4 values
<extra_id_5>Loyal, aged 60, who had no plans for early retirement, had worked for Mutate, Inc., for 20 years as a managerial employee-at-will when he had a conversation with the company's president, George Mutant, about Loyal's post- retirement goal of extensive travel around the United States. A month later, Mutant handed Loyal a written, signed resolution of the company's Board of Directors stating that when and if Loyal should decide to retire, at his option, the company, in recognition of his past service, would pay him a $2,000per-month lifetime pension. (The company had no regularized retirement plan for atwill employees.) Shortly thereafter, Loyal retired and immediately bought a $30,000 recreational vehicle for his planned travels. After receiving the promised $2,000 monthly pension from Mutate, Inc., for six months, Loyal, now unemployable elsewhere, received a letter from Mutate, Inc., advising him that the pension would cease immediately because of recessionary budget constraints affecting in varying degrees all managerial salaries and retirement pensions. In a suit against Mutate, Inc., for breach of contract, Loyal will probably <extra_id_0>win, because he retired from the company as bargained-for consideration for the Board's promise to him of a lifetime pension. <extra_id_1>win, because he timed his decision to retire and to buy the recreational vehicle in reasonable reliance on the Board's promise to him of a lifetime pension. <extra_id_2>lose, because the Board's promise to him of a lifetime pension was an unenforceable gift promise. <extra_id_3>lose, because he had been an employee- at-will throughout his active service with the company. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Where do you like to live? For this question, different people have different answers. Some people like to live in a city because there are many shops and supermarkets. They think it is convenient to buy things. But some people think it is good to live in a quiet town because they don't like the dirty air in the big city. They dislike pollution in the city. Today, some people like travelling, so they would like to buy house cars. House car is both a house and a car. You can't buy it with a little money. There is a driving area in the car. You can do lots of things in the car. There is a bed and a lamp in the bedroom. You can make dinner in the kitchen. You can also find a fridge and a sink in it. You can listen to music and watch TV in the sitting room. If you are tired, you can have a shower or a bath in the bathroom. You can do most things you want to do. Life is travelling. Do you want to live in this kind of car? From the passage, what can you know? <extra_id_0>You can't have a comfortable life in the town. <extra_id_1>You can do anything you like in the house car. <extra_id_2>It is difficult to buy all the things in the city. <extra_id_3>Different people like to live in different places. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In the fall of 1985. I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty-one years later I am later I am still a bright-eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell. My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college an the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that goal. But one year after I started college, she developed cancer. I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait. Then I got married with another dream: building my family with a combination of adopt and biological children. In 1999, we adopted our first son. To lay eyes on him was fantastic---and very emotional. A year later came our second adopted boy. Then followed son No. 3. In 2003, I gave birth to another boy. You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 81. Our home was a complete zoo---a joyous zoo. Not surprising, I never did make it back to college full-time. But I never gave up on the dream either. I had only one choice: to find a way. That meant talking as few as one class each semester. The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to quit, But I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives. In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree! I am not special, just single-minded. It always struck me that when you're looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you're in the midst of it, it just seems normal. Everything you want won't arrive in your life on one day. It's a process. Remember;little steps add up to big dreams. When the author went to Howard University, her dream was tobe <extra_id_0>a writer <extra_id_1>a teacher <extra_id_2>a judge <extra_id_3>a doctor <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>SHANGHAI - Health experts in Shanghai are calling for more protection for young children as the latest research shows about half of the youngsters are suffering from secondhand smoke. About 45 percent of children suffer passive smoking in families, 50 percent in public places, and almost 6 percent on public transportation, shows a research released by the Shanghai Children's Medical Center on Tuesday. "Not only adults but also children and newborn babies are at risk for the adverse effects of passive smoking," said Tang Jingyan, a doctor at the Shanghai Children's Medical Center. "Actually, those young children whose bodies are still growing and developing are more sensitive to the effects of secondhand smoke." Research has shown that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke will suffer from more colds, coughs and sore throats, and they are more likely to suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia and will have a higher risk of developing cancer. Doctors even suggested that children suffering passive smoking are more likely to have behavioral problems and may not develop mentally as quickly as their peers. Other research by the Shanghai Children's Medical Center has found that more than 80 percent of child patients in the center live in a smoke-filled household, where one or both parents smoke. "Though doctors have stressed the harm of passive smoking over and over, it is still hard to reach a totally 'smoke free' home," said a pediatrician named Zhang Yiwen, noting that parents are often tempted to smoke even though they have learned the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. China has 540 million people suffering from passive smoke, 180 million of them younger than 15.The age of smokers is also getting lower, earlier reports said. "There are more young smokers than before.You can see young people wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag light a cigarette on the street.Some of them are even female students," said Jing Xingming, a professor of children's developmental behavior at the center. "Children like to imitate adults, especially their parents.If parents often smoke at home, it is very likely children will develop a smoking habit, which can cause a vicious circle," Jin said. Reports from the Ministry of Health said China has about 350 million smokers, of whom 15 million are underage smokers.Also, around 40 million of the country's 130 million children aged between 13 and 18 had tried smoking, and 15 million had become addicted to tobacco. Which of the following disease may not be connected with secondhand smoking? <extra_id_0>Cancer. <extra_id_1>Behavioral problems. <extra_id_2>Sore throats. <extra_id_3>Coughs. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Seth A. DeShane, 14, pronounced dead late Thursday at the family home, which was destroyed in the fire. "He really saved his aunt," said the Rev. Kris Dietzen, pastor at Cambridge Lutheran church. "He woke his aunt up and told her the Christmas tree was on fire." "He got her out of the house. She thought he (Seth) was behind her, but he went back inside." Dietzen said that when Seth's aunt realized the boy had gone back inside, she tried to get back in herself, but by then the smoke was so thick and the fire so intense, she had to leave the house. "She ran to a neighbor's farm, and they proceeded to call 911," Dietzen said. The fire is being blamed on malfunctioning lights on the Christmas tree on the first floor, Chief Edward Bole of the Cambridge Fire Department, said. The front half of the two - story home was fully engulfed when firefighters arrived. Choose the best title for the story. <extra_id_0>Teen dies trying to save cats from fire <extra_id_1>Teen saved his aunt. <extra_id_2>A fire destroyed the building <extra_id_3>The boy hailed as a hero. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers.It has been made to help you better manage your money.The Winners Club is a transaction account where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7 --that's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! It's a club with impressive features for teenagers: *No account keeping fees! You're no millionaire so we don't expect you to pay large fees.In fact, there are no accounts keeping or transaction fees! *Excellent interest rates! You want your money to grow.The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits without taking them out in a month. *Convenient Teenagers are busy --we get that.You may never need to come to a bank at all.With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet.You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account.This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job! *Mega magazine included Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money.There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members. The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers.And it is so easy to join.Simply fill in an application form.You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian (so we can organize that cool key-card) but it is easy.We can't wait to hear from you.It's the best way to choose to be a winner! What is the purpose of this passage? <extra_id_0>To set up a club. <extra_id_1>To provided part-time jobs. <extra_id_2>To organize key-cards <extra_id_3>To introduce a new banking service. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>How should one invest a sum of money in these clays of inflation ? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings, and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, which I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques. I sometimes wonder what a being from another planet might report back about our way of life. "The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face with twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it fastens its young round people's wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves ." Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time. Certain men were very clever at measuring the time of clay according to the beating of their own hearts. They were made to stand in a fixed place and every hour or so would shout tire time. So it seems that the first clocks were human beings. However, men quickly found more convenient and reliable ways of telling the time. They learned to use the shadows cast by the sun. They marked the hours on candles, used sand in hour- glasses, and invented water-clocks. Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past. Antique clocks could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap ones for your own home. After all, if you are going to be ruled by time, why not invest in air antique clock and perhaps make a future profit ? According to the passage, collecting antique clocks _ . <extra_id_0>can hardly keep the value of your savings <extra_id_1>will cost much of your savings <extra_id_2>may increase your wealth <extra_id_3>needs your bravery <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>As a professor I have grown accustomed to the opinion regarding American education. We are repeatedly told that American schools are failing, that colleges are not teaching, and that the students of today are not as good as the students of the past. There are, of course, problems with the education system. Because of economic inequality some schools are significantly better than others and the ideas of equality of education and equality of opportunity are cruel jokes. However, the mere fact that there are some serious problems does not mean that all the _ claims are true. One stock claim is that America has fallen behind the world in education in terms of performance on various tests. While the fact that America is behind other countries is a point of concern, there are at least three points worth considering here. The first is the above-mentioned economic inequality which will tend to result in poorer performance when taking the average for America. The second is that many countries have put considerable effort into improving their education systems and hence it is worth considering that America's decline is also due to the improvement of others. The third is the matter of the measures-- do they, in fact, present an accurate picture of the situation? I am not claiming that the data is bad. I am merely raising a reasonable concern about how accurate our picture of education is at this time. Another stock claim is that American students are doing badly on standardized tests. While there is clearly value in assessment, it is reasonable to consider whether or not such tests are a proper and adequate measure of education. It is also worth considering whether the puzzle with these tests is itself causing damage to education. That is, as teachers teach for the test and students learn for the test, it might be the case that what is being taught is not what should be taught and what is being learned is not what should be learned. The passage is written mainly to _ . <extra_id_0>defend American education <extra_id_1>show dissatisfaction with American education <extra_id_2>explain why American students do badly on tests <extra_id_3>offer advice on American education reform <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Jean--Francois Millet (October 4,1814----January 20, 1875) was a French painter and one of the founder of the Barbizon School in rural France. Born of a peasant family, Millet was encouraged by his father to study art in Cherbourg, France. He can be categorized as part of the movement called "naturalism" . His understanding of the peasant' hard life was perfectly expressed in his choice of subject and natural preference for powerful but simple drawing and coloring. One of the most well--known of Millet's paintings, The Gleaners(<<>> ),first came in a vertical composition painted in 1854,and then there came the horizontal version in 1856, which is now preserved in the Musee d'Orsay. It depicts women bending over in the fields to collect the leftover's from the harvest, and it is a monumental composition devoted to the working class. Previously, servants were depicted in paintings as obedient to a noble or a king, and picking up what was left of the harvest was regarded as one of the lowest jobs in Millet;s times. However, Millet offered these women as the heroic focus of the picture. Besides, in the painting, light lights up the women's shoulders as they carry out their work. Behind them, the field that stretches into the distance is bathed in golden light, under a wide , magnificent sky. The forms of the three figures, standing against the lighter field, show balance and harmony. As for the painting The Gleaners, _ . <extra_id_0>it is originally a horizontal composition <extra_id_1>it is based on the effort of Musee d'Orsay <extra_id_2>it presents women in the field as the chief focus <extra_id_3>it shows how women are stopped from working in the field <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>It's a nightmare for Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST): within a week,two students committed suicide by jumping off dorm buildings.,:,. Officials from the university are _ to give interviews.. "We had a hard time calming down students who were shocked at the suicides," said Zhang Jingyuan,one official of HUST. "Media coverage may arouse some students' negative emotions again.Suicide can be contagious," Zhang said.,",. " The university reacted promptly to the first suicide on October 23.1023,. Advisors and class leaders conducted dorm-to-dorm checks to find students suffering depression.Then psychologists offered one-on-one counseling to them.,. ,. Notice boards publicizing tips for identifying peers' mental problems and offering help were set up in front of dorm buildings.Leaflets carrying similar information were handed out to each dorm.,. . However,the second suicide came seven days later.,,. Both students were described as men of few words.Their schoolmates didn't see anything to indicate suicide.,. . Zhang revealed that the two students had been bothered by mental disorders.But the school didn't know this until the students' close friends outside school and their parents unveiled the truth after the suicides.,. ,. According to Zhang,there are only three full-time counselors working in the university's counseling center for its 60,000 students.He complained: "It's unrealistic to rely only on counselors to detect students' mental problems.",,. :",. " Effective prevention comes from long-term education for life instead of temporary intervention to meet an emergency,said Hu Yi'an.Hu delivers a course of lectures on life and death at Guangzhou University.He worries that universities have paid little attention to education for life.,, . . . "Education for life helps students respect and love life so they won't resort to ending their lives when they have difficulties," said Hu.", ,,," . According to Hu,the principles can be incorporated into everyday teaching.,. Hu is also concerned that some universities are conveying discriminatory message that will hold back students from seeking help.. When HUST conducted the dorm-to-dorm examination,students with poor academic performance were paid special attention.In March,Peking University also released a controversial policy,which required teachers to have a chat with students "with biased thinking".,. ,,"". However,Hu suggested that students step out of their comfort zone to seek real-life communication. Which measure the university took to the first suicide is incorrect? <extra_id_0>Conducting checks to find out the students' depression. <extra_id_1>Offering counseling to the students. <extra_id_2>Setting up notice boards publicizing tips for identifying peers' mental problems and offering help. <extra_id_3>Handing out leaflets to each student. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Qi Haoran, a Junior 1 student at High School Attached to Harbin Institute of Technology, was quite busy over the past winter vacation--and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign . The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food."Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven't got enough to eat? Could you please not waste food?"They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day. China in recent years has experienced serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. It's a tradition that Chinese people offer lots of food when they invite others to dinner. Many even feel that they will lose face if their guests have eaten all their food. Luckily the campaign has got the support of many. In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner gives the guests who have eaten up all that they ordered a sticker. People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers home. Wasting food is a serious problem around the world, not only in China. It's said that 2 billion tons of food ends up as waste every year in our country. This is as much as half of all the food in the world. The UN Environment Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization held a"Think, Eat, Save" program on January 24 to help reduce food waste. To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It's important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today? The Clean Your Plate Campaign calls on people to _ . <extra_id_0>do volunteer work <extra_id_1>work part time in restaurants <extra_id_2>stop wasting food <extra_id_3>wash their plates after dinner <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pocket money. But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and it's not easy for them, so he always tries his best to save money. He has some good ways to do it. Frank likes reading. He has lots of books. He tells me he often buys books online, because they're cheaper. And when he has free time, he often goes to bookstores or libraries to do some reading. Frank has a bike. He usually goes to school by bike instead of taking a bus. Sometimes when it rains or snows, he walks. These two ways help Frank keep healthy and save some money. Frank brings a bottle of water to school every day. When other students drink juice, he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but the best drink. Some students think Frank is mean. But I don't think so. I think he is right. What do you think of him? Why does Frank tries his best to save money? <extra_id_0>Because his family is very poor. <extra_id_1>Because his parents don't give him any pocket money. <extra_id_2>Because he thinks it's not easy for his parents to make money. <extra_id_3>Because he is very mean. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When I was five years old. I took a boat out on the river and went fishing by myself. I really wanted to catch a fish! But they were not biting. I stayed in my boat for three days, waiting. A few times, I thought I felt a fish at the end of the line. The first time I pulled in my catch, it was not a fish; it was an old bag. The second time, it was a shoe. Finally, at the end of the third day, I felt a strong pull at the end of the line. The pull was so strong they my boat raced around and around. I needed all my power just to hold onto the fishing rod. I pulled, and I pulled and I caught the biggest fish that ever swam on the Earth! It was heavier than everyone in this room put together! Then something terrible happened! After I pulled the huge fish into my boat, I saw that the boat was going under water! Water was coming into the boat from all sides! I was not a very good swimmer, so I was scared. Although it was the hardest choice I ever made. I had to let the fish go. I pushed it back over the side of the boat, and we waved good-bye to each other as it swam away. How long did the writer spend in his boat? <extra_id_0>Two days. <extra_id_1>Two hours <extra_id_2>Three days <extra_id_3>Three hours <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>You had me at "Hello"! It turns out our opening words speak volumes--people take less than a second to form an impression of someone's personality based on their voice alone. We know that our voices can convey information about our sex, age, even body strength and certain personality characteristics, but Phil McAleer at the University of Glasgow and his colleagues wondered whether we make an instant impression. To find out, they recorded 64 volunteers as they read a passage. They then picked the word "hello" and asked 320 listeners to mark the voices for personality characteristics--including trust, dominance and attractiveness. Although it's not clear how accurate such immediate judgements are, what is obvious is that we all make them, and very quickly. "We were surprised by just how similar people's marks were," says McAleer. It makes sense that decisions about personality should happen really fast, says McAleer. The impression that our voices convey appears to be related to several factors, such as sex differences and age groups, especially the pitch of voice on the top. For example, the pitch of a person's voice influenced how reliable they seemed. "A guy who raises his pitch becomes more trustworthy," says McAleer. "Whereas a girl who changes from a high to a low pitch is seen as more trustworthy than a girl whose voice goes up at the end of the word." It is possible to change some of these aspects of your voice, he says. "It has been said that Margaret Thatcher and the Queen were both trained to make their voices appear more dominant." Some aspects, though, can't be changeable. "The methods used in this paper are familiar, but the conclusions are new and very interesting," says Jody Kreiman, a researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles. The way the study links personality to attractiveness and reproductive fitness makes sense biologically, she says. The team hope that their work can be used to help create artificial voices for people who have lost their own due to a medical condition, as well as creating lovely and charming voices for satnavs , and other robotics. "You might also use this kind of work to find the right person to front a team," says McAleer, "you don't want a really unreliable voice running your call centre." The impression that voices convey is affected most by . <extra_id_0>body strength <extra_id_1>sex differences <extra_id_2>age groups <extra_id_3>pitch of voice <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>What would make it to your list of top 10 country songs? This article talks about the classic songs that make the cut... Ring of fire Sung by Johnny Cash, Ring of Fire remains as powerful a song today as it was when it was written and sung in the 1960's. Johnny Cash's singing, together with June Carter's lyrics , makes it on any list of top 10 country songs. Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams was released after Patsy Cline's death in a plane crash. It reflects her emotional style. The song is a good sample of one of the most successful and talented musicians of the 20th century. Written by Don Gibson, this country song is an all-time classic, and one of the most popular country songs around. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry Sung by Hand Williams, this soul stirring country song is still loved by millions of fans worldwide, because of the spirit its lyrics convey and Williams' beautiful voice. Many artists have recorded their own versions, but nothing comes close to the magical original . Coat of Many Colors Dolly Parton's single from the album of the same name, describing the poverty of her youth, is widely regarded as one of her best works, and also one of the best country songs ever. Coat of Many Colors made it to Time Magazine's "100 Greatest Albums of All Time" list. Calypso Although John Denver's Country Roads, Annie's Song and Rocky Mountain High are perhaps more famous. Calypso with its powerful notes and lyrics remains my favorite John Denver country song of all time. The kiss Faith Hill's foot tapper make it to the number one slot on the Country Charts in both the US and Canada. Although her single Breathe is also amazing, This Kiss may well be one of the top 10 country songs of all time. Which of the following songs of John Denver does the writer like best? <extra_id_0>Calypso <extra_id_1>Annie's Song <extra_id_2>Country Roads <extra_id_3>Rocky Mountain High <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>What's going to happen in the future? Will robots take over our planet? Will computers become smarter than us? Not likely. But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen 10 to 30 years later from now, according to the BBC. 1.Digital money We used to pay with cash for everything we bought. Now when we swipe our bus pass or use a credit card to shop online, money is spent without us even seeing it. In fact, we are already using one type of digital money. You have to admit that using a card is much easier than searching your pockets for change. It is also safer than carrying a lot of cash. When ATM cards were first introduced, they were not accepted everywhere. But now it's hard to live without them. People in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year, according to the Associated Press, and the US might be next. 2.Bionic eye It's no longer something only in a scifi movie. People who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back--by wearing bionic eyes. A blind eye can no longer sense light, but a bionic eye can use a camera to "see" the environment and send data directly to the brain. Although the bionic eye that's out now only allows patients to see lights and unclear shapes, a highresolution version could be just a few years away. 3.Selfdriving cars Everything is going automatic these days--washing machines, ticket selling machines and even cars. Unlike a human driver, a selfdriving car won't get _ by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors and cameras on the car would allow it to stick strictly to the rules of the road and keep a safe distance from other cars. This would greatly reduce the number of road accidents. You could even take a nap while the car drives itself. Many vehicle companies are now planning selfdriving cars. "By 2040, driverless vehicles will be widely accepted and possibly be the dominant vehicles on the road," said Jeffrey Miller, professor at the University of Alaska Anchorage, US, in Wired magazine. Jeffrey Miller's attitude towards selfdriving cars is _ . <extra_id_0>optimistic <extra_id_1>pessimistic <extra_id_2>doubtful <extra_id_3>cautious <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A car converts gasoline into motion and heat through what? <extra_id_0>explosive charisma <extra_id_1>cooling <extra_id_2>incineration <extra_id_3>warming <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Since I was a child, I called my father my Kong, after King Kong. I believed that he was just as strong as the giant ape . As he faced death, _ . Two months after he passed away, my sister called to ask if I would like to go see Lisa Williams, a well-known witch . I was familiar with Lisa from her show on Lifetime, and since I was eager to get a sign from my father, I agreed to go. I took my father's gold watch and listened as Lisa helped audience members communicate with their loved ones. "I have a grandfather-like figure with me and he is speaking about his granddaughter Jilly," she announced. The audience was quiet; no one raised a hand. I nudged my sister and whispered to her that this was Dad ,for my third child and my father had a deep bond(,) and he called her Jilly. Although I sensed his presence, I wasn't confident enough to raise my hand. I needed something a bit more concrete, something undoubted. "This man is letting me know he had cancer," she continued. I nudged my sister harder and assured her this was our father. Lisa went on to say that this person died in June (my father had died June 8th). There was swelling of the legs. "Important information," she called out. My heart beat fast . I jumped up when she asked, "Who is holding his watch?" I waved the watch in the air. "He wishes you congratulations." My fourth child was born three weeks after my father died. I was in shock and could not believe I was getting a chance to hear from him, yet I knew our bond was strong enough that he could come to the world. She banged on her chest like an ape and apologized, saying, "I don't know why but he wants me to do this like Tarzan." It didn't resonate with me until my sister called out "King Kong!" I was convinced. No way could this woman have ever known a detail unless Dad was communicating through her. Each bit of information she gave us was just as meaningful. She ended our session by informing us that he would send us coins. The very next day I found six coins in various places; they seemed to have come out of nowhere. Even in death he is my Kong, and he remains important in my life. What's the best title of the passage? <extra_id_0>Information from Lisa Williams <extra_id_1>Miraculous Messages from Heaven <extra_id_2>Strange Things in the Party. <extra_id_3>Unforgettable memories <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Only children are happier than those with brothers or sisters, according to a new research which shows _ rivalry can have a serious effect on a child's emotion. Over half of the children surveyed said they had been bullied by a sibling, and one in three said they had been hit,kicked or pushed by a sibling, others complained of name-calling and having their belongings stolen. Other reasons for only children being much happier include not having to compete for parents' attention or share bedrooms with a sibling, said Gundi Knies, a researcher on the project. Dr. Ruth Koppard, a child psychologist, said, "In an average home, the more children, the less privacy for each child. Some love sharing a bedroom with a sibling but they would rather choose to do it than have to do it". Homes with just one child make up nearly half of all families in Britain. The study, to be published on Friday, questioned 2,500 young people. It also found that seven out of 10 teenagers are "very satisfied" with their lives. This article mainly tells us _ . <extra_id_0>why the families don't want to have more than one child. <extra_id_1>the reasons why only children are happier than those with brothers or sisters. <extra_id_2>sibling rivalry can have a serious effect on a child's emotion. <extra_id_3>homes with just one child make up nearly half of all families in Britain. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake. On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure and practiced casting. The lure struck the water and caused colored ripples in the sunset, then silver ripples as the moon rose over the lake. When his pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. Finally, he very gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a perch . The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish. Then the father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 P.M.--- two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. "You'll have to put it back, son," he said. "Dad!" cried the boy. "There will be other fish," said his father. "Not as big as this one," cried the boy. He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could know everything by his father's clear voice that the decision could not be changed. He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the black water. The creature swished its powerful body and disappeared. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a great fish. That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. His father's cabin is still there on the island in the middle of the lake. He takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock. He was right. He has never again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see that same fish---again and again---every time he comes up against a question of ethics . When does the architect (the father's son) think of that perch put back? <extra_id_0>When he takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock. <extra_id_1>When he builds many famous buildings. <extra_id_2>When he pays a visit to his old father. <extra_id_3>When he faces some problems about ethics. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>New findings suggest that brainy card games such as contract bridge may temporarily raise production of a key blood cell including in fighting off illness. After 90 minutes of play, bridge players had increased levels of immune cells, according to the research reported last week. A researcher, Diamond, studied bridge players from a women's bridge club. She chose bridge players because the game includes skills stimulating a part of the brain called the dorsolateral cortex. Earlier animal research suggests that this part of the brain may play a role in the immune system. The findings are based on blood samples drawn from 12 women players. Their blood samples showed a rise in levels of white blood cells called T cells after they played bridge for 90 minutes. T cells are produced by the thymus gland and used by the immune system against diseases. The T cell count jumped significantly in eight of the bridge players, and slightly in the other four. The findings contribute to the field of neuroimmunology , whose name reflects the fact that the nervous system and the immune system are not considered separate and isolated systems. What isn't clear is whether the help to the immune system from an activity like contract bridge is lasting or temporary. It is also not clear whether the increase in T cells could finally be targeted against special illnesses. A T cell is _ cell. <extra_id_0>a brain <extra_id_1>a white blood <extra_id_2>a red blood <extra_id_3>a kind of dangerous blood <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In a lab investigation, students use Brand X batteries in a flashlight and Brand Y batteries in a radio. After two hours, the flashlight stops working, but the radio continues to work. As a result, the students conclude that Brand Y batteries last longer. Which statement about the conclusion of the investigation is most accurate? <extra_id_0>The conclusion is valid because they tested two different brands. <extra_id_1>The conclusion is invalid because the test had multiple variables. <extra_id_2>The conclusion is valid because they conducted the investigation in a lab. <extra_id_3>The conclusion is invalid because the real names of the batteries were hidden. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively . We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea, or by reasoning. We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning that takes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning, it's not surprising that we depend on _ in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers* Unfortunately, passive learning has a serious problem. It makes us tend to accept what we are told even when it is little more than hearsay and rumor . Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesn't show it to anyone. Then the person whispers it, word for word, to another person. That person, in turn, whispers it to still another, and so on, through all the people playing the game. The last person writes down the message word for word as he or she hears it. Then the two written statements are compared Typically, the original message has changed. That's what happens in daily life. The simple fact that people repeat a story in their own words changes the story. Then, too, most people listen imperfectly. And many enjoy adding their own creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it, stamping it with their own personal style. Yet those who hear it think they know. This process is also found among scholars and authors:A statement of opinion by one writer may be re-stated as fact by another, who may in turn be quoted by yet another; and this process may continue, unless it occurs to someone to question the facts on which the original writer based his opinion or to challenge the interpretation he placed upon those facts. According to the passage, passive learning may occur in _ . <extra_id_0>doing a medical experiment <extra_id_1>solving a math problem <extra_id_2>visiting an exhibition <extra_id_3>doing scientific reasoning <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Originally,making 3-D film was a way for filmmakers to draw viewers away from television.Over time,3-D film dipped in and out of the entertainment industry depending on the ups and downs of the market. By the end of the twentieth century,3-D entertainment was most popular at amusement park attractions,including Disneyland and Universal Studios.Eventually,in l995,digital film revolutionized the film making industry when Disney Pixar's Toy Story(1995)brought life-like animation and computer graphics to the big screen.The movie's animation embodied the latest technology in computer animation until the release of Oscar winning Up(2009),which featured pop-out 3-D effects. Finally,in December 2009,Avatar changed the flourishing landscape of 3-D film.Avatar boasts exceptional special effects.Cameron began developing Avatar in l995 and applied new techniques in 2006,where actors' physical movements are transferred to animated characters on the computer screen.Later,in movie theaters,Cameron showcased his final product in Real--D Cinema,the world's most popular digital 3-D projection system. In a review,blogger Ben Patterson was _ by the overall presentation of Avatar.He said it was pretty much impossible tell what was digital effect and what was live action. could be the best title of this passage. <extra_id_0>3-D film Draws Eyes <extra_id_1>3-D film at Disneyland <extra_id_2>Avatar in Real-D Cinema <extra_id_3>Revolution and entertainment <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The worst earthquake in 40 years shook South Asia on Sunday, starting with horrible waves that swept entire villages into the sea. At least 20,000 people in six countries were killed in the disaster, and millions were left homeless. The quake shook deep beneath the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was felt more than 3000 miles away in East Africa, where heavy tides kept fishermen at home and resorts closed. It was as if the sea had struck the land. Residents of Sri Lanka, a small island country off the coast of India, ran to the hills to find safety from the tsunami. Many took their radios, televisions, and other valuables with them. The disaster hit Sri Lanka hardest. Of its 20million people, 1 million lost their homes, and 10000 died. "The water simply raised itself up and huge waves came ashore," wrote eye-witness Peter Thomas from India. "It was moving very fast. The force broke the glass walls of a restaurant on the beach here and damaged hundreds of boats." In some places, the _ struck with no warning. "The weather was fine with no clouds," wrote an eye-witness in Indonesia. "Suddenly the seawater just hit the city. In some parts the water was up to chest level." A massive effort to help the affected countries is already underway. Leaders from around the world have promised to help, and teams of aid workers and doctors are rushing to the sea. "The United States stands ready to offer all the help to those nations most affected." Said White House spokesman Trent Duffy. Organizations from the Red Cross to the International Monetary Fund have started fund-raising drives to make up the costs of rebuilding. Where would you probably see this passage? <extra_id_0>In a textbook. <extra_id_1>In a newspaper. <extra_id_2>In a travel guide. <extra_id_3>In a dictionary. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Once upon a time, people wrote letters mostly with pen and paper. But the Internet has changed all that. Among computer users today, between 50 and 90 percent of written letters take place through e-mail. That's much different from the days when everyone relied on "snail mail" . More and more new e-mail users are asking, "How can I write better e-mail message?" Here are six tips for you. (1) Who are you writing to? Who are you writing to? A friend, a classmate, a teacher or a boss? Be sure the tone of your e-mail message is right for the receiver. Using slang or abbreviations may be all right for your friends. But business letters should use full names and complete sentences. (2) Be direct. Readers of e-mail have little patience. Say what you want to say directly. (3) Use short sentences. E-mail is quicker and more convenient than snail mail. It's also much easier to throw away. Don't use long sentences. Make your sentences short and clear. (4) Give enough details . A terrible e-mail message reads like this: "Did you get my e-mail?" Someone reading this will wonder, "Which e-mail? Sent when? About what?" Today's e-mail users sometimes get many messages every day, so be sure your messages have enough details to be understood. (5) Use the subject line well Readers see what's in the subject line of your message before anything else. Don't say "Hi, from Wang Peng"------ they can see who sent the message from the address. A short, direct explanation of the content of your message will get you a faster answer. (6) Don't be too slow to answer. Remember that in the world of e-mail, things happen fast. If you take longer than a week to answer someone's message, it may be too late. If you get an e-mail, you should answer it _ . <extra_id_0>any time you like <extra_id_1>within a week <extra_id_2>in two weeks <extra_id_3>in the same day <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Two new whale sharks arrived at the world's largest aquarium on Friday. Both whale sharks, the world's largest fish, arrived at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta after 6 a.m. The pair had been flown 8,000 miles from Taipei, Taiwan. They will join the aquarium's three whale sharks--the only ones on display outside of Asia. " We re the only people in the world that can claim three times, " aquarium director Jeff Swanagan said, " Each time we learn more and more." The two young males were given Asian names. One is Taroko, named after Taroko Gorge, a national park in Taiwan. The other is Yushan, which means "Jade Mountain", and is named after a mountain in Taiwan. The sharks were flown from Taiwan on a plane in 20-foot-long tanks with oxygen machines and other equipment to keep the water suitable for them. They arrived at about 3:30 a.m. in Atlanta, where their tanks were moved to two trucks and driven to the aquarium surrounded by some of Atlanta police cars with their blue lights flashing. They were lowered into their new home--as Norton and two females, Alice and Trixie, circled nearby, seemingly curious about the new arrivals. It is difficult to tell the age of the whale sharks, but at least one of the new arrivals is believed to be the smallest the aquarium has got. They are believed to be the aquarium's youngest whale sharks yet. How many sharks live with the two new sharks? <extra_id_0>One <extra_id_1>Two. <extra_id_2>Three. <extra_id_3>Four. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>My name is Jeff. I'm English. But now I live in China. I am a student. This is my classroom. Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom. They are for classmates and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too. It's for my teacher. A clock is on the back wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. It's a map of China. My classroom is nice and clean. I like _ very much. What's on the back wall of the classroom? <extra_id_0>A clock <extra_id_1>A map <extra_id_2>A map and a clock <extra_id_3>A picture <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons. First, reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy if you like reading. You will never feel bored or tired. Next, you can read a book anywhere-- in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book! Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. As you reading skills improve, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better. Some people say that reading is out of date . This is not true. You can read on computers, and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be. Good readers may become writers, too. They always have more things to write about. Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now? Reading can always keep yourself _ . <extra_id_0>bored <extra_id_1>tired <extra_id_2>sad <extra_id_3>happy <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>After we finished thirteen miles of hiking, we were tired and our muscles ached as we made our way back to New England. The car ride to the airport followed by a two-hour flight left our legs more worse condition than they were when we first came off the mountain we just climbed. When we heard that two seats in first class on our next flight were available for a bit higher price, we jumped at the opportunity. Our spirits lifted immediately. After all, flying first class was a new experience for us, and we would end our adventure in comfort and style. As we boarded the plane, we noticed that the stewardess was working non-stop to ensure the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat without receiving an order. How much she must love her job! She smiled kindly at each one while attending to their needs. As the stewardess walked by our seats near the end of the flight, I looked at her and said, "Thank you and I hope you have a great night." She stopped, bent down, looked at me and said, "Excuse me." I repeated my words and she smiled in a rather funny way, almost as if I had asked her a question that she did not know how to answer. After a few moments she returned to our seats. "I can tell you work with the public," she said. "Why do you think so?" I asked. She answered very quietly, "Because you are the only passenger here to say something nice to me tonight and I really appreciate your kindness." The sense of belonging to the elite group of people in first class disappeared as we heard her words. Our first class seats offered us more than a comfortable ride. We were reminded that without kindness, we would be flying in no class. Why did they choose to take a first class flight? <extra_id_0>Because they were extremely tired <extra_id_1>Because they wanted to go back as soon as possible <extra_id_2>Because the tickets were cheaper <extra_id_3>Because they wanted to enjoy the first class service. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Bob always took the newspaper to Grandpa White's home before going home. Grandpa White's was at the end of the road. Bob liked Grandpa White. He was often waiting for him near the front gate with sweets or a nice cake. Besides, He often asked Bob about things he was doing, what he was going to do for the summer and what he liked to do. The thing that Bob didn't like about Grandpa was his never-ending stories about his boyhood in California. Bob was never asked to hear about Grandpa's boyhood, but he couldn't get away. After Grandpa's wife died in October, Bob could see that Grandpa was lonelier than ever. He would often join Bob halfway along the road and walk along with him as he gave out the newspapers. Grandpa seemed to have all day, and Bob was often late giving newspapers to his customers . Bob didn't want to complain, but the customers were unhappy. When he took the newspaper to Grandpa White, Bob would often receive _ . <extra_id_0>old newspaper <extra_id_1>sweets or a cake <extra_id_2>some money <extra_id_3>stories <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Derrius Quarles, 19, had an unhappy childhood. But the Chicago teen didn't give up. He tried his best and won $1 million in college scholarships ! Now Derrius is a successful college student with a bright future. When Derrius was 4, his father was killed. His mother couldn't take care of him because of taking drugs. Derrius and his 9-year-old brother sometimes had to steal food to eat. Derrius felt different from other kids. In seventh grade, Derrius went to live in a foster home . His foster parents weren't nice to him. They told him that he'd never be anything in life. Derrius didn't do his best in school. The summer after ninth grade, that changed. Derrius had signed up for a biology class. He didn't go to class the first day. On the second day, he showed up late. His teacher took him outside. She told him he was smart, but that he was wasting his potential . The talk inspired him and he planned to prove that he could be anything if he worked hard enough. Adults at a summer program helped Derrius find out about scholarships he could earn to pay for college. In his senior year, Derrius filled out lots of applications. He told his friends, "You're not going to see me for a long time." Derrius's hard work paid off. He won more than $1 million in scholarships! He has a lot to be proud of. But he's most proud of helping others. Derrius gives speeches to teens, telling them how to find scholarships. In high school, Derrius got help buying a computer. He wanted to help others who needed them. Last year, he gave two laptops to high school students. There's a lot of work in his future. Derrius doesn't mind -- hard work has got him where he is today. He knows can take him anywhere. What kind of person do you think Derrius is? <extra_id_0>Lazy but kind-hearted. <extra_id_1>Selfish and naughty. <extra_id_2>Confident but troublesome. <extra_id_3>Determined and generous. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>If you really want to go green, here's good news: eating green is good for you. The very foods with a high carbon cost---meat, pork, dairy products, processed snacks---also tend to be filled with fat and calories. A green diet would be mostly vegetables and fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meats like chicken---a diet that's eco- and waistline-friendly. Eating green can be healthier and beneficial to the climate. It may be hard to believe that a meal at McDonald's produces more carbon than your trip to a far away place. More than 37% of the world's land is used for agriculture, much of which was once forested. Deforestation is a major source of carbon. The fertilizer and machinery needed on a modern farm also have a large carbon footprint, as does the network of ships and trucks that brings the food from the farm to your plate. The most efficient way to reduce the carbon footprint of your menu is to eat less meat, especially beef. Raising cattle takes a lot more energy than growing the equivalent amount of grains, fruits or vegetables. What's more, the majority of cattle in the U.S. are fed on grain and loads of it---670 million tons in 2002---and the fertilizer used to feed that creates separate environmental problems. Focus on eating lower on the food chain, with more plants and fruits and less meat and dairy. It's simple. We can change today what goes into our bodies for the health of our planet and ourselves. According to the passage, eating green will _ . <extra_id_0>protect the animals from being killed <extra_id_1>promote the development of agriculture <extra_id_2>help us lose weight and keep self-confidence <extra_id_3>be good for our health and make a change for the climate <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>It had been snowing very hard for days. Jigs and Reads had nothing to eat for a day. They know that things weren't right at home. So yesterday morning they wanted to go out. Bob helped them get out through a window, because the snow was so deep outside that he couldn't open the door. Last night, they didn't come back. Bob said to himself, "They are only five months old. This weather will kill them." But just then Bob heard them calling him. He looked out and could not believe ----they were drawing a big hare through the snow. They dropped it through the window into Bob's hands. A hare for dinner. They know that things weren't right at home. It means that they know _ . <extra_id_0>Bob had no food to give them <extra_id_1>Bob could open the door <extra_id_2>it wasn't very cold outside. <extra_id_3>they were too young to eat anything <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In almost every big university in the United States football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touch--down. It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team. Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They dance and jump while they yell. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1st, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on television When do the best teams play again? <extra_id_0>At Christmas. <extra_id_1>Before the season ends. <extra_id_2>On New Year's Day <extra_id_3>On the last day of season <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>1.Know the fire exit and plan two ways out. 2.If you hear the smoke alarm or smell smoke, Shout "Fire! Everyone out!" to awaken anyone still asleep and to let others know there is a fire. 3. Feel the door with the back of your hand if there's a fire. *If it's hot, use the window if possible. A warm door may mean there is a fire outside. *If the door is cool, open it slowly, then crawl out of the building. *If heat and smoke come in when you open the door, close it tightly, and find another way out. 4. Don't hide! Go outside! Never hide under beds when there is a fire. 5. Stay low and crawl below the smoke to safety. Smoke goes up with the warm air and the air below is fresher. 6. Don't stop to put on your clothes or look for valuables . 7. Don't go back into a burning house for any reason. 8.Wait for your family at a meeting place outside, such as a big tree or the entrance( ) of the housing estate , to know everyone is safe. 9. If you can't escape from a room because of a fire outside, put wet clothing, towels, or blankets at the bottom of the door to keep the smoke out. 10.Open your window and ask for help if you can't escape through the door. 11. Stop, Drop and Roll if your hair or clothes are on fire. Shout for help, but don't run. Running makes fire burn faster. Stop where you are. Drop to the ground while covering your face with your hands to protect it. Roll over and over until the fire is out. ,A, B, C, D ,. (5,2,10) If the door is hot, _ <extra_id_0>open it slowly, then crawl out of the building. <extra_id_1>use the window if possible <extra_id_2>open it and walk out of the building <extra_id_3>wait it cool then open it <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A great French writer says that we should help everyone as much as possible because we often need help ourselves. The small even can help the great. Then he tells a simple story. An ant is drinking at a small stream and falls in. She tries to reach the side but makes no progress at all. The poor ant, almost exhausted, is still doing her best when a bird sees her. Moved with pity the bird throws a blade of grass into the water. It supports the ant like a boat, and the ant reaches the bank. When she is having a rest in the grass, she sees a man walking along barefooted and carrying a gun in his hand. He wants to kill the bird nearby. When he raises his gun to fire, the ant bites him in the foot. So he stops to look down and the bird flies away quickly. It is an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that has saved her life. The French writer tells the story in order to show _ . <extra_id_0>how an ant saved a bird <extra_id_1>how brave the ant was <extra_id_2>how clever the ant was <extra_id_3>even the small can help the great <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Plants expel a gas that <extra_id_0>is poisonous to humans <extra_id_1>is used to make balloons rise into the air <extra_id_2>humans exhale as well <extra_id_3>our circulatory system spreads to our body from our lungs <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Dear Tom, I don't have a good time at my new school.There are too many rules at my school.We have to get to school at seven o'clock every morning.We can't play games in the classroom after class.We can't listen to music in the hallways.I don't like playing the piano,but I have to learn the piano in the music class.And we have to wear uniforms at school.We also can't eat outside.and we have to eat in the dining hall.The food there is awful.I can't stand the rules here.I never have fun.What can I do? Bob I don't have a good time at my new schoolhas the same meaning as" _ ". <extra_id_0>I am not good at learning <extra_id_1>I have a good time at my new school <extra_id_2>I am not a good student <extra_id_3>I never have fun at my new school <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town with my father, far from my old family and friends. I was terribly lonely and would cry myself to sleep each night. To ease my sadness, my father purchased an old horse for me at a local auction. I named him Cowboy. Cowboy was without a doubt the ugliest horse in the world. But I didn't care. I loved him beyond all reason. I joined a riding club and suffered rude comments and mean snickers about Cowboy's looks. I never let on about how I felt, but deep inside, my heart was breaking. The other members rode beautiful, registered horses. When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly _ . No amount of preparation and love would turn Cowboy into a beauty. My only chance to compete would be in the speed events. I chose the jumping race. One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons. Needless to say, she didn't feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show. She didn't need to. I came in next to last. The stinging memory of Becky's smirks made me determined to beat her. For the whole next month I woke up early every day and rode Cowboy five miles to the arena . We practiced running and jumping for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home totally exhausted. All of our hard work didn't make me feel confident by the time the show came. I sat at the gate and sweated it out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the course and finish in first place. My turn finally came. I put on my hat, rubbed Cowboy's neck and entered the arena. At the signal, we dashed toward the first fence, jumped it without trouble and raced on to the next one. Cowboy then flew over the second, third and fourth fences like a bird and I turned him toward the finish line. As we crossed the line the crowd was shocked into silence. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her fancy horse by two seconds! I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that no matter what the odds, I'd always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it. Why was the writer not confident of victory? <extra_id_0>He was an inexperienced rider. <extra_id_1>He had not practiced enough. <extra_id_2>He believed he was unpopular with the crowd. <extra_id_3>He thought his horse wasn't as good as the others. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>An experimental treatment that causes AIDS patients to develop a dangerously high fever has shown promise as a way of prolonging and improving the patients' life.Called the Biologic-HT System, the new treatment lets doctors extract the blood of a patient and heat it before circulating it back into the body. The heated blood causes the patient's body temperature to rise above 42 degrees Celsius. In people with AIDS, that increase in temperature kills some heat-sensitive HIV, the virus, most doctors say, causes AIDS. Heating the blood of AIDS patients has been tried before, say doctors. But during previous attempts, the treatment induced deadly chemical changes in the blood. The Biologic-HT System prevents those changes from happening, allowing the heat to kill viruses with few ill side effects. The new heat treatment cannot be considered a cure for Aids, says president of the company that makes the system. He says the treatment doesn't kill all traces of the virus. However, it kills enough virus particles to give a patient's immune system a reprieve in its deadly duel with HIV. Tests of the Biologic-HT treatment began on 36 patients earlier this year. The treatment takes about four hours, and the patient normally feels well enough to leave the hospital or clinic the following morning. So far, the patients who have had the treatment say they feel better and have developed no new opportunistic infections--disease that strike people with damaged immune systems. The patients also have experienced about a 50 percent increase in the number of T cells in their bodies. T cells are key disease-fighting cells of the immune system and the main target of HIV. According to the passage, the new treatment _ . <extra_id_0>can kill all the HIV viruses <extra_id_1>cannot eliminate the viruses completely <extra_id_2>can double the number of disease-fighting cells <extra_id_3>can reconstruct the patient's immune system. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London,a poet described her paintings as "a ribbon around a bomb".Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time.Sadly,she is actually _ today than she was during her time. Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City,Kahlo suffered from polio at the age of seven.Her spine became bent as she grew older.Then,in 1925,her back was broken in several places in a schoolbus accident.Throughout the rest of her life,the artist had many operations,but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back.However,the accident had an unexpected side effect.While lying in her bed recovering,Kahlo taught herself to paint. In 1929,she got married to Diego Rivera,another famous Mexican artist.Rivera's strong influence on Kahlo's style can be seen in her early works,but her later works from the 1940s,known today as her best works,show less influence from her husband. Unfortunately,her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s,even in her home country.Her first onewoman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954,Kahlo's works remained largely unnoticed by the world,but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last. (2012*,C) What is the author's attitude toward Kahlo? <extra_id_0>Devotion. <extra_id_1>Sympathy. <extra_id_2>Worry. <extra_id_3>Encouragement. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>As for visiting Walt Disney World. People usually have trouble in arranging. The following will give you some practical suggestions on paying a valuable visit to the famous park. When to go? While it's always busy, Disney World is slightly slower between mid-January and March. It's summer when the visitors , combined with the heat and humidity , are crowded. Your best choice is either early in the morning or late in the day--- often you can enjoy more rides in the first or last two hours of the day than you can the entire rest of the day combined. Where to stay? The question: to stay on Disney World Resort property or not. Disney World offers three resort pricing: Deluxe , Moderate, and Value, with good facilities and in-hotel attractions. That said, they all offer "Extra Magic Hours"(early access to the theme parks), guaranteed entry when the parks are over-crowded, and frequent shuttle service to the many attractions. Off-property hotels will have shuttle transfers, but often at less regular intervals ,wasting more time in transport. You'll also need a rental car, which adds to the expense, making up for saving in the hotel rate. The "Magic Your Way Package" is a good value if you have a large family. What to do? Make use of the "Fast Pass" , which , for no extra cost, allow you to insert your entrance ticket into a particular machine at the attraction and receive a schedule ride time a little later on. For example, use your Fast Pass ticket at a ride just before getting lunch. Once you're done eating, you can return to the ride and jump right on during the busiest time of day. At the Animal Kingdom, the animals are most active either early or late in the day, so plan accordingly. Thankfully _ is fit for the least busy times of day in the park. Study the map of the park the night before to plan your visit. You'll save time by knowing where things are and where you're headed. Visitors who use Fast Pass tickets _ <extra_id_0>can get discounts on tickets <extra_id_1>will have a well-planned ride time <extra_id_2>will often be checked at the exit <extra_id_3>have to pay more for their tickets <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The State of Aurora requires licenses of persons "who are engaged in the trade of barbering." It will grant such licenses only to those who are graduates of barber schools located in Aurora, who have resided in the state for two years, and who are citizens of the United States. Which of the following is the strongest ground on which to challenge the requirement that candidates for barber licenses must have been residents of the state for at least two years? <extra_id_0>The privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment <extra_id_1>The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment <extra_id_2>The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment <extra_id_3>The obligation of contracts claus <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Student Services Students' Union Every University has a Students' Union. If students are the lifeblood of a university, the Union is surely its beating heart. For students, by students A Students' Union is run by students and acts independently. At the end of each academic year, it will find six students to hold a sabbatical position managing the Union for the coming year. That the six successful sabbatical officers have only recently experienced issues affecting students ensures that your needs are very well understood. Letting your hair down Although the University is spread across a fairly wide area, the Union is centrally located and is only a short walk from any of the main buildings. This makes it very easy to catch up with friends who might be on a different course. At night, the place really comes alive - we have three different bars to suit every occasion. The venues are student-only so you can be sure of meeting people with a similar outlook and we throw in a transport service to make sure you get home safely. The Union also organizes various formal balls throughout the year, with the highlight being the end-of-year ball. Supporting you Beyond having fun, we also make sure some of the more serious issues are effectively dealt with. If you have a problem with your course, another sabbatical officer is trained to help you. Being independent from the University means we can represent and support you to the best of our ability, and once you reach university you may find that you become aware of more national or political issues. From the passage, we can learn that _ is the most wonderful program of every year. <extra_id_0>making friends <extra_id_1>dancing in a bar <extra_id_2>the match of the end-year ball <extra_id_3>electing the officers <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>MSF stands for Medicines Sans Frontiers. It's also known as Doctors Without Borders . Medicines Sans Frontiers is French. This organization was set up by some French doctors in 1971. Since then, MSF has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have suffered from disasters, such as wars and illness. Now, about 3,000 doctors and nurses work for MSF. And over 27,000 doctors have volunteered for MSF so far. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSF's work is in Africa. When MSF chooses doctors for a task, they have to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks and become experienced, they might be sent on an emergency task following a disaster, such as an earthquake. But why would doctors leave a comfortable life and a good pay to join MSF? Some of them say the experience they have is a great help in their life. And they say that it's great to give others a helping hand. MSF needs support. They get donations from the government and businesses. But 80% of its donations come from doctors themselves. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? <extra_id_0>Some MSF doctors received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 <extra_id_1>MSF has a history of over 40 years. <extra_id_2>About 3,000 doctors and nurses work for MSF. <extra_id_3>An MSF doctor usually goes for a task for at least half a year.. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Zambia is a country in southern Africa. More than half of the population is very poor, and companies pay people very little money for their work. One woman named Sylvia Banda had a dream to become a successful businesswoman and build her own brand . So, after finishing high school, Banda went to college to learn how to start a food company. She studied hard and spent her free time coming up with ways to make money, including making food and selling it to friends. In 1987, when Banda was 24 years old, she decided to start her own restaurant. She borrowed a room and used food, and pans from her own kitchen. The first day, her restaurant did not have any chairs or tables, but she was able to sell all of the food that she had made. After counting the money, she was surprised that she had made more in one day than most people make in one month. From that small restaurant, Banda built a large company called the Sylva Group. It now has hundreds of people working for it and is worth over a million dollars. Besides restaurants, the company has now built hotels and a college in Zambia, and it also sells many kinds of packaged foods. After reaching her goal of starting her own business and becoming rich, Banda decided to work to improve the lives of other Zambians. She does this in a number of ways. For one, her restaurants use vegetables and other products made in Zambia, and by doing so, Banda can support the farmers. Her college also teaches farmers ways to make their farms better, which helps them make more money. The college also helps young Zambians get skills to start their own businesses. Through hard work, Banda has been able to improve both her life and her country. What can be learnt about The Sylva Group? <extra_id_0>It is the name of a small restaurant in Zambia. <extra_id_1>It has become a valuable company that has many workers. <extra_id_2>It builds hotels and restaurants outside of Zambia. <extra_id_3>It pays for its workers to go to college. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Book 1Elixirwritten by Eric Walters Twelve-year-old Roth becomes a friend of Dr. Banting and his assistant, Mr. Best, who are doing research on a cure for diabetes . She finds herself torn between her sympathy for the animals being experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best. Book 2George Washington Carver written by Elizabeth Macleod Meet the "Peanut Specialist", George Washington Carver, the inventor and professor who made over 325 products out of peanuts. Through his agricultural research, he also greatly improved the lives of countless black farmers in the southern United States. See also Macleod's Albert Einstein: A Life of Genius. Book 3The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovations written by Alootook Ipellie & David MacDonald Explore more than 40 ideas necessary to Inuit survival. From ideas familiar to us today to inventive concepts that shaped their lives, celebrate the creativity of a remarkably intelligent people. Also see other books: The Chinese Thought of It by Tingxing Ye and A Native American Thought of It by Rocky Landon and David MacDonald. Book 4 Made in Canada: 101 Amazing Achievements written by Bev Spencer What things do we use daily that have a Canadian connection? Here are 101 common things that were invented in Canada or by a Canadian, including the Blackberry, alkaline batteries and the Blue Box recycling program. Book 5Newton and the Time Machinewritten by Michael McGowan Ten-year-old boy Newton has invented a time machine to see dinosaurs up close. But it disappears on a test run with his two huge friends, King Herbert and Queen Certrude, can he save them before time runs out? If you are interested in native Americans, you may read the book by _ . <extra_id_0>Elizabeth Macleod <extra_id_1>Eric Walters <extra_id_2>Rocky London & David MacDonald <extra_id_3>Bev Spencer <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Nowadays many people have to work very hard in order to live a better life. And the hard they work, the less they pay attention to their health. But it's very important for us to keep healthy in our everyday life. Here are some ways for you to follow. First, you should have a healthy diet. It's necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables, as they contain many kinds of vitamin you need every day. Do not eat too much fat, such as butter or anything too fatty. Too many sweets can do harm to your teeth, so you'd better not eat too many sweets or chocolates and keep off coffee. Second, good habits can help you keep fit. Doing regular exercise is certainly a good way to ensure that your body is healthy. After a day's work, an eight-hour sleep is needed. And avoid working or studying too hard. The best title might probably be _ . <extra_id_0>keep fit <extra_id_1>live a better life <extra_id_2>eat more fruit <extra_id_3>study too hard <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>I got my first driver's license in 1953 by taking driver education in my first year at Central High School in Charlotte,North Carolina.Four years later when it was time to renew my license I was a married woman.Henry and I were living in Baltimore,Maryland.Two weeks before my 20th birthday,Henry drove me to the motor vehicle office on a hot July afternoon.When I got to the office and showed to the man behind the counter my North Carolina driver's license,ready to renew,the man told me that I was under age by Maryland law since I was not yet 21."Mr. Henry Smith,your husband,will have to sign for you," he said. I argued,pointing to a very large belly of mine,"I am married.I am having a baby.Why should I have to have someone sign for me to drive?"He answered coldly."It's the law,madam." Henry encouraged me to calm down,just go ahead and get the license and be done with it."No,"I said.I refused to have him sign for me.So I left without a Maryland license. I called the North Carolina Motor Vehicle office and renewed my NC license by mail--using my name Susan Brown.And thus it was for the next twelve years.Since Henry was in the army I could drive under my home state license.By the time Henry left the army we were once again living in Maryland,and I had to take the Maryland driver's exam.Since then I just go in and renew every four years--sign the name Susan Brown,have my new picture taken, and walk out with a license to drive. Susan got her first driver's license _ . <extra_id_0>before she got married to Henry <extra_id_1>when she was twenty years old <extra_id_2>after she finished high school <extra_id_3>when she just moved to Maryland <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Lipitor is a prescription medicine. Along with diet and exercise, it lowers "bad" cholesterol in your blood. It can also raise "good" cholesterol. Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors, including family history of early heart disease, high blood pressure, age and smoking. WHO IS LIPITOR FOR? Who can take LIPITOR: * People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise. * Adults and children over 10. Who should NOT take LIPITOR: * Women who are pregnant, may be pregnant, or may become pregnant. Lipitor may harm your unborn baby. * Women who are breast-feeding. Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby. * People with liver problems. POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF LIPITOR Serious side effects in a small number of people: * Muscle problems that can lead to kidney problems, including kidney failure. * Liver problems. Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start Lipitor and while you are taking it. Call your doctor right away if you have: * Unexplained muscle pain or weakness, especially if you have a fever or feel very fired. * Swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and/or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing. * Stomach pain. Some common side effects of LIPITOR are: * Muscle pain. * Upset stomach. * Changes in some blood tests. HOW TO TAKE LIPITOR DO: * Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor. * Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor. * Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food. * If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. But if it has been more than 12 hours since you missed dose, wait. Take the next dose at your regular time. Don't: * Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor. * Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor. Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor? <extra_id_0>Face swelling. <extra_id_1>Upset stomach. <extra_id_2>Kidney failure. <extra_id_3>Muscle weakness. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When I first began to work with international students, I asked someone at a lunch, "What brings you here today?" Looking at me like I was a bit crazy, he answered, " The bus." That was my first realization that no matter how good a speaker is, there are phrases that will always tend to cause confusion to non-native speakers. These idiomatic phrases add color and interest to any language and are worth learning if you want to talk fluently with native speakers. "By no stretch"----The speaker is referring to something that's very hard to achieve or realize, even with great effort, as in "It was not a good meal, by any stretch of the imagination." Which means that _ . "Half dead"----An expression of extreme tiredness, having nothing to do with actual health. Commonly used at the end of a long and tiring day. "By the book"----This means that an action should follow the rules exactly. It also describes the nature of someone who won't deviate from a set of rules no matter what the situation is. "More power to you"----This isn't a wish for you to have better electricity from the power company----it's a statement, usually slightly ironic , that the speaker thinks that you are unlikely to do a task, but you should try if you think you can complete it. It generally means the speaker has no intention of helping you achieve your goal neither will they discourage you from attempting to reach it. For example, "I don't think you can meet that deadline, but more power to you." "As easy as pie"----A reference that something is as simple or easy as eating a delicious dessert, or that it requires little effort to successfully achieve. In chatting, this phrase does not refer to the process of cooking or eating. If a person daren't do things in a creative way, you may describe him by using " _ ". <extra_id_0>by no stretch <extra_id_1>by the book <extra_id_2>as easy as pie <extra_id_3>the breaker of rules <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Inside the pleasingly fragrant cafe, So All May Eat(SAME) in downtown Denver ,the spirit ofgenerosityis instantly noticeable :donation box stands in place of a cash register. Customers here pay only what they can afford, no questions asked.A risky business plan, perhaps, but SAME Cafe has done one unchangeable thing in the Mile High City for six years: Open only at midday, the restaurant allows poor local customers who cannot pay to work as volunteers instead. They can act as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or look after the buildings and equipment for the cafe. It's based on trust, and it's working all right", says co-owner Brad Birky, who started the cafe in 2006. Previously volunteering at soup kitchens, the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there. "We wanted to offer quality food in a restaurant where everyone felt comfortable, regardless of their circumstances," Birky says. SAME's special lunch menu changes daily and most food materials are natural and grown by local farmers. The cafe now averages 65 to 70 customers (and eight volunteers) a day. And the spirit of generosity behind the project appears to be spreading. In early 2007,one volunteer who had cleared snow for his meals during t he long winter said goodbye to the Birkys, He said he was going to New Orleans to help with the hurricane clearing up," says Birky. What can we learn about the soup kitchens the Birkys previously worked for? <extra_id_0>They refused to have volunteers. <extra_id_1>They offered low quality food. <extra_id_2>They provided customers with a good environment. <extra_id_3>They closed down because of poor management. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Silvia Garcia,a black woman.applied for a job at a small company.One question on the application form was"Who else lives at your home address?"Ms.Garcia did not answer this question.She left the space blank. The boss,Jeff Erler, was a very religious man.He had started the company himself and felt that his employees were like his family.Mr Erler interviewed Ms.Garcia personally,He noticed that she had marked"single" on her application and he was surprised that she was not married at her age.When he mentioned this to her, she just laughed and did not answer.He decided that she was a very nice woman.He also needed to hire members of minorities,so he hired her. Ms.Garcia did very well in the company.In a few months she got a rise and was happy with the additional money.However, seven months after Mr.Erler hired her, he overheard a conversation in the dining hall.Two other workers were talking about her and "the guy she's living with." Mr Erler called Ms.Garcia into his office that afternoon.He questioned her about her living situation and she admitted that she was living with her boyfriend.Mr Erler told her that he was very sorry, but he did not want immoral people to work in his company.At first,she could not believe that Mr.Erler was serious.She told him that he had no right to call her immoral because she was living with her boyfriend.She said that as long as she was a good worker, her personal life was her own business and that he could not make judgments about it.However, Mr.Erler fired Ms. Garcia. The main reason for Ms.Garcia's being out of work is _ . <extra_id_0>her nationality <extra_id_1>her race <extra_id_2>her poor working relations <extra_id_3>her way of life <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Las Vegas cab driver Gerardo Gamboa thought someone must have left a bag of chocolates in the back seat of his vehicle,but it turned out to be $300,000 in cold hard cash. Now,Gamboa is winning honors for honesty after turning in the money he found Monday.The money was returned to an unidentified poker player working in a club.Yellow Checker Star Transportation named Gamboa its driver of the year and rewarded him with $l,000 and a dinner for two at a restaurant. A message left Wednesday to interview Gamboa at the cab company wasn't immediately returned. Gamboa told the Las Vegas Review-Journal he had another passenger by the time he began wondering what kind of chocolates were in the brown paper bag.He cast a glance inside the bag at a traffic light. "I told my passenger,'You are my witness on this,'"the 13-year taxi driver told the Las Vegas Sun,"and then immediately called my company." Gamboa took the six bunches of $100 bills to the company's main office,where Las Vegas police and the club officials returned it to the poker player. Gamboa saidthemangave him a $5 tip after a trip from the Cosmopolitan Resort to the Palms Place Tower,and Gamboa then drove to the Bellagio Resort,where a doorman helping a passenger into the car noticed the bag. It took several hours to check the identity of the owner and return the cash.He took Gamboa's information,but didn't leave a reward. "If he doesn't give me anything,that's OK,"Gamboa told the Sun."I'm not waiting for any kind of return.I just wanted to do the right thing,and I appreciate what the company did for me." What can be inferred from the text? <extra_id_0>The driver will ask the poker player for $l,000. <extra_id_1>It was 3 days before the poker player got back the money. <extra_id_2>The driver meant to keep back the money at first. <extra_id_3>The driver feels he should return the lost money. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Guilin is my favorite city in China because of its beauty, its waterways, its cafes, and most of all because I met my wife there. It is her hometown and we will both retire there in a few years. Not only is Guilin a fascinating city, but there are many interesting places to visit within a short drive from there. The Ling Canal is the oldest canal in the world. It was built about 2,200 years ago and connects two major river systems, the Yangtze and the Pearl River. The Longsheng Rice Terraces is another manmade wonder that was built around 650 years ago.I have some photos of both of these places in my China Daily homepage Albums. The Gudong Waterfall Park is another attraction that is worth visiting. The hike to the top of all these waterfalls isn't very difficult and if you want, you can take a ride to the bottom on a personal rail car that you control the speed with a _ If you want, you can also climb up some of the waterfalls with the help of chains that are placed for the convenience of amateur climbers . I have only been in Guilin during the winter and spring, but my wife tells me it gets pretty hot in the summer time. That's OK because I grew up in the Midwest of the US where it gets very hot and humid during the summer months. But in Guilin almost everything is within walking distance and if you need to go further the buses come by every 5 minutes on the busy streets and every 10-15 minutes just about everywhere else. There are plenty of taxis, too, and most trips are only 6 yuan. It's a perfect place to retire. What's the weather like in summer in Guilin? <extra_id_0>Very hot. <extra_id_1>Quite humid. <extra_id_2>Rather hot. <extra_id_3>A little cool <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>DEAR Daughter, We have not seen you for a while now, so I thought we might check in. Did you fall off the edge of the Earth? Your mother worries, you know, and I am just curious. Well, I am more than curious. I feel abandoned. Apparently you've dumped us for your career. I can understand that, because you've always had a wonderful work ethic . Look, obviously your long absence has confused us. As we go about our daily routines, your mother and I are distracted - both by your absence and our pride in your career. The other day, I entered my work password into the microwave, then stood there cursing it for not working. And I was so off my game that I actually used that cholesterol-free mayo your mother insisted on buying in an effort to drive me from the house. Listen, a lot has happened since you've been away. Abraham Lincoln was shot. We had two more children - a princess, now 23; a boy, now 12. Yesterday I bought a very clean 2001 Camaro car from an older woman. Your mother is not happy about this. She says it is the kind of muscle car driven by ex-convicts when they examine your house at 2 am. In response, I tell her it was the car of my dreams (when I was 18). So that's where your long absence has left us. Your long absence is not so bad, though we miss your roaring laughter ... the way your cheeks flush when you eat Thai food. How you always march too hard into the house, like a Scotsman stepping on snakes. Each evening, your mother now waits by the window the way she did when you used to step off the bus in first grade, your hair full of rubber bands. Bet that drove you crazy even then, her running out on the porch like you'd just returned from a month-long journey to the moon. Look, parents are not easy people. But should the urge ever hit you, feel free to stop by some time. Our house is your house. Our hearts are yours too. And your mother is still waiting by the window. Love, Dad From the article, we can conclude that the author is _ . <extra_id_0>humorous <extra_id_1>inspiring <extra_id_2>serious <extra_id_3>patient <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>"Confidence" is probably one of the most noticeable traits in the Americans. They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dress and the way they walk. Living and competing with all these confident American students, I find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and instructor. As a student, being confident means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mind. Don't mind if it sounds simple or silly. Otherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at all. What's worse, the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do not have your own opinion on the issue--this is the last comment any graduate would like to receive. Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it. Pretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgrace. But the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their speeches. (The course I'm teaching here is Public speaking). Modesty is a trait highly valued in China, but it won't be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program. The author is most likely to feel embarrassed if _ . <extra_id_0>he asks a student to repeat what he has said <extra_id_1>the students bargain with him <extra_id_2>he pretends to know what he doesn't <extra_id_3>he has to give a speech <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>It was raining as I ran out of the church, eager to get home and play with the gifts Father Christmas sent me. Across the street was a gas station, which was closed for Christmas, but I noticed a family standing under the narrow overhang to keep dry. I wondered briefly why they were there but then forgot about them as I couldn't wait to see my gifts. Once I got home, there was hardly any time to enjoy my gifts. My grandparents were still waiting for us to have Christmas dinner together at their house. As we drove down the highway, I noticed that the family was still there. The closer we got to my grandparents' house, the slower the car went. Suddenly, my father U-turned and said, "I can't stand it!" "What?" asked my mother. "It's those people back there at the gas station, standing in the rain." When my father pulled into the station, I saw there were five of them: the parents and three children--two girls and a small boy. Then we learned that the family was waiting for the bus to Birmingham, where the man planned to find a job. "Well, that bus won't come along for several hours. Winborn's just a few miles away, and there is a shed with a cover there," my father advised. "I will run you up there." Then they climbed into our car,. My father looked back and asked the children if Father Christmas had found them. Three sad faces gave him his answer. "Well, Father Christmas said he was having trouble finding you, so he just left your toys at my house this morning. Let's go to get them first," my father said. All at once, the three children's faces lit up. When we arrived at our house, one girl spied a lovely doll, that little boy took a ball, and the other girl picked up something else. That was the Christmas when I learned the joy of making others happy. We can learn from the text that the author's father _ . <extra_id_0>knew that family very well <extra_id_1>got lost on the way to Winborn <extra_id_2>sent that family to Birmingham <extra_id_3>was happy to help those in trouble <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Some people make you feel comfortable. You can easily spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them your whole life. These people, who can make others feel relaxed, have great people skills and if we observe them we can learn a lot. How do they do it? Here are several ways to put others at ease so you can make friends quickly. First of all, good talkers ask lots of questions. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he or she is, will answer a question put to him or her. One well-known businesswoman says: "At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It's a common question, but it will get things going." From there you can move on to other matters - sometimes even to really personal questions. How he or she answers will let you know how far you can go. Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. This point seems obvious, but it is important to remember that your questions should have a point and help you understand what sort of person you are talking to. In order to find this out, you really have to listen carefully. Real listening means not changing the subject of conversation. If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that he or she is really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to the words, but also to how the person is speaking. What is their tone of voice? If they sound bored then it might be time for you to change the subject. Finally, good talkers know how to end a conversation. If you're saying goodbye to someone, shake his or her hand and say: "I've really enjoyed meeting you." And if you want to see that person again, don't keep it a secret. Let them know, and they will walk away feeling as if they've known you their whole life. What is the article mainly about? <extra_id_0>The skills needed to be a good talker. <extra_id_1>What to do when making friends. <extra_id_2>How to be a good listener. <extra_id_3>How to start a conversation with a stranger. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A Most of us feel upset if we miss just one meal, and if we try to go without food for 12 hours we would really be uncomfortable. But there are some people who seem able to "fast" for very long periods. Various records are claimed for long fast, but in most cases there is no medical proof and so the records are doubtful. One South African woman claimed that she lived for 102 days on nothinig but water and soda water. There are great differences among living things in the ability to survive without food. For example , a tick , which lives on animals, may survive a whole year. Warm-blooded animals use up their stores of food in the body more quickly. In fact, the smaller and more active the animal, the more quickly it uses up its reserves. A small bird starves to death in about five days, a dog in about twenty. In general, we can say that a warm-blooded creature will die when it has lost about half its normal weight. This matter of weight is important. Man and other creatures live in a state of metabolic equiplibrium which means maintaining the body weight once a certain point has been reached. This regulation of body weight is done by thirst, hunger, and appetite. When your blood lacks nutritional materials, this registers in the hunger center of the brain and you feel "hungry". The body is crying out for any kind of fuel(food). And it is our appetite that sees to it hat we chooose a mixed diet, which is the kind the body needs. From the passage we can infer that the author _ . <extra_id_0>believes the South African woman very firmly <extra_id_1>does not believe the South African woman at all <extra_id_2>is not certain whether the South African woman's claim was true. <extra_id_3>is doubtful whether there was such a South African woman <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>"What's in a name?" According to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, there is not too much. "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." But Shakespeare may have been wrong. In most cultures, names matter a great deal. Americans choose names for their children with care. Parents usually think about the impression a name gives, not its meaning. Most Americans would consider a "Jennifer" more attractive than a "Bertha", for example. The last name, or, surname, must also be considered when choosing a first and middle name. A name like Lester Chester Hester would sound poetic, but odd. Parents would avoid names that remind them of people they don't like. On the other hand, people might name their children after a respected elderly or even a famous person. The popularity of certain names can change with each new generation. Names that were once common, like Fanny or Elmer, sound old-fashioned today. But other names---like John and David, Mary and Sarah---have stood the test of time and continue to be favorites. People in America don't always call their friends and s by their given names. Instead, they often use nicknames. Sometimes nicknames are short forms of a longer name. For instance, a girl named Elizabeth may be called Lisa, Beth or Betsy. As children grow up, they may decide for themselves which nickname they wish to be called. Some people just go by the initials of their first and middle names, like B.J. or R.C. And of course, people may call their children or their sweethearts other special nicknames. Often they have a "sweet" flavor, like Honey or Sugar. What's in a name? A word of significance. So if you're choosing an English name for yourself, take care to choose a good one. A made-up name could sound strange to native English speakers. And a translation of your Chinese name may not make an appropriate name, either. But a good name can leave a positive and lasting impression. As an American politician once said, "In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears." The author is most likely to name a newly born baby girl _ . <extra_id_0>Bertha <extra_id_1>Fanny <extra_id_2>Yunyun <extra_id_3>Elizabeth <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>It takes less than six seconds to leave a first impression. It is said that we ought not judge a book by its cover, but come on, isn't it the color, the design, the layout, and the title that draw us to pick up a book we've never heard of before? Notice what your assumptions are about a person when you are first introduced to her or him. Something that most of us don't take notice of is how we stand or walk. Let's say you are going for a job interview. Within seconds you have already said a lot about yourself by the way you walk. The majority of us walk around everyday without paying any attention to what we are saying even though we are not uttering a word. There is a lot that can be said about body language from the clothes you wear to the gestures you make. I took notice of this topic recently as I recalled something about changing my posture to improve my level of confidence. I was about to venture on a new project, which would take me out of my comfort zone. My gremlins were having a field day with me uttering all kinds of reasons why I couldn't do a good job with this new opportunity. I tucked in my tummy , put my shoulders back , held my head high , and took a walk. Soon thereafter, I felt so much better. I approached the project with new possibility. Wow, what a difference ! Try it ! The ability to capture your audience when you walk into a room is sure to start you off on the right foot when going on an interview. Non-verbal signals have five times the impact of verbal signals. So you can count on losing your audience when you walk in with head down dragging your feet regardless how much you try to change it. The author probably believes that _ . <extra_id_0>non-verbal signals are more important than verbal signals <extra_id_1>non-verbal signals are not so easy to catch <extra_id_2>we mainly rely on verbal signals during an interview <extra_id_3>we shouldn't pay too much attention to our non-verbal signals <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Earning a black belt in martial arts and being issued a pilot's license are both impressive accomplishments that take year of effort to achieve, but 30-year-old Jessica Cox has done both despite being born without arms. In spite of all difficulties , but with strong faith and the help of her family ,Cox put herself through high school and then college, typing papers with her toes, She became the first armless black belt in American Taekwondo Association and now has two black belts, She got her driver's license and then, astonishingly, her pilot's license in 2008, The achievement earned her a place in the Guinness Would Records, which recognized her for becoming the first person without arms to fly an airplane. Now Cox is the subject of a new documentary, Rightfooted, Which Cox says the hopes will inspire disabled young people around the world, "Had I watched a film similar to this one earlier, in my life ,I know it would have make a difference." Cox says in a trailer for the documentary. The young woman says her current goal is to become a motivational speaker, particularly for chileren born without arms , She says she believes her message can reach millions of people working to overcome a variety of disabilities. As the next step, she has been invited by non-governmental organization Handicap International to work with disabled children in Ethiopia Cox is extremely excited for the opportunity, She hopes that sharing her story will inspire children with disabilities and encourage Ethiopians to include all children in school because in Ethiopia only one percent of children with disabilities are educated and their parents do not think they can benefit from going to school, She also hopes to meet with government officials to inspire change. What's the purpose of the documentary Rightfooted? <extra_id_0>To inspire all young people with disabilities <extra_id_1>To tell the story of Cox's life and her desire <extra_id_2>To show how important one's foot is <extra_id_3>To show how Cox works in Ethiopia <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The lower East Side is neither rich nor beautiful, but it can be a good place to shop. On Sundays, its streets are crowded with visitors and shoppers like these. They are trying to find a coat or a pair of shoes at a good price. Most people prefer to shop in the big department stores like Macy's, Gimbel's, or Bloomingdale's because there they can find clothing, furniture, toys, and food in one store. Some people like the smaller stores of Greenwich Village or other areas when they are looking for an unusual present. Some streets have only one kind of stores. Bracelets and rings shine in the windows of Canal Street, and wedding dresses fill the stores of Grant Street. There are streets for furs, and, in one area, there are 600 shops for antiques! Fifth Avenue is the most famous place to shop, and it is usually the most expensive. There you can find the latest styles from Paris, Italy, or New York. You can spend thousands of dollars on Fifth Avenue, or you can just _ and admire the sights for free. How many kinds of shops or stores on the lower East Side are mentioned in the passage? <extra_id_0>Four. <extra_id_1>Five. <extra_id_2>Six. <extra_id_3>Seven. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Uncle Wang is fifty. He has two sons, Wang Lei and Wang Fei. They are twins. They are twenty -two. Wang Lei likes making things. He makes many different things. Today he's making a machine. He wants to ride the machine like a bike and fly it like a plane. Wang Fei doesn't like making things at all. He likes reading and watching TV very much. He plays table tennis on Saturdays and Sundays. Wang Lei and Wang Fei like playing football a lot. Uncle Wang likes his two sons very much. They love each other, too. Wang Lei likes _ . <extra_id_0>reading <extra_id_1>watching TV <extra_id_2>making things <extra_id_3>flying kites <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When an ant dies, other ants take it out of the nest, often within an hour after its death. This behavior interests scientists and they wonder how ants know for sure--and so soon--that another ant is dead. One scientist recently came up with a way to explain this ant behaviour. Dong-Hwan Choe is a biologist, a scientist who studies animals and plants. He found that ants have a chemical on the outside of their bodies that signals to other ants, "I'm dead--take me away" when it is dead. But there's a question to answer: As we know, if an ant is dead, it stops moving. But when an ant is sleeping or knocked unconscious, it is also not moving. However, other ants don't move the living ant out of the nest. How do they know this ant is not dead? Choe found that ants have another chemical on their bodies, which tells nearby ants something like, "Wait--I'm not dead yet" when it is not dead. Choe suspects that when an ant dies, the chemical that says, "Wait I'm not dead yet" quickly goes away. When other ants detect the "dead" chemical without the "not dead yet" chemical, they move away the body. To test his theory , Choe and his team put different chemicals on ants. When the scientists used the "I'm dead" chemical, other ants quickly moved the treated ant away. When the scientists used the "Wait--I'm not dead yet" chemical, other ants left the treated ant alone. Choe believes this behavior shows that the "not dead yet" chemical _ the "dead" chemical when picked up by other ants. And that when an ant dies, the "not dead yet" chemical fades away. Other nearby ants then detect the remaining "dead" chemical and remove the body from the nest. Understanding this behavior can help scientists figure out how to stop ants from invading new places and causing problems. Which of the following descriptions about Dong-Hwan Choe is right? <extra_id_0>Choe did this study in order to stop ants from invading new places. <extra_id_1>Choe is a biologist who is only interested in animals, especially in ants. <extra_id_2>Choe first came up with an idea to explain this ant behavior,and then did some tests to prove his theory. <extra_id_3>Choe did the research on this ant behavior on his own <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>To the Editor, I have been reading your newspaper, theHometown Gazette, for the past two years, ever since I moved to Smithville. We moved here from New York City, so I am accustomed to reading excellent newspapers such asThe New York Times. In fact, we still have theTimesdelivered on Sundays. The entire family enjoys reading the recipes in the newspaper, as well as the Styles section. TheTimesis great, but theGazetteis another story. I've never read an article that doesn't contain at least three or four spelling or grammatical errors. For instance, in last week's issue, you misspelled the word "secretary" used a singular verb with a plural noun, and used "it's" as a possessive . And that was just in the lead story! In case you never went to elementary school, "it's" means "it is". It's not a possessive adjective! It's a pity that this tiny little hick town has only one newspaper, because I' d like to have an alternative to the rag you publish. I find it hard to believe your news stories. If you can' t spell correctly, how can you get your facts right? I've been meaning to get this off my chest for some time. Please cancel my subscription . And buy yourself a dictionary. Sincerely, Jane Z. Jones Which statement of the following is NOT true according to the passage? <extra_id_0>The writer once lived in New York City, so he was used to reading newspapers like The New York Times. <extra_id_1>The entire family enjoys reading the Styles section in the local newspaper. <extra_id_2>The writer has long been planning to express his dissatisfaction with the local newspaper. <extra_id_3>It is obvious that the editors of the newspaper are not very careful about their work. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>If someone wants to use a natural gas in order to assist something necessary, they can <extra_id_0>use it to bathe in <extra_id_1>eat it to die quickly <extra_id_2>freeze it to make ice cubes <extra_id_3>ignite it to warm their body <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>On school nights, lots of kids have to do their reading before they are allowed to watch TV. Pretty soon, you might get to do both at the same time, in true Harry Potter style. Several companies are racing to produce electronic paper and ink, complete with colors and moving imagines . One idea would be to create a newspaper like The Daily Project in the Harry Potter books. Its pages would hold video clips of baseball games instead of just black-and-white photos. Electronic paper is not a new idea. A company in Massachusetts called E ink, for example, has been working for years on such a technology. Little electricity determines whether each microsphere looks black or white at any given time. Together, microspheres make up words and imagines. The techniques seems promising for creating still imagines that can be changed when needed, but the process is too slow for good videos. Scientists in the Netherlands now report a new type of e-paper technology. By using layers of oil, the requirements. They can also make images which change fast enough to meet standard video requirements. They can also make brilliant colors,. So far, however, each image is smaller than the fingernail. For now, reading and watching TV will have to return two separate activities. Keep your eyes open, though, in the future, TV watching and reading might be part of the same work. Several companies are racing to _ . <extra_id_0>Make the Harry Potte _ TV program <extra_id_1>create a newspaper like the The Daily Project <extra_id_2>provide baseball games for kids <extra_id_3>produce electronic paper with colors and moving images <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Here are four of my friends. Get to know them and their interesting experiences. I'm Mark. I'm 12. I have learned a lot about cycling and cycled about two hundred miles with my friends. We all felt very excited. My name is Sam. I'm one year older than Mark. I have entered a competition. At last, I won it and the prize was a seven---day holiday to my favourite country --America. You can call me Linda. I'm the same age as Mark. I have been to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents. I was excited to see so many cartoon characters because I often dreamed about them. John is my name. I'm one year younger than Sam. I have learned to ride a horse because I thought it was exciting. Before I learned it, I fell off the horse many times. But that was very interesting for me. There are _ children at the age of 12. <extra_id_0>five <extra_id_1>two <extra_id_2>three <extra_id_3>Four <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Five years ago, I met her in a shopping center. I was walking through the shop when I saw her. Then she came back to my house with me. After that, we became friends. Once she had to go into hospital to have an operation on her leg. I was worried about her and looked after her every day. I made breakfast for her. I was not good at cooking, but she never complained. I also helped her take showers. I have no idea why we can be good friends, because she is quite different from me. I like writing, reading and playing computer games. But she loves outdoor activities. She likes playing balls best. She also loves sleeping. She will run all around the house to lick my face if someone shouts "Kiss for Dad." That is the only name she knows me by--Dad, though I call her by many names--Pickle, Missile and Little. But her real name is Pixar. This week she turns seven years old. Where did the writer met Pixar? <extra_id_0>On the street. <extra_id_1>In a hospital. <extra_id_2>In a shopping center. <extra_id_3>In an animal center. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Every year we have many holidays, such as summer holidays. May Day and so on. How do you spend during these holidays? Do you like to travel during them ? Can you book holidays or make travel plans on line? Now let me tell you how to do it. First,you should look up the places that you want to visit online. Then you can decide on which way to travel according to the prices online. If you go to other countries, you'd better take the plane. If you visit some places of interest near your hometown, you can take the train or bus there. Of course, you can drive a car. Next, you can get in touch with some travel companies ,and talk something about travel with them. And you can find the best place to stay at the best price. Finally, you can enjoy happy holidays with the help of the travel company. With travel company's help, you can _ during travel. <extra_id_0>play basketball <extra_id_1>have good food <extra_id_2>have a good time <extra_id_3>make many friends <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A sure way to destroy your chances of learning how to write skillfully is to believe that writing is a "natural gift" rather than a learned skill. People with such an attitude think that they are the only ones for whom writing is unbearably difficult. They feel that everyone else finds writing easy or at least tolerable. Such people often say, "I'm not any good at writing" or "English was not one of my good subjects." They imply that they simply do not have a talent for writing while others do. The result of this attitude is that these people try to avoid writing, and when they do write, they don't try their best. Their writing fails chiefly because they believe that they don't have the "natural talent" needed to write. Unless their attitude changes, they probably will not learn how to write effectively. A realistic attitude about writing must build on the idea that writing is a skill. It is a skill like driving, typing, or cooking; and, like any skill, it can be learned. If you have the determination to learn, you will develop your writing skills by practicing extensively. Many people find it difficult to do the active thinking that clear writing demands. It is frustrating to discover how much of a challenge it is to transfer thoughts and feelings from one's head onto a sheet of paper. But writing is not an automatic process: We will not get something for nothing -- and we should not expect to. For almost everyone, skillful writing comes from hard work -- from determination and sweat. The good news is that the skill of writing can be mastered, and if you are ready to work, you will learn what you need to know. What is the topic of the passage? <extra_id_0>Why writing is important. <extra_id_1>Whether writing is a born gift. <extra_id_2>Benefits of essay writing. <extra_id_3>How to improve writing skills. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>For many years, artists have flocked to Paris, France, to paint or to learn to paint. Perhaps artists first went there because of the city's beauty. They went to paint pictures of the broad, tree-lined streets, the great churches, and the graceful river bridges. The artists felt comfortable in Paris because the people of the city had always enjoyed art. Paris had great art museums, filled with famous paintings and statues from many countries. And the people of Paris had always welcomed new ideas. In this city, artists felt free to experiment with new ways of painting. As soon as famous artists painted in Paris, students came to learn from them. People came to buy paintings. People called art dealers set up galleries where paintings were bought and sold. Others kept shops that sold artists' paints and supplies. Students and artists who were not yet famous could live in Paris for very little money. They learned by studying great art in the museums, and they learned from one another. They held art fairs, hanging their paintings outdoors along the streets. Today, New York City and Florence, Italy, are also famous art centers. But the world's main art exhibits are still held in Paris. Important judges of art live there. Most of the new ways of painting that have started in the last hundred years began in Paris. So artists and art dealers still go to Paris because it is the world's leading art center. Which of the following statement is not a reason why so many artists prefer to stay in Pairs? <extra_id_0>Pairs is a beautiful city <extra_id_1>The French are willing to accept any new things. <extra_id_2>All the museums are free of charge in Pairs. <extra_id_3>Artists can make an easier life in Pairs. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A student was going to spend his holiday in a cool mountain village. That evening he stayed at an inn near the railway station . Before going to bed, he went to the boss of the inn and said, "Excuse me, sir. Will you please wake me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning? I'll take the five o'clock train." "Oh, sorry, sir," the boss said in a hurry, "I'm afraid I can't. I won't be able to get up so early." The student was disappointed . When he began to return to his room, be stopped and asked, "Have you got an alarm-clock ? Maybe it can help me." "Wait a minute, then." The boss said and brought out an alarm-clock. "Here you are, sir." "Thank you very much." The student said happily. But he found it was rusty when he had a look at it. And it sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. He asked, "Will it ring in time?" "I don't know, either." said the boss, "But it doesn't matter. You just give it a good shake at a quarter to five. And it will ring on time." The student stayed at the inn because _ . <extra_id_0>it was in the cool mountain village he was going to <extra_id_1>the boss of the inn was kind to him <extra_id_2>the boss could wake him up at the right time <extra_id_3>it was near the railway station <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>"When an American asks me this question, it's like a wall of ice crashing down between us." my Moscow-born friend Galina said. The question is "How are you?". The answer Americans give, of course is, "Fine." But when Russians hear this they think one of two things: you are experiencing a rare moment of fineness or you are lying. Ask a Russian, "How are you?" and you will hear, for better or worse, the truth. I have experienced many painful minutes of silence after my grandmother made her stock response: "Terrible," to which she might add, "Why? Because being old is terrible and I am very old." "'Fine' makes Russians think that Americans have no soul," I explained recently to an American-born friend. "That they just want to go home, eat a frozen dinner in front of the TV, and wait out the hours before going to work to make money again." He laughed, "You know, there's something to that." The thing most Russians don't realize is that, in English, "How are you?" isn't a question at all, but a form of "hi", like the Russian "privyet!" Psychologists at the University of Michigan have shown that, while Russians are, indeed, easier to be depressed than Americans, their open acceptance of bad experiences might be healthier. Recently, when I looked through a few American guides on traveling to Russia, I was disappointed to find that they all suggested that tourists adopt the American approach to "How are you". When you ask a Russian "how are you" the Russian will _ . <extra_id_0>answer "fine" <extra_id_1>tell you the truth <extra_id_2>make no answer <extra_id_3>get angry and walk away <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Australian scientists say an organic compound used by Indian women to paint dots or bindi on their foreheads could hold the key to a breakthrough in cancer treatment. Rose Bengal was first used in the early 1900s as a dye for food, textiles and cosmetics. But now it is proving to be a useful weapon in the fight against skin cancer. Television advertisements constantly warn of the dangers of overexposure to the fierce sun. Among them is the possibility of the disease melanoma , a type of skin cancer. More than 1,200 Australians die every year from the disease. Initial trials of a solution of Rose Bengal injected into some melanoma cells have had a 75 percent success rate in controlling the disease. Professor John Thompson, the director of the Melanoma Unit at the University of Sydney, says this organic dye could become a powerful cancer-fighting treatment. "We believe it works by getting into the tumor cells and causing them to self-destruct. But the exact mechanism by which it works is not totally clear. It's not useful for people who have a primary melanoma. The treatment of primary melanoma is surgical excision ,"he said. "It's useful to inject tumors for people who have recurrences; when the primary treatment has failed and when recurrence in the area, or at more distant sites has occurred." About 90 percent of Australians who develop melanoma survive thanks to early diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated, however, the disease can be fatal. Convincing younger people in Australia about the dangers of overexposure to the sun is a battle campaigners are constantly waging. Veronica Manock, a 21-year-old student, had two major operations to remove a cancerous tumor from her leg. "I've had a lot of friends who just said 'I thought it was just, you know, I'll get a mole cut out and that's it', whereas I don't think people realize how much danger they're putting themselves into and how easy it is to stop something like this happening to you just from doing little things,"said Marock. Other researchers in Australia are investigating genetic treatments to skin cancer. There is a pressing need for such research to produce effective treatments. Australians, the majority of whom are fair-skinned , are four times more likely to develop a melanoma than people in Canada, the United States or Great Britain. The main reason for Australia's high rate in skin cancer is _ . <extra_id_0>the overuse of cosmetics <extra_id_1>overexposure to the sun <extra_id_2>the color of their skin <extra_id_3>the lack of prevention <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Mountain lions live in mountainous areas of the western prefix = st1 /United States. Lately, however, people have reported seeing them in quiet neighborhoods all across the country! Usually considered shy and seldom seen, these lions are becoming more noticeable. In addition, the lions appear to be moving east. They were even reported in the suburbs of Boston, Philadelphia, andChicago. It seems certain that these "Kings of the mountains" are moving. Why? Scientists are not sure. Some think that as the mountain lion population increases in the west, younger wild cats are leaving the area. These cats are searching for new homes and new places for food. "The young males are looking for new homes," says Lynn Sadler, who is the director of the Mountain Lion Foundation in Sacramento,Calif."People tend to create too many barriers, such as buildings, fences, roads, and noise. As the mountain lions seek new places and food and water sources, these barriers get in their way." The sightings have made people increasingly watchful . Sometimes the "mountain lions" that people report seeing turn out to be large dogs or even house cats. But at least a few of the meetings have been real. The building of new roads, the growing of suburbs and the growing popularity of outdoor activities are all increasing the chances that people in various parts of the country may meet up with a mountain lion. Because many people are concerned about the reappearance of the American lion, an expert outlined some ways they can avoid attracting the wild cats: Never leave pets or pet food outside; properly care for farm animals; and plan public land use to enable the lions to move safely from one place to another. "To be fair," says the expert, "mountain lions are trying to regain their homes. They were here first. Now we need to find ways we can live together." Mountain lions are moving probably because _ . <extra_id_0>the suburbs of big cities are peaceful and quiet <extra_id_1>more roads are being built into the mountains <extra_id_2>the number of the lions increases in the west <extra_id_3>young lions are seeking new partners <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Which of the following represents the process of photosynthesis? <extra_id_0>C_{6}H_{12}O_{6} -> 6CO_{2} + 6H_{2}O <extra_id_1>6CO_{2} + 6H_{2}O -> C_{6}H_{12}O_{6} +6O_{2} <extra_id_2>2H_{2}O -> 2H_{2} + O_{2} <extra_id_3>2H_{2} + O_{2} -> 2H_{2}O <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>More and more people are trying to learn English than any other language in the world. English is the world language of politics and international business. It becomes the international language of science, medicine, sports, travel and so on. In most schools in Asia, English is taught as the main foreign language. School children in China and Japan begin to learn English at an early age. English is the official language of more than seventy-five countries including Britain, Canada, the United States and Australia. Many different languages are spoken in some countries. However, English is often used as an official language to help people communicate with each other. India is a good example. English is the common language in this country, but at least twenty-four languages are spoken there. Do you know the history of English? Old English took many words from the French language. Most English words came from French, especially those words used for describing the law and the government, such as "damage"," prison "and " marriage". Then, English became what language experts called Middle English. The history of English continues as Middle English, and then it becomes Modern English, and it is spoken today. ,. Before becoming Modern English, English was called _ by language experts. <extra_id_0>Middle English <extra_id_1>Old English <extra_id_2>Early English <extra_id_3>American English <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Some people have travelled to Canada while others may have just heard of it . As is known to all, the Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada. The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white background, with red borders down each side. The Canadian flag is twice as long as its width. The white square containing the red maple leaf is the same width as the flag. Canada is a very large country, too. It is the second largest country in the world.By contrast, it has a very small population. There are only about 29 millinon people there. Most Canadians are of British or French origin, and French is an official language as well English. About 45 % of the people are of British origin, that is, they or their parents or grandparents, etc, come from Britain. Nearly 30 % are of French origin. Most of the French-Canadians live in the province of quebec. Over the years people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world. They are mostly from European countries and also from China, as well as other Asian countries. However , Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive. Canadian-Indian lived along the coast, bythe rivers and lakes and in forests. Today there are only 350,000 Canadian-Indians in the whole country, with their own language. In the far north live the Inuits. There are only 27, 000 Canadian-Inuits. Their life is hard in such a harsh climate. What is the populatin of Quebec? <extra_id_0>More than 29, 000.000 <extra_id_1>About 30% of the total population. <extra_id_2>Over 45% of th etotal population <extra_id_3>Less than 30% of the French-Canadians. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Have you ever heard of Jinjiang Hotel? It is on our busiest street. It's the best place to live in if you travel here. The hotel is only 0.5 kilometer from the biggest supermarket and the subway. It has three kinds of rooms for different people to use. The first kind is standard room, that is two beds with a bathroom. It offers you the air conditioner, the television and the telephone. Second is the single room, that has only one bed. Though it has only one bed, you can enjoy yourself, for the bed is really comfortable and the environment is really good. The last one we call commercial room. That is served for businessmen. The commercial room has the best quality. It also provides 24-hour hot water. You can have free tea in the afternoon. Imagine how nice as you drink tea as talking about your business with your partners. If you want to eat something, please just call 123, the food will arrive in ten minutes. One great thing is that it is very safe here because we have a few strong guards working day and night, so I'm sure you will have a great time living here. If you live in Jinjiang Hotel, you can _ easily. <extra_id_0>go to a movie <extra_id_1>go shopping <extra_id_2>see a doctor <extra_id_3>have fast food <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Animals get energy for growth and repair from <extra_id_0>soil <extra_id_1>food <extra_id_2>water <extra_id_3>air <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Ad 1 April Fool's party On Friday, April 1, Inner Affair goes back to the days of funk! Classic Tunes from the 70's and 80's by DJs Den & Sion, 9pm till late. Tickets: Free entrance for those in costume, otherwise 50 yuan (US$6) Time/Date: 9 pm, April 1 Place: Inner Affair, 1/F Qiankun Dasha, 6 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang District Tel: 8454-0321 Ad 2 The "worst" party Organized by ozone productions, the party is set to be "the worst ever", with the lamest music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Special prizes will be awarded to the worst dressed or for bad fashion sense. Tickets: Free entrance Time/Date: 9 pm, April 1 Place: Pula Pula, Tianze Lu, Oriental Seven Colours Plaza, Chaoyang District Tel: 6466-8575 Ad 3 La Nuit Francaise Again on the 2nd Thursday of the month La Nuit Francaise will be held at Le Rendezvous. The monthly event is an opportunity for all French people and everyone interested in France or speaking French to gather together. The evening features three glasses of wine for participants and a special exhibition. Time/Date: 7 to 10 pm, April 14 Place: Le Rendezvous, 3 Gongti Beilu, across from the Pacific Century Plaza, Chaoyang District Tel: 6462-9110 Ad 4 Marco V Dutch DJ Marco V drops by Banana for a gig which is supported by Hong Kong's DJ Spark. Marco V has been around for many years, as an inventive, style blending deejay and a successful and devoted producer. His spinning is energetic, crowd pleasing and never sees an empty dance floor. He was ranked No. 15 in this year's international DJ MAG DJ Top100. Tickets: 40 yuan (US$4.80) in advance, 50 yuan (US$6) at the door, both including a free drink Time/Date: 10 pm to 4 am, March 31, April 1 Place: Banana, in the lobby of the Scitech Hotel, 22 Jianwai Dajie, Chaoyang District Tel: 6528-3636 Which of the following is NOT true of Ad 1 and Ad 2? <extra_id_0>The two parties will be held on the same day. <extra_id_1>Both ads give the contact number. <extra_id_2>The entrance fees of the two parties will not be charged. <extra_id_3>Some old music will be played at the parties. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Over the holidays, I took my three young children into a fancy chocolate shop to buy a gift. I was feeling pretty good until halfway home when I looked in the rearview mirror and noticed my 7-year-old son playing with a plastic toy. "Um, where did you get that, Alex?!" "Did you buy it?" "Did I buy it?" "Did you take it?!" Long story short: He had stolen the toy. I kept my cool--even when he said, "but it was only a $1.50, mom!"--and explained why it was unacceptable to take things we didn't buy. I also said he would be returning to the store to apologize and return the item. A few hours later, I marched my son back to the store with two dollars from his pocket money. I stood by the door as he walked sheepishly to the counter and told the clerk that he had taken something without paying for it, that he was sorry and that he would pay for it now. (The toy could not be returned now because Alex had broken it.) Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched him fidget nervously and search the clerk's face for a sign of approval. Fortunately, the clerk at the chocolate shop was gracious. She told my son he had done the right thing and when she caught my eye, I smiled in thanks and we left. I told my son that I was proud of him and to remember how awful the experience felt. Why didn't they return the toy at last? <extra_id_0>Because it had been broken. <extra_id_1>Because Alex wanted to keep it. <extra_id_2>Because the clerk at the shop refused to accept it. <extra_id_3>Because the writer was nervous. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>My name is Sam. I'm tall. I have a round face and big eyes. I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is short. He has red hair and big eyes. His favorite actor is Jackie Chan, and he thinks Jackie Chan is strong and cool.Our Chinese teacher is Miss Zhang. She is from Shanghai. She is 25 years old. She has long, black hair. She's Tom's favorite teacher. ,. . (5,2,10) _ have / has big eyes. <extra_id_0>Sam <extra_id_1>Tom <extra_id_2>Sam and Tom <extra_id_3>Jackie Chan <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>William Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13, 1865. His childhood lacked the harmony that was typical of a happy family. Later, Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered "little of childhood but its pain". In fact, he inherited excellent taste in art from his family--both his father and his brother were painters. But he finally settled on literature, particularly drama and poetry. Yeats had strong faith in the coming of new artistic movements. He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s. His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at beginning. He didn't lose heart, and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama. Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice. The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging. Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. As his literary life progressed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition. He had not enjoyed a major public life since winning the Nobel Price in 1923. Yet, he continued writing almost to the end of his life. Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75. After Yeats' death in 1939, W. H. Auden wrote, among others, the following lines: Earth, receive an honored guest: William Yeats is laid to rest. Let the Irish vessel lie Emptied of its poetry. According to the passage, what do we know about Yeats's life? <extra_id_0>Yeats founded the first Irish theater <extra_id_1>Yeats stuck to modern forms in his poetry <extra_id_2>Yeats began to produce his best works from the 1910s <extra_id_3>Yeats was not favored by the public until the 1923 Noble Prize <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Computers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall off a bike and break your arms, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries slowly. You probably know how to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely. Your eyes Too much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50 centimeters from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest. When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect on the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes. Your hands and wrists Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time, follow these three rules: 1) Rest your wrists on something. 2) Keep your elbows at the same height as the keyboard. 3) Stop something and exercise your hands, wrists and fingers in a different way. Your back Some people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way, you can injure your back or your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should all be in front of your eyes. Your forearms, wrists, hands and the upper part of your legs should all be parallel to the floor. If you are sitting for a long time, get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms, legs and necks. Enjoy your computer, but use it safely. It is good for your back and neck if you sit _ . <extra_id_0>in the right way <extra_id_1>for many hours <extra_id_2>with the screen below your eyes <extra_id_3>with your back leaning forward <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>safety goggles are used for protecting the eyes during <extra_id_0>sleeping <extra_id_1>persuits of knowledge <extra_id_2>dancing <extra_id_3>singing <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Does solving a math problem give you a headache? Doyou feel nervous when you sit a math exam? For most students, math can be tough but scientists have proved that math problems can actually trigger physical pain. Scientists came to his conclusion with an in-depth experiment, which was published in the Public Library of Science One journal. They began by finding out how much participants fearmath. Those involved were asked a series of questions such as how they feel when they receive amathtextbook orwhenthey walkinto amathlesson. Based on their answers, participants were divided into groups. One group was made up of peoplewhowere particularly afraid ofmath and participantsinthe other group weremore comfortablewiththesubject. Both groups were then given either math tasks or word tasks. When a math task was going to come next, a yellow circle would appear but when a word task was soon to come, a blue squarewould beshown. Using a brain-scan machine, scientists noticed that whenever people from Group One saw ayellow circle, their brain would respond in a way similar to when their bodyis feeling pain. It waslike the pain they would fee, for example, if they burnt their hand on a hot stove. But theyreactedlessstrongly whenthey knew that they would befaced with awordtask. However, scientistssaw no strong brainresponsefrom peopleinthesecond group. Math can be difficult, and for those with high levels of mathematics-anxiety (HMA), math is associated with tension, apprehension and fear. "When you are really thinking about the math problems, your mind is racing and you are worrying about all the things that could go wrong," explained Ian Lyons from University of Chicago, US, leader of the study. "The higher a person's anxiety of a maths task, the more he activated brain regions associated with threat detection, andthe experience of pain." More interestingly, the brain activity disappeared when participants actually started dealingwiththemathtasks. "This means that it'snot that mathitself hurts; rather, the anticipation ofmathis painful,"Lyonssaid. Based on the study, scientists suggested that things could be done to help students worry less andmove past theirfear ofmath,which might meanthey perform betterintests. Inthefirst stage,scientistsask participantssome questionsto _ . <extra_id_0>seewhethermath hurts <extra_id_1>findout how muchthey fear math <extra_id_2>observe how their brainresponse <extra_id_3>test their endurance of pain <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>China is the first developing country to host the Olympic Games in modern Olympic history. It hopes to learn from other countries that have held Olympic Games. As well as new buildings, the government wants more people to work in all the services in Beijing. There are a lot more people in the city, because of all the visitors to the Olympics. The city also need more places to eat and drink, because visitors eat out a lot. The government says the Beijing Olympics are "green", "hi-tech" , and "the People's Olympics". They want everyone to feel part of the Olympics. So the Chinese people have prepared for the Olympics too. Many people learn English to work as guides in 2008. The Beijing organizers make sure everything that is built for the Olympics can be used after the Games are over. So the Chinese people work for the Olympics and they can benefit from the Olympics too. When the Olympics are over, the people of Beijing can use the swimming pools and other Olympics sports centers. What does "the People's Olympics" mean? <extra_id_0>It means that everyone in China will be a player in the Olympic Games. <extra_id_1>It means that everyone in China feels part of the Olympics. <extra_id_2>It means that all the Chinese people are rich enough to go to Beijing and watch the Olympic Games. <extra_id_3>It means that the Chinese people can make money. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>BERLIN -- With the crisis in Japan raising fears about nuclear power, Germany and Switzerland said on Monday that they would reassess the safety of their own reactors. Doris Leuthard, the Swiss energy minister, said Switzerland would put off plans to build nuclear plants. She said no new ones would be permitted until experts had reviewed safety standards. Germany will put off "the recently decided extension of the running time of German nuclear plants," Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters. "This moratorium will run for three months and it will allow for a thorough examination of the safety standards of the county's 17 nuclear power plants. The European Union called for a meeting on Tuesday of nuclear safety authorities to assess Europe's preparedness. Germany's foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, called for a new risk analysis of the country's nuclear plants, particularly regarding their cooling systems. He is the leader of the Free Democratic Party, which strongly supports nuclear power. A previous government, led by the Social Democrats, passed a law in 2001 to close all the country's nuclear plants by 2021. But Mrs. Merkel's government changed that decision last year to extend the lives of the plants by an average of 12 years. In Switzerland, Doris Leuthard said she had already asked to analyze the exact cause of the problems in Japan and draw up new or tougher safety standards "particularly in terms of seismic safety and cooling." In Russia, the Prime Minister said his government would "draw conclusions from what's going on in Japan." The author mentions all the following EXCEPT _ . <extra_id_0>The moratorium in Germany will give time to examine the nuclear plants safety standards. <extra_id_1>Switzerland will not build new nuclear plants unless they meet the experts' safety standards. <extra_id_2>The Social Democrats in Germany shares the same view with the Free Democratic Party. <extra_id_3>Russia will try to learn something from the nuclear power crisis in Japan. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>During the 1800s, African Americans worked long days in the fields of the American South.To ease their labor, they sang "field hollers" that they had brought from Africa.One person sang a line.Then a group of workers repeated it.The songs' words told of the hardships that people suffered.African Americans sang "shout spirituals", or joyous religious songs.They clapped their hands and stomped their feet to the music. After the Civil War, the music changed dramatically.African American music, from ballads to church music, took new forms.It also adapted dance music, called "jump-ups".which had great rhythm. Banjos became popular.A blues singer usually played a call and response with the banjo.By the early 1900s, the guitar had replaced the banjo as the main blues instrument. Northern Mississippi - called the Delta - was the center of the blues tradition.By the 1920s, the Delta had many clubs, so-called juke joints.African Americans listened and danced to music in these clubs.Some of the greatest blues men and women performed there. Blues have a soulful sound that is easy to recognize.The musical notes are often "bent".That is, they are changed slightly to give a song more strength.Whatever their origin, these bent notes most often define the blues. Lyrics are the words of a song.Blues lyrics describe everyday life.The lyrics, often about relationships between men and women, are often very intense and personal.They tell about sorrow and overwork.They tell about finding or losing love, having money or being broke, being happy or sad and lonely.The lyrics may use humor to describe life's trials and joys.They almost always use the rhythms of everyday speech.A typical blues stanza, or group of lyrics, has three lines.The second line repeats the first line.The third line has different words. By the 1940s, large numbers of African Americans had left the Delta and moved north to work. Many settled in Chicago.There, a new kind of "electric", or "Chicago" blues began.Many of its themes were the same, but these blues had "wailing" electric guitars and harmonicas.The music had a steady, strong drumbeat.The loud, driving Chicago blues was excellent dance music.Chicago blues led to the birth of a new music style-rock and roll. African Americans probably moved to Chicago because _ . <extra_id_0>the South was too hot in summer. <extra_id_1>they liked the Chicago blues. <extra_id_2>there were more jobs there. <extra_id_3>they wanted to create a new music style. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>There are seven continents in the world. Among them, Antarctica is the most special one. It is a world of snow and ice all year round. China has sent many scientists there. They try to find resources under the icy land and study climate change and sea biology. What do they eat? Scientists don't have many choices on what they eat. About 60% their food is frozen food. It is easy to heat . Meat is common on the menu, while vegetables are not usual. Fresh vegetables are hard to grow in the cold weather. Therefore, people often eat dried and canned vegetables. How do they sleep? In Antarctica, summer lasts from November to March. During this time, Antarctica faces the sun and gets sunlight 24 hours of the day. In order to get some sleep,scientists cover the window with black cloth to make "night". How do they work? People can wear warm clothes to be against the cold weather, but they can do little with the strong wind. Sometimes, the wind is even stronger than a typhoon. It can easily blow people away. So there are ropes that connect some research stations. People can hold these ropes to keep balance in strong winds. How do they keep in touch with others? There are no cables or Internet on the frozen continent. So mobiles and computers don't work there. Scientists usually use two-way radios to communicate at work. If they want to say hello to family and friends, they can use the satellite phones. What kind of vegetables do they usually eat? <extra_id_0>Fresh vegetables <extra_id_1>Green vegetables only <extra_id_2>Dried and canned vegetables <extra_id_3>They go down the ice to work. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>"Last week," Dr. P said "I was invited to a doctors' meeting at the R. Hospital. In one of the rooms a patient, an old man, got up from his bed and moved slowly towards me. I could see that he hadn't long to live, but he came up to me and placed his right foot close to mine on the floor." "Frank!" I cried with surprise. He couldn't answer as I knew, but he tried to smile, all the time keeping his foot close to mine. My thoughts raced back more than thirty years--to the dark days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The scene was an air-raid shelter , in which I and about a hundred other people slept every night. Among them were Mrs. West and her son Frank, who lived nearby. Sharing wartime problems, we got to know each other very well. Frank interested me because he was not normal . He had never been normal, ever since he was born. His mother told me he was 37 then, but he had less of a mind than a baby has. Mrs. West, then about 75, was a strong, able woman, as she had to be of course, because Frank depended on her completely. He needed all the attention of a baby. One night a policeman came into our shelter and told Mrs. West that her house had been all destroyed. That wasn't quite true, because the West went on living there for quite some time. But they certainly lost nearly everything they owned. When that kind of thing happened, the rest of us helped the unlucky ones. So before we separated that morning, I stood beside Frank and measured my right foot against his. They were about the same size. That night, then, I took a spare pair of shoes to the shelter for Frank. As soon as he saw me, he came running--and placed his right foot against mine. After that, he always greeted me in the same way. Dr. P placed his foot against Fran's before he left the shelter. <extra_id_0>to find out if Frank could put on his shoes <extra_id_1>to be friendly towards Frank <extra_id_2>to see if Frank's feet were normal <extra_id_3>to teach Frank to greet people in a special way <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>like many other fruit,Cherries are packed with antioxidants that may help to prevent cancer and heart disease,as well as slow the aging process.Perhaps you've heare about the controversy between the FD(Food and Drug Administration)and the cherry industry and wondered what it was all about.Are cherries not as healthy to eat as you thought they were?Should you stop eating cherries?The answer is no. The controversy is over certain health claims made by the cherry industry and those who sell products made from cherries,such as pills,capsules and juice,not the health benefits of cherries themselves. While many scientific studies have demonstrated the health benefits of cherries, the FDA says that makers of products containing cherries cannot claim that their products prevent, treat or cure a specific disease such as cancer. For the general population, however, the bottom line is that there is no reason not to eat cherries. There are two types of cherry: sweet and sour . Sweet cherries are often sold fresh in grocery stores. Sour cherries are canned and used in pies, and dried to be made into fruit snacks and juice. Like most other fruit,cherries are fat-free, low in calories and high in certain minerals and vitamins. They can be eaten raw, cooked or juiced; if you want year-round cherry enjoyment, they are also easy to can and enjoy at your convience. Most scientific research has centered on the health benefits of sour cherries. Sour cherries are among the top fruit as far as antioxidant levels go. According to one study, eating 20 sour cherries a day could provide the same pain relief that aspirin does. Researchers in Texas recently discovered that sour cherries contain high levels of melatonin , something produced by the body that is thought to help slow the aging process as. well as control sleep. Cherries may lower blood sugar levels and help to significantly reduce pain due to muscle damage. Which of the folrowing benefits of cherries are NOT mentioned in the passage? <extra_id_0>They can help control sleep if canned. <extra_id_1>They can help slow the process of aging <extra_id_2>They lower the blood sugar level. <extra_id_3>They help relieve the pain of some diseases. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>One day an out of work mimic is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn some money as a street performer. As soon as he starts to draw the crowd,a zoo keeper grabs him and drags him into his office. The zoo keeper explains to the mimic that the zoo's most popular attraction,a gorilla ,has died suddenly and the keeper fears that attendance at the zoo will fall off. He offers the mimic a job to dress up as the gorilla until they can get another one. The mimic accepts. So the next morning the mimic puts on the gorilla suit and enters the cage before the crowd comes. He discovers that it's a great job. He can sleep all he wants,play and make fun of people and he draws bigger crowds than he ever did as a mimic. However,eventually the crowds tire of him and he tires of just swinging on wires. He begins to notice that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to his. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience,he climbs to the top of his cage,crawls across a partition ,and dangles from the top to the lion's cage. Of course,this makes the lion very angry,but the crowd loves it. At the end of the day the zoo keeper comes and gives the mimic a raise for being such a good attraction. Well,this goes on for some time-the mimic keeps taunting the lion,the crowds grow larger,and his salary keeps going up. Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the angry lion he slips and falls. The mimic is terrified. The lion gathers itself and prepares to attack. The mimic is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind. Finally,the mimic starts screaming and yelling,"Help me,help me!"But the lion is quick and attacks. The mimic soon finds himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and the lion says,"Shut up,you idiot!Do you want to get us both fired?" What does the mimic feel about the new job at first? <extra_id_0>He likes it because he has enough freedom in the job. <extra_id_1>He likes it but he prefers to working as a mimic. <extra_id_2>He doesn't like it for people do not respect him. <extra_id_3>He doesn't like it because he gets little pay. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A man called his son in New York the day before Christmas and said, "I have to tell you your Mom and I are going to divorce ! Thirty years is quite a long time." "Dad, what are you talking about?" the son cried. The father said:"We are sick of each other. I don't want to talk about it anymore. You call your sister in Chicago and tell her about the news." When the daughter got the news, she is very surprised at it. "What? They are getting divorced." She shouted, "I'll stop them." She called her father immediately, and cried to her father," Don't do anything until I get home. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Wait for us, please." The old man hung up his phone and turned to his wife. "OK" he said, "they're coming for Christmas and paying their own way." Who called the father in this story? <extra_id_0>The sick man <extra_id_1>The wife <extra_id_2>The son <extra_id_3>The daughter <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Everyone knows that exercise is important.We all need to _ .Doctors say it is good for makes your heart and body _ .When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. Children who often exercise are more alert .This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don't exercise. There are _ ways to exercise.You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games, Make sure you exercise in the following ways:you have to like what you're doing. Exercise enough but not too's best to exercise _ each week .Thirty minutes each time is enough.Try all kinds of thing until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. You can exercise at _ .They have a lot of equipment there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of body to make you fit.Some people buy equipment for their homes.But it is very expensive. Exercising can be fun.Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can Play sports together.How do you exercise? How long should we do exercise is do it _ . <extra_id_0>An hour <extra_id_1>Half an hou <extra_id_2>20 minutes <extra_id_3>40 minutes <extra_id_4>