i ve been feeling pretty even consistently which is good i missed a dose the other night i usually take them before bed i fell asleep on the couch by the time i woke up at am i felt it wa too late before the next dose so just halved the dose today i truly felt the difference and realized the importance of this medication i do find that now that i know what it s like to live like someone with a more normal brain wave thanks to the med when anxious start do enter my mind now it s much more frightening than it wa before even though i ve lived with gad for a long time i wa diagnosed with it a couple of month ago and still i m having difficulty accepting it doe anyone else have the experience of anxious thought now more pronounced and frightening when they are experienced upon missing a dose
nobody ever speaks to me now
is sad that the march break is over
wtfanabel nite i still cant go to sleep
sorry for the depressing post i have some problem that are long term and i suffer every second of everyday i am so tired of the mental pain of suffering everyday my eye will never be the same again and i only use my right eye i don t want to have such a shameful death but i wa wondering if you people believe this can possibly be a good choice i am about to have exhausted all of my treatment option
just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay
maya is being spayed today i m very nervous about it
i see a lot of people dealing with mental health issue being so hard on the self i know it s a hard time but please never bring yourself down your only human it s normal to experience these emotion please start being kind to yourself it will help so much
sitting outside doctor s surgery so it s my turn now bah what a holiday
cufa getting lot of dentist time myself at the moment very stressfull and sore take it nice and easy for the rest of the day
glamgirlgargiee beleg bur or bhal hoisiii o exam huni huni moi depression t gusi goisiiii
kal penn the thing that suck the most is that you were the one i wa most excited for even before i knew who the final team would be
home from franklin street i almost jumped over a fire someone kicked it before i could jenny lost her shoe
absolutelybatty hug back thanks hon i can t believe he s gone
i fucking hate everyone and everything i can t take another day fck everyone on this planet why tf do i have to feel so shit all the time fuck god he ain t shit he abandoned me why tf do i have to feel so shit all the time while everyone else get to enjoy their life and get everything they want i also hate people who take advantage of other people i can t wait to end it i wish no one wa around so i can do it idgaf about anything that s my rant
honestly i just need someone to talk to this ha been the worst month of my life im holding back tear just typing this because it feel like im getting closer to the end because i never ask for help i wa homeless for year with bed bug now i have a voucher so i live in a place now and im safe i just feel bad complaining abut this because it feel like i dont appreciate it and because ive been by myself my whole life it make everything so much harder because when thing go bad im on my own and im just tired of it i met this girl recently that we both practically fell in love with eachother instantly pale blonde brazillian girl she wa super sweet she might be bipolar to because this shit blew up in both our face within a span of a couple day also earlier this month a meth head tried to take my phone the bitch at the ssi building tried to 0 me then a dog bit me all in the same day but i wa chillin i recovered almost instantly but thing like family argument or the situation with this girl leave me feeling so upset for so long and dont get it im just tired of feeling sad i dont wan na feel like this anymore
my anxiety is so bad right now i have been vomiting and have bad pain in my stomach and abdomen lot of sweating and extreme issue sleeping last night i didn t fall asleep until am and woke up at am in a complete panic eating is very difficult for me right now and i have a sense of impending doom constantly is there anything any of you do that help with this how can i bring this up with my doctor without being committed or something should i get a short supply of benzos to get through this time i just need some advice thank you
my decision is irreversable and ha been thought through for some time i don t need any you shouldn t do that dont give up i know my action will be egoistic for people around me but i couldn t care i won t suffer so they do not have to go through my suicide should i leave a good bye fuck you letter or should i just do nothing
new article from obmneurobiology antidepressant treatment of depression in the elderly efficacy and safety consideration http t co hsu g pvhn narrative review of surgery for myasthenia gravis http t co siqks rzxp depression pharmacotherapy antibody http t co scs0lby0pi
jessdubb lmao u may have to wait for another season to come thru it summe boo hot nd dry as weather
having lunch on my desk while i work
burgaw ooooooh sealclap see i download shitloads of zip folder off chan i have no internet money fuck yeah alicia amp mikey
i have been having anxiety chest pain for over year i have seen a doctor but the solution wasn t a good i take deep breath and sometimes i use st john s wort and camomile to calm i got better for a while but now whenever i think of something a in a college related report studying commitment promising to do something and thinking about it all day my chest hurt from these condition and i have breathing difficulty what do you do to help when you get these symptom
hello i f have told all my friend amp family i m in a dark place i just started treatment with a therapist amp am meeting a pcp soon i am on a personal leave from work to deal with these personal issue it wa tough but i have been transparent with my support system family friend that i left an abusive relationship amp i am deeply ashamed that i almost did not leave i left my home amp family for yr amp lived with my partner in another state i just moved back in with parent grateful but struggling to adjust in my heart there is shame knowing that i only left because he admitted he did not love me for the past yr not because it wa an abusive relationship amp i nearly died i couldn t amp still can barely see past the love i had for this partner amp grasp that it wa abusive my trust wa betrayed so deeply from this yr relationship it wa a if a switch had been flipped amp the person i believed i wa in a mutual loving relationship with wa suddenly gone i wa treated so callously by my partner i know this is simply how the world is amp i need to come to term but now i struggle with depression amp anxiety with every relationship in my life i am utterly terrified to trust even family amp friend but i have been high functioning forcing myself to be active amp social my family amp friend have been here for me bringing me back from the ledge amp encouraging positive outlet like socializing with friend amp working out i am scared because all i can think in the moment of stillness is what is the point for now the point is to keep pushing on for family amp friend because i do not want them to have to live with my death if i committed suicide i feel like i am on borrowed time amp my excuse for sticking around will soon mean nothing my cup is so low i just want to sleep all day amp not wake up i m terrified i want to be okay i don t know what else to do i hate putting the pressure on my friend amp family to pull me back from this metaphorical ledge i know they love me amp they have told me i am not a burden i can not shut out that voice in my head saying i am being a burden i should just be strong get up and amp move on i just want to be able to be fine again can anyone help me by suggesting resource that i have not already exhausted or by answering the question what is the point my sibling shared that personally his point purpose in life is to spread positive energy amp change with each person he interacts with i used to amp my heart still longs to be this way but at the end of the day what is the point we re all going to die anyways i m tired someone please help
is really fed up
jee 0 90 9 sathiyama mudiyala bro day by day romba toxic ah poguthu namakum mentally depression aaguthu
cant eat drink or breath properly thanks to the bad throat infection
kal penn i just watched house and got really sad i liked kutner
don t let depression slow you down we got this
rootbeerfloats you hate billy now
matthew day yeah at work
just got to work and am so ravenous have eaten my gipton steak amp branston sarnies now i ll have to buy something for lunch doh
manu ginobili is out for the rest of the season and the playoff
hey all i m 0 and i started taking 0mg citalopram in summer last year i had no side effect except for a decreased appetite and worsened insomnia i already suffered with that though everything wa going well until the start of this year when my anxiety suddenly got out of control my doctor think i grew resistant to the 0mg or something my dose wa increased to 0mg the end of feb for the first week i felt fine but then i started to feel nauseous the second week then over last weekend i began to be physically sick i take citalopram in the morning a soon a i wake up because i used to take it at night and it wasn t good for my insomnia a well a this for the good of being completely transparent i am a social university student who doe enjoy drinking even though alcohol wa fine with 0mg could it be possible that it is not now i know this is an important piece of context hence why i m including it basically did anyone else suffer with nausea and vomiting after increasing their dose should i be concerned that it s been week since starting the new dose and my side effect haven t settled also how worried should i be mixing citalopram with this new dose when i wa fine when i drank on 0mg thanks for any advice
bradiewebbstack sway sway tour in julyyyyy exitedd muchh follow me pleaseeee i need more followers
would really love to go on holiday but it not gon na happen
it seems like it s just who how i am that s making me this miserable i ve tried it all it just seems hopeless
am i going through depression again
ha to wait a week to find out if her writing is any good sux
new article from obmneurobiology the potential impact of covid 9 on depression and suicide risk in older adult http t co brn i tcp http t co aw fkdqvzm covid 9 pandemic
i am really tired but cant go to sleep
hate the waiting game she hate uncertainty too
ha anyone had really intense brain fog this year i mean it s been pretty bad before but i genuinely can t remember stuff and relative time is confusing sometimes a day feel like a week or i ll think i discussed something with someone on monday and it s been week and they ve been waiting for me to follow up i ll be halfway through making a decision and it take me forever bc my brain get stuck and then i forget what i wa even trying to decide
i want diana f it look great
why doe stik o have to be chocolate
my mom called me disgusting for my dirty room even though she know i m depressed am i disgusting i try to clean but it just go back to dirty i m disgusting and lazy
i need therapy and i finally fully acknowledge it i am an unemployment year old student in lebanon middle east not the u my parent are some old school arab folk that would never entertain the idea of me going to therapy and the fact that i could never share the real reason behind it only make thing harder and the possibility of them cooperating even more impossible thankfully i can figure out how to sneak to therapy behind their back and although i have it really hard money wise i could afford a mid to low budget therapist a long a it will get me anywhere it would be the absolute biggest financial burden ever but i guess i got ta heal my problem among a couple lesser one i am what would be best described a in my own word casually suicidal i have been for so long just wanting to die and although i have no intention to act on it it weighs a lot on you to be jealous out of all thing from people that die around you i am scared that talking about it to a therapist might make her have to break confidentiality another thing that i am worried about is that any therapist i d go to might not be okay with me because of my belief i am pretty certain that my nihilistic philosophy backed by my lack of religious belief would have to be talked about problem is that i live in a muslim community and in these community my perspective on religion isnt taken lightly what is your take your opinion and all of that sorry if the text is messy and all over the place i just wanted to journal and thought that i might use this opportunity to take someone s opinion a well
i ve been experiencing huge bout of just feeling unmotivated not useful i ve been randomly just tearing up but it never last long i don t feel like i have a reason to cry but i do and i don t know what to do there s other stuff but i don t want to drag on too long i also just miss how thing were i ve woken up like this for the past week and it s persisted throughout the day
want to use the directional dance pad pero di compatible sa tv yung game http plurk com p n0hyu
i wan na go home
my anxiety affect my life but it s not debilitating for me like it is for others i get panic attack very rarely my brain is never quiet though it s always going and cycling around thought even when i m trying to let them go i see my dog and feel happy then my brain immediately say what if he died though and it show me what that would look like stupid thing like that i also have ibs that worsens with stress i guess i wa just wondering if anyone out there ha tried any med even though they can deal with their symptom and if it helped i m a bit worried about side effect but if i could just live without having to ob over thing and feel defensive all the time that would be pretty amazing i will ask my doctor of course but wanted to hear from others in my situation
my anxiety manifest itself in many way and this is one form of it i would stand in front of the mirror and just feel like guilty for not being better not contributing more not being more positive not being a better friend when in reality i do those thing anyone else relate to this feeling
just called hillsong again they said they couldn t tell me where i wa on the waiting list i don t know if it s looking so good
i have a lazy eye and am overweight and i have a bowel problem which make me smell even with these attribute i ve managed to fall in love get married and have a daughter but i keep getting this urge since i wa to end it all it doesn t help that my family doesn t want anything to do with me or my child hell my baby is year old and my mother ha yet to see her or even call the shitty part is she life an hour away i keep on thinking what s the point of trying so hard to keep people who don t even want you in their life i love my daughter but i just want ti end it i ve been fighting off and on with my wife over small stuff because i m not home enough i have to travel for work week at a time because we can t afford for me to quit and honestly sometimes it feel like she s just with me because she can stay at home and not work long story short i m tired of trying to keep up the illusion that i m happy the only thing that make me happy is reminiscing about holding my daughter when i m on the road but it s getting harder and harder to keep going
i want to die i don t know if i want to kill myself but i honestly don t really care i just want to die and not be conscious and not be an i and have no ability to experience anything or remember anything or think about anything i don t care if it will get better i don t care if i ll be happy one minute later i don t care that i m irrational right now and i m thinking something that a level headed version of me would obviously be above i hate being conscious i can t sleep because i hate waking up i can t make myself faint because i hate waking up i can t escape to other story or music or feeling or stimulation because i hate waking up i just want to die and die and die and die and die and stay dead forever i don t want to do this anymore i don t want to identify a an i i don t want to be an agent i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to stop living i want to die i m stupid and bad and spiteful and upset and i want to die i don t want help i don t want to be happy i don t want to want to not die i want to die
anyone suffering from depression and or is suicidal whatever it may be i truly hope you the best ik how hard it fucking is unfortunately i lost the battle it s the last thing i wanted to do i know i m young but fought for so long to be happy exhausted every option but it s just too much pain not gon na get into all the detail to what happened to cause a lot of this feel like it wouldn t accomplish anything amp this post won t even be noticed just leaving a digital footprint ig already wrote letter for my parent and little brother amp close friend this thing happened about when i wa and have been dealing w it since and it s mentally taxing and caused severe depression stress amp pain amp turned my once happy outgoing self threw it in a fucking blender can t say i didn t try though just get to a point where every option available you took and you tried your hardest to get over what happened and get life back to normal and everything throw you back to the fuckin ground then you realize there really is nothing you can do and look back at how long you ve been trying and how hard you tried it s painful n i ll no longer by suffering by 0 pm wish you all the best stay solid
spazmoraz get up lady see you in work boohoo
shresthayash ouch i can just imagine a toothpic in the eye or something
i m so sick of the grind that is life i m so done kill me please
i can not change the bad in me i feel hopeless i do not want to hurt i always want to make the best out of the worst i do not want to hurt
all the photo i try to upload are too big
giving them depression and anxiety cutting them off the food chain because it become all about collectible and utility artist amp musician have no utility they are the utility
the great depression
sometimes i start to plan it by leaving one day and never being found that hopefully i would prepare well enough that no one would ever find me i think that would be better than my family knowing my death wa intentional and planned but i still know they would grieve amp x 00b i m somewhat of an antinatalist and i refuse to ever bring child into this world it just a personal choice i don t judge parent because if i am so miserable why would i create more life maybe if thing looked up and i gained some self esteem again i could have a job i love and more importantly a wife although i don t know how many woman really want to be in a childless marriage i ve never even gone on a date before and i m a m so i worry i ll just be alone for my entire life i feel like a real loser for this i just see life in a very bleak way and i don t see my future a one that is bright and cheerful especially since i don t really believe i deserve good thing i have intrusive thought ocd which is a little voice that throw horrible word and image at me all day and telling me i m a irredeemable human being and a terrible person it exhausting and i feel trapped
i guess i just need to vent too i m a timid and shy person with social anxiety i m afraid of what people think of me i m afraid of being judged negatively i m afraid of being rejected im afraid of taking my mask off in class in fear of catfishing today i didn t have my mask on for a split second and went to the bathroom to throw something away i see classmate and i immediately froze and walked out before they could even say hi they probably think i hate them now i couldn t even think it s like my body moved itself i did take my mask off without thinking once and the lady complimented me on how pretty i wa i wa so shocked i know i m not ugly and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but i still can t help but feel ugly i m afraid of speaking up and asking question i cant make eye contact with people bc i m scared i might see disgust in their eye i m scared of applying for certain job bc i m afraid i won t be able to do it so i settle for the easiest and worst retail job im afraid for my career in design bc i feel like i won t be able to sell myself to people im afraid of talking to people bc i ll stumble over my word i m afraid of falling in love for fear of being left and if i do fall in love it ll turn into obsession and infatuation from fear of them leaving cheating growing up i ve had to deal with domestic abuse violence when it came to my parent my father wa quite the bully always saying i couldn t do anything hell that man ha never said a nice thing in his life in middle school i ve dealt with rejection and it wa quite painful and other teen asking me out a a joke i spent the rest of highschool in online school so i never really got to experience that vital part of life i ve been in therapy for year on and off but it just didn t work for me talking about my shitfuck dad all day doesnt help with my fear how can i stop this fear that ha taken over my life
those are longest symptom along with nausea fatigue dizziness overwhelming feeling
kittcat ya i wa basically screwed just rewrote it i will seriously go with you if you want i dont know anyone else who want to goo
ha anyone had trouble with making progress in therapy i ve tried therapy a fair bit throughout my life and i ve never really gotten anywhere this year ha been exceptionally hard for me and so i have thrown myself into therapy and put a ton of effort both into finding therapist who were a good fit a well a really trying to put effort into it unfortunately i seem to be a failure at it i ve had four therapist tell me after a few month of seeing me that they didn t think they were making any progress and although they all offered to keep seeing me if i wanted they didn t want me to waste my money i feel like a complete failure and lost cause i honestly don t know what it is that i m doing wrong
hi im doing my master degree my grade are dropping the note my teacher are leaving are nasty thing like you are not creative you don t know how to write this wa not the case in first semester i got straight a and now in this exchange semester thing are just going to hell i lost my confidence i can t write im panicking that im not good engouh and the voice in my head keep telling me that im a stuipd failure the medicine are not stopping that and now i have this paper to sumbit and i just cant start writing bc i feel stupid im just tired i just want the voice to stop and to feel happy about myself and what i accomplished
mental health using social anxiety and depression a tool of productivity http t co i p0xklncz
rustyrockets it not my birtday something went wrong please reply or i feel you dont love me
swati yeah i havnt got any crad unlimited to text call either suck will catch up with you today sometime xxxxx
almostcool i m off now
my boyfriend then dad and mom passed away all within a year of each other i have tried to move on but the grief is immense also i just lost my job and am about to run out of money i just can t take it anymore and i want to be with my family who i loved very much i have a plan and am thinking about going to the desert where no one would find me this is sad and i can t even afford a therapist anymore because insurance is too expensive i m not ok
smarrison i would ve been the first but i didn t have a gun not really though zac snyder s just a doucheclown
idk what to do i dont wan na live but i dont wan na live either wtf should i do
i m ready for the weekend already it s only monday
got ta calm the weekend down monday blue carrying on into tuesday
kleinjinx it seems like my in law are coming over easter we will have to meet another time
craigelder proof reading defra greener living fund bid only a govt dept could have a grant application deadline this close to easter
i ate so many cooky that i think i m hallucinating
babyvtec geez it s so late for you good luck at work tomorrow i am soooo knackered too love you
too worried and tired to post tonight
is tired
abhian abey lalloo me n dake then went for the pm show cp u cud ve made it chal koi nahi nxt weekend try karenge again
havent update this in a while bin stuck with my gf during the week non im bk in class learnin
im falling apart bad i fell from grace and i don t know where i m going where do i begin i m so insecure i just got a bad haircut today and i feel ugly i m and a guy im just constantly in pain a little over a month ago my girlfriend left me this wa on february th i had such a beautiful girlfriend who didn t care about my height she started liking me in high school i m starting to feel like i m giving up i miss her so much she treated me like i wa a human and now i have no faith in anyone else looking at me like that she wa with me for and a year and left me i feel like my life is crumbling i don t know how to stand back up and take back over i had a fall from what i thought would never end i never thought she would leave me i m literally just a pit of despair and i act everyday like i m not i go laugh a little go to class go to the gym it s all fake i feel like garbage inside i went to party the last week and had fun all fake my heart ha been in my stomach since she broke up with me and i m seriously falling apart i don t know what to do i can t even gather my thought on here to type what s the point anymore i m barely hanging in there anymore
kupavet depression mental illness ain t child s play
working too need a break too
so im depressed and right now i m getting more and more suicidal it started with intrusive thought imagining myself in many violent suicide scenario but right now i m seriously considering suicide because it get worse and worse and i have no idea when my life will improve in any way i m trans and i haven t started transitioning yet i don t even feel like i m living i m just wasting my life leaving a something in between because i m not a woman but literally no one see me a a man even i myself feel like a joke instead of proper guy even when i m not depressed it s not like i m functioning normally i have adhd with executive dysfunction a my worst symptom and i also have asd so i always and up being awkward or off or not acting not properly in any social setting i feel awful all the time and i constantly vent to my friend even though despite them sort off telling thats okay i know how annoyed by this they are and how little they care and even though i understand fully i m hurt by this because almost every time when i m available i m listening and trying to give my best support if they need to vent especially with one of my friend we can end up on a meeting when 90 of the time she s the only one talking but when i message them anything i know i do that a lot but still even if they even bother to read it i usually get one word response or just sad emojis i don t know i just every day feel like there s le thing important for me to keep going the only thing that kept me from even considering suicide a some real option wa vision of starting my life a my true gender and not wanting to traumatise people close to me but transitioning seems like it won t happen anytime soon and every day spent in my body feel like hell i m not even exaggerating i get constantly flight or fight response triggered by my own body and with people close to me i m getting more distant from them every day most of the time i don t have energy for anyone but when i sort of do i m still super irritable i just got super distant from my friend i feel that i know nothing about most of them and the closest one are just annoyed by my constant low mood or i m annoyed by them feeling like they need to criticise my behaviour like smoking or not being able to motivate myself to do thing i won t even start talking about my ex he just make my day worse just by being around me and that s all the time i don t know i just feel like no one care about me in a meaningful way my friend either criticise me or give me meaningless support my parent don t take my issue seriously they literally wan na take me of all my med in about two month which would fuck me up because it would mean no more focus on anything lack of adhd med no more sleep some anxiety med that i use for my sleep trouble and i would quit my antidepressant which i started to take in le than two week ago my psychologist is caring about me only because she s paid and even though i like her she s still isn t able to help me and i m still not able to open up to her either cause of fear of being honest about my feeling or because of my shitty memory that cause to remember me all the wrong thing at the wrong time i feel like this mini personal hell won t end soon and even if it will it won t mean that all my issue will go away i m stuck with being trans awkward and having adhd for the rest of my life no matter what i do and i don t want it to be this way
i m and currently suffering from depression i ve stopped taking anti depressant about year ago because of quarantine and suicide related thought like overdosing or choking on med because of that i don t know how to fall asleep quickly i tried the breathing technique calming oil blend even putting up some calming music on my phone all of the thing i ve tried nothing work for me i just really wan na sleep early because my mom s seriously mad at me for staying up late at night possibly thinking i m using my phone when she turn her back i just don t wan na try to start taking those anti depressant again any suggestion
sihlewasembo lord bonda mizzzidc our toxic home are just okay people share make mistake and forgive we certainly don t and will never throw a fit get into depression over sneaker
planting a friend today not been to a funeral in gt 0 year
i wan na rock a maxi dress coachella but lacking funding
my poor little girl ha a baaaad rash on her bum and isnt feeling good
anyone else feel this or is it just me
i already called in yesterday for work i wa up all night laying here just awake counting down the hour to work wa so exhausted by the time work came around that i called in and even then i couldn t sleep it s now 0 pm and i ve gotten under an hour of sleep in the last 0 hr i m starting to worry a bit this month ha been so hard for me i literally almost walked into traffic on the way to work last week been cry so much i m so alone and it really scare me because i m going through all of this by myself
am i m tired think peace out m
my depression is taking a turn for the worst the thought about offing myself are starting to become more frequent again there s barely anything going on in my life yet my anxiety feel so overwhelming that one would think i live a busy life i feel so hollow all the time and i don t like it it s starting to get to the point where i can t even do anything because my depressive thought just intrude on every part of my day that it s preventing me to actually be productive i have essay to write for my uni class but all i do is stare at my laptop because i can t even cry i attend my lecture and join class discussion because everyone say that engaging in those thing will increase the likelihood i ll pas but i barely remember what s going on at all or what i m saying how do i function to live at least until the semester is over
i wake up and do the same shit everyday at a job that s a coin flip where i have a decent day or not i m just tired from my childhood and how the fucking demon i have just never leave im just so tired and done and burnt man i never hurt or did anything to anyone the fuck are these card i wa dealt all my friend are moving on in life now and i m so fucking stuck i wa at work today and my coworker said oh your mom raised you so well i bet when my mom called me worthless just the previous night to my face i just wan na go this shit is donkey booty fart