stringlengths 19
| answer
stringlengths 38
Problem Statement: Customer receives the following error in the CIMIO_MSG.LOG:
Mon May 12 09:40:18 2000, Logged by CIMIOOPCMGR on node OURNODE: -->> Error locating DEF file = C:\"Program Files"\AspenTech\CIM-IO\etc\cimio_logical_devices.def
Upon investigation, the cimio_logical_devices.def file is present in the given path. | Solution: Apparently, the call to open C:\"Program Files"\AspenTech\CIM-IO\etc\cimio_logical_devices.def does not understand the quotes around "Program Files". Change the CIMIODEF environment variable to C:\Program Files\AspenTech\CIM-IO\etc to correct the problem.
This can be done by:
Right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties".
In NT select the tab labeled "Environment" (on W2K, select the tab labeled "Advanced" and then select the "Environment Variables..." button.)
In the "System Variables" box, select CIMIODEF.
Change the "Value" to be C:\Program Files\AspenTech\CIM-IO\etc
Click on "Set" [NT] or "OK" [W2K].
Reboot the machine [NT]
Program Files
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: I am going to install AspenOne V7.2, but I couldn't find any documentation on what I'm supposed to do to get the data from Aspen Supply Chain Connect (ASCC) into Aspen Supply Chain Analytics (ASCA). You I was able to get the 'model to export' scenario into the ASCC database, and I can see that the data are stored in the IMP_* tables. And, when I installed the Supply Chain Analytics V7.2, I can see a lot of reports for scenario analysis. However all of the reports were using tables with similar structure as IMP_* but were not the actual IMP_* tables itself. | Solution: ASCC is a pre-requisite for ASCA to work. ASCC has the master data, Transactional data and it also moves the ASCA data from IMP tables to BDT tables. You can look inside the SCA reports to see which tables do not have data.
Aspen Supports MS SQL Server 2005 Reporting services in V7.2. If you can get that running in Windows 2008 R2 than it should work. MS SQL 2005 Reporting Services is just another Web Application.
There is an Informatica folder for each model type. In the folder is a workflow that moves the model supplied data from IMP to BDT (DM, SP or PS). SCA is based on model solution data.
When moving the data from IMP to BDT most of the data will fail-forward (auto populate) the missing master data. But, every master data description will be meaningless for reporting. I haven?t seen your reports but expect that meaningful descriptions are likely needed.
Then there are a few referred to through master data tables that would be empty ? which likely breaks some of the functionality. Finally, there are two configuration tables that need to be populated before IMP to BDT will succeed.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: In some occasions the opening inventory tank quality simulated data has reverted to their default values. What would cause that to happen? | Solution: Aspen Petroleum Scheduler (Orion) has three levels of data hierarchy associated with Beginning Inventories:
-First, the system check table TNKINV for Beginning Inventory values once you change the "Model Start date" of the model.
-Next, if data is not found in the first source, the system checks table TANK_PROPS (contains "default" property values)
-Finally, if data is not found in either of the first two sources, the system checks table PROPS (it has a column called DEF_Value that contains values populated through Properties dialog box)
This is the procedure to update TNKINV table using Audit Inventories process:
1.- Select the Date (new Model Start date) from Audit Inventory dialog box:
2.- All the information that you have in ORION_MGR_TNKINV_IMPORT for that Date (Plant value, simulate value) will be populated after apply "populate Sim Values", then you decide to use Plant values or Simulated values and finally click "Update Baseline" and this is the information that will be populated in TNKINV table. If the stage table does not have any information about simulate values, because you did not run the simulation for the specific date, but it has plant values, this is the information that will be populated in TNKINV table after you select "update baseline".
3.- If you don't use Audit inventory process, and change the Model Star Date in Settings, Orion looks at these information in TNKINV table. If you don't have any information populated for that date on this table, Orion picks up these at TANK_PROPS .
Keywords: -TNKINV
-Audit Inventories
References: None |
Problem Statement: Initially your thoughts were that you could have multiple scenario for the same model out on Aspen Supply Chain Connect (ASCC) so you could run reports. However, when reviewing the demo for the reports and data import, it overrides the BDT data based on SourceId and InterfaceId. As a result this only allows for one scenario to be report per model.
To be specific, all of the reports are driven by the PlanSupplyDemand table which provides the list of scenario to report on. In your model, called SPCAP, the source id is SP1, and the interface id is SPALL. When you export the data from your model, you give your scenario a name and description. you run the workflow to transfer the info from the IMP to the BDT table. All that works. Then you modify your scenario and export the data from your model with a new name and description. You run the workflow to transfer the information from the IMP to the BDT table. It works again. However, you noticed that instead of creating a new entry because it is a different scenario, the workflow deletes the existing scenario and replace the new scenario in the PlanSupplyDemand. Thereby you cannot report on different scenario for the same model. Is this the expected behavior of the application? | Solution: The tables that have SOLUTIONSCENARIO have a special delete rule. All data is deleted by SOLUTIONSCENARIO and then whatever was provided is stored. So they are setup to hold multiple solutions.
What is likely confusing is that the standard routines are still called, but they are passed values that essentially turn it off. For example the parameter file should have something like DEACTDEL=NONE (which means no deleting or deactivation).
Prior to the modification the highlighted line said $$DEACT_DELETE=DEL, which is also deleting the data by SOURCEID. The SCA maps (only) contain different deletion logic which is by MODELCODE, SOLUTIONSCENARIOCODE. Please be aware that the data will be managed by BOTH fields.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: It appears that Aspen Petroleum Scheduler (Orion) using OXE (Orion Excel Emulator)does not calculate tank limits correctly or at least they do not display correctly on the Gannt charts.
Here part of excel that shows some values under column "C" that will be compare above. | Solution: The problem is OXE string comparisons are "case sensitive" while Excel Worksheets usually are not.
User should change in POST sheet, "Vol" to all uppercase "VOL" in column "C" or change the "If" statement to compare to "Vol" and not "VOL". Using that, trends are ok now using OXE, with OXE compliant formula in POST.
We've already added a new comment in the OXE documentation in the online Help file v7.3 : OXE| OXE languages| OVBF| OVBF Functions | IF that "String comparison is case sensitive for OXE. Excel on the other hand is not.
Keywords: -OXE
References: None |
Problem Statement: Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer V7.2 include a new reporting tool that allows users to access in memory data for export to Microsoft Excel | Solution:
References: None |
Problem Statement: Several new Automation objects have been added for Aspen Petroleum Scheduler V7.2 | Solution: The following Automation Object, Orion.OrionAutoUDT, has been added and includes the following methods:
Use this method to identify (add) the streams you want to mix. This method must be called once for each stream you want to include in the mix
Use this method to clear the memory allocated in the application when the GetNrPipelineBatches and GetPipelineBatchBySeq functions are called
Use this method to to get (retrieve) the number of batches for the specified pipeline at a specified time. This method is only for pipelines of type CRUDE.
Use this method to get (retrieve) the batch details along with the composition for the pipeline specified in the function GetNrPipelineBatches
Use this method to identify the number of streams to include in the mix.
Use this method to obtain the list of properties used in the model.
Use this method to mix the streams fed in using the method AddStrmsToMix
Use this method to mix streams by specifying a product.
Also the following Automation changes were made for V7.2.
-Properties (Orion.EventItem):
Rate when associated with EventUDT is represented as quantity per Day. Rate associated with EventsColl can be represented as quantity per Day or per Hour as specified by the Options property.
Review the Aspen Petroleum Scheduler Help File documentation for further information about each one.
Keywords: Autometion methods
References: None |
Problem Statement: The "Control Variables" option has been added that allows you to set the font size for the displayed control variables in Aspen Petroleum Scheduler V7.2 | Solution: Select the font size used for control labels from the Gantt Chart dialog box option:
From the Events interface, right click on the Gantt chart and select Preferences or click "Gantt Chart buttom" located on the Event toolbar.
After changing the Font size for Control Variables from 8 to 13, for instance:
Keywords: -Gantt Chart options
References: None |
Problem Statement: There are there new Settings added on Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer V7.2 that modify some display options to meet the needs of the current user. | Solution: The information displayed on "ADVANCED" tab is as follows:
? Allow Gantts offset beyond band.
Select this option to allow information on Gantt charts to appear beyond bands if needed. Clear this option to compress information so all information visually appears within the designated bands.
? Sort Event Screens Alphabetically (Ignore order field)
Select this option to have names of event screen, found on the Event tab, appear in alphabetical order. Clear this option to have event screens ordered based on the ORDERED_BY parameter found in the GANTT_GROUP table. Screens that are not listed in the GANTT_GROUP, appear in the order as specified by the screen ID found in the GANTT_LIST table. Default = cleared.
? Sort Flowsheet Screens Alphabetically (ignore order field)
Select this option to have names of flowsheet screens, found on the Flowsheet tab, appear in alphabetical order. Clear this option to have flowsheet screens ordered based on the ORDERED_BY parameter found in the FLOWSHEET_GROUP table. Screens that are not listed in the FLOWSHEET_GROUP table appear in the order as specified by the screen ID found in the FLOWSHEET_LIST table. Default = cleared.
Event Screens are ordering according to the GANTT_LIST (or GANTT_GROUP) table:
Flowsheet Screens are ordering according to the FLOWSHEET_LIST or FLOWSHETT_GROUP tables:
Selecting following options under Advanced tab in Settings:
Now Event and Flowsheet Screens are ordered alphabetically as shown:
Keywords: - Flowsheet Interface
- Event Interface
- Settings
References: None |
Problem Statement: There are two new Model Settings added on Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer V7.2 that affect options on Audit Inventories dialog box. | Solution: Since version 7.2, there are two new options added in "Model Settings" tab: Auto-Populate Sim Values and Use Properties from TANK_PROPS.
1.- Auto-Populate Sim Values:
Select this option if you want sim values automatically populated when the Audit Inventories dialog box is opened. Also, when dates are changed, sim values are updated without having to click Populate Sim Values once Refresh is clicked.
2.- Use Properties from TANK_PROPS:
Select this option if you want the property values in the Property Filter drop-down found on the Audit Inventories dialog box, to come from the TANK_PROPS table. If this option is not selected, properties will come from the PROPS table.
References: None |
Problem Statement: What do I do if Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Planner (PSCP) does not have the dockable windows option available after installed v7.2? | Solution: Starting with V7.1, dockable windows are supported in the Results Window Interface and allow you to view multiple results windows at the same time.
Dockable windows allow you to:
1.- Move a window to a desired location (Drag any result tab to any location on the screen)
2.- Dock information (Use this task to dock a Results window)
3.- Auto hide a window (Use these tasks to hide, display and unhide a window using auto hide)
In case that this option is not available after PSCP v7.2 installation (probably because you have also an older PSCP version installed in your computer),to get the dockable controls on PSCP window back to their default layout, the user can do the following. This will fix the scrambled windows controls on various PSCP windows.
1. Open Regedit.exe
2. Go to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AspenTech\Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Planner\ (Win XP)
3. Delete the ?Settings? folder:
References: None |
Problem Statement: 1. Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Planner (DPO) Help File tells us table DPO_TRANSPORT_BREAKOUT contains the output results that are displayed in the Transport pane.
2. When executing model optimization, we de-select Breakout Tables option.
3. Then when we open results database, table DPO_TRANSPORT_BREAKOUT is blank.
4. But when opening Results Window in DPO, we can still get transport breakout data in Transport pane.
In this case, where can I find the breakout data shown in the Transport pane? E.g. for customized report developing purposes, how can we things like the Cost data shown in the transport pane from results database? | Solution: DPO_TRANSPORT_BREAKOUT is a table for the user to have access to the data in the Transport pane in Results window. However, ?Results window? doesn't rely the breakout tables to work. The data in the Results window comes from the DPO_SOLUTION_COLUMNS and DPO_SOLUTION_ROWS tables. Building the breakout tables from the solution tables is not a trivial task and it is not recommended for the users to do it on their own.
In V7.2, the user has to TURN ON the breakout table selection in order to access this data. In V7.3, a PSCP DLL provides the APIs that build the same breakout tables in memory from the solution tables. If the user wants to get the breakout tables with the Breakout Tables option OFF, upgrade to V7.3.
Keywords: breakout
References: None |
Problem Statement: The new XLP Matrix Generator can display a Table Grid to display data in branches of the Aspen PIMS model tree. Search functionality is available for the Table Grid. This is useful if the table is split into multiple spread sheets, you can search the combined data table. | Solution: To enable Table Grid, you must have PIMS-AO license and check "Use XLP Matrix Generator" under Miscellaneous tab in General Model Settings.
The Table Grid looks like this. The example shows table Grid for BLNPROP that is combined from two spreadsheets, blnnaph and blnrest.
You can search the entries of the table from menu Edit | Find... or Binocular icon.
The example demonstrates search result of "NC".
The entries that include "NC" are highlighted in the Grid.
The search is not limited to text, you can also find value (e.g. 1.35)
Keywords: New Matrix
References: None |
Problem Statement: ์๋์ ๋ด์ฉ์ Aspen Process Data Excel Add-In, the Aspen IP21 Configuration Excel Utility, the Aspen Process Data API ์ Aspen SQLplus ODBC driver ์ Token ์ฌ์ฉ์ ๋ํ์ฌ ์ค๋ช
ํด ๋๋ฆฝ๋๋ค.
์ฃผ: ๋ณธ ๋ฌธ์๋ *.xlam addin ๊ณผ Excel 2007 ๋ฅผ ์ฌ์ฉํ๋ ํ๊ฒฝ์์ ์ ์ฉ๋ฉ๋๋ค. | Solution: 1. Aspen Process Explorer Excel Add-In.
? Token ์ฌ์ฉ๋ฐฉ์์ Aspen Process Explorer์ ์ ์ฌํฉ๋๋ค. Aspen Process Explorer Excel Add-In์ 'SLM_Process_Explorer' ๋ผ์ด์ผ์ค Token๋ฅผ ์ฌ์ฉํฉ๋๋ค.
? Token์ฌ์ฉ์ tag ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฅผ Aspen InfoPlus.21์์ ๋ถ๋ฌ์ฌ๋๋ถํฐ ์์๋ฉ๋๋ค. Excel์์ํ๋ ์ ์ฐจ๋๋ก Token์ฌ์ฉ์ ์๊ฐํด ๋๋ฆฝ๋๋ค.
์ด๋ฒคํธ ์ค๋ช
(์์๋๋ก ์ค๋ช
Aspen Process Data Add-In๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ ์ถ๊ฐ ํน์ ์ถ๊ฐํ์ง ์์ Excel ์คํ
์ ์ ๊ฐ Aspen Tag Browser ํด๋ฆญ
์ ์ ๊ฐ tag ํ
์ดํฐ๋ฅผ ๊ฐ์ ธ์ค๊ธฐ.์: [Trend Aggregate/Data]๋ฅผ ํตํ์ฌ ๋ฐ์ดํฐ ๊ฐ์ ธ์ค๊ธฐ
์ ์ ๊ฐ Excel๋ฅผ ๋์ง ์๊ณ worksheet ๋ง ๋๋
์ ์ ๊ฐ Excel๋ฅผ ๋๋ ํน์ Process Data Add-In ๋ฅผ ์ญ์ ํ ๋
2. Aspen InfoPlus.21 Excel Configuration Utility
? ๋ณธ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ Aspen InfoPlus.21์ ์ผ๋ถ๋ถ์ผ๋ก์ Token๋ฅผ ์๋ชจํ์ง ์์ต๋๋ค.
3. Aspen Process Data API
? ๋ณธ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ Aspen InfoPlus.21์ ์ผ๋ถ๋ถ์ผ๋ก์ Token๋ฅผ ์๋ชจํ์ง ์์ต๋๋ค.
4. Aspen SQLplus ODBC driver
? ๋ณธ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ Aspen InfoPlus.21์ ์ผ๋ถ๋ถ์ผ๋ก์ Token๋ฅผ ์๋ชจํ์ง ์์ต๋๋ค.
Keywords: KR-
References: None |
Problem Statement: Can you include the holding cost of the total amount of the closing inventory in a multiperiod (PPIMS) model? | Solution: In Aspen PIMS V7.2 a new setting has been included that allows the user to include the holding cost of the total amount of the closing inventory in the Objective Function.
To access this option go to:
Model Settings | XNLP | Advanced | Calculate Holding Costs based on Closing Inventory
Select this option to include the holding costs associated with target inventory levels. This allows the actual or full costs of holding the inventory to be represented.
If this option is not selected, holding costs associated with target inventory levels will not be applied to the objective function calculation. By default, this setting is not selected.
Note: The option is only available if the XLP Matrix Generator (using XNLP) is enabled and if the model type is periodic.
Keywords: Holding Cost
References: None |
Problem Statement: Aspen MUSE can be linked to Aspen HYSYS to perform simulation calculations for Plate Fin heat exchangers. From a LNG exchanger block, from the Design Tab and Parameters (SS) the MUSE program can be selected from the Exchanger Parameters drop down box as shown below.
However, if this does not appear and you have MUSE installed on your computer then the solution describes how you can register the program for it to appear. | Solution: To register MUSE it is necessary that you have Full Administration rights to the machine before proceeding.
MUSE is normally installed to the directory ?C:\Program Files\AspenTech\HTFS\Aspen MUSE V7.x?. In this directory is a file called MUSExxxx.dll that should be registered.
Aspen MUSE V7.10 MUSE2300.dll
Aspen MUSE V7.20 MUSE2400.dll
To register the file, use the following procedure;
1. Make sure MUSE and HYSYS are not open
2. Start | Run
3. Type Regsvr32
4. Using Windows Explorer, drag the MUSExxxx.dll file as above into the box
5. Click OK - A popup box should appear to indicate that the file has been registered
Now start HYSYS, where MUSE should appear in the drop down list.
References: None |
Problem Statement: Network token license has multiple bucket and one of the buckets (non-default) contains base load. Aspen Base Load service cannot complete the license check-out for all base load tokens.
For example:
-- The above token license has multiple buckets where base load licenses are located in 'default' and 'bucket #3'.
-- Base load license in 'default' bucket can be checked-out successfully.
-- Base load license in bucket# '3' cannot be checked-out. Error message in Base Load report shows 'Error_while_checking_out_license_ (xxx) 1000 not-net (default,SLM) 18...' | Solution: Check the server's SLM Configuration Wizard. In the 'Servers' configuration step, ensure that (a) all buckets containing base load licenses are added into 'Server Buckets'; or (b) checked 'Search Configured Servers for all available Buckets at run time'. For example:
Step (a) is preferred.
References: None |
Problem Statement: How do you change the Effective Date on the Demand screen of Plant Scheduler? | Solution: Open the Demand screen via this menu path: Data Management >Demand Data>Demand.
1. Select Domain Filters tab.
2. Filter out all the rows EXCEPT the row your wish to change.
3. Select Update View.
4. Select Update Data tab.
5. Select Replace from the Mode column.
6. Enter the new date in the Effective Date field.
7. Click Apply Changes.
8. Select Yes to save the changes as a permanent override.
9. Enter an override comment. Select OK.
10. Select Domain Filter tab.
11. Select Reset Filters.
12. Select Update View.
For detailed view, open the attached file.
Keywords: Effective Date
References: None |
Problem Statement: Application errors are logged in Windows Event Viewer after install SLM Sever 8.2 from aspenONE MSC DVD2. | Solution: The installer automatically generates Windows system variable as follows:
Variable name: LServOpts
Value: -l "C:\Program Files\AspenTech\SLMServerLogs" -z em -lfe 2
This value defining a file name of usage log report, though the default value is not enough.
The user must change the value as follows:
Value: -l "C:\Program Files\AspenTech\SLMServerLogs\Report.log" -z em -lfe 2
Then restart license server service using
C:\Program Files\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel RMS License Manager\WinNT\loadls.exe
Press Remove then Add.
The usage log file is generated in the directory, C:\Program Files\AspenTech\SLMServerLogs
Keywords: SLM Server
Usage Log
References: None |
Problem Statement: Is it possible to run two different SLM server versions on the same network without a problem? Do we need to get all the commuter licenses checked in before we do the upgrade? If it does matter, what happens if someone has a commuter license checked out and we do the upgrade anyway? | Solution: Is it possible to run SLM version 8.x and 7.x on the same network without a problem?
Yes, it is possible to run SLM version 8.x and 7.x on the same network without any problem as long as client systems has the lower version of the SLM Client. For example SLM client 8.x will not work with SLM server 7.x
Do we need to get all the commuter licenses checked in before we do the upgrade?
Yes, to prevent any problem and any additional work for you and AspenTech, it is best to get all the commuted licenses checked in before you do the upgrade.
What happens if someone has a commuter license checked out but was not checked in before the upgrade? and we do the upgrade anyway?
If a user encounters a problem after the upgrade due to commuted licenses then AspenTech will have to create a commute clean file(s) for the user.
Keywords: Upgrade
SLM 8.2.1
References: None |
Problem Statement: You have just installed V7.2 of CAPS and can no longer find them under the default location of c:\program files\aspentech\aspen CAPS. | Solution: As per the Aspen CAPs installation guide, there are two possible locations for the CAP files depending on the OS installed:
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Getting an error when opening Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and when saving. The error reads "Validation error in events": | Solution: This is a "Validation error log" that should be created in the Local working folder directory selected in "User Settings" , under the folder that has the name of MODELID defined in Model Settings as shown:
Going to the local folder specified on the View error log, find a text file called "Event_Read_Error_Log". Double click on it and see information about error(s) related to Events:
For this example, there is an Event that has "Stop Date" higher than "Start Date" . Go to ATORIONEvents table and review/edit or delete "bad" events as needed:
Starting with 2006.5, Event data is checked during the following conditions:
? during reading and writing to the database.
? when automation is used to access event data
? when data is entered or modified using an Event dialog box
Below is a summary of when and where error/warning messages are logged.
Triggering action:
What happens:
When reading from the database
Errors and warnings are logged to the file Event_Read_Error_log.txt located in the working folder/<model name>/Reports directory
During writing to the database
Errors and warning messages are written to Event_Save_Error_log.txt located in the working folder/<model name>/Reports directory
During save, any event flagged as containing an error will not be saved but the other error free event data will be saved. All events are marked as having been modified. You can review and fix the problem or continue to exit without saving to remove the erroneous events. A warning dialog will be displayed in the interactive mode.
The following conditions are checked:
1.- Negative rate or quantity. These conditions are reported as errors and are not read in or written out. Bad values (NaN, INF or greater than 1e37 or less than -1e37) are also reported as errors and are not read in or written out. The only exception is for unit parameters, modes, material service and tank property change events that have no rate or quantity. For these, the values are set to 0.0
2.- Events with "start time" greater than stop time". These events are consider as errors and will not be read in or written out.
3.- Events that are "start time" dependent and are start linked. These events will trigger a warning and the dependent variable will be set as Quantity. The same will happen if the stop time is dependent and is stop linked.
Keywords: - Errors and Warnings
- Events
References: None |
Problem Statement: Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer have a new Status Bar implemented which focuses on the User Interface (IUI/Event View) in version V7.2. | Solution: Use the "Status Bar", which appears at the bottom of the user interface, to identify the current case name, the path to the Application Database, login user, and the data/time of the last simulation, which is useful if you are working with more than one case. Here are some examples how it looks:
Below are the possible messages related to Simulator Status:
Sim Not Loaded
Indicates the simulator was not loaded. The simulator must be loaded prior to running a simulation
Model Valid
Indicates simulator has been loaded and there are no errors or warnings.
Indicates errors are preventing the simulator from running. Check the Simulation Errors window for possible causes. For example, if your model requires UBML, check to be sure the UBML.dll is present in the executable folder.
Indicates problems are present but that the simulator can still run. Double click on the status bar simulator Warnings area to display the simulator warnings.
Keywords: -Simulation Status
-Gantt Chart
References: None |
Problem Statement: How do I troubleshoot Solver Consistency Errors thrown because of a Mixer | Solution: An Aspen Hysys Mixer does a Pressure โ Enthalpy balance while conserving material flow. This means that the pressure has to be determined from the pressure assignment and the pressure assignment has to be consistent with the conditions of the stream upstream of the mixer.
For a mixer with 2 inlet streams and 1 product stream, 2 out of 3 of Pressure, Temperature, Flow etc should be known. There are exceptions when it comes to the pressure, and this is when you are doing a pressure balance, defined by the โEqualize Allโ Parameter.
If more than 2 out of 3 sets of variables are specified, the problem is over constrained and Aspen Hysys will report a consistency error.
A Pressure Consistency error
If a consistency error shows up because of pressure it is most likley due to the fact that 2 out of the 3 stream pressures are known and the Mixer pressure assignment is set to Equalize All.
If this is the case, either delete one stream pressure or switch pressure assignment to โSet Oultet to Lowest Inletโ. The return the Aspen Hysys solver back to active mode.
Pressure Assignment
B Molar Enthalpy Consistency error
This is a little trickier to resolve because an enthalpy consistency error is hardly ever due to a user over-specification of enthalpy but more likely due to a user over specification of temperature or molar composition.
First step is to check that only 2 out of 3 temperatures are specified. In the case of more than 3 stream connections (2 in and 1 out) to the Mixer, make sure N-1 temperatures are specified, with N being total number of streams connected to the Mixer.
In some cases disconnect one stream from the Mixer, it is a good idea to start with the product stream as this is the stream that is usually unkown by the user. If there is any input data in that stream then that may be the source of the error. Put the solver on Active and verify that there are no more errors.
Another technique is to ignore the Mixer block then put the solver back to active. With the block ignored any stream that has results or input will be exposed as being either user defined or being propagated from a different unit operation.
Placing the mouse over a stream variable value provides information on how that value is calculated and clarifies how information is propagating.
Knowing how the flowsheet should be defined will aid in troubleshooting the problem. Always check if the product stream or any stream down stream of the product stream is calculated and check if it should be.
For instance, stream 4 should be calculated by stream 3, which should be calculated by the Mixer. Stream 4 is a single product stream from as splitter and therefore should be 100% of stream 3
Stream 5 flow can be user defined because it is split stream from the Splitter. However, only the flow should be defined, temperature, pressure and other conditions will be set by stream 3 and stream 3 pressure and temperature is set by the Mixer.
Keywords: Consistency error, Mixer, troubleshooting
References: None |
Problem Statement: When loading the Aspen Production Execution Manager Weigh and Dispense application you may receive the error
E603:Positive number expected in method list validation actions Main.CleanTypeComboBox,Line 6. | Solution: These messages will occur when the application does not have a Booth created or the workstation is not configured for a booth. You will need to open the Weigh and Dispense Administrator and ensure that under the Equipment tab you have a Booth configured for the workstation you are working with.
Please refer to the Documentation for the version you are using for more detailed information on creating and configuring Weigh and Dispense.
This document is available on the Support website under Documentation | Aspen Production Execution Manager | Version 8.7 or Version 8.8.
Keywords: Weigh and Dispense
Aspen Production Execution Manager
References: None |
Problem Statement: 1. How do you determine the value (Break-Even value) of a stream to your plant, i.e. if you consider buying a new feedstock or selling a new product?
2. How do you interpret the Marginal Value associated to this stream.
3. How do you interpret the Incremental Value given by the Full | Solution: report, in the section after the StreamDisposition Map?
1) How to determine the Break-Even value of a stream to your plant?
The Break-Even value of a stream is defined as the Cost/Price that does not change your Objective Function when you introduce that stream in your model. If it is a Feedstock, and you can get it for less than the Break Even value, then you will make a profit, if you should pay more than the Break-Even value, you would lose money. Conversely, for a product, if you can sell it at a higher price than the Break-Even, you would make profit, if you sell it at a lower price, you would lose money.
In the attached example, the Break-Even value of the sale of 5,000 bbl of gasoline U92 (Unleaded gasoline of Road Octane DON=92) is evaluated . For this purpose we sell U92 at Price = 20 $/bbl; we will then determine the break-even value, which is independent of the Price used. Changes are made in tables SELL, BLENDS, BLNMIX, BLNSPEC and CASE.
The Break-Even value of this sale of 5,000 bbl is calculated as the difference in the Objective Functions (OBJFN's) divided by the number of bbls sold: Break-Even = (OBJFN2-OBJFN1)/bbl sold.
As shown in the figure, the Break-Even of an average barrel of U92 for a 5,000 bbl sales is 28.704 $/bbl. This means that if you sell 5,000 bbl of U92 at this price the OBJFN will not change, i.e. if you set a lower price, you will lose money from this operation, if you use a higher price, you will make money. As an exercise, you can easily verify this by using this price in table SELL and forcing the sale of 5,000 bbl of U92; the resulting OBJFN should be the same as the situation when no U92 was sold.
2) How do I interpret the Marginal Value associated to this stream?
The definition of the Marginal Value is MV = dOBJFN/dCOLj, i.e. the rate of change of the OBJFN when the activity of COL j is changed. As it is a derivative, it is only valid at this point, i.e. for the increments around the 5,000 bbls of U92.
The Marginal Value for the example discussed here is -10.527 $/bbl. This means that for the next increment in Sales of U92, the OBJFN will decrease in 10.527 $/bbl of U92 sold. It is negative because the price used is 20 $/bbl, which is less than the Incremental Value discussed in the next section (and also less than the Break-Even value of 28.704 $/bbl). In this case, it indicates that it would be more convenient to sell less of 5,000 bbl of U92 at this price, to reduce the losses.
Also, notice that even if the difference between the Actual Price and the Break-Even Price is 20.000 -28.704 = -8.704, the Marginal Value is bigger than this, because the Marginal Value is only valid for the increments around the 5,000st barrel, while the Break-Even value consideres an average barrel for the whole 5,000 increment. That means in this case that you lose more with the next increment after the 5,000st bbl, than with the average barrel at the 5,000 increment. This is explained by introducing the Incremental Value concept in the next section.
3) How do I interpret the Incremental Value given by the FullSolution report?
The Incremental Value is reported in the FullSolution report, at the end of the Stream Disposition Map. The Incremental Value is the Pi value of the material balance row.
In this example, the Incremental Value = -30.527 $/bbl = -20 $/bbl - 10.527 $/bbl (-Price + Marginal Value).
The absolute value of the Incremental Value (i.e. 30.527 $/bbl) is the Price that would make the Marginal Value =0 at this point, i.e. it defines an equilibrium point which says that if the Price is higher than the Incremental Value, it is convenient to sell MORE than 5,000 bbl and if the Price is less than the Incremental Value, it is more convenient to sell LESS than 5,000 bbl.
The important information the Incremental Value gives is the price at which the optimum amount of U92 to be sold is 5,000 barrels. Therefore, knowing the Incremental Value price we can make the following analysis:
1. If the selling price for U92 you use is LESS than the Incremental value and GREATER or EQUAL to the Break Even value, the Objective Function will be greater than in the original case (no production of U92). However, because in that case the marginal value of the U92 at the 5,000 bbl increment will be negative, it means that an even better result would be achieved by allowing PIMS to select the optimum amount of U92 to be produced, which will be greater than 0 but LESS than 5,000 bbl.
2. If the selling price for U92 you use is EQUAL to the Incremental value (therefore it will be greater or equal than the Break Even value), the Objective Function will be greater than in the original case (no production of U92), and greater than in the situation described before. Because using the Incremental Value as the Price will give a Marginal Value =0, it means that at this price 5,000 bbl is the optimum increment, i.e. it does not want to produce less or more U92.
3. If the selling price for U92 you use is GREATER than the Incremental value (and therefore greater than the Break Even value), the Objective Function will be greater than in the original case (no production of U92) and in the previous two situations described. Also, because using a Price greater than the Incremental Value will give a Marginal Value greater than 0, it means that at this price it want to sell more than 5,000 bbl of U92.
4) Conclusions
Break Even, Marginal, and Incremental Values are important references when defining pricing for a product or feedstock.
1. The Break-Even Value defines the price at which by introducing an increment of the new product, the Objective Function does not change, therefore if the product can be sold at an higher price you will make money.
2. The Marginal Value for a product is the change in the objective function if one more unit of the product is sold.
3. The Incremental Value defines the price at which the optimum increment of the new product is equal the increment you defined (5,000 bbl in this example), because at that price, the marginal value is zero. If the price is lower the optimum increment would be less than the one considered, if the price is higher, the optimum increment would be higher than the one considered.
4. The Break-Even and Incremental Value are independent of the price used in table SELL for the case study. However, the Marginal Value does change if the price used in T. SELL changes. All these numbers change when the increment for the new product changes.
Stream Value
Marginal Value
Incremental Value
Break-Even Price
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: This solution present the avaliable methods by which a SQLplus query saved as .sql file or as a record in IP.21 database can be executed from an interface in Process Graphics Editor. | Solution: Having the SQLplus query as a .sql file
1. Write a SQLplus query and save it as .sql file using the File / Save menu, for example C:\Query1.SQL.
2. Create a new Process Graphic Editor graphic and add a Hot Link object.
3. Right click over it and select properties. On the File textbox write:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\sqlplusx.exe" "start 'C:\Query1.SQL'"
Replace 'C:\Query1.SQL' for you current query file path including the name. Verify that sqlplusx.exe is located on C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\ folder; if not, do the proper correction to the path. Click on Apply and then OK button.
4. Save the file and test it by open it in Process Explorer.
To specify a server in which the queries file is located use the \h as explained on solution 104848, this solution also provide example on hot to include parameters on the query execution. Executing the query from Process Explorer will not display any result since there is no output windows to write it, in this example the SET OUTPUT statement has been added to write the result on a text file that is created on shared folder. PROMPT windows cannot be used on a query executed with this method.
Having the SQLplus query saved as record.
1. Write a SQLplus query and save it as record using the Record / Save menu, for example QueryTest.
2. You can use a Hot Link or a Data Field as object in the interface to execute the query:
ยท Using a Hot Link: Add a hot link object to the graphic, in the file textbox write
"C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\sqlplusx.exe" "Start Record 'QueryTest '"
Where QueryTest is the name of the record which hold the query to execute.
ยท Using a Data Field: Add a Data Field object to the graphics
Right click and select Properties. Allow data entry option in the General tab:
In the Data Source tab enter the tag information as follow:
Where QueryTest is the name of the query.
Save the graphic and test it on Process Explorer, in this case the query execution will require for the user to write โYESโ as prompt by the interface:
To show the result of the query in the graphics please check solution 138221.
Keywords: Process Explorer
Process Graphic Editor
References: None |
Problem Statement: When starting the Aspen InfoPlus.21 database using the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Manager, the TSK_OPCUA_SVR does not start up. You see the following error in the TSK_OPCUA_SVR.ERR file:
Unhandled Exception: Opc.Ua.ServiceResultException: Cannot access certificate private key. Subject=CN=AspenTech InfoPlus.21 OPC UA Server, DC=SERVERNAME at AspenTech.InfoPlus21.Opc.UA.Server.Program.Main()
You notice a reference to SERVERNAME in the error message, a name of a server that no longer exists although it may have been used when you installed the AMS software.
Repairing the installation does not correct the problem. | Solution: When the executable for TSK_OPCUA_SVR is first installed, it creates a security certificate.ร A certificate is a special encrypted file that is used to identify an instance of an application that is installed on a specific computer.ร
You can verify this:
1. Use Windows File Explorer to navigate to the folder C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\CertificateStores\MachineDefault\certs then double-click on the certificate file found there.ร
2. Click the Details tab
3. Click the field named "Subject".ร
4. You will see that the computer name is embedded in the certificate as the DC=SERVERNAME.ร
This is important because it helps prevent someone from copying the certificate to another computer in an attempt to trick an unsuspecting UA client to connect to a fraudulent system.ร
After the certificate is generated, the new subject name value is stored in the OPC-UA configuration file named tsk_opcua_server.opcua.config.xml typically found in the group200 folder.ร When OPCUA_SVR starts up, it searches for a certificate that matches the configuration file.
If you rename the Aspen InfoPlus.21 server after installing AMS software, you must manually instruct the TSK_OPCUA_SVR executable to generate a new certificate using the steps below:
1. Launch the IP.21 Manager, then double-click on the TSK_OPCUA_SVR task in the lower panel, then click the STOP TASK button.
2. Notice the executable name shown in the right side.
3. Open a command prompt using elevated security (run as Administrator).
4. Change to the folder IP.21 binaries folder \Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\codeร -or- \Program Files (x86)\ for 32-bit IP.21)
5. Type the command: IP21OpcUAServerHost.exe /uninstall
6. Type the command: IP21OpcUAServerHost.exe /install
7. Restart the TSK_OPCUA_SVR task from the IP.21 Manager.
Keywords: Could not load configuration file
wrong machine name
OPC Foundation
References: None |
Problem Statement: Get error "Could not load type "System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule" from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'" when open a web page in aspenONE Process Explorer (a1PE). | Solution: The cause: the default configuration in applicationHost.config (in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config) declared two conflicted modules and two conflicted handlers.
As we know, applicationHost.config contains the root settings for all web sites and web applications on the server. Therefore, any web application would have all the four conflicted modules and handlers loaded by default." ServiceModel" and "svc-Integrated"ร were for .NET Activation 3.x while "ServiceModel-4.0" and "svc-Integrated-4.0"ร were for .NET Activation 4.x. Unfortunately, the 3.x items were declared before the 4.x items. That was why the exception occurred for a .NET 4.x web application!
Then how did such a situation happen? On Windows Server 2008, it could happen when you install .NET 3.x framework or IIS 7.5 with Activation features after .NET framework 4.x is installed. However, on Windows Server 2012, it always happens when you install .NET framework 3.x with Activation features.
Microsoft officially announced the solution ( for Windows Server 2008 plus IIS 7.5: manually running " aspnet_regiis.exe /iru"ร for .NET framework 4.x (in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 or C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319). However, aspnet_regiis.exe is not allowed to run for IIS 8. I tried manually changing applicationHost.config. I also tried removing and adding features in a good order. But all these solutions did not work.
The final solution was to delete the 3.x module and handler from IIS manager. You could delete them at the application or site level if you want to keep them in applicationHost.config. But I wanted to delete them from applicationHost.config. So I did the following steps:
1. In IIS manager, click the machine name node.
2.In " Features View", double-click " Modules".
3.Find " ServiceModel"ร and remove it.
4. Go back to the machine name node's " Features View", double-click " Handler Mappings".
5.Find " svc-Integrated"ร and remove it.
Now everything works well.
Keywords: System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to run SQLplus queries from a user program by calling the SQLplus Web Service. | Solution: The SQLplus Web Service provides access using HTTP and SOAP and allows platform independence. Any SOAP client can execute SQLplus queries by calling the SQLplus Web Service.
The SQLplus Web Service is installed as a selectable feature of the SQLplus product. See the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Product Family Installation Guide and the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Product Family Configuration Guide for further details.
The SQLplus Web Service is accessed on the SQLplus server using the file /SQLplusWebService/SQLplusWebService.asmx. The SQLplus Web Service has a single method called ExecuteSQL. ExecuteSQL takes an single string parameter which is an SQLplus statement and returns an XML results set.
To call the SQLplus Web Service from a C# program:
รยท Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003.
รยท Click File | New | Project. A New Project dialog box is displayed.
รยท Select Visual C# Project in the Project Types: list.
รยท Select a template from the Templates: list. For example, select Windows Application.
รยท Type a project name in the Name box.
รยท Click OK. A new project is created.
รยท Right-click
Keywords: SQLPlus
Web Services
References: s in the |
Problem Statement: How do you model three-phase reactive distillation? | Solution: Example Files
This example is delivered with Aspen Plus as a file called 3phase.bkp in the the Aspen Plus GUI directory in a sub-directory called app. E.g. C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus xxxx\GUI\App. This folder can also be reached by going to the Aspen Plus Favorites directory and then looking in the Applications directory.
Process Overview
Methylchlorate is produced by esterification of chloroacetic acid with methanol. The forward and reverse esterification reactions occur in the reboiler of a distillation column. The column is used to separate the ester product from the reactants. Because ester and water are partially immiscible, two liquid phases occur in the middle section of the column.
Demonstrated Features
This application illustrates many unique features of Aspen Plus:
1. Reactive distillation
2. Three-phase distillation
3. Column with total boilup (i.e. zero liquid bottoms flow rate)
4. Internal column specification with feed flow manipulation
5. Use of Decant model
Column Specifics
This column has 20 theoretical stages with the feed entering the Reboiler. There is no bottoms product flow rate. The product exits The column through the side draw from tray 10. The methanol-rich Distillate is recycled to feed the column.
The forward and reverse esterification reactions are defined in the Rx-ester reaction object. To view the stoichiometry and kinetics of these reactions, select reactions from the forms pulldown menu. These reactions occur only in the reboiler of this column because catalyst is present only in the reboiler. The reboiler is in fact a heated reactor.
Two liquid phases form on several trays in the middle of the column due to the presence of ester and water. The side tray stream contains two liquid phases. The 3-Phase form on the RadFrac menu specifies how much of each phase returns to the column.
The column has two temperature specifications. The second tray is specified to 68 C by manipulating the reflux ratio. The reboiler temperature is controlled to 130 C by manipulating the makeup Methanol flow rate.
application, decanter, 3-phase, reactive distillation
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to generate Process Greenness Report? | Solution: Guidelines for creating a Process Greenness Reports are documented in the attached Word Document and also attached the same in PDF format.
The Greenness Report consists of several worksheets:
Displays an overview, color-coded summary of the Greenness report.
Displays overall greenness scores by parameter for both process and step(s)
Displays overall process parameters divided into:
? Overall Process Parameters
? Consolidated Step Parameters
? Derived Process Greenness Parameters
Step (one Worksheet for each step)
Displays step analysis divided into:
? Step Variables from Aspen Batch Process Developer
? Derived Greenness Parameters
? Step Component Variables from Aspen Batch Process Developer
Keywords: Greenness Report, Process Greenness Report, Excel Reports.
References: Displays detailed information on components and weighting used for the greenness report.
Displays details of the date of the generation of the greenness report
Download the attached Example Report for reviewing the report.
Download the Example Project to review the input items and simulate the process and batches to generate a Process Greenness Report. |
Problem Statement: Where can I find an example calling property procedures in Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM) to calculate the thermodynamic and transport properties of components? | Solution: In ACM, physical property procedures included in the Aspen Custom Modeler library. There are two main categories of physical property procedures. They are procedures with analytic property derivatives and procedures without analytic property derivatives. You can use these built in procedures to calculate thermodynamic and transport properties.Look into the help files for detail about the property procedures in ACM. Attached is an example that demonstrate various thermodynamic and transport property calculation for typical Water Methanol and Ethanol system.
Please find the attached Example case Property.acmf.
Keywords: Procedure, Physical Property
References: None |
Problem Statement: Sometimes it is required to consider time average variable calculations. Is there any easy to to calculate dynamic average for any variables? | Solution: One can use one of our control model, IAE, Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) available under Libraries || control model 2. Although this model designed to estimate dynamic error during run of a control signal ,one can use for dynamic integration and afterwards estimating average dividing by time.To estimate dynamic average, you need to set the set point (SP) to 0 and that way your Absolute error will be your input. Input will be integrated over time and have it divided by actual model time.
Please find the attached model as an example
Keywords: Set Point ( SP), Integrated Absolute Error ( IAE) and dynamic error.
References: None |
Problem Statement: How can I simulate an isentropic flash in Aspen Plus? | Solution: A Design-Spec can be used to set the entropy of the outlet stream of a Heater block equal to that of the inlet stream, varying the temperature of the block.
In the attached file there is an example of how to set this up, and also a Sensitivity Analysis that studies this temperature against different block pressures.
Keywords: isentropic flash
References: None |
Problem Statement: How do I get a pipe segment flow regime via automation? | Solution: The attached MS Excel file serves as an example of how to use the backdoor variable to extract the flow regime of a pipe segment.
Keywords: Pipe segment, automation, backdoor variables.
References: None |
Problem Statement: This is an example of how to use table RATIO to control the composition of the feed streams of a unit feed pool. | Solution: You can use table RATIO to control the ratio between two or more streams.
There?s an example of this table in the Volume Sample model (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\AspenTech\Aspen PIMS\Pims\Volume Sample). In this example, it shows that for every purchase of TJL, there?s two of NSF:
You can do the same for a unit feed pool:
Take submodel SCFP from the same Volume Sample model. You want to control the ratio between feed streams LV1, LV2, and HV1.
You would add their matrix column names as the Rownames in table RATIO, which would be:
For the Ratio names, you can use any 3-character tag, just be careful not to use an existing tag:
References: None |
Problem Statement: How can I mimic the kettle reboiler of Radfrac with other blocks? | Solution: We recommend that you use the kettle reboiler option in RadFrac instead of attempting to simulate it as an external block. This is because the convergence is more efficient when the reboiler is solved with the rest of the column. However, it is possible to model the kettle reboiler as an external block.
The first method is to use a pseudo stream. A pseudo stream is a special feature of the RadFrac block which lets you copy the liquid or vapor flow from any stage in the column to a stream on the flowsheet. Note however that the pseudo stream is not like a side draw, the material is not removed from the material balance. With this approach you will still use the kettle reboiler option of the RadFrac block. You may want to use this approach for example when you need to do some sizing/rating calculations for the reboiler system (e.g. using the EDR exchanger design and rating program, or evaluate properties, pressure drops, etc). Note that we use a calculator block to transfer the heat duty calculated for the reboiler by the RadFrac block to the flash2 block (you could also use a Transfer block).
The second method is to use a Flash2/Flash3 block. Note that the Flash block allow a vapor fraction, a temperature or a heat duty specification. In this case, you will decrease by one the number of stages you enter on the Radfrac block and specify "No reboiler" option. Note that it is very important to initialize one of the streams on the reboiler loop (e.g. the bottom stream of the RadFrac block or the vapor outlet from the reboiler - running the simulation with the reboiler included may be a good idea as a first step). We have also created a design-spec to vary the reboiler duty to match the reflux ratio specification (of course you could use other design specs).
Please see the attached bkp file for an example (in version V7.1).
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to generate a VLE table for a ternary system at constant concentration of one of the components? | Solution: Experimental VLE data of a ternary system, involving salt dissolved in mixed solvents, may be published on a salt free basis. There is no direct build-in functionality in Aspen Plus for this. A design specification combined with sensitivity analysis can be used to generate such data.
The attached example, which can be opened by Aspen Plus 2006.5 and above, has a ternary system of Water (H2O), Ethanol and Calcium Chloride (CaCl2). A flash block is set up with a design spec to make sure that the CaCl2 mole fraction in the liquid phase is constant by adjusting H2O flowrate in the flasher feed stream. ElecNRTL property method is used with apparent approach for easy access of CaCl2 mole fraction. A sensitivity block is then set up to tabulate the mole fractions of H2O and ethanol in the liquid and vapor phase at different temperatures. H2O flowrate in the feed stream and CaCL2 mole fraction in liquid phase are tabulated as well.
Keywords: VLE, ternary system.
References: None |
Problem Statement: What equations are used for calculating the flowrate of the relief valve in Aspen HYSYS for gas or vapor flow? | Solution: Flowrate calculation of relief valve for gas/vapor flow in Aspen HYSYS is based on the method described in page 394 of the Handbook of Chemical Hazard Analysis Procedures, Appendix B, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989. You also can find the equations in the Aspen Hysys Operations Guide (chapter 6.5 Relief Valve).
For gases and vapours, flow may be choked or non-choked. If the pressure ratio is greater than the critical, the flow is NOT choked. The critical flow pressure ratio may be estimated using the following equation:
Pcf = critical flow nozzle pressure, in kPa,
P1 = upstream relieving pressure, in kPa,
k = ratio of specific heats, Cp/Cv or Cp/(Cp-R). In Aspen HYSYS you will be allowed to select rigorous or semi-Ideal specific heat.
For choked vapor flow,
For No-Choked vapor Flow
A = required effective discharge area of the device, m^2.
W = required flow through the device, Kg/s.
KD = coefficient of discharge.
P1 = upstream pressure, Pa.
P2 = downstream pressure, Pa.
Kb = back pressure coefficient.
KL = Capacity correction factor for valve lift.
V1 = specific volume of the upstream fluid, or , m^3/Kg
The Excel hand calculation and Aspen HYSYS case study are attached to show how to compute the flowrate for critical and subcritical flow in Aspen HYSYS for relief valve. Note: all relief valves are fully open.
Keywords: Relief valve, choked flow, critical flow, subcritical flow
References: None |
Problem Statement: Depending on temperature and concentration, an electrolyte system may precipitate multiple salts, including hydrates. Can Aspen Plus handle this? | Solution: The user must identify all of the salts/hydrates that are exepcted to precipitate with SALT reactions in reaction CHEMISTRY.
Theoretically, there is no reason that Aspen Plus cannot handle a simulation with multiple salts or hydrates. In practice, the CHEMISTRY and/or Flash algorithm may fail to converge or identify the wrong solid precipitate at temperatures close to the hydrate transition temperature. It is always best to simplify and only include salts or hydrates that form under simulation conditions. To ensure results, if possible, create separate CHEMISTRY for the different temperature ranges and switch CHEMISTRY when going to a section of the flowsheet in a different temperature range.
When using a CHEMISTRY block with multiple salts, the user is strongly advised to test the physical properties/CHEMISTRY over all expected temperatures and compositions using an Analysis or Sensitivity with very small increments. This will test where the flash algorithm might fail.
Attached is an example of how Aspen Plus predicts Na2CO3 hydrates. This file can be opened in Aspen Plus 2006.5 and higher. In older versions, the Anhydrous Na2CO3 is not predicted correctly.
Here are the results from the Aspen Plus simulation where SALT0 is the Anhydrous Na2CO3, SALT1 is Na2CO3*H2O, SALT7 is Na2CO3*7H2O, SALT10 is Na2CO3*10H2O.
Row / Case
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to model a sub-sea pipeline using Aspen Hydraulics | Solution: This is a model of a 250 km long pipeline that descends down to a depth of 2.5 km on the sea bottom. The model is a dynamic simulation of this pipeline which includes the onshore sendout terminal with its compressor system. The pipeline itself was modeled quite a while ago, this explains why the pipeline is built up out of a very large number of individual pipe segments. At the time of construction the "Complex Pipe" model was not yet available. The model is in a transient phase and as you run the model you will see the profiles settling down to a more steady state operation.
Keywords: Aspen Hydraulics, pipeline
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to model the thermosiphon reboiler automatically? How to design such HEX (Heat Exchanger) from Aspen HYSYS? | Solution: In Aspen HYSYS version V7.0 and later versions, users are allowed to pick the thermosyphon reboiler configuration through column input expert.
In earlier versions (2006.5 and earlier), users have to first converge the column with kettle reboiler configration then manually delete and add the required unit operations in the column environment. It was inconvenient to users. Now it is possible to converge a thermosyphon reboiler without making any modification in the column environment.
The input expert allows adding three reboiler configrations.
Here with the solution users will find a startup file (Startup.hsc) that will help them to configure such a column. The steps to configure such thermosiphon reboiler in the column is mentioned below for different configuration.
Reboiler Configuration 1: Once Through and Reboiler Type Selection: Heat Exchanger
1. Add a new Distillation Column (Press F4 and drag and drop a distillation column)
2. Set to full reflux
3. Set the connection Feed (Tower Feed), Head, Bottom, Number of stages =10
4. Select Reboiler Configuration in the input expert (Once through / Heat exchanger / tubeside)
5. Define pressure profile for the top and bottom of column (1379kpa / 1413kPa)
6. Click Next and define Reflux = 1, Vapour Rate = 110kmole/hr
7. Click Done and Go to column environment
8. Enter stream 2, propane Composition = 100%, Temp = 120C, Press = 5000kPa, Molar Flow = 1000 kmole/h
9. Click run - Tower should be converged
Now converged tower is ready for designing the thermosiphon reboiler. Users can use the utility available in Aspen HYSYS to design simple thermosiphon reboiler. And then export the results to EDR engine to do rigorous design of the thermosiphon reboiler.
To Design such a Heat Exchanger (HEX) through the Aspen HYSYS utility called Shell&Tube Exchanger Design & Rating Utility, follow the steps mentioned below:
? Select Shell&Tube Exchanger Design and Rating Utility from Tools l Utility option and click Add Utility
? Select the reboiler heat exchanger for the column.(BUG : Utility status is green OK before you run it)
? Under Inputs l Applications select hot side as Tube Side and select Vaporizer Type as Flooded evaporator or kettle
? Under Inputs l Exchanger l TEMA Type l Shell Type, select K ? kettle
? Under Inputs l Process l Allowable Pressure Drop - Enter the pressure drop for shell and tube side you expect
? Click RUN under Inputs l Exchanger
? The EDR results are viewed from EDR Results button.
To export File for Aspen Shell and Tube process design to model rigorous HEX, Click Export Button.
? Open the File in Aspen Shell and Tube
? Check in Shell&Tube that the area ratio is close to 1
? Notice that not all the DP is used, so we are going to add a valve at the outlet of the Kettle so we are returning at the right pressure. Set outlet pressure to 1413.
? Change the model to Shell&Tube
? Import the rating case, BUG : Shell type is not imported !
? Column has too many specs. Remove the Ovhd Vap Rate
? Run
? You need to change absolute tolerance for reboiler duty. We now have a rigorous model of Kettle with the column.
Reboiler Configuration 2: Circulation without baffle, Reboiler Type Selection: Heat Exchanger
1. Add a new Distillation Column
2. Set to full reflux
3. Set the connection Feed (Tower Feed), Head, Bottom, Number of stages =10
4. Select Reboiler Configuration in the input expert (Circulation without baffle/heat exchanger / shell side)
5. Define pressure profile for the top and bottom of column (1379kpa / 1413kPa)
6. Click Next and define Reflux = 1, Vapour Rate = 110kmole/hr
7. Click Done and Go to column environment
8. Enter stream 2, propane Composition = 100%, Temp = 120C, Press = 5000kPa, Molar Flow = 1000 kmole/h
9. Go to the main environment and Add a new specs: column draw rate, ToReb, 278 kmole/h
10. Click run - Tower should be converged
For Designing a Heat Exchanger (HEX) with thermosiphon type: Follow the steps mentioned below:
? Select Shell&Tube Exchanger Design and Rating Utility, click Add Utility
? Select the reboiler heat exchanger for the column.(BUG : Utility is green OK before you run it?.No cursor changes to show it is running, No default showing)
? Under Inputs l Applications select hot side as Shell Side and select Vaporizer Type as Thermosiphon
? Under Inputs l Exchanger l TEMA Type l Shell Type, select E - one pass shell, Orientation as Vertical
? Under Inputs l Process l Allowable Pressure Drop - Enter the pressure drop for shell and tube side you expect. Also enter Pressure at liquid surface in Column [kPa] = 1413.kPa
? Click RUN under Inputs l Exchanger
The EDR results are viewed from EDR Results button.
Reboiler Configuration 3: Circulation with baffle; Reboiler Type Selection: Heat Exchanger
1. Add a new Distillation Column
2. Set to full reflux
3. Set the connection Feed (Tower Feed), Head, Bottom, Number of stages =10
4. Select Reboiler Configuration in the input expert (Circulation without baffle/heat exchanger / shell side)
5. Define pressure profile for the top and bottom of column (1379kpa / 1413kPa)
6. Click Next and define Reflux = 1, Vapour Rate = 110kmole/hr
7. Click Done and Go to column environment
8. Enter stream 2, propane Composition = 100%, Temp = 120C, Press = 5000kPa, Molar Flow = 1000 kmole/h
9. Go to the main environment and Add a new specs: draw rate, ToSump, 278 kmole/h
10. Click run - Tower should be converged
For Designing a Heat Exchanger (HEX) with thermosiphon type: Follow the steps mentioned below:
? Select Shell&Tube Exchanger Design and Rating Utility, click Add Utility
? Select the reboiler heat exchanger for the column.(BUG : Utility is green OK before you run it?.No cursor changes to show it is running, No default showing)
? Under Inputs l Applications select hot side as Shell Side and select Vaporizer Type as Thermosiphon
? Under Inputs l Exchanger l TEMA Type l Shell Type, select
? Front End Head Type B - bonnet bolted or integral with tubesheet
? Shell Type H - double split flow
? Rear End Head Type U - U-tube bundle
? For Orientation, select Horizontal
? Under Inputs l Process l Allowable Pressure Drop - Enter the pressure drop for shell and tube side you expec (10 kPa)t. Also enter Pressure at liquid surface in Column [kPa] = 1413.kPa
? Click RUN under Inputs l Exchanger
The EDR results is viewed from EDR Results button.
Note: HYSYS doesn?t know about the liquid height of the column, with a thermosiphon it is not an issue because Aspen Shell&Tube Exchanger is modelling it. For Kettle or normal exchanger, It is better to add a Valve with negative pressure drop so you have some Pressure to do your design. (unless the bottom of the column is pumped.) and make sure to add the same pressure drop on the shell side HX and add whatever you want on the tube side for the design.
Keywords: thermosiphon
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to model looped system in Aspen Hydraulics? | Solution: This case is similar to the small looped system model (KB solution 128975), but more complex. It can be used to illustrate that flow reversal can happen for outlet streams, effectively turning an outlet into an inlet. In this particular case you could change the pressure in stream '2' from -0.5 bar_g to 0.5 bar_g. Be prepared for a bit of a wait, it takes several minutes to reach the new solution.
Keywords: Aspen Hydraulics, looped system
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to model looped system in Aspen Hydraulics? | Solution: The attached model is a small simulation used to demonstrate that Aspen Hydraulics will let you model looped systems. The best way to illustrate this is to open the case and to focus on the Aspen Hydraulics PFD. If you press on <Shift> m, the stream labels will be replaced with the mass flow in each stream.
You should NOT try to change diameters. Otherwise, you will have to insert swage unit operations to make the model hydraulically rigorous again. In the current setup, there is a small negative flow from Tee-101 to Mixer-101 Increase the length of Pipe-105, this should cause the flow through the Tee-101 to Mixer-101 connection to become more negative. If you decrease the length (to 50 m for example), the flow will become positive.
Keywords: Aspen Hydraulics, Looped system
References: None |
Problem Statement: Aspen Inferential Qualities Config crashes when we tried to define IC(Input Calculation) or OC(Output Calculation) on Windows Server 2008. | Solution: Solution 129010 "Aspen Advanced Control Products aspenONE V7.1 Cumulative Patch1" should be applied. It prevents the software crash.
Keywords: CQ00377502
References: None |
Problem Statement: Using Inter Disciplinary Workflow (IDWF), read-only data is normally displayed grayed out in the datasheet editor.
However, for fields that are multiplicity n and has no value filled, then they are not grayed out for a discipline which is not allowed to change the value. | Solution: This is a display issue because even if the field is not grayed out, discipline privileges are still applied on the datasheet. The user will get an error message if he try to enter a value and has not the right privilege to do so.
There is no plan to change this behavior at the moment due to the performance cost of implementing a solution.
Keywords: IDWF
Datasheet Editor
References: None |
Problem Statement: Is Message Center Supported in V7.1 SCM CAPS? | Solution: The Message Center is not supported in this version. If you are using it, you
should not upgrade to this version.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: MIMI.exe hangs in the Task Manager even after SCM has been closed. | Solution: The hanging MIME.EXE in the Task Manager comes from the way the LM.DLL function calls a function in the FLEXCAPI.DLL.
The LM.DLL has become corrupt. You will need to replace the LM.DLL. Please contact AspenTech Support.
Keywords: Will not close
Consuming CPU
Running in the background
References: None |
Problem Statement: 1. What is a quick and easy way to see if the MIMI Broker service is running?
2. Why the window that appears when I click on the MIMI "File" / "Open..." menu to open a MIMI case file can have two different formats?
3. How can I switch from one format to the other?
This tip answers these questions. | Solution: If you need the Distributed MIMI featues, the MIMI Broker service (Chesapeake MIMI Request Broker) must be running, to enable communication among MIMI processes. A quick and easy way to see if the MIMI Broker is running or not is to look at the format of the MIMI File Open window.
This is valid only for versions before 2004.1, because with 2004.1 the File Open window does not change, whatever the status of the Broker service.
It can have two different formats:
? a big window, with title "Select a Case", appears when the MIMI Broker service is running
? a small window, with title "Open Case File", appears when the service is not running or is hanging
Also, if you don't need the Distributed MIMI features, and you prefer to have the small File Open window ("Open Case File"), you can do this:
? go to the Windows Control Panel, "Services" applet, and stop the "Chesapeake MIMI Request Broker" service
? if you make the service's startup status "Disabled" or "Manual" you will make the change permanent
If you re-enable and restart the broker, you will see the big "Select a Case" window again.
Chesapeake MIMI Request Broker
File / Open... menu
Open Case File
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: This issue concerns owners of pre-MIMI 7.1 case files that contain accented characters in languages like French, Italian, German or Spanish. Strings containing accented characters will not display correctly on MIMI 7.1 or greater because MIMI has moved to an ANSI encoding base instead of ASCII in previous versions (so that special characters could be typed in directly from the keyboard rather than require special input). Also, there was no ASCII symbol for EURO. | Solution: In order to solve this problem, AspenTech has created a utility named Aspen ANSI Case Converter. At the moment, this utility is not available with the latest MIMI version 7.2 but can be sent separately to our customers. It is also downloadable from this tech tip.
It will be added in the CD of the next major release of MIMI (MIMI 8.0) and will appear along with the other MIMI utilities (such as CAS2DAT, DAT2CAS,...). This utility converts all cases built in pre-MIMI 7.1 versions (so using ASCII) in an arbitrary directory to ANSI encoding.
The conversion has to be applied on the old files BEFORE modifying them in 7.1 or later.
How to use it the tool
Download the zip file and unzip it in a folder of your choice then double-click on the AspenANSICaseConverter.exe icon
Select "File->Source Directory..." and choose the directory that contains the MIMI CAS files for conversion.
Select "File->Target Directory..." and choose the directory that will contain the newly formatted MIMI CAS files after conversion.
Select "File->Convert CAS files to DAT" to convert the CAS files in the directory to DAT files.
Select "File->Convert DAT files to new format" to convert the DAT files to an ANSI base for use in MIMI 7.1 or greater.
Select "File->Convert new DAT files to CAS" to convert the new DAT files back to CAS files.
Additional information can be obtained by clicking on the Help button of the application. The zip file also contains a Word document that explains how to use the Aspen ANSI Case Converter.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: You currently have a server which has a multi-core CPU. However, you notice, SCM runs in single-threaded mode. Is there a way to have SCM run in multi-threaded mode? | Solution: Currently, SCM only runs in single threaded mode. SCM does support multi-core CPU's but only will run one thread. There are plans for future release of SCM to support multi-threaded processes, but details as to which release are not in place as of yet.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: I just loaded a Cumulative Patch for Aspen SCM and now I need uninstall it, how can I do that? | Solution: You cannot uninstall a Cumulative Patch. To remove the Cumulative Patch you must uninstall the product and re-install.
Keywords: Remove patch
References: None |
Problem Statement: The screen specific toolbars in Aspen SCM will not anchor to the Command Line.
For example, the table toolbar appears on a line above the Command Line, dragging the table toolbar to the Command Line, saving the case, and reopening the case does not fix the issue. | Solution: Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 (KB2467174) has been shown to cause the non-anchoring toolbars issue. The SCM toolbars are controlled via the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC). This Security Update changed the MFC library.
To correct the issue download and apply Aspen SCM V7.1 Cumulative Patch 16; Solution 133899.
Keywords: Toolbar, Icons, Task bar, Planning board icons, Report icons
References: None |
Problem Statement: Where can I find the Aspen SCM "MIMI X" control files? | Solution: The Aspen SCM "MIMI X" module consists of three main files, MimiX.ocx, MimiXObjects.dll and MimiXUtil.dll. Upon installing, these files typically reside under your \Winnt\system32 directory.
Keywords: file locations, install, configuration
References: None |
Problem Statement: You are asked by your end user "How can I manage the licenses for production and testing environment when doing software upgrades projects" or the question could be "Can we run two version of SCM on same machine?" | Solution: Since SCM requires a run time license, it is possible to run two versions of SCM on same machine. The end User needs to carefully back up the .cas file to facilitate easy restoration in case they are overwritten by the different version of software.
Keywords: SCM 2004, SCM 7.1, Two Version, Run Time Licence
References: None |
Problem Statement: What are the new features / benefits to the Activity Editor in V7.1? | Solution: What is it?
? An expanded version of the Activity Editor
What are the Benefits?
? Modernized activity-related data display and editing
? Combined functionality of the existing Activity Editor, Recipe (BOM), and Split windows
? New tabbed property sheet interface
Improved and enhanced configuration capabilities
Example - PS CAP Default Configuration
Examples Showing Additional Capabilities
How do I get it?
? Upgrade the SCM Engine to V7.1
? Configure according to the steps detailed in SCM Help
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Does Aspen Supply Chain Connect v2004.1 support Oracle10g/11g releases? | Solution: Aspen Supply Chain Connect v7.1 support Oracle 10g, you should also upgrade Informatica7.x to Informatica8.x.
We don't officially support and test Oracle 11g, so we don't recommend our customer to use Oracle 11g that we didn't do full regression testing.
Keywords: Aspen Supply Chain Connect
References: None |
Problem Statement: Would there be any problems running on VM servers instead of physical servers for Aspen SCM? | Solution: As of our V7.1 release, we now test and officially support the following virtualization environments for our product:
MS Virtual PC
Virtual Server
Terminal Services
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Is Aspen SCM supported on Windows Server 2008 64 bit operating system? | Solution: All versions of Aspen SCM before V7.2 are not supported on Windows Sever 2008 64 bit operating system.
Aspen SCM V7.2 is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit.
Keywords: SCM
Configured Applications
Demand Manager
Supply Chain Planner
Plant Scheduler
References: None |
Problem Statement: How do i execute MODIFY command from SCM command line? MODIFY Command does not work when I run from SCM command line.
Received error message on the bottom left of the window "M0218 - Set or Table to modify does not exist" | Solution: The MODIFY command modifies set attributes, always use correct syntax when you run MODIFY command from SCM command Line
MODIFY name attribute = value
Description of Arguments
name: (Required) Name of set whose attributes will be modified.
attribute: (Required) Keyword of the attribute to be modified. For a list of attribute keywords, see below.
value: (Required) New setting for the attribute. If the value contains embedded blanks, enclose it in "double quotes."
Set Attributes You Can Change with MODIFY
The MODIFY command allows you to change the following set attributes:
AFTER: Name of the After Procedure assigned to the set
BEFORE: Name of the Before Procedure assigned to the set.
CODE: The set's Code width.
COUNT: The actual number of entries in the set.
Important: With MODIFY, you can only decrease a set's Actual Count; you cannot increase it.
DESC: The set's Description width.
KEYWORD: The set's keyword.
LEVEL: The level of user that can view and/or modify the set.
LOADCASE: The one-character code from the $CASES set pointing to the name of the case from which the set is loaded.
MAXCT: The maximum number of set entries.
NAME: The set's name.
PAGETYPE: Permanent or transient.
SAVE: Determines whether to save the set if you have modified it.
SUBSET: The name of the superset for which this set is a subset.
TITLE: The set's title.
TYPE: Set classification.
Keywords: MODIFY
Command Line
References: None |
Problem Statement: AspenTech web-based products such as the Aspen IP.21 Process Browser and Aspen SCM use a common web template called the Aspen Common User Interface (CUI) so that all web-based AspenTech products have the same look and feel. This knowledge base article describes file location where the Aspen CUI gets installed. | Solution: Web-based applications are installed on a server which runs Microsoft's web server program Internet Information Server (IIS). The AspenTech web-based applications are installed into the file path in which Microsoft Internet Information Server is installed. By default, this path is:
While most installations of Microsoft Internet Information Server are performed on the C:\ drive, it is possible to change the default location of Microsoft Internet Information Server prior to the AspenTech installation so that the AspenTech web-based applications are installed into another location such as D:\.
The key to getting the AspenTech web applications properly installed to a non-default location is to ensure that Microsoft Internet Information Server has been properly installed on the non-default location prior to installing the AspenTech components. During the AspenTech application installation the registry is read to obtain the install path of Microsoft Internet Information Server from the value:
under the key:
The AspenTech web applications are then installed to this location.
Important: If the path to Microsoft Internet Information Server is not properly recognized by the server as being installed in the non-default location the Aspen CUI components will be installed in the default location on the C:\ drive.
Keywords: AspenCUI
References: None |
Problem Statement: What are the features and benefits for allowing Overlapping Activites in SCM v7.1? | Solution: What is it?
? A feature that allows for displaying simultaneous activities on a single facility
What are the Benefits?
? Ability to display the planning board with ?infinite capacity? to visualize competing activities
? Ability to schedule multiple activities on the same facility at the same time
How do I get it?
? Upgrade the SCM Engine to V7.1
? Configure according to the steps detailed in SCM Help
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: You are trying to create a SQL import by joining two tables and selecting specific fields from both tables in a database for the import. | Solution: SCM versions prior to V7.1:
The data import logic performs a lookup of the database object column names; the data import logic then matches the database column names to the model object column names and only moves data when the names matched.
To lookup the database object column names the logic uses the database metadata and the database object name. This portion of the code does not handle two objects (i.e. two tables). To join two tables the user will have to create a database view and reference the view from the model.
SCM versions V7.1 and beyond:
To help improve memory usage and performance a new SCM capability to embed FMTDATA within SQL instead of reading into a String or Character table and then running FMTDATA after the import was implemented in V7.1
The new import method, CUSSQL, can be used instead of the SQL method to minimize memory usage when custom parsing logic is required on the import data. Instead of reading data into a large intermediate storage table via the SQL method and then parsing the intermediate storage table into the final data structures, with the CUSSQL method, the data parsing is done via FMTDATA for each data record as it's read into the application. This eliminates the need for a large intermediate storage table that is necessary for the SQL method when custom parsing logic is required.
Keywords: Data Import
Data Management Library (DAL)
References: None |
Problem Statement: Is Aspen SCM V7.1 supported on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 ? | Solution: Yes, SCM V7.1 is supported on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2. For more details on AspenTech's position regarding supported operating systems and 3rd party applications, please see solution 115885.
Keywords: Support
Service Packs
References: None |
Problem Statement: What is the greatest date limitation for the current and future versions of Aspen SCM? | Solution: The range of years that Aspen SCM can support is from 1979 to 2078. Aspen SCM can't handle the date greater than 20781231,
So the maximum date that Aspen SCM can support is 20781231.
Keywords: Date
Date limitation
References: None |
Problem Statement: How do I change the foreground and background colors in Aspen SCM? | Solution: Setting Foreground and Background Colors
Important: The FORMAT command is available on the Windows Application Client only.
This FORMAT command syntax sets foreground or background colors for table cells.
To reset table foreground and background colors to their default values, see Removing Table Formatting in the Help guide.
Specifying Color Numbers
You can use one of two formats to specify color numbers for the FORMAT command:
1. SCM's 3-digit color number format
2. HTML 6-digit color number format
FORMAT table({*|@|COLHDR|rowcode},{*|@|ROWHDR|columncode}) = {BGCOLOR|FGCOLOR} [#]colornumber
This example sets the background color of all column headers in the TDAT table to green, using the HTML 6-digit color number format.
This example sets the foreground color of all cells in the LS column of the TDAT table to red, using SCM's 3-digit color format.
Description of Arguments
table: (Required) Name of the table in which you want to apply formatting.
({*|@|COLHDR|rowcode},{*|@|ROWHDR|columncode}): (Required) Indicates the cells, row, or column in table to which you want to apply formatting.
* indicates all rows or columns
@ indicates the Code entry in the row or column set to which the internal index is currently set
COLHDR indicates the column headings (not for use with READONLY)
ROWHDR indicates the row headings (not for use with READONLY)
rowcode indicates a particular Code from the row set
columncode indicates a particular Code from the column set.
{BGCOLOR|FGCOLOR}: (Required) Indicates whether you want to specify a foreground or background color:
BGCOLOR: Background color.
FGCOLOR: Foreground color.
[#]colornumber: (Required) Specifies the color number.
Note: The # sign before the color number is optional.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to prevent setup.exe from hanging during a Terminal Server installation process. | Solution: In general, there are a lot of reasons that could hang or cause a delay when installing across the network.
One possible problem can be the anti-virus software. Since the recent Blaster virus outbreak, the configuration of the anti-virus software was changed to scan remote files. This scanning of the installation files over the LAN can cause very long delays which can be interpreted as the installation process hanging. When the anti-virus software is temporarily disabled, the installation from the file server works as expected.
However, if the problem can not be determine in the beginning, it is recommended to install on the console and not accross the LAN. This will elliminate any bottle neck that is happening between the client and the server machine.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: You currently use TDAT in SCM. What changes have been made in v7.1? | Solution: First, it should be explained What is Time-Effective Data in TDAT?
? Enhanced modeling capability that provides an efficient method for specifying time-effective data
? Dimensions: material, facility, start time and end time
? Used by Production Operations
? Can be used for any numeric data in TDAT
What are the Benefits?
Very fast access to time-effective data for the Simulator
More efficient use of memory
How do I get it?
? Upgrade the SCM Engine to 2006.1
? Upgrade the Scheduling Framework Library to 2006.1
? Upgrade the Plant Scheduler Application Library to 2006.1 (or configure according to the steps detailed in SCM Help)
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Optimizing gives error "Could not initialize XPRESS (ERRCODE: 8/278)" | Solution: Possible error messages that can occur if xprs.dll is not installed.
1. Batch file no longer works
2. Could not initalize XPRESS (ERRCODE: 8/278) can occur.
The error occured because xprs.dll was not installed during the MIMI installation. To fix this problem, you will need to reinstall MIMI. Prior to starting this you will want to uninstall MIMI and reboot. Once the reboot is complete, install MIMI again making sure that select "Aspen MIMI" from the list of available products to install. NOTE: This MUST be done before clicking the sub-component button.
Note: If you reverse the process on the last step (i.e. - clicking on the sub-components first), there is chance that the xprs.dll will not install and XPRESS optimizer will not work. The flaw has to do with hidden features that should be selected automatically during the selection process. The Dash Xpress solver is one of those hidden features. This will be corrected on the future installation release.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: The following rule, which uses the VALUE command to calculate a NLF parametrical expression (set NLF defines mathematical expressions), unexpectedly produces the same value for &1 for every iteration of the loop even though ?PARM changes value. That value is based on the first value of ?PARM stored in NLF(TEMP,D).
Rule: NLF lines:
TESTR code description
This sample rule uses table PARM, defined as a XXX by YYY table, of floating point type, where set XXX = {0,1,2,...}, set YYY = {0,1,...}, 1st column of table contains {4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,40}. If you run the rule, the ETRACE shows that ?PARM correctly gets assigned all the subsequent values (4, 8, 12, 16, etc.) and the final value of the TEMP parameter written in NLF is 40. You wouldn't expect that &1 is assigned value ln(4) for all iterations of the loop, where 4 is the first value assigned to NLF(TEMP,D), but you would rather expect to get ln(4), ln(8), ln(12), etc. for each iteration.
Also these variations produce the same results:
Replacing the loop with a sequence of VALUE commands.
. . . . . . .
Using a local variable (?TEMP).
Assigning NLF(TEMP,D) = PARM(@,@).
It will be decided in the future if this behavior of NLF and VALUE should be changed or not. Anyway, it is a bit unexpected and that's why it is documented here. | Solution: The following variations produce the desired results, that is the result changes for every iteration of the rule's loop.
Putting PARM(@,@) directly in NLF.
Rule: NLF lines:
TESTR code description
NLF lines (alternative config.):
code description
Assigning TEMP the string value "PARM(@,@)" from inside the rule.
Rule: NLF lines:
TESTR code description
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: How can you compare the Actual Count with the Maximum Allowed for multiple sets at the same time? | Solution: Run RCATRPT in CAPS.
This is a utility that shows all set and table information.
Keywords: RCATRPT
Actual Count
Maximum Allowed
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to avoid Noblenet Portmapper failure during MIMI 7.1 installation process | Solution: Uninstall the old version of MIMI before upgrading MIMI. This will prevent any conflicts on old and new dll files.
Reboot the machine
Go to Start | Systems | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services for Windows 2000.
If the Chesapeake Distributed MIMI Broker and Noblenet Portmapper exist, change the status of each to manual.
Install MIMI and during installation process, select the SERVER mode (not standalone) during installation.
Reboot after installing then run MIMI.
Go to Start | Systems | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services for Windows 2000 again and make sure that the status of services Chesapeake Distributed MIMI Broker and Noblenet Portmapper is now Started.
Contact MIMI Support at for further assistance.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: The display of the Aspen PIMS model tree elements has been enhanced in version V7.1 | Solution: The appearance of the Aspen PIMS Model tree has changed. The major model tree nodes are now represented with expandable tabs which are stacked on left side of the Aspen PIMS window. Clicking on a tab expands the corresponding model tree node. Below is a sample view with the Model Settings tab expanded.
If the 'Tables' tab is clicked on, the view will change as shown below.
Each tab section can also be a dockable window that can be re-arranged within the Aspen PIMS window. To do this, click and hold on the tab title bar and then move the tabe to the top, bottom, left or right. You will see icons indicating the docked position and then can release the mouse. Now that window will stay where it was placed. The execution log and reports are viewable in the remaining space within the PIMS window.
If the user desires more space to view reports, then the tab can be hidden and pinned to the side of the Aspen PIMS window by using the pushpin icon. In the first example below, the TABLES section has been made a tab at the side while all the others remain. In the second example, all the sections are represented by side tabs.
If multiple execution logs and/or reports are open at one time, they are each represented at the bottom by a tab. This allows the user to quickly and easily switch between views.
For global (MPIMS) models, the global and local models are no longer all displayed on the same model tree. Now the desired model is selected in a drop down list above the model tree and the corresponding model tree is displayed.
Keywords: Interface
References: None |
Problem Statement: What is the meaning of the following warning message: | Solution: The meaning is Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer (MBO) has detected something wrong with the event in the X_SEQ number indicated and fuller explanation in the log file (Event_Save_Error_Log.txt or Event_Read_error_log.txt)) in the location in the dialog. Final user has to review the corresponded event and modify it.
Here an example of Event log files:
This was created to help to filter out "bad event"s from going into the database for Aspen Petroleum Scheduler (Orion) and Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer . Will also check the events as you come in from DB and may also see this dialog then too.
Keywords: -Event_Read_Error_log.txt
References: None |
Problem Statement: Is there a TIBCO ODBC driver (or connection) for TIBCO Business Works (BW) version 5.3 delivered with Aspen Operations Manager version 2006? | Solution: TIBCO Business Works now only supports JDBC drivers. Older versions of BW used to support ODBC drivers but this is not the case in v5.3.
All the supported drivers that come with Tibco Runtime Agent (TRA) installation are listed in \TIBCO\tpcl\5.3\jdbc. If the driver one is looking for is not there then one will need to download it itself from a 3rd party vendor web site. Please note that these drivers will not be officially supported because neither TIBCO nor AspenTech has tested them with their products.
There is an enhancement request logged in with TIBCO for this issue against a future version of TRA.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: How to add "User-defined tools" in Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer( MBO). | Solution: User-defined tools refer to custom macros, functions, and executables created by the user and are found under the Tools tab of the model tree. You can add user-defined tools to the Tee view for easy access
To add a new command or user-defined tool :
Since v7.1 :
1.- Click the "Tools" tab on the navigation tree. Right click on the User Tools branch of the model tree, and then select Add New from the context (right-click) menu.
2006.5 and earlier version:
1.- Right click on the name of the model, then select option called ?Add new Tool?
2.- Enter the properties of the new command in the Tool Properties dialog box:
This dialog box contains the following fields and options:
? Command Type: Click the drop down list button to select the appropriate command type (ExcelMacro, AccessMacro, AccessFunction, Executable).
? Filename <string/label changes depending on the selected Command Type>
Enter the file location of the report, interface, or tool you are adding.
? Function Name: This field contains the command string for the report, interface, or tool you are adding.
? Description: This field contains a description of the report, interface, or tool.
? Category: Select the category (branch on the model tree) under which the new command is to reside. If you want to add a new category, enter the new category name in this field. The new category will appear as a new node on the model tree.
3.- Click "OK" to add the command properties to the COMMAND_LIST table.
4.- To save changes made to the COMMAND_LIST table, you must right-click the model tree branch that contains the user-unit commands, and then select Save Command Table from the context (right-click) menu.
Keywords: user tools
References: None |
Problem Statement: What are the property names for CARB3M for (NOx, THC, Toxics) in MBO/ABML? | Solution: Use the CARB3 correlation to predict the percent reduction in the emission of the following pollutants with the use of ethanol as the oxygen source:
? NOX - Nitrogen Oxide
? PTX - Potency-Weighted Toxins
? THC - Total Hydrocarbons
CARB3 refer to the CARB (California Air Resources Board) phase III rule used to predict the reduction in pollutant emissions with the use of ethanol. CARB3 is typically used in California, and CARB is typically used in Arizona.
Orion and MBO have the following ABML correlations associated with CARB3M (since Orion v.2006)
1.Nitrogen Oxides (Amended CARB3) Slack:
Use this method to predict the nitrogen oxide quality of an amended CARB3 (Phase III) gasoline based on the CARB (California Air Resources Board) predictive models.
The properties used in the CARB predictive model are the actual properties plus the slack.
Reid Vapor Pressure (plus slack)
D86 T50 (plus slack)
D86 T90 (plus slack)
Aromatics (plus slack)
Olefins (plus slack)
Percent oxygen from ethanol
Sulfur (plus slack)
Benzene (plus slack)
Nitrogen Oxides (Amended CARB3)
2. Potency-weighted Toxics (Amended CARB3) Slack:
Use this method to predict the potency-weighted toxic quality of an amended CARB3 (Phase III) gasoline based on the CARB (California Air Resources Board) predictive models.
The properties used in the CARB predictive model are the actual properties plus the slack.
Reid Vapor Pressure (plus slack)
D86 T50 (plus slack)
D86 T90 (plus slack)
Aromatics (plus slack)
Olefins (plus slack)
Percent oxygen from ethanol
Sulfur (plus slack)
Benzene (plus slack)
Potency-weighted Toxics (Amended CARB3)
3. Total Hydrocarbon (Amended CARB3) Slack :
Use this method to predict the total hydrocarbon quality based on the amended California Air Resources Board predictive models. The properties used in the CARB predictive model are the actual properties plus the slack.
Reid Vapor Pressure (plus slack)
D86 T50 (plus slack)
D86 T90 (plus slack)
Aromatics (plus slack)
Olefins (plus slack)
Percent oxygen from ethanol
Sulfur (plus slack)
Benzene (plus slack)
Total Hydrocarbons (Amended CARB3)
Keywords: CARB3M properties, ABML_CARB3M correlations
References: None |
Problem Statement: Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer has a new look. Numerous functionality changes have been implemented which focuses on the User Interface (IUI/Event View) in version V7.1 | Solution: Starting with V7.1, Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer supports two interface views:
? Old interface .? use of a tree view interface to navigate and access model information.
? New/IUI interface .? replaces the tree view with a series of tabs that can be docked
The Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer interface consists of the following basic components:
? Menu Bar .- contains the options: File, Edit, View, Model, Events, case and Integration Menu
? Toolbars .- provides convenient access to Event, case Comparison and Report Toolbars
? Navigation Bar .-appears on the left side of the user interface and contains the following shortcut buttons: Settings, small trend charts,tree view, Units workbook, case comparison interface, trend screen
? Status Bar .-appears at the bottom of the application workspace and provides useful information (i.e., case name, which is useful if you work with more than one case) and system messgeas
In addition, you can choose to work in one of the following modes (interface):
? Tree View .-use this to display, navigate, and modify information in an Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer model. This interface provides a graphical tree view of the Multi-Blend Optimizer model and it allows you to easily navigate to the different model components: Event Screens and commands.
? Event.-use this interface to add, display, modify, and delete process events associated with a specific Event Screen.
? Case Comparison .-use this interface to compare the trend data for multiple cases on a single trend chart.
? Report .-use the Report interface to view the following reports:Optimization report , Validation Report and Model Error Log.
? Date Table.- The Data Tables interface provides a convenient way to display and modify input data used in your model.
The mode determines the appearance of the application workspace.
Keywords: - User Interface
References: None |
Problem Statement: Several new Automation objects and methods have been added for Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer. | Solution: New Automation Objects:
-Additional Automation Methods:
Review the MBO Help File Documentation for further information related to each one.
Keywords: Automation Methods
References: None |
Problem Statement: Statistical process control (SPC) techniques are used to improve product quality while reducing manufacturing costs. Our product called Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer (Formerly Aspen Q) is a software package that allows these techniques to be applied to process data as it is gathered, in real time. The Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer software is layered into the Aspen InfoPlus.21 database. When installed, Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer data records can be configured to form subgroups and generate statistical alarms as historical data is being collected. Even without the full Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer package, ad-hoc statistical data can be viewed from the Process Explorer Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer control charts.
The question has been raised as to the actual formulas used in the product to calculate statistics. They have not previously been made available in any of the Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer documentation. | Solution: The actual formulas can be found by going to:
? Aspen Process Explorer
? File-New-Q-Xbar
? Press F1 or Help
? One of the menu items is Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer Formulas?
The formulas are also included in Appendix-A of the training manual for Aspen Real-Time Statistical Process Control Analyzer.
Finally, attached are two draft documents that may be helpful. The SPCLimitsExplanation document describes how control limits are derived for various control charts. The SPC_Equations document describes the actual equations used to calculate the statistical values. This document was originally intended to be added to some help files, but it was never incorporated.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: This Knowledge Base article provides steps to resolve the following error:
"Application popup: hawkagen_omdeni.exe - Ordinal Not Found : The ordinal 968 could be located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll."
which may be encountered in the Event log file when an attempt to start the TIBCO Administrator and Hawk Agent fails. | Solution: Rename, remove, or replace BOTH the files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in C:\Windows\system32 with the files in TIBCO_RV_HOME\bin.
TIBCO Rendezvous 7.2 (RV), TIBCO Enterprise for JMS 3.1.1 (JMS), and TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.1.2 (TRA) use OpenSLL code (files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll). Some third-party applications use OpenSSL code. On some machines, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are already installed (by non TIBCO applications) in C:\Windows\system32.
When TIBCO Java applications are started, the JVM looks for a property called java.library.path that specifies native library paths. If java.library.path is not set explicitly, then the JVM sets the value of java.library.path to the environment variable PATH but prepends C:\Windows\System32 and other directories.
If the versions of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in C:\Windows\system32 are not compatible with TIBCO Rendezvous, then TIBCO applications may fail when trying to use TIBCO Rendezvous (or TIBCO JMS).
Keywords: Tibco Hawk service not starting
References: None |
Problem Statement: An error message similar to the one shown below may appear when starting the Tibco Administrator service after changing the TIBCO Administrator password in the TIBCO Administartor GUI:
Error authenticate user s101d22\svc_mes com.tibco.infra.repository.OperationFailedException: error sending instance management request: Unable to authenticate user. | Solution: The above-mentioned error message appears when the TIBCO Administrator password is changed incorrectly. The procedure for changing the TIBCO Administrator password is a two-step process:
? reset Administrator password first in the GUI
? use the Domain Utility before the Administrator server is shutdown to complete the procedure on each computer within Administration domain
The steps to change the TIBCO Administrator user name and/or password are documented in TIBCO Administrator's documentation. You will find them under /tibco/administrator/x.0/doc
Here are the relevant details from the documentation:
Changing TIBCO Administration Domain Credentials
Changing domain credentials is an advanced option. If you perform this task, you must perform it on each machine in the TIBCO administration domain, then restart the TIBCO Administration Server.
To change the TIBCO Administrator user name and/or password, follow these steps:
? Change the user name and/or password using the TIBCO Administrator GUI.
? Start the domain utility and click Next on the Welcome Screen.
? Log in on the login screen using the old administrator user and password for the domain, then click Next.
? Click the Show Advanced Tasks check box, then click the "Change TIBCO administration domain credentials" button and click Next.
? Provide the new administrator user name and password and click Next.
? The name and the obfuscated password are stored on the local machine.
Repeat the process on the other machines in the Administration domain.
References: None |
Problem Statement: How do I get access to the Aspen Enterprise Integration Framework Software Development Kit (SDK)? | Solution: Attached to this Knowledge Base article is the Aspen Enterprise Integration Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) and the Integration Framework Developers Guide.
The Enterprise Integration Framework SDK consists of a fully documented object model, a number of example code projects (including a handy messaging viewer) and this Developer's Guide. This guide is intended to provide the context for the Enterprise Integration Framework and help you achieve a comfortable understanding for how to use it.
To inspect and use the SDK, please download the files attached to this KB article.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: This Knowledge Base article shows how to properly configure Aspen Enterprise Integration Framework (EIF) Rendezvous Communication Adapter. | Solution: Please download and review the attached document titled: RV_Adapter_Router_Configuration_Manual.pdf. It contains the following two sections: EIF Rendezvous Communication Adapter Configuration Manual and EIF Communication Router Configuration Manual.
Keywords: Error occurred in setting configuration. Additional information: Error occurred in processing request. Message: Error occurred in contacting service.
References: None |
Problem Statement: This Knowledge Base article provides steps to resolve the following error:
Error occurred when starting Aspen Enteprise Integration Framework.
Message: "Framework failed to start".
InnerMessage: "Error occurred in verifying that MSMQ Message Queueing could be read!"
Message: "There was an error deserializing the object of type Aspentech.Enterprise.Integration.Framework.Communication.QueueItemList. The data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1."
which may be encountered when trying to start the Aspen Enterprise Integration Framework service. | Solution: Delete the following two XML configuration files that the EIF Service creates based on messages it receives from other EIF nodes:
EIF rebuilds these files when it starts up. The files are located in this directory:
After deleting the files, restart EIF services.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Aspen Supply Chain Connect (ASCC) In Informatica there is a File Watcher Event Intermittently Not Detecting File. What is the cause of this? | Solution: This is a known issue with Informatica V8.6.1.4. It is resolved with the latest hotfix of the server and client.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Would there be any problems running on VM servers instead of physical servers for Aspen Supply Chain Connect? | Solution: As of our V7.1 release, we now test and officially support the following virtualization environments for our product:
MS Virtual PC
Virtual Server
Terminal Services
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: When attempting to run Model Management you receive the following error:
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {783CD4E4-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F} failed due to the following error: 80070005.
at ServerSideVSSLibrary.clIVSSLibrary.OpenDB(String UserName, String PassWord, String Path)
at ModelMngmt.wfLogin.ConnectToDb(String strUserName, String strPassword)
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: Windows Ident.: : servername
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: HTTP Ident.: : login
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {783CD4E4-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F} failed due to the following error: 80070005.
at ServerSideVSSLibrary.clIVSSLibrary.OpenDB(String UserName, String PassWord, String Path)
at ModelMngmt.wfLogin.ConnectToDb(String strUserName, String strPassword)
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: Windows Ident.: : servername
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: HTTP Ident.: : login
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {783CD4E4-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F} failed due to the following error: 80070005.
at ServerSideVSSLibrary.clIVSSLibrary.OpenDB(String UserName, String PassWord, String Path)
at ModelMngmt.wfLogin.ConnectToDb(String strUserName, String strPassword)
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: Windows Ident.: : servername
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: HTTP Ident.: : login
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {783CD4E4-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F} failed due to the following error: 80070005.
at ServerSideVSSLibrary.clIVSSLibrary.OpenDB(String UserName, String PassWord, String Path)
at ModelMngmt.wfLogin.ConnectToDb(String strUserName, String strPassword)
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: Windows Ident.: : servername
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: HTTP Ident.: : login
1/19/2010 7:14:37 PM : wfLogin: OpenDb: : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {783CD4E4-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F} failed due to the following error: 80070005.
at ServerSideVSSLibrary.clIVSSLibrary.OpenDB(String UserName, String PassWord, String Path) | Solution: When VSS is installed you need to ensure the System group has all permissions in the VSS installation folder. Normally this done automatically when you install VSS in the "Program Files" because the security permissions are inherited ( this the server that works) but at times, a different location can be allocated for VSS which does not allow the security permissions to be inherited.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: After installing Power Center 8.6.x you are unable to view the option "Import from SAP" in the PowerCenter Designer | Solution: When you install or upgrade PowerExchange for SAP NetWeaver 8.6, you need to register the PowerExchange for SAP NetWeaver Client also. To register the PowerExchange for SAP NetWeaver Client, please follow the steps listed below:
1. Go to <PowerCenter installation directory>\Client\bin.
2. Double-click PWX_SAP.reg.
3. Click Yes, and then click OK.
The PowerExchange for SAP NetWeaver Client is registered.
Keywords: SAP
References: None |
Problem Statement: Does Aspen Supply Chain Connect V7.1 support Oracle11g Release 2? | Solution: Aspen Supply Chain Connect V7.1 doesn't officially support and test Oracle 11g Release 2, so we don't recommend our customers use Oracle 11g.
Keywords: Aspen Supply Chain Connect
Oracle 11g
Oracle 11g Release 2
References: None |
Problem Statement: Is aspenONE? V7.0 or V7.1 supported on Windows 7? | Solution: Currently aspenONE? V7.0 and V7.1 have been not tested on Windows 7?.
Windows 7 will be supported for V7.2. It will not be supported on earlier versions.
Refer to the solution id: 126620 for more information on supported platforms.
Note: Economic Evaluation product family and Exchanger Design and Rating product family is supported on Windows 7 from version V7.2.1. This version is available in the AES V7.2 media.
Keywords: Windows 7, Operating System
References: None |
Problem Statement: When installing Aspen Supply Chain Connect (ASCC) applications you try to install Informatica and Weblogic at the same time a message box appears similar to the one below, combining Informatic and WebLogic on the same screen. | Solution: Do not install Informatica and WebLogic at the same time. Follow the steps in the ASCC installation guide and load Infomatica first followed by WebLogic.
Keywords: Supply Chain Connect
Web Logic
Informatica WebLogic Application
References: None |
Problem Statement: You are attempting to install Informatica Powercenter for an Aspen Supply Chain Connect environment. You are unsure what to input for the ConnectString. | Solution: As per the Installation guide, the ConnectString is the database you will be connecting to for the Powercenter Domain. In the case of ASCC, you would normally enter ASCCDB.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: You are attempting to connect your Informatica Repository to an SAP system, but you are unable to add said system as a connection. | Solution: For PowerExchange for SAP NetWeaver 8.6 you must register you client and also add RFC SDK libraries to your environment. This setup in new within PowerCenter 8.6. This error occurs when the SAP plug-in is registered on the client side and the SDK library files are missing in the client/bin directory.
To resolve this error download and install the SAP RFC SDK libraries as follows:
1. Go to the following FTP site:
2. Enter a user name and password (same user/password used for
3. Navigate to the following directory:
4. Open the folder for the current version of PowerExchange for SAP NetWeaver.
5. On the FTP site, open the Win32 folder.
6. Copy the files from the Win32 folder to <PowerCenter installation directory>\client\bin.
7. Set the following permissions for each RFC SDK library:
* Read, write, and execute permissions for the current user.
* Read and execute permissions for all other users.
Keywords: None
References: None |
Problem Statement: Problem with seeing v7.1 apps on v7.1 pcws | Solution: Consider the following with regards to the V7.1 PCWS / APC issue :
It is possible the interop assembly that allows PCWS to communicate with the APC Controller platform is either the wrong version or is not registered properly.
Check the version of the AspenTech.Interop.ACP.Remoting.Web.dll as follows:
1. Use Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\Assembly
2. Scroll down until you find the AspenTech.Interop.ACP.Remoting.Web entry. Check that the Version is
3. If the file is missing or is an earlier version, then the upgrade had a problem replacing the file. We can pursue this further if needed.
If the file exists and it is the correct version, then re-register its COM interfaces as follows:
1. Open a command prompt and change directory to:
2. Enter the following command to unregister the COM classes for this assembly:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe /u AspenTech.Interop.ACP.Remoting.Web.dll
3. Enter the following command to re-register the COM classes for this assembly:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe AspenTech.Interop.ACP.Remoting.Web.dll
At this point, you can try a new PCWS session to see if it works. If not, you may have to first stop all IIS activity (Stop the IIS Admin Service). But this will also force the AspenTech Production Control RTE Service to stop (along with a number of other services), which means your State Space Controllers will be stopped also.
References: None |
Problem Statement: After a new install or an SLM Server configuration change, Aspen Role-Based Visualization users may experience the following error message:
WARNING: Licensing service is not initialized. Please see your system administrator | Solution: Version V7.1 of Aspen Role-Based Visualization incorporates a new functionality that allows for run-time license checks. In order for this functionality to work properly, a Licensing Service within Role-Based Visualization must be configured using the Aspen RBV Administrator. Please follow these simple steps:
1. Go to Start | Programs | AspenTech | aspenONE Infrastructure and select the Aspen RBV Administration Tool
2. Click on the Connect button.
3. Click on the Licensing Admin button. The following dialog box will appear:
4. Click on the Initialize button. Once the Status is Initialized, click OK
Keywords: WARNING: Licensing service is not initialized. Please see your system administrator
RBV License
References: None |
Problem Statement: How Lab SampleAge Limit works. | Solution: Understanding what Lab SampleAge Limit really does. You may take a lab sample every three days. You may have a problem with the CV is going bad before the next lab sample. If this happens, you simply need to increase the Measurement Timeout for the CV to at least three days. There is no 24 hour max on the Measurement Timeout. The only thing the Lab SampleAge Limit is used for is to validate the SampleAge when a new lab value is entered. Normally the control room gets the results back from the lab in a few hours and they are entered (manually or automatically) into the controller. The controller needs to know when the lab sample was taken. If it is too old, it will be rejected. The user gets to say how old is too old, but we set a maximum of 24 hours on that limit.
The maximum value for the Lab SampleAge Limit is 24 hours and this limit is enforced by the software. This number is used for validating the age of the lab sample which entered by the operator in the Production Control Web Server, PCWS. Development did not envision lab measurements taking more than 24 hours to come back from the lab, so the design of the PCWS GUI provides no way to enter a sample age greater than 24 hours. This was the rationale for setting a maximum on the Lab SampleAge Limit.
Keywords: sample, lab, update
References: None |
Problem Statement: In Results\Mechanical Summary\Exchanger Data\Fan Details, two brake power values are reported:
Brake power (summer) (I will call this value A)
Brake power (winter) (I will call this value B)
These correspond to summer and winter design temperatures.
When setting summer design temperature equal to winter design temperature, and increasing air mass flow rate so that the inlet air actual volumetric flow remains unchanged, reported brake power values for summer and winter conditions become the same value (value C), however this value is lower than value B reported in the first case. | Solution: For the Fan brake power in the Air Cooled Exchanger, the equations used by the application to make the calculations are the following,
Ws=dPf*Vf/e [A]
Where Ws is the summer brake power, dPf is the pressure rise across the fan, Vf is the actual volumetric flow and e is the combined efficiency of the fan and drive system. For the winter brake power the equation is,
Ww=(Ts/Tw)*Ws [B]
Where Ts is the summer design temperature (absolute) and Tw is the minimum winter temperature (absolute). You can see from the equations that the winter value is calculated always after the summer value obtained.
If we define 2 scenarios, (1) with Ts>Tw, for example, T=25C, Tw=-36C, and (2) with Ts=Tw=-36C, we have that,
Now we want to compare the ?summer? calculation of scenario 2, with the winter calculation of scenario 1, both related to a temperature of -36C. In other words, we want to know if,
By substitution of [A] and [B] we obtain that,
(Ts(1)/Tw(1))*(dPf(1)*Vf(1)/e(1))=dPf(2)*Vf(2)/e(2), and since the efficiency won?t change and the Vf is specified to remain constant, we have that this is only true when,
which is not necessarily true for every case.
In other words, in the scenario 1 the brake power at -36C is only a correction of the summer value, while in scenario 2 the calculation is done more rigorously. Since the calculations are done differently for the summer and winter brake power, even when they are at the same temperature and using the same volumetric flow, the reported values are also different.
Keywords: Fan brake power, winter, summer, pressure, temperature
References: None |
Problem Statement: Error when trying to deploy AspenTech.VF.Core.wsp:
VMEXCELUDFDEV : http://vmexceludfdev:25895/ : SharePoint - 25895 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: Aspentech.OpsNav.Controls.dll. | Solution: Find the following keys in the Windows Registry:
The keys have values that look like this:
Key 1 Example: TM]M]~UPH??uCtIt2('OAspenRBV.Visualiation>W5C.jgoaY=s-T&haThUB
Key 2 Example: FAy!nM_0h9$?6wY8kc?.SQLplus.WebServer>W5C.jgoaY=s-T&haThUB3VeZ4=m8&@y]Uv5+-+p(Web21.Server>W5C.jgoaY=s-T&haThUB
Key 3 Example: 3VeZ4=m8&@y]Uv5+-+p(Web21.Server>W5C.jgoaY=s-T&haThUB
Delete these three keys. After this it should be possible to uninstall the Aspentech.OpsNav.Controls dll from the GAC. Then an attempt redeploy should be successful.
Note : The Aspentech.VF.Core solution is the prerequisite for all the other solutions and must be installed together with any other solutions selected. It is recommended that the Aspentech.VF.Core solution is deployed before any other solution. A Microsoft SharePoint deployment error may occur when another solution is deployed first.
Keywords: global assembly cache core solution deployment
References: None |