IngotSkywars; A simple skywars plugin utilizing IngotMinigamesAPI
IngotSurvivalGames; A simple survival games plugin utilizing IngotMinigamesAPI
IntaveAdditions; Adds features IntaveAnticheat is missing
Interface4; Provides a general interface for my plugins
InvSee++; View and edit inventories of your players! Works for offline players too! Now with give commands!
InvSee++; View and edit inventories of your players! Works for offline players! Now with give/clear commands!
Invisible ItemFrame; ItemFrame becomes invisible as soon as an item is placed in it
InvisibleItemFrames - Better Item Frames; Turn vanilla item frames invisible so you can only see the item!
Island Generator; Customizable Island Generator for you Minecraft-World.
Item Rotation BW1058; Item rotation addon for bedwars1058 inspired by Hypixel's new update
ItemInventory; check item inventory
ItemSage - Full item customizability; A simple way to modify anything about your items!
JDLogger | Death Logger; Rollback inventory, low tps & big ping protection and more other
Jannes; Usefull commands for any minecraft server
JedCore; ProjectKorra addon plugin
Jobs Reborn; A fully configurable plugin that allows you to get paid for breaking, placing, killing, fishing...
JoinEvents; A plugin where you can customize player events when joining your server
JoinEvents; Add events to join
JoinLeaveMessage; A simple plugin that displays a player's Join & Quit message in chat.
JoinMSG; Simple JoinMSG Plugin
JukeLooper; Looping shuffeled jukebox playlists with redstone and hopper support.
JukeboxMusicPlayer | Play music disc's without a jukebox; Play music disc's with commands or gui's
KB9999; Enchant an item with Knockback 9 Thousand.
KPManager; Welcome players with personalized messages, show country of origin, manage tab list and monitor ping
KamiCommon [1.8 - 1.19.3]; Libs used in my own plugins, but publicly available for all to use.
KarmaAPI Platform; A plugin integration for my KarmaAPI
KatzcraftTimer; A simple but functional Timer Plugin
Keycard Skript; Add keycards to off limit areas
KillsLog; Logs player kills by players. Saves inventory and places.
King of the Ladder [1.8 - 1.19]; An old, fun, classical Minecraft minigame
Klash️Item⚙️System - THE BEST CUSTOM ️ ITEM API!; The BEST custom item system api with Click & Break events, Item list GUI, implementations, and more!
Knokko's Custom Items; A custom items plug-in with custom textures
Kore [1.8.X-1.19.X]; Core plugin for some utils
Krekks Easy Graves; Despawning items are so annoying. If you agree with that you should download this plugin!
Kudos | 1.19.X | GUI | Open Source | MySQL; The plugin allows to give someone a kudo (recognition/praise)
Kudos | 1.19.X | Open Source | MySQL; The plugin allows to give someone a kudo (recognition/praise)
LandsDiscordBot - Discord Bot for Lands; Create a channel for your land and nation, view top lands, view your land inbox and more to come
LaserTurrets [1.8 - 1.19]; This plugin allows you to create fully customisable turrets to defend your land and attack targets!
LastLoginAPI - API to handle player names and login timestamps; A library to handle player names and login timestamps
LaughStaff; Moderation Plugin
Lava Rising; another average gamemode plugin
LeashTheCat; Catch the cat to earn points
LevelZone [1.17+] • AlonsoLevels addon with WorldGuard support!; Restrict certain WorldGuard regions and require and specific level to access!
LevelledMobs; [1.16-1.19] Level-up mobs on your server, RPG-style! Perfect for Survival, Skyblock, and more.
Lib1711; Dependency for all my premium plugins
LifeStolen; Another lifesteal plugin...
Light Weight Scaffold; scaffold
Lightswitcher; Control your redstone lamps with light switches!
LimboAPI; An API which provides Limbo (Virtual Servers) features to other Velocity plugins.
Linked Enderchest; Advanced Custom linkable Enderchests that work with Hoppers
LiquidFix; Custom Fix tools and armor
LiteEco - Simple Economy Plugin 1.18.x - 1.19; EconomyPlugin, Economy, Money, LiteEco
LiteFishing; Custom fish | Fish mob from mythicmobs | Fish item from mmoitems | Custom command on fish/sell
LockPick; This Plugin Introduces a lockpick with which you can force the iron doors
Lodestone Teleport [1.16.2 - 1.19.1+]; Right-click with a lodestone compass to teleport to the linked lodestone
Log To Planks; This Skript Converts Mined Logs To Oak Planks. (With Config)
LoginSecurity; Simple, light, fast and secure user authentication management. Since 2012.
LogoutLives; A plugin to make players have their NPC-Clone in the world after leaving
LoneLibs; Libs used by my plugins
LootChest; Respawnable chests with particles, menu, hologram.
Lucky Bounties; A light-weight bounty plugin
LuckyBlock NTD (ꜰʀᴇᴇ) | 1.8 - 1.19.3 | 16 colors ⚡ Special drops; Cool revamped LuckyBlock. Say "goodbye" to the sponge or resourcepack!
LuckyWheel [1.16-1.19]; Spin the Wheel and get a random item!
M-Investment ⭕ Stay AFK in area - Earn money ✅; When players stay AFK in selected area they will earn money.
M0 - ExtraEnchants [1.13 - 1.19]; Extra enchants to provide more game variety.
MCEEW - Earthquake Early Warning [1.18 - 1.19]; A real-time Japan/China Earthquake Early Warning(EEW) plugin for Spigot/Paper.
MCStatistics; The ultimate server staff tool to monitor how players are playing your server.
MMGen - Mythic Mob GUI; MMGen is a mythic mob specific IDE that accelerates your mythic mob development
MT-Plofkraak; De plugin om het overvallen van ATMS realistisch te maken
MagicStuff (Random equip a player with enchanted amor) [1.19.2 - 1.19.3]; Lets equip player with armor (quick command)
Malware Skyrage Remover; Malware remover
Manually Guided Rockets; Launch user-guided rockets with custom resource pack!
Marriage (Reloaded); Get married, she said. It'll be fun, she said.
MaxUtils; A lightweight plugin designed to make simple cosmetic changes easy
Medieval Factions; Allows players to organize themselves into feudal, diplomatic, lawful groups akin to nations.
Medieval Roleplay Engine; Makes roleplaying easier. Character Cards, Birds, Local Chat, & Emotes!
MessageOverHead | Pop-up messages above your head 1.13-1.19; A simple plugin for displaying messages over the player's head
MicroKits -A kit for everyone; Allow players to create their own kits to sell, share, trade, etc.
MilkGUI; Serialize Bukkit inventories
Mine X Farm Regen [1.12 - 1.19+]; Regenerate All Ores And Wood With Custom Delay
MineDiscord; Send your Server Events with a Webhook to your Discord Server!
MineIt [1.8 - 1.19]; Create mines that they will get regenerated.
Minecord; Connect chat between Minecraft and Discord!
Minecraft Chest Generator; A chest generation plugin
Minecraft Fireworks; A plugin that help you launch fireworks automatically.
Minecraft but its harder?; minecraft but its a bit harder
Minecraft commands & chat logs.; Spy on your friends.
MinecraftGPT - ChatGPT (OpenAI); Talk to ChatGPT directly from minecraft
Minehut Tracker; What Minehut Server do you wanna know about?
Minepacks (Backpack Plugin) (MC 1.7-1.19); Free and reliable backpack plugin with different backpack sizes, multilanguage and MySQL storage.
Minetorio; Automate Everything - Heavily inspired by Factorio
Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION; A competitive collectible card game like no other!
MischiefCountdowns; Simple countdown plugin
MoDispenserMechanics; Dispensers can place blocks, use tools & weapons and interact with items & blocks!
Mob banners; Add Terraria-like banners to Minecraft!
MobStacker; A basic mobstacker plugin.
Mocker; Modify chat messages in an entertaining way
Model Engine Merger: Model Engine & ItemsAdder Bridge; Easily merge ModelEngine packs to ItemsAdder resource packs!
MoneyPlugin; ECONOMY