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100 | errection problem. I have errection problem,Iam 52 years old I get errection it looses when I go for intercoarse pl suggest me medicine | What are the treatments for erectile dysfunction? |
101 | SUBJECT: duchenne. MESSAGE: My name is [NAME] from Morocco I am 27 years old. I have muscular dystrophy disease category duchenne. Are there any effective treatment for this disease | What are the treatments for duchenne muscular dystrophy? |
103 | SUBJECT: Short Height Of My Daughter MESSAGE: My Daughter is 12 years old and her height is 105 cm and weight is 15 kg. I want to consult about her growth overall . can you suggest some medicine or anything else. | What are the treatments for delayed growth? |
104 | my mom 75 old suffering from cryptococcal menimgtisneef an assisstance. I am desperate looking for a strong medicine that can help mom she is suffering from cryptococcal meningitis she is 75 years old | What are the treatments for cryptococcal meningitis? |
105 | SUBJECT: Blood in cough MESSAGE: before some time i vomit. and blood came in cough with vomit. what to do . it happens 4-5 times. when i ask to doc reply that its throat infection. please advice home remedy for this. | What are the treatments for coughing up blood? |
106 | SUBJECT: úlcera bucal por efectos de la radio terapia MESSAGE: What should I do if I have a cold sore? and treatments I use | What are the treatments for cold sore? |
107 | please can chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) be cure completely. waiting for your response. thanks | What are the treatments for chronic myeloid leukemia? |
108 | May I can find a cure for my case in therapeutic your center that I have an infection chronic granulomatous Mastitis take and how much the treatment period. Please advise me of the post by this my Email Note : that I have all the medical reports and tests for this disease ??? this case of my wife and can be send your comment by below E-mail | What are the treatments for chronic granulomatous mastitis? |
109 | SUBJECT: Carbon Monoxide MESSAGE: Once you are exposed to Carbon Monoxide and the source of the leak is found and resolved (i.e., source is Furnace and shut off by the Gas Company), and the air is clear, is it still necessary to have the oxygen treatments and/or blood tests, or, do the levels in your body go back to normal afterwards. I understand that there could be long term effects based on the term of the exposure, but, if you do not lose consciousness, are the treatments still necessary? Should someone still have oxygen treatment, blood-work, CT scans, heart/lung scans if the problem has been resolved and air is clear? It has been over 48 hours since the exposure. | When are the tests and treatments for carbon monoxide exposure necessary? |
110 | MESSAGE: Dear sir, I feel weak on my body aspecially in the morning. so I want to know the solution to my problem. because this is long time ago. in the body joints knees and arm. thanks. | What are the treatments for body weakness? |
111 | MESSAGE: My 3yrs old boy found my bleach at the laundry and I suspect he swallowed a bit of it. How do I treat this pls. | What are the treatments for bleach poisoning? |
112 | SUBJECT: Bipolar and Generalized Anxiety Disorder MESSAGE: I read about TMS Therapy. Do you know anything about it? Has it had success? Also wondering about ECT? Finally, I've been told acupuncture can help for mood disorders. Is that true for mixed bipolar and generalized anxiety disorder along with meds? Have you ever heard of this? | What are the treatments for bipolar disorder with generalized anxiety disorder? |
113 | SUBJECT: - Question - specific study MESSAGE: I'm woundering what over the counter medications I can take for autoimmune nerve disorder. So please help me out. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you | What are the treatments for autoimmune nerve disorder? |
114 | SUBJECT: Anxiety MESSAGE: How does one deal with anxiety and the looming feeling that I am about to have a heart attack? I am taking clonazepam which helps but I would rather go back to the person I used to be without this condition. How can I re-train my brain into not thinking a heart attach is about to hit me? | What are the non-drug treatments for anxiety? |
115 | MESSAGE: dear sir, my name is [NAME] from India. actually sir my sister is 27 year old accouding to doctor she is a anemia pasent. loss of blood.plz sir any drug for anti anemia.plzzzzzzzzzzzz sir | What are the treatments for anemia? |
116 | SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: Hello, my dad, 68 years old, has gastritis, it did ache occasionally over the last several years. The other day, he went to hospital to have medical check-up with endoscopic ultrasonography, and found GIST with about 1cm in size. Doctor told him that he may consider surgery or not, it is up to him. What are we supposed to do? will it develop to bad condition? any suggestions? I 'm looking forward to your early reply. Thank you so much. Best Regards [NAME] | What are the treatments and prognosis for a small GIST? |
117 | SUBJECT: AML Cancer for one and half year old girl MESSAGE: Hi, One and half year girl found AML Cancer with test and she is under chemotheraphy in [LOCATION]. Please let me know second opinion how it would be in future. My Mobile No: [CONTACT] | What are the treatments and prognosis for a child with AML? |
118 | SUBJECT: Can a 40 year old get throat cancer... MESSAGE: I have drank a lot of alcohol and lots of drugs. Not very many fruits and vegetables. This year I have gotten strep throat twice and sore throats with ear aches. Antibiotics have taken 4 different kinds this year alone. Raspy voice, very painful when swallowing. | What are the risk factors and symptoms of throat cancer? |
119 | Okay, so for about a year or two I've had chronic depression, insomnia, migraines, mistaking stomache problems as something worse, and having issues focusing on many of things. At first i thought i had ADD because ive never been tested for it, and because im young and dumb i took 2 pills of aderol because i was having very bad issues focusing. It worked and i was able to focus way better, but seeing all of these symptoms makes me think its not ADD. I'm only 16 years old, and I've just started getting tired of going through this every day of my life! So based on on all of this information I've provided you, do you believe that I may have GAD and should talk fo my doctor, or does it sound like something different? | What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and when should I contact my doctor to discuss my symptoms? |
120 | SUBJECT: Radiation Therapy MESSAGE: I have foot drop symptoms. I think radiation cause them last year. My left foot is numb tingling and inflaming. please help and call my cell phone for more comments :[CONTACT] | What are the symptoms of foot drop, and what are the treatments for it? |
121 | - Question - general information. I am from Canada, was injured in august at work,,some neurologists that I have seen, have suggested that I might have complex regional pain syndrome, but due to my hand gnarling, they dismiss it. I have not been diagnosed, so I am trying to find a diagnosis so my arm could be repaired. Any suggestions would be very welcome. Thank you! [NAME] | What are the symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome? |
122 | SUBJECT: sideeffects from tecfedera MESSAGE: Hello, My name is [NAME]. I started taking Tecfedera sometime in April. As prescribed started with the 1/2 dose, and immediately had the flushing, swelling of my lips and nose. I called my Dr. he said it's not uncommon take an aspirin with every dose. I did, and it seemed to lessen. I started the full dose. Everyday I took the pill, my pain increased! After a few weeks, the pain I usually had in flair ups, had now multiplied to an intolerable level! I stopped the Tecfedra. Unfortunately the pain did not! Until today, my pain level is at it maximum. Nothing I've taken such as Percocet, oxycodone etc. will not relieve it!! I've also since developed frequent sweating and cellulitis on my left thigh and abdomen! Has anyone else had these problems? PLEASE! If so, tell me what they did to stop them! Sincerely, [NAME] cell [CONTACT] | What are the side effects of tecfidera? |
123 | SUBJECT: methadone causing COPD MESSAGE: My daughter said there was a study done and it concluded that methadone can cause COPD. Do you know if there is any truth to this and if so where can I get info on it. Thank you [NAME] | What are the side effects of methadone? |
124 | SUBJECT: Letrozole MESSAGE: Is there information available from women who have or are using it? I'd like to know what their reactions to the drug are. Thank you for your help. | What are the side effects of letrozole? |
125 | SUBJECT: Hydrocortisone for 32 years, and counting MESSAGE: There are serious side-effects to Hydrocortisone, and I have to take it because of panhypopituitarism. Are there any more tolerable replacements? Thank you! [NAME] | What treatments are available for panhypopituitarism aside from hydrocortisone? |
126 | about Glucosamine Sulphate Will Glucosamine Sulphate affect Kidney? Will it increase the Potassium content in a person? | What are the side effects of glucosamine sulphate? |
127 | SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: Can you please tell me the results of any clinical trials investigating a correlation between Buproprion (Wellbutrin) and cancer? Is there a greater incidence of cancer rates with patients who have taken Buproprion long term as opposed to a control group? | What are the side effects of bupropion, including an increased risk of cancer? |
128 | SUBJECT: Bedlam MESSAGE: This pesticide was used to get rid of bed bugs where I live. It was sprayed in areas I had to sleep in, sleep sofa. I wasn't told about it and slept through 4 applications over a 10 week period. I have one lung and severe COPD. Should this have been used knowing about my respiratory issues> | What are the side effects of bedlam insecticide? |
129 | SUBJECT: Gout and Blood pressure MESSAGE: I have had many gout attacks since i have been 30 years old now 70 . I take allopurinol and blood pressure meds . Before i took allopurinol i never had high blood pressure . Also i have developed basal cell skin cancer i have heard allopurinol will cause that . Reduces acid in your system ? | What are the side effects of allopurinol? |
130 | MESSAGE: What is the best way to naturally treat a 7 yr old boy with ADHD? Without prescription medicine? | What are the non-drug treatments for ADHD? |
131 | dupuytren's contracture. I'm looking for a NATURAL remedy for dupuytren's contracture. do you have any suggestions. Thank you. [NAME] | What are the natural treatments for dupuytren's contracture? |
132 | MESSAGE: I have celiac.disease start.Coumadin (Warfarin). Also I'm very allergic to food coloring,.dyes. What manufacturer has gluten and dye free warfarin ? Please help me. I need to start taking it tomorrow. Thank you very , much. [NAME] | What are the ingredients of warfarin and it is gluten and dye free? |
133 | SUBJECT: Levothyroxin tab 0.05 MG MESSAGE: I am happy to note that all of your medications are gluten free. The Levothyroxin tab 0.05 MG is gluten free, ***IS THERE ANY DAIRY (including lactose, casein) in the Levothyroxin Tab 0.05 MG? Thank you! | What are the ingredients of levothyroxin and is it dairy free? |
134 | SUBJECT: Gluten Free Inquiry MESSAGE: I have gluten allergies and have taken Klor-Con, mfg by another drug company in the past, their pharmacist said it was gluten free. Sandoz is a new mfg for me and I am wondering if their Klor-Con M20 Tabs 20meq contains any gluten. The refill was processed by Express Scripts #03 on [DATE]. I am just starting this refilled prescription. | What are the ingredients of Klor-Con M20 and is it gluten free? |
135 | SUBJECT: ingredients in Kapvay MESSAGE: Is there any sufites sulfates sulfa in Kapvay? I am allergic. | What are the ingredients of Kapvay and is it free of sulfites, sulfates, and sulfa? |
136 | SUBJECT: Gluten Free Product? MESSAGE: HI, I was just wondering the source of the MALTODEXTRIN (UNII: 7CVR7L4A2D) in your product DEXTROAMPHETAMINE SULFATE- dextroamphetamine sulfate tablet NDC Code(s): 0555-0952-02, 0555-0953-02 . I was prescribed this medication and just wanted to make sure it was sourced from corn or something besides wheat because I am allergic to gluten! | What are the ingredients of dextroamphetamine sulfate and is it gluten free? |
137 | SUBJECT: I have a question about drinking wine MESSAGE: Hello, I would like to know if it would be ok if I drank some red wine. It would be no more than 1 glass or 2 glasses per week. thanks | What are the guidelines on wine consumption? |
138 | SUBJECT: Pneumococcal Polysaccharide - 23 MESSAGE: I received the Pnuemoccoal Polysaccharide 23 vaccine in 2009 at the age of 67 years. I was told I would never need the vaccine again. Is that still true or has the vaccine been updated? Should I get it again now at the age of 72? | What are the guidelines for updating pneumococcal polysaccharide 23 vaccine for persons 65 and over? |
139 | SUBJECT: Definitions MESSAGE: Hi, An explaination of what is the difference between myelogenous and lymphocytic leukemia types would be helpful. Great work! Thanks | What are the differences between lymphocytic and myelogenous leukemia? |
140 | SUBJECT: entire body is red with itching and sclera of eyes are red MESSAGE: what causes the skin of the entire body to turn red including the sclera of the eyes. Also there is itching of the skin. | What are the causes of red, itchy skin and sclera? |
141 | SUBJECT: Pituitary gland/high level Vitamin D MESSAGE: My sister has a high level of Vitamin D in her system/blood work. Her specialist cannot find the cause. Would there be any connection with her pituitary? Had her thyroid gland removed 3 years ago, and cancer in breast/removed cancer and had radiation/cured 2 years ago. | What are the causes of high vitamin D levels? |
142 | SUBJECT: HELLP risk MESSAGE: My sister had HELLP during her first pregancey and is viewed to to at high risk for it again. I was wondering what the risk of me having HELLP during my pregancey was | What are the causes of HELLP syndrome, and is there a genetic predisposition? |
143 | SUBJECT: frozen shoulder MESSAGE: We have 14 siblings in our family , at least 10 of us has had a frozen shoulder. We are wondering why? should we be concerned? | What are the causes of frozen shoulder, and is there a genetic predisposition? |
144 | MESSAGE: wHEN ENGULFING FOOD,A SEVERE PAIN AS FOOD PASSES UPPER PART OF STOMACH. I FEEL PAIN FOR A MOMENT THAN IT BECOMES such i am afraid of eating food | What are the causes of digestive pain? |
145 | "SUBJECT: bowel movements MESSAGE: whenever I eat ANYTHING within 10-15 minutes I start having slight stomach cramps and I have to rush to the bathroom and my stool is from slightly firm to liquid - what's causing this? I'm afraid to eat out at restaurants - it's been happening for about 3 years now I'm a 53 year old, 5', 7"" in height, african-american woman, never had children, about 50 lbs overweight" | What are the causes of cramps and diarrhea after eating? |
146 | SUBJECT: Coronary Artery Spasms MESSAGE: I ask this as a General Question. Can a Pacemaker help prevent these spasms? | What are the causes of coronary artery spasms, and can a pacemaker prevent them? |
147 | SUBJECT: health MESSAGE: I have been bleeding since 2010 and I have been having sharp pain on my left stomach since 2014 and my stomach is so big and I feel weak I have don a lot of test and nothing was seen. What could be wrong with me? And how can I conquer? | What are the causes of abdominal pain and swelling? |
148 | SUBJECT: suggest diet MESSAGE: age 66.married.male.weight73kgs.bp120/80 no tablets used for bp,no blood sugar fasting 90 after meals120 i am a vegetarian,i am observing a gradual weight gain how to control it what is suggested food? | What are sucessful weight loss diets for vegetarians? |
149 | Shakiness. I have acquired a symptom of extreme internal body shaking. Sometimes I canyon even speak right or use a pen. A doctor yesterday asked if I had a recent thyroid checkup. I see my thyroid doc the end of March. Usually they say my T4 levels are low. I'm confused when it comes to what levels the thyroid should be. I also have chronic fibromyalgia. Seems that is blamed on for a lot of my problems. Thank you for this site. | What are normal thyroid levels, and can thyroid problems cause body tremors? |
150 | SUBJECT: Quary about PSA tests MESSAGE: My grand father have examined PSA test value is 0.430 ng/ml.His age is 86 years.My question is this value is normal for his health or harmful? | What are age-specific reference ranges for PSA? |
151 | SUBJECT: My girlfriend suffers from scoliosis MESSAGE: She cries in pain and can't sleep at night do to this I believe it's the most common based on age because she wasn't born with it and I just wanna know how I should go about it she's been to a doctor but they say with the surgery there's only a 50/50 chance of survival that's just what she told me but I really wish there's something I can do to help or something we can prevent the pain any type of help would be termendusly appreciated! She has had it for a whole now maybe a few months or so and she says the pain is increase wich is why I worry. | What are the treatments for scoliosis pain? |
152 | SUBJECT: Teen pregnancy MESSAGE: Good morning, I am a student from Carver Military Academy on the far south side of Chicago. My fellow classmates and I are conducting a research project on social issues and problems we are affected by everyday mine is Teen Pregnancy. Since I am a teenager I know how having a child can really affect our young lives. They can stop our achievements in school, goals for the future,all our fun would stop,and our dreams. I would like to ask someone from your organization a few questions because it seems as though your organization could provide me with valuable information about teen pregnancy,statistics,facts, and your opinion about it. Your time and assistance would be greatly appreciated and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you, [NAME] | Where can I find information on teen pregnancy? |
153 | SUBJECT: need to know about shingles MESSAGE: I have had shingles on my face about 6 or 7 years ago. Should I still get a shingles Vaccine? I really need to know. Stress is big in my life. | Should someone who had shingles get the vaccine? |
154 | SUBJECT: To shake or not to shake: Qvar MESSAGE: Hello- Please clarify whether or not Qvar is to be shaken before each use. There is some discrepancy between the Kaiser box label, your own instructions, and a chart of inhalers my Dr. keeps in the office. Pro-Air is very clear: SHAKE! Qvar is not clear. Thank you, [NAME] | Should a Qvar inhaler be shaken before use? |
155 | SUBJECT: Acetaminophen inactive ingredients MESSAGE: My wife is severely allergic to Titanium Dioxide. It is not listed in the inactive ingredients for Equate or Tylenol Acetaminophen on the package or on your page but other sources on the Internet claim it is used to coat the tablets to make them easier to swallow. Are they coated with Titanium Dioxide and if so why is it not listed as an inactive ingredient? Thanks, [NAME] | Is titanium dioxide an inactive ingredient in Equate acetaminophen or Tylenol acetaminophen? |
156 | SUBJECT: Relationship between Angelman Syndrome and pancreatitis MESSAGE: Have any relationships been found between Angelman Syndrome and pancreatitis? My son with AS had recurrent pancreatitis and finally passed away at 22 from pancreatitis. | Is there a connection between angelman syndome and pancreatitis? |
157 | SUBJECT: help me MESSAGE: 24-year-old male. Wilson's illness severe stem cell therapy can be done? Please help us. Stem cell therapy is fit? We finance. Mongolia to treat this disease physicians, hospitals, nursing there. | Is stem cell therapy a treatment for Wilson's disease, and how can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) in Mongolia who specialize in it? |
158 | SUBJECT: pregabalin MESSAGE: I have peripheral neuropathy but not diabetes. I have had numerous tests to try and determine the cause of the neuropathy without success. Will pregabalin help with the pain? | Is pregabalin effective for treating pain from peripheral neuropathy? |
159 | SUBJECT: tysabri in ALS MESSAGE: dear sir My wife is 54 years old being diagnosed with ALS for the last 2 years. Currently she can,t use hands or legs, can,t talk properly but still can swallow soft food and breath. I heard that this TYSABRI injection can be of great help in my wife,s case. Please advice as soon as possible | Is natalizumab an effective treatment for ALS? |
160 | SUBJECT: glucosmine sulfate caplets MESSAGE: Question: when they are out of date...LOTF39460 EXP JA 2013. Is there any real harm to contining to take these calets? | Is it harmful to take expired glucosmine sulfate caplets? |
161 | SUBJECT: imitrex to be prescriped to 72 year old woman MESSAGE: I was in hospital for pancretitis. On the 2nd day I was doing ok but came down with a migraine headache. I have not had one in 2 years. but have the imitrex tab. which I did not have in the hospital They gave me Toradol injection and it worked. but they told me I should not take imitex as an older person. I plan to go to my internist. but decide to ask this question. thanks | Is imitrex contraindicated in the elderly? |
162 | "SUBJECT: Erythema Nodosum MESSAGE: I have read that a form of ""honey"" might be used to treat my skin condition, Erythema Nodosum. Would appreciate your comment on this." | Is honey an effective treatment for erythema nodosum? |
163 | SUBJECT: Parkinson's Disease MESSAGE: Has etanercept been used to assist sufferers of Parkinson's Disease? If so, how successful was this? Thank you | Is etanercept a treatment for Parkinson's disease, and how did it perform? |
164 | SUBJECT: EPI 747 MESSAGE: hi My name is [NAME] My son, His age 4 month discovered it leigh disease infected from the mother side. and we have full family history with the leigh disease. my Daughter she lived for 7 years with the same disease, we have her Hospital reports, it is confirmed leigh Disease. Kindly, if there is any hope for my son with EPI743 treatment, and we are appreciate to accept him in the treatment study. i have a full reports for my son and the MRI. and all of it under your request. Hope get your help ASAP because he is in the first stage. and we have a we are all hope he will be better. Best Regards [NAME] | Is EPI743 an effective treatment for leigh syndrome? |
165 | SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: will dalfampridine be effective for people with spinal musclar atrophy. is this a possibility in the future | Is dalfampridine an effective treatment for spinal muscular atrophy? |
166 | SUBJECT: meloxicam MESSAGE: Does this have to be taken everyday for it to work? Can I just take it as needed or does it have to build up in my system.... | How should meloxicam be used? |
167 | Testing. Where can someone be tested to determine a diagnosis of Adult Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Aran-Duchenne syndrome)? | How and where is Adult Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophy diagnosed? |
168 | SUBJECT: Transderm Scop Patch (Placement options) MESSAGE: Am trying to find info on patch placement. Any reason it cannot be placed in another hairless site besides behind the ear? A specific reason for it's placement there? Am a PACU nurse. We often use for post op nausea but cannot for plastic surgery of face/neck. Have one source that says ok from neck to waist, upper thigh or outer upper arm. Is this indeed acceptable placement? If not, why? Thank you in advance [NAME] | Where could the transdermal scopolamine patch be applied besides behind the ear? |
169 | SUBJECT: sacral nerve stimulation MESSAGE: How do I search for Instututions-doctors that perform sacral nerve stimulation procedures for fecal incontinence. I need the procedure, and I want to go to the place with the most experience.fecal incontinence | How can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) who specialize in sacral nerve stimulation for fecal incontinence? |
170 | Have been on methadone for four years. I am interested in the rapid withdrawl under anesthesia, but do not have a clue where I can find a doctor or hospital who does this. I also would like to know the approximate cost and if or what insurance companies pay for this. | How can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) who specialize in rapid methadone withdrawal under anesthesia, and the cost and insurance benefits for the procedure? |
171 | - Question - general information. I was diagnosised with mucha haberman, and I need to find someone who can treat it, I live in [LOCATION]. and I need some help | How can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) who specialize in mucha habermann disease? |
172 | - Question - general information. where can I find someone or some place in Boston Massachusetts to get thahlidomide treatments for melanoma, skin cancer [NAME], [LOCATION] | How can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) in Boston who specialize in thalidomide treatments for melanoma? |
173 | ENT specialists & esophogeal disorders. Would you kindly be able to recommend a specialist(s) in the DC area or East coast in the above medical field for my mother. I'm at a loss and would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you for your consideration. | How can I find physician(s) in the DC area who specialize in esophageal disorders? |
174 | SUBJECT: Geriatric Psychiatrists - recommendations MESSAGE: I'm looking for a geriatric psychiatrist in the sun city west, AZ area to do an evaluation for a loved one (male) who may be suffering from depression. I'm looking for a psychiatrist that has experience working with older veterens who has a no nonsense, scientific approach. | How can I find geriatric psychiatrists in Sun City West Arizona? |
175 | SUBJECT: Walgreens Low Dose Aspirin MESSAGE: I noticed there is no listing for Walgreens Low Dose Aspirin. I am allergic to Providone and just started taking their low dose aspirin. I started having trouble breathing again and am trying to find their Binding ingredient to see if it is Povidone. Can you help? | Does Walgreens low dose aspirin contain povidone? |
176 | Pemphigus, vulgaris. I have a family member who is suffering from Pemphigus, vulgaris. It has been going on for last 6 months she is a young lady ages 29yrs old, has been on steriods for treatment, i am worried if she can have a baby? | Does pemphigus vulgaris or steriod treatment for it affect female fertility? |
177 | SUBJECT: Mayonnaise and food poisoning MESSAGE: I have researched many other sites that say that mayonnaise is a safe food and that it is a myth that it causes food poisoning. It seems to get a bad rap because it is used in combination with other items that cause food poisoning. Some sites insist that it can even prevent the onslaught of bacterial growth, thus helping to ward off food poisoning because of its acidic nature. Apparently it often used to be made at home, with eggs, and the eggs would go bad.....mayonnaise has thus carried this stigma ever since. But many sites insist it is safe. I was wondering what you think of these findings? Thank you! | Does mayonnaise cause food poisoning? |
178 | MESSAGE: Is it okay to drink alcohol in moderation when taking Ampicillin. I was told it negates any medical effect of the drug | Can I drink alcohol while taking Amoxicillin? |
179 | atypical pnuemonia. what is the possibility of atypical pneumonia occurring again less than a month after treatment? | Can atypical pneumonia recur shortly after treatment? |
180 | SUBJECT: research on the treatment of Pruritic rash consistant with a drug reaction from Diltiazem in Africian- Americans. MESSAGE: I am an 86 year old senior and I have been suffering since December 2014 with a rash when Furosemide was added to diltiazem in order to lower my blood pressure in preparation for a knee replacement. Rash on arms , chest, face . It keeps recurring. Main treatment has been topical creams and steroid injections and pills of the same. Are there other treatments available? The itch is terrible. Two biopsies were done. One [LOCATION] the doctors are waiting for me to solve my problem. I have been to seven doctors in my area. rresearch has been done Dr.[NAME] and Dr. [NAME] at [LOCATION] | Are there treatments for a pruritic rash other than topical creams and steroids? |
181 | curvature of the spine. In the 1870's in MA what would be the treatment for curvature of the spine in children whose backs were injured in an accidental fall. | What was the treatment for back injury in children in the 1870s in Massachusetts? |
182 | SUBJECT: - Question - specific study MESSAGE: My name is [NAME] and I am 76 years old. I have had jock itch (just itch no rash) for 7 years. When I try to stop the itch comes back with a vengeance. I am currently using Ketoconazole 2% cream to control the itch. It appears that I am doomed to no cure but I hope I may be wrong. So, given this I have a few questions: 1. Am I still doomed or is/are there any drugs or treatments that can cure me? 2. If not, then are there any drugs that your studies have shown to be superior to Ketoconazole? If so, will you please list up to 3 of them for me? 3. My Dermatologist suggested that I use Zeasorb antifungal powder. Have you ever conducted a study of this? If so, how does it perform when compared to Ketoconazole or any of the drugs you may have listed in # 2 above? | What are alternative treatments to Ketoconazole for jock itch? |
183 | SUBJECT: cecum adhered to vaginal cuff MESSAGE: I am trying to find any article, photograph, or image that references to the cecum being stuck or adhered to the vaginal cuff due to adhesions from previous abdominal surgeries. I have searched on PubMed for hours with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It would even be helpful if there is just some type of article that lists this as being encountered by surgeons during the surgery they were performing. | Are there any documented cases of cecum adhesions at the vaginal cuff? |
184 | Kidney transplant. My father is having trouble with the kidney he received from a donor. When he first had the transplant, things were ok. Now on the kidney is giving him trouble. Some tests came back stating that the kidnewy was damaged and the transplant still took place. What steps can we do with getting the hospital to take charge with fixing this issue? His transplant procedure was at [LOCATION] in [LOCATION]. | What is the prognosis and potential complications of a kidney transplant? |
185 | SUBJECT: hearing loss MESSAGE: have you experience in hearing loss due to autoimmune disorder called Cogan syndrome? If yes I will contact you for my 18year old son. | Can Cogan syndrome cause hearing loss? |
186 | SUBJECT: - Suggestion MESSAGE: Hello, my name is [NAME] , and I have Fibromyalgia terribly. My father has MS, and my mother's sister has been diagnosised with ALS. I was wondering if that would have any bearing on why my Fibromyalgia is hit me so hard. I have been experiencing s/s since as far back as 3rd grade that medical records can show and I'm 40 years old now. By the time I was 18 I was told I need psychiatric help because I was to young to complain like an 80 year old. Thanks [NAME] | Is fibromyalgia hereditary and related to multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? |
187 | - Question - specific study. Hello! My daughters name is [NAME] and she has Trisomie 13 (free). She's now 15 month and I would like to find studies - how old is oldest child with this Syndrom? Many greetings from [LOCATION]. [NAME] | What is the life expectancy of someone with free trisomy 13? |
189 | SUBJECT: MLC MESSAGE: My son is patient of MLC, can we plan to another baby. What is the % of 2nd baby would be MLC or NOT. | How is Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) inherited? |
190 | chromosome 20 reattachment. Results of my amniocentesis states that a part of chromosome 20 broke then reattached itself to the same chromosome in a funny way. They are unable to determine what gene if any has been affected. Are you aware of any similar situations, and if so, what symptoms should I expect my baby to have? Is there anyone else you suggest I contact for further information? | Where can I find information on disorders caused by chromosome 20 abnormalities? |
191 | SUBJECT: ears itch burn and have soreness at times MESSAGE: I was wondering I get my ears cleaned out because of allot of wax build up but I constantly have this itch in both of them and sometimes they burn little and they pain a touch, in the day I don't notice it as much as in the evening and at night sometimes I think I even feel draining in them but nothing drains out- If I take some clartin it does help but I hate doing clartin everyday what do you think I need to do ENT's don't do much for it or seem to think its a problem - I also get a little rining in the ears at night some high pitch sound not to bothersome but there and they did check my hearing and said it was fine, so I wonder what it could be something I am taking supplement wise or allergies or what? is there some kind of test that would tell what this is and how to overcome this nuisance thanks so much for any help | What are the causes and treatments of ear pain, itching, and ringing? |
192 | SUBJECT: missed dose MESSAGE: I missed taking my thyroid med this morning. I usually take it when I first get up and then wait an hour before I eat. I ate breakfast and remembered that I had not taken it. How long after breakfast should I wait to take it? | How long should you wait to take thyroid medication after eating? |
193 | Genetic testing. My mother in law is in the last stage if lung cancer and only has days to live. My question is...testing her and comparing her tests with my husbands and his sisters test help to determine if it is genetic? My mother in law ([NAME]) and her mother and her mithers sister both had lung cancer and none if them were smokers. I'm real worried about my husband getting lung cancer now and I want find out what we can do to protect him.Thank you,[NAME] | What are the genetic factors for lung cancer? |
194 | - General Complaint. I have had undisguised ADHD since I was 8 years old. I sold illicit drugs from 1979-1989 in large quantity's & self medicated with amphetamines as an adolescent which damaged my Brian & worsened my symptoms. Because I have had several drug induced psychotic episodes since I was busted for trafficking in 1989 & was unable to self medicate on a daily basis. I was wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia 9years ago. The community psychiatrist's have treated me with all the wrong medication's that have made my ADHD symptoms worse & forced me to self medicate until now. I have no assets or money & I don't think it is worth while going on with out being put on the right medication Ritalin. When I take Meth amphetamines my symptoms improve & I haven't had any anti psychotic medication for 13 month's & have not gone psychotic or had any negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Can you suggest any type of tests I can do to prove I have Adult ADHD or a psychiatrist I can see in [LOCATION] Australia. Who can help me | How is adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosed, and how can I find physician(s) who specialize in it in Australia? |
195 | SUBJECT: Pain MESSAGE: Sirs, I have a medical problem and I'd be very grateful if you can help. I feel some pain in the posterior area between the hip and the knee (as if there was something that stings). I noticed that the veins are prominent in this area. What can this be? What doctor should I see? Thanks for your cooperation, | What are the causes of posterior hip pain, and how can I find physician(s) who specialize in it? |
196 | SUBJECT: Is finasteride a medication for life? MESSAGE: Hi, I have been taking this medication for the last 7 years.I asked my family doctor,since I have difficulty in my sexual desire or intercourse,if I can stop taking it.She said that is for life. My psa in normal 0,71.What you suggest? Thank you for your replay. | Are there alternative treatments to finasteride for enlarged prostate? |
197 | SUBJECT: oxygen therapy MESSAGE: I have copd and just recieved prescription for oxygen. It reads like this.....2 L/M nocturnal & w/exertion....I understand the nocturnal but not sure what w/exertion means, I think it is saying to use o2 while exerting my self but do not use o2 under normal conditions, is this correct. | What does w/exertion mean on a prescription for oxygen? |
198 | SUBJECT: CRPS MESSAGE: In stage 3 can ones bones break/fracture? For example if nerve damage is in lower leg, can the bones in the foot over time fracture/break? | Can complex regional pain syndrome cause bone fractures? |
199 | SUBJECT: MMR vaccine MESSAGE: My doctor recommended I get the MMR vaccine, which covers mumps, measles, and rubella. Isn't rubella a form of measles? As a child, I had the 3-day measles--was that German measles or the other kind? As a child I also had mumps. Do I really need the MMR or just a vaccine for the rubella? | Who should get the MMR vaccination? |
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