4 values
<extra_id_5>Peter Onruang, a Hollywood businessman, has paid $310,000 to clone his best friend Wolfie, a lovely dog. He said, "Wolfie was more than just a pet to me." Wolfie died two years ago, at the age of 15. But long before she and her sister Bubble passed away, Onruang had plans to bring them back to life. Onruang said, "I buried them at home. Each time I visit them, I say, 'Hi, I'm making a new body for you.'" Finally, Onruang found the South Korean biotechnology company RNL Bio, which can and will clone animals. Onruang collected his dogs' stem cells , and then he started a website, so he could earn and save the $310,000 that the cloning would cost. The new dogs should look identical to Wolfie and Bubble. When the cloning process is done, Onruang may end up with several clones of each dog. But Onruang admits he's still not sure that they will be exactly the same. Scientists cloned the first animal, a sheep named Dolly, in 1996 in Scotland. That project has raised ethical questions about where science should draw the line. Another question is whether such technique will lead to a day when humans could be cloned. "If I had an opportunity to clone myself, I would do it readily," Onruang said. "Because it's me, I'm raising myself. I have already known exactly my strengths and weaknesses. This person is going to be the new and improved me, and will live the life I've always wanted to live." Onruang started the website in order to _ . <extra_id_0>encourage more people to clone their pets <extra_id_1>draw people's attention to cloning <extra_id_2>raise money to pay for the cloning <extra_id_3>collect his dog's stem cells <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>King Midas used to love gold. One day he met a fairy who allowed him to make a wish for something. The king replied at once , ''I love gold . I want everything I touch to change into gold". ''Very well , tomorrow morning, everything you touch will turn into gold ."Saying this, the fairy disappeared. The king waited excitedly till the next morning. To his joy, everything he touched changed immediately into gold. ''I'm the richest man in the world now." He shouted. Soon Midas became hungry. He sat down at his table. All the foods and drinks turned into gold in his hand. ''I'm dying of hunger." He cried. Just then his daughter came running in . ''Why are you so sad, dad?" she asked, putting her arms around him. There and then she became a golden statue. The king loved his daughter very much .Seeing this, he began to cry. He looked up and suddenly saw the fairy before him. ''Don't you like the golden touch?" asked the fairy. ''Please take it away," begged the king, ''give me back my daughter." ''Well, you have learned your lesson. Go and wash in the river. Then the golden touch will be gone." The king ran quickly to the nearby river. The fairy allowed the king to make a wish because _ . <extra_id_0>she hoped to make the king the richest in the world <extra_id_1>She loved gold too <extra_id_2>She wanted to teach the king a lesson <extra_id_3>She wanted to turn the king's daughter into gold <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>At least eight babies in East China'sprefix = st1 /AnhuiProvincehave died since last year. they died of serious deficiency disease which happened to them because of fake milk powders. More than 100 other babies in Fuyang, mostly between three and five months old, are still in poor nutrition after drinking different kinds of cheap milk powders produced in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province and Beijing. The baby victims were born healthy, but they became thinner and thinner, and had large heads for their bodies after fake milk powders were fed to them. "My girl, the first child of mine, died when she was only four months old after drinking the 'Haobaobei'milk powder."said Zhang Linwei, a 32-year-old villager of the Wangzhuang Village in Fuyang. Zhang found that his daughter got ill after the girl didn't want to drink the milk powder any more half a month before. "Before that , I though my daughter's face was becoming fatter and fatter because she was fed well and grew fast."the baby's father said. The girl died nine days later after she was sent to hospital and all of the family's savings were spent on her medical treatment. "It is like a terrible dream. I never thought that my baby would _ like this ."he said. Zhang said he tried to telephone and write to the producer of the milk powder by the address on the packing bag but never made it. "The fake milk powders only have 5-6 per cent protein and the lowest is has only 1 per cent. For babies, drinking such fake milk powder is no different from drinking water,"Zhang Fangjun, said a medical expert with the Fuyang People's Hospital. "Such so-called milk powders cannot afford any nutrition for babies' growth," Zhang said. The best title for the passage may be_. <extra_id_0>Serious Deficiency Disease <extra_id_1>Sick Babies in Fuyang <extra_id_2>Fake milk powders 'kill' babies <extra_id_3>Big Head Disease <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Another source of pollution may be <extra_id_0>throwing things in the ocean <extra_id_1>buying a new solar panel <extra_id_2>biking instead of driving the car <extra_id_3>using old food as compost for the plants <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Hamsters are lovely small animals which are similar to mice, and some people like to keep them as pets. They need to eat a balanced diet, or they can become very sick. That's why hamsters should be fed healthy foods. Most pet stores sell hamster mix. This is a combination of foods that are just right for hamsters. Some hamsters are picky eaters. They don't eat anything they don't like, so you have to find a hamster mix that your hamster will like. Most hamsters only eat a few tablespoons a day. You should feed them at the same time every day, or you can just keep your hamster's bowl full. Remember to clean the bowl at least once a week. Hamsters also drink a lot of water, so be sure to keep the water supply full and fresh. Just like people, hamsters like treats. Besides the hamster mix, you can sometimes feed your hamster seeds, nuts, and some other people food. You should never feed your hamster anything unless you are sure that it is safe for hamsters. Feed your hamster carefully, and always take good care of your pet! What's the passage mainly about? <extra_id_0>Where to keep hamsters. <extra_id_1>When to buy hamsters. <extra_id_2>What to feed hamsters. <extra_id_3>Why to raise hamsters. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>John Doe, the owner of a milk container manufacturing firm, sought to focus public attention on the milk packaging law of the State of Clinton in order to have it repealed. On a weekday at 12 noon, he delivered an excited, animated, and loud harangue on the steps of the State Capitol in front of the main entryway. An audience of 200 onlookers, who gathered on the steps, heckled him and laughed as he delivered his tirade. Doe repeatedly stated, gesturing expressively and making faces, that "the g €“ddamned milk packaging law is stupid," and that "I will strangle every one of those g €“ddamned legislators I can get hold of because this law they created proves they are all too dumb to live." After about 15 minutes, Doe stopped speaking, and the amused crowd dispersed. There are three relevant statutes of the State of Clinton. The first statute prohibits "all speech making, picketing, and public gatherings of every sort on the Capitol steps in front of the main entryway during the hours of 7:45 a.m. €“8:15 a.m., 11:45 a.m. €“12:15 p.m., 12:45 p.m. €“1:15 p.m., and 4:45 p.m. €“5:15 p.m. on Capitol working days."". The "Capitol steps" statute is probably <extra_id_0>constitutional both on its face and as applied to Doe. <extra_id_1>constitutional on its face, but unconstitutional as applied to Doe. <extra_id_2>unconstitutional on its face, because it applies to all working days. <extra_id_3>unconstitutional on its face, because it concerns the State Capito <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Most people agree that it's important to have a sense of humor. Having the ability to laugh can help one overcome anxiety, and make better decisions in difficult situations. People with a well-developed sense of humor appear to be happier, and some are healthier as well. This suggests that having a sense of humor is good for you. Humorless people may find themselves being treated as a fool, and become anxious and upset. A sense of humor also plays an important role in human relationships. However, not everyone has a sense of humor. People with developmental disabilities can sometimes have no sense of humor, or have a very strange one. A number of factors affect a person's sense of humor, with the age probably being the main one. Young children are often highly amused by simple jokes or shows, while teenagers prefer to enjoy the ironic events. Educational level, culture, and religious faith also affect one's sense of humor. While Christians, for example, may have a deep appreciation of jokes about the Bible, others may find them disrespectful. Many people believe that a sense of humor is something that develops on its own, and that you cannot teach someone to understand why jokes, certain comments, situations or events are funny. However, things can be done to _ one's sense of humor. Children, for example, benefit from being told jokes and encouraged to laugh, although some children's jokes might seem rather strange to adults. If you have children, try to encourage them to tell jokes and think about what makes things funny. And it will help them develop a sense of humor. According to the passage, which of the following isn't talked about in our passenger? <extra_id_0>Culture. <extra_id_1>Age <extra_id_2>Educational level. <extra_id_3>Family backgrounds. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In the traditional marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other place away from the home. Since the man earned the money, they paid the bills. The money was used for food, -clothes, the house, and other family needs, the man made most of the decisions. He was the boss. In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked meals, cleaned the house, washed the clothes, and did other housework. Her job at home was very important. In recent years, many couples continues to have a traditional relationship of the kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cared for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with the kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities. There are two important differences in male and female roles now. One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single. They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them. A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared. The husband and wife may choose to have children, or they may not. If they have children, the man takes care of them some of the time, all of the time or not at all. The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children, or she may vant to go to work. Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage. Many married people now share these decisions and responsibilities of their families. In recent years _ . <extra_id_0>young couples refuse the traditional relationship <extra_id_1>the woman has a job and earns the money for the family <extra_id_2>the woman doesn' t stay at home and care for the children and the house <extra_id_3>the role of men and women has begun to change <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>At first Kate thought the Romanian girl could not speak and understand English. Nadia would not reply to anything Kate said. Kate was in charge of showing Nadia around on her first day at Buck Minister Grade School. Kate could not figure out why the school had put Nadia in a class where she could not understand what people were saying. "Why did they do this?" Kate wondered aloud. "I mean, you can't learn if you can't understand the teacher." Nadia's voice was a whisper (speaking in a very low voice). "I understand English. I will learn." Nadia's English was perfect. Kate was _ . She couldn't understand why Nadia did not like to speak. Then she realized that moving to a new country probably wasn't the easiest thing to do. There were hundreds of unfamiliar and unusual things to learn - all at the same time. "There're a lot of new things to learn, huh?" said Kate. Nadia nodded rapidly. In a quiet voice she replied, "Many things people say, I do not understand. I have been speaking English and Romanian all my life, but I do not know what some children are saying. For example, yesterday a boy asked if I could help him find the USB port on a thin black box he was carrying. Isn't a port a place for ships? It made no sense to me." "Don't worry." said Kate. "You'll figure everything out in time. You see, that thin black box was a computer. A USB port is a place where you can connect other machines to a computer." Nadia and Kate were quiet after that. They took notes while the teacher gave a maths lesson. To Kate's surprise, Nadia put up her hand and offered to answer the questions at the blackboard. Nadia handled every question the teacher gave her. Some of the questions were really difficult, and no one understood what was going on except Nadia and the teacher. When the teacher said that Nadia answered everything correctly, the whole class clapped their hands. Nadia was smiling when she sat back down next to Kate. "Some things," she said in a normal voice, "are the same all over the world." Which of the following statements is TRUE? <extra_id_0>Nadia was better at maths than other students. <extra_id_1>Nadia found some of the maths questions difficult. <extra_id_2>Nadia was encouraged to answer questions in class. <extra_id_3>Nadia understood the maths teacher better than other teachers. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Mr Smith likes to be exact . One day when he is walking in the street ,a woman comes and asks him, "Excuse me, where's the nearest bookshop?" "The nearest bookshop? You have to cross a bridge and then turn to the right. When you see a post office, turn left. You can see a shop between a bank and a school on your right." "Is it far?" "No, it is not far. You can go there on foot." "Is the bridge long?" "Yes, it's about thirty metres." The woman thanks him and goes towards(, ) the bridge. Suddenly she hears someone running after her."Stop!" Mr Smith shouts."I'm sorry. I just remember the bridge is forty metres long. If you go thirty metres and then turn to the right as I told you, you will fall into the river." The bridge is _ long. <extra_id_0>10m <extra_id_1>20m <extra_id_2>30m <extra_id_3>40m <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Bored? Don't know what to do with your time? Get your friends or family together, go to the park or go hiking, do something fun --just don't turn on your TV. The 10th annual TV-Turnoff Week starts on Monday. The TV-Turnoff Network, a nonprofit organization, began the program in 1994 to get children and adults to watch less television so that their time is spent doing more productive things. This year, millions of people will participate and find much more interesting things to do besides sitting in front of the television. Experts are convinced that watching too much TV keeps kids from participating in healthy physical activities. The average household has a television on for 7 hours and 40 minutes a day! Kids spend more time watching TV than they spend in school. Turning off the TV gives you a chance to be with your family and friends. Going without it frees up valuable time that could be spent reading a good book, writing, drawing, or discovering something else that may interest you. There are many organizations that support TV-Turnoff Week, including The Boys and Girls Clubs of America, YMCA, Girl Scouts USA, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America.Even First Lady Laura Bush is a supporter. "Television is no substitute for a parent. It doesn't help develop language skills; it's simply background noise," says Mrs. Bush. Even kids who may not have liked going without TV have discovered the benefits. "I really didn't like TV-Turnoff Week except I did notice that my grades went up and I was in a good mood all week," said Drew Henderson, a student in Donora, Pennsylvania. Laura Bush must be _ . <extra_id_0>the first woman to support TV-Turnoff Week <extra_id_1>the wife of American President <extra_id_2>the first woman to organize TV-Turnoff Week <extra_id_3>the first lady in the Boys and Girls Clubs of America <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Nearly all kids have had the same experience. They are eating in a restaurant with their parents. They finished the spaghetti minutes ago. Now, they are bored. Their little brother is kicking them under the table. He is also complaining about the desserts . Yet their parents are still eating and talking...and talking...and talking. "Be patient." One parent says. "We'll have dessert soon." All kids know what happens next. After dessert, their parents drink coffee. Then they talk some more. Again, the children must wait. They have been in school all day and would rather be running and playing. Instead, they must sit in a chair and stare at a wall. Going to a restaurant doesn't have to be this way. Many restaurants say they are "family-friendly". Family restaurants, such as fast-food restaurants should play areas for children. At these restaurants, almost every play area is a big room full of climbing equipment. The room is usually, packed with happy kids. Parents can eat while the children play. Everyone is happy. The real problem begins when families want to eat a fancier meal . The parents don't want to hurry through the meal but talk to each other. They do not have bored children pestering them about leaving. That's no fun for kids either. For them, going to a nicer restaurant means just one thing: sit still and be quiet. On family blogs across the Web, dozens of parents post the same question all the time; are there any nicer restaurants with play areas for kids? Research shows that some nicer restaurants do have play areas. In warmer cities, it is easier for restaurants to build play areas outside. For example, at one restaurant kids can sail tiny little motor boats in a small, shallow pond. Parents can sit on a beautiful yard and watch the kids play. Some nicer restaurants even have indoor play areas. Research also shows that these restaurants serve more than just burgers, chickens and fries. So, it's possible for a restaurant to provide both food and a place where kids can play. These restaurants seem to be popular, too. For some, families must have reservation days in advance. For others, families might be forced to wait in long lines. Clearly, quality food and safe play areas are both good for business. Why do children get unhappy at the restaurant? <extra_id_0>Because they can't join in their parents' talk. <extra_id_1>Because the dessert isn't served in time. <extra_id_2>Because they can do nothing but wait. <extra_id_3>Because the food there isn't delicious. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>It was the first day of class. Two of her new ESL (English as a Second Language) classmates wanted to know where Tara was from. They were both from Korea. Because Tara looked Korean, one of the women asked Tara, in English, if she was from Korea. Tara replied, "No, I'm not." Then the women took turns asking Tara if she was from Japan, or Thailand, or China. To each question, Tara answered them a simple no. Laughing, one woman said to the other, "She's not from anywhere!" The two went to their desks, talking to each other in Korean. The next day, the teacher divided the students into groups of four. The students in each group asked introductory questions of each other. A student in Tara's group asked her, "Where are you from?" Tara answered that she was from Korea. The two women who had questioned Tara the day before were sitting only a few feet away. Both of them heard Tara's answer. "Aha!" they both _ , "You ARE from Korea!" Tara smiled and said yes. Then she apologized to both of them for lying the day before. She told them that she had not wanted to get into a Korean conversation with them. It had been her experience that many ESL students continued to speak their mother language in ESL class, and Tara had not come to ESL class to practice her Korean. In her opinion, ESL students should try to speak English only. "I agree." said Rose. "You're 100 percent right." agreed Jenny, "Rose and I must stop speaking Korean to each other. Right,Rose?" Rose nodded,and then said something in Korean. All three women laughed. The next half a year, Tara became friendly with both women, although she never spoke a word of Korean to them during class or break. From the passage, we can infer that _ . <extra_id_0>Tara said she was from Korea because she knew the student in her group was also from Korea <extra_id_1>Tara said she was from Korea because she wanted to make friends with the student in her group <extra_id_2>Tara said she wasn't from Korea because she didn't want Rose and Jenny to speak Korean with her the following days <extra_id_3>Tara said she wasn't from Korea because she didn't like Rose and Jenny and wasn't willing to speak Korean with them <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When one loves one's Art, no service seems too hard. Joe was a man with a genius for art. Delia did things in six octaves promisingly. Joe and Delia became in love with one of the other, or each of the other, as you please, and in a short time were married - for (see above), when one loves one's Art no service seems too hard. They began housekeeping in a flat. It was a lonesome flat, but they were happy; for they had their Art, and they had each other. Joe was learning painting in the class of the great Magister - you know his fame. His fees are high; his lessons are light - his high-lights have brought him fame. Delia was studying under Rosenstock - you know his reputation as a disturber of the piano keys. They were mighty happy as long as their money lasted. After a while, Art flagged . Everything going out and nothing coming in, money was lacking to pay Mr. Magister and Rosenstock their prices. When one loves one's Art, no service seems too hard. So, Delia said she must give music lessons to make the ends meet. For two or three days she went out looking for pupils. One evening she came home overjoyed. "Joe, dear," she said, cheerfully, "I've a pupil. And, oh, the loveliest people! General - General Pinkney's daughter Clementina - on Seventy-first street." "That's all right for you, Dele," said Joe, "but how about me? Do you think I'm going to let you work while I play in the regions of high art? " Delia came and hung about his neck. "Joe, dear, you are silly. You must keep on at your studies. It is not as if I had quit my music and gone to work at something else. While I teach I learn. I am always with my music." "All right," said Joe. "But I may sell some of my pictures as well." The next few weeks, they both busied themselves with their own business and brought back a ten, a five, a two and a one - all legal tender notes - and laid them beside each others' earnings. One Saturday evening Joe reached home first. He spread his $18 on the table and washed what seemed to be a great deal of dark paint from his hands. Half an hour later Delia arrived, her right hand tied up in a shapeless bundle of wraps and bandages . "How is this?" asked Joe. Delia laughed, but not very joyously. "Clementina," she explained, "insisted upon a Welsh rabbit after her lesson. In serving the rabbit she spilled a great lot of it, boiling hot, over my wrist. Nothing serious, dear." "What time this afternoon did you burn your hand, Dele?" "Five o'clock, I think," said Dele. "The iron - I mean the rabbit came off the fire about that time." "Sit down here a moment, Dele," said Joe. "What have you been doing for the last few weeks, Dele?" he asked. She braved it for a moment or two with an eye full of love and stubbornness, but at last down went her head and out came the truth and tears. "I couldn't get any pupils," she wept. "I got a place ironing shirts in that big Twenty-fourth street laundry . A girl in the laundry set down a hot iron on my hand this afternoon. I think I did very well to make up both General Pinkney and Clementina. What made you ever suspect that I wasn't giving music lessons?" "I didn't," said Joe, "until tonight. And I wouldn't have then, only I sent up this cotton waste and oil from the engine-room this afternoon for a girl upstairs who had her hand burned with a smoothing-iron. I've been firing the engine in that laundry for the last few weeks." "And then you didn't ..." said Delia And then they both looked at each other and laughed, and Joe began: "When one loves one's Art no service seems ..." But Delia stopped him with her hand on his lips. "No," she said - "just 'When one loves.'" Which of the following does NOT give readers a clue that the couple were telling white lies? <extra_id_0>Delia said she must give music lessons to make the ends meet. <extra_id_1>Joe washed what seemed to be a great deal of dark paint from his hands. <extra_id_2>Delia's right wrist was tied up in a shapeless bundle of wraps and bandages. <extra_id_3>"The iron - I mean the rabbit came off the fire about that time" said Dele. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Baby girls make their way directly for dolls as soon as they can crawl, while boys will head for cars, a study has shown. The findings, the first to show differences in very young babies, suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences. Psychologists Dr Brenda Todd from City University London carried out an experiment involving 90 babies aged 9 months to 36 months. The babies were allowed to choose from seven toys. Some were typically boys' toys ---- a car, a digger, a ball and a blue teddy. The rest were girls' toys: a pink teddy, a doll and a cooking set. They were placed a meter away from the toys;and could pick whichever toy they liked their choice and the amount of time they spent playing with each toy were recorded. Of the youngest children (9 to 14 months), girls spent significantly longer playing with the doll than boys, and boys spent much more time with the car and ball than the girls did. Among the two and three-year-olds, girls spent 50 percent of the time playing with the doll while only two boys briefly touched it. The boys spent almost 90 percent of their time playing with cars, which the girls barely touched. There was no link between the parents' view on which toys were more appropriate for boys or girls, and the children's choice. Dr Brenda Todd said, "Children of this age are already exposed to much socialization. Boys may be given 'toys that go' while girls get toys they can care for, which may help shape their preference. But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interests in particular kinds of toys. There could be a biological basis for their choices. Males through evolution have been adapted to prefer: moving objects, probably through hunting instincts , while girls prefer warmer colors such as pink, the colour of a newborn baby." Baby boys and girls have different toy preferences probably because _ . <extra_id_0>baby boys are much more active <extra_id_1>baby girls like bright colours more <extra_id_2>their parents treat them differently <extra_id_3>there is a natural difference between them <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In traditional Chinese medicine, the body, mind and spirit cannot be divided and so the unique whole-body treatment in Tui Na can also be a useful treatment correcting any imbalances in the body's energy before symptoms and disease can develop. It also works to bring back emotional peace as well as physical health. This is why after a Tui Na treatment many people "feel good". Many people in China use Tui Na regularly to keep healthy and to deal with some specific illnesses. Tui Na is performed on the clothed body and the patient is either lying on a couch or sitting on a chair. Therapists , by using a variety of movements, will control the intensity and direction of pressure in an exact way. The unique rolling movement in Tui Na is one of the most difficult movements to learn and students have to practice sometimes for many months on a rice bag before they are allowed to practice on the human body. Stress Tui Na is of course very useful for treating stress. It spreads the energy around the whole body. It is believed that Tui Na moves the strong energy in the tight muscles to the weaker areas, thus making a more balanced body. When your energy flowing inside your body is balanced, you feel relaxed and comfortable. Tui Na is especially useful for _ shoulders and tight neck muscles. Emotions In Traditional Chinese Medicine each major organ is linked to an emotion. By balancing the energy in the organ, the related emotion will be calmed. When your emotions are out of control, you would usually turn to your doctor or perhaps a psychotherapist . But perhaps some people would not like to be seeing a psychotherapist or feel nervous about discussing their problems with others. With Tui Na, one does not need to tell the therapist anything one does not want to. The treatment of Tui Na can deal with the problem itself. But if one does need to pour out his/her worries or troubles, an active dialogue between the psychotherapist and the patient will help to get a better effect. Organs & Emotions Each major organ -- the heart, the stomach, the liver , the lungs, and etc.--are linked to a relevant emotion. The heart is linked to joy, excitement and sadness. If the heart is out of balance, the patient may dream a lot at night and often forget something important in the day. The stomach is connected with too much thinking or worrying about anxiety. When the stomach is out of balance there is often a lack of energy. The patient often feels very tired and has no interest in doing anything at all. The liver is linked to anger. In Chinese medicine, the eyes are connected with the liver, and many people who suffer from anger often suffer from eye problems. The lung rules decision-making and too much energy here can lead to rashness , while if there is too little, it can bring about indecision. When there is a history of depression with a patient, it may have effect on the liver. ks5u Tui Na can help release most of the discomfort and it is used in almost all the hospitals in China and very popular among Chinese people. It is a useful and valuable method for the balance of your energy flowing, when emotional and physical health is out of balance. Tui Na is one of the remaining secrets of Chinese medicine. When the stomach is out of balance, _ . <extra_id_0>the patient will suffer from eye problems <extra_id_1>the patient will have a lot to worry about <extra_id_2>the patient will have nothing to do <extra_id_3>the patient will not feel like doing anything <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Snooker is a big sport in China.It is said that there are 300 million snooker players in China, so it's not surprised that some of the world's best players come from China.Ding Junhui is one of them. When Ding Junhui was eight years old, there were not many snooker clubs.His father often played with his friends on a table in the street,and one day Ding Junhui played with one of his father friends and beat him.His father,a shoe salesman,discovered that his son was talented at snooker.He then took Ding Junhui to China's nation snooker training center in Dongguan,Guangdong Province.There.they lived in a room of five square meters.When they ran out of money.Ding's father phoned his wife and told her to sell their house. After years of hard training,Ding turned professional in 2003 and became China's No.1.In 2005.more than 100 million people watched Ding Junhui win the 2005 World Snooker China Open.Since then, snooker has become more and more popular in China. "When I was a small boy, snooker was not in the top 10 favorite sports in China,"Ding says."Table tennis was top, followed by soccer, basketball and badminton.Now,basketball is top,but snooker is surely in the top five." Ding Junhui and his father lived a _ life when he was training in Dongguan. <extra_id_0>rich <extra_id_1>colorful <extra_id_2>hard <extra_id_3>modern <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Paula Radcliffe, chasing a third London marathon title , says she has became a stronger person after her terrible experience at the 2004 Athens Gaines. Radcliffe, who failed to complete the Olympic marathon and the 10,000m last August, said: "Athens made me a stronger person and it made me care less about criticism " "In the past I wanted to please everyone, but now I am going to listen even more to the people around me." She didn't care about criticism made at the weekend by Liz McColgan, who felt Radcliffe should have rested and let her body recover after her failure inprefix = st1 /Athens. "Liz is someone I look up to but she hasn't spoken to me since last year and if she really eared for me, I'm sure she would have contacted me." Instead Radcliffe won the New York City marathon just 11 weeks afterAthens. "In New York I wasn't in my best state but I did know I was good enough to win the Radcliffe insisted her only goal in Sunday's race would be winning a third title and not chasing world records. However, RadcIiffe has not ruled out m the future chasing her "final" world record time and questioned sayings that marathon runners have the ability in their career to produce only four or five world-class times. "I don't think that -- although _ ," said. RadcLiffe. "That changes from person to person." Radcliffe is sure she can better her winning London 2003 performance at some point in the future. Following a successful three-month training period in theUnited States, the 31-year-old will chase a third title on Sunday after her first victory in 2O02 and again 12 months later. Radcliffe clocked a time of 2:18:56 in her first 42.2-kdnmetre race three years ago. Afterwards she set a "mixed course" mark of 2:17:18 five months later In Chicago before lowering that to a time of 2:15:25 m the 2003Londonevent. What can we learn from Radcliffe's story? <extra_id_0>Practice makes perfect. <extra_id_1>Well begun is half done. <extra_id_2>A friend in need is a fried indeed. <extra_id_3>Where there is a will there is a way. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>High heels, coffee cups and dogs have been regarded as three of the most dangerous things to have in a car. The seemingly harmless items have been responsible for more than 13 million crashes and near misses on Britain's roads. While men were responsible for the greater number of accidents reported, women played their part by driving in high heels. Putting fashion over function meant 44 percent of female motorists had been prevented from using the pedals correctly by their high heels--with those aged 25 to 34 accounting for most of the incidents reported. Those keen for a caffeine kick while driving can also create an accident if they leave empty coffee cups lying around their vehicle. Twenty percent of those surveyed admitted they had crashed their car or had a near miss after a deserted coffee cup or empty drink bottle rolled under their brake pedal . However, it is not just wearing and eating that cause a threat from inside the car, man's best friend could also cause a catastrophe if not safely secured. One in eight motorists claimed to have had a scrape or near miss on the road due to their dog's wandering freely, climbing into the front seat or trying to escape through the windows. The accidents meant drivers took their eyes off the road for more than three seconds each time, according to the poll of 2,000 British motorists. The survey has found drivers will pick up an average bill of PS261.47 for the damage caused by every crash. Londoners were the most at risk of an accident closely followed by motorists in the West Midland and Wales. Janet Connor, a managing director, said many accidents could be avoided if people cleaned their cars regularly, as one in ten drivers involved in crashes admitted to driving inside a mountain of debris. She said, "The possible dangers and distractions outside the car are well known but as the evidence suggests, those within the car are often forgotten." Those who like drinking coffee often have accidents because _ . <extra_id_0>the coffee may make them feel faint <extra_id_1>the coffee may make the car smell terrible <extra_id_2>the deserted coffee cups may make the brake fail <extra_id_3>the deserted coffee cups may look the same as brake pedals <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Google works miracles Google is a daily miracle to millions of people. You can type almost anything into the space provided, and soon it wil come up with hundreds, if not thousands, of references . It is said that you can get into billions of websites through Google. Yahoo becomes giant Yahoo was the first wonder of the Web, and in many parts, it still is. It started in January 1994 when two Californian graduate students, Jerry Yang and David Filo, started building a database of links , mainly for their personal use. Well before the end of the year, it had become known as the Yahoo we know today. Ebay enables everyone to buy and sell Ebay, which carries out online auctions , is one of the most important Internet companies. It has, for example, opened up a global marketplace in which people from Beigjing, San Francisco, Moscow or Buenos Aires can bid against each other for products (new or old )put up auction by someone in London. Amazon makes buying a new experience For regular users, amazon has made itself the shortest possible path between wanting and buying. With amazon you can get something more cheaply and perhaps more quickly. The search engine and one-click ordering system let you find and order something in seconds.But this is not the whole story. Amazon also uses technology very cleverly to keep you on the site, and to make you buy more. If you have something old to sell online ,you can click onto _ . <extra_id_0>amazon <extra_id_1>Yahoo <extra_id_2>Ebay <extra_id_3>Google <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his doorbell began to ring. It was already midnight, but what could the doctor do? He had to get up, put on his coat and go downstairs. When he opened the door, he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand. "How do you do?" said the man. "Can you come at once to a place out of town? It's quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way." "Certainly," said the doctor. "I'm quite ready. I can come at once." After a few minutes the car was standing at the front door, the man got into the doctor's car, and they drove off. They drove on for a long time. Then the man said, "Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go back to the town." "I must see the patient. How can I go back without seeing the patient?" "There is no patient," explained the man. "Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and I must get home from a town, There are no taxis this time of the night, but a doctor often _ , so excuse me. Here is money. Thank you, doctor. Good night." ,. How did they go away? <extra_id_0>on foot <extra_id_1>by car <extra_id_2>by bus <extra_id_3>by bike <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>According to a new survey, students' safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to get away from danger before it really happens. Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No. 25 Middle School, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger. If you are robbed Keep calm if you can not cry for help or run away. Give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. If you are in a traffic accident If a car hits you, you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt. If it is raining hard and there is lighting Don't stay in high places and stay away from trees. If there is a fire Get away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit . Do not take the lift. If someone is drowning If you can't swim, don't get into the water. Cry out for help. Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all time! What will you do if a bicycle hurts you? <extra_id_0>I will remember the bicycle number. <extra_id_1>I won't let the rider go until I call my parents. <extra_id_2>I will let the rider go before I call my parents. <extra_id_3>I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>what process is adulthood categorized under? <extra_id_0>the living term <extra_id_1>a plant feeding <extra_id_2>the entertainment circuit <extra_id_3>a chemical reaction <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>There once was a little girl named Odette who lived in a wooded forest. One evening she was getting a ride home from school in her grandpa's truck she saw smoke rising from a fire far in the distance. Odette was worried about the fire and the danger facing all the animals that live in the forest. She immediately rushed home and waited for her mother, a doctor to come home. While she was waiting for her mother to come home she ate some popcorn and talked to her grandpa about the smoke. Odette's grandpa, Harvey told her that fires are almost always put out by hard working fireman. Odette feels better knowing that brave firefighters are out there bravely trying to save the forest and the animals that live there. She grabs her favorite stuffed animal, a monkey and says a prayer for her treasured forest and then falls asleep on the couch. She wake up to the friendly face of her smiling mother who tells her that the fire is safely put out. What is the girl worried about? <extra_id_0>school <extra_id_1>bear <extra_id_2>stuffed animal <extra_id_3>fire <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Since IQ testing began a century ago, women have been as much as five points behind, leading psychologists to suggest genetic differences between the male and the female. That gap has been narrowing in recent years and this year women have moved ahead. The finding has been made by James Flynn, a world-famous expert on IQ tests. "In the last 100 years, the IQ scores of both men and women have risen but women's have risen faster," said Flynn. " This is a result of modernity. The complex modern world is making our brains adapt and raising our IQs." One possible explanation is that women's lives have become more demanding as they multitask between raising a family and doing a job. Another might be that women have a slightly higher potential intelligence than men and are only now realizing it. Flynn also made the great discovery that scores in western countries increased by roughly three points a decade, which means people today get 30 more points than those living 100 years ago and that IQs can be improved. Flynn conducted new IQ tests in western European countries, America, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina and Estonia, which showed that the gap between men and women had become very small. In New Zealand, Estonia and Argentina, women scored slightly higher than men. Maybe because of this, many women have exchanged the role with their husband in family life. Helena Jamieson, 33, works a full-time job and her husband, Luke, 37, is a stay-at-home father. Helena said, "I'm definitely the more intellectual person in the relationship and I'm at work full-time rising up the career ladder while he is raising our daughter." She added, "In the past, men would look down on me, thinking that I was a woman and not as smart as them. But today, things have changed. I think women probably always know secretly deep down that they are the more intelligent ones-but as the gentler sex, we were just quiet about it in the past and let men believe that they ruled the world." The main idea of the passage is that_. <extra_id_0>wives now serve as breadwinners while husbands raise children <extra_id_1>people today are much smarter than those living 100 years ago <extra_id_2>in western countries, women scored higher than men in IQ tests <extra_id_3>women's IQ has risen faster and has even gone beyond men's <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>If the number of trees significantly decreases, the atmosphere's level of which gas might significantly increase? <extra_id_0>nitrogen <extra_id_1>carbon dioxide <extra_id_2>carbon monoxide <extra_id_3>hydrogen <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Far from the land of Antarctica , a huge shelf of ice meets the ocean. At the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish, the Antarctic cod. For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death? It must have some secret. The Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work and research has been slow. Now it seems we have an answer. Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish. Scientists studied the fish's blood and measured its freezing point. The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of -1.88degC and many tiny pieces of ice floating in it. The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to -2.05degC. That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture. The scientists' next research job was clear: Find out what in the fish's blood kept it from freezing. Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein never before seen in the blood of a fish. When _ was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point. Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein. It has many small sugar molecules held in special positions within each big protein molecule. Because of its sugar content, it is called a _ . So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein, or AFGP. Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature? <extra_id_0>The seawater has a temperature of - l.88degC <extra_id_1>It loves to live in the ice-salt mixture. <extra_id_2>A special protein keeps it from freezing. <extra_id_3>Its blood has a temperature lower than -2.05degC <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>As dangerous as sharks may have seed to people after watching Jaws, which was released on June 20,1975, the recent disastrous decrease in their numbers show that people have proven far more dangerous to sharks. This disastrous decline is due in large part to commercial fishing of sharks. "The market for shark fins in East Asia opened up thanks to changes in their economy, increasing their ability to spend money on things such as shark fin soup," Burgess said. However, the biggest worry for sharks and their relatives, the skates and rays, which are suffering a similar fate, "is how they are killed incidentally when fishermen try and take other fish--the problem of bycatch ," Burgess explained. "They may be thrown back afterward, but they're still dead." The key of the problems behind bringing sharks back is that "they're not the same as other fish," Burgess said, "Sharks are slow growing and slow to reach maturity. Sharks are live bearers, which means females keep their young in their body just like us, but instead of nine months, it takes 12 to 18 months or more in sharks. Also, sharks generally can't give birth again until a year after they've given birth--sometimes they're on a three-year cycle. So once you get a shark population knocked down, this 'life in the slow lane' means that recovery is measured in decades rather than years."\ Burgess said, "I'm on the recovery team for it, but the recovery plan for that is over the course of 100 years. So I won't see them recover, nor will you, nor will your children. That's what it means when these animals go down--they're down a long time." Any measures aimed at saving sharks must not only consider byeatch, "which is the real killer right now," but also encourage interactional cooperation, Burgess said. "Sharks are very migratory, and many species cross borders," he said. "We can protect them only by getting many govemment to come aboard. That's the hardest part about this." The text mainly tells us _ . <extra_id_0>shark fins are valuable <extra_id_1>sharks are dangerous <extra_id_2>bycatch brings bad effects <extra_id_3>sharks are in danger <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I was nurse on duty that day. I didn't think there would be any patients, sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies showed up at my desk, a pale woman and four small children. "Are you all sick?" I asked suspiciously. "Yes," she said weakly and lowered her head. But when it came to descriptions of their presenting problems, things got a little vague. Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren't accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it. Something was wrong, but I didn't say anything but explained that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her. She responded, "Take your time; it's warm here." On a hunch , I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family. No address---they were homeless. The waiting room was warm. I looked out at the family huddled by the Christmas tree. The little one was pointing at the television and exclaiming something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at an ornament on the Christmas tree. I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses, grumbling about working Christmas, turned to compassion for a family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action, much as we do when there's a medical emergency. But this one was a Christmas emergency. We were all offered a free meal in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day, so we claimed that meal and prepared a banquet for our Christmas guests. We needed presents. We put together oranges and apples in a basket. We collected from different departments candies, crayons and other things available that could be presents. As seriously as we met the physical needs of the patients that came to us that day, our team worked to meet the needs, and exceed the expectations, of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas Day. Later, as the family walked to the door to leave, the four year old came running back, gave me a hug and whispered, "Thanks for being our angels today." Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? <extra_id_0>Something was wrong with one of the children's heads. <extra_id_1>The pale woman forgot to write the address. <extra_id_2>The author did not understand the truth. <extra_id_3>The children's mother told a lie. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Being the head of a high school for many years, I grew tired of budget meetings, funding cuts, and many other administrative chores . I started to dream of retirement. Sitting in traffic on a weekday morning, I would find my mind wandering. I would imagine spending time with my grandchildren, quiet evenings with my wife, traveling, or rediscovering some great books. I told myself that I wouldn't sign myself up for any committees, any classes, or anything requiring a schedule. My first day of retirement came at last! I cooked a great breakfast for my wife and me, leisurely read the paper, cleaned a bit of the house, and wrote a few letters to friends. On the second day, I cooked breakfast, read the paper... On the third day, ... This is retirement? I tried to tell myself that it was just the transition , that those golden moments were right round the corner, and that I would enjoy them soon enough. But something was missing. A former colleague asked a favor. A group of students was going to Jamaica to work with children in the poorest neighborhoods. Would I interrupt my newfound "happiness" and return to the students, just this once? One trip. That's all. My bags were packed and by the door. The trip was very inspiring. I was moved not only by the poverty I saw but also by the sense of responsibility of the young people on the trip. When I returned home, I offered to work one day a week with a local youth organization. The experience was so positive that I was soon volunteering nearly full-time, working with students across North America to assist them in their voluntary work. Now, it seems, . Some days I am the teacher, other days I am the student. These young people have reawakened my commitment to social justice issues by challenging me to learn more about the situation in the world today, where people are still poor and suffer because of greed, corruption and war. Most important, they have given me the opportunity to continue to participate in helping to find solutions. In return, I help them do their charitable projects overseas. I've gone from running one school to helping oversee the construction of schools in twenty-one countries! Why did the writer decide to go to Jamaica? <extra_id_0>He wasn't satisfied with his retired life. <extra_id_1>He couldn't refuse his colleague's favor. <extra_id_2>He was concerned about the people there. <extra_id_3>He missed his students in that country. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Wang Lin's Diary Oct.8th,Sunday October 1st is our National Day.It was Sunday.In the morning,our teacher took us to the park.Oh,many people were there.We could see flags and flowers everywhere.We saw people dancing in the park everywhere.We had a good time. This morning I did some cleaning.Then I went to school.In the class,our teacher told us a very interesting story.It was about a French scientist Ampere.Once he was walking in the street when he began to work on a problem on a"blackboard"with a piece of chalk.But it was not a blackboard.It was the back of a carriage .Ampere didn't notice it at all.How hard he worked at his problem! In the evening,it became cloudy.It's going to rain tomorrow,I think. Wang Lin's teacher and his classmates went to the park on _ . <extra_id_0>October 1st <extra_id_1>October 2nd <extra_id_2>Wednesday <extra_id_3>Monday <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Things Your Pilot Won't Tell You You may not be getting the airline you paid for. You may go to an airline website and buy a ticket, and get onto an airplane that has a similar name painted on it, but half the time, you're really on a regional airline.The regionals aren't held to the same safety standards as the majors: their pilots aren't required to have as much training and experience, and the public doesn't know that. --Captain at a major airline If you're a nervous flier, book a morning flight. The heating of the ground later causes bumpier air, and it's much more likely to thunderstorm in the afternoon. --Jerry Johnson , pilot, Los Angeles The smoothest place to sit is often over or near the wing. The bumpiest place to sit is in the back.If you're in the middle, you don't move as much. --Patrick Smith, pilot, and author of Cockpit Confidential Sit in the front if you want fresher air. The general flow of air in any airplane is from front to back.So if you're really concerned about breathing the freshest possible air or not getting too hot, sit as close to the front as you can.Planes are generally warmest in the back. --Tech pilot at a regional airline, Texas You never know where the safest seat is. There is no safest place to sit.In one accident, the people in the back are dead; in the next, it's the people up front. --John Nance, aviation safety analyst and retired airline captain, Seattle I've been struck by lightning twice. Most pilots have.Airplanes are built to take it.You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that's it.You're not going to fall out of the sky. --Charlotte, pilot for a regional earner,.North Carolina People don't understand why they can't use their cell phones. Well, what can happen is 12 people will decide to call someone just before landing, and I can get a false reading on my instruments saying that we are higher than we ideally are. --Jim Tilmon, retired American Airlines pilot, Phoenix The best seats for those who need fresh air are _ . <extra_id_0>in the front <extra_id_1>in the middle <extra_id_2>in the back <extra_id_3>near the wing <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In the gym of Croxteth Community School, Liverpool, 50 boys have completed a course on boxing that is seen as a pilot for its return to state schools. The Schools Amateur Boxing Association (SABA) has developed the Kid Gloves scheme ( ),a -non-contact version of the sport where outside coaches teach a range of basic skills. Chris Andrews, assistant secretary of the SABA, said the scheme was regarded as a way of changing the decline in boxing in state schools which began 25 years ago. Safety fears and the poor image of professional boxing had accelerated the sport's decline. Concern was worsened by incidents such as the death of the professional boxer Bradley Stone. But the Croxteth example was winning more supporters. Mr. Andrews said the idea was particularly well received in the north-east of England. "The interest shown so far has been enormous," he said. "I believe that boxing will come back into schools. A video has been produced to promote boxing in schools, and a bid has been made for a Sports Council grant ." He said, "I think there is a genuine recognition that there are aspects to boxing, if it is controlled and properly run, that really are very beneficial for children. This scheme takes away the dangers. I hope boxing can be promoted throughout the country in a more coordinated way." Such an idea horrifies such groups as the British Medical Association (BMA) and the British Safety Council, both critics of the idea. Dr Jeffrey Cundy, the joint author of a BMA report on boxing, accepted that the scheme in Liverpool was non-contact, but he was still opposed. He said, "We feel that children should still not be introduced to boxing, because they will then be encouraged to take up an activity which is uniquely dangerous when actual contact takes place." He added, "There is a whole range of sports which will teach the discipline that comes from boxing without the dangers. We see this reintroduction in schools as an unhealthy development." At the 800-pupil Croxteth school, Steve Stewart, head of PE, said boxing had helped to improve self-confidence, self-discipline, self-awareness and self-respect in those taking part. Everybody could get involved and, because all were starting from scratch, the improvements could be quickly seen. Certificates were presented to the pupils at the end of the course by Paul Hodgkinson, a local boxer who is a former world champion. Next year, the course will be repeated and if possible girls will be allowed to take part following requests from them. Gerry Thompson and Tony Curry, both 12,have enjoyed the boxing sessions and say they will both join a local boxing club. "I thought it was brilliant," said Gerry. "I would rather be a professional boxer than a footballer. It's more enjoyable*" The Kid Gloves scheme is developed by SABA primarily to _ . <extra_id_0>provide more fun for students <extra_id_1>encourage students to be better-behaved <extra_id_2>help students gain a sense of achievement <extra_id_3>promote the boxing course in a less dangerous way <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Young people and older people do not always agree.They sometimes have different ideas about living,working and playing.But in one special programme in New York State,adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group.Everyone works several hours each day.They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and fun in work.Some teenagers work in the forests or on the farms near the village.Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and to build houses.The adults teach them these skills. There are several free hours each day.Weekends are free,too.During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo-taking or drawing.Others sit around and talk or sing.Each teenager chooses his own way to pass his free time. When people live together,they should have rules.In this programme the teenagers and the adults make the rules together.If someone breaks a rule,the problem goes before the whole group.They talk about it and ask,"Why did it happen?What should we do about it?" One of the teenagers has said something about it,"You have to stop thinking only about yourself.You learn how to think about the group." In one special programme in New York State,young and older people . <extra_id_0>don't work well together <extra_id_1>are friendly to each other <extra_id_2>teach each other new ways of building houses <extra_id_3>spend eight weeks together,working as farmers <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Nancy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Nancy likes him very much. Today is Sunday. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil-box and opens it. "Oh, dear! Where's my pen?" She can't find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom. "John! I can't find my pen. Can you see it? Oh, what are you doing with my pen? " "I'm writing to my friend, Peter." John answers. "But how can you? You don't know how to write! " "It doesn't matter. Peter can't read. " John says. ,. Which is NOT right? <extra_id_0>Nancy finds her pen in John's room. <extra_id_1>John can't write. <extra_id_2>John is writing with her sister's pen. <extra_id_3>Peter can read. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>If you want to become a better reader, what should you know about speed of reading? Some people read very rapidly , while others read very slowly. But which one is better? The rapid reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down enough to read directions carefully. He may read so rapidly that he does not take time to understand fully the ideas and information which are important to remember. The slow reader may be a good reader when he reads directions for making something. But he may spend too much time in reading a simple story which is meant to be enjoyed but is not important enough to be remembered. So, you see, either a rapid reader or a slow reader is not really a good one. If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about speed of reading. 1. Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly. 2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing something, science and history books, and Maths problems. You must read such things slowly or remember each important step and understand each important idea. 3. Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, letters from friends and bits of news from hometown papers. 4. In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas. What is the important thing you should keep in mind about speed of reading? <extra_id_0>To read as fast as you can. <extra_id_1>To fit your reading speed to your needs. <extra_id_2>To read as slowly as possible. <extra_id_3>To keep your reading at a certain speed. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Mrs Green lives in a small village . Her husband is dead ,but she has one son .His name is Jack . He is twenty-one .He worked in the shop in the village and lived with his mother , but then he found a job in a faraway town named Green Sea .He went and lived there .Mrs Green was not happy about it . Last Sunday ,Mrs Green was angry .She got on a train and went to her son's house in Green Sea . Then she said to him,"Jack ,why do you never telephone me ?" Jack laughed , "But ,mother ,you don't have a telephone ." "No,"she answered, "I haven't , but you have one !" Jack didn't telephone his mother because _ . <extra_id_0>he didn't like her <extra_id_1>he could see her every day <extra_id_2>he had no telephone <extra_id_3>his mother had no telephone <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>I'm a teacher. But there are days, like today, when I wonder why. The results of an English quiz taken by my fifth-graders were depressing. Despite my best efforts, the world of pronouns remains a mystery to them. How I wish there were a way to make the study of our language as exciting as a computer game, so the glazed looks would not appear in their eyes at the mention of the word "grammar." I remember my husband's words: "Why don't you quit? You'd probably make more money by doing something else, and you wouldn't have papers to grade every night." Tonight I have a stack of papers to grade, which I promised my students I would return tomorrow. But a friend, whom I haven't seen in a year, is visiting from Belgium, and I told her I would keep this evening free. Sitting in traffic behind a distant stoplight, it's hard not to replay the day. A voice reports the body of a local youngster, missing for weeks, has been identified. This missing child has had a deep effect on my students. They wondered, "If it happened to her, could it happen to me?" My children had found the answer themselves. They got out their pencils, markers and made cards. Cards were written with words of compassion and love for a mother and father they didn't know. Cards were filled with red hearts, golden crosses, flowers and angels. Their cards, intended to comfort others, comforted the children themselves by leading them past the anxiety, back into the world of security that should be theirs. And then I remember why I'm still teaching. It's the children. They're more important than a lifetime filled with quiet evenings and more valuable than a pocket filled with money. My classroom, a child-filled world of discovery, of kindness and of caring is the real world. It's time to call my friend. I have promises to keep. She'll understand. After all, she's a teacher. The students' attitude to the missing child's parents might be that of _ . <extra_id_0>doubt <extra_id_1>unconcern <extra_id_2>sympathy <extra_id_3>tolerance <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>We often think of future.We often wonder what the world would be like in a hundred years' time. Think of space, perhaps a permanent station on the moon will have been set up.Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as tourists.Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed, permitting long journeys throughout the solar system .When that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting other planets.Great progress will have been discovered for the most terrible of all diseases--cancer.Pollution is a problem we must solve.In a hundred years' time it will have been controlled. All the world will have been developed--even Antarctica.There will be large cities in Antarctica.We already have supersonic flight, but in a hundred years' time we will have supersonic land travel as well. We will have used up most of earth's land to build our cities, so floating cities will have been built.The Japanese already have plans for cities of this kind.And there will be cities under the sea.The first of these will have been completed. The best title for the passage is _ . <extra_id_0>Travel in the Future <extra_id_1>Future Life <extra_id_2>Where to Live in the Future <extra_id_3>Space Travel <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Strong Museum Hours Monday---Thursday: 10:00 am---5:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am---8:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am -- -5:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am---5:00 pm Closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. The Museum Shop is open during regular museum hours. The Museum Library is open during Monday---Friday: 10:00 am---5:00 pm. The Skyliner Restaurant is open during regular museum hours from Monday to Saturday, and from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday. Admission Adults: $7.00 The aged and students with ID: $6.00 Strong Museum offers a 50% discount to groups of 20 or more. Strong Museum usually opens _ except on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. <extra_id_0>Monday to Thursday <extra_id_1>every day <extra_id_2>every weekday <extra_id_3>at weekends <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>True Manliness "Please, mother, do sit down and let me try my hand,"said Fred Liscom, a bright active boy, twelve years old. Mrs. Liscom, looking pale and worn, was moving languidly about, trying to clear away the breakfast she had scarcely tasted. She smiled and said, "You, Fred, you wash dishes?" "Yes, indeed, mother," answered Fred. "I should be a poor scholar if I couldn't, when I've seen you do it so many times. Just try me." A look of relief came over his mother's face as she seated herself in her low rocking chair. Fred washed the dishes and put them in the closet. He swept the kitchen, brought up the potatoes from the cellar for the dinner and washed them, and then set out for school. Fred's father was away from home and as there was some cold meat in the pantry , Mrs. Liscom found it an easy task to prepare dinner. Fred hurried home from school, set the table, and again washed the dishes. He kept on in this way for two or three days, until his mother was able to resume her usual work. He felt amply rewarded when the doctor, who happened in one day, said, "Well, madam, it's my opinion that you would have been very sick if you had not kept quiet." The doctor did not know how the "quiet" had been secured, nor how the boy's heart bounded at his words. Fred had given up a great deal of what boys hold dear, for the purpose of helping his mother, coasting and skating being just at this time in perfection. Besides this, his temper and his patience had been severely tried. He had been in the habit of going early to school and staying to play after it was dismissed. The boys missed him and their curiosity was excited when he would give no other reason for not coming to school earlier, or staying after school, than that he was "Wanted at home." "I'll tell you," said Tom Barton, "I'll find him out, boys-see if I don't!" So, one morning on his way to school, he called on Fred. As he went around to the side door, he walked lightly and somewhat nearer the kitchen window than was ly needful. Looking in, he saw Fred standing at the table with a dishcloth in his hand. Of course he reported this at school, and various were the greetings poor Fred received at recess ."Well, you're a brave one to stay at home washing dishes!""Girl boy!" "Pretty Bessie!""Lost your apron, haven't you, Polly!" Fred was not wanting either in spirit or in courage, and he was strongly tempted to resent these insults and to fight some of his tormentors . But his consciousness of right and his love for his mother helped him. While he was struggling for self-mastery, his teacher appeared at the door of the schoolhouse. Fred caught his eye, and it seemed to look, if it did not say, "Don't give up! Be really brave!" He knew the teacher had heard the insulting taunts of his thoughtless schoolmates. The boys received notice during the day that Fred must not be taunted in any manner. They knew that the teacher meant what he said; and so the brave little boy had no further trouble. The following facts showed Fred's true manliness EXCEPT that _ . <extra_id_0>he exercised self-control when facing the insults from his classmates. <extra_id_1>he voluntarily did the housework when his mother was sick. <extra_id_2>he gave up a great deal of what boys held dear for the sake of his mother, <extra_id_3>he was free from further trouble thanks to his teacher's help. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Like many other small boys, I was fascinated by cars, not least because my oldest brother was a bit of a car guy and subscribed to cool magazines like Car and Driver and Motor Trend. Every so often, one of those magazines would run an article on the "Car of the Future". They featured unconventional styling and things like small nuclear reactors as power sources. Yet, frankly, my car doesn't do anything that my brother's Studebaker didn't do. It goes, it stops, it burns gasoline, it plays music. I still have to steer it, and it still runs into things if I don't steer it carefully. But guess what? All of these things are subject to change in the not-so-distant future. It will still go and stop, but it may not burn gasoline, I may not have to steer it, and it may be a lot better at not running into things. Airbags aren't the be-all and end-all in safety. In fact, considering the recent news about people occasionally being killed by their airbags in low-speed collisions ,they obviously still need some development. But they aren't going away, and in fact, you can expect to see cars appearing with additional, side-impact airbags, something some European car manufacturers already offer. Better than systems to minimize injury in the event of an accident, however, are systems that minimize the likelihood of an accident happening in the first place. Future cars may be able to eliminate many of the major causes of accidents, including drunk-driving, tailgating and sleepiness. Cars could be equipped with sensors that can detect alcohol in a driver's system and prevent the car from being started, for example. Many accidents are caused by people following the car in front too closely. As early as next year, you'll be able to buy cars with radar-equipped control systems. If the radar determines you're closing too quickly with the car in front, it will ease up on the throttle . For city streets, expect other radar devices that will give advance warning that the car in front of you has slowed abruptly and you should step on the brakes-or that may even brake for you. Will cars eventually be able to drive themselves? There's no reason to think it won't be technically possible, and Mercedes is working on a system that can brake, accelerate and steer a vehicle down a highway on its own. Nobody really expects people to give up all control to their cars, but such systems could be used as failsafe systems to keep cars on the road and bring them safely to a stop even if the driver suddenly became disabled. According to the author, what will future cars do if the sensors detect alcohol in the driver's system? <extra_id_0>They will give a warning in advance. <extra_id_1>They will brake automatically. <extra_id_2>They will ease up on the throttle. <extra_id_3>They will not start. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A scientist working at her lab bench and a six-old baby playing with his food might seem to have little in common.After all,the scientist is engaged in serious research to uncover the very nature of the physical world,and the baby is,well, just playing...right?Perhaps,but some developmental psychologists have argued that this"play"is more like a scientific investigation than one might think. Take a closer look at the baby playing at the table.Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge,it falls in the ground---and, in the process, it belongs out important evidence about how physical objects interact ; bowls of rice do not flood in mid-sit, but require support to remain stable. It is likely that babies are not born knowing the basic fact of the universe; nor are they ever clearly taught it. Instead, babies may form an understanding of object support through repeated experiments and then build on this knowledge to learn even more about how objects interact. Though their ranges and tools differ, the baby's investigation and the scientist's experiment appear to share the same aim(to learn about the natural world ), overall approach (gathering direct evidence from the world), and logic (are my observations what I expected?). Some psychologists suggest that young children learn about more than just the physical world in this way---that they investigate human psychology and the rules of language using similar means. For example, it may only be through repeated experiments, evidence gathering, and finally overturning a theory, that a baby will come to accept the idea that other people can have different views and desires from what he or she has, for example, unlike the child , Mommy actually doesn't like Dove chocolate. Viewing childhood development as a scientific investigation throws on how children learn ,but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists. Why do young children and scientists seem to be so much alike? Psychologists have suggested that science as an effort ---the desire to explore, explain, and understand our world---is simply something that comes from our babyhood. Perhaps evolution provided human babies with curiosity and a natural drive to explain their worlds, and adult scientists simply make use of the same drive that served them as children. The same cognitive systems that make young children feel good about feel good about figuring something out may have been adopted by adult scientists. As some psychologists put it, "It is not that children are little scientists but that scientists are big children." What is the author's tone when he discusses the connection between scientists' research and babies' play? <extra_id_0>Convincing. <extra_id_1>Confused. <extra_id_2>Confidence. <extra_id_3>Cautious. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Mike gets up at half past seven. He has an egg and some milk for breakfast. Then he goes to school. When he is on his way to school, he is thinking, " I tell my teacher that my mother is ill on Mon---day. I tell him my bike doesn't work on my way to school on Tuesday. What should I say to--day? Mike thinks it over, but he doesn't have a good idea. "May I come in?" says Mike at the door. "Oh, my boy," says Mr. Brown. "Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?" "It's eight ten," says Mike. Mr. Brown is not happy and says, "You are late for class three times this week. If all the students are like you, the clock is no use, I think." " You are wrong, Mr. Brown," says Mike. "If I don't have the clock how do I know I am late for school?" What time does Mike get to his classroom today? <extra_id_0>At 7:30 <extra_id_1>At 8:10 <extra_id_2>At 8:20 <extra_id_3>At 8:30 <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>BALTIMORE. MARYLAND--An old postcard changed the lives of an eleven-year-old boy and a very sick woman. The postcard had a picture of the steamship Titanic. The Titanic was the largest ocean ship in the world. It hit an iceberg and sank on April 14. 1912. More than 1,500 of the 2,200 people on the ship were killed. The postcard was passed from one person to another for more than 80 years. Then it appeared at a card show for people who liked to collect postcards. An eleven-year-old boy, Joey Russell, came to the show with his grandfather. His grandfather knew everything about the Titanic and its trip from England to New York. "Let's buy that postcard." he told Joey. "It will be important someday." Two years later, Joey's grandfather took him on a special trip. They went on a trip to the North Atlantic ocean to watch as workers pulled the Titanic up from the bottom of the ocean. Joey put his special postcard in his bag for the trip. On the ship, Joey met Edith Haisman. This woman was on the Titanic when it sank. She was one of the people who were _ Joey pulled the postcard out of his pocket. "Please sign this, Mrs. Haisman." he said. She was happy to write her name on the back of the postcard. When Joey got home, he put the postcard away and forgot about it, Then Kate Shelley, one of Joey's friends, told him that her mother was very sick. She needed an operation, but there was a problem. The operation was very expensive, and the family needed $80, 000 to pay for it. Friends and relatives tried to help. But where could they get so much money? Then when Joey went to see the new movie "Titanic", he had an idea. "Millions of people are seeing this movie and reading about the Titanic." Joey thought. He remembered the old postcard with Edith Haisman's signature on it. "Maybe I can sell it for some money. Then I can help Kate's mom." Joey told his mother and father about his idea to help Mrs. Shelley. His parents helped him try to sell the postcard to the person who would pay the most money for it. Joey's story was on television and in newspapers. Joey and Kate even went to New York to be on a national TV show. After the show, many people called in to offer money for the Titanic card. Someone bought it for $60. 000. Joey's kind heart and the old Titanic postcard worked together to save a woman's life. When did Joey Russell have the idea of selling his old postcard for money? <extra_id_0>When Kate Shelley told him of her mother's sickness. <extra_id_1>When he went to see the new movie "Titanic". <extra_id_2>When he was reading the new book of Titanic. <extra_id_3>When he remembered Mrs. Haisman's signature on his card. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>People smile at times. However, the meaning of a smile in different cultures may be different. Depending on different cultures, smiling can express joy and amusement, but it can also show embarrassment . People in the United States smile a lot. Every one smiles at each other in order to show they are open and friendly. However, in China, smiling is not only an expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid being embarrassed. Chinese people like smiling when they are embarrassed in order to avoid embarrassment. Smiling is a kind of good will but not sneer . For example: When a child falls down from a bike, the adults in China may smile, which is a kind of gentle encouragement and not a kind of impolite laugh. When a person from the United States might blush with embarrassment or become offensive , a Chinese might blush with smile. To avoid serious misunderstanding, people who engage in intercultural communication should be able to understand the meaning of smiling properly. In China, seeing a child falls off a bike, an adult will smile in order to _ . <extra_id_0>laugh at him <extra_id_1>avoid his own embarrassment <extra_id_2>avoid embarrassment and encourage the boy <extra_id_3>show his politeness <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Annette Kellerman was born in Australia in 1887.She had polio and could not walk easily.She had to wear metal supports on her legs to stand up on her own.To make her legs stronger,her mother took her for swimming lessons every week.Swimming made her legs so strong that when she was 15 she was able to throw away her supports. Her family was poor so she got work acting as a mermaid.She wore a long tail and fish swam around her.People paid to come and see her. In 1900 Annette swam in the Paris Olympics and won two gold medals. The next year she tried to swim across the Channel.She was the first woman to try to do it though she had to stop after swimming for six hours. In 1915 Annette went to Hollywood and was the star of two films. Which of the following is true according to the passage? <extra_id_0>she was successful in swimming across the Channel <extra_id_1>In 1901 she tried to swim across the Channel but later she had to stop. <extra_id_2>She wasn't able to throw away her supports at the age of fifteen. <extra_id_3>She swam across the Channel for only six days <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A Bite of China Are you an eating-lover? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program A Bite of China? It's a TV program on Chinese delicious food which has been produced by CCTV. Is there any holiday that isn't celebrated with special festival food? Here are several traditional Chinese foods: Noodles are a symbol of long life in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with its candles lit in many western countries. Since noodles mean long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut it off. Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on the plate, in China a whole fish is a symbol of richness. In fact, at a party it is a tradition to serve the whole fish last, pointed towards the most valued guest. Fish also has a special meaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the year to come. A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty dish is made of rice dumplings with meat, peanuts or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of a great man, Qu Yuan in Chinese history. Fish has a special meaning in Chinese culture mainly because _ . <extra_id_0>it is served last at a party <extra_id_1>it is pointed to the valued guest <extra_id_2>it sounds like the word yu in Chinese <extra_id_3>it is so delicious that all Chinese people like it <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>London Thursday July 26(Reuters)--Ian Johnstone missed his girlfriend so much that he flew back to Britain from Australia to propose to her.The problem is that she flew in the opposite direction. He and Amy Dolby even managed to miss each other when they sat in the same airport waiting-room in Singapore at the same time to wait for connecting flights. Dolby,heartbroken when she arrived at Johnstone's Sydney apartment to find he had flown to London,told the Times:"It was as though someone was playing a cruel joke on us.He is the most romantic person I have ever known.I think our problem is that we are both quite impulsive people.We are always trying to surprise each other." After an 11,000-mile flight across the globe,she was greeted by Johnstone's astonished flatmate asking what she was doing there. "The terrible truth dawned when I found that Lan's rucksack and most of his clothes were missing.I sat on the end of his bed and cried my eyes out.And that really annoyed me,"she said. Johnstone,a 27-year-old bricklayer,had taken a year off to travel round Australia.But he was missing Dolby,a 26-year-old secretary,so much he got a job on a Sydney building site and started saving for a surprise. He then flew home to Britain and went to her apartment armed with an engagement ring,champagne and flowers. "I really missed Amy and I'd been thinking about her all the time.I thought she was winding me up when she phoned me from Australia."he said. Johnstone then asked Dolby to marry him on the phone."I didn't know whether to laugh or cry but I accepted,"she said. Dolby was given a short tour of Sydney by Johnstone's friends and Johnstone had to stay in Britain for two weeks because he could not change his ticket. When Johnstone asked her to marry him on the phone,Dolby didn't know whether to laugh or cry because she had a mixed feeling of_. <extra_id_0>excitement,anger and shyness <extra_id_1>sadness,happiness and surprise <extra_id_2>love,hatred and nevousness <extra_id_3>cheer,regret and annoyance <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When a handheld video game runs out of power, all you have to do is plug it in and charge it up. Within a few years, some of you might do the same thing with mom's car. Automobile companies are developing vehiclesthat will plug into electricsockets , just like many laptops, digitalcameras, cell phones and small video game players do. Called "plug-inhybrids ," these cars will get most of their power from electricity. Their drivers will rarely haveto stop at gas stations. The technology is more than just cool. In our automobile-filled world, plug-in vehicles could reduce the amount of gasoline we use. That gas is made from crude oil, which has been kept rising in cost. Plus, driving around in these hybrids may even help the environment. Gas-burning cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide, a type of greenhouse gas. These gases stay in the atmosphere, where theytrapheat and cause global warming. The first company-produced plug-in hybrids could hitthe roads by 20l0. But engineers still have a lot of work to do to make the technology practical and inexpensive. Batteries are the biggest challenge. In the plug-in-hybrid world, Li-ion batteries are getting the most attention. These batteries can store a large amount of energy in a small package, and they last a ly long time between charges. Li-ion batteries are standard in laptops, cell phones, heart devicesand similarportabledevices. But because cars are so big and heavy, it would still require a suitcase-sized Li-ion battery to power about l2km of driving. What's more, the batteries are extremely expensive. "A car filled with batteries could go a long distance," says Ted Bohn, an electrical engineer in prefix = st1 /Chicago. "But it couldn'thaul any people, and it would cost $l00,000." So researchers need to figure out how to make batteries smaller and cheaper, among other questions. "The answers don't exist yet," Bohn says. "As a kid I thought someone someplace knows the answer to everything. All of these questions haven't been decided. That's what engineering is about -- making a guess, running tests and fine-tuningresults." Which is true according to the passage? <extra_id_0>Plug-in hybrids will do no harm to the environment. <extra_id_1>Li-lion batteries in laptops can be used on plug-in hybrids. <extra_id_2>Some companies can produce plug-in hybrids now. <extra_id_3>Drivers of plug-in hybrids will spend less money on gasoline. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Dave Smith is 12. He has a sister .Her name is Jenny .She is 8. Dave has a dictionary .It is blue .The dictionary is in his black backpack .He has a computer game and he likes it .Jenny has a watch .It is red .She likes it very much. She has a good pencil case ,too .It's white . Her pencil ,ruler ,eraser and pen are in the pencil case. Her pencil case is in her yellow backpack. What color is Jenny's backpack? <extra_id_0>It's black <extra_id_1>It's red <extra_id_2>It's green <extra_id_3>It's yellow <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The Exterminating Angel Director: Luis Bunuel Country/Date : Mexico/1962 (black and white) Introduction : A party is organized in a high class society house. Many people are drinking and eating. It's getting late, but nobody is leaving. Even though the door is open, people seem to be locked in the house. They can't leave either the day or on the following days. So a rescue began. The Net Director: Irwin Winkler Country/Date: U.S.A./1995 Introduction: Angela Bennettt is a computer programmer who has devoted her life to computers and the Internet. She spends hours and hours in front of the screen. She does everything over the Internet, and she has some close friends in a chat room, though she has never talked to her neighbors. Kung Fu Panda Director : Mark Osborne & John Stevenson Country/Date : U.S.A./2008 Introduction: The leading character is a panda whose name is Po. He is lazy first but he has a great dream----to be a kung fu master. To make his dream come true, he goes to a faraway temple to learn kung fu from a master. However, one of his brothers, Tai Long wants to become the kung fu master, killing many of his brothers even the master. So Po fights against Tai Long and defeats him, The film is good especially for kids. Life is Beautiful Director: Roberto Benigni Country/Date : Italy/1998 Introduction: In 1939, during World WarII in Italy, Guido, a hopeful man, the main character fell in love with Dora, and they got married. Five years later, their lives changed. Guido and Joshua were taken by the Nazis to a concentration camp and Dora also went there with her husband and son. At that place, Guido tried his best to save his son's life in a special way. What can we learn about Life is Beautiful? <extra_id_0>It's about a rescue of people who can't leave a house. <extra_id_1>The story is set in World WarII. <extra_id_2>It was made in America in 1995. <extra_id_3>The main character is absorbed in computer. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The Louvre Museum is one of the largest, oldest, most important and famous museum in the world. It is famous for holding several of the world's most valuable works of art. Its collections' number is over 380,000 objects, though not one of the world's largest collections, arguably one of the finest. The art treasures of the Louvre Museum cover 5,000 years and are displayed in over 10 kilometers of galleries. The oldest artifact in the museum is 9,000 years old. Mona Lisa(1503-1506), painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. The artist's use of very deep space in the background with a half-length portrait is typical of Renaissance painting style. This painting hangs in the Louvre, Paris. It is one of the most famous collections in the Louvre. On November 8th, 1793, the Louvre was opened as a public museum. It is open from 9 am to 6 pm all days except Tuesdays. The entrance fee is 7.5 before 3 pm. It is free under 18 years old. The Louvre Museum in Paris had a record number of visitors in 2005. About 7.3 million people visited the art museum in 2005. Which of the following statements leads us to the conclusion that The Louvre Museum is popular? <extra_id_0>The art treasures of the Louvre Museum cover 5,000 years. <extra_id_1>It is famous for holding several of the world's most valuable works of art. <extra_id_2>The Louvre Museum in Paris had a record number of visitors in 2005. <extra_id_3>The entrance fee is 7.5 before 3 pm. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>When people search online, they leave a trail that remains stored on the central computers of firms such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. Analyzing what we're looking for on the Web can offer a remarkable understanding of our anxieties and enthusiasms. UK writer John Battelle wrote on his blog, "This can tell us extraordinary things about who we are and what we want as a culture." Google's experimental service Google Trends, for example, compares the numbers of people searching for different words and phrases from 2004 to the present. According to these graphs, sometimes people's interests are driven obviously by the latest news: when the Spice Girls, a pop group, announce a reunion, there's an immediate rush to find out more about them. Other results are strikingly seasonal: people go shopping online for coats in winter and sandals in summer. The most fascinating possibility is that search data might help predict behavior. Perhaps we search for a political candidate's name when we are thinking about voting for him or her. This information could clearly be useful to a marketer - it's already how Google decides which ads to show on its search results pages - or to a political campaign manager. Marissa Mayer, a Google vice-president, argues that Google Trends correctly "predicted" George Bush's victory over John Kerry in the 2004 election. The graph clearly shows that Bush continued his lead over Kerry, in terms of search volumes, even when polls suggested _ . However, that's not always the case. For instance, the same approach predicted Hillary Clinton would beat Barack Obama in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 turned out to be wrong in the end. On the whole, the author holds a view towards the search trail that _ <extra_id_0>it is necessary to make rules about collecting the search trails <extra_id_1>people are in danger of letting out their personal information <extra_id_2>the search data is very useful to understand people in society <extra_id_3>search trails might cause a lot of disorder. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Angie went to the library with her mother. First she had to turn in the books she was returning at the return desk. They said hello to the man there. He took their books. Then they went into the adult reading room. Angie sat in a brown chair at the table. She made a drawing of her mother. Her mother found a large red book. Then they went to the Mystery section. Angie sat in a blue chair. She drew a picture of her brother. Her mother found the book. It was a green book. Finally it was time to go to the children's room. It was Story Hour. Miss Hudson was there to read to all the children. She read a book about friendship. After the story Angie sat in the red chair and began drawing. They were drawing pictures of friends. Angie drew a picture of her best friend Lilly. Miss Hudson hung the pictures on the wall. Then Angie and her mother picked out 8 books to read at home. They checked the books out and went home. Where did Angie's mother find the book? <extra_id_0>the adult reading room <extra_id_1>the Children's room <extra_id_2>the return desk <extra_id_3>the Mystery section <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Edison often said, "1 will discover what the world needs, then I will try to invent it." It is true that he did more than any other man of his time in inventing things. He made more than one thousand inventions in his life and all these have changed our way of living. Edison was one of the greatest inventors in the world. When Edison died in 1931, someone said people should turn off all the lights in their homes, streets and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man. Of course it was impossible to do so. And this shows what Edison's inventions mean to people's life. Edison _ in inventing new things. <extra_id_0>took all his time <extra_id_1>paid all his money <extra_id_2>spent his most time <extra_id_3>spent his most money <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The sharing economy has grown in recent years to include everything from apartment sharing to car sharing to community tool sharing. Since 2009, a new form of sharing economy has been emerging in neighborhoods throughout the US and around the world---- Little Free Library. The libraries are boxes placed in neighborhoods from which residents can withdraw and deposit books. Little Free Libraries come in all shapes and sizes. Some libraries also have themes, focusing on books for children, adults, or tour guides. In 2009, Tod Bol built the first Little Free Library as a gift to his mother, who was a devoted reader. When he saw the people of his community gathering around it, exchanging conversation as well as books, he knew he wanted to take his simple idea further. "I think Little Free Libraries open the door to conversations we want to have with each other," Bol said. Since then, his idea has become a movement, spreading from state to state and country to country. According to Little, there are now 18,000 of the little structures around the world, located in each of the 50 US states and 70 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. But an Atlantic article says the little structures serve as a cure for a world of e-reader downloads. The little wooden boxes are refreshingly physical and human. For many people, the sense of discovery is Little Free Libraries' main appeal. "A girl walking home from school might pick up a graphic novel that gets her excited about reading; a man on his way to the bus stop might find a volume of poetry that changes his outlook on life," says the Atlantic article. "Every book is a potential source of inspiration". What does the author of the Atlantic article believe? <extra_id_0>Little Free Libraries are more popular than e-reader downloads. <extra_id_1>E-reader downloads are undoubtedly beneficial. <extra_id_2>Little Free Libraries are physical and human. <extra_id_3>The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Mom's birthday present? It may be a difficult thing for some people, but for me, it is an easy thing. Mom loved flowers, so every year I sent her flowers. Actually she had a bed of irises in the backyard of her small, Indiana farm. They were beautiful. "Take some," she said, "Dig some up and plant them on the side of your own house." But in my yard they became lacking in energy. A year passed, then two, but not one flower appeared. I cut back all their green leaves. I was tired of seeing them so lonely. Finally, I dug the irises up and threw them away. About that time Mom died unexpectedly. My sister and I sold the farm. I never went back to see the irises. I just couldn't bear seeing another family living in our home--Mom's home. Autumn came, then winter. The following spring, as Mom's birthday approached, I struggled with the question of how to remember her. I stared out the window and saw a few stubborn irises in my side yard sprouting , --tall, thin but flowerless. Because of seeing them, I decided to order flowers as I always did on Mom's birthday, and send them to my sister. I wished so badly I could still send flowers to Mom. But that was impossible. In the morning of Mom's birthday, I was in my car ready to work. Something in the yard caught my eye. The irises! One had bloomed with flowers, big, showy and purple, as lovely as they ever had been on Mom's farm. I smiled and turned my eyes upward. I could no longer send flowers to Mom. But somehow, she'd been able to send them to me. What troubled the author? <extra_id_0>She didn't know how to grow irises. <extra_id_1>She regretted they had sold Mom's farm. <extra_id_2>She didn't know what to do in memory of Mom. <extra_id_3>She couldn't bear others living in Mom's home. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 when I was in high school. The test was the final for a course. I remember waiting anxiously as my teacher Mr. Right passed out our papers one by one. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning , and I could tell by the groans that the scores weren't looking good. Mr. Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to draw attention, was my score, 55! I lowered my head, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see. "The scores were not very good, none of you passed," Mr. Right said. "The highest score in the class was a 55." A 55. That's me! Suddenly my sad look didn't look so bad. I had the highest score. I felt a lot better. I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My father knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, "How did you do in your test?" "I made a 55," I said. A frown now stood on my father's face. I knew I had to explain immediately. "But Dad, I had the highest score in the class," I proudly stated. I thought that explanation would make a difference. "You failed!" my father replied. "But it's the highest!" I insisted. "I don't care what scores others had, but you failed. What matters is what you do!" my father firmly said. For years, my father was always that way. It didn't matter what others did, it only mattered what I did and that I did it excellently. We often don't understand the wisdom of good parents until we ourselves stand in the parents' shoes. My father's words have carried me throughout life. Which is the best title of the passage? <extra_id_0>The Final Test <extra_id_1>That's Me! <extra_id_2>My Strict Teacher <extra_id_3>Scores, Important? <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>For years, there has been a bias against science among clinical psychologists . In a two-year analysis to be published in November inPerspectives on Psychological Science, psychologists led by Timothy B. Baker of the University of Wisconsin charge that many clinical psychologists fail to "provide the treatments for which there is the strongest evidence of effectiveness" and "give more weight to their personal experiences than to science." As a result, patients have no guarantee that their "treatment will be informed by ... science." Walter Mischel of Columbia University is even crueler in his judgment. "The disconnect between what clinical psychologists do and what science has discovered is an extreme embarrassment," he told me, and "there is a widening gap between clinical practice and science." The "widening" reflects the great progress that psychological research has made in identifying the most effective treatments. Thanks to strict clinical trials, we now know that teaching patients to think about their thoughts in new, healthier ways and to act on those new ways of thinking are effective against depression, panic disorder and other problems, with multiple trials showing that these treatments -- the tools of psychology -- bring more lasting benefits than drugs. You wouldn't know this if you sought help from a typical clinical psychologist. Although many treatments are effective, relatively few psychologists learn or practice them. Why in the world not? For one thing, says Baker, clinical psychologists are "very doubtful about the role of science" and "lack solid science training". Also, one third of patients get better no matter what treatment (if any) they have, "and psychologists remember these successes, believing, wrongly, that they are the result of the treatment." When faced with evidence that treatments they offer are not supported by science, clinical psychologists argue that they know better than some study what works. A 2008 study of 591 psychologists in private practice found that they rely more on their own and colleagues' experience than on science when deciding how to treat a patient. If they keep on this path as insurance companies demand evidence-based medicine, warns Mischel, psychology will "discredit itself." In Mischel's opinion, psychology will _ . <extra_id_0>destroy its own reputation if no improvement is made <extra_id_1>develop faster with the support of insurance companies <extra_id_2>work together with insurance companies to provide better treatment <extra_id_3>become more reliable if insurance companies won't demand evidence-based medicine <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Peter: Let's play computer games! Barry: That sounds interesting, but I don't have a computer. Peter: Well, do you have a volleyball? Barry: Yes. Peter: Then let's play volleyball. Barry: Oh, volleyball is so difficult. Peter: OK, let's watch TV. Barry: That sounds boring. Hmmm, let's play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball? Peter: No, I don't. Barry: Oh, well, do you have a basketball? Peter: Yes, I do. Let's play basketball! Barry: That sounds fun! Who wants to play computer games? <extra_id_0>Peter <extra_id_1>Barry <extra_id_2>Peter and Barry <extra_id_3>Nobody <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Do you suppose Darwin, one of the greatest scientists of all time, really did fools' experiments? Or did he do experiments that were so simple and basic that other people just thought they were foolish? Sometimes, people think they already know the answer to a question or the solution to a problem. Sometimes, they really do know an answer or a solution, but without thinking they are important. Charles Darwin didn't settle for just thinking he knew something. And, he believed all things could be important however simple they seemed to be. Suppose you drop sheets of paper that are of exactly the same size and shape. If you drop them at the same time in the same place, they will fall in the same way. Now make one of the sheets of paper into a tight little ball and let it drop along with the other sheets. What happens? You have done an experiment that is so simple that you might think it couldn't be worth anything. But this simple experiment is important. It explains part of our present day understandings of physics ideas that were worked out long ago by Galileo and Newton. And these understandings set aside some of ancient Greek physics. Scientist sometimes stops to look at very simple things and to think very hard about them. Even the simplest idea, which we might think is foolish, can shake the foundations of science. The author of the passage tries to_. <extra_id_0>convince us that Charles Darwin, Galileo and Newton are the greatest scientists in the world <extra_id_1>draw the conclusion that basic sciences are simple things <extra_id_2>prove that two sheets of paper, with the same size and shape, will fall at the same speed <extra_id_3>draw our attention to everyday happenings around us <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Bob and Frank are good friends.They often go to the movies together on weekends.Bob's favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He has an action movie,Who Am I.It's very exciting.Frank likes the actor Rick Smith.He really likes his movie Black September.Frank thinks it's a very success ful thriller .Bob and Frank are Americans,but they both like Beijing Opera.They think they can learn about Chinese history from it. Bob and Frank often _ together on weekends. <extra_id_0>go to school <extra_id_1>go to the park <extra_id_2>are good friends <extra_id_3>go to see movies <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>"Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell." This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD 53 wrote it. We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives? Picture this. You're rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel? Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave up feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no cars, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live simpler lives. One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10 and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave , computer or mobile phones. The grandmother, Lyn, said, "The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes." The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a "trendy , beer-drinking granny", to one who cooked things. The writer uses the quote at the beginning of the story to _ . <extra_id_0>tell us a truth about our lives <extra_id_1>tell us what life was like long time ago <extra_id_2>point out what causes such a thing to happen <extra_id_3>point out some problems we will meet in the life <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>I entered St Thoma's Hospital as a medical student at the age of 18 and spent five years there . I was an unsatisfactory student , for my heart , as you might have guessed , was not in it . I wanted , I had always wanted to be a writer , and in the evening , after my high tea , I wrote and read . Before long , I wrote a novel , called " Liza of Lambeth", which I sent to a publisher and was accepted . It appeared during my last year at the hospital and had something of a success . It was of course an accident , but naturally I did not know that . I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession ; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine , I set out forprefix = st1 /Spainto write another book. Looking back now , and knowing as I do the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing , I realize I was taking a fearful risk . It never even occurred to me . The next ten years were very hard , and I earned an average of PS100 a year . Then I had a bit of luck . The manager of the Court Theatre put on a play that failed ; the next play he arranged to put on was not ready , and he was at his wits' end.He read a play of mine and , though he did not much like it , he thought it might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced . It ran for fifteen months . Within a short while I had four plays running in Londonat the same time . Nothing of the kind had ever happened before . I was the talk of the town . One of the students atSt Thomas's Hospital asked the eminent surgeon with whom I had worked whether he remembered me . " Yes, I remember him quite well , " he said . " One of our failures , I'm afraid ." The author wanted to be a writer because _ . <extra_id_0>his heart was not in medicine. <extra_id_1>he found it easier to make a living by writing <extra_id_2>he liked taking risks <extra_id_3>he was interested in writing <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A "talking kitchen" teaches students how to cook French dishes and speak French. Researchers at New Castle University have developed the French Digital Kitchen. Professors Paul Seedhouse and Patrick Olivier led the project. Professor Seedhouse says that it works like a satellite navigation system in a car. The kitchen equipment and tools use motion sensor technology similar to the Nintendo Wii game system. The sensors help a computer guide the students through instructions in French. The system can tell whether you've done what you were asked to do or not. For example, the system tells you to take some butter and cut it with a knife. There's a sensor on the package containing the butter so it can tell where the butter's being moved. The sensor in the knife not only knows that the knife is moving, but it also knows what motion the knife is making. So it can tell whether the knife is being used. And so it doesn't go on to the next stage of the program unless you've done what it tells you to do. Students can ask the computer to repeat the instructions or translate them into English. There are vocabulary lessons before and after the cooking. Professor Seedhouse became interested in the idea after he visited a talking kitchen designed for a different purpose. "It was actually for communicating with people who suffer from dementia " .And so, for example, it can speak to those people and tell them that they've left the cooker on and they should turn it off." If a person doesn't follow the instructions while cooking, _ . <extra_id_0>the computer will keep repeating the instructions <extra_id_1>the instructions will be translated into English <extra_id_2>the next stage of the program will be changed <extra_id_3>the further instructions will not be given <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Anna was excited about starting her first day in the new school. However, when she first walked past the students in the school, her excitement turned to fear, and then to loneliness over the next few days. "Why didn't anyone say 'hi' to me or invite me to his or her lunch table? Is it because of my clothes or my hair?" she wondered. Almost every day during the first week, Anna stayed alone, thinking that there must have been something wrong with her or that nobody saw her at all! What caused Anna's problem? The reason was that nobody knew her. Most people don't like talking with strangers . So it's your job to volunteer to make contact with people who you want to know. The easiest way to catch their attention is to notice them first. Make eye contact with them and smile at them. When you smile at them, you are doing your best to show your kindness to them, and they are sure to understand that you are saying, "Hey, how's everything going?" In this way, you are taking the first step towards the road to friendship. When Anna realized this, she started talking to her classmates. Guess what happened? It really worked. She had made two friends by the end of the month. In fact, saying "hi" or making friends with strangers is not hard. And the joy it brings you is really great. So try to open your heart to strangers! What can you learn from the passage? <extra_id_0>Teenagers can't get along well with each other. <extra_id_1>Loneliness is a common problem these days. <extra_id_2>Opening our heart to strangers can help us get friends. <extra_id_3>It's hard to take the first step towards the road to friendship. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Now throwing shoes at President Bush is a popular game on the Internet. It turns out that there are times when it's good to throw shoes. After leaving his office in the center of the city, a young man bought a new car and drove it from the city to his home. He was very happy and the car ran very fast. Suddenly, a shoe hit the car door . The man got very angry. He jumped out of the car and caught a boy who still had a shoe in his hand. "Who are you? Why did you do that?" the young man shouted at the boy. "I'm sorry. But I don't know what else to do. My sister has been hurt. I cried for help but nobody stopped," the boy said. The man looked around and saw a girl by the road. Her leg was bleeding . "She is my sister. She wanted to cross the road but fell out of her wheelchair. She is too heavy for me. I can't get her back into the _ . "The man was moved. He helped the bleeding girl back into her wheelchair. "Thank you. You're so kind," said the little boy. Life speaks to our hearts. Sometimes we don't have time to listen and it will throw a shoe at us. Who threw a shoe at the car? <extra_id_0>A small boy <extra_id_1>A bleeding girl <extra_id_2>A young man <extra_id_3>An old lady <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Sometimes Karen likes to go to the library. Her friend Michael also likes the library, but her other friend James does not like the library. Karen and Michael like to read about different things. They can learn about things that they don't know much about. They also like to read fun and exciting stories. The librarian, Mr. Hernandez, knows Michael and Karen, because they are in the library a lot. He knows what kind of books they like. When the library gets new books, he tells Karen and Michael about any books that he thinks they would like. James only goes to the library when he has to read a book for class. Mr. Hernandez does not know very much about James, because James does not go to the library often. Karen's favorite books are about airplanes, cars, and trains. She like reading about how fast they can go, and about the workers who build them. When she grows up, she is going to buy a fast car and travel to different states. Michael likes books about dinosaurs, cowboys, and fireworks. When he grows up, he is going to buy a costume and dress up like a cowboy. Why does Mr. Hernandez know what kind of books Michael and Karen like? <extra_id_0>Because they are in the library a lot. <extra_id_1>Because Karen told him that she liked dinosaurs. <extra_id_2>Because James told Mr. Hernandez what books Karen and Michael like. <extra_id_3>Because Michael told him that he liked fireworks. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>By way of a gift, Pat executed a deed naming his daughter, Marian, as grantee. The deed contained descriptions as follows: (1) All of my land and dwelling known as 44 Main Street, Midtown, United States, being one acre (2) All that part of my farm, being a square with 200-foot sides, the southeast corner of which is in the north line of my neighbor, Julia Brown. The deed contained covenants of general warranty, quiet enjoyment, and right to convey. Pat handed the deed to Marian, who immediately returned it to her father for safekeeping. Her father kept it in his safe deposit box. The deed was not recorded. The property at 44 Main Street covered 7/8 of an acre of land, had a dwelling and a garage situated thereon, and was subject to a right of way, described in prior deeds, in favor of Jack, a neighbor. Pat owned no other land on Main Street. Jack had not used the right of way for 10 years, and it was not visible on inspection of the property."The description of part of Pat's farm <extra_id_0>is sufficient if consideration has been paid. <extra_id_1>is sufficient because no ambiguity therein appears on the face of the deed. <extra_id_2>could be enforced if the deed contained a covenant of seisin. <extra_id_3>is insufficient because of vagueness <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>My 17-year-old daughter went off to college and having her away from home brought back memories of watchingPeter Pan when she was little. In the classic TV production, one scene in particular impressed me: when Mrs Darling puts her children into bed. As she turns off the last of the night lights, she takes one last look at the bedroom and says, "Dear night lights, protect my sleeping children." As a mother, I know how much she loves her children. It has been several weeks since we took our daughter to college and she seems to be adjusting well after a short period of homesickness. For us, though, it's another story. Like most parents, I love checking in on my children at night. But now she's gone, and I find nighttimes the hardest. I miss her most at night. In my neighborhood, most of the parents whose kids are off to college are dealing with similar _ . My husband is filled with anxiety. One friend talked about getting this sick feeling in her stomach as she prepared for the college drop-off. We complained that many of us were too busy to truly enjoy being with our children while we had them. For us moms, seeingToy Story 3only made the sadness worse as we watched the character Andy, who is the same age as our kids, say goodbye to his childhood as he prepares to leave for college. And it's not just "first-time" parents like me. Two moms who have kids already well into college said the separation didn't get any easier. "You feel like something has been taken away from inside you," said one of them. I imagine things will get easier with time, especially as I see my daughter adjust to college life. Meanwhile, as I keep my cellphone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night, I like to think that messages serve as a night light that keeps her safe. The writer was deeply impressed by the scene inPeter Pan because _ . <extra_id_0>she watched the scene with her daughter <extra_id_1>the scene was very exciting and interesting <extra_id_2>the scene taught her and her daughter a good lesson <extra_id_3>the scene showed a mother's deep love for her children <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Why do men live a shorter life than women? The latest research indicates that men's hearts going into a rapid decline when they reach middle age could be the cause. The research of ageing on the heart has shown that women's _ may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose much pumping power with age. "We have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 20 and 70 years of age," said the head of the study, Samantha of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK. "Within the heart there are millions of cells which make it beat.Between the ages of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men ," said Samantha."This is part of the ageing process." What amazes scientists is that the female heart suffers very little loss of these cells.A healthy 70-year-old woman's heart could work almost as perfectly as a 20-year-old one's. "This gender difference might give the reason why men live shorter than women,"said Samantha.They studied over 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 17 and 80, who are mainly healthy persons so as to reduce the influence of disease."The team has yet to think about why ageing suffers a greater loss on the male heart," said Samantha. But there is also good news -- men can enjoy the health of their hearts with regular exercise.Samantha stressed that women should also take regular exercise to stop their leg muscles getting weaker as they age. The text mainly talks about _ . <extra_id_0>men's heart cells <extra_id_1>women's ageing process <extra_id_2>the gender difference <extra_id_3>hearts and long life <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Rain, who was born on June 2, 1982 in Seoul, South Korea, is a popular singer with a very deep and rich voice. Jung Ji Hoon is his real name, known as the "Michael Jackson of Korea" for his amazing dancing skills. Rain is very modest and friendly, even a little shy. He released his first album Bad Guy in 2002, which caused a sensation. It took him to all the major award ceremonies, and many of them honored him with Best New Award. His following album How to Run from the Sun was successful, and his third album It's Raining topped the charts for weeks. Rain is not only a singer but also an actor, who has given impressive performances in two TV series, Sang Doo! Let's go to school(<<,>> )in 2003 and Full House(<<>> )in 2004. Rain's leading role in Full House made him win Best Actor Award at the KBS Acting Awards and also deeply touched the hearts of many Asian female fans. At the same time it made him become one of the most popular Korean actors in Asia. Now Rain is very popular in China. It's Raining has already sold more than 100,000 copies in China. Rain received the "Korean Artist of the Year" award at the MTV -- CCTV Mandarin Music Honors held on July 24, 2005 at the Workers Stadium in Beijing, China. His recent Beijing concert caused a great hit, creating "Korean Fever" in China. Which of the following is the passage most likely from? <extra_id_0>Textbooks for senior school students. <extra_id_1>Entertainment newspapers. <extra_id_2>Textbooks for music students. <extra_id_3>A book written for Michael Jackson. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Lakes, ponds, and beaches mean summer fun and cool relaxation from hot weather. But water also can be dangerous for kids if you don't take great care. Nearly 1,000 kids die each year by drowning. Here are some tips to keep your kids safe in the water: At the Lake or Pond *Don't let little kids swim alone without adult supervision-- lakes or ponds may be shallow near the bank and are suddenly deep sharply further out from shore. *Ponds and lakes may hide jagged rocks, broken glass, or rubbish. *Make sure kids wear foot protection; even in the water, they should wear socks or water shoes. *Watch out for weeds and grass in the water that could trap a leg or arm. *Most boating accidents, particularly among teenagers, are related to alcohol . Be sure teens know about the dangers of alcohol, on and off the water. At the Beach *Teach kids to always swim when and where a lifeguard is on duty. Unlike the calm waters of a swimming pool, the beach has special dangers like currents and tides . Check with the lifeguard when you arrive to find out about the water conditions. *Tell kids never to stand with their back to the water because a sudden wave can easily knock a child over. *Teach kids that if they're caught in a dangerous wave, they should swim parallel to the shore or should tread water and call for a lifeguard's help. Whether at the lake or at the beach, teach your child to get out of the water during bad weather, especially lightning. In which column of a magazine can you find this passage? <extra_id_0>Education <extra_id_1>Science <extra_id_2>Entertainment <extra_id_3>Sports <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Since the first Earth Day started on April 22, 1970, people around the world have been encouraged to protect the environment and natural resources.Gaylord Nelson started this holiday.On the first Earth Day, 20 million people took part in Earth Day events. Earth Day activities can include learning something about technology like cars that are more environmentally friendly and special houses that save energy and water.An organization called the Earth Day Network encourages people to use clean energy which doesn't pollute the environment.Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels that are found underground. Coal, oil and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.Fossil fuels come from plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Burning fossil fuels to create energy pollutes the air and water. Many scientists think that burning fossil fuels also increases the temperature of the earth. To reduce the use of fossil fuels. scientists are experimenting with hydrogen-powered cars. These cars don't pollute the air like gas-powered cars. Some scientists guess that by 2025, fossil fuels will run out.When people can no longer use gasoline, they may use fuel cells instead. Fuel cells use hydrogen to create energy. People do not need to worry about hydrogen running out, because it is renewable and replaceable. In Washington, D.C., a few people drive cars that run on fuel cells. When these cars need more energy, drivers can go to a hydrogen pump.The first hydrogen pump for the public opened in November 2004, marking an important step toward a cleaner environment. Which of the following is not mentioned? <extra_id_0>Scientists are producing more hydrogen-powered cars. <extra_id_1>Some people drive fuel-cell cars in Washington. <extra_id_2>Fossil fuels come from plants and animals. <extra_id_3>We can learn about environmentally friendly technology from Earth Day activities. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Goodwill welcomes the proven talent of retired soldiers and military family members to its workforce. As Goodwill expands its social enterprise and life-changing mission services, America's heroes and their families are helping us strengthen communities. Goodwill is uniquely intended to connect retired soldiers and military family members with their next careers. Goodwill links retired soldiers and their families with a broad array of career and financial fitness services as they transition from the military into hometowns and careers across the country. Services include but are not limited to financial education, housing assistance, primary health care, meal service, transportation, and connection to rehabilitation services . In 2011, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr Jill Biden carried out the Joining Forces plan to connect service men and women retired soldiers and their husbands or wives with the resources they need to find jobs. In April of that year, Goodwill set a new plan going, Goodwill for America's Heroes and Their Families, to expand its face-to-face career and family strengthening services. From April 2011 through March 2013, Goodwill has employed 1,856 retired soldiers and their families, and provided services to 99,386 retired soldiers and their families. And our commitment continues. With the support of the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Goodwill launched Vested in Retired Soldiers in the communities of Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles and San Antonio to help military retired soldiers and their families connect with the education, training and support services they need to succeed on the homefront. Goodwill also launched an initiative known as Operation: GoodJobs, as funded by the Walmart Foundation, which provides a complete career assessment and an individualized development plan that include a range of family needs, from basic needs like nutrition, shelter and child care, to specific job training identified in the assessment process for participants and their families. The initiative currently exists in Austin, Houston and Tacoma, and will add additional markets in 2014. What does the Bank of America Charitable Foundation have in common with the Walmart Foundation? <extra_id_0>They both provided retired soldiers with a career assessment. <extra_id_1>They both provided retired soldiers with certain services. <extra_id_2>They both provided Goodwill plans with some money. <extra_id_3>They both provided them with a personal development plan. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Death rates for heart disease in Britain have dropped by more than 40 percent in a decade,UK scientists will report today. Wide uptake of cholesterol--busting statin drugs ,healthier lifestyles and better medical practices have seen a huge reduction in deaths caused by heart attacks,stroke and other cardiovascular problems. However,heart disease remains Britain's biggest killer. The new study,by experts at Oxford University,shows there has been a 44.4 percent drop in death rates among men in the UK and a 43.6 percent drop among women linked to heart problems in the ten years to 2011. The team compared death rate associated with cardiovascular disease across Europe.They found that Britain has one of the best records in Europe,with 342 deaths as a result of heart disease per 100,000 men in 2011,and 232 per 100,000 women. Some nations-including Ukraine,Macedonia and Moldova--see more than 1,000 heart deaths per 100,000 of the population. Overall,heart disease causes 45 percent of all deaths across Europe,but only 27 percent in the UK.The study,led by Dr Nick Townsend,showed that cardiovascular disease is mainly a disease of old age. But researchers said that across Europe _ still causes more than 1.4million deaths in those aged under 75 and nearly 700,000 deaths in under 65s.Dr Townsend said:'Cardiovascular disease results in 49 percent of deaths among women and 41 per cent among men.' From the text we can know _ . <extra_id_0>heart disease no longer threatens the British <extra_id_1>the heart death rate among British men is lower than among women <extra_id_2>the old mainly dies of stroke in Europe <extra_id_3>the heart death rate in Ukraine is higher than in Britain <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Once upon a time, there was a poor man. One day, after working for hours, he had a rest under a tree in the middle of the field. Just then, he saw a terrible snake coming out of an anthill . The man thought that the snake might be the god of the field. He did not give it anything, so he could not get anything from the field. At once he went to bring a bowl of milk and offered the milk to the snake. "God of the field! I didn't know that you live here. That's why I never gave you anything. Please _ me. " Then he went home. The next day, when the man came, he found a gold coin in the bowl near the anthill. From then on, the man gave milk to the snake and found gold coins. One day the man was so busy that he couldn't send milk to the snake. So he asked his son to take care of the snake. The son brought milk to the anthill and gave it to the snake. The next day, when he came back, he found a gold coin in the bowl. After taking the gold coin, he thought, "This anthill must be full of gold coins. I would kill the snake and take them all." The next day, the son came to the field with milk and a stick. He gave the milk to the snake and hit it with the stick. The snake escaped the stick and bit the boy to death. The son died because _ . <extra_id_0>the snake didn't offer him any gold coins <extra_id_1>his father was too busy to take care of him <extra_id_2>he didn't give the snake any milk. <extra_id_3>he wanted to get all the snake's gold coins. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Last week the American Medical Association voted, for the first time, to declare obesity a disease. How should the rest of us respond? When we meet obese people, should we cast them a knowing glance of concern and ask how they are doing? Should we send flowers and "get well soon" cards to obese family members and friends? Should the U.S. declare war on obesity, as we once did on cancer? If obesity truly is a disease, then over 78 million adults and 12 million children in America just got classified as sick. Yet many sensible people know that declaring obesity a disease is a mistake. Simply put, obesity is not a disease. To be sure, it is a risk factor for some diseases. Yet everyone who is obese does not get sick, and many normal-weight people do not stay healthy. I have known slim people who took good care of themselves throughout their lives yet fell ill and died young. Others who exhibited no particular interest in their health and did not watch their weight lived to an old age. In most cases, we simply cannot tell from a person's weight what lies ahead for them in life. Consider Winston Churchill. Though average in height, Churchill weighed up to 250 pounds. He smoked cigars and drank ly heavily. He did not work out. Yet he became perhaps the most important statesmen of the 20th century and one of the greatest politicians in history. He lived to age 90. Is obesity bad for people? For some, especially patients who are extremely overweight, the answer is almost certainly yes. Would many overweight people benefit from exercising more and eating less? Again, the answer is likely yes. But this does not make obesity a disease. Many people are not harmed by carrying extra pounds, some may actually benefit from it. For these reasons, we should be careful before labeling obese people diseased. What is the author's attitude towards the American Medical Association's declaration on obesity? <extra_id_0>Favorable <extra_id_1>Uncaring <extra_id_2>Disapproving <extra_id_3>Friendly <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The kiwi bird The kiwi bird is a flightless bird,about the size of a chicken. It sleeps during the day and is active at nighttime. It has a long beak that is onethird the length of its body, and its beak actually has nostrils at the end. The kiwi is the only bird with this feature. Another unique feature of the kiwi is that it has no tail. It has thick brown hairlike feathers. This bird has many physical features unlike any other bird on earth. Kiwi birds have been called a genetic leftover. Their characteristics seem very odd to us probably due to the fact that they haven't evolved much at all. They are suspected to be about 8 million years old. That's 7 million years older than humans. Due to New Zealand's isolated environment, it has been safe from predators and hasn't needed to do much adapting. They just hang around. With its long beak, the kiwi digs up and chows down on worms. A kiwi is almost blind; it can see about six feet at night and around two feet during the day,so when it comes to hunting the kiwi is not well equipped.It uses the nostrils on its beak to find its food and then picks up the worms with its beak. The kiwi bird is native of New Zealand.It is the island country's national bird, and is rare anywhere but here and a few Pacific island neighbors. Of course,it is available for viewing at certain zoos.It has stayed in its native land due to the facts that it is an isolated island and that kiwis can't fly. Kiwi birds are extremely unique in the bird world. Though they are the size of chickens, they lay eggs the size of ostrich eggs, weighing around a pound each.Their enormous eggs are the largest in the bird world, compared to their bodies. These birds were named after their distinctive shrill cry "keewee keewee". What plays a key role in looking for food? <extra_id_0>Its long beak. <extra_id_1>Its eyes. <extra_id_2>The nostrils. <extra_id_3>Its tail <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The Diaoyu islands have a long history as part of China's territory , belonging to the country since ancient times. They are located to the northeast of China's Taiwan Island, The total landmass of these islands is about 5.69 square kilometers. Since the Japanese government "bought" the Diaoyu Islands, the tension between China and Japan about the islands has gone up. Several major Shanghai travel agencies have decided to stop organizing tours to Japan and advised Japan-bound tourists to make other plans, becauese of the Diaoyu Islands issue . The Shanghai China CYTS Outbound Travel Service Co. Ltd. stopped the tour to Japan and will gradually stop receiving tourist bookings to Japan after the National Day holiday, according to Liu Xin, the company's manager. The Shanghai branch of the China Travel International Ltd. also said it was advising people who wanted to visit Japan to change their plans. In fact, tourists had already begun to ask for cancellation of their tours to Japan because they were worried about their safety. Last year, more than 100,000 tourists from Shanghai went to Japan on organized tours. That made Japan the second most popular tour place for travelers from the city, only after Thailand. This passage may be _ . <extra_id_0>an ad <extra_id_1>a piece of news <extra_id_2>a poster <extra_id_3>a survey <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it the other day and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked well, but I found one of my husband's socks missing. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The next morning, I got ready for school as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in, I greeted them and told them what we were going to do that day. When I turned around to write on the blackboard, the class burst out laughing. They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was afraid the headmaster would be in and see all this. I asked the class to stop, but the more I talked, the more they laughed. I decided to pay no attention to them and continued to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they laughed even more. Finally, the teacher who was in the next room came in to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too! "Good heavens," I said. "Will someone please tell me what is so funny?" "Oh, God," said the teacher. "You have a brown sock stuck to the back of your skirt!" So that's how I found my husband's missing sock. "Oh, well," I said to the class," Let's just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity ." Why couldn't she find one of her husband's socks? <extra_id_0>Because some students had hidden it. <extra_id_1>Because her husband had taken it away <extra_id_2>Because she had left it in the classroom <extra_id_3>Because she never expected that it would stick to her skirt <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it necessary to made business trips alone. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance and tell them that you will be eating alone. Finally, and most importantly, prepare your travel needs as a businesswoman; this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take a folding case inside your suitcase; it will come in extremely handy for dirty clothes, as well as for business papers you no longer need on the trip. And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep required papers separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip! It can be inferred from the passage that _ <extra_id_0>a greater percentage of women are advancing professionally in the US than in the past <extra_id_1>professional men refuse to go on business trips with women <extra_id_2>businesswomen become successful by showing a willingness to travel alone <extra_id_3>husbands are encouraged to learn to cook while their wives go on business trips <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Young people are perhaps better-known for spending money than saving it. But some new banking websites are seeking to change that. These websites offer young people the information and tools they need to watch over their money. The websites also let the users share their financial experiences with other young people. Nineteen-year-old Alix Scott has been working at a store this summer. She is saving money to pay for college next year. "I have to save for all my college money because my parents can't afford to co-sign on loans. So, I have to rely on my own savings." But instead of putting her money in a local bank, Miss Scott began using SmartyPig, a web-based banking service. SmartPig was developed by Michael Ferrari with a friend in 2007. It is really all about helping people save for very specific goals, such as a wedding, a vocation or an IPhone. MICHAEL FERRARI said : "For example, you want to save five thousand dollars for a vacation in three years. SmartyPig will actually calculate how much money you need to save every month. You don't have to move from your existing bank, we'll actually go in and withdraw those funds on the day you specify every month and we'll put it into your SmartyPig account, where it'll earn interest, as well." SmartyPig also enables outsiders to add money to the accounts of its users. "Perhaps a holiday is coming up or your birthday is coming up, and rather than getting a gift, your friends, your family can actually contribute to any of your SmartyPig goals."Mr.Ferrari said. He believes that as technology continues to develop, more and more people will use the electronic banking sites. A growing number of young people have shown an interest in online banking sites like SmartyPig. They say they like the ease of operation and services the sites offer. These personal finance websites offer tools that help users follow their spending, set up a budget, and combine their investments. And they all involve social media, which interests young adults who are already at ease about sharing their personal information online. What do we know about SmartyPig? <extra_id_0>It was created in 2008. <extra_id_1>It offers the best rate. <extra_id_2>It was founded by Michael Ferrari alone. <extra_id_3>It is a tool for helping consumers save money. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>This is a talk by a London taxi driver. "I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years. Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis." "It's a nice job most of time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day. I live twenty miles outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon." "I usually go home between 2 and 3 in the morning." "Some very strange things happened late at night .The other day I was taking a woman home from a party .She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the windows." "I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on .I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief. Luckily the woman came downstairs.She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog!" The driver climbed in through the window to <extra_id_0>get money from the woman <extra_id_1>return the dog to the woman <extra_id_2>phone the police <extra_id_3>see what was happening in the house <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>My husband, my four-month-old daughter and I set out on a five-day driving journey from California to Washington. We had to stop frequently because our little child needed to stretch from the car seat. One of our stops, once we crossed the Oregon border, was at a Black Bear Diner. Walking towards the front door we noticed a gentleman standing at one side. He was clearly untidy, without shoes and wearing worn clothing. We passed right by him and opened the restaurant door. Then something told me to go back. Holding my daughter, I turned around and said to the gentleman, "Sir. Are you hungry?" He said, "Yes." I then asked, "May we buy you something to eat?" He responded with, "Sure, I can order something myself." My husband opened the door and the gentleman went straight to the counter. I told him to order whatever he wanted. The manager of the restaurant came over quite quickly and looked frightened. I spoke before he had an opportunity to. "This gentleman will have lunch with us today," I said. "Please add his order to our bill." The manager said with a frown , "Okay." We turned to our table and the gentleman said, loudly and quickly, "Thank You!" We were seated and upon completing our meal we were handed our bill. I asked my husband what the gentleman had ordered. One fresh orange juice, one coffee, one breakfast combination with a side of hash browns. When we left the restaurant I looked for the gentleman but didn't see him, but that very small act just _ . I hope in some small way we were able to add some joy to his life, even if only for a few minutes. The manager of the restaurant looked frightened because _ . <extra_id_0>the man was not friendly <extra_id_1>he had fired the man before <extra_id_2>the man had stolen something from the restaurant <extra_id_3>he was afraid the man wouldn't afford to pay the food <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>In the kitchen of my mother's houses there has always been a wooden stand with a small notepad and a hole for a pencil. I'm looking for paper on which to note down the name of a book I am recommending to my mother. Over forty years since my earliest memories of the kitchen pad and pencil, five houses later, the current paper and pencil look the same as they always did. Surely it can't be the same pencil? The pad is more modern, but the wooden stand is definitely the original one. "I'm just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and pencil after all these years." I say to her, walking back into the living-room with a sheet of paper and the pencil. "You still use a pencil. Can't you afford a pen?" My mother replies a little sharply. "It works perfectly well. I've always kept the stand in the kitchen. I never knew when I might want to note down an idea, and I was always in the kitchen in those days." Immediately I can picture her, hair wild, blue housecoat covered in flour, a wooden spoon in one hand, the pencil in the other, her mouth moving silently. My mother smiles and says, "One day I was cooking and watching baby Pauline, and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty. One of the children must have taken the paper. So I just picked up the breadboard and wrote it all down on the back. It turned out to be a real breakthrough for solving the mathematical problem I was working on." This story--which happened before I was born--reminds me how extraordinary my mother was, and is, as a gifted mathematician. I feel embarrassed that I complain about not having enough child-free time to work. Later, when my mother is in the bathroom, I go into her kitchen and turn over the breadboards. Sure enough, on the back of the smallest one, are some penciled marks I recognize as mathematics. Those symbols have travelled unaffected through fifty years, rooted in the soil of a cheap wooden breadboard, invisible exhibits at every meal. What is the author's original opinion about the wooden stand? <extra_id_0>It has great value for the family. <extra_id_1>It needs to be replaced by a better one. <extra_id_2>It brings her back to her lonely childhood. <extra_id_3>It should be passed on to the next generation. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>San Francisco's Chinatown is the biggest and oldest in the country. It's the third most visited tourist destination in the city. It's also the city's most densely populated neighbor- hood. So why are. businesses in Chinatown struggling? In this week's paper, I outline some of the reasons for why Chinatown's crowded streets and busy shops might be declining. Underneath the surface, Chinatown is falling. And the city, local organizations and businesses are trying to figure out what they can do to turn things around. While numbers of people visit Chinatown, they don't stay long and they don't spend a lot of money. And beyond annual festivals,1ike Chinese New Years, this month's Moon Festival and last month's Sunday Streets - which drew about 15,000 t0 20.000 people - the neighborhood has a hard time attracting locals. Can you remember the last. time you went to Chinatown ?If you can't, You're not alone. Locals told me that Chinatown doesn't have much to offer them - that the stores are all the same. There are some good eating joints, people said, but they don't know how to find them. Some people even told me that they sometimes go to extreme measures to avoid the neighborhood altogether. But when asked if the-v would like to see Chinatown gone, the answer was always a strong no. Locals are hopeful that things will get better and traffic will increase when the Central Subway is complete. But chat's not for another five years. at least. And if' new shops or restaurants don't make their way into Chinatown. the same problem of attracting locals will exist. Not that Chinatown's going to die. The dragon still has some fire in its belly. And many people are rooting for positive change. The question is, how does Chinatown change without losing the very importance of what makes it unique? It can be inferred from the passage _ . <extra_id_0>the Central Subway is under construction <extra_id_1>Chinatown has to make way for subway <extra_id_2>many restaurants have been closed down <extra_id_3>the locals hope Chinatown will be extinct <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Amy is short-sighted, so she wears glasses. But she doesn't wears glasses when she is with her fried, Jack. When Jack comes to her house to take her out, she takes her glasses off. When she gets bake ,she puts on the glasses. One day, Amy's mother asks her ,"Why don't you wear your glasses when you are with Jack? He takes you to see many ;lovely places in his car, but you can't see anything clearly."Amy says, "He thinks I look more lovely when I'm not wearing my glasses and I think he looks better, too." Amy doesn't wears glasses when _ . <extra_id_0>she studies at school <extra_id_1>she is at home <extra_id_2>she goes shopping with her mother <extra_id_3>she is with Jack <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A person's nose is important for breathing and smelling. The nose is also used in many popular expressions. Some people are able to lead other people by the nose. For example, if a wife leads her husband by the nose, she makes him do whatever she wants him to do. Some people are said to be hard-nosed. They will not change their opinions easily. And many people will never pay through the nose, that is, they will not pay too much money for something. It is always helpful when people keep their nose out of other people's business.The opposite of this is someone who noses around all the time. This kind of person is interested in other people's private matters. He is considered nosy. And my teacher often says, "If you put your heart into it, the answers should be right under your nose. " It means something can be found or seen easily. As for ear, there are also some expressions. When I want to say something to you, I hope you are all ears and listen carefully. I also advise you to keep your ear to the ground. This means to be interested in what is happening around you and what people are thinking. Another expression about ear is to play it by ear. Someone is able to play a song or a piece of music by remembering the tune and not by reading the music. There are many other expressions about different parts of our body. For example, if someone is playing a joke on you, you can say, "You are pulling my leg. " And to turn your hand to something means to begin to do something. If a child does something wrong, we say he will get it in the neck, or he will be punished. On April Fools'Day, what may some people try to do? <extra_id_0>They may turn their hand to us. <extra_id_1>They may think of ways to pull our legs. <extra_id_2>They will get it in the neck. <extra_id_3>They will nose around all the time. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Hearst Castle is in California, America. A person called William Randolph Hearst built it between 1922 and 1939, at a cost of more than $30 million. Last year, I had a trip to that castle. I spent the whole day looking around. But there was much to see, and a day wasn't enough. Hearst Castle has four houses. The main house, "Casa Grande", is the biggest one. Visitors can live in the other three ones. Many of them are Hollywood film stars, and they often come to the parties there. At Hearst Castle, there are also beautiful gardens and two swimming pools, one inside and a larger one outside. I loved the one outside, the "Neptune Pool". It was a pity that we couldn't go swimming there! The guide told us that Mr. Hearst travelled around Europe with his mother at the age of ten and looked at paintings and castles. He never forgot that tour and wanted his house to look like a castle. When Mr Hearst died in 1951, his family gave Hearst Castle to the people of California. Now it's a museum. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? <extra_id_0>Hearst Castle in California was cheap to build. <extra_id_1>Hearst Castle is on a mountain near the sea. <extra_id_2>Many Hollywood film stars come to Hearst's parties. <extra_id_3>After Mr. Hearst died, his family lived at Hearst Castle. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>A student is learning to speak British English. He wonders : Can I communicate with Americans? Can they understand me? Learners of English often ask: What are the differences between British and American English? How important are these differences? Certainly! there are some differences between British and American English. 'There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say "in hospital" and "Have you a pen?" Americans say "in the hospital!" and "Do you have a pen?". Pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound theirs in words like "bird" and "hurt". Speakers of British English do not sound theirs in these words. There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, "colour" and "honour" are British, "color" and honor" are American. These differences in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary are not important, however. For the most part, British and American English are the same language. American English and British English are different in _ . <extra_id_0>spelling <extra_id_1>pronunciation <extra_id_2>grammar <extra_id_3>all of the above <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The oddness of life in space never quite goes away. Here are some examples. First consider something as simple as sleep. Its position presents its own challenges. The main question is whether you want your arms inside or outside the sleeping bag. If you leave your arms out, they float free in zero gravity, often giving a sleeping astronaut the look of a funny balled dancer. "I'm an inside guy," Mike Hopkins says, who returned from a six-month tour on the International Space Station. "I like to be wrapped up." On the station, the ordinary becomes strange. The exercise bike for the American astronauts has no handlebars. It also has no seat. With no gravity, it's just as easy to pedal violently. You can watch a movie while you pedal by floating a microcomputer anywhere you want. But station residents have to be careful about staying in one place too long. Without gravity to help circulate air, the carbon dioxide you exhale has a tendency to form an invisible cloud around you head. You can end up with what astronauts call a carbon-dioxide headache. Leroy Chiao, 54, an American retired astronaut after four flights, describes what happens even before you float out of your seat,"Your inner ear thinks your're falling . Meanwhile your eyes are telling you you're standing straight. That can be annoying--that's why some people feel sick." Within a couple days --truly terrible days for some --astronauts' brains learn to ignore the panicky signals from the inner ear, and space sickness disappears. Space travel can be so delightful but at the same time invisibly dangerous. For instance, astronauts lose bone mass. That's why exercise is considered so vital that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) puts it right on the workday schedule. The focus on fitness is as much about science and the future as it is about keeping any individual astronauts return home, and, more importantly, how to maintain strength and fitness for the two and a half years or more that it would take to make a round-trip to Mars. One of the NASA's major concerns about astronauts is _ . <extra_id_0>how much exercise they do on the station <extra_id_1>how they can remain healthy for long in space <extra_id_2>whether they can recover after returning home <extra_id_3>whether they are able to go back to the station <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Weather has a strong effect on people. It influences health, intelligence and feelings. In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there easily have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in those states will have heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March. The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 study by scientists, the IQ scores of some college students were very high during storm, but after the storm, their scores were low. Storms can increase intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can decrease it. Students in many schools of the United States often do badly in exams in the hot months of the year(July and August). Weather also has a strong effect on people's feeling. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel depressed during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat people may feel unhappy. At about 65F, people become stronger. Low air pressure makes people feel free, but it also increases forgetful- ness. People leave more bags and umbrellas on buses and in stores on low pressure days. There is a"perfect weather"for work and health. People feel best at a tempera- ture of about 64F with 65 percent humidity . Are you feeling sick, sad, tired, forgetful, or very intelligent today? The weather may be the reason. Intelligence may be lower _ . <extra_id_0>during a storm <extra_id_1>when it is sunny <extra_id_2>on a very hot day <extra_id_3>when you take in an exam <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Boxing is a fist fighting sport between two matched combatants wearing padded gloves. A boxer's primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest. One of the oldest sports still practiced, boxing dates back to thousands of years ago. Today the sport is popular in many parts of the world and encompasses both amateur and professional matches. For most of the 20th century boxing attracted huge fan and media attention in the United States. Some boxing champions became legendary, larger-than-life figures, such as Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis, and Muhammad Ali. Criticized to varying degrees throughout its history for its violent nature and high injury rate, boxing has somehow always managed to survive----and even thrive----as a sport. Modern boxing regulations are based upon the 12 rules set out by British boxing officials in the mid-19th century. These rules became known as the Marquess of Queensberry Rules, named after the 8th Marquess of Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, who sponsored and published them. In addition to in-the-ring rules, modern boxing also has specific regulations regarding eligibility for the fighters themselves. The modern rules for professional and amateur boxing differ, but both types of contests are divided into time periods called rounds. In professional boxing, each round lasts three minutes; in amateur boxing, two minutes. A one-minute rest period between rounds is standard. Amateur contests consist of three rounds; professional contests may consist of up to 12 rounds. A bell is usually sounded by a timekeeper to begin and end each round. A key step in making boxing safer and more respectable was the introduction of gloves, ending brutal bare-knuckle competition. Boxing gloves are heavily padded to soften the impact of the blow and to protect the hands of the boxer. As an added protection, the hands are taped before being placed in the gloves, which are essentially huge mittens. Professional gloves usually weigh between 170 and 226g; amateur gloves average 226 to 340g. Which of the following facts about boxing is NOT mentioned in the passage? <extra_id_0>The time set for a round. <extra_id_1>The weight of gloves. <extra_id_2>The size of boxing rings. <extra_id_3>The signal to begin and end each round. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>If you try to explain to someone, without using pictures, how to build the building that you have designed, it would take an enormous amount of writing and might end up with a very funny-looking building. The architect uses pictures called details to show how many hundreds of parts go together to form a complete building. This type of drawing is called drafting and is done by people called draftsmen. Draftsmen make up the largest group of the architectural offices' work force. Because of the wide range of duties they perform, draftsmen are sometimes called architectural technicians. In a typical office, there are not only career draftsmen but also architectural graduates working as junior draftsmen to learn the trade. Career draftsmen are usually graduates from a two-year junior college called technical school. There was a time when architectural office used young people right out of high school as tracers. Their job was to trace over the other people's details while learning to be a draftsman. This is no longer possible with the fast-pace of architects' offices today although a junior draftsman is given guides by the more experienced employees. So a good comprehensive architectural drafting course is a must before anyone seeks a job with an architectural firm. The job of the draftsmen is to translate the ideas and directions of architects, designers and engineers into complete and accurate working drawings. These become the plans and details used in the actual construction of a building. The project must be shown in great detail and drawn very clearly, so there is no chance for misunderstanding by the contractors . Every line and figure has an effect on the finished product. As you can see, the draftsman is a key member of the architectural team. Of course, a junior draftsman is not expected to produce a complete set of working drawings. Depending on the size of the office and difficulty of the project, draftsmen may work in groups. The group leader coordinates the group and works closely with the project architect while the drawings are being produced. Working conditions are mostly very pleasant as draftsmen's work is intense and many people depend on accurate work. Each draftsman has a large combination drawing board and desk with various drawing aids. Almost without exception, members of the architectural team have at one time in their careers worked as draftsmen. This is essential to an architect education and most architects never get very far away from the drafting board. According to the passage, career draftsmen are usually _ . <extra_id_0>experienced architects <extra_id_1>architectural designers <extra_id_2>high school graduates <extra_id_3>graduates of technical schools <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>I grew up in Jamaica Plain. My best friend Rose and I used to dream about raising a family of our own someday and living next door to one another. Our dream remained alive through school and beyond. Rose was my maid of honor when I married Dick. Later, Dick was stationed in Alaska and we moved. Rose was sad to see me leave, but wished me the best of luck. We remained in touch for a few years before we lost track. I thought of her several times over the years. All of my children now have families of their own, and Dick passed away a few years ago. Basically, a lifetime has passed. Then one day, near my 80th birthday, I received a phone call "Hi Natalie, it's Rose," the voice on the other end said, " I don't know if you remember me, but we used to be best friends in Jamaica Plain when we were kids." We have spent hours on the phone catching up. Even after 52 years of separation our personalities and interests are still extremely similar. We both share a passion for several hobbies that we each picked up independently several years after we lost touch with one another. It almost feels like we are picking up right where we left off. Her husband died a few years ago as well, but she mailed me several photographs of her family that were taken over the years. It's so crazy, just looking at the photos and listening to her description of her family reminds me of my own: a reasonably large, healthy family. Part of me feels like we led fairly similar lives. I don't think the similarities between our two lives are a coincidence either. I think shows that we didn't just call each other best friend; we truly were best friends and even now we can be best friends again. Real friends have two things in common: a compatible personality and a strong-willed character. The compatible personality is what starts the connection between two people. A strong-willed character at both ends is what maintains the connection. If those two ingredients are present in a friendship, the friendship is for real, It can pass the tests of time and long distance between one another and will never disappear From the passage we may know that the author _ . <extra_id_0>lived next door to Rose in her childhood <extra_id_1>was Rose's maid of honor when she was married <extra_id_2>lost touch of Rose since she moved to Alaska <extra_id_3>missed her friend although they lost contact <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow yourself to make your life happen. Successful and happy people have a vision of how their life should be and they set lots of goals(both short-term and long-range)to help them reach their vision.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It's like having a map to show you where you want to go.Think of it in this way.There are two drivers.One has a destination in mind(her goal) which is laid out for her on a map.She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns.The other driver has no goal or destination or map.She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver.But she drivers aimlessly around, never getting anywhere , just using up gas and oil.Which driver do you want to be? Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.They decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals.Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident.Goals aren't difficult to set, and they aren't difficult to reach.It's up to you to find out what your goals,ideals and visions really are.You are the one who must decide what to pursue and in what direction to aim your life. Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power.Like a contract with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goals. If people want to reach their goals, they should _ . <extra_id_0>write down their goals <extra_id_1>sign a contract with other people <extra_id_2>face the difficulties in front of them <extra_id_3>discuss with others and ask for their help <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>Introduction Blenheim Palace is one of the Europe's largest and greatest palaces. It was built between 1705 and 1722 as a reward of the British government to John Churchill, 1stDuke of Marlborough, for defeating King Louis XIV's army at Blenheim, a small Bavarian village on the Danube River. The palace was designed by Sir John Vanbrugh, which displayed strength and arm glory. It is the largest non-royal building in England and is now listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Winston Churchill In 1874, the palace was the birthplace of the duke's most famous _ . Winston Churchill, who was to become the UK's Prime Minister (some would say Britain's greatest 20th-century politician ) and Nobel prize winner for literature. It is also in Blenheim that Winston got married to Clementine Hozier in 1908. A lasting exhibition is devoted to the man's life, work and writings. Winston and his wife are buried in Bladon Church within the palace. Opening Hours & Admission Blenheim is still the home of the 11th Duke of Marlborough and is therefore not open all year round (although the park is). The palace opens its doors to visitors from 12 February to 11 December. Entry to the palace, park and gardens cost PS11.50 during the low season and PS13 during the peak season (Easter weekend and from 28 May to 11 September), or PS6/PS8 for the park and gardens only. The park is open all-year round from 9am to 4:45pm (last entry). Admission is PS2.50 for adults and PS1.50 for children. Note that numerous discounts exist for seniors, students, children and groups. Please refer to the official website for more details. Why can not people visit Blenheim Palace all the year round? <extra_id_0>They are too busy to afford the time. <extra_id_1>Repairs are badly needed for the palace. <extra_id_2>Some seasons are not convenient for visitors. <extra_id_3>The 11th Duke of Marlborough still lives there. <extra_id_4>
<extra_id_5>The concept of health holds different meanings for different people and groups. These meanings have also changed over time. This change is no more evident than in Western society today, when notions of health and health promotion are being challenged and expanded in new ways. For much of recent Western history, health has been viewed in the physical sense only. That is, good health has been connected to the smooth mechanical operation of the body, while ill health has been attributed to a breakdown in this machine. Health in this sense has been defined as the absence of disease or illness and is seen in medical terms. In the late 1940s the World Health Organization challenged this physically and medically oriented view of health. They stated that health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and is not merely the absence of disease (WHO, 1946). Health and the person were seen more holistically (mind / body / spirit) and not just in physical terms. The 1970s was a time of focusing on the prevention of disease and illness by emphasizing the importance of the lifestyle and behaviour of the individual. Specific behaviours which were seen to increase risk of disease, such as smoking, lack of fitness and unhealthy eating habits, were targeted. Creating health meant providing not only medical health care, but also health promotion programs and policies which would help people maintain healthy behaviours and lifestyles. While this individualistic healthy lifestyle approach to health worked for some (the wealthy members of society), it was of little benefit to people experiencing poverty, unemployment, underemployment or who had little control over the conditions of their daily life. During the 1980s and 1990s there has been a growing swing away from seeing lifestyle risks as the root cause of poor health. While lifestyle factors still remain important, health is being viewed also in terms of the social, economic and environmental contexts in which people live. This broad approach to health is called the socio-ecological view of health. At the Ottawa Conference in 1986, a charter was developed which outlined new directions for health promotion based on the socio-ecological view of health. This charter, known as the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, remains as the backbone of health action today. In exploring the scope of health promotion it states that: Good health is a major resource for social, economic and personal development and an important dimension of the quality of life. Political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioural and biological factors can all favour health or be harmful to it. (WHO, 1986) From the passage, we can infer that _ . <extra_id_0>good health means not having any illness <extra_id_1>health has different meanings for different people in different periods <extra_id_2>health has always been viewed in terms of the social, economic and environmental contexts in which people live <extra_id_3>health has always been considered a major resource for social, economic and personal development and an important dimension of quality of life <extra_id_4>