11 values
électronique sous la forme ‘initiale du’ favorisant ainsi la communication interne et externe, o des outils de collaborations, o la suite Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) mise à la disposition de tous les étudiants de l’université ;  Carte multi -services permettant à la communauté UEMF l’accès aux différents services mis à leur disposition et notamment pour : o accéder à l’université au niveau des contrôles d’accès, o utiliser les imprimantes mises à disposition en libre services, o payer les consommations au restaurant universitaire,
o payer les achats au niveau du shop UEMF, o réserver des livres, des manuels, des magazines et autres supports de la bibliothèque, o réserver des salles de lecture, o réserver des salles de sport auprès du centre sportif, etc ;  Salles libre -service équipées de PC dernière génération avec tous les logiciels n écessaires pour les formations dispensées ;  Salles équipées de stations de travail CAO et DAO ;  Salles équipées de stations de travail, et écrans curvés pour les cours d’intelligence artificielle ;
11 | Page  Salles équipées de casques (VR) de la réalité virtuelle p our les cours de multimédia ;  Internet haut débit avec une liaison de 1Go synchrone disponible pour tous les utilisateurs de l’université (Etudiants, Professeurs, Personnel et Invités) ;  Couverture WiFi très large et complète avec plus de 400 points d’acc ès déployés sur tout le campus UEMF ;  Outils numériques pour l’enseignement : o plateforme e- learning, o cours MOOC, o bibliothèque virtuelle ;  Salles pédagogiques équipées avec des systèmes de vidéo -projection, de sonorisation ;
 Écrans interactifs nouvelle gén ération ;  Salles équipées avec des systèmes de visioconférence professionnelle ;  Système de live streaming pour la diffusion en live des événements locaux ;  Système de gestion centralisée de l’affichage interne et externe.  Logiciels de simulation pour des applications d’enseignement et de recherche  ERP pour la gestion globale de l’UEMF (scolarité, recherche, finances, patrimoine, ressources humaines,…)
SDG13 Report Climate action
2 SDG13 Report: Climate Action At the time of COP 26, what greenhouse gas emissions by energy in Morocco? In 2018, and according to official data, Morocco has a contribution of 1 / 500th of global greenhouse gas emissions, and is positioned at t he 47th place in the ranking of total emissions of 160 countries. After increasing by + 0.4% compared to the previous year, greenhouse gas emissions by the energy consumed in Morocco would have reached 63'953 Gigajoule (Gg) in 2020 (million tonnes of CO2 e quivalent)
In 2020, greenhouse gas emissions break down as follows:  34,650 Gg (+ 2.8% in 2020) due to oil, i.e. 54.2% of the total  27'510 Gg (+ 0.5% in 2020) due to coal, or 43.0% of the total  1'793 Gg ( -29.2% in 2020) of natural gas, i.e. 2.8% of the total, Emissions due to 6'988 GWh of renewable electricity from wind, solar and hydraulic sources are zero. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions due to the energy consumed in Morocco lead to 1.78 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year and per capita in 2020.
Climate change is a brake on development, especially for emerging countries like Morocco. It leads to increased poverty and slows down economic growth, hence the need to help address it. The process of combating global warming is a voluntary national commitment aimed at reducing its GHG emissions in 2030 by 42% and requiring a total investment of 50 billion dollars.  Climate change in the Fes Meknes region : Project "Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture in the Maghreb" (ACCAGRIMAG) MAIN LESSONS o A rise in temperatures predicted by all climate projection models.
o A downward trend in precipitation surrounded by more uncertainties. o A period of crop growth that will tend to shrink, shortening the production period by one to three months. o Olive and almond crops have little impact by 2050. o Spring crops, such as chickpeas, will be hit hard by the effects of climate change. o A significant reduction in the use of land for wheat cultivation with, however, more favorable conditions in the North and in mountain areas At the level of the Fès -Meknes region, yields that do not change at the regional scale in a
moderate scenario of climate change (RCP4.5), with geographically disparate effects: areas of heavily affected plains and possible production gains in mountain areas. Conversely, in a more pessimistic scenario (RCP8.5), yields which fall sharply in all the region with more frequent dry periods and more irregular yields increasing the risk for producers. The large - scale implementation of climate change adaptation measures is becoming necessary:
3 agroforestry, direct sowing, agricultural insurance, use of certified seeds, phytos anitary protection, supplementary irrigation and soil fertility management. What is the university doing to help fight the adverse effects of climate change? Eco campus The UEMF project was designed with the Negawatt approach: The constructions at UEMF are new and are less than 7 years old. UEMF reconfirms its firm commitment to ensure that all renovations, restorations or new constructions comply with the highest standards of energy efficiency and sustainable development:
The Eco -Campus respects the best international standards in terms of sustainable development. construction / rehabilitation of positive -energy buildings, installation throughout the Eco - campus of sorting bins for waste, creation of sports, leisure and relaxation areas, use of a circular economy (minimize waste by optimizing the value generated by resources), installation on the UEMF Eco -campus of charging stations for electric cars. These terminals are the only ones in the Fez -Meknes Region and the only ones on a university campus in
Moro cco. Advertising boards have been put up in several places in the city of Fez inviting motorists to come and recharge their electric car batteries free of charge on the UEMF Eco campus, full accessibility and in all University buildings to people. with red uced mobility (PRM), installation on all floors,
4 Inclusion of renewable energies
5 The UEMF eco campus was labeled by the COP 22 and recently obtained the French label for responsible innovation for its "sustainable UEMF" project Awareness and information conference Conference- Debate: Climate Change: Issues for the Region of Fès Meknes »November 10, 2021 (An event co -organized by UEMF and the World Bank and the participation of the think tanks Policy Center for the New South and the Research Institute for European , Mediterranean, and A frican Studies (RIEMAS)) As indicated in the report on the New Development Model (NMD)
( en), the territories represent a key level for anchoring development in a sustainable and inclusive trajectory. Even though the challenges o f climate change are global, it is obvious that local actors will have a major role to play in defining and implementing the solutions most suited to the challenges but also to the opportunities of each territory. This event aims to gather from key players in the Fez -Meknes Region their perspectives on the challenges posed by climate change but also their recommendations for
actions to be implemented locally to anchor the region in a trajectory of resilient and sustainable development. The region of Fès -Meknes has a powerful tool for this purpose: Regional Information System for the Environment and Sustainable Development -meknes /ChangementClimat/?idICible=0
6 Introduction to ecology with the Climate Fresco The students of Master of the Euromed Business School find the benches of University after the initiation to ecology with the #FresqueDuClimat, they work in collective intelligence on their professional project
7 Training Master: DESIGN AND ENGINEERING OF GREEN BUILDINGS (CIBV) Modules taught:  Transfer phenomena;  Fluid mechanics ;  General and applied thermodynamics;  Materials for energy efficiency in buildings;  Standards and climate;  Ventilation and lighting of the building;  Air conditioning, heating and energy integration;  Renewable energies for buildings;  Ecodesign of a building;  Energy analysis and economic evaluation of the building;  Green and smart buildings ;  Sustainable development and waste management;
 Preliminary design of an efficient building; Specialized Master: Environmental Engineering and Water Management The sector proposes to train executives with a transversal vision of the challenges of the environment and of water management in particular. The development of clean technologies (processes, methods or tools) in order to solve the environmental problems attributable to human activities is put forward with a focus on the Euro -Mediterranean regio n. To do this, the student acquires in this sector advanced knowledge in the field of the
environment (scientific and technical methods, knowledge of ecosystems, techniques of analysis and treatment of pollutants, water management and treatment, remote sensing tools. and GIS, national and international policy, green economy, climate and climate change, ……) and energy efficiency
8 Climate Continuing Education Project Title of the Training Module * History of the UNFCCC process and IPCC Reports State of knowledge on climate change, Conference of the Parties (COP) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Establishment of National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Systems: Case of the SNI -GES of Morocco The Role of NEXUS Water / Energy / Food Security Integra tion of adaptation to climate change in urban areas Climate Change and Adaptation in the Rural World
Mainstreaming climate change into national development planning and budgeting: NDC and PNA Project financing tools to fight against climate change: Exam ple of the Green Climate Fund The MRV system Climate diplomacy
9 Research Development: Renewable energies Innovation structures: Agro Energy TIC Valley It is a mixed platform for testing, research and training in the fields of bioenergy and energy storage, jointly created by the EuroMed University of Fez and the Institute for Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN). Renewable Energy, Storage and Energy Effi ciency Platform The '' Renewable Energies, Storage and Energy Efficiency '' Platform encompasses several equipment for the design, manufacture and characterization of
devices meeting the criteria of sustainable development in energy matters. In addition to this intramural infrastructure, the university also has open -air laboratories including a house equipped with several types of sensors for research on energy efficiency. Research topics: Renewable energies and energy efficiency  Technological and operational development of solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind and hydroelectric type production technologies. This work will cover both possible technical developments in current energy production and storage technologies as well as the
development of new m aterials aimed at increasing energy efficiency in the production, storage and distribution of renewable energies.  Conduct and control of the various study phases (installation, operation, maintenance of installations and electrical equipment);  Improvement of processes and devices related to energy engineering;  Integration of renewable energies into industrial processes;  Mastery of different calculation methods for energy and thermal systems;  Development of identification and prognosis methods for wind gener ators (Project to be
developed with the EDF Energies Nouvelles group);  Cleaning, alignment and maintenance systems for solar parks to preserve high transformation efficiency (Project to be developed with the EDF Energies Nouvelles group).  New classes of na no-composite and bio -composite polymers (Project to be developed with the PSA group for the design of materials with minimal ecological impact and mechanical characteristics suitable for the construction of automobile hulls);
10 Cooperation projects AgriTech The French Development Agency ( AFD) and the Euromed University of Fez ( UEMF) signed a financing agreement for the design and implementation of a AgriTech cluster in the Fès -Meknes region. This is an unprecedented project in Morocco which consists of the structuring of a regional pole of innovation and entrepreneurship in the sector of agriculture and agro- industry. To this end, AFD is making a grant of 16.3 million dirhams (1.5 million euros) available to UEMF for the design and implementation of this
projec t within of its Eco- campus. In the Fès -Meknes region, this pilot project aims to support the move upmarket of the agro- industrial sector. Several capacity building actions, through support to entrepreneurs, the promotion of research and development and the adaptation of the local agricultural fabric to international standards and to the fight against the effects of climate change, will be financed by this technical assistance. . Eumed Climate Hub (in cooperation with the UfM) Euro -Mediterranean Climate Change Capacity Building Project Functions and rationale.
The Euro- Mediterranean region - challenged by an urgent need to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change - has relevant and considerable know -how, but nevertheless fragmented and differentiated between communities, difficult to understand outside universities or specialized institutions, poorly shared, not pooled as a common set of resources, and rarely accessible to professionals called upon to materialize the progress of mitigation and adaptati on in their ordinary professional life: across the region, actors in various fields like agriculture, fishing, urban management,
construction, infrastructure, water, energy, transport, finance, commerce, manufacturing, etc. have unequal access to training, The Euro- Mediterranean Climate Change Capacity Building Center - “EuMed Climate Hub” - is therefore designed as a physical location and an online web resource to link regional knowledge and best practices and provide pragmatic training to stakeholders. fi eld at all levels, with the aim of accelerating sustainability through a general strengthening of skills. On site and online it will host:
 EUMED CLIMATE SEMINARS - pragmatic training on adaptation, resilience and mitigation through adaptation, for central and local governments, the private sector and NGOs  EUMED ENERGY FOR CLIMATE SEMINARS - pragmatic training on SDG -oriented energy efficiency, the transition to renewable energies and systems integration;  THE EUMED TECHNOLOGICAL COMPENSATION CHAMBER - a virt ual and on -site meeting space to share, compare and integrate diverse know -how and promote reciprocal technology transfer,
based on the awareness that technology also includes all the fruits of an experience millennium held in the South in the management of arid zones urban and rural landscapes, infrastructures, construction, energy efficiency solutions, etc.  THE EUMED CLIMATE SCIENCE AND POLICY PLATFORM - responding to pragmatic needs for data, information and science -based solutions emerging from central and local institutions, based on input from existing scientific networks, including MEDECC  THE EUMED CLIMATE PORTAL - a web portal helping with the coordination and communication
of the activities mentioned above, but also serving as a separate engine for capacity building and access to climate finance, especially for local governments and stakeholders UEMF partnership and Tantan commune on the climate -et-partenariats/signature -de-laccord - cadre -emadu -uemf -tantan
SDG17 Report Partnerships for the goals
2 SDG17 Rep ort: Partnerships for the goals Introduction: UEMF is a partnership project. He emanates from the Royal Initiative with the desire to create in Fez a higher education and research framework based on intercultural dialogue, exchange and cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean, with a natural extension to Africa Sub-Saha ran, while offering excellent training and conducting very high-level scientific research in close connection with the socio -economic world. The UEMF welcomes more than
35 nationalities between students and teachers and therefore constitutes a multicultura l platform. The Moroccan government has significantly supported the implementation of the UEMF with subsidies both for its operation and for the land base for its eco-campus and for its investments. The UEMF has also benefited from donations from the Europ ean Union and a loan of 50% of its investments from the European Investment Bank and also from support from the Union for the Mediterranean. Several partnerships are operational in terms of: Academic
Academic -academiques
3 Institutional -institutionnels Socioeconomic -socioeconomique
4 Training of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Bachelor in Translation and International Relations It is a multidisciplinary training combining various contributions from human and social sciences as well as legal and political sciences. The Euromed University of Fez is the first and only university in Morocco to offer this original and innovative academic form at. The current global challenges require the presence of professionals with a good knowledge of international institutions and organizations, as well as a solid training in human sciences
allowing them to know in depth the evolution and complexity of societies. The Bachelor in Translation and International Relations is a university degree that meets this need. It integrates different areas of knowledge, and aims to equip students with skills useful for analyzing the complex problems of our time. This Strea m offers a solid training in translation and international relations, supplemented by legal, economic and sociological subjects and skills. Research  Production co -authored with low - and middle -income countries
The UEMF is developing partnerships with the c ountries of sub -Saharan Africa at the academic level: welcoming students and doctoral students and developing partnerships between research teams.  NASAC - The Network of African Academies of Sciences ( The President of UEMF, chancellor of the Hassan 2 Academy of Sciences and Techniques, is a former President of NASAC and has contributed to the drafting of several works and reports with his African academic colleagues  ASRIC scholarships
Several dozen African scholarship students from UEMF and the African Council for Science, Research and Innovation (ASRIC) do their thesis work in UEMF research laboratories -announcements/asric -uemf -scholarships - african -students -are-now-open -application ASRIC is mandated to implement the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa (STISA -2024) and to promote scientific research and innovation in order to meet the challenges of socio -economic development in Africa. .
Application Instructions: -asric -uemf -etudiants -africains/
5  International Consortium "Gender Equality" UEMF was selected following an international call for tenders to be a member of the international consortium of eleven member establishments of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) which will work to achieve gender equality in their campus. The goal of the consortium is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The operat ion of the consortium is collaborative and participatory, and focused on notions of sharing and pooling. The work takes place over one year, from June 2021 to June 2022.
pdfs/uemf-sdg17-report-en.pdf -diverses/luemf -ete-selectionnee -en-tant- que-membre- du-consortium -international
6 Contribute to the development of national policies relating to the SDGs  Participation in COP22 and obtaining the label  Euro -mediterranean climate change capacity building hub (eumed climate hub): project in progress with the support of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
7  Climate Conference in the Fes Meknes region Elements of the debate: The New Development Model reinforces the importance of an approach focused on the territories for a sustainable and inclusive development. In this sense, the regions have a preponderant role to play. What are the main challenges linked to climate change fo r the Fès-Meknes region? Are they well reflected in the region's strategies and priorities? How to facilitate coordination between the different entities to maximize the impacts of climate
action? The City of Fez is one of the first cities in Morocco to ad opt a Strategy for Resilience to Climate Change. Why is it so important for a city like Fez to adopt such a strategy? To what extent this influences the preparation of the new municipal action plan
8 In Morocco, as in all countries around the world, the financing needs to fight against climate change greatly exceed public resources. The private sector is therefore called upon to play an important role, not only for the financing it can mobilize but also for the innovations it brings. What support from a polit ical point of view is necessary for the development of investments in green sectors and sectors? What new skills need to facilitate the development of private sector activities? How does the University prepare young people for the issues and challenges of climate
change? How is the university world equipping itself to best meet future demands in terms of skills? How to adjust the university curriculum to prepare for the green jobs of tomorrow? What commitment for the students? Do the NGOs in the region have a "climate change" action plan? What support can NGOs and think tanks provide to fight against the harmful effects of climate change?  Responsible innovation label The Responsible Innovation Label was awarded to UEMF during its first 2020/2021 edition. A jury specializing in responsible innovation has
selected the first 3 projects that are being deployed in member universities of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). The Responsible Innovation Label is intended for higher education and researc h establishments, private or public, members of AUF around the world. Its objective is twofold: to map and promote responsible innovations from French -speaking universities around the world, but also to deploy the responsible innovation network to promote synergies between universities, civil
society and the socio -economic sector working for the development of a responsible company.
9  “Women in Science” Charter The chair "Women in Science: IA and the Future" was born from the collaboration between the Organization of the Islamic World for Education, Sciences and Culture, ICESCO and UEMF. This is a chair entirely dedicated to the promotion of science and particularly artificial intelligence among girls and women. The Chair "Women in Science: IA and Futur es" aims to counter the problem èof under -representation of women in science through various activities aimed at increasing recruitment, éattention and the advancement of women in science and in
particular in Artificial Intelligence. The objective of this Ch air is to create an ecosystem of excellence in Artificial Intelligence, to promote and ensure the participation of women researchers in this field, through collaborations with international experts and by training researchers and innovators. .