5 values
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 274 y: 386 into the cup x: 86 y: 138
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 86 y: 138, ball blue x: 274 y: 386 , ball red x: 392 y: 355 , ball yellow x: 127 y: 207 , ball green x: 176 y: 332 , ball orange x: 55 y: 27])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 392 y: 355 into the cup x: 86 y: 138
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 86 y: 138, ball blue x: 274 y: 386 , ball red x: 392 y: 355 , ball yellow x: 127 y: 207 , ball green x: 176 y: 332 , ball orange x: 55 y: 27])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 127 y: 207 into the cup x: 86 y: 138
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 86 y: 138, ball blue x: 274 y: 386 , ball red x: 392 y: 355 , ball yellow x: 127 y: 207 , ball green x: 176 y: 332 , ball orange x: 55 y: 27])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 176 y: 332 into the cup x: 86 y: 138
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 86 y: 138, ball blue x: 274 y: 386 , ball red x: 392 y: 355 , ball yellow x: 127 y: 207 , ball green x: 176 y: 332 , ball orange x: 55 y: 27])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 55 y: 27 into the cup x: 86 y: 138
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 86 y: 138, ball blue x: 274 y: 386 , ball red x: 392 y: 355 , ball yellow x: 127 y: 207 , ball green x: 176 y: 332 , ball orange x: 55 y: 27])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 318 y: 321 into the cup x: 340 y: 248
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 340 y: 248, ball blue x: 318 y: 321 , ball red x: 45 y: 5 , ball yellow x: 344 y: 90 , ball green x: 222 y: 42 , ball orange x: 381 y: 373])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 45 y: 5 into the cup x: 340 y: 248
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 340 y: 248, ball blue x: 318 y: 321 , ball red x: 45 y: 5 , ball yellow x: 344 y: 90 , ball green x: 222 y: 42 , ball orange x: 381 y: 373])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 344 y: 90 into the cup x: 340 y: 248
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 340 y: 248, ball blue x: 318 y: 321 , ball red x: 45 y: 5 , ball yellow x: 344 y: 90 , ball green x: 222 y: 42 , ball orange x: 381 y: 373])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 222 y: 42 into the cup x: 340 y: 248
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 340 y: 248, ball blue x: 318 y: 321 , ball red x: 45 y: 5 , ball yellow x: 344 y: 90 , ball green x: 222 y: 42 , ball orange x: 381 y: 373])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 381 y: 373 into the cup x: 340 y: 248
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 340 y: 248, ball blue x: 318 y: 321 , ball red x: 45 y: 5 , ball yellow x: 344 y: 90 , ball green x: 222 y: 42 , ball orange x: 381 y: 373])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 75 y: 333 into the cup x: 107 y: 265
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 107 y: 265, ball blue x: 75 y: 333 , ball red x: 157 y: 358 , ball yellow x: 362 y: 82 , ball green x: 229 y: 110 , ball orange x: 104 y: 189])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 157 y: 358 into the cup x: 107 y: 265
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 107 y: 265, ball blue x: 75 y: 333 , ball red x: 157 y: 358 , ball yellow x: 362 y: 82 , ball green x: 229 y: 110 , ball orange x: 104 y: 189])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 362 y: 82 into the cup x: 107 y: 265
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 107 y: 265, ball blue x: 75 y: 333 , ball red x: 157 y: 358 , ball yellow x: 362 y: 82 , ball green x: 229 y: 110 , ball orange x: 104 y: 189])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 229 y: 110 into the cup x: 107 y: 265
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 107 y: 265, ball blue x: 75 y: 333 , ball red x: 157 y: 358 , ball yellow x: 362 y: 82 , ball green x: 229 y: 110 , ball orange x: 104 y: 189])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 104 y: 189 into the cup x: 107 y: 265
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 107 y: 265, ball blue x: 75 y: 333 , ball red x: 157 y: 358 , ball yellow x: 362 y: 82 , ball green x: 229 y: 110 , ball orange x: 104 y: 189])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 81 y: 236 into the cup x: 87 y: 260
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 87 y: 260, ball blue x: 81 y: 236 , ball red x: 173 y: 3 , ball yellow x: 46 y: 67 , ball green x: 298 y: 125 , ball orange x: 344 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 173 y: 3 into the cup x: 87 y: 260
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 87 y: 260, ball blue x: 81 y: 236 , ball red x: 173 y: 3 , ball yellow x: 46 y: 67 , ball green x: 298 y: 125 , ball orange x: 344 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 46 y: 67 into the cup x: 87 y: 260
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 87 y: 260, ball blue x: 81 y: 236 , ball red x: 173 y: 3 , ball yellow x: 46 y: 67 , ball green x: 298 y: 125 , ball orange x: 344 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 298 y: 125 into the cup x: 87 y: 260
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 87 y: 260, ball blue x: 81 y: 236 , ball red x: 173 y: 3 , ball yellow x: 46 y: 67 , ball green x: 298 y: 125 , ball orange x: 344 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 344 y: 168 into the cup x: 87 y: 260
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 87 y: 260, ball blue x: 81 y: 236 , ball red x: 173 y: 3 , ball yellow x: 46 y: 67 , ball green x: 298 y: 125 , ball orange x: 344 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 6 y: 345 into the cup x: 21 y: 109
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 21 y: 109, ball blue x: 6 y: 345 , ball red x: 49 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 273 y: 12 , ball green x: 311 y: 153 , ball orange x: 266 y: 294])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 49 y: 55 into the cup x: 21 y: 109
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 21 y: 109, ball blue x: 6 y: 345 , ball red x: 49 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 273 y: 12 , ball green x: 311 y: 153 , ball orange x: 266 y: 294])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 273 y: 12 into the cup x: 21 y: 109
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 21 y: 109, ball blue x: 6 y: 345 , ball red x: 49 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 273 y: 12 , ball green x: 311 y: 153 , ball orange x: 266 y: 294])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 311 y: 153 into the cup x: 21 y: 109
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 21 y: 109, ball blue x: 6 y: 345 , ball red x: 49 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 273 y: 12 , ball green x: 311 y: 153 , ball orange x: 266 y: 294])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 266 y: 294 into the cup x: 21 y: 109
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 21 y: 109, ball blue x: 6 y: 345 , ball red x: 49 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 273 y: 12 , ball green x: 311 y: 153 , ball orange x: 266 y: 294])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 117 y: 275 into the cup x: 0 y: 67
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 0 y: 67, ball blue x: 117 y: 275 , ball red x: 196 y: 210 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 191 , ball green x: 45 y: 255 , ball orange x: 302 y: 188])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 196 y: 210 into the cup x: 0 y: 67
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 0 y: 67, ball blue x: 117 y: 275 , ball red x: 196 y: 210 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 191 , ball green x: 45 y: 255 , ball orange x: 302 y: 188])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 25 y: 191 into the cup x: 0 y: 67
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 0 y: 67, ball blue x: 117 y: 275 , ball red x: 196 y: 210 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 191 , ball green x: 45 y: 255 , ball orange x: 302 y: 188])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 45 y: 255 into the cup x: 0 y: 67
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 0 y: 67, ball blue x: 117 y: 275 , ball red x: 196 y: 210 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 191 , ball green x: 45 y: 255 , ball orange x: 302 y: 188])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 302 y: 188 into the cup x: 0 y: 67
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 0 y: 67, ball blue x: 117 y: 275 , ball red x: 196 y: 210 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 191 , ball green x: 45 y: 255 , ball orange x: 302 y: 188])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 9 y: 186 into the cup x: 36 y: 171
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 36 y: 171, ball blue x: 9 y: 186 , ball red x: 221 y: 238 , ball yellow x: 248 y: 270 , ball green x: 194 y: 223 , ball orange x: 257 y: 58])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 221 y: 238 into the cup x: 36 y: 171
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 36 y: 171, ball blue x: 9 y: 186 , ball red x: 221 y: 238 , ball yellow x: 248 y: 270 , ball green x: 194 y: 223 , ball orange x: 257 y: 58])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 248 y: 270 into the cup x: 36 y: 171
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 36 y: 171, ball blue x: 9 y: 186 , ball red x: 221 y: 238 , ball yellow x: 248 y: 270 , ball green x: 194 y: 223 , ball orange x: 257 y: 58])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 194 y: 223 into the cup x: 36 y: 171
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 36 y: 171, ball blue x: 9 y: 186 , ball red x: 221 y: 238 , ball yellow x: 248 y: 270 , ball green x: 194 y: 223 , ball orange x: 257 y: 58])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 257 y: 58 into the cup x: 36 y: 171
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 36 y: 171, ball blue x: 9 y: 186 , ball red x: 221 y: 238 , ball yellow x: 248 y: 270 , ball green x: 194 y: 223 , ball orange x: 257 y: 58])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 376 y: 32 into the cup x: 71 y: 92
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 71 y: 92, ball blue x: 376 y: 32 , ball red x: 252 y: 209 , ball yellow x: 372 y: 265 , ball green x: 363 y: 381 , ball orange x: 221 y: 123])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 252 y: 209 into the cup x: 71 y: 92
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 71 y: 92, ball blue x: 376 y: 32 , ball red x: 252 y: 209 , ball yellow x: 372 y: 265 , ball green x: 363 y: 381 , ball orange x: 221 y: 123])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 372 y: 265 into the cup x: 71 y: 92
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 71 y: 92, ball blue x: 376 y: 32 , ball red x: 252 y: 209 , ball yellow x: 372 y: 265 , ball green x: 363 y: 381 , ball orange x: 221 y: 123])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 363 y: 381 into the cup x: 71 y: 92
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 71 y: 92, ball blue x: 376 y: 32 , ball red x: 252 y: 209 , ball yellow x: 372 y: 265 , ball green x: 363 y: 381 , ball orange x: 221 y: 123])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 221 y: 123 into the cup x: 71 y: 92
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 71 y: 92, ball blue x: 376 y: 32 , ball red x: 252 y: 209 , ball yellow x: 372 y: 265 , ball green x: 363 y: 381 , ball orange x: 221 y: 123])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 312 y: 353 into the cup x: 263 y: 316
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 316, ball blue x: 312 y: 353 , ball red x: 36 y: 304 , ball yellow x: 65 y: 217 , ball green x: 304 y: 388 , ball orange x: 340 y: 342])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 36 y: 304 into the cup x: 263 y: 316
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 316, ball blue x: 312 y: 353 , ball red x: 36 y: 304 , ball yellow x: 65 y: 217 , ball green x: 304 y: 388 , ball orange x: 340 y: 342])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 65 y: 217 into the cup x: 263 y: 316
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 316, ball blue x: 312 y: 353 , ball red x: 36 y: 304 , ball yellow x: 65 y: 217 , ball green x: 304 y: 388 , ball orange x: 340 y: 342])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 304 y: 388 into the cup x: 263 y: 316
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 316, ball blue x: 312 y: 353 , ball red x: 36 y: 304 , ball yellow x: 65 y: 217 , ball green x: 304 y: 388 , ball orange x: 340 y: 342])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 340 y: 342 into the cup x: 263 y: 316
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 316, ball blue x: 312 y: 353 , ball red x: 36 y: 304 , ball yellow x: 65 y: 217 , ball green x: 304 y: 388 , ball orange x: 340 y: 342])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 237 y: 177 into the cup x: 17 y: 15
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 17 y: 15, ball blue x: 237 y: 177 , ball red x: 368 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 125 y: 243 , ball green x: 19 y: 154 , ball orange x: 299 y: 290])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 368 y: 367 into the cup x: 17 y: 15
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 17 y: 15, ball blue x: 237 y: 177 , ball red x: 368 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 125 y: 243 , ball green x: 19 y: 154 , ball orange x: 299 y: 290])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 125 y: 243 into the cup x: 17 y: 15
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 17 y: 15, ball blue x: 237 y: 177 , ball red x: 368 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 125 y: 243 , ball green x: 19 y: 154 , ball orange x: 299 y: 290])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 19 y: 154 into the cup x: 17 y: 15
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 17 y: 15, ball blue x: 237 y: 177 , ball red x: 368 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 125 y: 243 , ball green x: 19 y: 154 , ball orange x: 299 y: 290])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 299 y: 290 into the cup x: 17 y: 15
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 17 y: 15, ball blue x: 237 y: 177 , ball red x: 368 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 125 y: 243 , ball green x: 19 y: 154 , ball orange x: 299 y: 290])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 33 y: 326 into the cup x: 319 y: 398
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 319 y: 398, ball blue x: 33 y: 326 , ball red x: 211 y: 349 , ball yellow x: 187 y: 139 , ball green x: 0 y: 301 , ball orange x: 170 y: 167])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 211 y: 349 into the cup x: 319 y: 398
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 319 y: 398, ball blue x: 33 y: 326 , ball red x: 211 y: 349 , ball yellow x: 187 y: 139 , ball green x: 0 y: 301 , ball orange x: 170 y: 167])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 187 y: 139 into the cup x: 319 y: 398
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 319 y: 398, ball blue x: 33 y: 326 , ball red x: 211 y: 349 , ball yellow x: 187 y: 139 , ball green x: 0 y: 301 , ball orange x: 170 y: 167])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 0 y: 301 into the cup x: 319 y: 398
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 319 y: 398, ball blue x: 33 y: 326 , ball red x: 211 y: 349 , ball yellow x: 187 y: 139 , ball green x: 0 y: 301 , ball orange x: 170 y: 167])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 170 y: 167 into the cup x: 319 y: 398
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 319 y: 398, ball blue x: 33 y: 326 , ball red x: 211 y: 349 , ball yellow x: 187 y: 139 , ball green x: 0 y: 301 , ball orange x: 170 y: 167])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 332 y: 21 into the cup x: 201 y: 133
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 201 y: 133, ball blue x: 332 y: 21 , ball red x: 108 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 1 y: 186 , ball green x: 194 y: 282 , ball orange x: 228 y: 196])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 108 y: 193 into the cup x: 201 y: 133
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 201 y: 133, ball blue x: 332 y: 21 , ball red x: 108 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 1 y: 186 , ball green x: 194 y: 282 , ball orange x: 228 y: 196])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 1 y: 186 into the cup x: 201 y: 133
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 201 y: 133, ball blue x: 332 y: 21 , ball red x: 108 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 1 y: 186 , ball green x: 194 y: 282 , ball orange x: 228 y: 196])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 194 y: 282 into the cup x: 201 y: 133
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 201 y: 133, ball blue x: 332 y: 21 , ball red x: 108 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 1 y: 186 , ball green x: 194 y: 282 , ball orange x: 228 y: 196])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 228 y: 196 into the cup x: 201 y: 133
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 201 y: 133, ball blue x: 332 y: 21 , ball red x: 108 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 1 y: 186 , ball green x: 194 y: 282 , ball orange x: 228 y: 196])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 143 y: 377 into the cup x: 342 y: 51
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 342 y: 51, ball blue x: 143 y: 377 , ball red x: 337 y: 142 , ball yellow x: 51 y: 32 , ball green x: 12 y: 296 , ball orange x: 311 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 337 y: 142 into the cup x: 342 y: 51
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 342 y: 51, ball blue x: 143 y: 377 , ball red x: 337 y: 142 , ball yellow x: 51 y: 32 , ball green x: 12 y: 296 , ball orange x: 311 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 51 y: 32 into the cup x: 342 y: 51
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 342 y: 51, ball blue x: 143 y: 377 , ball red x: 337 y: 142 , ball yellow x: 51 y: 32 , ball green x: 12 y: 296 , ball orange x: 311 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 12 y: 296 into the cup x: 342 y: 51
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 342 y: 51, ball blue x: 143 y: 377 , ball red x: 337 y: 142 , ball yellow x: 51 y: 32 , ball green x: 12 y: 296 , ball orange x: 311 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 311 y: 168 into the cup x: 342 y: 51
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 342 y: 51, ball blue x: 143 y: 377 , ball red x: 337 y: 142 , ball yellow x: 51 y: 32 , ball green x: 12 y: 296 , ball orange x: 311 y: 168])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 304 y: 126 into the cup x: 263 y: 268
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 268, ball blue x: 304 y: 126 , ball red x: 319 y: 273 , ball yellow x: 74 y: 283 , ball green x: 287 y: 21 , ball orange x: 268 y: 78])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 319 y: 273 into the cup x: 263 y: 268
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 268, ball blue x: 304 y: 126 , ball red x: 319 y: 273 , ball yellow x: 74 y: 283 , ball green x: 287 y: 21 , ball orange x: 268 y: 78])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 74 y: 283 into the cup x: 263 y: 268
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 268, ball blue x: 304 y: 126 , ball red x: 319 y: 273 , ball yellow x: 74 y: 283 , ball green x: 287 y: 21 , ball orange x: 268 y: 78])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 287 y: 21 into the cup x: 263 y: 268
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 268, ball blue x: 304 y: 126 , ball red x: 319 y: 273 , ball yellow x: 74 y: 283 , ball green x: 287 y: 21 , ball orange x: 268 y: 78])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 268 y: 78 into the cup x: 263 y: 268
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 263 y: 268, ball blue x: 304 y: 126 , ball red x: 319 y: 273 , ball yellow x: 74 y: 283 , ball green x: 287 y: 21 , ball orange x: 268 y: 78])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 353 y: 11 into the cup x: 77 y: 339
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 77 y: 339, ball blue x: 353 y: 11 , ball red x: 184 y: 227 , ball yellow x: 95 y: 122 , ball green x: 38 y: 220 , ball orange x: 217 y: 13])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 184 y: 227 into the cup x: 77 y: 339
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 77 y: 339, ball blue x: 353 y: 11 , ball red x: 184 y: 227 , ball yellow x: 95 y: 122 , ball green x: 38 y: 220 , ball orange x: 217 y: 13])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 95 y: 122 into the cup x: 77 y: 339
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 77 y: 339, ball blue x: 353 y: 11 , ball red x: 184 y: 227 , ball yellow x: 95 y: 122 , ball green x: 38 y: 220 , ball orange x: 217 y: 13])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 38 y: 220 into the cup x: 77 y: 339
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 77 y: 339, ball blue x: 353 y: 11 , ball red x: 184 y: 227 , ball yellow x: 95 y: 122 , ball green x: 38 y: 220 , ball orange x: 217 y: 13])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 217 y: 13 into the cup x: 77 y: 339
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 77 y: 339, ball blue x: 353 y: 11 , ball red x: 184 y: 227 , ball yellow x: 95 y: 122 , ball green x: 38 y: 220 , ball orange x: 217 y: 13])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 355 y: 103 into the cup x: 22 y: 190
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 22 y: 190, ball blue x: 355 y: 103 , ball red x: 266 y: 127 , ball yellow x: 138 y: 121 , ball green x: 284 y: 173 , ball orange x: 287 y: 362])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 266 y: 127 into the cup x: 22 y: 190
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 22 y: 190, ball blue x: 355 y: 103 , ball red x: 266 y: 127 , ball yellow x: 138 y: 121 , ball green x: 284 y: 173 , ball orange x: 287 y: 362])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 138 y: 121 into the cup x: 22 y: 190
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 22 y: 190, ball blue x: 355 y: 103 , ball red x: 266 y: 127 , ball yellow x: 138 y: 121 , ball green x: 284 y: 173 , ball orange x: 287 y: 362])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 284 y: 173 into the cup x: 22 y: 190
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 22 y: 190, ball blue x: 355 y: 103 , ball red x: 266 y: 127 , ball yellow x: 138 y: 121 , ball green x: 284 y: 173 , ball orange x: 287 y: 362])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 287 y: 362 into the cup x: 22 y: 190
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 22 y: 190, ball blue x: 355 y: 103 , ball red x: 266 y: 127 , ball yellow x: 138 y: 121 , ball green x: 284 y: 173 , ball orange x: 287 y: 362])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 87 y: 147 into the cup x: 68 y: 183
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 68 y: 183, ball blue x: 87 y: 147 , ball red x: 260 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 43 y: 346 , ball green x: 381 y: 306 , ball orange x: 221 y: 141])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 260 y: 339 into the cup x: 68 y: 183
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 68 y: 183, ball blue x: 87 y: 147 , ball red x: 260 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 43 y: 346 , ball green x: 381 y: 306 , ball orange x: 221 y: 141])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 43 y: 346 into the cup x: 68 y: 183
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 68 y: 183, ball blue x: 87 y: 147 , ball red x: 260 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 43 y: 346 , ball green x: 381 y: 306 , ball orange x: 221 y: 141])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 381 y: 306 into the cup x: 68 y: 183
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 68 y: 183, ball blue x: 87 y: 147 , ball red x: 260 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 43 y: 346 , ball green x: 381 y: 306 , ball orange x: 221 y: 141])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 221 y: 141 into the cup x: 68 y: 183
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 68 y: 183, ball blue x: 87 y: 147 , ball red x: 260 y: 339 , ball yellow x: 43 y: 346 , ball green x: 381 y: 306 , ball orange x: 221 y: 141])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 365 y: 309 into the cup x: 277 y: 147
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 277 y: 147, ball blue x: 365 y: 309 , ball red x: 354 y: 309 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 174 , ball green x: 117 y: 377 , ball orange x: 19 y: 153])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 354 y: 309 into the cup x: 277 y: 147
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 277 y: 147, ball blue x: 365 y: 309 , ball red x: 354 y: 309 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 174 , ball green x: 117 y: 377 , ball orange x: 19 y: 153])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 306 y: 174 into the cup x: 277 y: 147
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 277 y: 147, ball blue x: 365 y: 309 , ball red x: 354 y: 309 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 174 , ball green x: 117 y: 377 , ball orange x: 19 y: 153])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 117 y: 377 into the cup x: 277 y: 147
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 277 y: 147, ball blue x: 365 y: 309 , ball red x: 354 y: 309 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 174 , ball green x: 117 y: 377 , ball orange x: 19 y: 153])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 19 y: 153 into the cup x: 277 y: 147
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 277 y: 147, ball blue x: 365 y: 309 , ball red x: 354 y: 309 , ball yellow x: 306 y: 174 , ball green x: 117 y: 377 , ball orange x: 19 y: 153])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 233 y: 28 into the cup x: 242 y: 170
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 242 y: 170, ball blue x: 233 y: 28 , ball red x: 261 y: 98 , ball yellow x: 111 y: 331 , ball green x: 295 y: 55 , ball orange x: 332 y: 265])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 261 y: 98 into the cup x: 242 y: 170
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 242 y: 170, ball blue x: 233 y: 28 , ball red x: 261 y: 98 , ball yellow x: 111 y: 331 , ball green x: 295 y: 55 , ball orange x: 332 y: 265])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 111 y: 331 into the cup x: 242 y: 170
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 242 y: 170, ball blue x: 233 y: 28 , ball red x: 261 y: 98 , ball yellow x: 111 y: 331 , ball green x: 295 y: 55 , ball orange x: 332 y: 265])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 295 y: 55 into the cup x: 242 y: 170
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 242 y: 170, ball blue x: 233 y: 28 , ball red x: 261 y: 98 , ball yellow x: 111 y: 331 , ball green x: 295 y: 55 , ball orange x: 332 y: 265])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 332 y: 265 into the cup x: 242 y: 170
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 242 y: 170, ball blue x: 233 y: 28 , ball red x: 261 y: 98 , ball yellow x: 111 y: 331 , ball green x: 295 y: 55 , ball orange x: 332 y: 265])
ok, i'll move ball blue x: 139 y: 248 into the cup x: 31 y: 251
move ball blue to the cup
table([cup x: 31 y: 251, ball blue x: 139 y: 248 , ball red x: 81 y: 326 , ball yellow x: 167 y: 392 , ball green x: 127 y: 109 , ball orange x: 96 y: 206])
ok, i'll move ball red x: 81 y: 326 into the cup x: 31 y: 251
move ball red to the cup
table([cup x: 31 y: 251, ball blue x: 139 y: 248 , ball red x: 81 y: 326 , ball yellow x: 167 y: 392 , ball green x: 127 y: 109 , ball orange x: 96 y: 206])
ok, i'll move ball yellow x: 167 y: 392 into the cup x: 31 y: 251
move ball yellow to the cup
table([cup x: 31 y: 251, ball blue x: 139 y: 248 , ball red x: 81 y: 326 , ball yellow x: 167 y: 392 , ball green x: 127 y: 109 , ball orange x: 96 y: 206])
ok, i'll move ball green x: 127 y: 109 into the cup x: 31 y: 251
move ball green to the cup
table([cup x: 31 y: 251, ball blue x: 139 y: 248 , ball red x: 81 y: 326 , ball yellow x: 167 y: 392 , ball green x: 127 y: 109 , ball orange x: 96 y: 206])
ok, i'll move ball orange x: 96 y: 206 into the cup x: 31 y: 251
move ball orange to the cup
table([cup x: 31 y: 251, ball blue x: 139 y: 248 , ball red x: 81 y: 326 , ball yellow x: 167 y: 392 , ball green x: 127 y: 109 , ball orange x: 96 y: 206])