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i had continued to think along those lines i probably would have done the dishes in anger and when he got up wed have had a fight about that with me feeling completely abused | 0sadness
i was feeling like a pretty crappy mom | 0sadness
im then left feeling quite embarrassed as i say that nothings new | 0sadness
i feel unwelcome and out of place buti cant decide if i am just too scared to do anything about this ok situation or if i am staying here in this dead end situation because i am afraid things will get worse | 0sadness
i feel burdened for several loved ones and i miss my big kid whom i havent seen since friday | 0sadness
i feel is still really low in my abdomen | 0sadness
i try to get in at least minutes a day five days a week though i have been known to skip a workout if i m feeling particularly lethargic or lazy | 0sadness
i have been feeling beaten down sick and utterly devoid of hope that i will ever have the life i want | 0sadness
i find myself having much more time to think about myself without feeling depressed to actually be able to write and imagine without feeling trapped or like i am missing out on something a near constant feeling i have in cities | 0sadness
i feel like ive had to fake my feelings a lot more often then i would have liked to | 0sadness
im really like she said only you can understand the way i feel toni ight she blamed excesses on the merican dream so seldom witnessed never er seen hah hah hah hah hah | 0sadness
i dont know where i want to work because there will always be something that makes me feel stressed or anxious at work whatever the job may be as all jobs require some sort of rules or pressure | 0sadness
i wonder how many people are against my do it only when you feel like it perspective but i think if you do it for the sake of doing it without wanting to do it then it will turn out to be the result of crappy work | 0sadness
i should have known she likes kamiki kun he laughs nozomi feels an unpleasant knot in her stomach you must think i m a fool don t you nonchan | 0sadness
i made the choice to start recognizing when that feeling of being unloved kicks in and to choose to keep my persistence at the same level not allowing that old reaction to shut me down | 0sadness
ive become anxious about in recent times is this there is certainly a feeling amongst some people of belief that they are under siege that they are often disadvantaged that they are looked at and considered in some way different and their faith makes them less worthy of regard he said | 0sadness
i hate chemo and the thought of having toxins washing through every single cell and making me feel horrible makes me cringe | 0sadness
i always feel like ive been assaulted by his pics | 0sadness
i feel incredibly isolated and lonely | 0sadness
i was i admit very worried about feeling isolated i work in a cubicle pretty much on my own unless someone needs me | 0sadness
i make light of it but sometimes i feel really awkward in small groups and in one on one conversations | 0sadness
i also feel like if google hated seo we d know it | 0sadness
i feel like she s judging me and he s not here and i don t want to seem like the needy girl so i don t know | 0sadness
i feel burdened by her presence | 0sadness
i feel really pathetic confronted with some | 0sadness
i am feeling terribly burdened by impending anxiety i am trying to just keep my eyes on the prize | 0sadness
i feel could be unpleasant is layered with love healing forgiveness and the expectation that things will turn out well | 0sadness
im feeling gloomy as i have completed nothing though im supposed to complete many things | 0sadness
i love children s literature authors who don t feel the need to dumb down things for kids | 0sadness
i was soo quiet it was a mixture of not sleeping well and feeling a bit isolated from the big group | 0sadness
i feel like today is way suffering than the exam day which we have to open books everytime we went home | 0sadness
i feel miserable on the inside but on the outside i just like i | 0sadness
i feel i was unfortunate with both mister magnum and sounds of cheers travelling well for long periods of the race | 0sadness
i feel drained of energy | 0sadness
i am feeling pretty stinkin shitty for being such a horrible reviewer | 0sadness
i feel helpless about it | 0sadness
i was feeling awful on sunday | 0sadness
ive been studying really hard for it and discovering pretty words that never crossed my mind and how they portray the exact meaning and i feel like ive missed out a lot | 0sadness
i feel lonely at work im not a social bird as i usually am when i was in school | 0sadness
i think this may be the reason i would want to fly back to uae because there i can be oblivious of these conflicts that plague me conflicts that i feel helpless resolving | 0sadness
i saw the video of cena kissing maria and surprisingly i didnt feel like i hated her | 0sadness
i was not feeling submissive | 0sadness
i sat on my couch for several hours feeling pretty low | 0sadness
i can feel but i cant touch you said my love was a bit too much i wont deny it broke my heart cant find no crush so why dont you come on back home | 0sadness
i even remember trying them on last year and feeling crappy because i was nowhere near closing them | 0sadness
i did at one point put my son in daycare but my mom constantly made me feel like a terrible parent because of it | 0sadness
ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted | 0sadness
i know scones are not a must have food but i am determined to live a frugal lifestyle without feeling deprived | 0sadness
i feel that horrible helplessness to make things better for them and that feels like it will kill me inside | 0sadness
i have a few more of these but after taking pictures of my house i feel it is far too messy to post photos online so ill clean up a bit before i post those | 0sadness
i feel hated loathed | 0sadness
ive been feeling very numb | 0sadness
i feel that is very unfortunate that i dont own the soundtrack | 0sadness
i feel lonely and lost | 0sadness
i would feel empty | 0sadness
i love some of it the media coverage but sometime i feel they put an ugly picture | 0sadness
i feel as though i am being a little neglectful of my fellow bloggers | 0sadness
im feeling quite lonely here now and its only monday of half term | 0sadness
i feel really socially awkward and dont like to get out and meet new people and do things in groups and be adventurous | 0sadness
i feel horrible because i feel horrible made worse by the fact that i havent gotten to workout | 0sadness
i feel it and im unhappy | 0sadness
i quickly trotted off he added i feel embarrassed to ask hoping i would enter into some kind of conversation with him | 0sadness
i hated that when i got drunk the whole next day was spent sleeping and feeling groggy | 0sadness
i feel is that i cant get far enough away from what feeds melancholy for long enough that it would just wither and die off | 0sadness
i was left feeling discouraged and hopeless once again | 0sadness
i feel that this is going to get very messy to get fixed and back on the road again | 0sadness
i feel quite strongly that students should be punished due to how well or badly they have faired compared to a completely unrelated group of people | 0sadness
i feel at least dating them would not be in vain | 0sadness
i do not feel unhappy miserable wretched glum gloomy forelorn or heartbroken | 0sadness
i knew where things was headed but that didnt really prepare me for the heartbreak even i would feel my heart broke for danielle and all other military wives that have had to go thru losing their husband trying to protect our country | 0sadness
i feel lonely few days before my birthday | 0sadness
i was feeling so low about myself | 0sadness
i feel sorry for rafael bosch | 0sadness
i hope for is that those certain people can attend to more important things in their lives but still come back to blogging if they feel they missed blogging | 0sadness
i begin to feel unpleasant about anime fandom in general | 0sadness
i am feeling miserable and sick but hoping that with the amount of sleep i am getting i havent had much choice i have had zero energy cold meds vitamins and lots of fluids i have high hopes to feel better tomorrow | 0sadness
i feel troubled because of the ongoing relocation of our front door | 0sadness
i feel heartbroken for bryan | 0sadness
i feel like i had fake everything | 0sadness
im an introvert by which i mean i get re energized being alone and preferably in a quiet place so times in the crew galley when there are a lot of people in a relatively small place all talking at once can leave me feeling drained and in need of a dark room with nothing but whale noises | 0sadness
i feel numb right now i thought i was feeling angry but now i dont know i dont feel anything should i be sad should i be happy or angry i dont know how to feel anymore | 0sadness
i just feel so discontent about my life these days | 0sadness
i have always had people in my life who have gone out of their way to put me down trip me up or make me feel as if i were completely moronic or not worthy enough | 0sadness
i prep myself for another sleepless night i can t help but feel ashamed of myself for feeling this way | 0sadness
i wouldn t throw it in the ocean but i don t feel i would have missed something in my career if i don t win an oscar | 0sadness
im not used to feeling the dependency or the neediness for being needy is not me or at least wasnt prior to recently | 0sadness
i love this little boy and sometimes i feel how inadequate i am as a parent to him | 0sadness
i keep these things predominantly for fix functions and will not arranged right now to create a style applying twelve months previous ingredients until i m feeling much more perverse than usual | 0sadness
i feel sad and discouraged | 0sadness
i feel very unhappy and incomplete | 0sadness
i feel rejected and unwanted | 0sadness
im feeling lousy i may dismiss a gorgeous day if im feeling bright and cheerful then the most dreary of days becomes tolerable | 0sadness
i sometimes feel disheartened when i realise just how far from my own culture i am | 0sadness
i feel hopeless and out of control | 0sadness
i feel horrible that i had to cancel on one of my best guy friends but the trip was stressing me out because my babysitting hours got cut and i couldn t afford it | 0sadness
i climbed a mountain and made my way to a village where the people stared at me the children looked frightened and ran away and everyone i came across asked me why i was there in such a way as to make me feel unwelcome | 0sadness
i dont feel inhibited and i can work out my problems | 0sadness
i have done so in hopes of being inspiring while at the same time looking for solace from people rather than god and for proof that maybe i can do something good while i feel so horrible | 0sadness
im feeling melancholy with all the back to school stuff today | 0sadness
i begin to feel burdened by things amp long to be empty again | 0sadness
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