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Q: Make snapshot of all UIScrollView content i'm trying to take the snapshot of the all content of a UIScrollView, i have found some code here on SO, and this code below working on a half, because the snapshot if of the all uiscrollview, but the background is black, this is the code: UIImage* image = nil; UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(_scrollView.contentSize,YES,0.0f); { CGPoint savedContentOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset; CGRect savedFrame = _scrollView.frame; _scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointZero; _scrollView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, _scrollView.contentSize.width, _scrollView.contentSize.height); [_scrollView.layer renderInContext: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); _scrollView.contentOffset = savedContentOffset; _scrollView.frame = savedFrame; } UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); how i can have also the background in the snapshot? A: The background isn't getting the screen shot because it is not in the scroll view, so you have a few options, if your scrollView takes up the entire view's area then you could take a screen shot of self.view instead, if it takes up a small area, then your only other option is to put the background with in the scrollView and take a screen shot of the scrollView. This would mean allocating a new UIImageView, resetting the frame to have the proper width, height, origin, and then adding it to the scroll view, take the snapshot, then remove this UIImageView
Ghost Stories - Deadflicks Horror Review *Spoilers* In which the Deadlings review Ghost Stories. Written and directed by Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson it was adapted from their stage play of the same name. But we're too soaked in cider to care about that we spoil the shit out of it! DEADFLICKS LINKS: ? INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/deadflicks/ ? FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Deadflicks/ ? TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Deadflicks Trailer attached below, you know, if you're into that kind of thing. Myk Pilgrim is almost exactly just like you but with much less hair. He loves to make things up and write them down. This is his blog. Archives Constructing Fear Creepy Podcasts: A List For Halloween Do We Like Too Much? Hand Written #KillJoyCthulhu Nanowrimo - A Practical Survival Guide
Q: Periodic sequence of repeating numbers Is there a way to generate periodic sequences of groups of repeated numbers with the arithmetic operators $+, \; -, \; \text{mod}$ and min, and max? Example, let's say I want to map: $ 1 \; 2 \; 3 \; 4 \; 5 \; 6 \; 7 \; 8 \; 9 \; 10 \; \ldots $ To $ 1 \; 1 \; 1 \; 2 \; 2 \; 2 \; 1 \; 1 \; 1 \; 2 \; \ldots$ Or to $ 1 \; 1 \; 1 \; 2 \; 2 \; 2 \; 3 \; 3 \; 3 \; 1 \; \ldots$ Edit: There is a simple solution with ceil/floor: Let's say I want to repeat groups of n numbers, the following formula generates the sequence: $[\text{ceiling}(\frac{n}{l}) - 1] \; \text{mod} \; l + 1$ With $l$ the length of the groups and $n$ the $n^{th}$ natural integer. But is it possible to do without division and ceiling or floor? A: For example, to get $1\ 1\ 1\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 3\ 3\ 3\ 1\ 1\ 1\ \ldots$ you note that we have a period of $9$, so first you take $n \bmod 9$. If we start with $n=0$ we then have to map $0-8$ properly and we can do that with an integer divide from the floor function. The result is $1+\lfloor \frac {n \bmod 9}3 \rfloor$.
CANADA FX DEBT-C$ steadies near 5-week low, BoC rate decision due this week (Adds dealer quote, details on activity; updates prices) * Canadian dollar near flat against the greenback * Domestic wholesale trade falls 0.1 percent in August * Canadian bond prices rise across a flatter yield curve TORONTO, Oct 22 (Reuters) - The Canadian dollar was little changed against its U.S. counterpart on Monday, holding near its weakest level in more than five weeks as the greenback broadly climbed, while a Bank of Canada interest rate decision was due later in the week. At 3:40 p.m. (1940 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading nearly unchanged at 1.3098 to the greenback, or 76.35 U.S. cents. The currency, which traded in a range of 1.3080 to 1.3126, remained near Friday's five-week low of 1.3032. The loonie's recent decline has come amid an escalating trade dispute between the United States and China, European political uncertainty and declines for global equity markets. "Those things don't play well for some of the more risky currencies, which the CAD would be grouped into," said Blake Jespersen, managing director, foreign exchange sales at BMO Capital Markets. Canada runs a current account deficit and exports many commodities, including oil, so its economy could be hurt if the global flow of trade or capital slows. U.S. crude oil futures settled 0.1 percent higher at $69.17 a barrel despite Saudi Arabia's pledge to raise crude production to a record high. Canadian wholesale trade decreased by 0.1 percent in August from July as weaker sales in the building material and supplies and motor vehicles and parts subsectors led the decline, Statistics Canada reported. Analysts forecast a 0.2 percent increase. Domestic inflation and retail sales data last Friday also came in weaker than expected. Still, money markets expect the Bank of Canada to raise its key interest rate this week by 25 basis points to 1.75 percent. It would be the fifth hike since July 2017. The U.S. dollar rose against a basket of major currencies as the British pound fell on news that Brexit negotiations with the European Union over Northern Ireland remained in flux and as the euro continued its slide on political uncertainty over Italy's budget. Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 1.5 Canadian cents to yield 2.292 percent and the 10-year rising 14 Canadian cents to yield 2.484 percent. The gap between Canada's 10-year yield and its U.S. equivalent widened by 1 basis point to a spread of 71.2 basis points in favor of the U.S. bond, its widest since July 24. (Reporting by Fergal Smith; Editing by Peter Cooney)
In this MarTech Interview, we speak to technology entrepreneur Susan Marshall. Susan is a well-respected leader both regionally and internationally, with over 25 years in the technology space. The companies she's helped include Apple, Adobe and Salesforce. Susan founded and is CEO of Indianapolis-based Torchlite, a marketplace of certified, on-demand digital marketing experts. Susan's excitement is contagious and Torchlite continues to evolve as a leader for companies to attract and assemble their outsourced digital marketing teams. Unlike most freelance directories, Torchliters are vetted and their performance monitored to ensure the highest quality resources are assembled.
Filatima obidenna is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Arizona. The wingspan is 17–20 mm. The forewings are dark fuscous. The costal fourth of the wing, from the base to the apical fourth, is white with fuscous irroration and the extreme base of the costa and two or three small spots within the white area near the base are black. The white costal colour at the basal fifth and the middle projects obliquely and transversely as incomplete fasciae to or slightly beyond the fold. The white colour extends across the wing at apical fourth to the tornus as an ill-defined transverse fascia. The white costal area along the inner margin is irregular longitudinal olivaceous scaling. The hindwings are pale shining greyish fuscous basally shading to fuscous apically. References Moths described in 1947 Filatima
Q: Edittext automatically gets focus when move between pages in a view pager I have an activity which hosts two fragments inside a view pager. I used the same layout to inflate those fragments. The layout has two edit texts placed inside a linear layout which is inside a relative layout. The problem is when I switch from fragment A to fragment B, he first edit text has focus in fragment A and when I return back from fragment B to fragment A, instead of the first edit text having focus, the second edit text gets the focus. How to solve it. I provide the layouts and source code below. I have not return any code inside the fragment classes. Activity: public class LoginActivity extends BaseActivity { public static final String selectedTabPosition = "selectedTabPosition"; //Tab tag name private static String TAB_1_TAG = "Email"; private static String TAB_2_TAG = "Mobile"; private TabLayout mTabLayout; private ViewPager mViewPager; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_login); getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN); TAB_1_TAG = getResources().getString(R.string.tab_email); TAB_2_TAG = getResources().getString(R.string.tab_mobile); //Initialise views mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.viewpager); mTabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(R.id.tabs); //set tab with view pager setupViewPager(mViewPager); mTabLayout.setupWithViewPager(mViewPager); setupTabIcons(); mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { } @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { dismissKeyboard(mViewPager); } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { } }); } /** * Adding custom view to tab */ private void setupTabIcons() { LinearLayout tabOne = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.tab_custom, null); TextView tvIconOne = (TextView) tabOne.findViewById(R.id.tv_tab_title); tvIconOne.setText(TAB_1_TAG); mTabLayout.getTabAt(0).setCustomView(tabOne); setTypeface(tvIconOne, CustomFonts.Prime_regular); mTabLayout.getTabAt(0).getCustomView().setSelected(true); LinearLayout tabTwo = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.tab_custom, null); TextView tvIconTwo = (TextView) tabTwo.findViewById(R.id.tv_tab_title); tvIconTwo.setText(TAB_2_TAG); setTypeface(tvIconTwo, CustomFonts.Prime_regular); mTabLayout.getTabAt(1).setCustomView(tabTwo); } /** * Adding fragments to ViewPager * * @param viewPager The view pager */ private void setupViewPager(ViewPager viewPager) { ViewPagerAdapter adapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()); LoginFragment loginFragmentEmail = new LoginFragment(); Bundle emailBundle = new Bundle(); emailBundle.putInt(selectedTabPosition, 0); loginFragmentEmail.setArguments(emailBundle); LoginFragment loginFragmentMobile = new LoginFragment(); Bundle phoneBundle = new Bundle(); phoneBundle.putInt(selectedTabPosition, 1); loginFragmentMobile.setArguments(phoneBundle); adapter.addFrag(loginFragmentEmail, TAB_1_TAG); adapter.addFrag(loginFragmentMobile, TAB_2_TAG); viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); } class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { private final List<Fragment> mFragmentList = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<String> mFragmentTitleList = new ArrayList<>(); public ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager manager) { super(manager); } @Override public Fragment getItem(int position) { return mFragmentList.get(position); } @Override public int getCount() { return mFragmentList.size(); } public void addFrag(Fragment fragment, String title) { mFragmentList.add(fragment); mFragmentTitleList.add(title); } @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) { return mFragmentTitleList.get(position); } } } Fragment: public class LoginFragment extends BaseFragment { @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_login, container, false); return rootView; } activity_login.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="@android:color/white" android:orientation="vertical"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/iv_title" android:layout_width="200dp" android:layout_height="45dp" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:layout_marginTop="30dp" /> <android.support.design.widget.TabLayout android:id="@+id/tabs" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/custom_tab_layout_height" android:layout_below="@+id/iv_title" android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/spacing_10" app:tabGravity="fill" app:tabIndicatorColor="@color/app_color_dark" app:tabMode="fixed"/> <View android:id="@+id/view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/divider_height_small" android:layout_below="@+id/tabs" android:background="@color/gray_medium"/> <com.helper.CustomNonSwipeableViewpager android:id="@+id/viewpager" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_below="@+id/view" app:layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior"/> </RelativeLayout> fragment_login.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="@android:color/white" android:orientation="vertical"> <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/spacing_50" android:orientation="vertical"> <EditText android:id="@+id/et_email" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/spacing_48" /> <EditText android:id="@+id/et_password" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/spacing_48" android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/spacing_15"/> </LinearLayout> </RelativeLayout> AndroidManifest.xml: <activity android:name=".activities.LoginActivity" android:screenOrientation="portrait" /> In the AndrodManifest file, tried the android:windowSoftInputMode = stateHidden and android:windowSoftInputMode = adjustPan CustomNonSwipeableViewpager.java: public class CustomNonSwipeableViewpager extends ViewPager { public CustomNonSwipeableViewpager(Context context) { super(context); } public CustomNonSwipeableViewpager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { // Never allow swiping to switch between pages return false; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { // Never allow swiping to switch between pages return false; } } ScreenShots: Before moving to FragmentB: In Fragment B: Return back to Fragment A from Fragment B: A: You can disable the focus on the EditText during runtime of the fragment: EditText et_email_view = (EditText) rootView.findViewById(R.id.et_email); et_email_view.setFocusable(false); A: Use requestFocus attribute to your first editText which will always cause that editText to gain focus. Make following changes in your fragment_login.xml file, <EditText android:id="@+id/et_email" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/spacing_48"> <requestFocus /> </EditText> A: For example in my case viewPager is covering editText. I set translationZ at editText(translationZ="2") and viewPage(translationZ="1") and it helped me.
Last year I spent the 17th of May, Norwegian Constitution Day, in what must be one of the prettiest little towns in Norway. It was a sunny day, and while the surrounding mountains were still white with snow, the valley was already full of blossoming trees. Travel writers say never to use the words "charming" and "idyllic" when describing a place, but guys, that's what this town was. Dan and I laughed, because only would an angsty teenager find a way to complain about living in one of the nicest towns in one of the nicest countries in the world. Didn't he know how lucky he was? And then we laughed some more, this time at ourselves, because we've thrown this very accusation at each other. We both moved abroad around seven years ago. Dan left London, one of my favorite cities in the world, while I left the US, a country Dan always used to dream about living in. I think Dan is crazy for dismissing England the way he does, while he thinks I'm crazy for dismissing the entire United States of America. And he's right, it is ridiculous how much I love to travel, yet how little interest I've had in seeing my own home country. I've been to over 80 countries around the world, but have visited only around 25 US states, only two of which were west of the Mississippi. Why is it that I'd rather fly across the world to hike the Pamir Mountains instead of across a few states to the equally stunning Rocky Mountains? In my defense though, while the US might have some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, my hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts is not one of them. New England's second largest city, Worcester was a major manufacturing center until the 1950s, when its factories moved to cheaper areas of the country and abroad. So the Worcester I grew up in always felt like sort of a has-been, and since I had no real roots there (my parents had moved to Worcester for work) I always knew I would leave. But getting out of Worcester wasn't enough – I wanted to leave the US, forever. I can't really explain why, but I do know that I'm not the first person to have felt this way. My parents both left their homes as teenagers and never looked back. My dad grew up one of fifteen kids on a tobacco farm in Kentucky, so I guess you could say he was escaping a life of poverty – or maybe he was just being a rebellious teen, pursuing the college education my grandmother feared would turn him into a communist – but I'm less clear on why my mother left home. She grew up on one of the prettiest mountaintops in Norway, and while the World Happiness Report wasn't a yet a thing when she left, it sounds like Norway was already well on its way to become the happiest country in the world. And yet after leaving at 19, she never moved back to Norway. In fact, while many people have asked me how I was able to move to Norway, or how I ended up there, my mother was the only person who responded to the news of my move with a puzzled why? Or at least she was the first person to ask me why. As soon as I got to Norway I started hearing it all the time. And they stare at me like I'm insane, and I stare back at them like they're the insane ones, because don't they know that Norway tops basically every standard of living report ever, and don't they know what's going on in US politics right now, and guys, we are literally having this conversation with the Northern Lights dancing above our heads, are they blind?! And I wonder if they are blind, and if I'm also blind. And if that's what's going on here, can I get my vision repaired? My best friend loves living in Worcester. She also enjoys travel, but her wanderlust usually takes her across a state or two instead of across the world. And so I wonder, why don't I appreciate the US as much as Ann does? Can I blame genetics? I mean, of course traveling abroad is different than traveling domestically. And while the US has a lot of beautiful landscapes, travel for me has never just been about seeing pretty places. In fact, I might be a sucker for beautiful nature, but I'm actually even more of a sucker for ugly cities. My list of favorite European cities includes Lodz, Pristina, and Yerevan, none of which are exactly famous for their beauty. I love grungy industrial cities – or even better, cities that used to be major hubs but whose glory days are now long gone. No really, when I think of my favorite cities around the world, what I love most about them are the things they have in common with Worcester, Mass, the hometown I couldn't wait to leave. The hometown that, if it were anywhere else in the world, I would surely adore. It's not all bad. The same love for foreign adventures that might blind me towards the beauty of the US has also given me the drive, courage, and stamina to see the world. And it helped me find a home that I do love and appreciate. When Dan and I first moved to Norway we had no money (or more importantly, no credit history!), no friends, and barely enough language skills to get jobs working at a supermarket in the middle of nowhere. It should have been a low point in my life, but because we were in Norway, I felt like I had finally made it. It doesn't make much sense – I mean, I do think life in Norway suits me better than life in the US ever could have, but anyone would be lucky to be able to call either country their home. So, if you're wondering why I'm writing about this right now, it's because I've spent this past week back in Worcester visiting family and friends. And while I have been back to visit several times since moving away, this is the first time that I've made a real effort to appreciate not just the people I love here, but the city itself. Yesterday Ann and I went downtown and as we drove past old factory buildings freshly painted in street art I thought about how if this were in the Balkans I would be obsessed. Tomorrow Ann and I are going to visit all my favorite Worcester haunts (plus a bunch of hers, since I actually don't have many favorites here) and my mission is to enjoy the city without having to pretend that it's in the Balkans, or anywhere else in the world besides Massachusetts. And it turns out my bucket list for the US is really long! I'm dying to road trip out west, finally see New Orleans, and explore more of this gorgeous country that I once called home. So where in the US should I visit next? Also, you're the first person I met that liked Lodz in Poland as well! We loved the street art and the young vibe there. We lived in Warsaw for 2.5 years and traveled around Poland often. Ooh I'm jealous that you lived in Warsaw – I love the city! And I'm right with you crossing my fingers for 2020. Enjoyed reading your post – but what is the name of this pretty little town? Such a thoughtful and interesting post! I can totally relate to the bit about not exploring enough of your own country – I live in the UK but haven't been to Wales or Scotland! Not to mention all of the beautiful places in England I haven't seen yet. It's interesting that your mother couldn't quite understand your desire to move to Norway but I bet having a Norwegian parent was what sparked your interest in the country (amongst other things, of course). I share your love / fascination for slightly grimey cities – Bucharest is a recent favourite although I have to admit that had some pockets of pretty! Whaat you need to go to Wales and Scotland! Haha it's so true though, places at home just don't seem quite as appealing. But I also realized that the more places I see in the world, the more I love and appreciate Budapest and my own country. Every time I come home again I see it with a different eye.
Coming up with new ideas to keep your young ones occupied can sometimes be difficult and costly. But before you resort to expensive outings or buying unnecessary toys, check out these 5 fun and educational activities you can do with everyday items you already have around the house. Everyone has them. Clothes-pins provide a fantastic opportunity for your toddler to develop coordination, finger dexterity and problem solving. For example, "How can I get the clothes pins on / off Mom's skirt?". Your little one will keep busy for ages if you can supply them with an assortment of items to attach them to. Create a color pattern for your toddler to copy such as "Red, red, blue, blue, yellow, yellow." Increase the level of difficulty as your child catches on. Use cornflour and food coloring to make a great non-toxic paint. Experiment with consistency (TIP: Thicker paints are helpful in avoiding spills). Art activities are instrumental in allowing children to express creativity and recognize color. The Q-tips will allow them to focus on those fine motor skills and learn about cause and effect, such as how movement and direction will result in different lines being made on the paper. If your toddler has had enough of using the Q-tips, move onto finger painting! If you're not quite ready to embark on a full blown cooking activity yet, this is a great place to start. Use any plain cracker or cookie you might have in your pantry, then choose a favorite dip or spread. This is a perfect opportunity to teach your child about hygiene, so remember to wash those hands first! If you're unsure about giving your child a bread and butter knife, try encouraging them to use the back of a teaspoon until they refine their spreading technique. This will help your little one to discover taste, texture and expand that growing vocabulary. Not to mention, there is something incredibly satisfying about preparing your own snack. This idea is especially great for fussy eaters. Believe it or not, some of the best stories are not found in books. Get your toddler to help you collect a handful of toys or other household items. Sit down together and select one to begin with. You will probably need to initiate ideas until your child has had some practice. If for example you have chosen a toy duck, start with something simple like "Once upon a time there was a small, yellow duck. One day he decided to …". This is the perfect time for your child to contribute to the story. Depending on your child's language skills their answer might range from just one word to several sentences. Make sure you encourage them by reacting positively to their suggestions. After your child has taken their turn, use their input to continue with the story. If you are stuck for ideas, chose another one of your items for inspiration. Wouldn't it make for a funny plot if that little, yellow duck suddenly came across a soup ladle. How would the duck react? What would it say? Could it be used to help the duck in some way? Ask your child questions to get their imaginations flowing and who knows, you could end up with an amazing new story that your child will want to be told over and over again. I often do this with my children in Winter, as it saves having to get them undressed after that cold night air has set in and they love it. Over time, I have found that many of our favorite bath toys are ones that have come from our kitchen. Some suggestions include plastic cups, measuring jugs, plastic bottles with lids (old baby bottles with the teats removed work great), straws, funnels, spoons (the scoops you find in infant formula tins can function as spoons) and whisks. Many a scientific experiment has resulted in our bathtub just by introducing a few simple, everyday items.
Some of the lesser known communities around the world and what makes them so fascinating. One of the first people to settle in Southeast Asia, the Mon are said to have migrated southward from western China into Thailand and Myanmar (formerly Burma) about 1,200 years ago, and established one of the earliest civilisations there. The Mon of Myanmar reside mainly towards the southeast of Yangon in Mon State and Kayin State. It was the Mon who introduced Buddhism to Myanmar around the eight century AD. They also pioneered wet rice farming, and irrigated rice (grown both for consumption and trade) is their main produce. Mon people reside in village settlements that have their own monastery, and their houses, which closely resemble Thai homes, are wooden framed structures built on poles. There are an estimated eight million Mon people in the world today, and most of them live in Myanmar and Thailand. BELIEFS & SPIRITUALITY Mon people are deeply religious and the majority of them practise the Mon's ethnic religion, which is a combination of spiritual worship and Buddhism. They believe that all objects are inhabited good and evil spirits, and Buddhist monks are the mediators between the human and spirit worlds. Mon shamans, who are mostly women, perform spirit dances at which they allegedly become possessed by spirits to help alleviate illnesses in the village. The Mon believe that a person can get sick due to a lack of spirituality, so to restore the spiritual energy, offerings are made to Buddha. Spiritual dances and traditional musical instruments are part of the Mon culture and heritage. The dances are accompanied by background music using drums, crocodile xylophones, gongs, harps, flutes and flat guitars, and are performed in a formal theatre or in village gathering. CELEBRATIONS & CEREMONIES. The Mon people do not observe formal weddings or matrimonial ceremonies. Instead, when a couple decide to get married, the boy's friends approach the girl's parents, and if they approve of the relationship, the boy is then allowed to move in with the girl and her family for three years. Only upon the completion of the three-year period can the couple proceed to establish their own household. When it comes to lineage, the Mon are not particularly patrilineal, although the deity that represents the house spirit can only be hung in the home of the eldest living male of a lineage. One of the main celebrations for the Mon is Thingyan, the water festival held to usher in the Myanmar New Year. It is a tradition during this celebration to prepare Thingyan rice (rice cooked with sandalwood scented water), which is eaten with various side dishes that are usually slightly spicy and salty, like dried fish, fried onions and pickled salads. TRADITIONAL FARE Mon cuisine is essentially curry-based. It is similar to Burmese food, but with a more extensive choice of curries, and Mon food is generally spicier than most other cuisines. TheMon language, also called Talaing or Peguan, belongs to the Austroasiatic language family. It shares a common origin with the Nyah Kur people of Thailand and is a distant relative of the Khmer language group. One unique feature is that, unlike most Southeast Asian languages, the Mon language is not tonal (use of pitch in a language to distinguish vocabulary or grammar), but follows a vowel-register system instead. burma, information, mon, myanmar, people, tradiitonal, tradition The cheapest way to get from Bangkok center to Don Muang Airport
Skip to main content1 Abu DhabiAtlantaAucklandBeijingBengaluruBogotáBostonBrisbaneBrussels (Benelux)Buenos AiresChange locationChicagoDallasDohaDubai (FZ)Dubai (UAE)DublinFrankfurtGuatemala CityHong KongHoustonIrvineKochiKuala LumpurLondonMelbourneMexico CityMiamiNew YorkPanama CityParisPerthPhoenixPittsburghRio de JaneiroSan DiegoSan FranciscoSan JoseSantiagoShanghaiSheffieldSilicon ValleySingaporeSydneySão PauloTorontoTroyWashington, DCZurich Immigration Alerts Worldwide Immigration Trends Reports Fragomen News Immigration Summaries Firm Governance Subscribe to Alerts Contact Us We appreciate your interest in our firm. Before communicating with us by email, please understand that unless you are an existing client of the Firm, any information sent will not be confidential. By clicking 'OK' below, you acknowledge and understand that (i) where applicable, contacting us will not create any attorney-client relationship between you and Fragomen or any attorney at the Firm and (ii) any information transmitted will not be treated as confidential. Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you. 18 Dec 2020 | Kaatje Droesbeke, Christine Sullivan Brexit: The Netherlands Adopts Additional Exceptions to the Prohibition of Dual Citizenship Until now, Dutch citizens living in the UK have been in a Catch-22 situation, as they are forced to choose between keeping their Dutch citizenship or protecting their rights in the UK by obtaining UK citizenship. A Dutch citizen who chooses to obtain UK citizenship in preparation for Brexit would, therefore, automatically lose his or her Dutch citizenship – with the exception being citizens married to a UK national or born in the UK. The new exceptions provided by the legislation are timely, with the Brexit transition period coming to an end on 31 December. So, as we come down to the Brexit wire, the Netherlands created a last-minute solution for its citizens in the UK: On 5 October 2020, the Rijkswet Inperking Gevolgen Brexit was published. This legislation aims to safeguard the rights of Dutch citizens living in the UK by allowing limited exceptions to the rule prohibiting dual citizenship for Dutch nationals. Voluntary acquisition of another nationality The legislation allows Dutch citizens in the UK who choose to obtain UK citizenship to retain their Dutch nationality when the following conditions are met: The application to obtain UK citizenship is submitted in the period between 23 June 2016 (the date of the Brexit referendum) and six months after the entry into force of the new legislation; or the application to obtain UK citizenship is submitted within 18 months of obtaining settled status in the UK; and Their main residence is maintained in the UK in the period between 23 June 2016 and the date of obtaining UK citizenship. Dutch children of parents who have obtained UK nationality or who independently apply for UK nationality themselves may also retain their Dutch nationality. In the former case, they will be required to demonstrate that their primary residence was in the UK between 23 June 2016 or their birth date, and the date the parent concerned obtains the UK nationality. In the latter case, the application for UK nationality must be submitted between 23 June 2016 and six months after entry into force of the new legislation, or within 18 months after having obtained UK settled status. "Option" to re-acquire Dutch citizenship In certain limited situations, Dutch nationality law provides for the "option procedure," which is a simplified process to obtain Dutch citizenship. The procedure requires the applicant to fill in an option statement in the municipality of residence. If approved, the applicant becomes a Dutch citizen after attending the naturalisation ceremony and making the declaration of solidarity. This new legislation provides UK nationals who previously surrendered their Dutch citizenship the opportunity to re-obtain their Dutch nationality through the option procedure. In order to qualify, the UK citizen must have given up their Dutch citizenship as a result of voluntarily acquiring UK citizenship between 23 June 2016 and the entry into force of this legislation, as well as maintained their main residence in the UK between 23 June 2016 and the date of filing the option statement. Maintenance of Dutch citizenship still required While the new rules provide additional citizenship protection to Dutch nationals in the UK, they are, however, not exempt from other requirements, such as the timely renewal of their Dutch passport and maintaining ties to the Netherlands for at least 10 consecutive years. Entry into force of legislation The legislation will only enter into force in the event no agreement is reached between the UK and the EU containing adequate safeguards for Dutch nationals in the UK. If this occurs, a Royal Decree will be adopted determining the effective date of the legislation. Conversely, if an agreement is reached, a Royal Decree will be published, outlining a date for which the safeguards provided by this legislation will no longer be applicable. The protections provided by the legislation will still be applicable for Dutch citizens in the UK submitting UK nationality applications prior to the agreement being reached. Dutch nationals in the UK In summary, Dutch nationals and their family members who moved to the UK on or before 31 December 2020 can continue living and working in the UK after that date if they apply for pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021. Dutch nationals who have been living in the UK for five years or more can apply for settled status. Fragomen can advise Dutch nationals in the UK on qualifying for UK citizenship while preserving their Dutch nationality, as well as those who are applying for pre-settled and settled status in the UK. For additional information on this critical issue, please reach out to the authors of this blog, Immigration Consultant Kaatje Droesbeke, at [email protected], or Director Christine Sullivan, at [email protected]. You can also reach out to [email protected] and [email protected]. This blog was published on 18 December 2020, and due to the circumstances, there are frequent changes. To keep up to date with all the latest updates on global immigration, please visit our COVID-19 microsite, subscribe to our alerts and follow us on LinkedIn. Kaatje Droesbeke, Christine Sullivan Privacy policies Attorney advertising Legal notices Modern Slavery Statement Media Inquiries UK Regulatory Requirements © 2021 FRAGOMEN
Showing article 70 of 2522 in channel 5929558 Social media helps mobilize Aboriginal protests in Canada Next Somali Al Qaeda affiliate tweets pictures of dead soldier Previous Adam Lambert takes on bullying on Twitter Social media is giving voice to those in some of North America's most remote corners as part of the ongoing Idle No More protest. Since November, Aboriginal peoples of Canada have been protesting actions by the government that they say violate historic treaties with the First Nations, including agreements over water and land rights. The movement has been compared to Occupy Wall Street in 2011. In the past, the largest voices of the Aboriginal people have been the First Nation chiefs, according to TheStar.com writer Karissa Donkin, who interviewed University of Saskatchewan student and activist Erica Lee. "Social media allows the people who are actually directly involved and impacted by these kinds of movements to have their voices heard," Lee said. "It gives [people], especially in northern communities and rural First Nation communities, a chance to be connected with events and be inspired by other peoples' event that they might not have access to, that they aren't seeing on TV and in the newspapers." Lee first became involved with the Idle No More protest in November, when about 100 people gathered in Saskatoon. It was during those early days in November when Tanya Kappo reportedly first used the #IdleNoMore hashtag, which has become the calling card for the movement. Soon after that initial protest, a Facebook page was created, and in less than two months, it has gained more than 76,000 likes. Since its creation, the Idle No More Facebook page has become a hub of activity, with people sharing stories, information about events and ways to participate. Perhaps the biggest example of Idle No More's social media reach, is the #IdleNoMore tweet map, which shows the 679,000 messages that have gone out since November and where they came from. While the bulk of the Twitter activity has been in southern Canada, the map shows activity as far north as Nunavut, inside the Arctic Circle. So far the movement appears to be getting results too. On Jan. 11, officials from some of Canada's tribes met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Ottawa. Ryerson University professor Ron Stagg told TheStar.com, that much of the movement's success is due to social media. "What this group has done with social media is to make [them] into a national issue," he said. "This is one way people can get together." Photo via IdleNoMore/Facebook //patexia3857.rssing.com/chan-26183457/index-page1.html //decoration3045.rssing.com/chan-15579941/index-page1.html //technikaffine10.rssing.com/chan-41043021/index-page1.html //baculites74.rssing.com/chan-26183700/index-latest.php //presley1184.rssing.com/chan-26183074/article5.html //shinon3.rssing.com/chan-41042824/index-page1.html //catapasm74.rssing.com/chan-15580161/index-latest.php //easiest567.rssing.com/chan-76264534/article7.html //sicherheits100.rssing.com/chan-31913826/article2.html //klanmusic245.rssing.com/chan-41043419/article9.html //rewards1898.rssing.com/chan-41043006/index-latest.php //mccoy694.rssing.com/chan-41042655/index-latest.php //demisacrilege71.rssing.com/chan-76264064/index-latest.php //umpcportal364.rssing.com/chan-26184029/index-latest.php //tonezone3.rssing.com/chan-31914899/index-page1.html //cavanagh312.rssing.com/chan-76263873/index-page1.html //beestjes4.rssing.com/chan-26183714/article12.html //walled72.rssing.com/chan-26182955/article2.html //ariana938.rssing.com/chan-76264313/article3.html
The 2019 WAFF U-15 Girls Championship is the 2nd edition of the WAFF U-15 Girls Championship, an international women's football youth tournament organised by the West Asian Football Federation (WAFF). It was held in Jordan from 12 to 16 December 2019. Lebanon won their first title undefeated. Teams Four teams entered the WAFF U-15 Girls Championship final tournament. Championship table Champion Player awards The following awards were given at the conclusion of the tournament: Goalscorers References External links U15 2019 WAFF U15 WAFF U15
The Stony Brook Press - December 6, 1990 Traveling Wilburys' Third By Eric Penzer Who says you can't grow old gracefully? The remaining four members of the Traveling Wilburys. The super-group, formed in 1988, is comprised of four middle-aged musicians who, some might say, are past their prime. The Wilburys' 1988 debut album, Vol. 1, defined the Wilburys' style as straightforward rock & roll with a country tinge. The album spawned three moderate hits, Handle With Care, Last Night and The End Of The Line. The Wilburys successfully bridged the gap between the sixties, the seventies, and eighties. With their follow-up record, Vol. 3, The Traveling Wilburys attempt to take on the nineties. Although the actual musicians (Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, and Tom Petty) are not credited anywhere on the album, their voices and styles are immediately recognizable. In an attempt to divert some of the media attention away from the musicians and onto the music, the album is attributed to Clayton, Spike, Muddy and Boo Wilbury. As reported in a recent interview, Tom Petty explained that "everybody [in the band] has been burned by supergroups -- they're not usually any good, so we've tried to steer away from that label as much as possible." Most of the artists who make up the Wilburys are known for their distinctive musical styles (Dylan has his anthems, Harrison his spirituals...). However, the songs that make up Vol. 3 are just cute little "ditties" that were apparently written with little thought or purpose intended. The Wilburys sing on subjects that musicians have always sung about; most notably, women. At least seven of the album's songs describe women in their "traditional" roles. To the Wilburys, women are apparently things to drool over. She's My Baby describes the female as a "sex-slave." In the song If You Belong To Me, the woman is made to sound like a prostitute. Not all of the songs are about women, though. What else can an old-timer croon about? The environment, of course. Inside Out warns the listener to "take care when you are breathing." Not very convincing. The Devil's Been Busy tells us of toxic waste on the golf-course. Activist meets conformist. Perhaps the Wilburys should stick to their sex-oriented songs. It quickly becomes apparent that the songs on Vol. 3 are not as well-written as those on the debut record. In fact, they sound as if they could have been sub-standard outtakes from Vol. 1. The songs are not bad, just not outstanding. Perhaps the best song on the record, A Cool Dry Place, would probably have been tossed off the first Wilbury release to yield time to any of the other songs on the brilliant debut. The Wilbury Twist tells the listener to "fall on your ass...put your teeth in a glass..." among other things. The men are not ashamed to admit that they are not young anymore. Instead, they pride themselves on their age and experience in music. The loss of Roy Orbison was a great one for the Traveling Wilburys. On Vol. 1, Orbison's vocals added some variation and distinction to the music. Several songs on the album cry out for Orbison's vocals. For that matter, they cry out for any vocal that differs in style from the other four members. Many of the songs on Vol. 3 would have been enhanced by a different vocal style. Seven Deadly Sins, a mock-fifties doo-wop effort, would be a pleasurable listening venture were it not for Bob Dylan's whiny lead vocals. Even Harrison's casual vocal style would have been an improvement. The success of the Wilburys lies in their ability to mock themselves. In this band, the main objective is to have fun. Were the musicians not so well-known, a performance at a neighborhood bar might be a better medium for this material than a record.
Tottenham, Ontario K is Boss, I am Das The above phrase is something I expressed several times today, in a morning class, at an evening class—Tuesday sangha—and in the afternoon on a trail. K refers to Krishna. Dasin Sanskrit, means servant. Put it all together and you have words of truth. "Krishna is boss and I am das." Jay, Connor and I drove up to Tottenham to visit a family of farmers. We drove north to offer some encouragement to Vishal and Yasomati who have started an agro/eco initiative involving gir and guernsey cows/bulls, and horses, as well. Together we sat down to discuss this spring's farmers conference which will be held in Quebec, just outside of Montreal, and is scheduled for Saturday May 18th, 2019. We pulled ideas together with action plans. It will be our third year doing a spring gathering. It will be inspirational. After our sit-down planning, we braved "The Great Trail," (formerly called the "Trans Canada Trail") from Tottenham, north to the farm in Caledon. I used the word "braved" because on the seven kilometre stretch which we trekked, where there were cedar trees, the sun was restricted, leaving lengthy ice patches. Once we came to the areas of hardwoods, rays of warmth melted the snow. The very good thing about taking to patches of ice is that it reminds us we are very vulnerable. We are not in charge. We are not the controller. There are greater things than ourselves. We are small—small but significant; that is when we admit to having a great boss and we are His servant. We are Das. I am Das. We All Touched Air... Tom, Billy, Connor and I took to the ravine. It did not come as a surprise to us, that we would be dealing with several-months-old snow that's on its way out. I personally deliberated on the curious stages of snow, from the freshly fallen, to the layers that pack down, to periods of melting and then freezing. Now in the final stages of a winter season's duration, it is soaking the trail, and some of it has merged into the creek, to be later precipitating, and then falling as rain, hail or snow. It is quite the cycle. Tom and I were chatting about local history, economics, people, Krishna and Tom's favourite, Vishnu. Walking behind us, Billy and Connor immersed themselves in The Secret, to the laws of attraction, and also the all-attractive One, Krishna. On our decline into the ravine, we baby-stepped our way down, if not slid down, 'rolling with the punches' of nature's way as the sun shine down upon us, and even laughing at our cumbersome slipping. A convenient side-rail was there for holding onto for dear life. All in al, it was a real good stroll and slide. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvfE5o8g6mp/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=6lyt8k0aozf8 Tom downed some Kombucha, once we left the ravine, at the Natural Health Food Store. Billy delighted in spring water while I chanced some root beer with plenty of ginger in it, and much too much brown sugar. It was all good because we all touched air, sun, wind, earth and water and their diverse manifestations. Brampton / Toronto Walking / Presenting This morning, I ventured along through the Yorkville district, and it was early—1:30 a.m. Parties were just subsiding and the few stragglers, you might say, observed my monk apparel. I mention this just as a comparison to the night before when I was in regular civies, civilian clothes. There is a difference in people's response. So for this morning, in posh Yorkville, I got this, "Are you with a party?" look. For me, it's fun. It makes walking that much more adventurous. To Brampton I went, with Connor tagging happily along, by car, and at late morning. I chose to speak at the ISKCON Centre from Chapter 5 Verse 2 of the Gita. I liked these two lines: Jnana (or knowledge that one is not this material body but spirit soul) is not sufficient for liberation. One has to act in the status of spirit soul, otherwise there is no escape from material bondage." Then back in Toronto, at ISKCON, I spoke from Chapter 6 about the nature of the mind. Text 26 reads as follows: "From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the self." It was a receptive group, like in Brampton. We also incorporated some yoga stretches in the presentation, compliments of Dan, who's a yoga teacher in the Orangeville area. His friend, Jason, runs a yoga studio along with his wife and he asked me how I deal with insomnia, since I mentioned it. "I walk and chant," I mentioned, and that is how I'm currently dealing with jet lag. Back In Regulated Fashion Bloor Street, west of University Avenue, is what it always has been for decades, and coming back, after a month's stay in India, let's me see that it has persisted. For all but the iconic Honest Ed's economy market—which has been razed and will be replaced by a towering condo unit—the coffee shops, book stores, exotic artifact joints and Korean town and their two or three story buildings will be here to stay. I hope. It's a charmer of a street to walk at any time of the day or night. With jet lag, I don't really mind what time. There are always people around. I was thrilled to see in the front window of the Doug Miller book store, Swami In A Strange Land by Joshua Green. If you haven't read this book yet, your life is not complete. It details the life, boldness and complications of Prabhupada. I'm partial as he is my guru. The wind showed its might and gave me a toss at the corner of Spadina; well, at least a push. Remnants of light garbage swirled in the air, now that their winter anchor, snow, is practically gone. At one point, even a green compost bin was made to slide across the street. I admit to having grey and brown apparel on, not my routine monk's attire, but I maintained an assertive tilak mark on that forehead which was slightly bent over to address Mr. Vayu, the wind. He, the wind, will relax in time, and take his rest, as I will attempt to do so for a few minutes before the mangal arati at 4:30 a.m. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvY9LLtASCF/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=d606dz36nq6i It's good to be back in a regulated fashion, walking on my legs while rolling beads on my fingers through mantras. Delhi / Copenhagen / Toronto I'm all for direct flights—India to Canada—and that was our (Connor and myself) intent. You've heard the saying, "Man proposes. God disposes." There is this problem with the Pakistani airways, and so our flight, like many, had to divert and land in Copenhagen to refuel. I've learned that if you accidentally chance upon a bear on the trail, you may stand your ground or walk around. With politically hot issues involving citizens in the air, fly around and away from the troubled zone. Don't confront. This detour made a six hour difference, but it made little impact on Connor and I. Another hour is another hour. I do feel sorry for those with babies. They don't have the same patience. Overall, the trip to India was great—as usual. You just have to overcome the chaos, and always be psychologically prepared. Our last three days in Vrndavana were somewhat restricted for walking, unless you want to get plastered by Holi enthusiasts. There were, however, two occasions, one in Radha Kunda and another outside our host's gate, where men refrained from throwing any colours, permanent or impermanent, on my clothes. People respect their swamis, and even though I'm a foreigner and white with a tinge of sun-tan, the reverence still goes on. I'm impressed with India's premiere airports, especially in Delhi and Mumbai. They are so state-of-the-art. They put many airports of developing countries to shame. If only the rest of India could be like those airport facilities, it would be pleasant—incredible even. Thursday, March 21st, 2019 Vrndavan, India Moon Full and Beautiful It is the full moon. On this day every year, by lunar movement, we celebrate the birth of the most outstanding mobile monk, Sri Chaitanya. He was born 533 years ago in Bengal and made a point after his ordainment into the renounced order, to travel and inspire people into the kirtan culture. This morning, the temple of Krsna Balaram was just dense with people, and reports tell us that at Chaitanya's birthplace the temples were similarly packed with people chanting. This is also the time of Holi, when colours occupy space. Indeed the air is pervasive with the stuff. It's like a big party. There is a level of drunkenness, and some folks get so rowdy and eager to throw the colours that they purchased, it gets a little bit out of control. Our temple keeps the doors locked at certain hours. You have to decide whether to stay in or out, for some time. https://back2godhead.com/spiritual-places-2/ I chose to stay out, along with Connor, and get some things done. I have my new saffron monk duds and Connor is trying to go for the first head-shave of his life. Members of our troupe are attempting to get together for last hugs and prostrations. A fast goes on until moon-rise and we honour that with a closure feast. 'Fast' and 'feast' sound similar. Although diametrically opposed, they do complement each other. Chaitanya is a very important figure in the lives of those who have taken to kirtan chanting. We owe Him a tremendous amount for landing upon us the sound of sacredness. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQaoi1APMb/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1msrx8nhmzque Vrindavan, India Spiritual Foundation I stepped into the Krsna Balaram temple and was asked to lead a kirtan. I took great pleasure in doing so. After that kirtan for honouring the guru, a person came up to me—a familiar face. It was a British monk whom I travelled with in Ireland, when I trekked the country from Belfast in the north, to Cork in the south. It was good to see him again. Knowing that I just completed a production with a group of actors, he told me of a role he volunteered to play. It was anger personified. "I had a hard time though, to be angry. I couldn't come to the level required. The only thing that ever gets my ire up is when I'm claustrophobic. I was at the outdoor event where the drama was showing. I went to the loo to deal with a call of nature, and someone locked me in from the outside. I got desperate. No one could hear me, so I rocked the unit back and forth, and finally I kicked open the door. I was really angry. Well, I got out and my fellow actors said, 'Use it! Use your anger for the play.' So I did and it worked." Our guru, Prabhupada, used to say, "Utility is the principle!" I was also asked to give the class from the Bhagavatam, Canto 8. I saw the opportunity to speak of the little bit I know of the male and female psychology. It was surrounding the story of Aditi and the sage, Kasyapa—wife and husband. https://youtu.be/COkSkOyzLNk https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNikSYg-w6/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=14ki1mgrb28dn To conclude: relationships have a better chance to be successful when there is a spiritual foundation. Radha Kunda, India Walking As A Worship Last evening a group of us (some of our actors), two Floridian devotees, and two additional monks from Canada, decided early next morning (today) to do the walk around Govardhan Hill. Included in our group also was Daniel from Ukraine. He showed up at our rendezvous spot at MVT Restaurant after being showered by green tones of Holi powder. A dish of salad was placed on his head. Wow! A piece of modern art? After a thirty-five minute rickshaw drive, we began the brisk bare-foot walk so popular in this northern section of India. Our target was to reach a twenty-one kilometre goal. 5:30 a.m. was not a bad time to start. Like many of the marathon walks I've done, you must begin before the sun bakes you. The soft sands were soothing. The sharp-edged stones were a challenge. All in all, it was an austerity that we all relished just as much as residents of India do. Indeed, it is a program for all. I was taken by the many young males, in particular, who participate. There is nothing to indicate that parikrama, pilgrimage, especially at Holi time, will die out anytime soon in Govardha. Vendors attempted to sell their wares, mostly bananas and roasted chana, by saying, "Monkey seva! meaning: "Service to the monkeys!" One sugar-cane merchant saw us coming. "Juus," he said. "No, we are not Jews. We are Vaishnavas!" I retorted. Near the Hill itself, one motorcyclist left his machine unattended, and several monkeys took full advantage by slowly dismantling the fellow's conveyance. The Hill and Radha Kunda's sacred waters were highlights, although every time I come to the Kund, a greedy pundit appears trying to milk pilgrims of several rupees for puja worship. Vrndavana, India Ten Of Us Ten of us drove down the smooth Yamuna Expressway to Vrndavan. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvG3yrrgEKu/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=n3ekjhgspjo1 Vrndavan is special. It is meant to be home. Yet there's one thing that strikes my mind when I come here: "I wish I could clean it up." What is it about this place that could use a make-over? Despite it being Krishna's place, there is a complacency about tidiness. If we really love Krishna then we will see to it as being like a temple. There are gorgeous destinations, however, like the grounds of the Krishna Balarama Temple, the residential area of Mayapur Vrndavan Trust, the ISKCON Goshala—where samadhi tombs of friends passed-on are located, such as Purnachandra, Yamuna, Brahmananda, Gunagrahi—and the house where Connor and I are staying. The home of Shyam Gopal is on the outskirts of hustle and bustle. Great landscaping! https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJ6j82APwX/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1gnk833khm33m I also got to meet the first Dutch-disciple of our Guru, Prabhupada. We lunched with him. He joined in 1970 and became a good gardener himself. In fact he maintains the grounds really well. It is Holi time and I see 'Holied' people covered in colour. There was also a Holi-cow or two. No one is spared of the powdered stuff, but somehow Connor and I got through the streets of Loi Bazaar clean, when we went to put in an order with a cloth merchant, Haridas, at Yamuna Store. It is through this venue that I secured my monk robes for the year—cotton material with three pieces per set. My highlight or colourful spot of the day was prayers offered to my friends now gone, who are actually here. Noida, India Could Not Have Been There could not have been a more appreciative audience. We staged, "The Queen's Secret" in the evening, to a paid audience. Yesterday's was sponsored. The big temptation, for anyone in the 21st century, is the usage of cell phones, but the crowd remained obedient to our rules during the performance. "No click! No video! No flash!" It was after the credits, the curtain call, that the crowd was aroused for taking pictures. Good God, it wouldn't stop. Our cast was made to feel like real celebs! In truth, I consider our group of twenty-five to be like family rather than stars of the stage. With this being our last performance in India, our group/troupe came to like each other, despite diverse personalities and ages—I'm the oldest. "The Queen's Secret" was our little project together. We shaped and molded it to become the feast of words, movement and colour that it came to be. We learned patience from the practices. We learned, through the method of acting, how to become someone else. For myself, it was being the coach all along, and entering into every character of the play. It was fun. Admittedly so, I feel more like I'm the Drama Maharaja as opposed to The Walking Monk. Now that this month's theatre assignment is over, I can shift gears more to the walking side. Yes, that is a passion I also need to honour—just getting back to an obligation. That would be a joy, a pleasure. I lay down to sleep, to anticipate the pilgrimage to Vrndavana and for the morning hours to play out. My Only Walking My only walking today consisted of the circumambulation of the Krishna deities of Radha Govinda. If you do that too much at a certain speed, it could make you dizzy. I took breaks during this early time before full sunrise. My host, or rather our host, is a monk from Maharastra, Lokanatha Swami. He kindly arranged for a chair for me next to his, and in front of his chair was his laptop. He sat me down and showed me what he does each day, during this time, at the computer. Morning time may be good for pacing and getting the exercise in. It is also ideal for chanting japa. On his screen, he showed me all the people around the world who log into the japa chanting session. "Here is someone from Mauritius, someone from New Jersey and look, you have a Deepakshi from Toronto." "Interesting!" I said to the Maharaja, indicating that technology has its advantages. Certainly devices have a consuming effect on people. I don't have to ask our crew members of the drama about their time being occupied in some cyber way. A matinee performance was attended by Lokanatha Swami, along with students from various schools, their teachers and members of the media. Also, my evening was again pleasantly teamed up with the Swami at a newly-opened centre for bhakti in Greater Noida. I was driven to the site, and as I opened the door, a shower of flower petals came quite consistently down upon me all the way to the entrance of the building. The community was enthusiastic and they seemed to soak in my message from the Gita. https://www.facebook.com/IskconTempleNoida/videos/1989718328004489?sfns=mo https://www.instagram.com/p/BvEcjaegETV/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=12waxk1klt1wj Kolkata / Delhi The tiny portion of walking turned into a sprint at the Delhi Airport, when Keesh and I took to a competitive move down the runways and to the exit. Frivolity struck despite my sixty-six-year-old body, which took up the challenge of his thirty-two-year-old machine. I really didn't care much for what other passengers thought of a monk in apparent playfulness. Most of those people on the Air India flight were Bengalis or folks from the Delhi area, and I'm sure they've seen their share of holy men doing out-of-the-box feats. Anyway, I was doing my 'feets' and having a good time with them after a lengthy enough drive from Mayapura, then a flight from Kolkata. For certain, the biggest austerity of the day was dealing with Delhi traffic, then entering into Noida. At the Kolkata Airport, our theatre troupe and I met with Giridhari Swami, an American monk who is mild mannered and hails from South Bend, Indiana. "Maharaja," I addressed him, "I walked through your town in 2016, and even trekked through the grounds of Notre Dame Campus. Very impressive!" To greet us at the Noida Temple was Padayatra champion, Lokanatha Swami. He is by far the most renowned monk for pilgrimage strategy. He and I share a service in advancing the walking culture. His favourite spot is India for pilgrimage, my location is everywhere. That doesn't make me the better man, no! Not at all! https://www.facebook.com/IskconTempleNoida/videos/392116448273424?sfns=mo https://www.facebook.com/IskconTempleNoida/videos/525364894537866/ Mayapura, India Within Walking Distance We Talked Within walking distance of Mayapura is the village of Sarasvat Gang, which is situated along the Jalangi River. There my roommates, of Suite 505 of the Gada Building, and I were invited for lunch at Madan Gopal's. Madan had asked several days ago, "What do you want on the menu?" That was gracious. So, being in Bengal, I had requested neither their sweet delicacies, nor even rice, which is status quo for Bengalis, but some sakor bhaji, mixed cooked greens. The chapatis were perfectly round, and as fordahl, the lentil soup, it was divine with it's mung base. The only sweet permissible to my liking is some liquid—nimbhu pani,or lemon water with soda. "Excellent, Madan, you killed us with your kindness." It was so interesting, after the meal, to delve into a topic on something which was already visited by a Russian, Dimitri, earlier today. The topic was a discussion on envy/jealousy. First of all, as far as I am concerned, they are synonyms. "So what about this subject and what can I personally do with this issue?" was the question raised by one of the meal takers. In brief, I offered a few points: Envy is the seed that brought us to this world of duality. It is a recognition of opulence perceived in someone which is lacking in us. It distances us from each other. To overcome this we must attempt to close the gap through service—getting close. You will realize that you created a monster out of you when there was no need. The object of envy is just human, like you or me. Good Lesson I was poised to start the chanting as lead singer for the temple's mangal arati, when a young man came to the mic in front of me. Some miscommunication I suppose. I had been asked on the previous day to sing. It was a good lesson in humility for me. The young man said to me, "It's my birthday today." "How many years?" I asked, and he answered it was his twenty-fifth year on the planet. Behind me was the voice of a peer. "He should let you lead," implying I'm his senior and that would be proper etiquette. "But no," I thought, "he's of the next generation. We must give him the chance to be a future leader." I was, however, clearly lined-up to deliver the Bhagavatamclass on Canto 9 regarding the avatar, Parasuram. Without being disrespectful, he was 'born to be wild' and I had that seat, the vyasasan, to tell all I could about this extraordinary person. Throughout the day I was complimented by listeners, so I suppose I rendered some service of help to others. It was our last night's performance for, "The Queen's Secret," and I would say it was the best take on it yet. You can always tell by the audience reciprocation. That is certainly a gauge. Although I was slightly upstaged in the morning, I feel I was sufficiently staged for the day. I Do At Times I do at times make use of the elevator on my way to the meetings. I don't want to be late. To join me on the lift was a delivery man with a bag full of coconuts and a pail of sugar cane juice. We reached the elevated state of the fourth floor. I'm glad he delivered even though it was our last day of meetings. My preference is the bael juice that is also an option. Bael cools down the bodily temperature, which is great because it's getting mighty hot these days. It's the bael fruit that Krishna and his friends used to throw about as a ball. It was a part-voting / part-presentation day. Actually nice! Included in the day was a report on Child Protection, which is always good to get an update on. I pardoned myself for the final session of the day. It was time to go for the second-last performance of "The Queen's Secret." There is some great promotional material out there, perhaps on YouTube. I don't know. I don't follow that. Not much time. https://youtu.be/J-sLaal_utM We filled up the auditorium once again and pleased the crowd. Cast members for the most part are still recovering from fever and flu. I'm proud of them. Some Good Stuff A great wave of humidity seemed to land in Bengal, which not everyone can tolerate. Our cast of performers got affected, some stricken with fever. It meant we had to cancel the show tonight. You might call it a 'break-out'. In the meantime, there are some break-throughs for our Krishna society. Prime Minister Mody recently unveiled the largest scriptural text in the world—The Bhagavad-gita. Installed in the location of where the Gita's message was delivered, in Kuruksetra, northern India, it becomes a major landmark for the Vaishnava culture. Then closer to home base, an apology was read out to our leaders concerning an event in 2016 when there was somewhat of a physical attack on one of our Governing Body Commissioners, Madhu Sevita, this year's chairman. It was a gesture of goodwill and it cleared the air. It's always positive to take a humble position. https://iskconnews.org/indian-prime-minister-modi-unveils-800-kg-gita-at-delhi-temple,6860/ According to Bhakti Caru Swami—a monk who has been residing in Mayapura for forty-three years—concerning the administrative team at the ISKCON headquarters, a new wave of a younger generation is taking hold of administration tasks. This is a hopeful sign. We are a young society. It takes some time for things to settle when dust is shot in the air. As a culture which is steeped in bhakti (devotion), we should be ready to learn tolerance and turn it into triumphant. Sunday, March 3rd, 2019 Saturday, February 23rd, 2019
"Adapted a recipe that I watched my uncle make. Delicious served either warm or at room temperature. Perfect for those people who don't like mayo." Brush 1 tablespoon olive oil over the red potatoes. Pierce potatoes with a fork and arrange onto a baking sheet. Spread baby eggplant pieces, red bell pepper slices, green bell pepper pieces, red onion, and garlic onto a separate baking sheet; drizzle 1 tablespoon olive oil over the vegetables. Stir 1/2 cup olive oil, garlic salt, oregano, basil, and black pepper together in a bowl. Roast potatoes in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Put baking sheet into the oven and continue roasting potatoes and the vegetables until the potatoes are tender, about 25 minutes more. Let everything cool for 10 minutes. Cut potatoes into bite-size chunks and put into a bowl. Drizzle olive oil and seasoning mixture over the potatoes and stir to coat; add the roasted vegetables and stir. Learn how to make a satisfying salad with the addition of steak and potatoes. You can use any color bell peppers you like. Use a typical eggplant of average size in place of the baby eggplants, if you prefer. This was nice! Could use a little more flavor. I would roast the peppers longer as well. I added more garlic powder and parmesan cheese at the end.
Scythe-Slobidka (ucraniano: Коси-Слобідка) es una localidad del Raión de Kotovsk en el Óblast de Odesa de Ucrania. Según el censo de 2001, tiene una población de 140 habitantes. Enlaces externos Localidades del Raión de Podilsk
Jalandhar man on a mission to provide books for children in villages 26-yr-old Mandeep Singh from Sultanpur Lodhi, Jalandhar, has a mission in life. Although secure with in a government job, he is working tirelessly to arrange books for those who have never had any chance to read or want to prepare for competitive exams. 'Pind di library layi kitaba di madad kro ji' (help for books for village library), a poster is making rounds on social media where Mandeep has urged people to donate books for the library that he is going to start at Jabbowal village in Sultanpur Lodhi. MUST READ Process started for amendment in electoral rolls The library will go by the name 'Tera Tera library'. An avid reader himself, Mandeep has dedicated his own space for the library. In the poster, the youngster has urged people that a library is going to come up at the village, for which there is a need for books, so,those having spare books can donate these for the library. He has also reached out to the writers and artists to support him in this initiative, and has been getting a very good response in this regard. "Until now I have received more than 250 books from writers and publishers. The library will start this week," he said, adding that he now has books in Urdu, Punjabi, English literature, novels, apart from various magazines and newspapers. He has also got books from the Language Department, Punjab. MUST READ Punjab Police nabs wanted heroin smuggler Rajinder to bust Narco-terror racket with KLF links "The books will be given for free of cost and youngsters will be able to come here to prepare for their competitive exams and if any writer wants to have discussions, then those too can happen in the library," he said. language department punjab Tera Tera library
Please contact us regarding any questions you may have or share your electronic cigarette success story with us using the e-mail form below. Our Customer Support Ninjas are available 6 days a week 8-5. If you see the little Ninja in the right, bottom corner of your screen, it means that we're here ready to answer your questions immediately via Live Chat.
DISCH, WILLIAM JOHN DISCH, WILLIAM JOHN (1874–1953). William John (Billy) Disch, baseball coach, was born on October 20, 1874, in Benton County, Missouri. In 1886 the family moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Disch first attended public schools. His greatest interest was baseball, and in 1898 he began his coaching career at Sacred Heart College in Watertown, Wisconsin. On December 24, 1909, he married Anna Marie Kuck. Disch played professionally at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, from 1900 to 1902; at Fort Worth, Texas, in 1903 and 1904; and at Galveston from 1905 to 1907. He simultaneously coached at St. Edward s University in Austin from 1900 to 1910, and in 1911 he joined the staff of the University of Texas, where he compiled one of the nation's best coaching records. From 1911 until his retirement in 1940, Disch's teams won twenty-one out of a possible twenty-six baseball championships. He was called by some the "Grand Old Man" of Texas baseball and was noted for perfectionism and strict discipline. He played an important role in persuading the Southwest Conference to adopt baseball in 1915, and in 1947 "Uncle Billy" was honored at the opening of Disch Field in Austin, named for him; the later Disch-Falk field is named for him and Bibb A. Falk. Disch died on February 3, 1953. He was inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in 1954, into the Longhorn Hall of Honor in 1957, and the College Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 1965. Wilbur Evans and Bill Little, Texas Longhorn Baseball: Kings of the Diamond (Huntsville, Alabama: Strode, 1983). Austin American, February 4, 1953. Vertical Files, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin. Handbook of Texas Online, "DISCH, WILLIAM JOHN," accessed January 17, 2020, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fdi21.
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It is said that people buy your 'why' not your what or how. Now if you haven't heard this before you're probably thinking, what the hell is he on about, surely they buy what you sell and how you sell it. I used to think that too, until I watched this video. Now these are all good reasons for doing it, but why would anyone care about any of them; apart from, I'm good at it I guess, but they don't know that until after I've done it. Over the last few months it has been playing on my mind that I didn't know WHY I'm a photographer. I've attended quite a few seminars and this 'WHY' seemed to keep coming up, but I didn't know WHY. I spoke to trainers and mentors about it, and they all said that although my reasons above were good ones, none of them are going to compel clients to want to engage me. I looked at each of the genres of photography that I undertake and listed why I thought I did them, and each time I came up with the same answers. Then on day, while watching training videos, I watch lots of videos by top photographers trying to improve my techniques, I realised what my WHY was. I want to create! Now I know that's sounds a bit obvious for someone who's in a creative business, but I want to help businesses 'Develop their image' (my new tag line by the way). That is my WHY! I want to create images for businesses that help them engage with clients. I want to show their clients how good they are, how good and trustworthy they are, I want to work with forward thinking businesses that value the time, effort and passion I put into every image I create. That is my WHY! People have always described me as a commercial photographer. I don't know why as I used to do more social photography than anything, but I now know why. I think they have been seeing my WHY when I couldn't. They have seen my passion for commercial photography and helping businesses, when I couldn't. You see I thought I was a social photographer, and don't get me wrong I love doing weddings and portraits, and I give the same care and attention to their shoots as I do to all my clients, but my passion really is commercial. OK I'm starting to ramble a bit now, but that is because every time I start to talk about finally finding my WHY I get so very excited. Since finding my WHY and starting to relax with it, I have found a new lease of life. I will still continue to do weddings and portraits if asked, but I will limit those to couples I connect with, and who really do want ME to do it. I have limited my wedding commitments to a maximum of 10 full day weddings over the last couple of years and will reduce this further over the next couple of years to 5, but I can assure anyone engaging me to shoot their wedding that it will be an amazing experience for us all. So to the future. I have already explained WHY but not what it means for John Rose Photography Limited. Well, I have already created a new commercial website, johnrose.photography which showcases some of the commercial photography I have been doing. In the next few months I will be moving premises. It's still at old Sarum and has free parking but I will now have a unit to myself. This will give me much more room as I will have the whole of the ground floor as studio space, which in turn will allow me to be more creative with how and what I shoot. It also has direct ground floor studio access which will allow for larger projects. So the future for John Rose Photography is in the commercial world, with an occasional dip into the wedding and portrait markets. We will still shoot charity and commercial events but these will, in the main, be all inclusive pre-paid events with the images being supplied to the event organiser, or printed for guests on the night. Our current school photography will be separated to become its own entity, although in the early days it is quite possible I will be doing a lot of the photography. As this part of the business grows I will bring in other photographers who have been trained by me to undertake the work in the manner I have always done. Thank you for reading my ramble. Please do leave a comment, I am very interested to know what you feel about the proposed changes. If you have a question post it in the comments and I will answer it on here. If you would like to talk to me about how I can help you and your business create your message in images please do get in touch by clicking here, emailing studio@johnrose.photography or telephoning 01722 320500.
@interface AllChooseGroupCell : UICollectionViewCell @property (nonatomic ,strong) UIView *bgView;//头像背景图 @property (nonatomic ,strong) UIImageView *iconImg;//图片 @property (nonatomic ,strong) UILabel *titleLab;//标题文字 @property (nonatomic ,strong) UIButton *selectBtn;//选择按钮 @property (nonatomic ,strong)AllGroupModel *model; @property (nonatomic ,strong)AllScenarioModel *scenario; @end
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I have been doing my best to maintain it, keep it organised and keep adding to it. If you think there is any topics missing that we have talked about please leave a link to the forum\blog post in question and i will add it to the FAQ. Any general feedback about the FAQ is also welcome. I would suggest the F.A.Q to be on the main part of the forum Above Gen Dis. one thing that tripped me up was the fact that we have per subforum faq's (like on the controller subforum). but that one is obviously about where to post what and not about what forums posts to read as the faq you mention. so i guess i am just confused by the fact that there are two faq's for totally different things.
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Mike specialises in non–contentious construction work, including building and engineering contracts, development agreements, collateral warranties, professional appointments, novation agreements, performance bonds and guarantees. He has advised employers, contractors, finders, subcontractors and consultants in relation to the design and construction of numerous projects, including energy infrastructure projects, transport facilities, manufacturing facilities, office premises, retail units, distribution centres, hotels and health centres. Mike is accredited by The Law Society of Scotland as a Specialist in Construction Law and has an LLM in Construction Law (with Distinction). He is also listed on Who's Who Legal: Construction for 2017 and 2018.
If you just believe one can happen to you! Something deep inside of you! That's what Christmas means to you! Christmas came earlier every year. No sooner had the pumpkin displays disappeared after Halloween, than strings of colored lights and artificial trees showed up in storefronts. So much for Thanksgiving which now simply seemed to be an excuse for humans to gorge themselves on large helpings of turkey, cornbread stuffing and mashed potatoes rather than contemplate their lives. It was simply a stopover on the road to a much bigger event. The fact that Christmas had long since gone commercial was not exactly a huge concern for a vampire… unless you happened to know Cordelia Chase. Avoiding the multitude of public religious displays cropping up on every street corner was far easier than escaping Cordy's enthusiasm for the season. This was far from the first time Angel had experienced Christmas, Chase-style, but for some reason she seemed to have a case of excessive holiday spirit. Every occupied space at the Hyperion was in some state of partial decoration. Heavily armed with a slew of red ribbons, mistletoe and garlands, the only spot she hadn't invaded was his private suite. Not that the word private really meant anything around this place. He felt certain that it was just a matter of time before jingle bells and scented candles appeared. Angel half expected to wake up one afternoon to discover his wardrobe had been completely replaced with Santa suits. As it was, he'd had to put his foot down when Cordy dressed Connor in a little reindeer one-piece that came with a matching hat. "I won't have my son dressed in creepy antlers," he'd told her and quickly snagged something else from the drawer. Just then, Fred had wandered in looking for Cordy, completely unsurprised to find her there, and the two women had immediately started cooing over the 'adorable' little reindeer outfit. Angel held up the Notre Dame shirt in Cordy's line of sight, but she grinned, her eyes sparkling, arched an I-told-you-so brow, and proceeded to head downstairs with his son in her arms and Fred trailing behind them chattering away about their plans to decorate their Christmas tree. Come to think of it, Angel realized he'd lost that argument, too. He distinctly recalled using the words small and reasonable as they went tree shopping. The rather large and no doubt expensive tree taking up so much room in the lobby fit neither of his criterion. When it was just Wes, Cordy and himself, he'd managed to curtail the holiday decorating to the small space on and around Cordelia's desk. Then it crept into his office, too. Now, there was nowhere to go without a constant reminder of the season. He could hardly fault Cordelia for her infectious smile, tendency to sing Christmas songs while she worked or her efforts to make this a memorable holiday season for everyone. This was Connor's first Christmas and Fred's first since Pylea, so Angel could understand just why Cordelia thought it was important to make things just right. She never did things in half measures and was determined to have everyone feeling just as Christmassy as her. Apparently, that included him, but a vampire celebrating Christmas? Angel was certain there was an oxymoron in there somewhere, even for a vampire with a soul. No matter the commercialism that gilded the season with its frenzied shopping sprees and glittering lights, he remembered back in the day when things were far simpler. Decorations may have been expected, but he had to point out to Cordelia that dressing his son in reindeer clothing was going overboard. She merely proceeded to ask everyone else their opinion on the little outfit. Lorne was suddenly inspired to sing something ridiculous about reindeer paws. Even Wesley took a moment from his research to make a fuss. Only Gunn looked a little sympathetic, but he said nothing as Fred giggled over the little felt antlers. "Adorable," Angel muttered reluctantly as he got distracted by the sight of Connor's tiny palm spread out across the bare skin at her throat. Finding trouble sounded a little more likely. Even when he wasn't looking for it, trouble always seemed to find him, no matter the still of the night or the hush that fell over the city at certain times. Right now, the streets still bustled with thinning crowds of holiday shoppers, stragglers heading home only because the stores were closing down for the night. There was something in the cool night air that bristled his senses. From the rooftops, Angel tracked a scent that stood out amid the crowds, something not quite human. As a shout pierced the air, Angel dropped off the side of the building, landing below with catlike grace in the shadowed alley. He ran around the corner, barging through the front entrance. A jingling bell chimed his sudden arrival. Activity within the room paused for an instant of time, just long enough for the occupants to acknowledge his presence. An elderly man, a young woman and a child stood in a tight group near the checkout counter of the shop. Then, as if turning on a switch, they turned their eyes away from Angel and the struggle continued. The child let out a wail, holding something close to his chest, hiding it from view with both hands, while the woman attempted to convince the boy to give it up to her. His refusal was vocal and the more stubborn he got, the more difficulty he had in controlling himself. Angel quickly saw the reason his senses led him to believe that a demon had entered the shop when the boy's features fluttered into his true form. The shopkeeper's eyes widened, but he merely turned to say something to the woman in her own language. With the adults distracted, the boy darted into the depths of the shop, leaving his mother to chase after him. A smile tugged at Angel's mouth as he suddenly pictured Connor at that age and Cordelia trying to talk him out of something he wanted. If his son was only half as stubborn as he had been as a boy, then even Cordy might have to give in to his wishes. Sensing that he was waiting for a response, Angel rubbed the back of his head as he tried to figure out how to answer. Finally, he took one of his business cards out of his pocket and handed it over to the man. If Cordy was here, Angel knew she'd give him the usual spiel about helping the helpless, but Angel figured that the card sufficed. "No problem," muttered Angel, realizing that there was more here than met the eye. The man was part demon himself and his shop, though decorated for the holidays like any of the others on the block, was an eclectic mix of modern and mystical. The nametag on his shirt read, 'Earl'. Bookshelves lined one wall, with leather-bound and tattered-edged volumes neatly aligned. One area contained antique armor and weaponry. Angel's eyes lingered there before they skimmed over the display of magic items, spell components and charm bracelets within the glass cases. Then his gaze fell upon a round table full of snow globes in varying sizes. They were nestled in a bed of fake cotton snow, the lights from the close window display twinkling across the glass spheres. "My grandson likes them, too," Angel heard Earl say as he found himself picking up one of the snow globes. Unlike most of the others, this one had no miniature figures inside, just whirling snow and a wintery scene painted on the ceramic base. Snow, Angel realized it was something Connor wasn't likely to see here in Los Angeles. He gave the globe another shake, watched the snow whirl and spin inside the sphere and for an instant thought he saw his son's face. Blinking, he looked away and realized that the old merchant was still talking to him. Resisting the urge to rub his chest, Angel felt his anger stirring. The well-meaning old merchant was tugging at chains he couldn't possibly know existed. "Cursed," came the gruff correction. The snow that blanketed the sunrise that fateful morning back in Sunnydale had been a miracle, saving him from his own despair. No matter that Connor's birth was foretold, his existence certainly counted as such. Even the Shanshu prophesy with its promise of a human life would be another miracle should he ever earn redemption. When it happened, he corrected himself. Until then, he still had his son. He had his friends. He had Cordelia. "I'm just saying a man should try to appreciate those little miracles even though he's a demon," Earl's explanation was lost on Angel who was suddenly transfixed by his own thoughts. Twirling snowflakes spun in the glass sphere, an image of the people closest to his heart glowing in the center. It vanished as the snow slowly settled to the bottom of the globe. In that moment, Angel realized that he'd closed himself off to just about everything. Those little things that Earl mentioned made life worth living, especially the friends and family he had waiting for him back at the Hyperion. Setting the snow globe back in its spot on the table, the old merchant felt a draft of cool air and heard the jingle of the bell over the door. By the time Earl looked up, the vampire was gone. With a shrug, he slowly walked back toward the counter where his daughter and grandson were waiting. Glancing down at the business card in his hand, Earl dropped it into glass jar on the counter, stuffed full with similar cards and handwritten notes, all eager participants hoping to win one of his unique spells. A small sign on the jar read, 'Christmas Day Drawing'. Maybe the vampire would win. Angel stood in the shadows, quietly observing the scene before him as his family was all gathered around the Christmas tree, still bare of decorations. He'd come to realize exactly what this hodgepodge group meant to him. They were more than just co-workers and friends. In a way, they were also one of his miracles and he had come to depend upon and rely on them as much as they ever did on him. A lullaby sounded as Lorne crooned Connor to sleep. Wes and Gunn were tangled up in strings of lights, testing them out and arguing softly over the best method of getting them on the tree. He saw Fred, curled up on the couch, threading popcorn into one long strand. Cordelia's laughter caught his attention as she walked out from behind the front desk carrying another bowl of popcorn fresh from the microwave. "That's what you get for putting those two in charge of the lights," Fred grinned at the pair who had managed to crisscross several strands. Angel wasn't capable of conversation just then. All he could do was lift his fingers to her face, letting the tips glide across the warm curve of her cheek and sliding them back to curl around the nape of her neck. As her lips formed a soft circle, he pressed his mouth to hers. For an endless moment, neither moved, just feeling the sensation of being lip to lip. Until a soft sigh passed between them and Cordelia melted into his embrace, her arms looping around his neck. The long, drugging kiss that followed left them both a little scatterbrained as they came back to the reality of wolf-whistling, boisterous clapping and the loud squall of a rudely-awakened infant. Still in his arms, Cordy's face shifted from soft-focused wonderment to confusion as she looked straight up above their heads. Angel answered her with another kiss. Waiting for some miracles to happen might take a lifetime, but that didn't mean he should ignore the blessings he had been given in the here and now. People, unique and precious, filled his existence and were long overdue for a share of his feelings on the matter. Cordelia, especially, who accepted him for his faults and never hesitated to point them out when necessary. One glance from her and he was reminded just how much of a man he wanted to be.
National Park however I have not hear back from them as yet. have a lot to benefit from have a quality map of the area. A link to the spreadsheet has been added to the task manager. > Congrats on kicking off the Projects! > "adventure tourism" or "eco tourism" people (consumers or vendors)? > traces or gps cooridinates for PoI's. > this data in OSM. > How can we get our message out to these places and people? > Websites? Facebook groups? Travel industry trade organizations? > Or are you already working with companies or groups? >> tourism activity and therefore the surrounding communities.
The artifacts, characters, and places that define Egypt are connected to each other in complex and fascinating ways. Connections allows you to explore Eternal Egypt - discovering how an artifact is related to a character, how that character is related to a place, and so on. Follow paths by clicking images or titles to learn more. As you click, your stops along the way are remembered so that you can revisit items of interest. You can use the controls to adjust what is displayed. For detailed instructions, click the Help link at the top of the page.
Some time ago I had a motorola surfboard cable modem. In device manager (under network adapters)it is listed three times. When I try to delete each of them, I get an error message saying I cannot delete them because they may be used to start windows. How do I work around this to delete them? I thank everyone in advance for your help! are you still using a usb modem to connect to the internet? No, not using a usb modem. Trying to get my wireless to work so I can surf at Starbucks or whereever.
Q: How to determine a server's list of CA certificates that it will accept from client? According to https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/X.509+Certificates, After the Server sends the certificate that identifies itself, it then can then send a list of names of Certificate Authorities from which it is willing to accept certificates. I am wondering how to determine what this list is, and how to modify it. The reason I am asking is that I am getting an infinite redirect between my server and my client after successful validation (i.e., the ticket stage), and I think it has to do with the CAS server not recognizing the CAS client's certificate (the client's certificate is self-signed). A: If you want to see what this list is, you can use OpenSSL: echo "" | openssl s_client -connect your.server:port This will show various messages regarding the handshake, including the certificates and the list of CAs in the CertificateRequest message. Ultimately, it's determined by the active X509TrustManager's getAcceptedIssuers() method. By default, this will be the list of Subject DNs of all your trust anchors (that is, the Subject DNs of all the certificates in your trust store). Your client certificate will have to be verified by the server. This is normally done during the handshake by the trust manager, which (unless tweaked) will build a chain to a known CA (or at least known cert if it's the user cert itself) in the trust store. Adding your self-signed certificate to your trust store should be sufficient. It doesn't have to be the cacerts file bundled with the JVM, you could make a copy of it and use the trust store settings of Apache Tomcat's connector to set it up.
Домбург (; ) — город и одна из семи коммун округа Ваника в Суринаме. Домбург расположен на левом берегу реки Суринам, примерно в 16 километрах от столицы страны Парамарибо. На севере и востоке он граничит с курортом Домбург в округе Коммевейне. Рядом с городом находится белый пляж. Согласно переписи населения 2012 года в Домбурге проживал 5 661 человек. Плантация Домбург, на которой выращивали сахарный тростник, была основана в начале XVIII века и просуществовала до 1863 года. В том году, после отмены рабства в Суринаме, производство потеряло рентабельность и плантация пришла в упадок. В 1880 году колониальная администрация поселила здесь бывших рабов, поделив бывшую плантацию на несколько фермерских хозяйств. Одновременно с этим в Домбурге были построены школы, открыт рынок и учреждена коммуна. Дом владельца плантации был преобразован в здание местной администрации. Позднее, здесь также стали селить трудовых мигрантов из Нидерландской Ост-Индии. В этом городе родился Дези Баутерсе — один из организаторов военного переворота в Суринаме в 1980 году и участников Декабрьских убийств, с 2010 года являющийся президентом Суринама. В Домбурге также родился известный суринамский музыкант . Примечания Ссылки Domburg, Suriname Page Города Суринама
Comic Life 4+ plasq LLC *** Note: Comic Life 3 is now available. Please purchase Comic Life 3, not this version. *** *** If you've already purchased Comic Life you can now upgrade at a discount *** *** by purchasing the Comic Life 3 Upgrade Bundle. You will receive credit for *** *** your Comic Life purchase. *** * Please note: Due to an App Store limitation, App Store Bundles do not work with the Volume Purchase Program for Education. * This version is being provided for volume purchase program customers in order to fulfill their outstanding orders. No further feature enhancements are planned for this version. Fixed a crash when editing blank captions or balloons Prevented a random crash when transitioning from the reader to the editor. flash madnes , 11/03/2021 Error but still like it When I got out it was a completely MESS. It said error and it telled me all about it I was going NUTS. sorry4ever , 01/16/2023 A COMIC LIFER It's 2023 Happy New Year! Hoping that a new update will surprise us soon. All the best, A comics lover. Last review: I believe that this app is the first version of the Comic Life apps that plasq developed for the series. Since then, they have developed Comic Life 3. I bought Comic Life 3 and now I have both apps. I have to say that I prefer Comic Life 3. Although I love Comic Life in general, I feel that some improvements would be needed and appreciated. Basically, I just find the apps to be very touch and go, meaning that the slightest touch and things can run amok (amuck). I don't know why that is, but it is - at least for me. While writing this, I cannot think of anything else I could add, other than the fact that the Comic Life apps are among my most used apps for creating comics on my iPad. And I have several comics apps on my iPad. KNB5456 , 02/19/2016 Makes me REALLY mad!! I have to use this app for school. I went to look at one of the comics I had just finished making and I accidentally clicked the trash button, but it didn't delete yet because you have to click another button that says "delete." So I clicked on the empty space around the button thinking that the button that says "delete" would go away and I could edit my comic, but NO! MY COMIC GOT DELETED!!! I tried everything to get it back, but nothing worked. I worked so hard on that comic and now I can't get it back. I am very frustrated and that is why I will only give this app at least one and a half stars. I know u can't do that, but that is what I think it deserves. The people who made this app should really read this review so they can fix this problem. Also they should make a thing so you can see all the comics you deleted in case you accidentally delete one or you need one that you deleted. Please help me!👍 The developer, plasq LLC, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer's privacy policy. English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese © 2011-2019 plasq LLC Comic Connect Comic Life Stickers Comic Touch 2 Comic Life 3 iC Painter for iColorama PS Quick Keyboard Shortcuts ArtExhibit 3Depth - Export Depth Data Filta - Face Filters Strip Designer
the music of bond… james bond { December 30, 2016 @ 9:25 am } · { Uncategorized } hilary kole. photo by bill westmoreland. Hilary Kole is hardly a Bond Girl is any conventional sense. But the toast of Manhattan's most prestigious concert venues (among them, Carnegie Hall, by way of performances with the New York Philharmonic) and cabaret rooms (the famed Rainbow Room, which she began playing at age 21) unquestionably has a fondness for James Bond films. Her preferences, though, run to the music that has been as vital to the evolution of the long running spy movie series as the villainous plot twists, global locales, and, yes, glamorous women. "You have all kinds of people from all different periods that have kind of bonded through Bond," said Kole, who will celebrate New Year's Eve by performing "Casino Royale: The Music of James Bond" with the Lexington Philharmonic. "I feel like its music for everybody." Philharmonic conductor and music director Scott Terrell concurs, citing not just the vocal compositions that have served as theme songs to Bond movies for over 50 years but the instrumental scores, especially those composed for the Sean Connery-era films from the 1960s by John Barry, as key to the continued success of the series and to Bond's overall charisma. "Great film music really sells us the character," Terrell said. "But the music becomes yet another character on the screen, even though it's not a spoken character. I don't think the success of James Bond is as good without the music – at all, just as 'Star Wars' isn't as good without John Williams. I'm sorry, it just isn't going to work. "But what's interesting, particularly with 'Goldfinger' (the vanguard 1964 Bond movie, much of which is set in Kentucky) is how the music is really evocative of this particular era of the Bond movie. That's Shirley Bassey (the singer who performed the theme, as well as those from two other Bond movies in the '70s) at her best. It draws a very strong image of the picture." The "Casino Royale" program is striking because is represents a parade of hits by predominantly female vocalists whose styles and temperaments reflect the many eras in which the Bond movies were made. Aside from Bassey, those singers include Nancy Sinatra, Carly Simon, Sheena Easton, Rita Coolidge, Gladys Knight, Tina Turner and, as recently as 2012's "Skyfall," Adele. "You can't really compare the originals," Kole said, "My goodness, there are so many singers that have recorded these songs. So I don't try to do that. I try to just be true to the song. It's always a fun thing for me to see how far I can push things, starting off with one tradition, going into rock 'n' roll and then the music of someone like Adele." Even though Kole plans on putting her own interpretative spin on the music, Terrell said the stylistic breadth of the songs, from the soft spoken pop of Marvin Hamlisch's "Nobody Does it Better" (sung by Simon for 1977's "The Spy Who Loved Me") to the more brazen rock and soul of the U2 penned title tune to "Goldeneye" (recorded for the film by Turner) calls for a vocalist with an equally dynamic range. "You need somebody like Hilary to tackle the variety and range of this music," he said. "It's a heavy lift, which she does really well. Plus, she is a very engaging personality both on an off the stage. For Kole, the appeal of the Bond movies stems back to her childhood, although she confessed her father, Broadway actor and singer Robert Kole, was the bigger fan. "My dad was a James Bond addict. I remember my parents watching the films and then getting to see them on television myself when I was very young. When I started researching for this show, I took another look at a lot of the films and was thinking, 'Wow, they let me watch this?'" Terrell also considers himself part of the Bond films' enduring, cross-generational audience. "I think Bond still has the same allure," he said. "That's ultimately it. It hasn't lost its interest for any generation. "Hey, I'm not going to lie. Whenever the next James Bond movie comes out, I will likely be there within the first week." Casino Royale: The Music of James Bond featuring the Lexington Philharmonic and Hilary Kole will be performed 7:30 p.m. Dec. 31 at the Lexington Opera House, 401 W. Short. The concert is sold out.
University of Cambridge > Talks.cam > Early Modern Economic and Social History Seminars > Debtors' schedules: a new source for understanding the economy in 18th-century England Debtors' schedules: a new source for understanding the economy in 18th-century England Tawny Paul, University of Exeter, and Jeremy Boulton, Newcastle University Thursday 24 May 2018, 17:00-19:00 History Faculty Room 12. If you have a question about this talk, please contact sja60. Debtors' schedules, or inventories of wealth produced in the wake of Debtor Insolvency Acts, constitute a significant and relatively unused source related to the economy of eighteenth-century England. This paper presents new research on the scope and significance of schedules. It explores their potential to provide new insights into wealth, credit and work, and considers their relationship to probate material. This talk is part of the Early Modern Economic and Social History Seminars series. AUB_Cambridge Seminars Early Modern Economic and Social History Seminars Economic and Social History Seminars History Faculty Room 12 St John's College Larmor Society 2011-12 Art Cell Gallery Complement and microglia mediated sensory-motor synaptic loss in Spinal Muscular Atrophy 'They don't know about the people who live here': Local non-participation in extractive resource management in Greenland A novel aspect of Macrophage biology: learning from the great opportunist HIV-1 New constraints on Lyman-α opacity with a sample of 62 quasars at z > 5.7 Epigenetics: One Genome, Multiple Phenotypes Machine Learning for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation
The combination hazard of extreme tide, rainfall, wave and storm surge events for coasts and estuaries are driven by the spatial and temporal distribution of events. However, sea level rise and changes in storm patterns will change the joint probability of multiple hazard events occurring and may even conspire to generate an extreme combination hazard event. These changes could make our previous understanding of risk and mitigation measures, obsolete. The changing distribution of events challenges existing probabilistic approaches to combination hazard assessment and recent developments in hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling mean process based assessments may now be possible. This session therefore aims to better understanding coastal hazard events by bringing together researchers from all flood risk, extreme value analysis, earth system processes and climate change disciplines. The session has a broad scope and welcomes research studying past and future combination hazards, from field, statistical and numerical modelling approaches in coastal and estuarine contexts. Whilst broadly focused on flood/inundation risk the session also welcomes contributions looking at combination hazard impacts on the geomorphology and geochemical/nutrient fluxes in coasts and estuaries.
The entire process of moving, either to a new home or a different office, can turn out to be rather overwhelming. There are so many things you need to take care of, and you probably wonder how you will manage to pack everything and of course to transport all of your things. Chairs, tables, desks or electronic devices, there are so many things to pack and to move to your new location. Working with a moving company is the best option you have. Why complicate yourself by renting a truck, when a moving company will bring you more advantages? However, even if you have decided upon this option, you need to be careful what moving company you hire, because making the wrong choice will bring you inconveniences and unpleasantness. For many people moving is a burden due to the stress that comes along. Relocating can turn out to be an upsetting process if you do not work with reliable movers. When looking for verhuizingen Rotterdam, make sure you pay attention to every small details before you hire a company. The first and most important aspect that you need to find out is if the movers are licensed. Without a doubt, you want to work with professionals, and the first sign of seriousness and professionalism is this. If the company is certified then they will probably take their job serious and provide you with good moving services. Avoid working with people that seem unreliable from the start, and that do not offer you enough information regarding their license or certificate; you certainly do not want to have any unpleasant surprises. Another detail that makes a difference between one moving company and another is if they give you a warranty of your items. Your furniture, electronics, clothes or other items are your life's savings and you definitely would not want anything to happen to them. Therefore, ask in advance if the moving company you are planning on hiring offers you a warranty for every item transported. This aspect should not be neglected, if you do not want your moving to become a nightmare. This details is important not only for home relocation but for kantoorverhuizingen as well. Packing every object of the house can be a tiring and time consuming process for the common person. If you are bad at packing and are stressing over this relocation, then you can check out if the certain movers you would want to hire offer you this service as well. A reliable and professional moving company will give you a variety of options to choose from. Therefore, you can state beforehand that you would want to benefit from additional services such as packing or unpacking. This will make the entire process of relocation smoother and worry-free. You will be able to find a trust-worthy company, such as Jacdenhollander, if you find out for how long it has been on the market. Working in this industry for a long time means that the movers have enough experience to provide you with only the best services.
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Megan Berry Your new personal shopper is on Facebook Messenger How conversational commerce will change the shopping experience Personal shoppers are only for the elite, right? Imagine the VIP service a well-off customer gets in a luxury store. They get a personal shopper; let's call him Pierre. Pierre helps find the perfect product for them. He lets them know when new items come in stock or when there's a sale. Pierre calls when the item they… The Octane AI team on our retreat in Utah What We Learned Planning Our First Ever Team Retreat How We Changed Our Team Forever By Flying To The Mountains Team retreats are an incredible way to bring a company together. If you are an all-remote company, like we are at Octane AI, I would say they are even essential. I'm going to share why it's important and some tips to having a great team retreat. Why Have a Team Retreat? The Complete Guide to Working On A Remote Team The secret to increasing productivity, work–life balance, and team happiness This is a guide for people on remote teams or those considering it. Why go remote? What are the benefits and how do you overcome the downsides? Learn how remote life can make employees happier and more productive if done right. Avoid the common mistakes and learn best practices. What Does It Mean to Work at an All-Remote Company? Getting Started with your Octane AI bot for Facebook Messenger Your bot is live! Now it's time to connect with people Don't have an Octane AI bot for Messenger? Sign up free to start now! You've got a bot! Now it's time to get people to connect, and keep them engaged. Facebook Messenger already has 1.2 billion active users so your bot is a chance to engage with them. We see much higher click-through rates on Messenger than email or other marketing channels. Share Your Bot — Everywhere Most people… 30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years About Startups, Dating, Travel and More Today I'm 30. Young enough to still talk with friends about how well we're "adulting." Old enough to have a real career and opinions about "kids these days," including my own nieces and nephews, who use lip-syncing social networks I don't understand. Possibly as just a self-indulgence (so millennial of… The Next Great Newsletters are Going to be Bots In November, I joined Octane AI to help build the future of bots. Four months have sped by and I believe now more than ever that bots are an incredibly powerful way to reach your audience. There are more people on Facebook Messenger than Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram combined, yet… I'm Joining Octane AI to Help Build the Future of Bots I'm excited to share that today is my first day at General Catalyst-backed Octane AI as Head of Product. Octane AI launched on November 2nd (CNN, TechCrunch, VentureBeat) with the mission of making bots (aka chatbots) easy to build and accessible for everyone. Their early launch partners include 50 Cent… Published in The MVP 9 Tips for Better Product Collaboration with Engineering Here are a few of the lessons I've learned leading product at Octane AI and RebelMouse: 1. Start With Why This may seem like an obvious suggestion, but it's amazing how often the "why" gets left behind in the quest for "we need to get this live now." Even though it's such a core… Why We Startup: The High of Creation and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz I first did magic when I was eleven. I made a lemon dance across a screen. It looked effortless but it took me countless hours. I debated the lemon's smile; I finagled the dancing animation; I almost quit, but I did it. I put it on my site and watched… 5 Ways For Men in Tech to Support Workforce Equality While Barely Trying Credit: gratisography Dear Men in Tech, If you want to truly go above and beyond to become an advocate for women in tech, there are so many things you could do, such incredible differences you could make, but that is a different essay. Here I'm talking about easy things. Here are 5… VP of Product @OctaneAI. Previously VP Product @RebelMouse, Community @Klout. Stanford grad.
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Dr. Swapan Kumar Haldar B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Dr. Kajal Bhattacharyya B.H.M.S(Hons.) Associate Professor H.O.D. Dr. Milan Kanti Roy B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Dr. Mukta Lal Jana B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Dr. Himangsu Hait B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Reader H.O.D. Dr. Rakesh Singh B.H.M.S.(Hons.), M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Dr. Sujit Kumar Biswas B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Dr. Alok Kumar Naskar B.H.M.S.(Hons.), M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Community Medicine Dr. Tripura Sankar Saha B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Taking & Repertory Dr. Rajat Kumar Pal B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Professor H.O.D. Dr. Md. Monowar Hossain B.H.M.S, M.D.(Hom.) Reader H.O.D.
LIVE PANEL: How Can Search and Conversion Work More Effectively Together? A live panel discussion on how search marketing teams and conversion rate optimisation teams can work more effectively together. AVADO's Head of Product, Digital Marketing David Bain will be joined by ConversionElite & Search Elite Conference speakers Russell McAthy, Jono Alderson, Tim Stewartand Gerry White.
Q: return from incompatible pointer type? I get the warning Return from incompatible pointer type in line where I return sarray, why though? I have been trying to figure out for a while now.. I also get a warning for incompatible pointer type in line ( *iarray )[CHARACTER_LIMIT] = scanCode(); but I think if I fixed the first part, this would be easier to fix this one. #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_WORDS 9054 //Scope variables #define CHARACTER_LIMIT 6 #define MAX_TRIPLETS 3018 char** scanCode(void) { FILE *in_file; int i = 0; static char sarray[MAX_WORDS][CHARACTER_LIMIT]; in_file = fopen("message.txt", "r"); for(i=0; i<WORD_COUNT_MAX; i++) { fscanf(in_file,"%s", sarray[i]); } return sarray; fclose(in_file); } int main(void) { char ( *iarray )[CHARACTER_LIMIT] = scanCode(); while(1); return 0; } A: sarray is an array or arrays, which can decay to pointer to array, but not pointer to pointer. Converting sarray to char** should be an error. Besides that, scanCode() returns a pointer to pointer to char. iarray is a pointer to array of char with length CHARACTER_LIMIT. These are not the same type, and the compiler is warning you about this. You need to change either the return type of the function: char (*scanCode(void))[CHARACTER_LIMIT] { .... return sarray; } Here, sarray decays to a pointer to array of length CHARACTER_LIMIT.
The 2016–17 FAI Intermediate Cup, also known as the 2016–17 Umbro FAI Intermediate Cup for sponsorship reasons, is the 90th season of the national Intermediate Football competition of the Republic of Ireland. The sixteen teams that reach the Fourth Round will qualify for the 2017 FAI Cup. First round Intermediate teams from the Munster Senior League, Leinster Senior League, and the Ulster Senior League entered in this round. The First Round was regionalised, so teams from the Munster Senior League played each other, teams from the Leinster Senior League played each other and teams from the Ulster Senior League played each other on a knockout basis. The draw was made on 7 September 2016 with games played on 16,17,18,21 and 25 September 2016. Munster Byes: Ballinhassig A.F.C. Mayfield United Castleview A.F.C. Passage A.F.C. Douglas Hall A.F.C. Riverstown F.C. Everton A.F.C. St Mary's A.F.C. Kilreen Celtic F.C. Wilton United F.C. Leeside A.F.C. Leinster Byes: Arklow Town Inchicore Athletic F.C. Ballymun United F.C. Liffey Wanderers Bangor Celtic Lucan United F.C. Beggsboro A.F.C. Malahide United Celbridge Town F.C. Portmarnock A.F.C. Cherry Orchard Sacred Heart F.C. Crumlin United Shamrock Bhoys F.C. Drumcondra F.C. Skerries Town F.C. St.John Bosco F.C. Dunboyne A.F.C. St. Patrick's C.Y.F.C. Edenderry Town St James Gate F.C. Firhouse Clover F.C. T.E.K. United Greystones A.F.C. Tolka Rovers F.C. Home Farm F.C. Wayside Celtic F.C. Ulster Byes: Bonagee United Swilly Rovers F.C. Fanad United Second round The Second Round was also regionalised, so teams from the Munster Senior League played each other, teams from the Leinster Senior League played each other and teams from the Ulster Senior League played each other on a knockout basis. The draw was made on 4 October with games played on 20,21,22 and 23 October 2016. Munster Leinster Ulster Third round The Third Round was not regionalised, so teams from the Munster Senior League, Leinster Senior League, and Ulster Senior League all played each other on a knockout basis. The draw was made on 1 November with games played on or before 27 November 2016. Fourth round References 5 5 FAI Intermediate Cup
MARITIME REGULATION NIMASA Releases Score-card, As FG Grants Zero Duty On New Vessels L-R: Mr Shehu Ahmed, Executive Director, Operations, Dr. Bashir Jamoh, Director General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) and Right Hon. Victor Ochei at the maiden media parley in 2022 Zero duty has been approved for brand new imported vessels into the country as a means of boosting indigenous shipping through fiscal incentives by the federal government of Nigeria. The Director-General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA, Dr. Bashir Jamoh, made the announcement in a chat with maritime journalists. He said under NIMASA's shipping promotion program, monetary and fiscal incentives were requested from the federal government to provide incentives for shippers and the government acceded in different measures. Dr Bashir Jamoh said for the very first time government offered generous incentives to shipping companies by granting from zero duty on brand new vessels and vessels aged 1-2years had approved a minimal customs duty rate of 1% to 2% and the incentives graduated in descending order against the age of the vessel." The DG also revealed that the monetary aspect of the incentive sought for the shipping companies was still in the works between NIMASA and the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. He further explained the rationale for the zero duty that the new policy will encourage the acquisition of new vessels by indigenous ship owners and ensure that the nation no longer has rickety and rusty buckets on its territorial waters which often caused accidents and sooner than later abandoned and dumped as wrecks. The helmsman at the nation's maritime industry regulatory agency further highlighted the performance of NIMASA in the preceding year in spite of the debilitating effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world economy of which Nigeria was not left out. 2021 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Improved contribution of N37 billion to the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) of the Federal Government as against N31 billion in 2020. In the preceding year 2021, a total of 1,164 vessels were inspected and surveyed under the Flag State Control (FSC) and Port State Control (PSC) as against 786 in 2020. On the PSC and FSC operations, it recorded an increase of 32.4 per cent in the activities in 2021 compared to that of 2020. Under the FSC, NIMASA inspectors inspected 489 vessels in 2021 as against 276 in 2020 while it boarded 675 ships in line with its PSC functions in 2021 compared to 510 in 2020. A further breakdown of vessels inspection in 2021 under FSC revealed that 26 vessels inspected in January, in February- 19 vessel, March- 29, April- 24, May- 32, June-75, in July-74, August- 44, September- 34, October- 50, in November- 53 and in December- 49 vessels. On PSC activities, in 2021, in January-43 vessels inspected, in February- 40, in March- 70, April- 75, May- 61, June- 50, July- 53, August- 60, in September- 68, in Oct- 56, November- 50 and in December- 42 vessels only Previous NIMASA Digitalization Reduces Cargo Dwell Time by 98% Next LASWA Reads Riot Act to Boat Operators LASWA Reads Riot Act to Boat Operators NIMASA Digitalization Reduces Cargo Dwell Time by 98%
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about the Emperor Philip II and the all-powerful Caesars who ruled the empire of Ancient Rome. "The boy emperor who died in his mother's arms" Short Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Philip II, Emperor of Rome and provinces of the Roman Empire. Obtain a fast overview of the times of the Roman Emperor Philip II from the following facts and information about his life. The father of Philip II was the Emperor Philip the Arab who ruled with mildness and was an enemy to persecution. His mother was the Roman Empress Marcia Otacilia Severa. His parents were called the first Christian imperial couple because during their reign the persecutions of Christians had ceased and the couple had become tolerant towards the faith of the Christians. Philip II had a happy child with loving, although highly ambitious, parents. In A.D. 249, however, the Illyrian army revolted, and proclaimed their commander, Trajanus Decius, emperor. Decius defeated Philip the Arab near Verona, and put him to death. When news of this death reached Rome Philip II his young son, who had remained at Rome with his mother, was slain by the Praetorian Guards. He died in his mother's arms, he was only eleven years old. The content of this Philip II category in the Emperors of Ancient Rome provides free educational details, facts and information for reference and research for schools, colleges and homework. Refer to the Colosseum Sitemap for a comprehensive search on interesting different categories containing the history, facts and information about the lives and people of Ancient Rome.
Washington State Crime Victim Service Center Hotline Call or Text: 1-888-288-9221 ESCAPE BUTTON Download Rack Cards Crime Victim Responses What is a Victim Advocate? Crime Types Victim Impact Statements Facility Dog Continuing Education for Professionals Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims Missing and Unidentified Persons Awareness National Crime Victims' Rights Week Sign Up for Agency Updates Year Round Sponsorship Opportunities Voices of Victims Candlelight Remembrance Typical Responses After A Crime? Although every victim is different, there are some typical responses: Shock or numbness Victims may feel "frozen" and cut off from their own emotions. Some victims say they feel as if they are "watching a movie" rather than having their own experiences. Victims may not be able to make decisions or conduct their lives as they did before the crime. Denial, disbelief and anger Victims may experience "denial," an unconscious defense against painful or unbearable memories and feelings about the crime. Or, they may experience disbelief, telling themselves, "This could not be happening." They may feel intense anger and a desire to get even with the person who committed the crime. Quite often, victims struggle with confusion about what has happened, and what is going on around them. They may repeat themselves several times, unaware of who they have previously said things to. Feelings of guilt are very common. Victims frequently think that they should have been able to do something to prevent the crime. They often think "If only I had . . . this wouldn't have happened." A desire to become active and "do" something It is very typical for some victims or family members to feel as though they need to "get busy" right away and make sure things are handled. This could be a way of coping for some. Other Typical Responses: trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping continual sadness with frequent crying extreme tension or anxiety lack of motivation and energy outbursts of anger other symptoms of distress for days or weeks following a trauma Secondary injuries: When victims do not receive the support and help they need after the crime, they may suffer "secondary" injuries. They may be hurt by a lack of understanding from friends, family, and the professionals they come in contact with – particularly if others seem to blame the victim for the crime (suggesting they should have been able to prevent or avoid it). Call Our 24-Hour Crisis Line Speak with a trained advocate who can provide assistance with needs resulting from victimization. Call by clicking below! "With the help of VSS, you are empowered and encouraged to fight back and be pro-active. Then your conscience can be more at peace because you know you have taken some action to protest crimes inflicted on your loved one. It is sometimes your only consolation." "The one takeaway for me in working with VSS is that it is a necessary organization. I know they are funded by grants and fundraisers but it's something we need to make sure as a community that they have the funding needed because what they do for people in need doesn't happen anywhere else. This is the only place that this happens and VSS helps with so many things." Anchor, Q13 News and Host, Washington's Most Wanted "VSS is there when the unthinkable happens. When a police officer knocks on your door and gives you tragic news, VSS helps navigate the court system, which can be very confusing. VSS is compassion, caring, and commitment. Commitment to once justice is done that victims and their families can move forward with their lives." Jennifer Gregerson Mayor, City of Mukilteo "VSS has been our partner in recovery and healing and a key part in what makes Mukilteo Strong. VSS has been a trusted advocate for the victims that have suffered so much in the community. I'm so grateful to VSS as our partner in strength." Jon Nehring Mayor, City of Marysville "VSS is there for people in their darkest hour. At a time when they need an advocate and friend, VSS steps in to fill that gap and help them begin their journey back to some sense of normalcy." Myrle Carner Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound "This thing about closure. There is never really closure in a victim's life but VSS helps individuals to get closer to that and that's critical because the cops and the judicial system just move on to another case because they don't have time. Victims live with this trauma forever so VSS is with them for as long as they need the services. VSS takes the time, more importantly, they really care." © 2021 Victim Support Services. All Rights Reserved. Tax ID # 91-0993005 PO Box 1949 Everett, WA 98206 Site Design By Super Charge Marketing
How to handle workplace complaints 4 tips for LP professionals "LP guys sometimes have to act like HR people," says David Thompson, vice president of operations for Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates. When incidents such as sexual harassment, workplace violence, bullying or fraternizing are brought to their attention, LP leaders are often on the front lines to handle such complaints. Training is crucial in knowing what to say, how to act and, most importantly, how to gather as much information as possible. At NRF PROTECT, NRF's annual loss prevention event, Thompson outlined how an intake interview is likely to be influenced by biases that come with experience and offered tips and best practices to preserve true facts. David Thompson, vice president of operations for Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates Ask open-ended questions The interviewer's job is to elicit as much information as possible. Closed questions like "Where were you when this happened?" and "Who were you with?" will only produce minimal information. An open-ended request like "Can you tell me what happened?" is the easiest way to get the witness to tell their story in their own words. It is important to engage in active listening and resist interrupting at this initial stage. Listen actively Active listening means asking an open-ended question to initiate the conversation and then giving the speaker full attention, waiting to ask clarifying questions until the story has been told. Interrupting can stop the speaker's train of thought even when they are recounting their own experiences. The incident in question is likely to have been uncomfortable, disturbing, embarrassing or elicit a variety of other negative emotions in the first place, and retelling the story may bring up similar emotions. It is normal for someone under duress to forget important details, but an engaged listener can ease the tension. If there are gaps in the story, an investigator may find themselves filling in those gaps using their own experiences. "It's important that we ask clarifying questions and we don't make assumptions," Thompson says. Choose words carefully "Everybody is different," Thompson says. The perception of an incident and the words they choose to describe it may differ vastly from person to person. When someone says, "It made a loud noise," their perception of "loud" may be far from another's. "Allow them to use their words first," Thompson says. "It's important during these interviews," he says, "that we use the same words that the subject used." However, the investigator must be careful not to repeat accusatory words. "Your employees think you know the answer because you're the investigator," Thompson says, so repeating accusations is likely to solidify them as fact, whether it is true or not: "Tell me more about that" is a far better phrase than "How hard did Gary hit Craig?" Elicit as much information as possible A skilled investigator can employ tactics to put the interviewee at ease and help jog their memory. Use diagrams: Ask the witness to draw, for example, a map of the location where the event took place before walking the investigator through what happened. Increase cognitive load: Ask questions that increase the amount of brain power or memory needed to answer. This method also reduces the potential for fabrications or alterations of the truth as it becomes harder to keep track of details. Reverse the order: "Just like I retrace my steps when I lose my keys," Thompson says, a third tactic is to ask for the witness to repeat their story in different orders and perspectives. For more resources for loss prevention and asset protection professionals, check out NRF's LP resources and tools; to learn more about NRF PROTECT, visit the event recap. NRF PROTECT, Loss Prevention Two-thirds of retailers see increase in organized thefts Organized retail crime affects almost all merchants and more than two-thirds have seen an increase in the past year. 2019 Organized Retail Crime Survey ORC continues to pose a serious threat, costing retailers $703,320 per $1 billion in sales. Securing Online Transactions from Digital Skimming Executive brief on digital skimming risks to the retail industry and recommendations to mitigate these risks.
Grade 3-4 class fundraiser by Alison Francis | May 9, 2014 | School Project We are honoured that the kids in a grade 3-4 split class in Calgary, AB are raising awareness of our school and fundraising to help us get to opening day in July. It's inspiring to see such compassion and a desire to help in these bright little stars. Please check out... Kids helping kids by Alison Francis | May 9, 2014 | News The Easter Charity Auction was a big success. We announced a few weeks ago that a portrait of the elephant lady was going on auction in support of us at Helping Hands. We just found out that an incredible amount of € 520 was raised! With much thanks to the children... Easter charity auction by Alison Francis | Apr 7, 2014 | School Project We are honoured at Helping Hands to be chosen as the recipients of the proceeds from a rather large piece of art from an online charity auction. Thanks to Ketterer Kunst and children at the kindergarten "Die kleinen Strolche" (The Little Rascals) in Grünwald near... Yagna – Save the Date by Alison Francis | Feb 22, 2014 | School Project We're delighted to announce that we are inaugurating our school on March 8, 2014 at 11 am India Standard time. Yogrishi Visvhketu will preside over the yagna (fire puja) - a special ceremony performed with the aim to bring prosperity, health and happiness to the... Meet the kids by Alison Francis | Feb 10, 2014 | School Project, School Visits Meet the future teachers, doctors and protectors of India! Here are some of the children who will be coming to our school. by Alison Francis | Jan 22, 2014 | News We have big plans to finish the school in the next few months which includes lots of cleaning, painting, planting trees and preparing the gardens. We're also working on a plan to stock the school with furniture, books and much needed school supplies for the kids. With... Tax receipts now available for US donations by Alison Francis | Jan 21, 2014 | School Project We are excited to announce that we have formed a partnership with The Village Cooperative! The Village Cooperative is a charitable organization dedicated to the creation and support of income-generating projects in the developing world. Their vision is to empower... 2013 Fundraising Goal Reached We are overflowing with gratitude and are sending out a big heart-felt thank you to everyone who has helped us to reach our fundraising goal in 2013. We've had a busy and amazing year. We are putting the finishing touches on the inside of the school so it will look... Raising the roof by Alison Francis | Oct 28, 2013 | School Project Construction is coming along well! Charity Status! by Alison Francis | Aug 16, 2013 | News Hey, listen up as we've got some amazing news... It's been a long time in the making and today we are super excited to announce that we now have an official charity status in Canada! You can find our new...
amp 2016 SHAN PAKISTAN Founded in 1981, Shan Foods is a leading spice company in Pakistan that caters to most of the domestic demand of spices apart from exporting its products to more than 50 countries. Shan Foods Pvt. Ltd is Pakistan's leading food company with its products being appreciated globally. Shan Foods is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 22000 (Food & Safety Management) certified organisation. It is a certified member of SANHA (South African National Halal Authority), BRC (British Retail Consortium), FDA (Food and Drug Administration) registered and is in compliant with PSQCA (The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority). Shan's success is based on a dedicated team of professionals who collectively embrace a unique combination of strong core values like timely delivery, achievement and commitment, excellence and dedication. ENGAGEMENT THAT ENTHRALS The main reason for Shan Foods to have reached this position in Pakistan as well as the global market is the unmatched taste of its products, brand portfolio, R&D capability, unrivalled international spread and its superior quality spices. Rejuvenating existing business, manufacturing high quality products and expanding into foreign markets are among the initiatives the company has undertaken with great vigour. The brand boasts of a presence in more than 50 countries across five continents. It has around 500 distributors in Pakistan alone, focussing on both retail and wholesale. Even with rapidly changing lifestyle, the brand maintains its true 'Pakistani' taste. ƒƒThe brand boasts of a presence in more than 50 countries across five continents. It has around 500 distributors in Pakistan alone ƒƒShan Foods is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000 (Food & Safety Management) certified organization ƒƒ It is a recipient of Superior Taste Award from iTQi (International Taste and Quality Institute, Brussels) for the last four years ƒƒ A certified member of SANHA (South African National Halal Authority), BRC (British Retail Consortium), FDA (Food and Drug Administration) INT+ WCRC - March 28, 2016 Euro Star UAE ASIA'S MOST PROMISING BRANDS 2016 AQUALITE India SADAFCO Saudi Arabia
Clean the basil, dry thoroughly and take the leaves away from the stalks. Cut the cheese into chunks. Using a food processor feed in the cheese and process until the size of coarse breadcrumbs, add the pine nuts and garlic and process again, add the basil and process briefly then keep the machine running while you pour in the oil. Season to taste. Store in the fridge for up to one month. Crush a large handful of basil in a pestle and mortar or food processor with salt, whilst continously adding olive oil until you have liquid consistency. Add a small amount of lemon and peper to taste.
Describe in detail what happened including the concern or potential issue, the environment (weather, terrain, fire behavior, etc), and the resulting health issue. Ignition for the Coyote RX began at 1800 the evening of October 25th. Night ignitions were necessary due to the dry fuel conditions, fuel load and the fact that we were burning an MSO PAC for research and needed to minimize the fire behavior as much as possible for the current conditions. We had two burn groups working the north end of the proposed burn area; Firing group #1 on the East side and Firing Group #2 on the west side with the plan to bring fire from north to south within the containment lines and a series of drainages that separated the two burn groups. The fire behavior was very active and we had to adjust burn patterns and techniques a few times in order to lesson the severity within the block. We also had numerous spots across one of our holding features which slowed progress slightly. As progress was made from north to south Firing group #1 held up their burn to let firing group #2 tie into their fire before moving to another section of the burn area. Additionally a fenceline slowed down some of the interior burners close to the tie in point. As the rest of the burners progressed a horseshoe occurred in the middle that cut off the interior burners separating the burn group into two groups with the horseshoe in between. As progress was made toward Group #1 fire/tie in point 6 of the burners from Group#2 were cut off from their escape route and they were forced to walk through fire/heat to get out to the road and safety. Burners along the road had brought fire too close to the tie in point and before the burners could get to the road the lines of fire had grown together and created a barrier to the road. The time of this occurrence was around 0230 on the 26th. At this point all of Firing Group #2 was absorbed into the holding group and Firing Group #1 continued with ignitions for another 2 hours or so. Reporting Individual : please describe actions you took to correct or mitigate the unsafe/unhealthful event. 1. Night time burn- things aren't always as they appear at night (i.e. distance, fuel load, etc.) and most of the burners had not walked the unit during daylight hours. May have been a contributing factor. 2. Dry fuels/ heavy fuel load was conducive for active fire spread. Multiple comments were made about the gap left for burners to get out closed much faster that anticipated. 3. Communication- a lot of individuals said they thought about saying something but didn't. Example- moving too fast, the stagger of burners was off, too many burners, etc. 4. Condensed time frame due to ADEQ stating we would not have approval for the following night due to smoke in the Verde Valley from the day before- basically telling us to get it all done quickly. 5. FIRB acting as a burner instead of performing FIRB functions only- could have used him as a scout ahead of the burners to let them know distance/time frame to tie burns in safely. 6. Cumulative fatigue- very long fire season straight into RX burning. 7. Tunnel Vision/task focus- "just wanted to tie in and move to the next task"
Family caregivers truly are the backbone of Ohio's long-term care system. Approximately 1.7 million Ohioans provide some level of unpaid care for a loved one who is older or who has a disability. Caregivers are spouses, children, grandchildren, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors and others. Linda is a 55-year-old grandparent caregiver living in Gallia County. For the past 12 years, she has raised her three young grandchildren. Linda became involved with the Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc. Caregiver Support Program after a counselor for one of the grandchildren referred her. Linda lives in a small home with no stove and had been cooking all their meals in a microwave oven. Following a home visit, area agency staff linked Linda to supplemental services in the Caregiver Support Program and the Help Fund (a support program funded by donations from area agency staff), and helped Linda get a new stove. The first real meal Linda fixed for her family on the new stove was pot roast. Linda related, "It is nice knowing there is someone out there that understands what grandparents raising grandchildren are going through." Linda continues to receive support from the area agency, including a monthly newsletter with information and education resources. Area agencies on aging work every day to help older adults and their families live healthy lives and stay connected to their communities.
February « 2018 « Ableton Denver! In the Asian countries on the Pacific Rim, Vijay Eswaran serves as an inspiration to many young people and budding entrepreneurs. Eswaran came from a working-class family and in the face of tremendous challenges he built a very successful company and is now one of Asia's richest men and a generous philanthropist. The company Vijay Eswaran co-founded, the multilevel marketing firm the QI Group, now generate a billion dollars a year in revenue, created over a million jobs and has improved the quality of life for millions of people. Vijay Eswaran explains that it's the right mindset and work ethic that's responsible for his success. Eswaran shares the keys to his success and the secret to improving one's life in the series of books and articles he has written. In his piece entitled 'Two Minutes From The Abyss', Eswaran points out that life can be over in an instant. He explains that to succeed people must act with a sense of urgency today, because tomorrow is not promised to anyone. In '3 Ways Fear Drives Success' Eswaran points out that fear is actually excitement in disguise, should be used to energize not paralyze you and is an excellent motivator for personal growth. These are powerful, life-altering teachings. Change begins from within and is never easy, Eswaran writes in 'The Stages Of Change'. One change leads to another like waves rushing to the shore. Eventually the person is transformed mentally, physically, and spiritually like rocks on the beach eventually become sand. The bigger and more intense the change, the faster progress is made. Change is painful, euphoric and freeing simultaneously and leads to growth, wisdom and prosperity when approached properly. In the piece '5 Cs of Servant Leadership' Eswaran notes that good leaders in business and elsewhere must be caring, have clarity of vision, good core values, a commitment to growth and the ability to create the willingness to sacrifice. When they lead by using these actions, their chances for success increase exponentially. A close look at the rise of Vijay Eswaran shows him doing these things on a daily basis. Paul Mampilly is a winner of the Templeton Foundation investment competition and a professional American investor who has made all kinds of money through his knowledge and experience in the stock market. What experience does Mampilly have, exactly? Well, for starters, he has worked on Wall Street for more than two decades, and he started from the very bottom as an account administrator, with Bankers Trust, in 1991 who had just emigrated from India. What set Mampilly apart from others was the fact that he was a quick learner and hard worker, and this helped him to move up fast. Paul Mampilly, eventually, found himself as a manager of million dollar accounts with Bankers Trust, ING, and Deutsche Bank. Overall, he managed hundreds of millions of dollars for those companies, and in 2006, he went to work with Kinetics Asset Management. While there, he helped the company to turn its assets into $25 billion and also worked with Sears as well as the Royal Bank of Scotland by managing their money. Slowly, over the years, he grew tired of spending long hours away from his family working to make the wealthy even wealthier, and he longed to make a change of direction. When he turned 42, he decided to retire from Wall Street and, instead, began to pursue a career as a writer. Since Paul Mampilly wanted to start to help the average, everyday, American rather than wealthy Wall Street elites, he decided to team up with Banyan Hill Publishing, which is a subsidiary of Agora. The research network, altogether, has a subscriber base of over 2.4 million and its reach is as large as the Wall Street Journal. At Banyan Hill Publishing, Mampilly has built his own subscriber base of more than 90,000 people who receive his Profits Unlimited newsletter. Since the launching of Profits Unlimited, he has managed to recommend stocks to his following that have increased by as much as 73%, and one of his recommended stocks is up over 200%. The interesting thing about Paul Mampilly, that most people don't know, is the fact that he is technically already retired and that he could stop writing or working at any time if he wanted. He has made plenty of money through his investing but doesn't want to stop helping other people to do the same. His new role as a writer for his newsletter allows him to continue to help regular Americans find wealth while also giving him the time to be with his family as much as he wants. Whille not everyone thinks about the clothes they wear, there are those that do and realize that they want to dress attractively. The only issue is that a lot of the fashion retailers do not make it easy on people to dress in ways that bring about satisfaction in their appearance. In many cases, retailers, even the ones that sell primarily clothes are going to bring only the basic items. Department stores, for instance, have plenty of different brands, but they only sell the same items. Therefore, a lot of people who are interested in fashion are going to be bored with what is offered. This is where The RealReal comes in. This company is a fashion retailer that sells a wide variety of items. For one thing, they have plenty of brands and room to sell more of the inventory from the brands. Therefore, people are going to find more variety in the items. Given that there is more diversity in what is offered, people are going to be able to explore items that are their style. For people that are only concerned with necessity and function, they can choose a lot of the utilitarian items. People with a desire for elegance can also find something that meets their desires. The RealReal has been created with the purpose of bringing people something that is more suited to their tastes. The founders of this fashion company are aware that the clothes that are offered by department stores and brands are only suited to certain tastes. This leaves people very little room to be adventurous and explore their style. Fortunately, The RealReal is the company that opens up the world of fashion to such people so that they can enjoy finding ways to bring out their personal appeal. The clothes are made up of material that makes them feel comfortable as well. Paul Mampilly Predicts the End of Wall Street. Paul Mampilly is a former Wall Street insider. He spent two decades as a stock analyst and fund manager helping to make wealthy people even wealthier. He has worked for such institutions as Bankers Trust, the Royal Bank of Scotland, ING, private Swiss banks, Sears and Deutsche Bank. The hedge fund he managed for Kinetics Asset Management was named as one of the world's best by BARRON'S. It's important to understand Paul Mampilly is not an outsider criticizing Wall Street. He knows how it works. Therefore, investors should pay close attention to a recent blog article he wrote predicting an end to the glory days of Wall Street, especially the investment banking function. The purpose for having a stock market is not to give investors a chance to get rich by buying and selling shares of stocks. That happens, but that's not why the stock exchanges exist. The whole purpose is to raise money for companies to get listed on the stock exchanges. It's a big deal for the companies, but they basically need the money that comes from selling their shares of stock to investors to expand and improve their businesses. And that's how, historically, the major Wall Street institutions have made the big money. They charge corporations 5% to 7% to help them go public. According to one study of documents at the Securities and Exchange Commission, companies paid on average $3.5 million. But Paul Mampilly says that sounds too low. The process does require a lot of knowledge and experience to avoid breaking a government securities law or regulation. But it takes a big bite out of what the companies wind up receiving. Wall Street investment bankers have been so greedy, they've practically killed off the goose that lays the golden egg. In 1999, Wall Street held 486 Initial Public Offerings. That has declined to just 105 in 2016. Now, because of the blockchain technology introduced by Bitcoin, new companies that need to raise more capital are using Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) or Initial Token Offerings (ITO). It costs only $100 to $300,000, a lot less than a Wall Street investment bank would charge. So far, nobody has yet used this method to raise money in place of an initial offering of stock. However, once somebody figures it out and successfully accomplished it, the middlemen of Wall Street are doomed, disrupted by technology. Paul Mampilly writes an investment newsletter called Profits Unlimited where he advises readers how to profit from such opportunities. Equities First Holdings was only just founded back in 2002 and has grown since then. The company wants to expand its global influence to a surprising extent overall. They are ready to piece together subsidiaries that have worked to fulfill their own goals. The company has gone global, with a presence in nine other countries. Equities First Holdings is ready to discuss valuable details for their work. The lender has also acquired other companies along the way. That has given them renewed standing in a challenging marketplace. Equities First Holdings is poised to lead the way once again. People look to their business model to fulfill important deals that need to be finalized. Equities First Holdings is a reputable institution and wants to do their part.
Home » Reviews » CD » P » Perversion - Dies Irae Perversion - Dies Irae Perversion by Ricardo Casagrande at 07 December 2022, 5:49 AM Perversion began in 2008 and had their first demo in 2009 titled Metal is Death. After that, they put out split albums and two more demo's in 2011 but it wasn't until 2013 for them to release a full length offering called Storm of Evil. The next few years were riddled with two more, three track demo's, before they put out an EP in 2020 called Archaic Death Metal. The band have built a reputation for a kick to the face, straight forward thrash metal with an aggressive death metal rage that engages multiple genres. The album starts off with a cinematography like piece of music before descending into madness with the track "Baghaved Genocide". The track is pure and raw with technical tendencies, a release of aggression from beginning to end. The vocals are impressive on the track and the album in general as they have a forced howl that seems to be easily sustained at will. The guitars are active and pushing the tempo and include a really solid soaring solo. The drums open up the next track "Decapitation" and are a decimating influence within the song. For the majority of the songs there seems to be a constant motion to the music, not much time wasted or slow playing the track which gives you a feeling that it is what the band is all about. "Axioms of Domination" is a top track on the release for me. The band creates a solid melody around an electric pace, with chunky guitars and lighting fast rolls the song is a solid death metal banger. "Barbaric Execution" is a fitting name for this track as it is a barbaric assault on your senses with devastating precise drums and tremored guitars. The low demonic growls haunt the track and the tempo changes are very well done given that they happen within ultra fast guitar work. It is the placement of varied riffs and tempos that give you the sense of strong song writing on this track. "Migration Into Darkness" follows the path that has been laid by the previous tracks by capturing the descent into madness. There is not much more to be said that hasn't already been said, you get what you get and that is that. The drums are thunderously formed to create a lightning fast pace for the guitar and bass to work with, while the screeching and soaring lead guitar creates layers of sound. Fans of pure speed death metal that have not yet been introduced to the band will be huge fans of this release. It is a none stop ride generating a massive sound that can not be ignored. Though fans of a little more variety to the song structures may feel like they get lost between the tracks and that they blend together, the writing is on the wall with these guys and there is no denying it. In terms of technical death metal, this is a very good album that holds nothing back. Musicianship: 8 1. Dies Irae 2. Baghaved Genocide 3. Decapitation 4. Axioms of Domination 5. Fathomless Cruelty 6. Unveiling the Primordial Revelation 7. Barbaric Execution 8. Migration into Darkness Fernando Conde - Vocals, Guitars Alan Hoover - Bass Pete Gibbs - Drums Record Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Q: Define a constant array of struct known at compilation-time In my program I have constant strings, the values are known at compilation time. For each offset there are currently 2 associated strings. I first wrote the following code: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; BLOCK-1 (defstruct test-struct str-1 str-2)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ;; BLOCK-2 (defparameter +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ nil) ;; ITEM-1 (let ((vector (make-array 10 :initial-element (make-test-struct) :element-type 'test-struct))) (setf (test-struct-str-1 (aref vector 0)) "test-0-1") (setf (test-struct-str-2 (aref vector 0)) "test-0-2") (setf +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ vector))) (format t "[~A]~%" (test-struct-str-1 (elt +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ 0))) (format t "[~A]~%" (test-struct-str-2 (elt +GLOBAL-VECTOR-CONSTANT+ 0))) This seems to work as it returns the following: [test-2-1] [test-2-2] In BLOCK-1 the struct containing the data is defined, for compile-time, load-time and execute-time. In BLOCK-2, the code which create a vector and sets the values is executed, at compile-time. But I have the following concerns: * *This code seems unnecessary verbose *The strings are stored in a structure *I need to manually set the offset of each values ((aref vector 0), (aref vector 1), etc). *When I set ITEM-1 inside BLOCK-1 instead of BLOCK-2 I get an error in SBCL which I don't understand What is the idiomatic way to define complex constants in Common Lisp? A: First of all, your let code can be simplified to (defparameter +global-vector-constant+ (let ((vector ...)) ... vector)) Second, you can also do (defparameter +global-vector-constant+ (make-array 10 :element-type 'test-struct :initial-content (cons (make-test-struct :str-1 "test-0-1" :str-2 "test-0-2") (loop :repeat 9 :collect (make-test-struct))))) Note that the benefit of :element-type 'test-struct is generally limited to code self-documentation (see upgraded-array-element-type) A: It's not really clear what you want to do from your question. First important note: your code is seriously broken. It's broken because you define +global-vector-constant+ only at compile time but refer to it later than that. If you compile this file and then load that compiled file into a cold image you will get errors. It is absolutely critical when dealing with things like this to make sure that your code will compile in a cold Lisp. One of the classic problems with resident environments (which CL isn't really, compared to the way Interlisp-D was for instance) is to end up with systems which you can't cold build: I'm pretty sure I worked for several years with an Interlisp-D sysout that no-one knew how to cold build any more. If what you want is an object (an array, for instance) whose initial value is computed at compile time and then treated as a literal, then the answer to that is, in general, a macro: macros are exactly functions which do their work at compile time, and so a macro can expand to a literal. In addition it must be the case that the object you want to be a literal is externalizable (which means 'can be dumped in compiled files') and anything involved in it is known about at compile time. Instances of some classes are externalizable by default, those of some other classes can be made externalizable by user code, and some are not externalizable at all (for instance functions). In quite a lot of simple cases, like the one you gave, if I understand it, you don't really need a macro, and in fact you can almost always get away without one, although it may make your code easier to understand if you do use one. Here is a simple case: many arrays are externalizable if their elements are (defparameter *my-strings* #(("0-l" . "0-r") ("1-l" . "1-r"))) This means that *my-strings* will be bound to a literal array of conses of strings. A more interesting case is when the elements are, for instance structures. Well, structures are also externalizable, so we can do that. And in fact it's quite possible, still, to avoid a macro, although it now becomes a bit noisy. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defstruct foo l r)) (defparameter *my-strings* #(#s(foo :l "0-l" :r "0-r") #s(foo :l "1-l" :r "1-r"))) Note that the following won't work: (defstruct foo l r) (defparameter *my-strings* #(#s(foo :l "0-l" :r "0-r") #s(foo :l "1-l" :r "1-r"))) It won't work because, at compile time, you are trying to externalize instances of a structure which is not yet defined (but it probably will work if the Lisp is not cold, and you might even be able to reload the compiled file you made that way). Again, in this case you can avoid the eval-when in a larger system by ensuring that the file which defines the foo structure is compiled and loaded before the file with the defparameter is loaded. And even in more complex cases you can escape using a macro. For instance for many sorts of objects which are normally not externalizable you can teach the system how to externalize them, and then splice the object in as a literal using #.: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; Again, this would be in its own file in a bigger system (defclass string-table-wrapper () ((strings) (nstrings :initform 0))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((w string-table-wrapper) &key (strings '())) (let ((l (length strings))) (when l (with-slots ((s strings) (n nstrings)) w (setf s (make-array l :initial-contents strings) n l))))) (defmethod make-load-form ((w string-table-wrapper) &optional environment) (make-load-form-saving-slots w :slot-names '(strings nstrings) :environment environment)) ) ;eval-when (defgeneric get-string (from n) (:method ((from string-table-wrapper) (n fixnum)) (with-slots (strings nstrings) from (assert (< -1 n nstrings ) (n) "bad index") (aref strings n)))) (defparameter *my-strings* #.(make-instance 'string-table-wrapper :strings '("foo" "bar"))) Note that, of course, although the value of *my-strings* is a literal, code ran to reconstruct this object at load-time. But that is always the case: it's just that in this case you had to define what code needed to run. Instead of using make-load-form-saving-slots you could have done this yourself, for instance by something like this: (defmethod make-load-form ((w string-table-wrapper) &optional environment) (declare (ignore environment)) (if (slot-boundp w 'strings) (values `(make-instance ',(class-of w)) `(setf (slot-value ,w 'strings) ',(slot-value w 'strings) (slot-value ,w 'nstrings) ,(slot-value w 'nstrtrings))) `(make-instance ',(class-of w)))) But make-load-form-saving-slots is much easier. Here is an example where a macro does perhaps least make reading the code easier. Let's assume you have a function which reads an array of strings from a file, for instance this: (defun file-lines->svector (file) ;; Needs CL-PPCRE (with-open-file (in file) (loop with ltw = (load-time-value (create-scanner '(:alternation (:sequence :start-anchor (:greedy-repetition 1 nil :whitespace-char-class)) (:sequence (:greedy-repetition 1 nil :whitespace-char-class) :end-anchor))) t) for nlines upfrom 0 for line = (read-line in nil) while line collect (regex-replace-all ltw line "") into lines finally (return (make-array nlines :initial-contents lines))))) Then, if this function is available at macroexpansion time, you could write this macro: (defmacro file-strings-literal (file) (check-type file (or string pathname) "pathname designator") (file-lines->svector file)) And now we can create a literal vector of strings: (defparameter *fl* (file-strings-literal "/tmp/x")) However you could perfectly well instead do this: (defparameter *fl* #.(file-lines->svector "/tmp/x")) Which will do the same thing, but slightly earlier (at read time, rather than at macroexpansion/compile time). So this is gaining nothing really. But you could also do this: (defmacro define-stringtable (name file &optional (doc nil docp)) `(defparameter ,name ,(file-lines->svector file) ,@(if docp (list doc) nil))) And now your code reads like (define-stringtable *st* "my-stringtable.dat") And that actually is a significant improvement. Finally note that in file-lines->svector that load-time-value is used to create the scanner exactly once, at load time, which is a related trick.
Bishop backs FOI bill through 'indirect initiative' MANILA, June 25, 2013— A Catholic bishop has reiterated the Church's support for the passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill whether it is through "indirect initiative." Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo said they will support the measure in whatever mode just to promote transparency and accountability in the government. "We will give them additional voice, join them in their meetings, and we will contribute in the discussions," Pabillo said. On Monday, the Right to Know Right Now coalition disclosed that they are set to file the People's FOI bill in the 16th Congress via the indirect initiative. Under Republic Act 6735 or the Initiative and Referendum Act, duly accredited people's organizations may file a petition for indirect initiative with the House of Representatives and other legislative bodies. Advocates of the FOI bill said that the Aquino administration had been cold on the FOI bill's passage, which would provide substantive, procedural and institutional guarantee to the people's constitutional right to information. The Right to Know Right Now coalition said the People's FOI bill will include the proposed amendments of the Malacañang Study Group, the bicameral conference report of the 14th Congress, and the refinements introduced in the previous House and Senate versions in the 15th Congress. (CBCPNews) Cardinal Tagle tells faithful: Fiestas, not for drinking, gossip
An eternity later... a new game coming!!! ...Yes, this is another doodle type of game. But don't get fooled by its cozy art style. This will HOPEFULLY be a mobile game. The initial game version will come with 30 levels of increasing difficulty. Box2D engine is used for this game to simulate the real life true physics environment. With each new change in the car upgrade/property, the whole performance of the car will change giving the game a sort of RPG feeling to it.
> Articles > Retin-A® and Retirides® ─ the 'gold standard' treatments to reverse skin aging Retin-A® and Retirides® ─ the 'gold standard' treatments to reverse skin aging When you picture aging, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Most likely its wrinkles, lines, furrows and sagging skin - the external manifestations of growing older. As the skin is the largest and the outermost organ of the body, it's the most subject to the damaging effects of the environment. The skin is unique in that it undergoes aging both from the inside, as a result of a genetically programmed clock, and from the outside, due to environmental exposure, particularly UV radiation from sunlight. The effects of chronic sun exposure overlaid on the background of chronological aging are a sure predictor for prematurely aged skin. The good news is that a huge trove of clinical studies performed over the last 25 years indicates that the detrimental structural and cosmetic changes to the skin induced by aging compounded with cumulative UV radiation can be improved, and even reversed, by the topical use of vitamin A derivatives known as retinoids; in particular, we'll look at one of these analogs, tretinoin, the active ingredient in Retin-A® and Retirides® cream and micro-gel. Tretinoin is the most widely investigated and possibly the most potent retinoid to treat the combined effects of the internal and external assaults to the skin. What Causes Skin to Age? Skin is a complex organ comprising various structures and cell types that play a variety of roles, including protection from the environment, heat regulation, immune response, water and electrolyte balance, among others. (1) Skin aging is a complicated biological process resulting from what scientists call intrinsic (internally produced) and extrinsic (external) factors. Intrinsic, or chronological, skin aging is influenced by genetics, hormonal changes, smoking, illness, and the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species as byproducts of routine metabolism. (1-3) Extrinsic factors that age skin include environmental exposure to DNA-damaging agents such as UV radiation from sunlight, pollution, and smoke. (1-3)yet by far, solar UV radiation is the single most destructive element responsible for prematurely aged skin. (1,4,5) Intrinsic skin aging that occurs simultaneously with chronic UV exposure is known as photoaging ─ a combination age-accelerating process that alters the skin's structure, function and appearance. What are the differences between photoaged and chronologically aged skin? With increasing age, the skin's rejuvenation process slows down and skin loses its suppleness and thickness due to atrophy of the epidermis (the outer layer of skin) and degradation of the dermal extracellular matrix (1) ─ the portion of skin tissue other than cells that is filled by a variety of fibrous proteins including collagen, elastin and fibrillin, and polysaccharides known as glycosaminoglycans. These components network to form an organized, intricate structural framework that gives the skin its elasticity, density and strength. Loss of these support macromolecules leads to the thin, dry and saggy appearance characteristic of chronologically aged skin. We've already seen that one aspect of intrinsic aging is increased oxidative stress due to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage skin (as well as internal organs and tissues). In photoaged skin, repeated exposure to sunlight sets off a chain reaction accelerating ROS production even further, altering gene and protein structure and function and decreasing endogenous antioxidant enzymes. (1) In addition, UV radiation triggers biochemical pathways associated with inflammation, decreased immune response and further degradation of the epidermis and dermal extracellular matrix, (1,3,6) including collagen, elastin and fibrillin loss. (7,8) These damaging processes lead to photoaged skin with a yellowish appearance, fine and coarse wrinkles, mottled and abnormal pigmentation ("age spots"), and roughness. (1,2;7-10) In addition, due to the DNA-damaging effects of the sun, photoaged skin is prone to the development of precancerous and cancerous skin lesions. (1,11) (These features of photoaging are more common in white compared with other skin types. (2)) So although they share some similar features such as wrinkles and loss of skin thickness, chronologically and photoaged skin do have somewhat different presentations. Tretinoin is the 'gold standard' topical retinoid to reverse photodamage A variety of methods, including surgery, can improve the appearance of photoaged skin, but the only therapy that has stood the test of extensive clinical trials, validating their efficacy in repairing the dermal extracellular matrix and ameliorating signs of photodamage is the use of topical retinoids. The retinoid family comprises vitamin A (retinol) and both its natural metabolites, including tretinoin, as well as synthetic derivatives. Retinoids are required for a vast number of biological processes including embryogenesis, reproduction, vision, immune modulation, (1) and most importantly for our discussion, cellular growth and differentiation and the activation of the skin's repair mechanisms. (1) Topical retinoids have been demonstrated to be effective, safe, and even essential in the treatment and prevention of photo-damaged skin and were first introduced for this purpose about 30 years ago. In the body, retinol is metabolized to several important products including tretinoin, the carboxylic acid analog, also known as all-trans retinoic acid. Tretinoin has been used as a topical therapy for acne, psoriasis, skin cancer, and burns and, as mentioned, may be the most potent retinoid in the treatment of photoaging. (1) It is considered the 'gold standard' prescription topical remedy for improving, even reversing, the fine and coarse wrinkles, sallowness, pigment abnormalities, and roughness associated with photoaging. How tretinoin rescues photodamaged skin Studies show that topically applied tretinoin increases epidermal proliferation, (1) promotes the synthesis of glycosoaminoglycans (a source of hydration that when absent results in a dull, leathery appearance), (12) blocks inflammation mediators, (6) and restores the collagen and fibrillin-rich network of the dermal extracellular matrix (6,8) present in youthful skin. In addition, tretinoin "primes" the skin to prevent further matrix degradation by UV, in this way preventing future skin photoaging. (6,9,13) Tretinoin's tissue-restoring effects are mediated by the binding to and activation of specific receptors present in skin, known as nuclear retinoid receptors, (1,6,7) that are involved in gene expression, protein synthesis, and cell growth and differentiation and provide the mechanisms necessary for the repair of photodamaged skin. (1) Numerous studies document tretinoin's remarkable age-reversal effects The first study demonstrating the ability of topical tretinoin to induce collagen production and eliminate wrinkles was performed on the photoaged skin of mice in 1984. (14) Then, in 1986, encouraging results from the first clinical trial on human photodamaged skin (15) spurred a considerable number of studies. Short-term double-blind trials of three, four and six months conducted in the late 1980's and early 1990's using various strengths of topical tretinoin cream (typically including the standard therapy of 0.05% tretinoin) showed statistically significant improvement in several features of photoaging, including wrinkles, roughness, sallowness, and abnormal pigmentation. As an added benefit, the improved appearance of the skin was accompanied by a 'rosy glow.' (16-21) Subsequent long-term studies were performed to evaluate the effects of continued tretinoin application over months or years. A 1993 study evaluating 0.05% tretinoin cream applied daily for 12 months showed that the major degree of improvement in the signs of photoaging occurred after six months of use, a trend that continued over time. (22) Histological (tissue) studies confirmed that observation: by month 12 of daily tretinoin application, there was an increase in collagen fibers, a reduction of degenerated microfibrillar material (23), renewed epidermal thickness and a return to normal pigmentation (24). A more recent 2005 two-year study corroborated these earlier results: both visual and histological improvements to skin were achieved in patients with moderate to severe photodamage by month 12 of daily 0.05% tretinoin application. (25) Even those who have taken precautions to avoid the damaging effects of the sun will gladly welcome emerging evidence that topical tretinoin may also benefit intrinsically aged skin. (1,9,13) A study on the daily application of 0.025% tretinoin cream on chronologically aged inner thigh skin for nine months showed significant improvement at the tissue level, (26) suggesting that tretinoin has wide implications in the treatment of both photoaged and chronologically aged skin. Retirides® and Retin-A® available in a variety of formulations to suit our skin Although topical tretinoin produces marked improvement, even reversal, of wrinkles and other signs of photoaging, skin sensitivity may occur in some individuals, including dryness or scaling, irritation and redness. The occurrence and magnitude of these reactions seem to depend on concentration, frequency of use, product base (cream or gel) and individual variations. (27) To address the issue of skin sensitivity, several trials were conducted to determine the efficacy and tolerability of a low strength cream, between 0.02-0.025% tretinoin. Researchers observed significant improvements in the visual and histological signs of photoaging along with good tolerability and fewer instances of adverse effects, (28-30) even with long-term use. (28,30) This indicates that 0.025% tretinoin cream is a good option for those who cannot tolerate the standard 0.05% or more intensive 0.1% therapy. In addition, tretinoin is available in a novel drug delivery system known as a microsphere gel. Microspheres are tiny nano-particles that allow for slow release of tretinoin, causing less irritation - another alternative for sensitive skin. Studies show good efficacy and reduced incidence of side effects with tretinoin microsphere gel therapy. (27,31) One trial found that the tolerability of a higher strength micro-gel (0.04%) was equivalent to that of a lower (0.025%) strength cream. (27) IAS offers a wide range of tretinoin products to suit various skin types: Retirides® cream containing 0.025%, 0.05%, and 0.1% tretinoin, as well as Retin-A® micro-gel containing 0.1% tretinoin. How to use Retirides® and Retin-A® It may be wise to begin with the low-strength (0.025%) or standard concentration (0.05%) cream or the micro-gel and slowly increase frequency of application (for example, from two to three times a week to daily). Apply a small amount to thoroughly cleansed and dry skin in the evening and avoid contact with the eyes, corners of the nose, and mouth. The use of a daily moisturizer such as NeySkin® is recommended (if moisturizer is used in the evening, wait 30 minutes after applying Retirides® or Retin-A®). Tretinoin can cause photosensitization, or increased sensitivity to sun. Avoid sun exposure and use a quality sunblock or sunscreen, such as Solaris®, and wear protective clothing. Also avoid weather extremes such as wind and cold, if possible. As we have just seen, the synergistic effects of chronological aging compounded with chronic sun exposure can wreak havoc on the skin. Despite an array of techniques and products claiming to efface wrinkles, only retinoids have undergone the battery of clinical trials necessary to clearly establish their efficacy in reversing the damaging processes involved in photoaging. One retinoid in particular, tretinoin, is the most thoroughly investigated of its class and considered the "gold standard" therapy for treating and reversing wrinkles, age spots, roughness and sallowness. Retirides® and Retin-A® are clinically proven therapies that you can count on to reverse skin aging and regain a youthful appearance. 1. Mukherjee S, Date A, Patravale V, Korting HC, Roeder A, Weindl G. Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety. Clin Interv Aging. 2006;1(4):327-48. 2. Manríquez JJ, Majerson Gringberg D, Nicklas Diaz C. Wrinkles. Clin Evid (Online). 2008 Dec 16;pii: 1711. 3. Kaczvinsky JR, Bertucci V, Fu JJ. Practical application of genomics to the development of a topical cosmetic anti-aging regimen. Skin Therapy Lett. 2011 Jul-Aug;16(7):4-7. Rittié L, Fisher G. UV-light-induced signal cascades and skin aging. Aging Res Rev. 2002;1:705–20. 5. Darlenski R, Surber C, Fluhr JW. Topical retinoids in the management of photodamaged skin: from theory to evidence-based practical approach. Br J Dermatol. 2010 Dec;163(6):1157-65. 6. Kang S. The mechanism of action of topical retinoids. Cutis. 2005 Feb;75(2 Suppl):10-3; discussion 13. 7. Ogden S, Samuel M, Griffiths CE. A review of tazarotene in the treatment of photodamaged skin. Clin Interv Aging. 2008;3(1):71-6. 8. Watson RE, Ogden S, Cotterell LF, et al. Effects of a cosmetic 'anti-ageing' product improves photoaged skin [corrected]. Br J Dermatol. 2009 Aug;161(2):419-26. Epub 2009 Apr 28. 9. Singh M, Griffiths CE. The use of retinoids in the treatment of photoaging. Dermatol Ther. 2006 Sep-Oct;19(5):297-305. 10. Samuel M, Brooke RC, Hollis S, Griffiths CE. Interventions for photodamaged skin. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Jan 25;(1):CD001782. 11. Stratigos AJ, Katsambas AD. The role of topical retinoids in the treatment of photoaging. Drugs. 2005;65(8):1061-72. Griffiths CEM, Finkel IJ, Tranfaglia MG, et al. An in-vivo experimental model for topical retinoid effects on human skin. Br J Dermatol. 1993;29:389–99. 13. Serri R, Iorizzo M. Cosmeceuticals: focus on topical retinoids in photoaging. Clin Dermatol. 2008 Nov-Dec;26(6):633-5. Kligman LH, Chen HD, Kligman AM. Topical retinoic acid enhances the repair of ultraviolet damaged dermal connective tissue. Connect Tissue Res. 1984;12:139–50. Kligman AM, Grove GL, Hirose R, et al. Topical tretinoin for photoaged skin. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1986;15:836–59. Weiss JS, Ellis CN, Headington JT, et al. Topical tretinoin improves photoaged skin: a double-blind vehicle-controlled study. JAMA. 1988;259:527–32. Lever I, Kumar P, Marks R. Topical retinoic acid for treatment of solar damage. Br J Dermatol. 1990;122:91–8. Leyden JJ, Grove GL, Grove MJ, et al. Treatment of photodamaged facial skin with topical tretinoin. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1989; 21:638–44. Caputo R, Monti M, Motta S, et al. The treatment of visible signs of senescence: the Italian experience. Br J Dermatol. 1990;122 (Suppl35): Weinstein GD, Nigra TP, Pochi PE, et al. Topical tretinoin for treatment of photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol. 1991;127:659–65. Bhawan J, Gonzalez-Serva A, Nehal K, et al. Effects of tretinoin on photodamaged skin. A histologic study. Arch Dermatol. 1991;127:666-72. Green LJ, McCormick A, Weinstein GD. Photoaging and the skin: the effects of tretinoin. Dermatol Clin. 1993;11:97–105. Bhawan J, Palco MJ, Lee J, et al. Reversible histologic effects of tretinoin on photodamaged skin. J Geriatr Dermatol. 1995; 3:62-7. Bhawan J, Olsen E, Lufrano L, et al. Histologic evaluation of the long-term effects of tretinoin on photodamaged skin. J Dermatol Sci.1996;11:177–82. 25. Kang S, Bergfeld W, Gottlieb AB, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of tretinoin emollient cream 0.05% in the treatment of photodamaged facial skin: a two-year, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2005;6(4):245-53. Kligman AM, Dogadkina D, Lavker RM. Effects of topical tretinoin on the non-sun exposed protected skin of the elderly. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993; 29:25–33. 27. Leyden JJ, Grossman R, Nighland M. Cumulative irritation potential of topical retinoid formulations. J Drugs Dermatol. 2008 Aug;7(8 Suppl):s14-8. Griffiths CEM, Kang S, Ellis CN, et al. Two concentrations of topical tretinoin (retinoic acid) cause similar improvement of photoaging but different degrees of irritation. Arch Dermatol. 1995;131:1037–44. Nyirady J, Bergfeld W, Ellis C, et al. Tretinoin cream 0.02% for the treatment of photodamaged facial skin: A review of 2 double-blind clinical trials. Cutis. 2001;68:135–42. 30. Kircik LH. Safety and efficacy evaluation of tretinoin cream 0.02% for the reduction of photodamage: a pilot study. J Drugs Dermatol. 2012 Jan;11(1):83-90. Weiss JS, Shavin JS, Nighland M, Grossman R. Tretinoin microsphere gel 0.1% for photodamaged facial skin: a placebo-controlled trial. Cutis. 2006 Dec;78(6):426-32.
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He works in me to do His Will Scripture links are hyperlinked to Scriptures at ChurchofJesusChrist.org For any reading this blog, its first important to remember that the Book of Mormon is a record of ancient inhabitants that lived upon the American Continent They were originally led here by the Lord, from Jerusalem, being part of Israel, and some as far back as the time of the building of the Tower of Babel. These stories are actual events that took place, testifying of the Lord's people, whom had great faith and whom he chose to lead here, to America, for their safety and liberty and that we, who would come later might have the opportunity to have the same. The record recorded in their own hand left behind for their posterity, is the Book of Mormon, its pages are the journals of the Prophets of that time, testifying of their reality and truthfulness and that the only way for peace, safety, and eternal life is through Jesus Christ. They have left us with great lessons and testimonies that teach us how to come unto Christ and survive even the most harrowing of times, which as we all know, we are currently experiencing. In our past studies this year we have learned about Nephi and his brother Jacob who boldly testified of Christ teaching us of his birth, his life and his death being the Atonement we all need. They have taught us to have great faith in times of trouble and need, and have shown us how help and miracles come in and through our faith and obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we move forward through the Book of Mormon we come this week to Enos–Words of Mormon. These chapters carry great significance and meaning with the ability to help us seek a remission of our sins, to better prepare us to be ready for the Lord, and also again, as the theme carries, to know that our prayers WILL be answered, we CAN have guidance, we WILL prosper, when we seek to follow Jesus Christ and live righteously obeying the commandments of God. History and Background The Books of Enos through the Words of Mormon. The Book of Enos: Enos, the son of Jacob and the grandson of Lehi and Sariah, authored this book. Enos recorded that his father taught him "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" Enos 1:). Near the end of his life, Enos wrote that he had declared "the word according to the truth which is in Christ" (Enos 1:26) throughout all his days. Before his death, Enos passed the small plates of Nephi to his son Jarom. Enos concluded his record by rejoicing in the day when he would stand before his Redeemer. He declared, "Then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father" (Enos 1:27). Enos closed his record by declaring that 179 years had passed since Lehi left Jerusalem (see Enos 1:25). That places the date of his writing between approximately 544 B.C. (when Jacob closed his record) and 420 B.C. Enos wrote this record while living in the land of Nephi. The book of Enos illustrates the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to cleanse people from sin and make them whole. Enos wrestled before God in mighty prayer before his sins were forgiven. He then prayed for the spiritual welfare of the Nephites and Lamanites. He spent the remainder of his life laboring for their salvation. As we study the book of Enos, we can discover important lessons about prayer, repentance, and revelation. We also learn that as individuals receive the blessings of the Atonement, they will desire to share those blessings with others. (Book of Mormon Study Guide) The book of Jarom: Here we see that God keeps His promise to bless those who obey His commandments. We also learn about the efforts of Nephite kings, prophets, teachers, and priests of Jarom's day to help the people repent and avoid destruction. Enos's son Jarom wrote this book. Like his father—and like his grandfather Jacob and his great-grandfather Lehi—Jarom had the spirit of prophecy and revelation (see Jarom 1:2). When he finished his record, he passed the small plates of Nephi to his son Omni. The book of Jarom covers approximately 59 years, from about 420 B.C. to 361 B.C. (see Enos 1:25; Jarom 1:13). It was written in the land of Nephi. (Book of Mormon Study Guide) The Words of Mormon: Through a study of Words of Mormon, we can increase our faith that "the Lord knoweth all things" (Words of Mormon 1:7) and that He guides His servants to bring about His purposes. As a historical account, the book serves as a bridge between the small plates of Nephi (1 Nephi–Omni) and Mormon's abridgment of the large plates of Nephi (Mosiah–4 Nephi). Words of Mormon can help us better understand which records Mormon abridged as he compiled the Book of Mormon. It also introduces us to the faith and accomplishments of King Benjamin. Mormon wrote this book. He was a prophet, a record keeper, and the abridger and compiler of most of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is named after him. He was also a Nephite general and a righteous father. The prophet Moroni was his son. Mormon wrote this book about A.D. 385, after having "witnessed almost all the destruction of [his] people, the Nephites" (Words of Mormon 1:1). Mormon did not record where he was when he wrote this book. Part 1: Enos 1:1–17 We can receive forgiveness of our sins as we exercise faith in Jesus Christ Have you ever felt like you've wrestled with God? The Prophet Enos did After reflecting on the words of his father, Enos prayed mightily wrestling for and then receiving a remission of his sins. He then prayed for the spiritual welfare of the Nephites and the Lamanites and spent his life laboring for their salvation. 1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Enos, knowing my father that he was a just man—for he taught me in his language, and also in the nurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it— 2 And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins. 3 Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. 4 And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens. 5 And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. 6 And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, my guilt was swept away. 7 And I said: Lord, how is it done? 8 And he said unto me: Because of thy faith in Christ, whom thou hast never before heard nor seen. And many years pass away before he shall manifest himself in the flesh; wherefore, go to, thy faith hath made thee whole. 9 Now, it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore, I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them. 10 And while I was thus struggling in the spirit, behold, the voice of the Lord came into my mind again, saying: I will visit thy brethren according to their diligence in keeping my commandments. I have given unto them this land, and it is a holy land; and I curse it not save it be for the cause of iniquity; wherefore, I will visit thy brethren according as I have said; and their transgressions will I bring down with sorrow upon their own heads. 11 And after I, Enos, had heard these words, my faith began to be unshaken in the Lord; and I prayed unto him with many long strugglings for my brethren, the Lamanites. 12 And it came to pass that after I had prayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of thy faith. 13 And now behold, this was the desire which I desired of him—that if it should so be, that my people, the Nephites, should fall into transgression, and by any means be destroyed, and the Lamanites should not be destroyed, that the Lord God would preserve a record of my people, the Nephites; even if it so be by the power of his holy arm, that it might be brought forth at some future day unto the Lamanites, that, perhaps, they might be brought unto salvation— 14 For at the present our strugglings were vain in restoring them to the true faith. And they swore in their wrath that, if it were possible, they would destroy our records and us, and also all the traditions of our fathers. 15 Wherefore, I knowing that the Lord God was able to preserve our records, I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it. 16 And I had faith, and I did cry unto God that he would preserve the records; and he covenanted with me that he would bring them forth unto the Lamanites in his own due time. 17 And I, Enos, knew it would be according to the covenant which he had made; wherefore my soul did rest. Whom did Enos credit with teaching him the gospel? Enos 1:1. Who was Enos's father? Jacob 7:27. 27 And I, Jacob, saw that I must soon go down to my grave; wherefore, I said unto my son Enos: Take these plates. And I told him the things which my brother Nephi had commanded me, and he promised obedience unto the commands. And I make an end of my writing upon these plates, which writing has been small; and to the reader I bid farewell, hoping that many of my brethren may read my words. Brethren, adieu. What does it mean to teach children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord"? President Gordon B. Hinckley counseled parents to be righteous examples for their children, as Enos's father was for him: "Treat your children as sons and daughters of God. Be kind. Love them. Respect them. Counsel with them. Teach them. Pray for them. Guide them and God will bless both them and you" (in Church News, 1 Nov. 1997, 2). What did Jacob's teachings influence Enos to do? Enos 1:3–4. How did Enos describe his prayer to the Lord? Enos 1:2. Why do you think Enos called his experience a "wrestle"? Enos did not wrestle with God. The record states that Enos wrestled before God in prayer. Such wrestling is the struggle to find and express one's real desires under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Praying in this manner requires that a person eliminate vain, trite, or insincere repetitions and to pour the deepest desires of his or her heart into words. Each phrase becomes an expression of yearning and desire to do God's will. Such prayers are assisted and guided by the Holy Spirit, "for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered" (Romans 8:26). (Book of Mormon Student Manual) What do you think Enos might have meant by the phrase "my soul hungered"? Enos 1:4. Feelings of spiritual emptiness, pain, or weakness, or a desire to be filled spiritually and obtain a greater understanding and testimony of the gospel. How might reflecting on teachings concerning eternal life and the joy of the Saints cause a person's soul to hunger? It may help a person desire to be worthy to be with the Lord and desire the happiness that comes from living the gospel. What can his account of seeking forgiveness teach us about repenting? Sin causes the Holy Ghost to withdraw from us, and we feel distanced from the Lord. Repenting brings it back together, we feel connected, and safe. We can feel that our hunger has been satisfied. How did Enos know his sins had been forgiven? Enos 1:5–6. What principles can we learn from Enos about the process of receiving forgiveness for our sins?As we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, our sins can be forgiven and we can be made whole. How can we know our sins have been forgiven? President Harold B. Lee said: "If the time comes when you have done all that you can to repent of your sins … and have made amends and restitution to the best of your ability … , then you will want that confirming answer as to whether or not the Lord has accepted of you. In your soul-searching, if you seek for and you find that peace of conscience, by that token you may know that the Lord has accepted of your repentance" (Stand Ye in Holy Places [1974], 185). "Once we have truly repented, Christ will take away the burden of guilt for our sins. We can know for ourselves that we have been forgiven and made clean. The Holy Ghost will verify this to us; He is the Sanctifier. No other testimony of forgiveness can be greater" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Point of Safe Return," Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 101). What enabled Enos to receive forgiveness of his sins? Enos 1:7–8. Why is faith in Christ necessary for us to repent and receive forgiveness? Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. It is only through His Atonement that we can be made whole. What are some things we can do to exercise faith in Jesus Christ as we seek forgiveness for our sins? We can trust that the Savior has the power to forgive us and desires to do so; repent of our sins; and obey God's commandments. After Enos learned that his sins were forgiven, what did he pray for? Enos 1:9, 11–13. Based on Enos's experience, what happens as we experience the blessings of Jesus Christ's Atonement? As we experience the blessings of Jesus Christ's Atonement, we will seek to help others receive salvation. "Any time we experience the blessings of the Atonement in our lives, we cannot help but have a concern for the welfare of [others]. …"A great indicator of one's personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others" (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Howard W. Hunter [2015], 127, 128). Why did Enos want to be sure that the records would be preserved? Enos 1:13–14. What can we learn about prayer from Enos? The Lord answers our prayers according to our faith and diligence. Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke of the process Enos went through that increased his faith and prepared him to receive the answer to his prayer: "First, Enos heard the gospel truths from his father, just as you are hearing them in your families and in this conference. "Second, he let his father's teachings about 'eternal life, and the joy of the saints' [Enos 1:3] sink deep into his heart. "Third, he was filled with a desire to know for himself whether these teachings were true and where he himself stood before his Maker. To use Enos's words, 'My soul hungered' [Enos 1:4]. By this intense spiritual appetite, Enos qualified himself to receive the Savior's promise: 'Blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost' [3 Nephi 12:6]. "Fourth, Enos obeyed the commandments of God, which enabled him to be receptive to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. "Fifth, Enos records, 'I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens' [Enos 1:4]. It wasn't easy. Faith did not come quickly. In fact, Enos characterized his experience in prayer as a 'wrestle which [he] had before God' [Enos 1:2]. But faith did come. By the power of the Holy Ghost, he did receive a witness for himself. "We cannot find Enos-like faith without our own wrestle before God in prayer. I testify that the reward is worth the effort. … I promise that if you do these things sincerely and unceasingly, the words Christ spoke to His disciples will be fulfilled in your life: 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.' [Matthew 7:7]" ( Conference Report, Oct. 2004, 73–74; or Ensign, Nov. 2004, 72). Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles compared receiving answers to prayers to the opening of a combination lock. It is a step-by-step process: "Petitioning in prayer has taught me, again and again, that the vault of heaven with all its blessings is to be opened only by a combination lock. One tumbler falls when there is faith, a second when there is personal righteousness; the third and final tumbler falls only when what is sought is, in God's judgment—not ours—right for us. Sometimes we pound on the vault door for something we want very much and wonder why the door does not open. We would be very spoiled children if that vault door opened any more easily than it does. I can tell, looking back, that God truly loves me by inventorying the petitions He has refused to grant me. Our rejected petitions tell us much about ourselves but also much about our flawless Father" ("Insights," New Era, Apr. 1978, 6). What impresses you about Enos's faith and testimony? Enos did not mention the nature or extent of his sins, but rather described the process of repentance that we must each undertake to receive divine forgiveness. President Spencer W. Kimball taught: "I have always loved the story of Enos, who had great need. Like all of us—for none of us is perfect—he had strayed. How dark were his sins I do not know, but he wrote, 'I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins' [Enos 1:2]. … "What a blessing and a joy for each of us to know that our Father lives and that he loves us, that he forgives us when repentance is forthcoming, that he is ever willing to help and give love to his beloved children" (Spencer W. Kimball, "Pray Always," Ensign, Oct. 1981, 6). Part 2: Jarom–Omni If we keep the commandments, we will prosper The books of Jarom and Omni contain the final writings in the small plates of Nephi. Jarom received the plates from his father, Enos, and recorded the Nephites' struggles and blessings over a period of approximately 40 years. He then passed the plates to his son Omni. The book of Omni contains the writings of five different Nephite record keepers and covers approximately 193 years. Jarom and the writers of Omni wrote about the Nephite nation, but their messages apply also to individuals today. 1 Now behold, I, Jarom, write a few words according to the commandment of my father, Enos, that our genealogy may be kept. 2 And as these plates are small, and as these things are written for the intent of the benefit of our brethren the Lamanites, wherefore, it must needs be that I write a little; but I shall not write the things of my prophesying, nor of my revelations. For what could I write more than my fathers have written? For have not they revealed the plan of salvation? I say unto you, Yea; and this sufficeth me. 3 Behold, it is expedient that much should be done among this people, because of the hardness of their hearts, and the deafness of their ears, and the blindness of their minds, and the stiffness of their necks; nevertheless, God is exceedingly merciful unto them, and has not as yet swept them off from the face of the land. 4 And there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith. 5 And now, behold, two hundred years had passed away, and the people of Nephi had waxed strong in the land. They observed to keep the law of Moses and the sabbath day holy unto the Lord. And they profaned not; neither did they blaspheme. And the laws of the land were exceedingly strict. 6 And they were scattered upon much of the face of the land, and the Lamanites also. And they were exceedingly more numerous than were they of the Nephites; and they loved murder and would drink the blood of beasts. 7 And it came to pass that they came many times against us, the Nephites, to battle. But our kings and our leaders were mighty men in the faith of the Lord; and they taught the people the ways of the Lord; wherefore, we withstood the Lamanites and swept them away out of our lands, and began to fortify our cities, or whatsoever place of our inheritance. 8 And we multiplied exceedingly, and spread upon the face of the land, and became exceedingly rich in gold, and in silver, and in precious things, and in fine workmanship of wood, in buildings, and in machinery, and also in iron and copper, and brass and steel, making all manner of tools of every kind to till the ground, and weapons of war—yea, the sharp pointed arrow, and the quiver, and the dart, and the javelin, and all preparations for war. 9 And thus being prepared to meet the Lamanites, they did not prosper against us. But the word of the Lord was verified, which he spake unto our fathers, saying that: Inasmuch as ye will keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land. 10 And it came to pass that the prophets of the Lord did threaten the people of Nephi, according to the word of God, that if they did not keep the commandments, but should fall into transgression, they should be destroyed from off the face of the land. 11 Wherefore, the prophets, and the priests, and the teachers, did labor diligently, exhorting with all long-suffering the people to diligence; teaching the law of Moses, and the intent for which it was given; persuading them to look forward unto the Messiah, and believe in him to come as though he already was. And after this manner did they teach them. 12 And it came to pass that by so doing they kept them from being destroyed upon the face of the land; for they did prick their hearts with the word, continually stirring them up unto repentance. 13 And it came to pass that two hundred and thirty and eight years had passed away—after the manner of wars, and contentions, and dissensions, for the space of much of the time. 14 And I, Jarom, do not write more, for the plates are small. But behold, my brethren, ye can go to the other plates of Nephi; for behold, upon them the records of our wars are engraven, according to the writings of the kings, or those which they caused to be written. 15 And I deliver these plates into the hands of my son Omni, that they may be kept according to the commandments of my fathers. What did Jarom say was his purpose in adding to the records? Jarom 1:1–2. How did Jarom describe his people, the Nephites? Jarom 1:3–4 How were they able to prosper in the land and overcome the Lamanites? Jarom 1:5, 7–12. The definition of the word prosperity is "the state of being prosperous; wealth · success · profitability · affluence · riches · opulence · the good life · (good) fortune · ease · plenty · welfare · comfort · security · well-being · luxury · life of luxury · milk and honey · a bed of roses · prosperousness · successfulness · speed · Godspeed What do we learn from the books of Jarom and Omni about how righteousness leads to prosperity? Jarom 1:7–12 and Omni 1:5–7, 12–18) How does the world's definition compare to the Lord's definition? How does the Lord help His people prosper? What role did prophets, priests, and teachers play in the success of the Nephites? Jarom 1:11–12.) What does it mean to "prick their hearts with the word"? Jarom 1:12 Just as the Nephite prophets labored diligently to teach the commandments to the people, our latter-day prophets also teach us about the commandments. After reading Jarom 1:9–12, how do teachings of Church leaders inspire you to keep the commandments? How does obedience to the commandments help us "prosper" in our lives? As we keep the commandments of God, we will prosper. "I remember when I was preparing to be trained as a fighter pilot. We spent a great deal of our preliminary military training in physical exercise. I'm still not exactly sure why endless running was considered such an essential preparatory part of becoming a pilot. Nevertheless, we ran and we ran and we ran some more. "As I was running I began to notice something that, frankly, troubled me. Time and again I was being passed by men who smoked, drank, and did all manner of things that were contrary to the gospel and, in particular, to the Word of Wisdom. "I remember thinking, 'Wait a minute! Aren't I supposed to be able to run and not be weary?' But I was weary, and I was overtaken by people who were definitely not following the Word of Wisdom. I confess, it troubled me at the time. I asked myself, was the promise true or was it not? The answer didn't come immediately. But eventually I learned that God's promises are not always fulfilled as quickly as or in the way we might hope; they come according to His timing and in His ways. Years later I could see clear evidence of the temporal blessings that come to those who obey the Word of Wisdom—in addition to the spiritual blessings that come immediately from obedience to any of God's laws. Looking back, I know for sure that the promises of the Lord, if perhaps not always swift, are always certain" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Continue in Patience," 58). The Nephite leaders persuaded the people to "look forward unto the Messiah, and believe in him to come as though he already was" Jarom 1:11; Mosiah 3:13. How can we follow this counsel as we prepare for the Savior's Second Coming? Part 3: Omni The Lord brought many people to the promised land The book of Omni covers approximately 200 years and was written by five record keepers, yet it is only 30 verses long. It describes several important events in the history of the people in the Book of Mormon. Book of Mormon Chronology Chart Department of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion Events Major Minor 1. Tower of Babel—Jaredites language not confounded. (Ether 1:33–37) 2. Jaredites traveled to great sea, and barges were built. (Ether 2:1–18) 3. Brother of Jared saw the premortal Christ. (Ether 3:6–16) 4. Jaredites journeyed to the promised land. (Ether 6:1–12) 5. Secret combination between Jared and Akish. (Ether 8:7–19) 6. The prophet Ether warned King Coriantumr and the Jaredites. (Ether 12:1–5; Ether 13:1–22) 7. Destruction of the Jaredites. (Ether 15:13–32) 8. Coriantumr—last Jaredite survivor discovered by Mulekites. (Ether 15:32. See also Omni 1:20–22.) 9. Lehi's vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. (1 Ne. 1:6–15) 10. Lehi commanded to leave Jerusalem. (1 Ne. 2:1–4) 11. Lehi's family departed from Jerusalem. (1 Ne. 2:1–4) 12. Nephi and his brothers obtained the brass plates of Laban. (1 Ne. 3; 1 Ne. 4) 13. Zoram, Laban's servant, joined Lehi's family. (1 Ne. 4:35, 38) 14. Ishmael's family joined Lehi. (1 Ne. 7) 15. Lehi's dream of the tree of Life. (1 Ne. 8) 16. Nephi's visions and prophecies. (1 Ne. 11–15) 17. Liahona discovered. (1 Ne. 16:9–16) 18. Nephi's bow broken. (1 Ne. 16:18–32) 19. Death of Ishmael. (1 Ne. 16:34–39) 20. The building of a ship at Bountiful. (1 Ne. 17:8–17; 1 Ne. 18:1–5) 21. Voyage to the promised land. (1 Ne. 18:5–23) 22. Nephi made two sets of plates. (1 Ne. 19) 23. Mulekites left Jerusalem. (Omni 1:15–16) 24. Nephite–Lamanite split. (2 Ne. 5) 25. Jacob succeed Nephi as prophet. Death of Nephi. (Jacob 1) 26. Jacob's discourse. (Jacob 2–6) 27. Sherem confronted Jacob. (Jacob 7) 28. Enos forgiven of his sins. (Enos 1) 29. Efforts to teach Lamanites the gospel were unsuccessful. (Enos 1:14) 30. Mosiah I led the righteous Nephites from Nephi to Zarahemla. (Omni 1:12–19) 31. King Benjamin reigned in Zarahemla. (Omni 1:23–25; W of M 1:12–18) 32. Zeniff left Zarahemla and established a Nephite colony in the land of Nephi. (Omni 1:27–30; Mosiah 9:1–9) 33. King Benjamin's address. (Mosiah 2–5) 34. Mosiah II became king of Zarahemla. (Mosiah 6) 35. With the Lord's help, Zeniff's people prevailed against the Lamanites. (Mosiah 9:14–19; Mosiah 10) 36. Noah succeed Zeniff as king of the Nephite colony. (Mosiah 11:1–15) 37. Abinadi's ministry and death. (Mosiah 12–17) 38. Alma the Elder was converted—baptized at the Waters of Mormon. (Mosiah 17; Mosiah 18) 39. Gideon's insurrection against Noah. (Mosiah 19) 40. Death of King Noah by fire. (Mosiah 19:19, 20) 41. Noah's son Limhi became king over the Nephites in bondage. (Mosiah 19) 42. The twenty-four gold plates were discovered. (Mosiah 21:25–27) 43. Ammon led Limhi's people to Zarahemla. (Mosiah 7; Mosiah 22) 44. Alma the Elder and his followers were put in bondage at Helam. (Mosiah 23; Mosiah 24) 45. Alma's people were delivered and arrived in Zarahemla. (Mosiah 24:13–25) 46. Alma the Elder was made high priest over the Nephites in Zarahemla. (Mosiah 25:15–21; Alma 4:18) 47. Conversion of Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah. (Mosiah 27) 48. The four sons of Mosiah left on a mission to the Lamanites. (Mosiah 28:1–9) 49. Alma the Younger became record keeper, first chief judge, and high priest over the Nephites. (Mosiah 28:20; Mosiah 29:42–44) 50. Beginning of the reign of the judges. (Mosiah 29:44) 51. Death of Mosiah II and Alma the Elder. (Mosiah 29:45, 46) 52. Nehor introduced priestcraft among the Nephites. (Alma 1:1–15) 53. Amlici sought to become king over the Nephites. (Alma 2:1–31) 54. Alma the Younger gave up the judgement seat to Nephihah. (Alma 4:11–20) 55. Alma the Younger and Amulek preached to Ammonihahites. (Alma 8–10; Alma 12; Alma 13) 56. Zeezrom was converted. (Alma 11; Alma 14; Alma 15) 57. City of Ammonihah was destroyed by a Lamanite army. (Alma 16:1–12) 58. Reunion of Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah. (Alma 17:1–4) 59. King Lamoni and his household were converted. (Alma 17; Alma 18; Alma 19) 60. Ammon and Lamoni encountered Lamoni's father. (Alma 20) 61. Aaron preached the gospel to Lamoni's father and his household. (Alma 22) 62. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies were converted. (Alma 23–25; Alma 27) 63. Anti-Nephi-Lehies were given the land of Jershon. (Alma 27) 64. Korihor the Anti-Christ was struck dumb. (Alma 30) 65. Alma the Younger led a mission among the Zoramites. (Alma 31–35) 66. Captain Moroni defeated Zerahemnah. (Alma 43; Alma 44) 67. Disappearance of Alma the Younger. (Alma 45:15–19) 68. Amalickiah tried to become king over the Nephites. (Alma 46:1–10) 69. The title of liberty rallied freedom-loving Nephites. (Alma 46:11–37) 70. Captain Moroni prepared the Nephites to defend their freedom (Alma 48–50) 71. Captain Moroni defeated the rebellious king-men. (Alma 51) 72. Teancum killed Amalickiah, who was succeeded by Ammoron. (Alma 51:33, 34; Alma 52:3) 73. Captain Moroni, Lehi, and Teancum regained several captured cities. (Alma 52–55) 74. Helaman I and the stripling warriors helped the Nephites. (Alma 53; Alma 56–58) 75. Captain Moroni and Pahoran corresponded. (Alma 59–61) 76. Lamanites were driven from Nephite lands; peace was established. (Alma 62:12–52) 77. Death of Captain Moroni and Pahoran. (Alma 63:3; Hel. 1:2) 78. Hagoth built ships and sailed forth. (Alma 63:5–8) 79. Kishkumen formed a secret combination and murdered Pahoran's son. (Hel. 1:1–12) 80. Gadianton became the leader of Kishkumen's band. (Hel. 2) 81. Thousands of Lamanites were converted through the efforts of Nephi and Lehi. (Hel. 5) 82. Lamanites were more righteous than Nephites and sent missionaries among Nephites. (Hel. 6:1–6) 83. Free interchange of commerce between the Nephites and Lamanites. (Hel. 6:7–9) 84. Gadianton robbers seized control of the Nephite government. (Hel. 6:15–41) 85. Nephi, son of Helaman II, prophesied the murder of the chief judge. (Hel. 7–9) 86. Nephi, son of Helaman II, was given great power. (Hel. 10; Hel. 11) 87. Samuel the Lamanite warned the Nephites. (Hel. 13–15) 88. Signs given of the Savior's birth. (3 Ne. 1) 89. Lachoneus and Gidgiddoni defeated the Gadianton robbers. (3 Ne. 3; 3 Ne. 4) 90. Nephites divided into tribes. (3 Ne. 7) 91. Signs given of Christ's death. (3 Ne. 8) 92. Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephite. (3 Ne. 11:1–17) 93. Jesus chose twelve disciples among the Nephites. (3 Ne. 12:1) 94. Jesus taught his gospel and organized his church. (3 Ne. 12–27) 95. Era of peace following Christ's ministry. (4 Ne. 1) 96. The Three Nephites were changed. (3 Ne. 28) 97. A few people revolted and became Lamanites. (4 Ne. 1:20) 98. The people were divided into Nephites and Lamanites. (4 Ne. 1:35–42) 99. Ammaron gave Mormon charge of the plates. (Morm. 1:1–4) 100. Mormon deposited all the plates except the plates of Mormon, which he gave to his son Moroni. (Morm. 6:6) 101. Final battle between the Nephites and Lamanites at Cumorah. (Morm. 6:7–15) 102. Moroni wandered alone and abridged the Jaredite history.(Morm. 8; Ether 1:1, 2; Moro. 1:1) 103. Moroni recorded his farewell and deposited the plates of Mormon in the Hill Cumorah. (Moro. 10) In this short account, we learn of three groups of people whom the Lord brought to the land of promise in the Western Hemisphere. The first group mentioned was Lehi's colony. The majority of the Book of Mormon relates their story and that of their descendants. The Book of Mormon also identifies a second group, referred to as the people of Zarahemla, who were descendants of Mulek and who joined the Nephites (see Mosiah 25:2). Mulek, a son of King Zedekiah, left Jerusalem and traveled to the Americas after Babylon destroyed Jerusalem around 587 B.C. (see Omni 1:15). Without a scriptural record, the people of Zarahemla were a living witness of what the Spirit said to Nephi that a whole nation would dwindle in unbelief (see 1 Nephi 4:13). The Mulekites then joined with the Nephites under the rule of King Mosiah (see Omni 1:19). The third group was the Jaredites, who came to the land of promise following the time of the "great tower" mentioned in Genesis 11. The original Jaredite colony grew into a great race. Eventually, however, they annihilated themselves in a great civil war sometime between 600 and 300 B.C., leaving only Coriantumr, their last king, and Ether, a prophet of the Lord (see Ether 15:29–34). Ether finished the record, and Coriantumr apparently wandered until he found the people of Zarahemla, where he lived "for the space of nine moons" (Omni 1:21) before dying. Little is known of the Jaredites other than what is recorded by Moroni in the book of Ether. (Book of Mormon Student Manual) 1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Omni, being commanded by my father, Jarom, that I should write somewhat upon these plates, to preserve our genealogy— 2 Wherefore, in my days, I would that ye should know that I fought much with the sword to preserve my people, the Nephites, from falling into the hands of their enemies, the Lamanites. But behold, I of myself am a wicked man, and I have not kept the statutes and the commandments of the Lord as I ought to have done. 3 And it came to pass that two hundred and seventy and six years had passed away, and we had many seasons of peace; and we had many seasons of serious war and bloodshed. Yea, and in fine, two hundred and eighty and two years had passed away, and I had kept these plates according to the commandments of my fathers; and I conferred them upon my son Amaron. And I make an end. 4 And now I, Amaron, write the things whatsoever I write, which are few, in the book of my father. 5 Behold, it came to pass that three hundred and twenty years had passed away, and the more wicked part of the Nephites were destroyed. 6 For the Lord would not suffer, after he had led them out of the land of Jerusalem and kept and preserved them from falling into the hands of their enemies, yea, he would not suffer that the words should not be verified, which he spake unto our fathers, saying that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall not prosper in the land. 7 Wherefore, the Lord did visit them in great judgment; nevertheless, he did spare the righteous that they should not perish, but did deliver them out of the hands of their enemies. 8 And it came to pass that I did deliver the plates unto my brother Chemish. 9 Now I, Chemish, write what few things I write, in the same book with my brother; for behold, I saw the last which he wrote, that he wrote it with his own hand; and he wrote it in the day that he delivered them unto me. And after this manner we keep the records, for it is according to the commandments of our fathers. And I make an end. 10 Behold, I, Abinadom, am the son of Chemish. Behold, it came to pass that I saw much war and contention between my people, the Nephites, and the Lamanites; and I, with my own sword, have taken the lives of many of the Lamanites in the defence of my brethren. 11 And behold, the record of this people is engraven upon plates which is had by the kings, according to the generations; and I know of no revelation save that which has been written, neither prophecy; wherefore, that which is sufficient is written. And I make an end. 12 Behold, I am Amaleki, the son of Abinadom. Behold, I will speak unto you somewhat concerning Mosiah, who was made king over the land of Zarahemla; for behold, he being warned of the Lord that he should flee out of the land of Nephi, and as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord should also depart out of the land with him, into the wilderness— 13 And it came to pass that he did according as the Lord had commanded him. And they departed out of the land into the wilderness, as many as would hearken unto the voice of the Lord; and they were led by many preachings and prophesyings. And they were admonished continually by the word of God; and they were led by the power of his arm, through the wilderness until they came down into the land which is called the land of Zarahemla. 14 And they discovered a people, who were called the people of Zarahemla. Now, there was great rejoicing among the people of Zarahemla; and also Zarahemla did rejoice exceedingly, because the Lord had sent the people of Mosiah with the plates of brass which contained the record of the Jews. 15 Behold, it came to pass that Mosiah discovered that the people of Zarahemla came out from Jerusalem at the time that Zedekiah, king of Judah, was carried away captive into Babylon. 16 And they journeyed in the wilderness, and were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters, into the land where Mosiah discovered them; and they had dwelt there from that time forth. 17 And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them. 18 But it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language. And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers, according to his memory; and they are written, but not in these plates. 19 And it came to pass that the people of Zarahemla, and of Mosiah, did unite together; and Mosiah was appointed to be their king. 20 And it came to pass in the days of Mosiah, there was a large stone brought unto him with engravings on it; and he did interpret the engravings by the gift and power of God. 21 And they gave an account of one Coriantumr, and the slain of his people. And Coriantumr was discovered by the people of Zarahemla; and he dwelt with them for the space of nine moons. 22 It also spake a few words concerning his fathers. And his first parents came out from the tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people; and the severity of the Lord fell upon them according to his judgments, which are just; and their bones lay scattered in the land northward. 23 Behold, I, Amaleki, was born in the days of Mosiah; and I have lived to see his death; and Benjamin, his son, reigneth in his stead. 24 And behold, I have seen, in the days of king Benjamin, a serious war and much bloodshed between the Nephites and the Lamanites. But behold, the Nephites did obtain much advantage over them; yea, insomuch that king Benjamin did drive them out of the land of Zarahemla. 25 And it came to pass that I began to be old; and, having no seed, and knowing king Benjamin to be a just man before the Lord, wherefore, I shall deliver up these plates unto him, exhorting all men to come unto God, the Holy One of Israel, and believe in prophesying, and in revelations, and in the ministering of angels, and in the gift of speaking with tongues, and in the gift of interpreting languages, and in all things which are good; for there is nothing which is good save it comes from the Lord: and that which is evil cometh from the devil. 26 And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved. 27 And now I would speak somewhat concerning a certain number who went up into the wilderness to return to the land of Nephi; for there was a large number who were desirous to possess the land of their inheritance. 28 Wherefore, they went up into the wilderness. And their leader being a strong and mighty man, and a stiffnecked man, wherefore he caused a contention among them; and they were all slain, save fifty, in the wilderness, and they returned again to the land of Zarahemla. 29 And it came to pass that they also took others to a considerable number, and took their journey again into the wilderness. 30 And I, Amaleki, had a brother, who also went with them; and I have not since known concerning them. And I am about to lie down in my grave; and these plates are full. And I make an end of my speaking. Although the writers of the book of Omni wrote little, each writer obeyed the commandment to keep and preserve the plates. Why was preserving the records so vital? The second half of the book of Omni, written by Amaleki, illustrates the importance of preserving the records by showing what happened to a people that had not preserved its records. Amaleki recorded the story of Mosiah and his followers, who were commanded by the Lord to leave the land of Nephi. Where were Mosiah and his followers led? Omni 1:13. What principle can we learn from Omni 1:13? If we hearken to the Lord's words, He will guide and protect us. When the Nephites came to the land of Zarahemla, they discovered that it was already inhabited. The people they found there were the descendants of a group that had been led out of Jerusalem by a man named Mulek around the same time that Lehi's family had departed from Jerusalem The people of Zarahemla were led by a man named Zarahemla at the time they were discovered by Mosiah and his people. Whom did they find in the land of Zarahemla? Omni 1:14 Where had these people come from? Omni 1:15–16; see also 1 Nephi 1 which explains that Zedekiah was king of Jerusalem at the time that Lehi and his family went into the wilderness. 17 And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Why were the people of Zarahemla (the Mulekites) so happy to see Mosiah and his followers? Omni 1:14 What consequences did Amaleki imply had come to the Mulekites because they did not bring any records with them when they left Jerusalem? Omni 1:17. Their language had degenerated and they had lost the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His teachings. How might we be affected if we did not have the scriptures? Mosiah 1:3–5. How are we affected when we have the scriptures but do not study them? By interpreting an engraved stone kept by the Mulekites, Mosiah learned of another civilization, the Jaredites, that had existed in the land Omni 1:20–22. The Jaredites came to the western hemisphere at the time of the Tower of Babel. Coriantumr, the last survivor of the Jaredite nation, had lived with the Mulekites for a time. The records of the Jaredites are abridged in the book of Ether. The people of Zarahemla learned the language of the Nephites, united with them, and made Mosiah their king. These verses tell of how the people of Zarahemla had previously encountered Coriantumr. As well, the land of Desolation is the place in the land northward where the Jaredite people's "bones lay scattered" after they were destroyed. What can we learn about Amaleki from Omni 1:25–26? If we come unto Christ and offer our whole souls unto Him, we will be saved. How can we "offer [our] whole souls as an offering" to the Savior, as Amaleki counseled? Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught the meaning of offering ourselves to the Lord: "Real, personal sacrifice never was placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal in us upon the altar and letting it be consumed!" (Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 91; or Ensign, May 1995, 68). On the same topic, Elder Maxwell later taught: "As you submit your wills to God, you are giving Him the only thing you can actually give Him that is really yours to give" (Conference Report, Apr. 2004, 48; or Ensign, May 2004, 46). Part 4: Words of Mormon 1:1–8 God will work through us if we follow His guidance From 1 Nephi through Omni, the Book of Mormon contains a straight chronological account. The Words of Mormon, however, were written more than 500 years after Amaleki completed the book of Omni. Among the records the Nephites kept were the small and large plates of Nephi 1 Nephi 9:2. The large plates primarily contained the secular history of the people, while the small plates included the sacred history 1 Nephi 9:2–4. The books of 1 Nephi through Omni were recorded on the small plates of Nephi. The books of Mosiah through 4 Nephi are Mormon's abridgement taken from the large plates. In this chapter we learn why Mormon was inspired to include the small plates and how God will work through us for all needs present and future. 1 And now I, Mormon, being about to deliver up the record which I have been making into the hands of my son Moroni, behold I have witnessed almost all the destruction of my people, the Nephites. 2 And it is many hundred years after the coming of Christ that I deliver these records into the hands of my son; and it supposeth me that he will witness the entire destruction of my people. But may God grant that he may survive them, that he may write somewhat concerning them, and somewhat concerning Christ, that perhaps some day it may profit them. 3 And now, I speak somewhat concerning that which I have written; for after I had made an abridgment from the plates of Nephi, down to the reign of this king Benjamin, of whom Amaleki spake, I searched among the records which had been delivered into my hands, and I found these plates, which contained this small account of the prophets, from Jacob down to the reign of this king Benjamin, and also many of the words of Nephi. 4 And the things which are upon these plates pleasing me, because of the prophecies of the coming of Christ; and my fathers knowing that many of them have been fulfilled; yea, and I also know that as many things as have been prophesied concerning us down to this day have been fulfilled, and as many as go beyond this day must surely come to pass— 5 Wherefore, I chose these things, to finish my record upon them, which remainder of my record I shall take from the plates of Nephi; and I cannot write the hundredth part of the things of my people. 6 But behold, I shall take these plates, which contain these prophesyings and revelations, and put them with the remainder of my record, for they are choice unto me; and I know they will be choice unto my brethren. 7 And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will. 8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people. When did Mormon write the Words of Mormon, and why? Words of Mormon 1:1–5.After Mormon abridged the large plates of Nephi, he found the small plates of Nephi and included them in his record. The first six books of the Book of Mormon, from 1 Nephi through Omni, are a translation of these small plates. The book titled Words of Mormon is Mormon's explanation of why he included the small plates. It serves as a transition between the records from the small plates and the records from the large plates. What were Mormon's impressions of the small plates? Words of Mormon 1:4, 6. Why did he decide to include the small plates in his record? Words of Mormon 1:7. The small plates of Nephi covered approximately the same time period (600 to 200 B.C.) as the first records in the large plates. There was no apparent need for Mormon to include both in his abridgment. But the Lord knew that the translation of the first records from the large plates would be lost centuries later, when Martin Harris took 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript to show to his family members and friends. After these 116 pages of the translation were lost, the Lord instructed Joseph Smith not to retranslate the same records D&C 10:8–14. These records are not found in the Book of Mormon today. Instead, the same time period is described through the account from the small plates. Nephi did not make the small plates until 30 years after Lehi's colony left Jerusalem (see 2 Nephi 5:28–31). He did not understand why he was commanded to make a second set of records, but he had faith that it was "for a wise purpose" in the Lord (1 Nephi 9:5). Nearly 1,000 years later the prophet Mormon echoed similar words to Nephi's when he testified that in addition to his abridgment of the large plates of Nephi he was including the small plates of Nephi "for a wise purpose" (Words of Mormon 1:7). Joseph Smith started the translation of the Book of Mormon with Mormon's abridgment of the large plates of Nephi. He had completed 116 manuscript pages when Martin Harris pleaded with Joseph to let him take the manuscript and show it to family members. Joseph asked God three different times if Martin could take the manuscript, and permission was finally given. The manuscript fell into the hands of wicked men (see D&C 10:8) and became known as the lost manuscript, or the lost 116 pages. The loss of the manuscript clearly demonstrates why the Lord commanded Nephi to write the small plates and why Mormon was inspired to include them. Joseph Smith was told not to retranslate the portion he had already completed, but to replace it by translating the small plates of Nephi (see D&C 10:30, 38–45). The translation of the 116 pages covered 600–130 B.C.—from the time of Lehi to the time of King Benjamin. The small plates also covered 600–130 B.C.— from Lehi to King Benjamin. The Lord in His omniscience had the second record, the small plates, cover the exact time period that was covered in the stolen 116 pages. This also allowed the Lord to keep His covenant with Enos that "he would preserve the records" (Enos 1:16). Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles affirmed that the portion of the Book of Mormon that comes from the small plates provides more information than was lost on the 116 pages: "At least six times in the Book of Mormon the phrase 'for a wise purpose' is used in reference to the making, writing, and preserving of the small plates of Nephi (see 1 Nephi 9:5; Words of Mormon 1:7; Alma 37:2, 12, 14, 18). You and I know the wise purpose—the most obvious one—was to compensate for the loss of the earlier mentioned 116 pages of manuscript. But it strikes me that there is a wiser purpose than that. … The key to such a suggestion of a wiser purpose is in verse 45 of Doctrine and Covenants section 10. As the Lord instructs Joseph … he says, 'Behold, there are many things engraven upon the [small] plates of Nephi which do throw greater views upon my gospel' (emphasis added). So, clearly, this was not … tit for tat, this for that—you give me 116 pages of manuscript and I'll give you 142 pages of printed text. Not so. We got back more than we lost. And it was known from the beginning that it would be so. It was for a wiser purpose. We do not know exactly what we missed in the 116 pages, but we do know that what we received on the small plates was the personal declarations of three great witnesses [Nephi, Jacob, and Isaiah], three of the great doctrinal voices of the Book of Mormon, testifying that Jesus is the Christ. …In fact, I think you could make a pretty obvious case that the sole purpose of the small plates was to give a platform for these three witnesses" ("A Standard unto My People" [Church Educational System symposium on the Book of Mormon, Aug. 9, 1994], 9–10; see LDS.org under gospel library/additional addresses/CES addresses). Elder Neal A. Maxwell testified of the foreknowledge of God and how it builds our faith in Him: Few doctrines, save those pertaining to the reality of the existence of God, are more basic than the truth that God is omniscient. …God is perfect in the attributes of divinity, and one of these is knowledge: '… seeing that without the knowledge of all things, God would not be able to save any portion of his creatures; for it is by reason of the knowledge which he has of all things, from the beginning to the end, that enables him to give that understanding to his creatures by which they are made partakers of eternal life; and if it were not for the idea existing in the minds of men that God had all knowledge it would be impossible for them to exercise faith in him.' (Lecture 4, paragraph 11.) …"God, who knows the beginning from the end, knows, therefore, all that is in between" (All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience [1979], 6–7). (Book of Mormon Student Manual) What did Mormon say was the purpose of the entire sacred record he was abridging? Words of Mormon 1:2, 8 What is a truth in Words of Mormon 1:7 that helps us understand why we should follow promptings from the Spirit, even if we do not understand the reasons for doing so? The Lord knows all things. Why is it important that we read the Book of Mormon with this purpose in mind? The writers of the Book of Mormon kept and preserved the records of their people so that future generations would know the dealings of the Lord with these people. How might these truths help you when you receive promptings from the Spirit? What did Mormon hope would be the result of following the prompting to include the small plates of Nephi in his compilation of the records? Words of Mormon 1:8 Its important, when reading the Words of Mormon, to remember that all the writings we have studied so far this year in the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi–Omni) are available to us because Mormon followed the spiritual impression to include the small plates. Records Abridged and Compiled by Mormon and Moroni Current Form Large Plates of Nephi Book of Lehi Lost 116 pages Abridged by Mormon and included in the Book of Mormon Small Plates of Nephi Included by Mormon in the Book of Mormon Plates of Ether Book of Ether Abridged by Moroni and included in the Book of Mormon How has Mormon's obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit blessed your life? How can our willingness to follow spiritual promptings influence our lives or the lives of others? "On one occasion many years ago, I was swimming laps at the old Deseret Gym in Salt Lake City when I felt the inspiration to go to the University Hospital to visit a good friend of mine who had lost the use of his lower limbs because of a malignancy and the surgery which followed. I immediately left the pool, dressed, and was soon on my way to see this good man. When I arrived at his room, I found that it was empty. Upon inquiry I learned that I would probably find him in the swimming pool area of the hospital, an area which was used for physical therapy. Such turned out to be the case. He had guided himself there in his wheelchair and was the only occupant of the room. He was on the far side of the pool, near the deep end. I called to him, and he maneuvered his wheelchair over to greet me. We had an enjoyable visit, and I accompanied him back to his hospital room, where I gave him a blessing. I learned later from my friend that he had been utterly despondent that day and had been contemplating taking his own life. He had prayed for relief but began to feel that his prayers had gone unanswered. He went to the pool with the thought that this would be a way to end his misery—by guiding his wheelchair into the deep end of the pool. I had arrived at a critical moment, in response to what I know was inspiration from on high. "… How pleased I am to have been an instrument in the Lord's hands on that critical day at the swimming pool" (Thomas S. Monson, "Consider the Blessings," 87). As we study the books of Enos, Jarom, Omni, and Words of Mormon, we can receive guidance from the Lord as Enos did. The story of Enos demonstrates God's willingness to bless and direct us in response to personal prayer. The account of the Nephites who fled the land of Lehi-Nephi illustrates that God also directs His people through prophetic warnings and counsel. Through personal prayer and by following the prophet, we gain a testimony of the Lord's infinite love and care for us. Book of Mormon Student Manual Book of Mormon Study Guide Guide to the Scriptures ChurchofJesusChrist.org Labels: #ComeFollowMe, ancient people, answer to prayers, Book of Mormon, Enos, gospel of Jesus Christ, guidance, He works in me to do His will, Jarom, repentance, Words of Mormon fbt3yyt0ab December 22, 2022 at 4:21 AM Wall thickness needs to account for material alternative and part structure. Draft sides make the part easier to eject from the injection molding machine by permitting air into the mold. Everywhere you look, most moldable objects on the earth round you're be} created utilizing injection molding. Plastic injection molding has been a reliable, well-established manufacturing course of for over 100 years. The first injection molded part was created again in 1872 by John W. 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Aroostook War Map showing the extreme boundary claims (red=British, blue=United States), and the final border (yellow) Maine-New Brunswick border Webster-Ashburton Treaty 38 non-combat deaths Conflicts between Canadian Campaign Patriot War Pig War Trent Affair Chesapeake Affair Fenian Raids Bering Sea Arbitration Current Border Disputes The Aroostook War (sometimes called the Pork and Beans War[1]) was a confrontation in 1838–1839 between the United States and the United Kingdom over the international boundary between the British colony of Webster-Ashburton Treaty in 1842, which fixed the permanent border. The term "war" was rhetorical; local militia units were called out but never engaged in combat. The event is best described as an international incident. Diplomatic settlement 1 Disputed border 2 Growing tensions 3 Crisis of 1830 4 Posses, arrests, and the mobilization of militia 5 American and British governments step in 6 Settlement 7 Diplomatic settlement In the end the crisis involved no actual armed confrontation between military forces and negotiations between British diplomat Baron Ashburton and United States Secretary of State Daniel Webster quickly settled the dispute. Webster secretly funded a propaganda campaign that convinced leaders in Maine of the wisdom of compromise. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 established the final boundary between the countries, giving most of the disputed area to Maine while a militarily vital connection between Canada and the Atlantic colonies was secured by Britain, as well as a project for a commercial right-of-way that would allow British commercial interests to transit through Maine on their way to and from southern New Brunswick or Nova Scotia. (The right-of way is still used in 2013 by the Eastern Maine Railway subsidiary of the New Brunswick Railway Company and by the Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway. That trackage was originally part of the Canadian Pacific Railway's Sherbrooke - Saint John rail line.)[2] Despite the lack of military action the episode had major consequences on the states' right to use military force on their own with the understanding that the main purpose was to address internal conflicts. In the aftermath of the crisis the Federal government assumed complete control over military matters. The episode was to be the last serious confrontation between the US and the United Kingdom. Disputed border The Treaty of Paris (1783) ended the American Revolutionary War but did not clearly determine the boundary between British North America (Canada) and the United States. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts thereafter began issuing land grants in its District of Maine, including the areas that the British claimed. Questions about the boundary line arose not long afterward, and the negotiators of the 1794 Jay Treaty agreed that a commission should determine the source of the St. Croix River, the principal geographical feature identified in the earlier treaty. The parties sent a collaborative survey team to locate the mouth of the proper river, and to establish its headwaters. In 1798 the commission decided the southernmost portion of this boundary, from the mouth of the St. Croix to its source, which was determined to be the Chiputneticook Lakes. This commission did no work to finalize details of the border north of the lakes, which was described as running in a straight line north to the highlands separating the Saint Lawrence River watershed from watersheds draining to the south. It also left unresolved the question of who claimed which islands in Passamaquoddy Bay. During the War of 1812, the British occupied most of eastern Maine, including Washington County, Hancock County, and parts of Penobscot County, Maine, for eight months, intending to permanently annex the region into Canada. The Treaty of Ghent ended the war in 1814 and reestablished the boundary line of the 1783 treaty. A commission was appointed which resolved most of the issues surrounding the islands (Machias Seal Island continues to be formally disputed between the United States and Canada). A recommendation by the British commissioner that the northward line to the "highlands" end at Mars Hill (about 100 miles (160 km) south of where this line was eventually negotiated to end) was rejected. When Maine broke away from Massachusetts in 1820 as a separate state, the status and location of the border emerged as a chief concern to the new state government. Massachusetts also retained an interest in the matter, as it retained ownership of half the public lands in Maine, including a large part of the disputed territory, as part of the separation. For their part the British considered that Maine's territory protruding so deeply into British territory and nearly reaching the St. Lawrence in some areas constituted a serious hindrance to communications between Canada and its colonial satellites on the Atlantic seaboard. Securing the northern half of Maine would cut travel time between Quebec City and Halifax almost in half, as it lay directly between them. As late as September 1825, Maine and Massachusetts land agents issued deeds, sold timber permits, took censuses, and recorded births, deaths, and marriages in the contested area of the Madawaska area to Fredericton, New Brunswick, that a thunderstorm had ignited a forest fire. This Miramichi Fire destroyed thousands of acres of prime New Brunswick timber, killed hundreds of settlers, left thousands more homeless, and destroyed several thriving communities. The journal entries of the newly appointed Governor of New Brunswick record the destruction and comments that survival of New Brunswick depended on the vast forests to the west in the area disputed with the United States. Growing tensions Mostly early Acadians (descendants of the original French colonists) settled the Saint John and Madawaska River basins. Some Americans then settled in the Aroostook River Valley. During 1826–1830, provincial timber interests also settled the west bank of the Saint John river and its tributaries, and British families built homes in Woodstock, Tobique, and Grand Falls, New Brunswick. The French-speaking population of Madawaska were "Brayons" — nominally British subjects — who (at least rhetorically) considered themselves to belong to the unofficial "République du Madawaska", and thus professed allegiance to neither Americans nor British. Another factor was the mutual sympathy between John Baker (see below) and many members of French-speaking communities located near Baker's mill, who both felt betrayed by their respective authorities. The population of the area swelled with outsiders, however, when winter freed lumbermen from farm work to "long-pole" up the Saint John River to the valley. These migrant seasonal lumbermen caused particular tension for the governments of Maine and Massachusetts, responsible for the protection of resources and revenues of their respective states. Some itinerant lumbermen eventually settled year-round in the Saint John valley. Most settlers found themselves too remote from the authorities to apply formally for land. Disputes heated as factions maneuvered for control over the best stands of trees. John Baker on 4 July 1827 raised an American flag, which his wife made, on the western (now Canadian) side of the junction of Baker Brook and the Saint John River. New Brunswick authorities subsequently arrested Baker, fined him £25, and held him in jail until he paid his fine.[3] Crisis of 1830 In preparation for a United States census in 1830, the William I of the Netherlands to arbitrate. William was given a topographical map of the disputed area with the parties' arguments, with detailed scientific and diplomatic evidence for each. A century later, Canadian Hugh LL. Keenlyside and American Gerald S. Brown wrote:[4] There can now be little doubt that the American claim was justified by the intentions of the commissioners of 1783. It is morally certain that the intention then was to re-enact the boundary line of the Proclamation of 1763, and that the British argument based on the difference between the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean was simply an ingenious quibble. Unfortunately, the Treaty of 1783 was so badly worded that it could not be translated into a practical topographical boundary. The British case was not a sound one, and a decision based solely upon justice would, in all probability, have given Maine more than was ultimately received.[4] William indeed found reconciling the treaty with the map so difficult that he gave up. On 20 January 1831 he called the treaty "inexplicable and impractical", and compromised by drawing a line between the two listed options. The United States received 7,908 square miles (20,480 km2) square miles and Britain received 4,119 square miles (10,670 km2). The British government accepted this decision, but Maine rejected it and the new treaty failed to pass the United States Senate. Although the king had not made a judicial decision for one side as expected, he had followed the arbitration agreement's request to "make a decision on the points of difference". The American refusal to accept his decision would cost the United States 900 square miles (2,300 km2) square miles of territory.[4] Posses, arrests, and the mobilization of militia In 1835 the British rescinded their acceptance of the Dutch compromise and offered another boundary, which the Americans rejected. The United States offered to ask Maine to accept the Saint John River as the boundary, which the British rejected.[4] In 1837 Maine took a special census. Penobscot County Census Representative Greeley thus began a census of the upper Aroostook River territory. Governor John Harvey of New Brunswick had Greeley arrested. Letters from New Brunswick accused the Governor of Maine of bribery and threatened military action if Maine continued to exercise jurisdiction in the basins of the Aroostook river and its tributaries. In response, Governor Robert Dunlap of Maine issued a general order announcing that a foreign power had invaded Maine.[5] In March 1838 the state demanded a survey based on the American claim and that the federal government enforce the claim. Washington refused, but did authorize a survey for possible fortifications. The state legislature authorized $800,000 for military defense, and Congress gave the President authority to raise the militia with a $10,000,000 budget. Meanwhile, Nova Scotia voted $100,000 in funds to defend New Brunswick.[4] Both American and New Brunswick lumbermen cut timber in the disputed territory during the winter of 1838–1839, according to reports submitted to the Maine Legislature, resulting in the Battle of Caribou and other conflicts. On 24 January 1839, the Maine Legislature authorized the newly elected Governor John Fairfield to send Maine's land agent, Rufus McIntire, the Penobscot County sheriff, and a posse of volunteer militia to the upper Aroostook to pursue and arrest the New Brunswickers. The posse left Bangor, Maine, on 8 February 1839. Arriving at T 10 R 5 (an unnamed Maine township in the disputed area), the posse established a camp at the junction of the Saint Croix and Aroostook Rivers and began confiscating New Brunswick lumbering equipment, and sending any lumbermen caught and arrested back to Maine for trial. A group of New Brunswick lumbermen learned of these activities and, unable to retrieve their oxen and horses, broke into the arsenal in Woodstock to arm themselves. They gathered their own posse, and seized the Maine land agent and his assistants in the middle of the night. This New Brunswick posse transported the Maine officials in chains to Woodstock and held them for an "interview". Terming the Americans "political prisoners," Sir John Harvey sent correspondence to Washington, DC, that he lacked the authority to act on the arrests without instructions from London, which he awaited. He added that he intended meanwhile to exercise his responsibilities to ensure British jurisdiction over the Aroostook, and he demanded removal from the region of all Maine forces. He then sent his military commander to the T 10 R 5 campsite and ordered the Maine militia to leave. Captain Rines and the others refused, stating they were following orders and doing their duty. The Maine side then took the New Brunswick military commander himself into custody. On 15 February 1839, the Maine Legislature authorized militia Major General Isaac Hodsdon to lead 1,000 additional volunteers to augment the posse then on the upper Aroostook River. Additional correspondence from governor Sir John Harvey of New Brunswick, reports of British Army troops arriving from the West Indies, reports of the Mohawk nation offering their services to Quebec, and reports of New Brunswick forces gathering on the Saint John River resulted in the issuance of General Order No 7 on 19 February 1839, calling for a general draft of Maine militia. Maine militia companies mustered in Bangor and traveled to the Upper Aroostook until 26 February 1839, when the early construction of Fort Fairfield, which the earlier posse built on the Aroostook River from seized stolen timber, allowed for camping troops on the eastern boundary. American and British governments step in During Congressional debates in Washington on 2 March 1839, Representative Francis Ormand Jonathan Smith of Maine outlined the events and the various communications sent and received since 1825. Representative Smith noted the primary responsibility of the national government to protect and defend its own territory and citizens, but declared that Maine would defend its territory alone if the national government chose to not fulfill its obligations. President Martin Van Buren assigned Brigadier General Winfield Scott, then involved in the Cherokee removal, to the conflict area; he arrived in Boston in early March 1839. Additional information arriving in Washington through April and May 1839 kept Congressional debate lively until Congress authorized a force of 50,000 men and appropriated $10 million, placed at the disposal of the President in the event foreign military troops crossed into United States territory during the Congressional recess of summer 1839.[6] Maine initially committed three thousand to ten thousand militia to the conflict in addition to the land agent's posse. Sir John Harvey had supervised Winfield Scott during his time as prisoner of war during the War of 1812, and the President and his advisers saw that relationship as a point of mutual respect. Pursuant to the terms of the truce for administration within the disputed area, the Maine Legislature on 6 April 1839 created an armed civil posse. On advice of Brigadier General Scott, Maine issued General Orders to recall the militia in May and June 1839 and to replace the militiamen with the armed civil posse. The office of the Maine state land agent led the armed civil posse with Deputy Land Agent William Parrott at Fort Fairfield and Captain Stover Rines at Camp Jarvis on the Fish River (later Fort Kent, Maine). The US army began the permanent structure of Fort Fairfield in April 1839 and that of Fort Kent in October 1839.[7] Major R. M. Kirby commanded of Hancock Barracks post near Houlton, Maine, with three companies of the United States 1st Artillery Regiment. Four companies of the British 11th Regiment marched to the area from Quebec City to represent Canada with the intent to build a suitable barracks across the Saint Johns River from Fort Kent. New Brunswick meanwhile armed every tributary of the Saint John River that flowed from the Aroostook Territory with regular and militia soldiers. In 1840, Maine created Aroostook County, Maine, to administer the civilian authority of the area. However, reports of collusion resulted in the Maine Executive Council assigning Alphus Lyons to investigate Sheriff Packard and District Attorney Tabor.[8] The two nations agreed to refer the dispute to a boundary commission, but further clashes between their forces continued in the interim. Neither nation wanted a war that would have greatly interfered with the two nations' trade.[4] Daniel Webster and Alexander Baring, 1st Baron Ashburton, reached a compromise, the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of Washington in 1842, which settled the Maine-Canada boundary and the boundary between Canada and New Hampshire, Michigan and Minnesota. This treaty awarded 7,015 square miles (18,170 km2) to the United States and 5,012 square miles (12,980 km2) to British control. The British retained the northern area of the disputed territory, including the Halifax Road with its year-round overland military communications between Quebec and Nova Scotia. The U.S. federal government agreed to pay the states of Maine and Massachusetts $150,000 each for the loss of the lands of their states while the United States reimbursed them for newly acquired territory in the Northwest Territories and for expenses incurred during the time Maine's armed civil posse administered the truce period. Webster used a map that American Jared Sparks found in the Paris Archives while searching for pro-American evidence, which Benjamin Franklin had supposedly marked with a red line, to persuade Maine and Massachusetts to accept the agreement. The map showed that the disputed region belonged to the British, and so helped convince the representatives of those states to accept the compromise. Webster replied to later criticism for hiding the map, "I did not think it a very urgent duty to go to Lord Ashburton and tell him that I had found a bit of doubtful evidence in Paris." Ashburton agreed, saying "My own opinion is that in this respect no reproach can fairly be made." The British Foreign Office, without Ashburton's knowledge, acted similarly by hiding the "Mitchell's map", which generally supported the American case.[4] Some claim that British officials created the Franklin map as a fake to pressure the American negotiators. The evidence is that the British map placed the entire disputed area on the American side of the border.[9] While Lord Palmerston and many Conservatives in Parliament denounced the treaty, the British government was pleased, and Conservatives such as Benjamin Disraeli supported it. Similarly, Maine and Massachusetts complained but were happy to be paid for the loss of territory. Canada was unhappy, however, as it viewed the treaty as the British improving relations with the United States by permitting American territory to separate Lower Canada from the Maritimes. Keenlyside and Brown later wrote "Unjust as such accusations are, it is nevertheless a fact that many Canadians still consider the Ashburton Treaty of 1842 to be the first and most important instance of the loss of Canadian rights due to the complacency of Great Britain and the crooked diplomacy of the United States."[4] The Aroostook War, though without direct combat, did see militiamen die of accident and disease; for example, Private Hiram T. Smith. Caroline Affair List of conflicts in Canada Republic of Indian Stream Republic of Madawaska ^ Le Duc, Thomas (1947). The Maine Frontier and the Northeastern Boundary Controversy. The American Historical Review Vol. 53, No. 1 (Oct., 1947), pp. 30-41 ^ Robert Remini, Daniel Webster (1997) 535-64 ^ See "Under his Own Flag". ^ a b c d e f g h ^ The Works of James Buchanan ^ Journal and Letterbook of William Parrott ^ Executive Council Report on the investigation of the Aroostook County Sheriff, Oct 1840, Maine State Archives ^ John A. Garraty, The American Nation, Houghton Mifflin, p. 336 Carroll, Francis M. "Drawing the Line" Beaver 2003 83(4): 19-25 Carroll, Francis M. "The Passionate Canadians: The Historical Debate about the Eastern Canadian-American Boundary," New England Quarterly, Vol. 70, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 83–101 in JSTOR Jones. Howard. "Anglophobia and the Aroostook War," New England Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 4 (Dec., 1975), pp. 519–539 in JSTOR Jones. Howard. To the Webster-Ashburton Treaty: A Study in Anglo-American Relations, 1783–1843 (1977). 251 pp. Jones, Wilbur Devereux. "The Influence of Slavery on the Webster-Ashburton Negotiations," Journal of Southern History, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Feb., 1956), pp. 48–58 in JSTOR LeDuc, Thomas. "The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Minnesota Iron Ranges," Journal of American History, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Dec., 1964), pp. 476–481 in JSTOR, shows the value of the iron range was not known when the treaty was drawn Merk, Frederick. "The Oregon Question in the Webster-Ashburton Negotiations," Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Dec., 1956), pp. 379–404 in JSTOR Remini, Robert. Daniel Webster (1997) 535-64 The Upper St. John River Valley: The Boundary Dispute, with maps and historic texts Deane and Kavanagh's 1831 Aroostook Valley legislative report (covering present-day Crouseville, Maine) Officers in Service During the Aroostook War Aroostook War Muster Rolls Canadian Militia History "When Governments act in bad faith" The 1837 Foundation of Northern Maine Major armed conflicts involving the United States Armed Forces listed chronologically Shays' Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion Fries's Rebellion Mormon War Dorr Rebellion Bleeding Kansas Utah War Indian Wars Brooks–Baxter War Range War Lincoln County War Johnson County War Coal Creek War Homestead Strike Battle of Blair Mountain Bonus Army Battle of Athens First Barbary War Second Barbary War First Sumatran expedition Second Sumatran expedition Ivory Coast Expedition First Fiji Expedition Second Opium War Second Fiji Expedition Formosa Expedition Korean Expedition Spanish–American War Philippine–American War Invasion of the Dominican Republic Invasion of Grenada Invasion of Panama Somali Civil War Bosnian War Kosovo War War in North-West Pakistan Libyan Civil War Intervention against ISIL List of conflicts in the U.S. List of wars involving the U.S. Timeline of U.S. military operations Length of U.S. participation in major wars Overseas expansion Covert regime-change actions Peace movement List of anti-war organizations Conscientious objector Use dmy dates from March 2011 Canada–United States border disputes History of Maine 1830s in Maine 1838 in Canada Aroostook County, Maine Bangor, Maine Military history of New Brunswick Battles and conflicts without fatalities Canada, Maine, Penobscot County, Maine, Washington County, Maine, Houlton, Maine Maine, Brewer, Maine, Penobscot County, Maine, Old Town, Maine, National Register of Historic Places Henry C. Wayne American Civil War, Confederate States of America, United States Army, Aroostook War, Maine
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It has been a banner year for bike advocacy. The last 12 months have seen the launch of a region-wide bike share program, the end of rush hour bike bans on BART, the opening of a cycle route on the new Bay Bridge span, and the continued incursion of telltale green bike lanes into urban and suburban roadways once the exclusive dominion of cars. And yet, turn your eyes outward and the lanes are always greener. While the Bay Area may rank high on most metrics purporting to evaluate "bikeability" (or the more congenial "bike-friendliness"), we never quite make it to the front of the pack. That spot, predictably and categorically, belongs to Portland, Oregon where census data shows that more than 6 percent of all workers ride to work. That figure nearly doubles San Francisco's proportion of pedal-powered commuters and triples Oakland's. And while 8 percent of workers in collegiate, progressive Berkeley get to the office by bike (a figure not measured alongside Portland's given the vast difference in city size), by global standards, comparing these single-digits amounts to damning with faint praise. For an ambitious and unflattering comparison to our local bike promoting efforts, consider the international epicenters of pedaldom, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. In those cities, more than one-third of commuters glide helmetlessly to work across bridges, chunnels and highways built specifically for bikes. For bicycling proponents in the Bay Area, this raises a simple question: Why not us? Certainly, we have the density, we have better weather, and we have that oh-so-bike-friendly blend of youth, health-consciousness and eco-mindedness that ought to make us the Copenhagen of the Pacific Rim. Do the close confines of Northern European living promote the use of the bicycle? Is there something fixed deep within the boom-and-bust-loving American psyche that draws us to the internal combustion engine? Is California fated to be synonymous with car culture? Or is it simply unfair to compare the flatness of the Dutch Lowlands to the calf-straining topography of the Bay? Actually, the answer is more straightforward, says Robert Cervero, UC Berkeley professor of city and regional planning: You get what you pay for. "In a lot of these (Northern European) cities, upwards of 18 percent of the transportation budget is going to bicycle infrastructure," he says. "In the U.S. we typically spend a fraction of 1 percent and so we get a fraction of 1 percent of all trips taking place on bike." In San Francisco, the spending proportion is 2 percent. Cervero's "build it and they will come" argument is one that is commonly deployed by bicycle advocates and one based on the assumption that millions of Americans are just rearing to ditch their cars and jump on their bicycles—if only the infrastructure was there to support them. "Cycling remains a marginal mode of transport in most American cities because it is widely viewed as requiring special equipment and training, physical fitness, and the courage and willingness to battle with motor vehicles on streets without separate lanes or paths," writes Rutgers University urban planning professor John Pucher in an academic overview of bike infrastructure and transport policy in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany. "Cycling is a mainstream mode of urban travel in northern Europe precisely because it does not require any of those things." State-sponsored bike-friendliness means not only throwing more money at bike paths fully separated from car traffic—in his view it also means making it more of a pain to drive a car through the use of traffic calming measures and high parking fees. The bicycle also has to be taken seriously at the top. Each of the three countries profiled in the study have national bicycling master plans. And while American high school students take driver's ed, young Danes and Dutch receive schoolyard training in safe cycling habits. A couple of recent studies provide some support for the Pucher thesis. Last month, Portland State University's Chris Monsere surveyed riders using nine protected bike lanes across the country, including the Oak and Fell Street cycle tracks in San Francisco. Aside from funneling cyclists from around the neighborhood onto these safer corridors, Monsere found that one in ten users reported that absent the new, safer infrastructure they would have taken another type of vehicle to work. In other words, San Francisco built it, and the cyclists came. Similarly, in a paper published last winter with graduate students Benjamin Caldwell and Jesus Cuellar, UC Berkeley's Cervero tried to measure the way bike facilities in and around various BART stations encourage commuters to bike to the stations. Not surprisingly, he found that the two stations which saw the biggest bump in cyclist ridership between 1998 and 2008, Ashby and Fruitvale, had both dramatically expanded secure bike parking options. Another result? Doubling, tripling—and in the case of Fruitvale, octupling—neighborhood bike lane length over the same time period. Likewise, the "worst case scenario" station, Balboa Park, suffers a dearth of onsite and surrounding bike facilities, by San Francisco standards. Cervero admits "we probably can't match the numbers of Amsterdam." For one, the Dutch have a tremendous head start on us. Even at the apex of car culture in the 1950s and '60s, the bicycle always made up a larger share of traffic on Amsterdam streets than it does in any American city today. Plus, there are all the Bay Area hills to consider—although here too, the Europeans may have us beat. "Still, we can certainly improve upon a fraction of 1 percent," says Cervero. "Some people think of these kinds of projects as 'frills' or 'amenities.' They're not. They are basic provisions in the same way that automobiles need on-ramps and traffic lights. We need to shift our thinking on how to prioritize our transportation options." In the Bay Area, that shift is already underway. Two years ago Rebecca Sanders, a postdoctoral researcher at Cal's Safe Transportation Research and Education Center, asked more than 500 pedestrians, drivers, transit riders and cyclists along San Pablo avenue what kinds of changes they would like to see along the corridor to improve overall safety. The addition of a bicycle lane was the most suggested improvement. "Slow but tectonic shifts that are occurring," says Cervero. He notes that roughly one in five early 20-somethings in the United States doesn't have a driver's license. That's double the figure from thirty years ago. "Quite a bit of it comes from the fact that increasing numbers of people are rejecting this idea of the nuclear family that lives out in the suburbs with two cars and they're moving towards living more like they do in Europe." Whether or not everyone is equally on board with this Danish vision, city planning departments across the Bay Area are taking note. The continual expansion and enhancement of Berkeley's bike boulevard network has helped boost ridership by some 60 percent over the last decade. The City of San Francisco has assumed the perhaps overly ambitious goal of convincing 20 percent of its commuters to bike to work by 2020. Even perennially cash-strapped Oakland is getting serious about bikes. "I think it's recognized by pretty much everyone here that biking is transportation, not just recreation," says Kristine Shaff, a spokesperson for Public Works Oakland. "In the last couple of years and every year more so after that, what Oakland is doing is that we're incorporating bicycle projects into existing paving programs. The funding is always not nearly enough, but we are starting to make these various improvements together now." The proposed redesign of Telegraph Avenue is an example of such an approach. Though you wouldn't know it from the whir of the traffic, the pockmarked pavement or the lack of telling signage, the some 1,200 cyclists who brave the route daily make it one of the most well trafficked bicycle corridors in the city. Pursuing a balance of walking, biking, bussing and driving options—as opposed to accepting mere auto-supremacy—the city of Oakland is now taking public feedback on how to gussy up the avenue, and flirting with the idea of protected bike lanes once the pavement is broken. "I do think it's important when we talk about this that we not prioritize bikes over other modes of transportation," says Shaff, "but they are definitely part of the mix." A part too large for some, which has triggered a backlash. The notion that cyclists and their anti-automotive allies have led a silent coup within Bay Area transportation departments seems to underlie many of the recent squabbles over local land use. Take Restore Transportation Balance, the San Francisco ballot initiative backed by tech billionaire Sean Parker. It aims to roll back the tyranny of parking meters, increase funding for car garages, boost the representation of drivers at the SFMTA, and finally start fining those scofflaw cyclists for running red lights. This same "take our city back" argument in San Francisco also found expression in last year's campaign against a Polk Street bike path plan, after business owners complained that the requisite removal of street parking would be their ruin. Still, despite these fits and starts—or to use the more appropriate vehicular metaphor, despite the chain occasionally coming off—the momentum seems to be moving in the direction of increasing bike-friendliness. And for that, Sacramento deserves some credit. "The faster that cit­ies start build­ing pro­tec­ted bike lanes in­stead of the crappy door zone paths we're all used to, the bet­ter." By setting statewide vehicle emission targets in 2008, for example, the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 has pressured regional planners to "Dutchify" their planning and land-use policies. California policy makers are now aiming to overturn the state's so-called "level of service" metric for the environmental assessment of new projects, a measure that prioritizes the speedy flow of car traffic at the expense of public transit, pedestrian, and bike infrastructure. Likewise prospects look bright for a bill sponsored by San Francisco Assemblyman Phil Ting that would reduce some of the barriers cities face when trying to build European-style protected bike lanes. "The faster that cities start building protected bike lanes instead of the crappy door zone paths we're all used to, the better," says Dave Snyder, the executive director of the California Bicycle Coalition and a supporter of Ting's bill. "This is something that this country didn't do for a really long while, but I think we're finally starting to make up for lost time." Snyder attributes part of that shift to lobbying from the bike industry. And now that we are starting to see the replacement of "crappy" facilities with protected lanes, he says, that momentum will be self-perpetuating as the traffic-wary come out to ride and as municipalities start seeing the financial upside. "Once cities realize how cost-effective this kind of bike infrastructure is—that they're relatively cheap to build, that they're good for business, that they're absolutely no operational costs compared to transit—I don't think we'll have any funding issues anymore." That day may not be so far off. Cervero, who's been a professor at Cal for 35 years, reports observing a huge increase in the number of students in the master's program for city and regional planning who want to focus on bikes. "Ten years ago, no one did that. Now, among the entering class, it's anywhere from one-third to one-half," he says. "Quite frankly, we still have a lot of old folks like myself who don't know anything about bicycles. But there is a legion of new professionals coming from the top planning schools in the country who have a very different set of interests and priorities. I don't see the enthusiasm for this diminishing." Posted on August 9, 2014 - 6:17pm Filed under: Human Behavior Related topics: bicycling urban transit Robert Cervero Rebecca Sanders San Francisco Bicycle Coalition John Pucher Chris Monsere Safe Transportation Research and Education Center Kristine Shaff Public Works Oakland Telegraph Avenue Restore Transportation Balance Sean Parker California Bicycle Coalition Assemblyman Phil Ting Facebook Twitter Google+ Reddit Robert Prinz replied on August 10, 2014 - 3:15pm Permalink Thanks for this thoughtful article Ben, and don't forget that the new Bay Bridge bike path, the BART rush hour bike ban removal, the Telegraph Avenue bikeway plan, the upcoming East Bay bike share expansion, and so much more of the infrastructure, plans, events, and policies improving bike access all over the East Bay are all products of decades of work done by local non-profit Bike East Bay (formerly the East Bay Bicycle Coalition). To learn more about all of the work we are doing in Berkeley, Oakland, as well as the rest of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, check out our campaigns page at BikeEastBay.org/campaigns. Of special importance is Alameda County's Measure BB on this November's ballot which, if passed, will bring in a billion dollars for new and improved bike infrastructure over the next 30 years, including protected bikeways that are safe and comfortable for all ages and abilities (BikeEastBay.org/YesOnBB). Also check out the 2-hour Urban Cycling 101 classes that we offer for free on the UC Berkeley campus the first Monday of every month (BikeEastBay.org/education). Mark Nockleby replied on August 11, 2014 - 4:40pm Permalink Protected bicycle side paths are even crappier than crappy door zone bike lanes. "Protected" bike lanes feature manufactured conflicts at intersections (such as placing through lanes to the right of right turn lanes instead of the left of right turn lanes). The physical barriers between general traffic lanes bike lanes "protect" cyclists from being seen until the moment of impact at intersections…. such as what happens in this video (the magic green paint doesn't do much for the cyclists) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1lp_Jnv3L8 Protected bike lanes are a cyclists nightmare, not nirvana. Ellen J White replied on August 16, 2014 - 5:53pm Permalink I biked in France in 1949 after the WIN everyone e biked and there were no problems in traffic - fewer cars and everyone biked. Visiting a small town in Germany in 1990 even the old people biked safely. The attitude in Europe was different because they had always used bikes for transportation.USA is not used to having biking as the popular or necessary transportation.Most motorists have never biked for travel and are not sensitive to bikers.The comments about easier and safer American transporting in the article are excellent. Americans have to change their mentality towards biking. It's still a occasional and local use. Health concerns have caused more interest. Younger people bike recently in cities for basic transportation and we benefit in health, environment be a use less use of fuel. If the cities continue to increase their encouragement of biking whole generations will benefit. Huray!!! Neil Right replied on June 25, 2015 - 4:34am Permalink Thanks for this elaborate article regarding tours and travels. Anyways, my point is that the public transportation is really useful nowadays as government of several countries wants to control the traffic congestion in metro areas, so this might be a reason more more use of public transportation and which is good for our environment too as it will be less polluted. If green transportation services will be available then that would be great thing. But, several major challenges are now you can see those are affecting the public transportation. http://www.pegasustransit.com/ Latest Issue: Winter 2021 Read the latest » Our Podcast: The Edge Listen to the latest episode » In Artist, Activist, and Astrophysicist Nia Imara Keeps Her Eyes on the Sky: I happened to turn on the 'Ancient Sky' in the middle, on our PBS station here in the St. Louis area. I was joyfully surprised to see... — Walter W. Fox Jr. :: 7/26/2021 12:08pm In Student View: "Sunsets and Little Things": As a teenager, with my family transferred to Beckenham, Kent, England, I grew to love the sunsets I saw out of my bedroom window that overlooked a golf course pond. Whatever the day brought... — Laureen Chang :: 7/22/2021 9:28am In Death, Life, and The Right to Draw Your Own Line: Thank you for this article. It covers concepts I've been thinking about for a long time (and I'm not depressed—I'm actually a joyful person). I am 79 years of age... — Mary Huber :: 6/8/2021 10:39am CALIFORNIA Classic Editors' choice from our archives. Real Deal on the Final Frontier: A Former Astronaut on the Realities of Space Travel In a matter of years, the thesaurus will add "Elon Musk" to the list of synonyms for "space travel." The CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX founder is a vocal advocate for Mars colonization. But is his head in the stars? For this California Classic, we revisit a 2015 interview with former astronaut and Berkeley alum Leroy Chiao to see how certain space travel concerns have either changed or persisted: "For a man who's seen Earth from above, Chiao has a relatively grounded view of mankind's possibilities in space. Space elevators and other advanced technology are, as Chiao put it, 'neat theoretical ideas worth investigating, but probably a long way off.'" Based on recent news, that may soon be changing… Your Alumni Association About CAA Your Cal Community Berkeley.edu Cal Athletics ShopCAA.com UC Berkeley News Facebook LinkedIn @Cal Instagram YouTube Flickr Twitter ShopCAA.com © 2022 Cal Alumni Association. All Rights Reserved. CAA is a self-funded nonprofit organization that relies on donations to provide programs and services that support students, alumni, and the University. blue-and-gold
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After reports came out regarding Filipino fishermen being harassed by the Chinese Coast Guard at the West Philippine Sea, Magdalo Representative Gary Alejano has lamented the alleged inaction of the government. "Ang mga fishermen ho natin, nakakalungkot, [I feel sorry for our fishermen] they cannot rely on their own government," Alejano said in a press conference on Saturday at the University Hotel in the University of the Philippines. "In fact 'yong isang tinanong ko nung March last year, napagalitan pa ng gobyerno ng Pilipinas bakit daw sila nagsumbong sa media na binaril sila, na pinaputukan sila ng Chinese," Alejano added. The lawmaker's comments came after a recent GMA News documentary showed the state of Filipino fishermen in the western seas of the country, especially in Bajo de Masinloc or the Scarborough Shoal, off the waters of Zambales. In a cellphone video, GMA's documentary team captured members of the Chinese Coast Guard as they approached Filipino fishermen to ask fish. However, since there was still no catch during the time, the Chinese Coast Guard left them. Recently, Tirso Atiga, president of the Calapandayan Fishermen Multipurpose Cooperative questioned the government regarding its stand on the alleged harassment by Chinese authorities. "Are we slaves of China? It seems that our government has not acted on [these forms of aggression]," Atiga said in the headline story of the Philippine Daily Inquirer on Saturday. Malacañang also assured fishermen that if it is proven that Chinese Coast Guard has harassed Filipino fishermen, the Philippines can file a protest against China. However, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said that the video was "inconclusive," and that it did not show the Filipinos being bullied. "Kawawa talaga tayo, habang ang ating mga leaders, nagsasabing okay tayo sa China [I really really feel sorry for ourselves even as our leaders are saying we are okay with China]," Alejano said. Alejano agreed with the administration's policy of not going to war with a world superpower like China, but suggested that the administration should take steps to prevent the supposed harassment from happening, which would help these fishermen who are facing danger on a daily basis. "Let us not plan or have a strategy to go to war with China. [Instead] put in place a strategy, a defensive one, or even a passive one, sort of guidelines to our fishermen on what to do," Alejano said, urging the government to create rules of engagement and make contingency actions. "Alam mo 'pag hi-narass sila doon, pagbalik sa pampang hindi na nila alam anong gagawin," he added. Alejano also claimed that after the fishermen and their boats appear on interviews from different news organizations, the Chinese Coast Guard would intensify its harassment as they can monitor the situation in the Philippines. "'Pag lumabas sila sa media at makita 'yong bow number ng kanilang bangka, pagbalik nila sa laot, lalo silang i-harass ng Chinese, kasi minomonitor ng Chinese kung sinong mga magsusumbong na mangingisda," Alejano said.
This 5 bed and 4.5 bath professionally furnished pool home is located on a corner lot with a west facing pool, you will be able to enjoy long evenings of sunshine on your pool deck! The kitchen features stainless steel appliances, granite counters, and a breakfast bar complete with stools. Both master bathrooms boast tile showers with glass doors and granite. The downstairs master suite leads right out to the expansive pool patio, which has ample space for lounging, and room to add a spa if desired! Two twin Mickey-inspired bedrooms upstairs share a similarly themed complete bathroom. The location is perfect for vacations, being less than 15 minutes to the gates of Walt Disney World. There are also two golf courses right on property! Residents and guests of The Retreat at Champions Gate (which is where this home is located) have access to the multi million dollar Oasis Club facility, which features resort-style, swimming pool with a lazy river and splash pad, a fully-equipped fitness center, an arcade, a tiki bar, a theater room, a restaurant and a bar! The Oasis Club is only a six minute walk from this home- you don't even have to drive to get there! This property is currently in rental program for short term rentals, but you could make this your permanent home as well!
Christian Slater (Mr Robot, True Romance, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Robert Glenister (Hustle, Spooks), Kris Marshall (Death in Paradise, Love Actually, My Family), Stanley Townsend (Girl from the North Country, The Nether)and Don Warrington (Death in Paradise, Rising Damp) are the deal chasing cut throat sales team in David Mamet's acclaimed masterpiece, Glengarry Glen Ross, which returns to the West End this Autumn for its first major revival in over a decade. This ground-breaking modern classic runs for a limited 14 week season at the Playhouse Theatre, from 26 October 2017 to 3 February 2018. Glengarry Glen Ross premiered at the National Theatre in 1983 and won the Olivier Award for Best Play and subsequently the 1984 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. In 1992 Mamet adapted the play for film, with a cast including Al Pacino, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris, Kevin Spacey and Jonathan Pryce. At a time of fierce debate about the American Dream and what it represents, Glengarry Glen Ross is a lacerating satire for modern society, highlighting how economic austerity can affect the morality and greed of individual's under financial pressure. Glengarry Glen Ross is produced by ATG Productions, Act Productions and Glass Half Full Productions. Lies. Greed. Corruption. It's business as usual. Christian Slater (Richard Roma)is an internationally acclaimed actor who recently won a Golden Globe and Critics Choice award for his role in Mr Robot, for which he is also a producer. He was last on the London stage in Swimming with Sharks at the Vaudeville Theatre and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at the Gielgud/Garrick Theatre. His other stage credits include Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl and The Glass Menagerie, opposite Jessica Lange, on Broadway. Robert Glenister (Dave Moss)isbest known from TV roles including Ash Morgan in Hustle, and Nicholas Blake in Spooks. His stage credits include Great Britain, Blue Remembered Hills, Ting Tang Mine, Fathers and Sons and Brighton Bach Memoirs, Never So Good all for the National Theatre, The Late Middle Classes at the Donmar Warehouse, Hedda Gabler for Theatre Royal Bath, The Winterling at the Royal Court, Uncle Vanya, An Ideal Husband, The Idiot and The Voysey Inheritance all for the Royal Exchange, Manchester, Measure for Measure, The Tempest, The Spanish Tragedy and Little Eyolf all for the RSC, According to Hoyle at Hampstead Theatre, The Duchess of Malfi at Greenwich Theatre, In The Heart of America, Wrecks and Crimes of the Heart at the Bush Theatre and Hamlet at Sheffield Crucible. Kris Marshall (John Williamson)is most recognized for screen roles including Nick Harper in My Family (for which he received the Best Newcomer award at the 2002 British Comedy Awards), Colin Frissell in Love Actually, Dave in Citizen Khan and DI Humphrey Goodman in Death in Paradise. Stanley Townsend's(Shelley Levene) recent stage credits include The Girl from the North Country at the Old Vic, and the lead in The Nether at the Royal Court/West End. Other stage credits include King Lear, Gethsemane, Guys and Dolls and Phedre at the National Theatre, The Plough and the Stars at the Young Vic, Under the Blue Sky, The Alice Trilogy and The Shining City all at the Royal Court Theatre. Don Warrington's (George Aaronow) stage credits includeKing Lear and All My Sons at the Royal Exchange, Driving Miss Daisy on UK tour, A Statement of Regret and The Mysteries at the National Theatre, Elmina's Kitchen at the Garrick Theatre and The Merchant of Venice for the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Sam Yates's (Director) is currently directing Desire Under the Elms, which runs at the Sheffield Crucible from 21 September. Other directing credits include Murder Ballad at the Arts Theatre, Cymbeline with Pauline McLynn & Joseph Marcell at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, East is Eastwith Jane Horrocks & Ayub Khan Din at Trafalgar Studios followed by two national tours, The El. Trainwith Ruth Wilson at Hoxton Hall, Billy Liar at the Royal Exchange, Cornelius at the Finborough Theatre and 59E59 New York and Mixed Marriage at the Finborough Theatre. David Mamet (Playwright) is the author of the plays November, Boston Marriage, Faustus, Oleanna, Glengarry Glen Ross (1984 Pulitzer Prize and New York Drama Critics Circle Award), American Buffalo, The Old Neighborhood, Life in the Theatre, Speed-the-Plow, Edmond, Lakeboat, The Water Engine, The Woods, Sexual Perversity in Chicago, Reunion and The Cryptogram (1995 Obie Award). His translations and adaptations include Faustus, Red River by Pierre Laville and The Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekov. His films include The Postman Always Rings Twice, The Verdict, The Untouchables, House of Games (writer/director), Oleanna (writer/director), Homicide (writer/director), The Spanish Prisoner (writer/director), Heist (writer/director), Spartan (writer/director) and Redbelt (writer/director).
11 Species of Invasive Vines Growing Vines By Vanessa Richins Myers Is One of These Invasive Vines in Your Garden? Clive Nichols/Getty Images Whether a plant is invasive or not depends on its natural growth habits and where it is located. Many of the species included in this list are actually beautiful plants. For example, the porcelainberry has intriguing turquoise and purple fruit. The wisterias look gorgeous growing over arbors. Since they often grow rapidly and send out new shoots in all directions, vines can easily become invasive. One way to check and see if they will be problematic in your garden is to call your local extension service or nursery for information. While there are both herbaceous and woody vines, this will focus on the lianas, which are the species that become woody. Algerian Ivy Тарас Романченко/Flickr/Public Domain on CC by 1.0 Algerian ivy can spread quickly throughout your garden if it is given the chance. It is very easy to start from cuttings and roots will be formed along the stem where it touches the soil. The roots, like English ivy (Hedera helix), can attach themselves to buildings and tree trunks also. This plant can be used as a houseplant where it will be easily kept in check. As long as you are monitoring growth, it can serve well as a groundcover in your shady spots. Algerian ivy could also be a good choice for landscapes near the beach since it can tolerate salt well. Chinese Wisteria Hunter-Desportes/Flickr/CC by 2.0 Even though the wisterias are rather gorgeous when in full bloom, they tend to become invasive. It has the ability to form new roots at each node and will do so wherever it touches the ground, allowing it to spread further. Try the native American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens) instead for better control. Another way to potentially manage this liana is through careful pruning. With proper care and attention, this can be turned into a plant that is more like a shrub. One way to distinguish Chinese wisteria from Japanese wisteria is by observing how the vines wrap around objects. Chinese wisteria will twine in a counter-clockwise fashion, while Japanese wisteria goes clockwise. The Chinese wisteria spreads its seeds by flinging open their pods and shooting out the seeds. The sound can be quite loud. Premium UIG/Getty Images Like Algerian ivy, English ivy can be used as a groundcover, especially in shady locations. Put it too close to a building, though, and it will soon scramble to cover it by attaching its stems to the wall with rootlets. It can also wind its way up a tree trunk easily. We almost always see English ivy in its vining (juvenile) form, but under the right conditions it can mature and take on a shrub form. The fruit can be poisonous for people. Five-Leaf Akebia Abigail Rex/Getty Images Though the five-leaf akebia has pretty flowers and fruit, it will overtake your garden if you are not careful, especially since you should plant more than one if you are trying to ensure pollination. The chocolate-purple flowers are sweetly scented and intriguing. The five leaf akebia does produce edible fruit. These plants are monoecious. It can be difficult for fruiting to occur naturally, so you can help it along by hand pollination. A paintbrush can be used to spread the pollen on the stigma. Japanese Honeysuckle The NYSIPM Image Gallery /Flickr/CC by 2.0 Many of the honeysuckles can become invasive and the Japanese honeysuckle is no exception. The flowers are beautiful and smell like vanilla, bringing bees and hummingbirds to your garden. Birds will also come to visit and eat the fruit. However, you need to REALLY like these features as this vine spreads throughout your whole yard and is difficult to remove completely. It can spread itself through rhizomes under the ground, runners above ground, and seeds. Japanese Wisteria TANAKA Juuyoh /Flickr/CC by 2.0 The Japanese wisteria does not flower as well as Chinese wisteria does, but is similarly invasive. A distinguishing characteristic is that the blooms gradually open from the base onward. On Chinese wisteria, they will all open at the same time. One way to control spreading is deadheading so no seeds are created. Kudzu is a poster child for why you should be careful in importing plants. This semi-woody vine was brought to the United States and introduced to farmers as a potential forage crop and erosion controller. They were encouraged to plant it until people realized that it took over everywhere and smothered the plants they actually wanted. It is now widespread throughout the southeastern US. There are enough kudzu vines in the United States, so avoid planting this for any reason. If you have some, you can follow the sage "advice" as found on ​Floridata: "Mulch with cinder blocks, fertilize with Agent Orange, and prune daily." You would not really want to use Agent Orange, of course, but you will definitely need to bring out the heavy artillery for this species. Oriental Bittersweet Esteve.Conaway/Flickr/CC by 2.0 This vine wraps itself around trees and can cause their eventual demise. As with many invasive plants, it was originally introduced to the United States because of its potential benefits. For Oriental bittersweet, it was the fact that it helps keep soil erosion to a minimum. Unfortunately, it took readily to some U.S. climates and spread like wildfire. This vine is dioecious. It can sometimes become a shrub. Some plant it so they can use the colorful berries in dried arrangements. You will need to be very patient if you want to get rid of Oriental bittersweet. Once you have made sure that it is this species and not the native bittersweet (Celastrus scandens), cut and remove all of the vines that you can. Glyphosate will produce better results, but even that is not foolproof. Several sessions of removal will likely be needed. Continue to 10 of 12 below. John Burke/Getty Images In addition to being quite invasive, poison ivy is toxic for many people, as are many members of the cashew family. They contain a substance known as urushiol. These vines may grow into a shrub shape. The rhyme learned as a child to help avoid it was "Leaflets three, let them be. If it's hairy, it's a berry". Plants of the Toxicodendron genus used to be included with the sumac species and are sometimes still found under the name Rhus. Porcelain Berry dhobern/Flickr/CC by 2.0 Porcelain berries come in unusual shades of purple and turquoise, making them an attractive plant for fall color especially. You will need to give them some sort of support. They do spread easily, so check with your extension office to see if it is invasive in your area. Winter Creeper klmontgomery/Flickr/CC by 2.0 You'll usually see this used as a groundcover in the landscape. This has both juvenile (vine) and mature (shrub) forms similar to ivy, as well as the habit of using rootlets to climb up trunks and walls. These two plants are in different families, though. It has become problematic in eastern North America and you should call your local garden center or extension service before planting to assess how it will do in your area. 16 Invasive Plants to Avoid Photos of Invasive Plants Perennial Vines for Shady Areas 36 Shrubs You Can Grow in Full or Partial Shade Pictures of Vines for Landscaping Invasive to Avoid Woody Plants: Meaning, Examples 15 Best Evergreen Ground Cover Plants Pictures of Noxious Weeds American Bittersweet Plants vs. Invasive Oriental Vines 18 Species of Holly Trees and Shrubs What is the Difference Between Climbers and Creepers? Database of Common Names of Plants Flammable Plants to Avoid Having in Your Garden Flowering Vine Types and How to Use Them Star Jasmine Vine (Trachelospermum Jasminoides)
Elephant Ears Reading Series The Trumpet Elephant Room Productions Robert Gene Pellechio Robert Gene Pellechio is a graduate of Bloomsburg University where he studied acting and directing and holds a B.A. in Performance Emphasis Theatre Arts. He is a recent resident of the Philadelphia area, but has been performing with local theatre companies for the past few years. Since the summer of 2013 Robert has appeared as a guest artist in various shows at Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley, and has performed with the Centre Theatre of Norristown where he previously served as a Teaching Artist for their after-school theatre program. Robert also served as the Associate Producer of the Philadelphia Production of Trapped in a Room with a Zombie, an interactive room escape created by Bucket List Productions. While not on stage Robert can be found working as a Starbucks Barista, still finding a way to incorporate performance into his daily routine by offering a song to anyone who wants to hear. theherd@elephantroomproductions.com This herd can't survive without your support. If you care about the work we do, please consider donating. Elephant Room Productions is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Elephant Room Productions must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
LSE plans to push AIM market in US The London Stock Exchange is exploring ambitious plans to push its junior AIM market into the United States once it completes its C$3.2bn (£1.9bn) takeover of TMX Group, owner of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). By Jamie Dunkley 05 June 2011 • 9:00pm LSE plans to push AIM market in US Credit: Photo: PA The LSE, which hopes to complete a takeover of the TSX owner later this year, will use the deal to increase the market share of AIM in the United States, where smaller companies have typically used private equity firms or banks to fund short-term lending. TMX already operates the TSXVentures market, which focuses on smaller cap enterprises. A merger of the two units remains unlikely, however sources close to the company said it was now looking at ways in which small and medium-sized companies in the US and Canada could list on AIM and eventually move on to the main market. Although the plans remain at an early stage, they are likely to prove controversial given the attitude of the US regulators towards the AIM market in the past. In 2007, Roel Campos, a commissioner at the Securities and Exchange Commission voiced his concerns that 30pc of new firms listing on AIM "are gone in a year". Recent research for The Daily Telegraph has also shown that at least 80 leading money managers do not have confidence in the current regulation of natural resource companies on AIM.
Here is a brief extension method that will get all elements in an HtmlDocument that have a specified class name set. This could also be done via XPath (and possibly more efficient) but not all implementations support XPath (i.e. Windows Store apps at this point). I will run this through the C# code converter also but will not have tested that portion. ''' all Descedants instead of using XPATH which would be an alternate way to accomplish this. /// all Descedants instead of using XPATH which would be an alternate way to accomplish this.
If you're a runner you know, the job itself is hard enough. There few endurance tests like running. The struggles of taking a new distance, beating your personal best, and striving to hit the last mile are building blocks to becoming and STAYING physically fit. The last thing you want is more difficulties standing in the way of you and your running goals. You're already balancing family, work, and social obligations…. and somehow still finding the time run (but barely). Sometimes, you don't make it out, and other times you run double than you did the week before. Basically, you're crossed the hardest part off your list… and that's motivating yourself to tie on those running shoes, plug in your headphones, and just go. When heading out for a run you need to remember to take care of your body, have the peace of mind to explore, and make sure you don't get lost. If you have children, the thought of leaving your house for an hour without a point of contact between you and your kids will sends chills down your spine. I wouldn't even think about running without music (are you kidding me?)! Hearing your own panting breath repeatedly isn't always the most motivating thing to push you to finish your workout. And the worst case, without the proper equipment, you could even be prone to injury. But, it gets a little bit easier with these solutions. Here's 8 products that will change the way you run forever. What's worse than tripping over your own feet?! Especially when you're running and you're in the zone. Your face is the last thing you want scraping across the pavement. My shoulders are clenching just thinking about it. Sometimes the double-knot fails you, and it could really risk some serious injury. These lace locks are available in different colours and sizes. The closures have magnetic safety clips, making them incredibly strong for running, jumping, and whatever else you get up to. These lace locks are a step in the right direction for your next run. When you have an injury, the temptation to move your body and continue to stay fit still is there and maybe even heightened. This tape lifts your skin away from muscles increasing the blood circulation, providing fast and effective pain suppression and relief, joint protection, fatigue reduction and support for muscles, ligaments and tendons aches and injuries. You can use it on your shoulder, neck, elbow, lower back, knee, ankle and other areas. If you're injured, we feel your pain! Make it a little better with this fix. More likely than not, you spend your days at your job and save running for early morning or in the evening…. both times where the light is dim and it might be difficult to see you on the side of the road. The neon snap on reflective bands lets you move safely in poorly lit situations and protect yourself from danger. Simply attach the safety band to your arms, legs or wrist when riding a bicycle, running, climbing or walking the dog. You won't feel the bands on your arms or legs, but you'll feel that extra peace of mind while you run, knowing that you're protected. With SlimClip Case you can clip your phone to your waist and run, jump, dance – any movement, without compromising on function or your style. You don't have to grip your phone in your hand, bra stuff your phone, or deal with a bulky & awkward armband. Especially if you're running outside, NOTHING is attractive about an armband tan….. With the SlimClipCase you can change your songs as frequently as you like. It's easy to access your phone to snap a picture of the beautiful scenery you come across during your run. It's also the thinnest clip case in the world – so no worries about it looking bulky on your phone when you're not working out. Problem solved! It's extremely important to stay hydrated on your run, especially if you're into long distance. But why should that weigh you down during your run? With a small backpack like this, you won't be weighed down, but you'll be able to store 2L of water on your back. The pack is designed to do the job of storing water in the lightest possible way. Who really wants to take a big backpack on their run anyways? We can't deny hands free is the best way, especially when running. The dreaded phone drop the ABSOULTE worst. You're minding your own business, getting into the zone and then all of the sudden it feels like someone is ripping out the inside of your ears! Sometimes, after your phone drops on the ground and pulls your headphones with it, your ears are even too sore to put your earbuds in again. Ouch. But then, Apple changed the game with wireless headphones. Now you can move freely and not have to worry about getting tangled up in your headphones or having your headphones rapidly and violently yanked out of your ears. This is all fun and games, until your little wireless earbud falls on the ground 2mm from a sewer grate. This is why you need AERZ. The earbud cover is designed specifically for Apple AirPods and Apple Earbuds that enhances the sound quality, security, and comfort of the headphones. You can have your apple and eat it too! Alright, I get it – it can seem a little but excessive to have socks especially designated for running. But hear me out. These socks are designed to keep your feet dry, and comfortable during your run. You won't have to deal with the annoyance of your sock slipping off in your shoe, needing to stop on the side of the road and take your whole shoe off. The heel tab helps prevent the sock from slipping into your running shoe. There is also reinforced microfiber heel and toe, a microfiber arch band, enhanced elastic grip construction in both arch, and ankle to provide ultimate support and second skin fit. A good set of high performance runners and proper socks will take you places. One product reccomendation isn't going to fit everyone's wants and needs. For example, if you're an interval runner you may want to use iSmoothRun, this will allow you to set your own intervals. Or, you may be the type of runner who likes to explore on long, scenic routes, and map my run is a better option since it enables you log any kind of workout using just your phone or with your favorite device, like an apple watch.
Home News Super Series Announces its 2023 Calendar By : SuperSeries News Shannonville (ON) October 28, 2022 – After a very successful fully resumed season, the Super Series is proud to release its 2023 calendar with anticipation of its best season yet. "With only a few days after crowning our class champions, we are getting ready for the 2023 campaign and happy to release our 2023 dates so racers can plan accordingly" affirms Series General Manager, Dominique Bondar. "This past season was fantastic; we had a great turnout and most importantly our competitors had a blast. They come to Shannonville because it's well organized, it's fun and it's welcoming." It's no secret, Shannonville Motorsport Park is the finest venue for grassroots motorcycle racing in Canada. Its different configurations allow for diversity within the same racetrack and the Super Series uses this advantage to create a 5-event campaign that includes a variety of the best configurations. Furthermore, to make it even better for our customers, paving will be done this November in number of corners. Shannonville's President John Bondar shares: "We are consistent with our strategic plan that includes paving on a regular basis. I am happy to say that we are chipping away at it as much as we can. We know that this is significant for motorcycle riders and paving in the fall will allow the asphalt to cure properly." New Endurance race As it has been under the radar for a while, and repeatedly requested by the competitors, the Super Series 2023 calendar will include a 2-hour Friday endurance race in June. The 2023 calendar will include 2 racing school sessions, a 2-hour endurance race and five racing weekends with test days exclusively dedicated to Super Series competitors. The kick off the season will be on May 5th with the Spring Super Series Racing School session and pre-season test day. The following weekend, May 13-14, the riders will take to the Long track layout for the first double header of the year. Spring Racing School Pre-Season Test Day May 12 (Test Day) May 13-14 (Long track) June 9 (Test Day & Endurance Race) June 10-11 (Pro track) July 7 (Test Day & Summer Session Racing School) July 8-9 (Nelson track) August 18 (Test Day) August 19-20 (Long track) September 8 (Test Day) September 9-10 (Pro track) The 2022 Photo Book is now available for purchase on our website. It showcases pictures from the many photographers that contributed to this season's collection. The Super Series extends special thanks to all the photographers that shared their work with the series. To find out more about the schedule, competition licences or the racing schools, please visit our website at www.super-series.ca. About Super Series The Super Series is a grassroots motorcycle road racing series founded in the early 1980s. Created to fill a gap and a demand for amateur riders in the South-East region of Ontario, Canada, the Super Series is based and competes exclusively at Shannonville Motorsport Park. Dominique Bondar Photo: Kam Ming Mak
US funds to preserve South Asia's oldest shipwreck in SL sea The US will fund the preservation of the Godawaya, the oldest known shipwreck in the Indian Ocean and Asia-Pacific region. US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Julie Chung on Tuesday announceed the awarding of a $82,192 grant to document and conserve the Godawaya shipwreck located near the island nation's southernmost Hambantota Port. The grant given to Sri Lanka's Central Cultural Fund preserve comes from the US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation. Discovered by two Sri Lankan divers, the artefacts of the Godawaya include a mound of corroded metal bars and a scattering of other ancient cargo, including glass, ingots and pottery. "By documenting the important role that Sri Lanka has played as a hub for the Indo-Pacific region's travelers and traders from its earliest days, the US hopes to help preserve and promote Sri Lanka's magnificent cultural heritage," Ambassador Chung said at a ceremony held at the Maritime Archeological Museum in Galle. A statement issued by the US Embassy in Colombo said: "The documentation and conservation funded through the grant will be undertaken by the Central Cultural Fund's Maritime Archaeology Unit. Documentation of the site and engagement with US experts on Indo-Pacific trade routes and shipwrecks will increase global understanding trade in the Indo-Pacific and especially Sri Lanka's role in this rich history." The recording of the internationally recognized site and preservation of objects already exposed on the seabed floor will be shared with Sri Lankan scholars as well as secondary and university-aged students by the Maritime Archaeology Unit's Galle and Colombo lab. Once the project is completed, the artefacts will also be on display to the public in the Maritime Archeological Museum, the Embassy statement added. Since 2001, the US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation has funded 15 projects in Sri Lanka, totaling assistance of $1,387,294. These include documentation of the Western monasteries at the World Heritage Site of Anuradhapura; conservation of the Rajagala Buddhist forest monastery; preservation of Buddhist, Hindu and other collections in the Anuradhapura Archaeological Museum; restoration of the Batticaloa Dutch Fort; preservation of the ritual music and dance forms of the Adivasi, Tamil, and Buddhist communities; and the conservation of a 17th century Kandyan Kings' Palace in Kandy. Indo-Pak/Pakistan Imran Khan slams Pak govt for petrol price hike, rupee devaluation 6.3 magnitude quake hits Islamabad 44 killed as bus falls into ravine in Pakistan (Ld) Sri Lanka appeals to donors to support Katchatheevu church festival 10 children killed as boat capsizes in Pakistan (Ld) 16 rescued, nine missing after boat capsizes in Pakistan Pakistan hikes petrol, diesel prices by Rs 35 Long queues at petrol pumps across Pakistan There shouldn't be any threat to India despite presence of any... Seems US didn't like Pak stand on Ukraine conflict: Pak Defence... Pakistan's largest lake dangerously overflowing putting thousands at risk Al Qaeda, IS-K using Afghanistan-Pakistan border region as safe haven
"The 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering" was held from 2nd to 5th December 2018 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Dr Mohamed Sheikh Mohamed; Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science and Researcher of the Bio-Nano Electronics Research Centre, won the "Best Conference Paper Award" for his excellent presentation and high quality study on "Phototherapy and micro CT imaging of breast cancer" at the conference. M.S. Mohamed, S. Veeranarayanan, A.C. Poulose, M. Rinya, Y. Sakamoto, T. Maekawa and D. Sakthi Kumar, Ultra-low power NIR laser-triggered phototherapy and μCT imaging of breast cancer in vivo, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2018) (2018), Honolulu, USA. Dr M. Sheikh Mohamed with the Conference Chair and Programme Chair. 最優秀論文賞の賞状および学会・プログラム主催者と Dr Mohamed Sheikh Mohamed.
The project is a proposal by Italian architect Tommaso Casucci for the new library of the school of architecture, located at the limit of the old town of Florence. It is part of a renovation plan of a large area used until recent times as convent and later penitentiary. Pre-existing spaces are converted in archive, the new addition provide study areas, meeting spaces, auditorium, exhibition spaces in a continuous varying experience. The project explore the emergent qualities derived from surfaces modulation in an intensive fields, aiming to equilibrium states of program, structure and function trough morphodynamical processes. Form, structure, function and decoration are emergent qualities of the same coherent system strictly related to his environment. Isaie Bloch experimented with form production at the Excessive studio II, Urban strategies, Die Angewandte Wien in Austria to produce a music pavilion that embraces monstrosity as a design tool. How boring has perfection become? Evidence of this lies in the fact that our contemporary design obsessions are based on an appreciation for the perversity of mutant form, a taste learned from the movies and set to work on architecture. By subverting the logic of perfection and beauty, non-perfect images coming from controlled methodologies are generated. What used to be about mastering the result of a non-perfect process is now about the production of monstrosity and the grotesque throughout accurate mechanisms. The House of the Future designed by Kuangyi Tao from Texas A&M University, College of Architecture is a project reacting to the problems emerging during modern times: overpopulation, resource shortage and virtual world development. Nigeria is already Africa's most populous country, but the city of Calabar has been increasing the masses by attracting visitors from around the world with recent conferences and events. A conference center designed to impress is just what Calabar needs to keep this momentum going, city officials decided; thus, they hosted a design competition for the Calabar International Convention Center. The winner is Henning Larsen Architects, a firm based in Copenhagen, who designed a four-part, modernist mass that will be sited on top of a hill and feature stunning views of a nearby river delta. In addition to providing space for conferences, the geometrical building will serve as a cultural hub for the city's residents, hosting events such as concerts and film festivals. The design for a new central library in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia was recently revealed by architects Fowler Bauld & Mitchell and schmidt hammer lassen architects after many months of working with the community. The firms' modern design was based largely on the needs expressed by community members in charettes and workshops. These ideas included recommendations for how light enters the building, allotments for green gathering spaces, and how seating and working spaces should be arranged. The Halifax Central Library will be prominently located downtown, surrounded by historic neighborhoods, the Dalhousie School of Architecture and Spring Garden Road, the busiest commercial street east of Montreal. Its design speaks to its surroundings, with the modern, geometric massing standing in conversation with the Dalhousie campus' classic forms. Prechteck's design for the extension of the National Library of Austria located at the Hofburg in Vienna contains a number of cultural facilities including a 1200sqm underground core exhibition hall, a smaller 600sqm multifunctional hall, creative studios, a restaurant, and shops. BIG is selected to design the new Waste-to-Energy Plant that doubles as a ski slope for Copenhagen's citizens and its many visitors by 2016. LOOP City is an urban plan for future growth in and around Copenhagen, Denmark created by the Danish capital's own BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group). The focus of the plan is largely on reimagining the residential and industrial areas to the west of central Copenhagen that were developed in accordance with the Finger Plan, a post-WWII urban plan headed by Steen Eiler Rasmussen. The Finger Plan laid out "fingers" of urbanization that reach west out from central Copenhagen as well as green spaces to occupy the spaces between the fingers, all in line with answering what they saw as the 10 essential issues facing the city in the future. However well conceived, under the pressures of post war industrialization, the Finger Plan has led to extensive urban sprawl and transportation issues. LOOP City seeks to reimagine Greater Copenhagen by centralizing urbanization around a light rail system that would ultimately be a part of a larger transportation/development loop that would extend around the entirety of the Oresund Region. The Putrajaya Waterfront development, south of Kuala Lumpur, is home to a large planned residential tower complex in Precinct 4. As part of large centrally planned commercial and government district the towers Studio Nicoletti Associati conceived the design to stand as counterpoint to the tall traditional towers nearby. The overall form is both reminiscent of a sailboat's profile and a nod to Islamic design sensibilities by terminating with a contemporary ogive arch. Starting with an rounded exoskeleton the towers vary in height and orientation to create an open, pedestrian friendly landscape. Each tower ranging from 18 to 20 stories is topped out with a large terrace spa and green space partially shaded by the support structure that terminates a few stories above. The project totals 278,000 square feet of floor area. The Spanish architecture firm MADE IN unveiled their winning design for the Maritime Cultural and Popular Music Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The project will start construction in a few months and will be one of the most important developments ever built by a Spanish firm outside of Spain with a surface of more than 100,000 square meters and a budget of 100 million Euros. The project will accommodate two auditoriums, one exterior for 12,000 people that will enjoy the bay views and an interior for 3,500 seats. In addition, the complex will have a maritime museum, a music museum, markets and other cultural facilities. The project proposes a series of buildings and public spaces that will articulate and animate the Love River Bay which is one of the most important parts of the city.
Eemeli Virta plays the position Midfield, is years old and cm tall, weights kg. In the current club FC Lahti played 1 seasons, during this time he played 5 matches and scored 0 goals. How many goals has Eemeli Virta scored this season? In the current season Eemeli Virta scored 0 goals. In the club he scored 0 goals ( Europa League , Veikkausliga, Cup). Eemeli Virta this seasons has also noted 0 assists, played 570 minutes, with 3 times he played game in first line. Eemeli Virta shots an average of 0 goals per game in club competitions.
March 30-April 7 -- Spring Break! April 8 --Beginning of 4th Quarter -- Welcome Back! 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT Test this year as part of the comprehensive state testing series. The PSAT 8/9 replaces the Math and ELA M-Step Tests for 8th grade students. On Tuesday, April 9, all sixth and seventh grade students will NOT have school in the morning. Busses will pick up students approximately four hours later than normal and school will begin at 11:30am. Sixth and seventh grade students should each lunch prior to their arrival at school. This change is being made to accommodate the new testing requirements for eighth grade students. All 8th grade students will report to school at their normal time to take the PSAT 8/9. It is very important for students to be on time. Eighth grade students will have lunch between the testing time and the start of classes. Sixth grade students in Mrs. Saraniecki's Global Digital Leadership Class organized a school wide food drive to benefit Neighborhood House collecting hundreds of food items at school. The students visited Neighborhood House this week and helped to process 1000 pounds of food! Thank you to the Woman's National Farm and Garden Association! A very special thank you to Mrs. Dobbelstein and Mrs. Gerrits from the Rochester Branch of the Woman's National Farm and Garden Association for your generous donation to the Reuther Middle School Science Department. The $1000 grant will be used to fund hands-on science investigations for our students! Reuther Band performs at the field museum in chicago! 8th place circuit lab, 6th place crime busters, 8th place disease detective, 7th place dynamic planet, 7th place fossils, 7th place game on 8th place road scholar, 6th place roller coaster, 6th place write it do it. Not all team members are pictured -- some were competing when this photo was taken. Service Club News -- 100 Crusaders who care! We are hosting "100 Crusaders Who Care". We hope to have 100 Crusaders interested in donating 10 dollars each which is 1000 dollars. We will listen to charities pitching their cause and then vote on the one to receive the $1,000. This is happening Monday, April 15 from 2:30-3:45 in the Reuther cafeteria. There will be pizza and cookies served in the cafeteria. We really hope you are able to come and we can't wait to see you there! ​Congratulations to these Reuther students who placed at the District PTA Reflections ceremony last night. Reuther took first place in 3 of the 6 categories at the middle school level! Their art pieces will now move on to the state level. Just a quick note to remind everyone that Breakfast is available in the cafeteria every morning between 7:00-7:30am! reuther kindness club raises $300 for charity! ​A big THANK YOU to all of the staff and students who bought Candy Grams this year during Kindness Week. The Reuther Kindness Club raised $300.00 which will be donated to the Rainbow Connection, an organization that funds wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses, and to 4 Paws 1 Heart, whose mission is to fund medical treatment for abused and abandoned dogs and cats. Peer Tutoring for reuther math students! ​Algebra 1 students at Reuther Middle School are pleased to offer afterschool peer tutoring for math on Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 1. A permission slip must be filled out and signed (below). There must be a phone number listed where you can be reached from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Your student must be picked up promptly at 3:30 p.m. If they come to the room without any work to do, you may be called to pick up your student. Our Robotics Club meets every Wednesday afterschool. Please see Ms. Ross (sross1@rochester.k12.mi.us) for more information. The next competition will take place on May 18th in Hamtramck--stay tuned for more details. Reuther is proud to welcome Alan Gratz to Reuther for our 2019 Authors in April program. Students will be reading his books in preparation of his visit. Limited books are available thorugh the media center.
Thanks for visiting Weigold Photography on the web! Weigold Photography has been in business since July 2005 when we opened our studio in the Springdale suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. Our offices and studio are currently located in a quiet suburb of Hamilton, Ohio. We shoot in studio and on location by appointment. To set up an appointment for a session or consultation at your location or ours, please contact us at: sales@weigoldphotography.com. Weigold Photography has a staff of three photographers and handles many different types of photography ranging from weddings and special events to numerous different types of sporting events. Much of our early business involved off road motorsports and we are quite adept at getting the "action" shots! We specialize in on-site production of prints for our event customers and we're quite proud of our equipment to do so. Much of the specialized software required for processing our images has been developed by our staff! We welcome unusual and challenging shoots and we're just as at home shooting in our studio as we are on site, and on site for us has been in some pretty remote locations! We also enjoy working with local models and you'll find that we are active on several model networking sites. We invite you to take a look around our site. This is our third major website revision, so please be sure to check back as we are adding events and information daily. Scenic and event prints are available through the site and many other products are available by request. More information on each of our services can be found by clicking on the links above. If we can be of assistance with your photography needs, please don't hesitate to send an email or give us a call.
layout: page title: "Amanda Jean Stevenson" comments: true description: "blanks" keywords: "Amanda Jean Stevenson,CU,Boulder" --- <head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pc42nxpaw1ea4o9/highcharts.js?dl=0"></script> <!-- <script src="../assets/js/highcharts.js"></script> --> <style type="text/css">@font-face { font-family: "Bebas Neue"; src: url(https://www.filehosting.org/file/details/544349/BebasNeue Regular.otf) format("opentype"); } h1.Bebas { font-family: "Bebas Neue", Verdana, Tahoma; } </style> </head> #### TEACHING INFORMATION **College**: College of Arts and Sciences **Classes taught**: SOCY 2061, SOCY 2091 #### SOCY 2061: Introduction to Social Statistics **Terms taught**: Spring 2017 **Instructor rating**: 5.3 **Standard deviation in instructor rating**: 0.0 **Average grade** (4.0 scale): 3.24 **Standard deviation in grades** (4.0 scale): 0.0 **Average workload** (raw): 2.02 **Standard deviation in workload** (raw): 0.0 #### SOCY 2091: Topics in Sociology **Terms taught**: Spring 2017 **Instructor rating**: 6.0 **Standard deviation in instructor rating**: 0.0 **Average grade** (4.0 scale): 3.37 **Standard deviation in grades** (4.0 scale): 0.0 **Average workload** (raw): 1.8 **Standard deviation in workload** (raw): 0.0
White House cuts Hubble from budget Hubble Space Telescope seen from Shuttle Discovery A senior administration official, speaking anonymously, confirmed on Friday that the proposed NASA budget for the 2006 fiscal year will not contain additional funding for a Hubble servicing mission. The budget plan is to be announced Feb. 7. The White House eliminated funding for a service mission the Hubble Space Telescope from its 2006 budget request and directed NASA to focus on deorbiting the spacecraft at the end of its life, according to government and industry sources [1]. Intensive work has been under way at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to develop telerobotic servicing skills for the Hubble Space Telescope in the event that a space shuttle crew is never again sent to the orbiting facility. Aerospace firms in the United States and in Canada have teamed with NASA to develop a Hubble Robotic Vehicle Deorbit Module. "Excellent progress is being made on a telerobotic approach to servicing the Hubble," said Jim Crocker, vice president of civil space at Lockheed Martin Space Systems of Denver. The firm has supported NASA's planning and, later, the repair and servicing of the HST with four space shuttle missions to date. The telerobotics team at work at Goddard Space Flight Center "have a good shot at pulling this off," Crocker told SPACE.com the day before the Space News story on the White House HST decision appeared [2]. The estimated $1 billion plus cost for a robotic or shuttle servicing mission is considered too high by the White House in light of higher priority missions such as the shuttle "return to flight" project and NASA's "moon, Mars and beyond [3]." The anonymous U.S. official told Reuters the estimated cost of a robotic repair was $2 billion and one feasibility study gave it an 80 percent chance of failure [4]. "Hubble is in year 14 of a planned 15-year mission," the official said. "Trying to send a robotic mission to extend that time period would be a $2 billion gamble with taxpayer dollars where the odds are 80-20 that it would fail." Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement January 25 condemning reports about eliminating funds to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope is managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center which is located in Congressman Hoyer's district. "I am very concerned about reports that the Bush Administration may eliminate federal funds to repair and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope from its budget for fiscal year 2006. Since its launch in 1990, the Hubble Telescope's state of the art technology has dramatically changed our understanding of the universe and produced thousands of extraordinary discoveries [5]." Brian Berger. "White House Cuts Hubble Servicing Mission from 2006 Budget Request" — Space.com, January 21, 2005 UPI. "NASA Said Thinking About Killing Hubble" — TechNewsWorld, January 25, 2005 Retrieved from "https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=White_House_cuts_Hubble_from_budget&oldid=1673789"
Q: Python function doesn't return list[int] - solved I'm still a beginner with just a few months experience in programming. I'm writing a program to roll dice in a few modes. I'm having a problem with my Selective mode. Code: from os import system from platform import system as operating_system from random import randint, randrange from textwrap import dedent from time import sleep from typing import Union def user_input() -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]: """Option selection""" dictionary_input: dict[str, str] = { "dice": "How many dice to roll?\n", "sides": "Type in the maximum number:\n", "confirm": """ Your mode is {2}, you're rolling {0}d{1} dice.\n Is this correct? (y/n/quit)\n""", "includes_confirm": """ Your mode is {2}, you're rolling {0} dice from numbers: {1}\n Is this correct? (y/n/quit)\n""", "mode": """ Please select a number of your desired mode: 1) Normal 2) Increments of 10 (0 included) 3) Selective (Only numbers specified by user) 4) Exclude (Do not repeat numbers) 5) Exit the app\n"""} mode_input: dict[int, str] = { 1: "Normal", 2: "Increments", 3: "Selective", 4: "Exclude" } choice: list[int] = [0, 0, 0] dice, sides, mode = 0, 6, 0 included_numbers: list[int] = [] confirmation: str = "" while confirmation.upper() != "Y": try: # ask for mode mode = int(input(dedent(dictionary_input["mode"]))) if mode == 5: break # ask for number of dice to roll dice = int(input(dictionary_input["dice"])) if mode == 3: # selective numbers options included_numbers.append(*number_inclusion()) # this part returns [], why?! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ print(included_numbers) # <- doesn't work if len(included_numbers) < 1: continue else: # check for increment of 10 while in increments mode if mode == 2: while sides % 10 != 0: sides = int(input(dictionary_input["sides"])) if sides % 10 != 0: print(f"{sides} is not an increment of 10") continue else: sides = int(input(dictionary_input["sides"])) # confirmation from user if dice > 0 and sides > 0: if mode in mode_input: if mode != 3: confirmation = input( dedent(dictionary_input["confirm"]).format( dice, sides, mode_input[mode])) else: confirmation = input( dedent(dictionary_input["includes_confirm"]) .format(dice, included_numbers, mode_input[mode])) if confirmation.upper() != "QUIT": choice[0], choice[1], choice[2] = dice, sides, mode else: break else: print("Mode accepts numbers 1 - 5\n\n") continue else: print("Only positive numbers\n\n") continue except ValueError: print("Only numbers accepted\n\n") continue return (choice, included_numbers) def number_inclusion() -> list[int]: """Function used with mode Selective, stores user numbers""" included_numbers: list[int] = [] temp_input: Union[int, str] = 0 ask = { "first": """ Type \"review\" to view numbers, type \"remove\" to delete numbers, type \"done\" to finish.""", "next": "Type in your number:\n" } print(dedent(ask["first"])) while str(temp_input).upper() != "DONE": temp_input = input(dedent(ask["next"])) # input verification if temp_input.upper() not in ["DONE", "REVIEW", "REMOVE"]: try: if int(temp_input) < 0: print("Only positive numbers accepted") raise ValueError if float(temp_input) % 1 != 0: print("Only integers accepted") raise ValueError if int(temp_input) in included_numbers: print("Number is already on the list") continue included_numbers.append(int(temp_input)) print(f"added number {temp_input} to selection") continue except ValueError: print("Unsuported option") continue if str(temp_input).upper() == "REVIEW": print(f"Saved numbers are:\n{included_numbers}") continue if str(temp_input).upper() == "REMOVE": print(f"Saved numbers are:\n{included_numbers}") try: temp_remove: int = int(input( "Which would you like to remove?\n")) if temp_remove in included_numbers: included_numbers.remove(temp_remove) print("Number removed") else: raise ValueError except ValueError: print("Select a number from your list.\n\n") else: included_numbers.append(int(temp_input)) print(f"added number {temp_input} to selection") print(included_numbers) # <- doesn't work return included_numbers The function number_inclusion() should return a list with numbers and append into included_numbers in user_input() with that list. While everything seems fine when reviewing Type in your number: >>>1 >>>2 >>>3 >>>review Saved numbers are: [1, 2, 3] after the number_inclusion() execution in user_input() i get straight to ValueError with message Only numbers accepted from the first try...except block in user_input() I want number_inclusion() to return a list[int] which will replace included_numbers in user_input() Any tips how to improve this monster of a function would also be greatly appreciated! EDIT: Thanks to Paul Cornelius I've managed to fix my bugs. For anyone going through here this is what worked: Removing this part at bottom of number_inclusion() since it's already covered in the while loop else: included_numbers.append(int(temp_input)) print(f"added number {temp_input} to selection") Replacing append with extend in user_input() if mode == 3: # selective numbers options included_numbers.extend(number_inclusion()) if len(included_numbers) < 1: continue There's probably more stuff to improve here but at least it works as intended. A: There is a logic problem in your function number_inclusion, at the bottom of the loop: if str(temp_input).upper() == "REMOVE": print(f"Saved numbers are:\n{included_numbers}") try: temp_remove: int = int(input( "Which would you like to remove?\n")) if temp_remove in included_numbers: included_numbers.remove(temp_remove) print("Number removed") else: raise ValueError except ValueError: print("Select a number from your list.\n\n") else: included_numbers.append(int(temp_input)) print(f"added number {temp_input} to selection") If temp_input is 'done', the else: branch will be taken and int(temp_input) will raise a ValueError. You can simply eliminate the entire else block; the loop logic handles the case where temp_input is "done." It is good practice to put as few lines of code between try: and except: as the program logic allows, as Tadhg McDonald-Jensen pointed out in his comment. Programs become hard to debug if there are too many lines of code where an Exception can possibly be raised before it gets handled. You might also look at the traceback module, which allows you to print a traceback from inside an Exception handler block. Sometimes it quickly leads you to the problem. In fact, that's how I found this one.
Home Fantasy Cricket BBL 2021: SS vs BH Fantasy Preview, Predictions and MPL Top Picks FantasyCricketFantasy Prediction BBL 2021: SS vs BH Fantasy Preview, Predictions and MPL Top Picks Weather update and pitch report for SS vs BH Brisbane Heat team news and predicted XI SS vs BH: Five players to watch out for James Vince – Batter, Sydney Sixers Josh Philippe – Wicketkeeper Batter, Sydney Sixers Chris Lynn – Batter, Brisbane Heat Ben Duckett – Wicketkeeper batter, Brisbane Heat SS vs BH – where and what time to watch the match live in India Match: Sydney Sixers vs Brisbane Heat, Big Bash League 2021 (SS vs BH) Date: December 29, Wednesday, 12:35 PM IST Sydney Sixers will take on Brisbane Heat in the 25th match of Big Bash League 2021 on December 29 at the Sydney Cricket Ground. The hosts are placed at the 2nd spot in the points table with five wins and one loss from their 6 matches so far. They have 18 points in total. Josh Philippe is the top run-scorer for Sydney Sixers with 295 runs at a strike rate of 151. Moises Henriques has also fared well, scoring 242 runs at a strike rate of 150. With the ball, H Kerr has been the best performer with 9 wickets at an average of 10 and an economy rate of 7.38. The Sixers come into this game on the back of a comprehensive 30-run win over Sydney Thunder in their previous game. Brisbane Heat are placed at the 6th spot in the points table with 2 wins and 4 losses from their 6 matches so far. They have 9 points in total, which is half of Sixers' 18. Sam Heazlett is the top run-scorer for Brisbane Heat with 200 runs at a strike rate of 149, while JJ Bazley has been the best bowler, picking up 9 wickets at an average of 21 and an economy rate of 8.34. Ahead of match 24, let's look at the head to head total of both teams, the pitch report, weather update, top picks for your MPL fantasy team and more. The pitch at the Sydney Cricket Ground is generally a balanced one, but we have also seen some high scoring games here this season. In BBL 11's opening game, the home team hit 213/4 while batting first. While the pacers reap maximum benefit here, the spinners also come to play once the match progresses. As for the weather update, the temperature is likely to range from 18 to 20 degree Celsius. While it is going to be cloudy, the possibility of rain is not too high. Team news: Daniel Hughes and Dan Christian were the best performers for Sixers in their 30-run win over the Thunder. While Hughes scored 50 off 26, Christian scored 41 off just 17. Predicted XI: Josh Philippe, James Vince, Moises Henriques, Dan Christian, Daniel Hughes, Jordan Silk, Chris Jordan, Ben Dwarshuis, Sean Abbott, Hayden Kerr, Todd Murphy. Team news: The Heat are coming into this game on the back of a 20-run loss to the Melbourne Stars. They gave a good fight chasing 207, but were bundled out for 187. Predicted XI: Chris Lynn, Max Bryant, Ben Duckett, Sam Heazlett, Jimmy Peirson, Tom Cooper, James Bazley, Mark Steketee, Xavier Bartlett, Mujeeb ur Rahman, Liam Guthrie. Sydney Sixers and Brisbane Heat have played 14 BBL matches between them, of which Sixers have won 11 and the Heat 3. Here we list five players you must pick in your MPL fantasy XI for Sydney Sixers vs Brisbane Heat In his last edition of BBL, James Vince had scored 401 runs in 10 outings at an average of 50 and strike rate of 151. But haven't been able to deliver the goods this season. However, Vince scored his highest score of this season – 31 – in Sixers previous game and will be looking to draw confidence from that and produce an even bigger knock in the next game. The right-hander also brings with him the experience of playing in several franchise cricket tournaments like the Pakistan Super League and Abu Dhabi T10. In all, Vince has 7290 runs in 265 T20 innings at a strike rate of 133.29. Josh Philippe is the top run-scorer for Sydney Sixers with 295 runs at a strike rate of 151. Although he scored only 13 off 10 in the previous game, Philippe has played some standout knocks this season. The wicketkeeper batter scored a fabulous unbeaten 99 against the Stars and 72 against the Hurricanes. In all, Philippe has an average of 30.79 and strike rate of 138.17 in his T20 career, which makes him a must-have player in your MPL team. The Sydney Sixers captain has made 242 runs at a strike rate of 150 in five innings, which includes a fine 73 against the Hurricanes. In all, the all-rounder has played 234 T20s, from which he has a batting average and strike rate of 26.82 and 128.70. With the ball, the medium pacer has 115 wickets. He has also played 24 T20 internationals for Australia. A big knock was due from the big-hitting batter and it came in the previous game against the Stars. Lynn scored 57 off just 34 balls, hitting three fours and five sixes. The T20 globetrotter enjoys the reputation for being one of the most fearsome hitters of the ball. Lynn has a strike rate of over 142 in his T20 career. Another wicketkeeper you must have in your MPL team is Ben Duckett, who scored 54 off 35 balls in the previous game. This was his second consecutive half-century of the season. Against the Strikers, he scored 78 off 47. Duckett has played 135 T20s, from which he has an average of 30.36 and strike rate of 135.99. Sony Sports Network and its digital wing Sony Liv will broadcast the BBL 11 matches in India. The Sydney Sixers vs Brisbane Heat game will begin at 12:35 PM IST on December 29. 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Welcome to the Dalton School-Based Therapist's web page. My name is Ann Dennison. As a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, I provide clinical mental health services for the students and families of the Dalton Local School District. I am available at Dalton, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. My office is in the Intermediate School and my phone number is 330-828-2405. I am also available at SourceOne Group in Wooster at 330-345-0955. My past experience has been working with children and families in a public mental health setting with an emphasis on intensive home-based therapy. I currently provide a variety of services to Dalton students based on need. Referrals for services come from building principals and an intake session is done with a parent to determine the best approach for counseling services. I am able to do individual and family counseling both at school and in the home. Wayne County has a 24-hour crisis hotline through the Counseling Center as a public service for residents. The phone number is 330-264-9029. The crisis service provides crisis intervention, pre-hospital screening and community consultation. Another resource for families is the United Way of Wayne County's helpline. The phone number is 211. Using this helpline, families can access detailed help and information on services addressing basic needs, physical and mental health needs, employment needs and support services. Specific Wayne County agencies and their specific services will be featured periodically on this web page as an informational resource for families. Besides providing resources to access information, the purpose of this web page will be to provide information regarding specific counseling topics. The first topic, that seems to be applicable for all children at all ages, is stress and coping skills. Anxiety and stress are inevitable in children's lives. Teaching children how to effectively cope with stress and develop resiliency is a valuable skill that will help them into adulthood. When children develop support systems and coping skills, they are less likely to engage in destructive behaviors when stress, anxiety, or a crisis happens. I usually work with children and adolescents to identify situations that are causing feelings of anxiety or anger and develop their own personal list of coping strategies. Some common coping strategies for children and adolescents are: listening to music, talking or seeing a friend, going for a walk, building something such as legos, interacting with pets, playing a sport, playing appropriate video games, or helping others. I also help children and adolescents identify people in their lives that they can talk to when they are upset or overwhelmed. Children, especially younger children, also need consistent routines and plenty of sleep. This helps reduce anxiety and oppositional behaviors. Children and adolescents need realistic expectations that no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and we are not able to always have what we want. When a child makes a mistake it is a learning opportunity to develop alternative behaviors for next time. A child often needs encouragement to change negative self talk i.e. "I can never do this " into positive self talk such as " I will try my best ". This helps a child see a situation in a manageable rather than hopeless way. Adults, modeling positive coping strategies when experiencing stress, also help a child or adolescent see the benefits of these skills. When a child, who was handling stress inappropriately, uses one of the effective strategies they should receive positive encouragement from a parent or teacher. It then helps the child or adolescent know that their hard work is being appreciated and that positive things can happen from change. A very helpful website that gives up-to-date information on many mental health issues affecting children and adolescents is www.aacap.org. It is a public service website sponsored by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The Facts for Families section gives specific, easy to read information about many mental health topics. The section on stress gives additional information to the topic discussed on this web page.
Q: How to write update in theano function I am new to theano so maybe this is a simple question. If I have a function f = theano.function( inputs=[x], outputs=[y], updates=update) and y depends on w that I want to update using w = w + tr_rate * (pos_associations-neg_associations) I can write wparameters = [w] update = [(wparam, wparam + tr_rate * (pos_associations-neg_associations)) for wparam in wparameters] and it will update the function f using the update rule. But if y depends on another variable, say z, that I want to update using a different rule, say z = z + tr_rate*(x - vis) How do I combine the two rules together? A: update += [(z, z + tr_rate*(x - vis))] does this work? A: I found my own answer and I am posting it if it can help other people. You can create a variable update and then use the .append function to define new rules. So, instead of wparameters = [w] update = [(wparam, wparam + tr_rate * (pos_associations-neg_associations)) for wparam in wparameters] you can append a new rule and write: wparameters = [w] zparameters = [z] update = [] for wparam, zparam in zip(wparameters, bparameters): update.append((wparam, wparam + tr_rate*(pos_associations - neg_associations))) update.append((zparam, zparam + tr_rate*(x - vis))
Editor of Museletter, Richard Heinberg shared an in-depth look at the decline of oil production which he suggested was likely to occur before 2010. Among the ramifications of this would be the steep rise in price of gas, food, and other products, and the lowering of our standard of living, he said. "Planned war" with other countries over the remaining oil resources, was another likely outcome, he added. "No one wants to tell us that our lifestyle is fundamentally unsustainable," but eventually people will begin buying small hybrid cars and using energy more conservatively, said Heinberg. And as prices go up, citizens will be motivated to find better political leadership on energy issues, he continued. What passes for an energy policy in the U.S. now is a "cruel joke," he declared. In order to properly deal with the coming energy crisis, we need an effort on the scale of World War 2, he said, with hundreds of billions of dollars spent per year in building alternative energy infrastructure. Solar and wind power could be developed to a much higher degree on a local level, and home building materials such as straw bale can be used to conserve more energy, Heinberg detailed.
After a couple of mishaps, Arjun Kapoor is back with India's Most Wanted, a tale of a terrorist who has no name, no face, but yet is India's most wanted; therefore, he is called as India's Osama. Arjun Kapoor, who is playing the lead, shared India's Most Wanted first look of his upcoming on social media and revealed its release date. Based on true events, India's Most Wanted teaser will be out today. Directed by Rajkumar Gupta, the film is slated to release on 24th May 2019. Jointly produced by Rajkumar Gupta and Myra Kam, Fox Star Studios is the co-producer as well as the presenter of the film. Amit Trivedi has created its background score. India's Most Wanted first look was revealed on 15th April 2019 and its teaser is released on April 16th, 2019. After the Success of Raid, director Raj Kumar announced that he is working on two scripts and India's Most Wanted was one of them. Later, Arjun Kapoor was picked to play lead in this crime detective film. It was announced on May 2018 and the principal shoot of the film was commenced in the same month. Some part of the film is also shot in Nepal. The principal photography of the film ended recently. The film is all about a secret mission for the hunt of a faceless terrorist. The tag line of the film is India's Most Wanted– Man Hunt Begins. India's Most Wanted Official Trailer will be out soon.
The Bespoke Building Company has its roots in joinery and carpentry. It's founder Mikey Courtney is a joiner and carpenter by training and trade and is passionate about old fashioned fine craftsmanship, using exceptional materials married with a raw yet refined aesthetic that underpins all projects that we undertake. We are a team of builders, carpenters and joiners who have worked together for over 20 years. Every member of The Bespoke Building Company team has been trained by us to the highest industry standards with the relevant accreditations. So you can expect a level of precision, diligence and passion that is unsurpassed. The Bespoke Building Company create beautiful builds, extensions, refurbishments, loft conversions, kitchens, floors, panelling and furniture. We believe in, and adhere to, a bespoke approach to every project we undertake and have a commitment to ensuring that every aspect of a project, whatever its scope and size is delivered to the highest quality possible. "After care service was brilliant. Any snags were dealt with quickly and efficiently." We love what we do and are inspired by working with like minded clients in a collaborative manner which enables us to create the best project outcomes. Nothing is impossible and we are excited by new challenges, variety, small or large projects and interesting aesthetics.
StatisticsQ&A Library Corporate Officers and Committees The Newport Medical Supply Company must appoint a president, chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief financial officer (CFO). It must also appoint a strategic planning committee with four different members. There are 10 qualified candidates, and officers can also serve on the committee.a. How many different ways can the four officers be appointed?b. How many different ways can a committee of four be appointed?c. What is the probability of randomly selecting the committee members and getting the four youngest of the qualified candidates? Asked Sep 27, 2019 Corporate Officers and Committees The Newport Medical Supply Company must appoint a president, chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief financial officer (CFO). It must also appoint a strategic planning committee with four different members. There are 10 qualified candidates, and officers can also serve on the committee. a. How many different ways can the four officers be appointed? b. How many different ways can a committee of four be appointed? c. What is the probability of randomly selecting the committee members and getting the four youngest of the qualified candidates? The total number of officers to be appointed are 4. President, Chief Executive officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief operating Officer. The order of selection is important here as 4 officers have unique designation. So we use Permutation here. The number of ways of selecting r things out of n thing when order matter is calcualted as shown below. The number of ways of selecting four officers from 10 qualified candidates is calculated by substituting r = 4 and n = 10 as shown below The number of ways of appointing four officers = 5040 n! "P, (п-г)! 10*9*8*7*6* 5* 4*3*2*1 6 5 4 321 10! 10 Р. (10-4) 10*9*8*7 =5040 The total number of members in committee = 4 Total number of qualified members = 10 (As officers also can be committee members). Here order of selection is not important so we use combination. The number of ways of selecting r things out of n t... n! "C, (n-r)! r! 10*9* 87* 6*5*4*3* 2*1 10! 1C (10 4) 10*9 8*7 4!6*5*4*3* 2*1* 4* 3* 2*1 4*3 21 10*3* 7 210 Related Statistics Q&A Q: Refer to the sample of body temperatures​ (degrees Fahrenheit) in the table below. Given these​ temp... A: The given table represents the sample of body temperatures (degrees Fahrenheit) and its exposure to ... Q: what is statistics A: Statistics:Statistics is the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of ... Q: how do I find the variance? A: Population variance is the measure of variability of the data that is how far away our data points f... Q: 11. In a nursing home, a program is launched in 2005 to asses the extent to which it's residents are... A: (a)The prevalence of diabetes in 2005 is obtained as follows: Q: 6 of 13 (5 complete) ΣΗ-Χ. Another measure of variation is the mean absolute deviation. It is comput... A: Given Data and calculation is shown in the tableMAD represents mean absolute deviationS.D represents... Q: At one point the average price of regular unleaded gasoline was ​$3.44 per gallon. Assume that the s... A: From the question, it is given thatAverage prFrom the question, it is given thatAverage price of reg... Q: Reduction of 3+ Points Treatment n Number Proportion New 50 ... A: Sample proportions must first be determined by taking ratios of successes to sample size. Let the sa... Q: Arbitron Media Research Inc. conducted a study of the iPod listening habits of men and women. One fa... A: Null and alternative hypotheses:Let σ21 and σ22 be the variation in the listening times for men and ... Q: In its Fuel Economy Guide for 2016 model vehicles, the Environmental Protection Agency provides data... A: The Normal distribution:A continuous random variable X is said to follow normal distribution with me...
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Q: Trying to send email using aws ses and attach zip file as attachment I am trying to use a zip file stored in aws s3 as an attachment in an email sent using aws ses. The idea i have is GET the zipfile from s3 read it and pass to boto3 send_raw_email() api. zip_response = s3_client.get_object( Bucket='bucket name', Key='access_key.zip' ) zip_streambody = zip_response['Body'].read() #adding the attachment for send_raw_email() operation 'Define attachment and encode using mime app' att = MIMEApplication(open(ATTACHMENT, 'rb').read()) 'header to tell email client to treat it as attachment and give it a name' att.add_header( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(ATTACHMENT) ) When i do this i get a "ValueError: embedded null byte" in the MIMEApplication line. Why is this? How to fix it? Any help is appreciated. A: Solved using the procedure mentioned above. Code example: #main module zip_response = s3_client.get_object( Bucket='bucket name', Key='access_key.zip' ) zip_streambody = zip_response['Body'].read() call_function_in_module2(zip_streambody) #module 2 call_function_in_module2(x) #write the streambody beginning with correct zip headers, save zip as follows, #give path to lambda temp storage, /tmp/zip_name.zip. Save path to var, ATTACHMENT with open('/tmp/my_key.zip', 'wb') as file: file.write(x) #adding the attachment for send_raw_email() operation 'Define attachment and encode using mime app' att = MIMEApplication(open(ATTACHMENT, 'rb').read()) 'header to tell email client to treat it as attachment and give it a name' att.add_header( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(ATTACHMENT) ) send_raw_email() doc for ses send_raw_email() code example: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-raw.html#send-email-raw-headers
I always have problems finding reasonably priced comfortable shoes for my large wide feet. I decided to go to Evans in Glsagow during their sale to see if I could find anything suitable. I thought that Evans was in the St Enoch Centre. When I asked at the information desk in the shopping centre I was directed just outside the shopping centre entrance. During my chat with the member of staff, she mentioned that I should try JD Williams as they had a good selection of wide fit shoes in large sizes. As I bought some shoes in Evans, I forgot about JD Williams until I say an advert for them online. I assume that it was targeted advertising, as I had been searching online for large wide fitting shoes. I decided to take a look at the JD Williams website. I was pleasantly surprised by the low price of the wide fitting shoes in size 9 that were reduced in their sale. There were even leather shoes for around £10. I also managed to find a 20% discount voucher, bringing the price down even more. I looked into the delivery options. If my order totalled at least £40 then there was a free click and collect option. My nearest local store was a five minute walk from our flat. Before ordering, I also double checked JD Williams returns policy. I only order clothes or shoes online if the retailer offers free returns. I proceeded with the order. I received a text informing me that my parcel had arrived two days after ordering. Unfortunately, two out of the four pairs of shoes which I'd ordered were too narrow fo rme. I repacked them, filled in the returns form, which asked the reason for returning. and dropped the package off at the local shop. Three days later, I received an email to say that the return had been received and my credit card would be refunded within then next few days. Overall, I was very happy with my online shopping experience with JD Williams. There was good choice of wide fitting shoes in my size, the prices were low. The ordering, delivery and returns all went smoothly. This entry was posted on Thursday, January 31st, 2019 at 5:49 am and is filed under Living Expenses, Money Saving Tips. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Electrical installation - this is any combination of the interconnected electrical equipment in the limits of the specific accommodation or territory. Many factors influence stability and safety of the work of electrical equipment: weather conditions, human factor, wear and failure of equipment, the quality of installation and connection of equipment, the quality of power line. Therefore, consumer devices in the systems of electrical devices must be protected by the way of organizing special safeguard remedies - these are lightning protection, surge protection, equipment on the compensation for the surpluses of electric power in the power lines, and so on. The correct organization of the electric power supply of industrial buildings, equipment and apartment houses are the most important task of contemporary power supply. The functioning of both the entire complex and the separately undertaken equipment depends on the quality of power line. The safety level of enterprise herself or building as a whole depends on the quality of the current-conducting parts. If necessary the guarantees of continuous feed to electric power, electrical device are equipped with the systems of the uninterrupted guarantee of nourishment. The sources of uninterrupted power make it possible to ensure the fitness for work of the protected equipment with turning off of the basic power sources. Contemporary market offers the widest selection of electrical equipment, which must be used for providing of proper safety of the object. This of the device of grounding and connection to neutral, leveling off of a potential difference, reduction and outlet of the short-circuit currents, currents of leakage, control of harmonics and much other. The qualitatively designed system of grounding electrical devices is one of the guarantees of the long-term safe functioning of production. The correctly realized system of electrical devices ensures the reliable work of equipment even with the appearance of unforeseen situations. For example, during the damage to the isolation of the current-carrying cables, or with the defeat by lightning, the protected electrical equipment does not go out of order. In view of innumerable many versions of the performance of the enumerated devices and components, the guarantee of the necessary parameters of electrical device is the task, by solution of which must be occupied only highly skilled specialists. The specialists of our company possess the many-year experience of design, diagnostics, installation, repair and modification of the electrical devices of different degree of complexity. The creation of the special solutions for the special climate and operating conditions if necessary is ensured. Our electrical devices - continuity of your processes!
-Top News Asia News Terrorists amplify attack on Pak force No Comments on Terrorists amplify attack on Pak force At least three police officials have been killed, including a deputy superintendent of police (DSP) in exchange of fire with terrorists in Peshawar on Saturday…reports Asian Lite News Three police personnel, including a deputy superintendent of police (DSP), were killed in a terrorist attack on Saturday in the Peshawar region of Pakistan, The News International reported. The attack took place in Peshawar's suburban area where terrorists carried out an attack on Sarband police station in the early hours of Saturday. Senior superintendent of police operations Kashif Aftab Abbasi said that police station Sarband was attacked with grenades and sniper guns fitted with night vision thermal goggles. Kashif Aftab said that at least six to eight terrorists were involved in the attack, as per The News International report. The SSP Operations said that at least 12 to 14 police personnel were present at the police station at the time of the attack. The SSP operations said that terrorists lobbed five hand grenades into the compound of the police station. Kashif Aftab said that four grenades were neutralised while one blew up, according to the news report. The police official said that the terrorists managed to flee after the attack. He stated that the search operation has been stopped and would restart during day time to find the attackers. Police contingents reached the site after the terror attack was reported. The police spokesperson said that the entire area was cordoned off following the assault. Additional police contingents and armoured personnel carriers also reached the spot. The DSP and his two gunmen, Irshad and Jehanzeb died on the spot, as per The News International report. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan has condemned the terrorist attack on Sarband Police Station and called it a sorrowful incident. In a statement issued on Saturday, Khan stressed that the sacrifices of police personnel will not go waste and added that police fought with bravery and repulsed the attack. Meanwhile, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan condemned the attack and offered condolences to the families of police personnel who lost their lives. He tweeted, "Strongly condemn the terrorist attack on the police station. My condolences & prayers go to the families of the martyrs. The KP govt & its police force are in the frontline of fighting terrorism & must be a central part of any counter terrorism policy." Pakistan's Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah has condemned the attack and stated that the government is concerned over the law and order situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He tweeted, "The Federation is deeply concerned about the deteriorating law and order situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, terrorists are attacking police stations, policemen and officers are being targeted. From the recent incident, it seems that the provincial government has not learned any lesson even from Bannu CTD headquarters." He further added, "All the energies of the Chief Minister are focused on breaking the assembly, the safety of the people's life and property – peace and order in the province is not the priority of the CM, even the KP police is not safe from terrorist attacks, what will happen to the safety of the people? I pay tribute to the police martyrs, salute their sacrifices." (ANI) 2 killed in drive-by attack at Jhangi checkpoint Two persons including a police officer were killed while another was injured when they were attacked by two bike-borne miscreants at the Jhangi police checkpoint of Pakistan's Taunsa Sharif district, Pakistan's Dawn newspaper reported on Saturday. The accused escaped after the attack. They attacked Punjab police off-road border checkpoint and killed a police officer identified as Mazar, and a passer-by. Another policeman, Ramzan, was injured in the attack, according to sources, Dawn newspaper reported. Unidentified persons, whom the Taunsa police called "militants" carried out the attack and a rescue team was dispatched to the remote checkpoint post the attack. The Punjab police checkpoint at Jhangi is intended to prevent the infiltration of undesirable elements into the province, according to Dawn newspaper. Recently, two Pakistani police personnel and a civilian were killed in separate militant attacks in the Lakki Marwat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Two men in their 40s, including a police officer, lost their lives when armed motorcyclists attacked them near the Paharkhel Thall area in Lakki Marwat, the Dawn reported. "As soon as Younas Khan and Asmatullah riding a motorcycle reached Manjiwala link road from Paharkhel Thall village, two armed motorcyclists opened fire on them," a police officer was quoted as saying by the Pakistani newspaper. In a separate incident, a police constable was killed and another was injured in an attack in the Bhittani sub-division of Lakki Marwat late on Thursday night. The policemen came under attack within the limits of Shadikhel police station while they were on the way to the Wargarey police station to assist their colleagues, who were attacked by a group of terrorists. Earlier this month, a terrorist was killed and a police constable was killed when terrorists attacked a police check-post in the Shahbazkhel area of the district. The surge in militant attacks comes amid the rising presence of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in the country. In its annual report, the Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) said the Pakistan security forces lost at least 282 personnel during 2022 in attacks, which included IED ambushes, suicide attacks, and raids on security posts, mostly in the Pakistan-Afghan border regions. "The year 2022 ended with the deadliest month (thus far) for Pakistan's security personnel over a decade, with the emergence of a new terror triad comprising TTP, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Daesh-Afghanistan as the biggest threat to the country," the CRSS report said. December 2022 alone saw 40 fatalities as it became the year's deadliest month. (ANI) ALSO READ: US escalates global fight over Chinese police outposts Tags PAKISTAN ← US lawmaker says Indians pay 6% of taxes → Daesh targets Chinese interests in Afghanistan
so let me ask you a question: how will you get them to stop coming once you deport them? theres ltierally nothing stopping them from doing that short of showing them that breaking the law has bad consequences. and no being deported isnt enough. desperate times call for desperate measures. remember the minutemen? they agree with me too. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Murdering people outright is your solution? That's the extent of your problem solving abilities? It's this kind of idiotic, absolutely inhumane drivel (tellingly with the usual weak-minded nifty catch phrases and then a bizarre historical references that are completely off) that gives rise to caricatures of people trying to push for stronger action against illegal immigration. Honestly, you think it's going to be easier to push legislation to murder anchor babies (leaving aside the small issue of any kind of ethical responsibility or desire to be a moral society in any sense) rather than change legislation that allows for anchor baby status? Murder is really how it has to happen? ^^ and you, are a waste of oxygen. I'm sorry but we have rolled out the RED CARPET too damn long!!!!!! If that's so they did an extremely poor job of planning. What separates countries like the US, France, and the UK which are diverse vs. countries that are 90% or better white (like the Scandic countries or Germany) is the fact that the former invaded other countries and/or set up colonies to exploit the resources of those countries. The US brought back boat loads of slaves from Africa to do out bidding. The result is the descendants of those slaves are still here. If they meant for it to be a "white nation" they did a bad job. The truly white nations are the ones who had little to no colonies, were not colonies themselves, and/or had no slave activities from other countries. Your forefathers (I say your because Im Middle Eastern and have foreign born grandparents) did a crappy job of planning, now you have to live in a diverse nation to your disappointment. What does colonialism have to do with allowing one's country to be taken over? Nothing. You're contending that since France and Great Britain had many colonies in non-white lands, that the home front deserves to be inundated by foreign people? Are you kidding me? You're basically justifying genocide of the white race and the elimination of entire white ethnic groups. Even then, you do realize that most of the immigrants flowing into the U.K. are not from former colonies. By the way, Sweden has a huge issue with non-white immigration, as does Germany with Turks. Tell that to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. All very diverse societies and all extremely peaceful. You really are short-sighted, aren't you? The reason you think that they are relatively peaceful is because a tipping point of sorts has yet to be reached. Canada and Australia are still over eighty percent white. The white population, in general, is still able to live away from the non-white newcomers, hence less conflict. That said, a multitude of issues have arisen in both Canada and Australia by such immigration. Some people feel that way, I sure dont. I purposely choose a part of a suburb that was multicultural to buy a house in. You feel that way because you have nothing to lose. You're not white, the dominant and traditional racial demographic of the country, and the character of this nation matters little to you. You are likely not as emotionally connected to the land and the history of this country as most white people. Do you think Japan would enjoy being inundated by millions of Somalis and other Africans, to the point where large areas of Japan become African? Of course not! The same goes for all countries; they desire to have their people carry on within their own land, for it is who defines the country. Most people arent that militant. Even the ones that dont want to be around anyone unlike themselves are happy moving to an area that only has their kind in it. Not to mention, what made this country great is that we are a nation of immigrants. Unless you happen to be native American, you are a descendant of an immigrant too. Justbecause where I come from is different from where you came from doesnt make either of us more or less of the same thing. When people see that they have little recourse, and that they are losing their land, they do become militant. In the not-so-distant future, you will see this become the norm, as this has been repeated multiple times. Moving to another area is a release valve, nothing more. It offers one the ability to flee what they perceive as madness, as well as to get away from the anxiety, pain, and hurt of seeing their homeland ripped apart. However, as long as policies and trends continue as they do, eventually those areas they fled to will succumb to the invasion. Eventually, there will not be enough areas to flee to. This doesn't say anything about the damage to the natural environment, as well as the burdens on the resources of this country. With a lack of areas in which to flee will come greater conflict. You say that most people aren't that militant. Why don't you look into the Aztlan movement promoted by MECHA groups, some members of LaRaza, as well as the Brown Berets. Most Mexicans in the U.S., as well as people of Mexican descent, believe that the southwest was stolen and see no qualms about making it a new "Hispanic" country. But they do that by self segregation within their communities, they dont have to be a new country for that. Once the dominant majority group is no longer the majority, those minority groups will assert their demographic strength in a number of ways, be they political or apolitical. At this time, many of these groups realize that they don't have the numbers to make such a move and are biding their time. Members of the Aztlan movement even report that they're waiting till a time in the not-so-distant future when their numbers are more favorable. After all, the group must have absolute control of the ballot box before one realizes that there is strength in numbers. By the way, as someone of the founding racial stock of the United States, one whose status was protected until 1965, do you think that I or my racial brothers are going to be thankful that we get to keep small neighborhoods of what is our country? Seriously, that's like a Japanese person being happy that Japanese people get to keep small neighborhoods within Japan. How absurd is that? Not whatsoever. There is no "movement". People come here from the opportunities that may not exist in their homeland and because companies here recruit in other countries as well as our own, not so they can make this country less white. You really are uninformed about global charters and trends worldwide. The immigrants themselves don't realize the plan on diluting white countries, rather it is the elites who allow the third world to pour into western white countries and only white countries. Perhaps you can tell me why I and my parents have friends of all different races (including white, black, Asian, and Hispanic). Then you can explain to me why I married a Thai immigrant. If your theory was correct, then I would have moved to Dearborn, MI and spent time only with other Arabs. Yes, we are different, but we learn from our differences and appreciate each other for them. Left wing cultural Marxist propaganda disseminated by the media and academia during a person's formative years plays a role. This is the greatest reason for young whites. For non-whites, however, many groups' populations are small enough that they never have the chance to have group solidarity in such diverse settings. Thus, they learn to live with it as the norm, though it goes against natural instincts. Such individuals are also prone to fall victim to cultural Marxism. Once significant numbers of a group reaches a percentage high enough to be a large minority, group-think kicks in, and ultimately conflict between the different groups occur. By the way, assimilation is the idea of sameness, not the fact that you share aspects of the culture, or that you take on certain aspects of the culture. Since people of different races will never be seen as the same, no true assimilation into the dominant racial population can ever take place. Many people misinterpret assimilation to mean taking on cultural aspects of the dominant culture, but it is much deeper than that. Benjamin Franklin would disagree. A predominately white nation was his ideal country, but not at the expense of non British people immigrating here. And also, the founding fathers did not want this country to be an extension of Europe. If that was really true, then they would have perfectly been fine with being under British rule, rather than go for the independent route. When I say an extension of Europe, I'm speaking demographically, not politically. "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." but "where there is a will there is a way," and what colonization needs most is a hearty will. Will springs from the two elements of moral sense and self-interest. Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and, at the same time, favorable to, or, at least, not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be. Last edited by Stars&StripesForever; 07-20-2011 at 07:48 AM.. Agribusiness wanted them, not that they needed them. Most small family farmers never desired their presence. You seem to blame everyone but yourself and other traditional whites. Who do you think let the rest of us into the country? I think you are going insane. we spend way too much money feeding the illegals. we need to stop the flow of our money to these leeches of society. everyone who is against illegals thinks so. there's nothing cheaper than a good old fashioned execution to send the signal not to come here illegally anymore.