical, Bernstein and Jerome Robbins. I think they were really trying to paint a picture of what America could be, certainly what our armed forces could be, because at the time, it was segregated. So, In On the Town, the cast was integrated. So you’ve got black men dancing with white women on stage, holding hands, dude that was scandalous! Bernstein conducts Bernstein - On the Town (Ballet Music) [in clear 1:00] TMAC: Another thing in On the Town was the hiring of Everett Lee. Everett Lee was a black conductor who was from Cleveland, and he was a violinist as well, so he was playing in the string section for On the Town. And during the production Bernstein brought him up to conduct. So he became the first black man to conduct an integrated orchestra on Broadway. But that was something, that was a big deal to have a black man leading an integrated orchestra on Broadway in 1944. It was a huge deal for Everett Lee and for our country. TMAC: And then I think in ... He wrote Billie Holiday into something. I think it was Fancy Free. He wrote a song for her. It's a song called Big Stuff. Big Stuff [in clear 2:30] Paul Robeson: Now I was born on the edge of Robeson County. TMAC: Okay. Paul Robeson was- Paul Robeson: ... a negro boy born in Princeton, New Jersey, in a college town where the students mainly came from the Deep South, you know, Princeton - TMAC: Now here's a man whose father, similar to Bernstein- Paul Robeson: ... so, and my father was a minister - TMAC: ... and was very religious. Paul Robeson: I was shaped against that background. TMAC: But he had a great voice. Music: “Purest kind of a guy” TMAC: His connection to Bernstein was—he was all about trying to uplift the working class around the world. And, like Bernstein, he encountered resistance to his political beliefs. CBS: Paul Robeson, the Negro baritone, was scheduled to give a concert near Peekskill, New York. That concert was canceled. Canceled by fists, by a passion, by the conflict between those who thought Paul Robeson ought not to be heard because of his outspoken Communist sympathies, and those who insisted on hearing him regardless or because of his political leanings. TMAC: Robeson became controversial because of his connection to Communism, because of his connections outside of the state, because of his travel to Russia. People were rioting, people were actually cheering him on, because they knew that he couldn't travel because of his passport issue. Reporter: Here's a group of young boys here, yelling at the people, stopping their cars. Crowd: [crosstalk] Go back to Russia! [crosstalk]! TMAC: The whole McCarthy era put a lot of pressure on those guys in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee. HUAC: Are you a member of the Communist Party or have you ever been a member of the Communist party? HUAC: It's unfortunate and tragic that I have to teach this committee the basic principles of Americanism. HAUC: That's not the question. That's not the question. TMAC: Bernstein never actually testified. HUAC : The question is: have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? TMAC: But his close friends like Aaron Copland and Paul Robeson did... Paul Robeson: And the Negro people, in slavery in one kind or another, feudal or industrial, for the 300-odd years of our lives on this continent, forgetting their Civil War struggle, forgetting the lessons of Reconstruction, again betrayed by a coalition of industrial-finance Republican barons and Southern moribund plantation owners. And their reward? Lynching, the Trenton Six, to Peoria, to Virginia, to Georgia, to Alabama, to anywhere where a black face dares to answer back, anywhere where a brown body dares to walk in dignity. TMAC: Robeson was very vocal about the ills of America. I mean, at this time, during his lifetime, blacks were fighting in a war that was segregated, or they were fighting in armed forces that were segregated. You would have black soldiers who would board trains with prisoners of war, and if these prisoners of war were white, these black soldiers had to relinquish their seats and give their seats to prisoners of war. TMAC: We’ve been listening to some of Bernstein’s first symphony written in 1942. It’s titled “Jeremiah” after the Hebrew prophet who warned that the people’s sins would lead to disaster. Bernstein - Jeremiah Symphony #1, Prophecy [in clear 2:25] PRELUDE FUGUE & RIFFS TMAC: Okay, so I’ve been looking at this Bernstein composition, Prelude Fugue & Riffs. He wrote this for Woody Herman back in the 40’s, in 1949 and he played it and talked about on this program Omnibus. LB: In one way or another, it uses all the elements we’ve been discussing during this time. TMAC: Right? On this program called What is Jazz. LB: I hope you will feel in it the special beauty of jazz that I felt when i was writing the piece. We’re going to play it for you now. SO I’m looking at this piece and I’m listening to it, and I’m hearing all these things that sound like blues and that sounds like jazz and these harmonies. And then, I’m looking the middle of the score and I see something that looks a little bit familiar. There’s a old Hymn, O come O come Emmanuel… [Music: O come, O come Emmanuel] Right? The words are, o come o come emmanuel and, ransom captive israel. Right? So it’s about some sort of salvation. Listen to what Bernstein sticks in here. He sticks this little motive... [TMAC Music demo] And I think he’s saying, [singing] Emmanuel… and then he changes it, changes the note. [TMAC Music demo] And this is the theme of his fugue, so listen to the full theme of his fugue: Prelude, Fugue and Riffs [in clear 1:10] TMAC: It’s a great early example of how Bernstein blended the sacred and the secular. And he’d continue to search for that universal sound the rest of his life. WEST SIDE STORY TMAC: You can hear some of those same characteristics from Prelude Fugue & Riffs, in Bernstein’s original Broadway score for West Side Story in 1957. West Side Story: Prologue [in clear 0:42] TMAC: Leonard Bernstein said, "I guess the best known musical that I have done, West Side Story, is one long protest against racial discrimination. West Side Story: America [in clear 0:25] TMAC: And by the time we get to west side story, he’s really deal with our own prejudices, deal with our own blind spots, you know, the folks we don’t see, the folks who we think do not matter, and he puts them on stage, he puts the spanish language on stage and it may not seem like a huge deal now, but if you think about it 60, 70 years ago, it was a huge deal. TMAC: I mean, just saying that name, perhaps makes you think about someone who doesn’t look like you. He could have called her Mary but he didn’t. West Side Story: Maria [in clear 1:10] TMAC: So Bernstein here in the late 50s, early 60s is on a musical high. And his ideas about racial equality and social justice seem to be gaining traction as part of the Civil Rights movement. But there are also dark days ahead. That’s in a minute when we continue Leonard Bernstein’s Black America. TMAC: Hi I’m Terrance McKnight and this is Leonard Bernstein’s Black America. News: From Dallas, Texas, the flash, apparently official: President Kennedy died at 1 PM Central Standard Time, two o'clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago. Jamie LB: It was the day the shadow came down- TMAC: This is Jamie, Leonard Bernstein's daughter. Jamie B: President Kennedy was assassinated, and I watched my parents and all their friends crying. Jamie B: And then all of a sudden Martin Luther King was assassinated, and then Bobby Kennedy—another Kennedy—was assassinated. And then this war. So there was this sense of non-stop travail, and I really do think that my father spent the rest of my life processing this grief, and through his own works. TMAC: So Bernstein was very close to JFK. Just a few weeks after he was killed, Bernstein dedicated his new symphony to the fallen president at the world premiere. It’s based on a Jewish prayer of mourning. It’s called Kaddish. Kaddish [in clear 1:25] TMAC: Bernstein was a member of The Council of African Affairs and The National Negro Congress, he was on The National Council of American-Soviet Friendship. Bernstein Symphony No. 1 - Jeremiah, Israel Philharmonic Bobby Kennedy: Some very sad news for all of you, and I think some very sad news for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace from all over the world. And that is, that Martin Luther King was shot, and killed tonight. TMAC: So Leonard Bernstein, Here’s someone who had marched in Selma with Harry Belafonte. And then Dr. King died in ‘68. And so the very next year, Bernstein is hosting a party, to raise money for the Black Panthers. Black Panther: The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense calls upon the American people in general... TMAC: So Bernstein and his wife had invited members of the Black Panthers to their apartment. It was a fundraiser. The Black Panthers were about protecting the neighborhood, fighting against police violence, police brutality. Black Panther: Racist police agencies throughout the country are intensifying the terror, brutality, murder and repression of Black people. TMAC: They were armed. They were particularly armed after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. TMAC: Bernstein went to his next concert and folks were picketing. He was booed. One of the musicians said ... He remembers it distinctly, the surprise and shock that Bernstein faced, and he said he huddled the band up, huddled the orchestra up before the show to talk about what was happening out in the hall. Black Panther: ...Everyone who went in to exercise a constitutional right to bear arms in a public place. TMAC: Remember the 70s Harvard lecture series we heard at the beginning? At the very first lecture, somebody called in a bomb threat. LB: This performance of the Mozart symphony was interrupted in the middle of the first movement by a bomb scare. And we all had to go out into the street, nobody knowing whether we were going to come back and resume or not, and wait for almost an hour until we had word that the police had cleared the whole theater. LB: And during that wait I must say that I was sick at heart and overcome by despair, because why had I been talking my guts out for an hour and a half on human brotherhood and universality only to have this kind of despicable disproof of human brotherhood thrown in our faces? TMAC: So, he was trying to make music that responded to that. And that's why said himself, "You know what? I'm going to take some time off from conducting because I have to write music." He felt that he needed to write. Bernstein - Mass - Simple Song [in clear 3:48] This is Simple Song from Bernstein’s Mass. Beethoven 6th Symphony - Pastoral TMAC: It seems like Lenny liked getting his way, and he liked being the center of attention, he liked being a leader. He liked being a loudmouth. He felt like he had something to say. He could be very controversial and very contentious. I think he liked debate. He liked argument, he liked resolution. And so he had this thing where he had to be seen and had to be heard... I think that's why he was so fond of Beethoven. LB: It's the form. No composer ever had that—even Mozart—to that degree, where everything is so unpredictable and yet so right. It all checks. It all works out. You can rely on it. You know the next note has to be the next note and the only next note that could come, and that makes him form perfect. TMAC: Beethoven was an outsider. You know, he got to Vienna which was the capital city from a small town, Bahn. LB: He never left his rooms, he went crazy… TMAC: He had brown skin, very short and um, maybe had some acne issues, hair was all over the place, and so Beethoven had a terrible outsider complex, coming into a fancy city. He was a little bit rough, you know, LB: He moved all the time, he couldn’t find a place that was right. TMAC: Oh, and early in his career he started to lose his hearing, and so that made him even more of an outsider. LB: That's what's so incredible. But he wrecked himself and his whole life trying to do this, trying to achieve this very inevitability. Every note that comes is inevitable. TMAC: Bernstein’s talking about Beethoven but it sounds like he’s talking about himself. I mean, here are two guys, who had this deep spirituality, this deep faith. Staying up late, taking interest in social causes? That was Beethoven, but it’s also Bernstein. Bernstein Mass - XIII - Lord’s Prayer [in clear 0:48] MUSIC: Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespases, as we…. TMAC: Bernstein ... So much of his life he dealt with or wrestled with this idea of faith, and he felt like we as a country and as humanity wrestle with an idea of faith. So when he composed Mass he wanted to wrestle with that question. He wanted us to think about our faith and how we actualize that. MUSIC: ...From Evil… TMAC: So Jacqueline Kennedy asked Bernstein to write a piece for the opening of the Kennedy Center. Now this request was made right after Robert Kennedy was killed. Jim Vance: The Kennedy Center is an imposing structure on the banks of the Potomac River. Jim Vance: Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was not among the invited guests tonight but other members of the Kennedy family were. TMAC: And so when he composed MASS, he wanted to wrestle with that question. He wanted us to think about our faith and how we actualize that. Jim Vance: Tonight's formal opening was highlighted by Leonard Bernstein's Mass, which he composed especially for it tonight at the request of Mrs. Kennedy Onassis. Jim Vance: Tomorrow night President Nixon will be the honored guest. He gave up his presidential box at tonight's formal opening, saying the Kennedys should not have to share the spotlight. TMAC: And I think ... was so significant about that is this, is that he took to Washington, DC. This was like a statement to our nation. Of course Nixon ends up boycotting the thing. He wasn’t a fan of Bernstein’s politics, and you can hear him on one of the infamous White House tapes trying to come up with a cover story for why he didn’t go. NIXON: Why don’t we get Buchannon to get on the mic saying that the President didn’t go because he thought it was a sacrilegious kind of a thing? TMAC: Nixon was coloring it as a sacrilegious thing, a disgrace, to deter people from going to it. His aide wanted the headlines to read like “Mass seen as abuse of spirit.” Aide: Here’s the headline: “Mass seen as abuse of spirit”, and they’re beginning that every week, warning catholics not to go to it. TMAC: So in this composition, he requires so much of what is American culture to make this thing happen. And he says that it doesn’t have to happen in a concert hall, this piece could be played in a barn, that’s what Bernstein’s says. And he goes on to say, that this is really his first composition. TMAC: And I saw it, man. When I first came here they did it up in the Bronx. Marin Alsop conducted. Marin Alsop: It was a—revelation, on every level, and I become a complete convert so to speak. TMAC And I walked in and I was like, "Damn," I was like, "All these kids, all these different peoples, you know, different-looking people." I'm like, "Where all these people come from? These brown people in the concert hall." And that was an important slice of America that he wanted to see represented. TMAC: And I walked into that hall in the Bronx, and saw all those kids and all those young mothers with babies! Here he is educating the nation, about our music, about our culture. He wrote them into the music—so if you write the kids into the music, their parents are going to show up, the grandparents are going to show up, their little brothers and sisters even if those parent’s can’t get a babysitter that day, they brought them into that hall to see Bernstein’s music. Every slice of America, was in the Bronx that day. Felt like a huge party. I was blown away. In that moment I understood, that Bernstein has etched us into history Through his music. Leonard Bernstein’s Black America was produced by Terrance McKnight and Curtis Macdonald, who also did the sound design. Our editor was Derek John and our Executive Producer is Alex Ambrose. Special thanks to Mike Shobe at WQXR and WNYC’s Program Director Jacquelin Cincotta. Thank you for listening to Leonard Bernstein’s Black America.
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My husband gets the credit for this amazing Captain Underpants pumpkin. My 7-year-old is a big fan of the Captain Underpants books and really enjoyed the Captain Underpants movie. This post may contain affiliate links; please read my disclosure here. This project uses permanent acrylic paint, so you’ll need to put down an old sheet, tarp, a flattened cardboard box, or something else to protect your flooring or carpet. You’ll also need some paint brushes or sponges. Here are some other items you’ll need to make a Captain Underpants pumpkin: - Skintone acrylic paint - Pumpkin carving kit - White acrylic paint - Black acrylic paint - Red material for the cape, or an old red T-shirt or polo shirt (solid – no logos or print) - Cardboard or manila folders to make the arms and legs (our older daughter drew them free-hand, and her sister cut them out)
{ "date": "2019-07-20T22:20:07Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526714.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20190720214645-20190721000645-00389.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8861061334609985, "token_count": 205, "url": "http://livingwithbeth.com/captain-underpants-pumpkin-jack-o-lantern/" }
Watch naked babes fuck big cock guys with passion as their legs spread wide and they get pounded on passionately. Laura Haddock was born on August 21, 1985 in England. Instead of fighting to get her channel back, Hannah Minx has chosen to embrace her new life as a wife and mother, and leave her persona behind. In 2012, she appeared in , a horror movie about a hellish carnival. For those needing a time-out from porn there is the relatively new social networking site YoPlaza. Teen Rave Blog with hot new naked teen galleries added everyday. There are probably Look-a-likes pretending to be her, posing for photos, but the pics of her in that skimpy, tiger print, anime cat suit is the real deal. She then moved on to making video about Japanese culture and language, removing most of the videos from her previous account and quitting smoking. Also some Tattooed and Pierced Emo Girls getting fucked in front of a Camera, and some Sexy Selfshots! We got many enthousiastic members uploading their porn video collections. Some fans have suggested that she got pregnant, and there was even some speculation that she had died. My variety ranges from pinup models. Looking for Co-Ed Confidential nude scenes? Her social media pages have been silent, and her YouTube channel still has no new videos. April 23, 2014 Playboy International Models, Hannah Elizabeth 2 Comments. With their no buffering, no bullshit attitude they are sure not to disappoint. Browse through thousands of people from around the world looking for that one special person or maybe just to make new online friends. Â Our Nikki Sims Wallpapers. The funniest thing about this whole article and all the other comments in here, is that they totally ignore the 900 lb gorilla in the room. The thing about facebook is, once you know someones password, you can impersonate them very easily. For viewers who are interested in Japan or Japanese culture, Miss Hannah Minx was one of the most popular YouTube stars. . My variety ranges from pinup models. If you might have printed the particular invitations with your home personal computer, you can certainly print a envelopes by employing special calligraphic fonts. Hellz Bellz was film prior to her 2013 dissappearance. Big Boob sexy teen Nikki Sims 3 Sexy Desktop Wallpapers. There is no real evidence of her existence. Once the invitations have been printed plus addressed, they should be mailed to all or any recipients, even should they only live down the street from an individual. Hannah Minx and her husband, Steve Osterhagen So why did Hannah quit YouTube? Browse a breathtaking collection of nude teen art starring the most beautiful girls in the world. Check out Nikki Sims hot website. Tiger Lolly Sexy Naked Aussie Girl. She also worked on the film , which is set to come out Christmas 2016. Hannah Minx is a famous Youtube Star! She is an actress, known for Guardians of the Galaxy 2014. Until then I will keep sharing old pics I find and showing her love as a fan! Users with niche interests often create content for a community of fans that is sometimes millions strong. She got herself knocked up real fast just to make sure she will still be able to get that money if they get divorced. What is Hannah Minx Doing Now in 2018? Oh ya shall I mention again, the twitter account is an obvious troll. I really loved her videos! Hannah Elizabeth Opens Her Vest Revealing Big Lush Boobies. If you might have printed the particular invitations with your home personal c an individual. There has been a great deal of speculation about what happened to Hannah. Her alleged husband is Steve Fox Osterhagen, and her Facebook update from May of 2014 is evidence that this may be true. Hustler Cash - Promote the World Famous Hustler brand of high converting websites! Each erotic teen gallery offers a chance to ogle a stunningly tight. This certainly is the accepted technique for distributing invitations and it is best to do this if you would like abide through the rules for wedding call etiquette. If she is doing nudes now then I say good for her if that is what she wants to do in her life now, but all these silly comments that the revealing pictures of her are fake need to die unless someone can prove 100% that they are fakes. To dispel a few rumors: 1. She discovers her stepbrother naked in the bathroom and sees. Every teen babe is a breathtaking beauty waiting to. She had millions of followers, was a very social-media savvy person, and updated hers on a daily basis, then. No no no no no I am not Hannah and I feel like I made that pretty clear that this is a fan blog. Laura Haddock, Actress: Guardians of the Galaxy. She became an overnight success. We're hoping what'll happen is it'll.
{ "date": "2019-07-22T03:46:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195527474.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20190722030952-20190722052952-00549.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.961264431476593, "token_count": 1003, "url": "http://www.wpfunction.me/hannah-minx-nude.html" }
I had been hoping to deliver the next chapter in The Mystery of the Undetected Radios this month, but I have been thwarted by circumstances. Towards the end of March, I suffered a recurrence of tendinitis caused by whiplash to my neck in a traffic accident thirty-five years ago, and started undergoing a three-month treatment of spinal decompression. This process fixed the problem last time I had it seven years ago, but I must have been negligent on maintenance, and the complaint suddenly returned with a vengeance, with acute stabbing pain in my neck and shoulder. Yet, when my doctor gave me cortisone and lidocaine injections, they did not seem to be having an effect. Moreover, he also prescribed painkillers and a muscle relaxant, which likewise did not ease my condition. After a very painful and sleep-deprived weekend at the beginning of April, I saw the doctor again, and he very quickly identified the culprit as shingles. This was puzzling, as only last summer I had undertaken the course of anti-shingles vaccine. My doctor had not encountered a case of a vaccinated person catching the disease. Could the GRU or MI5 have been involved? No explanation has been excluded. What it means is that for several weeks I could not work at my desktop for more than 5-10 minutes at a time, which made the task of researching files, checking my notes, and compiling fresh text impossible. I also realized that there were at least three more books I needed to read to cover the 1941-1942 period adequately: M. R. D. Foot’s SOE in the Low Countries, Hermann Giskes’s London Calling North Pole, and a volume that came out only a few weeks ago, Lynne Olson’s Madame Fourcade’s Secret Army. I have also read from cover to cover David Stafford’s Britain and European Resistance 1940-1945, a work that I have owned for a long time, but only dipped into beforehand. I have acquired the other three, and read all four now, but have only recently been able to transcribe my notes, and enter items in my chronology. For the issue dated April 18, the London Review of Books commissioned from a ‘writer’ with the improbable name of Colm Tóibín – an Hibernian, I would wager – an article of some 9,000 words that described his experiences with testicular cancer. I am deeply sorry about the gentleman’s condition, but this self-indulgent piece was of such relentless tediousness that I can only conclude that the editrix of the LRB, Mary-Kay Wilmers (she with the Eitingon connections), presented it as an effort to win some obscure journalistic contest. While judging myself capable of similar medical discourse, I can assure coldspur readers that I shall not burden them with comparable distressing details of my complaints. During my disability (which has now mercifully abated), I was able, however, to create instead fresh text in relative comfort on my iPad, and hence present a report for April on an important intelligence-related subject that did not require close, integrative research. Restored almost to tip-top form, I was able to resume work on my PC towards the end of the month, and thus I also present some updates to the Liddell affair, which, I hope, will fascinate my readers as much as they fascinated me. This bulletin, which started out as a reasonably modest report, took on a vigorous new life in the last week of the month. It could probably merit a post on its own, but, having invested some thought in putting this methodological introduction together, I decided to remain with it as the lead. Moreover, the analysis of Liddell and Philby represents an outstanding example of why attention to chronology is important. The Importance of Chronology For me, one of the most annoying aspects of any historical book, or volume of biography, is inattention to chronology. I read a few pages, unanchored precisely by date, and then suddenly come across a phrase like ‘the following spring’. What year are we talking about? I suspect that the author him- or her-self has only a hazy idea of what is happening when he or she [I refuse to use the fashionable ‘they’ in this situation] carelessly lays out events out of sequence, and thereby does not provide solid references in the calendar for many critical happenings. I am under no delusions about causes and seriality. The proximity of an event to another does not necessarily indicate that the earlier one influenced the second, but it is very important to place events in their proper sequence, and tether them precisely. (What is undeniable, pace J. B. Priestley, is that events with a verifiable date cannot have exerted any influence on events proven to have occurred earlier.) Very rarely do original sources lack a date attached to them, and they should be echoed in any text that exploits them. Moreover, for the historian, organization of dates coming from disparate sources can show new patterns of discovery that might not otherwise have been apparent. I think, for example, of my locating the row over authority between Jane Archer and Guy Liddell that was not covered properly in the latter’s Diaries when he described the circumstances of her sacking. Accordingly, the creation and maintenance of a detailed chronology have been integral to my research methodology ever since I set out on what evolved to become my doctoral thesis. I maintain a Word document of over three hundred pages, covering military and political, but chiefly intelligence and counter-intelligence, events for four decades in the twentieth century. There are almost 300 pages of pure timeline, with 13 pages of references, constituting about 500 different sources, including 30 from the National Archives. I try to maintain every entry to a single line. The years 1936 to 1950 are particularly densely covered: for example, the year 1940 has over 2400 entries. Each entry has at least one source appended to it. (See sample page) The Preamble to the document reads as follows: Chronology: WWII – Prelude & Aftermath This chronology is constructed to provide a guide to the history of intelligence and counter-intelligence in Britain and the US between 1917 and 1956, and focuses on key dates relating to: a) the recruitment and establishment of Soviet agents in British intelligence, and their subsequent deeds and movements; b) the actions by Soviet intelligence agencies to subvert British institutions: c) the plot by Guy Burgess and Isaiah Berlin to go to Moscow in the summer of 1940; d) attempts by MI5 (and its predecessor, the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch) to counter subversion and Fifth Columns; e) the various reorganisations of British Intelligence; f) the WWII rivalry between the Ministry of Information and the Foreign Office for controlling propaganda, especially in the USA; g) the purging of OGPU/NKVD agents by Stalin, with special reference to the revelations, and death, of Walter Krivitsky; h) activities involving Eduard Beneš of Czechoslovakia, and his contacts in the UK and the Soviet Union; i) the stealing of US/GB atomic power secrets by the Soviet Union, with special reference to Stalin’s manipulation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, and the espionage activities of Klaus Fuchs; j) revelations about the massacre of Jews by the Nazis; k) pre-war negotiations between Zionists and the UK government, and subsequent actions to further or delay the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948; l) the evolution (and decline) of communistic/anti-fascist thought among British intellectuals; m) attitudes of British politicians towards the Soviet Union between the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact and Barbarossa; n) Walter Krivitsky’s revelations about Stalin’s negotiations with Germany and his supply of arms to the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War; o) the growing awareness by the US and GB of the coming postwar threat posed by the Soviet Union as WWII proceeded, and its effect on intelligence sharing; p) activities associated with the detection and decryption of illicit radio transmissions in WWII, and decryption of enemy (including Soviet) communications, especially involving disagreements between SIS and MI5; q) the Nazis’ successes in unmasking members of the Soviet spy network, the ‘Red Orchestra’, especially as it relates to Alexander Foote and the ‘Rote Drei’ in Switzerland; r) the activities of British communists in the International Brigades in Spain; s) the effect of the failure to follow up Krivitsky’s warnings on Allied negotiations for postwar security, and the onset of the Cold War; t) the activities of US-based, and Canada-based, Soviet spies with British links; u) the management of the Double-Cross operation, and its effect on other disinformation campaigns; v) the Abwehr’s management of spies sent to Britain for intelligence or sabotage purposes, and Britain’s responses. (The somewhat erratic structure of this list, which I have not re-ordered through time, shows the evolution of my research focus.) Readers can probably now understand how critical a part of my methodology the chronology is. It gives me the following benefits: a) On looking up an event, I can quickly identify its source, and go back to my notes on each book listed (taking notes after the conclusion of reading a book is an equally important part of the methodology). Dates are a vital part of the notes: page numbers are listed, and I can go back to the original text, if necessary. (I own an overwhelming majority of the books.) b) I can immediately spot anomalies in dates, such as occasions where different authors represent the same event differently. This allows me to verify sources, and give some indication of reliability. Dubious unconfirmed events are marked with a ‘?’. c) I can examine the authority of references. Authenticity is not automatically guaranteed simply because multiple historians or journalists quote an identical date. They may all be using the same defective source, such as Professor Hinsley’s dubious claim about Churchill’s ordering interception of Soviet messages to cease. Weight does not necessarily indicate quality. d) Insights can be gained by the adjacency of apparently unrelated themes, and common names appearing in discrete threads. They allow new hypotheses to be explored, and fresh analysis of subject-matter to take place (such as the progress in Radio direction-finding across different countries and zones). e) Word’s Search capability allows me to highlight the occurrence of any name within the whole Chronology, thus simplifying the tracking of the career or activities of any prominent figure. It all leads me to a vital principle of my methodology: A chronology will never be able to write the story by itself, but the creation of a proper narrative will be impossible without a rigorous chronology. The maintenance and exploitation of this document are thus my ‘Crown Jewels’, my ‘secret sauce’. One day I may make it universally acceptable (or even have it published as a book?). I have shared extracts of it with other historians, but no one else has seen the complete artefact. Another aspect of chronology that intrigues me is the relationship of publications to the dates of release of official material, or the issuance of authorised histories. As far as British counterintelligence is concerned, one can identify seminal events that changed the historiography of espionage (e.g. Gouzenko’s defection in 1945, Fuchs’s confession in 1950, the escape of Burgess and Maclean in 1951) and can map also critical government-sponsored or -approved publications, such as the admission of the Double-cross system (in 1972), the disclosures about the Ultra Secret (in 1974), or the Official Histories of British Intelligence in WWII (starting in 1979), which freed many others to talk. Yet in the background one can detect a vast amount of noise – memoirs and off-the-record briefings from intelligence officers who felt that the real story was not being told, or wanting to influence the history to show themselves in better light. When reading any book that claims insights into these events, one has therefore to ask: ‘Where did the author derive his/her information?’; ‘Why was the Official Secrets Act not applied?’; ‘Should some of these exercises be treated as government-controlled disinformation’? One thinks of the slew of romanticized and frequently erroneous accounts of espionage and counter-espionage that came out in the decade following WWII, often brazenly declaring the help the authors gained from government departments such as the War Office. Of course, the perpetrators never imagined that official archive material would be released at some time to contradict the errors of their analyses. But that did not matter, as all the authors would be dead by then. Yet books still come out that cite some of these flights of fancy as if they contained relevant facts. To complete the story, one would also have to list all the critical archival material that has been made available in the past twenty years. I have not done that here, as my Chronology focuses on the first 60 years after the outbreak of WWII. Here follows a personal, and highly selective, account of dates (in years, only), which the general reader may find useful in tracking the history of intelligence matters affecting the UK since WWII, and putting accounts of it into proper perspective. I encourage readers to send me additions to the list that would help clarify the dynamics. Key events in Espionage History (MI5, and to lesser extent SIS) 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact 1940 Krivitsky’s revelations to MI5 & SIS 1940 Blunt & Rothschild recruited by MI5 1940 Double-Cross System set up 1941 Krivitsky murdered 1941 Germany invades the Soviet Union 1941 USA enters the war 1942-43 German Englandspiel turns Dutch SOE network 1943 Comintern ‘dismantled’ 1943 VENONA project of decryption of Soviet cables starts 1944 Leo Long detected spying in MI14 1945 Gouzenko defects in Canada 1945 Volkov (would-be defector from Ankara) betrayed by Philby 1947 Cookridge publishes ‘Secrets of the British Secret Services’ 1949 Foote’s ‘Handbook for Spies’ published (ghost-written by MI5) 1950 Fuchs convicted 1951 Burgess & Maclean abscond 1952 Cairncross’s first ‘confession’ 1953 Giskes reveals Englandspiel (control of Dutch SOE) 1954 Petrov defects in Australia: confirms careers of Burgess and Maclean 1956 Gaitskell dies, with suspicions of Soviet poisoning 1956 Goronwy Rees’s disclosures about Burgess in ‘People’ 1962 Golitsyn’s defection confirms treachery of Philby: ‘the five’ 1963 Philby defects 1963 Straight betrays Blunt 1964 Cairncross confesses to MI5 1966 Publication of ‘SOE in France’ & AJP Taylor’s ‘History 1914-1945’ 1967 Philby’s ‘My Silent War’ published 1967 Phillip Knightley’s exposé of Philby in the ‘Sunday Times’ 1968 Trevor-Roper reveals decryption of Abwehr messages in Canaris essay 1972 ‘The XX System’ by John Masterman appears 1972 Ritter publishes ‘Deckname Dr. Rantzau’ 1973 Malcolm Muggeridge publishes ‘Chronicles of Wasted Time’ 1973 Seale and McConville hint at VENONA programme in book on Philby 1974 Winterbotham reveals ULTRA secret 1978 David Kahn publishes ‘Hitler’s Spies’ 1979 Andrew Boyle’s ‘Climate of Treason’ published: Blunt outed 1979 Thatcher announces Blunt’s pardon 1979 Penrose outs Cairncross 1979 Rees’s deathbed revelations 1979 Volume 1 of Hinsley’s History appears 1980 David Martin’s ‘Wilderness of Mirrors’ identifies VENONA 1981 Nigel West publishes ‘MI5’ (with information from disenchanted White) 1981 Volume 2 of Hinsley’s History appears 1981 Harold Macmillan publicly denounces Michael Howard for irresponsibility 1982 Existence of VENONA starts to leak out 1983 Nigel West publishes ‘MI6’ 1984 Pincher’s ‘Too Secret Too Long’ accuses Hollis 1984 Volume 3 of Hinsley’s History appears 1985 Gordievsky escapes to UK 1986 Nigel West publishes ‘GCHQ’ 1986 Joan Miller publishes ‘One Girl’s War’ 1986 Lamphere publishes ‘FBI-KGB War’ 1987 Peter Wright publishes ‘Spycatcher’ 1989 Government recognizes MI5 1990 Volume 4 of Hinsley’s History appears 1990 Volume 5 of History (Howard) appears 1991 Nigel West writes about VENONA in ‘7 Spies . . .’ 1991 End of Communist regime in Russia 1992 Mitrokhin brings his Archive to the UK 1992 Queen recognizes SIS in speech to parliament 1993 Primakov identifies threat from NATO 1994 Intelligence Services Act: Existence of SIS & GCHQ acknowledged 1994 Weinstein given access to KGB files 1994 Aldrich Ames convicted 1996 USA declassifies VENONA materials 1999 Nigel West publishes book on VENONA 1999 Haynes & Klehr publish book on VENONA 2000 Weinstein’s ‘Haunted Wood’ published 2009 History of MI5 appears 2010 History of SIS appears 2014 First volume of History of JIC appears 2017 History of GCHQ commissioned This litany of publication shows a number of developing themes and tensions, namely: i) the overall desire of government organizations to maintain a veil of secrecy over intelligence operations; ii) the eagerness of journalists and (some) agents and officers involved in intelligence to reveal clandestine operations to the public; iii) the expressed need by the security services to assist public relations efforts by selective breach of the Official Secrets Act, and granting controlled access to certified materials, or leaking certain information; iv) simultaneous prosecution of authors trying to breach the OSA when the authorities believe such disclosures might harm the reputation of the intelligence services, on the pretext that national security is at risk; v) unofficial leaking of information to journalists and historians by insiders frustrated by prolonged secrecy, and perhaps anxious to establish their own legacy; vi) a recognition by the authorities that information may be revealed from other countries (e.g. the USA, Germany and Russia), a process they cannot control, while that information may or may not be any more reliable than domestic archives; vii) with the fading-away of uncontrollable ‘amateurs’ successfully telling their stories of war-time exploits, the new professional heads of intelligence agencies attempt to re-tighten the screws of security (this is a point made by Hugh Trevor-Roper in a 1981 letter to Lord Annan); viii) an eventual, though sometimes reluctant, admission by the authorities that it is now acceptable for an ‘authorised’ or ‘official’ history to be told, and the commissioning of respectable and reliable scholars to perform exclusive research on security organizations; ix) the appearance of authoritative-sounding such histories, which are incomplete, unverifiable, and frequently cite questionable facts or conclusions from works published in the controversial period; x) the fostering of the belief that, now such an official history has been written, it can be viewed as reliable, and need not be examined or contested; xi) the incorporation of such lore, both from official histories and semi-historical accounts, into such presumed reliable references as the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; xii) the declassification of archival material which, if inspected closely and properly synthesized, sheds doubts on some of the main assertions of the histories; xiii) the tendency for new history-writing to drill down into horizontal cases of personal appeal rather than attempt to integrate more complex cross-disciplinary topics; xiv) a mutually reinforcing admiration process between the experts and the authorised historians, who are reluctant to have their reputations spoiled by any admission of errors; xv) a state of confusion, where the reading public is faced with a mixture of fact and fiction, finding it difficult to find bearings in a world of circular regurgitation of dubious reportage, conspiracy theories, fake news, and the chaotic aggregation of information on the Web. xvi) the gradual disappearance of capable and affordable professionals chartered with acting as gatekeepers to maintain integrity in the historiography of Intelligence matters. And I suppose that’s a good way of reminding myself why Coldspur exists. Finally, I want to expand on this matter of ‘gatekeepers’. Shortly before I left Gartner Group in 1999, a case was made for opening up all of the company’s research on the Web, as ‘everybody was doing it’. I strongly resisted this, saying that anything given away for free would essentially be seen as valueless, and no better than anything else published there. It would have reduced Gartner’s business to a conference and consulting affair, rather than a leveraged product. To this day, I support strongly those on-line publishers who are subscription-based, and who presumably believe they can command decent fees through a commitment to excellence. On the other hand, I never make a charitable donation to any free site (such as the undisciplined and unreliable Wikipedia), since the outfit does not have a business model that drives quality, and I have no wish to encourage such unscholarliness. Yet there are challenges in trying to compete with an advertising model. For example, in the Intelligence world, Taylor and Francis has acquired prominent publishers, and offers access to their on-line journals through subscriptions. These publications are in many ways essential reading for the serious analyst, but the fees are penal for the individual researcher not affiliated with an academic institution. (It was a long struggle to get hold of critical articles even when I was affiliated with the University of Buckingham.) I have suggested alternative plans to T & F (who also offer enhanced packages of National Archives material): the company has acknowledged the problem, but is inflexible. I have an especial interest in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, which also offers a subscription service. Several years ago, I was commissioned to create an entry for the architect Gordon Kaufmann. (see http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-98440) This exercise involved much self-education, the acquisition of a few books on architecture, some fee-based exploration of genealogy sites, visits to libraries in Palo Alto and London, and to a house in Sussex, email exchanges with historians of California, and some patient detective work. I was proud of the final result, which was well annotated, and closely inspected by the ODNB editor. The entry was used as a showcase sample to promote the new on-line version of the ODNB. I was paid a modest amount for my work, and offered a 50% reduction in fees for a year’s access to the electronic version of the Dictionary. I had no complaints about this. I was very happy to perform the work, believing that it is becoming for those who have benefitted from the education system at Oxford (for example) to contribute to scholarship in what ways they can, even if the beneficiary is a commercial enterprise. That is one of the many ways the public (‘the little platoons’) assists in the continuity of Britain’s cultural heritage. I did not become a regular subscriber, however: I can drive thirty-five miles to the University of North Carolina library in Wilmington to inspect the on-line edition. This, when I went, a few weeks ago, to look up the entry for Guy Liddell (see last month’s post), I was shocked and disgusted. The piece was riddled with errors, and looked as if had been composed in a couple of hours, without any editorial supervision. It debases the whole value principle of the ODNB. It would have been better not to have published any entry at all instead of this shoddy compilation. I have brought my dismay to the attention of my contact there, and received, a couple of weeks ago, an acknowledgment of my message. Since then – nothing. I await the next step with interest, and shall report what happens on coldspur. * * * * * * * * * * * Guy Liddell, Eric Roberts and Kim Philby The Cookridge Archive Perspicacious readers will recall that in February of this year, I made the following observation concerning the irritatingly vague references given by the author of The Climate of Treason, Andrew Boyle: “While I have not performed a cross-reference, I would hazard that most of the correspondence with these persons is to be found in the Boyle Archive, where individual letter-writers are clearly identified. Of this period, Boyle writes, for example (p 455, Note 15): “Confidential information to the author as attested in E. H. Cookridge’s notes from Guy Liddell of MI5.” One might react: What on earth was Liddell doing speaking to Cookridge? Did Cookridge (who died on January 1, 1979) ever publish an account of these confidences? Did Boyle consider, now that Liddell and Cookridge were both dead, that he could safely write about these secrets, or did he still fear the Wrath of White? I hope that a study of the correspondence with Cookridge will clear some of this up.” I inquired of the Cambridge University Library about the availability of selections from the Boyle archive, and, at considerable expense, ordered a sample of photographs of items of Boyle’s correspondence, namely his exchanges with Isaiah Berlin, Malcolm Muggeridge and E. H. Cookridge. These arrived at the beginning of April, but were largely disappointing. I was, however, able to determine in what circumstances Cookridge had consulted Guy Liddell, and to establish what Liddell said to him (or, at least, what Cookridge claimed he said). Unfortunately, Boyle and Cookridge converse somewhat at cross-purposes, and the loose ends from their correspondence are never neatly tied up. Two questions that Boyle posed to Cookridge, on August 30, 1977, run as follows: “3) Was the substance, or even outline, of the Krivitsky testimony ever made known? If not, why do people refer to it as though they were familiar with it? 4) In stating ‘I believe that originally Philby was introduced by Springall to Leonid Tolokovisky [sic]’, what is your evidence – or is this merely a hunch?” Cookridge’s answers, given on September 5, were: “3) Krivitsky referred to it in his book ‘I Was Stalin’s Agent’ (Hamish Hamilton, 1939) and I believe Elsa Poretsky mentions something about it when dealing with some detail with Krivitsky’s activities. I recall to have seen something of interest in Krivitsky’s testimony published in the House Reports of the Un-American Activities Committee. That was many years after his death. 4) No, it’s not just a hunch. But unfortunately the people who had good evidence are dead. One was Guy Maynard Liddell. He was Deputy Director of M.I.5 to Sir David Petrie, later head of B-division under Sir Percy Sillitoe from 1945 to about 1952. He later became Director of Security for the Atomic Energy Authority. In 1955 when the ‘Third Man’ business bust, he was asked to go to Washington and investigate Philby’s activities. He also knew – from the secret investigations conducted about Philby’s past – all about Philby. About a year or two before Liddell’s death (in 1960) I had a talk with him on a quite different subject. I intended to write about the suspected betrayal of the Arnhem operation. Liddell (with a captain of Mil. Intell. named Wall) interrogated the suspected Dutch traitor Christiaan Lindemans in November 1944 in Holland and then at a London ‘cage’ (020). I wanted to learn from what he got out of Lindemans and he did tell me a lot. In the course of our conversation we got to Philby (who had by then, of course, gone to Beirut). I told him that I knew Philby in Vienna and he told me that he knew Philby was recruited in London or Cambridge by a Russian agent of the Cagan [Cahan? : coldspur] team. I can’t remember whether he mentioned Tolokonsky (NOT Tolokovisky) and Aslakov. I was then not yet concerned with the Philby story. Much later I learned from Derek Mark, editor of the Daily Express (who had initiated the big hunt after Philby) that several of his reporters, particularly John Mather, found out that the controller of Philby was Tolokonsky. I believe the Daily Express did publish it there.” The answer to ‘3’ famously misses the point. Boyle was assuredly referring to Krivitsky’s testimony given to his MI5 & SIS interrogators in January 1940, not what he declared to US Senate inquiries before he made his visit to the United Kingdom. This is remarkably obtuse of Cookridge, unless he seriously did not know about Krivitsky’s exploits with Jane Archer and company. As for Douglas ‘Dave’ Springhall, the communist spy jailed in 1943, I have no idea why Philby would ever have dealt with him, although some books do still claim, as did Cookridge, that it was Springhall who recruited Philby in 1933, acting as an intermediary for Tolokonsky and Cahan. Yet it is Cookridge’s reference to Liddell’s visit to Washington that primarily intrigued me. Allowing for Cookridge’s mistakes over Liddell’s roles under Petrie and Liddell before he left MI5, as well as the date of Liddell’s death (1958), it is unlikely that he would have confused Liddell’s visit to Washington on March 14, 1946 (which is confirmed by USA archives) with a post-retirement voyage in 1955. It would have been unusual for Liddell to have been brought out of his retirement from MI5 to consult with Washington, unless Dick White (who was Director-General until 1956) believed that under cover, and because of previous relationships, it would be preferable to send out on a special assignment Guy Liddell than, say – ahem – White’s deputy and successor, Roger Hollis. The Philby Inquiry This was a difficult year for the Philby inquiry. By then, MI5 leaders were convinced that he was the ‘Third Man’, but SIS was defending him. In August 1954, Vladimir Petrov had defected in Australia, and brought confirmation that Burgess and Maclean had been tipped off. Yet defining what action to take was a hazardous project. Moreover, the new head of SIS, John ‘Sinbad’ Sinclair, who had replaced Stewart Menzies in 1953, came to Philby’s defence, writing to Dick White on July 20, 1955 that the interrogation of Philby by Helenus Milmo had been biased, and that Philby was being unfairly treated. The story of Petrov’s defection broke on September 18, 1955, when the Royal Commission in Australia published its report, but Philby was given a soft interrogation by SIS on October 7, which infuriated Dick White. Meanwhile, J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, who was convinced of Philby’s guilt, expressed similar frustration at Philby’s continuing to live scot-free and unchallenged. As Ben Macintyre reports in A Spy Among Friends, on Sunday, October 23, the New York Sunday News ran a story naming Philby as the Third Man. This publication led to the famous questions by Marcus Lipton in the House of Commons, Harold Macmillan’s feeble denial, and Philby’s eventual manipulation of the Press to convince them of his innocence. In his 1968 book The Third Man, Cookridge states that a journalist showed Lipton the story from the Sunday News, but says that the story was written by the paper’s London correspondent, ‘an American, known for his associations with the C.I.A.’ That could have been a blind, although the FBI agent Robert Lamphere, in his book The FBI-KGB War, tells us that the informant was his friend, the CIA’s Bill Harvey. Perhaps Liddell had been sent out as an emissary to Hoover to help stoke the fires, and fight the battle on White’s behalf without drawing SIS’s attention? Given the timing and the circumstances, it is difficult to project any other rationale, and this would follow a pattern (as I explain later). Liddell must have been very flattered. The next question that must be posed is: was Liddell indeed the major source for Cookridge’s assertions in The Third Man? Describing Lipton’s question in the House of Commons, Cookridge informs us that Lipton remarked that he had further information but could not disclose it because it concerned ‘secret agents’, and that this observation was understood as meaning that it came from somebody in M.I.5. Cookridge then laconically adds: “It is not for me to interpret Colonel Lipton’s remark, but we know now that he had good reason to believe his information was correct, thought whether it emanated from Dick White or the New York Sunday News must remain a matter of speculation.” In other words, in the vernacular of House of Cards: “You might say that, but I couldn’t possibly comment”. Cookridge’s comments to Andrew Boyle suggest very strongly that Liddell was his source. In his Preface to The Third Man, Cookridge rather disingenuously attributes his ability to get a scoop to his work as a political journalist. Intriguingly, he says he started the book that very same year, 1955. “At that time (and for eleven years) I was the political correspondent of a British newspaper. Through my work in the Lobby of the House of Commons I had access to sources of information not available to the public. But because of the confidential nature of much of this information . . . I was compelled to put away the Philby manuscript.” Yet his confidence to Andrew Boyle twenty-two years later, when he probably suspected all had blown over, reveals an apparently critical role that Liddell played in disclosing MI5’s substantial evidence against Philby. Who Recruited Philby? This leads directly into another aspect that intrigued me, namely the reference to Cahan, and possibly Tolokonsky. A search of books that cite the fact that Philby was originally recruited by Cahan and Tolokonsky leads normally to Andrew Boyle as the source, and we can now see that Boyle relied on Cookridge, and Cookridge apparently on Liddell. In The Third Man Cookridge reported that Springhall, early in 1933 at a house in Rosary Gardens in London, introduced Kim Philby ‘to his new masters, Leonid Tolokonski [sic] and George Aslakoff, and there he received his initial briefing.’ The Soviet officers then (according to Cookridge) directed Philby to go to Vienna, to work as a courier ‘maintaining communications between the outlawed leaders of the Austrian Communists and GB agents in Vienna and the ‘foreign bureaus’ of the Comintern which functioned without interference in Prague’. So why, the incident recollected in tranquillity, did Cookridge misrepresent what happened? When he wrote to Boyle that he could not recall whether Liddell mentioned Tolokonsky or Aslakoff, did he not have a copy of his book at hand? Perhaps when he wrote his book he was relying on the supposed publication of the ‘facts’ by the Daily Express rather than his briefing by Liddell. (I cannot find any Daily Express reference to Cahan on www.newspapers.com, but, of course, that does not mean that one did not exist.) It is thus impossible to ascertain whether the Daily Express received its information likewise from Liddell, who may have been on a mission to enlighten Fleet Street in MI5’s campaign against SIS. Yet how did Liddell, if he was indeed aware of Philby’s recruitment, learn about it? There are no files for ‘Samuel Cahan’, ‘Tolokonsky’ or ‘Aslakoff’ at the National Archives. Christopher Andrew’s authorized history contains no reference to any of them. Nor do their names appear in the PEACH materials, as recently displayed in Cold War Spymaster (see last month’s blog). Anthony Cave-Brown does not refer to them in Treason in the Blood. Even that exhaustive and prodigious chronicler of Stalin’s espionage, Boris Volodarsky, in Stalin’s Agent, has only a fleeting sentence on Tolokonsky, recording his murder in Siberia in 1936. All of these phenomena are very puzzling, even disturbing. Is it possible that Liddell alone knew about the recruitment? After all, Cookridge told Boyle that ‘he’ (Liddell) knew about it, not that MI5 knew about it. Was that not an odd way for Liddell, and then Cookridge, to represent the lesson? It would appear that, if MI5’s senior officers were aware of the story, they managed to throw a wrap over it, and suppress any information that they held on the KGB or GRU officers in London. But why would they do that? (The only other reference to Tolokonsky that I have found is in a novel based around Kim Philby and his Russian handler, given the name Orloff, titled A Spy In Winter, by one Michael Hastings, published in 1984. ‘Michael Hastings’ is a pseudonym of Michael Ben-Zohar, an Israeli historian born in Bulgaria, and the author has Orloff declare: “Until I came into the open, the British secret services believed that Maly and Tolokonsky had recruited and run Philby.” Whatever his sources were, Ben-Zohar’s text suggests that there was some substance behind the Tolokonsky claim. Of course, he may simply have used what he read in The Climate of Treason or The Third Man as a useful aid to authenticity. I have attempted to contact Ben-Zohar via his publisher, but, as so often happens in such cases, I have not even received an acknowledgment of my inquiry.) If Liddell had exclusive knowledge, therefore, it could not have come from shared sources, such as Gouzenko or Petrov, unless he had private conversations with them. And there is no evidence of that. Candidates, therefore would have to include Krivitsky (with whom Liddell did have one-on-one discussions, the details of which were reacted from his Diaries) or maybe Douglas Springhall. Another candidate might be Fred Copeman, who was a close comrade of Springhall’s in 1933, but later turned respectable, and may have been an informer for MI5. Krivitsky seems highly unlikely. I believe no mention of the triad of Cahan, Tolokovsky or Aslakoff appears in the transcripts of his interrogations. And 1940 would be very early for Liddell to receive a tip on Philby and do nothing about it. Moreover, Krivitsky had shown himself unwilling to reveal Philby’s identity as the journalist sent to Franco’s Spain under cover. Springhall is problematical. On my desktop computer, I have twenty-seven bulky PDFs from his files at the National Archives, which I have not yet inspected properly. They provide a fairly exhaustive account of his movements, but Special Branch did not appear to track him having a meeting with members of the Soviet Embassy in 1933. (Springhall did make a request to visit Cambridge in March of that year, however.) I suppose it is possible that Liddell had an interview with the communist activist at the time of his conviction in 1943, but it is improbable that a record of such a conversation has lain undiscovered. Somewhere in that archive (according to Springhall’s Wikipedia entry) is a suggestion that Springhall was working for the GRU from 1932 onwards, but locating that record is a task that will have to wait – unless any alert reader is already familiar with the whole of KV 2/2063-2065 & KV 2/1594-1598 . . . Liddell and Eric Roberts All this links to the third leg of this particular inquiry, which casts dramatic new light on the compelling question of whether British intelligence nourished stronger suspicions about the activities of the Cambridge Five well before they admitted so to the public. “It has been brought to my attention” (as Sir Edward Heath was accustomed to start his letters of complaint to the Spectator, presumably being too busy or too important to read the magazine himself), that, in other records recently declassified and released to the National Archives, Guy Liddell pointed out as early as 1947 that a spy existed in SIS. This astonishing story concerns the MI5 officer, Eric Roberts, and the germ of it can be found on the MI5 website at https://www.mi5.gov.uk/eric-roberts-undercover-work-in-world-war-ii. A more detailed explanation can be seen in a BBC article posted back in 2015, where Christopher Andrew is quoted commenting on an extraordinary testimony that Eric Roberts left behind. The story can be inspected at https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-33414358, and contains the dramatic statement: “In 1947 Roberts was seconded to Vienna to work with MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service. Before Roberts went, he spoke to Liddell. According to Roberts, Liddell warned him ‘there was a traitor operating at the highest level’ of the SIS.” Before I analyse this vital claim, I need to step back and critique the way this story has been presented, as I think the whole issue of the ‘Fifth Column’ has been distorted., and that the MI5 bulletin contributes to the muddle. As you will see, the piece starts: “In the early part of WWII . . .”, and goes on: “It was hoped by this means to ‘surface’ others of a similar pro-Nazi persuasion who might be capable of forming a fascist 5th Column – still a major source of anxiety for MI5 so long as invasion remained a threat.” Yet the narrative suddenly jumps to ‘early 1942’, when Eric Roberts’s role was decided, namely almost halfway through the war. Hitler had in fact called off the invasion by September 1940, and, though Britain had to prepare for it still throughout much of 1941, by the end of that year, the conditions of engagement had changed considerably. Both the Soviet Union and the United States had joined the Allies, and the focus was then on the question of when a so-called ‘Second Front’ (a misleading Soviet-inspired term, as Britain was already fighting the Germans on several fronts) would be opened, and a European invasion begun. Thus, with the Abwehr’s network of agents already controlled by the Double-Cross system, the manipulation of a rather tawdry set of Nazi sympathisers, in the belief that MI5 was warding off a dangerous threat, seems a somewhat quixotic and perhaps a merely futile exercise. This was no ‘Fifth Column’, since the Wehrmacht surely was unaware that any of these persons were active on its behalf, and the MI5 piece rightly suggests that they could probably not have been prosecuted because of the ‘spectre of provocation’. The records of Eric Roberts and this adventure can be inspected at KV 2/3783 & 2/3784 in the National Archives. The latter is downloadable at no charge, and contains the myriad conversations between Roberts and his Nazi sympathisers that were recorded. Unfortunately, the former, which must contain the more interesting articles described in the BBC story, has not been digitized, and I have thus not yet been able to inspect it. (As I was completing this story for my press deadline, I heard from my researcher in London that the 14-page testimonial is not in the archive, but presumably owned by the Roberts family. Given the publicity on the MI5 and BBC sites, including Christopher Andrew’s provocative comments that appear below, it would seem that the family is seeking greater attention to Eric Roberts’s claims, so I am hopeful of gaining access via the BBC.) It also occurs to me that Kate Atkinson, whose novel Transcription I reviewed on this site a few months ago, exploits these recordings, and Henry Hemming, whose biography of Maxwell Knight, MI5’s Greatest Spymaster, I read when it came out in 2017, also describes the activities of Roberts. I should probably annotate my review of Atkinson’s work, although I think her timetable becomes even messier, given the period at which the events occurred. Hemming, whose approach to chronology is also a little wayward, in his concentration on Maxwell Knight, appears not to have exploited this mine of information. Additionally, it was with some amusement that I read the MI5 comment: “For a variety of reasons, until very recently the story of her [Marita Perigoe’s] group and Eric Roberts’ achievements had gone largely unseen by MI5 historians and accordingly the significance of these events was unnoticed.” MI5 ‘historians’? Who might they be, I wonder? Since Andrew’s authorised history came out some six years before these files were released, did MI5 for some reason forget to draw the historian’s attention to their existence when our intrepid researcher was being walked round the archives? Would the MI5 spokesperson be prepared to explain what the ‘variety of reasons’ was? Was MI5 perhaps embarrassed at some of the revelations that came forth from the 14-page document that Andrew is quoted as describing in the following terms: “It’s the most extraordinary intelligence document I’ve ever seen. It’s 14 pages long – it will keep conspiracy theorists going for another 14 years”? Well, here is one professional conspiracy theorist who can’t wait to get his hands on it. If it is going to keep us busy, we have to see the document. Yet it is Roberts’s friendship with Guy Liddell that is for me the most compelling aspect of the story. In 1947, before his secondment to Vienna, we learn that Eric Roberts was warned by his friend that ‘there was a traitor operating at the highest level of the SIS’. Roberts thus credited Liddell with helping him in an awkward situation, but, when he returned to London in 1949, and asked his friend whether the traitor had been identified, Liddell ‘evaded the question’. That is surely evidence that he was not alone in his suspicions, but had been told to clam up. If we inspect my Chronology above, it is clear that the predecessor event that might have convinced Liddell of the guilt of a senior officer in SIS would clearly have been the hapless attempt to defect from Istanbul, Turkey by Konstantin Volkov, on August 16, 1945. We now know of Philby’s manoeuvres to have the informant captured, with the result that Volkov was drugged and executed by Moscow before London could work out what was going on. (This was before the notorious episode of Teddy Kollek, who had witnessed what Philby was up to in Vienna in 1934, being shocked by spotting Philby in a diplomatic role in Washington in 1949.) Did Liddell rumble Philby then? The reason that this question is so important is that conventional accounts of the ‘Third Man’ scandal have focused on the identification of Philby as a possible traitor only after the abscondment of Burgess and Maclean in 1951. I present Liddell’s relevant Diary entry for October 5, 1945 in its entirety: “The case of the renegade WOLKOFF in the Soviet Embassy in Istanbul has broken down. In accordance with instructions he was telephoned to at the Soviet consulate. The telephone was answered by the Russian Consul-General on the first occasion and on the second by a man speaking English claiming to be WOLKOFF but clearly was not. Finally, contact was made with the Russian telephone operator who said that WOLKOFF had left for Moscow. Subsequent enquiries showed that he and his wife left by plane for Russia on Sept.26. Wolkoff had ovvered [sic: ‘offered’] to give a very considerable amount of information but much of it appeared to be in Moscow. WOLKOFF estimated that there were 9 agents in London of one of whom was said to be the ‘head of a section of the British counter-espionage service’. WOLKOFF said he could also produce a list of the known regular NKGB agents of the military and civil intelligence and of the sub-agents they employed. In the list are noted about 250 known or less well known agents of the above-mentioned services with details. Also available were copies of correspondence between London and General Hill of SOE in Moscow. WOLKOFF maintained that the Soviet authorities had been able to read all cypher messages between our F.O. and Embassy in Moscow and in addition to Hill’s messages [line redacted] the Russians had according to WOLKOFF two agents inside the F.O. and 7 inside the British Intelligence Service.” Does this indicate that he believed that Philby was the guilty party? Maybe he was already starting to question why such a valuable potential operation had suddenly turned so sour. We should also recall that Jane Archer, the author of the Krivitsky report, had returned to MI5, probably at the beginning of 1946, from working for Philby in Section V of SIS. It seems inconceivable that she and Liddell would not have discussed her previous boss, the Volkov incident, and maybe started to look more closely at Philby’s career. Archer would have been fascinated by the information revealed in Liddell’s diary entry, and Philby, who wrote of her knowledge of the ‘journalist in Spain’ in My Silent War, might have been alarmed by her return to MI5. Did Liddell also discuss the affair with Dick White? Not so certainly, but White (who was by now taking charge of MI5, as I explained in last month’s report, and moving to squeeze out his mentor at the top) may have cautioned him to silence, unaware that Liddell had shared his suspicions with Roberts. With Blunt (as I confidently assert) recently unmasked in MI5, and Philby a strong suspect in SIS, White may have felt that they could control the poison – and preserve the reputation of the service. As we see, Liddell was going to have to suppress his suspicions when his friend Roberts returned from Vienna, suggesting that he was not alone in harbouring serious doubts about Philby’s loyalties, but that pressure was being applied not to rock the boat. That was not the behavior of a Soviet mole, but of a weak and frightened man. Confusion in Washington Moreover, my overseas informant (who wishes to remain anonymous) has pointed out to me a dramatic new twist to the story. In the 1967 Sunday Times article that broke the Philby story, there appears a provocative statement concerning Philby after the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean in May 1951. It runs as follows: “The weekend after the defection, a four-man team, led by G. A. Carey-Foster, the head of Q-Branch in the Foreign Office, flew to Washington and questioned Philby. Almost immediately afterwards Philby was withdrawn from his post as CIA/SIS liaison officer: apart from any suspicions the British had, the Americans were no longer prepared to deal with him.” If this were true, the team presumably flew out to forestall any attempt by Philby to defect, which must have meant that MI5 and the Foreign Office harboured deep suspicions about Philby’s loyalties, and were very quick to adopt a ‘Third Man’ theory. So what happened to this story? The cavalcade of events constitutes an excellent example of the importance of Chronology. Surprisingly, the claim does not appear in the 1968 book that followed the Sunday Times article – The Philby Conspiracy, by the Sunday Times journalists Bruce Page, David Leitch and Phillip Knightley. In fact, the only publication where I have been able to find the story duplicated is in that now familiar compendium, E. H. Cookridge’s The Third Man, where he wrote (p 208): “What followed was a world sensation. Sir Percy Sillitoe flew to Washington six days after the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean; he was preceded by a team, led by Mr. Carey-Foster, sent to interrogate Philby.” This account, if only partially true (Sillitoe did not fly out until two weeks after the spies’ absence was noticed), would tend to confirm the preparedness of British security organs to spring into action. But where did Cookridge get his information from? The Sunday Times? Or the same source who provided it to the newspaper? It is not clear, and, unless the Cookridge archive can shed light on the matter, we shall probably never know. The circumstances of Philby’s departure from the USA at that time are represented inconsistently in the literature. Perhaps the most detailed account of the goings-on is S. J. Hamrick’s 2004 opus Deceiving the Deceivers. Hamrick was a former US intelligence officer who believed that MI5 and the Foreign Office had deceived the British public – and the CIA – about their investigation into Maclean and Philby. Unfortunately, Hamrick, who compiled a detailed chronicle of the events leading up to Burgess and Maclean’s disappearance, spun a yarn that had Dick White and the RAF trying to use Philby in an extravagant operation to feed false information on atomic weapons to the Soviets. This fantasy was deftly dissected and trashed by Nigel West himself, in a review titled ‘Who’s Fooling Who?’, which appeared in the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence in 2006. (Yet West lists the work as a source in Cold War Spymaster, without any explanation why a work that he has panned elsewhere has suddenly become worthy of being recommended to his readership. A very bizarre practice, which must be condemned.) The account of Philby’s departure is quite clear, however: he received a telegram recalling him to London before Sillitoe and Martin flew out, and arrived the day they left London. As I delved more deeply into the various accounts of Philby’s recall in early June 1951 (I have made notes from about twenty), I realized that the whole saga is more complicated, more puzzling, and more disturbing than I ever imagined. I cannot possibly do justice do it in this report, and shall have to dedicate a whole future instalment of coldspur to the full exploration of the inconsistencies. It may not surprise readers to learn that one of the latest renderings, Christopher Andrew’s authorised history of MI5, Defend the Realm (2009), despite having all the records at the author’s disposal, seems to me to have got the timetable dramatically wrong. (Chronology again!) On the other hand, the supposed visit to Washington by Carey Foster and his team may be purely mythical – and may not matter much. So I shall here simply outline my main findings and conclusions. First, let us step back a bit. Just before Kim Philby was posted to Washington in September 1949, as the liaison for British intelligence with the US government, he was briefed by Maurice Oldfield, deputy head of counter-intelligence in SIS, about the VENONA project. This programme, by which certain wartime cables between Moscow and outlying embassies had been (partially) decrypted by US and GB teams, had by then thrown up the cryptonym HOMER as an important source of highly sensitive information passed on to the Soviets. It was Philby’s job to assist the FBI in identifying possible suspects. Given that the ‘Foreign Office’ spy (namely Maclean) had been identified, but not named, by Krivitsky, it took an unconscionably long time for British intelligence to whittle down the candidates for this breach to Maclean himself. MI5 would later claim that only in April 1951 could HOMER’s identity be firmly nailed on to Maclean, after which the bumbling investigation (hindered by the Foreign Office) sputtered along so ineptly that it allowed Burgess and Maclean to escape on May 25. The whole point of the investigation was to delay and prevaricate. Yet, when the story broke to the astounded FBI and CIA, MI5 had to act fast to try to restore confidence. The records point dominantly to the fact that Percy Sillitoe, the Director-General of MI5, accompanied by one of his junior officers, Arthur Martin, flew out to Washington the same day that Philby, who had been recalled, flew into Heathrow (June 12). (Philby had given the impression to his friends, such as James Angleton, that he would be returning.) Yet the files at the National Archives in Kew show that this goodwill trip had been planned before Burgess and Maclean escaped, as part of the charm offensive that MI5 knew it would have to undertake when Maclean was brought in for questioning. The days June 12/13 had already been chosen, at the planning meeting for the interrogation of Maclean, on May 23, as the dates to speak to Hoover. The records show that Sillitoe intended to inform Hoover of the name of the ‘principle suspect’. In the changed circumstances, however, with the renegades escaping under MI5’s noses, a different strategy was required. Arthur Martin brought a sharp seven-point memorandum with him, which he apologetically shared with his FBI contact Robert Lamphere, while his chief had a meeting with his counterpart, Edgar Hoover. This report listed some major damning reasons why Philby was seen as a security risk, and clearly would be interpreted as putting an end to his career with SIS. Lamphere documented them (in The FBI-KGB War) as follows: - Maclean, Burgess and Philby had all been communists at Cambridge - Philby had become pro-German to build his cover story - Philby had married the communist Litzi Friedman - Krivitsky had pointed to a journalist in Spain (who was in fact Philby) - Philby was involved in the Volkov affair - Philby was involved in infiltrating Georgian agents into Armenia - Philby was suspected in assisting in the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean. It had presumably not been the plan to open up so blatantly when preparations for the visit were originally made. Yet Sillitoe did not take this memorandum to Hoover. The CIA Takes Charge? When Bedell Smith, the head of the CIA, heard of the Burgess-Maclean fiasco, he apparently asked his lieutenants to write up reports on what they knew about Philby. Even though there had been no deep briefing of the CIA by Sillitoe and Martin, one of Smith’s officers, Bill Harvey, responsible for countering Soviet espionage, used information which was uncannily similar to that supplied by Martin to give meat to his account. James Angleton, the other prominent agent, wrote more about the rude behavior of Burgess in Washington, but was overall more forgiving of Philby. Bedell Smith then wrote to Stewart Menzies, the head of SIS, insisting that Philby never represent the British government again – as if he had been unaware of the Martin submission. What is most critical for this story, however, is the fact that Harvey’s report was dated June 18, the day Sillitoe and Martin returned to London after their conversations with their counterparts in the FBI. Philby was already out of the country. It is important to note a few important aspects of Philby’s recall. The first concerns the fact that Stewart Menzies, the head of SIS, very quickly sent a recall message to Philby after his friends had fled. That would suggest that Menzies, who was later to become a stout defender of this high-flying officer, at the time had doubts about him – perhaps because some analysts were suggesting that Philby was ‘STANLEY’ in the VENONA decrypts – and recognized that Philby was a security risk. Yet a disturbing part of the recall was the unusual behavior of Menzies, in that he first sent a letter to Philby, in which he warned him that an official telegram would soon be arriving. Some interpreters of this (e.g. Hamrick) have suggested that this was an alert for Philby to indicate that he should fly the coop if he wanted to. It is difficult to imagine Menzies taking advice on this matter from anyone else. As Genrikh Borovik recorded in The Philby Files (1994) (and confirmable in KV 6/143 at Kew) Philby was also asked by MI5, by telegram, to contribute an opinion on the Burgess and Maclean affair before the letter from Menzies came through. He sent two messages back, of which the second, dated June 6,is on file, and danced a cautiously informative line, dropping hints about the pair’s possible association and friendship, and identifying possibly incriminating property (a sun-lamp, a camera, books by Stalin) in Burgess’s possession. It was crafted to provide just enough awareness to show a degree of observation, but not enough to have implicated himself. Hamrick reports that the letter-carrier was one John Drew, who ‘happened to be leaving for Washington on official business’, and that the letter had been written at Menzies’ request. “The purpose was to warn Philby of the coming cable recalling him to London so he could quickly pack up and hustle out of town before Percy Sillitoe arrived for his talks with J. Edgar Hoover. MI6 wanted to make sure Philby was beyond Hoover’s grasp and unavailable for FBI interrogation.” That sounds fraudulent and unlikely to me: why on earth would Philby, as an SIS employee, have to submit to interrogation by the FBI? If accurate, however, it also shows that Menzies was aware of the planned Sillitoe visit: Patrick Reilly, identified as ‘SIS Foreign Office Adviser’, attended the vital planning meeting on May 24 at which the timetable was laid out. Reilly had also been Menzies’s private secretary during the war, so Menzies would quickly have learned all that was going on. Reilly (who was the gentleman selected to prepare, a few years later, the lie to the House of Commons about Burgess’s career with the Foreign Office) could have also been called ‘Foreign Office SIS Adviser’. Another significant fact is that Philby maintained cordial relations with his contacts in the CIA (for example, James Angleton) right up to his departure. That would indicate that the CIA did not connect any dots until after he had left, for whatever reason, and that Bill Harvey’s work on building a case against Philby did not occur until Sillitoe and Martin had arrived in Washington. No record of Harvey’s report to Bedell Smith, which has received so much attention in the various accounts of this period, exists. Gordon Corera, in The Art of Betrayal (2012) informs us that he made repeated requests through the Freedom of Information Act, but came up with nothing. (Corera, by the way, is another historian who ignores the chronology: he has ‘Washington’ insisting that Philby leave.) Moreover, Corera also has Harvey sending his memorandum not to Smith, but to Allen Dulles, who was Deputy-Director of Plans at that time. Yet this was assuredly a different memorandum. The Cleveland Cram Archive at George Washington University reveals that Harvey and Angleton probably submitted two separate memoranda: when Jack Easton of SIS returned to Washington in July, he pointed out that Sillitoe had been given these memoranda by the CIA, and that the one written by Harvey claimed that Philby was ‘ELLI’. That assertion was not part of the Martin-Lamphere-Harvey communication, and it would appear clear that Harvey had been instructed not to let the Director-General of MI5 see the infamous memorandum with the seven points. In addition, the missive to Dulles was dated June 15, while that to Smith was written two days earlier, immediately after Lamphere’s meeting with Martin. Christopher Andrew is another of those observers who assert that Philby was recalled because of Bedell Smith’s ‘prompt’ action in demanding Philby’s recall, and that such a demand then required Sillitoe to travel to Washington to mollify Bedell Smith! Moreover, Andrew makes no reference to the seven-point memorandum which Lamphere clearly described in his book, published as early as 1986. Even Anthony Cave Brown, not regarded as the most reliable of historians, reflected the Martin disclosures, in his 1994 epic Treason in the Blood, although he suggested that the dossier on Philby was created by Martin in a rush, when he inspected the records on Philby only after Burgess and Maclean were shown to have flown (May 28) – a highly improbable scenario. While a fresh decision was no doubt made to communicate its contents to Lamphere, the dossier had surely been compiled beforehand. Nigel West, in his recent Coldwar Spymaster (see last month’s report) quotes Liddell’s diary entry of June 18, when he shares Sillitoe’s statement of regret that the FBI had not been shown the shortlist, but otherwise does not explain the circumstances by which this memorandum was created and passed on. The comments in Liddell’s diary indicate a highly significant and devious plot, however. On June 14, he reports that Sillitoe has sent in a telegram, ‘saying that the CIA are already conducting enquiries about Philby, whom they regard as persona non grata, and that the FBI may take up the running before long. He [Sillitoe] thinks, however, that we should disclose to the FBI now that Kim’s first wife was a Communist’. Liddell was doubtful about providing this information, and recorded that the decision should be left to Sillitoe: “. . . he should make it clear that no proper assessment of Philby’s position has so far been possible.” Apart from the absurdity of the Director-General of MI5 having to telegram home for instructions (I cannot see J. Edgar Hoover calling back from Topeka, Kansas to ask his subordinates ‘What should I do?’), Liddell’s state of ignorance would seem to be confirmed. Given that Martin had just informed Lamphere of the fact of Philby’s first marriage, as one of the seven points, it would appear to prove that (unless Liddell had been creating fake entries for posterity) i) Liddell himself knew nothing of Martin and his seven points; ii) Sillitoe knew nothing of the seven points, and iii) Lamphere could be trusted not to have shared what he was told with his colleagues at the FBI. The only person who could have managed this whole exercise was Dick White. As it turned out, Sillitoe went on to have a meeting with Bedell Smith, but since he had been deliberately kept in the dark about the mission of his sidekick Martin, it is safe to assume that he could have told Bedell Smith nothing about MI5’s dossier on Philby. Ironically, as late as June 27, Liddell records in his diary that White ‘has agreed a memorandum with SIS on the subject of Kim Philby, which is to go to the FBI’. Dick White must have struggled to keep a straight face. The American side of the story is equally bizarre, with the CIA’s Bill Harvey clearly trying to steal the thunder, claiming he had come to his conclusions about Philby while stuck in traffic on the way to work. (In his 2001 Secret History of the CIA Joseph J. Trento relates an alternative version which Harvey used to tell his team in Berlin, where he was posted in 1953 – that the breakthrough occurred while he was sitting in the barber’s chair: maybe he had trouble remembering his legend.) Harvey was an unusual character, in that he had been recruited from the FBI in 1950 after he had effectively been fired from Hoover’s organisation, probably because a hangover caused him to miss an appointment. Trento, citing William R. Corson, offers a more dramatic explanation – that Hoover set up the incident, so that he could infiltrate Harvey into the CIA as a mole. Whether that is true or not, Harvey had also been enraged when Guy Burgess drew an unflattering caricature of his wife at a party hosted by the Philbys. The story of his epiphany comes from the very influential, but woolly and unreliable 1980 book, Wilderness of Mirrors, by the journalist David Martin, who echoed the claim that Bedell Smith gathered Angleton’s and Harvey’s reports, and let Menzies know that Philby was no longer welcome in Washington. Martin went on to write, in blissful ignorance of what his namesake Arthur had provided, that MI5, ‘working from Harvey’s premise’ then compiled a dossier against Philby that included the seven points of light. “I have toted [sic] up the ledger and the debits outnumber the assets’, he had the head of MI5 (i.e. not Menzies, but Sillitoe) then informing the CIA in response. Wilderness of Mirrors builds up a paean to Harvey as ‘the man who unmasked Philby’ and upstaged his rival James Angleton, the start of a lifelong reputation that was then reinforced by everyone who read Martin’s book: it was all a sham. In his profile of Philby, The Master Spy (1982), Phillip Knightley (who interviewed his subject in Moscow) manages to record both anecdotes in the space of two pages – Harvey’s extraordinary insight, and the fact that Lamphere was informed by Arthur Martin of the seven points – without recognizing the paradox. Moreover, he also echoes David Martin’s absurd claim that White then endorsed the Bedell Smith report by compiling its own dossier on Philby. As a weird adjunct to his written testimony, Lamphere then informed Knightley that Martin was accompanied by White himself in a visit to Washington after the Bedell submission, and thereby convinced him of Philby’s guilt! Knightley’s account is typical of this genre in showing an utterly undisciplined approach to chronology, an impressionability to unreliable sources, and a lack of rigorous methodology to sort out conflicts. Lamphere thus seemed to contradict himself, sealing the fact of his complicity in the plot. As further evidence, Lamphere, who documented the Arthur Martin revelations in 1986, appeared not to object to this flagrant distortion of the truth when Burton Hersh, in The Old Boys (1992) regurgitated this story that appeared in the more definitive history of the CIA, John Ranelagh’s The Agency (1986). The CIA and the FBI were fierce rivals, and culturally very different. Why would he not call out his vainglorious counterpart, and correct the record? (Questioning the possible motives of participants is another aspect of my methodology.) Probably because Harvey was his friend and ally, and they agreed that it was the best way of getting rid of the odious Philby. Dick White’s Plot My theory about this is, therefore, that Lamphere knew that a wily plot was under way, and went along with it to enhance the CIA’s reputation. I suspect that Dick White, alerted by Liddell (and maybe by the very astute Maurice Oldfield, an SIS officer who had come to similar conclusions about Philby, but was not yet influential enough to challenge Menzies) crafted the policy of leaking a dossier on Philby to the CIA via Lamphere, so that the CIA could challenge SIS on it, thus deflecting the source of the attack away from MI5. Since Harvey was an ex-FBI man, he had a special relationship with his former colleague: he and Lamphere were old friends. The CIA had been depressed by its recent failed exploits in Albania, with which Philby had been involved, and MI5 was in no shape to make any open criticisms of SIS, what with the Fuchs fiasco fresh in its collective minds. What better way for MI5 of raising its esteem in the opinion of the CIA, and diverting attention to the misfortunes of SIS, than enabling the passing on to the CIA secret information with which it could assail SIS, and secure Philby’s demise? Thus Lamphere became a willing participant in the scheme, and remained silent. In his book, he very smoothly elides over Harvey’s ‘breakthrough’: “In the summer of 1951, in my in-service lectures to FBI field agents, I was discussing Philby as a major spy; simultaneously, over at the CIA, Bill Harvey and Jim Angleton had no doubts about Philby’s perfidy.” He says nothing about Harvey’s ‘Aha!’ moment when stuck in traffic. He subdued his ego for the greater cause. By 1986, however, he no doubt felt that it was safe to explain what really happened. Yet no one picked him up: instead we read all these stories, no doubt encouraged by the CIA, of MI5 responding to the shrewd insights of its operatives by compiling its dossier on Philby in response to the CIA’s breakthroughs. MI5 was thus clearly trying to play a very cagey game, no doubt inspired by Dick White rather than the bemused Sillitoe or the cautious Liddell, playing off the Foreign Office and SIS, and attempting to curry favour with the CIA, minimizing MI5’s culpability in the sluggish investigation into HOMER. The service surely had compiled a dossier on Philby much earlier (as the Roberts-Liddell exchanges will probably confirm), and many commentators, such as Hamrick, imply that the study of the VENONA texts had led White and co. to Maclean much earlier than MI5 later claimed. SIS’s passivity in the whole affair is a bit surprising, unless Menzies and White (acting on behalf of the confused Sillitoe) had done a deal whereby they would quietly ‘bury’ Philby in the same way that White and Liddell had smothered any disclosures about Anthony Blunt and Leo Long. Yet the fact that Menzies sent his emissary Jack Easton out to Washington in July to explain to Bedell Smith that Philby’s only identified transgression so far had been to board Guy Burgess in his Washington home indicated that SIS was probably not aware of the beans that had been spilled by Arthur Martin earlier. As for Liddell, it was surprising that he was not sent on the mission with Sillitoe – after all, he was Sillitoe’s deputy, was nominally in charge of the investigation, and knew as much as anybody about Soviet espionage – but maybe he was considered not devious enough, and might have betrayed the fact that he had harboured suspicions about Philby for some years already. White may have therefore manoeuvered Martin into the assignment, as a less imaginative spokesperson. Yet Tom Bower’s biography of White, The Perfect English Spy, offers a different explanation. The account of these weeks is a chronological disaster, as White clearly wanted to deceive his interlocutor. The future head of MI5 and SIS gave his biographer a complete tissue of lies, not only massively confusing the timetable of events, but omitting some vital aspects of the story. Again, this episode merits a report of its own, and I need to interweave the claimed chronology with my previous account of Liddell’s meetings with Rees and Blunt (see http://www.coldspur.com/donald-macleans-handiwork ), so I shall just highlight the main travesties here. Among the distortions, Bower has White approaching John Sinclair, the deputy-director of SIS, after Sillitoe’s return from the USA, requesting that Philby be brought back to England for questioning, while indicating that Philby was not under suspicion at that time. He makes no mention of the detailed plans for visiting Washington that Kew has now disclosed, most significantly overlooking the dossier that Arthur Martin shared with Lamphere, instead saying that Martin’s conversations with Lamphere ‘were focused on Burgess’. Instead, White has himself and Martin compiling the dossier after the request to Philby went out. Moreover, he repeats the story of the letter of warning to Philby before the telegram, but again, being sent after Sillitoe and Martin had returned. It is apparent, also, that White told Bower that he wanted Liddell out of the investigation because of Liddell’s associations with Burgess and his injudicious meeting with Blunt, and Liddell’s foolish request to Blunt to open Burgess’s flat to look for clues and correspondence. White hints broadly to his biographer that Liddell came under suspicion as a Soviet spy, yet on January 2, 1980, he would declare (as reported by the Canberra Times) that “Any suggestion that Liddell was a Russian agent is the most awful, rotten nonsense. I knew him well and never had the slightest doubt about his good faith.” What is also remarkable is the evidence, in the Cleveland Cram files, that, when White came over to Washington in January 1952, he admitted to Scott, Dulles and Wisner in the CIA that Philby had been spying for the Soviets up until 1945, but had then ‘probably stopped’ his activities. That was an extraordinarily reckless statement to make, especially in view of the fact that MI5 had not elicited a confession from Philby, and that Harold Macmillan would go on to clear him, to the House of Commons, in 1955. It was overall a very slippery, mendacious performance by White in trying to put a positive seal on his legacy, concealing the bulk of the facts, and shifting the blame to Liddell when he, White, was just as responsible as his mentor. After all, if, as I claim is true, Blunt and Leo Long were discovered spying in 1944, White and Liddell should both have steered very clear of Blunt in 1951. ‘Dick White – A Re-assessment’ is urgently required. But why MI5 thought that it had to bow to Foreign Office pressure, and could get away honourably, and without detection, with showing Lamphere the seven-point memorandum while concealing it from Hoover remains a puzzlement. It is all very amateurish, suggesting perhaps that the Foreign Office, which in May had been insistent that Martin not tell the FBI that Maclean was a suspect, was in on the ruse, perhaps believing that it would move attention away from Maclean to Philby. The whole saga demands further analysis. Conclusion (for now) In conclusion, therefore, it would appear that the judgments made against Philby by Liddell in 1947 were indeed shared, but suppressed. If there is one continuous theme to my research, it is the fact that awareness of the Cambridge Five’s treachery existed well before the authorities admitted it: Burgess with the Comintern in 1940, Blunt in 1944, Philby by 1947, Cairncross in 1952, and Maclean in 1949 – or even earlier. We also have new dimensions to Liddell’s career – an insider who guessed too much too soon in 1947, a senior officer, during the vital Philby inquiry in 1951, being pushed aside and outwitted by someone who would vanquish him in the competition for Director-General a year later, and then a possible secret assignment for the same erstwhile colleague in 1955, after his retirement from MI5. And was he perhaps an articulate and expert source to favoured journalists, trying to get the hidden facts revealed in some way without his fingerprints detectable on the medium? The irony is that E. H. Cookridge, of all observers, because of his first-hand knowledge of Philby’s activities in Vienna, should be the one to learn from Liddell of Philby’s recruitment before he set out for Austria. The conversation must have been two-way: no doubt Cookridge helped fill in the background to Philby’s communist agitation for Liddell. In 1968, however, with Liddell dead, Cookridge still felt he could not identify his source when he wrote The Third Man, but no doubt sensed the sands of time were running out when he communicated with Andrew Boyle in 1977. There is work to do: trying to inspect travel records for 1955, having a look at the photographs of KV 2/3783, applying to the BBC for access to Roberts’s testimonial, wading through the voluminous Springhall files myself, tracking down those CIA memoranda, reading Bayard Stockton’s biography of Bill Harvey, Flawed Patriot, applying some more rigorous structure to the events of May and June 1951 (including re-inspecting KV 6/143, and attempting to integrate Dick White’s erroneous chronology), and, maybe most significant of all, gaining access to the Cookridge archive at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Is there anyone out there who can help with that last task? Oh, and by the way, is there anyone in MI5 or SIS keeping tabs on coldspur? If such a person has any questions – or any tips – you know how to get hold of me. This month’s Commonplace entries can be found here.
{ "date": "2019-07-19T20:49:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526359.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20190719202605-20190719224605-00109.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9705812335014343, "token_count": 17776, "url": "http://www.coldspur.com/the-importance-of-chronology-with-special-reference-to-liddell-philby/" }
Although Carmelo Anthony will no longer be part of the Rockets moving forward, he is keeping himself prepared for his next NBA destination. The Houston castoff has returned to his old Life Time Athletic stomping ground in New York City. Watch him run drills and get shots up in the latest Black Ops Basketball workout video. The Rockets have yet to formally release Anthony, who has not played since Nov. 8 against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Houston is expected to hold on until it has assurance that Anthony will be claimed off of waivers, otherwise it will incur a luxury tax hit. The Rockets can also wait to deal Anthony for a return on their investment after his trade restrictions are lifted on Dec. 15.
{ "date": "2019-07-21T02:51:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526818.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20190721020230-20190721042230-00269.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9735779762268066, "token_count": 142, "url": "https://rocketswire.usatoday.com/2018/11/28/carmelo-anthony-workout-new-york-to-stay-ready/" }
Welcome to another edition of The Grind, where we’ve got a new favorite game. It’s called Tiger Woods Comeback Bingo (Actually, let’s go with “Big Cat Bingo” -- that’s catchier) and we invite you to play along as we track the latest return of the 14-time major champ to competitive golf. So far we’ve seen pitching, “smooth iron shots,” driving, a vintage club twirl, a Sunday-red shirt and now, a patented Stinger(!). We’re just missing a few things now including a return tournament, a return press conference in which Tiger assures everyone, “I’m here to win,” and, sadly, an inevitable return of back problems for the soon-to-be 42-year-old. Here, we even made a helpful card for all to follow: So happy playing, everyone! And see you soon, Big Cat. We hope. OK, here's what else has us talking this week. Justin Thomas: Forget what the Official World Golf Ranking says, Thomas is the best golfer on the planet right now. Officially, he moved up to No. 3 following his latest victory at the CJ Cup @ Nine Bridges, but neither Dustin Johnson or Jordan Spieth come close to matching the reigning PGA Tour Player of the Year's six wins and a major in the past 12 months. Heck, he’s topped Tom Lehman’s entire career during that span. But JT looked just as confused as anyone when he discovered the CJ Cup trophy isn’t a cup. Bernhard Langer: The only guy more dominant right now than the 24-year-old Thomas is the 60-year-old Langer. Seriously, this guy is actually getting better even though golfers his age should be playing from the gold tees. Langer picked up his sixth win of the season on the PGA Tour Champions -- a new career high -- by making an eagle on the final hole of the Dominion Energy Charity Classic, the first event of the Schwab Cup Playoffs: What a stud. And yes, the Schwab Cup is actually a cup. Langer would know because he's won it three years in a row. Sergio Garcia: The Year of Sergio got back on track (on the golf course) with the Spaniard’s one-shot victory at the Andalucia Valderrama Masters, a tournament in his native country being put on by his own foundation. It’s the first time Garcia has won three European Tour events in a season and not even a visible foot slip on the last hole could keep him from stuffing one final iron shot: And then he dedicated his latest victory to his wife and their baby girl who is due in March. Good timing because he's got a pretty big tournament to defend in April. K.J. Choi’s voice: Known as “Tank,” the South Korean also has some powerful pipes off the course. You’re probably all wondering, “Why doesn’t he go on Korea’s Got Talent”? And it’s a good question with an easy answer: The show was cancelled in 2012 (Thanks, Google). Too bad. Korean LPGA decision-making: Thanks to a golf course where the greens were tough to distinguish from the fringe (Not exactly Augusta National, in other words), there was a back-and-forth on how to penalize players who had accidentally marked their golf balls off the green. But instead of either just penalizing or not penalizing said players, the tour decided to wipe out the ENTIRE FIRST ROUND. This would be like starting a football game over because an officiating crew couldn’t decide whether to flag a team for pass interference in the second quarter. Absolutely mystifying. PGA Tour Latinoamerica timing: More weird news involving the cancellation of a round of golf on another pro golf tour around the world. This time, the PGA Tour Latinoamerica announced its Lexus Peru Open would be shortened to 54 holes because Sunday’s final round was played on the same day the country was conducting its 10-year census. Whoops. So don’t feel so bad the next time you schedule two meetings that overlap. Fluky penalties: Scott McCarron was about to take a drop, but because he dropped his golf club on his golf ball right before he did, he was assessed a penalty. That sucks. Although it did lead to an entertaining tantrum: That could loom large in McCarron’s pursuit of Bernhard Langer in the Schwab Cup Playoffs. . . Kidding! No one is catching Bernhard! The PGA Tour heads to Shanghai for the WGC-HSBC Champions, aka that event where tour pros are always forced to take the most awkward promo photos. And this year is no different. In fact, the creative geniuses behind these PR stunts managed to top themselves yet again! Random tournament fact: U.S. clocks get turned back at 2 a.m. on Saturday night, meaning American golf fans get an extra hour to sleep if they decide to stay up late to watch the final round. Also, Hideki Matsuyama is the defending champ, which is why Dustin Johnson, Henrik Stenson and Haotong Li are flying over him in that photo. Just roll with it. RANDOM PROP BETS OF THE WEEK -- Tiger Woods will win the 2018 Masters: 100-to-1 odds -- Justin Thomas will win the 2018 Masters: 12-to-1 odds people suckers will bet on Tiger Woods: LOCK PHOTO OF THE WEEK For a second time in 2017, Jordan Spieth shared a photo of a star-studded crew. This time, the photo was taken on a golf course and it included Barack Obama, Stephen Curry, Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank and Stephen Curry’s younger brother, Seth. Our apologies to the sixth person in the group for not knowing who he is, but we’re big fans of that shirt. VIRAL VIDEO OF THE WEEK Tiger Woods. Hitting a stinger. Obviously. Is there anything better? Actually, how about that beautiful swing in full speed? We could watch that on loop all day. VIRAL VIDEO(S) OF THE WEEK (NON-TIGER DIVISION) Jamie Donaldson is quickly becoming our new favorite player. At last week’s Italian Open, he hit the prettiest driver-off-the-deck you’ll ever see, and he gave us a couple more goodies this week. First, this energetic dance routine in the gym before his final round in Spain: And then, this fully-clothed dip in the pool following that round in which he finished fourth and kept his European Tour card for next season: VIRAL VIDEO(S) OF THE WEEK (TRICK SHOT DIVISION) Noted trick shot artist Joshua Kelley has the best balance of anyone in the world, gymnasts included: And I had the pleasure of meeting another trick-shot artist, Tania Tare, and watching her do her thing up close on our office putting green: I wish I could say I learned a few things, but I'm hopeless with that stuff. QUOTE OF THE WEEK “I’m so excited to not do anything. I officially have nothing left in the tank.”-- Justin Thomas, proving the wrap-around season is exhausting even for 24-year-olds. THIS WEEK IN TOUR PROS MAKING US FEEL BAD WITH THEIR TRAINING Lexi Thompson may have a new haircut, but she’s got the same focus when it comes to hitting the gym: THIS WEEK IN DUSTIN JOHNSON-PAULINA GRETZKY RICKIE FOWLER-ALLISON STOKKE PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION The couple that runs stadium stairs together stays together. But these lovebirds enjoyed themselves as well while on a recent vacay in California: THIS AND THAT Do yourself a favor and read Brian Wacker’s piece on two friends who played the world's longest “golf hole” by hitting shots 1,250 miles while trekking across Mongolia. And then don’t even think about trying something as nuts as that yourself. . . . Hall-of-Fame pitcher John Smoltz recently said he, Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine once played 73 of the country’s top-100 golf courses during a single baseball season. That might be more impressive than his career totals of 213 wins and 154 saves. . . . Speaking of great courses, the U.S. Women's Open will go to Pebble Beach for the first time in 2023. It's about time. . . . A Scottish woman less than seven months into a nearly four-year prison sentence for tax fraud was recently seen playing the Old Course at St. Andrews during one of her two weekly prison release days. In other words, she gets to play more golf than most of my friends who have kids. . . . New Mets manager Mickey Callaway has three holes-in-one, including one with a 3-wood on a 253-yard hole. I already don't like this guy. . . . And finally, I saw this sign over the weekend in Charlotte, N.C. The struggle is real for disc golfers around the country. RANDOM QUESTIONS TO PONDER How many golf courses have I played in my life? How long would I have lasted on that Mongolia trip? When will we see the "Stinger" for real?
{ "date": "2019-07-18T21:37:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525829.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20190718211312-20190718233312-00269.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9552655816078186, "token_count": 2065, "url": "https://www.golfdigest.com/story/tiger-woods-comeback-bingo-justin-thomas-curious-trophy-and-jordan-spieths-impressive-golf-crew" }
Did you know that May is National Egg Month? The Noah’s Pride Eggs are certainly eggs-cited to share this unique hol-egg-day month with you by providing some fun facts about eggs that most people probably don’t know! Today’s post will also answer a few frequently asked questions about egg nutrition. Let’s cel-egg-brate all the things that make eggs such a special, incredible food! Top 5 Egg Facts You Should Know As you get together with family for eggs-traordinary summer vacations beginning later this month, you can share your eggs-pert knowledge and surely impress everyone! Egg yolks and whites are both good for you While it’s true that many people believe yolks are “bad” compared to egg whites because they contain much of the egg’s fat, there’s more to this story. In other words, don’t ditch those egg yolks! Our friends at the Egg Nutrition Center explain that you should not be afraid of the fat content in egg yolks. Much of the fat found in yolks is unsaturated and aids in the absorption of other essential egg nutritional components like fat-soluble vitamins D, E, and A, plus choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, and more. In fact, if you throw away the yolks, you will lose much of that nutrition, as well as nearly half of the egg’s total protein (just over 40%)! Keep those yolks, folks! Eggs do not increase your risk of heart disease Although it is a fact that eggs contain cholesterol, the effect of egg consumption on blood cholesterol is minimal, according to the Mayo Clinic and other medical experts. It has been proven through long-term research that healthy adults can eat up to seven eggs per week without impacting their heart disease risk. The even better news? Newer studies have shown that eating up to one egg a day is associated with a 12% reduction in the risk of stroke! Eggshells are great for your garden Are you a home gardener who enjoys enriching your soil with compost and healthy nutrients to grow stronger, more resilient food and ornamental plants? Adding crushed eggshells to your compost will naturally increase calcium and other essential nutrients that plants need. Just know that for best results, it’s a good idea to prep your eggshells a bit before tossing them in your bin or compost heap. Many experts suggest allowing shells to dry out for a few days or baking them dry in a warm oven, and then pulverizing them (using a food processor is great for this) to encourage absorption into the soil. Eggs are a protein “MVP” Especially when combined with vegetables, such as on a delicious and refreshing summer salad, the high protein content in eggs becomes that much more valuable. Our friends over at the American Egg Board break it down like this—the nutritional value of eggs and veggies eaten together is greater in total than each would be alone. These healthy foods have complementary vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant values that boost absorption in the body. For example: - A salad eaten with whole cooked eggs increases carotenoid (lutein, zeaxanthin, and more) absorption. - Dietary fat contained in egg yolks may help increase the bioavailability of carotenoids found in co-consumed fruits and vegetables. - Vitamin E absorption is increased, too, when eating a salad with whole cooked eggs because it is a fat-soluble vitamin. Eggs are good for your brain While we like to believe that eating eggs actually makes you smarter, the jury is still out. But, eggs do help with cognition by nourishing your brain in healthy ways. Science has proven this! Two essential nutrients for brain health and cognition are found in eggs: choline and lutein. What do these amazing carotenoids do? Important for during pregnancy to help with fetal brain development, choline is also good for children and adults later. It benefits areas of the brain that are used for memory and learning. While it has long been known that lutein is vital for keeping your eyes healthy, more recent studies suggest that it is also important in the brain development of babies and young children. A Few Big Egg FAQs Answered You’ve got questions about eggs. We’ve got the answers! Is it bad to eat eggs every day? Absolutely not! In fact, a daily egg may be better for you than the legendary old “apple a day” to keep the doctor away! As we talked about above, healthy adults can eat up to seven eggs per week without affecting their heart disease risk. And there are so many other powerhouse nutrients in eggs that you’ll want to get in the habit of eating them regularly to benefit your health. Why are Noah’s Pride eggs brown? Many people don’t realize that an egg’s shell color simply has to do with the breed of the hen that laid it. Different chicken breeds lay different colored eggs, and in fact, while our Noah’s Pride hens lay brown eggs, our family farm—Kreider Farms—is also home to hens that produce white eggs! The nutritional content of brown eggs and white eggs is similar. Additionally, an egg’s grade (AA, A, or B) and how laying hens are raised (organic, free-range, and conventional) does not significantly alter how good eggs are for you! Does egg yolk color mean anything about nutritional value? There is a lot of speculation out there over what the color of an egg’s yolk means—it can vary between shades of yellow to dark orange, after all. Unlike shell color, yolk color is dependent on the hen’s diet, and specifically, her carotenoid intake. (Here we go again with the carotenoids!) This means that it does signal some facts about nutritional value—mostly in terms of what the laying hen eats—but it’s not as simple as “the darker the yolk, the healthier the egg.” As the Egg Nutrition Center shares, hen feed can be enhanced with carotenoids (via extracts such as marigold and red pepper), which can lead to a darker yolk. Whether or not the carotenoids added for color enhancement lead to amounts that further impact human health is unknown at this time. Discover our Noah’s Pride Eggs at Your Local Grocery Store! At Noah’s Pride, we care about our hens, and we care about your food! Pick up our eggs-tra special eggs on your next shopping trip at your favorite participating Central PA grocery stores. And save with this special offer!
{ "date": "2019-07-18T22:07:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525829.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20190718211312-20190718233312-00269.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9441444277763367, "token_count": 1443, "url": "https://www.noahspride.com/fun-facts-and-answers-to-faqs-about-eggs-you-may-not-know/" }
─ FEATURED CONTENT ─ ─ WELCOME TO MY BLOG ─ My own Feelings About Ramadan Through the Ages With each year that passes, for me, Ramadan seems to bring a new set of thoughts and feelings. (For those that don’t know much about Ramadan, check out my post ‘Why I Fast’.) I remember being so excited...read more So something amazing happened recently. I got the chance to go out in the evening ALONE. No girl child crying because she wanted to suckle at my boob and no boy child tugging me in a million different directions. For the first time in over 16 months, I finally...read more As a child of a working-class immigrant family who arrived in the UK from Pakistan in the 1970’s, up until the point that I moved to Mauritius I never felt that I didn’t belong. Although I do remember hearing racist terms and jokes being thrown around the playground...read more I love coming across inspiring people living conscious, mindful lives which is why upon crossing paths with Béa Chan who runs the slow-travel and slow-living blog Mademoiselle Nomad, I knew I had to meet her for an interview. After quickly establishing a friendship in...read more You don't have to look like everyone else. You don't have to sound like everyone else. You don't have to buy what everyone else is buying or go where everyone else is going for the perfect shot for the 'gram. You don't have to think like everyone else. You don't have...read more How many times do we have to scream that black lives matter before the world begins to listen? It is way too often that I see the news of another black man having been shot dead at the hands of white police officers in America and quite frankly, I am sick of...read more I’ve been planning to write about my hypnobirthing experience for a while now (my daughter is now 15 months old after all!) but it just hasn’t happened – sorry about that! A couple of weeks ago, I read the Unmumsy Mum’s account of her hypnobirthing experience with...read more It sounds so simple doesn't it? "Be who you truly are". But being who you truly are - although the answer to life's most persistently asked questions - is quite possibly one of the most difficult things to do. It means unlearning and unconditioning yourself from every...read more It was around March or April time last year (2017) when I was home alone with the baby who was sleeping soundly in her baby rocking chair, when while flicking through YouTube a suggested TED Talk popped up titled ‘Dying to be me!’. Immediately it caught my attention...read more Coming from a background of working in music and always being around it or being immersed in it, just the other day - in a rare 30 minutes I got to myself with my earphones in with music on whilst beginning a new mandala drawing - I was reminded just how...read more Women really are fascinating creatures aren’t they? I guess I’ve only realised this and the true strength and power of women since growing up and becoming one. We are soft enough to be nurturing mothers, yet strong enough to move mountains; we are empathetic enough to...read more So I'm standing here staring at this waterfall. The water gushes down, a cloud-like continuous foam. It is roaring; it's thirst has been quenched from the recent rain fall and it wants the world to know. It's sounds mixed with the wind rustling...read more I love women. Maybe not in the same way as a red-blooded twenty-two year old male, but I really do. Growing up I guess I didn’t really fully appreciate being a girl. After all, I was born a Pakistani, Muslim female in twentieth century Britain into a working...read more “be the change you wish to see in the world”. This conscious blog is my personal little corner of the Internet in which I share my journey of self-discovery, spirituality and consciousness through exploring the universe that lies both outside and within us all. I write about my own life and experiences, social problems and global issues as well as things that make life more beautiful for me – such as art, music and so much more. So basically, this is me and my varied blog – striving every single day to become the change that I wish to see to help make our world a brighter, happier and safer place for us all. Join me? SUBSCRIBE & FOLLOW MY OTHER PROJECT
{ "date": "2019-07-17T19:05:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195525374.43/warc/CC-MAIN-20190717181736-20190717203736-00549.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9633333086967468, "token_count": 987, "url": "http://sabah-ismail.com/page/2/" }
Images are usually something that the average SEO professional does not talk about, but they are vital for building a natural and effective website. Images will not only drive traffic to your website, but can also provide it with a whole new aspect of search results that many marketing professionals often overlook. Optimizing images will help your website rank higher in all search engines. Most people will argue that images are bad for the website design as it slows down load times, but this is only true if you have too many images, the image file sizes are too large, or the website designer is attempting to load them in a way that puts a strain on website performance. The first thing that people will look at when viewing your website are the images in front of them. A picture can draw you in, and hold your attention longer than text, links or anything else on your site. This is why it is important to make sure that you have at least one image on your home page. What other factors are vital when optimizing your images for various search engines? Vital Factors for Image Optimization Image File Name The first step when trying to optimize an image for search engines is choosing the correct file name. If your image is name something like image0773.jpg, the search engine will have absolutely no idea what this image is or what category it would fall under. On the other hand, if your image was SanDiego-Beach.jpg, the search engines would assume that your image is a picture of the San Diego beach, and categorize it as such. Next time you are going to upload images to your site, keep this in mind and make sure to name it something that the search engines would find relevant. Another tip would be to go back over the old images and make sure that you update their names. As you are already probably aware and just in case you aren’t, page load times matter for Search Engine Optimization. So to ensure that your images are not destroying your fast load times, make sure image file size is as small as possible without sacrificing the integrity of the image. Another quick tip for file size is DO NOT let your browser resize images to look smaller. When you have a large image, and the input height and width tags on that image make the image smaller, most will load the large image first, and then let the browser resize it. To solve this issue, always use an image editing program to make your image the desired size, and THEN upload it to your website, even if that means you have the same image in multiple sizes loading to your site. The alt-text attribute on an image is most commonly ignored by many people because they figure it is irrelevant. What a lot of people don’t know is that the alt-text attribute is used to provide a description of the image in case it cannot be loaded. Google doesn’t personally look at every image that is uploaded to see exactly what it is, so it is your responsibility to help optimize the image and provide it with the correct alt-text. For example, if your website has a picture of the San Diego beach and an alt-text of “San Diego beach”, even if your image does not load properly on your website, the viewer (and the search engines) will know what the image should be. Not everyone wants their image(s) to have a caption that is readable on the front end of a website. For these reasons, the image description is a valuable option to use to further optimized your website. Adding a little description using the key words that you want to rank for will help your site to rank higher for those key words. For example, with your image of the San Diego beach, let’s say you wanted to rank for beach rentals, you could add a small description to the image saying something like “beach rentals available now for summer – San Diego beach”. Google and various other search engines will use that description when users are searching for those keywords. You can further optimize your images by going back through your website and giving each image a small descriptive narrative. Do you know that you can insert your image, their alt-text, file name, and description into your sitemap? Well you can and by providing this helpful information, Google will be able to crawl your images easier and will be able help you rank for your keywords through the key words and texts in your image. If this all sounds too difficult or confusing for you to handle, you can always contact our professional team of marketers and we can view your site and make sure that all of your images are optimized so that you have the best possible rankings for your keywords. Contact us today for more information on how Hunter Marketing Group can help optimize your site.
{ "date": "2019-07-19T05:56:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526064.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20190719053856-20190719075856-00029.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9458993673324585, "token_count": 977, "url": "https://hmglv.com/optimize-your-images/" }
by Mary Ann Lickteig Eagle Scout projects are dotted all over Shelburne, and thanks to Shelburne Boy Scout Troop 602, four new ones are nearing completion. • Nate Brangan rehabilitated and rebuilt a quarter mile of Clarke Trail in Shelburne Bay Park. • Nathaniel Mick designed and coordinated the construction of four benches for Bay Park. • Zach Loiter designed and coordinated the construction of a modular, portable stage for the Shelburne Veterans Monument Committee. • Gerrit Pottmeyer wrote a successful grant proposal to get the town a flashing sign for the crosswalk across U.S. 7 at Church Street. It is expected to be installed next spring. Eagle is the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America. One of the many requirements to attain the rank is to complete a service project that benefits a religious institution, a school or the community. For Shelburne’s Troop 602, projects commonly involve constructing something for the town, Scoutmaster Jim Brangan said. Among past projects: park bridges, a picnic pavilion in Davis Park, a tool shed and shelter at the dog park and a gazebo at the town beach. The latest efforts bring each of the Scouts closer to their Eagle Scout rank, Brangan said. Zach just recently completed the process and the three others still have steps to complete. Each project was a learning experience, Brangan explained, and each offers some benefit to the community. Green light for new traffic signal Grant-writing was a different sort of project, but a safer crosswalk on U.S. 7, where the parade ground is on one side and the school and town offices are on the other, is a need Scouts have long recognized. They sell Christmas trees in the parade ground each year and cross the street to use restrooms in the town offices, Brangan said. “And I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had close calls with cars.” Town Manager Joe Colangelo agrees. “I look out on that crossing all day long from my office, and I just kind of cringe.” The town manager was on board, but Gerrit, 15, from Shelburne, still needed to persuade the selectboard, which has to authorize grant applications. So, the Champlain Valley Union High School sophomore wrote a speech, made notecards and practiced for three weeks — in front of his family after dinner and in front of fellow Scouts after a meeting. When the time came, he put on his Scout uniform, went to the selectboard meeting and gave the presentation, mindful of keeping it short lest anyone lose interest. “I must say it was kind of scary because you’re in front of several people, who are either going to completely turn you down or give you a round of applause for a good job,” Gerrit said. The proposed light, which would be identical to the one about 200 yards south, near Shelburne Museum, costs about $5,000. After Gerrit finished, the board voted unanimously to apply for a 50-50 grant from the Vermont Agency of Transportation’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, to cover half of the cost. “The grant program there is highly competitive,” Colangelo said. “It’s not a foregone conclusion that you’re going to get funded, so you have to write a good grant application, and it has to be compelling, and he did that.” Gerrit had to write several paragraphs outlining the use and danger of the crosswalk, explaining why the upgrade is needed, and saying whom would benefit. He used a clicker to count pedestrians and estimates that he spent 96 hours at the crosswalk, gathering information. “During the weekend, on Saturdays, I would be out there clicking away to see who was out there during the farmers’ market and just during a normal weekend,” he said. He enlisted a crossing guard to count on weekdays, when he had to go to school. The busiest time, he learned, was after school on Wednesdays, when more than 90 people an hour use the crosswalk, he said. Another observation he made: “Everybody wears a dark-colored clothing item,” making it hard for drivers to see them. Gerrit included his own story in the application. Last winter, during the Scout Christmas tree sale, he and two other Scouts wanted to cross the street. A car stopped for them, and it got rear-ended. He compiled all of the data, and the town submitted the application in July. “He made it easy for us,” Colangelo said. “He wrote it. He put it together. I think the only thing I did was hit the send button on the email.” Last month, he learned that the town won the grant. Drawing board to park bench Like Gerrit, Nathaniel Mick learned to navigate municipal regulations when he pursued his project – building four park benches. Town officials proposed installation along the main recreation path in Shelburne Bay Park, where there was only one bench, toward the end. Parks and Recreation Director Betsy Cieplicki helped Nathaniel, 17, of Charlotte, apply for a permit. The Champlain Valley Union High School senior, who designed the benches with input from his carpenter dad, works the old-fashioned way. “I don’t have a knack for designing on a computer,” Nathaniel said. “I did it all on grid paper with a straight edge and a pencil.” To finance the project, he set up a booth at the farmer’s market in September, displayed a scale model, and asked for donations. Those contributions, plus money raised by his GoFundMe campaign totaled $300. A “surprise donation” of $150 from his grandparents got him to his goal. Rice Lumber sold him wood at a discount. Each bench is 7 feet long and made of pressure-treated pine, “the cheapest and most enduring option that I had,” Nathaniel said. He and volunteers – mostly fellow Scouts – built the benches. They cut the wood, sanded it – that took two days – and sealed it with a combination of wood stain and polyurethane. Nathaniel was grateful for the help. “As any Eagle Scout would say, the volunteers really make the project.” Late last month, they hauled the finished benches into the park on a trailer pulled by a lawn mower. “At the end of our work day, we all sat around, admiring our hard work,” Nathaniel said. Reviving an old trail Fellow CVU senior Nate Brangan, 17, of Shelburne, rehabilitated and rerouted a section of another Shelburne Bay Park trail. He consulted with town officials to identify needs and asked the Shelburne Recreation Committee for feedback and permission. “He had a nice PowerPoint presentation he put on at one of our meetings,” Parks and Recreation Director Cieplicki said. Following the officials’ advice, he targeted an eroding, quarter-mile section past the moorings on Clarke Trail, the primitive trail that runs along the lake. This fall, he led volunteers as they laid down gravel, installed new puncheons (wooden trail planks), laid chicken wire over other puncheons to add traction and cleared fallen trees. “My dad got to use his new chain saw,” said Nate, whose dad is Scoutmaster Jim Brangan. Nate’s crew re-routed some sections, including a portion of the trail that ran over rock and got slippery in the winter and an eroded section running close to a cliff edge. In all, more than 50 volunteer hours were devoted to the project. “I learned how to manage people a little bit better,” Nate said. The park projects are appreciated, Cieplicki said, because the parks budget isn’t big enough to cover all needed improvements. “I’ve already had several people comment to me already how thankful they are for the benches on the trail and how nice the trail work that Nate is doing was,” Cieplicki said. “They’re nice improvements and definitely needed.” A stage to share Zach Loiter helped the Shelburne Veterans Monument Committee get a much-needed new stage for its Memorial Day ceremony. “We used to use that old, beat-up trailer that the town of Shelburne owns,” said Bud Ockert, who chairs the veterans’ ceremonial subcommittee. Zach, an 18-year-old CVU senior from Shelburne, worked with a project advisor to design a modular 8-by-10-foot stage that sits 18 inches above the ground. “It’s wonderful,” Ockert said. “It’s in five pieces, which makes it very easy to move.” It can be transported in the back of a pickup truck. “And it will hitch together quite nicely with the system that he has.” Zach used butterfly latches to ensure a tight connection. “He did a very nice job,” Ockert said. And the veterans say it’s available for other groups who want to use it. The Champlain Mini Maker Faire already took advantage of the offer. And Zach got to see the stage in use at event at Shelburne Farms this fall. “It was great,” he said. He just advised users to “bring some shims if the ground is uneven.”
{ "date": "2019-07-24T08:35:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195532251.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20190724082321-20190724104321-00549.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9689313769340515, "token_count": 2035, "url": "http://www.shelburnenews.com/2017/11/22/eagle-scout-projects-big-impact/" }
Meet Dr. Brusveen! "An old chiropractic saying is, 'Chiropractic first, Drugs second, Surgery last.' This is truer now than ever."- Dr. Mark Brusveen With over 30 years of practice experience and acquisition of valuable knowledge, my practice is now filled with certainty and better results. Over the years, I have improved my office with newer high-tech equipment and furthered my experience in conditions like whiplash, extremity injury, disc syndromes, and pediatric care. We have also added options which patients can choose to incorporate into their care that increase their healing and enhance their long term health. Our typical patient has been seen by two to five medical doctors and most have been to one or more chiropractors. When they are finally referred to us, we do a full evaluation. To help us determine the best possible treatment, when possible, we utilize previous studies , such as x-ray, blood work, and MRI. After we have presented care options, our patients can choose how in depth they want their care to be. This is where thousands of previous care techniques and strategies help to give our patients some honest ideas and expectations of their real outcome potentials. Dr. Brusveen and his wife, Susan, have lived and worked in the Grand Haven community for many years. They have three sons: Dr. Kellen, a chiropractor in Allendale, MI; Kyle, a landscape architect in San Antonio, TX; and Dr. Kolton, an emergency room physician in Muskegon. The Brusveens are involved in many non-profit organizations. They are active volunteers in their home church. Dr. B is a member of the Michigan Association of Chiropractors, the Christian Chiropractors Association and recognized nationally in the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). When he’s not providing comprehensive chiropractic care, Dr. B enjoys bird hunting, relaxing at the lake, and spending time his family.
{ "date": "2020-09-23T19:57:15Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400212039.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20200923175652-20200923205652-00589.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.952081024646759, "token_count": 417, "url": "https://www.brusveenchiropractic.com/dr-mark-brusveen" }
As I write this race day is only a few days away. Earlier this week I had my last official long training run until race day, 12 miles thank you very much! I NEVER in a hundred million years thought that I would be doing this. I have a few more “short” runs, 6 or 9 miles that I will be alternating until the day before I leave. I have to admit that I am very excited about the trip, and yes, even the running part. I am so spoiled by Disney atmosphere that I just know that the race is going to be so entertaining it will be over too quickly. After my cousin and I finished our run the other day, I commented to her that I was having mixed feelings about the looming race day. On one hand I want it to hurry up and get here because all this running is getting kind of old, but at the same time when it’s over I will be sad because the anticipation is half the fun, at least for me. I had a short moment of panic recently when I went to buy a new pair of running shoes. My original plan was to buy the same exact shoes that I have been running in for the past 6 months. They are comfy and I know that they are good shoes for me. Easy, right? Wrong! Those exact shoes are no longer made and when I got to the store to try on what I thought was the new version of my old shoe, guess what? They didn’t fit the same and the color was all wrong. Maybe the color shouldn’t bother me so much, but it does. I have to love my shoes. If I don’t love them it throws me off, it’s a girl thing I think. Anyway, after an hour of trying to find new shoes at one store, I ended up at an entirely different store that really did have a new, updated version of my old shoe. They fit well and the color is acceptable. My old shoes are pink which I thought was very appropriate for the Princess ½ Marathon, but blue is going to have to work. I think I chose Cinderella as my favorite princess anyway so at least my colors will coordinate. (From what I understand they put your favorite princess on your race bib! FUN!) So I am ready. My training has gone well, I know I can run the 13.1 miles is the time allowed. I have a new pair of running shoes that are going to serve me well on race day. The reservations at the resort are set and paid for. I have double checked our ADRs and they are what they should be. The travel documents and Magical Express tickets are in a safe place, ready to go. I have printed my Race Day Waiver so that I don’t have to wait in line at the Expo for it and I can go right to the line to pick up my packet. The only thing that could get in the way now is the weather. I am hoping for no rain and a cool temperature somewhere in the 50’s would be nice. When I get back I will be sure to do a full trip report complete with pictures and reviews of our different experiences. I will let you know the end result of planning a Girl’s weekend away when it involves strenuous exercise and people from different areas of the country. (Please no more blizzards in New England! My friends don’t need their flights delayed or cancelled!) Wish me luck! Here I go….
{ "date": "2020-09-26T12:29:59Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400241093.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20200926102645-20200926132645-00589.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9795783758163452, "token_count": 721, "url": "https://www.themouseforless.com/blog_world/2011/03/a-princess-in-preparation-the-princess-is-ready/" }
Discussions with agitating teachers fail; protests to continue Bhubaneswar: Teachers agitating for the past 35 days threatened to continue their strike after a meeting with the State Government ended inconclusively today. According to sources, an inter-ministerial meeting chaired by Finance Minister Sashi Bhusan Behera along with ministers and secretaries of School and Mass Education and Higher Education departments and the members of Odisha School College Teachers and Employees’ United Forum was held to end the long-standing deadlock. Convenor of Odisha School College Teachers and Employees’ United Forum, Golak Nayak informed that “The meeting remained inconclusive because the government reiterated their old demand and asked the teachers to stick to the affidavit clause. They also said to look into our other demands in a phased manner.” “When we urged them to immediately release our pending salaries and implement recommendations of the 7th pay commission so that we may give three months time for other demands, they declined to accept and so, we have decided to continue our strike,” Nayak said. The Block grant teachers and employees have been agitating for the past 35 days demanding removal of affidavit clause in the newly-announced grant-in-aid system, equal salary for equal work, provision of full aid and several other service conditions.
{ "date": "2020-09-22T15:12:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400206133.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20200922125920-20200922155920-00789.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9556102752685547, "token_count": 274, "url": "https://odishatv.in/odisha-news/discussions-with-agitating-teachers-fail-protests-to-continue-322687" }
A long stretch of the M6 is closed this morning in both directions due to "emergency repairs" which are being carried out. As a result of the closure, there are significant queues in both directions, with congestion reported back to J18 (Holmes Chapel) on the southbound carriageway, and around two miles of queues on the northbound side. Scottish Power are currently at the scene as the repair works are believed to involve overhead power cables. The road was closed at around 4.30am today, but the repair works to the overhead power cables did not begin until 6.30am. As a result there is also a diversion in place, with some drivers being forced to turn off the motorway and use the A500, A5020 and the A534 though Crewe and Weston. We will bring you live updates on this breaking situation as it develops. Are you in the area and affected by the closure? If it is safe and legal to do so, get in touch with us on Twitter @CheshireLive . Now that traffic has returned to normal, that concludes our live coverage of this incident. Thanks for joining us, and drive safe everybody. Surrounding roads affected There are delays on some of the smaller road surrounding the M6 due to the earlier problems, with many people having taken different or diverted routes to try and avoid the motorway: - Long delays on A530 Middlewich Road in Crewe due to the earlier problems on the M6 - delays in both directions from Eardswick Lane (Bradfield Green) to Brookhouse Lane (Minshull Vernon). - Queueing traffic in Rode Heath due to the earlier problems on the M6 on A50 Linley Lane Eastbound from Pool Side to A5011. - Queueing traffic in Arclid, near Sandbach, due to the earlier problems on the M6 on A50 Street Lane Eastbound from A534 Spark Lane (Arclid Traffic Lights, Arclid) to Church Lane (Fourlanes End). Some queues remain Although the majority of the traffic has now cleared following the earlier disruption, there is some queueing traffic being reported just before J16 (Crewe) on the M6 northbound, which is thought to be due to the earlier problems. Normal traffic resumes northbound Traffic on the northbound side has also now returned to normal. Here’s the latest from Inrix: “Severe delays cleared, earlier emergency repairs on M6 Northbound from J16 A500 (Stoke-On-Trent / Crewe) to J17 A534 Old Mill Road (Sandbach / Crewe). Previous congestion to Keele Services. Northbound re-opened around 07:15, Southbound also re-opened at 07:00. After it was initially closed at 04:30 this morning. Keele Services are located between J15 and J16.” Southbound traffic getting back to normal According to travel monitoring service Inrix, traffic on the southbound carriageway is now getting back to normal following this morning’s disruption, but there are still delays on the northbound side. “Traffic returned to normal, earlier emergency repairs on M6 Southbound from J17 A534 Old Mill Road (Sandbach / Crewe) to J16 A500 (Stoke-On-Trent / Crewe). Previous congestion to J18 (Middlewich / Holmes Chapel). Southbound re-opened around 07:00, however the Northbound re-opened at 07:15. Emergency repairs have since been completed.” What we know so far - The M6 was closed in both directions between J16 (Crewe) and J17 (Sandbach) at around 4.30am this morning for repair works to overhead power cables. - Despite the motorway closing at 4.30am, repair works at the scene did not begin until 6.30am. - At its peak, the traffic caused by the closure stretched back for around five miles in both directions, with motorists facing delays of around an hour-and-a-half at that time. - The southbound carriageway was reopened first at around 7am, with the northbound side also being fully reopened at about 7.15am. - Both carriageways have now fully reopened, but drivers can expect delays of around an hour on both sides of the motorway. Latest from police There are delays of an hour on the M6 still according to this tweet from North West Motorway Police Long queues in both directions Even though both carriageways have now reopened, drivers are still facing horrific queues this morning of five miles northbound approaching J16 (Crewe) and five-and-a-half miles southbound approaching J17 (Sandbach). Travel time is estimated at 1 hour and 10 minutes in both directions. Both carriageways now open Both sides of the M6 have now reopened according to a spokesman for Highways England, but there are still lengthy delays on both sides because of the earlier closure Even with the southbound side having now reopened, travel time is estimated at around 1 hour and 35 minutes due to the severe congestion left behind. The northbound side remains closed at this time. One lane open The southbound carriageway has now reopened, but the northbound carriageway remains closed. There are still long delays being reported in the area on both sides of the motorway Disruption expected to continue for a while According to Cheshire Police, the road closure will be in place until at least 7.30am today Scottish Power at the scene Here is the latest about the situation this morning from travel monitoring website Inrix, who say that Scottish Power are currently at the scene carrying out their repairs “M6 in both directions closed, long delays due to emergency repairs from J17 A534 Old Mill Road (Sandbach / Crewe) to J16 A500 (Stoke-On-Trent / Crewe). Congestion to J18 (Holmes Chapel) on the southbound side and for approximately two miles on the northbound side. In the roadworks area. Road closed at 04:30 this morning, however repairs to overhead power cables did not begin till 06:30. Scottish Power are currently at scene. Diversion - Northbound follow the Solid triangle via A500, A5020 and A534 through Crewe and Weston. Southbound should follow the Hollow triangle symbol which is the same diversion however in reverse.”
{ "date": "2020-09-30T18:59:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600402127397.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20200930172714-20200930202714-00789.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9593991637229919, "token_count": 1386, "url": "https://www.cheshire-live.co.uk/news/chester-cheshire-news/live-m6-closed-both-directions-15706967" }
Another classic mistake is the one made by" Cell Phone Guy" . Believe it or not he will answer the local sluts if it rings in the center of this date. Alright, there are exemptions to the principle, but only for emergencies. Don't have conversations with your teammates, if you absolutely have to answer the phone make it very short and also leave your date exploring the area for options. Texting or talking on a first date is a massive mistake, what it tells your date is that you are more interested in whoever is on the telephone than you are in her. Do not be mistaken, it doesn't make you look hot or cool, it will come across as impolite and dumb. Remember, the date is part of the sorting procedure. If your date is currently doing so to you then maybe you need to proceed. As a result of the careful nature, introverts have a strong ability to construct great heights of relationship with partners. Introverts are somewhat less interested in trivial issues of conversation like current weather and events; they like to become involved in much more" real" conversations. Relationships are strengthened by rapport. Alpha males have their own independent source of strength. They are comfortable in their own white sluts local Pritchard BC, and recognize no one is perfect. They know themselves. They embrace their defects, while simultaneously trying to improve upon them. They understand that strength that is true inspires and are fine with being vulnerable. How can this black real life hookers Pritchard your success with your lifestyle, girls, and business? It's going to eliminate, if you start to overcome your fear of hazardous and death unknowns. Another thing I had discovered in dating apps i Pritchard was: " Sales is straightforward. . . but difficult. " Very same goes for dating: it is straightforward, yet not always very easy. This isn't a' salesbook' in the most strict sense, yet in such a way, courtship as well as sales have a lot alike. One of the most important thing is attitude. First and foremost, how do I ask casual sex winona Perry Settlement NB out on a date in the world of today? Well, " Hi, you seem like a really interesting person. I would love to carry you out on a date, or get a cup of coffee" . These words are difficult to say, regardless of the circumstance. You have to understand yourself. You need to embody who you are. You have to be aware of your own strengths. So use them you have eyes. Have a smile, utilize it. You have a character. You have to learn how to balance this by being a man who seems. Be exposed in a while, not all the time. Do not sound like someone who is weak all the time and is simply seeking attention. Becoming weak once in a while is alright. Becoming weak on a basis that is constant isn't. I was surprised when we did meet at a local bar to discover she was. I mean, properly tiny such as a doll. She hugged me when we met, and the top of her mind can't have been beyond the middle of my torso. But she did appear to be proportioned, such as a teeny- tiny Barbie doll and perfectly formed. Sothe longer you remain in para mode, the longer you'll last. The moment that you proceed to sym manner( sweet emotions and sexual enthusiasm) , you are moving into the problem zone that leads to premature ejaculation. From the time any lady reads your profile, she is intrigued enough by your image or your message to have clicked onto it. Whichever the case, the profile must do the following: raise the intrigue, entice her to message you or answer to your message, rather than mess up the momentum you already have. You are selling yourself, so put your very best foot forward! Editorialize a little, but do not lie. As the years have gone on and I've experienced only the simple fact I have gotten old and matured somewhat, and online dating longer and longer, this is my preferred method of assessing a guy. I am pretty fast at telling whether I want to see them again or go to bed with them and if there is a connection or not. Aside from the story below. One of the main reasons relationships fail is that couples do not intervene soon enough to cover negative behaviors and the issues. They may sense that things are not going well, however they aren't certain what to do on it, or they feel uncomfortable to stir the pot. They don't take action to protect and heal the connection allowing patterns to have a foothold. Eric reported he was from Ohio. Gilda was not out of Ohio, but was from somewhere else in the United States. Soon after Eric and Gilda fulfilled through the site, he advised her that he had to leave the United States to head to work in the united kingdom. I don't understand, I told you I am quite emotional and Analytical, So any things can change my life, I Up but You are able to sleep If you want To You might Consider them Eradicate Statements but I do not. Anyway you need to local cum sluts tumblr Pritchard In case know how to touch my heart, do not you. . . somehow you have stirred that place in me thinks so much in love that was true, a sort of love that defies. I never stopped believing in it have wondered why it's eluded me for a long time. . . why has not it found me, or even me personally, it? Why is it I overlook it, or only come near? I know I'm strong and possess a fantastic attitude toward learning from life. But does not God know I have a lot of local sluts to give? That I feel? I could make it alone and live a life that is meaningful but would like to have someone who's ideal for me and me him, grow and contribute and to discuss that together something positive to life more? I don't wish to be with someone who's wrong for me only to be with someone? And I believed it is not in my fate. . . but that didn't feel right. . . Gender Rules Masculine and Feminine Energy Working your female energy, but being humble and it does consider weakness Pritchard dating apps columbia mo Satisfaction Humanity- not to judge the individual Open to that person get away from your previous Being real( accurate you) Woman should request help, guys likes to aid a woman when we ask, they sense connect to you once you ask for help permit the guy to open the door, give him in a store in the car And if a man feels that you want him let him do things for youYou're telling him that you expect him to make good decisions foe us I woman will go along with it and I will relax and become a girl Allowing yourself to be quite valuable to a man and it dating apps jezebel Pritchard you are weak. I like films, socialising, reading, cooking and maintaining a healthy vampire hookers tshirt Glenorchy ON by going to the gym and eating well. . . anything else. . Please feel free to ask! What am I searching for? I would like to make your fantasies come true. ( Ladies) When it comes to Online conversing, have a plan. Listen first and look in anybody you talk for norms that are social with. Regular local cheap sluts Pritchard British Columbia do not ask you for nude photos first time you meet them whether at a mall, a Pritchard or the office. The same applies here. If he can, ditch him quickly. You find there's sunshine back in your life rather than anger's stormy cloud and wake up. You realize that things only happened the way they happened and that there is no use in blaming somebody. Okay, so there is this one species of slug. They really fuse and become one slug, and when the male and the female partner. If that is your notion of a relationship, be my guest. However, other than that, each other species engages in trips, technically known as extra- pair couplings. " You sir, you must change, " from that ad on TV about the man with the automobile which can be reconfigured. Men can alter. We understood this also. After all, could we just turn our thoughts? Let's turn our lives. Let us at last, will we, get fast to a point at which we could believe more of the long and lasting lasting things. It surely is a chance, and In case you have any worries about somebody being a predator, why don't you get a pre- date arrangement moving. Our impulsive one with all the kisses, please recall, if he can just find past grabbing for a hard smack on the lips knocking her purse from her hand, will be more of an adaptive individual. Be a cannibal hookers 1987 Glen Robertson ON he wants to date, and women. Be a woman he wants to be with. Don't judge himgive him the chance. Be flirtatious. Flirt, but don't get hurt. And there are a great deal of nice men, although know, yes, there are a lot of idiots around who are those individuals who are going to break your heart. If there's one out of ten dates which you go on that you get a great experience, is not that better than sitting in your home on your own watching Sex and the City reruns? Utilize every route. And remember, sex will be different so give it the chance to get that evolution. So, these are just a few thoughts on gender and love making. And this is just your warm up. Me: Oh my emoji( flame emoji) trying to wake up me? Girl: That is exactly what I am attempting to do. Me I see your ruse to try and lure me but I'll let it take place. And online dating was the launch of a new season for me. Over the seven months I had been fortunate to be able to share my adventures and stories with my buddies and Jhoomers( dance pupils) and they've been an wonderful support in addition to locating my stories to be a great source of intrigue, entertainment and sometimes indignation. Ifyou're mosting likely to discuss points you do not like in a relationship, after that restrict it to your allergic reactions, and whether or not you desire kids. If your account claims something like" Trying to find a somebody who doesn't terminate dates at the last min, " or" Trying to find somebody that has their crap together and isn't still coping with their ex- wife, " then you will stumble upon as a unfavorable as well as Pritchard British Columbia person. When a lady takes you for granted because of your nice guys' behaviours, she would not wish to come back after a online dating rant Pritchard BC, but when she respects you because you are a naughty poor boy, she will be dreaming to return after a breakup. You should consider expanding your search to people from other locations, ifyou're open to dating Pritchard British Columbia casual sex and nudity from far away. Listen to your heart Should you find somebody but make sure you know until you go down this route, complications and the risks involved. The rationale is the enormously multiplied level of rivalry online. Approaching women has tended to need a requisite level of guts on the part of the majority of guys. Spouses will be selected by most of the time, a local sluts in the pool of guys which make the first move on her, instead of initiate interactions with their brand new guy of choice they don't understand.
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Do you want an artful way to show your devotion to your lover? Why not opt for one of the following top love theme tattoos? Whether it be a heart, a sentiment, or lovebirds, there are many ways to express the theme of love through body art. The Classic Heart Nothing says love like a heart tattoo. Of course, you can place a heart tattoo anywhere, and the most popular place is on the bicep in an old school style tattoo. But that doesn't mean you can't step outside the norm and do something a little unique with a heart tattoo placement. Consider placing a few cute hearts on your inner wrist instead. Another option is a couple's heart tattoo. If you want a matching tattoo or a lover's tattoo without tattooing names, opt for the popular half-heart on each of you that becomes whole when you place the parts together. This works well on wrist or arm designs. A Lock and Key He or she has got your heart, now throw away the key! Lock and key tattoos are a creative couples theme idea. Add some Victorian elegance to your design with a skeleton style key and opt for Steampunk style. Melting latches, keys, or steampunk powered bolts will add bizarre interest to your design. To keep your themed tattoos in plain sight, place them somewhere they'll fit together, such as on your hands. A popular alternative to traditional wedding bands, matching ring tattoos are an obvious couples choice. Whether you wear jewelry on top of your designs or wear your inked vows in lieu of a simple band, a verse of love or matching symbols can be tattooed on your fingers as an expression of your love and commitment. Verses and Quotes Quotes and romantic verse tattoos are the perfect way to express your love. Script tattoos can be placed in many spots, such as the mid-back, shoulders, and inner wrist. Consider verses from shared favorite songs, books, movie quotes, or your very own pet names for one another. To add a touch of nostalgia to your design, why not opt for an old typewriter font or tattoo your lover's own handwriting? Portraits of Loved Ones While black and grey portrait tattoos are a favorite choice for incorporating life-like realism to your body art, you can also honor a loved one with a less detailed piece and opt for a vintage-inspired framed silhouette tattoo placed within an ornate oval frame instead. Couples can both have matching silhouettes, and she can add a few vines and flowers to her frame to make it a little more feminine. Are you looking for a more modern way to express your union with a matching tattoo? Look to nature for featured lovers and you'll find several birds that mate for life. From eagles and swans to turtle doves and penguins, birds of a feather stick together. Feather tattoos continue to be one of the most popular emerging tattoo designs. Whether you use a single feather or the whole bird, add a verse to your design about love, and you have even deeper meaning.
{ "date": "2020-09-29T16:22:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400202418.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20200929154729-20200929184729-00789.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9101602435112, "token_count": 629, "url": "https://www.byrdie.com/top-love-theme-tattoos-3189596" }
Mira Edgerly was a 2nd Cousin of Lewis Wright, my mom’s paternal grandfather. He and Mira descended from the same bunch of Davis folks in Erie County, Pennsylvania at the beginning of the 19th Century. Mira’s mother was Rosanna Haskill, the daughter of Betsey Davis Haskill, my 4th great aunt. This branch of the family was headquartered in La Porte County, Indiana, for several generations. Mira was from Aurora, Illinois, the youngest of three sisters – though it’s not clear exactly when she was born. The date sorta flip-flops back and forth between 1872 and 1876. Her father was Samuel Haven Edgerly, an inventor, a director of the Michigan Central Railroad, and a man too generous for his own good. He loaned someone a huge amount of money, then promptly died. The borrower defaulted on the loan, and Rosanna and the girls were left flat broke. One article I read told of Rosanna sitting the girls down and explaining that she was not going to be able to take care of them for the rest of their lives, so they were going to have to make their own lives. They moved to Kansas City for a time, then to San Francisco. But they all they did all ultimately find their respective ways: Minnie was a gifted artist, though not an especially successful one. She married James W. Russell. The eldest, Amy, studied mathematics at the University of Michigan, married Rush C. Lake, and lived with him on a farm outside Kansas City until his death at the beginning of the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918. Mira would sort of become an amalgam of her two sisters – an accomplished, self-taught artist with a brilliant intellect. When she took up painting she pursued the mostly-forgotten field of miniatures on ivory. Armed with some old poker chips and a not-quite used up set of watercolors, she set out to learn the process. Her quirk, if you will, an instantly identifying characteristic of her work, is that her miniatures are mostly very large for “miniatures” – in the pieces of ivory she favored were sometimes 6, 8, 10 inches wide. Her reputation grew as she honed her skills. She caught the attention of Arnold Genthe, a photographer, and ended up doing some modeling for him (left). (Side note: Genthe is himself a fascinating subject. He’s probably most known today for photographs of San Francisco’s Chinatown, and of the ruins of the city after the 1906 earthquake and fire. He also shot a remarkable series of portraits of Greta Garbo in New York in 1925. Before Hollywood, before MGM.) But back to Mira – she brought ivory miniatures back into vogue. De rigeur for any fine family worth its salt. She painted Queen Victoria’s daughter and dozens of other royals. Two of her pieces are in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: One of the children of the Dodge family of Detroit (1926), and the other, pictured, a piece called Mother Love (1911) – Mrs. Laurence Drummond & Son. And there’s a 1916 triptych, three views of tobacco heiress Doris Duke at age four, in the Duke University collection. From one high-profile gig to the next, she did very well. She maintained a studio in Paris for some years between 1905 and the beginning of World War I in 1914. There she met and became fast friends with Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, and many others, I’m sure. From “The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas” (1933): I remembered very well that when I was quite young and went to a fancy-dress ball, a Mardi Gras ball in San Francisco, I saw a very tall and very beautiful and very brilliant woman there. This was Myra Edgerly young. Genthe, the well known photographer did endless photographs of her, mostly with a cat. She had come to London as a miniaturist and she had had one of those phenomenal successes that Americans do have in Europe. She had miniatured everybody, and the royal family, and she had maintained her earnest gay careless outspoken San Francisco way through it all. She now came to Paris to study a little. Also in 1914, Mira married Frederick Burt, but the marriage was a brief one. Probably lasted just long enough for Genthe to snap, develop, and present this portrait of the couple. In 1918, Mira was working as a chaperone for a group of Vassar girls at a tea in Washington DC, when she met Count Alfred Skarbek de Korzybski. The photo at right, most definitely not one of Genthe’s, was taken on Mira & Alfred’s wedding day, January 17, 1919 – two months after that tea party. Yikes. (I took one look at this photo, and this man, and figured he was Someone. And it was through investigating him that I discovered Mira’s painting career!) But whatever they may have lacked in warm-fuzzies, they were up to their respective teeth in Social Position. Alfred was a for-real Count, as well as a famous, decorated War Hero. And Little Mira from Aurora, Illinois, the girl who painted on poker chips, was now a Countess. And they were crazy in love too, which is nice. I’m not even going to try to explain the main points of Alfred’s school of thought, known as General Semantics. Suffice to say, Mira did a lot to help him frame his arguments, and solidify his thinking. She was the classic sounding-board and theoretic sparring partner. While he was writing his two most significant works, Manhood of Humanity (1921) and Science and Sanity (1933), Mira’s painting career kept them housed and fed. Mira died in 1954.
{ "date": "2020-09-27T07:22:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400265461.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20200927054550-20200927084550-00789.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9825231432914734, "token_count": 1278, "url": "https://montanatude.blog/2017/08/20/mira-edgerly-countess-korzybski/" }
If you run a paid circulation magazine, you know that selling subscriptions online can be a challenge. However, I’d like to share an example of one publication that recently sold over $38K of subscriptions in just 10 days – and the strategy used to do it. The magazine we’re talking about isn’t a huge, national publication like Consumer Reports or America’s Test Kitchen. It’s actually a relatively modest, regional lifestyle publication and a member of CRMA (City and Regional Magazine Association). The publisher’s website isn’t geared at all to drive subscriptions. They have no paywall in place, no digital subscription option, and no way to easily create effective landing pages. They also have an email/marketing automation system that is difficult to use at best. Yet the team there overcame all of these challenges and, together, we ran a very successful campaign that generated $38K of subscriptions at an initial subscription price of only $11. A Huge Boost in Paid Magazine Subscriptions The magazine I worked with typically sells 10 subscriptions per day through various channels. However, during the campaign, that average jumped to 69 subscriptions per day … nearly 7x more. Look at the data and you can clearly see the day the campaign started and ended. In the 10 days prior to the campaign, the publisher sold $1,995 of subscriptions. During the 10-day campaign, however, they sold nearly $7,546 of subscriptions. So how does that equate to the $38K I mentioned above? The publisher’s subscriptions include a non-optional, auto-renew program. That means that they don’t have to re-sell these subscribers every year. Thus, each auto-renew subscription is actually worth approximately $56 over the lifetime of the subscriber. When you look at lifetime value, the magazine normally generated $5,620 in LTV revenue over a typical 10-day period. But during this 10-day campaign, they generated over $38,000 in LTV revenue … a 7x increase. How the Subscription Campaign Worked The campaign offered a 50% discount on the normal annual subscription price and made it very clear that the offer was only good for 10 days. This combination of a steep price discount and the urgency of a limited time helped contribute to the campaign’s success. But the other major factor was how well the publisher drove awareness of the discount and the limited time through all available channels that the magazine had: email, ads on their website, and social media. They also spent $1,000 in Facebook/Instagram advertising targeting a specific demographic in their geographic area as well as re-targeting website visitors and Facebook page followers. Unsurprisingly, email was the biggest revenue driver accounting for 50% of the directly attributable sales. Ads on the publisher’s website drove 25%, with social media and Facebook/Instagram ads combining for the remaining 25%. Part of a Larger Strategy for Magazine Subscriptions It’s critical to note that this campaign was part of a larger audience development strategy that we’ve been working on for a while. The campaign wouldn’t have been anywhere near as successful as an isolated subscription sales effort. The audience development strategy focuses first on building their email list. We create high-converting lead magnets that are promoted to their target audience with Facebook and Instagram advertising. Once an email address is captured, the person is then presented with an opportunity to subscribe to the magazine. This allows the publisher to quickly build up their email list for free. They make as much money in year-one subscription revenue as they spend on advertising. When you take into account auto-renew lifetime value, the publisher actually makes money while building their email list. Why is this important? Their new email names converted at a higher rate than their old email names. The publisher’s pre-existing email list was larger than the new, lead-magnet-generated email list. But the new names converted to paid magazine subscribers more than 3x better than pre-existing names. While this campaign was off-the-charts successful, it’s not something that can be done more than a couple times per year. If you do it more often than that, you will condition your audience to wait for a big sale and campaign response rates will fall off dramatically. Working with the publisher, we plan to do this type of campaign a couple times each year. In the interim, we’ll continue to build out their email list rapidly. They’ll add more evergreen lead magnets and will continue to promote them via Facebook and Instagram. We’re also testing the response rate of other programmatic networks like Google, Taboola, and Bing. This strategy works with paid circulation publications, ecommerce sites, or membership sites. It can even be adapted for controlled circulation publications with some modifications. It takes work, patience, the right tactics, close monitoring, and perhaps some system changes. But the right combination of ongoing email list development and focused, intense subscription campaigns is a powerful combination for any publication.
{ "date": "2020-09-22T05:04:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400203096.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20200922031902-20200922061902-00189.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9503462314605713, "token_count": 1066, "url": "https://nearviewmedia.com/magazine-subscriptions/" }
LET’S EXPLORE MARKET STREET STARTING AT COLUMBUS AVE. WEST MARKET ST. When you get to the corner of Market Street – look left (West). You are standing next to the parking garage for the County building where you probably parked. This was once the site of the Sloane House Hotel. This block once housed a fire station, City Hall, a drug store, a savings and loan and even a cigar factory. On the left or south side of the street….. THE FIRST POST OFFICE – The city’s first Post Office was located on SW corner of Columbus Ave. and Market St. (the building on the left n the picture), now the parking garage. Although mail service began in Sandusky in 1820, this first post office was built in 1854 when the U.S. Treasury Department purchased the corner. READ MORE OLD CITY HALL & THE CENTRAL FIRE STATION – This ornate building was located on the south side of Market St. (your left). Sandusky was founded in 1818 as a village and it incorporated as a town in 1824. The community became a city March 6, 1845. When the Central Fire Dept. moved out, it became the City Hall. There is a link to a history of Sandusky’s Fire Dept. here if you want to READ MORE THIRD NATIONAL BANK – 20 W. Market St. – Founded in 1872 as the Third National Bank, it later became the Third National Exchange Bank and was located on this street from 1914 until the mid 1960’s. READ MORE RIEGER HOTEL – All the way to the end of the street was the Rieger Hotel was opened by businessman John Rieger in 1912. A fifth floor was added in 1917 to increase the number of rooms in the hotel. READ MORE SCHADE/OHIO THEATER – corner of Jackson and W. Market Sts. – The Schade Theater opened in 1915. The owner was Sanduskian George J. Schade. According to the local newspaper, the Star-Journal, the theater cost an estimated $100,000, a very substantial sum at the time. READ MORE As you work your way back to the corner again, look at buildings on the north side of the street….. This vacant lot once had several large buildings on it. Notable was the Brehm Building. If you look closely towards the right side, you can see a portion of the The Wall. This was once a section of the Brehm Building wall and is now one of Sandusky’s original landscape art location. READ MORE This is W. Market Street looking east. You can see the cupola of the Cooke building at the far end of the street. Note the unusual street light at the top of the picture. AS YOU WALK BACK TOWARDS COLUMBUS AVE. ….. THE LAURENCE BUILDING – 129-139 W. Market St – Built c1880, this building was restored in 1978. READ MORE THE RITTER CIGAR FACTORY AND STORE – In 1864 Henry Ritter established a cigar factory on the second floor of the NW corner of Columbus Ave. and W. Market St. above the Commercial National Bank of Sandusky. READ MORE GRAY DRUG STORE – this building replaced the bank building that housed the Ritter Cigar Factory. It was located on the NW corner of Columbus and W. Market Sts. READ MORE EAST MARKET ST. NOW WE CROSS OVER COLUMBUS AND EXPLORE EAST MARKET ST. In looking at insurance maps from 1893 – East Market Street was quite the shopping district. On the North Side of the street you could find notions, furniture, upholstery, carpets, a business college, wholesale groceries and a kitchen. In the middle of the block was, surprisingly, a bowling alley. On the south side of the street there was a saddler, tailor, wallpaper and paint store, undertaker and furniture shop (the coffin shop was in the rear), Smith’s steam laundry, a leather shop, a cigar factory, the Sandusky Journal print and composing room, a plumber, one female boarding house and a saloon. KEWPEE SANDWICH SHOP – At the end of the block, on the NE corner Market and Wayne Sts. Was a unique little restaurant. Fast food came to downtown Sandusky in 1941. The Kewpee Sandwich Shop opened for business. READ MORE FEICK BUILDING – 158 – 160 E. Market St. – The Feick Building, Sandusky’s tallest building (eight stories) was designed by Purcell and Feick, a Minneapolis Based architectural partnership formed by two Cornell classmates, one being Sandusky native, George Feick Jr. READ MORE There are quite a few unresearched buildings between the Columbus St. corner and the Feick Building, including these… The building on the left, with the bay windows, is the Bittner Building. William H. Dilgart came to Sandusky in 1901, and opened a furniture store in the Odd Fellows building. On March 4, 1905 William H. Dilgart and William P. Bittner formed a partnership, and the company was incorporated in 1907. The business, located on East Market Street, was a retail establishment which sold furniture, floor coverings, stoves, and other household items. After a fire in 1906, the store relocated at Wayne and East Market Streets. There is no information on these either. AND ACROSS THE STREET … THE NORTH SIDE OF MARKET STREET … LEA BLOCK – 174 – 186 E. Market St. on the SW corner of Wayne and Market Sts. is known as the Lea Block and received its name from James Lea. The first floors of the building were shops while the second floors held offices. The third floor was a ballroom and was once used by the Knights of Pythias Hall. It was built in 1895. READ MORE THE SCHMIDT BUILDING – The Schmidt Building was once the home of J. L. Hudson Department Store. “The store occupies the SE corner of the handsome stone and brick block which Mr. A. Schmidt, junior, has erected (1894), and contains two floors 100 feet deep and 43 feet wide.” It attests to the importance of Sandusky as a shopping destination. READ MORE Now look down the street towards Columbus Ave and see how it has changed. THE GRAEFE BUILDING – The building on the right, is the Graefe building. It once housed the William S. Frankel Store and Sears & Roebuck. The tall building on the left is the Cooke Block in both photos. READ MORE Surprisingly, not much is known about this charming, small red brick building.
{ "date": "2020-10-01T22:51:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600402132335.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20201001210429-20201002000429-00189.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9571266770362854, "token_count": 1451, "url": "https://www.eriecountyohiohistory.com/walking-tours/downtown-sandusky-historic-walking-tour/market-street/" }
You know, to be honest, it’s not that hard for me to grasp that she’s closer to a year old than she is from her birth. Every day, Scarlett is acting less like a baby and more like a toddler. It blows me away, how much she has learned and is learning! We spent a good chunk of this past month inside thanks to snow and ice storms – going on our longest 7-day stretch so far. On the flip side, she also went on her first bigger day trip to Asheville for a family reunion. That seems like a small thing, but for a little girl who tends to get fussy after doing the same thing for 5 minutes, car rides terrified me. She ended up making us so proud, as she has many times this month. She amazes me daily, and I’m more and more thankful to be her mom. Scarlett’s Likes: Her likes are more clear-cut these days. She still loves to be standing, and likes to move. Her batmobile is pretty much the coolest thing. She likes mango and sweet potato the most, but also likes pears and bananas. She’s a fan of FaceTime, and talks to Grandma and Great-Grandma multiple times a day. She loves cuddling with mom, and has started nuzzling her head onto my shoulder more and more. She loves getting kisses (which I’m ALL for) and has given a few a time or two! She’s starting to be a little ticklish, and it’s precious. Scarlett’s Dislikes: Like I mentioned, she doesn’t like to do the same thing for more than a few minutes. That tendency increases as the day goes by, and by evening she’s typically pretty fussy. She’s fine if I’m holding her and/or up moving around. She would rather stand than sit anyway. She is not a fan of butternut squash, prunes, or apples. She doesn’t like to be tired (who does?) but has a badddd habit of taking short naps🤷🏼♀️. Hardest Part of the Month: You know, this is probably the first month that the hardest part really has nothing to do with Scarlett. I’d say the hardest part was having to be inside so much with the weather. Y’all, it feels so dang good to be able to say that. We’re slowly getting the hang of this being-a-human and becoming-a-mom thing. Best Part of the Month: Gahhh how much I love her. Her little personality is coming out more and more. She giggles so much, and she can be so playful sometimes! When she’s in a good mood, oh my heart is so full. Getting to know my daughter, getting to play with her, it’s just the best. It also doesn’t hurt when she reaches out to me 100 times a day because she loves me too☺️ How She Has Grown/ Milestones: She’s definitely pulling herself up more, using our hands and arms. Her balance is getting better, and I think she’ll be standing sooner rather than later. She’s got the crawl stance down, but hasn’t put it into motion yet. She’s just under 16 pounds I believe, and still is waiting on those teeth! She’s grasping things pretty well and has better hand control than I expected for this age! She also said “mama” the other day… and while it might just have been babbling, I’m so claiming it!😉 What We Are Most Looking Forward to: My attitude/perspective is night and day different than where it was when we started, and I can’t wait to see it grow as she grows and develops. I just can’t wait to get to know her more! She learns daily, and I can’t wait to see her reach new milestones, giggle and laugh more. It’s like every new month with her is becoming my favorite yet, and I just know that trend will continue!
{ "date": "2020-09-20T22:52:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400198868.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20200920223634-20200921013634-00389.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9681200981140137, "token_count": 900, "url": "http://darlingdearestblog.com/scarletts-seven-month-update/" }
Do your kids take vitamins and mineral supplements? I’ve never been that great at remembering to take vitamins myself. My husband is much better at that type of stuff. I can’t even remember to take my daily medication. My children have both become quite fond of taking their vitamins though thanks to Shaklee Kids Incredibites and Mighty Smart supplements. Both my 8yr old and my 3yr old ask for their vitamins every morning while they are getting ready for school. It’s (finally) become part of our morning routine. This is the season in Florida when vitamins can be very helpful for keeping my kids healthy. The Florida weather can be bright and sunny and 80 in the afternoons – or it can be chilly (for our standards) and 40 in the morning. Perfect weather for our little ones to get sick. Have you heard of Shaklee before? It’s not a new brand or company. In fact, they have been around for over 50 years and are a very environmentally friendly company. Here are just a few random eco-facts about the Shaklee Corporation: - They created one of the first biodegradable household cleaners back in the 1960’s. - They have never, and will never, test their products on animals. - They were the first company in the world to go Carbon Neutral, meaning they have net zero impact on the environment. - They rescue and recycle one ton of other companies cardboard. - They have a long history of environmental stewardship awards from several state agencies and from the EPA. Today they have a full line of healthy home, healthy beauty, and and nutrition products including the Shakleebaby line. Five things I loved about the ShakleeKids Incredibites: - No artificial sweeteners, - No artificial colors, - No preservatives, - Contains 23 essential nutrients, and - My kids ASK to take them! Looking for cloth diapering resources and tips? Visit my cloth diapering archives, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and on Pinterest. Subscribe to new posts via your favorite RSS Feed Reader or by Email.
{ "date": "2020-09-25T00:23:39Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400221382.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20200924230319-20200925020319-00389.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9477643966674805, "token_count": 448, "url": "http://www.backtocalley.com/2012/01/31/shaklee-kids-vitamins-supplements-review/" }
How it Works Learn how Social Sensei will gain you real followers by leveraging the power of celebrities and influencers. Gain thousands of real and engaged followers with Social Sensei How It Works Select Your Target Audience Select your target audience between a Global audience or a US based audience. This will determine from where the bulk of your followers are based and active. If you are an enterprise level client it is possible for us to get more specific in regards to age, gender, and location of the type of followers you would like to drive to your account. Identify Growth Goals Our general plans range from 1,500 to 20,000 guaranteed followers per month, but for enterprise level clients we can service demand for up to 100,000+ followers per month. After you select your target audience simply determine how many followers you want to gain per month and sign up. It’s that easy! If you have any questions feel free to contact our team and we would be happy to help pair you with the perfect growth plan. Watch Your Account Grow After you sign up our team will contact you within 48 hours to let you know when your influencer promotion will run. Your promotion will run for 7 days out of the month during which time you will see massive growth on your account. All of our plans come with guaranteed minimums so if you don’t reach your minimum we will continue to run promotions until you do. Learn More About Who We Are This is the age of the digital entrepreneur and we hope to bring you closer to living your best life! We created Social Sensei so that we could help creators, influencers, and brands have more freedom to spend time doing what they truly love! We are a passionate group of young entrepreneurs that wants you to succeed because we've done it ourselves! We learned the hard way, the long way, so we know the struggle intimately, as they say, the struggle is real, and we don't want you to have to deal with that the way we did. We learned so much through the journey of life and continue to learn from the best on how to grow accounts, what makes a good brand, how to monetize and so much more. We are taking all of that knowledge and experience to create a platform that will help you succeed because when you win we win. If dialing in your social media feels daunting don't worry as our team of social media experts will be here to help you every step of the way. Let's not kid ourselves here. We don't want to say that there is one easy quick fix for everyone because it all comes down to one key point, if you are creating content that targets the wrong audience no matter what you do you won't grow. We can help you understand how to align your brand message with your target audience to optimize your growth. We want people to follow, engage, and support you and your brand. Don't hesitate to reach out to us as we would love to help you grow. Just Some Of What We Do Targeted Audience Building We can target based on Global or US based audiences. For enterprise clients we can also target more specifically by age, gender, and location based on your business needs. With targeted audience building you can get specific about the type of follower you want to attract to your account. Celebrity & Influencer Promotions We work with an extensive network of A-list celebrities and powerful influencers to run promotional campaigns to drive traffic, exposure, and credibility to your account. By creating brand association with popular accounts you can increase the publics trust in your product, service, and offerings. Dedicated Account Manager You will be assigned a dedicated account manager to oversee your accounts performance to ensure that you are hitting your guaranteed followers per month. You can sit back and relax knowing that you have an extra set of eyes that is dedicated to your accounts success so you can focus on what you love to do most. We are here with you every step of the way to ensure you are setup for success because when you win we win. So let’s win together. Bots are dead No Bots, Software or Scripts Bots, scripts & software are dead. As of August 2019, it's almost impossible to grow your account through these old school methods with Instagram's most recent update to their API. Our team is 100% compliant with Instagram's terms of service. We are an agency that believes in doing things the right way growing your accounts through manual methods run by our team of experts. Don't risk your account with services that are not run by real people that put your account in jeopardy of being banned by Instagram. The Ways We Shine How We Are Different - We work with A-list celebrities and powerful influencers to drive active and engaged followers to your account. Forget about buying fake followers that only undermine your accounts engagement and puts you at risk for being shadow banned or action blocked. Trust me, everyone can tell if someone bought fake followers and it doesn't look good. - A dedicated account manager that becomes an extension of your team. We are not in this business for the short term. We look to create long lasting partnerships that create mutual success for both of us. We work with you to learn your business objectives so that we can pair you with the perfect growth plan. - Avoid wasting your time targeting people that aren’t even interested in your content. With our advanced targeting techniques you will reach higher quality followers that actually care about the content you post, your message, and the products and services you offer. This helps increase conversion rates across the board from following, engagement, and sales.
{ "date": "2020-09-29T01:07:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600401617641.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20200928234043-20200929024043-00389.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9528194069862366, "token_count": 1165, "url": "https://socialsensei.co/how-it-works/" }
The annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame landmark event is always a special day that sees the royalty of rock find themselves in the same building for one night. Since its inception in 1995, the event has seen its fair share of memorable moments. Whether this is supergroups jamming, reunions from some of the biggest bands of all time, the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame has seen it all. However, the event’s corporate nature has seen some names say reject one of the most celebrated accolades an artist could ever receive. The event has had some titanic moments on its stage since its incarnation in 1986. The institution remains a special place steeped in musical royalty; accolades don’t get much higher than being inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It’s a place reserved only for true greats, and with a new year comes a new batch of artists ready to stake their claim for legend status. But we thought we’d reflect on those who rejected the chance and, in a flash of irony, achieved their place in the pantheon of rock anyway. Artists only become eligible for induction 25 years after releasing their debut record. To be inducted, an artist must be nominated by a committee that selects several candidates, the highest being 16 for the 2020 class. Ballots are sent to more than 1,000 “rock experts”, though nobody is quite sure who it is, who evaluate the candidates and vote on who should be inducted. The performers that receive the highest number of votes are inducted. For many artists getting inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is the very pinnacle of their illustrious career. It is recognition of a career at the top, and the exclusivity of the club makes it the place that most musicians would love to be, however, here we’re taking a look at figures in music who couldn’t care less about awards or accolades and turned the opportunity of a lifetime down. The artists who rejected the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: The Sex Pistols refused their induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in the most public and abrupt manners back in 2006. The band were reunited at this stage, a decision which they openly admitted was primarily due to financial reasons. However, they thought this was just one-stop too far, and Lydon thought it was selling out. On a note on the band’s website, they stated: “Next to the SEX-PISTOLS rock and roll and that hall of fame is a piss stain. Your museum. Urine in wine. Were not coming. Were not your monkey and so what? Fame at $25,000 if we paid for a table, or $15000 to squeak up in the gallery, goes to a non-profit organisation selling us a load of old famous. “Congradulations. If you voted for us, hope you noted your reasons. Your anonymous as judges, but your still music industry people. Were not coming. Your not paying attention. Outside the shit-stem is a real SEX PISTOL.” Rolling Stone and Rock Hall co-founder Jann Wenner even read the letter out in full during the ceremony, clearly beaming with his prize of a classic punk scalp. Guns ‘N’ Roses’ Axl Rose Axl Rose spoke on behalf of his band back in 2012 and slammed the award. The singer declared: “I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorised nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf,” he wrote. “Neither former members, label representatives nor the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame should imply whether directly, indirectly or by omission that I am included in any purported induction.” The rest of the band decided to play the ceremony without their frontman and guitarist Izzy Stradlin, with Slash’s right-hand man Myles Kennedy stepping in on vocal duties in place of Rose. Following the ceremony, Rose released another statement: “I still don’t exactly know or understand what the Hall is or how or why it makes money, where the money goes, who chooses the voters and why anyone or this board decides who, out of all the artists in the world that have contributed to this genre, officially ‘rock’ enough to be in the Hall?” When The Beatles were inducted into the inaugural Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988, not all the surviving members of the iconic band would attend the event. George Harrison and Ringo Starr would arrive at the show without Paul McCartney. The singer boycotted the event as the result of ongoing business disputes. “After 20 years, the Beatles still have some business differences, which I had hoped would have been settled by now,” he said in a statement. “Unfortunately, they haven’t been, so I would feel like a complete hypocrite waving and smiling with them at a fake reunion.” Macca would later have a change of heart when he attended the ceremony for his solo work in 1999, inducted John Lennon into the Rock Hall in 1994 and then Ringo Starr in 2015. Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters When Pink Floyd were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1996, it arrived at a time when Roger Waters couldn’t stand being in the same room as David Gilmour. When Waters initially withdrew from the group, he immediately locked horns with Gilmour in a bitter legal battle that would last years. To announce his departure, Waters issued a statement to EMI and CBS, invoking the ‘Leaving Member’ clause in his contract, and as the main creative force in the band, he didn’t believe Pink Floyd could continue in his absence. Therefore in October 1986, Waters started High Court proceedings to formally dissolve Pink Floyd, labelling the group a “spent force creatively”. David Gilmour and Nick Mason opposed this, stating that Pink Floyd was going nowhere and that Waters couldn’t declare it was dead while the group were still trying to make music. Waters eventually agreed, which saw him resign after careful legal considerations in 1987. However, he did note: “If I hadn’t, the financial repercussions would have wiped me out completely.” Ten years on from that lacklustre apology, he still wanted nothing to do with his former bandmates. Neil Young is no stranger to the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. He was more than happy to be inducted for being a solo artist back in 1995. On top of that, he’s inducted five other artists over the years into the club but, when Buffalo Springfield was inducted into the club in 1997, he refused to attend which he said was to do with the event televised. “This presentation is in direct opposition to what I believe,” Young wrote. “Although I accept the honour, in the name of rock and roll, I decline to take part in this TV presentation and be trotted out like some cheap awards show. There are already too many of these.” Jefferson Airplane’s Grace Slick Jefferson Airplane were inducted into the illustrious pantheon of music back in 1996, but, their appearance at the ceremony was without their leader Grace Slick. Before she turned 50 in 1989, Slick retired from music and, unlike most musicians who make this vow, she has stuck profusely to her words. “I’m not comfortable being an old person on stage,” she told Forbes in 2015. “Rock is like sports. You have a certain run, then get out.” Slick had earlier claimed that 50 was the perfect retirement age for people in her business, stating: “all rock-and-rollers over the age of 50 look stupid and should retire.” When Black Sabbath were announced as inductees in 2006, Ozzy Osbourne made it clear he had no plans to attend. The singer brazenly declared: “Save the ink. Forget about us. The nomination is meaningless, because it’s not voted on by the fans,” he wrote at the time. “It’s voted on by the supposed elite for the industry and the media, who’ve never bought an album or concert ticket in their lives, so their vote is irrelevant to me. Let’s face it, Black Sabbath has never been media darlings. We’re a people’s band and that suits us just fine.” However, he reflected upon his words and dramatically changed his stance for one reason or another. Osbourne attended the ceremony with his bandmates and even issued an apology: “I realised I don’t have the right to speak for Black Sabbath. All I am is the singer,” he later said. “If we’d all sat around a table and talk about it, that would’ve been okay, but I didn’t have the right to say that, and I truly apologise.”
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My Criminal Quilts exhibition has been touring since 2018 and after some pandemic cancellations and rescheduling, the last hurrah is coming up in February 2022. The exhibition will be on show at Llantarnam Grange 5th February – 2nd April. I will be hosting an an online preview event accessible to all on Friday 4th February time TBC. The exhibition will include lots of new work made in the last couple of years which you can see here as well as other pieces still in progress plus new collaborative community work. There will be events in the gallery and online during the spring including a collaborative project inviting contributions from around the world. After the exhibition, I’m creating an online live gathering event with other artists to share stories about making craft with powerful social and historical narratives. If you are interested in sharing your work at this event please contact me. One of the things I have missed during the pandemic is getting together with others in the same room and sharing textile techniques, ideas, seeing samples and threads, textile treasures and books. In 2022 I’m starting to run a lot more online textile workshops but I wanted to also do something more modest and accessible alongside. I wanted a space where I could share my love of textile techniques in a smaller way. From late January I will host a Textile Study Space on Patreon, a subscription site where I will gather and share fragments of textile. There will be mini tutorials, technique ideas, historical examples, pieces from my work, sketchbooks, samples and also from my historical museum of old and usually damaged textiles collection . I want this space to be low-key and unpressured, somewhere you can explore textiles at your own pace, pick the things that interest you and explore. There’s no fixed outcome, you don’t have to make anything, it’s just there to inspire. There will be very low minimum price per month of subscription but if you find it valuable and can afford a bit more, the amount you pay will be flexible. I hope that will be nice and democratic, allowing textile enthusiasts who love what I do to be part of my creative world without the cost and commitment of other online programmes. To find out when Textile Study Space opens, sign up to my mailing list here and I’ll let you know. I hope you will join me, I can’t wait to share some of the textile treasures in my studio. Do you have someone on your list who likes crime? What about concrete ? Maybe some silk ruffles to beautify a Zoom background? I’ve got quite a selection of unusual gifts in my online shop mainly under £50. A lot of my shop has been hibernating since I moved, so if you spot something that says ‘coming soon’ just drop me a line and I’ll see if I can find it for you! I’ll be posting until Monday 19th December so there’s plenty of time for UK shoppers. I’m currently selling some of my archive pieces of my older work: manipulated textile wall panels and hoops, as well as newer embroideries and other pieces. The question I am always asked about is how to keep them clean and safe. I’ve had many of these on my studio walls for years with no damage so I thought I’d explain the principles I follow to keep them in good condition. My first career was working in museums and I specialised in textile curatorial work so I’ve learned a lot about this area. Light. UV light is the greatest risk to textiles in your home. If you’ve got old curtains that have shredded where the sun hits them then you know the problem. UV light weakens fibres and dyes so to keep your textiles in the best condition you need to protect them from direct light. Either hang them on a wall which doesn’t get any sun or keep blinds closed on sunny days. The only other solution is to install UV filters on your windows. Dust. Dust in itself isn’t too much of a problem, it’s only a disaster if it’s damp or greasy. So don’t hang textiles in the kitchen unless you can wash them. Textured textiles like mine do gather dust but it’s easy to remove. You have probably seen videos of National Trust conservators gently vacuuming tapestries on walls once a year before covering up for the closed season. The same applies to my work. I take the piece off the wall, go outside with it and bang on the back to dislodge most of the dust. A soft dusting brush can also be useful, again outside is best. I use a goat hair brush from Objects of Use. Make sure it isn’t too stuff and scratchy as that might damage fibres. Vacuum. You will need a soft brush attachment as shown. I keep one for textiles only and a separate one for cleaning the house. Check for any loose threads on the piece before you vacuum. The top edge is usually the worst spot for dust so start there and work your way down. If there are loose threads or things that may get pulled off by the vacuum, cover the nozzle with fine cloth or netting, so the dust goes up the nozzle but the threads, beads etc can’t. Have a look at the National Trust recommendations here. Damp. Hanging textiles on a damp or cold outside wall can be risky as mould can develop and there’s nothing you can do about this once it’s stained the fabric. Moth. Silk and wool can be susceptible to moth attack. It’s wise to be vigilant about keeping your home moth-free if possible. Vacuuming and banging off the dust will also remove some moth eggs. If your textile clearly has moths, find a friend with a large chest freezer, wrap the textile in plastic bags and freeze for a couple of weeks. Let it warm up out of the plastic bag and air thoroughly. Then shake and/or vacuum. That should solve the current residents but avoidance is best. Spills and dirt. The best way to avoid this is to hang your textile away from food and drink areas and keep them high up. Don’t hang anything fragile where people or furniture movements or doors rub against it or where pets can get near (my new cat thinks a fabric panel is great for scratching!). Wet spills are pretty serious for textiles that can’t be washed. But if the worst happens, contact me and I may be able to rescue it by taking the piece off it’s internal frame and washing or covering the damage. Rips and tears. Some of the techniques I used can be vulnerable to knocks and curious little fingers which can pull stitches out. Contact me for repair advice – most things can be fixed by you or I will take back for repair. That should keep your precious textile pieces going for many, many years. Do you feel more confident about rehoming one of these textile beauties? Find them in my shop and make them yours right now! Success! You're on the list. Whoops! There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please reload the page and try again. Some ideas for small, postable gifts and digital gifts for the crime or craft-loving person on your list. Or you can add these to your own Christmas list. I’m happy to gift wrap and send to your recipient with a hand written card too, to save two lots of postage. Just leave a note in the order form and I’ll contact you to confirm. Browse the whole shop here. I’ve also got digital products for instant arrival and gift vouchers – you can choose to email a PDF or I’ll send a printed one in a card. Two years ago I created Criminal Quilts exhibition and self-published the accompanying book, alongside each other. Looking back, I am not sure how I managed to do both in a few short months as well as my other work. But somehow I did. It’s has taken a couple of years for the first print run of the book to sell out so I have revised and reprinted this year. The new version has a couple of extra pages and some new images as well as (hopefully) no more page reference errors! The first print run was only ever sold directly by me online, at events and alongside the exhibition in gallery shops. The new version has an ISBN number and is already listed on Amazon and I will be selling wholesale to bookshops too. Self-publishing allows me total control of the book production and sales. Both editions are printed on recycled paper with no plastic coating of the cover, for maximum sustainability. This has cost me more but fits with my values. It is also printed by a small (female-owned) local company, a few minutes from my house so I can walk to the printers to check things. My brilliant graphic designer Sophie has done a great job as always. The downsides of self-publishing are that all the copies have to be stored in my (small, already crowded) house! Please help me make space to move by purchasing a copy (or 10) of this book. It’s been an amazing couple of years with this book. The best part of being both author and publisher is that I know exactly where this book has been sent. It has travelled all over the world which amazes and delights me. It has been devoured by textile enthusiasts, criminologists, historians, Stafford residents, prison, probation and community work professionals, schools, photographers, universities and academics. It’s been reviewed in an academic publication too as well as in textile press. The back cover blurb reads: Criminal Quilts is an art & heritage project created by artist Ruth Singer which explores the stories of women photographed in Stafford Prison 1877-1916. This book covers the research which Ruth and a team of volunteers undertook in the development of the project, including many of the personal stories of women in the archives of Stafford Prison. It also covers additional research around clothing in the photographs as well as daily life in a Victorian prison. This book is also a catalogue of the textiles pieces which Ruth has created alongside her research, giving the full background from the initial commission in 2012 to the work created in 2018 for the touring exhibition. This is a revised edition for 2020. Ruth Singer is an established British textile artist with a background working in the museum sector. Her training and first career continue to influence her artistic practice through her interest in heritage, narrative, material culture and society. Ruth’s work is focussed on research and personal exploration of stories, resulting in subtle, emotive and sensitive work. She creates exhibitions, commissions, community projects and undertakes artist residencies to explore subjects and places in detail. She has presented a number of solo exhibitions as well as Criminal Quilts and was awarded the Fine Art Quilt Masters Prize in 2016, and written several books. She also works as a consultant, artist mentor and tutor. My love of corded and stuffed quilting runs very deep. I first taught myself the technique about 15 years ago after seeing it used in 1930s couture garments at the V&A when I worked there. I later discovered the Tristan Quilt, a 14th century trapunto quilt, which is in the V&A but it wasn’t on display while I worked there. Over the last few years working as a professional artist / maker / tutor and writer of books, I have continued to explore trapunto / corded quilting as much as possible. I have covered the technique in basics in my first book Sew It Up, and then in much more detail in Fabric Manipulation. I have also taught the basics of the technique to hundreds of people, including for the last 10 years at Festival of Quilts. I’ve continued to research the technique by visiting museums and arranging store visits to see original pieces (mostly 18th century), and collected old quilting books which occasionally mention the technique. I have already created a very brief history of the technique which is online here, and have copies of the two main books on the subject, but there is much they don’t cover which I want to explore. I’ve now received a small professional development grant from The Textile Society to take this research forward on 2020. I will be visiting museums, exploring online catalogues and reading books to create a list of corded & stuffed quilting in collections in the UK, and start working towards a book which will cover both the history and the contemporary practice of this wonderful, under-appreciated technique. If you have any examples in your personal collections or know of any in museums, please do get in touch. The two photographs are my own pieces made for publications, inspired by historic examples. I will be teaching the techniques again at Festival of Quilts in 2020 and will be running a masterclass at some point in 2020-21 too. Please join my mailing list to be first to receive workshop and talk information. I’ve made a colouring book! I created a sort-of colouring book for my library commission earlier this year, and really loved doing it. It reminded me that I wanted to make a patchwork pattern colouring book a few years ago, but never had the time. I’ve made the time and now it’s ready. My book of patchwork drawings is more than just a colouring book, it is a place to play with creative ideas, to try new colour combinations, patterns and really stretch your creativity. This A5 book (15x21cm 6x8in) has 14 hand-drawn designs inspired by original antique patchwork quilts which I have created meticulously for your enjoyment. I love using patchwork as inspiration for creative drawing and colouring and I am sure you will love these too. The paper is nice and thick, suitable for watercolour as well as pens, chalk makers and pencils. There are also two pages for you to create your own designs with a helpful grid to guide you. I have also included 6 pages of full colour designs with lots of tips and ideas to make this colouring book really special. The colouring book is £9.50. I can post all over the world too. You can find it in my online shop, along with books, textiles and much more. My book Fabric Manipulation is now available in paperback. I have a handful of signed copies on my online shop for £15.99. They are of course also available from online retailers but if you buy direct from the writer then the profit comes to me rather than the global online retailer, and helps support my work. I also recommend ordering books from your local book shop to help keep them afloat, along with the writers they support. Criminal Quilts book is available for pre-order for another week – the advance copy discount ends 8pm Friday 20th July. The book is just £10 for pre-orders and includes a free bookmark and the chance to be included in the supporters page. Buy now!
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Bringing Unloved Athens into Focus Through Art Art historian Els Hanappe investigates the shift in the Athenian art world and the emergence of in situ installations and exhibitions at unloved landmarks, initiating a subtle dialogue between the site, its history and the commissioned works, the play between exterior and interior, that all add up to the city’s narrative. ‘Noi vogliamo distruggere i musei, le biblioteche, le accademie d’ogni specie’, cried Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in his 1909 Futurist Manifesto, or, ‘We want to destroy museums, libraries and academies of every kind’. Henceforth, museums, those cornerstones of 19th century nation-building designed to preserve historical, cultural and scientific collections, have been alternately described as tombs, cemeteries and mausoleums: public depositories for dead objects. Artists, who for centuries had relied on individual commissions, feared that this centralized authority as arbiter of taste would undermine their ability to create a personal style. In 1863, the competition between the official Paris Salon with its academic painters and the Salon des Refuges for all those who had been left out, was an early sign of this desire or need for nonconformity. Artists wanted to feel connected with life around them, not to be buried inside the walls. Following World War II with the United States branding its own identity and history less prevalent than Europe, the Abstract Expressionists produced large scale canvases that perfectly adorned the walls of the newly erected progressive museums. A love-hate relationship developed with artists vying for recognition through museum acquisition while simultaneously seeking artistic freedom, a troubling dependency that would open the way for new initiatives and alternative spaces. Reactions came about during the 60s and 70s with artists such as Robert Smithson who made on-site sculptures in nature as ‘land art’, or Gordon Matta-Clark who, inspired by the concept of ‘Anarchitecture’ (anarchy + architecture), intervened in deserted or doomed buildings by cutting shapes through them. Commercial galleries followed suit and accommodated requests,including Jannis Kounellis’ wish to position twelve horses around the rectangular space of a Roman gallery, as did exhibition curators, starting with Swiss art historian Harald Szeeman, who first brought outsider art into the institution and thereafter established himself as an independent curator working from his studio home. The temporary / off-site / in-situ / adhoc / pop-up / independent / alternative exhibition was born. Museums soon realized that this urge of the artists to connect with life unhindered by commercial purposes and institutional restrictions, forced them to think differently in order to stay relevant. From now on, they reserved space for temporary exhibitions of contemporary art, invited outside curators or artists to intervene in the permanent collections and commissioned in-situ works or installations. During fall 2021, Athenians were treated to a multitude of contemporary art displays at unconventional and historical venues. NEON, the non-profit organization founded by collector and entrepreneur Dimitris Daskalopoulos, undertook the restoration of the former Public Tobacco Factory and inaugurated the building with an international group show ‘Portals’. Massive in scale and spanning an entire city block, the interior opens up to large, high-ceiling spaces with walls that have been partly smoothed out and partly left with old rough surfaces. The atrium with its glass roofs and the many windows along the sides of the streets offer the visitor breathing space. This stands in stark contrast to the former department store FOKAS where the Athens Biennale has housed the main location of its multiple-venue ‘Eclipse’ edition. The eerie feel of the 7 floor disused store with its claustrophobic low ceilings, shiny white tiles, elevators and empty display cases, where commercial advertisements that were left behind clash with the abundance of art works and screens, overwhelms the visitor whose flow is dictated by the escalators. At some point I ran into the changing rooms, bedevilled by the surrounding mirrors. Across the street, set in between Stadiou Street and Justice Square and flanked by Arsaki and Santaroza Streets is the former Santaroza Courthouse, named after Santorre, Count of Santarosa, Italian revolutionary and Philhellene. The wide, low and pi-shaped former printing house and courthouse loomed dark as the evening had set in, and the inside with its naked cement and brick walls lit up by neon enhance this impression. The deep urgent voice rising up from the basement and the dark offices lined along the second floor intensify the feeling of a spooky house. As co-founder of the Athens Biennale in 2005 and current artistic director Poka-Yio admits, the abandoned buildings are viewed as empty neutral shells that can be incorporated in the event and that play an active role in the overall installation. Across Justice Square and situated on Panepistimiou Street is a third venue, the Schliemann-Mela Hall that incorporates commercial, professional and residential spaces. The Hall resembles a typical 19th century luxurious Athenian apartment building with marble steps, a courtyard in the back, and large corridors with doors on both sides that hide deserted and disorderly offices. This image takes us back to ROOMS, an annual project staged by Kappatos Gallery with the participation of multiple curators who each propose one artist who in turn will occupy one hotel room of the St. George Lycabettus Hotel, with the dedicated rooms all situated on one floor. The opening nights would turn into real happenings with visitors enthusiastically dashing in and out of the hotel rooms. It was in 1983 that collector Dakis Joannou established the Deste Foundation that, during the late 80s and early 90s, would occupy the House of Cyprus, the Cultural and Educational Office of the Cyprus Embassy, for its first high profile exhibitions. Following a major international group show at the School of Fine Arts in 1996, DESTE turned to a permanent venue, first in Neo Psychico and then, on the occasion of the 2004 Olympic Games, to a larger space in Nea Ionia. Both spaces were former factories, redesigned to fulfill their new destinations. In that same year, in 2004, Locus Athens, a smaller scale enterprise, proclaimed itself a nomadic organization with the aim of introducing contemporary art into public space by taking advantage of the many underused, unknown or unloved landmarks in the city. Co-founder Maria-Thalia Carras recounts, ‘We were interested in navigating the thousand stories to be told and listened to.’ She refers to the ‘genius loci’ of each selected place, its spirit or distinctive atmosphere. Solo and group shows were staged at a private school, a cruise ship departure lounge in Piraeus, at the Tzisdaraki Mosque, the former Correspondents Center, architectural offices, in collaboration with traditional museums or with the many university departments and museums. For Locus Athens, the subtle dialogue between the site, its history and the commissioned works, the play between exterior and interior, was important as a means to add to the stories of a city. Art critic and curator Kostas Prapoglou, who returned from London to Athens in 2017, talks in similar vein about adding a layer of identity or memory. With a background in archeology and architecture, his interest lies in the reactivation of abandoned buildings by seeking new purposes. The first two editions of the Athens Biennale were single location events that from 2011 spread out to ever more adventurous settings such as the Engineers and Public Constructors Pension Fund, the Telecommunications, Telegrams and Post building, and the National Bank of Greece. Poka-Yio stresses the need for constant solutions to identifying spaces large enough to accommodate a major and international cultural event. He talks about waking up the ‘sleeping giants’ in the very center of a metropolis. Having gained experience, he feels that the citizens prefer central, accessible and attractive sites. Such was the success of NEON, which, as a larger and well-funded organization, was in a position to establish collaborations with the renowned Cycladic Museum, and the Archeological Schools of France, Britain and the Unites States and National Observatory of Athens, all of which possess of beautiful extensive gardens. It even secured permits to show contemporary art at such sacred archaeological sites as the Roman Agora, the Kerameikos cemetery and further out, the island of Delos. The Deste Foundation joined up with both the Cycladic and Benaki Museums, and started a satellite space on the island of Hydra called the Hydra Slaughterhouse Project. Obtaining permissions and permits can be daunting, from negotiating with private owners to navigating the bureaucratic hassles imposed by municipal, regional, state and church authorities. Kostas Prapoglou, who started out independently but has since founded artefact athens, can relate when talking about his decision to install a group show at the Psychiatric Hospital of Dafni, a place burdened by a difficult history, whispered to have housed many an unwanted relative or sane eccentric. His approach is more symbolic, following the ancient holy road or ‘Iera Odos’ from today’s Athens to the ancient site of Eleusis as a dialogue between the past and the present, the center and the suburb. He calls it ‘a journey of the soul’. The green open space surrounding the premises and the opposite monastery may have added to the attraction that convinced Athenians to make the pilgrimage to the far-off hospital grounds. Leaving enclosed constructions, events can crawl further out through the city, advance into the streets and enter private homes. Maria-Thalia views them as different forms of storytelling. Locus Athens, supported by NEON, tackled the neighborhood of Aigaleo with community projects; since 2017 and as a result of Documenta 14, Victoria Square Project brightens the neighborhood of Victoria, artefact athens attracted renewed attention to the area of Kypseli, and the Athens Biennale grouped its venues around the squares of the Old Parliament, Omonia and Justice. Together, they constitute worthwhile efforts to reveal the many hidden beauties of the city, provide access behind the closed façades, enliven the city center and attract an audience to unknown destinations. They create opportunities to explore the city from the inside out. At the center of this activity stands contemporary art that has long since been put on the cultural map. Do the venues overshadow the art? Sometimes they do as individual works are subjugated to the effect of the whole as props in a mise en scène. Has it brought art closer to life and to the people? Partly yes, as the audience has become more diverse such as the many hospital patients who were engaged in guided tours or the school children who, for a couple of months, stared at the scribbled classroom walls daily. Will the buildings go back to sleep once the events are over? Opinions vary as some believe that temporality is at the base of all history whereas others feel that the increased visibility will spur new initiatives and activities.
{ "date": "2022-01-22T02:01:37Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303729.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20220122012907-20220122042907-00589.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9570845365524292, "token_count": 2334, "url": "https://www.athensinsider.com/bringing-unloved-athens-into-focus-through-art/" }
Among the cargoes brought into the port of Marseilles in Provence during the mid seventeenth century by the Compagnie des Indes Orientales were desirable cotton prints from India. They consisted of dazzling patterns and striking colours, which captured the imagination. Quickly they gained an enviable reputation for being colourfast, which made them appear almost miraculous. The colours included red from madder (garance plant) and blue (indigo plant) and they became generically known as ‘indiennes’ because of their origin. These light, vibrant prints became enormously popular and quite the Vogue at Paris and at the court of Louis XIV. Aristocrats and artists turned them into all manner of fashionable apparel. ‘What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? One must work and dare if one really wants to live’* Famous playwright Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622 – 1673) known as Moliere, starred as the foolish hero in a production of his play for the King Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme in 1670 at the court of Versailles dressed in the popular prints worn upside down. It was a great lark. The result of this craze at court seriously jeopardized the growing silk and wool textile industries of France. It became so serious that in 1686 King Louis XIV through his Arts and Industry Minister Louvois, was forced to ban the import of the much sought after cottons from India. Banning the product only further fueled the fire of demand and smuggling became the order of the day. It was much the same over in England where the instant popularity of cottons from India, called chintz resulted in a depression and even riots in the silk and linen weaving trades. All was blamed on Queen Mary (1650 – 1702). She had a perchance for colourful printed fabrics, and we can well understand why when viewing this delightful historical stuff. The trade however was found to be damaging the English manufactory, and so the English Parliament, passed an act in 1720 to restrain and prohibit their use. (It forbade ‘the Use and Warings in Apparel of imported chintz, and also its use or Wear in or about any Bed, Chair, Cushion or other Household furniture‘.) The passion for these fabrics caused local manufacturers to take notice and the first recorded manufacture of copies of them using carved wooden blocks to print from in France was at Marseilles in 1656. Some of the Grand Seigneurs and Grandes Dames at the French court decided they should grab an opportunity to fund production of an all new local product. However the quality was not nearly as good as the imported. During the eighteenth century the ever expanding markets for trade in textiles from both the Middle and Far East contributed greatly to the success of many western economies. The invention in 1733 of the ‘flying shuttle’, the ‘spinning Jenny’ in 1765 and the chain loom in 1768 made their presence felt. Industrial weaving and spinning centers improved greatly at this time, and mechanization led to a fall in prices and expansion of English and French textiles onto the world market.’ France had to remain competitive. The late eighteenth and up until the mid nineteenth century would become the golden age for Provencal fabric design and manufacture. Antoine de Beaulieu a young employee of the Compagnie des Indes committed industrial espionage to discover that metallic salts, called mordants were the key to the setting process. ‘ They combined with the dyes to form an insoluble compound on natural fibres. From 1758 Mme de Pompadour, the powerful mistress of Louis XV campaigned for a free trade in these materials. By the second half of the eighteenth century, France’s production was at last becoming competitive and Louis lifted the ban in 1759. Because the cotton fabric was so light it brought about a revolution in European clothing. Being easy to wash made it also very suitable for bed hangings, bed curtains and bedspreads. By 1785 at Tarascon one company dominated the area with its production of superbly printed cottons. Working from a library of print designs, from dainty to dramatic, with fruits, florals, paisleys and geometrics, the traditions associated with the company we know as Souleiado, was started during the eighteenth century by Monsieur Jourdan. He produced large scarves for ladies (mouchoirs) in three varieties. Brightly coloured scarves were exclusively for girls and young woman, grisailles, or muted greys were deemed appropriate for women “of a certain age”, with deuils, or sombre toned squares meant for older women and widows. The fabric’s manufacture had three elements. The base cloth, which was made of high quality cotton of over 150 threads per square inch. The graceful block based prints added were a mélange of naiveté and sophistication. And their colours reflected the flora of the regions in France in which they were manufactured. Under Louis XVI (1754-1793) and following the Revolution, the most popular prints were produced on a bronze coloured base covered with flowers, vines and herbs. Together with other fabrics – such lawns and batiste, the cotton fabrics used in the new French Empire period were meant to project an image of a taste for harmonious simplicity in line with new ideas of democracy. During the early nineteenth century designs became more stylized and during the reign of Napoleon 1, petite designs came into vogue. Enchanted he bought baskets full for Josephine and the ladies of the court. At this time the fabrics preferred were geometric, and many today still have a surprising contemporary look. In 1818 one of the Avignon craftsmen printers, Leonard Quinche formed a partnership with two men from Tarascon to build a mill at St. Etienne du Gre near Tarascon. This mill was 140 years later to become known as Les Olivades. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the arrival and acceleration of the Industrial Revolution in Europe and England provoked massive change, and the cotton industry suffered a further decline. This resulted in a lot of small producers selling out or joining larger companies. Great collections of the precious carved wooden print blocks were burned as detritus of another age. Only in areas such as lower Provence did a few companies manage to survive. Following World War II these lovely prints started to once again re-appear internationally. The designs were transferred from the few remaining old carved blocks onto copper plates, complete with imperfections – a charming touch. Traditions established so long ago with the indiennes still continue today in a blending of time honoured techniques and modern manufacturing methods. Provencal fabrics remain distinct and harmonious, conveying a warm welcoming feeling. Today chemical dyes replace the original vegetable dyes, but the colourful pastiche of shades and pattern really work well when mixed together with other fabrics, particularly en masse, and they combine brilliantly in all decorative schemes. Their rich earthy colours look particularly attractive when combined with the dark patina of antique wood in a colourful house in Provence. In its interior there is little effort to make everything ‘match’ or even maintain a continuity of periods. What is to be admired is that the French mix what they like with what they need and with what the family has handed down with a sense of great style in a look that is both eclectic and cohesive. Carolyn McDowall, The Culture Concept Circle, 2011-2014 *Vincent Van Gogh
{ "date": "2022-01-22T02:35:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303729.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20220122012907-20220122042907-00589.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9624620079994202, "token_count": 1630, "url": "https://www.thecultureconcept.com/provence-country-style-pt-3-tres-chic-indiennes" }
Singer-songwriter Jimmy Barnes has been invited to Umina for a book-signing for a second time. When he visited a West St bookshop to sign his book Working Class Boy in October last year, fans queued around the block for hours for the chance to meet him and collect a signed copy of the book. With the launch of the second part of his autobiography Working Class Man, the similar numbers are expected for the signing at 2pm on October 26. Owner of Umina Beach Book Bazaar, Ms Mandy Beaton McIntosh, who has organised the signing, said it would be best to be early to avoid missing out. She said Barnes’ autobiography was a tale of a life too big and a story too extraordinary for just one book. She said he had lived many lives: from Glaswegian migrant child to iconic front man, from solo superstar to proud father of his own musical clan. “Barnes picks up the story of his life as he leaves Adelaide in the back of an old truck with a then unknown band called Cold Chisel.” The bookshop will also host another signing by an awardwinning children’s author on Saturday, October 21. Mr George Ivanoff, who has written more than 100 books for children and teenagers, will hold a book signing and author talk from 10:30am until 11:30am. Mr Ivanoff has written school readers, library reference books, chapter books, novelettes, novels and a short story collection and has books on both the Victorian Premier’s and the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge booklists. His teen science fi ction novel, Gamers’ Quest, won a Chronos Award for speculative fi ction. The sequel, Gamers’ Challenge, was shortlisted for the same award and the fi nal book in the Gamers trilogy, Gamers’ Rebellion, also won a Chronos Award. Mr Ivanoff’s current series of books is the interactive You Choose series. You Choose: The Treasure of Dead Man’s Cove won the 2015 YABBA in the “Fiction for Younger Readers” category; and You Choose: Alien Invasion From Beyond the Stars got an Honour Award in the KOALAs in 2016. SOURCE: Media release, 9 Oct 2017 Mandi Beaton McIntosh, Umina Beach Book Bazaar
{ "date": "2022-01-25T05:56:44Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304760.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125035839-20220125065839-00309.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9674280881881714, "token_count": 492, "url": "https://coastcommunitynews.com.au/central-coast/news/2017/10/jimmy-barnes-umina-second-book-signing/" }
Thinking Out Loud (Quietly) About Christine Blasey Ford As the female Marxist dog and pony show called the Democratic Party’s “case” against Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has finally, thankfully, failed, it is time at last to put this absurd episode of radical activism to bed, and to say a relieved “Good night, folks,” to all its memorably tiresome players. Above all, of course, this means adios to Kavanaugh’s various accusers, most of whom will be forgotten by everyone outside of their own families tomorrow. One accuser, however, is likely to cash in handsomely on all the publicity she engendered from the allegation that started all this nonsense, namely Christine Blasey Ford. I have no inside knowledge regarding any of the sundry allegations proffered against Brett Kavanaugh — including the desperate, Democrat-manufactured claims that he has a short temper or is “an angry drunk,” which, according to the non-reasoning of logically-challenged leftists, somehow equates to being a likely rapist. I therefore have no way of saying with certainty whether any of his accusers were telling the truth or lying outright. But I will say, now that the sun is setting on all of this, that accusers number two through infinity sounded about as consistent, credible, and sincere as a drunken Hillary. This left only accuser number one, Dr. Ford, as even worth caring about for reasonable people. This past week, therefore, I finally plucked up my courage and took some time to watch extended clips of her Senate judiciary committee testimony. I then wrote some observations based on this viewing, but kept them to myself for a few days. Now that the whole story has dried up, I don’t mind taking this exfoliating moment to describe publicly what I gleaned from her performance. Take it for what it’s worth. Ford specifically delayed her Senate appearance on the grounds that she is afraid of flying, and would therefore need to travel to Washington from California by alternate means. However, during her testimony, the somewhat droll female prosecutor asking questions on behalf of Senate Republicans gently challenged Ford on this claim, forcing her to concede that she flies to Delaware every year to visit family, has flown to and from Hawaii for educational purposes, and boasts online of “surf-travel” as her hobby, which involves flying to exotic Pacific Ocean locations frequently. In other words, the woman’s hobby is traveling around the world in airplanes looking for fun places to surf. At the end of this exchange, Ford, caught, smirks cutely, looks down, and titteringly observes that it’s easier to get up “the gumption” to fly when it’s for a vacation. Tee-hee. How charming! In other words, her “fear of flying” excuse for delaying her testimony to the United States Senate was a complete crock, i.e., a lie — a lie to the judiciary committee in advance, and a lie under oath at the hearing. The prosecutor lady also asked her about her meeting with a Washington Post reporter regarding her allegations against Kavanaugh. Specifically, Ford was asked whether she showed the reporter the actual notes from her marriage therapy sessions about the alleged assault, or merely described them. Ford tried to skirt around the question, claiming she didn’t recall whether she showed the actual notes, but that she didn’t think so, unless her attorneys showed them. (Talk about covering all bases!) Remember, in this instance we are not discussing a thirty-five-year-old traumatic incident or life-altering event; we are talking about a recent meeting with a reporter for a major newspaper — presumably a rare and therefore highly memorable occurrence in Ford’s recent life — to detail an inflammatory charge she is making against a prominent public figure, a charge that might significantly affect national political events; and in fact she talked to the reporter in the hopes of having such an effect. And yet, with at least a full week to prepare with her lawyers for these kinds of questions about her actions, she claims she cannot remember whether or not she provided extremely personal evidence about her alleged traumatic experience to the Post reporter during that meeting. Plausible? She doesn’t remember preparing for that meeting, and thinking about which documents to bring, or what information to provide, to the reporter? At another moment, the prosecutor asks her whether her polygraph test was administered on the day of her grandmother’s funeral, or a subsequent day, and Ford claims, again, that she cannot remember. How often has Ford undergone a lie detector test, such that this one left her too blasé to recall, just weeks later, whether it occurred on the day of her grandmother’s funeral — another event that is obviously memorable, rare, and unlikely to become blurred in one’s mind immediately — or on another day? And again, this supposed memory lapse comes after a full week of preparation for this testimony, at which she and her lawyers would obviously have had every reason to expect these topics to come up, and every opportunity to pore over schedules and the content of recent encounters to shore up her memory. As a further note, Ford is also asked by the prosecutor whether she has ever helped anyone prepare for a polygraph test, to which, after fudging as though the question referred to her own test, she finally answers, decisively, “Never.” Nevertheless, an ex-boyfriend, with whom she apparently lived for some time, has since filed a sworn statement claiming that he personally witnessed her helping a friend prepare for a government job-related polygraph test. (The ex-boyfriend also claims in that letter that Ford flew frequently and never expressed any fear of flying or claustrophobic tendencies, and that they eventually broke up due to her unfaithfulness, after which she continued to use the credit card they had shared while living together, ceasing this activity only after the man threatened her with legal action.) From the portions of her testimony that I have seen (admittedly incomplete), one could easily form the impression that the only event in her entire fifty-plus years of living that she can remember with any degree of certainty is the moment Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her. Or more narrowly, she can remember only the precise physical exchange between them, in isolation from everything else, since she cannot remember where or when the assault occurred, how she got to or from the party, or even who was there, given that the people she names as having been at this very small party with her, including a lifelong friend, have all denied being at any such event. Interestingly, she also claims to remember all the attendees at the party — all but one, which is significant, since this was allegedly a house party, so not remembering one person allows her to get away with not being able to identify whose house it might have been. She spoke in her testimony about being pushed into a room with a bed and loud music, but she can give absolutely no visual details of the room or what kind of machine was playing the music. She speaks of escaping to an adjacent bathroom and hiding out there until her attackers went downstairs, but she can provide no identifiable visual details about that room either. She speaks of anxiously exiting the house onto “the street” — but of course this specific recollection of “the street” includes absolutely no visual memories of said street that might serve as identifying markers for others who knew the neighborhood at the time. That’s a very convenient memory she has there, from the point of view of destroying a man’s life without having to submit one’s account or oneself to any scrutiny as to details, motives, and character. Apart from the attack itself, to which there were no witnesses, there is not a single thing, past or present, that she admits to remembering with any certainty, such that it could be cross-checked with anyone else’s memories or testimony. And yes, I know memory is a tricky thing, and that details one conjures up after thirty-five years might in fact be falsified composites used to fill in gaps in the story while recounting it for oneself later, or for others. The true details, which of course one did know at the time, might get reconfigured slowly over time, and be subtly replaced by slightly altered versions. But those falsified portions of one’s old memories are nevertheless the way one remembers it; in other words — and this is the point — we do naturally fill in the gaps, especially when repeatedly remembering a significant event of the kind one replays in one’s mind frequently, and that one has recounted to others often. Since there was obviously a full picture in the mind originally, and since that picture is being recalled often, there will presumably never be a time when the frame is simply empty — something will be in that frame, even if parts of what is there have been altered from the original. For example, Ford would obviously have known, during the first days and weeks after the traumatic experience, at whose house the party took place. And seeing as how this was allegedly a terrifying and life-changing experience, she would presumably recall it often — in fact she is claiming that she has recalled it often, not only in the first months, but throughout all these intervening years. At what point did she suddenly recall this memory one day without any of the basic contextual reference points, such as the specific location, which she had previously known? Is it not more likely that she would never have forgotten such a central detail, given that she never forgot about the event for any extended period of time? At the very least, if the location had begun to fade over time, would she not have instinctively filled in that detail in her recollection with alternative but plausible information (i.e., the wrong location), such that in her own mind, the memory, including the important detail of where it happened, would continue to seem whole and intact from her subjective point of view? In other words, if you recall a memory often, you must be recalling something, which is to say that where the facts have become fuzzy, you gradually recreate them with your imagination, in a way that seems correct and seamless to you. Thus, if Ford had said, “I think it was John’s house, but there is a small possibility I am wrong about that,” then at least there would be something to look into, and her story would sound like anyone’s important but distant memories — clear enough to her, subjectively, but perhaps slightly confused in objective fact. Life-altering memories, recollected often, will become corrupted with inaccuracies that the mind inserts to fill in the gaps that naturally develop on the peripheries over time. Ford’s life-altering memory, by contrast, seems to consist of almost nothing but unfilled gaps, and she has apparently done nothing over time to recreate any of the significant lost details, in spite of supposedly having been haunted by this memory all her life. And the same is apparently true even of recent significant events about which she knew she would be asked to testify before the Senate. I would also add the following psychological observation — and I note that I am not a trained psychologist, which means that like any ordinary person, but unlike a trained psychologist, I am actually qualified to make psychological observations, because I still naïvely believe in the psyche. During most of the portions of her testimony that I watched on YouTube, and particularly during her recounting of the alleged assault, Ford was wearing enormous, thick-rimmed, and seemingly dirty glasses that covered half of her face, and obscured her eyes. She also wore her hair pulled down close to her eyes, and rarely looked directly at a non-Democrat questioner for more than half a second; her eyes, as far as one could tell, were usually moving around aimlessly, reading from notes, or fixed on nothing in particular. In other words, she was “hiding.” I don’t mean that as an accusation; it is a typical feature of people who lack maturity and self-assurance. It is also a typical feature of people who are trying not to face others or themselves honestly — that is, who wish to avoid being confronted, literally or figuratively, with unpleasant, awkward, or embarrassing truths. I have seen this manner in some university students, usually though not exclusively female, who, as one learns through conversing with them, are extremely insecure or display addled emotional development. The difference, however, between the young women of this sort whom I have known personally and Dr. Ford (as seen in her Senate testimony), is that these awkward, hiding characters never speak with a voice, or in a manner, that suggests they are trying to appear awkward and hidden. That is, they tend to be quite frank and open in their tone of voice and outward willingness to be forthcoming about their lives and problems, including even very uncomfortable problems or painful and embarrassing memories. Their timidity and reserve are involuntary characteristics, i.e., not meant to show, and are revealed more in their unthinking habits and reflexive reticence to recognize certain things about themselves, rather than in any conscious or deliberate behavior. Stated more positively, such insecure and developmentally stymied types, from my experience, tend to speak and act entirely without assumed airs or artificially-enhanced reticence. Put simply, though they are hiding, they are not trying to hide. That hidden character is simply and naively who they are. Their mask has become their face, as it were. By contrast, when watching — or especially listening to — Ford’s testimony, one cannot help but be struck by her vocal affectation of feyness, reticence, and mousiness. She always sounds as though she is struggling to choke out the next word, and trying to steady herself from crumbling, and yet she never actually cries or shows any facial symptoms of tearing up. This vocal tone struck me immediately, and even more so upon reflection, as a common mannerism of teenagers trying to appear withdrawn or hurt, or of bad method actors playing “upset.” In short, she seemed very evidently to be putting on a “pitiful little victim” voice and demeanor for the audience. But the alleged incident in which she was a victim took place over thirty-five years ago. In the intervening decades, she has lived a full and conventionally successful adult life. She is a professional psychological researcher and college teacher (and specifically a data and statistics specialist, which would presumably make her a stickler for exactly the kinds of details she claimed to be incapable of recalling throughout her testimony), an avid surfer (hardly a stereotypical frightened girl’s hobby), has had multiple seemingly normal relationships with men, is a wife and mother, and also an experienced world traveler. Why all the strained, choking emotionalism about an event (however unpleasant at the time) from her distant past — and one she has discussed with others many times, including to a newspaper reporter? To answer, “That’s trauma,” might be slightly more convincing were she not also exploiting the same mousy, anxious tone when defending her supposed dread of flying, until the moment that narrative got blown out of the water, or when claiming not to remember important facts about her recent meeting with a Washington Post reporter, or her recent polygraph test. In short, she was playing the weak victim during her whole testimony, in a manner that appeared to this viewer to suggest at least a certain amount of disingenuousness. My guess, to be clear, is not that she was necessarily lying outright. Rather, I imagine that her psychological immaturity — a characteristic further suggested by her awful teenage girl mannerism of intoning every statement as a question, her voice rising at the end — has caught her in a trap of self-pity and self-aggrandizement about her teenage “suffering” and “trauma,” such that she is now forced to keep up the act to the end, the only alternative being the teenage girl’s worst nightmare, namely the public humiliation of being unmasked as a trivial drama queen. She may well have had some kind of unpleasant experience as a young person at a party, but — since she has gone public with the allegations on such a prominent public stage, and been confronted with the reality that the event she is describing, even taken on her terms, sounds far less serious and life-altering than she wished it to sound — she now feels obliged, as a matter of pride and to save face, to look and sound as “hurt” as possible, and to justify her current attempt to bend the history of the United States to her teenage feelings, with exaggerated or false claims of the effects of trauma (claustrophobia, fear of flying). Hence the performance style, the affected vocal weakness — and the inability to face her questioners (let alone the accused) squarely, without the obscuring mask and dodging eyes. In other words, the “girl” is still hiding, probably from herself as much as from anyone else. If you would like a terse, rough, far less sympathetic review of the above observations, I suggest Michelle Malkin’s brief commentary, which I just discovered last night. (I swear I wrote mine before seeing hers, and I’ll undergo a polygraph test to prove it if necessary!)
{ "date": "2022-01-18T06:59:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300805.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20220118062411-20220118092411-00189.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9795095324516296, "token_count": 3653, "url": "https://darenjonescu.com/thinking-out-loud-quietly-about-christine-blasey-ford/" }
Can My Customer Data Be Used To Create Audiences On Facebook? The short answer is, “Yes!”. This is what is referred to as a Custom Audience. The term “Custom Audience” gets uttered frequently in the world of digital marketing, but many do not entirely grasp its advantages when implementing a Paid Social strategy. Imagine the ability to reach customers that you know purchased a specific product from you, on a specific date, and that it was purchased in-store? How about targeting old sales prospects that have not been contacted for over 6 months with a customized message about how you would like to reconnect? Or the ability to deliver your ad to an entirely untapped audience that mirrors the same characteristics as your most profitable customers? These are all possibilities when utilizing Custom Audiences within Paid Social. Simply put: a Custom Audience is the result of an ad targeting method that enables an advertiser to create specific, uniquely tailored audiences by utilizing previously collected user information. Most major ad platforms allow audience creation derived from basic user data such as Name, Address, Email, and Phone. Some even track and store user behavior information specific to your marketing efforts within their platform! Utilizing Custom Audiences has several advantages over traditional audience targeting, namely in its accuracy and flexibility. Rather than selecting pre-determined targeting pools that are supplied by Facebook or utilizing off-the-shelf 3rd party audiences that are offered by large data companies, Custom Audiences are built upon the cleanest, authentic data available: first-hand information directly from your customers! In an increasingly crowded and competitive marketing space, utilizing Custom Audiences can represent significant advantage over your competitors. Quick Tips for using customer data to create an effective Custom Audience: 1) Collect, store, and logically organize your customer data. Neatly organizing each unique customer’s information for every interaction sounds like it would be a pain, but chances are that usable customer data is automatically being captured and stored within your customer management system. If you are unfamiliar with your system, take the time to understand how and where your data is stored, what information is being collected, and what events trigger data collection. 2) Understand the nature and integrity of your data. You have mountains of customer data, that is great! Keep in mind that Custom Audiences are all about context. If there is no clear understanding of what action users took to be on this list, or where the data came from, creating an effective Custom Audience may present a challenge. When evaluating a data set for potential use for a Custom Audience, ask yourself three simple questions: 1) What does this data represent? 2) Where is this data from? 3) How is this data used internally? 3) Old data isn’t necessarily bad data. Use it if it makes sense. Have customer data from a few years ago lying around? If the data is not time-sensitive, use it. Or at the very least, test it. In many cases old data can still create high performing Custom Audiences if it is clean and validated. Be up to date on local and national restrictions on how data may be collected, shared and used, and also provide users several options on how to obtain this information. There have been several occasions where organizations were fined, sued, or had their customer information rendered useless because of Privacy law violations.
{ "date": "2022-01-18T17:36:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300934.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20220118152809-20220118182809-00029.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9423049092292786, "token_count": 711, "url": "https://openmoves.com/blog/can-my-customer-data-be-used-to-create-audiences-on-facebook/" }
A nice Sunday for the Conductor at Oaklawn yesterday, multiple 4/1 winners and a few shorter prices as well. A solid weekend has the caboose filled with cash as we reset and start a new workweek. First stop will be Mahonig Valley for the Conductor today. A little Midwest racing with some nice full fields. Let’s keep the train rolling, Let’s Ride. Race 1: 1 Mile. Mdn 22.1K #1 Mr Zydeco (9/2) – He’s been facing the toughest company of the group. Race 2: 5 ½ Furlongs. F.S.Alw 38000nc #4 Totally Obsessed (3/1) – 2nd off the layoff, she won nicely last start and is drawn well to the outside of the favorite. She’ll get a great stalking trip just off the speed. Race 3: 6 Furlongs. F.Mdn 22.1K #4 Sassy Seta (6/1) – She’s posting very consistent, quick works for a barn that can win first out. This field is ripe for a debut runner. Race 4: 6 Furlongs. F.S.Clm 7500b #6 Graduation Gift (8/1) – 1st off the claim and 3rd off the layoff, this old mare is very consistent and will be finishing strongly. The Conductor will key her in the exacta. Race 5: 1m70yds. Alw 23500n1x *Gullet Shot of the Day #2 Last Drop of Wine (15/1) – No chance we get 15/1 on this gelding, but hopefully a decent price. His figures fit at this level and he has an early pace advantage over this field. Race 6: 1 Mile. Clm 40001y #6 Saint’s Bro (8/1) – 2nd off the layoff, he didn’t run a step last start but needed the race badly. His races last year give him every chance. Race 7: 5 ½ Furlongs. Clm 4000n2L #9 Compulsive (8/1) – Shipping in from Turf Paradise, he set the pace over a tiring surface last start and ran a good 3rd. He also gets class relief today. Race 8: 5 ½ Furlongs. Clm 5000n3L *Never a Doubt Finisher Lock of the Day #4 Tap You’re It (5/2) – Lock it up, rub it down.
{ "date": "2022-01-25T16:55:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304859.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125160159-20220125190159-00429.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9147058129310608, "token_count": 559, "url": "https://ponyconductor.com/2019/03/11/mahoning-valley-picks-march-11/" }
With the rise of the dad shoe, Highsnobiety looks at the career of one of the most iconic shoe designers in the athletic footwear industry. He has created some of the world’s most recognizable silhouettes, including shoes like the New Balance 1500 and the Reebok Insta Pump Fury, and if this man hasn’t designed anything in your rotation, you might want to check yourself. Let’s meet Steven Smith. Steven currently lives in Portland, and in addition to New Balance and Reebok, his resume includes brands like Nike and FILA, while he currently resides at footwear imprint KEEN. Working as an industrial designer and product innovator, Smith has designed everything from athletic footwear, apparel, electronics and military equipment for over 30 years. He gained his degree in product design from the Massachusetts college of art and swiftly began working for New Balance. “I ran track and distance in high school, and stayed a non-competitive runner in college. My footwear weapon of choice at that time was the New Balance 990, and I loved them. When I graduated, I heard about a new design position at New Balance, and realized my two passions could be combined into my career. I was offered the job the next day.” Revamping and improving footwear designs is something Steven had the pleasure of undertaking during his time at the Boston-based brand. “I got to focus on running and some European sports. It was like a dream come true to work on the 995 and then revamp the 996 and the 997. This was a chance to try to make the shoe I loved even better. I also got to work on the 576 and 577.” The 840 is another shoe that Steven Smith had the pleasure of designing while working for New Balance, which has yet to be reissued. New Balance’s 1500 is probably the most recognizable silhouette from Steven’s time at New Balance, and also his personal favorite. The shoe has been reworked numerous times over the past year and was also former President Bill Clinton’s go-to running shoe. “We got to work with New Balance Japan to build a really amazing product. It was pretty cool. We were in the old mill along the Merrimac River and we went running as a group every day at lunch.” Steven went on to work for Reebok, where he birthed the much-loved Insta Pump Fury. The Reebok Insta Pump Fury was originally released in 1994 with its famous CO2 charger and lace-free upper, and it’s without a doubt one of the most divisive sneakers of all time. “The Fury was an interesting one. It became a technical tour de force for Reebok, infused with a little hardcore punk mentality. We had these interesting materials and processes from the aerospace and medical industries, and I just did this quick thumbnail sketch that essentially became the shoe. It took a few really talented people to execute such a radical departure from traditional running shoes. It was a pretty controversial concept even within Reebok at the time. It took going to (North American chairman and CEO) Paul Fireman and having him tell people to get on board with it or get out of the way. Time has shown it was the right thing to do.” Reebok has tapped everyone from Chanel, Maison Kitsuné, BAPE, and recently Vetements for a collaboration. More than ever, brands are thinking outside the box when manufacturing sneakers. Brands like adidas, Nike, Reebok and New Balance are all using every piece of modern technology to improve both athletic and leisure footwear, but Steven believes in renewable and natural materials and predicts automation to be a key game changer. “I can see a pair of shoes being grown like a plant and being bio-engineered. We could also see smart footwear that morphs as you perform your chosen sport via woven electronics. There could also be harvested waste product reconfigured and engineered into new and exciting materials in a more closed loop system.” Steven admits to being fond of the 990 and 991, but remains skeptical about other shoe silhouettes in the “dad” category. “I always liked the 9 series from New Balance but things like the Nike Monarch were never my cup of tea. We always called that look the lawn-mowing shoe. I think the grey is more versatile than a white-based leather shoe. Not my style but if some people feel comfortable wearing them, then so be it.” Not only is Steven the man behind one of the most iconic “dad shoe” silhouettes, he’s also a proud dad himself. Over the past few months, the social “dad” phenomenon has occurred with bodies, hats, shoes and jeans, from Leonardo DiCaprio’s notorious beach body to the popular dad hat. Steven understands this phenomenon and thinks that authenticity is important. “The majority of men aren’t built like a fashion model or bodybuilder, so why not keep it real? I like to work out but I like living life also. As far as the hats go, I think any fun hat is all good — anything with an obscure logo is cool. Just like the evolution of the trucker hat.” Steven is all for rocking the dad look, but draws a clear line when it comes to sweatshirts. “Hey, I would rock the Levi’s and the New Balances, but I draw the line at a sweatshirt. To me what comes to mind is Phil Collins and khakis. Maybe I better buy some Dockers stock.” So what does Steven think when he sees someone rocking shoes he designed? “It always makes me smile and humble. I just want to reach out and thank everyone of them for wanting to purchase them over anything else in the market. I never expected them to live on but it is pretty amazing.” Written by Madeleine Holth for Highsnobiety
{ "date": "2022-01-27T02:34:40Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320305052.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20220127012750-20220127042750-00509.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9780896902084351, "token_count": 1255, "url": "https://madeleineholth.com/2016/08/04/meet-designer-steven-smith-the-godfather-of-dad-shoes/" }
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You can save a single file or all of them very easily. Save All Messages to CSV File. And then, after you close the k2pdfopt window, you'll see the converted file on the desktop. If you have any doubts, always install from the official downloads page via the links in this article. Cannot Print Any PDF file MacOS High Sierra 1 Adobe Community! Another way to customize k2pdfopt is to use the K2PDFOPT environment variable. - Email (Address never made public). - 5 Easy Ways to Combine PDF Files on Mac for Free PDF Editor. - Give your file a name, select your preferred location, and then click Save. - Image To Video SDK. Subversion (often abbreviated SVN, after the command name svn) is a software versioning and revision control system. Data Extraction For Developers. Our content is written in collaboration with IT experts, under the direction of Jeff Pillou, founder of CCM. JPG To PDF Converter for Mac Convert JPG to PDF. Download purchased youtube videos 4 0 1. What's the difference between PDF Reader Pro dmg and PDF. Javelin PDF Readers Drumlin Security? Easy PDF 2 0 3 Free Download for Mac MacUpdate. Install from the recommended source shown above and you should be fine. Raw Backed up Data. What do you think about Combine PDFs Do you recommend it? Audient iD14 Downloads. PDF Merger Mac! - You should now be able to launch the k2pdfopt program. - Thank you for downloading PDF Expert 1 Double click on the downloaded file 2 Launch PDF Expert Installer 3 Click Open when you see a warning 4? - DMG file is kept. PDF Converter — #1 Free PDF Creator | PrimoPDF. Despite the numerous times that cybercriminals have created boobytrapped PDF files that exploit vulnerabilities to infect unsuspecting users, many people still think that PDF files are somehow magically safer to open than conventional programs. Scribus application icon in the Applications folder to start Scribus. Save a document as a PDF on Mac Apple Support. Locklizard secure PDF Viewer software enables you to view protected PDF DRM files PDF documents protected with Safeguard PDF security. How to Highlight in PDF. Email a PDF copy of your document from Word DOWNLOADS? PDF Editor! Save or convert to PDF on your Mac - Word for Mac. Best PDF reader for Mac. Combine PDFs for Mac - Download! If you're installing Scribus using the Package Installer skip to the next section. ByteScout download page for freeware software and free tools and components for developers scan sdk swf to image Read barcodes from images (JPEG PNG TIFF GIF) and PDF documents Direct download for Mac OS X (DMG)? Combine PDF files on Mac How to merge PDFs on Mac! Convert JPG to PDF on Mac OS X? Scribus DMG file to open it. PDFtk Server PDF Labs. Scribus PKG file to run it. macos - All downloaded files cannot be opened as they are 'damaged and should be moved to the Trash' - Ask Different! JPG To PDF Converter for Mac is a Mac OS X application creates PDF documents from JPG and other image formats that you select? We Fight Against Cancer. Protect images and photo with visible watermarks stamps; integrates with Windows Explorer. YouTube Downloader HD! Some of them are online tools and many offer trial versions to download and Spool Pilot is a versatile modular and free Mac PDF creator for Mac OS X 10 11. Sure it's easy to create a PDF but can you protect what you share Download Macworld Video 194 OS X's print dialog box makes it easy to make a PDF from any document but can you protect the content you share About Us Contact Us Mac OS X Hints Ad Choices Digital Magazines Newsletters Cookie! PDF Merge Split for Mac Combine and cut PDF files on Mac. Or, you can also save a file by clicking the Save icon in the ribbon. S1300 S1100 Please be aware that a download file varies depending on OS to Scan to Google Drive For the software update history see icon pdf. Convert JPG to PDF on Mac OS X Ccm net? Note a factory reset is recommended after upgrading to ensure correct configuration is applied Hardware B1 Firmware V2 20 Date 20 09 2017 NOTE. Office 365 for schools. Playing a Sound File During a Full Slide Show in Impress. Viewer will detect the file format automatically according to the file extension, and show in proper format. The example shown will cover how to save a webpage open in Safari as a PDF document. Mac OSX Willus com's K2pdfopt Help Page. PDF Converter for Mac (Mac) Download. These Are Your Best Options. Draw allows the create of very large documents of up to 300cm by 300cm. How To Upload Files To 000webhost Using FTP Client FileZilla. PDF Studio Download Qoppa Software. Convert ePUB to PDF and Make Your ebooks Easier to Share? Instead of installing the current stable version of Scribus you can install the latest development version instead. Create Review and Edit PDF Documents Download PDF Studio 2019 mac os x macOS 10 15 (Catalina) 10 14 (Mojave) 10 13 (High Sierra) 10 12. Because the document is opened, users may believe that they have opened a harmless PDF rather than run a program. Mac System Setup Guide (Pre Class). How to create read only PDFs in OS X Macworld. Download Secure PDF DRM Viewer software to view protected PDF. Related topics about Combine PDFs. Convert PDF to JPG Download PDF to JPG Converter for Mac. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and Code Signed Easy PDF for easier installation on OS X 10 8 Mountain Lion. PowerPC G3 process or higher Mac OS X Preview is an application on OS X that allows you to view PDF files Preview comes with OS X so you don not need to download it. All files have been pulled. - Download Master PDF Editor to experience the benefits of flawless fast PDF There are no limitations except for the addition of a watermark on the output file. - IPA SIL keyboards for Mac OS X? - Although it doesn't really count as a PDF editing ability, one bonus feature in Preview is the option to make new PDFs out of existing pages from another PDF. - How to Convert PDF to Word on Mac (Mojave 10 14 included)! - Please download the latest Command Line Tools (for your version of OS X) from If installing via DMG file open the DMG file and drag the application to the. Dragging the PDF file to the k2pdfopt window will cause the file name to be typed into the window. Download PDF Editor Mac to edit PDF files on Mac OS X easily. KiNG Display Software Kinemage Website. 1. PDF Reader Premium. Part I Welcome to the Mac OS X Installation Guide 2 Part II VCP Drivers 3 1 I can't open a port even though the installation has been successful The driver is available for free download from the Drivers section of the FTDI web site. Problems With PDF Editors. Windows XP SP3 or Later. We keep a list of free PDF editors and most of them work on Macs, too. Old and Deprecated Software. Preview is the image viewer and PDF viewer of the macOS operating system it enables users to view and print digital images and Portable Document Format ( PDF) files Preview uses Apple's implementation of the PDF specification the Aqua Beginning with Mac OS X 10 7 Lion Preview restricts the Format option popup. Support for PDFpen the powerful Mac PDF editor add text images add Video Tutorials FAQ System Requirements Knowledge Base Download Learn how to add your signature to a document and learn about digital signing certificates Mac OS X 10 9 10 8 and 10 7 (Mavericks Mountain Lion and Lion). 3 days ago Summary This document will guide you through the steps on how to save a document as a PDF using a Mac The example shown will cover. Welcome to our download area Please choose a product series to see all available downloads MA Fixture Builder 1 5 0 2 for MAC OSX DMG English 83 MB 2018 11 12 English DMG 83 MB 2018 11 12 dot2 3D User Manual Version 1 5 PDF English 2 MB 2018 11 29 English PDF 2 MB 2018 11 29. download for mac download for win upgrade to pro version SmartPrint Mac OS X Software Technology at SCU Santa Clara. Macos How make Safari download PDF files instead of opening them? PDF editor for macOS that can do all those things in one program, it's not at all difficult to find several that can, when used together, accomplish all of those PDF editing capabilities. Those types of edits can be accomplished with a document file converter, not a PDF editor. Naza M v2 Quick Start Manual v1 28 2015 06 12 ZIP PDF Download the Firmware via Assistant software Mac OS X 10 9 or above 2014 06 12 DMG. Find out more about installing through SVN here. Installing the development version of Scribus in your normal Applications folder will overwrite your normal Scribus installation. CCM reaches more than 50 million unique visitors per month and is available in 11 languages. Other installation methods are available. It also means that a lot. Combine PDFs 5.2 for Mac! Naza M V2 Downloads Manuals Software Drivers download DJI. Save Voicemail as Playable File. microHAM: Downloads. These instructions are for Intel Macs running OS X Leopard (10 5) or later images Extended PostScript (EPS) images and PDF files (as images) This will start the download of the GhostScript PKG (Package Installer). PDF editors that might work better for you depending on what you want the PDF editor to do. The Preview app included with Mac OS X is much more powerful than its When you're done click File Save to save the PDF applying your. How to Set Up a PDF Printer on a Mac Techwalla com? The 10 Best Free PDF Readers for Windows & Mac. The detailed guide will show you how to merge PDF files on Mac for free combine PDF files on Apple Mac OS X (including your Macbook Pro Mac Mini etc ) Download the program and follow up the built in installation instruction to set up? The Sun Presentation Minimizer can optimize the image quality size. ENTER, then close the Terminal utility. Pr sentation app! Mailbox Downloader. Click Uninstall to run the Uninstaller. Strictly follow instruction displayed on screen. Document Tools for Developers. PDF like any other document. Axe Edit Fractal Audio Systems. Don't forget to check out our site http howtech tv for more free how to videos http youtube com ithowtovids our feed. - You can use Mac OSX's Preview application to edit PDFs Preview is available on You will see thumbnails of each page in the PDF Click on the thumbnail of. - Electronic signatures provide the quickest and easiest way to sign a PDF. - 4. PDF Expert. - Photos and Videos in Photo Stream. - Export Internet Visit History and Bookmarks to Safari. - Saving passwords in Keychain. This will dictate which version of R to download in the next step Click on R for Mac OS X You will see different options for different versions In the resulting screen select Document on the left and select PDF as the Default Output Format. Trojan plays on this by posing as a PDF file. You may wish to install k2pdfopt via this package. While it's not possible to do this with Adobe PDF Reader, you can use Combine PDFs. These installation methods are a lot more complicated than using the DMG or PKG methods shown above. Winter 2005 anime season AnimePill. Select all documents of interest. Photos and Videos in Camera Roll. Nowadays, Portable Document Format files, or PDFs, are the standard document type for most companies and businesses worldwide thanks to their portability and fixed format. Compress PDF files on macOS with with no size limits no watermarks added and no email registration Download the full software now with a 14 day free trial I' ve used Powerlite for a few years now for both Mac and PC and have been. This tagging can be done automatically when you save a file as PDF format. Easy to use for combining several documents into one. Preview in Navigator for all modules. Word 2016 for Mac. If all is fine then you can stop reading here. New PDF from images. PDF Merger Mac Merge PDF Files on Mac OS X Download? And you need to save the URLs to Safari, so that you can visit the sites on computer without losing them. Download Free PDF Reader for Windows Mac and Linux! The ability to password protect PDF files is a great way to keep personal information safe from prying eyes especially when you want to control! Help with Opening PDF Files Education Place. (Apple Store) PDF Reader Pro. How do I print a document in Mac OS to PDF? - Knowledgebase / General Troubleshooting + Tips / Tips - Mac OS - Mariner Software. Reverse Image Search with Google. Improved HTML Export for Spreadsheets. PDF Converter for Mac latest version Extract the data you need with PDF Convert PDF files to use with Office applications OS Mac OS X. PrimoPDF PDF Converter 1 Free PDF Creator. How to split PDF files with the Preview app on Mac? TubeMate YouTube Downloader for Android? Router connects microHAM server and shows all available documents including Manuals, Configuration Setup Guides for various loggers and Cables schematics. You can get to Preview from Launchpad: search for Preview or look for it in the list of programs. Station Master Polish manual. XLSX, XML, JSON and more. Kdan PDF Reader The Best PDF Editor? No Sound from Headphone Jack. Seems reasonable to me. If you have a lot of fonts this process might take quite some time. USB Device Router and microHAM Device Configurator are compatible with all 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Vista, XP, 2000 and 2003. Skim, Adobe Reader for Mac, and PDF Converter for Mac are great applications that can automate and speed up the file conversion process. Make sure you read all of the instructions carefully and understand them properly before you try them. Driver iD Mac OSX 10 7 5 and later v4 0 4 12 4MB dmg Driver iD iD14 Quick Start Guide (EN) 3 6MB PDF iD14 Top View Dimensions 1 7MB PDF. - A PDF Editor for Mac is a fully featured Mac OS X PDF editing software that allows users to add edit text Get a free license Free download trial version. - Downloads Master PDF Editor for macOS Windows and Linux. - For Mac OS X DMG disk images are provided containing an application for viewing PDF documents and Python PortMidi for MIDI playback? - Compress PDF Files With NXPowerLite (macOS) Neuxpower. - Had no problems with pdf printing before ever here Download Pro or Standard versions of Acrobat DC 2017 XI or X reboot the machine and try printing pdf files again Running MacOS 10 13 3 on a 2014 Mac Mini? Downloads iStudio Publisher Page Layout Software for Desktop? OS X Combine PDFs using PDF Expert for Mac Use these steps to merge PDF documents Download PDF Expert for free and launch the app Click on the 'File'. King Download Page Mac OSX 2 23 03 Nov 16 75675 Kb download arrow hacking king pdf 160KB a guide to KiNG's code and libraries Instructions! Download! Organizes your working day by checking in and out your hours, calculating your wages and more. Git repositories support distributed development and allow people to. Convert JPG to PDF on Mac OS X. Two Free Ways To Make Your PDF Files Editable OS X Tips You'll get a nice email with a link to download your file in the format you specified in step two! Mac OS X 10 7 or higher Skim is a PDF reader and note taker for OS X It is designed to help you read and annotate scientific papers in PDF but is also great for viewing any PDF file Export notes as text Automatic download of remote PDFs Support for Apple Remote Control Interaction with LaTeX? SWF To Video SDK. Stream Visualizer for Visual Studio. How to Password Protect a PDF. You can always follow the instructions below if you change your mind later. download for mac download for win upgrade to pro version. Tutorial for MAC OSX Linux Unix command line pdf 4 pages The BP P program implements a series of Bayesian inference methods under the Download bpp3 4 macosx tgz (source code and executables for mac osx 7 and later). Thus, it is very likely that you will find a cool new feature in the extension repository. Draw is a powerful tool for things like scientific posters, etc. - JPG to PDF Software. - Close Scribus, then open it again. - Better PDF File Size Reduction in OS X Eric's Archived? - Reason 10 3 10 4 Japanese Installation Manual (pdf) Download the dmg file for the desired language and open it Mac OS X IMPORTANT For the files to install correctly it's important that the applications are located in? - By 30 million users Get Nitro's PDF converter and quickly convert to PDF from 300 file types PrimoPDF the 100 FREE PDF creator Download Free? How To Save a Document as PDF on Mac from Safari. To download the latest version of the MacOS edition of Praat click once on the After downloading your web browser might open the dmg file directly you will then then you go to the Apple menu u003e System Preferences u003e Security Privacy The best way to produce pictures is to use the clipboard or. Click here to be reminded about the download. Contact the author at his web site if you have questions. How to install Adobe applications on personal machines. You can search files in preview mode and sort by page number. If you do a lot of PDF handling on your Mac then it might be a good idea to become familiar with how to split a PDF file We show you how in. The Ultimate Guide to Converting PDF to Word on Mac 5. Save Backed up Contacts. He writes troubleshooting content and is the General Manager of Lifewire. On the File menu, click Save As. Drag the Scribus application icon over to the Applications folder shortcut within the same window. NOTE An easy to install OSX GUI has been contributed for k2pdfopt The k2pdfopt download is just a terminal shell application so you have to You cannot drag PDF files to the k2pdfopt icon so to convert a PDF file! PDF documents are ones that are viewed in the same way no matter what device you're using They don't Click here to download PDFelement 6 for Mac Preview is the pre installed tool that comes with every Apple Mac. Convert image files to a variety of file types. PDF Reader Pro (Apple Store) means you download the app from Apple Store Convert PDFs to Word HTML Text JPEG or PNG files Only first 10 pages? Adobe Reader DC for Mac free and safe download Adobe Reader DC latest version A very powerful PDF reader Before there isn't much that OS Mac OS X. No time to download now? This quick tutorial will show you how to convert one or more JPG files into a single PDF (with each JPG on its own page) on a Mac. OS. PDF Import Extension. Combine PDFs for Mac free and safe download Combine PDFs latest version Combine several PDF files easily OS Mac OS X. A command line application and Perl library for reading and writing EXIF GPS MacOS Package ExifTool 11 65 dmg (2 8 MB) KEY KTH R Apple iWork '09 Keynote presentation Theme R XML ZIP See Image ExifTool Shift pl (download in PDF format) for details about the syntax of the time shift string? PDF OCR X is a simple drag and drop utility for Mac OS X and Windows that converts your PDFs and images into text documents. Old Version Supports Mac OS X 10.7+ and Windows XP SP3 or Later. Was this information helpful? Just arrived in setting up the Apple 2017 iMac 5K with macOS High Sierra Unable to open any PDF or DMG file with erroneous message of damaged as quarantined (see the java compatibility download further below). How to Connect to SFState Network on PC (Windows 8). Word for Mac 2011. 892MB US and Europe TOS_DI 20190620_1446 V7 2 1 osx installer dmg 7 2 1 June 24 2019 Main MAC 830MB US and Europe User Manuals PDF. Combine several PDF files easily. Macos How do I download wkhtmltopdf on a Mac OS X Super User. Convenient reading in full screen. How to Use PDF Merger Mac. Save Note to Text File. No problem you can print documents webpages or nearly anything as a PDF this means it creates a PDF file directly in Mac OS X using a! The k2pdfopt download is. Adobe Digital Editions Download. Create HTML files for all messages. Contact or Visit Us. Convert PDF to Word. Split merge rotate mix and extract pages from PDF files with PDFsam Basic two free modules to view and create PDF files Mac OS Apple disk image ( dmg )! Http www documentsnap com You can use Preview the app built into Mac OS X to very quickly extract pages from a PDF or split it up. PDF Shrink 4 9 1 Free Download for Mac MacUpdate. You sometimes need to join and view all your PDFs, whether to print them out, read or simply organize. Download PDFwriter for Mac for free PDFwriter is a printer driver for Mac OS X which will let you generate PDF files by simply printing PDFwriter is heavily! Save Phone Call History to PDF File. A PDF Sheet Music Viewer specifically designed for musicians MusicReader For Mac Requires Mac OS X 10 4 or later For Windows Requires Windows. Q Answer Mac OS X applications that print using the standard system to take advantage of the system's ability to easily generate PDF files. Want to Edit a PDF? ExifTool by Phil Harvey. Javelin PDF Reader Downloads Drumlin Security. Downloads for Nord Electro 3 Nord Keyboards! How to Edit a PDF On a Mac Lifewire? Additional Support Resources. How to remove password protection from a PDF file on Mac? CTAN and install it on top of your distribution. Also, files saved by the latest development version may not be accessible by previous stable versions. This page explains how you can easily convert a dmg file to a PDF using free and easy to use tools from PDF24 Just click on the download button to the right of this article to download the PDF24 Creator Mac OS X (Disk Utility)! Combine PDF documents! Academic Technology Help Center. - Add electronic signature to a PDF on a Mac. - Thank you for your feedback! - It's a RAR extractor it allows you to unzip files and works with dozens of other The Unarchiver is the only app you need to open RAR on Mac Download. If you're still having trouble then the problem is something that is outside the scope of this article. How to Open a PDF in Word. Send personal documents to your Kindle from your Mac Choose to archive documents in your Kindle Library where you can re download them conveniently Mac OS X v10 6 (Snow Leopard) or Mac OS X v10 7 (Lion) or Mac OS X v10 8. Is there a new download of this program that is Lion Compatible? Download PDF to JPG Converter for Mac to start converting PDF files to images on Mac OS X immediately. Easy Ways to Convert Excel Files (XLSX & XLS) to PDF. Get LaTeX - Mac OS, Windows, Linux! Electronically Sign Documents Online. How to Map a Shared Drive (Mac). Creates a proper JSON formatting and tests JSON code data. Download WORKiO DP C405 C305 C265 Digital Imaging? This download is for Mac OS X 10 7 and above The printer a PDF file Then either email the PDF file to MobilePrint or upload the PDF file through Print Center. I just needed to install the same thing for a project that converts bunch of HTML pages to a PDF I had to do several things to get it working on. - Add your electronic signature to any PDF from your Mac ? - Save All Messages to Text File. - Use Your Mac's Preview App to Merge Split Mark Up and. Drop some PDF or picture files on the application or the main window Download Combine PDFs Mac MacOS Version 5 4 64 bit for OS X 10 10 to macOS. The development DMG may well be much larger than the stable DMG. PDF file, you can draw a white box over the text to hide it and then write your own text on top of the box with the text tool. Skim download SourceForge net. To do that, just drag a page from the PDF (in the sidebar thumbnail view) to the desktop. Apple Mac Saffire MixControl 2 4 dmg (2 4) Windows Saffire (1 0) Windows RTAS MixControl 1 0 exe (1 0) RTASSMC User_Guide pdf (1 0). How to Use PDF Merger Mac! Share files without Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. PDF File and How Do You Open One? Defaults write com apple Safari You can make Safari on the Mac download ANY files (mp3 mp4 jpg pdf and more) by doing the following. Create PDF files with the world's most popular free PDF creator. With just one click, turn virtually any kind of file into a 100% industry-standard PDF. Top 5 PDF editors for Mac in 2019 Pocket lint? Download a free trial of a fully functional version of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC now Convert scans images web pages and Microsoft Office files to PDFs you can work with Edit right inside your PDF Mac Intel processor Mac OS X v10 11 10 12 or 10 13 1 0 GB of RAM 2 75 GB of available hard disk space 1024x768. PDF to Word Mac How to Convert PDF to Word on Mac macOS! Download PDF Software for Windows Mac Android iOS. Seamless fulfillment of books across devices With ADE 4 5 10 when a consumer fulfills a book on one device the book will Download on the Apple App Store? Download latest version added support for audio media files and animated gif added official support for direct manipulation of the pdf 2016 09 29 fixed for Mac OS X 10 12 (Sierra) enhanced pdf reloading (version 1 7) src 2016 02 11. PDF file with one click. PDF Merge Split for Mac Combine and cut PDF files on Mac OS X. Impress supports multiple monitors; so that presenters can look at something else while presenting their slides on a projector. PDF Creator Master for Mac. Save Message Thread to Text File. Microsoft Visual Studio displaying System. Download os x dmg pdf files pdf. Dot2 MA Lighting International GmbH. They work by having you upload the PDF to the editing website where you can perform the edits and then download the PDF back to your computer. Save All Data for a Domain(app). Note: Please note that when trying to print from a webpage, first you need to save it as a PDF as shown in this guide, and then you can print the PDF document. That will indeed drastically shrink the file size that 175MB PDF goes down I Googled around a bit and found Quality reduced file size in Mac OS X Preview from early 2006 Download and unzip Reduce File Size (75 ). For information about saving documents as PDFs in other versions of Microsoft Word, go to Save as PDF. Annotate menu is how you highlight text; underline text; strikethrough text, insert a note, rectangle, oval, line, arrow, and other shapes; type on the PDF (anywhere or in form fields); use speech bubbles; and more. PDFtk Server. PDF Shrink can reduce most PDF files including those created by Mac OS X iLife and iWork applications Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft. Save Note to PDF File. Adobe Reader DC for Mac Download? Mac OS X 10.7 or higher! All downloaded files cannot be opened as they are 'damaged and should be moved to the Trash'. Articles about Combine PDFs PDF OCR X Community Edition for Mac Free download and. Export notes as text. Autokerning Enabled by Default. PDF is the most popular document format in our office work now, so you may have to send lots of PDF documents to the clients, or print them out one by one. There's also a freehand drawing tool available so that you can draw your signature or draw shapes directly on the document. Mac OS X Terminal Download File Command last updated The o option write output to a file called mastering vim pdf instead of screen. You may optionally purchase Business License if you use free tool for business purposes. - Ipe is a drawing editor for creating figures in PDF format It supports Download this disk image and copy. - JLCooper Legacy Downloads. - How do I print a document in Mac OS to PDF. Downloading Praat for Macintosh. How to Forget SFState Network on PC (Windows 8). Get to know how and where to get TeX distributions for Linux Mac OS and base offer the ability to edit view and download LaTeX files and resulting PDFs. This is a bug fix release for fixing that GUI language could not be changed to all available languages via GUI Integrated PDF viewer with (almost) word level syncing Live updating inline preview for formulas and Installers or packages available for Windows Linux and Mac OS X Portable USB version Download. The Presenter Console Extension allows speakers to view the next slides of their presentation as well as their speaker notes and the time on their laptop screen while presenting with a projector. Merge PDF Documents or Collate PDF Page Scans Click to download PDFtk Server for the Mac OS X 10 6 Snow Leopard 10 7 Lion and 10 8 Mountain. For Mac OS X and Windows download for mac download for Win exporting and printing sms iMessage messages to PDF files exporting phone call history. For Developers and Testers Only. PDF Reader is the top rated PDF editor for iOS Mac Android and Windows devices Download now PDF Reader is a document productivity solution that supports a wide range of document functions for your business and daily life. Combine PDFs. MusicReader PDF 4 Software Download AirTurn. Autosum button for cell ranges in Calc. - Save Phone Call History to Text File. - JPG To PDF Converter for Mac Convert JPG to PDF Download. - PDF file with Preview. - Skip to main content. - The language selector tool makes assigning different languages to different paragraphs very simple. PDF Merger Mac - Merge PDF Files on Mac OS X - Download. Mac are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. If you have a Mac, you can easily add an electronic signature to a PDF. Everything I download will not open Like Adobe Reader for PDF documents Gatekeeper options are found in Apple menu u003e System Preferences if you get the. If you don't see the sidebar in Preview, you can enable it from the View menu. Lightweight PDF on the Mac App Store. Microsoft Azure in education. How to edit a pdf file using the free built in 'Preview' app that comes with OS X? Using the command line. Fill out and sign forms right on your Mac You don't need to print out PDF forms Just use the Markup tools to fill in the form and even add a signature How to fill. Disable 'Open Safe Files After Downloading'. Last month's downloads. Join our Beta Team. You should see Safari download the file. The repository is located at. DEVELOPERS AND PARTNERSDeveloper Center. Download Primo! PDF documents into the application to add PDF files. San Francisco State University. This is perfectly normal. The Preview app included with Mac OS X is much more powerful than its When you're done click File u003e Save to save the PDF applying your! After updated Router starts and connects your USB devices you may be asked to update firmware in your device. When available, Router downloads update and launch installer. Adding and editing notes. However, if the above didn't work, open the Preferences dialog box again, copy this text. Mac OS X Trojan hides behind malicious PDF disguise – Naked Security! - In the window that opens, click the dropdown menu located in the lower left corner. - Preview app files in different mode. - There might even be some earlier versions. - PDF Merger Mac - Download. - You can find them. Preview (macOS) Wikipedia! Download PDF Merger Mac to merge your PDF files into a single PDF document on Mac OS X! Linux TeX Live package status. You may be asked if you are sure about opening k2pdfopt, as shown below. Mac OS X Terminal Download File Command nixCraft. The 10 Best Free PDF Readers for Windows & Mac Save Phone Call History to CSV File. PDF Editor Mac Edit PDF Files on Mac Foxit Software! PDF file, open Preview first and then browse for the PDF from there. Save or convert to PDF on your Mac! Photo and Video Attachments. TeXstudio. Save and Print Phone Call History. Images will be compressed, and data that is no longer needed will be removed. Download Axe Edit Version 3 14 5 April 1 2019 dmg file Requires OS X Version 10 6 8 or newer Requires Version 3 14 May 2 2017 pdf file. Printing to PDF on a Mac can be as easy as 1 2 3 system OS X Mavericks is available for download for free through the Mac App Store. Manual and Guide Adobe PostScript Printer Driver for Windows without u003c Printer Driver Installation Guide (For Mac OS X 10 6) u003e Mac OS X 10 1 (PPD File). Disk Image (DMG) Installation. It happens when Router updates kernel drivers for USB or Virtual Serial Ports. Linux distributions only contain. Image to Video GUI. How to Forget SFState Network on PC (Windows 10). JLCooper Downloads. - Downloads all your emails with attachments from your mailbox. - Create PDF reports using R R Markdown LaTeX and knitr on! - You should now be able to use Scribus normally. - Taming PDFs on Apple devices needn’t be a hassle. - Save Message Thread to PDF File. How To Split PDF Documents Into Single Pages Using Mac OS X To use it download the file to your computer and double click it to Unzip it. Use your personal Applications folder instead as mentioned above. Analysing and processing the PDFs may take a while. Unzip RAR files on Mac with this WinRAR style extractor! There are plenty of ways to view and edit PDFs on a Mac but Apple's built in Preview application is phenomenal and often overlooked it brought some amazing additions to Apple's PDF viewer editor that Download Page. Then open the Terminal app. EQuilibrium requires OSX 10 5 or better on Intel mac Stuff area of the DMGAudio site whilst logged in If you're using a demo download the installer from Windows the resources (presets and manual) will be installed into Program Files. Top downloads System Tuning & Utilities for mac. To install using the Package Installer, go to the Scribus Download page. Helps you organize your payments and keep in touch with clients in a smart way. These extensions can include online help information; descriptive names, licensing information etc. TeX User Group (TUG) or third. Learn how to stop Mac from opening all downloads automatically by PCs and the Windows version is no longer supported by Apple all files considered safe to open automatically when the download is finished Disable Safari's 'Open Safe Files' Setting on MacOS 11 Free Download Managers. Want to make this process even easier? The merged PDF file will keep the original formatting, page size and page orientation. Google Play Store (APK). Mac OS X Support! PDF files can be customized for many different scenarios. Nowadays Portable Document Format files or PDFs are the standard document type for most companies and businesses worldwide thanks to. Follow Us on Twitter. Thank you for rating! Reason Documentation and Help Files Propellerhead Software. PDF Editor and Reader for Mac Free Download PDF Expert. 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How to edit PDF files on a Mac Setapp. Create PDF reports using R R Markdown LaTeX and knitr (on macOS High Sierra) NOTE This post builds on a post I wrote on installing RStudio on Windows a couple of years ago If you are a Click the Download R for (Mac) OS X link. Save Voice Memos Recording. Do take into account though that the more PDFs you want to merge the more time the process will take. Be very careful and don't use it on production documents unless you know what you're doing. How do I create PDF documents in Mac OS X IS T. Now you can use PDF Merger Mac to merge PDF files to a single PDF document which can be easily sent via email or printed. To download the selected documents, please fill out this form. Including Mac OS X and applications running on the operating system A simple way to create a PDF on a Mac is to print the document to the Adobe virtual printer Select the! 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A Sad and Deadly Combination Southern Africa | Hunger from droughts and AIDS continue to tear families apart. Sun | Nation & World In Mbadzo, Malawi, Anna Bande, a nurse, jots down a baby's weight as it is read out by Goodson Fobrica, a community volunteer. Bande, the head of child and maternal health at Trinity Hospital, said rarely has she seen so many hungry children. Craig Timberg | Washington Post Danjani Zacharia is only 10, but she knows something is terribly wrong. Her little brother, Ali, is shrinking, lighter every time she lifts him. His once-dark curls are turning reddish and thinning out. So one day recently, Danjani set out at dawn with Ali on her hip, and walked six hours from her village into Blantyre, home to the nearest hospital. Once there, she made her way to the nutritional rehabilitation unit. She sat down with Ali, wide-eyed and silent — always silent, these days — in her lap, the two of them dwarfed by the blue plastic chair, and waited for someone to notice them. Danjani and her little brother, 2 years old, have not had a meal in two weeks, not since their mother died of what was, by the sounds of it, AIDS. The family has nothing in their grain stores, because their mother was too sick to plant this year, and now there is no one to forage or beg for them. Danjani, a few years older and so a little more resilient, has eaten a few leaves and still looks healthy enough. But in Ali's face, made ancient by the ravages of hunger, are all the signs of what's coming to Malawi. Five million people are critically short of food in this small, southern African country, teetering on the brink of what may be, by January, a full-scale famine. The cause is a lethal combination of an old scourge and a new one: drought and AIDS, twin menaces that are feeding off each other in this region. Pediatrician James Bunn said that half of the admissions to the nutrition ward he supervises are AIDS-related. Either the children are infected, and therefore much more vulnerable to the diseases that target the malnourished, or HIV has undermined their family's food security because adults couldn't work or spent fertilizer money on hospital visits. "We get the orphans, the families with HIV — they've got less and less resources," he said. "It doesn't take much to push them over the edge." "AIDS means that greater numbers of people have less to keep themselves from falling over the edge when they get a shock" like this year's drought, said Peter Smerdon, a spokesman for the U.N.'s World Health Organization. "They've already spent their money on clinics, there's nothing to spend on food." The rains failed this year, so the annual harvest of subsistence farmers is small or non-existent — the worst harvest since the last famine, 11 years ago. At the same time, the raging force of AIDS (one in six adults here is infected) makes the country hugely vulnerable: Dead people can't farm, nor can sick ones. Many households spent precious cash on drugs or coffins instead of seeds and fertilizers. Many others are headed by children such as Danjani, or by grannies whose gnarled hands can't clear nearly enough land to feed all the children in their care. It isn't just Malawi. Across southern Africa, the U.N.'s World Food Program says 9.2 million people will need food this year: in Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe. This list includes the four countries in the world worst-hit by AIDS, some with almost 40 percent of their adult populations living with the virus. It's the harshest lesson yet in what AIDS is doing to economies and their ability to cope with shocks. But in the response, there is another grim lesson. The WFP has been urgently asking for funds for the past six months, but has raised just half of what it needs from wealthy nations. The WFP says it needs a minimum of $400 million to feed the region. One reason for the shortfall is that the South Asian tsunamis, Hurricane Katrina in the United States and the earthquake in Pakistan and India have shifted donors' attention away from hunger in Africa, which is perceived as a perpetual problem. But in Blantyre, Smerdon noted that when the babies start dying in December and January, the area may gain marginally more attention. "Donor governments don't provide the funds until it's a complete crisis," he said. "But if it reaches the emergency level in Malawi, it will cost much more to contain, let alone undo, the damage. Whereas if they put the money in now, it's a preventable emergency."
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Festering discontent at Chico State seems to have reached a point of boiling over in recent weeks following the abrupt resignations of two provosts since 2012, the loss of dozens of faculty across the campus in recent years, and a 2015 Campus Climate Survey which revealed significant dissatisfaction among the faculty and staff. The underlying issues revolve around the concept of “shared governance,” a term which the administration at Chico State and the California State University Chancellor’s office claim to value, but many faculty and staff say isn’t happening. Shared governance in the California State University system, in theory, means that decisions about how the institution functions are a co-operative process where the staff, faculty, and administration work together to decide and implement best practices. But somewhere along the way, particularly at Chico State, the practice of shared governance has disappeared, at least in the opinion of some faculty and staff. Last Thursday, one of the lecturers at Chico State had had enough, and presented the Academic Senate with a laundry list of perceived affronts to shared governance, and claimed a lack of transparency in numerous areas including budgeting and scheduling of classes. The lecturer presented a motion to Chico State’s Academic Senate to discuss a vote of No Confidence in our campus president, provost, and the vice president of business and finance. After passionate, impromptu speeches from several faculty, the Senate voted 29-3 to allow for a discussion to hear the No-Confidence argument at the next meeting, scheduled for Thursday December 10th. In theory, shared governance would have representatives from all groups of staff, faculty, and administration of the campus at one, decision-making, proverbial table where issues such as budget, planning, workload, and class scheduling including class size and class assignment were discussed. Open dialog without the fear of retribution, and where every member’s opinion was welcomed, is the key element to shared governance. But theory and practice have veered in far different directions lately at Chico. In practice, there are two tables at Chico State: the big table, where the administrators sit, making big decisions and the kids’ table, where permanent staff, tenure track and tenured faculty sit. This division reminds me of my grandmother’s house, and Sunday dinner, when I was growing up. Almost every Sunday afternoon during my childhood, my extended family gathered at my grandmother’s house for dinner. Most Sundays, there was enough room for the 10 or 12 cousins and aunts and uncles to sit together at the big table, but every once in a while, extra friends or out of town cousins would show up, and Grandma’s big table was too small to fit us all. When news came that too many relatives were expected for dinner, she’d send one of the boys to fetch her card table, a rickety old square of plywood covered in vinyl, with unstable folding legs. While the big table was a massive slab of cherry wood polished to a high shine, adorned lovingly with an intricately embroidered table cloth, and topped with fresh bouquets of flowers from my grandmother’s garden, the extra table was just big enough for the younger grandkids, and always me, the youngest of the family, to gather around for dinner. At the big table, the adults and older cousins ate off of my grandmother’s good, tulip embossed dish ware, and talked about politics, the state of the world, and caught up on the news of the neighbors and distant relatives. Big announcements were made at the big table, and big decisions were decided at the big table. At the big table, large bowls of mashed potatoes and sugared peas and fried chicken were passed around the table generously, and the gravy boat was always well within easy reach when my father he wanted an extra ladle of gravy. Sitting at the big table meant access to information that might affect you, the chance to chime in with your opinion if the right time arose, and at least, when the potatoes were passed around, people acknowledged that you were at the table and offered the same food, and seconds if you wanted, as the others at the table were offered. Sitting at what was known as the kids’ table was different. I often sat with distant cousins who I rarely saw and barely knew, and who I didn’t have much to talk about with. Sitting at the kids’ table meant bickering over petty topics, like who had the best music collection, and who could produce, on command, the best exhibition of unbridled flatulence. Sitting at the kids’ table was fun, and meant we didn’t have to hold our forks properly, we could hide our peas under a congealed lump of gravy, and we could swap food with our cousins if we didn’t like something on our plate. We could run off and play well before the adults were done at the big table, and never had to do the dishes, although we always had to clear our plate from the table, scrape the remnants of the meal into the compost bucket, and stack the plate next to the kitchen sink. We were free to wander to the back of the house to the “kids” room, where a stereo and oversized speakers, Monopoly boards, children’s books, and puzzles awaited us. In the kids’ room, and at the kids’ table, we were free from the adult world. But being at the kids’ table also meant that if I wanted a second helping of mashed potatoes, I had to trek to the main dining room, stand quietly behind one of the adults sitting at the table, wait to be acknowledged by an adult, and then ask politely, “may I have another scoop of mashed potatoes, please?” The adult in charge of potatoes decided if I had had enough potatoes already, and if he or she thought I could have more, he or she also decided how much more I could have, which was always less than what those at the table were allowed. There was a hierarchy at my grandmother’s house, enforced by the decision makers, and never questioned by the kids, at least openly. We had been trained to sit at the kids table, and be grateful for what we got. There was a third element in the hierarchy at my grandmother’s house, and there is a third element at Chico State as well: the people who can’t make it to the table at all because they either were never invited, or were too busy with other obligations to attend. At Grandma’s house, if we failed to show up for dinner, or came late because we had other obligations, we got second hand news and a small plate of leftovers with congealed gravy and a pile of peas. Leftovers were never the same as being there for dinner. And the information we received was old news by the time it reached a tardy cousin and all the big decisions had already been made. By the time I was 7 or 8, though, I had decided that I didn’t want to be at the kids’ table anymore, and when my cousins ran off to the kids’ room after dinner, I stayed in the living room and listened to the adults talk and paid attention when the evening news and 60 Minutes came on. I leaned in, as Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg,advises, even though I didn’t know it at the time. And that’s what that lecturer did last week, and what I imagine other lecturers will do this week, when the Senate discusses the No Confidence vote: they are leaning in, demanding their place at a table, any table. It’s been 18 years since the last time I sat at my grandmother’s for Sunday dinner, but I recognize the hierarchy just the same, although this time, it’s where I work. The discontent brewing and boiling over at Chico State is a lot like my grandmother’s hierarchy: those at the big table, those at the kids’ table, and those who were never invited to the table at all. As a lecturer, I know I won’t be invited to the big table. Still, I take heart from the fact that the current rebellion was initiated by previously voiceless lecturers who are threatened with class cancellations and layoff two months before Spring Semester starts. No, we won’t be invited to the big table, yet. But maybe, if we all lean in together, the lecturers at Chico State will at least get invited to the kids’ table, and maybe some of us will pull up a chair, and ask for seconds.
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Jan and Cora Gordon, travel writers on 3 wheels. |Jan and Cora and their famous motorbike and sidecar.| The year 1931 saw many visitors to the Aran islands, but surely one of the strangest sights on the roads of the island, was the motorbike and sidecar that the highly talented artists, musicians and travel writers, Jan and Cora Gordon, arrived with in September. Jan Gordon (1882-1944) was an English writer, musician and artist. His wife Cora (Jo) Turner Gordon (1879-1950) was similarly talented and she and Jan carved out a career as travel writers between the two world wars. In the days when Britain still had an empire, they travelled widely and produced a series of books which were noticeable for their humour and insight. Jan Gordon made a name for himself with his use of a ships camouflage, which was known as Dazzle Painting. It is credited with making life difficult for U-boat captains during the Great war. The Gordons had travelled throughout Europe and in 1927 had spent time in America, where they completed a 6,000 mile journey cross country, with a stint in Hollywood and a novel under the name of William Gore. Prior to their trip to Ireland, the Gordons had set off from their home in Paris on a motorbike with what they referred to as a "wardrobe" attached and made their way to the Mediterranean coast before returning by way of the west coast and crossing the English Channel from Dieppe to Newhaven. This journey, along with adventures in Southern England, Wales and Ireland would be recorded in their 1932 travel book, Three Lands on 3 Wheels. Some of our Welsh friends might think the book should have been called, Four Lands on 3 Wheels. They had many adventures but we will concentrate mainly on their time spent on Árainn and the observations they made. We did a feature on some friends of theirs, fellow artists Bertie and Betty White, last July.White visit Here The Whites were on the island at the same time as the Gordons and it seems that the Gordons had been encouraged to visit by the Whites, who had painted on the islands before. After arriving in Dublin, the Gordons were invited to tour DeValera's recently opened Irish Press offices and printing press. It was here that they were advised to stay with the McDonaghs of Cill Mhuirbhigh, by a man who claimed to have hidden out there, during the troubles. The Gordons spent twenty years in Paris between 1912 and 1932 and mixed with the artistic set. It's likely that they met up with James Joyce as they had friends in common. From the complimentary references they made in this book about the talented young writer, Liam O'Flaherty, it's likely that they had known him also in Paris. Their travel books are peppered with complimentary, humourous and sometimes savage comments on the many innkeepers they met on their way. They were particularly cutting when describing an innkeeper in Cork who had become spoiled due to the constant full houses from the emigrants awaiting embarkation for America. |Forced to slow down on the roads of Ireland. | They did eventually find a helpful and friendly Cork innkeeper, which comes as no great surprise as Cork people are known for their friendliness. Their only fault being a slight tendency to feel superior to the other thirty one counties. Making their way across the great central plain of Ireland, the Gordons eventually reached Galway, late on a Friday evening. Their next destination was the Aran Islands but the boat was leaving early next morning and all the garages were closed. After frantic early morning efforts to locate petrol near the dock, they and their transport were loaded aboard the old S.S. Dun Aengus and their Aran adventure was under way at a cost of half a sovereign each return and 3/6 for the motorbike. The Gordons provide a great account of the journey west and the people aboard. One old woman was convinced the boat was going to sink but was reassured by the steward who remarked "Ah.. you'll be all right, as the fire said to the kettle". |The S.S. Dún Aengus which carried the Gordon’s and their motorbike, to the islands.| Seen here at Galway dock. As the boat headed out past Oileán Inse Caorach (Mutton Island) the Gordons couldn't resist recounting the old joke about the U-boat that arrived in the bay during the Great War, with the intention of bombarding Galway. Looking through his periscope the captain abandoned his mission after coming to the conclusion, that Galway had already been bombarded. The cattle jobbers on board enquired of Jan Gordon as to whether he was a cattle-man or a priest and were greatly unimpressed when he indicated that he was an artist. Jan Gordon goes on to explain to his readers that the people of the Aran Islands never curse. It’s likely the source of this claim didn’t speak Irish as cursing has been an art form in Ireland for thousands of years. We never did find out if he ever confirmed the truth of this claim. He had also been assured that the people on the small islands spoke no English. He was told later that if he tried to cheat one of them, he'd find out soon enough, how much English they had. At the islands, they watched as the cargo and passengers were transferred ashore by currach and also a huge bale of timber, which was towed to the island. The oft quoted myth of the benevolent island Justice of the Peace, James O'Flaherty of the 19th century, is again repeated in this book. A much loved magistrate who administered justice evenly. The Gordons were of a class who loved this sort of simplistic, rose tinted nostalgia, for times past. |The S.S. Dún Aengus, lying at anchor, waiting for cattle.| Cill Rónáin (Kilronan) was eventually reached and they were unimpressed with the village which they described as dreary. They were glad that their friend in Dublin had recommended Michael and Margaret McDonagh's Guest House in Cill Mhuirbhigh (Kilmurvey) On asking for Michael at the pier, he was pointed out as the man with the white cap, grey waistcoat and a twinkle in his eye. The motorbike having been unloaded, the crowd stood well back as the Gordons mounted up and prepared for take off. Alas, a cable had been damaged in transport, so a number of onlookers, many of them children, helped push the three wheeled wonder as far as the lifeboat store, where the mechanic repaired the cable and seemed upset to be offered payment. |Lifeboat mechanic Michael Wallace Dirrane, seen here at the back and between his crew-mates, | Thomas Flaherty and Peter Gill, at an award ceremony in London in 1939 The motorbike trip back to Cill Mhuirbhigh must have been a cause of much excitement and a severe test of the islands reputation for being curse free as the noisy monster sent livestock and horses into a fierce panic. |An islander tries to control a terrified ass, upset by the motorbike.| One disgruntled Jarvey asked as to whether they would be taking that "contraption back along the road again today“ and replied “Thanks be to God for that” when they said "no". |A handsome Aran mule foal, from 2014| They say that mules are better than horses and asses for staying calm when confronted with loud noises. This may be true or perhaps mules are equally scared but just too stubborn to show it. At Cill Mhuirbhigh beach they were welcomed by a pod of porpoises playing in the bay. The shoreline was sprinkled with a great number of upturned currachs. A great omen for an enjoyable stay. Arriving in spotlessly tidy Cill Mhuirbhigh village, they were directed to McDonaghs where they found that the business also included a shop, coal merchants and the Guest House also provided lessons in Irish, which were included with the accommodation. |Margaret Hernon and her husband, Michael McDonagh, who looked | after the Gordons during their visit to Árainn in September 1931 The Gordon’s describe McDonaghs guest house and shop as follows. The outside of the house had been disappointingly middle class, but this kitchen was truer to the owners, more in harmony with the thick blue sweater and the twinkle in the eye. It was white, with a small window placed low, that cast flat illumination on to the figures of the enigmatic island women who sat stiffly against the whitewashed walls, grasping their black shawls round their heads, sphinxes without secrets no doubt, but here perfectly in setting. Over our heads dangled the formless lumps of bacon from which our future breakfasts and suppers would be sliced. The Gordons introduction to Cill Mhuirbhigh brings to mind the day in 1968, the poet and writer Andrew McNeillie arrived in Cill Muirbhigh as a very young man, at the start of a year long stay. By a strange coincidence, he travelled over in the van of Michael McDonagh’s late son, Stephen. Andrew later detailed his time on the island in his book An Aran Keening. Margaret had been keeping students of Irish for many years. Lodgings in McDonaghs cost thirty five shillings a week. With the Irish classes included, the Gordon’s reckoned it was the cheapest university in the British Isles. |McDonaghs can be seen on the right. A photo from when Cill Muirbhigh| was converted in 2009 into a film set, for the romantic comedy, Leap Year We recently read two travel books on Aran from 1931, the other by a young Englishwoman, Nora Laverock Lees, who travelled alone and mainly on foot. While the Gordons were usually given tea in the “good room”, Nora enjoyed many a mug of tea in various kitchens and was aware of the great honour, this bestows on a visitor. We will get back to Nora’s time on the three islands at some other time perhaps. She appears to have only one travel book to her name and was perhaps not under as much pressure as the two professional travel writers. She took her time and it shows. The obligatory climb of Dún Aengus was completed on the first day and anybody who has made the journey, will know just how impressive the old fort is. From the great fort, they could see the village of Gort na gCapall and the old homestead of the writer Liam O’Flaherty. From the walls of Dún Aengus, we could see the roofs of the little village where was born the most brilliant descendant of the old archeologist’s clan, Liam O’Flaherty, who has himself shaped the people of Aran into exquisite stories. The motorbike was put away in the shed which also housed a side car and a quantity of carrageen moss, for Michael McDonagh was the local buyer of this medically beneficial seaweed. A product that is widely used today and which is now being produced commercially on the island by Bláth na Mara Exploring the island was important for the Gordons but exploring the people was equally as important. Noting that many of the women went barefoot, they were taken by the lightness of touch and oneness with the earth. They contrasted this with how poorly the bare footed women who played in Synge’s Playboy of the Western World seemed on a Dublin stage, as their movement betrayed their normal boot clad existence and made them look awkward. But here these feet knew the earth with intimacy, as the paws of cats and dogs know it, and from that intimacy a freedom of motion was bred, so that the movement of walking seemed to flow through the women’s whole bodies upward from the soil Next morning saw the island covered in fog but their host greeted them with a declaration that it was a “fine day entirely”. They describe Cill Mhuirbhigh as a village of about twenty houses and bustling with activity. Salted fish drying on thatched roofs which they recorded as being replaced in some cases by slates after a government roofing grant of £40 was introduced. A new house was being built near the ball alley by way of a £80 grant and a further £80 low interest loan. Jan Gordon appears to have been fascinated with his host Michael McDonagh. A shrewd businessman of reasonable wealth, Jan was particularly impressed with his great turn of phrase. Jan had wondered at how tedious laying bricks must be, for the builder to later remark on how boring it must be to spend the whole day painting scenery. Mentioning this to Michael later he was impressed with his response of “Ah yes, any trade do be an enemy, ‘till you’ve mastered it” At the time of the visit, the islanders were in the process of threshing for the thatch and this provided material for both the pen and the paint brush. |Island threshing in September 1931| |The end of the road at Bungabhla. Photo from 1935| The Gordons seem to have picked up a story about the other big house in Cill Mhuirbhigh and the bad luck the old middleman James O’Flaherty had brought upon himself. O’Flaherty was the local Magistrate in the 19th century and with no legitimate male heir, his great holding would pass to his daughter and son in law. The McDonagh house had once been used as a police barracks after some agrarian attacks on O’Flaherty’s stock and a threat of violence against him. Indeed Liam O’Flaherty’s father and uncle were involved in the cliffing of Middleman/landlord James O’Flaherty’s cattle in 1881 and hence the need for police protection. Whether Jan and Cora knew of this is debatable, but in any case they didn’t make any reference to the role Liam’s father and uncle played in this incident. We mentioned this incident in previous articles. While acknowledging past injustices, the Gordons give vent to some feelings of frustration. Remote fishermen, who for some forty years received an almost servile petting from the British Government, still see us as the descendants of Cromwell. And so children fifty years hence will still remember by heritage, the horrors of the Black-and-Tan campaign. Apart from the daughters school books, the house had three important books. One was an old archeological exploration of Ireland’s west coast which Jan claimed was very rare and that the British Museum had no copy. The two newspapers that Michael read were the Irish Press and the Connacht Tribune. The other two important books were a religious text and an American published History of Ireland. From reading this, the Gordons were surprised to find that some of the most anti English patriots were Irish Protestants. They also noted how some of the great oppressors were Irish Catholics. A long way to travel to get a history lesson. It was also noted that despite all the anti English sentiment in Ireland, the individual English person in Ireland was treated with great friendliness and afforded a great welcome. Their host, Margaret Hernon McDonagh had emigrated to Boston at the age of nineteen. In 1931 the three McDonagh sons had gone from the island. The Great Depression in America was by 1931, beginning to severely curtail emigration. In Eoghanacht the Gordons met an old blind bard and heard of the trick some of the young girls played on him and had him thinking of marriage. In this village too, they met a woman who was an expert at weaving the famous Aran crios or belt which they bought at four shillings a yard. |The sidecar was often referred to as “The Wife Killer”| Heading for the western end of the island, they encountered two loose horses on the road who galloped for a mile or so in fear of the noisy machine. As well as the currachs on the shore, they came across large amounts of saved seaweed, which was a valuable source of income in those days. At this spot, they met an Irish/Australian tourist who informed them of the pound leaving the gold standard on the day they arrived, September 19th. Mrs McDonagh entertained them that evening with a tall tale of a woman who once lived in the beehive hut with her husband and child. She stole the key to Dún Aengus from her sleeping husband, as he was the caretaker of the great fort. She then gave the key to people who had given her food and they in turn entered the fort at night and threw the Fir Bolgs over the edge and freed the islanders from their tyranny. Then or now, no story about the islands is complete without a reference to the mysterious Fir Bolgs. |Clochán na Carraige. Said to be the home of the caretaker at Dún Aengus, in ancient times.| From McDonaghs in Cill Mhuirbhigh they could see smoke rising from the home of Liam O’Flaherty and the schoolhouse where he attended. Michael McDonagh summed up the attitude of some of the islanders to Liam. ‘‘Tis a quare religion he has then, for he does be calling himself a professional athiest and in his day there were no holier children in this island than himself and his sister. And wasn’t it his own father that cut with his own hands the stick that their teacher would be keeping them at lessons with. But he turned out so smart that he and his sister were sent off to teach the Irish. It was board and instruction they were to get for it, and to my memory, there was a suit of clothes in the bargain too, but they always came back in the same clothes, so maybe I was wrong in that part” The Gordons visited Liam’s old school which once stood across from the present Irish college in Fearann na Coirce. |The old schoolhouse at Fearann na Coirce (Oatquarter)| |The long deserted schoolhouse at Fearann na Coirce.| The School had changed a lot by 1931 and it seems the then schoolmaster Seán Moloney, had built a protecting wall to the front, in order to do some planting inside. Some of this vegetation still survives today and Michael reckoned it was a memory of the fine greenery of his native Limerick, the schoolmaster was trying to recreate. After a visit to the school, the Gordons next visited the island weaving family, who had abandoned their loom that day and were busy putting thatch on their roof before the winter gales arrived. They were very impressed with the quality of the cloth they were shown which was a mixture of blue and cream. Jan Gordon goes into a long comparison with the average vocabulary of the different countries. The average vocabulary of an English labourer was reckoned to be 400 words but studies had shown that many Aran Islanders had a vocabulary of 2,500. This is no great surprise as it’s likely that if they ever introduce ‘talking’, as an Olympic event, Ireland would surely sweep all three medals with one at least, coming to the Aran Islands. The visitors were greatly impressed with some of Michael’s turns of phrase and thought his reference of his dog as “deaf as a beetle” very descriptive. A description by Michael, of a bull that had drowned at the boat in Inis Meáin, a few weeks before, made a great impression. He was described as a magnificent animal, “ His chest came down to within a foot of the ground and behind that he was all body; his neck was thick on him as that rock, and the hair of him was short and curly”. “And they slit him to save the life that was in him“ This is a colourful way of describing how the meat was saved, if not the unfortunate bull’s life. After this the bull was quickly butchered and according to the story, every family on the island got a piece of him. After two weeks of mixed weather, the Gordons were ready to leave. They mention the difficult life of the local doctor, James O’Brien, who must often gather a currach crew and head off in all weathers to the other islands. |S.S. Dún Aengus which brought the Gordons to and from the islands.| On their way to the pier they met the artists Etherbert and Betty White, who told them of an eccentric American who would be joining them on their trip back to Galway. According to the Whites, this woman had remonstrated aggressively with the currach men at the islands, on her way to Aran, for allowing flour to be carried in the same boat that had brought unhygienic pigs out to the S.S. Dún Aengus. She shouted a number of times “You men down there, are you going to eat that flour?” Like men who are used to the steady rythem of rowing, they slowly looked up at her and then slowly, said nothing. Agitated greatly at this snub, she once more roared her query with the added “hey, I’m talking to you“, until eventually one of the men turned slowly and replied, “We are....... and you’d ate it too, if your belly was empty”. Game, set and match to the currach man. Falling into conversation with this old American on the journey to Galway, Cora discovered that she had spent time in Paris and spoke some French. However, despite all her travels, she was an unapologetic white supremicist, who was planning to write her life story. In Ireland it is said, that most people have a book in them, but more importantly, it’s also said that in nearly all cases, that’s where it should stay. The summer of 1931 saw many visitors on the islands which included a long distance swimmer, Mercedes Gleitze who swam to the mainland. Just a few weeks before the Gordons arrived, a young De la Salle brother, Owen Traynor from Cavan, was drowned while swimming at Cill Rónáin. In February 1931, a new wireless transmitting system had been set up between Cill Rónáin and Inis Meáin, after much trouble from the old underwater cable. The Gordons had met with the engineer responsible for maintenance. |Cora & Jan Gordon. Artists, writers and musicians.|
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Discussion in 'Battle Video Archives' started by Temp_Guest2, Dec 23, 2010. yeah i was spazzing @ that shit. Posted via Mobile Device Wow, JOB. Some of your best work bud. Tricky, you and Real Deal need to do a compliment battle to see who's literally the nicest in this battle shit. 58k in two days. not shabby. This Cortez acting false-start bothered me live. it bothered me when I was watching it lol edit: 61,503 right now.. Diz killed it, no question, just operating in that environment and still being creative enough too dismantle wastes of sperm and over-hyped emcees, don shit! Swaves rhymes didnt do it for me.. some were okay at best, but thats all. Eyerate bodied the fuck out of this thread too. I think that's Choppa's role after 3 days, like 10 watches, this still has replay value. u crazy for that line. his first round was beast for sure. LOL @ 14:24 when Math reaches his arm out to shake Swave's hand he knocks off Cormega's hat. This is definitely a 'E Ness vs Iron Solomon' kind of battle where one guy is pronounced the winner by the majority but you just have to appreciate the other guy for the shit they were saying because it was that dope and for that reason it was not a bodybag. That whole 'I'm a predator, you prey, we don't mix' theme from Swavs first round was probably one of the best executed themes I've seen in a verse this year. About that second verse, i enjoyed the imagery that was painted, but where the set up probably imo should have gone was the comparison of 'disasters' like Katrina with 'Dizaster' the battler like to say thats a real disaster, you harmless type of shit, I think if he used that idea with that setup that he used, I think that would have been ether material and one of the verses of the year oh and btw that Diz spzzing out GIF on the pages before this = me leaned Haha I noticed that Cortez shit. Would've been funny if he actually interrupted him. The worldstar comments are worse than youtube. And that's saying a lot . Posted via Mobile Device who still reads worldstar comments? You write your first round, we chambering ours - might be my favourite line I liked it too, kinda contradicting though. nice line to say nonetheless.. why were dizs eyes all black and droopy that nigga im on smack? he on meth? you betta choose you muthafucka!!! :COD::COD::COD::COD:^Bump this fucking battle. I have been lurking these forums for a while and had to signup to talk to Eric Foreman about his view on this battle. I understand why you'd like Swave to win and even think you may have thought he did well but as many have told you (even those agreeing with you in part) there is just no way he won. As a huge Hitman Holla fan I almost kidded myself into believing he bodied Big T but in reality it was close, possibly coming out with an L. The same goes for Arsonal fans/Okwerdz haters in that battle (as well as to an extent Hollow fans vs Passwurdz). I have never been a dizaster fan but he changed his style up since the Thesaurus days and came with something which was top 10 three round performances ever (behind Hollow against Big T, Pat Stay against Hollohan and slightly above 24/7 vs QP , possibly Locksmith vs Dizaster and LL against Young Miles). I am a fan of it all - jokes, gun lines, personals, rebuttals, freestyle, rhythm, metaphors and similes. Dizaster had him on virtually everything. As said, his Katrina line was poorly worked (while nice in theory) - Head Ice did it with more authority against Quest. Diz's opener about 'hype like the media/die for a nice price/I am expedia' is close to perfect. He flowed well at points 'you're so old you wrote your rhymes inside an organiser' similar to some of Iron Solomon's best work' and switched it up quick 'baclava wrapped in bacon' line. His personals were on point - imitating his voice (which Soul Khan got a lot of credit for against Deacon), mimicking his team's slogan, his age - even his lies about Canibus were believable. Ask yourself this. If Locksmith was able to incorporate jokes and fierce punchlines so much so that Diz even choked, why didn't Swave do the same - or did he? Is Swave better than Lock? - I don't know but there is no way he came better in this. This was Diz's best performance by so far it's untrue and you just have to give the credit. I prefer Head Ice to Swave for the most part and of course their style (and subtance) is sometimes overlooked by the jokes and fast rhyming styles but here Swave got bodied. If all that wasn't enough, as someone alluded to earlier, the best lines are judged by unwilling crowd reaction. Now I'm not going to argue whether people like Math were or were not going to react to Diz's lines but it's fair to say they are slightly bias. The crowd was biased. His first lines got an automatic reaction which was impossible to contain even at that early stage. It reminded me of Aye Verb's 'We different guys, two different grades, two different shades, we perform on the same platform but Marv, we on a different stage..you and D12 get a show, soon as you hit the stage I click the Gauge shots at you ricocheted and hit Swift Mcveigh' scheme. The crowd was bias to Marv's repetitive lines and still Aye Verb got a crazy reaction. When Moe Dirtee tried to pull that sht against Aak it didn't work as people are waking up to real lyrics with good flows and meaning. Diz got hella reaction for most of the battle (Adam and Eve line for example) and Swave's stuff you just couldn't react to. You heard the Katrina line. Don't tell me you heard that and went 'wow that is some incredible writing'. It doesn't work that way. Even his 'sheepskin to a pack of wolves' scheme was good but not excellent. He may be a great writer and he may be real but that doesn't mean he won - not by a longshot. Then there are the freestyles. I'm sure he had some incorporated ready to bring out for Cortes and even possibly DNA but his implementation of them was expert. He continued with the lines and schemes he was taking and won over an already-won over crowd with the bodybag of the heckler. Even though that is not Swave's fault it still adds to the case that Dizaster won. I'm rambling on now but I hope I have cleared up some of the things others have said with a few points of my own. I have watched these for years and hopefully more of these clashes of styles take place. Dizaster's second round has a place in grind time history. None of Swave's lines/schemes hit me hard enough to consider repeating them subconsciously while I'm walking. Fk - I'm not even a Dizaster fan and I'm licking his chops - I just hope he comes like this in his next one. looking back at this battle Dizaster had the greatest performance in Grind Time history here. Not a doubt about it Separate names with a comma.
{ "date": "2015-02-27T04:21:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936460472.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074100-00329-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.983737051486969, "token_count": 1658, "url": "http://rapmusic.com/threads/grindtimenow-presents-swave-sevah-vs-dizaster.1256901/page-30" }
Thanks familyfirst and slowuptake for your perspectives too! How does it make you feel coming home not knowing what kind of mood your BS may be in? It makes me feel very insecure and scared. I suspect a little like what I made my wife feel like by having an affair. I can relate to what your husband said about still getting to come home to one's wife. Still, it's very frightening not knowing what one day to the next will bring. Keeping it firmly in mind that I caused the problems helped a lot when we went through this. It did scare the hell out of me, though. My experience does not exactly parallel that of your WS, but my perspective might still be of use to you. I was one that, on D-day, sincerely believed that I loved two men. That AP was a good person. That we were just people who fell in love at the wrong time and place. Star-crossed, soulmates, you get the idea. I seriously believed that I would be forever devastated if I had to say goodbye to AP or my BS. I refused to make an immediate choice, stayed on the fence for six months and took another couple months to craft and send a NC letter that BS and I could both agree on. The things I thought then are cringe-inducing to me now. I never broke NC physically but I did not, in the early days, see anything wrong with writing to AP in my journal. I was being honest with my BS that I was ambivalent. I did not understand at the time that there is a difference between being honest and acting with integrity. I did not understand the nature of infidelity and how lying to everyone, including myself, had really changed my brain. So I was able to write things like "I am so afraid to want to want to stop loving you." and "I don't know how I can handle never seeing you again." and (cringing now) "we will meet again across time and space". Those aren't exact quotes but sum up the kinds of things I was writing and actually believing at the time I wrote them. I guess I am telling you this to let you know that even though I meant those things at the time that I wrote them, I can see now that I had a very limited ability for evaluating the basis of my feelings and deciding if they were reasonable or valid. I conflated the intensity of my feelings and their validity. I really was terrified of losing one of my sources of good feelings. But it did not have anything to do with genuine, adult love for AP. Now. Did I love my BS during the time I was writing those things? Did I love my BS at all during the time I was imposing a blatant EA on our lives (4 years) and then a hidden PA (3.5 years)? You know, as I have come to understand what it actually means to love someone in an adult way, no. I did not. I loved him the way a child loves. I saw him as a source of stability and security and a way to help get my basic emotional and physical needs met. I felt genuine affection for him but ultimately, when it came down to it, I was willing to get my needs met at his very great expense. As a child, it is normal to expect that from the people who love us. That is the natural order of things. As an adult, we have to be willing for things to go in the other direction. That is the piece I lacked, and have had to develop. So could your husband have really loved you during the time he wrote those things? I guess it depends on what your definition of love is. It is absolutely possible that he was trying to keep everything from blowing up. It's also possible he meant those things at the time he said them. I think the really important thing is whether he is willing to 1) be honest about what he was actually thinking and feeling during that time, even if it risks his chance of reconciliation to do so and 2) identify and fix the thought processes that resulted in his integrity train jumping the track so that he doesn't ever do this again to you or to anyone else. I am so sorry that you have been put through this. May you find peace and healing. Digging our way through. WTF was his motivation for telling me he still wants to make it work, just to do a 180 hours later?! And should I be prepared in case he tries to come back and tries to pull the R card again? I feel I will be stronger if he does, but I want to be ready. Or is he tired of 'playing the game' and I can move forward without worrying he is going to try to swoop in again? How does it make you feel coming home not knowing what kind of mood your BS may be in? As someone who formerly viewed relationships as sources of feelings more than anything else, it was at first very hard for me to adjust to the variability of the outward signs of his injury. Some days just terribly sad and sobbing. Some days angry and spitting fire. Some days just flat. IC helped me a lot because I have learned to view people as people instead of just sources of feelings for me. I can separate the feelings from the person if that makes any sense. The other thing that has helped has been to learn some techniques for dealing with difficult feelings in the moment they are happening. Meditation type stuff. You are kind to be thinking of the stress your WS might be experiencing because of your mood swings. In my experience even just acknowledging it might help mitigate some of the damage and help your WS be more patient with them. I know the times my BS has said to me that he knows he's all over the place and thanked me for handling it without melting down, I have very much appreciated it. I guess because it acknowledges that as sucky as I was, my need for a secure emotional environment is legitimate too. That doesn't mean he is going to be meeting it at his own expense, or rather I would prefer that he doesn't. But it does help to have it acknowledged as a legitimate need. May you find peace and healing. I understand that is now part of our new normal, and we're both grasping with that. No running to the door with kisses and affection when he returns home - at least for the time being. I feel like I can only begin to forgive him if I can humanize him, feel empathy, recognize his hurt and pain through all of this too. But he has read "How to Help Your Spouse Heal..." and I think he's afraid to show me too much so as not to take the healing process away from me. If that makes any sense. Again, thank you for your kind words and sharing your experiences. When I come home from work, I offer my BW a kiss regardless of what her outward mood might be. I do not assume that because she has a mad face that she doesn't want me. I made her an angry mess, so it's unfair for me to dodge her when she is angry. By offering, I've given her the opportunity to say "Yes" rather than assume she will say "No." This is important because it shouldn't be up to my BW to initiate physical affection. I should be the one reaching out and taking the risk of rejection. By that one simple act of offering her a kiss, it shows that I love her and want her regardless of her mood, and it just might help change her mood. I continued to make love with my BW during my affair, but it was very infrequent. I wasn't putting in the effort to make my BW want me. After a while, I just stopped initiating sex with my BW because I was tired of the rejection. Of course she rejected me because I didn't do the work. Duh! About STD's... sometimes I really worried about that to the point of depression. I got tested a couple of times over the years, but not as frequently as I should have. And I didn't consistently practic safe sex. I look back on that now, I'm just sick thinking about how I risked my BW's life and health. I was fortunate that I never brought home an STD, but that was dumb luck. Big emphasis on dumb. [This message edited by ThatGuyNoMore at 11:13 AM, August 22nd (Friday)] Boundaries and accountability are important methods for your WS to re-establish trust. Some basic boundaries that I observe: 1. NC with AP. 2. No "unhealthy" friendships, like those with guys that encourage A's, or with women who have known boundary issues as well, or with women I feel I may develop a boundary issue with. 3. Avoid one-on-one situations with women. That includes private messages, emails, and texts. 4. No flirtatious comments directed at anyone but my BW. 5. No lying, no half-truths, no omissions. 6. Also being accountable for my time is a form of boundary setting. I send selfies showing I am where I'm supposed to be if I'm running errands, attending civic meetings, or going to the gym. I call home from a land line before I leave work. If for some reason I'm going to be late, I call and send a selfie to prove my whereabouts. I'll do anything I can to help my BW feel safe. Don't beat yourself up over not seeing the signs. You believed that your WS was a good and honest person, and never had any inkling he would stray. I feel awful when I remember the lies that I told my BW, and how much she trusted me to believe them. I know that she feels shaken looking back, too. It's just a measure of how far from that wayward thinking you were. That is a good thing. I don't know if we officially set boundaries. I tried to do what BW asked, and only do things that make her feel safe. ThatGuyNoMore got them right. NC is non-negotiable. Being transparent, and always accounting for time and location are too. No flirting or personal contact with women, no spending nights out with guys unless they are truly friends of the marriage. I wanted to add that for most of us truly remorseful waywards, these are not punishment. My boundaries are ones that I have mostly set myself. I don't want to do any of those old things. I know that they have this possibility down the road to lead to a point where I could put myself in a position to go to the place I was during my A. Even if don't stray, I know that I used to be really unhappy during my A's. I don't want to do anything that could lead me to becoming that unhappy again. It's kind f like knowing a food will make you sick. Sure, one taste may not make you full on sick, but why tempt yourself? I just made love to my spouse so it didn't seem suspicious. I decreased the frequency as much as I could and I wasn't as "into it" as I used to be, but at the time there were no suspicions that it was due to an A. It did cause problems, but not raise suspicions. I just did it - sometimes I wanted to and enjoyed it, sometimes I just faked it, whatever it took. I know that sounds harsh but it's true. As for the STD question, my AP was certain he had none and I believed him. I didn't worry about bringing home and STD because of this. Looking back he could have been lying through his teeth but at the time I didn't even consider that possibility. I did get tested at my next pap after the A and was clean so I lucked out. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm still in the "fog" a little bit so that might be why. I don't think it was beautiful or positive. The sex was very good and we connected on an intimate level, as much as I don't want to admit it, yet I feel it was a dirty, shameful act so that pretty much takes away from all the "good" I could see from it. To be honest I will admit that I am not yet a truly remorseful WW though I'm trying my hardest to be. Because of that, my honest answer is it's terrible. I hate going home because I don't know what kind of mood I'm going to get. As it gets closer to the end of the work day I actually get anxiety about going home because of it. I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me - I know the RIGHT answer is what your husband said and I bet most remorseful waywards really do feel that way so I don't doubt what you were told, just for me - someone who isn't yet really remorseful, it's not a good feeling. If you are or think you are in love with your affair partner, how do you still make love to your wife or husband. Do you just do it so that it doesn't seem suspicious? Do you ever think about giving your spouse an STD? About STDs..., I worried a lot about getting pregnant, but never about STDs. AP assured me he had never strayed before and I had blinding faith in whatever he said. I went in for my annual OB exam and my dr asked me if I had any new partners. If this is a common question to married people I'll never know. I told her the truth and she insisted I get tested for everything. I told her it was unnecessary because I knew my AP was safe. She then told me even if that was true, I didn't know if his spouse was safe or who she might have been/is currently with. I remember being completely confused. She almost had to draw it out on paper like you would for a 7th grader. I don't know if it's because I was so far removed from dating and sleeping with other people or so completely detached from reality that this really never occurred to me. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with guilt. Never in a million years did I think I could harm my H in this way. Thankfully all tests were negative. In all the ways I harmed H, in my mind this is the worst and most unforgiveable. I've read on SI before that "the WS cared more about their pleasure than the BS's health". For me that's not true, I just didn't think. period. For quite a while my sex drive was on high and I was very happy to be with both men. This was very true for me as well at some points of my A. ETA: my OB/GYN always asks if I've had any new sexual partners at each visit so it's normal for at least some docs. [This message edited by StartingFreshNow at 2:53 PM, August 20th (Wednesday)]
{ "date": "2015-02-27T04:16:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936460472.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074100-00329-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9913370609283447, "token_count": 3099, "url": "http://www.survivinginfidelity.com/forums.asp?tid=534748&AP=301" }
- Number of Discs: 2 - Rated: PG - Closed captioning available - Run Time: 1 hours, 53 minutes - Video: Color - Released: January 27, 2004 - Originally Released: 1991 - Label: Paramount - 2-Disc Set - Encoding: Region 1 (USA & Canada) - Collectors Edition - Aspect Ratio: Widescreen - 1.85 - Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound - English - Dolby Surround Sound - English - Dolby Surround Sound - French - Additional Release Material: - Audio Commentary: Nicholas Meyer - Director, Denny Martin Flinn - Screenwriter - Interactive Features: - Scene Selection - Interactive Menus: Animated Menus - Text/Photo Galleries: - Text Commentary: - Michael and Denise Okuda - Co-Authors, THE STAR TREK ENCYCLOPEDIA - Additional Release Material: - "Stories from STAR TREK VI": - Nicholas Meyer - Director - "Together Again" - William Shatner, Christopher Plummer - Stars - William Shatner - Star - "Original Cast & Crew Interviews" - Leonard Nimoy - Star - Christopher Plummer - Star - Additional Production Members - Trailers: Theatrical Trailer - "A Conversation with Nicholas Meyer" - Nicholas Meyer - Director - "Klingons: Conjuring the Legend" - "Penny's Toy Box" - Penny Juday - Archivist - DeForest Kelley: A Tribute" - "The Perils of Peacemaking" - Nicholas Meyer - Director, Leonard Nimoy - Star, Dr. Angela Stent - Russia Expert/Scholar - 1991 Convention Presentation - Nicholas Meyer - Director - "Federation Operatives" - Production Gallery Performers, Cast and Crew: New York Times - 12/06/1991 "...As lively a tale as any Trekkie might want....One more fanciful chapter to this story..." Los Angeles Times - 12/06/1991 "...Meyer and Flynn get a fullness back into their characters....STAR TREK VI works so well on its own terms that it looks less like a close than another possible opening..." Total Film - 04/01/2004 "It all works: this is a tight, thrilling send-off." In STAR TREK VI - THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, the cold war between the Federation and the Klingons thaws out when the leader of the crumbling alien empire makes a peace offering. Admiral Kirk (Willliam Shatner) and the crew are quickly sent to escort the Klingon ruler to treaty talks, but they unknowingly stumble into the middle of a political assassination--and soon Kirk and Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley) are framed for the dignitary's murder. Sent off to a frozen gulag planet, the two plot their escape while Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and the rest of the old gang try to find out who the real killer is. The future of the intergalactic peace movement depends on their success. Sci-Fi / Horror / Fantasy | Space Exploration | Space Opera | Space Travel | Star Trek | - The Paramount Home Video version of "Star Trek V!" features two minutes of footage not included in the theatrical version. - Color by Technicolor; shot in Panavision. Dolby spectral recording. - Estimated budget $27.5 million. - Locations included Alaska, and Los Angeles, California. The second unit shot the sequences filmed in Alaska. - Dedicated to Gene Roddenberry. - One of the film's advertising tag-lines was: "The battle for peace has begun." - Reportedly, this will be the last "Star Trek" movie featuring the cast of the original television series. The next "Star Trek" films will feature the stars of "Star Trek: The Next Generation". - Christian Slater has an uncredited cameo in the film. His mother, Mary Jo Slater, was the casting director for "Star Trek VI". - The laserdisc version of "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" received Laser Video File's award for Best Sound, in their Second Annual Consumer Laser Disc Awards competition (1993). - Available to buy in the UK.
{ "date": "2015-03-01T07:37:16Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462232.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00161-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8143392205238342, "token_count": 918, "url": "http://www.oldies.com/product-view/10523M.html" }
June 23, 2008, C.E. asks from Littleton, CO on June 22, 2008 Seeking P.D.O. in Littleton/Highlands Ranch Area We are looking for a P.D.O. (Parents Day Out) program at a local church in the Littleton/Highlands Ranch area for our 2 year old son. He is currently on the waiting list at St. Andrew's (Number 10), but we are having doubts that he will get a slot. I would like an accreditated program so that he gains a little more out of the experience as well. Any suggustions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. S.W. answers from Denver on June 23, 2008 St. Luke's Little School (St. Luke's Methodist Church) is awesome and highly rated by 5180. Their youngest class, however, starts at age 3 and children have to be potty trained. S.P. answers from Denver on June 23, 2008 My daughter had just turned 2 (last fall) when she went to St. Thomas More and we loved it. They go 1 day a week from 9:30 to 1:30 and she had a teacher names Miss Marcia who was absolutely wonderful. All the children loved her. My daughter looked forward to going and I liked it that she went, as I had a baby last summer. So it worked out great. It is a Catholic church and we aren't Catholic, but it was wonderful. Also, we didn't get in right away, but were on the waitlist and got in at the end of October. Check it out and enroll ASAP and you're likely to get in! K.M. answers from Denver on June 23, 2008 B.H. answers from Denver on June 23, 2008
{ "date": "2015-03-03T12:45:24Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936463287.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074103-00296-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9893330335617065, "token_count": 374, "url": "http://www.mamapedia.com/article/seeking-pdo-in-littleton-highlands-ranch-area" }
Very cold this morning but Helen managed to drag me outside by 10am, for what turned out to be a brisk, short sharp walk round Dancersend. We parked up where Dancersend lane flattens out next to some houses and marked past the manor then licked up the footpath that heads across the corn field towards to the hills on the horizon. It was absolutely freezing and even after 20 minutes walking in thermals we were still cold. Once we hit the hills we turned right towards the old victorian pump house that feed the hidden reservoir. Along the foot path we saw those ice extrusions I have mentioned in the past. I think they might be caused by the really wet ground pushing the water up by capilliary action with then freezes when it hits the cold. Some we saw were several centimetres long, Helen called them Ice Mushrooms and I think that is a good name for them. At the pump house we crossed the road to enter Dancersend nature reserve, we came across a couple each with a child in rucksack on their back, and a very boisterous large puppy, looked a bit like and Irish Wolfhound it was bounding around all over the place. We headed clockwise round the reserve up the hill and then through the woods to the bottom of the reserve. There was a lot a shooting going on around the valley it it a really shame as the blasts really spoil the tranquillity of the place. We headed out of the reserve and joined the road at the pond on the bend below the manor. So we were soon up the road and back to the car it had been a short walk but we were glad that we made the effort. Not much bird life other than Tits, Goldfinch and a couple of Jays. We decided we would have a go at a recipe I found on the internet for Cannellini Beans in tomato sauce, that meant a trip to Tesco for some beans and a visit to the cinema to watch Black Swan with Natalie Portman. I have since found out the ice extrusions are probably ice needles as per the Wikipedia article
{ "date": "2015-03-05T14:30:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936464193.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074104-00056-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9798201322555542, "token_count": 437, "url": "http://neilbaldwin.net/blog/tag/tomotoes/" }
|Looking into the hall; the floor could use some sanding, for sure| It wasn't easy, but we did it ourselves, and on a pretty hot day. We pulled up the carpeting in the dining room, the hall, and front bedrooms. We cut it and the pad into pieces, and trucked them all to the dump. No more stinky carpet harboring dust and germs and heaven knows what-all! Underneath? All hardwood floors. You will see that the hall, above, needs some refinishing, but I think that the guest room, shown below, is in pretty good shape. The house really feels a lot more Old West-like to me now. These old wood floors kind of creak when you walk across them, reminding me that this house is pretty old, as western places go. Oh, it's nothing like the "oldest house in the U.S. built by a European" (Santa Fe, c.1646); or the really ancient Acoma Pueblo of New Mexico, continuously inhabited since the 12th century; or even our former old colonial home in New Hampshire (Candia, 1770). But this old adobe has been sitting right here since 1950 in the Mesilla Valley, surrounded by chile fields and pecan orchards and looking up at the mountains. At 61 years old, it's catching up with me! |The guest room; you can see that Little Pete was bustling around and giving us plenty of help|
{ "date": "2015-02-27T16:48:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936461359.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074101-00029-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9690786600112915, "token_count": 314, "url": "http://zeesgowest.blogspot.com/2011/07/no-more-carpets.html" }
Tis the season for puffing up children's accomplishments, concealing dysfunction and despair, and generally broadcasting to an expectant world all your family's exciting news and activities from the year just past. It's time for the smudged, photocopied, mass-mailed holiday letter, and here are some rules and suggestions to ensure your greeting this year is as insufferable and misleading as those you annually receive. 1.When in doubt, include pet photos. 2.Mention everyone's birthday. 3.Does it really feel like an entire year has passed already? Address this issue. 4.What music are you listening to as you write this? And what kind of tea are you drinking? What's happening outside the window? 5.All surgical procedures should be minutely detailed. 6.If your son is gay, say he's "pursuing a career in the arts." 7.No one dies. They only pass away. 8.When it comes to your family vacation, the more details the better. What happened after the third time you missed the exit for the Kelso Red Lion? 9.Yes, tell us more about your ugly custody battle. 10.Items to withhold: total hours spent watching digital cable, total dollars blown on lottery tickets, total packages of Hydrox stacked in basement. 11.Items to include: pottery class schedules, bridge rating, bingo results, diet plans, new scriptural theories about the Book of Revelation. 12.Remember: You're not hoarding pennies under the mattress. You're weighting your portfolio toward precious metals. 13.It's not an unplanned pregnancy. It's "the miracle of life." 14.Personalize with children's hand prints—and Sparky's paw print, too! 15.If possible, use a tired old dot- matrix printer. 16.There's no such thing as rehab. You're simply having some "me time" at the spa. 17.Enclosing Amway order forms helps make your letter more interactive. 18.Describe costumes worn by each member of the family at Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Veteran's Day, etc. 19.Remember: You're not having your car repossessed. You're embracing voluntary simplicity. 20.Your therapist says you need to open up. Why not include some transcripts? 21.For emphasis, NOTHING works better than capitalization. 22.Read anything interesting in the paper recently? Enclose clippings. 23.Kids do say the darndest things. Share some examples. Or some poetry! 24.It never hurts to remind people that bad things happen to those who break the holiday letter chain. 25.Show sensitivity to your Jewish friends by noting that without them, there wouldn't be any Christmas! 26.Enclose petitions and urge recipients to contact their congressional representatives regarding: NPR funding, spay-and-neuter-your-cat funding, beachfront erosion, rain forest preservation, canned fruit labeling, denturist licensing, public com- posting, plankton-safe tuna, etc. 27.Remodeling? Enclose paint chips and color swatches. Solicit opinions. 28.Recipes are always appreciated. 30.Your son is not in federal prison. He's "spending some time away" in New Mexico. 31.It's always fun to personalize the envelope with Easter seals, family coat of arms seals, UNICEF seals, and little smiley face stickers. 32.Give a project update on your "inner work." 33.Remember: It's not a restraining order. You're just taking time to re-evaluate the relationship. 34.Share your holiday missive with as broad an audience as possible: grade-school playmates, high-school sweethearts, prison inmates, bereaved organ- transplant-donor families, people you meet on the bus, etc. 35.Two words: scented stationery.
{ "date": "2015-03-06T07:32:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936465693.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074105-00044-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9226289987564087, "token_count": 849, "url": "http://www.seattleweekly.com/2001-11-28/news/how-to-write-an-annoying-holiday-card/" }
By Michael E. Miller By Ryan Yousefi By Kyle Munzenrieder By Sabrina Rodriguez By Michael E. Miller By Carlos Suarez De Jesus By Luther Campbell By Kyle Munzenrieder Chirino, Miami's premier salsa singer, darling of the Cuban-American community, champion of balseros, author of the unofficial national hymn of the island, "Nuestro Dia (Ya Viene Llegando)" ("Our Day Will Arrive," a reference to Cuban liberty), has come home. That, at least, was the impression Chirino initially hoped to convey with the music video for his new single "La Jinetera" ("The Streetwalker"), produced by Sony Discos to promote Chirino's new CD Asere (a slang term for friend). The video superimposed images of Chirino onto documentary-style street scenes captured by a team of filmmakers that had been sent to work clandestinely on the island last year. The Cuban footage includes shots of real-life jineteras, young Cuban women who sell their bodies to foreigners. Chirino's song, a lively dance tune that combines social criticism with infectious rhythm, is about one such woman, a seventeen-year-old girl he calls Eva. By setting his video in Cuba, Chirino intended to underscore his condemnation of a regime under which desperate citizens -- men and women alike -- are driven to prostitution. It was a straightforward idea, and by all accounts he was happy with the result -- until he screened the finished product for friends in Miami. Viewed in the feverish context of exile politics, what had seemed like an inspiration took on ominous overtones, and Chirino fretted that people might interpret his simulated presence in Cuba as some sort of advertisement done at the behest of the Cuban government. Last week he told the Miami Herald he planned to shelve the video indefinitely. The move incited rampant speculation about the content of the video; debate was heard on Spanish-language radio airwaves, some of it decrying Chirino's move as censorship. Within two days, the artist had a change of heart, a story that both Spanish-language television networks carried on their 11:00 p.m. newscasts Tuesday. "It's very well made. The video is fabulous, the cinematography is excellent, the quality is tremendous, but there are a few scenes that are written in a way that is a little surrealistic," Chirino sheepishly explained to Telemundo. "When one touches the open wound of the Cuban tragedy, one has to be very specific and say things very clearly. And there are a few images that I have decided to change. That's it." In its current form, the video superimposes Chirino and his De Soto onto the Malec centsn, Havana's famed seaside boulevard. Chirino's eyes open wide in astonishment. He smiles. He sings. "O, Habana, O, Habana, O, Habana." Cubans filmed by the clandestine team echo the refrain, grinning widely for the camera. Two young women playfully circle their hips on a Havana balcony. An old man in a straw hat improvises a rumba in Havana's celebrated Plaza de las Armas. A group of boys salsa around an old car. Not everyone joins in the fun, though. A middle-age woman waiting in line for food frowns at the camera and waves three fingers in front of her mouth, a well-known gesture that Cubans use to express hunger and frustration. But most blithely dismiss their grinding poverty, the numbing circumstances of their daily life, as they exult in the rhythm of the song. Included among the documentary shots of joyous Cubans are scenes with more critical content: women scantily clad in the colors of the Cuban flag, a jinetera applying makeup while her baby cries on a bed, a soldier who forces himself to look the other way as teenage girls walk the streets, and an often-repeated scene of a man hurling an inner-tube raft over Havana's seawall and then vaulting after it. Already an underground hit on the island only two months after its release, the song is heard by Cubans as a testament to their resilience, a foot-stomping demonstration that no amount of tragedy will dim their spirit or corrode their legendary good humor. But Chirino thinks the video's message is too upbeat, especially for a stateside audience. "I am 'in Cuba' in the context of the video," he explains. "It [makes it seem] like I'm part of the problem. I should be narrating the problem [of prostitution], I shouldn't be driving a car. People might think I'm promoting tourism in Havana." Chirino also says the video shows him flirting with a prostitute, apparently referring to a two-second scene in which a woman walks out of an apartment and appears to twirl into the singer's arms. Alejandro Rios, who heads the Miami-Dade Community College's Wolfson Campus Cuban Cinema Series and who has seen the video, scoffs at the notion that Chirino appears to be encouraging prostitution or embargo-busting Havana vacations. "I saw him as a storyteller, as an eyewitness with a certain distance on the things that he's seeing. It's true that he's driving along in a car on the Malec centsn, but everyone dreams of being in Cuba, and that image has an unreal, dreamlike quality."
{ "date": "2015-03-02T19:16:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462982.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00257-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9619376063346863, "token_count": 1156, "url": "http://www.miaminewtimes.com/1996-01-18/news/but-will-it-play-in-peoria/" }
list Support Submit 20-01-15 // LIVING INSIDE: MONU MAGAZINE TACKLES "INTERIOR URBANISM" BY KARLIS RATNIEKS Pages 56/ 57 and 120/ 121 of MONU #21 showing parts of the contributions by Michael Piper and James Khamsi, Candida Höfer and Jordan Hicks MONU magazine #21 has set out on a journey to study cities from their indoor environments. It is not only about turning the inside(s) out, but also involves re-conceptualizing the inside itself. While starting with a thorough discussion of the existing interiors in relation to spatial types, the contributors go further to raise new questions on how human subjects within the city are constantly engaging in practices that accept, produce or challenge the limits, scales and different programs of the interior space. In his seminal essay Paris Capital of the Nineteenth Century (1935) Walter Benjamin presented an analysis of interior as a phenomenon springing out of the forces of production that changed Paris after the French Revolution. Historically the rise of bourgeoisie set out the process of separation of the living-space from the place of work. Interior became a refuge, a sort of a dream-world. As Benjamin writes: Interior was not only the private citizens universe, it was also his casing. Living means leaving traces. In the interior these were stressed. The understanding of interior as a frame, onto which ones traces of life are accumulated, emerges together with the understanding of dwelling in particular political and economic circumstances. world it seems we find ourselves no longer capable of separating the places of production from places of refuge. Thus the great value of the latest edition of MONU is precisely in discussing the meaning of the interior in relation to forces that produce the city and the contemporary urban structures. Case studies of Asian, U.S. and European cities or historical research of certain paradigmatic architectural innovations all point to such themes as rising domestication, commodification, privatization and restrictions on common rights in the urban interiors. What manifests in a range of urban developments from museums or exhibitionary complexes (blending art, memory and pedagogical aspects) to commercial environments (from the shopping arcades to suburban malls and to experimental mixed-use indoor spaces) is the uncertainty of ability to maintain these built environments with regard to public interest. From singular architectural objects to large infrastructural networks, interiors have been planned in relation to flows of goods, services and human transit. As spaces of circulation at different scales, interiors become the spaces of social encounter. As Shriya Malhotra points out in her research on metro systems in global cities: Subways are microcosms of the interaction between top-down historic and sociopolitical developments shaping our cities, and people. Social encounters in relation to the quality of wilderness of an interior space are becoming unwelcome one learns from the interview with Petra Blaise that both private and public developers oblige designers to avoid wild, ungovernable interior spaces as potentially dangerous. Ratnieks studied architecture at Riga Technical University and urban studies at Estonian Academy of Arts. Karlis works as an architect in Liepaja, Latvia. This review was first published by This Big City on January 19, 2015. 16-12-14 // WHAT IS INTERIOR URBANISM? - A REVIEW OF MONU #21 BY CLAUDIA MAINARDI AND GIACOMO ARDESIO This review was first published on Quaderns on December 15, 2014; photos by Claudia Mainardi In 1969 Reyner Banham in his book The Architecture of the Well-tempered Environment marked the shift between the concept of interior to that of an artificial environment. Technology and new human needs in fact had become an integral part of architecture, defining a new paradigm to describe indoor space, that it was not any longer a concern of the singular living-cell but rather of its internal atmosphere. The issue 21 of MONU describes the current development and the extreme consequences of what this Interior Urbanism means. As Brendan Cormier emphasizes in his article Some Notes Towards an Interior Archipelago: 90% of our lives are spent inside. Urban life is an interior affair. This statement manifests the necessity to invert the canonical approach to read and plan cities, unfolding a new possible stream of research which considers how architecture affects our everyday life. Climate, or the need to erase the atmospheric conditions, is one of the trigger factors of the production of interior urbanism. Michael Piper and James Khamsi in Endless Architecture: Accidental Manifestos for the Interior state that the interior has grown to become an endless type of urban form which provides an indoor urbanism between the malls of Toronto producing a protected shelter against a hostile climate. The system grew until the inclusion of the public buildings such as the station and the city hall overpassing the threshold of the commercial status of this air-conditioned environment. As described in the essay of Inge Goudsmit and Adrienne Simons, maybe the most extreme scenario of indoor urbanism is the case of Hong Kong, where for specific contextual constraints such as the tropical climate and the lack of space, not only the city developed vertically but also the public space defined a network of inner connections where common life develops. Assuming as cases, the extremes of Canada and tropical China, it seems that the necessity for a hospitable public environment, despite the climate, is nowadays an unavoidable condition for the contemporary cities. This need for well tempered buildings represents an important factor for the homogenization of architecture worldwide, even stronger than the cultural one. If it is true that certain internal conditions are able to create new urban spaces (as in the cases described above) the opposite is also true, that some buildings have assumed a character of indoor urbanity. One example is the article by Jonathan A. Scelsa Enfiladed Grids, The Museum as City, which highlights how museums are taking the configuration and the spatial experience of a city through the wise use of the intermezzo or the connective space between exhibition rooms such as in the work of OMA, REX, Jean Nouvel and SANAA. This condition of blurring between interior and exterior is well described in the interview of Winy Maas, where the metaphor of a 3D Nolli, in relation to the Nolli Map (1784) which first represented the enclosed publicly built surface as part of a continuum with the open spaces of Rome, is used as a tool to interpret a new generation of indoor public spaces like the Market Hall in Rotterdam. Scale and urban density, in the words of Winy Maas, are the activators of this kind of internal condition where the boundary between interior and exterior is totally blurred. Reversing the traditional figure/ground opposition defined by Nolli Map, the poché which represents the private buildings unfold another, less porous, dimension of interior urbanism. In Some Notes Towards an Interior Archipelago, Brendan Cormier describes as an urban paradigm, the network of places that hosts the daily life of human beings. Far from the radical scenarios described by Archizoom in the No-stop City, our everyday life is not the one of the free man in an open indoor environment but rather it is confronted with the problems of ownership, differentiation and exclusivity, that define the gradient of permeability of this continuous interior. Visible and invisible boundaries restrict the possibility of wandering. In a moment in which, through the social networks, our lives have become public in almost every aspect, the interior has become the eminent space of privacy and thus intimacy and freedom. In our opinion this different approach, so widely explored in MONU 21 in all its different aspects, represents a useful tool to overpass the dichotomy between the city as a system and the building as an object. If in fact we assume that there is a unifying field that relates to all the objects which compose the city, the urban dimension is no longer a matter of juxtaposition. With MONU 20 about Geographical Urbanism, this issue challenges the scale through which we are used to reading/to interpreting the city: from XS to XXL questions, there is a need to understand urban phenomena defining the new extents for urban life. Claudia Mainardi and Giacomo Ardesio. Both of them graduated in Architecture at the Milan Politecnico, they are both part of the collective Fosbury Architecture and they are currently working at OMA in Rotterdam. 03-11-14 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #22 - TRANSNATIONAL URBANISM Sailing beyond the Pillars of Hercules, Image by David Potente, ©David Potente Around six years ago, our issue #8 entitled "Border Urbanism" focused on urban phenomena that appear in cities that are located close to nation-state borders. We were fascinated by the fact that when cities are located close to borders, they often foster very specific economic features or urban anomalies, which cannot be found in cities located in the very centre of a country. Wherever two jurisdictions come into contact, special opportunities seem to arise. We showed how cities that are located close to borders could be described as isolated islands, where a different type of life is possible, and as places conducive to experiments, utopia and dystopia. With this new issue of MONU we would like to expand on, and complement, the topic of "Border Urbanism" through the topic of "Transnational Urbanism"...continue reading in Submit. 20-10-14 // MONU #21 ON INTERIOR URBANISM RELEASED While our world is progressively becoming more urban everywhere, a process is on its way that seems to penetrate increasingly every part of our life and does not appear to stop at the thresholds of our buildings, but influences interior spaces, in particular public interior spaces, as much as everything else... continue reading in Issues and get a printed copy in Order . This issue is supported by University of Leuvens Master of Human Settlements, University of Leuvens Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning, University of Liechtensteins Master (MSc) of Architecture, Inside - Master Interior Architecture, Erasmus University Rotterdams Institute of Urban Management (IHS), and Incognitas Architecture Trips. Find out more about MONU's supporters in Support. 18-08-14 // MONU #20 WILL BE ON DISPLAY AT THE VANCOUVER ART/ BOOK FAIR On October 4 and 5, 2014 MONU's issue #20 on Geographical Urbanism will be exhibited on the Vancouver Art/Book Fair. Free and open to the public, the Vancouver Art/Book Fair is the only international art book fair in Canada and one of only two on the West Coast. In 2014 the event is anticipated to attract over 1,500 visitors from across the Greater Vancouver Area and beyond. by Project Space, the Vancouver Art/Book Fair is a two-day festival of artists publishing featuring nearly one hundred local, national and international publishers, as well as a diverse line-up of programs, performances and installations. Featured artists travel to Vancouver from across Canada and the globe, and produce everything from books, magazines, zines and printed ephemera to digital, performative or other experimental forms of publication. 30-04-14 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #21 - INTERIOR URBANISM Interior of João Batista Vilanova Artigas' School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, 1969. When a few years ago we at MONU made the huge mistake of travelling in August to Tokyo, the warmest month of the year in this part of the humid subtropical climate-zone, we were constantly forced to find shelter in the public air-conditioned interiors of the city. But what we experienced there had, due to the dimensions and quality of the spaces, very little to do with the interconnected public interior spaces of bad repute of the past,...continue reading in Submit. 14-04-14 // MONU #20 ON GEOGRAPHICAL URBANISM RELEASED Contrary to the simplified linear causality of the environmentalism of the past, which posited that natural geography shapes urban patterns, it is now thought that contemporary urbanization shapes the surface of the earth. Nikos Katsikis explains this tremendous current shift in the meaning of physical geography for cities in his contribution "On the Geographical Organization of World Urbanization", putting the discussion of the 20th issue of MONU on the topic "Geographical Urbanism" in a historical context. For Bernardo Secchi this is not much of a problem as he is no fan of natural geography anyway, a position he reveals in our interview with him entitled "Working with Geography"...continue reading in Issues and get a printed copy in Order . 27-03-14 // MONU IN ALL ABOUT MAGS MONU Magazine is featured in the publication All ABOUT MAGS that is published by the China-based publishing house SendPoints. SendPoints is distributing design books from their offices in Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai. MAGS aims to introduce excellent and distinctive magazines from around the world. According to them each of the 61 featured magazines stand out for its eye-catching design, layout, font system as well as its distinctive publishing 10-01-14 // MONU IN SHANGHAI, ARNHEM, BASEL Independent Magazines Biennale, Arnhem From 11 January - 9 March, 2014 MONU #14 on Editing Urbanism will be exhibited in Shanghai (Archizines at the University of Hong Kong), from 28 March - 29 March MONU #19 on Greater Urbanism will be featured in Arnhem (Independent Magazines Biennale), and from 17 June - 22 June MONU #20 on Geographical Urbanism, to be released by the middle of April, will be on display in Basel (Art Fair Basel) . 02-12-13 // GET COPIES OF MONU WITH A DISCOUNT OF UP TO 30% As of today MONU Magazine offers special discounts of up to 30% on all available issues (the selection shown is only an example). 10% discount if you order 2 copies of any available issue of MONU (+ shipping) 20% discount if you order 4 copies of any available issue of MONU (+ shipping) 30% discount if you order 6 copies of any available issue of MONU (+ shipping) Please e-mail your order to email@example.com . 01-11-13 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #20 - GEOGRAPHICAL URBANISM The Distant Mountain, Superstudio, 1971 Could geography, by which we mean the physical geography and in particular the natural geographical features such as landforms, terrain types, or bodies of water that are largely defined by their surface form and location in the landscape, be the last hope of the planet's ever expanding, continuously transforming, and increasingly identical and indefinable urban territories to remain distinguishable and to gain a particular identity in the future? Do hills, cliffs, valleys, rivers, oceans, seas, lakes, streams, canals, or any other kind of geographical feature have the power, in an ever more globalized world in which progressively cities and their architecture look the same, to provide meaning and significance to places, their inhabitants, and users or will all such elements only contribute to an identity that is merely like a mantra as Rem Koolhaas predicted once in "The Generic City"?...continue reading in Submit. 14-10-13 // MONU #19 ON GREATER URBANISM RELEASED It appears that cities of today, and especially big cities, all around the world, are all struggling with similar problems, as they all have developed huge territories - their metropolitan or "greater" areas - during the twentieth century that cannot be properly understood by anyone in terms of their form, but that now need to be recognized as something that truly exists, because it is a form that is in perpetual transformation and without limits.This is where Antoine Grumbach sees the main difficulty when it comes to "Greater Urbanism" as he explains in an interview with us entitled "Unlimited Greatness"...continue reading in Issues and get a printed copy in Order . 13-09-13 // MONU MAGAZINE IS EXHIBITED IN LISBON, VILNIUS, CHICAGO, AND VANCOUVER From 12 - 22 September MONU Magazine is exhibited in the Arts Centre of Foundation Serra Henriques in Lisbon, Portugal as an Associated Project of the 2013 Lisbon Architecture Triennale. From 13 - 15 September MONU #18 on "Communal Urbanism" (photo) is on display at the Vilnius Book Festival in Lithuania. The Festival is bringing Lithuanian and foreign authors, artists, publishers and intelectuals together. In accordance with traditions of other book festivals worldwide, the Vilnius Book Festival events will go on to continue in cafes, clubs and bookshops in the oldtown. From 13 September - 2 November, MONU Magazine is presented at the Public Works Gallery in Chicago, USA. From 5 - 6 October, MONU #18 will be featured at the Art/Book Fair in Vancouver, Cananda. The Vancouver Art/Book Fair is a two-day festival of artists publishing that features nearly one hundred local, national and international publishers of books, magazines, zines, printed ephemera and digital or other experimental forms of publication, as well as on-site programs, performances and installations. 07-08-13 // MONU #18 IS FEATURED IN GERMANYS LARGEST DAILY NEWSPAPER: THE SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG MONU #18 has been featured in the weekend edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung on August 3. MONU appeared in the article entitled Hier ist die ganze Welt Papier (Here the entire world is paper). MONU was featured among other journals as a proof that printed publications are not dead when it comes to independent magazines. The Süddeutsche Zeitung is published in Munich and is the largest German national subscription daily newspaper with an average of 441.955 daily sold copies. The title, often abbreviated SZ, literally translates as South German Newspaper. It is read throughout Germany by 1.1 million readers daily and boasts a relatively high circulation abroad. 19-07-13 // MONU #18 IN PARIS From July 1st 7th MONU #18 was exhibited at the CENTQUATRE in Paris (5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris). The exhibition entitled Habiter le Grand Paris was focused around the results of the Atelier International du Grand Paris. 26-06-13 // MONU #18 IS EXHIBITED IN BASEL MONU's issue #18 was exhibited at Basel's "LISTE", one of the most important fairs for contemporary young art in the world, from 11 - 16 June 2013. For 18 years, the fair has been making relevant contributions to the promotion of young artists and galleries. The intentionally low number of 66 galleries and the high level of sophistication of those galleries are reasons for LISTEs extraordinary success, international reputation and drawing power. (Image: Artwork by Cory Arcangel, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Ryan McGinley, and Dawn Mellor) 10-06-13 // THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY MONUS MOST VALUABLE URBANISM DEBATE On February 10, 2011 MONU Magazine organized a debate entitled Most Valuable Urbanism Debate that aimed to find out what distinguishes a bad Dutch city from a good Dutch city, and what role architects and urban designers play in the production of valuable urbanism. Excerpts of this debate were published in MONU #14. The debate on one of the previous issues, MONU #13: Most Valuable Urbanism, was moderated by Piet Vollaard. The debate panel included three people with three different ideological backgrounds: Jaap van den Bout, Adriaan Geuze, and Floris Alkemade. After a brief introduction by MONUs editor-in-chief Bernd Upmeyer, and preceding the debate, each of the panel members was asked to make 10 -12 minute statements. Info about the debate: Titel: Most Valuable Urbanism Host: MONU Magazine on Urbanism Introduction: Bernd Upmeyer Moderator: Piet Vollaard Panel members: Floris Alkemade, Jaap van den Bout, Adriaan Geuze Location: De Machinist, Willem Buytewechstraat 45, 3024 BK Rotterdam Time: 19:00 22:00 Organisation and Conception: Beatriz Ramo, Bernd Upmeyer Transcription: STAR: Philip Vandermey, Francesca Rizzetto Video and Audio Recording: Selena Savic, Chris Baronavski Video Editing: Matas iupinskas, Selena Savic John Lennon Photo: Bob Gruen (The image is courtesy of John Lennons estate) Thanks to Andre Kempe for suggesting ideas for this debate. This debate has been made possible by the Creative Industries Fund NL. 15-05-13 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #19 - GREATER URBANISM Video stills of the opening title sequence of the American television drama "The Sopranos". ©HBO "Tony Soprano is emerging from the Lincoln Tunnel, entering the New Jersey Turnpike, one of the Greater New York Roads, and finally pulling into the driveway of his suburban home." Are cities becoming "greater" these days? When two years ago, in our 14th issue of MONU Magazine entitled "Editing Urbanism", we claimed that in the Western world, the need for new buildings and city districts was decreasing or even ceasing to exist altogether due to demographic changes and financially difficult times, we did not believe in all those new, big-scale, and long-term urban development strategies for the metropolitan areas of certain European cities that were being proposed at the time. The growth numbers that plans such as "Greater Helsinki" envisioned for the year 2050, trying to brand the city as one of the most dynamic metropolises in Europe, predicting a population growth from 1.3 million to 2 million, were too exuberant and too vast...continue reading in Submit. 23-04-13 // MONU #18 ON COMMUNAL URBANISM RELEASED Music: Supertramp, Give A Little Bit, 1977 How should we live together? is the central question of this 18th issue of MONU on the topic of "Communal Urbanism", focusing on contemporary communal living in cities. According to Martin Abbott's contribution "Learning to Live Together", this is a question often discussed among the housemates of Berlin's 40 year old communal "Hausprojekt Walde". Rainer Langhans, one of the early members of the legendary "Kommune 1", founded in Berlin in 1967, is convinced that in the future we will live increasingly communally. He sees a growing demand for, and interest in, communal life and shared experiences as he explains in our interview with him entitled "Privacy and Ecstasy". But in contrast to his own experiences in Kommune 1, where he experienced an uninterrupted, 24/7, spiritual communal ecstasy of love, the communal life of the future will instead be characterized by temporary communities, where people meet and share spaces, facilities and experiences occasionally, similar to his own current communal life...continue reading in Issues and order a printed copy in Order . 01-02-13 // NEXT URBANISM DISCUSSION ON THE ARCHINED MONU #17 explored how cities of the "Next Eleven" countries are already different and will be different in the future, from the cities of the "BRICs", but also from the ones of the "MEDCs"- the more economically developed countries, such as the Netherlands - in terms of their politics, their economies, their geographies, their cultures, their social aspects, their technology, their ecology and in the relation to their physical structures, such as their architecture. We and the ArchiNed would like to continue the discussion on the topic of "Next Urbanism" as we believe that there is still more to learn from cities in the Next Eleven countries. Therefore we invited Dutch architects and urbanists that are currently working in cities of one of the Next Eleven countries and architects and urbanists that were born in one of the Next Eleven countries and are currently working in the Netherlands to write about their experiences and to reflect on differences and similarities between both environments. The first in this series are the observations of Paul van der Voort, a Dutch architect living and working in Mexico City. 25-01-13 // BERND UPMEYER LECTURES AT STRELKA Bernd Upmeyer will lecture about the concept and practice of MONU Magazine on Urbanism at the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow on January 30, 2013. He will furthermore participate in the discussion about architecture, urbanism and media at Strelkas Urban Studies Session on the same day. 07-01-13 // MONU #1 IS REPRINTED After being sold out for more than seven years MONU's very first issue on the topic of Paid Urbanism has been reprinted and is available again now. Witness the beginnings of MONU Magazine and get a printed copy for €10 at Order. Editorial from June 2004: Our experience of urban life today exists as it does because we have a complex system of subsidies interacting with our urban geography. Taxes, once extracted from the market economy cycle back to the masses as paid urbanism. Used wisely or not, spread fairly or unfairly, this money is probably one of the strongest forces animating our urban conditions today. The places we live in today are in many ways shaped by government spending - Subsidized Landscapes. Since the 90s, big enthusiasm about total privatization has subsided. Nowadays, everybody realizes that there is a need to keep certain things in the hand of public administration. Redistribution of enormous revenue is a commonly accepted means of keeping civil democratic societies working. Government intervention, taxing and spending are the terms we use to describe this state. Caught in an enormous network of redistribution that pervades everything and everybody, the power and influence of these processes rarely makes itself visible; we are never fully aware. A Kafkaesque web of bureaucracies constantly recreates and resuscitates our urban landscapes. Drifting through cities with their thousands of invisible dependencies and relationships, no one person can exactly define what keeps everything alive. Everything seems to be vibrant, but somewhere down the line, there are crosscutting streams and flows of decisions and administration behind it. It has been paid for. The multitudinous products of paid urbanism are hard to identify or define, but lie hidden behind every stone of the city. The effects of paid urbanism on urban settings cannot be overemphasized - without paid urbanism, cities as we know them would not exist. This first issue shines a number of spotlights into the thicket of subsidies and paid urbanism. What do networks of subsidies look like in fields like housing and farming in the US and what are their consequences for cities? What are the aesthetic impacts and absurdities of paid urbanism in places as different as Chicago, Coney Island (NYC) and Thuringen (Eastern Germany). We feature projects that rethink the networks of paid urbanism and essays that reflect on the interwoven history of subventions and urbanism. Imagining the Subsidized Landscape by CUP; After Growth by CASE with Reinier de Graaf; Urban Distortion by Shireen A. Barday and Damon W. Root; Urban Money Beats Global Money by Hans-Henning von Winning; The Paid Urbanism Project by Thomas Soehl and Bernd Upmeyer; SpaMania by Kai Jonas; Is a Bathtub Still a Bathtub on Mars? by William Alatriste; Richard J. Daley’s Chicago Civic Center and the Modernist Urban Landscape by Emily Pugh 19-11-12 // MONU AS CHRISTMAS PRESENT: DISCOUNTS FROM 10 TO 40% As of today and until December 31, 2012 MONU Magazine offers special discounts of up to 40% on all available issues. 10% discount if you order 2 copies of MONU (+ shipping) 20% discount if you order 4 copies of MONU (+ shipping) 30% discount if you order 6 copies of MONU (+ shipping) 40% discount if you order 8 copies of MONU (+ shipping) 20% discount if you order 1 bag of MONU (+ shipping) Please e-mail your order to firstname.lastname@example.org . 15-11-12 // CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS POSTER FOR MONU #18 Support MONU Magazines global dialogue on urbanism and print and post this CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS POSTER for MONU #18 on the topic of COMMUNAL URBANISM in your faculty, institute, or in your communal kitchen. 01-11-12 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #18 - COMMUNAL URBANISM Meal in a Political Commune (1968) © Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Photo credit: Günter Zint One of the most fascinating things we at MONU recently experienced during a trip to Brasilia had nothing to do with its famous Oscar Niemeyer monuments or the city itself, but with the context surrounding the city. After two tiring days in the city and having read in a guidebook that in certain regions around Brasilia extra-terrestrial contacts are supposed to be more likely, which provoked the emergence of a number of cults and communes, we decided to rent a car to visit those places...continue reading in Submit. 16-10-12 // MONU #17 ON NEXT URBANISM RELEASED This new issue of MONU is dedicated entirely to the topic of "Next Urbanism" - meaning the urbanism of the cities of the so-called "Next Eleven" or "N-11", which include eleven countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, and Vietnam. These countries have been identified as growing into, along with the BRICs - Brazil, Russia, India, and China - the world's largest economies in the 21st century. Next to interviews with Saskia Sassen and with the Nigerian-born architect Kunlé Adeyemi, and a series of contributions that discuss Next Urbanism in general, we feature eleven articles that focus specifically on the cities of each of the Next Eleven countries...continue reading in Issues and order a printed copy in Order . 30-07-12 // THE IDEOLOGY OF PUBLICATION CONVERSATION WITH BERND UPMEYER Bernd Upmeyer has been interviewed by the Beijing-based magazine WAI on the topic of ideology. The results of the conversation have been published in their second issue. WAI: MONU is willing to explore the concept of urbanism from every possible angle, including the social, political, ideological and artistic spheres. However, something that is not being discussed is the contribution of MONU to the visual culture of architectural publications. An important element of the unique attraction of MONU is its layout (varying from article to article), typography and provocative covers that have featured Godzilla, Jesus, Marilyn Monroe, Superman, and John Lennon. Was the aesthetic approach for MONU a derivative of the content or was it a choice assumed from the beginning as a main concept for the magazine? Bernd Upmeyer: The fact that every article is different in terms of the layout was a clear choice from the beginning and we have been applying that concept ever since although a little less wildly today. From the beginning, this choice was meant to emphasize the multiplicity and diversity of the articles and viewpoints and, on the other hand, the result of the fact that I always had trouble with magazines in which I got lost, not knowing whether one article ends, another one starts or images in between are merely advertisements. Some magazines are doing that excessively. I have always considered that very annoying. Therefore, this principle of the layout is not a derivative of the content however, the emphasis on diversity clearly is. Principally MONUs content always comes first and its layout only serves the content and its readability. MONUs visual culture should not be overrated. When it comes to the covers, we started very naïvely, not knowing how relevant and important a meaningful and attractive cover for a magazine is. We started getting a bit of a clue when the magazine was already three years old and on display and for sale in more and more bookshops. Seeing the magazine on the shelves, especially in the bookshops in Rotterdam, made us think more about its cover, as the cover was the only thing people would see while walking around the store. In addition to that we recognized an increasing interest in the magazine and the moment more people are looking at you, you better get a better haircut, so as not to look like a fool. Thus, you can say that ever since the summer of 2006, starting with issue #5, we are putting more energy in finding interesting and inspiring images that represent the content of each issue. Since the Godzilla on the cover of #5 we are trying to provide more direct access to the still invisible content of each issue. But it is not simply about provocation, but more about the belief that a magazine with uncompromising and daring content also needs uncompromising and daring covers. While the value of MONU as a platform for open discussion and experimental speculation is undeniable, the importance of strategies such as the open call for contributions should not be overlooked. Recent exhibitions like Archizines highlight a resurgence of independent publications that very often are created following this selection tool. When you created MONU, did you see it as an independent exercise or did you anticipate its paradigmatic potential? By the same token, do you feel that MONU, apart from its intellectual contributions, has served as a model for a young generation of independent magazines? BU: No, we definitely could not foresee its paradigmatic potential, but we were only hoping that it would help us making an interesting magazine. You have to understand that by the time we founded the magazine, we neither knew how to make a magazine, nor did we know any writers or potential contributors. We had no network whatsoever. Not that we believe in networks. Today, we actually avoid making use of our network, as we want to keep the magazine open to new people while avoiding inviting people that we know as most magazines traditionally do. But what is a choice today was a constraint in the past, as we simply had no idea how to get contributors for the magazine. We had a lot of ideas for topics, but no ideas for authors. Therefore, the open call for contributions was for us at that moment the only way to start a magazine. That we receive today so many proposals and submissions of such a high standard is incredible and fantastic and we are very grateful for that. I would be very happy if MONU served as a model for a young generation of independent magazines as I feel that that we truly did some kind of pioneering work here. As I mentioned before, in 2004, when we introduced the device of open calls for contributions in our first issue as a tool of finding contributors, this was not common for architectural and urbanism magazines. Being a role model shows that we have created something meaningful and interesting. That is a big honour for the magazine itself and for its authors. But what is more important is that in recent years MONU has contributed to bringing back a new critical edge to the architectural and urban discourse and if this approach has inspired others to start similar magazines, that can only be judged positively. How would you describe the evolution of MONU from the first issues to the current ones and how do you envision the future of MONU? BU: The evolution of MONU has to be understood as a continuous attempt driven by tireless curiosity to improve the magazine with every single issue with regard to the diversity and quality of the contributions, the relevance of the articles in general and in relation to the particular topic of the issue, the relevance of each topic taken by itself, its appearance and layout, and finally its financial sustainability. In that sense, I believe that our last issue was the most elaborate however, most of the earlier issues contain a lot of very good and relevant contributions too, coupled with the charm of something that is in the process of becoming something very special and unique. I see the future of MONU in the same vein: as a magazine that will continuously improve, yet will continue to take risks and flirt with failure. And as long as people are still motivated to contribute and we are not getting tired of initiating new topics and investing time and energy into something that will probably never have a secure and stable financial base, MONU Magazine on Urbanism will keep looking forward to its next issue. entire conversation here. 23-07-12 // MONU IN SINGAPORE MONU Magazine has been invited to be exhibited in Singapore between 1st12th August 2012. MONU will participate in the so-called "THE U CAFÉ exhibition", to be held at the now defunct Tanjong Pagar Railway Station in Singapore. THE U CAFÉ launched in 2011 as an UNDERSCORE initiative to bring together independent cafés and magazines for good coffee and good reads. During its inaugural launch, THE U CAFÉ collaborated with 8 selected independent cafés to showcase a selection of over 30 international award-winning magazines. Over a duration of 3 months, café-goers were able to browse freely through the magazine library and enjoy specially created signature snacks and drinks. Due to the overwhelming customer response, THE U CAFÉ was extended an additional 3 months. U CAFÉ 2012 will feature a specialty one-off menu crafted by the good folks at The Plain. Visitors will be able to lounge in a library of select local and international magazines of distinct content, while enjoying scenic views of the historic Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. 07-05-12 // MONU IN NEW YORK, TOKYO AND BERLIN MONU Magazine on Urbanism is currently being exhibited in New York (Storefront for Art and Architecture (Image 1), 17 April 9 June 2012), Tokyo (Hillside Terrace Forum (Image 2), 3 May - 13 May 2012), and Berlin (do you read me?! (Image 3), 26 April - 26 May 2012). (The exhibitions in New York and Berlin are part of the Archizines World Tour curated and initiated by Elias Redstone) 30-04-12 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #17 - NEXT URBANISM (Image: ©BOARD. Original image: Photo still from Lewis Milestone's 1960 "Ocean's 11" film starring Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Joey Bishop. ©Warner Bros) Over the past ten years a lot has been researched, analyzed, written and said about cities in the largest developing countries and emerging economies such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Let us call it "BRIC Urbanism" as BRIC is the acronym that refers to these countries. Recently, however, things have changed and while time moved on, a new generation of emerging economies is on the march that might feature an urbanism different from anything seen before. This development has triggered our curiosity and we see it as urgent and necessary to understand what is happening in the cities of these newly emerging economies...continue reading in Submit. 17-04-12 // MONU #16 ON NON-URBANISM RELEASED The rural as a strict counterpart to the urban appears to be a condition of the past. At least, this is what Kees Christiaanse posits in an interview with us entitled "The New Rural: Global Agriculture, Desakotas, and Freak Farms". He points out that, today, non-urban spaces interact so frequently and intensely with urbanity that you can no longer describe something as strictly rural. Therefore, we can no longer separate the city from the countryside as these are not polarized entities and each other's enemies, but rather the result of each other. Evidently, to be an urbanist today means that one must also be a regionalist as Edward W. Soja puts it in his contribution "Remembrances of an Older Urbanism"...continue reading in Issues. To get a printed copy of this new issue, please e-mail your order to email@example.com. 23-03-12 // MONU #15 AT FACING PAGES FESTIVAL IN ARNHEM MONU's most recent issue #15 will be exhibited at the Facing Pages Festival in Arnhem, The Netherlands from 20 - 22 April 2012. Facing Pages is a biennial festival about independent magazines. With a three-day event, Facing Pages brings leading independent magazine makers and aficionados to Arnhem. The event shows what part the independent magazine currently plays in the development of our visual culture. Facing Pages is set up by Joost van der Steen and William van Giessen. 06-02-12 // MONU IN MILAN AND NEW YORK on Urbanism is currently being exhibited in the Spazio FMG in Milan (27 January 23 February 2012), Italy and will be exhibited in the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York from 17 April 9 June 2012. (Photos: Mauro Consilvio / SpazioFMG/ The exhibitions are part of the Archizines World Tour curated and initiated by Elias 24-01-12 // DO WE SIMPLY HAVE TO STOP HAVING SEX...? In August 2009 the editorial of MONU #11 on the topic of "Clean Urbanism" started with the lines "Do we simply have to stop having sex to produce Clean Urbanism - i.e. an urbanism that is dedicated to minimizing both the required inputs of energy, water, and food for a city as well as its waste output of heat, air pollution as CO2, methan, and water pollution, Samo Pedersen asks in his piece Sci-fi greenery..or just Responsibility?. In fact Randall Teal sees the growing world population frequently ignored in discussions on sustainability, as he points out in his article Coming Clean: Owning Up to the Real Demands of a Sustainable Existence. Fewer people spend less energy, and as the gas and oil supply will come to an end sooner or later, saving energy may be a cheaper and smarter solution for cities than depending on renewable energies, as Gerd Hauser, one of the leading researchers on the implementation of the EU Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings, explains in an interview with us, entitled Domes over Manhatten..." are now featured on a bag designed and produced by MONU Magazine. The bags were produced in a limited edition of 50 pieces. To get a single bag for €10,00 + shipping (NL €1,50; EU €2,55; WORLD €2,85) please e-mail your order to firstname.lastname@example.org . You will receive instructions and invoice through Paypal by e-mail. If you prefer to pay without PayPal, please let us know. 16-01-12 // MONU IN ARCHIZINES CATALOGUE MONU is featured in the Archizines Catalogue published by Bedford Press and edited by Elias Redstone. This catalogue, accompanying an exhibition curated by Elias Redstone for the Architectural Association, explores the relationship between architecture and publishing. Themes addressed in a series of new essays include the role of publishing in academia and architectural practice, and the representation of architecture in fictional writing, photography, magazines and fanzine culture. 02-01-12 // MONU MAGAZINE AVAILABLE IN INDIA After already being available in bookshops in Europe, Australia, and North America, MONU Magazine is now available in Asia too. As of today, all available issues of MONU can be purchased at Mumbai's Art & Design Book Store. An almost complete list of bookshops that carry MONU can be found in Order (scroll down). 22-12-11 // INTERVIEW WITH BERND UPMEYER AT ARCHIZINES EXHIBITION Curator Elias Redstone interviewed MONU's editor-in-chief Bernd Upmeyer for the Archizines Exhibition at London's Architectural Association. The answers were screened at the exhibition. Elias Redstone: What is the relationship between architecture and publishing? Bernd Upmeyer: To a certain extent, both architecture and publishing can be understood as processes of information production. Yet, neither architecture nor publishing should be completely reduced to the production of information. However, when I started publishing MONU magazine around seven years ago, after having been trained first and foremost as an architect, the first printed issue of MONU became in a way my first fully realized, or to put it more correctly, my first fully built project under my own name. In this way, and from my point of view, publishing and architecture were very closely related. Nevertheless, in my experience, the production of architecture is a much more active and narcissistic process, whilst the production of a publication is far more passive, more mediating and collaborative. ER: How do you edit architecture? Bernd Upmeyer: MONU magazine is first of all a magazine on urbanism that focuses on cities in a broader sense, including their politics, economies, geographies, their social aspects, but also their physical structures, the point where architecture comes into play. In that sense architecture is only one field of many in the magazine - fields which are all brought together under the umbrella term urbanism. When editing the magazine, I of course always try to select those contributions that are most relevant for the chosen topic for the particular issue in order to come to conclusions regarding the problem under discussion. But what I find actually more interesting about the question how I edit architecture is the impact that MONU can have on cities and thus on the built environment - the architecture. Because I believe that by putting certain topics on the agenda, the magazine is actually able to modify and even correct, and therefore edit, architecture by changing and manipulating the views and perspectives of its readers in a positive way, which will eventually also influence the built environments in our cities. ER: What is the role of printed matter in the digital age? Bernd Upmeyer: I think that the role of printed matter in the digital age is very much related to the costly, complicated and time-consuming way in which printed publications are produced and distributed. Everybody who has ever produced a printed publication knows what I am talking about. Even if you simply print your magazine on an ink-jet printer in your kitchen and staple it together by yourself, it still remains so much harder to do than publishing something online. And once you have made that kind of effort, you are not going to waste it on low-quality information. That fact alone secures a certain quality among printed publications. Furthermore, I believe that a certain fascination with materiality, with real and physical objects will never entirely disappear. Although MONU magazine is already available digitally as well, I could not imagine producing it only digitally at this moment. The idea that a magazine can be a physical object of art and not only a transmitter of information always appealed to me. ER: How are architectural publications changing? Bernd Upmeyer: I would be tempted to say that the increased accessibility and availability of information and the easier connectivity between people that the internet provides today, can only be judged positively. But whether it works for you as an advantage or disadvantage depends on your approach. The whole situation offers both: great opportunities, but also great dangers of misuse. Because what I see is that, especially over the last ten years, the situation has impacted and changed architectural publications in a lot of negative ways. The reality that producing a magazine became so much easier and faster than twenty years ago, resulted in the fact that today the shelves of bookshops, but also a huge number of internet websites, are groaning under the weight of an ever-growing stack of rather uncritical, low-quality and image-oriented architectural publications that will eventually hollow out the entire architectural profession. 19-12-11 // ACROBATIC NARRATIVES Excerpts from the interview (MONU #15 ) with Wouter Vanstiphout - member of Crimson Architectural Historians in Rotterdam and professor of Design and Politics at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft Technical University. Beatriz Ramo: We would like to discuss with you some delicate issues around the current understanding of ideology, or better, the flexibility and malleability that ideology has been put through until becoming a brand. From general, large-scale city strategies to much smaller interventions in Rotterdam, examples of success as branding operations but questionable in the transparency and honesty of its message, which is heavily loaded with rhetoric about the public, the social, the participatory, the creative etc. We are confronted by plenty of these ideologies which turn into highly hypocritical and unethical promotional strategies. How does one judge that? Would you be able to justify them? Wouter Vanstiphout: What I find is that it is difficult to distinguish between authentic social or ecological motivations, and motivations that are used as window dressing or smokescreens for something else. Today, even the most hard-nosed developer, corporate architect or neoliberal politician uses language of community and sustainability to the extent that there is nothing on the surface you can disagree with. ( ) BR: We see more and more groups and collectives that call themselves activists whose manifestoes lay in the social, urban participation, social action, etc. Although conceived with the best of intentions, often the results of their actions are closer to a celebration of themselves as the protagonists of their activism rather than a committed action with a serious outcome. What do you think about this urban activism displayed all around Europe? WV: There are offices that do it in an authentic way, out of a real feeling of anger or commitment and that is fantastic. And there are many offices that are exactly as you said There is a change in the cliché of the figure of the architect. Twenty years ago the cliché was a bit Spanish-looking: cultured, qualitative, formalist, intellectual And then Rem [Koolhaas] came and the architect became this ruthless robot man, destroying everything we found comfortable; being awful to everyone And everybody copied that model, from Ben van Berkel to every single Swiss architect in the world under 50. But now we have this third model: Alejandro Aravena, Alfredo Brillembourg, Alexander Vollebregt, my colleague from Delft, switching easily from Haitian slums to Lecture rooms, perfectly comfortable with UN Habitat and Worldbank bureaucrats, dressing with a certain hippie-chic, adored by their students for their empathy, approachability and enthusiasm, and most of all breathlessly admired for their willingness to talk about helping the world, eradicating poverty, emancipating the poor. ( ) BR: What I find distressing is how these architects or their actions are being used by authorities or institutions; like marriages of convenience. This profile: young + fresh + social activist has been fully institutionalized. ( ) WV: ( ) This strange lightness of these groups of architects is not really dangerous for society, its just useless for society it is just dangerous for themselves. That is why I am so fascinated with what many young offices are doing, will they succumb to the comfort zone of the creative industry deal, providing lightweight actions, that are really just designer objects, or will they find their own position, their own discourse, shed their roles of bad boys and girls in designer magazines and developer boardrooms? Bernd Upmeyer: In this a-critical moment, do these tricky and popular ideologies offer a great chance to designers and urban planners, who in the name of the social or the green can act with more freedom? WVS: Yes, but look at the roots of the a-critical attitude of present-day architects. Dont you agree that the preachings of Rem Koolhaas of the early 1990s, against a critical attitude towards the mega-urbanization in Asia, was a pioneering moment in this a-critical attitude? Critics of the autocratic regimes in Singapore, China, later the Arab states, were being castigated and silenced for being arrogant and neo-colonial. I always found this an exasperating rhetorical trick; especially because you could not help thinking that it was self-serving, because the direction of this a-criticality always moved in the same direction as the offices portfolio. So you always got the feeling, that not the countrys government was being shielded, but the ethics of the office itself. ( ) BU: With what kind of urban ideologies do you think we are dealing at the moment? How do they relate to urban ideologies of the past? WV: I continuously go back to 1980s and 1990s. Embracing monster capitalist machines was kind of sexy, attractive. Today cities are looked at as products that have to compete on a global level and they are manipulated by people that operate at that global level, from the outside. I started losing my belief in this metropolitanism. ( ) BU: Once we accept the failure and impossibility of true ideologies, how do you see the tendency of borrowing the esthetics and imagery of brilliant past ideologies and stripping them from their meaning and turning them into current dogmas? BR: For example, the fascination with the images from Superstudios Monumento Continuo, which were made to fiercely criticize capitalism, globalization, and the last Modern Movement of the sixties, but now these images are taken almost as real architecture proposals because of their striking beauty and monumentality. Isnt it a little awkward the usage of images without regard their initial meaning? WsV: I agree with this. But I even think that there is something more desperate about it. What you see is that ideology has become esthetics itself. It is something that you can buy You also see this with some of the neo-neorationalist architectural hypes being taught at the AA, Harvard, and the Berlage Institute, this armchair flirting with communism and socialism, without any real political engagement. Within the world of architecture, dead and buried ideologies are being used as designer objects, attributes or talisman, that get you access to tenure tracks, magazines and conferences. I find it extremely perverse because it creates this jargon problem, this extremely incomprehensible elitist language. The language of architecture theory has becomes so convoluted, so obtuse, so . That even the dumbest person can use it, because it just does not make any sense anyway. ( ) 08-12-11 // ARTIST NO MORE MONU's editor-in-chief Bernd Upmeyer has been interviewed by the Milan-based magazine "STUDIO". STUDIO: Officially today we live in an urbanized world. More than 50% of humanity live in urban contexts. Is this the age of urbanity or the age of the crises complexity? Bernd Upmeyer: If you ask me like that I would rather say that it is the age of urbanity, because crises always happened. It is not that we are just now having a lot of crises and we never had them before. But I also don't see exactly the relation between the age of urbanity and the crises we are facing at moment. First of all you have to define what kind of crises you're talking about. Today we are dealing for example with three main crises: the financial crisis, the climate crisis, but also the geo-political crisis. STUDIO: So this is not an urban topic? BU: That depends on what crisis you are talking about. The current financial crisis, for example, has of course an impact on cities, but cities did not produce the financial crisis to begin with. If you wish to talk about the relation of the climate crisis to cities, then you can of course also say that the recent enormous population growths of cities did not make the situation easier. However, we can speak of an urban age, mainly because of the vast movements of people from the countryside to the cities, which happened especially in Asia - a tendency that does not happen so much in the Western world, where cities are rather shrinking. ...continue reading the entire interview here. 30-11-11 // MONU AT MELANCHOTOPIA MONU Magazine is currently part of the Melanchotopia exhibition at Rotterdam's Witte de With Gallery. For the duration of Melanchotopia, Witte de With is home to Pro qm from Berlin. Their owners have curated a special selection of titles to further explore the themes of Melanchotopia and include these together with books of the artists represented in the exhibition. Melanchotopia is an exhibition that invites more than forty international artists to work with different venues in the city-center of Rotterdam places where people live and work and to activate their potential as spaces for ideas, discourse and invention. From large-scale interventions to very simple gestures, Melanchotopia supports a range of artistic practices that go beyond the classical approach to displaying art in public space. Working with the existing dynamics of the city, Witte de Withs intention is to bring forward the diverse layers of daily life in Rotterdam, creating a rich framework for subjective encounters. It is an exhibition about the reality of Rotterdam. Today, Rotterdam seems to be on hold between its past and its future: filled with nostalgia for the pre-WWII city and in wait for the utopian future, which is perpetually stalled in unfinished developments and reconstructions. Projections about yesterday and tomorrow drive the image of the city, that seems to lack a present. Melanchotopia performs the present of the city through the specific practice of each artist. Over the course of the exhibition (and remaining active until 31 December 2011) Witte de Withs galleries is reconfigured to become the epicenter of Melanchotopia. The projects, which spread throughout Rotterdams center, are brought together via a graphic mapping. Several art works and installations are also on show inside the epicenter and it is the site for numerous events. (description from Witte de With's website) 21-11-11 // MONU #15 ON POST-IDEOLOGICAL URBANISM RELEASED This new MONU issue on the topic of Post-Ideological Urbanism probably touches on one of the most fascinating and biggest issues of our time and in our culture, or what is left of it: the non-ideological - or better post-ideological - conditions of our society when it comes to cities. Today, ideology appears to have become, and to have been reduced to, something merely aesthetic, something you can buy yourself into as Wouter Vanstiphout explains in an interview with us entitled "Acrobatic Narratives". In that sense cities have become suspicious territories where hypocrisy and fakery prevail when it comes to urban ideologies and one wishes to have some kind of optical device that detects all the lies, similar to a kind of night vision infrared technology that Thomas Ruff used in his "Nacht Series" applying the same technology that was used during the Gulf War...continue reading in Issues. To get a printed copy of this new issue, please e-mail your order to email@example.com. The digital version can be downloaded on iTunes and Pocket Mags...more information can be found in Order . 07-11-11 // ARCHIZINES EXHIBITION OPENED IN LONDON The ARCHIZINES exhibition opened successfully on 5 November in the Front Members' Room at the AA School, 36 Bedford Square, London. The exhibition features MONU's issue #14 together with 59 other international magazines and runs until 14 December 2011. MONU #14 is the most recent issue of the magazine, which illustrates very well where we stand at the moment. It displays its mature status and its achievement in surviving and prospering over the years. This issue is important because it shows how the magazine has developed since its foundation more than seven years ago from a very small, stapled together, black and white publication to one of the most relevant and one of the main independent publications focused exclusively on urbanism. Ever since the summer of 2004, when MONU's first issue on the topic of "Paid Urbanism" appeared, two issues were released regularly every year. This current issue of MONU shows more than ever that even in market-driven and post-critical times, a non-conformist niche publication such as MONU magazine, that collects critical articles, images, concepts, and urban theories from architects, urbanists and theorists from around the world, can exist and find its place of pride without bowing to "market forces". (Bernd Upmeyer's answer to Archizine's question "Why this issue is important and why it was selected for the exhibition?") (Image 1+2: Valerie Bennett; Image 3: Sue Barr) 01-11-11 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #16 - NON-URBANISM (Image: "Jeffrey returns to his home town from College to visit his father in hospital. On his way back from the hospital he happens to find a severed ear in the overgrown fields behind his home." Blue Velvet (1986), David Lynch. @De Laurentiis Entertainment Group) Some six years ago and in one of our first issues - MONU #4 - one of the contributors explained "how suburbs destroy democracy" when people live in high degree of residential and cultural isolation and individualism. By that time he could not have forecasted that...continue reading in Submit. 28-09-11 // MONU #14 AT FUTUR CULTUR FESTIVAL IN TOKYO During the summer MONU's issue #14 has been exhibited in Tokyo as part of the Futur Cultur Festival. The event was dedicated to those in the Tohoku region who lost their homes in the aftermath of the march 11th earthquake and tsunami. A short video of the event can be found on vimeo and a photo report on Designboom. 14-09-11 // MONU AT THE AA IN LONDON The Architectural Association in London is hosting an ARCHIZINES exhibition in London from 5 November to 14 December 2011. MONU will be showcased together with 59 other architectural magazines, fanzines and journals from 20 countries around the world and include video interviews with their creators. Launched by Elias Redstone as an online research project in January 2011, with art direction by Folch Studio, Archizines celebrates and promotes a recent resurgence of alternative and independent architectural publishing. From the photocopied newsletter to beautifully bound magazines, each fanzine is a creative platform for the subject and the author. Together they provide a rich and unique window into how people relate to the spaces we inhabit. Across the world, publications are cultivating architectural commentary, criticism and research. Bucking the current trend for digital media, architects, artists and academics are producing printed matter that adds a dynamic, and often radical, voice to architectural discourse. Each magazine will be on show, while their authors will be represented in video interviews talking about their work. 08-07-11 // MONU #7 REPRINTED After being sold out for about three years, MONU #7 on the topic of 2nd Rate Urbanism has been reprinted and is now available. To give a few examples, MONU #7 featured an interview with Floris Alkemade/OMA entitled "Dumped in Almere"; "I ROTterdam" by Charles Bessard and Nanne de Ru/ Powerhouse Company; and the "The Re-Creation of the European City" by Beatriz Ramo/ STAR. Browse the entire reprinted issue #7 on YouTube here. In an increasingly connected world the economic realities are precarious for most 2nd rate cities. In the competition for jobs and an ever expanding tax base, 2nd rate cities are in a squeeze between the suburbs where land is even cheaper and even more accessible by car on the one side, and the real attractive 1st rate urban areas that draw the highly educated and the creative on the other side. And since planning down to a suburb is not an option that is considered by most cities, the fight for the survival of 2nd rate cities is to attract more urban assets...continue reading here. 07-06-11 // MONU IS AVAILABLE DIGITALLY As of today, MONU Magazine on Urbanism is available digitally as an IPAD Application for Magazines using Apples' iPad, iPhone and MAC products. At the moment the available issues include MONU #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, and #13. They can be downloaded on 17-05-11 // MONU #13 IS EXHIBITED IN PRAGUE MONU's issue #13 is currently exhibited at the Czech Design Gallery in Prague. The exhibition is entitled "We are closing in 21 days" and runs from May 9 until May 30, 2011. The event is organized by Oldschool - a group project of three designers from Prague working in the field of visual communication, graphic design and fashion. The aim of the event is, apart from presenting fashion, to introduce foreign independent publishing to a wider czech audience. 02-05-11 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #15 - POST-IDEOLOGICAL URBANISM Today we find ourselves in a jealous mood, yet at the same time disillusioned, looking back to the times when revolutionary urban ideologies were not only conceived but actually, unlike today, also truly believed in. Just think about the passionate ideas of the Situationist International, ...read the rest of the new call for submissions in Submit (Image: Dexter, ready to kill. ©Showtime) 18-04-11 // MONU #14 - EDITING URBANISM RELEASED Despite the current urgency to deal with the enormous potential of the already existing urban material as Urban Editors, there seems still to be an enormous lack of interest in topics such as urban and architectural restoration, preservation, renovation, redevelopment, renewal or adaptive reuse of old structures among architects and urban designers. But ignorance in this matter can only be dismissed as socially irresponsible and economically and culturally unacceptable. But what might be the reason for the prevailing ignorance? Who is to blame? Why is Urban Editing considered to be so utterly unattractive?...continue reading here 12-04-11 // MONU AT MILAN DESIGN WEEK MONU magazine will be exhibited and presented at the Milan Design Week 2011 from April 12 - 17. Bernd Upmeyer will speak about MONU on Friday, April 15 at 6pm at the Chiedi alla Polvere, via Cola Montano 24, Milan. MONU will be part of the Green Island. (Image: Vessel One by Adam Farlie, photo ©Adam Farlie, Milan Design Week 2009) 21-03-11 // MONU IS EXHIBITED IN ARANJUEZ, SPAIN MONU is exhibited in the Espacio para el Arte y la Cultura (Espacio para el Arte y la Cultura, C/ San Antonio, 49, 28300 Aranjuez, Spain) in Aranjuez, a town located 48km south of Madrid. The exhibition opens on March 22 at 19:00 with a music session by the Sindicalistas / Autoplacer and runs until May 22, 2011. 01-03-11 // MONU WILL BE PRESENTED AT BASEL'S YOUNG ART FAIR MONU will be presented at Basel's Young Art Fair entitled LISTE from June 14 - 19, 2011. LISTE is the discoverer fair for young galleries and young art. Every year since its opening in 1996, the LISTE has presented new and important galleries and highly contemporary young art. The LISTE's concept of introducing galleries in general no more than 5 years old and artists under 40 has been at the heart of its being one of the most important fairs for young art and still being considered one of the art worlds most important discoverer fair. (Image 1and 3: Daniel Spehr, photographer; Image 2: Courtesy LABOR, Mexico D.F) 14-02-11 // SUCCESSFUL MOST VALUABLE URBANISM DEBATE MONU's Most Valuable Urbanism Debate was a great success. The main statements of the presentations and the debate of Piet Vollaard, Floris Alkemade, Jaap van den Bout, Adriaan Geuze and MONU's editor in chief Bernd Upmeyer will be published in MONU's coming issue on the topic of "Editing Urbanism" by the beginning of April. 09-02-11 // MONU #11 REPRINTED sold out for a couple of months, MONU #11 on Clean Urbanism has been reprinted and is available again. To get a single printed copy of MONU #11, please e-mail your order to firstname.lastname@example.org. Do we simply have to stop having sex to produce Clean Urbanism - i.e. an urbanism that is dedicated to minimizing both the required inputs of energy, water, and food for a city as well as its waste output of heat, air pollution as CO2, methan, and water pollution, Samo Pedersen asks in his piece Sci-fi greenery..or just Responsibility?... 04-02-11 // MONU MAGAZINE IS DISPLAYED AT ARCHIZINES ARCHI ZINES is a showcase of new fanzines, journals and magazines from around the world that provide an alternative discourse to the established architectural press. Launched by Elias Redstone, with art direction by Folch Studio, the project celebrates and promotes publishing as an arena for architectural commentary, criticism and research, and as a creative platform for new photography, illustration and design. Alternative and independent publishing has had a dynamic and important relationship with architecture over the years, with prolific moments in the 1960s, 1970s and 1990s. A recent resurgence has seen new titles emerging in many countries, from Argentina, Belgium and Chile to the UK and USA. ARCHI ZINES brings together this international collection of publications for the first time as an important resource for architects, designers, critics, photographers and anyone interested in discussing the buildings and spaces we inhabit. is an expanding archive of the best publications from 2000s to the latest releases, and is growing as new titles and issues are acquired. The publications themselves vary in style (from photocopied zines to professionally printed and bound magazines) and content (from architectural research to personal narratives about buildings and cities). The commonality is a shared interest in documenting and discussing the spaces we occupy in ways that more mainstream or professional publications do not. As well as adding to architectural discourse, they are lovingly made objects to hold and to keep. 24-01-11 // MONU IS EXHIBITED AT THE "ESPACIO PARA EL ARTE" IN ZARAGOZA After the success of the "De Zines" exhibition at "la casa encendida" in Madrid, Spain, the show opens its doors again in Zaragoza in the "Espacio para el Arte". More than 400 independent international publications (magazines, fanzines, artbooks and others) will be shown. The opening will be on Tuesday, January 25 at 19:00. The exhibition will run until March 13. 03-01-11 // MOST VALUABLE URBANISM DEBATE MONU - magazine on urbanism is organizing a public debate on the topic of its last issue: MONU #13 - Most Valuable Urbanism on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in "De Machinist" in Rotterdam. The debate will be moderated by Piet Vollaard and the panel will include four people with four different ideological backgrounds in order to discuss the topic in a rich and diverse way and to provoke a lively and productive clash of ideas and opinions. The panel members are: Floris Alkemade, Ashok Bhalotra, Jaap van den Bout, and Adriaan Geuze. The entire event will be in English. The topic "Most Valuable Urbanism" will be used as the starting point for the debate, but with a focus on the Dutch context and Dutch cities. The aim of the debate is to discuss the topic "Most Valuable Urbanism" among the Dutch public and to critically reflect on traditional Dutch city values. The main questions of the debate will be: What is a good and what is a bad city? How should we evaluate cities in this day and age? Which city might be the most valuable, producing the most valuable urbanism and what kind of criteria should be applied to define valuable urbanism? What role do architects and urban designers play in the production of valuable urbanism? Willem Buytewechstraat 45 3024 BK Rotterdam 10.02.2011, 7:00 p.m. The debate is sold out 13-12-10 // MONU IS SHOWCASED IN A NEWLY LAUNCHED DIGITAL LIBRARY FOR INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS MONU has been invited to be part of the collection of the newly launched digital library No Layout . No Layout is an online library for independent publishers, focusing on art books and fashion magazines. It is meant as a support for printed publications, allowing users to flip through full content on any screen without downloads or apps. A promotional and archive tool. Three issues of MONU are currently showcased: MONU #5 - Brutal Urbanism; MONU #10 - Holy Urbanism; and MONU #12 - Real Urbanism. The following articles are fully readable on any screen for free: The Return of the Repressed by Loïc Wacquant; The Evil Architects Do by Eyal Weizman; Preventing Brutal Urbanism - Interview with the Director of the Security Task Force for the 2006 World Cup by Bernd Upmeyer; Terrorists Love Density by STAR #10: The Sacred and the Holy: Transient Urban Spaces by Colin Davies; Peace Through Superior Horsepower by Speedism; The Mormon Church's Infrastructure of Salvation by Jesse LeCavalier #12: Real Creativity: A Case for Ethical Freedom in Architecture by Randall Teal; Life without Architects - Interview with Magriet Smit by Bernd Upmeyer; Market Value(s) by STAR; Rotterdam is a Whore - Interview with Andre Kempe by Beatriz Ramo and Bernd Upmeyer 06-12-10 // MONU'S CHRISTMAS OFFER 2010 From December 6 until December 31 MONU offers: 1. A 1 year subscription (2 issues) for only €20 instead of €22,50 (saving 20% on cover price instead of 10%) + shipping. 2. A 2 year subscription (4 issues) for only €35 instead of €40 (saving 30% on cover price instead of 20%) + shipping. 3. A 50% discount on one copy if 2 issues of any # are purchased at once. 4. A 25% discount on each copy if 3 issues of any # are purchased at once. If you are e-mail your order to email@example.com. 01-11-10 // NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR MONU #14: EDITING URBANISM These days, the need for new buildings or entire city quarters is decreasing or even ceasing to exist altogether - at least in the Western world - due to the demographic changes and financially difficult times. Ever since, architects and urban designers, who were trained by schools that focused their education first of all on the past and mainly taught urban and architectural restoration, preservation, renovation, redevelopment, or adaptive reuse of old structures might be best prepared for a future, in which cities will be edited rather than extended or even newly designed. In such a future, which has become reality in most Western cities of this day and age, architects and urban planners will become urban editors...read the rest of the new call for submissions in Submit 29-10-10 // MONU IS COOL AND STRANGE MONU magazine has been featured as "cool & strange" in the issue #6 2010 of the Korean edition of ELLEgirl. 05-10-10 // MONU #13 ON "MOST VALUABLE URBANISM" RELEASED When John Lennon was photographed by the legendary rock 'n' roll photographer Bob Gruen, wearing a New York City T-shirt in the year 1974, he proudly expressed his love for the city of New York. For Lennon, although born in Liverpool, New York City was without doubt the most valuable city...continue reading here. 18-08-10 // MONU MAGAZINE IS DISPLAYED AT THE BALTIMORE BOOK FESTIVAL MONU magazine on urbanism has been invited to be on display at the Baltimore Book Festival in Maryland, USA from September 24-26, 2010. The festival took place in the historic and picturesque Mount Vernon Place. MONU was part of an exhibition called Creative Control, a collection of zines, self-published and independent art books and magazines. 29-06-10 // MONU #12 EXHIBITED AT "LA CASA ENCENDIDA" IN MADRID MONU magazine on urbanism #12 on "Real Urbanism" is being exhibited at "la casa encendida" in Madrid, Spain. The exhibition entitled "de zines", curated by Roberto Vidal and Oscar Martín, features independent publications (magazines, fanzines, artbooks and others). Around 400 international works are shown from June 29th, 2010 throughout all the summer. 31-03-10// MONU AT NEXT ART FAIR IN CHICAGO MONU magazine on urbanism is being exhibited as part of a "research library" and magazine show during the NEXT art fair in Chicago from April 30 to May 3, 2010. 11-03-10 // MONU #12 ON REAL URBANISM RELEASED the "Ideal Woman" on the cover of this issue on Real Urbanism - a sculpture by the Brooklyn based artist Tony Matelli - most of our cities are shaped by a particular set of values... read 25-02-10// MONU AT THE "BOOKMARK NAGOYA" will be exhibited during the "Bookmark Nagoya" event in the city of Nagoya, Japan. The exhibition will take place from March 20th to April 20th 2010. More than 50 organizations will exhibit rare publications, vintage books, magazines, picture books from around the world. Various conferences with editors and writers take place, as well as temporary book making workshops among others are offered for all generations. 20-11-09// MONU'S CHRISTMAS OFFER From November 20 until December 31 MONU offers a 50% discount on the issues MONU #5 - BRUTAL URBANISM and MONU #6 - BEAUTIFUL URBANISM. To get a single copy of #5 or #6 (Soft cover; Black/White; 84 pages; 27 x 20 cm) for €5 (+ NL €1,76 EU €2,96 Non-EU €5,70 shipping + ~4% PayPal fees), please e-mail your order to firstname.lastname@example.org. 19-10-09// MONU AT TOKYO DESIGN WEEK MONU magazine on urbanism will be exhibited during the TOKYO DESIGN WEEK from October 30th to November 3rd 2009 inside the main venue of the 100% DESIGN TOKYO hall. The Magazine Library space will be in the center of the main venue. 17-07-09 // MONU MAGAZINE ON URBANISM WILL BE EXHIBITED AT THE "A FEW ZINES" EXHIBITION IN LOS ANGELES FROM AUGUST 14 TO 16 The A Few Zines show has been in New York and Boston, and is now coming to Los Angeles. The LA Forum hosts the insta-show for three days on Hollywood Blvd. The festivities kick off Friday, August 14 with a panel discussion and opening party. (photos taken by Bryan Jackson and John Southern) 08-05-09 // MONU MAGAZINE ON URBANISM WILL BE EXHIBITED AT THE SPACE ROCKET IN HARAJUKU, TOKYO The exhibition will take place from May 22 to June 2 with daily opening times from 12:00-19:30. 20-04-09 // MONU MAGAZINE ON URBANISM WILL BE PRESENTED ON THE YOUNG ART FAIR IN BASEL - LISTE 09 FROM JUNE 9 - 14 since its opening in 1996, the LISTE - the Young Art Fair in Basel has presented new and important galleries and highly contemporary young art. The LISTE, by introducing galleries in general that are no more than 5 years old and artists under 40, is considered as one of the most important fairs for young art and one of the art worlds most important discoverer fair. 29-01-09 // MONU HAS BEEN SELECTED TO BE PART OF THE MOOH EVENT IN TOKYO MONU - magazine on urbanism has been selected from magazines around the world to be exhibited from March 5 to March 14 2009 in a temporary magazine library in the Omotesando Hills building complex in Tokyo, Japan. MONU will be part of the MOOH event: "The Magazine of Omotesando Hills Library".
{ "date": "2015-03-02T18:56:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936462982.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074102-00257-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9383097290992737, "token_count": 17347, "url": "http://www.monu-magazine.com/news.htm" }
To work to preserve mother earth first and foremost; to build a house totally green and off the grid; to build an organic farm based on biodynamic farming principles; to continue to advance his Iyengar yoga and contact improvisational practice; and to continue to serve all living beings through kindness and compassion, as a member of the healing arts community, and as an extra dynamic health educator in an ever expanding world which desperately needs balance restored!!! Just Think, Thai Teak is an independently owned rare Thai art and original antique furniture business. Everything I sell is 100% authentic and of top quality! I have items for sale in the Asheville,NC and Charlotte, NC areas ,but can ship and move items for a very reasonable flat rate shipping fee anywhere in the USA!!! For more information on ordering and payment, please click here. Hi, my name is Gregg Steinberger and I have had a true appreciation for fine furniture since I was a young boy! I was delivering furniture at age 5 in my dad's furniture store in Statesville, NC. My grandfather started that furniture business in 1938 in Statesville, NC, where my entire family was born! In 1966, my dad moved the family to Charlotte, NC! While my dad was commuting to and slaving it out in the store selling middle to lower end furniture in Statesville; my mom was back in Charlotte buying expensive antiques with her rich girlfriends, spending the old mans hard earned money! So, I grew up with fine antiques in our home, but helped deliver the cheaper stuff for our bread and butter; also so my mom could continue her buying sprees! Although the marriage didn't last, interestingly enough, my mom loved the Chinese antiques the most! An asian seed had been planted! After graduating high school in 1982 in Charlotte, NC where I grew up, I attended and graduated from Western Carolina University near Asheville, NC in 1988 with a major in communications and a minor in marketing! Upon graduation, I moved to Asheville in 1988, where I worked odd jobs for a short time. While in Asheville, I met my first spirtual teacher, discovered a natural lifestyle of yoga, alternative medicine and healing arts. By 1989, I was back in school in Chapel Hill, NC studying massage at the Body Therapy Institute: my first massage school. While at the Body Therapy Institute, I discovered Japanese Massage called Shiatsu, and upon graduation from there, decided to pursue the study of Shiatsu and chinese related movement arts and medicine more deeply. I was California bound! In 1992, I moved to San Francisco, CA, and enrolled in the Shiatsu Institute of San Francisco, where I spent 3 solid years studying: Shiatsu, Traditional Thai Massage,Tai Chi, Chi Kung, macrobiotic nutrition, and the basics of Chinese Medical Theory. I ended up spending a total of 8 years living and studying in San Francisco, immersing myself in Iyengar Yoga; macrobiotic diet, cooking, and lifestyle; feng shui,rebirthing, breathwork,tai chi, chi kung, and many styles of asian bodywork!! Anything connected to chinese healing arts, I pursued with great passion!! I also maintained a full time bodywork practice in San Francisco during this time, working both from home privately, and in a fancy day spa in Mill Valley, CA--Life was full yet rewarding!! I found my passion and was hungry for knowledge, which I pursued with great intensity!! While still living in California in 1999, I traveled to Thailand to study further in Thai massage, and trekked in the Himalayas in Nepal for the first time!! I fell in love with Asia immediately!! It was like coming home all over again!! In early 2000, my time was finished in California and I moved back home to North Carolina. In early 2001, I embarked on a 5 year journey backpacking thru 16 different countries, while basing myself out of Thailand. I quickly began immersing myself in Thai culture, having already been practicing buddhism,thai massage and shiatsu for over 9 years in the USA! Thailand just naturally felt like home to me! In 2005, after what had began as an intended 2 year journey, I completed my 5 year "walkabout" and returned home to the USA! Wow, talk about culture shock!! But I decided that Thailand would be my winter home; so, I began returning each winter thereafter to escape the harsh North Carolina mountain winters and the intensity of American culture!! Currently, Gregg Steinberger lives in both Burnsville, NC— 45 minutes north of Asheville, and also in Asheville on most weekends,where he frolics and plays with his 2 dance communitys Gregg also maintains a private bodywork practice doing traditional Thai medical massage combined with Shiatsu, or Japanese acupressure around the greater Asheville area!! Gregg is currently pursuing options in getting his own dream house built in the Asheville, NC area. Gregg also continues to be involved with private real estate investments with his family in Charlotte, NC. His imported Asian teak and redwood furniture can be found only online these days on Ebay.com,at etsy.com,and here on this website!! This website is the best place to purchase whats left of my furniture and there will not be anymore brought in by Gregg!!! Occasionally gregg has a few items at Reunions in bilmore village in asheville,NC;however,the bulk of his stock can be viewed anytime 45 mins. outside of Charlotte,NC privately and by Appt. ONLY!!! For free time and pure bliss/fun, Gregg enjoys with great passion regularly Iyengar yoga and meditation; contra/square dancing, free form and contact improvisational dance; organic gardening based on biodynamic principles; macrobiotic, raw, and natural cooking; swimming both in pools and waterfalls, backpacking the NC mountains, long walks in nature, mountain biking; learning to wild craft native herbs; learning to be a better fisherman and kayaker; learning how to be a better listener; learning about alternative green energy and construction, and building community whenever possible.
{ "date": "2015-03-04T20:14:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936463658.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074103-00044-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9610069394111633, "token_count": 1261, "url": "http://justthinkthaiteak.com/about_us" }
When I was 37 years old I suffered a long bout of debilitating back pain and sciatica. At that time I became discouraged by how little doctors know about the source of pain or how to treat pain. I suffered the isolation of chronic pain and the stress that it puts on relationships. After that terrible experience I decided that I needed to become an expert at treating my own back pain and sciatica so after much reading and study I knew I needed to become an acupuncturist. I had gotten complete pain relief from acupuncture and now it is my mission to help others who suffer from pain.
{ "date": "2015-03-06T17:30:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936469305.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074109-00016-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.972941517829895, "token_count": 125, "url": "http://www.rangeofmotionnyc.com/" }
Thought: Outcomes do not necessarily end the journey. ‘Understanding oppression should lead to strategies for action. These strategies are not answers but the beginning of the journey toward solutions. Often, it is only when we take the first steps toward a solution that the larger strategy emerges.’ Just Imagine: The World for God (Campbell Roberts and Danielle Strickland) In Authentic Holiness John Wesley wrote to William Wilberforce – the theologian to the activist: ‘I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy [slavery], which is the scandal of religion, of England, and of human nature. Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! Go on, in the name of God and the power of his might, till even American slavery (the vilest that ever saw the sun) shall vanish away before it.’ If God be for us… ? Then our inner life, the work of Christ in us will be evident in the way we outwardly and actively engage with God in the world. Our work with the poor and marginalised, earth-stewardship, making a response to global injustice, living as a holy people within community, will reflect the God we love and serve. 'Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit’ (2 Corinthians 3:12-18 NIV). ‘Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold’ (2 Corinthians 3:12). Lord, our world needs your people to be activists – people who are not afraid to see what needs to be changed and to be a part of that change. Help us to hold on to the hope that is found in you and to be bold in facing the challenges of our world, our community and our family. There is much injustice, but that is a label defined by human suffering. Help us to see the faces of the people who suffer and know that we are part of a response. Help us to be bold. ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom’ (2 Corinthians 3:17). Heavenly Father, having your Spirit in me to give freedom is an overwhelming idea! Freedom from… ? Freedom to be… ? Freedom to do… ? Often my life seems to be lived with constraints and I do not always perceive your freedom. Lord, please show me how to be free and what to be free from. There are many in this world whose freedom is in the hands of others. They live with the real limitations of bondage imposed upon them. Where systems need to change, may we use our freedom to challenge unjust laws or practice. Where your people, the Church, live with the constraints of false teaching, abuse of power and the conflict between peoples of faith, may your freedom come to individuals and groups with releasing power and may your Kingdom come. ‘And we… are being transformed into his image’ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Transformed into your likeness Lord, please complete the work begun in me. The journey is moment by moment and your reaffirming work continues in me. Thank you for the forgiveness, grace and mercy on which I stand secure and lead me to awareness, obedience and growth as I become like you. What you do in me Lord is happening to your children around me – I would be sensitive, loving and engaged in community in a way that is worthy of you and acknowledges that we, your children, are all ‘becoming’. May some sweetness, some strength, some response to human struggle in me be a challenge, a confidence builder, an encouragement to those with whom I live in community. Lord, I would reflect you honestly and beautifully without warp or pixilation of poor material or reception. ‘Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart’ (2 Corinthians 4:1). Add your thoughts: _____________ Faith _____________ Intelligence _____________ Energy Strategy Partnerships Confidence Trust _____________ Vision Financial Assistance Plans Outcomes Generosity _____________ Equity Tirelessness Holy Spirit Guidance _____________ Wisdom Earth Stewardship _____________ Health _____________ Approvals Relationships Sustainability Life Change Education _____________ Integrity
{ "date": "2015-03-06T17:32:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-11/segments/1424936469305.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20150226074109-00016-ip-10-28-5-156.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9500085115432739, "token_count": 1099, "url": "http://www.salvationarmy.org/isjc/news/pf1112" }
Your Stylist: Finding your favorite summer frock I'm looking for a cute summer dress for this year; hopefully something following the boho, flower, or traditional white trends. I can't spend a fortune on the dress ($100 or less). I'm pretty small, 5-foot-5 and typically a size small, but my hips are proportionally larger than my chest, and my waist is tiny, so I'm looking for something that will accentuate that. Thanks! -- VS, New Jersey Go-to summer dresses are easily the center of a summer wardrobe, working from day to night, the beach to a barbecue. All of your trend cues are right on as they cover everything from clean and minimal to romantic bohemian, so you can wear a style depending on your mood or the occasion. But if you buy just one, try and make it as versatile as possible, choosing something that looks great with flip flops as it does with some espadrilles wedges. A bold floral dress in a kaleidoscope of vivid hues like this one from Simply Vera Vera Wang at Kohl's,($46.99) is a good option for the floral look, but can also go boho by winding a braided brown leather belt around the waist and throwing on a worn in denim jacket. Some brown leather sandals or woven wedges will bring it even further into boho territory. And of course, should you want it to look neat and polished, black flats or sandals will be perfect. For something straight up bohemian, Forever 21 has flirty options in fun, ethnic prints for under $20 each. They could easily double as sun dresses, bikini cover-ups or kicky little party dresses if worn with bold gold jewelry and some dressier sandals. Though it’s a trend this season, a minimal white dress is always a good staple to have hanging in your closet. It’s summer’s answer to the little black dress, and depending on how you accessorize, the dress can be classic and conservative or fun and eclectic. Calvin Klein has a tiered shift dress ($59.99) with the tiered fabric cut across the body at a diagonal (which is a perfect hip-slimming feature). It’s on the dressier side, good for a work event or slightly formal summer gathering, but could also be dressed down with some metallic T-strap sandals and a denim jacket. For something easy and comfortable, Old Navy ($15) has a belted shirt style dress in a flat white color. This is great for running around or travel as it won’t wrinkle and probably doesn’t take up much room when packed into a suitcase. The belt will accentuate your tiny waist. You could even switch out the sash for a brown leather belt to define your midsection even more. Every dress pictured here would flatter your figure. The tops are V-neck or strapless, which works well with a small top and bust area, the waists are drawn in, and the hip and seat area are not fitted but flow out enough that you will be comfortable without looking frumpy. -- Melissa Magsaysay Top photos, from left to right: Looks from Diane Von Furstenberg spring/summer 2010; Erdem spring/summer 2010; Stella McCartney spring/summer 2010 Middle photos, from left to right: Forever 21 ($14.50); Simply Vera Vera Wang at Kohl's; Old Navy Bottom photos, from left to right: Calvin Klein; Banana Republic ($69)
{ "date": "2016-06-25T13:00:57Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783393146.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154953-00172-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9260608553886414, "token_count": 749, "url": "http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/alltherage/2010/05/your-stylist-finding-your-favorite-summer-frock.html" }
Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit Old tales of psychological manipulation translated into modern English [ 1]. “Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don’t throw me into the briar patch”, or how to get recalcitrant idiots to do what you want. Notice that Brer Rabbit gets himself into a predicament, by making a foolish assumption and then behaving in an impulsive manner. Tar baby is an expression used to describe a sticky situation. It is “a situation or problem from which it is virtually impossible to disentangle oneself”. Other psychological tales at abelard.org: If you wish to customise your browser - to change the text size or see this page in black on white - click here for instructions on what to do. rewritten by Xavier “One day after Brer Rabbit had fooled him with the calamus root, Brer Fox went to work and got some tar. He mixed it with some turpentine, and fixed up a contraption that he caledl a Tar-Baby. He put a straw hat on the Tar-Baby and sat her in the middle of the road, then hid in the bushes to see what would happen. He didn’t have to wait long either, because Brer Rabbit soon came pacing down the road—lippity-clippity, clippity-lippity—as saucy as a jay-bird. Brer Fox, he lay low. Brer Rabbit come prancing along until he spotted the Tar-Baby. Then he fetched up on his hind legs as if he was astonished. The Tar Baby, she sat there and Brer Fox lay low. “Good morning,” said Brer Rabbit, “Nice weather we’re having.” The Tar-Baby said nothing. Brer Fox laid low and grinned an evil grin. Brer Rabbit tried again. “And how are you feeling this fine day?” Brer Fox winked his eye slowly and laid low in the bushes, and the Tar Baby, well, she said nothing. “How are you then? Are you deaf?” said Brer Rabbit. “If you are, I can shout louder.” Tar-Baby stayed still, and Brer Fox, he lay low. “You’re stuck up, that’s what you are,” said Brer Rabbit, “I’ll cure you, that’s what I’ll do.” “Brer Fox, he gave a belly-laugh, but Tar-Baby said nothing. “I’m going to teach you how to talk to respectable people, if it’s my last act,’ said Brer Rabbit. ‘If you don’t take off that hat, I’m going to beat you up”. Tar-Baby stayed still, and Brer Fox, he lay low. Brer Rabbit keep on asking, and the Tar-Baby kept on saying nothing. Presently, Brer Rabbit drew back his fist and -BLIP- he hit the Tar-Baby on the side of the head. And that’s when he lost his cool. His fist stuck and he couldn’t get loose. The tar held him. But Tar-Baby, she stayed still, and Brer Fox, he lay low. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll hit you again,” said Brer Rabbit, and with that he swiped again with the other hand, and that stuck. Tar-Baby said nothing and Brer Fox, he lay low. “Let me go, or I’ll knock the stuffing out of you,” said Brer Rabbit, but Tar-Baby said nothing. She just hung on, and Brer Rabbit lost the use of his feet in the same way. Brer Fox, he lay low. Then Brer Rabbit yelled out that if the Tar-Baby didn’t turn him loose he’d head butt her side-on. So he butted, and his head got stuck. Then Brer Fox sauntered out, looking as innocent as one of your mummy’s mocking-birds. “Hiya, Brer Rabbit,” said Brer Fox. “You look sort of stuck up this morning,” and then he rolled on the ground, and laughed and laughed until he could laugh no more. “You’ll have to have dinner with me this time, Brer Rabbit. I’ve got some calamus root, and I won’t take any excuses”. When Brer Fox found Brer Rabbit entangled with the Tar-Baby, he felt really good, and he rolled on the ground laughing. Eventually, he got up and said: “Well, I think I got you this time, Brer Rabbit. Maybe I haven’t, but I think I have. You been running around here being cheeky for a mighty long time, but I think you’ve come to the end of the line. You’ve been cutting capers and bouncing about the neighbourhood where I’m in charge, and poking about in what is not your business,” said Brer Fox. “Who asked you to chat up the Tar-Baby? And who stuck you up the way you are? Nobody in the round world. You just jammed yourself on that Tar-Baby without waiting for any invitation,” said Brer Fox,. “And there you are, and there you’ll stay until I fix up a heap of brushwood and make a fire, ’cos I’m going to barbeque you today for sure,” said Brer Fox. So Brer Rabbit talked in a mighty humble way. “I don’t care what you do with me, Brer Fox” said Brer Rabbit. “Just don’t fling me in that briar patch over there. Roast me, Brer Fox, but don’t fling me in in that briar patch,” said Brer Rabbit. “It’s so much trouble to start a fire,” said Brer Fox, “that I think I’d rather hang you.” “Hang me just as high as you please, Brer Fox,” said Brer Rabbit, “but for Lord’s sake don’t fling me in in that briar patch.” “I don’t have any string,” said Brer Fox, “so I think I’d rather drown you.” “Drown me just as deep as you please, Brer Fox,” said Brer Rabbit, “but for Lord’s sake don’t fling me in in that briar patch.” “There’s no water nearby,” said Brer Fox, “so I think I’d rather skin you.” “Skin me, Brer Fox, snatch out my eyeballs, tear out my ears by the roots, and cut off my legs,” said Brer Rabbit. “Only please, Brer Fox, please don’t throw me into the briar patch.” “It’s not going to be much fun skinning you,” said Brer Fox, “you’re not scared of that. But you are scared of the briar patch.” And with that, Brer Fox yanked Brer Rabbit off the Tar-Baby, and he flung him -KERPLUNK!- right into the briar patch. Well, there was a flutter where Brer Rabbit landed, then “Ooo! Oow! Ouch!” he screeched and he squalled. Then after a while, there was only a weak whisper from Brer Rabbit. Brer Fox listened. “I got him! Brer Rabbit is dead!” said Brer Fox. But then he heard a scuffling away at the other end of the briar patch. And low and behold, who does Brer Fox see scrambling out but Brer Rabbit himself, playing a briar bush whistle. “Born and bred in the briar patch, that’s me,” laughed Brer Rabbit. “I told you not to throw me there. In all the world, that’s the place I love best!” With a lippity clip, he hopped away. Other short stories at abelard.org: email abelard at abelard.org © abelard, 14 January, 2008 the address for this document is http://www.abelard.org/brer_fox_brer_rabbit_briar_patch.php
{ "date": "2016-06-25T12:25:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783393146.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154953-00172-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9475539922714233, "token_count": 1936, "url": "http://www.abelard.org/brer_fox_brer_rabbit_briar_patch.php" }
ZOMBIE THREAD ALERT: This thread hasn't been posted on for a while. To complain about this??(580 Posts) My ds is 2.9. He goes to the nursery down the road one day a week. ( cannot afford for him to go any more regularly) just to get socialised and to try and work on seperation anxiety. velcro child syndrome Went to pick him up today and was met by three of the nursery workers "wanting to have a talk". This got me really worried as they looked very....strict. like I was being bloody told off. To cut a long story short....they told me that as my son is still in nappies I would have to think about taking him out of nursery until the problem is sorted!! ( problem him not being potty trained) They talked for a good ten mins about how its an inconvenience to them having such a big boy needing constant monitoring incase hes done a poo. I didnt want to get into an argument and never would infront of all the kids, but did put across a couple of points: . He is in "the baby room" as they call it. Babies from birth to 3 years. There are fewer older toddlers than babies....so I imagine they should be all set up forpchanging nappies. .theybe never said anything to me before about him being in nappies being an issue. I have even had discussions with his keyworker about the favt that I had tried potty training him but he got a v bad bout of chicken pox right in the middle of it so we have gone back to square one. . I dont personally think he's too old to be in nappies. He's not 3 until april and as long as he isn't rocking up to his first day of school in pampers Its fine. . He is currently undergoing a diagnnosis for adhd and possibly as. It's bloody hard enough to get through the day without making him do something hes not ready to. Their response to all the above was that he is more than old enough to be using a toilet and by him not doing this its taking time away from the babies who actually need looking after!!!!! Out of the three of them who spoke to me....the youngest one ( about 16 on placement) told me it was disgusting to have to clean up a fully grown childs poo! Im reeling and actually v embarassed as there were quite a few other parents round while this was going on. Now I know ianbu to not be impressed with the way this was dealt with......but aibu to not have potty trained him by now? Should he be totally out of nappies by this age? This is my first dc and moat friends dc are younger thn mine. A family member had their dd totally dry through the night by 2.5....but all kids are different.....surely its down to the individual? Im sorry this has been so epically long...but am at a loss! Massive apologies about spelling, punctuation amd general lack of capitals/bullet points. On phone with a smashed screen so cant see v much! Private nursery? I don't think legally they can say that. Have a look at the equality act 2010 and also inform them that the EYFS doesn't expect children that young to be toilet trained. And fucking complain your arse off about that girl on placement. Did she say that in her managers hearing? Yanbu they are. It's up to you as the parent to decide the right time to potty train not nursery. I have lots of friends who haven't done potty training till their child is 3 and I have no intention of potty training my 2.1yr old until around 3 either! He only goes 1 day a week so it's hardly a hardship for them and many children that age are still in nappies! I would complain. No no! I dont think its at all dtrange for s 3yo to be in nappies. Ds was, dd wasnt. And th things they said sound awful and ignorant Do they not know that poo come with its own warning system and so doesnt need monitoring? And im so angry about the disgusting comment. Please tell me your ds wasnt there. Its not a private nursery. Its part of a normal childrwns centre. The girl on placement said that infront of the manager and my ds keyworker....they didnt say anything. What a shame, bunch of nasty bastards telling you how to raise your child. They should be supportive, not condemning you. Especially the 16 year old, who obviously doesn't have a fucking clue. So if a three year old, maybe even a bit older did happen to have an accident, as is sometimes the case, cleaning up said child would be 'disgusting' in her mind? Clearly in the wrong job! I'd go to ofsted. But I'm stroppy and hate slack childcare (work in childcare). That's disgraceful. All children potty train at different ages and the nursery staff should know this especially as they work with children ! Whatever their policy is on this they shouldn't have 'ganged' up on you with three of them , why couldn't one of them have a word with you if they felt they needed to ? Also , they shouldn't have been discussing your child within earshot of other parents . If I were you I'd speak to the manager and complain and if you're not happy with her response then take your child out of there and find a nursery with better staff I get the impression he doesnt need to go. Please dont send him again to be 'looked after' by these vile, ignorant people It's their attitude that's disgusting, not any child's poo. I would be questioning whether this childcare environment is the right one for your DS, for a number of reasons: - 2.9 is not 'old' for potty training and it shouldn't be seen as a problem (compare my nursery who when DD was 2.6 I rushed in when she had literally done a poo in her nappy halfway up the path, and I apologised profusely, and they said 'oh don't worry at all, it goes with the territory, it's our job leave it to us') - Their way of discussing this with you was inappropriate - I said to nursery I was thinking of potty training, and they supported, in keeping with my plans and DD's needs, it was never about DD fitting in with them - All children birth to three in one room does not sound like they are meeting individual development needs very well, although this might just be my opinion based on the nursery's I am familiar with which would have 2 if not 3 or 4 separate rooms and environments in this time - Kryptonite makes a good point about EYFS and equality act YANBU to complain, but given the way they have started handling this with you, I think I would be looking at other providers. Sorry you've had this experience. I was holding my ds at the time. His understanding is fab so I know he knew what they were saying. I had a good talk with hom about it...explained that tjere is nothing wrong at all with wearing nappies. That it was a silly rhing to say, and that sometimes people say unkind things but its not a nice thing to do. He wanted reassuring tjat he is a big boy. Bless him. Told him tjat whenever he is ready we would start to use the toilet but only when he is ready and not to worry. Sorry, just to clarify that it's not because the girl is 16 that I think she doesn't have a clue, it is the comment she made about a 'grown child's' poo being disgusting. How is a weaning 6 month year old and a 3 year old's poo any different?? Complain, complain and complain! . No child should be potty trained before they are ready, and you as the parent are the one who decides when that step is taken. And the girl on placement I would have told her to shut her cake hole and look into a different career. Twat. Complain in the strongest terms - in writing. Go above the manager's head (who employs her?) Your son doesn't have to be toilet trained and can't be refused because he's not. My DGC (for lots of reasons) wasn't TT until he was 3. That's when my DiL started to train, lots of stickers and rewards and it worked like a charm because he was ready. You do it when you and your son are ready to try. Having said all that, is there a better nursery anywhere near? Because this one's dreadful. That's a disgrace! I would be complaining that this discussion was not held in a private space! I'd be complaining that a "child" on placement spoke to me in such a way! Plus I'd be complaining at their obvious inexperience in believing your son is too old to be in nappies! He is not! My 3 sons were all in nappies at 3 but out by 31/2. My friends sons were also in applies up until 3! You are not being unreasonable here! I'm so cross on ur behalf. Fgs, my dd is 3 in less than a month and is only just dry in the days. Changing shitty bums is not anyone's idea of fun but given they are nursery workers it kind of expected they will have to do this on occasion. Do you pay for him to attend this nursery? Bloody hell they said all this in front of him? I'm so sorry. Awful people. Please don't send him back. Ridiculous, complain loudly and then remove him. Sorry.this has touched a nerve.i didnt realise till I had chiodren how easily you could crush their self esteem, how they need so much understanding and reassurance. I have nightmares abut people doinf this sort of thing to my dcs. Take him out. Then throw the book at them and get them closed down. They arent fit to be anywhere near children I would definitely take this further - and higher up than the nursery themselves. Everything is wrong about this situation! My dc - DD potty-trained at two and a half, DS1 was just gone three, DS2 was three and a half. They've all been to various providers, private nursery, pre-schools (two different ones), school nurseries. Never, once, have I come across this attitude. I am incredibly at the jumped-up little madam on placement speaking to you like that about a toddler, which is essentially what your child is. And I second the comment regarding having 0-3 as a baby room. Once they hit around 18 months they should be in a different room for toddlers - different needs, different everything. Don't just pull your child out of there - think about other children who will attend the place. If they think this kind of nasty, bullying behaviour is acceptable they'll do it to others. Please, please, take this further. I'm disgusted that an impressionable teen on placement is not only being shown this kind of behaviour (shudder to think about her future with young childcare) but that she's emulating it and thinks it's fine. I didn't train my ds til around 3 and he has none of the potential issues that are being investigated for your ds. It was bloody difficult even at that age!! You mention 'three of the nursery workers' so am I correct in assuming that none of them were managers or your key contact? I would be making an appt with the manager and explaining the following points: 1) it is in no way unusual for a 2.9 yr old to be in nappies (and if they don't know or realise this then they are hugely ignorant) 2) esp when he is being investigated for ADHD and as 3) the "little chat" was carried out in a tremendously unprofessional manner as other people could hear you being upbraided (I mean seriously, you pay their bloody wages after all - how dare they make you feel so belittled) 4) the 16 yr old is clearly in the wrong job and has an appalling attitude He is your son and potty training should be to YOUR agenda, not theirs, esp as he is only with them once a week. They are been utterly unreasonable. I have ripped in to my DS nursery recently for "introducing potty training" just before he was 2. Made it clear it wasn't their decision and reported it to OFSTED as I felt they responded inappropriately to me politely asking them to stop. To be honest OFSTED didn't care but it showed I did. New manager had strange ideas about their role. They have back off and we are back to focusing on painting, water-play and glitter. Report them above the managers head and give your DS lots of cuddles as you are doing. Those people should not be in childcare! Join the discussion Registering is free, easy, and means you can join in the discussion, get discounts, win prizes and lots more.Register now Already registered with Mumsnet? Log in to leave your comment or alternatively, sign in with Facebook or Google. Please login first.
{ "date": "2016-06-25T12:58:16Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783393146.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154953-00172-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9860538840293884, "token_count": 2840, "url": "http://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/am_i_being_unreasonable/1936823-To-complain-about-this" }
Tag Archives: Parking Ticket Advice Even ABC News is getting into the parking ticket advice industry. ABC News’ Stephanie Zimmerman aka The ABC News Fixer, is a reporter on consumer affairs who helps viewers solve frustrating money related problems. Recently, Zimmerman, who’s based in New York, got a letter from a Chicago driver begging for advice on how to deal with an improperly issued parking ticket and tow. While Nick D’s show is always humorous and fun to listen to, nothing could be more “entertaining” than hearing some chump called the Parking Ticket Geek blather on about parking tickets, red light cameras, city stickers and other Chicago driving and parking issues. The Geek will be on from 8:30 to 9:30. Call in and hassle him (or get some ticket advice) at 312-981-7200. Tune in at 720 AM or stream WGN Radio live. A few weeks ago my dad had cataract surgery Downtown. I had his car and picked him up outside on Wabash. I pulled in front of a fire hydrant but stayed in the car with the engine running. The nurses and my mom brought my dad down in a wheelchair, got him into the car, and I drove them home. He got a ticket in the mail for a hydrant parking violation. I guess there must have been a parking meter employee who walked by and took a picture of the car in front of the hydrant. He’s planning on contesting it by including documentation from the eye place that he had surgery. He also has handicapped plates and included the handicapped placard as part of his case. Anything else he should do? Hey Mike, most ticket writers or police officers would have given an illegally parked driver a heads-up and told him to move his vehicle before writing a ticket. But the person who issued your ticket didn’t, and then didn’t even have the nerve to hand you the ticket. But here’s the good news: you were not parked illegally. Read more at DNA Info Chicago. Got a parking ticket or driving question for The Parking Ticket Geek? Please email your question to: email@example.com Noted local doofus, nitwit and alleged expert on Chicago parking tickets, driving and transportation issues, the Parking Ticket Geek will be on WGN Radio 720 Saturday night. The Geek joins WGN’s hilarious provocateur and man about town, Nick Digilio from 11 PM to midnight to talk all things driving and parking. If The Expired Meter is not enough parking ticket fighting info for you, local attorney Charlie Beach was recently on Fox Chicago’s morning program to dish out some ticket fighting advice. While he generally has the right idea, some of his information is mildly inaccurate. I recently received a ticket for parking in front of a driveway. I parked there after it had snowed and the space was unrecognizable as a driveway since it had not been shoveled and at the building line there is a 7 foot chain link fence across the driveway from one building to another. A few days later I returned to a ticket. With the snow melted it was a little more clear I was in front of a driveway. At first I was surprised that the car had not been towed but considering the circumstances I now assume the driveway was not in use. Should I try to fight this ticket? Is there a chance for it to get dismissed? I think you’re in kind of a grey area here Evan. But, you should definitely fight it. On Friday my family & I visited the Shedd aquarium and fed a meter $5 to park until 4:01 p.m. At 3:45 we made our way out of the aquarium, but as we were walking past the lockers heading out of the accessible exit, my 2 year old grabbed a door and shook it – and got her thumb pinched between the doors. She instantly shrieked and a blood blister appeared on her thumb. We sat, calmed, consoled, and bandaged as quickly as was humanly possible. We grabbed our stuff and walked as briskly as you can lugging a 2 year old and a 5 month old, and just as we rounded the odd fountain with the man holding a fish, we could see flashing lights, and my watch read 4:01. By the time we hit the crosswalk we could see him at our car, and when we reached our car at 4:04 we had a ticket that read 4:03. BAH. I know since it’s a meter we don’t fall under the 5 minute grace period, but is it worth pleading our sob story? We’ve NEVER had a parking ticket. Last night when going out with my girlfriend we left her car parked and fed the parking meter but we overstayed for 6 mins (paid until 8:48pm, ticketed at 8:54….9:00 p.m the time you don’t have to feed a meter anymore on that area). She got a $50.00 ticket and she was really upset, we read the 5-minute grace period note at the bottom of the ticket but we are thinking that it will not apply (as it was a 6 min overstay). 1) Do we call the 312 number listed on the ticket and try to negotiate with whoever answers for a 6 minutes grace instead of 5? 2) Do we pay it ? 3) Do we not pay it and see what happens? She never gets tickets but I’m a bit hesitant recommending her not to pay it as I’ve heard horror stories about the yellow boot in the city. Do you think that she can get a yellow-boot if she does not pay this ticket? 4) Do we contest it? (the ticket was issued correctly so I’m not sure if we have a shot) Thanks for your response Geek, I really annoyed by a parking ticket that I just received, it is for violation 9-64-110 (g) Park in Underpass. So I have three questions: 1) Why is it illegal to park in underpass? 2) Why is this violation valued at a $75 fine? 3) Do I have a chance to contest it? I am a diligent driver and parker and always look for parking signs. I avoided parking in the yellow curb area and I was far away from the hydrant. There were no signs posted anywhere regarding no parking or tow away. So, after checking the area I thought it was a legal place to park. I was not aware that this type of violation existed. I took pictures to show that there were no signs posted. Do I have a chance to fight this, and if so will I have a chance to win if I do it by mail? I can’t believe this is a $75 fine, way too much in my opinion! Pissed off for Parking in Underpass Ugh. I think you’re screwed here POFPIU. I let a friend borrow my car and he got a parking ticket. I have gotten several letters about it saying it needs to be paid and I give them to him. After the last one he claimed he paid it and then left town. Now I just got another letter saying it isn’t paid and it will be going to collections. My questions is if I contact the city and give them this license information (which I have) will they transfer it to him? I am wondering this because if he had gotten a ticket while driving it would be under his name not not mine. Do I have any hope of this or am I going to have to eat the cost of this and use it as a valuable lesson in friendship?
{ "date": "2016-06-25T21:22:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783393533.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154953-00162-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9781003594398499, "token_count": 1645, "url": "http://theexpiredmeter.com/tag/parking-ticket-advice/" }
Monday, April 19, 2010 SECRET OF THE SILK ROAD Through July 25th, 2010 2002 N. Main St. Santa Ana, California I just visited the Bowers and it is well worth the trip to Orange County, CA to see this important and exciting exhibition. This is the first time these rare mummies and related artifacts have been allowed to travel to the US, another major coup for museum director Peter Keller. Grave sites unearthed in the Tarim Basin of northwest China have revealed a fascinating past: a 4000 year old civilization of farmers and herders with European ancestry. Included in this exhibition is the complete mummified remains of female, nicknamed the "Beauty of Xiaohe", a mummified infant, a boat shaped shrine with phallic markers, rare textiles, gold masks, jewelry, bronzes, and wooden effigies. For a review in the LA Times, by Scarlet Cheng, please go to: Ancient City Yields New Clues About a Rival to the Aztecs U.S. researchers in Mexico find an 'urban center' occupied by the Purepecha. By Thomas H. Maugh II, April 13. 2010. For direct link to article, please go to:
{ "date": "2016-06-26T06:14:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783394987.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154954-00152-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8829788565635681, "token_count": 260, "url": "http://thetribalbeat.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html" }
1. 3 to 30 gigahertz. 4. A cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktie. 8. Relating to or characteristic of or occurring on the sea or ships. 11. An emotional response that has been acquired by conditioning. 12. South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates. 13. An ugly evil-looking old woman. 14. The chance to speak. 15. Any of various floor-like platforms built into a vessel. 16. A metal-bearing mineral valuable enough to be mined. 17. A medicinal drug used to evoke vomiting (especially in cases of drug overdose or poisoning). 20. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. 23. Sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with gray furry ears and coat. 26. A sock knitted or woven with a diamond-shaped pattern. 29. An elaborate song for solo voice. 31. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens. 32. A radioactive element of the actinide series. 33. Having undesirable or negative qualities. 35. The capital and largest city of Yemen. 39. A short labored intake of breath with the mouth open. 42. A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Telescopium and Norma. 43. The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. 47. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 48. Light informal conversation for social occasions. 49. A small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold. 50. A light touch or stroke. 51. A Kwa language spoken by the Yoruba people in southwestern Nigeria. 52. Type genus of the family Arcidae. 53. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 1. Interface consisting of a standard port between a computer and its peripherals that is used in some computers. 2. A collection of objects laid on top of each other. 3. Canadian literary critic interested in the use of myth and symbolism (1912-1991). 4. A member of an agricultural people of southern India. 5. An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the sale of petroleum. 6. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects. 7. (Judaism) Sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments. 8. Full of submerged reefs or sandbanks or shoals. 9. A British peer ranking below a Marquess and above a Viscount. 10. American novelist (1909-1955). 18. West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice. 19. A motley assortment of things. 21. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group. 22. An Arabic speaking person who lives in Arabia or North Africa. 24. A state in northwestern United States on the Pacific. 25. The branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively. 27. A white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily. 28. An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members. 30. Being one hundred more than three hundred. 34. (Irish) Chief god of the Tuatha De Danann. 35. The sense organ for hearing and equilibrium. 36. Any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses. 37. (Babylonian) God of wisdom and agriculture and patron of scribes and schools. 38. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill. 40. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 41. A metabolic acid found in yeast and liver cells. 44. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 45. A fluorocarbon with chlorine. 46. Large brownish-green New Zealand parrot.
{ "date": "2016-06-27T09:29:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-26/segments/1466783395679.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20160624154955-00122-ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8881458640098572, "token_count": 893, "url": "http://www.crosswordpuzzlegames.com/puzzles/gt_723.html" }
Copyright . All rights reserved. Website design and SEO by Gomarnad AFTER WE RECEIVE YOUR MESSAGE : DAY 2 : PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR FES GUIDED CULTURE TOUR On the second day of private desert tour with Morocco Holiday Planner we explore city of Fes. You will enjoy guided tour in city. The guided tour includes visit of Bou Inania Madrasa , Al-Attarine Madrasa , University of Al Quaraouiyine , Zaouia Moulay Idriss II. Fez is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination and many non-Moroccans are now restoring traditional houses (riads and dars) as second homes in the Fez medina. Fez was the capital city of modern Morocco until 1925. The city has two old medina quarters, the larger of which is Fes el Bali. It is listed as a World Heritage Site and is believed to be one of the world's largest urban pedestrian zones (car-free areas). University of Al Quaraouiyine, founded in 859, is the oldest continuously functioning madrasa in the world. The city has been called the "Mecca of the West" and the "Athens of Africa". DAY 3 : PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR The third day of private Morocco tour with Morocco Holiday Planner we drive to Rissani and then Merzouga desert. Thank you for choosing our Morocco desert trip. If you require accommodation in Casablanca before your tour starts let us know, we will add it to your private Morocco tour. You will discover Morocco and travel with Morocco Holiday Planner. Today we pick up you up in Casablanca. Then we drive to Fes DAY 4 : PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR The forth day of private Morocco tour with Morocco Holiday Planner we drive explore Merzouga desert DAY 5 : PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR On the next day of private Morocco tour with Morocco Holiday Planner we drive to Dades Gorges. MAP FOR 6 DAYS PRIVATE TOUR FROM CASABLANCA IMPORTANT INFO FOR THIS PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR : DONWLOAD PDF FILE FOR THIS PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR : ALL INFORMATION ON THIS WEBSITE : All information ,text and pictures on this website are copyright protected and it is against the law to use any part of this website for commercial use before we accept it in writing form. Thank you. PHOTOGRAPHY ON THIS WEBSITE : Pictures on this website are taken by professionals. DAY 6 : PRIVATE MOROCCO TOUR On the last day of private Morocco tour with Morocco Holiday Planner we drive to Marrakech. Thank you for choosing Morocco Holiday Planner for your holiday in Morocco. If you require accommodation in Marrakech or Casablanca after your tour finished let us know, we will add it to your private Morocco tour. |Tours from Marrakech| |Tours from Fes| |Tours from Casablanca| |Scooter Guide Marrakech| |New Year 3 Days Morocco tour from Marrakech to Sahara desert| |New Year 3 Days Morocco tour from Fes to Sahara desert| |New Year 6 Days tour from Casablanca to desert and Marrakech| |Desert camp in Sahara| |Accommodation in Marrakech| |Tizi n Tichka| |Sahara desert camp in Merzouga| |New Year in Morocco| |Belly dance in Marrakech| |Moroccan Hammam - bath| |Basic phrases in Moroccan Arabic| |Reasons why to visit Morocco| |Hotel search in Morocco| |Morocco KTM motorbike trips| |Eco Tourism in Morocco| |PDF Private Morocco Tours| |Morocco fossil shop and factory| |Distances in Morocco| |Transport in Morocco| |Private Morocco Tours| |Frequently Asked Questions| |PDF Private Morocco Tours| |Ferry to Morocco|
{ "date": "2017-07-24T06:31:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424756.92/warc/CC-MAIN-20170724062304-20170724082304-00590.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7717912197113037, "token_count": 888, "url": "http://moroccoholidayplanner.com/6-days-tour-from-casablanca.html" }
Slow and Steady Wins the Race Every day that goes by, Ecuador feels more and more like home. Captain and I had really been enjoying ourselves; exploring the culture deeper and strengthening the bonds with our friends. I was doing my best to feel good but a bit of anxiety lingered as our main objectives still remained. First, we needed to find a place to rent near our property for our next return to Ecuador. Second, we had to find a place to store our ride, Old Yeller. When woman is not in touch inwardly, fear grips her. The Universe becomes a frightening place. The beauty of being a woman is that she holds all the answers within. When she is in tune with her inner guidance, she is able to relax in this world and trust the Universe will provide. In our masculine-dominated culture, being still is often viewed as doing nothing-woman must embrace this stillness and recognize it is in this still point where the magic happens. Tuning within to her divine feminine allows for miracles to occur. One of the many masculine qualities I appreciate in Captain is his attention to our main objective. “We need to find a place to rent so we can be close during construction.” Our next trip back, we will begin building our Paradise on the Pacific. Being nearby would be really convenient, and as far as Captain is concerned, necessary. I began worrying, feeling a sense of urgency in Captain’s words. How will we ever find a place to rent for 6 months? We are out in the middle of nowhere. What if we don’t? Slowing my mind and tuning into the wise woman deep within, I heard, “Patience, my dear.” We planned a day to visit our property to take measurements of our structure and explore our property further. Armed with a large tape measure and our rubber boots we made the drive to our property. As each day passes, my vision of the future becomes stronger. Our driveway is quite lengthy and surrounded by thick jungle. Driving along I imagine how our guests will feel making this journey to our paradise. The jungle opens up and our beautiful space is waiting for us. I can see the gardens so vividly as if they have been growing for years… Measurements of our structure were taken and we shared our ideas for layouts and floor plans. There are a few things Captain and I don’t see eye to eye on like garden tubs in each of the bathrooms and where the pool should be but one thing we don’t argue about is every room having an epic view! We were so anxious on our previous visit, and not wanting to jinx ourselves buying the property, we hadn’t taken any pictures. When we came home and told our family that we had bought 5 acres on the Pacific Ocean, the first thing they said was, ” we want to see the pictures!” We didn’t have much to show so we made sure to take more photos this time! We hiked around taking lots of pictures and video to share with our family. Captain was getting a shot of the coastline from the cliff’s edge when something caught our eye. Down the coast, there was a big beautiful house nestled in between the trees. I wondered who lived there? Captain, still on task, “I wonder if it’s for rent?” A conscious effort was made not to worry about the house because I only kicked up anxieties wasting vital energy. Our day had been productive enough, we decided to spend the rest listening to the waves of the Pacific. We made a pit stop at our apartment in Atacames and then headed to the beach to soak up the hot sun. It is so very simple to find my still point with the sounds of the sea filling my thoughts. I visualized myself, laying in my zen garden and imagined the ocean waves crashing against our beach below. I am at peace. “Yellow! YEELLLLOOWWWW!” So much for serenity now. Captain had drifted off as well and awakened just as quickly as me. “Huh!?! What’s happening? Who’s yelling?” Yellow, the wildest of all domesticated dogs in Atacames, ran right overtop me and Captain, kicking sand all over us. He started running circles around us, tossing his head all around. He was wearing a cone that made his even more spastic! What now?!? Yellow’s equally wild owner Caffeine was chasing him down but was no match for his puppy speeds. “Do you two want adopt a dog? He has a sore tail that he kept chewing on. Yellow hates the cone. I don’t know what to do about him!?! Do you two surf? We should have lunch sometime! We wanna see your property. Come over in the morning and we will go there for lunch!” Seconds later, she was running down the beach towards Yellow who was taunting a young, terrified Ecuadorian family. “She didn’t give us much time to check our schedule!” I said. Caffeined again. Arriving at our friends gate in the morning, Mellow greeted us with a smile. He reminds me of Crush, the carefree sea turtle in Finding Nemo. “Heeeeyyyy guuuuys. Coooome on innnn.” I guessed he’d already spent an hour in peaceful meditation. We followed Mellow inside where Caffeine was buzzing around. “Where is Yellow’s leash? I took him on a walk this morning. Get his bowl for water. Hey you two! Did I put gas in the car yesterday? I was running around all day so I just came home!” Opposites really do attract. I suppose that is what makes a good team… Caffeine suggested she drive but Captain firmly stated we would be driving ourselves. I can imagine Captain riding along in the backseat with Caffeine driving. If she drives as fast as she thinks we would be in for a really wild ride! Yellow in the backseat would take the experience to a whole new level… As we were pulling away, Caffeine leaned out her window and yelled, “We are going to get gas first! See you there!” Mellow was sitting in the front seat, eyes closed with the permanent smile of his face. Yellow was in the back, chasing his tail. Caffeine sped away and we were left in her fumes. Captain laughed out loud, “THAT is why we’re driving separately!” It looked like it may turn to rain so we headed back to our place and got our rain coats. We weren’t in a hurry. One: this is South America. There is never a hurry. Two: our friends were heading in the opposite direction for gas so we knew we had a little time to spare. We made the drive from Atacames and talked together about what we see for our future. Captain is much more focused. “We need to find a place to rent.” I, on the other hand, think about things that are much less relevant to the moment. “We should probably buy really nice pillow protectors in the U.S. so our pillows don’t get moldy. Comfy pillows and a good night’s rest is very important in hospitality.” Captain keeps me on track. “Let’s just think about where we are going to store our car while we are out of the country before we worry about pillow covers…” As we approached our village, a familiar car passed us by on the other side of the road. “Was that them?” we said simultaneously. Why were they heading the other way? I turned around and watched as Caffeine whipped a U-turn in the middle of the road and sped right up to us. We had barely got out of the car before Caffeine popped up and said, “we didn’t see you down here so we left!” I was confused. First of all, did they think we bailed on them? But secondly, how did they get here before us? I didn’t ask… It was nearing lunch time but the guys wanted to get in the water. The surf was great but the sun wasn’t out so Captain went on without me-I’m a fair-weather surfer. When I was scoping out the scene, I noticed a glowing white man amidst a crowd of locals. Gringos are so easy to spot…I was compelled to talk with this young man. What was his story? Guy was on an internship through his university, working with an international foundation. Empowering the people was this foundation’s main goal. One of the projects that had been started in the community was the “Women’s Co-op”. He invited us to have lunch and support the ladies. As Caffeine and Yellow ran off their energy mingling with the locals, I sat down with Guy and visited. I grilled him with questions about what the community needs most, how I could join the efforts and the greatest challenges he had faced. Their ultimate goal was to educate the locals on self sustainability through tourism but the interns realized there were many steps to be taken first. He talked about the cultural norm of living day-to-day and how the lack of insight for the future was a challenge in taking action on any projects. From the start, I knew empowering locals, women in particular, would be how I would serve this country. What would be my role? Would I inspire women to find their passion? Maybe I could promote and sell their goods and services? Who was I up against? Of course, I spent (too much) time worrying about how it would all work out. Mellow showed up for lunch and I saw Captain, white-faced, in the distance running to catch up. “You left me out in the deep water all alone man! I swear I saw a dark shadow swimming under me and psyched myself out. I was all paranoid and then a head popped out of the water! It was just a curious seal but it scared the shit out of me and couldn’t get to shore quick enough!” Mellow laughed in slow motion. As the men were introducing themselves, I drifted away in thought… The foundation works in six communities around the world, one of those ours. It’s not only me who sees the potential in this beautiful ocean side town. All this time and energy spent worrying and then the Universe presents me this incredible opportunity of an established organization to support the locals. I should have known… In the back of my mind, I could here all the questions Captain was asking Guy. They were so very different from the ones I had asked. “Is there internet here? Where do people get their water? Do you know of any places to rent locally?” Caffeine jumped and startled us all; Yellow had been resting quietly on the ground but now on his mark, ready and set. “My friends have a home here. They are wonderful. You will have to talk with them!” Go! She took off running and Yellow took off too! But he was tied to the Women’s Co-op tent and almost took the whole thing with him! Mellow jumped to his feet grabbing Yellow before the tent came tumbling down. That was the fastest I had ever seen Mellow move! Before I could process what was happening, Caffeine returned with a young Ecuadorian woman. “This is Concha. She takes care of the house for our friends and will give us a tour right now. Is everyone done eating? Good. Let’s go!” Following Concha up through the thick jungle, we eventually arrived at the house. It was perfect. Every room in the house was explored; I saw myself making dinner in the kitchen, soaking in the tub and sitting on the porch watching the sunset over the Pacific. I had already decided what room we would be sleeping in. I was sure we had discovered the home we would be renting on our return to Ecuador. Captain reminded me, “this is the house we saw from our property yesterday. How about that for manifesting?” “What do you two think? This would be perfect for you. I’ll talk with my friend tonight. When will she be in town? I will find out right away.” Caffeine couldn’t wait to get home to contact her friend. Mellow and Yellow had both exhausted their energies so they all headed home. They were thanked for their kindness and support and we told them we’d be in touch. We made our way back to the beach to decompress from the day. Beach combing is one of our favorite things to do. You never know what you will find washed up from the ocean tides. Some days, you find treasures making their way back to the sea. We were walking along our beach when I noticed some type of critter in the distance. As we made our way closer, I realized what I was witnessing. Six baby turtles were making their way to the ocean. Sure and steady, inch by inch, heading straight for the sea, patiently waiting for the wave that would take them away. The Universe was reminding me to have my future in mind but to be patient as it is all about the journey. Every inch is a part of it. Tears fell from my eyes as I witnessed this miracle. Further down the beach, I found yet another gracious reminder of life’s beautiful ride. Washed up on the beach was an enormous turtle’s shell. From start to finish, on this long stretch of beach, I had witnessed the whole race. Life is a very long time; there is no need to race through it. After discovering the giant shell, I looked at Captain and he was shaking his head back and forth. “We’re not bringing that back home with us!” He knew exactly what I was thinking… There were two messages waiting for us when we got home that evening. The first was a Skype message from the home owner contacting us about renting her house. The other was an email from the Governor and First Lady offering to look after Old Yeller while we are away.
{ "date": "2017-07-26T06:27:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549426050.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20170726062224-20170726082224-00310.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9849706292152405, "token_count": 3033, "url": "https://atruetalltale.wordpress.com/2013/05/26/slow-and-steady-wins-the-race/" }
Changing 74 Jensen Healey Timing Belt Tensioner Bearings Something Every J-H Owner May Want To Know! The concentric pulley tensioner adjuster should have new bearings installed on a regular basis. My rule of thumb is every other timing belt change. The stock timing belt must be changed every 18,000 miles to avoid breakage and a really messed up engine. A broken belt will, of course, bend all your nice valves causing much trouble and creating great expense. Im using the up-rated half-moon timing belt and adjustable pulley gears (about $300 from Dave Bean Engineering) so I can go more like 40,000 - 50,000 miles between belt changes, a great time saver! Ive only recently realized its been a good 70,000 miles since Ive changed the tensioner bearings. Although I have a 73, my current the engine is from a 74, otherwise the adjuster above would look a bit different than the one shown in the You should always plan on a timing belt change with the replacement bearings since the outer crank fan belt pulley must be removed to pull off the concentric pulley (and bearings) above it. The whole process is NBD (No Big Deal) with the only requirements being some modest tools, timing light, a drift, a good bench vise to press off the old bearings and press on the new ones and a few hours of your time. Basic 1/2 drive socket set, including a 19mm socket for the crankshaft bolt & a 1 3/4 or 44-45mm round object used a drift. - 1/2 drive torque - Bench vise - One set (two) bearings ($20 from Delta Motorsports)- 75 & 76 use a one-piece pulley unit ($75 from Delta Motorsports) - New Nylock locknut - Timing belt (about - 22mm open end wrench or crescent wrench for tensioner adjuster - Mark I 72 & 73 JHs need the special Jensen rear adjusting tensioner wrench or convert to 74 style adjuster (needs some machining or this) - Rubber or similar mallet - Timing light to check - Anti-seize compound Top Dead Center Remove the battery negative cable and the coil lead for safety. Turn the engine over until the gears line up (you may need to turn two revolutions for the cam gears to line up) at Top Dead Center (TDC). If in doubt you can remove the cam bolts & washers to see where the keyways are located. I would advise anyone to never remove the timing belt without the engine at TDC. If any gears are moved, it will be difficult to see and even harder to set back At TDC, before I get too deep into anything, I always loosen the crankshaft bolt. Put the car in gear and apply the hand brake. This bolt should be torqued to 58-60 ft lbs, so a 19mm wrench and a rubber mallet should break it loose with a few blows. If not, the bolt has been over torqued and you will need to figure out how to loosen it before you proceed. Often, a liberal application of a firm mallet will eventually work. On occasion, an impact gun is the only thing that will remove it (presumably as this is how it got that way to An electric impact gun often works for the home mechanic. At this point you would need to remove the radiator to gain access to the bolt from the front (add an additional vino to the rating for that). With the bolt slightly lose, make sure the engine is still at TDC, or tighten a bit and readjust. Use you mallet to tap the fan belt pulley forward and remove so youll have access to the timing belt at the crankshaft. Use a 22mm open end wrench to loosen the concentric adjuster (pull the wrench toward you to loosen, away to tighten). The belt should be loose and you can now pull it forward and off of the gear pulleys. Do not move the cams in relation to the crankshaft. If doing a valve adjustment you would rotate the crankshaft back (counter clockwise) about 15 degrees to go down into the liners so the cams could move independently and not contact the pistons. For changing a timing belt and tensioner bearings it is sufficient to leave the crank and other pulleys as is. With the outer crank pulley removed we can now remove the tensioner pulley assemble from the engine. The concentric shaft that the pulley rides on is a simple press fit into the block, and I just rotated the adjusting nut on the front clockwise to move it forward. In a few minutes that is off the block and we can now consider the bearings. Once removed, I could tell immediately that the bearings were in a bad state. They were very rough when spun and made most unpleasant noises. I did notice the old ones were made in Japan and that the new bearings are now made in the fine country of Rumania. This gave some cause for concern, but they seemed smooth enough and were definitely a lot better than what I had now. Pressing out the old bearings The key here is finding the correct size socket(s) or other stout round implement to act as an impromptu drift. To remove the concentric shaft, a 17mm socket and two pieces of wood were all that With the shaft removed I could deal with the bearings themselves. This proved somewhat troublesome, and took a while before I found a drift that was exactly the right size. When pressing out the old bearings and especially when pressing new ones in, its quite important to have a drift that will ride on the outside metal edge of the bearing and not crush the bearing sleeve inside. Youll need a suitable drift that measures 1 3/4 (44-45mm) in diameter. I started it in the vise (above), which will only press out about an 1/8 and I then pounded the rest of the way with my drift on the vise (right) Its a simple matter to press the new ones in back in. I used the larger drift to press in the two bearings in the vise and then, with the large drift to hold the bearing in place on one side, put the concentric shaft in the vise and tightened it up. The new bearings were all back together in a few minutes. The tensioner assembly is pressed back on the block (use a dab of anti-seize here) by turning the adjuster and pushing back and then tightening into place with the lock nut (always use a new Nylock nut). The new timing belt is put back on (I removed the upper radiator hose and slide it down and around the fan for that since I didnt feel like removing the radiator on this job). Everything else is replaced the way it came off. The belt should be adjusted for tension (when cold you should be able to depress the belt about an 1/8 inch between the ignition sprocket and intake cam. This will need an additional tightening in a few weeks of driving. Throw on a new fan belt, install the crank pulley and torque the crank bolt to 58-60 lbs with your torque wrench, reattach the battery and coil lead & adjust the new belt and you should be ready to go. Start up the engine and check the timing, adjust as necessary. Be sure to take a look at the belt in a week or so of regular driving and readjust as needed. Thats it! New bearings, new timing belt, youre good for at least another 18,000 miles on the belt or in my case another 40,000 miles about that long on the tensioner
{ "date": "2017-07-28T02:32:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549436321.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20170728022449-20170728042449-00470.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9252831935882568, "token_count": 1709, "url": "http://www.jensenhealey.com/tech/bearing/bearing.html" }
Or – “Comic-Book Time: Explained.” The Marvel Universe as we know it (barring a few retcons and absorptions of existing properties such as Captain America) can be seen to have begun with the first issue of the Fantastic Four. For the first few years, it seemed that the stories were happening in ‘real time,’ but slowly, time in the Marvel Universe began to change, to stretch and flow and even reverse itself a time or two. Many a comics fan has remarked at one time or another how difficult it is to resolve the sheer number of happenings with the in-universe explanations of how long the characters have been around. Three things you probably DIDN’T know about Marvel Time: The Marvel Universe DID begin in 1961. Everything you know IS NOT wrong. And it’s all the intentional and deliberate work of one single, terrifyingly powerful and dizzyingly twisted mind... Time Is An Illusion Before we get too far into our exercise, I want to lay out the ground rules under which I am working: 1. We accept that Fantastic Four #1 actually takes place when it was published, in 1961. 2. We accept that all ‘topical references’ (i.e. Captain America fighting Nixon, then working alongside Carter in ‘The Avengers’, then saving Reagan from the Serpent Society, et al) actually happened as shown, in their appropriate time-frames. 3. We accept that it is currently the year 2011 in Marvel Comics continuity. Luckily for us, we have a handy touchstone of time’s passage throughout the early years of the Marvel Universe, one Peter Parker, bitten by a radioactive spider during his sophomore year of high school. That story saw print in August 1962, and Peter graduated high school in Amazing Spider-Man #28 in the fall of 1965. Thus, Peter’s last three years of high school take place over the space of three years for us as well. Reed Richards and Susan Storm get married in the summer of 1965, and two years later, in the fall of 1967, we discover that Sue is expecting. Since Amazing Spider-Man Annual #4 guest-stars the Human Torch, and since the Official Marvel Index of The Amazing Spider-Man puts that issue BEFORE Amazing Spider-Man #53 (which came out the same month as Fantastic Four Annual #5, where we find out about the pregnancy) we can see that time is passing at roughly the same rate for Spider-Man and for the FF. (Stay with me, I’m just showing my work, here.) In the fall of 1968, Susan Richards goes into labor. (Our first hint of what’s to come is that fact that Sue’s pregnancy takes place over the course of nearly twelve months instead of the customary 37 to 42 weeks of gestation, the first time that the Fantastic Four’s stories don’t conform to ‘real time.’) Most children are only a few minutes old when officially named. Reed and Sue’s baby, born in November 1968, is not named for nearly THIRTEEN MONTHS, our time, receiving the sobriquet “Franklin Benjamin Richards” in January 1970. The Mind Games Start Early Two things about this are significant to someone with a keen eye (and a mind for conspiracy theories): One, the thirteen months of stories we have been presented cannot actually cover thirteen months of time for the characters, as not even absent-minded professor Reed Richards would wait a year to pick a name for his firstborn. Two, the child is named for his grandfather, later revealed to be a time-traveler who looks out for him, and (Sorry, I mixed up my grandpa stories!) his ‘Uncle Ben,’ the most physically imposing member of the Fantastic Four. In short, it’s almost as if his parents were influenced into naming him so that a powerful fellow would be particularly interested in his welfare. Very early in his life, Franklin is shown to have unusual abilities (he is able to see his mother while invisible, and awakens The Thing at one point using latent psychic powers.) After interactions with Annihilus and later Ultron, Franklin’s powers became a running theme, scaling up and down as well as turning on and off with relative regularity. No less an authority than Professor X quantified him as one of the most powerful mutants alive. By the time of Fantastic Four #134 (May 1973) a five-year-old Franklin looks to be the size of a (rather creepy) three-year-old. Okay, I may be underestimating the boy’s size. But by the time of Fantastic Four #170 (May 1976) Franklin looks like… a rather creepy (and strangely brunette) three-year-old. And by the time of Fantastic Four #224 (November 1980), the now 12-year-old Franklin looks and acts approximately seven or so. And is it just me, or does it look like he just made Mommy’s pants disappear? Now, at this point, much of my speculation is based on what you expect a child of a given age to look or act like, but how can we explain it when, nearly a year later, Franklin seems to be five again? That particular interaction with Annihilus is interesting, as well, as it leads to Franklin once again manifesting his super-powers (openly.) The answer is as simple as it is frightening: Franklin Richards is whatever age he wants to be. And he not only makes himself that age, he makes it so that he’s ALWAYS been that age, and no one ever remembers anything different BECAUSE HE CHANGES THE FUNDAMENTAL NATURE OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. In a very real way, Franklin Richards IS ‘Marvel Time.’ And the entirety of his universe ages more slowly because Franklin doesn’t want to grow up and he certainly doesn’t want things to change too much while he enjoys his extended childhood. Where It Gets All Icky And Freudian By the early 80’s Franklin is firmly established as being somewhere between 6 and 9 years old, when the first echoes of a change start to occur in his universe. Seeing as how he was born in 1968, Franklin is starting to reach what should be the age of puberty, where he should start liking girls and growing up. By no coincidence, the Marvel Universe of this era is witness to the events that the X-Men would come to know as ‘Days of Future Past.’ For those of you that don’t know, ‘DoFP’ is an alternate reality where all the mutants are nearly wiped out, and Franklin is the most powerful creature left in the world, and he has a girlfriend and you can’t call her and check it or nothin’, because she’s from the future. In short, it’s the quintessential adolescent power fantasy of heroism and sexual potency. During this same timeframe, Susan Richards becomes pregnant again, and Reed is forced to try and save his child from cosmically irratiated body chemistry. This time it fails and the Richards’ second child is believed to have died. (We later learn that “Future Franklin” arrived and mystically moved his sister’s spirit somewhere else. Write that down. It’s important later…) Altering his age yet again, Franklin becomes an official superhero for the first time as Tattletale, auxiliary member of Power Pack. Franklin’s age from this point on (1987, the year of his what should be his 19th birthday) seems a bit older, hovering in the 8 to 11 year-old range, and his first foray into superherodom seems to convince him that this vague pre-pubescent realm is a good thing. Franklin also allows the Marvel Universe to grow up a bit, transitioning into the dark and gritty 90’s era. But, of course, his idea of “grown up” is all about beard stubble and phallic weapons and leather jackets and adolescent angst. Now, remember that bit where Franklin came back in time to save his sister’s mind? Why would that be significant? Because, if we accept our hypothesis that the Marvel Universe is under his control, that means we have to accept the unpleasant fact that Franklin caused his baby sister’s seeming demise. His motive: Not wanting to share Mommy’s attention with ANYONE. To add an exclamation point to these emotional issues, Franklin’s time-travelling grampa arrives and ages him in a dimension outside of time or something (ironically, he ends up close to his actual age of 25 or so) allowing Frank to become the superhero Notice the Invisible Woman’s costume here, or more to the point, the relative lack thereof… An associate of mine once remarked that Susan Richards is the mother figure of the Marvel Universe, and the problem with this peek-a-boo stripperific suit is simple: “Who wants to see the mother of the Marvel Universe half-naked?” Answer: A kid with some serious maternal bonding issues after years of nannies and butlers and witch-caretakers, that’s whom. To add to the whole (you should excuse the expression) complex, Reed Richards is lost, presumed dead at this point, leaving Mommy single and coincidentally dressed like a whore from Krypton. “Who said anything about talking,” indeed. Franklin remains a grown-up superhero for a few years, eventually missing his dad enough to resurrect him. When he tires of the responsibilities of adulthood, Franklin lets things go back to normal, de-aging himself again. In the late 90’s, in a fit of pique, he wishes his family and all their friends to the cornfield dead, but still manages to protect them by creating an alternate world where they’re safe and sound (albeit poorly drawn.) Around the time of what should be his 30th birthday, he realizes that he was unfair to his lost sister, and brings little Valeria back, finally ready to share his parents’ love and attention. Franklin never quite completely overcomes his Quentin Tarentino-esque love of the terse, stubbly tough guy but at the same time rediscovers his childhood love of the brightly-clad superheroes like Spider-Man. Eternal Sunshine In A Perfect Museum Of Colorful Toys At present, Franklin Richards is chronologically 43 years old, and may not even himself fully realize that he is controlling the entire universe. He has finally learned to socialize, taking a place in the Future Foundation, recognized as one of the greatest potential minds of the future, and surrounding himself with peers who are likewise prodigious, including his sister Valeria. He has periodically re-injected himself as center of attention, as seen recently when Galactus himself arrived to assess Franklin as a threat. He has given up many of the childish pursuits of his youth, and has accepted that things don’t always have to have happy endings. He has realized that he likes Spider-Man young and single, that he likes the Avengers nearly as much as the Fantastic Four, but that Daddy is (and will always be) the smartest man in the world, and Mommy the strongest woman. Uncle Ben is his special favorite (see Fear Itself #5 if you don’t believe me) while he holds a quiet resentment of popular Uncle Johnny. (Sometimes he even wishes Uncle Johnny were dead, but he knows he won’t stay mad forever.) Like many kids, he likes the idea of having more than one of the same toy in different colors, and wonders how the Hulk would look in red, or how Wolverine would look as a girl. His adult mind likes to ponder huge world-shattering stakes, but his child mind doesn’t really like to (and, indeed, isn’t equipped to) think about long-term consequences. And, of course, Franklin likes being 12 and half years old more than anything. Time is never going back to normal, if he has his way, and none of the denizens of the Marvel Universe, not even super-smart Daddy, will never know any different. Like little Anthony Fremont, he quietly enjoys that everyone in the world is just a puppet dancing on his stage, and he’ll cut their strings, change their clothes and repaint them however he sees fit, whenever the mood strikes. And that’s a good thing, Franklin. A real… real good thing… (Of course, there’s a completely DIFFERENT subtle and disturbing reason why no one in the DC Universe ever ages, but that, as they say, is another ((Classified)) story.)
{ "date": "2017-07-21T19:20:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423808.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20170721182450-20170721202450-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9681558609008789, "token_count": 2701, "url": "http://majorspoilers.com/2011/08/19/major-spoilers-confidential-case-file-0001-the-franklin-richards-paradox/" }
The Rest Of Your Life Is Waiting… Will You Visualize And Set Your Course For An Ideal Outcome Or Will You Simply Drift Along… It's the Science of Visualization. Simply By Changing Your Thoughts and Actions, You Can Change Your World To Have Better Health, More Fulfilling Relationships, More Prosperity And A Greater Sense of Well Being. When considering what your future is going to be like, most people choose to simply drift along and this is a tragedy that happens over and over again. The most intelligent, well meaning people in the world are relegated to an inferior existence, living a life less fulfilling and rewarding because they did not set goals or visualize what they wanted for their future. Consider the airline pilot who flies a plane from New York to Los Angeles. Most of the flight is on auto-pilot, where the course is set at the beginning. But it's not a straight, point A to point B event. The plane is constantly making adjustments for wind, weather and other issues that may come up which could throw it off course. It's the same with your life. Without first setting the course and without making the necessary adjustments, your future will just drift into any direction the wind takes it. This is no way to go through life! The old adage is true: When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But it doesn't have to be that way for you, not anymore. Today you can decide how the rest of your life is going to look and feel. Right now you can take steps toward a better life for yourself, your career and your family, simply by practicing the art of visioning and goal setting. You can begin by attending the <put your title here> Teleseminar <or Webinar> event. Here are the details: This is a course that will show you: How to employ long term thinking and visualization that brings you the outcomes you want instead of just letting the chips fall where they may. How to take real action, no matter how small, that builds momentum to make your vision a reality. How to eliminate distractions so you can focus on your vision with the most clarity possible. How to live with a greater sense of purpose, which will open you up to all kinds of positive experiences. People who attend this teleseminar <or webinar> training will have a new outlook on the rest of their lives, and the tangible start of a real plan to make amazing things happen. Here are just a few of the takeaways from this groundbreaking course: ü You'll learn how to develop a strategy for setting a long-term vision for what we want. ü You'll be able to start turning a simple vision into a manageable, measurable action plan. ü You'll discover how to eliminate distractions by bringing focus to what matters most. ü You'll start connecting your life to a bigger purpose and assure a successful outcome ü And you'll be able to finally, once and for all, turn your visions into your reality. …and much more! Today you have a choice of how you want the rest of your life to play out. You can either be someone who just lets the winds of fate carry you or you can visualize the kind of life you want to live, the kind that will make you happy and fulfilled. Sign up for this life changing course and you'll discover all the ways to make this happen in your own life.
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Ashes of the Earth: A Mystery of Post-Apocalyptic America By Eliot Pattison Counterpoint Press April 2011 Reviewed by Deirdre M. Murphy Many things in the dark world depicted in this post-apocalyptic murder mystery aren’t what they first seem to be—a facet of this book that starts with the very first paragraphs: The faces of the many child suicides Hadrian Boone had cut from nooses or retrieved below cliffs never left him, filled his restless sleep, and encroached in so many waking nightmares that now, as the blond girl with the hanging rope skipped along the ridge above, he hesitated, uncertain whether she was another of the phantoms that haunted him. Then she paused and reached out for the hand of a smaller red-haired girl behind her. Hadrian threw down the shovel he was using to dig out the colony’s old latrine pit, gathered up the chain clamped to his feet, and ran. He scrambled up the steep slope of the ravine, ignoring the surprised, sleepy curse of his guard and the shrill, angry whistle that followed. Grabbing at roots and saplings to pull himself forward, he cleared the top and sprinted along the trail, his spine shuddering at the expectation of a baton on his back, his gut wrenching at the sound of a feeble shriek from the opposite side of the ridge. As he reached the open shelf of rock, he sprang, grabbed for the swinging rope that hung from a limb over the edge, heaving it up with a groan of despair. He froze as he hauled the child at the end of it back onto the ledge. What he found himself holding was an old coat fastened over a frame of sticks, and he found himself looking into the blank eyes of a pumpkin head with dried wheat for hair. As fascinating as this opening is, much of what follows in this opening scene grated on me. Parts were heavy-handed and, well, gross. I really am capable of figuring out who’s supposed to be the hero and who’s supposed to be the villain without seeing the protagonist attempt, mostly futilely, to rescue pages of destroyed books from a latrine pit. Happily, as I got further into the book, I found an interesting, nuanced, multi-faceted future world, with an abundance of heroes, villains, and (best of all) people with aspects of both roles. Other than the first scene, my primary quibble was an inability to resolve two facts: our protagonist, Hadrian Boone, knows nearly everyone in Carthage because he taught nearly every child born there and because he was a founding father of this first thriving settlement after biological agents and radiation killed nearly everyone in the world. Yet he keeps seeing lots of people he doesn’t know or even distantly recognize wandering around Carthage, and this doesn’t surprise him. At times, this contradiction acted like a speed-bump for me as I read, jostling my attention away from the immediate events of the story to the question of just how large Carthage is. It isn’t long after Hadrian rescues the pumpkin that the first corpse is discovered, and the Governor of Carthage—a former friend of Hadrian’s—rushes to hide the body and the news. It is only when Hadrian points out that this murder could point to a threat to the Governor himself that he commissions Hadrian to find out what happened to the man. The governor attempts to keep Hadrian in line by threatening Hadrian’s oldest living friend, a threat that Hadrian fears even though the old man is the scientist behind much of Carthage’s success, and who is, we are told, the only reason Hadrian has not been exiled already. Hadrian has only barely started his investigations when there’s another murder—one closer to Hadrian. This new loss turns his determination to find out what happened from a tired and fearful longing for knowledge and justice into a passionate quest. Hadrian's investigation of the murders leads him to the gritty roots of corruption in this new world, which is all too reminiscent of the flaws in our pre-apocalyptic world. Can he redeem the dreams of the dead men and turn the children away from their suicide cult? Can he redeem himself, and overcome the emotional scars of losing his world and his family before the first log was cut to build Carthage? Can he at least save some part of the history and literature of the modern world from being used as toilet paper and cigarette wrappers? There's an inherent promise to mystery readers that the murders will be solved. But will doing so do any good, for Hadrian or his world? I enjoyed finding out.
{ "date": "2017-07-27T06:56:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549427749.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20170727062229-20170727082229-00670.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9711363315582275, "token_count": 985, "url": "http://sciencefictionmusings.blogspot.com/2011/10/ashes-of-earth-mystery-runs-dark-and.html" }
Sunday, February 26, 2012 I did this self portrait from an old photo (same reference as the ink logo at the top of the screen) as part of my life drawing midterm (that's not drawing from life, I know, I know). I referenced myself in a mirror as well, to adjust for differences between the picture and what I look like right now. (no goatee) I left the newsprint I usually do this type of drawing on up on campus, so I had to draw on Strathmore 400 medium 18" x 24". The media is Nupastel. Wednesday, February 1, 2012 I did this quick ink sketch of Brother Mitt for my friends at the BYU Political Review last week, and the new issue with my (flipped) drawing hit the stands today. I wish I could take credit for the clever captions they included on separate issues (Collect all three: "That's President Romney, Brother", "What? You want me to disclose my tithing settlements too?", and "The Nation's hardest job, and no coffee"!), but those come from the clever staff at the Review. I like the BYUPR anyway, but I think this issue is especially interesting, probing the possibility of an Mormon president (both here as well as in Mali) and the history of Mormons in politics. The plan was for a little more complex illustration, but I just couldn't swing it this time around. I'm glad they were able to use this. Hopefully there will be more collaboration with them soon. Check out the full issue here http://www.byupoliticalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/January20112.pdf or pick up your own print copy on campus. Praise to the Man who campaigned with Jehova!
{ "date": "2017-07-20T22:32:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423512.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20170720222017-20170721002017-00390.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9750038981437683, "token_count": 368, "url": "http://dangersartpad.blogspot.com/2012/02/" }
Palermo is a city in Insular Italy, the capital of both the autonomous region of Sicily and the Province of Palermo. The city is noted for its history, culture, architecture and gastronomy, playing an important role throughout much of its existence; it is over 2,700 years old. Palermo is located in the northwest of the island of Sicily, right by the Gulf of Palermo in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The city was founded by the Phoenicians, but named by the Ancient Greeks asPanormus meaning 'always fit for landing in.' Palermo became part of the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire and eventually part of the Byzantine Empire, for over a thousand years. From 827 to 1071 it was under Arab rule during the Emirate of Sicily when it first became a capital. Following the Norman reconquest, Palermo became capital of a new kingdom (from 1130 to 1816), the Kingdom of Sicily. Eventually it would be united with the Kingdom of Naples to form the Two Sicilies until the Italian unification of 1860. |Remains of the old city walls| |The Palazzo dei Normanni| From 1820 to 1848 all Sicily was shaken by upheavals, which culminated on January 12, 1848, with a popular insurrection, the first one in Europe that year, led by Giuseppe La Masa. A parliament and constitution were proclaimed. The first president was Ruggero Settimo. The Bourbons soon reconquered Palermo (May 1849), which remained under their rule until the appearance of Giuseppe Garibaldi. This famous general entered Palermo with his troops (the “Thousands”) on May 27, 1860. After the plebiscite later that year Palermo and the whole of Sicily became part of the new Kingdom of Italy (1861). In 1946 the city was declared the seat of the Regional Parliament, as capital of a Special Status Region (1947) whose seat is in the Palazzo dei Normanni. Palermo's future seemed to look bright again. Many opportunities were lost in the coming decades, owing to incompetence, incapacity, corruption and abuse of power. The main topic of the modern age is the struggle against the Mafia and bandits like Salvatore Giuliano, who controlled the neighbouring area of Montelepre. The Italian State had to share effective control of the territory, economic as well as administrative, with the Mafia families. The so-called "Sack of Palermo" is one of the major visible faces of this problem. The term is used today to indicate the heavy building speculations that filled the city with poor buildings. The reduced importance of agriculture in the Sicilian economy had led to a massive migration to the cities, especially Palermo, which swelled in size. Instead of rebuilding the city centre the town was thrown into a frantic expansion towards the north, where practically a new town was built. The regulatory plan for the expansion was largely ignored. New parts of town appeared almost out of nowhere, but without parks, schools, public buildings, proper roads and the other amenities that characterise a modern city. The Mafia played a huge role in this process, which was an important element in the Mafia's transition from a mostly rural phenomenon into a modern criminal organisation. The Mafia took advantage of corrupt city officials (a former mayor of Palermo, Vito Ciancimino, has been condemned for his bribery with Mafiosi) and protection coming from the Italian central government itself. Today, Palermo is a city still struggling to recover from the devastation of uncontrolled urban growth. The historic city centre is still partly in ruins, the traffic is horrific, and poverty is widespread. Being the city in which the Italian Mafia historically had its main interests, it has also been the place of several recent well-publicized murders. Palermo is connected to the mainland by an international airport and an increasing number of maritime links. However, land connections remain poor. This and other reasons have until now thwarted the development of tourism. This has been identified as the main resource to exploit for the city's recovery, the legacy of three millennia of history and folklore. Caponata, a tasty salad made with eggplant (aubergines), olives, capers and celery, makes a great appetizer. There is also an artichoke-based version of this traditional dish, though you're less likely to find it in most restaurants. Sfincione is a local form of pizza made with tomatoes, onions and (sometimes) anchovies. Prepared on a thick bread and more likely found in a bakery than in a pizzeria, sfincione is good as a snack or appetizer. Panella is a thin paste made of crushed or powdered ceci (garbanzo) beans and served fried. Maccu is a creamy soup made from the same bean. Crocché(croquet) are fried potato dumplings made with cheese, parsley and eggs. Arancine are fried rice balls stuffed with meat or cheese. Sicily is renowned for its seafood. Grilled swordfish is popular. Smaller fish, especially snapper, is sometimes prepared in a vinegar and sugar sauce. Seppia (cuttlefish) is served in its own black sauce with pasta. Another Sicilian seafood dish made with pasta is finnochio con sarde (fennel with sardines). Meat dishes are always popular. Many are traditionally made with lamb or goat. Best known outside Sicily is vitello alla marsala (veal marsala), one of many regional meat specialties. Chicken "alla marsala" can be prepared using a similar recipe and method. Milza (veal spleen) sandwiches are a bit "native" for most tastes, and loaded with cholesterol, but delicious anyway. Sicilian desserts are superlative. Cannoli are tubular crusts with creamy ricotta and sugar filling. If they taste a little different from the ones you've had outside Italy, that's because the ricotta here is made from sheep's milk. Cassata is a rich, sugary cake filled with the same delicious filling. Frutta di Martorana (or pasta reale) are almond marzipan pastries colored and shaped to resemble real fruit. Sicilian gelato (ice cream) is excellent. In fact, it is possible that ice cream was invented in Sicily during Roman times, when a relay of runners would bring snow down from Mount Etna to be flavored and served to wealthy patricians. You'll find flavors ranging from pistachio and hazelnut (nocciola) to jasmine (gelsomino) to mulberry (gelsi) to strawberry (fragala) and rum (zuppa inglese). Granita is sweetened crushed ice made in Summer and flavored with lemons or strawberries. - The Cathedral of Palermo is an architectural complex It is characterized by the presence of different styles, due to a long history of additions, alterations and restorations, the last of which occurred in the 18th century. The church was erected in 1185 by Walter Ophamil (or Walter of the Mill), the Anglo-Norman archbishop of Palermo and King William II's minister, on the area of an earlier Byzantine basilica. By all accounts this earlier church was founded by St. Gregory and was later turned into a mosque by the Saracens after their conquest of the city in the 9th century. Ophamil is buried in a sarcophagus in the church's crypt. The medieval edifice had a basilica plan with three apses, of which only some minor architectural elements survive today. The upper orders of the corner towers were built between the 14th and the 15th centuries, while in the early Renaissance period the southern porch was added. The present neoclassical appearance dates from the work carried out over the two decades 1781 to 1801, and supervised by Ferdinando Fuga. During this period the great retable by Gagini, decorated with statues, friezes and reliefs, was destroyed and the sculptures moved to different parts of the basilica. Also by Fuga are the great dome emerging from the main body of the building, and the smaller domes covering the aisles' ceilings. - The Palazzo dei Normanni or Royal Palace of Palermo was the seat of the Kings of Sicily during the Norman domination and served afterwards as the main seat of power for the subsequent rulers of Sicily. Today it is the seat of the regional parliament of Sicily. The palace stands in what is the highest point of the ancient centre of the city, just above the first Punic settlements, whose remains can still be found in the basement. The first building, the Qasr (in Arabic, castle or palace) is believed to have been started in the 9th century by the Emir of Palermo. Parts of this early building are still visible in the foundations and in the basements, where typical Arabian vaults are present. After the Normans conquered Sicily in 1072 (just 6 years after they conquered England) and established Palermo as the capital of the new Kingdom of Sicily, the palace was chosen as the main residence of the kings. The Norman kings transformed the former Arabian palace into a multifunctional complex with both administrative and residential aims. All the buildings were linked to each other via arcades and enclosed by gardens, designed by the best gardeners of the middle east. In 1132 King Roger II added the famous Cappella Palatina to the complex, making it the focus of the palace. - Palermo City Walls. Palermo has got at least 2 circuits of City Walls - many pieces of which still survive. The first circuit surrounded the ancient core of the punic City - the so-called Palaeopolis (in the area east of Porta Nuovo) and the Neopolis. Via Vittorio Emanuele was the main road E-W through this early walled City. The eastern edge of the walled City was on Via Roma and the ancient port in the vicinity of Piazza Marina. The wall circuit was approximately Porto Nuovo, Corso Alberti, Piazza Peranni, Via Isodoro, Via Candela, Via Venezia, Via Roma, Piazza Paninni, Via Biscottari, Via Del Bastione, Palazzo dei Normanni and back to Porto Nuovo. In the medieval period the wall circuit was expanded. Via Vittorio Emanuele continued to be the main road E-W through the walled City. West gate was still Porto Nuovo, the circuit continued to Corso Alberti, to Piazza Vittorio em Orlando where it turned east along Via Volturno to Piazza Verdi and along the line of Via Cavour. At this North East corner there was a defense, Castello a Mare, to protect the port at La Cala. A huge chain was used to block La Cala with the other end at S Maria della Catena (St Mary of the Chain). The sea-side wall was along the western side of Foro Italico Umberto. The wall turns west along the northern side of Via Abramo Lincoln, continues along Corso Tukory. The wall turns north approximately on Via Benedetto, to Palazzo dei Normanni and back to Porto Nuovo. Source: Palermo - City Guide by Adriana Chirco, 1998, Dario Flaccovio Editore. Several gates in the City Wall survive. - The Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele is an opera house and opera company. It was dedicated to King Victor Emanuel II. It is the biggest in Italy, and one of the largest of Europe (the third after the Opéra National de Paris and the K. K. Hof-Opernhaus in Vienna), renowned for its perfect acoustics. The opera house was designed and overseen by the very genial Italian architect Giovan Battista Filippo Basile and, following his death in 1891, construction was then overseen by his highly artistic son, Architect Ernesto Basile. G. B. Filippo Basile was well known in Sicily also for his previous cathedral restoration design in the city of Acireale, as well as garden and villa designs in the city of Palermo and Caltagirone. - Catacombe dei Cappuccini, the catacombs of the Capuchin convent located on the Piazza Cappuccini, just west of the city centre, contain over 8000 mummified ex-residents from Palermo and its surrounding villages, some merely clothed skeletons, other remarkably well-preserved and lifelike. Well worth a visit, interesting, if slightly morbid. Children may either find it exciting or terrifying and it must be the responsibility of their parents to think carefully before taking them.
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Guys, I know. I promised that my blogging would be back to normal by now. When we got back from vacation my 16 year old cat was acting very strange, and completely stopped eating and drinking. She got very very sick, and we had to put her down Friday evening. I’d had her since middle school, so this has been a very tough couple of weeks. I’ve been reading a little bit, but mostly it’s been rereading Patrick Rothfuss, so I don’t have any reviews for you. Anything new I really can’t focus on right now. I promise, I have a bunch of great books planned soon, I just need a little time. For now, I need the comfort of my favorites, and I’ll come back when I have more concentration. For those of you who have commented on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr, thank you. I haven’t had a chance to send everyone personal messages, but I really do appreciate it.
{ "date": "2017-07-24T18:36:29Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424909.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20170724182233-20170724202233-00270.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9853070378303528, "token_count": 214, "url": "https://ilayreading.wordpress.com/2015/02/23/bloggy-excuses/" }
Whew...what a LONG day yesterday was. 8AM to 10:30 PM....and three people left early ("a house full of guests" or "my other job"...we all understood that these were just excuses to get out of there.) Then--WAA!--my net connection wasn't working. This morning, I finally moved the broadband receiver in front of the window...lol Ever work with a bunch of stressed women? We take everything so personally, and when we're not reacting, we're thinking about it. Ohmigawd. And if you've ever done anything for 14 hours straight, you know it gets OLD at about six... Ok, that's enough whining. Looking out my office window this morning, I see my newest peony bush is about a foot high already--that gray and white world from a month ago is all green now. The window's open, birds are singing morning songs, I hear windchimes, I'm drinking fresh hot coffee and feeling cool air, and next week I'll have time OFF for son's wedding....ahhhhh, life IS good! Have a wonderful day, ok? and do lots of DIFFERENT things today, just for me. lol
{ "date": "2017-07-22T02:36:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423842.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20170722022441-20170722042441-00310.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9467923641204834, "token_count": 252, "url": "http://twigsandbranches.blogspot.com/2005/05/good-morning-i-think.html" }
Top Tips For Surviving Coding Computer programming and coding can be very stressful. There is the multitude of numbers and algorithms to remember, and the constant glow of a computer screen in your eyes. It’s important to have enough time to chill as well; Wow247 have 8 tips for you to make it slightly easier 1. Plan the week ahead This is going to be your number one priority, no excuses of ‘I don’t have any time for that’, or ‘I didn’t finish that homework because I had that other thing I wanted to do’. Managing your time and prioritizing is vital to coding course survival. By your third week, you will have an idea of what the week is like, so prepare yourself and think about things you have to do, could do and if you have time would like to do. This is the typical everyday stuff we do. Eat. But don’t just eat everything and anything. Refuel with healthy food. Make sure that what you’re eating is fuel, so cut back on those chips, and have more greens and fruit! I don’t mean to sound like a nagging old lady, but take it into consideration that you will be working long days. 3. Get enough sleep This was one of the biggest problems I had. Not because I didn’t get enough sleep, but because I love my comfy bed and wanted to sleep more. Chances are you will have to be in your classrooms by 8.45am at the latest, and will start your day at 9am on the dot. By the time you’ve finished you’re going to want to rest. 4. Don’t compare yourself to others Don’t look at the amount of stuff you don’t know; instead look at the amount of stuff you already learned. There will be times where you might think you’re just not good enough, or are not moving at the pace of everyone else. That’s normal. Whilst you’re thinking that you are struggling, there are another seven or eight people feeling the same way. 5. Create a coding family I don’t mean go forth and reproduce and create coding minions. I mean get to know your class: who you get along with and who you aren’t fussed about. After all you will be together for a long time, and most of the times you will still keep in contact with these new friends because you will have one thing in common. You took the journey together. 6. Work together Work with your fellow coders on projects and homework. Two heads are always better than one, and you get to see how that other person works or how they find the solutions. But don’t just let the other person do all the work. Muck in and help out, tackle one of the challenges whilst he/she deals with the other. 7. Ask LOTS of questions I don’t think I need to elaborate much here. The most successful students are the ones who ask when they’re unsure – they are not shy or embarrassed about the question they have. 8. Let your hair down This is the best time of all. Go out and relax whenever you can. Make the most of the nights when you have nothing on. Even if it’s just embracing the Netflix box-sets. Breaking Bad and a few beers was always a winner for me. Just take that bit of time to be normal again, see friends or catch up on all your Facebook news feed. If you’re a bit of a computer geek, and coding and programming sounds right up your street then take a look through our I.T courses today.
{ "date": "2017-07-23T22:37:37Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549424623.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20170723222438-20170724002438-00470.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9565123915672302, "token_count": 789, "url": "https://sheffcolblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/top-tips-for-surviving-coding/" }
Decartes said "I think therefore I am." If I think too much does that mean I am too much? Ten years ago I wrote this to put certain concepts straight in my head. I start to think I start to write, this and several others were never meant to be read by anyone other than the odd friend who was interested; it sits in a book I call "Philosophic & Martial Scribblings." It was from this 'book' that I decided to rewrite my theoretical concepts on martial arts & publish as some sort of magazine or book & add a bit of Shaolin history and well that led to the creation of MY monster. Any way dusted off & tweaked up a bit here's some more heavy weirdness for your monster. RJW The Dream World The most terrifying thing about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent. However vast the darkness, we must provide our own light. -Stanley Kubrick, 1968. The only constant in the universe is change. *This is true of our day to day lives, going about our business never knowing what's going to happen next and it is true on the most basic principle. Is matter solid & connected or merely illusion, one manifestation of a larger order? On the quantum level matter seems to need our participation; a photon in a closed box could be anywhere or every where until we observe it, and then it acts as a particle in one experiment and waves in another. Matter appears to need our active observation of measurement to make it decide how to behave. This of course sounds like madness; solid is solid how could it change? To tribal people this is the very reality with which they live. The Australian Aborigines believe in two streams of reality, what we live in now & the Dreamtime1. The Dreamtime is an English translation, a time beyond that which we can understand, the Aborigines call it The Law. First there was void, this was broken by memory, then sound, which created form, which is perpetuated by singing to keep the memory, and so this (reality) is the manifestation for the moment. The songs are passed down from the Ancestors, singing creates vibrations which cause the shape of a place, once a place is created the people move on making a Songline, singing at various places, helping that particular place hold the memory of its shape. Compress sand into a ball and the ball is made up of little grains of sand, thus the world is made up of little places of reality. Singing— vibrating, an on going flexible process that can create form and hold it for a time; reality is maintained by the tone of the song, it isn't solid but is held together through the interaction between people, animals, and the Dreaming. These Songlines map out the land; these places have Lian— the life force of a place, or what we might call intuition. A man walking “feels” his way across the land, he can't see the spirits, the people from the Dreamtime, but he can feel them. ‘Don't walk that way, maybe there's someone over there with a spear, better to go in this direction.’ The Old Ones haven't exactly told him but he can feel them in the land— Lian. These things the Aborigines have known for 50 000 years. In the southwestern United States the Navajo create the world anew each day. To a Shaman his Hogon, his home, is the center of the world. To him if you know your home you know everything. Each morning the Shaman starts his day the way the world began: first there was thought, then speaking, then movement. He chants the world into existence, his songs come from the Original People, who came from under ground, and were passed down through the generations. Unless you think there is no word. Unless you speak there is no world. Unless you move there is no life. To walk in beauty with all things you must connect with all things; the spirits are in all things. Live your life lightly like a bird, walk in beauty outside and you will walk in beauty inside. -Billy Yellow, Navajo Medicine Man. Language is not a mirror of reality; reality is a mirror of the sacred language. Another interesting aspect that some North American tribes believe is the idea that when a Brave kills a stag or a bear he receives some of that creature's power, part of its spirit. The Navajo also create sand paintings, much like Tibetan Buddhists. However the Buddhists create elaborate mandala (wheel of life, the simplest form of which is the swastika, which can also be found in Navajo culture, possibly brought over from the land bridge millennia ago) out of sand, then brush it away to show the impermanence of life. Navajo use the sand painting as a gateway to connect our world with the spirit world. The Gabra, of Kenya East Africa, are a nomadic desert tribe. They have something called Finn. Finn is earth and the cycle of life that takes place upon it. It actually means fertility & plenty; humans contribute to Finn as we care for the earth. Gabra wanderings are part of a constant cycle of creation & replenishing: looking after live stock, nourishing friendships, exchanging ideas, telling tales & singing songs. In Mexico the Huichol speak a language that is pre-Aztec. Caught between Christianity and the old ways they make a pilgrimage each year for fear that if they don't the world will end2. They pray not just for themselves but for Chinese, Europeans, Americans... they pray to balance the world. When a great sickness came upon them the spirits worked through both the doctor & the Shaman. The doctor gave the Shamans son medicine to cure the symptoms, but the Shaman had to cure the cause. His people had paid homage too many male things, not enough female, father sky & mother earth, there needed to be balance. The Chinese have the Dao. One begot two, two begot three, three being all things3. For them there was first thought, and then form, they didn't worry about where the first thought came from, it just was. As the Daoists say: stop at what is unknowable. Zhuangzi once dreamed he was a butterfly, or was he a butterfly dreaming he was a man? Where does “the Dream” come from? From our mind. Our mind is dualistic; it is the way we understand our universe. Shaman, teachers of wisdom, split the world into reality & Dream (spirit world). Tribal peoples understand this, the real world & the Dream, one defines the other, and they live in harmony with both. The Shaman guides his people, teaches them to live in harmony with the real world & explains the real world using the Dream World4. Where do we go when we die? Where did we come from? The same place, we simply cross over, and other beings from the Dream World cross into ours, but you must be sensitive to their presence. Reincarnation. Our soul goes into the Dream World & comes back. Both Tibetan Buddhists & Philippine Catholics believe that the spirit remains with the body for a time after death. Catholics pray over the body for nine days to send the soul onto Heaven5. Tibetan Buddhists read from the Bardo Thotrol, or Tibetan Book of the Dead, for 40 days, guiding the spirit so that it does not become trapped in its own illusions and can find a good life when it returns6. These illusions are caused by Karma7, which is an endless series of cause and effect, or in Newtonian terms: every action has an equal & opposite reaction, which determines whether you go to Heaven or Hell (both a Buddhist & Catholic concept) or returns to a better or worse life in the real world where the whole thing starts all over again. The chanting of the Book of the Dead helps guide the spirit, helps it seek truth rather than illusion in the next life. Buddhists do not believe in the Atman (eternal soul) like Hindus, so what then is reincarnated? Not a soul that is "you" but a continuous stream of Dharma8, what I will call life force, like water it continually flows and changes, freezes and evaporates, can fill any container, but is still water. Thought/dream, sound, movement, form, this is how we came to be, according to the Shaman/Sages. Wind, the music of heaven & earth; like a bellows the space between heaven & earth is the supreme emptiness through which Dao flows. Fifty thousand years ago the Aborigines of Australia knew all things were made up of smaller parts, today—protons, neutrons, electrons, waves... The North American aborigines knew that all beings are connected that in killing the bear part of its spirit becomes you; cannibals in reaches far from North America believed this as well. The Huichol pray to bring balance to the world. All are trying to preserve the real world through the connectedness of all things, to live in harmony with all things, and know who you are. Not name, rank, serial number, who your birth mother was (adopted children often want to know who their biological parents were, as if that will give them identity) but who YOU are. In many tribal society babies don't often survive the first few days, they are fragile and easily taken by evil spirits so are not considered human until several days after birth; but you know who you are by where you are from, who raised you and told you your stories, your songs about where your people came from; history yes, but also your connection to this world by harmony with nature, and to the Dream World. In Buddhism the Great Awakening is when you realize all is illusion9, and if all is illusion then why not a Dream World? Why not spirit beings from the other side? What's the difference between one illusion and another, (our) reality & Dream? Many tribes without contact, yet having similar ideals of spirituality. Carl Jung spoke of the collective unconscious, perhaps these ideals sprung from that. Perhaps the collective unconscious comes from the Dream World, where did the first thought come from? God? In Tibetan Buddhism they chant Om mani pade me hum. Om & hum are sounds/vibrations, mani pade me means, “jewel in the heart of the lotus”, or seek truth in illusion. How to break through illusion? How to stop reincarnation— the circle of death & rebirth? All must become one. Grains of sand in the desert make up the parts of a sandcastle— my atoms, atoms from the sun— what difference? My spirit, the spirit of the bear— what difference? We create realities to define ourselves, if we stop defining and dissolve, like pouring 1 cup of water into the ocean it becomes One with it, not one cup of water among many trying to define itself. No longer is there a mind to get trapped in its own illusions for there is no Dream World to go to and return from; ALL is illusion, this world, the Dream World is the same world. There are many jewels in many illusions, many truths in many realities. I do not see the forest spirits, but that is not to say they are not there. Our “civilized” world does not see these things, we've trapped ourselves in the illusion of science, cut ourselves off from trying to become One with this world & the Dream. Thus we have lost part of ourselves, we've traded one reality for another and lost our connectedness, which means we think we are right and have no need to seek this Oneness; only we feel we are missing something and are trying to get back to this tie with the Dream World tribal societies have. In the “civilized world” we were exiled from the Garden, tribal societies never left. The Daoists say that you must experience the world before you renounce it, learn knowledge so it can be discarded for wisdom; existence and non-existence, the wise man looks beyond. 1-Question: “The Australian Aborigines have an oral tradition of a time, before the creation of the world, & they call it, the 'Dream Time.' Does he (Ghost Wolf) see us returning to this point?” “We ARE returning to "Dream Point." When we go through the shift.....the Hopi have told their children that, "when these days come, you are to go inside your houses & close the doors." Many of the Lakota people have told their children to, "Go inside the sweat lodge & close the flap & don't look outside. Things will be happening that will drive you mad. You will not understand it & you will not be able to deal with it, so go inside some natural structure, go inside the sacred places & shut out the light, shut out what you are seeing." We are going through, again, this dimensional shift, which everything that we have ever created in our thoughts is existing out there. There are those rather naively say, "Well, there cannot be these evil spirits & dark things out there." But, we live in the world of Man, & man created that, so to man, they are realities.” -Robert Ghost Wolf 2-After prayer, dancing, chanting & fasting they search for peyote, the hallucinogenic food of the gods. They become One with the Ancestors, fused with the universe. The Huichol also fear this time as they are tempted to remain in paradise, if they are not strong enough to return (to our reality) their souls will be severed from their bodies & they will die. In our “civilized” world drugs are not sacred, not respected and too many people’s souls are severed from their bodies. 3-Fu Sze Taiji diagram or diagram of the natural universe: Wuji (ultimate nothingness)à Beginning of Taijià Yang & Yinà Taiji In the beginning there was nothing. Then force gave rise to the 2 forces of the Yin & the Yang, their interaction gave rise to the myriad things. Dao Te Jing. 4-Wisdom is found in the past, in the long tradition of the race. The teacher is the Elder, he is closest to those things of the past that are important; ceremonies often start with, “it is said…” For tribal people, life is One, and the sacred is very real. For tribal peoples of North America the circle governs their thought & action, it is basic in nature: the shape of moon & sun, wheeling stars, rotating seasons, the actions of birds & animals. Essential to the circle is its centre, from that point it is created. It is reflected in all the dances around the fire, drum or pole, & in ceremonies such as the sacred pipe. Tribal people also reflect upon the two-ness of life & nature. North American natives symbolize this by a divided circle, as in the Plains shield. Nature presents itself in pairs: dark & light, hot & cold, male & female, good & bad. These are not contradictory but complementary. Case-studies in Primal Religion/ Case-study 11: North American Indians. J.W.E. Newbery. Eerdmans’ p.165. 5-Philippine Catholics also hold a Death Anniversary for 9 years; they celebrate the anniversary of a person’s death continuing to pray for the soul to reach Heaven. Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. Proverbs 4-23. 6-The Tibetan monks read to the dying person to prepare them for death and after they have died they continue to guide the spirit. Smonlam (Tibetan) often translated as prayer literally means “wish-path.” It is not a request to an external deity, but a method of purifying & directing the mind. It acts as inspiration by arousing the mind’s inherent desire for good, which attracts the fulfillment of its aim. Elements: Energy which has the quality of the elements, 5 elements= 5 Buddhas or “he who has become one with the essence of what is.” Stages to enlightenment. Earth- Physical, living logic becomes vague, you lose physical contact. Water- You reassure yourself your mind is still functioning. Fire- Emotions, you think of some one you loved or hate, something vivid to hang on to. Air- Openness, love/hate becomes hollow. Space- Luminosity, you give in. Oneness, pleasure & pain become the same. The dualistic struggle of trying to BE something is completely confused by the 2 extreme forces of hope for enlightenment & fear of becoming insane. When you cease to struggle luminosity presents itself. 7-Karma: Action or works; the law of cause and effect; is the quality which shows itself in the thoughts, words, and deeds of an individual. It determines the nature of the individual’s rebirth: good works automatically bring about a good rebirth, bad works a bad one. So each rebirth is conditioned by the karma of the previous life. This is the moral order of the world, from which no one can escape. 8-Dharma: Not only moral law but also the physical laws ruling the universe; indeed it also denotes the individual parts which make it up. Examples of these dharmas are the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air; the colours and sounds; organic life; the senses, emotions, impulses of the will, the power of reasoning, consciousness, ignorance; fame beauty, riches, true and false teachings; sexuality, sleep, hunger, illness; growing, aging and dying. It is impossible to classify these dharmas in any systematic way. The main point is that the physical world and everything in it results from working together of these separate components. So while it seems that the human being is an independent unit, this is only an illusion. The person is actually a flowing stream of dharma, which continually changes and which after death rearranges itself to form a new individual. Thus the teaching of Buddha does not recognize the Hindu idea of the self (atman) which remains constant through the cycle of rebirths. It is fair to ask whether the one who has died and the one who has been reborn on the basis of his karma are not in fact two different beings. In one sense this is true, for there is no immortal “soul” to link the two. Yet at the same time, the new incarnation is inseparably bound by the karma it inherits, and which it will now express. Eerdmans’ p. 230-231. 9-Illusion is the belief that things remain the same. You can't step in the same river twice, for it is not the same river, nor are you the same person. Each moment that passes changes us, cells die, are shed, new cells divide replenish, bacteria lives & dies inside us, blood constantly pumps through our harts, air molecules are breathed in an out. You are grumpy when you awake in the morning, but happy when you reach work, hungry before lunch, satisfied after, tired at night. Each moment is born & dies; we go through many changes. Our perceptions of reality die as we progress down the Path and new ones are born in their place, we constantly die & are reborn each moment, some are more momentous than others. Awakening is a great rebirth. Eerdmans, Willam B., editor. Eerdmans’ Handbook to the World’s Religions. Lion Publishing, 1982. Fremantle, Francesca & Chogyam Trungpa, translators. The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1992. Jou, Tsung Hwa. The Tao of Tai Chi Chuan: Way to Rejuvenation. Warwick, N.Y., Tai Chi Foundation, 5th printing, 1988. Maybury-Lewis, David. Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World. Viking Penguin, 1992. Video (10 hours) Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World. PBS, Co-Production of Binman Production Ltd., Adrrian Malone Productions, Inc. KCET, Los Angeles & BBC TV. In association with the Global Television Network & Telefilm Canada, 1992. *The opening paragraphs on quantum experiments, the Australian Aborigines, Navajo, Gabra & Huichol are mostly the words of David Maybury-Lewis. I have done this to boil down 10 hours of videotape & 397 pages to put certain concepts straight in my own mind. This is not meant to ever be published as an academic paper in this form.
{ "date": "2017-07-27T16:40:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549428325.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20170727162531-20170727182531-00070.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9553756713867188, "token_count": 4343, "url": "http://russbo.com/shaolin/shaolin-scholars/dreamworld" }
Let me start by wishing you all a very happy New Year, may 2009 be a successful and enjoyable one for you. So it’s New Year and I am still here in Sydney. I have been here a while now, seen a few things, met a people, so it was now time to call up a some old friends who are here in Sydney. Firstly I sent an email to Bob and Beryl, I didn’t know if they would remember me, I wasn’t even sure if the email address I had would still work, but it was worth a go. I was surprised to find that they did remember me, mind who would not remember a daft Pommie in Liechtenstein who set up his tent right in the middle of a group of tents belonging to German bikers, but in my defence I hadn’t realised they were all together, there was nobody at home at the time, and secondly I assumed that as all the tents were there, that is where I was expected to pitch mine. I met Bob and Beryl again a few days later at another camp site in Innsbruck, Austria. They were touring Europe in a camper van, we exchanged email addresses. I rode the 30 odd kilometres out to Hornsby, I had almost passed their front door when I rode into Sydney. Their instructions were easy to follow and soon enough I was in another wonderful self built Australian home, backing onto woodland. 2 of their 3 sons soon turned up with 2 of their grand children. Then I was whisked off in the car for a tour of the local National Park. This was just perfect, they were spots I had looked at on the map but decided they were too far away for a day trip by bike. The roads were lovely twisting roads through the woodland, for once I didn’t care how long the road climbed. Unfortunately it started to rain, so I didn’t see it its best. We made our way up to West Head were it rained even more, but we could still see across to Palm Beach, the film location of Home and Away. On the way back the rain stopped, we were able to do a short walk out to some Aboriginal rock carvings, a joy to see, though I would have struggled a bit without the nearby illustrations. We talked about all sorts, Bob admitting that when I told him that I was cycling to Sydney that he thought I had no chance of getting there, clearly he didn’t realise how stubborn/determined I can be. They asked me what had been the highlights, a question I am often asked, but in reality I was living one of them right at that moment, to be in the company of a couple I had met way back in Europe almost 18 months ago was very special. Back at the house we spent some time in the garden where they have resident but wild Sulphur Cockatoos and King Parrots that have been in the area for over 10 years and can even be fed by hand, though judging by how hard it clamped onto my finger, they like a bit of variety in their diet. We had a barbecue, eaten in their fabulous lounge, kitted out like an English pub in precise detail, though it contained a full size snooker table. Their company was very good, they are very easy to talk to, consequently I left later than intended, I had others to meet in the evening. I departed with hugs all round, I really didn’t want to leave, not so soon anyway. The next stop was the church at Turramurra. I was recognised when I walked in, though I explained to them that I wasn’t even sure if I could ring properly as my arms and hands were still numb. I explained what had happened to them and was told “You are lucky, if you were a dog you would be dead by now”, well that makes me feel better! In fact ringing was fine. Back in the centre I stopped of to take a few night photos. I had also emailed Gerry who I had met in the hostel I stayed at in Singapore, she worked there, she had told me at the time she would be in Australia soon, but I had always thought it unlikely that we would be in Sydney at the same time. But she was here, and what’s more she was staying with a friend in Manly, a ferry ride from the city centre and an area I had wanted to visit. I arrived a little early and walked across to Manly beach. Straight away this part of Sydney had a very different feel to it, here it felt like a holiday place, everybody was here to relax and enjoy themselves, many on the beautiful long sandy beach. We met up in front of the wharf and soon I was introduced to John (JJ) who was back at the car. Once again I was taken on a tour in the car, this time on very hot day to the northern beaches, much bigger, with that relaxed feeling that seemed to be lacking in the southern beaches around Bondi. Gerry and JJ knocked up a picnic and we stopped off at Manly Reservoir, a lovely picturesque place with plenty of birds and lizards on the move. Come evening we met Vera, a friend of JJ’s and we ate out at a little restaurant in the centre of Manly, and if I remember correctly, it was the first time I have eaten out whilst I have been in Australia. Being as we are pretty close I hope to meet up with them again before I leave, but I set off for the ferry. The Jet Cat was about to leave, but being tight I opted to wait 30 minutes for the cheaper ferry. I took a stroll around, the beach right next to the wharf was closed off, a very busy area, people coming and going the whole time whilst others use the beach and more fill the bars, but the beach was closed off as some Little Penguins were nesting there, though unfortunately they didn’t reappear before I was off. On the morning news I heard that the Jet Cat that was running at 10am was to be the very last of the service, closed down as it was too expensive to run. And so to New Years Eve. I had intended to leave, but I had underestimated just how big an event the celebrations are here, it would have been foolish to move on. So after two long days I had a lie in, did a few odd jobs, then at 6pm set off to find a suitable place to watch the Sydney Harbour fireworks. I had been asking people the best place to see them and it seemed that Mrs Macquires Chair was the best place, the next point after the Opera House. When I arrived there was a massive queue, though I had no idea what it was for. I found out soon enough that it was the queue to get in to an area of limited entry. I joined the long queue, the talk all around was questioning if we would get in before the 20,000 limit was reached. I was about 100 people away from the bag search when it all stopped, no more were being let in, though we weren’t being turned away either. After a couple on minutes the queue moved again, a massive cheer went through the crowd, I had made it in. It didn’t take long to discover that not only was it a popular place to view the fireworks from, but it wasn’t the greatest of views. It was basically the botanical gardens, which meant that there was always a tree blocking part of the view somewhere. The only places with a clear view required tickets, expensive I am sure, and no doubt sold out weeks ago. The bars near the Opera House apparently sell tickets for entry at $250 a piece, though they do give you 3 free drinks for that. I made my way to the furthest end of the point, along with thousands of other. I found a square inch of grass and sat myself down having enquired if it was anybody else’s spot. I got talking to the family beside me, they had already been there for 6 hours, clearing only arriving 5 hours before the event I had little chance of getting a fully clear view, though on reflection I guess one of the only ways to achieve that would be from one of the hundreds of boats that were parked up in the harbour, Gerry had managed to get an invite onto one. I had a great view of the harbour right in front of me but the bridge was partly obscured by a tree. Tracey next to me had seen the fireworks a number of times and said this had been the best spot so far. A small display was put on at 9pm for the younger kids and families, that was followed by lit up boats parading the harbour before the main event at midnight. The main event was $5m worth of explosives weighing over 5 tons and taking 15 months in the planning. It was something very special too, about 5 spots along the harbour firing off identical displays in perfect timing, with occasional and massive displays off the bridge. The best bit for me was the fireworks “dripping” off the bridge making it look like a waterfall, fantastic. The theme had been creation, though I struggled to grasp that one, it was just a very impressive firework display, it was great to hear the gasps of delight coming from the crowd, all very good humoured and friendly throughout. Some of the 1.5m people had been in their spots for over 24 hours, most were probably in place with 8 hours to go, then after 12 minutes of flash, boom, bang, bang, they were all off home again. I am not sure it was worth that sort of dedication, but probably the best display I am ever likely to see and a display that will make others suffer in future when they are with me at a firework display as I say yet again “It’s nothing compared to New Year at Sydney Harbour!”, it was well worth seeing once, so I glad I have stopped in Sydney a little longer. The organisation was phenomenal, areas fenced off, streets closed, bag checking for alcohol which was banned in certain areas, loos, food, security, all for 12 minutes of entertainment. Getting back was easy, no traffic, just moving masses of people, I was just glad I didn’t need to use the public transport, Tracey waited 3 hours for a train last year. I have another few days here yet here in Sydney, I have booked myself in for another week, partly because I want the numbness I have to pass over a bit more, though I think that is just a bit of an excuse, partly because I like it here and partly because I fancy seeing some of the 3rd Test Cricket match against South Africa that starts in Sydney on Saturday, a good opportunity to watch a sporting event in a sports mad country. I do have a problem though, when ever I stop for a long time I have a terrible feeling of guilt, I feel I should be moving on. I know it’s a silly feeling, the wrong feeling, but I don’t seem to be able to get over it. I am still amazed by how many people hear what I am doing and say “You are brave travelling alone”. No, no, no…..NO. I am not brave at all, there is nothing dangerous about travelling alone, though it could be argued that it would not be the case for a female. The only bravery required is to free your mind from the chains that you and the media have placed it in. There are bad people out there in this world, I have even met one or two of them, but the world is full of good people and some are of those are just wonderful people. I have lucky enough to be able to immerse myself in the kindness that is offered by so many from all walks of life, and I just don’t want to stop meeting the wonderful people I have met on this journey. It’s a great feeling to know that my path will cross with many others, it may just be a short conversation, may be somebody will point me in the right direction, it may be a longer conversation that makes me think about what has been said or even something that I will remember for years to come, but it may also be the start of a new friendship. No, I am not being brave.
{ "date": "2017-07-22T04:45:16Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423901.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20170722042522-20170722062522-00590.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.991178572177887, "token_count": 2568, "url": "http://cyclingtoaustralia.blogspot.com/2009/01/day-590-sydney-happy-new-year.html" }
I'm continuing on with simple forms. I have been using blank pages from a stack of old sketchbooks but I think I need to switch to watercolor paper. The sketchbook paper isn't the easiest paper to lay down watercolor paints. Loving this funny juggler and just like in real life we all drop the balls once in a while! May you keep all your balls in the air today! Have a great day and stop back soon!
{ "date": "2017-07-22T08:44:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423927.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20170722082709-20170722102709-00150.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9400946497917175, "token_count": 92, "url": "http://jeudaly.blogspot.com/2014/08/im-continuing-on-with-simple-forms.html" }
On Tuesday, March 11th, we again drove into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, this time to the south of us and into Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. (For some reason, these two national parks are right next to each other. I don’t know why they aren’t just one park, but whatever.) By the time we arrived into the park from the southern entrance, it was lunchtime. This day, however, we packed a picnic lunch and found a nice spot in the park for our noontime meal. After we ate our lunch, we made the very, VERY windy drive up the mountainside toward the Giant Forest Museum. As we drove up the mountain, we marveled over the sheer size of the trees in the forest surrounding us. We really started to feel very small! Once we arrived at the museum, we saw the towering Sentinel Tree. Little did we know that this tree was just a teaser for what we would see as we walked the Big Trees Trail! During this trail, we saw towering ancient trees, some as old as 2000-3000 years. When I mentioned to the boys that some of these trees were already nearly 1000 years old when Jesus walked the earth, they were astounded! After our walk through the trail, we went back into the museum for the Junior Ranger badges, then drove in the car through the Giant Forest. We found the “Tunnel Log” and drove our car through the fallen giant tree. Then Steve and the boys walked to the top of Moro Rock, which offers a great view of the surrounding mountains and forests. (My hip was bothering me at this point, so I stayed behind rather than walk the 350 stairs to the top of the rock.) After the Tunnel Log and Moro Rock, we drove further through the forest to find General Sherman, the largest living thing on earth. General Sherman is estimated to be 2300-2700 years old. It is not the tallest nor the widest tree, but it is the largest by volume. It is said to weigh nearly 1400 tons! It stands 275 feet tall, and its trunk circumference at the ground is 103 feet. It is quite an impressive tree! Next we drove to the Kings Canyon National Park (which really is just an extension of Sequoia National Park) and through more groves of giant sequoia to see the General Grant tree. This tree has been deemed the Nation’s Christmas Tree. Its base has been badly burned, but it has continued to thrive, lending itself as a symbol of our nation’s resilience. Sequoia trees grow ONLY on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There are approximately 75 different groves of the trees, and they are protected. The sequoia trees have a chemical in their wood that enables them to resist insect infestation and disease. Their bark is such that they can survive fire. As a matter of fact, fire is needed for the sequoia to reproduce. The sequoia cones don’t open to release the seeds unless dried out by fire. It is also interesting to note that the only way they are known to die is by falling over. While resistant to insects, disease, and fire, their roots are relatively shallow and they have no tap root. As a result, a strong wind can cause them to fall over. Even so, with a lifespan of several thousand years, I would say they are a successful example of survival! After seeing the General Grant tree, we left the park and started our long trek back home. We stopped in Fresno for a late dinner, then arrived home around 9:00 at night. Another long, but enjoyable day. I loved, loved, LOVED seeing the sequoia forests! Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to see these giants. I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed!
{ "date": "2018-07-16T22:08:42Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589470.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716213101-20180716233101-00030.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.974067747592926, "token_count": 800, "url": "http://coach-and-six.blogspot.com/2014/03/sequoia-and-kings-canyon.html" }
This etext was produced from Analog Science Fact & Fiction May 1962. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed. NOR IRON BARS A CAGE.... Iron bars do not confine a Man—only his body. There are more subtle, and more confining bindings, however.... JONATHAN BLAKE MACKENZIE ILLUSTRATED BY SCHOENHERR * * * * * Her red-blond hair was stained and discolored when they found her in the sewer, and her lungs were choked with muck because her killer hadn't bothered to see whether she was really dead when he dumped her body into the manhole, so she had breathed the stuff in with her last gasping breaths. Her face was bruised, covered with great blotches, and three of her ribs had been broken. Her thighs and abdomen had been bruised and lacerated. If she had lived for three more days, Angela Frances Donahue would have reached her seventh birthday. I didn't see her until she was brought to the morgue. My phone chimed, and when I thumbed it on, the face of Inspector Kleek, of Homicide South, came on the screen. His heavy eyelids always hang at half mast, giving him a sleepy, bored look and the rest of his fleshy face sags in the same general pattern. "Roy," he said as soon as he could see my face on his own screen, "we just found the little Donahue girl. The meat wagon's taking her down to the morgue now. You want to come down here and look over the scene, or you want to go to the morgue? It looks like it's one of your special cases, but we won't know for sure until Doc Prouty does the post on her." I took a firm grip on my temper. I should have been notified as soon as Homicide had been; I should have been there with the Homicide Squad. But I knew that if I said anything, Kleek would just say, "Hell, Roy, they don't notify me until there's suspicion of homicide, and you don't get a call until there's suspicion that it might be the work of a degenerate. That's the way the system works. You know that, Roy." And rather than hear that song-and-dance again, I gave myself thirty seconds to think. "I'll meet you at the morgue," I said. "Your men can get the whole story at the scene without my help." That mollified him, and it showed a little on his face. "O.K., Roy, see you there." And he cut off. I punched savagely at the numbered buttons on the phone to get an intercommunication hookup with Dr. Barton Brownlee's office, on the third floor of the same building as my own office. His face, when it came on, was a calming contrast to Kleek's. He's nearly ten years younger than I am, not yet thirty-five, and his handsome, thoughtful face and dark, slightly wavy hair always make me think of somebody like St. Edward Pusey or maybe Albert Einstein. Not that he looks like either one of them, or even that he looks saintly, but he does look like a man who has the courage of his convictions and is calmly, quietly, but forcefully ready to shove what he knows to be the truth down everybody else's throat if that becomes necessary. Or maybe I am just reading into his face what I know to be true about the man himself. "Brownie," I said, "they've found the Donahue girl. Taking her down to the morgue now. Want to come along?" "I don't think so," he said without hesitation. "I'll get all the information I need from the photos and the reports. The man I do want to see is the killer; I need more data, Roy—always more data. The more my boys and I know about these zanies, the more effectively we can deal with them." "I know. O.K.; I've got to run." I cut off, grabbed my hat, and headed out to fulfill my part of the bargain Brownlee and I had once made. "You find 'em," he'd once said, "and I'll fix 'em." So far, that bargain had paid off. * * * * * I got to the morgue a few minutes after the body was brought in. The man at the front desk looked up at me as I walked in and gave me a bored smile. "Evening, Inspector. The Donahue kid's in the clean-up room." Then he went back to his paper work. The lab technicians were standing around watching while the morgue attendant sluiced the muck off the corpse with a hose, watching to see if anything showed up in the gooey filth. Inspector Kleek stood to one side. All he said was, "Hi, Roy." The morgue attendant lifted up one small arm with a gloved hand and played the hose over the thin biceps. "Good thing the rigor mortis has gone off," he said, "these stiffs are hell to handle when they're stiff." It was an old joke, but everybody grinned out of habit. The clear water from the hose flowed over the skin and turned a grayish brown as it ran down to the bottom of the shallow, waist-high stainless-steel trough in which the body was lying. One of the lab techs stepped over and began going through the long hair very carefully, and Doc Prouty, the Medical Examiner, began cleaning out the mouth and nose and eyes and ears with careful hands. I turned to Kleek. "You sure it's the Donahue girl?" He sighed and looked away from the small dead thing on the cleaning table. "Who else could it be? She was found only three blocks from the Donahue home. No other female child reported missing in that area. We haven't checked the prints yet, but you can bet they'll tally with her school record." I had to agree. "What about the time of death?" "Doc Prouty figures forty-eight to sixty hours ago." "I'll be able to give you a better figure after the post," the Medical Examiner said without looking up from his work. A tall, big-nosed man in plain-clothes suddenly turned away from the scene on the table, his mouth moving queerly, his eyes hard. After a moment, his lips relaxed. Still staring at the wall, he said: "I guess the case is out of Federal jurisdiction, then. We'll co-operate, as usual, of course." He looked at me. "Could I talk to you outside, Inspector Royall?" I looked at Kleek. "O.K., Sam?" I didn't have to have his O.K.; it was just professional courtesy. He knew I'd tell him whatever it was that the FBI man had to say, and we both knew why the Federal agent wanted to leave. Sam Kleek nodded. "Sure. I'll keep an eye out here." * * * * * The FBI man followed me into the outer room. "Do you figure this as a sex-degenerate case, Inspector?" he asked. "Looks like it. You saw the bruises. Dr. Prouty will be able to tell us for sure after the post mortem." He shook his head as if to clear it of a bad memory. "You New York police can sure be cold-blooded at times." The thing that was bothering him, as Kleek and I both knew, was that the FBI agent hadn't been exposed to this sort of thing often enough. They deal with the kind of crimes that actually don't involve the callous murder of children very often. Even the murder of adults doesn't normally come under the aegis of the FBI. "We're not cold blooded," I said. "Not by inclination, I mean. But a man gets that way—he has to get that way—after he's seen enough of this sort of thing. You either get yourself an emotional callous or you get deathly sick from the repetition—and then you have to get out of the job." "Yeah," he said. "Sure." He quit rubbing his chin with a knuckle, looked at me, and said: "What I wanted to say is that there's no evidence that she was taken across a state line. Whoever sent that ransom note to the Donahue parents was trying to throw us off the track." "Looks like it. Look at the time-table. The note was sent after the girl was murdered, but before the information hit the papers or the newscasts. The killer wanted us to think it was a ransom kidnaping. It isn't likely that the note was sent by a crank. A crank wouldn't have known the girl was missing at all at the time the note was sent." "That's the way it seems to me," he agreed. The color was coming back into his face. "But why would he want to make it look like a kidnaping instead of ... of what it was? The penalty's the same for both." My grin had anger, pity, and disgust for the killer in it—plus a certain amount of satisfaction. Some day, I'd like to see my face in a mirror when I feel like that. "He was hoping the body wouldn't be found until it was too late for us to know that it was a rape killing. And that means that he knew that he would be on our list if we did find out that it was rape. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered. If I'm right, then he has outsmarted himself. He has told us that we know him, and he's told us that he's smart enough to figure out a dodge—that he's not one of the helplessly stupid ones." "That should help to narrow the field down," he said in a hard voice. He felt in his pocket for a cigarette, found his pack, took one out, and then held it, unlit, between the fingers of his right hand. "Inspector Royall, I've studied the new law of this state—the one you're working under here—and I think it'll be great if it works out. I wish you luck. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to call the office." As he went out to the desk phone, I gave him a silent thanks. Words of encouragement were hard to come by at that time. I turned and went back towards the clean-up room. She didn't look as though she were asleep. They never do. She looked dead. She'd been head down in the sewer, and the blood had pooled and coagulated in her head and shoulders. Now that the filth had been washed off, the dark purple of the dead blood cells showed through the translucent skin. She would look better after she was embalmed. Doc Prouty was holding up a small syringe, eying the little bit of fluid within it. "We've got him," he said in a flat voice. "I'll have the lab run an analysis. We're well within the time limit. All we have to do is separate the girl's blood type from that of the spermatic fluid. You boys find your man, and I can identify him for you." He put the syringe in its special case. "I'll let you know the exact cause of death in a couple of hours." "O.K., Doc. Thanks," said Inspector Kleek, closing his notebook. He turned to one of the other men. "Thompson, you notify the parents. Get 'em down here to make a positive identification, and send it along to my office with the print identification." Then he looked at me. "Anything extra you want, Roy?" I shook my head. "Nope. Let's go check the files, huh?" "Sure. Can I ride with you? I rode in with Thompson; he'll have to stay." "Come along," I told him. * * * * * By ten fifteen that evening, we had narrowed the field down considerably. We fed all the data we had into the computer, including the general type number of the spermatic fluid, which Dr. Prouty had given us, and watched while the machine sorted through the characteristics of all the known criminals in its memory. Kleek and I were sitting at a desk drinking hot, black coffee when the computer technician came over and handed Kleek the results at ten fifteen. "Quite a bunch of 'em, Inspector," he said, "but the geographic compartmentalization will help." Kleek glanced over the neatly-printed sheaf of papers that the computer had turned out, then handed them to me. "There we are, Roy. One of those zanies is our boy." I looked at the list. Every person on it was either a confirmed or suspected psychopath, and each one of them conformed to the set of specifications we had fed the computer. They were listed in four different groups, according to the distance they lived from the scene of the crime—half a mile, two miles, five miles, and "remainder," the rest of the city. "All we got to do," Kleek said complacently, "is start rounding 'em up." "You make it sound easy," I said tightly. He put down his coffee cup. "Hell, Roy, it is easy! We've got all these characters down on the books, don't we? We know what they are, don't we? Look at 'em! Once in a while a new one pops up, and we put him on the list. Once in a while we catch one and send him up. Practically cut and dried, isn't it?" "Sure," I said. "Look, Roy," he went on, "we got it down to a fine art now—have for years." He waved in the general direction of the computer. "We got the advantage that it's easier to sort 'em out now, and faster—but the old tried-and-true technique is just the same. Cops have been catching these goons in every civilized country on Earth for a hundred years by this technique." "Sam," I said wearily, "are you going to give me a lecture on police methods?" He picked up his cup, held it for a moment, then set it down again, his eyes hardening. "Yes, Roy, I am! I'm older than you are, I've got more years on the Force, I've been working with Homicide longer, and I outrank you in grade by two and a half years! Yes, I figure it's about time I lectured you! You want to listen?" I looked at him. Kleek is a good cop, I was thinking, and he deserves to be listened to, even if I don't agree with him. "O.K., Sam," I said, "I'll listen." * * * * * "O.K., then." He took a breath. "Now, we got a system here that works. The nuts always show themselves up, one way or another. Most of 'em have been arrested by the time they're fourteen, fifteen years old. Maybe we can't nail 'em down and pin anything on 'em, but we got 'em down on the books. We know they have to be watched. We got ninety per cent of the queers and hopheads and stew-bums and firebugs and the rest of the zanies down on our books"—he waved toward the computer again—"and down in the memory bank of the computer. We know we're gonna get 'em eventually, because we know they're gonna goof up eventually, and then we'll have 'em. We'll have 'em"—he made a clutching gesture with his right hand—"right where it hurts! "You take this Donahue killer. We know where he is. We can be pretty sure we got him down on the books." He tapped the sheaf of papers from the computer with a firm forefinger. "We can be pretty sure that he's one of those guys right down there!" He waved his hand again, but, this time, he took in the whole city—the whole outside world. "Like clock-work. The minute they goof, we nab 'em." "Sam," I said, "just listen to me a minute. We know that ninety per cent of the men on that list right there are going to be convicted of a crime of violence inside the next five years, right?" "That's what I've been tellin' you. The minute—" "Wait a minute; wait a minute. Just listen. Why don't we just go out and arrest them all right now? Look at all the trouble that would save us." "Hell, Roy! You can't arrest a man unless he's done something! What would you charge 'em with? Loitering with intent to commit a nuisance?" "No. But we can—" I was cut off by a uniformed cop who stuck his head in the door and said: "Inspector Royall, Dr. Brownlee called. Says they picked up Hammerlock Smith. He's at the 87th Precinct. Wants you to come down right away if you can." I stood up and grabbed my hat. "Sam, you can sit on this one for a while, huh? I've been waiting for Hammerlock Smith to fall for two months." Sam Kleek looked disgusted. "And you'll see that he gets psycho treatment and a suspended sentence. A few days in the looney ward, and then right back out on the street. Hammerlock Smith! There's a case for you! Built like a gorilla and has a passion for Irish whisky and sixteen-year-old boys—and you think you can cure him in three days! Nuts!" I didn't feel like arguing with him. "We might as well let him go now as lock him up for three or four months and then let him go, Sam. Why fool around with assault and battery charges when we can wait for him to murder somebody and then lock him up for good, eh, Sam? What's another victim more or less, as long as we get the killer?" "That's what we're here for," he said stolidly. "To get killers." He scratched at his balding head. "I don't get you, Roy. I'd think you'd want these maniacs put away, after your—" He stopped himself, wet his lips, and said: "O.K. You go ahead and take care of Smith. Get some sleep. I'm going to. I'll leave orders to call us both if anything breaks in the Donahue case." I just nodded and walked out. I didn't want to hear any more. But the door didn't close tightly, and I heard Kleek's voice as he spoke to the computer tech. "I just don't figure Roy. His wife died in a fire set by an arson bug, and he wants to—" I kept on walking as the door clicked shut. * * * * * I was in my office at nine the next morning, after seven and a half hours of sleep on one of the bunks in the ready room. The business with Hammerlock Smith had taken more time than I had thought it would. The big, stupid ape had been in a vicious mood, reeking of whisky and roaring insults at everyone. His cursing was neither inventive nor colorful, consisting of only four unlovely words used over and over again in various combinations with ordinary ones, a total vocabulary of maybe a dozen words. It had taken four cops, using night-sticks, to get him into the paddy wagon, and Dr. Brownlee had finally had to give him a blast of super-tranquilizer with a hypogun. "Boy, Inspector," one of the officers had said, "don't let anyone ever tell you some of these guys aren't tough!" I was looking over the written report. "What about this kid he accosted in the bar? Hurt bad?" "Cracked rib, sprained wrist, and a bloody nose, sir. The doc said he'd be O.K." "According to the report here, the kid was twenty-two years old. Smith usually picks 'em younger." The cop grinned. "Smith had to get his eventually, sir. This guy looks pretty young, but he was a boxer in college. He probably couldn't've whipped Smith, but he had guts enough to try." "Think he'll testify?" "Said he would, sir. We already got his signature on the complaint while he was at the hospital. He's pretty mad." Smith's record was long and ugly. Of the eight complaints made by young boys who had managed to brush off or evade Hammerlock's advances, six hadn't come to trial because there were no corroborating witnesses, and the charges had been dismissed. Two of the cases had come before a jury—and had resulted in acquittals. Cold sober, Smith presented a fairly decent picture. It was hard to convince a jury of ordinary citizens that so masculine-looking a specimen was homosexual. The odd thing was that the psychopathic twist which got Hammerlock Smith into trouble had been able to get him out of it again. Both times, Smith's avowal that he had done no such disgusting thing had been corroborated by a lie detector test. Smith—when he was sober—had no recollection of his acts when drunk, and apparently honestly believed that he was incapable of doing what we knew he had done. This time, though, we had him dead to rights. He had never made his play in a bar before, and we had three witnesses, plus an assault and battery charge. As Inspector Kleek had said, we get 'em eventually.... ... But at what cost? How many teenage boys had been frightened or whipped into doing as he told them and then been too ashamed and sick with themselves to say anything? How many young lives had been befouled by Smith's abnormal lust? And if Smith spent a year or two in Sing Sing, how many more would there be between the time he was released and the time he was caught again? And how long would it be before he obligingly hammered the life out of his young victim so that we could put him away permanently? That was the "system" that Kleek—and a lot of other men on the Force swore by. That was the "system" that the boys in Homicide and in the Vice Squad thought I was trying to foul up by "babying" the zanies. It's a hell of a great system, isn't it? * * * * * I called the hospital and talked to the doctor who had taken care of Smith's victim. Then I called Kleek to see if there had been any break in the Donahue case. There hadn't. Finally, I called my son, Steve, at the apartment we shared, told him I wouldn't be home that night, and sacked out in the ready room. By nine o'clock, I was ready to go back to work. At nine thirty, Kleek called. His saggy face looked sleepier and more bored than ever. "No rest for the weary, Roy. I got a call on a killing on the Upper East Side. Some rich gal with too much time on her hands was having an all-night party, and she got herself shot to death. It looks like her husband did it, but there's plenty of money involved, and the Deputy Commissioner wants me to handle it personally, all the way through. I'm putting Lieutenant Shultz in charge of the Homicide end of the Donahue case, but I told him you were the man to listen to. He'll report directly to you if there's any new leads. O.K.?" "O.K. with me, Sam." As I said, Kleek is a good cop in spite of his "system." "The boys are out making the rounds," he went on, "bringing in all the men with conviction records and questioning the others. And we're combing the neighborhood for the kid's clothes. They might still be around somewhere. Shultz'll keep you posted." "Fine, Sam. Happy hunting in High Society." "Thanks, Roy. Take it easy." At fifteen of eleven, the Police Commissioner called. He spent ten minutes telling me that I was going to be visited by a VIP and giving me exact instructions on how to handle the man. "I'm depending on you to take care of him, Roy," he said finally. "If we can get this program operating in other places, it will help us a lot. And if you need help from my office, grab the nearest phone." "I'll do my best," I promised him. "And thanks, sir." The Commissioner was a lawyer, not a cop, so he wasn't as tied to the system as Kleek and the others were. He was backing me all the way. I punched Sergeant Vanney's number on the intercom. "Inspector Royall here, Sergeant. Do me a favor." "Go down to the library and get me a copy of Burke's 'Peerage.'" "Burke's which, sir?" I repeated it and spelled it for him. He didn't waste any time; he had it on my desk in less than twenty minutes. When the VIP arrived, I had already read up on Chief Inspector, The Duke of Acrington. Here's how he was listed: ACRINGTON, Seventh Duke of (Robert St. James Acrington) Baron Bennevis of Scotland, K. C. B.: Born 7 November 1950, B.S., M.S., Oxon., cum laude. Married (1977) Lady Susan Burley, 2nd dau. Viscount Burley. 2 sons, Richard St. James, Philip William. Joined Metropolitan Police (1975); C. I. D. (1976); dep. Insp. (1980); Insp. (1984); Ch. Insp. (1990). Awarded George Medal for extraordinary heroism during the False War (1981). Author Criminal Law and the United Nations, The Use of Forensic Psychology (police textbook), and The Night People (fiction; under nom de plume R. A. James). Clubs: Royal Astronomical, Oxonian, Baker Street Irregulars. Motto: Amicus Curiae. I had to admit that I was impressed, but I decided to withhold any judgment until I had met the man. * * * * * He was right on time for his appointment. The car pulled up to the parking lot with a sergeant at the wheel, and I got a bird's eye view of him from my window as he got out of the car and headed for the door. I had to grin a little; the Commissioner had obviously wanted to take the visitor around personally—roll out the rug for royalty, so to speak—but he had had a conference scheduled with the Mayor and some Federal officials, and, after all, the duke was only here on police business, not as Ambassador from the Court of St. James. So he ended up being treated just as any visitor from Scotland Yard would be treated. He was shown directly to my office, and I gave him a quick once-over as he came in the door. Tall, about six feet even; weight about 175, none of it surplus fat; light brown hair smoothed neatly back, almost no gray; eyes, blue-gray, with finely-etched lines around them that indicated they'd been formed by both smiles and frowns: face, rather long and bony, with thin, firm lips and a longish, thin, slightly curved nose. He wore good clothes, and he wore them well. His age, I knew; it was the same as mine. It was the first time I had ever seen a man who looked like a real aristocrat and a good cop rolled into one. He had an easy smile on his face, and his eyes were taking me in, too. I stand an inch under six feet, but I'm a little broader across the shoulders than he, so the ten more pounds I carry doesn't make me look fat. My face is definitely not aristocratic—wide and square, with a nose that shows a slight bend where it was broken when I was a rookie, heavy, dark eyebrows, and hair that is receding a little on top and graying perceptibly at the sides. The eyes are a dark gray, and I'm well aware that the men under me call me "Old Flint-eye" when I put the pressure on them. "I'm Chief Inspector Acrington," he said pleasantly, giving me a firm handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace," I said. "I'm Inspector Royall. Sit down, won't you?" I gestured toward one of the upholstered guest chairs, and sat down in the other one myself, so we wouldn't have the desk between us. "Have a good trip across?" I asked. "Fine. Except, of course, for the noise." "Noise?" I knew he'd come over in one of the Transatlantic Airways' new inertia-drive ships, and they're supposed to be fairly quiet. His smile broadened a trifle. "Exactly. There wasn't any. I'm rather used to the vibration of jets, and these new jobs float along at a hundred thousand feet in the deadest silence you ever heard—if you'll pardon the oxymoron. Everybody chattered like a flight of starlings, just to keep the air full of sound." I chuckled. "Maybe they'll put vibrators on them, just to make the people feel comfortable. I read that the men in the moon ships complain about the same thing." "So I've heard. But, actually, the silence is a minor thing when one realizes the time one saves. When one is looking forward to something interesting, traveling can be deadly dull." It was beautiful, the way he did it. He had told me plainly that he wanted to get down to business and cut the small talk, but he'd done it in such a way that the transition was frictionlessly smooth. "Not much scenery up there," I said. "I hope you'll find what we're trying to do here has a few more points of interest." "I'm quite sure it will, from what I've heard of your pilot project here. That's why I want to, well, sort of be a hanger-on for a few days, if that's all right with you." * * * * * Before I could answer, the phone blinked. I excused myself to the Duke and cut in. The image that came on the screen was almost myself, except that he had his mother's mouth and was twenty-odd years younger. "Hi, Dad," he said, with that apologetic smile of his. "Sorry to bother you during office hours, but could I borrow fifty? Pay you back next week." I threw a phony scowl at him. "Running short, eh? Have you been betting on the stickball teams again?" He cast his eyes skyward, and raised the three fingers of his right hand. "Scout's Honor, Dad, I spent it on a new turbine for my ElectroFord." Then he lowered his hand and looked down from the upper regions. "I really did. I forgot that I was supposed to take Mary Ellen out this evening. Car-happy, I guess. Can you advance the fifty?" I threw away my phony scowl and gave him a smile. "Sure, Stevie. How's Mary Ellen?" "Swell. She's all excited about going to the Art Ball tonight—that's why I didn't want to disappoint her." "Slow up, son," I told him, "you've already made your pitch and been accepted. You'll get your fifty, so don't push it. Want to come down here and pick it up?" "Can do. And have I told you that you'll be invited to the wedding?" "Thanks, pal. Can I give the groom away?" It was a family joke that we'd kicked back and forth ever since he had met Mary Ellen, two years before. "Sure thing. See you in a couple of hours. Bye, Dad." He cut off, and I looked at the Duke. "Sorry. Now, you were saying?" "Perfectly all right." He smiled. "I have two of my own at home. "At any rate, I was saying that the Criminal Investigation Department of New Scotland Yard has become interested in this experiment of yours, so I was sent over to get all the first-hand information I can. Frankly, I volunteered for the job; I was eager to come. There are plenty of skeptics at the Yard, I'll admit, but I'm not one of them. If the thing's workable, I want to see it used in England." Here was another man who wasn't tied to the "system." "D'you mind if I ask some questions?" he said. "Go ahead, Your Grace. If I can't answer 'em, I'll say so." "Thanks. First off, I'll tell you what I do know—get my own knowledge of the background straight, so to speak. Now, as I understand it, the courts have agreed—temporarily, at least—that any person convicted of certain types of crimes must undergo a psychiatric examination before sentencing. Right?" "Then, depending on the result of that examination, the magistrate of the court may sentence the offender to undertake psychiatric therapy instead of sending him to a penal institution, such time in therapy not to exceed the maximum time of imprisonment originally provided for the offense under the law. "His sentence is suspended, in other words, if he will agree to the therapy. If, after he is released by the psychiatrists, he behaves himself, he is not imprisoned. If he misbehaves, he must serve out the original sentence, plus any new sentence that may be imposed. Have I got it straight so far?" "As I understand it, you've had astounding success." He looked, in spite of what he had said about skepticism, as though he thought the reports he'd heard were exaggerated. "So far," I said evenly, "not a single one of our 'patients' has failed us." He looked amazed, but he didn't doubt me. "And you've been in operation for how long?" "A little over a year since the first case. But I think the record will stand the same way five, ten, fifty years from now. "You see, Your Grace, we don't dare lose a man. If one of our tame zanies goes haywire again, the courts will stop this pilot project fast. There's a lot of pressure against us. "In the first place, we only work with repeaters. You know the type. The world is full of them. The boys that are picked up over and over again for the same kind of crime." He nodded. "They're the ones we wait for. The ones we catch, convict, and send to prison—and then wait until they get out, and then wait some more until they commit their next crime, so that we can catch them and start the whole cycle over again." "That's them," I said. "When they're out, they're just between crimes, that's all. And that puts the police in a hell of a position, doesn't it? You know they're going to fall again; you know that they're going to rob, or hurt, or kill someone. But there's nothing you can do about it. You're helpless. No police force has enough men to enable a cop to be assigned to every known repeater and follow him night and day. "In this state, if a man is convicted of a felony for a fourth time, a life sentence is mandatory. But that means that at least four victims have to be sacrificed before the dangerous man is removed from society!" The Duke nodded thoughtfully. "'Sacrifice' is the word. Go on." "Now, the type of crime we're working with—the kind we expect future laws to apply to—is strictly limited. It must be a crime of violence against a human being, or a crime of destruction in which there is a grave danger that human lives may be lost. The sex maniac, the firebug, or the goon who gets a thrill out of beating people. Or the reckless driver who has proven that he can't be trusted behind the wheel of a car. "We can't touch the kleptomaniac or the common drunk or the drug addict. They're already provided for under other laws. And those habits are not, by themselves, dangerous to the lives of others. A good many of our kind of zany do drink or take drugs—about fifty per cent of them. But what they're sentenced for is crimes of violence, not for guzzling hooch or mainlining heroin." * * * * * My phone chimed. It was Lieutenant Shultz, of Homicide. His square, blocky face held a trace of excitement. "Inspector Royall, Inspector Kleek told me to report to you if there was any news in the Donahue case." "What is it, Lieutenant?" "We're pretty sure of our man. Scrapings from the kid's fingernails gave us his blood type. The computer narrowed the list down quite a bit with that data. Then, a few minutes ago, one of the boys found the kid's clothes stuffed in with some trash paper in the back stairwell of a condemned building just a couple of blocks from where we found her last night. "And—get this, Inspector!—she was wearing a pair of those shiny patent-leather shoes, practically brand-new, and they have prints all over them! His are over hers, since he was the last one to handle them, and there's only the two sets of prints! We just now got positive identification." "Grab him and bring him in," I said. "I'll be right down. I want to talk to him." His face fell a little. "Well, it isn't going to be as easy as all that, sir. You see, we'd already checked at his last known address, earlier this morning, before we got the final check on the blood type. This guy left the rooming house he was staying in—checked out two days ago, just a short time after the girl was killed. I figured that looked queer at the time, so I had two of my men start tracing him in particular. But there's not a sign of him so far." I untensed myself. "O.K. What's his record?" "Periodic drunk. Goes for weeks without touching the stuff, then he goes out on a binge that lasts for a week sometimes. "Name's Lawrence Nestor, alias Larry Nestor. Twenty-eight years old, six feet one inch, slight build, but considered fairly strong. Brown hair, brown eyes. Speaks with a lisp due to a dental defect; the lisp becomes more noticeable when he's drinking." He turned the page of the report he was reading from. "Arrested for drunkenness four times in the past five years, got off with a fine when he pleaded guilty. He molested a little girl two years ago and was picked up for questioning, but nothing came of it. The girl hadn't been physically hurt, and she couldn't make a positive identification, so he was released from custody. "Officers on duty in the neighborhood report that he has frequently been seen talking to small children, usually girls, but he wasn't seen to molest them in any way, and there were no complaints from parents, so no action could be taken." Lieutenant Shultz looked up from the paper. "He's had all kinds of jobs, but he can't hold 'em very long. Goes on a binge, doesn't show up for work, so they fire him. He's a pretty good short-order cook, and that's the kind of work he likes, if he can talk a lunch room into hiring him. He's also been a bus boy, a tavern porter, and a janitor. "One other thing: The superintendent at the place where he was staying reports that he had an unusual amount of money on him—four or five hundred dollars he thinks. Doesn't know where Nestor got the money, but he's been boozing it up for the past five days. Bought new clothes—hat, suit, shoes, and so on. Living high on the hog, I guess." * * * * * I thought for a minute. If he had money, he could be anywhere in the world by now. On the other hand— "Look, Lieutenant, you haven't said anything to the newsmen yet, have you?" He looked surprised. "No. I called you first. But I figured they could help us. Plaster his picture and name all over the area, and somebody will be bound to recognize him." "Somebody might kill him, too, and I don't want that. Look at it this way: If he had sense enough to get out of the local area two days ago and really get himself lost, then it won't hurt to wait twenty-four hours or so to release the story. On the other hand, if he's still in the city or over in Jersey, he could still get out before the news was so widespread that he'd be spotted by very many people. "But if he's still drinking and thinks he's safe, we may be able to get a lead on him. I have a hunch he's still in the city. So hold off on that release to the newsmen as long as you can. Don't let it leak. "Meanwhile, check all the transportation terminals. Find out if he's ever been issued a passport. If he has, check the foreign consuls here in the city to see if he got a visa. Notify the FBI; they're back in it now, since there's a chance that he may have crossed a state line—unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. "And tell the boys that do the footwork that they're to say that the guy they're looking for is wanted by the Missing Persons Bureau—that he left home and his wife is looking for him. Don't connect him up with the Donahue case at all. Have every beat patrolman in the city on the lookout for a drunk with a lisp, but tell them the same story about the wife; I don't want any leaks at all. "I'll call the Commissioner right away to get his O.K., because I don't want either one of us to get in hot water over this. If he's with us, we'll go ahead as planned; if he's not, we'll just have to call in the newsmen. O.K.?" "Sure, Inspector. Whatever you say. I'll get right to work on it. You'll have the Commissioner call me?" "Right. So long. Call me if anything happens." I had added the bit about calling the Commissioner because I wasn't sure but what Kleek would decide I was wrong in handling the case and let the story out "accidentally." But I had to be careful not to make Shultz think I was trying to show my muscles. I called the Commissioner, got his O.K., and turned my attention back to my guest. He had been listening with obvious interest. "Another one of your zanies, eh?" "One that went too far, Your Grace. We didn't get to him in time." I spent five or six minutes giving him the details of the Donahue case. "The same old story," he said when I had finished. "If your pilot project here works out, maybe that kind of slaughter can be eliminated." Then he smiled. "Do you know something? You're one of the few Americans I've ever met, outside your diplomats, who can address a person as 'Your Grace' and make it sound natural. Some people look at me as though they expected me to be all decked out in a ducal coronet and full ermines, ready for a Coronation. Your Commissioner, for instance. He seems quite a nice chap, but he also seems a bit overawed at a title. You seem perfectly relaxed." I considered that for a moment. "I imagine it's because he tends to look at you as a Duke who has taken up police work as a sort of gentlemanly hobby." "I guess I tend to think of you as a good cop who had the good fortune to be born the eldest son of a Duke." His smile suddenly became very warm. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "Thank you very much." There came the strained silence that sometimes follows when an honest compliment is passed between two men who have scarcely met. I broke it by pointing at the plaque on the front of my desk and giving him a broad grin. "Or maybe it's just the kind of blood that flows in my veins." He looked at the little plaque that said Inspector Royal C. Royall and laughed pleasantly. "I like to think that it's a little bit of both." * * * * * The intercom on my desk flashed, and the sergeant's voice said: "Inspector, a couple of the boys just brought in a man named Manewiscz. A stolen car was run into a fire plug over on Fifth Avenue near 99th Street. A witness has positively identified Manewiscz as the driver who ran away before the squad car arrived." "Sidney Manewiscz?" I asked. "Manny the Moog?" "That's the one. He's got a record of stealing cars for joyrides. He insists on talking to you." "Bring him in," I said. "I'll talk to him. And get hold of Dr. Brownlee." "Excuse me," I said to the Duke. "Business." He started to get up, but I said, "That's all right, Your Grace; you might as well sit in on it." He relaxed back into the chair. Two cops brought in Manewiscz, a short, nervous man with a big nose and frightened brown eyes. "What's the trouble, Manny?" I asked. "Nothing, Inspector; I'm telling you, I didn't do nothing. I'm walking along Fifth Avenoo when all of a sudden these cops pull up in a squad-car and some fat jerk in the back seat is hollering that I am the guy he seen get out of a smashup on 99th Street, which is a good three blocks from where I am walking. Besides which, I have not driven a car for over a year now, and I have been in all ways a law-abiding citizen and a credit to the family and the community." "Do you know the fat guy?" I asked. "The guy who fingered you for the boys?" "I never had the pleasure of seeing him before," said Manny the Moog, "but, on the other hand, I do not expect to forget his fat face between now and the next time we meet." At that point, Dr. Brownlee came through the door. "Hello, Inspector," he said with a quick smile. He saw Manewiscz then, and his eyebrows went up. "What are you doing here, Manny?" "I am here, Doc, because the two gentlemen in uniform whom you see standing on both sides of me extend a polite invitation to accompany them here, although I am not in the least guilty of the thing they say I do which causes them to issue this invitation." I explained what had happened and Brownlee shook his head slowly without saying anything for a moment. Then he said, "Come on in my office, Manny; I want to talk to you for a few minutes. O.K., Inspector?" He glanced at me. "Sure." I waved him and Manny away. "You boys stay here," I told the patrolmen, "Manny will be all right." As soon as the door closed behind Dr. Brownlee and Manewiscz I said: "You two brought the witness in, too, didn't you?" "Yes, sir," said one. The other nodded. "You'd better do a little more careful checking on him. He may be simply mistaken, or he may have been the actual driver. See if he's been in any trouble before." "The sergeant's already doing that, sir," said the one who had spoken before. "Meanwhile, maybe we better go out and have a little talk with the guy." "Take it easy, he may be a perfectly respectable citizen." "Yes, sir," he said. "We'll just ask him a few questions." They left, and I noticed that the Duke was looking rather puzzled, but he didn't ask any questions, so I couldn't answer any. The intercom lit up, and I flipped the switch. "Yes?" "I just checked up on the witness," said the sergeant. "No record. His identification checks out O.K. Thomas H. Wilson, an executive at the City-Chemical Bank; lives on Central Park West. The lab says that the driver of the car wore gloves." "Thank Wilson for his information, let him go, and tell him we'll call him if we need him. Lay it on thick about what a good citizen he is. Make him happy." I switched off and started to say something to my guest, but the intercom lit up again. "Yeah?" "Got a call-in from Officer McCaffery, the beat man on Broadway between 108th and 112th. He's got a lead on the guy you're looking for." "Tell him we'll be right over. Where is he?" The sergeant told me, and I cut off. I took out my gun and spun the cylinder, checking if from force of habit more than anything else, since I always check and clean it once a day, anyhow. I slid it back into its holster and turned to the Duke, who was already on his feet. "Did the Commissioner give you a Special Badge?" I asked him. "Yes, he did." He pulled it out of his inside pocket and showed it to me. "Good. I'll have the sergeant fill out a temporary pistol permit, and—" "I don't have a pistol, Inspector," he said. "I—" "That's all right; we'll issue you one. We can—" He shook his head. "Thanks, I'd rather not. I've never used a pistol except when I've gone out after a criminal who is known to be armed and dangerous. I don't think Lawrence Nestor is very dangerous to adult males, and I doubt that he's armed." He hefted the walking stick he'd been carrying. "This will do nicely, thank you." The way he said it was totally inoffensive, but it made me feel as though I were about to go out rabbit hunting with an elephant gun. "Force of habit," I said. "In New York, a cop would feel naked without a gun. But I assure you that I have no intention of shooting Mr. Nestor unless he takes a shot at me first." Just as we were leaving, Dr. Brownlee met us in the outer room. "All right if I let Manny the Moog go, Roy?" "Sure, Doc; if you say so." I didn't have any time for introductions just then; Chief Inspector the Duke of Acrington and I kept going. * * * * * Eight minutes later, I pulled up to the post where Officer McCaffery was waiting. Since I'd already talked to him over the radio, all he did was stroll off as soon as we pulled up. I didn't want everyone in the neighborhood to know that there was something afoot. His Grace and I climbed out of the car and walked up toward a place called Flanagan's Bar. It was a small place, the neighborhood type, with an old-fashioned air about it. Two or three of the men looked up as we came in, and then went back to the more important business of drinking. We went back to the far end of the bar, and the bartender came over, a short, heavy man, with the build of a heavyweight boxer and hands half again as big as mine. He had dark hair, a square face, a dimpled chin, and calculating blue eyes. "What'll it be?" he said in a friendly voice. "Couple of beers," I told him. I waited until he came back before I identified myself. Officer McCaffery had told me that the bartender was trustworthy, but I wanted to make sure I had the right man. "You Lee Darcey?" I asked when he brought back the beers. I flashed my badge. "Is there anywhere we can talk?" "Sure. The back room, right through there." He turned to the other bartender. "Take over for a while, Frankie." Then he ducked under the bar and followed the Duke and me into the back room. We sat down, and I showed him the picture of Lawrence Nestor. "I understand you've seen this guy." He picked up the picture and cocked an eyebrow at it. "Well, I wouldn't swear to it in court, Inspector, but it sure looks like the fellow who was in here this afternoon—this evening, rather, from six to about six-thirty. I don't come on duty until six, and he was here when I got here." It was just seven o'clock. If the man was Nestor, we hadn't missed him by more than half an hour. "Notice anything about his voice?" "I noticed the lisp, if that's what you mean." "Did he talk much?" Darcey shook his head. "Not a lot. Just sat there and drank, mostly. Had about three after I came on." "What was he drinking?" "Whisky. Beer chaser." He grinned. "He tips pretty well." "Has he ever been in here before?" "Not that I know of. He might've come in in the daytime. You'd have to check with Mickey, the day man." "Was he drunk?" "Not that I could tell. I wouldn't have served him if he was," he said righteously. I said, "Darcey, if he comes back in here ... let's see—Can you shut off that big sign out front from behind the bar?" "O.K. If he comes in, shut off the sign. We'll have men here in less than a minute. He isn't dangerous or anything, so just act natural and give him whatever he orders. I don't want him scared off. Understand?" "I got you." His Grace and I went outside, and I used my pocket communicator to instruct a patrol car to cover Flanagan's Bar from across the street, and I called for extra plainclothesmen to cover the area. "Now what?" asked His Grace. "Now we go barhopping," I said. "He's probably still drinking, but it isn't likely that he'll find many little girls at this time of night. He's probably got a room nearby." At that point, a blue ElectroFord pulled up in front of us. Stevie stuck his head out and said: "Your office said you'd be around here somewhere. Remember me, Dad?" I covered my eyes with one hand in mock horror. "My God, the fifty!" Then I dropped the hand toward my billfold. "I'm sorry, son; I got wrapped up in this thing and completely forgot." That made two apologies in two minutes, and I began to have the uneasy feeling that I had suddenly become a vaguely repellant mass of thumbs and left feet. I handed him the fifty, and, at the same time, said: "Son, I want you to meet His Grace, Chief Inspector the Duke of Acrington. Your Grace, this is my son, Steven Royall." As they shook hands, Steve said: "It's a pleasure to meet Your Grace. I read about the job you did in the Camberwell poisoning case. That business of winding the watch was wonderful." "I'm flattered, Mr. Royall," said the Duke, "but I must admit that I got a great deal more credit in that case than was actually due me. Establishing the time element by winding the watch was suggested to me by another man, who wouldn't allow his name to be mentioned in the press." I reminded myself to read up on the Duke's cases. Evidently he was better known than I had realized. Sometimes a man gets too wrapped up in his own work. "I'm sorry," Stevie said, "but I've got to get going. I hope to see you again, Your Grace. So long, Dad—and thanks." "So long, son," I said. "Take it easy." His car moved off down the street, gathering speed. "Fine boy you have there," the Duke said. "Thanks. Shall we go on with our pub crawling?" * * * * * By two o'clock in the morning, we had heard nothing, found nothing. The Duke looked tired, and I knew that I was. "A few hours sleep wouldn't hurt either one of us," I told His Grace. "It's a cinch that Nestor won't be able to find any little girls at this hour of the morning, and I have a feeling that he probably bought himself a bottle and took it up to his room with him." "You're probably right," the Duke said wearily. "Look," I said, "there's no point in your going all the way down to your hotel. My place is just across town, I have plenty of room, it will be no trouble to put you up, and we'll be ready to go in the morning. O.K.?" He grinned. "Worded that way, the invitation is far too forceful to resist. I'm sold. I accept." By that time, we had left several dollars worth of untasted beers sitting around in various bars on the West Side, so when I arrived at my apartment on the East Side, I decided that it was time for two tired cops to have a decent drink. The Duke relaxed on the couch while I mixed a couple of Scotch-and-waters. He lit a cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke with a sigh. "Here, this will put sparks in your blood. Just a second, and I'll get you an ash tray." I went into the kitchen and got one of the ash trays from the top shelf and brought it back into the living room. Just as I put it down on the arm of the couch next to His Grace, the buzzer announced that there was someone at the front door downstairs. I went over to the peeper screen and turned it on. The face was big-jawed and hard-mouthed, and there was scar tissue in the eyebrows and on the cheeks. He looked tough, but he also looked worried and frightened. I could see him, but he couldn't see me, so I said: "What's the trouble, Joey?" A look of relief came over his face. "Can I see ya, Inspector? I saw your light was on. It's important." He glanced to his right, toward the doorway. "Real important." "What's it all about, Joey?" "Take a look out your window, Inspector. Across the street. They're friends of Freddy Velasquez. They been following me ever since I got off work." "Just a second," I said. I went over to the window that overlooks the street and looked down. There were two men there, all right, looking innocently into a delicatessen window. But I knew that Joey Partridge wasn't kidding, and that he knew who the men were. I went back to the peeper screen just as Joey buzzed my signal again. "I buzzed again so they won't know you're home," he said before I could ask any questions. "Freddy must've found out about my hands, Inspector. According to the word I got, they ain't carrying guns—just blackjacks and knucks." "O.K., Joey. Come on up, and I'll call a squad car to take you home." He gave me a bitter grin. "And have 'em coming after me again and again until they catch me? No, thanks, Inspector. In one minute, I'm going to walk across and ask 'em what they're following me for." "You can't do that, Joey!" He looked hurt. "Inspector, since when it is against the law to ask a couple of guys how come they're following you? I just thought I oughta tell ya, that's all. So long." I knew there was no point in arguing with Joey Partridge. I turned and said: "Want some action, Your Grace?" But he was already on his feet, holding that walking stick of his. "Anything you say." "Come on, then. We'll take the fire escape; the elevator is too slow. The fire escape will let us out in the alley, and we won't by outlined by the light in the foyer." I already had the bedroom door open. I ran over to the window, opened it, and started down the steel stairway. The Duke was right behind me. It was only three floors down. "That Joey is too smart for his own good," I said, "but he's right. This is the only way to work it. Otherwise, they'd have him in the hospital eventually—or maybe dead." "He looked like a man who could take care of himself," the Duke said. "That's just it. He can't. Come on." * * * * * The ladder to the street slid down smoothly and silently, and I thanked God for modern fire prevention laws. When we reached the street, I wondered where they could have gone to so quickly. Then the Duke said: "There! In that darkened area-way next to the little shop!" And he started running. His legs were longer than mine, and he reached the area-way a good five yards ahead of me. Joey had managed to evade them for a short while, but they had cornered him, and one of them knocked him down just as the Duke came on the scene. The other had swung at his ribs with a blackjack as he dropped, and the first aimed a kick at Joey's midriff, but Joey rolled away from it. Then the two thugs heard our footsteps and turned to meet us. If we'd been in uniform, they might have run; as it was, they stood their ground. But not for long. The Duke didn't use that stick as though it were a club, swinging it like a baseball bat. That would be as silly as using an overhand stab with a dagger. He used it the way a fencer would use a foil, and the hard, blunt end of it sank into the first thug's solar plexus with all the drive of the Duke's right arm and shoulder behind it. The thug gave a hoarse scream as all the air was driven from his lungs, and he dropped to the pavement. The second man came in with his blackjack swinging. His hand stopped suddenly as his wrist met the deadly stick, but the blackjack kept on going, bouncing harmlessly off the nearby wall as it flew from nerveless fingers. That stick never stopped moving. On the backswing, it thwacked resoundingly against the thug's ribcage. He grunted in pain and tried to charge forward to grapple with the Englishman. But His Grace was grace itself as he leaped backwards and then thrust forward with that wooden snake-tongue. The thug practically impaled himself on it. He stopped and twisted and was suddenly sick all over the pavement. Almost gently, the Duke tapped him across the side of his head, and he fell into his own mess. It was all over before I'd even had a chance to mix in. I stood there, holding an eleven millimeter Magnum revolver in my hand and feeling vaguely foolish. I reholstered the thing and walked over to where Joey Partridge was propping himself up to a sitting position. His right eye was bruised, and there was a trickle of blood running from the corner of his mouth, but he was grinning all the way across his battered face. And he wasn't looking at me; he was looking at the Duke. "You hurt, Joey?" I asked. I knew he wasn't hurt badly; he'd taken worse punishment than that in his life. He looked at me still grinning. "Hurt? You're right I'm hurt, Inspector! Them goons tried to kill me. Let's see—assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with intent to kill, assault with intent to maim, attempted murder, and—" He paused. "What else we got, Inspector?" "We'll think on plenty," I said. "Can you stand up?" "Sure I can stand up. I want to shake the hand of your buddy, there. Geez! I ain't seen anything like that since I used to watch Bat Masterson on TV, when I was a little kid!" "Joey, this is Chief Inspector the Duke Acrington, of Scotland Yard. Inspector, this is Joey Partridge, the greatest amateur boxer this country has ever produced." Amazingly enough, Joey extended his hand. "Pleased t'meetcha, Inspector! Uh—watch the hand. Sorta tender. That was great! Duke, did you say?" He looked at me. "You mean he's a real English Duke?" He looked back at Acrington. "I never met a Duke before!" But by that time he had taken his hand away from the Duke's grasp. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Joey," the Duke said warmly. "I liked the way you cleaned up on that Russian during the '72 Olympics." Joey said to me, "He remembers me! How d'ya like that?" One of the downed thugs began to groan, and I said, "We'd better get the paddy wagon around to pick these boys up. You'll prefer charges, Joey?" "Damn right I will! I didn't let myself get slugged for nothing!" It was nearly forty-five minutes later that the Duke and I found ourselves in my apartment again. The ice in our drinks had melted, so I dumped them and prepared fresh ones. The Duke took his, drained half of it in three fast swallows, and said: "Ahhhhhh! I needed that." We heard a key in the door, and His Grace looked at me. "That's my son," I said. "Back from his date." Steve came in looking happy. "You still awake, Dad? A cop ought to get his sleep. Good morning, Your Grace. Both of you look sleepy." Stevie didn't. He'd danced with Mary Ellen until four, and he still looked as though he could walk five miles without tiring. Me, I felt about as full of snap as a soda cracker in a Turkish bath. The three of us talked for maybe ten minutes, and then we hit the hay. * * * * * Three and a half hours of sleep isn't enough for anybody, but it was all we could afford to take. By eight-thirty, the Duke and I were in my office, sloshing down black coffee, and, half an hour after that, we were cruising up Amsterdam Avenue on the second day of our hunt for Mr. Lawrence Nestor. Since we were now reasonably sure that our man was in the area, I ordered the next phase of the search into operation. There were squads of men making a house-to-house canvass of every hotel, apartment house, and rooming house in the area—and there are thousands of them. A flying squad took care of the hotels first; they were the most likely. Since we knew exactly what day Nestor had arrived, we narrowed our search down to the records for that day. Nestor might not use his own name; of course, but the photograph and description ought to help. And, since Nestor didn't have a job, his irregular schedule and his drinking habits might make him stand out, though there were plenty of places where those traits would simply make him one of the boys. It still looked like a long, hard search. And then we got our break. At 9:17 am, Lieutenant Holmquist's voice snapped over my car phone: "Inspector Royall; Holmquist here. Child missing in Riverside Park. Officer Ramirez just called in from 111th and Riverside." I cut left and gunned the car eastward. I hit a green light at Broadway, so I didn't need to use the siren. Within two minutes, we had pulled up beside the curb where an officer was standing with a woman in tears. The Duke and I got out of the car. We walked over to her calmly, although neither one of us felt very calm. There's no point in disturbing an already excited mother—or aunt or whatever she was. The officer threw me a salute. I returned it and said to the sobbing woman, "Now, just be calm, ma'am. Tell us what happened." It all came out in a torrent. She'd been sitting on one of the benches, reading a newspaper, and she'd looked around and little Shirley was gone. Yes, Shirley was her daughter. How old? Seven and a half. How long ago was this? Fifteen minutes, maybe. She hadn't been worried at first; she'd walked up and down, calling the girl's name, but hadn't gotten any answer. Then she saw the policeman, and ... and— And she broke down into tears again. It was the same thing that had happened a few days before. I had already ordered extra men put on the Riverside and Central Park details, but a cop can't be everywhere at once. "I've got the rest of the boys beating the brush between here and the river," Officer Ramirez said. "She might have gone down one of the paths on the other side of the wall." "She wouldn't go too near the river," the woman sobbed. "I just know she wouldn't." She sounded as though she were trying to convince herself and failing miserably. Nobody said anything about Nestor; the poor woman was bad enough off without adding more horror to the pictures she was conjuring up in her mind. "We'll find her," I said soothingly, "don't you worry about that. You're pretty upset. We'll have the police doctor look you over and maybe give you a tranquilizer or something to make you feel better." No point in telling her that the doctor might be needed for a more serious case. "Keep an eye on her till the doctor comes, Ramirez. Meanwhile, we'll look around for the little girl." * * * * * I walked over to the wall and looked down. I could see uniformed police walking around, covering the ground carefully. Riverside Park runs along the eastern edge of Manhattan Island, between Riverside Drive and the Hudson River, from 72nd Street on the south to 129th Street on the north. In the area where we were, there is a flat, level, grassy area about a block wide, where there are walks and benches to sit on. The eastern boundary of this area is marked by a retaining wall that runs parallel with the river. Beyond the wall, the ground slopes down sharply to the Hudson River, going under the elevated East Side Highway which carries express traffic up and down the island. The retaining wall is cut through at intervals, and winding steps go down the steep slope. There are bushes and trees all over down there. I thought for a minute, then said, "Suppose it was Nestor. How did he get her away? It's a cinch he didn't just scoop her up in broad daylight and go trotting off with her under his arm." "Precisely what I was thinking," the Duke agreed. "There was no scream or disturbance of that kind. Could he have lured her away, do you think?" "Possible, but not likely. Little girls in New York are warned about that sort of thing from the time they're in diapers. If she were five years old, it might be more probable, but little girls who are approaching eight are pretty wise little girls." "It follows, then, that she went somewhere of her own accord and he followed her. D'you agree?" "That sounds most reasonable," I said. "The next question is: Where?" "Yes. And why didn't she tell her mother where she was going?" I gave him a sour grin. "Elementary, my dear Duke. Because her mother had forbidden her to go there. And, from the way she was talking, I gather the mother had expressly directed her to stay away from the river." I looked back over the retaining wall again. "But it just doesn't sound right, does it? Surely someone would have seen any sort of attack like that. Of course, it's possible that she did fall in the river, and that this case doesn't have anything to do with Nestor at all, but—" "It doesn't feel that way to me, either," said the Duke. "Let's go talk to the mother again," I said. "There are plenty of men down there now; they don't need us." The woman, Mrs. Ebbermann, had calmed down a little. The police surgeon had given her a tranquilizer with a hypogun, Officer Ramirez was getting everything down in his notebook, and his belt recorder was running. "No," she was saying, "I'm sure she didn't go home. That's the first place I looked after she didn't answer when I called. We live down the block there. I thought she might have gone home to go to the bathroom or something—but I'm sure she would have told me." She choked a little. "Oh, Shirley, baby! Where are you? Where are you?" I started to ask her a question, but she suddenly said: "Shirley, baby, next time, I promise, you can bring your water gun with you to the park, if you'll just come back to Mommie now! Please, Shirley, baby! Please!" I glanced at the Duke. He gave me the same sort of look. "What was that about a water gun, Mrs. Ebbermann?" I asked casually. "Oh, she wanted to bring her water gun with her, poor baby. But I made her leave it at home—I was afraid she might squirt people with it. But I shouldn't have done that! She's a good girl! She wouldn't squirt anybody!" "Sure not, Mrs. Ebbermann. Does Shirley have a key to your apartment?" "Yes. I gave her her own key, a pretty one, with her initials on it, for her seventh birthday, so she wouldn't have to push the buzzer when she came home from school." "Where's your husband?" I asked taking a look at Ramirez' notebook to get her address. "Shirley's father? Somewhere in Boston. We've been separated for two years. But I wish he were here!" "Would you give me the key to your apartment, Mrs. Ebbermann? We'd like to take a look around." She gave me a key. "But she's not there. I told you, that's the first place I looked." "I know," I said. "We just want to look around. We won't disturb anything." Then His Grace and I got out of there as fast as we could. * * * * * I keyed open the front door of the apartment building, and we went inside. Neither of us said anything. There was no need to. We knew what must have happened, we could see it unfolding as plainly as if we'd watched it happen. Nestor had seen Shirley sneak off from her mother and had followed her. In order to get into the building, he must have come right in with her, right behind her when she unlocked the outer door. Then what? The chances were a billion to one against his ever having been in the building before, so it stood to reason that all he would have been doing is watching for an opportunity and—the right place. The foyer itself? No. Too much chance of being seen. The basement? Unlikely. He must have followed her into the elevator, and she would have pushed the button for the seventh floor, where her apartment was, so there wouldn't be much likelihood of his getting a chance to see the basement. Besides, there was a chance that he might run into the janitor. * * * * * The Duke and I went into the old-fashioned self-service elevator, and I pushed number seven. The doors slid shut, and the car started up. The roof? No. Too much danger of being seen from other buildings higher than this one. Where, then? I looked at the control panel of the elevator. The button for the basement was controlled by a key; only the employees were allowed in the basement, so that place was ruled out absolutely. I began to get the feeling that we were on a wild goose chase, after all. "What do you think?" I asked His Grace. "I can't imagine where he might have taken her. We may have to search the whole building." The car stopped at the seventh door, and we stepped out as the doors slid open. The hallways stretched to either side, but there were no apparent hiding places. I went over to the stairwell, which was right next to the elevator shaft and looked up and down. No place there, either. Then it hit me. Again, I could see Nestor, like a scene unfolding on a TV drama, still following little Shirley. Had he spoken to her in the elevator? Maybe. Maybe not. He was still undecided, so he followed her to the door of her apartment. Wait—very likely, be had made friends with her on the elevator. He saw her push button seven— Well, well! Do you live on the seventh floor? Yes, I do. Then we're neighbors. I live on the seventh, too. I just moved in. Do you live with your mommie and daddy? Just my mommie. My daddy doesn't live with us anymore. And, since he knew that mommie was in the park, he could guess that the apartment was empty. All that went through my mind like a bolt of lightning. I said: "The apartment! Come on!" The Duke, looking a little puzzled, followed me to the door of 706. I put my ear against the door and listened. Nothing. Then I eased the key in and flung the door open. No one in the living room. I raced for the bedroom. No one in there, either, but the clothes closet door was shut. When I opened it, we saw a small, dark-haired girl lying naked and unconscious on the floor. Then there were noises from the front room. The sound of a door opening and closing, and the clatter of hurrying footsteps in the hall outside. We both turned and ran. In the hallway, we could hear the footsteps going down the stairwell. The slow elevator was out of the question. We took off down the stairs after him. He had a head start of about a floor and a half, and kept it all the way down. We saw the door swinging shut as we arrived in the foyer. Outside, we saw our man running toward the corner. I started to reach for my gun, but there were too many people around. I couldn't risk a shot. And then that amazing walking stick came into action again. The Duke took a few running steps forward and hurled it like a javelin, the heavy silver head forward. Robin Hood couldn't have done better with an arrow. When the silver knob hit the back of the running man's head, he fell forward to the sidewalk. He was still struggling to get up when we grabbed him. * * * * * The Duke and I were waiting for Dr. Brownlee when he came back from talking to Lawrence Nestor in his cell. "He's one of our zanies, all right," he said sadly. "A very sick man." "He's lucky he wasn't lynched," I said. "Did he tell you what happened?" Brownlee nodded. "Just about the way you had it figured. He had the little girl's clothes off when her mother came back. He heard her putting her key in the door, so he grabbed Shirley and dragged her into the closet with him. The mother didn't search the place at all; she just went through the main rooms, called her daughter's name a few times and then left." "That's what threw us off at first," I said. "We both accepted Mrs. Ebbermann's word that Shirley wasn't in the apartment. Then I realized that she wouldn't have taken time to look in all the closets. Why should she? As far as she knew, there wasn't any reason for Shirley to hide from her." "It's a good thing Mrs. Ebbermann did come back." Dr. Brownlee said. "That was the only thing that saved the girl from rape and death. Nestor was so unnerved that he just left her in the closet, still unconscious from the blow he'd given her. "Any normal man would have gotten out of there right then. Not Nestor. He went looking for a drink. Fortunately, he found a bottle of whisky in the kitchen. He was just getting in the mood to go back in after the girl when you two came charging in. "He saw you run to the bedroom, so he knew the girl's mother must have called for help. He decided it was time to run. Too late, of course." "Too late for a lot of things." I said. "Much too late far Angela Donahue, for instance. And, as a matter of fact, we were so close to being too late with Shirley Ebbermann that I don't even want to think about it. I should have let Shultz go ahead and tell the newsmen. At least people would have been warned." "There's no way of knowing," said the Duke, "But I think there's just as good a chance that he'd have gotten his hands on some other little girl, even if the warning had gone out. There will always be parents who don't pay enough attention to what their children are doing. They may blame themselves if something happens, but that may be too late. As it happens, we weren't too late. Let's be thankful for that. "By the way, am I wrong in assuming that Nestor will not get your psychotherapy treatment?" "No, you're right," I said. "The warden at Sing Sing will be taking care of him from now on." I turned to Brownlee and said: "Which reminds me—what's going to be the disposition on the Hammerlock Smith case?" "I talked to Judge Whittaker and the D.A. Your recommendation pulled a lot of weight with them. They agreed that if Smith will plead guilty to felonious assault and agree to therapy, he'll get off with eighteen months, suspended. When I release him, he'll never bother young boys again." The Duke looked puzzled. "Hammerlock Smith? Odd Name. What's he up for?" I told him about Hammerlock Smith. He thought it over for a while, then said: "Just what is it you do to men like that? How can you be so sure he'll never hurt anyone again?" Brownlee started to answer him, but a uniformed officer put his head in the door. "Excuse me, Dr. Brownlee, the District Attorney would like to talk to you." Brownlee excused himself and followed the cop out, leaving me to explain things to His Grace. "Do you remember that, a couple of centuries ago, the laws of some countries provided the perfect punishment for pickpockets and purse-snatchers?" He gave me a wry grin. "Certainly. The hands of the felon were amputated at the wrist. Usually with a headsman's ax, I believe." "Exactly. And they never picked another pocket again as long as they lived." I said. "Society had denied them the means to pick pockets." * * * * * "Do you remember Manny the Moog? The little fellow who was brought in yesterday?" "Distinctly. I thought it was odd at the time that you should release a man who has a record of such activities as car-stealing and reckless driving, especially when the witness against him turned out to be a perfectly respectable person. I took it for granted that he was one of your ... ah ... 'tame zanies', I think you called them. But I did not and still don't understand how you can be so positive." "I let Manny go because he's incapable of driving a car. The very thought of being in control of a machine so much more powerful than he is would give him chills. Did you ever see what happens when you lock a claustrophobe up in a dark closet—the mad, unreasoning, uncontrollable panic of absolute terror? That's what would happen to Manny if you put him behind the wheel of a running automobile. It's worse than fear; fear is controllable. Blind terror isn't. "Manny had one little twist, in his mind. He liked to get into a car—any car, whether it was his or not—and drive. He became king of the road. He wasn't a little man any more. He was God, and lesser beings had better look out. "We got to him before he actually killed anyone, but there is a woman in Queens today who will never walk again because of Manny the Moog. But there won't be any more like her. We took the instrument of destruction away from him; we 'cut off his hands'. Now he's leaving a reasonably useful life. We don't need to sacrifice another's life before we neutralize the danger." "What about Joey Partridge?" His Grace asked. "He's one of your zanies, too, isn't he? "That's right. He couldn't keep from using his fists. He liked the feel of solid flesh and bone giving under the impact of those big fists of his. Boxing wasn't enough; he had to be able to feel flesh-to-flesh contact, with no padded glove between. He almost killed a couple of men before we got to him." "What did you do to his hands?" "Nothing. Not a thing. There's nothing at all wrong with his hands. But he thinks there is. He's firmly convinced that the bones are as brittle as chalk, that if he uses those fists, he will be the one who will break and shatter. It even bothers him to shake hands, as you saw last night. It took a lot of guts to do what he did last night—walk over to those two thugs knowing he couldn't defend himself. He's no coward. But he's as terrified of having his hands hurt as Manny is of driving a car." "I see'" the Duke said thoughtfully. * * * * * "There are other cases, plenty of them," I went on. "We have pyromaniacs who are perfectly harmless now because they have a deathly terror of flame. We have one fellow who used to be very nasty with a knife; he grows a beard now because the very thought of having a sharp edge that close to him is unnerving. The reality would send him screaming. We have a girl who had the weird idea that it was fun to drop things out of windows or off the tops of high buildings. Aside from the chance of people below being hurt, there was another danger. Two cops grabbed her just as she was about to drop her baby brother off the roof of her apartment house. "But we don't worry about her any more. People with acute acrophobia are in no condition to pull stunts like that." "What will you do to this Hammerlock Smith, then?" His Grace asked. "Actually, he's one of the simpler cases. A large percentage of our zanies lose control when they're under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol is by far the more common. Under the influence, they do things they would never do when sober. "As long as they remain sober, they have control. But, give them a few drinks and the control slips and then vanishes completely. One of our others was a little like Manny the Moog; he drove like a madman—which he was when he was drunk. Sober, he was as careful and cautious a driver as you'd want—a perfectly reliable citizen. But, after losing his license and the right to own a car, he'd still get drunk and steal cars. "He has his license back now, but we know we can trust him with it. He will never be able to take another drink. "Smith is of that type. So, apparently, is Nestor. When we get through with Smith, he'll be sober, and he'll stay that way to his grave." * * * * * "Astounding." The Duke looked at me again. "I can see the results, of course. I'm going to see that some sort of similar program is started in England, even if I have to stand up in the House of Lords to do it. But, I still don't understand how it can be done so rapidly—a matter of hours. What is the technique used?" "It all depends on the therapist," I said. "Brownlee is one of the best, but there are others who are almost as good. Some of the officers have started calling them hexperts because, in effect, that's exactly what they do—put a hex on the patient." "A geas, in other words." I'd never heard the word before. "A what?" "A geas. A magical spell that causes a person to do or to refrain from doing some act, whether he will or no. He has no choice, once the geas has been put on him." "That's it exactly." "But, man, it isn't magic we're discussing, is it?" "I don't know," I admitted frankly. "You tell me. Was it magic this morning when both you and I had a hunch that little Shirley was not in the park, in spite of the way it looked? Was it magic when we eliminated, without even searching, every spot but the place where she actually was?" "Well, no, I shouldn't say so. I think every good policeman gets hunches like that every so often. He gets a feel for his work and for the types he's dealing with." "Well, then, call it hunch or telepathy or extra-sensory perception or thingummybob or whatever. Brownlee has just what you say a good cop should have—a feel for his work and for the types he's dealing with. Within a very short time, Dr. Brownlee can actually get the feel of being inside his patient's mind—deep enough, at least, so that he can spot just what has to be done to put a compensating twist in a twisted mind. "He says the genuine zanies are very simple to operate on. They have already got the raw materials in them for him to work with. A normally sane, normally well integrated person would require almost as much work to put a permanent quirk in as removing such a quirk would be in a zany. The brainwashing techniques and hypnotism can introduce such quirks temporarily, but as soon as a normally sane person regains his balance, the quirks tend to fade away. "But a system that is off balance and unstable doesn't require much work to push it slightly in another direction. When Brownlee finds out what will do the job, he does it, and we have a tame zany on our hands." "It sounds as though men of Brownlee's type are rather rare," His Grace said. "They are. Rarer than psychiatrists as a whole. On the other hand, they can take care of a great many more cases." "One thing, though," the Duke said thoughtfully. "You mentioned the amputation of a pickpocket's hands. It seems to me that this technique is just as drastic, just as crippling to the person to whom it is done." "Of course it is! No one has ever denied that. God help us if it's the final answer to the problem! A man who can't drive a car, or use a razor, or punch an enemy in the teeth when it's necessary is certainly handicapped. He's more crippled than he was before. The only compensation for society is that now he's less dangerous. "There are certain compensations for the individual, too. He stands less chance of going to prison, or to a death cell. But he's still hemmed in; he's not a free man. Of course, in most instances, he's not aware of what has been done to him; his mind compensates and rationalizes and gives him a reason for what he's undergoing. Joey Partridge thinks his condition is due to the fractures he suffered the last time he beat up a man; Manny the Moog thinks that he's afraid to drive a car because of the last wreck he was in. And, partly, maybe they're both right. But they have still been deprived of a part of their free will, their right of choice. "Oh, no; this isn't the final answer by a long shot! It's a stopgap—a necessary stopgap. But, by using it, we can learn more about how the human mind works, and maybe one of these days we'll evolve a science of the mind that can take those twists out instead of compensating for them. "On the other hand, we can save lives by using the technique we have now. We don't dare not use it. "When they chopped off those hands, centuries ago, the stumps were cauterized by putting them in boiling oil. It looked like another injury piled on top of the first, but the chirurgeons, not knowing why it worked, still knew that a lot more ex-pickpockets lived through their ordeal if the boiling oil was used afterward. "And that's what we're doing with this technique right here and now. We're using it because it saves lives, lives that may potentially or actually be a great deal more valuable than the warped personality that might have taken such a life. "But the one thing that I am working for right now and will continue to work for is a real cure, if that's possible. A real, genuine, usable kind of psychotherapy; one which is at least on a par with the science of cake-baking when it comes to the percentages of successes and failures." * * * * * His Grace thought that over for a minute. Then he leaned back and looked at me through narrowed eyes. There was a half smile on his lips "Royall, old man, let's admit one thing, just between ourselves," His voice became very slow and very deliberate. "Both you and I know that this process, whatever it is, is not psychotherapy." "Why do you say that?" I wasn't trying to deny anything; I just wanted to know the reasoning behind his conclusions. "Because I know what psychotherapy can and can't do. And I know that psychotherapy can not do the sort of thing we've been discussing. "It's as if you'd taken me out on a rifle range, to a target two thousand yards from the shooter and let me watch that marksman put fifty shots out of fifty into a six-inch bull's-eye. I might not know what the shooter is using, but I would know beyond any shadow of doubt that it was not an ordinary revolver. More, I would know that it could not be any possible improvement upon the revolver. It simply would have to be an instrument of an entirely different order. "If, in 1945, any intelligent military man had been told that the Japanese city of Hiroshima had been totally destroyed by a bomber dropping a single bomb, he would be certain that the bomb was a new and different kind from any ever know before. He would know that, mind you, without necessarily knowing a great deal about chemistry. "I don't need to know a devil of a lot about psychotherapy to know that the process you've been describing is as far beyond the limits of psychotherapy as the Hiroshima bomb was beyond the limits of chemistry. Ditto for hypnosis and/or Pavlov's 'conditioned reflex', by the way. "Now, just to clear the air, what is it?" "It has no official name yet," I told him. "To keep within the law, we have been calling it psychotherapy. If we called it something else, and admitted that it isn't psychotherapy, the courts couldn't turn the zanies over to us. But you're right—it is as impossible to produce the effect by psychotherapy as it is to produce an atomic explosion by a chemical reaction. "I've got a hunch that, just as chemistry and nucleonics are both really branches of physics, so psychotherapy and Brownlee's process are branches of some higher, more inclusive science—but that doesn't have a name, either." "That's as may be," the Duke said, "but I'm happy to know that you're not deluding yourself that it's any kind of psychotherapy." "You know," I said, "I kind of like your word geas. Because that's exactly what it seems to be—a geas. A hex, an enchantment, if you wish. "Did you know that Brownlee was an anthropologist before he turned to psychology? He has some very interesting stories to tell about hexes and so on." "I'll have to hear them one day." His Grace took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "Cigarette?" "No, thanks. I gave up smoking a few years back." * * * * * He puffed his alight. "This geas," he said, "reminds me of the fact that, before the medical profession came up with antibiotics that would destroy the microorganisms that cause gas gangrene, amputation was the only method of preventing the death of the patient. It was crippling, but necessary." "No!" My voice must have been a little too sharp, because he raised one eyebrow. "The analogy," I went on in a quieter tone, "isn't good because it gives a distorted picture. Look, Your Grace, you know what's done to keep a captive wild duck from flying away?" "One wing is clipped." "Right. Certain of the feathers are trimmed, which throws the duck off balance every time he tries to fly. He's crippled, right? But if you clip the other wing, what happens? He's in balance again. He can't fly as well as he could before his wings were clipped—but he can fly! "That's what Brownlee's geas does—restore the balance by clipping the other wing." His Grace smiled. There was an odd sort of twinkle in his eyes. "Let me carry your analogy somewhat farther. If the one wing is too severely clipped, clipping the other won't help. Our duck wouldn't have enough lift to get off the ground, even if he's balanced. "Now, a zany who was that badly crippled—?" I grinned back at him. "Right. It would be so obvious that he would have been put away very quickly. He would not be just psychopathic, but completely psychotic—and demonstrably so." "Then," the Duke said, still pursuing the same track, "the only way to 'cure' that kind would be to find a method to ... ah ... 'grow the feathers back', wouldn't it? And where does that put today's psychotherapy? Providing, of course, that the analogy follows." "It does," I said. "The real cure that I want to find would do just that—'grow the feathers back'. And that's beyond the limits of psychotherapy, too. That's why Dr. Brownlee and his boys want to study every zany we bring in, whether he can be helped or not. They're looking for a cure, not a stopgap."
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Office 2007 Setup Cannot Find Office.en-us Branding.xml Then how can I know mine is a legitimate slipstreamed, volume-licensed copy or not? If the "MVP service" is for sale, then I could have retired years ago!! -- Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. I will need to exit setup though.cyball83 : before that do you have any other computer?JACUSTOMER-lcdxmpu7- : Yes. Everything we have tried thus far has yielded no helpful results. http://owam.net/office-2007/office-2007-setup-error-cannot-find-office-en-us-officemui-msi.php Thanks for any suggestions, this situation is very annoying... -Dave Mc. 0 dmc43 6 Years Ago Thanks, i'll give that a try. 0 varun8778 6 Years Ago I have a HP I cant see the .exe extension in this view. Browse to a valid installation source, and then click OK. No error. try here It was preinstalled by Dell and I have the CDs and product key. setup cannot find Office.en-us\branding.xml Previous topic|Next topic setup cannot find Office.en-us\branding.xml Author Message allen303allen Post subject: setup cannot find Office.en-us\branding.xmlPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:35 am Level 1 User No install prompt. IUf you want your problem to be solved by a MVP (Most Valuable Professional approved by Microsoft) then you need to pay $22.50 for each query you raise. How do I find you on the other laptop?cyball83 : do you remember the username and password XXXXX this chatcyball83 : username is lcdxmpu7JACUSTOMER-lcdxmpu7- : OK I have noted the username If I'm wrong, correct me, but don't be mean about it. software This question has already been answered. allen303allen Post subject: Re: setup cannot find Office.en-us\branding.xmlPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:25 am Level 1 User Control Panel Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:05 amPosts: 9 dimesio wrote:I am not After asking for all the files in the folder, it goes to asking once again, never ending loop. Display posts from previous: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 yearSort by AuthorPost timeSubject AscendingDescending Page 1 of 1[ 7 posts ] Board index»WineHQ»Wine Help It is currently I cannot get my OLD PhoneTools 4.13 11/8/2016 11/8/2016 Michael Littman My Asus laptop will not start up. No install prompt. check that Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use." Any other solutions? Setup could not find about 20 files on the CD such as: office.en-us\officeR.cab, office.en-us\officeMUIset.msi, office.en-us\setup.xml etc. ALWAYS post your Outlook version. Start a new discussion instead. More about the author My taskbar is beige as I type this … Nasties in computer 1 reply I scanned initially using MBA-M. So I have no idea what SP or patch level for either. Thanks much in advance!!!! Clicking finish to restart.cyball83 : click finishCustomer : OK Have done and am now back on the windows 7 normal desktopcyball83 : ok try again installing office 2010Customer : I am Before it gets any further, a "Browse for Folder" window comes up and says "Setup cannot find Office.en-us\branding.xml. WO software wayne_owens 13 posts since Nov 2007 Community Member 15Contributors 18Replies 35Views 8 YearsDiscussion Span 1 Year Ago Last Post by Takamura 0 Laser 84 8 Years Ago Try this...Create http://owam.net/office-2007/office-2007-setup-cannot-find-office-en-us-msvcr80-dll.php Also make sure u are using the correct setup file, as Windows comes with 32/64 bit... 0 Discussion Starter webdev5 6 Years Ago It turns out that all I had to Has anyone seen this issue and had success in resolving it? When it tells you it cannot find the file and wants you to select a folder, click on DESKTOP. I recently uncovered three files on my C:\ drive that won't even … Lag in Game 14 replies hey guys, I play need for speed world and yesterday my brother was What exactly is copied from the Windows machine? Everything we have tried thus far has yielded no helpful results. Regardless of whether we do it from the physical media or the download location, he gets the error message that setup cannot find office.en-us\setup.xml. Yet the file is there. (Occasionally the file specified that it cannot find is different.) I have tried extracting the files within enterprise.exe and running OfficeMUI.msi. Nature calls!cyball83 : okCustomer : Back!cyball83 : okcyball83 : restart the computer then press esc when you see the dell start-up logo then it will ask for to boot from cd/dvd news Thanks in advance. Now I am trying to reinstall 2007 Pro and I keep getting the following error before it backs out and quits. Was it a directory that was a copy of the install cd, or did you copy a directory to which Office was installed? Now have "Install now" or "customise" options"cyball83 : customize optioncyball83 : have you gone this far yetJACUSTOMER-lcdxmpu7- : OK. When I tried to install it and got exactly the same result. I have a junction which points to another folder on the same drive as the junction; the problem is the junction is taking up space. Copyright ©2004-2016 OfficeFrustration. Thanks again.cyball83 : Thank you sir John and 5 other Computer Specialists are ready to help you Ask your own question now Share this conversation Related Computer Questions Question Date It says "Setup cannot find Office.en-us\OfficeMUI.msi. While the dialog goes away, it continues to cycle back through the requested files. I do not have access to the original CD as this is an install from my university's software folder (site license). Was anyone able to resolve this problem? If you haven't been following along at … Outlook 2003 receives everything in Plain Text 7 replies I am using Windows XP with Outlook 2003. Will restart normally to let them all sort themselves out before going further. will update you when i do. 0 varun8778 6 Years Ago can u please tell me how is it solved, Please!! 0 BuLLitz 6 Years Ago Create a folder on your It takes a minute to get started but it will install just fine. " I tried that and it says, "Cannot copy OfficeMUISet: Access is denied. I tried uninstalling softwares … Loaded with viruses!!!! 7 replies Just was told that my computer is loaded with worms , trojans, and spyware. No error codes or messages. Your cache administrator is webmaster. Screenshot: Related errors: unable to close programes - dw20.exe error message My Windows Live Hotmail ERROR dw20.exe. I have him checking on his Windows updates for XP and IE 7. I've tried installing upgraded XML parsers, etc.
{ "date": "2018-07-21T00:08:04Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592001.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20180720232914-20180721012914-00390.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.893336296081543, "token_count": 1632, "url": "http://owam.net/office-2007/office-2007-setup-cannot-find-office-en-us-branding-xml.php" }
After a whirlwind four days of shopping in Pushkar and Jodhpur, our go go go pace afforded us a whole ten days off before having to be in Helli (as we not so affectionally call New Delhi) for a gift fair and our plane ride home. It seems we’re getting slightly better at navigating the murky shopping waters in India. Since ten days is a little long even for us for a beach stop in Goa, we decided to head farther south to the beckoning swaying-palm lined coastal state of Kerala. We spent our first couple of days idling about historic Fort Kochi, wandering along the seashore and the charming lanes fronted with pleasing colonial tiled-roof buildings. We started each day with delicious Keralan treats prepared by our home stay host Diana, my favorite of which was a thin crepe with delectable coconut, cardamum and peanuts rolled inside. Kerala feels to me like a soothing balm to the intensity of Rajasthan. It appears more affluent, there’s considerably less obvious poverty, and the women wear the most strikingly beautiful silk saris (polyester is definitely not king in the south). Even rickshaw drivers are more friendly in their persistence. But most surprising to me is that it actually smells good here – and not good as in an occasional wafting chai or samosa frying scent masking the dirt and pee smells, but good as in warm sea salted air perfumed with sultry sweet spice and tropical flowers. Alas along with the sublime comes the hoards of tourists, and with the hoards of tourists comes streets overtaken with tourist shops (filled with treasures from Rajasthan mostly), and expensive high season accommodation. Yet again, I feel a twinge of sadness for not being able to experience a place before it was ‘discovered’. Alas, despite the hoards we decided to spend the next afternoon and evening on a houseboat in the Keralan backwaters (with hundreds of other tourists, we estimated) around Alappuzha, which all guidebooks list as the one ‘must do’ experience in Kerala. This had me more skeptical than excited, as with the exception of the tour of Inle Lake in Burma, any boat tour we’ve been on in South East Asia has at best been moderately interesting and at worst been tediously boring and obnoxiously loud. As it turns out, our experience on the “Angel Queen” houseboat with only us, our captain and a cook was one of the most relaxing and memorable tourist experiences we’ve ever had. No earplugs required, puttering quietly down narrow channels watching rice paddies gleam their dazzling green in the sun, while locals went about their daily business. The fish fry lunch and Keralan curry dinner were fantastic and the Kingfisher was cold. We finished off the tour with a sunset cruise through the smaller canals in a hand dug canoe paddled by two seventeen year old boys who occasionally quizzed Joe about his hobbies, which sport teams he liked and what he did back in Canada. Happy times indeed.
{ "date": "2018-07-22T00:42:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592875.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20180722002753-20180722022753-00070.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9641364812850952, "token_count": 653, "url": "http://www.twangypearl.com/?p=299" }
For decades we have been at an impasse: No matter how many children are machine-gunned, we can do nothing about the spread of gun violence. The impasse is partly because of the money the NRA can spend in Washington to defeat reforms, and partly because of a Supreme Court that believes that a few 18th century white gentry couldn’t make a mistake. The Second Amendment isn’t likely to receive a serious critique during our lifetimes, so we’re stuck with it. Relief from our impasse must come from elsewhere. The old saying, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” is wrongheaded. It’s got to go. Here’s why: 1. Guns really are the problem because whatever harm someone might try to do to someone else, the damage increases exponentially if a gun is present. Armed with a knife or an axe, Adam Lanza might have managed to kill one person, maybe two, but never 26. A gun turns a problem into a catastrophe. I don’t claim we can eradicate the violent streak in human nature, but we most certainly can limit the amount of carnage. Limiting access to guns saves lives, namely the 24-25 lives Adam Lanza wouldn’t have had time to kill. 2. It’s wrongheaded to think that “people” kill people, as if shooters materialize from a cross-sectional sample of our society. No, the problem is white males. I’ll grant that murderous crimes have been committed by women, Blacks, Latinos, Russians, and Eskimos, but they murder a victim or two as a personal vendetta. Only white males go on shooting rampages, so white males are the problem. Here’s how we make a difference and curtail the most serious gun violence: a. White males who own a gun must become social pariahs to the rest of us, worse than if they were smokers. Those of us who wouldn’t go to a party filled with second hand smoke must refuse to socialize with white male gun owners on the grounds that it’s dangerous to our health. This is not a joke. You might go to a party where someone was smoking, but think twice about going to a party where someone was drinking with a gun in his pocket or his closet. Then don’t go. Our first step is to refuse to wink at or socialize with white male gun owners. b. You don’t need to be a psychoanalyst—although I am—in order to understand why assault rifles appeal mainly to white males. They’re the ones insecure about their masculinity. The fantasy of gripping that stock and barrel seems to alleviate their insecurity, which is why white males don’t reason very well about limiting access to guns. If they had limited access, their sexual insecurity would surface and become recognizable. We must start treating white male gun owners as neurotically troubled. We must start expressing concern for them and placing them at the top of society’s priority list for receiving mental help. c. A white male with an assault rifle believes he is prepared to protect our freedoms against the day when the government comes to take them away. We won’t be successful arguing with him about this, but we can recognize how quaint, useless, and out of date these so-called militia are in the modern era. It’s probably true that freedoms have been taken away, but this has been done by computers, not gunfights, and it’s been done by banks and corporations, not the government. The white male gun owner who’s itching for the day the government is going to arrive to shoot it out on his doorstep is old-fashioned, irrelevant, and ignorant of the true battleground, which is d. Gun owners argue that gun massacres would lessen if there were more people with guns (to shoot the shooters). Really? This amounts to arguing that we’d be better off going backward to the old days of shootouts in Dodge City, when everybody was armed and everybody could shoot everybody else. This can be tested empirically by establishing “Gun Zones,” i.e., neighborhoods, office buildings, movie theaters, and elementary schools where everyone is allowed to be armed. When this has been proposed as an experiment, gun owners actually don’t want to participate. This might reflect Kant’s grasp of the elusiveness of a true ethic, because I end up arguing that it should be OK if I carry a gun in your neighborhood but not OK if you carry a gun in mine. Hopefully, it might reflect the NRA’s latent common sense, grounds for building bridges and solving the problem of gun violence, as the NRA comes to realize that a society in which everybody’s armed is way too dangerous—even for NRA members and their children. Minor neighborhood squabbles that used to end with somebody’s black eye would erupt instead into mass killings of mothers and children. Who wants this? The NRA’s in favor of guns in theory, but nobody actually wants guns in their own children’s schools and movie theaters. Starting now, Rambo must become a comic figure. Schwartzenegger, who couldn’t hold on to Maria Shriver but who’s holding a machine gun in yet another movie, is not heroic but pathetic. Going to a gun show must become more socially stigmatizing than going to an abortion clinic, a dog fight, or a drug dealer. Video games that glorify the last man standin’ with his rifle a’ blazin’ probably can’t be erased from modern culture. Yet remember that sadistic comic books in the 1950s went bankrupt and disappeared in the ‘60s because the teenage males buying them were openly deemed mentally troubled. Today’s white male who thinks the games and guns are cool is either mentally ill, insecure, or too stupid to realize that the important battles are not going to be waged on his front door. Rather they are being waged as we speak in cyberspace, board rooms, and universities.
{ "date": "2018-07-23T03:48:43Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594886.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723032237-20180723052237-00110.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9595364928245544, "token_count": 1332, "url": "http://garyahlskog.com/gun-violence/" }
The old saying "get out of your box" is merely a metaphor for encouraging you to step away from what is always comfortable and familiar. My recliner is one of those places for me. I sit in my chair to drink coffee, watch TV, read, play or talk on my phone, and take an occasional nap. It is "my" chair and everyone who knows me knows that. It is my "go-to" place - a place of comfort and rest, but also a place that unfortunately encourages me to be sedentary, stuck inside, and less productive. Had it not been for the suggestion that nudged me to move - my view that evening would have been less than memorable and I would have missed witnessing God's masterpiece. Despite the pleasure we get from comfort and security, those feelings can also hold us back. Timing is everything. After my daughter suggested I check out the sunset, I kind of rushed her off the phone because I truly wanted to see what she was talking about. If we would have kept talking (something we normally would do plenty of!), I would not have seen the peak of this gorgeous sunset. I think about the times I've said to my kids, or even my grandkids, "Just a minute." It makes me wonder how many perfect moments I've missed because I made them wait? The sunset I witnessed occurred because of the lingering clouds that had produced rain and wind hours earlier. That brief storm gave us downed tree limbs and flipped flower pots that will require some unplanned clean up. But once again I was reminded that we can emerge from any storm with grace and beauty. Persevering through challenges has its rewards, including the new perspectives we gain as we reflect on our journey. Appreciating the beauty of the sunset allows us to examine how it came to be and understand that without the previously challenging or unpleasant experience, we wouldn't have been able to enjoy this breathtaking view. It is my pleasure, and often my quest, to enjoy the beauty of this world we live in. Some of the best mountain views I have witnessed and captured required me to get off the road, out of the car, and usually down a winding and often rocky path. If we try to cruise through life on the interstates and major highways - always in the comfort of our cars and near food, fuel, and rest stops, or our favorite chairs, we are missing out on the best views and experiences. Cruise liners don't just sail around the ocean for days on end pointing out places of interest on the horizon. They stop at ports along the way, requiring passengers to disembark and get a closer look. My husband and I are getting ready to travel again. We are planning to go to some popular sites along a well-traveled route, but we are also looking for those antique shops and lesser known places to discover. We learned a long time ago we have to get off the highway sometimes to discover the treasures. While the rainbow is the promise of hope, the sunset is a beautiful reminder of our journey. We can and should appreciate each one. Every sunset is an opportunity to reflect on the experiences of our day in preparation for the next leg of our journey. It is our challenge to get off the couch (or out of my comfy chair) and experience the richness that life has to offer. Help others. Make a difference. Work hard. Learn something new. This is your invitation and reminder that there is a world out there waiting for you to see and actively participate. Your view may not be this spectacular everyday but your perspective might be. What will you DO today that makes the world a better place? Whatever it is, my wish for you is that you have many moments of "Wow. Just Wow."
{ "date": "2018-07-16T06:39:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589222.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716060836-20180716080836-00150.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9756729006767273, "token_count": 766, "url": "https://www.teachingandlearningnetwork.com/vickis-blog/category/moments" }
Amazing thing - I noticed we have 100 followers in this blog. Thank you so much for your interest :). Next week will be a special one - Mini treasures wiki will be 2 years old on 14th April. Last year I organized a virtual party and had a lot of fun. I was planning something similar this year with contests and everything but have been too busy to organize it. For example last week I visited Denmark for a conference that was held in Lego hotel - what an inspiring place it was! Too bad the park itself was closed. So I was about to tell you that there will be no party at all but felt too bad about that so here it is: a page for us to celebrate the occasion again. And there will be one contest - I will let you know who of you has brought most traffic to our wiki during the last year. :)
{ "date": "2018-07-23T05:26:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676594954.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723051723-20180723071723-00470.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.979276716709137, "token_count": 176, "url": "http://minitreasures.blogspot.com/2011/04/2nd-anniversary-coming.html" }
Reviews are Flooding in! Here are a few more reviews of Peter Jacksons ‘Fellowship of the Ring’!! Finally we get to hear from people who have actually seen the movie in it’s entirety in private screenings. Head on over to Aint-it-cool-news.com right now and read one or all of the 3 amazing reviews already up. You won’t regret it! WARNING!! MAJOR SPOILERS! [More]Posted in Old Main News on November 28, 2001 by Jincey
{ "date": "2018-07-19T09:58:34Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590794.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719090301-20180719110301-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9366625547409058, "token_count": 116, "url": "http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2001/11/28/16679-reviews-are-flooding-in/" }
Sold: Sell Farm - 25 acres of Timber and Creek - 20 a. in CRP marginal pasture CRP with tree plantings—Pays $79.20/acre or $1,584/year until 2018. - Located along Beaver Creek north of Berkley - RE taxes - approx. $9.50/year This is a nice recreational tract with approx 15 year old tree plantings in the Conservation Reserve Program plus older trees, oxbows and grass plus Beaver Creek. It is idea for deer habitat, mushroom hunting and creek recreation. Caution: The parcel driveway west of the creek is steep and the culvert is not passable so it is best to park on Deer Avenue to the south and walk in. The culvert has been reported to the Boone County Engineer. Brief Legal Description: 25 acres in SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of 34-83-28, Boone County, Iowa From Des Moines head NW on Hwy 141 toward Perry. Before you get to Perry turn north on Hwy 168 for eight miles then turn west on E-57 for four miles and the land is on the north side just west of the bridge over Beaver Creek.
{ "date": "2018-07-23T09:30:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676596204.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20180723090751-20180723110751-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8765501976013184, "token_count": 247, "url": "http://gannonre.com/listings-auctions/sell-farm/" }
Sukan Makmuri Resmi Bergabung Sebagai CTO UangTeman UangTeman Akan Full Pivot Jadi Perusahaan P2P Lending Setelah Palembang, UangTeman Kini Layani Masyarakat Lampung Rayakan Usia Kedua, Layanan Pinjaman Online UangTeman Siap Ekspansi ke 15 Kota The microlending startup Uang Teman is processing an expansion plan to the Philippines this year, after acquiring Series B funding which currently in the final process. One of the reasons to choose Philippines is the similar demographic with Indonesia. Aidil Zulkifli, Uang Teman’s CEO and Founder, explained this expansion as the first for the company since being founded in April 2015. They will have local partners which familiar with the public’s condition. It will use a different brand. The business model will remain the same as previously done by Uang Teman, an online microlending. “We’re in the Series B funding process. To be announced by the end of July or early August. Funding will be used for business expansion,” Zulkifli told Although there aren’t any number or name published yet, he ensures that there will be new investors followed by the existing ones. The value claims to meet the expectation, helps the company to be confident about regional expansion. “The investors we’re having talks with, they’re very enthusiastic with our business. Moreover, we’ve reached profit since last April. It gives us enough confidence.” As a profitable company, he claims the company has already found the right business model. In the meantime, it is said to be able to acquire a big number of customers. Last year, Uang Teman received Series A investment worth of Rp160 billion led by K2 Venture Capital, Enspire VC, Alpha JWC Ventures, and followed by Silicon Valley expert, Tim Draper, through investment institution Draper Associates. The funding is used to acquire more users, invest in research, and product development. Uang Teman also creates Data Science & Analytics Center in Singapore and India. The company also postpone the pivot plan to be a p2p lending company from its core business as an online micro-lending. According to Zulkifli, it was because the license by OJK has yet to be received, although the company has completed all the requirements. “After getting the registration letter, we directly applying for the license. It hasn’t been finalized. We also have other priorities, therefore we postpone the pivot.” Zulkifli mentioned in the previous interview that the old business model will be pivoted to the subsidiary prepared by the company. Uang Teman, it will run the p2p lending business. Thus, Uang Teman will operate in line with OJK regulation according to POJK No 77/2016. Regarding the business performance, Zulkifli said that Uang Teman has facilitated more than Rp500 billion in the first half of 2018. As the target, this year we need to distribute Rp1 trillion loans. The number is 10 times higher than last year’s realization of Rp130 billion. “The progress is currently hitting more than 50% of our target. We’re optimistic to achieve it,” he finished. Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian
{ "date": "2018-07-16T12:31:40Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589270.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716115452-20180716135452-00230.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9165511131286621, "token_count": 745, "url": "https://dailysocial.id/post/uang-teman-to-expand-to-the-philippines-post-series-b-funding/" }
An easy cha cha routine video perfect for a group of 12-16 year olds! Broken down choreography for easy teaching. Great for a secondary school PE session. This dance teaching resource includes: - a dance video with a broken down choreography for you to learn and teach to your students! Put on your very best smile and dance on! Teaching Level: Easy Ages: 12-16 years old (key stages 3 & 4)
{ "date": "2018-07-17T11:24:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589710.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20180717105812-20180717125812-00550.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8614550828933716, "token_count": 95, "url": "http://www.play4fitness.co.uk/dance-resources/secondary-school" }
Bydgoszcz, originally Bydgoszcza (feminine), is a pronoun name the second part of which – 'goszcz' comes from 'gost-jь' possibly or 'gost-ja' an old Slavic root which refers to an urban or suburban trading settlement. There are also a number of other Polish place-names which make use of the 'goszcz' suffix: i.e. Małogoszcz and Skorogoszcz. Bydgoszcz, however, has a long, rich history of etymological change: in 1239 known as Bidgosciam, in 1242 as castrum quod Budegosta vulgariter nuncupatur (castle, which is colloquially called Bydgoszcza), in 1279 as Bidgoscha, since 1558 as Bydgoszcz, that is, until the 16th century, and as Bydgoszcza "fishing village or campsite belonging to Bydgosta". The name 'Byd-gost' contains archaic elements of the Proto-Slavonic root 'byd' which existed as a variant of the verb 'to raise' (Ancient Russian 'vъzbydati' = stimulating, Proto-Slavonic 'bъděti' / 'bъd 'ǫ' = no sleep, to watch), and the common Slavic root 'Goszcz' (fireplace). Some people identify the name of the town as 'Budorgis', a name from the 2nd century which is listed as being next to the village Calisia on the amber route.
{ "date": "2018-07-19T12:01:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676590866.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20180719105750-20180719125750-00550.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9408981800079346, "token_count": 366, "url": "https://www.wikiplanet.click/enciclopedia/en/Bydgoszcz" }
Ooooo, what is this new tab when i hit the Office 365 Portal?? So there is movement away from the old Compliance Center to add more features and to roll up all the goodies so that you have everything pertaining to Security and Compliance of your content sources in one place. Over the next 6 weeks, i’ll break down each of the menu items on the left and explain how they all work together to give companies and users protection and legislative compliance. Look out next week for the first part: Permissions Be cool my ninja’s.
{ "date": "2018-07-21T11:36:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676592523.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20180721110117-20180721130117-00550.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.878194272518158, "token_count": 115, "url": "http://www.ecmninja.co.za/office-365-week-3-new-security-and-compliance-center/" }
Many of you know my weakness for cats. Just a quick review of my blog archive will reveal that. A few years ago,, we had a feral cat that showed up and was living in our goat pen,, with the goat. They would sleep together and hang out,, sun themselves, and actually seem to really enjoy each other. This cat was a torti,, so I was sure it was female and sure enough,, I was hearing little meows from inside the goat pen, marking that fact that kittens were there. I would hear them meowing and calling for their momma on occasion, but she was there so I paid no attention till one day when the meows got really loud and continued for hours. Derek had gone down to the shop that afternoon and came right back to tell me about the little kitten he had found wandering across the yard. He put her back into the box, but she had followed him out again. I went down and sure enough,, there were 4 kittens in there. All meowing like crazy,, appearing to be about 3 or 4 wks old. Barely old enough to walk. We put a board up on the box to keep them from crawling out but so that momma could get back in. We have a lot of feral cats come and go around here,, mostly from the dairy next door. If I can catch them,, they got get altered but a lot of times they disappear before I can act. I keep food out for them and heating beds during the winter, so I figured this momma had gone to find food. The night went on,, I looked for momma cat but saw nothing. The next day, I got up and went out to check,, the kittens were ice cold and all pretty non responsive. They laid limp in my hands. I rushed them up to the house,, feeling like a fool for not bringing them up sooner. I was so sad and mad at myself. I put each kitten under warm water to bring their body temperature up and then started to syringe some water to them. They were badly dehydrated. They all started to come to after a while though. After I got them settled,, I went out to the road to search for momma cat. I found her lifeless body about a quarter mile down the road. She had been hit. OH NO!! Long story shorter... I bottle fed this litter. Within the first few days,, I lost one of the kitties but the other 3 thrived. As time went on,, I became very attached to them but did end up letting my sister get one. We kept an orange and white male,, called "Russ" for Mr. Curi-Russ, since he was such a curious kitten. Very brave and outgoing. There was a grey kitten that just bitched all the time so she was "Bitch and Mona".. aka Mona. We call her Monicity now. She doesn't complain much anymore. They have turned into great little cats. Both are full time house cats with our other 4. Russ is a total character. Loves water and takes great pride in helping me raise the puppies. He likes to lay with his back legs stretched out behind him,, froggy style. He goes to the shower to play at the water coming down and he loves the bath tub, which he puts his footy in the water continually till your done. We call him Saint Russ-O-Fur,, since he is such a little hellion. He and Mona are little blessings and I am glad I was able to save them. I just hate having so many ferals show up all the time. I wish I could take them all in, but there does have to be a point where you have to say no. So I keep them fed and watered. The 6 we have in the house is plenty. They never go outside so cat box duty is frequent, but they are all very much a part of our lives.
{ "date": "2018-07-16T14:37:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-30/segments/1531676589350.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20180716135037-20180716155037-00590.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9919012188911438, "token_count": 810, "url": "http://akadiashelties.blogspot.com/2009/02/saint-russ-o-fur.html" }