What do you need to learn at the beginning of your career?
• With BrainO by your side, you can learn what you need anytime, anywhere
Who should you choose as a role model?
• Someone who makes money in a way that you can too • If you will choose as your model an intermediary who earns well, but sells, for example, CAR policies worth tens of thousands of Euros, because he has connections at the mayor's office or in a party, and you do not have high-level connections either town hall, nor to any party, then you will probably be disappointed • But you can "steal" work from any intermediary who does something good; it can be a statement, a question, a gesture, an inflection of the voice or a work strategy • In any case, your role model must be a good professional and a person of integrity • It would be good to be an intermediary that has built its strategy around the idea of ​​providing enough insurance to customers • That's what BrainO teaches you, and that's what you should be able to learn from it too • Because that's what customers need
Digitization: an ally or a foe for insurance intermediaries?
• Digitization is much more of an ally than an enemy • Why enemy? • Because, gradually, some of the compulsory policies and some of the popular policies will be easy to buy on the Internet • And more and more customers will • Why ally? • First of all, because Romanians are not used to taking care of themselves; or in other words, there are few Romanians willing to buy insurance, other than RCA, casco and housing • We are after 30 years of private insurance and only 1 in 5 Romanians have their home insured, and their number has been stagnant for years • And only 1 in 7 Romanians have life insurance • Yes, they will find insurance on the Internet, but only those who will search for insurance on the Internet • There will still be a lot of people who won't go online, and will wait for someone to convince them to get insured • Who? • For example, you • The job of prospecting and approaching customers still remains the responsibility of intermediaries • Second, complex policies, which have a laborious underwriting and issuance process, require and will continue to require the input of a professional consultant • And here come dozens of types of policies and clauses, such as business insurance, i.e. corporate policies, civil liability insurance or life insurance • Keep in mind the nuance: clients will need professional consultants who can justify their commission by the added value they bring to the client
How do you plan your daily activity?
• "Fill" your day with Prospecting + Phones + Meetings + Bidding + Learning • Start using a personal database • Write in it all your knowledge - yes, all -, without making assumptions about who will be insured and who will not; over time, experience will confirm that surprises can arise • Then write down, daily, all the people you learned about that day • Do this from the first day of work, throughout the time you will be an insurance intermediary • First thing in the morning, consult your diary and check what meetings are planned • Call customers • How many calls to make? BrainO recommends that you set a daily goal that you can't deviate from even if you don't want to. For example, 30 phones every day; regardless of their outcome. But let 30 be 30, not 20 and not 10! • Go to meetings with clients • An appointment can last, on average, an hour to an hour and a half, which includes the journey to and from the client; so in a day you have time for 2-3 meetings • Set aside an hour every day to study • You can choose an interval, always the same, in which your mind is more receptive, or you can use the time between meetings for learning • Because you use the BrainO application, you can learn anywhere: at the office, at home, in the car... • Learn about insurers' issuing programs • This is the only way you will be able to issue quickly and correctly • Learn the financial and administrative procedures of insurers • Learn to use digitization in customer communication and prospecting • Digital communication will help you do in 30 seconds what you otherwise do in 10 minutes, and the Internet is an inexhaustible source of prospects
What are BrainO's recommendations for you?
• Learn to work with an agenda; first thing in the morning, when you drink your coffee, consult your diary • Learn all you can about insurance; use only serious sources of information for this purpose • Do every day a little of the things you dislike, but which are important; it could be calling customers or asking for referrals, or maybe something else… • Tell everyone, whenever you have the opportunity, that you deal with insurance; not just cheap RCA, but insurance • When talking to a client to whom you want to sell insurance, always ask yourself: "What does he want to hear from me to buy insurance?" • People don't buy insurance, people buy people; customers will buy from you if, first and foremost, they like you • Dare to ask uncomfortable questions; insurance itself is not a nice thing, but a necessity • Aim to become, little by little, the only insurance intermediary for each client; if you are good and offer good products, what reason would there be another middleman...? • Serve your customers impeccably; most will appreciate this • Build a network of technicians (underwriters, product managers, claims inspectors, etc.), at each insurer, to serve you well and quickly; you will have an advantage over other intermediaries • Learn to use technology; you will gain time and customers
What should be your goals during your internship?
• To get as many new customer names (prospects) as possible • Make appointments with as many clients as possible • Make as many offers as possible • To sell as many policies as possible • If the expression "as many" seems strange to you, know that it was used not because BrainO does not know how to formulate an objective, but because, in the case of intermediaries who sell composite insurance, it is practically impossible to made a standardization • One thing you should understand from the beginning: your working day must be full • This does not mean not eating, not resting, or not solving your personal problems • This means not falling into the trap of having dead times and periods of unnecessary lamentation
Where can you get your motivation from?
• From your dream • Yes, your dream of having lots of money and time to spend it can come true in insurance • Think about it this way: what are the highest paying professions in our time? • IT scientists, lawyers, doctors, notaries... • Can you do ITst? • Can you become a lawyer? • Or doctor? • Most likely not; if it were possible, you would already be an IT, lawyer or doctor • Why is it not possible? • Because it means long and hard years of study, exams, stress, which you are not willing to go through • In these professions a lot of money comes, it is true, but after years • But there is another way to get time and money together: selling insurance • But here too, as in highly skilled professions, the benefits appear over time • At the beginning you work a lot and the earnings are small; after years of work, you will earn very well with much less effort • If you understand this, this will be your motivation • If you don't understand it, this will also demotivate you • And you'll end up studying the job ads again...
What mistakes to avoid?
• It's very easy for a 10-minute break to turn into 15, then 30, and then 60 minutes... • You can use the Internet to do prospecting or to waste time... • You can start the working day at 8, 10 or 12... • You can end the working day at 6 pm or 12 noon... • You can work 5 days a week or 1 day a week... • Freedom can be an opportunity or a trap • Some activities you will like more, and you will do them with pleasure, and others less or not at all, and you may be tempted to avoid them; but remember that it is a chain, which is never stronger than its weakest link • If you neglect, or worse, if you omit to do what you dislike, you will create the conditions for failure to succeed • In conclusion, the two big mistakes that can compromise your dream are: • The rose • Superficiality • Their opposite are two qualities that will help you see your dream with your eyes: • Diligence • Seriousness • PS: if it seems to you that the word "must" has been used too often, think like this: you have to realize your dream, or will you be satisfied even if you miss it...?
How can you streamline the notification of due dates, for installments and renewals?
• Here's a way of working that can save you good hours, or even days if you have a lot of clients, and gives you just as many hours - or days - for productive activities in return • Instead of calling clients, to inform them that they have to pay an installment or renew a policy (it takes 3...5 minutes for a client), you can use the online communication templates - it takes 20...30 of seconds for a customer! • BrainO provides you with online communication templates for announcing installments and renewals
How can you streamline claims assistance?
• First of all, each customer must know what rights and what obligations they have in case of damage • It will be inconvenient for the client and uncomfortable for you too if the client is asked for various documents, photographs, statements, minutes, etc., one after the other, instead of all these things being requested from the beginning • For this to happen, make lists of all the documents that are required for the claim, for each type of policy, at least for the usual risks (for example car accidents or damage to the water installations) • Then make some mockups yourself to send to customers who have had a claim, and text them a few minutes after you've been notified • Customers will appreciate your gesture • Remember: in order to sell the policy, you made some promises to your client, which he believed • After all, the time has come to honor your promises • A satisfied customer pays his installments • A satisfied customer renews his policy • A satisfied customer buys other policies • A satisfied customer recommends you • A satisfied customer puts money in your pocket, year after year
How can you use the time you have effectively?
• An intermediary does two types of activities: • Productive activities, those that increase production • Administrative activities, those that preserve its production • The limited time allocated to insurance requires minimizing the time allocated to administrative activities, in order to maximize the time allocated to productive activities
How can you make the collection of installments more efficient?
• Here's a way of working that can save you good hours, or even days if you have a lot of clients, and gives you just as many hours - or days - for productive activities in return • Instead of collecting installments in cash like 20 years ago, teach customers to pay online
How can you make productive activities more efficient?
• The productive activities are the following: • Increasing the number of customers • Development of the policy portfolio • Indirectly, training is also a productive activity, because if you are better prepared, you will be more efficient; that's only if you apply what you learn... • Your efforts towards the two productive activities vary differently over time • You mean? • With the development of the portfolio... • ... spend less and less time looking for new customers, because new customers end up looking for you • ... spend more and more time developing your policy portfolio to provide your customers with enough insurance • In dedicated modules, BrainO gives you ideas for prospecting and sales techniques
How can you streamline the transmission of renewed policies?
• Renewed policies can be sent online, on WhatsApp or by email, accompanied by a brief description and the presentation of the information required for online payment • Using online communication templates, the process of submitting the policy takes 2...3 minutes, compared to 30...60 minutes for the round trip and handing over the policy in person • BrainO offers you templates for online communication that contain the brief and to-the-point presentation of common policies, both for family and business • This is the case for wealthy customers who can afford to purchase all the insurance they need, as well as business people • There are situations in which traveling to the client is justified, because it represents an opportunity to sell him enough insurance • Especially in the case of businesses, selling enough insurance can be done both by updating policies (up-sell) and by diversifying policies (cross-sell) • For example, an SME type business can develop, which can involve both increasing the insured sums and adding new clauses on the policy that is being renewed (up-sell), but also covering new risks, through other types of policies (cross-sell) • You decide, in the end, if you want to meet the client and talk with him, or are you content with sending the policy • So that the client does not perceive online communication as negligence, or even disinterest, ask him from the beginning of the relationship with your way of working and ask for his consent • Concretely, during the first meeting with the client, you can say something like this... • For you, insurance means safety • For me it is a business, and I do everything I can to make it more efficient • In this sense, I usually agree with clients that the transmission of due dates, renewal notices, offers and including policies, should be done mainly online • This in no way diminishes the care I have for each individual client, on the contrary, we both have a record of communication, as all messages remain on the phone or laptop • And it gives me time to develop my business by expanding the number of clients • Is it okay if we also work together in this way? • By posing the issue this way, the customer has no reason to disagree
How can you set your priorities?
• To deduce what is a priority and what can be postponed, filter each action you intend to take with the following question: • What do I lose if I delay? • If the answer is "I don't lose anything concrete", then postpone and do something that is important and urgent • If the answer is "I lose..., that is, I lose something important", then do that thing, with priority • For example, if you are in doubt about what to do tomorrow - send messages to customers or renew policies that expire soon - then renew policies; the best customer is the customer you already have • But if you originally set out to collect some installments tomorrow, which are not yet due, but you have some prospects you could meet with, meet the prospects; you can collect the installments the day after tomorrow, or online
How can you make policy changes more efficient?
• If the policies are well concluded from the outset, so they contain actual sums insured and contain the coverages the client needs, policy changes are rare • For example, changes occur when the customer makes extensions or purchases and the sums insured change or when they take out a loan and the assignment of the policy is required • In some cases, policies require risk inspection or are even issued by specialized persons • In order for the subscription and issuance process to be as short as possible, it is good to have contact persons in the specialized departments, who will serve you promptly • It will go a long way in creating an internal support network if you are polite and kind to those you need • Don't forget an old proverb - "a sweet word brings a lot"...
A client has a house worth 100.000 Euro. He insures it at 70,000 Euro. There is a damage of 5.000 Euro. What compensation will the insured receive?
Because he underinsured his home by 70%, he will receive only 70% of the damage, i.e. €3,500.
How do you choose the subject of the story?
• Tell stories about… • Customers who have been compensated • Customers who wanted to drop their insurance and you convinced them to continue • Clients who followed your advice and were mobbed • Notoriety events, connected with the notion of risk • Customers who have dropped their insurance and then the uninsured risk has occurred • Customers who have been referred to you by other customers • Funny situations • A customer who raised a common objection and you resolved it
When is the right time to approach old customers?
• In the case of "warm" customers - TODAY! • In the case of "cold" customers, the next due installment or policy renewal
How can you approach a customer when you are face to face with them?
• If you have customers who are in a hurry, and a bit stingy, and quite uncommunicative, and also grumpy, you can combine and develop these ideas to create your own approach scenarios • How unlucky for you, to come across such customers...
How do you know if the story has reached its goal?
• If the client becomes interested and enters into a discussion on the topic you proposed, it means you have achieved your goal
How can you make the client aware through "360° risk analysis"?
• It is about asking the client the awareness questions specific to the "three-legged table" concept • Through this method you can make him aware of all the risks to which he is exposed, both the client and his family • You can use this method when you master the questioning technique • Why is it harder to ask than to tell...? • When you tell a story, repeat what you already know • When you ask, you have to think… • Consultative selling, based on awareness through questioning, is a tool for true consultants • If you want to learn to use the questioning technique, you must - yes, you must... • ... learn the questions by heart • ... to understand the purpose of each • ... to practice them • And only then use them • You will find that, slowly, over time, the number of policies per client increases significantly • Your customers will be better insured • And you will earn more and more money • The roots of work are bitter, but its fruits are sweet
What story can you tell to open the conversation about a new policy?
• How do you choose the theme of the story? • Choose a story that will have an impact on the customer • If you have a true story, then tell it • The important thing is to say it naturally, without seeming to be pursuing a goal
How do you become aware of the idea of ​​risk?
• Some people understand that there are risks, independent of our will • Responsible people buy insurance to protect their families • The others think they are safe and unconsciously take unnecessary risks • Do you agree that no matter what we do, we cannot eliminate risk from our lives? • If you get the client's agreement that the risks exist, you've won an extremely important battle • If he tries to object, you will remind him that he has agreed that the risk exists • So implicitly there is also the need for insurance protection • If you manage to get the customer to "change the handle", that is, to move the discussion from the product - which can be contested - to the need - which cannot be contested, you have taken a huge step forward • By educating the client, you managed to make him aware and prepare your ground to sell him other policies in the future • Until his family gets enough insurance
How can you approach old customers when you are face to face with them?
• The customer is in front of you • You have collected the installment, or renewed the policy, probably exchanged pleasantries, as you usually do… • Now you want to propose a new insurance • And you know from experience that your proposal might be met with reluctance, if not hostility • Therefore, you must prepare your ground… • How can you do this? • Through an opening of the discussion that captures the customer's attention, depending on how you know him and how you feel him, then, on the spot, your customer...,
Who can you sell other policies to more easily?
• Customers who, in addition to the fact that they still do not have enough insurance, you have a very good relationship with them, so "warm" customers
Who can you sell other policies to?
• Customers who still do not have "enough" insurance • Clients who want to raise money in the long term • How long do you keep trying to sell more and more policies to your client? • Theoretically, or sometimes also practically, until he ends up having "enough" insurance • At least this is what you should aim for and try to achieve • Practically, until you feel that you risk becoming unsympathetic to them; then you stop • Knowing when to take two steps forward, when to take a step back and when to stop is part of the art of the insurance broker
How do you use the "golden questions"?
• Which of these risks are you most concerned about? • Why did you think of it? • What consequences would it have on the family? • Do you have insurance for this risk? • If there was a solution to remove the consequences that worry you, would you be interested? • (if you say the right words, in the right tone, with the right look, and at the right time, you will see how the client's shirt collar starts to tighten... you have managed to put him on fire) • What will the client tell his wife after the discussion with you? • He will probably say something like: • This agent is really good • Made me realize some things • Know that I will make another insurance • Bingo! • These questions are called "golden questions" not by chance • They "twist the knife in the wound", i.e. they make the client aware of the major risks to which he is exposed
How can you launch the story?
• Do you like stories? Can I tell you something? • I'm pleased. I just helped a customer... • I'm upset. I get angry when people don't listen to me... • I'm upset. A client of mine only received 100,000... • I recently broke up with a lady who... • Can I brag? Let me tell you something... • Problems... Tell me, when something hurts, who do you turn to, a doctor or a confectioner...? • That's how the Romanian is. He knows everything • One penny you give, one penny makes... Is it? • You know that kind of people who...? • Do you understand these people? They care more about their car than their wife and kids... • Yes, who wouldn't want it... And profit, yes, and safety... Eh... It hasn't been invented yet • Cheap and good… Kinda hard… • I want to put money in their pocket, and they don't want to... • What would you do in my place, if you came across a family man who doesn't care about his family? • A ruin brings no profit. It is? • I tell you honestly, that if it wasn't for me, let me insist, some time ago, Mr. X would not have existed today... Or he would have existed, but he would have lived in some brothel...
How can you "warm up" the relationship through telephone communication?
• You can call the customer… • To (re)explain to him what the policy he owns contains • To communicate insurance news • To communicate news of interest to him • To ask his advice • To invite him to an event • To inform him that he still does not have "enough" insurance • To emphasize the utility of insurance after payment of a claim
Who are "warm" customers?
• Warm customers are: • Those with whom you interact frequently - at least 3-4 times a year • They pay their policies on time • Listen to your advice
How do you present the 3 risk categories?
• The material stability of a family is based on three pillars: • What he has: house, car, savings, business • What they earn: salaries (or, as the case may be, dividends) • Solvency, so not having to pay, accidentally, very large sums • Do you agree? • Do you agree that if you lose what you have, if you lose your source of income or if you end up with huge amounts of debt, family life will not be the same as it is now, but much harder? (persist until you get the client's agreement on this idea) • This is probably the first time your client is being told about the risks and their consequences first, and not directly about the policies • Whatever he thought of you before, after this talk he will definitely appreciate you • If the customer will understand this concept, you have opened the way to sell them any of the insurances they need, but did not understand the point of until then • Until then, there were probably only mandatory insurances and cheap insurances for the customer... • From now on there will be necessary insurances • Obligation and price will be on the second plan
How do you ask for customer consent to send them messages?
• Here are three options: • Do you agree that I send you, once a month, an interesting message on the topic of protection? • I use to send very helpful messages about risk and family protection to my clients on a monthly basis. Do you agree with my inclusion in the list? • I send out regular – once a month – informative messages about personal and family protection, which my clients find very useful. Would you like to receive them too? • You can also rebroadcast them to your friends
What do you aim for by "warming up" cold customers?
• "Warming up" cold customers is primarily aimed at making them trust you more and accept your advice • Obviously, the ultimate goal is to sell them as many policies as possible until they have enough insurance • Concretely, you will be able to say that you are on the right track if: • More and more customers will ask you for new policies • More and more customers will buy the new policies you offer • You will be delighted to find that the completion rate in both situations is almost 100%! • "Chinese drop" breaks the stone • In time • Always
How can you sell the client one of the insurances he is missing?
• It is about presenting the client with the benefits of one of the insurances he lacks in order to have enough insurance • You can use this method when you feel more comfortable discussing products instead of asking questions • Before proposing new insurance to your client, remember that your role is to get the client in a position to have enough insurance • So, even if you have several policies in your portfolio, recommend first of all the ones that give you financial security and which you do not currently have: it can be home insurance, income and savings insurance, solvency insurance • To understand which are the most important insurances for a family, go through the module "What does it mean for a family to have enough insurance?" • Only after the client has secured his financial security, i.e. after the major risks are covered, can you propose other types of policies, which cover medium risks
How can you convince an old customer to buy a new policy?
• You can do this in two ways: • Whichever of the two methods you choose, if you sell a new policy, your client and his family will be better protected • With a new policy the client and his family are closer to having enough insurance
How can you "warm up" the relationship through online communication?
• Alternatively, you can start sending with a reasonable frequency - for example once a month, and only with the client's consent: • BrainO may periodically provide you with messages to send to customers • Attention: • Don't forget the GDPR • To prevent complaints from difficult customers, ask for their consent before you start messaging them • But: • If you're the type who starts today and quits the day after tomorrow, there's no point in trying • One flower does not make spring • If you send one, two or three messages, you will not be able to "screw" yourself into the customers' minds • The combination of rhythmicity + interesting messages will get you what you want: every time a customer thinks about insurance, his first thought will be you • Remember: one message per month • Each month • Years from now
How to tell a story to "catch" the client?
• Be natural • Surprise with the turn of phrase • Presents a parable of the story • Ask the customer's opinion, at least at the end of the story • Match the tone to the message
What targeted questions can you use to open the discussion about a new policy?
• You can use questions like: • I would like to ask you something... why did you buy the RCA policy? • One you know why people buy insurance? • I would like to ask if your wife is aware of… • May I ask for what purpose did you start the business? • You have the policy of..., but it is insufficient..., is it true? • Then keep quiet and wait for the customer's reaction • If the question provoked him, after the client "entered the game", at some point you can propose the insurance you thought about