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Hariharan Rajagopalan, 18, Boston, Massachusetts Rajagopalan, a student at Boston College, doesnt see any drawbacks to abstaining from social media.
| Hariharan Rajagopalan, 18, Boston, Massachusetts Rajagopalan, a student at Boston College, doesnt see any problem with not using social media.
But all the locals we spoke to in Srinagar were wholeheartedly in favour of tourism.
| But the locals in Srinagar seem to be in favour of tourism.
We are all in favour of anything that makes the referees job better and makes them more effective on the field of play, says Riley.
| We are all in favour of anything that makes the referees job better and makes them more effective on the pitch, says Riley.
Other services expose BBMs limitations: unlike Skype and Viber, it does not yet offer video or voice calls; unlike Path, it does not do location sharing; there is no video sharing, as on iMessage; and the stickers (a more sophisticated version of the smiley face), adored by kids the world over, are also unforgivably absent.
| Other services show BBMs limitations: unlike Skype and Viber, it does not yet offer video or voice calls; unlike Path, it does not do location sharing; there is no video sharing, as on iMessage; and the stickers (a more sophisticated version of the smiley face), adored by kids all over the world, are also absent.
Its the first TV period drama that has really leapt out of the screen and become part of popular culture.
| Its the first TV period drama that has really become part of popular culture.
With some repair programmes expected to take months, factory owners say they cannot shoulder the costs of paying staff while factories are closed, alongside the expense of some major works needed to ensure buildings are safe.
| Some repair programmes are expected to take months and factory owners say they cannot pay staff while factories are closed, as well as paying for major works needed to ensure that buildings are safe.
The LED light is powered by a dynamo driven by the descent of a 10kg bag of rocks.
| The LED light is powered by a dynamo driven by a 10kg bag of rocks.
Before Obama arrived, Tanya Williams, a community engagement officer, told the Guardian: I love Michelle but I like Obama and its exciting to have the chance to hear someone who has changed so much and galvanized so many people who didnt vote before.
| Before Obama arrived, Tanya Williams, a community officer, told the Guardian: I love Michelle but I like Barack Obama and its exciting to have the chance to hear someone who has changed so much and encouraged so many people who didnt vote before to vote for the first time.
But having won, he returned to famous lines from earlier speeches, reprising once again his 2008 slogan about hope.
| But now that he has won, he returned to famous lines from earlier speeches, such as his 2008 slogan about hope.
Chinas Peng Shuai also said the heat had caused her to cramp up and vomit, and she had to be helped from the court after her 75, 46, 63 defeat to Japans Kurumi Nara.
| Chinas Peng Shuai also said the heat had made her cramp up and vomit, and she had to be helped from the court after her 75, 46, 63 defeat to Japans Kurumi Nara.
Using a simple computer program to analyse peoples call patterns, they inferred who among the study volunteers was in a relationship.
| Then, using a simple computer program to analyse peoples call patterns, the scientists could see who was in a relationship.
The method, called Virtopsy, is now being used at selected forensic medical institutes in Europe, having been pioneered by a group of scientists at the University of Zurich.
| The method, called Virtopsy, is now being used at some forensic medical institutes in Europe, after it was pioneered by a group of scientists at the University of Zurich.
The temporary dwellings will be heavily policed, but antisocial tenants will also have access to doctors, social workers and parole officers.
| The temporary accommodation will be heavily policed, but antisocial families will also have access to doctors, social workers and parole officers.
Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth and significantly more unequal than at the end of apartheid.
| Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth.
He believes that recruiting international students onto university courses is only a secondary objective of running MOOCs though they could certainly be a very canny marketing move, as he observes that if 20,000 people sign up to a MOOC well, you only need 20 of those to enrol afterwards to run a masters.
| He believes that enrolling international students onto university courses is only a secondary objective of MOOCs but they could certainly be a very clever marketing idea, as he observes that if 20,000 people sign up to a MOOC well, you only need 20 of those to enrol afterwards to run a masters.
India has seen a 4% rise to 64m still a fraction of the countrys population, leaving room for further growth.
| India has seen a 4% rise to 64m still only a fraction of the countrys population, so there is room for more growth.
The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and virtually every other theatre production company in the country will be marking the anniversary.
| The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and nearly every other theatre production company in the country will celebrate the anniversary.
The decisions of the big countries have twice, thrice, four times the impact on the small countries than on developed, large nations.
| The decisions of the big countries impact on the small countries twice, three times, four times more than they impact on developed, large nations.
The revival was welcomed by author and commentator George Monbiot, who is launching Rewilding Britain, a new charity to encourage the return of wild landscape and extinct species.
| The revival was welcomed by author George Monbiot, who is launching Rewilding Britain, a new charity to encourage the return of wild landscape and extinct species.
Her income is typically 30,000 to 40,000 a year and that doesnt include all the freebies she gets on the job.
| Her income is around 30,000 to 40,000 a year and that doesnt include all the freebies she gets on the job.
The campaign features the Oasis track Half the World Away reinterpreted by little-known Norwegian artist Aurora.
| The campaign features the Oasis track Half the World Away reinterpreted by Norwegian artist Aurora.
The suit contains 17 sensors that register movement up to 120 times per second in three dimensions for 23 joints.
| The suit has 17 sensors that register movement up to 120 times per second in three dimensions for 23 joints.
That could allow a retailer to automatically put targeted ads on screens aimed speci cally at that person.
| That could allow a store to automatically put targeted ads on screens aimed speci cally at that person.
Sherwood accepts his teams work on the role of clouds cannot definitively rule out that future temperature rises will lie at the lower end of projections.
| Sherwood accepts his teams work on the role of clouds cannot definitely rule out that future temperature rises will be at the lower end of projections.
An international agreement to improve safety in Bangladeshs clothing factories is facing the threat of legal action as factory owners demand compensation for the cost of closures and repair work.
| An international agreement to improve safety in Bangladeshs clothing factories could face legal action because factory owners are demanding compensation for the cost of closures and repair work.
Ethiopia is one of the worlds poorest countries, well known for its precarious food security situation.
| Ethiopia is one of the worlds poorest countries, well known for its difficult food situation.
In 2015, SOHAY helped 1,540 children to leave hazardous work and 2,125 vulnerable children those in danger of entering work into school.
| In 2015, SOHAY helped 1,540 children to leave hazardous work and 2,125 more children those in danger of starting work into school.
Equally, when a member of the team does incredibly well, they dont get what theyve earned.
| Or, when a member of the team does incredibly well, they dont get what theyve earned.
In Northumberland Dark Sky Park, as the area was rebadged, it is so dark that Venus casts a shadow on the Earth.
| In Northumberland Dark Sky Park, as the area was renamed, it is so dark that Venus casts a shadow on the Earth.
Its a source of frustration, admitted Abdullah, who has been in charge of Indias most sensitive state since the start of 2009.
| Its frustrating, admitted Abdullah, who has been in charge of Indias most sensitive state since early 2009.
The film, released in February, took more than $250m in the US and 31m in the UK by the first weekend in April.
| The film, released in February 2014, took more than $250m in the US and 31m in the UK by the first weekend in April.
Im really excited by the potential it has and the applications for cooling, said Marin Solja__i__, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
| Im really excited by the potential it has, said Marin Solja__i__, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Environmentalists estimate that 150 million tonnes of plastic waste currently litters the planet and oceans, poisoning ecosystems and killing wildlife.
| Environmentalists say that there is currently 150 million tonnes of plastic waste around the planet and oceans, poisoning ecosystems and killing wildlife.
The Hotel Okura chain whose guests have included Barack Obama confessed myriad sins, including injecting beef with fat to make it juicier and incorrectly describing tomatoes as organic.
| The Hotel Okura chain whose guests have included Barack Obama said they had also injected beef with fat to make it juicier and incorrectly described tomatoes as organic.
And, thats an important step towards improving road safety and transforming mobility for millions of people.
| And, thats an important step towards improving road safety and improving mobility for millions of people.
Overall, we correctly classified 82.2% (truths: 88.9%; lies: 75.6%) of the interviewees as either being truthful or deceptive based on the combined movement in their individual limbs, the report says.
| Overall, we correctly guessed whether 82.2% (truths: 88.9%; lies: 75.6%) of the interviewees were telling the truth or lying based on the movements in their individual limbs, the report says.
Although the presentation claims the program is run with the assistance of the companies, all those who responded to a request for comment denied knowledge of any such program.
| Although the document claims that the program is run with the help of the companies, all the companies who responded to a request for comment denied knowledge of any such program.
She said closing tax havens, which the Tax Justice Network says hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could yield $189bn in additional tax revenues.
| She said closing tax havens, which hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could collect $189bn in additional taxes.
Streaming and subscription revenues rose by more than 50% in 2013 to reach $1.1bn, helping overall sales of recorded music in Europe grow for the rst time in 12 years, according to gures published in March 2014.
| Streaming and subscription revenues rose by more than 50% in 2013 to reach $1.1bn, and sales of recorded music in Europe grew for the rst time in 12 years, according to gures published in March.
I wrote a real love story and a homage to feminine beauty, especially interior beauty.
| I wrote a real love story about feminine beauty, especially interior beauty.
They do not need the IPCC to tell them that the weather is changing, said Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development, based in Dhaka.
| They do not need the IPCC to tell them that the weather is changing, said Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development.
But, after an increase in budget ights from regional British cities such as Manchester and Edinburgh, Vienna is fast catching up as a popular destination.
| But, after an increase in budget ights from British cities such as Manchester and Edinburgh, Vienna is becoming a more popular destination.
Stratford remained hugely important throughout Shakespeares life, argues Paul Edmondson, the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
| Stratford remained hugely important during Shakespeares life, says Paul Edmondson, the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
E-cigarettes are behaving like a souped-up nicotine patch, West agreed.
| E-cigarettes behave like a sort of nicotine patch, West agreed.
Environmental and conservation groups have protested that the project will harm the habitats of protected species, but for most councillors here the issue is simple: jobs.
| Environmental and conservation groups have protested that the project will harm the habitats of protected species, but for most of the council the issue is simple: jobs.
Climate change is now measured on all continents and our efforts to lower emissions must be intensi ed to avoid it escalating out of control.
| Our efforts to lower emissions must be intensi ed to avoid climate change getting out of control.
But, she says more needs to be known about the motivation of the shockers in Wilsons study.
| But, she says we need to know more about the motivation of the shockers in Wilsons study.
Van der Hoeven said that, without a high carbon price to discourage the growth in coal use and encourage cleaner technologies such as renewable power generation, only competition from lower-priced gas could realistically cut demand for coal.
| Van der Hoeven said that, without a high carbon price to discourage the growth in coal use and encourage cleaner technologies such as renewable power, only competition from lower-priced gas could reduce demand for coal.
In the end, Douville shares Cantrells win-win optimism.
| In the end, Douville shares Cantrells optimism.
Jn Einarssons offspring, for example, might be lafur Jnsson and Sigrur Jnsdttir.
| Jn Einarssons children, for example, might be lafur Jnsson and Sigrur Jnsdttir.
And I know that sentiment was shared by people not just across our country but around the world because of what we have achieved together in the past and what we can do together in the future.
| And I know that feeling was shared by people not just across our country but around the world because of what we have achieved together in the past and what we can do together in the future.
That in itself is justification for the enormous project that the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle has led over the past five years, involving nearly 500 researchers, to assess the global burden of disease.
| This last statistic provides justification for the enormous project that the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle has led over the past five years, involving nearly 500 researchers, to assess the global effects of disease.
Baumgartner said that he had come to feel like Todds son, adding: He was so happy that I was alive.
| Baumgartner said that he felt like Todds son, adding: He was so happy that I was alive.
Part of the solution, Singh said, is simple contingency planning: If things fail, the vehicle has to do something reasonable.
| Part of the solution, Singh said, is planning for every situation: If things fail, the vehicle has to do something reasonable.
Elsewhere, there has been a glut of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
| And, there have been lots of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
In the absence of death registries or medical records, they have been willing, for instance, to take evidence from verbal autopsies deciding the cause of death by an interview with the family.
| Where they did not have death registries or medical records, for instance, they have taken evidence from verbal autopsies deciding the cause of death by an interview with the family.
However, its effects can be minimized by keeping food bland for 24 hours before travel, drinking plenty of fluids and living on your destination time from the moment you reach the aircraft.
| However, its effects can be reduced by keeping food bland for 24 hours before travel, drinking plenty of fluids and living on your destination time from the moment you reach the aircraft.
It has been dramatic in Latin America, for instance, where countries like Brazil and Paraguay had life expectancy of below 30 in 1970 and almost 64 in 2010.
| The change has been dramatic in Latin America, for instance, where countries like Brazil and Paraguay had life expectancy of below 30 in 1970 and almost 64 in 2010.
His machine didnt use plastic cards instead, it used cheques impregnated with carbon-14, a mildly radioactive substance.
| His machine didnt use plastic cards instead, it used cheques containing carbon-14, a mildly radioactive substance.
The consumption of baked beans in sauce has dropped by a fifth despite a rise in other types of convenience food, particularly Italian dishes.
| The consumption of baked beans has dropped by a fifth despite a rise in other types of convenience food, particularly Italian dishes.
They emit fewer greenhouse gases and less ammonia than cows and can be grown on organic waste.
| They produce fewer greenhouse gases and less ammonia than cows and can be grown on organic waste.
One of the boyfriends wrote to me and said, Listen, dude, shes not mad but Cynthia found out."
| One of the boyfriends wrote to me and said, Listen, shes not mad but Cynthia found out.
One time, I did break up with somebody while I was on Facebook and I was like Oh my gosh, should I change my pro le photo?
| One time, I broke up with somebody while I was on Facebook and I was like Oh my gosh, should I change my pro le photo?
Historically, it would have been a disappointment for African Americans and many white liberals if the first black presidency had ended in failure, halted prematurely.
| Historically, it would have been a disappointment for African Americans and many white liberals if the first black presidency had ended in failure.
McDonalds has revealed that worldwide sales dropped by 3.3% on 2013 in a set of results that were described as atrocious.
| McDonalds has revealed that worldwide sales dropped by 3.3% from 2013.
Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
| Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour Party, said the referendum was a vote from the Scottish people for change.
It offers a temporary fix, funding the government until 15 January and raising the debt ceiling until 7 February.
| It offers a temporary solution, funding the government until 15 January and raising the debt limit until 7 February.
Edible insects emit fewer gases, contain high-quality protein, vitamins and amino acids, and have a high food-conversion rate, needing a quarter of the food intake of sheep, and half of pigs and chickens, to produce the same amount of protein.
| Edible insects produce fewer gases, contain high-quality protein, vitamins and amino acids, and need only a quarter of the food that sheep need, and half that of pigs and chickens, to produce the same amount of protein.
Executives are promising to tackle misconceptions about its food in its home market.
| Executives are promising to fight misconceptions about its food in its home market.
At home, he pays a nominal rent to cover bills and is able to keep the rest of his earnings from his job at a candle retailer.
| At home, he pays a nominal rent to cover bills and is able to keep the rest of his earnings from his job.
SOCO International is the only company seeking to explore inside the boundaries of the Virunga park.
| SOCO International is the only company that wants to explore inside the boundaries of the Virunga park.
Globally, in 2012, there were 80 unprovoked attacks by sharks, seven of which proved fatal, compared to nearly 100m sharks killed by humans each year.
| Worldwide, in 2012, there were 80 attacks by sharks, seven of which were fatal, compared to nearly 100m sharks killed by humans each year.
The reasons for its success in Europe include political stability, burgeoning populations of prey species such as wild deer and financial support for non-lethal livestock protection such as electric fences, which mean that farmers do not resort to shooting wild predators.
| The reasons for its success in Europe include political stability, growing populations of prey species such as wild deer, and financial support for nonlethal livestock protection such as electric fences, which mean that farmers do not have to shoot wild predators.
But McKinlay, a satellite communication and navigation consultant, believes that we should be wary of leaving our navigational needs to our devices.
| But McKinlay, a satellite communication and navigation consultant, believes that we should be careful not to leave our navigational needs to our devices.
And the effects of climate change were already beginning to impact seriously on Paci c Islanders.
| And climate change is already beginning to have a serious effect on Paci c Islanders.
The Earth is a beautiful planet, he said, describing the striking colours of the waters around the Bahamas and the rainbow hues of lakes that dot the northern Himalayas.
| The Earth is a beautiful planet, he said, describing the beautiful waters around the Bahamas and the rainbow colours of the lakes of the northern Himalayas.
Retailer Sports Direct recently became the focus of controversy on zero-hours when it emerged that the company employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on the contracts.
| Retailer Sports Direct recently became the focus of controversy on zero-hours when it was reported that the company employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on the contracts.
Not nearly enough exercise classes have a tea break halfway through.
| Not many exercise classes have a tea break halfway through.
Often, we dont want to reveal those drafts; that would be embarrassing and confusing.
| Often, we dont want to reveal those drafts, because that would be embarrassing and confusing.
The plays would scarcely have survived if his friends and fellow actors had not gathered together every scrap of every play they could nd drafts, prompt scripts, scribbled actors parts and 17 plays not known in any other version into the precious First Folio published in 1623, seven years after Shakespeares death.
| The plays would probably not have survived if his friends and fellow actors had not gathered together every bit of every play they could nd drafts, prompt scripts, scribbled actors parts and 17 plays not known in any other version into the precious First Folio published in 1623, seven years after Shakespeares death.
To a master traditional navigator like Tua Pittman from Raratonga in the Cook Islands, a canoe is much more than just a means of transport.
| To a traditional navigator like Tua Pittman from Raratonga in the Cook Islands, a canoe is much more than just a means of transport.
The Stand with Malala petition, calling for education for the 57 million children around the world who do not go to school, has attracted more than four million signatures more than a million having been added shortly after Malalas speech.
| The Stand with Malala petition, demanding education for the 57 million children around the world who do not go to school, has attracted more than four million signatures more than a million were added after Malalas speech.
The paved ooring is decked with smart tiles that capture the kinetic energy from pedestrians footsteps and convert it into electricity.
| The oor has smart tiles that capture the energy from pedestrians footsteps and convert it into electricity.
Its estimated that more than 500,000 people have registered as mystery shoppers in the UK, but just 10% or less manage to get regular work each month and this has led to a dramatic reduction in compensation.
| Its estimated that more than 500,000 people have registered as mystery shoppers in the UK, but just 10% or less manage to get regular work each month.
Barack Obama flew back to Washington and his desk in the Oval Office on Wednesday, hours after delivering an election victory speech in Chicago in which he called for the country to unite behind him.
| Barack Obama flew back to Washington and his desk in the Oval Office on Wednesday, hours after delivering an election victory speech in Chicago in which he asked the country to unite behind him.
Digital understanding peaks between 14 and 15 years of age, when the average is a DQ of 113, and then drops gradually throughout adulthood, before falling rapidly in old age.
| Digital understanding peaks between 14 and 15 years old, with a DQ of 113, and then drops gradually throughout adulthood, before falling rapidly in old age.
It brings stronger relationships with those you love, a stronger economy with more opportunities and a stronger society that re ects all of our values, wrote Zuckerberg in the post announcing the numbers.
| It brings stronger relationships with those you love, a stronger economy with more opportunities and a stronger society, wrote Zuckerberg.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are among a group of 40 US billionaires who have pledged much of their wealth to aid projects, but there is little detail about the level of their annual donations.
| Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are among a group of 40 US billionaires who have said they will give much of their wealth to aid projects, but there is little detail about the level of their annual donations.
True to Inzozi Nzizas motto, the shop can certainly make dreams come true.
| The shop can certainly make dreams come true.
The ten projects presented each offered unique solutions to sustainability challenges but it was the Nigerian initiative, Wecyclers, that won Arnold Schwarzeneggers, and the rest of jurys, vote and took the Sustainia Award 2014.
| The ten projects each offered unique solutions to sustainability challenges but it was the Nigerian initiative, Wecyclers, that won Arnold Schwarzenegger and the rest of jurys vote.
An island is our canoe, the community are the crew members and the politicians and leaders are the navigators.
| The canoe is our island, the crew members are the community and the navigator is the leader, Pittman says.
Run-off from the waste contaminates Limas main water source, the Rimac river, as well as the Chillon and Lurin rivers, which flow into the Bay of Lima.
| The waste contaminates Limas main water source, the Rimac river, as well as the Chillon and Lurin rivers, which flow into the Bay of Lima.
Now, Chinese house hunters are following Russians and Kazakhs who have spent millions securing an address estate agents tell them is as world famous as the Champs Elyses and Rodeo Drive.
| Now, Chinese house hunters are following Russians and Kazakhs who have spent millions to get an address that estate agents tell them is as world famous as the Champs Elyses and Rodeo Drive.
She said a nearby dormitory building for college students was particularly badly affected and many of the students were brought in suffering from fright.
| She said a nearby building for college students was particularly badly affected and many of the students were brought in.
Theres no way I could have banned smoking in my bar without it being a rule throughout the whole city, says Douville.
| Theres no way I could have banned smoking in my bar without a ban throughout the whole city, says Douville.
Butlers also suffer from isolation, cultural differences with their employer and having to work for people who arent always nice, says Sara Vestin, director of the British Butler Academy.
| Butlers also suffer from isolation, cultural differences with their employer and having to work for people who arent always nice.
And it seems a slim chance, as Sudan is getting old at 42 and breeding efforts have so far failed.
| And theres not much chance because Sudan is getting old at 42 and breeding efforts have so far failed.
It is a desolate scene repeated up and down the supposedly prestigious avenue that Lloyds Bank has calculated is the second most expensive street in Britain.
| It is a sad scene repeated up and down the avenue that Lloyds Bank has calculated is the second most expensive street in Britain.
Nicolelis said the team is now working on ways to link several animals brains at once to solve more complex tasks.
| Nicolelis said the team is now working on ways to connect several animals brains at once to solve more complex tasks.
The Butare shop employs nine women, who spend their spare time practising with Ingoma Nshya, Rwandas rst and only female drumming troupe, which was established by Katese ten years ago.
| The Butare shop employs nine women, who spend their spare time practising with Ingoma Nshya, Rwandas rst and only female drumming group, which was established by Katese ten years ago.
Subsets and Splits